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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

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File: c971647ab7e6702⋯.jpg (7.15 KB,225x225,1:1,wisdom.jpg)

ad5812 No.373 [Last50 Posts]

So much amazing insight has been shared by RaAnon & alternates and many other anons on other boards. Want to seek knowledge— >understanding — > wisdom with us? Here's your thread!

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cea34a No.383

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,754f6ba7aaae7797bdd4b729ba….jpg)


To all my friends, to all my allies, to all my children of light.

I appreciate that we can work together on this information. I do realize that the board volunteer's perhaps deleted certain threads not for board maintenance.

These people know WHO I am. They KNOW my personality. They KNOW I cannot hold truth back from myself or others.

You have to realize… both sides are watching the Q Research board. There are DEEP levels of esoteric information I go into. I do not want to give away any alliance advantages either.

You all perceived HOW MANY correlations between Q's and my posts?

Remember… I told you about remote viewing, even the specific brain chemistry required to activate it.

I do not believe Q is one person. I have perceived numerous different consciousnesses posting from different locations. Q cannot only be one person. I have a few ideas who they could be, but I clearly won't mention it.

These people know that with my personality, it can be a liability at times. We also have to remember that the general research board is going to EXPLODE when POTUS starts making more direct insinuations about the corruption. We cannot have normies going there, and reading about the Pindar, Draco Reptilians, Child sacrifices and eating children.

This would totally fuck up the global consciousness. I just get carried away with myself… my brain… it flys off in WILD TANGENTS and I cannot control it.

There is more Wisdom involved in them taking down my / our posts than you really know, well maybe you guys do realize why.

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6d87c3 No.384



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4b2217 No.385


My friend, welcome to our new home :) Glad to see you posting here. I think I know why our posts were taken down. Most of the reason was ego and fear. But, the truth will always find a way!

I agree that Q is multiple people. Many think so also.

Getting off the Q board and putting all of these higher knowledge topics elsewhere is a better thing to do. You had to post where you initially did to grab the attention of those of us that need and want the next level.

Let's get back to learning, digging and helping!

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6d87c3 No.387

File: 5102205dd88c22e⋯.jpg (21.46 KB,289x514,289:514,wohletme[1].jpg)

wow I'm thoroughly pissed divisionfag I was called banned for saying the truth and helping others know what I know SCREW THEM ON THE QRESEARCH BOARDS THEN CAN SHILL THEM SELVES TO DEATH

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4b2217 No.389


Glad you found your way here friend. They did the same to me and others also. It wasn't cool but it didn't stop us :) Welcome!

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cea34a No.390


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

I too felt a strange feeling at first.

However… we actually we taking attention away from other topics.

It is mostly my fault, I take full responsibility for it.

I have been using Sigil's to identify myself, along with dropping very… "interesting" details an insight.

This makes people gravitate toward the information, which can detract from other (and very important) threads.

It's all good brother, don't let it get to you. Take a few days break from the research board!

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4b2217 No.391

File: abd2bb17e8157e2⋯.jpg (24.96 KB,550x457,550:457,0.jpg)

This file was offered by another friend on a previously used board. It is an archive of KekAnon's posts.


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ad5812 No.392


Welcome KekAnon! Your input is valued and appreciated.

Those who find their way here do so because they are seeking exactly what it is you are speaking of.

I for one have found massive value in your posts. I have managed to save most of them and will be pleased to repost here for discussion and learning.

I want that next level! Thanks so much for being out there and speaking truth.

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4b2217 No.393

BO I'm unable to use an image more than once here. Are we able to do that or is it something else? It tells me the file already exists.

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6d87c3 No.394


ty my ally


no sir now that ive started its gona take a fake heart attack to stop me i was about to wait 3 days then shit post the fuck out the qresearch boards and show them my disgust at their actions THIS IS NOT FREE SPEACH WHEN THAT SHIT HAPPENS NOT FUCKING COOL !!!!!

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cea34a No.395


My friend,

Did you link or upload the "Secrets" and "Laws" that were uploaded?

It was surprising… the BO/BV on the research board deleted all but 2 of them.

I guess I gave away too much! Kek

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ad5812 No.397


Here's what I have. It's unedited so some posts are out of order, but I wanted to get it up here for you all.


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6d87c3 No.398

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[2].jpg)




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ad5812 No.399


I will look into the image issue - I think it might be a setting in the back office, just have to locate it. Anyone know what the correct setting is? That'll save me some time :)

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4b2217 No.400


Thank you.

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cea34a No.410


Have you guys ever had a contact experience?

I've had about 40 now. That's another reason the SSP people know about me. Lol

I've literally made more EFFORT than probably anyone else on the planet over the past 3 1/2 years.

A lot can be done with some lasers, a strobing flashlight, on a clear night outside of the city!

It would blow your mind lol… I've seen shit that would keep many people awake all night!

It's easy to do friends. All about effort and state of mind!

I am sure… beyond a shadow of a doubt… that I've had Ra, and other "Sphere Beings" and "Supreme beings" watching me for quite some time now…

Your spirituality, where your heart lies, has much to do with this. If you are a seeker, who wants to help people you will be judged in their eyes as someone who is ready to seek the higher planes of evolution.

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6d87c3 No.413

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)


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cea34a No.414


My friend, I have a question,

What do you mean by they took it down by ego and fear? Just not sure of the exact context is all my friend

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ad5812 No.416


I believe the image issue is fixed guys - pls advise if not. Thanks :)

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ad5812 No.417


I've not had a contact experience yet, but really want one. Maybe I am not yet ready (working on it though ;))

Would love to read of your experiences, if you're inclined to write of them.

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6d87c3 No.418

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)


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6d87c3 No.420

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)

yes u fixed it

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4b2217 No.421

File: 2351376b664ad37⋯.jpg (59.27 KB,1182x202,591:101,1 with BV response in red.JPG)


The BV of that board was being very rude and defensive then used their "power" to try and silence all of us. I had a feeling they were messing with your threads and our/your posts when all the deleting started to happen.

There are many anons on the qresearch board that are control freaks and very rude. It's a shame that they are like that on such an important source of information.

That same BV went on a banning rampage right after you brought up about the 1977 transmission in the UK. I then responded with a link to the video and a transcript of what was said so others could see what you were talking about. Within minutes all of my posts and yours were deleted from that thread and I was banned. Now, I find out that it was more than just you and I caught up in this.

The BV saying that posts and threads being deleted due to maintenance was a lie. I was finding other threads that were older with much less replies and they were still there and active. I attached a screen shot of my response after I was banned. The red type is the BVs response to me.

