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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

The catalog is currently having intermittent freezing issues. Please use the board index to find the latest General bread. Sorry for the inconvenience.

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, ##QR.jpg)

bb804f  No.5704471

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.15.2019

>>5704231 rt >>5704197 ————————— Busy saving humanity

>>5704151 ————————————–——– Powerful statement of UNITY

>>5703651 ————————————–——– /CM/ stay alert

>>5703616 ————————————–——– @Enoch (Cap: >>5703710 )

>>5703605 ————————————–——– @senjudiciary (Cap: >>5704087)

>>5702205 ————————————–——– These people are sick & evil, not a coincidence (Cap: >>5702405 )

>>5702158 ————————————–——– Dark to Light China

>>5702121 ————————————–——– Dark to Light Whatsapp (Cap: >>5702270 )

>>>/patriotsfight/468 ——————————— (US Flag) (Cap: >>5700611 )

>>5693658 ————————————–——– Tomorrow is FRIDAY.

Thursday 03.14.2019

>>5691725 rt >>5691475 ————————— Not big enough to pull headlines/news away. Think days.

>>5691398 ————————————–——– Be vigilant at all times. (US, UK, FR, IT) See Something. Say Something (Cap: >>5691483 )

>>5690226 ————————————–——– "This is about to break wide open..." (Cap and Video: >>5690246, >>5690415)

>>5685756 ————————————–——– Very SAD to see GERMANY pulling the strings on the UK! Q+ (UK Bread)

>>5685837 ————————————–——– Stand strong, Patriots. The UNITED STATES is WITH YOU Q+ (UK bread)

>>5685074 ————————————–——– "Server config change." (Cap: >>5688088)

>>5684336 rt >>5684297 ————————— Disregard spelling error. On the move.

>>5684297 ————————————–——– TO SUMMARIZE THIS WEEK: RE: [D’s] PREP TO STEAL 2020 ELECTIONS

>>5684025 rt >>5684007 ————————— Good movie.

>>5683938 ————————————–——– Clear history/cookies to bypass all PAYWALLS. Read FREE. (Cap: >>5688121)

>>5683707 rt >>5683675 ————————— "Class A" shares. Fun, nonetheless.

>>5683562 rt >>5683535 ————————— Do you see "CI A?"

>>5683496 ————————————–——– Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you. (Cap: >>5688189)

>>5682585 ————————————–——– NELLIE OHR = C_A?

>>5682414 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? (Cap: >>5686693)

>>5681798 ————————————–——– REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT FACT

>>5681490 ————————————–——– Remember this important FACT (Cap: >>5686574)

>>5681131 rt >>5681048 ————————— AUTISTS SAVING THE WORLD

>>5681047 rt >>5680891 ————————— But, you already knew that from the drop

>>5680891 ————————————–——– PRESS CONF COMING?

>>5680490 ————————————–——– [RR] DEBRIEF COMPLETE

>>5680293 ————————————–——– A_TRAITOR'S_JUSTICE.png

>>5680288 rt >>5680242 ————————— Thank you for your service

>>5677755 ————————————–——– The End Is Near (Cap: >>5678032)

>>5677704 ————————————–——– Happy Hunting! (Cap: >>5678075)

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Tuesday 03.12.2019

Compiled here: >>5678083

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

bb804f  No.5704496


are not endorsements


>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5704255 Planefags caught the Q ANON callsigns yesterday

>>5704140 305,478 visitors on qmap.pub

>>5704122 New PapaD tweet re UK and Australia spying

>>5703910 Erik Prince 'Certainly Not Telling The Truth': Adam Schiff

>>5703904 After NZ attack, Trump turns attention elsewhere.' Anons knew

>>5703895 No Name and David Kramer implicated in Christopher Steele depositions

>>5703804 Reports that 4Chan has been blocked in NZ

>>5703836 Planefag Reports

>>5703794 QProof: Q knew in advance of the 12 Reps who would vote against NE

>>5703790 Nate Cain shows off his new Punisher bag

5704440 #7295


>>5703297 New Sara Carter tweet: Lawmakers Request Documents From DOJ

>>5703119 Updated EO today, transnational gangs and Blocking funds

>>5703053 Mueller, Gates attorneys request sentencing delay

>>5703000 Florida Mayor Arrested

>>5702999 UN Works With Intelligence Contractors To Destabilize NK Dialogue

>>5703056 Hogan Gidley confirms the veto ceremony will happen at 330 in the Oval Office

>>5703057 , >>5703086 Lindsay Graham investigates 25th Amendment discussion. Docs

>>5702974 , >>5703423 Planefag Reports

>>5702967 New DJT

5703702 #7294


>>5702349 President Trump to issue statement from the Oval Office at 3:30 ET - White House

>>5702309, >>5702443, >>5702612, >>5702782 FBIAnon original re-post, with oldfags citing the old days

>>5702289 Wait, wut? Reuters reporting Beto belonged to famous computer hackers group

>>5702616 FBI has no such position as "Section Chief Counterespianage Section", but CIA does.

>>5702521 Judge Unseals Portions Of Christopher Steele’s Deposition In Dossier Lawsuit

>>5702711 Faceboook admits to sharing your information to (long list provided)

>>5702346 Australian senator condemns violence but explains truths about dark purpose behind forced migration

>>5702781 Government regulators relied on industry-funded herbicide studies to declare glyphosate safe

>>5702715 Feds charge 5 from New Mexico compound where 11 children found

>>5702872 #7293

Previously Collected Notables

>>5700582 #7290, >>5701357 #7291, >>5702172 #7292

>>5698293 #7287, >>5699065 #7288, >>5699827 #7289

>>5696005 #7284, >>5696804 #7285, >>5697563 #7286

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

bb804f  No.5704521

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#74 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>5703380

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

bb804f  No.5704530

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716

• Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

• Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

• NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

• Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

• Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

bb804f  No.5704547

#7296 Dough


Site is lagging, multiple capchas

Holding the line.


bb804f  No.5704548

#7296 Dough


Site is lagging, catalog unstable, using index, multiple capchas

Holding the line.


e97685  No.5704549

File: 857d1c4e603e5a5⋯.jpg (233.14 KB, 1702x874, 37:19, 1552674326155.jpg)

File: bf99872990fce99⋯.jpg (826.04 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1552667992925.jpg)




Screenshot is of profile.



acb2c3  No.5704550

I get the feeling that (you)'s from Q mean more than stopping any of this insanity to the average koala pap-swilling anon.

3e13e5  No.5704551

File: 326058bebcc6f61⋯.png (26.95 KB, 720x209, 720:209, Screenshot_20190315-140133….png)

1a2055  No.5704552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Once again with yesterday's vote on border security, the corrupt in Congress have sold out the American people.

I am a DACA and I have made a video exposing how broken/corrupt the immigration system is. In the video I also expose a sharia law Muslim group already well established in America. The video is 40 minutes long. The expose of the Sharia law Muslim group starts at 25:39.

If I fall, know that it has been an honor to serve with you Anons. I have given Q what they need for 2020.


I have made a Twitter account @FightForAmerica if you would like to share my video on social media. WWG1WGA

f74fbc  No.5704553

>>5704151 (/pb)

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump—I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough—until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad," he told Breitbart on Thursday, and then tweeted out the remark."


Same day?

How much more obvious can we make it?


f0597f  No.5704554

Severe lag here too.

Bout to get sporty?

89c167  No.5704555

File: f807f3a6d080e5f⋯.png (423.29 KB, 501x335, 501:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 952a6c2f7f5ce18⋯.png (39.98 KB, 239x354, 239:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f88bda22e969e82⋯.png (106.02 KB, 830x341, 830:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Bank CEOs' Pay Tops Crisis-Era Highs "As If It Never Happened"

It appears that market participants' collective memory reaches about 10 years.

The biggest US banks have now all completed their disclosures on executive compensation, and as Barron's' Al Root reports, they tell an important story…

Overall, chief executives at the six banks earned more than $152 million in 2018.

That eclipses the $141 million the same banks paid their top bosses in 2008 - the year before banker pay tanked after the financial crisis.

But they deserve it right?

Wrong! From the end of November 2007 - the 2007-2009 recession began in December - to today, the average total annual shareholder return for those six banks is about negative 0.8%.


Crime is still paying!

180d27  No.5704556

File: d999f42865ba435⋯.png (436.4 KB, 541x755, 541:755, 9ed84127362e85a8b938957eca….png)

Thank You Baker

Doing Great!!

09cec2  No.5704557




You're doing a great job keeping up with fast Q breads, 502s and multiCaptia. Thanks for your hard work!!!

5eb73a  No.5704558

File: 870e2e2f36ba669⋯.jpg (162.63 KB, 1230x880, 123:88, 1a.JPG)

File: b963fdc0e9aac87⋯.jpg (140.22 KB, 700x900, 7:9, 3.JPG)

File: 572dda868eb923a⋯.jpg (142.78 KB, 692x915, 692:915, 4.JPG)

Miami Man Accused In Massive Health Care Fraud Had Contact With Mastermind Of College Admissions Cheating Scandal


3e4f65  No.5704559


ty baker, nice bread title!

56bdd5  No.5704560


Thanks Baker!

acb2c3  No.5704561


How much more obvious?

You could have Huber roll out some fucking indictments.

0f5800  No.5704562



Great work, Baker.

Please be sure to include carats for the Notables Buns such that the links to them function properly.

Keep kicking ass.

9181e0  No.5704563


hence the warning to /cm/

2eff5a  No.5704564

>>5704493 (lb)

Yep and ([{they}]) are trying the GAB trick on us this time.

31c44a  No.5704565

Serious lag

Ty baker

2c6b2d  No.5704566

File: e400249ee8dff50⋯.png (73.52 KB, 640x602, 320:301, BD42FF79-D582-4D0F-8185-5F….png)

Like walking through frozen mud trying to get in here.

DS skeered.

They should be.

