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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, ##QR.jpg)

4c6b5f  No.5912223

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 03.26.2019

>>5910092 rt >>5910048 ————————— Badge of Honor, Patriot.

>>5910024 ————————————–——– Attacks increasing? ( Cap & Vid: >>5910083 )

>>5909718 rt >>5909683 ————————— Bait confirmed.

>>5909596 ————————————–——– Loop Capital? ( Cap: >>5909757 )

>>5909464 rt >>5909428 ————————— Knowing what you know now, replay the story.

>>5909363 rt >>5909352 ————————— TT was bugged most likely.

>>5909342 ————————————–——– FISAGATE

>>5909322 rt >>5909279 ————————— Think POTUS campaign leaving T-Tower (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.

>>5909008 rt >>5908881 ————————— Bake your noodle.

>>5908738 ————————————–——– DAG + #2 [McCabe] discussion re: 'wear a wire' entrapment re: 25th amendment?

>>5908420 ————————————–——– POTUS on Hannity Tomorrow 9PM ET.

>>5906839 rt >>5906685 ————————— Well done, Anon. ( Cap: >>5907161 )

>>5906747 rt >>5906554 ————————— Bing QAnon News search results

>>5906111 ————————————–——– Past [7] days. Nothing to see here. (Cap: >>5906497, >>5906554)

>>5905183 ————————————–——– Q Proof

>>5904715 rt >>5904682 ————————— Proof missed?

>>5904599 rt >>5904397 ————————— "What happens if the phone records of SMOLLETT leak?"

>>5904397 ————————————–——– Worth remembering (Cap: >>5904875, >>5904900, >>5904915)

>>5904054 ————————————–——– How can there be FACTS if the entire story (narrative) was FICTION? (Cap: >>5904184)

>>5903921 rt >>5903895 ————————— These people are stupid

>>5903895 ————————————–——– It shall be done (Cap: >>5903954)

>>5903723 rt >>5903586 ————————— [Kim Foxx] Who is pulling her strings?

>>5903586 rt >>5903522 ————————— Will the AG need to get involved?

>>5903527 ————————————–——– @RepDougCollins (Cap: >>5903666)

>>5897520 ————————————–——– What is [RBG's] current state-of-health? (Cap: >>5897607)

Monday 03.25.2019

>>5894619 rt >>5894473 ————————— "Fake News Media."

>>5894508 ————————————–——– Love of Country.jpg

>>5894341 ————————————–——– #FAKE #FAKE #FAKE (Cap: >>5894583)

>>5894159 ————————————–——– Justice Dept sides with court ruling Obamacare unconstitutional (Cap: >>5894195)

>>5891366 ————————————–——– Without a BLOCKADE (shield), they are left vulnerable (exposed). (Cap: >>5891403 Vid: >>5891449)

>>5889767 rt >>5889046 ————————— John Solomon's Latest

>>5888857 rt >>5888717 ————————— Another 60k recipient from Maga Coalition.

>>5888801 ————————————–——– Trump allies await results of two internal probes that could expose Russia investigation backstory ( Cap: >>5889078 )

>>5888047 ————————————–——– When the constant barrage of FAKE NEWS attacks FAIL….

>>5887933 ————————————–——– Alleged Dark Web Child Pornography Facilitator Extradited to United States to Face Federal Charges ( Cap: >>5888002 )

>>5887894 ————————————–——– You are the news now. ( Cap: >>5887925 )

>>5887803 ————————————–——– Do you believe in coincidences? ( Cap: >>5887873 )

>>5887618 ————————————–——– Thank you, Anons, for bringing this to our attention.

>>5883651 ————————————–——– There is a reason why a sword is held.

>>5883573 ————————————–——– Listen very carefully. ( Cap: >>5883626 )

>>5883177 ————————————–——– LISTEN & WATCH SEAN HANNITY TODAY.

>>5883120 ————————————–——– [1] OPENS THE DOOR.

>>5882921 rt >>5882614 ————————— Why did WHITAKER/BARR retain [RR] to the END?


Saturday 03.23.2019

Compiled here: >>5903888

Wednesday 03.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5852541

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

4c6b5f  No.5912226


are not endorsements


>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables


>>5911827 POTUS Says Back To The Moon By 2024

>>5911823 POTUS signs EMP EO without ceremony

>>5911771 , >>5911915 POTUS declares US recognition of the Golan as part of Israel

>>5911771 POTUS nominates Jeffrey Rosen to replace Rosenstein

>>5911754 LOOP Capital announce new deal with the Port Authority of NY & NJ

>>5911686 Anon on Game Theory: Mutli-facet Utility To Unfolding National Narratives

>>5911659 Anons' timeline of Chicago leftist politics, connections

>>5911700 New Sara: Rand Paul: 'Go after Obama officials'

>>5911659 Dig on Toni Preckwinkl and Chicago politics

>>5911653 British role confirmed in Trump spying scandal (AIM)

>>5911604 , >>5911726 PapaD tweet: The release was no coincidence

>>5911594 , >>5911599, >>5911725, >>5911856 PapaD research cont.

>>5911557 Comey to respond to the Mueller report and Barr summary on NBC

>>5911515 , >>5911549 Did the FBI retaliate against Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

>>5912221 #7563


>>5911385, >>5911390 Rogers and the meeting at Trump Tower theory.

>>5911398 US embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election.

>>5910761, >>5910864 Anons: Anyone deemed a threat was most likely under surveillance for a long time.

>>5911339 Hussein tracking Rogers?

>>5911207 Anon's notable observations.

>>5911275 Tesla's Elon Musk, SEC to face off in U.S. court on April 4.

>>5911141 Kamala's spin team helped by Haberman.

>>5911101 Eckō, Complex News, CSC Global, Iconix, Jay Clayton/Sullivan & Cromwell/Clinton connection and moar.

>>5911099 They intend to destroy our great Nation.

>>5910944 Massive FISA warrants after DJT elected?

>>5910894 Spreadsheet anon update.

>>5910875 Sec. General of NATO visiting WH April 2.

>>5910855 Tlaib pushes on with impeachment efforts.

>>5910805 Deep State Ukrainian non profit slush fund? US embassy implicated.

>>5910749, >>5910765 Trump tower fires.

>>5911435 #7562


>>5910058, >>5910436 Rahm uses 'Scot-free' and the difference between POTUS/Obama's message to Black Americans.

>>5910605 Pompeo: “We will not subsidize the killing of unborn babies.”

>>5910559 Mccabe Page text by Fox News on Scribd.

>>5910488, >>5910623 Cohen's office raid to remove evidence? TT fire?

>>5910393 Rand Paul: I’ve told Trump he should pardon Michael Flynn

>>5910392 Google News Initiative (with McClatchy).

>>5909992 Sen. King Questions NSA's Admiral Rogers About Cyber-Security (YT vid from 9/25/15)

>>5910034 Rogers timeline leading up to TT Bait

>>5910268 Reminder on Obama's Cabinet tensions at time of Rogers Trump meeting

>>5910040 Full "Complex" video on the "QAnon Conspiracy"

>>5910319 Most Democrats vote 'present' on Green New Deal.

>>5910315 WL Tweet: Role of UK in Mueller hysteria?

>>5910265 Elvin E Charity (ties between Chicago municipal bond deal and VJ/BO).

>>5910182 DS bait on anniversary of JFK's assassination.

>>5910105 PapaD interviewed Jan. 2017 by two FBI agents.

>>5910089 Nancy Pelosi laments not being able to stop POTUS.

>>5910061 Jussie Smollett prosecutor says, ‘I do not believe he is innocent’ after charges dropped.

>>5909995, >>5910185 They were going to issue 11 new FISA warrants (27 total) after Trump took office?

>>5909992 Sep 25, 2015:Sen. King questions NSA's Admiral Rogers about cyber-security.

>>5909990 CIA document on audio surveillance procedures.

>>5909986 Multiple rockets fired from Gaza moments ago, possible direct hit in Ashkelon, interceptions reported.

>>5909984 [0] delta graphic.

>>5909974 Injuries reported following large explosion in Chimalhuacán, Mexico.

>>5910688 #7561

Previously Collected Notables

>>5909889 #7560,

>>5907591 #7557, >>5908359 #7558, >>5909106 #7559

>>5906400 #7554, >>5906417 #7555, >>5906800 #7556

>>5902977 #7451, >>5904478 #7552, >>5904487 #7553

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

4c6b5f  No.5912233

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

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>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

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Q Graphics all in GMT #76-#78 >>>/comms/4386, >>>/comms/4388, >>5911988

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

4c6b5f  No.5912237

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

* Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

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Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

4c6b5f  No.5912244

File: b4e9a184f8beeb3⋯.png (466.02 KB, 654x450, 109:75, # BAKE_YOUR_NOODLE.png)

#7564 Dough


6c54e6  No.5912250


I just got stoned af. Is that what Q meant by “bake your noodle”??

1e8734  No.5912266

I hate to admit anons,

I have a lot if hate for those involved and the msm for what they did to out President and Country.

I watch TV and imagine the day that some of them are arrested ir have ti admit they are conpletely wring. I honestly want to throw all of this in there face.

Is something wrong with me??

efd55e  No.5912287

attn wapo “journolists, Qew is earing dinner right now at Le Diplomate

1601 14th street NW


he has some cery nice eye candy with him too

46ece9  No.5912293

Maybe rand paul voted against potus on border security for optics (appear like there is some distance from trump) before spearheading the investigation / charge against (((them)))?

52297b  No.5912295


Wtf is this ?

34c7c9  No.5912299

File: fb887e9d9efb3dc⋯.jpg (245.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_6664.JPG)

Give a dog a bone 🍖

c20b8c  No.5912301

Syria Requests UN Security Council Meeting on Golan Heights


85c689  No.5912302

File: e5cb6b45c4fda2e⋯.jpeg (43.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CEA9F263-3382-49C4-A379-B….jpeg)

File: 164f3a4eefe4aa3⋯.jpeg (30.24 KB, 620x412, 155:103, 78A0F57C-AEE4-4834-8D19-D….jpeg)

File: 7b935be0abc5276⋯.png (492.01 KB, 506x380, 253:190, FE2641ED-7F2E-4C31-BFBC-E1….png)

File: c12a3970f4345e0⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, F5BDC4C9-1812-4DF9-B8DB-3….jpeg)



Ramen breads through the ovens.

caf4ad  No.5912306

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

41edc5  No.5912307

File: e813c50ee4b15de⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rosenebula.jpg)


Hate is too great a burden to bear.

abbcf8  No.5912308

File: 782678d3d94cff0⋯.jpg (82.8 KB, 540x810, 2:3, 455bc81dede74d3597fc82ab20….jpg)

Thank You Baker

1ae331  No.5912309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Climate Industrial Complex

1648d6  No.5912310

File: 0960678219e3c79⋯.jpeg (870.84 KB, 1125x1949, 1125:1949, 1169218B-26DC-49A3-8049-E….jpeg)

Gold fringe flag = Martial Law faggots!

It’s happening!

31b699  No.5912312

File: d7aeae586423bc7⋯.jpeg (912.86 KB, 1462x1995, 1462:1995, d7aeae586423bc76daea98a1e….jpeg)

POTUS Says Back To The Moon By 2024

from last bread

This is heartbreaking!

Q and Trump know full well we never been in the moon, but the public can never know the truth.

fcacd3  No.5912313

File: fd5eba13f5a7ee4⋯.jpg (187.25 KB, 992x725, 992:725, 4ce85ef3aeb2dd24735b29e755….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

So, who else thinks we might some special elections coming up due to vacancies after DECLAS?

1388ca  No.5912314

File: a7b970a9f4da432⋯.png (95.56 KB, 777x558, 259:186, ClipboardImage.png)


653c79  No.5912315

Elder Anons, hearken to the voice of my words. Q speaketh not always to thee, yea verily, Q speaketh at times unto the newfaggots. Suffer the newfaggots to learn and harry them not, and surely they will dig most honorably, so nobly schooled.

9af6fa  No.5912316

File: e22ea73315da678⋯.jpg (10.19 KB, 255x228, 85:76, money.jpg)

>>5912274 lb

He takes donations to keep it going anon.

Best investment I have made in a while

e130bb  No.5912317

File: 34bae902aba8b2c⋯.jpg (118.96 KB, 682x984, 341:492, 1pics.jpg)

File: b0bdb46568138e5⋯.jpg (84.1 KB, 682x981, 682:981, pics7.jpg)

01f3ad  No.5912318

File: 34420d893522048⋯.jpg (137.46 KB, 817x1079, 817:1079, tyb_frazetta.jpg)


Thank You, Baker

3d1a8b  No.5912319

File: 8ca14ddb3b9d8bb⋯.jpg (662.58 KB, 1140x1060, 57:53, calls.jpg)

7d8371  No.5912320

File: 0a17c7973c6326e⋯.png (749.31 KB, 457x753, 457:753, 1518598735810.png)


In the Matrix, Neo knocks over the vase because the Oracle asked him a question.

She already knew he would knock over the vase.

So if she did, why did she put the vase there?

That kinda military strategy (planning and thought and detail) really BAKES YOUR NOODLE.

In other words, Q/POTUS have been 'baiting' the Derp State with 'vases' the entire time.

8585e0  No.5912321

File: caae4f20c0a07c3⋯.png (471.26 KB, 812x461, 812:461, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at ….png)

>>5912103 (lb)

And Tan-Tans! The Madman! UltraKEK!

448c16  No.5912322

File: 749de979bb90648⋯.png (120.06 KB, 640x487, 640:487, AQ8.PNG)


>1601 14th street

Address pulls up this;

91ef70  No.5912323

File: 2f7a22635e36b12⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 249x792, 83:264, Capture.JPG)

File: 87979851381de4d⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 377x897, 29:69, Capture1.JPG)


[RR] was pre selected by the DS. He was preordained.

e333bf  No.5912324

File: 7144009005d43bb⋯.jpg (107.98 KB, 1384x523, 1384:523, quick 1111.JPG)

File: 3be8056e4447e61⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 2eeea2bc5a8467f085c9117d7e….jpg)

File: b8f4e97fd94296c⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 1267x466, 1267:466, quick Rogers 17 Q NSA.JPG)

File: 84e5f2e75abf421⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 889x499, 889:499, Rogers Boom.jpg)

File: f00963c413eb8be⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 624x499, 624:499, Greatest MI Operation of O….jpg)

>>5910034 (pb)

We have more than we know…

Replay from late 2015 into 2016

Late 2015 - Black hats coordinate with UK intel (plus others), put plants (ones that need water once RM is SC) into Trump campaign. This establishes/furthers the "Insurance Policy". DS thinks they are in control. Hillary calls Trump a "Putin puppet" in the debates.

But the DS is getting setup. Think Rogers (mis-cat of the tarmac meeting, "no logs", "all clear").

Nov 2016 - Trump wins.

DS is ALREADY SPYING ON TRUMP. They know who AG, DAG & Nat Sec Adv are going to be - unmasked raw intel was spread far and wide by the Hussein admin. Note the dates of the texts Q posted. Once Trump wins the DS are making plans accounting for RR (him, not her (SY)) as DAG.

The setup - Think Flynn. Needs a legal reason to violate his NDA agreements and tell what he knows. Knowing they ARE BEING SPIED ON, white hats make him an early target. He's been cooperating ever since… [when's his sentencing again?].

Think Rogers post election. He caught hate from Brennan and Clapper in the MSM leading up to Nov 2016 - they wanted Hussein to replace him at NSA (he stands in front of the green door).

Rogers visits TT right after the election (just after a SCIF could be set up) then the Trump transition team immediately moves to the GC in NJ… Trump tweets about tapped wires (has POTUS ever talked about things that didn't end up being true?).

Mueller meets with Trump under guise he could be FBI Dir (Anons knew he couldn't be by statute) the day before being appointed as SC by (the White Hat plant) RR.

Two and a half years go by of data (evidence) collection.

Mueller delivers his report. Now D5.

Q has explained Trump was recruited by MI to run.

Trump legally opens the door - the green door - to NSA databases (Wizards & Warlocks).

2015-2019 Treason and sedition is cataloged and documented.


Today Q points to texts that are from right AFTER the election, when SY is DAG, but they are referring to "him" being DAG looking forward. They (DS) knew RR was going to be DAG because they HAD ALREADY BEEN SPYING!!! This is all part of the "Insurance Policy".

This is the greatest MI operation of our time… Patriots in control.

7ceda6  No.5912325

File: 4b5a23651c3fe59⋯.png (672.04 KB, 1101x324, 367:108, ClipboardImage.png)

7482d8  No.5912326



Does POTUS think a possible EMT strike eminent? Why else this EO? That is holy shit to ponder. EMT would knowck everyhting out. No communications and we all would be fucked. No gas from electric pumps, no trucking of goods/foods, mass run on stores and chaos. A few weeks and the shit would get crazy. EMT talk of any kind is worth digging into……..and and EO re: such…..holy shit what is that about?

653c79  No.5912328

>>5912318 Hyperborean wenches? Crom!

2098a6  No.5912329


Or we went, just rockets didn't bring us there.

791860  No.5912330

>>5912103 (/pb)


That is beautiful.

2691c5  No.5912331

File: bc794b21513c2fe⋯.jpg (52.7 KB, 680x453, 680:453, roberta mccain.jpg)

this bitch is STILL ALIVE


1648d6  No.5912332



fe0e60  No.5912333

File: c78a475377cc575⋯.png (664.27 KB, 620x826, 310:413, ClipboardImage.png)

ty baker!

41edc5  No.5912334


Game theory.


5890b2  No.5912335

It Started Late 2015

The effort began in late 2015 when GCHQ, along with intelligence agencies in Poland, Estonia, and Germany, began monitoring what they said were “suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents.”

