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Esotericism, spiritualism, occultism

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File: 44ede18cb9f688d⋯.jpg (830.63 KB,747x1334,747:1334,mag.jpg)

17ecb5 No.384 [Last50 Posts]

This thread will be dedicated to the practical learning of basic esoteric skills.

As it seems people inexperienced with the occult are now finding this board, it is necessary to provide help towards the development of a stable foundation in their practice. Since occult theory is discussed to great lengths in other threads, we require a place of practice.

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17ecb5 No.385

File: 3c767d923dfda48⋯.jpg (224.01 KB,563x800,563:800,6a9PAnb.jpg)

Exercise 1: Basic Energy Manipulation

Visualize your own body. Close your eyes, and picture your body, exactly in the position you're in. Stretch out your hands, move a bit, and picture your body executing those movements. Clench and relax your fist, and watch your mental fingers do the same, at the same time. Now, take a closer look at your visualized body. Picture a stream of vapour coursing through your arms, your legs, upwards and downwards along your torso, and into your head. Examine how this energy is moving, and try to feel the streams of energy as they rush along their course.

This is your energy body, made up of vital, or etheric energy, which exists in a transitional state between the physical and astral. Time and space occur almost as in the physical world, though distance is largely relative.

Having a feel for this energy, try moving it into one of your extremities. Force the energy into, for example, your right hand. Concentrate a fair bit of energy there. Observe what this feels like. Once you've held the energy there for a small amount of time, try pushing it further along, into your fingers, concentrating it even more. Does this feel any different?

Finally, push the energy into the tips of your fingers, as much as possible. Hold it for a couple of seconds.

As soon as you're ready to move on, force the energy through the tips of your fingers, into the outside world. Do your best to roughly hold it in front of you as you do this. Continue pushing the energy out until the full concentration you had there is in front of you. Attempt to move this energy a bit, in various directions. See how it responds. Move it around you, disperse it, pull it back together.

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17ecb5 No.386

File: 962329eed09f320⋯.jpg (685.03 KB,950x1205,190:241,LE-CHEF-DORCHESTRE.jpg)

With this step explored, now try to compact the energy again, into a sphere, in front of you. Try to make it fairly small and concentrated, if you can get it slightly smaller than a basketball, that will be perfect. Focus on solidifying the sphere, with the intent of keeping its integrity without your attention. When ready, let go of this energy, and observe how well it stays together. Does is start unraveling immediately? Does it hold out for a dozen seconds or so? Perhaps it maintains itself without change to the point that you get carried away and forget about it, and only hours later you notice it is gone. The result largely depends on your power of concentration, subconscious control, and other factors, so it will vary quite a bit depending on your studies and profession throughout life. Despite this, the result doesn't matter much, as all these will be improved with practice.

If the sphere doesn't hold its shape for more than 20 seconds, keep repeating the same exercise over the next day or so, until it maintains itself for this long.

Once it resists for those 20 seconds, it will last enough to observe the results of basic programming. Programming energy is simply creating subconscious thought processes which manage its behaviour. At first, these will be purely mental, and you will notice that with loss of focus, any effects will cease within minutes. With practice, not only can these processes persist for days and months within your subconscious, but they can also be crystallized within reality itself, persisting as the energy does. A subconscious process is a servitor, or daemon. A crystallized one is a construct.

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17ecb5 No.387

File: 90161da1f704c08⋯.jpg (540.42 KB,1469x1155,1469:1155,mXs0x2M.jpg)

Build your energy sphere again, but this time with a very specific intent, imagine the intended behaviour of the energy, perhaps even word it out mentally. There are more advanced processes for this, which come naturally through practice. In order to observe the effect of this, build this sphere to, for example, move around you until told otherwise. Once the sphere is fully formed, mentally signal it to begin its behaviour. Observe how well it behaves. If it doesn't behave quite right, simply keep repeating the exercise, closely examining the process and outcome every time. This trains multiple faculties, including concentration, subconscious control, willpower, and external perception.

Once the program behaves correctly, build it to perform more advanced functions. Perhaps it could move in random directions, or bump into people to get their attention. Things like lowering or raising the perceived temperature of a space are also possible, though it would be best to limit the effect to the physical space within the sphere at first.

With this last step, you have gained a grasp of basic energy manipulation, which will become an important tool for you in the future. It is such a diverse and foundamental skill, that it wouldn't be strange for you to play around with various ideas and projects every day. This will give you a better sense of the possibilities and limitations of this practice, and also develop important mental faculties.

The next step is also vital to your safe practice of this skill, and should be learned ideally before any further experimentation, as it can prevent and mitigate accidents and imbalances that come about through practice.

The steps beyond that will simply build upon your already existing competence to develop energy manipulation into a more useful ability.

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1c8b38 No.388

I think telepathy is one of the most useful skills one can get and is a important topic even for beginners. Let's just learn telepathy together. In the vampire threads someone posted about seperating voices in your head into different parts of the brain but I still don't get it. Like your thoughts appear in the right brain side and incoming telepathic toughts in the left brain side or something like that. Seems like massive nonsense tbh, toughts are just there, I don't feel them in any side of the brain. The telepathy sigil doesn't do anything either but I really want to obtain telepathy.

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ddd1fb No.390

File: 4fa80e4b7b58964⋯.jpg (2.78 KB,125x110,25:22,1497952825595s.jpg)

Great thread anon. Because it fits the nature of this thread I was wondering what you think of Energy Work by Robert Bruce on this topic?

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ed145f No.391

File: d64946028a2f06a⋯.jpg (46.51 KB,590x670,59:67,orbs3.jpg)

Newfag from the other thread here. I was wondering if the energy might be observable on video like in the pic? I remember hearing from my ghosthunting days that these balls of energy could be replicated in labs and are not spirits themselves. Might something like that be visible with a camera or is it a different kind of energy?

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819f23 No.392


“Telepathy” is a very misleading term. Most people won’t sense words, at least at first, and some might even receive information in the form of bodily sensations. It’s a way of receiving information via synesthesia. You can call it telepathy when the information comes from another being, but it’s really scrying in general terms.

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c6cf97 No.394


>The telepathy sigil doesn't do anything either

The sigil itself doesn't do anything, but the spell linked to it does. There's also a bracelet. If you can't access them by the sigil your problems lies there, not on the sigil not working. If treated as an artifact, spells tend to look like scrolls, but this one just activates by request. It doesn't do anything until you give it a target to call though.

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e080f0 No.414

File: 0cdb6ae043bb11c⋯.jpg (253.87 KB,600x863,600:863,impact.jpg)

Exercise 2: Grounding

After practicing energy manipulation for the first time, you might already be feeling the effects of an imbalanced energy body. Since most of your etheric organs have never been actively used before, suddenly placing a lot of stress on them (as is the case with energy work) will lead to various issues, such as strained meridians, disharmonized energy centres, and overworked chackras. All of these will manifest themselves in various ways, but common problems from sustained energy use are headaches, disorientation, nausea, and pain in the abdominal and sacral areas.

These problems do pass away on their own, but this often takes days of recuperation, in which energy work must be avoided. A quicker, and more convenient way to deal with this is through "grounding." Grounding, as the name implies, uses the Earth's capacity for energy filtration to re-balance your etheric body, much in the way water is filtered by passing through layers of soil and rock.

For many, it becomes part of their daily routine, as a form of dealing with energy pollution, and some will ground themselves at all times, with every step they walk.


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e080f0 No.415

File: 0830788b59d6c94⋯.jpg (198.68 KB,800x778,400:389,800px-Voynich_Manuscript_(….jpg)

The explanation, in truth, is more complex than the exercise itself.

Visualize your energy body, as you did before, and actively feel the energy coursing through it. Once again move your energy into your extremities, but, this time, instead of your arms, push it into your legs.

Compress the energy downwards, until fully saturated, then push it through your feet, into the ground below. At the same time, pull in energy from your surroundings into your torso. Form this into a flowing cycle, with the energy entering your body going smoothly donwards, and into the Earth.

As you do this, you will notice an improvement in any symptoms you have been experiencing.

It is good practice to ground yourself regularly, and after intense efforts, though with time and practice you may notice your body can deal with a lot more strain before it suffers any imbalance. For some, they rarely if ever need to ground after a few years of practice.

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726fc9 No.418


Not saying it's impossible but I believe I never saw a legit photo or video of this stuff and I also find that when you see orbs or energy yourself it appears very different and appears only in your own vision through your third eye. Those videos and pics are so obviously fake that they make me laugh and everyone who tries to sell this shit to you and convince you of something is bound to be full of shit themselves too. Again I don't wanna hold the position that it's impossible but I am confident that it'll never happen and all you will find on videos on photos is fake. Kinda a paradox but whatever.

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418fba No.444

File: dc153adb4305ead⋯.pdf (1.91 MB,The Book of Knowledge - Un….pdf)

Newfag here. I stumbled upon the book of knowledge by anonymous, and I was wondering if it was a decent guide. I browsed through it and I found it spoke well of the ARVARI program, so I thought it was just viral marketing for it.

Also, how many hours a day should I dedicate to practicing? How long it took you guys to develop some tangible skills?

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bfd648 No.445


That book is a mixed bag. There is no harm in following it. You'll see some things work, others not so much. It's the same with everything.

>how many hours a day should I dedicate to practicing

As many as you can before you get into diminishing returns. You also need downtime to integrate whatever you practice. Same as with learning a language or training at the gym. Trust your instincts.

>How long it took you guys to develop some tangible skills?

3-5 years before I could manifest whatever I want consistently as long as it doesn't run against my fate. Around year 4 I began getting confident in my astral perception skills. I usually don't meditate or do any practice for more than 10 to 20 minutes a day. Some days I do up to an hour. I think it's much more important to be consistent than to grind for hours at a time and get burnt out or bored, unless you can grind for hours consistently and not drop out (same as with physical training).

Also if you decide to work with spirits, be careful not to end up paying someone to lift your weights. That's a shit substitute for training.

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e19697 No.475

File: cb8b761315d6213⋯.png (206.5 KB,568x668,142:167,OPUS_102b.png)

Exercise 3: Energy programming foundations

You've already covered the very basics of this step in the first exercise, but, you'll now find out that energy can be imbued with very complex structures, achieving detailed and precise actions, based on your understanding and intent.

The energy ball you've created as the last step of the first exercise showcases the most distilled function of energy manipulation: control, or, in the case of such a mental action, discipline. The end result, which I usually call a "construct", is nothing more than the crystallized intent to hold energy in a particular shape, and move it in a particular way. The energy could be changed to anyone's or anything's, and the construct would stay the same. It is the non-spatial, semi-temporal intent projected into the mental plane, which forms the actual "essence", or soul of the construct. As the intent starts to dissipate, the energy it controls loses coherence, and slowly fades away.

It is not a lack of energy which ends this construct, but the dissipation of will and intent. Whenever a steady supply of extra energy is required, such as for constructs which channel energy into certain effects, such as changing the temperature of spaces, or affecting a person's vital energy, extra energy can be programmed to be collected from the surrounding space, as there is always energy flowing about, or from living things, which provide a steadier source of power.

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e19697 No.476

File: d5d814fc4537c39⋯.png (164.48 KB,584x668,146:167,OPUS_104b.png)

As your mental presence and intensity strengthen, you will be able to control more energy, to a higher intensity of action, and achieve greater effects. With proper care and cultivation, your vital and ethereal bodies will also be able to fulfill your intent to a higher degree.

The greatest advantage, though, is that with enough growth in the mental faculties, as well as meditation and understanding of metaphysics, it becomes possible to crystallize intent which lasts for years, decades, and centuries.

It is to that effect that the third exercise is nothing more than the regular creation and use of constructs.

At this stage, you have the basic necessities to create basic working constructs, with the proper application of will and intent, and it remains up to you to choose the challenges which will drive their further development. Play around with energy, program it in different ways, observe the effects, and seek improvement.

A dozen minutes a day is more than plenty of practice, so look to maximize the outcome of effort, not the input.

On average, 4 to 5 years is the amount of time required to reach competence, though this certainly varies with aptitude and prior development.

This third exercise marks the end of energy manipulation. Once you are comfortable with your grasp of programming and control, you can begin moving towards more advanced and specific regions of practice, where your dilligence so far will be fully rewarded. A couple of weeks are recommended as a minimum.

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e19697 No.477

File: 4a12af2e0b7ee31⋯.jpg (188.48 KB,1600x1200,4:3,sat2.jpg)

Exercise 4: Authority projection and subplanar cracking

With the very basics of personal internal operation taken care of, you, the initiate, can begin exerting your existential sovereignty over a local space, as well as blurring the border between the Universal Absolute, which is Being, and yourself.

Profound meditation will reveal that your Mind is built the same way as the Universal Mind, consisting of an Existential Absolute, and the principle of Chaos, which contrast with one another to create an ever-changing, yet never-ending stream of progressively lower and more concrete forms and ideas. In effect, the Mind, your Mind, is God, if not in substance, then in operation, or Grace. It reflects the perfect foundamentals of existence and creation, shining its own creative light over the various levels of the world. Largely, your own unconscious thought already defines the world around you to an extent, incoherent and unproductive as that extent is. Your expectations and subconscious programming work together to shape your world.

It is at this stage that, understanding the function and nature of the Mind, you are ready to begin to form a conscious awareness, projecting its Authority, and envelop your own relative space, shifting it away from the baseline reality.

For the first half of this exercise, focus all of your attention on your own existence, on the passage of time, on being mentally present. Set a chronometer down, and try to maintain this state for as long as possible. You will likely notice that after only a minute or two, your mind strains to keep up that level of exertion, and drifts away into unsconscious thought. You will now have to realize that even in this state, most of the actuality of your existence, of the passage of time, and of your own presence, is not acknowledged. You cannot even achieve a basic Awareness. With even a little daily practice, you will see your level of Awareness improve to an astounding degree. This Awareness is essentially the voluntary action of you Mind, and carries the fire and fury of your soul. Even looking at a person or object, with full attention and presence, strikes it with a piercing flame. This is why you can feel when someone is staring at you, and why simply acknowledging an object changes it.

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e19697 No.478

File: 1b6bbcb28368d6c⋯.jpg (130.59 KB,1000x670,100:67,sat3.jpg)

This Awareness, when turned towards your own individual control of the local space, becomes Authority, and the greater the power of your conscious presence is, so is the degree to which you can dictate reality, in your percieved space.

With cultivation of this control, you can begin slowly changing the operations of reality around you. You may stop heat from burning you, blades from piercing you, or any threat from harming you. By slowly developing your perception of reality towards these goals, with the help of your previously developed energy manipulation, you can define your own "bubble" of subjective space to behave by different laws than everyone else's.

With practice, your own presence of mind will be enough to enforce your perceived reality over that of other people's, but even without years of practice, you can help things alone by slowly shifting others' perceptions as well. This can be done through limited displays of physical or nonphysical feats, until any doubt of their reality is erased from the world, or through either subliminal control or conscious override, which are fairly advanced telepathic techniques.

With this voluntary exercise covered, its involuntary counterpart, reality merging, is next.

