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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

435d25  No.5868760

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 03.23.2019

>>5854029 ————————————–——– Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?

>>5853603 rt >>5853578 ————————— you may start your attack run

>>5853545 rt >>5853322 ————————— FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.

>>5853176 ————————————–——– Meme: MY TURN…

>>5853115 ————————————–——– Meme: D's haven't been this mad since R's freed the slaves

>>5853007 ————————————–——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )

>>5842693 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history

>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ————————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'

>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ————————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account

Friday 03.22.2019

>>5838347 ————————————–——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )

>>5837376 ————————————–——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.

>>5836740 rt >>5836660 -————————– DECLAS is a comin'!

>>5836480 rt >>5836393 -————————– The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.

>>5836164 rt >>5836091 -————————– Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )

>>5836091 ————————————–——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.

Wednesday 03.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5852541

Monday 03.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5802127

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

435d25  No.5868764


are not endorsements


>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables


>>5868737 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5868633 Anon reads Barr's letter carefully. Hints of DNC 'hacking' investigation referred?

>>5868617 Planefag: AF1 headed North.

>>5868560, >>5868586 POTUS tweets. Words matter: Next phase confirmed?

>>5868550 CEO says his team retains backing of supervisory board.

>>5868535 DJT Jr. gives the rundown on the staggering resources that were at the disposal of Mueller.

>>5868444 Russian control of US uranium supply is a huge national security problem: U1.

>>5868443 Bongino Tweet: The magnitude of POTUS's winning.

>>5868429 Scavino Tweet: Back to DC!

>>5868320 Without examining DNC server or offering any proof – Mueller still claims DNC was hacked by Russia and sent emails to WikiLeaks!

>>5868310 Nunes Tweet: "Democrats who falsely claim to have such evidence have needlessly provoked a terrible, more than two-year-long crisis."

>>5868215, >>5868264 President Trump calls for an investigation of the investigators, asserting "This was an illegal takedown that failed."

>>5868049 DJT Tweet: "No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!" Twitter censorship?

>>5868043 POTUS to speak soon.

>>5868747 #7507


>>5867860 Swalwell: FISA memo, National Security. Mueller report, SHOW EVERYTHING.

>>5867777 Kek speaks. POTUS doesn't want his staff to clean up exploded heads.

>>5867809 Special Counsel Mueller not consulted on letter.

>>5867793 Hannity with a foreboding Tweet. Re: 2 year long gaslighting of the American people.

>>5867721, >>5867752 Democratic Head of House Judiciary Committee says Attorney General will be asked to explain 'very concerning discrepancies' in summary of Mueller report

>>5867724 Bongino: "This nation owes Devin Nunes, Mark Meadows, and Jim Jordan an enormous debt of gratitude for refusing to give up on the Spygate scandal."

>>5867701 Bharara: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Out of Legal Jeopardy’.

>>5867634 White House official says POTUS is expected to address reporters before boarding AF1.

>>5867573 Ethiopian Airlines questions Boeing's 'aggressive' software. Sure.

>>5867471 Bongino ponders what Mueller was doing during the investigation.

>>5867365, >>5867423 Jim Acosta could find a turd in a field of flowers; Bongino agrees.

>>5867345 Graham: Russia and other foreign actors ahead of 2020.

>>5867341, >>5867429 Sarah Sanders gives us the rundown.

>>5867283 Drudge bends the knee.

>>5867245 Houston's cancer cloud.

>>5867888 #7506


>>5867135 Harry Reid rips James Comey for doing 'nothing' about Russian election meddling.

>>5867084 Future proves past.

>>5867039 Abby Huntsman, View host, with a moment of self awareness.

>>5866940 Mueller Refereed cases to other offices!

>>5866661, >>5866698 No evidence Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia in DNC hack or release through WikiLeaks, but notes "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign"

>>5866579 Mueller report identifies no actions that constitute obstructive conduct.

>>5866557 Q watch 3:42.

>>5866541 "President did not commit a crime, but not exonerated." (video)

>>5866564, >>5866616 Barr's letter.

>>5867180 #7505

Previously Collected Notables

>>5865658 #7503, >>5866450 #7504,

>>5863335 #7500, >>5864078 #7501, >>5864860 #7502

>>5861005 #7497, >>5861782 #7498, >>5862545 #7499

>>5858689 #7494, >>5859487 #7495, >>5860231 #7496

>>5856357 #7491, >>5857132 #7492, >>5857944 #7493

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

435d25  No.5868767

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

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>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

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>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

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Q Graphics all in GMT #76 >>5860971

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Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

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Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

435d25  No.5868771

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

* Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

435d25  No.5868776

File: cf76ba2aa88a4b9⋯.png (391.41 KB, 709x383, 709:383, POTUSspacejam.png)



e1e151  No.5868802

File: c8a5528385c515e⋯.png (153.84 KB, 639x419, 639:419, AQ7.PNG)


McConnell still pushing, "Russia Bad"

2eae1e  No.5868803

Canaanites vs Israelites

"Fake jews" vs real

Look up Canaan on wikipedia:

Associated with:

Color purple- think soros' "Purple revolution"

Ruler's -

• Hiram I 978–944 BC

• Baal-Eser I (Balbazer I) 944–927 BC

• Pygmalion 820–774 BC

• Eshbaal II 750–739 BC

• Hiram II 739–730 BC

• Mattan II 730–729 BC

• Elulaios 729 694 BC

• Abd Melqart 694–680 BC

• Baal I 680–660 BC

• Tyre may have been under control of Assyria and/or Egypt for 70 years (Think Crusades/ Templars)

• Eshbaal III 591–573 BC—Carthage became independent of Tyre in 574 BC

• Baal II 573–564 BC (under Babylonian overlords)

• Yakinbaal 564 BC

• Chelbes 564–563 BC

• Abbar 563–562 BC

• Mattan III and Ger Ashthari 562–556 BC

• Baal-Eser III 556–555 BC

• Mahar-Baal 555–551 BC

• Hiram III 551–532 BC

From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canaan>

Worships- Baal, Moloch, Set, etc. (think Hillary Emails)

"The Ultra-orthodox (real) Jews in Israel will not serve in the Israeli army because they know that Almighty God was not behind the creation of modern Israel, but rather the rich ungodly (canaanites) apostate Jews. They refuse to serve the ungodly. They are more wiser than men like Jerry Falwell who run around proclaiming Israel is God’s nation. Men like Falwell are the type that this Author finds reference to repeatedly in Jewish documents that speak of their power within the Fundamentalists. God is ultimately in charge, he has allowed Hitler to come to power, Stalin to come to power, and the Rothschilds to come to power. In the same sense that God rules over and blessed Stalin’s Russia, he rules over America and Israel. To twist scriptures about God seating the rulers and then to apply them to bless one Satanic secular communist nation and not another is inconsistent and not correctly using the Word of Truth. Some people object that the conspiracy of Power is labelled Jewish rather than Satanic by certain concerned citizens.

The god Saturn is associated with the Star but both Saturn and Astarte also been identified with a number of other names. Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer.’13 In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids."

CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD – connections to JWs, Mormons, and Judaism

CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD – connections to secret societies

CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD – management of the Catholic and Czars’ wealth and the capture of the Orthodox Church's wealth.



Three connections between Satanism, evil, and money



(1) A secure Satanic dictatorship in Russia, a secure base to carry out further world subversion.

(2) The Satanic family of Rothschilds gained partial control over Palestine, preparing the way for Satan to rule from Jerusalem some day

(3) Weapons of mass destruction and terror.

(4) The League of Nations.

Out of the second world war came

(1) The enlargement of their secure base in Russia into a world power.

(2) complete control over Palestine by the Rothschilds.

(3) airpower, including long range missiles, jets, secret flying saucers, and powerful submarines, all items that individuals could not produce . Those in control of production would therefore control all air and sea ways of the earth.

(4) The cold war and an era of terror to convince the people of the need for Satan’s One World Order.

(5) the United Nations .

To illustrate that the Pagan religion of Nazism is an example to the Satanists and New Agers, let us ponder Anton LaVey’s (head of a visible Church of Satan) trip to the sacred initiation castle of Hitler’s Black Order the SS . The SS apparently brought the Holy Grail to Germany, and hid it before the end of the war . On May 2, 1945, a select group of SS officers, those initiated into the higher mysteries of the Nazi Pagan religion, hid the Grail in the Schleigeiss glacier at the foot of 3,000 meter high Hochfeiler mountain . Seekers in the area have been found decapitated, and mutilated . The area is still guarded by the Black Order in anticipation of the day that the Grail can be revealed to the world . It has been speculated 1995 might be the date, but this is pure speculation . The important thing for us is to begin to experience the Kingdom of God right now . Let us prepare ourselves for Almighty God’s New World Order as the Satanists launch their counterfeit New World Order.

From <https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/rothschild.htm>


Thank you DJT and Q !!!

6d186f  No.5868813

So whats the ETA on justice for what they have done to our country?

076654  No.5868824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


feae07  No.5868825

File: eef6cbc13333b67⋯.png (870.47 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, mueller time.png)

File: 3d8cf86cd8c24d6⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 337x338, 337:338, OK_Free.jpg)

076654  No.5868829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

e1e151  No.5868830

File: 7ac126d4fa2b532⋯.png (45.44 KB, 600x331, 600:331, AQ8.PNG)


Piers Morgan eats crow

de107e  No.5868831

File: 1c6dff8e5061753⋯.png (345.65 KB, 387x584, 387:584, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

Ty, baker

dbc197  No.5868832


But the memo also states no exoneration from obstruction of justice.


Because THE PLAN is steering the MSM/DS in a specific direction and as always, they will fall for it.

“Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.”

― Sun Tzu

If the Barr memo and Mueller report had definitively and completely exonerated POTUS, we would have lost the advantage of knowing their next move. By leaving them an obvious egress (of our choice), we retain FULL control of the battlefield. I assure you that the most BRILLIANT military minds have something in store for those retreating across the golden bridge.

Patriots are in FULL CONTROL.

a46796  No.5868833

File: 2e1a436fe73599d⋯.png (58.26 KB, 597x744, 199:248, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's Golan remarks only bolster resistance against Israel, supporters: Iran official

US President Donald Trump has only made the resistance front more resolute against the Israeli regime and its supporters following his remarks in recognition of Israel's "sovereignty" over the occupied Golan Heights, says a senior advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

Ali Akbar Velayati, who is also secretary general of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening, made the remarks in a Sunday statement in response to Trump's announcement.

He emphasized that the recognition of the “tyrannical occupation of the Golan Heights … which is aimed at making that regime feel secure, will undoubtedly add to regional problems and make the resistance front more resolute in fighting the Zionist regime and its supporters.”

In a post on his Twitter account on Thursday, Trump said it was time to back what he described as the Israeli regime's "sovereignty" over the Golan Heights, a Syrian territory under Israeli occupation since 1967.


e863c0  No.5868834

File: 2fe2110fefdc57c⋯.jpg (20.6 KB, 650x310, 65:31, Hillary_collusionreport.jpg)

Who first reported fake Russia collusion?

c54f60  No.5868835

File: 4c85461eb62e70a⋯.jpeg (65.64 KB, 638x640, 319:320, image.jpeg)

8f577e  No.5868836

File: 08813e80741c767⋯.png (210.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Preet_Chuck_Allies.png)

File: 30f7ab855a2e32b⋯.png (436.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Preet_very_VERY_accomodati….png)

File: e93b2c872a5663a⋯.png (666.2 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Malcolm_IPO_Smith.png)

File: 205543df268466f⋯.png (316.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Preet_Ungrateful.png)

b1a46c  No.5868837


i predict a week of epic meltdowns

31db38  No.5868838

File: d746bd901d8efc1⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 350x300, 7:6, ThanksBaker.gif)


ty baker

51e676  No.5868839

File: bf5ca07a104568a⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1A6CF13.jpg)

Boobs for the Baker!

Boobs for Victory!

31c08c  No.5868840

File: 5710f4e1d2e7306⋯.png (438.8 KB, 682x383, 682:383, FoxNews.png)

6dc9fa  No.5868841

File: d86f107e94255a9⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 255x179, 255:179, POTUS and KANYE PEPE.jpg)

e5cc2b  No.5868842

File: e2b39413609ce2e⋯.jpeg (96.45 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 0336E48E-C7FF-475D-A090-9….jpeg)

File: 40f3f84fb36d62f⋯.jpeg (174.58 KB, 948x710, 474:355, 26803272-5824-4C38-8BE4-9….jpeg)

File: e410f01cc34ac91⋯.jpeg (55.03 KB, 380x440, 19:22, 0094B061-89FD-4957-9AA2-9….jpeg)

File: 58189f4e4435803⋯.jpeg (304.69 KB, 1280x2023, 1280:2023, C77CE3BA-B317-4A7E-B383-6….jpeg)

File: 7d0b25696ed0c7f⋯.jpeg (48.54 KB, 500x413, 500:413, BEEB0803-2B85-412A-8FDB-0….jpeg)

9872c3  No.5868843

File: 223556ad5c6c01d⋯.png (456.94 KB, 600x309, 200:103, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5868776 TY Baker

Enjoy the show!

d3d734  No.5868844



Shitting up the bread and making us look like jew haters. Ie racist white supremacists. No we hate the mother fucking CABAL!!! Every mother fucking bread WTF is wrong with this fuck wit??

de107e  No.5868845

File: eab5e8965800ffe⋯.png (381.87 KB, 645x456, 215:152, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: 847b713d9b4dbf9⋯.png (702.4 KB, 890x483, 890:483, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: d6a3c3c843aac8f⋯.png (637.19 KB, 887x458, 887:458, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: ce4cedceba1a539⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1085x820, 217:164, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

File: 6fcc17e7348ac61⋯.png (395.97 KB, 716x540, 179:135, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

c05621  No.5868846

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: 02f6b6cbfd51ab7⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 780x520, 3:2, downloadfile-9.jpg)

File: bc027418932feaa⋯.png (534.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, downloadfile-22.png)

File: a6e80a1b382560b⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 500x81, 500:81, 2wui6j_1_1.jpg)

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp.

