6f0c78 No.10784 [Last50 Posts]
Are we watching a movie?
What makes a movie good?
The Script:
Americas Golden Son of arguably the most loved President found the dirt on who killed his father. He himself had a target on his head because of this and because he was a (good) Kennedy. He got word that the cabal was going to blow up his plane on that fateful flight to Marthas Vineyard, somehow faked his death (many theories, mostly conjecture, though spoopy and conflicting facts surround the crash), went into the witness protection with his wife, they had kids and hopped around the world undetected in a sailboat, or in the many Kennedy owed villas across the Globe all while plotting the "plan".
He and fellow white hats, Trump and MILInTEL, waited for the perfect time in this timeline (BEST) to help seed the GREAT AWAKENING and FINALLY put an end to the Cult of Death that has held a grip on our Beautiful planet for way too long.
Once the coast is clear, and the Overton window of our collective consciousness has shifted enough for us (the audience) to collectively understand the "Plan", Jr comes out from hiding officially and helps to unite our divided country. Trump haters minds blown when Jr says what a good man and literal savior of our country (and the world!) he is. Democrats love a Kennedy.
This thread is an attempt to show the many coincidences
and connections that lead me to KNOW (99% certainty) this has to be a part of the plan. (disinfo is necessary) Many other diggers and anons are doing work collecting all the little details (some more crazy and "shilly" than others) and I will do my best to drop the REALLY obvious crumbs to try and keep it simple.
(addendum: KISS on this subject is harder than I thought! kek!)
Light On anons!
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6f0c78 No.10785
I was on the breads that night.
It was fuQen MAGIC, the energy,
anons were freaking out.
Shills were attacking from all directions
Rfags were told to make a side board,
we did, 8 breads of connections
over the next month.
I was too much of a newb to know
to screen cap
and archive most of it…
but this thread is my attempt to recreate.
The bread was poppin that night in particular
because anons had been told by Q there
would be a Q + A….there wasn't, Q was mysteriously silent- there was however this magical post.
Q+A = 17+1 = 18= R
also noteworthy is the date this dropped
-23 now comes the p@in???
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6f0c78 No.10787
At a Trump rally in march a spoopy looking character had the anons all abuzz, many thinking he may be Snowden in disguise. He held up a picture of a White Van…we revisited this character on the R sideboards and were gifted by what some of us thought to be a "helper anon" a high res photo …. (next post)
The White Van led us to a character called Vincent Fusca- interestingly enough the name meaning Conquer (Vincent) Darkness (Fusca).
He drives around in that van as a Trump Rally Groupie. We came to the conclusion that was a double, stand in character for Jr. (pics related)
There was a video that popped up (you'll have to dig) that has the double VF speaking (obviously not JR) but he says he was on his way to the Trump Rally and got all turned around at 18th St.
The Rally in MoonTownship Penn had a look alike Carolyn Bessete Kennedy - In my mind THE greatest proof, because you cannot deny the similarity in facial structure- her beautiful smile and nose is way too unique. Where as shills be shilly about Fusca because his face is more ubiquitous.
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6f0c78 No.10788
High Res photo that was dropped by a helper anon and shopped by an anon with old photos of Jr and Bessete.
Carolyn also had a body double at that rally, pic related. Though I believe it to be conjecture that this is the "normie Vincent's wife", this just the proof I had in my files….that there are obviously two different "Carolyns" wearing the same outfit.
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6f0c78 No.10789
One in Erie, Penn
How erie! kek :)
(cant recall the other photo)
also notice him standing with the RED LINE-
interdasting seeing as though thats been a
big Q post as of lately.
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6f0c78 No.10790
Who is this masked man??
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6f0c78 No.10791
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Comparing a Young JFK Jr profile to Fusca's
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6f0c78 No.10792
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6f0c78 No.10793
Would Q have said instead
Trump and JFK JR relationship
if indicating something from the past?
He was not POTUS in 1999.
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6f0c78 No.10794
When Q answered the Question
Whether R was real or Fake
it took the wind out of many anons sails
(not ALL though, many kept on diggin and
finding connections)
I argue that Q has said Fake when asked directly before and under the umbrella of Q (We R Q!!), Jr can obviously still be a part of the team and the "Plan".
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6f0c78 No.10796
From Q 128
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
Exact words of Katie Curic in this Last Interview with JFK jr.
Where he says about running for office:
"Doing it at their own speed, their own way"
Curic jumps in and says
"and on your own TIMETABLE…sounds like you haven't given up the notion of going into politics…"
his smirk here is priceless….
(Best Timeline!!)
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6f0c78 No.10797
When does a bird sing,
a connection to Rose Kennedy's
famous Quote,
is in a total of 8 Qdrops,
I choose this one to screenshot for this post
Everything has meaning.
Think United.
United, as in America when JFK Jr sets the record straight?
If everything has meaning, interesting that the above video I linked has a little Rose in the bottom corner.
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6f0c78 No.10798
obviously the Storm,
has been referenced by POTUS
and Q.
Here is a link to the White Squall You tube video Q posted in #1621
@ :23-:25
“I don't want to be what I was when I left, anonymous”
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6f0c78 No.10799
screenshot of post
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6f0c78 No.10800
All of a sudden now JFK JR is all over the grocery line mag rack….
This one (I just ordered it, Ill keep y'all posted) interestingly enough is Volume 18, though it is the one and only one of this particular publication,
has a spread that says….
"Gone to Soon"
WELL, GUESS WHAT is a synonym for soon!!!??! (pic related)
White Squall quote related?
>Everything has meaning.
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6f0c78 No.10801
Why is WRWY
not spelled WAWY?
As the world turns was a dig about the lady producer or somebody connected somehow to NXVM and that Maggie little girlfriend of Obummer…
but as Double Meanings exist…
As The World Turns is also the Soap Opera that
was interrupted with the News Bulletin that JFK
was shot.
side note, after the news brief, there is a spoopy ass Nescafe advertisement with 60s hypnosis tactics and demon faces in the coffee…..hiding in plain sight back then as well.
Also, Castle has some anons postulating that it could be a double meaning for the WH now and to Camelot (the White House when JFK was Prez)
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6f0c78 No.10802
oooooh ooooooh!
I forgot to mention that JFK JRs Secret Service Code name was "lark" - a type of SPARROW. (qposts related)
As is tradition, the security monikers all began with the same letter. "The code names given to the Kennedys all began with the letter 'L,'" Hill wrote. In reference to Camelot, President Kennedy was "Lancer," Jackie was "Lace," Caroline was "Lyric," and JFK Jr. was "Lark."
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6f0c78 No.10803
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6f0c78 No.10804
"George was a veiled threat"
"The Next American Revolution"
(by George, I thinks we are here!!!)
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6f0c78 No.10805
good proof by anon as to why Jr was a marked man.
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6f0c78 No.10806
Dad's Fedora that Fusca rocks similarly is called
a Cavanaugh…..
(different spelling than the new SCOTUS,
but interedasting nonetheless)
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6f0c78 No.10807
Is it REALLY possible to fake ones own death?
Well, this Russian Reporter did it in June….
and what a coincidence, his shirt has a winding road that leads to the letter R…. Quite a Journey indeed ;)
>How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible?
Doooont stop belieeeevin!!
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on, and on, and on……
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6f0c78 No.10808
aaaaand then there is the matter of JFK Jrs first plane flying around in and out of Quantico Marine Base, where no civilian plane should….
Also the mysterious man in the fuzzy pic of the Marine Helicopter that no one has officially ID'd yet….it showed up on the breads right around the Erie, Penn Rally where Fusca was spotted again.