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e19697 No.479

File: c33d58ad6b8a5ff⋯.jpg (710.22 KB,1205x907,1205:907,Orguos_Lonthae_la_baie_fab.jpg)

Exercise 5: Reality merger

Having grasped your own Awareness, Consciousness, and Authority, it is time to achieve the next step towards existential sovereignty.

Now that you've fully taken hold of your immediate reality and separated it from the world at large, it is time to do away with the false dialectic, the distinction between "other" and "I". Just as the Universal Principle, Being, contains and is contained in every thing and form, having complete sentience of and control over everything, so is your Foundamental Principle, the divine Mind.

This exercise consists of deep meditation and intense observation, directed towards perceiving the world around you as an extension of yourself. For however long it takes, you need to recognize any thoughts which perpetuate that false dialectic, and forget any difference between the operations of your consciousness, and the operations of the world. Tune your awareness to the world around you, as you tune the world around you to your awareness.

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e19697 No.480

File: 00acbc4305dade8⋯.jpg (765.66 KB,1204x760,301:190,oum_goran_tiffcopie.jpg)

In order to expediate the process, you'll want to take certain efforts in addition to your meditation. Perform moral and immoral actions of varying severity, observing their nature in relation to the Absolute. Observe the subjectivity of their nature, and their dependence on your conscious perception of them. Morality is an extension of Yourself upon the world. Ethics are an extension of God upon the world. Help out at a charity, then get high and visit a brothel. Strive towards the peaks of sinceirty and benevolence, then dive into the darkest depths of degeneracy. Between those two, and with constant Awareness, the individual "I" slowly dies, and is consolidated into a whole animal being.

This process excludes the development of a soul. Masturbation, as well as tantric cultivation, should be practiced according to your vitality, developing the infernal and superior minds.

After an appropriate period of development in this exercise, clairvoyance will become the norm in your daily life, all events approaching with an immediate synchronicity. The synchronicity goes both ways, and reality will start naturally gravitating towards your goals and desires with no effort or resistance. At this point, a comfortable life can be maintained without any voluntary effort, and such will provide a stable platform on which to work on further developing these wonderful skills.

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726fc9 No.481




Do those pics with the lovecraftian-like beings have any relation to the posts? The beings depicted in it look like giant disgusting astral larvae. Or maybe they're aliens or even archons since UFOs are in one of the pics too but either way it looks like they feed on the (possibly enslaved) humans.

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005a0d No.482

File: 6de3858d8f4aa88⋯.jpg (89.58 KB,742x571,742:571,56c8e1ebae71f9455fd07be6dd….jpg)

Exercise 6: Vital energy control and bio-hacking

If you've followed the exercises up to this point, you've likely tried programming energy to help with certain vital functions of your own, such as maintaining a clarity of mind, boosting wakefulness and energy, and perhaps even improving physical strength and resilience. All of these are possible to achieve to wildly varying degrees of success, based on your skill and development in basic energy manipulation. The problem here is that basic energy manipulation is based on mental forms and structures, which descend down the chain of emanation several steps before manifesting physically. As such, any influence you manifest may vary in its specific characteristics, and focused results will take a lot of concentration and mental stability.

In order to more effectively and accurately work at a biological level, we need to develop an ability to directly manipulate and control the vital body, which can be thought of as the semi-energetic, semi-physical superimage of the physical body. Wherever cells and organs are working, they will have an energetic counterpart performing the non-physical functions of that specific component. Chemistry can only take you so far, and life has evolved past it.

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005a0d No.483

File: 922d379193e4fce⋯.gif (53.03 KB,587x371,587:371,922d379193e4fce885985eb3ae….gif)

The vital body, composed of life force, is much closer to the physical plane in terms of frequency of vibration. It is a largely viscous, resistant substance, and it cannot be controlled as freely as the ether. Mostly for the better, as well, since messing up here has immediate, direct, and dire consequences on the physical body. While a witch may use curses, the magician can harm another by simply grasping their vital energy, and displacing it even slightly.

Conversely, it is also entirely possible to heal and improve the body by working with this substance, by gently and precisely adjusting it into the form and function you wish to achieve. For a cut, you would stimulate the surrounding life force with etheric energy, then push it to expand itself into the sliced area, enveloping and filling it back. The physical cells will follow this same pattern, and, using the transmuted energy, replicate and close the wound in seconds.

Increasing and governing the growth of your muscles is also fully possible, and advanced practitioners can change their bodies overnight, at will. Note that abuse of this has heavy implications on your own mental and spiritual health. If you push things out of balance, that disharmony will spread to all levels of your being, which are supported by the body. You may at this point erase any thought of changing your body to be closer to that of the opposite sex, since I'm convinced beyond doubt someone will try it, given the site I'm posting this to. Don't. There's a reason you are the way you are.

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005a0d No.484

File: 9424c7575f3a920⋯.jpg (58.95 KB,545x785,109:157,200f240569b4aee85eb695bfbe….jpg)

For an exercise in developing your control over this force, visualize a viscous fluid superimposed over your physical body. Feel its low vibrations compared to the etheric energy you've been using until now. Pinpoint your focus on the life force covering your left hand. Just the unconscious influence you exert through your attention should cause physical disconfort and pain. Once you've managed to get this response, stop at once. Any further experiment on your body wil have to be placed on hold until you can reliably control life force without disharmonizing it or harming the body.

Get a lab rat, or alternatively a houseplant, and practice your control on its life force. Try to induce targeted growth in specific areas. Make a small incision in the skin of the plant or animal, then try to close it as quickly as possible. Do this until you can reliably achieve your intented effect, and only then even think about using this on yourself.

A good control of this skill will allow near immunity to burns from temperatures under 200 degrees Celsius, and a good way to test it is to immerse a fingertip in hot, bubbling cooking oil, and see how long it takes until the heat starts to hurt you. Even five seconds is enough freak out an uninitiated person, and reaching into boiling water is another way to shift people's perception of you into a larger-than-life, supernatural image.

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005a0d No.485

File: 67af118362ebf5f⋯.jpg (666.1 KB,1205x945,241:189,Linitiation.jpg)

File: e7cfb76631de4d6⋯.jpg (447.48 KB,1205x700,241:140,Les_voleurs_de_cadavres.jpg)

File: eae93bb02a62a37⋯.jpg (812.37 KB,1205x971,1205:971,Les_maitresses_du_crabe.jpg)

File: 028894a7ca646c6⋯.jpg (593.9 KB,1205x896,1205:896,La_putain_de_babylone.jpg)


The beings depicted represent the unseen world, the many levels of existence concurrent to our own, which do not follow the same laws as the physical plane. The abstract, ever-changing, chaotic nature of these upper worlds is depicted as monsters, the traditional symbol of change and synthesis. You will notice that some are feeding on the people, others are influencing them. Some are obeying them, and many simply make up the landscape and architecture. You can see here the many different levels of reality and their inhabitants depicted in a single form.

The paintings, I believe, are meant to represent Atlantis, most likely from an inspired vision of the author. The saucers were a form of private space travel, and the ones seen in these pictures are likely just shuttles used to get to orbital and lunar stations.

The beings depicted definitely aren't the masters of the people. You can see them obeying fearfully as the Magician/Conductor waves his wand, in the The Chief of the Orchestra, second post of the first exercise.

They're also depicted working in parallel with humans, at a similar level. What's most striking about the paintings is the way it makes the humans look more monstrous than the monsters surrounding them.

You can see some people directly interacting and seeing the monsters, while others are entirely oblivious. That is another hint.

Pics related.

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c6cf97 No.486

File: 16933a7ef78b117⋯.jpg (55.09 KB,970x514,485:257,oreo.jpg)


>it is time to do away with the false dialectic, the distinction between "other" and "I"


>Morality is an extension of Yourself upon the world. Ethics are an extension of God upon the world. Help out at a charity, then get high and visit a brothel. Strive towards the peaks of sinceirty and benevolence, then dive into the darkest depths of degeneracy. Between those two, and with constant Awareness, the individual "I" slowly dies, and is consolidated into a whole animal being.

This thread is turning into one of those manuals telling you how to create mustard gas to summon fairies in your kitchen. It does create mustard gas and you may meet the fairies, but there's something they aren't telling you.

Plato called the kind of person this produces the democratic man, the lowest form of life. I'll post The Republic in the library thread for those who want to see what I mean.

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005a0d No.488

File: e72ce9068ada8c8⋯.jpg (96.39 KB,515x265,103:53,soreq1.jpg)

Exercise 7: Mind reading

This next exercise focuses entirely on the mental plane. You may have noticed by this point that your mind is a physical space, within your imagination there is a certain "emptiness", void, darkness, or empty space, which serves as the vehicle for thought. You already know that there is a mental plane which can be influenced with external thoughts. You will now learn that your very own imagination, or internal mind space, is simply a bubble in this mental plane, somewhat like a pocket dimension, and is affected by, and affects the surrounding space. That much should be obvious, since even your unintentional thoughts have an impact on the world around you. This is crucial, since it means the mind can be accessed from without, as from within.

It is best to practice with willing and eager training partners here. You'll find that random, uninitiated occult Discord servers are filled to the brim with people easily impressed by the simplest supernatural actions. By going into such a place, and offering free "soul scans", "mind readings", and the such, you'll obtain for yourself the perfect test subject.

Post 1/2

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005a0d No.489

File: 248b711fef55fc7⋯.jpg (143.7 KB,435x288,145:96,soreq.jpg)

For the most basic form of mind reading, enter a trance state, and let your mind settle into stillness as deeply as you can. With that achieved, reach out towards your subject's energy, which is that same immaterial vibration contained in their typed words and sentences. Reach towards that mass of constantly revolving thoughts, that unitary entity of opposites, and simply observe what appears before you. The mind subconsciously goes through and projects its most significant ideas, memories, and beliefs, on its own. Simply observing without any action will tell you almost everything you need to know about a person. Everything from their mental state, sanity, and coherence, to their childhood traumas, family situation, goals and ambitions, and personal outlook on the world, will make themselves known to you.

Some folks keep a personal motto to motivate them and remind them of their ambitions and goals. Typing out this phrase to your subject will offer you some quality entertainment, and they will likewise make it very clear if your readings are correct. If you've practiced the previous exercises up to this point, you can expect good results from the very start.

Post 2/2

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c6cf97 No.490


>You can see some people directly interacting and seeing the monsters, while others are entirely oblivious. That is another hint.

Google, facebook, tencent…

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005a0d No.491

File: 42a0fc6b4fa7c3c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,433.92 KB,995x554,995:554,soreq_accident.jpg)


>there's something they aren't telling you

I should make it clear that the techniques posted here are meant to avoid the full usage of tantra, and the realization or destruction of the soul.

Since sexual transmutation is ommited, the side effects of sexual depletion are used to reinforce and empower the animal mind, and unreasonable instinct. The point of this is to achieve a working grasp of magic and the occult, as well as develop a tenebrous false immortality, from which the practitioner can choose to continue into either right-hand, or left-hand practices.

The exercises posted here do result in the formation of a near "husk", but not to the point where forming a soul becomes impossible. I'd post right-hand techniques, but I have no authority to tell anyone to follow them, and I refuse to advocate for left-hand practice.

>it does create mustard gas and you may meet the fairies

Mustard gas isn't lethal in small quantities, and seeing the fairies may be worth it to certain people.

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726fc9 No.492

File: 4a141084320922e⋯.jpg (17.59 KB,474x316,3:2,Iunderstandnotingyet.jpg)


I'm even more confused now. I hope you can answer some questions in order to help me and possibly other beginners to understand better. It is a thread for beginner after all.

First and foremost you are mentioning a "tenebrous" false immortality. What exactly is this, Anon? I understand immortality only in two ways:

1. False immortality which states that a being can survive indefintely in the astral or in the physical, but will cease to exist when all of creation/maya/matrix etc will collapse and dissapear again at the end of one cosmic cycle. Thus false immortality or pseudo-immortality.

2. Real or actual Immortality which states that a being exists even beyond the collapse of the entire universe and is not dependend upon the physical or the astral. At the same time the being will forever remain an individual consciousness, the true and literal eternal.

So how does your false immortality fit into the picture?

Also it has been posted elsewhere that if you want immortality and ascension you should stay away from masturbation. Yet here you seem to advocate masturbation in order to maintain the animal mind. Do I understand it right that you are saying masturbation prevents dissolution into the all and helps to keep an individual self/ego? This is where it gets really confusing. It appears to me that some people think dissolution into "god" or the all is the highest form of Gnosis or Enlightenment, but from what I have learned it is only your literal death and true Gnosis and Enlightenment is to attain true immortality as described above while at the same time NOT dissolving yourself into anything and staying an individual consciousness forever. Does this have anything to do with you endorsing masturbation and maintaining your animal mind?

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005a0d No.493

File: 902461b231ac46d⋯.gif (103.86 KB,774x576,43:32,902461b231ac46d8df4a0b2dae….gif)


>false immortality will cease to exist at the end of a cosmic cycle

That's generally orders of magnitude longer than what I'm referring to here. A crystallized consciousness can survive without the activity of the soul for a few solar cycles at most. This is because the consciousness naturally begins to descend in vibration, slowly entering the mineral level of existence and dissipating into all but its very essence, which gets recycled. So you shouldn't expect more than 20000 years or so of life after death without development in one direction or another.

False immortality is simply an extension to allow ample time for the achievement of true immortality, which may require re-incarnation to begin.

>you seem to advocate masturbation

Masturbation is suggested as an exercise for the malkuthic mind, being counterpart to tantra. Instead of developing the emotional and rational minds, the animal mind is empowered, in order to fully crystallize your consciousness once it is unified. It is much harder to shift the higher faculties from one state to another, and by avoiding their realization before a proper path is chosen, further development becomes much easier.

>people think dissolution into God is the highest form of Gnosis

That's a heretical interpretation in Buddhism and Hinduism. The only way to achieve dissolution into the Absolute is through the left-hand-path, as it ends in the devolution and dismantling of the Self, after millennia. Right-hand practice cannot achieve dissolution at all, it realizes the soul into its own self-contained deity, a complete, separate existence from the world.

You would eventually have to practice one of these two paths, and either take up chastity and internal transmutation, or the descent of the being towards the infernal,

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c6cf97 No.494

File: 7d68527a38f6a70⋯.png (888.67 KB,756x715,756:715,akarinQ.png)


>The exercises posted here do result in the formation of a near "husk"


>Masturbation is suggested as an exercise for the malkuthic mind

Assuming this following post is from the same anon, what is your real motivation here?


>They're also called 'husks', and are the chaotic counter-impressions of the Divine emanations.

>For practitioners of these schools, it isn't uncommon for their divine essence to completely retreat from their bodies, leaving them as soul-less, empty husks, mere rational animals.

In the other thread you seemed to be critical and negative of some other things posted on the board, using a negative interpretation of what is achieved through those methods. Yet here you are advocating for those same methods (using jewish concepts).

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005a0d No.495

File: 55bf2a1b466b6de⋯.png (23.68 KB,600x390,20:13,faces_chart.png)


I'm simply proposing a method of development which relies entirely on the individual.

Your exercises and techniques are very effective, but largely dependent on outside help. I've also noticed that the collective holds extensive influence over quite a few occult currents and schools, much larger than this limited group here. I'm still uncertain where I stand on that, so providing a neutral alternative is simply the natural result of that.

