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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

b81d73  No.8613592[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 03.28.2020

>>8601103 ————————————–——– Freedom Flag (Cap: >>8601360)

>>8601061 ————————————–——– The entire world is watching. (Cap: >>8601342)

>>8601001 ————————————–——– Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).

>>8600954 ————————————–——– A person(s) value: (Cap: >>8600998)

Friday 03.27.2020

>>8589057 ————————————–——– This is not another [4] year election. (Cap: >>8589087, >>8589386)

Thursday 03.26.2020

>>8573290 ————————————–——– [infiltration instead of invasion] (Cap: UK bread >>8573366 )

>>8573039 ————————————–——– Q #513 No Outside Comms (Cap: >>8574299)

>>8572999 ————————————–——– PF Post Patriots vs Traitors (Cap: >>8574325)

>>8572837 ————————————–——– Habeas Corpus Suspended (Cap: >>8572906, >>8574346)

>>8572583 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues.. (Cap: >>8572604, >>8572598 vid, >>8574384)

Monday 03.23.2020

>>8538300 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: >>8538366)

>>8537834 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: >>8537877)

>>8537514 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: >>8537554, >>8537565, >>8539010, >>8538058, >>8539081, >>8539785 (vid))

Saturday 03.21.2020

>>8509836 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: >>8509881)

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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b81d73  No.8613665

Global Announcements

>>8607610 Q Tripcode map, showing continuity of authorship - Need anons to verify for dough entry

>>8579854, >>8580159 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

Baker PSA: In light of recent flurry of global activity, anons are encouraged to archive offline

Notables are not endorsements


>>8612955, >>8613054, >>8613205, >>8613378, >>8613438, >>8613613 PF updates

>>8613602 Pa. Governor Tom Wolf keeps cabinet shop he owns OPEN as ' essential '

>>8613469 March 29, 1973: The U.S. Withdraws From The Vietnam War

>>8613402 Potus: Happy National Vietnam War Veterans Day to all of our Vietnam era Veterans.

>>8613278 1917 Balfour

>>8613257 Brave Woman Catches On-Duty Cop Who Repeatedly Raped Her By Recording Him in The Act

>>8613239 Comfort+Mercy+@GenFlynn+Psalm23

>>8613162 Is this letting us know the music has stopped?

>>8613148 Potus twat thread

>>8613141 US forces pack up and leave Kirkuk airbase… but pulling out of Iraq still off the table

>>8613121, >>8613256, >>8613308, >>8613448, >>8613545 HSBC: your DNA will be your data British Bank

>>8613109, >>8613117 investment bank Jefferies announced that its CFO Peg Broadbent, has passed away from coronavirus complications,

>>8613060 Arizona coronavirus response chief resigns

>>8613005 anon pure speculation/offensive comms jammer ready to deploy

>>8612983 Nellis AFB offers 'Blackjack' training

>>8612968 Moscow mayor issues strict pandemic advisory, stopping short of total lockdown

>>8613638 #11028


>>8612188, >>8612193, >>8612217, >>8612277, >>8612426 planefaggin

>>8612561 Medical and military contractor Kimchuk hit by data-stealing DoppelPayme ransomware

>>8612480 LG clip on Pelosi

>>8612441 Potus: The Lamestream Media wants us to fail. That will NEVER happen!

>>8612431, >>8612446 Curly Neal GlobeTrotter legend dead at 77

>>8612413, >>8612463, >>8612463 gold sphenoid bone/ Skull & Bones thing

>>8612398 Trump retweeted this two-year-old tweet this morning/McCabe

>>8612392 Italians burn EU flag, vow to leave EU over EU's lousy coronavirus response

>>8612374 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY, March 29, 2020, The Coronavirus Task Force press briefing will now be at 5:00PM EST

>>8612313, >>8612401 Railroads/Payseur diggz

>>8612288 Once again, Trump was right and the media were wrong

>>8612264, >>8612295, >>8612321 DOD regional range complexes (2004)

>>8612257 Covid19 drives up the price of heroin, meth and fentanyl

>>8612236 Ex-health secretary Jeremy Hunt says mass testing is the fastest way to end UK's coronavirus lockdown

>>8612230 Archive Update "It's darkest before the dawn."Edition, I added #10927 to #11025 and updated the checksums.

>>8612211, >>8612246, >>8612255 Potus: Hope FDA can approve Mask Sterilization equipment ASAP/Battelle

>>8612179 Potus: “With the Tax Cuts and new Trade Deals, we were set for a tremendous growth rate this year…

>>8612170 Melania twat banner for anons

>>8612799 #11027

Previously Collected Notables

>>8611305 #11025, >>8612064 #11026

>>8608511 #11021, >>8608875 #11022, >>8609677 #11023, >>8610498 #11024

>>8605001 #11017, >>8605780 #11018, >>8606562 #11019, >>8607353 #11020

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b81d73  No.8613670

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>8137179 —— Romania Thread

>>7111560 —— The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 —— Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 —— Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #98 >>8603566

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b81d73  No.8613672

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus → #KungFlu #ChineseVirus #SocialDistancing #KillTheVirus #WashYourHands #Hygiene #StayHomeChallenge #SlowTheSpread

Kung Flu ————— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

2020-Jan ——— mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #7: >>>/comms/8872

Tips on Notables for Bakers: >>>/qrb/41931

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/

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b81d73  No.8613684

File: a8856a6ef0456f8⋯.png (1.28 MB, 973x818, 973:818, a8856a6ef0456f83d1b3854294….png)



Baker requests handoff

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d2cfb6  No.8613688

File: b40f8331338191c⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_27032020092840.jpg)

File: 35b79285f29e646⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 569x320, 569:320, ZomboMeme_28032020180159.jpg)

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72cc91  No.8613689

>>8611602 /pb

To be blunt…the majority of Canadians have no interest in the ugly snowflake and the half-blood prince. We don't want or need them in Canada and America certainly doesn't need them.

Send them back to England or even Australia…as long as they are far enough away from N. America that their stench is no longer noticeable.

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cc3ae5  No.8613690

>>8610953 (pb)

>>8610796 (pb)

>>8610859 (pb)

Dig on Hanx CA plate for "different" truck. NOT NOTABLES

License plate is wrong, fence obstructs part of the digit.

License is 8Y88704 which does belong to an E-350.

sauce: https:// www.smogcheck.ca.gov/pubwebquery/Vehicle/PubTstQry.aspx and enter the plate.

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ecd347  No.8613694

File: 4aa3ce0cbcb3232⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 9dacab204dc96f3f9a4b9b840e….jpg)


Thank you, baker.

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099538  No.8613695

File: 09309cf9c7f9f11⋯.png (460.7 KB, 759x960, 253:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed71a3  No.8613696

File: bfc2551ad6b07e6⋯.png (991.53 KB, 984x763, 984:763, 1_1_US_Supreme_Court_Justi….PNG)

File: d08b2a4d22f61ee⋯.png (122.26 KB, 859x384, 859:384, 1_2_US_Supreme_Court_Justi….PNG)


US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is a Clinton appointee.

US Supreme Court Justices - Photo at supremecourt.gov.

"Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., is the 17th Chief Justice of the United States, and there have been 102 Associate Justices in the Court’s history."


See Justice Breyer's Supreme Court biography below.

v v v

US Supreme Court Justices' biographies - Photos and Biographies at supremecourt/about/biographies.gov.

v v v


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5d94d8  No.8613697

File: 9f91417c7d2ad33⋯.png (53.41 KB, 808x371, 808:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21f63e82ceb77ae⋯.png (845.66 KB, 634x850, 317:425, ClipboardImage.png)

A CBS News producer who tested positive for the coronavirus has died just weeks after the network shutdown its New York City office when at least six employees fell ill with the virus.

CBS announced the loss of their 'beloved' CBS News colleague Maria Mercader, in a statement shared on Twitter.

According to the network, Mercader, 54, died from COVID-19 on Sunday in a New York hospital.

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dd706c  No.8613698

I searched notables but cant find he actual bill that the pres signed about the corona virus. Not the summary but the entire bill. Anyone have a link for that

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6dfef9  No.8613699

File: 6a655125fc6cc9d⋯.png (394.36 KB, 660x659, 660:659, maga_lion_medal_change_is_….png)

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79e767  No.8613700

File: 0dac652e0dcbdb3⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cure_pic.jpg)

I knew Q had a cure for Lyme disease and I've been begging for it for years. Just send me some hydroxychlorine in the mail. I won't say another word about it.

General George Washington did whatever he could to help his troops.

Why are you withholding life-saving treatment from Patriots?

We're at war.

You don't have to follow every cabal rule in the book.

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e68e88  No.8613701

File: f8ffb26054d118e⋯.png (28.79 KB, 619x359, 619:359, 6546v45v543v4343.PNG)

Mike Pompeo twitter status.

“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:8


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2ada8d  No.8613702

File: 3f5834927741393⋯.jpg (160.85 KB, 816x528, 17:11, big_mike.JPG)

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abe03b  No.8613703

File: 0ca4d3988515332⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 600x399, 200:133, Cat_Bewbs.jpg)

Than you baker!


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ed6564  No.8613704

File: 4fbe7b2bc3cb200⋯.jpeg (108.53 KB, 768x527, 768:527, C94B7966_9ACB_4400_8873_4….jpeg)

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9f9793  No.8613705

File: 406bd975ead0ad9⋯.png (61.18 KB, 590x418, 295:209, k7v6d1jm_ou3aqg_mhr5d4.png)


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469819  No.8613706

File: dbc643a92e89b44⋯.png (789.28 KB, 1180x647, 1180:647, science2.png)

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461e42  No.8613707

File: 744997df4769d91⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1585356204760.jpg)


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4efd64  No.8613708

File: f8997e42335d042⋯.mp4 (12.34 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 10000000_147368613420593_9….mp4)

The hospital warzones in NYC the media has been telling you about. Behold the panic and mayhem!

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f6fe55  No.8613709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHO literally SHUTS DOWN after being asked about Taiwan

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8f8bd5  No.8613710

File: 8b385f295f8baef⋯.png (22.61 KB, 652x194, 326:97, np.png)

File: 6d1ad84cf28a6e2⋯.png (37.8 KB, 647x158, 647:158, na1.png)

CBS News Producer dies of Corona Virus - 54 years old.

What do News Producers do? They build the narrative from compiled stories.

CBS - FakeNews - Treason - First shoe to drop?

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1366ca  No.8613711


im thankful i caught mine early. i needed 2 cycles of doxy tho

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c3f07c  No.8613712

>>8612401 PB/LB. Back in the early 1990s, Bass PLC purchased Holiday Inn Worldwide and moved the corp HQ from Memphis to Atlanta. In pulling up an old NYT article, it states Donald Trump was a potential buyer as well. Im not sure how many older anons remember the one and only Super Bowl commercial sponsored by Holiday Inn that featured a trans man showing up at his high school reunion and his transformation only costs $ but Holiday Inn is spending $$$ on renovations. TOTAL SILENCE at my SB party. Much finger pointing at HQ the day after. This was mid 1990s. Perhaps the deep state was testing America then.


By Alison Leigh Cowan

Aug. 25, 1989

The Holiday Corporation said yesterday that it had agreed to sell its Holiday Inn hotel chain to Bass P.L.C., a British brewer with interests in the restaurant and lodging industries. Bass will pay Holiday's shareholders $125 million in Bass stock and assume about $2.1 billion of debt.

The sale is one of several complex transactions Holiday announced yesterday. The company will break off the Holiday Inn unit, eliminating most of its debts, and it will borrow heavily against the assets of the remaining operations, which will be renamed, to pay shareholders a $35 a share cash dividend.

After the transactions are completed, Holiday should be a vastly smaller but healthier company that will concentrate on gambling.

Trump Was Avoided

The moves continue the corporate revamping begun in 1987, when the Memphis-based concern borrowed heavily to make a lump-sum payment to shareholders and avert a takeover by Donald J. Trump, the New York developer.

Since then, to the applause of Wall Street, Holiday's management has eliminated the company perquisites, including a collection of vintage cars and corporate jets; slashed jobs; scoured the company for undervalued assets, and gradually sold off much of the company's real estate at healthy prices.

That strategy enabled the company to pay back at least a fifth of its debt. Holiday's stock, which the market valued at about $3 a share when the takeover defense was disclosed, has risen handsomely. It closed yesterday at $83 a share, up $6, after jumping $7.875 on Wednesday on anticipation of the news.

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469819  No.8613713

File: 7da4c31b3ae0d47⋯.png (614.49 KB, 1280x670, 128:67, poopeo.png)

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937664  No.8613714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mnuchin on Trump's eagerness to get Americans back to work


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b81d73  No.8613715


good ATB, kills everything!

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79e767  No.8613716


Lucky. You can't imagine how brutal chronic lyme is. Literally a Nazi creation….straight of Hitler's Germany.

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ed71a3  No.8613717

File: cdd48459e48df7e⋯.png (567.18 KB, 877x792, 877:792, 2_1_Pritzker_Prize_Jury_Me….PNG)

File: c6d024acae5f0de⋯.png (827.32 KB, 1028x782, 514:391, 2_2_Breyer_Stephen_at_Prit….PNG)

File: 60033f1371c8f2f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1465x754, 1465:754, 2_3_Breyer_Stephen_at_Prit….PNG)



US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

Sitting US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is the chair of the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury. See the members of the jury here.

v v v


Click on his picture to see his biography at Pritzker.

Same sauce as above, but here it is again.


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099538  No.8613718

File: ca03d697ee8e4b2⋯.png (382.44 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is threatening to sue Rhode Island over its new coronavirus policy that calls for police to stop cars with New York license plates and has seen National Guard members go door-to-door to ask if anyone has arrived from the Empire State.


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32cbe5  No.8613719

>>8613659 (pb)

the legal and emotional spheres don't always agree or congrue

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259a74  No.8613720

Exciting times frens! Stocked up on popcorn!

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9f9793  No.8613721

File: ab4344728150286⋯.png (55.35 KB, 590x730, 59:73, k7v6eav1_17mgll6_mhr5d4.png)



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27dc6e  No.8613722

File: 0ecd3b07410d535⋯.png (175.23 KB, 555x253, 555:253, activate_sleeper_cells.png)

>>8613485 lb

>>8613611 lb

>>8613634 lb

>Most likely it's people who had flu shots before.

>It's IN the vaccins.




What if it's done with vaccins?

Activate it with…. ?

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ca3551  No.8613723

Pelosi,"…After Action Review" of POTUS.

Here we go again.


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b0b0e0  No.8613724

File: 12265704bd6d086⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 612x395, 612:395, 3ccxu9yaq.jpg)

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e02967  No.8613725


>>8612904 Trump retweeted this two-year-old tweet this morning/McCabe

>>8613104 Dr. Fauci: "We're Going To Have Millions Of Cases" And "Between 100K & 200K Deaths" DS DR FEAR PORN

>>8613127 Monstrous: New York Times Editorial Board Demands ‘More Abortions’ and For Taxpayers to Cover It

>>8613147 Judicial Watch Requests Phone Records Obtained by Adam Schiff of Trump Team Members – Schiff Refuses

>>8613282 Norway: Convicted criminal foreigners to be released on the streets

>>8613376 Germany has a 95% recovery rate.

>>8613437 WHO tells Countries They Can End Lockdowns in Certain Areas

>>8613458 Plane explosion in Philippines kills eight, including two foreigners

>>8613500 Meg and HairyBalls get taxpayer protection…WTF?

>>8613587, >>8613605 Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt III is the father of James Vanderbilt

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d9c5ab  No.8613726

File: 8308b950f992f65⋯.png (145.51 KB, 1080x1038, 180:173, Screenshot_20200329_144409.png)

File: ba2c5e8b017e6fe⋯.png (35.39 KB, 1080x628, 270:157, Screenshot_20200329_144557.png)

File: 78b9059cae52425⋯.png (32.47 KB, 1080x572, 270:143, Screenshot_20200329_144626.png)

New Pompeo Tweet


Dark to Light

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1366ca  No.8613728


God make his face shine upon you anon! We will have the cure for you!

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39c5f8  No.8613729

Suppression of info? Color me shocked. NOT.

How Much Should the Public Know About Who Has the Coronavirus?

SAN JOSE, Calif. — When the first case of the coronavirus in Silicon Valley was discovered in late January, health officials were faced with a barrage of questions: What city did the patient live in? Whom had he come in contact with? Which health clinic had he visited before he knew he was infected?

Dr. Sara Cody, the chief health officer for Santa Clara County, which has a population of 2 million across 15 cities, declined to give details.

“I can’t give the city,” she said, adding “we are not going to be giving out information about where he sought health care.”

As the coronavirus spreads across the United States the limited disclosure of data by officials would seem to be a footnote to the suffering and economic disruptions that the disease is causing.

But medical experts say that how much the public should know has become a critical question that will help determine how the United States confronts this outbreak and future ones.

Residents are clamoring to see whether the virus has been detected in their neighborhoods so they can take more steps to avoid any contact. American researchers are starved for data, unlike their colleagues in other countries who are harnessing rivers of information from their more centralized medical systems. And local politicians complain that they cannot provide basic information on the spread of the virus to their constituents.

In the perennial tug-of-war between privacy and transparency in the United States, privacy appears to be winning in the coronavirus pandemic.

The bare-minimum approach to public disclosures in places like the San Francisco Bay Area are common across the United States. Armed with emergency powers in many areas, public health officers have vast discretion over what information they want, and do not want, to release to the public. Coronavirus cases in California are often listed by county, generally with very little additional information — such as gender, city of residence or age — provided.

Critics of the threadbare public reporting say it is striking that even in Silicon Valley, which is home to leading technology companies that thrive off the collection of data, residents are given very little information about the movement and dynamics of the virus.

Long article, read more https://www.yahoo.com/news/much-public-know-coronavirus-161520778.html

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e7e785  No.8613730

File: eab1c0626d5fcdb⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 236x317, 236:317, hopehickslooksbetterwithle….jpg)


thx baker…

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b81d73  No.8613731


I so appreciate your humor.

ty ebo T

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79e767  No.8613733


popcorn is GMO.

genetically modified food makes genetically modified humans.

Have some blueberries.

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655523  No.8613734




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099538  No.8613735

File: 06ca95e1ff4af12⋯.png (320.11 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Kennedy Center Tells Musicians It Will Stop Paying Them Hours After $25 Million Bailout Is Signed

Credit: Screen grab

Kennedy Center Tells Musicians It Will Stop Paying Them Hours After $25 Million Bailout Is Signed


Kennedy Center Tells Musicians It Will Stop Paying Them Hours After $25 Million Bailout Is Signed

By Washington Free Beacon | Mar 28, 2020

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts informed members of the National Symphony Orchestra that they would no longer be paid just hours after President Trump signed a $25 million taxpayer bailout for the cultural center, according to an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Nearly 100 musicians will no longer receive paychecks after April 3, according to an email from the orchestra’s Covid-19 Advisory Committee.


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be7309  No.8613736

File: 12964fe784d4235⋯.jpg (221.29 KB, 900x506, 450:253, oligarch.jpg)

(Dr. Inglesby, who was just interviewed on Fox with Wallace, is paid by BLOOMBERG. Link is to a video interview by Bloomberg media from Dec 16, 2019, almost 1 month after China's person zero got the virus. This guy is shilling for Bloomberg's interest and is telling us today not to reopen business for months. Fox appears to agree.)

Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, explains why global epidemics and pandemics are on the rise. He speaks with Bloomberg's Vonnie Quinn on "Bloomberg Markets." The Bloomberg School of Public Health is supported by Michael R. Bloomberg, founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News. (Source: Bloomberg)


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949a00  No.8613737

File: d25e53890e4da2c⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 7A2682B1_D237_4298_967A_C….jpeg)

Red Castle


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7cf4bb  No.8613738

>>8613667 LB


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404c6b  No.8613739

>>8613653 LB

do you have any idea the people who own the weed spots? Who works on the distribution and purchasing? It is a states choice, they are making it legal. Feds still view it as illegal. Coincidence all the sanctuary cities are also weed states?

>>8613664 LB

Posts on here link to info that it is not the vaccs that fry the kid into a potato. One shot or 3 shot bullshit. It is the meds that are given to kids after the vaccs that fry them. Autism is horrible on the families.

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9f9793  No.8613740




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ed71a3  No.8613741

File: efa515455d630ee⋯.png (254.83 KB, 768x782, 384:391, 3_1_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: 46390725ad03103⋯.png (53.31 KB, 494x532, 13:14, 3_2_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: 313ba3569d3be25⋯.png (186.8 KB, 490x760, 49:76, 3_3_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: c195f2c4d024f5e⋯.png (65.24 KB, 478x662, 239:331, 3_4_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)



US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

In 2012, the Pritzker Architecture Prize was awarded to Wang Shu of China.

Pritzker Prize Awarded to Chinese Architect - 2012

See the New York Times article


v v v


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d2cfb6  No.8613742


Just went to the store. Fruit is massively discounted.

Got a bunch of blackberries.

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469819  No.8613743

File: 3f5a0526633b548⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x857, 1200:857, drops.png)

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ceeb19  No.8613744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8613517 (pb)

>>8613582 (pb)

>>8613449 (pb)

>>8613574 (pb)

>>8613462 (pb)

The Force is Strong

Can You Feel it in the AIR…???


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d5ef5a  No.8613745

File: 759329eeca1ea30⋯.png (183.13 KB, 363x423, 121:141, common.PNG)



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f6fe55  No.8613746

File: b9f2fdf7bc3476a⋯.jpg (163.83 KB, 870x563, 870:563, 1585497988458.jpg)


>“When this coronavirus is over, I will tell you many interesting things. A lot of things. And you should think about two questions first. The first question: is coronavirus a man-made infection or did it come out of the air accidentally? Who would need it? The second question… We will not answer this question yet, but tell me: in the world, starting from my colleagues, politicians, and below, and others. Did they try to use this viral disease or psychosis for their own purposes and interests?”

is coronavirus a man-made infection or did it come out of the air accidentally?

Did they try to use this viral disease or psychosis for their own purposes and interests?

the knife to the throat

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9f9793  No.8613747




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e02967  No.8613748

File: 2ad868d531a2725⋯.png (467.67 KB, 734x747, 734:747, ClipboardImage.png)


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95f1c8  No.8613749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons spend an hour an inform yourself

The baker's will ==NEVER== add it.

We all know timing is everything.


Everyday more information is bubbling up to the top of the search.

Let's see when these three reports come to light

Red Flag Report

The Assessment

Operation Education

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cfb13f  No.8613750

File: d1b800682b497be⋯.png (381.75 KB, 888x564, 74:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30baf90caa7b31d⋯.png (129.46 KB, 414x252, 23:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 402fbfdbdbd1682⋯.png (55.36 KB, 635x409, 635:409, ClipboardImage.png)


Need facebook diggers


Does this chick look like a MAGA type?

Notice she has a clip of a Charlie Kirk FB post - betcha she is ragging on it.


This whole fucking story could be bullshit. No obituaries on any of the Phoenix obit sites. Man died LAST FUCKING SUNDAY

There would be a funeral announcement

There would be an obit in the newspaper

There would be something on this chicks FB page.

I don't do fakebook but could use some help

WWG1WGA right?

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b81d73  No.8613751


I'll add the bun to this notable list


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bce153  No.8613752

>>8613682 lb

OK, that one made me Kek. But that doesn't mean I'm encouraging you ebot.

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9f9793  No.8613753




< ,=,E

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6dfef9  No.8613754

File: fc482aedceaac76⋯.png (481.98 KB, 423x508, 423:508, pepe_swimming_in_popcorn.png)


Cant wait!

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8648dd  No.8613755

What does it mean when you see astrological symbols when passing other individuals?

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d5ef5a  No.8613756

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aa4000  No.8613757

File: a186d90dd44d098⋯.png (586.53 KB, 1020x574, 510:287, 5F395056_8F19_4570_9D9D_1D….png)

File: 5bc524a579449e7⋯.jpeg (731.4 KB, 743x1313, 743:1313, E439EF6D_C911_41DF_832C_8….jpeg)

File: 83f94eaa2c83ee2⋯.jpeg (135.47 KB, 1260x794, 630:397, EF0D5249_9F8E_408B_AF5E_A….jpeg)

File: 56a02f063a65ff4⋯.jpeg (377.52 KB, 1505x1018, 1505:1018, C8319061_5511_431A_8972_D….jpeg)

File: 5711a40fd1167db⋯.png (786.62 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 0DD5A078_7827_4BB7_9282_7D….png)

>>8613353 (lb)

So he is a wolf.