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6f0c78 No.10809
"Every dog has his Day"
Jr and Carolyn never left home without their Dog,
(Friday the Day, is named after Venus, the Goddess of LOVE :)
Jr never ever flew without him….(Skydog, LLC)
but HE DID LEAVE THE DOG on that fateful flight that crashed…we were digging about this very thing on the R side board right when Q dropped this post.
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6f0c78 No.10810
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6f0c78 No.10811
Some anons make connections
The numbers guys math is wrong on 18 years
being the amount of time that has passed since Jr plane went down, its been 20, but all the other numbers add up.
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6f0c78 No.10812
Well TL frens, thats all Ive got for now…
Here is a link to a woman who was on
the R side boards with me since the OG post…
She has over 22 videos of the most detailed autistic coninkidinks linking Jr to the Q movement…. (some connections I am not totally on board with at this juncture) but definitely worth a watch if you've got the time! (I have only seen the first 6).
She is a super autist no doubt!
Please feel free to post any relevant digs or discussions in this thread, there are still a lot of connections to be made!
FWIW, I believe Fusca is JFKJr with a bit of a disguise, possible facial prosthetics or make up and most definitely a wig.
I have seen posts linking to a beanie wearing man at Trumps inauguration but I don't see it..
Obviously this is a subject that has been hit hard by shills and disinfo, even those that believe have been spamming the Qresearch boards hard. Its alot to take in and, imo, very closely related to your own intuition and knowing what is true or not so…. Trust Yourself and Happy Digging!
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6f0c78 No.10813
Ooh one more connect I remembered:
the end of the Q clock is 11/22
55 years to the date that JFK was killed
numbers anon in the above post nailed it, >>10811
but wanted to connect to the Qclock
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2dab8b No.10822
Did a little digging on this quote,
because a friend of mine sent me the
Kurt Cobain "Donald Trump would make a great Pres" quote which is fake and wanted to send him this one instead, but vetted it first and looks like its false (as far as I can dig)
If a better autist than me can find out how to find an archive of these mags, lmk!
Here is what JFK (allegedly) did say:
Berman said Kennedy flew a select group of advertisers to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. The 1996 gathering followed an industry conference in Florida.
Donald Trump attended the Mar-a-Lago gathering.
Talk soon turned to whether JFK Jr. could envision himself running for president. Trying to deflect the presidential speculation, Kennedy noted the Trump estate was far more glamorous than a Kennedy family compound a few miles away, the New York Post reported.
“I think you should be asking those questions of Donald,” Kennedy said, Berman recalled.
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2dab8b No.10823
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2dab8b No.10826
maybe notable
or may be routine routing
but AF1 just flew over JFK jr planes crash site.
sometimes the coincidences spoop me out, but
what does it all mean,
sometimes so impatient to know how this movie ends!
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9eac5c No.10827
Exact Coordinates.
>How many coincidences????
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9eac5c No.10828
NOT exact but the difference is
Lat 41.17
-Lat. 41.07
10+8= 18
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9eac5c No.10829
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9eac5c No.10830
The Cessna up for grabs is painted red, white and blue and registered N529JK – in honor of President Kennedy’s May 29 birthday.
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2dab8b No.10840
trolling the deep state.
Gifting The former first lady and Pres with a FRAME inside a Tiffani Blue box
Is this an EPIC TROLL???
"In the end, the burial fight proved moot.
The bodies were cremated, the remains placed
in “Tiffany blue” cardboard boxes,
and a burial at sea was planned."
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2dab8b No.10841
Just dropped this link on the Qbread
Shills be warned!
Imma gonna delete shitposts, nonsense and diversion.
Research, discussion and connects on the
R Q welcome.
Intersting Tattoo….
wonder what the symbolism means?
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7806d2 No.10844
Did they intentionally misspell “too” in this magazine?
“Gone too soon” means he departed unexpectedly early.
“Gone to soon” means he went somewhere called “soon.” If anon is a synonym, then one could reasonably interpret this to mean “he joined the anons.”
Could be a clue…
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2dab8b No.10847
Great catch anon!
I concur!
What comes after Q?
Red Sparrow.
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d95ee4 No.10906
Dagger -> Z
(Death to Zionists)
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7b2f73 No.10925
Thanks Anon,
I thought this may be the case as well.
It seems
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
the Priory of Sion
and the Mengrovian (sp?) bloodLine are connected
throughout time…
If true,
This is an AMAZING plan!!!
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7b2f73 No.10938
Robert Kennedy Tweeted this on July 16.
Jr plane went down on July 16, 1999.
I mean, come on!!! Who is this "random" guy in a funny guy fawkes mask Rainbow Waldo hat?? Why would Robert tweet a random masked man on the 20 year anniversary of Jrs "death".
>Think Twitter
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7b2f73 No.10939
in regards to
>think Twitter
Who IS this guy?
I am on the fence if JR, the past twats
from years ago would indicate otherwise,
however this plan is full of
>moves and countermoves
soooooo I dunno
BUT a very good source of MAGA
and Q info posted and spread here.
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5b1f05 No.10951
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b36fe5 No.10952
Think mirror:
"Intended, not error."
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5b1f05 No.10954
thanks aand possibly:
not intended to leave out R, because R is a part.
this twat made a post last night and then
deleted it.
the only screen shot I could get this morn
was a repost of someones copy pasta,
but it is AWESOME,
possible hopium, but dayum
my hopes are UP.
Are we looking at a complete restructuring of our
Political system?
Was that Psychic right with DJT being the
last President?
What would we be looking at?
End of the FED, gold Standard,
abundance for all
all our taxes that have been stolen, returned.
Politically, it is hard to even imagine
how to make a system better….
YES we need votes and choice
but the 2 party fake choice needs to go.
People just run based on their merits and
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b36fe5 No.10957
I read it as in "drawing attention to" (lack of R).
Should have explained, my bad.
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5b1f05 No.10958
I can see that,
double meanings exist.
also maybe errors just exist?
I know Q team has made spelling errors before because of using mobile devices.
Its funny with these R decodes, it gets
Real detailed and ridiculous coming from
a skeptical perspective, but from mine,
Knowing, ALL the coincidences
are just too much for it not to be real
R decoders get super into the numbers and
little things that can look like "too much"
autism to non-believers.
Which is why I tried to keep this thread
simple with REAL obvious connections to Q
and coincidences that seem to lead to this as being THE crux of the "plan".
When the "there is only Q" post happened
there was a convo b/w some anons that I wish
I would have saved that said something like
"so there is only Q but R still may be a part of
the team?"
and a reply that said, "it was a test of some sort
to see or find the psychic anons"
I can completely attest to that and have had
personal experiences and coincidences that
I KNOW it has to be true.
People on the side boards were
saying similar things, like I have got the
gut feeling, the 6th sense, etc…..
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6d7c12 No.10969
looks like this VF 2024 twat is getting
attacked by the deep state twitter agents….
Interesting that this one I linked to above got deleted…
and its hash tagged Alliance
could be tied into the Majestic twitter cuz
if I 'member correctly that twat talks alliance.
Much info/disinfo!
MAN! what a WAR!
I cant wait to get the cliffs notes later,
hard to keep up.
Next post I'll link an interesting Q found while
re-reading crumbs.
kekeking at myself for "trying to keep this thread simple" …and now…. geez….
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6d7c12 No.10970
This crumb seems to be about the heli crash
that happened at the Rothschilds estate last
year….however double meanings exist..
Could this also be a crumb that refers to how
Kennedy faked/avoided the plane crash in 1999?
Could be a stretch,
but this in particular caught my eye
>(re: highly classified mission) who was given the 'go' order by 'x' to execute (delivery – (3) for care_).
3 could be JR, Besette and her Sister
crumb from 11/21/17
They were apparently waiting on a
flight instructor that was late,
no one saw them get in the plane
(couldn't find sauce on above statement,
that was what I 'member from
some side board commentary.)
