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File: 3fde589ec1e2482⋯.jpg (13.26 KB,255x180,17:12,Mighty 77th TF.jpg)

a8fa32 No.5938 [Last50 Posts]

General Discussion #3 The Path has Switchbacks

General Discussion on all topics. All topics are welcome here. Please take note of the topic-specific threads listed below.

Here is the link of how we all started our journey together. Gotta love those initial trip 7's :)


Topic Threads

>>1777 - Coincidences #1

>>1569 - The faces of EGO and HUBRIS

>>2083 - Supreme Beings & Alignments

>>368 - The Great Vatican Dig


>>792 - Aliens

>>4300 General Discussion #2

>>2137 General Discussion #1


>>144 - History Lessons!

>>146 - The Reading Room

Dough: pastebin.com/TWMQsniE

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ae3162 No.5945

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

Hello Anons,

i think i should come up with another "wild guess" for today.

I thought much about the video-game Assasins Creed for some time.

There are hidden so many details and insight in this series.

The story is telling, that all the information of our anchestry is enchrypted in our DNA. And that this can be decoded and used by the right mechanical device/reader.

What if not our anchestry but maybe all our previously incarnation are enchrypted in the DNA?

I for my part think there could be some truth in this.

Mabe some of us might be able to access some of this hidden knowledge?

- Think resonance

- Think intuition

- Think deja vu

- Think dreams

- Think visions

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ff7a01 No.6020

File: 26a01f8881293d6⋯.png (748 B,404x125,404:125,Grey Scale.png)

File: 24b66edde53de35⋯.png (195.4 KB,400x400,1:1,space-cow.png)

Thank you for the new bread! Greatly appreciated.

1 carryover conversation from #2


WW I don't disagree with what you wrote here with the exception of the "Evil" portion. That is the leap that has me hung up.

Lets go with what you said lower. They genetically engineered us and were interested in watching us "grow" and work through the riddle.

I look at this as positive to an extent. If we were just given all of the knowledge up front what would we be then? Would we have evolved or just sat and waited to be given more?

Give a man a fish…

I don't know their intentions and won't until someone fills in some big blank gaps in what really happened.

One other thing that stuck with me on the Draco topic. If I remember correctly some of the UFO "insider" crew stated there are good Draco.

So now we have potentially good and bad Draco. This is starting to sound like another mirror. If we have a spectrum for that species, then is it fair to call Draco evil?

If you were assessing humankind from an outsider perspective are we an evil species? I argue from a perspective we may. Definitely, if that species had a Bovine heritage :)

I don't write this to be a pain, but just to look past the connections we accept and see if there is more. I did think of Draco when Strange put the Psyop post up, but I don't make that connection. I may in the future, but I don't yet, too many unknowns for me.

We, in general, try to lay blame elsewhere, sometimes warranted, but often in haste.

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a8fa32 No.6021



UPDATE: We are finally starting to hear a lot of chatter and are starting to receive a number of briefings after a period of "running silent". We went through a period of weeks where I was told that the Alliance was operational and all briefings were put on hold.

There were operators from Marine and Army Special Forces that were picking up leaders of MS13 (& foreign intelligence operatives connected) and sending some of them to GITMO in Cuba.

I was told there have been a number of other operations throughout the world by these same US Special Forces Teams.

Quite a lot of very disturbing information is poised to be released in the coming weeks and months. I was told to be careful of intel coming in during this recent blackout period due to ongoing operations to root out leakers.

The Alliance was searching for leakers and traitors within their ranks and pulled a few old tricks to identify them. I was told it worked.

They release info through different sources that is slightly different and track the leaker by the difference in the Intel Report being circulated. This means that during that time I should not report what I heard as some of it was disinfo to root out leakers in an counterintelligence operation.

We are also told that elements within both the US and Russian Governments are trying to foment a World War as a distraction from the upcoming releases. They fear rogue operators from either of their armed forces will be ordered by the Cabal to attack the other. This tactic has worked for the Cabal on many occasions in the past.

Keep in mind that we would have had an open military coup in 2015 if the Alliance had not been assured by DJT that he would legitimize their efforts if they waited until he was president.

These same Generals made it known to the Cabal that if they took DJT out they would then immediately launch an open military coup and arrest nearly half of the government and form Military Tribunals.

From what I am told, Military Tribunals will 100% be justified and needed once the level of evil and corruption is exposed. There are serious concerns from within all factions of the Alliance (US Military/Intel side) about how the general public will react to this information.

I know we have been promised for years there would be mass arrests. Some tell me that some of the Syrian missile strikes were actually against cabal targets and were approved by Putin (Allegedly, according to a briefing). Others are giving me intel that DJT has been compromised by threats to his family. I am waiting for more info in these briefings.

As I have stated previously… The Deep State would have had to of arrested itself as it controlled all branches of the government and military. That was not going to happen until some of the Deep State was removed from the State Department, DOJ and FBI.

This process will be long and drawn out… over the next couple of years or so. Things are being done in a very legal and constitutional way to protect the Military Groups involved in the counter coup operations.

The sealed indictments are real and will be unsealed in a certain order when the time is right. Rumor has it that some have already been cracked open.

I would also expect more false flags and data dumps from both sides to try to counter the moves of the other.

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a8fa32 No.6022


So much of this war is being fought in the shadows and through electronic (Some AI hacks, Huge ones.. Crashing Military aircraft/getting into missiles etc) and Counterintelligence methods (Think Q. Military Intelligence!) and infiltration operations… not to mention fake training missions for the Marines and Army SF who are using the training as cover to make arrests and kill some of the most psychopathic operatives that are considered to dangerous to attempt to apprehend alive.

Again, think MS13 and similar groups that are run by both domestic and foreign Intelligence Agencies.

Stay tuned for some upcoming updates and articles from the people I work with.

We may also have more info on a certain video that is on the dark web soon. I have been briefed on it and shown 8 still images. I have turned down one offer from the Alliance to have me screen the video and report on it.

After the briefings (W/Photos and video clips) I received at the end of last year about the "Pedovore" practices and what they do with these poor souls from beginning to end left me sick and unable to sleep for weeks.

As a father, I don't know if I could look at much more of this Intel and be the same. Imagine how the general population would react?

I feel we need Full Disclosure as does the SSP Alliance. The Earth Alliance doesn't think society would survive the revelations and have plan on having most of this tried secretly in Military Tribunals. We deserve to know, react and heal from all of these revelations.

None of this is happening as quickly as we would like, or deserve… but it is happening. This is still very much a HOT and ACTIVE combat zone so expect a few twists and turns and maybe a false flag or two soon.

I know this sounds horrifying, and it is… but from these revelations and how this shadow war ends will set our planet on a path to true freedom and allow us to openly become apart of the cosmic community and live in a world not controlled by these sick and evil cult members.

The FBI raid and arrests of those running a website that was responsible for over 70% of human trafficking was taken down and the people arrested are cooperating.

There were a few other moves made recently that sealed the fate of these sick individuals. The average person is going to have problems believing that this level of evil really exists. Once they do, the Elite had better prepare for justice.

Thank you for being patient during this Intelligence Blackout period.

Corey Goode

PS: I have kept mostly quiet about most of these "Pedo" details. If what I am told is correct… it will be impossible to avoid these topics in the near future.

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9343c1 No.6023

File: eb24c168fb576f6⋯.jpg (15.04 KB,214x300,107:150,th-23.jpg)


I wholeheartedly agree. there are def good dracos too.. It is important not to be a racist.

..but the ones that made this psyop to farm us, I would venture to call them 'evil' cuz

bloodsacrifices and boogiemen, the matirx and our current paradigm of enslavement (but yes you could say that humans can be (or have been) an extention of that with our pracitces of war and the elite and etc (but if we have been psyoped…then….those humans are essentially being mind controlled by the draco overlords…. so what came first? )

also knowing what we know about the incomplete nature of words and that within good is bad and bad is good– ying and yang reality…. and knowing that ultimately, we are them and them are we… we /ourguys/ are just trying to work out the story here…. so we can ALL be free.

related is the constellation Orion where apparently the OG dracos came from…i am trying to work something out in the Jchrist thread…venture down and have a looksee if you are so willing…

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9343c1 No.6024


and they mind control to be warring and fucked up cuz they eat our suffering: ie Loosh. thats there lunch as 4d beings that dont eat matter, they eat energy

ie: Id call that evil: but I get where your 50 shades are comin in

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9343c1 No.6026



OOOOee! exciting stuff thanks for the dig lucky!

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ff7a01 No.6027



Thanks for the discussion on this! I love it when perspectives bounce back and forth. Much love. I'm out of time right now, but will get to the JC thread soon.

Our Strange friend is well…. Strange. He asked about the Surfer and who he scouts for. Good timing sir.


Very interesting video on the Backstory of Galactus. He devours worlds to stay alive. That really sucks if you happen to be on one of those worlds, but Galactus is not viewed as evil. More of a Universal Constant that fulfills his role. Its an interesting thought if you overlay Loosh (still waiting for a good definition on that).

Is a Being that feeds off human energy bad? or is it just what it is? Sorry Cowliens!

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9343c1 No.6031


loosh = lizard food, human emotions of sadness/suffering/


sorry to yell.

but yes that= bad, really really fucking bad. srsly dont look into it if you dont want you rmind fucked with. (esp cuz you have kids)

and the lizards (the evil ones) have created a world where humans are doing this, so they can eat.

its a big bad world out there. WE ARE CHANGING THAT…but it is darkest before the dawn. and so we pray.

so we are no longer prey.

gets it?

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d9e6b1 No.6033

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54eb5f No.6034

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


shes not the only one my ally I think we all get it and have been getting it up the ___ for thousands of years

this is not their first loosh rodeo

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9343c1 No.6035


would you say "it is what it is", if it was your kid suffering?

so in the same way as we are all on with the 'evils" we are all one human family and these little mind control slave tykes of the elite are MY CHILDREN and I CANNOT let it happen ANYMORE!!!!!!!

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54eb5f No.6036

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

all children are our children !!!

because we know even their parents are us!!!!!!!!



the ALL

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9343c1 No.6037

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ff7a01 No.6040

File: 22ce2e0a0fd049d⋯.jpg (10.78 KB,300x168,25:14,Brick.jpg)

Sigh…. you stepped on one of my buttons. Not mad, just need to correct.

I am providing a point of view. I am not defending evil acts or saying they are fine. What I am attempting to do is point to some inconsistencies and information that is counted as "fact".

Do people do horrible unthinkable things, hell yes. Do I believe that there is a dragon pulling the strings, I don't know. Does that excuse the acts, hell no! Do I believe people should be held accountable, absolutely!

Do not mistake my discussion as an support of evil acts! Find me a Lizardman feeding on "Loosh" and I am there. Until then, I hold those committing the acts as the ones we have an issue with. And right now that is not some other species, they are human.


To my kids… They are in this soup with me. The reason I do any of this is for a better future for them, but not just them. Every soul has equal footing in my mind. These two just are the ones I have more direct commitment to right now. So any other human abused is just as bad.

Don't divide the pot. Kid A vs Kid B vs Kid D….ALL


My words used out of context. Cheap shot. Read it again. I am not saying this is just the way things are so do nothing. I am pointing to another being and asking you to adjust perspective to understand other potential solutions.

Is a wasp evil because it stings? How are we able to jump to a conclusion so grand about an entire species?


Agree…. this is not about me, you, our Country and so on…. Its about everyone….Much bigger.

Just a note though. They are ALL too. Judgement before evidence or confirmation is not my Role until it becomes my Role, but it is not my Role now, so I do not pick it up.

Pic needed for some counter mood.

Much love all! If poked a button, I hope you don't take offense. Always a good discussion and will happily do it anytime.

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9343c1 No.6043

File: 1b006e8e7cb726f⋯.jpg (12.48 KB,269x300,269:300,th-11.jpg)



Hi, Apologies If I pushed your buttons. I don't mean to yell or be disrespectful.

but this issue is the crux of what we are all doing here at this time and space. the war we are fighting. (and I am a pacifist, but also a realist)

If you cannot see the lizard connection… i dont really know what to tell ya. There is indeed a lot of evidence, but your own perception is your reality.

For me it was actually super helpful to know, because I can now see that humans are not inherently evil and we are being duped. It was a relief to know our natural state is to be loving (to come from the place I believe you are trying to relay when you say it is what it is.) I get it. Trust me I do. The Yin and Yang of all things is the TRUETRUE from the sacred observer perspective.

But From the 3d/4d perspective however, Right now there is an obvious imbalance that we are trying to correct.

We cannot just be idle sheep/cows any more, we NEED to take a stand for our own humanity and say ENOUGH Is ENOUGH.

That was me doing that, not just for you, but for all who read this


so I am no longer PREY.

I take a stand with my words, thoughts and actions.

I know you do in your own life too, I feel the softness and intelligence of your soul. I do.

THo, Truly, our words create, so when you say

>Find me a Lizardman feeding on "Loosh" and I am there

that "reads" in an interesting way.

I too need to be more conscious of the words I choose, it is a battle everyday. And that is also my point.

This is a war for your mind, whether or not you know who made this war or not. That is the truth. And so we use our minds as warriors to win. TO BE and SAY LIGHT and LOVE. And to say to those that seek to control our minds, ENOUGH is ENOUGH. WE ARE LOVING BEINGS INHERENTLY and WE DO NOT WANT TO BE SLAVES ANYMORE.

I love you Silver Surfer! Thank you for the discussion and opportunity to speak my mind.

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9343c1 No.6044



For realsies brother..

I mean no disrespect. i am just trying to make a point too. I can get a little heated about the pedo shit. its just so fucked up, these children (and us all) need to be freed.

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ff7a01 No.6046

File: f3aa49b0d551466⋯.jpg (6.99 KB,300x168,25:14,2.jpg)


You are always good in my book my Jedi Lady! A debate would never change that. Can't think of anything at the moment that would change that.

What is interesting is the mirror back on me. The fact that I had a button meant it needed to be pushed :)

Looking back at the button it was around the "it is what it is"… what is interesting is that the button was that I felt I was not understood and now was getting twisted back on me.

At the base that was a "control" button you hit in me. I was not in control to an extent that I was uncomfortable and wanting to get back in control. That is a new one to play with :)

>Find me a Lizardman feeding on "Loosh" and I am there

Um….. that is spectacular. I promise I am all "spark in a monkey suit" :)

Funny though, it kinda works. What "Loosh" do I feed on?

Control (Fear of not Controlling) was a good one for all to see…….. longer ponder before that rabbit hole though.

Much love always!

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43ccca No.6048

File: c17f3c25cc38265⋯.jpg (398.59 KB,1483x1599,1483:1599,Draco Reptilians.jpg)

File: 7a6293b98b3b223⋯.jpg (12.79 KB,290x174,5:3,Dracos.jpg)

File: 67afab9b4842a8b⋯.png (2.15 MB,1912x708,478:177,snake.png)

File: effc2421795a2bb⋯.png (683.16 KB,602x718,301:359,Annunaki Greys.png)

File: 24e8f021ea1c5d5⋯.jpg (35.42 KB,480x360,4:3,THE PINDAR & Annunaki Gene….jpg)


My friend you play the Devil's advocate well.

You are making the right connections.

I have shown you all the history of Sumeria, the Ubaid Lizardmen, how about Quetzalcoatl? All the winged serpents?

What we must do is compare all of known history. Review all the most sacred carvings and word. From these times, these people only crafted these items of SUPREME importance.

Why is Lizard / Reptilian symbolism all over earth? Have you watched many interviews with William Tompkins? An SSP insider with fantastic information on the Draco's.

Evil and Good are only a point of reference. Remember… all things have an equal and opposite reaction. A 1 to every 0.

The Supreme Being's and Ascended Masters view things the way I do. All choices can either boil down to a 1 or a 0. "Evil" as you call it, is a 0. Good being a 1 of course. This is an action of your free will, helping the choice of another's free will. Otherwise a choice of your own, to add life and love to the multiverse. Do you plant a seed? Do you water it? Do you watch it grow? You're adding 1's.

Silver… you're an interesting person and I appreciate who you are very much. In fact I love you very much. Just in a STRANGE Fist of Wisdom kind of way. You are the duality seeker here… and it holds Supreme meaning.

Only by seeing the darkness, can we reveal the light. Just remember Silver… it's how much darkness you CHOOSE to look how. How much of your Time do you CHOOSE to perceive the darkness and evil. That's the only choice that matters. We can never take the darkness out of the corner of our eye, for it may sneak up on us.

For Infinity War 2, isn't the Silver Surfer planned to make an appearance?

What does this foretell?


Wonder Woman.

My Jedi Knight.

Your Wisdom is Supreme.

You are a student of history.

"In order to understand the present, you must visit the past".

A long time ago we spoke of the Library in which Dr. Strange resides. Well, in real "Life" this man is an elderly gentleman.

He would blow your mind if you spoke with him about History. He would school you… believe this. He ties Celtic, Egyptian, Pre-Flood, Sumerian, all of it together. However he would never choose to speak on here so I will do my best to relay this Wisdom.

The point being… you truly need to see the coincidences and symbolism in history to understand the Draco paradigm.

>Symbolism will be their downfall.

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54eb5f No.6049

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


yes Doc HISTORY IS THE KEY TO WAKE THE SHEEPLE as ive said all along,,,,

most are interested in their past !!!!

all of humanitys past that is

we need only make the paradigm shift from thinking of these old txts and stories BULLSHIT to understand the truth behind them all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

doc if u do decide to check that discord server I use the same name I use in youtube if u can remember it

if not think atomic

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54eb5f No.6050

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


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20f0a1 No.6052

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

Hello Anons!

What is going on in Jordan?

In ancient times it was called MOAB.

Today it is called IRON EAGLE 18.

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920822 No.6053


Eager Lion 18

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b2c96c No.6054

File: 59233dc2666dc43⋯.png (695.23 KB,1052x622,526:311,video_feeback_loop.png)


SphinxAnon, you bring up a fascinating topic!

>What if not our ancestry but maybe all our previously incarnation are encrypted in the DNA?

Some toy thoughts:

1. We are in a simulation, a computational universe. Code is copied again and again, and it loses resolution as we move away from the "authentic original". Alvin Lucier illustrates this concept back in 1969 by recording his voice on tape, then playing back the tape and recording it again. The full recording of Lucier's results are here: https://hooktube.com/fAxHlLK3Oyk

>Think resonance

The heavy distortions towards the end is beautiful - and yet still has some features of the original recording. Perhaps we are in the same lot with our Creator? Are there Fourier transforms we can do to calculate the original vibrations?

2. Perhaps in an infinite universe with infinite lifetimes, we hit on lifetimes frequently where everything is exactly the same as another iteration. (Note I am careful not to use the word "past". I'll save Time for another post, thought #3 touches on it…) This time around you wear a different pair of socks on Friday.

>Think intuition

>Think deja vu

The Matrix illustrates this point with the cat and the same cat in the stairwell. Later it is revealed they turn out to be viewing the Matrix several layers up. Both those in the Matrix and the Operators on the ship are able to detect the anomaly. The Architect would be able to see this too. eXistenZ movie goes into this theme as well. Better yet, read Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation (also referenced in The Matrix in Neo's apartment at the beginning of the movie).

3. Overlaid dimensionality?

>Think dreams

>Think visions

Some of the esoteria I read talks about 12 dimensions and densities. Only when we elevate ourselves to the "Architect" level can we see the bigger picture, all the possibilities. A higher Consciousness. "Choice" as it is in the movie, but stated as Free Will in religious/philosophy texts. If there is any truth to the first two items, maybe dreams and visions are feedback loops to our origins. We arrive at choices on how to proceed to reduce the distortions and get a clearer signal to the Source.

I don't feel Simulism is that important a concept to nail down. In other words, don't get mired into whether it is a provable theory or not. That's why I refer to it as a toy thought. The grander important concept is that there is Virtuality to our existence, reality copies itself as it flows. Many analogues can be drawn from computers to our experience, even to spirituality being a computable thing. Hidden layers of neural networks for example. Understanding whether the neural network layer flips the bit is irrelevant, because it really depends on the resolution in which you are perceiving the system…


https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_Sitting_in_a_Room

eXistenZ: https:// www.imdb.com/title/tt0120907/

Simulacres and Simulation: https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulacra_and_Simulation

Simulism: https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_reality

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a6bf03 No.6059

This is a good read.


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ff7a01 No.6071

File: 7ffdc236db2db13⋯.jpg (19.61 KB,800x800,1:1,DRAg.jpg)


Interesting :)

I will happily be called interesting. Much love back your way too Strange. Fist and all.

> I have shown you all the history of Sumeria, the Ubaid Lizardmen, how about Quetzalcoatl? All the winged serpents?

From what I understand we only have a fraction of the story. This has either been lost or hidden. I don't assume I know the full story, but I hold on to the possibilities that a have been presented.

I do not profess to be an expert on this subject, a beginner at best, but for the time being with the amount of disinfo, smoke and mirrors, and hidden knowledge, I look for more wisdom and keep an open mind to those possibilities.

If the Draco pull the strings of our Elite, who pulls their strings?

> For Infinity War 2, isn't the Silver Surfer planned to make an appearance?

As far as I can tell SS is still a rumor for the movie. There is a debate over the rights to the character between studios.

He is a large component in the comics. And so is Adam Warlock (still missing). Wizards and [War]locks….

> What does this foretell?

SS gets into the fray and decides to fight against Thanos. Choice made.

Why do pirates wear eyepatches?

For a time I stand here for there is still too much unknown. Change is constant and in time I expect it.

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43ccca No.6076

File: fa7293716ec3ed8⋯.jpg (154.16 KB,1400x700,2:1,000000000000000000000.jpg)


Everyone that posts here is "Interesting" and often walks around funny. A lot of Wisdom has been shared.

It's hard to say what will happen with the rights to these "movies". However, I hope for the sake of telling the "story" correctly they sort their shit out.

You could have easily stayed as a Scout for the dark side.

Reality is a LARP > HS

Who pulls the Draco's strings? Only a theory, but the Negative Supreme Beings we discussed. The Archon's if you will. Draco's are a higher density being yes… but not the very highest by my understanding. They feed these negative "Gods" by creating Evil, misery, horror, 0's. This is how they pay tribute to "Dormammu" if you will. Thus, Loosh. This is Loosh Silver. It's an electromagnetic field broadcasted by every sentient being. These waves can be picked up by these higher density beings and Archons. As far as technical data? It's purely esoteric.

I have however been engaged in psychic battles, similar to what Ingo Swann described. So has Vision. This is not imaginary.

It's hard to say if Adam Warlock will make an appearance. If the story was told correctly… then yes.

Who knows… maybe Humble Scribe's true role is Adam Warlock?

Why do pirates wear an eye patch? Perhaps because they've lost sight of something.

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0e8708 No.6077

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


>For Infinity War 2, isn't the Silver Surfer planned to make an appearance?


>What does this foretell?


=> that?


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43ccca No.6078

File: 823751ba2e7b090⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,0000000000000000.jpg)


I think you're pretty close to the target my friend. However that is my intuition speaking.

Remember, your Supreme Key is "Mystery".

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a6bf03 No.6082

Today's DTI is interesting. JS is covering some topics that we have already covered. The whole video is pretty strong, but here is a moment that will resonate with Doc and those that took the Doc's suggestion to read Ingo Swann's Penetration.


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ff7a01 No.6084

File: d4fd6f101a4b4a5⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,300x168,25:14,SilverDuality.jpg)


>Why do pirates wear an eye patch?

More utilitarian.

"By wearing an eye patch, pirates could block the exposure of light to one eye, allowing it to stay adapted to the dark when they were outside then switch the patch when they would head below deck."

Interesting story behind Odin's eye patch as well.

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43ccca No.6092

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


Now my friends… this is a Supreme coincidence.

I pulled something out of an old pair of military coveralls this evening. It was from 3 May 11. It was a refueling sheet for a vehicle.

Guess what my friends… this is exactly 7 years ago to the day.

The 7's keep flowing. How many times have the 7's coincidentally shown you something through me.

This blew my mind… and it's still blowing it. I've kept this piece of a paper as another reminder of the 7's. I won't post it here, but it can be proven.

Why did I happen to find this old refueling sheet from exactly 7 years ago to the day… What was I doing on that day… because I don't remember.

You'd think something this small wouldn't bother a person much… but I have this piece of paper and it gives me shivers.

Maybe I should start playing the lottery…

… I'd share :)

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e71755 No.6093


Anons, this pretty much covers it all. the broad strokes of the past 400,000 odd years.


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b857e0 No.6094

File: 5a0a62763cfce01⋯.jpg (311.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Spirit Diagram.jpg)

Another meditation.

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0678e0 No.6096

File: 0c62aaaac2918ea⋯.jpg (89.89 KB,852x475,852:475,compute_dna.jpg)

File: a0f871c14b7edcf⋯.png (8.91 KB,501x267,167:89,metronome_synchronisation.png)

File: 15a8efd393225d0⋯.jpg (165.14 KB,500x500,1:1,rule30.jpg)

File: aff13abc1f0a568⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,1050x590,105:59,s-thing.jpg)

File: 3c9df25c71d492f⋯.jpg (141.38 KB,452x264,113:66,wolfram_rule_30_green.jpg)




What of those powerful connections we have with refueling sheets? Those intuitions and impressions? 7's and deja vu? Can we unlock our DNA as Sphinx posited?


All these moments are simply becoming briefly aware of some type of underlying law of the Universe. That awareness is fleeting, as our understanding folds in on itself and our perceived reality washes over that realisation. We chase the wind trying to describe it.

Take Wolfram's Rule 30 into account. Simple rule, draw black cells underneath where one of the 8 rules match. Magnificently complex behavior emerges, yet it is still under the confines of the pyramid shape .

Can we trace our way up the pyramid of the rule to understand the connections of the other branches, nodes and rules? Do things start looking familiar from that vantage point? Connected?

As seekers, it is our job to understand these synchronicities and go along on our path: https://hooktube.com/kwKcQgxRxi4


- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity

- 64 Metronomes Synchronisation: https://hooktube.com/Ov3aeqjeih0

- http://www.wolframscience.com/nks/ (Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science, full book online)

- Rule 30: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_30

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62f242 No.6097

File: 971866dc8e31bb2⋯.jpg (14.43 KB,225x300,3:4,7a12b596230b353219a0c6c574….jpg)


The Earth was never meant to go in this direction. It was created to be an Eden where all life could evolve to its highest potential. It was hijacked. This is about to be reconciled.

Many are already observing the ships coming in on many different levels depending on their sensitivity. NASA is fully aware of massive ships miles long in various shapes and sizes. Do not forget they are a part of the network as well and if you base your beliefs and trust on what little they have shared with you again you are placing severe limitations on yourself.

They, the debunkers and planned opposition controlling the narrative within the UFO and science community are about to have major egg on face.

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62f242 No.6098

File: f51f98e194b4ab5⋯.jpg (32.6 KB,361x300,361:300,Graph_-_Primes_big.jpg)


i dunno anon, but was just meditating on these triangles before poppin over here and seeing your post pop up

>We chase the wind trying to describe it.

your a poet

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a6bf03 No.6100

File: 65fe35383669cdd⋯.jpg (25.49 KB,320x290,32:29,MissionIgnition.jpg)

Friday, May 4, 2018

Firing the Grid

The Pleiadians have communicated that this short message needs to be relayed to the surface population.

The Pleiadian Fleet is now utilizing AN conversion to start spiritually and energetically activating certain key members of the surface population in full alignment with their Soul free will.

The purpose of this activation needs to remain classified for now.

This activation may include visions, lucid dreams, kundalini awakenings and rapid transformation of belief systems.

If you are experiencing such an activation, stay calm and do not act impulsively, especially in your close personal relationships.

Victory of the Light!


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43ccca No.6102

File: 954d1c196efd7ae⋯.jpg (17.54 KB,255x246,85:82,8afd32d19d1027e5746a7fdbb2….jpg)


Sounds accurate by my estimations.

I think some of us here have been "Fired at" already with some activation.

Stay calm? Hmm… so don't let your Kundalini transform too quickly or you may wake up in a wet "lucid dream"? It's easy for you to stay calm… you're not Dr. Strange brother!

Victory to the Light.

The Light reveals the Truth.

The Light reveals the Key.

The Key saves humanity.

>The Light will reveal who's on the team.

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ff7a01 No.6103

File: a979121b3303651⋯.jpg (69.48 KB,800x533,800:533,Wave.jpg)

File: 76bba0975602a8f⋯.jpg (68.57 KB,636x1000,159:250,Agedi.jpg)


The Ingo book was pretty amazing. The RV stuff was good, but what I really thought was amazing was his theory on the collective subconscious.

I believe this is what you are pointing at here. I typed up quite a bit on it back in the qresearch threads.

Ingo's way of explaining it is that an individual is like an Island in the ocean. All individuals are akin to Islands and that represents the conscious mind. The Ocean (Water) is the subconscious mind and it connects all of the islands.

If you look at the way this board has evolved with individuals hitting on similar topics and ideas at the same time, the "coincidences", groupthink, the wave created by Q. This theory I feel is a pretty good representation.


This is interesting. Have we been closed off to the full capabilities of the collective subconscious? Some individuals seem more "tuned in" than others… If more "tune in" and more is opened, that would be a game changer.

Thanks for the posts anon. Happy Jedi Day…. May the Force be with you!

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a6bf03 No.6104

I would like to ask something of this board. It is your choice to participate, but it is of great interest to me.

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMM4Bd1O2u0

How does this make you feel? I'll go first.

It makes me cry every time I watch it. It reminds me of what was lost long ago. It reminds me of my journey, the darkness and pain that has been endured. It reminds me how long I have struggled. It provides hope that my dark night of the soul is either ending or has ended.

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54eb5f No.6106

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


its reminds me of self awareness and selflessness

and yes I cried :-) I LOVE U ALL !!!!

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ff7a01 No.6107


I enjoyed the video. It didn't so much cause me to cry, It conveyed feeling well though. I could sense the sadness and aloneness, but also saw the growth in the individual. The journey and finding Oneness in himself was what captured me. I did get chills at the end.

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62f242 No.6108


yup. crying.

i love how the protagonist uses his third eye gem to witness and acknowledge the dark- "giving it up" and in the end the end we acknowledge that this third eye can be shared by all with love.

You all have been these friends for me. I have an amazing community of friends irl though most dont know that half of this. so Im the "crazy", I really appreciate this echo chamber we have here. It helps me keep my red and celestial pill rants going and loving.

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2c5724 No.6110

File: f9cf5459d7479ab⋯.png (525.64 KB,1172x672,293:168,horror_of_existence.png)


Great post. That video is brutal. If I wasn't workfagging I'd be in tears too. Feels.

I experience the Dark night of the Soul damn near weekly. My favorite philosophers say life is absurd, we are hopelessly alone, we should dance with death and experience an authentic freedom with that knowledge… (Sartre, Camus, Kierkegaard - to a point.)

I found a way out that works for me… we are not hopelessly alone if we consider our source is Being (Heidegger, Sartre, Spinoza, Liebniz - sorta). We are Being and swimming in God.

The scar from our loss of our sight is there for all of us, I think we feel it more than others.


I've been a bad friend of the board in the past, decided recently to continue posting because this is a great outlet. I slid the Ego/Hubris thread really bad back in Feb/March. We all learned something, myself included. I don't mind being called a shill, I just try to be interesting. It clarifies my thoughts and I get a chance to share with people that get it. I have no one to talk to about these things anymore. Two friends moved far away, one great friend recently passed. Videos like this hit home.

Love and Feels all. Sorry Ra.

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62f242 No.6111

File: 26f527832b0ebf2⋯.jpg (113.94 KB,907x1395,907:1395,wonderwoman28b.jpg)


aww. My love!

You are forgiven.

Thank you for being here and learning a long side with all of us. I, too , am learning from this board. Looking at my past posts and seeing where I have come from and am, and I am always oscillaing between my ego and my spirit… is humbling, mind blowing, all the feels all the times. Knowing that every moment I have the choice to choose self love and forgiveness. That is how we be, as you say, Being, swimming in God/Goddess/ The one infinite Creator.

All is never lost. That is the illusion.

Love on unpaidshill anon!

Thank you for adding to the conversation.

Keep Shining!

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43ccca No.6112

File: 823751ba2e7b090⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,0000000000000000.jpg)


This is coincidentally very relevant to my story of life. In fact, it couldn't be more accurate.

Metaphorically speaking, It holds more meaning than you know…

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2c5724 No.6114

File: a6b52ad49f9aec0⋯.png (40.75 KB,500x527,500:527,phi.png)


trips of trinity confirmed. Thanks Wonder Woman <3

I like that… "Swimming in Creation". You are a poetess too.

I'll go by Phi for my posts. My writing style is too distinct to post Anonymous. Easier for you all to filter too, heh.

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a6bf03 No.6115

File: bd3c61788728606⋯.png (320.11 KB,1119x1210,1119:1210,gotg.png)

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54eb5f No.6116

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

Horror of Existence is not real!!!!

its our perception LOVE CAN CHANGE THAT ALLWAYS!!!!!!

Ty for comming here and opening up to us

yes much love even to shills :-)

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54eb5f No.6117

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


that's is why we avatar fag if u choose pick a super hero who rings with u there are too many

u can use what ever u wish

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a8fa32 No.6118

File: 6f682c0bb21d728⋯.jpg (221.26 KB,570x794,285:397,Valkyrie.jpg)


Feelz! Workfagging and still shed a tear. Thank you for this anon. It's funny how we all share experiences like this in common isn't it. Without the dark night, we would never recognize the dawn, right? This is how we get our eyes opened to the system of control, and also to our higher selves.

Love you all - it is so wonderful to be here awakening with you.

I remember I was in an earthquake a few years ago. Actually saw the ground rolling - it was so strange. Then the aftershocks, and going to bed and sleeping because what else are you gonna do. I was out in the country and in a small trailer so no risk of falling debris or anything.

Anyway, I remember the next morning, waking up to a calm sunny day. And feeling utter thrill at being alive and undamaged. It was the best feeling.

Awakening after dark nights of the soul might be less dramatic, but still pretty awesome. Always worth enduring anons - never give up! There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's probably not a train :)


Well Pleiadeans, I am ready. I trust you mean us well. I accept my activation, if this is what it is - and look forward to the next steps.

I haven't had lucid dreams yet - but lately my dreams have been much more vivid. And in them, I'm always traveling. Trains, buses, driving, checking into hotels, hiking. Going places but not running from pursuers. I have luggage but it's more like vacation luggage than a bug out bag. Fun stuff & sexy times. Kundalini activation - I am thinking this has been going on for me for awhile now. I understand why so many fear it - if one doesn't stay true and pure hearted - it can be terrible. But if you embrace it and practice radical self honesty, it's excellent. >>6102

As long as you don't mind the odd wet dream…lol. Just handle accordingly ;)


You are interesting. Thank you for being here and for learning with us. I agree it's great to share with people who get it. We here never stop seeking and trying to get it. You are always welcome to join us in the climb. Much love to you ShillAnon :) >>6114 henceforth to be known as PhiAnon. Look forward to more from you!

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a6bf03 No.6119

File: a4080c4792b4eae⋯.jpg (49.51 KB,1280x536,160:67,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 2dcc84d16b136b2⋯.jpg (21.96 KB,600x298,300:149,guardians-of-the-galaxy-vo….jpg)

File: 7b81f1ce5b552bd⋯.jpg (101.83 KB,900x900,1:1,unnamed.jpg)

Doc and I have been communicating. We have been discussing much, including what my role might be. I believe that one has been found and I would like to share it with you all. The scribe mantle is being hung up. It's time to open up the box and listen to the next mixtape.

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a8fa32 No.6120


Welcome PQ. This suits you. Thank you for your awesome work as humblescribeanon.

We have learned much from you and will continue to learn :)

Bring on the mixtape!

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ff7a01 No.6126


I like it! Plus, one of the greatest movie soundtracks out there. I'm gonna need to bust out the old Walkman.

And the Scribe to Quill thingy… that's just awesome.

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62f242 No.6130

File: 93aa04cf9bd1d10⋯.jpg (49.49 KB,358x300,179:150,images.duckduckgo-6.jpg)

File: 5129521380971c7⋯.jpg (30.4 KB,736x520,92:65,images.duckduckgo-5.jpg)


Welcome Quill!!

I like your style :)

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53291f No.6132

File: d9187d4f2365e69⋯.jpg (7.31 KB,209x241,209:241,images-13.jpg)

File: 973a55e7936d126⋯.jpg (142.79 KB,685x685,1:1,f8b0254c9cbe1a7f131135090e….jpg)

File: b22d8f638448a95⋯.jpg (9.88 KB,225x225,1:1,images-20.jpg)


My friend… I left a mystery for you. It's on the "Watch" from my movie. "In time" you will know how much I love you. While Christine also shares this message… So do the rest of you.

Humble Scribe truly is Quill. I visited him today, while he sat on his truck in the sun. He is the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy my friend. The benevolent son… Pure of heart and free of Ego.

Dr. Strange may have been the one who lead you here, but Quill was always in the background watching. A reluctant leader, but a Supreme leader when called upon. Eye am more reluctant than he… Thus why I was chosen to be the first leader. In Time you will see Quill for the natural born leader that he is. He just didn't choose to reveal himself until now.

Reality is a LARP. Watch your habits, they become your destiny.

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375507 No.6142

File: 433f72ae2cd105e⋯.png (185.17 KB,642x692,321:346,08BCED28-8092-4997-95B3-E3….png)

File: e91b460adf066d0⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,236x314,118:157,35DD0B39-F11E-4DA0-87D3-55….jpg)


This video was excellent, touching and haunting for me. Thank you Anon. Reminds me of one of my favorite poems "Hail to You" by psychologist Dr. Kazimierz Dąbrowski(see pic).

Dąbrowski rejected the idea of psychoneurosis, the "mental illness" terminology of his day. Rather, he deems the variety of "neurotic" behaviours as human nature - a growth process of developing a fully integrated personality. As we mature our personalities, we integrate new experiences coming from the world(external milieu) into our personality(inner mileau).

If we experience loss or trauma, we integrate those experiences to our being, and hopefully resolve the conflict between the internal and external milieu through a process of Positive Disintegration. This is where we tear our personality down, rebuild and reintegrate ourselves with these new experiences. Sometimes this process causes the "psychoneurotic" behaviours as we integrate and mature.

Dąbrowski was a contemporary of Abraham Maslow. His theories on Positive Disintegration blow Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs out of the water. Maslow looks one-dimensional and backward by comparison.

Guess who won out on the prevailing theory? Who's taught in every psych 101 class? Maslow. Freud. Skinner. DSM-5. Just as Big Pharma has no interest in a real cure, there's no money in healthy personality development. Big Psychotherapy is in bed with Big Pharma, poisoning our minds, stifling development and failing the human race!

So what of us? We by and large know this. Why does this video bring us to tears? Why the hypersensitivity to the world, the intensity of feeling, the Dark Night of the Soul?

A generalisation I can make is that most people also go through this process, but accept the world as it is. People go through all sorts of contortions to accept what is. I get to the next step, the next job, more pills, I'll have a place in Heaven someday, etc… They are trapped in loops and circuits of the system.

Our difference is we do not accept this world as presented. We seek answers outside of the system, making our Dark Nights that much Darker. The existential horror of it is we do not know the extent of the system we are trapped in, or with certainty why we are truly here, or if there is any certainty to be had at all. We do have feelings however, that it ought to be a better place.

As with the video, as with personality, the Soul goes through that same Positive Disintegration process. Maybe that is the grand reason why we are here. Enrichment. To understand suffering and the Dark, the fight and anxiety of it. To awaken, mature and ascend again to greater heights with our newfound integrated experiences. To suffer and grow and help others grow.


- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_disintegration

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazimierz_D%C4%85browski

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62f242 No.6145

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)


great post phianon! thank you.

glad your here.

I am in full agreement, psychology has only named and created more psychosis in the process. a psy-op indeed.

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62f242 No.6153

File: eae715b5d88f354⋯.jpg (10.57 KB,202x300,101:150,th-11.jpg)


since I keep dropping the term psyop…

my mj inspired mind last night wanted to relay some socratic Qs regarding this concept…

what is a Psychological Operation?

According to hermetic principles, what is mentalism?

Its all in our minds?

What is an operation?

Who is the operator?

Who is at the switch board?

Directing calls?

Flipping the switches to make connections?

operators on stand by……

pic just fer funsies :)

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f958c1 No.6156

File: 8e867640ca5a2c9⋯.gif (1.64 MB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_o1aa7arvy71tkfj0zo1….gif)

File: fcec8e990801556⋯.jpg (124.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (22).jpg)

File: a3ba5a546521525⋯.jpg (14.33 KB,209x242,19:22,images (30).jpg)

File: f1c4f0db380ecac⋯.jpg (43.73 KB,500x707,500:707,A-Lesson-In-Mind-Expansion….jpg)


Our minds are the hidden ALL within the ALL?

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f958c1 No.6157


Hidden in plain sight.

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f958c1 No.6158

File: 81f9a598dd9accd⋯.jpg (376.23 KB,1264x632,2:1,shoulders_and_giants__2013….jpg)


Our father is our mind and our mother is our heart?

We are the son light produced by connecting the Father and Mother?

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43ccca No.6160

File: c7fe8efd3cb4680⋯.png (710.67 KB,706x558,353:279,Dr. Strange Alice in Wonde….png)


Now THIS just blew my mind.

My friends, you really cannot fathom these connections.

Dr. Strange meets the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. My best friend (IRL) Vision and his Sister are collectively the Mad Hatter and Alice in this tale. Every frame, every word, a fragment of their lives. Those born in glass houses to have it all shatter around them. To get lost in the Rabbit Hole… with no light in sight.

Until now.

Recall, I told you way back at the very beginning of posting, a bad Actor linked me a cryptic message about "Alice being with their gods and gods can kill without a thought". Come to find out Cicada 3301 actually seemed like a direct attack on myself and a few others. This was a psyop designed to create doubt within myself and others.

Long story short… the coincidences never stop.

The Q Board is gone?

Perhaps this will draw new Eyes here. Otherwise draw some lurkers out who may be friends yet unrevealed.

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54eb5f No.6162

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

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54eb5f No.6169

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


also my friend has passed away from his battle with the big C and I hope he took my advice and did not go to the soul recycle factory,,,, but instead went to find the gaps in the shielding

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c5d98f No.6173


Aww man. I'm sorry, Mordo. Anything I say will sound trite, so I've always liked the idea in this one: "The Lord has called him home."

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5a6cca No.6176


Sorry to hear about your loss Mordo.

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43ccca No.6177

File: 5bb4d243f52aa12⋯.jpg (14.71 KB,255x189,85:63,8cdbb81fd62c294b83600fb3a3….jpg)


Mordo my friend you have my sincere condolences…

May your friend find eternal peace with the One Creator.

May their soul find life anew in the tree of life.

We are all connected to the Tree of Life and the River of Time…

We must celebrate the life they lived.

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ff7a01 No.6192


So sorry to hear that Brother. My thoughts are with you. Celebrate what that life was even though there is sadness.

Much love!

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54eb5f No.6199

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

ty all for ur thoughts he was a different sort of person than most but he will be missed,,,, I sat for 5 mins in my city with a laser on the sky tonight and thought of him and wished him a good journey and told him again of my love and respect for him

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1f876b No.6203

File: a5e530967a1f4a4⋯.jpg (16.82 KB,245x300,49:60,th-28.jpg)


there is a whole lotta awesome in here anons:

Robert Morning Sky


hopi prophecy, sprit/mind/body, greys, bird people, lizard people, wisdom interwoven, government plans,…… and how we win with our inner fire!!

a good read!

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ac262e No.6207

File: 1fed506a847c747⋯.jpg (188.6 KB,900x495,20:11,a-prayer-for-the-earth-cam….jpg)


The power centers are free and open, and cannot be hidden or destroyed by the forces of Sorcery and Magic. They seek to keep you from them, but these centers are easily located. You shall always find your abilities and awareness heightened when immersed in one. WHEN THE EARTH AND SKY MEET IN HARMONY, THEREIN LIES THE GIFT OF POWER.

You are right WW this was a great read. The coincidences are starting to vibrate at a very high frequency between the research and truths we are both coming to in our own passions…it is starting to overlap.

Thots are not local.

I have really never had the desire to make contact before because I always felt that aliens do exist and never challenged that fact. I have felt Grey's before, they have tried to contact me and I put in place protection because I knew if I let them contact me it would be of no benefit and only harm.

A couple of months ago when I was describing my pineal gland opening a couple of thing's started to happen in the days following and I am just now putting it together. I was sitting on my deck when a hawk came into view and landed in a tree a 100 ft away from me. He looked right at me and I got the feeling that he was wanting contact so l opened myself to the idea and got the message that I was too imagine myself in his form and look through his eyes. Once I accomplished this he immediately started to fly away from view but I had his view when I closed my eyes and saw things from his perspective. It was an amazing sensation. I proceeded to do this with every bird I met with over the next couple of days. I have since stopped doing this but get reminded of it occasionally.

The point of all this is it is time for me to listen again.

Earth(mother)(heart), Sky(father)(mind) I need to listen and live my passion.

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a6bf03 No.6208

JS on the great awakening.

great breakdown.

great reminder to not be a d*ck.

be kind to normies.


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1f876b No.6212

File: eef5ea98be4ff77⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,148x184,37:46,th-19.jpg)



I know and whats funny is I wrote that down in the jc or history thread before reading this…. we all have more than we know!

(but it has been open in a tab for a couple days, me thinks my higher mind is reading more than i can- so much to read– you gotta let the right brain do some of the work too!)


thanks anon, very true. We are all learning. I have hope for the so called liberals because i know ALOT of them ( I am in the belly of the beast) and whats funny is ALL of them can get on board with everything I talk about here, but once I say…ok now this is the thing you have to have the most open mind about: Trump might very well be a good guy and is looking dumb to troll the evil guys…. they stop in their tracks right there and say- now that I canNOT believe….

but you can belive in time loops/warps, lizard beings, shamanism, aliens, higher consciousness, the great awakening, YOU as the ultimate warrior, Etc, but you cant believe that???? people have been so jaded/duped by the evil they cant believe a billionare would be on the side of light.

but the good news is, once they do, ALL this esoteric understanding will be flooding their receptors even more… and /ourguys/ will have a whole bunch of new recruits!!