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4b2217 No.422

File: 2d93bedecfee678⋯.png (28.93 KB,200x148,50:37,001.png)


Thank you

We can post an image more than once but now it's not allowing more than 1 image per post. I know I'm being a PIA lol

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cea34a No.423


Haha well… I mean where do I start. I've seen Sphere beings and orbs rather close.

I can tell you… beyond a shadow of a doubt, they can sense your every thought. Absolutely undeniable.

I had one incredible evening about 2 years ago. Many orbs, sphere beings flashing at me… incredible things for about 3 hours straight. The evening culminated with two black disks flying DIRECTLY overhead. My mind was BLOWN. Fucking epic

By far, the most common way they "test" you is by flashing at you with an orb. They test to see if you're noticing them first of all, then to discern whether you know it is not "normal". They can also gaze deeply into your emotions, if you are fearful, they will not come closer.

I've seen an orb really close. It was about 500 feet above me, at about 930-10 on a summer night. Which was still really bright out. It was a darkish off-copper color. It was already WAITING FOR ME when I walked outside. I was thinking for about a half hour that I was going to go outside… the fucking thing was WAY ahead of me. As soon as I saw it, I flashed it with my beast mode 7 watt blue pointer, this thing… I mean within 1/2 a second it charged up and FLASHED so bright it was almost blinding. Never seen one do that… fucking amazing.

Most of the time you get orbs, or Sphere Beings if you're lucky, dancing above you.

There's an island to the south from my property. One of the best… I was interacting with an orb in the north, in the big dipper. I play cat and mouse games signalling back and forth. Once the flashes stopped… I turned around to the south. This BRIGHT orb was directly over the island. I hit it with my 7 watter… and it immediately started to SLOWLY ascend. I watched it for 4-5 minutes go straight up and out of sight in the atmosphere!

Dude… I wouldn't know where to start. So many incredible experiences.

I can tell you this, they don't often reveal themselves with a lot of air traffic around, nor around cities. Unless they WANT to. If you are seeking them, a remote area is always best. I have a place right on the ocean in a very rural area, which helps!

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ad5812 No.424


Ok I found the setting and changed it to 5 images per post. Apologies for the inconvenience anons.

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cea34a No.425


Hmm, very interesting indeed.

I am unsure who these BV's are, are they just random people?

Do they have anything to do with Q?

They aren't military or intelligence people are they?

When my threads were deleted… I had a very… strange feeling come over me. I am still not sure what it was. I felt, like this person had arrogance. I'm not sure how else to describe it.

For some reason, I was under the impression that the board was monitored by people associated with Q

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cea34a No.426


Hmm… also very interesting.

I noticed, that whenever we talked about Ashtar, or referenced it, it was deleted.

That was done at another couple of times.

People mentioned the Pleiadians though, and it wasn't deleted that I'm aware of.

Maybe they don't want us talking about the Confederation of Light? They clearly deleted the SSP thread for a reason.

It may not be relevant to the "key", however the SSP is immensely relevant to all of this.

The ET phenomena is the CORE reason for the Illuminati / Annunaki. They also deleted the Pindar thread…

Once again, I think it's probably more due to the global collective not being ready to handle that information.

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ad5812 No.427



Q is a team, WH insiders. It is possible the BO&BV are affiliated with some type of mil or int as well, although I don't know for sure.

This board is a place where all seekers of truth and knowledge are welcome.

KekAnon, I believe you're correct on that feeling you had. I had a similar impression. Like 'we must not let them go too deep'.

Here, the deeper the better. We are looking for the next level.

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ad5812 No.428


Yes, the Ashtar/Confederation of Light business is odd for sure. I've been wondering though, people get so weird whenever that stuff is discussed - why?

I figure either they are for real and actually do wish to aid humanity in gaining freedom, or they are looking to be more benevolent slavers.

Either way, it would be in the best interests of the opposition for the people to never know of this amirite?

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cea34a No.430


I had a feeling they must be connected, why else would they have certain permissions on the board. Also, perceive why MOST of my Secrets / Laws were deleted by they only left the matter / Pi / Black hole Secret up? They deleted the law of Space / Time? No clue why.

They also deleted the law of ego and wisdom? That I do NOT understand. Is someone offended because I speak of Wisdom? Was that ego or arrogance?

The AI / Religion / Contact ones are more controversial… I could understand those. Deleting the others? I still don't get it.

I was listening to an anti-school video, he was talking about two twitter accounts. I guess someone made one called @RealRaGod and it was threatening potus, probably trying to imitate me. I guess someone else made a Ra Twitter account and was sending all my messages about unity / secrets / laws etc

Very confusing

You guys all clearly noticed how MANY of my threads / posts were attacked?

It's because the Cabal knows I know a lot about them…

I have a feeling these fuckers are going to burn soon… I have felt a LOT of fear in them.

Elon Musk… I have kept my gaze on him far more than others. He is genuinely afraid of me.

You want a little secret? I was perceiving his thoughts. I started sending mass emails to Tesla / Space X accounts… about how I was reading his thoughts and what he's done to undermine the entire planet and sell us out.

I sent a few SERIOUS emails to him… about thing's he's done in the past.

It was literally DAYS after that, that he supposedly switched sides with the white hats. He was horrified by me telling him I was going to expose him for treason with the NK missile tech and lying to us about everything.

Fear… fear can be a weapon. I have felt his emotions, he's a scared child. A child who was bullied in school. All he ever wanted was to be RICH. He sold his soul to the devil!

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4b2217 No.431


From what we were told, the Q team only has control over the greatawakening thread on the qresearch board. The BO, BVs, etc. are regular people/anons.

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cea34a No.432


Lol I also realized that I outed them on having the Mars outpost. They don't want this shit getting out in public. 95% of the info I mentioned in the SSP thread is beyond top secret. I gave away secrets many people have died over from talking about

I am suspect to believe that the base on Mars has around 150,000 people there. It's yuge.

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4b2217 No.433

File: 2d93bedecfee678⋯.png (28.93 KB,200x148,50:37,001.png)


Thank you. There was no inconvenience so no apology needed :) Great board you have here.

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4b2217 No.434

File: 2d93bedecfee678⋯.png (28.93 KB,200x148,50:37,001.png)


I noticed that many many people on the qresearch threads are very religious christians. They would take offense to just about everything we are discussing. This could be the reason why all this happened. These topics are very hard for many to deal with and instead of ignoring us and moving on they will attack. I had someone jump on me for using the sigil that I use. Claimed that it offended them.

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6d87c3 No.441

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)


they don't know what they just started they banned the wrong group of keks I will not be shut up !!!!!! praise pepe and all hail kek

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6d87c3 No.443

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)


probably because I posted on a few of those threads

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9f5939 No.446


One of the things that surprised me was that BO/BV let the original SpaceX thread roll.

