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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

60ac0c  No.6052449

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Tuesday 03.26.2019

Compiled here: >>5943932

Monday 03.25.2019

Compiled here: >>5915285

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

60ac0c  No.6052456

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables

>>5857492 BO on "baker assist"

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images


are not endorsements


>>6052088 , >>6052123 Q: We have the source

>>6052056 Correction on the @USNavy tweet decode

>>6051967 #1 year delta coming up on BHO drop

>>6051874 UK Police ready 10,000 riot officers as fears Brexit tensions could worsen

>>6051868 Child Brides in Africa Are Advertised on FB and Sold to Old Men

>>6051833 MI5: Cases of far right terror “absolutely dwarfed by the number of Islamist cases”

>>6051800 Embassy back side livestream, and front (pb) >>6051031

>>6051796 Q 4.4.18: POTUS will be up all night. Watch the news

>>6052441 #7740


>>6051385 Retail Vacancies reach 2011 levels

>>6051355 Lidl CEO abruptly steps down

>>6051346 , >>6051350 @USNavy tweet and anon decode re Hussein

>>6051335 Breitbart News senior editor: “crystal clear” that China was “buying off” Joe Biden

>>6051192 Israeli Strikes On Syria: Weapons, Effect, Consequences

>>6051172 , >>6051261, >>6051264 Interdasting Q Posts from last March / April

>>6051164 , >>6051516 Google staffers are in revolt, demanding the removal of Kay Coles

>>6051080 Conservative support for POTUS wall soars to 99%

>>6051031 Assange: Ruptly livestream outside embassy

>>6051016 , >>6051046, >>6051063, >>6051158, >>6051345, >>6051413 Fresh DJT tweets

>>6050986 Australia and catastrophically stupid tech laws

>>6050983 , >>6050991 Planefag Reports

>>6051626 #7739

#7738 Baker change

>>6050804 Manning removed from solitary confinement

>>6050752 Survey: Let POTUS know your views on closing the border

>>6050713 City of Chicago says it plans to sue Smollett over $130,000 costs

>>6050542 Cohen wants to stay out of jail, says he has more docs

>>6050528 , >>6050707 House & Senate building superintend's placed on administrative leave

>>6050525 WK retweet: Assange will be expelled from embassy within 'hours to days'

>>6050508 , >>6050768 Sara: Dems demand Capital One turn over Trump's records

>>6050495 Labor Secretary ambushed over Epstien plea deal

>>6050483 WSJ report on Chicago Police asking Foxx to resign

>>6050470 New POTUS tweet and video

>>6050396 JA in the news? 'SR & JA in June'

>>6050395 News from Haberman re the IRS chief counsel confirmation

>>6050366 Former HRC Aide: Joe Biden’s Hair Sniffing Excuse ‘Really Doesn’t Wash’

>>6050346 FEC: Beto funneled $110000 in campaign funds to his web dev company

>>6050259 Dig on the officer indicted in bribery and procurement fraud

>>6050200 , >>6050243 Planefag Reports

>>6050181 Is FB paying The Daily Telegraph to write pro FB articles?

>>6050872 #7738

Previously Collected Notables

>>6050102 #7737,

>>6047715 #7734, >>6048511 #7735, >>6049268 #7736

>>6045350 #7731, >>6046270 #7732, >>6046957 #7733

>>6042697 #7728, >>6043770 #7729, >>6044562 #7730

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

60ac0c  No.6052460

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

(Foreign Language Threads have Translation Capability)

>>5945347 Australia #4

>>4554541 Brazil #1

>>5514044 Canada #2

>>4237797 France #1

>>6030503 Germany #19 (NEW)

>>5313285 India #1

>>5794762 Netherlands #2

>>5944714 New Zealand #3

>>5290557 Nordic#1

>>5568222 Northern Ireland and Ireland #1

>>4924411 South Africa #1

>>5710194 Spain #1

>>5936409 UK #4

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


60ac0c  No.6052463

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

60ac0c  No.6052474

File: 358640f6303748e⋯.jpg (130.06 KB, 1356x1668, 113:139, 358640f6303748e7d68ba3c3b2….jpg)

#7741 Dough


c3944b  No.6052477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition.


c3944b  No.6052479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


60ac0c  No.6052480

File: 5a44cd8dc2df8d4⋯.png (616.06 KB, 569x749, 569:749, 7ea486f0c2af72b71294d78828….png)

954e3e  No.6052481

Hello Patriots.

60ac0c  No.6052485

File: 816bb41c29601dd⋯.png (242.67 KB, 773x614, 773:614, b26e24c86cfeda9ff9bc172cff….png)

c3944b  No.6052487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

60ac0c  No.6052491

File: cb47a20efe34e4c⋯.png (308.74 KB, 510x499, 510:499, D3F3NuJXQAEvHBz.png)

c3944b  No.6052495

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, anton_protocols.png)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, protocols.jpg)




Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

c87ca5  No.6052498

File: 9155c349f0b5dab⋯.jpg (269.23 KB, 1079x1083, 1079:1083, 913b7474-fb2a-49fc-9a80-fd….jpg)


c3944b  No.6052504

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)









e51b62  No.6052507


Report: Amazon ‘Quietly Removes’ Special Treatment to Own Products from Searches

According to CNBC, the controversial company “quietly removed some of the most aggressive promotional spots for so-called private label products on its website,” following “growing scrutiny over their market power.”

“Amazon has been ramping up the number of private label brands during the last three years, stoking fear and concern among some sellers and brands that sell competing products on the marketplace,” reported CNBC. “Amazon’s promotions for these products, which started showing up at least a year ago, were exclusively reserved for Amazon’s own private label products and appeared in highly visible areas of the site, like the top of search results or next to the ‘buy box’ of a competitor’s product page.”

74a47d  No.6052513

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

e51b62  No.6052523


Twitter Blocks French Government’s Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign with France’s Fake News Law

France passed a law requiring “political campaigns” online to disclose their benefactors. The French state describes the law as “combating the manipulation of information.”

France’s Government Information Service sought to purchase promotional services on Twitter for its #OuiJeVote (Yes, I Vote) campaign. It told AFP: “Twitter does not know how to do that today, and so decided to have a completely hard-line policy, which is to cut any so-called political campaign.”

c87ca5  No.6052528

File: 372a42023c3318e⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 300x169, 300:169, bs-md-ci-srb-t-shirt-20181….jpg)


df6870  No.6052530

File: d02a59d0854f68c⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 590x350, 59:35, SausageServlet-8-405805.jpg)


e51b62  No.6052540


MIT Cuts Ties with Huawei and ZTE after U.S. Launches Investigations

According to reports, Chinese technology manufacturers Huawei and ZTE are facing investigations by the United States governments over alleged sanctions violations. Now, in response to the investigations, the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology is cutting ties with the manufacturers.

e13938  No.6052543

File: 33349e4a6b1c4a6⋯.jpg (254.7 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, IMG_20190303_220556.jpg)

POTUS up all night… Tomorrow Day One, yet?

896e7c  No.6052544

File: 097e81e0fa37b8d⋯.png (558.1 KB, 576x615, 192:205, stand-ready-q-pepe.png)

6a4ec9  No.6052545

File: c2a87230b2558ef⋯.png (956.26 KB, 1592x859, 1592:859, kkkk.PNG)

ty baker , re assange SAM 548

b82fff  No.6052546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4b5dfc  No.6052547

>>6052465 lb

just spitballin but scientology has its own tv channel now. maybe remini was to just get the word scientology bouncing off of lips. then again, from what I kmow the people she would run with on that show like rinder and others really went through hell to het away and start a normal life. one even started over and married before the squirrel patrol showed up. so i really dont know.

e51b62  No.6052548


Feds Raid Music Producer Mally Mall’s Home for Human Trafficking Investigation

Mall, who has worked with Drake, Tyga, Chris Brown, and Usher, was accused of raping a woman whose videos he allegedly discovered on Youtube. The woman claims that he contacted her and flew her from her home in Texas to L.A., but when she got to his home, he drugged her and then raped her.

6d08d0  No.6052549

Not a shillpost, I'm just a concernfag. Is the wall going up to keep us in when the 5G goes live? Please tear me apart.

c5fe81  No.6052550

File: dec9d69e6837a0a⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1333x727, 1333:727, XiPod.png)

File: d63ad30db846417⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1338x722, 669:361, XiPod2.png)

File: b04bb17f19bc4b4⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 1238x478, 619:239, XiPod3.jpg)

WTF is this?

You know what this means? Xi runs the USA - or at least he did.

You've all watched POTUS rally's. You see the warm up speakers come and go and when they're done, the Presidential seal is then put on the podium.

The ONLY TIME the presidential seal is on the podium is WHEN THE PRESIDENT IS SPEAKING .

Here, we see Xi standing behind a podium with the seal.

hrc and Biden drinking champagne with him to mock us because that's EXACTLY what this represents!

Godspeed Baker!

Copy-pasta for the traitor-Anons.

See y'all next bread too!


6bfd21  No.6052551

California man, 67, falls to death at Grand Canyon


PHOENIX (Reuters) - A 67-year-old California man died when he fell over a ledge while visiting the Grand Canyon, marking the third death in eight days at the popular Arizona tourist destination, park officials said on Thursday.

The man was visiting Grand Canyon National Park alone at about 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday when he reportedly fell off the edge at a viewing spot on the South Rim, said spokesman Murray Shoemaker.

Rescuers were alerted by a bystander and the man's body was recovered several hours later about 400 feet (122 meters) below the rim by the park's helicopter and a technical rescue team, Shoemaker said. The victim's name and hometown were not immediately released.

The National Park Service and the Coconino County Medical Examiner are investigating the death, but officials said it has initially been ruled accidental.

It was the third confirmed fatality in separate incidents at the sprawling attraction this year, two of them within the park's boundaries.

Park officials said a body was discovered on March 26 in an undeveloped area at the park's South Rim, but not near any overlooks. No other details were released.

Two days later, a Hong Kong tourist fell to his death while taking photographs at an overlook on Hualapai tribal land.

The crimson-hued canyon ranks as one of the world's most popular outdoor tourist venues, attracting 6.38 million park visitors in 2018.

5e6589  No.6052552

File: 5a84c15bdd60077⋯.png (428.34 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, AMY.png)

File: df68691220bc567⋯.png (348.92 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, AOC.png)

File: 936ee0ab1bd5413⋯.png (429.32 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, BERNIE.png)

File: 7e98b06fe2cb2d5⋯.png (347.44 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, BIDEN.png)

File: 8963e3ef08fa29b⋯.png (303.56 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, BOOKER.png)



In the meantime, I took the liberty to create better marketing logos for the top 20 or so 2020 Democratic Hopefuls. Requests are welcome.


f45dfe  No.6052553

File: 69ebc501b522dc8⋯.jpg (118.39 KB, 806x457, 806:457, PAIN 16.jpg)

22e27f  No.6052554

File: ba9f2dba9ed5f86⋯.png (235.49 KB, 1212x920, 303:230, ClipboardImage.png)

Unbelievable that Julian Assange is constantly under threat because he did what every major media outlet or newspaper pretends to do. There is never any true justice for the corrupt. Those he exposed got zero punishment, and his life has been forfeit. #WhistleblowerLivesMatter


e64e96  No.6052555

File: dfc8c0259d8ef5b⋯.jpeg (125.86 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 48E02E5B-C0E7-47AC-9AEE-0….jpeg)

File: 03bceedb72d1bcf⋯.jpeg (100.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, E3143DEA-754B-4BE5-8EC0-A….jpeg)

File: 0da6cba2eeadf45⋯.jpeg (123.12 KB, 500x377, 500:377, A1606E53-92EE-425D-8FA5-1….jpeg)

File: 44e958217e8960b⋯.jpeg (101.32 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 91E7742F-8ED8-41AE-9C2C-8….jpeg)

File: 83f2488e238f486⋯.jpeg (68.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 98E42B23-822C-4D08-ABD5-F….jpeg)

e13938  No.6052556

File: b2635c9e3afad84⋯.jpg (167.67 KB, 1080x706, 540:353, Screenshot_20190325-193330….jpg)

File: df39f2b160094e4⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 800x400, 2:1, IMG_20180713_212051.jpg)

Hit them back!

b0c574  No.6052557

File: 3f82c7ebb2c9955⋯.jpg (10.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, pepe time is up.jpg)

5e6589  No.6052558

File: 9f58e3ab590d55a⋯.png (534.18 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, CHUCK.png)

File: 104fae7ba41e7d7⋯.png (405.44 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, DIANNE.png)

File: 8afda8936e5220a⋯.png (343.37 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, ERIC.png)

File: b7d4069d5378f73⋯.png (400.71 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, GILLIBRAND.png)

File: 67fb44a3ae55221⋯.png (445.06 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, HICKENLOOPER.png)


Group 2 of 4

17266d  No.6052559

File: 6b9cabe0d1855d4⋯.png (195.6 KB, 1604x474, 802:237, bozo's.png)

Bozo's site changed the date

a76bf0  No.6052561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Assange to be expelled within ‘hours to days’ from Ecuadorian Embassy in London - WikiLeaks

8dcb78  No.6052562

File: 844193dc168670f⋯.png (74.29 KB, 590x496, 295:248, DB39E83E-E52B-42AA-821B-DA….png)


Hobbits and jewholes

5e6589  No.6052564

File: d9c1688bdfce753⋯.png (319.47 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, ILHAN.png)

File: 2f4ad69a7e012d8⋯.png (333.39 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, JULIAN.png)

File: 0cc7d85fbe65010⋯.png (526.83 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, KAMALA.png)

File: 9a445d686e2720d⋯.png (297.71 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, NADLER.png)

File: f712714e98e9974⋯.png (286.53 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, PEDO.png)


Group 3 of 4

ef750f  No.6052565

>>6052527 (pb)

no table

if legit

d4fff4  No.6052566


shill baker on duty.


>>6052520 lb

mason symbolism

<nightshift mason shill

e51b62  No.6052568


Mittens doesn't like Herman Cain

Romney dings Herman Cain for Trump’s Fed

Mitt Romney is not particularly impressed with the idea of Herman Cain joining the Federal Reserve, though President Donald Trump is pushing forward on the possible nomination.

In an interview, the Utah Republican senator brushed off the prospect of Trump following through and officially nominating Cain: “I doubt that will be a nomination. But if it were a nomination, you can bet [what] the interest rates he would be pushing for.”

“If Herman Cain were on the Fed, you’d know the interest rate would soon be 9-9-9,” Romney said in an interview on Thursday afternoon.

b17a62  No.6052569

File: 76110bc08b91807⋯.jpg (144.71 KB, 1057x439, 1057:439, Screenshot_20190405-034801….jpg)

File: f08f7d91abf2d55⋯.jpg (123.06 KB, 1080x528, 45:22, Screenshot_20190405-034726….jpg)

File: 677613544c37441⋯.jpg (472.84 KB, 1078x1464, 539:732, Screenshot_20190405-034640….jpg)

24f033  No.6052570

File: 8cf1324a80fa9eb⋯.png (297.21 KB, 880x287, 880:287, Screenshot 2019-04-04 at 8….png)

It's totally ok for leftist rag, (((Yahoo)))

to run this racist and disrespectful headline

about Herman Cain because…well…Orange man bad

5e6589  No.6052571

File: 69d9ce486ec3b63⋯.png (216.99 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, PETE.png)

File: d939f39f179be34⋯.png (477.59 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, RASHIDA.png)

File: e8aa8d3cd9f5606⋯.png (339.17 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, TULSI.png)

File: e68095e384ffc51⋯.png (438.43 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, WARREN.png)

File: a9440720a5d7566⋯.png (478.29 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, YANG.png)


Group 4 of 4 including Pete Buttiplug.

0340a2  No.6052572

So -_-

exhausted. -_-

Must -_-

kep -_-

going. -_-

b44762  No.6052573

File: b8f1df51e2e322d⋯.png (301.13 KB, 289x380, 289:380, ClipboardImage.png)

10deb2  No.6052574


Hola Amigo

81cda6  No.6052575

File: b9d6a9fab243e44⋯.jpeg (9.57 KB, 259x194, 259:194, concord-minutemen.jpeg)

This is the Q Century Project.

Send an E-mail to be put into contact with other Q supporters who want to think for themselves. More information will be available soon.


Create a new E-mail for this if desired. Stop using their centralized communications. We must distribute COMMS outside of all centralized platforms. Do not trust anyone. Q is larger than any one and we must ensure that communications will remain intact to coordinate future action. No more social media. No more Q websites. No more administrators. No more moderators. No more paytriots. The above E-mail will become irrelevant and disconnected.


I trust the plan but I have a plan as well. Think for yourselves. It is time for action now.

Are you tired of waiting?

Do you want to bring the light?

Are you willing to fight for your rights?

Do you understand what is going to happen if we fail?

Send me an E-mail and I will explain by the end of the week. I can't do this without you.

This project does not involve or promote any type of illegal activity. This project is not a LARP. This project is about thinking and acting independently.

8dcb78  No.6052576

File: 2b8fb303d0aa5ad⋯.jpg (222.72 KB, 1088x1168, 68:73, IMG_6807.JPG)

5e6589  No.6052577

File: fbab554f0b67d2a⋯.png (39.74 KB, 415x258, 415:258, AMY 2020 LOGO.png)

File: d9659d5d4e9f74f⋯.png (9.43 KB, 221x281, 221:281, AOC 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 83730eac8d2eee2⋯.png (40.88 KB, 376x206, 188:103, BERNIE 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 35fcc953c3b4034⋯.png (40.97 KB, 439x575, 439:575, BIDEN 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 4b49051fbb09af3⋯.png (26.77 KB, 377x144, 377:144, BOOKER 2020 LOGO.png)


PNG Logos 1 of 4

7a1a88  No.6052578


He isn't a whistleblower but other statements accurate

60e20f  No.6052579

File: e0d7dc708fe962f⋯.png (257.52 KB, 567x361, 567:361, trumpv3.png)

dd6b03  No.6052580


These are great, anon!

