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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

c2a743  No.5884292

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 03.25.2019

>>5883651 ————————————–——– There is a reason why a sword is held.

>>5883573 ————————————–——– Listen very carefully. ( Cap: >>5883626 )

>>5883177 ————————————–——– LISTEN & WATCH SEAN HANNITY TODAY.

>>5883120 ————————————–——– [1] OPENS THE DOOR.

>>5882921 rt >>5882614 ————————— Why did WHITAKER/BARR retain [RR] to the END?


Saturday 03.23.2019

>>5854029 ————————————–——– Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history? (Cap: >>5868364 )

>>5853603 rt >>5853578 ————————— you may start your attack run

>>5853545 rt >>5853322 ————————— FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.

>>5853176 ————————————–——– Meme: MY TURN...

>>5853115 ————————————–——– Meme: D's haven't been this mad since R's freed the slaves (Cap: >>5868364 )

>>5853007 ————————————–——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )

>>5842693 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history

>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ————————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'

>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ————————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account

Friday 03.22.2019

>>5838347 ————————————–——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )

>>5837376 ————————————–——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.

>>5836740 rt >>5836660 -————————– DECLAS is a comin'!

>>5836480 rt >>5836393 -————————– The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.

>>5836164 rt >>5836091 -————————– Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )

>>5836091 ————————————–——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.

Wednesday 03.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5852541

Monday 03.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5802127

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c2a743  No.5884296


are not endorsements


>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables


>>5884189 Two holistic doctors gunned down in their home, authorities say they were murdered by an 11-year-old.

>>5884115 Apple launches 'News Plus', credit card services. Big Tech continues its' dive into financial and health care markets.

>>5884096 Ask why a simple bank subpoena case would be sealed all the way to the Supreme Court?

>>5884092 WH to Comey: “Maybe he should go get a lawyer … He Should be brought in.”

>>5884067 Neo-Nazi groups allowed to stay on Facebook because they ‘do not violate community standards’.

>>5884024 UK’s secret war: British commandos wounded in Yemen.

>>5884058 DJT Tweet: "Today, it was my great honor to welcome Prime Minister @Netanyahu of Israel back to the @WhiteHouse..."

>>5883913 Child rape victim claims Bradford, Rotherham, Rochdale gangs ‘linked’.

>>5883849 Russiagate narrative’s peddlers to be held accountable? Anons know.

>>5883847 DJT Jr. gets the last laugh on Avenatti.

>>5883824 Hannity: Tune in to the Hannity radio and TV shows on Monday.

>>5883658, >>5883880 POTUS talks treason.

>>5883782 The Social Media impact of the Mueller investigation.

>>5883708 As Amazon bans vaccine documentary, child sex dolls openly sold on their website.

>>5883703 Jerome Corsi defied Mueller and won; now he wants Mueller 'to pay'.

>>5884245, >>5883610, >>5883610, >>5883895, >>5884000 Jeremy Richman suicide (Sandy Hook) dig.

>>5884285 #7527


>>5883318 Israel starts striking Hamas targets throughout Gaza in response to rocket attack.

>>5883360 Pompeo demands Moscow "cease unconstructive behavior" in Venezuela.

>>5883059 HRC tweet advocating "historic bill" on gun control

>>5883016 Announcement: 9/11 Families and Advocates to File Lawsuit against FBI Tomorrow

>>5882995 Nadler calls Barr to testify

>>5882849 From Josh Caplan: Fact check–Trump DOJ did not make "obstruction" conclusion in 48 hours

>>5883497 #7526


>>5882652 JW tweet: Received 756 pages of new emails that HRC tried to hide

>>5882578 Hoping to assuage investors, Newmont offers special dividend if Goldcorp deal approved

>>5882548 POTUS_Schedule-Tweet deleted; POTUS_Schedule-Tweet that followed delta 45s

>>5882543 The REAL Rosneft collusion has always been in plain sight

>>5882535 Remember when Q scared Avenatti?

>>5882525 DJT Jr trolls Avenatti

>>5882483 Airbus close to signing aircraft deal with China: sources

>>5882394, >>5882401, >>5882425, >>5882503, >>5882685 Avenatti arrested for wire fraud & bank fraud

>>5882331, >>5882364, >>5882373, >>5882504 Child Sexual Abuse Covered Up by the MORMON CHURCH

>>5882303 Three far-left punks arrested after lighting Tulane conservative students' dorm room door on fire

>>5882367 Rosneft deal was used in dossier to slime Trump, but was really Qatar and Glencore

>>5882287 Connections in Glencore/Clinton/Terrorism scandals (vid)

>>5882243 Trump Jr takes aim at Shifty

>>5882212 Parkland community grieving after 2 apparent deaths by suicide

>>5882217 For Keks? Netanyahu: And I hope they don't open an investigation on it (on his gift of wine to POTUS)

>>5882118 Moar on callsign CERE8R14

>>5882112 Qatar receives first of 24 Boeing AH-64E helicopters

>>5882110 "Last Resort": Barr says he can conceive of situations where journalists might be jailed "as a last resort"

>>5882105 NBC's Guthrie to Sanders: Does Trump owe Mueller an 'apology' for his rhetoric?

>>5882068 Sanders quote: "The media and the Democrats have [made]....an accusation [about POTUS] equal to treason, which is punishable by death in this country.”

>>5882713 #7525

Previously Collected Notables

>>5881932 #7524,

>>5879566 #7521, >>5880414 #7522, >>5881219 #7523

>>5877286 #7518, >>5878034 #7519, >>5878839 #7520

>>5875014 #7515, >>5875809 #7516, >>5876522 #7517

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

c2a743  No.5884299

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

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Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

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Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335

Q Graphics all in GMT #76 >>5869796

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

c2a743  No.5884302

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

* Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

c2a743  No.5884319

File: 60238b055922636⋯.jpg (136.04 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, FREEDOM.jpg)



69e638  No.5884351


Yeah, Q, when I heard Trump say this, I could have sworn you were on TV

72e6a9  No.5884362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


ae8677  No.5884365

File: cecd4c3bbeae29e⋯.png (133.92 KB, 583x614, 583:614, AQ1.PNG)


Stormy Daniels Statement

72e6a9  No.5884368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Protocols of Zion. Full Documentary.

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

262d33  No.5884371

>>5883573 lbQ

Potus leans into Bibi while saying "very bad things" as if to emphasise it to him particularly or perhaps even to emphasise Bibi?

2098e6  No.5884373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



72e6a9  No.5884374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

a0903c  No.5884375

File: 5e17483c500f270⋯.jpg (101.82 KB, 500x870, 50:87, 2wwwtj.jpg)

012cb6  No.5884376

File: ca9feb5237298cb⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1500x1119, 500:373, garrsion.png)

72e6a9  No.5884377

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)



The Protocols of Zion. Full TEXT

1ab585  No.5884378

File: ad6c639381ad84c⋯.png (217.95 KB, 634x437, 634:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Macron Hopes Old Woman Injured in Police Charge Gains ‘Wisdom’, ‘Fragile’ People Should Avoid Prohibited Areas

PARIS (AP) – French President Emmanuel Macron has told a newspaper he hopes a 73-year old Yellow Vest protester who suffered serious head injuries after being charged by police in Nice, gains “wisdom” over the incident.

Anti-globalisation activist Genevieve Legay remains in hospital Monday after police advanced aggressively on people defying a protest ban Saturday.

An Associated Press reporter saw Legay, who was waving a rainbow flag marked “Peace”, fall to the pavement, blood spilling from her head.

In an interview published in Nice Matin on Monday, Macron suggested Legay didn’t behave “responsibly,” saying that “fragile” people shouldn’t attend “places that are defined as prohibited.”

He added: “I wish her a speedy recovery, and perhaps a form of wisdom.”

At least 2,000 people have been injured in Yellow Vest protest violence.


ae8677  No.5884379


Donald Trump: Time to Investigate the Left for ‘Treasonous Things’

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very very evil things, very bad things. I would say treasonous things against our country,” Trump said. “And hopefully, people that have done such harm to our country, we’ve gone through a period of really bad things happening. Those people will certainly be looked at. I have been looking at them for a long time.”

a5f791  No.5884380

File: 478dd1406f7f71f⋯.png (447.68 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, plutotoo.png)

4619ee  No.5884381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last week with the vote re: border security and the national emergency, the corrupt in Congress once again sold out the American people.

I am a DACA and I have made a video exposing how broken/corrupt the immigration system is. In the video I also expose a sharia law Muslim group already well established in America. The video is 40 minutes long. The expose of the Sharia law Muslim group starts at 25:39.

If I fall, know that it has been an honor to serve with you Anons. I have given Q what they need for 2020.


I have made a Twitter account @FightForAmerica if you would like to share my video on social media. WWG1WGA

852f08  No.5884382

File: 7972a82f8080d41⋯.png (368.21 KB, 1214x1214, 1:1, Baker4.PNG)

TY baker Nice smooth Dough Fluffy…

5e0498  No.5884383

File: d61ace43adb71be⋯.png (1.61 MB, 909x899, 909:899, levelup.PNG)

Next Week is the beginning of

World Autism Month

April 2019 will be glorious

02dd80  No.5884384

anyone know what time hannity comes on for his radio show? and anyone know a good link to listen on mobile?

e32261  No.5884385

>>5884035 (lb) <<

Again, since you missed it (again), the difference between settlement and extortion is (usually) a law license.

72e6a9  No.5884386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

8e71a3  No.5884387

File: abe1fc0282f4115⋯.png (1.55 KB, 360x45, 8:1, soap.png)

a0903c  No.5884388

File: 5c51ab5c9ac7964⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, bcfa7b0a5be206e951d243b5c9….png)

File: 5fc7107deafc198⋯.png (124.04 KB, 500x398, 250:199, hypnotism-person-to-jump-o….png)

f0354e  No.5884389

File: 2bbc2391f4ce1bb⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, bakergirl.jpg)

File: 30c23396dc32cfa⋯.jpg (346.43 KB, 2573x2297, 2573:2297, baker girl.jpg)


Awesome Job Baker on Fire!!!

cedf2c  No.5884390

What has that butt monkey Mitt Romney been saying about all this? Not a good turn of events for him.

97da4b  No.5884391

File: bfda717580855ae⋯.jpeg (59.35 KB, 500x346, 250:173, 45309E0F-D04C-49FB-9922-F….jpeg)






7c9dcc  No.5884392


They're eating each other.

54761b  No.5884393

Avenatti was too sleazy for Stormy…she fired his ass.

5b3c2e  No.5884394

>>5882637 pb

When POTUS answered the question about a lot of people have done a lot of evil things and I have been watching them for a long time.

Then Q said listen carefully in #3180….

Maybe Trump was referring to Bibi

a744a7  No.5884395

3 eastern >>5884384

db3f57  No.5884396

File: 976e52da405360d⋯.jpeg (437.06 KB, 1242x1938, 207:323, 155558D1-E74F-4F66-9F9E-F….jpeg)

File: f6c4d164504a888⋯.jpeg (111.78 KB, 1230x633, 410:211, 65DA75B9-CCB4-464B-898C-A….jpeg)

Fox News WH correspondent tweets about Q! We are the news now!!!!

Maybe someone will finally ask Trump the Q!!!!!!!


4e7417  No.5884397


Aaaanddd the storm arrives!

7529df  No.5884398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

91a13a  No.5884399

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, a7ffb193423f0a5573ceeefe7c….png)


ThankQ Baker/s

c68e75  No.5884400

File: b34d1ab37821d1a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1295x737, 1295:737, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)


TY Baker!


TY BO, CM, Anons!

ae8677  No.5884401


Lindsey Graham: Senate Will Investigate FISA Abuse, Surveillance of Trump Campaign

“The FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was based on a dossier prepared by Christopher Steele is at a minimum disturbing. Whether or not it is illegal, I don’t know. So I’m going to get answers to this. No one seems to care it seems to be only Republicans that do and that’s sad.”

“If the shoe were on the other foot it would be front page news—the double standard has been striking and frankly disappointing,” Graham said.

Sen. Graham said that that he has called for a special counsel to investigate these claims since the end of 2017. Graham said he will investigate “whether or not a counterintelligence investigation was opened up regarding the Trump campaign as a backdoor to spy on the campaign.”

The South Carolina Republican said that he will look at Fusion GPS’ role in the 2016 presidential election, potential FISA abuse, and more.

02dd80  No.5884402


ty anon

c0ba8d  No.5884403



ed8f9c  No.5884404



979363  No.5884405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dcf0c7  No.5884406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: CA Law enforcement officials announce charges against Avenatti

Perhaps Michael Avenatti can share a cell with Michael Cohen! kek

3fd06a  No.5884407

File: 8dcae949c8b2cc3⋯.jpg (47.92 KB, 604x402, 302:201, avenatti.jpg)


How many buses do you think Avenatti will be thrown under before the day is out?

8e9a73  No.5884408

>>5884358 lb

Sorry. Was meant to be replying to the bulb that said take the blindfold off Justice. My screens are kinda glitchy right now.

1ab585  No.5884409

File: 2c5f06042ffa00b⋯.png (251.23 KB, 728x379, 728:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b711ee4fe77b636⋯.png (157.28 KB, 776x874, 388:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb87a503452009d⋯.png (72.13 KB, 783x795, 261:265, ClipboardImage.png)

Warning: ASUS Software Update Server Hacked to Distribute Malware

CCleaner hack was one of the largest supply chain attacks that infected more than 2.3 million users with a backdoored version of the software in September 2017.

Security researchers today revealed another massive supply chain attack that compromised over 1 million computers manufactured by Taiwan-based tech giant ASUS.

A group of state-sponsored hackers last year managed to hijack ASUS Live automatic software update server between June and November 2018 and pushed malicious updates to install backdoors on over one million Windows computers worldwide.

According to cybersecurity researchers from Russian firm Kaspersky Lab, who discovered the attack and dubbed it Operation ShadowHammer, Asus was informed about the ongoing supply chain attack on Jan 31, 2019.


4e7417  No.5884410



487c3f  No.5884411

Like twat anon in notables, I've been working around twatter's algos. I come here about twice a day to pick up notables, check in a bit, but then get to work outside.

I removed the hit words like MAGA from my profile but kept some coded that we'd recognize. I took trump positive header off, made it bland but with clues, and I tweet mostly memes now, RT others.

I also followed a lot of normal and leftist accounts and people like pelosi (who we should keep an eye on anyway).

slowly it has been paying off and my reach has been climbing again with good results.

BTW Im recycling Trump historic accomplishment memes and could use others. SHARE! I need some new ones!!

15ad0d  No.5884412

File: 5a08edfb765c2dc⋯.png (712.13 KB, 1761x424, 1761:424, ClipboardImage.png)

30 minutes to Hannity LISTEN


4619ee  No.5884413


A whore is a whore is a whore.

dcf0c7  No.5884414

File: 974729831cff48a⋯.png (343.3 KB, 750x375, 2:1, MAGA.png)


>Live: CA Law enforcement officials announce charges against Avenatti

c2f484  No.5884415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THIS is REALLY important.

Listen with ZERO clickbait.


P.S. THESE split for a REASON.

b07fec  No.5884416




00f4eb  No.5884417

File: 272c41048201499⋯.jpg (336.1 KB, 683x683, 1:1, 272c41048201499fdbaa0dc028….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

Bill Mitchell theorizing:


Did Rosenstein agree to sign off on the FISA warrant because he knew it would yield nothing while entrapping McCabe? Same thing on wearing a wire. Was he seeking to find those who would betray the President by taking that offer?

