[–]▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919168>>5919204 >>5919457 >>5919656 >>5919735 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Tuesday 03.26.2019
>>5915048 ---———————————--——– THINK. FOR. YOURSELF
>>5910092 rt >>5910048 ---———————— Badge of Honor, Patriot.
>>5910024 ---———————————--——– Attacks increasing? ( Cap & Vid: >>5910083 )
>>5909718 rt >>5909683 ---———————— Bait confirmed.
>>5909596 ---———————————--——– Loop Capital? ( Cap: >>5909757 )
>>5909464 rt >>5909428 ---———————— Knowing what you know now, replay the story.
>>5909363 rt >>5909352 ---———————— TT was bugged most likely.
>>5909342 ---———————————--——– FISAGATE
>>5909322 rt >>5909279 ---———————— Think POTUS campaign leaving T-Tower (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.
>>5909008 rt >>5908881 ---———————— Bake your noodle.
>>5908738 ---———————————--——– DAG + #2 [McCabe] discussion re: 'wear a wire' entrapment re: 25th amendment?
>>5908420 ---———————————--——– POTUS on Hannity Tomorrow 9PM ET.
>>5906839 rt >>5906685 ---———————— Well done, Anon. ( Cap: >>5907161 )
>>5906747 rt >>5906554 ---———————— Bing QAnon News search results
>>5906111 ---———————————--——– Past [7] days. Nothing to see here. (Cap: >>5906497, >>5906554)
>>5905183 ---———————————--——– Q Proof
>>5904715 rt >>5904682 ---———————— Proof missed?
>>5904599 rt >>5904397 ---———————— "What happens if the phone records of SMOLLETT leak?"
>>5904397 ---———————————--——– Worth remembering (Cap: >>5904875, >>5904900, >>5904915)
>>5904054 ---———————————--——– How can there be FACTS if the entire story (narrative) was FICTION? (Cap: >>5904184)
>>5903921 rt >>5903895 ---———————— These people are stupid
>>5903895 ---———————————--——– It shall be done (Cap: >>5903954)
>>5903723 rt >>5903586 ---———————— [Kim Foxx] Who is pulling her strings?
>>5903586 rt >>5903522 ---———————— Will the AG need to get involved?
>>5903527 ---———————————--——– @RepDougCollins (Cap: >>5903666)
>>5897520 ---———————————--——– What is [RBG's] current state-of-health? (Cap: >>5897607)
Monday 03.25.2019
Compiled here: >>5915285
Saturday 03.23.2019
Compiled here: >>5903888
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▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919172>>5919508
are not endorsements
>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
>>5919126 Avenatti denies Fed charges of wire fraud/extortion but says he's "concerned" & "scared"
>>5919123 US Embassy under Obama pressed Ukraine to stop probe into Soros during 2016 Election
>>5919114 "Huber" & "Horowitz" namedropping at Fox news early today (Kek!)
>>5919105 All Eyes On Roberts, Kavanaugh As Supreme Court Hears Historic Gerrymandering Cases
>>5918935 "We are Q": a Review (How Q's promises are being fulfilled)
>>5918963, >>5918964, >>5918991 Expanding graphic on Chicago corruption
>>5918975 Dems not happy about PA state Rep. mentioning Jesus 13x in her opening prayer
>>5918942 As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
>>5918891 For KEKS: Vladimir Putin may have ties to Russia
>>5918870 Comedian set to win first round of Ukraine presidential vote
>>5918862 US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell rubs Germans the wrong way by asking for more defense spending/higher NATO commitment
>>5918849 NXIVM update (Rainere, Garagos, Mack Bronfman, Salzman, Russell): Mack wants a separate trial
>>5918831 Sexual misconduct allegations against "Christian" abortionist Willie Parker
>>5918835 Digg of Felix Sater, the behind-the-scenes mover in the Cohen affair
>>5918774 Brunei harsh new laws: stoning to death for gay sex & amputations for thievery
>>5918779 Six persons knifed in 1 night in London (and what is this really about)?
>>5918748, >>5918752, >>5918768 Imperator Rex on FBI vault drops today
>>5918686 Daily Mail skips key result in Green New Deal vote: that they were 0 Yays!
>>5918672 Algeria awaits constitutional signal on Bouteflika's fate
>>5918671, >>5918680 Mark Geragos, lawyer to many corrupt people--do we have a DIGG going yet??
>>5918617 50 women says Salesforce.com Inc. helped sex traffickers help exploit them
>>5918609 Mississippi man sentences to 30+ yrs for drugging & trafficking children
>>5918631 Deutsche Bank has begun handing over DJT's financial records to House Cmte
>>5918603, >>5918619, >>5918621, Was Smollett PAID to fake a hate crime?
>>5918315 (lb) Special Olympics athlete claims corruption in WA State system, backs DeVos/Trump decision to cut funding
>>5918595 Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff who interfered in Smollett case admitted her son has illegal immigrant friends
>>5918541 DIGG on Kelley Foxx, con't.
>>5918538 Electrical Fire Causes Power Outage in Most of Ft Lauderdale (Broward Co….hmmm)
>>5918533 Rep. Omar meets with Pres. Erdogan
>>5918522 Compelling short speech on gun rights by Aaron Weiss (3 min vid)
>>5918519 Millionaire jockey Nayel Nassar wins Grand Prix on Lucifer V; also wins the affections of Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer
>>5918515, >>5918683 Clinton, not Trump, was the source of Obama Muslim Talk
>>5918510, >>5919071 India had achieved A-SAT capabilities way back in 2012
>>5918505 EO on coordinating national resilience to electromagnetic pulses
>>5918489 Letter From Charge d'Affaires George P. Kent to Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine
>>5918480, >>5918480, >>5918503, >>5918514, >>5918543, >>5918567, >>5918577, >>5918606, >>5918626, >>5919024 Anon discussion on NK/Chollima scenarios, con't.
>>5918781 Is there a connection between NZ shooter & NK (where he visited)?
>>5919146 #7572
Previously Collected Notables
>>5916764 #7659, >>5917535 #7570, >>5918382 #7571
>>5914519 #7566, >>5915272 #7567, >>5916031 #7568
>>5912862 #7563, >>5912969 #7564, >>5913743 #7565
>>5909889 #7560, >>5910688 #7561, >>5911435 #7562
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919173
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▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919176
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043
▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919189>>5919192 >>5919256 >>5919264
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919202>>5919347
Good Morning..Fellow Anons…No Rant today..
Just getting my Covfefe right now..
What are we expecting for today???
▶ be8f1d (2) No.5919204
>>5919168 (OP)
>>5918406 (OP)
Anybody looked into Tunnel to Towers? If it is legit, I'd support.
▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919207>>5919220 >>5919274
Baker seeks Handoff
Going Ghost in ~10
If no baker, any anon willing to take Notes?
▶ 51bc84 (1) No.5919209
>>5917675 (pb)
Great post, Resonates with me.
Nice work anon
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919219>>5919282 >>5919881
Really funny!!!
The winner of the internet today is…..
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919220
Thanks baker again!
▶ 1a7090 (4) No.5919224>>5919248 >>5919325 >>5919594 >>5919618 >>5919646 >>5919655 >>5919764 >>5919865 >>5919956
Nobody left ? Bring out the dead
▶ ad1ce4 (1) No.5919248>>5919300
I love the smell of deep state panic in the morning.
▶ 45868e (6) No.5919256
▶ 76941e (1) No.5919261
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. COASTERS!
Dafuq were you doing?
▶ fc84c9 (1) No.5919265>>5919579
What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”?
- We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined to protect its $1,000 billion annual budget and the power that goes with it from the loss of its Russian enemy to normalized relations.
- We can conclude that Hillary’s DNC was partner to this crime and that scum like Jarrold Nadler and Adam Schiff have destroyed the reputation and credibility of the Democratic Party.
- We can conclude that the US media is devoid of all integrity, morality, and truthfulness and has forever discredited itself as a source of objective and accurate information.
- We can conclude that a corrupt military/security complex and Democratic Party were so determined to serve their own narrow self-interests that they were willing to subject the entirety of the world to a higher risk of nuclear war.
- We can conclude that the fact that such filth as Mueller, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, and Clapper were at the top of US intelligence and criminal investigation is conclusive proof that the US government is a criminal organization.
Keep in mind, as Tucker Carlson reminds us, that Mueller’s “investigation” was not a well-intentioned investigation conducted by open-minded people who turned out to be wrong. It was an organized witch-hunting event determined to destroy the President of the United States.
What will be the consequences of this failed act of high treason on the part of the Democratic Party, military/security complex, and presstitute media to falsely convict the duly elected President of the United States and remove him from office?
Will President Trump be content with his enemies’ failure and move on, or will he hold them responsible for their criminal actions? Keep in mind that Mueller’s “investigation” was based on spy warrants obtained by deceiving the FISA court, which is a felony.
Keep in mind that Mueller’s indictments of Manafort and Stone are far outside the designated scope of his investigation and have nothing whatsoever to do with Russiagate. This makes the convictions of Manafort and Stone illegitimate.
Mueller’s effort to frame the President of the United States was never a real investigation. Left uninvestigated was the proven fact that the Hillary emails allegedly hacked by a Putin/Trump conspiracy to steal the presidential election were downloaded on a thumb drive, most likely by the DNC staffer, Seth Conrad Rich, who was mysteriously shot dead on a Washington street in an unsolved, and uninvestigated, murder case.
Mueller and the FBI made no investigation of the DNC computers.
Mueller and the FBI ignored the fact that the known download time of the emails was far quicker that is possible via the Internet. In other words, according to the time dates, the emails could not possibly have been hacked by Russians and given to Wikileaks.
This undisputed fact will remain ignored, unless President Trump intervenes, because it completely obliterates the false case the criminal US Department of Justice (sic) has concocted against Julian Assange.
To be clear, Trump’s vindication by the inability of a corrupt FBI and Department of Justice (sic) to frame him screams for a real investigation of the corrupt elements in the US government and Democratic Party that concocted a fake investigation in order to direct attention away from the real crimes.
Is Trump strong enough to launch an investigation into the “illegal takedown that failed,” or is he too surrounded by enemies, as I predicted he would be, to serve as President of the United States instead of as a figurehead for the criminal elements who actually comprise government in the United States?
We will soon know.
▶ 1a7090 (4) No.5919266>>5919308 >>5919655 >>5919956
And what about the kids?
▶ be8f1d (2) No.5919271
So you're sayin Q is goin down on your sister?
▶ 2d5fe4 (8) No.5919274>>5919330 >>5919435 >>5919441
Time to go.
Baker departing the kitchen
Ghost Bake
Notifying BO/BV.
Have a good bake, anons.
Call out Notables
Call for lurking Bakers
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919277
>>5918174 (pb)
correct on all counts.
the shitters are stupid cannon fodder, but the vermin behind them are both cunning and evil.
While we may be more apt to "live and let live" coexistence is not and has never been an option for these people and a casual examination of history wherever these swine have taken control shows this clearly
▶ 42a412 (1) No.5919280
We need to recruit more and intensify our attacks. Keep going after the money to bleed them dry.
▶ 196f69 (1) No.5919282>>5919312 >>5919358 >>5919651 >>5919774 >>5920043
i must be missing the point or something because to me this just looks really really… sad…
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919285
From collusion delusion
Onto obstruction construction
▶ 44bc55 (2) No.5919286>>5919323
>>5918748 lb
And Comey worked for Giuliani prosecuting mob bosses.
▶ 1a7090 (4) No.5919287>>5919293
Seems to be trying to normalise pedo’s abominable and criminal behaviour
▶ 45868e (6) No.5919288>>5919292 >>5919655 >>5919956
Meng Hongwei: China to prosecute former Interpol chief.
Meng Hongwei, the former Chinese head of Interpol, will be prosecuted in his home country for allegedly taking bribes, China's Communist Party says.
He has also been expelled from the party and stripped of all government positions, according to the party's watchdog, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Mr Meng's disappearance in September prompted international concern.
He was reported missing by his wife during a trip back to China.
The 65-year-old, who had been living in France, resigned as Interpol president after being detained by the Chinese authorities.
In October, Chinese authorities said Mr Meng was being investigated over suspected bribe-taking.
▶ 1a28af (1) No.5919291
>>5919232 (LB)
and yet they still continue to pour across the border in record numbers….
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919292
Wasnt he the one who disappeared from a radar?
▶ 45868e (6) No.5919294>>5919696
Here ((([THEY]))) are…………
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919295>>5919307 >>5919596
When we redpill all Evangelicals in the World (and its coming, we WILL make it happen), Israel’s corrupt administration will collapse under the weight of its own lying, crime and terrorism.
Spread this everywhere:
Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about Israel being anti-Christ. Enjoy:
http://archive.is/UF27x - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1"
http://archive.is/8xnkU - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"
The True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly country we call Israel today.
Shills will try to say that this is not according to scripture, but just read the pictures, and go verify the passages in the Bible yourself, its all there. Remember, they count on our ignorance and our conformity, read and verify.
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919296>>5919298 >>5919707
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper reacts to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders saying he and other former intelligence officials should be investigated after special counsel Robert Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
>Templates - Check eyebrow of /ourgirl/. Second name/named is [[[Clapper's]]]! Kek…
▶ b8a2c0 (5) No.5919297>>5919318 >>5919357
Michael Avenatti represented the family of Jim Carrey’s dead ex-girlfriend.
You know, the one where the case was dismissed and nobody ever talked about it again?
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919298>>5919527
oops, this is good too.
▶ 45868e (6) No.5919300
> love the smell of deep state panic in the morning.
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919301>>5919304 >>5919369 >>5919733
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper reacts to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders saying he and other former intelligence officials should be investigated after special counsel Robert Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
>Templates - Check /ourgirl/ - right eyebrow. Second name/named is [[[Clapper's]]]! Kek…
▶ 3de6aa (3) No.5919305>>5919558
Good Morning Mr. President!! Hope you have a Great Wednesday! Thank You For Being So AWESOME!! :)
▶ 5f9e74 (3) No.5919306
GS master of puppets.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919307>>5919326 >>5919596
"The Lobby: USA" documentary:
>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope
<Basically, this documentary provides under-cover footage that is undeniable proof that Israeli Ministries order AIPAC staff to commit crimes against US citizens on US soil for the political benefit of Israel.
Collegefags would be smart to take advantage of POTUS having your back (pic 3) and promote the documentary on their colleges
Pics related 4 and 5 are some possible useful flyers to use IRL to promote the documentary.
The beautiful thing about this documentary, is that it pisses off both Republicans and Democrats alike, and Muslims can be mobilized to start promoting the documentary on the colleges (for obvious reasons, they love the Palestinians and BDS), and everyone else can be mobilized too (tell them "Hey, all that money that goes into Israel every year (almost 4 billion dollars) so they can bribe the Congress to put Israel first, why isn't that money being used to help Americans in America? What about the poor American inner cities that need that money? What about the veterans? This ain't right!").
It would be smart to start to send emails to all the mosques and all the groups that advocate for any other group of Americans (veterans, Blacks, etc) stuff with the materials and the idea.
▶ 88e015 (3) No.5919308
MSM con artists and political criminals have no credibility. The Nigerian princess has no clothes.
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919309>>5919317 >>5919665 >>5919783 >>5919904
Is Scientology Good or Bad?
It seems the media makes them out to be bad. But what if they are good?
Good or Bad?
▶ 12d7c4 (13) No.5919310>>5919320
Anons are attacked by muh jew shills again.
Since Q called them out yesterday they PANIC.
There are two kinds of muh jew shills.
1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.
2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.
<DS wants the people divided
Don´t fall for it.
Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo
Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …
If it is that simple like
<muh jooos
why do we even have a research board?
▶ d99986 (1) No.5919312
Fuckin mushrooms man. That would be my guess.
▶ a84660 (4) No.5919313>>5919583
Kind of amazing that immediately after Trump's election [ALL] these CIA / FBI / DOJ types went to the far reaches of the earth (New Zealand) and they get terror for the first time ever within a couple of years.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919314>>5919389 >>5919541 >>5919667
Smollett is a brilliant play (almost straight out of Godfather II).
The left knows President Trump can't openly get involved……….muh he's a racist.
But, were it hussein, he would eric holder's doj (civil rights division), sent down to cook county to shake things up………….muh ferguson, missouri and muh racist cop and gentle giant michael brown.
For those who are mired in identity politics I say this. The black community must be outraged at this perversion of justice! Any group must police its own house.
You can't have muh reparations for slavery and muh racism, and then let a guy who hoaxed the nation with a fake muh hate crime, skate. You can't have it both ways. Either the law applies to jussie or keep your trap shut when the next hate crime occurs. We either have equal justice under the law, or we don't.
▶ 25a229 (4) No.5919315>>5919905
just shows that no one is reporting to MUFON anymore.
these numbers are inaccurate
▶ 458850 (1) No.5919316
▶ 5f9e74 (3) No.5919317
they are a competing NWO
still not good.
▶ 157a55 (2) No.5919318>>5919357
wtaf anon how did I miss that
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919320>>5919333 >>5919596
Kek, keep it up shill, its going great for you ;)
▶ 3de6aa (3) No.5919321
Southwest 737 Max makes emergency landing in Orlando
Associated Press Associated Press 12 hours ago
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Max made a safe emergency landing Tuesday in Orlando, Florida, after experiencing an engine problem, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
The crew declared an emergency after taking off from Orlando International Airport around 2:50 p.m., and returned to the airport safely. No passengers were on board, and the aircraft was being ferried to Victorville, California, where Southwest is storing the airplanes.
The 737 Max was grounded in the U.S. March 13 after a deadly crash involving a Max in Ethiopia on March 10. It was the second fatal crash involving the airplane. U.S. airlines are allowed to shuttle the planes but cannot carry passengers.
The FAA says it's investigating but the emergency was not related to anti-stall software that is suspected as a cause of the two fatal crashes including one last year involving a plane from Indonesia.
Airport spokeswoman Carolyn Fennell says one of the airport's three runways was shut down for cleaning after the landing. She says its standard procedure to check a runway for debris after an emergency landing. It wasn't clear if any parts actually fell off the plane.
Fennell says the airport's other two runways remained open, and normal operations weren't affected.
Southwest said the plane's pilots reported a "performance issue" with an engine shortly after taking off for the California airport, where it was flying to be in short-term storage. The Max 8 jet was to be moved to Southwest's Orlando maintenance facility to be checked, a company statement said.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919323>>5919335
always wanted to ask Jim Comey this question.
"First, who I am and where this comes from. Ardent supporter of the Trump agenda, a Pat Buchannan supporter, Christian, Gen Xer, John Birch society since my late teens.
Given all that, plus current events, and *your* actions,
will I think more kindly of you in say 5-10 years time?"
A simple question that can be answered without breaking any clearances or confidences.
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919324>>5919614
Is there something to this MANDELA EFFECT?
Is it real? Does it happen?