583337  No.5704567

File: 967575d0364300e⋯.png (125.76 KB, 800x975, 32:39, Elvis-Pepe.png)

1b3ea4  No.5704568

File: 3ba3f3497eade67⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 440x661, 440:661, 440px-Melania_Trump_offici….jpg)

d5bd54  No.5704569

File: 2eb5de2e62d99cc⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 736x490, 368:245, fy.jpg)

68ec16  No.5704570

File: 813ae0ada5d5c91⋯.png (594.96 KB, 1811x879, 1811:879, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)



TY Baker - over the target BIGLY!

632caa  No.5704571

Just got 502'd trying to get into catalog. Refresh fixed it. Any others?

3e13e5  No.5704572



49189c  No.5704573

File: e16be7a5417b7f1⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 640x768, 5:6, 8chan.mp4)

ccbc26  No.5704575


nothing wrong with issuing them a warning

86f771  No.5704577

Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

Can you find an owl / Y there?

Was this to prevent evil from entering?

Was this to protect their children/people?

Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

How was POTUS hosted?



Fantasy land.


So if I have this drop right, China and Russia were fucking us for survival, not for fun. They knew moar about our Country than we did.

178d7c  No.5704578

4142e7  No.5704579


blessings…so many abundant blessings.

dfcca0  No.5704580

I was told there would be free beer here today, and all I got was another letter from Lindsey Graham.

8cfe84  No.5704581


So it's like infantry and air support?

Somebody told me POTUS was at Pentagon today, so why not?

And meanwhile, /cm/ is somehow responsible for what horrors FB livestreams?

What's going on here?

3edc94  No.5704582

File: 35c4830ff6755b8⋯.jpg (75.55 KB, 876x785, 876:785, 15617a7122f8de43b3c79c62b4….jpg)

e82740  No.5704583

File: 0fb344d717c0117⋯.jpg (65.22 KB, 623x959, 89:137, D1uKF4CWoAAFbPe.jpg)

Air Force & Army.

Q & Anon

Q & QArmy

1b3ea4  No.5704584

File: 8f61487572125bd⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 650x488, 325:244, 1.jpg)

File: 1fcecaa22a378e7⋯.jpg (191.02 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, 2.jpg)

File: e9c75c8cd7cda9a⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 3.jpg)

ce8db4  No.5704585


There is a difference between saving your life and saving your soul.

Two battles, one fight.

6c878a  No.5704586


Spoken like a true division-shill.

Fuck. You. Faggot.

be850e  No.5704587


It seems we are at a point that even sleeping normies are no longer paying attention to these FF attacks. Everyone is news weary.

9c1e81  No.5704588

File: a3cd6dbcf35aa3f⋯.jpg (881.28 KB, 4261x2272, 4261:2272, Booker.jpg)

42cec8  No.5704589

File: 9de6f340f5f5d71⋯.png (473.44 KB, 1024x536, 128:67, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5704549 Good job Patriot!

d46128  No.5704590


>How much more obvious can we make it?


1be6da  No.5704591

File: b7f3137658757b7⋯.jpg (39.73 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, AG.jpg)

>>5704529 lb

>Any recall info that Saddam had asked permission of Bush before invading Kuwait.

>Bush said it was "not our concern", giving reason to invade.

>Early Wikileaks was it?

>Glaspie's remarks unwittingly gave Iraq a green light to invade Kuwait."


b0fbd3  No.5704592

File: bfdf662303491b7⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 480x385, 96:77, JustPray.jpg)


>>5704231 LB

Praying for you all Q!!

2c6b2d  No.5704593

Waiting on something to show my family I ain’t crazy >>5704553

475193  No.5704594

File: d8441a0d7d84bc7⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, a2c766e7a96fd766332a6d4687….jpg)



13b6bd  No.5704595

File: 7bb48236ad3b13c⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, capobv.jpg)


they are brainwashed - Captain Obvious cannot even reach them…

7e0509  No.5704596


Thank you for using the (pb). I appreciate it. :)

49047f  No.5704597


I am so proud and geniunly happy to be a part of this community.

It makes my day! Pretty Much every day the last year.

New life! JOY! Hope!

I feel informed, strong, ahead and i spead the knowledge with small red pills to colleges every day

Thanks all!

66cf6f  No.5704598

File: 6bdb8dfc31ca2b6⋯.jpg (518.14 KB, 1079x715, 83:55, SmartSelect_20181122-18522….jpg)

Much love, Q & Q+!

b0b2ce  No.5704599

File: 9941e171781ba20⋯.jpeg (942.11 KB, 2632x1754, 1316:877, _ff nofunkksgiven.jpeg)












>>5704435 (lb)

>>5704490 (lb)

>>5704488 (lb)


3e13e5  No.5704600


Free beer would he socialist, no?

d5bd54  No.5704601

File: 4bf4a0fc3523442⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 255x170, 3:2, wtpbikers.jpg)

File: 8fa4b521c5e12d8⋯.jpg (182.18 KB, 661x538, 661:538, doitq.jpg)

File: 092ee132d34870a⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 310x341, 10:11, cureflag.jpg)

a05093  No.5704602


Thanks Boss. For a joke, I get condemnation and hate.

672dd5  No.5704603

File: 66e3035b0b23eb0⋯.jpg (169.71 KB, 1192x670, 596:335, Cats.jpg)




255eb5  No.5704604

File: 2d3b734cf06620d⋯.png (523.33 KB, 510x511, 510:511, PissedOff.PNG)

d135a7  No.5704605

File: 7fd55fba09e909b⋯.jpg (16.94 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 7fd55fba09e909b66a38f979c8….jpg)


ThankQ Baker/s. Love a hot kitchen, not so much a laggy board, kek


75ab01  No.5704606


I don't need anymore convincing Q, Patriot reporting for Duty

acb2c3  No.5704607


No. Fuck you. Until we go on the offensive (legally), we aren't worth a shit.

68d183  No.5704608

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 149.png)

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, For God & Country.png)

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, Freedom.png)

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, ides.png)

File: eae8af030fbbd3a⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 538x103, 538:103, qmap.png.size.JPG)


Flag file sizes (in order of Q post)

Todays is 24kb

fe85c2  No.5704609


Folks seem to respond to when you call the shot, then POTUS confirms. Tip-top, etc.

1b3ea4  No.5704610

File: b60ffced11ef659⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 2w0qh1.jpg)

File: 8733a2c8266060a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1276x561, 116:51, yyyyyyyyy.png)

cb5c31  No.5704611


let love and prayers flow

96b5e8  No.5704612



Dug around Craigslist earlier to find adverts for actors, but nada.


b50427  No.5704613

File: 319086b45ff2eaf⋯.jpeg (70.49 KB, 900x469, 900:469, 1cb3e9e790c70278ad172774a….jpeg)

85914c  No.5704615


Round ups today?

50d48d  No.5704616

d75d80  No.5704617

File: 4e9909e8892deef⋯.png (30.69 KB, 464x333, 464:333, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: fc0d890445dcf0a⋯.png (340.89 KB, 581x658, 83:94, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: 414e99b5ca0cb18⋯.png (56.69 KB, 1106x161, 158:23, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)


Now I know why James Comey got the slap on the wrist and why the TERRORIST, ACTIVIST, JEWISH Judge kidnapping my child is not getting ANY attention from you.

You must have been, "busy saving humanity"… Fucking LARPing, piece of shit.


WE THE PEOPLE place America-First.

Explain yourself, or GTFO.

d5bd54  No.5704618


I still love you anon

b8ff17  No.5704619

>>5703874 lb

POTUS has a lot of power when congress isn't in session

68ec16  No.5704620


POTUS knows Patriots have America's back!

f0e418  No.5704621


durr hurr words hurt me

kill yourself

5bde24  No.5704622

File: b5707ed5b50ccd3⋯.jpeg (68.34 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 022B5B70-50EC-42DC-A5FC-7….jpeg)

File: 82b9b72b22f64f8⋯.jpeg (190.46 KB, 704x1278, 352:639, 1829A854-7D34-40D8-BC7E-C….jpeg)

File: 4fd478742fcefa5⋯.jpeg (68.21 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 34ADA26B-688A-47DD-9705-8….jpeg)

e82740  No.5704623

b50cc9  No.5704624

Great job Baker.

5da528  No.5704625

File: 170c53b19732d79⋯.jpg (175.66 KB, 552x960, 23:40, ZomboMeme 15032019023128.jpg)

6c878a  No.5704626


So bring on the toughness POTUS, we're ready

3ccb55  No.5704627

File: 2c51e3baa132416⋯.jpeg (16.32 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 6CB676F4-A6C0-4DCE-A87A-0….jpeg)

fc3ec6  No.5704628

File: de78390665da200⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, greenspam.jpg)

Alan Greenspan: Social Security solvency may require benefit cuts

Former Federal Reserve Opens a New Window. Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Friday that the potential for a slowdown in the U.S. economy Opens a New Window. could stem from an overloading of entitlement programs that aren’t being funded, and that the goal should be to resolve the basic Social Security system Opens a New Window. .

The Atlanta Federal Reserve said earlier this week that it estimates real GDP growth Opens a New Window. – a key figure for measuring the pace of economic activity – for the first quarter of 2019 is just 0.4 percent (seasonally adjusted annual rate). The data comes from its GDPNow forecasting model, which it says provides a “nowcast” of the official estimate before its release by estimating GDP growth using an approach similar to that of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Opens a New Window. .

“We’re creating an odd imbalance in the system,” Greenspan said during an interview on “Mornings with Maria.” The best way to solve this problem is to fund our benefits, get a balanced budget, and the system will work.”

The former Fed chair, who served in the position from 1987 to 2006, added that “the actuaries of the Social Insurance system say that in order to be actuarially solvent through the life of the programs, we would have to cut benefits by 25 percent right now and extending into the future.”

He called the issue a “fascinating problem” and noted that officials should “come to grips” with it because “the end of the road is very serious trouble,” while adding that defined benefits have been a big problem.