Here is some well sauced thoughts on
the spoopy nature of the crash that
I did find however.
Scroll down to section 5
to get to the Jr stuff.
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d010a6 No.10982
Removal of the Flight Log from the duffel bag would require being on the scene before the plane was officially found, and there is evidence strongly suggesting that is precisely what happened. Lt. Colonel Richard Stanley of the Civil Air Patrol had initiated a search for the missing plane on dry land off Martha’s Vineyard by 7:30 a.m., and advised the news media that at that time – hours before the official focused search and discovery – he had seen Coast Guard helicopters circling the area; but the Coast Guard later advised that those were not their helicopters. Hankey concludes reasonably that these were the killers’ helicopters.
>Good Guy (pilot of helicopter)
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d010a6 No.10984
>Hankey concludes reasonably that these were the killers’ helicopters.
A possible wrong conclusion as
my posting of this article is meant to
elucidate the spoopy crash details
and while it could have been a murder
conducted by the derp state, it could have just as easily been a plan intercepted by WH
to fake the 3 deaths
(all the while the derp state may have
believed they actually pulled it off)
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64afc2 No.11000
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64afc2 No.11008
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64afc2 No.11009
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e637ca No.11035
making some Qonnections:
Kennedy Jr is the prince of Camelot, and
the magic sword?
Qpost #2064 and #2069
Excalibur is Arthur's magical sword - and it's from Excalibur that Arthur finds the power to finally defeat evil and assume his rightful position.
The story is not solid, as any legend of yore, but it is about the first King of Camelot and his Wizard fren Merlin, who placed a sword in a stone before he died,
where? near
Solsbury Hill
(sols) (sun)
Peter Gabriel lyrics of song of same name are pretty dang 'dasting:
Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
I could see the city light
Wind was blowing, time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing, stretching every nerve
I had to listen had no choice
I did not believe the information
I just had to trust imagination
My heart going boom, boom, boom
Son, he said, grab your things I've come to take you home
To keep in silence I resigned
My friends would think I was a slut
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Though my life was in a rut
Till I thought of what I'd say
And which connection I should cut
I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom, boom, boom
Hey, he said, grab your things I've come to take you home
Take back home, grab your things
When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette?
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Close their eyes but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me
Today I don't need a replacement
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant
My heart was going boom, boom, boom
Hey, I said, keep my things I've come to take me home
Hey, I said, keep my things I've come to take you home
I've come to take you home
Hey, I said, I've come to take you home
Come to take you home
My heart was going boom, boom, boom
My heart was going boom, boom, boom
Hey, I said, you can keep my things and come to take me home
They've come to take me home
My heart is going boom, boom, boom
>The last BOOM will be magical
>the morning sun brings heat
(mourning) (son)
>What is a legend?
>When is a legend useful?
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25ae24 No.11041
I owe anon an apology!
I deleted a reply to this post mistakingly taking your language as shilly (BV status overstep!! Lame!!)
If by chance you monitor this thread, I hope you accept You are RIGHT!!!!
Z special Unit!!!
[ZSU] is a gaming community, focused on playing to have fun, working as a team and playing tactically towards what ever our goal may be.
K I am gonna dig on and see what I can find,
if by chance you do read…. what am I missing??….some red logo of a company out of Texas (?)…I cant remember the name.
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25ae24 No.11048
JRs 3rd bday fell on his dads funeral, so Jackie O postponed his birthday party till dec 5.
This December 5 is the funeral of Herbert Walker, JFKs killer, a day of Mourning.
Mo(u)rning S(o)n brings heat.
OOOOOh shit you guys. this is happening. I have no doubts. so many dang Qlues point to Jr.
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25ae24 No.11049
If he were to have kids JFK jr liked the name Flynn.
As in Gen. Flynn?
This plan has been in the works for how long????
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25ae24 No.11059
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ff0d13 No.11060
>Set the Stage -POTUS
>Do You believe????
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2cd196 No.11103
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2cd196 No.11104
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ff0d13 No.11152
time stamp
Jrs age plus "portal open"
with 17 sec unexplained WW wave on 11-11
(really don't know what it all means, just documenting for future proves past.)
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ff0d13 No.11153
Jr has a Q in his closet?
aaaaand its gonna expose all the skeletons in the dirty clowns closets.
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4e31d8 No.11156
I’m sure you’ve seen this already, but I hadn’t yet. Sr’s grave site is a Q.
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9c38c5 No.11215
pic related????
The "plan"!!!!
amazing, right?!?
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9c38c5 No.11228
Praise KEK!
Thank You God!
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c359b9 No.11300
I dunno frens
Q says no.
Q also says: disinfo is necessary.
IF this is the checkmate at the end of this chess game, why the heck would Q confirm this now. Right at the end when confusion needs to be most chaotic, when disinfo needs to be the most rampant, when no anon really knows what the heck is actually going on. (The “plan” in its totality)
Perfect time to corner the deep state queen.
And CF on the chopping block tomorow.
I’m still
A believeR
We shall see!
What a movie!!!!
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aa1e12 No.11304
found this interesting, Twat from Flynn Jr yesterday morning
before the Q+A
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b5123e No.11321
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
letter from JFk jr > Trump sent July 19, 1999
JFK jr death= July 16, 1999
also this whole interview is worth watching if you haven't yet….
and what the F happened to Oprah?
I can only guess it was a
complete draco soul takeover….
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41051c No.11414
Cant stop wont stop believing y'all!!!!
and I am not the only one…
Here is a qlue I had forgot about tied to the night of the Q+A.
Q's clue
and this movie about JFK jr and Carolyn.
member, Q+A = 18= R
the next night after this Q drop was the infamous R post.
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1581ba No.11416
A lot of happenings in the twattersphere gaias.
>Think Twitter
Today Vincent Kennedy predicted a DJT tweet with a 7 min delta (pics related)
General FLynn follows @ RealRaNon account
It seems to me to be a part of the plan to have a few different twat accounts to spread this information outside of the echo chamber of the chans- to the normies….
Set up multiple accounts as a random solar or crypto guy tweet a few things to make it look like a legit account to the twat bots and then use it during this part of the plan.
I believe these accounts to be the real deal:
Some say
@bigredwavenow Santa Claus
@BusyElves Mrs Claus
are JJ and Carolyn
but I am not so sure as Santa was tweeting like flat earf is real at a certain point…so I am not on board with that at this time, but disinfo is real and this information war is no joke, so there may be something there that I am not privy too.
There are a few other JFK jr accounts as well that I am not sure about at this juncture…. time will tell.
he lives.
I have no doubts.
(though I could be wrong)
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b947f5 No.11440
Qpost 2:21 hours later
>Follow the Watch.
>How many coincidences??
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4847ca No.11460
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1c5d27 No.11475
Saw this and thought of you.
A few extra R's floating around.
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b5123e No.11478
seeding awareness throughout the twitterverse.
normies waking up and sharing information.
Its a beautiful thing.
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b5123e No.11479
plausible deniability until go time!
could be RR Rod Rosenstien…
Until Q has full control of MSM,
the news will stay hidden.
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1db064 No.11495
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e74d14 No.11496
A baseball cap covered with sequins sewn in elephant shapes sat on the table in front of him.
like this one?
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77d05e No.11504
This aired Sunday 1/13
Also, looks a bit like the court yard of Back to the Future!
When a sons Dad passes he can loose the "jr".
buuuut its possible they are just making fun of
us "conspiracy nuts".
Though today, at the farm speech, POTUS mentions John Kennedy. Ill attach next post.
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77d05e No.11505
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
the John Kennedy he is mentioning is the Senator from Louisiana,
but spoopy double meaning?
