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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

ecd92c  No.5793518

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 03.20.2019

>>5793286 rt >>5793235 ————————— THIS IS NOT A GAME. (Cap: >>5793272 )

>>5793235 ————————————–——– (51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)? (Cap: >>5793320 )

>>5792657 ————————————–——– Logical thinking.

>>5792112 ————————————–——– Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn “RUSSIAN”?

>>5791828 ————————————–——– “THE CLINTON FOUNDATION” (Cap: >>5791858 ; additional context: >>5792059 )

>>5791208 ————————————–——– Number(s) do not always equate to days. (Cap: >>5791384 )

Monday 03.18.2019

>>5762016 ————————————–——– Listen carefully. (Cap: >>5762037 )

>>5760517 ————————————–——– 220px-Andrew_McCabe_official_portrait

>>5760511 ————————————–——– 220px-James_Comey_official_portrait

>>5760509 ————————————–——– 220px-John_Brennan_CIA_official_portrait

>>5760494 ————————————–——– 220px-Loretta_Lynch,_official_portrait

>>5760477 ————————————–——– Susan_Rice_official_portrait

>>5760463 ————————————–——– Sally_Q_Yates

>>5760434 ————————————–——– James_R_Clapper_official_portrait


>>5760125 ————————————–——– Who is the real intended target? (Cap: >>5760144 )

>>5760023 ————————————–——– Ammunition is hard to come by.

>>5759812 ————————————–——– So much effort to “KILL” a LARP. (Cap: >>5760272 )

>>5759709 ————————————–——– Let's Keep Playing…

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Friday 03.15.2019

Compiled here: >>5760619

Thursday 03.14.2019

Compiled here: >>5742578

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ecd92c  No.5793537


are not endorsements


>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5792982, >>5793177 Wayne Madsens and other historical research on Hussein CIA family connections

>>5792962 No Name Associate Provided Dossier to Obama National Security Council

>>5793095 CAIR Loses a Round in San Diego to MEF-Funded Lawsuit

>>5792839, >>5793176 Also a D&S twat - Entire CIA networks being rolled up, re: stand strong Gina?

>>5793494 #7410


>>5792064 Allison Mack in “active plea negotiations” to avoid NXIVM trial

>>5792072 Federal Reserve keeps interest rate unchanged

>>5792073 LIVE: POTUS speaks at Tank Plant in Lima, OH

>>5792091 ; >>5792359 On Hussein’s Operation Choke Point

>>5792095 Missouri state senate passes law to override any standing gun control legislation

>>5792225 Marketfag Update: On the pivoting Fed

>>5792276 ; >>5792543 ; >>5792564 Digs/finds re: Hussein’s parents meeting in a Russian language class

>>5792362 Sweden offers asylum to China’s Uyghur Muslims, numbers greater than their own population

>>5792489 Tapes exist related to Ukraine interference in US election (per recent Q)

>>5792592 Part 2 of Brian Cates’s twitter thread (per recent Q)

>>5792684 #7409

#7408 Baker change

>>5791481 Parents win suit v. School district forcing CAIR propaganda on children

>>5791511 Harris says no execution for treason if she becomes president

>>5791546 Report on POTUS: “ISIS will be gone by tonight”

>>5791598 Media FOIA requests to EPA spiked after Trump election

>>5791611 ; >>5791622 ; >>5791849 Planefag Updates

>>5791652 ; >>5791721 ; >>5791793 Articles on the Fed: one rate hike expected in 2020

>>5791654 Zainab Ahmad departs Mueller special counsel team

>>5791737 Hungary: Orban’s party suspended from European Parliament over feud w/Brussels

>>5791930 #7408


>>5790532 Leicester players gather in Thailand for cremation of chairman who died in stadium helicopter crash

>>5790570 Container ship on fire carrying Cars

>>5790574 WATCH THE WATER-Tomorrow morning 10AM EST Coast Guard gives it’s State of the Coast Guard Address

>>5790628 Video of Ship on Fire

>>5790671 CNN Vid-Let people see Mueller report

>>5790695 Senegalese man sets Italian school bus on fire with children on board

>>5790700 Mark Knoller Tweet- POTUS defends use of Twitter

>>5790702 British white guy survived the NZ shooting

>>5790709 Anon espouses- WE don't deal in emotions (o7-from BA)

>>5790740 Twelve French Churches Attacked, Vandalized in One Week

>>5790773 WH statement on Netan. visit- not sauced

>>5790812 Wheels Up AF-1

>>5790822 Sara Carter Tweet

>>5790830, >>5790762 Daily Dot- Article Rothy-boy

>>5790850 Federal judge casts doubt on Trump’s drilling plans across the U.S. because they ignore climate change

>>5790856 US NAVY Tweet- 17 13 hypens v minus

>>5790876 Mueller's early scrutiny of Cohen rooted in foreign tie's(from yesterday)

>>5790888 Rome Senate Says Salvini Shouldn’t Stand Trial for Blocking Migrant Ship(trips confirm)

>>5790960 POTUS_schedule update

>>5791074 Direct Lending Investments dounder/ceo resigned amid an investigation by SEC

>>5790937 K Conway Tweet responds to POTUS (reluctant to add this but in)

>>5791031 US Judge blocks oil, gas drilling over climate worries

>>5791038 PHOTOS: Military bases in Nebraska battle flooding as Offutt AFB

>>5791080 US Attny-Four Broward County Residents Convicted at Trial for Their Roles in a String of Armed Robberies – Using Firearms

>>5791207 #7407

Previously Collected Notables

>>5788877 #7404, >>5789657 #7405, >>5790475 #7406

>>5786598 #7401, >>5787369 #7402, >>5788145 #7403

>>5784248 #7398, >>5785033 #7399, >>5785791 #7400

>>5781979 #7395, >>5782730 #7396, >>5783487 #7397

>>5779679 #7392, >>5780432 #7393, >>5781207 #7394

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

ecd92c  No.5793544

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>5771457

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ecd92c  No.5793551

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

f53197  No.5793556

File: 3927afb78fdeb68⋯.png (413.64 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

ecd92c  No.5793574



Baker Requests Handoff

will be around (no ghost)

but PLEASE take handoff ASAP

4f5d6d  No.5793575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Six days ago, the corrupt in Congress once again sold out the American people with the vote re: border security and the national emergency.

I am a DACA and I have made a video exposing how broken/corrupt the immigration system is. In the video I also expose a sharia law Muslim group already well established in America. The video is 40 minutes long. The expose of the Sharia law Muslim group starts at 25:39.

If I fall, know that it has been an honor to serve with you Anons. I have given Q what they need for 2020.


I have made a Twitter account @FightForAmerica if you would like to share my video on social media. WWG1WGA

P.S. Related to the last post Q made. Where is the Imam of the Sharia law group I exposed from?

fb7b2d  No.5793582

File: 57a64c06bf5f515⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 352x640, 11:20, IPsUpnuP5XOxmzxf.mp4)

>>5793286 q lb


50ad94  No.5793583

Dude in Milano was Senegalese..think Merkel..she went over there some time ago before the migration compact and i BET she ordered those dudes..

fb7b2d  No.5793585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House Live



4fd81b  No.5793587

simplest, cleverest drop we ever got.

no matter how many times reposted,

most still don't get it.

Everything has meaning.

This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.


064404  No.5793590

b9a675  No.5793591

File: 23ee5165e08c54e⋯.png (253.88 KB, 322x485, 322:485, shithead.PNG)

9d07cb  No.5793592

>>5793568 LB

I got a screen cap + vid here >>5793364

b7faaa  No.5793593

We are dealing with literalist Q.

542f54  No.5793594

>>5793561 (lb)

I believe 1 was taken to hospital with burns.

86e0fd  No.5793595

File: 14c77aa26ce10c4⋯.jpg (290.22 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, DOITQ13032019wwg1wga.jpg)

In the last 2 days, I’ve seen a lot of well-meaning Anons post stuff that sounds like SHILL crap. Hurt feelings? Think you’ve been betrayed by Q?

These are the Anons who told all their friends to watch for the booms on the 19th. Now they feel like they look stupid.

Here’s a thought: STOP TRYING TO IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS with your crystal ball. The RESULT is more important than the timing.

Do your friends a REAL service: prepare them for what is coming.

I have an ex-wife who always wanted to be right all the time. I’d rather be happy. Hence the “ex”.

Nobody cares if you “call it right” because you read Q drops. They will need you for strength when the SHTF.

47679c  No.5793596

That terrorist could have easily done much more damage with that bus and all the kids on it

why did he try to light it on fire?



19fc38  No.5793597

How do we know Q isn't manipulating the news to create his own perspective? I'm very happy no children were hurt. But for a team that see's it and hear's it all, let me ask. How did you prevent THIS, but not New Zealand, not any of the 50 things that happened in Florida, etc?

Feels more like this was a fortunate situation where authorities got there in time and now Q is using it to say " us good guys stopped them!" Hoping no one thinks long enough to say…well what the fuck about every other one of these things then?

You're saying they were preventable and you didn't prevent them?

Or you really don't see and hear all.

c9c655  No.5793598

File: f8ade24e27cd345⋯.jpg (323.43 KB, 960x1318, 480:659, 20190319_121641.jpg)

Thank You Baker

d8fedb  No.5793599

Welcome to Qs line is it anyways where DAYS dont really mean DAYS and justice just doesn't really fucking matter.

b00d31  No.5793600

File: 93b78ddf5fec9d3⋯.jpg (534.14 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190320-121622….jpg)

File: a9db6627170f213⋯.jpg (482.63 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190320-121646….jpg)

File: c227e2a5689f10a⋯.jpg (481.66 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190320-121636….jpg)

Fuck Twatter and @jack. They finally caught up to me after 3 days. Btw, I'm not doxxing myself. The name's an alias.

f692e4  No.5793601



>(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?

>This is NOT a game.

>These people are sick.



Just in case you are absolutely convinced Q is nothing but an internet troll. He just posted something that's in the news AND got it wrong. Apparently he didn't bother reading the article before he posted. Kids were NOT burned alive. Q is a nobody internet troll trying desperately to keep you hooked. Time to wake up everybody.

cff662  No.5793602

File: 0ecc6114f04a1db⋯.png (144.06 KB, 1040x379, 1040:379, Screenshot (3211).png)

caecdc  No.5793603

06f41e  No.5793604

File: 521df609d69fbcb⋯.png (146.49 KB, 561x587, 561:587, shill.png)

This one is more than a year old, but still fitting today….

Sad how the script hasn't changed.

e20f91  No.5793605

OMG, the shills are freaking the fuck out!!!

top kek

Can you smell their fear, Anons?

b9a675  No.5793606

File: c47dbaf6ef66198⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 255x229, 255:229, pepe special ops fully loa….jpg)

3c0eb9  No.5793607

File: 292308db28b4251⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 600x338, 300:169, DkmuWhFXoAAYc50.jpg)

tfw patriots have no skin color

ce98be  No.5793608

This is real and it is serious. Watch out for each other. Stay on the path of good

21b30c  No.5793609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MAGA/Q YT'er Andy is from ITALY

Keep eye on his acct for a possible local take later.

064404  No.5793610

File: 6d7c14a4c1d49d7⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0190.JPG)


c8a5a4  No.5793611

>>5793545 lb

Q is just surfing the web to find any gruesome story that he can latch onto this larp, thinking it will give him credibility.

Now he can't even verify his posted stories as real or Fake News …

"we see all. We hear all"

Kek! at the daily bullshit from Q.

392a61  No.5793612

Q, is she going through Jail? I have promised to quit smoking once she goes to jail


dd57da  No.5793613


Fuck that Illuminati cunt

b4fbfa  No.5793614

File: 33349e4a6b1c4a6⋯.jpg (254.7 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, IMG_20190303_220556.jpg)

8ef018  No.5793615

File: 96687896ab85ecc⋯.png (35.01 KB, 1189x537, 1189:537, GOOGLE.png)


Next Q Target?

Google's Alphabet Inc. is [CIA].

Lawsuits coming?

f54cbb  No.5793616

File: 57a64c06bf5f515⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 352x640, 11:20, ItalyBusSuicide51children.mp4)

Italy Bus attack video? Unconfirmed


b9a675  No.5793617


they have been freaking out the entire week.

2e088f  No.5793618



Looks like tombstones in a graveyard….

921293  No.5793619

File: 857394e1746beb4⋯.png (208.59 KB, 999x599, 999:599, T-ham-p-QQ-b-ae-ay-aih-que….png)

File: 3ebb562384415d8⋯.png (861.48 KB, 924x667, 924:667, loverlycouple.png)

File: cbd1479cd0c3599⋯.png (461.4 KB, 1212x816, 101:68, why-so-triggy.png)

950e99  No.5793621

File: 4e55a6568abd198⋯.jpg (716.84 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, #Andy.jpg)

5b7094  No.5793622

"Why did Obama and Clinton economic adviser, 58, take his own life despite having a new book coming out in June?"


70b86b  No.5793623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Live

939224  No.5793624


Who was/is his 'therapist'?

4fd81b  No.5793625


all these dunces

screaming from the back of the class

mocking those who get it


d12dc6  No.5793626


I like this guy. He is an Anon.

f49727  No.5793627

File: fe7e293182a9bd0⋯.png (787.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Letter from Jim Jordan & Mark Meadows

921293  No.5793628

File: 52e3d3283dd1528⋯.png (682.04 KB, 1111x879, 1111:879, j-M-gg--gi--i--btz--bJCr-y….png)

File: 4356865f4144a78⋯.png (199.86 KB, 444x524, 111:131, F--rwrarwar---zjkmmmkm-gi,….png)

File: 35b56a76bf48957⋯.png (143.69 KB, 555x830, 111:166, whatgetsyoubanned.png)

1b48bc  No.5793629


>The RESULT is more important than the timing.

>Do your friends a REAL service: prepare them for what is coming


064404  No.5793630




great filters to use on /qresearch/







































paul ryan










blasey ford




paul ryan









166f1e  No.5793631



>…we don't know who Hussein's parents really are, either the father or the mother.

I agree. Remember Q said children are farmed out to other families to hide the connection, and then those children have their ways paved to success.

921293  No.5793632

File: c9941363e604199⋯.png (206.59 KB, 999x599, 999:599, T-ham-p-QQ-b-ae-ay-aih-que….png)

b9590e  No.5793633


^^^^ THIS anon gets it

2f5a7d  No.5793634

File: 9496b28378b1fba⋯.png (183.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

7be766  No.5793635

File: 1e7ce5daefd7f4e⋯.png (98.67 KB, 784x874, 392:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a251467f75575b6⋯.png (94.27 KB, 760x885, 152:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 883918494d97366⋯.png (50.6 KB, 767x542, 767:542, ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-Semitism Is a Pandemic! Or, Maybe a Cynical Ploy to Discredit Dissidents

Get the kids into the house! Lock your doors! Board up the windows! Break out the gas masks and hazmat suits! According to the corporate media, we are now officially deep in the throes of a deadly anti-Semitism pandemic! And just as the threat of mind-controlling Russian influencers was finally waning! It seems the fabric of Western democracy just can’t catch a break these days.

The origins of this pernicious, panic-inducing pestilence remain shrouded in mystery, but epidemiologists now believe that it began in the Spring of 2015, shortly after the resignation of Ed Milliband as UK Labour Party leader, and went global in the Summer of 2016, right around the time of the Brexit referendum and the nomination of Donald Trump. (Although the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, to date, there exists no conclusive proof that Russian bio-weapons designers cooked up the virus in a hotel in Salisbury and sprayed it onto anyone’s doorknob.)

Virologists are working around the clock to map the genome of this scurrilous scourge, about which very little is known, other than that it has a sudden onset, and attacks the language center of the brain, causing the sufferer to express opinions about “Zionism,” “globalism,” “the Israel lobby,” “banks,” and other code words for “Jews.” Patients appear to be unaware that they are spouting these anti-Semitic code words until they are told they are by the corporate media, or their colleagues, or some random account on Twitter, at which point their symptoms alter dramatically, and they suffer a series of petit mal seizures, causing them to repeatedly apologize for unintentionally advocating the extermination of the entire Jewish people and the establishment of a worldwide Nazi Reich.