▶ 9401c7 (1) No.5919325
Literally writing TDS into dead peoples bio's. Kek
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919326>>5919343 >>5919344 >>5919596
"Trump recogninsing Israel's claim to Golan Heights"
"Trump to move embassy to Jerusalem"
It's the same story all over again.
Trump does something, let's do the opposite! Bibi gets more and more isolated and he cannot complain about it. Trump card!
Trump actually nuked US support for Israel with that EO on college free-speech, Israel can't keep US support if the colleges have free-speech.
If Americans don't capitalize now on the EO to absolutely destroy US support for Israel using the colleges as epicenters, then you are retarded and the zionists will win.
Anon said:
>"Do you think there'll be college kids ballsy enough to start asking the JQ? Going to be interesting to see if there's media outcry when it happens, only for the courts to side with the kid(s) in question."
That's the whole point.
How do you fuck over the MSM and Big Tech? You let them step on their own dick and expose them.
This is what is going to happen, end even if the kids don't show their identity, they can spread fliers and shit around and make the kike MSM reeeee about it.
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919327>>5919328 >>5919743
Clapper's hands…
▶ 5f9e74 (3) No.5919328
he had to it's in the cabal illuminati contract.
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919330
notables always had at least 4 or 5 breads worth, and not so very much per each bread.
your notables don't do it for me.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919333>>5919340 >>5919342
Scan of moo joo brain with 24 hours of death.
▶ 44bc55 (2) No.5919335
Comeys definitely an interesting one.
▶ f73e3e (6) No.5919340
Wrong… that scan is at least two years before death.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919342>>5919351 >>5919596
Wow, such a compelling argument, Israel first traitor :)
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919343>>5919356 >>5919596 >>5919853
Criticizing zionism is NOT anti-Semitism.
Criticizing Judaism is NOT anti-Semitism.
Hating people for being Semites IS anti-Semitism.
Hating people for being of the Arab or Jewish race IS what anti-Semitism IS.
If Israel and zionists were ethno-Nationalists I wouldn't care, but they're supremacists and imperialists, they think they have a God given right to enslave the world to their will and meddle in everyone elses affairs. A people like that needs to be utterly broken and humbled before they can understand what true ethno-Nationalism is and why it's important to respect the sovereign rights of other people.
Why do Americans have to pledge loyalty to Israel?
Why do Americans have to fund Israel every year?
Why does the US have so many dual citizens of Israel in congress?
Why is Omar wrong for calling attention to those facts?
Does America not have free speech any more?
Israel does NOT permit dual-citizenship legislators. Why does the USA?
Now I'm not saying you should vote Dem or vote Omar, but the questions her situation arises are legitimate.
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
It is not ALL Jewish individuals that are the problem, certainly there are plenty of non-subversive non-criminal Jews that are swell and very nice people, the problem is Jewish COLLECTIVE power, which needs to be criticized and terminated as peacefully and fairly as possible, for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919344>>5919354
Dors not make any sense
▶ d98a6c (2) No.5919347>>5919396
adding it all up one dig at a time.
good luck anons…
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919350
Attach a doc
Those who are interested can check
▶ da486e (35) No.5919351>>5919360
>Wow, such a compelling argument, Israel first traitor :)
Two fucking years…………..every day, every hour, every bread. IT GETS OLD!!!
Stop molesting your sister you sick fuck!!!
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919354>>5919373 >>5919596
Be more specific and we can discuss it.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919356>>5919365 >>5919596
And its important to realize the fact that Jews are not White, and that there is such a thing as a Jewish race, because some subversive Jews try to scapegoat Whites when caught red-handed.
<Another anon said:
>”They sure claim to be white while they're calling for the elimination of the white race…
>Then claim to be Jewish when they need to assert some kind of perceived authority”
To that I add: or when they want to play the victim card, which is bullshit (pic related 3).
▶ b8a2c0 (5) No.5919357>>5919454
Jim Carrey is probably a good dig.
Jim Carrey went from a defendant in a wrongful death case, to Michael Avenatti dropping charges against him.
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919358
I'm going to go with "you missed the point" and stop there.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919360>>5919399 >>5919596
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919351
Why are you so triggered that I make available for newfags this information, information that Jews censor EVERYWHERE else (vid related)?
Are you an Israel first traitor? :)
[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.
[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.
[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.
[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.
[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”
[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.
[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.
[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.
▶ a7e428 (2) No.5919363
So, the question arises, do the stories that suggest that Americans were held in Southeast Asia have any basis in reality? To believe that would be to believe that the American government managed to hide the truth for over four decades. If McCain was involved in covering the matter up, it would constitute an unpardonable stain on his honor that could never be washed away.
Will Trump release the McCain Files??
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919365>>5919378 >>5919596
If you want to understand more about Jewish history and why they always arouse the hostility of others against them everywhere they end up, read these pics and go verify the sources.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919369
that goblin Clapper's hanging can't come soon enough.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919371>>5919386 >>5919405
The Great Awakening is the best of times, the worst of times………
A shame loser bottom-feeding scum have tried to hijack the work here. Muh joo this, muh jew that. Every day. Every hour. Every bread.
If your strength of argument is SO STRONG
Why do you have to keep repeating it?
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919373>>5919390 >>5919411
Embasdy move
I dont understand logic behind
Golan Heights a dangerous move, since rewrites borders
Campus speech ok but anything, which go under umbrella of anti-semitism will still be shut down
It only helps conservative views
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919375>>5919410
hey ass hole?
what's up?
I've mean , you are so clever.
a random list of user names.
wow, how heroic of you to post it.
Such a great dig.
please explain what this list is for and who you think that these people are.
or you can insult me which seems like you will because you are a shill.
but here is a point: also explain how a free speach board is a bad thing?
2. why you say we are violent when you are the one showing that kind of bend.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919378>>5919420 >>5919596
And if you are asking yourself how can Jews be so retarded and why do they keep acting like that when it always ends up in the same manner (violence and/or expulsion), then why would they keep on doing it?
Well, a part of it is that they get brain-washed (and feed a shit load of lies) since kids and their understading of things gets molded by older Jews into viewing all non-Jews as enemies (to the point that their Jewush cosmology of victimhood becomes one of the central pillars of their Jewish identity. Related reading about the Jewish cosmology of victimhood here: https://archive.is/cSb5X ).
There is this documentary made by an Israeli Jew called "Defamation" (available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNWF9CeoZdE ) and there is a scene there that shows a teacher in Israel telling Jewish Israeli children who are about to go on a school trip to Poland to visit Auschwitz that goyim hate them because they are Jews (and off course she feeds them a bunch of bullshit like the lie that Israel was created because of the Holocaust (which it was not, its a verifiable fact that the Rothschild were planning a Jewish state in Palestine since the 19th century and in 1917 they were sent the Balfour Declaration by the UK government to allow them to go ahead with it))…
So everytime you see a retarded Israeli shill here, remember they are literally brainwashed since kids, tell them the truth like it is and let them either face the truth or not accept the truth.
<Also interesting:
is the fact that Jews THEMSELVES can't even agree on what and who is a real Jew.
That whole game of "oh, those are fake Jews" is a big fallacy, to say the least.
Pic related 4.
Read: https://archive.is/wGLi8 - "WHO/WHAT IS A JEW?"
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919379
▶ b8a2c0 (5) No.5919383
a very simple rule we all try to abide by here.
▶ fddba4 (1) No.5919384
You realize the "boomers" were born between 1945 and 1960 - the post war "Baby Boom". So you are suggesting a bunch of 70 year olds are running about with their canes causing problem? You are a retard.
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919385
Baker...Is there a reason someone is posting what looks like "Usernames" and "Pin Numbers"...Delete these please!!!!
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919386>>5919596
Kek, you're such a coward traitor that you avoided the question I made you when you tried to push that 100% failed narrative.
Why are you so triggered that I make available for newfags this information, information that Jews censor EVERYWHERE else (pics related)?
Are you an Israel first traitor? :)
▶ da486e (35) No.5919390
>since rewrites borders
I see. Strong argument. When do we give Texas back to Mexico?
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919392
Why this SPIRIT COOKING TYPE CHEAP ART right next to the USA Embassy?
Please look into this anons.
▶ f73e3e (6) No.5919396
Dem flesh gib to Gossamer….
▶ 955152 (5) No.5919398
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919388
You think your fly?!
▶ d2338c (6) No.5919399>>5919421 >>5919424 >>5919438 >>5919660
I used to hate Israel when I hung out on half Chan
Thanks to your constant nonstop shilling and shitty memes you redpilled me to realize
So i just donated to AIPAC
Again, thank you for being an obvious operative of the communists the socialists and the Muslim Brotherhood!
▶ f88404 (3) No.5919400>>5919406 >>5919408
What are we spamming?
▶ a84660 (4) No.5919401>>5919415
Japan and Germany to possibly join 5 Eyes
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919404
Focus shifts to meddlesome ex-Obama aide after prosecutor’s stunning decision to let Smollett walk
▶ f039aa (1) No.5919405>>5919544 >>5919834
Methinks (you) came to the Chans, not vice versa, it beez what it beez, makes ya wonder why it all started here huh? Lolz, makes me wonder why (you) think it would change just because (you) came.
▶ 36169d (2) No.5919406>>5919412
I'm glad you bit,
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919408>>5919426
I saw this the other day too.
it was associated with one of those 'we gottss the chat logs' people (I don't think it's JP himself) but it seems to be a random list of user names and I've asked by shilly the shiller, who hates us all, won't tell me what these are for.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919410>>5919437
dude, why respond to an obvious troll/shill?
just filter and move on.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919411>>5919544 >>5919596
>Embassy move
Its a fake out. Pic related 1.
>Golan Heights a dangerous move, since rewrites borders
A public declaration by Trump is not something that automatically grants Israel the land.
It puts a lot of eyes on the issue (most gen pop has no idea what the Golan Heights even are, but now they go search about it), which is bad for Israel.
>Campus speech ok but anything, which go under umbrella of anti-semitism will still be shut down
Nope, that's the whole point. Get some college people to spread the fliers about AIPAC, and if they shut it down, they only confirm the message, they only give more publicity to the doc and they only prove that Israel has way too much power in the USA.
End result is Israel loses gen pop support.
>It only helps conservative views
Being anti-ZOG will become part of the conservative views, Israel is an enemy of the US, and people are waking up to that fact everyday.
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919412
he bit you bight
▶ a84660 (4) No.5919415
Germany FVYS
▶ ce9697 (2) No.5919416>>5919417 >>5919419 >>5919423
Morning anons. WTF is going on with this bread?
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919419>>5919440
shills woke up, last 2 breads were comfy
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919420>>5919428 >>5919596
It also needs to be said that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud and that fraud is being used to extort Countries all around the world, to censor legitimate criticism of Israel, Judaism, and Jewish collective power and to promote more Open Borders non-sense around the world.
▶ f73e3e (6) No.5919421>>5919438
Look at who is against POTUS.
Than you see the enemy.
▶ 3de6aa (3) No.5919422>>5919702
Allison Mack is begging for a separate Nxivm trial
By Lia Eustachewich
March 25, 2019
“Smallville” star Allison Mack is begging a judge to separate her case from accused Nxivm sex cult leader Keith Raniere’s --- in the wake of fresh allegations that he abused children.
Mack’s team of lawyers made the request Friday in a filing that also seeks to have tossed out a superseding indictment against her, Raniere and their co-defendants.
“The Court should not allow evidence of Child Exploitation Acts before any jury that will judge Ms. Mack. As an initial matter, any evidence of the alleged Child Exploitation Acts would highly and unfairly prejudice Ms. Mack, who has no connection whatsoever to these new predicate acts or the substantive counts against Raniere,” the filing said. “Given the well-recognized inflammatory effect of such allegations, the Court should sever Ms. Mack from Raniere and order a separate trial.”
Prosecutors allege that Raniere, 58, had sexual relationships with children and made kiddie porn --- and that Mack and her co-defendants Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman and Kathy Russell “facilitated” the illicit affairs.
Mack, 36, was slapped with an additional racketeering charge --- but her lawyers downplayed the new indictment as “barely changed” from the initial one but acknowledged that it added “disturbing allegations” against Raniere.
The one-time “Smallville” actress is charged with being Raniere’s right-hand woman, luring young women to the alleged cult as sex slaves.
Opening arguments in the trial are set for April 29.
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919423>>5919440
some is doing the 'I hates them Anon boys' bit and posting year old list of username passwords for a minecraft world
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919425
Q, Please look into this family and their friends.
▶ 4c180e (5) No.5919426>>5919434 >>5919458 >>5919609 >>5919817
Look what I just found randomly searching a name in that list. I dont think they are the same list though.
▶ 3a90d5 (9) No.5919427>>5919817
Good morning Anons!
I'm here covering for SwordAnon.
He was arrested for killing his reptilian brother with a sword.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919428>>5919596
It is now anti-semitic to be pro-Trump and pro-MAGA, according to the Holocaust Museum of Berlin.
Reminder that the official version of the holocaust is a fraud:
(The crosslinks below are from this archived bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2390914.html
Ctrl+f for these there:)
>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
>>3035752 -- Some pictures about the holohoax
>>2947546 -- A great book about the fraud that is the official and illegal to question in some countries version of the holocaust: “Hoax of the Twentieth Century” and links to 60+ books and documents on this subject
>>2947546 -- “David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992”
>>3144998 - Bishop Richard Williamson tells the truth about the "holocaust"
>>3145022 -- 2 pics regarding the death toll numbers of the Majdanek camp and an article about jews admitting to lying about the number of dead in the official version of the holocaust
>>3145069 - Documentary called: "Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (Eric Hunt)"
And now the child trafficking, Cholera re-introducing, Open Borders pusher UN wants to brainwash the youth into supporting child/organ/human/drug/weapon trafficking facilitator policy of Open Borders using the Holohoax fraud:
UN Report: Holocaust Exploitation To Terraform European Christendom
December 3, 2018 by CH
From the official United Nations website, a discussion paper that proposes using memory of the Holocaust to press for more multiculturalism and globalism.
"The future of Holocaust memory and education lies in its ability to be relevant to the students of coming generations. While study about the Holocaust is important in and of itself, it is even more important to learn from the Holocaust in terms of promoting global citizenship, human rights, religious tolerance and multiculturalism to ensure that such evil does not occur again."
How does multiculturalism prevent genocide? It would seem commonsensical that the best way to prevent genocide of the Holocaustian flavor is to keep different peoples apart.
"In many locations worldwide, the Holocaust has become a universal symbol of evil. Just as the story of the Exodus from Egypt from the Bible, and the catch cry “Let my people go” epitomises moving from slavery towards freedom, the Holocaust is now the defining symbol of the most terrible denial of basic human rights---an evil that we struggle to comprehend."
Paradoxically, we can transform teaching about the Holocaust from a subject of despair to a subject of hope. We can convey to our students the message that the option of preventing the next Holocaust is in our own hands. Our students can take specific steps to counter racism and hatred on a local, granular level and this will impact at the universal, international level.
"In this way, adolescents can become agents of change. The most important educational message of tikun olam,repairing the world, is that we must not be indifferent, we must not be bystanders, because indifference is lethal."
Get them while they’re young. (Although, it’s a good bet [the special kids] don’t fall far from the olive tree.)
"We have to act! We must be agents and facilitators against the evils of discrimination, prejudice, hatred and violence. All teachers need to equip their students with the intellectual and practical tools to deal with complex historical situations."
▶ da486e (35) No.5919430>>5919463 >>5919541
Very nice anon. I think this (growing) graph is much more helpful/powerful/useful than the Q Clock, but that's just me.
I don't have the software (or ability) to add to the graph……….but I would suggest adding this connecion Michelle O & ValJar's Chief of Staff.
There's a CV/Money manager company in Chicago, that oddly enough I have visited years back due to a very…..very…..very loose connection.
It's called Ariel Capital. In hindsight it really connects. Start with who founded it, his bio and what his connection to hussein's origins are (Chicago again), and dollars to donuts it plays a significant role. You have to be able to move the money around.
I used to be floored by the success story of its founder, now I understand 'who you know' etc., plays a much larger role………probably the only role.
▶ f89066 (1) No.5919432
What are you, 14?
▶ a84660 (4) No.5919433>>5919452 >>5919655 >>5919956
▶ f88404 (3) No.5919434>>5919439 >>5919449
So its some discord list? Who cares?
▶ 5eb946 (7) No.5919435>>5919441
Can bake.
Assuming responsibilities owing to Ghost Handoff
Notifying BO/BV's.
Collecting Notables.
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919437
his red text triggered me.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919438>>5919444 >>5919450 >>5919459 >>5919596
POTUS is going to destroy all you subversive Israeli traitors :)
▶ 2d41f6 (2) No.5919439
yes, i can confirm one name is from reddit discord
▶ ce9697 (2) No.5919440>>5919609
We're getting close to business hours starting soon.. shills gotta make that pay.
Was wondering what all the username lists were for.
▶ dd0831 (2) No.5919441>>5919448
Good to go. Thank you Bakers.
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919445>>5919577
Racist Propaganda alert. - Possibly [Soros] funded.
The Whiteness conversation has begun [and it was good!]
What are you doing Friday night? Going to a workshop that interrogates whiteness.
Wait, what? And I am paying for it.
Those words might seem like they come out of an SNL sketch if South Africa had an SNL type show. But we don’t. And it was the brave decision of eight white people to respond to an invitation that my friend and colleague Megan Furniss put out on Facebook:
I am Megan Furniss, a white person, living in Cape Town and I want to start talking about it to other white people. How would you like to end the year by starting the conversation?
Few of us know how to navigate our whiteness and what it means, let alone understand the broader concepts of Systemic Racism and White Privilege. Mostly, the problems in South Africa and Cape Town have been so huge and challenging, we white people have been largely left alone in our ‘white spaces’ and have had to do very little shifting, learning, understanding and changing.
Are the hairs on the back of your neck starting to stand up? Are you already taking this personally? Are you about to think or say, “But I’m not a racist.”?
We are all somewhere on the spectrum of racism and privilege, just by virtue of being white. There is a lot of work to be done in unpacking what this means and how we, as white people, can stop complaining and take positive steps forward.
I want to have these difficult conversations a lot, with as many white people as possible. I have designed an introduction workshop that is safe, creative, holding, generous and free of blame and reprimand. It is a workshop that relies heavily on the positive and team co-operative work of improvisation, and the listening and sharing of storytelling. It is a workshop that is for white people, by white people, before we even consider diversity.
Ten of us, in a room, for over two hours, playing some delightful improv games to break the ice and start thinking about stories and then engaging with aspects of the whiteness story as they emerged.
Speaking with the Choir?
To be fair this felt largely like a room of people who got a lot of it. There was no need to explain white privilege or fragility, but that didn’t mean that there wasn’t work to be done. And as Megan and i will both tell you, that work includes us as well. This is very much a journey of walking away from racism and a lot of that requires seeing who we really are mirrored in other people’s words, thoughts and actions.