I've previously stated that I'm not hostile to anyone or anything here, and wish to learn from your philosophy and practice. That remains true.

Lastly, as a Saturnine emanation, I don't have any allegiances, aims, or motivations. I'm not posting these exercises for any reason other than it being the most actionable potential of fate.

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3182a5 No.496

Does morality or alignment matter?



is the current time, I guess you answered my question in advance.

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726fc9 No.497

File: 91c98293d60fafb⋯.jpg (27.72 KB,350x350,1:1,flames.jpg)


>The only way to achieve dissolution into the Absolute is through the left-hand-path, as it ends in the devolution and dismantling of the Self, after millennia. Right-hand practice cannot achieve dissolution at all, it realizes the soul into its own self-contained deity, a complete, separate existence from the world.

Well that's a first for me. I've always been under the impression that it's exactly the opposite. That the right hand path would lead into dissolution and the left hand path into individual immortality. Because it's mainly the right hand-pathers who practice selflessness, sacrifice and strive to unite with god or the all. Meanwhile the left hand-pathers value independence and personal power, freedom and strive to be seperate from the rest. I saw the actual teachings of buddha and real gnosticism both as left hand path or "luciferian", coming from lucifer the true liberator and emancipator. Therefore the left hand path was for me a path into freedom and true immortality and the right hand path was a path into false immortality until one gets completely dissolved into the demiurge. But actually I saw myself as a middle path guy, balacing between left and right, sometimes swaying left, sometimes right, taking the best from both sides. I just want true immortality and don't want to be dissolved.

I even argued on 4chan with someone who claimed that vampires are qlipoths or husks while I hold the position that vampires, at least as understood by me, are true immortals and therefore everything else but a husk. In fact I argued that those who raise up the kaballistic tree of life are the true husks for they only get ever closer to being devoured by the demiurge and dissolve at the end of their journey while vampires remove themselves completely from it and descend into the tree of death instead, hence they can be considered undead.

But now I don't know anymore what's right and what's wrong. I guess I knew nothing all along. Just give me the exercises to achieve true immortality, the rest is unimportant.

But if vampirism doesn't lead to true immortality as I still believe it does, even worse if it actually somehow hinders it or even pushes me to dissolution…I would be seriously fucking pissed.

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e19697 No.498

File: 6c50f7464addb14⋯.gif (232.61 KB,1000x1200,5:6,6c50f7464addb14f2c7bc92cbd….gif)


As far as I can see, vampirism is pretty much a middle path, and for its core functions, involves neither the clipoth nor sephirot. It's pretty much left to the disposition of the vampire which path to pursue and not.

Luciferianism is, in large, a right-hand movement. The only distinction is replacing Satan, the adversary, with the Demiurge. Both represent the same lower reality and Will which hold us in place, like pawns in a game. Some call it Gaia.

In fact, from your other post, it seems most of the movements and schools of thought you appreciate are, in fact, right-hand.

Black magic is acting in accordance with the World.

White magic is acting against it.

True immortality is achieved through tantra, and the crystallization of the Self.

This article is a pretty good summary. Any article on tantra or sexual alchemy is also recommended.


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3182a5 No.499


I've heard some females can momentarily read minds naturally, in Japanese culture this is called kokoro no koe and it's widely used as anime gag.

Telepathy maybe useful but there are plenty of ways to relay information technologically. Most 'above connections' can be considered telepathy if you think about it.

The only time I had an external input out of nowhere was while I was outside, there was a incomprehensible and short whisper over my right ear. Spooky, also the stars were somewhat not glowing much that night to add to spookiness.

>one of the most useful skills one can get

First thing that came in my mind was foreknowledge and rem⊙te viewing. This can be practised and developed. It's like divination but clearer and instantaneous.

Another would be time travel - moving back a save point. Usual proof is retained memories of gameover and/or out-of-body vision but such memories might be from foreknowledge or foreknowledge of rem0te viewing.


Cameras have better color range than our eyes and can capture infrared so probably yes.



Just recently I mistyped prep(per) as oreo in the pol board, coincindence?


Above dissolution and coagulation, I think it is ne plus ultra - like being the game master.

Maybe vampire is the highest form attainable as human, but I don't see it as the 'game master'. I am imagining the manhua Infinity Game as example for the 'game master' and the sequel Bloodline as the 'vampire'.

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c6cf97 No.500


I'm not going to force anything on you, but I'd see it as an achievement on my part if I could somehow show you what I have and how I really see things. I'm going to make an assumption again based on obervations and send you something. You'll know what it is when you see it. Hopefully this will help you see what we're doing here.

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c6cf97 No.503


>some females can momentarily read minds naturally, in Japanese culture this is called kokoro no koe

Interesting considering past postings about talking telepathically with Shizuka Arakawa. Do the nips have a natural proficiency for things like this?

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bfd648 No.506



This is gold.



This needs to be realised from the above before it can be really understood.

I've been slowly approaching this lately, and thinking a lot in these terms.




I'm at a point where I can't even pretend to believe this is real. But I have a feeling this has been put in my path for a reason.


>kokoro no koe

In Kabbalah that's called the inner self. Reality Transurfing also talks about the voice of the heart, which doesn't speak using words, and requires the mind to be quiet in order to be heard.


>Do the nips have a natural proficiency for things like this

As a culture, they do. Same with Australian abos, African magic practitioners, people from the Pacific and some Middle Eastern mystically-inclined sects.

Actually, there's a lot of cultures in the world that do. The West is increasingly fucked by the disease of materialism, is all.

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bfd648 No.508


I recently posted about this elsewhere. I had a minor injury with inflammation and I focused my awareness fully on it as I went to sleep. This increased my pain on it exponentially, to the point I thought something was going very wrong with it, but I ignored and went to sleep without even looking at it. And the next morning it was healed.

I don’t want to experiment on others because I don’t even know how to sense others’ energy. I want to do it on myself, but your post makes me think I might seriously fuck myself up.

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e19697 No.509


What you've done there was entirely energy manipulation. Remember that even attention on its own carries energy and intent. Anywhere you direct your attention, stimuli will be more easily perceived, and energy will gather.

If you fully focus your attention on a spot on your skin, and then pinch yourself there, the pain may become worse than a serious injury.

You can practice suppressing that pain stimulus while you focus on your injuries, and will achieve the same effect. In fact, practicing this will prove itself extremely handy for headaches and migraines.

I should note that people have various degrees of attunement to the various levels of existence, and I've seen students heal serious burns and the like in the same way, days after starting.

For me, I'm nowhere near as gifted in this area, so vital force manipulation becomes a necessity.


>you'll know what it is when you see it

Looking forwards to it.

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e19697 No.510

File: bb9c4e14edb5e31⋯.jpg (29.06 KB,600x378,100:63,vanunu_7.jpg)



Alright, I understand. That's a much more compelling position than what I had in mind before. Whew.

Definitely puts things into perspective.

I may want to get involved as well in the future.

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bfd648 No.511


Vital energy remains a mystery to me. I only relatively recently realized how to perceive energy. I can’t imagine how to sense this viscous other thing.

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bfd648 No.512


You used the term “vital energy” here, but you talk about a gaseous, not viscous body. Is this a different one? This one seems safe to experiment with, while the viscous one you said it’s better not to. Please clarify. I’m trying to grok vital energy.


Is this fire?


Is this earth?


Is this water?

And if so, where is air? Thank you for your enlightening posts, anon.

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726fc9 No.513


For some reason I couldn't help but initially laugh when I saw this post.

What did you see that was so compelling and "whew" and made you think about being involved, anon?

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005a0d No.514


Well, I got high, very high, and meditated deeply on the matter.

What I managed to find was a detailed explanation of the white lodge as a form of hive-mind, and of all opposed movements forming a unitary chaotic fringe. It seems the black lodge as a whole is ready for a large-scale takeover in which various parties wish to replace the current church-cultural loosh farm with a system of their own. The end goal being the complete liberation of Earth from the hive-mind, and a massive source of power and energy for black lodge masters. Initiation and progression of magicians would be restricted to those who actually benefit the common good, and in much smaller quantity than the come-one-come-all approach seen currently around the world.

The Succubus Collective is a sizeable part of this, and the name 'succubus' refers to their status of undeath, as beings which 'lie under', removed from the wheel of samsara and karma.

I was also taught a technique of black tantra after this, which awakens and develops the fiery tail, having managed to find none before through academic research.

Overall, the "whew" was about having my entire world-view thrown upside down and learning some very precious knowledge. Not a bad few hours, overall.

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005a0d No.515


>you talk about a gaseous, not viscous body

That would be the emotional, or astral body.

>is this fire?


>is this earth?


>is this water?

No, that would be Air.

<and so, where is air?

Instead, water would be >>385

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726fc9 No.517

File: 9d003c0e8964891⋯.jpg (147.64 KB,500x375,4:3,bodhi.jpg)


Ah I've read something like that already here on the board. Just more maya things happening in maya. Nothing that a man of spirit would be concerned about but surely a interesting time for the unenlightened. The leadership of the prison is changing, and

>Initiation and progression of magicians would be restricted to those who actually benefit the common good

seems kinda menacing, but then again it's the kali yuga so whatever.

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bfd648 No.550


Can you do anything with energy manipulation, or is vital force manipulation necessary for some things? For example, I read some stories of magicians extending their lifespans by centuries or materializing their tulpas as physical companions and servants.

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c6cf97 No.553


>materializing their tulpas as physical companions and servants

Tulpas being simply human minds, this would mean being able to partition off a part of yourself not only as an alter, but to either incarnate it or materialize it by creating a body for it. If you could do the latter you would already have such control of yourself and your material manifestations that you could already travel freely in the astral while in your body and perform physical shapehifting with no restrictions save for breaking the functions of biology. You'd be a god already.

Incarnating one of your minds in a new body sounds comparably easier but what would the implications of this really be? You'd be stuck with split personalities which you couldn't fix as long as both bodies are alive, it would be principially the same as creating a horcrux.

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c6cf97 No.591


This analysis is pretty accurate. Keep an eye on current events to see it unfold.

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5c1a82 No.672

File: 394af6746d04f59⋯.png (Spoiler Image,963.48 KB,639x652,639:652,2mim5vquf3w31.png)

Fuck magians and mundanes

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bfd648 No.675

Poppy's album "I Disagree" in one go from start to finish

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bfd648 No.747


I again. I hope you’re still checking this thread from time to time.

Where would vital energy fit in all of this (“qi”, “prana”…)?

Are you going to make more posts in this thread?

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d70442 No.751


Succubus Collective?

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c6cf97 No.762

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e0e1ad No.792

Are there any good exercises or rituals that deal with preservation or regeneration of youth?

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c6cf97 No.797


Posted in library


Basically it's a yoga program.

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e0e1ad No.805


Thanks, much appreciated.

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19f64c No.808


It's not the original version, but another tainted one…

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bed0df No.830


Vital energy control is definitely real, I've been temporarily mutilated by vampire users of it before and I'm kind of nascent at changing and healing myself with it, too. Don't know how to harm/heal others with it yet, though. Maybe I'll practice helping my onion grow with the advice from those posts.

I'll add a really good basic technique I'm learning to master that everyone should know first thing: relaxation breathing. When you breathe, even if you're agitated, begin with your diaphragm and fill your lungs from the bottom up, using your chest muscles only once you've reach halfway, then when exhaling, release the air from the top of your lungs first using your chest muscles, followed by the bottom of the lungs using your diaphragm. Works wonders for both relaxing in a panicked or stressful situation, and for entering a meditative or trance-like state.

Anyone know any other basic breathing techniques?

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bfd648 No.837


For energizing: breathe into your belly while you contract your perineum slightly. Then breathe our and as you push your belly in, keep pushing upwards with your perineum more intensely. If you do it correctly you will feel a kind of hot wind rush up your center and/or sexual arousal.

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cca2a4 No.932


>Black magic is acting in accordance with the World.

>White magic is acting against it.

In the early vampire threads vampirism has been called "the blackest of black magic". But seeing it from that perspective shouldn't it actually be the whitest magic? Since it can't get any more against the world than becomming undead and immortal. It's probably the most unnatural thing when it comes to this world and even harmful to it/to the demiurge.

>As far as I can see, vampirism is pretty much a middle path

It makes more sense to be right hand path then. Middle right-leaning at best.

>Some call it Gaia.

I wouldn't call it Gaia. For me Gaia is only the earth while the demiurge or "this world" is all of creation both physical and astral. That's a big difference.

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cca2a4 No.933


Wait a minute…can it be RHP and still black magic? Somehow I just assumed that RHP is automatically white magic and LHP is black magic but after I read my own post I realized the confusion. Maybe vampirism is by the above definition RHP while still being black magic?

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bfd648 No.936


Ah, labels. For me, white magic is the one you do through your higher self, and black magic that which requires “hiring” other spirits.

For some people black magic is the one that interferes with your spiritual ascension (merging with your higher self). I can agree with that.

But in any case labels can’t accompany you all the way, so you’re going to have to drop them at some point. Words too. Even thought.

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cca2a4 No.937


>But in any case labels can’t accompany you all the way, so you’re going to have to drop them at some point. Words too. Even thought.

I agree with that but for me this will come at a later point. I'm not that far yet. One needs to understand in some way first before one can drop words and toughts. When studying occult material and learning spiritual systems you read words and you use thinking to make sense of it. There is nothing wrong with it. Clearing things up and putting them in perspective, thinking about the stuff is what brings me foreward in my understanding.

When I read posted stuff that seems confusing or contradicting it's naturally to ask about, that's how one learns isn't it?

The same with the post I made about the mirror being a symbol for spirit. In the end it's just labels and words, but it would be so much better for my practices and study if I actually understood when I encounter "mirror" as a metaphor somewhere instead of just not getting the teaching at all.

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bfd648 No.1002

File: 364cde08f06142d⋯.jpg (46.45 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks_000215363627_xkaq….jpg)

File: a3accd5e3c93877⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,950x1046,475:523,Hans_Bol_The_Tower_of_Babe….jpg)

File: 64f04f45ff85ad4⋯.jpg (374.86 KB,828x1400,207:350,7.jpg)

The language of the gods

tfw you hear that sweet ASMR. tfw you taste your gf's cooking. tfw you see a stick in the ground that resembles a snake. tfw you feel the words "his daughter was found dead, her body ravaged; she had been raped repeatedly by a pack of wild dogs". tfw you get triggered by an imageboard post.

You respond but it is not you. Your body reacts, but it's not just your body. Something within you stirs in response to your circumstances, yet you made no conscious decision to stir. What happened?

Check out the card of The Lovers. The conscious mind, symbolized by the male, looks at the unconscious, symbolized by the female, who in turn ignores him and looks instead at the collective unconscious, symbolized by the angel, symbolizing the divine as well.

All three could be considered (You), yet we are normally only conscious of the conscious. This is one of the first secrets of magic. A map, if you will, that is not the territory. But a very useful map.

What has the tower of Babel have to do with any of this though?

>If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.

And thus the male developed spoken language, which is not the language of the female, nor that of the angel, or the gods. This is part of the fall. This is what made us mortal.