233a7e  No.5884418

File: a22d5976da26747⋯.jpg (202.07 KB, 1227x800, 1227:800, James-Comey-Tweet-Geologic….jpg)

File: ab37066a8ffdea1⋯.jpg (545.68 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, James-Comey-Tweet_20190324….jpg)

File: 9db56e342ac4b53⋯.png (95.32 KB, 864x864, 1:1, James-Comey-Untethered.png)



James Comey is OUR GUY!

bf9075  No.5884419

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, PANIC.gif)




ae8677  No.5884420


GOP’s McCarthy Demands Adam Schiff Step Down as House Intel Chairman

“[Schiff] owes the American public an apology,” McCarthy told Politico. “Schiff has met the standard that he has imposed on other members of Congress of when they should step back from their positions. He has exceeded that standard, and there is no question he should step down from the Intel chairmanship.”

cbb24a  No.5884421

File: a57d56cf8c5faa9⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 255x250, 51:50, Pepe never give up never.jpg)

f4f20d  No.5884422

File: 6e6d2d7200b6441⋯.png (1.34 KB, 360x45, 8:1, soap.png)

File: bdc785e63240e4e⋯.png (325.6 KB, 587x382, 587:382, woods1.png)

File: 0d860965d26776e⋯.mp4 (218.34 KB, 400x240, 5:3, james_woods.mp4)

c68e75  No.5884423

File: 1329a4639f7cdec⋯.png (654.67 KB, 974x535, 974:535, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)

0fd989  No.5884424


The sword represents discrimination–the ability to tell wrong from right. Remember, discrimination is a GOOD thing. People who can't discriminate are GULLIBLE.

4bc50f  No.5884425


Where do i get one?!?!?!?

7529df  No.5884426


meme queen

a0903c  No.5884427


Looks a serious copyright crime that Garrison will pursue.

c0ba8d  No.5884428


Jupiter deserves the guillotine.

cb5703  No.5884429


Sucks to be you…kek

5e0498  No.5884430

File: 986107a0560a22a⋯.png (160.06 KB, 510x299, 510:299, topkek.png)


That shit is a real Ben G? HARDCORE!

487c3f  No.5884431



4ed51c  No.5884432

File: 772b917b3a29bbf⋯.png (374.31 KB, 848x604, 212:151, Screenshot 2019-03-25_14-3….png)

0 Delta

efca4e  No.5884433

Steven Portnoy

Verified account


1h1 hour ago



Federal prosecutors in Los Angeles say he was "arrested today pursuant to a two-count felony complaint charging him with wire fraud and bank fraud. He also was arrested pursuant to a SEPARATE federal case filed in New York." (<-my emphasis)


8ec50a  No.5884434

File: ee7ce5eba7421e0⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 596x287, 596:287, CDAN25.JPG)

listen up,fags

>latest CDAN

>new name to the black book

ad3137  No.5884435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WE ARE Q!!!!!!!!!


1ab585  No.5884436

File: 69343be95376cb9⋯.png (76.52 KB, 751x888, 751:888, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc43b53750464bf⋯.png (29.91 KB, 755x419, 755:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Duke University Agrees to Pay U.S. $112.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Related to Scientific Research Misconduct


f4939a  No.5884437


In case you missed it:

- Mass media destroyed

- Trump exonerated

- Avenatti going to prison

all in 24 hours

02dd80  No.5884438

File: 9f07697a70723e7⋯.png (23.38 KB, 617x249, 617:249, ClipboardImage.png)



ed8f9c  No.5884439





bf9075  No.5884440

File: cc5fd9a07d1f756⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 371x241, 371:241, shills_are_alive.jpg)

f0354e  No.5884441


Fuck that guy string him up in town square.

c02ce9  No.5884442


Written by Jesuits.

54761b  No.5884443

Senator Graham’s call for a FISAgate SC is getting little media play. Too much other shit going on.

f4f20d  No.5884445


Q & POTUS trolling again….

5bda37  No.5884446


Thank you baker!

8f2807  No.5884447

>>5884261 pb

First they flood the market with painkillers then once enough people are hooked they restrict access forcing people to black markets and heroin/fentinal (which they also supply/control) then they buy up rehab facilities and make money on “treatment” and overdose drug. The whole opioid crisis has been a manufactured money making scheme from start to finish

3d61a2  No.5884448


Past 2 yrs wasted. Let's waste another 2 yrs.

42db4d  No.5884449


Should I stay or should I jump now?

Should I stay or should I jump now?

If I jump, there will be trouble

And if I stay it will be double

So come on and let me know

8d1cbf  No.5884450

File: f65831e6d971280⋯.png (894.2 KB, 1056x1656, 44:69, f65831e6d9712805c4d53d00df….png)

Q, we're you talking about this "last resort."?

7d9ac2  No.5884451



eca91b  No.5884452


ooooooh dang.

has she been a secret wh this whole time?

>moar announcements to come?

21966b  No.5884453

I'm so confuzzled.

MSM = cabal

MSM = talking mouth of the deepstate

MSM = operation mockingbird

Q advises us to watch Hannity….but Hannity if on FOX news…and FOX news is classified as MSM


91a13a  No.5884454


For your consideration, Baker:

>>5884409 ASUS Software Update Server Hacked to Distribute Malware

fbdb83  No.5884455





You are a Douchebag, Schlomo

Have a nice day!

eec602  No.5884456

File: 533c8e768eb42cf⋯.jpg (190.06 KB, 734x490, 367:245, 282cb13fbc6f5b13aa15c84493….jpg)

File: 449d3f9cfabeaf0⋯.jpg (87.57 KB, 735x490, 3:2, 4ad9f0a88e1e79e79dcfceed1c….jpg)

File: 4667c084d4b001e⋯.jpg (144.73 KB, 735x490, 3:2, c0b09f4be31b5e37d8aa758a36….jpg)

File: 7ecb9e9994ace2b⋯.jpg (182.64 KB, 1019x588, 1019:588, 825dd566c0cbbe707b91585586….jpg)

f4f350  No.5884457

File: f1eeb05f44d16e3⋯.png (643.26 KB, 854x810, 427:405, 09013289690809286.png)

5bda37  No.5884458


Why can't I post bewbs for the bakers? Hm.

d357e3  No.5884459

File: 03a157fa36920c7⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 521x302, 521:302, jw_cpl.jpg)

Lol, James Woods!

Seems He does not like CPL very much! :D

c0ba8d  No.5884460



Your local station should livestream it on their website, too.

cedf2c  No.5884461


Yep. RBG is going to die any second now.

ed8f9c  No.5884463



3d61a2  No.5884464


When Huber starts talking, then we'll listen.

1ab123  No.5884465


Do you honestly think Barr is going down that path, with Huber already locked and loaded?

0ea035  No.5884466

>>5883880 (pb)

KEK. Somebody should take the song, "These are some of my favorite things," put Killery singing it, and change the title to, "These are some of my treasonous things." I would do it but I don't have the skill.

bf9075  No.5884467

File: 22400a88d75439f⋯.png (8.5 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


Some of them definitely need to be jailed!

1e21c3  No.5884468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a0903c  No.5884469

File: 58a916c9744835b⋯.jpeg (173.44 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, https___cdn.evbuc.com_ima….jpeg)


(((auto response bot)))

00f4eb  No.5884470




Kevin Corke is an American journalist and is presently a White House Correspondent for Fox News Channel in Washington D.C.

b54294  No.5884471



I have a local station that plays his show

on tape delay at the same time he's on TV.

Makes total sense!

b07fec  No.5884472






8d1cbf  No.5884473

File: 9d535d12c98ed69⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 720x480, 3:2, IMG_20190325_215641.jpg)


3cb50f  No.5884474


If you're so confused, this isn't for you.

7529df  No.5884475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cbb24a  No.5884476

>>5884436 Duke University Agrees to Pay U.S. $112.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Related to Scientific Research Misconduct


a56252  No.5884477


Can one be a more evil asshole?

1ab585  No.5884478

File: ce47c0fbdee947e⋯.png (73.58 KB, 1509x839, 1509:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f50cc0080f1dca⋯.png (446.99 KB, 620x848, 155:212, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bcfe24f6945ba4⋯.png (308.81 KB, 607x604, 607:604, ClipboardImage.png)

America Gets yet Another Israel Lobby Group

While the Israel lobby, which consists of hundreds of organizations, is known for billionaire donors such as Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, Norman Braman, Paul Singer and others, Pro-Israel America (PIA) will be specifically targeting smaller donors.

AIPAC-connected officials are about to launch yet another pro-Israel political action committee: “Pro-Israel America.” (AIPAC is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, rated by Fortune Magazine as one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in the U.S.)

While the Israel lobby, which consists of hundreds of organizations, is known for billionaire donors such as Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, Norman Braman, Paul Singer and others, Pro-Israel America (PIA) will be specifically targeting smaller donors.

Jewish Currents reports: “The launch of Pro-Israel America marks a new phase of activism for the Israel lobby as it aims to remake itself for a new era in which progressive politicians have raised huge sums from small-dollar donors.”


7c9dcc  No.5884479


If it happened todayI'm afraid my brain would go on overload.

d2e022  No.5884480

That stupid dancing slut is irrelevant.

She won't talk about it ?

Because her moth will be filled with cock.

Move along.

fff3ff  No.5884481

File: 2119f2b5ec435ed⋯.png (877.66 KB, 1218x656, 609:328, b4e44c62f84d8a7d768cbc360e….png)

File: e23af916c44bf9b⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 618x410, 309:205, chelsea-clinton.jpg)

File: cb6bd1e01ef1f6b⋯.jpg (265.68 KB, 1024x701, 1024:701, gettyimages-499837274-1024….jpg)

File: 5b27b106fe76e17⋯.jpg (85.99 KB, 420x594, 70:99, Jeffrey Katzenberg Kamala ….jpg)

File: a9682927fe24a94⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 753x502, 3:2, JJ-Abrams-and-Katie-McGrat….jpg)

Repost from end of bread and because this involves important Pedowood celebrities and cultist tycoons.


Further on Glencore/CLINTON/Terror

Connection, once again the the largest overt child trafficking operation extant and still operating multiple programs under a variety of names both in the US and Worldwide.


Childrens Defense Fund Pedovores

From the archives

#1083821 at 2018-04-18 03:11:23 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1352: The Bitch Is Dead

The Kimba Wood thing is truly incredible.

1) Bunny for playboy

2) This is extremely interesting. HRC assumed authority over selecting the new AG in 2008. Her choices (in order) were Zoe Baird, Kimba Wood, and Janet Reno.

3) Connections to Trinidad and "Nannygate" - Large connections to adoption/child protection services (before she received her promotion).

4) Direct connection to Soros as she officiated wedding in 2013.

Some old articles that truly paint the picture of this woman and makes it absolutely clear that he was picked by HRC.

Old article confirming HRC directly connected to her nomination. Raises the question of how she remained on the bench even back then after being found to harbor an illegal alien. Remember what happened to Meg Whitman about a similar issue? How the hell is this woman still on the bench. BOTH, I repeat BOTH HRC pushes for the position were found to have hired illegal aliens to watch children. Very suspicious.

https:// archive.fo/pSqqE

https:// archive.li/9Gz3J

Old comment from Snopes in 2008. I verified the data and it is all factual. Would recommend others do as well if interested:

https:// archive.fo/QaJUU

I found this extremely odd as I had no idea it occurred until now. Before Ginsberg was elected to sit on the SCOTUS another person was slotted to take that seat… want to know who it was… yeah… Ginsberg but with a cock. Douglas H. Ginsberg, currently an appeals court judge in DC:

https:// archive.fo/cMNCI

Now I come to the final thing which I personally think may be the biggest connection yet brought up in terms of the slush funds and pizza related activity (ie: Q's and FBIAnon statements about the foundation and related things). On top of that, I think this is very reason Vince Foster was killed. The "Children's defense fund" set up by HRC political adviser Marian Wright Edelman.

"In 1993, Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta met with Vince Foster in Geneva, Switzerland. Foster had traveled there to make a special pickup of a disbursement that had been formally requested by the President of the United States, Bill Clinton. According to Wanta, he had been working on "Seal projects" and had been requested to transfer $250 million to an account that was retrievable by Foster. The account was destined for the "Children's defense fund," hardly a "Seal" project. Wanta arranged for three payments, approximately $81 million dollars each, to be made and converted to U.S. Treasury notes which were given to Foster, who then gave them to Hillary Clinton."

"The "Children's defense fund" was a pet project of Hillary Rodham Clinton. It would be revealing to track the $250 million "appropriation" from Switzerland to its final destination"

Old article which pulled details about fund from MSM (which have since been removed)

https:// archive.li/SBYoZ

Long story short, the web connects this judge directly back to HRC.

#1078675 at 2018-04-17 19:49:17 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1346: BOOM Bread Edition


Also at the Roosevelt Room ceremony will be Andrew Vachss, the originator of the idea of a national background check, the bill's Congressional sponsors-Sen. Joseph Biden, Rep. Patricia Schroeder, and Rep. Don Edwards-and former Illinois Governor James R. Thompson, who has worked with Ms. Winfrey on the legislation.

Among the organizations represented at the ceremony will be the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Girl Scouts USA, the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse, Children's defense fund, Child Welfare League of America, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, and the National Collaboration for Youth.

Biden and Clintons and Opee and the groups that love Clintons Saving the Children ?

0d939f  No.5884482

File: 3b30b4836292469⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 820x524, 205:131, 234r54tw4t5wt5qw4r.jpg)

eca91b  No.5884483


while he drinks wine with his rich ass cronies

what a dick

7d9ac2  No.5884484


Notice she doesn't say that MJ is a molester???

ed8f9c  No.5884485



72cad2  No.5884486

File: 4a8076b8e00bceb⋯.png (394.8 KB, 603x564, 201:188, Shock_Cat2.png)

ae8677  No.5884487

File: 1ed9286f363f18a⋯.png (20.76 KB, 307x271, 307:271, Question 4.PNG)


Daniels to talk?

That's the Question.


012cb6  No.5884488

File: 75b17ec4c6c8c4e⋯.jpg (186.81 KB, 1024x712, 128:89, mccain_unfriendly_ghost-10….jpg)

File: 43c533b0371f39e⋯.jpg (137.34 KB, 1024x850, 512:425, mueller_results_tina_carto….jpg)

a14118  No.5884489

File: 8529bca4a186243⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 624x420, 52:35, shatner-624-1378846995-137….jpg)

e448b0  No.5884490

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 253x233, 253:233, 25a20be2dc660fe4c4bf804dc8….jpg)

6eeb2d  No.5884491

File: 2cf691cdd1ee511⋯.jpg (25.59 KB, 210x280, 3:4, 2ubob9.jpg)

e1a5d5  No.5884492

File: 3526fd78b6f85af⋯.png (669.37 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons, let's turn this franchise around!

aa0005  No.5884493


^^^^^^^ This is major.

9f458d  No.5884494

File: b6dd702a451c9b6⋯.png (750.15 KB, 750x546, 125:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3f6cce92261330⋯.png (69.15 KB, 1092x803, 1092:803, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d16b530378732b8⋯.png (58.11 KB, 907x762, 907:762, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f3150df4f32493⋯.png (19.38 KB, 798x281, 798:281, ClipboardImage.png)

As DOJ Prosecutor, Adam Schiff Was Accused of Covering Up Evidence to Help Prosecute FBI Agent in Shady Russian Spy Case

Adam Schiff has been carrying the water for the Deep State for decades. Let’s travel back to 1990 when Adam Schiff was working as a federal prosecutor for the Justice Department who was hell bent on prosecuting a FBI Agent for “espionage” which by today’s standards would look like a weak shoplifting case.

Schiff was chasing FBI Agent Richard Miller for trading a secret FBI manual to the Soviet Union for sex, money and a Burberry trench coat. Yes, that is it. Imagine those headlines today? Miller’s case wouldn’t even get a sniff in the Andrew McCabe era. After three or four trials — a mistrial and an overturned verdict on appeal — Schiff finally got Miller locked up but the case went sideways and Schiff was accused of covering up evidence that could have helped Miller. Such allegations, from defense attorneys representing a Justice Department employee against federal prosecutors are rarely taken lightly. And from what we now know about Schiff’s propensity to leak classified intelligence, perhaps the details of this case should be re-examined. The FBI’s Miller has long been free from prison, yet Schiff perseveres.