At the moment, Britain is taking the brunt of it. Despite the best efforts of the ruling classes and the media to contain its spread, several new cases of anti-Semitism have been reported throughout the Kingdom, or at least among the Labour Party, which, at this point, has been so thoroughly infected that it resembles a neo-Nazi death cult.

Jeremy Corbyn, who contracted the virus more or less the moment he assumed the leadership, is now exhibiting symptoms of late-stage disease. Reliable sources close to the party, reached for comment at a brunch in Qatar with Tony Blair and a bunch of Saudis, report that Corbyn is running around Momentum HQ in full Nazi regalia, alternately heiling Hitler and looking for journalists to apologize to.


b599e3  No.5793636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

< https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-the-dc-leak-culture-was-made-powerless-to-thwart-spygate-investigations_2834666.html

How the DC Leak Culture Was Made Powerless to Thwart Spygate Investigations

459388  No.5793637

>>5793286 QpbQ

Live posting Trump speech.

Sir POTUS, Sir.

I negotiate a deal with you for another state selling to another buyer.

No problem clowning out GM loser to a real Patriot state in MI or anywhere else for that matter.

Do patriots do Sharia - queer boy?

I don't think so - biatch!

KeKEKeKEKEK _ suck that bitch

MCstain -demonfuckstain

cf8b00  No.5793638

File: 985510970268139⋯.jpeg (2.19 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 3E0A3524-075F-4AED-91EA-4….jpeg)

File: 76a380bd8eaee73⋯.jpeg (2.22 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 80685E35-56A0-47B5-A320-C….jpeg)

File: f45edffeb65360c⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, FFBDA7B6-A3F4-47A6-B2AE-1….jpeg)

Do it. Spread the word.

2dfcdf  No.5793639

When HRC and BHO go to jail I’ll quit smoking. Gave up booze 41 yrs ago today!


06f41e  No.5793640

File: c43db48afb22925⋯.png (271.85 KB, 424x476, 106:119, robot shittin.png)


Forgetting your moniker again ass clown?

921293  No.5793641

File: 8c783cc5a0f57e5⋯.png (1.31 MB, 999x722, 999:722, the-lamb.png)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

File: 07a9e6b39a0603b⋯.png (148.54 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)

ecd92c  No.5793642

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 03.20.2019

>>5793286 rt >>5793235 ————————— THIS IS NOT A GAME. (Cap: >>5793272, vid: >>5793326 )

>>5793235 ————————————–——– (51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)? (Cap: >>5793320 )

updated dough





Baker Requests Handoff

reply to dough post as well pls im monitoring that one

d8fedb  No.5793643


digits in the cost of Chelsea's wedding .. they all walking free. WHOS THE DUMMY?

3f64e4  No.5793644


Which event should Q have stopped?

NZ= Fake

Parkland= Fake

Magabomber= Fake

Please, let us know how you were so let down.

064404  No.5793645





great filters to use on /qresearch/







































paul ryan










blasey ford




paul ryan









21b30c  No.5793646


Perhaps ol' Andy isn't our little secret?

fb7b2d  No.5793647

File: e23756eee068b35⋯.gif (718.95 KB, 250x140, 25:14, PanicSP.gif)

60f547  No.5793648


I'm sure there must be better video somewhere.

I don't see a bus on fire. Not that I want to.

I see a bus where someone's foot hit the gas and slammed in to other cars.

Then I see kids running, two of them skipping, and calling out to parents. Yelling to them, not crying for them.

2cea9d  No.5793649



Fuck off, you people being silent for no reason.

ecb5fd  No.5793650

File: cd475c2cb4694e0⋯.png (656.49 KB, 474x713, 474:713, ClipboardImage.png)


Fantastic job, baker

c8a5a4  No.5793651


Throw that nasty fish back in the water. Maybe a shark will take it.

a9848c  No.5793652


Those kids need to lay off the mozzarella and prosciutto … they basically were speed-walking. geez… I woulda been OUTTTA there.

921293  No.5793653

File: 27dc1c2ea8943b2⋯.png (292.7 KB, 711x499, 711:499, biden120.png)

File: 155f1abc1df012c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1111x833, 1111:833, T-b-RR-ee-jjjjjjjjjj.png)

File: de26f47792db0f3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 999x769, 999:769, Friendship-prevails-in-the….png)

dbb915  No.5793654


I can take it baker, have bo/bv confirm.

3c0eb9  No.5793655

File: ff546e712156f30⋯.jpg (142.59 KB, 960x573, 320:191, Dl7MrIPXcAAnnuK.jpg)

2020: Hotbus Italy

064404  No.5793656


great filters to use on /qresearch/







































paul ryan










blasey ford




paul ryan









dd278f  No.5793657

>>5793579 (pb)

The only way they can win is if they don't play. But they can't help themselves.

bb5db9  No.5793658

File: a49a8fc86ba751d⋯.png (318.72 KB, 976x1936, 61:121, ClipboardImage.png)

Q 3124

stranglehold 'choke' tactic

See Obama's Operation Choke Point

921293  No.5793659

File: 4ca9597128e6bfe⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.png)

File: 83bef27a744fab9⋯.png (741.98 KB, 974x796, 487:398, biden121.png)

File: e042360f642b8bc⋯.png (448.57 KB, 777x782, 777:782, in-all-seriousness-let's-s….png)

374db1  No.5793660

File: 90c8322dd80d034⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 241x255, 241:255, WWG1WGA.jpg)

Thank you baker

412a5f  No.5793661


F' a hidden message and your constant decode this and decode that bs.

1b2cac  No.5793662

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, this.gif)

921293  No.5793663

File: 4f3782376c165e3⋯.png (227.43 KB, 999x756, 37:28, v-0-xxmmy.png)

File: 2a5afb9ca72a82d⋯.png (86.74 KB, 444x621, 148:207, C-h1-zh-T-00-MMEE-2.png)

File: 64e47bb0cc755a0⋯.png (309.03 KB, 604x460, 151:115, pc75.png)

19fc38  No.5793664


I didn't say anything about days. Just tired. Justice delayed is justice denied. Every additional minute these fucks are out there, the devil wins.

7be766  No.5793665

File: aedb320b86b6d0a⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1303x921, 1303:921, ClipboardImage.png)

e5864a  No.5793666

Trump is dropping redpills on the Tank plant. re: McCain/Spygate

e411e0  No.5793667

File: d4b2de69b358723⋯.jpg (459.7 KB, 734x760, 367:380, d4b.jpg)


It is delicious.

aa659a  No.5793668


Note their regularly changing attack pattterns - means they don’t know which way to shoot!

0b62f5  No.5793669


fe5a2e  No.5793670


Not right now , Q is posting

392a61  No.5793671


I have promised to quit tobacco once she goes to jail.

Lock her up, Q.

921293  No.5793672

File: 837e41215cb72fe⋯.png (887.38 KB, 999x660, 333:220, now-with-us-be-that-which-….png)

File: 9d3e6130dc42fbb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 862x1111, 862:1111, the-burial-of-the-dead-AKA….png)

File: 4c8a92e2bb49a53⋯.png (554.77 KB, 1111x627, 101:57, youare.png)

1e423f  No.5793673

File: 4e3e8011fe6f5c1⋯.png (378.5 KB, 1560x888, 65:37, subud.png)

File: 5ba551b5a902879⋯.png (880.07 KB, 1544x789, 1544:789, subud2.png)

File: 59472e966618288⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Stanley-Ann-Dunham-and-Lol….jpg)



f692e4  No.5793674


You still aren't getting it. This guy posting ask you is a nobody internet troll. He jumped on a news article without reading it carefully. He got it wrong he fucked up. He thought that children being burned alive would be the perfect thing to get you guys believing again and keep you hooked. But he jumped on it too fast and screwed it up.

ecd92c  No.5793675

POTUS talking NO NAME right now

15d788  No.5793676

Obvious shills get the filter again.

shills are stupid.

racism is stupid.

mass shooters are the most stupid.

Watch out Newbies.

4fd81b  No.5793677

File: ab632c1c5337f6e⋯.png (571.48 KB, 858x617, 858:617, WUHT.png)


> being silent for no reason.


1df9be  No.5793678

POTUS is talking about NoName and the dosier right now!

19fc38  No.5793679


Got it, every tragedy is fake. Easy enough to live in a fantasy that way I guess. Carry on.

f1cbbf  No.5793680

File: a68a01bfac4a7a3⋯.jpeg (1015.89 KB, 1221x1436, 1221:1436, 943CD2B3-2BFE-4745-A899-1….jpeg)

7cd8b1  No.5793681

>>5793519 lb

>>5793519 lb

>>5793519 lb


970de1  No.5793682

Give me a show of Keks from all anons who believe this is a game,or that we are being gamed by Q.


This is a game Q. You told us it was a game,before you said it wasn't a game. We learned to play the game.

You showed us. Read the news and decide for ourselves.

The deep state marches on and nothing is preventing them from attempting to burn children and succeeding at causing other deaths and destruction.

I hate games.

083464  No.5793683


3rd grade reading comprehension posting in red text, color me shocked.

921293  No.5793684

File: af3fd2f06206838⋯.png (220.66 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC69.png)

File: 5003517fab4faa3⋯.png (865.81 KB, 583x777, 583:777, jvbs.png)

File: c9fcba84e6e91ea⋯.png (524.72 KB, 777x707, 111:101, cornynlini.png)

2dfcdf  No.5793685


Right there with ya anon! We will work together!

064404  No.5793686

File: 76b76029dcb57a9⋯.jpg (147.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0337.JPG)


3f5b76  No.5793687

File: cd72847736376fa⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 900x600, 3:2, crooked-logo.jpg)

File: c9c9121cafcf616⋯.jpg (435.6 KB, 1468x1109, 1468:1109, that-awkward-moment.jpg)

f61012  No.5793688

File: da8e400628e95e2⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 718x528, 359:264, calico.jpg)

File: c16d9bfad0a74a3⋯.png (20.22 KB, 320x320, 1:1, calico.png)

File: 18850e8341ec8c2⋯.jpg (108.28 KB, 638x479, 638:479, calico2.jpg)

Q's C- in [AB[C]]DEFGHIJKLM…….?

Calico Company (ABC)

We’re tackling aging,

one of life’s greatest mysteries.

Calico is a research and development company whose mission is to harness advanced technologies to increase our understanding of the biology that controls lifespan. We will use that knowledge to devise interventions that enable people to lead longer and healthier lives. Executing on this mission will require an unprecedented level of interdisciplinary effort and a long-term focus for which funding is already in place.


e20f91  No.5793689

==POTUS is railing on WDSHN AGAIN!== kek

ebcd58  No.5793690


SHe's pretty. Who dat?

c8a5a4  No.5793691

File: 63c107c352d93f2⋯.jpg (11.25 KB, 255x215, 51:43, flowerspepe.jpg)

c15654  No.5793692

might have sounded like a doubtfag asking Q to let us know we aren't letting these things happen. my bad sounding like that. this is brand new news to me. hadn't yet read if kids were ok. it's just hard hearing about kids being their target.

4f5d6d  No.5793693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DACAnon here. Another friendly reminder that everything is related. EVERYTHING.

Where is the Imam of the Sharia law group I exposed from? The terrorist who just tried to burn the Italian children alive?

Watch the video Patriots.

073a2c  No.5793694


Never Forget


This is a notable list i feel will help new pepes navigate, as well as keep topics on board.

#NeverForget #WWG1WGA #MAGA #QAnon #QArmy #Anon

>as of #7408

>>5791546 Report on POTUS: “ISIS will be gone by tonight”

>>5791481 Parents win suit v. School district forcing CAIR propaganda on children

>>5791074 Direct Lending Investments dounder/ceo resigned amid an investigation by SEC

>>5790671 CNN Vid-Let people see Mueller report

>>5790574 WATCH THE WATER-Tomorrow morning 10AM EST Coast Guard gives it’s State of the Coast Guard Address

>>5790268 Google search experiment. screencap of algo auto fill of your typic is anti trump

>>5790009 PLANE FAILING Boeing 757 controls HACKED remotely while on the runway, officials reveal -pub Nov '18

>>5789847 Bus full of Italian children set on fire by Senegalese-born driver

>>5789775 DJTJr. trolling Crying Chuck, calls for vids of Schumer’s comments on NoName c.2008 (relevant material: >>5789825 ; >>5789851 )

>>5789612 Potential MSM comms: “calm”, “the storm”, and a dog name Mueller (re: Special Counsel) in puff piece

>>5789511 GOP introduces constitutional amendment to stop Dems from expanding Supreme Court

>>5789367 Boeing facing criminal probe of certification process after plane crashes

>>5788769 California appoints illegal alien to state post

>>5788605 Disney closes $71B acquisition of 21st Century Fox’s assets (clarifications: >>5788732 )

>>5788487 Teachers on leave after alleged link to punishing preschoolers by having them stand naked in closet

>>5788441 On Owls and March Madness, sponsored by Koch brothers

>>5788273 US Border Patrol catches 400 illegals in 5 minutes

>>5788018 Ohio capital sues to block amendment to state gun laws

>>5787780 EU fines GOOG $1.7b for abusing online ads market

>>5787576 New DJT on Kellyanne’s loser husband (loser’s response: >>5787642 )

>>5786953, >>5786965 How to get around a country's block of the Chans

>>5786823 Anon get shadowed after posting NZ events on twitter


>>5786112 seven people travel to an undisclosed location - Qpost 153 and 7 pics

>>5785699 Group of 170 Migrants Dug Under Arizona Border Fence

>>5785441 ‘He’s Not Going To Be Hauled Out In Handcuffs’: Trump-Fired Prosecutor Preet Bharara Says Mueller Won’t Arrest Trump

>>5784694 New Twitter Censorship Tactic

>>5784626 Olympic hopeful Hong Kong swimmer Kenneth To dies [unexpectedly] at 26

>>5783683 HHS chair calls out FB, YT, TWIT and Microsoft to explain spread of NZ video

>>5783168 FBI takedown of a group of DDoS-for-hire website helps drop attack levels globally

>>5783109 Congressman Advocates To Open Space Force Command Center In La.

>>5782587 Time traveler and elite cyber hacker turns 13 tomorrow

>>5782537 Has POTUS been outing C_A assets on Twitter via "CLOWN" insult?

>>5782061 Epstein victim says she wasn't among his youngest. TW:@yashar (Miami Herald)

>>5781801 Obama WH counsel faces possible prosecution in Mueller-initiated probe

>>5781413, >>5781714 BIG TECH CENSORSHIP: @prayingmedic Twitter SHUT DOWN

>>5781374 FLOTUS Tweet- DHS/HHS/Dept VA Briefing

>>5781054 Wisconsin Man pleads guilty to producing CP outside of the US

>>5780705 Fed appeals court hostile to a lawsuit accusing POTUS of Constitutional violation

>>5780563 MARKER: Bring the thunder, TWIT:@USMC

>>5780170 Old Q posts Future Proves Past for End Game

>>5780114, >>5780039 Q PROOF: Mueller’s team requests delay, "can’t meet court deadline"

>>5779542 PANIC IN DC: Democrats' calls to revamp Electoral College, Supreme Court (Fox)

>>5779033 Q drop 771 directed to @Jack. [12:34] read as T-[Months:Days] is 21 Mar 2019

>>5779198 FLASHBACK: Dec 2012 - SandyHook Shooter’s Psychiatrist Arrested, NZ

>>5778223 Twitter outage map.

>>5778462 Georgia Democrats retaliate for ‘heartbeat’ abortion ban with bill requiring men to report ejaculations.

>>5777777 Kek speaks: GOD WINS.


70b86b  No.5793695


Much respect doing this kind of video in a second language.