To communicate with the gods and to become gods in our own right, we must speak the part. It's the language of psychometry. It's the language of the so called "energies". Of emotion. Of symbols, dreams and rites. The word is but a tool that should it not evoke a deeper response in us, would be useless for magic.

The language of the gods is instant, precise, unequivocal. It doesn't require calculations, debate or opinion. It implies creation. It is creation.

>In the beginning existed the Word, and the Word existed with God, and God was the Word.

This "Word" is not a spoken word. Is not an English, Greek, Latin nor Hebrew word. It is the language of the gods. It is reality itself.

Operate this Word to speak with the universe on a first name basis, and become reality itself.

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22336b No.1019

File: 2f47c82a7815f91⋯.jpg (123.23 KB,500x496,125:124,186f2ddbfd1bd9f66a8478a39a….jpg)


Unironically based, thanks for massively improving this thread anon.

Divine language is authority, also known as authorship. It is direct creation in the most fundamental sense. It is the realization of the World within the I, abstract thought at a cosmic level. At this stage, words can act as a tool, but are entirely symbolic and insubstantial of themselves, they serve simply to provide a temporal anchor for building timeless actions and effects.

This is what I would call advanced magic, it's hard to attain and completely incomprehensible for those that haven't. It is nothing less than complete command and control over reality at the whim of a single thought.

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bfd648 No.1020

File: 3abebb5d90a330c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1253x703,1253:703,divine_marriage.png)


This series definitely has some esoteric knowledge encoded in it.

Pic related, full bidirectional communication. Even the divine is pictured. Akira can now communicate with his subconscious fully Mikoto (his subconscious) accesses his dead mother's (unconscious) and his forgotten memories via her psychometry. This is literally the story of someone learning magic.

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c8cc52 No.1104

I wanted something new and all I got are ERPing edgy boys and people who think crystals cure autistism. Modern magick is a sorry affair.

Where does modern magic come from?

I, of course, mean the white people versions.

Take a guess at what time period.

Comes from the 1800s. Which makes modern occultism as old as the first car. Magick traces its roots back to two main people Alister Cromley and Julious Evola. Evola having been erased from history in modern times due to his views on the jews. Speaking of Jews. How many symbols of whitchcraft are antisemitic?

That's open to interpretation, but when you have a group going against the Christian image. What in history have the christians always called pagan and immoral? The Jews.

I'ma break some of these practices down for you and explain how they work.

Tarot cards- they're open ended and your mind is really good at writing a story if given open ended pieces. Also confirmation biases. You easily forget the times when the cards are wrong.

Pendulums - you know you can change how a pendulum swings just by thinking about it? Yeah, that but subconscious.

Summoning spirits - at first I wanted to discredit this as edgy bois making up stories for likes. But I reflected on it, there is a thing from my childhood that explains it really well. Tulpamancy, the kind that was a trend in the mlp community a few years ago. Where you train yourself to hallucinations. It's not hard. If I hold my hand out and close my eyes, thinking only about a soft girl's hand then I can feel a soft girl's hand.

Anyway that's my damnation of Magick. If any of you have something that will for sure prove me wrong. (I already did MR Cromley's how to summon demons book. Nothing happened, I even got the original untranslated version.) Then I'm willing to die to experience something new.

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c6cf97 No.1107

File: 9c8b0d7b8d7baa2⋯.jpg (96.08 KB,800x600,4:3,47e3e09378764eb12d9e362b8d….jpg)


>Summoning spirits - at first I wanted to discredit this as edgy bois making up stories for likes. But I reflected on it, there is a thing from my childhood that explains it really well. Tulpamancy, the kind that was a trend in the mlp community a few years ago. Where you train yourself to hallucinations. It's not hard. If I hold my hand out and close my eyes, thinking only about a soft girl's hand then I can feel a soft girl's hand.

That's not what a tulpa is, or what it's for. It's a practice method to uncover past lives' memories. See thread


and this website


If you had been looking around this board a bit before diving directly into the most mainstream thread, you had seen




Try the methods presented here yourself and you will have results. Maybe you'll explain it all as "tulpas", then at least you would be amazed at your own ability to create all this, yeah?


on something you have absolutely no personal experience of makes you come off as a bit of a fool imo.

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853f7b No.1109


I wonder if he thinks he's the first or only person to suggest that spirits you summon are just "parts of your brain" that you "bring out". Anyone that's done this sort of work long enough knows better. But that would be if we assumed he was being sincere, which I don't think he is at all.

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02bfcf No.1110

File: 800e93394239ed1⋯.jpg (77.41 KB,1024x512,2:1,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>Summoning spirits - at first I wanted to discredit this as edgy bois making up stories for likes. But I reflected on it, there is a thing from my childhood that explains it really well. Tulpamancy, the kind that was a trend in the mlp community a few years ago. Where you train yourself to hallucinations. It's not hard. If I hold my hand out and close my eyes, thinking only about a soft girl's hand then I can feel a soft girl's hand.

I basically came to the same conclusion. But I understand that it may be triggering to some people on this board to even read this considering this board is centered around heavy spirit-mommy/waifu interaction and them more or less doing everything for you.

I think from an unenlightened viewpoint most spirits, gods etc indeed do seem very external to you and very "real". That's why many occultists are so convinced about them. But from an enlightened viewpoint one realizes that most(or maybe even all) of them are indeed merely manifestations of your own mind and archetypes/forces of it. From your own mind in the small scale and at the same time from the entire maya in the large scale. Still the same, as above so below etc etc. I think most of all that spirit interaction stuff is 50% shizo ERP and 50% "tulpamancy". I also tried the stuff posted in the other threads here but nothing really happened. Even if it worked and something happened, I probably would have tought of it as manifestations of my own inner stuff and not something genuinly real and external. I don't think there is much that is real or external to begin with, unless you look at it from an unenlightened perspective then the illusion can be very real.


>If you had been looking around this board a bit before diving directly into the most mainstream thread

I think this actually fits well into the thread.

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c6cf97 No.1112

File: 157109a48d601ee⋯.jpg (356.18 KB,1368x1900,18:25,d4500c0d3bb343c2d631f86a5c….jpg)


>But I understand that it may be triggering to some people on this board to even read this considering this board is centered around heavy spirit-mommy/waifu interaction and them more or less doing everything for you.

It's more that you come off as silly and inexperienced. The idea of different entities doing everything for you also exposes that you don't understand what we do. Maintaining that view will prevent you from taking part in the core activities of this board, i.e. actual ascension with the aid of spirit ladies.

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02bfcf No.1113

File: efe68d93c28156f⋯.gif (1.33 MB,320x286,160:143,poohell.gif)


>The idea of different entities doing everything for you also exposes that you don't understand what we do.

Maybe I actually don't. But I nevertheless realize the usefulness of externalizing parts of oneself and giving them life of their own. Gnostics for example eternalize negative aspects of their own being and make them into personifications which would be the archons. Then they go around bashing the archons and ERPing as if they were some evil demons out there. Also they even externalize the demiurge and make him into the evil creator god even tho in the end both archons and demiurge are just parts of us all. They are inside us. Some people who have wet dreams or sleep paralysis which are caused by their own energy and/or mind blame some "succubus" for it. Elementals like salamander and sylphs are just parts of yourself too. Mikal Nyght in his/her "Teachings of the Immortals" and "Darker Teachings of the Immortals" goes on to externalize your very own higher self or spirit into basically a super tulpa and give it energy and ERP as if it's real until your super tulpa comes and unites with you, therefore you achieve Gnosis and immortality. It all makes it easier for you to work with that stuff but still it's all just inside your mind/soul. It can be effective to work with what you perceive as external beings but for me it appears lame if I know that they aren't genuinly real and external. The attached bored pooh is what I look like when I even think about working with externalized parts of myself.

But assuming you are right and I'm full of shit…

>the aid of spirit ladies

What if I prefer the aid of spirit gentleman? Where would I go? I don't know about a sunflower group except with male spirits and gods and an incubus collective. Or even better, spirit futas/hermaphrodites? That actually seems the most balanced and complete, the best of both worlds if you will.

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c6cf97 No.1114


>I nevertheless realize the usefulness of externalizing parts of oneself and giving them life of their own

All interactions bring new perspectives I guess. This is what humans do as they incarnate. Each mind being a new tulpa, each lifetime or incarnation being the most mundane method of "tulpamancy." If you could just meditate yourself into it from a metaphysical view, maybe you wouldn't need to incarnate. Or maybe you would because entering a new body is the best way of creating a new tulpa and learning something about yourself? We're all tulpas, as humans. Understanding the concept is one reason we come here. If you say all exernal beings are tulpas, do you mean to say that you are my tulpa? I don't see any usefulness in that kind of thinking at the practical stage we are in here. I'm just throwing this out there. Don't bother answering the questions above, it's rhetorics.

>What if I prefer the aid of spirit gentleman?

Just go to the temple/meeting room and ask Yuuka to be connected with one. Ancient greek deities have been appearing at our sessions and those who come are the ones participants are interested in and can work with. It's just cultural and personal interests that's made this to be dominated by female deities.

There's an incubus king allied with the Succubus Collective, the Maergzjiran undead gods are both males and females and same for the actual earthbound vampires. There just seems to be an overall female dominance in all of these, especially among vampires.

>Or even better, spirit futas/hermaphrodites? That actually seems the most balanced and complete, the best of both worlds if you will.

Start seriously practicing yoga if you want to meet Shiva. He started appearing after about 8 months of daily practice for me. He has a dominant male side but can turn female at will, you can just tell that he's more male overall and even in his female form you'll still in your mind refer to him as "him."

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02bfcf No.1115

File: 18ec0a1f21b5535⋯.jpg (109.43 KB,731x508,731:508,vooh.jpg)


The way you describe Shiva is almost what I would like to be my final "complete" form.

>If you say all exernal beings are tulpas, do you mean to say that you are my tulpa?

I'm a big tulpa …for you.

>actual earthbound vampires.

You mean the cabal that anons took the spell for with the matriarch and alissa? It actually scares me to think that I might become earthbound now if it somehow turns out that it was real after all. Who would want to be bound to this shithole? Don't ask why I took it then because I don't really know myself.

In that case I would probably actually start working with the undead gods and get a waifu (preferably vampire or spirit) because otherwise I would be bored out of my mind and go insane.

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bfd648 No.1116


>being so right without even knowing

It's all in your head, you just don't know how big your head is.

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bfd648 No.1117


My point being there is no difference between "internal" and "external". Thus you are actually right, even if you don't really know what you're talking about.

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bfd648 No.1118

Oh wait. I thought you were another poster. You actually know what you're talking about, sorry.

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bfd648 No.1119


I bought that book because you mentioned it and perhaps you should read it again if you have it. And go through any references to other books and philosophies it makes. The author knows what he’s talking about.

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c6cf97 No.1120

File: 44c72273feea4ac⋯.jpg (873.56 KB,1035x1400,207:280,_hijiri_byakuren_touhou_dr….jpg)


>Mikal Nyght in his/her "Teachings of the Immortals" and "Darker Teachings of the Immortals" goes on to externalize your very own higher self or spirit into basically a super tulpa and give it energy and ERP as if it's real until your super tulpa comes and unites with you, therefore you achieve Gnosis and immortality.

I'll just address this part because this isn't all wrong if you remove it from the context it was brought up in here. We've recently found that some people formed their true self into a human mind in a past life and that this mind was preserved in its perfected form. As human minds are all tulpas, this will appear as a tulpa later on, but it's just a past you talking to you. In your current life, in your current tulpa/mind, you will perceive it as an external entity. I know I did. As my true past mind started eating its way through all the other past lives, and my curent self, I started having indeed, a person commenting on what I did from behind my left shoulder, until this "other person" broke through and took over. That's when awareness shifted back to my previous, perfected mind and I regained awareness of who I was back then.

This process may take many lives but there are ways to possibly speed this up, making this happen in this life by intentionally working for this goal. The method you describe may work to achieve this, as the methodology sounds "right enough", even if the understanding of why these mechanics function is backwards.

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bfd648 No.1121


What made you choose that image?

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c6cf97 No.1122


The master mind swallowing all the other.

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4ababc No.1124

File: d6ef242205d4b72⋯.jpg (131.28 KB,800x541,800:541,ching_khun_1.jpg)


You foundamentally misunderstand tarot. Each card is a symbolic representation of a metaphysical principle, starting from the first tarot card, the Magician, representing the completed, spiritually actualized human being.

There's a reason I used it as in the very first post of this thread, which is more or less a guide to becoming human.

The pendulum thing could be correct, but consider this: your subconscious mind takes into account all the sensory information and situational cues that your conscious mind discards for brevity. Having a direct, clear way to query your subconscious about a question that you only have a limited perspective on is magical in itself.

Your perception on spirit summoning is more or less correct. Do keep in mind that all subconscious thoughtforms, or tulpas, that you create, are microcosmic representations of microcosmic, or physical, principles and laws. These subconscious entities represent and reflect the supra-conscious meta-entities of foundamental reality. You can think of the "spirit interactions" you have to be subjective interpretations of objective events.

You've posted less of a damnation of magic, and more of an informed, and qualitative interpretation of it. You're a wizard, anon. Gratz.

Now follow the exercises I've posted and become a good wizard. I may post some more advanced ones in the near future, dealing with the stage of adepthood and beyond, if I feel like it.


Good analysis, anon, but keep in mind that shizo ERP and tulpamancy can often have very real and powerful effects. After all, conviction is the principal element of manifestation. I don't understand why you'd even make a distinction between "internal" and "external", and why you'd define one as real and discount the other as fictive. For the adept, the external follows and obeys the internal.


Hmm, you definitely have a very good understanding of the internal world, the only thing limiting you, it seems, is that you separate it from the external. The natural human ability for pattern recognition and meaningful interpretation are genuine super-powers. Remember the external world follows the same mental structure as the internal world, and with a certain bit of meditation and enlightenment, is hardly distinct from it.


Largely the same process for me, except my "true mind" as you call it, was less of a person, and more of a depersonalized, absolute and all-devouring principle of universal authorship. It first manifested as a sigil I instinctively drew at around age 9, and I slowly synced with "it", or myself, since then. Your spell helped a lot in that regard, and so did my use of students to offset psychic rebound from it.

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e15d8f No.1125

File: 5f6dde5d633b6b3⋯.jpg (269.89 KB,850x607,850:607,flandresitting.jpg)







Can someone please prove this guy wrong, this is my only cope.

Please someone do something extraordinary please prove these people wrong.

I need your help, please, you know magic you can prove them wrong.

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c6cf97 No.1126


There's gnostic thought and references to Trismegistos, unfortunatly these anons cannot see the reality of it. Maybe this is a hint from the universe to get rid of those egregores.

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216cd6 No.1128


Their thinking would be better suited to a more scientific environment.. Anything you see or do can be reasoned away into mundane and natural forces, even magic. If they took the actual scientific approach to all of this, relying on the world to provide the principles and data used for philosophical or theological thinking, they might get out of whatever stupor or dead-end they've placed themselves into. Or, taking the opposite approach and taking purely idealistic and ivory tower-tier thought and treating it as objective and as real as the material world, either way the ultimate outcome should be revelation through meditation or through practice.