>What is SpaceX?

>What is the front for the "Secret Space Program"?

>What is an insurance policy for the "global elite"?

>What is the "Boring Company"?

>Has this already been done on a mass scale? (D,U,M,B's)

>"These people are DUMB"

I mean seriously, you called out SpaceX/SSP > Boring Company > D.U.M.B.s

How do you build a publicly visible Secret Space Program? SpaceX

How do you create underground bases for the Cabal? By Boring and blasting

How do you create an underground network between these bases? More Boring

How do you get between the bases? Hyperloop

Where do the elite go if/when the SHTF? Cabal D.U.M.B.s

How do you get between Cabal D.U.M.B.s and off world? SpaceX

Or maybe I just think it is more important then it is….

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fad3f8 No.447


So interesting, about EM. Is he finding now that selling his soul was not worth it after all? Do you think he will truly switch sides or just pretend to, trying to save his butt?

Brilliant you, bringing these evil sneaky things to light is the only way to expose them. Light dispels darkness, every time.

May truth triumph!

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e5f580 No.454

File: 153301372194a53⋯.jpg (5.03 KB,162x311,162:311,granny.jpg)


I wondered where all of you went!

KekAnon, can the Alliance / SSP thread be recreated here, or is that topic off limits and at risk of being attacked, taken down by 8chan?

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50091c No.459

File: 2d93bedecfee678⋯.png (28.93 KB,200x148,50:37,001.png)

Elon Musk - I don't trust the guy, at least not right now. But, I found this article interesting.

"Elon Musk began warning about the possibility of A.I. running amok three years ago. It probably hadn’t eased his mind when one of Hassabis’s partners in DeepMind, Shane Legg, stated flatly, “I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this.”"


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1c2af6 No.470



I am thinking that the way to prevent this dire-sounding outcome is for us humans to develop our minds and especially our spiritual potential. That’s something AI can never learn. What you guys think?

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6fd6bf No.487

This was 404'd earlier.

I'm honored to be here with you all.

Feels like family.

What is Gold?

Skin of the Gods


Roths with gold and antlers


What is skin?

Ingo Swann's bottle of wine analogy

Wine is thought, what is the bottle?

What is a cell membrane?

Boron? (Repair)

What is your skin?

Largest organ.


Just to keep things in?


Why long hair?

What does it represent?

Power? Intuition?



True connectedness without need for AI interface?

Story of Samson.

Warriors throughout the ages.

Long hair.

Why does your skin tingle/hair stand on end?


Receiving information/vibration? Reaching for more?

What are goosebumps?

When do you get them?


Do you feel me, brother? Do you feel my love and EMPATHY?








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fad3f8 No.490


Honored to have you here anon.

Ingo Swann's Penetration is a great read btw. Haven't gotten to the bottle of wine analogy yet. Will come back to these questions when I'm done reading :)

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cea34a No.506

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,754f6ba7aaae7797bdd4b729ba….jpg)


What is the “Alliance”?

What is the “SSP”?

What is electrogravitics, and Mercury Anti-Gravity technology? What is Skunkworks?

What was the Nazi Bell? What were Vimanas? Was this technology discovered from ancient Vedic Texts?

Were there HIGHLY ADVANCED humans before the “Great Flood”?

Who were the “Vrill Society”? Who REALLY performed the mass sighting of UFO’s over Wash DC. In 1952?


Did Germany REALLY LOSE WW2? What did Admiral Byrd discover in Antarctica during Op. Highjump?


Why did the Nazi scientists come to the USA after WW2? What REALLY was Operation Paperclip all about?

Did my grandmother work with Dr. Wernher Von Braun in the USA?

Aren’t all wars funded on both sides by the same banks? The Rothschild banks?

Do we already have facilities on other planets / moons?

Why does EM (I STILL HAVE MY GAZE UPON YOU) speak about developing Mars?

Is something already happening on Mars? Why are things best hidden in plain sight?

WHY did Google release a picture of a highly detailed base on Mars as an “April Fool’s Day” joke?

Who are the “Pleiadians”?

Who is Ra? Why did Q specifically mention Ra? Why did Q mention GOLD?

Did Ra visit the Ancient Egyptians? Did he share WISDOM with them?

Did these people distort his words of Wisdom?

What is a “Sphere Being”? What is a “Supreme Being”?

What is the “Sphere Being Alliance”?

What are higher vibrational densities? What is pure love and forgiveness?

What is the “Photon Belt”? Does light carry information?

What is a “Draco Reptilian”?

Why is our brainstem called the “Reptilian Brain”? Why is our DNA so complicated?

What is the “Reptilian Brain” responsible for?

What are lower vibrational densities? What is pure evil and horror?

What’s the difference between 7/1 in the “Sacred Harmonic” vibrations? Is this a choice?

What is our path on planet earth, ascension or dissent? Is this path for us to choose as a united species?

What path has humankind chosen until now? How are we going to change our current path?

Outside intervention, or our own Free Will?

Would disclosure frighten humanity if they knew we were being watched over and slowly guided by “Benevolent Beings”?

Would disclosure frighten humanity if they knew we were lorded over by PURE EVIL for eons? (Annunaki = Council of 13)

Would humanity want a CHANGE if they knew the truth? Is disclosure inevitable?

Why have so many people DIED trying to accelerate disclosure?

WHO had them killed? Someone who didn’t want an evil secret to get out in the public?

Is the mainstream of Ufology (some of them) somewhat distorted in their agenda?

Who is Steven Greer? Who is David Rockefeller Jr. / Sr.? Who is a BULLSHIT artist SELLOUT and a FRAUD?


Why would a 500-1000 IQ being NOT KNOW what war or violence is?

Doesn’t all species highest on their food chain of their planet go through some struggles to get to the Top?

Why was the JP / TD False disclosure LIE “To the Stars Academy” formed?

To present a FALSE THREAT? To justify more spending on space weapons and the “Military Industrial Complex”?

Why did Regan say before he left ““Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond”?

Why was the movie INDEPENDENCE DAY made? Remember, most truths are hidden in plain sight in movies.

What did the Cabal have planned? Why did David Rockfeller Sr. say "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"?

What is the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System”? What is the “Cabal” and how are we slaves to them?

Are there technologies currently available that can solve world hunger, poverty, global pollution and illness?

What would happen if these technologies were released? Would the “Common Man” no longer require a slave master?

What would happen if we could start healing our planet, almost overnight?

Would this change our current path? Could we reach out among the stars as an entire species?

What is “Service to Self”? Ego? What is “Service to Others”? Unity?

What does Unity of an entire species mean for the path of ascension?