The question is who can run this MAGA operation.

1f6842  No.5868847

File: 0f1d10116e7f604⋯.png (48.36 KB, 314x755, 314:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa2b91e81f9315b⋯.png (3.75 MB, 1536x2175, 512:725, BADGE OF HONOR3.png)

79b415  No.5868848

RBG death in 3, 2, 1…

cd71d3  No.5868849

Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, Unicorns, Russian Collusion…

992a83  No.5868850


“Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”

― George Washington

d30208  No.5868851

File: 2d9249f33f7690a⋯.png (639.09 KB, 802x635, 802:635, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Twit….png)


Batter Up!

44174c  No.5868852

File: d3f6db7936e1383⋯.png (50.67 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Need another…

7e2b8c  No.5868853


Whoa….Ass Ahoy!!!

a4fe11  No.5868854

File: e2f7e49c48f31f1⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ZomboMeme 24032019162354.jpg)

61d44d  No.5868855

File: 792159a1bb7b7c3⋯.jpeg (69.2 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 09F6D63B-FC8E-4996-AFBE-A….jpeg)

Thanks Baker…

076654  No.5868856

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, baby_d.jpg)


>Shitting up the bread and making us look like jew haters. Ie racist white supremacists. No we hate the mother fucking CABAL!!! Every mother fucking bread WTF is wrong with this fuck wit??

Go fuck your mother, kike swine.

6c4652  No.5868857

File: c15c88740016826⋯.jpg (368.98 KB, 1080x1507, 1080:1507, Screenshot_20190324-142246….jpg)

Flynn out of the woods now? ⭐⭐⭐

Patriots protect Patriots!

A Heroes welcome!!!

ed1c59  No.5868858

File: 7cbd5ca50b41f2b⋯.jpeg (15.94 KB, 242x255, 242:255, C85BE150-8AC0-471A-9751-1….jpeg)

File: b8945543ea51574⋯.jpeg (25.6 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 77F34707-E9A8-4603-B9C2-B….jpeg)


Fuck off on this Glorious Day

3af9a0  No.5868859

File: 5608af696403bdd⋯.png (107.03 KB, 1240x470, 124:47, ClipboardImage.png)


3c8229  No.5868860

>>5868573 (lb)

>>5868518 (lb)

An illegal coup is an action contrary to the Rule of Law, when a legitimately elected leader is removed by illegal means. (Like the D's have been trying to do.)

Guaido removing Maduro would be an example of a legal coup/takedown – an illegitimate head of state/government being taken down.

Another example will be the takedown of the DS/shadow government.

83c531  No.5868861

File: a109400d1c64b54⋯.jpeg (542.08 KB, 750x940, 75:94, 1C60C3BF-B04B-497D-8A5A-C….jpeg)


c3db9f  No.5868862


ebot is fine by me, he's part of the furniture and can't be stopped… but sometimes he borders on the ridiculous

cd9f2c  No.5868863


He's pointing to Hillary and the DNC role in this coup attempt

e5e6b3  No.5868864

File: 17efed81d7b4ce0⋯.jpg (83.42 KB, 768x578, 384:289, Nasty Combo.jpg)

File: 2e1f1206592bbdf⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 500x305, 100:61, I want the Ruth.jpg)


3a5410  No.5868865



That's not a meltdown. That's a statement /ourguy/ would make.


5d21da  No.5868866

File: b9f4918fa40607e⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 600x315, 40:21, b9f4918fa40607e7ce13aec541….jpg)


Breads are flyin' & bakers steady as a rock!

ThanQ Baker!

22aa33  No.5868867

File: 4e0e80bb06c2b9e⋯.jpg (21.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1ac39ffb2458168be313a58d16….jpg)

Dems: “We want all the underlying information!” Potus: “Oh…ok…DECLAS!” BOOM!~ DJT = Brer Rabbit

“How do you legally introduce evidence into a court?” Q

a1912a  No.5868868

File: 5b6358a8a5ed98f⋯.jpeg (96.63 KB, 700x700, 1:1, #FISA Declass House of Ca….jpeg)

File: 13281cb111e10a7⋯.png (306.88 KB, 603x665, 603:665, #FISA Gate Storm Coming.png)

e335ac  No.5868869

File: f230268d8acff1e⋯.png (215.44 KB, 516x369, 172:123, ClipboardImage.png)

bbf42d  No.5868870


Got a missed call from POTUS fuck

615d83  No.5868872

3a15d4  No.5868873

If anything Q meant as fire at will

Its parts of the Barr letter

Cuz Dems cant read or comprehend

63f1bc  No.5868874

File: 7d6416f83bcd6f4⋯.jpg (580.23 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190324-141715.jpg)

File: df289235b7bda60⋯.jpg (808.65 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190324-141357.jpg)

Plebbit intellectuals, everybody.

The cognitive dissonance must be doing a number on these dumb faggots.


51e676  No.5868875


Dan reads Q.

076654  No.5868877

File: bf81e894e3831ca⋯.png (548.95 KB, 799x500, 799:500, greasy.png)

ad6324  No.5868878


correct. ebot is like "MUH DICK".

a23814  No.5868879

File: 9f2377474b68b43⋯.png (844.18 KB, 557x809, 557:809, DJSALFHKJHSADJLFHKSJDAA.png)

It began illegally..and hopefully someone will take a look a the other side.

de107e  No.5868880


Here's the 20 million dollar question.

Would RBG's death impact Q's plan?

Would her death be kept secret from us BY Q?

Would it be important to get through these steps first, so Democrats/liberals/normies don't feel completely shafted by Republicans gaining so many SC seats?

e1e151  No.5868881

Letter from AG confirms that DNC & HRC server hacked by Russia.

Can Diggers verify? Newsfagging/Filling my covfefe cup with liberal tears.

ed1c59  No.5868882

File: 1c113b7b7e701e5⋯.jpeg (26 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 89F00EC1-CA94-4987-BAE4-7….jpeg)

File: 1c7bb7a7040c482⋯.jpeg (19.04 KB, 255x168, 85:56, BB049C01-ADA2-4841-A077-3….jpeg)

f93dd3  No.5868883

File: 181ea1fa5cc0a9e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 922x1358, 461:679, 4EF5B1E2-5D8D-464A-911F-F6….png)

Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

That is, of course, by a mistake on the enemy's part.

Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat,

Chang Yu says this is done, "By concealing the disposition of his troops, covering up his tracks, and taking unremitting precautions."

but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy.

Hence the saying: One may KNOW how to conquer without being able to DO it.

On desperate ground, fight.

War is only begun

ed5932  No.5868884

I can not wait for the week to begin! So many booms incoming.

b2396f  No.5868885

Hope POTUS does a presser the second he gets back. Want to hear him say "No Collusion" and just walk on by with FLOTUS.

feebb7  No.5868886


Thanks anon for the video, sometime in my life I will never watch it, but if I do, I know exactly where to look.

c54f60  No.5868887


But he would never admit it

d5c4a2  No.5868888


FoxNews moving on to impeachment talk. Total sidestep of absence of basis to drag Trump through the mud in the first place.

66cc09  No.5868889


They all do.

c3db9f  No.5868890


SORRY anons forgot lb. KMS now Kek!

08ba25  No.5868891

File: d3130d8b08f36a1⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 625x415, 125:83, 2wuiju[1].jpg)

aad916  No.5868892

>>5868323 (lb)

Digits confirm moar to this story. When FULL declas occurs in 50+ years all will be made right about this American. History will judge different, you are missing lots about both sides here….

76bd9a  No.5868893

File: 94f70b5c87a49d9⋯.jpg (398.68 KB, 1614x1081, 1614:1081, FreeYourself.jpg)

bfa043  No.5868894

Did Potus just gave the green light for Republicans to re-open the investigation into all of the Clinton and Obama crimes that Mueller uncovered, but chose not to prosecute????????????

cdf361  No.5868895

File: 3061e24e2764e30⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 600x333, 200:111, suspense.gif)




7c22a2  No.5868897


Gotta pull the GHWB move to distract, distract, distract.

1039eb  No.5868898

File: 6163676116e2129⋯.png (1.46 MB, 989x697, 989:697, youarehere_Fisa.PNG)




68de50  No.5868899


YUP and let's not forget about the fact that those pro-Mueller was saying he had indictments under seal for the real criminals. hahaha. Proved wrong again. No further indictments coming and no further unsealed indictments exist. But you still won't convince them Mueller is a black hat.

b1a46c  No.5868900


not saying he did, but the news will bring them on as it sinks in they lost.

49379f  No.5868901

We love you POTUS ❤️🇺🇲

3b5aed  No.5868902

>>5867135 (bread 7505)

Are the rats turning on each other or is Comey a white/gray hat?

c05621  No.5868903

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp.

The question is who can run this MAGA operation.

31c08c  No.5868904

File: 10aeac7fc6d95eb⋯.png (334.55 KB, 682x383, 682:383, FoxNews.png)


Why does AG Barr leaves the door open?

Because someone did commit collusion: the Democrats. So the jail door will close with them inside.

Clever, very clever.

3a15d4  No.5868905


Its a lie

They took it as a face value from17 agencies

2fb3c2  No.5868906


I think it's like the obstruction thing…

How can you sentence him when he wasn't guilty of anything?

He admitted guilt to something that didn't exist and he couldn't get in trouble for…

Outside of everyone against him pretending that there was a "there" there to push his abuse forward.

Hmmmm…. whaaaat to do…

Also, if Trump somehow told him to lie to McLabia, then I guess that's be obstruction of a fraudulent investigation??? Maybe????

a1912a  No.5868907

File: 79c17effee945dd⋯.jpeg (59.09 KB, 850x462, 425:231, Trump Obama Compare.jpeg)

31233d  No.5868908


I think we should have a USSF Michael Flynn too.

I still hope to see General Flynn in an administration slot next term..

thats right. The 2020-2024 leg :D

08ba25  No.5868909

File: 9f16fba665939ca⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 2wuinr[1].jpg)

e675da  No.5868910

>>5868826 (lb)

Obama might have done that, but those door were sealed.

Rogers then stepped down, and now it is up to Paul Nakasone to protect the nation.

232919  No.5868911

File: 4b139c973ab378d⋯.png (596.83 KB, 600x553, 600:553, Eric re POTUS 3-24-19.PNG)

File: e1e5dca31d01a95⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1072x761, 1072:761, Eric re POTUS 3-24-19 pic.PNG)



6dc9fa  No.5868912


ebot has his moments unlike the recent spam. those are…well

9872c3  No.5868913

File: 46786ef8501f8de⋯.png (263 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5868855 Roger!

435d25  No.5868914


They're just talking about what the Dems are likely to do. Imho, let 'em.

67c8c7  No.5868915

File: abb57f6316d95c6⋯.jpeg (36.09 KB, 673x642, 673:642, 2BB651B1-3F0A-4D80-8A23-A….jpeg)

4b520f  No.5868916

Lurking fem anons, make sure to post exonerated tits.

e51611  No.5868917

File: 890e6eadc42f6d4⋯.jpg (812.16 KB, 1224x814, 612:407, kagwtp.jpg)

615d83  No.5868919


Yep anytime now

cef6fd  No.5868920

File: 5a9059e38614d81⋯.jpeg (104.6 KB, 888x483, 296:161, 114D0B64-8521-40CE-B461-6….jpeg)

For the retards complaining about Muh Russia and no “exoneration”, understand that this is a summary of

Mueller’s report

They don’t reflect the beliefs of Barr, POTUS or anyone else that has worked in The Trump DOJ.

Now, back to enjoying the show.

7e2b8c  No.5868921

'Q' – Hello? You there? Hello? OK..What's NEXT???

61d44d  No.5868922


Pick up the phone, kek…

44174c  No.5868923



1f6842  No.5868924

File: 41447b58c786226⋯.png (145.95 KB, 970x841, 970:841, ClipboardImage.png)


This is called


afdc9e  No.5868925

Wonderfully written letter by AG Barr.

Finally this country has an Attorney General worthy of the title.

145d27  No.5868926



Crowdstrike coverup

e1e151  No.5868927

File: 66547fed7325b91⋯.png (46.75 KB, 584x531, 584:531, AQ9.PNG)


Today you won the 2016 election all over again.

And got a gift for the 2020 election.

fc7587  No.5868928

>>5868656 /pb

Maybe we anons need to investigate Jeffery Guterman

31233d  No.5868929

55e3a6  No.5868930

File: 1f352b83d37fb3c⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 600x458, 300:229, 2wr8rl.jpg)

d3d734  No.5868931


Friendly Reminder this shill is shitting up the bread every time by putting this at the top to make us look like racist white supremacists. The cabal is our enemy which includes, Royal families, masons, satanists, pedos, and any other fuck that down-presses the rights of working man.

a1912a  No.5868932

File: 897fde70af9d203⋯.png (100.64 KB, 705x590, 141:118, #FISA No to Corruption.png)

File: 33c32bd3250eeea⋯.jpeg (56.74 KB, 665x500, 133:100, #FISA Declass Truth Now.jpeg)

File: 31db28349a72d77⋯.png (172.12 KB, 895x536, 895:536, #FISA Stop Corruption Decl….png)

08ba25  No.5868933




87e94b  No.5868934


. . I'm saving My Popcorn for the DECLAS

ed1c59  No.5868935


Grow the Fuck up

3af9a0  No.5868936

No more talk of Mueller being a white hat. At the very least Mueller was a blockade and made terrible hiring choices. Weissmann? Please.

He clearly had an agenda to investigate DJT until he found something. That is the key to the problem. The predicate to the investigation was a fraud. As Bongino says - where is the paragraph 1?

68de50  No.5868937


Confirm AG and Mueller claim Russia hacked the emails.