Since Trump was surging ahead in the polls and scaring the pants off the foreign-policy establishment by calling for a rapprochement with Moscow, the agencies figured that Russia was somehow behind it. The pace accelerated in March 2016 when a 30-year-old policy consultant named George Papadopoulos joined the Trump campaign as a foreign-policy adviser. Traveling in Italy a week later, he ran into Mifsud, the London-based Maltese academic, who reportedly set about cultivating him after learning of his position with Trump. Mifsud claimed to have “substantial connections with Russian government officials,” according to prosecutors. Over breakfast at a London hotel, he told Papadopoulos that he had just returned from Moscow where he had learned that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.”

This was the remark that supposedly triggered an FBI investigation. The New York Times describes Mifsud as “an enthusiastic promoter of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia” and “a regular at meetings of the Valdai Discussion Club, an annual conference held in Sochi, Russia, that Mr. Putin attends,” which tried to suggest that he is a Kremlin agent of some sort. But WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange later tweeted photos of Mifsud with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and a high-ranking British intelligence official named Claire Smith at a training session for Italian security agents in Rome. Since it’s unlikely that British intelligence would rely on a Russian agent in such circumstances, Mifsud’s intelligence ties are more likely with the UK.

After Papadopoulos caused a minor political ruckus by telling a reporter that Prime Minister David Cameron should apologize for criticizing Trump’s anti-Muslim pronouncements, a friend in the Israeli embassy put him in touch with a friend in the Australian embassy, who introduced him to Downer, her boss. Over drinks, Downer advised him to be more diplomatic. After Papadopoulos then passed along Misfud’s tip about Clinton’s emails, Downer informed his government, which, in late July, informed the FBI.

876258  No.5912336


Thank you, Baker!

5136bf  No.5912337

Fisa goes both ways

If POTUS knew he was being monitored, and he knew agents were being sent to entrap him, and he knew that the monitoring would include hops from the agent to his handler thus capturing the entire entrapment plot, why wouldn't he welcome visis from the worst that his enemies dared throw at him? POTUS was a huge tanking CI Honeypot.

2540ee  No.5912338

File: 81ef2e7d39fabe3⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2050x1218, 1025:609, Bless-this-Bread-5.jpg)

File: 5ef367ea04dcc9f⋯.jpg (461.74 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, Bake-Your-Noodle-Oracle.jpg)

File: a8df10f03832e6c⋯.jpg (418.83 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, Noodles.jpg)

File: 59787b24a882160⋯.jpg (296.14 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Top-KEK^X-EarthAngel.jpg)



What's with those digits, fren?

40df7e  No.5912339

File: 48e13fc9d000bc7⋯.png (96.55 KB, 873x476, 873:476, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, I was listening to Hugh Hewitt this morning whom I am not a fan of but since I am a Texasanon I tuned in to catch his interview with our Senator John Cornyn. Towards the end of the interview, at the [11:43] mark, Cornyn quotes the Rand Corporation in regards to Russia. He says, China is a peer, not a rogue whereas Russia is a rogue, not a peer. I will link the audio of the interview as well as a link to the Rand corp. where Cornyn got his material. Point being, this gives me pause to hear Cornyn borrowing and quoting the Rand Corp. when it comes to foreign policy. Anybody else think so?



a8016a  No.5912341


NOTABLE repost from late last bread

efd55e  No.5912342


why its a limited hangout of course!

52297b  No.5912343


Digging into Hillary's emails have been much easier because of the Judicial watch team … troves of documents because they pursued the case . As Tom always says doing the heavy lifting kek

3d1a8b  No.5912344

File: 5d6b4a0598be220⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 365x521, 365:521, yes.JPG)

28ea9f  No.5912345

Anons, I just gonna say this, I’ve had a strange feeling all day. I’m not a shill, I’m on here everyday, I contribute. I’m just asking please pray for Q+ and Q team and all patriots. My spider senses say there is danger. Please all I’m asking say a prayer when you read this.

dde7e8  No.5912346


No, as foreign as it seems:

I truly believe Rand Paul voted that way because he has integrity unprescidented in modern times.

He didn't feel that the president should have this authority that was vested.

He also does not agree with the extraconstitutional authority the Presidents have used and

continue to use to justify us being in about 8 fucking wars right now without congressional approval.

c56527  No.5912347

File: bc500bc9f217cc1⋯.jpg (51.37 KB, 512x345, 512:345, Jessie OJ.jpg)

3031d0  No.5912348

File: 8dbc877e1a22512⋯.png (104.6 KB, 887x744, 887:744, 1553643386478.png)

223cbf  No.5912349

File: 97df19a7fb6df2e⋯.jpg (203.18 KB, 1259x1516, 1259:1516, _20190326_194127.JPG)


look at dem digits


315775  No.5912350


So, could it really be that the Golan declaration is a way to stop Cheney and friends from tax evasion?

There could be billions of dolllars if they go back several years and they include all the income from diverting ISIS stolen oil onto the legitimate oil markets.

This would give the legal status required to seize bank accounts all over the world.

52297b  No.5912351


kek not invited ?

2c1224  No.5912352


Thank you, ye Wise Sage of new bread that baketh.

905668  No.5912353


Fuck off, retard…

"Hey guys, POTUS gave SA 384 Billion in weapons, then bought a faulty missile defense system from Israel, before supporting Israel's raping and pillaging of Christian-Syrians… but did you see his body-language? Definitely our guy!" - (((You)))

Seriously… Kys, then have somebody run over your dead body a few times.

4d4d00  No.5912354

File: 06690315575eb1d⋯.jpg (83.52 KB, 623x686, 89:98, 2019-03-26 23.37.28 qmap.p….jpg)

File: 99e63b024f51aa3⋯.jpg (176.15 KB, 1125x878, 1125:878, 2019-03-26 23.39.18 www.wh….jpg)

File: b130a0003e515f4⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 908x510, 454:255, 2019-03-26 06.36.50 www.go….jpg)

'Follow the Pen…'

Monumental times ahead for the Middle East as we know it.

Patience has definitely run out with Iran's machinations.

cdad14  No.5912355

File: a644f435491f9c8⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 720x900, 4:5, oILKnJU.mp4)

Ty, baker

ca9962  No.5912356

File: b4cab8dc2663276⋯.jpg (61.55 KB, 586x643, 586:643, s and s icbm 3 26 19.JPG)

File: 9c50c44a161520f⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 589x699, 589:699, emp eo 3 26 19.JPG)

Message Sent?

ICBM Protection

EMP Protectiohn

Thank you POTUS and Team.

97b812  No.5912357

Comcast reception is periodically paused throughout the day? Anybody else?

cdad14  No.5912358

File: dce38b832c9f79a⋯.png (419.42 KB, 1842x967, 1842:967, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at ….png)

So I just watched Sneakers from… 1992.

Comedian… what's his name… not Tom Arnold. Dan Akcroyd

Says several conspiracy theories throughout the film.

Aliens made a deal with USA for cattle/cows.

Later mentions that cow carcass spottings are on the rise.

JFK was shot but wasn't killed, he's still alive.

Moon landing was faked in LA.

Nicaragua Earthquakes caused by CIA essentially.

Found it interesting, one of the heroes, the deaf guy said he wanted world peace as his request to top brass as pay off.

In middle of film, he said he'd ask for it, and said wants the same thing for women, world peace for them too, as he grabs the hand of a young girl. Thought that was odd.

Reason why protagonist survives or escapes before cops show up in the late 60s during their prank is because he "went for pizza." Thought that was super alarming.

Notable that River Phoenix was in the film and died a year later at the hands either directly or indirectly by Johnny Depp at Depp's nightclub.

As to the request for world peace, NSA guy says, "I'll see what I can do."


c96b6a  No.5912359


James ( the legend )

Ask bug eyes ,if she has any of the billions in tax breaks left . That she was getting off amazon.

She's a fucking idiot.

6bb2fa  No.5912360

File: 8264e79da9d67d8⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 575x380, 115:76, Children Genocide in Leban….jpg)

File: 5d1cba63f87a8b7⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 947x500, 947:500, Israel is EVIL.jpg)

File: f620203ddfee651⋯.jpg (63.29 KB, 390x310, 39:31, Qana again.jpg)

File: 802d3c56e833d67⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 512x354, 256:177, Qana deaths.jpg)

File: 05293308709fb57⋯.jpg (54.47 KB, 512x341, 512:341, Qana bombing.jpg)

Israel’s Crimes = Israel’s Glory

2691c5  No.5912361

File: 2d9e7e67e5390d3⋯.png (6.64 KB, 474x575, 474:575, israele.png)


Fuck Israel I hope they get glassed

85c689  No.5912362


Aaargh. Thus speaketh wisebeard!

7d8371  No.5912363

lol JACK KEANE can't even talk right now

What's his dirty little secret?

1158d6  No.5912364


Yes, agreed.

Rand is comped.

f17aa6  No.5912365

Smollett is gonna do the police in by suing them. you don't fuck with Osama's friends and get away with it. and with a new mayor coming in. Yes, Smollett gonna make millions.

34c30e  No.5912366

File: 514260f94ee9c6b⋯.jpeg (155.26 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, fullsizeoutput_14e.jpeg)

0bd2c2  No.5912367

File: 98eb9facf81a2b5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C58950DE-C7D5-4CAE-96C1-B4….png)

File: 2601ccd29e2a1dc⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B1317891-F5D7-4018-8E18-E7….png)

File: 633408c56ebd302⋯.png (529.01 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B7A7E1F3-B93C-4B8C-AD06-C7….png)

File: f7a7164112fb7df⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 03431B8F-EE6D-4387-ACC7-99….png)

File: 1fb95546f633d84⋯.png (461.79 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6810646F-FCD7-4911-8952-4A….png)

Saw an ad for Crisis help and JOBS AVAILABLE. Did a little digging…

Check this out:


407cc9  No.5912368

>>5910092 /lb

I would love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting Obama called for the freshman D's. What? To plan a future strategy ?

I smell a Soros rat here somewhere too.

693861  No.5912369

File: 50fd5cc21d84448⋯.jpg (213.9 KB, 1890x1336, 945:668, 50fd5cc21d84448c35b2e9c0ca….jpg)


There's nothing wrong with you, anon.

I think it's safe to say that we all long for the day this all comes out into the open and their evil is exposed.

Stand strong fellow Patriot, we're on the right side of history.

0a57a2  No.5912370

File: 2b5123f92f85f19⋯.jpg (252.79 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, 737.jpg)

A Boeing 737 Max flown by Southwest makes emergency landing at Orlando airport

No passengers were on board, and the plane was in the air about 11 minutes.

A Boeing 737 Max 8 plane — the same model that the Federal Aviation Administration grounded after two recent crashes — made an emergency landing at Orlando International Airport on Tuesday afternoon.

No passengers were on the jet, only two pilots for the plane's owner, Southwest Airlines. The pilots were flying the jet to California for storage when an engine overheated just before 3 p.m., a spokesman for the airline told NBC News. The plane was in the air about 11 minutes, the spokesman said.

The flight was scheduled to fly to Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville, California, for short-term storage, according to the spokesman.

"The pilots reported a performance issue with one of the engines shortly after takeoff," the spokesman said.

The pilots landed safely at the airport. The plane will be moved to the airline's Orlando maintenance facility for review and will be taken to Victorville once it's safe to do so.


791860  No.5912371


she dum

gonna prolapse

holdin breath dat way bad

31b699  No.5912372

File: 9ad5828b0330a4c⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 1101x324, 367:108, 34t456y5u657.jpg)

b4c3be  No.5912373

File: a3bb2066d4e11e2⋯.png (91.09 KB, 210x267, 70:89, e7a121d497f0721f0ffffa4104….png)

Was this bait, hell my crotch reeks of bait fish

32ee26  No.5912374

File: 6dd2877532e68ff⋯.png (108.73 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 115F9023-8874-4FC3-B550-20….png)

Qposts.online is down. DDOS?

Fuck Jussie Smullet, fucking faggot and “muh racism”.

Yeah… I’m triggered, Anons.

Goddamn black gay Jew privelage.

02d7ce  No.5912375

File: cea03e89a869b9b⋯.jpg (81.7 KB, 500x866, 250:433, Learn to code1.jpg)

fe0e60  No.5912376


Can't stop laughing

f477d3  No.5912377

01f3ad  No.5912378

File: 3076156f256b382⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 780x413, 780:413, leereaganvelociraptor.JPG)

File: a7a8fedcf5179d5⋯.jpg (122.19 KB, 1192x670, 596:335, ronald_reagan_riding_a_vel….jpg)

Sen. Lee Uses 'Photo' of Reagan Riding Velociraptor, Giant Seahorses in Floor Speech Mocking Green New Deal



e45653  No.5912379

File: 8af483eb1ebe5c5⋯.jpeg (966.55 KB, 1112x1079, 1112:1079, F0447B08-1802-4049-8473-A….jpeg)



5b7f60  No.5912380

>>5910024 pb

Perhaps we should be flooding these tweet comments that attack the Q movement, with QProofs?

Q has identified that QProofs are quite important. What better way to prove legitimacy?

Here are some links








91ef70  No.5912381

File: 2f7a22635e36b12⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 249x792, 83:264, Capture.JPG)

File: 87979851381de4d⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 377x897, 29:69, Capture1.JPG)


[RR] was pre selected by the DS. He was preordained.

4c6b5f  No.5912382


Thanks fren.

Dub dibs confirm noodles are baked.


7482d8  No.5912383



WTAF? This EO?

Does POTUS think a possible EMT strike eminent? Why else this EO? That is holy shit to ponder. EMT would knock everything out. No communications and we all would be fucked. No gas from electric pumps, no trucking of goods/foods, mass run on stores and chaos. A few weeks and the shit would get crazy. EMT talk of any kind is worth digging into……..and and EO re: such…..holy shit what is that about?

cdad14  No.5912384


Heard it was solid technique.

05994a  No.5912385


It looks like the pos just had some botox or something done.

4c6b5f  No.5912386

838ea0  No.5912387

For the love of God, Q,

We have to stop all the shit like worrying about how it would look like "political retaliation" if we go after the Dems and DS. They're going to claim that no matter fucking what all the while they come up with new bullshit inquiries and unfounded Investigations to harass POTUS and his family. The end of the Mueller probe wasn't the end of shit for them. It's fucking time; ALL EVIDENCE is on our fucking side yet ALL Investigations are targeting our side. Stop waiting, they will be running bullshit Investigations no matter how baseless and unfounded they are and will ALWAYS be able to claim that if they get targeted then it's nothing but "retaliation." These people are sick, evil and operate with full knowledge that what they're doing is sick and evil. They don't give two fucks about precedent. These people, in front of the whole world, voted against protecting newborn babies. That ALONE should be more than enough to pull out ALL the stops and bombard these sick fucks with Investigations at the very least. Slow Justice for these sick fucks flew the coupe a long time ago. It's time to steamroll these motherfuckers and lock them up! It's time to stop giving a fuck about fucking politics and how it would look if we fight back. Stop giving a fuck about what it might look like to do ANYTHING because no matter what we do, they will spin, smear and slander every thought of it. It's time to take the fucking gloves off, fuck the collateral damage, babies are being murdered and chopped up and sold for parts, Patriot's lives are being destroyed. There WILL be casualties but when the smoke clears, Patriots will be victorious. Pardon Papa D, pardon Stone, etc, regardless of what it looks like to the fucking DS DEMOCRATS. Fuck them. Fuck them all. They will not go peacefully, all we're doing is postponing the catastrophic fallout that will happen if this is to ever come to an end.

6bb2fa  No.5912388

File: 1da7d66459484c1⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 460x274, 230:137, hope for what.jpg)

File: 1456718b775ab1e⋯.jpg (250.01 KB, 1452x1080, 121:90, Qana Massacre 2.jpg)

File: d34d671011f6a23⋯.png (111.39 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Qana Massacre 1.png)

File: a104572f0f607f9⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 300x396, 25:33, mirror the crimes of Israe….jpg)

File: 97e82b0ec1f6b53⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 480x278, 240:139, Qana Massacre 4.jpg)

Israel’s Crimes = Israel’s Glory

dde7e8  No.5912389

File: 2f2ef1d6f7e9d46⋯.png (137.13 KB, 300x378, 50:63, untitled.png)


you think the western Cabal made a deal with the Wassaaaabi heads to eliminate Israel?

I thought Iran maybe a puppet of Muh Saud?

c87e2d  No.5912390


Of course we're in danger. That is the nature of fighting against satan. Stay in the Word and ask for the hand of God to be upon you so that you may do God's will. Ask for his legions of angels to protect you and as long as you are fitting into His plan, you have nothing to worry about, even death.

49c1bb  No.5912391

File: 2ec28a8bdee8f5c⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 503x657, 503:657, hiltert.jpg)


Emotional much?

a7d932  No.5912392

Surely we can engage in some wet works… something that wouldn't necessarily make the front page, but would certainly send a message to the DS. I'm aware of optics. IF we have the MILINTEL on our side, this shouldn't be a big risk… maybe take out a few media personalities too - just to set the tone? You know, like Michael Hastings… have their engine eject 50 meters from the car after they hit a tree.

ca607d  No.5912393



Worth a watch.


8145f9  No.5912394

File: 0860637203f75c7⋯.png (161.21 KB, 277x289, 277:289, Cat-YouKnowWhy.png)



Anon discovers matrix oracle reference: bake your noodle

Lends credibility to the whole quantum / time theory. Or just military planning at its finest…

b4c3be  No.5912395

File: c974d88d9d8ee58⋯.jpg (686.69 KB, 1386x1988, 99:142, 20190324_185105.jpg)

Time to eat shit and die…..

f0a6ad  No.5912396


BLACKEYE can become public after some research is "finished". This is how advanced tech will see light!!

8585e0  No.5912397



He said this about the tan-tans!