What did Miller know about Russia — or the FBI’s dealings with Russia — that made the Bureau want to silence him? And why would Schiff and the Justice Department allegedly cover up evidence to put Miller away on Mickey Mouse charges of trading a FBI manual for sex and a trench coat? There is always far more to such a story that ever meets the public eye. Old habits never die in the Swamp. They just change job titles.


Prosecutors Deny Misconduct Charges in Miller Spy Case


cb5703  No.5884495


how do you get 0 delta….I see 11 delta

c02ce9  No.5884496


Remember he was hobnobbing with a lot of these people, including the Clintons. I've heard it said while he doesn't drink, he'd give them drinks. Apparently alcohol is a great truth serum! He has the goods on them.

f4939a  No.5884497


all caps :/

useless fuck. kek

012cb6  No.5884498



His art, no?

97da4b  No.5884499


Who is taking the photos? Staged.

c68e75  No.5884500



as in - if (((They))) persist in screwing with the truth…

4e7417  No.5884501



7529df  No.5884502

File: 33d76af4320724f⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 400x225, 16:9, MakingWaves.gif)

fbdb83  No.5884503


"My fellow Americans, the Stormy is upon us…

hope you have protection"

2c867a  No.5884504


She is pretty.

7d9ac2  No.5884505


They're readying her withered corpse as I type this…

c6750d  No.5884506

File: 1f274c10dc31940⋯.jpeg (161.62 KB, 1024x579, 1024:579, 2CDA5D9A-3E30-4EB5-9207-D….jpeg)

f0354e  No.5884507

File: 4d282c01ba9bfde⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 300x300, 1:1, glowdild.jpg)


Here, you dropped this…

e32261  No.5884508


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned….

3d61a2  No.5884509


idk anon. Q has pointed to the Senate investigations multiple times. Like that's where the importance lies. Frankly, pisses me off. They can't do shit. FISA needs declas and indictments unsealed.

492961  No.5884510

Lady Justice often carries a sword in one hand. The sword is a historical symbol of authority, wielded by kings, emperors and generals. It is therefore one of the earliest symbols for justice, as the power of a monarch could be delivered with a stroke of the sword. Additionally, the sword has an esteemed place in ceremony even today, as people who are knighted are touched upon the shoulders with a blade. Lady Justice's sword advances the concept that justice can be swift and final.

1ab585  No.5884511

File: a6d7408ade33da5⋯.png (616.56 KB, 509x672, 509:672, ClipboardImage.png)


Opening the Washington Post today, we were aghast. Prominently displayed on page 8 was a full-page ad falsely accusing Representative Ilhan Omar of being anti-semitic. “The Jews control the world with their money” – words Rep. Omar NEVER said – were splattered next to her face, leaving readers to assume it was a quote.

The ad was produced and purchased by the notorious Rabbi Shmuley, a hate-monger whose agenda is well-known: to demand U.S. compliance with Israel’s status quo of occupation and apartheid. Why is the Washington Post allowing Shmuley to purchase such an outrageous ad inciting hatred against the first black, Muslim hijab-wearing member of Congress? Contact the Washington Post now. Tell them to apologize to Rep. Omar and promise not to print ads that propagate lies and hate. We will hand deliver your signatures to the Post.

As Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib wrote: “This is a false ad that only serves to incite violence toward a Black Muslim woman. It’s fear-mongering and we need to stand together and say this type of hate should not have a place in our newspapers or society.”

We know the results of inciting such hatred: We just saw the murder of 50 Muslims in New Zealand with the shooter crediting President Trump as an inspiration to white nationalists across the world.

The stakes are higher than ever right now. After years and years of Congress providing unquestioned support for Israel and kowtowing to the Israel lobby, we now have members of Congress openly supporting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement. And for the first time ever, nearly every Democratic presidential candidate is refusing to attend the AIPAC conference happening in Washington, D.C.

Skipping AIPAC used to be considered political suicide, but now it’s AIPAC that is toxic. No one looking to establish their progressive credentials wants to be associated with blind support for the apartheid state. That’s why Rabbi Shmuley is desperate to frame Rep. Ilhan Omar as an enemy of the Jewish people.

The Washington Post knows what Rep. Omar has and has not said; it knows that Rabbi Shmuley’s ad is misleading and repulsive. So why print it?


d6f965  No.5884512


Where they finding all these police willing to stand against the will of the people? Are these UN imports or French citizens?

f4f20d  No.5884513


Duke getting ahead of the game hoping to get out of the line of fire coming.


85c363  No.5884514

File: 6428a31d6f2ca49⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3261x3139, 3261:3139, InkedQproof_LI.jpg)

Think Q is telling us to watch AS.

a5d405  No.5884515

File: 017f29474551ba0⋯.png (548.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



8e9a73  No.5884516

File: 8809b277d32e0ac⋯.png (15.52 KB, 441x397, 441:397, freedom.png)

e32261  No.5884517


I chuckled, like Bibi doesn't know what's going on in the US and POTUS has to give him the quick 3 second version.

6eeb2d  No.5884518


Ask him about the Armenian Genocide.

He'll lose his mind

4ed51c  No.5884519


sorry I thought it was 2:00 my b

ed8f9c  No.5884520




e3af08  No.5884521

File: c4ca63461062c07⋯.png (227.3 KB, 345x336, 115:112, 3ff567023fc111ed015d35e6f7….png)

File: ea59c89a73ad517⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 720x792, 10:11, AADDFE21-AE07-44AA-AD0B-70….jpg)

File: d5e2492194476e7⋯.png (750.79 KB, 770x960, 77:96, paste_3.png)

1e53ba  No.5884522

U heard that DS? Watch your head when that sword falls faggots!

08e64d  No.5884523

File: edafa0239c638e2⋯.jpg (75.75 KB, 600x437, 600:437, edafa0239c638e2bb6053ace65….jpg)

1+1+1 = 3

Recent DNA Studies? Relation to the Khazarian Hypothesis?

Ukraine in the news? Geographic relation to Khazaria?

Netanyahu in the news? Relation to Khazaria?

8d1cbf  No.5884524

File: b00fc447169418d⋯.jpg (131.08 KB, 1408x905, 1408:905, IMG_20190325_165307.jpg)

Anons knew about Russiagate. We are the news now.

54761b  No.5884525

Tucker will spend the entire show this evening laughing his ass off.

324f30  No.5884526

File: ce4a67880357e43⋯.png (93.33 KB, 527x425, 31:25, 1 Dupree re SDNY Avenatti ….PNG)

File: a3880a706806f56⋯.png (133.79 KB, 706x399, 706:399, 1 Dupree re SDNY Avenatti ….PNG)

File: d779b6163996b21⋯.png (159.07 KB, 704x512, 11:8, 1 Dupree re SDNY Avenatti ….PNG)

File: 2b19f74d044bcf8⋯.png (94.44 KB, 519x432, 173:144, 2 Dupree re SDNY Avenatti ….PNG)

File: 8021af7e27d0540⋯.pdf (763.51 KB, U-S-v-Michael-Avenatti-Com….pdf)

Michael Avenatti tweets about Nike at 12:16 pm - SDNY tweets about the Avenatti charges less than an hour later


You can read the SDNY charges against Avenatti at



c0ba8d  No.5884527

File: 3a0d2e85aae57ff⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, 3a0d2e85aae57ff6da5077375f….png)

15ad0d  No.5884528


Greg Gutfeld

"Terrible week for President Trump and it is only Monday"

7529df  No.5884529

File: 39b0a7b9cb17555⋯.png (6.69 MB, 1472x2048, 23:32, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned….

5fc9b1  No.5884530

Avenatti will cop a plea in exchange for moar info. Maybe who really hired him to sue djt on behalf of stormy.

I wonder how much time he will do. Same as Cohen.

The CA bar will be disbarring him asap.

3fd06a  No.5884531


Avenatti has TWO cases!!!

NY and CA charged him on two different things.

NY for extorting Nike and CA for tax and bank fraud.

f301a2  No.5884532

File: d667f91a4ac3d03⋯.jpg (160.34 KB, 500x666, 250:333, index.jpg)

97da4b  No.5884533


> Barr reference to “last resort”


ec7877  No.5884534

File: d4489133418a02d⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 300x183, 100:61, slots-shill-300x183.jpg)

Serious question for lawfags: If shills are ultimately paid by a treasonous person or organization (or a hostile foreign power) what is their liability? Are they also guilty of the same crimes?

ae8677  No.5884535


Wonder if she has any leverage on anyone else?

She's going to be well attended to soon enough.

1ab123  No.5884536


That's the plan, Anon. Trust it and enjoy Act Two as it begins to unfold.

393dce  No.5884537

File: 0e4b2860c2d5703⋯.jpg (145.63 KB, 600x429, 200:143, grin-600-li.jpg)

cedf2c  No.5884538


Of course. This corrupted swamp will take many waves of prosecutions to bring down.

9d422f  No.5884539


Stormy will take a HOT SHOT of heroine and be done. Bitch won't do time.

8d1cbf  No.5884540

File: 04ef9e863cbeacb⋯.jpg (321.18 KB, 2001x1095, 667:365, IMG_20190325_164533.jpg)

Anons are month ahead of the news.

a24983  No.5884541

File: 9a7e7798adc5c81⋯.png (46.91 KB, 300x169, 300:169, RGBS-----Finest.png)

Thank you, Baker

Smokin' as always.

Are you good for the afternoon?

Here anyway and can bake if required.


c9ad0c  No.5884542

File: 659693a0e772791⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 275x183, 275:183, CapsLock.jpg)



4619ee  No.5884543


They are enemy agents.

f2658d  No.5884544

File: cdac03809744251⋯.gif (996.7 KB, 500x349, 500:349, Genocyber Parasite.gif)


Get Ready

Liberal's minds are going to explode. Expect them to try to do some dumb hoaxes cause they can't handle reality as their mind parasites writhe in pain.

855fd6  No.5884545

>>5883573 Q Listen very carefully.

Anybody mention the perfectly timed chime that happens at :23 seconds?

b1e710  No.5884546

U.S. Attorney press conference on Avenatti, ABC Live right now.

8e9a73  No.5884547



e32261  No.5884548


Delusional knucklehead thinks he's a gray man.

7d9ac2  No.5884549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I still pull this up every couple of months for entertainment purposes.

ea68f4  No.5884550

File: 6e66e5879434482⋯.png (691.02 KB, 790x730, 79:73, ClipboardImage.png)

The OA, season 2 review: Netflix's weird inter-dimensional soap opera is now even weirder

The show’s worlds have some factual differences—in the San Francisco universe of Season 2, it’s still 2016 and Joe Biden is president—and some more intangible ones.

12817e  No.5884551


When will the Corke pop out the bottle?

Will this be the one with the golden tongue?

91a13a  No.5884552



>>5884436 Duke University to Pay $112.5 Million Settlement for Scientific Research Related Misconduct

cb5703  No.5884553



No problem anon. Happens…especially when shit is going down so fast

2c867a  No.5884554


>NY for extorting Nike and CA for tax and bank fraud.

from sea to shining sea kek

faa8db  No.5884555



Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease

cd3271  No.5884556

will we find out Avenatti extorted DJT?

97da4b  No.5884557


> Stormy response to Avenatti arrest

baker notable

1e53ba  No.5884558


Link it nigger

6baa92  No.5884559

File: 755c359065da58e⋯.jpeg (78.74 KB, 678x499, 678:499, SHHHgfdgdrfsgrfsedgs.jpeg)

852f08  No.5884560


you may want to listen to this, he said the T word… and he's coming for them.


e166ad  No.5884561

File: 4edb76b84c69237⋯.jpg (8.62 KB, 200x200, 1:1, dinosaur.jpg)




589d5f  No.5884562

File: 04f7a71e207fcb4⋯.png (570.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, open.png)

I am blown away.

It's really, truly happening folks.

POTUS openly calling out Treason and declaring what (((THEY))) have done must never happen to another President.

He has opened the doors to an impossible dream.

True Justice.

d2e022  No.5884563


Put lb or PB faggot

defa43  No.5884564

File: cf4a28227d92b58⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 7c5dcd5d6a09ff189492d385fe….jpg)

1ab585  No.5884565

File: db6d846a9e94fa6⋯.png (44.37 KB, 1491x445, 1491:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: defe723e2bab7e3⋯.png (29.17 KB, 1484x278, 742:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Admin Proposes New $8 Billion Loan Fund to Subsidize Foreign Weapon Sales

The revival of the FMF grant program is part of a wider effort by the Trump administration to push US weapon sales and persuade foreign nations to “buy American.”

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is pushing for the creation of an $8 billion loan fund in order to boost weapons sales to foreign allies, according to a summary of the administration’s draft budget for next year, which was made public on March 11. The loan program was first pitched in the early days of the administration but failed to gain support from Congress.

While the previously suggested loan program was touted as a replacement for the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grant program — which subsidizes arms purchases made by foreign nations, particularly Israel and Egypt, to the tune of billions of dollars — the current loan program would not replace, but instead “complement” the FMF program. While the current budget would slightly reduce the requested budget for the FMF from $5.9 billion in FY 2019 to $5.4 billion, the suggested loan program would add an additional $8 billion, bringing the total amount budgeted by the Trump administration for financing arms purchases made by foreign nations to an astounding $13.4 billion.


7c9dcc  No.5884566


If this is true it would be a panic reaction of biblical proportions.

ed8f9c  No.5884567


>>5883177 Q



ab24ff  No.5884568

File: ff167d581429975⋯.png (249.77 KB, 1440x1146, 240:191, Screenshot_2019-03-25-14-3….png)

a0903c  No.5884569


No. It's clearly been reworked.

Someone's been reworking his stuff into anorher weird anti-jew theme.

These people will be found and then sued for spreading it.

7d9ac2  No.5884570


Gutfield is hilarious.

c68e75  No.5884571


Noice, Anon!

b1e710  No.5884572


Sorry- was watching on IPTV.


b07fec  No.5884573




6dd52f  No.5884574

File: 0ad51b844f1bfb5⋯.jpeg (554.85 KB, 1153x2034, 1153:2034, image.jpeg)


eca91b  No.5884575

File: 9bdf6b61a28ced2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 857x824, 857:824, 9bdf6b61a28ced2cb6923172c3….png)

ce8c0e  No.5884576

File: dbf9c6af1289437⋯.jpg (167.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, zombomeme25032019143720.jpg)

3b0cf9  No.5884577

File: c1c0e5c65392b33⋯.png (29.05 KB, 638x209, 58:19, Screenshot (54).png)


The comments on the thread. kek Love it!

ea68f4  No.5884578

File: e8a7d13ff847272⋯.png (615.04 KB, 339x640, 339:640, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5884524 Big Brothers of Mankind


4e1875  No.5884579

File: c41391556b265cf⋯.png (542.5 KB, 660x494, 330:247, ClipboardImage.png)

afdf77  No.5884580


Raising my glass to you, anon.

5f47df  No.5884581

95ee18  No.5884582

File: 6ffa564e9571210⋯.png (74.11 KB, 284x178, 142:89, ClipboardImage.png)

clean it up

c2f484  No.5884583

I Daniel ONLY pave the way for the great ones.


7c01a7  No.5884584

The grieving of the Left…

denial turns to anger.

then the FISA docs, investigations into Hussein and Co.

Using the left's anger redirected against the traitors.

Jedi for real.

6eeb2d  No.5884585

File: 8bfeb5255e1571a⋯.jpg (93.4 KB, 500x574, 250:287, truly stupid.jpg)

85c363  No.5884586

File: 6428a31d6f2ca49⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3261x3139, 3261:3139, InkedQproof_LI.jpg)



Forgot Link.

589d5f  No.5884587


None are so blind as those who will not see.

Open your eyes fool.