682fc8  No.6052581

File: 1b54a761a2570b3⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 620x798, 310:399, 20806464.jpg)

Ty, baker

1e258d  No.6052582

File: 98e898f91b693a3⋯.png (55.25 KB, 733x418, 733:418, ClipboardImage.png)

satanic symbols now appearing at govt buildings across amurica


d4fff4  No.6052583



c6df6a  No.6052584

File: e4e555d384496e8⋯.jpg (547.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 05d1bcbc3d09b6981c53e62065….jpg)

File: 178acfd423bc728⋯.png (829.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alt_Alpha.png)

File: bbe87b35bb8a3b0⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2732x2592, 683:648, QTeam.jpg)

File: a319ed363a968ab⋯.png (1.77 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Singin_POTUS_Q_Alt_Alpha.png)


Rockin it Baker !

Semper Fi

5e6589  No.6052585

File: d8c0a4aed59e04c⋯.png (156.15 KB, 360x350, 36:35, CHUCK 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 45ac06c5e56e54e⋯.png (65.57 KB, 400x280, 10:7, DIANNE 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 5dfb81ef0221fed⋯.png (20.89 KB, 387x258, 3:2, ERIC 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 1824b4b3f3d8128⋯.png (45.48 KB, 419x194, 419:194, GILLIBRAND 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 6b70f85611710ea⋯.png (47.06 KB, 400x252, 100:63, HICKENLOOPER 2020 LOGO.png)


Logos 2 of 4

ef750f  No.6052586


She's like the un-NPC.

e6b74c  No.6052587



Just because

c87ca5  No.6052588

0340a2  No.6052589


Sam Hyde is Q.

That's why he's not on the list.

5e6589  No.6052590

File: c577d78a6394dbb⋯.png (28.46 KB, 423x215, 423:215, ILHAN 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 5a73be0ac19c064⋯.png (16.68 KB, 401x205, 401:205, JULIAN 2020 LOGO.png)

File: b6876b84d9f5c04⋯.png (37.03 KB, 307x264, 307:264, KAMALA 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 58a01e2e223cf2d⋯.png (24.43 KB, 268x339, 268:339, NADLER 2020 LOGO.png)

File: f76302d3e883e52⋯.png (30.9 KB, 272x277, 272:277, PEDO 2020 LOGO.png)


Logos 3 of 4

b44762  No.6052591

File: c63fd18376bfd3e⋯.jpg (197.15 KB, 1061x592, 1061:592, WWG1WGA-Pepes.jpg)


these are really great kek

22e27f  No.6052592

File: c5752b219729a3c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1092x710, 546:355, ClipboardImage.png)

7a1a88  No.6052593


Mfw we find out they do this every night

418b02  No.6052594

File: d50620683a51e38⋯.jpg (317.29 KB, 643x900, 643:900, 60rdbbbj77754.jpg)

File: 7c47bd3f9b479a2⋯.jpg (73.64 KB, 600x764, 150:191, bn654739.jpg)

File: a8cb88298d06522⋯.jpg (226.09 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 11asianpack4bkr.jpg)

boobs 4 baker! ty!

e51b62  No.6052595

File: ae2842484c9a62f⋯.png (315.88 KB, 412x333, 412:333, AQ6.PNG)


I'm gonna like these!

682fc8  No.6052596

File: afa2f390ff67621⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2255x610, 451:122, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)

a7edea  No.6052597

File: d6cad27e1db2f06⋯.jpeg (47.49 KB, 400x400, 1:1, D28C0AF6-11EF-4C64-B7B2-4….jpeg)

Ben Collins updated his twatter avatar

5e6589  No.6052599

File: 22f0ae2e86460ae⋯.png (23.52 KB, 320x340, 16:17, PETE 2020 LOGO.png)

File: dc71386a9248a4e⋯.png (50.62 KB, 400x279, 400:279, RASHIDA 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 3f3e971aab8d501⋯.png (13.26 KB, 304x248, 38:31, TULSI 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 71236824a1b507e⋯.png (69.43 KB, 387x323, 387:323, WARREN 2020 LOGO.png)

File: 9bf0693af605461⋯.png (66.93 KB, 401x247, 401:247, YANG 2020 LOGO.png)


Last group 4 of 4 logos

ef750f  No.6052600


My birthday's comin' up - just sayin'.

d0b7b8  No.6052601

File: b4879332fa8bed0⋯.png (74.75 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

599e4d  No.6052602

>>6052349 (LB)

Does this mean anything to planefags? Rendition planes? Call signs in video


a5f0c6  No.6052603

File: 20204f2cfb037f7⋯.jpeg (121.37 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 7C520769-AF2B-4767-BAA6-1….jpeg)

File: 38910bc1d67341a⋯.jpeg (247.79 KB, 1536x516, 128:43, 4D1814D6-B1EE-4C86-B13F-D….jpeg)


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they pay to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




>>5966972 (Q, pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb)

d4fff4  No.6052604

File: 4ab36ede151ef16⋯.jpg (42.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, muhjew3.jpg)

1cbe19  No.6052605

>>6052531 (PB)

What is with all the noise of thick pieces of metal being dragged?

0340a2  No.6052606


There's no way he's coming out that door.

950093  No.6052607


April 9th?

74a47d  No.6052608

File: 58a4c2c4aa25876⋯.png (994.75 KB, 1165x1139, 1165:1139, real_goy_doc.png)

a77980  No.6052609

File: a45897c7a3001fd⋯.jpeg (8.34 KB, 189x255, 63:85, 8f8e42942cf1fcebee12ee3ac….jpeg)


I'd hit it tbh.

144289  No.6052610

File: 5def30ae11cbc28⋯.png (417.88 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 5def30ae11cbc2882f861e2f99….png)

936253  No.6052611

File: 237b8e481f8be5e⋯.png (235.79 KB, 450x450, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Mally Mall

ddfecc  No.6052612


that's why Pam got him eating Vegan, so he could shrink to fit into an IKEA sofa false-bottom

c6df6a  No.6052613

File: 9aefa3a7996c8aa⋯.png (653.47 KB, 907x770, 907:770, Night_Shift_Intruder_2.png)

Having FUN on Night Shift !

291186  No.6052614


Great work….not sure it Tulsi is accurate….that one might backfire….should be some truth in them like the others.

11c778  No.6052615

735d37  No.6052616

File: e91e5e4e9124ded⋯.jpg (202.62 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Q:Unity.jpg)

74a47d  No.6052617

File: 62a2915057f249a⋯.jpg (199.96 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, israel.jpg)

d4fff4  No.6052618


>Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.


0dd540  No.6052619


I really doubt that scenario, anon. Scientology's new membership numbers have been shrinking. She's gotta have at least a little to do with that.

Imo, she's on the right side of this.

bf1eec  No.6052620

File: 7eb6c6f1ac07526⋯.jpg (263.71 KB, 1434x898, 717:449, D5.jpg)

b3f14c  No.6052621

d0b7b8  No.6052622

File: dad8d07197f51cb⋯.png (50.58 KB, 540x405, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

c257b5  No.6052623


They all look like

Generation Cuck


they make me want to make up names for them!

682fc8  No.6052624

File: 052098313faae67⋯.png (783.8 KB, 1402x583, 1402:583, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)


all done

All for the cameras I guess

b7883b  No.6052625

File: f9212061a286053⋯.jpeg (140.42 KB, 1034x673, 1034:673, 74B65258-F120-4F63-B96F-8….jpeg)

WHY was the SMOLLETT Case locked down to disappear?

Black Panthers, Hollywood, Obama, Child Traffic, Full House, Ray Chandler

FBI agent assigned is Greg Wing is CHILD TRAFFIC expert in Chicago.

Smollett-Harris family of CHILD HOLLYWOOD raised in orbit of “Black Panthers”. Mother Janet is/was associate of Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, Julian Bond. Best friend is Angela Davis. Joel Smollett, the father, was Jew born in communist Russia (1956-2015).

Smollett / Child models and actors:

JoJo born 1977, child actor began on “Roseanne” in 1988, age 10.

Jazz born 1980, child actor in 1994 “On our own” age 14 years.

Jussie born 1982. Child actor at age 5 years.

Jurnee born 1986, child actor at age 5; roles included “Full House” - See other child actors Mary Kate & Ashley Olson linked with Ray/ Rachel Chandler & Hutton.

Jake born 1989 began career as baby diaper model then child actor.

Jocqui born 1993. Child actor as a toddler.



Tchen, close friends with Rahm Emanuels’s wife, Chief of staff for Michelle Obama.

Images: Smollett family, Jurnee on “Full House” with inducted Lori Laughlin and Olson twin

74fd17  No.6052626

File: 74b7171a2ddc6d0⋯.jpeg (29.02 KB, 440x352, 5:4, serveimage (21).jpeg)

5249d9  No.6052627

File: 83b0baf4e3fbb1a⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, aocohhh.jpg)

c87ca5  No.6052628


5 moar years of Mitt? Just rekt me

365eba  No.6052629

>>6052353 lb

HO LEE SHIT ANON- I have been wondering what this meant!!!

I had a dream a few months back with this word very clearly said to me:


Since I am a somewhat psychic dream anon I did a dig but didn't find the same spoopiness (not the best digger obviously, thank you hive mind - we all in this together!) - I only found that he was some rich guy motivational speaker and that

Cordone also means:

1. A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it: a police cordon.

2. A rope, line, tape, or similar border stretched around an area, usually by the police, indicating that access is restricted.

based on my psychic Sauce I'd say this is a



f41c7f  No.6052630


what's the teddy bear and tent thing about?

Doug ramped it up

Must be getting angry.

d0b7b8  No.6052631

File: 45e1ae35b14cbda⋯.png (48.58 KB, 540x593, 540:593, ClipboardImage.png)

74a47d  No.6052632

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, synagogue of satan.jpg)

File: 4fb63bb2ad2784b⋯.png (821.36 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 4fb63bb2ad2784.png)

File: 204ea17bc35c773⋯.jpg (166.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, syn.jpg)

e6b74c  No.6052633

File: 068719fde0aed62⋯.jpg (137.18 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, 068719fde0aed6228f569671e1….jpg)


The only way to have fun is fun had with frens

0340a2  No.6052634

File: 7ec47b8baa67dda⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 552x554, 276:277, 56659859_2309480029325361_….jpg)

60e20f  No.6052635


It's a modern day chastity belt

f88160  No.6052636

File: c414029414049cb⋯.png (3.79 MB, 3356x1574, 1678:787, Caps 2019-04-04 at 9.54.12….png)

File: 84b1ce27f96fb39⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1696x1308, 424:327, Caps 2019-04-04 at 9.53.40….png)

SAM548 C-40 B737 over London

e13938  No.6052637

File: 36854389e47ab4b⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, HillaryGetsObamasQNote.jpg)

933efe  No.6052638

File: 69b1f5eca0d91c8⋯.png (725.97 KB, 517x511, 517:511, 08a05e6d-c83c-4fbb-b7a0-3d….png)


Thanks Baker

936253  No.6052639

File: 1eee047fbe3cfde⋯.png (237.11 KB, 502x314, 251:157, ClipboardImage.png)

b7883b  No.6052640

File: 46489013b2b8a81⋯.jpeg (62.32 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 47E2A1B2-D100-4060-921B-8….jpeg)

File: 931592262a39e2d⋯.jpeg (106.99 KB, 970x546, 485:273, FED6F2AA-C80A-4C10-99E6-F….jpeg)

File: e04e6a0da454674⋯.jpeg (335.43 KB, 768x614, 384:307, 4FE18883-9055-4E8E-B1B9-B….jpeg)


Smollett - Full House - Black Panthers

6c03a0  No.6052641


sam707 heading that way too

b82fff  No.6052642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

60ac0c  No.6052643


If anon reposts I'll add to notes tb.

ef750f  No.6052644


bea777  No.6052645

now taking the lights down

365eba  No.6052646


copy pasta for relevancy

I've been digging on this Scientologist Motivational speaker called Grant Cardone. This guy is super shady. He is in Malaysia now, WTF?


Here he is dancing to JAY Z at 40000 feet.


I'm sure this guy is connected to NXVIM

There is also a video of him showering naked with his 9 year old daughter.

He also has a childrens Foundation (of course)


c5fe81  No.6052647

File: a05e98041ce2451⋯.jpg (74.96 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SETH!.jpg)

File: 6bc85f6e6885783⋯.jpg (11.66 KB, 255x135, 17:9, JA Q.jpg)

Moar than one source pic related

65018e  No.6052648

File: b217abbaa92cb84⋯.png (226.25 KB, 700x653, 700:653, complaintfrog.png)



this chick has her kid in the car and keeps putting a giant teddy bear in the driver seat its like 4am over there

7a1a88  No.6052649

There is action in the basement on the left side.

d62d5a  No.6052650

File: cfd5bdf18a42b69⋯.png (12.13 KB, 255x206, 255:206, pepelove.png)

5249d9  No.6052651

File: e8a357a99900924⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 618x412, 3:2, danieliam.jpg)


my birthday,,yay!

682fc8  No.6052652



e02db1  No.6052653

What is with the Teddy Bears in tents at the Embassy?

936253  No.6052654

File: 519238218a1676d⋯.jpg (155.2 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, fly.jpg)

4c1b66  No.6052655

The pro-Trump Qanon theory is a constantly shifting conspiracy that revolves around the idea that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was working with President Donald Trump to unearth a cabal of pedophiles, including Hillary Clinton, and send them to be imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.


9470ca  No.6052656

File: fc53a30d776be2a⋯.png (896.09 KB, 489x1261, 489:1261, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT 4 twits 2 hours before

418b02  No.6052657

File: fca5b1d02d05f1a⋯.jpg (258.83 KB, 1063x850, 1063:850, shdnmenrmr.jpg)

File: 4d65ecfa5a92504⋯.jpg (170.27 KB, 927x937, 927:937, aq5.jpg)


and one 4 anon

291186  No.6052658


Designate the Quran and Talud as "hate speech"

Boom. Checkmate.

d4fff4  No.6052659


i am not saying israel has no DS elements or israels politics are all fine.

i say all the posts here re joooos are done by shills who hope that a nazi narrativ would help getting anons shut down.

every nation is part of global illuminati cabal, every average people get fucked by cabal.

d1acae  No.6052660


Kek. They are like garbage pail kids.

735d37  No.6052661


Altitude 35,000'

Not fixing to land imminently

7a1a88  No.6052662


Dunno but watch the light in between them. Ppl in the basement

729fd6  No.6052663

AOC is the stealth bomber

682fc8  No.6052664

Made for TV Drama


ef750f  No.6052665


>The pro-Trump Qanon theory is a constantly shifting conspiracy that revolves around the idea that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was working with President Donald Trump to unearth a cabal of pedophiles, including Hillary Clinton, and send them to be imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.

Almost a reasonable explanation.

144289  No.6052666

File: 11c822149c9ffe9⋯.jpg (69.45 KB, 647x404, 647:404, 11c822149c9ffe93d2a2ef4bca….jpg)

344b49  No.6052667


These are great memes.

Anon on Bookers, can you create a version that under the Booker 2020, put I'm Spartacus….

Just an idea. he reminds me of a whack-a-mole.

10deb2  No.6052668

File: 2ca56ebb0c5622d⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, alien5366778842ab06db82174….jpg)

22e27f  No.6052669

File: b47d4a64d77cad4⋯.png (345.25 KB, 558x654, 93:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f877171de44de22⋯.png (696.27 KB, 988x602, 494:301, ClipboardImage.png)

446bc4  No.6052670


Just starting to incorporate past drops into the mix. As you know, team Q has a huge arsenal of devastating courses of action. I also learned that Q has even offered real time dispatching of operators based upon the actions of anons. Neat stuff

6a4ec9  No.6052671

File: a8317ab25bda6d7⋯.png (722.31 KB, 1599x863, 1599:863, lll.PNG)


it's passing over , trajectory maybe frankfurt .

ef750f  No.6052672


>The pro-Trump Qanon theory is a constantly shifting conspiracy that revolves around the idea that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was working with President Donald Trump to unearth a cabal of pedophiles, including Hillary Clinton, and send them to be imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.

Almost a reasonable explanation.

previous attempt aborted by bizarre browser buggery

11c778  No.6052673

File: f8c88483d8f06e5⋯.jpeg (126.35 KB, 421x506, 421:506, 468304A6-1CE1-45F3-A701-3….jpeg)

c6df6a  No.6052674

4b3c16  No.6052675

God, The Lord of Hosts…

will just come unto me

I Daniel am ANGRY.

You belittle God.


1dc667  No.6052676

File: b935593c8d8b6b6⋯.png (546.42 KB, 800x824, 100:103, Meme Award Medal Pepe.png)

debcce  No.6052677

From the very end of pb.

A friends granddaughter was told by her teacher to read and do a report on this Satanic dark subject book. Child sacrifices, witch, black magic!

I'm just perplexed and SMH. Hopefully, after Potus Geotus will tackle our public schools next after saving the world. Clean up the curriculum. The Secretary of Education should look into this very bad brain washing.

The Girl Who Drank the Moon (Winner of the 2017 Newbery Medal) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1616205679/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_1bRPCbMX2FJMM

Product description

Winner of the 2017 Newbery Award

The New York Times Bestseller

An Entertainment Weekly Best Middle Grade Book of 2016

A New York Public Library Best Book of 2016

A Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2016

An Amazon Top 20 Best Book of 2016

A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2016

A School Library Journal Best Book of 2016

Named to KirkusReviews’ Best Books of 2016

2017 Booklist Youth Editors’ Choice

Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the Forest, Xan, is kind. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon. Xan rescues the children and delivers them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey.

One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. As Luna’s thirteenth birthday approaches, her magic begins to emerge–with dangerous consequences. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Deadly birds with uncertain intentions flock nearby. A volcano, quiet for centuries, rumbles just beneath the earth’s surface. And the woman with the Tiger’s heart is on the prowl . . .