"While not as efficient in some ways as airplanes or snowmobiles, these hairy bipedal species of space-lizards offer their own unique benefits. Not only are Tan-tans carbon neutral, but according to a report a long time ago and issued far, far away, they may even be fully recyclable and useable for their warmth on a cold night."


caf4ad  No.5912398

File: c3dd2ff033e3185⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 800x450, 16:9, NewSherriff.jpg)

7d30c8  No.5912399


More on the Uranium One, Iran deal, Syrian connection:

In Clancy’s novel The Sum of All Fears

-American plutonium, manufactured in a breeder reactor in the DoE Savannah River plant, and thus having a distribution of isotopes characteristic of that plant, is used to make a nuclear bomb.

-Under wartime emergency conditions, this bomb, unexploded, is accidentally dropped in Syria, back during the 1970s.

-The impact of the bomb buries it in the earth, and it goes missing, unnoticed, for many years.

-A Syrian digs up the bomb, and tells someone, who relays the info to Islamic terrorists. They realize it is a nuclear bomb, and offer helpfully to take it off the hands of the discoverer.

-These terrorists have no way to find or produce the failsafe codes to make the bomb explode, but they can find experts to defuse the bomb safely, and dismantle it.

-With the American plutonium from the dismantled bomb, they set up in Syria a project to make their own nuclear bomb.

-They transport the bomb abroad, and detonate it as a terrorist device, which causes great loss of life, nuclear fallout, general havoc, and risk of nuclear war between the US and Russia.

-Analysis of the isotope ratios near ground zero shows the characteristic “fingerprint” of Savannah River, proving, astonishingly, that the plutonium used to make the bomb originated in the US.

(I only read this book once, many years ago, so some details may be wrong, and I’ve left out others intentionally to make it a more enjoyable read for anyone who wants to go back to it now.

But that is the gist. It is a very memorable and gripping book.)

91633d  No.5912400

File: fbdfbae01e930ae⋯.jpeg (324.69 KB, 1773x1773, 1:1, 204AD4EA-83C5-4FF4-8F40-E….jpeg)

fe0e60  No.5912401


>March 2016 when a 30-year-old policy consultant named George Papadopoulos joined the Trump campaign as a foreign-policy adviser.

This is the time frame of the McCabe email re FISA target in proximity to POTUS.

6a56b9  No.5912402


there are women and children and good people there

it's not all Israel, it's the fucking government shithead

someone should gas you faggot

c8565a  No.5912403

File: 8c38695be3a1602⋯.png (71.41 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 2019-01-12_14-11-35.png)

3d1a8b  No.5912404

File: ebb143d4071c804⋯.jpg (404.07 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, mTCiG.jpg)


I hereby bequeath this wallpaperith for thine fine words

7d0cf1  No.5912405

File: 0a741c871895caf⋯.png (31.52 KB, 429x447, 143:149, 1ebffa1a-5859-4ac4-b495-0d….png)

653c79  No.5912406

>>5912378 This I have seen with mine own eyes, Anon. Mock not that which ye know not! Marvels beyond thy imagination await.

7ceda6  No.5912407

File: 6fa4bbc96f20636⋯.png (110.7 KB, 673x642, 673:642, ClipboardImage.png)

49c1bb  No.5912408

File: cc8133470a1eafc⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 670x388, 335:194, 10daysdark.jpg)


You can't say we weren't warned

78c3d4  No.5912409


breathe in on the way down; out on the way up.

Breathing is one of the most important components of 'good form'

That said… as for the rest, 'very' nice form.

4c742e  No.5912410

>>5912297 (lb)


41edc5  No.5912411


cool! got any more movie recs…

looking for something to watch

c20b8c  No.5912412

Two Whistleblowers Awarded $50 Million In "Massive Enforcement Action" Against JPMorgan


4f3045  No.5912414

File: c0a30922583d509⋯.jpeg (543.15 KB, 1125x617, 1125:617, 0EF39D3B-546A-4F64-A213-8….jpeg)

File: ffd2f29f96e4303⋯.jpeg (427.91 KB, 1125x570, 75:38, 32F06EF6-0E50-40FF-BD60-4….jpeg)

File: 4fb25baf29c35ab⋯.jpeg (600.78 KB, 1125x614, 1125:614, 2B4946DF-BCC2-4163-AB9D-7….jpeg)

File: ddf98d7738e8e6c⋯.jpeg (297.42 KB, 1125x636, 375:212, 0152F2A5-41AB-44C2-9FE6-4….jpeg)

File: b9ba592d7bef7bd⋯.jpeg (471.88 KB, 1125x677, 1125:677, DB7565A4-7A66-428D-A61B-B….jpeg)

Meme batter

4d4d00  No.5912415

File: b77c2cb2c4d835d⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 1073x599, 1073:599, 2019-03-26 23.49.48 www.is….jpg)


Nikki Haley at AIPAC: 'I want you to have hope'.

'We have to make sure they know is Hamas is a terrorist group that needs to be stopped and we can't ever be quiet about it.'

Former American Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Nations Nikki Haley spoke at the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC) conference in Washington, D.C.

Her appearance came as reports arrived that Hamas launched rockets from Gaza that smashed into a home right outside of Tel Aviv injuring a family of seven, including a toddler and an infant.

Haley was asked how during her UN tenure she would ensure it was clear the U.S. stood with Israel in these types of incidents.

Haley answered, "You know, what's interesting is at the U.N., I can guarantee you this morning it is radio silent. They are not saying anything about Hamas, they're not saying anything about the lives lost, they're not saying anything, but if it was any one of those countries, they'd be calling an emergency security council meeting.

"But this is where I want you to have hope, because in all these years, last year for the first time, the majority of the general membership of the U.N. voted for a resolution that acknowledged Hamas and acknowledged the terror that they were spreading and acknowledged how bad they were. That was an amazing thing and what we have to make sure they know is Hamas is a terrorist group that needs to be stopped and we can't ever be quiet about it."

Full speech here:


7de09f  No.5912416



39ad3b  No.5912417

File: c33894b86469ddb⋯.png (909.17 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Pain Incoming Q Alpha.png)

File: 344eac881e5fb02⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Pain Incoming Q Alt Alpha.png)

Pain Incoming Q & Pain Incoming Q Alt both Alpha .png Files

I notice people are not saving many of the Alpha files correctly. Please remember to save as .png so it retains the Alpha Background. Thank You Anons.


7d8371  No.5912418

File: bb8a99bd539d61a⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 930x1363, 930:1363, 1518573915964.jpg)


different countries deal with traitors in different ways

in USA, we gave our traitors a military burial.

They fought and died, but in the end, we are in control.

By respecting them we are FORCING our enemies to respect us.

A Traitors justice needs to 'fit' the crime.

Let the world remember the traitors name as to remind all to never, ever try and control the PEOPLE.

033517  No.5912419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

23f69f  No.5912420


Falling Down

The Man from Earth

d98f8f  No.5912421


The land of David is valuable because David the JEW owned it.

It is rightfully theirs.

Stop provoking them and there will be peace.

1158d6  No.5912422


I think it's a final act of the desperate cabal.

If they're going down, they'd attempt to pull the plug on everyone else.

Preparing for this would HAVE to be part of the plan.

808fd4  No.5912423

"Follow The Money."


The transactions reveal:

One of the people at the center of the investigation, the former Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak, received $120,000 ten days after the election of Donald Trump. Bankers flagged it to the US government as suspicious in part because the transaction, marked payroll, didn’t fit prior pay patterns.

Five days after Trump’s inauguration, someone attempted to withdraw $150,000 cash from the embassy’s account — but the embassy’s bank blocked it. Bank employees reported the attempted transaction to the US government because it was abnormal activity for that account.

From March 8 to April 7, 2014, bankers flagged nearly 30 checks for a total of about $370,000 to embassy employees, who cashed the checks as soon as they received them, making it virtually impossible to trace where the money went. Bank officials noted that the employees had not received similar payments in the past, and that the transactions surrounded the date of a critical referendum on whether parts of Crimea should secede from Ukraine and join Russia — one of Vladimir Putin’s top foreign policy concerns and a flash point with the West.

Over five years, the Russian Cultural Centre — an arm of the government that sponsors classes and performances and is based in Washington, DC — sent $325,000 in checks that banking officials flagged as suspicious. The amounts were not consistent with normal payroll checks and some transactions fell below the $10,000 threshold that triggers a notice to the US government.

The Russian Embassy in Washington, DC, sent more than $2.4 million to small home-improvement companies controlled by a Russian immigrant living not far from there. Between 2013 and March 2017, that contractor’s various companies received about 600 such payments, earmarked for construction jobs at Russian diplomatic compounds. Bankers told the Treasury they did not think those transactions were related to the election but red-flagged them because the businesses seemed too small to have carried out major work on the embassy and because the money was cashed quickly or wired to other accounts.

4f3045  No.5912424

File: fe8069edc9550ed⋯.jpeg (542.96 KB, 1125x590, 225:118, 740A980D-D26F-4952-BF6E-B….jpeg)

File: b5266d9db71ae39⋯.jpeg (446.9 KB, 1125x563, 1125:563, E59242F5-C344-4AEA-896C-2….jpeg)

File: 651ec80b0f7fdad⋯.jpeg (614.66 KB, 1125x617, 1125:617, BECEA2CC-795D-47B3-9EAB-3….jpeg)

File: 6c40fdd79b1e1f6⋯.jpeg (539.8 KB, 1125x581, 1125:581, F7D779E6-9BD2-4BF1-A67B-D….jpeg)

File: c186bbc36d99f65⋯.jpeg (831.43 KB, 1125x823, 1125:823, 4465AE54-2756-49EF-8D13-6….jpeg)

448c16  No.5912425


Trump ‘ready to declassify everything’ from Russia probe: Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham said President Trump is ready to release a trove of documents related to the Russia probe – but the South Carolina Republican recommended caution.

“Yeah, I think he’s ready to declassify everything, but you know, we want to make sure we don’t reveal sources and methods,” Graham said Tuesday.

For months, the president has been thinking about declassifying documents, such as FISA warrant applications.

fe0e60  No.5912426


Three words




a8016a  No.5912427


It all comes down to faith, Anon. Trust the plan. Trust yourself. Trust POTUS. And try to breathe and enjoy the move from defense to offense.

caf4ad  No.5912428

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)


Or they thought he was their guy and was secretly fucking them.

Secret Good Guys would have to be great actors and have the bad guys fooled.

462c24  No.5912429


Homo twins. Swallowell and Schitt.

4b4988  No.5912430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


877580  No.5912431

File: 31d328cb5c8f2e0⋯.png (382.12 KB, 946x488, 473:244, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at ….png)

>>5911515 , >>5911549 Did the FBI retaliate against Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

"Six Ways to Sunday"

0a57a2  No.5912432

Judge recommends blocking some iPhones from entering the United States

New York (CNN Business)Apple and Qualcomm are slugging it out over patents around the world. Tuesday brought two more decisions.

A US trade judge recommended banning certain iPhones that are imported to the United States, saying Apple (AAPL) violated one of Qualcomm's patents in some devices.

Although Apple is an American company, iPhones are assembled overseas and shipped to the United States and other countries.

In her two-page ruling, International Trade Commission Administrative Law Judge MaryJoan McNamara did not specify which iPhones she thought must be banned from the United States.

The ruling will not take effect until both the full ITC panel and President Donald Trump review McNamara's decision.

Presidents have overturned import bans before, including in 2013, when President Barack Obama overruled an ITC court decision to ban certain iPhones. The ITC ruled in that case that Apple had violated some of Samsung's patents.

In a separate case decided on Tuesday, the ITC decided in favor of Apple in a case that goes back to 2017.

"We're pleased the ITC has found Qualcomm's latest patent claims invalid," an Apple spokesperson said in a statement. "It's another important step to making sure American companies are able to compete fairly in the marketplace."

Qualcomm was immediately available to comment on the ITC rulings.

In this long-running feud, both companies have at times come out on top.

In December, a Chinese court banned the sale and import of most iPhone models following a lawsuit from Qualcomm (QCOM).

But in 2017, Apple sued Qualcomm for $1 billion after the chipmaker stopped paying for the exclusive right to put its chips in iPhones.

Qualcomm withheld its payments after the European Union began investigating them. The EU ultimately deemed the payments illegal, and in January 2018, the European Commission ordered Qualcomm to pay a $1.2 billion fine over the issue.

Last summer, Qualcomm said Apple would no longer include its modems in iPhones.

Apple's stock fell 1% Tuesday. Qualcomm's stock rose more than 2%.


34c7c9  No.5912433



4f3045  No.5912434

File: 59592ba275146f2⋯.jpeg (326.31 KB, 1125x710, 225:142, A0371EB5-9893-4B82-9013-2….jpeg)

File: 6ac7ae33ab4616d⋯.jpeg (337.19 KB, 744x699, 248:233, 2DA043E6-1C5F-49B9-83A4-5….jpeg)

File: 336e37d3b027256⋯.jpeg (528.76 KB, 1125x590, 225:118, E178BB89-9FBC-4EE1-9BA6-7….jpeg)

File: 51c1958803c4d54⋯.jpeg (623.22 KB, 1125x502, 1125:502, A8796A51-A913-4904-B83E-D….jpeg)

4b4988  No.5912435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

fe0e60  No.5912436


Yup. EMP is an atmo detonated ICBM.

f4b552  No.5912437

File: 3a4f0ccf0976c51⋯.png (485.76 KB, 823x790, 823:790, Cardi B used to drug and r….png)

File: 3f86a093b1390aa⋯.jpg (120.8 KB, 634x881, 634:881, 11488540-6852911-image-m-7….jpg)

File: 7206dc71d9f8c91⋯.jpg (106.67 KB, 634x788, 317:394, 11492416-6852911-image-a-9….jpg)


'I did what I had to do to survive': Cardi B confirms she drugged and robbed men during her stripper days after old video resurfaces

Cardi B has admitted she used to drug and rob men when she was a stripper.

Just hours after an old Instagram Live video resurfaced of her ranting about how she would trick men into coming back to hotels with her and steal from them, the 26-year-old rapper posted a message to Instagram to explain she did it to survive.

She wrote: 'So I'm seeing on social media that a live I did 3 years ago has popped back up. A live where I talked about things I had to do in my past right or wrong that I felt I needed to go to make a living. I never claim to be perfect of come from a perfect world wit a perfect past I always speak my truth I always own my s***.

The Please Me hitmaker explained that like a lot of other hip hop artists she did things in her past that she's not proud of.

'Im apart of a hip hop culture where you can talk about where you come from talk about the wrong things you had to do to get where you are. There are rappers that glorify murder violence drugs an robbing. Crimes they feel they had to do to survive.

She continued, 'I never glorified the things I brought up in my music because I'm not proud of it and feel a responsibility not to glorify it. I made the choices that I did at the time because I had very limited options. I was blessed to have been able to rise from that but so many women have not. Whether or not they were poor choices at the time I did what I had to do to survive. The men I spoke about in my live were men that I dated that I was involve with men that were conscious willing and aware. I have a past that i can't change we all do.'


69f508  No.5912438


877580  No.5912439

Careful with the Noodle, Baker!

8ad4d1  No.5912440

File: 041bade7171bd7a⋯.png (86.84 KB, 1275x392, 1275:392, MISSING.png)

Who isn't their?

Missing/Deleted RT

Don't sure who ran this account at the time.

Nov 18, 2016 11:52:39 AM

RT @transition2017: President-elect Trump announces selections for Attorney General, National Security Advisor, CIA Director. More here: ht… [Twitter for iPhone]

Link is dead from all pages

fcacd3  No.5912441

File: 911a698941712e5⋯.jpg (67.42 KB, 500x677, 500:677, 8d00ed9f305e30d6185d06e568….jpg)


For you, anon! As Q says:

>Repeats necessary.

34c7c9  No.5912442



2691c5  No.5912443

File: 265bfa8598f3811⋯.png (17.86 KB, 463x425, 463:425, 1483740671242.png)

056d10  No.5912444


Read about the electric grid

6502fb  No.5912445

File: 87faabdf14a03f3⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, justafyisa.jpg)

31b699  No.5912446


Mueller is our guy, therefore RR is our guy!

23f69f  No.5912447

File: 962e5f784ebafa5⋯.png (391.5 KB, 750x536, 375:268, duckenatti.png)

34c7c9  No.5912448



653c79  No.5912449

>>5912404 I am indeed your humble servant and shall endeavour to remain worthy of it, noble Anon.

f4b552  No.5912450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

69f508  No.5912452

File: c0eaa56a590fe21⋯.jpeg (267.5 KB, 1200x1393, 1200:1393, FB6D4545-FEDB-4B12-8FA3-8….jpeg)

8323af  No.5912453


In your rsahole

fe35db  No.5912454

File: 8947f66cdefaa69⋯.png (119.72 KB, 1228x594, 614:297, ClipboardImage.png)

Why not hire him as a social justice contributor? You scum deserve each other.


34c7c9  No.5912455



4f3045  No.5912456

File: 4ff80bc542ac342⋯.jpeg (844.47 KB, 1125x1399, 1125:1399, 99F19467-D490-4846-B361-F….jpeg)

File: 2b9ac6607b89464⋯.jpeg (555.64 KB, 1125x733, 1125:733, 43A74A4C-0C1E-452A-BD21-E….jpeg)

File: 21edf12c8d8d786⋯.jpeg (563.46 KB, 1125x721, 1125:721, 82D7AAF5-9771-4D0C-B6AE-7….jpeg)

File: 8e1887411d0c7c5⋯.jpeg (651.82 KB, 1125x1029, 375:343, 60909504-506A-4138-B6B4-1….jpeg)

File: 95507353daffda5⋯.jpeg (972.88 KB, 1125x1002, 375:334, C6386AFB-FC9B-407C-9CF9-1….jpeg)

ca607d  No.5912457

File: 5d9da991a24e53b⋯.png (355.23 KB, 956x671, 956:671, Selection_945.png)


That girl is loving her job changing memes today!

Tan-tans are carbon neutral!

7d30c8  No.5912458


In real life:

-Iran conducts its nuclear research and production in concert with its ally North Korea, and with its own client state Syria. Iranian and North Korean nuclear engineers and scientists have been photographed at nuclear facilities in all 3 nations.