3a15d4  No.5868938


House investigates

Since Mueller is not enough

33d1e5  No.5868939

i wonder if Q+ and/or Q have dead men switches. as in, they somehow get stymied or taken out. what would the switch do? list of names, locations, files, videos gets pushed on all platforms? you betcha

79b415  No.5868940


Please impeach. Let them step them into THAT fucking hole.

5aa36a  No.5868941

File: 7cd0c800ea8e6a5⋯.jpg (228.19 KB, 1006x1440, 503:720, IMG_20190215_071234.jpg)

076654  No.5868942

File: 07537034e114072⋯.jpeg (73.72 KB, 248x255, 248:255, gayfil.jpeg)

File: 95049d481eb109b⋯.jpeg (53.14 KB, 255x168, 85:56, oldgay.jpeg)

e1e151  No.5868943

232919  No.5868944

File: a6816da22a836f1⋯.png (17.8 KB, 600x185, 120:37, Kilmeade HRC LOST 2016 3-2….PNG)

This just in @HillaryClinton officially lost the 2016 election


de107e  No.5868945

File: 8f749da83498ffd⋯.png (995.7 KB, 641x994, 641:994, Screen Shot 2019-03-17 at ….png)

>>5868888 CheQed

a29255  No.5868946

File: dd50d239e3009fe⋯.jpg (7.3 KB, 218x231, 218:231, billclinton2.jpg)

c05621  No.5868947

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: 02f6b6cbfd51ab7⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 780x520, 3:2, downloadfile-9.jpg)

File: bc027418932feaa⋯.png (534.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, downloadfile-22.png)

File: d48f30209f35e45⋯.png (957.75 KB, 1080x1308, 90:109, Bernie.png)

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp…

The question is who can run this MAGA operation.

6c4652  No.5868948

File: effdf9b83d817fc⋯.jpg (379.07 KB, 1080x576, 15:8, Screenshot_20190324-141926….jpg)

I have a feeling the coming weeks/months are gonna be GREAT! The best part of every movie is after the lead up to the climactic end!

The bad guys failed today, now the good guys come in to save the day!

689c9b  No.5868949

does anyone have video of POTUS today? addressing press?

076654  No.5868951


>Grow the Fuck up

Suck a fucking dick and learn something.

31233d  No.5868952



232919  No.5868953

File: f9ebf1421c45b66⋯.png (465.39 KB, 467x900, 467:900, Kellyanne POTUS Wins 2016 ….PNG)

Congratulations ⁦@POTUS⁩ ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩

Today you won the 2016 election all over again.

And got a gift for the 2020 election.

They’ll never get you because they’ll never “get” you.






01ca6f  No.5868954

File: bf0a00279d6bbd0⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 1CA552E0-DC75-4F29-8398-F….jpeg)

a1912a  No.5868955

File: 35ed10510c5eac6⋯.jpeg (72.2 KB, 750x500, 3:2, #FISA Sunshine Declass.jpeg)

File: 08036cc434f318d⋯.jpg (208.88 KB, 737x1253, 737:1253, #FISA Treason Stamp.jpg)

File: 92120e72a5fe7c1⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 480x326, 240:163, #FISAS Brings Down House.jpg)

3a5410  No.5868956


Oh, anons. We must dig when POTUS went to Michigan for the campaign and also see if HRC was somewhere *else.*

aeebb8  No.5868957



and viable



of unresolved


of interest


and being





relating to


of inclination




a full budget

of trumpeters

scaled back and obvious


identical twin



the kitchen

in the main hall



an appointment

from the governor

due diligence

comes in the wake

of the flood





exciting the air

dancing quadrants

of geometrical designs



reach deeply

in the midst of

comatose patients

receiving blessings

seizures cease

regulatory bases

increase brain function

in the grande scheme

as operatic styluses

tweet congenial salutations

across the board

to the larger audience

6dc9fa  No.5868958

File: bd7d9a2408c5da5⋯.jpeg (20.37 KB, 255x245, 51:49, USS Flynn.jpeg)

e863c0  No.5868959

File: f78b35dbb06092c⋯.jpg (104.02 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, WilliamBarr_Comey.jpg)

Something in your story doesn't add up, Mr. Comey.

5e587c  No.5868960

File: 02590425a7f1490⋯.png (2.29 KB, 445x116, 445:116, 6536534653454.png)

File: ca2968517064d8d⋯.png (98.82 KB, 452x577, 452:577, 878787687587568787.png)



Define Treason.

Define Sedition.

de107e  No.5868961


Getting served popcorn before it starts, RN

a95bcb  No.5868962

File: 123afb708f4c3d5⋯.jpeg (78.9 KB, 640x462, 320:231, 7B014324-4DBF-44B8-BB04-1….jpeg)

05885d  No.5868964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


’’’Just a friendly reminder to keep our eyes on Sweden as well’’’

6d186f  No.5868965

Im still pissed and will stay that way until these traitors are locked up.

076654  No.5868966


Your loss. Stay ignorant of the true enemy.

e335ac  No.5868967

Attorney General Barr:

2,800 subpoenas

500 search warrants

230 orders for communication records

50 orders authorizing use of pen registers

13 requests to foreign governments for evidence

500 (approx) witnesses interviewed

22 Months


No Russia Collusion or Obstruction of Justice.

4002ff  No.5868968

Sean Hannity

‏Verified account



615d83  No.5868969


Dont think its gonna be long

6d5288  No.5868970

>>5868944 that’s a good one.

49379f  No.5868971


Love this!

08ba25  No.5868972

File: 7e0003f7f01b1bc⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 769x324, 769:324, 2wuiui[1].jpg)

31db38  No.5868973

File: 08775435333b087⋯.png (243.8 KB, 1418x914, 709:457, thatsit.png)

076654  No.5868974

File: 0fb783a93f0b09b⋯.jpg (169.53 KB, 610x406, 305:203, _disprove_it.jpg)


>Friendly Reminder this shill is shitting up the bread every time by putting this at the top to make us look like racist white supremacists. The cabal is our enemy which includes, Royal families, masons, satanists, pedos, and any other fuck that down-presses the rights of working man.

63ba9f  No.5868975

>>5868820 (late lb)


Mueller did not specify NO COLLUSION btw an AMERICAN and RUSSIAN GOV

145d27  No.5868976


But that is a key point in spygate and Obama's involvement.

3a15d4  No.5868977


So are other anons

That should be just the beginning…

49379f  No.5868978



68de50  No.5868979


OIG report due out in 1-3 months, then on to declas. Looking at midsummer before anymoar booms.

e5e6b3  No.5868980


Retribution & Recompense

cef6fd  No.5868981

File: c6dfcd2568ee441⋯.jpeg (294.49 KB, 1172x1133, 1172:1133, 47E03208-8D98-41E8-8274-1….jpeg)

5aa36a  No.5868982

File: 45af99a9066a9e6⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1148x1052, 287:263, ClipboardImage.png)

aba4b3  No.5868983


Do you ever think to yourself "Who will play me when they the movie about the Great awakening?"

Well No…… you don't because we are anons and not doing this for personal fame or glory but to save the republic.

But beyond that, how many actors will be left to play any role in any movie? James woods can't play all of us. All of us meaning the generic character of a misc anon that is a conglomerate of personality types.

c3db9f  No.5868984


Swedish people have been cucked so bad, believe me, I know!

e8a06c  No.5868985

File: 65b9faa73c174b9⋯.jpg (286.4 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, LG-Michael-T-Flynn.jpg)

File: 187518cc79e18d1⋯.png (99.4 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, TRUMP-Q_2020.png)


Maybe Flynn = QAnon?

90efe7  No.5868986

File: d9b70be0866c97d⋯.jpg (87.58 KB, 662x406, 331:203, muellertimelib.jpg)

3a15d4  No.5868987


Just read the whole report on air

You like the sound of your voice anyway

118d76  No.5868988

Parkland Superintendent Robert Runcie is Married to Diana Lynn Troutman Runcie, a Chicago lawyer who also went to Harvard.


20b9a4  No.5868989


meme makers you know what to do

76bd9a  No.5868990

File: e861342f735e0b2⋯.jpg (152.6 KB, 888x488, 111:61, Comey.jpg)

63ba9f  No.5868991


He's been more on ourside than not as of late. Started changing about 6 mos ago.

6152c5  No.5868992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ongoing FOX NEWS Mueller Report Rewindable live stream

8a8ed1  No.5868993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[ PDC Preview ] 4.2 Pattern Understanding

a29255  No.5868994

File: fbeacb6d8ad79f1⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 36ZQjPeAj63yZBns.mp4)

49379f  No.5868995

File: 408e85125108582⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 935x514, 935:514, xl_3570_champagne-bottles-….jpg)


Q's a little busy right now…

5f40c0  No.5868996

File: b9d42cb25c94a6a⋯.png (617.14 KB, 749x462, 107:66, ClipboardImage.png)

Does nobody read the letter?

Collusion with Russia gov. not with Trump, the quote says nothing about US person as stated in the next paragraph.

Also hack Russia gov. is still pending, is this a Mueller lie ? anons know info Seth Rich was physicly downloaded…

08ba25  No.5868997



ed1c59  No.5868998


Your the sucking circumcised Fore Skin you Kike

You people post this shit not anons

aadaff  No.5868999

File: bac993fb72d1d66⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1349x458, 1349:458, Screenshot_2019-03-24 John….png)


My turn to look like a shill. Lucky me.

Wtf is this?

7c22a2  No.5869000


Yes. But only those which bring down the house.

674592  No.5869001

File: fba61ac561bdb14⋯.png (65 KB, 603x349, 603:349, twitter_com_piersmorgan_st….png)


a46796  No.5869002

File: fa32f499c923536⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1131x587, 1131:587, ClipboardImage.png)


Worlds most expensive nothing burger eva!

fc7587  No.5869003


I agree I even wrote it on his channel, His Show is half Q drops

d3d734  No.5869004


yeah thats the same shit you said on the last bread you fucking cock sucker!!!!!! That video is fake as fuck!!!!!!

076654  No.5869005

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, baby_d.jpg)


>Your the sucking circumcised Fore Skin you Kike


>You people post this shit not anons

3c8229  No.5869006


But now all those lawyers, some of the finest legal pitbulls around, are likely conflicted out, and likely can't be hired as defense counsel by the D's who are about to get slammed.

63ba9f  No.5869007


I recommended notable at the top of this bread. Kek.

31b444  No.5869008

File: cffcc21137cf593⋯.mp4 (13.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_Russia_Possible_Coll….mp4)

Soak it up anons!

31233d  No.5869009



852d2d  No.5869010

File: 582f6fe74ffe609⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 400x246, 200:123, WmmZaiz.gif)

c05621  No.5869011

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: 924472de8d1bede⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 500x570, 50:57, Pull It.jpg)

File: 4d511632793859e⋯.png (552.93 KB, 1080x1224, 15:17, Screenshot_20190306-091117….png)

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp.

The question is who can run this MAGA operation….

a636ef  No.5869012

File: d74b10e7452bb18⋯.png (266.14 KB, 791x614, 791:614, trump wins.PNG)


9cde64  No.5869013

CNN LIVe Experts on CNN say

no exoneration means Russia Collusion

debate widen with CNN Expert panel

Muller says no exponeration proves Russian Collusion

blitzer says no russia russia russia

experts cnn russia russia russia

CNN melting down


This is CNN

ed1c59  No.5869014


Your the Jew

66cc09  No.5869015


I was thinking the same damn thing. Q and Q+ maybe so, but they are also human.

bdf06d  No.5869016


Because there's no such crime as "collusion." They had no mandate to find

f3dc49  No.5869017

File: 6bf2ee994a3c3c1⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 700x400, 7:4, MuellerReport:SAFE!!!.jpg)

bc2ca0  No.5869018

File: b18b63c94578d1c⋯.png (51.32 KB, 123x181, 123:181, ClipboardImage.png)


232919  No.5869019

File: b4695ae06e39a70⋯.png (22.29 KB, 606x181, 606:181, Hannity re MSM LIARS 3-24-….PNG)



82aead  No.5869020

File: dbe9fbe0da19a7e⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1192x1168, 149:146, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)


Dam Anon - look at James Comey's latest tweet within this minute!!

"So many questions."

e1e151  No.5869021

File: 91a48b249a07b6d⋯.png (30.38 KB, 596x233, 596:233, AQ12.PNG)


hard for dems to catch up to legitimize continuing probe

076654  No.5869022

File: 7e909123ecb15a6⋯.png (189.07 KB, 691x369, 691:369, listen_plz.png)


>Your the Jew

975ad5  No.5869023

SNL needs a new hero….who will they get to play


44174c  No.5869024



bdf06d  No.5869025



They had no mandate to rule on things that don't have legal meaning.

29dd67  No.5869026

File: 7659ff8a4b6b942⋯.jpeg (85.81 KB, 577x1000, 577:1000, 19A2D1C7-2E1B-496F-9DAA-9….jpeg)


Couldn’t help myself.

Would also be a good “hey gurl” meme

36a847  No.5869027



08335a  No.5869028

File: 4dee4b1d8455fa1⋯.png (755.99 KB, 632x773, 632:773, Screenshot 2019-03-24_17-3….png)


bc2ca0  No.5869029

File: 6acfdbb60ae16db⋯.png (83 KB, 211x160, 211:160, ClipboardImage.png)

cfe0fb  No.5869030


yeah so next line will be russian is bad mkay ? and just that trump team didn´t work for them doesnt mean russia didnt work for trump team…..

lazy fucks

079f01  No.5869031

File: 57ba693bb808415⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1091x881, 1091:881, ClipboardImage.png)


on Fox live "He's been a bit under his tweet ratio.."

Then talks about the "analysis" of his Good Morning tweet…

a29255  No.5869032

File: 8495da9884b1d0e⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 53e3546bc942058f7bebe1a78f….jpg)


I want my portion BACK!

de107e  No.5869033


California confirmed.

87e94b  No.5869034


Strzok to Lisa Page

" OMG, The "Insurance" Plan has just gone up in smoke "

Lisa Page to Strzok .