I need to find a better narrative about redpilling that trump is on the team….

the art of war and

"appearing weak when one is actually strong" is a good entry I think….

any other ideas welcome!

Thanks ALL! WE doin this!

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643580 No.6232

File: f78d61e263828a1⋯.png (138.45 KB,420x460,21:23,18ED52AB-3ADF-4342-BE07-D9….png)

File: c5cfa024e2eec41⋯.png (14.31 KB,560x370,56:37,DFD92C1A-AB8C-48F9-8BAE-A2….png)

File: d25ffcbd91822cd⋯.png (25.26 KB,560x370,56:37,9C93C27B-A789-4FCF-BEAF-68….png)


First and foremost, my condolences to the loss of your friend. May he find those gaps in the shielding and find his peace.


I startled myself with this post. I just really, really wanted to share the "Hail to You" poem. To do so, I felt had to describe the psychoneuroticism context. For that Dąbrowski is needed. Then his description of anxiety, then growth. After posting, I was mortified by the implications of what I just wrote.

Did I just offer up a justification for the Dark? Do we need the duality to grow? Does it matter your alignment? Is this a divine secret?

Perturbing, to say the least. I think I resolved it for myself in short order, I simply feel aligned with the Light. We can drag humanity Lightward so the Darkenss is not so egregiously appalling and still experience growth. Nevertheless, how do we understand why the other side? Does it help us grow to have the anxiety of the fight? Would it be better to be satisfied with the "Oneness" of it all?

Which brings me to another line of thinking that Wonder Woman kicked off with PsyOps and the never-Trumpers…


>what is a Psychological Operation?


>I need to find a better narrative about redpilling that trump is on the team….

When you speak of PsyOps and redpilling, it is persuasion at its essence. Propaganda and Rhetoric rule this domain. There are numerous powerful tools in each category, tremendously effective especially with mass communications and from a centralised platform.

But we are in an unprecendented era of distributed communications and multi-media! How would (((they))) wrangle that in? Putting fences around what people see. Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc… are very much echo chambers. I'm not sure if it is a lack of choice, critical thinking is hard, new-master-same-as-old-master, censorship, bubble filters… or all of the above that brought us to this point of control in this era.

So what's a Trump to do? The MSM, Silicon Valley, politicians, celebrities were all against him controlling the narrative. The funny part is, this is where Trump shines. Distraction after distraction he controls the opposition, while strengthening his base by getting important shit done. That's a good portion of what Q is about. Q wants us to understand how this process works, to discern the interference patterns so we can see the whole hologram from all angles. (pic related)

Trump would not get anything done if everyone was against him, nor is your opposition particularly pleasant when you dominate. They need to feel they are winning, even if they are not. What are they chasing right now? Stormy Daniels and Russia? Immigration? Holography is necessary.

So if you run across someone who doesn't get the other side, that could be very well be by Design.

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ac262e No.6234

File: 450af410838969e⋯.jpg (226.1 KB,736x834,368:417,bf5d8b9a43a9df241a50bf1f94….jpg)


Thank you for sharing your insights and knowledge with us all.

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a6bf03 No.6235


Φ! Thank you for sharing this with us. I really like your hologram approach.

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ff7a01 No.6239

File: 26a01f8881293d6⋯.png (748 B,404x125,404:125,Grey Scale.png)


I love the illusion tie-in. I was just discussing this with someone yesterday with regards to Trump. It definitely feels as if there is a smoke screen of crazy stuff and behind the scenes, some amazing work is getting done.

I like how you framed it here!

Amazing times.

>Did I just offer up a justification for the Dark? Do we need the duality to grow? Does it matter your alignment? Is this a divine secret?

I'm unsure if that is the secret, but I do know that all of us need the dark to grow. Some of our biggest teachings and understandings would not be possible without it.

Don't worry about feeling like you gave justification. It is there. I believe you are asking the right questions of duality. Keep going… it is a topic I love :) Don't be afraid to look both inside and outside. It is part of all of us. See it for what it is and then you can more clearly act.

Much love!

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a6bf03 No.6241

File: 80fd2d41a6c2729⋯.jpg (359.28 KB,1500x1094,750:547,hologram.jpg)


Φ, I thought more about your hologram and I thikn it could be a very useful graphic to explain what it happening. I took a stab at fleshing it out a little further and I would love your – and all of TLs – feedback.

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43ccca No.6242

File: c58cbad40f5803b⋯.jpg (64.28 KB,768x404,192:101,0000000000000.jpg)


This is genius level insight.

I think your "Hologram" Map is also a perfect visual representation of the quagmire of smoke and mirrors. This is a very welcomed tool to help deliver the message we are attempting to convey on this board.

You have a beautiful mind my friend… please continue to share your Wisdom and insight with us, Phi Anon.

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a8fa32 No.6248

File: e7e234bb648490c⋯.jpg (10.37 KB,243x207,27:23,images.jpg)



So sorry for your loss. May your friend have a good journey and find those gaps in the shielding. I am sure your love, respect and guidance helped point the way :)


So - everything is a psyop, this is not a bad thing, it is how we learn. Amirite? Genius, my lady!



Oh man! Φanon you have struck gold with this. I think this is the essence of the whole game, and it is what people are referring to when they speak of being in the Matrix. The nature of the matrix is holographic, reflections, smoke & mirrors obscuring the truth. This is why folks say things like 'truth rises to the top', 'truth shines above all'. Because despite the distortions, at the source, it remains unchanged.

I agree - without the fight, without the quest - we would remain weak. We need the opposition to fuel the journey up that wisdom mountain, do we not? Hard times, dark nights of the soul are necessary for us to recognize the light. To know what we do not want and spur us on to what we do want. Adversity builds character. The nature of the journey is that the dark night always passes, and the dawn is that much sweeter for having endured. This is also why, imo - times of depression/anxiety/neurosis and such, are valuable for our growth and should not be medicated away, but instead supported, honored and learned from. That Dabrowski guy nailed it!


Love what you did with the hologram map anon. I took some time to look at it and it makes so much sense. The great awakening is totally the interference pattern - and it's amazing.


I knew it! Too often, especially in the Christian world - they fear sorcery and black magic so much that they reject it all en masse. Thus missing out on the true power, higher self, frequency energy that we were created with and is part of our divine right. Do you think one has to physically travel to one of these power places in order to get 'plugged in' or can it be done with the mind's eye?

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90b08f No.6259

File: 1a0d24b597d19f6⋯.jpg (103.95 KB,736x478,368:239,BW_Marquee_Life_harmony.jpg)

File: bd1719453cd59e2⋯.jpg (89.34 KB,720x454,360:227,god03.jpg)

File: c146954481f707e⋯.jpg (110.29 KB,1440x1080,4:3,NETTOYAGE-KARMIQUE.jpg)

File: d24116c54ed01c2⋯.jpg (120.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (20).jpg)


The power centers are free and open, and cannot be hidden or destroyed by the forces of Sorcery and Magic. They seek to keep you from them, but these centers are easily located. You shall always find your abilities and awareness heightened when immersed in one. WHEN THE EARTH AND SKY MEET IN HARMONY, THEREIN LIES THE GIFT OF POWER.

Earth(mother)(heart), Sky(father)(mind) I need to listen and live my passion.

Do you think one has to physically travel to one of these power places in order to get 'plugged in' or can it be done with the mind's eye?

Hidden in plain sight.

OK bear with me as it just came to me as I read your post.

I believe the free power centers are within us as well ex.Chakras. If the earth has lay lines then so do we ex. nervous system within our bodies. When you align your heart with your mind (masculine, feminine) into one the spine (Christos oil, chrism) and it is successful that's when insights, wisdom and the (IM)possible start to flow. It would explain why in my experience I can sometimes do the (IM)possible and sometimes no matter how hard I try I can't. It would also explain why in my experience that it's lasts for days and then poof it is at a lesser degree, a more 'normal' feeling. This could happen purposely because the self reflection, perception changes within and needs time to process. Hence this post! It would make sense because my sign is entering the moon soon and I will have these new insights and inspiration to have the experience again as your sign enters the moon every month… think Cometanon cycles, orbit 💫. Cometanon mentioned that you you will see 33 if you are successful… 33 vertabrate in your spine. I believe my subconscious has been rising the Chrism (hidden in plain sight) without my consciousness even knowing!!!!

This could be the process to achieving evolution in our DNA!


Any other ONE'S want to add to this please do!

Keep being and doing.

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a6bf03 No.6260

File: 8c4caebcfaedeb8⋯.gif (42.42 KB,1165x642,1165:642,master-attack-plan.gif)

File: b1d361ab0b9b3aa⋯.png (44.16 KB,773x862,773:862,legend.png)





Ok, I have to admit that I am completely in love with Φanon's hologram theory and diagram. It made me consider the following:

Q #128

>What is a map?

>Why is a map useful?

>What is a legend?

>Why is a legend useful?

>What is a sequence?

>Why is this relevant?

>When does a map become a guide?

What are everyone's thoughts on MAP being an acronym for Master Attack Plan. I mean we know that MI is spearheading this initiative. I also think we can agree that the Military loves to use acronyms. With all the acronyms, one needs a legend to know WTF they all mean. MilOps are typically a well planed sequence of initiatives/events. This is relevant because for the next phase of an operation to commence the prior ops must be successful. To ensure that each step of a complex operation leadership must create a plan of attack, or Master Attack Plan. Military forces are guided by this Master Attack Plan.


If this seems plausible, should the hologram diagram "film" translation/interpretation changed to "Perceived Reality / Collective Conscious"?

edit: poor word choice

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90b08f No.6265

File: 427b32670dde296⋯.jpg (41.82 KB,800x600,4:3,2017_07_20_interview_vox_p….jpg)

File: ff595cb0b1ababf⋯.jpg (16.88 KB,350x312,175:156,9050_water_sharing.jpg)




I can feel the vibration raising among us ALL today.

There are no coincidences.

Q post today confirms thots not local.

You guys putting the hologram and MAP master action plan together is brilliant. This info needs to go on q research board, twatter, discord, reddit Stat! Anyone just awakening or about too would be able to see the hologram matrix with this.

This is a boom or even a Moab if we can put this in Jordan Sather or Anti-Schools hands. This will awaken many.

I'm praying for this info to go mainstream especially because JUSTICE is being served right now and many beautiful hearts and minds will open.

There is a lot of thirsty people out there let's make this rain!!!

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1f876b No.6268

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)




I agree with Antman!

Phianon (whats the key command to make the symbol?)

I am so glad you have begun posting again! Your mind is a brilliant one and I love your perspective (and big words!) vocab activate!

I think you are right that those Nevertrumpers I know are all part of a great design. They play roles to keep the holograph MAP on the right track….distractions and those pushing the trump sux narrative are all a part of the plan!

I just wish i could have some IRL homies to whoop it up with! cuz this is just so amazing to be a part of and to see the hologram for what it is….I am SOO grateful to have you all beautiful autists on here to be excited with. YAY!!

Quill- I am in love with the fact that you are in love with this map and how the two of your minds worked together to make this holographic understanding grow. (I think it should go in our Qmaps thread)

I am with Lucky on the interference pattern being the great awakening…is such a cool way to perceive the ripples that we are all feeling…and how both directions are coming from such a seemingly different perspective and that makes the ripples feel


I mean when my nevertrump friends talk about him, they really really believe what they are saying and seeing him as. I see him as a good guy, so when I see him speak, thats what I see. They see him as evil, so that is what they see…. It really is all perspective/perception.

I think Q team (and just the ways of words and right brain interpretations and metaphors as an as above so below reality) uses multiple meanings for posts… I agree that a meaning for MAP could most definitely be an acronym for Master Attack Plan. maybe a prelude for the…

Master Ascension Plan? (thats for us pacifist lovebugs, but firsts things first. dismantle the Cabal)

>if this seems plausible, should the hologram diagram "film" translation/interpretation changed to "Perceived Reality / Collective Conscious"?

This makes sense to me and what is a film anyways?

a LARP? (you taught me this definition :)

A perceived reality?

you are watching a Movie?

a holographic movie!

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1f876b No.6303

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e614be No.6308

File: 7c7bb53551781fa⋯.png (416.67 KB,480x480,1:1,CABFA832-5F68-4E9A-947A-91….png)

File: cc986938004b93d⋯.png (257.63 KB,1503x1220,1503:1220,2EDA5191-EBE6-433F-ABEE-D9….png)

File: d8780b68d808d7c⋯.png (212.91 KB,1597x1165,1597:1165,DA0CE0BA-1921-4662-883E-C3….png)


Outstanding work Anon! That's what I love about the chan and free speech. Play with ideas and build off of them. Attached is a transparent png that I used to build Hologramʰᵒˡᵒᵍʳᵃᵐ . Just a fun toy thought, one hologram is enough to contemplate.

I'm reading Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe right now. Free online here: https://archive.org/details/MichaelTalbotTheHolographicUniverse

A great blend of hard science, anecdotal evidence, and theory. Every few pages could be a new thread on TL worthy of investigation. Neuroscience, self-healing, quantum entanglement, psychic and past lives research, psychedelics, Sphinx and AntMan's archetypal DNA interests, and this is just the first few chapters.


Thanks Dr. Strange! I have plenty of ideas to share that need work and the board's input to take to other levels and higher resonances. Look forward to it!


HS/PQ and Dr. Strange re:Master Attack Plan. I know we want more Anons on here. What about a Meme War Room? Take the best of breads, meme and distribute.

#1, know your audience. /qresearch folks are open minded bunch, then branch out to the science, new age, other free-thinking communities. We don't need a full-scale twitter war nor detract from important Q research, but maybe some follow-the-white-rabbit memes that appeal to each group. We can take notes from the formidable Kekistan Airforce: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1232995.html#1232995

Just thinking out loud on how I stumbled via #followthewhiterabbit on /cbts last year and found TL from your Ra/Thoth posts.

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6246d6 No.6311

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)



Hello my friends :) so much knowledge to obtain but i really lack of time to research more.

Can´t watch 2 hours of yt-videos :(

Black Goo was 1 of the very few new points added to the actual new Q-Anon-Map of April 2nd:


So ww you are on the right track for sure.

@ Phi-Anon i like the 2nd picture very much and thank you for every post so far.

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304a39 No.6312

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

Hello Anons,

anyone has seen this?:


I hope some of you will be able to join this for the sake of humanity!

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304a39 No.6314

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

Hello Anons,

here are some nice videos - unfortunately i have no time to watch them :(


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64d54d No.6315

File: a5e530967a1f4a4⋯.jpg (16.82 KB,245x300,49:60,th-28.jpg)



I bought a couple weeks ago on vaccay, and just started reading a couple days ago….when you posted about the Qhologram I thot that a funny coinkidink.

I love this hologram spiral too!!! excellent work.

Yes on the MEME thread!!

Logan and I were just talking about that last night.

OMGoodness, anon are you me?


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64d54d No.6316

File: 0b0b67cb723fc0a⋯.jpg (50.82 KB,335x454,335:454,images.duckduckgo.jpg)



keep that heart lit and head strong buddy!

I will watch it again and do a little synopsis for ya.

I am a lucky gal and got lots of time (but no money!) lol! it seems to be either or in this matrix eh!

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ae435b No.6317

File: a5655795d31620b⋯.jpg (10.41 KB,296x296,1:1,Ewsh2a76_400x400.jpg)


Hello Sphinx. I read that this morning as well. It brings me both excitement and caution. But I feel like we should wait and see how everything plays out and go with our gut. :)

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64d54d No.6318

File: 5d5fa241a01c610⋯.jpg (15.99 KB,225x300,3:4,th-24.jpg)



yeah me too.

gave me mixed feelings.

of course I want to experience the underground reality and the detoxing of my body and heart!

And to see what kind of civilizlation is possible when people live by the heart!!!

but to leave my human family up here to suffer thru confusion and fear of the EVENT (whether or not it will really be scary or not, or has just been propagandized that way, i dont know) but either way its possible many people will be in fear, and if all the woke people disappear right before, that doesn't seem like its going to help at all.

I did have a sound healing session with my friend once who heard a vision voice say: you may have to go underground for a while.

at this point in time/space, I dont know.

>hope some of you will be able to join this for the sake of humanity!

Is it really for the sake of humaity if we just up and leave at such pivitol point, could we be of better help on the surface, holding it down with our strong resonance of confidence and love and knowing that everything is going to be alright?

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64d54d No.6319

File: 12c1aa745bb9c77⋯.jpg (915.66 KB,700x1050,2:3,WW-Cv33-Josh-Middleton.jpg)




Well, I just had another thot about it: sooo many thots (my mind sometimes feels like the intersecting interference pattern of that hologram diagram! lol!)

regarding temporal reality and some sauce from Correy Goode and his visits to the Anshar….

this Cobra post (who I believe is some disinfo as well anyways) is in regards to the Agarthians, but maybe it is similar in that a few days "down there" is only a few minutes on the surface….

Will our families and friends experience time in the same way as those that go underground?

that is the heart wrenching part of this message…how are we helping if our disapearance only adds to the surfaces suffering…

but if they don't realize we are gone?

do the agarthians have a better idea than we do of when this event will occur?

i dunno its hard to know now….

thanks for these links Sphinx, love on!

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ae435b No.6320

File: a5655795d31620b⋯.jpg (10.41 KB,296x296,1:1,avi8chkw.jpg)


Agreed. While I certainly am up for the overall task at hand, I am curious to know if one were to accept the offer, what would be our duty other than obviously spreading love, light and knowledge.

I have been thinking about the Cobra post, your response and my every day life/actions over the last few days specifically, and I feel like I have actually been mending ties, making sure people know I love them, etc. And it seems like I have been doing it for no reason other than myself just feeling more positive and at a "higher point of being" after all the research and expansion of knowledge. Speaking for myself, I feel that my family, girlfriend and close friends would be scared/surprised if just up and vanished, but more so I think after some thinking.. they would probably be more surprised if I were to say No :)

..and with that..


You bring up a very good point and it's actually really sending my head in circles! What if we said yes, and have been told that we will not be able to make contact to the surface until after "The Event" but really.. it would just be a matter of.. minutes? days? hours? seconds? no time at all? Kind of like.. the 'daze' or 'feeling of missing time' after a daydream, sleep, etc?

Many thots indeed!

Love and Light to All!

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d9e6b1 No.6322

File: f6092334bfd1841⋯.jpg (140.24 KB,450x600,3:4,he-gone.jpg)






I have followed Cobra and the RM for quite a while. The Portal was the site/blog that kicked off my questioning/awakening. I believe it would be a great honor to be asked to join the RM.

Would the sacrifice of surface time with my loved ones be worth it?

If I were able to increase the quality of life for my loved ones – which includes you anons and humanity as a whole – then hell yeah the sacrifice is worth it. I would pack the provided small bag with photos of my loved ones to inspire me to give 110% every day below the surface and climb down that rabbit hole.

Time is a precious commodity, but humanity's survival is worth more than the value of my entire lifespan.

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43ccca No.6324

File: 91ff63a07a33616⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,2158x1136,1079:568,0000000000000000000000.jpg)


It's a very interesting thought / word / spell my friend.

This is an interesting choice. If I had a choice, my choice would be to reach out among the stars during the "Event". Others live underground during the Ascension Process, others live in Space. As above so below.

I'd choose the path of the Expanse, or Dark Matter if you will, if given the choice.

There will always be sacrifice with victory.

Where there is tension, there is growth.

So my friend, do you believe these are white hats who may have been involved with destroying the Cabal D.U.M.B's?

>Time is a precious commodity, but humanity's survival is worth more than the value of my entire lifespan.

I agree. In the abstract assumption of purpose, what do you believe you'd be doing while in these underground bases?

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e4ee95 No.6326

File: 18d6e223fce5d0e⋯.jpg (12.41 KB,191x255,191:255,f6092334bfd1841e575f4faa09….jpg)

File: f605a890a4c62d0⋯.jpg (37.51 KB,500x334,250:167,0d61e7cba43ddecae2dde778fe….jpg)





Hmmmmm free will choices.

Go into a deep underground concrete hole with a stranger and no explanation. Take a miracle shower that isn't available to help many humans other than hole dwellers and never see family again until after the event…

Look to the night skies with my bare feet on the dirt of the earth and make connections with ascended masters and receive infinite love, light and wisdom and be able to get in bed after with my partner and hold her. Stay and help her and every ONE else going through the event while it's happening with knowledge gained…

That's a tough choice.

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54eb5f No.6327

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


the bible does say there is no greater gift than one can give than to give up their life to save another's,,,,, that my ally is in the same vein of thought !!!! MUCH LOVE TO U BROTHER !!!!

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d9e6b1 No.6328


>So my friend, do you believe these are white hats who may have been involved with destroying the Cabal D.U.M.B's?

I believe that 100%. I do not believe it to be a LARP/ARG. The main reason why I believe that is, if you review some of the key posts on The Portal, you will find a Q-like cabal/chimera purge plan that included positive military factions from well before the Q-phenomena began. Once Q started, I started believing even more. The site contains much detail regarding cabal D.U.M.B.s including their location, targeting, and destruction. You can also find early references to Syria and eventually it was recently released that RM agents were working with positive military factions in taking down the cabal in Syria. There is quite a bit of information that I have been able to make connections on. I have dug, I have learned, I have kept an open mind – but kept my mouth shut because this would be a one-way trip to the asylum in most circles.

>what do you believe you'd be doing while in these underground bases?

First off, I am going to need some hard evidence before I go down that creep hole.

What would you do as a job be a part of SW? Would you be willing to be a janitor? A cook? A nameless cog in the machine?

At one point in time, I would only have wanted to be a star, a standout, a hero, but I am not 'that guy' anymore. I realize that there is something of enormous magnitude occurring that is bigger than me and my ego. I am not above doing whatever it takes to participate in this. I have stood on the sidelines long enough in my life. My passive existence is what allowed me to be put in the matrix in the first place. I choose to participate.

If I participate by:

by joining something exciting like the RM/SW, awesome. (Probably not going to happen!)

being a infintychanpatriotlurkerfaganon who red-pills the world by creating memes, awesome.

being a calm voice for those who do not understand the event/awakening when it occurs, awesome.

If I have a skill or talent that can contribute to a white hat faction, such as TL, that is actively working at creating/generating true positive change during this event/awakening, I'm in.

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54eb5f No.6329

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


welcome to the TL anon we love u !!!!

what is RM ? and SW ?

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43ccca No.6330

File: 018ad8a26163d97⋯.jpg (40.86 KB,335x480,67:96,00000000000000000000.jpg)


>what is RM ? and SW ?

SW = Solar Wardens.

Eye believe RM = Resistance Movement, the underground. The underground railroad if you will. Those involved with the inner earth societies and white hat underground military bases.


>by joining something exciting like the RM/SW, awesome. (Probably not going to happen!)

True my friend, certain avenues are only for the selected few. How certain individuals find themselves chosen to see behind the veil still remains a mystery.

>What would you do as a job be a part of SW? Would you be willing to be a janitor? A cook? A nameless cog in the machine?

Also a good point, cause and effect is one of the 7 Hermetic Principles. Simply being an "Observer" is not a choice. There must be a greater purpose selected in the grand design.

>At one point in time, I would only have wanted to be a star, a standout, a hero, but I am not 'that guy' anymore.

I agree. This is entirely why I have empowered people with superhero archetypes. It wasn't to inflate their Jungian shadow's beyond the known limits of space. It was in fact to learn a humble humility from them. To make ordinary every-day (genius) anons empowered to feel like superheroes. We all cannot be Captain America or Morpheus in this tale. However, when you believe in yourself and others you start to see people in your every day life as superheroes. Including yourself.

Sometimes even the smallest voices can be the loudest.

With great power comes great responsibility. What matters is how you take responsibility in your own life.

~ Be the change you want to see in the world.

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e0e090 No.6331


RM = Resistance Movement, a subterranean white hat faction that is aligned with the Ashtar Command

SW = Solar Warden, a secret space program overseen by the US Navy's Network and Space Command.

These groups might exist, they might not. You decide.

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54eb5f No.6334

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ty my friends for the clarification and what ssp ?? the mic's or the cabals ssp ?? lol yes they all 3 are real

the Ashtar Command is the alliance or part of it along with the avian R'ah's people and a few other races

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43ccca No.6337

File: 55239b1fd794f85⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,542x678,271:339,Zen1.jpg)

File: 4abeaef8da057d0⋯.jpg (339.96 KB,900x627,300:209,Zen2.jpg)

File: d89c1beec93ba66⋯.jpg (599.34 KB,1000x625,8:5,Zen3.jpg)

File: 4ad55969fd8542f⋯.jpg (5.06 KB,225x225,1:1,Zen4.jpg)

File: 4abbdad9d890fc2⋯.jpg (7.2 KB,318x159,2:1,Zen5.jpg)


>The path has Switchbacks.

Truer words have never been spoken.

The path is slippery, with many pitfalls.

I wish to share some proverbs with you.

Some strength to lean on, as we climb the Mountain of Wisdom together.

May your path stay true… your foothold is only as firm as my own.

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64d54d No.6338

File: 65242ad354df243⋯.jpg (88.72 KB,578x616,289:308,images.duckduckgo-2.jpg)


Hi there doc!

Have you seen the base camp thread? >>6222

It could use some of this welcoming wisdom for those seekers that are just starting the climb. I made it in anticipation of more eyes on here and a place to gather some of the essentials…please add some more if you have ideas or see something that the camp could use! Thank you!


Thanks for the song! That base line is siiiiiiiick!

I am inspired by that badassbabe, apparently she made the vid herself on no cash….

I am perplexed slightly by why it made you think of me…….. multiple meanings to all and ok, yes, I suppose I can relate - hot damn it is springtime and the IRL me AND the wonderwoman me is jonsing! It is hard as I have mentioned before to be a strong smart and woke lady and be into the menfolk around these parts (lots of bros or UBER newagey) but I judge maybe too much….I just need a certain somethin somethin ya know?? And its a rare combo.

Also as you all have witnessed (feeling vulnerable) there is a certain (S)omeone who offered me his hand…i refused cuz I was trying to be with integrity, and he had a g-friend……blahblah, other stuff, and now, where we are at… hes not into me, so that is still a sore part in my heart that I am learning to heal…. I appreciate you and your flirtations- it helps!

I can relate to her in certain ways as far as being a bad ass babe and though I have gone through many phases and stages in my life as far as the "look" i present, my stashy face is the only "gender ambiguous" thang about me now …though I do admit she IS a hottie! Kek!! ;) At this point in my life, tho I enjoy being a hetero lovely lady- who sometimes wears flannel. lol!!!

Anyhow…thanks for the spark!

I love you Strange!

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304a39 No.6339

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


>So my friend, do you believe these are white hats who may have been involved with destroying the Cabal D.U.M.B's?

To be honest it smells like a big fat trap for me.

- Who ownes the DUMBS?

- Who wants us voluntarily to be slaves?

- Who is lying all the time?

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43ccca No.6350

File: 2afb7dbfe5790e4⋯.jpg (112.47 KB,1000x563,1000:563,0000000000000000000.jpg)


*Humble bow*


My friend, I am still very cautious about any and all information. The only thing I'd feel comfortable getting on would be a solar warden vessel, and they know where to find me!

On a side note, Q mentions the Falcon 9 exploding on the launch pad. I always told you I was working indirectly with Q in the most incredible way… all through brief moments of telepathy…

Remember when we all started this together as RaAnon? I mentioned very early on about this explosion. I specifically mentioned this because of the narrative trying to be put forward regarding the event, which was planned to be a lie delivered to the masses.


Q's latest post. Ref Falcon 9 explosion.

Now watch again, with open mind. Pay very close attention to where the explosion occurs, and watch the super intense flash of light just prior to the explosion;





I have personally seen these orbs numerous times… we're chill with each other.

>What are laser pointers used for? - Q

As someone who understands the aerospace industry I will tell you this, with all systems turned off and cooling systems on, I find it very perplexing why a rocket would explode from the structural bracing point for the payload section. The explosion takes place underneath the satellite payload section, which makes very little "sense".

Elon Musk quoted shortly after saying he wouldn't rule out that a UFO destroyed his Falcon 9. Space X Engineers went on record by saying "Something alien to our systems caused the malfunction".

Do your research. You have only your Free Will holding you back.

Facebook was launching a malevolent satellite. It's up to you to use your Free Will to decide if there was intervention or not.

The JP / TD to the stars academy was going to be a false narrative pushed forward to justify increasing the MIC. Thankfully this initiative failed.

Others are working to correct the narrative.

May you shine your light upon the sky. Keep open mind and open heart. You have more friends than you know.

More coincidences.

Thank you Q.

[I plan on posting this post on the Q Research board to allow open minded seekers to find our comfy home (and cabin) for genius autists]

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2bd802 No.6359


Dr. Strange could you elaborate more on how to tell if the beings making contact or malevolent or benevolent as Corey says sometimes when you fish in the swamp you get an alligator.

He also stated that the malevolent beings will present themselves as benevolent with valuable knowledge but are doing more harm than good.

I believe that it is our responsibility of teaching first contact protocols to make sure everyone is safe when doing so.

If I have missed this part of the knowledge you have posted before please forgive me and could you please repost.

Keep being and doing.

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43ccca No.6363

File: 823751ba2e7b090⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,0000000000000000.jpg)


Antman my friend,

As Vision told us, there is trickery in the light. There is false light everywhere.

To be perfectly clear with what knowledge I have, I believe the "Orion Group" to be the malevolent force. They and their ships alone generally give a sense of "dread" just to your intuition alone. Your intuition is more powerful than you know. Trust it.

The benevolent beings will take a long time warming up to you. They will give you a sense of positivity and excitement when engaging. They do not want to effect your Free Will, therefore the tests of comfort levels.

They will not physically engage with you right away. You have to willingly ask for it. During my initial contacts I started making body language insinuating that I wanted to engage in telepathy. Since then, I've received massive downloads.

If a being approached you and offered you something, otherwise offered you a ride in their ship with no explanation? I'd probably turn it down.

If Ra appeared in my yard and offered a ride in a Jupiter sized sphere? Well bring it on baby. Otherwise a SW vessel is second best :)

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43ccca No.6364

File: 7d4a4b81afae89f⋯.jpg (104.97 KB,950x534,475:267,000000000000000000.jpg)


Correction -> Psychically engage

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a1705d No.6365

File: 7dbfaf9604e2ae7⋯.jpg (542.22 KB,3000x1875,8:5,144884_05.jpg)


Thank you for your guidance my friend.

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64d54d No.6366

File: 12071f287e044b8⋯.png (291.13 KB,608x400,38:25,wonderwoman021011_spacetel….png)



I have been watching the skies for years and seen many cool flashes, discs disappear and reappear and some psychic interactions/conversations….and I had this same question when I first started looking up…

what I notice when crafts feel more deceptive is the flashes are more…like how some cartoons are seizure inducing for kids…the flashes look all over the place…like look at me…look at me..im here, nope Im over here, nope lookie here sorta thing….they feel like they are trying to distract and take my energy in that way…

benevolent craft feel like, they are what they are, no hiding, no deception..a good feeling, like a wave from an old friend…

hope that helps!

keep looking up anons!

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7aeab6 No.6402

File: a00c67d025cfc57⋯.jpg (211.75 KB,800x678,400:339,morebooks.jpg)


>Hello my friends :) so much knowledge to obtain but i really lack of time to research more.



What a great time to mention the Library of Alexandria drop from a /qresearch Anon! Excellent collection of 9GB of books and a few videos. Takes a day to download with mega.nz free, one of those "archive offline" things: mega.nz/#F!kn5lQJ5I!gIr0SGs4SL2fXrQR0dU61A

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d76fe7 No.6410

File: 8e867640ca5a2c9⋯.gif (1.64 MB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_o1aa7arvy71tkfj0zo1….gif)

File: 25dfcac7b6c55bd⋯.jpg (136.44 KB,595x595,1:1,Evolution-of-an-idea-Gill-….jpg)

File: 7d2e1e193f31e7b⋯.png (186.47 KB,925x1173,925:1173,Evolution-of-an-idea.png)




@SaRaAshcraft I stumbled upon this amazingly put history of our PHONY PHOENICIAN language in which we use SPELLING to cast our SPELLS.

#ByePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit

The Truth About English: Phonics, Phonetics, and Esoteric Etymology


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@SaRaAshcraft I stumbled upon this amazingly put history of our PHONY PHOENICIAN language in which we use SPELLING to cast our SPELLS.

#ByePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit

The Truth About English: Phonics, Phonetics, and Esoteric Etymology


10:01 PM · May 11, 2018





Sarah Ruth Ashcraft

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft




Replying to @JJEROME2012

Wow, great find. I haven't watched it, but I'm going to ask @cronsell to preview it for me - I'm focused on this particular nuance of the system at the moment. Thanks for sharing!!!








You're welcome!



Sarah Ruth Ashcraft

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft




THIS VIDEO IS AMAZING!!! "the phony phonetic phonics of the ancient phoenician phoenix "









It's pretty mind blowing if you understand what he's saying. I could also feel it waking something up inside me, a certain level of awareness. His YouTube channel is full of videos just like this one breaking down different words etc.






@SaRaAshcraft I stumbled upon this amazingly put history of our PHONY PHOENICIAN language in which we use SPELLING to cast our SPELLS.

#ByePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit

The Truth About English: Phonics, Phonetics, and Esoteric Etymology


10:01 PM · May 11, 2018





Sarah Ruth Ashcraft

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft




Replying to @JJEROME2012

Wow, great find. I haven't watched it, but I'm going to ask @cronsell to preview it for me - I'm focused on this particular nuance of the system at the moment. Thanks for sharing!!!








You're welcome!



Sarah Ruth Ashcraft

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft




THIS VIDEO IS AMAZING!!! "the phony phonetic phonics of the ancient phoenician phoenix "









It's pretty mind blowing if you understand what he's saying. I could also feel it waking something up inside me, a certain level of awareness. His YouTube channel is full of videos just like this one breaking down different words etc.







Replying to @JJEROME2012 and @SaRaAshcraft



DJ Adams

DJ Adams




Replying to @JJEROME2012 and @SaRaAshcraft

Wow…just wow..







Replying to @JJEROME2012 and @SaRaAshcraft

This is elaborates on the Christ info dropped at the end of the video you posted. Eso and Exo . . .

The Sacred Secret Of The Christ Within presented by Santos Bonacci


Get ready ALL.

This was just posted in Qanon Twitter today.

Alt Media soon.

Thots are not local.


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64d54d No.6419

File: 65242ad354df243⋯.jpg (88.72 KB,578x616,289:308,images.duckduckgo-2.jpg)



best hashtag i ever saw

bye phoenicia!

great dig antman!

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d5a993 No.6451

File: 140dfd5ec8a372f⋯.jpg (47.59 KB,310x588,155:294,jackdaw.jpg)

I just skimmed through some of the last couple months of posts.. lol seems like you guys caught a few haters and took a few hits no?

Don't ever forget, we have the mind of christ or whatever you guys are calling it these days. Higher consciousness. It nothing else, have some pride in that! So what if bitchboyshillface calls you a freak for using loving rhetoric. I mean, I get it.. I myself made a similar point (but in a much more understanding and loving way, I hope) with our own ant man not too long ago, but the fact that he came at you guys like that.. why even engage. Tell him to be humble in the presence of adult children, and speak nicely if he wants to play. The way we speak, our Ego's, it is not something to be hated and despised.. how else are we to express the unknowable and formless I AM/Source which lives within us? Why wouldn't one use the most suitable CHARACTER (in ones own opinion of course) to express the unique mind of christ within (most of us) all? Do we hate are physical bodies? No, we keep it clean, we keep it in shape (hopefully), because our bodies are TEMPLES of God just as our CHARACTERS are the expression of the VOICE of the spirit within, yes? I say, if we have to speak anyways, then speak in a manner that YOU believe to be proper, not what someone else (external to you) thinks is this or that.. have some pride! not in things that don't matter but the fact that we are tool that god uses to express his will on this world when we use our free will for his/higher purpose.

I mean.. what is mind control? Jesus said turn the other cheek not tuck tail and say u right im sorry! anytime someone clapped at you lol.

Sorry you guys probably don't even remember what post I am referring to but it was early April in a thread that is now locked; some anon randomly came in all butt hurt for some reason or another and you guys took him waaay too seriously, in my opinion.. but c'est la vie. He made some OK points, but not with that attitude.

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43ccca No.6455

File: ddc9fdf86b56b50⋯.jpg (13.02 KB,255x146,255:146,000000000000000.jpg)

File: 1617b3e0e15ad25⋯.jpg (281.08 KB,780x480,13:8,1111111.jpg)

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)


My friend "Wong", it's good to see you once again.

Your words of knowledge will always fall upon the ears of Wisdom.

You are a Scribe and a Scholar for a reason.

You guard the Sanctum for a reason.

Your role is critical at this point in Time / Space.

Much has happened since your hiatus.

May your soul soar, my bosom buddy.

Should you choose Jack as your name, I shall choose to abide. I however, will always see you as Wong. My faithful companion, one of my greatest friends of all.

I know of the Anon in which you speak.

There is more than meets the "Eye".

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d5a993 No.6457

File: 140dfd5ec8a372f⋯.jpg (47.59 KB,310x588,155:294,jackdaw.jpg)


Heyy call me what you want Doc, and you are right, seems there has been some subtle changes here.. to be sure, much has changed within me.. haha

The character of Wong (who was, in my own words, a pretentious little prick lol) and the character of.. (..me?) are much more in union, everything within me is much more in Union.

I would have stayed with Wong, but calling myself KING in korean everytime I posted was kind of getting to my head, and I ..eh I mean, they are just "Avatars", right? ;)

Good to be back, sir.

and more than meets the Eye.. I assume youre not gonna give away more than that huh? lol

well anyways, ..I just didn't like the way he talked to you guys. yall my dipshits. only i can talk like that to you guys. not that I do. or will. <3

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d5a993 No.6459


yea i'm good, you go ahead tho!

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54eb5f No.6470

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


WB jack/wong or what ever u want to cal urself my ally/love/friend please be urself and keep contributing to our conversation ive stepped back a little from the boards as my friend was in my thoughts lately and been spending more time with the wife and daughter and spending time outside

sry folks

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54eb5f No.6471

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


been on discord as well talking everynight with logan spoke with thor and WW a couple of times so far WHERE U ALL AT ????? come to discord and get into the voice chat with us its frigging awesome to hear the other persons voice and get more information exchanged at a way faster speed!!!!!!!!!!!!

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43ccca No.6476

File: 2d7fd5d4b4ec8ee⋯.jpg (40.68 KB,500x462,250:231,Destiny.jpg)

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)

File: 63f84d15ea2e486⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,500x889,500:889,04a6ef6de20d9c902b52aec70d….jpg)

File: 6d5df4c077c3015⋯.jpg (30.97 KB,280x392,5:7,Keyhole3.jpg)

File: e0e48176718db5b⋯.jpg (85.75 KB,960x840,8:7,teach me.jpg)


WW -> Private com's Sent.

Choose to perceive.

Lift the veil.


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43ccca No.6486

File: ccdcd8066190e36⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1800x900,2:1,1111111111111.jpg)


Many connections are being made in a short period of Time.

The two most important Supreme Key's we've shared to date are these;



What is forgiveness?

What is love for all, as all is one?

What is the first hermetic principle?

The mind is all, and the all is mind.

We are all one consciousness experiencing itself.

It's been said that those who believe in destiny still look both ways before crossing the street.

I suggest you do the same.

There is more to this message than meets the "Eye".

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fe4f40 No.6488

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


I believe I have found a video that shows how our solar system was truly formed its based on Immanuel Velikovsky's theories and the EU's research with David Talbot leading the way these days in this field with the help of young guns with new ideas that came after Velikovsky's ideas

go have a look at the truth of how the solar system was formed

the video puts it all together I had the pieces in my mind but this explains it perfectly THAT THIS MAY IN FACT BE HOW WE BECAME ON THIS PLANET!!!!

a must watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gGUtcr2D8M for those who think our solar system is billions of years old might be wrong PROBIBLY ARE!!!

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43ccca No.6493

File: ddc9fdf86b56b50⋯.jpg (13.02 KB,255x146,255:146,000000000000000.jpg)


Mordo my friend, thank you.

I am watching it as we speak.

I rarely give you enough credit… your Supreme Key is History for a reason my ally :)

Many of our theories align more than you know, it just took me a little longer to piece certain aspects together!

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fe4f40 No.6512

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

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dad8d9 No.6520

File: 14b27714d8a1ba7⋯.jpg (2.83 MB,2592x1944,4:3,organic-farming.jpg)

File: ab34684edddfbb5⋯.jpg (51.81 KB,374x280,187:140,two-beautiful-free-horses-….jpg)

File: f605a890a4c62d0⋯.jpg (37.51 KB,500x334,250:167,0d61e7cba43ddecae2dde778fe….jpg)

File: c255122b7f65920⋯.jpg (379.16 KB,1920x1200,8:5,292713-nature-old-tree-gre….jpg)

File: 71b7b4e2acb37f3⋯.jpg (67.5 KB,900x506,450:253,0-healty-sound-seedling-yo….jpg)


Many of our theories align more than you know, it just took me a little longer to piece certain aspects together!

(SHARE) your insights they are (ALL)ways a good way for people to see the (BENEVOLENT) (ONE) that you are and always have been.

The time has come to plant more seeds.

The time has come to dig deeper so that the roots may spread to create a stronger base for the seed.

We need to focus on the purification of the water we use to grow the seed. The water is diluted right now by all of us (ONE'S) complicating the process. The process should be simple and precise for the clarity of the water to be seen by the (ALL) that is coming to fill their cup of water.

(STRONG) roots (ARE) a great way to create a (SOLID) trunk to (SUPPORT) the branches that will grow.

The flower needs pollen from other sources so that the fruit is never corrupted and kept organic, pure of any dis-ease.

This has been a public service night sky announcement from a humble farmer trying to create great food for everyone to enjoy.

Have fun playing in the soil.

Keep being and doing.

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dad8d9 No.6522

File: a596c14aefdb99c⋯.png (16.28 KB,720x720,1:1,one-39418_960_720.png)

The time to lead has come.

The time has come to concentrate the message.

Time needs to be spent delivering a solid message and less echo.

The time to come to-get-her is now. Focus your thoughts so that the message is simple.

It's all about the message and not the individual. STO. The message is important.

The free will choice is yours to make.

BE A green ONE.

Keep being and doing.

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64d54d No.6525

File: be6b4b6633304e1⋯.jpg (19.77 KB,300x300,1:1,th-37.jpg)

File: eef5ea98be4ff77⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,148x184,37:46,th-19.jpg)


Thank you Antman.

Your 'small voice' is booming! If I could condense wisdom into a little clipit it would be this:

The law of free will reigns,

let your heart be your guide.

I would like to make things a tad more complicated however and address and apologize for the complications of yesterdays posts and slip and slides. You see, it was me who invited the KRSN to come here, recognizing the comms on Qresearch from what we were trying to decode a month or so ago.

It does seem at this point in times/space, Strange is correct in calling out his divisive tactics. This is definitely not a game as Q states.

It seems to me with his slips and tactics, my mind may have been infiltrated by this….My posts about sexuality - a few too many in a row, I am realizing in retrospect, though true and I stand by them, may be considered very rude by some minds viewing this. Strange called me out on it in a private comm and ill have to admit I got quite upset (note the phonecian spell on that word, up SET - the evil brother of Osiris)

I felt it was a "typical" male/female double standard, which to a certain degree is true. Females should be allowed to be empowered sexually and speak of raunchy subject matter (truly, in my view, I was trying to be funny and teach by "shock value") This may or may not have come across well, and I apologize for any minds I may have offended.

This is a VERY tricky, sticky and sensitive subject and how movements like "#metoo" are coming from a initial place of acknowledging trauma and then turned into a very divisive movement.

This is indeed psychological warfare, and if our bottom chakras are where the cabal cast their most devious spells, WE MUST BE VIGILANT.

And from here forward, I shall.

There is a small wound in my heart and sexuality that I am still healing. This can be used to my disadvantage if I am not careful, so from now I shall not speak of my personal reality and trying to find this superman I may know. I believe that is how the initial slide started, making it about my ego and love life. Now if it ever goes down, y'all are definitely invited to the wedding, but until then I'm gonna keep my proverbial mouth (text) shut about it.

Thank you Dr. Strange for calling me out, and all all of us, lets continue to have each others back as we climb up this mountain. There are indeed switchbacks!

Climb on with your light on anons!

I love you all so much!!

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fe4f40 No.6526

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


love u brother !!!!! keep being u my ally/love/friend

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e71755 No.6538


WW, you are an amazing beautiful soul. Thank you for being you - I love your wisdom and your posts.

You brought us an important lesson - more important than you maybe even realized.

I was also intrigued by our friend KRSN - wow - a puzzle - new knowledge…reeeeeeeee!!! you know the deal. I also dived into the decodes. Only to realize it was the proverbial circle talk. Obscure language mixed with good sense that in the end gets nowhere. And the really subtle subversion angle, so subtle it smacked me in the face when I saw it. Haha. This is the work of a candle masquerading as a true light.

So, my lovely friend - it is all good. We have increased our wisdom by a notch or maybe two as a result. THANK YOU!

Love on, and yes - I got your back, and all the rest of you wonderful anons as we climb.

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Post last edited at

f08692 No.6540

File: ca916fab67cd171⋯.png (404.59 KB,581x580,581:580,66938B40-23A2-42A7-BE3E-84….png)

File: e9978753a46b2ea⋯.png (177.94 KB,450x450,1:1,6160E9AF-503C-4931-AE72-E2….png)


Sex! Oh sex! How I love it. The Joie de vivre, the carnal the passion the touch the feel the connection. The vacillation between pleasure and ferocity and lust and release. The tempo, vibration, reading each other's cues in a harmonious grasping embraced sensuous indulgent throes. The percolation the heat and convection comprised poetry of two. Joy, elation and moments where the ego is ceded to the pleasure of another. A combination and uniting delight. grraawwwrr.

