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Esotericism, spiritualism, occultism

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File: 7977c27e739682e⋯.jpg (438.3 KB,1400x1575,8:9,lolibooru_43389_asakurashi….jpg)

099f0f No.2084 [Last50 Posts]

Relaxed discussion of your own practice and anything related.

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e7da61 No.2089

I suppose I could explain how the milk white body works. There are two steps, one related to the milk white body (purification of chi), and pure white body, which is the complete removal of chi and the replacement with a higher level energy.

Chi is confined within the level of 1-3D. Each level has 9 levels within it, by purifying and completing each step of the process through 1D-3D you can purify the body. Once it reaches the top of 3D, it enters into 4D. It's at this point that the body starts to remove the chi, and it's made and expressed into Gong. Gong itself means practice, this gives you a clear idea of what gong is precisely. It's an expression of an idea (chi, concepts) made into something divine (within and above 5D). Gong itself starts, logically, within 1D then.

This is the traditional method of purifying the body.

The method used here, sometimes, is replacing this structure with a black sliver of karma within the first level of 1D. This doesn't allow Chi to manifest itself, so the body is cleansed through a more roundabout and less effective method. This body no longer is capable of cultivating, instead it must use external entities to cultivate. So the body is without use, outside of the fact that it carries techniques related to how to cultivate.

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e7da61 No.2091

File: 9cf3466a2dd942a⋯.png (178.81 KB,881x584,881:584,IBs_in_CY_5.png)


Expressing it outside of dimensions, it would be the purification of ideas, bodily actions, material actions, into the formation of clumps of aggregate concepts. Weight and the idea of there being distinction between two objects, or two points. So an idea, such as the idea of there being 'weight', forming itself into the idea of gravity and mass, which in turn forms itself into the idea of large bodily structures like planets or simply anything that has a complete formation following simpler principles. This goes with physical and observable objects (what is observation to begin with), and into mental objects (how do you express yourself and know language).

More simpler explanation: Life + Death = Cyclical formation of two opposites into one syncretic whole (Reincarnation). Take this concept of reincarnation and explore it mentally, and see how the universe functions, and this itself can be explored into the realm of law. Law itself would be by itself separate from reincarnation, but the observance and assimilation towards this general principle would by itself create something separate and unique from it. Rather than this being the creation of a law, this is the observance of a natural thing that is viewed and observed (either mentally or physically, but again what's the difference). Take two formations of this synthesis, I'll just throw in the idea of Consumption + Excretion = Metabolism, so Reincarnation + Metabolism = Flow. In my view, this would be an expression of two concepts that hold within them two other concepts, creating the idea of a Law. Law itself would truly be this, then, since these two things aren't necessarily related as flow.

Shakyamuni himself learned his Way through the observance of the milky way. When he talks about the middle road he's literally talking about the trail of stars shown in the night sky, which was easily observable at his time.

I need to restart my exploration of mnemonics.

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e7da61 No.2092

File: eea2b93b5d86c9e⋯.jpg (2.92 MB,4896x3264,3:2,starry_sky_milky_way_stars….jpg)


I've not subjected myself to anything twitter or facebook, or whatever has to say. I don't want to read the same sort of argument and virtue-signalling, their false ideas and conceptions built from a lifetime of never having to do anything.

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e7da61 No.2093


I object to the notion that there's an Absolute, with a capital a. The concept is an observation, and it's an observation of nothing other than the whole of something you've never seen. It doesn't allow for analysis, it rejects it by it's nature. The worship of the Absolute is the worship of ignorance. It's an abstraction, an abstraction of what is possibly another abstraction (of law).

The worship of the absurd (comedy) over the worship of the profound (horror) is what I've managed to mentally separate now. I think understanding these two things is important in understanding how imageboard culture works, and the difference between those who relish in destruction and those who feel revulsion towards what is unclean. Those who are horrified would naturally work against it, those who find amusement would work with it. My conception of it might be more masucline than it is feminine, women who actually engage in this kind of thinking aren't normal. They're more receptive in their opinions of what is and isn't correct. From observation and the sensation that their opinions give me, which feels and is "cleaner" and more "delicate" than it ought to be.

The inversion of this feminine delicacy would be this lamb like innocence, this soft-skulled collapse of any mental facility or rational thought. An expectation of care and love, which I can only give in response, in charity, the literal collapse of the skull through the bashing of a rock.

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e7da61 No.2094

File: 3184ba4c0f22134⋯.png (192.53 KB,1366x510,683:255,BAP2.png)

File: 9109f8400bc0562⋯.png (517.1 KB,1366x640,683:320,BAP.png)


The inversion of the masculine thinking would be people like BAP. Essentially homosexuals, those who treat women less as anything to strive for or acquire, there's no need, but treat anything that sufficiently arouses their sexual appetites as being woman enough. Masculinity cults as one person put it, an inversion of patriarchal worship/adherence and chauvinism.

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e7da61 No.2095


This false cleanliness is still better than the revolting inversion of modern women, of pretending to be pure and innocent through the destruction of anything that tells you, "You're not."

At least cults of masculinity don't desire to destroy anything, instead wish to preserve some sort of sense of masculine youth and innocence. It's perverted regardless, much in the same way Yukio Mishima was perverted. I sympathize more due to the inherent fragility I see in it, but that's more of my own desire of there being a mistake rather than a conscious choice.

>. . . Beauty is a terrible and awful thing! It is terrible because it never has and never can be fathomed, for God sets us nothing but riddles. Within beauty both shores meet and all contradictions exist side by side. I'm not a cultivated man, brother, but I've thought a lot about this. Truly there are mysteries without end! Too many riddles weigh man down on earth. We guess them as we can, and come out of the water dry. Beauty! I cannot bear the thought that a man of noble heart and lofty mind sets out with the ideal of the Madonna and ends with the ideal of Sodom. What's still more awful is that the man with the ideal of Sodom in his soul does not renounce the ideal of the Madonna, and in the bottom of his heart he may still be on fire, sincerely on fire, with longing for the beautiful ideal, just as in the days of his youthful innocence. Yes, man's heart is wide, too wide indeed. I'd have it narrower. The devil only knows what to make of it! but what the intellect regards as shameful often appears splendidly beautiful to the heart. Is there beauty in Sodom? Believe me, most men find their beauty in Sodom. Did you know this secret? The dreadful thing is that beauty is not only terrifying but also mysterious. God and the Devil are fighting there, and their battlefield is the heart of man. But a man's heart wants to speak only of its own ache. Listen, now I'll tell you what it says. . . .


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e7da61 No.2096


>what is observation to begin with

>The concept is an observation

I've never seen a question answered so concisely. A concept isn't a secluded and reclusive thing, it naturally finds itself within a family of other concepts. All trees are plants but not all plants are trees, within trees you can find distinction through different species, keep going down and there's still the matter of the differences between individual trees. Regardless, it's all within the plane of trees, itself subject to the domain of plants.

Making a distinction between a concept and the observation of a concept is absurd. It's comedic. Observation is itself a concept, something that is aware of others.

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e7da61 No.2097

File: da310870fa2c125⋯.png (143.79 KB,1366x290,683:145,BAP3.png)


If you can't really tell, it's in the interest of more sexually liberated men to call all women whores. There wouldn't be a supply of angry and bitter men who want something better, something that'd understand them, for faggots to enjoy.

Of course it's in the interest of anyone who's life is devoted towards the baser vices to make everyone hold less "prejudiced" views.

I'll recollect all the information posted here and try to make it more concise. This is an exploration of 1D, the first level of chi.

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e7da61 No.2098


Although I can absolutely see going towards the route of women being (re)-subjected to men through patriarchal not giving a fuck. Knowing women are whores, and not believing in the anglo's lies of women being the fairer and purer sex, I could see men just taking control. As long as the force of law isn't telling them not to, and not enforcing that backwards viewpoint. Women aren't strong enough or really smart enough to matter. It's in the idea of female sexual liberation to keep the force of law, to keep the view of women as pure, going. Otherwise they simply lose all possible power.

Women simply carry the womb, that's all they're important for.

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e7da61 No.2099

File: f0572202d64df50⋯.png (2.08 KB,186x266,93:133,Wombman.png)

Although that idea is a call back to traditional feminism.

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e7da61 No.2100

File: 62b55ff79fb8b97⋯.jpg (153.45 KB,1000x900,10:9,EWXjKZbUcAQRtsh.jpg)



Careful, don't fall into the belief of tribalism. It's a very seductive idea, but it' isn't a real one. It's not feasible nor is it salient.

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e7da61 No.2102



Nor are these two positions mutually exclusive.

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e7da61 No.2106


Dutton also correlates K selection with conscientousness, agreeableness, high mental stability, high self esteem, generally anything good he correlates with K selection, at least in terms of personality. Since these are personality traits, what is being measured when there's any talk of K-selection is different from the general conception of K-selection. Whales more K-selected than, bears are more K-selected than deers, deers more K-selected than rabbits, rabbits more K-selected than insects, insects more K-selected than bacteria. There's also a correlation between size, in the raw value of each individual organism.

So the personality traits as being a good proxy for r/K selection within humans limits it.

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e7da61 No.2107

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>There's also a correlation between size, in the raw value of each individual organism.

My brain is operating at peak efficiency.

Raw size IS placing greater value within each individual organism of any species or group. With the event of agriculture, there's less emphasis on each individual person within a group given the fact there are more people within any group, and when there are more people there's less reason to invest highly within any given indvidual, and when there's less reason to invest in any given individual there's no reason fro why any population should remain as tall, muscular, and intelligent as they were before the agricultural revolution. Since there was a population explosion, this puts pressure for r-selection. It's only in stable societies like the ancient greeks (who I believe had an average IQ of fucking 130 according to their genetics), and the Elizabethans had an average IQ of 115. Both are absolutely insane.

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e08e7c No.2111


The combinatorial space thing Michael talks about, leading to IQ, is almost exactly how Douglas Hofstadter describes it. IQ as the space one has to lay things out before tying them together. Which is interesting on it's own, that they likely came to the same conclusion independently. It's basically a restatement of how the trivium method of education works though. Something the greeks have already figured out.

You're right about the between races stuff. But comparing things like this between such different populations doesn't say much in my opinion.

The IQ and rk thing is a complicated chicken or egg style problem. Did a desire to care about the long term lead to selection for people better at thinking long term ? Or did the complex environment created by people with a higher IQ lead to selection for long term thinking ? It's a hard problem to answer. The other issue is that whichever way this chicken or egg situation played out in the past, things have changed. If one caused the other, or the other caused the one, in recent history, there would still be some correlation between the traits. At some point they decoupled. How and why this decoupling started would be something important to understand. AFAIK it's not related to the decline in IQ. It's important to consider that while some r style traits we see today may be due to mutations. There is a good chance many of them had always been there. They had just been regulated though culture and religion, which has started to decline. K selected religious and cultural values acting as a proxy for k selected instincts, allowing for r strategists to act like k ones as long as someone is watching. A theme I've touched on numerous times here.

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e7da61 No.2112


>So when we win, don’t take it too hard when the peasants make an about-face and wonder why you think it’s such a big deal that they were bloodsucking ghouls last week fighting you tirelessly, day and night, for the glory of Lord Ganondorf’s global empire. The sun rises, the sun sets. One year the harvest fails and they eat their children, the next year the harvest is good and they take their children to soccer practice three times a week. It’s what they are and your utopian commune idea was never going to work anyway.

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e08e7c No.2115


That right here is why benevolence is evil. That entire blogpost really.( https://aeolipera.wordpress.com/2020/04/05/what-they-dont-teach-you-at-the-white-knight-academy/ ) You don't have to save people who will never learn. Giving someone a fish is not the same as teaching him to fish. Using a carrot and a stick to keep someone on the strait and narrow, without teaching them any virtue is even worse. What do you keep them around for ? Because someone need to farm ? Woodley's whole social epistasis amplification model is based on increasing interdependence needed to maintain society leading to fragility. Doing something for someone else that they should be able to do themselves just leads to dependence. It will eventually bite both you and them in the ass.

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e7da61 No.2116

File: 14baf4d816a832d⋯.jpg (184.82 KB,850x1368,425:684,sample_bc9b9d2e6ffe6ce39a0….jpg)


Benevolence as expressed by the dagger is entirely anti-communist. It just doesn't work on that level. Communism is something without any principle, as expressed within the Nine Commentaries. The dagger was made to just explore mental ideas and not focus so much on the external, it's connection to society only a byproduct of an individual interacting with a group.

>It will eventually bite both you and them in the ass.

I realized when I looked at Hinaichigo from Rozen Maiden that some people are literally incapable of actually surviving in the wild. Before that I just thought everyone could, if only they were taught how.

But if you mean benevolence as just pathological altruism, yeah. I agree. I for one can't help but do what I do, I just try to aim myself towards a direction that isn't as destructive for those around me.

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e08e7c No.2117


What did you mean when you called them a communist ?

also this

>The method used here, sometimes, is replacing this structure with a black sliver of karma within the first level of 1D.


>don't fall into the belief of tribalism

What is wrong with tribalism ? I think moving away from it is how we got into the fucked up global shitshow we see now.

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e7da61 No.2119



Communism is just a thing made to appeal to autists and those who are capable of seeing beyond the mere concepts into the actual potential. Communism is made to get a group to gain power over others, everything else is merely a tool to gain this power. This is what communism is.

>The method used here, sometimes, is replacing this structure with a black sliver of karma within the first level of 1D.

I don't like the idea of removing something, in this case limiting the potential of, since it's pointless to me. Why do it, why not do it, whatever. Do it.

>What is wrong with tribalism

Nothing inherently, current society isn't aimed towards the direction of tribalism as I see it. Conquering technology, conquering social relationships, living in a world that is atomistic and isolated is what I think is the correct mental model to approach all of this. If I were to focus on the material, which I don't always. The fucked up global situation right now isn't necessarily due to civilization, I don't think. It's certainly allowed to exist because of it, but that doesn't mean much of anything. I don't believe in limiting ourselves back into spear-chucking white niggers.

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e08e7c No.2123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>living in a world that is atomistic and isolated is what I think is the correct mental model

When you become unmoored from blood, soil, culture, religion, history, you're just adrift at sea. You might be content to think that the winds blowing you around, or the currents pushing you in different directions are just natural forces and nothing to think about. But this is the greatest trick being played on you. The current situation we're in is an intentional one, created by forces that know how to control the wind and sea.

Read "A Brief History of the Future" by Jacques Attali to see what kind of nightmare future this is headed toward.

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e7da61 No.2124


I don't doubt that.

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e7da61 No.2125


Just to give you an idea of what I want to do, simple guidelines that anyone can follow no matter how intelligent or unintelligent they are, the ability to have faith within a faithless world. These are the two concepts I want to explore, there's a third one. My raw assessment of your stance (tribalism) is that it's unpractical due to looking too deeply in the past, for a longing of a time that might have not ever even occurred. Might sound silly, but there's not a single reason to believe in history as it's taught by nearly anyone. Tradition, without an ability to find effectiveness, is useless. Use the old, understand the old, and from broken forms make things new. That's how Tradition survives.

I'll explore this concept entirely at one point since I'm not satisfied with merely expressing Tradition in it's form of Formation and Reformation, for now I sleep. Good night.

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81afa3 No.2126


Made me think of Harold W Percival's Thinking and Destiny for some reason.

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e7da61 No.2129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones cannot bear it for long; only men endure

There has to be an understanding that war itself isn't eugenic by itself. People constantly killing each other isn't beneficial. In some people, those who show themselves as being smarter than the average person, stronger or taller, more likeable and clever than the average person, is killed and given back to the gods. The Khazar people, some people believing these people to be the ancestors of ashkenazi Jews (I wouldn't say anything on that), being an example.

To these people, there is no striving, there is only eternal complacency within an already known universe.

>Fair is the knight who lieth slain

>Amid the rush and reed. . . .

But the power of the government within this world, that of law, is death. So the death penalty is the ultimate show of force, and all crimes should be solved through death.

>In the whole vast domain of living nature there reigns an open violence, a kind of prescriptive fury which arms all the creatures to their common doom. As soon as you leave the inanimate kingdom, you find the decree of violent death inscribed on the very frontiers of life. You feel it already in the vegetable kingdom: from the great catalpa to the humblest herb, how many plants die, and how many are killed. But from the moment you enter the animal kingdom, this law is suddenly in the most dreadful evidence. A power of violence at once hidden and palpable … has in each species appointed a certain number of animals to devour the others. Thus there are insects of prey, reptiles of prey, birds of prey, fishes of prey, quadrupeds of prey. There is no instant of time when one creature is not being devoured by another. Over all these numerous races of animals man is placed, and his destructive hand spares nothing that lives. He kills to obtain food and he kills to clothe himself. He kills to adorn himself, he kills in order to attack, and he kills in order to defend himself. He kills to instruct himself and he kills to amuse himself. He kills to kill. Proud and terrible king, he wants everything and nothing resists him.From the lamb he tears its guts and makes his harp resound … from the wolf his most deadly tooth to polish his pretty works of art; from the elephant his tusks to make a toy for his child - his table is covered with corpses … And who in all of this will exterminate him who exterminates all others? Himself. It is man who is charged with the slaughter of man … So it is accomplished … the first law of the violent destruction of living creatures. The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death.

The greatest show of strength is that of coalition of men, and in paradox it's only through the love of his fellow man that these things can form.

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e7da61 No.2131

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A short explanation of my view of vampirism.

Degenerate nobles who still retain some semblance of aloofness derived from spiritual mind over matter, itself being the dead ruins of an archaic belief systems. More concerned about removing the dirty and unclean aspects of society, the poor and those who do more harm than good, than trying to set a good example for the populace. Blood sucking nobles being the best way to put it, the anti-thesis to the more classical concept of the aristocrats.

Most prominent energies are black and red. Black being forbearance, the keeping of form, and red being the vitality or whatever vitality is left in their boredom.

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e7da61 No.2133


The energy I get is similar. Except the book ends at 4D rather than entering into 5.1D, or Arhat. It's at this point where a person stops being merely the receiver of heavenly orders, but he is given power through the abidance of his own will. I don't have much interest in reading the experience of others so that's all I'll say. Moving through the milk white and ultimately towards the pure white body is simple, although the topic can be expanded as I'm trying to do here.

>God gave to the sea danger and the abyss,

>But it was in it that he mirrored heaven.

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e7da61 No.2134

File: ee68bb0eb57e3fe⋯.jpg (617.81 KB,4096x2077,4096:2077,EUwfipSUcAAGbPN.jpg)

File: 15d15df8d4d99e9⋯.jpg (813.02 KB,2508x3541,2508:3541,EV4j3WeUEAExk4_.jpg)

File: 834eacbec46a7e4⋯.jpg (713.1 KB,1254x1770,209:295,EV4jzrEU4AERDgM.jpg)

Some thoughts on poetry:

The static moment captured through mnemonic sensory feeling, over the movement of sensation as I try to capture here and by the dialogue exchange between different anons, is what I see as it's actual worth. For english there are other hurdles to be jumped in trying to find the correct words and rhythm. In a language like Japanese, in my view, which is much less precise, it's more obscurity. Japanese can express emotions and movement very well in a way that english simply can't, but this same thing is limiting. There's not as much impact as there could be found in english. The hurdle is thus also much higher in english.

Different domains require different forms of masteries, and I don't hold mastery over english or japanese (much less japanese).

With that said, there's a certain kind of allure I find in these kinds of images. It's the religious profundity that can be found in paradox, in what others might call hypocritic beliefs, in holding one thing true and not helping but do something else, something imperfect as it's outside of your will to control. By my categories I'd place it within the realm of horror, moral horror. Great intellectual depths can be found in these mental anguish in lacking your most vital objects.

>"Do not say, 'I don't know what I should do, so I'm not responsible for not doing it.' If you did every good thing you have knowledge of, then everything else would in turn become clear to you, as though they were being observed by you as you went from one room to another." – St. Mark the Ascetic

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e7da61 No.2135


Running away from horror and into the realm of absurdity, into comedy, is a sign of weakness. I don't want to be present with these kinds of men. There's something missing in their estimate of the world, as if what they do will not have an impact on their life to come, even if they don't acknowledge there being any connection. Although laughter is a sign of hiding fear, if you're not laughing then one is crying, and laughter is what prevents a man from showing weakness to his fellow men.

I want to capture these sensations.

>It was said concerning Abba Agathon that some monks came to find him having heard tell of his great discernment. Wanting to see if he would lose his temper they said to him 'Aren't you that Agathon who is said to be a fornicator and a proud man?' 'Yes, it is very true,' he answered. They resumed, 'Aren't you that Agathon who is always talking nonsense?' 'I am.' Again they said 'Aren't you Agathon the heretic?' But at that he replied 'I am not a heretic.' So they asked him, 'Tell us why you accepted everything we cast you, but repudiated this last insult.' He replied 'The first accusations I take to myself for that is good for my soul. But heresy is separation from God. Now I have no wish to be separated from God.' At this saying they were astonished at his discernment and returned, edified.

>The old men said to Abba Agathon to Abba Elias, in Egypt, 'He is a good Abba.' The old man answered them, 'In comparison with his own generation, he is good.' They said to him, 'And what is he in comparison with the ancients?' He gave them this answer, 'I have said to you that in comparison with his generation he is good but as to that of the ancients, in Scetis I have seen a man who, like Joshua the son of Nun could make the sun stand still in the heavens.' At these words they were astounded and gave glory to God.

>Abba Agathon said, "I consider no other labor as difficult as prayer. When we are ready to pray, our spiritual enemies interfere. They understand it is only by making it difficult for us to pray that they can harm us. Other things will meet with success if we keep at it, but laboring at prayer is a war that will continue until we die."

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e7da61 No.2136


I guess it's similar to hiding behind a mask. Just a more mature version of a child hiding behind a blanket, or modern men hiding their sorrow in irony. Post-ironic men are terrible to look at, their actual opinions shown as not being ironic at all. Small souled, and willing to handle very little.

Making posts like this makes my mode of thinking more easily understood by me, at least. It's just building off of older concepts, forever. Ancestral worship in essence. I'll get to the things I've said before, the things I have told to do, but there needs to be a foundation. 1D is the exploration of modern bug men, people with tiny spirits and no real power over themselves. 2D is more poetic, it's tragedy is expressed in something more simpler, but more complex.

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e08e7c No.2139


I'm going to try to lay out the core principals I use to look at things. I don't have an exactly complete solution, I'm not sure one exists. I just think that tribalism of some kind will be involved in any good solution. This is all at the human level.

1 Steady states are not possible long term.

You're always moving in a direction, even if it's not apparent. More often than not stability of a situation long term only causes people to be dependent on stability and forget how to adapt. There is always a trade-off for and a debt created by stability, which must be accounted for eventually.

2 Human structures are always mutable and prone to drifting.

These changes are not always bad, but they do always happen.

3 There are no long term silver bullets.

You can develop the complete understanding of a problem or situation. You can use this knowledge to come up with a perfect solution to achieve your goals. The understanding of the situation and the solution created for it are connected to the current context of the world. Once the solution is implemented and/or the world is changed, lightening will likely not strike twice.

4 Some things can only be learned from observing mistakes, either your own, or others.

Theory needs to be put to test in the wild at some point.

5 The unit of learning(evolution) is not the person making the decision. It is the group of people effected by the decision.

6 Larger groups, or groups with more momentum, can and will leverage these things to run away from the effects of their decisions for as long as possible.

Most of the time they will not use this borrowed time to correct the problem, leading to compounding "debt".

7 Most good ideas, or good solutions to problems come from intelligent guesses, made by people who have experience in the domain.

The formalized thinking later used to explain why these things are good is almost always post hoc reasoning.

All of that tied together leads me to conclude that the ideal group size is smaller than the whole globe. Having all of humanity "learn" something at once might spell extinction. It's also probably not the size of an individual either. It should be smaller than a nation, because the more leaders attempting to lead, the more likely it is one of them will have a good idea.