Even though his last movie he played a Hound.

The Presidential medal of honor has been given to spoopy key players in the deep state.

Q says “Iron Eagle”.. well what you think the presidential medal of “HONOR” has on it? Notice the:

blue ribbon?

13 stars?

Iron Eagle?

Moloch “M” under/where feet are?

Owl face, beak where feet?

What the Presidential Medal of Honor has been in past is an induction into the (CIA/Wolves/nazis) [deep state] officially… to whom were not borne in..

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ed71a3  No.8613758

File: 5e3dc98d1f92993⋯.png (225.67 KB, 491x472, 491:472, 4_1_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: a2d1ab0a857b0c1⋯.png (54.45 KB, 494x533, 38:41, 4_2_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: 62833a697a72ddd⋯.png (37.72 KB, 481x388, 481:388, 4_3_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)



US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

The NY Times had a lot to say about this event, so here are the rest of the screencaps.


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e7e785  No.8613759

File: 199e18842d8bb7f⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 890x501, 890:501, MW_HN901_messen_2019072220….jpg)


any anon that has been here long, does not do facebook.

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f6fe55  No.8613760






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df6a9d  No.8613761

File: ae7b76315aeeece⋯.png (206.12 KB, 669x660, 223:220, Hammer.png)

>>8613510 lb

What happened to the "Leave Barron Out Of It" rule?

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ecd347  No.8613762

File: ce3b2f084f515f2⋯.jpg (209.3 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ce3b2f084f515f2be7ce773feb….jpg)


>Just went to the store. Fruit is massively discounted.

Anon might have to can some of that shit.

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85a4e7  No.8613763

File: 7fceb699ab5bb05⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 49d037e68632d0c0ccaba15a0f….jpg)

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469819  No.8613764

File: b8493b49d6c98c3⋯.png (603.1 KB, 1280x534, 640:267, acrack.png)


it it posted outisde jew tube as well?

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9f9793  No.8613765







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259a74  No.8613766


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723041  No.8613767

File: ad96a5ecf4c7244⋯.png (24.97 KB, 604x90, 302:45, ClipboardImage.png)

sudden D-E-D: coordinate that talent for diversity.

CBS News Journalist Maria Mercader Dies at 54 After Testing Positive for Coronavirus: Mercader covered breaking news for CBS and helped broaden the news division’s diversity.


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761ee5  No.8613768

File: 8c527791f29ae50⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 540x960, 9:16, God_Wins_Rig_for_Red.jpg)

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7b7241  No.8613769



Obvious you have no idea what's been Notabled previously and you aren't including supporting posts with the topic.


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5e92fa  No.8613770

File: 5c45658f4f87307⋯.jpg (303.64 KB, 1278x543, 426:181, hydra_and_fauxi.jpg)

>>8613648 lb


fauxi is mentioned a few times.

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404c6b  No.8613771


These two boobs jockeying for 2024 run. They should both be working in Walmart when this corona scam is over.

on the left is 3rd generation Goombah spouting any moron statement to stay relevant. The right had her ticket stamped to Washington if Shillary won in 2016. They are going door to door in ocean front property where they know the owners also pay taxes on property in NYC/or residency there.

Lets fight in the sandbox that is the MSM and we can both be national names..

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ca46ab  No.8613772

File: 9f5e1ab9788016a⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1194x500, 597:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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937664  No.8613773


Austin failed, now we are back to this?

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8f8bd5  No.8613774

File: 7340dac4fc30c84⋯.png (140.07 KB, 1264x817, 1264:817, na3.png)

Ron Johnson, Kelly Loeffeler, James Inhoffe, Richard Burr and Diane Feinstein sold tens of millions of $$ of stock within 48 hours of receiving a classified briefing on the Corona Virus and before the stock market posted it's losses.

Have you seen ANY story? ANY outrage from inside the beltway?

RINOS AND DEMS have no accountability. They steal for the right people…

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215af2  No.8613775

File: a0ae4075d6a3ae8⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, watchingamovie.jpg)

So I says to my Hwood Lib Dem MSM watching neighbor*, I says that there is a Twitter thread where people from around the world are posting pictures of empty hospital corridors and emergency centers, suggesting the panic is overblown. She answers it's because people are afraid of going to hospitals to catch the virus. Fucking brainwashed morons. See this picture? This is likely the ONLY way these brain dead morons are going to be able to wake up. Their eyes taped open, forced to watch the actual news which absolutely confirms their entire existence has been a fraud, that they are nothing but useful idiots for the worst of the worst of humanity.

*This is no ordinary Hwood Lib Dem. She is highly influential across a sizable piece of the entertainment world. Thoroughly handled, who handles in return.

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d5ef5a  No.8613776


Lurk now will I

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723041  No.8613777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f9793  No.8613778




< ,=,E

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c0326e  No.8613779



Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.

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e02967  No.8613780

File: 74b4224a2ce41aa⋯.png (175.29 KB, 528x795, 176:265, ClipboardImage.png)

Ontario doctors told to stop prescribing unproven drug combination touted by Donald Trump

Medical and health associations in Ontario issued a warning Saturday as the province — and country — see a surge in the prescription of two drugs that appear to be circulating as treatments for COVID-19 despite both a “serious lack of evidence” that they work and significant potential side-effects.

“Pharmacists across Ontario and across the entire country have reported significant growth in the number of prescriptions being issued for one or a combination of these two products,” says a joint statement from the Ontario Medical Association, Ontario Pharmacists Association and Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.

The prescriptions in question involve a combination of two medications, hydroxychloroquine sulfate (brand name Plaquenil) and azithromycin (brand name Zithromax). The first is often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and acute malaria attacks, while the latter is prescribed for the treatment of mild to moderate infections caused by pharyngitis, tonsillitis and community-acquired pneumonia among others.

“With our collective memberships of more than 110,000 strong, Ontario’s doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners and pharmacists, we have an obligation and duty to educate our patients that any treatment — particularly for COVID-19 — needs to be evidence-based,” reads the statement, warning of the serious lack of evidence that supports the widespread use of the medications and significant potential side effects.

Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump called the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine a “game-changer” in fighting the new coronavirus. But medical associations say it is not evidence-based.

Home / News / Ontario doctors told to stop prescribing unproven drug combination touted by Donald Trump

Ontario doctors told to stop prescribing unproven drug combination touted by Donald Trump

04:14 - News

Medical and health associations in Ontario issued a warning Saturday as the province — and country — see a surge in the prescription of two drugs that appear to be circulating as treatments for COVID-19 despite both a “serious lack of evidence” that they work and significant potential side-effects.

“Pharmacists across Ontario and across the entire country have reported significant growth in the number of prescriptions being issued for one or a combination of these two products,” says a joint statement from the Ontario Medical Association, Ontario Pharmacists Association and Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.

The prescriptions in question involve a combination of two medications, hydroxychloroquine sulfate (brand name Plaquenil) and azithromycin (brand name Zithromax). The first is often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and acute malaria attacks, while the latter is prescribed for the treatment of mild to moderate infections caused by pharyngitis, tonsillitis and community-acquired pneumonia among others.

“With our collective memberships of more than 110,000 strong, Ontario’s doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners and pharmacists, we have an obligation and duty to educate our patients that any treatment — particularly for COVID-19 — needs to be evidence-based,” reads the statement, warning of the serious lack of evidence that supports the widespread use of the medications and significant potential side effects.

Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump called the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine a “game-changer” in fighting the new coronavirus. But medical associations say it is not evidence-based.

Donald J. Trump


HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains - Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH (H works better with A, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents)…..


7:43 PM - Mar 21, 2020

Twitter Ads info and privacy

174K people are talking about this

The side effects of using both medications unchecked could also have adverse effects including cardiac arrhythmias, which can be especially dangerous for patients with chronic medical conditions such as hepatic disease or renal failure.


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95fa83  No.8613781

File: 32c38228f984ad7⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 725x768, 725:768, 1583892693930.jpg)

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39c5f8  No.8613782


Profiting off the Fear THEY create?

When does a Kartrashian NOT profit off the public?

Think about how much of her NW is wrapped up in morphing physical appearance.

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5153f5  No.8613783


Why aren't the people SAYING anything? This dude can't be the only one seeing this.

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e02967  No.8613784

The Federal Reserve is printing $1 million every second

The United States Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has increased by $586 billion—to $5.25 trillion—in the week of March 18–25, according to an official report. This means that on average, the Fed has been printing roughly $970,000 every second during that time period in its efforts to keep the market alive amid the coronavirus outbreak.

In fact, the Fed has been printing the equivalent of Bitcoin’s market cap every 35 hours.

According to Bloomberg, this is the first time ever when the Fed’s balance sheet topped $5 trillion. Investor panic over the global spread of COVID-19 has prompted the central bank to launch several liquidity initiatives such as bond-buying programs. The scale of its current efforts is reportedly much larger than the similar initiatives the Fed undertook during the last financial crisis.


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e7e785  No.8613785

File: 11d106e9b9acfbe⋯.png (14.97 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 42ef8f3ffa9556c1f512b69d1b….png)

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ed71a3  No.8613786

File: beb70a28a9acd4d⋯.png (122.31 KB, 1481x765, 1481:765, 5_1_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: 996989a393ead00⋯.png (132.99 KB, 724x776, 181:194, 5_2_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)

File: c3755b7aa85f322⋯.png (104.06 KB, 715x707, 715:707, 5_3_Pritzker_Prize_Awarded….PNG)



US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

Thomas J. Pritzker went to Bejing, China in 2012 to present the award to Wang Shu. Many Chinese dignataries were there. He made the presentation at "the prestigious Great Hall of the People". Mr. Pritzker's first visit to China was in 1976. He gave no further details of that visit in this speech. He went into no detail about his meeting with Chinese leadership in Chicago.

Pritzker Prize Award Speech - 2012


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469819  No.8613787

File: 0bb9f0547a2c0b4⋯.png (726.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, closeencounter.png)

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294995  No.8613788


sorry to burst your bubble anon, not everyone gets an obit, not everyone gets a funeral.

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df6a9d  No.8613789

File: 0ee108ce9b27b0d⋯.png (222.51 KB, 680x481, 680:481, MnuchinPoint.png)


I'm laid off right now, filing for unemployment on Monday.

If this shit don't get fixed soon, I might as well join the Socialists because that's all that us workers will know!

skull and bones…would you trust him?

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9f9793  No.8613790


your inner tard needs to get in touch with its inner homo obviously

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b81d73  No.8613791


I saw your post at the end, after I baked but lag is bad, getting a thread started was a bitch

I always include anon buns, np

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425b40  No.8613792

File: de6a74c68c3e8fc⋯.png (709.66 KB, 819x485, 819:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Hard-drive sniffing dogs….who knew!?

Police dogs are trained to sniff out a variety of things, but you may not realize that your phone is one of them. Electronic storage detection dogs are trained to sniff out devices like hard drives, thumb drives, smartphones and computers. … This is what the dogs are sniffing out.


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95f1c8  No.8613793

File: d9223dc894101eb⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB, 576x360, 8:5, SVID_20200320_232157_1.mp4)

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e02967  No.8613794

The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

Treasury Dollar in the pipeline ?

From the article:

In other words, the Federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets.

The Fed is providing the money to do it.

400 billion in liquidity from the Fed = Mnuchin SEIZED the Fed assets.

Statement from Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin on the Establishment of the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility

Mnuchin: Federal Reserve Will Buy Corporate Bonds, Treasuries, Mortgage-Backed Securities In “Vast Amounts”

“In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it.”

“In effect, the Fed is giving the Treasury access to its printing press.”

US treasury in full control. Time for Constitutionally sound, gold backed currency.



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1a3b5e  No.8613795

When are 'A' listers going to do is all a favor and check out permanently?

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10537d  No.8613796

Money have run out. How long does 2 trillion keep them going?

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ecd347  No.8613797

File: 649133b44d00590⋯.jpg (72.32 KB, 920x487, 920:487, 649133b44d005904e9d2ea0628….jpg)


>These two boobs jockeying for 2024 run.

They'll need a strong female running mate.

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9f9793  No.8613798



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806d26  No.8613799

The story of Christ was literally written in the stars.

1 BC is the great calendar reset synced with the time of the gentiles. You will find the three wise men in the bread house (virgo). Gold for Jupiter, Myrrh for Venus, frankincense for Mercury.

The soldier guards the cave while Mary makes a visit at dawn.

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7cf4bb  No.8613800



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0553b3  No.8613801


You're autistic?

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385dd3  No.8613802


>gold backed currency

good luck finding the gold

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cca048  No.8613803

File: f0c938bb2dd4ccc⋯.png (729.49 KB, 1104x686, 552:343, HUSW.png)

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806d26  No.8613804

File: e7966dbb8978000⋯.png (156.5 KB, 1063x748, 1063:748, ClipboardImage.png)


The story of Christ was literally written in the stars.

1 BC is the great calendar reset synced with the time of the gentiles. You will find the three wise men in the bread house (virgo). Gold for Jupiter, Myrrh for Venus, frankincense for Mercury.

The soldier guards the cave while Mary makes a visit at dawn.

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32cbe5  No.8613805


they also remove money from circulation too. Maybe they've decided to burn all the old bills and make all new virus resistent bills?

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d5ef5a  No.8613806


was hoping Q was about…. :) TYB

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e4581c  No.8613807

File: 64b825289e555cd⋯.png (31.17 KB, 114x152, 3:4, oss.png)


Confirm Handoff

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e7e785  No.8613808


if you visit any other planet, your logic fails.

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ed71a3  No.8613809

File: c97481a61a4ffb7⋯.png (744.03 KB, 1464x781, 1464:781, 6_1_Shu_Wang_member_Pritzk….PNG)

File: 87e01ca59555cf3⋯.png (754.12 KB, 566x750, 283:375, 6_2_Shu_Wang_member_Pritzk….PNG)



US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

Since winning the Pritzker Architecture Prize, Mr. Wang Shu has joined Justice Stephen G. Breyer on the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury. In this bio., no date was given as to his start date on the jury.

Click on Wang Shu's picture to see his jury biography

v v v


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e02967  No.8613810

Canadian prime minister sends 16 tonnes of masks and gloves to China. Now months later Canadian hospitals are running out.

via theglobeandmail

Canada’s department of Global Affairs shipped 16 tonnes of personal protective equipment to China last month to help Beijing fight the novel coronavirus, an effort that it undertook even after the World Health Organization had warned countries to prepare for possible cases.

Critics are questioning the wisdom of exporting gear overseas just weeks before it was sorely needed in Canada. The Canadian government, however, says the shipment was an effort to collaborate with China in the fight against COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

On Feb. 9, Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne’s department announced that since Feb. 4, “Canada has deployed approximately 16 tonnes of personal protective equipment, such as clothing, face shields, masks, goggles and gloves” to China.

The Asian country was already deep into its own fight against COVID-19 by this point. “Our deepest thoughts are with all those affected by this outbreak,” Mr. Champagne noted in a statement announcing the gift. International Development Minister Karina Gould said in the same statement that “personal protective equipment is essential to prevent and limit the spread of the virus.”

The WHO on Jan. 30 had already declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern” and said “it is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country.”

The UN agency had warned that “all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management.” By Feb. 7, the WHO also predicted “severe coronavirus-related disruptions” in supply of personal protective equipment.

Amir Attaran, a professor at University of Ottawa’s school of epidemiology and public health and its faculty of law, said he was surprised to learn Global Affairs shipped personal protective equipment (PPE) to China.

“It was absolutely certain in early February that we would need this equipment,” he said. “This decision went beyond altruism into high negligence and incompetence because Canada did not, and does not, have surplus equipment to spare.”

Some of the very equipment Global Affairs shipped to China is in high demand in Canada, from masks to other protective gear.

Adam Austen, deputy director of communications for Mr. Champagne, said Canada’s shipment to China was an effort to co-operate in the fight against the virus.


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9f9793  No.8613811



let's send him buttplugs from amazon prime for easter

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c9de2e  No.8613812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TYB - All anons ;

250 POW's Remain Held , says Rep Leboutiller just before Trump speaks at Rolling Thunder.-

We have SAT. pics / PAVE-SPIKE Beacon Comms. and Eyewitness Reports.

( Covered up by No Name / Sen. Kerry and DS )

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95f1c8  No.8613813

File: 5410646e8bae194⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB, 512x320, 8:5, SVID_20200320_232611_1.mp4)

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96445d  No.8613814

File: 39a5b84b2c40f7d⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 1028x6015, 1028:6015, hsbc_money.jpg)

>>8613121 (PB), >>8613256 (PB), >>8613308 (PB), >>8613448 (PB), >>8613545 (PB) HSBC: your DNA will be your data British Bank

This anon was a contractor for HSBC during this time…


How obviously corrupt do you think you have to be to have Comey and Obama actually prosecute you for money laundering from Mexican cartels do you think?

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12f50a  No.8613815

File: 1e50f59cc798bb8⋯.png (538.32 KB, 500x981, 500:981, ClipboardImage.png)

Patriot POTUS


Semper Fi

Semper Paratus

Semper Fidelis


Amen. ∞∞∞

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ecd347  No.8613816

File: 2b2c0005e29f605⋯.jpeg (115.64 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2b2c0005e29f605380e50e1ab….jpeg)


>What does it mean when you see astrological symbols when passing other individuals?

It means you got the real Jamaican stuff.

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488a19  No.8613817


Actually some will refuse to believe even when shown proof.

They would only believe in the final oppression that would happen when they where finally disposed of after their use.

That’s what happened in the USSR.

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5f2a37  No.8613818

File: d365e54026d9b8b⋯.jpg (184.87 KB, 760x428, 190:107, fauci.jpg)

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996b3b  No.8613819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to this for a blessing!

Just now Malone University closed out Ohio Gov Dewine’s press conference of cleaning face masks at Batelle.

Virtual chorus, SOCIAL DISTAN-sing

A blessing from Numbers in the Bible

Advance to 47:20


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e02967  No.8613820

File: 2215a947cb4708a⋯.png (143.59 KB, 501x281, 501:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Remington Arms Offers its Manufacturing Facility To Produce Medical Supplies During Coronavirus Crisis

Having been ordered to shut down by Governor Cuomo, Ilion, NY based Remington Arms, makers of a variety of legendary firearms, have offered up their manufacturing facility to both Cuomo and President Trump to make medical supplies to cope with the coronavirus outbreak.

In a video posted on their facebook page, Remington CEO Ken D’Arcy explains that Remington firearms have been used in every American war over the past 200+ years, and they aren’t sitting this one out. While recognizing this is a new type of war, D’Arcy says they have 1 million square feet of manufacturing and distribution space, and they are ready to get to work churning out whatever is needed to help hospitals. “We are standing by, ready, willing, and able to support in any way we possibly can. It would be an honor for our company to donate space for the manufacture of mission critical products, such as ventilators, hospital beds, or anything else deemed necessary.”


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806d26  No.8613821


Harvest season also brings a jewish new year, the sun is 'born'

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bcc081  No.8613822

File: 7916bd4265dcfba⋯.jpg (236.15 KB, 800x571, 800:571, index.jpg)

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469819  No.8613823

File: b6edc7be110632d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, thoughtcrime.png)


have a link? not yt or are u going to post the whole thing :)

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cfb13f  No.8613824


If she was such a close friend - think she would have something on her page?

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166015  No.8613825


the AIR…???

<3 periods + 3 question marks


<3 periods + 3 exclamation points


Hang on, I'm thinking……….

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1a3b5e  No.8613826


Hands up!


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9f9793  No.8613827


tredeau nmabla jews have the homorona testings

and doxx lil jimmies

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0839ff  No.8613828


We must demand SAUCE or IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

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85a4e7  No.8613829

File: 5d5ae8b7b9f42f4⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 4fd03907628a6a4db131bb0af9….jpg)

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937664  No.8613830


Go be a faggot somewhere else.

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86c251  No.8613831

PAT557 back at Harrisburg.

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6740cf  No.8613832

File: ff57773bced2dbd⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 2560px_Gothic_Rayonnant_Ro….jpg)



"HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine… GOD BLESS EVERYONE!"

- President Trump

Names of people with COVID-19 cured with hydroxychloroquine treatment so far:

1. Gertrude Fatton - 95 years old

2. James Cai - 32 year old

3. Rio Giadinieri - 52 years old

4. Jim Santilli - 38 years old

5. Margaret Novins - 53 years old

6. Daniel Dae Kim - 51 years old

<Hang in there. We’re in this together!


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e4c4da  No.8613833

File: 7b565ba481ebea7⋯.png (499.93 KB, 955x559, 955:559, 7b565ba481ebea7b0753449ea7….png)

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c5ffa6  No.8613834

File: b3338d65d1791c9⋯.jpg (202.37 KB, 768x718, 384:359, gretta4.jpg)


Fauci the fear mongerer….

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f514f3  No.8613835

>>8613278 lb notable

>Balfour Declaration, (November 2, 1917)

First confirmed corona virus case was on November 17 2019



Same digits, different order.

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215af2  No.8613836


Literally a death cult, where they would welcome their own demise if it was useful for the fulfillment of their great vision for humanity.

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86c251  No.8613837

File: 72883de5f8dcf17⋯.jpg (599.78 KB, 1917x963, 213:107, PAT557_29_Mar_20_1958.jpg)

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bcc081  No.8613838

File: 316847e68c40c78⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 371x371, 1:1, index.jpg)

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0839ff  No.8613839


Someone slipped you 4-ACO-DMT.

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9f9793  No.8613840

File: 9adece8c9e74930⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 492x440, 123:110, 9adece8c9e74930264249f2df8….jpg)

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e02967  No.8613841

File: aa6c693ca6f394e⋯.png (87.68 KB, 860x745, 172:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope backs UN chief's call for global ceasefire to focus on coronavirus

Pope Francis on Sunday backed a call by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a global ceasefire so the world can focus on fighting the coronavirus pandemic, reported Reuters.

Speaking at his weekly blessing, delivered from the official papal library instead of St. Peter’s Square because of the lockdown in Italy, Francis specifically mentioned the appeal Guterres made in a virtual news conference on Monday.

Saying the disease knows no borders, Francis appealed to everyone to “stop every form of bellicose hostility and to favour the creation of corridors for humanitarian help, diplomatic efforts and attention to those who find themselves in situations of great vulnerability”.

More than 662,700 people have been infected by the novel coronavirus across the world and 30,751 have died, according to a Reuters tally.

About a third of the deaths have been in Italy, where the toll passed 10,000 on Saturday, a figure that made an extension of a national lockdown almost certain.


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aa4000  No.8613842

File: c9407b5d6ca22dd⋯.jpeg (34.82 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 4E413EEA_D1F4_4EBE_8A2E_A….jpeg)

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294995  No.8613843


the family requested the last name remain private, maybe she is honoring that

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937664  No.8613844


Or stay here and be a faggot, whatever.

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2cd253  No.8613845


I cant get this to work on twat what am I doing wrong

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e68e88  No.8613846

File: 8162a137be6dec4⋯.png (36.53 KB, 597x360, 199:120, kih3b6534354b634.PNG)

however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!


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d5618b  No.8613848


The cabal is trying to now hide the fact that it's basically Celebs, CEOs and Politicians who are dropping out of public sight.

This also makes it EASIER for the Cabal to make up astronomical numbers of "people died" of corona.

The Q movement is spreading awareness that this is a phony "Pandemic" which the White Hats are using to covertly prepare for the mass arrests.

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f9e656  No.8613849


same here..

hospital has zero china virus patients..

beds are all empty

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8f8bd5  No.8613850

For everyone that wants to give Q shit:

1. +++ - Took down Saudi Arabia

2. ++ - Took down Soros and the big five (Schumer, Pelosi. Schiff, Nadler, Feinstein)

3. +++ - Just folded the Fed back into the Treasury and seized the printing presses.

EXACTLY what Q said they were going to do 2+ years ago.

EVERYTHING Q said they were going to do they DID. Not small things. BIG THINGS that nobody even thought was possible.

They backed up EVERY CHECK they wrote.