-Conceivably, Iran’s and North Korea’s ally Venezuela, and Syria’s client state Lebanon could also be involved.

-Secretary of State Rodham, along with Soebarkah, Attorney General Holder, and a whole menagerie of black-hatted Foggy Bottom dwellers and Clowns, lawless FBI officials, and assorted other traitors in Soebarkah’s administration, approve the sale of 20% of America’s uranium production to a Russian company. Bad actors include the whole CFIUS committee, the committee that approves or rejects transactions that could potentially harm the national security. This is the Uranium One (U1) scandal, in its narrowest terms.

-As part of the sale, a total of $146 million was donated to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. Wolf Moon’s insight was that 146 = 238 – 92. That is, the atomic weight of the most common isotope of natural uranium, U238, minus the atomic number of uranium, 92, is 146. The “weight” is the total number of protons and neutrons in the uranium nucleus, and the atomic number is the number of protons only. So the difference is the number of neutrons, 146. By making the payments total $146,000,000, Wolf claims Putin “signed” the deal, forever tying the bribery of the Clintons specifically to the sale of natural uranium.

-There are reports that not all of the uranium sold to Russia is actually delivered to Russia, but instead, ominously, to Iran.

-Natural uranium is one of the few elements whose isotope ratios vary from one part of the Earth’s crust to another (based on uranium deposits in the crust of the earth having been left by strikes of different meteors with different origins in outer space. The uranium originally present when the Earth was formed was so heavy that, back when everything was still molten, it sank to the planetary core, where we can’t get at it.)

-The isotope ratio serves as a “fingerprint” to identify which part of the earth a given sample of uranium mined in the crust (i.e. meteoric uranium, which landed here after the crust hardened) came from.

-Presumably the enrichment process would preserve aspects of the original isotope ratios, and perhaps introduce other fingerprints that would tie the uranium to a particular method of enrichment, or even to a particular enrichment facility.

-If the uranium were to be put in a breeder reactor and transmuted into plutonium, I don’t know if the plutonium would somehow retain a fingerprint identifying where the original uranium was mined, as opposed to a fingerprint of which breeder reactor it was manufactured in.

-Soebarkah himself, along with his 2nd Secretary of State, the already-treasonous Lurch, and a rogues’ gallery of European heads of state, other foreign heads of state, and IAEA and UN officials, sign paper greenlighting the final development of a nuclear arms industry in Iran. This paperwork is Soebarkah’s infamous “deal”.

-This paper is proclaimed as the opposite of what it is, namely, as an agreement somehow stopping the Iranian nuclear program.

-A worldwide chorus of asses in governments, in the Mockingbird media, in the UN, and in NGOs, loudly and raucously brays its unanimous approval of this POS paper.

-Soebarkah sends planeloads of cash, totalling billions of dollars, earmarked for Iran.

34c7c9  No.5912459



7d8371  No.5912460

File: 97123d07b0aa012⋯.png (369.9 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 1534366265334.png)


It's not about quantum, but yes military planning. It's a causal connection.

Did Q cause the events to happen, or, did Q predict the event?


The point is the inputs and the results.

caf4ad  No.5912461

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)


That's what I've been thinking for quite a while.

771000  No.5912462


"omg yaaaas slay queen" –low IQ NPCs who like her

c9497b  No.5912463

File: bda1143d9499654⋯.jpeg (62.27 KB, 689x554, 689:554, FB561FDE-0AE1-404F-84CA-5….jpeg)



I dunno.

Isn’t ALICE/CERN the cabals beastie.

If this is so, then ALICE/SOPHIA has different personalities eg it currently can’t spell very well.

What about years of high IQ Game Theory planning by the military?

23f69f  No.5912464

Hey anons is that Q script still around? The one that highlights his posts and replies and shit?

1158d6  No.5912465


Dude. Duh.

Not notable.

954814  No.5912466


Aye YAASS anon! spot on!

34c7c9  No.5912467



491747  No.5912468

File: 696f5b048f284ee⋯.jpg (8.66 KB, 400x345, 80:69, Light.jpg)


Thank you Muh Joo Shill

(Without DARKNESS there can be no LIGHT)

cdad14  No.5912469

File: f241d378a8645f5⋯.png (129.7 KB, 968x481, 968:481, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at ….png)




3d1a8b  No.5912470

File: fe645996b8cb435⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 576x288, 2:1, isaw.jpg)


…distraction fag.

6d0911  No.5912471

Mike Lee if you're reading this, thank you! Ive needed a laugh like that.

4d4d00  No.5912472

File: b30f254031cc98c⋯.gif (349.05 KB, 164x119, 164:119, headshot.gif)


You are pathetic. The very worst of people.

& do not represent the spirit of Q, the anons or the movement.

Horrible, bitter creature.

The Lord rebuke you.

fe0e60  No.5912473

File: 135450d67182ccc⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1280x718, 640:359, ClipboardImage.png)


We need to find out if these 20 foot purple sea horses are scaleable.

3e429b  No.5912474




Hey Baker, this is a test:

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#30 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#40 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#50 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#60 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981, >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#70 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#78 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386, >>>/comms/4388, >>5911988

N.B. Please use this pastabin, instead of copy & pasta of the post, for accuracy: https://pastebin.com/fuZ4YNgN

Again, this is a test! We won't know the appearance until it posts to the bread…now

Godspeed Baker/s

7d30c8  No.5912475



According to, or implied by, Q:

-Iran has a nuclear site in northern Syria, which never shut down its operations during the Syrian civil war.

-Soebarkah’s “deal” only covered nuclear work done by Iran in Iran itself. The north Syrian facility and its Iranian/Syrian/North Korean staff were not affected.

-Just as not all the uranium purchased by Russia was actually sent to Russia, but was diverted elsewhere, not all the planeloads of cash sent by Soebarkah for Iran were actually sent to Iran, but were diverted elsewhere.

-Q includes photos showing known traitor Senator John McCain meeting with Syrian rebel officials and with Islamic State (IS) officials, including IS top leader al-Baghdadi himself.

-Q asks what was delivered to Syria on the occasions of McCain’s meetings there, implying U1 uranium, and/or planeloads of the US taxpayers’ cash sent by Soebarkah, were delivered there by McCain himself.

-The American origin of the uranium would provide cover to the perpetrators of any nuclear bombing, if U1 material were used in Syria to make a uranium bomb (like the Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima.)


34c7c9  No.5912476



056d10  No.5912477

File: 95bca1db8cee2d0⋯.jpg (126.61 KB, 1123x611, 1123:611, electric-grid.JPG)


39ad3b  No.5912478

File: 0559244142811b9⋯.png (330.68 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ThanQ Martini Gold Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker!

cdad14  No.5912479


That's a man?

f8d953  No.5912480

File: 43ccd475d0c4920⋯.png (592.41 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, memoMeme.png)

b80a32  No.5912481

File: 9c36c7b8d43c796⋯.png (417.49 KB, 604x575, 604:575, Gorka with Junior.PNG)

fe35db  No.5912482

File: ae39b4f96771d5f⋯.png (169.45 KB, 1240x690, 124:69, ClipboardImage.png)




ad8ded  No.5912483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons ever wonder if/when Mockingbird is "dealt with", that some truths regarding noname might finally, SOMEHOW come out? Despite SO much info at fingertips, still have to listen to relatives trash POTUS for speaking up against corrupt UniParty Rinos. When they trash POTUS, it feels worse than when they insult me.

Old to Anons, but for new eyes, here's Noname songbirding vid.

That bastard hurt HIMSELF by hitting trees on the way down because, as usual, he DEFIED protocol.

Vid - 1969 Tokyo Rose Vietnam Confession

Apparently this recording was not released officially by the US Government, but was discovered inadvertently by someone searching through the US Archives and was mislabeled as something else.

771000  No.5912484


How heavy was Nadler at one time? Reminds me of Mr. Creosote.

83dad7  No.5912485


What about Q saying we were protected by The Black Eye?

c6e348  No.5912486

File: 8b394b1672a1058⋯.png (859.63 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ch police.png)

7d8371  No.5912487


Thanks. Forgot to add.

She ASKS about the vase BEFORE he knocks it.

He says "what vase?" then knocks it.

2691c5  No.5912488

File: 94e37fbde779ba9⋯.jpg (115.7 KB, 545x362, 545:362, 1512147494495.jpg)


Times almost up JDIF

4c6b5f  No.5912489


Hey anon, you can always test over at /comms/ to get it right.

26aa9a  No.5912490

Started a podcast -

Normie focused. Still getting used to speaking to nobody.

Would appreciate any feedback/sharing if time allows.


Back to your regularly scheduled digging.

407cc9  No.5912491


In honor of Neo- I am having NOODLES for dinner tonight - with stir fry-

yup STIR FRY their asses Q

28ea9f  No.5912492


TY, very comforting and soothing prayer

8145f9  No.5912493


I didn't get the reference, and other anons didn't to the point that they had to work to discover it.

Seems pretty notable.

Notables are for digs, and not just news aggregation, faggot

766e38  No.5912494

Soooooooooo……is Mike Lee part of Qteam??? That's rhetorical, anons, since we all know we DONT DOX Q. HOWEVER, didnt Q speak about the Superfriends not long ago? Mike Lee mentioned them on the floor of the floor of the Senate today.

6b21f7  No.5912495

>>5912286 (pb)


X22 Report channel

Can some anon with a jewtube account please inform this fag of the following

- parts of Q's posts in brackets show up on qanon.pub, qmap.pub etc show up in bold, that is not formatting that Q specifically did (the bold), it shows up on those sites that way, not on original posts

- inform this faggot about archive sites - archive.fo and archive.org

He just glosses over a link Q posted last night (MAGA coalition) that it's not online anymore


Archivefags archive that shit, immediately if not sooner!

He clearly does not lurk here, nor ever at halfchan. Maybe the spreadsheet or some other resources would help him?

I don't mean to trash him (he dosn't seem to be a paytriot) and seems to be honestly trying to get the message out - but those few things he does not know hamper that ability.

So, IMHO he just needs some help and informing - in order to better reach the masses, and that's why we are here - that's WHY we FIGHT.

Please and thank you.

247b63  No.5912496

Hannity on radio. "Obama had to know about this without question."

Rah Roh! Is this going to really happening?

d17cf8  No.5912497

File: f064657c41382df⋯.png (672.78 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, PepettaPoint.png)


So be it.

ca9962  No.5912498



A high-altitude EMP (HEMP) is a type of human-made EMP that occurs when a nuclear device is detonated at approximately 40 kilometers or more above the surface of Earth.


7d30c8  No.5912499


4 of 4



Q used this phrase in all-caps above several times in previous transmissions. Each time, I took it to be used in the sense Clancy meant when he picked it as his title –i.e. as conveying a general sense of the horror of a nuclear blast perpetrated by terrorists, or of the horror of a nuclear WWIII between the US and Russia.

What makes me feel slow is that I never connected Q’s use of the phrase specifically to the plot of the actual book, despite the same countries being involved (US, Syria, Russia,) Islamic terrorists detonating a bomb made in Syria from fissile material whose isotopic fingerprint ties its ultimate origin to the US, etc., and despite my own familiarity with the book.

(The title may have been wordsmithed out of whole cloth by Clancy, btw, but it sounds poetic, like it is Biblical or Shakespearean or something. Anyone with Bible or literary expertise who recognizes it, please chime in to let us know.)

There are some differences between art and life, such as plutonium manufactured in a breeder reactor vs. uranium mined from the ground. But there are far more similarities than differences.

With this new understanding, I now judge it more probable than not that Tom Clancy was assassinated for what he knew. And, if so, that his connecting the U1/Iran “deal”/Syrian nuclear facility to the plot of his own book is the most likely specific reason that the hit was ordered.

Another plausible alternative is the one floated shortly after his death, that research for a future novel resulted in him imagining a gigantic crime so similar to something the globalists had planned, or were already doing, that he was murdered to prevent that book from seeing the light of day.

But, prior to reading the April 30, 2018 Q transmission this week, I didn’t realize it might be a novel he had already written, and one named by Q, that could be the issue.

b69c08  No.5912500


They have to play along with that game/narrative… for now.

They know what this world, the moon, the sun and the stars really are.

Much to early to disclose that stuff.

First things first.

Get rid of THEM.

7ceda6  No.5912501

File: 812807e9e3876ff⋯.png (405.25 KB, 495x327, 165:109, ClipboardImage.png)

00cc07  No.5912502


Found this during continued digs regarding the connection between high level democrats and Antifa.

Turns out both Maxine Waters and STEVEN SPIELBERG were on the honorary commitee for this event.

Steven Spielberg is also a member of democratic party’s inner circle. Just like his mentor Sid Sheinberg (executive at Universal Studios).

Oh you bet I’ll be using this in the ongoing investigation into the rape/murder of child stars Heather O’Rourke and Judith Barsi.

1/1/2018 was the day pizzagate became personal…and I will not rest until their deaths have been avenged.

315775  No.5912503


More likely that this is the info that will put 95% of people in hospital.

There really needs to be much, much, MUCHbetter protection against EMPbecause there is a strong possibility of another Carrington event in your lifetimes.

This is one more reason for moving to more clean green energy, i.e. NUCLEAR power, because we can build the infrastructure with lots of small local nuclear plants. Nuclear is the cleanest and safest power available. And if we build some of the plants using Thorium reactors using thorium from the NK trade deal, then it will be even cleaner than the existing uranium plants. You really need to do research on clean energy to learn the truth about nuclear.

This is one reason why I think Macron is a whitehat and an actor in the drama in France, as a trap for the Cabal-run yellow vest movement. He is basically wasting their energy and resources so they don't notice Germany's switch to clean nuclear as well.

3e429b  No.5912504


Thanks, wish I'd thought of that.


7d8371  No.5912505

File: 8d081075bd57b2d⋯.png (989.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1534297390776 (1).png)


lol I gonna watch the Matrix or something

a7d932  No.5912506

Time for a Star Chamber.

c56527  No.5912507

File: 41c4811f86bdae3⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 512x439, 512:439, Nadler Wrote Me a Letter.jpg)

6bb2fa  No.5912508

File: f0fcc13d906b708⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 379x239, 379:239, Israel's love and best wis….jpg)

File: 5c833fb84acdb34⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 591x400, 591:400, Qana 1996.jpg)

File: 6d24e6caded66c9⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 380x253, 380:253, Qana.jpg)

File: fbe43094658d6f3⋯.jpg (82.85 KB, 512x490, 256:245, Thank you for your support….jpg)

Israel’s Crimes = Israel’s Glory

c87e2d  No.5912509


Wwg1wga. God bless Patriot.

31b699  No.5912510

File: f5edd3351b75f1a⋯.png (90.12 KB, 245x250, 49:50, f5edd3351b75f1a2dc28cf47d7….png)

Make no mistake anons!


Pure motherfucking evil!

SATAN is their master!

4c6b5f  No.5912511


o7 fren

d33a43  No.5912512


good lord im a terrible anon

i didnt even realize it was a matrix reference

4d4d00  No.5912513

File: e4776c8e3567744⋯.jpg (97.52 KB, 836x567, 836:567, 2019-03-26 21.58.17 www.go….jpg)


Mmmmm baked noodles to celebrate!

69f508  No.5912514

File: f9664047afbeadb⋯.jpeg (477.03 KB, 2700x1800, 3:2, 6132AA07-63FE-4A24-A965-D….jpeg)


Open to anyone, does RR have fuckery in his past?

Before Trump, had RR pulled any fast ones?

cdad14  No.5912516

Did all the JIDF shills flip or something?

4f3045  No.5912517



Pretext to take back the internet and BTFO Huawei 5G imho.

b4c3be  No.5912518

File: 6ef3ca73c594004⋯.jpg (109.25 KB, 979x2048, 979:2048, DycvH04V4AABXgn.jpeg.jpg)

Jessie's Scott freed….and what about the Va three? FUCKING CRIKETTES…did they throw out racism from the rule of law if you're a fucking DEMONcrat?

49c1bb  No.5912519

File: 85452f0a150e6fd⋯.jpg (706.54 KB, 916x732, 229:183, watchca1.jpg)

File: 0e456c3964be575⋯.jpg (470.21 KB, 1408x788, 352:197, watchwater.jpg)

c34a92  No.5912520



He needs to keep his dumb ass away from the flat earthers, he's lost a bit of respect because of that retardism.

f477d3  No.5912521


AOC is pretty butt hurt over this kek

339e53  No.5912522

File: 2589cc78947c10a⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 700x500, 7:5, reflection-of-donald-trump….jpg)

7482d8  No.5912523



are you for real trusting "OTHER Governments"???

This EO means POTUS is concerned. Yes he is correcting last admin intentional F UP's, but is their a real threat? Seems MT would be an ideal way to stop all of Q getting out to the masses when the shit hits…and cause mass chaos.

Is an EMT attack the last stand of the DS?

PB >>5912326

fe0fdb  No.5912524

File: 8ce1ee4a72bc221⋯.jpg (44.57 KB, 654x424, 327:212, bs.JPG)

4c6b5f  No.5912525

Early notes

>>5912415 Nikki Haley at AIPAC: 'I want you to have hope'

>>5912378 , >>5912321 KEK: Mike Lee M\meme magician confirmed re GND

>>5912324 Anon replays from late 2015 into 2016

>>5912323 Was [RR] pre selected by the DS? Past QPosts

>>5912314 , >>5912454 James Woods calls the Dems out: 'Convincing con-artists'

8ad4d1  No.5912526







Who had the Iphone?

8585e0  No.5912527

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, proxy.duckduckgo-2.jpg)

d17cf8  No.5912528


BEFORE Q I concluded not to waste my time with that channel.

2ee6b3  No.5912529


See something, say something. Keep that FBI link handy.

056d10  No.5912530


Could information about how critical electric grid nodes were installed and what happened afterwards play into this?

05994a  No.5912531


I hope not. IMO Mike Lee is fake MAGA.

