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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, ##QR.jpg)

59093b  No.5871087

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 03.23.2019

>>5854029 ————————————–——– Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?

>>5853603 rt >>5853578 ————————— you may start your attack run

>>5853545 rt >>5853322 ————————— FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.

>>5853176 ————————————–——– Meme: MY TURN…

>>5853115 ————————————–——– Meme: D's haven't been this mad since R's freed the slaves

>>5853007 ————————————–——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )

>>5842693 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history

>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ————————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'

>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ————————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account

Friday 03.22.2019

>>5838347 ————————————–——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )

>>5837376 ————————————–——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.

>>5836740 rt >>5836660 -————————– DECLAS is a comin'!

>>5836480 rt >>5836393 -————————– The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.

>>5836164 rt >>5836091 -————————– Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )

>>5836091 ————————————–——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.

Wednesday 03.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5852541

Monday 03.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5802127

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

59093b  No.5871095


are not endorsements


>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables


>>5871050 Ivanka: 'Truth is generally the best vindication against slander'

>>5870990 For keks: CNN struggling

>>5870905 The Jehovah Witnesses' secret database of pedophiles

>>5870868 , >>5870836 Bongino: History will not be kind to Comey, Brennan and Clapper

>>5870784 Giuliani: When do they apologize?

>>5870768 Nadler calls on Barr to testify

>>5870565 MSNBC’s Tur on Mueller Report: ‘This Vindicates the President on Collusion’

>>5870562 Post-ISIL Iraq treads fine line, seeks role in region

>>5870550 Carter Page tweets to Donna Brazile

>>5870435 Approx. 100 Russian troops arrive in Venezuela (Reuters)

>>5870420 Re obstruction of justice: Someone needs to explain this to CNN and MSNBC

>>5870414 POTUS' statement upon departure

>>5871081 #7510


>>5870210 Special counsel, Justice Dept. deliberated seeking subpoena for U.S. President Trump, reports CNN.

>>5870199 Pelosi, Schumer say Barr 'not a neutral observer,' urge full release of Mueller report.

>>5870172 Based pillow merchant gives thanks.

>>5870147 Cuck Todd: ‘Boy, I tell ya, … it’s very confusing in here.’

>>5870078 Q PNGs (graphics)

>>5870030 Planefag update.

>>5869941 Feds aware of Omar's marriage to her brother?

>>5869925 Plane forced to divert to Bermuda.

>>5869883 US DoD Facebook: Closing in.

>>5869850 Evergreens in Comey's Tweet? HRC?

>>5869828 Alexander Downer graphic.

>>5869804 PapaD puts Downer on blast.

>>5869787 Barr clears all 4 Trump advisers.

>>5869731 US DoD Tweet: Marine training in Spain.

>>5869671 Twitter algo fixed?

>>5869635 Rep. Devin Nunes says House Intel has evidence Clinton operatives & hi-level FBI & DOJ officials started Trump-Russia investigation in "late 2015/early 2016" &that House GOP will be making criminal referrals to AG Barr for officials who "perpetuated this hoax" for 3+ yrs.

>>5870266 #7509


>>5869369 Joe diGenova on Marie Yovanovitch's bullshit.

>>5869222 Scavino trolls the Democrats.

>>5869135 Sanders Tweet: "A great day for America and for President @realDonaldTrump. After two years of wild anti-Trump hysteria, the President and his millions of supporters have been completely vindicated."

>>5869020, >>5869381 Comey: "So many questions." Democrats congruent comments.

>>5868944 Kilmeade: "This just in @HillaryClinton officially lost the 2016 election."

>>5868927 Kellyanne: "Today you won the 2016 election all over again. And got a gift for the 2020 election."

>>5868859 Bongino: "Where does General Flynn go to get his reputation back for all of this nonsense? It’s a disgrace what happened to this patriot."

>>5868833 Iran doesn't like POTUS's Golan Heights remarks.

>>5868830 Piers Morgan eats crow.

>>5869502 #7508

Previously Collected Notables

>>5867888 #7506, >>5868747 #7507

>>5865658 #7503, >>5866450 #7504, >>5867180 #7505

>>5863335 #7500, >>5864078 #7501, >>5864860 #7502

>>5861005 #7497, >>5861782 #7498, >>5862545 #7499

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

59093b  No.5871098

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335

Q Graphics all in GMT #76 >>5869796

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

59093b  No.5871100

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

* Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

59093b  No.5871112

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 40a3fb26a0cbba2eec73d195fc….png)

#7511 Dough


ddb91e  No.5871119

File: b7eaf1b7754361b⋯.png (31.42 KB, 585x279, 65:31, AQ5.PNG)


"These shortcomings in today’s letter are the very reason our nation has a system of separation of powers."

9adc57  No.5871130

File: a8d4255bfd19871⋯.jpeg (312.99 KB, 1241x2121, 1241:2121, 91A328E9-39AB-4312-946B-3….jpeg)


2423a6  No.5871143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c37dc4  No.5871146

File: bb8b10331b941dd⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 602x624, 301:312, boomm.jpg)


12115f  No.5871151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


af4209  No.5871155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Music Video - There's a Storm Coming

12115f  No.5871157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

ddb91e  No.5871158

File: 6659fbc14e4c6df⋯.png (42.93 KB, 588x365, 588:365, AQ6.PNG)


"forest for the trees"

ef72a0  No.5871159

File: cf452300c7af2bc⋯.png (497.08 KB, 572x657, 572:657, FLOTUS PEPE.png)

bd3b6a  No.5871160

File: d81823fc6ea1af1⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 960x720, 4:3, pttn4032019182311.jpg)

12115f  No.5871161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Protocols of Zion. Full Documentary.

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

d24f48  No.5871162

File: dc1d93201f53cb4⋯.jpeg (679.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 36014E3B-BE42-4AA5-8151-B….jpeg)

Hammer time.

3d2600  No.5871163

>>5871015 (lb)

Nice anon!

7616bd  No.5871164

File: b1128543dc2eb40⋯.jpg (215.71 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 09ce64d0fa04ec847cd3495017….jpg)

Staring down on foes be like…

c13ccd  No.5871165

File: 4b182a4cbca553f⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, Blue Forrest Bunker.jpg)

Time to bunker?

208357  No.5871166

Lisa Page

>two months on SC in 2017

Peter Strzok

>three months on SC in 2017

Where these two responsible for the indictments against Ivanka, DT Jr, and Erik Trump?

Or was it others?

f285fb  No.5871167

File: e14ba75560afe8e⋯.jpg (39.9 KB, 362x369, 362:369, ph2_556.jpg)

Thank You Baker

c7f4b6  No.5871168

File: f13dea2ef870d5c⋯.jpg (252.58 KB, 793x1240, 793:1240, KAG.jpg)


Thank you baker!

93441f  No.5871169

I have an overwhelming feeling that the funeral that could possibly take place to take focus off Mueller wouldn't be RBG, but Bill Clinton instead.


Suicide Forest

Ray Chandler connections

Epstein unsealing

Too many roads lead to Bill.

3dacf6  No.5871170

File: 2686c8da6734235⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 250x375, 2:3, downloadfile-24.jpg)

It seems like this motherfucker is scared….so obvious.

13cd23  No.5871171

File: 4a0e887775bc67f⋯.jpg (355.51 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Fresh-Bread-TYBaker.jpg)

46118e  No.5871172

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


ca1569  No.5871173

File: 30111067fc768c7⋯.png (189.64 KB, 629x438, 629:438, QNN-dem-conspiracy-theoris….png)

File: 0a7644b7d46144b⋯.png (286.59 KB, 587x480, 587:480, pelosi-nadler-tear-up-coun….png)

File: d70c453e814d4f5⋯.png (156.12 KB, 526x464, 263:232, schiff-conspiracy-theorist.png)

2423a6  No.5871174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

35c5ae  No.5871175

File: 85941e7b34e5f9d⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 1092x585, 28:15, _KEKFORCE.JPG)




you are literally WRITING the historybook right now, and it is BEAUTIFUL.


a21c15  No.5871176

File: 80b2e99b23b1fee⋯.jpg (61.95 KB, 728x424, 91:53, america.greatest.earth.jpg)

>>5871090 (/pb)

09d35f  No.5871177

File: d2661ad2af3cd10⋯.png (94.72 KB, 1226x434, 613:217, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

Not notable but noticable from last bread..

Possible Maggie Haberman comms.

12115f  No.5871178

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)


The Protocols of Zion. Full TEXT

242b97  No.5871180

File: b33c56f9f2fa43b⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 0e705615c676148a678f6e7c93….jpg)

584a75  No.5871181

we have the ammo (memes) let em fly anons! here and everywhere. this is our job!

e2cac9  No.5871182

File: 3a81bb53dcdc806⋯.jpeg (516.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9E60C282-7F2D-458A-BBF6-0….jpeg)

Bob Ross is CIA.

fa94ef  No.5871183

Flashback–Bill Kristol: ‘Likely’ Mueller Will Find Collusion Between Trump and Russia



ddb91e  No.5871184




Might be on to something here

94b0c4  No.5871185

File: 91a1c337fbc0a64⋯.jpg (206.37 KB, 1884x1016, 471:254, _20190324_191925.JPG)

Has POTUS ever made a statement that was not true?

e7b232  No.5871186

>>5871122 LB

The pilot is retiring, so this was his last time flying POTUS

7d7301  No.5871187

File: fc83169c1dfd0b2⋯.jpg (835.38 KB, 2250x3000, 3:4, il_fullxfull.1449339295_ei….jpg)


Time to crack open a cold one to celebrate

6bd974  No.5871188

File: 8a1b934390a0059⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 610x448, 305:224, boob bees.jpg)


1ded15  No.5871189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


566c5a  No.5871190

File: 1f352b83d37fb3c⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 600x458, 300:229, 2wr8rl.jpg)

d339cb  No.5871191

File: 3efead1e763876b⋯.jpg (440.86 KB, 883x1024, 883:1024, trollslayer.jpg)

>>5871118 lb

>Faggot the GoFundMe page will be 100% legit.

You are totally retarded go fuck yourself cunt.

412858  No.5871192




Good Thought Anon!!!

0c4607  No.5871193


Sorry anon I missed you lb, stuff to do ya know, after all not all over us get paid to be here. Hey can you give me some inside scoop? Do you have an office with a window, and maybe hot interns bringing lunch, or are you stuck in a cubicle.

90cd2d  No.5871194


we can hope.

3650c6  No.5871195


I think this is the trigger point we have all been waiting for. Time for more popcorn.

a74bb3  No.5871196

shill = filter, never reply

shills are stupid.

racism is stupid.

mass shooters are the most stupid.

Watch out Newbies.

809688  No.5871197


47021d  No.5871198

File: 656c6bcc7efaa1c⋯.gif (8.53 MB, 569x320, 569:320, Pres_45_MAGA.gif)

5f8f1d  No.5871199

File: 319c42e02b0b2df⋯.jpg (264.38 KB, 1912x792, 239:99, AGPIE.jpg)



09d35f  No.5871200


Ah.. ty fren

182642  No.5871201

We were asked to bring this over from Twatter


Thread by @thelionlogos: "SOMEONE GET THIS ON CHAN IF ITS NOT ALREADY THERE! It's Jeff Koons! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Koons QDrop Rachel Chandler to Midland = Meet […]" #RachelChandler #PurpleDay #PurpleDiary #StandardHotel

5bc47f  No.5871203

File: ee5ab936287bbd4⋯.png (510.1 KB, 726x441, 242:147, ClipboardImage.png)


fab688  No.5871204

Nobody took the bait…

Nobody escapes this…..


Wam Bam Thank You Mam…


Mueller report summary released, showing no proof Trump team conspired with Russia


83430b  No.5871205

File: 5529319af63598d⋯.jpeg (90.56 KB, 726x492, 121:82, A902E47A-33E8-4E24-8163-5….jpeg)



I’m pretty sure your a POS. Never served anyone but yourself your motives are easy to spot. Your a slide shill. All you can do is try to divide by playing the Jew race card. Not that it matters to you but I’ve served this country in the military and gave it my all when I served you serve your masters who are pulling the strings for you. Your not relevant here. Your just a division faggot. I’m a real patriot and your a faggot shill.

e7b232  No.5871206



>>5871122 LB

The pilot is retiring, so this was his last time flying POTUS

46118e  No.5871207

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"One man, One throat, Three songs"

759c9c  No.5871208

File: 3e8b8cf919724fb⋯.png (225.97 KB, 592x492, 148:123, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

A very sad CLAP On CLAP Off

Please help to embed.


a21c15  No.5871209

File: f6eab610311dd99⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 668x499, 668:499, america.greatest.place.q.jpg)

12115f  No.5871210

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)


>Sorry anon I missed you lb, stuff to do ya know, after all not all over us get paid to be here. Hey can you give me some inside scoop? Do you have an office with a window, and maybe hot interns bringing lunch, or are you stuck in a cubicle.

c37dc4  No.5871211

07d224  No.5871212

File: 129ca3252f263f2⋯.png (1.28 MB, 920x1386, 460:693, 50b67916e2cb952c87b550786e….png)


3dacf6  No.5871213

File: e1b897df20f042e⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 300x175, 12:7, downloadfile-17.jpg)

David Alxelrod just said Trump is still guilty of obstruction of justice.

David you can fuck off you red diaper baby.

78f474  No.5871214

File: c9fff0034cb813b⋯.jpg (525.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, greatest.jpg)

8b6282  No.5871215


Well, I better go pick up some more champagne, in that case.

fbb520  No.5871216


Does anyone here think that Trump won't exact revenge??

4baf92  No.5871217


you mad Trump got exonerated faggot?

12115f  No.5871218

File: af4cc94f151b615⋯.jpg (194.62 KB, 726x492, 121:82, gay.jpg)

ddf1cf  No.5871219

7bdf48  No.5871220

File: a5873d42d62c743⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Nym1ql2603o1_500.jpg)

TY Baker

e6be99  No.5871221


Hillaryous, because the Dems are screaming for full release. Didn't Q say that DECLAS will bring down the House? Pelousi. Schitt. Nadless. Mad Maxine. Shitla Jackson Lee. Comings/Goings . Charge em all.

444c0c  No.5871222

File: 292162dcb085b16⋯.png (512.41 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

2ec8f8  No.5871223


Indeed it is!

65f6dd  No.5871224


That'd be ok

46118e  No.5871225

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


4e77df  No.5871226

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, AF0E73C4-D885-4EFF-B3D0-3C….png)

9b8e51  No.5871227

File: 4b06e39fe1477c4⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 469x427, 67:61, doing.jpg)

07d224  No.5871228

File: b92ac9dbbe212e5⋯.png (421.96 KB, 580x501, 580:501, 7919fbb7114e768b8f486f776d….png)


c6efca  No.5871229

CNN, just now: "expect the Russian bots and trolls to be very busy today amplifying"

78f474  No.5871230

File: aeeb465660f8477⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 468x446, 234:223, d7f8c340fbbcf3590b70a4599d….jpg)

7d7301  No.5871231

File: 24a3f489e006cc0⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 1300x728, 25:14, trump-wb_5.jpg)

444c0c  No.5871232

File: 8ba35db89dbf71f⋯.png (257.26 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

35c5ae  No.5871233

File: e6e123729a60f9a⋯.jpg (57.09 KB, 800x465, 160:93, CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUG….jpg)



3dacf6  No.5871234

File: 0d13c3fef67c00a⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 460x276, 5:3, downloadfile-21.jpg)

Hussein do you think you'll have an extra room in Nairobi Kenya?

a21c15  No.5871235

File: 41a47064acc5059⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 500x510, 50:51, trump.counter.punch.jpg)


Anyone that has read "Art of the Deal" knows.

8534e9  No.5871236

File: 8c7338df2c95b14⋯.jpg (133.43 KB, 586x782, 293:391, 11400576-0-image-m-5_15534….jpg)

File: 922cb2ce9b56572⋯.jpg (182.41 KB, 586x781, 586:781, 11400572-0-image-m-6_15534….jpg)

File: 1c562ac5d9c0da4⋯.jpg (155.91 KB, 586x749, 586:749, 11400570-0-image-m-7_15534….jpg)

File: 8173c497cd81fed⋯.jpg (114.19 KB, 586x770, 293:385, 11400568-0-image-m-8_15534….jpg)

READ IN FULL: Attorney General Barr's letter to Congress summarizing the Mueller investigation findings


f49c30  No.5871237

File: 8c7137a142ae4cd⋯.png (106.84 KB, 1161x441, 129:49, DJT 3-24-19.png)

Interdasting that there are ZERO Assenstain Bros snarky replies to POTUS.


Where are your boys?

e89713  No.5871238

File: acb353396f8053a⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 477x371, 9:7, hoax.JPG)

Bring the PAIN!!!

af4209  No.5871239

File: 2ddf31a070e9b89⋯.mp4 (246.19 KB, 640x480, 4:3, QNN-Cpac1-tippytopdance.mp4)

Click to play - QNN Potus Tippy Toppy Dance

01416a  No.5871240

File: d9fe7051f95f823⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x2600, 6:13, qproofroom239woah.png)

ANONS… better Q proof that i thought

article says not previously reported

df6ae3  No.5871241


you must have wet dreams thinking of jooos

46118e  No.5871242

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Ready for the GITMO git-down?

Ready or not, it's


ddb91e  No.5871243

File: e86362d13cfce3e⋯.png (431.22 KB, 600x670, 60:67, AQ7.PNG)


Nancy Pelosi Holds An Emergency Call On Mueller, Refuses Classified Briefings & Plans To Issue NUMEROUS Subpoenas

fb388d  No.5871244

File: 40f3f84fb36d62f⋯.jpeg (174.58 KB, 948x710, 474:355, 43814EFC-4BC3-456B-B3F4-2….jpeg)

File: 58189f4e4435803⋯.jpeg (304.69 KB, 1280x2023, 1280:2023, 0DB289EF-BF89-4701-BE5C-7….jpeg)

File: 7d0b25696ed0c7f⋯.jpeg (48.54 KB, 500x413, 500:413, 4B0FE795-8EA9-489D-9EDE-4….jpeg)

File: 15868ed06c168e2⋯.jpeg (38.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5E7BB7CA-1480-4FD2-9F0D-E….jpeg)

File: 261921a9281925f⋯.jpeg (74.86 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 91BF91B5-0C5B-4820-BDAF-4….jpeg)

47021d  No.5871245

File: 30d57180ef77a2f⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 670x360, 67:36, MSM_Damage_Control.jpg)

59093b  No.5871246

File: cccd9837388eac0⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yr8965pl9g8heayF.mp4)



Clapper reacts

c045af  No.5871247

File: 7bc1cb50d8c1860⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2388x1680, 199:140, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: 01641904d5de1e1⋯.png (1007.28 KB, 1166x1248, 583:624, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

@RealDonaldTrump has liked only 7 tweets. Only three show up on twitter. The ones he 'likes' seem to be attacks against him. I assume it is his humor, which I love.