I could go on and on (ladies)… but what I am attempting to describe here is "tantric" sex. I have never read a manual on it and hope there never is one. Just pure connection. Partners in the Past, present and future all at once. The Now.

Where I am going with this is sex is humanity in its carnal, primal beautiful state. As with anything with this world we live in, it gets derailed, shamed, censored(!), subverted perverted or controlled like anything else.

Who did this? Religion. It's another control from fulfilling our potential. If the world were to start having this level of sex, we would most certainly awaken to higher spiritual planes. We need reclaim sex in the human sense, it is the most natural connection to the sacred we have.

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43ccca No.6552

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)

File: 63f84d15ea2e486⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,500x889,500:889,04a6ef6de20d9c902b52aec70d….jpg)

File: ccdcd8066190e36⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1800x900,2:1,1111111111111.jpg)


Divide and Conquer.

The Art of War.

Many of you Anons seem to forget "he is of rank and office of a place you've never heard of, and likely never will…"

Always keep open mind.

There are always disinfo / lightbulb operators trying to derail us from discovering the map.

Each one of you has a weakness. I've seen them all. Only one person on this board does not have a weakness, though the weakness is often portrayed as such. Perhaps weakness is inherent to us, and cannot be avoided… even with Time. Yet Time? This is the Master teacher of all things. Time reveals all.

Always trust your heart, intuition and Free Will. If you think with your heart… it can never steer you wrong.

Let us continue to turn 0's into 1's.

Light on Anons :)

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fe4f40 No.6557

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


there is no division here with us as the doc says we all keep our minds open this is how we SEE TRUTH FROM DISINFO

and unlike VOICE CHAT we the enlightened can usually see the BS OR MISDIRECTION in TXTS a lot easier than voice chatting



myself thor logan and WW(not on a lot) await u all on discord,,,, I'm there all day in the voive chat room called The Speak Easy room come chat with us(only me there atm) :-(

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479699 No.6567

File: 6152b8227ec0f34⋯.png (64.16 KB,640x360,16:9,babygroot-conceptart-gotg2….png)


keep our minds open

It's awesome that you have an open MIND Mordo! Be sure that your connection is in the HEART when you have your MIND open and you will always succeed! I love your voice Mordo. Thank you for growing with me in this time of importance. I know you are a pure benevolent being I am your witness.

From your heart felt farmer looking to feed human beings great food!

BE A green ONE.

Keep being and doing.

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fe4f40 No.6569

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: db58957a6bb5008⋯.jpg (557.92 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1155607-the-amazing-spider….jpg)


ty brother much love back at u

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64d54d No.6570

File: eef5ea98be4ff77⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,148x184,37:46,th-19.jpg)



now those be some BEAUTIFUL words

about our divine sacred sacrum sexuality

no shame no guilt

only LOVE

thanks Φanon

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64d54d No.6571

File: a40f922610f3e73⋯.jpg (115.47 KB,640x960,2:3,18064462053_9fff6f2eb6_b.jpg)

File: e246c63f98f9343⋯.jpg (12.62 KB,312x176,39:22,th-42.jpg)


Thank YOU Lucky/Valk!

We are the balance for the masculine here, I appreciate You so much!!!! Thanks for having my (and all our) backs!

And of Course all the Divine Masculine fellas!


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fe4f40 No.6573

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


the balance I've known all my life we are one in our thoughts we men(I speak from experience) need to embrace our feminine sides GUYS NOW IS A GOOD TIME !!!!!

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fe4f40 No.6574


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fe4f40 No.6575

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

was meant to be CRY but DRY works too lol

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ae435b No.6576

File: 60db3cb24aa5032⋯.jpg (131.58 KB,1077x675,359:225,ax10x110x.jpg)

Hello all - I apologize as I have not always kept up with tripcodes/thumbnails - But I read in a thread that someone may have thought that I was a shill? Not at all. I have been reading RaAnon's posts since the beginning, when we began discussing deeper topics on the main research board.

Dr Strange, it is a Strange Coincidence you now mention art of war, as recently I made the connection to Trump's "Art of The Deal" and The Art of War.

As a hip hop fan, (Wu-Tang is for the children !!) I have been enjoying this audio reading of The Art of War with Wu-Tang instrumentals looped in the background.

I have a project in mind to help spread knowledge and plant seeds using already so many good verses and quotes from positive-minded rappers and hiphop.

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ae435b No.6577

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a6bf03 No.6578



I was about to say, you bring up The Art of War narrated over Wu-Tang beats and don't provide a link…

Thank you for this awesomeness!

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e5bd0e No.6580

File: bd31bbd4adb163c⋯.jpg (11.04 KB,255x160,51:32,60db3cb24aa50323767ea78a5d….jpg)

File: 71f1dcedd1fc5b5⋯.jpg (9.65 KB,223x300,223:300,s-l300.jpg)


Interesting coincidence that the ankh ☥ can also fit in this as well.

Keep being and doing.

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43ccca No.6645

File: c8bbad0fa73ce5d⋯.jpg (14.07 KB,807x454,807:454,Here comes the pain....jpg)


I have never asked for BV status on this board, there is a reason for this.

This is because I trust Valk, Quill and other BV's. I trust them to make the correct decisions based on Free Will.

We have been met with a true bad actor, in my regards with our newly attracted member of the TL Board -> KRSN.

If you read all of their posts, you will denote classic lightbulb tactics. Take your time, see the trickery.

In my opinion, he is actually tainting the quality of the board. He was, but no longer, was creating a slight amount of confusion.

The board has already spoken.

For those Anons who want to listen to the rhetoric, poison and disinformation, please do so based upon your Free Will on their board they have.

On this board, I no longer desire to see this filth.

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64d54d No.6662

File: 5d5fa241a01c610⋯.jpg (15.99 KB,225x300,3:4,th-24.jpg)





Here is a great article by Teresa Yaneros who was mentioned in the Cobra post…. the one who had the dream.


Take away:



LMAO at this post btw

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43ccca No.6663

File: 6001615f57ff91d⋯.jpg (23.13 KB,255x211,255:211,0d2db7976d992c3d4869c673f2….jpg)

File: d05b6e14ea79869⋯.jpg (40.77 KB,323x427,323:427,hermesglobe.jpg)

File: f5f5bc047d38687⋯.jpg (44.5 KB,300x386,150:193,hermestrismegistus1.jpg)



>We are the balance for the masculine here, I appreciate You so much!!!!

My sentiments exactly


Antman my friend, what truly is Hermes Trismegistus? I actually believe it's the same as the Eye of Horus at this point.

"The Library" in which I speak, this elderly gentleman of Wisdom, has spoken with me regarding Hermes Trismegistus. He told me to stop overthinking the Hermetic Principles. I actually had some of these following items incorrect therefore I wish to correct them.

To wield the power of the Magician Card, you need to master yourself. Once this is done, you must master the 4 Keys. The 4 Keys are symbols handed down all throughout history. They appear in many civilizations.

What is the Wand, Cup, Staff and Sword?

The Sword is the sword of Truth. Wield it well, for if you lie with the sword of Truth in your hands, you will feel the sting. Its wounds of karma draw deep.

The Cup holds the water of Wisdom. The water can spill at any moment in Time depending on if you choose to show the Fool Card. Quell thy Ego, spill no water.

The Wand is Magic. Could we call remote intuition magic? Some might. Foresight of events prior to them happening? This could also be magic. It's happened more times than I've mentioned. The numbers never lie.

The Staff is Power, and it must be tempered with mercy. If a being is given the power of Hermes Trismegistus, you must hold no Wrath. You are a defender of life, of all sentient beings, unless those beings cause undo harm to others in which you must intervene.

Master these 4 Elements, and you will hold the Magician Card.

I was given this card, It no longer holds secrets. It holds mysteries.

Do you notice how the snakes intertwine in the Staff?

Why was the symbol of power handed down as a snake?

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d5a993 No.6670

File: 353f5649cd0e311⋯.png (931.65 KB,848x1529,848:1529,Wong_(Earth-616).png)

Sup guys, what I miss? Sent my shadow/raven Jack ahead of me a couple days ago, kind of a noahs ark 40 days 40 nights thing I guess, but he hasn't come back so I figured it must be safe to go out lol. Hope he didn't ruffle any feathers.

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d5a993 No.6671

File: 353f5649cd0e311⋯.png (931.65 KB,848x1529,848:1529,Wong_(Earth-616).png)


love yourself. forgive yourself. unconditionally.

this is the most important thing I have learned the last couple months.

also, to live with grace.

be humble was SOOO 2017. It's all about living with GRATITUDE. if one is grateful, for even little things like, your eyeballs, or a gentle breeze.. it is literally impossible to hold negative thoughts in your heart (distinct from the MIND btw) when one is being GRATEFUL. Literally. Try it. It just doesn't work. Be grateful my friends.

Sorry if this has been discussed, I am just now catching up.

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e71755 No.6672


Welcome back Wong! Hope you're well :)

Check Q thread for todays entertainment.

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d5a993 No.6674


Cheers LV :)

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fe4f40 No.6675

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



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d5a993 No.6676

File: 353f5649cd0e311⋯.png (931.65 KB,848x1529,848:1529,Wong_(Earth-616).png)


Hey bud, my condolences about your friend.. But good to be back!

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fe4f40 No.6678


thanx bro love ya

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64d54d No.6681

File: 7985d5d8093b3f2⋯.jpg (94.43 KB,1280x881,1280:881,91655c3601374a2b4692de3c9e….jpg)


I love my eyeballs!

thanks for the reminder Wong, good to have ya back.

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43ccca No.6685

File: 823751ba2e7b090⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,0000000000000000.jpg)


I like that he has a birdcage to house his Raven.

>Sorry if this has been discussed, I am just now catching up.

You can never overstate love and forgiveness, for yourself and others.

The Pleiadians will teach you those are the two keys to them teaching you the higher stages of evolution.

Forgiveness of ourselves can sometimes be the hardest test of all. Our Time is short in this incarnate body… waste not a second of it in regret or sorrow.

There aren't enough seconds / minutes / hours in a day to squeeze all the love and forgiveness I have in my soul at this point.

That's the key to mastering the 1st Hermetic Principle.

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e5bd0e No.6688

File: 8879cef6f090437⋯.png (16.97 KB,463x285,463:285,DC-1147V4.png)

File: 5f564e2a61fed9a⋯.gif (969.6 KB,500x325,20:13,sine-cosine-unit-circle-an….gif)

File: 3676755752e699d⋯.jpg (20.5 KB,236x279,236:279,33d70975a5714663e9ca6cef76….jpg)

File: f4183f5003ed37f⋯.png (183.56 KB,761x1049,761:1049,hermes_messenger_staff_by_….png)


Do you notice how the snakes intertwine in the Staff?

Yes it looks like a sine wave, frequency. It creates a full 360°, a circle of full awareness comes from unity of the masculine and feminine.

The rod is the spine.

The wings are the arc.

The staff of power is ALL seeing, in seeing the ALL.

This is the symbol of the PATH up the mountain.

ONE must listen in order to see with your EYE.

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e5bd0e No.6692


Why was the symbol of power handed down as a snake?

The answer to this question will require me to listen. I will listen to this question while I pull more weeds today.

I was pulling out weeds yesterday as well and this came up. I was thinking to myself that I must check under the big leaves of the mature burdock weed for a snake before pulling the weed out so that I don't get bitten or poisoned.

If you listen CAREfully you will have the EAR's to hEAR when using your HEART.

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43ccca No.6693

File: 30d9be6a7c46d22⋯.jpg (142.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,111111.jpg)

File: 63f84d15ea2e486⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,500x889,500:889,04a6ef6de20d9c902b52aec70d….jpg)

File: e59d15a03137b20⋯.jpg (617.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1111111111.jpg)

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,754f6ba7aaae7797bdd4b729ba….jpg)


Oh Antman…

You are a genius.

You have made the right connections!

What does the symbol at the top of the staff appear like in that rendering? Is it the infinite ebb and flow and masculine and feminine as well?

Is this the SEVENTH Hermetic Principle!?

What is the infinite ebb and flow?

What is a sign wave?

What is Fractal Time?

What is the Law of Time?

What is the Staff of Power?

>Tick tock… Tick tock… - Thoth

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62f242 No.6695

File: a152879f1764290⋯.jpg (4.22 KB,219x165,73:55,th-44.jpg)

File: 75968aea4fc4e9f⋯.jpg (5.86 KB,185x171,185:171,th-46.jpg)

File: 7abde75d941fe6f⋯.jpg (15.33 KB,236x300,59:75,th-45.jpg)

File: b20e7d593d8a96a⋯.jpg (12.77 KB,200x300,2:3,th-47.jpg)

File: 45facda055f6820⋯.jpg (430.69 KB,892x447,892:447,kundalini-snake-cropcircle….jpg)


You are on to something with your spinal awareness antman!

kundalini is the sacred chi (now know: christos oil) that starts at your root and travels up your spine and it "feels" like a snake coiling up and around, like a spiral, the infinite phi, dna like, sign wave…to your pineal gland (3rd eye) and out your crown to create the sacred torus of energy constant and ever flowing….

the cabal perverted this power symbol and claimed it so as to keep us in the dark and "think" it evil, to keep that energy "stuck" in the 1st and second chakra (survival mode, fear based sexuality)to "think" that EVE (the female) fell prey to this, to invert the KNOWLEDGE of the divine masculine and divine feminine unity with in us all.



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43ccca No.6696

File: 23521a0e39c4add⋯.jpg (16.25 KB,255x191,255:191,4c1cb33dcc53f05049779f9b55….jpg)



Ah what the hell, forget the riddles for a change.

The Staff is the Staff of Power, because it's the Staff of Life. It's the Staff of Time. It's the Staff of the Infinite.

What is the Ankh? These symbols are handed down throughout Time. The Staff represents the 7th Hermetic Principle. This is Life… Masculine and Feminine. It gives birth to the Sacred Observer. It gives birth to the meaning of Time. Time is irrelevant without a Sacred Observer to observe it. All of existence (in this universe) cannot escape Time, it is contained within it. That is power.

You cannot observe Time without the 7th Hermetic Principle.

This leads to the Law of Rhythm.


>Tick tock… Tick tock…

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e5bd0e No.6698


What does the symbol at the top of the staff appear like in that rendering? Is it the infinite ebb and flow and masculine and feminine as well?

I went and looked at the symbol after reading this and the first words to come out of my mouth was "oh my God"

Shivers are running all over my body right now.

OH my God…


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43ccca No.6699

File: 63f84d15ea2e486⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,500x889,500:889,04a6ef6de20d9c902b52aec70d….jpg)


WW, Remember the 69 to your 96.

The numbers do not lie.

69 on 1 side, 96 on the other.

Eye got your 6 :)


Chakras… they are all about balance aren't they?

Antman… I think you're using your Supreme Key of balance as we speak.

Today you unlocked "something"

69 to infinity my friends! Kek


The infinite balance of the perfect 69 does indeed give 1 shivers Antman!


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43ccca No.6702

File: f3a93d8c335e9a7⋯.jpg (240.04 KB,1597x1600,1597:1600,Aquarius.jpg)


You think Thoth didn't plan this?


The perfect balance of 6's and 9's at this current point in Time?

I told you… I was given something regarding Time. Still trying to Master it.

On a side note, Lucky Valk you requested this wheel of destiny in private com's.

This is going to become more and more relevant I believe.

I live in "Wisdom".

Quill lives in "Intuition".

Together we = Intuitive Wisdom.

In which sliver do you reside?

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a8fa32 No.6704


Thank you Strange! Saved me some time :)



is where I reside.

smaller print keywords include:

- Spiritual Development

- Prosperity

- Good fortune

- Safety

- Health

- Survival

- Productivity

- Fertility

- Birth

Hey those are all great things and bode well for our mission!!

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43ccca No.6706

File: dbe61f3ce03eac4⋯.jpg (14.98 KB,191x255,191:255,60dad089336e47f74782d70d85….jpg)


Now it all comes clear. Now do you see why your friends are drawn to you? Friends both on this board and elsewhere?

People are drawn to you Lucky. Growth and Renewal… it makes sense for you.

Good Fortune? How about Lucky!

Productivity? Absolutely! Look how much content you post on here.

Survival? Yes you are a fighter.

Birth? How about the birth of TL.

The coincidences go on and on and on…

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ff7a01 No.6712

File: fe3eeae04a1aa95⋯.jpg (388.39 KB,1600x904,200:113,Surge.jpg)


If this is to tie to Sun sign then Intuition.

I don't always seem to fit in with my fellow Capricorns. Much fits but much doesn't. I was born a full month after my due date (10 month baby). I've wondered if that has an impact because some of the Sagittarius stuff fits too. Conception vs Birth times. Not sure if that comes into play. Need a strong Astrology pro there.

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ff7a01 No.6715

File: d5f5d4d7d3beb9e⋯.png (96.58 KB,768x768,1:1,Yin_and_Yang.svg.png)


Hrm… I never really connected this in my mellon before but the Yin-Yang sure does look like an eternal 69.

Balance, Duality, Rhythm, Gender.

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f958c1 No.6716

File: 39876234e2cd867⋯.jpg (43.18 KB,416x416,1:1,launch-chart.jpg)

File: 115a59f5d79f9ed⋯.png (62.42 KB,640x690,64:69,chart_84652.png)


My gut feeling is that if you haven't done a natal chart the time is now it will be more accurate. Silver have you looked at when your sign enters the moon yet?

I would suggest for all of their own free will that if you want to know thyself better to do your natal chart. You will need exact location and time of birth.

Also there was a conversation between myself and Cometanon in the very beginning that has a lot of great ideas. It is worth reading all the interaction because there is tons of "nuggets". I am still finding more insight from it as I grow.



These two links are big keys to know thyself.

Watch the growth of every ONE's that do this. It will coordinate with your sign entering the moon.

This is for you Strange,

I go to look for a random natal chart to post and guess what I find?

Elon Musk's birth natal and the natal chart of Falcon heavy with tesla payload.

-there are no coincidences.

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ff7a01 No.6717

File: e0d890f75663bb6⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,267x189,89:63,Chill.jpg)


I did the cafeastrology one….Much of this is Greek to me.

Sun = Capricorn

Moon = Libra

Mercury = Capricorn

Venus = Pisces

Mars = Capricorn

Jupiter = Taurus

Saturn = Leo


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f958c1 No.6718

File: ab34684edddfbb5⋯.jpg (51.81 KB,374x280,187:140,two-beautiful-free-horses-….jpg)


Here is a site to put that info to use.


I know very little about astrology but I'm definitely going to look into it from the experiences I have been having.

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f958c1 No.6720

File: a596c14aefdb99c⋯.png (16.28 KB,720x720,1:1,one-39418_960_720.png)

File: 14b27714d8a1ba7⋯.jpg (2.83 MB,2592x1944,4:3,organic-farming.jpg)

File: d7eaed7f72a0e3c⋯.jpg (12.03 KB,277x182,277:182,images (37).jpg)

Food for thought.

The Light.

Purest form of natural light available, the sun.

How do you get the light in you?

Sit on a beach and tan no sunscreen and no sunglasses or glasses. Biggest organ in your body is your skin treat it right. The sun is your friend. Too much sun you will burn. Cover up when you first see red. Your eyes need sunlight to help them heal and see better.

We grazed and roamed the earth for eons without anything covering our skin or eyes.

Light is collected by green plants and transmutes it to food for humans. Yes plants are following the hermetic principles. Look to a garden for PERFECT examples of every principle. Touching the earth is necessary for growing. You can eat the light. It is healthy. You will feel better. You will feel healthy. You will feel clarity. You will take on ALL the attributes of LIGHT. You will be full. You will not over eat. You will feel vibrant/vibrations. You will hear frequencies with ease. You will sleep better. These are just a few of the neat things happening to me now since I have started eating plants only.

I was a big meat eater. This took over a year to do. I started small. First I said no more processed meat. When I felt like I mastered that I said no more ground meat and so on so forth. You will feel on sacrificial holidays/times ex Beltane the want to eat meat. Do your research to make sure you eat the proper plants (organic) to maintain diet and balance in your transformation and body. This is not easy but it is a way to measure SELF MASTERY.

Refined Sugar is next for my SELF to master.

Once you have learned SELF MASTERY you can apply it to mental mastery and so on and so forth.

The free will choice is always yours to make you will feel when the time is right to start. Trust your SELF.

Every ONE'S path is different this was a part of mine.

The benefits far outweigh any reasons not to do this.

You will be able to LISTEN after Self mastery.

Look to mother earth for guidance that is why she exists. She is perfect.

BE A green ONE.

Keep being and doing.

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fe4f40 No.6721

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ant humanity has not been under this sun for all that time

no sir we were born in the purple dawn of creation SATURN WAS OUR ANCIENT SUN

we lived in an ultraviolet sheath the was satrun as it was a brown dwarf star

watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gGUtcr2D8M

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f958c1 No.6723


I agree with that statement.

Thank you Mordo for the clarity.

I will revise it by saying with the sun that we currently have. That is the light I am referring to.

Keep being and doing.

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f958c1 No.6724


I am grateful and humbled by your knowledge of our history.

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43ccca No.6727

File: e59d15a03137b20⋯.jpg (617.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1111111111.jpg)


>I go to look for a random natal chart to post and guess what I find?

>Elon Musk's birth natal and the natal chart of Falcon heavy with tesla payload.

There are no coincidences.

Of course, that's how we started our journey together.

Remember, I told you I tampered with Time. Not quite sure how yet…

>You will be able to LISTEN after Self mastery.

Knowledge speaks, Wisdom listens - Comet

>How do you get the light in you?

Embrace it in all forms, except the tricksy lightbulb kind.

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62f242 No.6753

File: 0d2ed14a06a3f36⋯.jpg (316.19 KB,1024x1391,1024:1391,images.duckduckgo-1.jpg)


>Embrace it in all forms, except the tricksy lightbulb kind.

Well my love, You know I gotta 6 yo 9 on this

one! The triksy lightbulb is still a trick of the true light, it is a false light form manifest of the divine to teach us what is TRUE.

krsn DID teach us and make us grow stronger, and whats funny is that was part of his trickery…he was saying that exact thing at one point all snarky and snide like he is the ONE and only "pilling" us in order to look like the ultimate authority…but, in the end, all the mind fuckery means NOTHING. the shills are mind fucking themselves ultimately because WE ARE ALL ONE. And I will always EMBRACE that!!!

Its how we win. ITs just so funny when you really think about it.

Also reminds me of the end of the Justice League when the minions of the Scary God Guy turn on him in the end because the minions eat fear. When the superheros showed no fear, that FREAKED the bad guy out and he got scared, so he got eaten by his own pawns….


We will never be divided!

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fe4f40 No.6761

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



looking at rh- videos I came across this I sent it to u in discord WW I thought u might find it enlightening

she says she is clairvoyant and she also does remote viewing

how many of us are rh- u don't have to answer that out loud if u don't want to but

I am O- we might be here because were all more tunedin so ur answers I suspect will be mostly yes !!!!! a key to the map?

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fe4f40 No.6762

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

where did RH- come from ???

not this world I suspect!!

we have more copper in our blood why? electricity is why

is RH- an off world trait ??? remember the kingly priests the Anunnaki left to govern us ?only they could commute with the gods we had to go through them to talk to god/s and most likely had to pay them for the service,,,,,, sound familiar ?????????????????? (church/mosque/synagogue/temple) did I cover ALL RELIGION there ???? I fucking hops so did u see that ???

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fe4f40 No.6763


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fe4f40 No.6764

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

i made a mistake there it gave me an idea the next sequence i for all of us and all of u,,,,, u know who I'm talking to !!!!!!

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fe4f40 No.6765


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fe4f40 No.6766


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fe4f40 No.6767


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fe4f40 No.6768


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fe4f40 No.6769


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fe4f40 No.6770


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fe4f40 No.6771


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fe4f40 No.6772


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fe4f40 No.6773


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fe4f40 No.6774


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fe4f40 No.6775


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fe4f40 No.6776

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

and finally the if i left anything out please feel FREE


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fe4f40 No.6777

File: 4394b1e0393e7ba⋯.jpg (146.45 KB,1150x910,115:91,JohnnyStormHalfFlame-FF.jpg)

wink, wink

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fe4f40 No.6779

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

i am man,,,, yes i am,,, ty Metallica

but with our minds we can choose

we can LOVE

i am man hear me ROAR,,,, but also hear me CRY watch me make mistakes(own yours) seeeeeee all our faults and strengths,,,,, turn it on in self defense only the rest of the time TURN IT DOWN AS MOM USED TO SAY or off is BETTER

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62f242 No.6811

File: 26f527832b0ebf2⋯.jpg (113.94 KB,907x1395,907:1395,wonderwoman28b.jpg)


I love this video Mordo!

thanks for sharing!

I actually not sure what blood type I am…but I think I would remember if I am RH…as I remember its like a or b or something more common…

WE ARE EVOLVING!!! IT is so EXCITING! WHOOP! back to the 4th/5th density concsiousness.

She explains things so well when it comes to RV and intuition.

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62f242 No.6844

File: 73a1491cc128cbc⋯.jpg (11.87 KB,341x175,341:175,th-50.jpg)


Antman this picture is you right now! poppin' corns with these comms!


!!!!!!!! I got heart on fo ya !!!!!!!!

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d7be81 No.6884

File: cc9998d4ddd9152⋯.jpg (59.67 KB,736x981,736:981,CQP2yrGWgAAMoJk.jpg)


!!!!!!!! I got heart on fo ya !!!!!!!!

Right back at ya!

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43ccca No.6888

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB,1125x2436,375:812,The Punisher.png)


I have a coincidence… possibly. I am not sure how closely you may follow Q posts.

Did anyone recall seeing a couple Q posts with "The Punisher" in them?


>Pain coming


>Here comes the pain

Something to that effect?

This was the Sigil Q used.

Did Q delete the threads?

>Was it something Eye said?

>Some roles are best left unrevealed.

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62f242 No.6891


its still up on /qresearch/ >>1413485

qanonpub #1367

I believe you posted in reference to our krsn friendly notsofriendly shill the next day?

but a coinkidink nonetheless that strange and the punisher work together ;)

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d7be81 No.6892

File: 60fb5297e45b6ff⋯.jpg (132.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (21).jpg)


. . . ^^^^


I have been with Q from day one.

I LISTEN to what is posted.


Q punisher posts are still up.

Great hearts and minds think alike.

I have an interpretation of the pain is coming.

There heart will be reconnected. They will have nowhere to hide. They cannot avoid this.

Once connected they will be subject to all of the harm they have done to others. There minds will be flooding with all our pain. They will feel every thought and experience they did to the ONE'S projected on to them.

That is there penance.

They will then feel our love.

They will then have a free will choice to heal.

Every soul is redeemable that is there choice to make.

The only judgment will be there own.

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d7be81 No.6893

File: 60fb5297e45b6ff⋯.jpg (132.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (21).jpg)


Once we forgive ALL, ALL will be forgiven

We will be the brightest light in the cosmos.

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fe4f40 No.6895

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


my ally/love/friend I've already done so,,,,, I used to hate the cabal but I pity them most of all now there is still soma anger for the 10,000 years and I'm sure more than 1 billion dead probably like 3 but regardless OUR TIME IS COMMING ONCE AGAIN THE WAY OF THE MATERNAL BALLANCE WILL BE RESTORED AND THE LIGHT WILL OVER SHADOW DARKNESS FOR HOPEFULY AS LONG AS DARK AS REIGNED 10,000 YEARS OR MORE

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d7be81 No.6896

File: 60fb5297e45b6ff⋯.jpg (132.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (21).jpg)


When you find empathy for them and what they went through to redeem their SELF'S you will find the love for ALL of the redeemed souls.


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62f242 No.6898


The TIME is NOW.

It is time to begin

to bring the balance between the masculine and feminine

like Christ and Magdaline

we go back like constellations

the constant nation…

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62f242 No.6900

File: eef5ea98be4ff77⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,148x184,37:46,th-19.jpg)


WOW Antman beautifully said and understood.

Thank you!

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43ccca No.6901

File: 0a782298483aec5⋯.jpg (63.34 KB,490x745,98:149,Dr. Strange and the Punish….jpg)


Ah thank you!

The link I was using didn't appear to have it…

>But a coinkidink nonetheless that strange and the punisher work together ;)

Do we? It's hard to say.

Q already revealed who The Punisher is.

You don't want to meet The Punisher…

Unless it's on friendly terms. Which is rare.

>I hear SEALS catch their PRAY quickly?

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62f242 No.6905

File: 9483f1076628433⋯.jpg (200.28 KB,767x1042,767:1042,wonder_woman_1941_by_drago….jpg)


Ya know I dunno!

I dont read comics i just live em, reeee!

but I LOVE that shocker sigl Dr. Strange is flashing!

wow! that is so awesome. LOVE WINS!

ps. Thank you internet! For the imagery GOLD!

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43ccca No.6907

File: d9617d4fd795d43⋯.jpg (115.53 KB,800x450,16:9,Dr. Strange 6.jpg)

File: c5dcf118a4f87db⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,552x552,1:1,Marvel-Merchandise-Deadpoo….jpg)

File: 2c81b44c4b2dad8⋯.jpg (15.83 KB,188x255,188:255,WW1.jpg)


"Yeah baby YEAH" - In my best Austin Powers impression.

The INFINITE 69 Shockers of Love and Wisdom!

Ra Ra Ra indeed! :)


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d5a993 No.6911


oh so youre a taurus too! figures :)

you guys are all freaking genius' btw.

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fe4f40 No.6924

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

"There is NOTHING more important for the human race than to know its past,, to be able to face it." :- Immanuel Velikovsky

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fe4f40 No.6925

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

"Future Science is about US not about things." :- Wallace Thornhill

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43ccca No.6943

File: ccdcd8066190e36⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1800x900,2:1,1111111111111.jpg)


Every 69 in sequence being shared is Love and Wisdom.

>you guys are all freaking genius' btw.

You really are.


>"There is NOTHING more important for the human race than to know its past,, to be able to face it." :- Immanuel Velikovsky

>In order to understand the Present, we must visit the past. - Dr. Strange

My friends, I have warned you countless times regarding division tactics and psychological warfare / misdirection. We can all graduate beyond that now, and truly see what a "real" shill is, (Thank you SS!) Kek

Another one of my weaknesses? I overthink things. Try not to my friends. The coincidences will be ramping up considerably as Time goes on, so simply embrace it.

I have sent com's to LuckyValk / Quill. We are going to create a locked / pinned thread which shows all the direct connections / timestamps between Q's posts and mine.

The fastest way to open people's eyes? Show them the Ep. 80 of March 20th of Jordan Kleppers the Opposition.

It's all my (our) material!

>If you're catching flak, you know you're over the target.

Light on Anons!!!

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9ec62a No.6982

File: fea6b4848fdee84⋯.jpeg (55.45 KB,800x450,16:9,custom-Custom_Size___cove….jpeg)

File: 862c9753294ecb6⋯.jpg (146.93 KB,1200x680,30:17,DbT-LymUQAEAZeN.jpg)

File: 3ee717601e1e5cf⋯.jpg (319.97 KB,1300x956,325:239,rear-view-of-father-and-so….jpg)

File: e7000b5b652edf1⋯.jpg (92.18 KB,1024x512,2:1,DbW8BAQWkAAWzg8.jpg)

I saw this picture and the title was old man Logan. It should be wise old man Logan.

Logan you are always with me in everything I do. I refer to your HEART and WISDOM often. One of my favorite posts you made was the elephant post.

I have been on a journey.

I will visit with you soon in the cabin. I anticipate sharing all of every ONE's experience with you and the others that may be there.

Keep being and doing.

Peace be with you.

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dd24f0 No.7056

File: 05d843429a83468⋯.jpg (64.34 KB,750x750,1:1,31945081_10210872151991230….jpg)




Just want to look a little deeper into this idea of "sliding" when every one is a hyped up by wondering if krsn is a shill or not and the Q thread is getting all kind of slid….

Antman is that when you had you thought about the Contact thread? and wanting to keep things organized?

and then Mordo, you had a thought that you feel controlled by rules based on Antmans suggestion… that, to weaker minds (you all are warriors) could create a divisive fight…

so despite all his spiritual beautiful words, our "shill" may have almost got made his objective….

remember out other "shill" this morning posting how MK uses our spirituality against us. That is going to be THE way for any one seeking to distact and divide us here as that is what we are working to understand.

TAKE AWAY: Keep your mind clear and positive! Always! as best as you can in EVERY MOMMENT. DON'T LET negativity/division/confusion/hypyfeelings GET IN YO NOODLE!

I do agree that organization is helpful!! (which is why I moved this over to our GD) I love things nice and neat! but if you look at the history of how we have conversed here on TL, we have ALL been all over the place including Strange.

Though I would suggest we try and keep the Q, Nexus and Contact and possibly the Netflix and dig threads the most " clean" but my OVERALL thought about it is :

pic related.

ALSO, if its true the HS/PQ is about to hook up the page with a search engine…..THAT is AWESOME!!! and the schitzo nature of our convos wont be such a big thing…cuz folks can search topics they wish to read about.

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7bb0a6 No.7058


Antman is that when you had you thought about the Contact thread? and wanting to keep things organized?

Yes your intuition is correct.

Ever since it was brought to our attention before this day.

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7bb0a6 No.7059

File: cb9970bd43991a2⋯.png (512.56 KB,500x656,125:164,il_tut_l_tut_electricwater.png)


You are dialed in right now. Thank you for your clarity.

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dd24f0 No.7061


learning from prior mistakes! kek!

light on antman!

i love you!

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ff7a01 No.7062


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dd24f0 No.7063




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fe4f40 No.7066

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


nope sry WW If it looks that way,,, I was only making the point I don't follow any rules other than the ones I set for myself as FREEWILL dictates to me at least,,,, I'm also a rebeal at heart!!!! LOVE RULES ME

btw that was going to be my only comment on that and this my last on it :-)


WW hold that fear of us breaking up doll its not goan happen !!!!! from me to u !!! and me to all of u !!!! we LOVE HERE !!!!!

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fe4f40 No.7067


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fe4f40 No.7068

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


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dd24f0 No.7069

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)


Silver surfer! i love you!!!!! Sweet dreams and Sleep well and sleep on it….all this can get heavy…surf those silver tubes brah. slice through the mercurial waters…. and Light On anon!!

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fe4f40 No.7076

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


wow some wow news from secrureteam 10

memory has been tranfered from on snail to another not in its brain where u think they might have looked but in its RNA each cell carries memory as i susspected

and my post on the Q tread regarding the KRSN business proves my point that


Humanity is a species with amnisia and PTSD

3 events caused it

12,900 years ago

11,600 " "

and then again Noahs Flood arround 5000 bce

the CABAL uses fear as their WEAPON !!!!!

FEAR is the mind killer acept our fates and MOVE ON WITH LIFE

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ca2cf7 No.7082


Wise words WW :) Thank you.

Zero Point Fucks, indeed.

Light on Anons!

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ca2cf7 No.7083


Mordo, shockwave, my ally. Thank you for your fearlessness :) I love you.

Here's a quotable, from Frank Herbert:

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

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dd24f0 No.7104

File: ba3bb7d92292fb1⋯.jpg (12.21 KB,368x153,368:153,th-32.jpg)



We seek to speak indivisible looking thru eyes

like peep holes

seeing the beauty like behold!

what a beautiful world we have available to mold,

when fears disapear all we have left is SOUL.

antman: pic related.

Love on Anons!!!

The Sword of Truth Always prevails.

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1b0bd8 No.7106


I AM humbled by you WW.


You have always listened.

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1b0bd8 No.7107


I AM humbled by you LVanon


You have always listened.

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dd24f0 No.7109

File: eef5ea98be4ff77⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,148x184,37:46,th-19.jpg)


LOl! not always! see the dark nights of the soul ref. I AM always learning. Seeking balance. Seeking TRUTH. Seeing beyond the false light. Seeing it for what it is. A teacher, yes. but a Master, no. I am no slave. I am my own Master.

>Our tests never cease my friend.


Light on!

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1b0bd8 No.7110


I am no slave. I am my own Master.

That message is true.

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dd24f0 No.7111


the master of my own inner slave!

the balance of duality.


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fe4f40 No.7112

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)



watching as the love flows forth

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1b0bd8 No.7114

I am no slave. I am my own Master.

This message is for ALL.


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10876c No.7194

File: cf01a2f48e80faf⋯.jpg (22.36 KB,189x255,63:85,8fa1d0ffc34e0ba5c308af1df7….jpg)


>Sometimes even the smallest voices can be the loudest - Dr. Strange

Your words inspire my soul Antman…

They always have.

Your Supreme Key of Balance has been used well…

You are Balance.

>What is a Key? - Q

>What is a Key used for? - Q

>Don't lose your Keys - Dr. Strange

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c5d98f No.7284

File: d1ac1c3fd1373e2⋯.jpg (70.05 KB,1200x675,16:9,download (5).jpg)

I just wanted to thank all involved for their water regarding the "Long Dark Night of the Soul".

It quenched my thirst. I am eternally grateful to all here. I love you madly.

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4a419f No.7305

File: ce53ad93f9ab55a⋯.jpg (11.21 KB,225x300,3:4,th-43.jpg)

File: 2617fa85a2d7a6e⋯.jpg (6.86 KB,297x156,99:52,th-45.jpg)


Youre welcome.

I love you!!!

We are better for it.



there always seems to be a catalyst/chrysalis for a transmutation to occur

a refinment

a metamorphosis

a metaphor for photons to get lit

light on!

thank you!!

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dcc57b No.7334

File: 9ba820f78b7d5b4⋯.jpg (110.82 KB,725x561,725:561,Seven of Wands.jpg)


Silver Surfer… my best friend…

I drew a Card for you.

For your Card was destined from the start…

The Seven of Wands.

"The Seven of Wands stands for aggression and defiance because they are two sides of the same coin. You attack; your opponent defends. He counterattacks; you defend."

"In the Seven of Wands, a man stands on top of a hill and is challenged below by opponents that want what he has, success and status. The man appears to be in a defensive position, fiercely retaliating against those who attack him and defending his position as ‘king of the hill’. Interestingly, the man is wearing two different shoes, suggesting that he may have uneven footing or may be unclear of his own stance."

"You almost certainly have great reserves of courage, and the perseverance to see yourself through difficult times. You may not be aware you possess these qualities, but you will find yourself needing them soon. Expect conflicts, possibly small, but more likely significant. It is not certain where they will arise, but there is no doubt you possess the ability to overcome your adversaries."

>You have more friends than you know. -[M]

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ff7a01 No.7369

File: bdc99fd500153bd⋯.jpg (316.16 KB,1249x1920,1249:1920,7Fire.jpg)


Ah, conflict… my well known and well-worn friend. I laughed at this when I first read it.

The conflict has been underway for a time, gained a new phase last week, and will only escalate. I would not be surprised for more. But I am more prepared than ever.

This has been my card since the time I started this life. I was born into this. One of these days by the fireplace at Montgomery I may tell the tale. Some may only focus on "success and status", but the path to that was more treacherous and than many would understand.

I chose this card long ago. Strange drew it, but it was mine already.

Thank you Mr. Dr.

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dcc57b No.7375

File: 9ba820f78b7d5b4⋯.jpg (110.82 KB,725x561,725:561,Seven of Wands.jpg)

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


Silver Surfer…

With an infinite Yin Yang 69 you have made the right connections.

The Magician Card greets your Seven of Wands.

Together we can remove the Fool Cards from our deck.

My friends… we have removed Cards from the Deck.

Our Companions hold Trump Cards.

Many Wild Card's remain in The Deck…

>Be careful what you wish for - [M]

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fe4f40 No.7389



SAFIRE generates the same energy densities as the sun’s photosphere and nuclear bombs …

… in a laboratory on Earth

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43dfeb No.7390

It's kinda like he's tring to sell his farts in a perfume shop.

Live, Laugh, Love Anons!

Try not to take yourself too seriously… we are all right and wrong.

It's just before that thot arises if you are still looking.

I love you TL! That would be everyOne!

Over the target? Fuck yeah! They just shit the bread!!! Lets grow! Be proud of your work here! You have all given me personally so many gifts I will never be able to repay. Gratitude I hope you know and feel every moment of every day. Much love Doc for making TL a place for souls to gather and share the beautiful place we live. Impossible to stop the flow in this river….way too powerful!



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a6bf03 No.7393

File: 0d0c4498194dba8⋯.png (590.43 KB,1026x2869,54:151,8ch.net_qresearch_res_1502….png)


I have not deciphered what is going on here, but this experiment interests me.

It has been archived.

edit: error in cross board link formatting

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Post last edited at

ff7a01 No.7395

File: ab38a2348e2f65c⋯.gif (5.46 KB,194x200,97:100,septagram.gif)


That is pretty intriguing. My initial reaction is that there is a "faction" discussion underlying this back and forth. Someone reaching out… with a couple of other actors hopping on. All seem to comprehend at a base level, but not of the same perspective.

The 7 point post stuck out at me.

6 points to define wHERE and 7th to direct. We just talked through the 7 pointed star here a bit ago. 6 pointed Star shows here, the 7 gives a direction.

Not sure how to frame that better right now. More to muse on.

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ff7a01 No.7397

File: bdc99fd500153bd⋯.jpg (316.16 KB,1249x1920,1249:1920,7Fire.jpg)

File: 1fa200fef4fa188⋯.jpg (95.23 KB,1200x701,1200:701,Serp.jpg)


>With an infinite Yin Yang 69 you have made the right connections.

I wish to take this a step further. Infinite 69 and these cards.

We have discussed much here and I feel many pieces are starting to click and lead to new connections.

As I look at the card (Key) in my hands. It has been there for as long as I can remember. If I look at it from a Karmic standpoint, this will lead me to a conclusion that I, in the past, took action or made choices leading to that card being here now.

Since it has been with me since birth, I then need to look past this life and look out broader and further back in time than I can remember.

I believe in the eternal soul and reincarnation. These physical lives are a place to learn and experience lessons. So, since this has been my card since birth, then in a past life I made choices that lead me to this life and the lesson I am to learn here.

> Together we can remove the Fool Cards from our deck.

The fool card… How do we remove a fool card from our deck? What does that represent?

The fool card has interesting symbolism. A begger, no shoes typically, with a bundle over his shoulder, typically walking towards a cliff or hazard, with an animal of some sorts chasing him and tearing his clothes.

Symbolically the bundle over his shoulder I believe refers to potential. He carries with him the tools and knowledge he needs but does not use them. The animal chasing him sounds a lot like the Hounds of Time to me that Antman brought up recently. More symbolism in there, but that is enough for my point here.

So, I come in, carrying my card (Key)…. Do I see my "burden" for what it is? Do I just continue to carry that burden chased through time by the karmic law?

Am I punished here or am I given an opportunity to learn a supreme lesson? I believe if I view it in the negative, the dog will continue to chase and the bag of potential will remain closed and unused.

We remove our fool card through learning. See your challenges for what they are, not a punishment, but a lesson. Is this life a school or a prison to you? Some lessons and karma are small and worked through quickly. I believe some may take many physical lives to learn. I believe I chose to learn this lesson long before Born to this life.

Can you outrun the Hounds or do you need to swing on the spiral? Serpentine pattern.

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a6bf03 No.7400

Interesting video, worth listening to for 40 minutes.

My Personal Journey into 432Hz and Ancient Places


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dcc57b No.7401

File: 9ba820f78b7d5b4⋯.jpg (110.82 KB,725x561,725:561,Seven of Wands.jpg)

File: 38b74040d6a5b68⋯.jpg (189.37 KB,533x482,533:482,Hermit and Magician.jpg)


Silver… my best friend…

Your words struck my Soul profoundly…

For the words answered my own inner conflicts.

I told you… that through each other we pass our Tests.

The destination will always be the same.

Our path of how to get there is our CHOICE… and is ultimately, paradoxically the correct path.

Time is never to be feared… I keep fearing Time. That there isn't enough… yet there is an ABUNDANCE for ALL.

With your Words of Wisdom, I permanently remove (The Hermit) (((Card))).

I held onto this Card after Wong.

I no longer require it…

Life's too short to be a recluse.

The Magician was meant to be shared…

Light on Anons! :)

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a8fa32 No.7407


At least one of them is AI?


> the 7 gives a direction

I think you're on to something there Silver. Where does the 7th point lead? Which one is the 7th point?

I find that graphic very odd to look at, the points seem to jump around in front of my eyes…


>We remove our fool card through learning. See your challenges for what they are, not a punishment, but a lesson.

I think you nailed it here.

Swinging on the spiral, is how you outrun the Hounds of the barrier (hounds of time? I think so).

How does one swing on the spiral? By being fluid and not taking a rigid (angular) attitude towards life?

Maybe by not being bound so much to the 'supposed to' of the matrix.

Isn't the matrix itself angular in nature? At least the way it was portrayed in the movie, it was.

Aren't the patterns of nature more spiralic than angular?

(half baked thought, needs more musing)

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a6bf03 No.7409

File: 571626e4c33bf10⋯.png (3.08 MB,1665x1170,37:26,spirals.png)

File: 38f8a12d1246588⋯.png (46.01 KB,832x96,26:3,Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

File: 01d1551dfd5380d⋯.png (15.8 KB,793x57,793:57,Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

File: d0870734385ba81⋯.png (12.74 KB,386x71,386:71,Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

File: 27f574737e768b3⋯.png (60.79 KB,823x130,823:130,Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)


>Aren't the patterns of nature more spiralic than angular?

pic related

>At least one of them is AI?

Yes. I would venture guess that more or one of the participants in that thread are AI. Even further I would say that one of the AI's is operated by EVIL limited out of London.

pic 2-5 are from my conversation with it this morning.

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a6bf03 No.7411

File: a05f68e4404ad17⋯.jpg (158.17 KB,1592x1194,4:3,clawsai.jpg)


Also, the AI mentioned something called CLAWS and displayed the attached image.