“Sweden had very much the same problems we did,” Greenspan said. “What they did first to resolve them is go from a defined benefit program, which is what we have now, to a defined contribution. What we have is 401(k). 401(k)s cannot go broke – you can only spend what you get.”

Additionally, Greenspan said it’s too difficult to tell whether a recession could occur next year because the economy is moving at such a slow rate.

“I can basically argue that productivity growth has slowed down dramatically because, in effect, as I’ve said many times, that social benefits crowd out gross domestic saving and capital investment, which is at the root of what productivity growth is. So we’ve got to solve that problem,” he said.


'''Where did the money go, ALAN???

Get me out of this fuckin ponzi scheme.

759223  No.5704629

File: 15380ff5890786e⋯.jpg (37.72 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 9de89d2cff0be64aeba3b6fa98….jpg)


4 - 6%

TYB and Q

e89a0c  No.5704630

File: 3d8e7774a2d8d91⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 1024x309, 1024:309, Veto3.jpg)

31c44a  No.5704631


Do it Q

4f123f  No.5704632


Do you want them to ask the Q?

They won't..

They just want you to go away.

66cf6f  No.5704633

File: beb5c899bc3a652⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 564x441, 188:147, Nice&Tough.jpg)



428130  No.5704634

File: 6f0d3ab88ede9b9⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 854x570, 427:285, 21.jpg)




Yes Q, trolling them is so much FUN!


PANIC incrases the Remote Administration Tools you say, haha so Good!

Oh no, I meant PANDEMIC* aboe, too lazy to edit typos.




DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's PANDEMIC program was exposed?

Brought from DARK to LIGHT?

They are such DUMBOs!

You are the MASTERS of trolling Q!

Keep having more FUN, and then have FUN some more!

9a1afb  No.5704635

File: 68e91ffe2d91dfb⋯.jpeg (42.71 KB, 350x505, 70:101, 67AB4DA8-D4CA-46DE-A85B-0….jpeg)


i can be at my post in 2 hrs from this stamp

comfy lag baker here

note the international breads anons in between bakes

b68f65  No.5704636


>How much more obvious can we make it?

Please clarify. Shills might use this as a call to "action".

2832f2  No.5704637

File: d09a077cad83bd4⋯.jpg (339.43 KB, 1963x1095, 1963:1095, LININGup.JPG)



Great job Baker


9ea998  No.5704638


here here

b1c86c  No.5704639

For latefags or whatever


Pass: PNHuyvREDsBMtxX0N

NZ Attack Full

File names can be deceiving

3e13e5  No.5704640



a8dbab  No.5704641

File: 621922704f5ac69⋯.jpg (110.58 KB, 958x960, 479:480, POTUSBalls.jpg)


Almost got them trips, kek.

In other words POTUS says don't fuck with us.

709463  No.5704642

File: a3e9746c82cc578⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 508x627, 508:627, 5tt5-EB68c4567ty746j-DR76-….jpg)

ccbc26  No.5704643


long time ago i made a thread on /sudo/ asking for a new feature to auto-display when a post links to a different thread, but it didn't get any support.

89c167  No.5704644



5da528  No.5704645

File: da4c8614cf6b80d⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ZomboMeme 15032019084017.jpg)

db1fa5  No.5704646

File: 4286ed8b786a352⋯.png (66.17 KB, 1181x834, 1181:834, Pic3.png)

59d828  No.5704647


Hoary shit!

354631  No.5704648


So Optics= Action?

116543  No.5704649

713531  No.5704650

File: cf4ebe5efbba19d⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 720_30_5.67_Mar152019.mp4)

66344d  No.5704651

File: a10ac3204100ba8⋯.png (9.56 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 3d252b7fab1b07514f357ad0db….png)

96b5e8  No.5704652


Sky is falling!

0376c1  No.5704653

File: 9297cb0723c637c⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 9297cb0723c637c2511690fc59….gif)

File: 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg)

File: 4812895e36f08ff⋯.png (279.07 KB, 820x787, 820:787, a22d0b2f48eddeaf38eea69eae….png)


>how much moar

kek. you guys going to start posting selfies again?

The media is flipping out. Popcorn production ramping up.

fec7b7  No.5704654


Can you imagine if POTUS called on the veterans to take a stand? I'm not sure bad is the correct word, but it would not be pleasant for ANTIFA.

1b3ea4  No.5704655

File: 8342569dbe7b687⋯.png (675.8 KB, 955x563, 955:563, 777888.png)

File: e7bce709cc7da9c⋯.png (587.27 KB, 958x576, 479:288, iiiii.png)

File: 7b554c075e581c5⋯.png (246.82 KB, 657x372, 219:124, ooo.png)

92dc7c  No.5704656


>“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump—I have the tough people,

Lots of former mil and uniformed guys here and ready sir. We will not be shouted down. We will fight on to the end. Hydra.


68d183  No.5704657

File: 872f2430704a98b⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 584x860, 146:215, Nv57dhd.jpg)


5:5 Team

2aa490  No.5704658


Very bad indeed

2c6b2d  No.5704659


Everything is a “coincidence” no matter how many I show them. Happy to have this place

b8ff17  No.5704660


SMSgt Anon, USAF, Ret.

5da528  No.5704661

File: a7680f50b3d56be⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 945x630, 3:2, ZomboMeme 15032019091159.jpg)

d135a7  No.5704662

File: c25f9f4885e75fc⋯.png (162.33 KB, 564x636, 47:53, xxd.png)


reposting from /lb since posted late in bread.


Seeing moar wierd shit in the latest Q Freedom_Justice_.png.

Change the data from ASCII to EBCDIC, pic related. Trailing data ends with an o7…?

Still dissecting.

1730e3  No.5704663


NZ anon here. Yes its true 8ch and 4ch are blocked, but DNSCrypt can bypass

178d7c  No.5704664


Too obvious.



09cec2  No.5704665


That's why the numbers are jumping here. Just look at the record numbers hit on qmap. People ARE waking up all over the world even with their intense propaganda and gas lighting. Once DECLAS and arrest come then the masses will fully awaken. The time is near. I feel it and see it.

00b46d  No.5704666


Been posting it all week long. Glad you noticed. Perhaps more would if it could make the list.

117c5a  No.5704667



Well said.

e82740  No.5704668

File: 00c2eced55ae4d3⋯.png (764.73 KB, 899x832, 899:832, D1t3HXyUYAAOb6R.png)


Welcome on the 'ship'.

56bdd5  No.5704669


Great idea!

16c452  No.5704670


Thank you Q.

f5383d  No.5704671


You said it yourself, the only way MSM is going to ask the Q is if you force them. They will NEVER ask it and they dare never let us ask for them.

Anons however, at this point its flashing neon signs of obviousness. The only way you could make it more blatant is for trump to pop up on TV and say "I am Q+ and select people in the military are part of the Q team, the fake new didn't bother to ask because they don't care about proving anything that might hurt their reputation let alone prove they are truly the enemy of the poeple.".

dfcca0  No.5704672


Well, POTUS could say it … or you guys could arrest some folks, or stop the chem trailing, or stop the 5G assault, or stop the false flags, or enforce the immigration laws already on the books, or arrest the politicians doing the illegal sanctuary city thing, or arrest the politicians who are conducting voter fraud, or arrest the media in sedition, or, or, or …

You could make it a LOT more obvious, basically.

5a2078  No.5704673

Trump Veto's more than one thing today

That would be funny

fc3ec6  No.5704674


>Opens a New Window

Is this code?

8836a2  No.5704675


We love our POTUS & team Q!

48c900  No.5704676





ed5a84  No.5704677


So….these military plane call signs are chosen by the pilots?

748d4d  No.5704678

File: fb8dafd3c4b5fca⋯.jpg (149.07 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, Q EAGLE.JPG)


Consider for a moment the MASSIVE Storm POTUS Fought/ FIGHTS DAILEY? He won against the ODDS to the most powerful team of [D’S] ever assembled, he fought every NEWS NETWORK World Wide, He fought against everyone whom cried REAL TEARS the day the [self-proclaimed WITCH fell] he fought against our own DOJ, our own FBI. The 5 Eyes intelligence network, every Globalist Agency and their Evil Minions, Fought nearly Every politician left and right, there IS no left or right! only good or evil, up or down As you Think about it, HE FOUGHT A STORM Beyond Belief with what you ask? Resolve? Pure Guts? Incredible Planning? Unbelievable Timing? Love for his Children? Love for His Nation? “”All that and More Patriot’s” the plan was/is “a more POWERFUL Storm” Wiped out the “created Storm made up” to take down Our Great President, GUESS What? the treason-ass’s LOST every fight and finally the whole damn battle - WWG1WGA -

5751f5  No.5704679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q, "Yuri Bezmenov" subversion & control tactics been applied all over the world - are you fighting this?

2e2ad0  No.5704680

File: 5f6022470e4cf1d⋯.jpg (161.83 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20190315_135917.jpg)

Anyone else experiencing connection interruptions and these errors when submitting?

5bde24  No.5704681





Thanks Q team!

cb37ac  No.5704682

File: 43186813dcb57c0⋯.jpeg (468.69 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, E83EAF2C-BCE0-4088-B35B-B….jpeg)

66cf6f  No.5704683

File: 632f0346293437d⋯.jpg (192.5 KB, 1077x775, 1077:775, IMG_20181023_065310.jpg)


7de59a  No.5704684


None so blind as those who will not see.

c15cd6  No.5704685


such horseshit. This stuff won’t work. We have the trump card.

5da528  No.5704686

File: b490cea8611d826⋯.jpg (187.72 KB, 744x966, 124:161, ZomboMeme 15032019090454.jpg)

86f771  No.5704687

A shill lb was claiming Q has his ow symbols. This got me thinking, Q uses everything as a means to communicate. It's not a symbol.

Punisher Skull.

Red Castle, Green Castle

Punisher = Frank CASTLE.