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15f54e  No.8613851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ravensara oil.

or call this guy, he'll help you


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5f2a37  No.8613852

File: 51fc2df427b9189⋯.jpg (201.56 KB, 761x435, 761:435, faucihands.jpg)

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cfbfec  No.8613853

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df6a9d  No.8613854

File: 5bfc12fd5b1706a⋯.png (156.05 KB, 383x682, 383:682, Screenshot_51.png)

File: 6bdbdcbbb11dbeb⋯.png (10.08 KB, 382x195, 382:195, Screenshot_52.png)

File: 7049246a49d738f⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, Screenshot_53.png)

File: 3c563e5600e6754⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1496x981, 1496:981, Screenshot_39.png)

>>8612904 lb

retweeted McCabe, but also tweeted about the Pope.


"Why are you afraid?"

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c5ffa6  No.8613855

File: 22400a88d75439f⋯.png (8.5 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


>They must pay!

They must pay being the operative phrase here.

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9f9793  No.8613856


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cfbfec  No.8613857

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79f47e  No.8613858

File: f9dc89ea196f42d⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 439x501, 439:501, IMG_20200303_103333_789.JPG)

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ed6564  No.8613859


Thank you, Mr. President.

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5153f5  No.8613860



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af813f  No.8613861

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ae533b  No.8613862

File: e32751753b429e1⋯.png (43.21 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, ClipboardImage.png)


USA Freedom Flag



28 Mar 2020 - 3:22:45 PM



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 66o6MRSe No.150562920 📁

Nov 23 2017 00:07:16 (EST)

PLVSVLTRA ID: e9hPKb0e No.150562774 📁

Nov 23 2017 00:05:55 (EST)








Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 66o6MRSe No.150562694 📁

Nov 23 2017 00:05:13 (EST)

Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

What is SpaceX?

Expand your thinking.


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d2cfb6  No.8613863

"These are the rules. Everybody fights, nobody quits. If you don’t do your job I’ll kill you myself."

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0553b3  No.8613864

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9738be  No.8613865


>Dr. Fauci: "We're Going To Have Millions Of Cases" And "Between 100K & 200K Deaths" DS DR FEAR PORN

Is Fauci talking about the flu or criminal cases? It's probably the flu but almonds activated anyway.

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95fa83  No.8613866

File: cb067d14afa0a74⋯.jpg (109.41 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 1583730709389.jpg)

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3505ef  No.8613867




April 30, 1975 - the last troops left Vietnam.

I am the fucking sauce.

And there is this:


Paragraph 1.

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488a19  No.8613868


Maybe he wouldn’t suck dick, they always need an example and through someone to the normies

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39fa0a  No.8613869


No Deals, says POTUS!


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e4c4da  No.8613870

File: 1316e0eba23f431⋯.jpg (266.64 KB, 840x1170, 28:39, 20200329_140520.jpg)

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95f1c8  No.8613871


A downloadable PDF of the red flag report.



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bcc081  No.8613872

File: a20d288b80cd30f⋯.jpg (111.03 KB, 800x466, 400:233, Literally_Shaking.jpg)

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8eba75  No.8613873


The FED can't buy anything that isn't guaranteed by "the government".

The "government" that was pretending to be the civilian government of this country (and never really was) was organized as a commercial corporation that violated its charter. It is in Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy Liquidation as a result.

Okay? So, what can the FED buy, if there is no "government" guaranteeing them anything, and their charter forbids them to buy anything that isn't guaranteed by a government?

Think, Grasshoppers. You all have brains and I am giving you the facts. The FED was all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Doing this little "rearrangement" with the bogus "US Treasury" —- aka, IMF —-

which has no such noisome restrictions on what it can buy, lets the IMF take the risks and do the deals while the FED washes its pretty hands of responsibility for impersonating and mis- characterizing and defrauding millions of Americans— all those "SPV's" you are hearing about — and invest in NEW "SPVs".


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1a3b5e  No.8613874


He was much nicer about it than I would have been. I wouldn’t even offer them protection regardless if they pay. I would leave them all alone and scared. Publicly

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180041  No.8613875


They should have been put on the domestic terrorist list and banned from the USA. The arrogance of thinking we would pay for their protection is beyond.

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ae533b  No.8613876

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937664  No.8613877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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655523  No.8613878


When was the MOF created?

Who created it?

What medal preceded it, what medal did it replace?

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0839ff  No.8613879


Many, many ways.


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09a964  No.8613880


Normies in CT are now raging against Cuomo, cause the seasonal NYers are coming here too and not staying home. Its obvious to them that all Cuomo wants is to lower his sick numbers and make NYs look better.

Maybe I'll sue Cuomo if I get sick from a fleeing New Yorker.

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3468ba  No.8613881

File: e76d35202b9f6df⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 508x219, 508:219, DigitAnon.jpg)


Kek, true. Plus digits 5:5.

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761ee5  No.8613882

File: a32ee0a7b392972⋯.jpg (56.83 KB, 691x361, 691:361, wrwy.jpg)

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e02967  No.8613883

File: 2ff9f00dbf8922f⋯.png (86.13 KB, 658x843, 658:843, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed1574bfdccd3dc⋯.png (94.67 KB, 689x840, 689:840, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c14fce817d6794⋯.png (73.64 KB, 657x699, 219:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Lawmakers already planning more coronavirus stimulus after $2T package

Lawmakers are already planning another round of legislation aimed at keeping companies flush with capital and millions of workers on payrolls amid the coronavirus pandemic, even after passing a $2 trillion relief bill this past week, the largest stimulus of its kind in U.S. history.

The Senate plans to be on recess until April 20, and the House will take an extended break as well, though members say they could return sooner depending on how the economy reacts in the next few weeks.

Businesses, trade associations and state governments are already jockeying for more federal relief, calling the package that President Trump signed Friday a good “first step” but not enough to keep the economy on track if the coronavirus crisis extends beyond the end of April.

Lawmakers in both parties say they expect discussions on a “phase four” coronavirus response bill in the weeks ahead as travel restrictions, social distancing and sick workers squeeze or shutter businesses nationwide.

“I think the odds are we’ll need more legislation. First, we don’t know the extent of the crisis in terms of the magnitude, so that could rise. But there are going to be problems that we don’t realize now that we’re going to have to grapple with,” Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) said.

“So I think the odds are high there will be a Covid-4,” he added, referring to the anticipated next bill.

The need for additional action from Congress was highlighted by a report Thursday that more than 3 million Americans applied for their first week of unemployment in the week ending March 21, a tremendous spike from recent numbers well under 300,000.

United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz warned Friday that the company will likely have to lay off workers in the fall because the stimulus package was not big enough.

“Being honest, fair and upfront with you: If the recovery is as slow as we fear, it means our airline and workforce will have to be smaller than it is today,” he said.

The stimulus package includes language in its air carrier worker support subtitle that prohibits airlines from furloughing workers or cutting benefits before Sept. 30, but Munoz warned Friday the slowdown in travel may last into next year.

Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairman Roy Blunt (Mo.) said he expects another relief bill soon.

“The minute we’re done with phase three, we’ll start talking about phase four because all of us know that phase three can’t have included everything that needs to be included,” he said.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) also says another stimulus package is needed and on Wednesday vowed that House Democrats would seek to send out another round of direct rebates to low- and middle-income Americans.

"We had bigger direct payments in our bill, and we think we'll get more direct payments in another bill," she said in an interview with CNN.

The package Trump signed into law Friday will send $1,200 rebate checks to American adults earning up to $75,000, with the amounts phasing out above that threshold.


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c9de2e  No.8613886


Hilo. off Embassy roof day ?

anon remembers

250 POW still held


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04430d  No.8613887

File: e28fa53e13c6fc8⋯.png (662.34 KB, 861x795, 287:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0277f4278ba66a8⋯.png (177.71 KB, 486x505, 486:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this guy and his information legit?

Property of George M Nasif.

Nasif does it again, just when we thought there was no new Intel. Biggest drop since 2016. 360,000 files from George Soros Foundation Server. Sent to @MarkMeadows


You now have access to these files.


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ae533b  No.8613888






























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aa4000  No.8613889

File: af6b8cdce6a4fce⋯.jpeg (2.29 MB, 4101x1801, 4101:1801, D00D8208_B303_45DF_AEA0_7….jpeg)


Winner winner Chicken Dinar

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e02967  No.8613890

Russia has no data on ‘US role’ in coronavirus outbreak - diplomatic source

It is said that there are some questions for Washington

MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. Moscow has no data on alleged "US role" in the coronavirus outbreak, but there are some questions for Washington, a source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told TASS on Sunday.

"In order to unambiguously answer the question about the origin, about where the first case emerged, major research needs to be carried out," the source said. "So, Washington’s accusing tone in comments against China arouses blatant bewilderment."

"As for "US trace" in the COVID-19 outbreak, we don’t have this data today," the source stressed. "However, for a long time we have been watching with concerns the US military and biological activity carried out in direct proximity with our borders. In other words, there are indeed questions for the US.".


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79f47e  No.8613891

File: 3e0f8c05387754d⋯.png (436.72 KB, 1191x526, 1191:526, 1585002448.png)


>Facebook diggers

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ed6564  No.8613892

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5f6b09  No.8613893

File: 63076ce39ae2e08⋯.jpg (320.63 KB, 530x540, 53:54, REAL_AS_IT_GETS_3.jpg)

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9ec3ea  No.8613894


Thank you Q+!

Time to pay the fiddler.

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404c6b  No.8613895

File: 8aa2e66b3ea3ed0⋯.png (233.94 KB, 1759x877, 1759:877, ClipboardImage.png)


5 of 10? is that enough? NY and Maryland buying from all those legal spots now?

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83034f  No.8613896

File: 68fe4029a126adb⋯.png (3.45 MB, 2648x2472, 331:309, briefingFolders.png)

File: eeea976566e1509⋯.png (80.87 KB, 621x328, 621:328, fauciColumn.png)

File: 323514aae16cc5b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1078x7296, 539:3648, kudlowRedFolder1.png)

File: c5ee78f50091458⋯.png (79.14 KB, 217x508, 217:508, GrayWolfFolder.png)

File: 63b1c193ba81a91⋯.jpeg (22.04 KB, 288x320, 9:10, hanks_png.jpeg)

>>8611079 PB

>>8612377 PB

Other folder colors

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9278e7  No.8613897

After having a few days to digest this stimulus package, the less shiny it becomes.

- $2.2 Trillion / 330 Million People = ~$6500. So, each person is going to get $1200 or so and be on the hook for $6500 ?

- Some are saying that the $1200 going to be treated like an advance on future taxes. Meaning those those receiving are going to have to pay that back over time in future withholds.

- Each member of congress gets a $47,000 one time payment for passing bill.

I don't have the time or resolve to pour through hundreds of pages of details, so I'm at the mercy of those that do. I'm hoping that the Mike Malloys, Peter Schiffs and Catherine Fittses of the world have the resources and knowledge to read and understand it and report back to Anons. So, call me a concernfag.

The way I see it, this bill can play out in one of two ways.

1. It's a giant final power play to destabilize assets and property over to the deep state players.

2. It is the hydroxychloroquine needed to cure the failing $USD and return the country to the gold standard.

On the optimistic side, here are some things Trump would never have done if he were a false actor and secretly acting to undermine the nation:

- He never would have sealed the boarder.

- The sealed indictments

- Outing of pedo operations and Hollywood

- Demanded payment from other countries for military obligations

- Attempted to subpoena Hillary

- (prolly many more)


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385dd3  No.8613898


A wild LARP has entered the chat

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95f1c8  No.8613899


The 218 page report for your digging skills.

The assessment.


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806d26  No.8613900


True, but the point is that the text more like a record. Where poetry was used to encode what happened, or what seemed to have been of importance.

There are themes that play out continually.

Mars always antagonizing, Mercury always the hero. This is hermetism, understanding the pendulum of time.

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1a3b5e  No.8613901


Maybe they had NO CHOICE. They HAVE to return to the States to present their bodies in court.

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d5ef5a  No.8613902

File: 589101d787f7ec8⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1183x788, 1183:788, pepe_chin_2.PNG)

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7eb171  No.8613903


Sadly I don't think you can buy popcorn that hasn't been modified.

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166015  No.8613904


Pardon the length. Extracts of Q crumbs containing ??? and !!! as a marker.

In Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:/jAm9Qi+ Sun 12 Nov 2017 14:52:34 No.149140639:

Operations (think SA + ???)?

CNN sale?

What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! Sat 19 May 2018 18:03:54 43dd2a No.1472440


They thought it was coming yesterday.

They were wrong.

Follow the pen.


Q !CbboFOtcZs Sat 19 May 2018 19:07:48 No.91

{Pic: Q Post >>1472440 - latest tripcode was revealed NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!}

in Q !CbboFOtcZs Mon 11 Jun 2018 12:56:26 3497f0 No.1700175:

IRAN deal orchestrated for the sole purpose of lifting sanctions (blockade) to allow access of foreign businesses for individual & co-wide enrichment. SCAM!!!

Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_)

Q !CbboFOtcZs Tue 19 Jun 2018 01:55:48 c75415 No.1809336

Free Iran!!!




Regime change.

People have the power.

We stand with you.


Q !CbboFOtcZs Tue 31 Jul 2018 23:10:38 63ed4d No.2383128




Patriots - thank you!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Fri 21 Sep 2018 15:17:01 637c20 No.3124476

{Pic: Q Post >>261 quoting Q Post >>78 and Trump tweet RE: Playbook}



Think NYT article.

Think [RR] meetings push.




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Sat 06 Oct 2018 16:59:59 No.351



"Let us reaffirm America's destiny of goodness and good will."

-Ronald Reagan


in Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Sun 04 Nov 2018 12:18:15 No.390

[Destroy the Controlled Narrative]




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Mon 05 Nov 2018 17:19:45 9db1f3 No.3745008


& another prior to.

MEMES locked on target?

Fire when ready.

High priority targets today/tomorrow.



in Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Sun 02 Dec 2018 16:47:00 e7c8d9 No.4117825

You are not alone.

Open your heart and your mind.

Where We Go One > We Go ALL!!!





I'm getting a flavor of perp identification (Iran, EU, etc.) and of POTUS Q+ signature and of imminent PAIN for the Deep State.


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814a62  No.8613905

File: f29bcb5ebb07c44⋯.png (436.01 KB, 1201x643, 1201:643, TOO_NASTY_FOR_COVID.png)

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d5618b  No.8613906


Why should American taxpayers pay for 2 wannabe British royals? let them get JOBS at Amazon or something.

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e68e88  No.8613907

In regards to the English pommys, I think the whole thing was designed to strain the internal offices of the secret service.

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e02967  No.8613909

File: e99374cbb1aae0a⋯.png (603.16 KB, 657x794, 657:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77237be4c07bdd6⋯.png (163.77 KB, 641x841, 641:841, ClipboardImage.png)

Husband of Netanyahu aide hospitalized with coronavirus

PM’s office says ‘distance was kept’ from his adviser on ultra-Orthodox affairs, who met with him on Thursday

An adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who met with the premier on Thursday took a test for coronavirus on Sunday after her husband was hospitalized with COVID-19 over the weekend, raising concerns that the prime minister may have been exposed himself.

“The family member is in the minor cases department; the aide has no symptoms. She has reported to the bureau and took a [coronavirus test] this morning,” sources close to Rivka Paluch, Netanyahu’s adviser on ultra-Orthodox affairs, told Channel 12 news.

“The rules for keeping distance from the prime minister and those near him were maintained in accordance with the instructions of the Health Ministry, even before the family member was found positive,” they said.


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888b3c  No.8613910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q, Your Uncle Junes got laser beams shootin out his eyes!

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cfbfec  No.8613911

File: aed04435b49cab4⋯.png (395.45 KB, 546x501, 182:167, 45saysno.png)

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7decf9  No.8613912


Sorry, not sorry. No great loss.

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5a90b3  No.8613913

File: 76f27e7a94e8ec6⋯.png (805.7 KB, 836x1492, 209:373, Lego.png)

File: ea2ff4410ff4ad3⋯.png (597.06 KB, 2088x1274, 1044:637, UNICEF.png)

Communicating through LEGO Life social media?

Searched qresear.ch and didn't find any info on [LEGO LIFE]

Anyone have a Kidanon that can keep a lookout for Ellen builds???

>possible hidden comm location

>UNICEF helped with security


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e7e785  No.8613914

File: bd7f98dc940ed89⋯.jpg (362.53 KB, 937x528, 937:528, iran_economy_rial_2012_1_2….jpg)

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0553b3  No.8613915


>Is this guy and his information legit?

You would know the answer if you had lurked moar.

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8f8bd5  No.8613916

Just ask Soros if Q is real

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aa4000  No.8613917


Everyone is headed to Cali. Hanx and Rita too correct?

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7cf4bb  No.8613918


IDK why it still freaks me out when ya'll do that.

I freakin' dreamt of the royals last night. why?

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22ff03  No.8613919

File: 4a9cee17bd43682⋯.png (724.63 KB, 720x374, 360:187, ClipboardImage.png)

Good afternoon anons, so think about something today, for the last 10 days been hunkering down with the kiddo doing the virtual school thing, only going to store and out to help my elder mother who lives close by…noticed today very sore, muscle sore, bodily functions very obvious, not sick just sort of like you feel after a day of of physical activity, a good feeling of your own physical body healing is a good way to describe it. I also feel like there is much less stress and anxiety in my being (I suffer with PTSD and major anxiety so this is big for me). Sleep though I do get it is usually interrupted but have been able to feel naturally tired or exhausted and falling asleep without any problems.

On another area, my son who is on the spectrum a teenager who is very straightforward gentle, honest and sweet has developed a keen interest in what is going on in the world with the virus and amazingly, he now listens to Donald Trump and Mike Pence everyday, he has to listen to them and he refers to them by their full names, he believes that "Donald Trump and Mike Pence" are going to take care of the virus problem and help us get back to life as normal. His faith is amazing….he has never had this interest in world affairs before so maybe its just a result of his life being uprooted but his positivity and faith in "Donald Trump and Mike Pence" is a unique thing in itself…..

Just thought I would share these experiences as I think the world is already going through some sort of major alteration/change.

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0839ff  No.8613920


Dorothy ain't in Kansas anymore.

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3b350e  No.8613921

Time we burn the Trojan Camel gifted to us by last admin down to the ground!

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8e6515  No.8613922


>however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!

Englishanon o7, Nice move 45.

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b81d73  No.8613923


updated pastebin with notables



>>8613794, >>8613873 The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

>>8613726 Pompeo: Dark to Light

>>8613725 anon notable bun

>>8613696, >>8613717, >>8613741, >>8613758, >>8613786, >>8613809 US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

dough passed, new baker confirmed

ty for the relief

hope your puter holds

have a good one

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9f9793  No.8613924


>send him buttplugs from amazon prime for easter

5219 foster ln

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166015  No.8613925



>The Force is Strong

>Can You Feel it in the AIR…???


Aha! The AIR FORCE of course!

Planefags scramble.

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fedda6  No.8613926

File: 673782023d1eca5⋯.png (60.7 KB, 700x516, 175:129, the_man_in_the_arena.png)

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d5ef5a  No.8613927

File: 023353c8254ca31⋯.png (688.18 KB, 830x590, 83:59, hold_it.PNG)


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bce153  No.8613928


When you think about it, what profession is probably the MOST brainwashed? Doctors.

Sure they're generally smart, but they spend maybe a decade or more of education and training having information constantly crammed into their brains that come from "peer reviewed research studies", the AMA, the CDC, WHO, Hospital Policies, INSURANCE COMPANIES, etc. How could they possibly be able to think critically or question anything they are told they HAVE TO KNOW in order to succeed?

Some break free of the system, but you know what I mean.

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e4581c  No.8613929


TYB, see you soon

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2974ee  No.8613930


will they get free testing in CA ?

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7eb171  No.8613931

File: ba04729e93e22d8⋯.png (40.56 KB, 600x404, 150:101, no_ss_for_you_harry.PNG)


POTUS tweet re Harry and Meghan.

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404c6b  No.8613932


NY has 50% of the positive cases. do you know what all the states dont have? SUBWAYS!!! NYer's need to self isolate and all the cases will run their course. If they flea to CONN or RI beach property they will be isolated. this is all grandstanding.

Why isnt Cuomo asking for ventilators anymore.

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95f1c8  No.8613933


Operation Education

Read it yourself

Right here.


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79f47e  No.8613934

File: d19b8b5ff2fd4c9⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 914x514, 457:257, 1555871564.jpg)


He's everywhere.

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ed71a3  No.8613935

>>8587716 (PB)

"A seven-justice majority led by Justice Stephen Breyer said the answer is yes, citing a background rule that "executive determinations generally are subject to judicial review." In doing so, the Court may have greatly expanded the number of immigrants who can fight their deportations before a judge."


v v v


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c8d67f  No.8613936

File: 2e5dc8af6169aca⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 563x666, 563:666, ffsmuhparasite.jpg)


for the memes…

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bcc081  No.8613937

File: 3f358fade4f3cb6⋯.jpg (128.81 KB, 800x485, 160:97, index.jpg)

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e37db3  No.8613938

File: 1a71314160c3322⋯.png (753.29 KB, 720x502, 360:251, geotus.png)

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0aecaa  No.8613940

It is only in the german news or I simply can´t find something in english, but we should add him to the list!

After the management chaos and bad figures, the media group ProSiebenSat.1 separates from CEO Max Conze and changes its strategy.


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e4c4da  No.8613941



That's really great, anon - that you get to spend time with him and that he is taking such a keen interest in the world around him. I know you must be enjoying it

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ecd347  No.8613942

File: f954f76c17812ec⋯.png (563.72 KB, 800x526, 400:263, f954f76c17812ec233e7e3412f….png)

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404c6b  No.8613943


forgot links:



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d5ef5a  No.8613944


Just saw this on twater #qanon about an hour ago

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8eba75  No.8613945

File: 238af8dfb2c11bb⋯.jpg (61.75 KB, 635x393, 635:393, barbosameme.jpg)

DJT cannot deliver power back to the American people until and unless he restores their birthright status as American state nationals.


United States citizens are considered chattel property of United States, Inc.

American state nationals are the ONLY sovereigns, Texans, Virginians, Ohioans, etc.

Look here, not there…

Can't see what's really going on because of the common cold freakout?

Can't see that they're plan is to continue the fraud through another government services corporation?

Welcome to the fucking matrix mother fuckers.

All that the people are being subjected to right now is because of greed for wealth and power.

Corporations run this world, the world of the dead.

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8f8bd5  No.8613946


The AGREEMENT that POTUS struck with the UK is that the provable traitor Harry (FISA) would move to and STAY in Canada.

The Royal Family is now in BREECH OF CONTRACT with POTUS.

Shit's about to get real. This is just the warning shot.

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12f50a  No.8613947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chuck Missler on Signs in the Heavens and

The Hebrew Mazzaroth and the Stars


Signs of the Zodiac - Chuck Missler


Semper Fi

Semper Paratus

Semper Fidelis


Amen. ∞∞∞

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be7d97  No.8613948

File: 554584b6c3f3f50⋯.png (2.63 MB, 771x1188, 257:396, President_Andrew_Jackson_1….png)

File: 39f920bece4573b⋯.png (2.62 MB, 768x1192, 96:149, President_Andrew_Jackson_1….png)


Andrew Jackson’s Speech Against Central Banksters as True Today as in 1832


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aa4000  No.8613949

File: 1c07e7730153a7c⋯.jpeg (81.5 KB, 545x598, 545:598, C5F2B4F2_D5AD_41D8_BFFE_C….jpeg)


Some us still are dough..

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e02967  No.8613950

File: 149e12372c56e2b⋯.png (111.42 KB, 538x647, 538:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8e8265bbd5e5d0⋯.png (16.47 KB, 521x213, 521:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 322f8d08acc5193⋯.png (427.43 KB, 922x745, 922:745, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5abc12fdb3c5893⋯.png (245.47 KB, 906x410, 453:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Says "Many Doctors Are Not Treating Patients" Due To Fear Of COVID-19

Elon Musk continues to find new ways to humiliate himself as the coronavirus that he once labeled as "dumb" makes its way around the globe. This weekend's embarassment du jour was Musk coming out and publicly making the assertion on Twitter that many doctors are afraid of the virus and are unwilling to treat patients for it as a result.

Musk make the off-color snub about healthcare providers in a Tweet thread about how quarantines would result in an inordinate number of toothaches going untreated across the country.

"…many doctors are not treating patients, due to fear of giving or receiving C19," Musk Tweeted.


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7958b2  No.8613952

File: 8947913ef4ffc11⋯.jpeg (13.11 KB, 255x253, 255:253, b723b61b1af099859ffdcb1d3….jpeg)


Kek! Thank you POTUS!