Is this a very important “Choice” in our current point of Time/Space?

What is “Free Will”? What is “Acceptance”?

Would you “ACCEPT” the truth if it was given to you?

Q and “Others” are always “Watching”

A choice is presented.

What would YOU choose?


With respect to the Anti-Christ… well… it's hard to say. I truly sense FEAR in him. They have used heavy leverage against him. I don't honestly think he'd be stupid enough to try to double cross him. The leverage I feel they used against him is a supreme trump card.

Do or die.

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cea34a No.507


My friend, I do.

This is the sensation we feel when we "activate" it.

Few people can learn to relay messages back and forth remotely, but it can be done.

For me, it's actually less visual. I more so… feel instincts. I have undeniable thought projections come into my mind. I also "feel" numbers and algorithms. It's very hard to explain.

For Ingo Swann, his abilities were purely visual, which I cannot do. I can't. However, like I said most people can only focus in a linear direction.

For me, it feels omnidirectional. So it takes a supreme amount of clarity to distinguish what I'm looking for, and block out all the rest.

This is nearly impossible to explain. Kek

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e5f580 No.509

File: 153301372194a53⋯.jpg (5.03 KB,162x311,162:311,granny.jpg)


Thank you. I was in the middle of typing up a long response to one of the questions and when I went to post it, the thread was gone. I should have typed it up offline first.

I'll work on this, but my typing will be slow. I injured my dominant hand/thumb. KekAnon, if you or anyone on here is in communication with entities with remote healing abilities, I could use some help in that realm.

Much gratitude.

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bcc91b No.511

File: 2ae530a44623848⋯.png (1.1 MB,1070x5727,1070:5727,space-x-diff.png)

Friends! I have performed a diff operation on the original $pace-x thread vs the current censored thread.

maybe we can figure out what they are afraid of

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6d87c3 No.512

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)


I just read that and wow most of those posts are mine !!!!! wtf ????? why????? I guess the truth hurts huh cabal ????

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6d87c3 No.513

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,720x1280,9:16,wohletme[3].jpg)

more truths here from me here fellow keks https://8ch.net/truthlegion/res/144.html

as I see it

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bcc91b No.514

File: 4c1dffa0ee852ac⋯.png (122.86 KB,981x225,109:25,Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at ….png)

File: 9823a8d65d22c37⋯.png (117.52 KB,951x596,951:596,9823a8d65d22c37398742b603b….png)

File: 95d4277fa8df051⋯.png (19.8 KB,652x67,652:67,Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at ….png)

File: b59ee655f6f263f⋯.png (97.6 KB,1197x415,1197:415,Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at ….png)

Here are the removed posts from the The Wachkowski's and themes NEED OTHERS post

few differences, so screen caps this time

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ad5812 No.518


My guess on what caused the problem there - anons got too close to the sacred cow of religion and the true nature of God.

Anyone who is staunchly loyal to one of the Abrahamic religions might likely have found their senses assaulted by prior programming (such as blasphemy, devils, fear of displeasing God by questioning and the like). That is really uncomfortable for many.

Possibly the exposure of the Vatican being the key shakes the faith of those who are Catholic.

Speaking of Catholic, does anyone know what it was that priest found at Rennes le Chateau that decimated his faith? Post in the Vatican dig thread if so - TIA!

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6d87c3 No.539


that's 15 of my posts out of 24 I touched a nerve

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ad5812 No.541


Aha. It is the ideas on the true nature of God I think. Might be causing a lot of cognitive dissonance for many, since it goes so much against the Christian programming a lot of us have received.

I was heavily indoctrinated myself, it has been a long journey from total rejection of all the beliefs to reprogramming my mind with truth. Some of that programming is extremely sticky. What makes it even trickier is that a small portion of it actually turned out to be truth.

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2e74e4 No.750

File: 55a9215bba4b500⋯.jpg (17.77 KB,255x255,1:1,sun tzu.jpg)

File: 8371034fa018c2f⋯.jpg (29.08 KB,496x293,496:293,sun tzu thunderbolt.jpg)

Bit of Sun Tzu wisdom

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136597 No.777



I just got to this same conclusion last night offline.

Okay, we're on similar tracks.

I'm still not sure I should post anything regarding my autism theory yet. That I actually DO think will cause a violation of free will.

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6fd6bf No.778



Trips of life.

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136597 No.780


Back under my original code. Hello and blessings to you all!

I noticed that 777 last night and felt reassured that I made the right decision in holding that information back. It's frustrating but understood.

The thing I'm wondering is - this board is specifically for people who want the Truth, correct? Dig no matter where it leads? If you've made a conscious decision to remain on this path I believe I'm not violating free will, but I'm not sure. If that was the case KekAnon would just be telling us everything.

I am working on formulating questions that will not violate free will regarding Autism and well, everything.

I may not have been on this board, but my brain never shuts down. I have a wealth of stuff and it's just… some of it has a certain logic to it but needs feedback because over excited thought can ignore discrepancies.


>>Why long hair?

>>What does it represent?

>>Power? Intuition?



>>True connectedness without need for AI interface?

>>Story of Samson.

>>Warriors throughout the ages.

>>Long hair.

>>Why does your skin tingle/hair stand on end?


>>Receiving information/vibration? Reaching for more?

>>What are goosebumps?

>>When do you get them?


>>Do you feel me, brother? Do you feel my love and EMPATHY?




It is a published psychological phenomena that personally shaving your head signals that you are ready for a change. I believe it is the soul trying to filter out the bad signals so you can manifest positive change.

What is (Trichotillomania)?

If you're really stressed out and ripping out your hair - I believe it's your soul performing the necessary actions to reduce mental harm by lowering the signals.

Do many autists have this condition as well?

I would like to discuss the possible implications of hair colors, eye colors and melanin regarding karma. A lot of this is half formed dough.

What is "The Death Gate Cycle"?

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6fd6bf No.782

File: fd929760d1ec785⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_2694.JPG)


My friend, I am determined to search for truth no matter where it leads.

I think one of the biggest benefits of this journey is putting, "entertaining an idea without accepting it", into practice.

If it is on your heart to share, do so, and be at peace. You could always post a disclaimer and spoiler the post :).

Of course, you must listen to your gut. It will not lead astray.

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2e74e4 No.785


Wow these are excellent questions. Let's do it! Dig for the truth wherever it leads.

I recently found out about the long hair and spiritual connection - so I haven't cut mine in almost a year. I found this youtube that said it takes 3 years for uncut hair ends to regenerate into little spiritual antennae. It certainly explains why Indians & Sikhs and some others never cut their hair, as a rule. Then there's the Samson story - how he was strong with his hair and weak without it.