5cb59a  No.5884588

File: fde092b31f3277b⋯.png (348.8 KB, 765x370, 153:74, ClipboardImage.png)

976387  No.5884589

File: 72370cddc3e904a⋯.jpg (6.08 MB, 3248x3820, 812:955, These 17?.jpg)

Q thanks for the Justice image!!!

I was working on a meme that needed this exact image!

I know I missed someone or put someone in that shouldn't be in; so help me out people!

eca91b  No.5884590

File: 8015929cb28f581⋯.jpg (833.78 KB, 1000x1331, 1000:1331, 8015929cb28f581c868d266199….jpg)

e3af08  No.5884591


Western civilizations Incompatability with islam aside, Jeff is part of the team that wants you/me/we/us divided.

Then there is that whole Sharia vs. The Constitution thing and if you cant see that might as well neck yourself.

262d33  No.5884592


Pretty sure it's the Krassensteins BTW

874456  No.5884593

CNN is still sitting outside Mueller's office

Special Counsel Robert Mueller just won't go home — and neither will CNN.

Reporters — namely the so-called CNN stakeout team — have spent months loitering around Mueller's office, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man and his even more mysterious investigation into the Trump campaign's conduct surrounding Russian election interference. Yet even though the whole world knows Mueller's job is pretty much wrapped, the CNN stakeout team seemingly hasn't gotten the message.


b07fec  No.5884594


list with sources please

e19333  No.5884595



"very few people could have handled it" (pizzagate)?

5212a4  No.5884596

File: 7c00291fd6d305a⋯.jpg (206.13 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN WATCH SEAN HANNITY.JPG)

8ebf99  No.5884597


Apple news !!

a5f791  No.5884598

File: d1fe940376970aa⋯.png (253.97 KB, 918x563, 918:563, rolemodel.png)

7529df  No.5884599

File: 89a7192fa56806e⋯.jpg (63.12 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SubYahu.jpg)

Enjoy the wine.

3d61a2  No.5884600


I hope you're right. When I see DOJ actually start doing their job, then I will have a sigh of relief. But I haven't seen anything from them so far. We are 2-3 months away from even the OIG FISA report being released. Since declas won't happen until after that, we are now looking at summer or later. I know…enjoy the show. blah..blah

012cb6  No.5884601



If so, unintentionally my part. No reason to think it wasn't him.

8f2807  No.5884602

File: dd0fc4bc4e159a9⋯.jpeg (88.27 KB, 800x418, 400:209, E2101D02-C845-4575-BF54-7….jpeg)

dcf0c7  No.5884603

File: 259dea92dfb541b⋯.png (59.94 KB, 215x168, 215:168, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anons, let's turn this franchise around!



c0ba8d  No.5884604


go outside and enjoy what little time you have left, shill.

1ab585  No.5884605

File: c6d20199f2c6a5d⋯.png (682.76 KB, 809x762, 809:762, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like a residential area!

eca91b  No.5884606


these people are stupid!


015cc6  No.5884607

File: a121e1bc2efe59c⋯.webm (5.69 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Jekyll and Hyde Together ….webm)

Feinstein next?

Vid for KEK

b1e710  No.5884608

The Avenatti Extortion Scheme Timeline is on a display in the press conference. KEK

233a7e  No.5884609

File: 3bab7febcacb827⋯.png (28.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, KYS.png)


Wake up you idiot. You have a very small mind and should EXPAND YOUR THINKING. Q and POTUS have a lot more control they you can possible imagine. You are a worthless shitter here. Do all PATRIOTS IN CONTROL a favor.

979363  No.5884610

File: 200b45ebc621779⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 650x906, 325:453, justice.jpg)

5212a4  No.5884611

File: 0069ef98db669c5⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 640x640, 1:1, VOTER FRAUD.MP4)


25f8b9  No.5884612

File: e486fc2570a6431⋯.jpg (617.08 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190325-133809….jpg)

File: dd9fe3247c6d6bd⋯.jpg (659.17 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190325-133816….jpg)

Swift and Final

c2a743  No.5884613


>>5884533 Barr reference to “last resort.”

>>5884526 Avenatti Tweets and indictments.

>>5884478 America gets yet another Israel lobby group.

>>5884436 Duke University agrees to pay U.S. $112.5 million to settle false claims act allegations related to scientific research misconduct.

>>5884420 GOP’s McCarthy demands Adam Schiff step down as House Intel Chairman.

>>5884412 30 minutes to Hannity.

>>5884409 ASUS software update server hacked to distribute malware.

>>5884406 Live: CA Law enforcement officials announce charges against Avenatti.

>>5884401 Lindsey Graham: Senate will investigate FISA abuse, surveillance of Trump campaign.

>>5884396 Fox News WH correspondent tweets about Q!

>>5884365 Stormy Daniels statement on Avenatti's arrest.

c2f484  No.5884614



5fc9b1  No.5884615


She's a tool in all of this, anon. While creepy porn lawyer was wearing $1000 suits, she was stripping in seedy clubs.

Gonna be interesting to see the genesis of this bullshit.

8f84bf  No.5884616

Am I late on this? Busy dealing with RL problems in my own space.

Seems the great white Dem hope aka Avenetti has been cuffed for trying to extort 20 Million out of Nike. Another high flyer who flew too close to the sun.

https:// www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-avenatti-nike-extortion-20-million-stormy-daniels-20190325-w6xaslijf5ey3drvheyelppjmy-story.html#nt=oft-Double Chain~Flex Feature~top-version1~avenatti-200p~~1~yes-art~curated~curatedpage

ef2258  No.5884617

We need to set an example of the traitors and sell outs on the right. Those that broke the law like Bush.

I hope this is not Justice for D's only. We know the D's are traitors. The R's should be held to a higher standard and it will prove that Justice punishes all criminals regardless of party affiliation.

3b8728  No.5884618

File: 7fa8d4588d5cce2⋯.jpg (184.27 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Donald_Trump_Laughing.jpg)

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, 231gmn.jpg)

File: cd34bafc35d19f0⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 618x340, 309:170, trump-laughing-rosie.jpg)


Oh how (((they)))


589d5f  No.5884619


Read the breads and quit being an idiot.

487c3f  No.5884620


MJ was owned

MJ was made to have kids so they could control his fortune, his music and his progeny

MJ was blackmailed

MJ was MK-ultrad into a different person

Oprah is snake

15ad0d  No.5884621

File: 2910546b3c5f381⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1344x886, 672:443, ClipboardImage.png)

a26c2d  No.5884622

File: ee9f5957dd7acd7⋯.jpg (155.57 KB, 500x666, 250:333, jc2wwz8y.jpg)

8d1cbf  No.5884623


>Transparency and prosecution is the only way forward.

Q has told us this multiple times. Be ready for BIG BIG habbennings in future.

5212a4  No.5884624

File: ac132ed0c2646c8⋯.jpg (242.57 KB, 1280x734, 640:367, QNN TRUMP DOSSIER.JPG)

25b9e5  No.5884625


Is that a deal then? I thought NO DEALS??

ae8677  No.5884626

In the last 3 days:

(From Trump Jr)

- Mueller investigation’s findings were released by Barr

- No collusion found

- Trump rubbed it in everyone’s face

- ISIS Caliphate obliterated

- Michael Avenatti facing time behind bars

- @DonaldJTrumpJr gets the ultimate revenge

Still not tired of winning.

fb1a1f  No.5884627


71fe0e  No.5884628

File: f765af994bef721⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Picture8.png)

6baa92  No.5884629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't recall seeing Anthony Brian Logan ever shared on here. I watch this guy a lot. Very sensible and calm discussion. He's full on MAGA, but I never heard him discuss Q. I'd bet money he's familiar with Q however, at this point.

Nadler getting heckled in the beginning too, kek. These people won't be able to walk down the street. The Looney Left been doing it to the Right for years now. Payback.

96e5cb  No.5884630

File: 1761dfc8cf0df3f⋯.png (429.72 KB, 610x996, 305:498, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)

File: c9f7016f9e31d8c⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 960x701, 960:701, D2hmGr5XgAAqh7y.jpg)

Memes for the win!



e939bb  No.5884631


he is going to hang himself or eat a bullet

7529df  No.5884632

File: 54d4482f4a5eadd⋯.png (527.94 KB, 634x479, 634:479, aO4bBWL.png)


>Oprah is snake

bc3daa  No.5884634

File: 63c6451e2236f3a⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 315x315, 1:1, SPIN.jpg)

File: 204890f376e1487⋯.jpg (576.86 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, COLLUSION.jpg)

8f2807  No.5884635

File: 72270c445be6b9d⋯.jpeg (84.52 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 25559E8D-2762-41D6-B432-0….jpeg)

e32261  No.5884637


DeMor shills use "confused" a lot.

393dce  No.5884638

File: a9e247f3d8a4f25⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 789x327, 263:109, Capture.JPG)

faa8db  No.5884639


It just keeps getting better

b07fec  No.5884640


like i said


3a2d66  No.5884641

File: 810c158ae7c35fa⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 820x524, 205:131, QCrumbsBlindJustice.jpg)

File: 1b9df447abf961b⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 1180x750, 118:75, Justice.jpg)

File: 5071fc5deee4e69⋯.jpg (545.59 KB, 1242x1226, 621:613, justice.jpg)

File: 5dcd0191ef3a3d0⋯.jpg (279.46 KB, 1993x1316, 1993:1316, BarrPainJustice.JPG)

File: a4e1d75f32360c5⋯.jpg (301.84 KB, 1201x901, 1201:901, QNN:JusticeComing.jpg)

1ab123  No.5884642


DECLAS will be MUCH sooner than you think. And just because Jason Chaffetz says 90 days for OIG you believe it? Don't let the long slog of Act One affect your thinking. It's a whole new script now!

0d9a34  No.5884643

>>5883651 lb


Ask why a simple bank subpoena case would be sealed all the way to the Supreme Court? because it fingers Hillary and/or Obama, that's why.

9d422f  No.5884644

Hopefully if the sword raised is to control corruption they can top down it. Because locally the police have NOT been fair, and the Courts NOT been Just.. and lady Justice has had her hand out and allowed corruptions to lift the blindfold and allowed things to take place that NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED.

f736d7  No.5884645

File: 47d684b76bcc0e2⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 510x500, 51:50, treeknob.jpg)

a0903c  No.5884646





(((▪︎Ben Garrison: How The Internet Made A Fake White Supremacist▪︎)))



4e7417  No.5884647


Love it

5212a4  No.5884648

File: 24b8b8ec85c3afc⋯.jpg (192.93 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN TRUDEAU REPORT3.jpg)



855fd6  No.5884649


Was the "Q" label on Q's post not explicit enough for you?

Where do these cranky fucking people come from!

afdf77  No.5884650


Almost makes me wish I was a bad guy.

280a72  No.5884651

FF haven't been working as designed so now we're seeing "suicides" from some involved in past shootings (Parkland, Sandy Hook). "See- guns keep on killing even after the events!"

This evil must be stopped and exposed.

ed8f9c  No.5884652



012cb6  No.5884653


I found the image here (pb) on this board…


262d33  No.5884654




<when you learn to English perhaps?

0d939f  No.5884655

File: a814f5ed82f42f0⋯.jpg (149.54 KB, 1281x962, 1281:962, a814f5ed82f42f0ed12e4f1088….jpg)



e4924b  No.5884656


S'matter rabbi?

7fcf65  No.5884657


Things are going to be difficult for you coming up you may want to see a therapist, kek.

120f09  No.5884658

File: b9f1d7b57f3d231⋯.jpg (227.08 KB, 1538x983, 1538:983, power-strength.jpg)

power and strength of justice…PAIN

ea68f4  No.5884659

File: 5cb356dfda1bcba⋯.png (964.14 KB, 736x719, 736:719, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5884573 Reconcile

dcf0c7  No.5884661


>Avenatti has TWO cases!!!

Yep, did you listen to the press conference?

Avenatti is fucked! lmfao

Krass Clown bros next for their Ponzi scam? *fingers crossed!

5212a4  No.5884662

File: 82914600f022e99⋯.jpg (211.12 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN TRUMP.JPG)

324f30  No.5884663

File: ceec04a465dc525⋯.png (143.6 KB, 530x373, 530:373, JWoods re Aventti 3-25-19.PNG)

File: c8ba915a76bdc0b⋯.png (389.73 KB, 935x362, 935:362, JWoods re Aventti 3-25-19 ….PNG)

The definition of irony…






589d5f  No.5884664


Damn you are thick.

c68e75  No.5884665

File: 95848fef0930beb⋯.png (539.43 KB, 772x837, 772:837, Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at ….png)

e9cecb  No.5884666


Where does that put the Bushes? The other other side?

720daf  No.5884667

File: f6b3bbcc6ba6256⋯.jpg (109.66 KB, 1080x482, 540:241, IMG_1540.JPG)

File: 3e2d9a315bb93a5⋯.jpg (71.41 KB, 612x418, 306:209, IMG_1541.JPG)

Presented without comment. Actually, let me amend that.

What the fuck is this?

ef2258  No.5884668


Oprah Winfrey Network




New World Order

faa8db  No.5884669


I hope he tries to be his own defense attorney

10e6b8  No.5884670

File: fe2ceb351fb9ac4⋯.jpg (199.77 KB, 888x500, 222:125, suicideweek.jpg)

7529df  No.5884671


There’s much more to the story that needs to be told.

e166ad  No.5884672


> Serious question for lawfags: If shills are ultimately paid by a treasonous person or organization (or a hostile foreign power) what is their liability? Are they also guilty of the same crimes?

I am not a lawyer but I would consider it adhering to the enemy, especially if they were warned by their victims. They may also be guilty of 18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason as well as 18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony for any money laundering or other crimes that they may have witnessed like failing to register as a foreign agent.

bc3daa  No.5884673

File: a489877532a4a79⋯.jpg (291.43 KB, 840x600, 7:5, no going back 5.jpg)

c1a7a2  No.5884674

>>5877039 night shift pb

>No post since Satuday night.

>Q is hungover.


>>5877060 night shift pb

>Q team probably just wants up to celebrate on our own for a while giving us a break.

>Q will be back tomorrow when the real stuff happens.

This is what it's like when you Learn To Q.

With that said

>Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 25 Mar 2019 - 1:35:27 PM

>>5882614 (/pb)

>Why didn't POTUS fire [RR] after reporting re: offer to wear wire?

>Who signed off on the MUELLER summary report submitted by BARR yesterday?



Come to think of it, I don't recall the media even mentioning RR all weekend especially yesterday.

They've mentioned Mueller, Barr and Trump.

9d422f  No.5884675


shill, quit responding anon. Unless you like blood on the wall

874456  No.5884676

File: c9540b03a8d9b36⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Palm-Sunday-640x480.jpg)

Pope: Water Shortage One of the ‘Inevitable Consequences of Climate Change’

Pope Francis tied a lack of water in different parts of the world to global warming Sunday, calling it one of the “inevitable consequences of climate change.”

In his message for World Water Day 2019, the pope called for education of future generations in a greater respect for the environment and a greater awareness of the suffering caused by climate change.

This educational challenge will produce “generations that value and love the resources that our mother the Earth gives us,” he said.


watch the water

b1e710  No.5884677

"This was an old fashioned 'shake-down'." -U.S. Attorney on Avenatti scheme

5bda37  No.5884678

File: 9680ab00b8dd6d7⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x931, 1200:931, Screenshot_20190303-000340….png)

Thank you Q, Q+ et al!

5212a4  No.5884679

File: d9e02606951af2b⋯.jpg (195.47 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN WALL.JPG)

cbb24a  No.5884680

File: 912aecd8e6f6e9e⋯.jpg (128.77 KB, 874x500, 437:250, pepe insider trading.jpg)

File: 8dbda76a3e6da0a⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 667x374, 667:374, general mills dump.jpg)

File: 9ee55fc1eee6d6c⋯.jpg (98.28 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, nextstar media dump.jpg)

Track ANY stock here


69a0f3  No.5884681

File: 03991d00904e974⋯.gif (396.89 KB, 499x281, 499:281, Fagit Sword.gif)

This is going to be EPIC!