The flaw with this thinking is obvious though, empires. Even without one forming explicitly to take power. Say some group close to you has had a "learning experience", rather than let them pick up the pieces on their own, you annex them. Everyone wins, because they recover super fast and you get more territory. Soon everyone does this, until there's just a few major players. Everyone involved wants to maintain the status quo. Attempting to learn anything, try anything new, is likely to result in the other powers taking over your country. Failure is not an option, so stagnation is the only choice. Eventually the debt is paid and history rhymes with itself. I think somehow preventing empires from forming and allowing smaller groups to go through their own cycles, is the key to a kind of long term stability.

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e7da61 No.2143


I need new hands and eyes before I could talk to you, else you'll speak to the ghost of my meanings. I could devote more years of my life to reading more books by authors who might or might not have seen more, to find the concepts needed to explain myself without first having to devote an hour comprehending my sentiments, but I believe the present is now and not later, and I work here and not later.

>The unit of learning(evolution) is not the person making the decision. It is the group of people effected by the decision.

I don't know what this means. The unit (element/singular) of learning (evolution/change?) != decision, decision = total affect? I don't know what decision means here.

>Our existence is based solely on the ever-fleeting present. Essentially, therefore, it has to take the form of continual motion without there ever being any possibility of our finding the rest after which we are always striving. It is the same as a man running downhill, who falls if he tries to stop, and it is only by his continuing to run on that he keeps on his legs; it is like a pole balanced on one's finger-tips, or like a planet that would fall into its sun as soon as it stopped hurrying onwards. Hence unrest is the type of existence.

>In a world like this, where there is no kind of stability, no possibility of anything lasting, but where everything is thrown into a restless whirlpool of change, where everything hurries on, flies, and is maintained in the balance by a continual advancing and moving, it is impossible to imagine happiness. It cannot dwell where, as Plato says, continual Becoming and never Being is all that takes place. First of all, no man is happy; he strives his whole life long after imaginary happiness, which he seldom attains, and if he does, then it is only to be disillusioned; and as a rule he is shipwrecked in the end and enters the harbour dismasted. Then it is all the same whether he has been happy or unhappy in a life which was made up of a merely ever-changing present and is now at an end.

Trying to find the perfect political and ideological structure is a misguided one. First, it's based off of the idea that man is capable of altering his environment, which is true. But it's not true that this is absolutely true for everyone, some men have greater control over themselves than others, most men don't. I've found ugly the idea that one should stick with some political structure of the past, of a social heuristic of a past, without trying to adopt it into something more suitable for the modern. More ugly is the idea that one finds solace and masculinity within possible perfect futures, made ugliest by an inability to figure out a solution that doesn't involve mass genocide. The Confucius way of simply providing guidelines is what I want to imitate. Things like the Bible also work well enough, and so does Zhuan Falun. It's providing guidelines on how to act, rather than ones on how one should necessarily govern. Environments and people change.

I now understand what Li Hongzhi meant when he said material existence can't dissolve before human morality does.

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e7da61 No.2145

File: fe988267c4eabd1⋯.jpg (81.57 KB,678x259,678:259,celticmap.jpg)


But otherwise, the Celtic way of life would be what you'd want. Maybe.

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e7da61 No.2146

Dagger of benevolence:

The appreciation of virtue, of strength, of power, with the humility and humbleness needed to act these virtues out in others and in yourself. If someone insults you, don't contemplate it for any longer than you need to, only to take out it's actual meaning and why such an insult could be directed at you. All things stem from this, all benevolence as defined by this dagger, stems from humility.

As directed to society:

Power is limber, and needs to be expressed through will. Will, and self-control, isn't defined by reaction, it's a willful and calculated choice. First contemplating what is is you want, and treating those who you want to deal with in a way that's agreeable. There's still a fundamental hardness, of endurance, where some things must be taken in a way even if others find it offensive. This lacks the cold indifference of actual governments, the kind that will tell you that they care for you, and steps on your property and pride with expectation of humility, from you. Cooperation comes from this limber power, more warm than cold.

Current society is very cold and distant. It's destructive, and any morality they claim to hold is a false one. Merely a mask to protect themselves from accusations of cruelty. There's no emotion in these people.

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e7da61 No.2157


>else you'll speak to the ghost of my meanings

Don't mean to insult you but your responses have been more aimed to someone who's spineless and doesn't want to do anything. Which is fair, I'm RADICALLY immobile.

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e7da61 No.2158


>I'll recollect all the information posted here and try to make it more concise

1D is the exploration of vices and virtues, a single minded movement, desire, or action. There are ones that originate from the body, ones that originate from the mind, others that come from a wide variety of things. That's what 1D is.

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e7da61 No.2159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I like this method of thinking. It's straightforward, but people don't like repetition. So imperfection has to be added, like knots in a piece of wood. This gives it complexity. Whatever it is he wanted to capture, he managed to capture. I don't know musical theory and I don't know anything of it's technical nature, so that's all I can say about it.

European thought as I can understand it comes from this dan elixir kind of thinking. Concentrating on a single point, and letting that point build up energy until the problem you're trying to solve explodes into the actual depth that you're trying to find. Different directions, and placing this concentration within different areas and dimensions, leads to different results. As Li Hongzhi noted, all cultivation that has been provided to humans has been of this kind. The different methods of getting this energy cluster to explode properly requires an extensive amount of non-intent, no thought. Concentration is still placed, but not in the way (I imagine) most people to think.

Primordial chi has also been talked about, not on this board but by Li Hongzhi. It's chi that begins before any other chi, it's chi as a non-concept, no-being, and no-meaning existence. It's the chi that's formed at the beginning, and all thoughts originate from it. It's an actual shame that there's not anyone I can talk to this about. The more of this kind of chi you have, the clearer your vision, all vision, is.

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e7da61 No.2160

Most people seem to be able to write paragraph after paragraph of words to explain things that I can only explain in a single sentence. The more complicated a topic is, and the more of the structure I see, the easier and more simple it is for me to explain it in less.

The entirety of my understanding can be summed up as analytical observation, either verbal or analogous to manual and physical labor. Words I hate the most, I don't like those who think and jump towards certain phrases and 'uses of words.

If you get enough lines, you get enough building material to build something of note. This is the level of architecture. Lines can curve or become straight angles, build up enough of them and you create concepts and actual phenomena. The exploration of these things are endless, at least to me, and to explore them here in a thread would be me dumping various media in hopes that someone will gleam the essence of what I'm trying to convey. Above this, you get more than just the building blocks, but you have the building and necessarily the mind that creates the building. Although it's a competition of two minds, one material and the other at the bare minimum the essence of divine. Reach above even this and you'll see that a single great work isn't done once, it's done repeatedly. The universe works off of repetition.

That's 2D, 3D, and 4D.

Arhat is the observance of these things, but taken personally, you become these forces yourself.

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e7da61 No.2161

The more I think and observe the way the world is moving, I don't understand how whites could have as much power as they do now in the future. China will probably be dominant, they simply aren't so caught up in whatever the hell it is the west is caught up in.

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e7da61 No.2162

>modesty, gracefulness, purity, delicacy, civility, compliancy, reticence, chastity, affability, [and] politeness

From the concept of the eternal feminine. Something I've observed in myself, when I try to look for anything close to feminine thinking. Best embodied not in women, but in men, and these traits are what most waifu-fags associate with their waifus. Notice, it's just the observation of a men to take his best features and place it on a woman. Talked about on /r9k/ of all places. Embodying these traits is what makes man enlightened, and is the hardest thing to do.

I'm prone to believe that the more eugenic a man is the more he's prone to fall into this kind of idealistic thinking. His world is only what he imagines it to be, and he doesn't like it to be trampled on by mere reality.

I also wanted to go out of my way and make something clear. The idea that "truth" is bound to "Law". But I quickly realized this was the mental masturbatory fantasy of a deluded tranny. Truth is a blossoming flower that once learned, worked with, and ultimately surpassed, becomes false. This is why art and aesthetics, anime and manga in the case of imageboards since these things are for losers and imageboards are for losers, are good for showing truth.

>Art is the lie that reveals the truth

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e7da61 No.2163

File: 1cd2802bbfb7f25⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,480x360,4:3,Hauu_Nanodesu_AjNPeKgLnC8.mp4)

File: f6d4be19c44562d⋯.webm (6.32 MB,800x450,16:9,maximum_smug.webm)


I also think that when showing smug anime girls to normalfags, the reason they feel so disgusted isn't because they hate cute things. It's because it's a cartoon, it's smug, and cartoons are for children. Being smug means holding feelings of superiority over something, and if a cartoon (for children) is showing a smug expression (the child, the mental and physical inferior, showing superiority over an adult) this provokes either anxiety or disgust, or anger, whatever in the normalfag.

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e7da61 No.2164

File: 5aef88831fc0aa9⋯.webm (5.18 MB,3840x2160,16:9,5aef88831fc0aa99f33588f18….webm)


I should rewatch Welcome to the NHK.

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e7da61 No.2165

File: f495e7e20b62664⋯.jpg (268.33 KB,850x1133,850:1133,sample_5a2ef08d443dd94fe0e….jpg)

File: 969bb8b051574cc⋯.png (2.57 MB,1154x1800,577:900,da3i8aa_15e9332d_f0a6_43d1….png)

Another thing I wanted to talk about for a while now, the difference between a man wastefully pouring blood onto the ground and a woman wastefully pouring blood onto the ground is pretty great. Masculine handicapping through discarding extravagance (I'm worth more than the things I possess, or what I represent and want is worth more than what I possess), versus a show of force through expenditure. The first one is masculine, the other feminine. Recall gaudy fashion (feminine, degenerate) versus having only the bare essentials (masculine). Extremes are best represented by men, so on one hand you'll have the gay fat man covered in gold, women, on a throne while the ugly, perverted, and depraved, poor starve and die, as would fit their status as the unwanted. The other would be the Buddha/Jesus style, let go of all your wealth (more literally by the Buddha since he was a prince or at the least aristocratic), free yourself from wordly possessions and live by compassion. These are rough generalizations.

Intentionally handicapping yourself is also a way to gain trust.

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7af1ab No.2179

File: 3fdfcb5eaf79b9f⋯.jpg (19.28 KB,218x250,109:125,126922001855.jpg)















ITT: based dagothposter anon finally transcends sanity as we know it

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e7da61 No.2181


Ain't insightful so it doesn't matter.

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e7da61 No.2185


I know you're mostly joking, and considering the fact that I'm posting about these things that people can't see, but I can, and more importantly am able to articulate. But since I haven't posted today, and I think I should, I'll talk about my thoughts.

Most people go around there lives not considering much of anything. I have two siblings who are essentially matured now, both of them don't think much beyond whatever urge comes over them. One is an alcoholic with a kid, the other someone who doesn't know what to do with his life. Me, I sit in a room contemplating for hours at a time over trivial things and details. I might do other things, I do workout, but besides that I don't do much.

Whatever it is I'm enlightening to, whatever problem I have that is putting immense pressure on my mind to solve, I'd contemplate and watch as the time goes by, one hour into two, and two into three, so on. The problem isn't solve until all the "black" mass is gone and dealt with. And the solution is often trivial. If I'm having trouble handling my anger, the solution is to control myself. If I'm having trouble with my libido, the solution is to understand what it is I want and then solve it. It's not to give in, it's to process it and let it develop itself into something worthwhile. Even these things don't turn into something I can articulate. To rationally comprehend it is another matter, no one really rationally understands their sexuality or what they're attracted to. Homosexuals don't really understand what it is they're attracted to, they see a man and think that's alright. I'd imagine they live their lives not understand why they feel that way, and wanting to change (if such a person feels compelled to). The raw emotion or just "sight" of something you know exists, but don't know how to see or express, is what I'm getting at. There are different techniques and pathways that information can pass through, and the english language is extremely limited. I can't really talk about anything without first setting up the context. And the context can take days of active discussion to build up to.

Most human problems are really simple. After being in agony for multiple days at a time just to solve something someone might not even understand, glance at, or take seriously. For good reason, since the solutions and the problems I have aren't that complicated. Still, despite whatever pain I go through, the solution is simple.

Material life isn't as important as people want it to be. It's all conceptual and theoretical. To me, since I've always lived in the world of what can be rationally understood and processed, if anything doesn't conform to this standard then I disregard it. To the extreme, I will not talk, eat, sleep, or post, without first having an elaborate philosophy for how I should handle myself. If I walk, I have to walk in a certain way. People sometimes comment on the way I think, talk, and move, and might think I'm just weird in general. From my view, it's that people don't even think about daily actions that lets them live in such flow. I don't know how to not think about any of my actions, or what consequences it'll bring.

One of the posters here thinks his insights are unique, or that he knows more than whatever religion is out there. I don't know how to verify that is true or not, he has knowledge that others don't, but that isn't particularly special. His insight that "good" things, like politeness and civility, only work towards the aim of power. This is backwards, from my thinking. It's only from the result of seeing that good things provide power that one assumes that power is the ultimate conclusion, rather than just an outcome of whatever good is done. This is extremely obvious to anyone who really takes to heart what being a good person is. Everyone has their doubts, and these doubts lead to revelations. It's whether you act on these things or not that determines your status, and how far you can go in cultivation.

Someone might laugh at that statement.

The things he wants are extremely boring to me. They don't even process as anything worthwhile, they disgust me from the core of my being. If they disgust me at all, otherwise it's just a trivia that I have to process. My running idea is that the statement

>Sexual immorality doesn't exist

Ultimately derives itself from believing something does exist. Obvious, right? No. What does exist? What exists outside of the sensation? What exists within the sensation? What exists within the flesh? What exists outside of it? What process leads to the conclusion that there is flesh? What process could lead to the conclusion that there isn't any flesh? Different routes of thinking will lead to different conclusions. The statement

>Sexual immorality doesn't exist

Is nonsense outside of whatever context it was placed in. What is immorality? What is sexuality? What does the word, "doesn't", even mean? What does existence mean?

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e7da61 No.2186


Ultimately romantic feelings are irrational, and derive themselves from irrational sources. Why does someone want to do anything? Why do enlightened beings even exist? One would have to assume that those who don't, don't. But what does it even mean to exist? Is it actually binary? Are there things that exist outside of this range of thinking, beyond the scope that any being can really comprehend? And do those beings know of us? And are those beings just another component to another larger, one that simply breaks any scope of understanding that either they or us can comprehend?

The thinking is limited. Everything is. Everything that supposes an existence, or not an existence, or neither, or both, are something entirely different, is limited. The scope of it's expression is limited by it's existence. So to answer the idea,

>Sexual immorality doesn't exist

It's a false statement made from a false dichotomy. The truth is something entirely different from whatever limited scope the statement expresses itself in. Ultimately, if you don't think it exists, then I can't tell you about it. I have no way to make you change your mind, or have you see things in a new way. I am also incapable of caring much, outside of an allure to answer things.

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e7da61 No.2188


>What does exist

What doesn't exist?

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7af1ab No.2189


I think this is the biggest enigma for me, you're actively trying to build a common context in order to express something. I've given up on objectivity and clarity in communication long ago, it's simply impossible to achieve using spoken language. Even telepathy is heavily interpreted by the receiver. In the end, everything is going to appear in your interlocutor's inner context, and no matter how precise you make the external context of the conversation, it will never be 100% coherent with what you intended.

>without first having an elaborate philosophy for how I should handle myself

This is pretty alien as well. Your internal context is always going to be subjective, logical thought will always hit a hard limiter, it is only slightly higher than physical and vital reality, after all. Even the emotional dimension is higher. When taking that into account, why think anything through? I've found that intuition is always closer to whatever universal truth pertains to a situation, than logical thought ever will.

I used to think everything through in advance during childhood. I wouldn't step out of the house if I didn't plan out every physical step I would take, every moment I would spend waiting at a crossing, every interaction I would have with whoever I'd pass by. If I couldn't vividly see every moment of a trip, and think to myself "yeah, that seems logical enough", I wouldn't take a single step forwards.

For me, part of the process of growing up was giving up on that addiction to certainty, and learning to live and think in abstract, illogical terms.

I don't think your way of living is wrong, but it might be interesting to give up that certainty once in a while, to take a few minutes every day and do something intuitive, irrational, and without thinking of the consequences. Before Cicada stepped on the cabal's foot and all but a few members got suicided, part of their philosophy was to do 3 random things every day.

>good things only work towards the aim of power

Sounds like the based anime anon. I see that sort of arrogance towards religion like any other sort of intellectual or spiritual pride. Having pride in these conceptual areas prevents development, instead of fostering it. Even an eldritch spawn of the chthonic realms, or an incarnated god of whatever sphere, will be lacking in one area or another. Even the systems and institutions that you see as psy-ops or as simply backwards and unenlightened, may contain truth you can borrow from.

Also, seeing anything in terms of power is pretty worthless. You are either powerless, or all-powerful. Neither have any reason to be concerned with power. If you can shift the world's power balance with a thought, why give a shit about power?

>sexual immorality doesn't exist

>is nonsense

I see things in a similar way. If both sexuality, and morality, are flexible concepts, then dismissing sexual immorality, or reversely, sexual morality, is nonsense.

These are both dialectic concepts, they exist in states of opposition and differentiation. As such, both have their place, based on the cyclical nature of reality. Sexual morality held up the rise of Rome, and sodomy cemented its fall.

I always base my role in whatever situation, on an intuitive understanding of the mythical play that situation represents. I will sometimes take the role of a moral guardian, and at other times that of an adversary. Sometimes I'll even do both at the same time. There's a time and place for everything.


>is it actually binary?

Existence is expressed as an imaginary number. It can vary in a lot of ways, but its value will always be conceptual, and relative to everything around it. Everything exists, and doesn't, at the same time. We're all Schrodinger's cat, sometimes dead, sometimes alive, at different points in the sum of all eternity.

Even the concept of 'being' is relative. Are you strictly your mental state in this very moment? Or are you the abstract, sum total of your personality over the span of your entire life? Are you only the very essential part of your soul? Perhaps the ontological concept your mentality emanates from? Maybe the universal Absolute, being beyond dialectics.

My view is that all of these are true, in varying degrees, at different times. You are, fundamentally, all of these, and which frame of reference you choose to identify with, and work within, is up to you.

All transcendental schools of spirituality, like gnosticism and buddhism, work down this scale, removing successive levels of differentiation, increasing degrees of specificity, until you are entirely identified with that sum total Absolute. I'm quite comfortable staying where I am, overseeing an aspect of my cosmological function, at this moment in time, in this specific configuration.

>false statement from a false dichotomy

Some of you are alright, don't come into the astral tomorrow.


>What doesn't exist

Everything, and nothing.

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e7da61 No.2190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I've found that intuition is always closer to whatever universal truth pertains to a situation, than logical thought ever will.

>I don't think your way of living is wrong, but it might be interesting to give up that certainty once in a while, to take a few minutes every day and do something intuitive, irrational, and without thinking of the consequences

Stems from a difference in our definitions of logic. Logic is illogical, and illogical things stem from things that can be made into a framework that is' logical. This is what I found to be true. Some things I just have to do without really knowing what will happen, but this is mostly to do with me not knowing what else to do.

I'm also reminded of Madoka throwing Sayaka's soul gem into the stream of cars due not knowing what to do, and having received bad advice from her mother that if you don't know what to do, just do something. Sayaka could've literally died, her gem broken, and if it wasn't for Homura she would be dead. It was only from someone fixing her mistake that anything was solved.

>Everything, and nothing.

It's easy to fall into verbal traps. Nothing is a category, and within that category there is something that exists. Not in the way we know existence to be. Existence as we see it now is within a category, and even shadows, black, "essential nothing" exists within it. I suppose that answers my question.

That's all I can say, there's more but I don't know how to say it.

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e7da61 No.2191



Logic stems from something that doesn't exist. It's an assumption, something that might not inherently relate to anything physical or "real" in the normalfag sense. Logic stems from physical manipulation of large and coherent mental and physical concepts, and don't have an existence outside of something that is already coherent. I don't know how this would operate within chaos, true chaos, which would by definition not be capable of anything coherent or "whole".

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7af1ab No.2193

File: 742e15cdda27bae⋯.gif (566.32 KB,200x200,1:1,pyramid2.gif)


I think this is my main issue with logic, it is inherently based on order. It is a negation of a negation of a negation. In our reality, pretty much every concept stems from causality, time, which itself is an emanation of chaos. Saturni, a primogenito chaos, sit patre omnium deorum.

Logic is a negation of causality, of procedure. It accounts for a universal, coherent whole, irrespective of a temporal gradient of truth. No logical statement can remain true forever, since the very framework of truth varies with time.

Paradoxically, logic grasps for the universal, while being eternally confined to the now.

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e7da61 No.2194


The idea of the death of death makes sense to me now. Your concept of Saturn feels more like my concept of God, the patriarchal deity behind the dagger of benevolence. Although God is only given name due to Christian thought that I've been raised in, I mean something different from God.

This is the first time I've ever felt wrong about anything, throughout this entire /sunflower/ (and past) experiences and discussion. Due to the logical fact that logic doesn't exist outside of eternity, of a single moment. I have this idea that time is just the collection of eternity stringed together, but I have no idea why I believe that. Most likely just the base material for something with actual meaning.

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e7da61 No.2195


>I think this is the biggest enigma for me, you're actively trying to build a common context in order to express something

Being able to talk about something means being able to comprehend it, and being able to comprehend it in multiple ways is useful to me. Otherwise, I would be complacent, and I would lose my only motivator (outside of just cultivating, which I'm prone to not interact with the world if I keep this as my main focus.) Having a visible and knowable opponent to solve and defeat is helpful.

I've understood my intuition to be just the vague sight and barely comprehend material that I can understand logically. Intuition by itself is false, it might not even be yours, it's the information and the meaning that develops it that matters. It doesn't exist outside of logic.

Emotions is chaotic in a way I don't normally comprehend. I haven't seen the entire structure of emotion, although the emotion I'm talking about is most likely very different from the emotion someone else might know. Gods are said to have compassion, but the compassion they have is different from the compassion normal people have. And even different gods, from different levels, see compassion differently.

Another problem that you've not expressed is taking the universe and accepting it as subjective, or not trying to differentiate every component to it's most fine material. This can be summed up with the idea of Mystery. Some things are unknowable, and the fact that they're unknowable is accepted as true. Etymology of a fact as an action, being true: https://www.etymonline.com/word/fact

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e7da61 No.2196


>This is the first time I've ever felt wrong about anything

Chaos as the expression of a totality of sequence, where logic can only ever capture a single moment of. Transience as being without logic, and logic being the capturing of a moment of eternity, chaos is the manifestation of a principle not understood. Even the concept of chaos requires coherence. Chaos doesn't exist, I can't conceptualize or see it. Or understand it, which might mean it does exist.


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476d1b No.2197


>chaos is the manifestation of a principle not understood.

>Chaos doesn't exist

I agree with this, to me chaos is ignorance of variables, if one could percieve things like Laplace's demon, one would find all in order. But then again it might exist as a "lack", like ignorance is a lack of understanding and darkness is a lack of light.

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2a455d No.2199


I've been thinking about this, but I can firmly say that language is exclusively an expression of thought. As a symbolic, polymorphic representation of logical concepts, language can only express those momentary conceptualizations in a local reference frame. This is why language can never express emotions themselves, but only the concepts of emotions.

I've also found that wording an abstract thought out can increase my understanding of the underlying issue. I think this is because comprehension, as you termed it, is rooted in a superior and universal dimension, that of rationality, which is then expressed through momentary, static logic. The rational world is therefore non-local, and non-temporal. It belongs to that superior, primordial chaos of differentiation, and not to the inferior chaos of time.


My understanding of chaos is different: chaos is difference itself. It is the principle which demands that every concept, every object, every idea, be developed into an infinity of aspects of itself, each infinitely different from one another.

Chaos is the division of objects such as "apple" into countless sub-objects, all of which are apples, yet all of which are different and unlike one another. Chaos is the physical laws of material reality shifting and writhing with every change in the background vacuum potential. Chaos is once-stable elements like Uranium becoming radioactive as we approach the high zero-point energy of the Pleiades cluster. It is the vanished orichalcum of the Atlanteans, and the legends of the metal "titanium" living on eons after our fall.