The Newbery Medal winner from the author of the highly acclaimed novel The Witch’s Boy.

From School Library Journal

Gr 4–6—Once a year in the Protectorate there is a Day of Sacrifice. The youngest baby is taken by the Elders and left in the forest to die, thus appeasing the witch who threatens to destroy the village if not obeyed. Unbeknownst to the people, Xan, the witch of the forest, is kind and compassionate. When she discovers the first baby left as a sacrifice, she has no idea why it has been abandoned. She rescues the infants, feeds each one starlight, and delivers the shining infants to parents in the Outside Cities who love and care for them. On one occasion, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight along with starlight, filling her with glowing magic. Xan is smitten with the beautiful baby girl, who has a crescent moon birthmark on her forehead, and chooses to raise her as her own child. Twists and turns emerge as the identity of the true evil witch becomes apparent. The swiftly paced, highly imaginative plot draws a myriad of threads together to form a web of characters, magic, and integrated lives. Spiritual overtones encompass much of the storytelling with love as the glue that holds it all together. VERDICT An expertly woven and enchanting offering for readers who love classic fairy tales.—D. Maria LaRocco, Cuyahoga Public Library, Strongsville, OH


2017 Newbery Medal Winner

A New York Times Bestseller

A New York Public Library Best Book of 2016

A Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2016

“Impossible to put down . . . The Girl Who Drank the Moon is as exciting and layered as classics like Peter Pan or The Wizard of Oz.”

— The New York Times Book Review

“A gorgeously written fantasy about a girl who becomes “enmagicked” after the witch who saves her from death feeds her moonlight.”


“[Barnhill’s] next middle grade sensation.”


74a47d  No.6052678

File: 3ca9291ce8115a0⋯.png (1.67 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

f92507  No.6052679

NY budget includes a bill to reduce the sentence for Class A Misdemeanors from 365 days to 364 days. All to avoid having illegal aliens who get charged with a crime be subject to deportation proceedings.

Apparently a sentence of 1 year or more triggers automatic deportation proceedings for illegals - NY state loves them so much they changed the time for committing a crime to protect them.


682fc8  No.6052680


I think the lights were ordered to be moved.

c5fe81  No.6052681

File: afaba7d5bcf2d1b⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 720x721, 720:721, JA.jpg)

File: a79dae00051517f⋯.png (186.93 KB, 599x369, 599:369, JA shh.png)

dcbbe2  No.6052682


>this racist and disrespectful headline


You're a liberal snowflake!

Where's the racism?

Pizza is a race now?

I suspect the intention was a little more perverse than race baiting.

ef750f  No.6052683




74a47d  No.6052684

File: f9a3bc8ec88dfc4⋯.jpg (193.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dougs_always_slidin.jpg)

6b37b9  No.6052685


45dc4d  No.6052686


Has same clients as Avenatti’s buddy, Mark Geragos.

376076  No.6052687

Lori LIghtfoot connected to John Sullivan, Pompeo's Asst Sec of State. Virtually unknown, she announce for Chicago mayor four months before Rahm yielded. Perhaps she has friends in high places.

c83c40  No.6052688

File: 7cb63932d3379a5⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2880x1036, 720:259, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)


Did you forget Pete Buttigieg?

You know, the first gay president?

That would rise above all the too-far-left candidates?

85d4e5  No.6052689

File: 3d67fd3a8779aea⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 468x665, 468:665, Corrupted Rep..JPG)

6e59fb  No.6052690


The lights are being extradited???

7a7e70  No.6052691

File: d78ffb15b7db7ec⋯.jpg (140.65 KB, 900x507, 300:169, George-Soros-David-Brock-C….jpg)


Hired, tired, fired.

e6b74c  No.6052692



ef750f  No.6052693


Good thing too. Someone could get themselves a good poke if they stepped on them.

d58cbe  No.6052694


My kid would take the F

ec98f3  No.6052695

File: 277f6579e9e02fd⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 657x546, 219:182, Presidential Seal for G Bu….JPG)

File: 82bc0ea2abe934c⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 701x524, 701:524, Presidential Seal for G Bu….JPG)


George Bush's PS.

291186  No.6052696


What about Gordon Lightfoot?

79d547  No.6052697

File: 96887f72fd0c5cd⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 800x730, 80:73, LordisMySheperd.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 111:

Praise for God’s Wonderful Works

111 Praise the Lord!

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,

in the company of the upright, in the congregation.

2 Great are the works of the Lord,

studied by all who have pleasure in them.

3 Full of honor and majesty is his work,

and his righteousness endures for ever.

4 He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered;

the Lord is gracious and merciful.

5 He provides food for those who fear him;

he is ever mindful of his covenant.

6 He has shown his people the power of his works,

in giving them the heritage of the nations.

7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;

all his precepts are trustworthy,

8 they are established for ever and ever,

to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.

9 He sent redemption to his people;

he has commanded his covenant for ever.

Holy and terrible is his name!

10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;

a good understanding have all those who practice it.

His praise endures for ever!

6845a3  No.6052698

Our Father which art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done

In earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day

Our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.


682fc8  No.6052699

File: 3affe7188e5052c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1762x680, 881:340, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)



11c778  No.6052700

File: 4717bff35846fe1⋯.jpeg (90.07 KB, 924x564, 77:47, AF109118-C5B6-48E3-A3DA-2….jpeg)

f88160  No.6052701

File: a35359cbc74ea1f⋯.png (4.74 MB, 2792x1308, 698:327, Caps 2019-04-04 at 9.59.22….png)



Something weird going on tho.

936253  No.6052702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

786ca8  No.6052703

People are really havin a hard time this week it seems like

Seeing a lot of anons breaking down

hang in there guys

3419ad  No.6052704



8a108a  No.6052705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robin Biro, former Obama Campaign staffer

Joe Biden Kissed My Mom

This behavior is totally inappropriate in this day and age.

Recently posted OANN clip (2 mins)

896e7c  No.6052706

File: 1f4a38f875e38a6⋯.png (688.26 KB, 975x596, 975:596, god-bless-usa.png)

7daa4c  No.6052707

File: 6e3c8ed6e951c73⋯.png (2.47 KB, 302x65, 302:65, toast.PNG)

Anyone else using Toastmaster have the UK thread showing up in their toast???

Pic related

It's the one on the right.

e64e96  No.6052708



74a47d  No.6052709

File: 24d04f9908dfd99⋯.jpeg (60.33 KB, 924x564, 77:47, 51a894553a680825893a3bae5….jpeg)

File: 930f188eeb1c5ca⋯.png (32.43 KB, 449x251, 449:251, antibrains.png)

c6df6a  No.6052710


I got a feeling there is a box of candy and flowers on the way……

e55b33  No.6052711

File: f93c8b070243c73⋯.jpeg (128.71 KB, 1242x621, 2:1, 88538C98-4996-4C9B-B8F7-7….jpeg)

90386a  No.6052713

c5fe81  No.6052714


>George Bush's PS.Than

e2f876  No.6052715

File: f1eca074c7f7f54⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 475x345, 95:69, giphy.gif)

735d37  No.6052716


That's not a real trajectory.

What you see is the ADSB transponder fuzzing the positional data.

I believe our mil ac can do this on purpose to make their position a bit indeterminate.

5da4df  No.6052717

File: 66bc089b3d40af7⋯.png (13.53 KB, 390x305, 78:61, ClipboardImage.png)

d62d5a  No.6052718


Moderate muslim means they are involved in economic, womb warfare against the kafir/infidels.

45dc4d  No.6052719


5:5 too?

A P R I L = 5, 5th

950093  No.6052720

File: 5bad8df7521702e⋯.jpeg (136.3 KB, 952x500, 238:125, B680A3BB-2AC7-458C-8F71-2….jpeg)

933efe  No.6052721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

144289  No.6052722

File: 9efb2f1db475ca1⋯.png (4.09 MB, 2996x2996, 1:1, 9efb2f1db475ca19c64bc769cd….png)




f41c7f  No.6052723


Moar Doug

What is that dudes last name?

we should ask him to stop!

f16e01  No.6052724


These are GREAT anon! I'm stealing them all ;)

3f4faf  No.6052725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RT stakeout at the embassy

751035  No.6052726


> As you know,

7a1a88  No.6052727

File: d059db23d00ccf0⋯.png (198.78 KB, 341x514, 341:514, 10E7C261-4AB4-4CA2-A611-AF….png)


The Omar one should use this photo for posterity

74a47d  No.6052728

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)


>Moar Doug


>What is that dudes last name?


>we should ask him to stop!

24f033  No.6052729


Listen you stupid cocksucker…any conservative

calls an educated and successful black man a

"Pizza man", leftist soy boys like you would

demand them to be fired…FUCK YOU

344b49  No.6052730

File: deaa26fc0b7f2fe⋯.jpg (7.89 MB, 3456x2304, 3:2, 0420-0906-2208-3133_milita….jpg)

dcbbe2  No.6052731


Oh yes, perfect!

Now, if you would be so kind as to disappear up your own rectal passage, it would be much appreciated.

72a4b9  No.6052732

File: cb1862c88f784a6⋯.jpg (394.56 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190404-220014….jpg)


What the heck is this? Raymond Lavas.

45dc4d  No.6052733


Request for Kamala

6a4ec9  No.6052734


radarbox 24 is fine . track it there .

ef750f  No.6052735


Why would they want the black man fired?

7488c6  No.6052736

File: 1e4720cd744a562⋯.jpg (793.61 KB, 1415x1831, 1415:1831, SmartSelect_20190404-21454….jpg)

File: bb44c3448a32693⋯.jpg (531.57 KB, 1079x2151, 1079:2151, Screenshot_20190404-214250….jpg)

File: 5237fb743440ca4⋯.jpg (444.19 KB, 1079x2453, 1079:2453, Screenshot_20190404-214445….jpg)

This army post sort of reminds me of this…

f751e1  No.6052737




9a50b5  No.6052738

File: 7310156a55d591f⋯.jpg (25.65 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Ivanka.jpg)

b0c574  No.6052739

File: a89c24cb41e13b3⋯.jpg (108.36 KB, 952x500, 238:125, carvana cumulative.jpg)

Anyone know about this company?

Know very little of it other than what can be found online- this guy has sold many shares in the space of a little over a month. Seems rather excessive for a e-commerce platform.

Carvana Co. is an e-commerce platform for buying used cars. On the Company’s platform, consumers can research and identify a vehicle, inspect it using its proprietary 360-degree vehicle imaging technology, obtain financing and warranty coverage, purchase the vehicle and schedule delivery or pick-up, all from their desktop or mobile devices. The Company's transaction technologies and online platform transform a traditionally time consuming process by allowing customers to secure financing, complete a purchase and schedule delivery online.



f41c7f  No.6052740


Cat fight

Not organic.

debcce  No.6052741


Fortunately, I was able to send my daughter to good Christian schools and college prep schools. Otherwise, my daughter would take have received an "f" too!

735d37  No.6052742

File: 9b45ae681df5426⋯.jpg (118.31 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, KAMALA.jpg)

df82d3  No.6052743

As much grief Louise Mensche (Limey) has thrown at Assange the last two years at least and not one tweet by her today about his being kicked out of embassy.

e51b62  No.6052744

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, A Q Eyes.jpg)


Shit just got interesting tonight!

c5fe81  No.6052745


ThanQ Anon!

Still- no GB present in the pics or anywhere around the podium which indicates the post is correct!

Xi is standing at the podium with Presidential seal- uninvited by the President.

Means he's Pres! Or at least that's the optics joe and hrc are going for.

0340a2  No.6052746

File: 80434b440d4383d⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 55937557_1507220006080880_….jpg)

5da4df  No.6052747

File: ff6ad5535a2bef5⋯.png (403.33 KB, 888x847, 888:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 474a9410bcf2b9b⋯.png (222.59 KB, 922x721, 922:721, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ec5cbcbe2b152c⋯.png (335.17 KB, 909x628, 909:628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc5e97bc18df01a⋯.png (210.36 KB, 549x460, 549:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Petrodollar Panic: Saudis Threaten To Dump USD-Oil Trades Over OPEC Anti-Trust Bill

Three year ago - almost to the day - Saudi Arabia rattled its first sabre towards the United States, with an implicit threat to dump US Treasuries over Congress' decision to allow the Saudis to be held responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

In a stunning report at the time by the NYTimes, Saudi Arabia told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Then, six months ago, the Saudis once again threatened to weaponize their wealth as the biggest importer of arms from America in the world.


11c778  No.6052748

File: 1dccf88ed4feb75⋯.png (614.83 KB, 586x900, 293:450, 0E9D7EEB-EAD4-4BCD-9A99-32….png)

22e27f  No.6052749

File: d82e0cff17e518f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1234x1242, 617:621, ClipboardImage.png)

keks for Kat


b23786  No.6052750


Some of us are barely hanging on at this point. The moods changed around here (not just the shilling either) It's just dragging on and on. Faith is still there but it seems to be waning. Maybe it's just me and i'm reading my own emotions into others. I really hope thats the case.

24f033  No.6052751


can you read, dipshit?

9e86a4  No.6052752



74a47d  No.6052753

File: f554f79cff7082b⋯.png (109.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, d2974cce44625.png)

896e7c  No.6052754

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)


I would be suprised if he is still there.

e64e96  No.6052755

File: 44e958217e8960b⋯.jpeg (101.32 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 1D168C65-5688-4A6B-A184-6….jpeg)

7488c6  No.6052756

File: 151eac1fd24f263⋯.jpg (579.48 KB, 1080x1404, 10:13, 20190404_220047.jpg)

File: 7868c9ad974d4c2⋯.jpg (874.86 KB, 1440x966, 240:161, 20190404_215941.jpg)

File: 41066118c8c696b⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1440x2276, 360:569, 20190404_220002.jpg)

File: 4678c7d551c0e23⋯.jpg (730.39 KB, 1440x2282, 720:1141, 20190404_220027.jpg)


What is this? I'm phine fagging so my filter sucks, but it sort of looks like a frog.

b44762  No.6052757

File: 07f9ca8d5e3566c⋯.jpg (473.47 KB, 775x436, 775:436, Nakasone.WeHaveItAll.jpg)


sauce on the previous date…


Panic much? kek

519b72  No.6052758

File: a77143d75d47d9c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 930x698, 465:349, Apache Hows my driving.PNG)

d62d5a  No.6052760


No sharia. No koran, hadith and sira. 3 books they follow.

ef750f  No.6052761



So you're concerned?

e7e434  No.6052762

Almighty God, Lord of Hosts,

I praise You always, for You alone are worthy of praise. I beg you to forgive my sins and be gracious in your love for me, as I believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior.

Almighty Father, if it is Your Will to do so, please save, protect and keep me, my family, my friends, my cohorts, our nation and indeed the World which you created. Help us, God, that we may overcome evil and restore Your truth, justice, and peace on Earth.

Gracious Lord, You who are omniscient and omnipotent, hold the truth of the knowledge of our circumstances, our transgressions, our errors, and also our hopes and desires for peace and justice.

Restore us, I pray, O My Redeemer. Come to us in our hour of need, as we call upon You for your Divine Love and generous help.

I pray for Your help. Grant us that which we need, and steer us to desire that which is good, right and just in your eyes. Bind our enemies that they will cease to do us harm and submit to Your justice.

Thank you, Father, for hearing my plea. In all things, Your will shall always be done.

In the name of Christ, who with You and the Holy Spirit, live and reign as One God, now and forevermore.


291186  No.6052763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


have you seen this one?

d1acae  No.6052764


Interdasting. One big ol club huh?

144289  No.6052765

File: 126cef3a1986278⋯.png (676.61 KB, 1230x746, 615:373, 950cfde3f911fb16311683510b….png)

6c03a0  No.6052766

File: 1fb2ac283a2d35d⋯.png (273.32 KB, 600x583, 600:583, 204px-Bashful_KHBBS.png)

Ima conflicted, all I have that easy to make to eat is a Red Baron, but after spending time around here do I really want to put pizza in the oven

ef750f  No.6052767


>can you read, dipshit?

Yes. Your statement was ambiguous. I was pointing that out in order to annoy you. I succeeded.

1dc667  No.6052768

File: 18758ebc2c36a4a⋯.jpg (601.75 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Bless This Bread Baker.jpg)




And God Bless America

fdecfa  No.6052769


I don't care, douche

b44762  No.6052770

File: fc16ff12b51707a⋯.png (15.63 KB, 1068x213, 356:71, ClipboardImage.png)




c6df6a  No.6052771

File: 575353dc8986d54⋯.png (266.21 KB, 948x567, 316:189, SR_71_Night_Shift_5.png)


That's a great one. Good Job !

786ca8  No.6052772


It's gonna be alright brother

Don't give up after coming this far

6a72b9  No.6052773


next up

a used car business that specializes in mattress toppers on the roof

called "AUTOFIRM"

IPO planned with Goldman Sachs

cabal to launder 100 million into IPO so all friends can get in on the gournd floor and sell off the stock/bribes

e6b74c  No.6052774


Love it, can't listen without bawling, remember the day, the smell, the light….

One of the most epic eulogies ever.

7a7e70  No.6052775

File: 34a54b75a3a7e2b⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, soros-quote_orig.jpg)


Sad trombone.

8a68b4  No.6052776


I don't think so.

Are you familiar with the SEAD method known as "Wild Weasel?" AOC is a missile magnet if there ever was one. For a democrat, that girl is catching more legal action than the lawyer category of pornhub. The money being thrown at intimidating her family and trying to throw her out of office is nothing short of amazing.

I don't care if she is a scripted part of this whole thing or if she is flying by the seat of her pants, as far as I am concerned, she should get some kind of a medal at the end of all of this. She is taking fire from all sides, including our own.