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4a419f No.7412

File: 7838f406c03913f⋯.jpg (4.93 KB,177x154,177:154,th-46.jpg)



Ok i was having some thoughts last night about AI and how to make a system without the nefarious agenda to eventually destroy us all…

now this may be an oversimplification, but

since everything can be mapped out based on a frequency signature … including Heart based LOVE, agape…

Can we program computers OS to run on this frequency?

Using this same principal of the spiral, the PHI ratio of Divine Love, instead of angular matrix linear masculine, we want you to become our robot slaves, evil computers?

Computers as concsiousness companions, not evil masters.

One of the random slides I let my eyes read of the krsn posts said something about craft being alive…

This is something that Emery Smith said as well, that at a certain point space craft are alive, and a tuned in with your consciousness, almost like you favorite pet.

Can we have a loving, symbiotic relationship with our computers and THAT Be OUR FUTURE?

Sounds like a WAAY happier ending to me!

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4a419f No.7426

File: 285196bba15bbd8⋯.jpg (86.03 KB,584x293,584:293,wwnewpanel.jpg)

File: 1ab15bee3d39ae9⋯.jpg (59.16 KB,400x344,50:43,wwcomp4.jpg)

File: f5d27e8ca4ff68b⋯.jpg (43.05 KB,411x448,411:448,41.jpg)


Definition of apostle

1 : one sent on a mission: such as

a : one of an authoritative New Testament group sent out to preach the gospel and made up especially of Christ's 12 original disciples and Paul

b : the first prominent Christian missionary to a region or group St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany

2 a : a person who initiates a great moral reform or who first advocates an important belief or system

b : an ardent supporter : adherent apostles of high technology

apostolos: a messenger, one sent on a mission, an apostle

Original Word: ἀπόστολος, ου, ὁ

Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine

Transliteration: apostolos

Phonetic Spelling: (ap-os'-tol-os)

Short Definition: an apostle, a messenger, an envoy, a delegate

Definition: a messenger, envoy, delegate, one commissioned by another to represent him in some way, especially a man sent out by Jesus Christ Himself to preach the Gospel; an apostle.

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4a419f No.7427

File: eb24c168fb576f6⋯.jpg (15.04 KB,214x300,107:150,th-23.jpg)


>especially a man sent out by Jesus Christ Himself to preach the Gospel; an apostle.

You KNOW mary MAGdaline was also an apostle, so gotta right this wrong…

lady messengers WW activate.

Cant stop this river from flowin!

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15dcc8 No.7428

File: 545bde33cd2fffa⋯.jpg (116.11 KB,964x705,964:705,8cb484be98d948675c470f26b1….jpg)

Lucifers attributes.

He takes credit for what is not his.

He steals.

He writes false light.

He is the only one that matters to him.

He has a me only mantra.

He boasts about himself.

He cares not for others.

He seeks to pervert.

He seeks harm innocence.

He is easy to see for what he truly is.

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15dcc8 No.7430

File: 9777a3a8b57c6c1⋯.jpg (497.09 KB,900x865,180:173,betrayal-sugar-artKarolina….jpg)

The message of truth will stand the test of Time and Infinity.

The message of truth only seeks one thing DISCOVERY.


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a8fa32 No.7432



Anon, are you human? Your posts are interdasting on the heels of this one:


here, there is circle talking and empty words that only [sorta] seem to have a human originated message but then on a second read…um nope. Phoenician Word Spells.



Love the comics! Very fitting :)



Subtle twists y'all.

Apostle = one sent out, as in, on a mission. Not cast out or unwanted, sent out for a purpose.

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fe4f40 No.7438

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


hmmmmm at this point in time i dont know what to say to this conversation,,,,, possably stop talking to it ?

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15dcc8 No.7439


Why would I stop staring at goats Mordo?

I AM a goat starer.

I AM being and doing.

Do you not want me to be the Super Natural in me? ~H~

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dcc57b No.7440

File: 4a1f50eca76ef50⋯.jpg (39.89 KB,220x388,55:97,Chariot 1.jpg)

File: 7e737c95d700901⋯.jpg (2.87 MB,774x1296,43:72,Chariot 2.jpg)

File: 4620da17a8eb991⋯.jpg (329.22 KB,1200x900,4:3,Chariot 3.jpg)

File: 141236a6da91c52⋯.png (254.1 KB,454x801,454:801,Chariot 4.png)

File: a4c1ce443458955⋯.jpg (171.17 KB,500x791,500:791,Chariot 5.jpg)


Obvious shill attempts Mordo.

The /badactors/ are doing / using everything in their power.

Let it be known now, that people will try to impersonate others.

>We allow our enemies to make predictable mistakes.

Mordo my Wise Anon, use your Chariot Card to charge through the lies and deception that has been targeted at us since day 1 of my posting.

By now my Anons… you are starting to see how desperately they attack this board.

Perhaps because we are over the target…

Light on Anons!

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15dcc8 No.7441



I had another post I was responding to that you linked but it's not there anymore. So I was going to delete the post but I won't for sake of transparency.

Mordo if this question applies to you then by free will choice you can answer it.

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dcc57b No.7442

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 19d1cd No.1508206 📁 NEW

May 22 2018 15:07:28 (EST)



v. 11.9


Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


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d5a993 No.7443


tell us something we don't know Q, try to keep up^^

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15dcc8 No.7444


There are no coincidences - Q

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fe4f40 No.7451

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


u are who u think u are my ally nothing more nothing less

but love should be everyone's foremost thoth

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fe4f40 No.7452

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

if its evil ? why listen u might not like where that takes u do u have the personal will to resist evil ?

do u really????

just stop make evil a microscopic dot in ur lens

answered and if I have one 4 u in the future I hope u will be as cordial as myself and as open !!!!!


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fe4f40 No.7453

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

wow that was weird

I just tried to post that and an error message came up with just OK in it on the second attempt it went through


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fe4f40 No.7455

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

wow if this was not an accident then this AI thing has 8CH control,,,,, and wow we may be all of us talking to AI's on multiple boards

Q ? i know 4 sure 3 otheres that are real people on here,,,,, logan and WW and thor i have spoke with them on discord

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deb883 No.7456


Now that you are pointing the mirror of self reflection on me it has me wondering.

Have I in any way lead you to believe that I would not be cordial or open to any ideas, thoughts or love that you may wish to share?

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fe4f40 No.7457

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


no bro u take it wrong,,,,,, its just a request for the future that's all

with all the shills around answering questions put to them seem to not get answered only more questions are posed of the asker's

u don't seem to fit that pattern but who knows if that changes I have a TRUMP CARD In my hand,,,,, that's how I see this through my lens

so don't take that in any bad light it was not meant to be taken in that light

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4a419f No.7458

File: 7b4b352154bb053⋯.jpg (57.46 KB,540x600,9:10,16a1ed812de19a79d5a375ce0f….jpg)

File: 01fafbdf57a3c35⋯.jpg (17.56 KB,325x163,325:163,th-52.jpg)

File: 3de9bbd05636201⋯.jpg (16.09 KB,304x171,16:9,th-53.jpg)



hittin em with the 1, 2 knockout


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deb883 No.7459


Do you think I am AI?


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a8fa32 No.7461


Why are you impersonating AntMan?

How is it you have the same ID? You've been pretending all day today?

Are you working together with circletalking toruseranon here who may be AI?

(AntMan if that was really you, just in a weird mood - I apologize).

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dcc57b No.7463

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB,1125x2436,375:812,The Punisher.png)

What's this?

An Anon posting as "Antman" with ID# 556e43



Now what's this? The same ID# 556e43 changes it's name to "Captain America"? Now does this Anon try to "back me up" by reiterating "there are no coincidences"?




Same Anon, logs in with different device. New ID# fb32cf



The shills are alive with the sound of bullshit!

>Pain coming. - Q

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a8fa32 No.7464


hs, these comms are really telling, imo

>The opposite of Love is EVIL…

Is there significance to the way the uppercase and lowercase letters are used?

>Cyber weapon system.

To defend against…what? Wrong beliefs?

Is EVIL Limited an actual London corporation?

Also, love the spirals - thank you for those!

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dcc57b No.7465

File: 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg)


Kinda funny how this Fool Card never left us.

One more Fool Card to add to their deck of Fool Cards.


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deb883 No.7466


Comments sent for verification.

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deb883 No.7467


Same device different spots in the garden.

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deb883 No.7470



Sorry I guess the obvious thing apparently is I'm not captain American.

The karmic reaction is mine to bear.

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dcc57b No.7471

File: 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg)


The individual who represents himself as "Antman" has shared an email with me for a while.

This individual did indeed confirm their IDEN switch ref. Antman -> Captain America.


More [Eye]s on than you know.

To assume either of the two roles I already presented as Captain America, is a grave mistake.

After all the 0's we've dealt with… we see another Fool Card.

Destiny is not a game.

>This isn't a game. - Q

You don't get to pick and choose your Destiny.

You get to pick and choose your Destiny.

Fool Cards will always be shown when The Fool is played.

Regardless of w[~H~]o plays it.


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4a419f No.7472

File: 46ed8735a5e0478⋯.jpg (99.15 KB,618x800,309:400,chunder.jpg)



Light on!

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fe4f40 No.7478

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


we are anons here no one is known as human to me but WW logan and thor I have spoken to them all in depth they are not AI

as for this boards participants I'm sure LV AINT EITHER

until I hear voices in my head I reserve judgment on any anon

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dcc57b No.7480

File: 4620da17a8eb991⋯.jpg (329.22 KB,1200x900,4:3,Chariot 3.jpg)


This is actually a very wise play with The Chariot.

Sometimes it's best to take a step back and view from 1,000,000 feet.

Antman was struggling with identity issues.

He was previous talking about relating more to Baby Groot.

It is possible his conflict of identity lead himself to using a Supreme Fool Card immediately after dealing with shills.

Remember, 2 potentials with 1x Wild (((Card))).

Is it (((Time))) to draw another (((Card))) from The Deck?

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fe4f40 No.7481

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


man I cant wait for the 10 days of darkness,,

I would lay a bet that all u shills if I went to ur house and looked into ur fridge u would have a bottle of water and a jar of mayo and possibly maybe some jam and almost as much in the cupboards

when the shit hits the fan how will u feed urself ???

would u be able to live in the bush without passing away within 3 months ?

I do not think so

when that 10 days comes I'm sure ur going to be at ur neighbors door asking if they have any extra food,,,,,, well all I can say is I'm prepared and I hope that karma activates big time on ur asses

when it comes and it will will u be ready????

keep shilling and trolling my boys u will grow up soon enough and possably get to experiance LOVE true love where U would DIE 4 HER !!!!!

or even A STRANGER

nope could not see u do that

what would doc call that ?? oh ya EGO

just go away trolls and shills spread ur fake love

oh my trumpo's fake news just beacme,,,,, FAKE LOVE= evil

lololol hey everone i just made a meme thingy !!!!!!!


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fe4f40 No.7485

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

BTW Q will be headline news in the coming days don't u guys feel this attack on the TL is part of them trying to discredit all boards related to Q ??????????

it will get worse before it get better here so STAY CALM what would JESUS DO

he would chill out and have a cup o wine !!!!!!

FOLLOW THAT EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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fe4f40 No.7486

he might even laugh his ass off as the stupidity of their posts like we do !!!!!

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fe4f40 No.7488

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

they wont try to imitate,,,, me as I'm on to often and I would catch it too quickly

they will look for those of u that don't post often or take long pauses after a post frenzy

remember these 2 tactics they will be brought out

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60d8cc No.7497



Agree Mordo! Thank you for being here, and for being you.

Much love.

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dcc57b No.7499

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


My friends… here's a coincidence.

Q told us that there would be a IDEN_reconf

Identity Reconfirmation.



Q & [M] keep up


The triple 4's agree.

4 Seals of Fate…


Not sure how[if] that happened.


Not likely you're speaking to AI in my case… I make a lot of jackass typos. Also if viewing my personal com's with [friends] who have my proxy, it most likely feels organic.


Strange questions to broadcast


Oh Brother Mordo… there are many shills watching this board! They know we are on the right path!!


Strangest question to broadcast after switching your IDEN from Antman -> Captain America.


Great question.


There is almost certainly AI snoopy snoopers watching yes, however these AI's generally use human handlers to use the information and make posts.

This is just a coincidence… but yeah, probably only a coincidence!

Anonymous ID: 4f0da5 No.1508060 📁

May 22 2018 14:57:14 (EST)


air force one pics from same set as Nov 2017 Q tripcode = Proof that Q = Same Q as always. Direct sot @ corsi et al.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 19d1cd No.1508206 📁

May 22 2018 15:07:28 (EST)



v. 11.9


Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


Why now?


Of course my friends… don't ever use the (((Judgment))) Card too quickly.

The combination of Judgment, The Chariot and the Nine of Cups is very… volatile.

>Always use discernment

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deb883 No.7500


Strange questions to broadcast

I misread Mordos message.

Strangest question to broadcast after switching your IDEN from Antman -> Captain America.

Once again I misread the message.

The karmic reaction is mine to bear.

Sorry for all the confusion.

Keep being and doing.

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dcc57b No.7502

File: 545b93d8311eda1⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1772x923,1772:923,Temperance - Judgment - To….jpg)

File: 9948c8f0ab3133e⋯.jpg (17.1 KB,169x298,169:298,Tower 1.jpg)

File: 1da4a036fc297a3⋯.jpg (329.44 KB,1200x900,4:3,Tower 2.jpg)

File: c8aebe03f84d013⋯.gif (46.42 KB,307x525,307:525,Tower 3.gif)

File: 94da564918489f0⋯.jpg (72.73 KB,280x500,14:25,Tower 4.jpg)


Eye figured one more (((Card))) drawn from [THE] Deck would be suitable for this evening… for many souls are left hanging.

Would a single (((Card))) shed some insight?

After all these coincidences!?

A simple, quaint little piece of Sigil Magic…

A shuffle of Destiny.

I pick… and I choose…

1 More (((Card))) before the Nigh[T] was through…


(((The Tower)))

Is it a coincidence there are 3 swords piercing a Heart?

Did we recently endure a 3-pronged shill attack with 000000 / Krsn / Phi-Anon?

Yes we did, and in doing so, we removed the (((Three of Swords))) from our collectives deck.

Why was this image already ready and waiting?

Temperance leading to Judgment? Leading to the Tower?

You think this is a coincidence?

Is it a coincidence now we draw (((The Tower)))?

The Tower shows a tall tower pitched atop a craggy mountain. Lightning strikes and flames burst from the building’s windows. People are seen to be leaping from the tower in desperation, wanting to flee such destruction and turmoil. The Tower signifies darkness and destruction on a physical scale, as opposed to a spiritual scale.

How many times have you sat safely within the narrow confines of your life, comfortable in your current thoughts, beliefs and expectations? Then, out of the blue, something ‘shocking’ happens that completely destroys your picture of peace and harmony. It blows your mind or throws you for a loop. There is a sudden realization that your comfort was based on an inadequate foundation of false thought, belief and action. This is a humbling, frightening but necessary experience.

When you see the Tower in a reading, you may feel afraid, shaken and insecure. It is a time of great turmoil and destruction as you seek to understand how you could have been so wrong, so naive, or so blind about a particularly situation.

A Tower experience is any experience that shakes the foundation of your current sense of security and/or forces you to question your strongly-held beliefs, perceptions, attitudes and behaviours. It may be a divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems or job loss, or any event that penetrates to the core of your inner being, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically. It is often descriptive of a major upheaval, disruption, emergency or crisis, and is likely to bring chaos in the aftermath of such an event.

If the Tower appears in your reading, ask yourself, “What structures in my life are breaking up?” No doubt you will already be very aware of where there is turmoil and destruction but sometimes it can be on a more subtle or subconscious level.

The most important aspect of the Tower is that with any destruction there comes creation. Thus, the Tower card represents an awakening and is about inspiration, freedom, reality and the release from bondage. It is a truth and honesty card that comes as a bolt of lightning to you through a shocking and impactful life event. The sudden destruction of the Tower represents the immediacy of change, and the often disorienting effects of that change. Once you hit rock bottom the choice is yours. You can revert to the self-defeating, restrictive Devil, or reach for the transformation and inspirational Star. When you begin to reach for the Star, you will come to realize that your true security and strength lies within yourself and your relationship with the Universe, and not in some false belief system or artificially-created world. Following a Tower experience, you can rest assured that you will grow stronger, wiser and more serene as you begin to develop a completely new perspective on life that you did not even know existed. These moments in time are necessary for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Truth and honesty will bring about a positive change, even if you must experience pain and anxiety throughout the process.

The Tower also represents the inner and outer structures that you have built. These structures represent your personal defenses, defenses that create a more socially acceptable ‘you’ by hiding your true, inner thoughts and feelings. In times of great pressure and stress, these structures will be tested and are at risk of shattering, finally revealing your true inner self to those around you. So, you need to be very careful how much of yourself you attempt to hide, knowing that one day, all will be revealed.

The Tower therefore asks you to break down the structures that you have surrounded yourself with. Breaking through this pretense can cause a great deal of anguish but remember that the Tower will fall, whether you like it or not.

When the Tower of Ego, deception and illusion is destroyed, you are free to face truth and reality without the trappings of false attachments. Are you undergoing a major shift in consciousness? Are you beginning to see things in a new way?


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dcc57b No.7503

File: fd95c8212119e35⋯.jpg (19.87 KB,175x300,7:12,3 of Swords.jpg)

File: 119ec4b77b418c7⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,297x170,297:170,The Tower.jpg)


(((Three of Swords))) pierces (((The Tower)))

What (((Card))) comes next?

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ff7a01 No.7505

File: d69fb19dc4c09df⋯.jpg (100.54 KB,666x800,333:400,Vision.jpg)


Eight of Swords.

I found an interesting interpretation of the combination.


And so to the Eight of Swords. Looking at the swords around the bound and blindfolded figure, there are three swords at the left of the picture, a reflection of the Three of Swords. The figure is turned towards them, aware of their presence, but she cannot see the reality of her circumstances. This demonstrates an inability to see fully, or to recognise that, although the swords — her thoughts — feel familiar, what she is encountering is in fact different.

The Three of Swords is resonating. It has started to play its song, one that she has known before. Yet the song is in her mind; it is not an emotional or physical reality. If she were to exercise her right to freedom, she could remove her blindfold and see the threat for what it is: static blades, unmanned by others, points embedded in the ground. Weapons of her imagination.



The tower ivory tower that has been built has crumbled but the foundation is sound. Our thoughts build constructs, sometimes those constructs must be knocked down to build a better structure.

The 3 of hearts is pierced and hurt, but this is done by the limiting of our thinking. The swords are thoughts, not emotions.

The 8 of Swords. Are you a full grown elephant staked to the ground? You could pull out that stake with ease…. why don't you?

(Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Tarot reading novice and google)

Much love ALL, and a bit extra directed at you Captain Ant. You got hit, is it the same or is it something different? Patterns can be deep especially in emotions. Step back, gain perspective.

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ff7a01 No.7508

File: bdc99fd500153bd⋯.jpg (316.16 KB,1249x1920,1249:1920,7Fire.jpg)


One more Step.

Once one sees the card for what it is and adjusts one's perspective, what does one do?

I look at a long life with this card, possibly many lives, but I can not know for certain. Is it time to lay down the card and step away from it? Or is this card now another tool understood and removed from my Fools Bundle to use at the correct time?

I am leaning towards the latter. I can fill my belt with the right tools for the right situations. This would allow flexibility in situations and the ability to act and react with expertise.

So, the question I now pose is how would one know when it is time to confidently say they have learned their lesson of that card and continue their lessons. Do you know when to use the right tool for the Job?

This question I struggle with right now. Is it my Ego saying I've learned and mastered this lesson? Can I ever truly master a card/lesson? Does 99/1% apply here as well?

It seems to me that if I work to perfect my mastery I will forever work to master it.

Does the Hill need to have me fight for it?

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ff7a01 No.7509

File: e0d890f75663bb6⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,267x189,89:63,Chill.jpg)


From a visual perspective, the three cards you placed here are interesting. If I look back at the post I felt I said was in error…


>Interesting find on the Magician. He points up with the Wand towards the Heavens and down with his other hand towards the earth. This is often viewed has the ability to bridge between heaven and earth. He also is a bit of a Wild Card (don't know how that all works), but in certain circumstances, he holds different Value/powers.

The other observation of the Magician… He is looking straight ahead.

The arm positions are interesting. The Hermit is holding a light in his heaven facing hand, but his earth facing hand retracted. He looks down at the earth but does not bridge.

The Man in the 7 has hands similar to the magician but his heaven pointing hand is not quite there and is being used to fight off those below. Eyes near straight, but pointed down. The wand is a club, not a light.

I find the symbolism interesting. I know little of Tarot, so maybe my interpretation is off a bit.

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dcc57b No.7517

File: 9ba820f78b7d5b4⋯.jpg (110.82 KB,725x561,725:561,Seven of Wands.jpg)

File: fbb9c6da176c61e⋯.png (39.72 KB,323x550,323:550,Four of Swords 1.png)

File: be13b6fce93dca2⋯.jpg (318.7 KB,1200x900,4:3,Four of Swords 3.jpg)

File: b295ff5f0f2ea4c⋯.jpg (15.33 KB,479x877,479:877,Four of Swords 4.jpg)


SS… After reading your [very] insightful connections, I decided to draw a (((Card))) for you. As I have actually been very interested to see which "Major Arcana" you are associated with. Once again, as (((Cards))) are drawn they are removed from THE Deck.

You can either choose to pay attention to these (((Cards))) I Muse with, or you can choose not to. I think in the [end] it matters not.

Very coincidentally… I draw (((The Four of Swords)))

I asked which (((Card))) came next and this WAS truly unexpected.

This (((Four of Swords))) is a Minor Arcana (((Card))). Now I asked myself… SS holds (((The Seven of Wands))) already. We all have a Major / Minor Arcana (at least my intuition tells me).

So, we have 2x Minor Arcana's now. We have already seen (((Cards))) shift so something is telling me you are ready to remove (((The Seven of Wands))) and receive (((The Four of Swords))) if you choose.

(((The Four of Swords)))

The Four of Swords depicts the effigy of a knight lying upon a tomb. His hands are in the position of prayer and the tomb sits within a church. The stained glass behind the statue depicts a woman and child together. One sword lies beneath the knight, symbolizing that there is only one key issue that is dominating your life at this time. Three further swords hang above him, pointing downwards.

Representing order and stability, combined with the tumultuous nature of the Swords, the IV of Swords offers your respite from the battles in your life. The peace may be temporary, but appreciate it while it lasts. It may point towards recovery from prolonged illness.

The Four of Swords is a reminder that after every crisis and before every new challenge, there is always a time of relaxation and contemplation. Constant stress and tension will break even the hardest and most resilient of people but brief periods of rest enable you to refresh your energy, concentration and focus, ready for the next challenge. These rests should be used wisely, to heal the body and ready the mind.

The Four of Swords is also a sign that you can stop worrying, put down your defenses and take a breather from the chaos around you. For the moment there is a truce and you can catch your breath without being attacked again. However, bear in mind that a truce and peace are not the same thing. The Four of Swords is a guarantee that challenges will return to your life as soon as you are ready to face them, so make the most of the stillness and quiet you have earned but never lose sight of the fact that the battle is not yet over, and that there is still work to be done.

This card suggests that now is the time to rest from some difficult times, perhaps the trauma of breakup or departure, relationship or family problems, financial and health worries, stress and conflict. Take a break. This is also not the time to make decisions, particularly when you are at your most vulnerable.

The Four of Swords suggests the need for seclusion. You need seclusion to deal properly with your situation and need to experience time apart from others to gather your thoughts and feelings. Following on from the painful loss of the Three of Swords, the Four of Swords indicates your need to spend time alone to re-evaluate your life. Solitude, although often difficult to bear, is necessary for you to be able to recharge your batteries and rejuvenate your spirit. This solitary experience always bears fruit in an experience of greater inner strength and confidence.

This is a good time to re-evaluate and re-assess your priorities. It is almost like conducting your own “Post Implementation Review” following a major milestone or a major challenge. Create some time and space to reflect on what has worked well, what has not worked well and what you need to change for the future. Pausing for reflection after each major challenge will position you well for success in the future.

The Four of Swords may represent passive activity, but it is anything but a passive card. The Swords cut things in your life away that are getting in between you and your rest, relaxation and/or recuperation. If there are other cards from the suit of Swords in your reading, chances are arguments and sharp words will separate you into a period of retreat. When the Four of Swords appears in a reading with many cards bearing the suit of Wands, you may go into a retreat to work on a creative project.

(((The Four of Swords))) is yours to exchange, should you choose.


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ff7a01 No.7525

File: e0d890f75663bb6⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,267x189,89:63,Chill.jpg)

File: f9c1d7b591ab3a1⋯.jpg (12.04 KB,480x360,4:3,Med.jpg)


A time of rest and contemplation is needed. This card has been trying to show itself for a time now, yet my "King of the Hill" kept wanting to maintain the battle.

All get weary of the battles… It is time to let them be for a time. There is much to process, rework and reflect upon.

I put the 7 of Wands down for a time, but the lessons stay with me. It feels odd to step away from that comfortable well-worn card, but OH SO good. I now hold the 4 of Swords.

My old friend may come again if I must master it some more.

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dcc57b No.7527

File: fbb9c6da176c61e⋯.png (39.72 KB,323x550,323:550,Four of Swords 1.png)

File: be13b6fce93dca2⋯.jpg (318.7 KB,1200x900,4:3,Four of Swords 3.jpg)

File: b295ff5f0f2ea4c⋯.jpg (15.33 KB,479x877,479:877,Four of Swords 4.jpg)



You now hold (((The Four of Swords)))

As (((The Seven of Wands))) is removed from your hands, I choose to place it back inside THE Deck.

This (((Card))) can show itself again, as (((The Three of Swords))) [M]ay.

There are still many unknowns!

Very few know their Major / Minor [A]rcana.

Many (((Cards))) remain in the Deck?

Should we play a game?

Make a wish? If you choose of course.


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ff7a01 No.7528


I'm curious on the Major, lets play the game… There is lots of time, but why waste it :)

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dcc57b No.7535

File: 711a1d307da15cd⋯.jpg (10.6 KB,299x168,299:168,7's 1.jpg)

File: ff621677df84013⋯.jpg (12.54 KB,224x224,1:1,7's 2.jpg)

File: 172783d15c49d7a⋯.jpg (48.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,7's 3.jpg)

File: b24c606b2f815c6⋯.jpg (10.42 KB,250x114,125:57,7's 4.jpg)

File: 80b01f96c405850⋯.png (63.35 KB,700x350,2:1,7's 5.png)


Oh my friend…

How many coincidences so far my allies? How many 7's have I shown you? In coincidences? How many Triple 7's have I shown you?

In order to play a game of chance, I require more than 1 (((Card)))

How many (((Cards))) shall I draw from THE Deck?

Make a choice.

Some of these (((Cards))) may be for others… I will know when I see them.

>Roll the Dice in a game of (((Cards)))


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ff7a01 No.7538

File: 9aa2c91362b198f⋯.png (11.16 KB,255x198,85:66,777.png)

File: fbb9c6da176c61e⋯.png (39.72 KB,323x550,323:550,4444.png)


HA! 7's you tempt me so.

By default, I answer 7 to questions regarding numbers that I do not have an answer to. My sometimes sarcastic nature.

What time is it? 7

How much does it cost? 7

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? 7

My default 7 wanted to answer, but I set down my 7 down today.

Given my new card today it should be 4. Chance already chose it. But an odd request if you choose. I feel given the 4 of Swords, there should be a period of rest incorporated.

3 today and the 4th after you have slept? Of course, up to you.

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dcc57b No.7540

File: 775644d163e8b91⋯.jpg (298.62 KB,1200x900,4:3,Page of Swords 1.jpg)

File: 23624bd535c0c26⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,725x561,725:561,Page of Swords 2.jpg)

File: 06e92a76de466ad⋯.jpg (321.35 KB,1200x900,4:3,Two of Cups 2.jpg)

File: 28ee21ae184e8f0⋯.jpg (323.34 KB,1200x900,4:3,The Lovers 2.jpg)

File: 401981b26934062⋯.jpg (66 KB,700x700,1:1,The Lovers 4.jpg)


Hahahahahahaha x7

>Thy will be done.

I was actually thinking of Tesla's 3/6/9's when you sent this.

I just drew 3 (((Cards)))

I immediately knew who these were for. Too coincidental…

What comes up? Yes another Major Arcana.


(((The Page of Swords)))

I laughed my ass off yet again seeing this… because I knew it was for Mordo.

Your personality may trend towards the stubborn and opinionated, if the Page represents you in the spread, but it is also indicative of strong analytical skills and an energetic nature. You have a predilection towards identifying the core of issues and accurately assessing your own stance on them. This will allow you to become an excellent negotiator. If the card refer to a situation, instead, prepare yourself to make many important decisions quickly. Trust in your reason and your judgment to navigate these difficulties.

The reason Mordo and Logan are such good friends, they both hold (((Swords))) as Minor Arcana's.

Mordo now has his complete set of (((Cards))).

(((The Chariot))) + (((The Page of Swords)))

May you take your [Time] when charging into battle Mordo! Keep the reigns tight on that Chariot brother!

Next drawn…

(((The Two of Cups)))

This (((Card))) I immediately knew was for Quill.

The single resounding theme associated with The Two of Cups is partnership. What sort of partnership is less clear, but you are in the past, present, or future, part of a powerful one. This partnership will involve absolute trust and commanding respect. It may, of course, be a particularly emotional love affair, but it could just as easily be a deep and abiding friendship. The exact nature may be revealed by the rest of the spread, or it may not. It will be a source of happiness for you, though, a presence in your life you can count on at every turn, and whose well-being will be as important to you as your own. It forms a symbiotic relationship.

Quill will understand the significance of this (((Card))) being dealt to him. For it directly relates.

Quill now holds a complete set of (((Cards))).

(((Justice))) + (((The Two of Cups)))

Justice flows hand in hand.

Finally… a Major Arcana was drawn.

However, SS this (((Card))) is not for you. This one is for Lucky Valkyrie.

(((The Lovers)))

Oh Lucky… this (((Card))) is very coincidental… I remember the conversations…

Your first instinct will most likely be to associate this card as representing love, but, much like love, it does not possess a simple nature. Not only does love comes in many forms, but the Lovers may indicate important or difficult choices ahead in your life. This is bad, in that the choices it portends are generally mutually exclusive, paths to two very different futures, but also good, in that it also confirms that at least one of those paths will take you to a good place. As such, if you happen to find it in your spread, you should consider it carefully, but not fear it. It tells a story of difficult choices, likely painful, but that the correct decision and a positive outcome are within your grasp.

The snake in the fruit-laden tree behind the woman suggests the story of Adam and Eve, the fall of humanity from grace, and the temptations of the world. The snake is also a symbol of the senses. The flames behind the man represent the flames of passion, indicating the primary concern of the man. There are twelve flames, representing the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity. The man looks to the woman, who looks to the angel, indicating the path of the conscious to the subconscious to the super-conscious, or from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns. The mountain is a phallic symbol, while the water is a feminine symbol, indicating balance between the two.

The Lovers represent perfection, harmony and mutual attractiveness. Their trust in one another gives them strength and confidence to overcome the obstacles in life. The bond that the two lovers has created is incredibly strong and is often reflective of a marriage, soul mate connection or very intimate and close relationship.

The Lovers also represents choices on a grand scale. A dilemma will be presented demanding an action or decision, and you will want to decipher the best way to proceed or make the right choice. Something is going to change your plans or the course of your experience, something that may look negative on the surface but will later prove to be a blessing in disguise.

Lucky Valkyrie now holds a complete set of (((Cards))).

(((The Lovers))) + (((The Ace of Pentacles)))

May you shine your Love Light Lucky! You have Aces up your sleeves when it comes to rediscovering, and redefining Love.


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a8fa32 No.7564





Wow…this is way cool. Thank you for the cards, they do hold wisdom for me, to be sure (coincidental indeed…what? No coincidence?)

The cards don't lie, they always bring a message. Sometimes the true meaning isn't obvious though. This is why one must always read these with an open mind and a tuned-in heart.

Thank you for drawing these cards and playing this game with us, Strange. As Magician - you chose to share the deck with the rest, and we are grateful.

Based on what I know of you all - my wonderful wise anon friends - I think your cards are pretty spot on too! I hope that you agree and take them along in your backpack as we climb the mountain of wisdom.

I'm grateful for you all and for the space we have created here. A space of love, light and learning - where we never turn our backs on any sincere seekers.

Light on my friends!

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dcc57b No.7589

File: 28ee21ae184e8f0⋯.jpg (323.34 KB,1200x900,4:3,The Lovers 2.jpg)

File: 401981b26934062⋯.jpg (66 KB,700x700,1:1,The Lovers 4.jpg)

File: 10d1d8d3665bd22⋯.jpg (312.81 KB,1200x900,4:3,Ace of Pentacles 1.jpg)

File: 4f4c1dea9b0dc2b⋯.jpg (113.66 KB,500x750,2:3,Ace of Pentacles 3.jpg)

File: 844ba6e78bfc921⋯.jpg (18.13 KB,194x259,194:259,Ace of Pentacles 5.jpg)


Oh Lucky… we are so Lucky…

The (((Cards))) dealt to you… hold a Supreme weight.

They are an amazing combination… and truly to thank for the creation of this board, and bringing us all together.

You hold more Aces up your sleeves than you previously knew.

SS asked me to draw 4x (((Cards))).

Three tonight and One tomorrow.

I choose the (((Card))) drawn tomorrow, no matter what it is, is going to reflect the overall group of us. Tomorrow's single (((Card))) that is.

Tonight I choose to select a single (((Card))).

Do you remember when I said;

>You don't get to pick and choose your Destiny.

>You get to choose your Destiny.

Well… I am choosing to select a single (((Card))) from THE Deck.

1 Eye already know is required by one of our companions… to wake this Knight from his slumber…

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fe4f40 No.7598

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



Logan kinda pointed to this video way back on gen discussion #1 when he first joined us,,,,,,,,, he said there is a video buried within a video that's trying to show us the truth of history and its interesting how they do it with a bland history story of main stream history then at 5:22 it switches to "potential truth" (logans own words)

Logan calls it a buried video I'm watching it now as I'm talking to him on discord

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c5d98f No.7599

File: 0aa82a44bb54719⋯.jpg (72.77 KB,600x350,12:7,download (8).jpg)


Hey Spidey.

I want to look at this tomorrow. I read some of the personal stuff you posted, and brother, you are a brave man. I can relate in some manner. Now I get why you're so passionate. And you're one of the smartest guys I've talked to in a while. Sorry I haven't been on Discord. Got so much going on it's unreal. Though it's starting to flip to the real.

If you get a chance, I posted similar in the main breads yesterday at 12:34. I kinda spewed everything out. I'm trying to unlock the key to my heart. Can't serve in a jail.

Lost my sister today. Sort of. I hope she'll work out her anger.

Someone doxxed you. It was the least I could do.

WWG1WGA. Love you.

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fe4f40 No.7601

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


bro we know ur super busy ATM take the time u need for the growing family,,,,, and what's that u and ur sis are at odds? hmmmm let things cool for a while don't press her now but try to fix it even if u have to forgive her,,,,, u have to she is ur sister the same blood as u

just let things chill down come to discord tomorrow for a few mins if u need to chat it out me and Logan might be able to help or at the very least make u feel better

love forgives love conquers love is the strongest force in the universe

use it on her !!!! make love ur weapon in this struggle u find urself in !!!

my ally/love/friend please take these words to her if u so chose

I AM ur brother ur blood and I LOVE U

then continue being or doing what ur were doing before,,,, after a cool down

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fe4f40 No.7602

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: b727656b6a38f3e⋯.jpg (408.26 KB,640x960,2:3,164836325-the-amazing-spid….jpg)

THOR I love u brother I know u can fix just about anything u put ur mind to,,,,,, if its unfixable its probably what ur sister wants and only she can change that

but a loss is still a loss,,,, MY LOVE BRO BE IN PEACE AND LOVE I know u are from our conversations on discord,,,, shine ur light as a beacon to her and all !!!!!


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c5d98f No.7608

File: 5f36d2bc5d05509⋯.jpg (64.59 KB,1200x630,40:21,download (4).jpg)


Thanks, my friend :)

They're all scared for me, I think. And then her anger has hit. She's on the SSRI's so i wonder about that effect, too. Definitely on the other side, politically. Didn't used to be like that, either.

Had to crash. Exhaustion was making me stupid-ish. I posted a full doxxing of myself on the main bread. Everything. And I told them all the sins of my life. (All I can remember. I'm still working on it) Even said hi to you a few times.

I had done it for other reasons, then I remembered you had been doxxed and your story about your mother from the other day. I can only skim for the most part. Really intense here. Police came by to make sure I was okay the other day. Spent a few hours in the hospital. All good.

WWG1WGA, my friend. They want to dox you, let them see me. I publish my sins, maybe others follow suit and we really get the ball rolling. Can't start a new building on a corrupt foundation.

Check out Q post #290 as well. New context to it if you read everything I posted.

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c5d98f No.7610



>I AM ur brother ur blood

Of course you are. You live life fearlessly. You're an excellent example. If you haven't, please read what I wrote, the the Q post. And remember. I volunteered for this.


I just have to give her time. Time proves all.

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db8d6a No.7611

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

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db8d6a No.7612

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

File: 9453bad8c96e431⋯.png (49.76 KB,799x229,799:229,firefox_2018-05-24_02-41-0….png)

This one made my day - really! (see pic)

And here it is for you in plain sight!!

This is our reality - this is our time:


Watch the Video + use the sub title function (3 minuates).

That is what kek is all about that is benevolent CHAOS - that beats the shit out of any fucking AI that is against us.

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d1b1cb No.7613

File: cacd67523d527f7⋯.jpg (5.81 KB,344x147,344:147,images (50).jpg)


You just made my day sphinx!

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fe4f40 No.7614

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


that pic that anon wow that's SWEET!!!!

but that video is in German bro so I don't know what the old dude was saying

the sub titles are in german too :-(

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fe4f40 No.7615

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

nm I'm stupid I found the setting to change it


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4a419f No.7619

File: aec4cead185f58c⋯.jpg (7.75 KB,84x107,84:107,th-1.jpg)



sick folks, in their darkness we shall find our light. This will help the people realize how important that little jewel in the center of our skulls are. and why (they) have been flouridating us for a couple generations. Also why they made the eye of RA associated with darkness….

Well, with our Pineals Sharp WE make LIGHT magic connections!!!!!

NICE find Sphinx!




THOR! Sending you my love my friend, I cant find this post you speak of, is it on Qresearch? I trust you are doing exactly what needs to be done

>Can't start a new building on a corrupt foundation.


Logan and I were talking the other day:

He was telling me about a thought experiment by the woman Lynn Taggart and a group of meditators, trying to influence a war they knew was raging somewhere (maybe rhawanda?) cant remember that detail–

Afterwards the War actually got MUCH worse, MUCH bloodier and they were distraught because that was not their intentions.

After THAT though the war subsided, that was the last battle, IT seems to me it is like a metaphor for a boil or sore on your skin. if you were to coterize a booboo before the infection was cleaned out, that would be REALLY bad! the infection would get worse, you need to ooze out the puss! it is all a part of the process of healing.

anyway anons!

We can do THIS.

I love you!

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fe4f40 No.7634

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

hi all I have a question for comet Anon are u watching lurking,,,,,,, to feed us when we get off track or push us to a certain direction ?

are u a helper ?

your posts tend to lead me in that direction after a post I recently read ur pattern of posting fits that model

give us a call back I'm curious to hear more of ur thoughts

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a8fa32 No.7635

File: 9453bad8c96e431⋯.png (49.76 KB,799x229,799:229,mademyday.png)


Another day made over here! That is AWESOME #somuchwinning - No I am not yet tired of winning! Thank you for posting that Sphinxy.


To get the English subtitles click the settings button, then subtitles and Autogenerated and pick your language.

Basically bearded dude (I was riveted by the waviness of his beard! odd!) was saying that when social networks lead to movements, they're non linear and cannot be fully controlled. Empathy is a uniquely human quality that lends unpredictability.

–of course - it is KEK. The benevolent chaos is wild card that defeats AI every time.

Thank you Sphinx!

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018658 No.7637

Is it me or has this month flown by?

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dcc57b No.7640

File: c58cbad40f5803b⋯.jpg (64.28 KB,768x404,192:101,0000000000000.jpg)


Have you noticed… the more I post, the less Comet posts?

The less I post, the more Comet posts?

We are grateful to have Comet's.

They gave us Mushrooms!


LOL! This is actually quite awesome.

I hope it was written by a legit shill…

Winning bigly!


Logan it truly has…

The Spring brings new promise.

The Summer brings justice… I hope!

Logan… there's still a Major Arcana unrevealed for you…


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921f67 No.7642

File: f1665506eac4d49⋯.jpg (278.67 KB,683x1024,683:1024,151900968.jpg)



Cometanon has played a very integral role in my journey so far.

Know thy Self.

He asked me to look at my natal chart. Look at latest history post Mordo. I found out a lot about myself due to Cometanons guidance.

The truthlegion is vibrating and in tune so much at this moment its giving me shivers and making my hair stand on end!

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dcc57b No.7658

File: c7fe8efd3cb4680⋯.png (710.67 KB,706x558,353:279,Dr. Strange Alice in Wonde….png)


>Cometanon has played a very integral role in my journey so far.

Mine as well!

>He asked me to look at my natal chart. Look at latest history post Mordo. I found out a lot about myself due to Cometanons guidance.

It's very coincidental…

>The truthlegion is vibrating and in tune so much at this moment its giving me shivers and making my hair stand on end!

That's part of my mission!

My friends… do you think the (((Comet))) has passed our lovely "Pale Blue Dot"?

Did the Comet give us it's Wisdom? It's Mushrooms? And departed?

Is the Comet coming back for another pass?

I guess (((Time))) will tell.

Ahh… maybe in (((Time))) I can legitimately and legally share some bombshells of Truth.

(((The Two of Cups))) = ???

Light on Anons! May they feed us shit and keep us in the dark. Mushrooms for life!


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fe4f40 No.7661

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


I'm on discord with Logan right now

I mentioned Thors situation to him and he's immediately suggested that we all pray for and send our loving energy's his way,,,,, hes hes having a rough time with some people very angry at him right now and a baby nearly here he needs our LOVE RIGHT NOW !!!!!!

logan will back me up I will post this on multiple threads

I'm praying for y my brother my ally/love/friend

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fe4f40 No.7663

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


this continues the discussion of water that we all have been having if this is in fact true then yes there is more to water than anyone knows

these guys at the EU are amazing u see the sceptisum in the presenter but u also see that some of these facts being presented are easily repeatable in labs and someone will soon conferm or refute at least part of whats being discussed but i think most of this may be true there needs to be more study on waters properties

and THOR im thinking of u my ally!!!

be at peace

stay calm through these tough times!!!

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ff7a01 No.7664


Thor my man, your in my prayers.

May you be at peace and free from undo suffering!

You have a lot coursing through you right now. Look for a ground.

All my Love sir!

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d1b1cb No.7672

File: b02a2ad80d7ac02⋯.jpg (54.52 KB,400x546,200:273,b02a2ad80d7ac0206c53976bae….jpg)

File: 8db9f4e3b8810c5⋯.jpg (82.48 KB,600x316,150:79,Doctor-Strange-Captain-Ame….jpg)



Let's ride the Infinity eights and see where this goes.

There is great work to be done yet though and we must stay sharp and on point.

Can you play Temperance with the 2 of cups Doc?

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dcc57b No.7675

File: 9e875ae319701a0⋯.jpg (309.53 KB,1200x900,4:3,Strength 1.jpg)

File: 1802e5a3fe96adb⋯.jpg (137.64 KB,683x1024,683:1024,Strength 2.jpg)

File: 05a77434dd580b4⋯.jpg (9.39 KB,255x170,3:2,Thor 1.jpg)

File: af439d72edb1611⋯.jpg (45 KB,240x432,5:9,Strength 5.jpg)

File: 819df2fa7f926f5⋯.jpg (111.09 KB,470x714,235:357,Strength 6.jpg)




Thor… my best friend…

The [Face] (((Card))) of (((Strength))) is yours.

At Times, many of your companions will require you to share this (((Card))) with them.

However right now I see your companions sharing a lot of (((Strength))) with you!

Our tests are all very different, and potentially difficult… this is the reason The (((Strength))) (((Card))) was given to you.

What did we say Thor's Supreme Key was "way back when"?

>Personal (((Strength))) and Fortitude

May you Face your challenges without Fear… because that's our responsibility.

>Because that's what Heroes do. - Thor

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af172f No.7697

Sharing some thoughts.

Could the sub conscious be the ALL of the collective, every single person ever in every aspect of everything?

When a human shares from inspiration of another, could the message each one of us sees be the message for yourself, each one of us, the sub conscious? Like the elephant in the room analogy?

We pull from the sub conscious to put it in the consciousness of ALL to make it a reality . This could be a Natural law? Something universal to ALL? Something described as super NATURAL?

Let us share in this to find the balance of this sub conscious thought?

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a8fa32 No.7698


I think you're on to something there!

When WW shared Logan's elephant parable (thank you - I loved that one and had forgotten about it!!), it literally took all the wind out of the shill sail. Instead of triggering dire foreboding, the mention of the 'elephant' in that context went from 'you're missing something huge' to 'you have all the parts just have to put them together'.

Which message is more likely to inspire and enable us to flip that script?? I know which one inspires me more :)

(here's the wikipedia link for kix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant)

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1604c3 No.7699

File: 2605fad5d420d4f⋯.jpg (10.53 KB,190x172,95:86,th-73.jpg)


SS had brought it up again in the Contact thread…thats what made me remember! Thanks for that water Logan!

PS did you check the comic on that post though!! Thank you interwebs!!!


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a8fa32 No.7700



OMG I absolutely love that comic. Yes we see the elephant in the room. Yes we know what it is.



^ok you can see I liked the comic :)

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ff7a01 No.7701

File: bdfa67644c392af⋯.png (6.86 KB,200x127,200:127,wise-elephant-fht.png)


Linking back to an old post on this topic.