It was super encouraging to hear as we went around the room at the end giving a 40 second feedback on our experience how many people [pretty much all of the group] wanted to continue this work [particularly with this group but maybe also with other people -- which either speaks to the caliber of the people in the room or perhaps more likely to the level of work that Megan did in holding the space so well].
There is much to be done
It did feel like just a start. And i could definitely have used an extra hour last night as it felt like we got to the edge of being able to really push deeper with a group that felt relatively comfortable with each other. It felt significant that we had someone from Holland wrestling with her country having been one of the colonisers while the people back home don’t seem interested in the conversation at all. And a number of older people [like myself] who grew up during apartheid and so held both sides of the story in a different way to those born after 1994.
All in all the work has begun. There will be more of these workshops and i imagine some form of longer running programme, because it is evident that this work is so overdue.
“What difference can we make? We can only change ourselves”, was the cry from one participant, and if that is true [which to varying degrees it may or may not be] then we had better get a move on at doing the crucial work of starting there and seeing what else might happen elsewhere.
▶ eafdaa (1) No.5919446
on FOX today
a BOOM!! from Krassen
▶ d2338c (6) No.5919447>>5919459
Thank you!
You just proved my point
You can’t meme
▶ 5eb946 (7) No.5919448>>5919516
Much appreciated, BO/BV.
Thank you for looking out, as always.
Time to rock.
▶ 4c180e (5) No.5919449>>5919466
CBTS and the word BAKERY dont draw a red flag? I have no idea what this is. Its a different list, same #**** after the usernames.
▶ f73e3e (6) No.5919450>>5919459
POTUS is going to expose the piles of shit that have attempted to frame his life long friend, the same ones that tried to frame him.
▶ b455c9 (2) No.5919451
(LB) >>5918617 50 women says Salesforce.com Inc. helped sex traffickers help exploit them
CEO of Salesforce has be selling, selling, selling >> pic related
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919452>>5919461
Limbaugh was pissed yesterday.
Mueller's a cocksucker, and not making the call on that was a spiteful move, on purpose to keep shit going because the scheme didn't work.
an alternate take
as another anon said in a previous bread, tying it to a Q post (paraphrasing) Q: "What does a dog do with a bone"
A: He gnaws on it.
Either way Mueller's a cunt.
▶ 7229ca (1) No.5919454
Mr Carrey woke from the hell he was in, his guilt now drives his lunacy.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919455>>5919480 >>5919490
Grow the fuck up bitch. You couldn't explain what 'cultural marxism' is if your life depended on it.
If you're going to try…please no copy/pasta. It won't work.
Fill me Einstein (wink, wink). What's it mean? When did it begin? Who espoused the philosophy? Names please.
▶ 8e0a0a (5) No.5919457>>5919516
>>5919168 (OP)
Wrong number on bread.
7273 should be 7573.
Did my head in for a sec. KEK.
▶ c695ca (2) No.5919458>>5919473 >>5919475 >>5919609 >>5919748
same list with an additional 10 entires
i posted this yesterday , i'll post again;
i baked 10 out of 41 /thestorm/ breads
i am not on that list
i also baked /cbts/ breads
i am not on that list
it is a list of discord usernames
it's an attempt to discredit
it's an attempt to slide , again.
i'd be willing to bet that the difference of entries are the usernames of those shilling the discord list, probably muh chatlogs too
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919459>>5919465 >>5919528 >>5919596
More proofs that Jewish collective power is one of the main forces behind of the Ilamization of the West.
Keep it up stupid ziocunts, I will just keep posting verifiable facts that will destroy the gen pop support for Israel for all the right reasons :)
Pic related.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919461
>He gnaws on it
Meaning it gives leftards something to grouse about ineffectually while shit gets done.
Mueller, still a cunt.
▶ 3a90d5 (9) No.5919463>>5919891
"Big Mike" and Jarrett are already connected in the graph.
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919464
More G Soros propaganda:
40 Tips for white people asking, ‘But what can I do?’ -- a summary
40 Tips to help white people to answer the question, ‘But what can I do?’ when it comes to race and reconciliation in South Africa. And we have made it to the end of the 40 -- which one[s] felt most helpful or relevant to you [show us some love in the comments section]? In this post i give a quick summary of each tip to remind you of the journey we have made together and remember these exist in groups of five on my blog, starting over here:
#1 There is a lot of reading you can do -- books, articles, blogs etc, but to get you started I recommended the Robert Sobukwe book ‘How can man die better’ by Benjamin Pogrund and Steve Biko’s ‘I write what I like’ – to start to understand the SA story from a different viewpoint. To start to see beyond just Mandela.
#2 Commit to calling people by their name or the name they would like to be called by. This might involve gentle questions when you come across a black garage attendant called ‘Eric’ or ‘John’ and not deep interrogation. I’ve found the question, ‘what would you like people to call you?’ very helpful.
#3 Interrogate the words that I use -- it is offensive to call a fifty-year-old man who works in your garden ‘boy’. The term ‘maid’ might be problematic because it comes from ‘maidservant’ and we don’t do servants any more [well, technically at least]. It is so easy to be able to change up some words we use that might be causing others pain.
#4 We examined the concept of ‘the better black/indian/coloured’ -- when we say things like “you speak good English” the assumption it carries is [as most of your people don’t] but it also puts whiteness or english at the centre and assumes we are the standard to be measured by or attained. We should not be. We need to look at things we say or think that add to this as well as the expectation that black/coloured/indian people must behave a certain way when they are with us that fits in with our culture and way of doing things at the expense of being themselves.
#5 Spend some time intentionally with black/coloured/indian friends deepening relationship. Initially this tip was ‘take a black person out for coffee’ until a black friend gently educated me that taking someone for coffee is a very white thing. So it might be a walk or an invite to your house or responding to an invite to theirs or a dinner, but prioritise building friendships with people you know who do not look like you.
#6 -- Interrogate the spaces you inhabit and visit – start to take stock of the people at the various places you go to in your week and if they are majority white consider mixing that up a little by going to some new places. Change where you shop, gym, get entertainment, train, church and even live.
#7 -- Volunteer – so many organisations doing such good work in formerly [and present] disadvantaged areas and there is a spot for you at one of them. You have a skill or even just a presence which can make a difference and hopefully help you build up some empathy and relationships along the way.
#8 -- Change up the voices you listen to – the books you read, podcasts you listen to – start inviting black/coloured/indian and other voices to inform you – if all you read/listen to is white middle-aged men for example, don’t be surprised if you think a certain way. You don’t have to agree with or even understand everything you read, but by connecting to other voices in a humble, looking-to-learn way, you will grow immensely.
#9 -- For those of you who employ a black/coloured/indian person in your home, honestly ask, ‘Am I paying a living wage?’ and after having a conversation with them about life, family, transport and the future, see if there is not some work you can do there, possibly in exchange for that extra meal out a month or snob coffee every day or next family vacation.
#10 -- Commit to interrupting racism and prejudice. #NotOnOurWatch – refuse to let racism happen in front of you – online or offline – without at the very least letting it be known that, “that is not okay!”
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919465>>5919479 >>5919482 >>5919560 >>5919596
More proofs that Jewish collective power is one of the main forces behind of the Ilamization of the West.
▶ f88404 (3) No.5919466
I hope they dox me. My CCW and 55 gal barrel of hydrochloric acid are waiting.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919467>>5919471
▶ 7eba68 (6) No.5919468
It’s Hussein’s Turn in the Barrel.
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919469
Anthony Sutton on Trilateral Commission and CFR.
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919471>>5919476
▶ 4c180e (5) No.5919473
My first time seeing it. Does seem to be a slide. Just weird I got that link that fast, about to filter cuz im mobile and that shit takes up too much space.
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919474
A face of a man with no soul.
Is this a clone? or AI bot? Reptilian or Gray?
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919475>>5919517
I xplained it yesterday
Today its a slide
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919476>>5919484
▶ cc5568 (3) No.5919478>>5919483
/goes and washes hands
▶ f73e3e (6) No.5919479>>5919494 >>5919549
Keep clinging to your hate, much like the Muh Russia shills in the MSM, hate is all you have left.
▶ f3cf85 (1) No.5919481>>5919522
I know there's no love for Medic here. But his videos are great for normies. Redpilled this guy's mom. The movement must have these folks, they're doing a good job - especially with older crowd
▶ 4c180e (5) No.5919483>>5919487
Even easier, youtube > CNN live stream, first result.
▶ 7eba68 (6) No.5919486>>5919539
A Badge of Honor, PM. You are protected.
▶ cc5568 (3) No.5919487
Thank you, Fren.
▶ d4b79a (5) No.5919488
We are going to need more rope
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919489>>5919596
>Re-read crumbs
Take your own advice, stupid shill :)
Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing (to save the full series of the graphs, go to the archive link, and open the image in a new tab/window, then save it):
http://archive.vn/x5qSo - #1 version 1.2
http://archive.vn/MZp6s -- Annex 1 version 0.2
http://archive.vn/ypVpQ - #2, version 1.0
http://archive.vn/nGAey - #3, version 1.0
http://archive.vn/EFTt0 - #4, version 1.0
http://archive.vn/4jdTm - #5, version 1.0
http://archive.vn/iax6J -- Annex 2, version 1.1
http://archive.vn/kfR77 -- Annex 3, version 1.1
<Also check this protocol to exploit zionist gate-keeping shills easely using GAB and the “Flat-Tire Protocol” (named after the Laura Loomer flat tire scam fiasco):
http://archive.vn/I6kJz (and here you can think a text version of the text in that graph if you do not find it easy to read or you want to grab the links faster: http://archive.vn/tK8Dw )
All Jewish collective power needs to be eradicated from the West for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.
▶ 955152 (5) No.5919492
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Message to Smollett, it's from head office.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919494>>5919507 >>5919596
Kek, tell me in what world does exposing subversion equates with hate?
You're the kind of Jew that makes all Jews look bad.
Pathetic :)
▶ da486e (35) No.5919495>>5919523
I asked FOR YOU TO EXPLAIN CULTURAL MARXISM! Not for you to copy/pasta a meme.
Fuck………what the fuck……………..how much fluoride have you ingested? DON'T BLAME THE JEWS THAT YOUR MOM WAS A DRUNK! I would have suggested breast milk, not Jack Daniels……………but that's just me!
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919496
Who's the donkey interviewing PapaD?
▶ e5e41a (1) No.5919498>>5919504 >>5919505 >>5919510
The Clowns are in the house, PANIC!!
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919499>>5919511 >>5919514 >>5919550
nail on the head. those of us here from day 1 remember back on 4chan the wall to wall nazi porn they spammed us with. It's pretty much just here to scare off newbies. They know nobody here actualy buys the garbage but people argue with them which just makes us less effective as well but 99% of it is just to keep scaring away newbies from our cause. Literally every single fucking day since the start we have been drowning in shill posting anti-semitism
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919501
Is the earth hollow? Are there civilizations living inside the earth?
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919503>>5919523 >>5919564 >>5919596
Have some ammo in case you want to BTFO a shill when he says that shit and you want to destroy them with verifiable facts.
▶ 1f9e26 (5) No.5919504
moldiest bread in months
something up
▶ d83a58 (1) No.5919505>>5919531
Whew, well I guess…Joo board sheesh
▶ da486e (35) No.5919506
It's weak. I'm not even drunk yet and you've been made a total fucking fool! You can't argue. You can't debate. WOW………YOU CAN COPY MEMES!
Blow me over with a fucking kiss!
What the fuck is going on here. STOP THE CHEMTRAILS Q! THE DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE!!!
▶ f73e3e (6) No.5919507>>5919513 >>5919531
Yup. Muh Russia propaganda.
Here is a trigger for you.
▶ 5d0237 (4) No.5919508
Who the fuck is baking? Pick some notables and move on. This is the whole damn bread!
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919509>>5919512
someone posted a sucint NK analysis some days ago. Picture is attached.
sorry I responded to the name/passcode
shill. It started by claiming we were violent here, in red text, and that set me off half way through my first cup of joe.
▶ 3a90d5 (9) No.5919510
You didn't filtered this shill still?
No wonder Anons can't dig for shit in this board.
▶ a8dcc6 (5) No.5919511>>5919518 >>5919526
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919512
helps if I put the cap with it!
an anon explains what that anon things of events as depicted in the NK videos.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919513
Someone please call an ambulance. This troll actually typed a few words! HELP!
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919514>>5919535 >>5919567
If you don't filter them you'll get caught up in that shit.
▶ 989765 (3) No.5919515>>5919599
>>5918748 PB
>>5918752 PB
Mueller is fascinating. Mueller has basically treated Manafort like a Traitor; Stone and Cohen are were both raided in the same way. All three are very dirty Stone also pushed Manafort to DJT. Pretty much all 'Russian' communication in 2015 and 2016 was initiated by 'Russians' . Cohen may have been dealing with Sater (FBI mole?) about Moscow Trump Tower). It appears there may have been dual opposing stings going on inside the FBI at the same time.
▶ dd0831 (2) No.5919516>>5919521
Baker Refresh.
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919518
they post evil and claim the board is full of evil. simple as that
▶ cc5568 (3) No.5919519
Why won't Pope let you kiss the Ring?
▶ a8dcc6 (5) No.5919520>>5919525 >>5919536 >>5919775
▶ 5eb946 (7) No.5919521
Also appreciated.
Much thanks, BV.
▶ 2d41f6 (2) No.5919522
Why is he going to jail? He has a different style but I agree with anon, he still reaches many.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919523>>5919540 >>5919596 >>5919605 >>5919769
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919495
Cultural marxism is a Jewish phenomena, just like communism is.
Not all Jews are for it, but if it wasn't for Jews, neither communism nor cultural marxism would exist.
Read: >>5919503
This video talks about it.
▶ 1e1c4d (5) No.5919524
Looks an awful lot like W, IJS.
Once you see it you cannot unsee it.
▶ a10ea1 (1) No.5919526>>5919533 >>5919555 >>5919574 >>5919588 >>5919716 >>5919899 >>5919921
I'm Jewish. Been with the group since the beginning. Love POTUS. Love America. Fuck (you). Game over.
▶ c8462b (1) No.5919527
As much as I share in common with him, like him, appreciate his sharing personal experiences and thought processes with complete strangers, I have not gotten past his condescending closed-mindedness towards “You Q People”, so must troll him.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919528>>5919556
I think we've gone back and forth a few times previously. I still can't tell if you're a (supremely dedicated) troll or clinically retarded
Jews are not all the same. like any group there are subgroups.
1. the old Jewish guy who owns the shoe repair shop down the street and who sponsors a little league team is in no way like that greasy Kike Danang Dick Blumenthal
2. Stephen Miller is in no way like that greasy kike Nadler.
3. the IDF soldier who emigrated from Russia 10 years ago to Isreal and started a family and enlisted to protect his new home is in now way the same as those kike lawyer vermin pulling that lying cunt from the Kavanaugh hearing's puppet strings.
What you're doing by endlessly repeating the same shit is having the exact opposite effect that you claim you intend.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919531>>5919596
That's not an argument.
Kek, not an argument.
Read: >>5919424
You kikes are so fucked :)
▶ b52508 (1) No.5919532
Helping a friend who is being red-pilled by using his own lying eyes. Remembered this article about Mueller and re-read it in light of what we know now. Really worth the re-read and important for anons who never read it. Gohmert on Mueller from 2018 (48 pages):
▶ 662b8f (6) No.5919533
You live in Israel?
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919535>>5919543
growth is important - I filter but I also like to see what newbies see when they come in and try and keep them from running in terror at it
▶ 103149 (6) No.5919536
So pathetic, shill.
▶ a8dcc6 (5) No.5919537
▶ c8f8b2 (2) No.5919538
Are we really food? Perhaps literally, but at least figuratively. It all depends on how far down the hole you want to follow the white rabbit. But let's at least explore the figurative path…the elites, the establishment class (both sides), and the socialists have a common goal -- the complete elimination the middle class. Only 2 classes remaining, the rulers and the servants…with of course them being the rulers. The middle class has only been around a few hundred years, but it is comprised of a bunch of annoying “little people” who dare to yearn for freedom, liberty and self-determination. This is very troubling to the elites because it stands as a barrier to their goal of complete control.
Replacing liberty with dictatorial edicts by the elites is the dream of the establishment ruling class regardless if they are RINOs, Dems, socialists or communists. This concept is critical to grasp if the Great Awakening is going to happen…this isn’t R vs D, it’s totalitarianism vs freedom. The only difference between the Koch Brothers, Pope Francis and Bernie is WHO they believe should comprise the dictatorial ruling class.
▶ 8e0a0a (5) No.5919539>>5919608
It was PM who taught this normie how to get here after weeks of trying to find /pol/.
I don’t know who’s who in terms of legitimacy but thought I’d just mention that.
Rider: um, I do know who Q is though!
▶ da486e (35) No.5919540>>5919546 >>5919565 >>5919641
Better. Were I teacher you would have earned a C, possibly C+. That said, it's the same grade I would have given had you simply written your name on the test.
Let's try a liddle elucidation please. You can do better. Educate people what you're crying about. Suggestion. What does the term represent. Who coined the term? When? Where? How did it spread? What is the opposing theory?
All yours jack.
▶ 2db6ad (6) No.5919541>>5919553 >>5919568 >>5919658 >>5919667 >>5919934
>Smollett is a brilliant play (almost straight out of Godfather II).
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919543
Then your bringing it upon yourself.
Normies come in and mention it, then I know something is shilling them.
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919544>>5919551 >>5919569 >>5919578 >>5919662 >>5919866
As his predecessors have done for years, president temporarily suspends implementation of Jerusalem Embassy Act -- because the ambassador's residence still hasn't moved
"Verifiable facts" against spambot propaganda.
▶ 2c2251 (3) No.5919545>>5919586 >>5919655 >>5919956
Nice work graphicfags. Drop a Chicago Democratic Socialist on that sucker. Ballpark 6 out of 10 of all of my digs starting in Chicago or not, wind up back at the Chicago Communist apparatus. The Caravan digs are a great example. Last night's dig, Kim Foxx to the DSA in 1 hop. It's probably no hops for Kim I just have dug into it yet.
Kim Foxx → Toni Preckwinkle → Commies
>>5918963, >>5918964, >>5918991 Expanding graphic on Chicago corruption
Last pic is anon's graphic on the caravan. Check La Familia Latina Unida (Chicago)
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919547>>5919570
What's the deal with Deutsche Bank?
▶ 8922a3 (6) No.5919549
what is a "rodef"?
it is sad to see you twist like this, exposed.
if you were credible you'd never cease to mention
the 20% of American Jews that voted for a man that some Jews believed (in 2016!) to have been their Golem gone wrong.
The association made (by people who also associate god neighborliness with covering up crimes against children ftr) in 2016 (BEFORE the election of DJT) of MAGA with Adolf The Jewish Meme was made explicitly in the holohoax museum in Berlin and in the Jewish press.
"much like the Muh Russia shills"
you are implying, rabbi, that opposition to Jewish supremacy is akin to the Jewish media (MSM) who uphold Jewish supremacy?
you're disgusting.