0f17bf  No.5884682


No stick to the rules faggot

6baa92  No.5884683

File: 56f5a357d7e0d00⋯.jpg (247.53 KB, 1008x570, 168:95, OWN_NWO.jpg)

File: cbf34d76d09d1cf⋯.jpg (134.34 KB, 624x353, 624:353, OW_JOG.jpg)

a4debc  No.5884684

Anyone understand what's going on with Flynn??

Q hasn't said much about him.

8d1cbf  No.5884685

File: 00df90b5779e0f2⋯.jpg (46.16 KB, 610x456, 305:228, IMG_20190325_164740.jpg)

We have crossed the 20 marker. This prove that Q is real, fine and dandy. Shills and MSM will be orchestrating multiple coordinated heavy attacks ahead.

7529df  No.5884686

File: a3df1e1b603b7a4⋯.png (552.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

3e8213  No.5884687

Avenatti presser, public meet Mr. Berman. You’ll be hearing about him moar I bet.

f4f01c  No.5884688

File: 763ec744f6ce03d⋯.gif (1005.18 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1.21-gigawatts.gif)

Exciting Time

78f94d  No.5884689


Those who have engineered these events should be granted their "gun-free zone" in the form of a prison cell, for life.

ae8677  No.5884690


Gotta admit, Woods is doing A LOT of heavy lifting when it comes to spreading the word.


03c743  No.5884691

File: 8689fd308db4eb2⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 771x550, 771:550, march.jpg)

march madness

e75282  No.5884692


And we knew "Muh Russia" was a hoax years ago.

What is your point? POTUS phrases hold more weight to normies now.

7529df  No.5884693

File: b2fcee68dcb4895⋯.png (1.11 MB, 972x729, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

10e6b8  No.5884694

File: 9b3aed703704e87⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1612x899, 52:29, DO.png)

fff3ff  No.5884695

File: 8356acd9fd63559⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2742x1935, 914:645, 8356acd9fd63559201569bccce….jpg)

File: 2dff2ce6bc73356⋯.jpg (317.34 KB, 695x1024, 695:1024, gettyimages-499835712-1024….jpg)

File: a9682927fe24a94⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 753x502, 3:2, JJ-Abrams-and-Katie-McGrat….jpg)

File: 7b4210de09009bb⋯.png (240.36 KB, 395x438, 395:438, katherine.clark_.head_.sho….png)

File: 3b1cc79c7d632e5⋯.jpg (34.3 KB, 553x369, 553:369, ON-CQ474_cloone_G_20180822….jpg)


More Pedowood Child Trafficking Organization

Childrens Defense Fund

Grand pappy of balls out pedovore child trafficking charity scams.

More archives:

#1078453 at 2018-04-17 19:28:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1345: WRAYs of LIGHT Edition


Among those joining the President at the signing ceremony today will be actress/producer Oprah Winfrey, a survivor of child abuse who has been a vocal proponent of the legislation, which is informally known as "the Oprah Bill."

Also at the Roosevelt Room ceremony will be Andrew Vachss, the originator of the idea of a national background check, the bill's Congressional sponsors-Sen. Joseph Biden, Rep. Patricia Schroeder, and Rep. Don Edwards-and former Illinois Governor James R. Thompson, who has worked with Ms. Winfrey on the legislation.

Among the organizations represented at the ceremony .

Also - LOOK at these people? There's something unreal / uncanny valley - about them. Or perhaps it's subjective, but they look like fucking monsters.


Chelsea says" American women had a unique chance to vote for Hillary Clinton, the woman who started her career at the Children's defense fund defending the least among us?-?the woman who was the guiding intellectual and compassionate light behind the 1997 creation of the federal Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that provides health care coverage to more than 8 million American children?-?that very same CHIP of which the late Senator Ted Kennedy said, "The children's health program wouldn't be in existence today if we didn't have Hillary pushing for it from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue."

Chelsea is talking about the Pedowood bigshots Children's Defense Fund, which is the largest open activePpedowood child procuring operation, anon has ever seen.



Children's defense fund is setting up a tax payer funded child abuse operation in Framingham.

WASHINGTON DC - Vce Chair of the Democratic Caucus Representatives Katherine Clark (D-MA), Senators Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Rob Portman (R-OH), and Don Young (R-AK) reintroduced the Higher Education Access and Success for Homeless and Foster Youth Act today to help homeless and foster students get the support they need to access and succeed in higher education.

"Too many students don't know where they will get their next meal or where they will sleep tonight, but they know that an education is their best shot at a brighter future," said Congresswoman Katherine Clark (MA-5). "Our bill will help students who face unique and significant challenges chart their path to a successful future by providing them basic supports like housing and financial aid."


4e1875  No.5884696

File: 25108b03a2b51f4⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e38a64763644956⋯.png (55.35 KB, 220x243, 220:243, ClipboardImage.png)

ed8f9c  No.5884697







e4924b  No.5884698


No problemo anon. We gotta get this shit right from the get-go.

3fd06a  No.5884699

File: 173cb765c6049c9⋯.png (431.2 KB, 845x951, 845:951, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)



Sauce on Avenatti's TWO cases charged by US Attorneys in CA and NY


U.S. prosecutors on two coasts have charged Trump critic and attorney Michael Avenatti with extortion and bank and wire fraud.

In the California case, Avenatti's arrest was pursuant to a criminal complaint alleging he embezzled a client's money in order to pay his own expenses and debts — as well as those of his coffee business and law firm — and also defrauded a bank by using phony tax returns to obtain millions of dollars in loans. A felony complaint charges him with wire and bank fraud.

In the New York case, Avenatti was charged with conspiracy to transmit interstate communications with intent to extort, conspiracy to commit extortion, transmission of interstate communications with intent to extort and extortion.

Alleged he told a client he hadn't received settlement money that the client was awarded, then loaned the client his own money so the client could get and he demanded to be repaid. What an asshole.

b4228b  No.5884700

File: c1ae8c19f89723d⋯.png (716.44 KB, 680x527, 40:31, 1553537818.png)




Holy SHIT!


bf2dba  No.5884701


POTUS gives BIBI Jerusalem, Golan, billions and billions in aid and Bibi gives him a case of wine and Trump does'nt even drink alcohol. WTF? That's a pretty shitty deal. But he also told Bibi, israel has a right to defend itself. Never once did Trump say "and we'll be there with you." Bye BiBI, you chiseling jew

b07fec  No.5884702


you misunderstand. I want to see it happen.

Q's a proven liar with zero results.

I'll be the happiest person around if it does

15ad0d  No.5884703

File: 2beb7069ffb4757⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1127x1072, 1127:1072, ClipboardImage.png)


Low IQ and Low Energy

Hi Jeb

bc3daa  No.5884704

File: 46f09748ee20eda⋯.jpg (404.5 KB, 630x720, 7:8, witness.jpg)

File: 79be87126209e6f⋯.jpg (597.78 KB, 899x1079, 899:1079, war.jpg)

File: 18d628a1b130f97⋯.jpg (570.24 KB, 899x1079, 899:1079, freedom.jpg)

File: 8a278f8b10aaa67⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 500x314, 250:157, see.JPG)

File: a9438194c6c512d⋯.jpg (273.07 KB, 630x360, 7:4, Comfyair.jpg)

5f207c  No.5884705

File: 2eea17195d09149⋯.jpg (85.16 KB, 467x636, 467:636, 26A1759A-0444-4E3F-8A6A-D0….jpg)

File: 2fd1a93571197da⋯.jpg (527.01 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, HCC_Marine_Q.jpg)

File: 4fb83087fe96674⋯.jpg (314.85 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ThanQ_BW.jpg)

File: 02d5f6cfcb4488a⋯.jpg (556.35 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Weight of the World Dark t….jpg)


It's a Great Day…..Baker.


Semper Fi

eca91b  No.5884706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't think she started out that way…

draco soul takeover….

a26c2d  No.5884707

File: 1a02dc7e66dc49d⋯.jpg (16.75 KB, 255x254, 255:254, jameswoodskingyucvsytcdtye….jpg)

e32261  No.5884708


Ask the defendants at Nurenberg how well the "I was just following orders" defense worked out for them.

cbb24a  No.5884709


landed right on that drop with cap 2


e166ad  No.5884710


> What the fuck is this?

it's anti-jewish agitprop taking advantage of an unnecessarily pro-israel decision by our government

efca4e  No.5884711

Flashback: Michael Avenatti Made 108 Appearances on CNN, MSNBC in Two-Month Period

Disgraced television lawyer Michael Avenatti ― who was arrested Monday for a series of alleged financial crimes ― made dozens of appearances on CNN and MSNBC in a 64-day period last year, turning the anti-Trump personality into a “resistance” folk hero, according to a report.

U.S. prosecutors have charged Avenatti with extortion and bank and wire fraud. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles said Avenatti was arrested Monday in New York. Spokesman Ciaran McEvoy said the lawyer best known for representing porn actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against President Donald Trump faces federal charges in New York and California. In New York, he was accused of threatening to use his ability to get publicity to harm Nike. Prosecutors say he demanded that the apparel company give him $20 million.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Avenatti appeared on CNN and MSNBC between March 7th and May 10th, 2018, at least 65 times and 43 times, respectively, for a total of at least 108 appearances. Further, by analyzing the length of each appearance using the media monitoring platform TVEyes.com, Free Beacon estimated Avenatti earned around $175 million in free media from the news networks.

A breakdown by the Free Beacon of Avennatti’s media appearances are as follows:

The total came out to $174,631,598.07 from at least 65 CNN appearances and 43 MSNBC appearances. Avenatti’s favorite shows include CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” (at least 20 interviews), MSNBC’s “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” (14), CNN’s “New Day” (12), CNN’s “Tonight with Don Lemon” (eight), and MSNBC’s “Deadline White House” (seven).

His cable hits have not nearly been the extent of his media blitz. Avenatti has also been featured on CBS comedy show “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Showtime’s “The Circus,” NBC’s “Megyn Kelly Today,” ABC’s “The View,” HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” and network morning shows “Today,” “CBS This Morning,” and “Good Morning America.”

More: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/03/25/flashback-michael-avenatti-made-108-appearances-on-cnn-msnbc-in-two-month-period/

c2f484  No.5884712


AND as God may say…






a0903c  No.5884713

File: 7992666d3cc3489⋯.jpeg (12.49 KB, 196x255, 196:255, ee41421029c123f602798910c….jpeg)


Deep thoughts by (you).

8f84bf  No.5884714


Allow me to add a pic. That helps people to focus.

Again, is this old news? The POS Avenetti is looking at major prison time. Seems worthy of a reply or two.

012cb6  No.5884715

File: cd97fef9c1159f1⋯.png (363.94 KB, 1186x500, 593:250, 9878769d.png)


Thanks for the heads up. Apologies for any confusion anons.

This is being done…

ad01e3  No.5884716

File: e20ed8a03634595⋯.png (1020.47 KB, 968x643, 968:643, Walmart new ad.png)

File: 0cf2a0ef1af1630⋯.png (97.49 KB, 869x661, 869:661, Walmart new ad 2.png)

File: b402f55bcb03e4a⋯.png (200.34 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Walmart new ad 3.png)

Walmart's new ad for LBGQ Dating Service.


Wanta sign the petition?

10e6b8  No.5884717

File: 0b9fcb1327e6c0e⋯.png (225.32 KB, 600x359, 600:359, NGG.png)


Oprah =

e75282  No.5884718


We need a full bracket. I love this.

My pick is Obama coming in first (last)

2a1810  No.5884719

File: 75ea22fd694c3ca⋯.jpg (84.74 KB, 851x823, 851:823, D2hm0W5UYAE1bjL.jpg)

File: 382dcec90e562a3⋯.gif (6.5 MB, 400x240, 5:3, i.gif)

CPL tried to extort NIKE by twitter


487c3f  No.5884720

at this point, I realize that JIDF did that to BEN themselves, doing their old same kayfabe b.s.

e32261  No.5884721


Weird thing is she keeps popping up on one of those cam whore ads.

c02ce9  No.5884722


I think he's on board with Q as well, there have been a few times he's tweeted about Q. His tweets put a grin on my face.

b6130f  No.5884723


"FLYNN is safe.

We protect our Patriots.


8f84bf  No.5884724

File: 4f5086bf96bcec9⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ma.jpg)

0d939f  No.5884725


Power corrupts.

3d61a2  No.5884726


ThankQ anon for uplifting words instead of a bashing. Very much appreciated.

Just fyi: was posted on the bread yesyerday from Hannity/Sara a 1-3mo time frame. Could never find sauce tho. So, take for what it's worth. Cheers brother.

399959  No.5884727

Just thinking about what an anon posted about the gifts that were given to POTUS by Vlad, Rocketman and Israeli PM.

All foreign gifts given to POTUS have to be logged and are the property of the govt as far as I know. This might be an interesting way to get evidence legally entered into the system.

1ab585  No.5884728

File: 4b933825b127ee1⋯.png (61.82 KB, 863x929, 863:929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 142b140b8bcf5e1⋯.png (35.9 KB, 739x564, 739:564, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b72697ebf455c1⋯.png (1.33 MB, 869x821, 869:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc06a497ebc3fe3⋯.png (57.06 KB, 752x927, 752:927, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cfde2007b8cfe2⋯.png (58.33 KB, 737x927, 737:927, ClipboardImage.png)

Right-Wing Donor Adam Milstein Has Spent Millions of Dollars to Stifle the BDS Movement and Attack Critics of Israeli Policy

Adam Milstein, a real estate millionaire and prolific donor to right-wing, pro-Israel causes, had a busy few days on Twitter this month. In one tweet, he accused Rep. Ilhan Omar of being a “terrorist.” In another, he questioned Omar’s and Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s loyalty to the United States. He also accused Tlaib and Omar, the first two Muslim-American women elected to Congress, of having links to the Muslim Brotherhood, indulging a tired trope popular among anti-Muslim bigots.

The backlash was swift, particularly in light of Milstein’s backing of the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, whose annual conference kicked off on Sunday. In response to those Twitter posts, an AIPAC spokesperson told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that Milstein “is not a representative of AIPAC and his views are not ours.” Meanwhile, Milstein pulled out of a panel he was scheduled to moderate at the conference, saying he did not want to be a distraction.

Milstein sits on AIPAC’s national council, and through his family foundation, has donated generously to the American Israel Education Foundation, AIPAC’s nonprofit arm. His support for AIPAC is just one part of his portfolio of pro-Israel philanthropy, which has in recent years bankrolled efforts to shut down American support for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, or BDS.



15ad0d  No.5884729


Kek benefits of living in Montana

8e9a73  No.5884730


Thanks. Going to find my sackcloth and ashes. Need to get better.

cbb24a  No.5884731

File: b1e35258fc3e65e⋯.png (466.15 KB, 1003x507, 1003:507, jeb boner twins.png)

fb2ec3  No.5884732

File: 9d1a1b6806ecff9⋯.jpg (7.65 KB, 250x241, 250:241, annoyed pepe.jpg)

ea68f4  No.5884733

>>5884700 Oy vey


0d9a34  No.5884734


by making her statement, she has made herself a target. she needs protection immediately or she wil be Arkancided

7529df  No.5884735

File: 5efa8410e23fc8c⋯.png (1000.97 KB, 1200x837, 400:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0438380e8936404⋯.png (413.51 KB, 600x411, 200:137, ClipboardImage.png)

9d422f  No.5884736


Your stupid as fuck. It is common decency for people on cellphones, aka fonefagging because it takes you TOTALLY out of the bread to another, then you have to find your way back. This is about more than just you you fucking prick.