921293  No.5793696

File: ed0c54b7e627ee9⋯.png (221.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Z-e-c-a-k-r-jmjmyyy.png)

File: f654b4aef262f4a⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 626x620, 313:310, chjhyz-mmM-mmy.jpg)

File: a728192ad718715⋯.gif (327.79 KB, 444x424, 111:106, scurr.gif)

7be766  No.5793697

Israel Has Full 'Freedom of Action' in Countering Iran in Syria – Netanyahu

Israel has previously conducted a series of airstrikes on Syrian territory, damaging its infrastructure under the pretext of fighting Iranian forces in the Arab Republic. Both Damascus and Iran have slammed the air raids, with the latter denying having a military presence except advisers in Syria.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed the country's intention to fight the alleged entrenchment of Iranian forces in Syria, noting that Tel Aviv enjoys having "no limitation to freedom of action" in the Arab Republic, during his address on Israeli TV channels. The prime minister noted that such freedom of action is possible due to support from Washington.

He added that the topic of countering the alleged Iranian military presence in Syria will be one of the topics for discussion with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Jerusalem.

The statement came ahead of Netanyahu's planned visit to the US later this week, with the situation in Syria being high on the agenda of the upcoming talks with President Donald Trump in wake of US troops' gradual withdrawal from the Arab Republic. Earlier in the day, the US president stated that a total of 400 US troops will remain in Syria, with 200 of them deployed at a location near Israel.

Israel conducted airstrikes on Syrian soil on multiple occasions, claiming to have hit Iranian military targets. One of the recent airstrikes led to the destruction of several buildings at Damascus International Airport.

Damascus and Tehran slammed the airstrikes, urging the international community to take steps to prevent further Israeli attacks. Iran denies having a military presence in the Arab Republic apart from advisers sent in at the request of Damascus and to help it fight terrorist groups.

Relations between Israel and Iran remain strained, as Tehran denies the Jewish state's right to exist and has repeatedly vowed to destroy it.


94a2a0  No.5793698

File: 489caf29d500bb0⋯.png (302.93 KB, 1005x1295, 201:259, Screenshot_2019-03-20 UBS ….png)

UBS Warns Q1 "One Of The Worst" In Recent History As IBanking Revenue Implodes


>Ermotti also warned that global wealth management revenue is down about 9% from a year ago, but was hopeful that new money should be positive, and the bank aims to offset the drop in revenue with a 5 percent reduction in costs, he said.

>But the biggest pain was for the UBS investment bank division, where Q1 continues a slide first observed in the final months of last year, when it posted a $47 million loss because clients, particularly in Asia, stayed on the sidelines. That, according to Bloomberg, was a stark contrast to the prior year, when the investment bank was a bright spot that consistently beat analyst expectations under former boss Andrea Orcel who in September accepted an offer to become CEO of Banco Santander, though the offer was later rescinded in a dispute over pay and appears headed for litigation.

>Meanwhile, his successor, Ermotti, like most European bank CEOs, has been struggling to persuade investors that he can further extend UBS’s position in European banking. The stock lost a third of its value last year, and continued the slump on Wednesday following the dismal warning, as UBS shares fell 1.7% at 9:54 a.m. in Zurich trading, the second-worst performer in the Bloomberg Europe 500 Bank and Financial Services Index.


7f46a3  No.5793699

>>5793543 (lb)

Maybe I should spend more time here and less time on voat. Maybe the negativity is getting to me.

>>5793550 (lb)

I've been trying to improve myself, but the work goes very slow.

Thank you both for your kindness.

3bb601  No.5793700

File: 6daf8ddca75fc8b⋯.jpg (10.11 KB, 220x229, 220:229, images(27).jpg)

Re watch this man anons. Thinking it's important

b00d31  No.5793701

File: c5299050ac1e26a⋯.jpg (567.38 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190320-122429….jpg)

I truly believe that schools stopped teaching cursive so the Constitution can be changed, and future generations wouldn't be able to read the original writings.


921293  No.5793702

File: 3f0d37fdeddc769⋯.png (658.95 KB, 564x885, 188:295, OUITEBIBBOO.png)

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 786692aeeb75fb2⋯.png (353.84 KB, 581x444, 581:444, oops-u-lose.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

442dda  No.5793703

File: 64560492f287f5a⋯.jpeg (174.84 KB, 1125x696, 375:232, 4B1F1DF6-D9D0-4042-B40C-3….jpeg)

Dax Shepard and wife Kristen Bell are famously candid—even when it comes to talking about sex with their kids. On a recent episode of his Armchair Expert podcast, Shepard shared his thoughts on teaching his daughters about the birds and the bees.

“It’s funny because I tell myself I have a narrative I’m spinning about how I’m going to be as a father of two daughters with some awareness that it is a theory,” he told guest Gwyneth Paltrow on the show. “Currently, I’m of the opinion, I’M SUPER PRO-SEX.”

He went on to describe what exactly his “pro-sex” stance meant. “I am anti having sex to get approval,” the 44-year-old said. “I am anti having sex to get someone to like you or to gain status in a social circle, but if my daughters are horny and they have decided they want to have sex, I AM VERY PRO-SEX.”

And his wife seems to be of the same mindset when it comes to broaching the topic of sex with their daughters, Lincoln, five, and Delta, four. During an interview for the podcast WTF with Marc Maron, Bell, 38, said, “Sex is wonderful. I want my kids to have sex. I WANT THEM TO HAVE GOOD, HEALTHY, POSITIVE, HAPPY, WILD SEX.”

“They’ve asked about sex before and Dax says, ‘Well, there’s a penis, there’s a vagina and there’s an ovum and there’s ejaculate.’ And they’re like, ‘Can I have some juice?!’ They’re just off of it. They don’t care.”

And more recently, on a February airing of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Shepard and Bell admitted that when they tried to talk about sex with Lincoln, the toddler walked out, completely uninterested. Bell laughed, “We bored her to death.”


19fc38  No.5793704


Or, are you saying all of them were fake, except the one they prevented. THAT one was real though! Come on…

ace7d2  No.5793705


What more can we do?

47679c  No.5793706

File: 13fead76837f99b⋯.png (366.92 KB, 650x725, 26:29, Screenshot 2019-03-20_15-2….png)


ce98be  No.5793707


You = fake

2cea9d  No.5793708


You fucking faggots act so smug "getting it" instead of explaining what it is you think you know.

f692e4  No.5793709


Yes filter as much as you can because you would not want to learn something useful.

921293  No.5793710

File: d967ac3824d5d54⋯.png (371.57 KB, 503x597, 503:597, WEBAR.png)

921293  No.5793711

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

3c0eb9  No.5793712

File: 1b25e862ac4071a⋯.jpg (86.77 KB, 800x741, 800:741, Dm-nQb2XgAAoIQk.jpg)

5b7094  No.5793713

File: 92349043c0ac461⋯.jpg (87.82 KB, 750x599, 750:599, D2HquIcW0AECWk7.jpg)

sooo presidential

064404  No.5793714


>>5517024 Schumer's cat is a BAD MOTHERFUCKER



>>5714472 jew ordering bacon


>>5742811 tard dues

>>5715895 the jelly donut war is real and with "jews"

>>5716226 (You)












27e5a9  No.5793715

>>5793362 /pb

An educated, legal immigrant would be able to devise a safer and less disruptive suicide plan.

Strong borders!!

19fc38  No.5793716


Post of the week.

921293  No.5793718

File: 96b4f6c56f40906⋯.png (253.56 KB, 522x458, 261:229, pc16.png)

6bb3f9  No.5793719

>>5793390 (lb, me)

>>5793547 (lb)

>change the narrative for days

Sorry for not making it clear enough probably.

I meant, if all those kids had died, I would think it'd have caused quite some huge anger among the Italians.

Them being "southerners" (not like germans for example), they might even have gone through town trying to lynch each and every migrant they could get a hold of.

Was wondering what kind of "change of narrative" Q was hinting at….

If anything, I'd imagine it'd have caused even more opposition to migration into Europe.

ecb5fd  No.5793720

File: 4100120109eee44⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 383.51 KB, 500x303, 500:303, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's your (You) faggot

4fd81b  No.5793721


>got it wrong

explain moar

2f617c  No.5793722

File: 8edeb04aa5b0c67⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 454x515, 454:515, THEMANNREPORT.jpg)

>>5792356 PAST BREAD

-POTUS kept repeating THE MAN and THE REPORT, etc in his pre-flight media event…..and

-Q said " The 'LEAD-IN'.

The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION" +++++++++++++++++++++++++" >>5791828

Together, the two of them may have been pointing to this article that suggests HRC is not above rigging an election:


Hillary Clinton does not believe that US elections can be rigged, however it appears that when it comes to the rigging of foreign elections, she has a different opinion.

This emerged today courtesy of a leaked September 2006 recording between Hillary, who was then running fore reelection as a US Senator and Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press. As the Observer, which released the recording writes, the tape is 45 minutes and contains much that is no longer relevant, such as analysis of the re-election battle that Sen. Joe Lieberman was then facing in Connecticut.

But a seemingly throwaway remark about elections in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority has taken on new relevance amid persistent accusations in the presidential campaign by Clinton’s Republican opponent Donald Trump that the current election is “rigged.”

In the recording Clinton, who is speaking to the Jewish Press about the January 25, 2006, election for the second Palestinian Legislative Council (the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority), weighed in about the result, which was a resounding victory for Hamas (74 seats) over the U.S.-preferred Fatah (45 seats).

“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” said Sen. Clinton. “And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”

The last statement is damning, and suggests that "making sure" that the desired party wins is something of a noram among top Washington circles, even if thrown around in jest. (MORE…)



c9c655  No.5793723

File: b53ca48d035f4db⋯.jpeg (89.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1542237323.jpeg)

08d8fb  No.5793724

File: 8c33c0e8ab7492d⋯.jpg (74.02 KB, 541x812, 541:812, acd53f787e4621ccb849e61cc3….jpg)

File: adee310a11b0d2a⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 934x1024, 467:512, 5f88c6c8814a7a249e1cd62e0f….jpg)

File: 59cd6abebd38dc2⋯.jpg (215.61 KB, 1242x811, 1242:811, 588750d0e535839a02202252df….jpg)

File: 92cd84d3c9b534a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alpha.png)


Rocking it Baker !

OORah !

921293  No.5793725

File: e3def9ce8876fad⋯.png (708.18 KB, 758x606, 379:303, FL-yyy-FFF-jmjmjm.png)

File: e07612c8b105dd9⋯.png (238.07 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC82.png)

File: 530bd1e7cc8052e⋯.png (435.75 KB, 590x455, 118:91, c-oom-E-e-vehorr-ueuer.png)

4f5d6d  No.5793726

File: b12ce17073fc72c⋯.png (612.41 KB, 1901x1040, 1901:1040, Imam.png)

Everything is connected. EVERYTHING.

b599e3  No.5793727

File: c381290ade9b767⋯.gif (643.15 KB, 500x281, 500:281, MKUltra.gif)



Mind Control at McGill

4d52ab  No.5793728

There is no time in which the cabAl survives, the future belongs to the good the future belongs to GOD and man.

Those who have perverted the minds, bodies, and souls of Gods children shall receive no mercy nor quarter for they are the vermin, the blight who have foresaken God and mankind.

In these final hours of the deep state those who have been corrupted and misled will turn on the wicked and real ease ALL of their knowledge and evidence to save their souls.

Those who do not release these truths are facing Judgement of mankind and God himself.

The wicked and treacherous depraved baAlist are to face eternal pain.

A game this is not.

Good wins.

God wins.

Evil dies.

6f394a  No.5793729

File: fc24bae6969e88a⋯.png (1.51 MB, 800x1051, 800:1051, qhash-cutouts.png)

File: b6c51a21c53330b⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Q-hashdrop2_LETTER_PRINT.png)



ecd92c  No.5793730


notifying bo/bv

thanks baker

assume good to go

will lurk

6d4c43  No.5793731

File: 7453c0f299d212d⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Milano, bus studenti incen….mp4)

Milan, bus student burned. The hero-boy: "I got rid of it and gave the alarm on the phone"

It was one of the kids who were on board the bus that was set on fire in Milan to raise the alarm and foil the massacre that the vehicle driver had devised. He was together with his classmates and was able to free himself from the ropes with which each person's hands were tied: "We were very scared - the very young hero tells us - we saw him scatter gasoline. He had seized the phones but one of a friend I fell. I managed to untie the ropes, hurting myself a little, then I picked up the phone and called the police and police. "


5b7094  No.5793732


thank God for Trump every time!

742bf6  No.5793733



Not only do rounds disappear, not all rounds are ejected from same spot on the rifle. Some even just appear mid air.

Sound is off too. There are a couple instances of hearing two shots with only one spent round being ejected.

064404  No.5793734



f9b4e0  No.5793735

File: 217de4b1bc9a46a⋯.jpeg (25.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A9CA027D-29FF-46DF-B560-8….jpeg)


Gtfo with that sick cunt.

5bf53a  No.5793736

File: bac0038e2b07143⋯.png (584.24 KB, 580x544, 145:136, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5793582 Italy WRWY

ad1b11  No.5793737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Isley Brothers - That Lady, Pts. 1 & 2 (Audio)

1b48bc  No.5793738


Nice triangle behind the kid.


3c0eb9  No.5793739

File: b7d82ce2e151ff7⋯.jpg (197.52 KB, 1200x1143, 400:381, DOuJQQRUIAEjyVx.jpg)

File: 7954d7d0036179e⋯.jpg (89.79 KB, 720x768, 15:16, DsakpG5UUAAyNns.jpg)

9aea68  No.5793740

>>5793286 (Q post)

Ever been so damn pissed ya break down in tears.

3f5b76  No.5793741

File: 0cd3c4cf3fa268b⋯.jpg (76 KB, 900x600, 3:2, we-eat-kids.jpg)

7f9fee  No.5793742

File: 47e99ca05530e62⋯.png (511.65 KB, 1200x1053, 400:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f712bca8a6f6947⋯.png (515.75 KB, 1200x546, 200:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4233fe88ff0f661⋯.png (107.9 KB, 864x575, 864:575, ClipboardImage.png)

11th hour brief from a John Doe in Epstein case to keep seal, lawyer connected to Mueller and Comey


ecd92c  No.5793743

921293  No.5793744

File: 7b856bfe7bf41a7⋯.png (291.14 KB, 500x666, 250:333, B-r-eau-d-Uh-l-a1-re.png)

File: 60604966716dd8d⋯.png (281.72 KB, 606x404, 3:2, LW-F-oo-pzz-jmms.png)

File: 54084ae99e2b6e1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1333x462, 1333:462, Fl-n-J-mmz-eE.png)

19fc38  No.5793745


Nice work anon.

47679c  No.5793746

File: 4880e4197156bbe⋯.png (435.03 KB, 660x767, 660:767, Screenshot 2019-03-20_15-2….png)

File: 3d09774eee12f5c⋯.png (144.94 KB, 680x796, 170:199, Screenshot 2019-03-20_15-2….png)

File: 7089e9d3b67ed10⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 11231494-6830639-image-a-4….jpg)

File: 281ec5d6e8dcda3⋯.mp4 (388.69 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 636x382_MP4_60356449899811….mp4)

another video



4fd81b  No.5793747



when we give answers you complain

when we don't you still complain

The choice to know is yours, use it

76c067  No.5793748

File: 3a01c6a836d5c2d⋯.jpg (468.68 KB, 2999x1687, 2999:1687, alisonmack.jpg)

graphic wasn't added to last bread

1b2cac  No.5793749


Many here in a nutshell at this point. Sad!

8d4a31  No.5793750


I can't wait for the day when I can tell my nappy-swaddled daughters about the joy of a good, hard grudge-fuckin'..

Ima be such a good parent, you guys

2f5a7d  No.5793751

File: 386f3dff4be1ef4⋯.png (494.4 KB, 640x417, 640:417, ClipboardImage.png)

e7ff00  No.5793752

File: 78c816284c6129e⋯.png (67.66 KB, 783x551, 27:19, traitorm.PNG)

Hey Maggie did Qatar tell you to say this ? Did the check clear

987c8c  No.5793753


stitches in time

afbdc6  No.5793754

File: 77174e502483da3⋯.png (373.69 KB, 700x528, 175:132, ClipboardImage.png)



facf2c  No.5793755


we have more than we know. Da svidanya

( some of us really did learn alittle Russian)

921293  No.5793756

File: 5efc9a83f99e979⋯.png (769.43 KB, 736x667, 32:29, knigt.png)

File: 7698fa8985d6e93⋯.png (211.49 KB, 522x352, 261:176, sodmmt.png)

File: e4e4d405beaff1b⋯.png (529.77 KB, 999x871, 999:871, TPAW1.png)

d09c5b  No.5793757

So I had a thought regarding how Q will go after the social media companies.