She doesn't have to be a conservative - just not being an abusive sadist is enough to make her deserving of an atta-girl at the end of her sortie.

dcbbe2  No.6052777

File: 3c33c0c11efa674⋯.png (432.96 KB, 884x638, 442:319, retarded forget.png)


Carry on, snowflake.

b0c574  No.6052778

File: a43e9d8731fa9cc⋯.jpeg (70.8 KB, 640x978, 320:489, D5 on the bus baby.jpeg)


chek'd evil trips

d4fff4  No.6052779

ec98f3  No.6052780


There is NO President or Vice President outer Ring…so it is just a symbolic seal…

6ffde4  No.6052781

Go listen to praying medic

And the birds sing

And fhildren play

Then come back.


c5e746  No.6052782

Lights just came on in the embassy and off again

c08834  No.6052783


Looks more like a part of the tree to me…broken branch or whatever. It does kinda look like a frog, though! =o)

cc4042  No.6052784


I think 4/15 must pass - it'd be a mess if everything went down before folks filed their taxes

6189e7  No.6052785

File: 9d4949e924170e2⋯.png (339.44 KB, 422x566, 211:283, laser_comfy.png)

682fc8  No.6052786


If we're here we either have more time on our hands, more computer/internet savviness, or we're just more intelligent than normies that get their news from the TV.

TV minds aren't just slow, they're used to a certain pace of information which has been designed through all the challenges imposed upon them.

If the plan is legit, it's working at their speed while we're informed on a deeper level as to the intricacy of the plan or that there is going to be a mass (Great Awakening) event which is happening on the TV which for all intents and purposes, is so planned out, that it's a movie.

So whether we like it or not, we're riding this train at the pace of the slowest common denominator.

9470ca  No.6052787

File: a90242941289dfa⋯.png (121.11 KB, 218x231, 218:231, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6052756 Good catch fren

d62d5a  No.6052788

File: 603fdee292c835c⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 657x527, 657:527, interdasting4.jpg)

0dd540  No.6052789


Do you ever wonder how many BJs Booker or Beto may have given to get where they are?

f41c7f  No.6052790



You're falling for it.

9007a7  No.6052791

April 5th = D5

Calling it

907d82  No.6052792

Going to have another stiff drink and go to sleep. Today was yet another shit day.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.😐

f1b5c7  No.6052793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Human Misery for Fun and Profit - Clinton, O'Brien, Andrés, Epstein - Amazing Polly

I look at the way the "elites" use disaster and misery to profit and entertain themselves. Are their so called humanitarian missions a front for human trafficking?

I focus on Puerto Rico & Haiti and look at Chef José Andrés, Ireland's Denis O'Brien, Mexico's Carlos Salinas, Jeffrey Epstein, Laura Silsby and of course Bill and Hillary Clinton.

These people are all connected. The Swamp is deep and needs to be drained NOW.

6bfd21  No.6052794

1) What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?

Data collection.




Creation of fake intel dossier using ex spy.

Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election.



No Name.









What if intel masked penetration(s) to frame Russia?





Why does the UK gov desperately want JA?

Think source files.

The more you know.


2) Coincidence?

JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).

Crisis mode.


3) Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).

D’s are in crisis mode.

AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.

Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).

These people are corrupt beyond belief.

America for sale.

Sold out.


4) JA in the news?

Think JC.

Server unlocks SR.

MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control.

ETA (estimated).

It has begun.


5) What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

Back in the news.

The 'server' brings down the house.



Past statement was directed @ confirmation statements, not assumptions (+JA throw in).

These are spread to discredit knowing will not materialize.

Good decoding.

Technically US 11th = SING 12th, correct?

What else might (23) refer to?

Dash v Minus?



7) SR connect to DNC.



Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?

June ETA.


8) How did @Snowden clear customs/immigration in HK AFTER the public release?

Why wouldn’t he FIRST travel to final destination prior to public release?

If wanted by the US govt would he be cleared to travel?

Who provided support to escape?

Who was the US after during this time?

JA - have you learned & eliminated L-6?

Use logic.


735d37  No.6052795

File: f22d7be61a8aa0c⋯.jpg (188.51 KB, 729x494, 729:494, GodBless.jpg)

File: 4d4e022ca469b33⋯.jpg (122.07 KB, 470x361, 470:361, GodBlessAmerica1.jpg)

File: 18b68ff7687ba0c⋯.jpg (477.09 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, GodBlessAmericaFlagFirewor….jpg)

File: 8b5129e6d0d6ac5⋯.jpg (217.4 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, America-GodBless.jpg)

1fadb8  No.6052796

From Oct. 2018 but I cannot remember this being covered…

Obama Had a Secret Plan in Case Trump Rejected 2016 Election Results

In October 2016, senior staff in the Obama White House discussed what they should do if Hillary Clinton won the November election and Donald Trump refused to accept the result as legitimate. They had cause to be worried. At that time, Trump had openly speculated that the election might be “rigged.” During his final debate with Clinton on October 19, he said that his opponent “should never have been allowed to run” and declined to answer the question of whether he would concede. “I’ll keep you in suspense,” the Republican nominee said.

“It wasn’t a hypothetical,” Ben Rhodes, Obama’s senior aide and speechwriter, told Intelligencer. “Trump was already saying it on the campaign trail.”

The Obama White House plan, according to interviews with Rhodes and Jen Psaki, Obama’s communications director, called for congressional Republicans, former presidents, and former Cabinet-level officials including Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, to try and forestall a political crisis by validating the election result. In the event that Trump tried to dispute a Clinton victory, they would affirm the result as well as the conclusions reached by the U.S. intelligence community that Russian interference in the election sought to favor Trump, and not Clinton. Some Republicans were already aware of Russian interference from intelligence briefings given to leaders from both parties during the chaotic months before the election. “We wanted to handle the Russia information in a way that was as bipartisan as possible,” Rhodes said.

The existence of the postelection plan has not been previously reported. A July 2017 op-ed by Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, refers to Obama directing his staff to “prepare possible responses” to claims of Russian interference in the election.

Psaki said the plan was one of a larger set of “red-teaming” conversations to address how the White House should respond to postelection scenarios that did not have any historical precedent. “There was recognition that we had a Democratic president who was quite popular but also divisive for a portion of the population,” she said. “For them, just having him say the election was legitimate was not going to be enough. We didn’t spend a lot of time theorizing about the worst thing that could happen — this isn’t a science-fiction movie. It was more about the country being incredibly divided and Trump’s supporters being angry. Would there be protesting? I don’t want to say violence, because we didn’t talk about that as I recall.”

Trump’s blurring of the lines between the illegal, the unfair, and the merely unfavorable has continued with his rhetoric around the ongoing probe into his campaign, which he has called a “hoax,” “one of the great scandals in the history of our country,” and “truly a cancer in our country.” He has described Robert Mueller’s investigation as “illegal” and a “Witch Hunt … in search of a crime … not allowed under the LAW!”

Not that the question is entirely a retrospective one. Psaki also said she had doubts that Trump would go quietly if he were to be impeached. “I don’t think there is any indication to suggest that if that’s where things headed, he would accept it,” she said. “He’s laying the groundwork for delegitimizing the process now — questioning our institutions, attacking their leadership. This is all fodder for his supporters to work with in the event that things go down a dark path for him.”

Rest here: http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/10/obama-had-a-secret-plan-in-case-trump-rejected-2016-results.html

bf1eec  No.6052797



f5a35f  No.6052798

None of you get it.

b23786  No.6052799


Trainables like you are the most annoying

6a72b9  No.6052800


podesta named to board and awarded stock bonus of 100,000 shares cuz hes an expert on mattresses AND used cars

very unusual resume

6d08d0  No.6052801

File: 6839dfa605bb774⋯.jpg (100.15 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, this-is-sparta-9199-1920x1….jpg)

933efe  No.6052802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


then something a little more lighthearted

682fc8  No.6052803


Went through that phase.

It's still food to good normal people.

b0c574  No.6052804


that must have been you lb. That sounds about right! or let's deliver them to the migrant's because they are so needy.

a0f008  No.6052806

ef750f  No.6052807


>Trainables like you are the most annoying

I have not yet begun to be annoying.

d1acae  No.6052808


That’s the bitch that murdered a cop back in the 70’s then fled to Cuba? And then Hussein pardoned her. Am I right?

8738e4  No.6052809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just imagine he's singing "Creepy Joe", I think it's pretty perfect.

b82fff  No.6052810

File: d5678e33d130b33⋯.jpg (24.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, D2cgAhxX0AI3wwJ.jpg)

735d37  No.6052811

File: a8c6c11bf2b6415⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 794x447, 794:447, KamalaSuck.jpg)

File: 0a9b4e3a312003d⋯.gif (308.57 KB, 261x256, 261:256, HillarySucksDick.gif)

File: 02a1b014542ef77⋯.jpg (184.05 KB, 612x1105, 36:65, kamala_harris_i_will_suck_….jpg)

8a108a  No.6052812

File: 0cc7d85fbe65010⋯.png (526.83 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, meme D 2020 KAMALA.png)


I 'grabbed' in with meme D2020-Fag anon had posted it the other day.

e13938  No.6052813

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324-14514….jpg)


Amen! Praise the LORD!

7fdaaa  No.6052814

File: d2f91ed9245c230⋯.png (359.21 KB, 1053x315, 117:35, ClipboardImage.png)

6722fa  No.6052815

All this waiting is driving ye a bit crazy.

53f893  No.6052816

9e86a4  No.6052817

File: 54426d250b5f760⋯.jpg (152.6 KB, 1096x1624, 137:203, DIMEBAG.jpg)


feels good

786ca8  No.6052818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



even though you're being a nigger right now i'm gonna share with you a video that always cheers me up when my brain starts acting like a whiny faggot

now go away. every now and then patriots need support so suck my ballsack

fdecfa  No.6052819

File: 455d81b9ec325a9⋯.png (185.97 KB, 631x502, 631:502, 148d006ef03fb95289d0e6fc87….png)

36a255  No.6052820

>>6052523 Twitter blocks French govt's fake news Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign


d4fff4  No.6052821




1b44bc  No.6052822


Never heard of him, but what a loser. Those earrings, that necklace. WannaBe. Loser. The whole music biz is a bunch of talentless wannabe losers.

f751e1  No.6052823

c83c40  No.6052824


Welcome, new shill.


9a50b5  No.6052825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

74fd17  No.6052826

File: a2db49a6783febc⋯.jpg (66.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, a2db49a6783febccb560a80f50….jpg)

d1acae  No.6052827

682fc8  No.6052828

File: 16f15e735a58e60⋯.png (364.62 KB, 823x638, 823:638, Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at ….png)

e51b62  No.6052829

Did we get a Nancy Pelosi Meme? Or did I miss it?

5ac1e0  No.6052830

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live at the Embassy

e7e434  No.6052831

File: 15bba1e06e8638b⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 625x960, 125:192, aliens.jpg)

File: 19b967ab5ed8874⋯.jpg (251.15 KB, 679x720, 679:720, this-is-why-we-put-things-….jpg)

c5fe81  No.6052832


>There is NO President or Vice President outer Ring

Took your post to mean this is what GB's seal was at the time- no?

Will check myself as well.

acfe82  No.6052833

File: e6068dcadf760d7⋯.png (996.38 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


735d37  No.6052834

File: ff431a19110f1c0⋯.jpg (135.69 KB, 858x450, 143:75, Bookerbjb.jpg)

File: c44cb263c7ab6cd⋯.jpg (47.03 KB, 490x275, 98:55, BookerFappin2.jpg)

File: 990784ed4a5e8b6⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 659x438, 659:438, glory hole cory booker wuz….jpg)

File: f7d5d7304b4cea2⋯.jpg (133.73 KB, 886x499, 886:499, Beto 2020Furry.jpg)

File: c7fdf8aa6ab4479⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 750x548, 375:274, BETO PAST LIB.jpg)


I forgot booker & beto

debcce  No.6052835


I did a dig on Jeff Kwatinetz. It's in Notables from breads on last Saturday. He is a silent, yet a major connection to Mark Geragos and Michael Avenatti. Expect to hear his name involved with Epstein, Hollywood weirdos, and HRC. He is connected to Human Trafficking.

f39331  No.6052837


good video.

Got me talking with wifeanon about which chefs we'll be saying goodbye to soon.

6a72b9  No.6052838


well the govtt just approved a tax credit for mattress topped vehicles so we got that goin for us

5da4df  No.6052839

File: c16c0e8f247a9ae⋯.png (116.57 KB, 1852x902, 926:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61a75ef8292454f⋯.png (109.53 KB, 1861x902, 1861:902, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b49e99fa18c598c⋯.png (8.36 KB, 1826x58, 913:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9149efc188feb9d⋯.png (43.58 KB, 365x627, 365:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c163bb6fc114f8⋯.png (49.45 KB, 353x620, 353:620, ClipboardImage.png)

"I was Hitler's Boss" by Captain Karl Mayr

published in the New York-based magazine "Current History" (November 1941.)


I Was Hitler's Boss

Current History, 1:3(November 1941), 193-199

Background (back to top)

The author of this anonymously published article was a Reichswehr (World War I-era imperial German army) officer who supervised Hitler during the summer and fall of 1919, when Hitler was working for the conservative "white" Reichswehr as an informant on "red" groups.

We now know that he was Captain Karl Mayr. See Ian Kershaw, Hitler, 1889-1936: Hubris (New York: Norton, 1998), 122 (with note 62 on p. 642):

"The organization of a series of 'anti-Bolshevik courses', beginning in early June, was placed in the hands of Captain Karl Mayr, who, a short while earlier, on 30 May, had taken over the command of the Information Department. Mayr, one of the 'midwives' of Hitler's political 'career', could certainly have claimed prime responsibility for its initial launch.

The first of Hitler's many patrons, Mayr had a maverick career which saw him swing from active engagement on the extreme counter-revolutionary Richt – he was an important Bavarian link with the putschist Wolfgang Kapp in 1920 – to become a strong critic of Hitler and an active figure in the Social Democrat paramilitary organization, the Reichsbanner. He fled to France in 1933, but was later captured by the Nazis, and died in Buchenwald concentration camp in February 1945. In 1919, his influence in the Munich Reichswehr extended beyond his rank as captain, and he was endowed with considerable funds to build up a team of agents or informants, organize the series of 'educational' courses to train selected officers and men in 'correct' political and ideological thinking, and finance 'patriotic' parties, publications, and organizations. Mayr first met Hitler in May 1919, after the crushing of the "Red Army'. Hitler's involvement in his battalion's investigations into subversive actions during the Räterepublik may have drawn him to Mayr's attention. And as we have noted, Hitler had already been engaged in propaganda work in his barracks earlier in the spring – though on behalf of the Socialist government."

[check for text in Machtan]

A. Joachimsthaler, Adolf Hitler, 1908-1920: Korrektur einer Biographie (Munich: Herbig, 1989): text and notes about Mayr. [added 8/20/07] This page has an introductory discussion about sources for Mayr's biography, including Machtan's 2001 Hidden Hitler.

See also the Links section, at bottom for information on Mayr gleaned from the internet.


53319e  No.6052840


it is always darkest just before the dawn

9e86a4  No.6052841


We love our Somali's.

f41c7f  No.6052842


broken off branch of the tree trunk laying on the ground

f39331  No.6052843

b0c574  No.6052844


i was gonna say something about awan when posted but decided not to have it referenced on that. Podesta can then take those 100k shares and leverage them into the shipping container biz along with a chain of restaurants too.

1cbe19  No.6052845


Umm … nice definitions. Wrong word. The word that would fit is "cordon."

e6b74c  No.6052846

File: 59cd6abebd38dc2⋯.jpg (215.61 KB, 1242x811, 1242:811, 59cd6abebd38dc2a09c8196536….jpg)


Just be thankful you don't get what I do, juniour, and STFU

23ce39  No.6052847


nice work anon booker is my fave so far…

d62d5a  No.6052848

File: ca54259eae3ac2d⋯.png (19.68 KB, 255x246, 85:82, pepe_laughing.png)

2536ef  No.6052849


There are a lot of idiots who visit the Grand Canyon. They'll stand or sit on the edge and dangle their legs over it and take selfies. Stupid. When I go there I'll send a couple hours at one of the overlooks and watch, waiting for one of the idiots to fall off. It's vicarious entertainment.

344b49  No.6052850

File: 86acba2b08cabba⋯.png (5.54 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, AirForce Final.png)

916f68  No.6052851


i walked thru your posts so far and it looks like are the muh joo shill tonight.

599e4d  No.6052852


I think we've been through tougher than this. Trust the plan.

6a72b9  No.6052853


see the idea is to reduce street peeple

now they can sleep on top of the car

6ffde4  No.6052854

d4fff4  No.6052855



1c6f80  No.6052856

File: 6e587cd58547b99⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3972fb07394aa6fa50ff4755be….jpg)


Done the same thing but don't let them win in your head… Now bake that damn pizza & enjoy!

All (((their))) everything stolen are belong to us now!

1e54f4  No.6052857


I need a quick break and I do not want to miss anything.

I'll let y'all know when I get back.

4b3c16  No.6052859

Can WE be honest?

I'll deceive you as long as you believe Satan and his< lies.


144289  No.6052861

File: 542395cc9de00d3⋯.png (220.51 KB, 339x302, 339:302, 542395cc9de00d31e522d60b3d….png)

f8a989  No.6052862


Baker notable

936253  No.6052863



As for the alleged rapes and alleged human trafficking, sources involved in the investigation tell TMZ, a woman claimed back in January, Mally Mall flew her out from Texas after seeing her fitness videos on social media. She says she was staying at his home and he drugged and raped her and locked her in a room.

The woman claimed she stayed another day and had intercourse with him a second time because she felt she had to be "submissive." The following day she says she developed a rash and went to a hospital where a nurse called the cops after observing vaginal trauma.

Sources close to Mally Mall say everything was consensual and they were partying together the entire weekend. They add the woman was in no hurry to leave his home. He also says he has voicemails and texts proving she was trying to squeeze money out of him.

We're told the woman has been in touch with various authorities, including the sex unit in the LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division. Our sources say cops believe there are at least 3 women who have come forward with similar allegations of rape.

As for the exotic animals, law enforcement sources tell us, Mally Mall's social media posts showing the various creatures triggered the interest of the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. We're told 3 animals were seized in Tuesday's raid … 2 monkeys and a Serval cat.