"It's your Fuxxxng Fault. You stupid Git .

. . It was your pathetic Plan " . .

677160  No.5869035

File: d7ad53e860cdb10⋯.png (596.35 KB, 1176x969, 392:323, ClipboardImage.png)

3af9a0  No.5869036

File: dc269dfe20607b8⋯.png (177.69 KB, 1206x680, 603:340, ClipboardImage.png)

The hell with the dirty corrupt agents and DOJ officials.

I don't want to hear anyone saying that it is time for the country to heal. BS. We need to aggressively prosecute the coup plotters so that future generations do not have to endure this kind of corruption.

b1a46c  No.5869037



it's actually a real twit kek

9cde64  No.5869038



Matt drudge now changes headline on Obstruction

a8a1da  No.5869039

File: 43bc6ae9fd52ab0⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, breaking-news(1).png)

There I fixed that for you

c3db9f  No.5869040


Who can be trusted?

6d5288  No.5869042


Only $8750 per subpoena. Ugh.

689c9b  No.5869043


thank you, anon

this is fantastic. he seems pissed..righteous anger


76d4b4  No.5869045

File: 39e8829f62a2449⋯.jpeg (196.27 KB, 1125x592, 1125:592, 5E9E1ACD-E2C7-4A6A-9A0D-E….jpeg)

When you don’t see that it’s a trap?

Why is the length of Mueller’s report still a secret?


ec2eb8  No.5869046

File: 9537a17cfacb1fb⋯.png (35.75 KB, 255x163, 255:163, whoa.png)



6603e6  No.5869047

looks like a K&N. solid choice anon


30828c  No.5869048


Why is this titled "eats crow"? Piers Morgan is both a supporter and a friend of President Trump.

6d186f  No.5869049

The UK meddled in our election, that should be considered an act of war.

a29255  No.5869050


Can't see the forest through the trees…

3f51a6  No.5869051


"Why did I not do the right thing?"

32d931  No.5869052

File: 57959fec99f3ec9⋯.png (408.74 KB, 635x477, 635:477, 57959fec99f3ec911407b1a111….png)


Gonna save this for later.

ded3c7  No.5869053

How long before "the coverup is worse than the crime"?

674592  No.5869054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dershowitz Goes Scorched Earth on CNN After Mueller Report - Should Hang Heads in Shame

e1e151  No.5869055

File: cbe2d9760d52add⋯.png (13.24 KB, 601x112, 601:112, AQ13.PNG)

File: dd6f3895f600712⋯.png (717.44 KB, 571x606, 571:606, AQ14.PNG)


Comey, So many questions

3a5410  No.5869056


He's a Rockefeller.

384657  No.5869057

File: 2f534bdb62d219c⋯.png (347.52 KB, 720x1027, 720:1027, Screenshot_2019-03-24-17-3….png)

Kellyanne Conway:



5e587c  No.5869058

File: f9f02fa263c3d38⋯.png (13.62 KB, 1297x274, 1297:274, Screenshot_2019-03-24 DRUD….png)

File: f365dbc2dd3eed4⋯.jpeg (45.29 KB, 800x409, 800:409, f365dbc2dd3eed462b946f13d….jpeg)


No mirrors.

No flips.

No collusion!


55e3a6  No.5869059

Q…the media has to be hel accountable.. and soon.

8b18f7  No.5869060

File: b8fadc4fdc209fb⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, No Collusion POTUS.mp4)


No Collusion

7c22a2  No.5869062


Can he see the forest for all those trees?

31233d  No.5869063


oh my… hahahhahahhahahaha


67c8c7  No.5869064


It says Russian government actors. Actors? Interesting.

9cde64  No.5869065




>Matt drudge now changes headline on Obstruction

86506f  No.5869066

File: bd6943caf522088⋯.gif (4.53 MB, 357x223, 357:223, 2wuit6.gif)

President Trump!!!

Keep America Great!!!

Best President Ever!!!

feebb7  No.5869067


who said it was real

b1a46c  No.5869068


tweet i meant

d5c4a2  No.5869069


Trump team got the report the exact same time as Congress. Chuck Toad is a yellow journalist.

cef6fd  No.5869070


SH is Freddy kek

ed1c59  No.5869071


Looks just like you

eb30f9  No.5869072


If I remember correctly, it was Mook and Podesta who came up with the idea of accusing Trump with Russian collusion.

08ba25  No.5869073

File: 3deeaae58d696a3⋯.jpg (151.42 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2wuj8z[1].jpg)

b6cb5a  No.5869074

Levin on fire right now FOX

05d95a  No.5869075

File: d2beafc2f310cba⋯.png (79.34 KB, 601x412, 601:412, harrasment.png)

05885d  No.5869076


I believe you. I know, too.

aadaff  No.5869077

File: 58143cea2dd7b92⋯.png (1.22 MB, 836x556, 209:139, Screenshot-2018-4-14 BackC….png)


I am too stupid, and I wasted trips.


076654  No.5869078

File: 0bdd7a693e56a75⋯.jpg (126.42 KB, 612x306, 2:1, none_of_them.jpg)

079f01  No.5869079


The United States citizens should sue all the Democrats pushing this shit + DNC.

Biggest class action lawsuit ever.

b562de  No.5869080

d30208  No.5869081

File: 93fcdd87264e37b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 799x500, 799:500, 1553463227302.png)

92ea2b  No.5869082

File: 2858910838c2060⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 601x347, 601:347, sperry POTUS address.JPG)

My fellow Americans…

aea148  No.5869083

File: f8f036afe62ef1a⋯.jpeg (313.97 KB, 1229x1631, 1229:1631, ACD6632D-F273-4416-8E9B-0….jpeg)

Larry Cohen, producer of horror/sci-fi movies died Saturday…. made a film called Q

c26b73  No.5869084

File: 7b3ebeeba08e8eb⋯.png (321.25 KB, 490x558, 245:279, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)

476eb0  No.5869085

File: 99c4d4c793d7493⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PDJT_No_Collusion_No_Obstr….mp4)

901cf9  No.5869086


Interesting. As in, Socratic?

51e676  No.5869087

This day has been worth it just to see Maxine Waters lose her goddamn mind.

e51611  No.5869088

File: 8e20f1b9d6bc425⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 558x338, 279:169, boomplan.jpg)

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 253x233, 253:233, 25a20be2dc660fe4c4bf804dc8….jpg)

a46796  No.5869089

File: a5978808554e1a6⋯.png (406.72 KB, 825x678, 275:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8463085ba379321⋯.png (65.58 KB, 845x729, 845:729, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44b4e8562f4e7f2⋯.png (17.54 KB, 491x267, 491:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fbc2602e140b22⋯.png (17.19 KB, 472x276, 118:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Nadler to Call AG Barr for Testimony After Mueller Throws Stink Bomb at Innocent Trump With Refusal to Exonerate on Obstruction

Special Counsel Robert Mueller unequivocally cleared President Donald Trump of allegations of collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, but Mueller tainted Trump by not clearing Trump of obstructing the probe into the Russia allegations even though he chose to not charge Trump with any crime.

Mueller put off an official finding on obstruction, leaving that to Attorney General Barr, knowing full well as a former FBI director that neither he nor Barr could prove an obstruction charge against Trump. By doing so, Mueller spitefully smeared Trump and created an impression of Barr taking a political decision to protect Trump. Mueller also knowingly threw a lifeline to Democrats still hoping to impeach Trump.

Mueller did this knowing that Trump was an innocent man railing against a politically inspired investigation intended as a coup to unlawfully remove him from office.

The media and Democrats in Congress have picked up Mueller’s smear and are repeating the ‘no exoneration’ claim, with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler D-NY) announcing he will be calling Barr to testify before Congress.


a1912a  No.5869090

File: 427d0dfb0e7c8b7⋯.jpeg (131.13 KB, 1280x1014, 640:507, Brenan Headache Blank.jpeg)

Hey John Brennan - cat got your tongue?????

689c9b  No.5869091


wtf is wrong with this clown

6dc9fa  No.5869092


he certainly was on a southern cal beach from yesterday's pic. no doubt about it

9cd5fc  No.5869093

Shannon Bream & Bret Baier playfully analyzing the deeper meaning of "Good morning" of POTUS' tweet….just like anons?

01ca6f  No.5869094

File: 6413735eb5f6eb5⋯.jpeg (676.79 KB, 750x992, 375:496, 2307BE6E-8A5F-4C0C-895F-9….jpeg)

c05621  No.5869095

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: c69d41e2f274229⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 869x558, 869:558, downloadfile-16_1.jpg)

File: 33696b3c5028d78⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2wu5x6_1.jpg)

Drain The Swamp

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp…

The question is who can run this MAGA operation.

44174c  No.5869096

File: 616497d495c314f⋯.png (307.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

9cde64  No.5869097

CNN muller says Russian Collusion expert Panel

Muller indicates Russian Collusion

no exoneration means Russian Collusion

68de50  No.5869099


No sure if you caught Guiliani on Fox, but he said there was definite prosecutoral misconduct from Mueller. It was reported to DOJ. Think there will be justice for that? All I hear is how well Mueller did his duty and served his country. Fucking bullshit. If RR and Mueller don't get indicted, there will never be justice.

76d4b4  No.5869100

File: 487b331b3603386⋯.jpeg (693.7 KB, 693x1226, 693:1226, 603D05A1-C5C1-4297-AC8C-F….jpeg)

File: 76026e858aeae8e⋯.jpeg (767.6 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A8B96633-CD3C-4F8D-829A-5….jpeg)

New comey

So many questions.


b2396f  No.5869101


waste of money. want a refund.

31233d  No.5869102


and now you're wasting dubs too

63ba9f  No.5869103


You're missing the point.



31db38  No.5869104

45: Can Huber file a new sealed indictment every time a Mockingbird reporter makes a false statement in furtherance of their conspiracy?

Sessions: Yes.

6d5288  No.5869105


This drop is wrong then?


b5995f  No.5869106


Great stuff

5cb464  No.5869107

File: a30b6564540d608⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 340x270, 34:27, il_340x270.857630421_6bk4.jpg)


Absolutely! Mike Rogers also! True Patriots to the core…God Bless Them and ThankQ!

81799c  No.5869108

File: c286d61b300c26c⋯.jpeg (17.67 KB, 255x153, 5:3, image.jpeg)


TY Baker

You rock!

689c9b  No.5869109

>>5869028 new retarded cardinal comey tweet: "so many questions"


b2396f  No.5869110


what the frick is going on with this nutbag?

63ba9f  No.5869111


Why is this twatbag always posting pics of nature?

fc7587  No.5869112


Have you noticed anons he's wearing same clothes

0a5e8f  No.5869113

File: 5c83e043aef344c⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 750x500, 3:2, trumpinvestigatetheinvesti….jpg)

9cde64  No.5869114


The lawyers made 40 million dollars

NZ FF to hide report cost lives and people died

a23814  No.5869115



7c22a2  No.5869116


Size matters.

c3db9f  No.5869117


hello son you taking over for Freddy now?

e51611  No.5869118

File: 092ee132d34870a⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 310x341, 10:11, cureflag.jpg)

File: 2dfd3a60c2b27c0⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1024x1313, 1024:1313, doitpotus.png)

4be5bb  No.5869119

File: 326755397047178⋯.mp4 (511.85 KB, 854x480, 427:240, qnn_situation_room.mp4)


232919  No.5869120

File: dba86779f4689fb⋯.png (38.76 KB, 598x306, 299:153, Giesea re MSM NatSec Liabi….PNG)


It’s not an exaggeration to say that mainstream American media has become a national security liability.

The destructiveness of the Russia collusion hysteria & disinformation they propagated will be felt for many years to come.


c814a5  No.5869121

File: c6fb1bd405f876e⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1668x1835, 1668:1835, 21AE6E27-B635-4E3F-BAF3-A….jpeg)

Might be a storm moving into the DC area next week.

82aead  No.5869122

2c0277  No.5869123


In a Redwood Grove? The beach pic looked like west coast to me too.

88f679  No.5869124


I'm so damn tired of Comey's Schitt!

He damn well is in CA. Last one, you could see the fog offshore in the distance. Now this one is in Muir Woods.

5717fc  No.5869125


The AG explains that clearly in his letter. But screams for DECLAS only help our cause.

b5995f  No.5869126

"This is not a game"

"Suicide weekend"

852d2d  No.5869127


Now is not the time. Closer to the election is when it is time to take this greasy shit upon the Democraps.

63ba9f  No.5869128

File: 7017a6712406f2a⋯.png (144.79 KB, 1034x682, 47:31, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

de107e  No.5869129

File: fbd0f49aba98c09⋯.png (1.55 MB, 977x987, 977:987, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

a46796  No.5869130



Could feed and house how many homeless for a year???

66cc09  No.5869131


but, if there was no crime, no collusion, then what was there to obstruct?

21668e  No.5869132


oh lordy

ef479e  No.5869133


Since when have they legitimized anything.

3f51a6  No.5869134


Dis not new.

Been around a long time.

bdb2fb  No.5869135

File: ef480a4bd839b44⋯.png (47.63 KB, 581x280, 83:40, ClipboardImage.png)

A great day for America and for President @realDonaldTrump. After two years of wild anti-Trump hysteria, the President and his millions of supporters have been completely vindicated.


679587  No.5869136


Looking for Hillary

4b520f  No.5869137



afdc9e  No.5869138

File: 868fa7b446a73a2⋯.png (275.11 KB, 727x889, 727:889, 3.PNG)


>"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president."

Seems pretty clear to me.