One is from @WinkProgress and the operator of that account brags about how they change the image that shows up to make Trump bad.

Q, Do you think you could get the President to 'Unlike' the one which WinkProgress keeps changing the image on?


Trump Twitter Likes:


Wink Progress Tweet bragging about changing image of article frequently to make it look like trump liked something he shouldn't have:


WinkProgress Article referenced in tweet:


412858  No.5871248

c6efca  No.5871249


i.e. it just got made great. get a new hat.

ee6a1e  No.5871250


+ ++ +++

Saudi Arabia Rothschild Soros

3798d2  No.5871251

>>5870826 (lb)

I think they got fed wrong info accidentally on purpose. Thus Todd saying, "This is so confusing". Could be a leaker being set up. Now they have to deal with unreliable sources or honey pot sources going into facing the good guys counter attack.

a6d008  No.5871252

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)

07d224  No.5871253

File: 8a204ce5fff7d7a⋯.png (790.31 KB, 889x700, 127:100, 14b2ab1a1dcb97afbc96013f45….png)


e4d473  No.5871254


Plenty of trees with plenty of branches for ropes for traitors.

12115f  No.5871255

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)


>you must have wet dreams thinking of jooos

You'd like that wouldn't you? Sick fucking baby killer.

ef72a0  No.5871256

File: 547169efde4e736⋯.png (389.99 KB, 544x724, 136:181, Bleb.png)

2cb81c  No.5871257

Rudy says, "When do they apologize?" The answer is never. Have seen it too, too many times from the left, both public & private. Incapable of admitting they were wrong, or of taking responsibility. But guess what? Betcha a good number of them break down and confess & beg for mercy when standing before a tribunal.

59093b  No.5871258


Check this tool anon, it's neat.


7bdf48  No.5871259

File: d342e75c59f875b⋯.png (739.11 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, ClipboardImage.png)

c0fc7f  No.5871260

File: d107fceb0d1288d⋯.png (555.92 KB, 715x576, 715:576, mueller report poll.PNG)


Around half of all Americans say there is at least a small chance that special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election will change how they feel about President Donald Trump, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Data from the poll conducted from March 17 to 20, before Mueller delivered the report to Attorney General William Barr, found that 41 percent of voters said there is “no chance at all” that Mueller’s report will change how they feel about the sitting president.

At the same time, a combined total of 50 percent said there is at least a small chance that the long-awaited report—two years in the making—could change how they feel about Trump to varying extents. Five percent of the group said there was a “strong” chance the report could change their views, while 14 percent said there was “some” chance. Meanwhile, 29 percent specifically said there was a “small chance.”

Because of the split of opinion on the investigation itself, it remains unclear just how much the report—if it is released to the public—will affect public opinion.


d0fbac  No.5871261

This meme has probably been parsed to death. Forgive me I’ve been busy with spring cleaning today. I understand the missed placed letter R could be for Renegade (Hussein) but the entire meme “ since we freed their slaves” could that refer to strings being cut?

I.E. Patriots are in Control?

759c9c  No.5871262


Than you

fd10dc  No.5871263

File: 32e7cf17f182bf2⋯.png (761.16 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you smell that on the wind, shills? Smells like incoming PAIN!

5747f5  No.5871264

File: 7a9e2a920d38e7a⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 608x608, 1:1, 6216dbedef5394ba65924fab56….jpg)

>5871157 Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein



Anons, you're talking to a shill, which is exactly what they want. STOP responding.

3dfb7c  No.5871265


Assholes. They lay claim to executive oversight but who oversees them?

2423a6  No.5871266

File: 2f6bdf38aba5588⋯.png (963.67 KB, 941x607, 941:607, familianypd.png)

File: 0c5dc3be44eb747⋯.png (269.61 KB, 739x464, 739:464, wakeup6.png)

d0fbac  No.5871267

Forgot to add photo >>5871261

7354e4  No.5871268


Maybe all this screaming for release of the data is just a continuation of the front. There are laws that prevent certain releases of information from a SC report. Even if the Dems KNOW there is nothing there, they can scream as if there were, knowing the real information cannot be released. This will continue the narrative that Trump did something bad with the Russians.

78f474  No.5871269

File: 83fe2f10627d6f8⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 557x622, 557:622, trumphero.jpg)

2cb81c  No.5871270

File: 1bcac40e9979f7d⋯.jpg (302.02 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, BillClintonEpsteinHaitianC….jpg)

File: 53a3ebe514b9feb⋯.jpg (298 KB, 1086x724, 3:2, BillHillaryClintonEpsteinH….jpg)

File: 0e13883eb4fcce0⋯.jpg (455.83 KB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, HillarySexTortureDungeon2.jpg)

35e6a6  No.5871271


Every. Fucking. Bread?

f285fb  No.5871272

File: 25ff7714b37a5d8⋯.jpeg (92.67 KB, 736x1020, 184:255, 1552517669.jpeg)

File: 41dae124caaaaa9⋯.jpeg (124.2 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, 1553211319.jpeg)

962d5f  No.5871273

File: 9207bdc4ea9750b⋯.jpeg (23.08 KB, 236x176, 59:44, E60B5850-1E8F-4CDC-88B3-9….jpeg)


I told already no one cares. We know all about this.

Go to FB and Twatter and let they got know these are Joooo platforms and wake up the nomies.

There are no new subscribers here for shekels.

d0fbac  No.5871274

File: a8051c8bddafeb4⋯.jpeg (86.93 KB, 749x598, 749:598, 40062C28-7EB7-474C-80CC-6….jpeg)

Itchy trigger finger >>5871267

895a7a  No.5871276


That's a huge proof. Q new ahead of time once again.

b3e810  No.5871277

File: 35f049e77155115⋯.png (204.94 KB, 650x390, 5:3, pain.png)

We ready?

009aa0  No.5871278

File: 351a02279cf1f6e⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 432x495, 48:55, fish4u.jpg)


thx baker…

8b6282  No.5871279


She'd better be worried about handling all the criminal referrals coming down the pipe straight at Democrats.

4baf92  No.5871280

File: f7649b96cb174f0⋯.png (581.72 KB, 720x438, 120:73, f7649b96cb174f08e0f15a4c56….png)

56988f  No.5871281

File: 85dc006d5a57a7f⋯.png (65.82 KB, 1360x600, 34:15, JEHOVAH WITNESS.PNG)

File: 23e8198c4194f7d⋯.png (96.55 KB, 1360x540, 68:27, JEHOVAH WITNESS2.PNG)

File: b480a78d6594b41⋯.png (89.09 KB, 1362x536, 681:268, JEHOVAH WITNESS3.PNG)

NOTABLE if not already posted

Kudos to the Jehovah Witnesses secret database pf pedophiles. Almost makes me feel bad that I hide when they come to the door


17c241  No.5871282

File: 52ce072ebee54f8⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1128x1536, 47:64, 52ce072ebee54f865ce777f570….jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

46118e  No.5871283

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovore cultist openly promote and overtly worship of satan today, you can read their literature online. Satanists openly solicit kids on You Tube and practice mind control games. Their “brands” their runes, their sigils, glyphs and hand signal perfuse our culture. The news and entertainment media we consume is pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and toxic subliminal whosabobs. These occult influences combine to produce a selfish, shallow materialist cargo cultist consciousness, and this has manifested a world run by pedovores criminals.

The frieze on Apollo’s temple at Delphi, properly translated does not say “Know yourself.” It says “Watch yourself." And if you watch yourself you will begin to add additional layers of reflection, increasing your cognitive power as you learn. Humans appear capable of (literally) infinite self-improvement, and you can see how blood drinking petty gods and lizards would not like having expended so much futile effort to channel human consciousness a thin pipe. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary social duties and financial troubles generally insures we do not awaken to real universe and the powers of big G God inside us.


fb388d  No.5871284


u funnee funnee guy…

12115f  No.5871285


>Every. Fucking. Bread?

Mother. Fucking. Yes.

e19677  No.5871286

File: 559475b5d3d1346⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 532x400, 133:100, 1533525508.jpg)

3d2600  No.5871287



4d0bff  No.5871288

For every fact there is an alternative fact

fa94ef  No.5871289



723680  No.5871290



b6ac86  No.5871291


Jeff Koons connected to Comet Ping Pong Alefantis through Art for Embassies program smuggling! Look for the dig thats around on reddit, voat, everywhere. Art for Embassies. Involving Skull and Bones, Koons, Alefantis, and US Embassies!

50f588  No.5871292

File: 63f45588ed4260b⋯.jpg (163.48 KB, 1170x679, 1170:679, flag_002.jpg)

14c0d9  No.5871293

What is the Nexus Between Mueller's FBI, a Sleepy Tennessee Town, and an Unsolved Murder?

Partners in Crime

Contact: Sharon Rondeau, Editor, The Post & Email, 203-987-7948, editor@thepostemail.com


ATHENS, Tenn., March 2, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ – On July 17, 2010, 60-year-old businessman, Loudon County, TN Deputy Sheriff and Republican Elections Commissioner Jim Miller was assassinated by gunshots to the head, placed in the trunk of his car, then driven to Sands Road in Sweetwater, where the care was set on fire.

Photo: The Monroe County main courthouse in Madisonville, photo courtesy of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III. On the left of the architectural extension on the second floor is where Monroe County Sheriff's Office Deputy R. Moses was positioned on April 20, 2010, the day of "The Madisonville Hoax."


At the time, Bill Bivens was finishing his first four-year term as Monroe County sheriff and seeking reelection, which he achieved in August 2010.  At the same time, Robert S. Mueller III was in his ninth year of a ten-year term as director of the FBI.

More…. Long Article


5cda68  No.5871294

File: 201079e796c9c62⋯.jpeg (108.47 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 5930BB9F-D300-4D44-BF6D-6….jpeg)


Kek, punisher on the gavel…

4baf92  No.5871295

>>5871240 [19] people Q proof


great eye anon!

962d5f  No.5871296


Sorry Free beer today and vodka

f49c30  No.5871297

CBS Live ‘March Madness’ Broadcast Interrupted By News Trump Did Not Collude with Russia


Millions watching / hearing how the Fake News has been lying for 2 years!


ef72a0  No.5871298

File: 940d4fef814110c⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 340x213, 340:213, every single time.jpg)

78f474  No.5871299

File: 9e4b89b4df773d8⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 339x434, 339:434, symbols.jpg)

de8064  No.5871300

File: eaae0838e32e191⋯.png (481.87 KB, 400x500, 4:5, Pointy.png)


well played

83430b  No.5871301



Yes I’m done now I’ve said my peace. Using the filter option.

2423a6  No.5871302

File: 3e9254dab12f6b6⋯.png (536.87 KB, 604x424, 151:106, as1.png)

80a11c  No.5871303

>>5870687 lb

1,976MB in 87 seconds = 22.7MB/sec = 181.7Mb/sec

Depends on their connection. I have 150Mb/s but I have never gotten a download that fast. So it's not impossible but highly unlikely from Romania or wherever. ~22MB/s is about what my usb flashdrives download at. I'm going with the USB drive and Seth Rich was murdered for it.

12115f  No.5871304

File: 1513a4e383709e1⋯.jpeg (70.53 KB, 236x176, 59:44, clown.jpeg)

242b97  No.5871305


Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement On Attorney General Barr’s Summary Of The Mueller Report

March 24, 2019

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer released the following statement regarding Attorney General Barr’s summary of the Mueller report:

“Attorney General Barr’s letter raises as many questions as it answers. The fact that Special Counsel Mueller’s report does not exonerate the president on a charge as serious as obstruction of justice demonstrates how urgent it is that the full report and underlying documentation be made public without any further delay. Given Mr. Barr’s public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report.

“And most obviously, for the president to say he is completely exonerated directly contradicts the words of Mr. Mueller and is not to be taken with any degree of credibility.

“Congress requires the full report and the underlying documents so that the Committees can proceed with their independent work, including oversight and legislating to address any issues the Mueller report may raise. The American people have a right to know.”


d31b03  No.5871306

File: cc9cfaeb556d49b⋯.png (1.59 MB, 992x5169, 992:5169, Screenshot_2019-03-09 The ….png)

File: d15269c8503345c⋯.png (821.15 KB, 651x1965, 217:655, Screenshot_2019-03-10 3 ar….png)

File: 51591451ce5b06a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 944x7377, 944:7377, Screenshot_2019-03-09 The ….png)

File: 26219cc65548aad⋯.jpg (815.74 KB, 3544x2960, 443:370, 25ea44ced955f76a846fcb1999….jpg)

…anyone member the bird-dogging? Scott Foval? The Mexican Bandit Vote Stealer? The electoral college shenanigans?

a6d008  No.5871307

File: 11539b66bba9e2c⋯.jpg (35.98 KB, 961x480, 961:480, cbe4026b9b7fdbfcbead3b5735….jpg)



ca578c  No.5871308

af4209  No.5871309

File: 12668bcb4472332⋯.mp4 (248.14 KB, 444x608, 111:152, JesusHealsFakeMeme.mp4)

Click to watch Jesus heal the fake meme

3dacf6  No.5871310

File: aa56da191c90cb8⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 2wul5k_1.jpg)

File: 2686c8da6734235⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 250x375, 2:3, downloadfile-24.jpg)

Trump stop lollygagging and declassify FISA warrants now.

David Alxelrod you KYS

9532dd  No.5871311

File: e9d51d3d6551929⋯.jpeg (43.31 KB, 360x321, 120:107, 3E9A0D77-B6A1-46FB-A9F6-F….jpeg)


Comey’s not the sharpest tool in the shed … but he is a tool.

78f474  No.5871312

File: 0e071ca5944f15b⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 474x372, 79:62, wellplayed.jpg)

2423a6  No.5871313

File: bf5590636e5743e⋯.png (614.15 KB, 765x505, 153:101, andynjimmy.png)

ca1569  No.5871314

File: 4b278b9c9e4f8e5⋯.png (227.71 KB, 629x438, 629:438, QNN-dem-bigfoot.png)

fb388d  No.5871315


restrictions not previously reported

7bdf48  No.5871316

f802b2  No.5871317

File: ab171b9ad8d90f8⋯.jpg (274.75 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D2dcFSEXcAEFFsZ.jpg)

17c241  No.5871318

File: 79fc2fdd5fc1fbe⋯.png (722.64 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 79fc2fdd5fc1fbe9aedc2be214….png)

File: 4014c4352b82e7d⋯.jpg (154.01 KB, 634x337, 634:337, 4014c4352b82e7d790dada9404….jpg)

ddb91e  No.5871319

File: eade28a17aa5e01⋯.png (24.47 KB, 576x266, 288:133, AQ9.PNG)


Checked, spoopy.

Twitter Fuckery with POTUS'S numbers?

46118e  No.5871320

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

3d2600  No.5871321


‏ @45_Schedule

3m3 minutes ago

.@netanyahu has arrived in Washington DC for meetings with the President on Monday and Tuesday.

As of 7:15PM a lid has been called and there is no further movement expected outside White House tonight. God bless the USA!

6b1750  No.5871322


>Assholes. They lay claim to executive oversight but who oversees them?


ed55f6  No.5871323

File: 730ad242f897b04⋯.jpg (127.28 KB, 860x460, 43:23, D1Y1jMtVAAIj0fm.jpg)


Thank you Baker and all Anons

Today was a good day

9329fb  No.5871325

What a day!! Got a birthday bj from the wife today… and POTUS CLEARED!!!!

78f474  No.5871327

File: 234cb18e3fd1429⋯.jpg (140.89 KB, 548x896, 137:224, ae2ffa9961181ab8e10f7fad8b….jpg)

File: 1940011b4a44787⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 863x501, 863:501, Kanye-West-Wallpaper-3.jpg)

8cb867  No.5871328

File: b91433f71bd45d4⋯.png (174.78 KB, 372x552, 31:46, 2019-03-24_19-31-31.png)

>>5870983 lb

He does.

3dacf6  No.5871329

File: 09e2199797cbeca⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 618x430, 309:215, downloadfile-8.jpg)

File: d3b279770967b7a⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 500x338, 250:169, 2wum54_1.jpg)

e2cac9  No.5871330

File: ac9fd9aaf768162⋯.jpeg (314.85 KB, 792x792, 1:1, EA7B54B8-2B01-4A3F-8847-D….jpeg)

a5ce79  No.5871331


McCabe has to pay for his corruption, abuse of power and lying under oath. He is a bad guy.

09d35f  No.5871332

9d2dca  No.5871333


Good. Get Mueller on the stand to further publicly give detail on WHY there was no prosecution.

0473ae  No.5871334

File: fce8b9aaf61c8be⋯.jpg (128.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4d35c3c62961f7a94419e390aa….jpg)

a91a5b  No.5871335

File: 3f22bd127d6b780⋯.png (9.94 KB, 361x172, 361:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86984f12497c6fc⋯.png (11.05 KB, 357x189, 17:9, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump has changed his tweets.

Looks like this means, Made America Great Again by beating these guys and now, Keep American Great by making sure this never ever happens again!

Great Job POTUS! Keep America Great!

34bdac  No.5871336

File: e450748b7378c20⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, a_big_nothing_burger.jpg)

5c609e  No.5871337


Rats until the very end. Despicable.

d684c2  No.5871338

File: b6cfa02d6ca60c5⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 656x438, 328:219, Console.JPG)

a21c15  No.5871339

File: 066aced3d3853b2⋯.png (285.81 KB, 550x386, 275:193, kek.nigel.laughing.png)

ca578c  No.5871340

Does anyone have any way to know how many folks on Twitter got kicked off due to Posting Rachel Madcow crying? I got suspended yesterday for 7 days, jerks.

78f474  No.5871341

File: e6478d501f33411⋯.png (316.47 KB, 400x504, 50:63, staythe.png)


Saving Israel for last…we must be wrapping up

0fd3c5  No.5871342


So which character would he be in Godfather III? Or is he another charter who calls the signals from the bigger FISH?

726dd6  No.5871343


Can you provide sauce on those Q posts?

95f22a  No.5871345

File: a1fbb64bc144039⋯.png (107.92 KB, 590x707, 590:707, FULCRUMqbots.PNG)

File: fe5b3953cb42ceb⋯.png (882.54 KB, 769x745, 769:745, PizzaGATEseaman.PNG)




f49c30  No.5871346

Businesses, Residents Plan to Leave New York

Poll: One-third N.Y. residents plan to move because it's too expensive


Please, please, please….stay the Fuck out of Georgia!

2007dd  No.5871347

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

New Beginnings

- Future World Music

Let's hope that when this is all behind us, the great age will have begun and every tear wiped away. Lux Aeterna!