▶ 7eba68 (6) No.5919550
Just one “BEWARE OF ___ SHILL” traffic sign each bread once they’ve been identified. Like the “Shillometer” but no engagement. The legal minimum disavowal is required, anon.
▶ 3d5aaa (2) No.5919552>>5919562 >>5919629
Just curious is this image reminds you of anyone.
Image taken from Centipede Nation
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919553
A 2-tiered justice system is all this proves.
If you not in the elite group, your fucked, if you are, you walk.
Not justice.
▶ f4c942 (1) No.5919554>>5919652
Did we ever find out why a bunch of democrats went to Obama’s the other day right before Smollet fiasco?
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919555>>5919563 >>5919984
all it takes is a single jewish friend or to be fans of someone like Mark Levin (who Potus loves to link to) to permanent immunize ourselves from the garbage. tho really just a bit of common sense about whether it's a theology that's bad (outside satanism) or individual evil people. - obviously we can name names - we don't need to group together entire peoples - especially given Q has called out the vatican like 50 times - how many times has he mentioned people of the jewish persuasion? 0 - literally fucking 0 - but you wouldn't know that if you came here on any given day.and judged it by the shills who take our memes and stick stereotype heads on them and - meh that's enough ranting - they aren't worth it
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919556>>5919596 >>5919638
>I still can't tell if you're a (supremely dedicated) troll or clinically retarded
Neither, I am thou extremely dedicated to posting verifiable facts about the issues that see the most censoring outside the chans.
>1. the old Jewish guy who owns the shoe repair shop down the street and who sponsors a little league team is in no way like that greasy Kike Danang Dick Blumenthal
>2. Stephen Miller is in no way like that greasy kike Nadler.
I never said he was.
>3. the IDF soldier who emigrated from Russia 10 years ago to Isreal and started a family and enlisted to protect his new home is in now way the same as those kike lawyer vermin pulling that lying cunt from the Kavanaugh hearing's puppet strings.
So you're doing a different version of the typical deflection "only fake Jews do bad shit" Noted. BTW, Israel was founded on genocide, so that narrative won't work.
>What you're doing by endlessly repeating the same shit is having the exact opposite effect that you claim you intend.
If that was true, either:
You would not tell me because you would allow me to keep making the mistake; or
You would need to be clinically retarded to tell me because point number 1.
You're the type of Jew that makes all Jews look bad.
Cry more :)
▶ a8dcc6 (5) No.5919557>>5919572
▶ 38fced (2) No.5919558
We love you & thank you, and we pray for you daily.
▶ 103149 (6) No.5919560
>US Jews 'Demand'…
>US Jews 'Demand'…
>US Jews 'Demand'…
▶ 340226 (3) No.5919561>>5919585 >>5919600
Dear anons
I'd like to make a request for Deripaska dig. It seems to me like he is somewhat in the middle of whole witch hunt on the Russian side. What are the connections/relations between Putin and Deripaska? I thought he is Putins enemy, not agent, think of Russian [DS]?
Also Deripaska is weirdly tied to the Polish Tupolev crash (one of his companies was responsible for jet maintenence)
▶ 8922a3 (6) No.5919563
You are so bad at lying.
Why even bother coming here anymore?
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919565>>5919596 >>5919761
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919540
Its all there.
You won't make me lose time with you, I owe you nothing, and your yiddish arrogant attitude does not help.
Cry more, people are waking up :)
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5919566>>5919577 >>5919582 >>5919595 >>5919601
So GOD'S BLESSING on those nations who acknowledge him and believe in Jesus Christ as the only Saviour from God's righteous judgement of sinners, and who keep his commandments, is turned into "WHITE PRIVILEGE" by these Marxist atheists. What a distortion of the truth.
Whenever I see the term, "white privilege" I mentally substitute it with "God's blessing." Makes a whole load more sense.
▶ 8e0a0a (5) No.5919567>>5919581
I never filter.
Might make your life easier but it also makes you ignorant of the shit.
Just never never never never never never answer them.
Not once.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919568
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919570>>5919655 >>5919699 >>5919956
Rothschild & Co. is creating a second pillar to add to its M&A advisory business in the country. The company started with a small private-banking team, Krafft said. “Now we are trying to increase the range in Germany in this area as well.”
Rothschild & Co. last year added to its German base in Frankfurt by opening a private-wealth office in Dusseldorf, staffed by a team of six people hired from Deutsche Bank AG.
The company’s assets under management in Germany have quadrupled in the past five years and, according to Krafft, are now significantly more than 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion). Worldwide, Rothschild’s wealth and asset management business managed nearly 70 billion euros at the end of June.
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919571
▶ 29d382 (7) No.5919572
Computer nerds made me cry waaaaa
Fuck off Gorka…
▶ da486e (35) No.5919574>>5919584 >>5919747 >>5919815
Cheers anon. So that makes AT LEAST TWO OF US………..yet the moo joos NEVER make allowance for the exception to their bullshit.
Finally, teeth clenched……..they now add the "disclaimer"………."we don't mean non-Zionist Jews blah, blah blah blah…….Jews who know their place blah, blah blah……………"
They're so weak it's laughable……..but unfortunately, like lice (wink, wink…….what they say about us), they won't go away.
I've been listening to over an hour of a livestream from Owen Benjamin that some anon posted last bread. I give everyone a fair chance. He's now talking about Jews this, Jews that………what he's not saying, is NOT ONE THING HE'S SPEWING ABOUT ACCURATELY DESCRIBES ME. They are sick. They are stunted. They cannot get past blaming others. They need demons to justify their pathetic place in life. For me………..I blame myself for my mistakes. They never do.
Cheers anon. I've taken names and I'm afraid they know it. When we all meet at the risen Lexington and Concord they will be dealt with mercilessly. First the cabal………then the moo joos.
Best to you and yours.
▶ 23f036 (4) No.5919575
Song Of The Hours
All in the very morning hour
Our gentle Lord and Savior
Was fettered and arraingned before
the bailiff of Judea.
But heathen Pilate found no stain
In him or civil terror
Accordingly he sent him on to
Magistrate King Herod
Third hour, and the son of God
Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.
And then those sinful people placed
A crown of thorns upon him.
Revile him, did those citizens
And beat him, did those soldiers.
The cross on which he was to die
was laid upon his shoulders.
Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe
And on the cross they nailed him.
The Christ was bleeding freely now.
(And are the faithful wailing?)
His enemies made sport of him,
So did the true believers.
The sun itself retired then
To scorn their cruel behavior.
Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out
"My God I am forsaken!"
They gave him bile and vinegar
His mortal thirst to slaken.
Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost
And all creation trembled;
The temple fell and from the hill
The rock of Ages tumbled.
And in the very vesper hour
The two thieves' bones were broken.
A spear was thrust in Jesus side,
And Jesus' side did open.
And blood and water did run out,
It flowed beyond all measure,
And all the folk from round about
did mock our lord and Savior.
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5919577
Sorry, meant as a response to this post.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919578>>5919596 >>5919604 >>5919662
Kek, keep telling yourself that.
Israel is going to see massive change, and you won't be able to pimp the world anymore, parasite kikes :)
▶ b8a73f (1) No.5919579
>>5919265 We are not going to declare victory and move on. We are going to bring each & every traitor to justice. It's the only way. All men must see that there are crimes that will never be tolerated. Power challenged must exert itself or it is not the power. It must be shown to the world.
This is true even from the pragmatic standpoint that POTUS must satisfy his base. But far more than that, evil must be rooted out, with its (some duped, some fully understanding) adherents shown in unmistakable detail what it was that they were giving power to with their money, thoughts, words & deeds. We are not going to tolerate low life animals committing egregious crimes vs. the past, present & future and God, nation & humanity. There shall be one law for all, evenly enforced. Zero, Cankles & the rest do not get a pass like the dark side is attempting with the charlatan Smollett & his enablers.
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919581
Your reply is the EXACT response shills want.
This way they can keep BOMBARDING you with their bullshit.
Filter these kinds of fuckers too and you'll see how much nicer the research goes as well.
▶ 1270fc (1) No.5919582
Interesting perspective, anon. Gonna apply that myself.
▶ b00de8 (1) No.5919583
It's difficult to say when exactly Comey was turned from DARK to LIGHT, but the most likely wakeup moment for JC occured on 16-Aug-2018 (see attached James Comey Untethered graphic).
If you're not following me, let's review Q post 1931. Embedded we find Q post 1912 in which Q posts a classified and incriminating email from JC that includes the word "untethered". In response JC shits out a Tweet 3 days later (see graphic decode) in which JC proposes a plea deal with reduced sentencing for his complete cooperation with Q and the DOJ. Ever since that day Comey has been shitting out tweets and making publicly bizarre statements. His tweets are layered several courses deep with hidden comms, suicidal jesters and philosophical horseshit.
Comey is was and will always be total SCUM, thru and thru. But like it or not he's OUR GUY now. The question we have to ask ourselves now is: What the hell are we going to do with this guy? My best guess is that Q/POTUS are planning to roll out dozens of these formerly Deep State scum in a public spectacle of one carpet bomb after another having these scum truthfully testify against their former Deep State bosses thereby red-pilling and waking up as many brain-dead normies and lefties as possible. It makes sense to me that this is THE PLAN so as to save as many innocent lives as possible when the HRC and BHO Deep State holdouts are pushing civil unrest, riots and insurrection.
▶ e9be9e (2) No.5919584>>5920033
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919585
▶ 3a90d5 (9) No.5919586>>5919786
Any direct connection between "La Familia Latina Unida", Soros and Foxx?
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919587>>5919822
Smoking Cannabis
Stoned Immaculate
Close your eyes and travel like a Shaman.
Could this be…
Think anons, it might be…
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919588
sorry about the rant - I'm actually really happy you posted and I'm going to screen cap that shit god bless
▶ 5d0237 (4) No.5919589
It would be interesting to parse the JQ…
How many Jews are actually:
Non-atheistic (worship God, not Lucifer)?
I need like a concentric rings chart to see all the different Jewishnesses, somewhat similar to this image for Islam.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919591
▶ da486e (35) No.5919593>>5919606 >>5919612
Owen Benjamin, the gardner and fence builder………….I'm now 1 hour 44 minute into his drunken diatribe.
He's telling me I subscribe to the Talmud that says Jesus burns in piss and shi. That he rots in hell.
Really Owen. You said people threw you under the bus…………….that they should have come to you first. How odd? Did you ask me what I believe? Of course not.
I gave you a chance. You're lost. You're blinded with your hate. Like a good Christian, I'll keep the door open and welcome you to my house to break bread.
Stop drinking. Grow the fuck up. You're lost…………..THAT'S WHY YOU'RE DROWNING YOU DUMB FUCK!
▶ b44c75 (1) No.5919594>>5919632 >>5919789
Such a happy family……
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919595>>5919601 >>5919640 >>5919648
Why did you think (((communists)))) hated Christians?
Leon Trotsky was a Jew whose original name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein (just duckduckgo it, its easy to verify). Add to that another fact about the communist political phenomena: most of the people involved in the financing, promotion, leading and implementation of communism at its start were Jews, including in China using Mao as a proxy (verify this claim here: http://archive.vn/KJ2Rt ; http://archive.vn/1Jl6V ; http://archive.vn/R2FWk ; http://archive.vn/vxky3 ; http://archive.vn/94Ect ; http://archive.vn/PECQA ; http://archive.vn/L3Ftq ; http://archive.vn/PbEvv ; http://archive.vn/BLw97 ; http://archive.vn/1oRzt ).
Even Fidel Castro was a crypto-Jew (verify here: http://archive.vn/LCsBr ).
In fact, Bobby Fischer, one of the greatest chess players of all times, and a Jew himself, has said this about the connection about Judaism and communism: "First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism." ( http://archive.vn/Eh33u ; http://archive.vn/MDl82 )
Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise (aka: "The Red Rabbi") had this to say about communism: "Some call it Communism; I call it Judaism." ( http://archive.vn/rfCDT ; http://archive.vn/H4xdz )
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn had this to say about the connection between Judaism and communism: “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ( http://archive.vn/FGDwS ; http://archive.vn/mjhbG ; http://archive.vn/MZgBJ ; http://archive.vn/RLmNd )
Rabbi Harry Waton: “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” ( http://archive.vn/AUxlo ; http://archive.vn/79dTX )
Now, before communism, why did Russia wanted Jews out of there? The answer is simple: debt slavery (which is a central part of religious Jewish ideology (its in their Torah (which is composed of the first 5 books of the Old Testament), in Deuteronomy 15:6: "For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you." . The nations are the goyim, the non-Jews)).
Mark Twain had this to say about that: "The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant and villager stood no chance against his commercial abilities. He was always ready to lend money on a crop, and sell vodka and other necessaries of life on credit while the crop was growing. When settlement day came he owned the crop; and next year or year after he owned the farm." ( http://archive.vn/UOoXR ; http://archive.vn/kjfzA )
Another interesting thing about the relationship between communism and Israel is that Israel refused to extradite Salomon Morel, a Jewish-Polish NKVD officer, commander of the Zgoda labour camp, and a war criminal who later immigrated to Israel and acquired Israeli citizenship to Poland ( http://archive.vn/D53jF ; http://archive.vn/QjgnD )
Also interesting is that “Stalin's Soviet Union was once at the center of Israeli identity” - http://archive.vn/lmy3M
An Israeli-Soviet poster in Hebrew from 1954 (I have no idea what it says) - http://archive.vn/zdTg9
You can also read Jack Bernstein (an American Jew) book called “The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel” that came out in 1985 here: archive.is/kvH5
▶ f1d347 (6) No.5919599>>5919673
Wouldn't a high level Agent in counter-intel know about Trump's decades long dealings with the FBI? Wouldn't the Deputy Director know?
▶ 3e40cc (8) No.5919600>>5919603
Also this
Navalny is not to be trusted and hates Putin but anyway
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919601
Are you connecting the dots yet?
▶ 5d0237 (4) No.5919602
Up the dosage 10,000x.
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919604>>5919634
To translate it to human language from bot language:
"i have no arguments and you are disrupting my semi automated propaganda shilling op, please go away ".
▶ 245ef6 (16) No.5919605
▶ 662b8f (6) No.5919606>>5919637
He's a shill who works for CAA, conspiracy Ben is just a character he's playing.
▶ 7eba68 (6) No.5919608>>5919617
The only comment he ever made that bothered me was that he was basically in favor of prosecuting all of them unless it would risk civil unrest. He is more the “let our Patriots do the fighting and dying while the rest of us can sleep at night” type. He gives no mention as to how many citizens are suffering and dying daily because of (((them))).
▶ e6c89d (10) No.5919609
I have no idea what the lists really are. The 'minecraft world' comment is sarcasm (I'm sure you get it) .
tried to query the poster of it. he had red text in other posts with smack talk. I called him out on it, and got scorned for doing it (of course, as I should). but I did ask what they were for and got no response.
quick search shows someone saying it's a 'bakers list', but if so it's useless as far as I can see. but what do I know I would never use those names and passcodes. So the devious who get a hardon from a list like this might be better able to explain what it is.
thank you, id:c695ca
I too saw the list but clicked away when I saw a date from January of last year for the list. When this person started with the accusations of violence I rsponded to him (please forgive me).
I think this is a slide by now. The names and codes are rather useless.
thank you for noting it and keeping records of it.
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919610
I filtered 10 shills and I'll still drowning in it. - guess they invested in a few more Chinese telemarkters or some shit.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919612
Kek, he has money, a family, grows is own food outside the city and you consider that being lost?
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919616>>5919623 >>5919624
And this is old…
▶ 7eba68 (6) No.5919617
*how many children are suffering and dying
▶ b8a2c0 (5) No.5919620
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919621>>5919631
I know you Israeli shills love censorship, and soon everyone will know too :)
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919623
Oh wow same copy pasta same 3 months?
▶ 955152 (5) No.5919627>>5919635 >>5919655 >>5919956
Swedbank Shares Plunge As Money Laundering Allegations Snowball, Manafort Implicated
▶ 0b546f (1) No.5919628
TheThird Week of Lent
God, you love me as your own child.
May I bend my life and will toward you
so that I might accept your teaching and guidance.
I am so grateful for your support in my life,
now and in the eternal life you are preparing for me.
I beg for your help and Spirit in my life today.
▶ 3d5aaa (2) No.5919629
I was thinking more along these lines…
▶ d4b79a (5) No.5919630
TDS from the grave
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919631>>5919644
Nah i just love making the propaganda chatbot post all of "his" automated material. For research purposes of course.
▶ 7eba68 (6) No.5919632
Adding Uncle Fester would complete this.
▶ a07d39 (1) No.5919633>>5919654 >>5919695
What Movement was he talking about?
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919634>>5919642
Keep it up little yid, I am sure the name calling really helps you with the plunging support for Israel in the US gen pop :)
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919635>>5919647 >>5919655 >>5919956
Swedish economic crimes authority carries out search at Swedbank HQ
Sweden's Economic Crime Authority is carrying out a search at Swedbank's head office in relation to an ongoing investigation into whether the bank breached insider trading regulations, the authority said on Wednesday.
Swedbank, which is separately being probed by authorities over allegations that it was involved in money laundering in the Baltics, could not immediately be reached for a comment.
Sweden's Economic Crime Authority in February launched an investigation into Swedbank over allegations the lender informed some investors of a news report linking the bank to a Baltic money-laundering scandal before the information was made public.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919637
Cheers anon. I have to admit I had never heard of him until this morning when another anon posted the video. I try to hear people out, in fact Owen said as much…………and then he slipped…….hard.
I just turned it off while he, the big bear, was mocking John Lennon and Imagine. I could not care less about Lennon……..don't get me wrong, but this was after (wrongfully) interpreting MY INTERPRETATION of the Talmud and crying about being judged by those around him……………..
and then he judged me.
Appreciate the information. I'll take you're word on it, sounds sincere, but it's interesting if he's connected to CAA because he spent the better part of the first hour screaming about hollyweird and that jazz (something we would agree on). Yet, you're telling me he's represented by an agency.
Cheers anon. Best to you and yours.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919638>>5919666
>everyone who doesn't agree with my unhinged way of interpreting largely accurate historical events is a jew
though lacking the primary requirement, looks like I'm on Team Jew now.
Where do I pick up my jersey?
▶ 9c524e (9) No.5919639>>5919655 >>5919956
Global Stocks, US Futures Slide As Interest Rates Resume Plunge
WW mkt and Economic news
(the 'doom' headline again as -66 on DOW is hardly plunging-come on tyler's get it together)
Monday's "recession off" optimism lasted just one day, and global markets and US equity futures are once again falling as yields resume their slide and the US yield curve inverts further.
After a brief respite on Monday when mortgage hedgers appeared to take the day off, treasuries resumed their rally with the 10Y yield tumbling as low as 2.35%* (see cap 4-watch it as "that's bad'' for the banks but not necessarily for real people-it's too bad that the drop in interest rates are not caried over to pepe/anons), following the slide in Bunds as Germany auctioned off its first negative yielding debt with a negative yield at auction, as investors again turned their attention to a deteriorating economic outlook and a shift toward accommodation by major central banks. As a result, stocks in Europe reversed gains along with U.S. equity futures.