30d392  No.5912532


Pure Gold

f0a6ad  No.5912533


This is how they introduce"new" technology. People don't know this shit exists… like BLACKEYE. It has to be researched… and people need to know it is happening

3d1a8b  No.5912534

File: 504268fa62a10c7⋯.jpg (57.81 KB, 640x347, 640:347, play.jpg)

File: b6bb92c43c6556c⋯.jpg (179.89 KB, 1280x693, 1280:693, The Tale.jpg)

File: 27fa8ec4d10c498⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 300x168, 25:14, index.jpg)

8fe58d  No.5912535

File: 770374f39d8005e⋯.pdf (116.37 KB, Factoring-of-Semiprimes-fr….pdf)

7e6f54  No.5912536


Anon appreciates the FRESH BREAD post. Makes it much easier to get to new bake. Although very late.

But better late than never.

6a22a8  No.5912537

File: 65c5c949d45025c⋯.jpg (322.48 KB, 800x532, 200:133, lt-03-nothing.jpg)

File: 10a5cd23a6e81a7⋯.png (354.2 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190326-155700.png)

File: b47047e8e5f3898⋯.png (371.72 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190326-161936.png)


Alright anon, you seem to be just the individual to give me a straight answer.

In our faces the whole time?

8ad05d  No.5912539


The script compressed for loading: qresearch-190221-0413Z-min.txt


The script source commented for review: qresearch-190221-0413z-source.txt



$ sha256sum qresearch.js qresearch-190221-0413Z-min

1a9c7c079537e354cf938ee96c544d162743f884517e2ccb7987862834a33dd1 qresearch-190221-0413Z-min.txt

82c505d6ed93b282f6b3fa2864a76e5e486e3bd6b0a6678e37ae3ab1d031cf0f qresearch-190221-0413Z-source.txt

09ec1d  No.5912540

File: b0b69feeb4eea7d⋯.jpg (372.96 KB, 720x781, 720:781, demise-of-pepe.jpg)

34c7c9  No.5912541



b69c08  No.5912542



That was the plan already.

Fail they will.

d33569  No.5912543


Remo Williams The Adventure Begins

954814  No.5912544


Perhaps the vase didn't exist until he thought of it. Like "The alt-right" (it doesn't really exist). Getting a little quantum here

49c1bb  No.5912545

File: 3341cd07d518861⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

File: ec45c1cb585bb8b⋯.png (342.06 KB, 691x487, 691:487, iu (5).png)

39ad3b  No.5912546

File: 1b26193ad04f0da⋯.png (711.39 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Pain Fist Q Alpha.png)


Also here is a plain version.

Pain Fist Q Alpha.png File.

d502a4  No.5912547


Yeah, but remember they also had a FISA on Ted Cruz just in case he would've won the primaries…..

072e1b  No.5912548


I've placed my bets on that long ago. Trump picked RR. Rod has been a double agent mole (one of MANY!) infiltrating the Top Brass for a loooooooooong time. This plan goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back fellas. Think waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.

7b6a16  No.5912549


Thou speaks the truth! Repetition is most often for the educational purposes of Newfags. Don't be offended Old Fags.

(Old fag) ;-)

056d10  No.5912550


RR is dirty. History of it, his wife represented Ds

7d8371  No.5912551


Me either, don't feel bad. But once I thought about it thought about it more and more

78c3d4  No.5912552


declined to prosecute Manafort contemporaneously for what Mueller just shit all over him for, for starters.

247b63  No.5912553


yup. done rode them horses. Time to put em out to pasture.

5890b2  No.5912554

Stefan Halper then infiltratedthe Trump campaign on behalf of the FBI as an informant in early July, weeks before the FBI launched its investigation. Halper had 36 years earlier infiltrated the Carter re-election campaign in 1980 using CIA agents to turn information over to the Reagan campaign. Now Halper began to court both Page and Papadopoulous, independently of each other.

On July 11, Page showed up at a Cambridge symposium at which Halper and Dearlove both spoke. In early September, Halper sent Papadopoulos an email offering $3,000 and a paid trip to London to write a research paper on a disputed gas field in the eastern Mediterranean, his specialty. “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?” Halper asked when he got there, but Papadopoulos said he knew nothing. Halper also sought out Sam Clovis, Trump’s national campaign co-chairman, with whom he chatted about China for an hour or so over coffee in Washington.

a3fb16  No.5912555

File: 3b902ccb13d5152⋯.jpg (176.56 KB, 644x762, 322:381, FUKKEN GAY.jpg)

954814  No.5912556


>>5912544 (me)

linked myself by mistake

c8565a  No.5912557

File: 98f7a0f0d0ca50f⋯.png (76.43 KB, 261x260, 261:260, 2019-01-09_13-03-23 copy.png)

3d1a8b  No.5912558

File: 8a278f8b10aaa67⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 500x314, 250:157, see.JPG)

File: 6886e7a70749d84⋯.jpg (292.79 KB, 1000x962, 500:481, Suggested Food Pyramid.jpg)

File: a799d359d0f405b⋯.jpg (288.55 KB, 600x800, 3:4, dig meme pray.jpg)

693861  No.5912559


Can't wait. POTUS gonna go hard me thinks.

6a56b9  No.5912562


Here's a thought:


People are dying from diseases that have been cured already



2691c5  No.5912563

File: 7d02576c802cc1f⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 250x187, 250:187, 1547761226087.gif)

File: 6d19d2255e9ab88⋯.jpg (96.14 KB, 640x462, 320:231, 1553315978408.jpg)


f8d953  No.5912564

Fitton Activated

34c7c9  No.5912565

Damn homos

7482d8  No.5912566


Fu*k now I need to go buy a shit ton of water, pet food and dry beans and canned items. Gas and Bullets.

caf4ad  No.5912567


One of the parts I look forward to the most is the revelations of the Secret Good Guys.

0a57a2  No.5912568

Rockland declares state of emergency over measles outbreak, bars unvaccinated from public places

ROCKLAND COUNTY, New York (WABC) – Rockland County has declared a state of emergency over the ongoing measles outbreak, with Executive Ed Day announcing that non-vaccinated minors will be barred from public places.

Effective at midnight Wednesday, March 27, anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles will be prohibited from public places until the declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive the MMR vaccination.

Officials said law enforcement will not be patrolling the streets or asking for vaccination records, but if someone is found in violation of the declaration, their case will be referred to the district attorney's office.

Parents will also be held accountable for their children if they are found in violation of the state of emergency.

Officials say there are no religious exemptions, and that they have been working with area rabbis who have been encouraging their members to get vaccinated.

According to the emergency declaration, public places are defined as a place where more than 10 persons are intended to congregate for purposes such as civic, governmental, social, or religious functions, or for recreation or shopping, or for food or drink consumption, or awaiting transportation, or for daycare or educational purposes, or for medical treatment.

A place of public assembly shall also include public transportation vehicles, including but not limited to, publicly or privately owned buses or trains, but does not include taxi or livery vehicles.

There are currently 153 confirmed reported cases of measles in the county, according to health officials.


1648d6  No.5912569


You have my attention

98b2ec  No.5912570

File: 17ea5335e7173d8⋯.jpg (739.44 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190326-195919….jpg)

Did you guys see thos yet

Pic. N link related


a83b83  No.5912571

File: 0384eccc5b44c9b⋯.png (966.81 KB, 1089x851, 1089:851, ClipboardImage.png)


Definitely worth the watch

407cc9  No.5912572


a waiter who wants attention.

7482d8  No.5912573


>Fu*k now I need to go buy a shit ton of water, pet food and dry beans and canned items. Gas and Bullets.

339e53  No.5912574

File: 86fd5faf53bcf2b⋯.png (467.71 KB, 1200x648, 50:27, Screen-Shot-2018-03-15-at-….png)

Afternoon Reminder


954814  No.5912575


ebot fuck off your spam is like elons hole right now

4c6b5f  No.5912576


Lurk more

aa8ac5  No.5912577


The Golan Proclamation is going to send the Russians into geopolitical overdrive. The Israelis have a plan to export oil and gas to Europe. Competition to Russian supply. Oil is to come from Golan, and the offshore Aphrodite, Leviathan, Tamir, and Dalit fields. It's one of the reasons the Ruskies have parked the Black Sea fleet over these fields, re-activated Tartus, and won't be leaving Syria any time soon.

fe3550  No.5912578

Hey Q any damn thing on oak island?

91633d  No.5912579



29372d  No.5912580


don't forget to stock up on MAEMS!

a7d932  No.5912581

File: 139392514759b9e⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 700x924, 25:33, 2094.jpg)

4d4d00  No.5912582

File: a1eb68efb4adfe5⋯.jpg (126.1 KB, 1026x945, 38:35, 2019-03-27 00.00.28 voiceo….jpg)


Proof that boys and girls are born to be different – new study shows that the differences between male and female brains start in the womb.

In a recent study, a team led by Moriah Thomason from New York University Langone scanned the brains of 118 fetuses in the second half of pregnancy. The researchers saw differences in how different brain regions connect together – but not everyone is convinced.

Thomason said: “Males are more susceptible to environmental influences than female babies”.

“We have previously seen that the prenatal brain of the female appears to be more robust, more linked to future behavior.”

“It’s almost as if the female brain has a tighter brain-to-outcome pairing.”

“If that’s true that could partially account for the fact the male is more vulnerable, and programmable.”

Thomason told The Times that culture does play a part in the differences between men and women, saying, “There are studies that show that sexual acculturation happens from day one, but I don’t see a good argument for the fact it is happening in the womb”.

However, other scientists said that the research was agenda-driven.


41edc5  No.5912583



part of the plan i suppose

all your algorithm are belong to us now.

we have the Server.


waiting on the book to fully understand

for now just throwing some ideas/keks at this wall

(and my neurons do they part in mapping/creating the 1/0s for the team)

34c7c9  No.5912585



e8667e  No.5912586


Yeah, that's a history of being dirty. You fuckwads are LITERALLY convicting

him because of his wife, a lawyer that happens to have represented

bad people in the past. You people are the lowest of the low.

You people are the opposite of everything Q stand for.

31b699  No.5912587


Actually the 16 years plan was to all countries to agree in a highly staged WW.

Now they are desperate.

They will take their chance and start WW3 without the stage set.

e456b9  No.5912588

This is common sense and shitposting, who do the shills work for?

Also, TYB - Take the microwave out of the kitchen. Spaghetti heats up just fine in the oven. We are exposed to enough already.

69f508  No.5912589



The fact we aren’t sure if RR is dirty or not actually means we don’t know shit.

He is CLEARLY a deep cover whitehat. I’m not sure where the confusion is on him anymore.

Fourth and final FISA? After all the bad shit took place?

The wire rope-a-dope?

Why hasn’t anyone called him out since Mueller Report was dropped??????

b5fa12  No.5912590


Hope he comes out in he's wrestling gear and ditches the suit.

Hulk hogan style .


064823  No.5912591


Not necessarily FISA. FISA is a court endorsement. Getting that warrant gives the illegal snooper a legal defense against criminal snooping.

Wholesale snooping without a warrant. Needed a warrant against the Trump targets, because Trump was going to win, and they needed the imprimatur of the FISA court to give oomph to the illegal takedown attempt, and to provide a legal defense in the event the snoopers were caught.

3b230b  No.5912592

File: 01ee02d9304bbf8⋯.gif (696.96 KB, 400x398, 200:199, kid-nope.gif)

What SPOOKED the SPOOK all of a sudden?

Ex-CIA head Brennan on Trump attacks: I may have relied on ‘bad information’


6b21f7  No.5912594


> got any more movie recs…

This again?

I made a compilation of movie suggestions the other night (excluding ones I've seen - sorry, wasn't thinking of others)

"3 Days of the Condor" Robert Redford

"World on a Wire" Fassbinder

^^^^about computer simulation world, like Matrix

Tron Legacy

American Ultra


"Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson

The Black Dahlia

Zero Days

Parralax View with Warren Beatty

Bullworth Warren Beatty

Manchurain Candidate ; predictiv programming for th

killing of JFK

The President's Analyst - comedy James Coburn

"Myra Breckenridge" based on novel by D.C insider Gore


"the Dear Ones" satire on L.A. and death fetishes

The magnificent Seven


the cotton club

Serenity - anti-nwo/Mk-ultra

Hard Candy - Pedo revenge

The Rescuers

Kill List

Hacker (1995)


Hunt for red october

Tidal wave starring Corbin Bersen 1997


Once Upon a Time in America


watch the cards


The Raid (2011)

The Last Starfighter

the international

3 days of the condor

echelon conspiracy


Agent Salt

Seven Days in May

Marathon Man.

Soylent Green

REGRESSION with Ethan Hawke

Act of Valor


Jericho TV series

TV series: Brain Dead.

Twin Peaks

the OA on netflucks

There ya go.

dde7e8  No.5912595

File: fc68ec2f82a868c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 320x180, 16:9, _98812622_043069144.jpg)


I like your thoughts.

I likes what TRUMP said about never gain do to a President.

He was right not a lot could handle it.

VERY LUCKY to have TRUMP, I was convinced we were fucked.

What I know they realize is that this must never again happen to "The People" because that was the root cause.

They can stick any bafoon into the Presidency, protecting the President only works if the comped (every one since Regan)

It is their disregard and disrespect of the people (by hiding the truth from us) that starts the clock on the countdown to extinction of Freedom and Liberty (Patriot Definition?)

What the new regime chooses to cover up and run in the shadows, determines the time on the clock. Sad

Very Sad that the blood of our Patriots will be defiled by new men in power.

4c6b5f  No.5912596


Thanks anon

caf4ad  No.5912597

File: 73d944a93f58947⋯.png (1.2 MB, 951x728, 951:728, ClipboardImage(16).png)


Stefan Halper is Fat Bastard.

(Don't let the MEME be wasted.)

0c79cf  No.5912598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whilst not exactly Q related, I found the following video very interesting relevant for anons as it inadvertently outs a Kiwi Deep State Clown circa 1979. And this clearly shows how long New Zealand been Cabal run at the minimum, although I suspect it always has been, as Australia.

This video explores the ancient History of NZ and the subsequent attempts to keep it hidden.

A thought occurred to me while watching and I would appreciate any feedback from Kiwifags.

The documentary suggests that the authorities are very keen to maintain an authorised

history of the Maori people.I believe that the indigenous culture is being position to take national precedence at all times in a deliberate attempt to subjugate the migrant derived population.

57027d  No.5912599

File: 5a26df6d9d243fa⋯.gif (119.42 KB, 605x673, 605:673, Judicial-Watch-Tweet_20190….gif)

Judicial Watch Tweet

8:00 PM - 26 Mar 2019

"JW President @TomFitton: The long, national nightmare is over & President @realdonaldtrump has been vindicated. The corruptly-created and constitutionally abusive Mueller investigation failed to find any evidence to support Russia collusion.

http://jwatch.us/YXerkt "


7d8371  No.5912600


Continuing with my bait theory

Bake your noodle means they been baiting for a LOT, LOT longer.

Remember. POTUS was ASKED to RUN.

So Q+ been operational longer?

e8667e  No.5912601


None. The guy is squeaky clean. He helped Mueller take down the mob bosses in the past.

751466  No.5912602

File: 95a9ea156e84a41⋯.jpeg (240.53 KB, 1462x1995, 1462:1995, POTUS Moon Space Base.jpeg)

>>5911827 lb

POTUS briefing statement fact sheet about putting Americans back on the Moon is likely, as usual, a hint about moar.

Back on the Moon = The back of the Moon. Lot's of spoopy goings on on the backside of the Moon…ancient bases…abandoned mining machines…disguised entrances to ?.

Mentions using it a way station to Mars and many other worlds beyond. This is all a soft disclosure of the existing multi-trillion $ Space Force that formerly called Solar Warden.

Many other worlds is the soft reveal primer for when we get this shitshow cleaned up, we can join in the neighborhood and it's going to be great. But first, the warmongers and evildoers must be cleansed.

A theory, but one with years of digging and conviction.

2fa4ce  No.5912603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Swalwell: Keeping Hope Alive

9af6fa  No.5912604


no kids anon

2691c5  No.5912605


appeal to sympathy once the hammer drops on this commie faggot

954814  No.5912606


no it's definitely your's.It takes up alot of space but is lacking in substance

4d4d00  No.5912607


It's fake.

7d0cf1  No.5912608

File: 7ba1a23d42d8aa1⋯.png (39.17 KB, 994x318, 497:159, 9b3132b4-6592-4a72-8e96-d3….png)

File: ec8bb65b17ab10a⋯.png (58.85 KB, 685x387, 685:387, 4501dc24-9b54-42ce-bd11-af….png)



34c7c9  No.5912609



7b6a16  No.5912610



Yes, it will be fun to learn details. we can speculate… wow.. this plan is so detailed.

91633d  No.5912611

File: 1fa4ecceed83376⋯.jpeg (60.85 KB, 1024x518, 512:259, E05B65E5-0F77-4EE0-AA76-E….jpeg)

File: 87f72e09a738298⋯.jpeg (65.16 KB, 847x529, 847:529, 11662288-BC5B-4E0D-AC4F-6….jpeg)

31b699  No.5912612




f8d953  No.5912614

Rodman working peace deal with NK

956370  No.5912615

File: cf8519c48d89fb5⋯.png (348.38 KB, 1602x480, 267:80, 714DFB72-EF9F-47CF-8223-95….png)

f477d3  No.5912616


Who said anything about trusting other governments? WE have the capability to protect ourselves from EMP from them. We don't from the sun. Your comprehension sucks.

b5fa12  No.5912617


Spy satellite , space weapon.

6f2835  No.5912618

quit shilling as a christian you should be aware of the evil of the YID …they are filth and they murdered our savior for calling them out…fuck the kikes they eat baby dicks

cdad14  No.5912619


Tucker opening with Smullett

a83b83  No.5912620


The girl had a perma semigrin/smirk

7482d8  No.5912621


that is exactly my thought

072e1b  No.5912622


same. Will be very interesting.