4:15 min mark
"A Brilliant guy, VERY DECEIVING
My wife said: I love watching him on Television
and I said who? JohnKennedy. I said John Kennedy? I dunno, I thought maybe she was talking about the OTHER John Kennedy.."
@ 41:46 min mark
Trump,"and we DIDN'T get killed, did we John?"
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69c2a0 No.11548
moar on the plane crash.
official details sealed until 2025
Division 4 investigates, though sauce is extremely lacking in what this organization actually is, all I can find is iterations of this same article but,
freakin lasers!?
pics are snipits from this article
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4d3fbb No.11641
This made me think of Phil Collins land of confusion video. An Anon recently brought it to my attention and there is something to it.
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650da5 No.11650
I had never seen this! What a trip!
What is the collective consciousness?
When you start looking at things from
this perspective (that all perspectives/angles make a whole/morphing all encompassing geometry, or the all of us)
- there are CLUES everywhere!!
We are the puzzle pieces and the putter together-er of the puzzles.
I liked the line that said, "we are the generation that will put it right". Shout out to all the boomers! Let's do this, you got a couple generations back up now.
I also noticed that pepe with the nuke fallout glasses may have been modeled after this vid.
to tie back into R thread (though all is connected, 'course)
slight correction in the OG story of 'R'
anons had been told there would be a Q+A
but the day before on 6/22 Q posted this crumb
Q&A reschedule. Forthcoming.
The next night, 6/23 was the "R" post….the breads felt pretty vibrant with lots of anons I believe because there was still a buzz hoping Q would post, instead came that now infamous, "is he or isnt he?", R post.
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650da5 No.11663
beeep beep beep beep beepbeep…..and this just in from the LARPs of the Twittersphere….
the RealRanon
does not associate with
the Santa Clause or Vincent Kennedy…
in fact that account has the latter accounts blocked.
trying to avoid bots and seed the thoughts of normies on all levels of knowing (why make different accounts, with slightly different tones or missions?),
trying to LARP the innocents
or just some plain ol tom foolery on all sides?
(including me for hopin?)
but this VK time stamp Q and DJT prediction with the Watch that is still quite interesting to me:
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583862 No.11894
Alrighty so here at TL we have established
that "comic" disclosure is a thing and
Trump may in fact be a real life Batman.
If we are to dig into Trump and JFK JR's relationship and plane crash as per Q drop #1082
maybe they are sharing the role….
Aint in interdastin that
"the Dark Knight Rises" was released on
JULY 16 2012 in NYC
the 13th anniversary of JFK jrs plane crash.
ALSO very interedastin that at the end of that movie, Batman fakes his own death in
a plane crash!!!!
an internet analysis:
How did Batman have time to escape the nuclear blast when we saw him in the Bat’s cockpit with 5 seconds to go on the clock?
This was the key point in the piece we wrote yesterday, wondering if when Alfred sees Bruce Wayne at a Florence cafe with Selina Kyle, he’s not just imagining the happy ending for his adopted son. Because while Lucius’s discovery about the autopilot, and the fact that Bruce had time to leave instructions for John Blake, all line up to saying he lived, there’s still no explanation of how he could have time to eject from the Bat– when we clearly see him in the cockpit with 5 seconds to go on the bomb’s timer.
There aren’t even any hints to how this works in the movie, so the best we can do is just guess. Maybe he ejected into the water, soared down with the Bat-suit cape and landed in safety. Maybe he had one of the Wayne Industries submarines waiting for him, and that’s how he managed to travel the many miles through water back to Gotham to pick up Selina. Or it might be that the edit is a cheat, that Batman is nowhere near the cockpit of the Bat when there are 5 seconds let on the clock, and Nolan bent the rules a bit to give us a real shock when the Bat blew up. Basically the only answer that sticks is “He’s fucking Batman. He figured it out.”
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c72010 No.11964
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ca70d0 No.11980
EAGER LION exercise in 2018 with Jordan?
https ://www.dvidshub.net/feature/EagerLion18
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0f12b4 No.11985
yes I remember this Jordan mil exercise was the decode for this drop,
yet posted because of the "multiple meanings" possibility
check this pic:
kennedy family 5:5 2+2 2+2 = 18
tin eye says it was first on the web in Jan 2015
what it all means: dunno!
just another coinkidink.
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d22410 No.12095
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03fe3c No.12222
.. Selina Kyle tells Bruce Wayne, “You really think this is going to last? There’s a storm coming Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”
Now compare it to this quote from A Tale Of Two Cities, "But, there were other echoes, from a distance, that rumbled menacingly in the corner all through this space of time. And it was now, about little Lucie's sixth birthday, that they began to have an awful sound, as of a great storm in France with a dreadful sea rising." Storms, rising, it certainly seems like The Dark Knight Rises will owe a lot of inspiration to A Tale Of Two Cities, as Nolan suggests.
dug on this qlue dropped on main breads
based off Epstien island Qdrop
"the tale of two"
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2fffbd No.12223
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
JFK Jr on the Chinese government giving money to the democrats in 1997.
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4e6cf6 No.12437
>We never left
hmmmmm…Could it be?
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4e6cf6 No.12447
Well after a few months of perusing the twittersphere (I tell ya, I'll take the trenches of the chans over that place any day!) It seems to me that all of these LARPs have many followers believing that it's actually Jr tweeting (Ill admit I thought so too for a wee bit). The worst offenders imo are the Santa Clause and Mrs Clause, their tweets are obvious lies (flat earf! puhlease) and divisive angry christian/anti abortion propaganda (imo). Abortion is a whole thang, and the infanticide after birth laws that have passed as of late are obviously atrocious, but as a human with lady parts, I do believe in a womans right to choose, (early term, obviously)
the VK and Ranon (interesting the RA bit of that, but I think its meant as R-anon) don't associate but both allude to being or knowing something about Jr. The realRanon posts some good Q stuff- cryptic at times so it could be acting as a limited hangout, but to me, seems to be spreading much knowledge about what us truthers have known for a while- telsa tech, Trumps uncle john, getting followers to dig on the connections and keep researching the deep state political and social fuckery, so even if LARP, imo, it aint a bad one (and as we know here, all of reality is a LARP indeed)
VK just came out with this statement about a month back claiming that he is NOT Jr but that he knows he is alive.
Part of me thinks he could be a white hat working for the NSA and seeding or feeding thoughts into the collective with a plan in mind. His tweets are always overwhelmingly positive and not divisive at all, though he did associate through some tweets with that Ms Clause and allude that she was Carolyn….but that is the only red flag I ever saw from that account. And now the VK account is promoting a fellow patriot who is starting up another social media platform (wwg1wga) and that is 'dastin. Could be the purpose to lure people off twitter or could be it is indeed part of the plan (see Q post attached)
>but most importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ship) that provides the scattered (free thinkers) with a starter new social networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
Also attached is a statement from the twitter account (Kobayashi) who started that platform, another very positive account. (funny how he, like us here, wonder if Q is really talking about them or not)
At this point I have mostly stopped lurking, seems dumb, but for a few months I was watching it closely and speaking of "watch"ing: this moment still does stand out as spoopy:
Anyway, frens, so many coinkindinks
and as we all know
Time will tell
and Truth will win.
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7135af No.12454
Q is often "on the move" and will attribute spelling errors to that. 'course this this is possible cuz they be busy saving humanity and all and mistakes happen, tho it can seem contradictory cuz 'military planning at its finest'. ya'd think they'd notice certain spelling mistakes before they pushed New Reply, Id think this especially to be the case with a Meme.
Extra R?
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abbb52 No.12460
JFK Jr is still alive and he is Q and he went to Saturn and Orion in his sailing boat which is actually a timetraveling device with a portal in Bermuda. Prove me wrong.
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7135af No.12465
cant proove it wrong mr Zero
anything is possible in this weird world.