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5f2a37  No.8613953

File: 340a0f30713fc63⋯.jpg (205.39 KB, 912x428, 228:107, fauciellen.jpg)

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8e6515  No.8613954


>however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!

Harry & Meghan stay at home, love China Virus hahahahahaha

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ce1432  No.8613955

File: 190fce81084bbc1⋯.png (27.08 KB, 453x211, 453:211, notecap.png)



get this anon a badass job somewhere kek

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aa854c  No.8613956

File: 3a37e8336e87990⋯.jpg (489.83 KB, 1286x857, 1286:857, Dehli_3_28.jpg)

What could possibly go wrong in a country of a billion people? This.

Delhi exodus. Undertaker's dream.

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ca46ab  No.8613957

File: ff663f363e119e0⋯.png (67.75 KB, 1179x870, 393:290, ClipboardImage.png)

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469819  No.8613958

File: 7f62f7668ba48bc⋯.png (329.03 KB, 1280x672, 40:21, corny.png)

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1a3b5e  No.8613959

File: 6798f95823e3581⋯.jpeg (29.25 KB, 480x360, 4:3, F49620E4_FDBC_4EF3_8C2E_E….jpeg)


We have to assume Mnuchin is/was being Scarramucci’d but chose wisely to become a good guy. I trust no one. Fuck that guy until proven otherwise.

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cca048  No.8613960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They must pay!

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404c6b  No.8613961



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8f8bd5  No.8613962


Notable Baker. One of the most profound speeches of the Jackson era.

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2974ee  No.8613963


harry skipping the VAT tax?

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7cf4bb  No.8613964


Is it Cup or Up?

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c5ffa6  No.8613965

File: f4be121ffaa5a1b⋯.jpg (139.66 KB, 603x375, 201:125, weinerlaptop.jpg)

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ac8895  No.8613966

File: 1b5091282a96567⋯.png (107.81 KB, 637x904, 637:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 407f9756ab03b59⋯.png (100.47 KB, 632x854, 316:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c51d5cb5e8abf6⋯.png (70.48 KB, 628x594, 314:297, ClipboardImage.png)

What the braindead have to say about POTUS latest tweet.


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32cbe5  No.8613967


'must' is the key here.

it isn't 'should if they need to' but 'must'

the Bristish must know that the two youngers need protection. And they must know that the US can't really give what is needed and not look like we play favorites.

to me it seems that using 'must' is telling the British Royals 'these kids need protection, you shall provide it'

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d5618b  No.8613968


Kekkity kek. we don't want no wannabe royal Parasites!

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385dd3  No.8613969


Fuck all of them until proven otherwise, especially Pence

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e02967  No.8613970

CBS News Journalist Maria Mercader Dies From COVID-19

Maria Mercader, a longtime CBS News journalist, died of COVID-19, the network confirmed in a statement on Sunday.

Mercader, 54, succumbed to the CCP virus in a New York hospital that was not disclosed. She had been on medical leave for an unrelated issue since February, the network said, adding that she had battled against cancer and related health problems for decades.

The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China before it was transmitted worldwide.


“Even more than her talents as a journalist, we will miss her indomitable spirit,” said Susan Zirinsky, CBS News president, in a statement. “Maria was part of all of our lives. Even when she was hospitalized—and she knew something was going on at CBS, she would call with counsel, encouragement, and would say ‘you can do this.’ I called Maria a ‘warrior,’ she was. Maria was a gift we cherished.”

“Maria was a friend to all,” added Laurie Orlando, with CBS News’s talent department. “It’s nearly impossible to be someone EVERYONE loves, but Maria was. She always had a warm hug, a word of advice or support and a big smile for everyone in her life. She was a bright light and will be sorely missed.”

Maria Mercader, our beloved CBS News colleague, died from COVID-19 on Sunday at 54.


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15c0db  No.8613971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I knew Q had a cure

Robert Smith is the Cure

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04430d  No.8613972


I've been here since day one. I cannot possibly catch all posts. Try to help people, even if you think they are normies. Our mission is to disseminate information and red pill, so either help or don't respond. As far as I know you could be a shill and the information is good.

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e4581c  No.8613973


my great x8 grandfather ;)

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814c0a  No.8613974

File: e1ca7c47f0079f5⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1078x1286, 539:643, ny_mag_hit_piece_on_8chan_….png)

recent fake news on 8kun….important to know the current spin

not in qresear.ch yet

How Far-Right Media Is Weaponizing Coronavirus


The coronavirus pandemic has been marked by medical uncertainty, rapidly changing information, and partisan rancor, making it a prime target for the spread of disinformation: some of that disinformation is about unproven cures, for both the disease and the disintegrating economy; some is intended to delegitimize the politicians who may or may not be in a position to steer the nation through it (and some of it comes not via the internet but from the president himself; see the man who died after heeding Trump’s assurances that chloroquine was a possible answer to coronavirus). Jiore Craig is a political consultant at a research firm, GQR Insights and Action, who has spent the past four years tracking the spread of disinformation online, much of it originating with, or being propagated by, the far-right political media — sites like Breitbart and Infowars. The Cut spoke to her about the patterns she’s seen and how they’re playing out in the midst of this pandemic.

Can you describe what you do for a living?

I try to figure out how public opinion is being formed online. We’re looking at what is going on on social media, and especially how disinformation is affecting what the public thinks about issues, candidates, and policy proposals. So we study conservative bad actors, those known for putting out disinformation, and what’s been interesting in the midst of COVID-19 is that even they needed to take a moment to get their bearings. Typically bad actors on the right — conservative online media which rampantly spreads disinformation — are very quick to align, and get their messaging straight, which usually comes down to reaching for handy attacks, targeting women, etc. But in this moment, it took a while for them to turn their cannons in the same direction.

Who are these conservative bad actors you’re referring to?

Obviously there’s Fox News, but I’m talking about more specialized online publications, like Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Red State, Town Hall, and people like Ben Shapiro and Tomi Lahren. There’s something called Salem Media Group; they control niche Facebook pages like I Am A Conservative Woman and Shut Down Planned Parenthood, and the social network only recently identified that both of those pages were controlled by Salem. These sites are different from Twitter. Twitter is where more journalists and opinion elites are, and so journalists write a lot about trends they see on Twitter. But I focus on what’s being shared on Facebook and other platforms where the majority of voters are spending their time. We know that Facebook increasingly has an older audience, so I look at what’s spreading there.

You mentioned that one of the key moves of these sites is targeting women. Is that the case even in the midst of COVID-19 panic?

What I should explain is that when multiple publications act at once on a social-media platform they get an algorithmic benefit. So those pages I mentioned often coordinate; they’re posting at the same time and coordinating around specific attacks, and one area where they do that is attacks on women. And there is a good example involving coronavirus. When Trump called out individual politicians, including governors like Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, it was very easy for these sites to use a typical framing right away: an unflattering picture of her, where she looks drunk or cross-eyed, or appears dumb, crazy, emotional, unhinged, angry. The sites are ready to echo each other, and so they amplified an attack on Whitmer more than they amplified attacks on other male governors that Trump got into fights with last week. Now part of that is that Whitmer is in a swing state, while Andrew Cuomo, for example, is not. But it’s also that those misogynistic frames are so readily available to them.


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95f1c8  No.8613975

File: 295766f1c90e091⋯.mp4 (14.07 MB, 576x360, 8:5, SVID_20200321_001122_1.mp4)


Austin who CARES?

Those who have been here for years know a paytriot. WHORE

Q proves to you that acronym is SYNTAX.


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e7e785  No.8613976


it was notable 183 years ago.

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1786e9  No.8613977

File: ec31a307932f953⋯.png (186.35 KB, 1023x614, 1023:614, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8099275393e8a9f⋯.png (198.35 KB, 992x616, 124:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b40d4d27458891b⋯.png (214.51 KB, 999x617, 999:617, ClipboardImage.png)


>advance on future taxes

The way I read it, it counts as an advance refund on the extra allowance of $1200

Will offset come tax time


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765e0f  No.8613978

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)




Semper Fidelis

Welcome Home, Warriors!!

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79f47e  No.8613980

File: 0dd4f20e3c7017d⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1585452870_1.jpg)



or lurk moar

Whichever comes first

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655523  No.8613981



"They thought you would follow the stars"

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284d38  No.8613982

File: 71c168206c8cbd9⋯.jpeg (332.14 KB, 2268x1126, 1134:563, world_free_trump.jpeg)

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950e6d  No.8613983


Yo kimmie, there's a lot of rumours goin' around

They're so bad, baby you might have to skip town

See something's smellin' fishy and they say it's you

All I know is that you made it with the whole damn crew

They say you're a man-eater during the full moon

Mascot of the senior boys' locker room

They said kim walked in, there wasn't too much rap

Her reputation got bigger, and so did her gap

Cuz girl your momma shoulda taught you better

I'mma sit down and write you a long letter.

I'm glad you ain't my sister, then again if you was

I'd have to treat you like you was my distant cuz

I'm not a news reporter, I don't mean to assume

What should I think? I seen ya comin' out the men's bathroom

You wasn't in there alone, wasn't usin' the phone

The door was locked for twenty minutes, all I heard was "Moan".

I don't really know if the story is so

I can either ask Curly, or Larry or Moe

or Earl, Shabazz, Lou, Mookie or Joe

Like Santa Claus said, you're a ho-ho-ho

In every disco you say hello

Like you're a little angel, but we all know

Since you was eleven you been actin' this way

You always got in bed when you wanted to play

You're a freak, you think you're Lady Godiva

Some freaks are live, but kimmy you're liver.

You're a back-seat queen, a elevator pro

A high-powered body makes your Levis grow

See the stories I've heard, they could amaze

I heard she did it on a motorcycle back in the days

So calm down freak, get a G.E.D.

That's a General Education on Decency

One day you'll see, and agree with me

unless you're gonna be a freak until you're 93

For you there's no fee, everything is free

This is from me to you, not you to me

Every night is your night, your leather pants are tight

You try to shake your butt with all your might

I don't really wanna dis nobody

You might think I had a little too much Bacardi

But that's not the problem, the problem's kimmie

How bad can a girl's reputation get?

See she's the kinda girl all the homeboys met

If you're desparate ask kimmie, cuz she'll say "Bet".

B-Boys are hard on the boulevard

The Reverend at the church said you was barred

Homeboys on the block love you a lot

You're a real famous freak whether you like it or not

So before you start walking and your beak starts squawkin'

let me explain to you who is talkin'

I'm L.L. Cool J from around the way

You boogie down to my records almost every day

Go a hundred miles an hour when you're standin' still

You're faster than my Caddy when it's goin' downhill

Won't forget that day in the Y.M.C.A.

The guy at the desk said it was OK

for you to come inside cuz he knew you'd stay

Greg G. and Garfield yelled "Hooray"

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8f8bd5  No.8613984


Yep. When the shit goes down people will be LOOKING for them. They won't be able to safely walk down a street.


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8e6515  No.8613985


>it isn't 'should if they need to' but 'must'

Double Royal State Funeral Coming Up!

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385dd3  No.8613986


Notable for its complete and utter ineffectiveness?

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8f8bd5  No.8613987


Damn right Anon

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9f9793  No.8613988







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e02967  No.8613989

File: 77a0162b99be359⋯.png (16.06 KB, 706x254, 353:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Can Companies Dock Stimulus Money from Employee Pay? Texas Company Looking to Do Just That

Before President Donald Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (H.R. 748[1]), also known as the CARES Act, there were a lot of “What if?” questions as to where the money was headed and who would receive it.

For employees of a company in Austin, Texas, the “what if” questions are being replaced with one big “Why?” question: Why is the company looking to dock the pay of employees who receive the stimulus “checks” scheduled to be sent out in a few weeks?

According to an unnamed employee of the as-yet-unidentified company who spoke to local news station KXAN, the company sent a form to workers titled “Employee Acknowledgement of ‘Government Assistance’ Pay Reduction.” The employee said, “The form says they are preemptively deducting funds from our paychecks. That number is based on what they’re anticipating the government relief fund to be.”

People whose tax filing status is single and earn less than $75,000 / year will receive $1,200. Joint filers with incomes less than $150,000 will get $2,400. Another $500 for each dependent child will be paid regardless of the parents' filing status.

The anonymous employee said that about 25% of the workforce was already laid off and these employees are expected to receive the household payments along with a boost over normal unemployment benefits.

Workers who remain on the job cannot collect any unemployment cash but would receive their normal wages along with any stimulus payment. If the company cuts wages equal to the stimulus payment plus half of any stimulus payment for any children, that would put the employed worker at quite a disadvantage compared to the laid-off worker.

The obvious allegation is that the company wants to replace a worker’s pay with the government’s payments meant for the consumer to spend and in theory, help the American economy.

Unemployed people have another advantage in that laws generally favor their rights over the former employer over disputes about benefits. Laws that protect the employed are not as strong, according to labor attorney Austin Kaplan.

Kaplan told KXAN, “Employers can lay them off or fire them for good reason, bad reason or no reason at all as long as it’s not for an illegal reason with no notice whatsoever. From a legal standpoint, in Texas, the law isn’t as strong in employee rights as I would like it to be, but there is a federal law called the ‘Fair Labor Standards Act.' That law says that employees have to get at least minimum wage from the employer during their regular pay period.”


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4a528c  No.8613990

File: 96ca2d65ab3000d⋯.png (76.67 KB, 598x323, 598:323, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfb0e2  No.8613991

File: f8204061a6bc1bd⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2574x2997, 286:333, asdasdaaaasdasd.jpg)

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c5ffa6  No.8613992

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)

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df6a9d  No.8613993

File: 92b6fb2de25b089⋯.png (70.07 KB, 249x191, 249:191, 8c82303cc2c5a60461714288e9….png)


wrecked boobies.

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86c251  No.8613994

File: 840ee4ea04ace1e⋯.jpg (465.66 KB, 1917x969, 639:323, CNV0694_Oceana_29_Mar_20_2….jpg)

CNV0694 out of Oceana NAS. I have a theory about all of the C-40 Clippers (Boeing 737). AS the C-40 is based on the 737, it would melt into the background of other civilian traffic and may not attract attention.

"Where is the best place to hide a tree?"

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84e3d4  No.8613995

File: dd02aa0805cccf8⋯.png (313.56 KB, 577x602, 577:602, great_frens_with_the_queen.png)




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09a964  No.8613996


Sorry, but I'm not seeing any self or imposed isolationing happen here irl.

And the UV sparking in the electric system in the subway acts to disinfect it to some degree, the city folk are probably getting contaminated in Taxis or other surfaces.

I'm not worried for myself but there are many old and immune compromised in the neighborhood.

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1a3b5e  No.8613997


He definitely didn’t get his lady with his looks. Kek

Agree on Pence. If that’s offensive to Mike… you know the rules faggot. Pound sand. Your wife had a nice envelope. Care to read to us what was in it?

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294995  No.8613998


oh I see, so it's WWG1WGA! except for that anon? some people have IRL shit to do and can't live here.

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8e6515  No.8613999

File: 990c2de4b5b8bb4⋯.png (232.59 KB, 852x443, 852:443, Screen_Shot_03_29_20_at_08….PNG)

Covid-19 claims first UK healthcare worker as official says life won’t ‘get back to normal’ for at least SIX MONTHS

29 Mar, 2020 16:08 / Updated 1 hour ago


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757a0b  No.8614000


Based and budgetpilled

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724b20  No.8614001


They can use all that toilet paper to blow their noses if they get the corona cold.

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166015  No.8614002

File: f5e660343d98924⋯.png (505.06 KB, 1913x950, 1913:950, 2020_03_29_15_16_33edt.png)

File: 5213d4dc41fd495⋯.png (490.59 KB, 1864x920, 233:115, 2020_03_29_15_10_57edt.png)

File: 9c90f71a6c8740a⋯.png (181.73 KB, 1303x751, 1303:751, 2020_03_29_15_11_27edt.png)

File: 89363bdcd4e1bed⋯.png (766.81 KB, 1910x961, 1910:961, 2020_03_29_15_11_58edt.png)

File: 00f9a15f2bd04f6⋯.png (598.57 KB, 1852x961, 1852:961, 2020_03_29_15_12_23edt.png)


Just checked ADSB worldwide (mil filter) and not seeing much at all.

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be7309  No.8614003

PETER HITCHENS: There's powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled (Today’s UK Daily Mail)

Crucially, those who began by claiming that we faced half a million deaths from the coronavirus in this country have now greatly lowered their estimate. Professor Neil Ferguson was one of those largely responsible for the original panic. He or others from Imperial college have twice revised his terrifying prophecy, first to fewer than 20,000 and then on Friday to 5,700.

He says intensive care units will probably cope. And he conceded a point made by critics of the panic policy – that two-thirds of people who die from coronavirus in the next nine months would most likely have died this year from other causes.


Could he have softened his stance because of the publication early last week of a rival view, from distinguished scientists at Oxford University, led by Sunetra Gupta, Professor of theoretical epidemiology? It suggests that fewer than one in a thousand of those infected with Covid-19 become ill enough to need hospital treatment.

The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all. Millions may already have had it.

This report is being unfairly sneered at by Government toadies, but we shall see. It seems unlikely that Oxford University would have bungled their work.


It is more likely that the panic-mongers, having got their way by spreading alarm and frightening the Prime Minister, are now trying to get us to forget how ludicrous their original claims were. But first let me issue another warning. If the Government do decide to release us from mass arrest, they will say, as Prof Ferguson is doing, that this is because their repressive economy-wrecking measures worked.

We must demand proof, after a thorough independent inquiry, that this is true. For, if it is not, as I very much suspect, then we are in endless danger.

Any government, using the same pretext, can repeatedly put us through this misery, impoverishment and confinement. In the end, like the peoples of other despotisms, we will be grateful to be allowed out at all.


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d5618b  No.8614004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr. Faustus

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937664  No.8614005


So, this is the new/old slide since Austin failed.

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d2cfb6  No.8614006

File: acc45582180229a⋯.jpg (116.38 KB, 955x761, 955:761, ZomboMeme_29032020151820.jpg)

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b81d73  No.8614007

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26091b  No.8614008

File: d09eba945e2dea8⋯.jpg (448.98 KB, 1250x954, 625:477, China_Israel.jpg)

File: 652ffdbf0af3ef5⋯.png (508.59 KB, 763x429, 763:429, China_Israel_and_One_Belt_….png)

File: 1f972fb2b2e1b43⋯.png (69.61 KB, 1250x571, 1250:571, China_Israel_subversion_di….PNG)

File: d2eb7c42d38dc86⋯.png (910.01 KB, 896x650, 448:325, Israel_China_colaboration_….PNG)

File: 62aa5bee7fe7cbe⋯.png (159.85 KB, 758x714, 379:357, Jews_China_Mao_Communism.png)



http://archive.vn/9fWzq – “University of Texas Child Porn Professor is a Chinese Spy under FBI Espionage Investigation”

A quote:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) testified on behalf of Zhao, shocking the community. Support from the NAACP, despite Zhao being caught red-handed by investigators with Possession of Child Pornography, that was described by prosecutors as “some of the most disturbing videos ever witnessed” by the Northampton County Courts.




The NAACP is s Jewish founded and controlled organization


http://archive.vn/TsY2i – “Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China”


http://archive.vn/bbmTS – “One Belt, One Road – Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy”


http://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.


http://archive.vn/4lZat – “Chinese groups debate supporting US gun ban activists, says report.”



http://archive.vn/yyMtg – “A Jew in Mao’s China”

I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.


“Israel accused of selling US secrets to China”



“Jews have been working with chinks for decades, look at Zuckerberg and all the other rich jews already mixing with them. China is the new host body for them to be parasites on.” – Anon

“Rupert Murdoch likewise ” – Anon



http://archive.vn/CFx1Z – “Israel and China a ‘Marriage Made in Heaven,’ Says Netanyahu”


https://archive.vn/B1nXc – “China and the Jews”

It is a sad and sobering fact that the Jews are already deeply entrenched in China and have been been so for centuries. As an erudite China watcher on my site was quick to point out recently, the sinofication of Jewish names was already underway during the time of the Ming Emperors several centuries ago:

“During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively. Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone….

…The Jewish merchants who had bought the opium in India then shipped it to China on their opium clippers where it was exchanged for silver from “Chinese middlemen”—most of whom were Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews—another fact that has been carefully concealed by our politically correct court historians. These Chinese Jews thereupon proceeded to distribute the opium all over China, causing an epidemic of opium addiction [blamed on the British]


http://archive.vn/JEq8K – “The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China. Mao ZeDong, Yale & Illuminati Skull & Bones”

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84e3d4  No.8614009

File: 3d80ff462cdfe1c⋯.png (311.17 KB, 577x602, 577:602, great_friends.png)


shit my meme messed up in the save? swear to god it wasnt like that when i was workin' on it.. weird.

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0b00cc  No.8614011

File: 894022acb50c30e⋯.png (676.81 KB, 728x500, 182:125, download_30_.png)

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731686  No.8614012

File: af5ddfd935b94e5⋯.png (13.71 KB, 596x150, 298:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22946b70e4dff2c⋯.png (13.57 KB, 595x153, 35:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Joseph J. Flynn @JosephJFlynn1

The Nation is eternally grateful to the active duty, reserve, national guard and returning/volunteering veterans who are helping out at ALL levels in battling this crisis… America's Finest!!!!!

Have a good Sunday. Pray for our brothers and sisters on the front lines.


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95f1c8  No.8614013

File: b3725ceff92854e⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1000x1044, 250:261, b3725ceff92854e95809069a16….png)




This I was shown directly, unveiled before me, a control system so in depth that the very acknowledgement of such a system shatters every perception previously held of a reasonable expectation of doubt or consideration of apathy regarding the methods and procedural registration and legal enslavement of the human race.




US Special Operations Forces and the Militia [people] of The United-

States of America


The Operational Attempt to stop the Illegal takeover and surrender of the 50 Sovereign

Nation States of North America, known as The United States of America


~A. EXPLAIN, and demonstrate to both members of the US Military and the People of the United

States, that there is an attempt to SECRETLY and ILLEGALLY TAKEOVER and QUIETLY-

SURRENDER, The United States of America back over into the hands, of the British Crown.

~B. PROVE, beyond any shadow of a doubt, to the Members of the US Military and to the People of

the United States, that the attempt to takeover and surrender this Nation to the British Crown is illegal

and an act of absolute fraud. And in so-doing, show them that their prayers to GOD to save this Nation,

have been answered.


The individuals, and activities of the entities that will be identified and

discussed, within this report are:


The Royal Family Members

at the very top of world control, i.e.

“The Tribe of DAN”

, who are

the framers and architects of


, consisting of,


City, the District of Columbia’s City-State, and the City-State of the Vatican,

and their Melita,

“the JESUITS”; this conglomeration more well known as,

“The New World Order”

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675bca  No.8614014

>>8577516 For archive links to previous years, please just ask.

I'm asking for Q post archives from previous years, that is, 2017 and 2018. Please and many thanks to patriot anon providing archives through anonfile.

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950e6d  No.8614015


date of this?

who is he?

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9f9793  No.8614016

is this "Munchhausen by mcgowan"

or did the stockholm douche nozzle therapist leave already

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86c251  No.8614017

File: 1ab4c73d47fdf74⋯.jpg (340.19 KB, 1917x963, 213:107, CNV4824_Kileen_Fort_Hood_2….jpg)

CNV4824 about to land at Killeen / Fort Hood.

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9738be  No.8614018


He's living rent free is so many heads who monitor his twit feed 24/7. It's glorious. Mental health is going to become a major industry after this shit is over.

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ef209e  No.8614019


A. some neighborhoods have a lot more criminals living in them than others. Elmshurst perhaps.

B. Unions are part of the corrupt socialist NWO Cabal so it is likely that hospitals where Union control is strong are the only ones with a crisis, because the socialist Union members are putting on a show there.

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26091b  No.8614020

File: 2bfeac5958ee964⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1242x1090, 621:545, 0_meme.jpeg)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, 1542692692191.png)

File: 99eebe65481922f⋯.png (683.48 KB, 1224x406, 612:203, ARCHIVE_Jewish_censorship_….PNG)

File: 1435dace2a50525⋯.png (19.71 KB, 691x233, 691:233, Censorship_Florida_Jewish_….PNG)

File: 69d04ff0cebfdf8⋯.png (36.66 KB, 978x284, 489:142, Texas_aid_Israel_pledge.PNG)



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22ff03  No.8614021


Proof he reads the kun….;)

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0b7d03  No.8614022

File: 52aa10870b7f5e9⋯.jpg (457.37 KB, 1070x1190, 107:119, Screenshot_20200329_121653….jpg)

What the fuck is it about this iHop that made a government agency invest thousands into it?