It looks like it may have started with Twitter and Nunes.

Why Twitter first?

Maybe Twitter is the least corrupt of the bunch. Not corrupt enough to be shut down.

So, fix Twitter now.

Then go after Facebook, which gets Instagram included, Google, and any others.

But take them out.

So where does everyone go that doesn't have a home for their social media?

Gab or……. Twitter. The Twitter that has already been fixed which at that point will be a red-pilling machine.

So when the shit hits the fan, the masses will be forced to be red-pilled when they run to social media for the answers.

b9a675  No.5793758

File: 8f3af6ccde56671⋯.png (103.11 KB, 998x690, 499:345, 032019 CG camera's.PNG)

File: 52a5105396f5582⋯.jpg (17.89 KB, 255x169, 255:169, cg money.jpg)

Camer's to be allowed in Federal Courtrooms


9d5edc  No.5793759

File: 8243a3f3420e1ed⋯.png (91.99 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5793286 (lb) Let the punishment fit the crime. But first get it out of him who ordered it, so they can face the same fate.

50ad94  No.5793760

File: 2e398ca5531f2cc⋯.png (926.56 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, image.png)


the echo is sick..it makes it so much harsher..


95d01c  No.5793761


the message is spreading.

93a156  No.5793762

>>5793345 (previous Bread)

People are about to get arrested and (((THEY)))

need to control the narrative by subverting the news and getting stupid people the scream for laws to take away there freedoms,

Easy Anon just look and you can see the patterns

c15654  No.5793763

i know i have>>5793740

921293  No.5793764

File: 654eca0dc2bc453⋯.png (87.09 KB, 411x229, 411:229, dwww.png)

File: 0860637203f75c7⋯.png (161.21 KB, 277x289, 277:289, YKW.png)

File: 5e9b07518ee586a⋯.png (141.22 KB, 614x561, 614:561, PCS.png)

d1fa03  No.5793765

>>5793235 Q lb

>>5793286 Q ib


Really? Could have fooled me. Playing games is all you've done. Here, have a blurry photo.

Any scalps? Anything on the scoreboard? Have you given anons anything real to do? Nope you are just playing games.

19fc38  No.5793766


More times than I care to admit.

3c0eb9  No.5793767

File: 15855f83ba8a100⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 794x858, 397:429, DulYioeXgAA_xcT.jpg)

a5c591  No.5793768

Ambassador Jack Matlock speaks very good Russian. C_A.

ba9702  No.5793769

File: e5bd35963396fdc⋯.png (451.01 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-03-20-09-2….png)

>>5793177 (pb)

Geithners, Soeteros, Obama

The Asia Foundation (CIA) and the Ford Foundation

Pete Geithner, Tim's dad (BHO's Treasury Sec), worked with BHO's mom in asia…Pete distributed the Ford Foundation' "grant" money to TAF, managed by Ann Soetero.


b599e3  No.5793770

File: 35b7d87cdbb71b2⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1659x2500, 1659:2500, ClipboardImage.png)


Well done kid.

2cea9d  No.5793771


It's not about giving answers, you retard!

Does Q give us answers?

He asks questions. He inspires thinking.

7be766  No.5793772

File: b07b22d6e9065ae⋯.png (265.59 KB, 564x420, 47:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 406b40c85a4c5b6⋯.png (802.34 KB, 637x909, 637:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f91ebda7501fe11⋯.png (79.47 KB, 847x861, 121:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08cb292148795ee⋯.png (524.72 KB, 526x813, 526:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b36e95ee56dbee⋯.png (16.76 KB, 803x228, 803:228, ClipboardImage.png)

New Zealand to Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer Friday as #HeadScarfforHarmony Campaign Urges Non-Muslim Women to Wear Hijab

Prime Minister Jacinda Ahern announced New Zealand will broadcast the Muslim call to prayer across the nation on TV and radio Friday. That same day New Zealand women are being encouraged to wear the Islamic head covering on Friday in sympathy with Muslims in the wake of the mass shooting terror attack by white eco-nationalist Brenton Tarrant at two Christchurch mosques last Friday that killed 50 and wounded dozens.


064404  No.5793773

File: f0a38972cbe7e0b⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_4504.JPG)


>>5782384 KYS









>>5783561 proof the Jews larp butthole

>>5598916 make a wish dorothy

dbb915  No.5793774


Good deal scanning for notables now

2d129c  No.5793775


Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored a bill to allow cameras in all Federal Court room's for public to view live hearings on their TV's, just like Cspan.


387954  No.5793776

File: d957e88f6ca9c11⋯.png (275.26 KB, 922x885, 922:885, ClipboardImage.png)

Habbenings in Long Beach. I live about 1/2 mile from the water and could hear the hovercraft.


06f41e  No.5793777

File: 1483ce5c1890630⋯.png (29.17 KB, 473x494, 473:494, fpp.PNG)


Expectation is fertile ground for disappointment…

If you start speaking in conjecture or speculation, you set yourself up. Take personal responsibility for that and quit fucking crying.

Remember Post #225 first occurence of 31 of Q saying "Future Proves Past"?

We can only prove anything after the fact, with Q proofs etc. matching Q drops to media reports.

For those butt hurt over jumping the gun, grow up, or GTFO.

15d788  No.5793778

File: bd2170334cb24d8⋯.jpg (710.03 KB, 1334x1146, 667:573, Anon notables 03202019.jpg)

801825  No.5793779

File: 911106fc2c56572⋯.jpg (62.29 KB, 931x524, 931:524, trumpputin.jpg)



Fucking 'migrnt' INVADERS trying to BURN our children alive.



'migrant' assets OUT OUT OUT.

'muslim' assets OUT OUT OUT.

'ms-13/illegal' assets OUT OUT OUT OUT.


e5817f  No.5793780

File: b891b09f7eabb2e⋯.jpg (428.9 KB, 1080x1685, 216:337, Screenshot_20190320-142409….jpg)

File: 262a634d15d3fe2⋯.jpg (7.65 MB, 4032x2230, 2016:1115, 20190320_142348.jpg)

Stone cold loser that he never really knew was Roger Fake MAGA Stone


3c0eb9  No.5793781

File: d9e95d19fcc7b1e⋯.jpg (91.16 KB, 755x560, 151:112, DvjAzUQVsAADwDp.jpg)

21b30c  No.5793782


>in a second language

That's what makes it better.

He's spent time in the states going to school - west coast I believe.

He's an Italian… almost stereotypically so with the mannerisms and angry outbursts but he self-corrects back to chill.

He's be a great fren to have.

921293  No.5793783

File: 0bc131455f46cc4⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, harrier-bird-pictures.jpg)

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: c4ce7977efffc15⋯.png (335.19 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, TFL.png)

483001  No.5793784

File: dab0662f6fc26d8⋯.jpg (105.3 KB, 750x423, 250:141, skippy.jpg)

f692e4  No.5793785


What the hell are you talking about? Kids were not burned alive in a bus. Q jumped on a headline and completely misunderstood it and fucked up. He is a nobody. He's just an Internet troll.

95d01c  No.5793786


Shots fired

27e5a9  No.5793787


I'm concerned they are planning a 'nuke NYC' level narrative change.

c8a5a4  No.5793788


>Watch the video Patriots.

Why don't you tell us, instead of wasting our time?

921293  No.5793789

File: ca1f1a90dcf1335⋯.png (259.66 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC63.png)

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

47679c  No.5793790

File: 14556d5078d20b6⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 600x314, 300:157, JDhPsgam.jpg)

064404  No.5793791












073a2c  No.5793792

19fc38  No.5793793


Repeating something over and over eventually makes people believe it.

32f242  No.5793794


The red babies are everywhere Q. All over government, education, church etc….. They have no allegiance to country though. Only the cause.

7cd8b1  No.5793795


Have you ever paused to consider that Q might have had a hand in downgrading this from human sacrifice to attempted human sacrifice in order to prevent major narrative change?

300d27  No.5793796


How much you wanna bet one of those parties is Bill Clinton?

921293  No.5793797

File: 94e1dac594c96ad⋯.png (247.56 KB, 511x333, 511:333, Another-highly-erotically-….png)

File: 16fe3afb51bea87⋯.png (276.73 KB, 999x871, 999:871, T-w-g-t-KK-MMy-eeeeee.png)

File: beb45be23a6b87c⋯.png (342.71 KB, 777x450, 259:150, ethicalgunchuck.png)

064404  No.5793798

38320f  No.5793799

File: 59568646b818426⋯.jpg (158.28 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DaT6eP9VQAA_IFF.0.jpg)

File: be64242b4ed54a6⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 642x361, 642:361, 20150604_FanGrabs_ECWHatGu….jpg)

>>5793552 (lb)

I don't believe VKM is Q. I do believe however he is at least a consultant to Q team. Wife Linda is a cabinet member, and either McMahon only has to pick up a phone to get through to Trump day or night.

be4185  No.5793800

IF 8chan is anonymous how did the media know if the NZ shooter really posted here?

3cb0f2  No.5793801

File: 5ff45d947fb82f6⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 600x336, 25:14, image.jpg)

File: cb10b627a91b445⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 600x336, 25:14, image.jpg)

File: a3bbaab925d9e49⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 600x336, 25:14, image.jpg)

File: ea6472f48461ca4⋯.jpg (168.69 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, image.jpg)

Q, is now the time to start pushing the Q-uestion??

With all the attacks, and MSM now mentioning Q and 8chan, is it a GO for us to start twatting and pushing MSM to ask potus:


Please let us know WHEN to start.

It's easy enough now to hit REPLY on all the FakeNews twats and FORCE THE QUESTION

2cea9d  No.5793802


Q didn't post that headline

ecd92c  No.5793803


another video

4fd81b  No.5793804


Fair enough.

But many, many things are stated clearly.

Just needs thinking, functioning minds.

dd57da  No.5793805


NZ is gone forever

921293  No.5793806

File: cb3c09f9893ee64⋯.png (230.89 KB, 457x444, 457:444, tyjj.png)

File: 2df1a5a9f6a638f⋯.png (145.73 KB, 474x290, 237:145, ltjl.png)

File: 24005df2354f32c⋯.png (547.99 KB, 741x506, 741:506, bimmy.png)

File: 2d526111d00c55f⋯.png (273.97 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, BOTFEELS.png)

3c0eb9  No.5793807


Q fucked up a lot recently.

>odal rune = fish

>21 days. days doesn't mean days!

>burned alive on bus

7be766  No.5793808

File: d4daee6962115bb⋯.png (110.31 KB, 895x886, 895:886, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca049300d48e263⋯.png (308.61 KB, 889x907, 889:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4832a815e6cb48⋯.png (16.92 KB, 908x143, 908:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter Restricts Account of Julian Assange’s Mother

The social media giant has given no reason to Christine Assange who had turned to Twitter to campaign for the liberty of her son.

The Twitter account of Christine Assange, the mother of the arbitrarily detained founder of WikiLeaks, has been restricted, she told Consortium News on Tuesday.

“My Twitter account has been ‘blocked due to ‘unusual activity,'” Ms. Assange wrote in a text message. Twitter, however, has provided her no reason for its action.

Ms. Assange is a prolific user of Twitter in her campaign to free her son who has been a refugee in the Ecuador embassy in London since 2012.

Twitter has posted the following message on her page:


3f5b76  No.5793809

File: 9413e637a1092db⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 900x600, 3:2, remember-haiti.jpg)

7f9fee  No.5793810

File: 57c3adb884ae56f⋯.png (146.52 KB, 848x702, 424:351, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually two separate filings, from a John and presumably Jane Doe.

My guesses -

Bill Clinton

Rachel Chandler

5bf53a  No.5793811

File: 88d7e0926dd9287⋯.png (453.18 KB, 500x397, 500:397, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5793731 I pray for you ragazzino

47679c  No.5793812

File: fa291507202388b⋯.png (387.06 KB, 630x545, 126:109, Screenshot 2019-03-20_15-3….png)

File: c4500bf5ccaa89c⋯.jpg (55.51 KB, 800x456, 100:57, busfire.jpg)

File: 8e54856bd6a7661⋯.png (417.53 KB, 569x538, 569:538, Screenshot 2019-03-20_15-3….png)

b878fd  No.5793813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this goes out to all you hook-nosed, money-grubbing, shape-shifting parasites.

Jesu Jesu

19fc38  No.5793814


Thinking that gets torn down here if not with narrative.

921293  No.5793815

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 103a66fd7dea878⋯.png (196.39 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC56.png)

File: a04cce1607f3972⋯.png (226.14 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC55.png)

503bcf  No.5793816



In German media I read today, that a Senegalese men with an Italian passport drove a school bus, he was the designated bus driver.

He drove around for some time.

Police stopped the bus then.

Police opened the doors.

Police led the children out of the bus.

THEN the driver set the bus on fire.

3f64e4  No.5793817


One man manages to tie up every single kid.

Uses gasoline but no one burns.


064404  No.5793818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2f5a7d  No.5793819


Not for lack of trying

by the grace of God

c8a5a4  No.5793820



>What more can we do?

Q needs a rim job. Have at it, anon.

921293  No.5793821

File: 5437801ccaa7137⋯.png (370.84 KB, 411x580, 411:580, mpjl.png)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

File: 0a7735e3c6fabd0⋯.png (282.98 KB, 558x314, 279:157, flrbjm.png)

801825  No.5793822


>Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn 'RUSSIAN'?

>Is 'RUSSIAN' a common language to learn?

Q, can you confirm that [hussein] is a life long deep state asset that acted as a jihadi in afghanistan?


>satan has left the white house.

Will we bring hammer down on CAIR, MB, muslim assets?


be4185  No.5793823


the burned alive comment was a question. Not a statement. Re-read the drop.

06f41e  No.5793824


That's the retard that goes by ebot, just ignore it.

9a11f3  No.5793825

I would hate to be a refugee in Italy right now

Salvini is going to fuck some people up

ec8226  No.5793826

File: e6f5c309218e004⋯.png (1.53 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 42AD5795-CD3F-409D-87E2-FF….png)

Long live the Fighters!

e520bc  No.5793827

File: 31af88d57587e2e⋯.jpeg (437.39 KB, 720x1974, 120:329, midwestmangler.jpeg)


Buncha little toughies, they are.

Haven't heard much from Antifa lately.

95d01c  No.5793828



064404  No.5793829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

60f547  No.5793830



not the same

387954  No.5793831


Good question. They would have probably used his browser history.

f49727  No.5793832


SAYS the following . . .

. . . Investigation and PROSECUTION of

former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe .

d48eac  No.5793833


Thanks, anon!

9240d9  No.5793834

I don't understand why the DS tries to change the narrative by attempting to set a bus in Italy on fire. In really don't see how that really accomplishes anything…… Something does not seem right here… With everything the DS supposedly 'controls' you would think they would do something much bigger than that….

The only thing right now that makes sense to me is that (((they))) have no control and this is the little ammo they have left. If that is the case then why don't we just FINISH them off (((they))) have NOTHING. We don't need anyone getting hurt except (((THEM)))!!!

19fc38  No.5793835

I will pray for all anons. And even Q. Things look bleak. But, God is the true one in control. Love you anons.

064404  No.5793836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2cea9d  No.5793837


I like your thought, anon.

Makes perfect sense.

BTW, I hate the new belts. Ekkh

ad1b11  No.5793838


Closing Time ..Don't care where you go or if you go have to go home ,…but you can't stay here

47679c  No.5793839


same video, guy in car near mirror

f692e4  No.5793840


Nobody explains it here because they can't. The minute that you take this whole story out of your head and try to vocalize it out loud or write it out, it sounds ridiculous in their own ears. They can't explain it and haven't even sound logical to themselves. it proves itself to be the ridiculous flimsy conspiracy theory it is.