883cd2  No.5884737

File: 8e1aef4ecfd6e3a⋯.jpeg (60.37 KB, 580x529, 580:529, 00A07DD7-2B62-4A1F-ACBC-5….jpeg)

File: c7d5f308acb2cee⋯.jpeg (40.85 KB, 675x380, 135:76, 0F9672D1-C36F-44A1-9D9A-E….jpeg)

File: d72fcdffe8f161c⋯.jpeg (569.52 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 35BD14D5-BB1C-4312-BBB4-8….jpeg)


meet me outside orgrimmar, then we can zepp to goldshire

a26c2d  No.5884738

File: fe162d8ab7828c3⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 255x225, 17:15, dtjb97d907645d1e626688129e….jpg)

262d33  No.5884739


Sounds highly unlikely to me for "such a close Ally" and "such great friends"

5212a4  No.5884740

File: 2a443260cb281fa⋯.gif (728.29 KB, 258x296, 129:148, BEWBS.gif)






6b523d  No.5884741

File: c2b02fc70686809⋯.jpg (206.47 KB, 776x440, 97:55, StillOwned.jpg)

ae8677  No.5884742

File: c76cdbf1393a913⋯.png (45.09 KB, 598x458, 299:229, AQ2.PNG)



Friday: Mueller submits Russia investigation report. ‘No more indictments to come’

Sunday: Barr releases summary of Mueller report, which states there was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.

Monday: Michael Avenatti could face up to 50 yrs in prison.

e4924b  No.5884743


Hi Hillary.

08d62e  No.5884744

5883610 (lb) Adam Lanzas Shrink just arrested for sexually abusing female patients and now this 2 days later. After the shrinks first brush with the law he went to work in New Zealand.

a0903c  No.5884745

File: 18f830ab07da52c⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2wsujf.jpg)


No need to apologize for a low IQ.

We see it.

979363  No.5884746

File: 59f9425294238a2⋯.jpg (136.27 KB, 460x850, 46:85, Justice-a.jpg)

399959  No.5884747

File: 2f5a6f03a1ca313⋯.png (173.51 KB, 1232x976, 77:61, ClipboardImage.png)

I don’t want to hear words or phrases like “unity” “fairness” “forgiveness” “bipartisanship” “working together” “inclusiveness” “we’re a big tent” etc. When you know it’s a venomous snake you don’t let it in. Time to crush the #CollusionTruthers #MuellerReport


faa8db  No.5884748


Nice Catch

Noahide World Order

7fcf65  No.5884749

File: 7317cc1b28d0854⋯.png (833.83 KB, 644x900, 161:225, Screenshot_2019-03-25 y-ga….png)


The sword has risen and it is time for justice to be served.

3a2d66  No.5884750

File: 73ace35b481b26b⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2048x1564, 512:391, wallofjustice.jpg)

File: 2a821e9d55bce3a⋯.jpg (307.27 KB, 2000x1224, 250:153, Justice Incoming.jpg)

File: 1c2b80ad59b0785⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, JusticeAmos-5-24.jpg)

File: e4e159e74fce5eb⋯.jpg (96.34 KB, 640x512, 5:4, Justice-Amos-5-24-2.jpg)

File: 82689ac81ce8880⋯.jpg (71.9 KB, 688x360, 86:45, Justice-Amos-5-24-2-.jpg)

a5e8c3  No.5884751

File: 2102cdd22f93b07⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 415x475, 83:95, door knob.jpg)


>Shills = Enemy agents.

I have a little gift for them all which they may wish to use before their arrests.

8d63de  No.5884752


You are fucked up. Seek help as you wont win the world with your beliefs.

c6fc5d  No.5884753

At the start of today 'Q's post…

Doesn't 'Q' sound pissed ALL CAPS…Like he is yelling at us…we are not the SHEEP…WE ARE WOKE!!!…I hope he was yelling at the Democrat who sneak in here to gather intel???

If he is yelling at us…WHY????

9154e1  No.5884754

File: dfb8b964bd120ec⋯.png (134.23 KB, 799x624, 799:624, qProof_UsMilitary.png)

File: 3231e9746cb51ce⋯.png (275.09 KB, 1304x1064, 163:133, qClockMarkers_USMilitary.png)

>>5883958 (pb)

>Can anyone explain this difference between a Qproof and Trumps actual tweet?

In your example Q dropped the US Military marker at 1:34pm Eastern. Potus tweeted 3 minutes later with 'we love our US Military. Putting that all together and you get your Qproof. Pic related

When not logged into twitter, timestamps are Pacific. Qmap.pub posts all in the same timezone

0a95ea  No.5884755

File: 50da9bdc1ac2105⋯.jpeg (68.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1093A0FE-6A90-4F4A-BB1E-A….jpeg)


2175a1  No.5884756

Notice how POTUS is starting to get 100K - 400K+ likes on his tweets… imagine that.

3e8213  No.5884757


All but first meeting are all on tape. He’s screwed.

e8007c  No.5884758

File: 1723a594e24ce41⋯.png (389 KB, 506x380, 253:190, Screenshot_2019-03-25 Lady….png)

Lady Justice is holding a sword as a representation of the power and strength of justice. Lady Justice is also holding a scale that represents the balance and fairness of justice. A third symbol on the statue is the blindfold, which represents objectivity in the implementation of justice.

cb5703  No.5884759


Nice work anon.

You may need a bigger bracket though…more to come…kek

69a0f3  No.5884760

File: cb9f90a6c1e3e4a⋯.jpg (418.36 KB, 1286x1600, 643:800, 979.jpg)


Fake and Gay

Pic related

6baa92  No.5884761

File: 45fd1d24261443a⋯.jpg (145.29 KB, 794x466, 397:233, General_Flynn.jpg)


Flynn gon' be alright I DO BELIEVE.

bf9075  No.5884762

File: a6608164b84c604⋯.jpg (79.44 KB, 590x461, 590:461, milton_collusion.jpg)

50fced  No.5884763

File: 460e801dbc3e851⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1591x803, 1591:803, zzzzxcxcx.PNG)

all my bases are covered .

c02ce9  No.5884764


It's not the Jewish people as a whole you should have an issue with, but rather the ones who follow the Talmud. They need to ditch the Talmud and start reading the Torah.

a744a7  No.5884765


This show weirded me out

976387  No.5884766

File: 9e6d37a6c5a1857⋯.jpg (5.9 MB, 3248x3820, 812:955, These 17?.jpg)


slightly different

7529df  No.5884767

File: 880ca488da6ff11⋯.png (9.85 MB, 2895x1924, 2895:1924, ClipboardImage.png)

d24eb2  No.5884768

Creepy Porn Lawyer arrested. Think Stormy, think NXIVM, think Ray Chandler=Allison Mack ×100.

This is a big time arrest of a high profile cabal tool

c9ad0c  No.5884769

File: 600b912a142069d⋯.png (888.59 KB, 1178x837, 38:27, Oprah.PNG)

File: ebfe67bb07ae0f0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1486x851, 1486:851, Oprah.Yall.PNG)

File: 1461aa08afa44e3⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1174x819, 1174:819, Oprah.TimApple.PNG)

b07fec  No.5884770



36d129  No.5884771



fff3ff  No.5884772

File: 2dff2ce6bc73356⋯.jpg (317.34 KB, 695x1024, 695:1024, gettyimages-499835712-1024….jpg)

File: cb6bd1e01ef1f6b⋯.jpg (265.68 KB, 1024x701, 1024:701, gettyimages-499837274-1024….jpg)

File: 5b27b106fe76e17⋯.jpg (85.99 KB, 420x594, 70:99, Jeffrey Katzenberg Kamala ….jpg)

File: 315c1002fa536c7⋯.jpg (153.6 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, Proctor-1200x797.jpg)

File: 533d32239b3e510⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 753x502, 3:2, The-Childrens-Defense-Fund….jpg)

The Children's defense fund-Minnesota will host its 2018-2019 Minnesota Kids Count event 8-9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 21, at Willow Lane Early Childhood Center, 7020 Perry Ave. N.

Participants will discuss statewide trends in wellbeing, this year's Kids Count data book and actionable steps to provide opportunities to improve outcome for all children.



Here's an "ACTION ITEM"


CDF recently sold their longtime world Washington DC HQ, located conveniently close to Union Station in DC



This is the biggest Pedowood Pedovore jackpot ever. Behold:

Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn have supported Boston University, which both their children attended. They have also donated the Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg Center for Animation at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts as well, where Katzenberg serves on the board, and he is on the board of the California Institute of the Arts as well. In 2008, he founded the DreamWorks Animation Academy of Inner-City Arts. Recent foundation grantees have included After-School Matters, L.A.'s Promise, and Children's defense fund.



The Children's defense fund-California hosted its 24th Annual Beat the Odds Awards in honor of five incredible teens who have, as the event's title suggests-"beat the odds."

President Marian Wright Edelman, along with Hollywood supporters and co-chairs Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams, Carol & Frank Biondi, Laphonza Butler, Ruth-Ann Huvane, Kevin Huvane, Katie Sharer & Mark Mullen, and Liza & Conan O'Brien, were joined by John Boyega, Jordana Brewster, Matt Barnes, Greg Grunberg, Tim Guinee, Attorney General Kamala Harris, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Aja Naomi King, Mary McCormack, Kelly McCreary, Chris Messina, Kevin Nealon, Ahna O'Reilly, Brad & Kimberly Williams Paisley, Elisabeth Shue and Darby Stanchfield were on hand Dec. 4th at The Book Bindery in Culver City to celebrate teens Chase Moore, Elizabeth Lopez, Sequoia Canada, Timothy Walker and Zachary Byrge.

#5850356 at 2019-03-23 21:45:15 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7484: Give Me Liberty and Give Me Liberal Tears. The ANTI-Federalists Edition


The Children's defense fund, the name is the perfect defense against prying eyes, what, do you want to hurt the kids?

#5849892 at 2019-03-23 21:11:32 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7483: BARR Wars II. DOJ Strikes Back - Principal Conclusions Not Today? Edition



more of the same - pedowood funded "Children's defense fund; cult child stealing operation

1ab123  No.5884773


I tend to take all publicly announced timelines with a big grain of salt at this point. I think the next two weeks are going to be very interesting. Also watch out for that Epstein related case in NY. If those records are actually unsealed, it's going to be a complete shitshow.

5212a4  No.5884774





233a7e  No.5884775


Military. Comey is a highly valued asset to POTUS and Q. He will be paying back some but not all of his debt to society when he testifies publicly and truthfully against each and every one of the DS actors he is able. The American people absolutely NEET DO KNOW the truth and dozens of formerly DS actors, like Comey, are being queued up for a series of carpet bombs, one after the other, red-pilling the brain-dead lefties for weeks. Anon, can you not EXPAND YOUR THINKING? How can this not possibly be so?

8d1cbf  No.5884776

File: cca2b0add8eebba⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 1024x381, 1024:381, IMG_20190325_184712.jpg)

Q, if lurking, can you please confirm that POTUS already conveyed Treason, Sedition and subversive activities through 115?


eca91b  No.5884777


it can,

Trump seems to play the power very well.

It is a choice.

21966b  No.5884778


You misspelled ==KRASSENSTEIN==


0ce373  No.5884779

File: 6fae406da95a48c⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 476x573, 476:573, I LOVE THIS POST.jpg)


My favorite Q post.

4e1875  No.5884780

File: 0130399690faa9c⋯.png (271.45 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)





03c743  No.5884781

File: 0084cc9d0d3c5ff⋯.jpg (99.27 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, rr ss kill box.jpg)



Yes, gonna need more brackets..kek

faa8db  No.5884782


But which one supplied whom with sex slaves?

0c5573  No.5884783


>buy American

I'd love to. But in my case, first you'll have to

repeal the NFA, & GCA!

Then I'll be glad to order up an M-16 with attached grenade launcher.

10e6b8  No.5884784

File: 815913bbc000561⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 474x614, 237:307, SOROS NAZI UNIFORM.jpg)

1ab585  No.5884785

File: 1763defd0779752⋯.png (505.14 KB, 749x484, 749:484, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA, MI6 help Ukraine’s SBU spy agency in plotting covert operations, says ex-officer

Vasily Prozorov said that there are representatives of foreign non-governmental organizations, for instance, the Rand Corporation, present within the Ukrainian security agencies

Operatives from American and British intelligence services are directly participating in hatching secret plots with Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) and training personnel to carry them out, SBU ex-employee Vasily Prozorov said at a news conference on Monday.

"I do not know for what motives. I believe this is for not only security but also conspiracy reasons, because CIA employees have been present in Kiev since 2014. They are residing in clandestine apartments and suburban houses," he said.

"However, they frequently come to the SBU’s central office for holding, for example, specific meetings or plotting secret operations," he said.

"To give specific names, specifically MI6 agents - Charles Backford and Justin Hartman - it appears, of course, I may be mistaken, came to the SBU in 2016. I remembered them because they did not only come to a meeting with the leadership of the Ukrainian Security Service but also made visits to the area of the counter-terror operation, the town of Kramatorsk, and permission for visiting this area is granted through the headquarters of the anti-terror center and so these names were mentioned," the ex-SBU employee said.

Also, a member of the [US] Defense Department’s Intelligence Agency Harry Reid also visited Ukraine, the ex-SBU agent said.

"At that moment, and this was the autumn of 2017, he seemed to be the bureau director. He came to Kiev as a representative of the Special Operations Forces and then he visited Berdichev where the Special Force’s training center is located because he directly oversaw the development of the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces and in Berdichev, he checked on the activity of US green berets who were staying there as instructors," Prozorov said.

As the former Ukrainian security officer said, many representatives of foreign non-governmental organizations, for example, the Rand Corporation, are present in the Ukrainian security agencies.

"I won’t give the names right now but these documents are available because I got hold of them. So, there are a lot of them and they frequently come," the ex-employee said.

"It is also possible to recall, of course, foreign instructors who are working in ‘voluntary battalions.’ I saw with my own eyes, Swedes and Italians, for example, in Azov," he stated.

"Of course, it is possible to recall Mr. [Giorgi] Kalandadze, the former chief of the General Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces who did not just train the Dnepr and Azov units [the nationalist battalions] but trained them, among other things, in the methods of interrogations and torture," Prozorov said. "This is the first thing that comes to my mind."


f7d7d2  No.5884786

Anyone notice the video Q linked has weird songs and pauses in the video? Are these comms to others? The beep in the beginning is that a computer restart sound? 24 seconds. Or more like an error popup sound right when he says 100 percent. It then pauses at :42 and starts again at 45 right when he says there are and the starts again with the word people. A skip at 1:21 on false narrative.

100% people false narrative.

24 seconds first sound.

21 second delta between 100% and being said people.

3 seconds in between :42 and :45.

36 seconds from :45 to 1:21.

Does anyone else feel it could have been code or comms?

5212a4  No.5884787





ae8677  No.5884788

File: f757d638cd65698⋯.png (85.26 KB, 583x358, 583:358, AQ8.PNG)


Democrats have lost the trust of the American people


0fde73  No.5884789

File: e39fdd918e05680⋯.png (80.42 KB, 300x243, 100:81, Truth-Bomb-1-300x243.png)

c1a7a2  No.5884790


Only if you are weak and let it. The same goes for greed.

39b022  No.5884791


>Also watch out for that Epstein related case in NY. If those records are actually unsealed, it's going to be a complete shitshow.