4baf92  No.5871348

File: 35d9e76489663f4⋯.png (3.78 MB, 2490x6773, 2490:6773, [-30]HOLDx.png)

File: 2e49ecf4e437c80⋯.png (897.54 KB, 1169x1802, 1169:1802, tminus.png)

Countdown Hold Theory

Holds are pauses in a rocket countdown (NASA article) that are put in to make sure everything is going according to plan, everything is good to go, etc etc.

Q posted [-21] on a day that was NOT [-21], then Q posted [-21] again, suggesting there were holds in the countdown, changing the [0] date of the countdown.

I counted 19 days of holds and the [0] day with the countdowns as 3/30/19 considering holds.

If this theory is correct, the Mueller Investigation (Exoneration) DID end within the countdown.

Reminder of the T-Minus theory in order of the events happening:

[-90]: top 4 at FBI removed (happened)

[-60]: Bruce Ohs removed from DOJ (about to happen)

[-45]: RR removed from DOJ (about to happen)

[-30]: Mueller releases report that EXONERATES POTUS (about to happen)

[0]: DECLAS (public release, happens after Mueller's report)

[+X]: IG Reports

[+Y]: ]HUBER[

12115f  No.5871349

File: 7c22cd3b37794bd⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 600x469, 600:469, awwdangg.jpg)

0c4607  No.5871350


Explain to me why? I have not seen them go away on their own. The money is coming from somewhere and if they get paid by responses, then maybe someday the money will run out.

a1eb4f  No.5871351

File: 1c59ad1edeed03b⋯.jpg (432.22 KB, 1078x1349, 1078:1349, SmartSelectImage_2019-03-2….jpg)

File: 836b01f41933eed⋯.jpg (208.77 KB, 1066x753, 1066:753, SmartSelectImage_2019-03-2….jpg)



ef72a0  No.5871352

File: cd202c414d0519a⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Laughing dog.jpg)

444c0c  No.5871353

File: 00cb6f1c85bf87e⋯.png (373.4 KB, 556x502, 278:251, ClipboardImage.png)


When reality hits you over the head like a cold frying pan..

424a5e  No.5871354


How close are we? This term?

f802b2  No.5871355

File: 0d0de2283ffc9b2⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 864x804, 72:67, D2dfxtuWkAUqr_L.jpg)

NUNES: House Intel Will Make Criminal Referrals to AG Barr on FBI, DOJ Officials Who “Perpetrated This Hoax”


0a094a  No.5871356


Someone get the q post with q saying March madness now the world knows.


759c9c  No.5871357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Example provided


782841  No.5871358

So the next week will be Barr's show.

More and more information will be coming out, all exonerating Trump.

Then, around Monday, April 1. It will be time to counter.

April 1 also happens to be a very fitting day for these fools.

April Fools Day.

4084f3  No.5871359

File: 9b986dbe0c5151e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2048x1256, 256:157, ClipboardImage.png)

3dacf6  No.5871360

File: 2686c8da6734235⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 250x375, 2:3, downloadfile-24.jpg)

File: 33696b3c5028d78⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2wu5x6_1.jpg)

CNN can't stop beating a dead horse…

They are still talking about Russia collusion….lol

1a3f5f  No.5871361

File: c9140747cb7b178⋯.jpg (101.39 KB, 540x314, 270:157, blah blah.jpg)

8534e9  No.5871362


>>5871023 PB

>>5871065 PB

Baker i think this needs to be added to notables.

One of the girls pictured in selfie, smiling with hogg right after shooting, and was a part of their march for lives, killed herself with a gunshot to the head. Then a week later another survivor kills himself with a gunshot to the head.

19-year-old Sydney Aiello (top and bottom left), took her own life last Sunday. Both students reportedly died of a gunshot to the head, bring the death toll from the Valentines Day 2018 attack to 19

6de5dd  No.5871363


Just getting started. You new?

895a7a  No.5871364


Popcorn time????

8cb867  No.5871365

File: d3f46f20fdf0da3⋯.png (262.91 KB, 345x460, 3:4, 2019-02-18_20-36-30 copy.png)

46118e  No.5871366

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovores are hopping off the shelves in the C_A's Baltic state bailiwick of Lithuania. Ever wonder what it's like to live in a country taken over by C_A backed pedovores?


444c0c  No.5871367

File: 644f36372d70b3a⋯.png (349.84 KB, 649x499, 649:499, ClipboardImage.png)


Israelis vs. Jews: An Issue in Netanyahu’s Campaign—and for the AIPAC Conference

586dd1  No.5871368

File: fdcf4d968177411⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1677x1316, 1677:1316, HUNTED.png)

c1138e  No.5871369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.‘Projection’ 101Q

You mean this one:

17c241  No.5871370

File: b8b93fac62685f2⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 512x345, 512:345, whattimeisit.jpg)

47021d  No.5871371

File: 9790692bb1b0e48⋯.jpg (104.11 KB, 917x488, 917:488, 2vnx14.jpg)


HBD kek

79fecd  No.5871372


Well done!

688825  No.5871373


962d5f  No.5871374

File: 8cc312bc1d522e2⋯.jpeg (19.75 KB, 255x143, 255:143, F98C1E57-D4ED-4CAE-A36B-D….jpeg)

File: 17aa3ddc8485530⋯.jpeg (25.11 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 77A5557D-95E2-4FE0-9D45-2….jpeg)



df6ae3  No.5871375


your obsession runs too deep for just a mental issue

definitely much more sexual hate you poses..weird.

e3c087  No.5871377


Comey is watching the water…are those trees silver spruce?

ee3643  No.5871378

File: c74ad220c074b29⋯.png (60.17 KB, 170x213, 170:213, ClipboardImage.png)


Who is this?

009aa0  No.5871379

4baf92  No.5871380

File: fd781890c27f518⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 604x516, 151:129, gunbefren.jpg)

c9ef4f  No.5871381

File: 5b02d65096a5236⋯.png (441.21 KB, 500x501, 500:501, Stockholm Syndrome FakeNew….png)

Democrats Defending their Mental Captors…the Fake News Media

Just a different form of Stockholm Syndrome

7c7b75  No.5871382

File: b7181eea087d9de⋯.png (182.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 60f.png)

File: 66dc3a0938a67e8⋯.png (207.49 KB, 553x484, 553:484, image.png)

Boatfag to anons: Still a lot of water but so far nothing sticks out. Boatfag to bots: Eeep Opp Ork Ah Ah. Bootfag to Toots: Bring the keg tap back

ee6a1e  No.5871383

File: 811d2d13d79c132⋯.png (61.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, image.png)


Re: Q post:




+ ++ +++


Bunker was when Green died, when they tried to enter the Rothschild Manor in Aylesbury/ UK.

Forest was, when Roths sold their manor & land in the Black Forest/ Austria (and it had something to do with Al Waleed.

Idk, how "Blue" is related here.

But the + ++ +++ stands for SA/ Roths/ Soros.

We will hear more about that in April, is my guess.

(pics of Comey unrelated to my post)

fa94ef  No.5871384


Could be, just by looks alone!

4d59ad  No.5871385


"There has to be a credibility reckoning for these Democrats, Adam Schiff, especially, Blumenthal, Swalwell, Nadler, Waters all assured the American people they had evidence," Jennings declared. "It's been fashionable lately to say they came with receipts. They promised this for two years, and it has been completely blown up today by the special counsel's report. That's number one."

"Number two, it strikes me that what Mueller has proven beyond a shadow of the doubt is Russia interfered with our election, that Trump had nothing to do with it and it all occurred on Obama's watch," Jennings said Sunday on CNN. "We need an accounting of how we failed at this at the end of the last administration and how we're going to stop it in the future. I think that's what a lot of folks want to know. How did we fail? How do we stop it?"

3dacf6  No.5871386

File: 7e7b0fbca7916d3⋯.png (724.39 KB, 1011x820, 1011:820, Screenshot_20190323-125247….png)

Dick pic perv is back on the streets.

9d2dca  No.5871387


That’s up by Fort Bragg. He’s in that area-

c7f4b6  No.5871388

File: 2d00005d2089892⋯.jpg (172.5 KB, 748x1007, 748:1007, !!## the news_10.jpg)

af4209  No.5871389

File: 1e5a2daeb0cb9ec⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 500x750, 2:3, gold pepe.jpg)


It do indeed

9b8e51  No.5871390


I haven't felt thus much schadenfreude since Nov 9th 2016

8ddafb  No.5871391


How does that relate to these drops:

How do we truly protect those important to us?

[19] immediates [no longer with us].

Self-suicide if actioned.

Real life.


[19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals.

Think nuclear stand-off.



37657c  No.5871392

Guys/gals we are in new territory now

Stay vigilant


a21c15  No.5871393


What a bad ass post.

f49c30  No.5871394

I’m Old Enough to Remember When MSM Said the Mueller Report Is About Collusion


"The corrupt media and far-left Democrat Party are already moving the goalposts and pretending the real probes were always about the Southern District of New York, and the Mueller report was never about Russia-Trump collusion."

"The Democrat media is rewriting the history of the Mueller report coverage to cover up what they have done for the past two-plus years. For example, CBS WINS this morning called The Mueller Report, The Russian Interference in the Election Report. We kid you not. That defies reality since the media has called it the report on Russia-Trump collusion and obstruction of justice for over two years."


4baf92  No.5871395

File: 51454faa0e377ad⋯.png (93.3 KB, 602x141, 602:141, butitdo.png)

353723  No.5871396

File: c27d6719888b2f3⋯.png (43.49 KB, 608x314, 304:157, S Davis re Russian Hoax Re….PNG)

The two most consistently accurate, relentless, news-breaking journalists on the Russia Collusion hoax beat over the last two years were @ChuckRossDC at @DailyCaller and Catherine Herridge at @FoxNews.

The rest of us were just fighting for third place.


59093b  No.5871397


Would like to add the schedule tweets to notes anon, but really need a screencap. If you can, would be great. TY

73b409  No.5871398

File: 0904ad1360cb5fd⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 640x800, 4:5, fb38e5201205b149724b09daa5….jpg)

159f93  No.5871399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The campaign ad that will re-elect President Trump in 2020 by a landslide.


4084f3  No.5871400

Comey, "so many questions" for Evergreen?

4863c9  No.5871401

File: 41fee383e2412f2⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 628x564, 157:141, 0e4e5c33071763203af011ac80….jpg)

what's new homos

c1138e  No.5871402

File: b26faece0733250⋯.png (19.44 KB, 499x303, 499:303, Q.png)

Slaughter these BITCHES Q

c962e6  No.5871403


after two fucking years, we can finally start putting these criminals behind bars.

40ad01  No.5871404

File: ba6f8959a4600a1⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 488x441, 488:441, fallacy4.JPG)

File: a714d7811b44acc⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 729x297, 27:11, fallacy5.JPG)


All-or-Nothing Fallacy. This is one of my favorite fallacies you shills use. So easy to spot. Pretty effective shill tactic when combined with the Cherry Picking Fallacy.


d31b03  No.5871405

File: d79a1d82c79e921⋯.jpg (138.07 KB, 640x457, 640:457, 31deceed7b310625e51371920e….jpg)

File: 93237b9be32fcb0⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 799x6911, 799:6911, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Iris….jpg)

File: 7fc31b593a0b24a⋯.png (126.03 KB, 299x350, 299:350, Screenshot_2019-03-21 4766….png)

File: 2ce618bd5b47bb0⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 513x496, 513:496, benshapiro44c1.jpg)

File: 37068b9e9cc29a3⋯.png (909.19 KB, 686x1125, 686:1125, Screenshot_2019-02-23 Type….png)

4863c9  No.5871406















































































two finders in the butthole

8cab3f  No.5871407

File: 41002a519c7e892⋯.gif (488.52 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_lw460gt4wB1r19uwyo1….gif)

962d5f  No.5871408


He eats babies

Where have been?

Every Fucking Bread like Clockwork

Paid Ad

9532dd  No.5871409


I believe the medical term for that condition is “inverted nipples”

a6d008  No.5871410

File: 12d6ec3ed9f1e88⋯.jpg (750.96 KB, 1024x779, 1024:779, quietsessions.jpg)

ddb91e  No.5871411

File: bb012ed632f1b2d⋯.png (287.75 KB, 628x493, 628:493, AQ2.PNG)

750f37  No.5871412


POTUS will spend the remainder of evening will be spent gnawing on the skulls of those he vanquished. At Zero four-hundred sharp, the Press will receive details regarding the counter-offensive and for the first time in history… will be speachless. WWG1WGA

13cd23  No.5871413

File: 69aa155558af6e3⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Hope-in-the-Dark.jpg)

ee3643  No.5871414


missing my point.

I want the poster to tell me who that is a picture of.

2007dd  No.5871415

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Life Chronicles

- Audiomachine

And so, every day, we write in the chronicles of our lives. And Anons, know this…you are writing yourselves a wonderful part in the most wonderous story in all creation. My heart bursts for you. So much I want to tell you.


3dacf6  No.5871416

File: e1b897df20f042e⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 300x175, 12:7, downloadfile-17.jpg)

File: 38558175cc4faf0⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 527x359, 527:359, 2wtrv8_1.jpg)

David Alxelrod is a sick old man with a fear of being black bagged and sent to Guantanamo bay.

fdc305  No.5871417

File: 707723782ea0df6⋯.png (81.87 KB, 474x257, 474:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0db8c012ba5d93⋯.png (188.5 KB, 804x471, 268:157, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5869850 pb

If Redwood = Evergreen, here's this from my old-timey Freemason's Encyclopedia…

And from Pike…anons were talking about the "Mystery Spot."

afdd1d  No.5871418

They trained me to fight

They trained me to wage war.

But they didn't train me for this shit.

I don't know how to be normal.

I'm just a drunk ass civilian now.

I want to go home.

7d7301  No.5871419

File: 5927c4d692e47d9⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 620x372, 5:3, 35001.jpg)

Mueller report: top Democrats say Barr summary ‘raises as many questions as it answers’

My colleague David Smith has just published his latest report from Washington. I excerpted a little earlier and the full story is on the Guardian US front page online. In another portion, David points out that the Muller summary:

‘Leaves open the question of whether Trump obstructed justice by firing FBI director James Comey and drafting an incomplete explanation about his son’s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower.

However, on the charge of collusion with Russia, which has hung over the White House and intrigued the world for two years, the president wascleared. Barr noted: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

Donald Trump Jr, whose June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer was seen by many as collusion in plain sight, lamented “more than 2 years of non-stop conspiracy theories from CNN, MSNBC, Buzzfeed and the rest of the mainstream media, as well as daily lies and smears coming from Democrats in Washington”.

The Trump 2020 campaign sent out an email with the subject heading “COLLUSION HOAX!” and a video about what it described as “Democrats’ reckless, false charges”.

Brad Parscale, the campaign manager, offered a preview of how the president is likely to use the investigation during the election next year.

“Today marks the day that President Trump has been completely and fully vindicated by special counsel Robert Mueller, exposing the Russia collusion conspiracy theory for the sham that it always was and catching Democrats in an elaborate web of lies and deceit,” he said.’

There’s going to be no mercy from the White House and Trump’s shock troops, such as Rudy Giuliani, for the bulk of the mainstream media in the days ahead, you can be sure of that. It’s going to be hard-charging forward from all parties, however, and we at the Guardian will continue to report the facts and the reactions from both sides to unfolding news events.

First, let’s mention that what we’ve seen from the Mueller summary so far is that what thsi is not “absolute victory” for the president. Giuliani just told Fox News:

“I say this is a complete and absolute victory. I mean way beyond anybody could have expected a year ago with all this crazy fake news that’s going on. First of all absolutely no collusion by anyone in the Trump campaign. So you have to wonder why did this investigation start in the first place and why did we wait 40 million dollars? Second, no obstruction.”


d2d0e4  No.5871420


"Now this does bring a smile to my face"

a5ce79  No.5871421


>I haven't felt thus much schadenfreude since Nov 9th 2016

Well said anon. Same here.

Also. Karma is a bitch clapper comey Brennan Lynch

59093b  No.5871422


How come the <3 figures are down in the second cap?

01416a  No.5871423

File: a7442c0cec31fee⋯.png (1.24 MB, 2782x1506, 1391:753, q19cia.png)

File: 8be694c8ef310f5⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 2847x1664, 219:128, q19hostages.jpg)


i think those [19] refer to hostages captured by enemies… likely CIA agents

06236b  No.5871424


Fake & Gay

7c7b75  No.5871425

File: 0aa03f4c93fbe9d⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1egm7b.jpg)

File: d046c28e2cd3ee0⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 8d0179c692d02d582e41a6cf84….jpg)

78ac1a  No.5871426




895a7a  No.5871427


I hate to say it but …. I bet they wait till after the 2020

f802b2  No.5871428

File: c73d3d1bcd22dd5⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump- America is the grea….mp4)

cbffea  No.5871429

File: 8e6d41dc91117c7⋯.png (436.39 KB, 870x501, 290:167, ClipboardImage.png)

1a495d  No.5871430



242b97  No.5871431

File: 05a860f45335926⋯.png (20.47 KB, 517x160, 517:160, tf.png)


3:37 PM - 24 Mar 2019

From the beginning @JudicialWatch stood against, often virtually alone, the abusive Mueller and coup op targeting @realDonaldTrump. We went to fed court to get docs that exposed FISA fraud and illicit collusion by Obama-Clinton gangs. And we will continue to fight for the truth.


5b2fd3  No.5871432

File: 8b666e11d2325e8⋯.jpeg (378.99 KB, 1587x851, 69:37, 8BB68C6B-E2CF-4BD0-A540-5….jpeg)

File: 9f344a4af9b73b1⋯.jpeg (658.18 KB, 1512x1620, 14:15, F090FFA7-005C-4864-966F-F….jpeg)

File: 135ec7a21e5f0c4⋯.jpeg (255.99 KB, 1212x617, 1212:617, A448F674-D7E4-4684-93D9-5….jpeg)

Interesting Mark Meadows tweeted “midnight”

Q also said “midnight” and linked to a Sara Carter tweet “midnight”

46118e  No.5871433

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Catholic pedovores = satanists

Anglican pedovores = satanists

Jewish pedovores = DA JEWS!

If it is hate, it is wrong.

Pedovores will be delivered to Justice.

Every Single. One.

ca578c  No.5871434


Abraham Finkelstein

4478d6  No.5871435

File: bf0c3705429fd93⋯.png (96.03 KB, 658x567, 94:81, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like @jack has new "boys"…

ab5f9b  No.5871436


But apparently she's fucking him for, what? Twelve years or something? The emergency "call" is for booty. Might as well be for all the good it's going to do.

6697a3  No.5871437


This old but interesting for newfags and normies. The lady in the video is intense:

Anonymous 12/06/18 (Thu) 18:24:06 fdb383 (1) No.4188713>>4619914

Ex-wife of, the now deceased, Gregory Vern Remington, makes a series of alarming allegations centring on the human trafficking associated with the Clinton Foundation. Was highlighted in a previous bread but was generally dismissed.