I used to love watching "unsolved Mysteries"
the bermuda Triangle is a trip! no doubt.
thanks for playing.
please see the division thread for
why your posts get deleted time and time again.
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6e0c25 No.12511
uh ok…
so while I was deep in the watching of the VK accounts on the Twat there was a woman who would post pics of these beautiful homemade signs…. VK would often reply back or like them and now…. Q just reposted her! sooooooooo….
All these coincidences……
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6e0c25 No.12512
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6e0c25 No.12513
Did Q just confirm this new social media platform with post 3239!!!?????
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571517 No.12597
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521f94 No.12740
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6e0c25 No.12741
POTUS twats video with Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack
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dd7b16 No.12850
OOOoooh Boy frens,
I am thoroughly and completely at the I DUNNO stage of this whole scenario.
I am trying to think logically but you see this whole journey has bordered on magic and reality for me.
It all started WAY before Q and TL. SO MANY internal and external coincidences and signs led me here and to Q…. I had this really lucid dream about Batman, my IRL "friend" who was superman and me as wonderwoman…also understand while I would occasionally partake in some Marvel or DC movies as entertainment, I have never been a comicbookfag…. (archetypes amiright!) There were words that played out clearly in my head when I thought something about Trump (this was in late 16) and I heard "Just wait one year" I was no fan of Trump at that point, I didnt hate him, I just wasnt sure what the hell was going on (huh, full circle kek!)
Basically, I believe my dreams have been "infiltrated" … where it begins and ends, I dunno. Who is infiltrated goo or bad, dunno either, prolly a mix of both….Many many dreams about Trump and Melania, crystals, the secret service, visions where I am remote viewing military bases, JFK jr, ufo invasions… the whole 9..
I mean obviously i am in the camp of all of reality is a "LARP" and within the philosophy of Mentalism, all of this is a psyop, but at this point I am actually bordering on the "wait and see" with even Q now.
(sorry! you also have to understand I have a hard time not telling the truth and my extremely MSM watching fam thinks I am nuts because I have told them the Clintons worship Satan…they are legit worried about me….I know only 1 person that knows this stuff like we do here and I have a whole world to maintain IRL with "normies" which makes it hard sometimes to keep up with the joneses when I am keeping up with Q and anons instead) Until some real life happenings happen in a way that the normal people around me wake up, I am all alone and "nuts". I have been hearing about this storm for so long and its lonely ahead of the curve feeling the raindrops already while all of those around me are dry…
anyways: i feel you anon on this:
but I cannot deny
^^ that POTUS has acknowledged the Batman thing with the soundtrack from "dark knight" (not to mention the recent awards to the "black knights" football team reinforced that crumb) Batman's plane crashes in the end but he is seen with his wife living out an anonymous life in Europe afterwards…. that is interesting….
In March, Q pointed out this account:
That account has also been retweeted by the VK accounts… Sometimes (or maybe everytime) Q seems to point out twat accounts that are clowns so anons can have eyes on. (pics related) Think VIP anon, KATE and others that were posing as patriots but anons were callin out. (true or not, really dunno) Now this sweet old lady (@whaleswarrior) may be a clown, or they may be pointing out that the VK accounts she follows and retweets are clowns and using her account to do so…. there have been ALOT of coinkidinks between Q posts and the VK posts, but could it be a blackhat making deltas/predictions too…though "these people are stupid" makes me think black hats are too dumb and too busy creating the next FF to do that…but shoot, stupid could always mean something else…double meanings and all.
I am gonna go old school here and use the socratic to try and be logical about this as I obviously dont have any answers but have a lot of questions…
What is a limited hangout?
Are EVERYONE who talks about any of this in a public way clowns? >>12841
Can minds be infiltrated without a conscious acknowledgment of it?
Meaning can someone speak using the clown agenda without knowing they are furthering the confusion?
MK ultra alters?
Is the agenda to talk about a little of the truth to confuse the rest?
If they are obsessed with calling out mossad to be able to cry antisemitism, and the mossad actually IS behind some of this psyop, would Jr alive be a part of the truth? It seems so dumb to do all this if he really is alive. Then again, "these people are stupid" and maybe white hats are even creating some of the confusion as cover.
R thing has been associated with Strange/Ra posts, also Flat Earth… they put those together to try and create confusion and/or make conspiracy researchers look nuts so normies will stay away.
but WHY all the coincidences??
this thread is FULL of them.
Are all of those clown confusion tactics?
Who the hell is that doppleganger lady to Carolyn?
A clone? could the psyop be that intricate (we know here it def could be)
what does "it" mean in this question:
"How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible"?
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613f67 No.12866
aaaand another coinkidink.
as the kennedys are in the news…
<a famous family from Boston
Trump has the 2018 Red Sox winners to the WH
Interesting timing since its been 6 months since they won.
>timing is everything
Even so…
Rshills are still strong….is this a case of the mind fuckery of limited hangouts?
Are these people that stupid?
Are anons making these to quiet/fight the ]R[umor or shills talking to shills trying to make the whole anon/q/research look silly.
So many coincidences tho with optics and plausible deniability of course…
so I dunnnnnno.
Time will tell!
Timing is everything.
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e5f6d2 No.12892
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e5f6d2 No.12894
Brown University is now claiming that JFK Jr.'s application was stolen. The document, along with several private letters from Jackie to her son's professors, is currently being sold by Gary Zimet.
"We were surprised and concerned to see a student’s confidential records not only being made public, but being auctioned for sale. Student records contain confidential information and are the property of the university," Brown spokesman Brian Clark told the Portland Press Herald.
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3f3c06 No.12896
pic related. HAH!
whata ride!
>the disappearance of
and not the death of JFK JR
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5b14df No.12904
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Kappy mentions Jr @22:35
Jr is gonna change the world, he is very in touch with the lIght.
..and its a shame that I am gonna miss it…
cuz I was so stupid, so stupid"
Just dropping this here..not sure what it means.
So many possiblities of Kappys intentions, whether he was a clown or not; his demise, whether he was pushed or jumped or if it was WH WP sneaky move so he could be a pedowood witness…. the anons on Qresearch are all a buzz…I personally dont know what is true or not.
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5b14df No.12908
I had never seen this before but it showed last night up on Qr when anons were discussing Kappy bringing up Jr.
A Channeled chan post from someone called "Chani" KEK!
this post is from 2011. The channellings seem to be before that.
>one day a dead kennedee will appear and >broken america will see he not demise
>he was moved for safe keeping by the beings
>eye not allowed to give name and will be put back by them.
as someone posted, could be the R larp was
based on this?
Tho logically thinking
if these people are that stupid, are they smart enough to pull this off?
Time traveling clowns…of course possible…
but then….
winning = a Healed America and World.
and Q has said that will happen.
THIS is literally the ONLY thing I can fathom that would do that. I know all these liberal brainwashed folks, my sister has shunned and told me we "need space" cuz I told her MAGA, she now thinks I am a white suppremisit (crazy because when I brought home my first love who was black she weird about it back then….who are the real racists, the ones who make a big ass deal about it, or the ones who see passed skin into the soul)…..ugh what times we live in…it still feels like such a mess…..my friend just posted a Hillary Clinton quote about the abortion ban on her instagram, they have NO idea. Moloch sacrifice is real. I am in deep blue waters here and…who is gonna do this healing? When SHTF, they are just going to think it is trump smearing all these criminals just to be a hitler.
A famous Kennedy democrat who was friends with Trump, saw the corruption from the inside and has dirt on the clintons trying to off him….
that is literally the only scenario I can see.
Normies don't even know who the political players like Rodgers, BArr, Miller or Sessions are but they do know celebrities…..
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f1fd81 No.13004
new jR rumor: pic related.
july 4th
mount rushmore
last minute bait and switch by POTUS?
a celebration NOT in DC but
and for a very special reason?
we shall see!