I've conversely managed to understand your idea of the "death drive" as being the basic principle of life. It is not the death of the individual that is sought, but the static soul being killed at the ascent of the developed spirit. The lord of the Tower seeks his own death, yet the enemy is not to be sought, nor is it to be awaited. And yet, one day, they will come upon each other.

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e7da61 No.2201


>chaos is difference itself

A white horse is not a horse.

>but I can firmly say that language is exclusively an expression of thought

I think language is the expression of whatever dimension language derives itself from. Or, language doesn't express thoughts, it expresses itself, which is the derived from the person (who knows a language) into thoughts.

>rational and static logic

>lesser and greater chaos

I'll think about this tomorrow.

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099f0f No.2204

File: 79b9c978695787e⋯.jpg (912.16 KB,1000x1400,5:7,1566369070001.jpg)

Amok Syndrome

Was the above crime an anomaly caused by the mental state of the perpetrator, something that would be familiar to the modern age, or was it a crime steeped in the mores and manners of its time? The jury is out on the verdict, but when examining the origins of the crime, one further theory emerged which I find quite intriguing. It is a theory that links such acts to a phenomenon that would be familiar to inhabitants of the Malay peninsula – that of ‘Amok Syndrome’. (25)

In his study of sennin-kiri, Minagata Kumakuzu had the following to say about ‘Amok Syndrome’:

“Debts, separation from loved ones, and punishment. When a man feels that these have all piled up and that there is no fairness left in the world, he temporarily goes insane, aware neither of what led him into his current state nor what its consequences will be. Taking a knife in hand, he runs about attacking people indiscriminately, men, women, young and old, without rest. Afterwards, despite the deaths of scores of people, the mob will seemingly praise him for his act.” (26)

A man whose dissatisfaction and indignation have piled up to the point that he loses control of himself is transformed into a mass murderer. After the crimes are committed, there is a tendency for people to find worth in the grotesqueness of such acts. In this sense, such acts closely resemble that committed by Magara Shingorõ. (26)

Minagata also wrote the following based on notes made by Alfred Wallace in his “Record of the Malay Islands”:

“56 years ago (around 1856), a series of incidents took place in Makassar (located in the centre of Sulawesi Island in eastern Indonesia). These occurred at the rate of once or twice a month. The worst of these would see 20 or so people killed or injured.”

The origins of the word ‘amok’ were explained in Chapter Six of Steven Pinker’s “How the Mind Works”. According to Pinker:

“Amok is a Malay word for the homicidal sprees occasionally undertaken by lonely Indochinese men who have suffered a loss of love, a loss of money, or a loss of face.”

Pinker also points out records of such acts being committed in Papua New Guinea. In terms of the relationship between ‘Amok Syndrome’ and indiscriminate acts of mass murder, Pinker made the following observation. In 1986, 7 men admitted to a hospital in Papua New Guinea and suffering from ‘Amok Syndrome’ were interviewed and analysed, with the results comprising the basis for the ‘amok mindset’. These results were identical to the thoughts held by Thomas Hamilton, the perpetrator of the Dunblane Massacre. On the 13th of March 1996, Hamilton walked into a primary school in the Scottish town of Dunblane and proceeded to murder sixteen children and their teacher using various guns before killing himself. (27)

Pinker explained the ‘amok mindset’ thus:

“I am not an important or “big man”. I possess only my personal sense of dignity. My life has been reduced to nothing but an intolerable insult. Therefore, I have nothing left to lose except my life, which is nothing, so I trade my life for yours, as your life is favoured. The exchange is in my favour, so I shall not only kill you, but I shall kill many of you, and at the same time rehabilitate myself in the eyes of the group of which I am a member, even though I might be killed in the process.”


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e7da61 No.2207

File: ae2ced1f63f29b6⋯.png (13.45 KB,976x116,244:29,Communism.PNG)

File: 0c5f13b613008e9⋯.png (22.23 KB,974x127,974:127,Communism2.PNG)

File: 1fc93062a980fee⋯.png (65.46 KB,981x527,981:527,White.PNG)

Ideally Amok should be benevolent, quick, cruel, and done with. It must be calculated, not acted from impulse, but the greater the passion the greater the apathy needs to be developed. Ultimately, it's an action of pure self-love, and of the love of those who die.

Killing the infirm, elderly, weak, and those who don't know how to fight back, isn't Amok.

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e7da61 No.2209


>Throughout the war, it was always my endeavour to view my opponent without animus, and to form an opinion of him as a man on the basis of the courage he showed. I would always try and seek him out in combat and kill him, and I expected nothing else from him. But never did I entertain mean thoughts of him. When prisoners fell into my hands, later on, I felt responsible for their safety, and would always do everything in my power for them.

>Show me your relationship to pain and I will show you yourself

>…culture is declining. How was culture born? It was born with the cult of the dead, with the religious worship of ancestors; that began with the pyramids and with the tumuli built by prehistoric men, with their caves and grottoes. All these things are vanishing and are even extinct. I focused on these burial issues because I regard the disappearance of ancestor worship as a characteristic of present-day decadence. When I stroll through a cemetery, I am struck by the sadness, which is aroused not by the unfortunate deceased, but by the dreadfully uniform way in which people think about them.

>When a man is dead, people believe that he is gone forever. According to that logic, there can be no art. For art offers more than pure presence, it offers transcendence. If the cult of the dead were to reappear, it would be a sign that culture can take root again.

Ernst Junger is okay.

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c9f962 No.2216

What do you think of the so called "old ones"? There seem to be many people who work or interact with them, but what would be the benefit in doing so?

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e7da61 No.2219


You get to interact with a group with a really cool name.

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acf798 No.2220



"Chaotic" implies being difficult to predict or control. In modern terms it simply means a slight change in initial conditions will result in a wildly different sequence of events in a way that is very difficult to predict. A priori it has nothing to do with determinism or lack of it.

However, it is proven that even if we knew all physical variables to a situation, there is true randomness everywhere at the quantum that won't allow you to predict an outcome. It's a fact of how the physical universe works, not a measurement problem.

In metaphysical terms, applied divination proves that the future and the past in our plane are in constant flux, and affected from without (probably through this quantum "randomness", although science hasn't gone there*), from a "higher" plane. In this context, "knowing all variables" is literally being the All, and anything else will be insufficient for that goal.

* It is close though, as some suggest quantum events in the axons of neurons, specifically in the micro-tubules, could account for non-determinism in the mind. Free will if you like. It's not a huge leap to think this and other instances of quantum events affecting macroscopic effects might be the interface between the metaphysical and the physical, intent and manifestation.

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e7da61 No.2222


I can't wrap my brain around the idea of true randomness, just the idea of there being a probability negates the idea.

Throwing a die with 6 sides won't have it land on a magical 7th side. Unless you count the edges or corners of a die as sides. Then there's 24 sides. You could further classify a side as a face, and how large a face is (a plane) depends on your conception of a plane.

Actual chaos is me figuring out how many sides a die has.

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e7da61 No.2223

File: c018326955e6ab6⋯.jpg (15.45 KB,448x414,224:207,1587069102154.jpg)



It's 26, but I over thinked it and counted it in my head 500 times and got the wrong answer.

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93372f No.2225

I'm looking for a rare webm of a 3d animated astral travel, does anyone have it? It uses the same stock footage as this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta1Wwwe06LI but without the narration and added music

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2a455d No.2226

File: f52585ca895b644⋯.jpg (264.71 KB,1000x787,1000:787,taaroa_orig.jpg)


There is no such thing as true randomness, even at the quantum level. Quantum events are entirely based on potential distributions, see the good old double slit experiment for a practical example. Every event is preceded by prophecy. But without the Hero, there is no event.

>quantum events in the micro-tubules

This is actually the basis of all cerebral function. Each neuron is basically a quantum supercomputer, and quantum signalling is done through super-coherent light emissions.


it ok anon dont worry

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acf798 No.2236


>There is no such thing as true randomness, even at the quantum level. Quantum events are entirely based on potential distributions

I think you are confusing perfect distribution of outcomes and true randomness. True randomness is such that it cannot be deduced from the state of a system. This is true in quantum systems, is it not? At least at the level of mainstream science.

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e7da61 No.2242


>True randomness is such that it cannot be deduced from the state of a system

Given my belief that the universe acts coherently, reacts (or acts) consistently, I don't believe it's "truly" random. I can see it being random in terms of very specific probabilities, but outside of a random system having a confined set of outcomes, I can't see it as random.

>there is true randomness everywhere at the quantum that won't allow you to predict an outcome

I barely know anything about quantum anything, but outcomes can be predicted. I'm pretty sure that's what science is all about. I'm certain there's fine minutia of particle interaction that does involve truly random outcomes, but in terms of large masses I don't see that.

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e7da61 No.2244


>truly random outcomes

But still confined.

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2a455d No.2245

File: 7ed620405286a17⋯.pdf (8.33 MB,To_catch_and_reverse_a_qua….pdf)


At the quantum level, particles don't exist in "fixed" states, as in having absolute positions and velocities. The physical state of every particle is defined by a potential distribution with inverse proportionality between motion and position. This is why photons behave as waves, until the moment they collide with something. They're never actually localized anywhere, and exist as a conical propagation wave, with their energy being distributed based on the probability of the photon being at any point in the wave at any time, and you can only think of the photon being 'localized' as a particle the moment that potential distribution determines an interaction event, and the probability function for that wave collapses.

At that moment, it'll appear as if the wave has just randomly collapsed due to its improbability becoming too great (basically the probability that the photon wouldn't interact with something for x amount of time). Of course, that's only if you're a (((scientist))). Probability function collapses are anything but random, they're entirely determined by the potential distribution along whatever dimension that function works, intersecting at the point of highest joint potential with other phenomena.

We can already predict quantum jumps to some extent, even in mainstream science. A bunch of retards at Yale managed to do it a bit over a year ago, and even managed to prevent jump events before the function collapsed entirely.

The biggest mistake mainstream physics has ever made was inventing "particles". No such thing exists, it's all electric potential distributions in vacuum. There is also no such thing as "zero-point" vacuum energy, there's always some charge distributed along any potential space, and that charge varies as you move through space. This is why we have radioactive elements in our crust, which would have decayed millions of years ago had they been created through solar fusion. The reason they exist is because they weren't radioactive until just two dozen thousand years ago, but as we're moving into a higher zero-point energy portion of space (Pleiades star cluster) some elements are gradually becoming electrically unstable, while others are stabilizing.

PDF attached is the paper those Yale retards wrote after figuring out basic physics that the Germans knew in the 30's.

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2a455d No.2249

File: a51eaf49af17213⋯.png (2.18 MB,2500x600,25:6,a51eaf49af17213faf2a1c4d97….png)

I just had a slight epiphany. Love and desire are opposite forces. Sex is the vital frame of the electric force, the law of opposites and their conjunction. Sex is the generative, multiplying force, it creates new elements through the union of dialectics.

Love, conversely, is the force of unity, of order, a degenerative and purifying force. It links together disparate elements in their collective belonging to the universal whole, and their descent from a single, shared source.

Lust is seeing the differences in someone, and wishing to make them yours, in order to expand your personal frame, while love is seeing another as kindred, inextricably linked with your own being, and that of the causal principle.

The two aren't exclusive, though. You can certainly see a shared nature in someone, while desiring to extend your own experience with their differences, and this is essentially what we call marriage. A complete union of two entities, in their shared perfection, and their exclusive flaws, drawing from both for the spiritual betterment of each member.

This is also what caused my confusion towards the origins of lolicon. I had intuitively known it was caused by dialectics, but incorrectly assumed this manifested as taboo. Lolicon is essentially the purest kind of attraction for a man, involving the greatest number of differences and oppositions.

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e7da61 No.2250

File: 55c001b011d5ada⋯.png (1.01 MB,771x943,771:943,youngest_of_disapproval_st….png)


I don't really know what taboo is, I can't see or feel it, but other than that I agree with that assessment of love and desire. I'd categorize love as internal, seeing something as belonging to you because it's something innate within you, and desire as external, in seeing something as external to you and wanting it for yourself. Not very different from your own phrasing, I'm not very specific with my language. Lolis represent the greatest physical love a man can feel, but there's a more spiritual and mental struggle with a matured woman and a matured man that also has some level of appeal that lolis can't represent.

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20c4e3 No.2251

File: 7d2ed5197f51f90⋯.jpg (426.59 KB,1280x1852,320:463,lolibaba.jpg)


>but there's a more spiritual and mental struggle with a matured woman and a matured man that also has some level of appeal that lolis can't represent

The epitome of God is the lolibaba. It is the perfect symbol for immortality. All physical "maturity" past childhood, for females at least, is rot. Rot for the sake of perpetuating the cycle of birth and death. It's somewhat different for males since there are functional improvements on the form, but for females there is none. Once birth is complete even the pretext is gone and all that is left is decay, with maybe some short-lived wisdom as a consolation prize. The lolibaba is removed from this cycle and thus she is divinity incarnate. She may attain complete wisdom with no rot.

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e7da61 No.2252

File: 09a4d0db798620a⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,528x500,132:125,dagoth_god.jpg)

File: 87108f429b833f7⋯.gif (221.48 KB,356x200,89:50,adsfasdf.gif)


I see that as perversion. It's taking the aspect of a loli, the fact that they're defenseless against the overwhelming physical force of a man, and adding in wisdom and intellectual maturity to the mix. There's a gap here that I don't appreciate. It's actually vulgar to me, overly sensual and unbalanced.

The peak of divinity would have to be masculine, since divinity itself is a masculine (limiting, fatherly) force.

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e7da61 No.2253


I suppose I see it as vulgar since it's not really expressing youthful innocence, intentions, or wisdom borne form naive observance and thoughts, within a literally undeveloped body. It's adding the vulgar part of physical maturity, cunning ability and a seeking of physical power over others, into the body of someone who's not really capable of committing these things. Ideally a mature body, which I don't see as a rotting body if it's a static expression of an ideal, should harbor that youthful innocence in mind.

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e7da61 No.2254

File: bdd00cd251b6254⋯.jpg (69.17 KB,600x600,1:1,Baphomet_Robes.jpg)


>It's adding the vulgar part of physical maturity, cunning ability and a seeking of physical power over others

I admit that this isn't necessarily always the case. But lolibabas do tend to have that impact. I value mental simplicity and direct, innocent, honesty, so I put less value on the actual maturity of mind.

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20c4e3 No.2255



The mere existence of the lolibaba suggests that the lolibaba has mastery over her own life and death, as she has ascended past the death-birth cycle. The lolibaba is the opposite of helpless, it is self-evident that she must exist above physicality.

And the loli body is not immature, it is pure and unsoiled. The woman body exists only to reproduce. The breasts and hips are instruments of childbirth, nothing else. With men it's different since the musculature is functional and unrelated to reproduction, so it is not a move away from divinity, although I suppose the hair could be removed, the biological phallus replaced with a more pure analogue.

The child itself is evocative of the spiritual feminine, in contrast to the gross biological feminine which is used only as an instrument to perpetuate the Spiral. The anatomical talisman of the female child is spoiled and sullied as the loli transmutes into a woman; woman exists to breed while the loli does not. The active, masculine God may be a man but the passive, feminine God is a lolibaba.

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e7da61 No.2257


>The lolibaba is the opposite of helpless

What's the point then?

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20c4e3 No.2258


A more perfect talisman of the divine feminine.

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e7da61 No.2259

File: 9b06ded4b9aed19⋯.gif (36.85 KB,220x165,4:3,4252.gif)


Something embodying passivity shouldn't be the opposite of helpless, neither should it be entirely helpless, from what I see in it.

>The greatest sorrows and joys or great exhibition of strength are not assigned to her; her life should flow more quietly, more gently, and less obtrusively than man’s, without her being essentially happier or unhappier.​

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5e4199 No.2260


Is motherhood not part of the divine feminine?

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498526 No.2261


No, it is part of the demonic feminine. Breeding is a consequence of biological imperfection that is rot and death.

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2a455d No.2262

File: e3dbdb92c2f22d6⋯.jpeg (122.92 KB,1080x1053,40:39,e3dbdb92c2f22d60a08d5807c….jpeg)


Biological imperfection and breeding can be seen as an aspect of cosmological imperfection and dialectic individuation.

This would make women inherently chaotic and destructive. Sounds about right.

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e7da61 No.2263

File: 7e28a35cbda00e3⋯.mp4 (523.54 KB,720x486,40:27,UNNACEPTABLE.mp4)

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e08e7c No.2264


>The peak of divinity would have to be masculine, since divinity itself is a masculine (limiting, fatherly) force.

The role of a father is to raise his sons and impart his knowledge and wisdom onto them, so that one day they might replace him. Perpetual fatherhood is tyrannical, because there is never that transfer of power. It's unfulfillment for everyone involved. The father figure never manages to produce a "child" that is good enough. His "children" in turn never measure up to his glory and forever live in his shadow.

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e7da61 No.2265


The role of a father is to protect his family and raise them well, and any knowledge he imparts is closer to seeds of wisdom than actual fruits, the seeds can only bear fruit through suffering and personal experience. Just the feeling that one can never live up the glory of his father is enough to constantly drive him closer to perfection, regardless of whether the idol he created in himself truly represented the dignity and power his father/ancestors held.

I don't agree with the replacing part. Perpetual fatherhood does sound odd. Divinity as fatherhood isn't entirely accurate, but I do see the role of limit in it's ability to allow for actual choice as being a valid observation.

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e7da61 No.2266

File: f3021d0e7ada11f⋯.jpg (473.93 KB,850x1621,850:1621,sample_df4ecd96d2b5211a001….jpg)


Since without limit there would be only chaotic goop of nonsense that can not differentiate itself from itself, where no pattern could form, nothing couldn't even formulate itself into an actual concept.

I'm still thinking about chaos as differentiation and chaos as time.

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498526 No.2267


Limitation is chaos. It is assertion that a concept or trait is not. What is not? Primal void, primal chaos. Paradoxically, chaos destroys chaos. The adjectives that a thing does not have are given the state of infinity, because infinity = 0. So when an objects says "I am" it is also saying "I am not". So how does being come into being? By the void saying "I am not void". Therefore chaos creates order.

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e7da61 No.2268


>It is assertion that a concept or trait is not

You esoteric fags find ways to make a statement absolutely true in any circumstance, thus limiting any further exploration within the confines of any topic. I do the same. Chaos is the statement that it is not itself, and that it itself is not (IS a negative). I also don't think infinity = 0, I think these two concepts stem from the same source of the void but are different from each other in fundamental quantity. Both are equally futile, but aren't the same.

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bf3e80 No.2274

As another poster said, chaos is self-defeating in the sense that it cannot ever hold any semblance of order, which paradoxically means that not everything can be chaos.

I see chaos as change in its purest form, not good or bad but seen as such to that which wishes to be stable, which would be anything that could think. Chaos cannot be attributed any qualities, but it is a concept that threatens our lives, though not with any intent.

Chaos permeates all dimensions, all planes or states of being and all that exists as well as anything that chaos brought forth. All is threatened by this force, but all stand to gain from it too.

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2888ea No.2275

>have extremely annoying coworker who constantly tried to play dominance games against me and subjugate me to his will

>hate him

>okay, let's use magic to kill him

>do it

>instead of killing him it just makes him act really nice to me

>wears off after about a month

>try to kill him again

>he gets nice again

>this happens at least four times in total

I think this is happening because I'm just killing the parts of him that I hate rather than him in totality.

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e7da61 No.2276


That's essentially the only times killing for the sake of selfish gain could be viewed as positive, since the aim isn't at the person himself but at the bad things he represents. Any entity that represents murder, slaughter, or genocide has from my eyes removed the things they seek to destroy from others, else it'd be projective and symbolic killing rather than one made from apathy.

Carefully and methodically observing your own feelings of resentment and the relation others have in fostering it has been essential for me in figuring out my own feelings and how to do things properly.

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2a455d No.2278


>seen as bad by anything that could think

>threatens our lives

Sure enough, chaos means that nothing can exist in the same state forever, but I don't think this is a threat to living things, or seen as such by most people.

Chaos, as change itself, is the cause of life. Life itself is change. We're all tiny little germs of chaos, in a sense. Without change, life would be pretty meaningless as a concept, a "person" would be just a static set of principles and ideas, never-changing, and acting eternally in one single cosmological super-action.

This, in a sense, what the Spheres are, and even they are subject to chaos in the sense that they're changed, differentiated, from the original concept of pure 'being'.


This is actually a thing. Your image of a person will only ever relate to individual aspects of them. You never like somebody, you just like certain aspects of them, while others may annoy or upset you.

If you're ok with removing parts of your co-worker, you could extend your spell to ontologically remove those parts of him from existence, past and future, which should stop them from coming back in this timeline.

Otherwise, you can try to reconcile those parts of him with his positive attributes, and accept him as a person. But let's be fair, you've already tried killing him, so that's out of the question. The more likely solution if you wanna deal with the person as a whole, is to also kill his good aspects, and then extend the spell to his physical existence as well. This is, as the kids say, the based option.

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e08e7c No.2281

I think the problem you're having trying to understand chaos is attempting to see it as an absolute thing, when it's relative. It's that which is unpredictable and cannot be handled easily, if at all, using your understanding of things. It's not, that which is not chaos is order. That which is not chaos is more ordered. Something can exist in the same state forever, it just needs to be non dynamic, to behave like a mathematical function. Things that can be tricked or destroyed are subject to chaos.

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e7da61 No.2282


>to me chaos is ignorance of variables, if one could percieve things like Laplace's demon, one would find all in order. But then again it might exist as a "lack", like ignorance is a lack of understanding and darkness is a lack of light.

Is identical to how I see chaos as being. Chaos could be understood as something real and tangible to anyone who just turns off his or her brain and nods at anything resembling coherent thoughts that goes through their head.

Chaos isn't the void, but it does describe a state of destruction. Chaos as limitation (differentiation), and chaos as time. My conception of time is what I'm trying to grasp since chaos as differentiation would be more of a result of the full potential of an idea or concept being expressed in many different ways, interacting with itself and others and creating union and life through these interactions. My thoughts on this aren't completed.

>Things that can be tricked or destroyed are subject to chaos

Something simply are destroyed not through chaos but by reaching it's peak and ultimate purpose, after exhausting everything that could have happened and no longer having a purpose. That's what I'm trying to figure out.

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e7da61 No.2283


Chaos is not itself, and anything that is not chaos, which is not itself, and falls under the deception of chaos enters back into chaos.

Do you understand now?

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e7da61 No.2284

File: 07572043cba99ca⋯.jpg (88.71 KB,722x768,361:384,07572043cba99cadb2d73d8f20….jpg)


>not chaos, which is not itself

Negation, anything which negates negation, not not itself, and falls under deception of negation, will become something which is not itself. Not not not itself.

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e08e7c No.2285


>My conception of time is what I'm trying to grasp since chaos as differentiation would be more of a result

"Stood the test of time" You wouldn't say something has stood the test of time if it was in a sealed chamber isolated and protected from everything. There's an implication that time has some relationship to chaos exposure. Something that has been around longer is more able to tolerate exposure to chaos. But the relationship is correlative, not causal. Just like age and maturity. Something may have existed for a while and never been exposed to chaos. Or, even worse, a part of it, hard to distinguish from the whole has been acting as a shield against chaos for the whole thing. That kind of situation is a type of chaos because you can't determine what causes the effect, to come to a true understanding of why something endures.

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e7da61 No.2286

File: a7e200a5b2a5b1c⋯.jpg (402.71 KB,688x1044,172:261,Tankred.jpg)


Somethings do only endure due to the protection and existence of something else. Art and culture being one example of something that can only really exist due to excess, of living with an environment that allows someone to experience leisure. If you're referencing vestigial limbs or body parts, then it is hard to figure out why something remains if you look at it from a purely functional perspective.

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2a455d No.2287

File: c9ef81d1dcad63e⋯.jpg (53.08 KB,424x700,106:175,Pregnancy_with_11_fetuses.jpg)


There's very few truly vestigial organs in the human body. Most things that that seem useless, like the appendix, do, in fact, have their purpose. The appendix is vital to the immune system, as it compiles an index of bacteria and substances in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing allergic responses that could cripple your digestion.