942887  No.5871438


Is it just me or is her mouth getting more and more crooked?

Weird shaped facial features.

d609a9  No.5871439

File: 3a93af37cdb1452⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 50999265_10218700619288935….jpg)

File: 22039d9531c3be0⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 960x866, 480:433, 52608634_10218937100760824….jpg)

File: 3f2f7fe0fd73d88⋯.jpg (186 KB, 1200x844, 300:211, 53164975_10219062320771246….jpg)

File: 7fd0ef000b3c72d⋯.jpg (125.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 54514403_10219081177482652….jpg)

ca1569  No.5871440


good one

289d39  No.5871441

So.. Democrats are seeking obstruction of justice charges on a crime that never existed. Sounds about right. These people are so stupid.

Treason. Death Blossom coming.


c8d069  No.5871442

File: c0c14242d39411c⋯.png (232.83 KB, 967x509, 967:509, POTUShome.png)

POTUS' homepage

Suggestion: May wish to send any donations straight to Trump Tower. Address is down at the bottom of donate info page. Not a cent to the RINOcrats until they're all cleaned up. Relative did differently and gets solicitation mail from the RINOs.

4863c9  No.5871443

what a contrived failure in ubiquiti with fake jew devils

ee3643  No.5871444

File: 816fad23498fc62⋯.png (67.04 KB, 224x285, 224:285, ClipboardImage.png)



Kenneth Feinberg.

a21c15  No.5871445

File: 504cda5ca7fb04d⋯.jpg (126.01 KB, 500x666, 250:333, trump.comey.winning.bigly.jpg)



e2cac9  No.5871446


Don’t drink then.

1a495d  No.5871447


It's almost like she's had a stroke. Noticed it yesterday.

Any meds cause that?

e89713  No.5871448

The FISA and IG Reports

Must Be Made Public!!!!!


962d5f  No.5871449


Get a kick out of these memes.

The Predator moves on to new victims.

Fun Fact: He was released from Prison iPhone and all.

He’s Back

5747f5  No.5871450


>Explain to me why? I have not seen them go away on their own. The money is coming from somewhere and if they get paid by responses, then maybe someday the money will run out.

Wow. They won't go away. They're being paid not to. The money won't run out - it's pennies to the people who hire them. THINK anon.

586dd1  No.5871451


Alice in Chains is CiA backwards.

12115f  No.5871452

File: 7e909123ecb15a6⋯.png (189.07 KB, 691x369, 691:369, listen_plz.png)


>your obsession runs too deep for just a mental issue


>definitely much more sexual hate you poses..weird.

afdd1d  No.5871453


fuck you

c0fc7f  No.5871454


Rachel Maddow is worth an estimated $20 million. Most of this comes from The Rachel Maddow Show, but some of it comes from her acting pursuits. She has appeared in Ugly Betty, The Ides of March, 30 Rock, and House of Cards, among others.

What is Rachel Maddow’s salary?

Rachel Maddow gets paid $7 million a year for hosting her talk show. The large sum is thanks to her increasing popularity, and dedication to journalism – which is apparent in the awards her show has won over the years.


0473ae  No.5871455

File: 1f5fcae2c15118a⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 1f5fcae2c15118a8b1f1d9fc74….jpg)

46118e  No.5871456

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Gentle Jesus join my journey

When I lay me down to sleep.

I would gladly sleep forever

In your kind companionship.

Sweet Redeemer walk beside me

Guide my dreaming by your grace

Help my mind make pictures of you

Let my fingers feel your face.

Should I live to see the moment

When the convict sun is freed

Let me not forget your kindness

Let me not forget my need.


009aa0  No.5871457


maybe barking up wrong tree.

HRC code name evergreen.

Comey looking up to trees saying so many questions?

(you) muh masons.

7c7b75  No.5871458



70e2a4  No.5871459


hes hoping people will respond to him. And as usual he doesn't need to wait long.

ee3643  No.5871460

File: 6a388d8bb2effd0⋯.png (91.4 KB, 243x295, 243:295, Opera Snapshot_2019-03-24_….png)

File: d18481fe0d11459⋯.png (150.4 KB, 584x297, 584:297, ClipboardImage.png)

e2bb81  No.5871461

File: 2ca01dfb6d02dfd⋯.jpg (212.97 KB, 1072x816, 67:51, NoAmerican.jpg)

78ac1a  No.5871463



2ffc99  No.5871464


Especially why the news is HOT on this russia shit at minute, perfect time to counter attack.

12115f  No.5871465


>Paid Ad

I fucking wish I was a paid ad.

4863c9  No.5871466

File: 9e1be081f5f5f1c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 28.27 KB, 474x655, 474:655, OOPS.jpg)

8534e9  No.5871467

File: 0209bc5b83b6871⋯.png (77.02 KB, 413x268, 413:268, Larry Cohen dead.png)

File: 4ac5670d1e9098c⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 634x994, 317:497, 11401062-6845037-image-a-3….jpg)

File: 7cef9be45202ec1⋯.jpg (113.55 KB, 634x939, 634:939, 11401064-6845037-The_Stuff….jpg)

File: 1c6b77e7de3667a⋯.jpg (195.04 KB, 634x900, 317:450, 11401066-6845037-God_Told_….jpg)

File: 9a3883a467175ca⋯.jpg (105.84 KB, 634x668, 317:334, 11401068-6845037-image-m-5….jpg)

Larry Cohen, B-movie director of low-budget cult horror films 'It's Alive' and 'The Stuff', dies at 77

Larry Cohen, known for horror films with a cult following, died on Saturday in Los Angeles surrounded by loved ones according to a spokesman

Cohen, who would often shoot extreme scenes on New York City streets without permits, made him revered among subsequent generations of genre directors

The New York-native began in TV, where he wrote episodes for series like 'The Fugitive,' 'The Defenders,' and in later years wrote films like 'Cellular'

Larry Cohen, the maverick B-movie director of cult horror films 'It's Alive' and 'God Told Me To,' has died. He was 77.

Cohen's friend and spokesman, the actor Shade Rupe, said Cohen passed away Saturday in Los Angeles surrounded by loved ones.

Cohen's films were schlocky, low-budget films that developed cult followings, spawned sequels and gained esteem for their genre reflections of contemporary social issues.

His 1974 'It's Alive,' about a murderous mutant baby, dealt with the treatment of children. Bernard Herrmann, Alfred Hitchcock's frequent composer, supplied the score.

His New York-set 1976 satire 'God Told Me To' depicted a series of shootings and murders carried out in religious fervor.

Andy Kaufman played a policeman who goes on a shooting spree during the St. Patrick's Day parade. There were also aliens.

In Cohen's 1985 film 'The Stuff,' Cohen skewered consumerism with a story inspired by the rise of junk food. It's about a sweet yogurt-like substance that's found oozing out of the ground and is then bottled and marketed like an ice cream alternative without the calories.

The 'stuff' turns out to be a parasite that turns consumers of it into zombies.

'It wasn't just going to a studio like a factory laborer and making pictures and going home every night,' Cohen told the Ringer last year. 'We were out there in the jungle making these movies, improvising, and having fun, and creating movies from out of thin air without much money.'

'You've gotta make the picture your way and no other way,' he added, 'because it can't be made otherwise.'

Cohen's approach - he would often shoot extreme scenes on New York City streets without permits or alerting people in the area - made him, like Roger Corman, revered among subsequent generations of independent genre-movie filmmakers.

A documentary released last year, 'King Cohen: The Wild World of Filmmaker Larry Cohen,' paid tribute to Cohen.


c962e6  No.5871468


i think they will prep everyone and during the 2020 elections all the shit comes to light, to ensure trump wins 2020 by a monumental land slide and we can use the last 4 years to fix the other enormous problems we face. like the FED, iran, israel, etc. etc.

4baf92  No.5871469


fuck you ebot

c45df0  No.5871470


uh oh you might be right.

95f22a  No.5871471

File: 6769cebec130401⋯.png (117.59 KB, 864x336, 18:7, ClipboardImage.png)

58c878  No.5871472

File: 9ee0facdb38942d⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 620x348, 155:87, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)

File: cc67526580a30d5⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, LIES AND CORRUPT.jpg)

4863c9  No.5871473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

688825  No.5871474

File: 234ae7591ad7e18⋯.png (791.49 KB, 808x1125, 808:1125, 234ae7591ad7e18d46c5ed298f….png)


3dacf6  No.5871475

File: c63c51184fa234b⋯.jpg (102.79 KB, 956x536, 239:134, downloadfile-1.jpg)

File: 45602fb51fa0ad4⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 709x485, 709:485, 2wqf5e_1.jpg)

File: 33696b3c5028d78⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2wu5x6_1.jpg)

File: e3d3ccf290acd6f⋯.jpg (48.41 KB, 700x639, 700:639, D1hj4XOXgAAutg0.jpg)

Andrew Weissman made 5 million dollars for wrongfully targeting President Trump.

a5ce79  No.5871476


Brennan might say different. He flew to Russia to do what?

e19677  No.5871477

File: 72f2c38f82efcef⋯.png (480.81 KB, 419x490, 419:490, 1552237449-1.png)

4863c9  No.5871478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

06236b  No.5871479



7d7301  No.5871481

File: 857c454fd25c001⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 857c454fd25c001593e292f9f3….jpg)


Ha! Love it….Blew off those loudmouth idiots , only saying "America is the greatest place on earth",

then strutted away like the boss he is.

95f22a  No.5871482

File: f8ad90a6fa0d36f⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 426x426, 1:1, 145million.jpg)

8cb867  No.5871484

File: 03d72968577dbd8⋯.png (98.34 KB, 358x361, 358:361, 2019-01-29_01-37-10.png)


She exposed herself as an enemy of the American people by perpetrating their lies.

59093b  No.5871485


Will add if you repost anon.

353723  No.5871486

File: ebf029e0fd9609c⋯.png (16.18 KB, 600x238, 300:119, Nunes re Lake Trump Won 20….PNG)

Breaking: Trump won the 2016 election



962d5f  No.5871487


Ask Him below


46118e  No.5871488

File: 39e865d8a6a9ffa⋯.jpeg (11.05 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 39e865d8a6a9ffac9a8bd4dcc….jpeg)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 335b8b2436c4737e418357e911….png)

File: d8e968946931989⋯.png (11.65 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 509c6b29dd966db579f0530f35….png)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)


Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.

How to Spot a clown

Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns==

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Their words are writ upon water.


73b409  No.5871489

File: 63c6451e2236f3a⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 315x315, 1:1, SPIN.jpg)

8ec841  No.5871490

>>5870414 (pb)

What phrase does DJT not use here?


Because the real WITCH HUNT is underway!

d6d75d  No.5871491

File: 77f6b43c90c5aab⋯.jpeg (115.15 KB, 529x790, 529:790, 77f6b43c90c5aab6b46eee60d….jpeg)


Nice find.

8ce062  No.5871492


You know of the letter from Chemi Shalev (sp?), chief rabbi of Spain (at time of demand by Ferdinand & Isabella to convert of leave) to the Grand Sanhedrin of Europe and their response?

This is what the protocols was based on.

>not contested

>not denied

>in the historical record

mind boggling stuff!!

If you don't, you should and add it to your compendium of information…

d31b03  No.5871493

File: 9cb2ef6355b070a⋯.png (39.25 KB, 685x726, 685:726, Screenshot_2019-02-23 TSJ4….png)


looks like a welder to me m8

see the burns on his hands etc.

dead giveaway.

me sherlock good um

c9ef4f  No.5871494

File: 636e8eecc7286c8⋯.mp4 (11.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fake News Rap.mp4)


Good Stuff

1be13b  No.5871495

File: c7b48d3d2204ec3⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2wut3d.jpg)

File: 41b058453e24ba6⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 712x350, 356:175, 2wst21.jpg)

File: 3e90ed660e7dda9⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 2wrgx4.jpg)

File: 402c9ba024acabd⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 728x485, 728:485, 2wssz5.jpg)

4863c9  No.5871496

File: 53413ad4897ef32⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 23.86 KB, 474x474, 1:1, YOUCANDOIT.jpg)

fa94ef  No.5871497


Spoken like a true MSM bubble living idiot!

b3e810  No.5871498

File: a5dd0563aa98bf1⋯.png (391.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, handjobs.png)

These cunts never stop.

3ccc4e  No.5871499

File: 30fa4adc56d742c⋯.png (125.22 KB, 350x282, 175:141, E152716A-8298-42CC-98C4-01….png)

File: 42daf718d318fe5⋯.jpeg (24.3 KB, 255x205, 51:41, F0E3E3AE-4352-4C1F-8F75-A….jpeg)

But “muh collusion!!!”


Victory is sweet.

Anons knew. Love you faggots.

No homo.


0c4607  No.5871500


Well then no shit, the best that can happen may be to demoralize them. Its always been a shill storm here, and it always will be until the fuckin mess is cleaned up.

ddf1cf  No.5871501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the Fighters. long live the….



12115f  No.5871502


I didn't make the video, nor is who is pictured important to the plot.

3d2600  No.5871503


Oh he is another one I see sometimes. Just as bad as the KrASS bros

e4d473  No.5871504


Seems like he forgot about John Solomon and Sara Carter.

ef7e4f  No.5871505


not exactly loving it…. is this in 440 or 432?

3dacf6  No.5871506

File: 4c77598836933d4⋯.png (90.57 KB, 300x281, 300:281, 40c75352e700b437c6925520af….png)



Take that fucker down….

c6efca  No.5871507


you should be honored. you are just about the only one i still filter.

e89713  No.5871508


bring the PAIN!!

22779b  No.5871509

Scholars at Risk


Anyone heard of these guys?

New to me. I fell into a rabbit hole and found this Brazilian article talking about how just in the last few months Brazilian university membership has gone from 1-18.


Radical professors are organizing and threatening to take down their countries. WTF? Where is Pinochet when you need him…

f285fb  No.5871510

File: dfb5efd1767b177⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, dfb5efd1767b1779739be42294….gif)

1b91ca  No.5871511

File: 53b3065ad22391b⋯.jpg (333.15 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20190324-044722.jpg)

re comey tweet

night shift cabal code anon says blue or water means info and green or trees means ally. so maybe he has info to pass to an ally. (pic related)

6319ac  No.5871513

File: a3152f7c39a0762⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1416x672, 59:28, DJTaccomplishments.png)

My reaction to no collusion?

No shit. It was pretty obvious the first time I heard of it.

Very painful and annoying to watch it play out for so long. I'm sure it was much worse from Trump and family.

Glad it's over, and now it's time for the real witch hunt to begin.

e2cac9  No.5871514


Trump doesn’t.

Just tryin to help fren.

3ee0ba  No.5871515

File: 7d81440376d7f2b⋯.png (32.89 KB, 584x309, 584:309, epze5t2555o21.png)

File: 053b308e551e844⋯.jpg (589.15 KB, 1932x1305, 644:435, 1553370323528.jpg)

12115f  No.5871516

File: fc04e44dfd1ec69⋯.jpg (146.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, div.jpg)

File: 9715d4089518eb6⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 255x217, 255:217, filter.jpg)

c13ccd  No.5871517


Okay. Thanks Anon. It appears you've done much research.

Can the + ++ +++ stand for anything else? I've been digging more on that and I'm not sure if i'm just wasting time.

767a63  No.5871518

File: 09b0b4e240b4f8c⋯.png (617.83 KB, 482x484, 241:242, freddy3.PNG)



962d5f  No.5871519


Head to DNC

Good place to start

Don’t forget your iPhone

ef72a0  No.5871520

File: 60666c7d804aa86⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 255x175, 51:35, uber time.jpg)

File: ca27851eb049e1e⋯.gif (12.31 KB, 255x238, 15:14, Uber Huber.gif)

ca1569  No.5871521

File: 729727b9382703d⋯.png (330.81 KB, 661x441, 661:441, trump-veterans-EO.png)

04c73f  No.5871522


Not revenge for revenge's sake. But if Hillary and Obama and the gang don't get arrested and tried, there is no equal justice under the law. It is important for the REPUBLIC that justice is served.

506dde  No.5871523

>>5870756 (pb)

The snake in the garden of Eden isn’t really a snake. It’s a corrupt thought. And the carnal mind, she followed it. It was then expressed in outward visible fashion and manifested from the invisible realm of hearing to the visible realm of doing by man. Her name is Eve for a reason, like eve-ning.

76f5c0  No.5871524

File: 4ed2722f97a8c12⋯.jpg (184.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, wattamelluns.jpg)

242b97  No.5871525

File: 0697b70285d79a2⋯.png (20.91 KB, 514x137, 514:137, jw.png)


New Judicial Watch re: MadMax


Considering her record & a clear history of poor ethical/moral fitness, it's outrageous that Maxine Waters was chosen as chair of the House's Financial Services Committee, which has jurisdiction over the country’s banking, economy, housing, & insurance. jwatch.us/w3eGE8

4:30 PM - 24 Mar 2019


be154b  No.5871526

File: a3bb2066d4e11e2⋯.png (91.09 KB, 210x267, 70:89, e7a121d497f0721f0ffffa4104….png)

Does my count smell like two day old trout

2007dd  No.5871527

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



- Really Slow Motion

The old ways and things will pass away all will be made new again. Imagine a body without pain, fast and light. A mind quick and bright. Unbeaten and unbeatable…and able to channel God. Better than your earthly mind can comprehend.


5e8e1d  No.5871528

File: 7c26f823ff61494⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1296x5012, 324:1253, America_stands_with_Israel….jpg)

621103  No.5871529


The chapter "Revenge" focuses on achieving retribution against perceived enemies.[36][5][37] It begins by recounting a long-running argument between Trump and actress Rosie O'Donnell.[5] Trump then criticizes businessman Mark Cuban's television persona and appearance.[6][38] He goes on to praise Bill Clinton's courage and criticizes Mario Cuomo's lack of it.[34] Trump advises readers who have been wronged to "screw them back in spades"[37] and reap any possible benefits.[39][40] He elaborated on the measure of revenge by saying he responds to wrongs by retaliating in the same manner, but with more severity.[41] Trump cautions readers against being complacent and trusting in civilization because the world is cruel and ruthless.[42] Trump writes that those who do not seek revenge are remiss and calls them "schmucks".[5][43]


34bdac  No.5871530


ebot says you guys are homo for Q

694d96  No.5871531


are these the 2 kids that said there were multiple shooters?

353723  No.5871532


>Spoken like a true MSM bubble living idiot!

May I hand you a mirror?

The journalist Sean referenced are both exceptional and have been posted here and Notable for their work numerous times

afdd1d  No.5871533



just want to be normal again.

i always did the right thing even when it was wrong.

know what I mean?

5747f5  No.5871534


You really need to LURK MOAR newfag.