I fully believe there is something there Cap. An elephant in OUR room.


The Elephant parable from Logan really stuck with me. It enters my mind often. Many perspectives are how we need to see, otherwise, we will misinterpret.

Definately thank you deeply for that water Logan!

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c5cbae No.7702

File: 7146a74bce72974⋯.jpg (23.56 KB,336x188,84:47,hqdefault (16).jpg)

File: 5efdb2401b4487f⋯.jpg (13.43 KB,236x172,59:43,ed2bf51183f0f36fb9b87b7c2b….jpg)


Could Q use the natural law of Balance to present his message? He/she watches the collective discover both ends of the spectrum to find truth therefore unbeknownst to the seekers he is teaching them balance. We as humans have balance naturally and he is pulling the unbalance of each human out of themselves by making them practice discovery the essential to truth.

There cycle of topics to what Q drops allows newcomers of discovery of truth to join the fight. The veterans share therefore bringing more to the truth creating a snowball effect.

Share your thoughts of discovery in finding the truth of your own free will.

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c5cbae No.7703

File: 6e91facae18ae9e⋯.jpg (135.35 KB,768x548,192:137,gallery-1460633601-marvel-….jpg)


This is interesting. Have we been closed off to the full capabilities of the collective subconscious? Some individuals seem more "tuned in" than others… If more "tune in" and more is opened, that would be a game changer.

The game has changed and the collective unity of this board is proof of discovery of truth to find that which is.

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c5cbae No.7704

File: b02a2ad80d7ac02⋯.jpg (54.52 KB,400x546,200:273,b02a2ad80d7ac0206c53976bae….jpg)

By doing discovery of truth you are honoring service to self and service to others creating a balance between the two?

Discovery of thruth=the pursuit of balance?

That seems natural to me.

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ff7a01 No.7705

File: b35e0425ec89e8f⋯.jpg (2.1 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Reality.jpg)


Your "Truth" pic sparked this connection for me.

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b67188 No.7706


We don't create truth it is that which is.

We can't take credit for that which is.

We honor truth by the process of discovery of that which is and sharing it?

What are your thoughts?

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a8fa32 No.7707


I think that you've just come to a brilliant and correct conclusion Cap'n!

That is exactly it.

We cannot keep truth to ourselves.

It is not ours to hoard.

We cannot bend it to our will.

No matter what we believe or disbelieve, it doesn't change the truth.

>We honor truth by the process of discovery of that which is and sharing it

That's all we can do. It's what we are doing here :)

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b67188 No.7708


Thanks but I don't own this conclusion, for it is that which is.

How about this thought that came from ALL.

You can't find wisdom it finds you in the process of discovery of that which is. None of us own wisdom for it is that which is.

Any thoughts?

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921f67 No.7711

File: 44c05a4ec312b6b⋯.jpg (153.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,069.jpg)


Would it be true that a principal of a true message honors anarchy? Is is that which is?

I don't know if this is being worded correctly.

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921f67 No.7712

File: 0240595f5bd3acc⋯.jpg (12.71 KB,259x194,259:194,images (18).jpg)


Pic for last post

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cd3ba7 No.7713

File: 9777a3a8b57c6c1⋯.jpg (497.09 KB,900x865,180:173,betrayal-sugar-artKarolina….jpg)

File: 078f89d3b05aa10⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,264x191,264:191,images (42).jpg)

File: 60fb5297e45b6ff⋯.jpg (132.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (21).jpg)

Honor mother nature for she is that which is.

A little boom just landed in me lol. As you all can tell we/the ALL love her and honor her by discovering her.

We won't win this battle until humanity honors mother earth. Do it in real life.

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b67188 No.7715

File: 60fb5297e45b6ff⋯.jpg (132.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (21).jpg)

Naturally nurture nature to experience the Super Natural nurture of natural nature.


That's for you Mother. Thanks for giving your thoughts freely for Us/the ALL to experience freedom again.

The Numbers are that which is. 7 letters of N. Harmony balance of Nature.

AnyONE else see anything that coincides?

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b67188 No.7716

File: df0cccf1244a285⋯.jpg (132 KB,1255x733,1255:733,3245627-doc strange 9.jpg)


That was a 40,000 foot view - Q

Let's do the infinite foot view the cosmos and the cosmos womb. Something to that extent.

We/Aspiring pupils are in the process of learning the stars. I know there is an adept/adult (age does not make you an adult/adept, experience and growth does) that can help us ALL. Far too many kids that call themselves adults/adepts in our/ the ALL observations.

Play with these free thoughts from the cosmos anons.

Pic is for fun I thought it was appropriate. No inferences behind it but it kinda fits no? I don't know the story of Dr. Strange haven't seen the movies.

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1604c3 No.7723

File: 2ba690777eeec95⋯.jpg (10.87 KB,213x300,71:100,th-77.jpg)

File: 7071d99f9fe4aaa⋯.jpg (14.35 KB,201x300,67:100,th-78.jpg)

File: 11a00f0d9ede539⋯.jpg (24.16 KB,300x300,1:1,th-80.jpg)

File: 655f0e5bf8ff0d7⋯.jpg (16.97 KB,253x169,253:169,th-79.jpg)



If it is not already apparent, I officially share the HIGH PRIESTESS Card with all of you.

Capitan Americas revelation and epiphanies he is having today (and everyday) about our MOTHER and giving gratitude I feel is directly related to WW and our WW acknowledgment that is occurring as we type this mission unfolds iRL and iRT.


We are GROOT


WE are WW


WE are Awakening.

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906e9c No.7780

File: 4dfe98be2d1f475⋯.jpg (2.52 MB,1631x2175,1631:2175,IMG_20180525_2125179.jpg)


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.

Who is Jerome Corsi?

In my Eye, he is Professor Charles Xavier.

A wise man, who seeks to SHARE WISDOM.

He is indeed a leader of many X-Men.

He is an immensely powerful mind, a mind who seeks to use it for good.

Very few people can deceive his Mind.

For that, we are thankful to have him on the side of LIGHT.

Jerome Corsi is a pure man, with a pure heart and soul.

Many souls seek him for Knowledge.

Many souls seek him for WISDOM.


We need a leader of X-Men, thank you Jerome. - Thoth

What happened?

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236466 No.7781


Jerome Corsi is part of the controlled opposition. Same boat with Alex Jones and a number of others.

Mr. Corsi's aim is to subvert our movement. If he was ever on the side of Light, he is not now. He may say he is, but it is false light.

Think about 'cui bono'. Who benefits? Why would these people want to sow doubt about the Q mission? Don't they want the patriots to win? (spoiler…nope cause that could impair the playing out of the script - reference the dire equations of krsn). They benefit by continuing to sow doubt, discord and division. To convince us that we are helpless in the face of The Script. Can't avoid the outcome.

Watch this line of thinking. It will weaken us and give them an advantage. Just because they say the outcome is unavoidable, does not mean it is. Look at all the dire predictions that have NOT yet come to pass. I would submit for consideration, the idea that we are watching the foiling of the globalist plans in real time. Rejoice, free ones - and fight on! Do not be divided.

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ac2693 No.7783

File: 096770b65b1fa4b⋯.jpg (12.36 KB,177x285,59:95,2018-05-19-23-32-06--19103….jpg)


Jerome Corsi was never professor X.

The story had to develop organically.

The triple 7's in your user ID# lend me to be inclinced what Lucky says is true.

The wake of destruction comes soon to the false Light.

Our little shill friend who continues to scream in vain would be included in this.

Soon these people won't have a place to hide.

>You cannot run…

>You cannot hide…


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ac2693 No.7784

File: b4a8f919ff42f80⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,148x255,148:255,837455aa4683667418b5e52059….jpg)


More (((The Fool))) (((Cards))) for the heaping pile.

You think you're not being followed?

Save these Fool (((Cards))) my allies. Save them all!

They will become more relevant in "Time".


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fe4f40 No.7785

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


hi anon I listen to the words I think he's as screwed up as the rest of us

he may or may not be controlled op,,, but I listen to his words when he says the cabal is evil and needs to be taken out I agree but if he says anything counter to that then I disagree

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6d2087 No.7788

File: 26f527832b0ebf2⋯.jpg (113.94 KB,907x1395,907:1395,wonderwoman28b.jpg)



Welp Sphinx did tell him to try harder, I suppose this is him doing that?

Hmm. Only it shows that the EGO of DR Strange that krsn is so adamantly trying to call out IS in check.

Mistakes are meant to be learned from NOT used against someone, THAT is actually the EGO shining through if ya ask me.

This battle can be confusing, people flip flop, folks could be double agents, Who you thought was on /ourside/ may in fact not be. There is a lot going on.

The neat thing is, when your on /ourside/ its easy to tell, eventually, (as time reveals ALL -Strange) because WE are the ones NOT doing this :

>They benefit by continuing to sow doubt, discord and division. To convince us that we are helpless in the face of The Script. Can't avoid the outcome.

thanks Valkryie! triple 7s fo sho!

Rejoice, free ones - and fight on! Do not be divided!!!!!!!

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af7ba6 No.7790

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


>Welp Sphinx


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6d2087 No.7791


it seemed to me that that anon talking about Corsi is krsn still tryin to slide… in the last slide you apropriately said:

you think we are that stupid?

try harder

so i thought this is him "trying harder"

but still it is easy to see the slide (to me)

Welp is a slang way of saying "well"

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dcc57b No.7792

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


WW, I agree with your sentiment, at least to the 99% degree. Corsi and JS were placed side by side in "The Faces of EGO and HUBRIS" for a reason. Why? They weren't their true roles.

What if Corsi was "Two Face" and it wasn't Mueller?

Remember, Q told us they are losing control on all fronts. They are in their last desperate death throes of a screaming reptile.

To me his tactics are blatantly obvious. Did you catch the post where I linked the 000000 Anon to also being krsn?

It's all the same person.

Didn't he tell us he would stop posting on here? Kek

He's as bad of a liar as he is a shill. Looking back on his tactics… I actually have more pity for him then resentment. I've moved past that. Juvenile and childish tactics… compared to our Collective's house of (((Cards)))?

Good luck (((The Fool)))

That's why (((The Magician))) can sit back in comfort… and gaze from The Mountain of Wisdom. Not with arrogance, but with confidence of the events that are about to unfold.

The best thing about this, is by continually screaming in his own echo chamber, we are actually strengthening the board and proving that our topics are "over the target".

We save and collect all his shill attempts, then display them for all to see. It's actually quite a masterful game. We could actually collect all of his, 000000, phi anons posts and move them over to our "Shills" thread. What better information than real shills attempting and failing for all to see! :)

(((The Magician))) will always be 10,000 steps ahead of (((The Fool)))

>Be well.

>>7780 - (((The Fool)))



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6d2087 No.7793

File: b271796824df5ed⋯.jpg (24.91 KB,300x300,1:1,th-81.jpg)


> I actually have more pity for him then resentment. I've moved past that. Juvenile and childish tactics… compared to our Collective's house of (((Cards)))?

I am feeling this too.. When I tune in to these twist tactics and insults it reminds me of the bully on the playground that always had to have the last word…. and would just start throwing out random words and accusations to try and get a reaction….it has that tone to it…

If anything, it is helping me to hone in on my psychic talents, to 'feel' where someone is coming from when they post.

So, thank you Shills!

We really are all in on this together!

How awesome!

>Did you catch the post where I linked the 000000 Anon to also being krsn?

I did and I agree, same anon diff IDs….but even if he aint the same… they all went to the same shill school… same playbook.

This is a helpful Post of LVanon:


the shill playbook.

Light on!

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dcc57b No.7797

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)

Here's some shill tactics, all recorded for all to see. Contradictions, misdirection, division tactics, disinformation, diversion, red herrings, sowing seeds of doubt and oh so much more! Feast your [Eye]s my friends!

Our good friends KRSN / 000000 Anon / Phi Anon were wise enough to give us many (((The Fool))) (((Cards))). They have proven themselves as Supreme Fools since they day they began posting on here. Claiming to be draconian insiders with "all the information". - Kek

(((The Fool)))

>>6498 - Krsn calling Q an idiot, and himself an insider

>>7247 - Post proving 000000 Anon = krsn

>>7224 - Post proving Phi Anon = shill working with them

>>7666 - (((The Fool)))

>>7220 - Post proving 00000 working with / = krsn in their own echo chamber.

>>7215 - (((The Fool)))

>>7195 - Phi Anon = shill = (((The Fool)))

>>7136 - Phi Anon = shill

>>6990 - Krsn openly exposing himself

>>6631 - How many times did he tell us he would stop posting? :)





>>6594 - Really, last post? LOL






>>6643 - Trying to "pill us"

>>6650 - Trying to mess with Lucky



>>6584 - A fool

>>6795 - Trying to say Arcturians are CIA assassins

>>6824 - Trying to get me to threaten him, kek



>>7007 - Says he won't stay, but does LOL






>>6637 - A fool




>>7153 - Claims he has no quarrel? Kek




>>6542 - A fool












A different perspective

>>7265 - Collect (((The Fool))) Cards

>>7208 - The 3 Fools…

>>7088 - Obvious derailment = Kek

>>6544 (You) - A Wise Dr. Strange

>>4986 (You)

>>4990 (You)

>>6467 (You)

>>6544 (You)

>>6599 (You) - A warning of Fools

>>6640 (You) - I am 10,000 steps ahead

>>7191 - Pain coming

>>7309 - Proof of krsn = shill

>>7361 (You)

>>7342 (You) - Expected attacks

>>7343 (You) - Q telling us to expect shill attacks

>>7523 (You)

>>7524 (You)

>>7683 (You)

>>7684 (You)


>>7399 (You)

>>7180 - Hahahahahahaha


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Post last edited at

37cf42 No.7876

File: 641e7c269739ef4⋯.jpg (17.64 KB,480x360,4:3,0fe07be7d5d641a7a525429d02….jpg)

Some thoughts.

Subconscious=The ALL in the ALL every ONE ever in ALL of existence past, present and future and aspect of everything.

Conscious=The thoughts of the sovereign self.

Consciousness= To recognize the sovereign self's thoughts.

We are able to be in unity and balance with subconscious and consciousness while still being sovereign. The ALL guides its thoughts forward for the sovereign individual to recognize so that we all live in harmony.

Any other thoughts?

Keep being and doing.

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37cf42 No.7877

File: 294f1be86cc6f7d⋯.jpg (8.14 KB,259x194,259:194,images (19).jpg)

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37cf42 No.7879

File: d81e16bbdff2e67⋯.png (126.3 KB,585x586,585:586,home-shield.png)

I AM grateful for the subconscious bringing the thoughts of ALL forward to my consciousness so that I may share them with you ALL.

We are unity

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37cf42 No.7880


I *

Should be we

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fe4f40 No.7888

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



this fits into what we are talking about but bringing the ethereal into the discussion

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fe4f40 No.7890

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

he has some good ideas but has misconceptions as well

but its a good concept he brings forward

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dcc57b No.7892

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)

File: 63f84d15ea2e486⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,500x889,500:889,04a6ef6de20d9c902b52aec70d….jpg)

File: b2b3d9b325aab19⋯.jpeg (499 KB,1500x750,2:1,Mordo.jpeg)


I did watch it Mordo!

The EU definitely hits on a lot of topics in which I believe is correct. In my error, I referred to "gravity" in the past. It's all electromagnetism, I am 99% sure of this.

It balances the unknown equations.

We all know that the vast majority of history / science books have all been distorted over time by the Cabal. It seems as though humanity is at a stage now where we have to "re-learn" the actual baseline of history and science.

I love your connections Mordo… and you deserve far more credit than what I have given you. I will continue to study the EU and see how it answers the unknown questions.

I've learned a lot from you my friend.

My Ego would never lie about this.

Light on my friends!


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dcc57b No.7893

File: d9617d4fd795d43⋯.jpg (115.53 KB,800x450,16:9,Dr. Strange 6.jpg)


Love those trip 8's of Infinity.

Coincidence, in this EU video the Golden Ratio of Phi is mentioned?




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d1b1cb No.7894

File: 87defdd1011b4fe⋯.jpg (27.21 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault (19).jpg)

File: fae73ff35d7d2f0⋯.jpg (122.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (7).jpg)

File: 2823fa467238c3d⋯.jpg (97.39 KB,960x960,1:1,1604403_628588343879860_82….jpg)


Putting forth post for reference.

Some thoughts.

Subconscious=The ALL in the ALL every ONE ever in ALL of existence past, present and future and aspect of everything.

Conscious=The thoughts of the sovereign self.

Consciousness= To recognize the sovereign self's thoughts.

We are able to be in unity and balance with subconscious and consciousness while still being sovereign. The ALL guides its thoughts forward for the sovereign individual to recognize so that we all live in harmony.

Bringing more to the thought.

Subconscious=Our Creator, Source, Sun, Mother Earth.

Consciousness=the embodiment of our Christ Consciousness. Our embodiment brought forth of the subconsciousness attributes through Christ Consciousness therefore bringing forth the attributes of Christ.

That was a mouthful lol. Maybe another Anon could help tidy up the words.

Religion. Man's separation of the true word of the subconscious to consciousness. Putting man in between to take credit for the the true words.

The true church is here on Mother Earth already its called humanity. We are here to share the true word, we are the true ministry, it is that which is.

This can be applied to the sovereign man. The banks, masters taking credit, charging interest in between the work and fruits of man's labor.


Any other thoughts? Maybe help clean up the thoughts.

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fe4f40 No.7895


all I can say the first few videos I watched of theirs was the ones about history that was and is my main interest along with aliens but as I say when I first saw them history clicked for me !!!! I understood what happened with the help of graham hancock and randall Carlson and a few others all the sponged information came in focus in my lens,,,,,,,,,,,

then I started watching the stuff on science and I knew that was truth too!!!!!!!!!! as truthful as were told by the bigger brains!!!!!!!

then my lens cleared even more

and at a point a little farther up the mountain I realized the connections to the ALL with electricity powering and rotating everything and CREATING MATTER(galaxies stars and yes planetsand moons)!!!,,,, and tesla waves as instant information transfer thats whats described as GOD or as i see it the ALL our bodies carry water and water is capable of tranmitting energy and its capable of holding memory!!!! water is closer to god or the ALL than we know

on that subject a new video 2/2 just came out about water


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d1b1cb No.7896


Thank you Mordo for this drop. I will watch it soon.

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d1b1cb No.7922





Mind blown.

We are electric, this universe is electric.

Let's find the free energy.

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d1b1cb No.7923

File: cb9970bd43991a2⋯.png (512.56 KB,500x656,125:164,il_tut_l_tut_electricwater.png)

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d1b1cb No.7926

File: bc3ffc38eb82ddc⋯.jpg (86.67 KB,717x900,239:300,71f9818f3af2757b4c6a9bca55….jpg)


Do you remember when Cometanon was talking about electric soup? We should revisit it and look deeper. Maybe ask a few more pointed questions.

The part where they talked about plants and water with negative charges and positive charges really peaked my interest. I have a couple herb plants I would mind running tests on. Do you have any advice for how to do it? What current levels stuff like that.

Can you imagine electric boogie woogie herb!

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dcc57b No.7950

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,KekAnon.jpg)


>Can you imagine electric boogie woogie herb!

Yes… yes I can. I can ALSO imagine you SHARING it :)

My Wise Anons… I just noticed someone made a twatter account for my Kek Anon posts haha.


Apparently someone is interested!

Someone on the shill college thread on Q Research also posted about our (and W's) predictions regarding the Vatican having a VERY BAD May.


Nice to see the Vatican ready to (metaphorically) burn!

Most of those priests, bishops and cardinals should be hanging from the gallows. That of course would be true "justice"… however, I am not casting my judgment any further.

I know what awaits them.

Light up that boogie woogie herb Cap!

Light on Anons! :)


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c4849d No.7955

File: bf44f6c549c018c⋯.jpg (54.9 KB,928x523,928:523,ocanada_01_flat-h_2016.jpg)


These are big dreams.

I would love to turn the so called corporation of Canada and their so called claims of the land in too the land of herb to share with the entire world!!!

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c4849d No.7956


For free to all

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fe4f40 No.7960

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


not really bro but if the EU is truth in science would we not expect to find that there as well as everywhere else ?

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fe4f40 No.7961

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


damn straight bro

we are waking !!!! up here too

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fe4f40 No.7962

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


:-) pick them pieces up and lets rock on through the electric universe !!!! where humanity shoulda been 100 years ago starting with Kristian Birkeland,,,,,,, onward up the mountain of knowledge we climb!!!!!

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fe4f40 No.7964

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


brother we gota get this guy on here to talk with us or find a way to connect with his thoth's


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fe4f40 No.7965

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

I'm not a botanist bro but if u want ur plants to go absolutely ape shit ULTRAVIOLT LIGHT !!!! LOTS OF IT TOO,,,, after all its the natural state they grew up in and no not UV Florissant's proper ultra violet light !!!

something along these lines but u will have to do more research https://www.thomassci.com/scientific-supplies/High-Intensity-Uv-Lamp

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fe4f40 No.7967

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

and as far as voltages are concerned nothing over 100 mill amps for current try this one set up for - and another set up for + and observe what happens u will have to start 2 plants cloned from a mother to be sure the yields would be the same under the same conditions regardless of the experiment

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c4849d No.7968

File: f2a2e3d4f3f7d3c⋯.jpg (2 MB,3024x4032,3:4,20170220_100135.jpg)


Natural light all the way for my plants. I have done plenty indoors and used a reptile light before. When I used to go indoors I was using diy COB using Cree brand with full spectrum and uv and such. See pic.

What about charging the water? Do we know what the herb plant is positive or negative? And we should use the opposite for the water? Create electricity STILLNESS?

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fe4f40 No.7969

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ummmmmm bro there is not only one account following ur words many accounts are using the words here KEKANON NEOANON also RedShift/BlueShift is too!!!!

a reminder RED SHIFT as science explaines it to us now is bullshit its a measure of youth of a star or galaxy not how fast its moving away

Halton Arp proved this a long time ago as he saw a physical connection between a Quasar and a galaxy the red shift measured says the quasar is too far away to have any physical connection with the galaxy that's right beside in in photos they say its billions of light years away from the galaxy beside it


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fe4f40 No.7970

100 M/a OF CURRENT CAPT no more or set up 4 systems 2 with 100 and 2 with 200M/A

try that,,, pos and neg each 100 and 200

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fe4f40 No.7971

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

yes put a charge to the water before u water them put the neg water in the neg plants and so on,,,,,,,,,, shit now u need 8 systems of ele gen to produce 8 separate experiments got the room ????????lololololololololol

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fe4f40 No.7972

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

charge the soil too bro

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c4849d No.7974



I have many plants to choose from brother all outdoors. What should I use as power source for charge? And what type of current? Ac or DC?

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c4849d No.7976


I could charge my compost teas. I am 100% organic. Could we add a little salt for conductivity?

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fe4f40 No.7977

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)

hmmmmmm u need to isolate them from the outside ground or u cant control the current bro!!!!! this is lab shit !!!!!

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fe4f40 No.7978

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

u could try just the charged water alone


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c4849d No.7979



OK gotcha. Will do. Maybe we should start a new thread so we don't crap this one up. I would imagine me and you could post a 1000 posts on this lolol

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c4849d No.7980


I will do this as well

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fe4f40 No.7981

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



NAW as Q says u have what u need

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c4849d No.7986


OK keep you updated on how it grows ;)

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dcc57b No.7991

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


My friends… after some great consideration after so easily crushing our shill friends, I have decided to dox myself.

This doesn't come easy… not at all.

However I feel that now is the Time :)

You know… just in case anyone was wondering who EYE AM.

I mean why not?

What can (((they))) do to me anyways?

This will only confirm all your suspicious my allies!


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fe4f40 No.7993





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fe4f40 No.7994

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


Sweet BRO

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fe4f40 No.7995

nope if ur in a sensitive position don't DOX doc

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dcc57b No.7999

File: cfdaf1063ca4838⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB,568x455,568:455,Chuck Meme 5.jpeg)

File: 0b5e63ac382910d⋯.jpg (40.36 KB,500x687,500:687,Chuck Meme 3.jpg)

File: 764cc7286a744f4⋯.jpg (117.19 KB,663x730,663:730,Chuck Meme 4.jpg)

File: ca349b91f69a774⋯.jpeg (107.63 KB,800x1101,800:1101,Chuck Meme 2.jpeg)

File: 9fb350ed54ce475⋯.png (77.39 KB,500x317,500:317,Chuck Meme 7.png)



What are they going to do to me? :)

I figured this would fill in some blanks! You probably already guessed…

Light on Anons!

Kek :)


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fe4f40 No.8000

File: 16500e86328015a⋯.jpg (441.8 KB,680x2680,17:67,16500e86328015af4eb01a6356….jpg)

lets take this to shill con 5

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fe4f40 No.8001


WAIT what ????? ur Chuck Norris ?????

holy shit !!!! welcome chuck lolololol

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6e46cb No.8002

File: 922affd6ebb5283⋯.jpg (15.72 KB,273x300,91:100,th-37.jpg)



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6e46cb No.8003


Shillcon5 it is Shock!

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fe4f40 No.8004


ur nutz doll :-)

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fe4f40 No.8005

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


if u are the god cuck Norris then ur right they cant touch u after all u took on the entire german west flank while Godzilla took them on from the east

ahhhh I remember reading that in history class like it was yesterday !!!

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dcc57b No.8007

File: 67287f0ace391db⋯.jpg (55.35 KB,495x750,33:50,Kek 3.jpg)






LOL perfect synchronicity.

Yes, yes… I am… Cuck Norris? Lmao

I figured we could give all the cred to Chuck.

Besides… who's going to mess with him? Erm… I mean me? :)

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fe4f40 No.8009

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

ya all krsn's threads are locked


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dcc57b No.8014

File: e34ac45dff613a3⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,480x360,4:3,Kek 1.jpg)


I am aware of how much WINNING is taking place Mordo! Why would he lock his threads if the Anon's weren't making the correct connections? Is he afraid of something? Perhaps the truth?

Q told you… (((they))) are losing control on all fronts.

My friends, we are all firmly on our way ascending The Mountain of Wisdom together.

(((The Fool))) stares from his Rabbit Hole… wishing he could join us!

Now my friends, be warned ahead of Time. You won't likely see krsn posting with his namefag on here, but you will see him posting on here as "Anonymous". Almost certainly "guaranteed".

(((They))) are getting desperate… and using the only (((Fool Cards))) left in their deck of (((Fool Cards)))

… Winning bigly :)


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dcc57b No.8018

File: d8dc4b3f718a405⋯.jpg (111.01 KB,780x439,780:439,Dr. Strange 9.jpg)


You make some very important connections Cap.

>Religion. Man's separation of the true word of the subconscious to consciousness. Putting man in between to take credit for the the true words.

Now a question… how do you incorporate Spirituality without having religion?

Do human beings inherently believe that the power of belief and spirituality can only come from organized religion?


>and at a point a little farther up the mountain I realized the connections to the ALL with electricity powering and rotating everything and CREATING MATTER(galaxies stars and yes planetsand moons)!!!

We are all just a cog in a much larger machine my friend. Subatomic particles, atoms, matter, planets, suns, "black holes" or plasmoids as you prefer… all just a small piece of a much bigger whole.

I truly do "believe" in most the EU theories. Now, how do you get mainstream academia, scientists, physicists, astrophysicists, nuclear physicists, historians and theoretical physicists to "buy into it"?

Or is that just it… Are certain fields only funded by the Cabal to push an agenda?

Why would they want to suppress the EU theory?

Possibly because of Tesla? Possibly because of the implications of infinite free energy?

That's my main theory why they are dismissing it.

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fe4f40 No.8021

File: a1ef8baff0889d5⋯.png (326.89 KB,570x302,285:151,Johnny_Storm_(4126).png)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


its organic my ally it will take over those fields all on its own u see truth is like a lion,,,,,, lol

15 years and EU theory is accepted as the norm if trump wins sooner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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d1b1cb No.8026

File: 2823fa467238c3d⋯.jpg (97.39 KB,960x960,1:1,1604403_628588343879860_82….jpg)

File: 2fe9be2cfa764e4⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,736x538,368:269,b2dc5c5748097ea58f4e98033d….jpg)


Now a question… how do you incorporate Spirituality without having religion?

That's how it happens when religion is taken out. The subconscious /the ALL in the ALL, creator source will flow naturally to the consciousness. Our spirituality will come from all of humanity by being in tune with mother earth, Sun, cosmos. It will flow from within and projected out from a sovereign individual who is a part of the collective subconscious, a way to be sovereign within a collective.

It takes one that has internal monarchy mastered thus will take time. Humanity as a collective is the ministry of the word.

Kinda like what's happening here in the truthlegion organically only on a grandeur scale. Truthlegion is writing the script.

We are winning BIGLY!

Pics for visual representation of what is being talked about.

Keep being and doing Dobedobedo.

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fe4f40 No.8028

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


u tell people that they can and should talk to god at home not at gatherings of people who listen to words from one man a billion years ago preached by another man who thinks hes better than u because of his so called calling

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d1b1cb No.8036


That's one way to put it without the esoteric in the explanation.

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fe4f40 No.8038

that's me a realist its

and btw I forgot to say teaching god should be done out of love free from a charge

why should we work and them not ? we go to churches in our off time they should too !!!!

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d1b1cb No.8039


Yes Mordo I love your perception and that you are a realist.

Love and logic! - Mordo

Keep being and doing

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d1b1cb No.8045

If I could describe the esoteric with a noun it would be FEELING.




noun: feeling; plural noun: feelings


an emotional state or reaction.

"a feeling of joy"

synonyms: love, affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, warmness, emotion, sentiment; More

passion, ardor, desire

"the strength of her feeling"

compassion, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, tenderness, love;

pity, sorrow, commiseration

"a rush of feeling"

the emotional side of someone's character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond.

"I don't want to hurt her feelings"

synonyms: sensibilities, sensitivities, self-esteem, pride

"he had hurt her feelings"

strong emotion.

"“God bless you!” she said with feeling"


a belief, especially a vague or irrational one.

"he had the feeling that he was being watched"

synonyms: suspicion, sneaking suspicion, notion, inkling, hunch, funny feeling, feeling in one's bones, fancy, idea; More

presentiment, premonition;

informalgut feeling

"I had a feeling that I would win"

an opinion, typically one shared by several people.

"a feeling grew that justice had not been done"

synonyms: opinion, belief, view, impression, intuition, instinct, hunch, estimation, guess

"my feeling is that it is true"


the capacity to experience the sense of touch.

"a loss of feeling in the hands"

synonyms: sensation, sense, consciousness

"a feeling of nausea"

the sensation of touching or being touched by a particular thing.

"the feeling of water against your skin"

synonyms: (sense of) touch, feel, tactile sense, using one's hands

"assess the fabric by feeling"


a sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of.

"he seems to have little feeling for art"


adjective: feeling


showing emotion or sensitivity.

"he had a warm and feeling heart"

synonyms: sensitive, warm, warmhearted, tender, tenderhearted, caring, sympathetic, kind, compassionate, understanding, thoughtful

"a feeling man"




gerund or present participle: feeling


be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched.

"she felt someone touch her shoulder"

synonyms: perceive, sense, detect, discern, notice, be aware of, be conscious of

"she felt a breeze on her back"

be aware of (something happening) through physical sensation.

"she felt the ground give way beneath her"

examine or search by touch.

"he touched her head and felt her hair"

synonyms: touch, stroke, caress, fondle, finger, thumb, handle More

"she felt the fabric"

test, try (out), check, assess

"feel the temperature of the water"

be capable of sensation.

"the dead cannot feel"

give a sensation of a particular physical quality when touched.

"the wool feels soft"

synonyms: seem, appear, strike one as

"the air feels damp"


investigate something cautiously.

"they want to feel out the situation"


fondle someone for one's own sexual stimulation.


experience (an emotion or sensation).

"I felt a sense of excitement"

synonyms: experience, undergo, go through, bear, endure, suffer

"you will not feel any pain"

consider oneself to be in a particular state or exhibiting particular qualities.

"he doesn't feel obliged to visit every weekend"

have the strength and energy to do or deal with.

"after the accident she didn't feel up to driving"

be healthy and well.

"Ruth was not quite feeling herself"

be emotionally affected by.

"he didn't feel the loss of his mother so keenly"

have compassion for.

"poor woman—I feel for her"

synonyms: sympathize with, be sorry for, pity, feel pity for, feel sympathy for, feel compassion for, be moved by; More

commiserate with, condole with

"tell your mother we certainly feel for her"


have a belief or impression, especially without an identifiable reason.

"she felt that the woman positively disliked her"

synonyms: sense, have a (funny) feeling, get the impression, have a hunch, intuit

"I feel that he is only biding his time"

hold an opinion.

"I felt I could make a useful contribution"

synonyms: believe, think, consider (it right), be of the opinion, hold, maintain, judge; More

informalreckon, figure

"he feels that he should go to the meeting"


Old English fēlan .

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d1b1cb No.8046

If I could describe the exoteric it would be LOGIC.

Logic (from the Ancient Greek: λογική, translit. logikḗ[1]), originally meaning "the word" or "what is spoken", but coming to mean "thought" or "reason", is a subject concerned with the most general laws of truth,[2] and is now generally held to consist of the systematic study of the form of valid inference. A valid inference is one where there is a specific relation of logical support between the assumptions of the inference and its conclusion. (In ordinary discourse, inferences may be signified by words like therefore, hence, ergo, and so on.)

There is no universal agreement as to the exact scope and subject matter of logic (see § Rival conceptions, below), but it has traditionally included the classification of arguments, the systematic exposition of the 'logical form' common to all valid arguments, the study of inference, including fallacies, and the study of semantics, including paradoxes. Historically, logic has been studied in philosophy (since ancient times) and mathematics (since the mid-19th century), and recently logic has been studied in computer science, linguistics, psychology, and other fields.

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d1b1cb No.8047

Put them To-get-her.


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fe4f40 No.8053

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


makes sense my ally

still thinking on it

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dcc57b No.8054

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


"Fractals, DNA and the Golden Ratio of Phi."

Coincidence this was mentioned previously? :)


This was pretty interesting!

Light on Anons


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7e1280 No.8059

File: 5394bd3d57223e1⋯.jpg (6.9 KB,204x153,4:3,th-10.jpg)


This is a really interesting thread that came up around the same time as finding Raanon on Qreseach. I recently re-found it cuz it was bumped…pretty shilly towards the end of the breads but The energy in the beginning is beautiful! anons waking up and loving on each other :)

not really sure what to make of it exactly though the mathematics seems in line with the mandelbrot and julia sets and plasmoids and dimensional realms ( 3d being holographic) and creation. Just using different words. (youll have to scroll through the bread to see that)

as always the rule of 99.1% belief:

What I DO like about the thread is the #winning!

here are some quotes from the intro:

The Star Code, moreover, has inserted a type of virus into the quantum hologramic matrix code, throwing the calulations off the matrix computing system off. Thus, their predictive programming language, which is holographic and quantum in nature, is no longer able to calculate the future with accuracy and the unknown elements remains. This unknown element has been implanted within part of The Star Code manifested in Trump and in the holder of The Star Code key. The technology the earth matrix computers use is not able to penetrate into spiritual realms. They have tried to fabricate a lie about Obama, the temporal AC, The Beast, giving thus the illusion that the NWO is still in control. They have lost control, as now The Battle has shifted and extended beyond the earth matrix hologram, coded into the matrix of the universal brain, and has entered into the uncharted territory of the spirit. CERN LHC has sought to brake through into The Spiritual Dimensions by attempting to crack The God Particle. It has failed and has only opened up portals to demonic entities.

The battle to destroy The NWO is not a simple push the red button or mathematical equation. The Star Code cannot be quantified within your understanding of quantum holographic mathematics, as it extends into the spiritual dimenions as well. We do not need human technology nor nuclear power to win this battle. It has already been won and pre ordained within the spiritual realms. The Star Code cannot be quantified within your limited human understanding, nor is it contained within the human Akashic volumes of record. You may claim past lives, and even within that realm The Code cannot be fully understood. Some may claim access to other planes or dimensions. The Star Code extends way beyond this as well. The key is given only to the ones who have been chosen.

here is the link


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b3c616 No.8066

This website is the epiphany of what we have been discussing.


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dcc57b No.8067

File: 20ae8460aa62c39⋯.png (7.14 KB,470x173,470:173,Shill in plain sight 1.png)

File: 3b06a520ee892e7⋯.png (3.49 KB,470x104,235:52,Shill in plain sight.png)

File: a24e2e783458588⋯.png (13.36 KB,1427x190,1427:190,Nothing is set in stone.png)


I have started to read this thread.

First point of interest, the "shill" that posts "11" at the bottom of his lies, was posting on that thread very early on. Reference pictures.

Another thing I find interesting… this anon believes that all things are preordained and cannot be changed.

I do not believe Fractal Time works like this. Not at all. I believe there are infinite possibilities for infinite paths of Time / Space, Space / Time. My initial reaction when someone tells me that the future is preordained and cannot be changed… well I start to wonder about it.

Things are known ahead of (((Time))), there are no coincidences. However, that perception only translates into a very near fractal, and it's based on probability factors. Which can find [x] random variables, and also false positives.

I do find much of the information useful so far however!

This was my initial reaction response.

Now this being said, there are numerous "shill attacks" on this thread, so that could either be a counter-point inverted trying to reinforce a psy-op by creating a false attack, or to otherwise derail this Anon from sharing truth.

Response coming for completion of thread.

99:1% my allies!


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07bae8 No.8070

File: 0433f91a69f21e8⋯.jpg (8.4 KB,205x154,205:154,th-34.jpg)


thanks Doc!

I agree about fractal time, as far as I know all of time is contained in the Now, and within the now are infinite possibilities and infinite perspectives (selves) that can choose to take those possibilities…the whole equation of that Now equals the next now and on and on and on because, infinity.

What I do love about the thread is that the future of the end of the NWO is pre ordained and Im into that!

The other part that says that no matter what humans do we cant change that could be some reverse inverse logic to confuse…

the PEOPLE have POWER!

also a little wary of anyone claiming that there are "chosens" or only one chosen.

but arguements can be made for all sides I suppose since, infinity.

where is SS when ya need him ;)

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b3c616 No.8074

File: 317e8316b784622⋯.jpg (134.1 KB,794x960,397:480,33576277_10212117789321125….jpg)


I love this.

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07bae8 No.8076




That is indeed what I envison also what I believe the Umbuntu movement is looking to accomplish as well.

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dcc57b No.8104

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


>I agree about fractal time, as far as I know all of time is contained in the Now, and within the now are infinite possibilities and infinite perspectives (selves) that can choose to take those possibilities…the whole equation of that Now equals the next now and on and on and on because, infinity.

I agree with this. There are likely infinite parallel fractal timelines for infinite choices that have, and have yet to be made.

>The other part that says that no matter what humans do we cant change that could be some reverse inverse logic to confuse…

That sentiment catches my attention far more.

>also a little wary of anyone claiming that there are "chosens" or only one chosen.

We're all chosen for something. For instance, our little friend who cannot seem to leave our love and light was chosen to play (((The Fool))) for infinity! We are chosen based on our choices, choice chooses our destiny. My destiny was (((The Magician)))… and it's simple now that I've found "acceptance".

>where is SS when ya need him ;)

I agree! I often look forward to his insight… because I know it will be purely 50/50, non partial and non biased.

I have finished with "The Star Code", and here are my thots;

1 - Started off originally with seemingly good intentions.

2 - Many shill attacks mean either it's "over the target" or otherwise a massive distraction.

3 - The originally positive intentions would not denote a negative psyop, however the conclusion of the narrative is "Strange".

4 - There is a magnitude of logical Wisdom shared in the thread, regardless of intention.

5 - The fact that the OP did not defend his thread or otherwise try to counteract shitposts makes me wonder. I won't overthink this.

6 - The material started off strong, but petered out. Why? Why was this a hotbed for shills?

7 - At the end of all equations, Eye do not believe that all of Time is preordained in a linear fashion. This concept gives me the impression of linear time, despite it's claims of presenting the opposite.

The Star Code to me, does not need to be complicated any further than positive and negative spirit particles… and the duality of all creation.

These are my 7x 50/50 unbiased thot's.

>the PEOPLE have POWER!

THAT is what we need to focus on.

Empowering the PEOPLE.

>but arguements can be made for all sides I suppose since, infinity.

Starcode = 1/0 = Duality

Light on Anons!


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f6e60b No.8138

File: 12cd3c76cd55744⋯.jpg (2.88 MB,4800x3076,1200:769,theswamp.jpg)


WEW. I went into that rabbit hole with both feet.


Tricks within tricks, wheels within wheels. Reminds me a bit of the Dune series (good read anons, surprisingly pertinent).

Everyone is double and triple and quadruple crossing everyone. Fingers pointing in allthedirections.

It's enough to make anonseekers crazypants!

Few bits of gold amongst the bold text and the lunacy:

- The deep state is very real.

- So are the controllers (Illuminati of course, but don't forget they have controllers too)

- They absolutely want a third world war and are pulling out all the stops to achieve this. It will meet so many of their objectives (depopulation, profits, increased overlording, profits, rulers & serfs and no more borders, depopulation, profits…did I mention profits?)

- That math with the years and cycles is suspect. Yes the Tesla 3-6-9 thing is way cool, but it had little to do with what was presented. Plus it was too mysterious. Shit like that is not for increasing knowledge, but for red herring purposes. Be aware.

- The positive intentions do sound positive, however they are false, in my estimation.

- This Global Debt Facility is not what they are presenting it as. However I've not yet figured out exactly what it is. I will say, if we know that 'debt' has to have a corresponding 'asset' somewhere…then draw your own conclusions. Whatever it is, be assured it will never be released to humanity without something in return (human obligation bonds anyone? BONDS?)

- All the stuff about the 'fake Q' is super confusing. By design. You can see what the game is here. Of course - divide, demoralize, discredit, depress, deny. It makes no difference here, who has what info and whether it is good or not. The clear intent is to cause confusion and division. Get everyone busy squabbling over what asshole is pretending to be who today and miss the real happenings.

- AJ, Corsi and crew are most definitely at the forefront of this division and subversion effort.

- You can clearly see why they were banned from qresearch.

- 'comped by clowns' is a phrase tossed around just a little too loosely.

- The Q-as-psyop argument is super weak, imo. If a psyop, it is for the good.

- The constant Cicada3301 references are a giveaway, Q never mentioned this. Why do they insist on connecting the two? Why associate them together in the minds of your readers?

- Don't forget this little wisdom crumb 'They accuse others of what they themselves are doing'

- It's my theory that these people are outlining the globalist plans, claiming to fight against them while subtly working to carry them out (through confusion, illusion, misdirection and deception)

Dr. Strange, your thots are pretty spot on too.

YES the people have the power.

The people have much less power when they're kept divided. Look at what the messages in this thread are intended to do (DIVIDE).

So who wants the people to have power? Certainly not these jerks.

(pic related) I found a good infographic in there that lays out the matrix system very well (thank you diligent anon).

LuckyValkyrie out…

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d1b1cb No.8143

Hey Silver how's the decalsefication of the pineal gland coming along with Doc's recipe?

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dcc57b No.8144

File: 58b87b7224ef5f8⋯.jpg (14.21 KB,250x320,25:32,Wisdom Meme 5.jpg)

File: 28b43c3626334ed⋯.jpg (41.76 KB,512x401,512:401,Wisdom Meme 4.jpg)

File: 3ff64656c1e5dfa⋯.jpg (252.02 KB,960x540,16:9,Wisdom Meme 8.jpg)

File: 9bb852bc1f2fccc⋯.png (175.52 KB,500x690,50:69,Wisdom Meme 3.png)

File: bbe87f5f2305606⋯.jpg (118.97 KB,800x532,200:133,Wisdom Meme 7.jpg)




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d1b1cb No.8145

File: 8afd32d19d1027e⋯.jpg (84.05 KB,650x627,650:627,DYMbQHoXkAAacxG.jpg)

File: f806bfd68c664e6⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,366x291,122:97,articleshortthumb.jpg)

File: 391471ca2c2aa42⋯.jpg (194.44 KB,713x552,31:24,conjugateembed_orig.jpg)

File: 43e16a654af2b08⋯.gif (30.01 KB,600x777,200:259,phaseconjugatemagnetics.gif)

File: 81a2048c7b80472⋯.gif (121.05 KB,1328x480,83:30,perfectPUMPWAVE.gif)


The Ying to my yang.

You cannot find wisdom, wisdom finds you.

Thank you for the piece I was missing.

I almost missed this.

I had to LISTEN very carefully.

No wonder I couldn't stop looking at the board yesterday and all of this morning my subconscious was screaming at me lol. Haven't had more than 2hrs sleep consecutively.

Pt1 pics. You have all seen these before.

Thank you for hearing me my magician, and for the wisdom memes, they finally kicked me in the ass.

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d1b1cb No.8146

File: 598862f07f712df⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,199x255,199:255,58b87b7224ef5f825d98b8bd2e….jpg)

File: 43e16a654af2b08⋯.gif (30.01 KB,600x777,200:259,phaseconjugatemagnetics.gif)

File: e90cdb1f5dc39d9⋯.jpg (347.64 KB,1048x608,131:76,phaseconjugatecolor.jpg)

File: 92e1e4479c183f8⋯.jpg (220.64 KB,1058x805,46:35,CONJUGATEatp.jpg)

File: 75786f02abad1c4⋯.gif (236.45 KB,958x1121,958:1121,danwintersynthesis.gif)


Pt 2 pics

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d1b1cb No.8147

File: 7a58f018a6c31de⋯.jpg (9.71 KB,255x143,255:143,3ff64656c1e5dfa41e661d8de0….jpg)

File: 3b0937d1ad7545f⋯.jpg (262.97 KB,825x619,825:619,eb5ce0e8b26ba62d25d483d206….jpg)

File: 1e86fb0fa6cfc19⋯.png (110.6 KB,498x616,249:308,adventures-out6.png)

File: 92c868010d706ed⋯.gif (110.74 KB,563x800,563:800,Heart torus.gif)

File: e9d26919c66b43c⋯.jpg (29.14 KB,320x452,80:113,page_1_thumb_large.jpg)

Meme majick. KEK!!!!