Really intriguing about head shaving and the trichotillomania connection. Would love to explore more on this. Lowering or filtering out signals - well this does make a ton of sense. Also this would be exactly why autists may have the condition - to try and reduce the distress that comes from feeling literally everything more keenly. The thing where people can't handle scratchy clothing, tags and the like, might also be a part of this, yes?

>> I would like to discuss the possible implications of hair colors, eye colors and melanin regarding karma. A lot of this is half formed dough.

What do you have on this? Share your half formed dough, if you'd like. I would certainly like to know more.

The Death Gate Cycle - is this where people go to the light when they die and get recycled back into the Matrix? Is this what 'ascension' is supposed to get one out of? Or am I totally off track?


I am there too anon. Determined to find truth, and I think it's necessary to entertain all the ideas and theories on the journey. Writing off any idea immediately because it sounds too far out - this is only going to slow down learning, imo.

Discuss away, look forward to your further thoughts & posts anon.

We are here of our own free will, understanding that truth may not be what we thought it was, and willing to sift through the dirt to find the gold.

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7a8b96 No.786

File: 4278da7e5c63b39⋯.png (9.34 KB,100x74,50:37,001small.png)

File: 78ad934f2b6d275⋯.jpg (32.06 KB,480x480,1:1,43.jpg)

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23e10a No.873

File: 66914473ead052f⋯.jpg (109.32 KB,1024x1157,1024:1157,the_one_you_feed___proverb….jpg)

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1ca4cd No.875


That's so true

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23e10a No.877

Anyone here can increase their heart rate?

Sort of like adrenaline rush.

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136597 No.880



I'm uncomfortable with the second half of this. I see it's logic, but the source that originally planted the seed wants nothing more than chaos and division and we are not here for that. I will not divulge it, therefore.

I only ask questions. Do not believe anything 100%

I only want to understand. This is for answering questions and my understanding only. Remember, we are here to guide, not to sow division. This is only for us.

What colors of the eyes manifest?

What colors of the chakras are there?

What do these colors signify?

What do the colors of the eyes signify?

What is melanin?

What does melanin do?

What are pigments?

Why are some colors more resistant to sun than others?

What are UV rays?

Are your eyes brighter after being in the sun?

Why are we told to wear shades that protect your eyes from the sun?

Why do some eyes change color over time and with flashes of mood?

Which are the rarest colors?

Why are most babies eyes blue when born?

Are Eyes "Windows to the soul"?

What is "The Ra Material"?

What are Wanderers?

What are Indigo children?

What is hair?

What are antenna?

What is Autism?

What is OCD?

What is Trichotillomania?

What are sensory organs?

What hair colors manifest?

What hair color results from age?

Is age a possible indicator of wisdom?

What color chakras are there?

What do they signify?

What is hair known to signify?

What are the blondes, redheads, brunettes, black hair, gray colors considered indicators of?

What is color thought to be representative of?

Why have so many begun dying their hair?

What is a physical expression of internal thought?

What does changing your hairstyle signify?

What does shaving your head signify if done by self or others?

What is DNA?

What is an incubator?

What is balance?

What is light?

What is dark?

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ab8b19 No.888

I just finished reading The Return of the Light by Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum an Anon posted: https:// anonfile.com/3bY7G3d0bf/return-of-the-light.txt . I do not typically read this type of book, but I am always open to anything. The information in this book was "channeled" from the Creator God Horus. I could write tomes on this material, this is a book report of sorts in a post, focusing on one key premise of the book. While I could dismiss this text outright on many levels, I got something out of it meta to the information presented and wanted to share thoughts. Mainly I want to present some of my questions based on premises in the text that largely reside outside of that work. Thoughts and follow-on reading material recommendations are welcome!

Let's suspend all bias and examine the most interesting parts of the text:

- The Prime Creator God made Creation and several Creator Gods in the Void very much like a clockwork Universe of Leibniz. These Creator Gods use the Prime God code to create many multiverses. Even has sections on Monads.

- All of Creation was and is happy hunky dory bathed in the light of God (especially those closest to the Center of the Prime God. Earth/Gaia is outskirts of Creation, and is in a sense, running more "evolved" parts of the code.

- Some Creator God was tinkering with the God code and reversed it creating the Dark. This overtook this particular Creator God and made him insane. The Dark spread like a virus to many multiverses, and several collapsed.

- Since all of Creation is Pure Light, they had no idea how to deal with this situation and were not prepared to fight/fix the Dark. Prime God Himself can breach into our 3rd dimension but it is as if He "it was like trying to do work with blindfolds over his eyes and oven mitts on his hands, so to speak." They firewalled off our Universe and several planets with a Frequency Fence.

- All these Light beings know how to do is create, but could not penetrate the fences for a long time. That process is starting now.

- The Dark has changed and distorted us on an atomic level outward, and with the Frequency Fence we cannot connect with our higher dimensional selves but progress has been made and some can, battles being fought, etc…

- The Light will use macro and micro Guardians to repair and heal those infected by the dark during this period of Great Awakening. We will then be able to connect to the Light and Co-Create with Prime God, etc…

1 of 2, to be cont'd…

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ab8b19 No.889


cont'd part 2 of 2:

So here's some questions and conflicts I have that go way outside of The Return of the Light text as presented:

- If Prime God cannot intervene and was unaware of the Dark, this somewhat removes the idea of an Omniscient God. The only way to reconcile in my mind is that there would need to be another Aleph/Omega God above Prime God that understands the polarity of the whole thing.

- If we were to take a Kierkegaardian "Leap of Faith" to bridge that gap with our Prime God, our Souls, even cleansed of Karma and Darkness, would have likely struggle next to the New Age Hippies bathed in Light in other Universes. In my current dense and ever-questioning state I would have a hard time with this, even amongst the splendor of Creation. The text somewhat accounts for this saying we have an opportunity co-create with the Prime God, the Light functioned just fine without the Dark, and there is cleansing/censorship of this Dark information going on.

Perhaps it is something I would not know until I took that "Leap of Faith"… While I recognize I share some values with Hippies, my Personality/Soul is wired such that I avoid and generally dislike Hippies. I also despise censorship.

- I have an engrained orientation toward the Light, but know now of Dark things, maybe we have evolved past those Souls closer to the Prime Universes. If given the opportunity to spend Eternity in Light land, I am not sure I would want it knowing the things I know. I would love to visit, but would want the opportunity to balance out the polarity of the Dark and continue reaching and reconsiling that knowlege towards Wisdom.

- It as almost if some of us 3rd dimension folks stuck here and ignored for so long surpassed the Wisdom of the realms of Pure Light that never experienced the Dark. We are then an evolution of Choice that experiences a deeper sense of Free Will, which would be better equipped to handle the Dark on all dimensional levels. As above, so below - the text says the Dark is a problem on all dimensions.