Our sources say the initial search warrant was issued on March 21 but was never executed, and police went back to a judge a week later to get an extension that allowed them to conduct Tuesday's raid.

Mally Mall was NOT arrested but rather detained and released, however, cops tell us the investigations are ongoing.

Mally Mall's lawyer, Steve Sadow, tells TMZ, "If they had real evidence, they would have arrested him. They don't have evidence. It's bogus. Period."

682fc8  No.6052864


Turn off Scroll to New Posts

9470ca  No.6052865

File: 92841af810c0183⋯.png (256.36 KB, 511x451, 511:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel recovers body of soldier, a U.S. citizen from New York, lost in 1982 Lebanon battle - Los Angeles Times

0340a2  No.6052866

I remember when you could use an engine's image search function and you'd get anything but stock photos.

now all searches push them to the top.

fucking annoying.

5da4df  No.6052867

US State Dept Urges Americans to Leave Venezuela Before Saturday Demonstrations

American citizens and residents in Venezuela are being urged to leave the country before nationwide pro- and anti-government demonstrations on Saturday amid ongoing electrical blackouts that made protests especially chaotic in recent weeks, the US Embassy in Caracas said in a travel advisory on Thursday.

"Depart while commercial flights are available," the advisory stated. "If choosing to stay, ensure you have adequate supplies to shelter in place."

Public water supplies, cell phone networks, the internet, hospital emergency rooms and other public services have become unreliable due to continuing electrical outages, the advisory said.

Duelling demonstrations between supporters of President Nicolas Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaido have become common in recent weeks, with protest this Saturday expected to be especially large, according to published reports.

The advisory warned Americans remaining in the country to avoid large demonstrations on Saturday.

In January, US-backed opposition leader Guaido illegally declared himself interim president of Venezuela after disputing Maduro’s re-election victory in May. Washington immediately endorsed Guaido and called on Maduro to step down.

Maduro has accused the United States of trying to orchestrate a coup in order to install Guaido as a US puppet. Russia, China, Cuba, Bolivia, Turkey and a number of other countries have voiced their support for Maduro as the only legitimate president of Venezuela.


23ce39  No.6052868

File: bc3d234cf45536f⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 600x900, 2:3, gonna-get-worse.jpg)

cd0f61  No.6052869

File: 1f140d6abb2b071⋯.jpeg (57.11 KB, 604x801, 604:801, FBC2FFEC-3C11-4FA7-8F20-6….jpeg)

File: 8f6c37fe440d639⋯.jpeg (224.73 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 6110DFE1-D1B9-438C-AABD-3….jpeg)

7e9be4  No.6052870

File: fffd92ccc40dd25⋯.jpg (152.71 KB, 900x750, 6:5, READTHEBIBLE.jpg)

60ac0c  No.6052872

Notables Update

>>6052794 Q's 'JA' posts

>>6052747 Petrodollar Panic: Saudis Threaten To Dump USD-Oil Trades

>>6052559 , >>6052692, >>6052770 Amazon push back [placeholder] on 'The Mueller Report' book

>>6052523 Twitter blocks French govt's fake news Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign

>>6052646 Scientologist Motivational speaker called Grant Cardone. Dig call

>>6052548 , >>6052611eds Raid Music Producer Mally Mall’s Home in Human Traf'ing Invest.

>>6052545 , >>6052636, >>6052671, >>6052701 Planefag reports re Assange

Looking for a handoff nb

11c778  No.6052873

File: 4f1679334e389be⋯.jpeg (86.58 KB, 529x593, 529:593, A5E17C6B-A332-4494-BF12-1….jpeg)

0dd540  No.6052874


Kek….I may have to work on a meme or two myself. Haven't made one in a awhile. Hsave not felt especially inspired.

1c6f80  No.6052875

File: 0cf07246a69cbbb⋯.jpeg (8.59 KB, 255x179, 255:179, f354542b0c0357cda79393f35….jpeg)


Sure thing..go pee, we'll wait.

933efe  No.6052876


a beautiful song I was not aware of

b0c574  No.6052877

File: 981462ba6cd651b⋯.jpg (11.38 KB, 236x236, 1:1, carl spackler.jpg)


total consciousness brah!

f41c7f  No.6052878


I have to be sure to get sleep

Been feeling very good though.

Very relieved compared to last year and to earlier years.

9a50b5  No.6052879

File: 0d8cc50bc67f2fa⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 1148x802, 574:401, 2faced.bitch.jpg)


Caption this…

e51b62  No.6052880

File: 53420f474bb6d62⋯.jpg (140.16 KB, 565x565, 1:1, A Dig1.jpg)


Great digging!

c6df6a  No.6052881


The TROLL Master got them on that one. Even got that asshole Chris Wallace to question him about it in the debate and then Mr. Wallace didn't follow up to HillDog with the same question. He laid the trap and they jumped !

98b3ed  No.6052882

Looks like hair is flying in and around Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Got Q's signature all over it. No wonder he's been quiet.

Where will JA land?

e7e434  No.6052883


It's called Iron Hand in the Navy, same thing. SAM suppression.

You have a point.

d1acae  No.6052884


Well I think you nailed it.

e6b74c  No.6052885

File: dc52837e8b4641b⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 625x905, 125:181, 93ba046dcebd7e407cc86691e1….jpg)



Fresh pun intended

144289  No.6052886

File: 1d9bc5bd7bb07ce⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 304x385, 304:385, 1d9bc5bd7bb07ce62807a7d5ef….jpg)

c5e746  No.6052887



896e7c  No.6052888

File: adeb93bf6d2b244⋯.mp4 (12.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepe-music-vid.mp4)

79d547  No.6052889

File: fca4e8b00eca953⋯.jpg (110.62 KB, 480x631, 480:631, Comer_LAnnonceauxbergers.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 37:

Exhortation to Patience and Trust

A Psalm of David.

37 Fret not yourself because of the wicked,

be not envious of wrongdoers!

2 For they will soon fade like the grass,

and wither like the green herb.

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;

so you will dwell in the land, and enjoy security.

4 Take delight in the Lord,

and he will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the Lord;

trust in him, and he will act.

6 He will bring forth your vindication as the light,

and your right as the noonday.

7 Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him;

fret not yourself over him who prospers in his way,

over the man who carries out evil devices!

8 Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!

Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.

9 For the wicked shall be cut off;

but those who wait for the Lord shall possess the land.

10 Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more;

though you look well at his place, he will not be there.

11 But the meek shall possess the land,

and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.

12 The wicked plots against the righteous,

and gnashes his teeth at him;

13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,

for he sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows,

to bring down the poor and needy,

to slay those who walk uprightly;

15 their sword shall enter their own heart,

and their bows shall be broken.

16 Better is a little that the righteous has

than the abundance of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken;

but the Lord upholds the righteous.

18 The Lord knows the days of the blameless,

and their heritage will abide for ever;

19 they are not put to shame in evil times,

in the days of famine they have abundance.

20 But the wicked perish;

the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures,

they vanish—like smoke they vanish away.

21 The wicked borrows, and cannot pay back,

but the righteous is generous and gives;

22 for those blessed by the Lord shall possess the land,

but those cursed by him shall be cut off.

23 The steps of a man are from the Lord,

and he establishes him in whose way he delights;

24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,

for the Lord is the stay of his hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old;

yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken

or his children begging bread.

26 He is ever giving liberally and lending,

and his children become a blessing.

27 Depart from evil, and do good;

so shall you abide for ever.

28 For the Lord loves justice;

he will not forsake his saints.

The righteous shall be preserved for ever,

but the children of the wicked shall be cut off.

29 The righteous shall possess the land,

and dwell upon it for ever.

30 The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom,

and his tongue speaks justice.

31 The law of his God is in his heart;

his steps do not slip.

32 The wicked watches the righteous,

and seeks to slay him.

33 The Lord will not abandon him to his power,

or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial.

34 Wait for the Lord, and keep to his way,

and he will exalt you to possess the land;

you will look on the destruction of the wicked.

35 I have seen a wicked man overbearing,

and towering like a cedar of Lebanon.

36 Again I passed by, and lo, he was no more;

though I sought him, he could not be found.

37 Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright,

for there is posterity for the man of peace.

38 But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed;

the posterity of the wicked shall be cut off.

39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;

he is their refuge in the time of trouble.

40 The Lord helps them and delivers them;

he delivers them from the wicked, and saves them,

because they take refuge in him.

5c00e9  No.6052890



This Anon knows.

c5bc21  No.6052891


F@ck O÷f, snowflake.

365eba  No.6052893


yeah realized that….

dealing in dreams…

soooooo…phonetics and semantics

good dig on Grant Cardone nonetheless.

74fd17  No.6052894

912fb3  No.6052895

POTUS will be up all night watching the LIVE STREAM

6bfd21  No.6052896


Trying my best anon

483964  No.6052897


You do know that aircraft is an F/A-18F Super Hornet, which the Air Farce does NOT fly… Right?

ef750f  No.6052898


Great video, anon. Kek!

9a50b5  No.6052899

File: b4597e1ab230333⋯.png (70.37 KB, 459x656, 459:656, ClipboardImage.png)

6c03a0  No.6052900

File: 3e059da658e1a81⋯.png (405.47 KB, 416x530, 208:265, jcwoodsboner.png)

File: 10b53bef3ea8894⋯.gif (95.79 KB, 400x307, 400:307, youreye.gif)

d4fff4  No.6052901


show me the one post i shilled against a race or religion or the one time I blamed the jooos.

i do the very opposite, newshill.

and all anons can see my posts.

d83705  No.6052902


Anon you are doing God’s work with these memes

not in a fat bald praying medic way

Thank you




fdd6ce  No.6052903

File: 874f1549947fc41⋯.jpeg (873.09 KB, 1242x1122, 207:187, 22E45A18-24BB-4C4D-A36E-F….jpeg)

bd18a6  No.6052904

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, pepenpckek.jpg)

3be5e1  No.6052905

File: b27fd69a4cd8d4d⋯.png (310.47 KB, 770x531, 770:531, wtf.png)

we stayin up all night in this bitch

b82fff  No.6052906


i mean it depends…is it meat lovers, or just plain


i feel for ya but just chill. it's fucking food, eat it

e9cbcd  No.6052907

File: caa13ff8d04325b⋯.jpg (71.63 KB, 632x395, 8:5, 2wanz3.jpg)

b3d4a4  No.6052908

File: 1f8046bfb9494b8⋯.png (878.61 KB, 794x1108, 397:554, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)

File: ef6ed0906f04eec⋯.png (478.98 KB, 783x943, 783:943, Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at ….png)

>May 1

>May 2

b0c574  No.6052909

File: b15330e89d154d2⋯.gif (277.09 KB, 240x287, 240:287, Hitler rave.gif)


trips confirm rave on

c211ab  No.6052910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6048949 pb

the alien presence and the secret space program is the main reason for the extreme corruption and secrecy

536415  No.6052911

File: caa3396ee74a4a2⋯.jpg (141.71 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, south_park_characters__twe….jpg)

ef750f  No.6052912




e6b74c  No.6052913


Can we? Yup

Satan has a restraining order on me, because he can't get behind me

What a bitch

8c6764  No.6052914


which is nice!

933efe  No.6052915


yea I am aware a druggie band sung more gospel songs at the time

b3d4a4  No.6052916




344b49  No.6052917


Nah didn't catch that. Marines then right? I was an Army grunt. I'll fix it upon your confirmation

cd0f61  No.6052918

File: 072f96715b8aadb⋯.jpeg (207.79 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 4C65BC0B-0280-4ED0-A359-8….jpeg)


I think of it as an evil “field of dreams”

If you build it… they will come.

d4fff4  No.6052919





it was called.



ce557e  No.6052920


>Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the Forest, Xan, is kind. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon. Xan rescues the children and delivers them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey.

The witch could end the terror of the womyn who's child is ripped away from her for what she believes will be the child's death. For some reason she cares not one whit for the suffering of these womyn. She's also obvio7ulsy anti-abortion. No wonder they can't meme.

I'm sure this tripe will be read a century from now, especially after they're done burning and banning garbage like Shakespere.

1dc667  No.6052921

File: b93303228c5c6b7⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 217x255, 217:255, If we unite then nobody fa….jpg)

File: 5018b2d48175257⋯.jpg (164.9 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, We Are Gonna Make It Frens….jpg)

File: 87ed72e364a49a8⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB, 474x328, 237:164, Pepe Frens Line.jpeg)


Oldfag here and was just thinking today …

How this qresearch board is referred to as a war zone.

How my whole life since childhood has been a war zone since my beliefs do not conform to those of "normal" society … aka secular humanist culture.

How therefore, I actually see qresearch as, dare I say, a kind of "safe space" because at least here, there are people fighting the good fight, people standing up for truth, justice, and the American way. So I'm not alone.

How this year has been "adventurous" in more ways than one for me personally … and how the Lord provides through Divine Providence.

So hang in there, Patriot.

f92507  No.6052922

More fuckery in NY - NYC has a public school that features arabic instruction.


One of the founders in Lena Alhusseini - who has worked for for USAID, UNICEF, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children


Potentially worth a dig

f41c7f  No.6052923


so they are going to claim the 'russian collusion" plot was just a plot to keep Trump from stealing the election that went awry?


Like killing JFK was just a plot to kill Castro that got mis-directed.

If it wasn't so sick, their stupid excuses would be funny.

0340a2  No.6052924

File: 92bae6b8d845bcf⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, Bakery-Blackboard.jpg)


Meme format?

6eeb6b  No.6052925

File: 0f91ef21963133c⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 1019x716, 1019:716, HOMELESS 2.jpg)

File: 8f499b16cbbfe4f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, HOMELESS LOOK.png)

File: 9fc5ce6c93c937e⋯.png (347.33 KB, 1002x964, 501:482, SEATTLE HOMELESS CHART.png)

File: 92d16d762fdaa88⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1422x857, 1422:857, tucker screenshot.png)

Listening to Tucker tonight-

Enrique Acevedo, from Univision tonight interview nauseated me, Always this 'journalist' opinionist bloviates a NO answer in true NLP style.

I have yet to see Sean, Ingraham and even Tucker at this point put 2=2 together and talk about how the immigration crisis and open borders ties into America's homeless crisis.

In other words FOX folkies, how about getting some experts in to figure out how millions of immigrants will eventually become like average Americans who lost their shirts in the BIG SHORT of 2008/09 and are now homeless and all will be one big happy, miserable homeless family.

Here is the Big question: which faction with get assistance first- immigrants or natural citizens living on the streets?


there is a story for you. Do you have the investigative guts to pursue it?

Sean, Tucker, Laura, Shannon, Bret, Lou, Jessie, Greg, Ed et al?

bb78c5  No.6052926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He pisses ice water - Roy Coh'n

1cbe19  No.6052927


No. That was Shaka Asakur (sp?)

365eba  No.6052928

File: 05d31b7e0ce8ad3⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, 05d31b7e0ce8ad3d9dff0d67f9….jpg)


yeah its been ruff

thank you for your love.

always darkest before the dawn.

030ef8  No.6052929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone posted about Charlamagne and Blexit.

Here's a follow-up to this dude. He's not about any kind of Blexit.

1ca1ec  No.6052930

File: 3b781bc38adb80f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 747x515, 747:515, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)

It is obvious that some Anons clearly need a break!! burnout is not good.

If you think this ball won't keep rolling without you, think again.

Have faith in other Anons!! They will keep the ship on an even keel. Take a much needed break and rest! You can always come back as soon as there are habbenings!!

You are no good to the cause if you are burnt!!

Take your break - come back ready! You've earned it!!

786ca8  No.6052931


Praying for you dude

9bc906  No.6052932

PrayerAnon here.

Began praying at 10 pm Eastern.

Felt the prayers of the Anons gathering together and the Power of God is present.

Keep praying. No discouragement if you do not see something Earth shattering tomorrow. There is so much more going on that we cannot see with our physical eye.

We stand together as one. Love each and everyone of you old and NewFags.

483964  No.6052933


Navy only actually.

6722fa  No.6052934


I know what you did in the lab.

dcbbe2  No.6052935


It's a fucking branch, ffs.

Ho Lee Fuk some of you will grasp at anything.

Q withdrawals?

e6b74c  No.6052936


My joke of electronic slave can't bring up the qmap pub, otherwise I'd post the cap of the placeholder posts…..

d4fff4  No.6052937


why are you attacking loud voices on a 'blended in' way?

you still glow.

fdecfa  No.6052938

File: 2ed89ad81cabd0d⋯.png (369.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PAIN COMING.png)

7488c6  No.6052939


A frog on a log

1e54f4  No.6052940


Back. Thanks!

4f9804  No.6052941

>>6052055 (lb)

>>6052061 (lb)

>>6052074 (lb)

You guys aren't serious, right?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ce5a0d No.5685837 📁

Mar 14 2019 16:52:20 (EST)

Stand strong, Patriots.



I think it's pretty clear you don't have to be an Yank to be a Patriot. Aside from that, I sense a world of butthurt when JA gets charged, unless he's worked out the deal of all deals for freedom for taking down HRC.

4b3c16  No.6052942




P.S. Satan is not to be fucked with without God.

f1aaaa  No.6052943


I feel your pain but hang in there. It has been a tough week. We had them rolled when the Mueller Report came out and then just let them take back the narrative and all the momentum. I don't get it but it's not my job to get it.

30df77  No.6052944

Dear Q

I trust the plan. And so far, it has been verified by all the solid evidence pointing to a conspiracy to frame POTUS and the prevention of fraudulent evidence being introduced int the SC investigation.

I have to admit that the Democrats fraudulently taking a majority in the House set me back on my heels. Especially after what POTUS tweeted and the two years Homeland et al had to work with to prevent election fraud. But I can see letting the fringe Democrat wingnuts have a podium to use to destroy the credibility of their party. And I can see waiting until the 9th Circuit was firmly in the hands of patriots before making a move.