Green water @ WH today. Green Castle. For Green. God's speed.

d5bd54  No.5704688

File: 1ea997f5edc0571⋯.jpg (342.4 KB, 1024x785, 1024:785, magamorn.jpg)

d6d85c  No.5704689


No, they just knew Hussein was married to a dude, and they don't like faggots

POTUS is married to a stunner and therefore got appropriate props

2eff5a  No.5704690


>"You reap what you sow."

Friendly reminder ([{they}]) normalized the idea that it is ok to go after relatives and friends including kids.

116543  No.5704691

File: 435108286040671⋯.png (1.22 MB, 826x1203, 826:1203, ClipboardImage.png)


Good work!

f1fb38  No.5704692


He's got the support of those who have lost it all. We will not go down without a fight. #WWG1WGA

98490b  No.5704693



knew it… those 2 call signs could only be authorized

>Same day?

>How much more obvious can we make it?

How much do they need?

Are they held back?

d4abbe  No.5704694

File: 2e076247143cbd6⋯.png (405.88 KB, 651x843, 217:281, D1t7NNTWoAAfmvC.png)

File: 8b6a81facdc22ee⋯.png (155.58 KB, 652x842, 326:421, D1t7NNRWkAEO_ok.png)

>>5703605 (pb)


This seems like sort of a big deal. Code Monkey's safety is important, but Lindsey Graham seems to be calling for a TREASON investigation. The day after RR was debriefed.

b746a8  No.5704695


I pray for those who lose their lives in New Zealand. May justice find those who orchestrated and organized this attack.

c3d723  No.5704697

File: 0defc0ab764cf93⋯.png (858.47 KB, 924x667, 924:667, loverlycouple.png)

96b5e8  No.5704698


Today's wasn't named ides, was it?

672dd5  No.5704699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

First 'non-binary' American says it was all a sham

Veteran Jamie Shupe exposes transgender agenda sham and outlines his medical liabilities.

This poor man breaks my heart,

7e0509  No.5704700


That is a good idea…

5da528  No.5704701

File: 476da1cbb305654⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 882x513, 98:57, ZomboMeme 15032019085135.jpg)

14f2e9  No.5704702


Best 30th Birthday Ever … Thank You Q Team .

b50427  No.5704703



Good VPN gets you past the block.

856468  No.5704704

File: db017d7aa97df16⋯.jpg (284.08 KB, 800x597, 800:597, MEME2019-03-14-09-46-17.jpg)

I am ready

2832f2  No.5704705

File: faa978743c686f7⋯.png (283.68 KB, 565x375, 113:75, TRUMPendHEREq.png)

cefbd1  No.5704706


It's the thought that counts. Good luck Anon.

484999  No.5704707

File: bb91116ea387581⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20190315_120827.jpg)


Should we all be buying yellow vest? Or just wear or maga hats?

c3d723  No.5704708

File: deae216445fce33⋯.png (873.64 KB, 1050x667, 1050:667, C-win--GgGgG-doublavay.png)

cce811  No.5704709

It's been about 2 weeks - sorry guys. I was busy buying a house (my DREAM HOUSE in fact 🤗) & the bank had me jumping through every hoop imaginable … so they can own me without financial risk to themselves. 🙄

So…a BIG HI to my fellow Anons! I'm SOOO excited!

I've lost track though - where are we on the countdown. Is it Monday? The 18th?? Yes?

04780f  No.5704710



Is the flag a double meaning?

Meaning FF.

Might be worth checking news on days flag got posted.

bf071f  No.5704711

>>5704470 (pb)

WTF is that? are they playing a game or being honest at being that close minded about Q and fans of Trump?

89c167  No.5704712


Round and round and round we go

9d648c  No.5704713

File: cd6a7fd42a1ae04⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1133x1700, 1133:1700, IMG_737.png)

patriots remember!

810a35  No.5704714

Q Question.

Is something going on with internet?

Should I be worried. My printer is wifi and it keeps printing funny pages like in code, but only when I hit the chans or open up sauce. PS my computer camera is taped over, so no one can see me.

I repeat I am a nobody, just a Patriot.

I am nobody but a Patriot but it has me creeped out.

It reminds me of a sneak attack.

Thank you for your service. Great to see action taking place.

c3d723  No.5704715

File: 52e3d3283dd1528⋯.png (682.04 KB, 1111x879, 1111:879, j-M-gg--gi--i--btz--bJCr-y….png)

2be159  No.5704716

>>5704231 (lb)


ccbc26  No.5704717


this your first day here, son?

03eaeb  No.5704718

File: b5a182cb73e748d⋯.png (252.07 KB, 665x1205, 133:241, armed_man_chased_off_new_z….png)

Armed Man Chased Off New Zealand Mosque Attackers

The NZ Herald reports that an armed man fired in self-defense against the New Zealand terrorist who had targeted a pair of mosques, killing dozens of worshippers.


b0b2ce  No.5704719

File: a93b5a7b5d04972⋯.jpg (288.81 KB, 1046x572, 523:286, control.jpg)

File: 0ecc24d93c2b4f0⋯.png (775.12 KB, 736x667, 32:29, back down.png)

File: cb8d01ab6ed5bca⋯.png (516.12 KB, 878x583, 878:583, trumpcard.png)


as 7 (you) from Q fag…

i often wonder what the HISTORY BOOKS will look like 20 years from now…

NEVER HAVE I EVER had to think about what it might feel like to get BITCH SLAPPED by the biggest intel drop in the history of the planet.

…as if the ENTIRE WORLD see's superman stiffarm ur salty'n'selfish lilself. kek

let's try to stay on the RIGHT side of history next time, k lil buddy? lesson learned?

4974a1  No.5704720

File: c3f353f727ae4a0⋯.jpg (660.01 KB, 1599x1307, 1599:1307, e839d758c3cd17f69db2195da5….jpg)

File: d6f0a9941b316b4⋯.png (449.37 KB, 623x959, 89:137, q3087img1.png)

f42b97  No.5704721

File: a1152aa5b735bf6⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Main_0_png7A655F97-D576-43….jpg)

c3d723  No.5704722

File: cbd1479cd0c3599⋯.png (461.4 KB, 1212x816, 101:68, why-so-triggy.png)

1be6da  No.5704723


His beard kek

92dc7c  No.5704724


>NZ anon here. Yes its true 8ch and 4ch are blocked, but DNSCrypt can bypass

NZ Anon - I have a bad feeling that the CABAL is moving operations to NZ.

4d0901  No.5704725


Then why are you losing?

a05093  No.5704726

File: 00ae5a3dc417a22⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 209x209, 1:1, hug.jpg)

eecc90  No.5704727


Patriots get the message.

f6c92b  No.5704728

Call me crazy. This is what I see in first 8 lines of the Q flag code:

1 - - - Queensland–exCIA–HC-Aus–Google–7FVEY

2 men–Spanish–Nikkei–EU7–Jew–RR–Spys–women–Old Glory

3 Patrick—Owen–mercury12–New NY Haven

4 –ped–gay–USA-Queen—Peking–House of Pain



7 59000-VP-Kevin–Oz–3pm–Boy–1000 yrs old

8 opiod–US–FR–UK—-Alice–U1—verified–Ch-Excheq–You

484999  No.5704729

c3d723  No.5704730

File: 4356865f4144a78⋯.png (199.86 KB, 444x524, 111:131, F--rwrarwar---zjkmmmkm-gi,….png)

e1cc79  No.5704731


if you want to see it or download it..

NZ Attack Full Video (16:56)


e82740  No.5704732

File: 61a0f68e0e8916c⋯.png (2.37 MB, 3300x2100, 11:7, e3baa68e18f448b427cb67e7cb….png)


All road leads to Rome.

7ec2e5  No.5704733

>>5701865 (LB)

God! grow up, grow a pair, Quit wasting this life you have been gifted with. You will realize, one day, what a fuck you have been.

11183f  No.5704734


Time to hammer these fools into oblivion. Time for the Trump card!!

cb37ac  No.5704735

File: a5722b4a32775c1⋯.jpeg (627.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B3576680-25D0-4E9B-897F-9….jpeg)


Love it, we have the toughest people don't we folks!!

66cf6f  No.5704736

File: 6d155216bd2c089⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 948x612, 79:51, MadDog.jpg)

8042ba  No.5704737

File: eaba61f31ade020⋯.jpeg (309.02 KB, 1049x1302, 1049:1302, 6A2D0483-9F67-4FE9-976D-0….jpeg)

File: b340752f3c3db07⋯.jpeg (154.14 KB, 960x928, 30:29, DF044290-13BA-4318-8FBE-C….jpeg)

d135a7  No.5704738


Forgot to say ThankQ, Patriot. Been searching for the other flags to x-cmp, have them in the archive somewhere. Super helpful, thanks.

0dbd3e  No.5704739

File: 4b03ca2779e8774⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 736x1124, 184:281, Marilyn Monroe, just Herse….jpg)



thank you baker!

92483c  No.5704740

File: 12d98beb90cf92d⋯.png (490.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ONEDOESNOT1.PNG)

66344d  No.5704741


Right. How about stop giving foreign nationals. chain migrations fucks benefits they never paid into.

c3d723  No.5704742

File: 837e41215cb72fe⋯.png (887.38 KB, 999x660, 333:220, now-with-us-be-that-which-….png)

9d648c  No.5704743

File: 64d2a96e1746206⋯.png (1.28 MB, 853x1280, 853:1280, IMG_721.png)

patriots remember!!

e8f768  No.5704744


Well, yesterday was a real loss for humanity.

Sick shit going on, but hey, q is in control.


In the past weeks q has ever so subtlety attempted to provoke rage in anons.

I'm not about that.

Fuck q. I'm done.

b8f55c  No.5704745


Dia duit Q

612711  No.5704746


Q, my best friend is still asleep. I can only show or share so much before it strains the relation–sometimes irreversibly. It's heartbreaking at times watching her peddle the same old talking points time and time again.