- In short, Prime God wrote a killer app, gave it to Junior Devs, and accidentally caused a Dark virus that broke the code. They took a long time to debug and the strategy is to quarantine and obliterate the malware. The code still runs, we are used to the code and going back to the original code is like going back to the DOS days (analogy also made in the text). Would your DOS computer be as interesting as what you are currently using? I argue our Souls are enhanced knowing both sides of the polarity.

I still feel like we chose this existence. We are alone, and even will continue to be alone even if liberated. Sarte was correct afterall, we are damned to be free.

I have many problems with this text and reject it outright, but I appreciate it as an interesting read and pulled out some thought-provoking questions.

I will stop here for now. Thanks and I wish you the best of all possible worlds on this journey.

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1f51c7 No.899


>https:// anonfile.com/3bY7G3d0bf/return-of-the-light.txt

Wow anon. Brilliant thoughts. So you’re saying that we here are actually better off/more wise for having learned that discernment between the dark and light. That duality is what’s enabled us to evolve. Without it, we would be less. I agree, in a sense. These beings of pure light are not equipped to handle the dark. We are. And as such, we must be valuable to them in a special way.

This bears a lot more thought but I kinda like where it’s going!

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e91988 No.1013

File: b211c0da61bf0f8⋯.png (175.06 KB,388x364,97:91,crow2.png)




Texts like The Return of the Light show how dangerous Wisdom and philosophy are without critical thought and a sense of personal responsibility. Anons on this board can handle it of course, but so often people get a hold of texts like this and run with it.

We often see others pick one book, one ideology, one guru and sculpt their lives around it. For this particular text, they could use it as justification for doing bad things because the Light Beings salvaging Earth will remove the Dark at some point and "all will be forgiven." Or use it as a justification of "understanding the knowledge of duality, thus surpassing God" as Luciferians do. Dangerous!

This is just another philosophy problem. Maybe humanity could "phase shift" over to the Light side of the polarity. This way, our Dark transgressions are more misunderstandings and misdemeanors, instead of the Soul-scorching-crimes-against-humanity we have come to learn about on the Research boards.

Something to keep in mind during the Awakening period as we reach out to others. This is why the 20/80 and 40/60 disclosure was mentioned, why philosophers write impenetrable tomes, one-letter Intelligence Officers' posts are cryptic, and prophets and mystics speak in parables. Getting at the Truth should be hard work!

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e91988 No.1040

File: 55acd83af5acbeb⋯.png (23.79 KB,240x301,240:301,0254a81d332ca4a3b3fa1854d1….png)


>Thus, FREE WILL and CHOICE was born.

>This allowed duality. Light, and darkness. You cannot have light without darkness. You cannot have positive without negative. You cannot have a 1 without a 0.

I enjoyed this post and am sympathetic what was said. My reply is here, so as not to disrupt the flow of the other /qresearch/ board.

Mainly I wanted to bring up Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. A rudimentary way to state this theorem is that with any axiomatic or logical system, you can either anchor a system relative to other derived points, making it a consistent system, but the system will not be complete. You can derive more and more formulations inside that system, but will always have doubts that you will run into a case that contradicts the system.

Likewise, you can have a complete system considering all possibilities, but it will never be consistent with your anchoring axioms or system of logic.

Much of the esoteria I have studied here and other places is woefully incomplete and inconsistent. You have to anchor the material on points that are simply a "Leap of Faith" and allow the inconsistencies to keep digging towards completeness. One can create maddeningly relativistic structures, making connections with other inconsistent structures to keep whatever theory running. Only to find out you may never get definitive proof of where you are resting those points.

Science and other fields of study do not escape this trap either.

But let's not hinge everything on the likes of Gödel, we're studying spirituality here!

We can take those leaps of faith, anchor it all on God. Seems reasonable. Anything we cannot get at or comprehend falls under "God works in mysterious ways".

There may be another way out of the trap worth exploring. We can both accept God and begin to redefine how we use Reason and Logic.

> you can see everything in existence in BINARY.

I can see the binary, however where the ones and zeros are not well-defined. The spirituality of it is they are gradients at best, and the zeros contain one-ness, and the ones contain zero-ness. Altruistic acts have elements of self-serving intention. Math and Logic systems we create are subject to

Gödel's theorem. Control systems allow freedom(your computer). Freedom requires control(layers of protocols to make the computer work). I envision a thermodynamic system, ever striving at homeostasis, but never truly achieving uniformity. That's the beauty of It.

> The sad truth, is that MOST of the horror on planet Earth has been by the hands of humankind's own FREE WILL.

To a point. We build on faulty anchors and deal with the consequences, foreseen or not. In this gradient thought experiment, our Will is on rails. Just like the computer analogy, to use a train, we have to follow a number of layered protocols. We can change trains, but we still have to ride out the next stretch of track to the next platform.

> If you are a 1, you are adding 1's to the multiverse. You are adding to the grand creation of existence and LIFE.

Agreed, any of these choices lead to new tracks that impact which trains other passengers ride. This journey, taken as a whole, is a expression of the gradient of those choices.

Where to go from here? Beyond systems of logic and gradients, in core of the mind and seat of the Soul, we are swimming in God right Now. This Now. The Now. All we can do with certainty is to enjoy the ride.

That is a leap of faith worth taking!

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1037f0 No.1044

File: 7907e4cfb3e4f4e⋯.jpg (34.72 KB,300x300,1:1,th.jpg)


>The spirituality of it is they are gradients at best, >and the zeros contain one-ness, and the ones >contain zero-ness. Altruistic acts have elements >of self-serving intention

>Beyond systems of logic and gradients, in core >of the mind and seat of the Soul, we are >swimming in God right Now.

> This Now. The Now.

>All we can do with certainty is to enjoy the ride.

>That is a leap of faith worth taking!

I love your logic anon. Beautifully woven between spirit and mind. Thank you for your thoughts.

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867ce1 No.1053

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,754f6ba7aaae7797bdd4b729ba….jpg)


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Pretty soon Eye feel you may no longer require any questions or input from me :)

You are all FAR ahead of most people…

You are all answering your own questions.

Eye see beautiful minds… beautiful…

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9f5939 No.1065


Please don't stop. Some of us are not physicsanons. I am working to understand the concepts of Phi, starting with the golden ratio. That said, I haven't seen a quadratic equation, not less attempted to implement/solve one, in 2 decades. Please bear with us mathnormies as we are going to take awhile to catch up.

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867ce1 No.1066


hmm very interesting, look at the latest q drops.




>We work for you.