Never happen

536acb  No.5884792

File: e6b34996e7179af⋯.png (207.14 KB, 524x499, 524:499, 22wwz96.png)

5bda37  No.5884793



393dce  No.5884794

File: bcbce11d576d29b⋯.jpg (30.67 KB, 398x471, 398:471, Capture2.JPG)

File: 2142c1d6706b5f5⋯.jpg (45.2 KB, 579x606, 193:202, Capture.JPG)


855fd6  No.5884795


Flynn hearing happening either tomorrow or the 29th if I remember correctly. Checking for sauce

15ad0d  No.5884796


Very rarely pay them any attention

Once in awhile though..it was a barbless hook

c0ba8d  No.5884797

File: e1648a3b1f95228⋯.jpg (26.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ace8c8c213ff892805208c3d86….jpg)

File: c5b285417cf387e⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 480x731, 480:731, 7026d7de4d3d8b9d29f6199c9c….jpg)

cbb24a  No.5884798

File: 3bb56b283605ebc⋯.png (358.94 KB, 615x720, 41:48, boner snipe.PNG)

File: 42fdb5bde56b264⋯.jpg (14.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, D'oh.jpg)

7529df  No.5884799

File: aff65bf5692000f⋯.png (2.9 MB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, ClipboardImage.png)

5212a4  No.5884800




8971b6  No.5884801

File: 66e6e208ec29984⋯.png (617.09 KB, 981x639, 109:71, Screen Shot 2018-12-10 at ….png)

6baa92  No.5884802

File: 992ca4624c528e7⋯.jpg (51.06 KB, 400x230, 40:23, JamesSays (2).jpg)




Zero doubt that James been on these boards for quite some time now.

1ab585  No.5884803

Magistrate Scanlon denies suppression of evidence for Raniere and Bronfman

Breaking News: Magistrate Judge Vera M. Scanlon has recommended that all of the contested evidence be deemed admissible. Her “Report & Recommendations” was filed under seal last week.

Her reasons for denial are under seal, but we know the decision – she denied their motions to suppress certain evidence the DOJ plans to use against them.

Damning evidence.

It seem now more likely than ever that all the defendants – including The Vanguard himself – may end up taking plea deals.

And there will be no trial.

The defense can appeal the magistrate’s decision, with Judge Garaufis. As a general rule, district judges rarely overrule the report and recommendation of the magistrate judge.

Therefore, if all the evidence can be placed in front of the jury, there is – as Nancy Salzman’s attorneys so wisely said at her guilty plea – no viable defense.

The evidence will include the horribly damning evidence of graphic nude pictures of the 15-year-old girl [who was Nancy Salzman’s housekeeper at the time] and much more – that Keith Raniere’s attorney, Marc Agnifilo, and Clare Bronfman’s attorney, Mark Geragos, have tried so hard to suppress.

This is the death knell for the case.

Here is the docket text from two orders that were issued by Judge Scanlon last week:

Docket Text: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS as to Keith Raniere re [269] MOTION to Suppress. The Court respectfully recommends that Defendant Raniere’s Motion to Suppress be denied. Written objections to this report and recommendation must be filed with the Clerk of Court within seven (7) days after service of the report and recommendation, and in accordance with the Individual Rules of the District Judge. By 3/27/2019, counsel are to submit a joint proposal as to those portions that they believe should be redacted and remain sealed so that the Court may consider the proposed redactions and file the report and recommendation publicly with appropriate redactions if necessary. Ordered by Magistrate Judge Vera M. Scanlon on 3/20/2019. (McCuiston, Hannah)


b22c6c  No.5884804


Now honey, Daddy isn't mad. He's just explaining how serious this is. Don't cry

a56252  No.5884805


Stormy was acting the whole time!

5212a4  No.5884806


e3af08  No.5884807


Hes a rape allegation waiting to happen

e4924b  No.5884808


Smells like truth to me.

979363  No.5884809

File: 1c8dfe1906449e7⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 392x714, 28:51, swordjustice.jpg)

e75282  No.5884810




5bda37  No.5884811



7fcf65  No.5884812


If there is no longer anyone to stop it then they will make it out.

b1e710  No.5884813


I believe those that have been attacking this board face federal charges, regardless of if they were paid or not. For example, there are laws for disrupting communications that should apply.

89f56b  No.5884814


One's a whore. The other is a porn star.

Btw, the wheels of justice sure spin fast for megacap corporations, don't they? March 19 start date, MA charged 6 days later. Wish it worked that fast for us proles.

c02ce9  No.5884815



8971b6  No.5884816

File: d954252ee140d97⋯.png (320.93 KB, 431x428, 431:428, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)

324f30  No.5884817

File: c7c5da7874de4e4⋯.png (269.22 KB, 530x675, 106:135, 2 JWoods re Avenatti 3-25-….PNG)

File: f351550697917b9⋯.png (250.06 KB, 410x491, 410:491, 2 JWoods re Avenatti 3-25-….PNG)

Literally spit out my coffee… #BuckleUpButtercup


7529df  No.5884818

File: b10236e25ba2715⋯.png (3.99 MB, 1320x1853, 1320:1853, ClipboardImage.png)



874456  No.5884819


The Attack Run

976387  No.5884820

File: 550c85058ff0bf9⋯.jpg (5.13 MB, 2028x2700, 169:225, suicideforest.jpg)

Suicide weekend soon?

a26c2d  No.5884821

File: 20e1861ae786eaf⋯.png (320.7 KB, 400x332, 100:83, ClipboardImage.png)

ea68f4  No.5884822

File: 61c6745675d6cfb⋯.png (36.68 KB, 502x327, 502:327, ClipboardImage.png)


United States Files Lawsuit Against West Virginia Hospital, Its Management Company, and Its CEO Based on Kickbacks and Other Improper Payments to Physicians

0d939f  No.5884823

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 800x764, 200:191, aab5ff6d188fd0c8011a2d2415….jpg)


I used to drink my cousin piss.

1ab585  No.5884824

After Insider Attack, US Airstrikes Kill 14 Afghan Civilians

US officials blame Taliban for 'hiding' among civilians

An alleged Afghan Taliban insider attack in the Kunduz Province has led to a much large incident in which US airstrikes tore through civilian homes nearby, killing at least 14 civilians, overwhelmingly women and children.

Early Saturday morning, a joint US-Afghan convoy ran afoul of fighters at a military checkpoint. A US vehicle broke down near the checkpoint, and when the troops got out, one of the soldiers at the checkpoint opened fire. Afghan officials say the soldier was a Taliban infiltrator. Either way, he started a protracted exchange of fire.

At which point the US forces did what they always do, called in air support. At that point US warplanes attacked what the Pentagon is describing as a “Taliban base,” but which could be more accurately described as a cluster of nearby homes. 14 civilians were killed, mostly women and children.

US officials defended the incident, claiming the troops on the ground detected fire from that direction, and accusing the Taliban of hiding within the homes. It is unclear if any Taliban were involved in the airstrike, or involved at all beyond the claim of a single infiltrator. For US and Afghan forces to get into an unrelated firefight on their own is not unusual.


ed8f9c  No.5884825




262d33  No.5884826


I am listening and you keep mixing up your words. I have come to the conclusion that you are most probably drunk.

5212a4  No.5884827





6baa92  No.5884828

File: c7827abec3d9705⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2348x1062, 1174:531, Admiral_Rogers.jpg)

File: 4eef267d4b6a2b8⋯.jpg (115.85 KB, 806x457, 806:457, PAIN.jpg)

3fd06a  No.5884829



5f47df  No.5884830


This can never be allowed to happen to another President - POTUS said in the video Q attached earlier

e3af08  No.5884831

File: 7c00aed3f070e66⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 292x292, 1:1, 65b5248a714a0b3730c348c28d….jpg)

393dce  No.5884832

8e9a73  No.5884833


He's been making those for years. You have to sign up on his site to get them usually he doesn't showcase them in the freerange platforms.

c68e75  No.5884834

File: 27884e35d04b4ed⋯.png (717.21 KB, 933x672, 311:224, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

1ab123  No.5884835


We shall see. Lawfag here. Unless there really is a [NAT SEC] reason (such as RC is working with the FBI as Q has led us to assume), then there is no justification for keeping the records under seal.

So either way, I'm good with what happens.

c6fc5d  No.5884836


Nice one……asshole!!!

b4228b  No.5884837



TY anon. I was fooled thinking it was original.


5212a4  No.5884838


3b2e33  No.5884839

File: afa288c47f5482d⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1863, 2:3, 12BE4957-7A2A-4A5D-81F3-A….jpeg)

File: 0db1b9bfb2932e4⋯.jpeg (630.38 KB, 1242x1152, 69:64, FC87128E-C9F6-4587-9C18-0….jpeg)

New from Hannity


“Vermont Senator and 2020 Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders weighed-in Sunday evening on Robert Mueller’s final conclusion there was “no collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia; saying he “wants the whole damn report. Bernie’s comments come just hours after the special counsel concluded his two-year investigation into the Trump campaign; telling DOJ officials there was no evidence of “collusion” during the 2016 race for the White House.“

812d23  No.5884840

>>5883573 Q said Listen….

"There are a lot of people out there that have done some very very evil things, very bad things, I would say Treasonous things against our country, And hopefully that people have done such harm, to our country (we been through a period of really bad things happening) Those people will certainly be look at, I`ve been looking at them for a long time, and I1m saying why haven1t they been looked at, They lied to congress, Many of them, You know who they are, They have done so many evil things. I will tell you I love this country, I love this country as much as I can love anything, My Family My Country My God, But what they did, It was a false narrative, It was a terrible thing, We can never let this happen to another President again, I can tell you that - I say it very strongly. Very people I know could of handled it, We can Never ever let this happen to another President again."

DJT 25/3/19

50fced  No.5884841

File: 14941c80dc238b1⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 691x448, 691:448, 14941c80dc238b1083a9f654db….jpg)


jeez , where to start …

91a13a  No.5884842

File: 8a1f4e0ceded18d⋯.png (16.03 KB, 692x99, 692:99, q.png)

>DIGEST the FULL GRAVITY of what the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES says in this clip.



$ echo -n the of what the says in this clip | wc -c

$ expr 50 - 33

e9cecb  No.5884843


Sure, because her crimes revealed won't pit her own supporters against her.

b3841d  No.5884844

File: e4d65c06dd370f5⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 300x526, 150:263, Swords01.jpg)

5212a4  No.5884845


6f58fe  No.5884846

Why is Netanyahu gifting Trump wine?

Trump doesn’t drink?

6baa92  No.5884847


Fair question, anon.

ae8677  No.5884848



Also Noticing the Twitter hashtag won't let me #MichaelAvenatti.

7c9dcc  No.5884849

File: 88c7d34b9c6f4f5⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 497x611, 497:611, 88c7d34b9c6f4f5c2c149cc2cb….jpg)

0d9a34  No.5884850

OK, Linsay Graham pressor says he believes Mueller did his job without prejudice. WTF?

fb8f4f  No.5884851


Some of these traffickers could get 13 months like Epstein did!

87c94d  No.5884852

File: a6a8ad43dd5405e⋯.png (374.6 KB, 616x695, 616:695, Lady_Justice1.png)

File: ba5139e1da90dfd⋯.png (290.03 KB, 642x959, 642:959, Lady_Justice2.png)

File: a5fe02f883671fc⋯.png (122.91 KB, 608x1000, 76:125, Lady_Justice3.png)

File: 4f52406abf60527⋯.png (199.07 KB, 600x477, 200:159, Lady_Justice4.png)

File: 19664715f1161e9⋯.png (44.89 KB, 620x375, 124:75, Lady_Justice5.png)

>>5883651 (Q, lb)


b54294  No.5884853

Q is there going to be a lottery to draw members for the firing squads?

If so, will anons get extra balls like they do in the NBA draft?

262d33  No.5884854


The crate of wine was a huge insult.

bc6b76  No.5884855


Tuesday? Perhaps some (or all) of these DS mouthpieces doing the "Perp Walk"?

012cb6  No.5884856

File: 05b2998527164af⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 1d24fc6e405081ccd215736609….jpg)


I am not. I am apologizing for not being 'all-knowing', nor having read the MSM piece on it, and as a result, potentially misleading anons.

fff3ff  No.5884857


Might be MKU Final days programming activation.

Per Fritz Springmeir

120f09  No.5884858

File: bb9c8f796580893⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 1000x423, 1000:423, hannity.jpg)

Hannity live @ 3PM ET


c2a743  No.5884859


>>5884822 DOJ charges against health care corruption in VA.

>>5884803 Magistrate Scanlon denies suppression of evidence for Raniere and Bronfman.

>>5884788 Sara Carter: Democrats have lost the trust of the American people.

>>5884785 CIA, MI6 help Ukraine’s SBU spy agency in plotting covert operations, says ex-officer.

>>5884772 The Children's defense fund dig.

>>5884699 Sauce on Avenatti's two cases charged by US Attorneys in CA and NY.

>>5884676 Pope: Water shortage one of the ‘inevitable consequences of Climate Change’.

>>5884533 Barr reference to “last resort.”

>>5884526 Avenatti Tweets and indictments.

>>5884478 America gets yet another Israel lobby group.

>>5884436 Duke University agrees to pay U.S. $112.5 million to settle false claims act allegations related to scientific research misconduct.

>>5884420 GOP’s McCarthy demands Adam Schiff step down as House Intel Chairman.

>>5884412 30 minutes to Hannity.

>>5884409 ASUS software update server hacked to distribute malware.

>>5884406 Live: CA Law enforcement officials announce charges against Avenatti.

>>5884401 Lindsey Graham: Senate will investigate FISA abuse, surveillance of Trump campaign.

>>5884396 Fox News WH correspondent tweets about Q!

>>5884365 Stormy Daniels statement on Avenatti's arrest.

03c743  No.5884860


You sure it's not the usual WHINE?

135e8b  No.5884861

I gotta be honest I don't care about the Russia investigation attempted coup (destined for failure) as much as the trafficking, drug and weapon sales, murder, and interfering in other countries. I am waiting for those to be the talking points, they need to be.

852f08  No.5884862

File: f4d88e2470c6e91⋯.png (588.61 KB, 482x477, 482:477, pepe101.PNG)


Red Laser dot

oh yeah is much deeper

the Money the Parent's paid for the rich kids to get into college


ae8677  No.5884863

File: 2eb03a96f06f174⋯.jpeg (30.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Nailed.jpeg)

c6fc5d  No.5884864

File: 2bb4952c37d4e8c⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 600x446, 300:223, Call the cops.JPG)

6af27f  No.5884865

File: d45e01c7967c38f⋯.jpeg (51.68 KB, 820x524, 205:131, FC75EE16-09E3-46E0-A008-C….jpeg)

The holding of the two-edged sword represents doing fair justice. The edges of the sword are the same, the beginning and end do not change if justice is done right. The same reason the hand is between the scales, it’s the doing of fair justice that creates the just balance.

5bda37  No.5884866

7529df  No.5884867

File: 5873e7c33d9f8f6⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Today, it was my great hon….mp4)


Today, it was my great honor to welcome Prime Minister @Netanyahu of Israel back to the @WhiteHouse where I signed a Presidential Proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.


6f7984  No.5884868

File: a8d3377d4838cf7⋯.png (372.99 KB, 595x413, 85:59, Capture.PNG)

There’s More! Los Angeles Prosecutors Hit Michael Avenatti With Separate Federal Charges of Wire and Bank Fraud

There’s more!

Avenatti was arrested in New York on federal extortion charges, Nicolas Biase, with the United States Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York told The Hollywood Reporter.

Michael Avenatti is accused of trying to extort $20+ million from Nike.

According to the complaint, Avenatti threatened to hold a press conference to announce misconduct by Nike unless the athletic apparel company hired Avenatti and his co-conspirator to conduct an internal investigation for over $20 million.

A criminal complaint against Avenatti says he “devised a scheme to extort a company by means of an interstate communication by threatening to damage the company’s reputation if the company did not agree to make multi-million dollar payments to Avenatti and [co-conspirator], and further agree to pay an additional $1.5 million to a client of Avenatti’s.”

The complaint says that last Wednesday, Avenatti and a cooperating witness spoke by phone with lawyers for Nike “during which Avenatti stated, with respect to his demands for payment of millions of dollars, that if those demands were not met ‘I’ll go take ten billion dollars off your client’s market cap … I’m not f—ing around.’ ”

He even tweeted about it like a genius:


bc6b76  No.5884869

File: 6c2f795ef2596bd⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2000x2608, 125:163, 4b3.jpg)


Sorry forgot JPEG

e32261  No.5884870

File: fa9140692b5452f⋯.png (87.59 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I think many of you have the same questions I do.