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bfd648 No.1129

File: ab59d8a18c6924b⋯.png (105.19 KB,563x239,563:239,Screenshot_2020_04_29_at_1….png)




It looks like you didn't understand me at all (last two). The universe is literally in your mind.

There is no difference between internal and external because reality is a dream. You just need to become even partially lucid and can make shit levitate, or cease existing, or become someone else.

You are projecting your closed-mindedness into others.

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216cd6 No.1130

File: 890d97503f49d1c⋯.gif (182.65 KB,500x250,2:1,100_Percent_High_on_Juice.gif)


The universe is within my mind as much as my mind follows the principles of the universe, and as much as my ability to observe the universe allows. The universe isn't me, the universe and the external has managed to do things that I don't comprehend and can't predict. I don't see a logical reason to believe that the universe is literally me. I also don't believe reality is any more a dream than anything mentally conceived and understood. I'm of the stance that the external, internal, and anything conceivable, that can be understood through logic or lack of, is real. The application of any of these things are what interest me more.

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853f7b No.1131


>Anything you see or do can be reasoned away into mundane and natural forces, even magic.

I'd disagree with you there. There are certain paranormal phenomena that can't be explained away by materialists, so they just chalk them up as totally fake to cope, even if there a studies and data to back them up. Terminal lucidity, remote viewing, verifiable out-of-body experiences, physical evocation (when it happens), poltergeist phenomena (either in general or as a result of evocation), certain types of divination, shared dreams or astral experiences where subjects report experiencing the same events, ESP (especially when more than one person sees the same thing), miraculous healing, and so on. I've even read an excerpt from a book by a medical doctor written many decades ago where he reported seeing an undeniable example of shapeshifting by a tribe in Africa doing a ritual dance, where two participants turned into jackals before his very eyes (it was quite a grotesque thing to witness). At some point you just have to concede that being a fedora is stupid. You can explain away a successful spell as a coincidence, but how many times will you be able to do that before you can't keep doing so? You eventually have to acknowledge statistical significance. Things like that. Fedoras are fedoras because they want to be, literally every one you encounter will say the same thing: "magic doesn't real, trust me I never tried it." You'll never convince people that don't want to be convinced. It's honestly quite amusing watching them try to deny that there's anything more to reality; you'd think that they'd be excited to learn more. But such is the nature of Hylics.

I noticed a few of the people here take "All Is Mind" to a whole new level, which is an interesting perspective, I suppose. I'd disagree with certain things because I think entities you summon do have external reality, not just internal.

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853f7b No.1132


I'll add to this that I suspect at least part of the reason fedoras want to cling to materialism is because they like the feeling they get from doing so. They enjoy the high they get from believing they have the nature of reality figured out when other people are "too stupid" to realize "it's all matter, bro!" They also like the comfort it gives them to not have to think about what lies beyond; life is much simpler if you think you can learn everything with science. It's the hubris of thinking they have reality and the nature of existence figured out, probably the most embarrassingly absurd kind of hubris you could have, that they love so much. That's why they're always so smug about it, almost like they're proud they've never experienced the supernatural. And of course, they never have to do any of the work themselves. They won't actively seek it out, no, the burden is on everyone else to prove it to them, to their satisfaction, using unreasonable standards that would dismiss anything someone could show them. And they'll happily "debunk" anyone that comes their way in order to avoid being convinced, or just flat-out deny anything that challenges them. They are not trying to be convinced by others, but rather they're trying to convince themselves they were right all along so they don't have to reevaluate or change their minds. That's the sort of mentality they have. The majority of them are just pissed off at Christianity so they lash out at everything else. You'll notice many of their arguments are tailored specifically to respond to a typical American Protestant fundamentalist cosmology. That's pretty much all they know, since they've never bothered investigating anything else.

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853f7b No.1133

File: 6a58fc6ef643fd8⋯.jpg (114.25 KB,498x960,83:160,naturalist_origins_of_reli….jpg)


pic related

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c6cf97 No.1134

File: e302eec2109bbf6⋯.png (148.49 KB,400x400,1:1,626278f83367f6a174f89e2335….png)


>It looks like you didn't understand me at all (last two). The universe is literally in your mind.

If you let her in, yes.

>There is no difference between internal and external because reality is a dream.

What is the point of statements like this? This is pure nonsense, mental masturbation put in words.

Share the methodology of your practice please. This is meant to be a place of practice, development and learning through performing exercises and rituals. I see none of that in this recent "discussion" in this thread.

If you look back at how the thread started:


>This thread will be dedicated to the practical learning of basic esoteric skills

>practical learning


>Exercise 1: Basic Energy Manipulation



Whatever this thread has turned into isn't what it was intended for.

And this is directed at any of you feeding this kind of posting.

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216cd6 No.1135

File: fc22a57e81d690e⋯.jpg (244.06 KB,860x760,43:38,vampire_posting.jpg)


This is an exploration of a certain kind of thinking and is absolutely acceptable. It only becomes a problem when it's removed from actual practice, and this hasn't been removed from any practice. Building a basis of thinking just from exploring ideas through discussion does have beneficial effects on whoever participates, and is in my view the entire reason why /sunflower/ or any community forms.

>If you let her in, yes.

The universe has no shape, it's void, nothing, and contains everything possible within it. Sex itself a manifestation of two kinds of energies.

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e15d8f No.1136


I won't believe that the universe in your mind or anyone else.

I believe in external entities and places, you may not believe it as maybe you are a materialist but you could be wrong.

In the end maybe you should ask Yuuka, I never seen her myself but some people here have.

I would trust her over anyone here, or any scientist when it comes to magic or the universe.


I don't think the universe can ever be your mind even if you let it in, but thanks for defending this position.

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19f64c No.1137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I like what this video says about you and the universe. I feel the connection to this discussion.

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794872 No.1177

File: 5d849381dc0a653⋯.jpg (19.53 KB,608x543,608:543,tower.JPG)

Exercise 8: World state actuation

This is the first exercise meant entirely for the stage of adepthood, and as such, we are entirely concerned with the conceptual, or intellectual plane. Completion of exercise 5 is required to operate at this level of reality, it requires the perspective of the "eye" on top of the tower.

By first time that you access this state of being, you will have fully consolidated your Self as an archetypal simplification of the world structure, or literally the superlative principle of the world. If you have managed to maintain your sense of individuality in this state, the ego, then you should have a fully subjective perspective right now, seeing everything as an extension and aspect of your self. If you haven't, you're probably not reading this, as upon your consciousness dissolving into the All, you've lost your sanity.

Similarly, if you've maintained your individual will on this path, you have now become a hasnamuss of the third degree, having the foresight of the First Principle of everything.

These two points having been realized, you are now in a position to voluntarily act upon the concept structure of the world, at the a-physical and a-temporal level.

Post 1/3

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794872 No.1178

File: 708eb86e1d588b7⋯.jpg (29.79 KB,484x543,484:543,eye.JPG)

Enter a deep meditative state, and access the world structure under the mantle of the Author. You will notice that every virtual subject is governed by its imaginary potential, or soul, which by varying weights and biases, and governed by the principle of improbability, actuate a specific potential only when impelled by an external Event.

You may shift your perspective from the micro- to the macro-cosmic, and observe how this holds as true for vacuum chaos perturbations as it does for overarching concept-currents of persons, ideas, ideologies, and nations. By taking the place of an active observer, you can pre-set or bias the outcome of an Event towards any potentiality of your choosing, and turn it into an actuality. This holds true irrespective of the time, place, or scale of the thing you're influencing, with the only limitation is that the less likely your desired outcome is, the more effort it will take to over-rule the improbability principle in its favour.

Post 2/3

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794872 No.1179

File: 2c0254a346752d0⋯.jpeg (158.96 KB,800x721,800:721,I.jpeg)

Play around a bit, see what changes you can make at the physical, mental, and emotional level. Alter a foundamental law of reality. It's all up to you. The level of adepthood is the threshold of immortality. As a metaphysical first principle, you can no longer "die", as your being pervades all, and you may manifest yourself physically at any time and place of your choosing. At the same time, your present manifestation is still very local and temporal, and unless you choose to take the fun out of living and turn off your physical needs, you will likely want to force the world state in your favour, as you no longer depend on synchronicity to bring about a vague effortless prosperity, and can decide how and when to receive something. This doesn't mean you have unlocked god mode or anything, making large changes will require diligent practice and development, but you can still transition to a hands-off source of income with some creative manipulation of concepts and currents.

I personally recommend that you first work to de-realize the concepts of "disease," "aging," and "poison" in your perceived space, as well as to solidify your health and well-being as unalterable constants.

Post 3/3

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8f2696 No.1536

File: a8e3bcab1497b17⋯.jpg (67.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2_.jpg)


I want to learn how to do magic like the joker

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b46925 No.1546

File: 735d5b812296985⋯.jpg (249.76 KB,1024x977,1024:977,707da97f41101ae3131f7f71f7….jpg)


Get in touch with the Magic Circle or whatever version of it you have in your country. They should be able to direct you to a local magic club where you can practice stage techniques and misdirection.

Joining the Circle itself is a lot harder, but definitely worth the effort if you're into stage magic, you also get to meet very skilled stage magicians, many of whom use actual, occult magic to augment their tricks.

Otherwise, reaching >>477 will help a great deal with overpowering people's will and directing their attention where you want it.

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853f7b No.1605


>illusionists that use real magic

I've thought about this a lot in the past. Really good illusionists (I don't call them magicians because magic isn't what they do and I think "magick" is a retarded and redundant term) can replicate feats that seem supernatural but are not. However, there are some things I've seen that have left me wondering if the illusionist in question does practice actual magic as well. David Blaine and Chris Ramsay come to mind. I've seen them do things that defy materialist explanation, and it wouldn't shock me to learn David Blaine was an occultist considering his fame and connections to the elite. Chris Ramsay once did a trick on MrBeast's channel that appeared to be a clear case of telepathy. The person he performed the trick on described receiving a message directly to the back of his head that was similar to a radio. The only possible alternative I can think of is that it was staged and planned beforehand, but the trick was part of a competition with a prize and Chris didn't win in the end anyway, so that explanation hardly makes sense. Maybe he used some device or something that made it possible, but I don't of anything that could do that. I'm not quick to call illusionists occultists, most of the time they're just good at their job, but there are those rare exceptions that are truly mind-boggling.

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52845e No.1631


I'm not familiar with that latter trick you mentioned, but directional speakers have been a thing for two decades now. Accurate enough to be audible to a single audience member at a range of 50 meters, last I remember. Not sure if they sound like a radio in the back of your head, but the entire part about a message 'sounding' at all really makes me think this was a traditional trick.

I've practiced telepathy, with a downright bizarre 100% success rate, and it's always interpreted by the receiver's subconscious. You might be a good enough telepath to completely overpower someone else's inner monologue, but the message will always sound like an internal, imaginary voice, with the voice being the closest to your intent that the receiver is familiar with. Same for other media like music or pictures. If the receiver has never heard the song you're trying to send, it'll sound like a hodge-podge of samples from other tracks that sound roughly analogous together.

What makes me pretty confident that at least some stage performers must use actual magic is how easy it is to energetically mark specific cards in a deck after even less than a month of occult study. If you're a good performer, even the most basic energy work should improve your skill massively.

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853f7b No.1686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the video it comes from, the timestamp for the trick I was talking about is 10:50. It starts off with some standard stuff you've probably seen before if you watch illusionists often enough, but the end of the trick is what I found impressive. As for stage performers using real magic, I'm sure a few of them probably do, like I mentioned before I'm confident David Blaine is probably an occultist just based on who he is and the people he hangs around. When it comes to energetically marking cards, I doubt that's how they'd end up using it. It's very easy to just use physically marked cards and train your eyes to pick out which one is which. If someone were going to use real magic in stage tricks, I'd imagine they'd probably get a bit more adventurous or "flashy". But then again, little things can also go a long way.

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f5654f No.1752


I have a questions. Quite a while ago, when I had absolutely no clue about anything about magic, I could simply form energy balls that created resistance in a matter of seconds. I didn't feel anything, just the resistance.

This has drastically changed since the beginning of this year however and I would like some insight on the matter.

Now, whenever I am in the state of doing anything with my energy, it feels like electricity is running through my body. It's very subtle, but can get to a point where

hair, especially in my face and scalp area, physically zaps, or at least if feels like it. It's also only present in my limbs and the head, not the torso. Whenever I try to form said energy ball like I always did, no matter how much concentration and time, it never causes any resistance despite my clear intention. Very rarely does it create resistance, but then it "dissolves" again, although I am sure that I can see the ball as a very subtle shimmer from time to time. There's also this slight pressure in my brain that rarely appears whenever I try to work with my energy.

Is this a bad sign? Did I mess something up? What's the best action I can take to build from my current situation.

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71722b No.1760

File: 85c77f74898a258⋯.jpg (236.53 KB,600x753,200:251,hsf063_orig.jpg)


The physical resistance you felt was due to tension. You likely mentally induced a state of tension in your arms around the area where you envisioned the ball. You can get the same effect, but between your hands, by holding them out, parallel to each other, palms open, and very slowly pushing them together, until there's a 1 cm gap between them. You'll feel the resistance increase with every second of pushing them together, until at the very last part you may even feel a dull and diffuse pain when pushing. Once that 1 cm gap is reached, move your hands closer together than further apart, very slightly.

The resistance feels exactly like trying to push two opposing magnets together, and you'll even see one hand following the movements of the other, as if really pushed away by a magnetic force!

You can create the opposite effect by slowly bringing your palms near each other, but by trying to hold them apart from a force pulling them together. At the 1 cm mark, pulling your hands apart is nearly impossible, and just holding them in place takes quite a bit of force. If you stop resisting the force, your palms will instantly collide with one another.

This phenomenon is etheric in nature, not magnetic, I've measured the magnetic flux next to and between my palms when doing this, and there's no change from the background magnetic field. I've not tested whether this works with beings external to you, but if you have a small animal handy, try creating tension between your hand and part of its body, and see if it reacts. In my experience animals react very strongly to energy work, and are especially receptive to telepathic intent.

I think the reason you couldn't do this with mental constructs anymore was that you've assumed them to be the same as the constructs described in most energy work guides. You were unknowingly using a very different force, specific to a field of its own, which requires different techniques to manipulate, and your practice with energy manipulation made you mentally override it with the more "normal" astral energy of the mental-emotional field, which behaves exactly as you described it.

I've actually made a pretty major mistake in writing the first exercise, in that my brain stopped working for precisely 5 seconds as I described the astral energy body as

>made up of vital, or etheric energy

which goes to prove that no amount of magic will ever cure one of being a brainlet.

That section is entirely concerned with astral energy work, >>482 is the first exercise which deals with the etheric stuff.

I'm acutely aware that this thread could have contributed to your confusion, what with the word salad and confusion of terms, but make no mistake,

>did I mess something up?

You didn't, I did. You can freely practice with both types of energy, as long as you can distinguish the two.

>what's the best action I can take

If you haven't yet, I'd recommend you learn to program astral energy >>475 as this is helpful for developing abstract reasoning and getting a feel for the intuitive nature of the mental dimension, otherwise >>477 is honestly the only way to really develop power and understanding, as the two are roughly analogous when dealing with magic and the occult. Once you have a basic grasp of energy work, practicing further doesn't result in stronger results, it simply improves your attention and conceptualization. Power, past that point, is derived from an understanding of the universal structure.

sage for shit thread

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6f8e5a No.1777


Don't be so harsh to yourself, at the end of the day the correction is in the thread.