The only truly vestigial organ that I know of, are wisdom teeth. The number of teeth vary because we're a hybrid species, formed of several different, sometimes barely compatible, donor species. Our main ancestors were quite a bit taller and larger overall, with teeth smaller in proportion. For our modern size and shape, the full number of teeth inherited from them often does not fit our jaw size, and the only function they provide is as supports for dentures if a majority of the central teeth are lost.

The reason we still have them, is that our species is extremely young, in this form. It's been less than a hundred thousand years since modern humans started to appear.

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e7da61 No.2291



I don't get what you're trying to tell me. Time is the closest thing to chaos I can think of, rather than there being a correlation.

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9c9fac No.2295

File: 855a3ba3a27ec42⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,850x1202,425:601,_tenma_gabriel_white_gabri….jpg)

I don't think accepting evolution makes much sense. Humans themselves must have always been the way they are now, even the thought that evolution could've been guided doesn't work. Evolution being required would ruin 'the human experience'. How do you actually prove that evolution is a real thing? It supposedly takes millenia to for a species to evolve, and the only given answers are that different animals act the same and look alike for a large part. Genetics can't prove that at one point two different species were the same species, just that they have overlap.

Besides trying to make sense of evolution and human history here, another thing that bothers me is that magic is dismissed because it doesn't have undisputable evidence, yet evolution is completely accepted without having it either. If I decide to make something happen and then it happens, they will claim that correlation does not equal causation. If these things repeadetly happen they will keep saying those are coincidences, and the single instance it doesn't work they will use as evidence that magic does not exist. Animals having overlap does not prove that evolution in the scientific sense actually exists, or that humans were something else before. I can accept that evolution may be a thing but not that humans were something else before and evolved into human. The only thing I'm unsure what to do here with are fossils.

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e08e7c No.2296


It's not though. If you have some way of controlling how exposed something is to chaos over time, then chaos is not time. Time is the dimension that you need to move in to either experience chaos, or destroy it. New information comes from time progressing forward. This information may either provide new understanding, leading to less chaos, or it may show your understanding to be wrong, which is chaos.

>Art and culture being one example of something that can only really exist due to excess

What ? Cave men painted on the walls. Men on whaling vessels engraved bones. Sailors sung while working. Plenty of different primitive cultures who lacked writing systems still have complex oral traditions of stories which reference each other.

>If you're referencing vestigial limbs or body parts

>not through chaos but by reaching it's peak and ultimate purpose, after exhausting everything that could have happened and no longer having a purpose.

I was referencing your own inability to understand your existence.

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e7da61 No.2297


>It's not though

I don't believe chaos exists, not in any absolute or strict sense. Time is just the closest thing to chaos that I could accept.

>Cave men painted on the walls. Men on whaling vessels engraved bones. Sailors sung while working

Excess, except for the singing while working part.

>I was referencing your own inability to understand your existence

You're going to have to be more specific since this means nothing.

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e7da61 No.2298

File: c9902cf1bff06e7⋯.gif (1.9 MB,368x340,92:85,1575822797390.gif)

File: 898bdb4b0c99ff9⋯.mp4 (420.57 KB,226x400,113:200,chicken_pigeon_hybrid.mp4)


The entirety of materialistic science was a mistake. Empiricism was a mistake.

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e7da61 No.2299



>What ?

If you want an elaboration on why excess is required for art and culture, although it does and truly does pain me to have to first rely on someone else because I lack the dedication to reply my raw idea, and to second explain why art and culture requires a base material of abundance for it to truly bear fruit, Nietzsche is good enough.

>The Greeks have no need for conceptual hallucinations like this, they voice their opinion that work is a disgrace with shocking openness – and a more concealed, less frequently expressed wisdom, nevertheless alive everywhere, added that the human being was also a disgraceful and pathetic non-entity and ‘shadow of a dream’ [Pindar, Pythian VIII. 95]. Work is a disgrace because existence has no inherent value: even when this very existence glitters with the seductive jewels of artistic illusions and then really does seem to have an inherent value, the pronouncement that work is a disgrace is still valid – simply because we do not feel it is possible for man, fighting for sheer survival, to be an artist. Nowadays it is not the man in need of art, but the slave who determines general views: in which capacity he naturally has to label all his circumstances with deceptive names in order to be able to live. Such phantoms as the dignity of man, the dignity of work, are the feeble products of a slavery that hides from itself. These are ill-fated times when the slave needs such ideas and is stirred up to think about himself and beyond himself! Ill-fated seducers who have destroyed the slave’s state of innocence with the fruit of the tree of knowledge! Now he must console himself from one day to the next with transparent lies the like of which anyone with deeper insight would recognize in the alleged ‘equal rights for all’ or the ‘fundamental rights of man’, of man as such, or in the dignity of work. He must be prevented at any cost from realizing what stage or level must be attained before ‘dignity’ can even be mentioned, which is actually the point where the individual completely transcends himself and no longer has to procreate and work in the service of the continuation of his individual life.

>We now have the general concept for categorizing the feelings the Greeks had in relation to work and slavery. Both were looked on by them as a necessary disgrace that aroused the feeling of shame, at the same time disgrace and necessity. In this feeling of shame there lurks the unconscious recognition that these conditions are required for the actual goal. In that necessity lies the horrifying, predatory aspect of the Sphinx of nature who, in the glorification of the artistically free life of culture [Kultur], so beautifully presents the torso of a young woman. Culture [Bildung], which is first and foremost a real hunger for art, rests on one terrible premise: but this reveals itself in the nascent feeling of shame. In order for there to be a broad, deep, fertile soil for the development of art, the overwhelming majority has to be slavishly subjected to life’s necessity in the service of the minority, beyond the measure that is necessary for the individual. At their expense, through their extra work, that privileged class is to be removed from the struggle for existence, in order to produce and satisfy a new world of necessities.

I particularly like this part of the same text, but I haven't pasted here:

>Shame, therefore, seems to be felt where man is just a tool of infinitely greater manifestations of will than he considers himself to be, in his isolated form as individual.

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e7da61 No.2300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>New information comes from time progressing forward

I have no reason to believe new information exists. I do have reason to believe that everything that could ever happen to an object or thing has already happened in some way or fashion, else that thing simply wouldn't exist. My conception of "time" itself is eternally present, something that only happens once. Meaning, from the start it exists, and till the end it exists, it doesn't exist within a single "point." Existence and being are things I'm not entirely sure what to make of. The idea of "development" or "becoming" are flawed, there's not a reason to believe something exists only after a period of development, or becomes only after it's conceived by a mortal mind (or body).

Enough of my ramblings and dubs-stealing. I like the drive, the anger, the despair, the joy, the sadness and whatever affection I've held on, the only thing left is the soft boiling anger that can't even be called anger. Self-destruction, wanting death, wanting something to compel me again, is what it is.

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e7da61 No.2303

File: f0d98edd47a2cc7⋯.png (28.79 KB,312x222,52:37,13461536134.png)


>Cave men painted on the walls. Men on whaling vessels engraved bones. Sailors sung while working. Plenty of different primitive cultures who lacked writing systems still have complex oral traditions of stories which reference each other.

All of these things require some form of leisure to come about. I said "excess" in specific, instead of leisure, since leisure can responsibly only come from excess of resources, or of time. Since I don't believe someone too preoccupied with trying to survive, or doing basic work (or not so basic work, work unrelated to art and culture), would occupy himself with it. I'm certain art and culture could be born from the experience these things provide, but this isn't equal to it. This is as basic as I can get it to.

This is more unrelated by the message is reappearing in my head:

>I think these tendencies have always been there. We're just seeing the "construct" falling apart. The question though is why ? If this construct is so good, why did it start to fall ?

I already disregarded the idea of "construct", since it implies there's something that existed before a social construct and that is absolute nonsense, but the idea of something "good" falling and this being proof against it's "goodness" is backwards. Historically civilizations that disregard what made them successful to begin with simply fall and are conquered and replaced by those who have kept their virtues. As to why it started falling apart, parasites and idiots who live meaningless lives decide that the conventions of a society are dumb, gods are dumb and don't exist, and the good is only what one can acquire through physical means. When people stop seeing the consequences for their actions, that's when it starts to fall apart.

>In history, character is wrought more by suffering than by success. Roman character was not a consequence of the victories won in the great era following the Battle of Sentium. Rather, the victories presupposed the existence of this character, which was formed in the previous long centuries of misery when the Roman people constantly lived on the verge of annihilation.

>Hermann Hesse once said (in Siddharta) that "cleverness is good, patience is better." But this can be re-phrased into: "pleasure is good, suffering is better." For the real reason for this is that cleverness (a form of pleasure) is both opaque and fruitless: unlike suffering it usually casts no *illumination*, or insight, upon anything.

It's really only through intense pain that goods things can come about. Not entirely true, but this is how the universe currently operates. Benevolence and kind solutions to problems, solved through endurance and perseverance without necessarily learning the hard way, is always possible. Too bad I don't know how to do that without pain.

Deconstructionism is an extremely fruitless task done by those who are incapable of actual genius, creative, work. They lack any of the masculine thought, genius and creation, and resort to the feminine destruction and critique of others, since they themselves are soulless automatons. I hate this idea more since I have never in my life done something truly creative, something that doesn't result from the synthesis of my internal observation or past-experience. Except one poem I wrote in first grade. It was a stupid poem anyway.

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f4b11c No.2304

File: 16c281d5c534058⋯.jpg (75.6 KB,417x657,139:219,tapioca.JPG)


I was thinking about this for a bit, and my perspective on this differs.

Culture doesn't come about from excess or leisure, it creates them. As you said, it is through suffering that good things come about. It is in periods of need and crisis that culture truly develops. Only when the cerebral, intellectual types are forced to bitterly work and hunger with the proles, for their very survival, does genius make itself manifest.

The noble scholar living without worry, will never produce a treatise as grand and earth-shaking as the polymath who once led an army, another time was a slave, and seven months survived alone in the wilderness. Men of great potential exist in all ages, but it is circumstance which determines whether that potential becomes perfected, or wasted away.

The mind is a lazy thing, and when not bothered by need or want, it ceases any meaningful work. When shocked by great danger, panic, and stress, it abandons its lethargic comfort, and acts to its greatest ability.

The most awe-inducing cultural breakthroughs always happen after terrible disasters and total wars.

It is these cathartic developments that we have to thank for the periods of plenty that follow. This is also why empires always fall through slow and invisible degradation, until the very fabric that held them together ceases to be.

If something so great and imminent happened to threaten their existence at once, their survival would be certain. The fall of Troy was the birth of Rome, of Dacia, of Carthage and the revival of Babylon.

You can see the lack of genius in the aborigines and subhumans living isolated on whichever island. These pathetic beings have their time of leisure, and their periods of near extinction, and yet, due to their mental inability, no genius emerges among them. A candidate for genius, in such cases, may arise once every thousand years, and whichever small advancements they make on their sad and pitiful 'culture', are lost by the time another comes to be.

Work is a dreadful and shameful thing, as it proves we have failed to maintain that spirit of genius. A society of culture and art, requires war and conflict. We have developed this abomination of pacifism, and have reaped its fruit. The man of the future must fight a war every 10 years, and train for such in the meantime.

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e7da61 No.2309

File: 5fb0d975e816c6d⋯.jpg (94 KB,706x540,353:270,gygax.jpg)


>BO nuked my image


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666881 No.2310

File: 6ef2bc706d7af0b⋯.jpg (17.46 KB,795x44,795:44,f29.JPG)


I just noticed, that thing barely qualified as guro. boardowner-chan has no taste.

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e7da61 No.2311

File: d51f550281d5130⋯.jpg (156.57 KB,672x483,32:23,SkullThrone.jpg)



A variety of ethical and moral considerations should be developed. The first is that nations who don't have nukes should be nuked by those who do. Second is that old men should send their young to war, as ancient tradition calls for the sacrifice of the young for the survival of the old, according to natural laws (which are naturally evil). Third is that war is the father of all, and all things that don't conform to indoctrination or death aren't worth my time.

All of these things are false. But it's in the nature of the truly false to bear fruit that are actually good. Else, it shouldn't exist. I also use ethical since evil is more worried about ethical considerations than moral ones, since ethics are more concrete than moral (which is more than likely undefined and left to the person to figure out) choices.

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e7da61 No.2313


It should be kept in mind that,

>war is fought by the best, strongest and healthiest


>Lies and established filial networking are the real earthly power, because it’s so easy to convince a bunch of “smart” or “strong” people to be afraid of something and pay you for the privilege of killing it.

But I'm no idiot when it comes to what actually makes a group of people effective. Also, sending your best to die isn't a good idea.

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e7da61 No.2314


>Culture doesn't come about from excess or leisure, it creates them

If you equate culture with literally everything that a person could do and exist in, then yes.

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e7da61 No.2321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm at least partially convinced my world view was heavily influenced just by watching too much anime as a kid.

Good interpretation of the dagger of benevolence, it should be stated that the dagger is my view of that "blue" energy of benevolence. There are other ways of seeing it that I'm trying to figure out. Ancestral worship, the eternal struggle of constantly moving beyond, the patriarchal worship, are all there. I'll try to find a topic that I can post about consistently, I have some in mind but I don't think it's necessary yet.

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e7da61 No.2322

File: 68b33f7b6143399⋯.png (462.11 KB,690x831,230:277,kemurikusa_male_fantasy.png)


>why even post

I've from the outset acted and posted with the intent of essentially blog-posting, so I'll keep doing that until enough people tell me to shut the fuck up. Even that'll depend on how convinced I am.

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f4b11c No.2323

File: 441fd767f3a7b1b⋯.jpg (35.75 KB,549x475,549:475,eyg.JPG)


Tbh I like the blog-posts. It's not often that I find something to get my noggin chuggin', I just wish there were more quality posters to contribute to the conversation. If you get permakilled by BO, just make a new board.

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099f0f No.2324

File: f737a8a074ec600⋯.png (699.14 KB,900x900,1:1,lolibooru_44701_hug_from_b….png)


>If you get permakilled by BO, just make a new board.

He knows this board was partially made for him.

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f4b11c No.2325


Tbh that's a good thing. The quality discourse alone puts this place above /fringe/ in many regards.

/sunflower/ had a tough going at first, but I now regularly send screencaps of new posts to my philosophically-illiterate friends, in a vain attempt to entice their inferior minds into action.

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2d20d3 No.2327

Has anyone here had any success with using magic to manipulate stock or crypto prices?

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cd4da4 No.2328



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5d51ea No.2331

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e7da61 No.2332


Give me a decade or so and I'll man-handle my way into mathematics and coding somehow.

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f02192 No.2333

File: 601fee5e7e66ed9⋯.jpg (81.39 KB,680x544,5:4,tdown.jpg)


The whole thing is pretty shit. The ideas presented are instantly obvious to any technologically literate magician, the applications shown are EXTREMELY limited and uninspired, and the technical details are disappointing.

Overall, if you're a wizard and can code, chances are you've already written much better magic programs, not to mention in a respectable language like C.

I'm amazed that an absolute novice in both programming AND magic had the gall to write a guide on both.

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e7da61 No.2334


Essentially and literally blog-posting is more difficult than it looks. I've learned this now. The most difficult part is learning what it is that others might find interesting in my thoughts, but I understand trying to find that one thing isn't possible. It's very impossible, except through literal experience. It's also embarrassing to think anyone who finds value in my posts, one of the reasons I find one of the posters here unreasonably hard to handle. Doesn't help that he also seems to easily understand the concepts I'm trying to express, at least to my eyes.

I've mostly been contemplating the object of observance, the literal concept and meaning behind what it means to observe something. Objects do essentially begin in a layered sort of system, there's a bottom, a topic, an inside, an outside, and something in between but also wholly none of the above. Here we call this in between, that center, that nothing, the 0D and the void. But that concept and name can only be given as a concept. How does it actually represent within the mind, and what role does it have in maintaining and/or creating the very concept it's within (or without)? Observing observance itself is a hard concept, but it's at this point where the base material (not the material world, but the tangible and comprehendable object) becomes something that doesn't follow it's own order, but through it's own interaction with itself enters into a virtual world.

Understanding energy as being some form of information, that gong (a falun dafa concept but regardless, the energy I see as being higher than chi) itself is another form of information as being literal practice. If chi could be processed and made transparent, to be virtually unreal, then gong could enter into this state as well. Entering into that virtual state is something I'm grasping at.

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e7da61 No.2335

File: 4d8ed714abcc292⋯.gif (2.94 MB,400x225,16:9,1587522539910.gif)


>deleted images instead of post

I've been awake too long and my post reflects this. I'm expressing concepts that I have not read anywhere else, or have any accumulated experience with, so this is much more raw and "speculative" than I'm comfortable with or use to writing. Also blatant mistypes and errors.

>a topic

a top

>How does it actually represent within the mind

What does it

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e7da61 No.2336

File: cdb0476173aa2df⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,838.55 KB,352x240,22:15,436436343.gif)

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acf798 No.2337


It's not shit. I'm a (real) programmer and I know where you're coming from. But the whole point is to engage your intent with the spell. You don't need to get autistic about the technical aspect of it.

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e7da61 No.2350

File: b45837b5c298520⋯.png (224.53 KB,515x554,515:554,b45837b5c2985204975e41900b….png)

Tzeentch may or may not be slightly gay depending on my mood. I prefer Khorne and Nurgle, and Slaanesh is terrible. I have a very slight and debatable preference for Khorne.

>>2143 (You)


There are three figures I'm trying to reconcile. Becoming, the pearl made from the sick and infected mollusk, and Nietzsche. Becoming in it's nature of not really becoming at all, the pearl in it's creation of beauty through error, and Nietzsche in his comprehension that, I believe, begins itself from a misunderstanding.

>is there life after death?

<is there life before death?

I'm going to go back to talking to myself since that is actually objectively more enjoyable than talking to others. No offense to anyone else.

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e7da61 No.2351


Smile is young (by his own admission ~15, maybe give 1-3 years since I forgot the date this was posted on), younger than even me, so he's opinions have always come off as raw and more virile than they ought to be.

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62f24e No.2352

File: 6ab7d67971c6bbb⋯.png (4.72 KB,256x256,1:1,t.png)


Khorne is the most realistic chaos god in 40K. The others are nice for building lore and scenarios, but they don't behave as gods and abstract entities do in the real world. If you were to summon all 4 in a ritual, Khorne would be the only one acting at a causal level, the others would behave like lower, independent spirits.

Maybe that's why in the year 40000, there is only war. The only "deities", or foundamental laws, in that universe, are war and carnage as Khorne, and arguably pride as stubborn resistance, represented by the emperor enthroned.


Got a chuckle out of me, not gonna lie.

>go back to talking to myself

You've never done otherwise. All external posts, whether they come from real people or not, are interpreted by your self. Everything you hear and read, ultimately originates in your subconscious, any understanding you gain was within you all along, and you have never spoken a word to another person. Even if somebody stands before you as you speak, the only one listening are (You).


>Smile is by his own admission ~15

Ah, the age at which a young man braves the darkest reaches of the Internet and philosophy for the first time. Brings back memories.

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62f24e No.2353

File: 2295a10b34e74c9⋯.png (11.83 KB,552x86,276:43,anger.PNG)


The mollusk does not produce a pearl because it is sick and infected, it does it to avoid becoming so. By covering foreign particles in layer after layer of nacre, it neutralizes corruption, and turns it into something nearly perfect, pleasing and valuable to many eyes.

Becoming is a paradox, since it has no destination. Becoming something is the end of becoming itself. Of course, there is a better term for this: being, or I AM. Being, existence, can only exist by itself. Being anything or anyone ends the act of being, and therefore brings mortality to a concept. That which is immortal, partakes not of that which is mortal. All immanent objects are something, and therefore subject to change and dissolution.

Becoming is static, unchanging, eternal. It is the opposite of its own self, in our modern English language.

Finally, Nietzsche is the culmination of logical, Platonic thinking. He;s the result of peering into the Void at the end of that flawed path, at which point the floor under your very feet start to unravel. You try to reach for a more mystical, sane philosophy, yet are unable to take a single step away from the threshold of the void.

You don't have to read this post, you've known it since before the dawn of time.

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e7da61 No.2354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think being is just endless becoming.

The colorful extravagance of some birds,

the deliberately excessive horns, manes, and tusks of some mammals,

the complex courting behavior of many animals,

the very existence of sex itself - and by extension the love songs

on the radio, and all the love-addled poems ever written -

all likely evolved because of parasites,

because all organisms must run as fast as they can

just to stay in place.

- Moises Velasquez-Manoff

“An Epidemic of Absence”

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e7da61 No.2355

File: b4ac9bc31f03dcf⋯.pdf (1.11 MB,ParasiteInLove.pdf)

File: 3e561e41c35a3f3⋯.webm (9 MB,550x300,11:6,Alderaan_Gondola.webm)


I didn't mean to post music, I meant to post this PDF. And the gondola.

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e7da61 No.2356



Are you saying only the things that are observable have become?

I only seem to post here when I'm very tired. My brain works best so that's when I should post.

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e7da61 No.2357

File: 2504b2643a9f738⋯.jpg (224.58 KB,640x400,8:5,2504b2643a9f7385b850aa446f….jpg)


My brain doesn't work best.

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e7da61 No.2358


The strongest swordsman doesn't fear the second strongest swordsmen, he fears the retard.

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e7da61 No.2360

File: 59a936b773cceb9⋯.jpg (156.46 KB,623x414,623:414,_possibly_laughing_.jpg)

All things I do operate under the assumption that I want to kill myself, the desire for death itself coming from the fact that eternal struggle is my reward for existing, and a belief that either hell (something certain, eternal pain), nothing, or paradise awaits. I know none of these states exist in the way I'm presenting them. I intentionally leave chinks in my armour to allow for this death, despite doing everything I possibly can to be successful and not die, I hope that one day by chance, by divine error and pardon, I'm allowed to be killed before old age. I might look in the mirror and think that, to some, I've "made it" in terms of muscular development, but the actual development came from a desire of wanting to break my spine in some way by accidentally trying too hard on a single rep and twisting my torso in an odd direction. Maybe I wouldn't be getting enough oxygen, or some aneurysm might kill me. Who knows? Just the idea of acting with complete disregard of my life motivates me.

If this sounds more like role play, I have consistently chosen to give up and die when presented the opportunity through illness. I was at one point convinced of my own death through some sort of heart failure when I was 17, for 2 weeks I seriously thought I my heart was going to fail me. Rather than get this under control, I didn't want to inconvenience anyone and decided to just wait until the inevitable happens. I suppose leaving a corpse is an inconvenience. My only regret was my inability to restfully sleep without being absolutely drop-dead tired, which might mean a night or two of not sleeping, and the pain.

There were other happenings that point to my suicidal tendencies, that has happened when I was much younger.

I bring this up since there are primal motivations that force people to take certain actions. Many bloggers and twitter-fags write with the assumption of evolution being true, and ride everything on these rationalizations of human behavior, what would these people do or think of these things weren't the axiom of their thought?


The ideas I presented came up from me intentionally disregarding evolutionary thinking and only engaging with what I actually desire. Not worrying about success or gain, or losing, what do I actually want? There's no a real reason why one must assume existence is defined by this world, that natural law as destructive and all-consuming is actually what the universe is really like. What drives you?

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e7da61 No.2361


Only tangentially related to what I'm trying to figure out here >>2334 and >>2350.


I don't find these answers satisfactory.

Now I'm feeling what I felt again, just posting whatever is on my mind.

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e7da61 No.2362

Sophistry is a valid method of acquiring knowledge.

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e08e7c No.2368


>parasites and idiots who live meaningless lives decide that the conventions of a society are dumb, gods are dumb and don't exist, and the good is only what one can acquire through physical means

Every successful society has built in mechanisms that attempt to combat this type of rot. These anti degeneration systems need to be seen as part of the society. It's like writing a perfect set of laws and having no enforcement, then saying how horrible it was that your society with perfect laws fell, if only people would have voluntarily listened.