4f3045  No.5912623

Oooh Tucker softly painting Jussie with an antifa flag!! Kek

6bb2fa  No.5912624

File: 891b751ad8526fb⋯.jpg (65.72 KB, 466x661, 466:661, Another Qana Massacre.jpg)

File: cac1378f3d720d6⋯.jpg (106.39 KB, 1024x944, 64:59, Peres and Clinton.jpg)

File: 17fe77697cf2259⋯.png (221.83 KB, 366x268, 183:134, Thank you Israel for sacri….png)

File: 4fb3e58d3eaecad⋯.jpg (73.86 KB, 640x427, 640:427, The glory of Israel.jpg)

File: b32902e864d87d4⋯.jpg (24.4 KB, 380x253, 380:253, Qana 5.jpg)

Israel’s Crimes = Israel’s Glory

2ee6b3  No.5912625


How dare you.. Think of the Pepe's.

fe3550  No.5912626


but not gay?

a9b1b2  No.5912627

File: 23450deffd62962⋯.png (142.46 KB, 2304x1842, 384:307, Untitled.png)

ca9962  No.5912628




Anons - serious - not a game

March 26, 2019:

ICBM intercept testing

EMP Executive Order

ICBM used for high altitude EMP

2fa4ce  No.5912629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Papadopoulos: Being granted a pardon would be a tremendous honor

4f0bf7  No.5912630

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Matrix: Bake Your Noodle Clip

4d4d00  No.5912631

bc2c75  No.5912632

File: 177c068faf489ec⋯.jpeg (53.55 KB, 466x411, 466:411, LamentingSoul.jpeg)

2691c5  No.5912633


How great would it be if Iran just glassed Israel

A man can dream !

cdad14  No.5912634


Why can't this just be normal 2d chess?

Sounds very 2d.

34c7c9  No.5912635

File: d9f6c28eed85df2⋯.png (47.23 KB, 590x262, 295:131, B5CFDA21-586A-4E22-9691-CA….png)

88290c  No.5912636

File: 017b073903a1f8b⋯.png (30.2 KB, 772x1048, 193:262, 011101100111000101100011.png)

e8667e  No.5912637


Oh noooooeeees! A prosecutor doesn't do what YOU, an armchair moron,

thinks he should do, based ONLY on what little

evidence is released ON PURPOSE to obfuscate ongoing investigations

and somehow that makes him dirty? How fucking

stupid can you jackasses get? Really?

8efc39  No.5912638



31b699  No.5912639


Time will tell.

771000  No.5912640



Also since it looks like the feds may still be pursuing something in regards to this case, this is to plant a seed in NPCs' minds that Drumpf can still face consequences for Russia.

34c7c9  No.5912641



1158d6  No.5912642

File: b75bf111739b805⋯.png (322.54 KB, 582x780, 97:130, redpill.png)


Well, I recommend you watch the movies (if you haven't) since we are LIVING in the Matrix.

The whole red pill reference comes from the Matrix.

The scene with the Oracle is iconic – should be immediately recognized by someone familiar with these movies.

If you haven't seen them, I get the need to dig.

In this case, your homework is to watch the movies.

Of course I'm a faggot, so what do I know.

fe91a9  No.5912643

File: c7f320a695c2fb2⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 991x871, 991:871, 1a.JPG)

File: 17200d8691b50d5⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 684x535, 684:535, 3.JPG)

Billionaire Carlos Slim to retire: Mexican president


7482d8  No.5912644


I know. It is all bad.

6be013  No.5912645


With unsecured comms? Hardly.

57027d  No.5912646

File: 69a14350a1aa8ad⋯.gif (96.61 KB, 577x682, 577:682, Glenn-Greenwald-Tweet_2019….gif)

Glenn Greenwald Tweet

4:14 PM - 26 Mar 2019

"This time in @RollingStone, @mtaibbi once again forensically documents the huge hoax and debacle of the US media on the collusion story, describes why it's a major gift to Trump, & says only media self-reflection can salvage a shred of their credibility"


Embedded TorllingStone link: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/taibbi-russia-investigation-conclusions-813171/

29372d  No.5912647



1 = a sword of truth

0 = a shield of faith?

a591f5  No.5912648

File: 9d130109afa1e8e⋯.jpg (5.54 KB, 246x205, 6:5, georgemuhconway.jpg)


well at least RR is not married to this

83dad7  No.5912649


He makes mistakes but usually comes back with correct info. But I see what you mean.

692ece  No.5912650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>We have more than we know…

>Replay from late 2015 into 2016

>Late 2015 - Black hats coordinate with UK intel (plus others), put plants (ones that need water once RM is SC) into Trump campaign. This establishes/furthers the "Insurance Policy". DS thinks they are in control. Hillary calls Trump a "Putin puppet" in the debates.

>But the DS is getting setup. Think Rogers (mis-cat of the tarmac meeting, "no logs", "all clear").

>Nov 2016 - Trump wins.

>DS is ALREADY SPYING ON TRUMP. They know who AG, DAG & Nat Sec Adv are going to be - unmasked raw intel was spread far and wide by the Hussein admin. Note the dates of the texts Q posted. Once Trump wins the DS are making plans accounting for RR (him, not her (SY)) as DAG.

>The setup - Think Flynn. Needs a legal reason to violate his NDA agreements and tell what he knows. Knowing they ARE BEING SPIED ON, white hats make him an early target. He's been cooperating ever since… [when's his sentencing again?].

>Think Rogers post election. He caught hate from Brennan and Clapper in the MSM leading up to Nov 2016 - they wanted Hussein to replace him at NSA (he stands in front of the green door).

>Rogers visits TT right after the election (just after a SCIF could be set up) then the Trump transition team immediately moves to the GC in NJ… Trump tweets about tapped wires (has POTUS ever talked about things that didn't end up being true?).

>Mueller meets with Trump under guise he could be FBI Dir (Anons knew he couldn't be by statute) the day before being appointed as SC by (the White Hat plant) RR.

>Two and a half years go by of data (evidence) collection.

>Mueller delivers his report. Now D5.

>Q has explained Trump was recruited by MI to run.

>Trump legally opens the door - the green door - to NSA databases (Wizards & Warlocks).

>2015-2019 Treason and sedition is cataloged and documented.


>Today Q points to texts that are from right AFTER the election, when SY is DAG, but they are referring to "him" being DAG looking forward. They (DS) knew RR was going to be DAG because they HAD ALREADY BEEN SPYING!!! This is all part of the "Insurance Policy".

>This is the greatest MI operation of our time… Patriots in control.

2691c5  No.5912651

File: ff8c90fe3e31bb4⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 551x564, 551:564, 1553309214044.jpg)


I wouldn't put it past the glow niggers

then when these screenshots are posted as proof, the media will say this post is what inspired the attack in the first place and that the chans should be shut down

78c3d4  No.5912652


if you're that obsessed and mesmerised by the fruits of war, your local Army recruiting office is only a phone call away.

For those of us that lived similar experiences, it is clear you don't give 2 shits.

e8667e  No.5912653


And without any of the US military to help them.

29372d  No.5912654


if they could of shut us down, they would of by now

4f0bf7  No.5912655

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.



derp trying again. Bake your noodle clip

30d392  No.5912656


Hey Anon, I just got back home. Whats the EMP talk about?

2ee6b3  No.5912657

File: a87eba6bf6bf476⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 500x366, 250:183, Sad P.jpg)

bc6b91  No.5912658


I'm still betting Conway is a "Political Opposites" can exist in a marriage play.

546100  No.5912659


They will be held accountable table for lying. Oopsie

6e4464  No.5912660

File: 606e4001129ea8b⋯.jpg (176.4 KB, 500x432, 125:108, no jussie no peace.jpg)

File: 1f98719bf3c0e3f⋯.jpg (369.62 KB, 545x545, 1:1, baked noodles.jpg)

339e53  No.5912661

File: 90a89c88123d464⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 534x356, 3:2, 147bd641-3baf-4fdb-85e1-79….jpg)


EVIL Knows Nothing of


1648d6  No.5912662


On purpose tho, just for shit like this

b860f9  No.5912663


No. They are the enemy and they must atone for the damage they've done and the lives they've ruined.

7ceda6  No.5912664

File: 34f688e711ccff1⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1250x676, 625:338, ClipboardImage.png)

‘I Did What I Had to Do to Survive’: Cardi B Responds to Drugging Men Confession

4d4d00  No.5912665

File: 70624458a73b35c⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, 323x92, 323:92, 2019-03-26 22.06.38 sputni….jpg)

What a great day.

55121b  No.5912666


Holy shit, that cuntbag really is somethin else

01f3ad  No.5912667

File: 6213edfc8bafdab⋯.jpg (91.14 KB, 1140x640, 57:32, newgreendealfuture.jpg)

e456b9  No.5912668


If you think this is good advice take a look at ebot's ass.

189cfc  No.5912669


He's cocky and has a big mouth. They are pushing suicide right now…wouldn't be surprised if an arkancide is in his future.

7e6f54  No.5912670


Sorry, lurking anon isn't taking any advise from a 12 post (on a half baked bread) %$#@&^@

eaf0cc  No.5912672


>Political Opposites

Carvil/Mary Whatshername

41edc5  No.5912673

File: 4eb30ea5f4bd3d7⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 4eb30ea5f4bd3d7fc285677972….jpg)


thanks fren!

c34325  No.5912674

File: 2866074b315cbdc⋯.jpeg (74.54 KB, 600x435, 40:29, A53F3E6D-E396-4155-8F62-2….jpeg)

File: 47e95b828cbf715⋯.jpeg (137.4 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 2A9052B3-89C2-4913-8F10-2….jpeg)


Understood friend

78f718  No.5912675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


072e1b  No.5912676


it also makes sense with the FISA approval and 25th wear a wire talk, a mole HAS to go along with their stupid sinister ideas or else he blows his cover.

019bee  No.5912677

File: 30f4c8fca3ad874⋯.jpg (21.37 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 4221396001_3689045341001_C….jpg)


the religion of peace

making pieces out of their children

a9b1b2  No.5912678


dick throddlin' grin permafixed.

34c7c9  No.5912679


Try nachos

Everyone likes em

f477d3  No.5912680


Do you think any of them realize that they're being played? How embarrassing to be so stupid.

06a828  No.5912681


Jailing him at this point will be better for everyone, including himself. FBI should atleast have him in custody for something in regards to the mail fraud they're investigating.

f6f7b4  No.5912682


RR's Wife is Lisa Barsoomian.

Who is that you ask?

1. She is an attorney

Lisa Barsoomian is an Armenian-American attorney who was formerly an assistant U.S. attorney representing the U.S. in civil cases. She has been practicing law for nearly 25 years. As an assistant U.S. attorney she defended cases for Bill Clinton and Colin Powell as well as various Freedom of Information Act cases and the FBI's "Carnivore" surveillance system, which monitors and captures e-mail. She is currently an attorney at the National Institutes of Health. She graduated from Georgetown's law school.

They thought they could trust RR to put his thumb on the scale.

RR was the vase.

6e4464  No.5912683

File: 2fb5e50967c355b⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1050x1539, 350:513, obama-kang of the jungle.jpg)

File: babefde4bb687b7⋯.jpg (651.84 KB, 1600x1073, 1600:1073, sour patch kids.jpg)

78f718  No.5912684

File: 1c022da20eef8d3⋯.png (470.39 KB, 874x596, 437:298, sm.PNG)




7482d8  No.5912685


The way YOU wrote it sucks…..

"We have protections against EMP from other governments."

8585e0  No.5912687



She was holding it together as pro as she could. What a champ.

31b699  No.5912688


Thats whats worries me.

They are desperate and dumb.

No safe comms, no hierarchy…only desperation…

One missile with a warhead…BOOM!


41edc5  No.5912689



the Start

251ac4  No.5912690

File: ce8dbffd8b7ff8c⋯.jpeg (165.19 KB, 1169x579, 1169:579, 9D9A0B26-E321-4A08-9EED-B….jpeg)

File: 37defe9485cf079⋯.png (173 KB, 500x698, 250:349, 8938FE23-45D3-4D38-A616-DB….png)

File: 8fdc43fcbc9cb2c⋯.jpeg (38.8 KB, 236x271, 236:271, 091313C3-7F03-4C46-9D8D-D….jpeg)



whats crackin nightshify

e8667e  No.5912691


They do, but not this way. They don't exist as political opposites unless

they respect each others' different opinions. Her husband clearly does

not respect hers. Which means, to me at least, they're intentionally

creating something the media can focus on.

115a13  No.5912692


evil says they are playin' chess, but really it just checkers. #FAKENEWS even when it doesn't matter.

evil to the core

e333bf  No.5912693


They were spying, but did they have a FISA? Q said they spied, but I don't recall seeing any FISA info.


They WERE spying on Trump before they had a FISA… same with Cruz apparently. FISA was a CYA operation.

55121b  No.5912694


Hope you're wrong anon,

but my gut says they'll try some shit or other.

a1e64d  No.5912695



Repetition shall not harm even the sages amongst us.

251ac4  No.5912696



On The Move

abb48b  No.5912697


Don't know if you've seen this one yet

3d1a8b  No.5912698

File: 86597e8695ab07c⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, DEpSpl5UAAEPS2G.jpg)

34c7c9  No.5912699



4d4d00  No.5912700

File: b0087927ac2d0b5⋯.jpg (254.59 KB, 1575x863, 1575:863, 2019-03-21 03.16.12 proxy.….jpg)

2691c5  No.5912701

File: 9bcbc09c17e49ee⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 9bcbc09c17e49ee22415e168eb….jpg)


the 20 year long sting is coming to a close

absolutely based

6502fb  No.5912702

File: a684604f3491edf⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 691x361, 691:361, dangerstheyface.jpg)

7525df  No.5912703


Comms severed. Strings cut. Finances cut. Surveilled. COC interrupted.

Patriots in full control, fren.

Prolly handled before Q posted the first time.

I highly doubt they'd do ANYTHING to jeopardize an operation of this complexity, magnitude and importance.

Just my 2¢.

caf4ad  No.5912704


Yup. That's why the people that did the most flagrant shit stand out to me as the most likely to be Secret Good Guys (to most other people they seem like the worst bad guys.).

5dd079  No.5912705


There might be more to Q's reference to the Matrix movie.

There was a split among the AI machines into two factions, one led by the Architect (black hats) and one led by the Oracle (white hats).

The Oracle, through Morpheus, recruited Neo (Trump).

The Oracle had the edge because of her eyes (prescience – or control? – of the future) (NSA, we have everything).

de93ae  No.5912706

Here is the RSA List for the RSA Factoring Challenge, with some

description of how this list was generated. For more information about

the RSA Factoring Challenge, including information on how to report

factorizations of numbers on this list, contact:

RSA Challenge Administrator

100 Marine Parkway, Suite 500,

Redwood City, CA 94065

(415) 595-8782

or send email to:


The file you are reading now is returned automatically for an email

message sent to:


Each RSA number is the product of two randomly chosen primes of

approximately the same length. These primes were both chosen to be

congruent to 2, modulo 3, so that the product could be used in an RSA

public-key cryptosystem with public exponent 3. The primes were

tested for primality using a probabilistic primality testing routine.

After each product was computed, the primes were discarded, so no

one—not even the employees of RSA Data Security—knows any

product's factors. The numbers were generated in 30 minutes total

using RSA Data Security's product "RSA DSP", a PC-compatible board

incorporating a Motorola 56000 DSP chip for high-speed multiprecision


There is one RSA number of length 100, one of length 110, and so on,

up to one of length 500. The RSA List is thus much shorter than the

Partition List. The RSA challenge number with tag "RSA-nnn" has

length nnn in decimal digits. The RSA challenge numbers are thus

tagged RSA-100, RSA-110, RSA-120, …, RSA-500. It is expected that

the RSA challenge numbers will be at least as hard, if not harder, to

factor than the partition numbers of the same length.

The checksum provided with each number is to assist you in checking

for typing or transmission errors. The checksum of each number is the

residue of that number modulo 991889 (a six-digit prime number).

Challenge Numbers: The ``RSA List''

RSA-100 = 1522605027922533360535618378132637429718068114961380688657908494580122963258952897654000350692006139 (100 digits, checksum = 294805)

RSA-110 = 35794234179725868774991807832568455403003778024228226193532908190484670252364677411513516111204504060317568667 (110 digits, checksum = 366155)

RSA-120 = 227010481295437363334259960947493668895875336466084780038173258247009162675779735389791151574049166747880487470296548479 (120 digits, checksum = 693288)

RSA-130 = 1807082088687404805951656164405905566278102516769401349170127021450056662540244048387341127590812303371781887966563182013214880557 (130 digits, checksum = 13100)

RSA-140 = 21290246318258757547497882016271517497806703963277216278233383215381949984056495911366573853021918316783107387995317230889569230873441936471 (140 digits, checksum = 920056)

RSA-150 = 155089812478348440509606754370011861770654545830995430655466945774312632703463465954363335027577729025391453996787414027003501631772186840890795964683 (150 digits, checksum = 990834)

RSA-155 was added on 7 February 1997, and is found at the end of this file

RSA-160 = 2152741102718889701896015201312825429257773588845675980170497676778133145218859135673011059773491059602497907111585214302079314665202840140619946994927570407753 (160 digits, checksum = 970704)

RSA-170 = 26062623684139844921529879266674432197085925380486406416164785191859999628542069361450283931914514618683512198164805919882053057222974116478065095809832377336510711545759 (170 digits, checksum = 463921)

RSA-180 = 191147927718986609689229466631454649812986246276667354864188503638807260703436799058776201365135161278134258296128109200046702912984568752800330221777752773957404540495707851421041 (180 digits, checksum = 568663)

RSA-190 = 1907556405060696491061450432646028861081179759533184460647975622318915025587184175754054976155121593293492260464152630093238509246603207417124726121580858185985938946945490481721756401423481 (190 digits, checksum = 622397)

f6f7b4  No.5912707


Oh and in spoopy doopy clown tradition, Lisa doesn't have a wiki page. Cant even make one for her.