Is IHOP franchised?

Why is government agencies giving money like this to local businesses when I can't even get a fucking loan to start a business without a mountain of paperwork?


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e4c4da  No.8614023



Same insulting tone. I would have to say yes. They have a hard time blending in

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e7e785  No.8614024

File: 0035cdc08c965f6⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 400x233, 400:233, bunker_buster3.jpg)


o7 planefag.

hiding in plain sight.

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7eb171  No.8614025


It's true. I'm in CA and have experienced this. Injury and can't get seen.

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c9de2e  No.8614026



Talk of a Treasury Rout of Cabal Fed. is not supported by fact. All anon has seen is evidence of moar paper shuffling / restructuring.

I Repeat — The Target REMAINS

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1a3b5e  No.8614027

I have been on the boards intermittently…

You Anons see what’s been going on in Newburgh New York the past few days?

Civil unrest. Go check it out.

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724b20  No.8614028


Until you know what was in it, fuck off with that. You got nothing on him. Just feelz.

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937664  No.8614029


You could almost say that they glow.

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afbe88  No.8614030

File: 7e23fd3dc90dfac⋯.jpg (66.88 KB, 441x502, 441:502, kursk.jpg)

>>8612993 (lb)

Not sure if you've looked into this already anon, but check out the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.

What's really interesting is that it's located very close to the Ukrainian border in Russia.


Plainly put, this site is massive. With more than 30 billion tons of iron ore spread across nearly 50,000 square miles, it’s the size of countries like Greece and Cuba. It’s so large, some estimate it accounts for about 50% of all of Earth’s iron ore reserves.

Thanks to all that iron in the ground, compasses here will spin an extra 15 degrees, and in some areas, they even confuse south with east and north with west.


Mining companies regularly extract large amounts of precious metals from this giant pit.

Due to its extraordinary properties, this unique geological phenomenon has been given the nickname “Earth’s Third Magnetic Pole”.

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6d539e  No.8614031


what did she chose to do to herself….ugh that's unattractive

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26091b  No.8614032

File: 400b0afce28e277⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 739x1019, 739:1019, 227db84114fdc42f468be57fb8….jpg)

File: 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB, 830x911, 830:911, Israel_pedo_haven.png)

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)

File: d018db4377d0b05⋯.png (346.31 KB, 986x666, 493:333, Jewish_American_pedos_run_….PNG)

File: 869e4dc3cc3a1b2⋯.png (99.96 KB, 1031x731, 1031:731, Promissed_land_organized_c….PNG)



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d9eeb3  No.8614033


Text should say:

"What does he mean,

we must pay?"

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806d26  No.8614034

File: e7d7289c72a876c⋯.png (165.72 KB, 1063x748, 1063:748, ClipboardImage.png)

Promises made = promises kept

Abraham made a treaty with king Abimelek - Genesis 21:22-34

The meaning of which is that if you keep digging for truth your will suffer much hardship. But the oath is there as an insurance, you will be redeemed!

Jupiter is in Leo(5), he represents the righteous oath to the descendents.

Scorpio (8), is like a deep well in a desert (or drought).

NewMoon, plant new tree (solar eclipse even, new cycle).

Tamarix, runs deep but brings harshness.

Trump signifies Jupiter, son of…, the redeemer

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ae533b  No.8614035

File: 3bf05bd3572b523⋯.png (377.49 KB, 580x368, 145:92, ClipboardImage.png)

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7eb171  No.8614036


My exact thought when I read his tweet.

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294995  No.8614037


if only I had a handy dandy link to sauce to save some time

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86c251  No.8614038

File: ba4575c624a1c13⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 800x402, 400:201, MC_12W_Liberty.jpg)

File: d12b14bdaa5aa86⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 665x375, 133:75, Antenna_Farm_2.jpg)

File: e59aaeda11b2b3a⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 602x471, 602:471, Antenna_Farm.jpg)


It's in the details, Anon. I am concentrating on Army BE20 Beech Huron and C560 Citation flights, as well as CNV Navy C-40 Clippers. B350 King Airs are worth watching as they are usually SIGINT planes (Flying Antenna Farms and Libertys).

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15c0db  No.8614039

File: de92fa724b99441⋯.png (267 KB, 260x355, 52:71, Screenshot_2020_03_29_drag….png)





If you're still sleeping, then that probably wasn't for you. It's okay. Some of us are "trained" for this

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1a3b5e  No.8614040


Board rules: guilty until proven innocent. This isn’t a court.

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a7a5cd  No.8614041

File: 0b809399546303a⋯.png (1000.29 KB, 1232x1198, 616:599, harrt_cuck.png)

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39fa0a  No.8614042



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00771b  No.8614043


Of those posters that are real, how many do you think would understand 'they themselves' would be paying for security detail……

Might be time to re-up the education departments

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000000  No.8614044



Infiltration Instead of Invasion



26 Mar 2020 - 5:30:51 PM

[infiltration instead of invasion]


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73a512  No.8614045

File: 6901243bf71f1af⋯.png (267.88 KB, 590x381, 590:381, ClipboardImage.png)

Maria Mercader, CBS News Veteran, Dies at 54 Due to Coronavirus, Network Says


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bce153  No.8614046


>Have you seen ANY story?

I know what you mean, but at least there's this one. Most of the time this goes "unnoticed" by the press and the regulators.

massive puts on airline stocks off right before 911. CRICKETS. The SEC historically has NOT been your friend, but a great enabler for THEM.

Hopefully, things are going to change. With everything else going on, I suspect this news article might have something to do with a TARP.

(see what I did there?)

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86c251  No.8614048


Roger that. Another form of stealth…


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cca048  No.8614049

File: 5e3442d6bbb17af⋯.png (428.34 KB, 515x393, 515:393, Screenshot_2020_03_29_prin….png)

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7a69f9  No.8614050



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655523  No.8614051

File: c3f159483ab1b53⋯.png (61.06 KB, 379x590, 379:590, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 603868ac991380f⋯.png (176.98 KB, 456x427, 456:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0055a61d69b667⋯.png (44.91 KB, 1065x542, 1065:542, ClipboardImage.png)






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d38ca3  No.8614052

only babel can jew whine all the way through the funeral

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c9de2e  No.8614053


Wow ….. only 70+ years late with this news.

carry on

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404c6b  No.8614054


musk is the same as gates and zuckerberg. face for a controlled industry.

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26091b  No.8614055

File: 39c0a830bf4fd52⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA_4_….png)

File: 90b5287739d664a⋯.jpg (208.45 KB, 1125x1167, 375:389, 90b5287739d664a84b2746293a….jpg)

File: a4d6f060a8897c7⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_thought_saying_such_thin….mp4)

File: f8aa109463d25bf⋯.jpeg (505.46 KB, 1189x1144, 1189:1144, Q_Exodus_1_1.jpeg)



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d65cc3  No.8614056

File: fd985a077c96ca0⋯.png (111.12 KB, 385x642, 385:642, ptrtdesantis.png)

File: c45188583ee9ffb⋯.png (133.84 KB, 382x600, 191:300, 3650.png)

File: a7d50bc90cf0bc4⋯.png (48.81 KB, 555x661, 555:661, fbirecords.png)

File: 568a4e7e0eb78da⋯.png (4.43 KB, 437x109, 437:109, 3872.png)

POTUS retweet DeSeatis from 3/17/18



Think timing 3:17 pm

Backgroung of pic = FISA Surveillance Court Orders and Applications page 20


3870 Mar 17, 2020

To be blunt….


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d2cfb6  No.8614057

File: ec9ad4988ac430f⋯.jpg (104.3 KB, 1020x580, 51:29, ZomboMeme_08032020191352.jpg)

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aa4000  No.8614058

File: d9eed0cb692d6a6⋯.png (4.11 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3AB325C2_B45E_403A_A2BB_5F….png)



Here is the kicker, Ellen, Him and?? Who all else was “knighted” right before PDJT took office?

Here is where I am going w this. The movie GreyHound is a movie where Hounds are being Hunted by the Wolves, it became the largest battle for the water, the battle of the Atlantic (water).

Now his role is a Hound though and NOT a wolf.

Madonna says In a twatt he is the ship, if he goes down they all do.. because Hollywood/the world played him up to be “the perfect person”..

I do believe since Hillary was toppled that the Hollywood deep staters not already apart of the [DS] officially were knighted so they would take the torch of the deep state and hold it till the next election.

My decode of all their comms and shit. @USNavy said eyes on Hanx.. and there is a reason. Wolf in sheeps clothing.


Madonna said if “perfect person Tom Hanx goes down” surely everyone else who doesnt have the facade he does will go down.

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c3f07c  No.8614059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aired in 1997, Holiday Inn Super Bowl Commercial. Company parent was Bass PLC which has been in business since 1777.

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e4c4da  No.8614060



You could say that. Even this 'new' old slide is the same shit they were pushing day in and day out what….a year ago (ish)? They keep using the same shit that couldnt gain traction over and over again. Sounds like typical spooks to me

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2619d2  No.8614061

File: d91e28cd61e391b⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 964x504, 241:126, YcG8FkrmhV.jpg)

File: 4bc372fe2305e59⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 958x675, 958:675, Tr2Ed0VaNL.jpg)

File: 4fb77d7257a8c9a⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 1013x558, 1013:558, j6Fav4bTjX.jpg)

File: 34661efe84176ab⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 1072x587, 1072:587, jK8RMfnCuR.jpg)

File: 0ed10e71542062c⋯.jpg (47 KB, 1019x563, 1019:563, jJbJIf9ETS.jpg)

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950e6d  No.8614062


I remember when Q started, im the one

that posted the 3 city states video and info.

I was studying on all this for years before

Q started. This is huge if our mil is going after

all this… HUGE

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d38ca3  No.8614063


nail danielfaggot next to lynn on the old cottonwood tree by the river

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469819  No.8614064

File: a18d4cce24ab2a0⋯.png (1.3 MB, 849x1280, 849:1280, bebrave4.png)


although she already had cancer and prolly died from the cancer

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7fd5fe  No.8614065

File: aa58f31548483e4⋯.png (107.01 KB, 432x513, 16:19, hellofadrug.png)

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6f748c  No.8614066

Past crumb:


"I am excited to share the progress of the Tennis pavillion at @WhiteHouse. Thank you to the talented team for their hard work and dedication."


Could this tie in with this, where in French the word "pavillion" was spelled with two L's and not one?

"On 20 June 1789, the members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath (French: Serment du Jeu de Paume), vowing "not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established". It was a pivotal event in the French Revolution. The Estates-General had been called to address the country's fiscal and agricultural crisis, but they had become bogged down in issues of representation immediately after convening in May 1789, particularly whether they would vote by order or by head (which would increase the power of the Third Estate, as they outnumbered the other two estates by a large margin). On 17 June, the Third Estate began to call themselves the National Assembly,…"

The oath:

"The National Assembly,

Considering that it has been called to establish the constitution of the realm, to bring about the regeneration of public order, and to maintain the true principles of monarchy; nothing may prevent it from continuing its deliberations in any place it is forced to establish itself; and, finally, the National Assembly exists wherever its members are gathered.

Decrees that all members of this Assembly immediately take a solemn oath never to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the realm is established and fixed upon solid foundations; and that said oath having been sworn, all members and each one individually confirms this unwavering resolution with his signature.

We swear never to separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the realm is drawn up and fixed upon solid foundations."

"The Oath signified for the first time that French citizens formally stood in opposition to Louis XVI and the National Assembly's refusal to back down forced the king to make concessions. It was foreshadowed by and drew considerably from the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence, especially the preamble."


When will the pavillion be completed?

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95f1c8  No.8614067

File: 5ae8629e11f554a⋯.jpg (134.93 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 5ae8629e11f554ab643b8a3091….jpg)

File: 39cee9cda159ff1⋯.png (432.98 KB, 778x846, 389:423, 39cee9cda159ff19f167e83b1d….png)

File: 2b7dee27ae0de2d⋯.png (805.56 KB, 1024x471, 1024:471, 2b7dee27ae0de2dc43a3ed98fc….png)



The amount of seething and desperation is laughable.

This war is happening.


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d38ca3  No.8614068

these jews must be out of coCIAne

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86c251  No.8614069

E-6 Mercury 'Nuke Sniffer' SIMA42 in the air - looking for 'Hot Spots'?

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ef209e  No.8614070


Identification of novel activity against Borrelia burgdorferi persisters using an FDA approved drug library


We identified several FDA-approved drugs that had good activity against stationary-phase B. burgdorferi. The anti-persister activities of some drugs were significantly higher than the frontline antibiotics, doxycycline and amoxicillin (Table 1). For example, daptomycin, clofazimine, carbomycin and some cephalosporin antibiotics (such as cefoperazone, cephalothin, cefotiam and cefuroxime) had among the highest activities against stationary-phase B. burgdorferi persisters. Antimalarial antibiotics(amodiaquine and quinine), aminoglycoside streptomycin, bismuth, tetracycline, and sulfa drugs also had relatively high activity against B. burgdorferi persisters (Table 1). We also included the currently used Lyme disease treatment antibiotics for comparison with the new active hits. It is interesting to note that cephalosporin antibiotics, ceftriaxone and cefuroxime, and tigecycline had some activity against persisters, but their anti-persister activities were not as strong as cefoperazone, daptomycin, clofazimine or carbomycin (Table 1). Doxycycline, amoxicillin, penicillin G, macrolide antibiotics, azithromycin and clarithromycin had relatively poor activity against B. burgdorferi persisters (Table 1).

If you ask a doctor for something you read somewhere, they are right to refuse you because you have no facts, just rumors. But when you present a doctor with a scientific paper that confirms effectiveness of a drug, it is harder to refuse you, because they risk being sued for negligence and malpractice. Be nice to your doctor and say, here is the scientific evidence, do you have a scientific reason why we should not try this?

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0f181d  No.8614071

File: 0f2dcd1d29a68b2⋯.jpeg (246.15 KB, 1125x942, 375:314, 4F0EEC25_1F77_4EDF_A5DA_C….jpeg)

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27dc6e  No.8614072




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d65cc3  No.8614073

>>8614056 me


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5e92fa  No.8614074

File: ef76f0878b13cd7⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1156x1400, 289:350, vlad_putin_the_impaler.jpg)

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ae533b  No.8614075

File: afabc1990c71a54⋯.png (164.64 KB, 275x277, 275:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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e7e785  No.8614076

File: a955ef21d9e722c⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 220x330, 2:3, Barack_Obama_Hope_poster.jpg)

File: dc6a4cba0c00bf2⋯.png (9.5 KB, 187x255, 11:15, 2c6980ef01a408815ae766e00e….png)

File: 9fc7168d391f412⋯.png (10.91 KB, 168x255, 56:85, 9a4aeceb724d386f0ae4c4bf91….png)


and they complained they entire time we were removing them.

no class.

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7cf4bb  No.8614077


Did you know she played Sleeping Beauty in Once Upon a Crime?

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8f8bd5  No.8614078


My fave. Your meme become belong to us now.

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86c251  No.8614079

File: 42473ba58159e5c⋯.jpg (380.6 KB, 1913x959, 1913:959, SIMA42_29_Mar_20_2022.jpg)



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3468ba  No.8614080


Pretty sure this is the blend YL sells as Raven.

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724b20  No.8614081


"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. - Q

Logic, reason, and empiricism. Which of those 3 things are you using to impugn Mike Pence?

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8e6515  No.8614082

File: 89c4beba62db342⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 563x666, 563:666, No_Money.jpg)


No money, no cry….

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0d8301  No.8614083

File: e95ae833ff8804a⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, It_s_a_witch_hunt.mp4)


One less witch…… Remember kids Like the Boss keep saying This is a Witch Hunt!

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52d6aa  No.8614084

you're gay

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1a3b5e  No.8614085


Sum of All Fears?

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7fa757  No.8614086

File: 744bcb25ced5629⋯.jpg (95.97 KB, 897x555, 299:185, spain_masks.jpg)

The covid19 china virus will transform the medical supply industry.

Doctors and nurses will end up getting better masks and ppe from many more suppliers.

Spain doctors are using diving masks with hospital 3D printed parts that can be sterilized and re-used for days.

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950e6d  No.8614087


I loved the ol school stuff.

it wasnt all hoes, money, guns

evil shit like nowdays. its straight garbage now.

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d38ca3  No.8614088



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806d26  No.8614089


Jupiter, also known as Thor so keep hammering :D

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e4581c  No.8614090



>>8613841, >>8613820, >>8613784, >>8613780, >>8613943, >>8613974, >>8613989, >>8613729, >>8613883, >>8613950, >>8613999, >>8614070, Noteworthy New Articles

>>8613837, >>8613994, >>8614002, >>8614017, PF Reports

>>8613696, >>8613717, >>8613741, >>8613758, >>8613786, >>8613809 US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

>>8613697, >>8613710, >>8613970, >>8614045, A CBS News producer who tested positive for the coronavirus has died just weeks after the network shutdown its New York City

>>8613701 Mike Pompeo twitter status.

>>8613794, >>8613873 The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

>>8613846 DJT - however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!

>>8613890 Russia has no data on ‘US role’ in coronavirus outbreak - diplomatic source

>>8613726 Pompeo: Dark to Light

>>8613725 anon notable bun

>>8613948 Andrew Jackson’s Speech Against Central Banksters as True Today as in 1832

>>8614003 There's powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled

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655523  No.8614091

File: 3ecaca9de60d255⋯.jpeg (144.98 KB, 1239x761, 1239:761, Medal_Of_Freedom_Nov22.jpeg)

File: 06991d2a58efd7d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1556x956, 389:239, Lumineries_Medal_Of_Freedo….png)



>Who all else was “knighted” right before PDJT took office?

Bill Gates.

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26091b  No.8614092

File: 287b48888808c48⋯.png (485.14 KB, 996x697, 996:697, Pope_Jew_Psychoanalyst.png)

File: c23f9ec46c61077⋯.png (548.45 KB, 1795x656, 1795:656, Pope_WJC_1.png)

File: 6755aae485f4d94⋯.png (397.99 KB, 666x494, 333:247, Pope_WJC_2.png)

File: 9c9af95e2eabcfc⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1224x3624, 51:151, Jesuits_China_Jews.png)



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8f8bd5  No.8614093


I think you nailed it. The SEC is friend to the elite and covers up their inside trading AND that's their main job.

POTUS sees them…

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ed71a3  No.8614094


Got sauce for the provable part?

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e7e785  No.8614095


i member that post.

we are the military arm that forced our fiat banking system on other countries cause they wanted to be free from the debt slave system.

so we bombed them until they took our banking system.

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e02967  No.8614097

Houthis Announce ‘Largest Ever’ Special Operation Against Saudi Arabia

The Houthis announced on March 29 that they had carried out the “largest ever” special operation against Saudi Arabia.

In an official statement, the group’s spokesman said “sensitive” targets in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, were targeted with Zulfiqar missiles and Samad-3 suicide drones

The Houthis’ Air Force and Missile Force also targeted economic and military targets in the southern Saudi provinces of Jizan, Najran and Asir. Many Badir-1 artillery rockets and Qasef-2K suicide drones were used in the attack.

“We promise the Saudi regime with painful and hurtful operations if it continues its aggression and blockade on our country,” the group’s spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, said in the statement.

The spokesman said that the operation was carried out to commemorate the beginning of the Yemeni war’s sixth year and in response the Saudi-led coalition recent aerial attacks.

Earlier, the Houthis revealed the Badir-1 artillery rocket as well as the Samad-3 and Qasef-2K suicide drones. However, the group is yet to provide details on the Zulfiqar missile.

Saudi Arabia announced in the late on March 28 that a missile and a rocket were intercepted by its air-defense means Riyadh and Jizan, which confirms the Houthis claims. It’s still unclear if the attack was successful, however.

According to Brig. Gen. Sari, details of the operation will be revealed in a few days. The Yemeni group usually releases aerial images and videos of such operations.


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8eba75  No.8614098

File: 06e75b30c9e860d⋯.jpg (26.18 KB, 441x550, 441:550, 19d67308ab78f37db89a8745f0….jpg)

Blue Pill = United States citizen

Red Pill = American state national

Blue Pill = live as a citizen/person in their corporate world (world of the dead), chattel property of the government services corporation.

Red Pill = live as a sovereign on the land/soil of your birth state.

Blue Pill = you get privileges allowed by the government services corporation, see 14th Amendment

Red Pill = you are protected by the Bill of Rights as a living, breathing man or woman

Blue Pill = you as a PERSON (legal fiction) are abused in the jurisdiction of the water, admiralty/commerce, contract law

Red Pill = you are in the land jurisdiction under common law

The choice is yours.

Blue Pill, do nothing

Red Pill, research 2,000 articles at http://www.annavonreitz.com and watch lectures from David Straight on youtooble and then…

Correct your political status.

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9738be  No.8614099

File: c0662ca2dea873c⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 1536x1026, 256:171, gateway_22_1536x1026.jpg)

And here we have a nomination for the greatest difference between avatar and reality.

Bitch will pay anyone with the KUNG FLU™ to cough on POTUS


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bb7564  No.8614100


Drop the sauce!

In other words…shit or get off the pot!

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d38ca3  No.8614102


>you're gay

hogg memes are faggot huh

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cfe999  No.8614104

File: 11aa377525a3488⋯.png (83.08 KB, 450x352, 225:176, a035.png)

>>8605237 pb

"We will stop at nothing to protect the people of our country."

This tweet also reminded me of #602, where Q uses the phrase protect at all costs:

<If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared.

<You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil…

<Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.

<We stand at the ready…

Q 1006 also contains a warning with the phrase 'at all costs', and was a follow up to his post ctontaining "WAR. NO DEALS."

I think there might be some other Q posts about how far our military and allies are willing to go if necessary.

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9c2df4  No.8614105


This is like plane crashes, where we've been told 70% are 'helped along'.

Who is dying of Corona?

Who is said to have died of Corona but something else?

How many are covered up suicides?

How many are covered up arkencides?

Probably about the same %, 70% suspicious.

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1a3b5e  No.8614106


Logically… his wife.

Logically….cabal would have wanted a back up plan.

Logically… the Pence/ Ryan ticket

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ed71a3  No.8614107


Got Sauce for the AGREEMENT?? Please!

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8e6515  No.8614108

File: 2883de860ac95e3⋯.jpg (83.63 KB, 563x666, 563:666, Scint.jpg)

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814c0a  No.8614109

File: 451fd4b16d8ef1d⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 180x149, 180:149, baker2_small.jpg)


ty baker

can't bake right now, incredibly grateful for new and returning bakers.


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c0c745  No.8614110

File: 0e496667735b9ab⋯.jpg (323.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pelosi73.jpg)

File: 25bf620296f4840⋯.jpg (416.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, HOARD1.jpg)

File: 3ab01de6f487f7f⋯.jpg (356.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, stupid2.jpg)

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95ac32  No.8614111

File: 4261cc6fbf7c272⋯.png (628.29 KB, 1024x471, 1024:471, 2b7dee27ae0de2dc43a3ed98fc….png)

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d1da60  No.8614112


why are they not giving these people the HydroxyQ and Z Pak,

I would like to know how many die when on this combo.

The french doc also gave zinc supplements I think as well.

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aa4000  No.8614113

File: 2b2d6f8c048e733⋯.jpeg (39.92 KB, 582x522, 97:87, B3B8EBF2_EB0F_4DAA_BF7E_D….jpeg)


Horry chit!

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9c2df4  No.8614114


Yea dude, that is what is habbening…

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e4c4da  No.8614115



She looks super smart…

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950e6d  No.8614116


I dont think hes charles son, not

entitled to the thrown so they allowed

this marriage for mas on propaganda

of race mixing to push the agenda.

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e4581c  No.8614117

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655523  No.8614118

File: 174e22604798c29⋯.png (238.48 KB, 466x633, 466:633, ClipboardImage.png)


Dont forget who else just popped back up in the news that received the same medal..

Ironically the song he released was about the very person who created the medal itself.

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52d6aa  No.8614119

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3d2953  No.8614120



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0b00cc  No.8614121

File: a608a103d716220⋯.jpg (425.81 KB, 2000x1372, 500:343, Harry.jpg)

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6f748c  No.8614123


Past crumb:


"I am excited to share the progress of the Tennis pavillion at @WhiteHouse. Thank you to the talented team for their hard work and dedication."