6d0cdf  No.5869139


CME has arrived, for the curious.

c05621  No.5869140

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: a6e80a1b382560b⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 500x81, 500:81, 2wui6j_1_1.jpg)

File: 02f6b6cbfd51ab7⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 780x520, 3:2, downloadfile-9.jpg)

File: bc027418932feaa⋯.png (534.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, downloadfile-22.png)

File: 9867399779d52f5⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 500x578, 250:289, 2wbu58_1.jpg)

f2df3c  No.5869141


depends on how many free needles we're talking

677532  No.5869142

Killer rant by Mark Levin. Love him. (Fuck you retards that don't know a patriot when you see one.)

b1a46c  No.5869143



Taken on an iphone

31233d  No.5869144


Neither are out of the woods yet.

They've got crimes to answer to outside of the scope of their own authority.

ed1c59  No.5869145


She needs a spanky

443b1c  No.5869146

File: 86d6d52a064b547⋯.jpg (90.75 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Schiff standard.jpg)

c3db9f  No.5869147


duh really?

2fb3c2  No.5869148

File: b1e032f79e24bf1⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 800x450, 16:9, a4c0d5dade5d3ab28facddf798….jpg)

File: 860da4dbef0ce94⋯.jpg (132.45 KB, 719x501, 719:501, 006c71d102d6492b37def3ecfe….jpg)

File: 9aece7f3bb1b5aa⋯.jpg (143.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, b7e06b92d68647f0c9a71709bd….jpg)

File: cf2247941e0513c⋯.jpg (130.42 KB, 486x740, 243:370, 9d486b38f987584502867ed8b3….jpg)

e1e151  No.5869149

File: a2475d04b9feddc⋯.png (34 KB, 609x276, 203:92, AQ18.PNG)


Completely Vindicated

5f40c0  No.5869150

Cliffs and Trees> Jump or Hung>>>so many questions!!


3a5410  No.5869151

File: 0352f13d38b9a29⋯.png (52.18 KB, 653x135, 653:135, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)


Red scarf and a door knob in his future?

e675da  No.5869152


boxed in.

12b960  No.5869153


popcorn stock is goingthrough the roof as we speak

cd0e98  No.5869154

File: ef701e70916874a⋯.jpeg (166.82 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1553462398.jpeg)


Is this fucker for real

cd71d3  No.5869155

No crime = no obstruction. No exoneration necessary.

d5c4a2  No.5869156


He's doing great. The system is AT THIS MOMENT, doing the same thing with the election of 2020 in mind. You can bet there is illegal surveillance, along with abuse of power.

0be537  No.5869157

Marl Levin is on Fox and he is furious. Worth the watch. I feel like I am being scolded and guilty of something

6d186f  No.5869158


They look to small to be redwoods, could be pine trees.

852d2d  No.5869159


My wife whispered in my ear to give her all 9 inches and make it hurt. So I punched her in the stomach and fucked her twice.

c26b73  No.5869160

File: a0a138783ab8f9e⋯.png (510.64 KB, 750x536, 375:268, ClipboardImage.png)

30828c  No.5869161


Well said.

e8a06c  No.5869162

File: d3ca9309d996378⋯.gif (307.89 KB, 592x716, 148:179, James-Comey-Tweet_20190324….gif)

James Comey Tweet

5:30 PM - 24 Mar 2019

"So many questions."


e5e6b3  No.5869163


good points too

20b9a4  No.5869164


every generation needs to fight the corruption

there will always be corruption

its spotting it and not letting it take root is the fight

forever not just today

c7db32  No.5869165

File: 573b4ba51f395d9⋯.png (653.95 KB, 640x758, 320:379, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

JC twat


c3db9f  No.5869166

File: 31bc4c9ba1a7f3a⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 564x846, 2:3, what are you looking at.jpg)

b2396f  No.5869167


"It began illegally." Here we go.

51e676  No.5869168


Hmmm. Isn't that a coincidence?

323fa9  No.5869169

File: b1c72fb3c44e2a6⋯.gif (4.45 MB, 456x352, 57:44, triggered22.gif)

The memes and gifs when the OIG and DECLAS happen are going to see so epic.

So much salt to be mined.

2c0277  No.5869170


Was he on a fucking wine tasting tour when these last two pictures were taken?

3eedaa  No.5869171


This and popcorn

232919  No.5869172

File: 9814ab230b6ffa1⋯.png (388.62 KB, 716x903, 716:903, Archive Hannity re MSM LIA….PNG)

File: b4695ae06e39a70⋯.png (22.29 KB, 606x181, 606:181, Hannity re MSM LIARS 3-24-….PNG)


>it's actually a real twit kek



693b67  No.5869173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c05621  No.5869174

File: b185cd77506ab7b⋯.jpg (54.06 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 2w19tx_1.jpg)

a29255  No.5869175

File: 3bacc21c803c006⋯.jpg (30.59 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 3bacc21c803c00662a340b8b10….jpg)


Of course he is pissed. Plus he seemed exhausted, yet at the same time, relieved.

I cannot IMAGINE for ONE SECOND what this has been like to go through this for 2+ years for this man….TRUE PATRIOT.

And he has been nothing but honest and loyal TO US.


He took ALL of that BS for us.

A lot of those on /our/ side, almost seem emotional today, as they should.

And so should all anons. It was a VICTORY!

but we are not done yet….

71b1e6  No.5869176


And what is there to exonerate?

9f1c9e  No.5869177

File: cbf716b5939e2c9⋯.jpeg (980.79 KB, 1242x1536, 207:256, DD56FEB1-E7D5-4E4E-A40D-A….jpeg)

Sorry if late to the show. But this thread ties Israel to everything and it is FIRE.

Have you guise seen this?


3a5410  No.5869178



Keep in mind someone is taking these photos. They are not likely selfies. Handler?

a95bcb  No.5869179

File: f7b2012b9fa5963⋯.jpeg (107.29 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 00E9F457-4134-4C2E-9BC7-1….jpeg)

7a1f1c  No.5869180

Lord help me. Turned on CNN for 15 minutes just to hear what they were saying. Spouse anon had enough and said turn that shit off.

cef6fd  No.5869181


You’re fucked, Jim.

That should answer any questions you may have.

e5cc2b  No.5869182


can’t see forest for trees

08ba25  No.5869183

File: 9750d3e2a67ab1f⋯.jpg (147.11 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2wujlw[1].jpg)

ef479e  No.5869184


When did a new Blair Witch movie come out.

63ba9f  No.5869185


Andrea Mitchell is on Q's list of Mockingbird.

cd71d3  No.5869186


FISA app DECLAS will answer many of them.

798fe4  No.5869187

File: 3922f4e46af52b4⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB, 1032x720, 43:30, today is gonna be a great ….mp4)


Happy No Collusion Sunday everyone!

baf03e  No.5869188

File: 7479d16d32ce482⋯.png (545.51 KB, 794x451, 794:451, Brian Krassenstein Deletin….PNG)

2fb3c2  No.5869189


"How do so many people hang from these things? NONE OF THEM HAVE A DOORKNOB!!!"

b1a46c  No.5869190


yeah i know it's real

74c241  No.5869191

are those [Kr]Assenstien websites legit?

5e587c  No.5869192

File: 89e38aa6bc8a941⋯.png (396.39 KB, 335x448, 335:448, Screenshot_2019-03-24 E t ….png)

9872c3  No.5869193

File: 55fa66dcbb7adb2⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1130x726, 565:363, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5869028 Follow your heart, little padawan

076654  No.5869194

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _01.jpg)

File: e8ff10bddfeabc2⋯.jpg (171.24 KB, 612x459, 4:3, damn_it_pay_attention.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg)

File: fb1532a778083de⋯.jpg (154.85 KB, 610x408, 305:204, damn_its_them_too.jpg)

d5c4a2  No.5869195


DEMs will accuse Rosenstein and Barr of being in Trump's pocket. Mueller said some reasonable prosecutors would find obstruction.

689c9b  No.5869196


is he dead yet

d30208  No.5869197

File: 7cc4642c7691d2f⋯.png (11.32 KB, 465x299, 465:299, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Qmap….png)

File: 8bddb8115fb823e⋯.png (54.04 KB, 465x872, 465:872, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Qmap.png)



April SHOWERS coming.

Tick Tock, Roth.

e5e8a7  No.5869198

Per Fox News:

19 Lawyers

40 FBI Agents

2800 Subpoenas

500 Search Warrants

500 Witnesses

$40 Million

Many lives destroyed

aeebb8  No.5869199

silent landmarks

slice through

open wounds

scenes not relevant

include animal husbandry

mocking chimpanzees

zip lining

the straits of gibraltar

cross word puzzle


harnessing the sun's energy




of the insane

thunder reigns

will prove fatal

for silver backs

have come down

from their vegetative


retreats of popsicle flavors

color rainbow


mercy and grace

have been

pushed back




in favor

of the forbidden



unholy temples


to the unreal

pretty far out

if you ask me

created spaces

that swallow

even black holes

shall we cry

for the fallen

stand at the stake

while they burn away




loose the vultures

of annihilation

and call it art

sell it

to the highest bidder

3af9a0  No.5869200

File: 07a336660b952f0⋯.png (187.1 KB, 1238x958, 619:479, ClipboardImage.png)


The *only* way this will never happen to another President again is for every single person involved in this Presidential coup to be held accountable & punished to the maximum extent of the law immediately. No deals. No cover ups. Pure American Justice. The world is watching.


ad0a22  No.5869201


>"So many questions."

Or: can't see the wood for the trees…

ec5479  No.5869202


Which tree should I use?

Selfie stickman bring my rope

33d1e5  No.5869203

>>5869082 do not want this:

my fellow americans (stern but somber)

mistakes have been made (tilt head left, squint)

difficult lessons are learned (face up, nod)

its time for healing to begin (bite lip)

wont you join me in moving forward together? (grin, tear up)


076654  No.5869204

File: 3785da0e8421c90⋯.jpg (203.17 KB, 598x577, 598:577, shillception.jpg)

098296  No.5869205

File: bc1bd88cbee9d84⋯.png (31.36 KB, 542x253, 542:253, FASTESTANIMALONTHEPLANET.PNG)

File: 2d730f4423bf1a2⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2342x2222, 1171:1111, DefineSubversionPROOF.png)

b45564  No.5869206

File: cd3cbb56e18f3bf⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1192x1168, 149:146, dbe9fbe0da19a7e3e9615dc39c….png)

4be5bb  No.5869208

File: d1903b7bede6f1b⋯.png (369.04 KB, 590x473, 590:473, comey_thats_it.png)

4b520f  No.5869209


Sunday is also considered a holy day, and only yesterday did the cabal get their sick event date ruined.

4e67ef  No.5869210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maxine Strikes Again

"This President has a a way of getting inside people's heads and indoctrinating them"

6889be  No.5869211


It is kinda hard to "obstruct" an illegal investigation.

82aead  No.5869212



33d1e5  No.5869213

>>5869200 DOITQ

bdf06d  No.5869214


I'm not missing the point. I read it. It doesn't change what I stated.

Also, the "hack" discussion doesnt' say which one. Apparently everybody

forgot about all those Russians that were indicted. It's not a "Mueller lie," FFS. If Mueller is lying about ANYTHING

then the entire exoneration gets tossed and we start over. That would be

devastating for Trump. Stop this silliness.

b1a46c  No.5869215

File: 97628d61c217cf7⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Real-TiCvm5hGP6RxifPR.mp4)

076654  No.5869216

File: e2ede4cf616a21b⋯.jpg (56.6 KB, 720x670, 72:67, mossad_bird.jpg)

32cfa1  No.5869217

File: 50a65212baacc92⋯.pdf (16.18 KB, HRC RECOMMENDING GOODWIN L….pdf)


Key talking points for HRC's calls to Senator Feinstein recommending Goodwin Liu for a

nomination to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

• Goodwin is a widely respected, first-rate legal scholar. I know this first-hand because I coauthored

a law review article with him in 2003 on the relationship between Congress and the

Court. Goodwin has published major articles on constitutional law and education policy in

top law journals, and he is a frequent legal commentator in newspapers and media outlets.

• Goodwin is a mainstream progressive in his judicial philosophy and substantive views.

The best evidence is in his careful and thoughtful writings. In addition, Goodwin was

recently elected Chair of the Board of the American Constitution Society, a testament to his

broad appeal and widely recognized leadership qualities. Goodwin was also elected last

year, after a careful vetting process, to the Stanford Board of Trustees, a position that attests

to his reputation for collegiality, moderation, and judgment.

• Goodwin follows the facts and legal reasoning to their logical conclusion, even when it

may depart from liberal orthodoxy. For example, he wrote a law review article supporting

private school vouchers as part of a proposal for expanded public school choice. In addition,

last fall, the California Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees called on Goodwin—and

no other scholar in the state or elsewhere—to testify as a "neutral expert" on the legal impact

of Proposition 8 (banning same-sex marriages). In that testimony, Goodwin said that, if Prop

8 passed, the California Supreme Court would be bound by applicable precedents to uphold

it—a view contrary to the position taken by many gay rights advocates in pending litigation.

• Goodwin has practical experience in law and public policy. He practiced law for two years

at O'Melveny & Myers in Washington, D.C. And he served twice in education policy

positions in the Clinton Administration (at the Corporation for National Service and the

Department of Education). As a scholar, he continues to do practical legal and policy work.

• Goodwin has a strong record of accomplishment. He went to college at Stanford, then to

Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, then to Yale Law School. He clerked for David Tatel on the

D.C. Circuit and Ruth Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. He joined the Boalt faculty in 2003,

was awarded tenure in 2008, and was promoted to Associate Dean of the law school. He

won a prestigious scholarly award last year from the Education Law Association, and this

year he won UC Berkeley's campus-wide teaching award.

• There are no active Asian American judges on any Court of Appeals in the entire country.

Goodwin is a first generation American. He is the son of Taiwanese immigrants who came

to this country with their suitcases and their educations. They were fortunate to have

professional opportunities and they taught themselves to be fluent in English. They raised

Goodwin in Sacramento where he attended public schools. He is the first in his family to

attend law school and become a lawyer…

2fb3c2  No.5869218


use God's Foot from Monty Python

08ba25  No.5869219

File: e699d0c99b6ab4b⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 500x615, 100:123, 2wujr9[1].jpg)

18cbca  No.5869220

a636ef  No.5869221


da fuq?