Heres the thing: I know "shills" like anjel are all over this, but I am also following regular ass people on twitter that are CONVINCED, and there are a LOT of them. If you think I am being retarded to follow this hope pron…..I am a much more seasoned veteran of the mindgame wars and can deal if this is not true….all these recently awoken "normies" are holding on to this and if untrue would be super super wronged.
I cant believe POTUS would keep this going and do things like this… >>11505
To me, based on the evidence Ive seen…. this WHOLE thing would have to be a psyop and LARP and fuckery (Q, POTUS, "merica, the chans) if this is not true. There is too much entangled in this and even our journey here at TL…
the dark knight rises soundtrack comes to mind…
WHY would POTUS DO THAT if HE KNOWS there a SOOOO MANY people that believe….. the team must know it is not just shills that post thier jR pics and decodes.
anywho…. my two cents…
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f1fd81 No.13005
here is an article about jRs visit to Mt Rushmore on this anons birthday in 99.
those kinds of coincidences… though..
just coincidences…
i swear this journey sometimes has me thinking I
am way more involved than I must be
(besides the naturally occurring quantum entangelment of course;)
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870b88 No.13037
obviously way to easy to create a rumor about this,
I am using this thread to post connects I see
not sure about nuthin
Of course, I want it to be true, but maybe this twat today is comms from POTUS
>RIP John
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d268d7 No.13042
I think this belongs here - it's interdasting innit.
Nice words, if true - we don't have long to wait.
Overall anon consensus = larptastic
But who knows?
I believe in miracles & magic.
The Return of the King. The Return of the Light.
Doesn't that sound awesome?
I pray it is true.
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4ef9bb No.13046
I realized I forgot to drop this on here:
Kappy's only instagram post after all the others were wiped.
whats weird is I couldn't get the 2nd page from the interwebs easily, I would drag it to my desktop but it would be blank once ti got there… I had to go diggin thru a facebook conversation I had with my one IRL woke friend (thank God for her!) (and thank God for you gaias.) Srsly, thank you. This mountain can be slippery!!!
>The Return of the King.
>The Return of the Light.
We dont have long to wait.
If its not true we can know for a fact that Kappy
was/is a clown they are using to spread
false hope and narrative.
If it is true, then maybe he is in WP with jR Tupac, Elvis, Princess Di….
>undiscovered stars learned??
LOL a gal can dream for
>magic and miracles
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4ef9bb No.13047
> this has been waged using top-secret tech, classified, telepathy, remote viewing, and yes, time travel
THIS, if true, would explain all the dreams, visions and voices that led me here.
THIS (fap fap fap on the hope pron)
would explain my relationship with the "superman" I know Irl…..
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4ef9bb No.13050
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b36fe5 No.13069
Here's a different version floating around.
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285a08 No.13083
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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285a08 No.13084
George Mag
Survival Guide to the Future
Feb 1997
>Hello George
>you cant always get what you want
>but you just might find, youll get what you need
Where have we heard that before??
….in a letter from the editor 20 years ago!!
and after every single POTUS rally
apparently it was Jrs fav song according to a book: the End of Camelot
>mt rushmore
>indictment day will Hillary get busted!!??
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f3529e No.13089
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ac341d No.13091
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285a08 No.13146
>John Kennedy
he dropped the jR when he got his Attorney License
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8cc6dc No.13327
I am a believer so it makes me see these clues as obvious nods.
>when the fake news cant attack you directly using facts
why disinfo is necessary… keep the fake news guessing…
very interesting to me that the fact that "Qanon is a consipiracy" narrative is a Qproof (all this for a LARP?)…and the fact that the MSM picked up on "JFK jr is Q" is proof that Rshills are retarded…. that is just not logical to me.
Doesnt mean it is true , but when one believes…it is very to easy to see and deduce from Q crumbs and George Magazine (and random twat accounts) and 20 year anniversary obsession that this could very well be the "last magical boom"
Time will tell.
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8cc6dc No.13328
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
this guys likes to preach christ…but it usually at the end
and there is lots of tasty info out of George Mags throughout
Even if Jr is dead, he KNEW and was trying to Q us before Q.
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8cc6dc No.13329
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ecba27 No.13361
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8c51dd No.13497
So while we were dark I found some interdasting things:
One is this fellow Rtard I found on facebook made some comicbook connections which of course ticked my noodles and ill just copy pasta, wall o text incoming:
Dear Facebook JFK Jr-nerds,
How do I NOT share this CRAZY story? Buckle in because there is some back story to this one. Around May of last year, when I was just starting to really get my meme game going, I was trying to figure out a cool super hero secret identity for Trump posing as a Q super hero….you know…like Trump in a Q super hero outfit of sorts. So I started searching for images to make my character, but it had to be one that was not recognizable, unlike Ironman or Captain America. The search term I used was "Q mask". Immediately I noticed a striking looking character with a metal face mask with yellow eyes. "That dude looks kinda cool" I thought to muhself, so I clicked on a few images of him. To my SHOCK, the character was already named Q!!!
"What the hell is this coincidental voodoo shit?" I exclaimed to muhself while in muh underwear in muh bedroom.
Down this unexpected rabbit hole I went…….and it got DEEP!
Since this character was already, coincidentally named Q, I thought to muhself, "Let's take a deeper dive to see what this character is all about." I discovered that the character was from a game called "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike". That brought back some memories from muh youth! I was a HUGE Street fighter nerd back in middle school with Street Fighter 2 & 3…but I grew out of it by high school so I was not familiar with this Q character. What I DID know is that the makers of the game, Capcom, prided themselves with a RICH backstory for all of their characters, so I was sure I'd get lots of info on Q. I searched YouTube and came across a video that just happened to go over Q's back story, which you'll find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co0r9bb1-pc
Now, if you decide to watch that whole video, you will need to have your QAnon lenses on…because there are TONS of QAnon easter eggs all throughout this thing. You LITERALLY should not blink while watching it…and pay attention to EVERYTHING. The QAnon coincidences are off the charts!!! Every time I show someone this thing, they find something new that I hadn't noticed.
I don't want to spoil too much from that video, because it's kinda cool to discover them on your own. I won't go over everything in it, because this post is already getting too long, but I will mention Q's back story….or LACK of backstory. As I said before, Capcom prides themselves on having rich backstories for their characters…….except for Q. Q is shrouded in mystery. His backstory is basically, the [CIA] is after him, because he was seen at multiple murders around the world that took place over [10 DAYS]. No one knows who he is. No one knows if he is just 1 person or a GROUP of people [Q team]. He wears a trench coat with a business suit and red tie underneath. Are you guys getting the picture yet? No? Stay with me…
So, this character became my unofficial persona of Q. You may have seen others share his image when talking Q, as a few of muh friends at the time went with this character. I won't claim I was the first to discover this, but I did discover it accidentally for muhself and hadn't heard of anyone else step in this rabbit hole. "How does this connect to JFK???" you may be asking. It first started out with a very loose connection. It just so happens that this character was developed the year JFK Jr died, in 1999. Ok…so another weird coincidence.
Let's fast forward to last night…Since Q seems to be on the cusp of returning, possibly on the [17th], I wanted to make a DANK meme for Q's return in celebration. So I did what I did last year, I searched for some cool pictures of the Q Street Fighter character….and I ACCIDENTALLY stepped in ANOTHER rabbit hole with this dude. I came across a message board from over 10 years ago where these video game nerds were discussing who Q could be. In this discussion, it sounds like us talking about our Q. Some even said, "I think Q is Seth." WTF???? SETH??? SO I'm reading through this thread about Q from 2009 and I come across an artist rendition of the video game Q…and it has him unmasked and the post does not have a comment, just the picture…AND IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE VINCENT FUSCA!!! Wanna hear the icing on the cake? As I am writing up this LONG winded post, Gigi Lea coincidentally PM's me a news clipping of JFK Jr saluting his fallen father from 1963!!! UNI CONFIRMS!!! I don't pretend to know what the hell is going on here…BUT WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE??? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🇺🇸
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8c51dd No.13498
"Mystery" Guest on Jay Leno 1998
"they always tell you in politics you gotta watch who you follow"
>be careful who you follow?
talks about being the Vice Pres
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8c51dd No.13499
This one is SUPER interesting…
Trumps Victory Speech.