>We listen to you.

>You pushed the IBOR and immediately >POTUS began to comment/take action re: >social media.




>Do you believe in coincidences?

http:// ytcropper.com/cropped>/We5aa1b3278dd0a


kek on the q research board

>There are no coincidences" Thread KekAnon >03/06/18 (Tue) 17:11:42 77d653 >No.570554[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All >Posts]


>“There are no coincidences” - Q

>The internet Bill of Rights is the first paramount step.

is this a coincidence? lol

does someone know things are going to happen ahead of time?

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867ce1 No.1067

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,754f6ba7aaae7797bdd4b729ba….jpg)


Eye will not leave too soon my friends.

Eye am not finished here :)


Eye am everywhere…

These people cannot hide from the supreme gaze…

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867ce1 No.1082

File: 6b2d8f32c28584f⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,254x255,254:255,754f6ba7aaae7797bdd4b729ba….jpg)


Yes, I am fully aware of speaking in the third person.

Eye hide nothing.

Remember, all things have meaning.

The AI / clowns are always watching.

Everything Eye (we) do is a move in chess, or a poker tactic.

The end draws near.

I "foresee" no potential outcome where the evils of this world may move forward.


Eye must leave this information war for the weekend.

My mind / soul / body / spirit complex requires a break from this.

Any replies on here or the Q Research board is welcome. I will explain why.

What does the Cabal FEAR? Memes, the #7 and Pepe and what it represents. It might sound foolish, however you cannot IMAGINE how much POWER this has over "them".

I did not create the RaKek Pepe theme. However, it was mysterious given to me. That's why Eye MUST use it.

Every time I use it is a major TAUNT to these ARROGANT FOOLS.

By now things should feel like they are starting to fall into place for you my friends, my allies, my children of light…

Have a good weekend my friends :)

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6fd6bf No.1109

File: fd929760d1ec785⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_2694.JPG)


Bless your time of rest, my friend.

May I suggest the Brahms German requiem, specifically the second movement, listened to at 432hz.

Have you read Tolkiens creation myth? I always felt it to be true, that everything is sound and vibration…what a ride.

To experience all of this and be conscious of this reality, I have to pinch myself sometimes, is such a blessing

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b68935 No.1112


>>By now things should feel like they are starting to fall into place for you my friends, my allies, my children of light…

They are, they are! Thank you for you and for your message.

Rest well, KekAnon, and have a pleasant weekend. Looking forward to Monday.

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420566 No.1121

File: de4d095c7ffd61e⋯.png (257.55 KB,777x492,259:164,where_are_we_NOW.png)


The past is

holding your Now


for a future

that never was

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e91988 No.2277

File: 3253edf88feda8a⋯.png (250.83 KB,777x492,259:164,NOW_where_are_we_NOW.png)



> The past is

> holding your Now

> hostage

> for a future

> that never was

Our memories are a construct of perception and experiences, a continual making and reconstruction of events in our personal history. As we retrieve experienced information, those archetypes are patterned or copied from those structures, incorporated to our present state, coloring our experience right now. If our memory is associated with a strong emotion, the more rigid those connections are. Our peak experiences are fondly remembered, and thus provide fuel for our desires. Conversely, if we had burned our hand in the fire, we are more cautious around flames. These copies of structures serve an important function, they allow us to generalize. "Red, hot things cause pain" for example.

Think about how you experience time. Weren't you just a child? Wait, no a teenager. How old are you? Here's the kicker… without thinking about it, how old do you feel?

What you remember of the flashes and sequences of your life and events may just be a running tally of these structures.

>One can create maddeningly relativistic structures, making connections with other inconsistent structures to keep whatever theory running.

The problem is, in this process of building, retrieving and incorporating our archetypes into our present perceptions, we are now deriving information from imperfect copies from the original event, a simulacra. As the simulacrum is incorporated into our present experience, it dulls the present, the Now. We get bored, we daydream, think of ways to experience those high points again, or avoid painful experiences. The passage of time we experience is then a Becoming, we never seem to arrive at the present, the Now.

To further complicate things, we have desires and our Will that drive us to some uncertain wishful future. We then incorporate those desires to our simulacrum to further remove it from any authenticity of our then-Now. All of our anxieties and fears are nothing more than trying to resolve the conflict between our expectations and present condition. In other words, Debrowski's inner mileau and outer mileau.

Time is still time. Our memories are a veil that keep us from authentically experiencing Now.

So, where are we NOW? What if we lay all of our bias and rigidity down and truly experience the Now? In short, it solves a lot of problems. Worries, fear, bias, anxiety, desire, etc… we stop Becoming, and simply Be. Our lives would be richer and more aware, we can enjoy even the most dullsome conditions, and our structures would be more in harmony with our inner and outer mileaus.

Further Reading:

Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation

Kazimierz Dabrowski - Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration

Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi - Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Martin Heidegger - Being and Time

Jean-Paul Sartre - La Nausée

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cac334 No.2492

File: 38d0cb89587ef85⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,214x161,214:161,th-2.jpg)


>All of our anxieties and fears are nothing more than trying to resolve the conflict between our expectations and present condition

Such a thoughtful post, geniusanon.

I remember when I was in high school, seeing adults pining for their high school days and always thought it was a bummer, and vowed not to do that.

I know when you ask most elders what age they feel like in their mind its usually somewhere around 28 or 30, despite an aging body.

When I read my journals, the thought structures have a continuity that seems irregardless to the year I wrote them. Our souls are indeed timeless and when we can fully embrace the now, we can live closer to our souls purpose.

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ad5812 No.2705


by John Perry Barlow

1 Be patient. No matter what.

2 Don't badmouth: Assign responsibility, not blame. Say nothing of another you wouldn't say to him.

3 Never assume the motives of others are, to them, less noble than yours are to you.

4 Expand your sense of the possible.

5 Don't trouble yourself with matters you truly cannot change.

6 Don't ask more of others than you can deliver yourself.

7 Tolerate ambiguity.

8 Laugh at yourself frequently.

9 Concern yourself with what is right rather than who is right.

10 Try not to forget that, no matter how certain, you might be wrong.

11 Give up blood sports.

12 Remember that your life belongs to others as well. Don't risk it frivolously.

13 Never lie to anyone for any reason. (Lies of omission are sometimes exempt.)

14 Learn the needs of those around you and respect them.

15 Avoid the pursuit of happiness. Seek to define your mission and pursue that.

16 Reduce your use of the first personal pronoun.

17 Praise at least as often as you disparage.

18 Admit your errors freely and quickly.

19 Become less suspicious of joy.

20 Understand humility.

21 Remember that love forgives everything.

22 Foster dignity.

23 Live memorably.

24 Love yourself.

25 Endure.

Sauce: https://kottke.org/18/02/a-list-of-25-principles-of-adult-behavior-by-john-perry-barlow

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0f244c No.4277

File: 270162a44919ee1⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,600x601,600:601,punisher.jpg)

POST >>833292



We all know us gathering here is special - after all,Q is here, POTUS is most definitely either being briefed on what we say, or is reading the board directly. There is also another reason why this board, why /qresearch/ is special.