The mess will NOT be cleaned up ffs. They're PAID to do this. GET IT?

d6d75d  No.5871535

File: 18264ba93bcc083⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 059db897b5f8acbb465084dfbe….jpg)

File: 9dff83c2e7045fe⋯.jpg (768.83 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, ruuussiia1527284492442.jpg)


What about RUUUUSSSSSIA????????????????

a21c15  No.5871536

File: 81283a8e0cba993⋯.png (777.3 KB, 1200x598, 600:299, meme.sessions.png)

04cfab  No.5871537

Shortcomings? You pieces of shit.


ee3643  No.5871538







58c878  No.5871539

File: 95313f4c6550601⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 289x173, 289:173, mockingbird.jpg)

ab5f9b  No.5871540


It is the only way to end this shit before it begins anew. I'd have that DECLAS hammering through at 12:01am Monday morning.

3d2600  No.5871541


Right anon! Awesome!

de8064  No.5871542

File: e6b8cb18e45fbf6⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, count.jpg)

962d5f  No.5871543


I’m not touching this one kek

d609a9  No.5871545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4863c9  No.5871546




two finders in the butthole


























c6efca  No.5871547

is that a rhetorical question?


or is he that Q-less?

867326  No.5871548



These two posts/images don't come up, so am re-posting to see if they pop up when one hovers their mouse over them.

12115f  No.5871549

File: 0fb783a93f0b09b⋯.jpg (169.53 KB, 610x406, 305:203, _disprove_it.jpg)











65da9b  No.5871551

Free speech is illegal at the Broward County school district.


2423a6  No.5871552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

76f5c0  No.5871553

File: 54435eb3bb90b41⋯.jpg (302.58 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_204.jpg)

File: afbafcc1c1c4769⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1750x1313, 1750:1313, IMG_350.jpg)

File: d88b8213bcec76d⋯.jpg (211.29 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, IMG_354.jpg)

File: 485d30f8f5348aa⋯.jpg (119.36 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_360.jpg)

File: 4e78f06348ee67e⋯.jpg (202.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_510.jpg)


Lucky day to be a bee.

The ratio of boobs to the bee's body weight is like 450000%! That's more boob than most anons will see in 10 lifetimes!

4887e5  No.5871554

File: b9f2191e0107561⋯.jpg (197.68 KB, 1079x530, 1079:530, Screenshot_20190324-194919….jpg)

ef7e4f  No.5871555


Did you see that thread by Incarnated ET: Wraps up all the Israel and Golan Heights stuff.


fa94ef  No.5871556


There have been many more on target that those two.

586dd1  No.5871557


Thanks for sharing this.

867326  No.5871558


Shit, still don't come up. Oh, well. will have to go there.

2007dd  No.5871559


Not sure, but I listen to A LOT of their stuff..

688825  No.5871560

Damn Levin calling Mueller a coward, woah

8534e9  No.5871561

File: 3ab94140ef41bcd⋯.png (74.09 KB, 399x264, 133:88, SJ activist found dead.png)

File: b992f132d4a67ee⋯.jpg (96.37 KB, 634x796, 317:398, 11398260-6844945-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 10e5e1e13dda2fb⋯.jpg (54.48 KB, 634x857, 634:857, 11398264-6844945-image-m-9….jpg)

Body of missing activist, 28, is found in an Ohio river two months after she disappeared

Amber Evans vanished January 28 in Columbus after a fight with her boyfriend

The 28-year-old's body was pulled from the Scioto River on Saturday

Details about her cause of death or how she ended up in the river remain unclear

Investigators previously said that there was no reason to suspect foul play in Evans' disappearance, but they have not said whether that is still the case

A body recovered from an Ohio river has been identified as a community activist who went missing on January 28 following a dispute with her boyfriend.

Police had been searching for Amber Evans, 28, for nearly two months when her body was pulled from the Scioto River in Columbus on Saturday, about a mile downstream from where her car was abandoned when she went missing.

Details about Evans' cause of death and how or when she ended up in the river have not yet been revealed.

The Columbus Division of Police released a statement on Sunday that said: 'While this is not the outcome we had hoped for, we understand this brings closure for the family. Our thoughts & prayers go out to them.'

Since the beginning of the investigation, police have stressed that there were no known domestic violence issues between her and her partner.

They maintained that there was not reason to suspect foul play, though it is unclear whether is still the case.

Evans' mother, Tonya Fischer, told 10TV that her daughter had texted her: 'I love you and I'm sorry' on the night she disappeared.

Many accused Columbus police of conducting a slow investigation because of Evans' had criticized the department in the past.

Officials refuted that claim, saying that there were delays because it was initially too cold to drag the river.

Investigators tried to 'ping' Evans' cellphone to find its location and used drones to canvas the area near where she suddenly vanished.

Volunteer groups also organized several searches for the 28-year-old who was known as an active member of several community justice organizations including the People's Justice Project and the Juvenile Justice Coalition.

She was also a key organizer of protests at Columbus City Hall


0fc1e1  No.5871562


Pretentious cunt.

c45df0  No.5871563


take your finger out of your ebutt

1b2b58  No.5871564


These people are so stupid. Quite obvious they're being baited

76f5c0  No.5871565

File: 44122fa44465f91⋯.gif (987.31 KB, 500x281, 500:281, plus_one.gif)


Shill harder, you fucking pussy. Then go snort a rubber!

13cd23  No.5871566

File: f77827c9260c9e8⋯.jpg (190.56 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Hope-in-the-Dark-to_LIGHT.jpg)

ee6a1e  No.5871567


Q told us in the beginning, what the + ++ +++

stand for.

2cb81c  No.5871568

>>5871305 There's no cure for being a cunt.

ef72a0  No.5871569

File: 4880423f115252b⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 255x162, 85:54, rbg two baby's.jpg)

353723  No.5871570

File: 3313bcb87c5c8cf⋯.png (29.33 KB, 581x287, 83:41, MMeadows No Collusion 3-24….PNG)

As we’ve known all along: it was hardworking Americans who elected @realDonaldTrump—not Russians. No collusion. No obstruction. It’s over.


3fc8a5  No.5871571

File: e1ba7e09a42634e⋯.png (653.9 KB, 768x967, 768:967, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Jack….png)


Ds use Subpoena power to………..

1a495d  No.5871572

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)

How much does Germany owe the US for reconstruction? $40 billion? Not finding hard numbers.

0c4607  No.5871573


Newfag huh, ok highest ranking hall monitor, I will bow to you wishes.

9e7391  No.5871574

File: 7b2be33b86c6572⋯.png (78.77 KB, 926x442, 463:221, ed088c0c945453kj422234dfr0….PNG)

File: d510578e42a50c0⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 474x606, 79:101, bf756f3432f7fd59dc4809dfb2….jpg)

Any other Anons notice POTUS' tweet?

Now shifting to KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

Next stage, Commander

09d35f  No.5871575

Q please no deals for Commie Haberman!

616aea  No.5871576


Kristol, Palusi and Comey

30 minutes apart?

Who started this shit?

59093b  No.5871577

Notables so far

Anything missed?

>>5871467 Larry Cohen, B-movie director dies

>>5871431 Tom Fitton's reaction

>>5871419 Mockingbird: Barr's summary ‘raises as many questions as it answers’

>>5871359 New Q Proof re Dems calls for AG Barr to testify

>>5871335 Countdown theory re Muller Investigation end

>>5871237 , >>5871319 Twitter fuggery with POTUS' numbers?

>>5871305 Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement On Attorney General Barr’s Summary

>>5871297 CBS Live ‘March Madness’ Broadcast Interrupted By 'No Collusion' News

>>5871243 Panic: Pelosi holds emergency call on Mueller

>>5871240 New [19] people Q proof

>>5871236 READ IN FULL: Attorney General Barr's letter to Congress

>>5871208 , >>5871246 Clapper reacts

>>5871119 New joint statement from Schiff, Nadler and Cummings

And.. Thank you anons

1200ee  No.5871578

File: b3133c8be8aa7ed⋯.png (471.83 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, MSNBC_dont_watch_lg.png)

4887e5  No.5871579


Hey that's my town. It's called one smelly confluence.

8cb867  No.5871580

File: 4103c0f8e5ef7fd⋯.png (209.8 KB, 342x374, 171:187, 2019-01-29_19-30-48.png)


Fake News.

15c86a  No.5871581

File: 5f58648b3cb5423⋯.png (119.81 KB, 728x910, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bfbbb9d875872e⋯.png (41.61 KB, 718x905, 718:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96a079250b912b1⋯.png (42.51 KB, 744x904, 93:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d00cedc669549af⋯.png (37.6 KB, 747x798, 249:266, ClipboardImage.png)

With RussiaGate Over Where’s Hillary?

During most of the RussiaGate investigation against Donald Trump I kept saying that all roads lead to Hillary Clinton.

Anyone with three working brain cells knew this, including ‘Miss’ Maddow, whose tears of disappointment are particularly delicious.

Robert Mueller’s investigation was designed from the beginning to create something out of nothing. It did this admirably.

It was so effective it paralyzed the country for more than two years, just like Europe has been held hostage by Brexit. And all of this because, in the end, the elites I call The Davos Crowd refused to accept that the people no longer believed their lies about the benefits of their neoliberal, globalist agenda.

Hillary Clinton’s ascension to the Presidency was to be their apotheosis along with the Brexit vote. These were meant to lay to rest, once and for all time, the vaguely libertarian notion that people should rule themselves and not be ruled by philosopher kings in some distant land.

Hillary’s failure was enormous. And the RussiaGate gambit to destroy Trump served a laundry list of purposes to cover it:

Undermine his legitimacy before he even takes office.

Accuse him of what Hillary actually did: collude with Russians and Ukrainians to effect the outcome of the election

Paralyze Trump on his foreign policy desires to scale back the Empire

Give aid and comfort to hurting progressives and radicalize them further undermining our political system

Polarize the electorate over the false choice of Trump’s guilt.

Paralyze the Dept. of Justice and Congress so that they would not uncover the massive corruption in the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and the U.K.

Isolate Trump and take away every ally or potential ally he could have by turning them against him through prosecutor overreach.

Hillary should have been thrown to the wolves after she failed. When you fail the people she failed and cost them the money she cost them, you lose more than just your funding. What this tells you is that she has so much dirt on everyone involved, once this thing started everyone went along with it lest she burn them down as well.


ca578c  No.5871582

File: 1b33fdc5daf5367⋯.jpeg (192.67 KB, 1668x1147, 1668:1147, AD4D6D51-2CB3-4C43-9E92-B….jpeg)

248155  No.5871583



dde2c9  No.5871584

File: 6073eec2c172ee4⋯.png (423.47 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 71d81ca18e94d2c85f6e72342b….png)

4b9628  No.5871585

File: 8cd0ecaf3f461e2⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 777x286, 777:286, QNN PEPE.JPG)

3fc8a5  No.5871586


Meant -House D's use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

865d1a  No.5871587


Madcow has always talked out of the right side of her mouth. Especially when she had her lying words down pat. Now? It's different, more exaggerated, more telling.

01bd45  No.5871588

File: f11164ca24d0971⋯.png (627.91 KB, 1665x854, 1665:854, Q Proof.png)

>>5871015 lb


credit to above anon for finding it.

11f2f3  No.5871589


Or if Mueller was removed, the [19] cease to exist as an investigative office.

7bdf48  No.5871590

File: bc85eadb843fee9⋯.png (477.62 KB, 500x406, 250:203, ClipboardImage.png)

Peace out

3dacf6  No.5871591

File: e1f9331b7fb6dca⋯.jpg (69.51 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 2wuo9e_1.jpg)

File: a39699d05aeecd5⋯.jpg (72.36 KB, 500x573, 500:573, 2wumjy_1.jpg)

File: aa56da191c90cb8⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 2wul5k_1.jpg)

File: d1a220b54b31696⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 2wukft_1.jpg)



The American people are tired of the MSM Deep State crew..

4863c9  No.5871592

two finders in the butthole



































c6efca  No.5871593


he has gone full Ann Coulter. never go full Ann Coulter.

d6d75d  No.5871594

File: 0d2c8cfb6b53509⋯.jpg (84.91 KB, 712x539, 712:539, 16q66q6664hj515634276750.jpg)

File: f5da6698776719f⋯.png (197.78 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 1556598480udf0hu5336366315….png)

File: db493d4de55840b⋯.png (253.7 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, db493d4de55840b26358341c17….png)

File: 847cff5a0838b28⋯.png (318.39 KB, 1197x1559, 1197:1559, 1515624669306328709ugodhu8….png)

File: 9ded7ffd9ec5167⋯.jpg (161.16 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 1537925572402.jpg)


Read this and use filter.

4478d6  No.5871595


Nine tweets one after another, all at the top!!

248155  No.5871596

Deepstate shills on all channels are like:

"Well, seems like there is was no Russia Collusion. LETS MOVE ON"


now its our turn.

day of the rope.

e2cac9  No.5871597


I have not walked in your shoes and do not know the horrors you have faced. From my own experience life is better without the bottle. Bigly better!

e2bb81  No.5871598

File: 6cfa3c99f570217⋯.png (406.83 KB, 728x590, 364:295, funny.png)


Always laugh at the calendar meme.

So true!

8ddafb  No.5871599


My impression was that we haven't seen 'accidents' with people like Sara, John, Hannity, Nunes, Gates etc.. because the threat was leaked to deep state - if they are harmed, seal teams immediately 'suicide' 19 very highly level players, i.e. royals, Roths, Soros etc (and likely follow up by leaking NSA evidence)

f285fb  No.5871600

File: 80b2b3b8cdbddd2⋯.jpeg (168.19 KB, 1080x767, 1080:767, 1553471362.jpeg)

76b775  No.5871601

Since we count resignations should Rob Gronkowski count since he just retired. Sports figures could be involved as well. Though in Gronks case he hasn't been loud like many but worth putting up here

0f1749  No.5871602


It better not be over.

No one playing the game gets a free pass.


DECLAS and drop the hammer.

05250f  No.5871603


I thought I read yesterday that hillary was leading 98% to 2%

0473ae  No.5871604



0c4607  No.5871605


Newfags don't know how to filter

95f22a  No.5871606


>don't join criminal organizations

don't die

not hard

who cares?

b7b640  No.5871607

File: 7883f7152365be9⋯.png (464.55 KB, 480x520, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

4baf92  No.5871608


just a suggestion, add this one to the notable, two graphics are better than one!

>>5871240, >>5871588 New [19] people Q proof

12115f  No.5871609

File: 12ec23079da31c0⋯.png (124.48 KB, 782x782, 1:1, ohno.png)


Boy that REALLY gets you kikes all a buzz.

619050  No.5871610


Land of the FREE. Home of the BRAVE.

58c878  No.5871611

File: f6f8f7491b8351a⋯.jpg (122.02 KB, 770x420, 11:6, more jobs than unemployed.jpg)

File: c7cf67d1216daa6⋯.jpg (769.14 KB, 2564x1683, 2564:1683, 5mill jobs.jpg)

4aa59a  No.5871613


Toilet Boi got a new game..

b7b640  No.5871614

File: 848f3fd8ac0b943⋯.png (314.16 KB, 690x685, 138:137, ClipboardImage.png)

d31b03  No.5871616

File: 53e25f1a0eea290⋯.png (190.28 KB, 1334x1999, 1334:1999, Screenshot_2019-02-23 Immi….png)

File: a1af4f8b4947207⋯.jpg (186.15 KB, 536x800, 67:100, 039b5279f463971028809d3db0….jpg)

File: 24d95019353bc02⋯.png (3.19 MB, 712x9250, 356:4625, Screenshot_2019-02-07 Paed….png)

File: 76c4fa710fe86df⋯.png (1004.46 KB, 887x1023, 887:1023, Screenshot_2019-03-03 Form….png)

File: 78938cad6a09dd3⋯.png (110.02 KB, 1349x1611, 1349:1611, Screenshot_2019-02-06 Onto….png)


I'm a rebel.


Do unto Trotsky before he do unto thee.

1be13b  No.5871617


I take the "midnight" reference to cryptically mean that THE CLOCK has struck midnight.

The witching hour.

The Dem's time is up and it's "Game On".

ddb91e  No.5871618

File: 5ba73b385fda560⋯.png (124.86 KB, 326x326, 1:1, AQ CallA.png)


You're welcome, Baker. Thanks to you during this busy day.

586dd1  No.5871619


Fuck that conspiracy theorist bot and that doctor eug bot.

8534e9  No.5871620

File: ea31d1d155471de⋯.png (363.04 KB, 327x886, 327:886, Second Parkland student co….png)

File: 3663dff3f091760⋯.png (698.26 KB, 827x814, 827:814, Parkland survivor committs….png)

File: 4ffad057e520fb2⋯.png (161.23 KB, 211x709, 211:709, Parkland girl.png)

File: e93ffce71c435b4⋯.png (247.6 KB, 394x384, 197:192, 023eb3002208e4ab1e34fbaa5f….png)

File: fc5b96c5a44c71c⋯.jpg (93.43 KB, 546x681, 182:227, 29572909_363828144025708_3….jpg)



here is a repost

I posted about Sydney Aiello committing suicide last week.

She was pictured next to Hogg in that smiling Selfie right after the shooting.

Now another student committed sucide last night.

And this story says they both killed themselves with guns.

So the girl that was so upset about her best friend dying in Shooting, that she kills herself, yet she grins ear to ear right after shooting.

She was one of the main students who started March for our lives.She then protests against guns for a year, then kills herself with one?

This whole situation is turning spoofy.

Male sophomore becomes SECOND Parkland shooting survivor to commit suicide, one week after female classmate took her own life

A male sophomore at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student died in an apparent suicide on Saturday night

The student's name has not been released as the investigation is ongoing

His death came one week after classmate Sydney Aiello, 19, took her own life

Both students reportedly died from a gunshot to the head

Sydney lost her best friend Meadow Pollock in the February 2018 attack that left 17 dead and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and 'survivor's guilt'

Meadow's family members paid tribute to Sydney following her death

'It was devastating to bury another beautiful young person in Parkland today,' Meadow's brother Hunter Pollock wrote on Twitter

'It’s terrible what happened. Meadow and Sydney were friends for a long, long time,' Meadow's father and gun reform activist Andrew Pollock said

A GoFundMe page raising money for Sydney's funeral expenses surpassed $60,000 on Saturday

If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741

Police have not yet released the name of the male sophomore at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who died in 'an apparent suicide' on Saturday night. The boy's death comes less than a week after his classmate, 19-year-old Sydney Aiello (top and bottom left), took her own life last Sunday. Both students reportedly died of a gunshot to the head, bring the death toll from the Valentines Day 2018 attack to 19. MSD graduate and gun control activist David Hogg wrote on Twitter: 'How many more kids have to be taken from us as a result of suicide for the government / school district to do anything? Rip 17 + 2.'