Why us.

Why the chans.

Why are we inside this thing.

I think it is because we went to the chans to get away from the mainstream narrative that just didn’t seem right to us. That we didn’t fit in to their world, and so we turned to like-minded people and basically held verbal gladiator fights.

We’re outsiders, misfits, INFJs, gamers, moderately decent trolls and meme makers.

We desensitized ourselves to porn, gore, advertising, political correctness and grew thick skin.

We constantly troll each other, sharpening each other as iron sharpens iron.

POTUS posted on half chan before he ran for office. Did you know that?

Is POTUS not the best troll you have ever seen?

Where do you think he became a world class troll, trolling the Queen of England by walking in front of her, and not bowing before her? Is she not the FVEY’d Queen, who knows all? And yet, POTUS mocks her?

I’m pretty sure at least one of us is working for Q now, and decently sure all of Q on duty at least lurk here, all day, every day.

POTUS goes out of his way to speak to us; to include us; to tell us he appreciates us, and wants us to know what’s really going on.

If you’re a teenager, or even in your 20’s, you have no idea how unusual this president is.

You’re starting to see how awesome he is.

Q+ picked us for a reason. We’re still in it, so we’re doing well.

Let’s finish strong, and push through the tape.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

e4924b  No.5884871


Fear not rabbi.

1ab585  No.5884872

File: e972afdbfe6aa8f⋯.png (326.39 KB, 751x739, 751:739, ClipboardImage.png)

b3841d  No.5884873


The attitude was like Anna Navarro filing her nails. I didn't like it.

3fd06a  No.5884874

Damn Q, talk about controlling the narrative.

You're kicking ass!

Do it!

6eaf40  No.5884876


what I’ve been screaming at the Baker

It’s RICO!!

Think Giuliani!

They’re ALL going to face RICO charges at a minimum!!!

3d61a2  No.5884877


Almost forgot about that. 2 cases heard in NY and CA with respect to Epstein records. Sounded like the CA judges were going to unseal the records. That is something to look forward to. As for timelines, we all know how clow Congress and justice is. Meanwhile Dems are continuing to torch States with their radical laws. ugh…gets gets hard to not get angry.

034d44  No.5884878

File: dc4d2dc0040f9dc⋯.jpg (311.51 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190325-145027….jpg)

Press conference today Geoffery Berman (US ATTORNEY SDNY) who was interviewed for the job by the president and says "Shot across the bow" for Nike.

BERMAN WAS GULIANNI'S law partner. The left is screaming about "all the charges" at SDNY. Should we tell them? Or is today's Avennati charge message enough.


5fc9b1  No.5884879


If that is true, who is going to pay her judgement due to djt?

(((They))) used her. Which takes me right back to Cohen.

c2f484  No.5884880


Talk to God Sober Anon?

As in Lately?

You may just want to RETHINK sober?

Just sayin'


eca91b  No.5884881



Bernie wants the whole damn report. Game Theory in action.

6111f4  No.5884882

File: e7f89d8d9e460ab⋯.png (108.81 KB, 344x500, 86:125, Trump_Jew_Faggot~2.png)




874456  No.5884883



need more attack run memes and perp walk memes

69a0f3  No.5884885

dcf0c7  No.5884886


Let me just rundown the media's 2019 so far:

1. Buzzfeed story SMACKED

2. Covington kids narrative DISMANTLED

3. Smollett story is a HOAX

4. Collusion conspiracy theory NUKED

5. Avenatti INDICTED

15eed9  No.5884887

File: 67dedc63b0d3017⋯.jpeg (744.17 KB, 1125x1627, 1125:1627, 09E8BF40-64AC-4EC7-9891-8….jpeg)

Senator Graham calls for NEW special counsel

.@FoxNews: Lindsey Graham will probe alleged FISA abuses at FBI, calls on Barr to appoint new special counsel


979363  No.5884888

File: 1aa6ff5a54faf94⋯.jpg (244.07 KB, 570x798, 5:7, justice-b.jpg)

ae8677  No.5884889

File: ae09bf4481d62b6⋯.png (277.52 KB, 580x616, 145:154, AQ9.PNG)


Lindsey Graham will probe alleged FISA abuses at FBI, calls on Barr to appoint new special counsel

Per Fox News

488b94  No.5884890

2098e6  No.5884891

I'm so happy bernie is a retard

c6440c  No.5884892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6 million nazi croutons died so Dorothy's farting asshole could make zombies

3cb50f  No.5884893


Welcome to today's C_A!

c68e75  No.5884894


Anons will be furnished shaded bleachers and cold beers while we watch the heads roll.

Old fashioned fun.

3d61a2  No.5884895


uhhhh…not jewish

cbb24a  No.5884896

File: b39543f0f474fc4⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Dorsey.jpg)

a56252  No.5884897


Don't ask, Anon.

Decide for yourself, if you deem something to be notable (and why) and then tell others, what you think.

72e6a9  No.5884898

File: 25da125c41d80c5⋯.png (526.38 KB, 600x526, 300:263, edge_to_the_max.png)

e4924b  No.5884899


Reddit: it does a normie good.

615076  No.5884900

Avenatti was desperate and was trying to get the hell out of dodge because he knew what was coming.

We were listening. “We can hear you breath”


8f2807  No.5884901


I agree hopefully the Russia investigation is just a warm up for the real crimes coming to light

effd66  No.5884902

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)

589d5f  No.5884903


Crooked Porn Lawyer is a pimple on a flea's ass compared to what is coming.

106070  No.5884904


Yeah, reinforcing that RR had to sign off on this does NOT promote their narrative AT ALL… (assuming he DID) as they of course were constantly slamming the thought of POTUS getting rid of him to throw off the whole wonderfully-benevolent investigation and the saintly Mueller and RR in charge of it.

e3af08  No.5884905


Long enough for some good prison justice..

95ee18  No.5884906

File: 0fc7c7b312c09d5⋯.png (249.2 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


"Richman was found in a stage area undergoing renovations, police said."


six hours ago, @hhs.gov

0fde73  No.5884907

File: 4a10d646efc17d9⋯.png (291.26 KB, 642x428, 3:2, birdcage.png)


The fuck is wrong with you?

Oh, nvm

← Pic related

806523  No.5884908









I liike it - a YOU TOO movement.

Et tu Brute

ed8f9c  No.5884909



7fcf65  No.5884910

File: b1bb68480c751e5⋯.png (166.36 KB, 344x344, 1:1, eatadick.png)


Its ok I am sure they will be your fren.

5212a4  No.5884911

File: 9d9bbe6c1caf337⋯.gif (915.94 KB, 400x305, 80:61, RUTH BADER GINSBURG.gif)





6baa92  No.5884912


Well, dickhead, if you ask the deep state, what's wrong with US…

It's that WE never fell for their bullshit. Instead WE fucking formed like Voltron to take our country and our world back.


874456  No.5884913


not sure if the Repubs can be trusted

need military tribunals

f4f01c  No.5884914


He was verifying she had lumps and healing her, all at the same time. :/

6111f4  No.5884915





035cf7  No.5884916


fuck off nigger

7529df  No.5884917


>pimple on a flea's ass

Jesus, do not image search that

89354d  No.5884918

File: 09d01fb9fe863c1⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 540x540, 1:1, DG3O9FrVwAAaLDk.jpg)


faa8db  No.5884920


Maybe so, but let's still enjoy this

2a1810  No.5884921



120f09  No.5884922

Fire Marshals detonate explosives connected to Maryland man who ingested cyanide in open court 20 years prior


ae8677  No.5884923

File: fc6f1f04bee2ce5⋯.png (184.81 KB, 610x630, 61:63, AQ21.PNG)


Twitter account named ‘Russia Collusion Yet’ (@CollusionYet) was suspended today for simply tweeting ‘No’ several times a day:

faf754  No.5884924

File: af5accc975f9d83⋯.jpg (387.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0777.JPG)

b54294  No.5884925


Oh, yeah, sounds good.

I was just curious about the lucky few, tho.

855fd6  No.5884926


Listen here little angry person


and fuck off.

ea68f4  No.5884927

File: e644c5bab56b61f⋯.png (409.74 KB, 532x606, 266:303, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a847c3c30fa9ed⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1200x868, 300:217, ClipboardImage.png)


In the year since the March For Our Lives, the House has passed a historic bill that would require background checks on all gun purchases.

Now we need a Senate that will vote on it and a president who will make it reality.

a9ae87  No.5884928

File: 5f77a7b23dfb74c⋯.jpeg (8.01 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 8445e18f596287ca7340b0673….jpeg)


Well with Schiff its to be expected.

His family did bankroll the Russian Revolution and the murder of 60 million Christians after all.

e448b0  No.5884929

File: 037c8347f154fca⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1600x869, 1600:869, kitchenishot.png)

035cf7  No.5884930

File: ecd3dcdd5134f50⋯.png (274.88 KB, 661x356, 661:356, ClipboardImage.png)

6111f4  No.5884931


Go back to reddit daniel

860d07  No.5884932


He also responded to a comment on his twitter that the IG report is coming sooner than the 90 days previously reported.

ef2258  No.5884933

File: c92be7c60fd8cd8⋯.png (117.09 KB, 639x796, 639:796, KILLINGUS.PNG)

The school pretty much forced my sisters to go on ADD medicine over 20 years ago. Told them they needed the medicine to function normally.

Now both sisters are bat-shit crazy and addicted to Adderall.

I want to sue all the mother fuckers involved, where do I start?


c6fc5d  No.5884934

File: e7f35573486b2eb⋯.jpg (143.58 KB, 561x560, 561:560, Comey trees tree son every….jpg)

Solved!!!—-BIG!!! Tree-son Everywhere!!!!

ed8f9c  No.5884935



c68e75  No.5884936

File: d2ace026a3cee20⋯.png (142.32 KB, 569x504, 569:504, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at ….png)


Marital visits at Guantanamo are not available, sorry.

cbb24a  No.5884937

File: f2254b50252083c⋯.png (196.99 KB, 400x400, 1:1, krassentwat crying.png)

03c743  No.5884938

File: 5e3528ecc82712a⋯.png (109.15 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Jack chose wrong.png)

e4924b  No.5884939


CAPSLOCK much rabbi?

bf9075  No.5884941


@Jack triggered…

d1b899  No.5884942

File: a804cdea37199f6⋯.jpeg (3.49 KB, 301x167, 301:167, serveimage (93).jpeg)

e3af08  No.5884943

File: db07db60dbf5662⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 256x320, 4:5, girls-with-guns-5-14.jpg)

M'uh shills in full force

488b94  No.5884944


saved as screen saver "Action Jackson"

1e21c3  No.5884945

File: f1567e1295fc0aa⋯.png (232.88 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

faa8db  No.5884946


Inspector Gadget .. er, Ginsburg

38f91f  No.5884947

File: 7409f3649f485ab⋯.jpeg (44.18 KB, 580x529, 580:529, 8e1aef4ecfd6e3a3fa79e1ed5….jpeg)



dcf0c7  No.5884948


>Crooked Porn Lawyer is a pimple on a flea's ass compared to what is coming.

True, but many Leftist thought Avenatti was their chance to beat POTUS in 2020 so his arrest on TWO separate charges will hit those sheeple hard! Buckle up, Libtards…it's going to be a bumpy ride for the truth-deniers!

ef2258  No.5884949


wrong link, corrected below


aa0005  No.5884951

File: 2c8b40aa41abe5a⋯.gif (5.75 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, giphy-downsized-large.gif)



Clean government, courts, federal law enforcement first.

Rest of dominoes will fall.

e23ff9  No.5884952

File: 4e687f69c7906d1⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 359x345, 359:345, MJBA.jpg)

bd328e  No.5884953

File: 9c41af4f7e94bcd⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 273x295, 273:295, LamentationsOtherkin.jpg)

03c743  No.5884954

File: 5d452f4811f871a⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, hillary nacho.jpg)


Still not your president

6111f4  No.5884955



74b313  No.5884956

Time to sing to the libtards:

And I went down to the demonstration

To get my fair share of abuse

Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration

If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"

Sing it to me now…

You can't always get what you want (release the full report)

You can't always get what you want (release the full report)

You can't always get what you want (we’ll impeach him anyway)

But if you try sometimes well you just might find

You get what you need (Red Pill)

874456  No.5884957


If the senator is pushign Guccifer then a new special counsel seems political

need mil tribunals not lady justice

mil justice does not use a sword

7529df  No.5884958


>BIG!!! Tree

High treason

Treason is criminal disloyalty. Historically, in common law countries, high treason is treason against the state. It was differentiated from petty treason, which was treason against a lesser lawful superior.

f276b5  No.5884959



8ef25f  No.5884961


fuck off

3fd06a  No.5884962


He can take his special counsel and shove it up his ass.

c4f9c0  No.5884963

File: 72f3388cbf14beb⋯.png (161.16 KB, 537x499, 537:499, russia2.PNG)

File: 7e95153fd90494e⋯.png (65.78 KB, 474x228, 79:38, russia1.PNG)

Russian AF near northern border in Canada

79f472  No.5884964

File: 32056df7eae4134⋯.jpg (108.9 KB, 700x1024, 175:256, mt-0425-703873-front.jpg)

Drain the swamp thing.

035cf7  No.5884965




>actually uses woke

>shills here

go back faggot

633bb7  No.5884966


Keep eyes on Snowden, kek -then we'll get the story

72e6a9  No.5884967

File: 4ed4a2e5f7331f3⋯.jpeg (48.81 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 01ISITTRUE.jpeg)





ae8677  No.5884968

File: d2cfc82ee79d090⋯.png (52.82 KB, 601x507, 601:507, AQ23.PNG)


Even the White House is Trolling

96e5cb  No.5884969

File: 9d1f5fcb11a766c⋯.png (79.53 KB, 610x513, 610:513, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)

File: 1001fdd0c03a518⋯.png (143.05 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, D2hqYYYXgAENcyV.png)



57ae49  No.5884970


You know what?

I appreciate the headfake, Linsey, but no…just fucking now….the Senate IS NOT THE FUCKING PLACEFOR THIS INVESTIGATION.


Military Courts DO!

So BTFO, Senator Graham

No more half measures.

Traitors get shot. Families get a bill for the bullets.

America gets back to getting great again.

c6fc5d  No.5884971


Shadowmourne…Muh better!!

f2658d  No.5884972

File: c2d94f9a8322593⋯.png (462.16 KB, 880x652, 220:163, AntiQ shills Travis View J….png)

Don't you love it when shills jeer at their own handiwork.

7fcf65  No.5884973

With Avenatti going down that is one less peice of shit on the cali streets.

d6be36  No.5884974

File: 7b87d65da1ffc72⋯.png (562.4 KB, 910x504, 65:36, ClipboardImage.png)

b22c6c  No.5884975


PANIC - when HRC tweets about March For Our Lives


5e0498  No.5884976

File: 21cb9d38bcceb0a⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1022x681, 1022:681, kennedy.PNG)

File: 067089e0a4353ce⋯.png (705.29 KB, 811x445, 811:445, allied.PNG)

We can never let this happen to another President again

Assassinations, Assassination Attempts.

(Not just of the Character Type)

106070  No.5884977


One can individually forgive and simultaneously insist they be executed. Just sayin' … point taken, though.

c28a5a  No.5884978

File: d63ca4dd1ab74e4⋯.png (154.47 KB, 1228x704, 307:176, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)

File: 5bb98cd391bf46e⋯.png (704.65 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)


NEW: We report that alleged co-conspirator with @michaelavenatti in federally charged extortion scheme is celebrity attorney Mark Geragos @markgeragos Avenatti was recorded by lawyers at Boies Schiller @bsfllp with @rebeccadobrien

CNN legal analyst!!!

883cd2  No.5884979

File: 793b98a9eb78d85⋯.jpeg (39.3 KB, 600x434, 300:217,