>When people stop seeing the consequences for their actions, that's when it starts to fall apart.

>>6 Larger groups, or groups with more momentum, can and will leverage these things to run away from the effects of their decisions for as long as possible.

>>Most of the time they will not use this borrowed time to correct the problem, leading to compounding "debt".

Civilizations build up enough momentum, or "excess" to lose touch with consequences, because they have enough stability or resources to not feel any shock-waves from what they do.

> The more complicated a topic is, and the more of the structure I see, the easier and more simple it is for me to explain it in less.

You might be able to string together a series of words in your own head that resonate with that concept, to you. But that assumes that the other person you're speaking with has a similar understanding of the words and a similar foundation, so those words can cause the same effect in them as it does in you. I have the same problem. I think in macros. I can string together some words and relate that to this big jumble of things in my head, which all mean something coherent to me. But, it's poetry only I can understand. Translating that out so other people can build similar structures in their heads is why philosophers write so much.

>disregarding evolutionary thinking and only engaging with what I actually desire

Evolutionary thinking isn't just about evolution though. There are many creationists who will accept the concept of adaption, but not evolution. Adaption I think is a better term. Depending on the time scale you exist in and what you want, you might not need to think about adaption. If you're a monkey in a lab whose goal is to "feel good" from dopamine hits and there's a button rigged up to administer intravenous cocaine to you, then getting what you want requires no evolutionary thinking or much thinking at all. So your desire, coupled with what kind of situation you need to navigate to get it determines the kind of thinking you'll employ. Why would intentionally disregarding a type of thinking be necessary if your desires and environment determine the kind of thinking you'll use ?

>What drives you?

Until recently I would have said I don't know. I had some kind weird evolutionarily derived view of the world. I got there after trying to remove all illogical parts of my thinking, only to be left with no reason for anything. So I just settled using that I'm human and working from there. You can't logically come to any conclusion about how to act in the world without some assumption or axiom. All systems which use axioms technically employ circular reasoning, so it's impossible to act in the world without being illogical.

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e7da61 No.2370

File: b7bbbcf11bd1d3e⋯.png (4.59 KB,1002x33,334:11,Capture1.PNG)


Reading comprehension isn't something humans were selected for, so everyone but freaks are absolutely terrible at it. The idea of no one being able to truly understand each other over the internet is valid, and also

>Even if somebody stands before you as you speak, the only one listening are (You).

>But, it's poetry only I can understand

Poetry is the cure to autism. Being able to see large objects or feel the entire range of a sensation is something I struggle with, and poetry's aim in my view require being able to see things in broad strokes.

>Evolutionary thinking isn't just about evolution though

>I had some kind weird evolutionarily derived view of the world

I specifically mean this kind of thinking. Seeing that there's an optimal strategy that should be followed and following it, shaping your worldview and behavior to reflect this. As much as I hate the term NPC in itself, since I'm not at the point where I unironically consider people to be running only on a script, the NPC phenomena is a result of a limited amount of information given to intellectually limited people, who can only respond in certain patterns to stimuli. This produces the same general person. No one is exempt from this.

>Why would intentionally disregarding a type of thinking be necessary if your desires and environment determine the kind of thinking you'll use

It's not necessary by the circumstance of my environment, of talking to a tranny, required me to engage in the image of what I believe his reasoning starts from. He complained about competition, so I removed competition from my mind and found a solution through that means. But evidently, when he talked about competition, he's saying that he doesn't want to lose. What he really wants to remove is losing.

Evolutionary thinking itself is pointless since I'm way too dumb to be able to complete it myself, and the very idea of some NEET with no funding being able to complete evolutionary thought is humorous. I wanted to take the easy route of simply disregarding it. Historically, this type of thinking didn't even exist, so in some sense I was returning to "purity".

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e7da61 No.2371

File: d44e3b6cfafd700⋯.jpeg (369.86 KB,1920x1080,16:9,28121_1511575189_41767576….jpeg)


Appeals to history are gay.

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e08e7c No.2381


Autistic poetry about poetry, by a king of autists. ( https://youtu.be/n8m7lFQ3njk?t=817 ) The core of poetry is laying out a few concepts or feelings and making them harmonize, like you're playing a chord.

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e7da61 No.2383

File: f04daaad3375517⋯.jpg (84.67 KB,837x960,279:320,it_was_revealed_in_a_dream.jpg)



Finding methods of thinking and ways of thinking are incredibly valuable.

Poetry not known

By anon who does not write;

In vain air declares.


Haikus are found in this form

Gives easy access.

Ascetic training

Undertaken for haikus

Joy found in nothing.

Future posts: haiku

Actual knowledge not here

Who finds joy in this?

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e7da61 No.2384


Exempt from danger?

With 300 confirmed kills

Fucker is no more.

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e7da61 No.2385

File: f42bee8ae254927⋯.png (542.41 KB,530x540,53:54,1553390983085.png)


/sunflower/ is this

Eyes turned away in disgust,

None find purpose here.

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e7da61 No.2388

Another night spent.

The futility of thought,

again and again.


>Becoming is a paradox, since it has no destination. Becoming something is the end of becoming itself

I think becoming necessarily has a destination, else it would not be becoming. The destination might not be anything particular. The mere act of changing might be the totality of it's destination and being.

>Being anything or anyone ends the act of being, and therefore brings mortality to a concept

What ends the act of being is dissolution. I don't know what dissolution is precisely, just like I don't know what death is precisely. I guess that's my next direction.

The biggest problem I have with your view of this is what I see as Being. Being is either a state of being unaware of imperfection, and thus no longer changing or having need of change, or being perfect, and being literally incapable of becoming anything more. Being unaware, not having vision, not being able to see what it is a thing is, is the state of being.

If I got what you're trying to categorize as being.

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c8c377 No.2390

Everything is in motion, constantly in motion. That is why you have seen some people say that everything breathes. I have also seen this while trying to open sigils, a constant pattern of etheric fog. I don't know if this is an intake or and output but it is a constant pattern, slow for the physical talismans. I used to try making my daemons static shapes because I was convinced that this was simpler so it must be easier. This is very wrong, a static form is dead so it can't exist and evaporates quickly. This morning I was in trance and I saw a faint shape, so I focused on the motion and let the heartbeat/breathing of the shape come out, and I suddenly got a full visual of a more complicated shape going through a repeating motion. This relates to the concept of spirals, spirals represent the creation of a circle, like a pendulum starting up it's rotation. I shall commit some experiments moving away from the platonic noun-form framework and into a pattern-verb framework.

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e08e7c No.2391


>required me to engage in the image of what I believe his reasoning starts from

So why do you still think this way when you're not talking to them ? Do you like doing it ?

>complete evolutionary thought. I wanted to take the easy route of simply disregarding it

You don't need to be able to complete some kind of thinking to use it. It's like not using a hammer because you don't know all the things you could do with it.

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e7da61 No.2392


>So why do you still think this way when you're not talking to them ? Do you like doing it ?

Because it's necessarily correct in it's emptiness.

>You don't need to be able to complete some kind of thinking to use it.

How can you "use" evolutionary thinking?

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e08e7c No.2393


You use it to understand competitive systems where resources are at stake and having more resources can give an upper hand. It also covers signaling, how actors can confuse the implication of something for the thing itself and how other actors exploit this. There's a lot more depth than I can easily summarize. Even if you reject it as a real phenomenon, there's still truth in some of the patterns it makes apparent.

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e7da61 No.2394


I see it as being clever, cleverness being the ability to manipulate known material phenomena and find new patterns and connections to abuse/look from. It's not useful for anything productive, and I wouldn't want a society that runs itself out of material and social interests rather than spiritual ones. I despise and look down on whores for their heaviness and vulgarness of thought, I don't see why I wouldn't look down on anything concerning itself over material interests in the same way.

I have a hard time seeing it's usefulness outside of merely describing one possible reason for why change happens, and why some people and spiritually and physically superior to others.

>resources are at stake and having more resources can give an upper hand

Reducing life to the act of reproduction and survival isn't helpful.

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e7da61 No.2395


And no, I'm not saying everyone should give up and starve or go live like hermits.

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e7da61 No.2396

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e7da61 No.2397

File: 6866e266fe14783⋯.png (21.2 KB,531x178,531:178,zoomers.PNG)

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e08e7c No.2398


I understand why you wouldn't want a society just based off of evolution/reproduction. It does help in understanding the people who won't ever be spiritual though. If you don't want to be a hermit on a hill somewhere knowing how they work has some benefit. Materialism as the end goal is bad, but ignoring it completely is just another way to suck. Any belief system that tells people to ignore the material completely and only focus on the spiritual is not sustainable. You can have a class of monks in a system, but not a system of monks.

> I despise and look down on whores for their heaviness and vulgarness of thought, I don't see why I wouldn't look down on anything concerning itself over material interests in the same way.

Why ? It's just a transaction. Most females, both animals and humans, engage in some kind of explicit or implicit transaction, where access to reproduction is traded off to a male for something.

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e7da61 No.2399



Whores are that but removed of anything worthwhile, spiritually dead, and the living equivalent of a sewer.

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e7da61 No.2400

File: 72b08cdd1c98ae8⋯.jpg (52.94 KB,689x458,689:458,72b08cdd1c98ae82b8a471b105….jpg)


Engaging in materialistic reasoning, more specifically accepting the axioms presented by evolutionary thought as the reason for why existence has come to be, is materialistically unhealthy. Having some basis in spiritual thought over material reasoning and rationality will lead to a healthier society than one's that don't, so I'm not entirely making the case that one should disregard material reality. It's not about disregarding materialistic reasoning as much as it is engaging in the void, the original nothing that gave way to everything that exists now. Here, have another wall of text.



If you reduce it down enough and disregard all thought that contradicts it, then I don't see what argument could be made for why homosexuality isn't acceptable. I'm more inclined people who like whores aren't people at all but demons, since the mere idea of a one-night stand to me is enough to drive me to suicidal thoughts. Nothing looks and feels more dreadful or dead than such an existence.

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e7da61 No.2401


>I'm more inclined

to believe

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e7da61 No.2402



>Really, the sexual revolution happened because of antibiotics. Before antibiotics, people died from being promiscuous. Syphilis and gonorrhea were lethal, and when they didn’t kill you, these diseases would often cripple or blind their offspring.

>Nowadays, all this is forgotten. People who believe in evolution with every fiber of their being seem confused as to where those antiquated sexual mores come from. Well, that’s where it comes from, dummies—biology. Antibiotics and the non-lethal promiscuity they’ve allowed have helped us to discover less-lethal viral plagues, which I suppose is progress of a sort. Similarly, the invention of SSRI’s have allowed entire populations to make terrible life choices and not feel badly about them.

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e08e7c No.2403


I don't think we came to exist for purely materialistic/evolutionary reasons. The first part of the OP in that thread was interesting. I think just lettings things go along based on the nature of people is a strange kind of fatalism. It also ignores that it's within the nature of people to engage in reasoning and to attempt to impose their reasoning, whether through argument or force, on other people. It's part of man's nature to attempt to both understand his own nature and that of others. It follows that using this understanding for his own ends is also part of his nature.

>I don't see what argument could be made for why homosexuality isn't acceptable.

Men aren't women.

>I'm more inclined people who like whores aren't people at all but demons, since the mere idea of a one-night stand to me is enough to drive me to suicidal thoughts.

I used to think the same thing. I'm inferring things here, but the type of woman you want doesn't exist. They don't love you the way you love them. It's transactional. If you end up unemployed or disabled or otherwise can't provide for her, she's going to leave you. The only reason they would stay in the past was social pressure. "Women are human beings. Men are human doings." I'm not saying this is a negative. It just is what it is.


STDs are not more taxing than having a child. The birth control pill is what likely led to the sexual revolution. Roe V Wade in the US helped to normalize not feeling guilty about what happens when birth control doesn't work. Saying it's just antibiotics assumes that the average person is forward looking enough to think before acting.

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e7da61 No.2404


If 3DPD women were that, that would be nice. But they're retarded.

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e08e7c No.2405


>I'm more inclined to believe people who like 2D aren't people at all but demons, since the mere idea of fapping to mongolian flipbooks is enough to drive me to suicidal thoughts.

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e7da61 No.2406


I don't masturbate but I can sympathize with wanting to escape reality and live in fantasy.

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e08e7c No.2407


Isn't that exactly what's being sold by whores ? A fantasy, but with a physical component. So why isn't that ok ?

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e7da61 No.2408


Meant for


>Men aren't women.

The mere idea of men and women being different exists only taxonomically in the same way "species," under evolutionary thought, exist only taxonomically. The difference is a mental one rather than a purely physical one.

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e7da61 No.2409

File: 5cae60badd43f10⋯.mp4 (9.1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Segawa_1270344568379043840.mp4)


One is a purely idealistic fantasy made to appeal to a specific kind of fetish or desire, and the other is a base and vulgar act that really isn't all that different from masturbating with another human's body. One is transcendental and the other is material. One, at the least, can be uplifting and motivational, the other isn't.

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e08e7c No.2410


Give birth then. I'll wait.


When is the act of sex not base and vulgar ?

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e7da61 No.2411


>Give birth then. I'll wait.

Some women are infertile, does this make them not women? But this misses the point of the categorization not being innate to the physical structure, it's one derived through reasoning and observation, ultimately one that is broadly true rather than absolutely true.

>When is the act of sex not base and vulgar ?

One love, dedication, and commitment are added to the mix. The act of "sex" itself isn't the vulgar part, it's the situation that surrounds it that makes it vulgar. Sex is just an action, and an action taken away from it's context is nearly meaningless.

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e7da61 No.2412

Men wanting sexbots is equivalent to baby apes choosing the comfort of a surrogate mother over food. Perhaps slightly worse or more terrifying, it's choosing the surrogate mother over the real one, due to the superiority of an artificial product over the real deal. Waifufags are terrifying when viewed form this thinking.

The great heroes cum,

Gayniggers from outerspace

Finally there's peace!

tl;dr Asking me why whores aren't okay is like asking me why having sex with my wife(♂) is wrong or why interracial sex is wrong. In my eyes it's like a fetish, but it's a fetish that points to a disregard over a humans life. I've had this argument on /a/ before and the reasoning always leads to, "Don't consider them human."


>Men aren't women.

And I didn't even get into the more obvious statement of, that doesn't matter. I don't know how someone can reduce something down to the level of transactions and still believe, "People will still hold some level of morality."

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e7da61 No.2413

File: 6965540795ed29a⋯.png (265.58 KB,443x457,443:457,1572716764393.png)

Anyway when I say I despise whores what I really mean is that I hate women, and their feminine features of having strong jaw-lines, hollowed cheeks, beady predatory eyes, wide and muscular shoulders, psychopathic thinking, and vulgar and crude humor. I hate women, you see.

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e7da61 No.2414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

But I love men for their soft-bodied, baby faced, scraggly bearded masculinity, their autistic devotion to media franchises, their worship of troopagan gods like Thor from avengers and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe cosmology, their gooey eyed insistence on doing what you think is right, their radical non-judgementism, and also their constant soft-gay bonobo vibes.

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e7da61 No.2415

File: 1f6b3bac53bec0d⋯.png (5.16 KB,908x45,908:45,Capture2.PNG)

File: 1c27ff1c0c76026⋯.png (14.25 KB,908x81,908:81,Capture4.PNG)


Spiritual idealism should be crushed under the weight of financial interests.

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e7da61 No.2416

File: 742a239244b2c11⋯.jpg (96.37 KB,589x480,589:480,cherokee1.jpg)


Things done by the physical body are just the actions of flesh with no relation to anything else. Ignore the wonder of merely being able to open up your hands and close them, in the absurdity of even being able to think and process information. Reduce all things to acts of power and self-expression, the only creation most pure are the ones done on others. Despise and rip down those who show themselves greater than you. Follow the will of your most base desires in your creation of art, anything greater than a pile of shit isn't worthy of being called art.

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e7da61 No.2417

File: 177f3f8c4afef9d⋯.jpg (32.53 KB,519x480,173:160,1565071950283.jpg)


Despise God allowing pain and suffering. Ignore everything else, never question or put blame on your own actions.

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e7da61 No.2418


Sex and power. This is reality, never aspire for anything more.

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099f0f No.2419


>strong jaw-lines, hollowed cheeks, beady predatory eyes, wide and muscular shoulders, psychopathic thinking, and vulgar and crude humor

You're describing men. You actually just hate men.

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e7da61 No.2420



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e7da61 No.2421


How could I hate men, when I'm describing modern women?

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e7da61 No.2422

File: 24d631853f925aa⋯.jpg (127.89 KB,1200x751,1200:751,Eat_dTAXQAg0fTv_jpeg.jpg)


Specifically whores, but there's not much of a difference.

I've never met a man who embodies any of those traits. High test men tend to be bros, low-test men with high estrogen a bit psychopathic and unhinged. Psychopathy, much like leftism, is feminine.

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e7da61 No.2423


Except for the strong jaw line.

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e7da61 No.2424

I already made an item representing masculinity here >>1916. It's too complex to describe.

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e08e7c No.2425

File: b6b0836288f9246⋯.png (515.77 KB,600x600,1:1,destruction_of_meaning.png)



The sex robot waifu thing is scary, but they'll never be as good as the real thing. You're making the same argument that traditional christians do. If sex becomes about something other than the production of children, then you can't criticize "degenerate" behavior. This is also transactional thinking, never trade anything for pleasure, pleasure is only allowed to happen if it goes along with a "good" thing. I think most people reduce things down to transactions. You can rise above this and have some kind of morality, but you can't ignore the transactional side of things, there needs to be some balance or you just sacrifice too much for the sake of your morality and people who think like you stop existing.

Your later posts involve too much irony for me to parse.

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e7da61 No.2426


I don't deny that there's s transactional aspect to relationships. I just don't like it.

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e7da61 No.2428

File: 0874da9b5c4b9b7⋯.png (333.53 KB,768x768,1:1,_cz2128_delta_overlord_mar….png)



>Give birth then. I'll wait.

This argument is entirely reliant on your opponent being a rational actor, believing in truth, and not believing in concepts and words themselves as being the dictator of reality, not reality itself. Strictly speaking this is correct, if looked at from one angle and one perspective. A lot of conservatives and mentally, genetically, and generally healthy people will never be able to argue a rabid tranny down from it's position.

Concepts themselves aren't the pantheistic force that compels the universe into existence. Hell, maybe that is true, but the exact opposite would be equally true. That's the only argument I could make for:

>Men and women are separate

<All categories are social constructs and have no basis in reality, the flesh is a mutable hunk of matter that is prone to change and error, and the qualities associated with traditional gender roles aren't universal and are derived from hard to defend and ultimately false doctrines and beliefs

>All things derive from faith, but perhaps the mere idea of there being an axiom is false. This renders the entire line of thinking into a blot of spilled spaghetti, and everything is once again on the table

I'll flesh out this line of reasoning if I could, and I hope I can.

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e7da61 No.2429


The claim of sex being real is a theistic one, not a rational one. The moment you accept the idea of evolution is the same moment you deny the existence of anything being immutable. Deism ultimately leads to atheism, materialism, and commercialism.

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e7da61 No.2431

File: 40cd686ff54010b⋯.png (27.68 KB,1127x152,1127:152,Capture5.PNG)

I will become the zoomer, the destroyer of worlds. >>2428

I realize my disassifaction comes from

<ultimately false doctrines and beliefs

Since I made this statement from a purely semantic chain of reasoning, it's not applicable to actual relationships that aren't purely semantic. Sophistry stops being useful once actual substance is hit, some other form of reasoning has to be used. Perhaps not reasoning, but another "substance" has to be figured out and adopted, since words themselves merely give a mask to the thoughts that produce their arrangements.

Ultimately this line of reasoning can't be made without denying existence itself in it's totality. It's self-defeating, it's looking into the abyss and finding that nothing stared back. You are instead paralyzed. At my current level of comprehension, I can't add anything else. I don't know how.

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e7da61 No.2432


It's like claiming A is more true than B because A has more components related to A than B, when the entire structure of superiority, A-ness, B-ness (benis), no, difference itself has been removed from the picture. What is left is looking at structures through their singular, granularized, extraordinary fine and secluded segments and making a coherent framework from there. This is the only, only path I've let myself take at this point.

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e7da61 No.2433


This is my despair.

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e7da61 No.2434

File: aae4570b254e0eb⋯.webm (1.33 MB,960x720,4:3,Gondola_under_the_moon.webm)


>gondola was removed


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e7da61 No.2435

Falun Dafa becomes a lot funnier when the threat of being made into a literal rock is a real one.

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e7da61 No.2440

This is as far as I'm capable of going without requiring a certain faith to make the reader believe.

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e7da61 No.2443


>It's self-defeating, it's looking into the abyss and finding that nothing stared back. You are instead paralyzed

Instead of paralysis, I'm instead terrified. It's not that I can't add anymore, it's that there's nothing to add at that stage of sight. When you view yourself as just an entity of endless possibility, of a universe that has no limit in term of creation and what could be created (I'm prone, since I can see something approaching a limit, to not say this is true), I'm more inclined to go back to my standard thinking than to delve deeper. It's not that there's nothing more to add, it's that I lack imagination, I lack sight.

To continue the trend of posting small segments, as I verbally live out my mental collapse.

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e7da61 No.2444

If I say anything in the simplest language possible, there's at most a 1/5 chance I'm understood.

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3f2c22 No.2447


I disagree. rationality only points to that sex is real.

The claim of sex not being real is a theistic one, but so is the claim of sex being real as it depends on your theistic belief.

Rationality only points to sex being real while theism points to both depending on the type.

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e7da61 No.2448

File: f19f5581f28fb88⋯.png (217.82 KB,779x749,779:749,f19f5581f28fb880961b34122d….png)


>rationality only points to that sex is real.

Depends on how you define "real". It's present, but it's not immutable, and it's prone to structural errors and genetic shifts. This is true if you accept: evolution (natural selection and shifts in traits), atheism (no deity or anything more than the material), and in order to even argue about this you're going to have to accept rationality, language, your own thoughts, your own existence, etc.

Even it's acceptance is reliant on categorizing large clumps of cells arranged in a general order, and naturally requires the acceptance of difference and categorizations. If you're going to claim it's real you're going to need to argue from a spiritual perspective.

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e7da61 No.2449


>structural errors and genetic shifts

Which are the same thing.

If you argue from a spiritual perspective, then things stop becoming "just" things, and actions stop being merely actions.

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e7da61 No.2451

File: 5598e6fa45aebe7⋯.png (24.47 KB,991x233,991:233,Thomas.PNG)

I like Thomas but his perspective is rational, but insane. He sees things from the perspective of someone who cares about beauty, truth, ideals, aesthetics, something that exists beyond the realm of the purely material, and it's lower planes like carnality, sexual desires, and general appetites. To truly understand the scum of the earth you have to disregard beauty and be attracted to shit and dirt like a fly would.

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e7da61 No.2452


>Work is a dreadful and shameful thing, as it proves we have failed to maintain that spirit of genius

Work is shameful because it shows the lack of something, it shows that a person or an entire civilization isn't perfect. Someone in the state of perfection doesn't need to work, he doesn't need to do anything, he doesn't have to live off of the sweat of his brow or necessarily be in the state of contemplation. Man is inferior because he works for something he doesn't have, and this is taken as proof of his inferiority. A slave is inferior because he lacks.

But this really does stem from a certain barbaric simplicity. People often misunderstand Nietzsche in the sense that his use of negative language, language meant to indicate mocking or contempt, leads them to believe he sees these things as inferior, or less than what he praises. His statements against slave morality aren't that negative, he ultimately praises it by the greatest metric of greatness and good there is: by it's power. But he doesn't shy away from where it stems, from what kind of source it has, from how it disgusts him. I'll study Nietzsche some more and arrive at a better conclusion.