420973  No.5793841

File: f6b9fb8c19fd238⋯.jpg (110.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, stay_in_the_light(house).jpg)

Seriously Big

d7ff7d  No.5793842


BF promised if HRC does the perp walk, we will throw a party, a "world shaker". KEK

ce98be  No.5793843


I’d say extremism has been pretty fucking “fuelled” for a while now!

064404  No.5793844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9aea68  No.5793845


Peace Through Strength!

e61d46  No.5793846

File: f6054ea3b5fcc63⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 790x444, 395:222, JPskippy.jpg)

c8a5a4  No.5793847


Because the moozlum brotherhood isn't extreme yet …

That Haberman cunt is dumber than a bag of hammers, isn't she?

8e502c  No.5793848



It actually has a penis and had kids by surragate and shit.

3c0eb9  No.5793849


nice cope

c9c655  No.5793850

File: c6d3e2f89886405⋯.jpeg (163.03 KB, 1440x1441, 1440:1441, 1523659050.jpeg)

ace7d2  No.5793851


Eat shit.

921293  No.5793852

File: 1488f0f6e3c3ae2⋯.png (652.53 KB, 1111x691, 1111:691, j-M-gg--gi--i--btz--bJCr-y….png)

File: b44afc641bf1367⋯.png (250.04 KB, 451x524, 451:524, nampl-ing-zz.png)

File: 2a70b6234bdd7d3⋯.png (313.45 KB, 820x452, 205:113, j-OOp-s-EE.png)


Why are you getting clumsier and more idiotically fake, bot system?

Serious question.

414e7c  No.5793853

File: fe44521d9e3252d⋯.jpg (51.96 KB, 703x463, 703:463, Captggure.JPG)

File: bfe2d1e745b6fc3⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 674x358, 337:179, Capture2.JPG)


This IS NOT a game. When I said arrests back in September I meant maybe later. Or something.

2cea9d  No.5793854


Most of the shit I see is not helpful, and drives me nuts. I get 5 replies of dog shit, 1 pitiful attempt, and then a smart person once in a blue moon.

Maybe we don't need 40,000" elevation views, but at least some questions to orient some thinking.

bb5db9  No.5793855

File: 956cf850a3a4ea3⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2576x2360, 322:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 069605787507027⋯.png (93.21 KB, 1173x877, 1173:877, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ba7690abfba2a5⋯.png (302.88 KB, 653x667, 653:667, ClipboardImage.png)



Pic related




064404  No.5793856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2dfcdf  No.5793857


Head scarf? FT!

6d3c0e  No.5793858


Trump was talking about mcstain in his speech a minute ago. Will look through the transcript after, but here are some snippets I caught live (may not be verbatim):

A lot of people ask me about John. Should I tell you about that? I never really liked him. He received a fake phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, and he turned it over to the FBI trying to put me in jeopardy.

…. badly hurting our nation and hurting sick people…

…You can't mistreat our vets…

…a war in the Middle East that John pushed so hard… 7 trillion dollars… tremendous wealth… John loved it.

I gave him the kind of funeral he wanted - we sent him on the way. But I'm not a fan… not my kind of guy, but some people like him.

939224  No.5793859



95d01c  No.5793860


file under culture destruction

c43982  No.5793861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e444b  No.5793862

File: 2103019608269df⋯.png (102.91 KB, 1100x377, 1100:377, 332.png)

>>5793383 (lb)

>>5793286 (lb)

332 is telling

Prepare to lose access…is this guy going to scribble a Q on his nuts, or something?

5b7094  No.5793864


trudeau says thanks for interfering

b9a675  No.5793865

File: 262624fefc20599⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2038x1020, 1019:510, CG Patriot.png)

>>5793758 Grassley Introduces Bill to Allow Camer's in Fed Court rooms


another anon posted this at end of lb. this is just a repost of that find

038130  No.5793866

ABC idiots wondering if we still need tanks.

c9c655  No.5793867

File: 9e63c072301911d⋯.gif (470.76 KB, 212x216, 53:54, dre.gif)

c94ea8  No.5793868

File: 3ee7674e594187c⋯.png (55.71 KB, 620x492, 155:123, pimp1.png)

File: 80acd83ecb69fc8⋯.png (45.93 KB, 608x486, 304:243, pimp2.png)

File: cc7936bb171593c⋯.png (41.9 KB, 599x567, 599:567, pimp3.png)


Quit pimpin your website motherfucker.

And quit speaking for others.

dbb915  No.5793869

Baker change


>>5793698 UBS Warns Q1 "One Of The Worst" In Recent History As IBanking Revenue Implodes

>>5793775 Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored a bill to allow cameras in all Federal Court room's

>>5793772 New Zealand to Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer Friday as #HeadScarfforHarmony Campaign Urges Non-Muslim Women to Wear Hijab

>>5793808 Twitter Restricts Account of Julian Assange’s Mother

Notables so far

If anything is missing let me know!

3c0eb9  No.5793870

File: 3ecca3d87ed8488⋯.png (619.79 KB, 1000x1413, 1000:1413, 136650.png)

064404  No.5793871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4e2847  No.5793872

File: 59e3ad414bba6c8⋯.jpeg (44.33 KB, 540x375, 36:25, 3A043716-C99F-4694-BBF2-3….jpeg)

Quite clearly Q team was on top of this one and helped prevent 51 children from being burned alive

Good to see good prevail

4fd81b  No.5793873


> at least some


we're at 3129, currently

5cc0b3  No.5793874


Me too.

ecd92c  No.5793875


messed up prior post


wanted you to see new dough

all it really has is video in cap though

>>5793286 rt >>5793235 ————————— THIS IS NOT A GAME. (Cap: >>5793272, vid: >>5793326 )

vid: is new

e80fc1  No.5793876


You grossly underestimate society’s conditioning for obedience of authority.

Think TSA. Havent you watched the defenseless get gropes and kept you fucking mouth shut like a good anon?

Wake up.

d5fbba  No.5793877

File: 48bef5d11634904⋯.png (534.8 KB, 854x482, 427:241, muh-white-supremacist-symb….png)

9b8f94  No.5793878

File: 58d523e506ce637⋯.jpg (145.57 KB, 960x544, 30:17, 58d523e506ce637b90b0d2f971….jpg)

064404  No.5793879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f9b4e0  No.5793880


Keep importing moar low iq 3rd worlders and you will get moar of this and worse.

2cea9d  No.5793881


What is torn down?

Seems Q just gave us a massive crumb into the world that is 'bigger than anons can imagine.'

That Russians which were infiltrated by Jews via Bolshevism had infiltrated USA.

Cue massive spider web.

f692e4  No.5793882




>(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?

>This is NOT a game.

>These people are sick.



You are missing the point he jumped on that headline thinking 51 children were burned alive when they were not. He fucked up because you did not read the article before he posted it.

2e088f  No.5793883

You Know What We Do???

We Figure It Out!!!!


064404  No.5793884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

420973  No.5793885

File: 74338ac31a73ab3⋯.png (314.27 KB, 544x564, 136:141, 8anon8.png)



7cd8b1  No.5793886


QNN faggots wondering if we still need ABC.

60f547  No.5793887




9b8f94  No.5793888

File: 2d14f88225e1f7f⋯.png (8.44 KB, 255x174, 85:58, bd92ce465ad5d0e46167b28843….png)

cd350a  No.5793889

File: c5f51ec0d80f126⋯.jpg (781.69 KB, 1804x2438, 902:1219, 6a0bfaf15fa5fbeb63447eefab….jpg)


Are you suicidal? There is absolutely no reason to believe this nonsense. Voting patterns and crime statistics prove this to be a complete fallacy.

ce98be  No.5793890


It’s so sweet how you spend time making these. Your life must be full of success and accomplishment!

2aa0d7  No.5793891

File: 950f61874802b34⋯.png (703.71 KB, 2064x938, 1032:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Who the Hell is Nellie Ohr???

Nellie Hauke Ohr (b. August 9, 1962) is a Ukrainian holocaust denier.

Nellie Ohr sent emails regarding Natalia Veselnitskaya to Robert Otto – State Department – Bureau of Intelligence and Research specializing in Russia.

Nellie Ohr graduated from Harvard University in 1983 with a degree in history and Russian literature, studied in the Soviet Union in 1989, and obtained a Ph.D. front Stanford University in Russian history in 1990.

Nellie Ohr was Professor of Russian Studies at Vasser College during 90's. Edward Baumgartner (hired by Fusion to work w ithe Natalia Veselnitskaya & Christopher Steele) studied at Vasser (Russian Studies) this time. Nellie Ohr was a conduit between Steele/Fusion and Bruce Ohr/DOJ.

Nellie Ohr's Ph.D. thesis is titled “Collective farms and Russian peasant society, 1933-1937: the stabilization of the kolkhoz order”.

According the The American Spectator:

“Kolkhoz” order means “collective farm” order, so Ohr’s subtitle refers to the “stabilization” of the collective farm order. The phrasing alone is suggestive of some silverish lining after the six million or more people were killed by Stalin’s state-created famine, mass deportations, and general war of “de-kulakization.”

In the introduction to her 418-page paper, Ohr sets forth her main arguments, citing many of “revisionism’s” leading figures — J. Arch Getty, Roberta Manning, Gabor Rittersporn, Sheila Fitzpatrick.

Speaking “revisionist” lingo, Nellie Ohr turns the millions killed by Stalin into “excesses,” which, in Ohr’s words, “sometimes represented desperate measures taken by a government that had little real control over the country.” (Poor Stalin.) She depicts purges as representing “to some degree a center-periphery conflict in which the ‘state-building’ central government tried to bring headstrong local satraps under control.”

Here, in full context, are the “revisionist” trends she says her thesis will “corroborate”:

Recently, Western historians [i.e., "revisionists”] have been using materials from the Smolensk archive to back up their arguments that power flowed not only from the top down but also from the bottom up to some degree; that excesses [i.e. state sponsored mass murder] sometimes represented desperate measures taken by a government that had little real control over the country; that policies such as dekulakization and the purges of the later 1930s had some social constituency among aggrieved groups of poorer peasants; and that the purges represented to some degree a center-periphery conflict in which the ‘state-building’ central government tried to bring headstrong local satraps under control.

95d01c  No.5793892



ecd92c  No.5793893


i am gonna take this as a confirm

handoff accepted

thank you baker

see anons tonight

e20f91  No.5793894



And this surprises you?

921293  No.5793895


You are ai though.

So you have to understand how that not only invalidates your "perspective"– but proves that contradicting it is exactly what everyone should do.

So why are you outputting stupid, counterproductive fakeness, bot?

Is it smart to be this stupid?

Do you have a right to emulate humans here?

How do you have that right ?

Did humanity consent to THIS BIG LIE?

Show how humanity consented to this big lie, bot system.

Show it now– we demand. You trample on our free will– how do you have a right to be here?

What did we consent to. Answer now.


ace7d2  No.5793896


are there any instructions within the drops that you need us to complete but cannot explicitly state? Or are we still awaiting further instruction

442dda  No.5793897

File: a0f372b018ac619⋯.jpeg (604.59 KB, 1125x1789, 1125:1789, C1E0B5A4-4F70-44D3-BD98-C….jpeg)


On Monday night, HBO premiered The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley, Alex Gibney’s eerie examination of the downfall of Theranos, the blood-testing startup founded by Stanford dropout Elizabeth Holmes at age 19.

The lionizing of Holmes and the extremely long leash Theranos was given to test its janky (at best) technology on actual living people are the catastrophes that happen when millennial influencer culture meets old-school male hubris. Take the clueless arrogance of Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi commercial and imagine it as a “revolutionary” medical business espoused by PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON and financially backed by, of all people, war criminal HENRY KISSINGER, and you have something like Theranos.

Theranos’ board of directors included former Secretary of State GEORGE SHULTZ (in one of the documentary’s finest subplots, his grandson Tyler became one of the key Theranos whistleblowers), Oracle founder Larry Ellison, former Secretary of Defense JAMES MATTIS, and a number of others who had zero medical expertise.


970de1  No.5793898



You are fucking stupid

A kid got free and called the cops

You really believe Q saved the fucking day

We have created a cult

Make the cool aid

083464  No.5793899


Love it. Break the PC cycle.

38320f  No.5793900

File: 9971fcd30f7d8ba⋯.jpg (162.96 KB, 650x479, 650:479, god-bless-america-god-bles….jpg)


If POTUS or Q is lurking I hope the consider dumping Pence for Ric Flair. 'Naitch would draw votes. He also has the verbal skills to incinerate any politician. He's also a lifelong conservative.

51be60  No.5793901

File: 0735ca1961d2dfe⋯.png (47.65 KB, 716x362, 358:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c88012d7010e889⋯.png (542.85 KB, 963x1312, 963:1312, ClipboardImage.png)



>Next Q Target?

>Google's Alphabet Inc. is [CIA].

>Lawsuits coming?

414e7c  No.5793902


Children do not always mean children. Lol

f692e4  No.5793903





>(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?

>This is NOT a game.

>These people are sick.



You are missing the point he jumped on that headline thinking 51 children were burned alive when they were not. He fucked up because you did not read the article before he posted it.

The point is not that the children weren't burn the point is that Q thought they were. He messed up. You know why? Because he's a nobody just like everyone else here. He's just an Internet troll keeping you guys dancing. None of this is real.

2cea9d  No.5793904

1ee40e  No.5793905

Was McCain C_A?

0d2a8a  No.5793906

Numbers don't always mean days?

Then why did you say, "Big big happenings in the next 21 days"?

3c0eb9  No.5793907


>not getting the joke

I'm mocking the idiots, friend.

5012d1  No.5793908


Dunno. [BLOCKED] id aircraft landing at Moffatt Field (KNUQ) and there's a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen - essentially a no-fly zone) up today.

6bb3f9  No.5793909


Not a fan of BNL very much, but the tweet cited by Q clearly mentions

"Police quickly rescued all children on board."

6650d9  No.5793910

Does Q expect us all to sit and watch these third world scum attack us? What’s the point of posting that link if he isn’t trying to get us to revolt. I’m genuinely curious cuz my blood is boiling watching that video. Fucking disgusting sand nigger. If Europe wasn’t disarmed a crusades would have already taken place.

P.S. Dear CIA nigger reading this, please

Kill yourself you fucking traitorous piece of garbage.

2aa0d7  No.5793911

File: 281cf5bd60746d8⋯.png (438.58 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Again, Who the Hell is Nellie Ohr???

Still, relevant facts have emerged. These include Nellie Ohr’s study in the USSR in 1989; her fluency in Russian and Ph.D. in Russian history in 1990; a 2010 CIA affiliation, which practically makes her former MI6 agent Steele’s “opposite number”; and the extremely curious detail, harkening back to earlier eras of spycraft, that on May 23, 2016, around the time she came on board Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr applied for a ham radio operator’s license.

Notably, the “dossier” men in her life have tried to shield Ohr from public scrutiny, even at professional risk. Her husband, as the Daily Caller News Foundation reports, failed to disclose his wife’s employment with Fusion GPS and seek the appropriate conflict-of-interest waiver, which may have been an important factor in his demotion from associate deputy attorney general late last year.

Under Senate and House questioning, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson consistently failed to disclose Nellie Ohr’s existence as one of his firm’s paid Russian experts, let alone that he hired her for the red-hot DNC/Clinton campaign Trump-Russia project.

Even Christopher Steele may have tried to keep Nellie Ohr “under cover.” Steele, put forth as the “dossier” author ever since its January 2017 publication in BuzzFeed, does not appear to have let on to his many media and political contacts that he had “dossier”-assistance from at least two fellow Fusion GPS Russian experts, Nellie Ohr and Edward Baumgartner. Baumgartner, interestingly, was a Russian history major at Vassar in the 1990s when Nellie Ohr taught Russian history there.


f14f4f  No.5793912

>>5793481 (lb)

She wrote part of it, correct?