Europe's Stoxx 600 fell, led by utilities and telecommunications shares, while S&P500 futures slipped, even though so far the selling is contained, with the Stoxx 600 down only ~0.4%, far cry from last Friday's 1.2% rout.
The MSCI Emerging Markets Index's 0.1% decline also looks tame compared with Monday's 1.1% slide. Cyclical sectors such as autos and miners are in the green - car makers in particular are getting a boost from Nissan-Renault M&A chatter - and declines are largely confined to bond-proxy sectors. Dividend-paying sectors such as consumer staples, real estate and utilities are outperforming in the lower-for-longer era, according to Bloomberg.
Mario Draghi said in a speech in Frankfurt an accommodative policy stance is still needed in the euro region, although he hinted at possible rate tiering, noting that banks are being hurt by NIRP.(translation: not enough spread or margin on the crap assets they have plus whatever new debt or products they need to issue-this is why Deutsche Bank and Commerz Bank are being talked about regarding a shotgun wedding)
Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank end rumors, announce merger talks
Earlier, Asian markets were mixed, though Chinese shares pushed higher as a burst of diplomacy suggests Beijing and Washington remain determined to de-escalate their trade war. Markets got a reminder of global growth risks after Chinese data showed industrial profits shrank the most since late-2011 in the first two months of the year. Chinese mainland shares bounced almost one percent as expectations deepened of more central bank stimulus.
Any terms sound unfamiliar? see this site
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5919640>>5919648 >>5919706 >>5919746
>Why did you think (((communists)))) hated Christians?
Believe me, I know. Many years ago my parents entertained Richard Wurmbrand in our home and although I was only in my early teens, and I'm an old git now, I still remember the occasion. He was overcome by emotion with the very simple meals he was served during his stay. He literally cried. He showed us the scars on his back from torture in Communist prisons for being a Christian. I was so compelled by his account of his sufferings that when I went back to school and we had to choose a charity to support for that term, I recommended his ministry: "Mission to the Communist World." I must have given a very impassioned talk to persuade my fellow students as they chose to support Wurmbrand's charity above the many others that were commended by other students.
▶ 258ed7 (4) No.5919641
google it faggot
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919642>>5919706
Now bring the patton automated garbage.
For research purposes.
spambot analysis v3 is being compiled.
▶ 9d9601 (1) No.5919643>>5919663
(You hip, bro?)
What this does, indirectly is clear the way for EVERYBODY to revisit the actual cause of JUSTICE regarding all the felonious activities from our Gov. since 9/11.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919644>>5919662
Wow, more name calling in the face of facts.
I am sure more people are now willing to die for Israel in result of your splendid work here :)
▶ 1411c5 (6) No.5919646>>5919678
>The DS is going to be dismantled like that JFK wanted to do.
>Might as well kvetch, considering that I'm totally irrelevant.
Blamed Trump for her heart attack? C'mon, man. That just isn't prudent.
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919647>>5919655 >>5919956
Swedbank may have misled U.S. over client links to Panama Papers: Swedish TV
State broadcaster SVT said Swedbank may have misled U.S. investigators over transactions by its customers linked to Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm at the center of a tax avoidance and money laundering scandal that has drawn in companies and individuals from around the world.
The Swedish lender, whose shares fell 4.5 percent on the news, said in an emailed response to Reuters that it “cooperates fully and communicates clearly, correctly and with the best intentions with all relevant authorities”.
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919648>>5919677 >>5919706
They also hated traditional religious jews. Or anyone who wasnt a fan of their ideology.
▶ d2338c (6) No.5919649
The push to divide is strong post mueller
Ilhan Omar and Farrakhan are working hard on this board, some of the shill posts seem to quite directly from Farrakhan speeches
Not sure if they ALL know they are working for Hussein, I’m sure that there are some decent half channels caught up in it
Wonder if that was the emergency meeting in kalamora with the freshman dems?
Or I mean the “justice dems” aka The Young Turks backed Muslim Brother and Sisterhood operatives
▶ badd50 (1) No.5919651
▶ f1d347 (6) No.5919652
It was a pre-planned frshman class dinner and obungo was the key-note speaker. Should also be noted he commented that many of the new faces were part of his staff at some point.
▶ d50f92 (2) No.5919654
LGBTQIA based on his atty claiming this incident has disrupted his life.
She neglects to say that he caused it.
▶ 5eb946 (7) No.5919655>>5919711
Notables Dough
>>5919224 ; >>5919618 Bring Out Your Dead: Biography of Barbara Bush used as hit piece against POTUS
>>5919266 On smugglers torturing Libyan refugees during trip to Europe
>>5919288 China to prosecute former Interpol chief
>>5919433 Comey “confused” by Mueller’s findings, argues it “misses the point” of having a special counsel
>>5919545 Update on graphics re: Chicago corruption
>>5919570 GF Securities lost $139M last year; Citigroup feeling the pain (text of post does not match article)
>>5919627 ; >>5919635 ; >>5919647 Swedbank shares plunge as money laundering allegations snowball, Manafort implicated
>>5919639 Marketfag Report: Global stocks, US futures slide as interest rates resume plunge
▶ 7b1284 (4) No.5919656
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919168 (OP)
planefaggs show of force
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919657>>5919661 >>5919676 >>5919689 >>5919717
Does it suck staying behind a keyboard and telling people not to blame (((JEWS)))
▶ da486e (35) No.5919658
Cheers anon. Well done. I got distracted. You represent the best of what the GA is all about. Stay focused (like you are doing).
Top five posts of the day! If it were later I would say top post……..it's too early. Best to you and yours.
▶ 458fbf (1) No.5919659
▶ 24b5a8 (4) No.5919660>>5919675
Wow. You evangelical christard Zionist faggots are gonna get us all killed.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919661>>5919668
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919662>>5919692 >>5919736
"You" mean facts such as these:
That were answered by lame name callings and zero arguments here:
▶ d2338c (6) No.5919663>>5919670
Since 9/11?
It’s been at least since the titanic
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919664
▶ 384e7e (1) No.5919665
See Kardashianology…
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919666>>5919692 >>5919725 >>5919730
If you are not a Jew, you argue like one:
You make a strawman argument implying that I say that all Jews are bad. Read my posts, that is a lie;
You imply that Israel had no violation of human rights nor genocidal behavior towards the people that were there before the military invasion of the Rothschild we call Israel until Russian Jews got there 10 years ago. That is also a lie.
Cry harder little yid :)
▶ 89837d (1) No.5919672>>5919685 >>5919869
What if the Chicago prosecutors in the Jussie Smollett case HANDED THE CASE OFF to federal prosecutors?
What if the Q team behind closed doors showed the Chicago prosecutors evidence that this case goes all the way down to Congressmen and Hussein?
How do you make an airtight case of crime and corruption under former admin?
How do you ensure double jeopardy laws will not prevent true justice against the string pullers?
I am not at all concerned the Chicago prosecutors dropped all charges.
There is a much bigger fish approaching that will eat them all!
▶ 989765 (3) No.5919673>>5919799
You would think so - but this was back in the late 80's and possibly early 90's and DJT may have been just a small part in those Mob investigations.
Sater appears to be more involved, Cohen was a greedy moron. Manafort did some house cleaning before moving to DJT campaign, and Stone looks very dirty in recommending at least two of the people to DJT that were defendants in Meuller probe. Manafort looks like a traitor and Flynn looks to have been set up by 'Russians' in 2015. Flynn got multiple invites for talks in Russia in 2015.
▶ d2338c (6) No.5919675>>5919684 >>5919709
Not even sure what that word salad means
▶ da486e (35) No.5919676
Two fake and adulterated Garrison cartoons doesn't equal 1/5th of the power of one his REAL ONES!
How weak it must feel to be a moo joo……………sorry liddle bunch. Try harder. Keep crying.
God wins!
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919677
>They also hated traditional religious jews. Or anyone who wasnt a fan of their ideology.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919678
>Blamed Trump for her heart attack? C'mon, man. That just isn't prudent.
▶ a5b740 (14) No.5919680>>5919690
Are there reptilians or clones among us?
▶ d4b79a (5) No.5919683>>5919721 >>5919781
Anons, hurry and get your copy before they run out!
▶ 0eb3f7 (2) No.5919684
Guessing it means they are a troll/shill.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919685
▶ d2338c (6) No.5919689>>5919697
Fucked your mom 6 gorillion Times last night as I read her the Talmud
▶ a50dea (10) No.5919692>>5919700 >>5919736
Clasaic spambot projection. How does it feel doing all this manul typing bot operator?
Why projection?
This is why:
▶ da486e (35) No.5919694>>5919703
Open notice to all moo joos. You don't own this board. You're not going to scare me off.
Oh, and you can suck a big fat dick………bitch!
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919695
Waiting to see if feds pick it up.
▶ bcf1e7 (6) No.5919696
Amash is Freedom Caucus and Liberty Caucus guy with Jordan. He opposes things on libertarian grounds.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919697
Oh great.
WHere did I hear this from?
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919699
Rothschild & Co. is creating a second pillar to add to its M&A advisory business in the country. The company started with a small private-banking team, Krafft said. “Now we are trying to increase the range in Germany in this area as well.”
Rothschild & Co. last year added to its German base in Frankfurt by opening a private-wealth office in Dusseldorf, staffed by a team of six people hired from Deutsche Bank AG.
The company’s assets under management in Germany have quadrupled in the past five years and, according to Krafft, are now significantly more than 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion). Worldwide, Rothschild’s wealth and asset management business managed nearly 70 billion euros at the end of June.
▶ 1411c5 (6) No.5919702
>Child Exploitation Acts
Man. Now, where have I heard that before?
>Discovery of Emails by the FBI’s New York Field Office
>A.Seizure of Weiner Laptop and Devices
>In September 2016, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) began investigating former Congressman Anthony Weinerfor his online relationship with a minor. The FBI’s New YorkFieldOffice (NYO) was in charge of the investigation. A federal search warrant was obtained on September 26, 2016, for Weiner’s iPhone, iPad, and laptop computer. The FBI obtained these devices the same day. The search warrant authorized the government to search for evidence relating to the following crimes: transmitting obscene material to a minor, sexual exploitation of children, and activities related to child pornography
▶ 258ed7 (4) No.5919703
if you honestly don't think Cultural Marxism is a problem, then you don't belong on this board.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919704
Nice. My take………it has paid off. It will be hard to counter, and they knew that when they played that card.
Tempted (even as a Jew) to play the meme:
I did nazi see that coming.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919706>>5919746
Be my guest, little yid traitor.
You never discuss the content of my posts, you simply try to attack the messenger in order to deflect attention from the message.
I post repeatedly because other platforms censor the issue of Israel and Jewish subversion.
Why are you so triggered that I make available for newfags this information, information that Jews censor EVERYWHERE else?
Are you an Israel first traitor?
And I will post the Patton FACTS, just to see you pay no mind to the CONTENT of the post :)
That might be the case, but the fact remains that the first communist gov was made up of 70%+ Jews while they were less than 1% of the Russian population.
This is why non-subversive Jews are better served to speak out against the kikery of the subversive Jews.
Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.
Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton
On a letter to his wife he commented:
“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”
And in his diary he noted:
“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”
General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:
General George S. Patton was murdered:
▶ bcf1e7 (6) No.5919707
He's been playing a role for us since his meeting with POTUS.
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5919708>>5919723 >>5919736 >>5919755
Jew bashers = demoncraps.
Even POTUS said that.
▶ 24b5a8 (4) No.5919709
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919711>>5919956
text was different article from last month, linked wrong headline by accident >>5919655
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919712>>5919713 >>5919728 >>5919741
▶ da486e (35) No.5919714>>5919731
No, we don't see. What we see is you pay your bills sucking brennan's dick when you're not being fucked up the ass by brock, who is being fucked up the ass simultaneously, by soros.
A 'moo-joo human centipede,' if you will.
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919715>>5919720 >>5919726 >>5919751
Good morning anons…. just remember… ANYONE talking about muh jews wants you divided. Thats what (((they))) do. Dont feed the shils.
▶ 549f69 (4) No.5919716>>5919724 >>5919753 >>5919895
Stand strong Jewishanon. WWG1WGA
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919717>>5919722
Said like a true DEMOCRAT & ILAN OMAR backer.
▶ 57e048 (2) No.5919718
Foxx, Soros & Rollins: why they need anti-lynching bill
Boston DA orders police to obstruct ICE and not arrest people for “shoplifting, for breaking and entering, for destruction of property/vandalism, for resisting arrest, for disturbing the peace, and for drug offenses.” So resisting arrest is now legal in Boston, police should be on strike!
Would citizens take matters into their own hands to protect their property!??? AntiLynching to protect criminals \ illegals and politicians for their heinous policies. This shit seems too wild to be real…“Rollins is linked to the far left program originally funded by George Soros to support far left radicals in deep blue cities across the US.” Foxx is in this Soros group as well.
“Rollins also ordered police to refuse access to ICE officials for the arrest any illegals in courthouses --- no matter the crime” She also plans to charge illegals less severely than citizens so as not to attract ICEs attention…How is this woman still freely walking around? Soon they won’t be able to walk the streets. Can’t wait!
▶ 57e048 (2) No.5919719>>5919760 >>5919800
Foxx, Soros & Rollins: why they need anti-lynching bill
Boston DA orders police to obstruct ICE and not arrest people for “shoplifting, for breaking and entering, for destruction of property/vandalism, for resisting arrest, for disturbing the peace, and for drug offenses.” So resisting arrest is now legal in Boston, police should be on strike!
Would citizens take matters into their own hands to protect their property!??? AntiLynching to protect criminals \ illegals and politicians for their heinous policies. This shit seems too wild to be real…“Rollins is linked to the far left program originally funded by George Soros to support far left radicals in deep blue cities across the US.” Foxx is in this Soros group as well.
“Rollins also ordered police to refuse access to ICE officials for the arrest any illegals in courthouses --- no matter the crime” She also plans to charge illegals less severely than citizens so as not to attract ICEs attention…How is this woman still freely walking around? Soon they won’t be able to walk the streets. Can’t wait!
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919725>>5919757
Digits beffiting an acolyte of the father of lies.
Still waiting on my jew jersey, bitch! :)
▶ 12d7c4 (13) No.5919728>>5919737
This is not about religions or party affiliation.
EVIL is everywhere.
There are no drawn lines.
No boundaries.
Good vs Evil.
Think logically.
Attack the world?
Are the people of France to blame?
Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?
Apply leverage.
Power shift.
Rise of the people.
Not understood?
It´s not "the jooos" but THE RULING CLASS.
▶ 1e1c4d (5) No.5919729>>5919742 >>5919765 >>5919956 >>5919966
day after Kazakhstan’s authoritarian leader Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned after 30 years in power, the country’s parliament voted to rename the capital, Astana, after him.
The decision to rename Astana, a city replete with futuristic architecture in the middle of the world’s largest steppe, after the only leader an independent Kazakhstan has ever known, was floated by the country’s new interim President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev shortly after Nazarbayev’s resignation.
President Donald Trump has praised Nazarbayev's leadership skills and said the country's transformation under his rule was a "miracle," according to the Kazakh government's readout of a phone call between the two leaders. The Kazakh leader visited the White House last year, and the two countries agreed to expand their economic ties.
Meanwhile, the organization Human Rights Watch said that Nazarbayev's Kazakhstan "heavily restricts freedom of assembly, speech, and religion, and torture remains a serious problem."
The country’s lower house of parliament quickly voted in favor of the proposed name change on Wednesday, and the decision to rename Astana was made official around 24 hours after Nazarbayev surprised the world with his departure. Astana will now be named Nursultan, after the man who ruled the country from the Soviet era until the present day.
The country has already changed the name of its capital several times since it emerged as an independent nation, in the 1990s. But the decision nevertheless marks an era of change in Kazakhstan, one of the former republics of the Soviet Union whose modern identity is still forming.
“This act that is meant to honor Nazarbayev also reveals the inextricable link that developed between Kazakhstan's post-Soviet state-building, political identity, and the leader's own personal rule,” Alexander Cooley, an expert on Eurasia at Columbia University's Harriman Institute, told Newsweek. “At first glance, Kazakhstan's succession plan appears to be a well-planned and sequenced transition of power; but the country faces problems of growing social inequality, uneven modernization, and an increasingly complex set of challenges in managing relations with its major neighbors Russia and China."
Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev announces his resignation, after 30 years in power, during a televised address on March 19. A day after the authoritarian leader stepped down, the country’s parliament voted to rename Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, after him.
Despite Nazarbayev’s resignation from the presidency, the 78-year-old will not disappear entirely from the public eye. He has been formally named “Leader of the Nation,” and will maintain his position as the head of the country’s ruling party and of Kazakhstan’s security council. Tokayev, the new interim president, has pledged to consult with Nazarbayev on important matters until elections are held in April 2020.
Meanwhile, Nazarbayev’s eldest daughter, Dariga Nazarbayeva, was immediately elected as the speaker of the upper house of parliament, one of the most powerful positions in the country, heightening speculation she could eventually be her father’s successor.
“It's a big moment for Kazakhstan and for Central Asia,” Nate Schenkkan, an expert on the former Soviet Union at the organization Freedom House, told Newsweek about Nazarbayev’s resignation. “In theory it should mark a changing of the guard as the last of the precollapse leaders exits office. But in practice it looks more like the institutionalization of a new type of managed succession, whereby the exiting leader and his family maintains privileges and status, and the same elite continues to rule the country.”
“Of course, nothing is guaranteed, and every transition, no matter how controlled, opens up new opportunities and risks,’ Schenkkan added.
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919730>>5919772
lol 666 - and also about genocides… Mark Levin has a book coming out that talks about the Ukranian genocide of 10 million that the New York Times hid.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919734>>5919737
A loser engaged in losing…………………can a more pathetic sight be found in the land?
Me thinks not.
▶ fd200f (3) No.5919735
>>5919168 (OP)
Bueans Dias Shit Heads!
I'm looking forward to a GREAT DAY with hopefully more happenings!
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919736>>5919758 >>5919772
The article you posted does not invalidate anything else related to Trump being setting up the zionist traitors that I posted, so you can keep insisting on that article link all you want :)
Kek, keep telling yourself that, the gen pop is waking up and inept shills like you guys are only helping them wake up faster.
Thanks stupid kike :)
Legitimate criticism on Judaism, Jewish collective power and Israel is not Jew bashing.
Try harder :)
Reminder that transgenderism is a Jewish subversive effort created by subversive Jews (and obviously, not all Jews are subversive, just look at /ourjews/ Miller and Seth Rich) to destroy Western children and the family unit and that:
-Jews inventend it;
-Jewish activists made sure to spread it;
-the Jewish zionist MSM pushes it,
-the Jewish zionist Hollywood promotes it.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919737
>>5919728 (so much text)
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919738>>5919787
THIS GUY … wants you divided.