Who is that Masked Man who peeps out from behind the curtain to get a photo after he is introduced by Pence?
Would someone that wasn't supposed to be there be allowed to get THAT CLOSE to the newly elected President?
Is that a Guy Fawkes mask??
(having a hard time embedding video since we've been back, it works only sometimes…)
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8c51dd No.13500
screen grabs of the mystery man behind the curtain
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8c51dd No.13501
>Guy Fawkes Mask
Who is mysterious man pictured with Robert Kennedy. Found the pic on Twitter, whoever took the grab didn't get a timestamp and it was no where to be found on R.Kennedys Instagram so must have been deleted….hard to photo shop imo, but possible.
lines up with the Robert Kennedy Facebook posts in SF at the Bay parade last summer (july 16 the anniversary of jrs death)…
SUP mysteryman
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d9b0f2 No.13552
>re-emerges in the year 2020
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e32e0c No.13944
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
@1:04 a familiar profile, 20 years older…
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e32e0c No.13945
on Donald Trumps youtube page
posted on 2/27/20
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e32e0c No.13946
watch with 3:05 has 27 in the date box
1 year delta of 3/05
is this NSA drop out of the dragons mouth
>Hello World
Qdrop 2977
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e32e0c No.13947
Did Pompeo confirm this significance on 2/25, 2 days ahead of schedule
with this twat?
full moon coming?
mo(u)rning son brings heat?
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e32e0c No.13948
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e32e0c No.13949
>a message board from over 10 years ago where these video game nerds were discussing who Q could be.
>I come across an artist rendition of the video game Q…and it has him unmasked and the post does not have a comment, just the picture…AND IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE VINCENT FUSCA!!!
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7f48e8 No.13955
Through the Past Darkly
<Dark Knight allusion to time travel?
Kennedy touches on conspiracy theory
the NRO and what happened to Tupac and Biggie….
interesting that some say those two faked their deaths….
(not sure why pic wants to be sideways…)
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daec2c No.13976
also, ouroboros
seems like everything is converging somehow and the deep state is slowly allowing the truth through. any ideas as to why? i have high hopes for the simulation/physical plane ending for good in 2020, but can't imagine how. CV will not end modern civilization, just destabilize it
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daf597 No.13983
> ouroboros
no idea anon
but this mobius strip seems like forever
cant imagine physicality is disappearing any time/space soon
So since we are just random anons on the webs saying stuff, I thought Id include this screenshot I grabbed last night on the main breads…
many Rtards thought/think Pence is dirty and gonna get ousted (wifey did get that envelope at the Bush Funeral) and then in will swoop JK to the rescue
but anon last night seems to think he is gonna be SCOTUS (or is already)
I do remember reading somewhere in this journey that some amendment makes it so lawyers are ineligible to be POTUS or VP
meybe RBG ded already?
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eabeef No.14063
latest Q drop posts this youtube vid once again.
notice the phrase in the bottom right hand corner
INTERDASTINGLY ENOUGH there is a doc about JFK jr called
This researcher is convinced he was murdered….
but was he???
Will the Dark Knight Rise?
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eabeef No.14064
>Will the Dark Knight Rise?
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b59d3e No.14128
I'm going to just put this over here…..
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615447 No.14129
Coroner’s Report for JFK Jr. After Crash Is ‘Full of Holes,’ Podcast Reveals: ‘Looks Like a Cover-Up’
True Crime
Mar 25, 2020 4:15 pm
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615447 No.14130
<world Domination.
>Future prove past
I wish I could get me eyes on that full article.
I know he asks him about vaccine programs in Africa.
how interesting this is all coming to a head now with the Covid-19/vaccine or we wont give you back your world narrative
This crazy conspiracy us Rtard shills have been spouting… it just may be beginning to make more sense …
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32ec1d No.14131
Its very interesting! From my personal digs this may be the one undeniable proof that sways the world in one shocking realization. I pulled a video a few weeks ago on the main breads regarding JFKJR from a (i believe she was a brit) researcher that was really comprehensive and she made some really good connections. that I wanted to share it hear but I lost it and I have been looking for it ever since. It clearly pulls together all the pieces. I will keep looking and share when I find it.
<3 <3 <3
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fd9077 No.14484
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I recently found this channel on youtube
I will attach one of the vids, but here is a link to the whole list.
this channel is made by Vincent Kennedy, the mysterious account on Twitter
that has a lot of coincidences and zero deltas with POTUS.
My money is that it's Jr (obvsies) but I have wavered on that point since watching it over the last year or so…
this channel though is dastin…
and some subsequent interactions on the breads and a POTUS tweet that I will post next make it even more so
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fd9077 No.14485
It was either the day that I found it or the next that I was on the breads late one night and anons were concernfaggin about the Sessions and POTUS twat feud…I was like….obvious enjoy the show is obvious, right away…but I can understand concernfaggin as I have been there before when it came to to other concerns that I didnt understand why it needed to happen this way or that…
and a 1 post anon was like, pro wrestling much?
now I never watched much pro wrestling, member how Trump was involved at one point? I have a funny gif of him somewhere pumping his fist in the ring…
and if you watch the vids of this channel, it is cryptic, but my take is it is alluding to the fact that WWF was even a thing in order to awaken the masses slowly but surely…
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fd9077 No.14487
So then in the same bread was another 1 post that was a pic of Jr…
I connected some dots and realized this must
all be a part of the plan.
>the 40 year plan
(picturing that genius sitting somewhere on a swivel chair in a room full of PCs, making vids, multiple twat accounts, saving the world, one shitpost at a time)
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fd9077 No.14488
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fd9077 No.14489
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
found this Vincent Kennedy account from 3 years ago…
and oh look
its everything we have been talking about on TL
this guy is not jr, he is an artist from Ireland…
but what a coinkidink!
I will link some vids in case they interest anyone reading this.
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fd9077 No.14490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fd9077 No.14496
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>saving the world, one shitpost at a time
every once in a while I get a bigger glimpse of this and it blows my freaking mind the genius and what it took to equally plan with human heart and hands and to let go and let God….and the teamwork it took! wow. to everyone, thank you.
also if everyone thinks you're dead you'd naturally have a lot of time to plot it all out.
I am just gonna go out on a limb here
and say JFK jr is Q.
in case I haven't officially…
just for the date stamp.
and for the I told yas later on.
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cad51f No.14507
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524c3b No.14519
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f4dbf No.14679
who else could have got up there on top of George?
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07bc36 No.14725
touch your nose if JFK jr is alive.
*he does with a smirk
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07bc36 No.14726
So what does RFK jr know?
7/6/20 posted the same Paine quote that Q dropped on 6/29/20
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07bc36 No.14727
yes this Q poem has always stuck with me…
I have an idea of what D may be…but it is all apart of this fantasy LARP that I have in my head that may be me just wishful thinking that I am a part of this more than I actually am…
If it is real its all topsecret anyways and I only have glimmers of it… buy my book at the end of all this to find out KEK (accctchually, I am barley following along muhself- hard to keep track of it all) but BIG if true…. and will make for one of the greatest stories ever told….all of this will really… what a time to be alive!!!
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8c8575 No.14729
Here's a twist on the JFKJr story.