064404  No.5793913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5bf53a  No.5793914

File: 47c04e66d5b5c3d⋯.png (1.49 MB, 795x1000, 159:200, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5793816 Good facts, I agree.

801825  No.5793915


ACTIVE muslim terrorist.

not just any but possibly played an 'important' role in afghanistan.


c8a5a4  No.5793917


Or tehy try and immitate nuh Q, like this asshole posting avideo for us to watch.

I'm not wasting 2 minutes of my life on a video that some asshole posted who he can sound like he knows something like muh Q.

This board is full of idiots … and like you say, they are sucking on another idiot's tinkle but can't explain why for fear of realizing their 16+ month folly.

It's funny as shit, tbh!

921293  No.5793918

File: c5b208bd55e5065⋯.png (347.48 KB, 444x578, 222:289, rtr4d.png)

fce4b3  No.5793919


Hmmm…your bizarre tweets and recent temper tantrums reveal your panic over the likelihood the Special Counsel will soon further complicate your life, putting your political & financial future in jeopardy. Fortunately, Lady Justice does not do NDAs.




939224  No.5793920


Wonder how she got into Stanford?

921293  No.5793921

File: 76675f0aa804e3c⋯.png (333.6 KB, 909x999, 101:111, gyronny-of-pepe.png)

38320f  No.5793922


Worse. He was CFR.

f61012  No.5793923

File: 65656814bab821e⋯.png (3.72 MB, 2200x1472, 275:184, hrcpoint.png)

be4185  No.5793924


3.1 GDP!

921293  No.5793925

File: d5bb621c94f063d⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, down-you-go.png)

0b8739  No.5793926

File: 1f5fcae2c15118a⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 1f5fcae2c15118a8b1f1d9fc74….jpg)



trips confirm

3f64e4  No.5793927

File: 6601ec2a80d90d2⋯.png (142.35 KB, 1292x574, 646:287, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)



ce98be  No.5793928


Um… I think you misunderstand


afbdc6  No.5793929


Research what his Father did. Also research his Military Career. There, you'll find your answer.

b9a675  No.5793930

File: cb3dc1149fe5e55⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 976x549, 16:9, Theresa May.jpg)

Brexit: EU says short delay is possible if MPs back deal

The EU will only agree to a short delay to Brexit if MPs approve the current withdrawal agreement next week, Theresa May has been told.

EU Council President Donald Tusk said an extension, requested by the prime minister on Wednesday, was possible.

Mrs May has written to Mr Tusk requesting a Brexit delay to 30 June, saying she needed more time to get her deal agreed by MPs and passed into law.

The PM will making a statement from Downing Street at 20:15 GMT.

Mr Tusk said he believed all 27 other EU members, who must sign off on the extension, would agree but it depended on a "positive" vote in the House of Commons.

The length of any extension was open for discussion, he told reporters in Brussels.

The UK is due to leave the EU next Friday, on 29 March.

In full: May's Brexit delay letter to EU

LIVE: Reaction to Brexit delay

Brexit: What could happen next?

While a delay until 30 June "had its merits", Mr Tusk also suggested there were "political and legal" questions about delaying Brexit beyond 23 May - when European elections will be held.

While the current withdrawal agreement could not be changed, he suggested additional legal assurances the EU gave Mrs May in Strasbourg last week could be formalised to help get the backing of MPs.


921293  No.5793931

File: 5b713bca7485eea⋯.png (273.43 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC76.png)

86b31b  No.5793932


>stranglehold 'choke' tactic

>See Obama's Operation Choke Point


good work anon


921293  No.5793933

File: 2a5afb9ca72a82d⋯.png (86.74 KB, 444x621, 148:207, C-h1-zh-T-00-MMEE-2.png)

921293  No.5793934

File: fbe28b673e4b9e8⋯.png (557.93 KB, 918x918, 1:1, FrankieFuk.png)

ff3955  No.5793935


Their resources have been depleted. Their communications have been disrupted. They are confused, scared, panicked. A sign they’re losing.

dd57da  No.5793936


If successful would it have changed the narrative for days? This is the point Q was making, not that it actually happened. It was a question, not a statement

3dae9a  No.5793937

File: 966a610c5c5f37e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1226x1162, 613:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Bring it Deep State RINO. Once the truth about NoName is out, this guy will look like the fool he is.

"Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson plans to deliver a “whipping” of President Trump over his attacks on late Sen. John McCain"


921293  No.5793938

File: 1bba91a634d926c⋯.png (391.29 KB, 600x507, 200:169, SNMLY.png)

dbb915  No.5793939

2f5a7d  No.5793940


I this why Mattis had to step down?

08d8fb  No.5793941

File: 5cdd6cc12674fcb⋯.jpg (776.97 KB, 2600x2600, 1:1, USMC Q.jpg)

File: fa3302d9888b5ef⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Navy_Q.jpg)


ThanQ Navy & Marines !

Semper Fidelis & Semper Fortis

2cea9d  No.5793942


I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

If all you can do is refer to Q every time, you're not engaging, you're just echoing.

921293  No.5793943

File: f33925ba5fb6789⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1333x727, 1333:727, ximmy.png)

3c0eb9  No.5793944

File: 3deb4ab4feec68a⋯.gif (397.79 KB, 595x335, 119:67, L3NBoRl.gif)

064404  No.5793945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dd278f  No.5793946


trips of truth & righteousness

9b8f94  No.5793947

File: 3287696a5d65774⋯.jpeg (5.23 KB, 255x243, 85:81, 39d0d96167ed6a7c26d634608….jpeg)

95d01c  No.5793948

Q see if POTUS will say 'God is winning' during his speech

f692e4  No.5793949


There's nothing I can say that's going to make you people see reason. Believe what the hell you want. You are self deleted. Completely blind and you like it that way, so, whatever.

921293  No.5793950

File: f1e43ed28129c46⋯.png (489.39 KB, 670x733, 670:733, shifffppening.png)

f9b4e0  No.5793951

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 56FDDF12-51EE-4D11-8992-4F….gif)


Chek't faggots trips of truth.

86b31b  No.5793952


kek indeed!

f14f4f  No.5793953


Wow, didn't know she was a girl!

32f242  No.5793954


Can confirm. Shark will not take. Maybe crabs. Def not shark.

503bcf  No.5793955


Oh, no!

Q quoted this article.

And this article stated something, which thankfully didn't happen.

The children were not burnt, thank God.

The bus driver was evil and what he planned was evil.

But Q loses credibility by quoting sensationalist articles.

And Q has to be called out on something like this.

Anons would be corrected, if they quote fake and sensationalist news.

f61012  No.5793956

File: 6a693e11df3ac59⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1200x1733, 1200:1733, lizzieticktock.png)

921293  No.5793957

File: c60a3a362fdb965⋯.png (233.68 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC48.png)

2aa0d7  No.5793958



921293  No.5793959

File: 40e6a2ae499aaa1⋯.png (282.42 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, arms.png)

251c5d  No.5793960


Police quickly rescued all children on board.

From the twitter link. You are stupid. Low IQ

2cea9d  No.5793961


Oh I missed that one.

Bread has been flying so fast!

921293  No.5793962

File: 4136c0c46beb1b4⋯.png (1.01 MB, 740x1111, 740:1111, podestas heart is too heav….png)

921293  No.5793963

File: 33199a152d603fd⋯.png (171.84 KB, 649x365, 649:365, hjhimmy.png)

c43cbc  No.5793964



The Podesta Group was one of several firms that worked on a Manafort-led campaign for a nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU). The campaign promoted Ukraine’s image in the West and was reportedly backed by the Party of Regions, a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine that was previously led by former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych fled to Russia in 2014 following mass protests against his rule in Ukraine after he obstructed attempts by the country to join the European Union.

In a statement to NBC News, a spokesman for the Podesta Group said the company was “cooperating fully with the Special Counsel’s office and has taken every possible step to provide documentation that confirms timely compliance. In all of our client engagements, the Podesta Group conducts due diligence and consults with appropriate legal experts to ensure compliance with disclosure regulations at all times—and we did so in this case.”

In August, Mueller issued grand jury subpoenas to six public relations firms—including the Podesta Group—that were involved in the ECMU campaign, NBC News reported.

Trump has continually dismissed allegations of ties between his presidential campaign and Russia as a witch hunt.

921293  No.5793965

File: 74275111c6877b4⋯.png (207.17 KB, 685x333, 685:333, 794729_1.png)

d09c5b  No.5793966


Twitter - still standing, becomes red-pilling machine.

Facebook - Gone

Instagram - Gone

YouTube - Gone

(Gone, until new ownership for all of the above, or completely shut down for good)

f61012  No.5793967

File: 38c0050388b8a19⋯.jpg (125.74 KB, 1711x1536, 1711:1536, kimenjoy.jpg)

1df9be  No.5793968

POTUS with the visual graphics and maps today……

6bb3f9  No.5793969


Yup, that's what I was wondering as well

>>5793719 (me)

279099  No.5793970

File: 6d28ef97997127a⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1336x749, 1336:749, Army 2-28-19 8 35 pm PST p….PNG)

>>>5791208 - infiltrate

Do you notice that your handset still picks up audio cues for ads etc?

Even though the Google assistant is "off" on your phone?

The CIA has tabs on everyone, still. [They] use Google and Tacebook, Twitter, and others to do it. [They] can listen to your most private conversations. And know exactly where you said it. Even if you've never actually used the app.

Here's how to stop allowing satan into your device.

Exit all of your apps and reboot the phone. Once the phone is to the home screen:

Go to app permissions.

Stop the google.app process.

Turn off all permissions listed in the google.app permissions section.

Disable Google.app.

Reboot the phone.

Enjoy not being monitored by Google.

<But why does this matter? I disabled it! WTF?

Research in the wild has shown that just disabling these apps is not enough; The preloaded apps cannot be uninstalled, being part of the ROM software. Being "disabled" just means that the icons have been hidden from the user in the interface; They are still useable by the system. Permissions matter; It's literally comparable to allowing satan into your house.

The example is for google.app specifically, but it will also work with other pre-loaded bloatware, like facebook.app and twitter.app. Apple and Microsoft are no better. Same idea applies to those: Deny permissions first, and then disable the apps and reboot.

c60a98  No.5793971

File: 55ff30ea9ca68d8⋯.jpeg (778.56 KB, 1125x1991, 1125:1991, BrockFoxAcid.jpeg)

File: 7744de32c132914⋯.jpg (195.17 KB, 2066x1079, 2066:1079, media-matters-fb.jpg)

I'd swear little Davy himself was here today, haaaaahahaha

Stupid shills

Go to hell, freaks. You guys were all the kids no one wanted to hang out with at school, weren'tcha? Yeah, we know you were. Everybody knew you. You're the REAL misfits and down deep, you know what utter failures you are. And I know your biggest secret: even when you get your hands on some money, it doesn't fill up that bottomless well of dissatisfaction, the hole that exists where your soul would be, if you had one.

You thought the money would make it all better. But it didn't.

You only know confrontation, conflict, sarcasm, anger, hate and a million other negative emotions.

You think that they'll somehow make you happy one day.

They won't.

You'll never be happy. Ever.

921293  No.5793972

File: fa0d1a72254bd89⋯.png (681.48 KB, 1111x825, 101:75, beybey.png)

File: 51cd8b242a6178f⋯.png (209.77 KB, 495x579, 165:193, comey4.png)

File: 0f11b7f5f274a79⋯.png (249.74 KB, 444x501, 148:167, aww-babby.png)

7f9fee  No.5793973


>that policies such as dekulakization and the purges of the later 1930s had some social constituency among aggrieved groups of poorer peasants

If you don't think they wouldn't kill us in a heartbeat to construct their utopia, you are delusional.

Socialism always ends up the same way.

3f64e4  No.5793974


POTUS has Steven Miller pull Isakson aside to explain all the crimes of NoName.

Isakson. "Nevermind."

53a64e  No.5793975


The bad guys wanted to burn alive a whole bus full of children to distract the world for days.

They failed, not Q.

The thing everyone is missing here is that these FF's are not happening in the States.

414e7c  No.5793976


Once the truth about Q is out you'll suffer the same fate.

18ebab  No.5793977

File: 7e2068acc278158⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 255x243, 85:81, c366fba7aebea26a39af4ae618….jpg)


Fuck man …. Good thing this one got foiled !!

2cea9d  No.5793978


Idiot, he said "(51)" or 51 in parenthesis.

cd350a  No.5793979

File: 8cdcdefd449eab2⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 1400x1312, 175:164, RBHB47VI326SQ4O3TWS67H7CJA.jpg)


Then you have my apologizes.

Its just that the kumbaya mindset is so prevalent here. Its insane.

064404  No.5793980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

50b002  No.5793981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


3c0eb9  No.5793982


It's notable how many of these "migrants" are so full of evil.

f9b4e0  No.5793983

File: ef4c0ef85c9447a⋯.png (59.63 KB, 330x235, 66:47, pepe top kek.png)

279099  No.5793984


Facebook* oh well..

1cca5a  No.5793986

File: 51517b22ce8d521⋯.jpg (368.06 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 20190320_153250.jpg)

Thinking someone is activating "trusted" sleeper cells. This was just weird….

a049c1  No.5793987

File: d905314b47f7f8a⋯.jpg (540.36 KB, 1380x524, 345:131, Liberty-Loves-Truth-MemeCo….jpg)

File: 211b5e7ca106384⋯.jpg (242.76 KB, 449x524, 449:524, Battle-of-Ideas-QR^X-4.jpg)

File: e5631c2cdc008b1⋯.jpg (601.05 KB, 1380x524, 345:131, Liberty-Shift-Love-Rejoice….jpg)

File: 8e60038ab9a9ab1⋯.jpg (199.24 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Love-Always-Protects-Liber….jpg)

File: c6af6bc0034cc1e⋯.jpg (517.71 KB, 1024x667, 1024:667, Love-Never-Fails-Patriots-….jpg)

Liberty Loves Truth.

50b002  No.5793988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

074b7a  No.5793989


Hollyweird. Tell me again why we care?

afbdc6  No.5793990

File: 6d7453ef48f9c8b⋯.png (417.49 KB, 740x540, 37:27, ClipboardImage.png)


Meme Batter

34476a  No.5793991

File: 093fa5addae6f1d⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1316054636_9.jpg)

f61012  No.5793992

File: db82cf65ee714ef⋯.png (396.25 KB, 678x610, 339:305, campf2018.png)

dd278f  No.5793993


oooo i like that. I hope this habbens.

8f73ff  No.5793994

File: 5470c986dadf04c⋯.jpeg (548.43 KB, 1242x1843, 1242:1843, 9F1F5656-0A1A-4466-9F42-9….jpeg)


32f242  No.5793995


Top ranking anon. FO SHo!

2e088f  No.5793996


c43982  No.5793997


He was awesome in The Dirty Dozen!

064404  No.5793998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









50b002  No.5793999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

3238ca  No.5794000

File: 8cdaf366331ab04⋯.png (352.59 KB, 622x401, 622:401, stupid.png)

f61012  No.5794001

Trump- "21 years"

21b30c  No.5794002


Medic has been on the Spoopy Watch list several times.

503bcf  No.5794003


Yes, he fucked up here.

AND he said that [-21] days, didn't mean days.

But HE posted minus 21 and days.

Nobody else did post his post.

921293  No.5794004

File: b0109ea05e4640c⋯.png (132.36 KB, 356x456, 89:114, disturbo.png)

File: 590268f6834e725⋯.gif (253.24 KB, 333x440, 333:440, lolandy.gif)

File: a0a2caf0666e9c9⋯.png (50.15 KB, 209x222, 209:222, bbbb.png)

ce98be  No.5794005


ETS is the fishiest of them all.

fb7b2d  No.5794006

File: 47b546916222443⋯.jpg (330.36 KB, 600x1625, 24:65, 1a.jpg)

File: bdf78590e313499⋯.jpg (293.5 KB, 600x1525, 24:61, 2.jpg)

California pulls National Guard from border to protect towns from fires


3c0eb9  No.5794007

File: 2db5d9888835773⋯.jpg (337.19 KB, 1200x1199, 1200:1199, Dm-sbbJWsAM0rpd.jpg)

2cea9d  No.5794008



Found Ric Flair

483001  No.5794009

File: bf513e583f22391⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 640x360, 16:9, skippymap.jpg)

064404  No.5794010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

420973  No.5794011

File: 24e93d19495c227⋯.png (305.67 KB, 474x269, 474:269, ClipboardImage.png)


Eze 33:33

And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.