▶ 38fced (2) No.5919739
Donald Trump - Never Come Down (10 HOUR VERSION)
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919740>>5919752
you dont belong here .. back to /r/nazipussies
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919741>>5919752 >>5919780
Board being taken over by Democrats, Humas & Ilan Omar Jew haters.
▶ 1e1c4d (5) No.5919742>>5919765 >>5919966
The mineral industry of Kazakhstan is one of the most competitive and fastest growing sectors of the country. Kazakhstan ranks second to Russia among the countries of the CIS in its quantity of mineral production. It is endowed with large reserves of a wide range of metallic ores, industrial minerals, and fuels, and its metallurgical sector is a major producer of a large number of metals from domestic and imported raw materials. In 2005, its metal mining sector produced bauxite, chromite, copper, iron, lead, manganese, and zinc ores, and its metallurgical sector produced such metals as beryllium, bismuth, cadmium, copper, ferroalloys, lead, magnesium, rhenium, steel, titanium, and zinc. The country produced significant amounts of other nonferrous and industrial mineral products, such as alumina, arsenic, barite, gold, molybdenum, phosphate rock, and tungsten. The country was a large producer of mineral fuels, including coal, natural gas, oil, and uranium. The country's economy is heavily dependent on the production of minerals. Output from Kazakhstan's mineral and natural resources sector for 2004 accounted for 74.1% of the value of industrial production, of which 43.1% came from the oil and gas condensate extraction. In 2004, the mineral extraction sector accounted for 32% of the GDP, employed 191,000 employees, and accounted for 33.1% of capital investment and 64.5% of direct foreign investment, of which 63.5% was in the oil sector. Kazakhstan's mining industry is estimated at US$29.5 billion by 2017.
▶ 258ed7 (4) No.5919744>>5919840
Reminder: Trump knows about Cultural Marxism. No, its not Anti-Semitism to be opposed to it.
Charlie Kirk
Verified account @charliekirk11
There are riots in socialist France because of radical leftist fuel taxes
Media barely mentioning this
America is booming, Europe is burning
They want to cover up the middle class rebellion against cultural Marxism
“We want Trump” being chanted through the streets of Paris
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5919746>>5919763 >>5919766 >>5919798 >>5919805
>>5919640 (You)
In case you get the wrong idea, I am NOT anti-Jews. I am not anti any nationality.
I 100% believe John 3:16.
For God so loved THE WORLD that he gave his only begotten son that WHOSOEVER believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The only distinction I make between people of all and every nation is believers and unbelievers in Jesus Christ. And God's redemption in and through Jesus is open to ALL.
▶ 8922a3 (6) No.5919747
>I've taken names
>we all meet at the risen Lexington and Concord they will be dealt with mercilessly.
death threats from a kike
fucking terrified
yeah you were at Breed's Hill for sure rabbi
▶ e1bb3f (2) No.5919748
discord has been comped forever. not at all surprised.
▶ b783d9 (1) No.5919749>>5919927
Q and Trump probably knew they (bad actors) were listening to some of their comms to find someone on the inside (RR) to use against Trump. Q has been watching/listening to bad actor's comms without tipping them off, allowing Q to know their next moves and intentions. Q floats RR's name as incoming DAG with the intention of bad actors picking up on this info and using RR as their inside man. Bad actors then drum up the plan to have RR wear a wire and entrap Trump to try and strengthen their case for impeachment.
It was a reverse wiretap. Q was listening/watching bad actors as they listened to Q. Q fed them the names and info that would lead our enemies into a trap, awhile simultaneously ensuring Q and Trump were always one step ahead.
"Bake your noodle": We know this phrase was used in The Matrix movie. The Oracle essentially tells Neo to "watch out for that vase" and then in response to the warning Neo knocks the vase over and breaks it. The Oracle says "what will really bake your noodle is would you have still knocked it over if I hand't said anything?" The Oracle can see multiple paths the future can take, and Neo most likely would break something in her kitchen at some point. The Oracle simply chose the desired outcome (the vase breaking) and guided Neo to that path by telling him to watch out for the vase.
I believe Q did the same thing to the bad actors. Q knew the bad actors would be looking for someone to wear a wiretap and try to entrap Trump. (Neo was going to break something in the kitchen / bad actors were going to find someone to use a wiretap). Q and Trump allowed themselves to be eavesdropped saying RR would be for DAG. (The Oracle warns Neo about the vase / Q & Trump drop RR's name to bad actors). This allowed Q to guide bad actors toward a path Q could control and account for. (The Oracle guides Neo to breaking the vase / Q guides bad actors towards choosing RR as their "inside man"). Q was controlling bad actor's actions without them knowing. This allowed Q & trump to isolate RR and insulate Trump from the wiretapping scheme, simultaneously allowing Q to accumulate evidence of wrongdoing by bad actors.
I think Q drew a parallel to the Oracle/Matrix for a number of reasons. 1) The Oracle can see into the future, and her telling Neo to watch out for the vase illustrates this. A.K.A. future proves past (Neo's future actions prove the Oracle's past warning). 2) The entire scene takes place inside the Oracle's kitchen. We are the Bakers for Q, and baking is done in the kitchen and the Oracle is baking cookies throughout the scene. Cookies leave crumbs. Crumbs & Bakers.
Have I baked your noodles or is my noodle baked?
▶ fde977 (9) No.5919750
ok ok, enough arguing with shills - time to get comfy and dig dig dig
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919751>>5919767
So nobody can say anything about Jews?
Tell me, do you this text below shilling:
Israel is not an ally to the US. Israel was NEVER an ally to the US.
Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:
Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:
Would an ally attack US soldiers?
Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?
Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.
Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the hand of the US against Egypt?
You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:
Israel is an enemy of the US.
“Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”
What has Israel ever done for the US?
They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.
They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..
Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times (read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard ).
We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.
We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.
Israel is directly responsible for:
>the Patriot Act
Those are just in the last two decades. Israel and Israeli actors have done even worse over the last century to us. Nearly 20,000 dead Americans in under two decades and infinitely more dead natives of those countries.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919752
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919753
Yep. I'm stealing that one
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919754
Dont worry guys .. once they stop the 5GCancerGunAIMuhJewsontheFlat Earth the world will be saved.
race baiters get fucked
▶ 424b57 (5) No.5919756
Q and Q+
Please answer the why on vaccinations in Rockland county, NY. What are they doing to folks there with unvaccinated children? It needs to get sorted out this whole vaccine mess. We all NEED answers as parents!! IT seems as days and weeks go on we are becoming more Orwellian in nature and you have not mentioned this at all. WHEN WILL ALL THIS SHIT STOP? I understand we are saving the world but we are AMERICA first. LEt's get to it. No riddle either. Just help.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919757
Not an argument :)
▶ da486e (35) No.5919758>>5919772
Cry harder bitch. Try harder biatch………….
God (still) wins!
▶ 258ed7 (4) No.5919763
glad some anons still think for themselves!
▶ a94dd6 (2) No.5919764>>5919820 >>5919894
What if?
..was the percentage of Souls God will destroy forever… the ones that took the bite of the apple that has no cure…
▶ 1e1c4d (5) No.5919765>>5919966
Kazakhstan's mining industry worth almost $30 billion by 2017
Kazakhstan's mining industry value is set to soar in the next four years, reaching US$29.5 billion by 2017, slightly down from previous forecasts, due mainly to the recent overall decline in commodity prices, says a newly-published report by Business Monitor.
Growth will be led almost exclusively by the coal, gold and copper sectors, which together account for the majority of the value of the Central Asian nation's mining industry.
Coal remains one of the core industries for Kazakhstan, employing around 40,000 people only in the mineral-rich province of Karaganda, which yield more than 17 million tons of coal in the first 7 months of 2013.
"New deposits Zhalyn and Kumyskuduk are being developed now. Karagandagiproshakht Institute has prepared a package plan of development of the mining industry in Karaganda until 2020," governor Oblast Baurzhan Abdishev was quoted as saying last August.
Copper production is also a bright spot in the country, given aggressive expansion plans by London-based miner Kazakhmys (LON:KAZ) and giant Rio Tinto's (ASX, LON:RIO) commitment to invest $100 million in exploring northern Kazakhstan for copper.
Some of the forecasted mining boom is already becoming evident. A study published by PwC last week showed that the nation was second in the list of major merger and acquisitions this year, with Kazak billionaires, along with the Republic of Kazakhstan, representing the second and third largest transactions during the period involving a $4.6 billion stake in Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. (LON:ENRC).
The Republic of Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country by land area and it is bigger than all Western Europe.
According to data provided by the Embassy of Kazakhstan to the U.S. and Canada, the Asian country holds the second largest uranium, chromium, lead, and zinc reserves, as well as the third largest manganese deposits and the world’s No. 5 copper reserves.
The country is also said to rank in the top ten for iron, and gold, it’s a well-known diamonds exporter and holds the 11th largest proven reserves of both petroleum and natural gas. In fact, FT.com reported Monday that the giant Kashagan field in the Caspian Sea, in which it was announced last weekend that China was taking a stake, could catapult Kazakhstan into the top five global oil exporters.
▶ c0fbfc (3) No.5919766
THIS ^^^^^^^^^
Amen Anon.
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919767>>5919824
this guy wants you divided… is simple enough to think that you can just lump eveyone into groups based on ethnicity… who does that remind you of? TELL SOROS I SAID HI.
▶ 989765 (3) No.5919768>>5919945
it appears Steele was still active 5 eye agent.
Jan 12, 2016 Steele emails Ohr; mentions Waldman applying for Deripaska visa; trying to get to U.S. for Feb meeting
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919770>>5919819
UK PM Theresa May takes questions in parliament ahead of 'indicative votes' on #Brexit #PMQs
▶ 7cf8d3 (1) No.5919771>>5919779
When you CANT text, email, call or write….
you have to deliver your messages IN PERSON.
Q has it all.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919772>>5919845
And Jews have been associated with transgenderism for a long time. Pic 1
Not an argument, the post is packed with verifiable facts and you can't censor me.
Cry more little bitch :)
▶ bcf1e7 (6) No.5919773
Couldn't go because it was bad hair day!
▶ 083af2 (2) No.5919774
Agree not funny. Sad
▶ be58d2 (1) No.5919777>>5919811 >>5919816
In honor of scientists just discovering that trees exude methane… after ignoring it for over a hundred years
▶ 63ea54 (23) No.5919779>>5919785
Try to find info on Ghassan Alabed.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919780>>5919788
Why would you say that?
Do you not think some other type of people might have some problems with what Jews and Israel have been doing?
▶ da486e (35) No.5919782
Hey, on this we agree. I'm no fan of chuck (or nancy)……….but let's be fair here. I don't know a thing about his (wife?)…………so why pick on her?
That is, unless you care to upload a picture of yours. Something tells me that's not gong to happen.
Be careful………..I have a few hours of lucid thought left in the day anon, no SEAL sniper team required. I'll destroy you and this bottle of rum……….one and the same.
▶ aedc7a (3) No.5919783
It's a cult with a money greedy leader. Look into it and think for yourself.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919784>>5919801 >>5919810
Waiting for proof Israel had nothing to do behind 911.
If you fuckers are pro Q…..
Like c'mon.
▶ 2c2251 (3) No.5919786>>5919806
>Any direct connection between "La Familia Latina Unida", Soros and Foxx?
Good question. Soros contributions to the Foxx campaign were outed yesterday so theres one half of your answer https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/03/26/george-soros-donated-408k-to-kim-foxx-prosecutor-who-let-jussie-smollett-walk/
Anon that created that Caravan dig was deep diving so La Familia - Soros connects may have been discovered there. Anon was also very organized. Top notch digs. Pic related is a post that might help with a board search.
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919788>>5919831
All backed by Humas, George Soros, Democrats and their affiliates… Next
▶ e1bb3f (2) No.5919789
don't forget Philip!
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919790>>5919803
▶ dc8a1e (2) No.5919793>>5919829
Good morning patriots! (((get shanked shills)))
It's a beautiful day in the USA! evil is on the run and its shenanigans are becoming public viewing! Remember, GOD always wins.
Baker, i see you are getting the kitchen warmed up for the day. Going to be crazy again! Getting some covfefe and settling in if assist is desired.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919796>>5919842 >>5919956
I just see a connection is here to Soros.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919798>>5919839 >>5919849
The idea is to convert them. Not by force obviously, force religious conversion is the pervue of third world trash religions.
Use reason.
They were begging for a messiah. God sent Jesus, prince of peace. They didn't want that. they wanted a warrior king or something so they rejected him.
I don't think God liked that much, so he said "fine, you're on your own", followed by hundreds of years of "why does this shit always happen to US".
A new covenant was set up via Jesus.
They're still able to join and they'll be welcome with open arms.
>at least that's how I understand it.
▶ f1d347 (6) No.5919799
ThankQ for these. I picked up a couple timelines last night, but is in no way a complete collecction. This helps. There are just so many interconnections, it's easy to get pulled away from the original connections.
I agree Manafort and Stone are very dirty. Cohen I'm still on the fence with. Greedy, yes. Part of the plan to take Trump down? No. Choen was all in for Trump but wanted the fame and fortune, until Mueller seized him. I believe Mueller threatened to thriw the book at his wife if he did not cooperate. Anyway, that's another rabbit hole. I'm trying to stay with Comey/Mueller/Rosenstein.
According to Dawson (on Twat) Trump used his Atlantic CIty casino as a trap for foreign bribery/corruption. He believes Trump has worked with FBI as recently as then. Surely, McCabe would have look at FBI files on Trump.
But going back to Q's drop about RR and FISA and when did they know who was going to be in his cabinet, Strzok and Page didn't know until it came out in the news. Oh and found another little tidbit reveiwing their texts. They had an agent "brief" Pence on Nov 17…"just so there are no surprises". So complicated. SO many moving parts.
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919801>>5920031
George Soros fan much? Your Hamas robes are showing.
▶ c12557 (2) No.5919802>>5919814 >>5919956
Judicial Watch Tweet
8:00 AM - 27 Mar 2019
"JW released key FBI records on Clinton-DNC Dossier author Christopher Steele which demonstrated Steele was cut-off as a “Confidential Human Source”, described at least 11 FBI payments to Steele in 2016, and also showed he was admonished in February 2016."
Embedded link: https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-fbi-records-show-dossier-author-deemed-not-suitable-for-use-as-source-show-several-fbi-payments-in-2016/
▶ 549f69 (4) No.5919803>>5919809
30+ posts and you aren't a shill? GFY
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919805
>In case you get the wrong idea, I am NOT anti-Jews. I am not anti any nationality.
Neither am I.
What I am is anti-subversion, which includes Jewish and Israeli subversion, which is the most censored subject in the world right now.
And just so you know, Jews by definition reject Christ (except Messianic Jews), and Israel is anti-Christian.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919806>>5919812 >>5919832
They should correct headline to say SOROS SPENT OUR TARP MONEY TO FUND FOXX.
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919807>>5919889
Cost of borrowing currency offshore surges 40-fold to 1000%
One of the bearish forecasters was JPMorgan Chase & Co., which came under fire from Turkish authorities who accused the New York-based lender of giving "misleading" and "manipulative" advice. Beset by a recession, soaring inflation and opposition parties trying to undermine him, Erdogan warned on Sunday that bankers deemed responsible for speculating against the currency would be punished.
The threats only increased the resolve of many foreign hedge funds to exit the country. But they’ve been unable to execute the trades because Turkish banks are under pressure not to provide liquidity, four bankers with direct knowledge of the transactions said yesterday.
▶ c17e82 (1) No.5919808
Good Morning Q and Patriots around the WORLD!!
▶ da486e (35) No.5919810>>5919818
Say it all you want. You're doing nothing in the way of proof………..nor have you offered one shred of evidence………..other than the fact you're a pathetic fucking moo joo loser. Fuck me………fish in a barrel dude.
Any time you want to hit me up with something to actually consider……………hey, I'm all ears.
▶ 2c2251 (3) No.5919812
▶ c8f8b2 (2) No.5919813
Shills out in force today. Over the target.
▶ a1efd5 (1) No.5919814
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919815
Yes, start telling people that you'll kill them for posting facts about Jews that make you sad because you identify as a Jew.
That will end very well for you little yid :)
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919816
Reagan knew this and was mocked for it.
▶ 1ba99a (1) No.5919817
cool. someone copy pasted the discord username list. topkek
all lies MUST go back.
we dont need fake here.
▶ f1d347 (6) No.5919819
Wait…I thought she lost control of the vote yesterday.
▶ c0fbfc (3) No.5919820>>5919864 >>5919987
The souls that are destroyed forever are those who reject Jesus as the Son of God and the redemption of our sin. I’m not sure what percentage that is but my guess would be that it is much much higher than 4-6%.
▶ 19ae72 (2) No.5919821>>5919843
Anybody got eyes on ==Swedbank - Sweden==?
Stuck at work.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919824>>5919830
I criticize Jewish collective power, Judaism and Israel.
I don't hate Jews for being Jews, so your argument is moot :)
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919825>>5919836
▶ c12557 (2) No.5919826>>5919837 >>5919897 >>5919956
Judicial Watch Tweet
8:30 AM - 27 Mar 2019
"Hillary Clinton is not above the law, yet she has a record of contempt for the rule of law. Our leaders are bound by the rule of law, so Clinton must be held accountable. Sign JW's petition now to demand that Hillary Clinton answer for her corruption!✏️📋"
Embedded link: https://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/poll/demand-answers-clinton-corruption/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=petition
Embedded graphic image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D2mvk53X4AARJ_G.jpg
▶ 9c524e (9) No.5919827
▶ e41300 (1) No.5919829
in deed…
I've got a dr. appointment at 10am, i should be back in here flickin' foreheads by 11.
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919830>>5919844 >>5919853
no you are right .. every single Jew is the problem and pure evil… dumbass.
▶ 4c180e (5) No.5919832
I think this is the slow roll of Soros into the mainstream.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919834
There's a name for this fallacy of logic, but I'm too tired to look it up.
Yeah, it's so and so because God says it's so and so……………..
and the Bible says God exists and blah, blah, blah.
Try harder bitch. It's so circular I have a fucking headache thinking about it.
Uh, Q came here because were racists losers………..
Uh, we're racist losers so Q chose to come here………….
Fuck me bitch! Grow the FUCK UP!
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919836>>5919838
Looks like George Soros
▶ 702f38 (1) No.5919837>>5919838
Why sign a petition? Q said she'd be arrested long ago.
▶ 9aa1c5 (36) No.5919838
Just take it already.
Don't ever look at Jews.
I get it.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919839
Some of them might be too brainwashed by the rabbi class and lost forever.
That is their problem thou, you can't force them.
You can just tell them the facts and its up to them to accept them or not.