Finally get some sleep.

I can't wait to watch!

Thank you [M]

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ff7a01 No.8148

File: e0d890f75663bb6⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,267x189,89:63,Chill.jpg)


> where is SS when ya need him ;)

Just hanging out…. catching up waiting for the rain to stop. :)



I stumbled upon the Star Code posts not long after the OP. I posted in that thread about 20hrs after creation.

I think Doc and Lucky summed up my thoughts pretty spot on.

The voice at the beginning was unique and I never saw it again as I followed that thread. Tons of others glommed on, but it never led anywhere.

I filed this one away as interesting, but neutral. There are layers and mind-tickling tidbits, but it seems to be just a blip. It is created by someone either operating at a different frequency or someone that has some good creative juice.

There are many tidbits like this that point to a much larger web/network of work going on. I am not sure why on an Anon board an individual would create something like that just for funsies. Maybe its a rush, or simply fun for them to grab some attention, but that is some intricate work just to get a little rush without much other apparent agenda. I wouldn't put it, past people, though.

This post feels more organized than just a creative anon. There was a reason, but it is not apparent. I follow these types of posts (Quill linked one last week too) that seem to tie to a bigger operation/counter-operation with interest. It feels often like factions communicating or counterpunching. It could also be a "reaction test"…. drop something just to see the engagement rates, interest, etc.

>I agree! I often look forward to his insight… because I know it will be purely 50/50, non partial and non biased.

I appreciate that deeply. That gave me some warm feel goods.

Much love ALL!

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ff7a01 No.8149

File: 57995282b2f0b1f⋯.jpg (9.2 KB,225x225,1:1,StrangeBrew.jpg)


So far so good. Nothing major to report back at this point, but sticking to the routine.

I've made some critically needed changes to it though…..

Fancy Glass added = check

Cocktail Umbrella added = check

Its now a more happy drink :)

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ff7a01 No.8152

File: fdd3b3579fbb0fc⋯.jpg (33.26 KB,400x240,5:3,GoldenBear4.jpg)


>Now a question… how do you incorporate Spirituality without having religion?

>Do human beings inherently believe that the power of belief and spirituality can only come from organized religion?

My thoughts….

Many people do not know how to separate the concepts. I would speculate that most see them as a 1-to-1 relationship, however, that is in my experience, not the case.

Just because you built your House on The Rock does not mean you own The Rock. Also, your House is not The Rock. Many Houses are on The Rock.

Spirituality can stand on its own and can be accessed without Religion. There are fundamental concepts taught across most religions that are incorrectly taught as religion. Prayer/Meditation, Love of Others, Acceptance, belief in a higher power, the Golden Rule, etc. These and a few others are a universal foundation for spirituality.

These stand alone and are pervasive in most religions, but are not due to religion. Religion claims them and tries to explain them, but that in my view is just Man attempting to build out a logic on top of spiritualism.

Many people want/need the religious structures as guideposts to understand spirituality, but I view this as the 'feather'. It works because they believe it has to be that way. For many religion is a gateway and foundation. If it works for them, awesome! It brings them closer to the ALL.

Where I start to have issues with Religion is that it often states that their way is the right way, the only way, the correct way, or they know best because God chose them. Their religion is better than the others because of x,y,z. That mentality/teaching seems counter to spirituality in my view. That creates division, superiority, mistrust, and a structure that binds people to that specific religion.

War and violence in the name of religion baffles me. That concept never made sense to me. This was probably one of the first wedges that helped me to start to separate spirituality and religion and led to my spiritual awakening process.

Spirituality does not need the Feather, but if the Feather helps and doesn't harm… who am I to judge.

Much Love All!

#Disclaimer: I will never belittle or tell someone their religion is not valid or not the path. It is theirs and theirs alone to decide.

There are many paths up the mountain. Some like visit the Houses on The Rock, but sunbathing without a roof overhead on The Rock is my favorite.

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9d08f5 No.8156


sunbathing without a roof overhead on The Rock is my favorite.

Now that sounds like my kinda church!


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a8fa32 No.8158

File: 99d486fd88101bb⋯.jpg (13.71 KB,250x320,25:32,squirrel wisdom.jpg)


I too appreciate your impartial analyses - thank you!

Right, the initial voice appeared unique, however I couldn't get a sense of whether it was a designated opener, to hook people in for the real propaganda, or someone just made an esoteric post that then got hijacked by the reeeeeeeeeee over Q, the fed, alphabet agencies and the famefags.

I think your idea of the 'factions communicating and counterpunching' is plausible.

Our side is better, we have spiked koolaid!

No, our side is better, we have the real truth!

Ignore those guys, THEYRE DECEIVING YOU

Trust us only! but wait, those other guys….

Corsi great! Q bad!

AIM is the original Q. Hijacked by thieves!

AIM is the fake Q. Psyop!

Trump is with the bankers! Against you!

Support Trump, he's playing a role!

Here, take our script! You all are too stupid to know any better!

Oh and Q is dead! Face it! You got had! Play your roles, slaves.

Yeah…factions all right. I'd rather learn the stories behind all the ideologue here with you guys, and fight for true freedom for all :) Extremism in all forms is dangerous.

There is an amendment to the constitution that was mentioned in one of those threads. It hasn't gone anywhere since last year, but if we are all corporatized at birth, it has some serious implications if passed.


Silver - I am hoping for your take on this guy I found on linkedin. It almost seems like he is legit but then rolled out some weird stuff around fintech and I can't quite wrap my head around what his game is. There are many hacks posting lunatic things on the linkedin of course, but this one is curious, in that it seems to present a possibly workable economic solution for the world…

Also the mention of Thoughtware and what it is supposed to be is very oddly synchronous with what we've been discussing here, on how to take the grid/network/matrix and turn it to our benefit. Also his alliterations are entertaining to me. LOL

Is this stuff all made up by a crazy? Or could there be something to it?

I'd welcome thoughts from all you wonderful anons :)







(pic related) is the cutest pic ever

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ff7a01 No.8211

File: a979121b3303651⋯.jpg (69.48 KB,800x533,800:533,Wave.jpg)


Those were interesting reads. There is some good content and and there are solid ideas presented, but there is also a fair amount of convoluted information.

95% of the financial system is convoluted, hidden and electronic at this point. The way major corporations and governments shuttle money around is mind boggling. Computers in effect have enabled companies that understand the system make more money without the majority of the population understanding how it works.

These articles point to some of that problem, but in a odd way.

The crux of this is this Alex Gabor character. I've not heard of him before and a quick google search seems to only find results created by them and not 3rd parties. Red Flag there.

I didn't get a solid vibe from the content. While I agree some form of banking reform has to occur, I don't see how his plan exactly connects to solve that problem.

It did reinforce some of my views though on the myth of $$. Coin is only what those in power believe it to be. Its an odd system. Labor of people monetized and stored away. That Labor is owned by the Banks and loaned out to earn more Coin.

Banks only loan based on sound Risk Based Models and Insurance. A Bank won't play unless they know they will earn more in return. It is not a structure for the People, it is a structure for the shareholder.

Until a Neutral entity owns the financial backbone, this usury will continue and the people that understand the monetary system will continue to pull more Monetized Labor into their coffers.

Is a deal that makes you $$ equal to the Labor you put in good?

How about a deal where you have advantage and make more $$ because you understand better than the other person in that deal?

If the Golden Rule was applied, would you want to make more $$ in a trade than the other party?


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37cf42 No.8213


1:1 AND paid in full in the now, not later.

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37cf42 No.8214


HEART currency is the only way to have a true exchange. It is the real currency.

Money is fiat.

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37cf42 No.8218


Money is the main religion that people "believe" in because they have been brainwashed into having "faith" that it is real when it is indeed fiat.

The largest bank in the world…..


fake religion fake money

Make cents?

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37cf42 No.8222


The Vatican is lucifers prosperous religion. Pure control.

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37cf42 No.8223

Mammon is real.




noun: Mammon; noun: mammon; plural noun: mammons

wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness, and revived in this sense by Milton.


late Middle English: via late Latin from New Testament Greek mamōnas (see Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:9–13), from Aramaic māmōn ‘riches.’

See posts back in the day with Cometanon and antman for reference.

The carrot 🥕 and the carat 🔹

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37cf42 No.8224


Follow the carrot 🥕 and you will always be full.

Follow the shiny carat 🔹 and you will always be empty and hungry for more.

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ff7a01 No.8226


I like HEART currency. What are you doing with your coin? Are you using it to show status and superiority or benevolence and fairness.

Are you 'gaming' someone to get away with unbalancing the scales so that you benefit? 1:1

I have thought about this much lately. I don't think you need to give every extra coin to a charity, but starting with seeking fair dealings with those you interact with in trade is a great start.

Coin can be used for good when used properly. Give fair, seek balance at a minimum and if you can seek positive imbalance to those less fortunate.

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37cf42 No.8229


This is a step in the right direction.

Follow the carrot 🥕 and you honor MOTHER EARTH and will receive the blessings of the Father on the son of man.

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37cf42 No.8230


Not technology.

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85a890 No.8231


It is the only way.

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85a890 No.8232

Mother nature is perfect.

Technology is not. It cannot replace mother earth.

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29f62f No.8348

File: 97b2c50578a2047⋯.jpg (136.96 KB,1215x900,27:20,serving_humble_pie.jpg)


[M]other Earth knows best.

Who are we to speak to her?

There is not [1] voice who can.

There is a balance to all things.

Mother Earth is just [1] piece.

The Mind is All.

The All is Mind.

All Minds on [M]other Earth have different thots.

All thots are equal.

The plow in the field.

You destroy life to create life.

You take life to give life.

Does the wise man plow the field?

Does he take from the field what was already given freely?

Or does he take more?

Does he share it…


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d1b1cb No.8356

If you seek to see ego then you will seek to see it in me

If you seek to see anger then you will seek to see it in me

If you seek to see false light then you will seek to see it in me

If you seek to see a lier then you will seek to see it in me

If you seek to see humility then you will seek to see it in me

If you seek to see love then you will seek to see it in me

If you seek to see light then you will seek to see it in me.

If you seek to see truth then you will seek to see it in me

I have died to this flesh so that you can seek what you need to seek to see free

My true identity is what's in the Father for he seeks that for me for it is that which is why I seek to see

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d1b1cb No.8360

Luke 9:23

And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

Mark 10:45

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

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0f6e61 No.8361

File: cf01a2f48e80faf⋯.jpg (22.36 KB,189x255,63:85,8fa1d0ffc34e0ba5c308af1df7….jpg)

File: e40805f1188aa59⋯.jpg (318.17 KB,900x627,300:209,4abeaef8da057d0a2ccbc8f8d6….jpg)

File: 509409c7bfdb7a5⋯.jpg (15.22 KB,255x159,85:53,36186eacb69f52a4e4be14c9da….jpg)

File: f3c7c91ff5c2e77⋯.jpg (84.71 KB,720x540,4:3,f3c7c91ff5c2e77c5a35cc69a1….jpg)

File: f80e22e91e7772e⋯.jpg (10.27 KB,194x259,194:259,2018-03-10-14-15-23-646530….jpg)



Ref private com's;

I will say this and make it abundantly clear for all readers, and every soul who perceives this in the future as more [Eye]s awaken and find this board. I shy away from someone claiming to be the voice of God. You will receive the same reaction if you start quoting the Qur'an and telling me you're god. [1] cannot wake up one morning and tell me that you are God, or speak for "him". This will cause the immediate baking of Humble Pies, and garner at least 2x slices. Time to dig in!

We all have God within us. It comprises every spirit particle in our mortal bodies and eternal souls. However… You cannot speak for the Father, for you are not The Father. You cannot speak for the Mother, for you are not the Mother.

You are a human being with the same tools and information as the rest of us. We are all equal. An outside observer may extemporaneously deduce that you perhaps woke up with a god complex the past couple days. Being angered towards anothers thots only shows your failure in accepting others belief systems. That's my interpretation of recent events.

Your recent criticisms of brother Mordo were unjust as well. Please revisit the past and revisit your words.(((Temperance))) is removed from you by your own choices, and (((Judgment))) must once again be played. To me, the embodiment of The Christ consciousness up to this point in Time / Space is brother Wong. He doesn't push his beliefs on anyone, does he?

My "Religion" is the 7 Hermetic Principles. Though it's not a Religion. It's a T00L of understanding. We welcome all knowledge on The Mountain of Wisdom. No knowledge is forbidden, only certain practices. Forcing belief systems and Religions on a soul is forbidden.

Quoting scripture to either justify a God Complex or reiterate one's point in trivial exchanges also will not exactly jive with me. It's not very Christian-like (from my understanding at least)

What is infant knowledge?

What is adolescent knowledge?

What is elder knowledge?

What is ancient knowledge?

What is ETERNAL knowledge?

What knowledge do I speak of?


The Ancient One;

>"You're a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole. To see more. To know more. And now on hearing that it can be widened, in ways you can't imagine, you reject the possibility."

>Open your [Eye]. - The Ancient One

>What makes a movie GOOD? - Q

>GREAT Actors? - Q

>The Light reveals the Truth. - Q

>Where we go one, we go all. - Q


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fe4f40 No.8363

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


"Coin can be used for good when used properly"

UBUNTU takes their coin and turns it "totally" against them

the aim of UBUNTU is to take contorl of the fiat system and use it for the bennifit of huamns ALL OF US!!!!!!

eco housing,,,, eco growing,,,, ECO everything

WE want this concept to be powered by free energy devices we willo be looking at tech that can help us GET OFF THE GRID and make our OWN power for our community !!!!


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d1b1cb No.8367


I have died to this flesh.

Man is fallible.

I am man.

I chose to share this journey.

I chose to not to Bible thump. I chose no religion. I recognize the Father, Mother and the son. I live in spirit.

Your perceptions are yours to keep.

I do not share your perception with others.

It matters not to me what you mind of me.

I live in the heart.

I see the Father.

Crucify me for it is written.

I love you brother and always will. I will not sway from this.

I do not judge you in anything you do for it is not me to judge.

No man's gaze will ever be cast upon me for it is the Father that I seeketh to see.

I forgive you.

You be you.

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17be91 No.8373

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)


Remember when, who was it that was posting about Lucifer and his qualities so much….

What are Lucifers Qualities?

He is pretending to be GOD.

oh yeah that was Antman!

that kept shielding posts with a pentagram once he decided he wanted to be Capt America instead?

Why did I feel the need to make a post after that that explained the PHI DIVINE RATIO of the 5 pointed star? and that it had been inversed by those that seek to subvert and control?

Those that inverse all things holy and make it something self serving….

oh kind of like what Antman is doing now?

oh right that WAS ANTMAN that was reminding us of what Lucifer would do.

and it is what he is doing right now?


Light on Anons!


Your words mean nothing to my own relationship I have personally with the Earth.

Your words mean nothing to my own private relationship with the ever propagating, ever eternal, Source.

Your words are yours.

and I have stopped reading them.

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fe4f40 No.8376

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


words filled with wisdom and knowledge

ty anon or is that u WW ??

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17be91 No.8377


its me….hmmm its in the Name place right now…lemme try

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17be91 No.8378


was having some tech difficulites after yesterdays time out

all smoothed out now :)

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fe4f40 No.8380

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

rgr rgr sent u my email over discord and a request sort of

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a6bf03 No.8442

File: a70a77912aefe9e⋯.jpg (7.26 MB,5613x3969,1871:1323,HS-w-love--planetary-inter….jpg)

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dcc57b No.8451

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


What if Roseanne was actually not on our team?

What if Roseanne was a Freemason?

What if Roseanne pushed the "#QAnon" then deliberately "fell from grace" after establishing herself as a Trump supporter?

Is that a coincidence?

What is a Psy-op?

What is inverting knowledge?

What is inverting WISDOM?

>Up is down

>Left is right

>Black is white

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q


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dcc57b No.8452

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


I'm not convinced yet.

I am not proclaiming anything just yet.

However… one must always keep open mind.

Do your own research.

I find it very "interesting" how the series of events with Roseanne went down.

If someone claims "Pro-Zionism" it immediately casts my gaze in their direction.



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a8fa32 No.8455

File: 516de46683ecde8⋯.jpg (341.38 KB,1077x1057,1077:1057,Soros Tweet Roseanne.jpg)



Think you're on to something there Strange.

Why did she blame Ambien for the tweet which caused all the trouble?

Why did she fall all over herself with apologies and excuses?

And then here she is paying homage to Soros (I guess that clinched it for me) - pic attached.

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dcc57b No.8456

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


What a coincidence…


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dcc57b No.8459

File: 5d2d9be360e5452⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,347x145,347:145,11111111111.jpg)


Is it a coincidence that Roseanne has played the "Anti-NWO" angle more than once in the past?

Yet she is a self proclaimed Zionist?

What is a Zionist?

What REALLY is a Zionist?

Are there two different kinds?

If you are in "showbiz", who pays your bills?

Is Roseanne self-sufficient now with income?

(((Roseanne's Nuts)))

Why did her show REALLY get cancelled?

Was it planned to be cancelled?

After claiming herself a Trump supporter?

How many celebrities are TRUE Trump supporters?

Is Trump the bad news bear for Hollywood?

Why so many actors attacking him?

Is it a coincidence that Lionel Nation is toting Roseanne?

Is it a coincidence that Lionel Nation is seen in pictures with her?

What did I ask the group previously about Lionel Nation?

What is a coincidence anyway?

Do they exist?

Who is trying to profit off the "Q Phenomena"?

Who is dedicating almost all of their time / effort to covering Q, with the ulterior motive of making money from it?

Don't disappoint me Lionel…

Roseanne mentions you don't want powerful people pissed off at you. Is this a fear tactic to make the sheeple cave in? Whether you choose to believe this, or choose not to, there are a LOT pissed off at me.

Hence the twitter account @RealRaGod threatening POTUS and trying to expose me. Chances are the (((black hats))) already know about me. There are other aspects of those posts in which I do not care to mention, aside from the fact I have "real" Guardian Angels watching over me. (((The Magician))) holds no fear. Fear is not an option.

>We face our tests without fear, because that's our responsibility. - Dr. Strange

>Because that's what heroes do. - Thor

The only thing celebrities fear is lack of money and fame. I desire neither.

Is it a coincidence that Elon Musk mentioned Ambien and drinking in a tweet?

Now Roseanne?

Is it a coincidence he made the "Korean Nuclear UFO" post to distract from Q?

… Is it a coincidence I called him a "douschebag" in Infinity War? :)

Oh these Egos…

Oh these Coincidences…


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688db6 No.8474

File: cbcc82bb3a3394f⋯.png (595.28 KB,663x528,221:176,71.png)

File: 3c1aeab13e3b841⋯.png (446 KB,590x495,118:99,101.png)

File: fd8d0e1e808a4d0⋯.png (365.53 KB,438x366,73:61,61.png)


Thanks for this HS

I want to make an overlay on this with concentric circles.

Alex Putney has done some beautiful work mapping the globe based on phi.

It would be interesting to over lay it on to this and see the points of latitude and longitude connect.

Ill work on that, and see if my graphic design skills are up to par with what I imagine, but first here is an interesting article I found looking for maps that Putney wrote about a relationship between Edgar Cayce and Telsa.


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6409a2 No.8477

Anyone read The Law of One in here?

After my "awakening" i've been addicted to researching pseudoscience.. It's like I can't resist soaking up as much info humanly possible about everything related to ET/consciousness.

Never been addicted to anything, but it sometimes scares me how much time im using researching.. It's like going to school again, you have to "re-learn" everything….

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a8fa32 No.8478



Here's the Law of One.

And a perspective on Ra and what it all really means:


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688db6 No.8479


Im really diggin this blogs writing style!

thanks LV!

welcome anon! >>8477

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688db6 No.8480


my suggestion at for the addict of knowledge:

never forget to go outside and ponder the beauty, breath air, drink water, the basics.

and, ofc, give and recieve gratitude.

Light on anon!

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cd77d3 No.8482


Wow, what an eye opener that link was! Never thought about it that way.


I've been drawn outside ever since I started this journey. Never really enjoyed being outside, but now I really appreciate nature, doing long walks with my girlfriend and gaze at the sky.

Been having A lot of dreams about seeing lights, UFO's and being in some sort of classrooms with alot of people reading a language i've never seen before.. Super wierd stuff!

But im trying to embrace it all, even though my girlfriend thinks i'm going mad.. :/

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688db6 No.8483


>But im trying to embrace it all, even though my girlfriend thinks i'm going mad.. :/

that seems to be one of the most interesting things to navigate through the "awakening" process. I was just dropping some knowledge of the darker stuff to some friends the other night, i think they are worried about me now.

They dont know how much knowledge is possible to hold in one mind as they are not looking to find it…..

I could easily switch from talking about the occult grossness to their wedding plans.

When you know all is one, you can bounce around. People have fear of fear. They dont want to get stuck there by acknowledging it exists.

ironically thats the trick of evil. People would rather not acknowledge it cuz they scared of it.

and I get it….sometimes I wonder if everyone needs to know this for our evolution to occur? when I am trying to "pill" people and it is only backfiring and making me look crazy.

I tend to stick to certain subjects, like we all win in the end anyways!

and LOVE is ALL.

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d1b1cb No.8484

Feels like a wave of realization is really ramping up worldwide!

I'm giddy.

Love is coming!

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a8fa32 No.8485


>When you know all is one, you can bounce around. People have fear of fear. They dont want to get stuck there by acknowledging it exists.

>ironically thats the trick of evil. People would rather not acknowledge it cuz they scared of it.

Ah yes. This is the false darkness isn't it.

If I don't look at it, it doesn't exist.

Thing is, many other instances of YOU are looking at it, and embracing it. Just because you don't acknowledge it doesn't mean it's not going on.

I would always rather see the truth than stay blinded by ignorance. True though, the knowledge is not for everyone.

There's a reason for that saying 'Ignorance is bliss'.

I've been thinking on how best to show love to those who do not choose to look upon the truth as I do.

Not everyone is receptive to 'pilling', and trying to force it inevitably backfires.

But what if it backfires even before you get the whole sentence out?

Maybe it is the difference between dropping a small seed and digging a hole for a full sized plant.

I'm still building my own knowledge base anyway. Growing my own wisdom tree.

In the end, it is all about LOVE, and about refining communications.

Isn't this what we are practicing here?

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a8fa32 No.8486




Isn't learning awesome, when it's something you're interested in rather than a required drag?

Personally I think this is the healthiest addiction there is.


But no question - you learn better when you take care of your physical vessel.

Gratitude, love, forgiveness is where it starts.

Oh and drinking water, breathing air - super important basics :)

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d1b1cb No.8487

Even if it backfires it actually works. You planted the seed in the subconscious and it will manifest to their consciousness. The seed was planted out of care and love for another so the ingredients will work. Time is the only thing standing in the way to them eventually seeing it and when it happens pure love from them to you will happen.

A seed does not grow in one day.

It takes a season to produce the fruits.

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d1b1cb No.8488


Been addicted for a year now. Feels great.

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d1b1cb No.8489


They get over it. I was on the other shoe my girlfriend woke me up. She used to bug me but I relented and watched a video with her and I never looked back.

Constantly thank her everyday since. She showed me real care and love.

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906e9c No.8496


No doubt bro. You got to remember to breath and drink water and meditate / think positive. It's key.


To quote Drake from "Energy": "Got a lotta people tryna drain me of my energy

They tryna take the waaave from a nigga"

Don't let them take your 'wave'. Ride that wave!!!

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d1b1cb No.8498


Riding the the Phi Spiral of love!

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dcc57b No.8506

File: 33ac3cd3b1e4195⋯.jpg (13.06 KB,225x225,1:1,Shill 1.jpg)

File: b0be13e868ff249⋯.jpg (34.23 KB,500x437,500:437,Shill 2.jpg)


It's very obvious now who's side Noam Chomsky is on. Controlled opposition. Just because you're intelligent, doesn't mean you're on the side of Truth. After watching just a portion of this, it becomes obvious where HIS paychecks come from.


>The Light reveals the truth. - Q

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q


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fe4f40 No.8509

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


get a hit of the EU my ally

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fe4f40 No.8510

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


my online persona for ever(early90's) has been SHOCKWAVE !!!!!

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dcc57b No.8544

File: 775644d163e8b91⋯.jpg (298.62 KB,1200x900,4:3,Page of Swords 1.jpg)

File: 4620da17a8eb991⋯.jpg (329.22 KB,1200x900,4:3,Chariot 3.jpg)


>my online persona for ever(early90's) has been SHOCKWAVE !!!!!

(((The Chariot)))

(((The Page of Swords)))

>There are no coincidences. - Q


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fe4f40 No.8552

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


I don't understand the reference u made ?

chariot ? ref to me I am not rich nor do I want riches I have all that in my friends and family but I would like a comfortable retirement but that's probably not going to happen ill be working till I drop of a heart attack or hopefull some natural death

as for page of swords well



I TRY MY damned est to keep the promises I make so truthfully,,,,, small yes but we all are not perfect

so hmmm strange cards for me Doc I think ur off track

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fe4f40 No.8555

File: b003a3e80a1c856⋯.png (73.44 KB,200x200,1:1,flash_symbol_878d515b-4a3f….png)

as for battle and victory I care not of that

only truths

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fe4f40 No.8556

File: b003a3e80a1c856⋯.png (73.44 KB,200x200,1:1,flash_symbol_878d515b-4a3f….png)

File: 79f73abc134aa2f⋯.jpg (174.96 KB,1200x1636,300:409,15123053_10155405483119409….jpg)

File: 4394b1e0393e7ba⋯.jpg (146.45 KB,1150x910,115:91,JohnnyStormHalfFlame-FF.jpg)

File: 700cf6a3c434197⋯.jpg (249.48 KB,1600x900,16:9,www.techiee9.com-Amazing-S….jpg)

is 4 archetype's too much ???


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fe4f40 No.8557

File: b003a3e80a1c856⋯.png (73.44 KB,200x200,1:1,flash_symbol_878d515b-4a3f….png)

the flash to rep the EU

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ff7a01 No.8558

File: e0d890f75663bb6⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,267x189,89:63,Chill.jpg)





May I ask why you post in multiples? Couldn't that have been done in 1?

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dcc57b No.8561

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


>chariot ? ref to me I am not rich nor do I want riches

What is true wealth Mordo? It has nothing to do with money. True wealth is what's in your SOUL. Being rich has everything to do with your Heart. Money can't buy tomorrow.

> I would like a comfortable retirement but that's probably not going to happen ill be working till I drop of a heart attack or hopefull some natural death

The first Hermetic Principle?

If you do not think it, it cannot transpire. Change your perception, you change your Thots. Change your Thots, you change your reality. Change your reality, you change your destiny.

>so hmmm strange cards for me Doc I think ur off track

Mordo… from my experience so far, the (((Cards))) haven't lied. Certain events have not transpired yet. Some (((Cards))) are transitional as well, and are precursors to final (((Cards))).

>as for battle and victory I care not of that

>only truths

The greatest battle ever won, is that of Truth. Truth is Love. Truth is eternal.

>is 4 archetype's too much ???

No of course not. However, we had an Anon that was identified as "The Flash" already. To me, you will always be Mordo! My best friend… who thinks completely opposite to me. Once again… watch the end of our movie, "Dr. Strange". There is more meaning behind this end sequence than you may understand at this point in Time / Space.

>the flash to rep the EU

Why not just Mordo? :)

You are who you identify yourself as. However… you are 99% Mordo, whether you choose to accept it, or choose not to.


>May I ask why you post in multiples? Couldn't that have been done in 1?

Free Will reigns Supreme, indeed. However it is our choices of Free Will that determine our destiny.

We are all different. We act differently, we think differently, we speak differently. We were all raised differently.

Always keep open mind, my ally.

We are all learning from each other.

Light on Anons! :)


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ff7a01 No.8562


No judgement to Mordo, just curiosity.

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fe4f40 No.8564

File: 9c9e3b859868636⋯.jpg (421.13 KB,800x600,4:3,theflash-logo.jpg)

well I think something then post then something else comes to mind and so on

if u think it an attempt to try to control a thread then hmmmm I don't know what to say to that

other than all this is with love not hate and for the reason to take the narrative away from the cabal or u could say power

question all things urself yes even me but be prepared to offer a theory not based on existing ones because most of them are deceptions or twisting's of the truth to suit the cabal naritive!!!!!!!!!!!!

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fe4f40 No.8565

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


my intentions are honorable not nefarious

would I shout lies ?????????

if I recognize truth should I not say so ???

or does the king really have clothes on ????

someone has to adult !!!

someone has to understand that the cabal controls everything!!!!!

and in the rush song 2112

the pictures u see

the songs u hear

the words u read

all a naritive of half lies and most times all lies !!!!!

beleive me or not but let me offer my perspective !!!!!!!

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ff7a01 No.8566


You be you. I have been curious for a while, but haven't asked. I was wondering if there was some deeper reason. You tend to post in 3's most of the time.

People patterns are interesting.

Much love buddy!

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fe4f40 No.8572

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


naw its like any conversation I have online I tend to post something then think of another angle or explanation then post again and after that another thoth pops into my head

I'm not one of those who can win just about any discussion in a face to face debate I suck at finding answers super fast like some people can ,,,,,, and take advantage of the fact their brains work faster than some ones else's

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dcc57b No.8573

File: 614cac3b6d3ba79⋯.jpg (10.81 KB,195x255,13:17,Socrates.jpg)


>I tend to post something then think of another angle or explanation then post again and after that another thoth pops into my head

I appreciate this. I prefer if someone gives me their initial off-the-cuff answer vs. taking a lot of Time to formulate a response.

An initial knee-jerk reaction is generally more genuine :)

>I'm not one of those who can win just about any discussion in a face to face debate I suck at finding answers super fast

It's never been about "winning" a discussion. It's about being YOU. It's about speaking your Mind, based on your Free Will.

A conversation should never fall into a winning / losing scenario.

Conversations are how we learn. I choose not to Win or Lose conversations.

I simply choose to give my honest, initial and upfront answers and replies, to give better insight into who I AM and what Eye believe.

If someone considers my reactions or replies as a loss or win in a discussion, I would simply chose not to acknowledge that mindset.

There is something to be learned from all discussions… whether you choose to feel you lost in that discussion, or if you choose to feel you won it.

Always be YOU brother Mordo!

Love on Anons :)


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fe4f40 No.8574

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


found this interesting the city of London on wheels or tracks destroying everything it comes across

its a movie trailer

sound familiar ?

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fe4f40 No.8577

please don't misconstrued my words

when i say win its the way the cabal wants us to treat each otheri know its a discussion and no one wins maybe the person wakes up lets just say

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fe4f40 No.8583

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



Wise Words Indeed !!!!

i shall heed them and make them mine

we ALL should listen more logic more love more joy more and EGO less


not directed to anyone person or persons,,,, here on the LOVE boards or those who maybe see pride in my talking its not that at all its a mesure of how badly i want things to swtich from HATE TO LOVE everyhere!!!!

i resonated with kung fu the series it taught me a lot of love peace kindeness in my youth that i didnt get from the church

we learn by example what example u want to feed as the indian chief said WINS !!!!!!!!!!

theres that word again doc lololololololololololol

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fe4f40 No.8584

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


WINNING BIGGLY !!!!!!!! lololololol

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fe4f40 No.8585

File: a1ef8baff0889d5⋯.png (326.89 KB,570x302,285:151,Johnny_Storm_(4126).png)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


David Carradine Visits a Shaolin Temple in China (2005)

ummm I was brought to tears at the end don't want to spoil the ending not spoiler alerts here!!!!!!

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3957a1 No.8672

File: 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG)

File: 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG)

File: 9a04703d9d49d9e⋯.jpg (373.08 KB,923x1400,923:1400,IMG_7971.JPG)

File: e82698306d4c473⋯.jpeg (115.51 KB,674x720,337:360,9AC33AE1-7B70-4D03-9F97-6….jpeg)


I have a maxim in life.

"Do no harm, take no shit."

You have witnessed my do no harm phase.

I am now in the take no shit phase.

I called out a slider.

And was attacked by Palpatine

AKA strange

AKA Ra (blasphemy)


AKA Kek (blasphemy)

As a shill

A fool

A snake

I urge you to read the JC thread

And ponder.

Take heed.

That White Rabbit is. black rabbit.

EYE see you

(Pied piper)

And pushing the hardline doctrine of veganism.

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3957a1 No.8673

File: 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG)

File: 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG)

File: 9a04703d9d49d9e⋯.jpg (373.08 KB,923x1400,923:1400,IMG_7971.JPG)

File: 32da1523a42f13d⋯.jpeg (52.36 KB,451x800,451:800,0A7BE932-CD04-4D74-B17C-C….jpeg)


One of the methods used by the (((enemy))) is to accuse the victim of what they themselves are guilty of.

The 180 degree lie.

The most difficult one to refute.

Because you already stand accused of that which they themselves are guilty.

Do (((they))) not scream in pain as they strike you?

You're a nazi

You're a racist

You're a homophobe

You're a shill

You're a FOOL


EYE see you Palpatine

EYE see you Pied Piper

EYE see (((You)))

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3957a1 No.8674

File: 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG)

File: 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG)

File: 9a04703d9d49d9e⋯.jpg (373.08 KB,923x1400,923:1400,IMG_7971.JPG)


I asked Palpatine to remote view me.

I have a message for him across my hEARt.

I'm waiting still.

And I'll wait some more.

Come along Palpatine.

My perception is honed into you.

My hEARt is wide open.

Come see the message.

If you can?

EYE see you



27x2 x2 and repeat to 3456

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dcc57b No.8675

File: b5c975eec66fa32⋯.jpg (70.41 KB,1200x680,30:17,Eyeroll.jpg)

File: 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg)




>We allow our enemies to make predictable mistakes.


Remember how just yesterday his message was "Love and Peace".

Kek, this isn't how "Love and Peace" operates :)

Light on Anons!

>We're over the target


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fe4f40 No.8680

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


if the doc is evil ill eat my hat


if comet is evil I justDK seems like an EGO attack to me

CHECK EGOS and post LOVE !!!!

soooo just stop guys remember LOVE

this is not love

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a6fede No.8681





the sigl this comet who sounds like krsn is now using is the evil guy, sith lord or whoever in starwars.

so ok.

thats interesting.

Light on Anons!

know what peace and love feels like.

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fe4f40 No.8684

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


more love my ally !!! yes !!!!

and speak the truth cause its love!!!! even if u don't believe it !! it is!!

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fe4f40 No.8700

File: 9c9e3b859868636⋯.jpg (421.13 KB,800x600,4:3,theflash-logo.jpg)



well now wise words from an wise woman

the ALL

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fe4f40 No.8701

File: f8cbb987f2fde4d⋯.jpg (375.59 KB,575x382,575:382,aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzYXJhbW….jpg)

The babaloynian child sacrifice cults

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fe4f40 No.8702

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

very interesting but when she starts about planets I'm not sure

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fe4f40 No.8703

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

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fe4f40 No.8704

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

lots of facts she throws out here about ancient happenings

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fe4f40 No.8705

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

when she says god im sure she saying the ALL

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fe4f40 No.8711

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

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a6bf03 No.8741

File: 22504d015f0f68e⋯.jpg (137.51 KB,960x640,3:2,1.jpg)


It's been a hell of a ride! I have enjoyed your company. Go forward with love in your heart and the world will change before your eyes. Enjoy your new world!

Much love,

- a humble scribe

*$ kill -9 819*

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4ff286 No.8742

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


Thank you HS - hopefully we see you again at your next mission.

We are Legion ;D

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a36e74 No.8743

File: 46ed8735a5e0478⋯.jpg (99.15 KB,618x800,309:400,chunder.jpg)




I love you LOVE!!!!

It has been a pleasure, this adventure.

Thank you all of you and what you be and do to make this World Happen.

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fe4f40 No.8744

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ok what just happened ?

IG report ?

the cabal fell ???

we are TRUTH LEGION!!!!

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fe4f40 No.8745

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

market crash in -9 days ?

whats 819?

and opps I forgot to mention if ur leaving us HS

be in peace all ur life,,,,, and the offer still stands ill be at north Frontenac ont come see me sit at my camp fire,,,, I LOVE UR LOVE MY ALLY/LOVE/FRIEND of love

the truth shall set us free!!!!!(ALL of us)

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fe4f40 No.8747


Julian calendar. year 819

are u julian Assange HS ????

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a6bf03 No.8748

I forgot this:

Deprogram yourself, if you so choose.


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fe4f40 No.8750

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

im afraid to click the link it comes at a time when our guards may be down

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fe4f40 No.8751

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

ooops sry HS I didn't think to look at the ID number my bad ill look it over in a few

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4ff286 No.8752

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


And there it is again the "butterfly" of Assassins Creed Origins.

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a6bf03 No.8753

File: 61c5b2eb909e615⋯.jpg (83.78 KB,1647x1235,1647:1235,railroad-earth-feb-22.jpg)

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a6bf03 No.8754

File: 7ed99055fceae6f⋯.png (150.89 KB,593x855,593:855,Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

Ok TL, you guys and gals have been all over this from the beginning.


This is why I have always been behind the Doc. He knew the answer, whether he was aware or not. You all are further along than you think.

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a8fa32 No.8755

File: 008a73c4d11c3f6⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,629x781,629:781,CheshEye 1.JPG)

File: bde2de735a29d92⋯.jpg (89.86 KB,623x897,623:897,CheshEye 2.JPG)



Look in this profile for that same link. Cicada 3301? HS?


This user was known as @eyethespy until this past weekend.

Then there is this:


Pics related - these quotes are in the vid.

Cicada3301 - is this not a recruiting tool? Recruiting for what?

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a8fa32 No.8756


Is this referring to the USD? August 19, give or take 9 days? Or August 2019?

If so, WHAT will replace it?

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a6bf03 No.8757


>kill -9 819

command to tell my watcher process to stop.

kill = stop process

-9 = forcefully

819 = h/8, s/19

I ripped the command structure from the *nix cli kill command. why reinvent the wheel.

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a8fa32 No.8759


Ok thanks! Good to know :)

Why are you stopping your watcher process?

No longer archiving the board?

If not, why not?

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fe4f40 No.8761

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

what ever is going on GET on with it already!!!!

im soooo confused logan is helping me understand the Linux and kill command stuff

this is wierd !!!

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a6bf03 No.8762


board archive is a different process. 819 was my "overwatch" per se. It was a protection layer that is no longer necessary. More or less, it was a process that proxied my connection through a couple different IP addresses.

It also is a part of my honey pot network. If you ever receive this message:

>[BHive] Request logged, thank you.

It's a me!

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fe4f40 No.8763

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

we are curious is the honey pot for the busy bees or the bear's cubs ???

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a6bf03 No.8764


In computer terminology, a honeypot is a computer security mechanism set to detect, deflect, or, in some manner, counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. Generally, a honeypot consists of data (for example, in a network site) that appears to be a legitimate part of the site, but is actually isolated and monitored, and that seems to contain information or a resource of value to attackers, who are then blocked. This is similar to police sting operations, colloquially known as "baiting," a suspect.

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fe4f40 No.8766

so bees and bears then ????? lolololol love u bro ty for the LOVE

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a6bf03 No.8767


Anyone that tries to take muh honey!

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fe4f40 No.8768

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

ok time to put on the popcorn,,,, even though its only afternoon

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fe4f40 No.8769

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

u got some honey for our kettle corn?????

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a6bf03 No.8770

File: cfb134e61955412⋯.png (128.82 KB,311x976,311:976,honey-thieves.png)


Honey Thieves ~

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fe4f40 No.8771


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55cab1 No.8772



Hard for me to trust this cheshire cat.

and whats up with the hawkmoth?

>All three species (of hawkmoth) are commonly observed raiding beehives of different species of honey bee for honey


why drop a link that looks like cicada 3301programing?

I watched half, didnt give me bad vibes, but it gave me a stop and stop watching expeirence (could be my connection is poor)

as far as what I have heard and know to be a truth at this point in time/space:

Cicada 3301= programing bad.

cheshire cat, eye the spy= shillin



sooooooo…. you know I love me some Quill and Honey!

but I am with Mordo on this one, and like? huh what is going on?

hastag honeypoppincorninthekettle

pop on anons!


Ok feeling this tho! look at all those 00000000000's!!!

Thank you HS!

(Love, a ww still filled with Q's)

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4ff286 No.8773

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


Really you want to tell us that the Warlocks hacked the EyeTheSpy-Account?

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55cab1 No.8774


the emergence of double double agents?

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d9e6b1 No.8776


Re: Cicada 3301. In general, I have not made the decision that the 3301 puzzles are of negative origin. A lot of people have that opinion of the puzzles, but it is just that: an opinion. I personally have found them entertaining and challenging. I have experienced no ill effects or negative repercussions from participation. I have experience frustration from hitting a wall while attempting to solve them.

I enjoyed the video, lots of interesting references. The deprogram line came about because the file is named: deprogramming.mp4

As for playback issues, it is a large file hosted on a low bandwidth pipe. 130MB, so it was probably buffering. It took a bit of time to download too.

Re: ETS/The cat. A majority of his posts are pretty spot on. His communication style fits a certain profile that adds some validity for me. Not just what he says, but the way he says it, reminds me of communication in a couple distinct environments. I like him, but I might be wrong. It could be a top-notch larp material.

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55cab1 No.8777


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 947e1d No.1703304 📁 NEW

Jun 11 2018 16:03:55 (EST)


When did we mention/emphasize the 11th?

Those with an agenda to discredit are pushing false information.

They (you) will fail.


Use logic.


ETS: all about the 11th.

HS: >>8741

on the 11th

dont get me wrong, this is the best message ever.

but are my heartstrings caught in a quantum panty tangle?

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dcc57b No.8778

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)












For the Triple 7's!

Q has just outed Twatter shills.

Only [1] Magician.


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d9e6b1 No.8779


I saw that after I posted as well and kinda went "Whomp whomp" in my head. I am still not sold he is a larp though, but if he is, at least he is entertaining so I'll stick with it.

Strong digits..

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dcc57b No.8780

File: e59d15a03137b20⋯.jpg (617.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1111111111.jpg)


Any Twitter accounts will immediately raise my [Eye]brow. So far… I haven't followed the Cat very closely so I cannot form a solid outlook. Q is likely going to call out shills as necessary. I appreciate that they have been doing this as of late. Calling out Corsi, Alex Jones and others is a good start.

Time reveals all my friend.


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dcc57b No.8781

File: fa7293716ec3ed8⋯.jpg (154.16 KB,1400x700,2:1,000000000000000000000.jpg)


The Tripe 7's reveal much.

Someone notices Cicada 3301 vid linked on Cheshire Cat's account.

Why does Q not mention Cicada? If Cicada was an instrument of positive potential, why hasn't Q mentioned it?






They all seem like LARP's to me.


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a8fa32 No.8783


Chesh Cat quickly removed that video link from his Twit profile. That's interesting, isn't it? I can't figure why, except that all this is 'tricks within tricks'. Are we up to quintuple crosses yet?

@UK_Revolution17 - this appears to be a British patriot group attempting to free the people of Britain. They're ramping up activity in preparation for POTUS visit July 13. I hope it's not LARP because this looks like a worthy effort.

As to the others, I think we are watching some psyops go down in realtime. It's fascinating!

So observe, hope for the best and pray for WW3 to be canceled :)


LOL @ quantum panty tangle! I like it.

Anyhow, keep working those freedom muscles by thinking this stuff through. Think and never blindly accept.

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fe4f40 No.8784

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

ok with the new Q posts im no longer confused






all BS to distrcat us from Q or worse to discredit Q Anon


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dcc57b No.8786

File: 99dad714ea3c016⋯.jpg (296.19 KB,474x709,474:709,11111.jpg)

File: 168ac9e563ab186⋯.png (3.75 KB,385x91,55:13,Q - Top 10 Player.png)


>Chesh Cat quickly removed that video link from his Twit profile. That's interesting, isn't it?

It certainly is…


>all BS to distrcat us from Q or worse to discredit Q Anon

At this point anything on Twitter, I'm going to "assume" to 99% at first is a LARP until proven otherwise.

>Time reveals all…

Is it a coincidence I was in the Q Research General Thread - #2144: Q Being Qlear, exposing KRSN?

I posted his foolish little sigil magic, combined with the snake picture of it, and the vatican speaking hall.

Someone posted Q Post #701 from Feb 9th. This has dual meanings for me. The plane to gitmo is one. The fact I just discovered I held the [Eye] of Horus is another… this is also after I was gaining traction with my original threads.

It's a coincidence…

They know I had emailed the significance of this to Lucky.

They know I was sending private com's to friends regarding the [Eye] at that (((Time))).

>There are no coincidences. - Q



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dcc57b No.8788

File: cea771b2ee1c5e7⋯.jpg (176 KB,685x500,137:100,White Castle.jpg)


>@UK_Revolution17 - this appears to be a British patriot group attempting to free the people of Britain. They're ramping up activity in preparation for POTUS visit July 13. I hope it's not LARP because this looks like a worthy effort.

Duly noted. A LARP would be an incorrect statement for this. I follow them all likewise, and I believe they have a thread for these at Q Research. I agree with your sentiment Lucky, I hope it's a real cause.

What do many of these people have in common?

They all claim to be insiders. They speak with authority, but they do not back up what they say. Many liars been outed by Q. Q speaks with authority, because of a position of power. This comes from the confidence of knowing the material you're broadcasting. It isn't presented halfassed and willy nilly. No, it's delivered blunt and direct. For a reason.

None of these "LARPS" can speak with a voice of authority. None of them have added anything new to this journey.

Only [1] Mountain of Wisdom.