29372d  No.5912708


if you say you're an old fag, you're not an old fag. nice try tho :}


69f508  No.5912709

File: 0f172721ee14260⋯.jpeg (370.69 KB, 1125x848, 1125:848, 3E40635F-817C-4E01-9D9A-F….jpeg)

7b6a16  No.5912710


I could not agree more Anon.

Good Evening Faggots!! o7

954814  No.5912711


Newfags have to learn the hard why just like the rest of us.

6bb2fa  No.5912713

File: 3d60082f857bffe⋯.jpg (21.53 KB, 380x253, 380:253, Qana 20060731_09.jpg)

File: ae2769a86eca2b9⋯.jpg (70.66 KB, 650x453, 650:453, ec_qana6_650.jpg)

File: a104572f0f607f9⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 300x396, 25:33, mirror the crimes of Israe….jpg)

File: 521f9d4942076f9⋯.jpg (195.69 KB, 800x550, 16:11, Qana Massacre 5.jpg)

File: ca26401330c5633⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 512x355, 512:355, Qana Massacre 1996.jpg)

Israel’s Crimes = Israel’s Glory

2fa4ce  No.5912714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EU refuses to ban Chinese tech giant Huawei

6cbb1d  No.5912715



29372d  No.5912716


wats learning :}

0fa33a  No.5912717

File: daffd2aa2bc8377⋯.jpg (53.72 KB, 600x500, 6:5, !ff.jpg)

31b699  No.5912718


>Patriots in full control,

In the US sure, but the rest of the world is 100% under their control!

Europe is fucked! Africa is fucked and Asia is fucked beyond belief!

4d4d00  No.5912719

File: b6aea70ad29bd62⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 995x374, 995:374, 2019-02-19 20.47.35 mobile….jpg)

File: fd9f581cd02e9fa⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 569x551, 569:551, 2019-02-26 10.54.48 www.go….jpg)

File: b130a0003e515f4⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 908x510, 454:255, 2019-03-26 06.36.50 www.go….jpg)

Follow The Pen.

Think they will get away with TREASON?

2691c5  No.5912720


The EU is very much lost.

8cca0b  No.5912721

File: 60f5c67043425e4⋯.jpg (362.34 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, MEME2019-03-26-08-10-41.jpg)

7ceda6  No.5912722

File: 7f54f2f6866699b⋯.png (460.93 KB, 448x700, 16:25, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5912661 This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).

34c7c9  No.5912723

File: f80b459fa922f75⋯.png (54.01 KB, 590x262, 295:131, BFFA7034-665A-46EE-8472-B0….png)

be6fa4  No.5912724

File: 7c3a3eac067d2ba⋯.png (950.3 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_20190326-200617.png)

File: 090adfe4938ab14⋯.png (416.02 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_20190326-200623.png)

Disney character covered in pedophile NAMBLA symbols!

Disney show "Elena of Avalor" uses subliminal pedophile symbols and teaches children sorcery and black magic.


abb48b  No.5912725

File: d47a0475dc98d4c⋯.jpg (450.59 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190326-201130….jpg)

7482d8  No.5912726



This Hodge Twins video rant on Jussie Smollet

case being dropped are spot on:


dd3c1c  No.5912727

File: ae135028064b92c⋯.gif (3.28 MB, 500x300, 5:3, putin_g20big.gif)

File: 613cff143f636fa⋯.png (582.23 KB, 760x500, 38:25, 5f3fe5a15ddefcc3327280269d….png)

7d0cf1  No.5912728

File: 239c531d1968728⋯.png (440.55 KB, 562x500, 281:250, 97f82ce2-3d4c-469a-9482-c5….png)

4f3045  No.5912729

File: c6eed0e459b041c⋯.jpeg (918.36 KB, 1125x1937, 1125:1937, AFCB9BE3-7BB1-455E-8D71-8….jpeg)

File: befe790310b496a⋯.jpeg (546.71 KB, 1125x1936, 1125:1936, F673D6BE-D787-4DFA-BF66-2….jpeg)

File: d6138b79a11396a⋯.jpeg (643 KB, 1125x1928, 1125:1928, BBF94CD3-B151-4AC3-A250-C….jpeg)


Found another who 'cleared a path for Hilldog' in 2000

Nina Lowey

ca607d  No.5912730

File: 4854d37da95e38c⋯.png (70.2 KB, 852x944, 213:236, wizrdpepepe.png)

a1fbb1  No.5912731

so.. Kim Foxx

3560c8  No.5912732

File: 3e6be4b683194a5⋯.pdf (142.11 KB, Integer-factorization-is-i….pdf)

34c7c9  No.5912733



bc6b91  No.5912734


Does "Watch the water" refer to this?

Do we need to start digging through The TerraMar Project's donations?


7d0cf1  No.5912735


very much agree with that

cdad14  No.5912736


These fucking sons of bitches.

7482d8  No.5912737


past link in error:

correct link:


5e43be  No.5912738


Hilarious, but who is the hottie on the left changing the memes?

13bdc8  No.5912739


This guy is the best! Go Lee!

1bcc6a  No.5912740

Trump nominates Colorado general to lead US Space Command

"(CNN) – President Donald Trump has nominated Gen. John Raymond to lead the recently created US Space Command, defense officials confirmed Tuesday.

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan told Congress Tuesday that the establishment of Space Command should be given priority within the proposed Space Force, calling the command "the easiest and most impactful" of the various aspects of the Force.

The proposed Space Force will fall under the Air Force and have a relationship akin to the US Marine Corps' relationship to the Department of the Navy."


3560c8  No.5912741



4d4d00  No.5912742

And follow the Mustache too..

f477d3  No.5912743


Every time I see the POTUS pen photos I think of the phrase "The pen is mightier than the sword" and I honestly believe it with DJT.

4c6b5f  No.5912744

File: f5dffc23f2b09a9⋯.jpeg (96.52 KB, 500x627, 500:627, f5dffc23f2b09a96a13083f0a….jpeg)

fe3550  No.5912745


Odd how that is one letter away from FU?

dc6cb8  No.5912746

File: faa8d8e19b6d5be⋯.jpg (98.68 KB, 883x441, 883:441, Venezuela tweet.jpg)


ℕiʑmყ ℒiвerɬყ

‏ @nizmycuba

Mar 24

Socialismo es un concepto creado para suavizar la crudeza del término Comunismo y no es más que el mismo Marxismo opresor y despiadado. A un siglo de su nefasto parto no nos ha dejado en la historia otra cosa que países divididos, odio, miseria y muerte. #Cuba #Venezuela

She's right!

cdad14  No.5912747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7b6a16  No.5912748

File: 6cff9e3002c4116⋯.png (595.14 KB, 395x517, 395:517, Anon.PNG)


I might be one of the oldest fags here.. Man.. did we take some @ss whoopings from Q Team in our early days…

EWww Lawdy!!

Getting yelled at … LEARN OUR COMMS!!!!

9cbeab  No.5912749


Yes, there’s something wrong with you. Your not lurking.

Nice digits tho

34bc70  No.5912750

Wikipedia Editors Paid to Protect Political, Tech, and Media Figures

A report in Huffington Post recently revealed the case of Wikipedia editor Ed Sussman, who was paid by media clients such as NBC and Axios to help diminish critical material. Paid editors operating in a similar manner to Sussman have worked on behalf of CNN contributor Hilary Rosen and the CEOs of Reddit and Intel, among other clients.

Other conduct by Sussman not covered by the Huffington Post shows him authoring fluff pieces for NBC executives and getting his proposed changes approved by another paid Wikipedia editor.

The report by Ashley Feinberg detailed former journalist Ed Sussman’s work as a paid Wikipedia fixer for clients such as Axios, NBC, and Facebook. Sussman did this work through the firm WhiteHatWiki, which he argues follows Wikipedia policies. Sussman disclosed his paid editing on Wikipedia and ostensibly worked within the rules by having other editors approve proposed changes.

However, Feinberg’s article noted several of Sussman’s requests involved removing or watering down potentially damaging material about clients, even when citing sources considered reliable on the site. Such removals would appear to violate Wikipedia’s neutrality policy, which states:

All encyclopedic content on Wikipedia must be written from a neutral point of view (NPOV), which means representing fairly, proportionately, and, as far as possible, without editorial bias, all of the significant views that have been published by reliable sources on a topic.

In one example Feinberg cited, Sussman requested changes to the page of Axios journalist Jonathan Swan regarding a false report he made last September claiming Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was resigning. A line noting the incident in Swan’s article was replaced with a paragraph hyping that Swan was “the first to report” Rosenstein’s offer to resign, despite the offer being refused. Sussman backed this spin with a New York Times article treating the incident as a failure of the Axios reporting model, a fact not mentioned in Sussman’s proposed edit.

Many of Sussman’s approved changes to the pages of his clients engaged in this subtle spin and cherry-picking. Changes to the NBC News page defended the network’s refusal to air Ronan Farrow’s story, subsequently published by The New Yorker, on the sexual assault allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, despite the very sources cited being more critical and Farrow’s own criticism of the network’s refusal to air the story. Feinberg identifies similar spin in Sussman’s portrayal of NBC’s handling of sexual assault allegations against the network’s own Matt Lauer.


Everything is fake everything.

31b699  No.5912751


Fuck, I hope I'm wrong too.

But the fuckers are evil.

They will try anything! ANYTHING!

d3bfe4  No.5912752


>They have to play along with that game/narrative… for now.


one in their position could simply remain silent on the topic

7e6f54  No.5912753



7525df  No.5912754

On Tucker Carlson, they're naming a LOT of BIG names and tossing them ALL under the bus!

69f508  No.5912755

File: fe6279ea4741ed2⋯.jpeg (84.98 KB, 500x533, 500:533, 99F806DD-C6B6-46F2-93E7-E….jpeg)

Did Juicy Smallhead *really* think this would be the end of it?

f6f7b4  No.5912757


Wish it was a separate branch, but maybe later it can be.

caf4ad  No.5912758

File: 3200974bec82b25⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 1024x770, 512:385, IMG_20180823_121741.jpg)


It is mightier.

6cbb1d  No.5912759

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)


Chek't synagogue of satan digits confirm swallowell boy is a cum dumpster.

cdad14  No.5912760



Could Socialism and communism work with patriots in control?



d33a43  No.5912761


omfg i love you

dd3c1c  No.5912762

File: eb7af86c73e9825⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 453x407, 453:407, eb7af86c73e98251994e7e9c62….jpg)

File: 529471774fed308⋯.gif (494.84 KB, 183x184, 183:184, giphy (4).gif)

File: b5d046cb35a2050⋯.png (176.65 KB, 480x320, 3:2, image.png)

6a56b9  No.5912763


Need to Dig deeper on the Cook County State's Attorney's Office

c427eb  No.5912764


I'm not worried, for several reasons:

"We have it all"

"We can hear you breathing"

Total control. They're just toying with them now, and letting the Left complete its own destruction.

7d8371  No.5912765

File: f4d92d786d1fbd8⋯.jpg (50.38 KB, 960x443, 960:443, 1534253705488.jpg)

Chadwick Moore just called out SWAMP/CHICAGO/OBAMAS


91633d  No.5912766

File: f772f2d73bf81c3⋯.jpeg (44.62 KB, 564x466, 282:233, 7F39E307-5883-4486-983A-B….jpeg)

a5be69  No.5912767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy Crap this is real!

6e4464  No.5912768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



also in the scene the song 'Beginning to See the Light" is playing in the background. starts at 1:18 when she clues Neo into "Know Thyself". lots of messages throughout the film.

ca607d  No.5912769


When a seahorse farts

in the ocean, is the gas

Sequestered in water?

2e00df  No.5912770

File: 06df73c8f0672da⋯.pdf (47.5 KB, What-is-the-Grid.pdf)

7482d8  No.5912771


that is the best I have seen as far as the noodles reference for DWS…..hahhaaa

1e0104  No.5912772

File: d03c33c41130a98⋯.jpg (39.94 KB, 486x294, 81:49, 2wxu1i_1_1.jpg)

File: c312be3306478f1⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 500x573, 500:573, 2wxtin_1.jpg)

File: df1aef32181c421⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2x0jox_1.jpg)

How do you think Jussie Smollett walked with incredible evidence against him..

49f6a5  No.5912773

File: 80d4f2bc543d3bd⋯.jpg (259.16 KB, 1080x863, 1080:863, Screenshot_20190326-171352….jpg)

cdad14  No.5912774


The chick is trying not to laugh

23196d  No.5912775

Aye, McThistle-how long have you been here? I found my way here in late Nov I think or early Dec 2017.


6502fb  No.5912776

File: ab5621880f02089⋯.jpg (5.69 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ChinaPlayBook.jpg)

4eaf22  No.5912777


be angry, but don't sin

Ephesians 4:26

03fd1f  No.5912778

File: df0e656baa3f1db⋯.png (669.77 KB, 915x512, 915:512, ClipboardImage.png)

7d8371  No.5912779



That's right, I think.

She had eyes-on everything.

Whereas Smith WAS everything.

Two opposing forces.

0df698  No.5912780

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Executive Action 1973 seems to be forgotten

253678  No.5912781

File: ae4baa08afb4264⋯.jpg (136.48 KB, 960x560, 12:7, smollett.jpg)

13bdc8  No.5912782

Mike Lee was Bit by a Cobra and struck by lightning,

At the Same time!

8cca0b  No.5912783

Chadwick Moore is on Tucker Carlson sounds like he has been Lurking all day.

546100  No.5912784


Ye the man. Or woman.

cdad14  No.5912785


This guy's book reports in junior high were GARBAGE

91633d  No.5912786


>Everything is fake everything.

Every aspect of society has been tainted.

148559  No.5912787


Smollesta rolls on Harris and Booker

Implications lead to other cabal players

Leads to Chicago swamp rats

7482d8  No.5912788


lurk Moar…..read more before asking, try searching topics on your own anon:


a5be69  No.5912789


It's so ridiculous I can't laugh.

4c6b5f  No.5912790


Look at the id of the post you replied to thanking the baker for the FB post.

Now look at the id of the anon who you replied to here.

Same id, the bakers.

Lurk more and you'll learn more. It's good, friendly advice.

189cfc  No.5912791


Glory hole service…yeah

85f5f9  No.5912792

File: 5d21aa053e976fe⋯.png (910.39 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, Palestine.png)

7b6a16  No.5912793


No doubt. We think we are prepared for it.. I have a feeling there will be some shock & awe. Even for Anons

9cbeab  No.5912794

File: c157e818e4f4f6a⋯.jpeg (103.54 KB, 825x590, 165:118, BAB06257-DF21-4257-9B9B-9….jpeg)

A friendly reminder to East Coast Anons:

Sun is going down, tide is going out.

Please gather your children and shelter in place. Remain there until sunrise.

For your own safety and the safety of loved ones.

Lock and load. Goodnight!

dd3c1c  No.5912795

File: c6ddd7447ae7185⋯.png (218.12 KB, 714x558, 119:93, c6ddd7447ae718590c049442ff….png)

File: 8fb288e7920bea5⋯.jpg (24.19 KB, 255x159, 85:53, e5de6aae4105e28bea14dad7f8….jpg)

File: 87a15c8819eed39⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 450x250, 9:5, 87a15c8819eed39ec98f5f601c….gif)

e456b9  No.5912796

The people who are censoring you do not work for our government. Some of them are US Citizens. It's treason, and in this country they will be put to death for it.

954814  No.5912797

File: d04ab784038a489⋯.jpg (83.1 KB, 2016x1248, 21:13, mobious.jpg)


a never ending process anon.

5e43be  No.5912798


It’s how the deep state makes their exit.

Under the cover of 10 days darkness.

They leave untracked and live out the rest of their lives in some third world hell hole.

54965b  No.5912800


My impression of israel is that it's full of fags, jews, shysters and pussies. change my mind

f477d3  No.5912801


Grosses me out to think all those years I took my kids to Disney movies and there were probably pedos sitting in the dark theater smirking at this shit.

4c6b5f  No.5912802

Notes so far

Anything missed?

>>5912629 PapaD: Being granted a pardon would be a tremendous honor

>>5912415 Nikki Haley at AIPAC: 'I want you to have hope'

>>5912378 , >>5912321 KEK: Mike Lee Meme magician confirmed re GND

>>5912324 Anon replays from late 2015 into 2016

>>5912323 Past QPosts: Was [RR] pre selected by the DS?

>>5912314 , >>5912454 James Woods calls the Dems out: 'Conniving con-artists'

34c7c9  No.5912803

From dust to dust

By way of the Sheol

7482d8  No.5912804


learn to type or spellcheck please

29372d  No.5912805


darn, but you just ended it…

31b699  No.5912806


They do have it all…I think.

But if you travel through the world as I do must people would be shocked of much control the Cabal has over the whole world.

They control every single politician in Europe, Africa and Asia (Russia/ China 100% controlled by them)

448c16  No.5912807

File: d995cdfef76eb7d⋯.png (926.76 KB, 1194x1252, 597:626, AQ17.png)


Something to help explain it a little better.

3dd2dc  No.5912808

File: 95455b7a020b3e9⋯.pdf (192.7 KB, 6107.pdf)

83dad7  No.5912809


What is that Anon?