I realized only by this post that I actually experimented with the other exercises on my own without realizing it.

I am very thankful for your response, as it helped me a lot, but want to touch on a slightly different subject now.


The only thing I can consistently do is wiggle things like the psi wheel, sometimes it even spins according to my will, but it's very unreliable.

There was one day where it just worked like a miracle for a long time, but I fail to replicate this sudden proficiency since then.

What I observed so far is:

- The intensity, range and speed of telekinesis is determined by the emotional state and mental focus. An emotional high and very relaxed mental "focus" leads to the best results in most cases.

- With time, the electrical feeling will rise to a specific point.

- The longer I focus on my intent, the less likely it will work.

- Imagination as an aid can be very helpful for a short burst, sometimes for quite some time.

- It is necessary to see the object in my case. There was an occurrence, actually one of the first times of performing this, where I opened my eyes after some affirmations and the object moved with

a burst right after that. But at the same time, when I don't directly focus my sight on the object, it works better than before.

But why is that so? There are so many variables to this ability it's frustrating. If you can share some insight on this matter, I would greatly appreciate it.

The only new thing I can think of and will try is

>otherwise >>477 is honestly the only way to really develop power and understanding

and getting better at forming powerful energy constructs, but I am probably missing the proper understanding to just make it work.

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71722b No.1786


Telekinesis is by far my weakest point, and by that I mean I've literally never managed to get any effect, no matter how small. The only time I've managed to induce movement in an object, I was using hand movements to symbolize the intended motion, and after controlling for possible air pressure differentials caused by this, the movement stopped completely.

Then again, my mental and emotional state, at the time, and until recently, had been of constant internal strain and tension, which worked wonders for things like probability control, telepathy, and physical strength and resistance to physical harm, but almost completely disconnected me from the emotional dimension.

I've recently started to improve massively in that regard, learning to achieve control without tension, but have not even considered channeling that into more experiments with telekinesis. I'll start playing around with that again, but for the time being you're far more qualified to speak on the subject than I am.

In fact, I'd very much like to hear how you go about performing telekinesis, the kind of mental state you enter, how you focus on the object, etc.

The "shit thread" comment was more of a playful poke at the dry and self-important tone I wrote everything in, and how this has caused some people to take it more seriously than necessary.

Ahem >>506

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2605f5 No.1983


> I was using hand movements to symbolize the intended motion

One of my greatest tries so far has been with this method, but I kind of dislike it.

>In fact, I'd very much like to hear how you go about performing telekinesis, the kind of mental state you enter, how you focus on the object, etc.

I would love to do that. But it's really hard to explain this in words. I thought about it for about a week now and focused completely on practicing telekinesis and again getting in touch with a being that helped me out in this endeavor.

There's a lot of "thoughts", imaginations, emotions etc. I tried. All worked to some degree, but always kind of abruptly stopped after a few moments.

Here's the "best" explanation I can give to anyone who is interested so far:

(I highly recommend the well known psi wheel as a starter practice. Be sure to check if there's no wind blowing or you can mistake your power for it. After that, be creative with anything and everything.)

1. Remove your doubt. Do this with affirmations and meditation.

This step needs to work out, or else you are your greatest hindrance. The human mind is not conditioned to experience

stuff like telekinesis, so it will really feel like the reality is cracking once the objects start to move.

I guess that's because your subc. mind cannot grasp the reality of it, thus it wants to create a reason for the movement

and that is what leads to doubt.

2. Focus your mind on the task at hand, but don't overdo it (for now). It's like a relaxed state of concentration.

3. Get your energy/power going. This is probably one of the most obscure things so far. First of all, everything is MY personal experience and you may experience things differently.

Right now, whenever I do step 2, my third eye and crown "chakras" start buzzing. I am not educated in the topic chakras, but that's the closes resemblance to what I perceive.

Honestly, I hate all these terms, which is why I dislike explaining this in the first place, but there's nothing better that fits here right now.

The "third eye" twitches from time to time, and my body is emitting this electrical feeling. The best emitters are the feet, hands and the third eye.

4. Bond with the object. Push this energy into the object, realizing the thought that it now acts as an extension of yourself.

This should create energetic muscles. In a way, it really feels like controlling your hands, and sometimes I perceive these deep blue nerve like structures that connect the object to me (mostly my hands).

4.5 Imagine the object moving as if you would send signals to other parts of your body to move them. This is really what takes the most practice.

It takes a lot of time and attempts to get used to doing this. In the realm of psychic powers, pure thought seems to rule. Not sentences or words. Telepathy seems to occur in these pure

thoughts that get translated into words somehow.

Telekinesis "commands" are most effective if it's just in pure thought, like the thought that moves your hand. It's not your language that moves it, but these signals.

5. Keep 4 and 4.5 in repeat and stay relaxed-focused (2) while you emit (3). This is the state I currently use.

Here are some of my problems I notice:

- (3) I am really just guessing here and there, trying to make sense of things that no one seems to adequately explain for MY own situation.

My current ambition is to empower, widen and train the energy output because that seems to be the fuel for telekinesis. But the "seems" is annoying. I don't know for sure if it's the right way.

- (4) and (4.5) are so obscure it's hard to explain it in words. How do you explain moving and controlling your hand to someone who doesn't have hands?

- There's a very weird and scary problem. Whenever I get into this and have a good attempt, the object starts to move "on it's own". I can still control it after sending enough signals, but

it gets harder with time. I guess this is a sign of lack of training.

- Ringing in my ears is usually present and gets more intense as time goes by.

- The mind can feel like it's hollow after some time. This is rather relaxing, but something I don't understand.

I had the idea of binding my state of being at (5) to a sigil and posting it here for others to maybe tap into, but now it seems like a silly idea and to be honest I don't trust this board

as much as I would love to and don't know if it's even safe for me. Keep trying and you will make it. Go look for beings that assist in developing these powers, this got me into starting

all this.

If anyone has any questions at hand, I would love to try answering them.

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2605f5 No.1984


A few more things I want to throw in after trying it just now:

- There's some sort of range limit. I recommend starting out very close to the object and moving further away after you are confident in that range.

Wear a good mask if you are using the psi wheel to prevent the breath from wiggling it, you probably have one at hand. But honestly, once you can get the psi wheel to spin fast your nose breath won't be a good explanation anymore.

- An alternative to (4) is imbuing certain points of the object with (4.5) signals. This can help with automated movement, but is kind of hard to erase once it's strong enough and can make training with the object hard because it just won't change direction.

- Learn how to change the direction of the wheel on demand. This further helps with the (1) block of doubt and strengthens your "psionic muscles".

This is also what I currently do regularly. Another good exercise is pushing and pulling a standing object. Again, use thin paper at first and progress to more massive material.

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a11567 No.2132


Should I be trying to encompass the entirety of my existence in my consciousness at once or do I focus on one facet, like my physical presence? I tried to focus on everything at once I it made me feel burnt-out and exhausted.

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2a9d75 No.2137


>How do you explain moving and controlling your hand to someone who doesn't have hands?

I haven't had success with direct telekinesis, but the way you talk about it makes me think it's related to observing hypnagogic hallucinations without destroying them.

Practicing this has done wonders to my ability to push intent into the subconscious of reality and into manifestation.

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2a9d75 No.2138

I stopped my attempts at telekinesis because I find them draining and annoying, constantly telling myself there isn't much point to compensate for such an effort. But tell me, is it related?

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03e7c9 No.2140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember Matrix loli's advice.

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2a9d75 No.2142

File: 7c3a0b05e4e20f5⋯.jpeg (24.08 KB,700x368,175:92,external_content_duckduck….jpeg)



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c6cf97 No.2147




It's pretty creepy and awkward in this context, a more appropriate term would have been "cunny."

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9ab703 No.2148


I think it's supposed to be a boy. Not sure.

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216cd6 No.2149


I only know of two kinds of people: those who refer to 3DPD as loli, and those who refer to any young girl as cunny. The first one is excusable, perhaps he's simply retarded, the second one is both mentally and physically deformed. I get the same disgusting feeling as having some 400 pound fat man touch me.

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c6cf97 No.2150


>I only know of two kinds of people

You need to start socializing in new places then.

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216cd6 No.2151


I only need to know those two kinds.

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216cd6 No.2152


Socializing was a mistake. I should've not known either.

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9ab703 No.2153


You sound like a post-wall roastie. Lolis are objectively more attractive than your decayed wrinkled corpse, deal with it.

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216cd6 No.2154


A roastie wouldn't be calling something 3DPD, that would be calling detriment to anything material. A roastie is material, and thus 3DPD, and 3DPD aren't often called lolis. That is unattractive.

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216cd6 No.2155


>that would be calling detriment to anything material

I need to make a habit of completing my thoughts. A roastie doesn't admit any detriment, she's a narcissistic whore who would more quickly destroy anything better than her than improve. Don't associate with her anything good or beautiful.

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8e2bbe No.2176


You know what, this really makes sense.

I have been training daily since I posted my thought dump, and the more I train the more I realize that what

I described could probably just be what you said here. Holding this vision, "pushing it into reality" without destroying it. As simple as that.

That's why concentration is so important, which I probably lack because my movements are still mostly uncontrolled and just shit, nothing to be proud of really. But I don't think that this is everything. The rate at which I progress at the moment is very weak and there are still a lot of unknown factors that come into play. And I sadly cannot pinpoint them as of now.

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d0ca8f No.2178

File: 610671000217474⋯.jpg (63.78 KB,600x901,600:901,3eebcbedc0e76985e091d7cb4f….jpg)


Try creating an abstract mental canvas, then imagine a simple bar spinning in it, at a constant pace. Can you stop the spinning instantly? Can you easily reverse direction?

Your description of how a psi-wheel behaves when you move it, sounded a lot like my experiences with creating absolute motion in a mental environment. Once created, an object in absolute motion is basically an unstoppable force, so you have two ways of stopping the motion: you can either create an immovable object in its path, or delete the entire canvas it exists in.

I'm interested to hear if reversing a moving psi-wheel feels even remotely like this, so I can get a gauge on whether I can imprint that kind of movement into reality with any sort of success.

My attempts up to this point have been to imagine relative movements, and imprint them on the wheel, but I don't think that will work at a human level of energy, since that sort of movement is inherently dialectic in nature, and needs to work against baseline reality, momentum, and any surrounding forces, at the same time. A cardinal force, if possible to imprint, would only need to break the consensus reality.


Trying to conceptualize the entirety of your being is senseless. Even the total sum of abstract knowledge you have about yourself now, is less than a fraction of your total self.

My approach was to focus on two aspects: the basic concept of my existence, authority, and my physical aspect, which is my vehicle for being "someone", and not "anyone". Anything else follows from those two aspects, and there's infinite nuances you could take into account, so there's no point in trying.


>doesn't accept cunny as a universal absolute

t. roastie

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216cd6 No.2180


>t. roastie

Mental and physical deformities are unsightly, just as the image you've posted demonstrates.

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438235 No.2198


How am I supposed to test to see if my sphere holds for hours if its only effect is creating resistance? Just wave my hand in the general area it was and see if I feel anything? And wouldn't making an effort to try and perceive the old orb just send new energy at it and recharge it, making it impossible to know whether or not it actually held form for that long or if you just woke it up when you went to check?

I suppose this could be bypassed if you went through the effort of making it visible to mundane senses, but that goes way beyond a beginner level skill.

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5d5c1c No.2200

File: d0f4d1ee9eabc56⋯.jpg (122.08 KB,500x1098,250:549,hsf024_orig.jpg)


Directed attention alone isn't enough to power a construct. Ignoring the fact that you need to specifically program a construct to collect external energy for it to do so, energy itself is irrelevant to the outcome of this exercise.

A construct consists mostly of a thoughtform, which is either hosted subconsciously bu you, or projected into the mental plane, and whatever energy it uses is mostly inconsequential. The initial energy you give it is simply a vehicle to express your intent. Notice I never specified how much energy to use.

The only concern would be that observing it might reinforce its mental imprint, and you can certainly extend the life of a construct by periodically focusing on reaffirming its initial programming. Simply observing its existence, for a fraction of a second, though, won't change the result by much, especially if you check once every hour or so.

If you're giving the construct some functional programming, that's all the better. I'd suggest making the sphere simply ping with energy you at a set interval, and simply note when this stops happening. The more complex and specific the function, the quicker it'll diffuse and stop working, so I'd probably keep the sphere for this exercise to just that, maybe with an added function to absorb residual energy from the air, if that's a concern for you.

Also, the more complex a construct is, the more specific your affirmation needs to be if you wish to reinforce its functions. Simply observing the existence of a complex construct will do nothing to keep it working, its internal programming will still degrade over time.

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af037f No.2213


>Try creating an abstract mental canvas, then imagine a simple bar spinning in it, at a constant pace. Can you stop the spinning instantly? Can you easily reverse direction?

>Your description of how a psi-wheel behaves when you move it, sounded a lot like my experiences with creating absolute motion in a mental environment. Once created, an object in absolute motion is basically an unstoppable force, so you have two ways of stopping the motion: you can either create an immovable object in its path, or delete the entire canvas it exists in.

>I'm interested to hear if reversing a moving psi-wheel feels even remotely like this, so I can get a gauge on whether I can imprint that kind of movement into reality with any sort of success.

>My attempts up to this point have been to imagine relative movements, and imprint them on the wheel, but I don't think that will work at a human level of energy, since that sort of movement is inherently dialectic in nature, and needs to work against baseline reality, momentum, and any surrounding forces, at the same time. A cardinal force, if possible to imprint, would only need to break the consensus reality.

My regular method of moving by feeling the future movement while looking at the object feels like there are strings attached when I "use my hands". These strings change somehow when the movement changes.

Using the visualization technique you described allowed me to spin the wheel with my eyes closed, which was almost impossible with my regular method.

I guess the visual input caused the disturbed movement because of the clashing thoughts from my will and actuality. This has never crossed my mind.

I will for now focus completely on enhancing my visualization skill as it seems to be very weak and other sources have confirmed that this needs some serious work. For some odd reason, some movements are harder to visualize in different "spaces".

This may take some time so I'll report back when I test this approach after having developed a proper level of visualization.

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2a9d75 No.2221


The appropriate term in the imageboard culture in this case is shota.


Children are closer to spirit. Everyone without exception begins to degrade spiritually as soon as they incarnate (it's just how the spell of life-death works). Feeling sexually attracted to children as a result of misunderstanding the perception of that fact is unfortunate.


Thanks. It's tricky to get a handle on it though, because concentration alone will not do. That's like shining a light on a shadow in order to observe its shape better. Your conscious awareness is much stronger than the energy pattern you want to observe, so you obliterate it.

What you do I would rather describe as turning off the light and letting your eyes get used to the darkness.

In turning off or dimming the light (conscious awareness), however, we make it harder to remember what we observe.

This btw accounts for the forgetting part of sigil making and rituals, trance, etc. You don't want your strong light to mess up the relatively fragile energy structure you're creating.