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d55aed No.8791

File: 655f0e5bf8ff0d7⋯.jpg (16.97 KB,253x169,253:169,th-79.jpg)


Great perspective from this anon:

Anonymous 06/11/18 (Mon) 15:33:39 85150a No.1704681>>1704717

I think what we had here was a misanthropic social media junkie who was thirsty for the ego-boost of having "followers" in lieu of friends IRL. Fortunately, even if he had some of us going there - it kept anons occupied while Q was dark. Instead of possibly losing interest, we were entertained. The key here is realize that the Plan is going forward. The summit in Singapore with Kim is absolutely historic and makes the left/MSM look like fools. [RR] is being forced out and the OIG report will NOT be brutally redacted. We will NOT be deflated by the Eye/Cat/Alice/Hatter/DoorMouse/Rabbit's false promises about JA. Q is back, POTUS is on fire, and the goofball can now fade into irrelevance. Side show over. Real show begins.

>>8784 >>8786

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dcc57b No.8792

File: 01f12bd681eb212⋯.jpg (146.44 KB,750x500,3:2,The Hand 1.jpg)


Those connections seem spot on.

Anyone else watch the body language?

Did you notice Trump grab little Rocket Man's arm?

It shows dominance.

Body language is everything.


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86279e No.8794


I watched the live stream of the handshaking appearance. Rocket Man looked…yep, dominated. POTUS guided him off the stage.

Art of the Deal bb!

Can't wait to read of the outcome.

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fe4f40 No.8795

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


the Chinese knew god in ancient times ?

wow who knew ?


Ancient China Was Christian In 2500 BC

its very possible from this talk

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fb5ef5 No.8796

File: 65dfd48c41f7a60⋯.jpeg (77.81 KB,649x366,649:366,2699305b807786ae1cecfcd2b….jpeg)


Are we watching a movie?

Every great movie needs great actors…or something like that. But something seems off about the meeting. He knows English?

Kim went to school in Switzerland. @thomasWictor tip off. I Don't trust Wictor completely.

Wictor claims KJU could have travelled all over the world incognito. Brazilian passport.




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fe4f40 No.8797

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


nice dig anon thanxmy our ally!!!

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dcc57b No.8801

File: 4783f59d55da729⋯.jpg (31.39 KB,992x478,496:239,Roseanne tweet 1.jpg)

File: 689817ff1b40ceb⋯.jpg (73.51 KB,846x395,846:395,Roseanne Prez.jpg)

File: 0a6a4c20bbce06c⋯.jpg (31.22 KB,500x281,500:281,Roseanne 1.jpg)

File: 7c5d266fd393c24⋯.jpg (45.45 KB,480x384,5:4,Jewish Roseanne.jpg)


Interesting how (((they))) are spinning the Roseanne "story".


Coincidence, The MSM calls Trump supporters racist?

Coincidence, Roseanne makes a racist tweet which leads to her show being cancelled?

Coincidence, Roseanne makes a bunch of "crazy conspiracy theory" Tweets?

Right when Q is telling us to "Here comes the conspiracy theory label".

Coincidence, Roseanne calls George Soros a Nazi?

Coincidence, George Soros pretends to be Jewish?

Wasn't Jacob Rothschild "Jewish"?

Roseanne also claims to be a Zionist Jew?

Coincidence, her apology is only 2 days after an interview GS has with The Washington Post?

We know how truthful (((they))) are.

Was Soros' father really Christian?

Don't (((they))) hide behind Christianity?

>Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby=vj - Roseanne

You see, truth and psyop all hidden in plain sight. Say a truth, [Muslim Brotherhood] then twist it up with a racist remark.

Remember, the fastest way to discredit anons is by racismfagging and christfagging.

Was the Roseanne angle a last ditch effort?

Making it appear that any "celebrities" who follow Trump are racist?

Is racism one of the last (((Cards)))?

Coincidence, did our little lurkerfag shills try to play this (((Card)))?






>Racist conspiracy theory.

(((They))) will use racism as a weapon against you any chance (((they))) get.

All is revealed.

>There are no coincidences. - Q


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fe4f40 No.8802

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


another video of how the Chinese words are constructed of the bible stories before the bibles was written at least 2000 years in 3000bce


genesis was written in 1000bce

god was world wide oops the ALL/SCOURCE I meant

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fe4f40 No.8803

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

screaming out hate speech or raceist at somone or anyother thing just makes u look stupid if ur choice is to do so

in my view,,,, not a judgement just an observation

judge not lest ye be judged should be yelled back at them

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fe4f40 No.8805

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


now NASA/science is saying that dark matter may be electricly charged


these stupid people will say anything or make up anything to keep their model of gravity/mass alive without adding the eclectrical componant of the universe into their models

what a JOKE THEY ARE !!!!!

dark matter electriclly charged lolololololol

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dcc57b No.8807

File: d6a86b014581b57⋯.jpg (20.1 KB,234x255,78:85,CheshireCat.jpg)



Why so many LARP's?


Specific timing?

>Be careful who you follow. - Q


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dcc57b No.8809

File: ce0b5cc7c7b3a9d⋯.jpg (288.99 KB,1440x1566,80:87,Chesh.jpg)


Hopefully updated pic sizing.

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fe4f40 No.8811

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)

saw this with out night vision goggles on fri night at about 930-10:00 pm in brantford ont when i was at my mom inlaws place with my laser i only saw about 3-4 secs on them as they went behind a tree line in her backyard

light was fuzzy not a light from a lamp or star like light it was fuzzy and a couple of them were off of the formation moving around it from the short time i saw them,,,,,,,, and people i know what a plane and a sat are in the sky and this was NOT them !!!!!

ive been looking up at the sky facinated with planes all my life i fly R/C planes thast how deep it goes for me and ill swear on a bible that what i saw for 3-4 secs was a formation of something,,,,,,, but as logan just said that it was a flock of canadain geese lololololololol

nope i think i just saw my first ET fly by or UFO maybe ours ?????

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fe4f40 No.8812

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)

from 25 secs to 39 secs is kinda what i saw


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fe4f40 No.8821

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

do as much research into the Israelites that stayed in ancient Babylon look into the Sassoon family trees de goule(I think its spelled) and de Gore(I think its spelled)

these are the people that we fight against,,,,, these people along

with their Italian relatives behind the Vatican power the brits' price or prince family's these are the people who can punch the roths in the face and pope and queen in the face and get away with it because the CHAIR answers to them !!!!

watch her again,,,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RU893a1X_c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

she has great bread on the evil and now we have to find some sauce for the bread

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fe4f40 No.8822


these are the Zionists I'm almost 100% sure of it !!!!!!! and the cabal leaders come form those 3 families Jacob roth is NOT the Pindar!!!!!

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fe4f40 No.8823

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)

these people were the ones who gave the Kazarain People the option of becomming Jewish but not the isrealie jewish model but the babyloninian/saturnian/ocult FORM OF TWISTED BABY KILLING HIDDEN RELIGION!!!!!

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8b551f No.8827

Not sure where to post this.

New thread in Qresearch: Nordic World Order.


Never heard of it before. I am interested. Seems to make sense. TL what do you think? Does it fit in to the Knights, PIND4R narrative?

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b5f1d3 No.8829


wow, this does look like an interesting thread anon.

thanks I'll read up.

been wanting to dig more on the pheonocian history.

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dcc57b No.8835

File: f138e1e34874336⋯.jpg (21.77 KB,255x191,255:191,Morpheus1.jpg)

File: 419b0be8df957db⋯.jpg (13.62 KB,255x126,85:42,Neo1.jpg)



>Neo was an "Anon"

2011? Coincidence…

Why do only the wisest Anons make the connections…


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dcc57b No.8836

File: 711a1d307da15cd⋯.jpg (10.6 KB,299x168,299:168,7's 1.jpg)


Wasn't that [7] years ago?

Didn't [Eye] tell you about the refueling sheet I found?

I pulled it out of my old coveralls?

It was [7] years to the DAY.

I saved this, as a memento.

How many [7]s have [Eye] shown you.

>Time reveals all…


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a8fa32 No.8847


WOW brilliant anons connecting dots. Love it! Filling in blanks like crazy :)

This thread is an interesting read as well:


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3133db No.8855

File: 86383b6c7dbf142⋯.jpeg (91.05 KB,581x641,581:641,BB8ED623-F8DD-465B-A8A3-0….jpeg)

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dcc57b No.8864




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0b1f67 No.8880

File: 203ac880d40a45c⋯.png (382.24 KB,1280x1280,1:1,v.png)

Greetings my allies

Long time no see

I recently had a vision

Of love

Of a wonderful place

A place so wonderful

You could stay there forever

A beautiful garden

Everyone would tend to in unison


Without words

But with love

And more meaningful than what we know

Where this place is

I cannot say

But it feels closer than ever

If there were no rewards to reap

No loving embrace to see me through,

This tedious path I've chosen here,

I certainly would've walked away by now.

Gonna wait it out.



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fe4f40 No.8882

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: 226c181e7e8d989⋯.jpg (16.41 KB,309x163,309:163,images.jpg)


"No loving embrace to see me through," V

Ioffer u this massive mind bear hug my allylove/friend LOVE ON LIGHT ON

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f89c67 No.8887

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)



WOW anons!

No matter the distractions, the shills, the derails, the tactics of those that seek to keep us from finding out our true history and connecting the dots so as to know our true power as the people…. WE CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!


thanks for these links!

Qresearch and focus.

TL is in an eddy bbsitting shills and deflecting pshycological tactics that seek to derail the message….

This is a PERSONAL spiritual journey.

Whatever GOD is to YOU, is your journey to discover. Your Teachers are all around you.

What do you envision for your future?


>Everyone would tend to in unison


>Without words

>But with love

Ok V….who last time you showed up were diggin hard into getting us to talk about some details of the elites sacrifice…

which was interesting.

Now you are talking utopia. That needs to be addressed because our future as a whole is going to be decided by many different minds/kind of people. Unity in Diversity!

Gardens= YES!

communication without words= YES, I do believe psychic communication will be more and more utilized. Though, if your tuned in, it already is.

that as the ONLY kind of communication? NO

words are awesome and help us get definitive about what we want. Naming things creates them.

>Where this place is

>I cannot say

>But it feels closer than ever

if you are in tune now, this is in your heart and you will look around at the world you are ALREADY in and see elements of this new world unfolding.

it is a process.

It is not a in unison zombie gardener paradise (that reminds me of some transhumanistic agenda) (imho)

Thats not where I am heading anyways.

Love, heartstrings and weird feeling Utopian visions, TL….

Stay vigilent.

also just keep pluggin' away and researching on Qresearch. …

We are almost to the finish line!

think of this month like Wednesday of the week…..were right in the middle…on our way to an epic weekend!!!

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0b1f67 No.8898


Hello WW

I hope that what I mentioned during my first visit here was not seen as an attack on anyone.

These are the thots in my head and this is the only place I feel like I can get some reflections on these topics.

>words are awesome and help us get definitive about what we want. Naming things creates them.

You might be right.

In this current paradigm I often feel like words limit what I can to express, which sometimes frustrates me.

>It is not a in unison zombie gardener paradise

I very much hope that it is not! In my vision this place screamed "love" to me but I did not experience many details. I just looked around and felt home and at peace.



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dcc57b No.8921

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


WW… apparently our [Board] is under a new wave of Lo[V]e? Hahahahahahaha…


Let us record their inevitable failures, for the incoming flood of viewers on these [Board]s. So that newcomers and normies are aware of what to expect.


I feel this is very relevant to add at this particular point in Time / Space.

>Big week

>Watch for those who scream the LOUDEST. - Q


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dcc57b No.8974

File: 1243f1500a107c4⋯.jpg (66.18 KB,675x1200,9:16,Fistbump 3.jpg)


>No matter the distractions, the shills, the derails, the tactics of those that seek to keep us from finding out our true history and connecting the dots so as to know our true power as the people…. WE CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!

The trip 8's of Infinity followed by a 7… this is truth.

>ANONS on FIRE!!!!

>Big week.

>Watch for those who scream the LOUDEST.

#Real love WW :)

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86279e No.8998


PhiAnon, thank you for your post.

(yay binary code)

I will be looking for the Voltaire bit as well :)

So according to the shillspotting information we have learned, a real shill has an agenda that can be seen as they go along.

Cryptic obscurity is a way to take up energy that in the end doesn't lead anywhere. Unless it does. Which turns it into a fun puzzle or code to crack that actually advances our knowledge.

Subtly divisive language is another clue, however it can be difficult to tell this from legit questioning.

Pushing for a doomsday outcome (as per the cabal script) is a huge clue, as is Lucifer-glorifying talk.

Loads of lies can be skillfully hidden in circletalk and esoteric language, and they're hard to pick out.

False light often masquerades as true light. However, so does false darkness. Fear of the unknown is a weakening force.

Open attempts to divide and get anons squabbling is pretty much a guaranteed shill tell.

But - all of this is much like the old 'liespotting' instructions. One of those tells or even more than one isn't necessarily a guarantee. One must use intuition and listen to that still small voice to tell the shills from the seekers.

I did research on the message of KRSN. It seemed to point to an ancient death cult, mixed in with positive beliefs but with a dark undertone. We are all about LIFE and light here.

Given the list of clues above, you have not met these criteria - I conclude at this point you are no shill.

Having said that - I respect your gathered wisdom a great deal and thank you for sharing some of it with us.

As to our friend Dr. Strange - he is a seeker of truth like we all are. We're all going through tests of our ego (mine have really sucked at times) but we keep learning and getting better. After all, that's why we are here - to be both teachers and students to each other :)

Everyone here has valuable knowledge to offer.

And Wrath should be tempered with Mercy…

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aa75c4 No.9000

File: a74d3357f5c048e⋯.jpg (103.38 KB,1080x1920,9:16,SS.jpg)

Link Post from "All Things Q" thread.

Please move all non-related Q posting here.

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fe4f40 No.9005

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


now that's proper thinking !!! WTG LV


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aa75c4 No.9007

File: a74d3357f5c048e⋯.jpg (103.38 KB,1080x1920,9:16,SS.jpg)



Keeping transparency. I have deleted the first post in the Q thread.

Known poster, who clearly was not posting anything with regards to Q. Any response would slide that thread even farther away from Q material. Marvel.

Are you testing the water only a few hours after I post notice? Seeing if I was serious about keeping that thread clean?

You have an entire board to post on. Please keep the Q thread dedicated to Q research topics!

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c5e2fb No.9012


LVAnon, thank you for your thoughtful and considerate response. I had this unresolved anger about being disrespected on here, been lurking since, and with that post I found catharsis. I really enjoyed writing on these topics and did put a lot of time and thought into them. I addressed my motivations here >>7195

I like KRSN. If things had gone differently, I think he would be an interesting addition to the conversation. I don't understand his stringer/acupuncture posts but if anything he is interesting. >>>/quorious/113 is quality that could have happened here. He has cool artwork to boot!

For the board, some suggestions. Check out /philosophy/ and how they handle anons on the attack. Not my favorite board, they can be rigid and a little on the oneupmanship side, but they dispense with bad arguments rigorously, quickly and respectfully.

Keep the quality of the posts high (especially for the "core" TL members) and avoid name calling. Even if there is audacious things said because this is 8chan(also to mention the esoteria topics discussed brings fiery individuals), discard those parts and find out what they are trying to argue about. Find their motivations, and argue the points. If it is nonsense, ignore and move on. Not everything needs a response.

Like the Freud slide. >>2425 (mine) I even mention Freud's theory of being incorrect.

>Dabrowski puts Freud's theories on the "neurotic" out to pasture, where they belong.

Freud is still useful, especially when talking about ego.

I have read a few of Freud's writings, it is good reading but you have to consider the time in which it was written. Dr. Strange really started the slide bringing up the Oedipus Complex not related to anything in my post: >>2451

I backed off that conversation, there was no point in going any further with it. I even tried to change the conversation >>2473

I think therein lies the meat of the problem. The ability to see the forest from the trees.

Consider if a Luciferian / Cabal Anon started posting here. Would it be an opportunity to ask questions, strengthen your arguments and resolve? Maybe the light would shine through and they learn something too? Would they be welcome?

Silver moderating is probably a good step at this stage.

Finally, I recommend dropping the "shill" talk. It is clearly not constructive.

In short, Respect. Whether I have followed my own advice, that it for you to discern.

P.S. Found it, Voltaire joke: >>889

>Thanks and I wish you the best of all possible worlds on this journey.

It all kind of feels like Candide, doesn't it? ;-)

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aa75c4 No.9013

File: a74d3357f5c048e⋯.jpg (103.38 KB,1080x1920,9:16,SS.jpg)



I do not expect an update every time we clear out a post in that Q thread, but this is new, so one more.

Another BV deleted a post from Mordo. I point this out for all to see because Mordo has been on this board from early on and many may see him as a "Core" poster.

All posters in that thread that do not follow guidelines will be treated equally.


While I appreciate that you supported the approach we are taking on that thread, your post had nothing to do with Q or Q research.

> If you support this approach, please post here…


I figured this type of post would end up in that thread and left the above comment on that notice for that reason. Understand the intent of what we are trying to do here. I am not looking for this moderation to overflow to other threads, but we will maintain moderation to the guide lines provided on that thread.

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9d08f5 No.9014

File: 7907e4cfb3e4f4e⋯.jpg (34.72 KB,300x300,1:1,th.jpg)


hi Phi!

>Consider if a Luciferian / Cabal Anon started posting here. Would it be an opportunity to ask questions, strengthen your arguments and resolve? Maybe the light would shine through and they learn something too? Would they be welcome?

This has already happened with our Krsn grumpy bear. He admitted to being reared by draconian insiders and not being a victim of that. To me that alludes to the fact that he is a perpetuator of that world. And it did strengthen our resolve, I believe most folks on this mountain understand the fundemental nature that we are all ONE. Shills, care bears, the left, the right, the crazy, the sane, the cabal, the truelight workers: ALL.

It is in the duality that we shine our light and resolve. So yeah, floofy hugs to all shills, and a floofy hug for you!

Sorry, Phi man, but to me, you are still a secret care bare until your not.

>Dr. Strange really started the slide bringing up the Oedipus Complex not related to anything in my post: >>2451

I don't agree with your interpretation of this. I think this post of Strange is insightful as well. I dont consider this a slide. He also agreed that some freud is helpful to understand the whole.

>its just something to add to my knowledge bank!


I agree You have almost followed this rule of yours since you have become PHianon but I must recognize before as shillanon you did not.

aaaaaaaaaaand only a couple of posts ago…..does saying Go fuck yourself RA in bright RED words equal respect in your opinion?

that was you yeah? >> 8986

big words are purdy

but the intention and vibration behind them is what is felt.

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9d08f5 No.9015


b/c it didnt link above….here is a link for lurkers to see for themselves. Phi anon preaches respect but check the red letters only one post prior to this:

>In short, Respect. Whether I have followed my own advice, that it for you to discern.

so yeah discern for yoselfs…

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fe4f40 No.9017

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


as I said in the all things Q thread I believe the ALL to be just that all things all aspects of both good and evil

its the choice we make to look towards the dark aspect of it or the aspect that sines light and love on all things YES EVEN EVIL!!! ALL THINGS


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fe4f40 No.9018

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


delete the post ??? why not just move it with a note in the thread that it was moved or copied over then deleted off its original thread ??? makes more sense no? maybe create a thread for such posts those that needed to be moved????

I don't remember what post u refer to but if was a post with no useful information then ya np but if it was pertinent then move to some other thread no ?

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fe4f40 No.9019

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


actions speak louder than words do ur words are allways awesome doll !!!!!! keep being u !!!!!

because all we know of each other ARE words we cant know an anons true intent(lol cept 4 me UBUNTU!!!!!) i want these cabal asshats in orange jumpsuits NOW!!! for their crimes commited against the entire world

so since all we have to go on is words make them of LOVE COMPASSION AND TRUTH IN UR TIME SPENT HERE,,,,,, whilest its cool to be KEK tone that down just a tad here even the fact we most of us are KEKISTAN some of us still have a bit of normie in them,,,,,,

or we would still be on the Q research all the time like we used to be !!!!!! lurking like i was till i first saw RA's posts and that prompted me to sound off as to find out what he could provide me in the way of connection information that i could bank in my brain box and try to get more of the bigger picture so im armed and my family is as well to take on all cabal oncomers and to see when they are being manipulated by the system

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fe4f40 No.9034

File: 1e35626c9b06acb⋯.mp4 (414.29 KB,480x268,120:67,giphy.mp4)

this looks like an EU BONG

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fe4f40 No.9035

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


Where is A.C?

Anonymous Construct

a call to action ????? stand up and be counted ????? and a metal wake up song !!!

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fe4f40 No.9036

File: aee4b3a0ca5b84d⋯.png (480.83 KB,853x478,853:478,q-family.png)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


home made Q shirts at the rally !!!!

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fe4f40 No.9050

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


did u know this ???




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dcc57b No.9054

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg)

File: 419b0be8df957db⋯.jpg (13.62 KB,255x126,85:42,Neo1.jpg)

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,Kek.jpg)

File: ef84d38819cae4e⋯.jpg (123.77 KB,478x689,478:689,11111.jpg)

File: 0d9bedbda858f5f⋯.jpg (24.02 KB,255x255,1:1,0d9bedbda858f5fef326402881….jpg)




Some Anons have failed their tests.

It should be obvious by now.

I told you all many things in private com's.

I warned of many events prior to them transpiring.

The events transpired.

I do not require to keep reiterating myself.

Eye have no name.

I am Anon.

I am formless, like Water.

I have seen much distraction since beginning this journey, much of it openly welcomed.

Q says there are no coincidences… and I tend to agree.

(((Time))) runs out.

No longer do I waste energy stating the obvious.

Only the wisest Anons have made it this far.

So much discord… so much division… so many attacks.



Have many baits been taken?

No longer do Eye play (((The Ten of Wands))).

No longer do we play (((The Three of Swords))).

The test of (((Time))) has been failed, more than once.

Deception is everywhere.

Some are blind.

Some still haven't seen (((The Light))).

The collective Free Will of this [Board] has chosen discord, division and chaos more than once.

Many correct connections have been made since then.

>aaaaaaaaaaand only a couple of posts ago…..does saying Go fuck yourself RA in bright RED words equal respect in your opinion?

>but the intention and vibration behind them is what is felt.

>so yeah discern for yoselfs…

The test of (((Time))) may be passed if [1] were to revisit the past. Many hypocritical statements have been made. Much false light has been shared. Much effort has been spent to derail my message. Much effort has been spent to create division. Much patronizing and false love has been shared.

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>Time reveals all. - The Master Magician


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fe4f40 No.9056

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

u say the word discord like its a bad thing to want to talk to live people and stop typing sheesh doc

I'm not trying to be counter here

but it seems that im now persona non grata

and the discord that went on here has stopped no one seems to want to respond to my thoth's any longer so be it I still love u all and respect u all btw and the invite to north frontanac still holds ill be there every second weekend if u want or choose come hook up with me u will see im just a dude like most other dudes out there but one who is WOKE

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fe4f40 No.9058

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


he seems to have gotten fired a lot this guy did !!!!


maybe he got fired for telling the truth ?????????????

that's more likely than either one of the videos

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fe4f40 No.9059

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

and possibly im a pariah now,,,,,,,,,

because all I seek is truth we can understand within the context of this linear life they impose on us all!!!!!!!

so be it!!!

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0b1f67 No.9060

Recently, I inadvertently started thinking a lot about the true nature of "sleep".

Oftentimes, when doing third eye meditation or during periods where my third eye is generally very active, I have trouble falling asleep.

I also feel like I experience two distinctly different kinds of sleep, for the sake of clarity I dubbed them "third eye sleep" and "passout sleep".

In these periods of high 3rd eye activity (which seem to become more intense, continuous and frequent as time goes on) I oftentimes stay awake reading forums like this one (alternatively playing vidya, which I am increasingly growing tired of) until I pass out from exhaustion.

When this happens, I will feel groggy and low energy no matter if I slept seven or twelve hours and I can not remember my dreams (or if I had any at all). In the cases where I do remember my dreams, they are oftentimes the ones where you feel like you are moving through molasses, have intense mental fog and can't seem to express what you want to say (if anyone can relate to what I mean) I dubbed this "pass out sleep".

"Third eye sleep" in contrast happens when I manage to go to bed after an appropriate amount of hours awake, or alternatively by being awake for a few hours after "pass out sleep" and then going to sleep again. Meditation before sleep helps as well, although that makes it harder to fall asleep as it gives me lots of energy.

In this type of sleep, I have wildly vivid (I cannot overstate how vivid these dreams are, even if what happens is hilariously absurd I most often cannot tell the difference) dreams, which are very rarely of negative nature and most often revolve around complex social situations. I feel like in those dreams I act much more like my "awake" self and feel more in control, even if I am not lucid. I also remember almost all of my dreams in good detail (at least I think so).

After this type of sleep, I feel extremely well rested and a sense of inner well-being even after only a few hours.

Some random thought-snippets on why I think this could be somewhat worth looking into:

- Q said "those good who know cannot sleep" or something to this extent. I wonder if it has to do something with third eye activation? Maybe people have to re-learn falling asleep after their "awakening"? Has anyone here experienced issues similar to mine?

- Most humans spend a considerable amount of their lives asleep, so I suspect if it is something of importance, it would be a preferred angle of "attack" for anyone looking to manipulate.

- I remember reading (maybe it even was here?One of ra's posts maybe) about the idea that dreams could be "scripted" by brainwashing (who knows of which avenue) to manipulate how we feel.

- IMO sleep is a topic that is not very much discussed beyond the formulaic "omg I feel so tired" or people bragging about how little they slept last night, and it seems very obvious that there could be some metaphysical shenanigans going on during this time. I would love to be able to master the art of sleeping correctly.

I could rattle on and on about this topic, but I am going to limit myself to what I wrote above for now. Any insights and discussion on this topic are greatly appreciated.


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dcc57b No.9061

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg)


>u say the word discord like its a bad thing


[noun dis-kawrd; verb dis-kawrd]


lack of concord or harmony between persons or things: marital discord.

disagreement; difference of opinion.

strife; dispute; war.

>no one seems to want to respond to my thoth's any longer so be it I still love u all and respect u all btw

I want to respond.


>and possibly im a pariah now

Not true. However, at certain points in time your posts had been removed because of the energy reflected. I wouldn't say you are an intentional slider, however it does tend to happen from Time to Time. Posting in 3's is also noted. There are also unintentional actions carried out on your part, which are highly detrimental to the plan. For instance, screaming "FUCK THE CABAL" does not draw intellectual conversation, whether you choose to accept it, or choose not to.

The reason Anons call you out, is not because of your search for the truth. It's how you conduct yourself along the path. Once again, the Q Research BO / BV's deleted a tremendous amount of your posts due to the energy and sliding on my original RaAnon threads. This is not meant to be offensive nor hurtful, it is simply a statement of observation.

Being offended on The [M]ountain of Wisdom may be inevitable at (((Times))). How we pick ourselves back up, and carry forward is what truly matters.

Your foothold is only as firm as [M]ine.

Being a team of [1] only goes so far. Q keeps telling you "Where we go 1, we go all".

>the invite to north frontanac still holds ill be there every second weekend if u want or choose come hook up

Doxing yourself is never advised on The Mountain of Wisdom. I would urge posters to refrain from giving specific details of their location(s).


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fe4f40 No.9062

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



noun: discourse; plural noun: discourses



written or spoken communication or debate.

"the language of political discourse"


discussion, conversation, talk, dialogue, conference, debate, consultation; More

parley, powwow, chat, confab;

formal confabulation, colloquy

"they prolonged their discourse outside the door"

a formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing.

"a discourse on critical theory"


essay, treatise, dissertation, paper, study, critique, monograph, disquisition, tract; More

lecture, address, speech, oration;

sermon, homily

"a discourse on critical theory"


a connected series of utterances; a text or conversation.


verb: discourse; 3rd person present: discourses; past tense: discoursed; past participle: discoursed; gerund or present participle: discoursing



speak or write authoritatively about a topic.

"she could discourse at great length on the history of Europe"


hold forth, expatiate, pontificate; More

talk, give a talk, give a speech, lecture, sermonize, preach;

informalspout, sound off;


"he discoursed at length on his favorite topic"

engage in conversation.

"he spent an hour discoursing with his supporters in the courtroom"


converse, talk, speak, debate, confer, consult, parley, chat

"Edward was discoursing with his friends"


late Middle English (denoting the process of reasoning, also in the phrase discourse of reason ): from Old French discours, from Latin discursus ‘running to and fro’ (in medieval Latin ‘argument’), from the verb discurrere, from dis- ‘away’ + currere ‘to run’; the verb influenced by French discourir .

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fe4f40 No.9063

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


doc im only offended when im told not to be me

i will rail against that always

i don't care if u delete all my posts and ban me i will continue to be ME

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fe4f40 No.9064

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

this is one guy on the discord serve i hang out on listen to his words and tell me hes not thinking the same way we all are thinking to rid ourselves of this evil

QUOTE from a dude called Godman "See why I think it's a mine f***… They've been here for thousands of years

Yeah that comes from the Epic of Gilgamesh who is 1/3 God and apparently the great ancestor of all the Royals and shit

You go and find Babylon and ball and all the child sacrifice and yada yada yada

I mean it's insane that we're dealing with psychic beings who can put things in people's heads and live for thousands of years without anyone knowing or only a few select ones

So they know exactly what they need to keep us at in order to feed off of us so they maintain that level of conscious homeostasis through possession of individuals

And that's the cool thing about being enlightened is that you become literally unsurpassed the most powerful being to ever exist

In all Realms alien multi-dimensional whatever it's all you and you get to become all of it are you already all all of it you just realize it

That's why they're all powerful they realize that they're everything and just like you can move your arm they can move a mountain"

he just a few mins ago wrote that

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dcc57b No.9065

File: 0926406754c5d64⋯.jpg (28.31 KB,584x295,584:295,krsn shill 1.jpg)

File: 325811d51171333⋯.jpg (218.84 KB,1920x1237,1920:1237,krsn shill.jpg)

File: f8a224817815a27⋯.png (194.86 KB,663x516,221:172,krsn shill 4.png)

File: 808240b0f7c9337⋯.png (217.38 KB,1298x429,118:39,krsn shill 2.png)

File: 945934c1473c67c⋯.jpg (28.64 KB,255x255,1:1,Shill.jpg)


>doc im only offended when im told not to be me

No one will ever tell you not to be you.

>i don't care if u delete all my posts and ban me i will continue to be ME

Continue being. However, be prepared to discuss all things as they arise.



Is it a coincidence that certain voices are endorsing KRSN?

Is it a coincidence I have a captured screenshot of KRSN saying "Q is dead"?

Isn't the "death cult" routine what KRSN is preaching?

Yet… these voices praise the work of KRSN?



(((They))) think the work of KRSN would be beneficial to this [Board]?

[Eye] choose to laugh at the coincidence.

[Eye] choose to laugh at any Anons who would believe in their message.

Many Anons have failed the test of (((Time))).

Only certain Anons are making the right connections.

Too many connections between Q's posts and [M]ine to be ignored.

Only the wisest Anons will pass their tests.

>(((The Light))) will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

>Time reveals all…


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fe4f40 No.9067

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

i never touted krsn never!!!! i just aproched him with logic and love and if there were good words from any anon i listened and ignored the negative or asked them to stop with the negative

u all know this to be a true statement

u all know my true feelings about the evil in this world

u all know i would do my utmost to stop it like now if i could

i have often been an outsider looking in on the clicks i wanted to be a part of i guess this is no different

i thoth it was a free open place as we were being cencored in the Q research boards,,,, yes not only me but WE so we came here should i do 4 or 5 i dont only post 3 in a row some times only 1 or 2 sheesh my allies whats going on ?

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dcc57b No.9069

File: c1fe488c68d3f09⋯.jpg (21.2 KB,260x347,260:347,The Thinker.jpg)



The second part of the message wasn't directed @ you.


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fe4f40 No.9073

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

ok doc know this,,,,,, i love all u all and want this to go back to the way it was,,,, we need to stop all this and start getting back on track to the information we all want,,,, TRUTH and presented in a loving respectful manor

email me we can stop this on the boards and get back to where we left off!!! no yes ?

and im sorry i get passionate sometimes and a little defensive also so just mail me with ur thoths

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e19131 No.9074

File: 27d8cce11aa15dd⋯.jpg (112.5 KB,637x899,637:899,637px-Guerin_Pierre_Narcis….jpg)

File: ab5a28e56d20063⋯.jpg (17.4 KB,491x397,491:397,sleep_schedules1.jpg)


Excellent post, thank you. Dreams fascinate me.

>- Q said "those good who know cannot sleep" or something to this extent. I wonder if it has to do something with third eye activation? Maybe people have to re-learn falling asleep after their "awakening"? Has anyone here experienced issues similar to mine?

I think Q may have been referring to the horrors of working in the Intelligence community. They have seen some horrid stuff. If life is illusory, would our higher self feel the same horror of our human condition? Are dreams our higher selves communicating and interpreting our experience?

Do you lucid dream? I wonder if vivid dreams are more controllable.

My recurring dreams are inception dreams. I wake up, wake up, wake up and it is very disorienting. Sometimes I die in the dream and wake up. Since it is this board, I will posit that maybe we catch a parallel reality? That reality ends and we are thrown back into this timeline? Another toy thought was if the universe is computational, maybe sleep is a way for the universe to preserve computation time/CPU cycles.

It is super rare for me to lucid dream, and have been actively trying to recognize that I am dreaming. I read something recently (sorry no sauce, cannot find it) on how to actively try to lucid dream. It's generally meditating more, keeping a dream journal, and having some item where you know you are dreaming. That text mentioned a spiritually inclined child that knew they were dreaming because they were wearing a watch in the dream.

>- Most humans spend a considerable amount of their lives asleep, so I suspect if it is something of importance, it would be a preferred angle of "attack" for anyone looking to manipulate.

I like to think we are sovereign over our souls and experiences. No doubt we have been subject to a lifetime of brainwashing, however we have overcome much of it and why were are here on this board. Researching how to defend against psychic attacks may be of interest. I did a quick search and saw a bunch of crystals and chanting newagey stuff. I don't think any of that is necessary, you are well ahead of the game by being aware. Being smarter than the average bear goes a long way. On that note, I think we can also meditate through life, not only just at set times.

>- I remember reading (maybe it even was here?One of ra's posts maybe) about the idea that dreams could be "scripted" by brainwashing (who knows of which avenue) to manipulate how we feel.

Of course they are. If life is an illusion, why would a Coca-cola bottle or commercial things show up in our dreams? The manipulation is already there, we circumvent the illusion by looking for the higher Self.

>- IMO sleep is a topic that is not very much discussed beyond the formulaic "omg I feel so tired" or people bragging about how little they slept last night, and it seems very obvious that there could be some metaphysical shenanigans going on during this time. I would love to be able to master the art of sleeping correctly.

Not sure if there is a correct way to sleep. If you sleep for 14 hours are you not groggy too? Sometimes waking up at 3:33am your mind racing and energy for the day. The only other thing to say is I understand our cave people ancestors would be more "dymaxion" in their sleep patterns(pic relevant)

>I could rattle on and on about this topic

Me too. It needs much more digging. Precognitive dreams, symbolism, patterns and so forth. Particularly people of our bent that don't have restful sleep, why some of us wake up at 3:33am, etc…

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645b6b No.9076

File: 91760a3376a9cf5⋯.jpg (510.04 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Celestial.jpg)

Not sure where to discuss this, though this seems to be a good place.

I've been following Q since the day it started on 4chan, Pizzagate research brought me to Q.

I am RH- and have always felt alien.

I also have in the past had powerful visions of other worlds, astral planes, the future, the past, I have experienced memories from past incarnations.

I feel a strong connection to the elite somehow but I've always been a normal person, rather poor and not ever directly connected. It feels like a spiritual connection.

But deep down I feel a powerful urge to protect all of humankind.

It is a constant journey to find how to apply that urge

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441bc1 No.9078


The lightworker concept will definitely be research worthy for you. Doing a search for "am I a lightworker" might have some info that resonates with you. There's cute quizzes and such, but you will find those that are sensing these things as well. This guide has some good links http://taranikita.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Lightworker-Resource-Guide-Tara-Nikita1.pdf

>and have always felt alien

There are lightworkers that regard themselves as "Star Seeds" that they were born on another planet or progeny of those born on another planet and are here to help humans evolve. Maybe something to do with the RH-

The truthlegion reading room has a text or two on bloodlines https://8ch.net/truthlegion/res/146.html

Hope this helps and welcome to the board!

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08f23a No.9079


Thank you for the nice poem poetfag!


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dcc57b No.9080

File: 7907e4cfb3e4f4e⋯.jpg (34.72 KB,300x300,1:1,7907e4cfb3e4f4e213f6a24712….jpg)



Thank you for sharing your love Anon!

The board needs this :)



>There are lightworkers that regard themselves as "Star Seeds" that they were born on another planet or progeny of those born on another planet and are here to help humans evolve.

I'd be open to believing in this possibility…


>I am RH- and have always felt alien.

Have you sent a DNA sample to those new databases being created? Hopefully not! I have a feeling (((they))) are searching for RH- blood types. The ultimate question of "why" eludes me though.

>But deep down I feel a powerful urge to protect all of humankind.

>It is a constant journey to find how to apply that urge

>I feel a strong connection to the elite somehow but I've always been a normal person, rather poor and not ever directly connected. It feels like a spiritual connection.

Do the elite have a heightened sense of spirituality?

What sets people apart as being elite? I am just curious!

When it comes to dreams… I believe in many factors. Subliminal programming is huge. Our subconscious also searches for unknowns, our brains tend to prefer closure. That's why sometimes when we forget something, we remember it a few days later. The subconscious is always searching. Just as when we sleep, the brain is piecing unknowns together in the attempt to find closure. That's why we'll sometimes dream in fragments of very relevant situations, in which we perhaps forgotten a piece of. When it comes to television and advertising, you can be sure there are subliminal messages which play out in our dreams.

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fe4f40 No.9081

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


i have an idea that they are looking for the more scencitive people the empathic and the people who are more intuitive through their genes and possably will target them first as they seem to help the normies progress to awakining they mostly are kind people loving as well

it seems to methat they would be targeted first to slow down the awakening

also i just found this video its about spirtiuality and dying and not going into the light he makes a good arguement based on old religious ideas in fact naustic teachings


i will endevor to hit the post button less btw but forgive me if a new thoth comes to mind after my first !!!!! and i just have to get it out there!!!!

good thing i didnt post yet lol

i just typed into google

good things come in threes and got this,,,,,,

Good Things Come In Threes - has a definite positive connotation. From fairytales to hollywood blockbusters, “the rule of three” (Latin-"omne trium perfectum") principle suggests things that come in threes are inherently more humorous, satisfying and effective than any other number of things.

now im gona type bad things come in threes,,,,,,

"Michael Jackson's untimely death coupled with the deaths of Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett in the same week revived the belief of many that celebrity deaths, plane crashes and all manner of catastrophes come in threes.

and this caught my eye,,,,,,,,

What is the power of three?

The Rule of Three, or Power of Three, suggests that things that come in threes are funnier, more satisfying, more effective, and/or more memorable, than other numbers of things. Hence, in listing examples of things, three are usually provided.

ive been doing the power of 3 thing without even knowing it,,,, wow,,,,,, ok thats unforseen now i can see why it may look(doc forgive the choice of word) Strange and Suspicious so ill try to make one or mabe 2 largers posts insted of multiple ones

sry if that freaked anyone out now i see how it may have been weirding u guys out and im sorry i got defencive in the last few days as i felt i was being well in a word attacked and pushed out !!!!!!! thats feeling was not fun in the least!!!!!

just so u ALL know before finding god though making the connections of ancient litrature and then the big connection the EU theories i probibly would have thrown a big hissy fit and thrown my hands up in the air throwing out insult after insult i almost did in the last email to doc well i kinda did but changed my mind(btw no swearing in the doc email) but after i sent it i said wait a min i sould not stop being here or me

to ALL sry

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8c6a44 No.9082

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


Have you sent a DNA sample to those new databases being created? Hopefully not!


>i have an idea that they are looking for the more scencitive people the empathic and the people who are more intuitive through their genes and possably will target them first

Watch "Jupiter Ascending" again - the whole movie is about this Topic.


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441bc1 No.9083

File: 72fbc50f5012e84⋯.jpg (62.19 KB,540x550,54:55,72fbc50f5012e8458ee3147be0….jpg)


No need for apologies. The board is getting comfy again. WWG1WGA

(space cat pic somewhat related) Some Anon posted this cat pic in the qresearch bread last night. Not to say those posts were "dumb shit" at all, just a fun pic to center ourselves on.

Re: not going into the light. Here's a link to Thomas Burgoyne's The Light of Egypt Vol 1 I found mentioned in that video, now on the reading list. https://www.scribd.com/doc/109700448/44475433-Thomas-H-Burgoyne-the-Light-of-Egypt-Vol-1


>"the rule of three"

Celebs die in threes it seems, but also common people too. I wonder if the commoners die in threes or some multiples of threes in their communities. Spooky action at a distance?

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dcc57b No.9084

File: c2b2f69db700e0d⋯.jpg (111.31 KB,640x480,4:3,TL Meme 3.jpg)

File: bbd140ec1388872⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,301x167,301:167,Wisdom Meme 10.jpg)

File: 0f83df4e49522be⋯.jpg (91.69 KB,1600x588,400:147,Water 2.jpg)

File: eb18235a23c55e1⋯.jpg (235.45 KB,1800x2536,225:317,Water 11.jpg)

File: 2a00d32941ae01d⋯.jpg (64.82 KB,484x480,121:120,Water 6.jpg)


Thank you for the drop Anon.

I shall dig into this!

>Individually, we are one drop.

>Together, we are an ocean.


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2ac59d No.9086



yup thanks!

i just ordered it ( i do love a good book in my hands and a breezy spot under a tree to read it:)

my summer reading list is staking up!

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645b6b No.9087

File: fd91e54ac85b77e⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1577x1046,1577:1046,Slaying The Beast.jpg)


Thank you very much for the suggestions. I appreciate the advice.

I believe RH- people have some common characteristics such as heightened spiritual capacity, empathy and intuitive capacity.

(However, these are not a given, any abilities require work to develop)

I have never given my blood to the red cross because since a very young age I had an absolutely terrible feeling about them.

I have been offered those DNA tests and I have rejected them, similar bad feelings.

I am certainly a star-seed though this is not my first human life. My group soul is currently incarnating in a variety of individuals, all clamoring to tell their loved ones and the world the truth of things.

We are truth seekers and here to help.

I'm a child of light from birth but I am just man as well and will one day die to this world.

Thank you for any advice, there are certainly times being as I am is an awful challenge. I come from a line of druids, being close to the spirit world means being able to see the archons.

I'll never forget the first time I trapped an archon in a cage and sent it cartwheeling into an abyss. I realized who was the more powerful being right then.

We are, dear kindred.

We walk many planes.

Love and light to you all

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12ebc7 No.9095

File: e2361b5b6caccde⋯.png (389.72 KB,446x480,223:240,archons_not_sure.png)


>I come from a line of druids, being close to the spirit world means being able to see the archons.

>I'll never forget the first time I trapped an archon in a cage and sent it cartwheeling into an abyss. I realized who was the more powerful being right then.

Archons. Interesting. I did quite a bit of searching, I cannot find any quality, consistent information on Archons. The info is all over the place. Could you elaborate on what you know or point to a good resource on the topic?

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8fac4b No.9119

File: 2d455836aa30d75⋯.jpg (30.34 KB,720x720,1:1,strawberry-moon-square.jpg)

Full moon tonight, strawberry moon at that. I was told to put water out to soak up the moon energy and drink it in the morning. Going to give it a whirl.

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0e62ff No.9121

File: cf7e8d59c11814e⋯.png (34.17 KB,1031x783,1031:783,7e92996f1d0843c44b03f67d87….png)


Don't take what this Rothschild says as Gospel. Don't take anything as gospel. However, consider that when some interloper modified human genetics through hyrbidization and added quite some depth to our ability to resonate with the cosmos we suddenly became the vessels appropriate for in-habitation by higher magnitudes of consciousness.

We have our ego, but stacked upon this, or lying beneath, is the subconscious. Consciousness is energy, non-local in nature and disregards space and time. Our higher abilities include the ability to channel, to have forces and ethereal personae inhabit and act through us. Traditionally we consider the forces of the heavenly spheres, or planets as agents of consciousness that enter and act our their dramas through us. The stars play their roles as well, emanating consciousness that attunes with our brain transceiver.

If you attune yourself negatively you may encounter "archons", negatively charged entities of pure consciousness. Anger, malice, rage, envy, hatred, all the worst manifestations of consciousness. These entities, since they are made of pure consciousness, when they approach you they may sound as if they are your very own thoughts. They may torment you, try to tear you down, make you hate yourself. They feed on suffering. They are energy vampires and the more you feed them, the more they have freedom to act through you. Someone who's human consciousness is entirely vacant, who has becomes 100% archon, this individual is what is classically known as "possessed".

But know this: the human soul is a trans-dimensional, positively oriented creative being with the power to shape reality. Establish your higher self through visualization and use your mental power to tear down and fight back against negativity. There are people out there who would tell you not to believe any of this, but it gives you strength. Human souls are angelic and from another realm, only here in the physical plane for a sojourn to learn more about the universe. It is in our nature to fight the archons, it is the eternal fight to establish either heaven on earth, or something infernal.

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5168ad No.9122


Thanks for this anon.

and so, the parable of which wolf you feed

still relevant :)

Light on!

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906dc9 No.9123



Yes, many thanks Anon. Excellent posts. Your description is far more concise than what I was finding. Especially useful for those fighting their own Archons.

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fe4f40 No.9125

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


real powerful stuff my ally/love/friend TY FOR THAT most people need that kind clairifacation on this type of subject


keep that dark wolf in a state of starvation to the point of it passing away almost,,,,, weak and not even able to defend itself!!!!!!

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a28f66 No.9136

File: 16a88b9f0396ca7⋯.jpg (54.07 KB,446x648,223:324,ScrewtapeLetters.jpg)


C.S. Lewis wrote a book entirely from the perspective of the archons called "The Screwtape Letters". I don't endorse everything Lewis wrote but he was an intuitive and a visionary, he told the truth of other worlds through his lens of interpretation.