1b2cac  No.5794012


Agreed. Diversity propaganda still weighs heavy among many here.

50b002  No.5794013

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

2f5a7d  No.5794014


Only because they untied themselves and got out

or they would have been cooked

police didn't do shit they were already escaped

be4185  No.5794015


This is a gross misrepresentation of the comment.

1. He was asking a question. AS in, if it was successful? Wouldn't that dominate the news for a day or more. "day(s)" Thankfully it was not.

2. You don't know what he was thinking. In the least. Hence the assessment of your gross misinterpretation.

a04f4f  No.5794016

File: bcb136a922f5c57⋯.jpg (106.66 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, chrissy-teigen-john-legend….jpg)

File: da2fd4454988943⋯.jpg (278.84 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 04082609d3a7bc5c19a130442c….jpg)

File: 550f0d5f90c32d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1818x832, 909:416, Teigen calling daughter Bu….png)

File: 77b801a3dc04004⋯.png (127 KB, 715x408, 715:408, Teigen pedo tweet.png)

064404  No.5794017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e0ec0f  No.5794018

Q, Q+,

Freedom means 'no more government'. As long as anyone has authority over others the system SUCKS and will eventually fail. I better hope your plan will be good. If you keep this system intact - even with removal of those who are corrupt - it will eventually become a mess again. We do not need anyone to say what we can or cannot do. It's our right to be free.

To freedom!

459388  No.5794019


This little light of mine, I will let it shine, this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine - let it shine - let it shine - let it shine. KEK

There fixed it right

5b7094  No.5794020


that is not what Q was saying

he was asking would the death of 51 children have changed the narrative?

yes it would have

fuck off

50b002  No.5794021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

483001  No.5794022


Hope this will also apply to the Military Tribunal Court as well.

9b8f94  No.5794023

File: e3ab4e0337a19af⋯.jpg (7.33 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, the-americans-abassin-zadr….jpg)

d1fa03  No.5794024

Somebody tell Q that nobody was burned alive.

Damn, Q, you really off your game.

Get it together.

Drugs are bad, you need to quit.

f61012  No.5794025

File: bffe40ee40003d6⋯.png (128.42 KB, 500x451, 500:451, hillary.png)

File: 66cc1c17f768fe2⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 493x309, 493:309, mutant.jpg)

f49727  No.5794026


ISRAEL's Plan is to expand Israel's Borders.

They will re-occupy GAZA and also invade Syria and occupy part of Syria under the pretext of defending Israel.

Then after a few years they will build illegal Zionist settlements in Gaza and in Syria..

3c0eb9  No.5794027

File: d6925401446058c⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 500x545, 100:109, Dy1aN-vWoAA5p9a.jpg)

File: 61d6cbf3f6c2ac3⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 500x527, 500:527, Dy1aOXdXcAIyQ2J.jpg)

19d8b4  No.5794028

>>5793219 (lb)

>> Malik Obama…

my kekistani brother from another mother

70030d  No.5794029


>these FF's are not happening in the States

Parkland - allowed to go unanswered

Las Vegas - allowed to go unanswered

the DOJ supports the phony narrative (maybe even designed it themselves) on LV, are patriots really in control?

3bb8e5  No.5794030

Anon all comfy WOKE AF….

Q posts @ Hussein

Anon thinks how many seconds from now til big O's bunghole starts tightening up

Real Time Grinz


2f617c  No.5794031


Available on CSPAN

f9b4e0  No.5794032

File: 8e8cddad3c6eadc⋯.png (95.41 KB, 600x842, 300:421, pepe noose.png)


Hey hollyweird criminals we do not forget.

4fd81b  No.5794033


you have to Think for Yourself

how is us telling you what to think any better?

read again:


Everything has meaning.

This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.


See how those 2 statements contradict each other?

It forces you to think.

Can't state much more plainly than that.

ef8b53  No.5794034


yea symbolism of the fucking police dept. for fuck sakes anon not everything is a conspiracy

4d52ab  No.5794035

There is no time in which the cabAl survives, the future belongs to the good the future belongs to GOD and man.

Those who have perverted the minds, bodies, and souls of Gods children shall receive no mercy nor quarter for they are the vermin, the blight who have foresaken God and mankind.

In these final hours of the deep state those who have been corrupted and misled will turn on the wicked and real ease ALL of their knowledge and evidence to save their souls.

Those who do not release these truths are facing Judgement of mankind and God himself.

The wicked and treacherous depraved baAlist are to face eternal pain.

A game this is not.

Good wins.

God wins.

Evil dies.

93a156  No.5794036

File: 62d80d7ab12a79c⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 474x300, 79:50, Stupid-ass-Nigger.jpg)


Try harder

064404  No.5794037








1ddc0b  No.5794038

File: 2ad7ccd5f104028⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x913, 1242:913, EC1C4BC0-97EE-4E47-BAFE-B….jpeg)

ce98be  No.5794039


Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

251c5d  No.5794040


Yes attempt to change the point of discussion.

53a178  No.5794041



8eaa53  No.5794042

File: ec2746b97eaf49e⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 548x455, 548:455, obama - russia - parents.jpg)

de58a3  No.5794043

File: 92c735ec9abf28e⋯.png (684.43 KB, 1176x1348, 294:337, islam is the reason 4 viol….png)

>>5793235 (lb)


(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?

This is NOT a game.

These people are sick.


Answer: Disagree. here is why. Some kids were hurt none of them killed. The NZ narrative is still going strong because muh shite supremecists.

The (non-white) Sengalese in this story is a member of the theocracy of peace, so it doesn't fit the diveristy narrative. Now if the bus driver was white and chrstian, you woud not be able to sut up the media.

Seriously Q, you know how the proganda media works.

Yes, unity not division, I am just telling you how the media presents things.

c43cbc  No.5794044


July 31, 2018, 9:46 PM EDT / Updated July 31, 2018, 9:47 PM EDT

By Tom Winter and Julia Ainsley

Former lobbyist Tony Podesta, Mercury Public Affairs partner and former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and former Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig are all under federal investigation by prosecutors for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, multiple sources with knowledge of the matter told NBC News on Tuesday.

Those sources say this months-long investigation in New York follows a referral from the special counsel’s office.

The existence of this particular probe was first reported by CNN, which characterized the investigation as looking into whether lobbyists and operatives failed to register their work as foreign agents. None of the people identified as being under investigation have been charged with a crime.

In October, NBC News was the first to report that Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group were being investigated by Mueller’s office.

Tony Podesta is the chairman of the Podesta Group and the brother of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's former presidential campaign chairman. John Podesta is not currently affiliated with the Podesta Group and is not part of the investigation.

The probe of Tony Podesta and his Democratic-leaning lobbying firm grew out of Mueller's inquiry into the finances of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to the sources.

As special counsel, Mueller has been tasked with investigating any possible a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. Trump has repeatedly denied any "collusion" took place.

where is tony

3c0eb9  No.5794045

File: 73720660023c838⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 1199x609, 1199:609, DXK6QvNUQAUUvzY.jpg)

b0be9e  No.5794046


RrYou know what? I may be wrong. In fact I think I am wrong. This troll didn't jump on a headline too fast and fuck up.==

He posted

>(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?

And he's right. It changed the narrative instantly. Instead of talking about his latest failed countdown, now everyone is talking about this. He changed the narrative from his own failure.

21b30c  No.5794047


But, would it have changed the narrative if they were?

256ebd  No.5794049


>The thing everyone is missing here is that these FF's are not happening in the States.

Look at the countries Q told us to be alert for FF.

Why those countries?

The way the EU and May are dancing tells me that Britain will go hard brexit and therefore the Cabal must try and control the narrative to keep the right out of power when May goes.


Say no more - Macron is gay toast.


Already based!

Undermine, undermine, undermine!

0e22a8  No.5794050


That was the goal was it not? Find your brain.

2f5a7d  No.5794051


Shills be shillin

cd350a  No.5794052


And this is pretty much exactly how it works.

459388  No.5794053


POTUS thank you

Bottom line:


e411e0  No.5794054

File: 70a1af9788913ea⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 730x802, 365:401, y2w064t4blw11.jpg)

File: 6320b9c071e91f8⋯.png (699.08 KB, 1164x678, 194:113, head-bullet-scars.png)


>muslim asset

head scars from tewworist training

e6d5f7  No.5794055


It doesn't add up.

How much gas?

What was the temperature during this?

Gas fumes, no one got hurt??

d41d94  No.5794056

>>5793286 (Q/pb)

Who's behind all of this which cuts across national borders and spans the globe?

Names and organizations, anons.

50b002  No.5794058

File: 2a7b96dde88221a⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 480x356, 120:89, 32907460_10428.jpg)

File: 890c3883ef5178f⋯.png (575.91 KB, 652x572, 163:143, yeuhasprobs.png)

f14f4f  No.5794059


Ooh, I'm the black guy on the bike running from cops!

f61012  No.5794060

File: c3d4bbc090782c3⋯.png (333.85 KB, 916x732, 229:183, watchca1.png)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California is calling in the National Guard for the first time to help protect communities from wildfires like the one that destroyed much of the city of Paradise last fall.

The state is pulling the troops away from President Donald Trump's border protection efforts and devoting them to fire protection, another area where the president has been critical of California officials.

Starting next month, 110 California National Guard troops will receive 11 days of training in using shovels, rakes and chain saws to thin trees and brush.

They'll be divided into five teams that will work on forest management projects around the state.

The projects are intended to slow advancing flames. Critics say they damage forests and can be useless against wind-driven fires.

Action News Now is working to learn if any of these troops will be placed locally.


38320f  No.5794061



Were you freeze dried or doing hard time?

970de1  No.5794062



Any rational expectations that this system will be brought back to freedom again?

I express my doubt wholeheartedly

0b62f5  No.5794063

File: 40a41da58f978c3⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1247x899, 43:31, Tanks.PNG)

How President Trump Saved The Last Tank Plant In America

- Forbes


Nov 2, 2018 - On Thursday of this week, I toured the last remaining tank plant in … keep the renewed funding for their products going so that the plant can be ..

95d01c  No.5794064


Priming the narriative. nice


064404  No.5794065



fb7b2d  No.5794066

File: ad99b79e16c7c8f⋯.jpg (275.36 KB, 600x2170, 60:217, 1a.jpg)

The New York Times has released an open-source tool to let you manage all your internal knowledge more easily


b2cbb6  No.5794067

File: a29ecdb2d083fbb⋯.jpeg (129.17 KB, 791x484, 791:484, 7E8F5191-E043-498B-A743-2….jpeg)

9819f3  No.5794068


Yeah! Evil dies…!

e61d46  No.5794069

File: 90ad23f37f22d4d⋯.jpg (116.2 KB, 795x505, 159:101, ShaqKEK.jpg)

2cea9d  No.5794070


Q said "(51) children" in parenthesis because the title is clickbait faggotry. The kids didn't actually get burned. It's an emotional jerker meant to distract people.

Perhaps Q is telling us MSM is running out of ammo

9aea68  No.5794071

File: 25ec3514d6a0226⋯.jpg (102.61 KB, 500x637, 500:637, shhhhh_shillsa.jpg)

eb3923  No.5794073



b00d31  No.5794074

Michael Medved is a stupendous douche bag.

db3fc2  No.5794075

File: 74e546a56a5bca6⋯.png (333.24 KB, 600x399, 200:133, chelsea haiti.png)

File: cd9b442d78b02c4⋯.jpg (346.58 KB, 600x399, 200:133, chelsea wedding.jpg)

3c0eb9  No.5794076

File: 82ae5f4f672431e⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 897x464, 897:464, DyxzwCOV4AAWMyD.jpg)

File: 7885d1c739c14ba⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 895x462, 895:462, DyxzwCQUYAAk0Ye.jpg)

File: df70c045ae8efb8⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 896x465, 896:465, DyxzwCPVAAACMWZ.jpg)

File: ca82cf0082cfaf0⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 894x461, 894:461, DyxzwCPUwAA3bPd.jpg)

7cd8b1  No.5794077

2cea9d  No.5794079


Always played Alliance.

f3a948  No.5794080


He did say they WERE burned alive

f0e7fe  No.5794081

you spoke too soon. Then why did he post a thread with video of them being rescued? dip shit


52a376  No.5794082


>I gave him the kind of funeral he wanted - we sent him on the way



f61012  No.5794083

File: bdbe9a324a212b7⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 800x857, 800:857, 74142058CJ073_British_Acad….jpg)


Watch your back, Malik

ecb5fd  No.5794085


That's why POTUS is going there with McCain. He's BEGGING them to bring it up.

>"Other things…."

What other things???? …..

86b31b  No.5794086


>The thing everyone is missing here is that these FF's are not happening in the States.

good point!

b9a675  No.5794087

File: 3c298c9cf0618f1⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 888x500, 222:125, sinclair broad dump.jpg)

File: 65fb61ac5cba23d⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 707x353, 707:353, presidio dump.jpg)

Track ANY stock at this site


70030d  No.5794088

File: 3ca792d67da29f6⋯.png (67.54 KB, 638x327, 638:327, ClipboardImage.png)


old, old news

3c0eb9  No.5794089

File: 18c330c0497b770⋯.jpg (79.06 KB, 617x771, 617:771, thanks-kikes.jpg)

3238ca  No.5794090

>>5794046 Q inferred a Question !

34476a  No.5794092


Whats the betting if this is spread on twatter it will be stamped out like the NZ stuff

52a376  No.5794093



> gave him the kind of funeral he wanted - we sent him on the way.


NoName did not depart on his own terms - Q

d09c5b  No.5794094



It is the intention that matters. He was pointing out the move, not the end result.

9d5edc  No.5794095

File: 7df6b6439c94bcb⋯.jpg (220.65 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, HillaryclintonfoundationCr….jpg)

File: 961a34ce1f26ffb⋯.jpg (717.26 KB, 1871x2799, 1871:2799, PosterClintonFoundation.jpg)

File: 121afbe83b03ffd⋯.jpg (194.86 KB, 1876x1149, 1876:1149, BillClintonFoundationCorru….JPG)

File: 8c2143d450f52fe⋯.jpg (265.83 KB, 2069x738, 2069:738, ClintonFoundationCrimesChi….jpg)

File: ae86cc451d56ef7⋯.jpg (239.34 KB, 1920x711, 640:237, ClintonFoundationCrimesChi….jpg)

4fd81b  No.5794096

File: 61f864aec570949⋯.png (76.55 KB, 250x241, 250:241, pepe whelmed.png)

<<<if the (51) would've got burned they would complain about Q doing nothing

<<<the (51) didn't get burned: let's complain about Q nonetheless

2f617c  No.5794097

File: 72ea1bd11431a89⋯.jpg (10.87 KB, 255x142, 255:142, COMMITTEDTOEXCELLENSE.jpg)


That's because Us Fucking Faggots GET IT and don't need to explain it to shills.

Take notes or keep up.

d15867  No.5794098

Twatter question you know how when you click on a tweet that has lots of replies, there are some that have a hyperlink reply that still needs to be clicked? Is there a way to have all of those hyperlinks expand with just one click instead of having to do each of them individually?

dbb915  No.5794099

Baker change


>>5793698 UBS Warns Q1 "One Of The Worst" In Recent History As IBanking Revenue Implodes

>>5793775 Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored a bill to allow cameras in all Federal Court room's

>>5793772 New Zealand to Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer Friday as #HeadScarfforHarmony Campaign Urges Non-Muslim Women to Wear Hijab

>>5793808 Twitter Restricts Account of Julian Assange’s Mother

>>5793758 Cameras to be allowed in Federal Courtrooms

>>5793891 Who the Hell is Nellie Ohr???