232919  No.5869222

File: 4170e974e5eed90⋯.png (22.8 KB, 595x190, 119:38, Scavino45 re KAG 3-24-19 2….PNG)

Hang in there Dems — ya all have SIX more YEARS of TRUMP! #KeepAmericaGreat🇺🇸


de107e  No.5869223



Indoctrinating RM to being unable to do his job thoroughly?

51e676  No.5869224


Thankfully, she's immune. Nothing up in there.

145d27  No.5869225


Crowdstrike and DNC info



27404d  No.5869226

File: d307e108e76ef7e⋯.jpeg (62.7 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 29A2CF08-FF38-4DE7-883E-3….jpeg)

Democrats are angry that they only received a “summary of the report”. They are screaming for the report to be made public, all of it.

Don’t worry, Mueller, Barr, and Rosenstein will release the report, and by extension, the rope the Democrats will hang themselves with. WWG1WGA

de107e  No.5869228


Q, you weren't fucking joking about Projection 101

b5995f  No.5869229


He is trying to protect himself from The Light.

No more. No more chemtrails.


6dc9fa  No.5869230

File: 15d7ed70d59b5ec⋯.jpg (574.27 KB, 800x792, 100:99, Pepe all your server beron….jpg)

File: f4917be719b0c7b⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 919x750, 919:750, Pepe trading.jpeg)

Economic round-up and Preview of coming Week

Investors puzzling over conflicting signals about the health of the global economy that sent markets sliding in recent trading will get a new set of clues this week in the form of key economic data from the U.S. and other wealthy nations.

Fourth-quarter gross domestic product readings from the U.S., U.K., France and Canada could enlighten the debate over whether the global economy is in the midst of a temporary dip or headed toward a more serious downturn.

The U.S., which releases a revised fourth-quarter GDP estimate Thursday, is of special concern to investors looking for signs that a slowdown in global growth is worsening. Economists at JPMorgan Chase expect a revised GDP estimate of 1.8%, well below the 2.6% growth estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis a month earlier.

A considerably lower U.S. GDP estimate would suggest that the world's largest economy is more vulnerable than previously thought, intensifying fears of a broader slowdown.

Worries about global growth have set financial markets in the U.S. and Europe on edge. For much of this year, major stock indexes had climbed, lifted by signs that central banks would put aside their rate-increase campaigns for the foreseeable future. But that relief has seemingly given way to fear.

Following further downbeat economic data from Europe on Friday, investors say they are grappling with the possibility that the global economy's momentum is worsening faster than they had expected.

"You have some concerns out there about big political issues like Brexit and the U.S. trade dispute with China, neither of which are being resolved and both of which even seem to be deteriorating," said Larry Hatheway, head of investment solutions and chief economist at GAM Investments.

"Now there's a sense that what's happening elsewhere – that the U.S. won't be completely immune to it, even though it's a more closed economy and is on a stronger footing," he said.

In one sign of the growing pessimism, traders have begun betting the U.S. Federal Reserve will not only have to hold rates steady but lower them to support the economy. Federal-funds futures on Friday showed the market pricing in a 56% chance of at least one rate cut in 2019, compared with 11% one month ago, according to CME Group.

In another sign, the yield on 10-year German government bonds fell below zero Friday for the first time since 2016. Meanwhile, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note slipped to its lowest since the start of 2018.

Much of the market's pivot appeared to begin Friday, after data pointed to a worse-than-expected pullback in eurozone manufacturing activity, amplifying concerns about the health of the European economy. Major indexes on both sides of the Atlantic slumped to end the week.

The moves underscored concerns about whether central banks' easy-money policies will be enough to avert a deeper pullback, many say.

On one hand, data in the U.S. continue to point to an economy that remains on strong footing. Sales of previously owned homes soared in February at the fastest pace since 2015, data released Friday showed. Corporate earnings are expected to grow overall for the year, and labor market figures show businesses hiring at a healthy clip.

But economies across Europe and China have shown signs of further deterioration, leaving investors wondering whether weakness there could eventually have a ripple effect around the world.

"Expectations of a strong stock market seem to be ebbing," said George Gero, managing director at RBC Capital Markets.

To be sure, some of the market moves Friday may have stemmed from investors taking profits after a long streak of stock gains, money managers said.

The S&P 500 remains up 12% for the year, on course for its best quarterly gain since 2012. Stock indexes in Europe, Hong Kong and Shanghai also are logging double-digit percentage gains.

The steep slide in bond yields also may have been exaggerated by investors unwinding bets on their rise, said Mr. Hatheway, who added that he didn't intend to pick up government debt that still looked "very, very expensive."

Still, with few signs that economic momentum is set for an imminent rebound, the market rout could intensify, other investors cautioned.


29662c  No.5869231



please add "Bayer" to the below notable.


>>5868550 CEO says his team retains backing of supervisory board.

e51611  No.5869232


Questions about who is singing?

2c0277  No.5869233


Look at the stumps in the cluster of trees. That is exactly how redwoods grow, in a circular pattern around huge stumps. Plus I’m a native Redwood anon growing up under them and I could spot a redwood in my sleep.

9cde64  No.5869234

POTUS lawyers no Obstruction

Its in the report

Where is the crime ?

Obstruct what ?

Obstruct what is in Adam Schiffs mine ?

NO cullsion

no obstruction

no crimes

CNN in total Panic flip flops and says Its Russian Collusion

which has not been exonerated

a29255  No.5869235

File: f2d57d4956c0638⋯.png (6.93 KB, 192x263, 192:263, images.png)



3c8229  No.5869236

File: 0fa59408cf8de23⋯.png (643.85 KB, 593x694, 593:694, comey.PNG)

File: 7601f1a263553f2⋯.png (643.54 KB, 593x694, 593:694, comey trees.PNG)

Jimmy's first tweet post-Barr letter.

"So many questions."

b1a46c  No.5869237


that would be ironically hillaryous

3af9a0  No.5869238

File: 89268f7d33f5b9c⋯.png (94.59 KB, 1250x520, 125:52, ClipboardImage.png)


c42c74  No.5869239


somebody photo shop a noose coming down.

I dont have the skills

66cc09  No.5869240


Exonerate, to free from a charge or the imputation of guilt; declare or prove blameless; exculpate

He was exonerated from all the Bullshit accusations.

e8a06c  No.5869241


Look at James Comey's shadow. James Comey's eyes are staring directly at the sun.

4d8137  No.5869242

File: 624751e86b3fb06⋯.png (486.18 KB, 814x1029, 814:1029, 3a5a1586f0a0fe65d63118c5d3….png)

Sharing this for the third and final time today, in the hopes the original requestor finds it here, or in the Memes 44 thread.

d196a9  No.5869243

>>5868283 (pb)

omg, Maxime has her teeth fresh bleached

a1912a  No.5869244


why can't I save this?

7e2b8c  No.5869245


My apologies!!

a636ef  No.5869246


another journalist, chuck todd, is her source

holy fuck

c26b73  No.5869247

File: b8bbe6b134e25db⋯.png (301.01 KB, 500x616, 125:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8bbe6b134e25db⋯.png (301.01 KB, 500x616, 125:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8bbe6b134e25db⋯.png (301.01 KB, 500x616, 125:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8bbe6b134e25db⋯.png (301.01 KB, 500x616, 125:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8bbe6b134e25db⋯.png (301.01 KB, 500x616, 125:154, ClipboardImage.png)

7fc16b  No.5869248

File: fe1079dcc9746a1⋯.png (646.86 KB, 609x732, 203:244, com.png)

File: fe82eb26f96c59b⋯.jpg (755.41 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, D2dD7zDU8AAMqjO.jpg)

de107e  No.5869249


a23814  No.5869250



68de50  No.5869251


below are lines direct from Q drops. I'm thinking Q kind of switch the order by accident on that 1 drop there because all these others state OIG report first.

>POTUS already ordered the DECLAS (per Q-proof Sep 17).

He's awaiting the DOJ IG (now Barr + OIG) to proceed w/ the order.

>Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.

>Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.

>OIG review prior to executing order

>-Barr meeting Huber & OIG - OIG report

5632fa  No.5869252

File: b860d1c661596b0⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 220x169, 220:169, A920A0D9-A878-4BC1-9070-CE….gif)

Hi Hillary

cd71d3  No.5869253

Never get in the enemy’s way when they are a making a mistake.

51e676  No.5869255

eb074e  No.5869256



This would make a great meme. I have no skills in that arena. Anyone up to it?

116a7b  No.5869257

The part in Mueller’s report about Russia hacking the DNC makes the criminals think they got away with Seth Rich, but there was a previous hacking, supposedly by Guccifer, that gave SR the idea of downloading and getting the email files to Wikileaks, so the report is probably referring to that. Also, Podesta’s hacking with a usual phishing email may have come from Russia, but not the main DNC leaks that were proven to have been downloaded onsite.

Because they think their crimes are still being covered up, and because they trusted false evidence that Trump’s children were being indicted, they want to look for more dirt. And dirt they will find, and much worse.

e51611  No.5869258

File: 6ffebd8798acd42⋯.png (196.15 KB, 890x1336, 445:668, comeycoup.png)

6152c5  No.5869259

File: d236f7c7991d978⋯.mp4 (172.43 KB, 400x260, 20:13, Trump Liberal Tears.mp4)


d5c4a2  No.5869261

Nunes, the investigation started in late 2015 by FBI and DOJ officials, working with DNC.

Suddenly the bar is "yeah, but was that illegal?"

620a1e  No.5869262

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: a6e80a1b382560b⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 500x81, 500:81, 2wui6j_1_1.jpg)

File: 09326a52621f4f4⋯.png (322.62 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, Screenshot_20190317-120158….png)

File: b2e409b9263e7a5⋯.jpg (47.96 KB, 419x505, 419:505, downloadfile-46_1.jpg)

Southern District of New York Criminal Elements run by a racist black woman.

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp.

The question is who can run this MAGA operation.

3a15d4  No.5869263

Hannity if you are lurking just read the report on air

No comments

Just read it as it is

0759bc  No.5869264

File: 2801defc77907d3⋯.png (14.24 KB, 614x152, 307:76, legal-def-exonorate.PNG)


7c22a2  No.5869265


Is he being 'walked out'? Gonna disappear soon? Leaving a trail of crumbs?

3eedaa  No.5869266


This is correct

6d5288  No.5869267


Andrew Weissman as Rudy mentioned him in same sentence or very close to. Probably others as well. Prosecutorial misconduct is out of control in this country. D’s MO for feeding enemies to their bought and paid for judges. Judicial branch is how they’ve been screwing America for a long time.

31233d  No.5869268

File: 61ab473fb01ef6f⋯.png (278.29 KB, 488x480, 61:60, babcome[y].png)


I would expect comey to start feeling like he's twisting in the wind now.


b2396f  No.5869269


yesyesyesyesyesyes. Fuck, yes.

3a5410  No.5869270

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne pepe.jpg)


I'm growing curious as to a succession plan. Don't want it to be family. NO LEGACIES. But wouldn't mind knowing who's next.

63ba9f  No.5869271


What I'm saying is that he left the door open for an American to be caught conspiring with Russians… but NOT anyone on Trump's side.

That's the take home point.

4be5bb  No.5869272

File: 04563855866e840⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 660x371, 660:371, brennans_a_giant_faggot.jpg)

Whats he thinking right now?

689c9b  No.5869273

>>5869175 absolutely anon..i am breathing a sigh of relief knowing that the rest of america will now begin to wake up too as the truth is finally coming out

soon we'll be UNITED against this evil


435d25  No.5869274


Good eye. Done.

7e2b8c  No.5869275


Yesterday he was suicidal,,, now he is pulling a Hillary and getting LOST in the WOODS…Hmmm

a1912a  No.5869277

File: 45e707a5a84ed68⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 167x250, 167:250, Noose Red.jpg)


Here James………. here is the answer to your questions.

40dd96  No.5869278


Shadow at 10 o'clock

3b323d  No.5869279

File: d141ddaa987dfe9⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 556x500, 139:125, 2wujn0.jpg)






Sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away


31db38  No.5869280

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

40438b  No.5869281


right click the file link > save as

b04022  No.5869282

File: ec60e606bea88a7⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 805x285, 161:57, _20190324_174118.JPG)

76bd9a  No.5869283

File: b67241be7e5900a⋯.jpg (632.83 KB, 2022x909, 674:303, QNN-LiberalTears (1).jpg)

d96f1c  No.5869284




This kind of information is why I believe "The Plan" is Abba Father YHWH's Salvation Plan, and the Q team is reading the ELS Bible Codes. Trust the Plan means Trust Abba Father YHWH.

435d25  No.5869285


>>5869222 Scavino trolls the Democrats.

>>5869135 Sanders Tweet: "A great day for America and for President @realDonaldTrump. After two years of wild anti-Trump hysteria, the President and his millions of supporters have been completely vindicated."

>>5869020 Comey: "So many questions." Like how you ever became the FBI Director.

>>5868944 Kilmeade: "This just in @HillaryClinton officially lost the 2016 election."

>>5868927 Kellyanne: "Today you won the 2016 election all over again. And got a gift for the 2020 election."

>>5868859 Bongino: "Where does General Flynn go to get his reputation back for all of this nonsense? It’s a disgrace what happened to this patriot."

>>5868833 Iran doesn't like POTUS's Golan Heights remarks.

>>5868830 Piers Morgan eats crow.

c3db9f  No.5869286

File: edbb17151052f06⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 512x512, 1:1, anonpirate.jpg)

File: fa84d8ad4dbd2c1⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 580x633, 580:633, joker.jpg)

All your anons are belong to anons! We are tha news now. Suck on my doodah!