▶ 5a64a0 (4) No.5919840
MEh..Charlie Kirk
▶ 26553e (3) No.5919841
Daddy’s little enabler? 1 Co 5:11
▶ 1411c5 (6) No.5919842>>5919854
Soros connection to NZ shooting
>Although, it's not "Aussie" it's "Austrian".
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919843>>5919862 >>5919863 >>5919956
The revelations suggest the laundering scandal engulfing Sweden’s oldest bank may be considerably broader in scope than previously thought. The news comes on top of reports alleging that Swedbank was used to handle more than $10bn in potentially suspicious transactions tied to the Danske Bank A/S Estonian laundering case.
But the Swedbank amounts requiring closer scrutiny --- transactions by so-called non-resident high-risk customers in Estonia — were as high as €20bn ($23bn) in some years in 2010-2016. Deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who’s now in hiding in Russia, is among those alleged to have used Swedbank
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919844>>5919851 >>5919859
I see Hamas in the building
▶ aedc7a (3) No.5919845
When a parent picks an alternative gender for a child…that is child abuse and insanity.
▶ da486e (35) No.5919846
Nice. High IQ meme! Keep it up. Fukin saved. Bet to you and yours anon………..top marks!
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919848>>5919875
Think for yourself, get out of the hivemind bullshit
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5919849>>5919910
>The idea is to convert them. Not by force obviously, force religious conversion is the pervue of third world trash religions.
I have to take issue with your above statement. The only mission given to Jesus' disciples for all time is to PREACH THE GOSPEL, i.e. TELL people of the good news that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. Conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit alone. Regeneration is a sovereign act of God. A spirit once dead to God and His righteousness is reborn through the direct intervention of His spirit when a person believes in and confesses Jesus Christ and all his works.. No human has the power to raise a dead spirit to life. It is a supernatural act of God, through the work of his Spirit, that regenerates the dead-to-God spirit of a man.
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919851>>5919859 >>5919860 >>5919877
lets spend more time talking about the Jews and Israel .. its not a distraction or anything .. not like there is anything more pressing going on .. by all means .. continue with your jew slides… its really helping change peoples minds.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919853
Strawman argument, you stupid kike.
I never said that.
Read my posts, start with this one: >>5919343
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919854
>>Although, it's not "Aussie" it's "Austrian".
▶ 7d7f1e (1) No.5919858>>5919876
now fox was even willing to comit a crime in pubic this is enough people what the hell will it take to get these people arrested why hasnt anyone done it where is the proof we keep hearing Q has it all
welll why are they wondering our streets illigally passing legislation for things they are causeing why is sausos still aloud to walk around clearly no on is doing anything aabout this stuff
people htat we know are criminals from investigation are
Ilhan Ohmar possible terrorist connected to souros
Aoc again connected to the young turks or souros another criminal
souros . clearly a criminal clearly election medling clearly needs arrested stil doing whatevwer he wants
palosi schiff all the dem news channels these people still not being delt with even the left knows they are criminals fr the most part
Q has sshowed enough of uss what is going on so why not act.
there is no more russia collusion there is no more barrier there is only fake news and real criminals . why not declare a executive order declaring propaganda or fake news is criminal it insites riots causes deaths etc. what we get is … nothing . barr is free to atk and he isnt either no dems havve ben arrested in the largest criminal orginization i have ever ever seen they are aloud to walk all over uss and do as they please and until i see proof that something is bweing done i GIVE UP on this..
▶ 5a64a0 (4) No.5919860
Goyium..did someone call
▶ 59f4e4 (7) No.5919862>>5919914
A police raid was taking place at the offices of Swedbank, one of the country’s most major banks, the Swedish Economic Crime Authority (EBM) confirmed on Wednesday morning.
“The action is being carried out by police officers from the EBM’s financial market chamber at the request of chief prosecutor Thomas Langrot in connection to the ongoing investigation into Swedbank.”
▶ 19ae72 (2) No.5919863
Thank you, Anon!
▶ a94dd6 (2) No.5919864>>5919907 >>5919942
I am only a child of God… with my human-blinders on… there has to be a line, my simple little human brain deduces, that God and Jesus say "nah..not welcome"… like… Someone that dismembers and eats infants and babies by the hundreds/thousands/tens of thousands… and "believes" … "nah… not welcome"
▶ 869d5b (2) No.5919865
Always Broadcasting Crap
▶ da486e (35) No.5919866
Cheers anon. As they say on the chan(s), you can tell you're over the target by the flak you're drawing.
Top shelf!
▶ d74175 (1) No.5919867>>5919870
# is off 7659?
Previously Collected Notables
>>5916764 #7659, >>5917535 #7570, >>5918382 #7571
>>5914519 #7566, >>5915272 #7567, >>5916031 #7568
>>5912862 #7563, >>5912969 #7564, >>5913743 #7565
>>5909889 #7560, >>5910688 #7561, >>5911435 #7562
▶ bcf1e7 (6) No.5919869
Feds don't walk away from mail fraud too much, right? Isn't this what happened with the people that killed a kid in New Mexico?
▶ 5eb946 (7) No.5919870
Good catch, Anon.
▶ 29d382 (7) No.5919871>>5919878
Money grubbers make a mess and the taxpayers have to clean it up
Superfund was and is a scam……Jew slush fund
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919872>>5919882
Come on down…I now work at GITMO!!! hahaha..
▶ 2b2ca2 (4) No.5919874>>5919880 >>5919884 >>5919898 >>5919911 >>5919912 >>5919931 >>5919932 >>5919956 >>5919967 >>5919990
Barbara Bush blamed Trump for exacerbating heart issues, author says
In a new book compiled from interviews in the final six months of her life, the late first lady Barbara Bush cited "angst" brought on by then-presidential candidate Donald Trump's persistent attacks on her son Jeb during the 2016 campaign as an exacerbating factor to her congestive heart failure. In "The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty," author and USA Today Washington Bureau chief Susan Page recounts Bush being rushed to the hospital in June 2016.
"The tumultuous presidential campaign in general and Trump's ridicule of son Jeb Bush in particular had riled her," Page writes. According to Page, Jeb had urged the former first lady to "let go" of her frustrations with the controversial candidate, and instead focus on herself and her health. Mr. Trump would often criticize Jeb as being "weak" and "low energy" on the campaign trail.
"Jeb said, 'Mom, don't worry about things you can't do anything about,'" Barbara Bush told Page. "He's right. Just do good, make life better for someone else."
Over the course of the campaign, the unfiltered matriarch expressed disbelief about some of the things then-candidate Trump had said about women, not afraid to punch back at Mr. Trump's commentary of her son.
"I mean, unbelievable. I don't know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly," she said in an interview with CBS News. "And we knew what he meant too!"
Despite Bush saying in 2013 that the country had "had enough Bushes", the former first lady campaigned with Jeb in 2016 in his bid for the Republican nomination. Jeb would go on to not win a single state in the 2016 primary.
But even as a lifelong devotee to the Republican party, Bush told Page in February of 2018 that she'd "probably say no today" when asked if she considered herself a member of the party in the era of Trump.
"I'm trying not to think about it," she said of the Trump presidency in an interview with Page. "We're a strong country, and I think it will all work out."
Bush, the second woman in U.S. history to be a first lady and mother of a president, died at age 92.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919875>>5919923
Not an argument :)
Reminder that the zionist jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.
Jewish interest groups (all of them zionist) and individuals make up for the majority of the financing and initiatives against the 2A:
"The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws."
Disarmament is the first steep in allowing the government total abuse of its people. Jews own the MSM, entertainment and lobbying, which gives them HUGE control over politicians that they use to the benefit of Israel (and remember the amount of double citizenship Israeli-American politicians of mixed-loyalties that the US has), and if they could only disarm people, then that would allow for them to order their controlled politicians to TOTALLY ABUSE the people with full impunity, all to the benefit of Israel.
>The jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.
Remember this as you notice how much of a push to criminalize criticism of Israel and jewish subversion they do using the same old trick of crying “anti-semitism”.
<Luke 22:36
Just in case the pen fails us. Hopefully it does not and all gets fixed peacefully in the next 6 years.
▶ d692b1 (7) No.5919876
Desperately weak nonsense by (you).
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919877>>5919886
Antisemitic Morning Crew in the house… I will be back for the night shift when the real people are here.. god speed jew sliders.
▶ 869d5b (2) No.5919878
slush fund sites?
▶ a1da16 (3) No.5919879>>5919885 >>5919915 >>5919941
Anyone else baking their noodle right now?
Role call
▶ 0407fc (4) No.5919881
How is that funny?
▶ 29d382 (7) No.5919882>>5919906 >>5919963
Stop dicking around baker you are fucking lagging the board
▶ 1f9e26 (5) No.5919883>>5919900 >>5919934 >>5919965
Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris confessed during a Tuesday interview with Wolf Blitzer that she was “completely confused” after the charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett were dropped.
“To be perfectly honest with you, Wolf, I’m completely confused. I don’t understand. I don’t know the underlying evidence. There’s a sealed document, obviously. I don’t know. I’m at a loss. I think we’re going to have to leave it up to the judgment of the prosecutor,” Harris answered. “I think we should leave it up to the judgment of the police chief and the mayor, of course, to give us some better sense of what’s going on. I don’t know.”
Blitzer responded, “If you’re confused, all of us are confused. And you heard Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He’s confused as well. And the Cook County prosecutor, he says didn’t even inform him or the police commissioner that they were to drop these charges.”
▶ 00c844 (10) No.5919884
They have to know most of America is laughing at this.
Hussein stressed out the entire world for 8 years and we are suppose to feel sorry for DS.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919886>>5919893 >>5919896
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919877
Legitimate criticism of Judaism, Israel and Jewish collective power is not anti-Semitism :)
▶ 7b69ed (3) No.5919887>>5919890 >>5919956
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919888>>5919956 >>5919975
Dig on [Center for Strategic and International Studies].
Gates told Podesta that he reached Clapper in NZ and blah, blah; December/2008/
Gates also says Obama was pushing John Hamre "very hard" a Deputy job.
Hamre is President of [Center for Strategic and International Studies].
▶ 9c524e (9) No.5919889
from last week
Turkey Probes JPMorgan After Lira’s Worst Slide Since 2018 Crash
Turkey started an investigation into JPMorgan Chase & Co. and another probe of unspecified banks that the regulator reproached for stoking the lira’s biggest plunge since last year’s crash.
The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, known as BDDK, on Saturday said a research note a day earlier by two JPMorgan analysts that recommended selling the lira against the dollar had “misguiding and manipulative” content that resulted in volatility in markets and hurt the reputation of Turkish banks. The Capital Markets Board began its own investigation on similar grounds, according to a statement on its website.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919890>>5919909
It will only accelerate EU demise.
They are SCARED :)
▶ da486e (35) No.5919891
Cheers anon. Dig on Ariel Capital if you get some extra time. I actually have a direct connection……………..though extremely loose. There's a there, there.
Right Q?
▶ 99fac6 (8) No.5919892>>5919956
[CSIS] is EVIL; mark for deletion.
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919893>>5919901
Cool story.. do Christians next?? prolly not tho right? ;) fag
▶ bcf1e7 (6) No.5919895
Excellent! I have a whole file of these! Stealing!
▶ d692b1 (7) No.5919896>>5919908
Legitimate idiot. (You)
▶ c3feba (4) No.5919898>>5919912 >>5919924 >>5919930 >>5919990
so calling Jeb low energy stressed her heart?
What a pile of BS.
▶ bcf1e7 (6) No.5919899
Hang tough Anon! Everyone's team gets wrecked in here.
▶ 103149 (6) No.5919900>>5919917 >>5919934 >>5919937 >>5919965
They are all confused!
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919901>>5919913 >>5919918 >>5919929 >>5919940
You can post about whatever you want.
Why are you trying to tell me what to post about?
Fuck you :)
▶ e653bd (2) No.5919903
we needs the report, hahaha suck it faggots
▶ 083af2 (2) No.5919905
UFOs are a hoax. Like global warming, the ozone layer hole, the Apollo moon landing, etc, etc.
We have tech that could resemble UFOs to the unwitting. DS keeping an alien invasion story in their back pocket for last resort. Attack from outside force would unite world and result in NWO.
▶ 5a64a0 (4) No.5919907
Yeah…Christians be like..
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919908
Not an argument :)
▶ 7b69ed (3) No.5919909>>5919928
One can only hope, but as we are at war for our very livelyhoods, I believe it is a fair assumption that it will get worse before it gets better.
They question is how much and for how long.
If I am remembering correctly Q said there was an alternative internet being planned/implemented?
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919910
Yeah, what you said.
I assumed understanding that forced/external being invalid in favor internal conversion.
>I am not a skilled writer.
▶ a38670 (3) No.5919911>>5919925 >>5919990
>Barbara Bush blamed Trump for exacerbating heart issues, author says
This Anon blames Barbara Bush for numerous nightmares resulting in sleepless nights. pic related
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919913>>5919928 >>5919940
im not telling YOU anything .. im warning everyone ELSE .. that YOU .. want people DIVIDED… which is the literal OPPOSITE of the purpose of this place… I dont expect you to understand.
▶ 89e376 (7) No.5919914
…and managort is implicated nonetheless. Pic related.
▶ a1da16 (3) No.5919915
>“Bake your noodle”
Did Q quote from the movie The Matrix?
Guess I’m going to have to reread all previous breads and arrange all crumbs in reverse chronological order by subject then it’s off to work for the day.
▶ 565cf2 (1) No.5919916>>5919959
▶ 1f9e26 (5) No.5919917>>5919922
jussie might be ourguy?
▶ d692b1 (7) No.5919918>>5919943
Are you sitting in a puddle of drool at this point?
▶ 7defbc (1) No.5919919
Rockland declares state of emergency over measles outbreak, bars unvaccinated from public places
ROCKLAND COUNTY, New York (WABC) -- Rockland County has declared a state of emergency over the ongoing measles outbreak, with Executive Ed Day announcing that non-vaccinated minors will be barred from public places.
Effective at midnight Wednesday, March 27, anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles will be prohibited from public places until the declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive the MMR vaccination.
Officials said law enforcement will not be patrolling the streets or asking for vaccination records, but if someone is found in violation of the declaration, their case will be referred to the district attorney's office.
Parents will also be held accountable for their children if they are found in violation of the state of emergency.
Officials say there are no religious exemptions, and that they have been working with area rabbis who have been encouraging their members to get vaccinated.
According to the emergency declaration, public places are defined as a place where more than 10 persons are intended to congregate for purposes such as civic, governmental, social, or religious functions, or for recreation or shopping, or for food or drink consumption, or awaiting transportation, or for daycare or educational purposes, or for medical treatment.
A place of public assembly shall also include public transportation vehicles, including but not limited to, publicly or privately owned buses or trains, but does not include taxi or livery vehicles.
There are currently 153 confirmed reported cases of measles in the county, according to health officials.
▶ 50a16c (1) No.5919920>>5919944 >>5919961
Q - Is Trump unaware of Chemtrails? When is the poisoning of our skies going to stop?
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5919921
With you, Jewish anon.
▶ 0eb3f7 (2) No.5919922
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919923>>5919936 >>5919943
In case you missed it, yesterday 2 Republican's Lindsey Graham and Marcio Rubio brought Senate bill 7 to the House floor. S7 sponsored by Rubio is a Red Flag law to take away firearms. Anyone can go to a court and declare someone mentally unstable without proof and a judge will take your firearms. You would then have to hire an attorney 3 years later in order to get them reinstated at your own expense.
We should never forget that both sides of the isle are coming for our Constitutional Rights.
Marco Rubio claims he has enough votes to pass the law. Trump is the only thing standing in the way, and that is not a guarantee.
None of this was in the news yesterday, Smollett was another FF to distract everyone while corrupt politicians did their dirty work behind the scenes.
S7 bill attached, enjoy reading
▶ c3feba (4) No.5919925>>5919990
she reminds me of the old lady creature in evil dead 2 that was buried in the earthen floor of the fruit cellar.
Who's in my fruit cellar? kek
▶ 891563 (1) No.5919926>>5919937 >>5919956
Kim Foxx's husband : http://www.worldbusinesschicago.com/profile/kelley-foxx/
Board of world business chicago : http://www.worldbusinesschicago.com/board/
Mayor Rahm Emanuel
World Business Chicago
City of Chicago
David Simas
Chief Executive Officer
Obama Foundation
Matt Gibson
Head of Investment Banking Client Coverage
Goldman Sachs
Jim Reynolds
Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO
Loop Capital
Karen Sauder
Vice President, Sales
The dots connected enough yet?
▶ f1d347 (6) No.5919927
It's actually a well thought out post. ThankQ for sharing. Of all the "bake your noodle" theories, yours rings the most applicable.
> The Oracle can see into the future
Playbook. Q team knows there playbook very well. Predicting their moves isn't hard. and this all fits nicely into game theory.
>The entire scene takes place inside the Oracle's kitchen. We are the Bakers for Q, and baking is done in the kitchen and the Oracle is baking cookies throughout the scene. Cookies leave crumbs. Crumbs & Bakers.
Almonds tingle
The question still remains….RR controlled opposition or not. The swamp runs around in the same circles. RR wasn't really part of that was he? Did they have dirt on RR they used to force his cooperation? All I can guess from all Q's drops relating to RR is he's not clean and not a white hat.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919928>>5919935
>I believe it is a fair assumption that it will get worse before it gets better.
I too believe that. It is what it is.
As for the rest, I have no idea.
> that YOU .. want people DIVIDED
Why, because I post verifiable facts about Israeli and Jewish subversion?
Why are you protecting blackhats just because they are Jews and/or Israeli? :)
▶ 744914 (6) No.5919929>>5919951
Do you support hamas?
▶ 103149 (6) No.5919930>>5919939 >>5919958
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5919898
Low energy Jeb..
Please clap
▶ 89e376 (7) No.5919931
That fucking cunt. How dare she. May she rest in Satan's piss when the time comes.
▶ aedc7a (3) No.5919932
I don't think I've ever seen one person get blamed for so many things…ridiculous.
▶ 1411c5 (6) No.5919934>>5919969
James woods isn't confused. As a matter of fact, he's making more connections:
Judge Steven G. Watkins. You're going to need a bigger graphic, anons!
▶ 744914 (6) No.5919935>>5919957 >>5919968
It doesn’t take 50+ posts every bread to present a verifiable fact
▶ 8e0a0a (5) No.5919936>>5919962
▶ da486e (35) No.5919938>>5919950
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5919546
I actually watched that debate bitch……………..as Moe Green would say, while you were going out with cheerleaders!
Come again. It's weak. Moo joos don't control this board………….either raise your game bitch or pick up the ball and go home.
I'm not worried about muh feelings. Playtime is over.
Fuck mother-fucker! You couldn't name the person in your own meme if your life depended upon it. Bwahahahahahahahah!
Lloyd Bensten………….I'll spare you the agony biatch! When did the standards here fall so fucking low? Calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ c3feba (4) No.5919939
What a sad fucking tool.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919940>>5919952 >>5919979
Marxist/Leftists/Bolsheviks are an existential threat to the United States of America and our way of life.