12115f  No.5871622

File: 2ddcafb632e6457⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 577x432, 577:432, finklestein_shit_kid.jpg)

Can't disprove it, but call it fake every bread.

688825  No.5871623


you are right, he doesn't know Mueller is working for his freedom.

ca578c  No.5871624


I guess the header on YouTube is incorrect.

d6d75d  No.5871625

File: 453ba2e6b17099c⋯.png (406.12 KB, 946x459, 946:459, 1518128471936.png)


Well they can lurk and learn.

2423a6  No.5871626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we love you, FLOTUS

Giving us hope for our children

and encouragement to be bold.


18c18a  No.5871627

"The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities"

-23 words


c6efca  No.5871628



if confirmed.

i still think it is 50 / 50 JA is in Norfolk.

but a dead man's switch is an absolute possibility notwithstanding - real or contrived KEK

b7b640  No.5871629

File: 226550ea33e33ab⋯.png (258.36 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Don Jr. Slams "Collusion Truthers" After Barr Releases Summary Report Confirming Trump's Camp DID NOT Conspire With Russia

Donald Trump Jr. slammed the “Collusion Truthers” after AG Bill Barr released a summary report on Mueller’s main findings Sunday.


4d0bff  No.5871630

Talking about suicides

All those screaming about impeachment

Were commiting political suicides

They had followers who were comvinced its coming

Now they are a train wrack

6a9e88  No.5871631


interdasting he's an anti-Q shill but also encourages investigating pizzagate

a way to prevent certain Questions from being asked?

0473ae  No.5871632

File: 23d2e619190929f⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 655x430, 131:86, assadayatollsh.jpg)

3dacf6  No.5871633

File: 3e110f6f2af112e⋯.png (642.92 KB, 1021x727, 1021:727, Screenshot_20190317-135420….png)

c0fc7f  No.5871634



fab688  No.5871636


luckily he has the full power of US gov. and billions of his own….after two years……the regular citizen would have been absolutely crushed in a similar situation

0c4607  No.5871637


some may say that filtering is for pussies, but a newfag wouldn't know that either

afdd1d  No.5871638


Fren I done a lot of fucked up shit for the love of God and Country, I don't regret it. But I'm like a fucking nigger now. When I was at war all I wanted was to go home and now I am home I am a stranger in a strange land now I just want to go back bc nothing else makes sense.

c9ef4f  No.5871639


Yeah… I didn't expect the beat/tunes to take root… haha… still got it going thru my almonds.

9624b1  No.5871640

File: ee48423c3e7fcb3⋯.jpg (26.05 KB, 521x378, 521:378, FB_IMG_1553471305115.jpg)

File: 0979204c8977dfd⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 720x707, 720:707, FB_IMG_1553471311705.jpg)

File: 3dedabd062bcf89⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 500x370, 50:37, FB_IMG_1553471376733.jpg)

File: a964b1f5aee36e2⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 639x687, 213:229, FB_IMG_1553471392835.jpg)

File: 6137437211abf12⋯.jpg (17.36 KB, 720x378, 40:21, FB_IMG_1553471384430.jpg)

5c511b  No.5871641

two finders in the butthole



































c13ccd  No.5871642

File: e99af14fb546526⋯.png (18.73 KB, 470x145, 94:29, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)


Why post +++ here? Is that not a linker to

+ ++ +++?

Could it also be a timeframe?

The +++ in this image doesn't make sense if the meaning is Saudi Arabia, does it?

b025b2  No.5871643


342,426 people

8cb867  No.5871644

File: 0907868472f523c⋯.png (183.01 KB, 316x445, 316:445, 2019-03-24_19-52-35.png)

7616bd  No.5871645

Wonder when Q's gonna drop by

ef72a0  No.5871646

File: bab05731be87f10⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 300x300, 1:1, BB approval.gif)

9f70f8  No.5871647

POTUS and Q need to see this… I guess I’m just having too much fun with this weekend!! #DoItQ



2007dd  No.5871648

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Empire of Angels

- Thomas Bergersen

An empire indeed. A kingdom of kingdoms. Knights of Light. If you're going to Heaven, get a good spot. You're doing fine, Anons. Some investments are better than all the others…combined.


ee6a1e  No.5871649


You are right.

It is fake & gay.

Has been debunked several times.

But this shill desperately wants to post this garbage.

a21c15  No.5871650

File: 34794f854d20f48⋯.jpeg (68.07 KB, 460x562, 230:281, ride.never.ends.jpeg)

9624b1  No.5871651

File: 952d31c58759e16⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 520x598, 20:23, FB_IMG_1553471398437.jpg)

de693e  No.5871652

File: b98c1a40ab38607⋯.png (2.28 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclockm24comms.png)

POTUS delta comms for today?

Still need 8:40:20 KEK but 1:15 is a Criminal Code Q post.

5c511b  No.5871653



two finders in the butthole



































ed55f6  No.5871654



"…and a bunch of DIRTY COPS"

- Devin Nunes

Nothing worse except for pedophiles

2nd from the bottom

7354e4  No.5871655


She is cashing in on it too.

6a9e88  No.5871656

File: de79142d3376852⋯.png (101.11 KB, 490x671, 490:671, npc_angry.png)

How is the NPC handling this, going by Twitter etc., anybody know?

4baf92  No.5871657

File: 55c8a29849f9367⋯.png (1.63 MB, 3473x2303, 3473:2303, Qproof19.png)

5c511b  No.5871658

>>5849314 (You)


https://youtu.be/cVsQLlk-T0s COW BELL




6de5dd  No.5871659


Kristol's was in Aug. 2018 anon

12115f  No.5871660

File: b7145be48ee9a2d⋯.jpg (250.28 KB, 900x818, 450:409, farmer_in_the_dell.jpg)


>You are right.


>It is fake & gay.


>Has been debunked several times.


>But this shill desperately wants to post this garbage.

LMAO. No it hasnt.

c0fc7f  No.5871661


this why pelosi is going to use subpoena power to keep it going

since she flipped, she has been covertly helpful

8534e9  No.5871662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mueller Time is Over… It's ok Libs. Everybody Hurts… Sometimes

ef72a0  No.5871663

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)

b7b640  No.5871664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MAXINE MELTDOWN: ‘This is not the end of anything!’

Maxine Waters still believes the “Kremlin Klan” won the White House for President Trump, despite the evidence indicating otherwise.

But no one can convince her that just because Special Counsel Robert Mueller found there was no collusion with Russia, that it’s over.

“This is not the end of anything!” Waters told MSNBC’s Joy Reid as they realized the report was a giant nothing burger for Democrats.

“This is the— well, it’s the end of the report and the investigation by Mueller. But those of us who chair these committees have a responsibility to continue with our oversight,” Waters said.

“There’s so much that, uh, needs to be, you know, taken a look at at this point,” she claimed,” and so it’s not the end of everything.”

Reuters reports:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election did not find that any U.S. or Trump campaign officials knowingly conspired with Russia, according to details released on Sunday.

Attorney General William Barr sent a summary of conclusions from the report to congressional leaders and the media on Sunday afternoon. Mueller concluded his investigation on Friday after nearly two years, turning in a report to the top U.S. law enforcement officer.

Barr wrote to congressional leaders that “the investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president,” according to the Daily Mail.

Democrats aren’t giving up.

House Intel Committee chairman Adam Schiff insisted on “This Week” that there is “significant evidence of collusion”.

LiberalsSuckDogshit • 4 hours ago

Best President Ever…DONALD J. TRUMP ! ! ! ! !




Share ›


jerry mann LiberalsSuckDogshit • 4 hours ago




Share ›


LibsRintolerant jerry mann • 4 hours ago

This is a GREAT day in America!!!!



Share ›


laurie66bay LibsRintolerant • 3 hours ago

As was said all along.

There was no collusion, except on the democrat side.

This whole thing was nothing but the democrats colluding with Russians and our Deep State to launch a fake investigation to try to hobble Trump's presidency and drive his approval numbers down with lies about collusion.

They strung it out as long as they possibly could but there was nothing there.

Now democrats will continue the fake investigations and lies, but they are just as phony as these charges were.

The American people are tired of the political games.


the 2016 election is OVER!


Stop playing political games and do your jobs

353723  No.5871665

File: f922aec11451f42⋯.png (15.45 KB, 582x155, 582:155, POTUS 3-24-19 5 01 am PD….PNG)

File: e3caded31bc03c5⋯.png (688.85 KB, 460x606, 230:303, Scavino45 FB 3-24-19 @ Mar….PNG)

File: 7c8cfa5c282a1e9⋯.png (11.61 KB, 406x228, 203:114, Q 2356 GREAT DAY.PNG)


Bread 7504 [pb]



POTUS Tweet // Scavino45 FB Post // Q+


>Military Tribunals to begin soon?

41bd6a  No.5871666



"America is the Greatest Place on Earth!"

Damn right it is POTUS!

Thank you!

3dacf6  No.5871667

File: 02f6b6cbfd51ab7⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 780x520, 3:2, downloadfile-9.jpg)

File: e1b897df20f042e⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 300x175, 12:7, downloadfile-17.jpg)

The democrat's sex orgy's should never be made public.

15d9ea  No.5871668

Sean Hannity tweeted that ALL of the Lying MSM will be held accountable. How would that NOT include him, as ALL OF THEM, GLOBALLY have and continue to lie about 911, the moon/NASA, and many many other things.


Oh happy day!🇺🇸

7354e4  No.5871669


Clinical denial.

5c511b  No.5871670

File: 87e544458b9be71⋯.jpg (79.43 KB, 500x452, 125:113, GLORIOUSSPAM.jpg)

e66cc8  No.5871671

Would a bag of jelly beans make the pain go away …>>5871151



5e8e1d  No.5871672

File: 627fcc7784d0a57⋯.png (35.39 KB, 582x391, 582:391, Jewish_ideological_suprema….PNG)

File: 7ea9f7355d905d3⋯.png (34.13 KB, 551x459, 551:459, Jews_dont_care_for_laws_no….PNG)

File: 8adc75871e86805⋯.png (67.27 KB, 571x592, 571:592, Moser.PNG)

File: 12c5823c028f616⋯.png (409.78 KB, 576x623, 576:623, Jews protect pedos.PNG)

ca578c  No.5871673

File: fd3b9054ea3db54⋯.jpeg (27.53 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A284EF00-EFF5-46DD-A726-A….jpeg)


Much Respect!!! Thank You, for all you have done to keep us FREE.

8ce062  No.5871674

File: ef624554e51a91c⋯.png (69.86 KB, 1293x831, 431:277, 1495865084473.png)


>But they didn't train me for this shit.

No, but they taught you to be single-minded and follow orders, be part of a team.

So, what does the team need?

What role can you fill?

Figure it out soldier - all levels needed. Put that hat on and fill it.

4083b1  No.5871675

File: 7653ca54ef37fe8⋯.png (14.73 KB, 220x133, 220:133, CA_J.png)

File: e7ff73d81a85e54⋯.png (33.58 KB, 220x190, 22:19, CA_J2.png)

File: fedd09cc8405b78⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1001x812, 143:116, CA_J3.png)


>>5687981 lb

>[CA_J] = CAJ?

>Christliche Arbeiterjugend = "Young Christian Workers"

>Founder: J. CArdijn

>Globalists organisation having a dedicated internet "activists group"

>eye symbolism


09d35f  No.5871676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c6efca  No.5871677

File: 11a7d3c8def49d2⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 620x413, 620:413, get away.jpg)

File: 83a6b707c73b5af⋯.jpg (156.47 KB, 800x640, 5:4, msmpire.jpg)

File: 93f1c740cd1c638⋯.jpg (122.65 KB, 1024x767, 1024:767, not interested.jpg)

File: f008f77fdc0cb79⋯.jpg (41.91 KB, 640x472, 80:59, crisis.jpg)

12115f  No.5871678

File: 447deef71c907c3⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 698x960, 349:480, tide_hands.jpg)

d339cb  No.5871679

File: edbb17151052f06⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 512x512, 1:1, anonpirate.jpg)

File: fa84d8ad4dbd2c1⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 580x633, 580:633, joker.jpg)

GOFUNDME cunt is done.

4baf92  No.5871680

File: 0a93a6e0d100b90⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 545x585, 109:117, 0a93a6e0d100b90a7d2ccb9988….jpg)



Might be time for another NPC meme push

c13ccd  No.5871681



f802b2  No.5871682

File: 7d1d527810ba867⋯.jpg (103.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

5c511b  No.5871683

File: 128ed756c6228c9⋯.png (266.48 KB, 376x445, 376:445, image.png)

444c0c  No.5871684

File: 4d977a58bca0a2f⋯.png (318.56 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


8chan looks like a terrorist recruiting site after the New Zealand shootings. Should the government treat it like one?

21a49f  No.5871685


Were these guys born assholes, or do they have to work at it?

5747f5  No.5871686


I am an Anon attempting to educate you on the minefields of this board. Take it as you wish.


242b97  No.5871687

File: 8fbdfb132ca7fbd⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 8fbdfb132ca7fbdcc84957fd25….jpg)

Much love back atcha baker, ThankQ and o7. Also nice dubs.

0473ae  No.5871688

File: e9bc5735b2fe80c⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 620x413, 620:413, im-24075.jpg)


>The democrat's sex orgy's should never be made public.

dear God…No.

afdd1d  No.5871689


WWG1WGA so say we all.

8cb867  No.5871690

File: e946ef68213e3bf⋯.gif (4.39 MB, 456x288, 19:12, raw.gif)

12115f  No.5871691

File: 99ee5d47714aaa0⋯.jpg (173.92 KB, 600x545, 120:109, LeopoldBloombyLesDoherty.jpg)


>Would a bag of jelly beans make the pain go away

ee6a1e  No.5871692

I believe thee guy, you replied to, is a shill, posing as an interested Anon.

Wasting our time.


e2bb81  No.5871693


What was the rationale?

Interesting in light of Devin Nunes' cow.

4baf92  No.5871694

d339cb  No.5871695

ffc322  No.5871696

File: 99b8c68d537559f⋯.jpg (110.43 KB, 745x499, 745:499, trump2.jpg)

76f5c0  No.5871697

File: 98bcdd457be7b39⋯.jpg (172.25 KB, 880x790, 88:79, schneider_02.jpg)


He was never really in prison, anyway. He was in a minimum-security mental health resort where he was very well taken care of. Considering what he did, he got a very, very light punishment (they could have dropped him in the exercise yard in general population in Riker's with a sign on his chest saying "CHOMO")

Makes me wonder if he squawked.

When do we get to see Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider pay for his crimes, I wonder?

619050  No.5871698


Blessings from Perú.


b7b640  No.5871699

File: e51b5831d6a4f66⋯.png (1.5 MB, 994x746, 497:373, ClipboardImage.png)


Sauce http://www.theamericanmirror.com/maxine-meltdown-this-is-not-the-end-of-anything/

58c878  No.5871700

File: 43523f2469e5cff⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 418x271, 418:271, PHONEY FISA.jpg)

File: 6cf64d1c255f3ca⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 596x374, 298:187, TREASON.jpg)

5c511b  No.5871701

File: 0e6f7c498ddcdb4⋯.jpg (18.98 KB, 474x474, 1:1, POTTYFROG.jpg)

d6d75d  No.5871702

File: 628340070c1a79a⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 500x621, 500:621, 1546946632716.jpg)


Pretty fucking edgy but i really dont want to see the same shit for the millionth time. Saves time scrolling.

66f001  No.5871703


Denial, rage, cognitive dissonance, grasping at straws, the whole gamut. It's glorious to watch.

9f70f8  No.5871705

File: 7fccc19e676cb6c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, D1343FFF-F938-446D-B60D-C7….png)


I can’t figure out how to embed the damn video … full keks

ef72a0  No.5871706

File: f997c68a783ce5b⋯.png (67.84 KB, 500x303, 500:303, Breaking news you suck.png)

9b8e51  No.5871707

File: 5f64f203e42ee53⋯.jpg (738.94 KB, 1892x2476, 473:619, xfhxxhxc.jpg)

586dd1  No.5871708

4083b1  No.5871709

File: 4ab36ede151ef16⋯.jpg (42.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, muhjew3.jpg)

File: 2350a5c836d0c47⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 750x375, 2:1, POTUS_nope_shills.jpg)

afdd1d  No.5871710


I'm trying, sir/ma'am.

I am.

c1c32c  No.5871711


Another FF in NZ

7354e4  No.5871712

File: 3b52b07e94af771⋯.jpg (98.18 KB, 500x536, 125:134, gbr.jpg)


like this?

ecbf94  No.5871713

Where do D's and the fake media go from here? They've got less than nothing. Q will be here later. This anon feels some heavy shit is gonna drop this week.

7dab93  No.5871714

>>5862900 (PB)

Actually it's just the full weight of the loudmouths in the Democratic party. Too bad the rest of them have no stones.

>>5862912 (PB)

>My first grade teacher, Mrs. Francis Wilson, changed my life and helped make me the person I am today.

Yeah, well, maybe it's time to let bygones be bygones, eh?

>>5862993 (PB)

Read the red print. It's The Onion. Oddly enough, it is speaking truth.

>>5862777 (PB)

Doesn't tell us who the owner is, though. Not complaining … this is probable more than I could have unearthed … just making note. Can you learn whether it was privately owned or not?

>>5862784 (PB)

He still can … his yard sign was undated and mine is still in the box. ;-)

>>5862791 (PB)

Double spaced + wide margins. ;-)

>>5862801 (PB)

You have some research to do.

ca578c  No.5871715

File: 7bfb95a16657956⋯.jpeg (315.51 KB, 1633x1460, 1633:1460, D807BEB4-6E27-45A2-A98F-2….jpeg)


Violated Twatter rules. The creator of the video also got shit on.

8b6282  No.5871716

James Comey

‏Verified account @Comey

So many questions.

(insert attempt at artistic forest photo here)

God, Big Bird is SUCH a comprehensive dumbass.

01416a  No.5871717


and he assured so many morons that mueller/rosenstein were there to takeout trump

i'm not saying he's not in on it and he only did that to serve a purpose… but at a surface level… it still makes him an obvious hypocrite

59093b  No.5871718

Updated notes

Everything in that should be?

>>5871664 , >>5871699 Maxine Meltsdown: ‘This is not the end of anything!’

>>5871620 Two Parkland 'survivors' commit suicide

>>871586 , >>5871571 House D's use subpoena power to ……Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

>>5871561 Body of missing activist, 28, is found in an Ohio river

>>5871570 Mark Meadows tweets

>>5871467 Larry Cohen, B-movie director dies

>>5871431 Tom Fitton's reaction

>>5871419 Mockingbird: Barr's summary ‘raises as many questions as it answers’

>>5871359 New Q Proof re Dems calls for AG Barr to testify

>>5871335 Countdown theory re Muller Investigation conclusion

>>5871237 , >>5871319 Twitter fuggery with POTUS' numbers?