7ceda6  No.5912810

File: 0bcd9498932943e⋯.png (666.82 KB, 900x493, 900:493, ClipboardImage.png)

dde7e8  No.5912811

File: 4426306b4b8b7b6⋯.png (432.27 KB, 807x496, 807:496, smollet.PNG)

2fa4ce  No.5912812

Soros Spent $408,000 on Campaign for Radical Attorney Kim Foxx


85f5f9  No.5912813

File: 0cf27fbc6e90c01⋯.jpeg (82.13 KB, 611x404, 611:404, 0cf27fbc6e90c014bc37bc7b8….jpeg)

File: 5a8bfc9bcd91032⋯.jpeg (34.12 KB, 600x333, 200:111, 5a8bfc9bcd91032d36043fec4….jpeg)

File: ae3e93d89247d91⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 0811ab1ea634dc339d49b709be….jpg)

File: 2fe37e40dec03e5⋯.png (206.74 KB, 620x388, 155:97, a32c32da1ec482b4f6feee87df….png)

File: d679efea02f0e29⋯.png (26.15 KB, 569x220, 569:220, eevil2.PNG)

8c671a  No.5912814

Chicago is completely corrupted - rham left as mayor - he knows he is being targeted. Do you think the two candidates left in the mayoral race are clean? Yeah right… Secondary puppets in place. Drain them all

dd3c1c  No.5912815

File: 2d5c2a053bbd92c⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1967x2904, 1967:2904, 2d5c2a053bbd92ccf40055078e….png)

407cc9  No.5912816



6a56b9  No.5912817



>Deepwater Vampires

d33a43  No.5912818



3dd2dc  No.5912819


Dust you are and to dust you shall return

692ece  No.5912820

File: db93c166640fa76⋯.png (615.64 KB, 1018x797, 1018:797, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at ….png)

File: 706db0be5da40f7⋯.png (144.51 KB, 1021x745, 1021:745, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at ….png)

“The court will hold a status conference for Defendants Keith Raniere and Clare Bronfman tomorrow at 3:00 P.M. in Courtroom 4D South before the undersigned. All counsel of record for Raniere and Bronfman must either (1) attend the conference or (2) explain why they cannot attend in advance and obtain the court’s permission to be excused. Ordered by Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis on 3/26/2019. (Haddad, Andrew).”

Why so sudden a hearing? What does this mean?

It almost certainly is prompted by the fact that Clare’s lead attorney, Mark Geragos, is facing possible indictment on federal attempted extortion charges in connection with his “legal” work involving the Nike company with fellow LA lawyer Michael Avenatti, who has already been charged.


78abed  No.5912821


Something that any parent with multiple kids or any classroom teacher will tell you (discreetly when the PC police are not listening).

It's fucking obvious boys and girls are different.

8585e0  No.5912822


And after the satirical roasting, he drops it to a sobering and powerful conclusion. Well done!

39ad3b  No.5912823



WI-38 human diploid cells

WI-38 fibroblasts are derived from tissues of a fetus aborted in 1964.

MRC-5 cells

MRC-5 cells are cell lines that are commonly used in vaccines, but they are also used in other medical research. The cells are grown in culture, and then distributed widely. J.P. Jacobs originated this cell line in September of 1966. The cells were taken from the tissue of an aborted fetus.

Recombinant Human Albumin

The MMR vaccine contains genetically engineered human albumin, the most common protein found in blood. The FDA warns that all drugs containing human albumin could have the possibility of prion or viral disease contamination.

Animal Ingredients

The MMR vaccine includes ingredients derived from poultry and cows. The measles and mumps viruses are cultivated in cultures of chick embryonic cells while the growth medium for all three viruses contains fetal bovine serum.


be6fa4  No.5912824



Disney show "Elena of Avalor" uses NAMBLA pedophile symbols, teaches children sorcery and black magic

2540ee  No.5912825

File: a8e8bd208476a79⋯.jpg (570.27 KB, 1380x524, 345:131, Meme-Together-Dream-Togeth….jpg)


> confirm noodles are baked

Certainly are.

f95fbf  No.5912826

File: 1cb0ef16b4cb007⋯.gif (499.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jew hate me.gif)

c3a9e6  No.5912827

File: 2105dccc9e9c96d⋯.jpg (467.64 KB, 1080x1043, 1080:1043, SmartSelect_20190326-20155….jpg)


Amazing Q Special on YourVoice™ America tonight with guest @prayingmedic on for the full hour. Will be epic! Tell your friends! 9 pm ET!

https://t.co/LvdoTH0GAd https://t.co/L85ltf05Ou


6e4464  No.5912828

File: c0efcf53f667daa⋯.jpg (57.58 KB, 765x343, 765:343, merchant dont believe his ….jpg)

>Notables: POTUS nominates Jeffrey Rosen to replace Rosenstein

Romney had binders full of women. Does Trump have a rolodex of jews? jew after jew after jew after jew, oy vey.

6a56b9  No.5912829


that's NYC

6bb2fa  No.5912830

File: 2dcbb3a35189f67⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 610x402, 305:201, qana-massacre-1996-11.jpg)

File: d1f3db2eadd2747⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 300x224, 75:56, qana_3.jpg)

File: 3b50c959359cba5⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 500x352, 125:88, qana_2_7_06.jpg)

File: 6d24e6caded66c9⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 380x253, 380:253, Qana.jpg)

File: ba2c28e81dce6b5⋯.jpg (99.92 KB, 800x563, 800:563, Qana Victims.jpg)

Israel’s Crimes = Israel’s Glory

339e53  No.5912831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Live!

a578ec  No.5912832


at 6:51 she loses it.

7b6a16  No.5912833

>>5912775 3rd drop… second day. Read about it on another board I hung out on.. decided to check it out. Oct 29th. Been here since.

You Anon?

08b468  No.5912834

File: a7399acae44ae7f⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 497x406, 71:58, 2wzcm2_1_1.jpg)

File: 7e7b0fbca7916d3⋯.png (724.39 KB, 1011x820, 1011:820, Screenshot_20190323-125247….png)

111793  No.5912835

File: 3a558571e4f9a86⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 387x305, 387:305, 3a558571e4f9a865eb34f72b1a….jpg)

Baker: Dups In #7563 Notables

Headsup Baker, there's a dup in the notables #7563 post and in the dough.


>>5911659 Anons' timeline of Chicago leftist politics, connections

>>5911659 Dig on Toni Preckwinkl and Chicago politics

Your call on which one to strike, o7

7d8371  No.5912836


all your life

178225  No.5912837

File: 903e9f3ab554090⋯.png (194.1 KB, 514x497, 514:497, beto-kornacki.png)

9cbeab  No.5912838


Appears to be dust and water vapor.

954814  No.5912839


Aye matey. Day one club here and long before.

>am no a proponent of wrapping the bairns up in cotton wool

34c7c9  No.5912840



d979d0  No.5912841



8ad4d1  No.5912843

File: cd6d275d3022d1d⋯.png (21.34 KB, 541x197, 541:197, FLYNN.png)


Who's iphone was Potus tweeting from?

Flynn Jr.’s Security Clearance Application

Cummings Calls on Gowdy to Issue Subpoenas


Mike Flynn's Son Is Subject of Federal Russia Probe


efa346  No.5912844

File: 9d46bc9e46cacd3⋯.png (199.31 KB, 726x509, 726:509, ClipboardImage.png)


'We must not allow, and cannot allow a giant seahorse gap' - Sen. Mike Lee

7d0cf1  No.5912845


wasn't is some months ago, he wasn't sure about Q, being to cryptic or something like that

6502fb  No.5912846

File: 64dde0b2e4acef1⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, lovethebakednoodles.jpg)

efa346  No.5912847


ignore pic

23f69f  No.5912848


Shut up Daryl

5c7009  No.5912849


Soros has been buying DA’s all over the place across the country, and this underscores why that’s worthwhile to him.

407cc9  No.5912850


Sounds Like Amy Schumer- working for FACEBOOK- product manager….or whatever she does to conservatives per daddy.

7ceda6  No.5912851

File: 0d321509661332e⋯.png (451.2 KB, 750x941, 750:941, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6be5a5041999c32⋯.png (962.02 KB, 553x682, 553:682, ClipboardImage.png)




95f991  No.5912852


You’re going to call someone out for spelling after typing EMT repeatedly instead of EMP? Chek yourself faggot.

4c6b5f  No.5912853


Gotcha. Thanks anon. Will do.

fe0fdb  No.5912854

File: f8a37ae04369438⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 328x213, 328:213, fo.JPG)

6a22a8  No.5912855

File: 9ed64efe53a0941⋯.jpg (2.31 MB, 3072x4096, 3:4, IMG_20190321_231130989.jpg)


Faggot, you've hit upon what I believe to be a very important topic.

I lurked nearly the "minimum' faux 2 year period.(made it a bit over 18 months before I first posted)

I've been guilty of gobbling bread.

Getting home from work and feeling the need to catch up fast, honestly.

Best to post well thought out ideas/digs?

Or, hit hard with quantity memes?

Never know, but this board has at least assured me that some people truly appreciate what free speech means.

9cbeab  No.5912857


It’s true.

They search for the foreskins of baby benises. The blood drives them to frenzy.

Stay strong.

85f5f9  No.5912858


>why [RR] was selected?

Lisa Barsoomian, she was clinton's go-to attorney multiple times.

"Follow the wives".

839ec8  No.5912859

File: e5b0b2bf600edcb⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 642x428, 3:2, 2x16d9.jpg)

File: fdfb3de9a281e46⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 375x245, 75:49, 1499375378806.gif)

File: d5c84dae4728f61⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 320x180, 16:9, d5c84dae4728f61a825d673e79….gif)

File: d524724bc9082af⋯.gif (3 MB, 462x309, 154:103, FakeNews_CNN_Meme_Car_Wrec….gif)

78abed  No.5912860


He's not going to get a pardon.

I think he started out trying to be a player.

He knew what he was getting himself into, going to that school in London and then to Link Campus.

He just got played before he had any master spy skills.

He should be happy he escaped without getting 25 years.

9c0bea  No.5912861


I like to think of the meetings DTs team had with foreign actors as the vases. They were all setups. Wouldn’t have occurred if not for black hats setting them up. Then they want to cry collusion when they occur.

One problem. DT already knew.

4c6b5f  No.5912862


Posted in #7564

>>5911827 POTUS Says Back To The Moon By 2024

>>5911823 POTUS signs EMP EO without ceremony

>>5911771 , >>5911915 POTUS declares US recognition of the Golan as part of Israel

>>5911771 POTUS nominates Jeffrey Rosen to replace Rosenstein

>>5911754 LOOP Capital announce new deal with the Port Authority of NY & NJ

>>5911686 Anon on Game Theory: Mutli-facet Utility To Unfolding National Narratives

>>5911659 Anons' timeline of Chicago leftist politics, connections

>>5911700 New Sara: Rand Paul: 'Go after Obama officials'

>>5911653 British role confirmed in Trump spying scandal (AIM)

>>5911604 , >>5911726 PapaD tweet: The release was no coincidence

>>5911594 , >>5911599, >>5911725, >>5911856 PapaD research cont.

>>5911557 Comey to respond to the Mueller report and Barr summary on NBC

>>5911515 , >>5911549 Did the FBI retaliate against Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

7e6f54  No.5912863


Greatest floor speech in the history of the U S of A history. And it was done by a fellow PEPE.

257e97  No.5912864

File: 276c1772f51c2fb⋯.jpg (200.17 KB, 1249x1726, 1249:1726, _20190326_201248.JPG)

File: f3bec92e56fa072⋯.jpg (263.49 KB, 1311x1885, 1311:1885, _20190326_201306.JPG)

File: 58bb8077319bcd9⋯.jpg (266.5 KB, 1330x1880, 133:188, _20190326_201316.JPG)

File: a5c7ec45c2d855f⋯.jpg (330.09 KB, 1811x1274, 1811:1274, _20190326_201335.JPG)

34840d  No.5912865


Betting you beer "anonymous" movement was a precursor or try-out for the Qanons.

Remember their motto

We are legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us.

91633d  No.5912866


Hollyweird, gay liberal lunatic problems. Deep State problems. Demoncrat problems. Black people being forced to plead innocent? Not so much. The meme is funny tho…

7e52a6  No.5912867


All praise Hamas.

That devout muslims may sacrifice our children for them. Forever, and ever, and ever.

7482d8  No.5912868


chaos here will abound as all trucks will be stopped as they cannot pull gas from the electric pumps, no new delievery to stores, cities especially will freak out fast. If it happens ites are fucked and spillover to smaller states and cities….it will be bad. POTUS surely has to have this covered, right?

85f5f9  No.5912869

File: 1ed235e20aec173⋯.jpg (102 KB, 800x494, 400:247, 1ed235e20aec1733d4f64e7a1f….jpg)

File: 727ebef53e6c932⋯.jpeg (260.39 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, 727ebef53e6c932a5b01baa55….jpeg)

File: 67eb667a9cac88a⋯.png (26.42 KB, 570x237, 190:79, eevil3.PNG)

File: dd445ff795497c1⋯.png (17.96 KB, 564x198, 94:33, evil2.PNG)

6a56b9  No.5912870


so clever

caf4ad  No.5912871

File: 70534212bf95d30⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 450x477, 50:53, IMG_20190325_170215.jpg)

6af5c6  No.5912872

bake your noodle


make fun

of a poodle

or doodle

in the presence

of strudel

the truth

is often


a simple



the color


a ruptured



like in


a series

of interested


a ladle

in the soup

of desires

a rafter

of turkeys


to cross

the road



sun drenched



an artisan

from heaven

best not rouse

the rooster

mr snuffleupagus

is brought to you

by the letter


f477d3  No.5912873


Been here since the beginning and still think lurk moar is important.

f95fbf  No.5912874

7482d8  No.5912875


the food supply to stores?

1e8734  No.5912876


Thank you

23196d  No.5912877


Late Nov I think? Don’t laugh but Beanz sort of paved the way Kek! Once I found out where she was getting the drops I decided to be brave and jump in.

2331ab  No.5912878


Wouldn't that be more like "FALSE FAG ATTACK"..

31b699  No.5912879


Kim Foxx took one for the team!

She's fucked!

f95fbf  No.5912880

File: 1df6f5350989fc8⋯.png (310.13 KB, 691x591, 691:591, 1536577610932.png)

82266f  No.5912881

I have a feeling normies are gonna be rioting in the streets if something isn't done to restore the rule of law. And soon.

3b230b  No.5912882

File: a466174a87953b5⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 700x370, 70:37, internet_troll.jpg)

6a56b9  No.5912883


never should have asked

good lesson

148559  No.5912884

File: 80654c6ea994153⋯.jpeg (78.62 KB, 649x578, 649:578, 02BDF75B-A2F3-4217-82D6-0….jpeg)

File: e5274c83e3e9bd9⋯.jpeg (78.66 KB, 649x578, 649:578, E8664857-A235-4303-AD12-4….jpeg)

File: 39864d83a8f2c99⋯.jpeg (92.33 KB, 649x578, 649:578, 3568D210-AB17-4647-A03F-F….jpeg)

File: 15e6c60ce94dab8⋯.jpeg (58.82 KB, 583x335, 583:335, C3D28CB1-0963-4054-8354-0….jpeg)

File: 75887608a0d8a28⋯.jpeg (122.38 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, DB1F2772-CBB6-46A0-B60A-8….jpeg)

e456b9  No.5912885

If you DO IT right, posting here is like having sex with the CIA.

f4b552  No.5912886

File: 81c8256dc4a886b⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 801x500, 801:500, 2vh5ei.jpg)

File: 1a4e16e1cd709ab⋯.jpg (145.89 KB, 801x500, 801:500, 2viwnw.jpg)

File: 5a6762f3d3d050d⋯.png (250.95 KB, 1160x1448, 145:181, 5a6762f3d3d050d43d9bb1c5af….png)

File: cd52a3ef3fb80b2⋯.jpg (101.18 KB, 825x462, 25:14, Orange is the new black ti….jpg)

d33a43  No.5912887



83dad7  No.5912888


Thank you

1158d6  No.5912889

File: a2f36ec7b2845fd⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, OnDeck.png)


No shit.

And that's back when the breads were all disorganized.

Building the plane while trying to fly it.


0c642f  No.5912890

File: fe12c4d082b94ab⋯.png (73.85 KB, 291x303, 97:101, 2ab78b8be20c0db0fc406708d9….png)

File: dbabee25abc11f4⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 449x634, 449:634, downloadfile-20.jpg)

File: df1aef32181c421⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2x0jox_1.jpg)

cdad14  No.5912891

Anybody got any clips of these committee hearings we've had in the past 6 months which show the insanity behind the dems?

I feel like that's the best red pill material.

Like the "Yes or no" shit

the emotional "What about the children" as shields shit

and uh… ya know… all the minorities concerned about minorities and trannies.

8cca0b  No.5912892

File: 1fd727d0740892d⋯.jpg (378.73 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, MEME2019-03-26-08-23-46.jpg)

7b6a16  No.5912893


Hung out before / during 2016 election but IRL was conflicting.

Happy that IRL has calmed down so I am free to be here now

91633d  No.5912894


Truth! He was set up, but he was trying to ball. Hubris got him into a situation and he deserves the slap on the hand…

6172c2  No.5912895

File: 9077546bf1f7a6f⋯.jpg (4.91 MB, 3544x3519, 3544:3519, 032619_T_4934_5.jpg)

This is going to Require a DEEP CLEANING


Non Nuclear — MOABs

Why did Gen Flynn Plead Guilty to a Crime He did Not Commit?

Why Didn’t He Change His Plea at the Sentencing?

POTUS Tweet T-4934 & T-4935 w/Q-Drops(1040, 502, 337, 299, 1258, 1281,1280)

91ef70  No.5912896

File: 2f7a22635e36b12⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 249x792, 83:264, Capture.JPG)

File: 87979851381de4d⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 377x897, 29:69, Capture1.JPG)

File: ad4b1135a866f66⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 384x440, 48:55, Capture3.JPG)


[RR] was pre selected by the DS. He was preordained.

Look through all the posts with [RR] in them on qmap. He gets more focus than Mueller.

But of note is that both Sessions and Barr had senate votes that just barely confirmed them, and [RR] was confirmed by an overwhelming majority.

I think this is what Q is speaking about in Q3211 'Bake your noodle'.

[RR] is DS and so are many of the former Senate Rs that retired without running for reelection.

4d4d00  No.5912898

File: cf7899e1751d61c⋯.jpg (98.99 KB, 917x836, 917:836, 2019-03-27