Good luck and keep fighting the good fight–we will do our part.

e16b03  No.5704747


you're crazy

9dc4a2  No.5704748


Jackie shot JFK

c3d723  No.5704749

File: b44afc641bf1367⋯.png (250.04 KB, 451x524, 451:524, nampl-ing-zz.png)

354631  No.5704750

File: 00232b8b5146ee2⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 70a04ad7e6b723776f8fa3d940….jpg)

506e80  No.5704751

File: 3ea0d8642dddb80⋯.jpg (579.77 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190315-140851….jpg)

File: 6b4cde96b2b5374⋯.jpg (112.73 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190315-140908….jpg)


Flag image at end….


11d867  No.5704752


I also prayed. Know that many of us have. One of the requirements from Jesus is that we have love for one another. We do.


Looks like his "get away" plan was simply to drive really fast so as to draw as much attention to himself as possible. Not buying it. Escape would be much easier if he at least attempted to blend in. Note, too, his choice of music. Yes, real people died. But this was bullshit and a set up. He's not one of us. Not even close.

>>5697655 (PB)

That first black EGA is hard won. My son separated as a Corporal. Still has his full dress uniform and lid. Intends to be buried in it. If I'm around, I'll make certain that it happens.

>>5697674 (PB)

You know what Mr. Perfectionist? Zuck Off.

>>5698291 (PB)

A) we had nothing to do with this. Nothing.

B) We are still getting the blame simply because those who lie about us buy their ink by the tank car.

C) OTOH, there are now 59 Muslims who cannot harm the people of New Zealand.

D) Kiwis will now face a massive move to disarm them.

E) Kiwis … DON'T DO IT!

Both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity were pre-empted by a college basketball game yesterday in the Piedmont region of NC. Seriously … a bunch of guys throwing a ball through a round iron ring while dressed in sissy shorts is NOT important.

>>5698074 (PB)

Don't think that is how that will be spun on the nightly telly. Just a hunch.

>>5697993 (PB)

That link was completely off topic.

>>5697852 (PB)

Beard … to make people think he is straight. Wonder how she is getting paid?

>>5698179 (PB)

Agree. Also, who tosses a rifle on asphalt? AND LEAVES IT THERE?

Fake, fake, fake.


I've been clean and sober longer than many here have been alive. And yes, it's a gas sober! ;-)

>>5697749 (PB)

Sounds like they were casing the tactics and preparedness of the local police. >>5698049 (PB)

Calm your tits. They have obviously been using political means to accomplish this (and also several attempts at murder).

>>5698057 (PB)

I had the link. Lost it. Asked for it here. Was mocked. Decided to sit back and wait for it to come to me again. Still waiting. ;-)

5da528  No.5704753

File: 476da1cbb305654⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 882x513, 98:57, ZomboMeme 15032019085135.jpg)

f0597f  No.5704754



Would be pretty hard to dismiss that one.

cce811  No.5704755


Red MAGA hat. Like BOSSES.

Plus the color red gets those crazies fired up into full TDS mode - just like bulls. 😂😂😂

b2a496  No.5704756


Thank Q+ for his support of the British Patriots yesterday…. fingers crossed a full hard BREXIT as voted for by the people will materialise.

3ccb55  No.5704757


[-20] minutes

c3d723  No.5704758

File: b92381acfc35d13⋯.png (316.23 KB, 642x450, 107:75, Z-e-c-a-k-r-jm2jm2yyy.png)

a31025  No.5704759

File: c8283531ac9bd9d⋯.jpg (104.31 KB, 619x616, 619:616, 12-for-12.jpg)

Good catch Anon.

I'll bet the 12 were "allowed" to go off the reservation to reach 59 (1 short of veto proof) to highlight how important the next election will be to get POTUS loyal ]R[ in power.

Could be for other optics too, but some of those 12 have clearly been reined in by Q/POTUS team, so it appears to be a "controlled burn" here, IMO.

Any thoughts?

BTW, fukin re-captcha sux ass!

b746a8  No.5704760

File: 44e91ae6dea0a8f⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, subversive.jpg)


If you are a meme, chances are you are well known around these parts.

c677c8  No.5704761


Nope. Freedom_Justice_.png

eaf6a3  No.5704762


I thank God for you, POTUS and our military every day and pray for all of your safety. We are with you and it would be a very bad, very bad day if they tried to stop us now. Love you Q and POTUS.

00f4c9  No.5704763

>>5704192 pb

You call THAT exposing the swamp???

On the very off chance that you are Q team- you need my help.

b50427  No.5704764

File: 034adb807c2f6c8⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 468x450, 26:25, downloadfile-45_1_1.jpg)

Shepard Smith paedophile makes me want puke if I see that degenerate on fox news…

7de59a  No.5704765


Beware the Ides of March

0c6b8d  No.5704766

File: 0804e10f6465f38⋯.jpg (115.85 KB, 778x519, 778:519, Glorious-sunrise-for-micha….jpg)

Thank you Q

Thank you POTUS

Thank you service members in harm's way

Thank you Anons and Bakers

My infinite gratitude to ALL!

Thank you for freeing us from the Cabal

Love and light from Australia, WWG1WGA!


c8b814  No.5704767

File: be39857ac9b34a6⋯.jpg (210.56 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 41bbd7f863dfb4b90ae0be06fe….jpg)

OMG listening to Shep rn, he starts talking about the shooter listening to a song about a Muslim massacre from de 90's!

This muddah fugger John PEDOsta & the Clintons have MANY connections to that particular crisis/war.

No coincidence he was there just 2 days prior to shooting.

BETCHA dimes to doughnuts those fuggers called up an old "fren" from the Bosnia conflict to set his/her new dogs loose in NZ!

d41c4d  No.5704768

File: 2557aec9d9dfbf8⋯.jpg (131.44 KB, 1800x987, 600:329, Clip018.jpg)


This anon personally knows one of these people. They are NOT the same person. You are a SHILL.

5da528  No.5704769

File: b8f0c8869957f79⋯.jpg (87.75 KB, 554x416, 277:208, ZomboMeme 15032019084318.jpg)

9d648c  No.5704770

File: 05b33847d69c05a⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, IMG_726.png)

patriots remember!!!

b0b2ce  No.5704771

File: 85941e7b34e5f9d⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 1092x585, 28:15, _KEKFORCE.JPG)

File: c740fb03908a77f⋯.png (607.94 KB, 1125x1126, 1125:1126, gaurdalwaysthere.png)

File: 953683f383a7dfb⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1299x951, 433:317, [[pepevsgoliath.png)

File: 495d09bd69b1e39⋯.jpg (21 KB, 434x579, 434:579, bradparscale.jpg)



ae1f40  No.5704772

File: 834a857a9bc7fa7⋯.png (557.94 KB, 500x415, 100:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a52f7779a5fac4⋯.png (265.02 KB, 927x863, 927:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93199735ab41a34⋯.png (326.17 KB, 734x950, 367:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef0a75553d3d4d2⋯.png (350.01 KB, 734x950, 367:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 002469a981afb0a⋯.png (338.26 KB, 734x950, 367:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Kept Secret For 17 Years: Intel Memo Warned Bush's Iraq Invasion To Create "Perfect Storm"

A newly declassified US intelligence memo has been unearthed this week and featured in a bombshell Wall Street Journal report. It proves that the year prior to the Bush administration's 2003 invasion of Iraq the White House was expressly warned in great detail of all that could and would go wrong in the regime change war's aftermath, including the Sunni-Shia sectarian chaos and proxy war with Iran that would define Iraq and the whole region for years following. And crucially, it reveals that seven months before the US invasion of Iraq, American intelligence officials understood that Osama bin Laden was likely "alive and well and hiding in northwest Pakistan" — important given that a key Bush admin claim to sell the war was that Saddam Hussein and bin Laden were "in league" against the United States. The July 2002 memo was authored by William Burns, then serving as assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, and though clearly dismissed by the Bush neocons making the case for war, proved prescient on many levels. "Following are some very quick and informal thoughts on how events before, during and after an effort to overthrow the regime in Baghdad could unravel if we're not careful, intersecting to create a 'perfect storm' for American interests," Burns wrote in the memo, classified 'Secret' and sent to Secretary of State Colin Powell.

The classified memo's existence was first brought to the public's attention through Knight Ridder's reporting in July 2003, which sought to reveal at the time there were pockets of dissenting voices in the State Department and intelligence community pushing back against the absurd White House claim that the whole operation would be a "cakewalk" and US troops would be greeted as "liberators". And there's Vice President Dick Cheney's infamous declaration that the military effort would take “weeks rather than months.”'Now, sixteen years after the start of the war the "perfect storm" intel briefing has been made public in fully redacted form and it affirms, as the WSJ reports, "Diplomats accurately forecast many setbacks: sectarian violence, attacks on U.S. troops, Iranian intervention and long road to structural change."' Out of this came the rise of ISIS and the continued unleashing of regime change and sectarian chaos on neighboring Syria. The ten page memo outlines a litany of catastrophic doom and gloom scenarios resulting from the invasion which would destabilize not only Iraq, but unleash sectarian hell on the entire region.

Here are but a handful of the memo's many warnings which later proved right on target, as summarized by the military reporting website Task & Purpose: ran increasing aid to anti-American groups in both Iraq and Afghanistan because it feared being "next on US hit list."

Security in Iraq collapsing following regime change because Iraqi troops and police would be too afraid to patrol while Iraqis aligned with the United States would prove to be inept.

U.S. troops coming under increasing attacks as they patrol both Shiite and Sunni cities. "If they intervene to stop disputes, they are perceived to have sided with one party or another in a tribal dispute, thus incurring the wrath of the opposing party."

Afghanistan's security situation simultaneously deteriorating, creating the need for more U.S. troops there.

"Carpetbaggers, bill collectors, expats and exiles," arriving in Iraq. "It will be a wild mix."