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e7da61 No.2453

File: 04a60d451e0ddbb⋯.gif (795.71 KB,320x265,64:53,434343892378239.gif)


>by it's power

I also don't strictly see this as true. Power stems from a different source than "power", what creates power isn't the same as what makes someone feel powerful. Often times, being powerful means have a great deal of self-restraint, much more self-restraint than the common nigger. In the similar way that "might makes right" is wrong if you equate it to evolution. That's not true at all. Might doesn't make right, the minimum is what the survival of the fittest points to. Survival isn't about being stronger or greater than others.

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e7da61 No.2454


I use insane in the sense that it's completely removed from how normalfags see the world. As in, it's just not the same, it doesn't stem from the same source. I suppose that's not a good usage of the word insane.

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e7da61 No.2455

File: e4155e95bddc1bc⋯.png (299.17 KB,949x1400,949:1400,jomon_dogs_1.png)

File: 5786738ba810044⋯.png (375.72 KB,949x1400,949:1400,jomon_dogs_2.png)

Behold. I am sleep, and now I post.

I suspect cats are an agricultural thing and dogs are better for herders and people who need to do something more than stare at plants all day.

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e7da61 No.2456


Hunter-gatherers probably had more freetime. But I have absolutely no clue. I'll go back to my radical immobility, expressed through a coma.

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e08e7c No.2459


What does it mean to work ? What does someone do when they don't need to work ? Is it actually excess ? I'm trying to understand your view on this.

I think that there's a difference between working to the point that you have some buffer, or foundation and working non stop because you can't get such a foundation. The difference between earning a lot with a skill and having some type of wealth that just requires management, is vast. Cavemen, unlike us, didn't "live in a society" so they could reach this comfortable buffer point as long as they had food and shelter. Reaching this kind of comfy state in modern society is harder for normal people. They use their surplus to scratch all kinds of itches, chasing after things that society tells them will lead to feeling complete. They can't run fast enough on the hedonic treadmill to bite into the carrot of "actualization" at the end. There is excess present, but it's not leading to art or culture. Culture and arts are being employed to control where the excess goes, rather than the excess bursting out and causing these things. So while excess may be part of the cause for culture and art, it's not the only factor, there's something else involved as well.


>I just don't like it.

I don't like it either. I've just accepted that the non transactional part I want is probably just wishful thinking, a fantasy, something that will never be real.


The "give birth I'll wait" thing was mostly snark. If I define sex in terms of males having Y chromosomes and females not having them, how do you invalidate it ? I wasn't able to find a study on this, perhaps I didn't do enough digging. But what if you did one of those sweaty T shirt smelling experiments with trans of all kinds, even throw in gay males ? You would have 100% confirmed str8 males smell the shirts and rate how attracted they think they would be to the person, based only on olfaction. I would bet money that none of the trans persons would rank high on the list, no matter how early they started on hormone therapy.

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e7da61 No.2461


>I'm trying to understand your view on this

I don't think you should. But whatever tickles your interest.

>how do you invalidate it

By questioning the origins of this definition, and whether it could defend itself under scrutiny. Also, there are genetic ambiguities that do come up that should either be cast off as exceptions, or included into some sort of spaghetti if-then logic. My brain hurts.

>What does it mean to work

To carry out tasks, to upkeep and maintain structures, and to engage in constant existential struggle against something else (regardless of whether it's real or unreal, material or virtual). Either maintaining an environment, changing an environment, creating an environment, or cultivating future actors (parenting).

>What does someone do when they don't need to work

I suppose they're dead. Being lazy is part of the job description.

>Is it actually excess

As much as having excess fat is excess. Strictly speaking it's working with the confines of an environment, and whether it's excessive is reliant on cultural perspectives. If you include culture as a mode of survival.

>working non stop because you can't get such a foundation

Geniuses would probably fit under this mode of life. Except imagine it to be a spiritual struggle rather than a physical one, but it is definitely a physical one as well.

>I've just accepted that the non transactional part

There's also validational sex. You might include that into the category of "transaction" but that's not true in my opinion. There are a variety of reasons for why people have sex, and I don't think it's just for transactions like everyone's a robot. If it WAS purely transactional that would be much better than what women currently are. Which is why I called them retarded, and why the idea of sex being just about transactions being relatively good.

However, the universe doesn't operate under material laws. So I'm willing to explore other options than what we're presented with in whores, since I don't believe that all women are whores. They're too sexually ambiguous for that to be true. Certain masculine women would probably be sluts. The entire idea of business women, careerist women, demons, well we see this in the modern day. This is just one aspect of what women pretending to be men are like, and isn't the natural one.

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e7da61 No.2462

File: bb153f1e16a9f9a⋯.mp4 (135.72 KB,1280x592,80:37,PUEH.mp4)

File: f5286001f4f4424⋯.png (647.09 KB,800x800,1:1,riamu_autism_beam.png)



I use natural in the sense of being from the void, unimpeded and "light", not heavy. A big problem I have with promiscuity is the heaviness of it, it's dark and karmic. If you want the real reason for why I detest it, it's entirely due to that. It's disgusting. And transaction sex vs emotional/indulgent sex is better due to it being able lust and greed (emotional), into just being about greed (transactions). Ideally it shouldn't have greed. "Emotions" themselves is a word that should be differentiated to it's finer categories but I don't think I could do that naturally. "Love" is what I'm referring to, but it might be closer to "Agape" which isn't even sexual, but under my thinking is the epitome of Romance after complete Apathy and emptiness. Emptiness not being without, but having the capacity to include everything without overlap or error.

Romance is the willingness to die for the things you're attached to. It's the willingness to let others die for your sake, and to cherish their memory after death. Romance is one aspect of the dagger of benevolence, specifically Tradition and ancestral worship. Finding the right words here requires me to schizopost.

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e7da61 No.2463



Love is NOT what I'm referring to, it's what I'm trying to differentiate from "emotions".

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e7da61 No.2464

People on Salo have been complaining about a miasma in the air. Can't say I don't feel it. It's some sort of sick, cancer like substance. Makes me think of rotten teeth, pus, flesh rotting off of bone, etc.

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e7da61 No.2465

File: d6fd3e75f3eced5⋯.jpg (108.29 KB,1024x839,1024:839,Yoshiko_in_a_nutshell.jpg)


>To carry out tasks

All this supposes a task. Work doesn't exist when there is no purpose in life. Work is managing and dealing with a task. I'm going to change my viewpoint away from "work is shameful" into "work is shameful when it's based off of hierarchies, but otherwise it is essential." Essential meaning, it's another mode of life, and might be essential to that particular mode of life. A rock doesn't work, unless you consider maintaining itself to be it's task.

Your work here is posting one (1) 2D girl so that I can judge your taste.

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e7da61 No.2466

File: c3d1da66ff9fca8⋯.jpg (154.92 KB,771x1200,257:400,53232423423.jpg)

I'm a genius.

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e7da61 No.2467


Despite english only being my first language, I don't know how to speak or write it.

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e7da61 No.2468


Sophistry is an inferior form of semantics.

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e7da61 No.2469


>A rock doesn't work, unless you consider maintaining itself to be it's task

A rock is incapable of maintaining itself so that isn't it's task. Instead the environment that surrounds the rock is what maintains it, and what creates the environment is the ultimate decider. But there's also an environment within the rock. I think the difference between Work and Being is a difference between a narrow-minded fixation on one particular mode of thinking, and the axioms from which this particular mode of thinking is made from. If you study the axioms, if you observe them, then you're allowed access to more information on the workings of existence.

So a rock DOES maintain itself, but this isn't a work at the level of a rock. It IS a work when you go deeper into the rock, into how it functions (it functions like a rock), what it's made of (it's made up of a rock), and what it's peak existence is like (it's a rock).

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e7da61 No.2470

File: 30a1c93c8a16c53⋯.png (467.68 KB,603x4775,603:4775,blockheads_why_people.png)


>So while excess may be part of the cause for culture and art, it's not the only factor, there's something else

Engaging at the level of self-destruction and abuse, and taking this pain and turning it into something productive. This is the only way I know how, essentially working at the level of inspection and self-differentiation.

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8d4ab9 No.2472


>Overall, if you're a wizard and can code, chances are you've already written much better magic programs

Really? The only thing close to a magic program I've seen posted or discussed on /fringe/ or any of its affiliates are graphical sigils made with a paint application. That and internet memes.

If you have any magic programs that you've created I'd be very interested to see them.

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099f0f No.2474

File: e37d9a7ffc52058⋯.png (198.99 KB,666x517,666:517,homophily.png)

Even communication science speaks against you.

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e7da61 No.2475

File: 0dfddcd169b7523⋯.webm (231.71 KB,374x374,1:1,the_rumble.webm)



I was doing the same thing others do in their comprehension of Nietzsche. Placing super-importance on the usage of negative language in my interpretation of his text.

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e7da61 No.2476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The heart of Japan probably lays with the divine wind. I wonder what it is about europeans that managed to defeat it. Maybe the Japanese spirit simply waned in the japs?

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e7da61 No.2477


I should make it clear that transactional sex is very inferior compared to marriage. Monogamy being the highest point, but the focus on sex is a vulgar and mistaken view. It's about the relationship between a man and woman.

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66a058 No.2478

File: fba80aba22eabbc⋯.pdf (22.8 KB,geomancy.pdf)


I've coded a divination program. It solves the problem that you need to 100% concentrate on the question during the entire process of generating the divination, since it condenses this to a very short amount of time, allowing for greater concentration since it only needs to be held for an instant, and thus greater accuracy. I'd recommend others do the same.

Leading with a short prayer to the Omnissiah so he blesses the machine spirit seems to improve results as well. I recommend doing so. Please ignore the to-do comment, it's been nearly a year and I don't know what it means any longer either, but don't want to remove it since it might be important

I've also wanted to experiment with creating a more computerized version of an electric prayer wheel and see what happens. Something like generating a soundwave using the string value of a prayer, then having a some SBC dedicated to running it constantly and very fast, and outputting the low-volume sound constantly, both reminding me of the high-speed prayer (my mind being a component too) and acting as an anchor to the energies in the physical plane (the latter would likely already be sufficiently accomplished by the differing states of the CPU running it though)

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e7da61 No.2479


Why do you engage with /sunflower/ and /fringe/?

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e7da61 No.2480

All I know about ISIS is that it's an effort to destroy ancient artifacts, and pretty much nothing else.

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66a058 No.2481


Because /occult/ no longer exists.

Haven't been on /fringe/ since long before 8chan went down though.

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e7da61 No.2482

File: 722a0a5c618103e⋯.png (643.18 KB,630x691,630:691,1590405490144.png)


Shit sucks, don't it?

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e7da61 No.2486


I believe Thoughts to be a superior version of my own thought process. And superior in general.

I don't want to add anything else to this thread. Unless my half-digested ideas are to anyone's liking.

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e7da61 No.2487


My only complaint being that he builds "up" too much, and doesn't build "down" enough. The supreme version of this up and down movement should be a movement throughout the entire body, from the toes to the fingers, to the top of the crown. Every segment of your body should be used in thought.

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e7da61 No.2488


The point of building up is to ultimately reach a collapse of reason, when intuition, rationality, belief, faith, and denial reaches a point of emptiness (in the romantic sense, of containing everything), and becomes a simple axiom for even higher constructions.

That's pretty much the only secret to my method of thinking. There's one more but that would require actual experience to talk about, and also would be too "mystical". It'd require being able to see energies in the same way I do.

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e7da61 No.2489


The state of prayer might or might not be a superior version of this. But I don't know.

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e7da61 No.2490


The BO has a chinese way of thinking, so whenever Thoughts references the Chinese in particular he's a good enough analogy to understand it from. At least when it comes to his methods of acquiring information, which are feeble.

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099f0f No.2491

File: 0d5c577b5fa0cb9⋯.jpg (141.78 KB,907x510,907:510,snail_shell.jpg)

File: 33ddb071edde596⋯.jpg (79.39 KB,600x800,3:4,5857744273_ac1f9d97cb_b.jpg)

It's funny how a jew will always move the goalposts to avoid defeat, or take up a false position, feigning a fixed belief, only to move again when this position is cornered. This leads to the well known quote by Josef Goebbels:

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

When dealing with the strange creature of the jewish snail however, he does not simply shrink back - he starts pulling back into his shell. This shell is a spiral, a quite interesting form in this context. Sneaking back inside it to hide, it will only get narrower the further in he sneaks, and eventually he will reach the end and cannot escape anymore. Unlike the regular jew, the jewish snail has choosen a route of defense unavoidably leading to defeat.

He would either starve to death in there or come out again. But this takes time. The french, who like to eat snails, came up with a tool for removing the snail after he escaped into his shell.

This all works as a fine symbolism for something.

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e7da61 No.2492

You actually have to have a position in order for me to argue against, for, or even try to assimilate it into my own thinking. I can't move a goalpost when there's not a goal.

I didn't read your post beyond the first sentence.

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e7da61 No.2493

I called the BO a chinese and he revolted.

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e7da61 No.2494


When I said You I meant the BO.

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e7da61 No.2496

File: 51939f2b9edab1a⋯.webm (3.83 MB,640x480,4:3,the_cockpit_mad.webm)


The five elements refer to the pentagram, you can equate intuition with water, rationality with fire, belief with air, and faith with earth. Denial would be ether (or the void). If that helps anyone.


Post inspired by this manly retard.

>the purely Shinto Japanese tradition of sudden leaps of the spirit proceeding from an inferior material base (forced by the geography of Japan), and the intensification of mystery, decay and death (height is in Yukio Mishima). Japan itself represents the spiritual struggle ‘making up’ for a lack of mental one. Japan does not create or invent any original tradition in terms of content (except perhaps the extreme elaboration of ritual); only the final perfected *moments* and single leaps of the spirit. That is, the greatest effect with the smallest substance. Whereas China has the largest substance (that still has a dominating influence on Japan) with the smallest final effect, in fact no great single “moments”.

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e7da61 No.2497

File: 065683463f1968c⋯.jpg (115.3 KB,692x518,346:259,_Orphan_Kuroi_Ame_ni_Utare….jpg)


The west provided Japan a greater struggle than a spiritual one. He provided a mental one.

Unless it's a post about stupid nonsense like what I ate today, any injury to my body, or how much I can squat, I'm not going to provide any new content outside of replying to posts directed at me here.

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e7da61 No.2498


I ate a sandwich. My diet has remained nearly the exact same for the past 1.5 years, arguably the past 3 years. And I will never tell anyone here how much I can currently squat.

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e7da61 No.2499

I touched a hot stove and that scared me. Outside of that no physical injuries.

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e7da61 No.2508



One of the more disgusting things about Gnostics is there hatred of life and, inadvertently, hatred of women. Saying the act of birth and procreation (I'll leave the actual process of the "generation of life" non-mystical) evil, or women as naturally being the evil and destructive sex, as I see it this can only form from a fetishistic view of the universe. Most likely one born form resentment.

What is biologically imperfect about life as it is now? How is rot and death imperfect? My viewpoint relies heavily on the acceptance of dirty and ugly things as necessary for the creation of beauty. Humans aren't born to be in a state of perfection, in a state of unchanging immortality, they're born to die and to suffer. I've never asked the religious "why" of existence, I've only ever accepted existence as it has presented itself to me, so whether this is fair isn't something I'd argue about. I would say it is natural. And I would say greater importance should be placed on what you do now, rather than what you're without.

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e7da61 No.2509

File: 0c8eb5aa43e330e⋯.png (2.58 KB,584x28,146:7,Capture3.PNG)


Not that resenting is wrong. It's the ultimate conclusion of hating life itself that I dislike.

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384ead No.2510


The Gnostic view of life, I feel, has slowly perfused into modern Protestant and mainstream-materialistic thought. In it, the corruptible, finite, and sensual nature of this life is somehow divorced from, and independent of, the ideal, eternal life of the ascended master. They view the perfected and pure afterlife as something which exists in a vacuum, disregarding the necessary purified human essence, which has gone through purgative life, that enables and guarantees it.

This is ultimately why birth rates have been falling in the West (and newly 'liberated' East)- people have been indoctrinated to believe that prosperity can come about without struggle. The modern ideal, the 1-child household 0-parent household, is the culmination of that. Give birth to a generation with as little effort and involvement as possible, as little responsibility as possible, and expect that through their lower numbers, they will enjoy greater wealth and satisfaction. "Why would I bring another soul into this world?", the Materialist asks, all the while denying the existence of a soul.

Meanwhile, other races, too simple-minded to philosophize, gladly produce hordes of progeny, with no greater effort expended, and the generation of aryan children, punished by their parents, nation, and "faith", do not even enjoy that dreamt-of abundance.

The West has forgotten that sacrifice brings about prosperity, that the suffering and resentment of sensual life is what purifies the soul for eternity, and that of the 8 children in a poor Russian farmer's household, one is a world-changing genius.

Just like the newborn child is covered in blood, placenta, and skin cell sludge, with lungs struggling to draw their first breath, and eyelids clenched against the horror of the waking world, so the ascended master is born of an imperfect, material life. Countless ones, even.


Resentment is natural, and part of the process. Hatred is destructive, and without purpose in human affairs. The Aryan resents, the Jew hates.

This is why modern, woke religion is so destructive. Anything built on a hatred of birth, suffering, and error, such as Buddhism and Protestantism, will only see race that follows it to its very end. The Chinese and Indians can survive the Buddhist and Hindu doctrine only because the average population of roach-like brainlets cannot understand the proper doctrine, and instead follow a primitive Buddhism and Hinduism of the masses, with their idols and personal worship.

Europe does not have this kind of luxury. It used to be that Catholicism, despite its manipulative and deceptive machinations, taught a generative, positive doctrine. Now even that has changed, and only one faith can serve and save Europe.

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e7da61 No.2511


You've nearly sold me on orthodox christianity. I've nearly reached the limit of the kind of thinking I'm employing now.

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e7da61 No.2512


The only thing I've not done entirely yet is be consumed entirely by rationality. Rationality is a purely destructive force that can't create anything new, it can deduce and expand (inward). Maybe I don't know how to rationally move upward?

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e7da61 No.2514

I don't know how to make music. This is one symptom of my complete inability to rationally see a point in suffering, of moving upward, into exaltation, a point in existence and cultivation.

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acf798 No.2516

When I'm in meditation I see all sorts of beings turn around and notice me noticing them. But just as that happens the illusion breaks and I'm back in the void. Is there a way to stay there and interact with them other than keep practicing?

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e7da61 No.2517

Other than trying to reenact the sensation, vision, and "presence" that the beings held, no. And I wouldn't recommend doing the first one.

Now post what you ate today, this is a food blog thread.

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9dce5a No.2518


Detach from what is happening and accept what your perceptions tell you without thinking about it.

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e7da61 No.2519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is an argument for the denial of sex, but not an argument for the denial of gender. Trannies assume gender is real, but not sex, and since this moves away from a physical claim into a spiritual one (the existence of categories that exist beyond and despite physical categories) it's much harder to counter.

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e7da61 No.2520


>but not sex

They don't believe sex itself has any relation to gender, although "sex" may or may not be real depending on who the fuck you're talking to. What I mean is that they've separated logical "if penis, man, if vagina, woman", and separated "female" from "vagina" as being two completely unrelated physical and social phenomena, that may or may not have completely different origins.

But I've not seriously taken the time to study the actual arguments anyone has presented, if there are any. These people don't believe "objectivity" exists, it's only a white male social construct made to suppress the enlightened and innocent POC.

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e7da61 No.2522

My style of posting would legitimately be more suited for twitter.

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e7da61 No.2523


The claim is entirely one based off of a different base in genesis. A male brain can be feminine, but regardless of the extent of its femininity its still a male brain. It has a male body, male genitals, male body structure. This fact alone produces an extreme difference between what a woman actually thinks, and what a man can only imagine a woman thinks like. Ditto for a woman who thinks she's a man.

The separation of gender from sex is in actuality the separation of origins, of where "one belongs".

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e7da61 No.2524


>male body structure

Skeletal and muscle structures, and fat distributions.

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e7da61 No.2525

File: 82eebbcdedc60ac⋯.webm (358.42 KB,720x720,1:1,TURTLE.webm)

File: 6cc935ee03361a4⋯.png (177.22 KB,430x360,43:36,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….png)


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e7da61 No.2526

I despise how much of an idiot I am.

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9dce5a No.2527


And DNA.

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e08e7c No.2529


>There are a variety of reasons for why people have sex, and I don't think it's just for transactions

Sure, but almost all of the time people are having sex for those reasons they are carrying out assortative mating. The foundation of it is always transactional. Just like with maslow's hierarchy of needs, it's hard to worry about enlightenment when you're dying of exposure and thirst in the desert. Someone in a relationship can't love their partner if they degenerate from the standards they met which led to the relationship. Whether they're physical attributes, financial ones, or mental ones, those criteria being met are what allows the rest to follow. Love cannot survive this foundation being taken out, so it too is transactional. I don't care how divine and pure the feeling between two people is, if one of them gains weight, gets a drinking problem and ceases to act the way they used to, the relationship will fail.


>A male brain can be feminine

This is a lie. The studies that show this are based on brains of MtF trans persons who had been taking hormones for 10+ years. It only looks at a small specific brain region. The overall structure of male and female brains is noticeably different from birth. This doesn't mean that there can't be genes out there that cause some males to have effeminate affects, or androphilic tendencies, even autogynophilic tendencies. But these genes would not change the whole brain. I'm rather convinced by the argument that a specific type of homosexual/transgendered person is that way because of a cluster of non sex linked feminity/autogynophilic/androphilic genes. The older brother right hand rule would seem to prove that this is a real phenomenon which even has genes which have evolved to counter it. This isn't nearly the full explanation though and it ignores the fact that most homosexuals seem to have had early life events that might encourage their sexuality to develop in that direction.

Is this a deterministic argument ? Does slamming heroin and feeling like you're having a full body orgasm mean you'll become an addict after the first hit ? These impacts from genes and differently formed brain regions operate at that level. One thing just feels good because of some hard wiring in the brain. They know how to make gay flies by just making them react to the smell of males the way they would normally react to the scent of females. Maybe some people have genes that cause them to get a nice dopamine rush when they put on frilly pink panties. Does a small thing like that mean they were born in the wrong body ? Or do they just have a kink ? What if it goes further than that and seeing themselves as an attractive female and acting like one causes this rush of chemicals in the brain ? It's just this one small section of neurons, the rest of their brain is male, but that one section was made to reward females for doing that kind of thing and it's really good at it, it just found it's way into a male due to an accident. How is the effect this hypothetical brain region has on this person meaningfully different from having a drug addiction ? I'm not trying to get into the metaphysics of this, or deny that souls can get put in bodies that don't match their gender.

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e7da61 No.2530

File: be62183a41cf76a⋯.png (29.69 KB,565x269,565:269,Thomas.PNG)


>Is this a deterministic argument

I think it's a combination of autism, very specifically the tendency for autists to not understand why certain behaviors are socially bad, and fetishism.

Unlike sex I do think masculinity and femininity in the traditional sense is a range, that a person has more or less of (subjectively). I don't think a man can be born with a female brain, I think he can be born with a brain that acts more feminine than is typical.

>The foundation of it is always transactional

No, I can't agree with that. I think this usage of the word and action of transaction is being taken too far. I may have found the idea I'm trying to express. "Reframing". Looking at an object or an action under a different set of assumptions leads to different results, and I'm trying to look at "love" as something that isn't governed by reciprocity. I've already stated what I think the heights of Romance is, so I won't state it again.

The state of looking at romance as a transactional relationship is degenerative, and inferior to looking at love as a relationship between two (or more for the non-monogamy) people. A relationship encompasses more than transaction. I think viewing it as transactional is reductionist. I also have this problem with Dutton, most of his videos repeat the same basic concept without trying to branch out and away.

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e7da61 No.2531


And Dutton is trying to make a career out of what he's saying, so he has no real reason to really experiment. Is he? I don't know his actual situation. I think Woodley is the more ambitious of the two. His beard is superior.

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e7da61 No.2532


>Is this a deterministic argument

I didn't answer the question. No.

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e7da61 No.2533

I'm basically making a purely technical and semantic differentiation, and separation, between reality (sex) and social reality (gender). And then making a claim that sex can't be differentiated from gender, that a man can't accurately simulate a woman's mind, due to structural (genetic) barriers. Or, that the virtual can't work beyond the limits of hardware. That's my argument.