The next point of verification for me is coming to a head now. If the plan is working & patriots are in control, Julian Assuage will not die if he is handed over to the Brits or before. Nor will he die in US custody. And even if he goes through similar crap as Gen Flynn or Papadopoulos, justice will out in the end.

6f8817  No.6052945


Teamwork…. get some fresh air

e7e434  No.6052946


I'm pretty sure we all struggle at times.

Lean on us, Brother. Take some time off, refresh, recharge, focus on your family and things other than what's here. Someone will always be here fighting for us.

It's like being rotated off the line for a while. Everybody needs it. You can't be wired 24/7/365, somebody else has to take up the slack at times. It's all good. Godspeed.

344b49  No.6052947


Roger that. Fixing…

60ac0c  No.6052948


Baker saw that there wasn't consensus it was a frog.

f4177b  No.6052949

File: 9d70542149fd931⋯.jpeg (73.83 KB, 474x749, 474:749, 634394B3-C6D1-4A2E-AC81-1….jpeg)

& May God Be With You,Riding In The Night…

660923  No.6052950

>>6052776 Yeah….right…let's feed the mindless Marxist! I mean, she's practically one of us!

9470ca  No.6052951

File: 4f3445996bab6f5⋯.png (703.15 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

c5fe81  No.6052952

File: 6fc0b6103430946⋯.png (275.97 KB, 578x262, 289:131, hum.png)

Fuk! The hum just kicked in in the mid-west. Anons hear / feel it? Usually not this yuge-ish. Something big this way comes.


f13eb5  No.6052954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Press Conference – The Science of Vaccines Forum

Robert Kennedy reminds the democratic plank for decades & asks whatever happened to:


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was a panelist at the “Science of Vaccine Forum" in Connecticut in response to proposed vaccine mandate legislation in the state. Mr. Kennedy was the only one of the five-member panel to show up as the three Yale professors and one pediatrician scheduled to appear cancelled at approximately 11:00 p.m. last night. Their absence is very telling of the actual strength and veracity of the “vaccines are safe and effective” mantra. Were they afraid of vaccine facts? If vaccines are so safe and effective, why didn't they want to defend them? Watch RFK, Jr.'s presentation to the media, vaccine safety advocates and some of the Connecticut legislators in attendance.

From March 19 2019

d4fff4  No.6052955


so add it for more

eyes on.

in any case, very notable.

96d608  No.6052956

File: 26bfb828baed990⋯.jpeg (361.28 KB, 1242x2004, 207:334, 1F875953-15F3-437E-B409-C….jpeg)

File: c68732a8e030ba0⋯.jpeg (282 KB, 1229x1669, 1229:1669, F6BDB0DC-71E9-41BC-8FCF-3….jpeg)

d58cbe  No.6052957


Pass the baton anon, it’s ok!

a47bef  No.6052958


Really good for keks.

599e4d  No.6052959



365eba  No.6052961


sometimes I think that 'now comes the pain' is

also for me or us.

empathetic anons feel it all.

8cf1c7  No.6052962


> Anyone else using Toastmaster have the UK thread showing up in their toast???


9a50b5  No.6052963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd0f61  No.6052964

File: 4ea2723c9a3b253⋯.jpeg (89.02 KB, 505x607, 505:607, FDC8ED31-47DB-453D-ABB4-3….jpeg)


Dubs confirm

f41c7f  No.6052965


It's racist if you don't learn Spanish in order to speak with the so-far un-naturalized and solely Spanish-speaking 'citizens of another country who are nevertheless living here'

We're supposed to learn Spanish.

True story.

c57c14  No.6052966



Aircraft belongs to DoN, but these zoomies are flying in the Growler.



60ac0c  No.6052967

e6b74c  No.6052968


No worries not interested in fucking him

He's a gigalo

Not my type

53f893  No.6052969


We have a government to prevent marxism. As long as she doesn't kill and eat children she should get a pass no matter what her ideals are.

6f8817  No.6052970

File: 36b71320f3ab42c⋯.jpg (389.24 KB, 1068x746, 534:373, Screenshot_20190404-211930….jpg)

b21154  No.6052971


He's probably already out of there, why would they announce if his safety is at risk? I don't see any supporters lined up for him either..

f39331  No.6052972

File: c197ba3b9ad5409⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 562x500, 281:250, mega.jpg)

d4fff4  No.6052973


btw: there can never be consensus for some hot topics, bc shills immeadiately attack

2590a6  No.6052974

File: 633f437f1269230⋯.png (242.45 KB, 677x667, 677:667, open borderhirtspoor.png)


Cant get an interview then learn they busted 300 illegals at a factory down the rode. I am beyond angry right now. Frankly I am feeling defeated. Like a cartoon dutch dude with his finger in the dyke while illegals flood in and nothing changes and nothing is done and I am told to feel guilty because 300 illegals lost their jobs… yeah. The article never mentions if the employers got arrested… There will never be a follow up article telling us how many illegals actually got deported.

a9952b  No.6052975

File: 93efc8e04d7e0e1⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, 93efc8e04d7e0e18bdf788ef5….jpeg)


That's the case anon.

Comfy AF here.

These are great days

786ca8  No.6052976


that bitch was trying to set him up so hard but she couldnt phase him

thats how you deal with a troll

faf809  No.6052977

It seems to me that this Biden #me too free for all is just a distraction away from not only the Ukraine scandal, but also when he's accused of pedophilia the dems can say, oh, no, he goes after women remember? It's a scam to put Creepy Joe at a distance but also to distance him from pedophile charges that are sure to come. Since many people in D.C. are pedophiles, with Creepy Joe being the most obvious one, keeping it farther away from him keeps it even farther away from them.

536415  No.6052978

File: f76036282dfe446⋯.jpg (36.98 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 5135-vmfa-212lancerszip-3-….jpg)


USMC also flies the Hornet

682fc8  No.6052979


No burnout here.

Just fatout

Gained too much wait enjoying this show and stressing about things I didn't understand.

7b1fd6  No.6052980


Take a gander at how correlated that is to the tech industry.

1db080  No.6052981

File: e1607253599e713⋯.gif (2.64 MB, 460x274, 230:137, 22356778347849295705043050….gif)

at wut point do the people say 'its over" and take justice in there own hands?

i mean how many parents of "missing" children every year?

wut habbens when they learn the truth?

there is a special place in hell for those who harm children

gif (related)

194aea  No.6052982


AOC is amusing, but I highly doubt she is some rando, and just another puppet. Not to mention it sure looks like she did some shady shit with a PAC

2c2a3b  No.6052983


Now all the fucking orange tents have white teddy bear is in em

fd3a8b  No.6052984

File: bf80ae91deaf355⋯.png (328.73 KB, 600x314, 300:157, b8e2a2a84b25ee7fc641be9a02….png)

e6b74c  No.6052985

File: 3bfd89995cd913b⋯.jpg (178.2 KB, 1446x500, 723:250, 3bfd89995cd913bf80bbf213d7….jpg)



4b3c16  No.6052986


well good luck then


seriously? really? POSH :)

d1acae  No.6052987


We have one of these in San Antonio. It’s a real eye sore tbh

e63c5f  No.6052988


Who are you yammering to, anyway.

751035  No.6052989


blackpill shills

8c6764  No.6052990


take a week off……

if that doesn't work, take a month off!!!!

16e0d0  No.6052991

File: fefb7cb22f747b3⋯.png (253.11 KB, 566x328, 283:164, 496F4966-58D9-495B-BCEB-44….png)



7a7e70  No.6052992

File: e8ccee656c13e49⋯.jpg (83.01 KB, 750x951, 250:317, pennywise-costume-14.jpg)



d83705  No.6052993


big hitter the Lama, long

Unlike liddle Adam Schiff

dc5e6a  No.6052994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

comfy frens

1ca1ec  No.6052995

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)


Completely Comfee AF here too

c0998e  No.6052996

Grant Cardone calls himself the "sniper on the roof" for Scientology.


332989  No.6052997

File: 086bbf18c24bd9c⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 435x556, 435:556, raymond 2.JPG)


Before Raymond passed away, he was working on a device called Psychopropulsor. I was a way of communicating to one another by thought through the internet/satellites. He was reallly passionate about it. Here is a sample of a book he wrote.

4b3c16  No.6052998

f39331  No.6052999

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, kermit panic.gif)


it's a fucking frog

74fd17  No.6053000

File: 48a72782325feb4⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, Meme thief.jpeg)

d58cbe  No.6053001


So true!,!

f45dfe  No.6053002

File: 834bb7e193f556f⋯.jpg (368.9 KB, 1044x721, 1044:721, MAGA...MEGA.jpg)

896e7c  No.6053003

File: cfb0e1761a574f8⋯.png (258.2 KB, 633x419, 633:419, comfy-pep.png)

962ae8  No.6053004


Can the Swallow Well one work in his “nuke the gun owners” stance?

726e43  No.6053005

File: 4ead68b9befd89c⋯.png (971.35 KB, 1262x714, 631:357, white_bears-.png)

what is up at the Ecuadorian Embassy holding Julian Assange with 2 little tents with white stuffed animal bears??

Live YouTube feed of the front door:


f41c7f  No.6053006


Yes, that's a meme theme.

"take care of our own first"

Been done, but not widely circulated.

1ca1ec  No.6053007


I get it Anon… completely

Control what you can control Risk Management 101

438446  No.6053008

File: 9b328fc869f61f3⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 9b328fc869f61f38464766a18f….jpg)


Hey MSM stooge. How about you write a good positive story on Q or POTUS? 2 wrong out of 30 is better than whatever communist rag you write for any day.

Enemy of the People.

f39331  No.6053009

File: 2f3c9e6c338d831⋯.png (666.48 KB, 799x449, 799:449, I'm off to save the world ….png)

b23786  No.6053010

Ty all (no time to quote ya as i'm making food) I needed that a little

60ac0c  No.6053011

File: 7ef119cbe6950e3⋯.jpg (316.83 KB, 800x1056, 25:33, 7ef119cbe6950e3ca858bc3034….jpg)


tell the navy to make it clearer then


1bf03d  No.6053012

File: 92a1d3368df00af⋯.png (468.79 KB, 772x905, 772:905, New MK Ultra 1.png)

File: 523b2a5c6bd46f9⋯.png (330.19 KB, 768x909, 256:303, New MK Ultra 2.png)

File: 30a6908727ad61a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 768x909, 256:303, New MK Ultra 3.png)

File: 92fa6362fe36b23⋯.png (294.75 KB, 768x909, 256:303, New MK Ultra 4.png)

File: 9a31e2523b0f13a⋯.png (369.53 KB, 770x910, 11:13, New MK Ultra 5.png)

New MK Ultra 1997? George Soros and Bush Mentioned

Guys I don't know if this has been posted at some point, but its a really good article on the revival of MK Ultra


a53866  No.6053013

File: f5ea8cd1a29f0a6⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 400x489, 400:489, cross.jpg)

344b49  No.6053014

File: e82440e3dfe9023⋯.png (5.56 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Navy FA-18 Hornet-NightShi….png)


Hopefully better now…

ce557e  No.6053015



>Listen you stupid cocksucker…any conservative


>calls an educated and successful black man a


>"Pizza man", leftist soy boys like you would


>demand them to be fired…

True, but it's likely nicer than the tribal math-mumblers on the FRB are calling him.

4ee289  No.6053016

File: e78eb8fba288209⋯.png (229.91 KB, 758x558, 379:279, Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at ….png)

fa442d  No.6053018

File: bae496d3c6d8dd6⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 040419 FIRE_1554423689943_….jpg)

A little over 100 miles apart, these fires are close enough to be a little suspicious:

FREDERICK COUNTY, Md. - "A two-alarm fire destroyed a barn killing thousands of turkeys.

Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services responded to the 8200 block of Rocky Ridge Road. Fire officials report around 100 survived out of 10,000 turkeys."


UPPER BERN TWP., Pa. - "Fire tore through a chicken house at a farm in Berks County on Tuesday, killing thousands of birds. The farm's owner said about 37,000 chickens died."


4b3c16  No.6053019



I really hate this incompetent place. CM is a CUCK.


059730  No.6053020

File: 512e0ebc2ba38a5⋯.png (630.08 KB, 870x776, 435:388, Screenshot_8.png)


6a4ec9  No.6053021

File: 9777da9de27b5ba⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ec8201a97a8e832231574e118….jpeg)


she's pretty .

7b9d5e  No.6053022


if that doesn't work, take a year off… guaranteed the same exact things will be happening here… kek

478acc  No.6053023


How tall is Denarrow anyway?

f45dfe  No.6053024

File: 420fa1e2dce3277⋯.jpg (145.28 KB, 799x499, 799:499, gtrhdftghbgdf.jpg)


I'm all in.

7e9be4  No.6053025

File: 7d734937f5be8f3⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 480x270, 16:9, A-10 love 1.gif)



d4fff4  No.6053026



this is a very notable post.


It was called by two anons.

Add it for more eyes on.

Otherwise it is pretty clear that you are shilling against relevant and motivating info.

i promise the following: if there is shilling in the kitchen tomorrow, I will make it rain. more than ever before. better report this back to your team, shill.

1c6f80  No.6053027


You got it. Ready to roll for awhile? It's Night Shift & it's gud!

516958  No.6053028

Teenfag= anon who has been here a while, but not since the beginning, and is still learning

74a47d  No.6053029

File: 0110f4e17db5177⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 422x750, 211:375, all_one.jpg)

194aea  No.6053030


The plan is awesome. Also comfy af.

DO you impatient anons not understand why it takes longer than we would hope? It’s so the world doesn’t burn. It’s so there isn’t mass chaos resulting in death and mayhem. It’s so we can go about the course of our normal lives and the stock market can keep going up. It’s so that we repair the bridge section by section instead of shutting the whole thing down

f39331  No.6053031

File: 59f9e61e96f1319⋯.png (469.98 KB, 564x564, 1:1, kermit just drawing you a ….png)


Anon need new spectacles?

6c03a0  No.6053032


Only thing that concerns me is potential for a bomb or some other bs

291186  No.6053033

File: 82e66957959fafd⋯.jpg (119.13 KB, 512x976, 32:61, tappers.jpg)

File: d2422b7a2c514a3⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 1018x777, 1018:777, ebs alert we have all.jpg)

d58cbe  No.6053034


Boiling oil?

6bfd21  No.6053035



Thanks frens. Ya'll are the best!

7a7e70  No.6053036

File: 457255066252370⋯.jpg (167.75 KB, 1280x721, 1280:721, IMG_20190228_070541_852.JPG)

fdecfa  No.6053037

File: 429fc79203cff98⋯.jpg (300.64 KB, 861x602, 123:86, 0d8cc50bc67f2fa6251bd41377….jpg)

e6b74c  No.6053038

File: cb3841b68858d7a⋯.png (651.5 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_2019-03-28-18-5….png)


He isn't just closing the south…..

Free Michigan!!!!

11c778  No.6053039

9470ca  No.6053040

File: ec84b440386a83e⋯.png (38.13 KB, 690x443, 690:443, ClipboardImage.png)


If you're near Edinburgh, hope you will check out @GlobalHealthGP #healthyfutures2019! So wish I were close enough to see this work in person!

Princess Fiona in Edinburgh- Scotland

60ac0c  No.6053041


Suck my cock

896e7c  No.6053042

File: 56158fd89167e37⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 600x400, 3:2, 56158fd89167e3766264b73f69….gif)


Here is the gif

7daa4c  No.6053043



Glad it's not just me and I'm in the matrix with another.

051964  No.6053044

File: 33db5767aba1197⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 213x255, 71:85, RideNeverEnds.jpg)

7b9d5e  No.6053046


fake and gay

1e54f4  No.6053047

File: 2f3fe1d2b8a6b26⋯.png (769.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, NightShiftFLIR.png)

936253  No.6053048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



6eeb6b  No.6053049



Now, how about these young progressives with 'spread the wealth' commie new deals, go specifically after the likes of Big Tech's billions and liability to fund what——-? housing projects (loaded up with wi-fi, smart technology ) as a community service? I here-tell Microsoft is flirting with the idea. Not so much Amazon, they have too much money to hoard and would rather sell them Nike sneaks and mattresses fro under the bridge comfort.

That's a snow ball into an avalanche.

f13eb5  No.6053050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WHO REALLY RUNS THE WORLD? #ThePayseurPill #WhoOwnsTheRothchilds? #TRUSTStheplan

I hear you anon, this vid was dropped on the JFK Jr twitter account, it gave me hope things are happening…. hope it helps you

4f9804  No.6053051


>JA - have you learned & eliminated L-6

Never could make sense of this one.

c6df6a  No.6053052


There is so many models of the hornet/18 I can't keep up with all of them.

1e54f4  No.6053054


Anyone need popcorn wile I'm up?

f5a35f  No.6053055

Empty threats are funny.

905e80  No.6053056

bb78c5  No.6053057

File: 6807d256b834133⋯.png (107.53 KB, 974x1023, 974:1023, mega.png)


I don't believe you. I think you are a concerntroll. Prove me wrong.

Everybody here is shining bright as the Son. 4 Bullets. Aces High.

Dream bigger. Bigger. BIGGER.

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I will move The World.

Archimedes (more or less)

Don't challenge him with this crap. He loves to destroy assholes like you who challenge him.

FLOTUS (more or less)

How long has this op been planned?

Q (more or less)

0dd540  No.6053058


He was a scumbag. Never liked him or his music.

Was a woman beater.

57185a  No.6053059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

coming in:


going in:


60ac0c  No.6053060


Tell y'what. You take the next bake and add shit-tier notes under your name. Deal?

b21154  No.6053061


I don't know if it was noticed but there is another tent near the opposite post, so at least three are there.