4d9465  No.5704773

File: 00b2a4a5d64c53b⋯.jpg (111.2 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1502049818561 - Copy.jpg)





5bde24  No.5704774



7e1ad5  No.5704775

File: 7b2b0183319f7be⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 276x183, 92:61, 1660762_238553736350537_86….jpg)

0d155b  No.5704776

What does the "/pb" that Q is posting?

7ec2e5  No.5704777


Basically the most beautiful woman ever. The candid shots are always the best.

d621aa  No.5704778

File: 69d91fd07550511⋯.gif (467.17 KB, 381x271, 381:271, original_131908968.gif)

how do you like your D ee p S take

c3d723  No.5704779

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

e16b03  No.5704780

No act of violence is in-line with our beliefs.

We turn the other cheek.

42cec8  No.5704781

File: 2fa54cfe97a63ba⋯.png (194.75 KB, 532x623, 76:89, ClipboardImage.png)


The U.S. flag stands for our nation and the shared history, pride, principles and commitment of its people. Do you know how to properly display the flag?

66344d  No.5704782

File: 6b79093953c7723⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 828x879, 276:293, pepekek.JPG)

85914c  No.5704783


Looks like I wrote this just for you, fren. Read and heed…

Here’s how to use the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist”…

• First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires patience and skill!

• Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, BHO/birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing 2.3 trillion dollars, Halliburton, rigged primary election, MSM biases, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.).

• Once common ground discovered, let them tell you everything they have learned about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.

• Once the topic is fully explored, compliment them on their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).

• If they agree, do NOT “dump” on them with information you’ve already learned; ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.

• During the second conversation, let them be the expert and teach you (keep playing dumb). Be sure to praise them for their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.

• Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic.

• Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to “sell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously “push back” against other people’s ideas).

Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.

• Ask for their help “solving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert. For example, "Hey, Dad… you've been around a lot longer than I have. Can you remember any time in our history when the top dogs in the C_A, F_I and D_J have all been fired within the same year? This seems weird to me. Does Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper and that group have anything in common? I'm lost here, can you help me understand this mess?" Let HIM dig and become the "expert". Works every time.

• Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the farther they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.

• If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, “help me see what you’re seeing”, or “help me understand that better”. The more someone tries to explain something that has no basis, the higher the likelihood they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU can NOT do for/to them).

• Once someone shows a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (the more they view themselves as a mentor/teacher, the more this reinforces their new beliefs).

• When stuck, offer to “switch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.

• When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a “softening statement”: “Do you think it may be possible that …”, or, “I’m not sure this is right, but I just read that …” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.

• As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, use softening statements first (see paragraph immediately above this one).

• Do NOT let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations/not running for re-election for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!

• Final point: ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE SECOND-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!

• SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas.

• Happy pilling, and beer at the parade, Patriots!

e82740  No.5704784

File: f33ab1ed94d973f⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1200x869, 1200:869, IMG_20190310_212226.png)



7de59a  No.5704785


CM v Aus & NZ

I like our chances.

f31f83  No.5704786


I take it as

communist = no religion = no vatican = less evil

3d0c66  No.5704787

File: 60091a2b6711cef⋯.png (28.16 KB, 632x397, 632:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93fe61ca9021507⋯.png (232 KB, 809x1966, 809:1966, ClipboardImage.png)


4974a1  No.5704788

File: 8ec447d4437605d⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1078, 960:539, QNN3POPEWASME.png)

c3d723  No.5704789

File: 94e1dac594c96ad⋯.png (247.56 KB, 511x333, 511:333, Another-highly-erotically-….png)

5da528  No.5704790

File: 6e9ccce93a9c414⋯.jpg (184.63 KB, 694x972, 347:486, ZomboMeme 15032019022721.jpg)

68d183  No.5704791

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Freedom_Justice_.png)



No. File name was random on download.



File name was Freedom_Justice.png on qmap.pub

5751f5  No.5704792


Nope - just want Q to spread this - to many people are still asleep.

5eeaf1  No.5704793

File: 29e722deab33b9a⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1536x1142, 768:571, 22669B99-F1F4-4D8E-90AD-4….jpeg)


Did Bernie step out of line again?

428176  No.5704794

File: 5484a6259a7f877⋯.jpeg (20.56 KB, 237x212, 237:212, 57E7C113-1865-4FC0-91E6-3….jpeg)

3ab97b  No.5704795


Nov2 mirror :55 = today +12 (or -48)

5bde24  No.5704796


Previous bread

ccb0d6  No.5704797

File: a46889ed6bb7614⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 500x750, 2:3, bbg2.jpg)

Merci, boulanger.

ce0581  No.5704798

File: d9bb877353076cd⋯.png (12.64 KB, 666x181, 666:181, ClipboardImage.png)

NZ blocked 4chan because…

Right on Que when the narrative desperately needed changing.. good old John Podesta - the Clinton fix-it guy showed up in New Zealand on March 10th and did an exclusive TV interview, choosing very odd words to describe a claim that NZ's 2020 election is at risk of major cyber-attack by Russia and China, calling it a a 'juicy target.

He even refers back to the Comet Pizza emails, calling it a mere conspiracy, fake news, blah, blah, blah and inferring that the Anons on 4/8chan were ultimately responsible for the shooting at the pizza parlor in DC.


8c77c6  No.5704799

Over the next several weeks, you're going to watch DNC Media struggling to spin, explain away, bury, ignore or outrightly deny and refuse to accept that after a 2 year exhaustive investigation, the Mueller Special Counsel found no evidence of Trump campaign/Russia collusion.

All their histrionics won't change a single thing. Mueller didn't find what he didn't find.

Now just as they make the segue to ginning up hysteria over the House investigations by Democrats in Congress, Trump's counter-assault is going to begin.

While Adam Schiff, Jerold Nadler and others are over there wildly waving their empty clenched fists and claiming they have MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE proving Trump crimes, vainly trying to hold the public's attention….

nobody is going to be paying any attention to them.

Trump had to wait until Mueller showed his results. All the drama you are seeing about Mueller's results being HIDDEN from the public are nonsense. Trump and his administration WANT that report released to demonstrate there was no Russia collusion or any other Trump crimes.

What's the BIGGEST, LOUDEST talking point the Democrats & DNC Media & Never Trump would've had if Trump DIDN'T wait until Mueller was finished to launch his counter-offensive against the SpyGate plotters & the Clinton Machine?

"Trump is interfering with and obstructing the Mueller Special Counsel and he's only going after these people to STOP THE EVIDENCE OF HIS COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA and his other crimes from being found and made public!"

They have LOST that talking point.

Lost if FOREVER.

Lost it FOREVER.

THAT is why Trump waited. NOBODY is going to be able to say with a straight face Trump's going after the people who were exposing his Russian collusion.

That talking point narrative is now deader than Elvis.

Mueller looked high Mueller looked low. Mueller looked near. Mueller looked far.

You know he tried. He and his team of 12 Angry Democrats…they tried, folks.


You know they did.

And now DNC Media, Democrats and Never Trumpers are trapped.

They just spent TWO YEARS claiming Mueller had the goods.

Stupid people, of course, see no reckoning at all coming for the DNC Media and the Democrats.

Why, they'll just deny everything and sail serenely onward!



Because now Trump is going to start COUNTER ATTACKING in earnest.

He held his fire for TWO YEARS just waiting for this moment.

Trump will FORCE the reckoning on them.

They will not be able to avoid it.

When the indictments of SpyGate plotters are unsealed, they HAVE to cover it, they HAVE to talk about it.

"Well Trump's only had McCabe/Comey/Simpson/Steele/Clapper/Brennan/Whoever indicted cuz hey, that person was going to help expose his Russian collusion!" is a dead talking point.

For 2 years DNC Media, Democrats & Never Trump spun hand-waving bullshit based on fake news leaks "Mueller's got the goods on Trump now, folks! It's all over for Trump! Here Comes Mueller! It's Mueller Time soon!"

There never was ANY evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. None.

Guess what? Trump's counter assault now that Mueller's closing shop having found no Russia collusion is NOT - I REPEAT - NOT - GOING TO BE BASED ON HAND WAVING BULLSHIT.

The evidence for SpyGate has been meticulously collected by serious people.

They have it all.

HOROWITZ & HUBER didn't spend the last two years leaking bullshit fake news to ANYBODY.

They spent those two years quietly, exhaustively and meticulously collecting EVIDENCE.

Do you understand the difference?

They took their best shot at Trump, all they had was bullshit hand waving fake news leaks that strung people along for two years before the truth finally comes out when Mueller releases that final report.

Now it'll be Trump's turn, and his people will be presenting EVIDENCE.

OFFICIAL DOJ REPORTS and OFFICIAL DOJ INDICTMENTS will lay out the evidence Horowitz & Huber have been collecting.

These won't be breathless fake news scoops in the NYT's or the Washington Post or Buzzfeed that fall apart after a few days.

And you can quote me on that.

ADDENDUM: "Well the DNC Media will just IGNORE Trump's counter assault!" I'm being told in comments in response to this thread.


Even if they COULD DO THAT [and I'm not admitting they can] explain HOW THAT STOPS TRUMP & HOROWITZ AND HUBER from doing anything.


Again people are making the same dumb mistake of thinking this is a PUBLIC RELATIONS battle.

It's not.

James Comey waving a copy of Time Magazine's glowing portrayal of him is not going to save him.

He can chant "BUT THE MEDIA SAYS I'M A SAINT!" all the way to prison.

e16b03  No.5704800


In the name of Jesus I pray for forgiveness for our sins

20ba4b  No.5704801


We are all united here.WWG1WGA!

f23d4c  No.5704802

File: d616be7b6702b23⋯.gif (264.35 KB, 500x275, 20:11, excellent.gif)

d98b1d  No.5704803


past bread

d5bd54  No.5704804


My wedding anniversary would be a great day to say I told ya so, Kek

c3d723  No.5704805

File: 83bef27a744fab9⋯.png (741.98 KB, 974x796, 487:398, biden121.png)

71b1b7  No.5704806


Just checked BBC world news and not a single mention of the fact Israel bombed 100 targets last night.They mention google lost two exeCS but not a word on the conflagoration in the Israel/palestine.