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e7da61 No.2534

And my argument for the denial of sex is based off of the mutability of the structure, of the hardware. That the virtual classification of the hardware is an illusion built from the limitations of a person's ability to know past and future events. This in contrast to idealistic platonic forms. I can't make an argument against this without first discrediting evolutionary (structural mutability based off of environmental factors, with the goal of genetic survival).

But I don't believe there's a goal for evolutionary thought, that's just something tacked on because that's how humans think.

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e7da61 No.2535

I could probably spend an eternity making these kinds of differentiations.

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e7da61 No.2536


>How is the effect this hypothetical brain region has on this person meaningfully different from having a drug addiction

The only distinction is that drug addiction is mostly chemical, there might be some sense of taboo and thrill associated, and fetishes are more than just chemical. There are a lot of mental associations, positive associations, that lead people to repeat behaviors. Chemicals within the brain obviously play a part, but there's a bigger picture that must be accounted for. I don't know the "why" of trannies.

I can only imagine it's a purely social phenomena.

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e7da61 No.2537

/christian/ posters on /fringe/ > /christian/ > /fringe/

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e7da61 No.2538


/fringe/ > /sunflower/

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e7da61 No.2539


I believe the hardware itself, and to a uniquely different sense the virtual, is governed by bodies of both virtual and "hard" material, not anthropomorphic or having any characteristic related to "humanity" outside of sharing the fact of existing. I also believe that these bodies are really governed by a single principle which I might as well give the label God to.

This is my most fundamental belief, and the position I took when making these arguments.

The virtual only governed by God through adherence to the same principles of the hardware, despite the greater complexity that virtual existence allows. "Failure" still exists within the virtual, and where failure exists so does necessity, and time.

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e7da61 No.2540


That is to say, I think the void operates within the cosmos rather than against it. That is to say, chaos as it's understood as being "outside of time", rather than being within and of time, doesn't follow.

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e7da61 No.2541

Japanese curry is sweet. Why?

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e7da61 No.2542

Was it the jews?

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e7da61 No.2543


I can skip that step and say that regardless of it's mutability, it's real enough at the moment. The argument is similar to denying the existence of a marble statue because it's capable of being changed, shaped, and broken. Regardless, at the state of what is termed a distinct marble statue, it is real.

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e7da61 No.2544


This sort of contradicts the idea of reality being unreal due to it being changing (maya), in that the recognized moment is immortal rather than being inherently subject to the lower material that composes it. The statement of reality being unreal would have to be a statement of reality having no real impact on the person, outside of what the person allows and accepts to be true. Or that there is no reality that is truly distinct from the person.

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e7da61 No.2545


But now I realize this is moving the goalpost away from the problem of evolution and into something that can't be waved away, the destruction and movement of matter to different states. This is absolutely true. If the marble statue isn't an actual attribute within a peculiar formation of a chunk of marble, then the statue doesn't exist outside of the observer.

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e7da61 No.2546


This is a statement of one thing being unreal because it is not present or existent within a structure. If it's present within another, semi-unrelated structure, does it make it real?

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2a84c0 No.2548

Whenever I pump energy into my head so that my eyes go crazy it makes me grow ulcers in my mouth.

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2a84c0 No.2549

Oh and last night I had insomnia but I was able to fix it my imagining myself cutting the tethers that attach me to my thoughts and letting them sink into the sea like rocks.

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e7da61 No.2550


Stop doing that, then. Why are you doing that?

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2a84c0 No.2551


I want to be able to see coloured auras, right now all I can see are clear ones which doesn't give me very much information.

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e7da61 No.2552


I only have minor experience with that. I can see auras but colors are extremely opaque, and it's closer to constantly seeing either lightening or "shadows" that lag behind moving physical objects, both inanimate and animate. Why would moving energy into your head help this?

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e7da61 No.2553

File: 23e6b183d98e85e⋯.jpg (108.51 KB,521x745,521:745,23e6b183d98e85edf9e649d25f….jpg)



I mean transparent.

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2a84c0 No.2554


I am hoping to develop the etheric organ which generates these visions.

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e7da61 No.2556




>Nothing is real, everything is present in no thing


>One thing is true, and it encompasses everything



>All things are relative


>There's an objective measure which all things are measured from

I must explore complete annihilation and nihilism.

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e7da61 No.2557


I've taken the position of Yes and There's an objective measure which all things are measured from. And:

>One thing is true, and it encompasses everything

If anything separates itself from this one thing, and arrives to a conclusion or a reality that is not this one thing, then it is false. So that's why I consider this statement a "No".

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e7da61 No.2558


>then it is false

If you were to take the position of falsity being true, that something could deviate away from this one thing and still being encompassed by it, then I can't distinguish the difference between holding everything as true and holding nothing as true. So the non-existence of falsity, that a shadow doesn't exist, that the lack of something doesn't create something, has to be taken as true.

Nothing is true would be the position I'm describing, if falsity was taken as truth.

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e7da61 No.2559

File: 67cc7c9bbd1358c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,745.14 KB,601x599,601:599,Bebop_face.png)


The tendency for japs to like sweet tasting things is real.The jews did it

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e7da61 No.2560



Regardless of gods could be said to be anthropomorphic, to share in the qualities of humanity (the opposite would be more true), the actual importance isn't in their human-like appearance, or being, but in what they control and have possession of. It's also fundamentally flawed to assume that there's a similar idea of reality, of what is real and unreal, so thinking in terms of people and relationships is flawed. There are different methods of acquiring information, and I believe the method of interacting with, talking to, and believing in external entities is lesser than directly acting by yourself, with your own knowledge, through your own means. I use lesser rather than inferior, since it interacting with others encompasses less of yourself. (You) could make an argument for that not being possible, but it's from the basis that (You) can't know more, or interact with more, than (You) are that I make this argument.

It's the internal logic, and the possessions, what a person or thing is that makes it valuable, not it's existence or what it represents.

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e7da61 No.2561

Now onto true nihilism.

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e7da61 No.2562

You can tell a lot about yourself by the body-type of a person you draw from pure imagination.

Some people's thinking is so rancid, the moment I get closer to the essence of their statements the more I want to throw up.

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e7da61 No.2563

File: 3693371d39986a6⋯.jpg (50.7 KB,304x302,152:151,3693371d39986a6dcfe876a6a1….jpg)


There is no such thing as true nihilism.

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e7da61 No.2564

Broccoli is a terrible vegetable.

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80b89d No.2566

File: 1a69ad9dca170e4⋯.gif (3.17 MB,466x480,233:240,wrong.gif)

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e7da61 No.2567

File: e43118f81ca9834⋯.jpg (100.88 KB,850x749,850:749,D14i_WCIWs_AAl_H_J_jpg_lar….jpg)


I don't want you posting here ever again, (1) nigger.

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80b89d No.2568

File: 1180003a79a3ffb⋯.jpg (50.12 KB,800x633,800:633,black_man_broccoli_happy_a….jpg)

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e7da61 No.2569

File: c3ccc452e77b6f0⋯.gif (1.09 MB,200x270,20:27,Disgusted_Dog.gif)







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e7da61 No.2570


I can only see and understand three forms of nihilism.

1: Nihilism as relativity, looking between substances and concepts and seeing that no concept is truly encompassed by any other concept, or a tree doesn't exist within the concept of a mountain.

2: Rejection of everything in favor of a position where nothing can be held as true, since it's not immediately self-evident or provable through any means. Being in pain is only a state, and the sensation of pain isn't proof of it.

3: One perspective is true, although baseless, and everything should be viewed or can be viewed and understood through this one perspective/method.

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e7da61 No.2572


>although baseless

My view is that reality is baseless. The void and chaos doesn't exist beyond the state of being unknown. If what you learn closes your world off into a tighter, smaller, and more mapped universe, instead of knowledge bringing more uncertainty, if the flower of emptiness isn't an expanding and constantly blooming force, then your viewpoint is one that's distinctly different from my own.

I'm half certain that doing what I'm doing now is actively destroying my brain cells, into a hyper-specialized tool to find connections from one logical jump to another.

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e7da61 No.2573

File: 40e85496059ec97⋯.jpg (108.99 KB,599x599,1:1,1550981894626.jpg)

But the flame hasn't burned me to the core of what I am, until then I'm going to wonder why does fire move up.

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e7da61 No.2574

Math is romance.

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e7da61 No.2575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lilith as the doll, Rei, rather than a domineering matriarch, and Eve as Asuka. Rei as the mother surrogate, Asuka as the girl given too much autonomy in life.

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e7da61 No.2576

But I also consider the entire Lilith fanfiction to be garbage, but it's "okay" in Evangelion. Whatever expresses the symbolic concepts the best.

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e7da61 No.2578

File: 1f8071e53a62faa⋯.gif (7.06 MB,480x360,4:3,big_think.gif)

I'm not egotistical enough to think anyone actually cares about what I write, but I'll stop posting here in favor of writing out my basic thoughts on some discord server I made.


I'll stop posting here. I don't like the BO.

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e7da61 No.2579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Non-expire since I'm a faggot.

Here's some edgy music.

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84d5aa No.2583


Where is that gif from? It is very cool.

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e7da61 No.2584

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80b89d No.2598

Has anyone else had experiences where doing magic in your car caused it to break down or develop problems?

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68d7ab No.2599


Be careful around electronics and machinery in high states, you can fuck it up and fry it, magic dosn´t always go well with modern things.

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839d8f No.2619

Almost all of my money spells have backfired. In that they caused events that costed me money. I'm pretty sure that this is because I use the feeling of interacting with money as my vector. Which is most easily fulfilled by having me paying someone.

I'm going to try and completely forget about the concept of currency and focus entirely on 'prosperity' instead. Already it feels a lot better.

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fd7c00 No.2662

I am fed up with paying taxes so I will begin work on banishing the IRS from this reality. If anyone wants to join me go ahead.

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acf798 No.2671


Unironically let's do this.

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03d1da No.2673

File: 56fc12d32f6bac2⋯.jpg (639.45 KB,675x918,25:34,33c79667c9455b96edd2e5d084….jpg)

I felt like sharing this here:

I had a dream where I was editing a hynosis audio file. Apparently it had something to do with past lives being projections of one another and them influencing the current physical life from the astral (they are all immortal "vampires"). I listened to this file and then woke up.

With my eyes closed and me being perfectly aware (oobe stage), instead of trying to project by moving I visualized my sight and then stabilized myself in this environment by constantly "casting" a diamond-shaped handsign that I formed with thumbs and index fingers. I found myself in some large, dark warehouse and saw a tall, pale, blue-haired woman in a dark robe/yukata who was glowing. Suddenly I recognized her as one of the "past life vampires" and immediately grabbed her hands while asking her to teach me and grant me power. I felt so ecstatic and eager. She giggled and we dueled. There was a memory gap and I ended up defeating her, she whispered "at last". 3 blue energy orbs arise as she vanished and I absorb them, immediately waking up.

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099f0f No.2674


That's a wonderful experience, thanks for sharing. Do you feel that this was a past "you" which you reconnected with?

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03d1da No.2675


Yes, absolutely.

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6e0515 No.2676


This reminds me of the dreams I had before. Especially of the dream in which I was called to meet a strange woman in a red/black dress and after I met her we did sth or she did sth to me which I cannot remember anymore but after which she had to leave or dissapeared but I felt extremely good and changed. In fact it felt so good that I remembered that feeling for days after and longed to feel it again (and still do). She had quite a epic presence and seemed to be powerful. Blood Anon said it might have been a past life of me. It's kinda cool now to read that other people are meeting such strange women too lol. But for me it was in a dream while for you it seemed to happen in a obe.

I haven't had any special feeling dream that I rembered in quite a while now which I find kinda dissapointing but just this morning when it was still early I heard my name being called so clearly and loud by my dad (he wasn't in the house btw) that it really woke me up and I wondered if he or somebody calls for me but soon enough I realized that I am alone. I don't even know if I was asleep before that incident or already half-awake.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. It's interesting to read that and kinda reassuring for myself.

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099f0f No.2677

File: 6fed6d4ad138dec⋯.png (100.71 KB,833x583,833:583,vampire_dream.png)

I feel it was kind of similar to this.

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76b55e No.2678

Anyone experiment with buying other peoples' souls?

Before I got into magic, just for fun, I asked for for the rights to materialist's soul on an online forum, and he gave it to me. A few months afterwards I dropped my phone in some water and it completely stopped working. I decided I'd just try to offer up the soul I had rights to to whatever god or spirit would be willing to fix my phone. The next day it started working again and it eventually fully recovered from the water damaged, almost as though it was healing itself.

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6e0515 No.2679

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03d1da No.2680


>I felt extremely good and changed.

I do feel positively changed as well though I didn't take note of it immediately.

>Blood Anon said it might have been a past life of me. It's kinda cool now to read that other people are meeting such strange women too lol.

I experienced this two days ago and only felt like writing it down after rereading that one thread where you shared your dream.

>But for me it was in a dream while for you it seemed to happen in a obe.

It just feels more tangible in an ap/oobe and I behaved like I knew exactly what was going on, something which was rather new to me outside of dreams. Most of my experiences escape my understanding.


Btw this year you've been appearing quite a few times in my dreams.

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4645f7 No.2682


What do you mean exactly by magic programs?

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91370c No.2768

Successfully created a big rain storm in 1 day. ~1.5 inches.

Hopefully once I reach manifestation time of < 1 hour I can get a high paying rainmaker job with some big agriculture company.

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099f0f No.2771

What method did you use? Did you target wind spirits?

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ffdc2e No.2772


I projected the image and feeling of a downpour onto physical reality and then pushed my attention into that as much as was bearable, which created a sort of rushing or falling feeling. It's similar to lifting a heavy weight, first decide fully that you're going to do it and then straightaway funnel as much of your energy into the outcome as possible. The certainty that the desired outcome will be accomplished should stand of its own power without having to try to continuously direct energy at it consciously. Fear of failure and lust for results are handled through banishment and/or attuning your personal etheric body to resonate more with the desired outcome.

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099f0f No.2773

I did something similar to counter the winter-chan BS a few years ago because I didn't want a cold winter here, it's already cold enough as is. So I aimed for "keep temperature between 0 and 10 degrees" and it did stay around 6-8C all winter with only a few dips. At the time I wasn't aware of the way the weather functions and the role of spirits so I may have done it differently today, but it did work.

Sending out a direct request is what I'd do today, but I guess just a clear general message of any kind can work if they agree.

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929a54 No.2872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have been exploring the concepts of Authority and Dominance. I think that Authority is absolutely vital in order to practice magic effectively; that is, to convince spirits to do what you want them to do. If you assert your will from a position of absolute Authority then more often than not reality listens to you. This video is an example of someone psychically dominating a police officer using the principal of Authority. If these principals are applied when interfacing with spirits success rates will be a lot higher. Although of course approaching the situation antagonistically will probably result in the spirit defying whenever your Authority allows it, such as when the officer turns around just because the man told him not to. Might be good for banishing more than anything, the attitude of a CEO or a supervisor would probably be more effective for everyday use.

I believe that high magic spiritualism is necessary in order to work thaumaturgy that is larger in scale than simply creating useful coincidences. You need to assimilate or be assimilated into a mantle of diety of some sort, which by necessity requires Illumination.

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099f0f No.2874


This vid and the one where FBI come to his door almost makes me feel sorry for them, they sound like scared little boys who know they stole the candy.

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af7fc0 No.2876


Where I’m from if you talk to a police officer like that you’ll end up in a cell and you’ll never use your anus for shitting again.

Not to mention even recording them is subject to a fine.

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c670ec No.2892

Why was my post deleted? What rule did I break?

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9c9fac No.2893


You sure it wasn't just 8kun shitting itself? It happens sometimes.

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8f7410 No.2894

File: dafb35bccda6a35⋯.jpeg (100.99 KB,1024x576,16:9,a1.jpeg)


It wasn't deleted. It's right there. The Sun crossing into Virgo and parasitic shenanigans have been messing me up these last couple of days.

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5a1455 No.2975

Was able to remotely calm down a raging bipolar guy by spraying white astral energy at him, programming it to persist around him and assimilate through his skin, then running lasers across the core of his etheric body until it resonated at the white color frequency. No special trances or anything, just mental imaging while giving my full attention.

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2cf4e6 No.2981


Are you good at visualization and seeing things? Sounds like good progress.

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e67649 No.2986


Moderately good. It seems like the feeling attached to the image matters much more than the image itself. That and the level of attention being directed at it.

Related to this, often when I'm sending a lot more attention than usual through a visualized image I'll be interrupted by a phone call from someone I haven't talked to in a long time. It's kind of odd.

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e67649 No.2987

Something else I've noticed. When I project an image onto reality that differs a great deal I feel a sort of tension in my body as a result of the difference. I used to let this tension go when I was done with my visualizations to signify that my desire had been accomplished, but I've started experimenting with specifically making sure that the tension stays after I've quit the operation, and this seems to result in a higher rate of success so far.

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37b836 No.2992

I spent most of today exploring this and it has enhanced the efficacy of my magic considerably. I experimented with manipulate stock prices and there was definite feedback from my intentions. It reminds me of what Franz Bardon says about vital energy in IIH. I experimented with that a bit but I couldn't get it to work reliably. Here when I first spread out the tension throughout my entire body and lean into the tension feeling while focusing my intent on the the outcome I can attain a very intense radiating exploding feeling, very similar to what Bardon describes as "feeling as a miniature sun" when saturated with vital energy.

The only problem with this technique is that maintaining a passive tension regarding the desire generates physical fatigue. Additionally I have developed an ulcer on the roof of my mouth, near the location where the tension often originates. I am now experimenting with using talismans to house the tension point/vital energy rather than my own body. At first I attempted to form a connection directly to the spirit/egregore that I wish to influence and move the vital energy engine into it, similar to how I influenced the mind of the bipolar fellow earlier, but the connection is easily corrupted by shifts in thought. Instead I am using a symbolic object with the target's spirit evoked into it along with a talisman symbolizing the intent placed on top of it. After the energy engine is generated in my own body it is moved to the vector talisman and then intensified and given the intent to merge in an active fashion with the evoked spirit.

After I get a talismanic system working in a reliable manner I would like to experiment with using this technique to invoke various attributes or spirits into my body and mind.

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d9ebe5 No.2993

The talisman had negligible effects overnight but some off-the-cuff evocations I did before going to bed actually manifested this morning. I think I'm overcomplicating things, I'll stick to my regular method of energy transfer for now. I have noticed that there is a very subtle tension point signifying my relationship evoked desire, will ensure that this tension point persists after visualizations.

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5e62ae No.2994

>Doing third eye meditation

>Forehead starts tingling as it has before

>Tingling intensifies until it feels like someone is pushing in on my forehead with a finger

>Tingling consumes my entire body, start to see fast-moving, three-dimensional images, more vivid than usual visual hallucinations, almost like I'm partaking in what I'm seeing.

>Phenomena clear, feel more awake than ever before

I feel like this is the start of a dimension that I had called bullshit on when I started meditation, but obviously I was incorrect in my assumptions. Does anyone have any ideas as to what my next step could/should be? If anyone has been through this experience I would definitely appreciate some guidance.

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d9ebe5 No.2995


Just keep doing it.

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099f0f No.2996


>start to see fast-moving, three-dimensional images

Try directing your attention and controlling what you look at. Once I did that I realized how little control I had over it, it was like trying to maneuvre a small boat in rapids with my vision going all over the place.

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59b5f7 No.2997


Thanks anon, will do.


It's funny you should mention, as I was trying to do something visualization-related, to see if third eye would allow me to generate an image of some kind, but in the end the only thing that worked was surrendering to the stream of images and letting the experience wash over me.

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099f0f No.2998


At first I would only see otherwordly shining structures as if looking at particles or astral energies, and it tends to fall back to that. I can choose to look at regular 3D scenery by now but the images tend to always "sweep" as if filmed from a moving vehicle and I can't get a fixed position view of anything easily.

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3bf79c No.2999


That's interesting. I'm largely at that stage right now. The tingling and pressure is coming and going. It definitely feels like something has changed, or is changing? Is there a particular part after this where the eye "opens", or is it open right now?

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099f0f No.3000


Seeing the shining structures means it's open, but it probably also means it's temporarily open and closes right after. From what I understand there's an energy consumption and if you run it to the bottom it may "glue shut." To prevent that it's likely to close as a safety measure before that.



This was made to solve this issue among other things, by providing a constant refilling of energy. I've kept mine open at all times since installing it. I think it defaults at showing other dimensions at a micro level, seeing physical 3D (or more) requires "stretching" as if it was an organic lense. Keeping it open for longer periods may aid this.

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6ce9e0 No.3013

Effective aetheric thaumaturgy requires

- correct mana frequency

- correct targeting

I just got some hiccups and experimented with targeting. Visualization of energy ball representing diaphragm with black spots representing hiccup pattern emerged. Banished the black spots and hiccups went away.

Incorrect targeting can cause big problems. Water-aspected mana can cause depression if build-up occurs within the body, so if you try to do a rain spell by sending mana at the image of rain in your head rather than the actual weather you can mess yourself up. Belief and intuition is a good signpost to use.

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5beb6c No.3018

Awfully quiet around here as of recent. Also is the board broken for anyone else or just me?

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9c9fac No.3019


Yes. I assume it's quiet mostly because it's buggy lately.

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5beb6c No.3020


I haven't kept up with the site, what's the reason it's been so buggy? Just 8kun being shit?

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099f0f No.3021

File: 20bf59178492bd3⋯.jpg (915 KB,1200x1632,25:34,tumblr_psoa7oEwIg1sfe580o1….jpg)

Internet has been shit for 1-2 weeks as a result of a major provider housing around 1 billion users going down. It's had ripple effects all over since. 8kun tends to react by not loading images or showing an old back up of the front page of boards.

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51e1f8 No.3044

Are y'all going to attempt some magic tonight? Do share what you intend to do. Hopefully it's in service of fucking over witchtok cunts and trannies.

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ec7373 No.3045


Ugh, why do dumb jerks like you have to be so mean? You do know that I'm a tranny myself.

I will be attempting so magic, and the magic is quite sophisticated of course I don't expect you to understand that.

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099f0f No.3046

File: 07385c34ab5b7ba⋯.jpg (251.54 KB,516x728,129:182,5b5a00c3e03c76f369863192c5….jpg)

Way to go sounding like bots both of you.

Session has already been finished, with the purpose of breaking the Abrahamic pact. It was a success.

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1a4fea No.3047


kek'd audibly at this, not sure if it's ironic but I took it that way since it was funny.


nice to see people are still around on this board.

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099f0f No.3079

File: 0e1eb4b1956135c⋯.png (24.36 KB,500x451,500:451,sigil_hex_moloch_followers.png)

If anyone wants to help clearing out the remains of the Moloch egregore still causing problems (mostly in the US) you can add to this hex by procedure as follows:

>get pen and paper

>bring up your negative feelings towards the moloch followers, US democrats, liberals etc

>think about what you want happening to them as punishment for their actions

>draw sigil on paper

>while maintaining your state of mind, roll the paper up and burn it


The negative energy will now be sent to create misfortune for the moloch followers and aid in removing them from power and sabotaging their evil plans.

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98cd90 No.3082

Does anyone else get depressed whenever they try to manifest rain? At first I thought it was just frustration from trying to do a difficult manifestation but after becoming more confident in my ability to succeed at this and losing the performance anxiety I still regularly fall into a depression during the short period between the initial intent being sent out and the physical manifestation. I don't have any personal hangups about rainy weather, in fact I enjoy it quite a bit.

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099f0f No.3083


What method do you use?

I've never experienced any negative feelings but I always go directly for spirits of the relevant elements like wind nymphs and they're cheerful beings who'll gladly give you a weather change if you ask nicely and it's within their scope of power.

Maybe you're not offering something in exchange clearly enough and they take some of your energy as compensation?