>>5871305 Pelosi & Schumer Issue Joint Statement

>>5871297 CBS Live ‘March Madness’ Broadcast Interrupted By 'No Collusion' News

>>5871243 Panic: Pelosi holds emergency call on Mueller

>>5871240 , >>5871588 New [19] people Q proofs

>>5871236 READ IN FULL: Attorney General Barr's letter to Congress

>>5871208 , >>5871246 Clapper reacts

>>5871119 New joint statement from Schiff, Nadler and Cummings

efd5e9  No.5871719



626abe  No.5871720

Hm… Please remember, many people have never known liberty. They have been subject to others all their lives; all they know is tyranny. They need our help.

aa3890  No.5871721


They are linked to the "Guardians of the Pedophiles.

Hollywood, Mu Saud, Epstein, Satanic, Child raping / murdering. That's Israel.

It will wipe them out completely once people find out.

Ats why they are headed for New Zealand

12115f  No.5871722

File: 1d9eccdba8dfb37⋯.jpg (476.38 KB, 1524x795, 508:265, cia_book.jpg)

c13ccd  No.5871723


False. Just not as autistic as you. Thanks though. For the info earlier.

a21c15  No.5871724

File: ab026e56ac45153⋯.jpeg (3.54 KB, 159x144, 53:48, meme.pepe.kek.statue.jpeg)

13cd23  No.5871725

File: 243bb5cdfb837af⋯.jpg (265.86 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Earth-Angel-Q^X.jpg)

59093b  No.5871726



>>5871571 , >>5871586 House D's use subpoena power to ……Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

41bd6a  No.5871727


I wish she would choke on a chicken wing and drop dead. Too harsh?

c6efca  No.5871728


and water filters - kek

f285fb  No.5871729

File: 0a24cd5c0394c12⋯.jpg (487.32 KB, 1026x1466, 513:733, 20190324_185832.jpg)

File: abd363dcd4e8ec5⋯.jpg (465.96 KB, 1213x1032, 1213:1032, abd.jpeg.jpg)

49f94f  No.5871730

File: db38f102c2b1385⋯.png (601.05 KB, 765x578, 45:34, Pasta for Pepe.png)

Pepe Giuseppe Likes Pasta on Sundays

Pepe is celebrating today's WIN with some of his favorite treats.

Buon appetito!

76f5c0  No.5871731

File: 481c64194983dde⋯.png (484.89 KB, 1024x638, 512:319, anprim.png)


Get addicted to exercise instead. It works for a lot of people. If you've got a UFC gym near you, you should find some like-minded people who know what you're going through, won't judge, and will help you keep on the right track.

Best of luck to you, friend, and thanks for your service.

7354e4  No.5871732

File: ae2943c56c7b0c0⋯.jpg (100.81 KB, 500x536, 125:134, sawcnn.jpg)


or this?

4082a0  No.5871733

File: 1578289978222f1⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 2wutu6.jpg)

b7b640  No.5871734

File: 53f8b02760f38a9⋯.png (1004.19 KB, 636x834, 106:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama knew… he made the call!

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

What did Obama know and when did he know it????

3:41 PM - 24 Mar 2019


d6d75d  No.5871735

File: f70024bb2190924⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 618x638, 309:319, marxnpcarmy44848684.jpg)


Plebbit is in meltdown mode but some are slowly accepting it.

f802b2  No.5871736

File: 97bc0df3e42d813⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 424x360, 53:45, 5lVFEGjgF3DFduEt.mp4)



f285fb  No.5871737

File: 2559efaa5bcdc3a⋯.jpeg (113.53 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 1553366511.jpeg)

962d5f  No.5871738

I don’t if you anons know

But me and my buddies eat like 300k of your children a year.

We sell our leftovers to McDonalds.

Burger King and Carl jr’s don’t buy but Taco Bell does.

This is Paid Ad by Muh Joos inc

c6efca  No.5871739

File: 9478de4e098a0ae⋯.jpg (63.74 KB, 381x291, 127:97, Oyster Bell.jpg)


at the risk of triggering another rash of Blue Oyster ebot memes…

0c4607  No.5871740


Ok thats fine, I am pretty well aware of what going on here.

34bdac  No.5871741

File: 7069e6948c0c40e⋯.jpg (64.5 KB, 794x524, 397:262, id_by_one_of_these_to_get_….jpg)

242b97  No.5871742


derp, meant this one for you Baker


192eb8  No.5871743

hi guys…why was this podesta guy still be able to travel to NZ? shouldn't he be on his way to some awesome place?

f07326  No.5871744

File: 6acfdbb60ae16db⋯.png (83 KB, 211x160, 211:160, ClipboardImage.png)

e2cac9  No.5871745


When you wake tomorrow to tackle another days drudgery you should try and see the hero I see in you. You served that we can speak freely here on the chans. To think any less of yourself is a lie. Tell yourself the truth and remember that you matter. Their world will come to an end soon enough.

Fight on!

962d5f  No.5871746

File: 4a26291d8ca13fd⋯.jpeg (17.71 KB, 210x255, 14:17, 8527C607-978B-4264-9B4F-F….jpeg)

File: d18481fe0d11459⋯.png (150.4 KB, 584x297, 584:297, 8F4A1D2B-60D8-4CCC-B85A-CA….png)

7ee66d  No.5871747

Funny, flipped on Racheal Madcow… she’s got a defeated look in her eyes haha.. the lawyer she has on eyes are all puffy and red.. they are losing it!

32e525  No.5871748

File: 4e0a447ce922cf5⋯.png (899.1 KB, 1052x530, 526:265, COLLUSION!.png)

2007dd  No.5871750


Relistened again…I hear what you're saying…the violins are tuned off of the rest of the pieces to create some kind of tension. Now, I'll hear everytime…kek

4083b1  No.5871751

File: 9d4da2da9dc760f⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 630x329, 90:47, GodsPlan.jpg)

f285fb  No.5871752

File: 06e15bbdbfa57a2⋯.jpeg (123.56 KB, 732x928, 183:232, 1551913461.jpeg)

01bd45  No.5871753


any idea what [spill +30] means?

c0fc7f  No.5871754


(((they))) have boatloads of cash

have made millions off of this russia hoax

59093b  No.5871755

d6d75d  No.5871756

File: 1535168bf0f579e⋯.png (346.34 KB, 490x529, 490:529, 1535168bf0f579e40df97ffd7d….png)

Heres a good thread for NPC reactions.


5c511b  No.5871757

File: 50921ddeec523d2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 760.56 KB, 858x1000, 429:500, JUSTSAYNOTOTOILETGOLF.jpg)

what a shitty cult Dororthy

it's a total bummer your faggot asshole farts like that after negro cock and fake jew cocaine

b7b640  No.5871758

File: c1070e75fef43fc⋯.png (265.15 KB, 425x425, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24eadcbc8d3d64d⋯.png (343.01 KB, 388x480, 97:120, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b53056d4d060ed0⋯.png (126.26 KB, 500x474, 250:237, ClipboardImage.png)


>I wish she would choke on a chicken wing and drop dead. Too harsh?

4083b1  No.5871759

File: 7dc1bc97090daf1⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MuhJewShills1.jpg)

95f22a  No.5871760

File: 78cbd034db1be0a⋯.jpeg (54.75 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Doof.jpeg)

File: 26f0975d0717825⋯.png (130.73 KB, 497x407, 497:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e266f89a46d42f1⋯.jpg (70.45 KB, 800x500, 8:5, manup.jpg)

Amateur hour in here




af4209  No.5871761

File: d0f7a21bce12aab⋯.gif (5.51 MB, 720x534, 120:89, TippyTopPOTUS1.gif)

5747f5  No.5871762


>I am pretty well aware of what going on here.

Apparently not.

0473ae  No.5871763

File: 8a29bb47d977217⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 500x557, 500:557, rothwalkie.jpg)


where's nathaniel?…

12e4d9  No.5871764

==5870905== lb

New article from The Atlantic on the JW protection racket: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/03/the-secret-jehovahs-witness-database-of-child-molesters/584311/

4393a6  No.5871765

File: 5d1e064ab427016⋯.png (329.28 KB, 740x386, 370:193, EMrc.png)

3bb3ca  No.5871766


Exactly. Need to suspend their voting rights or prevent them from holding office for so many years somehow.

a21c15  No.5871767

File: e194cf4b9943475⋯.jpeg (145.88 KB, 734x734, 1:1, baker.maga.jpeg)

We should disengage from all discussion regarding Mueller or additional investigations.

It's over.

Time to move on and MAGA.

Now we set the narrative.

4083b1  No.5871769

File: d77d4611d778a15⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 800x608, 25:19, MuuuhJooos.jpg)


(((echo))) (((shills))) (((glow))).

b7b640  No.5871770

File: d87759794085c60⋯.png (1.19 MB, 632x1200, 79:150, ClipboardImage.png)

e19677  No.5871771

File: e078e2cb48296ed⋯.jpg (29.89 KB, 380x399, 20:21, IMG_20190305_061234_799.JPG)

d8ad48  No.5871772

File: 6f6506dd52194f6⋯.jpg (127.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, monkeyjew.jpg)

File: 31133fa568a0ed2⋯.jpg (176.82 KB, 750x375, 2:1, jew4.jpg)

5cda68  No.5871773


“The report explains that the Special Counsel and his staff thoroughly investigated allegations that MEMBERS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN of Donald J. Trump, and OTHERS ASSOCIATED WITH IT, conspired with …”

POTUS Trump was not the subject of the investigation…

59093b  No.5871774

File: b804e6ca29dc1f7⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 229x220, 229:220, 316cd4916893690da20ddcb287….jpg)

b7b640  No.5871775

File: f19fdb7772b218b⋯.png (1.45 MB, 960x958, 480:479, ClipboardImage.png)

619050  No.5871777


Everything is connected.

'Upper' and 'lower'.

We are all ONE.

3ee0ba  No.5871778

File: d1e67dc03837762⋯.png (57.42 KB, 584x309, 584:309, epze5t2555o21.png)

File: afbed3daee6023c⋯.png (39.82 KB, 500x230, 50:23, 1109953519472308224.png)


We know Mifsud was a Mossad agent posing as a Russian.

The questions are being asked

the full report will show it

586dd1  No.5871779

a117fb  No.5871780


You can't edit tweets, so how does image change? Is it a link to an article?

48fc61  No.5871781


The "arrest" and "indictment" part of the plan has, obviously, been exaggerated.

d8ad48  No.5871782

File: 68262457c81cdf5⋯.jpg (313.59 KB, 800x608, 25:19, cow.jpg)

8534e9  No.5871783

File: e1b4220415a6efb⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Q Research Christian Badge….jpg)

File: eb157ae90f09d32⋯.jpg (162.06 KB, 821x500, 821:500, UnityFags Badge.jpg)

File: fb35e85f7724f0d⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 706x499, 706:499, Q Research Gold Star Autis….jpg)

File: d4a001e858f5cc8⋯.jpg (195.44 KB, 791x499, 791:499, Q research deplorables Bad….jpg)


Welcome to Q research PeruAnon

d31b03  No.5871784

File: 4701d1a3fe109c0⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 708x6747, 236:2249, Screenshot_2019-03-24 BREA….jpg)

File: 8b55912ecf07cb5⋯.png (530.53 KB, 636x357, 212:119, Screenshot_2019-03-24 BREA….png)

File: c2d7a7aa695cec8⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 727x4071, 727:4071, Screenshot_2019-03-24 BREA….jpg)

File: 5df67ab04743be1⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1327x7272, 1327:7272, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Clic….jpg)

File: a894d6d4b7da395⋯.jpg (1023.37 KB, 1344x583, 1344:583, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Goog….jpg)


well as we know the whole thing was a hoax…

but Florida sends Rick Scott to the senate…

red flag laws passed on the back of a jewish-masonic hoax

this truth is too hard to take so we shall continue to pass laws on the back of hoaxes

over and over and over and over

0fd3c5  No.5871785

File: fff524e11231d91⋯.png (245.03 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 674f08e581f8f7562adf9b31ca….png)


Inspiring music anon. ThankQ

b7b640  No.5871786

File: 9ed73dc298be644⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x829, 1200:829, ClipboardImage.png)




>"There has to be a credibility reckoning for these Democrats, Adam Schiff, especially, Blumenthal, Swalwell, Nadler, Waters all assured the American people they had evidence," Jennings declared. "It's been fashionable lately to say they came with receipts. They promised this for two years, and it has been completely blown up today by the special counsel's report. That's number one."


>"Number two, it strikes me that what Mueller has proven beyond a shadow of the doubt is Russia interfered with our election, that Trump had nothing to do with it and it all occurred on Obama's watch," Jennings said Sunday on CNN. "We need an accounting of how we failed at this at the end of the last administration and how we're going to stop it in the future. I think that's what a lot of folks want to know. How did we fail? How do we stop it?"

b025b2  No.5871787


14 billion in 1950 $

0c4607  No.5871788


we just see things a little different, btw I started trolling that shill starting last night, into today.

0473ae  No.5871789

File: ae8065e1b75beae⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 474x620, 237:310, caitlyn.jpg)


so hot!

9b8e51  No.5871790

I was thinking of SS protection for former presidents. They all receive SS coverage right? If any former President where to be charged with treason, would that then give the SS agents the authority to detain said traitor, no matter where they are in the world?

c1bad3  No.5871791



344831  No.5871792

File: 1ad915bbb4cbb3a⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, image0.jpg)

So when does the jewish collusion get investigated, Q?

242b97  No.5871793

File: 2cdd10f949d74de⋯.png (22.5 KB, 516x154, 258:77, jw2.png)

New JW twat re: 215 DOJ docs recv'd


@JudicialWatch 1m

Judicial Watch received 215 pages of docs from DOJ showing former FBI General Counsel James Baker discussed the investigation of Clinton-related emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop w/ Clinton lawyer David Kendall & forwarded the convo to his FBI colleagues. jwatch.us/rsRa38


be154b  No.5871794

File: 4a4a6a295ccaefd⋯.jpg (115.63 KB, 331x567, 331:567, 20190324_145727.jpg)

Now how many drops and days till politicans and swamp get arrested….asking for a friend

146554  No.5871795

File: 86a1210a73b79b6⋯.jpg (285.49 KB, 600x1975, 24:79, 1.jpg)

Family of injured yellow-vest protester (73) to take action against police


de3026  No.5871796


>Fren I done a lot of fucked up shit for the love of God and Country, I don't regret it. But I'm like a fucking nigger now. When I was at war all I wanted was to go home and now I am home I am a stranger in a strange land now I just want to go back bc nothing else makes sense.

If you knew then, what you knew now, you wouldn't have done what you did. Many of us here are in the same place.

But now, you know. And you're helping make it happen.

And after, you can help rebuild, and MAGA.

God bless you anon.

353723  No.5871797

File: c9443183e386f4d⋯.png (363.46 KB, 579x762, 193:254, Freedom Girl re POTUS Clea….PNG)

File: 97bc0df3e42d813⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 424x360, 53:45, Video Freedom Girl re POTU….mp4)



>I can’t figure out how to embed the damn video … full keks

Here to make mp4 from Twitter video or gif posts -> www.downloadtwittervideo.com/#GoogleBetweenAd


fab688  No.5871798

File: 99c4d4c793d7493⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _RSo2j3EYQsK49mX.mp4)

f802b2  No.5871799

File: 5c3023568e0b07a⋯.png (51.17 KB, 599x337, 599:337, twitter_com_GOP_status_110….png)


865d1a  No.5871800

These are the most important words our President said today:

this was an illegal TAKE DOWN that FAILED

cbffea  No.5871801

File: 152775616f43988⋯.png (68.97 KB, 550x382, 275:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Breaking: Silverman calls on Trump to help find Obama/Clinton?russian Collusion link

a21c15  No.5871802

File: 9fc1eb474e09813⋯.jpg (26.4 KB, 266x350, 19:25, angel.michael.jpg)

9ee313  No.5871803

File: 14a18cd6c70a948⋯.png (354.8 KB, 752x563, 752:563, sudan.PNG)


0473ae  No.5871804

File: c0abf5415c62e8a⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 480x270, 16:9, balewince.jpg)

e89713  No.5871805

File: c6bed9d1e0dc983⋯.jpg (56 KB, 573x496, 573:496, WWWWW.JPG)


We the people deserve to know

8cb867  No.5871806

File: c022d34cb1b0a5f⋯.png (73.01 KB, 267x324, 89:108, 2019-03-24_20-02-43.png)


As he approaches the Fake News Media this came to mind.

Don't know how he does it.

95f22a  No.5871807

File: 579e0efdf480a00⋯.jpg (6.33 MB, 4786x6221, 4786:6221, SessionsProof.jpg)

aee231  No.5871808

4083b1  No.5871809

File: f3b118e2ebe6259⋯.png (207.64 KB, 607x397, 607:397, shills glow.png)

ed55f6  No.5871810

File: c7827f34c0cbe80⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 362x483, 362:483, 18originals-chandler-custo….jpg)

afdd1d  No.5871811


I want to go back to the front. They won't let me. I'm too old now. Fuckers. I spent my whole adult life at the front. I was the angel of death for eighteen years. now I'm just some shmoe on a nine to five job. i got nothing and nobody. fuck me.

7354e4  No.5871812


Looks like DWS with straightener. which would hold for about 5 seconds.

586dd1  No.5871813



667a12  No.5871814

File: ffd61ccc6929c59⋯.jpg (171.53 KB, 1068x764, 267:191, Screenshot_20190324-190224.jpg)

This is going to end with the left demanding FISA DECLAS. Their cognitive dissonance will have them turning the government inside out. Jiu Jitsu.

f285fb  No.5871815

File: d5f085690b028c3⋯.jpeg (102.17 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, 1553472304.jpeg)

444c0c  No.5871816

File: ab8f3890e6e0ccb⋯.png (383.91 KB, 650x394, 325:197, ClipboardImage.png)

0b4dbf  No.5871817

File: deb5a69f26cb475⋯.png (325.38 KB, 532x683, 532:683, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5871165 PINDAR?

78f474  No.5871818

File: a52658880f789b9⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 554x496, 277:248, therewillbe.jpg)

146554  No.5871819

File: 1f00af4507db454⋯.jpg (313.85 KB, 1508x1091, 1508:1091, Fisa_memo_connections.jpg)

bbdaeb  No.5871821

File: 85fb026757dccef⋯.png (556.08 KB, 750x500, 3:2, anons.png)

56a531  No.5871822

File: ef2af4ad2495902⋯.jpg (179.93 KB, 1227x792, 409:264, James-Comey-Tweets_187-Day….jpg)

File: 24914d3e7ddc230⋯.jpg (600.98 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, James-Comey-Tweet_20190324….jpg)

File: 0386e3578812e95⋯.png (89.97 KB, 864x864, 1:1, James-Comey-Untethered.png)

Ever since that fateful day 11:14 AM on 19-Aug-2018 when James Comey Tweeted a response to Q's post 1912 (see Q post 1931 attached graphic) Comey has been completely suicidal. Me thinks Comey's requested plea deal was denied… NO DEALS! Either that or this is just a show. What makes a good movie? Ans: Good actors!