Could this tie in with this, where in French the word "pavillion" was spelled with two L's and not one?

"On 20 June 1789, the members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath (French: Serment du Jeu de Paume), vowing "not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established". It was a pivotal event in the French Revolution. The Estates-General had been called to address the country's fiscal and agricultural crisis, but they had become bogged down in issues of representation immediately after convening in May 1789, particularly whether they would vote by order or by head (which would increase the power of the Third Estate, as they outnumbered the other two estates by a large margin). On 17 June, the Third Estate began to call themselves the National Assembly,…"

The oath:

"The National Assembly,

Considering that it has been called to establish the constitution of the realm, to bring about the regeneration of public order, and to maintain the true principles of monarchy; nothing may prevent it from continuing its deliberations in any place it is forced to establish itself; and, finally, the National Assembly exists wherever its members are gathered.

Decrees that all members of this Assembly immediately take a solemn oath never to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the realm is established and fixed upon solid foundations; and that said oath having been sworn, all members and each one individually confirms this unwavering resolution with his signature.

We swear never to separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the realm is drawn up and fixed upon solid foundations."

"The Oath signified for the first time that French citizens formally stood in opposition to Louis XVI and the National Assembly's refusal to back down forced the king to make concessions. It was foreshadowed by and drew considerably from the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence, especially the preamble."


When will the pavillion be completed?

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9e648b  No.8614124

File: 5dc704e20dbf376⋯.png (285.59 KB, 563x666, 563:666, 1.png)

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8f8bd5  No.8614125


Harry left the luxuries and riches of the Royal Crown so he could live in BFE Canada. Sure, that's what happened…

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95f1c8  No.8614126

File: 88a302430604b6c⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1600x2560, 5:8, Screenshot_20200329_153041.jpg)



You know nothing shill

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04430d  No.8614127


Thank you. Exactly - trying to red pill on twitter and I've had over 100 notable posts here

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27dc6e  No.8614128


I meant activate 'body' cells.

Sleeper cells.

Double meanings.

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bcc081  No.8614129

File: 3b68b7ff4a9b45c⋯.png (26.49 KB, 600x374, 300:187, DownLow.png)

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79f47e  No.8614130

File: ee56094551f6a0f⋯.jpg (143.9 KB, 1010x541, 1010:541, IMG_20200112_122022_277.JPG)




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724b20  No.8614131


Blue Pill: I need a permit for this gun

Red Pill: This is my gun, you don't need to know about it, and the constitution says WILL NOT BE INFRINGED.

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c9de2e  No.8614132



Kung Flu is maybe just the opening act by cabal.


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aa4000  No.8614133

File: 65f0c0d3c705572⋯.jpeg (35.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 779E3D1D_78B4_4FF0_BA47_B….jpeg)


You the man, that sleep last night was electric! I will get shifts a bit later. Here to halp! 👊👊👊


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791301  No.8614134

File: 84f56a806c87826⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1229x927, 1229:927, 3C96781B_8BD0_45C3_9146_2E….png)

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86c251  No.8614135


You get the idea. Remember the Q posts.

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a218ba  No.8614137


They have a boat to catch

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950e6d  No.8614138


Where is the sauce on this video Anon?

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84f4eb  No.8614139



NOT staged. look at other things going on in background.

other cars being stopped and sprayed down.

random person quickly getting out of way of car

spike strips being laid out to stop car.

if it IS a training exercise, how does that make it any better? that just means they're about to do it for real!

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86c251  No.8614140

File: c5b759f89d05b19⋯.jpg (278.02 KB, 1919x959, 1919:959, GRZLY50_29_Mar_20_2025.jpg)

GRZLY50 out of Santa Barbera Municipal.

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7cf4bb  No.8614141

File: 72835c5f2668e7c⋯.png (532.39 KB, 775x688, 775:688, ClipboardImage.png)


And on the Q clock today -

Blunt and Direct Time

And on the Q clock tomorrow -


Testify then drop

fireworks >> NYC subway Bomb Attempt

And check this out -

Manhattan is the freakin Isle of the Lost

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0b00cc  No.8614142


I think they're just about all dead !

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ad35a0  No.8614144


Nothing can stop what's coming!

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0553b3  No.8614145


<I've been here since day one


The guy has been fake and gay for years ffs.

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95f1c8  No.8614146

File: 244b17327ef90d8⋯.jpeg (53.88 KB, 550x359, 550:359, 244b17327ef90d85edd034e99….jpeg)

File: a11771cabe65a92⋯.jpg (167.82 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, a11771cabe65a92740b6bfcc85….jpg)

File: ed969dbcfe1cc1a⋯.png (430.64 KB, 637x632, 637:632, ed969dbcfe1cc1af47d2158bb8….png)

File: faee3e43771c016⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 4556x2401, 4556:2401, faee3e43771c016b7bc467386c….jpg)

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15c0db  No.8614147


>do you have any idea the people who own the weed spots? Who works on the distribution and purchasing? It is a states choice, they are making it legal. Feds still view it as illegal.

So, if perhaps the FED were to restructure, and someone who associates with We the People of the United States of America were to assume certain responsibilities, could they then not just "legally" annex the states from the corrupt government officials, who are operating, organizing, and "regulating" a criminal racketeering enterprise under the guise of a legitimate "medicinal" practice, without proper education, know-how, or any type precautions that would, as they should, otherwise be associated with the "standards" and "practices" of "proper medical procedures"?

And then totally decriminalize it, Federally, immediately after. So that proper studies can be conducted, Nation wide, for all to benefit from or rightfully choose not to partake, respectively.

P.S.- Weed does not "fry" your brain. Your thinking of television. If your weed is too strong, smoke less. It's that simple

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ab58a7  No.8614148

>>8611402 (PB)

Young girls are problems for young men to figure out. She's beautiful, appealing, engaged in politics and still manages to come off as stupid.

Somebody needs to wear this girl out all weekend and tell her that if she doesn't ditch the Bernie shit they'll never do it again.

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f638e8  No.8614149


Found some sauce. Fookbook url.


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724b20  No.8614150


All true, but a lot of time has passed. Pence has been a very good boy for a very long time.

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4e4bd6  No.8614151

File: 0c1511ae050cad3⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 598x450, 299:225, Plus_Plus_Plus.JPG)


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469819  No.8614152

File: 8f1dfc1bf01509c⋯.png (767.08 KB, 730x472, 365:236, ruskike.png)

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9738be  No.8614153


This woman, or someone like her, is teaching America's children.

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12f50a  No.8614154

File: 21297fe7e19ebec⋯.png (22.87 KB, 1299x328, 1299:328, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 505fcc9c54782ac⋯.png (21.46 KB, 1279x336, 1279:336, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Worships the Almighty God, he does not want people thinking he is God. He understands he is but a man.

That is the key to Liberty and Freedom.

He understands completely Proverbs 9:10

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

King James Version (KJV)

Don't listen to the shills about Trump thinking he is a God, president Trump understands his responsibility and his role.

Psalms 20:7

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

King James Version (KJV)

Semper Fi

Semper Paratus

Semper Fidelis


Amen. ∞∞∞

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ed71a3  No.8614155


Agree that something is not right with the storyline. Just hoping you had sauce.

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e7e785  No.8614156

File: 4fd14b37e5b0669⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 1000x1194, 500:597, 42c38e2aa4a2ed603ca3145549….jpg)


handmaids tale.

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9450e0  No.8614157

File: 2530c0fbaddd2d3⋯.jpg (94.15 KB, 822x537, 274:179, usns_mercy.jpg)

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73a512  No.8614158

File: 1e003f050ec19a3⋯.png (294.84 KB, 590x1081, 590:1081, ClipboardImage.png)

Gov. Kemp Announces Federal Approval of Major Disaster Declaration


This is my state. We have 2651 cases of the plandemic. The county I live in has no cases so I guess no arrests here.

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7fa757  No.8614159


POTUS is admirer of Queen, but has he ever said anything good about her husband?

is the Queen controlled, too?

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c8d67f  No.8614160

File: faa401c4466b86c⋯.jpg (155.66 KB, 1536x1026, 256:171, TrumpCurse.jpg)

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724b20  No.8614161


idk, you're going to explain your thoughts in a little more detail.

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8f8bd5  No.8614162

They called it 'Megxit' but it was more 'Yoko Markle broke up the Royal Family'.

Now she's working on getting Harry executed for Treason.

What a bitch.

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731686  No.8614163

File: 77f93d4840f4dd7⋯.png (7.54 KB, 761x246, 761:246, ClipboardImage.png)

2A: for a Reason!

A woman was shot and killed at a Tulsa, Oklahoma shopping center Friday night after she opened fire on customers. While police are still investigating a possible motive and haven’t released the woman’s identify, the Tulsa World reports that the woman’s rampage was apparently stopped by a concealed carry holder before she was able to inflict any injuries.

Video reportedly showed the woman was involved in an earlier altercation in the parking lot. The woman left the shopping center and returned about three minutes later, when she pulled a gun and opened fire, according to the news release.

The concealed carry permit holder reportedly returned fire and was later questioned and released at the department’s detective division.

Who knows how bad this could have been had an armed citizen not been around to stop the shooter before she actually hit anyone? Sadly, because she didn’t actually kill or injure anyone, this story isn’t of nearly as much interest to the media as it would be otherwise, and this story will get virtually no national news coverage because there wasn’t enough carnage inflicted. The media would much rather talk about lives lost than lives saved.

Even locally, the story isn’t really getting a lot of attention. There was a brief writeup in the local paper and a short segment on local news channels, but that’s about it. Granted, this wasn’t a situation that called for hours of live, uninterrupted coverage, but to me this story is just as important as it would be if the suspect had actually taken any innocent lives, and it’s worth far more attention than what its received so far.

In fact, one Tulsa news station managed to report on the story and completely miss the fact that an armed citizen saved lives. From KTUL-TV:

Tulsa police say a woman has died after a shooting in north Tulsa Friday evening.

According to investigators a man shot and killed the woman near East 54th Street North and North Peoria Avenue.

Police say it was all caught on security footage outside a local store in the area and that’s why they now have the suspect in custody.

KTUL’s story makes it sound like this guy just walked up to the woman and shot her, and was then taken into custody. There’s no mention of the fact that the woman was shooting at customers, the man was a concealed carry holder, or that he was questioned and released by police with no expectation of an arrest.

This is journalistic malpractice at best, and an outright deception at worst. From what the Tulsa Police are saying, it sounds like this armed citizen deserves a medal. KTUL’s reporting makes it sound like he deserves to be locked up. Hopefully the station will update their story, but for now their report stands a stark reminder of the media’s failure to treat stories of armed self-defense with the same attention they give stories of murder and mayhem.


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95ac32  No.8614164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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86c251  No.8614165

File: bdccd24e93b96b1⋯.jpg (324.3 KB, 1917x967, 1917:967, RRR2255_29_Mar_20_2030.jpg)

RAF Voyager RRR2255 returning from Belize. Landed there yesterday as RRR2254.

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1a3b5e  No.8614167


We have the sub.

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8e6515  No.8614168

File: 26f80dab2aa5000⋯.jpg (79.56 KB, 563x666, 563:666, Are_We_Having_Fun_Yet.jpg)

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bbf8c4  No.8614169

File: 54692817775083e⋯.jpg (545.69 KB, 1148x1068, 287:267, vaccination.jpg)

>>8613692 (pb)

>Meme it

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e02967  No.8614170

File: 8b1abd75400cf51⋯.png (44.59 KB, 901x524, 901:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52d16a8930feb6e⋯.png (92.96 KB, 908x777, 908:777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b05e596697eca0⋯.png (138.12 KB, 907x918, 907:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b81f834aeed6ffd⋯.png (85.56 KB, 882x506, 441:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Manhattan D.A. Prosecuted Just 21 Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes in Past Decade

Records from the Manhattan district attorney's office indicate D.A. Cyrus Vance prosecuted just 13 individuals for anti-Semitic hate crimes between 2017 and 2019, less than half of those arrested in his jurisdiction during that time and a bare 6 percent of all complaints of anti-Semitic crime.

Records obtained from the New York County District Attorney—the official name of the Manhattan D.A.'s office—under New York state's Freedom of Information Law indicate just 21 prosecutions for anti-Semitic hate crimes in total since Vance took office. Although rates of prosecution have risen and fallen with recorded complaints and arrests for such crimes, they remain just a small proportion of each.

These new data raise questions about the seriousness with which the Manhattan D.A. office has taken anti-Semitism in its jurisdiction. This seriousness is of particular import to a city now facing not only a rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes but a surge in crime in general.


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ae533b  No.8614171


a 979

b 7354

c 9175544919690738920

d 71

f 76822891666

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294995  No.8614172


all good anon, I can recognize a fellow. Seems to me the ones that come on and bitch to lurk moar are mostly newbies who think they are successfully fitting in by being an asshole. Problem is their assholes are faggot.

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797f87  No.8614173

File: d763545de7fe01f⋯.png (84.17 KB, 455x598, 35:46, redred.png)

RED RED. Marker points to USNS mercy and comfort. Am starting to think that these ships that are in NY and CA are for victims\survivors of the child sex slave network and they are all being freed and sent to these ships. POTUS said they were not for the CHINA VIRUS. This might also be why he is so focused on ventilators? Would being in a DUMB effect the lungs and breathing?

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8eba75  No.8614174


Supreme Court: Jones v. Temmer, 89 F. Supp 1226:

"The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights, nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship."

As a US citizen your 2A in the Bill of Rights is not being protected by the 14th Amendment.

Full protection under Bill of Rights only as an American state national/citizen.

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96445d  No.8614175


>>8613841, >>8613820, >>8613784, >>8613780, >>8613943, >>8613974, >>8613989, >>8613729, >>8613883, >>8613950, >>8613999, >>8614070, Noteworthy New Articles


Anons help with titles or drop this. WTF is this…

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95f1c8  No.8614176




Fight fight fight.

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26091b  No.8614177

File: 13d22e3d1008a39⋯.jpg (352.03 KB, 488x2224, 61:278, Jews_Gun_Control_00_List_U….jpg)

File: 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.jpg (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, Jews_Gun_Control_1_Harvey.jpg)

File: 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Jews_Gun_Control_2.jpg)

File: 273ac31e341e9f1⋯.jpg (347.13 KB, 1179x825, 393:275, Jews_Gun_Control_5.jpg)

File: 545cabe184a0d41⋯.jpg (120.89 KB, 686x1003, 686:1003, z_gun_control_Jews.jpg)



http://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.

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aa4000  No.8614178

File: 381839486e77629⋯.jpeg (128.99 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 4D57EC48_CEB7_43F2_957A_0….jpeg)


Yes, i dont believe that the song was FOR us, it was an intended “hit” on us.. 17 min and song about Kennedy.. yeahhhhh..

Call to assassinate POTUS

Song sucks donkey balls also.

All the submarine lingo, its how the Wolfpacks (nazis) hunted (COVERTLY) and NOTHING has changed.

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95ac32  No.8614179

File: 59e899cd52213af⋯.png (592.83 KB, 569x582, 569:582, Screen_Shot_2020_03_24_at_….png)

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1a3b5e  No.8614180


He had no choice.

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73a512  No.8614181

File: b0f1805056384bf⋯.png (20.61 KB, 596x191, 596:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump HATES #CNN, yet it is Fauci's favorite spot to dump on Trump. Does that strike anyone else as odd?


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9738be  No.8614182


LMAO Well, she gone off twitter anyway.

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7958b2  No.8614183

File: 1b6055fc08320f5⋯.jpeg (41.12 KB, 435x435, 1:1, 1b6055fc08320f5d7dbbfb6be….jpeg)

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166015  No.8614184


Good first attempt. Now it looks like the man is HAPPY to get vaccinated. We need a woman saying "My Body, My Choice" in a way that shows she is refusing the vaccine because she exercises total sovereignty over her body. Just as the lib women say when they choose to get an abortion.

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349fd9  No.8614185


He also did mention "trauma cases."

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26091b  No.8614186

File: 8b6d54de6f08673⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 1349x7436, 1349:7436, 4_Jewish_U_S_Attorney_Gene….jpg)





Jewish U.S. Attorney General William Barr Makes Slapping A Jew A Federal ‘Hate’ Crime

Tiffany Harris, the Black woman who made headlines for randomly slapping three Jewish women in December on the streets of Brooklyn for no apparent reason whatsoever — and then quickly being released from jail — has been charged with federal hate crimes:

“U.S. Attorney General William Barr announced the Justice Department’s decision to charge Tiffany Harris in a meeting Tuesday morning with Jewish leaders in Brooklyn at which he pledged “zero tolerance” for anti-Semitism.

“These are the kinds of cases that maybe in the past would have been treated locally, but I think it’s important for the federal government to plant its flag,” Barr said at the meeting. “We will move aggressively when we see this kind of activity.”

Harris has emerged as a flashpoint in the debate over a bail reform law that went into effect Jan. 1 in New York state. The law, which prohibits bail requirements for most nonviolent and minor offenses, was intended to ensure that defendants are not treated differently based on their financial means.

Harris’ arrests — after her release, she was arrested again for assault — took place before the law went into effect. Still, politicians who oppose the law have cited the 30-year-old woman in making the case that judges should have discretion to impose bail requirements.

“A bigger, stronger example should have been made of this violent anti-Semitic criminal, not the opposite,” Lee Zeldin, a Republican Jewish congressman from Long Island, said earlier this month.

That appears to be happening with the federal charges, which come amid Barr’s “zero tolerance” pledge and as the New York Police Department seeks ways to circumvent the bail law.

“I am appalled that Tiffany Harris is being used as a scapegoat for the fear-mongering surrounding bail reform,” Lisa Schreibersdorf, Harris’ lawyer, told the New York Daily News on Tuesday. “

The U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, is jewish through his father and should have recused himself in this case for the conflict of interest, but it’s an antisemitic ‘canard’ to claim that Jews cannot be objective about a legal matter involving their fellow Jews.

Bear in mind that none of Harris’ jewish ‘victims’ were seriously injured by these ‘attacks’, except perhaps their ‘dignity’.

White people are permanently maimed and murdered by Blacks in random attacks almost every day in America, but those attacks will never be prosecuted as Federal crimes.

The reason Harris was let out on bail after slapping the Jew was that the court did not consider her crime ‘serious’ and there were obviously no injuries to her ‘victims’. But now that she got out on bail and did it again, Jews want that bail loophole closed.

When a White person is murdered by that loophole, no one cares.

When a Jew gets slapped, an example needs to be set.

The idea that merely slapping a ‘protected class’ in America has now reached the level of a Federal crime should really make people wake up to what’s coming. This is just the beginning.

This two-tier justice system will increase antisemitism, not reduce it, and it should be Jews themselves who object to this dangerous special treatment.

To be clear, I still support Trump and Barr, nobody is perfect, but only speaking out against this “Jews are special” bullshit will lead to peaceful change.

And obviously, shit like this makes people hate Jews, and is dangerous for Jews.


Barr's father was born Jewish but later converted to Catholicism. His mother is of Irish ancestry. Barr was raised Catholic.

He's Catholic, not Jewish.

The article goes overboard regarding that, but the gist of the article is solid (Jews are getting unfair special treatment that only makes everyone hate them).

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22ff03  No.8614188


yeah and in New Rochelle where it started and it was isolated last month and the one of the clusters in Jersey…in Lakewood….guess what community lives there and pretty much takes over every area they decide to move to….all I will say on the matter……not one amount of media coverage to the demographics there….

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1ffc1e  No.8614189


Ramón Mercader del Río (born 7 February 1913 – 18 October 1978), more commonly known as Ramón Mercader, was a Spanish communist and NKVD agent who assassinated Russian Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky in Mexico City on August 1940 with an ice axe. He served 20 years in a Mexican prison for the murder.

wonder if related? just a coincidence

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8f8bd5  No.8614190

Is Yoko Markle a CIA asset? You have to admit - Going into the Royal Family, wooing the 4th to the throne and getting him kicked out of the Royal Family because of the FISA evidence of treason is pretty impressive.

By chance? I don't think so.

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7e705d  No.8614191

File: 9db9867d13be3c9⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 464x400, 29:25, landthatilovevmch.jpg)


tanks baker

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bc5c8c  No.8614192


Illegal aliens

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7fa757  No.8614193


we turned "their lab-manurfacured china virus' back on them to destroy them.

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49fd06  No.8614194

File: bca3ae424559d2a⋯.png (435.29 KB, 857x532, 857:532, ClipboardImage.png)

Title: Everyone Must See This Before it is Deleted! (2020)


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cdb960  No.8614195

File: 06f63d099e9bfe7⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 666x442, 333:221, mockingbirds.jpg)

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cca048  No.8614196

File: df70d99fe3a1ab7⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mybody.jpg)


use this

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294995  No.8614197


and that makes it OK for you not to help other anons who may not know that to know that? With sauce. My point remains, your asshole is faggot.

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26091b  No.8614198

File: 1f372801135acf0⋯.png (636.93 KB, 957x868, 957:868, 3.png)

File: 6437de53c98bc8e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1410x1136, 705:568, 9_PerCent.png)

File: 1651be95392f424⋯.png (433.38 KB, 644x447, 644:447, 29.png)

File: 43af5ababdf18ac⋯.jpg (132.37 KB, 622x735, 622:735, Rabi.jpg)

File: 258998aaa9c3761⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1366x2345, 1366:2345, Trump_jews_false_flags_sid….jpg)

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aa4000  No.8614200





I was thinking that the ultimate hit would be a sub attacking “comfort”. It IS the Elephant in the room.

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ed6623  No.8614201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86c251  No.8614202


Robert Zimmermann shouldn't have stolen Dylan Thomas' name.

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516720  No.8614203


Actor Matthew Faber Dead at 47


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2619d2  No.8614204


What does that prove?


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df36a0  No.8614205


lawfag tried to review it but failed

i dont agree your two choices

there is a third which is it pushed in the right direction

this seems most likely tho i wish for it to be the cure it seems like a multistep process using the existing tangle of corrupt laws and instutionanl restraints

what we need most is DISCLOSURE of the fuckery




etc etc all of it

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950e6d  No.8614206


I was just glad that i was able to contribute

something surrounded by people way

smarter than me. When they made it notable

it was a first for me, made me feel proud.

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6f2ec1  No.8614207


I think they wanted "out" before the fit hit the shan.

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724b20  No.8614208


That's a terrible ruling, and terrible legal precedent. The language of the 14th amendment is very plain.

"Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States "

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c9de2e  No.8614209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The FED is a " Hybrid " , not fully private.

Anons who think getting liquidity from Fed. means Munchin / Treasury somehow took it over are just not getting it. FED prints money anytime Congress / Treas. ask them to, YOU and American assets are the collatoral for the " LOAN "

Flame away , then listen to the man who wrote Jekyll Island.

( Hey , anons get an interview with him ? )

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ef209e  No.8614210


Out of date story.

Canadian hospitals were AFRAID of running out

But discovered stockpiles outside the hospital system

And now China is grateful

And is shipping masks and gloves to Canada.

It made sense to help them reduce their peak, so now they can help Canada reduce theirs.

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7a69f9  No.8614211

File: f2e2f63cd78cf60⋯.jpg (8.27 KB, 250x237, 250:237, water_spray_bottle.jpg)



Have a water pepe.

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404c6b  No.8614212

File: 618b4408d813f7d⋯.png (102.45 KB, 1003x465, 1003:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b2f60d04f141ae⋯.png (46.01 KB, 953x543, 953:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fed28f513132dd4⋯.png (939.35 KB, 1075x641, 1075:641, ClipboardImage.png)




dont fry your brain? watch the cspan video and let me know what you think!

Pure horror:


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73a512  No.8614213

File: f9ffb1a085cb10e⋯.png (326.99 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a12b642129f919⋯.png (313.39 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Sent to me by a friend. I guess they killed them off and let then live? Sort of like RBG? You may have already saw this but I haven't until a few minutes ago.

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95f1c8  No.8614214



I heart radio concert. Today??

Chattle tunes of the three city states. Brainwashing the weak

Meme it and inform them to tune out

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9c2df4  No.8614215


Since all of this seems to revolve in and around different movie plots, and the DS is getting so very desperate and panicked - would they be so stupid as to try the 'Olympus has Fallen' plot?

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797f87  No.8614216


Right, he did mention at the start of a press conference last week that General Milley rescued a young woman who was seriously abused.