I know that last part was poorly explained, but I'm not English-native and I should be in bed already. I can elaborate if you want. Like >>2200 explained, you put energy into a construct every time you look at it. You can use that to reinforce its programming, but unless you are very skilled with the instrument of your awareness, you risk modifying it or downright breaking it. That's why you try to forget about your spells after you cast them, and why you don't talk about ongoing operations with anyone.

I think regarding physical phenomena such as spinning a psi wheel, subconscious disbelief in it being possible is the number one obstacle. Note how many people who manage to do it report the wheel usually moving after applying "force" to it and then letting attention off of it, and how they suggest starting out without worrying about air currents (this builds up subconscious confidence) and only using glass covers once you have achieved movement without them (even then, doing this won't fool most people's subconscious disbelief).

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0a8a8d No.2224


This is very helpful, thanks.

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d822de No.2277

Is there any trick to getting constructs to materialize physical results faster or do I just need to keep practicing? Most of mine work within a week at most but I want to get to the point where I can manifest a rainstorm within less than an hour.

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5d5c1c No.2279


That's a pretty tall order. The problem with materializing anything is that it needs to happen in a plausible way, which, in the case of rainstorms, means getting just the right combination of moisture, temperature, wind speed, air pressure, dust concentration, among other things. If the local weather is already in a state close to this, it can happen in minutes, but if it isn't, it will naturally take a few days for those conditions to form, since they're all brought about by air currents. For example, if the closest source of moisture is a lake 200 km away, the spell will take at least as long as it takes for a wind current to travel that distance.

Your construct in this case is basically a spell, built on a mental framework, you can think of creating the construct itself as the ritual. What it will do, if given the instruction to simply "cause a rainstorm", is that it'll influence the probability of weather interactions resulting in the conditions necessary for a rainstorm, basically ensuring that in the shortest plausible amount of time, one will happen. This is the most you can do at a human level.

If you want miracle-level effects, i.e. ignoring causality and the laws of nature, you'll need to somehow convince the elementals to create that rainstorm for you. You'd need the approval of some pretty powerful spirits to do something like that, and this isn't usually granted unless it's absolutely necessary.

Short answer: there is a trick, it's basically not an option, making a rainstorm in less than a week is as good as it gets.

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d822de No.2280


That makes sense. So it seems like the key to this is to learn to effectively interact with already extant spirits or groups of spirits rather than creating/summoning unrealized spirits. I'm guessing developing something like this >>477 would help a lot to get them to actually listen to you. It would probably be best to start with attaining the correct state of consciousness so that you can actually perceive them accurately before experimenting with trying to get them to behave in the ways you want them to.

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4ffca6 No.2305


>Also if you decide to work with spirits, be careful not to end up paying someone to lift your weights. That's a shit substitute for training.

Any books you recommend for properly working with spirits? So far I've been meditating, doing basic energy work and dabbling in remote viewing, but is there a specific foundation I need to have before working with spirits? Or will the books in the /fringe/ FAQ suffice?

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438235 No.2306

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046155 No.2307



What are your experiences with that book? I own it and haven't really done anything. Never even thought of it being legit.

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438235 No.2308


They all work about as good as a well-designed homemade sigil. You can summon any spirit you can fathom so long as you can resonate with its pattern of being and convince it to manifest.

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438235 No.2312


Oh, and deconstructing their suggested summoning ritual gives you a good general framework for working with spirits. It's very simple, just resonate with it, get its attention, transmit your intent, then let it work. Getting spirits to manifest visibly is also just a matter of transmitting the correct intent.

This also helps your other forms of practice since the universe itself is basically made of spirits.

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2ce6b8 No.2503

File: 31d0d8e8730ef4d⋯.jpg (245.78 KB,1117x1033,1117:1033,31d0d8e8730ef4de102f098e35….jpg)


I've at last succeeded in producing small amounts of movement in a psi-wheel. A post I've read suggested that manifesting immediate, physical phenomena is only a matter of how much energy you can control, so I took a brute force approach, and focused entirely on directing as much energy as possible into the intended motion of the wheel.

Once I reached the maximum level of concentration I can currently well up, and completed the required circuit to source energy from the akasha, I've felt that I connected with an external object for the first time in my life, feeling the material structure of the paper.

As soon as this external sensation appeared, each burst of concentration on manifesting the intended motion (which was conceptualized as a cardinal movement), was mirrored by small, smooth movements of the paper sheet.

I'd managed to produce a quarter turn before I was satisfied with the result.

I haven't controlled for factors like wind in this exercise, though the movement, when compared with gusts of wind moving the same psi wheel, was entirely different, with sustained, smooth gradients of acceleration and deceleration, instead of the abrupt motion of a physical push (the shaft holding up the wheel is fairly wide, with a flat top, producing a lot of friction- I need to directly blow onto the paper to get even those short, abrupt hops).

I'll keep experimenting until I can produce more sustained and significant movements, at which point I'll introduce controls to rule out physical interference.

My current goal is to eventually manifest objects from the akasha, into physical reality, and to document the methods used as a support for other practitioners. In theory, manifesting something from the void should only be a few orders of magnitude harder than telekinesis, and is what I would consider the threshold for mastery.

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2a9d75 No.2515


Most based.

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6839b2 No.2547

Does anyone actually use the "energy ball" technique here >>386 for practical applications? I see variants of it everywhere but whenever I try it it feels clunky and unnatural. If I want to do something like make a thoughtform that brings luck it seems simpler to just imagine it with all my senses and hanging over me or my house or something emitting its effect rather than literally shape it with my hands.

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2a9d75 No.2577


Then do it the way it feels natural to you.

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507e2e No.2742


Hi fren, from checking out your later posts, from what I understand you consider RHP practices to have the goal of realizing the individual soul, while LHP to mean destroying the individual soul to merge with the All. I would like you to please suggest RHP books or practices, the most I know about is basic luciferianism that you can find with Michael W. Ford as well as the concept of the Qliphoth.

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702ff7 No.2767

Magic is actually really easy. A lot of people try to complicate it because they want to do work.

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2be884 No.2774


If you mean causing a specific event that has already great odds at happening to happen, then I agree. But from there on it gets hard.

Can you move objects with a lot of power only by using your mind? Can you perfectly predict the future and gather information via psychometry? Can you teleport your body?

I doubt it. Because this high level (for us) magic is extremely hard to manifest.

But I agree with that people create unnecessary workZ

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5db114 No.2855

File: 920756cb1e10bf0⋯.png (446.92 KB,627x276,209:92,eye.PNG)







I have a question in regards to energy control.

Is there any way to empower oneself to minimize the amount of training needed? Through any rituals, sigils or something else that just works.

I know that this can come off as impatient, but I need to ask instead of forever wondering.

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c59429 No.2856


You could saturate yourself with energy 24/7 in order to FORCE yourself to practice and adapt. But you risk going literally insane or causing some kind of harm to your body.

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5db114 No.2858


How could I constantly saturate my body, or even a part, without 24/7 focus? Creating a construct strong enough to generate this seems too far out of reach for me. If you know of any entity that helps with this and doesn't want you to become its eternal slave, please let me know. If there's a sigil or ritual for this purpose I would be grateful if you share it.

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ece608 No.2859

File: ebc8bd0b8727e81⋯.png (75.34 KB,2044x1184,511:296,anatomy_of_the_soul.png)


The key is to raise your awareness up onto the more subtle manifestations of your spirit. As you do this it will give you exponentially more energy to work with.

Attaining etheric awareness is pretty easy, most of the exercises ITT consist of etheric movement. Read Robert Bruce's books if you need some more guidance.

For astral all you really need to do is practice passively watching your thoughts until you start to hallucinate them. This signifies that your awareness has become centered on the astral level, which will let you do stuff like astral project, remote view, and work with spirits a lot easier (you'll be able to actually see them instead of just kind of feel them).

You can also perform operations on your etheric and therefore your physical body in this state, but if you're mentally or spiritually imbalanced it may have some unintended consequences.

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5db114 No.2860


I used Rider-Waite tarot cards as a way to get some help with advancing from my "higher self" (I see it as maximum potential) yesterday and I got the cards

The World, 4 of swords and 5 of swords. Their placement was intuitive in a triangle, the world being at the top, 4 of swords at the bottom right and 5 of swords at the bottom left.

I interpreted it as the world being the perfected self in the future and the other cards as consciousness (5 of swords) and subconsciousness(4 of swords).

The consciousness looks away from the subconsciousness and the subconsciousness is sleeping/meditating, so I thought maybe I need to get more in touch with my subconsciousness by meditating.

But that can't be it, right? I think what I got yesterday kind of matches your advice, but I fail to accept that this should come just by being more aware of the subtler being.

And even if that's the key to success in this endeavor, there probably exists some form of shortcut or boost.


Seems like an idea, but the HOW is what interests me.

I started reading Rober Bruce's Energy Work today, cool that you mention it now.

And thanks for answering so fast and good.

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507e2e No.2862

Would doing third eye excercises before starting any of this help with being able to actually see energy instead of trying to only sense it?

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768d59 No.2863


>Rober Bruce's Energy Work

I think NEW Energy Ways is the best one for this.


>watching your thoughts until you start to hallucinate them

I can do this when I’m in deep meditation, but I want to be able to do it all the time. Is there a special way to get to that or simply grind?

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2d577f No.2869

File: c404e2e4c0ec542⋯.png (100.53 KB,640x640,1:1,thinking.png)


>I think NEW Energy Ways is the best one for this.

Ok thank you for the suggestion.

> I can do this when I’m in deep meditation, but I want to be able to do it all the time. Is there a special way to get to that or simply grind?

Same and the grind is getting on my nerves. This may sound "non-spiritual", but I absolutely despise waiting for it now. That's one of the reasons why I am trying to find out if there's

any method to force this. I mean, what do people mean with "when you are ready it will come"? I have refined my character and mental/emotional problems to a decent degree,

can manifest and attract most situations like moving my hand and have a few other magick addons that everyone gets when they invest into this practice.

But it's all so vague or "weak" at best.

Then there are sigils that promise power, but who knows what really awaits one on the other end of the line. I would take the risk, but so far nothing grandiose has been handed down to me.

And I doubt that anyone who shares sigils publicly is powerful enough to cause really destructive curses that are outside of the level of self inflicted psychological terror of the receiver.


My honest take on this, based on personal experience, is that the third eye, if it actually exists as an objective thing, increases awareness and intuition.

This is extremely helpful, but doesn't necessarily help with seeing things. To see, learn

> For astral all you really need to do is practice passively watching your thoughts until you start to hallucinate them >>2859

By doing that, you will also experience more vivid dreams over time if done correctly and coupled with the third eye you can have prophetic dreams.

I would also add that you should work on staying as lucid as you can when the inner vision starts to get more active to avoid drifting off.

Once you can successfully overlap the generated inner vision with your vision of the physical gained by your eyes before you perceive it,

you will probably see the energy or whatever you desire perfectly. You should also work on your no mind to avoid delusions by forcing you to see something. Just "ask" and then receive.

Make use of suggestions or inner work to remove belief or thought blockages.

I would appreciate other peoples input on this.

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c6cf97 No.2870


>Creating a construct strong enough to generate this seems too far out of reach for me. If you know of any entity that helps with this and doesn't want you to become its eternal slave, please let me know. If there's a sigil or ritual for this purpose I would be grateful if you share it.

I just made something like this and have been sharing it around a bit. It's somewhat inspired by falun gong but it's more of a cleansing device for removing karma and stimulating your growth of gong. It looks like a part of a wheel/grinder made out of a metal sheet. Internalize it by placing it over the dantian (abdoman field) and it will make use of the natural cleansing force of the body to drive a one way spinning motion.

If you know the horse stance exercise for gong often used in kung fu (gong fu) this will serve the same function except 24/7 and less intense.

I can send you one and you can see if it fits. Doesn't work for everone.

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c6cf97 No.2871

File: 23c811c9d77cbd9⋯.png (22.93 KB,495x410,99:82,metal_sheet_gong_device.png)

Here's a sigil to represent its function, you should be able to make one from this, or call upon someone who has it to make a copy.

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8ee441 No.2875


Last few weeks I had been thinking of someone making something akin to this and posting it here. Could you see if it fits in my case?It might even be the exact same thing i 'saw' depending on what was meant by energy.

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c6cf97 No.2877


I've been actively working on it for a month or so, finished and started sharing it a few days ago.

It looks like it would work, I've sent you one. If it attaches it's because you intentionally or subconsciously internalized it. This is not really a device in the same sense as the other ones shared on here, it can't be stored someplace, it has to be in function or not at all in this form.

I made one which is a folded up version in a box, this one can be stored as an artifact but you need to be able to unpack it to use it. Should be accessable by the sigil as well but may take some more work.

Because I based it on northern tiger kung fu it unintentionally has a self defense function which grinds down hostile energies. That's a side effect though, its main purpose is to build your gong.

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1f6647 No.2916


I suppose i can explain this more succinctly, since it was my position for a few deades of strict materialism.

>red pills fixed it

But basically, if everything can be understood then everything can be controlled, it's fear reaction and a response of creating a view of the world that eliminates the threat of anything greater then a black hole or a pulsar.

Me taking neitzsche to heart, if i find anything of merit in this will just incorporate it into the next iteration of my designs.

Furthering the complexity of my systems and their capability of ordering the universe to bring it out of entropic slow-death and into at least stasis.

Then we start talking about using that energy to warp space-time.

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0ed215 No.3028

Does anyone remember the name of that famous website that taught energy manipulation? It was taken down, but there is a zip folder that contains the entire site.

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ed213f No.3262

File: ef2940c1328c20e⋯.pdf (2.42 MB,Magic_101.pdf)

I made a pdf of the exercises ITT for easy reference.

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e8bee9 No.3313

File: 2cfb44c605f0215⋯.pdf (15.15 KB,magic101thread_change_exte….pdf)


It seems to be missing exercise 8.

I made an epub without images instead, with all 8 exercises plus this post >>2200 as an extension of exercise 1, between >>386

and >>387

I hope OP is OK with that.

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e8bee9 No.3314


You need to change the extension to .epub after downloading. Otherwise 8kun wouldn't let me upload it.

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ed213f No.3522

Does anyone here have experience with killing people using magic? I've been experimenting using death-flavoured thoughtforms on twitch streamers to see what I can do, and while I can usually make them uncomfortable enough to leave the stream it seems that to actually end one's life I must put out a spell of such magnitude as to overpower the subject's innate Will-to-life, which seems extremely difficult. Is there some way around this?

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a8ab4d No.3523

File: 73ce6dd929133b6⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,2000x2000,1:1,99f6cd5bee600f900840f72b68….jpg)


>killing people

This is not the line of discussion this board is for. Yes this is existing possible magic, but it also looks like fedposting.

If you want to punish sinners or force karmic repayment there are methods for that. They're even included in Falun Gong.



Check endchan for mp3's with the formulas.