22779b  No.5871823

File: a9b589852dcf1fc⋯.png (48.79 KB, 1182x188, 591:94, ClipboardImage.png)



4baf92  No.5871824

File: 1161d46b7d5a822⋯.png (216.1 KB, 946x946, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6913226a314411⋯.png (159.22 KB, 946x945, 946:945, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13df70852d48c79⋯.png (649.5 KB, 727x839, 727:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9919533b62c0dc8⋯.png (582.46 KB, 727x840, 727:840, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1f5c2f2208a08b⋯.png (2.18 MB, 845x3010, 169:602, ClipboardImage.png)

8ce062  No.5871825

File: 0a0e44050ad8b06⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Maxine Waters puppet.jpg)

File: c067f3af834a72d⋯.png (86.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GREAT AWAKENING - meet Max….png)

File: b5cedd60951859d⋯.png (343.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GREAT AWAKENING - Maxine w….png)

File: 3631ff0bd1212e9⋯.jpg (228.63 KB, 740x1110, 2:3, maxine waters poverty pimp….jpg)

ddb91e  No.5871826

File: 3ece4f24578fe9c⋯.png (302.16 KB, 492x242, 246:121, AQ15.PNG)


And i JUST made this…

You find the one that's hiding her "Triggered"


f802b2  No.5871827

File: 3fd8b480b8c3fc1⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1366x3981, 1366:3981, www_wsj_com_articles_the-m….png)

The Mueller Conclusions (WSJ)

All Americans should be pleased with the end of the collusion illusion.


c6efca  No.5871828

File: f7760df1e0be7e2⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 889x500, 889:500, joy feelz happy ending.jpg)

File: b3574c6a122e535⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, maxr.jpg)

a117fb  No.5871829

File: 38f051e0937616f⋯.jpg (145.87 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, pepejacket.jpg)


"She was there to protest the ban on protests."

146554  No.5871830

File: f553a6e7f6aaa05⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 800x386, 400:193, 5EYESTRUMP.jpg)

9f003d  No.5871831


All of that money should be reimbursed to every American taxpayer.

Call it a 'stimulus package'.

3d2600  No.5871832


Ahhh yesterday the PCH??

5e8e1d  No.5871834

File: 2c50ba8b007beaf⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB, 192x144, 4:3, Rabbi says pedophile rape ….mp4)

b7b640  No.5871835

File: 25778cbca83d8f0⋯.png (406.01 KB, 541x785, 541:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63d933cfafc6e3b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9114e9f574d0c5b⋯.png (930.2 KB, 1131x1200, 377:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f817888eb52304⋯.png (1.61 MB, 990x730, 99:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 436ff79af6b387e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


‏ @45_Schedule

On the walk to the WH doors from Marine One the President stopped at the press long enough to say, “I just want to tell you that America is the greatest place on earth.”


4083b1  No.5871836

File: b7282c23e12629e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 800x552, 100:69, JQ_shills8.jpg)

File: c7131fa87c29d1c⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 722x500, 361:250, MuhJewShills2.jpg)

File: eb133e59f6baa30⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, MuhJewShills4.jpg)

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)


bc even kids get that simplified muh jooo is shilling.

have more:

ef09e5  No.5871837

File: 9cfa85d9b37946f⋯.jpg (598.29 KB, 1079x1069, 1079:1069, 9cfa85d9b37946f9448405c463….jpg)

953074  No.5871838


should make the demonrats pay for it

a42e26  No.5871839

File: 4e80182c2b10733⋯.jpg (336.03 KB, 1183x717, 1183:717, Pg_2.jpg)


> Page 2 of Attorney General Barr's letter

>Barr’s summary stated that the first “involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency” to disseminate disinformation and conducted social media operations in the United States to “sow social discord.”

>The second revelation involved the Russian government. Barr summarized Mueller’s discovery by stating that the government conducted computer hacking operations designed to “gather and disseminate information to influence the election.”

>“Based on these activities, the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian military officers for conspiring to hack into computers in the Unites States for purposes of influencing the election,” stated Barr.

>CNN,MSNBC, etc… zero words about this because… Uranium One?

ef72a0  No.5871840

File: 844e8eeea5ae876⋯.gif (9.29 MB, 476x606, 238:303, The press.gif)

d339cb  No.5871841


Aye anon

ddf1cf  No.5871842

File: 4ff3e6e917edfd5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1031x734, 1031:734, bell7.PNG)

58c878  No.5871843

File: 89f9e16e46ba99e⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 303x166, 303:166, CIGAR.jpg)

4887e5  No.5871844

The talking points are now "SDNY!!! SDNY!!!"

Give it 3 months and they will be breathlessly anticipating an indictment from the league of Women Voters and the Coast Guard Auxiliary

4b9628  No.5871845

File: 337d3e18a881005⋯.png (855.72 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN RUSSIA COLLUSION HOAX.PNG)

48fc61  No.5871846


Yeah but up until this morning we had the idea the Mueller Report would bring about the Public Awareness, as we've been waiting for for 15 months now. (The big reveal.)

So now anons are going to have to accept that this day, like the end of the [-21] days, like all the other times, has left us still in the dark, and the bad guys still walking free and running their mouths, etc etc

32e525  No.5871847

0da7cd  No.5871848


have you noticed that hardly post goes by that doesn't involve jew crimes

just saying

d3a8ec  No.5871849

Is it soon time for pardons?

Like General Flynn?

(and his 'digital army?')

3d2600  No.5871850


Is he in Cali??

d8ad48  No.5871851

File: 82c400499f67040⋯.jpg (274.3 KB, 677x995, 677:995, goyim_i.jpg)

b7b640  No.5871852

File: e5156d3fc9bbbe9⋯.png (1003.96 KB, 1200x584, 150:73, ClipboardImage.png)

7c7b75  No.5871853

File: 903ef0d6303cdbf⋯.jpg (10 KB, 242x255, 242:255, a8329a564a6a60b14d7791eff9….jpg)


Agreed. Wonder what dirty little secrets WaPo has that makes them fear infinity chan so much?

008f82  No.5871854


Love the guy's sign, "No one voted for stock piling"

242b97  No.5871855


Again, interesting that JW is twatting now and bringing up old articles on known bad actors. Looks like stage setting.

9f003d  No.5871856


of all the shills on this board, you, by far, are the most pathetic one.

0473ae  No.5871857

File: 61d1a97e3a389bb⋯.png (86.49 KB, 234x215, 234:215, mmgay.png)

de3026  No.5871858

File: aed58e8e92e780b⋯.jpg (46.04 KB, 750x694, 375:347, PEPE - TOO MUCH COVEFE.jpg)

File: 3cf0d23baaa3c42⋯.png (97.2 KB, 437x554, 437:554, Q - 916 02.png)

File: c8017f475bf6cf2⋯.jpg (162.86 KB, 632x361, 632:361, Q -916 01.JPG)

File: aaf0dcd03e20fc3⋯.gif (8.42 MB, 332x248, 83:62, MERCHANT - ROASTED.gif)


>collusion get investigated, Q?


Israel is saved for LAST

FFS, quit being a high-time preference nigger

af4209  No.5871859

File: e6256037fc26382⋯.jpg (16.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, armsuppepe.jpg)

7354e4  No.5871860


This is called the proctologist hold.

4082a0  No.5871861



59093b  No.5871862


>>5871835 POTUS: “I just want to tell you that America is the greatest place on earth.”

>>5871799 GOP tweet the total cost of the Mueller Investigation

>>5871793 New Judicial Watch re: 215 DOJ documents received

>>5871664 , >>5871699 Maxine Meltdown: ‘This is not the end of anything!’

>>5871620 Two Parkland 'survivors' commit suicide

>>5871571 , >>5871586 House D's use subpoena power to….

>>5871561 Body of missing activist, 28, is found in an Ohio river

>>5871570 Mark Meadows tweets

>>5871467 Larry Cohen, B-movie director dies

>>5871431 Tom Fitton's reaction

>>5871419 Mockingbird: Barr's summary ‘raises as many questions as it answers’

>>5871359 New Q Proof re Dems calls for AG Barr to testify

>>5871335 Countdown theory re Muller Investigation conclusion

>>5871237 , >>5871319 Twitter fuggery with POTUS' numbers?

>>5871305 Pelosi & Schumer Issue Joint Statement

>>5871297 CBS Live ‘March Madness’ Broadcast Interrupted By 'No Collusion' News

>>5871243 Panic: Pelosi holds emergency call on Mueller

>>5871240 , >>5871588 New [19] people Q proofs

>>5871236 READ IN FULL: Attorney General Barr's letter to Congress

>>5871208 , >>5871246 Clapper reacts

>>5871119 New joint statement from Schiff, Nadler and Cummings


d31b03  No.5871863

File: 425d6bf494734b6⋯.jpg (111.79 KB, 629x281, 629:281, 425d6bf494734b62f83f69cc5a….jpg)

File: 52f677acd0f938e⋯.jpeg (161.45 KB, 1125x663, 375:221, d729185e78662cb14381259e9….jpeg)

File: 40601ba4618793d⋯.png (527.09 KB, 1344x583, 1344:583, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Goog….png)

File: 1f61e2573a3d6fa⋯.png (239.93 KB, 1344x583, 1344:583, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Goog….png)

9ee313  No.5871865


mud wrestling.

b7b640  No.5871866

File: 25415416e7c9f11⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1062, 60:59, ClipboardImage.png)

That should be on the radar NOW. What ((([members of the MSM]))) did to this president is abominable not to mention criminal. ((([Their]))) "reporting" went way beyond bias.

a6d008  No.5871867

File: 4b736d41e9f91e3⋯.webm (3.52 MB, 960x540, 16:9, trumpoline.webm)


ecbf94  No.5871868

Of course Maxine melted down. She's stupid, but not so stupid that she doesn't see that this is the beginning of the end for the D party. She will get louder…this is what she was instructed to do. But after a while we will suddenly not be hearing from her anymore.

12eb5b  No.5871869


mud ducks

32e525  No.5871870

File: 778fee269ebd4b5⋯.png (507.66 KB, 1437x932, 1437:932, MuellerReport.png)


image didn't post.

Super lag!

0473ae  No.5871872

File: 7cf67662901fac4⋯.jpg (88.88 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, BSSRO3IDKVAI5BQI7NC7M7H6YU.jpg)

d8ad48  No.5871873

File: 1e81d9ae5a09a1f⋯.jpg (161.26 KB, 800x552, 100:69, jew.jpg)

File: 9f80350d902543b⋯.jpg (198.53 KB, 722x500, 361:250, jew2.jpg)

File: 7591f90214c3f16⋯.jpg (312.94 KB, 960x720, 4:3, jew3.jpg)

586dd1  No.5871875



I think so.

95f22a  No.5871876

File: 3cd768884ba143a⋯.png (50.3 KB, 533x310, 533:310, ClipboardImage.png)


Shits broke at this point

ef72a0  No.5871878

File: 7ff28752e696764⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 255x133, 255:133, Highest banking anon.jpg)

a6d008  No.5871879

File: 930cd491275e0f6⋯.webm (3.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Reservoir Dons.webm)

bread filler

fab688  No.5871880

'There Will Be Hell to Pay'


242b97  No.5871881

File: 88d075dca0a8da0⋯.jpeg (22.88 KB, 474x395, 6:5, 88d075dca0a8da0e0a6ae58db….jpeg)

54579d  No.5871882


Interdasting. There were a number of museum fires across the world shortly after Q team took out the C_A's dwarves.

5c511b  No.5871883

a6d008  No.5871884

File: a1d997f02686a60⋯.webm (284.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CHECK EM.webm)

bread filling poast ty baker

d8ad48  No.5871885


>Shits broke at this point

You hope so.

4baf92  No.5871886

File: 075dc82b8ac6276⋯.png (314.57 KB, 556x541, 556:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccfc0407034e680⋯.png (269.93 KB, 568x541, 568:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974d532454d0d03⋯.png (193.07 KB, 556x541, 556:541, ClipboardImage.png)

cfb8e8  No.5871887

Let the fucking meme bullets fly, anons!!

09d35f  No.5871889


Very nice.

b7b640  No.5871890

File: 739b6967fab5616⋯.png (904.34 KB, 946x1200, 473:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 538bba76a0d5c60⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1026x1200, 171:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7f8b758496c6f9⋯.png (1.23 MB, 955x1200, 191:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f50d0a9cd7f2bfc⋯.png (944.08 KB, 1066x1200, 533:600, ClipboardImage.png)


a6d008  No.5871891

File: d4a74330651940b⋯.png (318.01 KB, 361x563, 361:563, winner-captcha.png)

146554  No.5871893

File: b71581ff5238257⋯.jpg (161.94 KB, 1080x1260, 6:7, FISA SUMMARY.jpg)

0fd3c5  No.5871894

File: 646d1ad6613d44e⋯.png (126.17 KB, 382x500, 191:250, 646d1ad6613d44e9903b5c8c31….png)

1a3f5f  No.5871895

File: 045bcae867c1992⋯.jpg (249.04 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, muellershit.jpg)

577d58  No.5871896

File: bfcfcaf0b54463a⋯.png (607.31 KB, 752x592, 47:37, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: 25294a5bbfd1a84⋯.png (1.09 MB, 958x700, 479:350, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: f69a3695d1a54e1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1004x684, 251:171, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: d9b31f9c34c93c6⋯.png (754.69 KB, 790x508, 395:254, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: 1ff13edc887caae⋯.png (343.99 KB, 492x576, 41:48, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

Pain coming. That's good. I need to see some tears…it's been over 2 years, and I need me some snowflake tears.

4083b1  No.5871897

File: 8de457e6c13a12a⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Divide_Rule_FAIL.jpg)


im am an anon, speaking out when muh jew shills attack. i also speak out against other shills, namefags.

i dig, meme, pray.

and i ridicule the muh jew mason shills, bc they fukken glow.

















0473ae  No.5871898

File: 27aad7f7428cf39⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 610x404, 305:202, gad_lerner.jpg)



58c878  No.5871899


lol… Just keep thumping that head.

f285fb  No.5871900

File: 0e549adeea8c7dd⋯.jpeg (87.79 KB, 800x1096, 100:137, 1553472635.jpeg)

2007dd  No.5871901

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




- Elbroar

Is anything beyond the reach of The Almighty? No. You, imperishable. Warrior of Creation and loved beyond all measure. We serve an awesome God and one who looks after his own exceedingly well. Everything is known. EVERYTHING. Walk upright among the humans. You are their liberators. It's what we do…across creation. We are the mighty.


d339cb  No.5871902

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, cultist.jpg)

5e8e1d  No.5871903

File: cff7fcaa0b4e03b⋯.jpg (106.16 KB, 657x675, 73:75, 1_No_matter_what_you_do_Je….JPG)

File: 8899f6e071cbaa3⋯.png (222.41 KB, 1005x495, 67:33, 5_When_Victims_Rule_A_Crit….PNG)

146554  No.5871904

File: 76698745303958b⋯.jpg (151.78 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FISA.jpg)

c0fc7f  No.5871905

File: 46757299546b84b⋯.png (419.43 KB, 656x539, 656:539, sharpton victory for potus.PNG)


ff1e56  No.5871907

File: 9f3681489102cdb⋯.jpg (162.43 KB, 1200x1118, 600:559, FillingTheBread.jpg)

filling the bread

d8ad48  No.5871908

c77216  No.5871909


A letter, about a summary report, about a full report, about an investigation that lasted over two years. When they give her the full report, this bitch will want the cliff notes "specially created just for Democrats so they can get the result they wanted" version.

Was she screamiing to see the main creators in this fiasco? FISA? I bet not.

146554  No.5871910

File: b85f796bc80eda2⋯.jpg (312.57 KB, 800x471, 800:471, US Capital.jpg)

95f22a  No.5871911

File: 496ef338fd568f8⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 430x398, 215:199, Wall.jpg)

b7b640  No.5871912

File: 899cbff96b4d6a1⋯.png (1.26 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN and others led a massive domestic propaganda operation on the American people, backed by the leaders of the Intelligence Community. We cannot let this go

a6d008  No.5871913

File: 0a60cae08788d9a⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 733x672, 733:672, 1520731173162.jpg)


0b4dbf  No.5871914

File: 1fcb89bebe5c9ab⋯.png (7 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5871165 >>5871817


3 marks ready?

7 days ahead?

d31b03  No.5871915

File: 8811d8d11191d9d⋯.jpg (824.94 KB, 782x846, 391:423, by-basquiat-jean-michel-un….jpg)

File: 799ab943fc67c64⋯.jpg (104.61 KB, 500x635, 100:127, by-basquiat-jean-michel-un….jpg)

File: 262dae987523c10⋯.jpg (259.04 KB, 1344x583, 1344:583, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Goog….jpg)

9f003d  No.5871916


you are not and your broken english proves it

fuck off

4083b1  No.5871917

File: 8402124817b26d3⋯.png (102.46 KB, 384x1251, 128:417, Q2928_HUBER_PAIN.png)

File: d4201250b4de721⋯.png (303.14 KB, 377x932, 377:932, Q3107_1775_REVOLUTION.png)

59093b  No.5871918

File: 4ff4c9f3b7ccbed⋯.png (443.85 KB, 749x374, 749:374, 4ff4c9f3b7ccbed1162312b44b….png)






4fbf8b  No.5871919


they are related, Eminem is a Chandler.

8e1887  No.5871920

File: 82df6b12b7eb834⋯.png (754.49 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Nads_1.png)

d8ad48  No.5871921

File: bcc7e142f67003c⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 259x195, 259:195, gayson.jpg)

ff1e56  No.5871922


>backed by the leaders of the Intelligence Community

and a foreign country

41bd6a  No.5871923

File: b02b478c942235a⋯.png (248.06 KB, 490x330, 49:33, ClipboardImage.png)

146554  No.5871924

File: ccd209359432cfd⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 750x571, 750:571, antifa mascot.jpg)

3d2600  No.5871925


Pacific Coast Highway Big Sur area??

fdc305  No.5871926

File: 95ffb8e02bf27ea⋯.png (13.2 KB, 555x195, 37:13, ClipboardImage.png)


187 days = 6 months, 6 days > 6/6 = D-Day

D > Morning sun brings heat.

48fc61  No.5871927


So a bunch of lawyers got fatter bank accounts, and administrative staff got new cars and nice pension contributions, with zero repercussions for anyone.

And we got stuck with the bill, and are sitting here with our thumbs up our asses, making snarky graphics and waiting for more puzzles from Q.

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