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2bb63a  No.8614217

File: 4d5054203514ad2⋯.png (387.4 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e6515  No.8614218


They Must Pay!

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df36a0  No.8614219


no no no

all organic popcorn is non gmo

i buy amish brand its great

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26091b  No.8614220

File: fb6c38887c64d5f⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1_Hey_America_heres_to_our….mp4)

File: fbbb5c00b7644b0⋯.png (200.04 KB, 634x1132, 317:566, 2_Bibi_assassination_Trump.png)


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b81d73  No.8614221


there are titles

these are new articles that anons didn't nom

what's the problem?

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8eba75  No.8614222


Eyes on my friend.

Too few on this board paying attention.

God speed.

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902b3f  No.8614223

File: d494b6d0b3d606a⋯.png (735.26 KB, 840x472, 105:59, RI.png)

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8f8bd5  No.8614224

Prince Harry and Colin Kapernick - What do they have in common?

Women who work for the CIA telling them what to do and when to do it.

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7e705d  No.8614225


sounds moar like someting our guys would get someone to do, infiltration and all. kek

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bcc081  No.8614226

File: 4778469e556e2b2⋯.jpg (131.11 KB, 800x466, 400:233, I_Killed_Farley.jpg)

You mean these guns?

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aa4000  No.8614227


Was stationed in Haiti as part of the Hurricane “relief”

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4a12df  No.8614228

File: 29fad962c7a3278⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x655, 240:131, ClipboardImage.png)



The culmination of years of careful plotting and planning

WW1 04/02/1917

Selective Service 05/18/1917

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95ac32  No.8614229


interdastin theory

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26091b  No.8614230

File: a725086ed8a5ba6⋯.png (710.64 KB, 1288x1720, 161:215, 4_Archive_Jews_Drugs_and_C….png)


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a218ba  No.8614231


>Young girls are problems for young men

but a delight for old men

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053a37  No.8614232


The Ferguson/Imperial forecasts were influential in shaping policy responses across the world, not merely in the UK.

This is what we get when governments accept information and guidance from a limited number of “approved” sources, all pushing a particular agenda. This is why we have the anthropogenic climate change hoax controlling policy decisions.

The manipulation of governments by powerful non-governmental interests is itself a pandemic; but a pandemic to which we seem incapable of developing immunity.

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731686  No.8614233

File: 2c92477e1f2e593⋯.png (13.13 KB, 602x153, 602:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd5657c47cd1014⋯.png (16.64 KB, 455x703, 455:703, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump 3h

Hope the FDA can approve Mask Sterilization equipment ASAP. As per Governor @MikeDeWine

, there is a company in Ohio, @Battelle

, which has equipment that can sterilize masks quickly.

National laboratory management

In addition to operating its own research facilities, as of 2019, Battelle manages or co-manages on behalf of the United States Department of Energy the following national laboratories:

Brookhaven National Laboratory (through Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC – a collaboration between Battelle and Stony Brook University)

Idaho National Laboratory (through the Battelle Energy Alliance – a collaboration between Battelle, BWX Technologies, Inc., Washington Group International, Electric Power Research Institute and an alliance of universities)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (through Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC – a collaboration between Battelle, BWX Technologies, Inc., Washington Group International, the University of California, Bechtel National, and The Texas A&M University System)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (through Triad National Security, LLC – a collaboration between Battelle, the University of California, and The Texas A&M University System)

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (in partnership with MRIGlobal as part of the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC)[3]

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (through UT-Battelle, LLC – a collaboration between Battelle and the University of Tennessee)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Additionally, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security:

National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

National Science Foundation projects:

In March 2016, Battelle was selected to manage the completion of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) for the National Science Foundation.[4]

good dig, MIL contractor++, Maritime Research

Industry:National Security, Healthcare, Environment


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8e6515  No.8614234



UK healthcare worker as official says life won’t ‘get back to normal’ for at least SIX MONTHS


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43c553  No.8614235


I've been following Q since about 3 weeks after his first post on 4chan. I'm on FB and I often post stuff from here to there.

Dunno why you think FB should be off limits - other than a statement against censorship.

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166015  No.8614236

>>8613744 OK we can't see what is happening but we KNOW it is happening and it is (for good). o7 → (((+)))

>We are FIGHTING for GOOD.

>We are at WAR [@].

>>8614038 Thanks pal. Appreciate your eyes on.

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8f8bd5  No.8614237


Awards for this fucking AWESOME MEME.


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abe03b  No.8614239

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c501cc  No.8614240

File: a75f57853bce2b1⋯.jpeg (19.43 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 50D8DC39_6494_485E_A36B_B….jpeg)

File: ef625c5aa81e861⋯.jpeg (94.51 KB, 1404x936, 3:2, 0F1384B5_D97F_4CC9_8C1F_8….jpeg)

File: 7b9cfa646a7a629⋯.jpeg (40.06 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 55F4D1CC_A357_423C_8759_B….jpeg)

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ca46ab  No.8614241

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c9de2e  No.8614242


Papers Please

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294995  No.8614243


this first one is always a rush. here's to many more for you anon, because then we all win.

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ed71a3  No.8614244


Have been sleeping very well in the last few days. Don't usually do that. May God Bless you and son Anon.

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26091b  No.8614245

File: 7445000c5352718⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1256x7456, 157:932, Archive_White_Slavery_Jews….png)


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181748  No.8614246

File: f1d99569d63221d⋯.png (550.36 KB, 645x387, 5:3, Xroyals.png)

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a35c66  No.8614247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's up w Nancy Pelosi's eyes today?

Pelosi On Trump's COVID-19 Response: 'As The President Fiddles, People Are Dying' MSNBC

19,608 views•Mar 29, 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday criticized President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic by saying that "as the president fiddles, people are dying."


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7cf4bb  No.8614248

File: ef7c21b48672fee⋯.png (1.22 MB, 798x540, 133:90, ClipboardImage.png)


Same location of the most evil stare I've ever received in my life.

Too much light for their liking.

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96445d  No.8614249


Just a bit more organization needed to explain what they are. That's all.

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7431e7  No.8614250


Bob Dylan is not in the 27 club. That speaks for itself.

Dylan has always been, and still is a clown. His producer was Bob Johnson, a staff producer at Colombia Records.


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32cbe5  No.8614251


stupid meme used for abortion but you want that message given out too?

too much praise for it means it is horid. try harder.

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8f8bd5  No.8614252


As I've been considering this YOU'RE RIGHT!

Was Markle sent in by White Hats because they saw Obama punking Harry?

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86c251  No.8614253

File: 9be0f68c62341bb⋯.jpg (283.35 KB, 1919x963, 1919:963, PAT068_Grand_Junction_29_M….jpg)

PAT068 over Grand Junction. Are we at a crossroads? I believe that we are…

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38ee19  No.8614254

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e4581c  No.8614255



>>8613841, >>8613820, >>8613784, >>8613780, >>8613943, >>8613974, >>8613989, >>8613729, >>8613883, >>8613950, >>8613999, >>8614070, Noteworthy New Articles

>>8613837, >>8613994, >>8614002, >>8614017, PF Reports

>>8613696, >>8613717, >>8613741, >>8613758, >>8613786, >>8613809 US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

>>8613697, >>8613710, >>8613970, >>8614045, A CBS News producer who tested positive for the coronavirus has died just weeks after the network shutdown its New York City

>>8613701 Mike Pompeo twitter status.

>>8613794, >>8613873 The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

>>8613846 DJT - however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!

>>8613890 Russia has no data on ‘US role’ in coronavirus outbreak - diplomatic source

>>8613726 Pompeo: Dark to Light

>>8613725 anon notable bun

>>8613948 Andrew Jackson’s Speech Against Central Banksters as True Today as in 1832

>>8614003 There's powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled


We are the news, meaning we make the news, I'm adding them to the notes but I'm not going to allow spamming of articles take up the entire notables section. We are Reuters FFS

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df36a0  No.8614256


100% true

they all find out VERY quickly as soon as they hit the hospital rotations they are fucked but have 200,000 in debt and years invested

spouseanon was one

anonlawfag got spouseanon out

rare it was

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15c0db  No.8614257


>Not sure if you've looked into this already anon, but check out the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.

>What's really interesting is that it's located very close to the Ukrainian border in Russia.

Study these features quite a bit. Evidence of planetary cataclysms. You can carry these features across entire continents, even oceans, and get a bit of an idea of the forces at work. The magnetic "anomalies" are clues, and indicate that these were caused by Electromagnetic interactions between our planet and another large celestial object, like the moon, for instance.

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ed6623  No.8614258


He looks more like a toaster in the tub guy

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166015  No.8614259

File: e6de970cb3e8fa3⋯.png (2.14 KB, 413x113, 413:113, EliteKekistanWarriorBadge3….png)


You, anon, have NAILED IT.

I hereby award you the Elite Kekistan Warrior Ribbon of Valor.

Do you have time to make MOAR?

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c0c745  No.8614260

File: cd39a34e07bfabd⋯.jpg (475.88 KB, 800x600, 4:3, PELOSI74.jpg)

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7fa757  No.8614261


>, there is a company in Ohio, @Battelle, which has equipment that can sterilize masks quickly.

virus will totally revolutionized the health care industry

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c50b86  No.8614262

POTUS tweets that the US will not be paying for Prince Harry & Meghan's security.

"I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!"

Meghan, a friend of Michelle Obama & Oprah has bashed Trump in the past. And I thought they said they weren't going to move to the US until after Trump was no longer president…….

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2bb63a  No.8614263


THanks, but I forgot to shore it up and the masking is blah.

Glad to have compliments, though. Gotta keep providing ammo.

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26091b  No.8614264

File: 8411b98f3ba1584⋯.png (75.07 KB, 661x698, 661:698, a.PNG)

File: 507833ae51c5f72⋯.png (117.92 KB, 1226x257, 1226:257, Jew_creator_of_drag_queen_….PNG)

File: 1acf46dc52d7a8e⋯.png (278.18 KB, 652x731, 652:731, Transgender_bathrooms_Jews.PNG)

File: 59a61ff5155fab4⋯.png (45.39 KB, 654x406, 327:203, Transgender_Jewish_billion….PNG)

File: 26e5390b8c58f7c⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, Transgenderism_jewish_subv….jpg)


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469819  No.8614265

File: a5d188b00529925⋯.png (409.82 KB, 585x1280, 117:256, little.png)

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ef209e  No.8614266


>>8614070 Anti-malaria drugs are effective against Lyme disease

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655523  No.8614267

File: 3c997691ddd6663⋯.png (818.16 KB, 1227x749, 1227:749, ClipboardImage.png)

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7fa757  No.8614268


early news releases had Hanx dead?

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8f8bd5  No.8614269


I still like it and you can't make me stop. It tells MANY messages all at the same time.

It's profound in it's simplicity.

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e4581c  No.8614270


>We are Reuters FFS


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8eba75  No.8614271


Citizens of the United States are considered chattel, owned property. Person was redefined to mean "entity".

Supreme Court: US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957:

"The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States." (This is the legal fiction citizen of the federal corporation)

United States is defined as a corporation in the IRS code.

Citizen is considered an employee of the corporation.

Courts in the United States are for-profit corporations. Operate in the jurisdiction of water, admiralty, contract law.

What it looks like when you stand at the bottom of the rabbit hole.

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7e705d  No.8614272


that bob dylan movie made recently w a bunch of a list celebrities. "we are all bob dylan" hmm

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b64675  No.8614273


"Nurses against vaccines". Lots of good photos.

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df36a0  No.8614274




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2cf1c8  No.8614275

File: e705d5ffbc5f78d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 676x720, 169:180, How_it_feels_to_be_an_Amer….png)

MEME THREAD IS FULL so putting this here!

How it feels to be an American!!

Rowdy, determined and READY TO GO!!

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bcc081  No.8614276


Now, that would've been some hard-core hope porn!

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b81d73  No.8614277


noteworthy news articles is what they are, listed in a way that other can read the title and click or not

in this way they show up on we are the news feed for others to see

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95ac32  No.8614278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c9de2e  No.8614279


Look Eric , beer and women , can be fun IF enjoyed separately , BUT , if you mix them they will turn you into a DUMBASS !!

Red Forman

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902b3f  No.8614280

File: e1d4877d046e9ee⋯.png (716 KB, 830x1262, 415:631, 1552437748.png)

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e02967  No.8614281


just put them as notes ffs

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a35c66  No.8614283

File: 7dcb27e73205f35⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1692x768, 141:64, Nancy_Pelosi_black_eye.png)

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32cbe5  No.8614284


too much praise to me is a flag.

you are shilling for a meme slogan that is used to promote abortion rights.

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86c251  No.8614285

File: 900dae598c68838⋯.png (18.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Kek_ATC_Controller.png)

File: 58a095dd9d9ed6c⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 660x288, 55:24, Kek_ATC.jpg)

File: ace417971040a4b⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 700x500, 7:5, Advanced_PF.jpg)

File: 3c125c3f53362f3⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 832x500, 208:125, Kek_P8_Recon.jpg)


No problem, fren. It's what we do.

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181748  No.8614286

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7e705d  No.8614287

File: 703d8e74a85c429⋯.jpg (221.1 KB, 704x471, 704:471, SAUCENOW.jpg)


were you sent those exact screenshots? or a fb friend of yours posted them on facebook and you saw it that way?

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b81d73  No.8614288



hit the wrong anon to answer

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12f50a  No.8614289

File: 0c931672975ca03⋯.png (18.04 KB, 105x102, 35:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eafad762ba6eba1⋯.png (51.95 KB, 1039x292, 1039:292, ClipboardImage.png)

Well well well.

The outside comms are revealing themselves.

Like the end of scooby-doo.






I'm pretty sure just 3-4 months ago "the plan" didn't include $2.2 trillion in new debt. They're destroying the Dollar & purchasing power, yet many are angry at anyone who's not blindly trusting "the plan". And BTW I like the Q. Lots of theories out there, what's yours?

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0c91e2  No.8614290

File: 189129ce69432e1⋯.png (158.83 KB, 918x927, 102:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65158f8ab0b8d3f⋯.png (90.92 KB, 1255x638, 1255:638, ClipboardImage.png)



>The SEC historically has NOT been your friend, but a great enabler for THEM.

>I think you nailed it. The SEC is friend to the elite and covers up their inside trading AND that's their main job.


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2619d2  No.8614291


>We are Reuters FFS


If they want to have a news aggregator https://www.fark.com/ is still around.

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e7e785  No.8614292

File: e3186089d8dea35⋯.png (780.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, suckerberg.png)

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68dd67  No.8614293


I would venture to guess that is why Rhode Island is stopping traffic going in. High demographic area.

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8be278  No.8614294

File: 68747d8d4b28cdc⋯.jpg (28.77 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 00d59bc886cfc35ae3a5501c77….jpg)

This bread could use some tasteful dayshift bewbs.

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26091b  No.8614295

File: 1334a8429d7e677⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1296x9000, 18:125, 4_Archive_America_Stands_W….jpg)


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7cf4bb  No.8614297


Exercise Clockwork

Hairy praying to Magic Marker in an Igloo at the Artic Circle

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f72d74  No.8614299

Wikileaks insurance key when guys?

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814c0a  No.8614300

File: 3094c7157e584d9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2335x1486, 2335:1486, will_sommer_37_hit_pcs_on_….png)

another Will Sommer hit piece–he's up to at least 37 articles now.


Child custody dispute threatens to turn violent after pro-Trump conspiracy theorist claims bogus legal rights.

"A QAnon conspiracy theorist, fascinated with the crackpot legal theories of the anti-government “sovereign citizen” movement, allegedly kidnapped her two daughters last week. It is just the latest example of the growing and increasingly dangerous overlap between right-wing conspiracy theories and real-life violent crime.

QAnon believers have been charged in the past with two murders, a terrorist incident near the Hoover Dam, and an incidence of church vandalism, all of which appear to have been motivated by their bizarre beliefs.

Kentucky resident Neely Blanchard, whose two daughters are legally in their grandmother’s sole custody, allegedly took the children from their grandmother’s house in Logan County, Ky., on March 20, according to police. An amber alert sent out after the alleged abduction warned that Blanchard was armed with a handgun.

Blanchard was eventually arrested early Thursday morning, and her two daughters were recovered unharmed. Blanchard now faces two kidnapping charges and two charges of custodial interference, according to Logan County Sheriff Stephen Stratton, who said that law enforcement officials traced her cellphone location to the home of a group of anti-government extremists known as sovereign citizens. "….


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5910e6  No.8614301


you should ALWAYS post it in the GENERAL and then BATCHes of them post to MEME thread!

we want to see your work, correct spelling etc. hone that meme before addind to MEME ammo

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950e6d  No.8614302

File: 839ac90a35c53fa⋯.jpg (442.69 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, care.jpg)

File: 0dad05fb0750da3⋯.jpg (283.74 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, care1.jpg)


i been saying this for days now.

people should be mad as hell

that these sob are getting 47k

and us lowly sheep get $1200.

they are wealthy! why are they getting

a dime? There is a cap on us why not them?

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95ac32  No.8614303


admits he sold his soul

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e4581c  No.8614304


>just put them as notes ffs

t. The guy that posted 15 of them

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a2e2be  No.8614305


"this wuz supposed to be muhTime, oh haaaaarrrryyy(loud whine)

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6b2363  No.8614306


My wife’s hospital is full of Carona virus patients in so cal.

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9521ff  No.8614307



I like this noteworthy news bun idea

Have them tied like usual

Maybe helper anons can collect articles for the baker's in the future??

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86c251  No.8614308


PAT068 landed at Grand Junction. Dodgy altitude data.

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1a3b5e  No.8614309

File: 03fe3e85d8202d3⋯.png (646.95 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E68F7AB3_883E_4B22_991A_CD….png)



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73a512  No.8614310

File: 8596893fa3d9e3e⋯.png (23.42 KB, 596x219, 596:219, ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: Country music legend Joe Diffie died today due to “complications of coronavirus,” publicist says. He was 61-years-old. - WKRN


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8f8bd5  No.8614311


You're way too deep into the negative connotations.

Risk always evokes polar opposites. The fact that it makes you stop and think about it all is what's so unique about it.

My view on abortion? Jesus "You might as well tie a millstone to your neck and jump in the ocean if you hurt one of my father's children."

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52d6aa  No.8614312


probably around when killary gets arrested…


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d805ef  No.8614313


They needed a sacrifice…at the last minute someone else went instead. That is my guess.

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86c251  No.8614314


Gotcha. You want me to make buns?

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814c0a  No.8614316


not an example of outside comms unless they are claiming Q is communicating directly with them instead of posting on 8chan.

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180041  No.8614317

So George M. Nasif just dropped the George Bush INDICTMENT and no one on this board is talking about it. Really? Court docs and no one cares? This board is compromised big time. Q We have a problem.


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a218ba  No.8614318



>I will pay

<Has $39

<Just spent $18 on generic-brand cat litter

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ecd347  No.8614319

File: dc3de9d77d28f69⋯.png (767.52 KB, 758x802, 379:401, dc3de9d77d28f69d6de98b1cc6….png)



Can we do the same with Californians trying to move to red states?

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aa4000  No.8614320

File: a86d835b89c924f⋯.png (949.34 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D5655358_D2EC_446F_873C_05….png)

File: 10c8b2d5f54a32b⋯.png (6.85 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 34E3542A_EE9F_4ECB_AC26_FE….png)

File: 10c1f7a813c03be⋯.png (511.69 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 204C1C6F_C731_4E5C_AAA3_34….png)



Anon great correlation to movie plots! I mean it is obvious and absolutely possible!

Do you remember after 9/11 the DOD tasked Hollywood w coming up w possible plots for terror.. you know so they could be on the defensive w what “terrorists” might come up with.

Notable also is Tom Clancy’s untimely death while Hussein was in power.


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724b20  No.8614321


These judges don't get to rewrite the Constitution. Just because they fucked up, shouldn't mean that we can't go back to the document as it is written and reconsider their position.

The whole idea of being locked in to legal precedent in this manner is leftist bullshit.

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12f50a  No.8614322

File: 3150ad569705d16⋯.png (159.35 KB, 521x330, 521:330, ClipboardImage.png)


That's right.

Largest scam in years.

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8f8bd5  No.8614323


Sacrifice through blackmail is beginning.

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404c6b  No.8614324

File: 87ba27414bc20fe⋯.png (1.01 MB, 639x603, 71:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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32cbe5  No.8614325


you're way to into a solgan that you know say 'support abortion rights.'

you're shilling too hard for it.

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2721d6  No.8614326

File: 43bc0ec91e45631⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1536x1026, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b7d03  No.8614327

File: 1737004bcb0e4cf⋯.jpeg (146.58 KB, 720x761, 720:761, 2938DA64_6F42_4D9D_B309_4….jpeg)


Sleeper cell reporting for duty, captain.

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b81d73  No.8614328


great idea

space is still an issue

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2619d2  No.8614329


>Country music legend Joe Diffie

never heard of him, some legend

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ed6623  No.8614330

File: 9acf954760ce0a9⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 605x413, 605:413, 3ugrla.jpg)


have some fucking coffee from NS

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e4581c  No.8614331


If you like, I can handle collecting them, and if anons think I should name it something else I can, but 17 more lines in the notes is ridiculous

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7a69f9  No.8614332

File: ae1e33cf864225b⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 745x1200, 149:240, 2018_03_05_FB_survey_asks_….jpg)


>I'm on FB and I often post stuff from here to there.


And we mean it well.

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ca46ab  No.8614333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f686c7  No.8614334

File: 6d4d08d063eb90b⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 600x373, 600:373, 6d4d08d063eb90b0201cde319e….jpg)

Just remember:






For what comes NEXT!



Ok…carry on, Faggots!

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ed6623  No.8614335

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e68e88  No.8614336

File: 9adda5f01d5ab01⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 800x490, 80:49, 9adda5f01d5ab0142d9f03daad….jpg)

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15784b  No.8614337

File: d6ec00215c127a9⋯.jpeg (127.55 KB, 894x1120, 447:560, MAGA_LION_AWARD.jpeg)


Excellent and very well done! o7

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27dc6e  No.8614338


The jewish women (vvitches) are the real monsters.

You'll find out.

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4efd64  No.8614339

File: c18bbf1793094c4⋯.jpg (130.98 KB, 540x810, 2:3, bdsmlr_299985_oPcAr8Zysi.jpg)

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d805ef  No.8614341


Transition money, Trump picks winners and losers and the currency reset happens. imho

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655523  No.8614342

File: d42989f9fcd87db⋯.png (95.6 KB, 427x443, 427:443, ClipboardImage.png)



Born: Robert Allen Zimmerman, May 24, 1941, Duluth, Minnesota, U.S.

Other names: Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham (Hebrew name)

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95fa83  No.8614343

File: 5dbde62c3b66890⋯.png (515.99 KB, 596x674, 298:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Wuhan residents estimate, based on calculations of cremations and urns now being returned to families, that between 42k-46k died in city + surrounding areas in the 2.5 months of lockdown. Far more than official figure of 2535 deaths. #COVID19


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e7e785  No.8614344

File: 7dad99a52b4a116⋯.jpeg (11.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 578e2ff0213e400e05c6e2e20….jpeg)


i like you.


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9738be  No.8614345


The cat is the victim in all of this.

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b877e4  No.8614346


Jews love mocking scripture

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720199  No.8614347

This crisis starts de-programming the children. Big step toward eliminating government schools that never should have existed in the first place. The Founding Fathers smile.

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aff626  No.8614348


No he didn’t. Bwahahahaha

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b6fe56  No.8614349


my niece is a nurse anesthetist in Chicago.

They cut her schedule to coming in only every other day and they are making her use her vacation days for it.

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86c251  No.8614350


Roger. I'll start making buns at about 500 or so.

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180041  No.8614351



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c5ffa6  No.8614352

File: 50d378318294c9a⋯.png (487.5 KB, 500x522, 250:261, dafuqisdis.png)

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cdb960  No.8614353

File: bad196cb6ae9d06⋯.jpg (43.1 KB, 444x444, 1:1, bad196cb6ae9d0689d9278574b….jpg)

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c5f965  No.8614354


Tacos look good

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26091b  No.8614355

File: a5eb1ce2c2c658c⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 551x722, 29:38, Ben_Gurion_Israel_prime_mi….JPG)

File: 3978c836ef85c06⋯.png (445.17 KB, 913x965, 913:965, Jews_communists_head_of_Ge….png)

File: 347f503b563d353⋯.png (509.83 KB, 1119x684, 373:228, Putin_First_Soviet_governm….PNG)

File: 22d85bfadaf3518⋯.jpg (155.8 KB, 880x648, 110:81, Russia_From_The_American_E….jpg)

File: ba27d60865d42c0⋯.png (67.58 KB, 1142x463, 1142:463, Salomon_Morel_Israel_prote….PNG)


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8f8bd5  No.8614356


This is correct. Your birth certificate is used as an asset based credit swap in the US Treasury and it's agent the Federal Reserve Banks.