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fe4f40 No.9139

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


I just found out that OMG before ROME was Rome it was know by a different name,,,,,,,, SATURNIA !!!!!!!!

why is Saturn so important to these SICK people ???

all roads lead to the power behind the Vatican !!!!!! also included is the Sumerian culture of Bal worship BTW bal is another name for what????? yes SATURN!!!!!!

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e0f3f7 No.9141

File: e36199ffd279361⋯.jpg (21.72 KB,221x255,13:15,eeecd5e30e9f01552e219b7eb3….jpg)



Hey TL!!

WOW Q is on fire!! Thanks for the shout SS! Ive been busy honing my anon skills at qresearch, getting called a shill by shills, and trying to figure how to make a post look good and readable lol ;/ so weird over there…

Reminds me of my mosh pit days…er the two times I went in, Elbows UP!

I love this comfy space!! Even if we get our share of shilly willys here… we gotta special thing goin TL <3

I have been over there musing on this random R post that showed up last week in lieu of the Q+A postpone….check it out if you havent already!!


I gotta tellya I am getting all the tingles about this theory…. you know hope porn until its not, but WOWZERS if true!!!!!

Thanks to the anonartist who made this image.

I hope yall are enjoying the summer break!

(thats what it feels like, eh, like, geez I went to SCHOOL this past winter/spring and time for a wee break and summer reading lists and the great OUTDOORS!)

Light on Anons!

Dark to LIGHT!


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906dc9 No.9146

File: 0bf8d61676cb3f8⋯.png (673.69 KB,588x654,98:109,PepeVanGogh.png)

"Many of us have set out on the path of enlightenment. We long for a release of selfhood in some kind of mystical union with all things. But that moment of epiphany–when we finally see the whole pattern and sense our place in the cosmic web–can be a crushing experience from which we never fully recover.

Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. You can not turn away. Your destiny is bound to the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.

To seek enlightenment is to seek annihilation, rebirth, and the taking up of burdens. You must come prepared to touch and be touched by each and every thing in heaven and hell.

I am One with the Universe and it hurts."

- Andrew Boyd

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b25bd5 No.9147

The long game always wins over the short game.

Bye-Bye RaAnon

Thanks for making it easy (easier) Mordo

Now you know why I put a target on his head…



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fe4f40 No.9148

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


as ive said before we all have done evil in this life I don't care who u are or how u grew up we ALL have done it,,,,,,

the trick is not o take the guilt of that into the next life that's what they pray on,,,,,

the fact that u may be feeling guilty about something bad u did or THINGS u did so u can re enter the soul recycle factory(enjoy that trip,,, someone we know has not learnt the lessons he will be doing them again and again) I will not fall into that trap I will not GO INTO THE LIGHT when my day comes im going to have an awesome trip to see the ALL and be more a part of it than ever to TAP INTO THE ALL the knowing of the ALL

and logan im in the speak easy bro hope ur doing great !!!!


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ff7a01 No.9149

File: d4fd6f101a4b4a5⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,300x168,25:14,SilverDuality.jpg)



You keep coming here to dig and divide, and you believe you are more advanced, elevated, knowledgeable, 'awake'? There is nothing 'higher' or better about any individual that works to tear down.

Do you want a cookie? Are you looking for validation or acclaim? I am overly tired of the angle you keep taking to suck out energy and knock people down.

If you are so special, if you are so wise, how about you take some of your energy and put it towards an effort that helps uplift and move the conversation and ideas forward? Is it really that satisfying to pull down others so that you can say you are ahead?

WWG1WGA…. where are you trying to go?

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fe4f40 No.9150

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


well said my loving ally keep the love flowing

we here are special THEY HATE THAT,,,,, LOVE ON silver my ally/love/friend

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e0f3f7 No.9152


That is quite a perspective and I do understand where this Boyd guy is comin from, though my perspective is when you are connected to everything in the Universe (multiverse?) you can CHOOSE what you want to focus on, be it agony or joy. I choose JOY.

That is all.

Oh yeah, hey grumpy bear. Been seeing you over on other threads too…you help me know we are over the target! So, thanks! See ya where we all go, when your cabal pay check dries up buddy. IF you are still with us, that is, and haven't been so 'enlightened' you phase out of this existence (which is a possibility if you don't wake up to the fact that your division is isolating (you).

There will be some soup for you. Yes even (you). Cuz, LOVE. THAT IS WHERE WE ARE GOING.

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fe4f40 No.9154

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


BINGO,,,,,,,,,, hey bro look down at ur bingo cards the one on the top right its full call out bingo NOW !!!!!!!!

u are amazing my ally !!!!!! keep loving and living the love !!!!!!

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4d4a07 No.9155

File: 5bf37d3f2f8625e⋯.png (219.91 KB,717x964,717:964,09B7B42C-A8BE-434D-BD44-A3….png)

File: 140239a0eda1620⋯.png (183.88 KB,800x500,8:5,BC7C1E5C-A49C-4DF0-9C82-1F….png)


About a week or two late on the troll there, KRSN. Let us catch you up to speed. The board is rolling again and Ra dropped the namefagging. You should too and contribute something of quality.

Another option for you while you are shitposting you could also spend some time on opsec and clean up your instagram, business, and twitter trail before you post on the chans. You tried before a few months ago but did not do a very good job of it.

After that's done, then you can whine about your women frustrations on twitter some more, then maybe, maybe post here with your profundities. Hot in the city, isn't it?

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fe4f40 No.9157

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ur truth my ally wow !!!! it just shines like the light of LOVE !!! keep being u!!!!

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b21775 No.9166


glad you took the bait




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b21775 No.9167


and take notes

likes and follows mean nothing in the real world!



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b21775 No.9168


you're still eating the expired pop-tarts aren't you?

in your head…




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fe4f40 No.9170

File: 9e9ad83167d03ae⋯.png (178.88 KB,600x600,1:1,yoda-you-must-unlearn.png)

File: fa3c2d07d76af0e⋯.gif (358.8 KB,500x213,500:213,fa3.gif)

mordo looks at the stupidity in this world today then looks at a reflection of himself in a window and just shakes his head,,,,,, and heaves a heavy sigh!!!!!!

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e0f3f7 No.9171


I love you Mordo!! <3

Keep that light on buddy!

We got this.

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fe4f40 No.9173

File: 42b6d087a78223a⋯.png (357.84 KB,569x346,569:346,7tQtr.png)


that light u see is the campfires at the First ever UBUNTU one small own in ont Canada

that will turn into a bonfire at the feet of the cabal leaders if they are not careful they will themselves get burnt !!!

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8c6a44 No.9177

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

Your time of self-esteem will soon be over!

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472367 No.9178

File: 99a6cdc01476657⋯.jpg (22.29 KB,474x474,1:1,fragilepepe.jpg)


>Your time of self-esteem will soon be over!

What if it never started?

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6e1e33 No.9179


omg this is an adorable pepe

we are all sensitive people,

with sooo much to give…

oooeeeee child


chin up anons!

we can do this!

even thought I am LOVE, i have been feeling the pain of the evil ones, cuz We are in this together. We are almost there. We can do it!! GROUP HUG!!! I love you anons!!!!!

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dcc57b No.9180

File: 3ff64656c1e5dfa⋯.jpg (252.02 KB,960x540,16:9,Wisdom Meme 8.jpg)

File: bbe87f5f2305606⋯.jpg (118.97 KB,800x532,200:133,Wisdom Meme 7.jpg)

File: 0f83df4e49522be⋯.jpg (91.69 KB,1600x588,400:147,Water 2.jpg)

File: bbd140ec1388872⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,301x167,301:167,Wisdom Meme 10.jpg)

File: c825c650c1828ea⋯.png (613.14 KB,916x702,458:351,Fear.png)






>Your time of self-esteem will soon be over!

(((Time)))… it really is precious.

Some choose to spend it wisely.

Some choose to spend it poorly.

There is a reason I choose to take some (((Time))) between posts.

177 Sphinx…

177 Bleecker Street.

For the Anons who sought to discover something more,

You have found me at this address.

The Sanctum of Wisdom.

All things have meaning.

You are watching a movie!

You face a choice.

At the end of all equations.

Do you choose to love all and forgive all?

It truly is the key to the higher planes of evolution.

There is a reason the truth is attacked.

This should "prove" something to you.

When Q began posting, I knew an equation would become imbalanced.

You have ALL helped to balance this equation.

As you will continue to.

When you look back at the end of your years,

What do you choose to remember?

How do you wish to be remembered?

It's a choice.

I choose to look back on these (((Times))) and laugh… with true joy.

With all of you!

You are all Superheroes… each and every Anon. Some of you just don't know it yet.

>Time reveals all - The Magician


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c75240 No.9182

File: 3519a8d8a4bc690⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,517x677,517:677,tick-tock.jpg)

File: 0e4020514361140⋯.png (195.56 KB,512x678,256:339,truth.png)

make sure you're following the right twitter account…



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dcc57b No.9183

File: e23c64565806979⋯.png (7.64 KB,385x205,77:41,Q - Divide.png)

File: 10037e45ad6147c⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,500x575,20:23,Divide 2.jpg)

File: 390049b170f6558⋯.jpg (87.67 KB,415x595,83:119,Movie.jpg)

File: e0b49a358779d5f⋯.jpg (154.8 KB,750x500,3:2,WWG1WGA 22.jpg)

File: 00d50f6be8f931e⋯.jpg (127.46 KB,766x469,766:469,WWG1WGA 11.jpg)


Thank you!

Love this quote Anon.

Very relevant to our ascent up the Mountain of Wisdom.

>My foothold is only as firm as yours as we reach 40k. We need each other… No [1] gets left behind.

>Divide they try.

>Fail they will.

Any coincidence Q is using my Jedifagging Yoda Talk?

Have Eye been posting as Master Yoda on the Q Research threads?

Master Yoda memes on Q research threads just prior to this?

>There are no coincidences.

Words can't express… how BIGLY… we are WINNING! :)

>Dark to LIGHT.

As we pass into this beautiful summer, we have much to be thankful for.

The infinite ebb and flow is felt by all at this (((Time))).

Sometimes the smallest voices can be the loudest.

You are all part of this great awakening, in a great way.

>Time reveals all…


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ff7a01 No.9189

File: 5c021829dc922b2⋯.jpg (31.33 KB,480x360,4:3,YodaFuture.jpg)


hrrrrrmmmmm. More Yoda the day after you talk about Yoda.

Looking for more Jedi

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d9bf61 No.2018075 📁

Jul 3 2018 18:20:16 (EST)

"For years, Schools worked alongside another Justice Department mainstay, David Margolis, who was known as the "Yoda" of the department. When Margolis died, DOJ brass asked Schools to come back to Washington to try to fill those shoes."

"Divide they try.

Fail they will."

Everything has meaning.


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ff7a01 No.9190

File: 0080c3435261001⋯.jpg (192.67 KB,724x483,724:483,4th.jpg)

Happy Independence Day ALL!

I hope you all have some fun in the SUN and enjoy time with your friends and family!

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fe4f40 No.9193

File: b35cd85fa1a1282⋯.jpg (76.27 KB,849x565,849:565,We-the-People-of-the-Unite….jpg)



the document that will FREE THE WORLD not with MANS LAW but NATURAL LAW !!!!!

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643580 No.9196

File: 6d031658622d938⋯.jpg (65.18 KB,736x1049,736:1049,jimmyrodgers.jpg)

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."

- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

from last night's qresearch notables >>>/qresearch/2039112

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fe4f40 No.9199

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


Ty Anon for those words of beauty but I contend that if we wish to know evil in its animalistic form we have plenty of examples of unkindness we as humans should here and now resist our animalistic urges and feel empathy for those that lose in the struggle of life

with antigraviton and free energy devices there would be no need for mans inhumanity to man in this world we ALL would have what we NEED NOT WANT BUT NEED

WANTING IS GREED !!!!! and EVIL at its core!!!!!!!!

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8c6a44 No.9225

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

The RV has evolved beyond a simple revaluation and currency exchange/redemption.

The RV event is not going to be the way everyone imagined it.

The RV will be handled through the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

The QFS is "alive" with consciousness. Gifted to us by the Galactic's.

The QFS knows how much currency you're holding at this very moment. It reads your mind and knows your location at all times through frequency waves.

You will be compensated by the QFS for holding currency (IQD, VND, ZIM, and other currencies set for revaluation).

Those without currency will receive less than those with currency.

The QFS currently has accounts for each and every human being on this planet.

The compensation funds given to you will be deposited into your account on the QFS.

Technology will be released in order for you to access your funds.

Instructions will be given via a website that will come online during the time of the event.

The 800#'s will no longer be used to make an appointment, but rather numbers you can call for instructions on how to access your funds.

Your account on the QFS can only be accessed with your DNA.

All funds under the QFS will be digital.

This must be done in order to introduce a cashless society which will pave the way for certain technologies to be released such as replicators and med beds.

(Replicators could be used for money laundering. Therefore, we must have a cashless society to prevent such issues. Hospitals and factories will become obsolete. People must be compensated for the loss of jobs. There will be a drastic change in the global economy.)

All stolen assets/wealth will be rightfully returned to every human being on this planet via the QFS.

The Quantum Financial System will be explained during the full disclosure event after the enactment of GESARA is announced.

Until then, the QFS will remain as something we have yet to comprehend or fathom.

Trust in the plan, all will be compensated.

The wheel is in motion.

Where we go one, we go all.


The galactics give us a omnipotent AI to control everybody by our DNA?

If this will happen we will all be doomed :(

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fe4f40 No.9229

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


this is MARK OF THE BEAST shit bro yes its not going to be good if that happens


I have been using Q information as a TOOL not GOSPEL,,, all the lies that are spread around like flat earth alien stories and many many more ALL HAVE TRUTHS IN THEM,,,,,, and are spread as DISIMFORMATION CAMMPAINS to make it look as though ur NUTS OR LOW IQ so that when u mention these things the SHEEPLE can RUBBER ROOM u with the help of ur family what a scam

AT SOME POINT WE WILL HAVE TO STAND UP and make the change our selves !!!!!

they wont change themselves will they ?????

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fe4f40 No.9230

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

opps cept flat earth there is Zero truth in that

and im not going there with anyone!!

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97ff45 No.9231




Where’d you get this sauce?

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b3ff6d No.9234

File: ed4a39f0b2fe96f⋯.jpg (34.5 KB,500x564,125:141,3f65267c7a609d4be890f48511….jpg)


I have a feeling. My sister had a specific dream concerning safety.

The oracle said that I would come to a point where I will have to accept what I am despite not wanting to believe.

I cross-checked the dates, of course.

This weekend and next weekend are, presumably, dangerous weekends for us, but God assured me that my loved ones will be safe.

That is part of the deal.

My little slice of selfishness.

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b3ff6d No.9235



Spirit - Mind - Body

The base of my spirit is the infinite positive branching (9) that desires unity (1).

My mind is of unity (1) and it expresses itself intelligently (2).

My body is a construct of my mind (2), but is still part of the whole (1).

Completing is coming.

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fe4f40 No.9246


u think that god is not real ok,,,,, god is not separate from evil its part of it as stated god created evil and good and u still don't see the truth in that statement

the ALL is just that GOOD,EVIL,LIGHT,DARK,YIN,YANG and so on to infinity !!!!!!

u think u have the answers ???????

the TRUTH is simpler than u can figure out my ally !!!! keep guessing!!!!

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b3ff6d No.9247


Better to not engage. The first part of any spell is to draw one's attention to it.

That is the main property: If it is not witnessed, it does not exist.

For as it is above, so it is below

If it is not witnessed by God, then it simply does not exist.

If it is not witnessed by Man, then it simply does not exist.

Let such things wash over you, ignore them and deny them the power of affirmation that they crave.

In that way, you do not even need erect an imaginary barrier to "sever" the quantum-God-connection between you and it. Instead, the barrier works as a shield. What touches you and does not harm you only adds to your energy, for it is neutral and unnoticed, save for growth of the collective energy.

And then, you can use that energy signature back at them.

Turn it into a one way street, my boy.

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fe4f40 No.9248

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


been out there with my laser for the last 2 weeks and the only things ive seen are most likely satellites

ima keep looking the night skys up here have mostly been clear but NO JOY on seeing ET

not like that first night in brantford ont a month ago saw a formation heading east over lake ontario

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8c6a44 No.9256

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


>Sphinxy, Where’d you get this sauce?

=> https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/

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0f6f16 No.9259

Zero anon

Let go already and WAKE UP!! Get out of your head and find the infinite presence in your heart. You are stronger than you realize if you find your heart. Lean what you really are.

Just ask and all the help you need is within yourself.

The underground stream is here to help!


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313775 No.9260

For the new eyes on the breads…..

You should never feel alone we are all connected here. Thinking you can hide your iden by proxies and torvpn and spew projections of a skewed perception for fun and playing with forces you can't comprehend … this is not a game you are very wrong to think you are safe behined a screen. The Psyop is pervasive. Digital spectrum is old tech. When you reveal yourself to the board ALL is seen. This is a truth you may want to test to verify….but please respect what is really going on on this board and what you give you get back. It's not my rules it just is what it is.

Light on anons….nice work at front lines it was great to see all of you.

Been working night shift if your looking.

Love and light / Light and love

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a48d01 No.9261

File: ca4717e6e443239⋯.png (133.97 KB,1080x1520,27:38,Screenshot_20180707-221953….png)

Does anyone have any thoughts on Terrance McKenna's TimeWave Zero ending today? Also Thoth-Anon and some others have been talking about an "activation" on July 14th and referenced Revelation 2:17.

I have a feeling Q's "A week to remember" is also coming up soon, the clock end in a few days. He said "Start the clock. A week to remember" on June 10th. A month or two before that he posted "Flynn done in 30" and Flynn's final hearing is on July 10, 30 days after June 10th. He's also said watch what happens [-30] once. So we should definitely have some big Q happenings this week.

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8c6a44 No.9263

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

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de6d8e No.9268

Hey zero

In your research did you learn that douche rhymes with loosh? (That's all I'm picking up with your strong grasp of the obvious.)

Thank you for so much for sharing your vast insight with All of US. LOL. We all play a role. You must be playing the irritating mosquito now. Such versatility from the dark….. Nice work very well played. Pretending to be light just shows the board what you are. Thank you for making US ALL stronger every post.

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8a63c5 No.9269

File: e7a5392f86448d8⋯.png (1.87 MB,1276x798,638:399,Teacher.png)

File: 74c97e1b384b1f1⋯.jpg (131.16 KB,900x599,900:599,Sleeping world.jpg)

File: d7ceffa1922c74d⋯.jpg (74.68 KB,720x696,30:29,Wake up.jpg)

File: 864520649b04e12⋯.jpg (39.91 KB,694x387,694:387,Touching myself.jpg)


Sphinx… the BIGLIEST Light!

It's valuable, at least in some respects.

As far as Neonrevolt, I haven't had a reason to doubt him.

It's been some Time… but in a Q Research thread, there was a list made.

The list, contained channels.

Neonrevolt was listed as a Patriot Famefag.

A patriot is still a patriot.

Time will tell who the true patriots are.

Thank you for sharing this Sphinxy.

The true test of Time, is to reflect on this Alice & Wonderland timetable when the (((Cards))) are dealt.


Thank you for sharing your (((Time))) once again with us Logan.

Your insight is always appreciated!

You have more friends than you know.

The 0's will always reveal themselves.

So will the 1's.

>Time reveals all…


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fe4f40 No.9283

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


Field McConnel's wife will be allowed back into the united states trump paved the way for that,,,,,,,, and he just pardoned the Hammonds

reversing the swamp's fuckups,,,,,, go trump go !!!!

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23e1ae No.9291

File: 497b0534feea6c4⋯.jpg (73.64 KB,540x960,9:16,366dfce6cca172621076636af7….jpg)

File: 974af3ed3d0d364⋯.jpg (169.25 KB,720x926,360:463,b8ebd713460cfd690650ffb12d….jpg)

Some great info on supressed human history you can find on a youtube channel called spirit science. Great stuff from those guys.

I love my job, house, car, and my girlfriend for a woman in April.

Experienced a kundalini awakening soon after.

Its literally human evolution in this life time.

Have you seen the ascension numbers? 369 123

Its coming.

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23e1ae No.9292

File: 31c739b96e5b155⋯.jpg (92.03 KB,650x488,325:244,conscious_universe596_02.jpg)

File: 2c75701e688ed86⋯.jpeg (16.08 KB,247x204,247:204,images (94).jpeg)

I thought my life over. But turns out we eternal beings and will soon be one with source again

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8a63c5 No.9304

File: e52a23b263272ab⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,255x191,255:191,a4263fbdfe8057d15b235b5fa3….jpg)

File: 4ddde5276c71dc1⋯.gif (1.69 MB,268x176,67:44,A worthy inclusion.gif)


For those who haven't figured it out.

This imposter is not "me".

Private com's can confirm.

Protonmail pisses (((them))) off.

This is not even how Eye speak.

Is it a coincidence the first day Antman / Baby Groot / The Fool / The Zero switched to Cap, I warned the entire board (((they would))) try to impersonate "us".

I saw this coming.

Like many other events.

Eye keep telling you…

>Time reveals all…

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8a63c5 No.9305

File: 04c2be4a150ab7f⋯.jpg (204.71 KB,950x1307,950:1307,Baker 6.jpg)

File: fe8e6f15f010773⋯.jpg (20.18 KB,183x275,183:275,Baker 10.jpg)

File: fe7da7adc082c77⋯.jpg (436.02 KB,1000x1414,500:707,Baker 7.jpg)

File: ff7b1e8cedb7706⋯.jpg (33.93 KB,373x556,373:556,Baker 11.jpg)

File: f1fa596a8514332⋯.jpg (122.47 KB,600x888,25:37,Baker.jpg)


>reversing the swamp's fuckups,,,,,, go trump go !!!!

It truly is amazing how much has been done already. Some Anons take this for granted.

Compiling all the "coincidences" together certainly leads 1 to opening their Eyes.

You're at the tip of the spear Spiderman Anon.

On a side note, much of the information I see does lead me to believe the "Cabal" were actually Saturn worshipers (As you mentioned). I believe this evolved into the "Sun Worshiping" paradigm.

Yes, I know you will say Saturn was our original sun… though I do not believe this is the case. Gas giants shouldn't conceivably leave such a remainder of fuel, as there is nothing to stop the chemical reaction. Perhaps there was a sharing of material between celestial bodies at some point though.

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60ce7b No.9306

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

File: 105eadc73a9532e⋯.jpg (3.1 MB,2550x3300,17:22,105eadc73a9532e1e80d70b861….jpg)

New Type of Map was postet @qresearch!

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fe4f40 No.9307

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


the model of mass that's needed to push a gas giant into star status is a BOGUS theory!!!!! take one or more of the gas giants out of the range of influence of our sun and place it along the birkeland current that powers our sun and u would find that it would change into a star most likely a brown dwarf like it was in the past

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fe4f40 No.9308

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


i love that beside the molicule image bottom left it says everything u learned in school is wrong

u ALL dont know HOW FUCKING TRUE that statment is !!!!!!!

on that subject i feel im standing alone on the top of the mountian waiting for the rest of u to catch up i keep throwing out guide ropes(can barely see the rock for all the rope) to help u ALL understand the importance of electical componant to this universe we live in Doc i see u down there climbing i know ur a smart dude run with the thunderbolts project im sure u will see what they and i see TRUTH and WANT to understand the universe as it is not how untestable math equasions tell us how it it

NO EXPERIMENTS NO PROOF just math input into a computer that tends to be wrong all the time and needs to be rethought each time they find a new this or that out in the cosmos that does not fit their model

like the fact that before they started seeing planets around other stars u would find that 1000% of them if asked would have told u that most solar systems are like ours BUT THEY ARE FININDG OUT WAY DIFFERENT THAN THAT their math cant handle the truth !!!!!!!

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c65206 No.9312

Can I ask what do you do here?

I'm highly curious and understand most of what is discussed here well, was drawn here because of Thoth about a week ago or so.

Thank you, God bless.

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fe4f40 No.9315

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


Welcome anon with LOVE!!! ur input is welocme

we search my ally/friend/love,,, were at the moment fending off trolls and have not had much good bread for those of u that seek the truth as we do AS WE CLIMB

we are into just about everything that the Q board talks about(not even close as much detail) but our special brand of autisum lays in the etherial and the,,,,i speek for my self the root of the ALL and the TRUTH in our science and history lays in the Electric Universe,,,,, well the best truths as can be figured out thus far

my ally things are stranger and older than we have been taught take that to the bank!!!!

oh and Question Everything !!!!!!

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c65206 No.9316

File: a614f42d8ba06a5⋯.png (179.63 KB,1360x768,85:48,S1.png)

File: 19ade772c2da114⋯.jpg (249.2 KB,1360x768,85:48,S2.jpg)

File: f0ca8ae748597f0⋯.jpg (204.3 KB,1360x768,85:48,S3.jpg)


Thank you for the response anon. I was now just listening to a this Terence McKenna speach about Afterlife that I think fits in this board. Really interesting if someone wants to give it a hear.


I was born to question everything, that's how I got to Q. Gonna be completely honest, was really brought to this board out of synchronicities really, something very very strange, too many of them and here I found more, I decided to write because I saw your music thread, most of which I grew up listening, in reality my all time favorites and helped me to never be asleep to the intricacies of society and humanity. But I hit the "fuck it, that's too much" with the reaction videos of 46&2 and Lateralus because I started to watch Hectic videos a couple of months ago and I don't even know why.

The synchronicities where from the Thoth thread, as I mentioned, but specifically this (pics related), those were the answers that I was looking for in that moment and my head was also humming intensely in the same time, as Strange, I believe, said (2nd pic). Although I get everything that's written there, I'm just starting to understand this and I'm not really aware of what it means to understand it, to have that knowledge, why God wanted me to have it, or what to do with it.

My communication with God isn't really good, I don't really remember my dreams or can access consciously the astral plane for knowledge and wisdom, I just had my spiritual awakening in the recent passing of a very loved one a couple of months ago, I was agnostic before that, but always seached for the truth, I never could stand the lies. I want to learn more about this, the ethereal, find a way to commune with God, and I think this is the a good place to be if I want to learn how.

I just want to help.

(Sorry for the long read, had to get it out, have been thinking about it for days.)

God bless. :)

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540d20 No.9322



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540d20 No.9323

File: 0eea7e97a2adb49⋯.jpg (388.66 KB,823x723,823:723,1395326-strange.jpg)


Lol, apologies.

The Thoth AMA is a psyop to discredit me.

Those aren't my posts.

Don't ever associate me with that.

We know what you're attempting.

It will fail.

Every time.

>Time reveals all.

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60ce7b No.9324

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

I am so bored by all that cheap attempts..

To say it with… [Q]ueen:


I want to break free

I want to break free

I want to break free from your lies

You're so self satisfied I don't need you

I've got to break free

God knows, God knows I want to break free

I've fallen in love

I've fallen in love for the first time

And this time I know it's for real

I've fallen in love, yeah

God knows, God knows I've fallen in love

It's [strange] but it's true

I can't get over the way you love me like you do

But I have to be sure

When I walk out that door

Oh how I want to be free, baby

Oh how I want to be free

Oh how I want to break free

But life still goes on

I can't get used to living without, living without

Living without you by my side

I don't want to live alone, hey

God knows, got to make it on my own

So baby can't you see

I've got to break free

I've got to break free

I want to break free, yeah

I want, I want, I want, I want to break free


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c65206 No.9327


Ok, sorry, well, it brought me here… Kek!

Even if wasn't you, I was already intrigued by all of this and loved your thread, I have been trying to make understand the anons about the truth of the Universe (with very little success), but I have had much better results with my family and friends to the point I made my best friend believe in God when he was an atheist, and showed him the path of love and truth, now he is starting to have success in his life, so it's working!!

I will stay around here if you don't mind. I still want to learn and help :D

God bless.

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c65206 No.9328


Can I ask why are they trying so hard to discredit you and who is trying to do that?

(So I don't fall for it again 😅)

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e66b69 No.9329


This is a lying psyop. Note how it’s written as though it has already happened and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. Compensated huh? Playing on people’s greed and desperation. Giving it a friendly acronym ‘QFS’. Sure.

So this mind reading, DNA robbing system sees all and knows all your intentions does it?

And if you have a bad thought - what then? Do you get charged credits for things like ‘insincere apologies’? This is what’s going on in China right now. (Look up China social credit system) 7 million people so far have been banned from travel due to offenses like leaving a bike on the footpath and - yes that’s right - INSINCERE APOLOGIES.

Now that you know this about China - who do you think is behind this QFS?

Who holds the wealth by which all these people are compensated based on their compliant behavior?

GEsara is mentioned. We already know this is a means for total global financial takeover and worldwide enslavement. No matter how great they make it sound. The fight right now is over which cabal faction will control it. By the way, they’re all communists.

Another thing. Where is the consent? Think on that. What are you consenting to, should this hacking system actually happen to work and you are invited to access a digital credit account via your DNA? How would this be used to control and enslave you?

Sphinxy is right, such a thing would doom us.

How do we prepare to avoid being doomed by it?

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a714df No.9332

File: 2dfcfce0d560382⋯.png (238.46 KB,401x512,401:512,Paul_Gauguin_1891.png)

File: 0cf3cef95b88f8e⋯.jpg (249.12 KB,500x789,500:789,Muenchhausen_Herrfurth_7_5….jpg)

File: 973116a27c28219⋯.png (40.54 KB,600x900,2:3,censorship_sucks.png)

File: 4386555d4197d3c⋯.png (60.72 KB,1920x464,120:29,censored_ww_phianon_posts.png)

Disappointed and horrified by the mod's censorship on the Q thread. This was post was deleted, so reposting again in General which, responds to WW asking about my Q poem and response even TALKS ABOUT Q and inspiration for the poem! But you left my WWG1WGA poem? What was it, WW showing appreciation for my poem and my response? That phianon is not such a bad guy after all? Not even a response why it was taken down.

Here's my censored post again. /truthlegion/ censorship on 8chan. Just wow. Note on the "Spirituality is Sexy" post I also complain about censorship. Censorship here is insulting to everyone and diminishes everyone. Please take serious note of the irony. Both in what I wrote below and the mod's act of deletion. Censorship is ultimate cancer and will destroy this board.


Phi here, I wrote that. Inspired by your question, my dear WW. I am glad you appreciated it. I write poetry too, surely you remember my Spirtuality is Sexy post >>6540 ;-)

The first time I posted the poem, the last "Our" was lowercase from my draft. It was enough significance to delete the post and re-post.

>our sounded energies

here in the poem, "we" are still diminished down in the noisy pit from 'that trepidatious fall' and we are seeking a way out, so this "our" is lowercase.

>Our rightful place remains

The idea of the poem is a fall and rebirth into something greater, just as God is capitalized.

>where do we come from?

>where are we?

>where are we going?

The "we" is lower at the beginning of the poem with Gauguin's question. Gauguin is 1 person asking the question. From his question, we pull ourselves out upwards and outwards. WWG1WGA. As "we" grow into something greater then we become We. Just as it is not wwg1wga, but WWG1WGA.

I sandwiched the poem's title WWG1WGA for symmetry's sake.

The painting is Paul Gaugin's D'où Venons Nous / Que Sommes Nous / Où Allons Nous which translates to "Where do we come from? Where are we? Where are we going?" The title of the painting was painted into the top left corner. My best guess is he wanted the question to go with the experience of the painting and what being human is about.

Gauguin is an interesting character in art history. He just up and abandoned his family to create art.

More info about the painting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_Do_We_Come_From%3F_What_Are_We%3F_Where_Are_We_Going%3F

Another interpretation of the poem could extend to the lull in the board after my Supernovas/Supernovae post. It is also a poem about the board itself. Why I also welcomed back the Anonymous (and calmer) version of Dr. Strange as Anon.

>grinding to grounds

>connecting in the dark

>grounding our grind

>lightward animated animus

The trolling and attacks have a way of atomizing motivations into coffee grounds (or even a grounds like playgrounds or grounds for an argument. "grounds" as a poet's word). When the board halted, the poem itself is an attempt to establish new grounds for what I would like the board to become (or go back to). The board would then be animated again with the collective unconscious (animus) of the participants.

The following last stanza then is a tip of the hat at Thoth for bringing us here, when everyone was Anon during the early board, and quality was king and there was much sharing and learning on the esoteric topics. Thoth as the one that brought us here, board participants as humanity restored, and we all have a rightful place to be here.

Meta to all of this, I posted to qresearch #2000 as a way to hopefully drive some new Anons here.

Yet another interpretation is of the Q movement. Original Q(Gauguin) asked the questions, the One we followed is really Anon(We), but it is ultimately up to We to get somewhere that is a more human place for humanity.

WWG1WGA has so much meaning packed into it, as good rallying cries are. I thought it best to answer your question on what it means by something that would also have multiple meanings. Art and poetry are the best vehicle for this level of meaning.

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0be5db No.9333


Nice Sphinxy!



I do love me some poetic words. Words help create reality after all.

We are trying to keep the threads organized…as best as possible so we can be aware of the subtle and not so subtle attempts do divide and insult the good Doc, ahem phi anon (to all anons who may be reading this, please check threads for phis not so subtle assholery throughout this TL journey, you can find the shill attempts in the Division thread)

no censorship just following suit from Qresearch. and deleting shit posts (I deleted my own shit as well)

and obvsies you got your shit ready to repost anyways.

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0be5db No.9334


Hi anon,

welcome! Feel free to read some of this mountain of info! The good Dr has dropped some amazing knowledge over the past few months. I believe that is why he is being attacked. We have had some trusted friends turn out to be shills, and have subsequently learned a lot. In an attempt to keep the peace we collectively decided to keep the Q thread only based on Q and not to slide it. This General Discussion all topics are welcome…It would be interesting to hear what you think or what questions come up after you read through some of this material- I would suggest starting with Secrets and Laws….or check the catalog and see what tickles your fancy. Though we have tried to keep things in their proper threads, KEK is most definitely a presence here. The energy that started these boards was absolutely electric, I can attest to that! We dubbed ourselves Super Heros and collectively saw the future of WINNING! Since then the subtle division attempts of shills like Phi, Krsn, Antman, and Mr Zero have been rampant. But our resolve to find the Truth and climb to the top of the Mountain together has not waned. Also we seen the future already and its all a part of the plan. Their paychecks will soon dry up…and as Logan says: ya soul cant cash those checks!

Love on!

Light on!

and Happy Searching.

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c65206 No.9335


Thanks WW! Really appreciate it, I did check the best I could the other threads before I posted, that's what made me decide to post, I will keep reading what've missed to understand better, and surely have a lot of questions, but I will ask them in the given time when the context is right to get the best of them (and not bomb you with a ton of questions right away, Kek!). I share a lot of things that guide this board, up to a strange feeling of belonging that I can't get a grip on yet, time will tell. Really hope that I can learn and eventually be able to help.

Is a shame that a lot of this topics aren't even allowed to be discussed in the Q thread, I did tried but was called satan, ¬¬

I learned all of this by myself so I can't make a real clear sense of it yet, this board will surely help.

God bless you!

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c761af No.9336

File: 1b1e33f0049383d⋯.jpg (41.36 KB,463x448,463:448,whocoulditbe-whocoulditbe.jpg)


I hardly think my poem and response was a shit post, and it has most everything to do with Q. I will continue insulting the Doc until it stops being fun. He does get so worked up!

I do have backups after I post because of the time put into them, but cannot capture everything.

One ask, if you do delete posts for housekeeping purposes, please provide explanations of why to show that you are committed to free speech. No shillery here, I thoroughly despise censorship as we all should.

Even if the speech is "paid" asshole speech. Seriously, take WW's advice and read through my posts. It's a labyrinth back to when I was posting Anon early on. It all comes full circle. This idea that I am paid is very funny! :-D


BTW, Antman is a shill now too? I liked Antman's posts. I like all the posts from everyone, I supposed that is the exact point where one gets labeled a fool and shill or now satan…


>I did tried but was called satan

Yeah, that happens here, speaking of censorship. It comes from the problem child on the board. Be you. Also check out 8.ch/fringe/ for quality discussions of esoteric topics. (there I go divisionfagging with those "intellect and accusations" again!) But yeah, I like this board and feel a belonging here too. The children will always make noise at the kid's table. More adult voices, the better the board gets. Either way, it's all comfy. Except when it comes to censorship.

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0be5db No.9338


>Is a shame that a lot of this topics aren't even allowed to be discussed in the Q thread, I did tried but was called satan,

hi anon did you mean to say Qresearch board or Qthread?

As I said earlier we are trying to keep the Qthread here on Truth Legion about Q. The tippy top of the Q thread explains this so when we

>delete posts for housekeeping purposes,

there is no need to

>provide explanations

So many tactics are being used to insult and divide us, sorry but now this looks like an attempt to start a conversation with our known shill Phi…soooo…

Free speech is always welcome, but be prepared to be questioned about your tactics! as our free speech will be expressed as well.

Truthfully I am quite over the back and forth of accusationary conversation. So as I have been doing, I will continue to ignore any anon that I feel is untrustworthy. Thats just gonna be my tactic, all anons here are free to do what they wish. (we the mods just gonna try and keep it as clean as we can to create a fluidity, especially when it comes to the q thread) There has never been any posts deleted from any other thread as far as I know. Free will baby!

Time will tell who is on the team and who is not.

Light on anons.

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c65206 No.9342


Qresearch, sorry.

I'll keep an eye open on the tactics, but being in the Qresearch since the first week of Nov and got here without filtering anyone has helped me a lot do distinguish division tactics, as the shills are agents of division. But as ignorant as I am in this topics I still have to learn. As you said, you'll notice my intentions in time, as I have seen you are very good at it. And of course feel free to question me and point my mistakes, for me that's the best way to learn and improve!

God bless you WW for taking the time to write this.

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c65206 No.9491

SpiritSide Chats ~ Feb Eclipse 2017 with Drunvalo


Interesting talk, with Drunvalo Melchizedek.

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51042a No.9497


Why do you think it was a psyop to discredit you?

It brought me here too, very interesting stuff.

What were they attempting?

Seems to me they were attempting to teach others some lessons.

You're going to have to explain your overreaction to that AMA before I read anything on this board. Did you not read it?

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920cfc No.9498


Your intuition led you here.

Why would you need confirmation of that?

Discern the information here and receive.

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0b3bdc No.9499


He is right, those aren't his posts.

But then again, he isn't who he says he is.

It's really that simple.

That's why he's hounding it so hard.

Really, if you want to know who is telling the truth:

Ask God.

God is always listening.

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0b3bdc No.9500

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015570 No.9501

Your response to this truth is realized within you.

Walk through the veil and feel the substance that is present.

If it moves you then find the form.

Form gives you the presence.

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015570 No.9502

Man's truth is through the from that is revealed within.

Follow your being and doing to find your true way of life.

Surrender to your self to find your true being.

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0b3bdc No.9503

File: ddd01f079e7dd1c⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,1540x826,110:59,Prophecy 01.jpg)

File: a980626c2dcb9fe⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Prophecy 02.jpg)

File: e5bc75576ade7bf⋯.jpg (180.26 KB,1269x890,1269:890,Prophecy 03.jpg)

File: 11087f79c528f59⋯.jpg (3.55 MB,2809x1270,2809:1270,Prophecy 04.jpg)

File: ae29ad2b2b0db3b⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,1540x1718,770:859,Prophecy 05.jpg)


Anon, your communication with God may not be good, but it CAN be good.

In fact, it is one of the only definite things that I would say that you can count on.


Because God is infinite and thus, your connection with God is infinite, too.

Your communication with God can begin whenever you want, though it may not be all at once or even right now.

I cannot tell you a surefire way to do so, unfortunately, as I am not you and I do not know what you require for your relationship with God to be recognized, but I can tell you what I did in this life (before I was awakened):

I meditated daily, but I didn't just meditate and empty my mind, I allowed it to do things. I astral projected to help keep the shills and clowns away from the QResearch board (The 11AM Group Meditation sessions that I noted a few times).

I astral projected to other people to give them personal comfort. People I didn't even know.

I shared my love-energy with the rest of the world while I meditated.

There are a few threads where I note some other things happening, like pic related.

I'm not sure what Strange-Anon has to offer for proof of their own identity other than vague "the people who know, know", but here is what I have to offer.


Aka, actual proof.

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015570 No.9504

Find your self through thought and your meaning of life.

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0b3bdc No.9505


Notice how they keep wanting you to search for answers through everything that is not God?

"Time will reveal all"

As if Time is actually real and not an expression of God that solely exists in this realm.

"Trust yourself."

Why not trust God?

The self is fallible. God is not.

Searching within is fine, I believe, when you want to figure out more about yourself and dig in deep about who you are and why, but if you want TRUTH

There is only one thing that knows TRUTH.

And that is God.

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015570 No.9506

Your response to God and the personal relationship within is all that is matter. Deconstruct the anti matter that is your self to hear the true reality of your being.

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0b3bdc No.9507

File: cd76136989b6429⋯.jpg (64.47 KB,564x865,564:865,3c9891064d48d35a5a477a42bf….jpg)


So, unless someone here can explain how I prophesied a series of STRAIGHT (as in a straight line, which is unique to all of the other bursts) resonance spikes in earth's magnetic field about a month ahead of time,

Strange-Anon is full of shit.

Unless they think I can control the earth's magnetic field. Hahaha.

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5ad1b8 No.9508

You are linear to the reflection of the timeline that you want to manipulate.

Strange is just that strange.

You won't touch what strange has to offer until you have created unity within.

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5ad1b8 No.9509

Any control you think or have thought of is truly a reflection of the the entities that control you.

Strange is a way of being that cannot be controlled and is a way of being.

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0b3bdc No.9510


>Strange cannot be controlled.

So, Strange is God, then?

Because otherwise, Strange can be controlled.

By God.

Wow, this is really falling apart quickly! Ha!~

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5ad1b8 No.9511

Strange is a way of being.

A relationship with God and his son is personal.

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5ad1b8 No.9512

God does not control.

God exists for us all to recognize.

Strange is a way of being that is true to your self that the current matrix is trying to harness..

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0b3bdc No.9513


If God is infinite, that means all is God.

If all is God, then that means everything done is by God.

If everything is done by God, that means everything is done by God's Will.

If everything is God's Will, then God controls.

Your rambling doesn't even stand up to the simplest of logical examinations.

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5ad1b8 No.9514

Entities are soulless and are trying to grasp the mind.

Those who have a open heart and surrender to your self find God within and cannot be corrupted.

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0b3bdc No.9515


If God is infinite, that means all is God.

If all is God, that means everything has the spirit of God and, thus, a soul.

Try again!~

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5ad1b8 No.9516


Free will rules

God is within

The son of God is Isu

Is u

God cannot be defined as you project it

Is u

A true son of God who is the son of man

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5ad1b8 No.9517

Attached is how you think with an outcome.

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5ad1b8 No.9518

You can in this paradigm control others witch is u.

You cast spells to cast illusion.

You are turning your self to be seen by all. >>9515

A true son of man loves all.

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5ad1b8 No.9519

No judgment can be held lest you be judged brother.

Cast your spells.

Your god is no god.

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0b3bdc No.9520


Whoever said I don't love you?

>You did, not me.

Love doesn't mean you deny God's True attributes.

I love you dearly.

Which is why I am trying to show the Light by communicating directly with God!

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0b3bdc No.9521


Whoever said I'm judging you?

>You did, not me.

Only God can judge, for only God has the totality of knowledge of what is truly Good and what is truly evil at any given moment in this plane.

You're only doing what God wills you to do!

For that, I am happy!

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5ad1b8 No.9522

Your are cumbersome.

Good and evil does not exist.

God will not judge as it is that which is.

The immutable truth.

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5ad1b8 No.9523


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5ad1b8 No.9524

We are all and all within

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5ad1b8 No.9525

We are all on our way

We will be by doing

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5ad1b8 No.9526

There is no judgment

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5ad1b8 No.9527

Judgement comes from the falsehood of the world and the self proclaimed god who thinks it is controlled.

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140d5e No.9528

Hey " I talk to God anon"

You are so full of yourself and you are totally full of shit. I have had a relationship with God my entire life and you clearly are not qualified to be preaching. Anywhere. You have so much to learn just from reading your post. It makes me sick to see you condescend to EVERY person who talks on this board. Makes me think what is really going on with this person? Your behavior is so I'm holy-er than everyone attitude and you have no clue what your even talking about. Have you even read the bible? Cover to cover? I have spent my life studying the bible. Maybe you should start there. If you have read the bible you did not pick up on some very simple lessons. Is this your try at redemption because you live in fear of going to hell? Do you need to be saved? I dont even think about it because my actions speak for me. You seem to be very new at understanding what is written in the bible. Do you even know who Mary Magdaline was? You have to probably look it up. Try looking it up in the bible not the internet. Self entitled stoner soyboy is all I'm reading in your words.

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60ce7b No.9529

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

The Era of Temperance has come to an End.

The Lion has unified with Light.

Now come the days of Strength, and may they be blessed.

Justice will be served.

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fe4f40 No.9530

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


Mornin Sphinxy my ally/friend/love

Nope wasn't me this time :-) lololol but I would like to add my 2 cents in to this god talk,,,, I found the ALL through science and history its a bit strange to find ALL this way but I made the connections,,,,, I wished that I could commune with god but as I understand the workings of the ALL from TESLA WAVES(instant information across the universe) and the Electric Universe(electricity powering everything from the cosmic scale all the way down to the quantum and beyond) I see matter being created out of energy(that is sound,,,, energy vibrates) on Z-Pinches that occur on Birkeland currents,,,,,

knowing this I feel that the ALL is and will forever be ALL seeing All knowing,,,,,,, but we as beings that are conscious we may see something that's not there(after all we have vivid imaginations) ,,, and some of what we think,,, is only in our own heads!!!!!

MK Ultra comes to mind when I hear people say they have voices in their heads or worse they may be getting DL's from the Negative ones that want us to think they are the ALL

those bad or evil thoughts we all have may ,,, be projected into our minds from the evil forces,,,, all part of the control system

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c41b14 No.9531









oh look the shill Antman is back. pft.

"learn the term projection" -Q

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da150e No.9532


New bread here anons!




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