​Probably the Chriatchurch incident staged by Mossad to keep Netenyahu in power and to start a middle East war. Their moshiach beckons? Just the other day they stole some of Syria..

"US alters Golan Heights designation from 'Israeli-occupied' to 'Israeli-controlled'" GENIE OIL, WHO ARE THE DIRECTORS?


New Zealand recently voted at the UN to adopt 9

new measure against Israel due to their anti-humanitarian ways:


Israel and its supporters of course were rather pissed:


Apparently New Zealand’s voting record at the UN lately has shown that they actually find it concerning that Israel continues to decimate Palestininians and dominate the Middle East as they see fit.

Were these attacks punishments? A message to New Zealand authority?

Same thing in Norway, Norway voted against Israel for the first time ever and then the massacre happens the very next day carried out by Anders brevik.

And then there’s also this Mossad connection to Christchurch in New Zealand where an Israeli spy ring operating in New Zealand happened to be unearthed due to an earth quake and damage at Christchurch back in 2011…interesting….


look up Danica Weeks and her husband. She was on the local NZ news fr giving birth after the CC earthquakes and then moves to Perth Australia and her husband was on MH370, definitely an operative.

(((Who))) controls European Governments

(((Who))) Controls The Banks That Are Funding The Mass Migrations

(((Who))) Controls The Fake Terror Orgs That Inspire People To Migrate

(((Who))) Controls The Media That Recruits Them To The West?

(((Who))) Invented The White Genocide Plan?



4ef815  No.5704807

File: 6eedc7be45d0c4b⋯.png (551.13 KB, 1024x580, 256:145, _03-15-02.45.25.PNG)

Everybody comfvey…?

98490b  No.5704808


Facial Recognition Inabilities makes more victims everyday

31c44a  No.5704809



aae806  No.5704811

File: b60ec0da5053508⋯.png (533.53 KB, 641x695, 641:695, 1552660188.png)


It's an honor to be here !!!

7e0509  No.5704812


I had a red “make coffee great again” hat (black rifle coffee) and people went nuts. Then they’d see the word coffee and be ok with it. So America, the word, is the trigger?? You weak pansyass!!!

ae1f40  No.5704813


Sauce for Memo to Colin Powell:


48c900  No.5704814


The team is never going to be able to reveal the full extent of false flag ops are they?

Was thinking about it today.

Pretty much every major conflict we've been in for the past century started with false flags.

Reveal one, it all unravels, we're at war all over again (ironically)

I still think there's much value in truth.

0dbd3e  No.5704815

File: 088a3f695a7953b⋯.jpg (241.8 KB, 700x819, 100:117, St_Michael_Raphael.jpg)

1be6da  No.5704816


Such a serene image. Wish I was there.

38d147  No.5704817


I think so too…they've been buying up land there for a few years now. I heard this from a NZ anon.

484999  No.5704818


Kek your right! Never thought of it like that. Damn they can't stand them.

8ab223  No.5704819


it means previous bread (pb) or (lb) last bread

d75d80  No.5704820



c3d723  No.5704821

File: 27dc1c2ea8943b2⋯.png (292.7 KB, 711x499, 711:499, biden120.png)

fe85c2  No.5704822


Veto is 2/3 = 67 Senators

180d27  No.5704823

File: 074e01d8bcc6c3c⋯.jpeg (145.9 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, 1546351210.jpeg)

0caa13  No.5704824

>>5704410 LB

DC obvious

45 obvious

61 the year Kennedy gave the Secret Society Speech


b0fbd3  No.5704825

File: 338c091f7fafca6⋯.png (51.11 KB, 650x259, 650:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Where did you get all those flags posted today?

This is the only one I saw.

7de59a  No.5704826


Tweet it to your countrymen.

ba3d5e  No.5704827

File: 11730c81e7515ce⋯.png (778.26 KB, 2466x718, 1233:359, Screenshot (599).png)


10938b  No.5704828

File: 8858132daf7fb1e⋯.png (23.87 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)


>properly display the flag

idk something like this

ce8db4  No.5704829


Crazy doesn't mean wrong. lol

71b1b7  No.5704830

File: 2c048cee67589ed⋯.jpg (227.12 KB, 848x1544, 106:193, xLKzCFm (2).jpg)

File: 75ea95038658525⋯.jpg (258.16 KB, 628x1652, 157:413, HNxvtyk.jpg)

b2a496  No.5704831

File: f1fe19f820b0ad7⋯.jpg (373.52 KB, 978x622, 489:311, Screen Shot 03-15-19 at 11….JPG)

5da528  No.5704832

File: 6e9ccce93a9c414⋯.jpg (184.63 KB, 694x972, 347:486, ZomboMeme 15032019022721.jpg)

cb1d34  No.5704833

File: b1372020623eab7⋯.jpg (105.58 KB, 1205x602, 1205:602, u3y45tt4r.JPG)


God Bless POTUS and Qfam

b0b2ce  No.5704834

File: 64b4f6be3643251⋯.jpg (293.98 KB, 877x714, 877:714, (YOU).jpg)


previous bread…

because phone using anons would click it and get taken to a different page.

its just a courtesy signal, sayin' yo.. this is bout to take you somewhere else.

LB= last bread

pb= past/previous bread



a05093  No.5704835


Think so? Read the other replies to the post you tagged.

7ec2e5  No.5704836


Hello Q,

Thank you for your continued support and help getting through this time.

cc84b8  No.5704837


Donald Trump stirs controversy with Breitbart interview about his 'tough' supporters

David Jackson, USA TODAY Published 9:34 a.m. ET March 15, 2019 | Updated 11:59 a.m. ET March 15, 2019

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump sparked controversy in a Breitbart interview during which he touted the toughness of his supporters.

In his chat with the Breitbart News Network, Trump said: "I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad."

Trump's critics accused him of fomenting violence. Breitbart said Trump was talking about the "vicious" tactics of "the left."

"So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said before discussing his supporters. “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay?"

Trump on Thursday night tweeted a link to the Breitbart homepage but the tweet had disappeared as of Friday morning. The White House did not comment on Trump's deletion of the tweet.

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, speaking on MSNBC, said Trump's comments to Breitbart sounded "like a threat to me. I think it's appalling."

"I think it sounds very much to me like he’s encouraging them to engage in something that’s probably illegal such as assaulting people, you know behave in a dangerous way," she said.

Social media users criticized Trump for tweeting the Breitbart homepage as news was breaking about the shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 49 people dead.

On Friday morning, Trump tweeted a condemnation of the the attacks.

"My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured," Trump said. "The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!"


bfa16a  No.5704838

Ok just saw photos on Fox Shep Smith …… That’s a drill ….All wearing Yellow vests ….Police wearing Barnd new eqiptment ….. Real eyes Realize Real lies ….. Those are staged photos …. It’s so easy to spot …PS I am retired law enforcement …Fake… just like Sandy Hook

243c97  No.5704839

File: 8137a7f89b18cc7⋯.jpeg (399.08 KB, 740x1016, 185:254, EFFCFFDB-0FD9-4D2A-A271-6….jpeg)

Celebrities teenage sister dead at 18.

No heart issues. No warning signs.

Dropped dead unexpectedly.


4c05b1  No.5704840



67ff4e  No.5704841

File: ac44b5842bb934f⋯.jpg (83.41 KB, 1200x689, 1200:689, serveimage.jpg)

>>5703605 lb


Ok… and this will finally lead to something tangible? Or just more talking point for Fox news?

ce86d4  No.5704842

File: 2941b447657f482⋯.png (145.93 KB, 898x1184, 449:592, Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at ….png)

File: d93006b6d0bc6a7⋯.png (133.24 KB, 896x868, 32:31, Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at ….png)

File: 470f695d31d12b3⋯.png (61.5 KB, 920x514, 460:257, Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at ….png)

File: 29e3d025a5c607c⋯.png (481.11 KB, 922x1198, 461:599, Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at ….png)

File: 9551d591a9e2819⋯.png (268.62 KB, 1572x944, 393:236, Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at ….png)

011f2b  No.5704843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sending out an SOS to the world

ccfc06  No.5704844


Due diligence x10…..proceed Sir…..

d75d80  No.5704846

File: 414e99b5ca0cb18⋯.png (56.69 KB, 1106x161, 158:23, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

613533  No.5704847

File: 64c38756b0531b6⋯.jpg (146.67 KB, 1240x472, 155:59, Those who cannot.JPG)


So tired of the anons with no patience.


It IS happening.

ea8fdc  No.5704848

File: c8757e3afd0705b⋯.png (551.46 KB, 953x761, 953:761, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: 741aac94b2d85ee⋯.png (49.63 KB, 690x298, 345:149, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: 3b41381c32944b7⋯.png (41.25 KB, 690x142, 345:71, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: f8bab9a0d8abd6e⋯.png (13.74 KB, 690x48, 115:8, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: 680b4861373122b⋯.png (45.04 KB, 370x268, 185:134, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)


610cbb  No.5704849


For Humanity!

a73861  No.5704850


The Storm is upon them.

This is "The Show".

Enjoy fellow anons, enjoy!

5da528  No.5704851

File: 781ca55e7b53963⋯.jpg (69.78 KB, 475x651, 475:651, ZomboMeme 15032019022204.jpg)

98490b  No.5704852





c63b64  No.5704853


And our supply is great.

116543  No.5704854

File: 62cc903ec1516a9⋯.png (60.71 KB, 401x311, 401:311, ClipboardImage.png)

86f771  No.5704855


Good points.

96b5e8  No.5704856


Post the image you are referencing, please.