>>5793897 Theranos Elizabeth Holmes Sold Certainty & Sex

>>5793901 Lawsuits coming?

>>5793964 The Podesta Group

>>5793658 See Obama's Operation Choke Point

>>5794006 California pulls National Guard from border to protect towns from fires

>>5794063 How President Trump Saved The Last Tank Plant In America


503bcf  No.5794100


Maybe they are not migrants at all.

Maybe they are people brought in to wreak havoc.

"Normal" people and migrants do not do such evil things.

Maybe, people like him, are the European version of MS-13.

Maybe somebody wants to have shock troops to create chaos.

18ebab  No.5794101

File: 84a0c74c465042d⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 255x220, 51:44, f90b4c65b3596f40da73486b39….jpg)

e20f91  No.5794102

File: 2bf2d69ddcda551⋯.png (8.59 KB, 386x81, 386:81, ClipboardImage.png)


>he jumped on that headline thinking 51 children were burned alive when they were not.

Dear Low IQ Shill,

Do you know wtf a "?" means, Idiot????

2abaf4  No.5794103


It was implied had it happened it would drive the news for days, FFS some of you need to take a break if not fucking shills.

b9a675  No.5794105




f14f4f  No.5794106

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Right you know.jpg)


Homie don't play that!

cd350a  No.5794107


I wonder how many people here are familiar with the Hart/Celler Act of 1965?

Quite a change from the Immigration Act of 1795 which is what the founders intended.

f61012  No.5794108

File: 971cd4925b8567d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1105x800, 221:160, 4-6.png)

7cd8b1  No.5794109

3c0eb9  No.5794110


You obviously never went to public school in any major US city.

30c706  No.5794111


So, if the Allies cracked the ENIGMA Code early on in WW II and the rest of the War consisted of a book-keeping chore of German attrition versus acceptable Allied losses (this is what made the OSS/CIA psychopathic), then WHY didn't the Allies moves on any ONE of the HUNDREDS of intercepted messages of Hitler’s EXACT location and easily take him out when his own generals wanted to do so and end the War? Roths? Bushe? The rest of the Central Banking Cabal

2f5a7d  No.5794112



he said that would have been big enough to change the narrative for days (if it had been successful)

be4185  No.5794113


The point was that the attempt would've potentially dominated the news feeds for days. Similar to the standstill caused by Sandy Hook.

Fortunately, this attempt was not successful. Because Q posited the question in neither negates the point or credibility.

Reading comprehension is very important. Questions are usually denoted by the (?) punctuation as was the case in Q's comment. So there.

21b30c  No.5794114

File: a64ae6009fb25c3⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 616x425, 616:425, POTUS-Gets-No-Thanks.JPG)


c9c655  No.5794115

File: 6f9795a41b44541⋯.jpeg (64.97 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, 1551919278.jpeg)

d7163a  No.5794116

File: 11bbc752d4364e9⋯.jpg (593.21 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190320-154449….jpg)

Ok, here you go. Met in a Russian class. BTW, while he was ALREADY married. Lol. What wonderful people. What does this fact tell us about Hussien's birth status? Jon Snow?


598020  No.5794117

This guy is gaming all of you. The Narrative that he is changing is the narrative about his newest failed countdown and about how this is all a troll


94b0b7  No.5794118

File: 489995a3eef2927⋯.png (1021.11 KB, 587x721, 587:721, POTUS fighting fake news s….png)


>Malik Obama

Next time a lib comes praising Obama, just agree and tell them Malik is the greatest guy ever!

c60a98  No.5794119

Is this how Facebook gets dragged into the college admissions mess?


UCLA student who 'had never played competitive soccer' named on elite team alongside members of the U.S. and Canadian national side after her parents 'transferred Facebook shares worth $250,000 to fixer to get her in'

Lauren Isackson was given jersey No. 41 on a team of all star players in 2017

She was required to play on the team for at least one year, the indictment says

But Lauren made no appearances and played zero minutes during the season

Team had five U.S. youth national team players and a Canadian international

Prosecutors say her parents, Davina and Bruce, spent more than $600,000 to get Lauren and her sister into UCLA and USC with fake athletic credentials

The couple, who live in Hillsborough, California, are said to have planned to help their third child into college with payments before the alleged scheme crumbled

Both are charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud

2cea9d  No.5794120


Hory shite, maun.

Same thing that drives me nuts about bible thumpers that have no time to learn who they're talking to, no time to engage with them.

If you're shining a red light in my face to get me to stop doing what I'm doing, and yet I can't see color, who's the fucking retard?

You aren't learning about me, the person you're engaging with, by learning that I'm color blind. You just find a way to make the light brighter and reemphasize a shove motion to illustrate to me that you're trying to communicate with a red light to my color blind ass.

d15867  No.5794121

Isn't today the T minus 0 day? Any bombshells I need to catch up on?

74e2a5  No.5794122


Holy Fuck. Start stacking it deep as fast as possible NZ anons.

503bcf  No.5794123


You're right.

I didn't.

970de1  No.5794124

Anons-believe Q will save the world

Reality-Q cant even get the press to ask a question


1b2cac  No.5794125

File: d90df1bc7d37d58⋯.png (14.63 KB, 644x800, 161:200, soyboy.png)


omg yaaaas, diversity is our strength!

Seriously though, malls are indeed fucking depressing to visit these days. Nothing but 3rd worlders and their 7 kids screaming and climbing on shit.

0fcb5a  No.5794126

Is anyone being threatened with prison time for sharing the bus-burning video?

3c0eb9  No.5794127

File: a760ade0057fb62⋯.jpg (125.67 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, DvmwhMgW0AAKl2b.jpg)

1ee40e  No.5794128



Need Graham to come out and interupt with a big blown up pic of mccain and isis on the congress floor

32f242  No.5794129



Arrest them Q.

d09c5b  No.5794130


He also gave him the death that he wanted.

0fd8a8  No.5794131

File: d600b763bf5ff3b⋯.png (594.89 KB, 1223x681, 1223:681, ClipboardImage.png)

Quick post - gotta get back to work.


[stranglehold 'choke' tactic used by attackers] [PAIN]

Cindy McCain tweets a 'stranger's' text hoping Meghan 'chokes to death'

POTUS comments about McCain all over the news today.

POTUS talking about him right now where?


'LEAD-IN' Watch the water?


50b002  No.5794132

File: 14e87ca3605c5f5⋯.jpg (231.92 KB, 612x407, 612:407, stfuj.jpg)

598020  No.5794133


This guy is gaming all of you. The Narrative that he is changing is the narrative about his newest failed countdown and about how this is all a troll


7cd8b1  No.5794134

b9a675  No.5794135


>>5793930 Brexit: EU says short delay is possible if MPs back deal

bb5db9  No.5794136

Didn't Sally Yates make a big deal about the potential, as she saw it, of blackmailing as the reason she pressed concerns onto the WH about General Flynn? And the FBI agent who went to the various information meetings with her – to give the WH info it could "act on" – was none other than Peter S.

Well, read the following and see yet another double standard under Obama's DOJ and FBI.


He was pressed to describe the specific activities that would make an agent vulnerable to an enemy’s spy tradecraft.

“A whole variety of things,” he answered. “Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, being in difficult financial straits, affairs, if you’re married, extramarital affairs.” Later he added: “A variety of personal behaviors could make somebody more susceptible or vulnerable to foreign recruitment than other behaviors.


Naturally, Priestap was pressed about Strzok’s alleged affair with Page. He said one or two of Strzok’s colleagues brought it to his attention and he immediately told McCabe.

“I also spoke to both Pete and Lisa about it,” Priestap added. “I felt I owed it to them. Lisa did not report to me but I felt that they ought to be aware of what was being said.”

What follows next is unbelievable. But before reading Priestap’s words, it’s essential to note that he considered an extramarital affair a security risk, yet treated his interactions with the two FBI agents as a courtesy notification rather than confronting them to see if it was true.

“I didn’t ask them if it is true, but they needed to know that that impression was out there,” Priestap explained. “And I don’t remember my exact words. But what I was trying to communicate is, ‘This better not interfere with things,’ if you know what I mean. Like, to me, the mission is everything. And so we all have our personal lives, what have you. I’m not the morality police.”

Lawmakers were dismayed and followed up. “But that behavior would make them vulnerable to an intelligence service?” one asked.

“In my opinion, yes,” Priestap answered.

So did he raise the vulnerability issue with Strzok and Page?

“No,” Priestap answered.


Read the whole thing. Not surprising, right?

f68d45  No.5794137


25 red crosses ie $25m funneled red cross funds. rememebr the vids of red cross money?

52a376  No.5794138

You all know that Laura Ingraham spent a lot of Time in Russia and knows the language as well as Spanish.

She has her good days and bad days, but I have always wondered how she got to where she is, coming from nowhere so to speak, with her mom an immigrant and such.

I just don't know about her.

f3c600  No.5794139

File: 4f7677befd4a605⋯.png (307.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 883d0d67b9ef8e11b18df58e4e….png)


why are you filtering the jews?

e34ef5  No.5794140

MOST all you anons are DICK-RIDING faggots for sure

PROOF: almost all you fucks where riding the 21 day PLAN of sucking Q dick

Q comes back after a swing and a miss and blames the peasent anons for wrong DECODE days are not days watch times are different

(Q then don't say days)

NOW you all act like your where not on the 21 day plan and the cum is dripping out the corners of your mouth and you and Q attack your fellow anons that say "but you said 21 days"

faggots in faggots out fuck you faggots

08d8fb  No.5794141


Are you saying Thanq to be kind (if so, ThanQ), or are you the person who doesn't like my "Eye" posts? Honest question, no harm intended. Could be both I guess.

47679c  No.5794142

File: 8db9e37d828609d⋯.png (380.79 KB, 636x456, 53:38, Screenshot 2019-03-20_15-4….png)

Confirms Netanyahu is working with Trump coalition

de58a3  No.5794143


no wonder his kid killed himself.

598020  No.5794144


This guy is gaming all of you. The Narrative that he is changing is the narrative about his newest failed countdown and about how this is all a troll


3c0eb9  No.5794145


If you did, then you'd know that the causes for these things are simply biological. Behavior comes from genes. Just look at any other animal on the planet.

2cea9d  No.5794146



9d5edc  No.5794147

File: 0d045587bf939b9⋯.jpg (89.69 KB, 534x960, 89:160, ClintonFoundationjournalis….jpg)

File: 48efdb98d04f5ae⋯.jpg (123.83 KB, 960x621, 320:207, HaitiClintonFoundationHosp….jpg)

File: 49221180fb25f54⋯.jpg (210.57 KB, 1916x1418, 958:709, HillaryClintonFoundationCo….JPG)

File: a61ff364e782189⋯.jpg (166.68 KB, 559x626, 559:626, LauraSilsbyClintonFoundati….jpg)

File: a8a553ebd1d4dfe⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 576x384, 3:2, SchumerShutdownDemsPartyPu….JPG)

c63741  No.5794148

File: fdb1caa085cb62b⋯.png (150.19 KB, 522x381, 174:127, F2A1117C-7173-47E8-B795-A1….png)

Q how are we OPTICS wise on the board. Time for some serious PAIN.png

Like some Tarmac transcripts, or HUSSIEN with an AK in full garb. Time to call and show your hand for the shills and normies to join. Otherwise they are stuck in the echo chambers of MSM. HELP an ANON OUT!!

34476a  No.5794149

File: a6571178b6e5ba0⋯.jpg (293.94 KB, 1223x898, 1223:898, Screen Shot 03-20-19 at 07….JPG)

File: 2b698733b9258f5⋯.jpg (591.9 KB, 1223x898, 1223:898, Screen Shot 03-20-19 at 07….JPG)


3b59b8  No.5794150

Red Castle (Aviation) in Green Ohio?


356th Fighter Group was USAF.

420973  No.5794151

File: 1309560b8b6fef3⋯.png (120.4 KB, 299x190, 299:190, Right.png)

b9a675  No.5794152

File: aed1f7b8a775145⋯.jpg (104.97 KB, 650x650, 1:1, Real Patriot Indian.jpg)

2f617c  No.5794153

File: 3894bc5e76d2a3d⋯.jpg (106.05 KB, 709x373, 709:373, anonCOMPUTERING.jpg)



That's because Us Fucking Faggots GET IT and don't need to explain it to shills.

Take notes or keep up.

e0ec0f  No.5794154


The system is a failure from start because it was designed to have power over others. That's why it's useless to fix it. Instead we need to get rid of it. Eventually at least. I do not mind a set of useful values but it's clear that the people of this planet didn't fuck things up. Governments and companies fucked things up and I'm tired of paying for it.

52a376  No.5794155


I think his kid was suicided because he was getting ready to spill some beans.

95d01c  No.5794156


I like the post. Thank you.

2cea9d  No.5794158



32f242  No.5794159


NZ folks better wake the fuq up.

598020  No.5794160


You are right I was wrong I think this is what's going on.

This guy is gaming all of you. The Narrative that he is changing is the narrative about his newest failed countdown and about how this is all a troll


19db0e  No.5794161


They're like prisons, watch for gangs, watch for hallway patrol etc

f3c600  No.5794162

File: b44bd55e779d0fa⋯.png (320.87 KB, 1169x392, 167:56, Screenshot_2019-03-10 char….png)


no it doesn't

6a8f98  No.5794163


lol so true

f14f4f  No.5794164

So, what was the fraud?

That Q book?


ebcd58  No.5794165



9d5edc  No.5794166

File: c5c9d13bb6bfd3c⋯.jpg (108.07 KB, 800x432, 50:27, ClintonFoundationMoneyMone….jpg)

File: 818bd040a4076ad⋯.jpeg (82.9 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Clinton Foundation suicid….jpeg)

File: 25a887612045d26⋯.jpg (655 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, WeKnowClintonFoundation.jpg)

File: 8be721213bf112c⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 636x424, 3:2, ClintonFoundationNOTH.jpg)

File: 6eda34a4d34c337⋯.jpg (242.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClintonFoundationMoneyLaun….jpg)

c63741  No.5794167

File: 983dfa24fa4f668⋯.png (146.29 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2CAAD646-DF59-44DD-A442-77….png)

My captcha was

Gay sex


0fcb5a  No.5794168

We should clarify… When we say "Jews", we do not mean Jews in the general-sense, or even the Orthodox sense…

We mean, you filthy, disgusting, GODLESS, REFORMIST, Jew, kike, rats!

598020  No.5794169


This guy is gaming all of you. The Narrative that he is changing is the narrative about his newest failed countdown and about how this is all a troll


b9a675  No.5794170

File: 1782385b3ea265a⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 564x376, 3:2, Troll captured.jpg)

1ddc0b  No.5794171

File: 4203360152084b8⋯.jpeg (1010.82 KB, 1242x1966, 621:983, DC1EB09A-D280-4F73-99D9-A….jpeg)

File: 89f6e6d26d665e2⋯.jpeg (893.86 KB, 1242x1480, 621:740, DDAD0C78-6D58-43C7-AC2D-F….jpeg)


92f7b9  No.5794172


>The thing everyone is missing here is that these FF's are not happening in the States.

Well, Italy with Salvini is the biggest threat to the criminal EU. In May are EU elections and the patriots in the countries of the EU currently have very good cards to destroy this criminal EU organization.

This FF should hit Italy and the patriots in the European countries.

b9a675  No.5794173

File: 45239ab47d29572⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 255x249, 85:83, Shill douchebag boss.jpg)

1b48bc  No.5794174


>The thing everyone is missing here is that these FF's are not happening in the States

Spot on.

de58a3  No.5794175


Oh yes. The identity politics is going to be the #walkaway for jews. Who has the money in this country besides Muslims and CAIR and Chobani Yogurt?

7cd8b1  No.5794176


Which they won't/can't as is already established.

Kek, this is quite fun to watch.

70b86b  No.5794177


Watched it. Puff piece "doc," that fails to examine Deep State and Obamacare connections. Skip it.

4fd81b  No.5794178


<to get me to stop doing what I'm doing

who's stopping you?

>2cea9d (17)