Kayleigh McEnany, President's Press Secretary…
so technically…she is a JFKJr
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07bc36 No.14732
Ive seen this floating around but I don't see how…
some are saying she is the daughter of Jr and Carolyn but she was born in 88 so makes no sense.
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07bc36 No.14733
…. I mean….
its just so obvious to me….
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07bc36 No.14734
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
last 4 of the youtube url of Kennedy kids singing..
its going down
are 'dastin
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8c8575 No.14735
Yeah I don't know, but it is a fun twist isn't it?
Did he have a secret love child somewhere and that is Kayleigh?
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07bc36 No.14738
back when this theory was just a wee thing
we were speculating that Don jr
is his secret love child… and Trump did him a favor early on…
but i dunno
he looks the least like trump imo
but genetics are weird.
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8c8575 No.14750
Whoa!! That's a striking resemblance. Enhanced by the beard maybe? How very fascinating.
When Don Jr did his Fathers Day special with the President, one of the things they talked about was Don Jr's new(ish) bearded look. The Pres was all 'well, personally I don't like it on you, but that doesn't matter, you do you and rock the beard if you want'. It was a cute father-son moment. If that is what happened and DJT did him an early favor, I think he's done a bang up job as a dad. This ups his honorability rating in my eyes by several points…lol
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8b466f No.14762
for the KEKs
In the mythology of the internet conspiracy QAnon — which follows Donald Trump's imaginary quest to root out child sex slave rings run by the Deep State and the Illuminati and also Colonel Sanders, probably —John F. Kennedy Jr. is a central figure. According to some, he faked his own death when Hillary Clinton put a hit out on him in order to win the New York Senate seat he was going to run for before he and his wife and his sister-in-law "died" in a plane crash, and has been living in secret in Pittsburgh under the name Vincent Fusca. He spent a whole bunch of money on surgery to disguise himself and now looks like this:
They also think that he may even be Q, the mystery leader of QAnon. Which would be tough, on account of how he is dead and definitely not that hideous man in the picture above.
Last July, the big rumor in conspiracy circles was that Trump was going to use his big July 4th rally to announce that his running mate in 2020 would be —SURPRISE! — John F. Kennedy Jr. So in order to give him a proper welcome and to let him know it was safe to re-emerge, the qultists were gonna go to rallies and walk around town wearing JFK Jr. masks, as he would have wanted.
That did not occur. Trump's running mate is still Mike Pence, and the decomposed body of JFK Jr. has not emerged from his grave to assume the Vice Presidency of the United States. But now here we are, almost exactly a year later, and all of a sudden there's a ton of hubbub again about JFK Jr., except this time all of the QAnon people are refusing to wear masks. Like this extremely well-adjusted guy, who left a Costco after being asked to leave because he wasn't wearing a mask, and then started screaming that JFK was coming back (on 7/16?) and was also Joe "Joe M" Masepoes, the guy behind the very batshit YouTube video "QAnon: The Plan To Save The World."
Oddly enough, outside of a missive suggesting that Hillary Clinton had JFK Jr. killed and saying in another one that JFK Jr. was not alive, Q has not really mentioned this. (But JFK Jr. would say that, wouldn't he?) It is something that the followers have come up with entirely on their own — including the theory that the reason Q answered the "Is JFK Jr. alive?" question as "no" is because he wasn't a Jr. anymore, on account of how his father died. This would, of course, negate the 30-odd years of his life after his father died in which he was called JFK Jr., as well as the entire history of how boys are named after their fathers and how we denote that.
This week, however, some enterprising QAnoners finally found some "proof" of their beliefs. During an Instagram live interview about his anti-vaxx bullshit, a bunch of them popped in to repeatedly ask Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (who is still RFK Jr. even though his dad isn't alive either) to touch his nose if his cousin John F. Kennedy Jr. was still alive. And then, eventually, he touched his nose.
moar here:
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524c3b No.14902
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
From Futurama
Nov 28, 2010
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524c3b No.14903
uploaded in 2010
from 1999 alternate version after he died.
which is kinda fuged up in a way actually.
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130802 No.15126
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d307fd No.15283
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d307fd No.15297
this halloween is it
the storm.
The dream I had 4 years ago seems to be coming true
>you'll have to be Wonder Woman for halloween.
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44f7b7 No.15309
Buckle Up
So Buckle that chin strap and hold on as George enters the time warp and reemerges in the year 2020
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bdc0e3 No.15317
Rally in JOHNStown, PA 10/13
Potus mentions the Tiffany Blue Box
'member this awkward exchange on inauguration
day and how the "remains" were placed in Tiffany blue boxes.
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bdc0e3 No.15319
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a61eb5 No.15325
I may very well be tarded,
but I still believe it.
not that he may replace Mike Pence (tho, mebbe)
or that he IS Vinnie Fusca (only been disguised as him)
but that he is Q, yup, I do.
>Do you see how it works?
Could mean a lot of things.
>When they can't attack you directly….
>We'll see what happens
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a61eb5 No.15326
…and look how happy Bobby is on the boat….
weird for such a somber occasion
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a61eb5 No.15329
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a61eb5 No.15330
Youngstown, Ohio
July 25, 2017
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93e9f2 No.15350
There are three Fuscas. Look carefully, the one a the is clearly a different person than the other two.
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e4b4bb No.15353
Just a reminder.
Jr knew Joe Biden is a traitor in 94
aaaaand that ChY-na was giving money to dems
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e4b4bb No.15355
could it mean instead
high risk capture?
Joe Biden?
wouldn't that be incredible.
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000000 No.15438
"Somebody who’s suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.’s airplane is not living in reality," McConnell said in the "three-sentence statement" reported by The Hill.
>jfk jr
aaaand the overton window is a crack-a-lackin
re-thinking that 2018=2021 as far as drop deltas…
cuz of the
>planned for 3 years
and it finally seems as if the vague outline of a plan we all read 3 years ago in real time is unfolding in real time now
soooo…yet again I will wait for another halloween where I am supposed to be "wonderwoman"
something something trump is batman and a secret superman is doing some behind the scenes something with justice and AI…
and THEN, if it doesn't happen…
I will stop wondering about this schitzo dream comm fantasy and settle down and get a real job and stuff.
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d3a825 No.15469
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c23163 No.15500
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c23163 No.15501
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c23163 No.15536
not sure how I missed these Q crumbs in relation to this jr theory.
Future proves past.
Revealed Sessions has appointed someone *outside of DC* (long ago).
What are sealed?
Re_read drops re: Podesta / Huma.
You have more than you know.
What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?
>>>>>>>>ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS<<<<<<<<<<<<
>WWF was even a thing in order to awaken the masses slowly but surely
twat pic related kinda
it's response to the "7 point plan" to reinstate trump in days not years unveiled at the CpAC recently.
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c23163 No.15541
"hold traffic on the avenue for the Trump and Kennedy release"
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c23163 No.15542
kek nope
confirmation bias is a bitch….
"hold traffic on the avenue so pedestrian traffic can be released"
Happy JFK-Jr-probably-faked-his-death-on-this -day-22-years-ago day!
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130802 No.15827
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c23163 No.15860
Trump says JFKJR instead of RFK JR and does not correct himself.
Hes alive, Ive been right this whole time.. so much time dedicated to making these connections while all the Q die hards called me a shill, even our own doc strange thought I was tarded to believe it…. the same anon that says he has the eye of Horus (so…..) black kettles abound in this strange mirror world…but i digress…
just wanna gloat here on the dark corners of the interwebs for a sec where no one, not even our misfit band of superheroes even looks any more anyway… but if you do…
Hope you are all doing well!!!
I feel pretty battle hardened tbh
but Im ready for whatever is coming that nothing can stop.
Love, love , love
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