2ac527  No.6053062

File: 7417adc3b774d38⋯.png (272.2 KB, 481x287, 481:287, Dan.PNG)

604803  No.6053063

>>6052614 Tulsi! The Foreign Policy You Wish Trump Had

f39331  No.6053064

File: f20fc9638572fe8⋯.jpg (16.19 KB, 255x177, 85:59, am i the only one around h….jpg)


Winner Winner chicken Dinner

332989  No.6053065

File: b0c70380451c2ed⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 368x605, 368:605, raymond 3.JPG)

File: 01b9dd36fe9336f⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 372x576, 31:48, raymond 4.JPG)

438446  No.6053066

File: 309b628d88431db⋯.jpg (191.86 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 1524013050685.jpg)


1. We dont care about eFags

2. Gorak and his crew are also fags

3. 5 years olds have better skills than you

b0c574  No.6053067

File: 7a27cece79f9c92⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 255x218, 255:218, A-10 bert fucks you up.jpg)



d62d5a  No.6053068

File: 07a335a1856105d⋯.png (362.56 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 07a335a1856105dae5e5954d06….png)


Chek't trips

7daa4c  No.6053069


Correct. They fly the C/D. Not the E/F.

d4fff4  No.6053070


ok, rain it is.

some guys won´t be happy you decided for them.

off digging, stay the course, frens!


5ac1e0  No.6053071



Whats the white papery stuff shes putting down?

0340a2  No.6053072

File: c7ec0f371037f0e⋯.jpg (361.44 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, WhoSaidYouCouldSpeak.jpg)

5ac1e0  No.6053073



c14101  No.6053075


No clue

e63c5f  No.6053076


He stopped touring.

f39331  No.6053077

File: 5cd3bada40b02e5⋯.jpg (176.29 KB, 1360x762, 680:381, trump enterprise.jpg)

d83705  No.6053078

File: 1af2f8443217e44⋯.jpeg (31.76 KB, 780x405, 52:27, CF5B2582-67F5-46B9-B3AC-B….jpeg)

File: bc4855b34d40b8c⋯.jpeg (57.06 KB, 862x500, 431:250, 936385AE-DB7C-42BB-8DFA-2….jpeg)

File: fe084a74f149d23⋯.jpeg (24.63 KB, 346x360, 173:180, 0A3216E5-E0BB-467C-BBB7-1….jpeg)

File: 5725c28cc9d3674⋯.jpeg (30.79 KB, 680x536, 85:67, F88ABE63-E306-4909-9990-B….jpeg)


Imagine if you voted for Hillary

dcbbe2  No.6053079

File: 8751e6348922f4f⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 200x172, 50:43, bewbs.gif)


Baker, I don't envy your task in this shill infested shit storm period.

Have some bewbs to find that zen place.

933efe  No.6053080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b82fff  No.6053081


i felt that way too…then i went fishing and relaxed in nature

nature heals. get some!

6189e7  No.6053082

File: 93fdde7628cf458⋯.jpeg (47.24 KB, 1055x660, 211:132, pepe-eyes-al-smith.jpeg)

e9cbcd  No.6053083

File: 116d28c41fdffc0⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 404x552, 101:138, NCXyIuV.jpg)



Nice tripps


90fe14  No.6053084


I prefer #HeelsUpHarris in honor of honorable anon J. Woods.

c6df6a  No.6053085


Speaking of F-18's……..

6c03a0  No.6053086




being a smart ass but popped in my head the second I opened the freezer

493581  No.6053087

>>6052247 /lb


BEZOS /_\ AMAZON {pedovores, predators, assassins, murders, et al.}

w/ daFUQ! pics related

-> noting transrcibed text screen grab:

"A royal or noble family is a corporate entity.

They still do today although they are more covert."

"Jeff Bezos of Medina, Washington who is worth over 130 billion is an agent of the

Sforza and Viscontis. Medine similar to Mediolanium and old name for Milan and

the word `media'"

"Bezos owns Amazon and his company name refers to the ancient Amazon tribes

and modern feminists which murder and cannibalize boys." {children}




483964  No.6053088


News to me.

Marines not flying E/F/G, just Navy.

It makes sense that the Air Farce would want a new tactical EA bird. EF-111 gone.

c0837d  No.6053089

File: 14ceb739de3faee⋯.png (239.72 KB, 480x451, 480:451, 1490676C-922E-4D4C-9C71-DF….png)

File: 70b1cc5c88e4c33⋯.png (198.3 KB, 480x307, 480:307, 11A3C095-625F-4D28-8965-17….png)

d62d5a  No.6053090

File: 8110a8ffc48595a⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, Pepecosmic.jpg)

0f7ea3  No.6053091

File: 3b6dcef9409d4a8⋯.png (40.78 KB, 910x674, 455:337, White House - Copy.png)

Today on the way to work a fellow citizen was in between a wall a natural gas box and had to walls of cardboard, thousands of people driving by; this anon was stopped at the light and yelled "God Bless You" Was greeted with eye contact and a smile. Got home to this "Pic Related" in my inbox.

4f9804  No.6053092

File: 87763447066776d⋯.jpg (304.57 KB, 942x942, 1:1, 187_Site_E.jpg)



Decode this, and tell me what you come up with. If it doesn't motivate you, again, with what all knowledge is coming our way, then I have no fucking clue what does…

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.885319 📁

Apr 3 2018 20:11:01 (EST)


Where do roads lead?

Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.






Table 29.

D-Room H

D-Room R

D-Room C

Pure EVIL.



f8a989  No.6053093


That’s amazing!

An anon with more than 8% battery!!!

b82fff  No.6053094


get some nature

nature heals the soul

i mean look at comey…he gets it.. kek

599e4d  No.6053095


That's what I was thinking. If I had to lose 30 - 40 lbs for my freedom I would do it.

536415  No.6053096

File: f097ef7928892b7⋯.jpg (102.56 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, .jpg)

File: 2bbb1a777ebf371⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 640x417, 640:417, f-111-00000003.jpg)

File: e78fa8f38e058c5⋯.jpg (96.4 KB, 900x600, 3:2, F-111C.jpg)

File: d5def528abba582⋯.jpg (255.78 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, F-111-Fuel-Dump,-Avalon,-V….jpg)

936253  No.6053097

File: 3783fd6a6e27d84⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

438446  No.6053098

File: fcbfca104f964fb⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 837x1193, 837:1193, 1523722791030.jpg)


Bake the pizza and continue shitpoasting. Stop being a whiny bitch and have fun.

9470ca  No.6053099

File: ad69cb5c87ec5bc⋯.png (673.78 KB, 732x756, 61:63, ClipboardImage.png)

2439e8  No.6053100

File: d004d13940f0b47⋯.jpg (152.92 KB, 903x904, 903:904, 6x5a[1].jpg)

File: fe4eff81a14286f⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 463x542, 463:542, 7o5l[1].jpg)

For those needing some keks…how about some old school /b/ humor…

b3d4a4  No.6053101


im digging this homie

e7e434  No.6053102


KEK! If you're expecting clarity from the Nav, you're gonna be waiting a long time, fren. We work in our own mysterious ways.

Jarheads call it sorcery.

c257b5  No.6053103


Do a dig on The Joyce Foundation for a group that funded Barry and his Chicago financial gangsters.

d1acae  No.6053105


Omfg! I’m dying!!! Thanks for that anon.

bc91d2  No.6053106


I was called to pray. I didn't understand what it was at first, but I found out I was specifically called to pray here, for the patriots. Tonight, I pray for you, Anon, and for all of us who are worn out. May God bless you, and renew your spirit. Love.

c0837d  No.6053107

File: 70b1cc5c88e4c33⋯.png (198.3 KB, 480x307, 480:307, 1F154D23-FA98-45D9-9414-EA….png)

b0c574  No.6053108

File: 68968fef74a6c3f⋯.jpg (306.14 KB, 1424x1036, 356:259, USSF o7.jpg)

144289  No.6053109

File: 8491060fbb512d1⋯.jpg (7.15 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 16fad7ac026e83e31cedc6d581….jpg)


>British Rothschild- spawned speculator George $oro$

990fdc  No.6053110



would you fuck off already megajew?

no one likes you

8cf1c7  No.6053111


> Glad it's not just me and I'm in the matrix with another.

I also find that if there is a Q drop already in a bread before you open it, it acts weird.

No inlining, etc.

93b11f  No.6053112

So what do the lights on the ground spell out now? I've seen Ruptly do this kind of stealth edit by keeping things out of the frame before.

6189e7  No.6053113

File: d10158b76fad147⋯.jpeg (153.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, greatawa.jpeg)

File: 68a496adc543a63⋯.jpeg (332.53 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, greatawa2.jpeg)

File: a456c47c92bd8f3⋯.jpeg (154.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, greatawa3.jpeg)

File: 2960675aaedf283⋯.jpeg (133.72 KB, 737x489, 737:489, greatawake.jpeg)

9a50b5  No.6053114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Ain't No Bread in the Breadbox"

e6b74c  No.6053115


Everyone here yeah all are safer than my day to day so keep the faith brother

Doin the Lord's work ain't vaycay at sandals

ce557e  No.6053116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



478acc  No.6053117


Looks like a stub where branch us to be with frog eye doctored in. Shopped to get alomonds jittering?

f39331  No.6053118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


would be 1st, and my neighbor Murphy tells me Q will start posting, but I've done a practice run or 2. Who needs sleep?

I'll do it if I must.

Honestly just extending the conversation to add the meme. No offense. Was pretty clear to me though.

60ac0c  No.6053119


Like I said, >>6053070


It's nothing anon, but thanks, 'preciate the bewbs

936253  No.6053120

File: a707ad2ce0a7701⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1800x1152, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)

6eeb6b  No.6053121

File: 0f91ef21963133c⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 1019x716, 1019:716, HOMELESS 2.jpg)


good point.

Here is a better one-

What country do these American homeless take refuge in…certainly not here?

Would they get better services in Guatemala?

90fe14  No.6053122


Make one with #Cockboy Cory

d83705  No.6053123

File: 2c9c96ef48d573d⋯.jpeg (761.87 KB, 1242x753, 414:251, E5F9F81F-486E-44EE-99EA-7….jpeg)


What’s with the full size teddy bears in tents? 🧐🤔

f4177b  No.6053124

File: 477a6cf93eb265b⋯.jpeg (349.07 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 6AD25EFF-0C62-4026-8FD4-4….jpeg)

53319e  No.6053125


the price of liberty is eternal vigilance


542de5  No.6053126

File: c41479afe6a5236⋯.gif (8.56 MB, 960x668, 240:167, CB705872-1101-4E45-8D70-3C….gif)

735d37  No.6053127

File: 52a762a48fc5438⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 500x441, 500:441, frens-here.jpg)


Thank you prayer anon.

22e27f  No.6053128

File: 009bc9be19a19d1⋯.png (203.81 KB, 1170x636, 195:106, ClipboardImage.png)

Since when have they acted ethically?


a1481c  No.6053129


Cory brought his car in for check over, while he waited he went to use the bathroom at a Baskin Robbins next door. When he returned I told him, "Umm, from the looks of things I'd say you blew a seal." His eye's widen as he quickly wiped at his face and said, "Oh no no no, it must be some ice cream."

da5e72  No.6053130


>Israel recovers body of soldier, a Israel-U.S. dual citizen from New York,

fixed it

9470ca  No.6053131

File: 70fcd30cb74c551⋯.png (917.32 KB, 871x490, 871:490, ClipboardImage.png)

e6b74c  No.6053132

7daa4c  No.6053133


Haven't seen anything like that. But I have modified it a bit. That may have something to do with it.

I just noticed the UK bread pop up earlier today.

536415  No.6053134

File: 3e8d740101ddbe8⋯.jpg (34.68 KB, 550x348, 275:174, sea-dart.jpg)

93b11f  No.6053135


LOL! Ask and ye shall receive!

1d5ef8  No.6053136


the real passover night tonight….Watch and pray

786ca8  No.6053137


kek ill have to get back to you on that next bread

somtimes i think i only got the bad effects of autism

e13938  No.6053138

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

735d37  No.6053139


Someone will. Memefarmer collects many, only makes a certain kind muhself.


56a958  No.6053140


You are evil.

bf1eec  No.6053141

File: 72995b6085eba4a⋯.png (355.21 KB, 736x1000, 92:125, Pinned.png)


I guess.


144289  No.6053142

File: 6cdf1a6705f6728⋯.jpeg (11.59 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 892dc4bcfc840b88f6b2d076a….jpeg)

File: bc0c5208da3002f⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1209x636, 403:212, Screenshot_2019-04-05 LIVE….png)

a1296a  No.6053143

File: a97433703846cef⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 740x599, 740:599, 2019-02-15 04.29.04 www.go….jpg)

Clinton investigation

JA release.


c7a935  No.6053144


Julian Assange is a White Wizard, I can't believe there's no EXP for nabbing him

e31f79  No.6053145

I Cannot Thank You Anons Enough For Putting Up Wit Paid Trolls To Help Save America And The World. I ave Lurked On Here For Several Days And Seen The Bombardment Of Idiots Trying To Get You To Believe Were Loosing. Do You Think For One Minute That If We Were They Would Be In Here-HELL NO!!!!! Keep The Faith. od Bless You All. And Again. Thank You!

e54240  No.6053146


i take breaks.. no harm in that.. actually its good because you can see it unfold for normies.

896e7c  No.6053147

File: 0fcca3c81a13592⋯.png (245.74 KB, 468x390, 6:5, pray-usa.png)

0dd540  No.6053148


Maybe they are his protectors.

0fd411  No.6053149

File: d0174c910a5f281⋯.jpg (113.66 KB, 528x408, 22:17, jfk 2.jpg)


>>6051192 Israeli Strikes On Syria: Weapons, Effect, Consequences

#1 = is pro russian

#2 = is anti Israel

#3 = loves/loved to post Al-Masdar News

#4 = https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syria-will-retake-the-golan-heights-by-any-means-necessary-fm/

Syria will retake the Golan Heights by any means necessary: FM

"Moallem said U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights has only isolated them in the region, adding “our right in the occupied Syrian Golan is firm and can’t be disclaimed by time lapse and every inch of the occupied Syrian territories will be liberated.”

PFFFFFFT! @ (YOU) & yer fren




b25cb4  No.6053150

Been away from the board since Q last posted so if this question has been asked and answered please forgive me. Is there any sauce on HRC/Evergreen 'transitioning'?

My gratitude and best wishes to the Bakers, diggers and memers. You fukin rock!!!

Especially the night shift. That is night shift, not night shill!! kek

ce3b4c  No.6053151





b0c574  No.6053152

File: 5e69173f5c48da2⋯.png (655.63 KB, 687x440, 687:440, planefag tag f111c always.PNG)

e7e434  No.6053153


Those are just spectacular. Oh, if I was young and single…

212673  No.6053154


I'm ready to crack and I'm the positive one in the fam, tough times, never felt this way before, 2 jobs and still can't make it and the waiting for what's about to happen is very trying, especially seeing how (((they))) are wasting our money.

53f893  No.6053155


Hide yo kids

b858c5  No.6053157

Feds Raid Music Producer Mally Mall’s Home for Human Trafficking Investigation


ba0921  No.6053158


She was such a wondrous bird

acfe82  No.6053160

File: 2d9a3d92f2d6e39⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

just sayin'

2ac527  No.6053161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day by day, night after night

Blinded by the neon light

Hurry here, hustlin' there

No one's got the time to spare

Money's tight, nothin' free

Won't somebody come and rescue me?

Save the strong lose the weak

Never turning the other cheek

Trust nobody, don't be no fool

Whatever happened to the golden rule?

We got stranded, caught in the crossfire

Stevie Ray Vaughan : Crossfire Live at Night Music

I am stranded, caught in the crossfire

Stranded, caught in the crossfire

a1296a  No.6053162

File: 51bd2eda6f2ddbb⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 521x576, 521:576, 2019-04-05 01.46.39 www.go….jpg)

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)


4f9804  No.6053163


>I was there

>I kekd

>I forgot

>I've kek'd again

This shit here is what prepped us for this fucking insanity.

6189e7  No.6053164


Kek i see what you did there

bf1eec  No.6053165

b82fff  No.6053166

File: edbb17151052f06⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 512x512, 1:1, edbb17151052f06a855b405c0e….jpg)

a1296a  No.6053167

File: ff98b77bd3b30f5⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 593x612, 593:612, 2019-03-04 00.18.14 shop.d….jpg)

c5e746  No.6053168

File: 949a58a919801eb⋯.png (23.56 KB, 697x245, 697:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfe881150288338⋯.png (27.09 KB, 668x188, 167:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11294db6b95aaa1⋯.png (11.62 KB, 666x117, 74:13, ClipboardImage.png)

I think Q gave us a hat tip that he/she may have an Australian member when referencing "spill" as it relates to sitting congressional/senatorial members and laws that apply to special elections, but references how it works in Australian parliament. Could be JA.

936253  No.6053169

File: bf710a2d7d1dfa4⋯.png (646.31 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, ClipboardImage.png)

1c6f80  No.6053170


That's Pedo Schitt signaling right there. They got orange tents too..all I can think of about the color is Orange man spoof.

3f4faf  No.6053171


Impeach….Don't Impeach

9470ca  No.6053172

File: bc2cba09b311872⋯.png (95.88 KB, 673x401, 673:401, ClipboardImage.png)


Alex Jones officially calls for an invasion of Venezuela to end the humanitarian crisis for the starving Venezuelan people!


950093  No.6053173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf1eec  No.6053174

File: 8fee0650e2b0b6d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1426x886, 713:443, Pray.png)

f41c7f  No.6053175

File: a2c42bbb7bf50ac⋯.png (941.97 KB, 543x767, 543:767, dougpointer.png)


Worthy Digits.

fdecfa  No.6053176


It only takes a couple of days

to see the truth.

Stop Name Fagging though.

936253  No.6053177

File: 6f7f8fd0e7a29f7⋯.mp4 (13.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, How about a trailer for to….mp4)


ddfecc  No.6053178

Just occurred to me one could engineer a BEDBUG crisis in JA's quarters to require his evacuation for fumigation and furniture replacement.