Can we all agree on that at least?
▶ c0fbfc (3) No.5919942>>5919987
Well of course because a true Christian wouldn’t do that stuff. Also remember that Jesus said that those who harm children and cause them to stumble would be better off with a millstone around their neck and thrown into the ocean. Look, God looks at the intent of our hearts. He knows if we are really sincere about asking for forgiveness and being saved versus just mumbling a few words in church and going about evil the rest of the week.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919943>>5919953 >>5919955 >>5919973
Not an argument :)
>Both sides involved
And the Jewish over-representation on the efforts is also a fact, which I like to point out to people, because that is not a coincidence, and calling attention to that fact will serve to oust subversive Jews that hide behind all Jews and false accusations of anti-Semitism to keep on doing their subversion.
▶ 744914 (6) No.5919944
Sauce/proof or GTFO
And don’t post condensation
▶ 340226 (3) No.5919945
+ more about Deripaska Pikalevo mess:
Putin Roasted Oleg as hell in previous decade and they definately are not friends, i think Oleg is Russian deepstate, same as Clinton for Trump
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919949
I think the Feds just Divided the Chicago DA with the Police Dept with the Mayor…all of them are now divided…now would be the time go there and conquer, clean, and in this case disinfect Chicago!!!
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919951
Why would I?
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5919952>>5919979 >>5920005 >>5920044
every person is an individual and should be judged and treated accordingly?
Can we agree on that … at least?
▶ da486e (35) No.5919953>>5919995 >>5920008
55 posts and still jacking off…………ugh, like "a subversive Jew!"
▶ 744914 (6) No.5919955>>5919988 >>5919995 >>5920008
55 posts because the argument is so compelling
▶ 5eb946 (7) No.5919956
Notables Bun
>>5919224 , >>5919618 , >>5919874 Bring Out Your Dead: Biography of Barbara Bush used as hit piece against POTUS
>>5919266 On smugglers torturing Libyan refugees during trip to Europe
>>5919288 China to prosecute former Interpol chief
>>5919433 Comey “confused” by Mueller’s findings, argues it “misses the point” of having a special counsel
>>5919545 ; >>5919926 Update on graphics re: Chicago corruption; Kim Foxx’s husband and links to cabalist operators
>>5919570 GF Securities lost $139M last year; Citigroup feeling the pain (re: text of post: >>5919711 )
>>5919627 , >>5919635 , >>5919647 , >>5919843 Swedbank shares plunge as money laundering allegations snowball, Manafort implicated
>>5919639 Marketfag Report: Global stocks, US futures slide as interest rates resume plunge
>>5919729 Kazakhstan to rename capital after pro-Trump leader; MSM chimps out
>>5919796 Linking Soros, shill organizations, and the NZ shooter
>>5919802 , >>5919826 Judicial Watch tweets re: HRC and FBI corruption
>>5919887 EU passes Article 11, Article 13
>>5919888 , >>5919892 Dig on Center for Strategic and International Studies
▶ d692b1 (7) No.5919957>>5919971
I'm ptetty sure that poster is a low IW auto response orogram just spitting obsessive gsrbage out.
Anyone who doesn't know better or is a newb here probably thinks that some of these chronic low IQ posters are real people.
They are not.
▶ 36169d (2) No.5919959
One of the big bosses?
▶ 1f88cc (1) No.5919960
What the heck happened yesterday?
▶ 29d382 (7) No.5919961
Burning low grade bunker fuel at 40k ft is real dumb
▶ 7b69ed (3) No.5919962
▶ 89e376 (7) No.5919963>>5919976
(((You))) don't know how this works do (((you))) ?
▶ d21ffd (1) No.5919964
Heartfelt words.
“Because I’ve always known something was wrong. All it did was annoy everyone around me. I’ve been circling the drain of a dark abyss of hopelessness, so why not buck the system on my way out.”
This has been excruciation with a high price tag for sure. I need a Pepe hug. I think we all do.
▶ 87be56 (2) No.5919965>>5919997 >>5920006
I think it is time for Smollett's emails and phone call messages to be leaked to the public.
▶ 1e1c4d (5) No.5919966>>5920040
'''Astana: The Illuminati Capital of Kazakhstan>>5919956
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919967
Public Relations Propaganda meets Necromancy.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919968
Not an argument.
Debate the content of my posts or cry more :)
▶ 3a90d5 (9) No.5919969
Sure, but I need a connection between him and other people of the "circle".
Without it, he's just a judge.
▶ 744914 (6) No.5919971
I know
I just refuse to turn the other cheek as we get fresh eyes on daily
If you don’t challenge the bully the bully wins
▶ a1da16 (3) No.5919972
On news I remember seeing Trump at a rally during his campaign say he might meet with Putin.
Bait #2?
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5919973>>5919985 >>5919995
Shut up with the religious condemnations already you idiot. Every damn war ever fought was blamed on one religion or another. Damn you're stupid
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5919974>>5919977
Did we just find out who Ratted/Dox'd our Baker's???,,,Hmm. sure looks like it!!!!
▶ a38670 (3) No.5919975
>Center for Strategic and International Studies
Gotta believe that Saikat Chakrabarti (AOC CoS) is mixed up there as well.
[Indian Institute of Technology ]
▶ 29d382 (7) No.5919976>>5919982
Yeah yeah….your all a bunch of geniuses
▶ 87be56 (2) No.5919977>>5919986 >>5920000 >>5920045
Gorka is pissed the Anon's ratted him out and found out his angle.
Gorka should not have tried to get rich off govt when he was added to the POTUS team.
▶ fd200f (3) No.5919978>>5919991
[Gorka] needs the rope.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919979
Of course!
As is Islam, Judaism and zionism (loyalty to Israel over the host Country).
You're pretending that people don't act like groups. They do. This is why Jewish nepotism (and other forms of nepotism) exist. Muslims tend to unite to advance Muslim interests, same with Jews.
This is why the peaceful solution for ending Jewish subversion in the West is to terminate all Jewish GROUP power in the West (and the same with Muslims).
▶ 2b2ca2 (4) No.5919981
Responding Sanely to Mueller
The liberal establishment’s reactions ranged from sorrow to outright denial when the Mueller Report turned up little evidence of the Trump team colluding with Russia. The right crowed that it was a complete exoneration of their Teflon Don, strongman hero of Great America. But there were sane reactions to the Report as well. Let’s briefly rank reactions, then, not from left to right but from most-sane to least-sane. It’s interesting (but will likely be forgotten by most of the electorate soon enough) how many hard-left writers, as opposed to liberal-establishment (that is, Democratic Party) ones, have been saying the whole Russia thing is a witchhunt for a while now, denouncing the centrist Dems for pushing the issue. Michael Tracey, Matt Taibbi, The Nation, Glenn Greenwald, and several others haven’t been muted about the Russia suspicions, haven’t merely been more cautious than the mainstream Dems, but rather genuinely enraged at the press and Dems for continually hyping this issue with little evidence. The real left laments the Russia-collusion monomania distracted America from more serious and substantive criticisms of Trump that should’ve been under discussion. Many a libertarian like me would agree. There’s no clinching evidence Trump’s a Putin pawn, but he’s still a protectionist, blowhard, xenophobe, giant-deficit-maker, etc. You have to wonder lately, though, whether even that list of flaws makes him as bad or as nuts as the press/political establishment.
That’s not to say the Russians don’t prefer U.S. anti-interventionists to U.S. hawks, of course. They do, for obvious selfish reasons, and they openly told lots of people in DC as much back around that time, before people got cagey again about international relations, but that doesn’t mean we should support hawks in knee-jerk fashion, nor anti-Russia paranoiacs.
Brennan, to his credit---or craftily sensing a change in the political air, which is his job—basically apologized after the Mueller Report for overestimating the weight of the evidence against Trump. That makes him almost as sane as the leftist skeptics mentioned above (though it doesn’t compensate for him being a big fan of Russia back in the 1970s, when he admits he was a U.S. Communist Party voter—perhaps one who now resents Russia losing its old faith). Seth Abramson, just a click crazier, is not throwing in the towel on Russiagate. He just wrote a book a few months ago offering “proof” of Trump-Russia collusion, so he’s not going to go quietly. But I still rate his reaction to the Mueller Report somewhat sane, even if he’s repeating calls for impeachment that now seem likely to fall on deaf ears. The reason for my moderate reaction to him is that he remains focused on details, and details matter in legal arguments. As Abramson explains in a long Twitter thread, Mueller didn’t intensely investigate the specific collusion charges that some people such as Abramson considered the most credible, and Mueller deferred various parts of the obstruction investigation to others, who may yet find something juicy in piecemeal fashion. I wouldn’t hold my breath, but this is a more reasonable and expert reaction than that of…
…Rachel Maddow, who was the star of anti-Russia propaganda efforts by the mainstream media for over a year and who will now be remembered as perhaps the only significant public figure visibly reduced to tears by the news that the Mueller investigation had come up short. Unlike most of the ghouls on Twitter these days, my reaction, since I’m not a sadist, isn’t to laugh at (or metaphorically “drink”) her tears but to be a little frightened by them, frankly. They’re a reminder what a religious crusade left-wing causes are for many in and outside the media. They don’t so much seek facts as hope against hope that their faith will be rewarded, their hated and demonic foes smashed. That ain’t healthy.
There are crazier reactions out there, including ones from the right that allege, in the fashion of online conspiracy theorist QAnon, that every Trump travail is merely a brilliant step in Trump’s master plan to take down the globalist conspiracy---but when liberals reach the point that they’re assuring people their MSNBC-spawned conspiracy theories make more sense than QAnon, they’ve set a very low bar, and reached a very low ebb. Time to MoveOn.
full (edited for space) https://www.splicetoday.com/politics-and-media/responding-sanely-to-mueller
▶ 1891eb (1) No.5919982>>5919992 >>5920018
▶ 0407fc (4) No.5919984>>5920001
Q has never mentioned a jew? Holy shit you're bad at shilling
▶ e64415 (6) No.5919986
Checking those dub dubs
▶ 1411c5 (6) No.5919987
It takes a LOT to get to the point of being irredeemable. Christ pointed them out in Matthew 12 (oh, look; it's the Pharisees again). So did Paul. Paul used "reprobate".
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5919988>>5920028
Be a lot cleaner of a discussion if it was taken to another dedicated thread on the board.
One may already even exist, which says alot about the goal.
>Yes, I know, I'm equally guilty of keeping it going.
▶ 8e8b08 (2) No.5919989
Giuliani pulls a 180 on Mueller, signaling continued White House concerns about his report
The White House will get the Mueller report before the public does in case it wants to make redactions, Barr says
Trump fine with releasing Mueller report without White House seeing it: Graham
▶ 2db6ad (6) No.5919990>>5920041
>What a pile of BS.
>Barbara Bush blamed Trump for exacerbating heart issues
>she reminds me of the old lady creature in evil dead 2
Wasn't Babs Bush on the BoD of the Mayo Clinic?
▶ dc8a1e (2) No.5919991
he already killed his own career. he is toxic now.
▶ 29d382 (7) No.5919992
▶ e64415 (6) No.5919994
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5919995>>5920055
Not an argument.
I can post as much as I want, and I will.
Cry more :)
So you agree with forced genital mutilation on children? That's what Jews and Muslims do, and that shit has no place in the West :)
▶ f44fb5 (1) No.5919996>>5920010 >>5920013 >>5920029 >>5920030 >>5920034 >>5920037 >>5920039 >>5920042 >>5920056 >>5920059 >>5920063 >>5920068 >>5920069 >>5920075 >>5920076 >>5920077
Love to all..Hospicehubsanon has gone to his reward 8:47 this morning. May he band with the Angel's to protect POTUS and all anons.
It was gentle. He will be making story pictures with God for a whole new world
GODSPEED my love, love of my life
▶ 975149 (1) No.5919999>>5920016 >>5920022 >>5920046
Rahm Emanuel's father was a terrorist who murdered 91 people in Jerusalem.
▶ 4deafb (10) No.5920000
Not talking about Gorka…I knew he was Garbage…it's the guy who Dox'd/Ratted our Baker's….(@realDougStewart).
▶ 245ef6 (16) No.5920001
we got the JIDF B team this morning
▶ 89e376 (7) No.5920002
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5920005
▶ 8e0a0a (5) No.5920006
I don’t want to see your chest.
▶ da486e (35) No.5920008
H/t anon. Allow me to famefag (A Momentary Lapse of Reason [sans roger waters, wink, wink)..
See my post, just two notches up from yours at:
The moo joos don't get it. This ain't holding out at Masada, we're the fucking Machabes.
This is Morning in America……………….give em a little time to catch up. They can't help what their parents did……………..scratch that……….what they didn't do.
Best to you and yours.
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5920010
My condolences for your loss.
▶ e64415 (6) No.5920013
Love to you, may hospiceanon rest peacefully.
▶ 22dad2 (1) No.5920015>>5920090
Why are all articles related to the Clinton's furniture scandal not working?
▶ 2db6ad (6) No.5920016
>Rahm Emanuel's father was a terrorist who murdered 91 people in Jerusalem.
▶ 7bfc24 (3) No.5920019>>5920027
muhjoo bots in overdrive today
▶ da486e (35) No.5920020
brock and brennan can suck big fat dicks (no homo)
▶ 424b57 (5) No.5920024>>5920038
Something HUGE MUST be dropping from all the shilling in here today. HUGE HUGE HUGE
▶ 744914 (6) No.5920028
It’s called halfchan
Take the kek back to half
▶ 2db6ad (6) No.5920029
Godspeed, Anon!
▶ f0eb98 (1) No.5920030
Genuine sorrow for a stranger is tough to inspire, but you have done it. Be strong during this difficult time, and may all your memories of your BelovedAnon be beautiful.
▶ 0407fc (4) No.5920031
Israel created Hamas, dumbass.
▶ da486e (35) No.5920033
Cheers anon. Don't let them silence you. You have as much a right to throw down as these pathetic fucking losers…………er I say, more a right!
▶ f1b8d8 (1) No.5920035
One dirty both dirty
One clean both clean
▶ babbd4 (9) No.5920036
She's the one on the left.
Who is Tina Tchen, the attorney linked to Jussie Smollett messages?
▶ 60e884 (1) No.5920037
My condolences.. Lots of strenght to you during such difficult circumstances. <3
▶ e64415 (6) No.5920038>>5920048 >>5920049 >>5920053 >>5920058 >>5920075
Early too, they don't usually clock in so early in a hoard like this.
▶ 2b2ca2 (4) No.5920039
love and strength to you anon.
May he rest in peace and love. I'm so sorry.
▶ e0f5e8 (19) No.5920040
One way you know such structures are symbolic because they're an absolutely inefficient use of material. Too much unusable interior space.
▶ 9c524e (9) No.5920041
For a while yes. The daughter is a current trustee
▶ 89e376 (7) No.5920042
Thoughts and prayers. My condolences.
▶ 1da885 (1) No.5920043
because it is sad
▶ 5b66d8 (7) No.5920044>>5920062 >>5920084
With apologies for butting in…
Isn't the real key to unity to do with separating the ideological from the person espousing the idea/philosophy?
I think it is important to judge ideologies; some just ARE better than others. If this were not the case we would have to allow that sacrificing children to Moloch has equal value to the golden rule - love your neighbour as yourself, and so on and so forth.
So judge away - between ideologies. But don't judge/condemn the person who subscribes to the ideology. He may be mistaken, uneducated, blackmailed, whatever. In short, refrain from ad hominen attacks and debate the ideology.
▶ 7bfc24 (3) No.5920045
what is a seabass orca?
nice digs
▶ 7b1284 (4) No.5920048>>5920066
a lot of effort for a hundred or so anons that are going to not be swayed and will rip them a new asshole
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5920049
Muh Jew slides are off the chart today… somethings coming
▶ 8c6c34 (2) No.5920053>>5920067
Something BIG is coming.
▶ 67f1d7 (10) No.5920055
Take a look at 'The West' American hospitals where it is done every single day at the request of parents all across the spectrum. It is not just one group that does that. It has been going on since the British landed on this continent. And no I am not for it. But pointing out your inability to use judgement and have the guts to name an individual for what they are.
Get out of your hive mindset rather than blaming an entire ethnic group. Say their name, point the person out. Damn, you are backing Hamas without even knowing it or maybe you do and just won't admit it.
▶ f1d347 (6) No.5920056
I'm so sorry Hospicehubsanon.
▶ 424b57 (5) No.5920058>>5920082
They must be pissed from getting up so early..hhaha. Haven't they learned by now…unreal.
▶ 9c524e (9) No.5920059
rest in peace and sorry for your loss
▶ 7bfc24 (3) No.5920060
curse those greedy merchants
curse them to hell!
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5920062>>5920084
You can criticize the ideology without hating those that self-identify with it.
That is what some people don't understand, and others pretend to not understand (in order to try to get people to censor themselves).
▶ a3794f (4) No.5920063
I'm so sorry anon
▶ e64415 (6) No.5920066
All for a LARP…
I started lurking when it was still dark this morning, not even 7am est and the whole bread was molded fierce.
▶ 424b57 (5) No.5920067
HUGE…they know its coming and are literally shitting.
▶ 4ebc6e (13) No.5920068
sorry for your loss anon
▶ e653bd (2) No.5920069
Peace at last. What a glorious day for him!
▶ 1411c5 (6) No.5920075
I pray for God's blessings for you.
They know what's coming. I'm not entirely certain what POTUS has planned for Hannity tonight, but it isn't going to be insignificant.
▶ 1fb270 (1) No.5920076
God Bless you both!
▶ fd200f (3) No.5920077
Peace Be With You. God Bless You and God Bless your Husband.
▶ e64415 (6) No.5920082>>5920089
Getting up early sucks kek. I was a lil grumpy because my back woke me before the birds today. Usually you can enjoy the board til about 9am est. Not today, I agree with other Anons saying sumthin is a coming
▶ 603719 (1) No.5920083
This made me laugh so hard, I hope it is true and she was literally clutching her pearls..KEK
▶ be4c5b (62) No.5920084
Adding to that:
I think about Judaism the same way I think about Islam, it has no place in the West, but the people who self-identify with the ideology are not the ideology. I used to say that there were 3 types of Muslims: those that don't even know what Islam is (useful idiots), those that fear the punishment for apostasy (death), and those that know that Islam is a supremacist ideology and they embrace it and they will lie to you and fuck you over because of their ideology.
With Judaism, I also think there are 3 kinds of religious Jews: those that don't know what Judaism even is (useful idiots), those that fear the consequences of telling the truth or acting against Jewish supremacism (they lose access and the privileged that comes from Jewish nepotism, etc), and the ones that embrace it and will lie to you and fuck you over because of their ideology.
▶ a2d812 (1) No.5920089>>5920091
DECLAS. Had the lunch meeting yesterday to prep.
▶ 8e8b08 (2) No.5920090
Different sources:
Accused of Stealing Furniture at the State Department Too
▶ 424b57 (5) No.5920091