You see, Q has done the impossible. He united anons, redditors, normalfags both young and old, from the most vanilla Internet consumer to the most dedicated truth-seeker - he united us under a single banner. Something that has NEVER BEFORE happened in the age of the Internet.

I want you to appreciate it, to really feel it - that this mission, this calling is the only time in our lives where people of any age, any creed, any background, any economic standing, any country are standing together for a single idea that throughout our collective history was the only idea that was universal:


This is why we're here. Anons, who lurked since 4chan was a wee baby on teh interwebs, spreading the silliest of early memes. Redditors, who once escaped Digg from the very same thing Reddit is doing now. Normalfags, both young who just touched Youtube a bit, and old who aren't adept at the information superhighway, who may be just fathers and mothers concerned with what is happening, or truly dedicated freedom fighters and archivists who were at this since before the Internet. Soldiers, dedicating their lives to protect their countries. Policemen, who want nothing more than peace and safety for their fellow citizens. Teachers, dedicated to the shaping of young minds into truly good people. Doctors, who want the best for their patients, who swore an oath to never hurt them. Humble bookkeepers, lawyers, mechanics, construction workers, food service workers, the unemployed, everyone in this together for one single reason: because we KNOW the world isn't right, we knew it in our guts for a long time and we were powerless to do anything about it by ourselves.

Until now.

Until we were awakened.

Until we became the very thing this Cabal fears - united.

This is where we are now, then. At a cursory look, on an imageboard where Q drops are discussed, but in reality, we're so much more now - because we're together, with a singular goal in mind.


We will fight, not for ourselves, not for personal gain, not for a specific group of people, either political, racial, national or religious. These are their separators to keep us divided and we don't use them. We don't fight an easy label like that, because we fight something much more complex - but also much simpler to name.

We fight EVIL.

And we will WIN.

For God and Country. Where we go one, we go all. Don't let anyone, ever, divide us, because we have awoken, and we have had enough of these shackles and distractions. We fight together with Q, together with POTUS, together with the Marines, together with US MI, together with /ourguys/, together. Forever together, lads.


Because we fight for FREEDOM



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a3d5a8 No.4281

>>4277 (and the digits!! the MIGHTIEST!)


CHILLS! TEARS!!! my HEART is beating so STRONGi can feel US ALL!



Thanks for reposting!!

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17f74f No.6923


1.Thou shalt not kill, nor bid anyone to kill.

2 .Thou shalt not commit adultery or rape.

3 .Thou shalt not avenge thyself nor burn with rage.

4 .Thou shalt not cause terror.

5.Thou shalt not assault anyone nor cause anyone pain.

6.Thou shalt not cause misery.

7.Thou shalt not do any harm to man or to animals.

8 .Thou shalt not cause the shedding of tears.

9 .Thou shalt not wrong the people nor bear them any evil intent.

10 .Thou shalt not steal nor take that which does not belong to you.

11 .Thou shalt not take more than thy fair share of food.

12 .Thou shalt not damage the crops, the fields, or the trees.

13 .Thou shalt not deprive anyone of what is rightfully theirs.

14 .Thou shalt not bear false witness, nor support false allegations.

15.Thou shalt not lie, nor speak falsely to the hurt of another.

16.Thou shalt not use fiery words nor stir up any strife.

17 .Thou shalt not speak or act deceitfully to the hurt of another.

18 .Thou shalt not speak scornfully against others.

19.Thou shalt not eavesdrop.

20.Thou shalt not ignore the truth or words of righteousness.

21.Thou shalt not judge anyone hastily or harshly.

22.Thou shalt not disrespect sacred places.

23.Thou shalt cause no wrong to be done to any workers or prisoners.

24.Thou shalt not be angry without good reason.

25.Thou shalt not hinder the flow of running water.

26.Thou shalt not waste the running water.

27.Thou shalt not pollute the water or the land.

28.Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain.

29.Thou shalt not despise nor anger God.

30.Thou shalt not steal from God.

31.Thou shalt not give excessive offerings nor less than what is due.

32.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.

33.Thou shalt not steal from nor disrespect the dead.

34.Thou shalt remember and observe the appointed holy days.

35.Thou shalt not hold back the offerings due God.

36.Thou shalt not interfere with sacred rites.

37.Thou shalt not slaughter with evil intent any sacred animals.

38.Thou shalt not act with guile or insolence.

39.Thou shalt not be unduly proud nor act with arrogance.

40.Thou shalt not magnify your condition beyond what is appropriate.

41.Thou shalt do no less than your daily obligations require.

42.Thou shalt obey the law and commit no treason.

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24ddd9 No.6936


The answer to life, the universe, and everything else is…. 42

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c7c547 No.6939



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d211a1 No.6950

File: ac0a6d5af2b9975⋯.jpg (748.06 KB,500x346,250:173,Scales.jpg)


42.Thou shalt obey the law and commit no treason.

Which law is being referred to?

Man's law?

Universal law?

Natural law?

Nature's law?

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24ddd9 No.6958

File: 8ea3b7e73a104e5⋯.jpg (72.35 KB,1024x768,4:3,dontpanic_1024.jpg)

File: 1efa78e1308c429⋯.jpg (408.18 KB,800x1024,25:32,Towel-day-Infographic2.jpg)



It is a reference to Douglas Adam's - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>What does 42 mean in Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy?

>When Douglas Adams wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, he added a central joke which has become more famous over the years than the novel itself: "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42."

Always remember: Don't Panic.

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de9495 No.8699

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity.”

― Manly P. Hall, Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire

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e6775d No.8731

File: 024f62c6921aa9a⋯.png (431.97 KB,898x879,898:879,lepus.png)

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15086d No.11635

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8c75c7 No.12024

File: 9937c90fbcedb09⋯.jpg (99.92 KB,736x590,368:295,9937c90fbcedb09316a89d8169….jpg)

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8640e3 No.12172

File: c4e1d69257fca6a⋯.png (281.54 KB,1005x410,201:82,Eye of Horus....png)

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a12863 No.13724

File: 156138cebfdeec0⋯.png (1.3 MB,1440x810,16:9,SailingAway.png)

Based on the idea of Wu Wei / Zen and Be like water.

Perform action but flow with the motion.



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