798fe4  No.5869287


I can save it. start it playing, right click, save video as

16c9ac  No.5869288

File: fcf8b797eee781e⋯.png (766.43 KB, 1185x975, 79:65, noname1.png)

File: b552682dd07e823⋯.png (73.95 KB, 468x403, 36:31, b552682dd07e8233603079e48f….png)

41f44d  No.5869289















FRIENDLY REMINDER (for Newbs and/or Normies)

The above posts represent what a Muh Joo Shill looks like.

0d8b55  No.5869290


Nice IP hop…same fag

648cca  No.5869291


of course it doesn't exonerate him, he wasn't convicted of anything. INVESTIGATION NEVER EVEN GOT ENOUGH TO CHARGE HIM NEVER MIND CONVICT.

f8658d  No.5869292


pick a tall one Jim that way your feet dont hit the ground

232919  No.5869293

File: 5d68bb4111a00ec⋯.png (34.02 KB, 605x283, 605:283, SHS re POTUS 3-24-19 2 3….PNG)

A great day for America and for President @realDonaldTrump.

After two years of wild anti-Trump hysteria, the President and his millions of supporters have been completely vindicated.


68de50  No.5869294


oops…looks like 1 didn't copy/pasta correctly and doubled pasted same line. Should be this 1 also…..

>OIG report, DECLAS, other released facts re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE

a29255  No.5869295

File: 59303379879961d⋯.png (12.16 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 8b79d7638f9ed54cbee05f88d0….png)


This never gets old….kek

b1a46c  No.5869296


should be 6 to 7 loops to be effective, 3 and it could slip out.

5a249f  No.5869297

We actually knew it was not the russia

this is not news

they made it to a news for the normal people

now the normal people know it is all jackshit

but they will never ask why they went on such a lenght

this was just a smoke screen to win time

the russia conspiracy was planed way longer


but it already ended, way earlier than expected

they will pull another smoke screen

they will make the smoke screen big again

with news and viral marketing for the normal people

than shit starts all over again

this is not for the red pilled guy, not for you, or those who trust trump

this smoke screen is for the majority, the normal people who are not aware of the truth.

they will build another manufactured meme

they will build another smoke screen

they will build another happening

they will derail any ongoing discussion

or at least try to derail it

we already knew this russia shit was fake, no surprise here.

the tools they used to make it big is still be used, just for a different story this time.

they know how to fight a war of information

they know time is an important role in this game

they know how to spread a meme to make it viral

they have the tools, they still have the tools


or you continue to fight this war full of shadows.

40438b  No.5869298


Jim Jordan or Meadows, somebody who has been MAGA since the beginning

66cc09  No.5869299


This sounds so…fucking…familiar.

49379f  No.5869300

File: fe82eb26f96c59b⋯.jpg (755.41 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_20190324_164220.jpg)

Comey has questions…

145d27  No.5869301


Spygate early info:



5e1e3e  No.5869302

File: fa026539958715c⋯.png (179.88 KB, 561x595, 33:35, ClipboardImage.png)


LMAO looks like someone has been saving up the midget brothers twats to pull out at the right time. Funny as hell watching these two struggle now.

Is it possible we are near the end of the two wannabe celebrity brothers constant trump trolling?

Lets hope so. Im not willing to bet on it yet though.They are persistent lil guys.

b1a46c  No.5869303


i know :)

2824fa  No.5869304



are those evergreens (hillary???)

daa2bd  No.5869305


What he's saying his kind plan long term. think centuries. And, now is time to go into the wood to survive to fight another day. Geological time.

7c15e7  No.5869306


This would win a memeaward! Please help oh talented ones.

75424a  No.5869307


Bitch is just trolling for relevance, now.

9cde64  No.5869308

CNN’s Jeff Toobin on Mueller Report: ‘Total Vindication of the President and His Staff on the Issue of Collusion’


5e8712  No.5869309

File: 324b381f756309f⋯.png (140.74 KB, 827x585, 827:585, ClipboardImage.png)

e875fd  No.5869310

File: f36b67e60622756⋯.png (312.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ButHowWouldTheyKnowGuys_Oh….png)

Well said Nunes o7

db89d6  No.5869311

"watch the water"

water determines if at war, or if they made a deal / came to the light

NK control → calm water

Trump and Pence with Israel dealings → a few instances of water, water removal from table when deal not acceptable

there are others…

now Comey with his recent tweet picture; he is calm and reflective as he is watching the water. Comey was let loose to monitor for leads / was a mixed agent. But now Comey is watching the calm water yet again.

e863c0  No.5869312

File: f78b35dbb06092c⋯.jpg (104.02 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, WilliamBarr_Comey.jpg)


Your story doesn't add up.

3a5410  No.5869313


Then I could be it!

0759bc  No.5869314

File: 3f172a2ab61f104⋯.jpg (35.73 KB, 800x430, 80:43, you.jpg)


>of course it doesn't exonerate him, he wasn't convicted of anything. INVESTIGATION NEVER EVEN GOT ENOUGH TO CHARGE HIM NEVER MIND CONVICT.

aba4b3  No.5869315

File: 771a1e647cb438f⋯.jpg (55.78 KB, 680x367, 680:367, 2wuk47.jpg)

krassenstein followers right now

975ad5  No.5869316


I know a kike anti-Trumper when I see one….dumb fuck

bfb093  No.5869317


I wonder If his nature picks have those hidden messages on them once put through a filter to decode it. Kind of like disappearing ink.. ? Just a thought.

8576c2  No.5869318

Nunes just said Republican House has been sitting on criminal referrals, waiting on the Mueller report to be out of the way so they could send them to DOJ.

40dd96  No.5869319


Double Kek

3a15d4  No.5869320




Fire at will

22626f  No.5869321





620a1e  No.5869322

File: 78381c4aa4f80a3⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 750x467, 750:467, 2vl77i_1.jpg)

b1a46c  No.5869323


comey wants to phone home …. someone get him a speak n' spell

435d25  No.5869324


Lmao. Nunes lawsuit has clipped them and now they've lost credibility.

They're going to need to find a new fraud to perpetuate.

5632fa  No.5869325



13 for a hangman’s noose

30828c  No.5869326


He wouldn't be able to do it.

c814a5  No.5869327

File: 25f00c7bd552662⋯.jpeg (886.33 KB, 1284x1285, 1284:1285, 18C48E82-FB1E-4C20-9B42-9….jpeg)

Unleash the posse.


55e3a6  No.5869328

File: a2c946f2353c6c6⋯.jpg (47.2 KB, 500x754, 250:377, 2v2zpp.jpg)

546bb5  No.5869329

File: ee0d4c71c8f3f4a⋯.jpeg (53.15 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 3AF2DF0E-BDC8-4B87-8EC9-9….jpeg)



Anon has point though… pompeo did review blue prints for the third temple.


A battle between Christians and Muslims would make that very possible and if you notice that’s how things are shaking out. USA (Christian nation) vs Syria in the Goan heights to protect israhell.

66cc09  No.5869330


Maybe their all gonna try to cross the water and get the hell out of the US

e875fd  No.5869331

File: 7b286158db2276d⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 361x342, 19:18, (You).jpg)

679587  No.5869332

File: 9281ba61fc1c1e3⋯.png (146.98 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

384657  No.5869333


Top fuckin KEK

32cfa1  No.5869334


Dear Lord, I cut down my tree of life, my connection to you GOD and I cannot get back

31db38  No.5869335

Time for Snowden to go for a ride.

76d4b4  No.5869336

File: 24d82fb88bea173⋯.jpeg (723.86 KB, 1125x1397, 1125:1397, 888A8A87-F408-445C-8012-9….jpeg)

Worse than roaches

Attorney General William Barr authored a memo last year ruling out obstruction of justice


b1a46c  No.5869337


yeah but the min. is 6.

46c72c  No.5869338


it's called a "tree" Jimmy

87b2df  No.5869339

Dems “We want the full report” …I have a feeling they should be careful what they wish for…

076654  No.5869340

File: 49f41287ed54482⋯.png (1000.04 KB, 1088x2847, 1088:2847, came_here_4_a_reason.png)

eb074e  No.5869341


This guy is either a total nut case or the most narcissistic, self-absorbed a$$hole in the country.

118d76  No.5869342


more Chicago transplants.


6dc9fa  No.5869343


aren't they already married

cef6fd  No.5869344



ec3c16  No.5869345

need some Q in my life right about now

29662c  No.5869346


>the world is watching.

Where have I heard that before?

6d5288  No.5869347


True. But IG was working on a report when DECLAS landed in his lap to review. Aren’t they separate issues? Could have done the review, then DECLAS then his report?

b1a46c  No.5869348


forgot to add it also depends on the rope size

aadaff  No.5869349

File: 7c520562a6cb8f6⋯.png (321.59 KB, 532x353, 532:353, Screenshot_2019-03-10 seed….png)


If there is shit to step into, I'll find it, every time. Back to lurking.

9f87fa  No.5869350

File: 408a61c9f4cf0ae⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 540x678, 90:113, comey1.jpg)

a1912a  No.5869351

File: 953a29613932224⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 497x734, 497:734, 2wuk8z.jpg)

076654  No.5869352

File: b103ec7097ad704⋯.png (638.54 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, loser_ass_jew.png)



>FRIENDLY REMINDER (for Newbs and/or Normies)


>The above posts represent what a Muh Joo Shill looks like.

b5995f  No.5869353


Lol. A freak clown indeed. No deals. Time to face The Light.

7e2b8c  No.5869354

3 strikes your out…3 outs == end of inning…

Our turn!! the hell with the bat..git me da Barr!!!

2c0277  No.5869355


Not to beat a dead horse, but if this was taken near Bohemian Grove (speculation, not fact) there was a fire in 1923 that burned everything down to the ocean, so the trees there are mostly on the smaller side vs the kind you can drive a car through. Another anon said this is Muir Woods., I’ve never been there, so could be.

d30208  No.5869356

File: e62ee68dbed42bd⋯.png (96.41 KB, 383x977, 383:977, Screenshot_2019-03-24 Qmap….png)



Those who try to DRIVE people on what to look at and what not to look at are NOT your friend.

00f868  No.5869357

File: 5a309a7de18bab5⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Democrat Bistro.jpg)

3a15d4  No.5869358


Did the consummate?

6dc9fa  No.5869359

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)

c26b73  No.5869360

File: a0a138783ab8f9e⋯.png (510.64 KB, 750x536, 375:268, ClipboardImage.png)

fea0d2  No.5869361

File: 30f395510a3e1db⋯.png (122.91 KB, 930x603, 310:201, propganda shootings correl….png)

File: 1e357bbad2c133f⋯.png (709.2 KB, 905x901, 905:901, propaganda is legal now.png)

We must make propaganda illegal again.

e863c0  No.5869362

File: 4fdcf2d41573c81⋯.jpg (104.19 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, WilliamBarr_Brennan.jpg)


Your story doesn't add up, Mr. Brennans

08ba25  No.5869363






66cc09  No.5869364


You do realize they are gonna hold onto their fantasies harder than flattards do.

9cd5fc  No.5869365

File: 323e02c41733282⋯.png (20.57 KB, 168x255, 56:85, so-many-questions.png)

eb30f9  No.5869366


Lynne Patton said Mueller's team threatened to go after Cohen's wife. Corsi said they were harassing some of his relatives. Flynn probably plead to a non-crime, so they would stop going after his family.

a636ef  No.5869367

File: bd0b8980ca03030⋯.png (201.84 KB, 258x350, 129:175, coup plotter chuck todd.PNG)

File: 5d1e461d61fbfbe⋯.png (377 KB, 475x353, 475:353, andrea mitchell snotty 1.PNG)


(((they))) need to be criminal charged and prosecuted

10b80b  No.5869368


He’s wondering what kind of deal he can make to save his own ass.

674592  No.5869369

File: 3af9be6802d69a2⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dcSiuFdO1R6xJjnA.mp4)

Joe diGenova: “The current United States ambassador Marie Yovanovitch has bad mouthed the President of the United States to Ukrainian officials and has told them not to listen or worry about Trump policy because he’s going to be impeached.”

a95bcb  No.5869370

File: 9cb191a432ffcf6⋯.jpeg (33.38 KB, 675x454, 675:454, 15F93657-1537-4E42-93AE-9….jpeg)


Just sayin’ people talk to the trees, while on shrooms, all the time.

143ed0  No.5869371

File: c15fb424a7a3394⋯.gif (9.36 MB, 308x200, 77:50, LibTears.gif)

3af9a0  No.5869372

File: df2c8bfac9358ef⋯.png (217.94 KB, 1242x656, 621:328, ClipboardImage.png)

The only thing moore knows about vacate is his daily bowel movement when he vacates himself the very thing he is so full of.

FOOLS: Michael Moore to Trump: 'Vacate you Russian traitor'


852d2d  No.5869373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

748b3e  No.5869374

13 = 1 + 3 = 4

I found it.

db89d6  No.5869375


haha, its their signal that Q comped early on! 'hey I need one of those tickets to New Zealand or better yet Antarctica' Now they area all watching the symbols being used, but who to trust with all strings cut long ago. Just the chaos of blind trust and distrust

dc23bf  No.5869376

Is Q a joo?

29dd67  No.5869377

File: 75ba9a753e3528d⋯.jpeg (375.29 KB, 1536x829, 1536:829, CDB58B76-8092-4A34-B9C8-9….jpeg)

Junior’s Tweet. Kek!

08ba25  No.5869378



5694f0  No.5869379

File: 8b796b2c7d41cd2⋯.jpg (363.58 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190324-214116….jpg)

File: 5c8b5f9614cbf04⋯.jpg (342.06 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190324-214143….jpg)

File: 6b79de3e393f5a1⋯.jpg (306.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190324-214238….jpg)

File: dadd1fdaf3ebe63⋯.jpg (335.03 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190324-214309….jpg)

New naritive required C_A

4am talking points = not exonerated = impeachment

d9102d  No.5869380

File: 690a6ef16efe976⋯.jpg (69.5 KB, 543x374, 543:374, JB spit.jpg)

18cbca  No.5869381

File: 7bd44880abb3250⋯.png (42.16 KB, 606x252, 101:42, Selection_936.png)



29662c  No.5869382

File: d7cf61230872d29⋯.jpg (58.26 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Q_WWG1WGA.jpg)


there you go, fren!

cd71d3  No.5869383

Dems have never heard of cyber security? Is it Trump’s fault they are fucking incompetent.