You're birth certificate has been bought and sold a thousand times since your birth. You are a corporate commodity to the Central Banks.

Welcome to the Matrix.

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e4581c  No.8614357



>>8613841, >>8613820, >>8613784, >>8613780, >>8613943, >>8613974, >>8613989, >>8613729, >>8613883, >>8613950, >>8613999, >>8614070, Noteworthy New Articles

>>8613837, >>8613994, >>8614002, >>8614017, PF Reports

>>8613696, >>8613717, >>8613741, >>8613758, >>8613786, >>8613809 US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

>>8613697, >>8613710, >>8613970, >>8614045, A CBS News producer who tested positive for the coronavirus has died just weeks after the network shutdown its New York City

>>8613701 Mike Pompeo twitter status.

>>8613794, >>8613873 The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

>>8613846 DJT - however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!

>>8613890 Russia has no data on ‘US role’ in coronavirus outbreak - diplomatic source

>>8613726 Pompeo: Dark to Light

>>8613725 anon notable bun

>>8613948 Andrew Jackson’s Speech Against Central Banksters as True Today as in 1832

>>8614003 There's powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled

>>8614213 Are they dead or alive.. T. Hanks

>>8614291 If they want to have a news aggregator https://www.fark.com/ is still around.

>>8614300 another Will Sommer hit piece–he's up to at least 37 articles now.

>>8614310 Country music legend Joe Diffie died today due to “complications of coronavirus,”

>>8614343 Wuhan residents estimate, based on calculations of cremations and urns now being returned to families, that between 42k-46k died

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a913dd  No.8614358


Alberta here. Live right next to a BIG hospital. I heard one ambulance about a week and a half ago, and and I heard a doctor car about 3 days ago (I've gotten good at distinguishing sirens).

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7fd5fe  No.8614359


So far it's on the Fed's balance sheet.

SIV's are under the ownership of Treasury.

Will they ever raise rates again?

Seems ending the fed has 2 issues, 1 government debt, 2 financing.

If the fed's balance sheet bloats with treasuries, seems that solves both.

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1a3b5e  No.8614360

File: 4bdd780e2f09c99⋯.png (497.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9AFDD816_3C7E_47B1_B127_D6….png)

File: e1078e761b70b4c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, B72D0D3F_95BD_4B47_B68E_46….png)

File: f237767702f15e6⋯.png (79.58 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, A07E187D_8018_4D9B_8928_72….png)


Just though of another one…

This horse faced cuntbag… why the long face?

Pence’s gurl

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a218ba  No.8614361


There have been dozens of digs on the odd actions of the English monarchy that suggest they may have surrendered.

https://qresear.ch is your friend

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e02967  No.8614362

File: 490f622041c3f47⋯.png (654.91 KB, 652x500, 163:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04def4d7291d9a7⋯.png (910.18 KB, 654x725, 654:725, ClipboardImage.png)



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950e6d  No.8614363

File: fb1d470dae8cbbf⋯.jpg (147.78 KB, 693x303, 231:101, CRACKERSINBED_PASS.jpg)


She wins the coveted Crackers in Bed Pass.

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9521ff  No.8614364


Yes at busy times breads fill quick.

We need anons to keep reading the past notables when they first hop on. A lot get reposted bread after bread wasting space

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39fa0a  No.8614365


bruise above right eye??

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35af1e  No.8614366

File: 9bc42f1a527b429⋯.png (435.6 KB, 686x475, 686:475, POTUS_dis_nigga_right.PNG)


TY…people only see what they want to with this. All this did was allow an oversight. The printing will still continue but now has a cabinet level position reporting directly to POTUS.

based nigga here

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bb7564  No.8614367


Ron Johnson?

When this story came out, seems like weeks ago, Johnson’s name wasn’t in the story. As a matter of fact, he’s not even in the story you posted!

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bcc081  No.8614368

File: 596ef95cdc397b3⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 800x449, 800:449, index.jpg)

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f686c7  No.8614369

File: 9c56ac4c42e66cd⋯.png (323.63 KB, 954x740, 477:370, PepeTatanka.png)




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58fa9f  No.8614370


Lb/pb faggot.

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bbf8c4  No.8614371

File: f51ef5ac32056e7⋯.png (288.05 KB, 460x276, 5:3, vaccination.png)


My issue with this is that it could be mistaken for an anti drug campaign.

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d00497  No.8614372

File: 31856c6568010fc⋯.png (665.39 KB, 963x693, 107:77, Screenshot_2020_03_29_john….png)


John Deere Green.

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95ac32  No.8614373


thread on this theory


makes a lot of sense

Mercy and Comfort for the freed slaves

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df36a0  No.8614374




this is sadly true

however lawfag views this move as a key STEP in the direction of restructure

it will be a political victory in due course and then all the books will be balanced

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c70e87  No.8614375


This is actually quite old and probably fake

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8f8bd5  No.8614376


We went off subject 5 posts ago. God Bless. Have fun Anon. It's a beautiful day.

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15784b  No.8614377

File: 765aa08622c0021⋯.png (74.43 KB, 255x211, 255:211, sued_Whahaha.png)


Based POTUS is based.

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9738be  No.8614378


POTUS should get rid of the Dept of Education. That would destroy the teacher's unions (who aren't going to vote for him anyway).

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7fa757  No.8614379

brian stelter on CNN just said that Trump needs an intervention. cites Trump twat on his presser ratings

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2619d2  No.8614380

File: 4d10bcc78d412c6⋯.jpg (167.18 KB, 1187x1916, 1187:1916, EEBtBtAial.jpg)


Plenty speculating on that

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41683a  No.8614381

File: 6b8630fcb8df3ea⋯.jpg (85.47 KB, 734x1088, 367:544, who_framed_roger_rabbit_po….jpg)

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949a00  No.8614382

These people are dying for unrelated reasons and all are given the Muh Corona toe tag>>8614310

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724b20  No.8614383



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a35c66  No.8614384

File: 7ba25caf7f28b78⋯.png (288.19 KB, 439x400, 439:400, Nancy_Pelosi_black_eye_2.png)

>>8614365 Looks like it is a black eye



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96445d  No.8614385



María de la Asunción Mercader Fordada was a Spanish film actress who appeared in 40 films between 1923 and 1992. She was the second wife of film director Vittorio De Sica

Her half-brother was Ramón Mercader, the murderer of Leon Trotsky in 1940, in Mexico.


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c9de2e  No.8614386


Thomas Massie was right, total shitshow.

FED is still in charge , despite all the mental masturbation saying otherwise.


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7cf4bb  No.8614387

File: b7a4cbaed2b8c75⋯.png (31.15 KB, 584x203, 584:203, ClipboardImage.png)


Yesterday on the Q clock POTUS tweet

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85fac5  No.8614388


sorry, if you think 'gold back currency' then I have a bridge in Brooklyn i'd like to sell ya, there will never be a gold reset to the gold standard!!!

confidence backs all currencies. you won't be able to peg the dollar to gold, won't happen.

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c8d67f  No.8614389

File: acd3ae9c5ad30e8⋯.png (402.41 KB, 691x362, 691:362, HeyUguys.png)



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2974ee  No.8614390

File: f1beb6703bbab76⋯.jpg (52.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ladygagaschools1_640x480.jpg)

WHO Chief Sends Lady Gaga Birthday Greetings and Praise for Coronavirus ‘Support’

he embattled chief of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, took time out from combating the spread of the Chinese coronavirus on Saturday to take a telephone call from pop star Lady Gaga and offer her birthday greetings and thanks for her support.

Tedros was effusive in his praise for the 33-year-old performer and her offers of strategic assistance to the globalist organization:

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/29/who-chief-sends-lady-gaga-birthday-greetings-and-praise-for-coronavirus-support/

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180041  No.8614391




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950e6d  No.8614392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Joe Diffie

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56696f  No.8614393

Lots of FB referenced post this bread.

Was that in the 4AM talking points and I missed it?

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7431e7  No.8614394

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



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c501cc  No.8614395

File: 675367868092d26⋯.jpeg (293.49 KB, 973x560, 139:80, 604CFDD8_33B3_46F6_A5F0_7….jpeg)

File: 8b44952d1b9f19a⋯.jpeg (417.61 KB, 996x747, 4:3, 2ADC5ADF_2C38_4D2B_9EA1_8….jpeg)

File: 141d95dedd04324⋯.jpeg (455.67 KB, 1001x660, 91:60, 6A247EF2_2FAF_4155_8EEB_2….jpeg)


Did it on Muh phone

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7eb171  No.8614396


Agreed. I've worked in private practices for decades. They read what's put in front of them. Some do actually dig and my experience those are the ones that get sorta blacklisted. First hand experience.

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c5ffa6  No.8614397

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 800x764, 200:191, keks.jpg)


Stelter's still mad over POTUS calling out his bullshit.

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9eb5d1  No.8614398

I mean go right ahead. This is the best we can do. It does go infinite like combo engine now. Just goes to show how guilty the intermediary controlled opposition class are. Brewing up their punishments. Always some other thing or just juicebox pocket protector molotov cocktail so stupid you should probably never speak. Discussion group hmmm, you people drool like cast no aspersions. That means criminality and lord of the flies bereft of liabilities beyond your understanding clearly were you to slice and then say well that's done. The anti-new deal sinking tide drowns all but a few criminals consider even this to be heavy handed but have been cornered like rats. I know that's hard but they were innocent until proven guilty. Good day to you sassybots.

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e4581c  No.8614399


>>8613841, >>8613820, >>8613784, >>8613780, >>8613943, >>8613974, >>8613989, >>8613729, >>8613883, >>8613950, >>8613999, >>8614070, Noteworthy New Articles

>>8613837, >>8613994, >>8614002, >>8614017, PF Reports

>>8613696, >>8613717, >>8613741, >>8613758, >>8613786, >>8613809 US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury

>>8613697, >>8613710, >>8613970, >>8614045, A CBS News producer who tested positive for the coronavirus has died just weeks after the network shutdown its New York City

>>8613701 Mike Pompeo twitter status.

>>8613794, >>8613873 The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

>>8613846 DJT - however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!

>>8613890 Russia has no data on ‘US role’ in coronavirus outbreak - diplomatic source

>>8613726 Pompeo: Dark to Light

>>8613725 anon notable bun

>>8613948 Andrew Jackson’s Speech Against Central Banksters as True Today as in 1832

>>8614003 There's powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled

>>8614213 Are they dead or alive.. T. Hanks

>>8614291 If they want to have a news aggregator https://www.fark.com/ is still around.

>>8614300 another Will Sommer hit piece–he's up to at least 37 articles now.

>>8614310 Country music legend Joe Diffie died today due to “complications of coronavirus,”

>>8614343 Wuhan residents estimate, based on calculations of cremations and urns now being returned to families, that between 42k-46k died

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26091b  No.8614400

File: 356f0d46da813a9⋯.png (332.15 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, 3_Jews_Hate_Truth.png)


I do know, I have worked for one and she deserves a nice paid trip into the oven, for all the right reasons.

Jews as a group are literally a criminal people.

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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38ee19  No.8614401


This is weird…

How an Australian hospital worker 'stopped Donald Trump from tweeting out that Tom Hanks had DIED from coronavirus in hospital'


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bbf8c4  No.8614402

File: 72eef03ad913dd4⋯.png (423.44 KB, 768x448, 12:7, bush.png)

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f6fe55  No.8614403


fucking communist shitheads, they all need to die now

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0b7d03  No.8614405


That thing is more valuable than my Bronze Star medal.

It’s a treasure.

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180041  No.8614406



Not fake. You dumb shit are trolls.

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1d3935  No.8614409

File: 9b05e905a53a64d⋯.png (297.79 KB, 561x346, 561:346, 2.png)

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2974ee  No.8614410


Who is the Spirit Cooker ?

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bb7564  No.8614411


They are all apart of the same bloodthirsty cult! Their membership requires them to tow the line.

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e7e785  No.8614412

File: 896569c058927a5⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

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26091b  No.8614414

File: 7d1e07838bd1b79⋯.png (282.75 KB, 1084x656, 271:164, 1513917637573.png)

File: 739ef9c27a88d55⋯.png (284.85 KB, 524x529, 524:529, 1548289659094.png)

File: 33fb23bc729ed2f⋯.jpg (201.6 KB, 1083x1275, 361:425, 1564937024478.jpg)

File: 5a5a7fb6bdbb793⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1304x6994, 652:3497, Archive_Jews_and_Christian….png)

File: 560c08747a5ad4b⋯.jpg (259.62 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, Talmud_brags_about_hanging….jpg)




A Chabad-sponsored Internet web site notes that

"The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus of Nazarene':

1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray

into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the

purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned),

was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent

(Sanhedrin 107b, Sotah 47a).

3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures

that involved cutting his flesh – which is also explicitly banned in the Bible

(Shabbos 104b).

The false, rebellious message of Jesus has been thoroughly rejected by the

vast majority of the Jewish people, as G-d commanded. Unfortunately,

however, this same message has brought a terrible darkness upon the

world; today, over 1.5 billion gentiles believe in Jesus. Those lost souls

mistakingly think they have found salvation in Jesus; tragically, they are

in for a rude awakening." [NOAH'S COVENANT WEB SITE, 2001]


Site referenced on quote: http://archive.vn/oZpVb - "Who Was Jesus?"

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ed71a3  No.8614416


Eyebrows are too high, bruise or makeup smear above right eye. Has she had a stroke? She has a droop to the left side of her face.

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52d6aa  No.8614417


>united not divided

but only if you're a republican christian who agrees with me

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814c0a  No.8614418



GREAT BUN. Some comments.

Bakers vary in their approach to new news. But if the news is really new and relevant to what we do here, would recommend putting it in as a separate line item.

Requires discernment to select line items; some news is more relevant than others.

What is the "anon notable bun"? If it's worthwhile, deserves a better title. If it's not, leave it out. When anons badger me with last bread's notables, i might pick up a couple and add them if they are really noteworthy. Just adding the bundle, not would not do.

During the day, things go fast. Baker cannot get everything. Really important stuff gets reposted. Baker decides what goes in.

–another baker.

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bcc081  No.8614419

File: 2c27242292028db⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 800x450, 16:9, index.jpg)

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bd1b33  No.8614420


is this a nazi board now?

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26091b  No.8614421

File: 4f73772736af066⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1200x3348, 100:279, Archive_Antifa_Israel_1.png)

File: f05ee6e15602444⋯.png (3.79 MB, 944x5760, 59:360, Archive_Antifa_Israel_2.png)

File: b3264aad530f497⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1504x5942, 752:2971, Archive_Antifa_Israel_3.png)

File: 76d2cb2c9a98db2⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1248x5168, 78:323, Archive_Antifa_Israel_4.png)


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902b3f  No.8614422

File: fd4af3efa0ba2fa⋯.jpg (124.02 KB, 640x652, 160:163, 1551805224.jpg)




I googled it

[Mayer Amschel Rothschild]

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cfb13f  No.8614423

File: dfdfed0a4699637⋯.png (54.06 KB, 583x339, 583:339, ClipboardImage.png)





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6b2363  No.8614424


Explain then who pays the interest and who collected it? Not the US Treasury.

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5d94d8  No.8614426

File: 6bfe568700c7c5d⋯.png (74.8 KB, 812x475, 812:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Australian health officials reportedly had to stop President Donald Trump from wrongly announcing Tom Hanks had died from coronavirus.

The actor announced last Thursday he and his wife Rita Wilson, both 63, had tested positive for the deadly illness and were being treated at Gold Coast University Hospital.

The Hollywood couple were kept in isolation in the hospital for about a week while they recovered. They have both since been discharged and remain in self-isolation in a rented home in Queensland.

There was apparently some confusion within the White House over the weekend around the Oscar-winners condition after officials were told the Forrest Gump actor had been 'discharged'.

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3506a3  No.8614427

File: 00e0965b64be844⋯.png (20.95 KB, 745x297, 745:297, ClipboardImage.png)



if it is real, i wonder how long he had to sit on it to ensure he could scoop up the film rights? also he names himself as the source? whats up with that? i dont even know who this guy is but im gonna say needs moar sauce.

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4efd64  No.8614428


Pfft. Anything the jews don't like is antisemitism.

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c9de2e  No.8614429


Being a disinfo tard shill ,

is anti-human

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c3e56e  No.8614431


Very true. And those who not only break free but prove healing beyond Big Pharma get a lot of pushback.

Some have been killed.

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7cf4bb  No.8614432

File: 0fd2d93b28c1adb⋯.png (15.98 KB, 404x241, 404:241, ClipboardImage.png)


On the clock today -

Don't Zuck & WHO wife have an AIDS famous hospital in SF

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26091b  No.8614434

File: dfc75ecd18a214a⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_have_said_to_people_when….mp4)



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720199  No.8614435


Yes, there should be no government involvement in education whatsoever, not even local government involvement.

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c0c745  No.8614436

File: dfb5233fa5ed836⋯.jpg (208.43 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN4.jpg)

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e3805a  No.8614437


Thanks anon. I love pics of Manatee's

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f6fe55  No.8614438


how do you unite with an ideology who blindly trust the deep state?

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7cf4bb  No.8614439




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2974ee  No.8614440


Who supports spirit cooking in nY and CA ?

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bb7564  No.8614441



I’m borrowing this! Will credit you of course!

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cfb13f  No.8614442



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15c0db  No.8614443

File: 2ea033332e0a7a1⋯.png (31.25 KB, 643x546, 643:546, Screenshot_2020_03_29_Pres….png)


>dont fry your brain?

As I said, you are clearly thinking of television.

>watch the cspan video and let me know what you think!

You meant to say what cspan wants me to think.

Clearly, you are new here.

Want to read up on the dangers of prescription meds and what those can do to your brain?

You're talking to the survivor of someone's "negative" "side effect" to their medication, which caused a loved one to snap and try to murder-suicide himself and his family. I don't need cspan videos to let you know what I think

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4f523f  No.8614444


pretty sure we saw these docs on the board a couple years ago

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1ffc1e  No.8614445

File: 680ccfdb5920eba⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Bill Gates water

Featured snippet from the web

Bill Gates takes a sip of water that came out of the new Janicki Omniprocessor, which turns human waste into clean drinking water in minutes. … In the video, released this week, he stands in front of the Janicki , a giant new machine that can turn human waste into clean drinking water in minutes.Jan 10, 2015

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c8d67f  No.8614446

File: 28dc23ab146541b⋯.jpg (42.33 KB, 264x406, 132:203, PedoInTheMakinganal.jpg)

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e4581c  No.8614447


We're in total agreement which is why some news articles are standing alone and highlight and others are separated into the group.

I'm not trying to discourage anons from posting, just making it more organized and pushing out less previous breads notes.

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814c0a  No.8614449


baker's icon, your interpretation not his

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d5618b  No.8614450


>“In effect, the Fed is giving the Treasury access to its printing press.”

That right there, has been our country's problem for the last 106 Years.

Fed - Private Banksters like Rothschilds, JP Morgan, and other SECRET bankers who own the "Federal" Reserve.

The Fed Cabal didn't "give" the US Treasury access to "its" printing press.

POTUS and team TOOK IT BACK to the rightful Treasury.

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e4581c  No.8614451






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28356b  No.8614452

File: f3c2a1ed63b42c1⋯.jpeg (959.64 KB, 3094x1753, 3094:1753, 9E9A713C_BA59_4041_AB1F_9….jpeg)

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f686c7  No.8614453

File: 8b5f706616371ff⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1085x827, 1085:827, Screenshot_441.png)

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791301  No.8614455


Che hat.

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6f2ec1  No.8614456


Is there a way to permanently block all the repeated "pope saw a psychoanalyst", "drag queen story hour"? Seen it 100 times, not changing by showing it another 100. Waste of a scroll

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cfb13f  No.8614457

File: 6cec6fdf944d4f2⋯.png (197.4 KB, 423x537, 141:179, ClipboardImage.png)



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26091b  No.8614458

File: e600b1eba9f16ce⋯.png (163.76 KB, 1188x698, 594:349, Trotsky_Jew.PNG)



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52d6aa  No.8614459


easy once you realize that this is essentially another wing of the deep state, asking for blind trust with pretty words exactly like soros and the left

the issue is brainwashing, and its as bad here as there

break the brainwashing and you'll realize you have moar in common than not

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c5ffa6  No.8614461


Pronounced dead

Same as Hillary Clinton back in 2016….

Unable to attach video, it's too big, and YouTube deleted it!

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a218ba  No.8614462



I appreciate where your heart is, but you seem to have missed several lessons on psychological warfare and the power of cognitive dissonance.

Look, even you are upset about a message these memes don't even convey! Aren't they now stuck in your brain?

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1a3b5e  No.8614463


‘Security’ = Prison Guards?

We ain’t paying for that shit.

POTUS has said all along other cuntries must pay and/take the prisoners.

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950e6d  No.8614465


building 7 has fallen.

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e68e88  No.8614466

File: 0c529fd3c8c13b0⋯.png (507.09 KB, 1400x680, 35:17, 7865476576543787656547.png)

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bbf8c4  No.8614467

File: ccdcf422f27e68e⋯.png (298.18 KB, 578x900, 289:450, apart.PNG)



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af813f  No.8614468

File: 7f5fab2a8ee21a7⋯.jpeg (99.22 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, 400d5b81454c4ec91ae667b85….jpeg)

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cfb13f  No.8614470


quads confirm nasif is a larp

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26091b  No.8614471

File: cd654539c28d424⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1504x2336, 47:73, 1_Soros_Rothschild_2.png)

File: b707e6b06516acb⋯.png (776.41 KB, 1216x570, 32:15, 2_1426369462461.png)

File: 159401e6d7469e8⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1500x1941, 500:647, 4.png)

File: 37aabcc54750829⋯.jpg (104.55 KB, 600x594, 100:99, 5.jpg)

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, 1502211661133.jpg)


http://archive.vn/4OHWS - ""The Necessity of Anti-Semitism""

>A quote:

The Culture of Tolerance is now more than two centuries old. It matured slowly, but there can be little doubt that it has now come of age. Kevin MacDonald’s work has conclusively demonstrated that Jewish groups organized, funded and performed most of the work aimed at combating America’s 1924 immigration law, toppling it finally in 1965. Brenton Sanderson has shown that Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism were pivotal in ending the White Australia policy — a policy change opposed by the vast majority of the Australian population. I have written on how Jews were conspicuous in the dramatic changes in Britain’s citizenship, race, and speech laws from the 1950s to the 1980s. A Jewish Minister for Justice transformed Ireland’s citizenship process, opening the country up to Africans and Pakistanis. Today, Jews dominate the mass migration NGO scene, demonstrably holding executive roles at the International Rescue Committee, International Refugee Assistance Project, the Immigrant’s Rights division of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Immigration Justice Center, Equal Justice Works, The Immigrant Defense Project, National Immigration Law Center, Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, Northwest Immigrants Rights Project, the Asylum Advocacy Project, Refugee Council USA, the New York Civil Liberties Union, American Immigration Council, The Immigrant Learning Center, the Open Avenues Foundation, the Political Asylum/Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project, Central American Legal Assistance, Halifax Refugee Clinic, and the UK Refugee Law Initiative. The migration policy advisor for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is not a Catholic, but a Jewish woman.

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86c251  No.8614472

File: 72461c79e46b335⋯.jpg (539.53 KB, 1913x963, 1913:963, BAYOU86_29_Mar_20_2057.jpg)

BAYOU86 Blackhawk is following I-55. Navigating or tracking something?

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fad17a  No.8614473

File: 59b4dae627f6d29⋯.png (811.27 KB, 1324x750, 662:375, serveimage.png)


>still manages to come off as stupid

Sometimes things simply are what they seem.

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f686c7  No.8614474

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1d3935  No.8614475



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c9de2e  No.8614476


I like , but to reach even the lowest IQ with this meme , suggest a side-by-side format

Abortion = If this is OK

Why isn't this OK ? ( No Vax )

my 2 cents. :–))

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