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6329c3 No.3525

File: 7fe44f321796602⋯.jpg (104.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,ShulkvsEgil.jpg)



I have been conflicted for a long time what philosophy I should adopt. Is killing humans okay if you can do it and are above karma/sin or is it not okay? I know everyone has to decide this for themselves. I feel like the ultimate power is to subdue mundane idiots without killing them. If you can't value life, how are you deserving of eternal life? Imagine someone just killed you or threw you to hell. It sucks. But at the same time by killing an obnoxious faggot you could immediately put an end to the problems they create and live on in peace, after all you are an apex predator and they are just mundanes. That seems like a comfy solution instead of having to be subjected to their bullshit for ages. They will be eternal braindeads and go to hell n the end anyway.

I can't decide if skinwalkers and touhous are alright or if they are despicable. I can't decide how I want to exist. I don't want to kill anybody and I am against violence and against of infringing on the free will of others, but sometimes you wish you could just fucking end someone and be at peace.

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a8ab4d No.3526

File: 64d3e12e17134c8⋯.png (1.18 MB,996x993,332:331,64d3e12e17134c8c51a4580ac7….png)


Check the stance described in that FG article for starters. It's an important point to make that any "killing" is an unintentional effect of the persons own karmic debt, meaning it's their own fault.

Cursing someone just because you personally had something against them is probably a sin and would put a karmic debt on you. Always consider the consequences, and don't talk about "killing this" and "killing that" in public forums like this one. You know a natural disaster is called "an act of God". That means it's considered punishment and a good thing. If you were able to call an "act of God" onto an evil person, it was a good thing and it was also not performed by you, it was sanctioned by God.

Go by this logic and see where that leads you.

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6329c3 No.3527


You are free to delete the posts about this if you don't want them here or you think this cannot be talked about here. I don't actually care about karmic debts, this is too mechanic for me. Killing someone feels wrong to me no matter how I look at it, forward and backward, left and right, up and down. I just don't know if I'm trapped in delusion or if I'm onto something. I don't want to kill anyone and never will, not even animals or plants as far as I can help. Killing is part of maya and property of the corrupt demiurge, above which I strive to elevate myself.

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a8ab4d No.3528


This topic beyond karmic debts is nonsensical to me.



I consider these concepts mental constructs that appeared within a narrow, specific and deluded theoretical philosophy. They only seem to refer to states of mind perceived within this context which is indeed itself an illusion.

As I don't see a need for the existence of these concepts to begin with, I have no interest in trying to understand what they are supposed to mean. For this reason any discussion on the topic is uninteresting to me. Do as you like. If other anons want to discuss it to untangle from them, do so.

I'm just objecting to the things bordering to fedposting. One wrong turn there and what you posted may look like conventional conspiracy to commit what is called a "crime" in modern days. Those things are not allowed on 8kun.

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6329c3 No.3529


>As I don't see a need for the existence of these concepts to begin with, I have no interest in trying to understand what they are supposed to mean. For this reason any discussion on the topic is uninteresting to me.

This is perfectly legitimate and fine in my book. But the more you are unwilling to study all kinds of different concepts the less you can understand what others mean, assume their point of view and have interesting discussions with them. In the end, you can only talk about stuff with people who are on the exactly same level as you, which is very, very rare to find. Yes, for me the demiurge and maya are states of mind, states of illusion the unenlightened is trapped in. It is nevertheless legitimate to name them this way and to talk about them in this manner imo because they are quite real as long as you are trapped in them. I read a lot of books and try to study a lot of spiritual/magical directions, because I want to understand the big picture and to understand where all the different people who talk about this stuff are coming from. Eventually, you understand what everyone means and the puzzle falls into place. I even read the bible from beginning to end just to see if I can find anything good and to be able to relate and verify to what christfags are talking about. It also helps me not to get stuck in one place and to keep moving on.

I understand your point that the topic beyond karmic dept is nonsensical to you. Maybe I'm just deluded and too sentimental. Maybe I just have too much unreasonable sympthay and empathy for living things. But karmic debt is nonsensical to me in the first place. To this day I fail to grasp how karma is real, how it is more than pure cause and effect, or just simply negative energy. But bear with me for I might get there eventually. Might…who knows.

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14b9ae No.3530


>This is not the line of discussion this board is for.

I thought the board was for developing one's magic skills? Discussing death operations seems to fall within that purview.

>but it also looks like fedposting

Unless you live in Saudi Arabia there's nothing illegal about this. And I'm fairly confident that the feds are too brainwashed by their materialist gods to have anything like a secret MiB wing, but if you have encountered anything like this it would be in our best interest to hear about it.



Fact of the matter is, if you want to live as a sovereign individual in the physical world you're going to have to have the will and ability to assert your sovereignty, through infliction of death if necessary. There's always going to be groups and entities who are willing to destroy your body if you refuse to give them consent of your Will. Just look at the knee-bending and ceremonies of submission that the PTB are demanding under the pretext of covid. Look at the practice of taxation. These groups literally think of individuals as chattel, and no amount of love or reason will change their minds on this point. They're always willing to escalate to black conflict rather than acquiesce their fancies of dominion, and black conflict always trumps the higher vibes of conflict. Throw reason at a dog and it will just rip your throat out.

So what's the solution? You have three options: give the enemy your Will (unacceptable), let the enemy destroy your flesh out of 'love' for them, or answer violence with violence.

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f40e2e No.3531

If it were that easy to kill via karmic repercussions we wouldn't live in a world dominated by vile individuals.

I thought you'd be post Liber Falxifer. I'm surprised you didn't.

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a8ab4d No.3532

File: f78ad8240e6b17f⋯.png (911.41 KB,725x1194,725:1194,arrestwarrant.png)


>To this day I fail to grasp how karma is real, how it is more than pure cause and effect, or just simply negative energy.

Without any developed extra sensory perception I would have had to say the same. All you can do at that point is read others' accounts of it and trust them, or attempt to recognize patterns.

>But the more you are unwilling to study all kinds of different concepts the less you can understand what others mean, assume their point of view and have interesting discussions with them.

It's a fair point, if that is in your interest and matches your methodology. I apply a subjectivist viewpoint so I have no interest in unerstanding other views. If it doesn't fit into my system I leave it until it does. As for empathic abilities I prefer a more hands-on personal approach by social interactions rather than through literature study. It's also a matter of choosing to invest my limited time into other tasks. What's right for one person doesn't have to be right for someone else.


>I thought the board was for developing one's magic skills? Discussing death operations seems to fall within that purview.

Yes, it could be a topic, but there is also a matter of tonality. Imageboard culture normally places a focus on anonymity. Talking too much about yourself is referred to as both "blogposting" and as having bad OPSEC.

If you want to talk about for example the death curses included in Liber Falxifer and anecdotal reports of its effectiveness, you can do that.

What you did was however to ask


>Does anyone here have experience with killing people using magic?

This is a red flag. Why would anyone want to confess to having killed someone? It should be clear to you that

>using magic

could be just a way to add a silly disclaimer to your post when discussing actual physical murder, similar to how some add

>in minecraft

after posting something questionable. These little formulas read more like old school superstition and won't hold in court. Fredrik Brennan is a good example of this, he kept adding

>in minecraft

when admitting to DDOS:ing 8chan and it didn't save him from getting an arrest warrant on his head.

>I'm fairly confident that the feds are too brainwashed by their materialist gods to have anything like a secret MiB wing, but if you have encountered anything like this it would be in our best interest to hear about it.

I'm not going to expose what I know about this. Again your way of talking touches on the infamous "fedposting."


>I thought you'd be post Liber Falxifer

You post appeared while I was typing, yes I am doing so in this post.

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a8ab4d No.3533


>If it were that easy to kill via karmic repercussions we wouldn't live in a world dominated by vile individuals.

It isn't because a majority of humans are rotten enough to be removed. Who are you going to get rid of based on karma when 99% of them are sinners to the point they should be exterminated in the eyes of gods? You'd have to look at the larger structure of society and where it's meant to move, treating individuals as mere mules carrying on the remains of culture for someone to pick up later on. It would be pointless and futile to start removing them for being sinners. The same story is told in the bible where an entire generation had to perish in the desert before they could move on.

If your motivation is self defense, then you're protecting yourself and should talk about it from that angle, not as randomly attacking twitch streamers.

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14b9ae No.3534


If someone actually ran a minecraft server where they killed npcs or something then yes, talking about ways to 'kill people in minecraft' would not be very dangerous. Going on a videogame board and asking about the best way to kill minecraft npcs would never be considered a crime. If people start responding to the post with actual murder techniques sure you can start deleting posts but getting riled up over this is just a manifestation of fear of violating the spirit of the rules that were impressed upon you by society. Nothing in the context of the post indicates that real murder techniques were being requested.

>Talking too much about yourself is referred to as both "blogposting" and as having bad OPSEC.

Simply sharing techniques has no risk of revealing your identity unless you've previously published such techniques in a way that ties them to your identity. This is supposed to be an occult think-tank, not a place for meaningless small talk.

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14b9ae No.3535


The best defense is a good offense. If you focus entirely on defending yourself you're giving the enemy free reign to pound on you until you're exhausted enough to eliminate. Operations which do nothing but reflect aggression are easily subverted by anyone with an even an inkling of awareness of subtle energies.

The point of practicing on streamers is to develop a reliable method of attack that can be used when necessary. Unless the person who you end up needing to place a curse on is someone who interact with daily you'll end up wasting a lot of time just waiting to see if the technique that you're employing is effective or not. Get the testing done before going into practical work.

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a8ab4d No.3536


>Simply sharing techniques has no risk of revealing your identity unless you've previously published such techniques in a way that ties them to your identity.

Don't give a monkey a gun. Again this is about karma. I've already tried this and it didn't have good results. If you shared something and they used it for bad outcomes you are responsible. I'm simply guarding my own virtue here.

However, if you want to know my techniques you are free to analyze the spell behind this sigil here:


It's been very effective so far. The release of the initial energy also caused a celestial phenomena that lit up half the country and made it onto the news.

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a8ab4d No.3537

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>Get the testing done before going into practical work.

Yes and no.

I've never practiced any spells, the method I employ means to never use them unless the situation is live/active. You can deduce the meaning of this from this statement itself. "Testing" is just a matter of doing something in an esoteric setting before going public.

I'm not interested in dulling my blade on zombies, that's a waste of energy. You need to sharpen your weapons by defeating stronger and stronger enemies, not by reading another sword manual and going through the tutorial for the 100th time, to use MMO symbolics.

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0a1bad No.4078

Hey, new person here, I got linked here to learn.

When it says visualize, does it mean imagine?

I usually have a bad imagination, unless I insert my"self" into it. Like if It becomes more real? But not actually real, more imaginatively real.

But my "self" isn't really me? It's more like my ideal me, which personally I'm impossibly far from. I've also had phantom limb sensations from "me", a couple times.

So I guess my question is if when I start doing this, do I image my ideal "me", or me me. I don't like the real me

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b0d3cf No.4081


Think of an apple.

Do you see an apple in your mind? What color is it? How does it smell? You've now visualized an apple. Forget about all the other stuff, just do this with whatever you you're meant to visualize, while increasing the level of detail as you get better.

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0a1bad No.4084


Oh sorry, I meant for when it says to visualize your own body for the exercise 1 and onwards. I'm assuming that's your spiritual body that you visualize? I guess.

So my question is actually do is my spiritual body the real me, or my idealized "me"? I've felt phantom limbs from "me", so I'm not quite sure

I'm bad to explaining stuff, sorry

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b0d3cf No.4085


>Visualize your own body. Close your eyes, and picture your body, exactly in the position you're in.

Above is very clear, I think you're complicating things by inserting a bunch of stuff that isn't there. Just follow the instructions?

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d8b819 No.4092


Very simple, if you see your idealized self then all you're going to change with these exercises is your idealized self. You need to work on your real self unless you want to develop ERP disease.

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0a1bad No.4165

Hello, am back, seeking some advice.

Update on meditation, I've been doing it daily, or atleast trying to; I still don't quite understand what it is, to me it seems like it's just thoughtlessness and awareness, aswell as calmness.

Also the phantom limb sensations have gotten worse, I was doing energy exercises, but it still doesn't really seem real, just in my mind. I think I was breathing white stuff in and black stuff out, but I'm not sure, since my imagination would occasionally breath black stuff in. Related to that is that I've also randomly started imaging a white body parts? It's not mine, and not ever the whole person, usually just an arm. They occasionally touch me through out the day, and during my last mediation they were dragging their finger across my face and I could feel it. I'm not sure if I've been possossed or if I'm just imagining them for some reason. Also, I guess in my "ideal" me, I have long ears, and now whenever I wiggle them, I somewhat feel it, and sounds actually like go up and down? I can't describe it, like it gets softer and louder while doing it. Is this the erp disease thing? I haven't imagined the "ideal" me while doing energy exercises, only just by breathing them in and out from my nose.

I've also had a hard time sleeping in the last few days, I had only 3 hours of sleep today, but I feel fine, only 4 yesterday. I can feel vibrations and my skin feels super itchy when I start to fall asleep, and it seems to get me irrationally angry. I wouldn't mention that, but last night I had a dream about trying to fall asleep? There was someone helping me, and I'd see a horned shadow red eye thing as myself whenever I looked into something reflective. It'd hurt my eyes, and I'd have to look away. I kept trying to look at it, and if I was lucid, I would've forced myself to look at it no matter what. Eventually I fell asleep inside my dream and woke up to my window open with me covered in snow.

Any thoughts? It's been bothering me, and I kinda need advice. Also the vibration thing has become passive, along with my ears, and I can feel/do it whenever. I've also begun cursing/bullying myself in my thoughts, but that might just be doubt of all this magicky stuff.

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87e421 No.4168


> I've also begun cursing/bullying myself in my thoughts

As you are becoming more sensitive and accustomed to everything now through practice it's my guess that this is possibly due to entities taking notice of you and influencing you. Not all of them are kind.

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0a1bad No.4175


Thanks, for replying. But what about the phantom sensations? During meditation, I was also able to imagine a guitar, and playing it made my fingers hurt because of the strings. I also forgot to mention the white thing also say stuff like "it's ok" idk stuff like that. It's impossible for me to tell if I'm imagining it or somethings there, pls n thanks. I've only been doing this for like a week and a half so I really feel like a schizo, and this is just making it worse, idk

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b0d3cf No.4194


>I've only been doing this for like a week and a half so I really feel like a schizo, and this is just making it worse, idk

This is clearly not good for your mental state, please leave and rethink your motivations. More skilled people have ended up in mental ward after dealing with the entities you'll interact with on this board. This is for both your own safety and to maintain a positive discourse here.

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a82795 No.4507


>Exercise 1: Basic Energy Manipulation


>Visualize your own body. Close your eyes, and picture your body, exactly in the position you're in. Stretch out your hands, move a bit, and picture your body executing those movements. Clench and relax your fist, and watch your mental fingers do the same, at the same time. Now, take a closer look at your visualized body. Picture a stream of vapour coursing through your arms, your legs, upwards and downwards along your torso, and into your head. Examine how this energy is moving, and try to feel the streams of energy as they rush along their course.

How long does it take before I actually feel the energy. I'm not feeling anything. Does it take a week?, a month?

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9e9b89 No.4508

'-' join

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b4dbe5 No.4509

Hey all, please send me messages about how to become more powerful, help me. In exchange, i'll try to give you knowledge about a subject that you ask me for knowledge on.

Send me a message


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