40438b  No.5869384


you absolutely could!

b0a74f  No.5869385


9cde64  No.5869386

Trump Jr.: Mueller Report Proves What Was ‘Known All Along, There Was ZERO Collusion’

In a statement provided to Breitbart News, Donald Trump Jr. reacted to the Sunday evening release of Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress on the Mueller report, which found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“After more than 2 years of non-stop conspiracy theories from CNN, MSNBC, Buzzfeed and the rest of the mainstream media, as well as daily lies and smears coming from Democrats in Washington, the Mueller Report proves what those of us with sane minds have known all along, there was ZERO collusion with Russia,” Trump Jr. stated.

“Sadly, instead of apologizing for needlessly destabilizing the country in a transparent attempt to delegitimize the 2016 election, it’s clear that the Collusion Truthers in the media and the Democrat Party are only going to double down on their sick and twisted conspiracy theories moving forward.”


99778e  No.5869387

File: c492613bae3f301⋯.png (229.02 KB, 579x306, 193:102, billyray.png)

5e1e3e  No.5869388


LOL. its the same thing with the youtube faggots. Stick your head out there to be famous. Then get it cut the fuck off. To some folks wisdom is a foreign abstract.

7e2b8c  No.5869389


I bet his name is on Trump's list!!!!

076654  No.5869390

c0b70d  No.5869391

File: d6e0d9da7acf199⋯.jpeg (278.89 KB, 750x409, 750:409, 40CF62BC-15DB-47F5-A7FD-7….jpeg)

Anons, should we revisit the Birnkrant quadruple “murder-suicide” from Jan 2018? Father (the alleged murderer) was a former movie set limo driver for Steven Spielberg and others. Mother ran an in-home day care. This reeks. https://signalscv.com/2018/01/detectives-examine-possible-murder-suicide-motives/

55e3a6  No.5869392

File: 316ad47459e1b90⋯.png (798.64 KB, 1007x832, 1007:832, 22121.png)

e875fd  No.5869393


Like a pair of puppets..

05d95a  No.5869394

File: 998d02ddb1d9698⋯.jpg (331.4 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, lost.jpg)

82aead  No.5869395


Ahh.. sounds about right.

31233d  No.5869396


"Succession plan"?

I think the plan going forward should be:

mandatory voter id

mandatory security paper ballots

strict (felony + heavy jailtime for failure to comply level strict) enforcement of election laws.

mandatory drug tests AND background checks of all candidates in a public, peer-review facshion.

Federal level. No exceptions.

76a91e  No.5869397

Nunes giving kick-off for futher investigations into 'Russian' interference.

We know where that is heading…

ded3c7  No.5869398


Comey = grayhat. Manipulated blackhat in 2016, full greyhat post election.

b1a46c  No.5869399



bdf06d  No.5869400


I believe the saying is "can't see the forest for the trees," which means

focusing on the details rather than the larger plan. He's right, you know.

f385da  No.5869401

File: c9b5ec3971f2297⋯.png (24.8 KB, 606x201, 202:67, kc.png)

bfd089  No.5869402

File: 71713161675692b⋯.jpeg (53.5 KB, 539x353, 539:353, 5D7DC84B-D13F-4126-9EFA-C….jpeg)

How’s that impeachment going DS ???

You motherfuckers got played on 322 kekekek

ec3c16  No.5869403




add this to the comey twat notable

cd0e98  No.5869404

File: af714b350c106f6⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190314_093….jpg)

File: e9207617bf851cd⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190314_093….jpg)

File: 512a0888514151e⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190321_154….jpg)

File: d3c44d0ab04c5f7⋯.jpeg (86.96 KB, 1080x539, 1080:539, 1553038355.jpeg)

ec5479  No.5869405

File: 40ef96816f60e64⋯.jpeg (255 KB, 1242x822, 207:137, 379D6BE8-421A-4F22-BEDA-E….jpeg)

a29255  No.5869407

File: 5fe93ce855dbe49⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 699x485, 699:485, 5fe93ce855dbe49f6f4fd76b57….jpg)

9cde64  No.5869408


Comey at the grove ?

He lived very close to weinstein ?

079f01  No.5869409


Flynn 2024

679587  No.5869410


And consummate the marriage? Can't wait

97adc4  No.5869411

File: fb6067a51cf0b86⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, image.png)

dumb cunt. sounds like her neck has some heavy lifting to do wearing her chin all day..

902855  No.5869412


After it's all over; that's when he allows himself to get angry.

That means he's a formidable opponent.

He has his anger fully under control.

Good luk to the perps and shills watching this Board.

5e1e3e  No.5869413


not exonerated is gonna be the phrase of the week. So get used to hearing it.

bec3e8  No.5869414

File: 6c287c3654a30ee⋯.png (249.72 KB, 748x606, 374:303, End of Rope-a-Dope.png)

Rope-a-Dope comes to an end

"Dem Orc Rats" threw their best punches

Now watch what comes next

Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee

2fee1d  No.5869415

File: 245296bb7c062f4⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 500x727, 500:727, diamondpepe.jpg)

It's when the trees talk back and breath you know you got a problem


feebb7  No.5869416


Wow, you really are a fighter this bread. Maybe if you copy pasta a few hundred more times, you might convince someone.

61d44d  No.5869417

File: 24133740835b293⋯.jpeg (125.5 KB, 900x599, 900:599, B6E66B17-481E-4321-B04E-4….jpeg)

75424a  No.5869418

648cca  No.5869419


make sure they are smoking enough pot.

3a15d4  No.5869420


Hive mind

615d83  No.5869421


In the morning this will be all you hear

b5995f  No.5869422


"So many qanons"

c1ec84  No.5869423

File: 78819fd02af51c0⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 144x151, 144:151, IMG_0239.jpg)


>Remember goyim, Israel had nothing to do with it. It was only Bush.

eb30f9  No.5869424



ec3c16  No.5869425


i had a dream about this happening over a year ago

"the people of the united states vs. hillary clinton"

there was a mile long line of people waiting to get in the courtroom and state their names for the record kek

08ba25  No.5869426











b1a46c  No.5869427


maybe a trump image from all the collage pictures kek

798fe4  No.5869428

File: 0820f1b50c5e49f⋯.jpeg (280.39 KB, 693x1226, 693:1226, comeyquestions.jpeg)

b98160  No.5869429

File: c450d6e8084f8ab⋯.jpeg (88.76 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 748783F2-2E17-44C5-AA4B-C….jpeg)

Collusion party at my place tonight, anons

81799c  No.5869430

File: ed6054d0116cda9⋯.jpeg (31.06 KB, 474x355, 474:355, image.jpeg)

3b323d  No.5869431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Gates Of Babylon"

Look away from the sea

I can take you anywhere

Spend a vision with me

A chase with the wind

Move closer to me

I can make you anyone

I think you're ready to see

The gates of Babylon

The power of what has been before

Rises to trap you within

A magic carpet ride a genie maybe more

A city of heavenly sin

Sleep with the devil and then you must pay

Sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away

Oh gates of Babylon

You can see but you're blind

Someone turned the sun around

But you can see in your mind

The gates of Babylon

You're riding the endless caravan

Bonded and sold as a slave

A sabre dance removing all the veils

Getting as good as you gave

Sleep with the devil and then you must pay

Sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away

Look away from the sea

I can take you anywhere

Spend a vision with me

A chase with the wind

Move closer to me

I can make you anyone

I think you're ready to see

The gates of Babylon

The power of what has been before

Rises to trap you within

A magic carpet ride a genie maybe more

A city of heavenly sin

Sleep with the devil and then you must pay

Sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away

Black gates of Babylon

The devil is me

And I'm holding the key

To the gates of sweet hell



Sleep with the devil and then you must pay



Sleep with the devil and then you must pay


db93c3  No.5869432

File: eec734d61ef4107⋯.png (323.59 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1533461522.png)

File: 13ab081f326cb67⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 12751458_1032772906746040_….jpg)

File: a695b06ed480012⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1449190843056-2.jpg)

File: 9565a788bd683fe⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 600x774, 100:129, 1449191843070-0.jpg)

File: 7d60df9d384465c⋯.jpeg (91.48 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 1449191895489-2.jpeg)



> <3 Freedom Caucus

5e1e3e  No.5869433


fukin hilarious isnt it? I know its prolly bad to love this kinda shit. but after two years of this. Yea Im enjoying it a bit.

9cde64  No.5869434


Did MSNBC collude to overthrow the Presidential election ?

dbc197  No.5869435


Here it comes. Comey started the talking points of… SO MANY QUESTIONS…

But it begs the question, isn’t inspiring the liberals to ask questions counter to the DS plan to control what everyone thinks?

620a1e  No.5869436

File: 54732d8d25bf142⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 2wuhfz_1.jpg)

File: d1a220b54b31696⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 2wukft_1.jpg)

File: a6e80a1b382560b⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 500x81, 500:81, 2wui6j_1_1.jpg)

People are ready to donate tons of money to investigate the swamp.

The question is who can run this MAGA operation.

dc23bf  No.5869437


I'm not a fucking shill you fucking kike. Fuck off.

31db38  No.5869439


Bring me a shrubbery!

ed1c59  No.5869440


Right on anon

The Jews post this shit then claim victimhood.

08335a  No.5869441


so many questions… ?

08ba25  No.5869442



9cd5fc  No.5869443

1bb8ba  No.5869444

File: c15f9e6089889ff⋯.jpg (357.51 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_9108.JPG)

076654  No.5869445

File: 9e1e2576e457cd5⋯.png (140.47 KB, 500x478, 250:239, honk_tired_of_it.png)


>Wow, you really are a fighter this bread. Maybe if you copy pasta a few hundred more times, you might convince someone.

As you recite the same tired shit bread after bread in hopes you'll demoralize me. Your tears only fuel my fire.

4be5bb  No.5869446

File: f2ce8b4bdcd10f1⋯.png (98.58 KB, 1467x714, 489:238, plebbit.png)


49379f  No.5869447

File: 6c41f21211119ef⋯.jpg (292.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20190324_145535.jpg)

File: cde1551699cb4dd⋯.jpg (450.31 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20190324_164749.jpg)

Comey is trying to decide which way to end it all.

55e3a6  No.5869448


oh yea def. its sickening

64c576  No.5869449

Alex Jones lost his shit in a bar last night. Looks like he was trying to get arrested. (Video)


146423  No.5869450

Why keep a pesky spammer around? Could it be that the red headed step child is kept around where daddy can keep an eye on it, as long as the red headed step child is posting, Anons draw to the knowledge that that pesky family members are to be tolerated no matter what!

4002ff  No.5869451

File: 1eb2c45faaaa637⋯.png (403.29 KB, 606x408, 101:68, freddyf.PNG)



c1ec84  No.5869452


I hope he takes Pence's spot once Pence is exposed as a deep state actor.

cb669a  No.5869453

File: af9a50a7bd9f21f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 636x866, 318:433, JamesComeyQuestions - Copy.png)

0759bc  No.5869454

File: aa30c4afc70a344⋯.png (62.85 KB, 500x671, 500:671, shilly.png)

9872c3  No.5869455

File: 59cc643eff41e7c⋯.png (387.27 KB, 499x332, 499:332, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5869263 Where is the party?

99778e  No.5869456

File: 39e349a4f384339⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 540x333, 60:37, weirdotomsteyer.jpg)

File: 830d11398e9d240⋯.jpg (79.36 KB, 540x874, 270:437, nadlera$$hole.jpg)

29662c  No.5869457

b0a74f  No.5869458

I remember being 8 in 2008 and being called racist because I had thought Obama wasn’t going to win. The brainwashing happens at birth.

9cde64  No.5869459


Did CNN collude to rig a Presidential debate and try later to overthrow a sitting President ?

Seems they were taking cues today from UK with regards to Obstruction from report

cd71d3  No.5869460

Comey is the Black Knight.

371fbb  No.5869461


The Suicide Forest… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aokigahara

076654  No.5869462

File: 3a35b7c8675ea77⋯.png (361.74 KB, 1507x776, 1507:776, 15_1.png)

File: 8bc85bda6455207⋯.png (198.29 KB, 1501x749, 1501:749, 15_2.png)

File: d51c3956f7dd2b0⋯.png (386.69 KB, 1502x817, 1502:817, 15_3.png)

c7db32  No.5869463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From this day Forward when THEY say RUSSIA xyz

23936a  No.5869464




d30208  No.5869465


Pointing out jewish subversion and supremacy is not making them a 'victim'.

Facts don't give a fuck about muh feelz.

Nice try.

9cd5fc  No.5869467


When all you've got left are $10 words, you're in big trouble.

a1912a  No.5869468

File: 0703cbe3c07d6ee⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 754x481, 58:37, 2wukqp.jpg)

c42c74  No.5869469


Yes thank you!

1039eb  No.5869471

File: 54bd282c2202383⋯.png (730.9 KB, 691x622, 691:622, fake_n_gay.PNG)

ded3c7  No.5869472


Trey Gowdy was always right about Mueller. Supported the investigation, knowing the outcome would be vindication for POTUS.

Q post 30 Oct 2017:

Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)

693b67  No.5869473

File: 473f9c1cdb7efb0⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 268x268, 1:1, trips.gif)


Chek'm trips

8b18f7  No.5869474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eb074e  No.5869475


Is that Muir Woods or Sequoia National Forest?

31db38  No.5869476

File: 0c88d09adfa43bc⋯.png (472.36 KB, 654x391, 654:391, a89d13ff-100a-6625-9f0b-30….png)

82bda0  No.5869477

>>5833567 (pb)

Ppl have no idea

c3db9f  No.5869478