896e7c  No.6053179

File: 1679f30717b38f4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1063x1121, 1063:1121, assange-extraction-theory.png)

56a958  No.6053180


Let me give you a power position, or wanna be position.

see how you'll act?!~?1

look at your power brokers

look at your companies, that treat little cats/dogs etc, in order to conquer.

You are psycopaths.

291186  No.6053181

File: 8d398c402faa308⋯.jpg (370.82 KB, 1241x2005, 1241:2005, comey twet ufo.jpg)

e010b4  No.6053182


Are those tents with teddy bears, but why?

4b3c16  No.6053183


please understand THIS.


you won't need that word soon… SAFE.


933efe  No.6053184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ec98f3  No.6053185

File: 705ccd69f9d8c32⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 800x485, 160:97, Both Pills.jpg)

File: aeef225232c68bb⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 409x517, 409:517, calm the f down.JPG)

File: e426166ee5912c3⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 480x480, 1:1, We're going to die.jpg)

I took both pills..don't know if i'm coming or going!!!

a1481c  No.6053186


Ding ding ding, we have a winner kek

5c00e9  No.6053187


Dude. Is that you flailing your arms about in the bottom graphic? Not sure, but kinda looks like you spreading a lot of shit around. Too much LSD? Is it difficult for you to keep your train of thought on the tracks? Try picking one point, type those words and post. Then see what happens.

478acc  No.6053188


No Brexit or no exr Anon, pro Euro globalists!

6bfd21  No.6053190


Me either anon. Was just thinking about it too. Maybe something to do with chess? I know nothing about chess.

60ac0c  No.6053191


We all know about the Baphomet statue.

We all know about the satanist push.

Not notable.

735d37  No.6053192

File: ce3ab4397843cab⋯.jpg (134.71 KB, 490x735, 2:3, Q:Pray.jpg)

File: ddb4b93ea52d785⋯.jpg (169.28 KB, 504x713, 504:713, Q:TimetableDeliver.jpg)

File: 8088d73eecf5894⋯.jpg (188.63 KB, 835x627, 835:627, FearNot.jpg)


Put up that shield of faith, anon.

Maybe so many anons are feeling down tonite b/c mind control waves.

Prayer and faith can absolutely overcome it.

a1296a  No.6053193

File: 8c67a98d16cb9c4⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 860x578, 430:289, 2019-04-05 01.48.50 www.go….jpg)


Shhhhhh fren.

9aebb3  No.6053194

C’mon Q I want to tryout the new share feature on qmap.pub.

2439e8  No.6053195

File: f04b58547f7ad6d⋯.jpg (536.22 KB, 999x4451, 999:4451, 784m[2].jpg)


Remember this one?

e30044  No.6053196

File: 2269cd15ba123aa⋯.png (158.29 KB, 450x415, 90:83, 2269cd15ba123aab07ebc788d3….png)


It's a slow build to the great crescendo! We're in this together, hold, hold, anons.

Indeed, can't wait to see these sick fuck get justice.

It's also difficult to be patient with all the shit flying around in the cesspool and worldwide. It becomes intense, that's good, the more uncomfortable we are the more it stirs us to action.

We're not on our time but God's time and one's got to know it will be 'perfect' timing when all this blows to high heaven frens.

786ca8  No.6053197


You're a bad motherfucker you just can't see it right now man. LOOK at what you have been through having been thrown into this insane bullshit world. I don't know how old you are but you've come so far and you're here now, immune to the systems lies despite everything they threw at you, and you wanna beat yourself up because you don't make that much money??

you're gonna make it dude trust me

ce557e  No.6053198

File: e95dbb1a3c7f5e4⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 311x162, 311:162, gnT.jpg)

bf1eec  No.6053199

File: 4a624a5502cb301⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1078x810, 539:405, NightForce.png)

22e27f  No.6053200


It is an amusement for me to engage with them occasionally. It is a bit of an unfair fight, since they are not sending their best. All I know is that their constant attacks make me extremely resolved and determined to never give in or give up.

4f9804  No.6053201




Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan.

fdecfa  No.6053202

536415  No.6053203



4ee289  No.6053204


Funny.. had that exact thought today. kek

0dd540  No.6053205


I'm not interested in theories anymore. Im interested in facts and action.

936253  No.6053206

File: 4d2be1b2ac5fc20⋯.png (297.13 KB, 1245x508, 1245:508, ClipboardImage.png)


everybody loves irony

e51b62  No.6053207


-==Google disbands AI ethics board following pushback==

Google on Thursday announced that it opted to disband its newly-formed artificial intelligence (AI) ethics council following aggressive pushback from more than 2,000 Google employees.

A Google spokesperson in a statement said Google is "going back to the drawing board."

"It’s become clear that in the current environment, ATEAC can’t function as we wanted," the spokesperson said. "So we’re ending the council and going back to the drawing board."

0340a2  No.6053208

File: ca428f544421a29⋯.jpg (513.89 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ItIsWhatYouThinkItIs.jpg)

f41c7f  No.6053209


I thought:

If I go to their country ,

can I demand they learn English?

e13938  No.6053210

File: cac290018dec8b7⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 952x476, 2:1, KnockOut.jpg)

File: b2635c9e3afad84⋯.jpg (167.67 KB, 1080x706, 540:353, Screenshot_20190325-193330….jpg)

File: 5e11db826064e69⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 594x301, 594:301, DEATHpenalty.jpg)

File: 3c0863a2c23dc9f⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 634x491, 634:491, FisaAndADietCoke-SpellingC….jpg)

File: 2fab140fd3cfdc9⋯.jpg (238.44 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, 2fab140fd3cfdc970c538f68e0….jpg)

Fuck 'em up, President Trump!

90b47b  No.6053211


These are great.

Just put them all in an email and sent them to a lot of people that will enjoy them, and some that won't.

Many Keks to be had.

4f9804  No.6053212


Dark to Light? I've been on this kick lately. Is it real, or is it real?


f39331  No.6053213

File: 4a5357b03ebfa03⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, trump 2pac.png)

File: 89ce97bf74e8779⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1216x2110, 608:1055, trump pointing to trump an….png)

fd30d2  No.6053214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




we have been leaving messages WEEKLY…

>you have more than you know

>the magnitude of this operation is beyond any thing any one could possibly imagine


small steps create MAJOR waves.

think NATO. (peace agreement)

think CHINA (they are bowing to the sword of truth)

think Israel (the division is being irradiated)

i think it is definitely just you.

what you want.. fresh proofs?

check muh lifelog.


you act like POTUS doesn't read these and get disheartened at the LACK OF FAITH…

Q's silence is not meant to punish YOU

Q's silence is punishing the enemy

they are desperate to see what the next move is.. and YOU are only adding fuel to the antischool fire rn.



you demanded an answer. you got one.

know that._ff

56a958  No.6053215


pain, will make you "geeeeeeeeee, we are loving ones"


you will lie, cheat, trade, and do wtv, only 10% will sacrifice, be heroes.

b0c574  No.6053216

File: 7a5c21f001d78a1⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 255x226, 255:226, POTUS SPACE FORCE may the ….jpg)


Top kek!


I want one


fc4468  No.6053217


I Just quit my job, boss is a Bernie supporter, kek.

5e907b  No.6053218

File: d681bcb148063ea⋯.png (3.26 MB, 816x1392, 17:29, Was John Brennan The Russi….png)

File: 81b915d6fd75d06⋯.png (3.26 MB, 816x1392, 17:29, Was John Brennan The Russi….png)

Was John Brennan The Russia Lie Ringleader?


1f543f  No.6053219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d83705  No.6053220

File: 2c9c96ef48d573d⋯.jpeg (761.87 KB, 1242x753, 414:251, 0D6E3ED8-0448-4EDC-BDA7-0….jpeg)


What’s with the full size teddy bears in tents? 🧐🤔

60ac0c  No.6053222


>>6053207 Google disbands AI ethics board following pushback

>>6053012 New MK Ultra 1997? George Soros and Bush Mentioned

>>6052794 Q's 'JA' posts

>>6052747 Petrodollar Panic: Saudis Threaten To Dump USD-Oil Trades

>>6052559 , >>6052692, >>6052770 Amazon push back [placeholder] on 'The Mueller Report' book

>>6052523 Twitter blocks French govt's fake news Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign

>>6052646 Scientologist Motivational speaker called Grant Cardone. Dig call

>>6052548 , >>6052611eds Raid Music Producer Mally Mall’s Home in Human Traf'ing Invest.

>>6052545 , >>6052636, >>6052671, >>6052701 Planefag reports re Assange

b858c5  No.6053223


Liberal Dark Money Group to Receive Private Briefing From House Dem Jerrold Nadler

AUSTIN—The largest donors on the left will be given a private briefing on investigations into President Donald Trump by House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) during a secretive Texas gathering this week, according to documents obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon.

4b3c16  No.6053224

Daniel is pronounced… DAN YELL.

in ANY dialect?



735d37  No.6053225


No, L-6 is not chess.

The files in chess are denominated A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H

and the ranks are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

There's no L.

0340a2  No.6053226

File: 2aeb0fd0e947814⋯.jpg (122.4 KB, 612x440, 153:110, a0adc6b626cabd1aaaefdb384e….jpg)

File: cffea865fad17ba⋯.jpg (125.24 KB, 735x490, 3:2, ead60504e9e4d69fdb13df1ed3….jpg)

File: 622706ee7a011b2⋯.jpg (118.6 KB, 671x537, 671:537, 2dac634a8b61a207e55a09acfd….jpg)

File: ba22633005b9c91⋯.jpg (127.89 KB, 671x537, 671:537, fd24616a52131c5df7dcc01bc2….jpg)

dcbbe2  No.6053227

File: 289a2c6cd346085⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 800x1151, 800:1151, perky.jpg)


>Those are just spectacular. Oh, if I was young and single…

I hear ya,anon.

I was picturing myself in Baker's shoes and I didn't like it one bit, so figured some bodacious bewbage would go down a treat.

A connoisseur such as yourself would also appreciate these.

50f531  No.6053229

File: e577bac0417894d⋯.png (157.61 KB, 782x542, 391:271, ATT_Outage.png)

AT&T outage map - pic related

Looks like Verizon has issues as well.

5c00e9  No.6053230

File: 4be49fb9cf2802b⋯.jpg (413.07 KB, 743x2016, 743:2016, James-Comey-Tweets_2019040….jpg)

f41c7f  No.6053231


To block the windows below, the basement windows?

e51b62  No.6053232


I—-l becomes seventh nation to orbit the moon

Isr–l became the seventh nation to orbit the moon Thursday.

A Space IL spacecraft called Beresheet is scheduled to land on the moon on April 11 after it entered the celestial body's orbit, according to The Jerusalem Post. It was previously in the Earth's orbit.

An account that appears to belong to Space IL tweeted celebrating the entrance into the moon's orbit.

a1296a  No.6053234

File: 369620e85154ad8⋯.jpg (74.53 KB, 980x510, 98:51, 2019-04-05 01.22.39 www.go….jpg)

"Umnpppeeeeeeeesh FooooooooaaarTeeFarrrrvf!"

b82fff  No.6053235


fuck yeah!

10cdca  No.6053236

File: 40e7276fa0dedd2⋯.jpeg (13.99 KB, 255x191, 255:191, gc.jpeg)


Make your favorite comfy food… make some covfefe and manifest more comfieness!

6eeb6b  No.6053237

File: 996a4d40334cefd⋯.png (838.63 KB, 840x708, 70:59, CRISIS BORDER HOMELESS ME….png)

56a958  No.6053240


& from those 10%, 9 will be sufferings


519b72  No.6053241

File: eba104f45d918d4⋯.png (549.12 KB, 947x366, 947:366, X47 MD.PNG)

b44762  No.6053242

File: 1d9dd4173e90a19⋯.jpeg (191.3 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, BadassPlanefags.jpeg)

File: 0a50c0da8901c99⋯.jpeg (442.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, LovePlanefags.jpeg)

God Bless our planefags

9a50b5  No.6053243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ef750f  No.6053244


The cabal put red light rooms outside JA's prison. Sick fucks.

f41c7f  No.6053245


Try Again.

144289  No.6053246

File: 9932390b05d052f⋯.png (500.21 KB, 579x576, 193:192, 9932390b05d052fbdd2e3663fb….png)

fd3a8b  No.6053247



291186  No.6053248

File: 36aeec03ab1184f⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 500x750, 2:3, escape.jpg)

f39331  No.6053249


glasses need to say 5D

e7e434  No.6053250

File: 0a294d35c9ba3f5⋯.png (651.07 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

fdecfa  No.6053252



57185a  No.6053253



56a958  No.6053255


you in control, after cleaning

crimes will surface


shit character

00b220  No.6053256

why does Mueller report not clear up obstruction by Trump? We need this shit cleared 100%, not an asterix above it forever

344b49  No.6053257

File: 50c23746fcb3f71⋯.jpg (344.88 KB, 1911x927, 637:309, Ronin45.jpg)


Got a Beech300 call sign Ronin45

Ronin a masterless Samurai

& POTUS = 45

maybe nothing…

e63c5f  No.6053258


Stupid little show to imply for the normies that he is still there.

He is not, they will not see him there tonight.

b23786  No.6053261


All due respect I didnt demand anything…but ty.

660923  No.6053262

>>6052952 Hard to nail down, but what I'm hearing internally sounds like 11,000 Hz …anybody else?


b0c574  No.6053263

File: 89a91293d41c794⋯.jpg (113.73 KB, 500x375, 4:3, All good move along.jpg)

6a4ec9  No.6053265

File: 03034b08666005a⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d5a443a2233206fee8f92409e5….jpg)

3419ad  No.6053266


Muenster makes an excellent grilled cheese.

f39331  No.6053269

File: 7e276df7a074d6b⋯.jpg (104.22 KB, 962x605, 962:605, notice.jpg)



6bfd21  No.6053271


Ok well that clears that thought. Thank You Anon!

5c00e9  No.6053273

File: 20234279307c992⋯.jpg (153.48 KB, 737x989, 737:989, James-Comey-Tweet_20190112….jpg)


You want another?

9ea70f  No.6053274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eb55ae  No.6053275

File: e8350d7cfe85943⋯.jpeg (383.48 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 9D5B7E4F-EBD8-40FC-99EE-1….jpeg)

bd18a6  No.6053276


MAPS = Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Based in North Carolina

501(c)(3) tax-exempt

fe77a2  No.6053277

File: 81040edfc15bf70⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 751x464, 751:464, Capture.JPG)

Fuck the Daily Caller. And Fuck You, Tucker Carlson, for letting them do this.

You want to play with us like this? Not only won't I read your shit anymore, I will actively campaign against you and your clickbait Paytriotism. This will not end well for you, Tucker. Reverse this.


b858c5  No.6053278



b44762  No.6053279

File: f463c432339f543⋯.png (905.76 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

i don't think i want to sniff her hair kek

b82fff  No.6053280


diggin more on this now


90b47b  No.6053282

File: 6307d76b531e052⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 516x298, 258:149, MAGAdiscount.JPG)

>>6053216 Just got mine. I may get away with wearing it without becoming a target.


Use "MAGA" for the discount code = $7. off.

735d37  No.6053283


We see RONIN fairly often up there.

Not special IMO

f41c7f  No.6053284


I like that one better.

d58cbe  No.6053285


Prob me but I’m in bed and spouse asleep. It’s high pitched. Really bad.

10cdca  No.6053287


Basket of tendies with fries we are watching a year or more delta play out, as always, with JA…

Anons think one of the most dangerous characters in the movie to the cabal would be left sitting there, by good or bad guys?

0340a2  No.6053288


No one bats an eye.

a9952b  No.6053289


Nuice & pic saved

e7e434  No.6053290



Appreciation is not quite the right word. It's like being a toothless lion, and the zookeeper throwing you the thickest steak in the bucket.

903c87  No.6053291


They've got teddy bears inside to lure in children.

bf1eec  No.6053292


"Shortly after 2am, protesters began arriving on the west London streets that houses the embassy.

Two cars pulled up and activists erected seven tents on the pavement for the protesters to use."


35b318  No.6053295


Can’t stop the signal

b21154  No.6053296

Not sure if anyone noticed the #3 on each side of the embassy doors.

6d9b6c  No.6053298

File: 9300e1da6f4154e⋯.png (924.48 KB, 1156x876, 289:219, Screenshot 2019-04-04 19.4….png)



56a958  No.6053299


look up

2024 moon landing

selg interest

yjeu pee on you

you mean nothing

they insult your intelligence

0b66e9  No.6053300


>Some of us are barely hanging on at this point.


ef750f  No.6053301


Jesse and James. Best shit ever.

a1481c  No.6053302


I'd have those checked out before I let anyone near them!!

60ac0c  No.6053303

File: e8350d7cfe85943⋯.jpg (383.48 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, e8350d7cfe85943b3ef96fc45d….jpg)

Fresh Nightbread




Fresh Nightbread

3f1e96  No.6053304


Good one!

fd30d2  No.6053305

File: 11eb3ccc7896702⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 522x395, 522:395, wanted for killing the cab….jpg)


when you go out of your way to say/post..

it is considered demand.

if it were not important to you, you would not go that far to express yourself.

i didn't mean it in a bad way, patriot.

i would not have responded if your heart was sour or salty. I felt the agony in your presence.. and It resonated with my spirit.


let us get through Easter, and I think Barr is going to surprise ALL OF YOU…

fdecfa  No.6053306


What hair. Its a Flea Bed!

a4273c  No.6053307


In the ancient Aramaic it’s pronounced


f39331  No.6053308

POTUS surfing on the red mound???

dcbbe2  No.6053309

933efe  No.6053310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1ca1ec  No.6053311

File: 47eea8a6d8b5405⋯.jpg (135.44 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Blue Angels.jpg)

660923  No.6053312

>>6053266 Great on homemade english muffin egg, ham and cheese sandwiches!

5ac1e0  No.6053315


weirder thing is the chick had a blue crate and paperball looking things.. she placed a bunch on the ground.. you can see 2 just behind the car

6a4ec9  No.6053316


just curious …. what was the memefag gonna do

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