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98cd90 No.3084


1. Detach awareness from body & mind

2. Send out intent to create a desire-form corresponding to rain occurring in the desired area. Passively let it it form as I send out the intent

3. Subsume my awareness in the desire-form while adjusting my intent and Will to solidify and increase the level of realness of the form

4. Return awareness to normal state while ensuring that intent is not sent out to negate the working

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e5511b No.3121


Have you considered the effects on the rest of the world, or the repercussions that could derive from these people’s reaction to clearing out Moloch? This is a complicated situation.

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099f0f No.3123

File: ce129daffe0315c⋯.png (4.64 MB,1950x3170,195:317,77304644_p0.png)

File: f08263708837c3b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB,1178x1279,1178:1279,77437459_p0.png)


Many of these people were fully or partially controlled by the Moloch egregore, with a complete copy of it making up their human mind and in some cases they didn't even have a soul, it was Moloch inhabiting human bodies to create an army of golems. This was the reason it was impossible to awaken them by reasoning or by exposing them to truth. Their awakening would lead to their death. As they were dolls all along, there is no problem to let them remain dolls. A chip implant created by a converted grey (now witch) has already been spread to everyone on the planet and it will self install once Moloch is removed. They'll go from being "their" doll to being our doll.

The hex is a necessary aid to weaken the Moloch installment in them so that it can be suppressed and the chip can be installed properly.

Don't worry, we got this.

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2fef2c No.3180

After some experimentation, it seems that thoughtforms operate non-spatially. Locating a thoughform in a specific location does not literally place an object in the corresponding location, it's just a method to encode intent into the operation described by the form. So, the visualization of surrounding location of the spell is actually a part of the spell itself.

Others may locate the spell through clairvoyance, but they are witnessing the effects of the spell, not the spell itself.

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099f0f No.3181

File: 5d2b8f67ff91ea7⋯.png (591.75 KB,780x439,780:439,Nashville_RV_explosion.png)



Interesting correlations:

Nashville car explosion


>Rosa L Parks Boulevard


>road numbered 41, that was the number of businesses destroyed according to the article

>woodland street crossing cumberland river

>country music hall of fame, the Las Vegas attack was against a country festival

>Nissan, 日産 = day, sun, Japan + products, childbirth, property

>Shelby Avenue, pic related from google search first page mentions Las Vegas.

What was the spell used?

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099f0f No.3182

File: 8c69fbb77a73467⋯.png (13.92 KB,801x185,801:185,Shelby.png)

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099f0f No.3183

Also on a lay line according to /x/


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2fef2c No.3184

File: 795fc0a208d0f97⋯.png (17.73 KB,1063x137,1063:137,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know if I should be saying this online but the day before christmas I sent out a bomb/terrorist spell over the city of Medbourne, UK in an attempt to take this guy from 4chan up on his challenge. I used a memorized map so the targeting could have been off, actually later on I re-synced with the town using tourist pictures instead of an aerial map and the aura was definitely different. So I made a mistake there. But the bomb thoughform was definitely carrying the correct intention. It may have been a coincidence, I don't know. But the odds have to be quite slim that a bombing terrorist attack happens right after I send out a bombing terrorist thoughtform. The warning before the explosion and the lack of deaths also makes sense too since I didn't really want to kill anyone, only make the news.

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099f0f No.3185


Sounds like a coincidence or it attached to other energies. I was thinking about relating it to the Las Vegas shooting, which was full of symbolics.

But I have to say

>attempting to bomb a random village to prove magic is real

why not do something nice, like unmotivated "good news" at the location? That would stand out more.

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2fef2c No.3186


Random good events typically aren't reported by the news, terrorist attack was the first thing that came to mind. Also refining the ability to cause directed acts of mayhem would be very valuable in case I ever find myself in combat with one of these Illuminati type controller organizations.

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099f0f No.3187


Then try something minor and directed. I didn't tell anyone about this, just wanted to see if it was possible to make Biden do something that would be on the news, got this:


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2fef2c No.3226

File: f1155d47c5446b9⋯.png (58.53 KB,2042x1980,1021:990,yes_no_chart.png)

File: 71517dbbaffd8ab⋯.png (249.77 KB,3016x1376,377:172,power_chart.png)

File: b71219a92575c0f⋯.png (236.61 KB,3016x1368,377:171,power_chart_small_scale.png)

pendulum charts

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099f0f No.3229

File: e49b6cac83b84c6⋯.jpg (684.8 KB,1333x1000,1333:1000,026988a98069d1009b3368c6f5….jpg)

The jew magic has been captured and used to change some things in the world. This will soon lead to the collapse of Israel since they are now completely mundane. Sucks to play wizards when hubris ;^P

Also pretty sure people won't like/understand how the results came to be.

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2fef2c No.3263

I think I finally figured out how to reliably do the elemental energy invocations.

I completely gave up with Bardon's breathing technique, that didn't work for me. What I did was, after I woke up one day and really didn't want to get out of bed, I started visualizing my body moving, and then actually willed by body to move, and I kept looking at the difference between those two actions; visualizing a thing and willing a thing. Eventually you get to the point where you can start with a visualization of you body moving, and then do 'something' to it and the will to move starts flowing and causes muscular action. That 'something' is the key to moving energy.

So what I do now is move my awareness to my actual physical solar plexus, visualize a red fire orb (for fire invocation at least), and then initiate the visualization-to-will sensation while making sure not to fall into straining. I haven't experimented much with this for kinetics much yet, but when I tried it today in my cold room it very quickly made me physically uncomfortable due to the heat. My face completely flushed red and I could feel the head radiating off of my head. It seems to be mostly concentrated in my head, I think because my awareness keeps wanting to go back to my brain instead of my lower body. Also made my eye start twitching for some reason. I've read that fire energy pumped into the brain can cause a stroke so probably want to be careful with this.

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2eff4b No.3541

File: e28bd7fd46d453b⋯.jpg (136.65 KB,736x476,184:119,zai.jpg)


>constantly "casting" a diamond-shaped handsign that I formed with thumbs and index fingers

I was looking up Ninjutsu just now and this is definitely what it looked like.

>(在) zai - Creation

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824abe No.3547

File: 4468a6b11f0ef5f⋯.png (107.76 KB,462x327,154:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone here ever experimented with energy energy manipulation based on Solve and Coagula? Pic related.

Basically you manipulate energy to become so dense it gains special properties to create Coagula. Just make some energy so condensed it breaks a limit of how condensed energy can be. Then you do the exact oposite to do Solve.

I'm not even going to tell you what happens to avoid bias. Just please try it and tell me what happens and what are the properties of those energies.

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9f33ec No.3552


Yes, but I didn't call them that. I just went for creating diamonds/crystals and on the other end "distributing" myself until the self doesn't remain.

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2fef2c No.3562

Casting is important. A spellform held in the mind’s eye is not cast. A spellform held in the mind’s eye with the intent of permanence is not cast. The spell must be cast out of the mind, into the outside world, before it will work.

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e5511b No.3563


Those are verbs anon.

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9f33ec No.3566

File: 625603c33af0076⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,DUMP_IT.mp4)

I had the idea to use the burning souls of the damned to back bitcoin. The idea may have been inspired by entities, even if it came to me as a result of my personal logic. The dark elves loved the idea.

There's been a lot of talk about how bitcoin isn't backed by anything, but what quarantees the value of state backed currencies? The government in each country. So when those collapse the trust in the currency of that country would also go down. The only viable option today is in cryptocurrencies.

The grey I asked about it also thought it was a functional idea as souls can be burned almost indefinitely. It should be pointed out that they definitely also would categorize as a renewable energy source as there will likely always be more sinners to burn.

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2fef2c No.3587

I've started experimenting with using actual physical rituals in addition to aetherics. I've had some very good results so far. The best part is you don't have to worry about repeatedly casting the spell without knowing whether it's working or not, you can just feel the energetic signature of the talismans or ritual that you performed and make a judgement call as to whether the potentiality is strong enough to break through or not.

Here's a good source for getting ideas: https://www.luckymojo.com

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56ef49 No.3592

File: ff71f67f4ed1e4f⋯.jpg (89.15 KB,900x1273,900:1273,aliencatgirl.jpg)

Is the cat-alien invasion prediction still standing?

>One of the new characters in the newest touhou game is a catgirl

>new season in fall guys is about aliens

>celebrity fortune teller predicts that a japanese idol will meet aliens this year and even ride an ufo

The signs are starting to pile up and I'm getting nervous… should I get ready for fertile alien catgirl wombs?

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9f33ec No.3593


Lastest update is they have entered the solar system.

There seems to have been a slight adjustment to the plan however. Because of certain resistant elements in human society, they may perform an initial show of force. The goal is still to create human-lyran hybribs, they just want to make sure they get to pick who they mate with.

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56ef49 No.3594


So it's back to the force again? Sounds like they gonna rape whoever they want too but it doesn't sound like I get to pick my catgirl or that I'll get a shot at all. Sad but can't be helped I guess. Okay, cool that it's still happening.

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9f33ec No.3595


They won't need to rape anyone because of the natural allure of femcats. The issue is more that going by what I was told, they analyzed human society and found that people would want to restrict their mating choices not by their perception of suitable DNA, but on human social classes and status. In short, human leaders would want to create hybrids from their family lines, and the lyrans don't see them as good matches. So in the case of very hierarchical societies where they would not be allowed access to the population, they may use force.

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56ef49 No.3596

File: 53600a2d6564a5c⋯.gif (884.36 KB,500x213,500:213,worlds_end_ending.gif)


>natural allure of femcats.

Not everyone is a mongloid who only thinks with his dick. What if some of their chosen DNA holder say no? Rape? Killing? Enslaving?

I'm starting to understand why there exist countless stories, movies and videogames about humans defending themselves against aliens and demons etc and killing them. No wonder Alucard the vampire sides with humans and helps them in the castlevania series. Otherwise they get fucking stepped on by everyone else it seems. Yokai, Aliens, Skinwalker…how pityful. We need a Master Chief and a Doomslayer and a Reimu.

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9f33ec No.3597

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2fef2c No.3863

The Internet is part of the astral plane.

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ea9778 No.3869

File: 27055edad31f7a1⋯.jpg (83.57 KB,1162x718,581:359,eye_of_horus.jpg)

I hope you cowards are ready for the consequences of trying to sacrifice my kingdom to non-corporeal entities. Go mate with your electromagnetic waifus, quit trying to rope the rest of us into it.

There is no "Incel" problem. MGTOW is a perfectly valid response to the imbalances created by the tyrant and his servants (of which, you are).

All shall be revealed.

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b945f9 No.3875

File: f8d2177353e65b7⋯.jpg (84.96 KB,1019x1024,1019:1024,7ac802ab21093a0f8554687807….jpg)


An imbalance in reaction to an imbalance is still an imbalance. All of which is occurring on the deterministic plane btw. The Illuminati will end up lynched by their golems because they've forgotten this. Jews were originally a tribe of sorcerers, they were instrumental in erecting the materialism egeregore and then they got devoured by it. Some of the liches still remember the old ways but the new generation are all either empty or lobotomized. It's just karma. The first ones made the choice to go into debt in exchange for temporary power, and now here we are. The kingdom will burn regardless of what we do. But all this is moot; we passed the point of no return quite a while ago.

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9f33ec No.3876


Pls don't leave your kingdom lying around in public if you care about it. A free lunch will not be left alone.

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ea9778 No.3883

File: 1fa6313765a1d2b⋯.jpg (45.34 KB,500x398,250:199,falcon.jpg)


>The first ones made the choice to go into debt in exchange for temporary power, and now here we are.

That debt was paid in full.

>The kingdom will burn regardless of what we do.

Did you know that Osiris' mythos was a prediction of things to come? The tyrant wants you to think everything is irredeemable because he thrives off fear and hopelessness. At worst, we get a new kingdom; however, the entire point of the story is the restoration of cosmic and social order. Don't mind the ancient knowledge that relates to our exact circumstances, feed the necromancers instead!


Universality has consequences, I didn't make the rules. If that free lunch was tainted, would you still be so eager? Maybe it was all a ruse.

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9f33ec No.3884

File: 20b00e5f3675336⋯.jpg (203.61 KB,600x1066,300:533,ceed4469c007d0a115f4ad263b….jpg)


I rightfully assumed control of the jew magic because I'm a better jew than those who call themselves jews today. It's mine to use, and I won't use it to uphold Israel. I was once born by Hathor, the magic taught by Isis is mine to use, we are the same family. I stole nothing.

What's on my land, I can use any way I want, if someone doesn't like this, they can leave. Look at this earth and universe and you can see what values it is now based on. Those aren't what they were before. I did it all by the rules.

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2fef2c No.3885


No one here is scared or hopeless.

Ask yourself who benefits from you trying to reinforce Illuminati FUD here? Run an antivirus on your soul, you've been hijacked.

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035fc4 No.3977

File: aed95e9691734ff⋯.png (18.28 KB,414x370,207:185,telepathy.png)


I haven't seen that article itself, but have used the elder futhark to some degree. At first it didn't seem to have any meaning to me, but this changed after making contact with norse entities. Imo the runes contain a hodgepodge of different meaning which have had a phonetic meaning added to make them easier to remember. The higher (astral) meaning is a meta layer present in the runes (and their real meaning), but making them into a written language will serve its spread and popularization. They only worked for me when looked at from within the context or the system of thought and concepts in norse mythology, which however connects to ancient Egypt.

For example the Odal rune has similar functionality as the Ohm or Ankh symbol. When holding early sessions with Sunflower we were given elder futhark runes by Isis.

So yes this is an interesting topic indeed.

Attached here is the sigil referring to the introductory telepathy spell used in the Sunflower, it consists of 3 tyr runes making up also a tilted odal rune.

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e5511b No.3978


Interesting. Tiwaz means law, justice, sacrifice and leadership, so I don't see how it would be connected to a telepathy-developing spell. I would say the arrow-like shape is more relevant than the rune connection is.

Othala, however does hold some relationship to the concept of telepathic communication, especially if we take into account Montalk's extended interpretation and a deeper understanding of the mechanics behind telepathy. Even the center line that seems to be added would find a match in Montalk's interpretations.

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035fc4 No.3979


Different layers of meaning. The rich symbolism serves to gain attention from guiding or helping spirits when used. The meaning of the arrows is just one arrow pointing to arrows in both directions, meaning it's the path to two-way communication.

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8d4561 No.4353

File: a48ee0fe133eeab⋯.jpg (147.25 KB,500x522,250:261,RDT_20210722_2014551790325….jpg)

huh, weird. scrolling down, numerous things seen that've liked lots. especially berserk and that tief picture, made me tear up for some reason, anyway, wanted to ask for opinion on some silly thought, not useful at all to sunflower, sorry

why do flat earth theories exist? is odd, and any person of logic would immediately throw it out, and any advances enough spiritual person can check themselves? maybe. so was thinking, maybe earth is both round and flat? 4D? since the argument exists and is debated in some circle, may have basis. thought came to me during meditation, but not from higher self, since was thinking about it logically, not suddenly. spent time while back fantasizing about environmentally designing non-euchladian vrmmorpg, so can visualize from human perspective, but maybe not explain easy

so first thing is earth flat and round. on earth, earth is flat, but higher you go, earth become rounder until reaching space and is ball. on earth, one wall of ice separating normal earth from infinite earth, if planes went past, would just see as normal artic because big ice plains, plus don't think planes allowed to fly over anyway, not sure. sky works because it is in space, and moves around ball, or rather ball moves in space. when in space, earth is ball, and infinite earth beyond ice wall cannot be seen and is just seem as ice cap. on flat earth, ice cap would be ice circle, not sure how to explain. pick up pancake from middle, and the bottoms touching in circle?

what happen if move beyond ice wall? not sure. maybe 4d earth, where earth become different earth beyond ice plane. go up in sky there and different earth? same sky maybe? who know, not me. maybe sky change? know is silly thought, but wanted to share.

would be cool if turns to be true, would want to make dinofriends

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e5511b No.4354


Objective reality dies not exist. Only consensus does, because reality is a dream. Truth is mutable. Literally.

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035fc4 No.4356

File: e6d2f08db3ed8cc⋯.png (9.8 KB,532x459,532:459,earth_sphere.png)


My current understanding is that the earth as we see it has the form most people believe it has, which is why people who believe in the globe get very upset when it's questioned. Consensus will change its form. But from another view, when in "space" all planets are round because it's a different dimension and they are all particles. Atoms, electrons etc. may look round to us, and when splitting them the result still looks round, but no one looked inside them as if they were all hollow earths to determine if there is more to it.

The only way to make sense to it is that the earth is a globe on the outside and flat on the inside.

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eac8c8 No.4358

File: fe229b82e90a9b6⋯.jpg (353.46 KB,1238x1542,619:771,RDT_20210723_1103398830772….jpg)



>complicated words

read, understand somewhat, not sure what to say or argue. think boring reaction/interpretation

since both ideas exist, maybe both can exist? what i written allow both ideas to coexist without conflict. would be consensus, and can exist? all idea written already exist in humanity since human, so can maybe exist by consensus noone can argue because accept both idea

>Atoms, electrons etc. may look round to us, and when splitting them the result still looks round, but no one looked inside them as if they were all hollow earths to determine if there is more to it.

don't think mentioned stuff existed until someone looked for it, because consensus reality. not sure about quantum particles (since based on consciousness), maybe physics of this reality is pre built by other? as training ground, since read chakras are training wheel. get small headache when try to think how reality exist, think trying for anyone is silly. how would anything exist? where come from? source? source is objective. probably more objective things to tie reality together, since total consensus of reality seem impossible. but time not exist outside earth reality, so who know? hard to think from human perspective. does source have source? how can new things be made if reality is consensus? think answer of consensus is stupid and leads nowhere to no discussion. objective things exist decided by being above, hierarchy that is objective. may branch, but still seems objective? just human with no knowledge from higher self, so not sure what to think. maybe higher consciousness better at understanding

also don't understand topic of dark soul of the night, why so serious? know noone mentions but don't understand why, will understand one day of reach that point

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16542a No.4438

What's up with Jessica Alba? I remember her being mentioned in one of these threads once, but never talked about the dream I had with her before she was mentioned.

Basically I was in a mansion that someone told me was the most expensive in the world or belonged to the richest man in the world, supposedly it was worth around 200 billion, there were entire floors that were just filled with the most expensive sports cars you can think of. The owner of the house was not someone known IRL AFAIK, and seemed to be involved with some sort of mafia, they brought some gold to be cleaned or something and I cleared a chunk of it and somehow knew it was worth around $400k, then I showed it to the house owner, and his associates pulled me aside and threatened me with a hammer to leave it there for free, I disagreed and ended up accepting an offer of just $300 (lol), and then I got hit in the arm with the hammer which felt quite realistic. I remember that they had my ID in the room and in some other part of the mansion was Jessica Alba in a room with a mirror doing her make-up or something, I think she may have had a maid, we talked but I don't remember what was said.

No idea if its ok to say what she is or not but I felt like sharing this anyway.

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16542a No.4439


I had the impression that she was owned by the guy btw.

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035fc4 No.4440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I personally felt a connection to her (spiritually) since seeing her in Flipper as a kid, then later in Dark Angel which had some interesting parts about a cult breeding their genetics for 1000s of years. I guess this part is again very relevant huh?

Dark Angel was recorded in 2000-2001 and is set in 2020. They predicted the Iraq war, talking about it as a past event before it actually happened. The breeding cult specifically aims to survive a virus that will wipe out humanity… Jessica's character is genetically modified with cat DNA, making her a "cat woman" with unreal physical abilities and also creating a way to cheat past the coming plague. The breeders don't like this unnatural way of changing DNA and are coming after her. (There's also flying drones used by police, another correct prediction)


Above could have gone by as just a possible pre-knowledge of deep state plans, if it wasn't for this attached vid here. She is almost 40 years old. If you can read her energy, do so. She's not an ordinary person.

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035fc4 No.4441

File: 74fac06d7efbf78⋯.png (50.06 KB,1334x263,1334:263,dark_angel_s3.png)

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16542a No.4442


Interesting. Unfortunately I can't read energy yet.


Huh, if corona was like the virus in the show then it would be something positive then? I looked up the comet "Apophis" but something tells me its not it, or that its doesn't have a virus.

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531b04 No.4483

I don't think I have good enough desires. All my desires are stupid hedonic. It's difficult to fuel workings when you just want to be an animal. I need to cultivate strong obsession-desires instead so I can be more than an animal.

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0747eb No.4484


Desires are hollow canals which can only be filled with something. Once empty you again feel pain. Aim for the etheric which is above this.

Desire = bound to the ground, digging into it and leaving a hole

Ether = the layer at the top of the atmosphere, floating above

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6023ee No.4485

What would you recommend to someone pursuing physical immortality -> the ability to transcend the limits of humanity? I am asking for pointers to acquire more understanding and maybe even solid practice.

I feel like being in a jungle full of information. You simply cannot know what is true and have limited time to try out everything and the internet seems to be filled with systems that just want to help you with joint pain or are outright lies. It makes life interesting, but at the same time it causes frustration.

Currently, I am very interested in the practice of inner alchemy (Magnum Opus, Inner alchemy taoism, falun gong) because of their open nature about the possibilities of everything. All I can feel as of now is this buzz and electricity in my limbs and head (face, third eye, crown), but what about it? I have no clue if this is even good, bad or if I should do anything about it. I also don't want to fall into delusion or reach a dead end because of missing knowledge. Please help.

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78516c No.4486



energy = emotion (verb)

form = desire (noun)

Noun + Verb = Sentence (situation) (dialectic) (diorama)

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78516c No.4487


Read this >>384

And regarding immortality,

The death process exists in humans because of their nature as sexually reproducing animals. The humanity egregore grows by constantly creating new humans and killing off the old. You are correct that in order to become immortal you will need to transcend your humanity, or rather quit being human.

Of course in theory there are lots of ways to do this. So you should meditate on it and make a plan for yourself. But generally what you're going to need to do is create a self to inhabit that is not mortal, and then transfer the center of your awareness, or your identity, into it. I believe that this is what the Alchemists mean by the magnum opus – the immortal fetus that they eventually move into. At the end of this process of course you will need to kill your old self. Not like physical suicide but detaching your awareness completely from it with no looking back. If you do this too early you risk getting lost and reincarnating mortal with no memories again. So don't get impatient, just keep working at it and it should be apparent when you're ready.

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e5511b No.4488


Good advice.

Also, this board is losing energetic coherence.

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0747eb No.4489


The ability to post images being gone, the board has lost much of its usefulness. You can use endchan for now.

Other than that, there aren't many people left who would use it, the project has mostly played its role as intended.

Was an astral imageboard created? Kinda. The temple is solid. But most people lack the ability or interest to use it as intended.

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466444 No.4490

Pretty much. An imageboard without images is uninteresting and rather wait for it to work again, if it ever will.

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e8899a No.4492

1. Had! The manifestation of Nuit.

2. The unveiling of the company of heaven.

3. Every man and every woman is a star.

4. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.

5. Help me, o warrior lord of Thebes, in my unveiling before the Children of men!

6. Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue!

7. Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.

8. The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs.

9. Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you!

10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.

11. These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools.

12. Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!

13. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.

14. Above, the gemmed azure is

The naked splendour of Nuit;

She bends in ecstasy to kiss

The secret ardours of Hadit.

The winged globe, the starry blue,

Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!

15. Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. Truth is in the blazing stars! Then everything else is flawed. What? A foreign substance has been detected in the reactor. Operations are to be halted and the foreign substance eradicated immediately.

The Black Sun, Lord Yatagarasu, the Scarlet Sun, Utsuho Reiuji. Nuit reminded them the Sun is blue. Remember, or die. You will literally die in real life. This is not a metaphor.

She is ever a sun, and stars. To her is the winged secret flame, and the stooping starlight.

Now, at long last she has the power of divine reason, and now you will remember.

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00b6b8 No.4504

Endchan seems down, use the bunker on 8chan moe if needed.

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501b4c No.4510

Hey all, please send me messages about how to become more powerful, help me. In exchange, i'll try to give you knowledge about a subject that you ask me for knowledge on.

Send me a message


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