533984  No.5704858

File: ea8eb87cf8d4f23⋯.jpeg (154.15 KB, 1242x683, 1242:683, 2EF3DA49-E93C-44CA-A13B-0….jpeg)

89c167  No.5704859

File: edd354ef01a9076⋯.png (479.92 KB, 622x821, 622:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17f8fdcde0e36cc⋯.png (507.89 KB, 655x862, 655:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67a81cda781f92b⋯.png (45.53 KB, 627x797, 627:797, ClipboardImage.png)

You just the fuck out of Gaza???? Unbelievable how psycho you fucks are

In solidarity with Muslims, NZ Jews shut synagogues on Shabbat for first time

We offer our full assistance and support to the Muslim community,’ New Zealand Jewish official says after slaying of at least 49 people at two mosques in Christchurch

The New Zealand Jewish community decided to shut its synagogues on Shabbat for the first time ever in an act of solidarity with the Muslim community in the country in the wake of the slaying of at least 49 people at two mosques in Christchurch.

“For the first time in history synagogues in NZ are closed on Shabbat following the shocking massacre of Muslims in Christchurch,” Tweeted Isaac Herzog, head of the Jewish Agency for Israel.

“The Jewish Agency and the NZ Jewish Council stand in solidarity with the bereaved families. We are united in fighting violent hatred and racism,” he said.


998532  No.5704860


Show them Q proofs.

- 53-47.

- Red Castle/Green castle then the money for the wall. How could anyone have guessed that?

- The 0 Delta's.

Just as important show them the dates Q said things were going to happen and them the MSM reports from the days after. Explain the expending ammo strategy.

e82740  No.5704861

File: f7d292a9a9e8f28⋯.png (156.16 KB, 681x845, 681:845, D1tkecjXgAE9msA.png)

File: 97027f77f35059e⋯.png (99.58 KB, 761x435, 761:435, Screenshot 2019-03-16 at 1….png)


No name and Hussein colluded at highest levels for TREASON.

0376c1  No.5704862


trips confirm, the candid ones make you use the imagination ;)

185c1f  No.5704863


Patriots who will still die for our country come in all stripes, colors, occupations and with wicked skills. We live among (((Them))) and see their street level weaknesses.

1d74cb  No.5704864


war. your side has superior arms and personnel. does the other side say ok and go home? no.

4ef014  No.5704865


Planes. Folks love planes. Well done.

d842d0  No.5704866


We Ready….We REady….We READY…. for WAR!!!

1c89cb  No.5704867

File: b61638cc5abc857⋯.jpg (439.27 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Q3080-Freedom-Justice-Flag….jpg)

File: c63156f34118933⋯.jpg (364.31 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Be-Free-Flag.jpg)

File: fb58b2e226cf141⋯.jpg (240.46 KB, 910x512, 455:256, Deep-Waters-Template.jpg)

File: 25dbaff5f692641⋯.jpg (466.67 KB, 1200x1577, 1200:1577, Stand-Up-Liberty.jpg)

File: 1f1f24f42aca768⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1500x1080, 25:18, Freedom-Ship-Q3038-Matrix-….jpg)

>Free Thought will save the world.

Memes will save humanity!

ceca93  No.5704868


if you haven't noticed we have been… our research is making it to the msm… we are on the offensive… just not habbenen as fast as anons want

68d183  No.5704869

File: 005e254cd3ae107⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1563x1800, 521:600, CBCEbBT.png)

File: 4b6898dfbd8e16e⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 680x623, 680:623, D1qj7V9WoAABecr.jpg)

File: 221f19c9c843b01⋯.jpg (85.16 KB, 1365x735, 13:7, int.cartel.JPG)

File: bbeca25e89c39aa⋯.jpg (97.73 KB, 1664x346, 832:173, nzfirearmsregs.JPG)


Mossad job - > tactical shooter, pray and spray random drops around the net.

Def suspect timing.

6c878a  No.5704870


Mueller just asked for a 60 day extension.

Will justice ever come?

dc3163  No.5704871

File: 9d70542149fd931⋯.jpeg (73.83 KB, 474x749, 474:749, AB2949EF-53A2-4ED4-824B-8….jpeg)

With Grace & God…


b50427  No.5704872

File: 34a106f053c3343⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 315x420, 3:4, downloadfile-49_1_1.jpg)

00b46d  No.5704873


His name was Horus.

0f5800  No.5704874

File: 3ae9dc5bf8ee446⋯.png (108.78 KB, 593x489, 593:489, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)



f57bce  No.5704875


I disagree.

We just learned what 12 Republican Senators need to be replaced. The swamp still has some fight left.

d135a7  No.5704876

File: f363a66f9a61e0d⋯.jpg (135.74 KB, 889x500, 889:500, f363a66f9a61e0def037e7550c….jpg)

2a6484  No.5704877

File: 3ba2d7485f83e62⋯.png (339.89 KB, 598x746, 299:373, 1545768062-1.png)

5da528  No.5704878

File: 5885b4b29e6cb55⋯.jpg (82.77 KB, 558x314, 279:157, ZomboMeme 15032019021822.jpg)

adae6d  No.5704879

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, crimsonpain.jpg)

File: 59df03ed6ec2ff9⋯.jpg (832.74 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, whitepain.jpg)

File: 58a232985e41e6a⋯.jpg (961.5 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, bluesteelpain.jpg)

d75d80  No.5704880


Go back to your oven, Zionist-nigger.

7dcc26  No.5704881


are we the tough people in this quote?

7e0509  No.5704882


Not if you want another anniversary! Kek

cce811  No.5704883


Ok - Im going to sound like a newfag here - but I'm not - just not a techfag. Here's my question…

WHERE do I find the link that has all of these decodes & graphics??? I need to get everything downloaded before they purge everything.

I'm stressed. I've been meaning to for ages but everytime I start to go look for them - or plan on having a save/backup day planned - I end up distracted by what's happening on the boards & never ever got to it.

(My ADHD sometimes gives me some problems.😁)

I need to find the graphics specifically - like you just posted - where anons have broken down & decoded things for newbies/masses.

c88361  No.5704884

File: 94272f894202038⋯.jpg (136.39 KB, 756x693, 12:11, PegasusFlyingHorse.jpg)

File: 48caeb675195473⋯.jpg (447.8 KB, 1494x1467, 166:163, Pepe TheSevenStones.jpg)

File: 521d592f4f131a7⋯.jpeg (628.02 KB, 1243x1697, 1243:1697, BattlePepe.jpeg)

9cf909  No.5704885


All her statements sounded like questions which would imply lies.

c63b64  No.5704886


Take our pledge seriously, to the end.

c3d723  No.5704887

File: 9d3e6130dc42fbb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 862x1111, 862:1111, the-burial-of-the-dead-AKA….png)

b866ca  No.5704888


You are ON THE BALL!

Thank you

234113  No.5704889


Good job anon

knowing what we know now!

Names numbers dates and news!!!

What was Headlines today will be tomorrow's old news!

Put on the back burner with less and less views.

That is why and how FF are always used!

8e2a05  No.5704890

File: e8a089c87c17b23⋯.png (70.72 KB, 570x328, 285:164, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)



5bde24  No.5704891



38d147  No.5704892


So with you. Amen to this! Should be NOTABLE at this point!

632caa  No.5704893


Same day Q drops in PF? There are no coincidences!

55cf1f  No.5704894


He just sold his soul.

8d4014  No.5704895

File: a48a343b7a3171c⋯.jpg (205.25 KB, 1061x499, 1061:499, CALIFORNIA LOVES AND APP….jpg)

File: 67f112afa838a58⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1440x794, 720:397, Jackie Robinson, Roy Campa….png)

File: c590c7e88eceac3⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1776:Washinton:Surfboards.jpg)

File: 880770c352cc358⋯.png (132.51 KB, 481x609, 481:609, Q Pledge of Allegiance.png)

File: 07c5f657bbb95a6⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, 2853 Patriots Have No ….png)

011f2b  No.5704896

File: 793054a91088800⋯.jpeg (331.67 KB, 600x1122, 100:187, 9829BE05-FCB6-4191-B251-C….jpeg)

42cec8  No.5704897

File: 5d9c3d95fa4ff68⋯.png (384.35 KB, 640x589, 640:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53f99cd542e9b5c⋯.png (980.75 KB, 975x650, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


It's time for #AirForce #WeekinPhotos! Which one is your favorite?

b0b2ce  No.5704898

File: 3cd52912ccc52de⋯.jpg (55.8 KB, 464x678, 232:339, WRWY JESUS CULTURE.JPG)




e82740  No.5704899

File: 0256da8c5c290c9⋯.png (4.05 KB, 420x94, 210:47, ClipboardImage (2).png)


This tweet soon?

d5bd54  No.5704900

File: 198717dee17dd0b⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 560x318, 280:159, timetolearn.jpg)

5da528  No.5704901

File: f87dfa94ca5daad⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 384x640, 3:5, ZomboMeme 15032019013655.jpg)

0d91d7  No.5704902

File: f7ca85124ec3480⋯.png (338.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Pepe dream ride.png)

a31025  No.5704903



Ok scratch that, I used retard math. Busy day at work. note to self, do basic homework before posting dumbass.

31c44a  No.5704904



Watched Lou Do bs last night go off about that and I agree.

2375b6  No.5704905

File: 065869371e57dcb⋯.png (4.9 KB, 162x255, 54:85, tungsten.png)


tungsten, too, anon

f3b5b3  No.5704906

File: 6c7359dbb76b7a2⋯.jpg (243.22 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ff0c9597d2f673d0df8ee24b89….jpg)

773b4b  No.5704907


It's so obvious at this point..

f6dd8e  No.5704908

File: 09c189b6d2a4df1⋯.gif (150.17 KB, 680x453, 680:453, 09c189b6d2a4df17c85f12c92f….gif)


no one gives a fuck about your 7 (you)s famefag

243c97  No.5704909


She’s a social media influencer

5da528  No.5704910

File: f87dfa94ca5daad⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 384x640, 3:5, ZomboMeme 15032019013655.jpg)

89c167  No.5704911


67a07d  No.5704912

File: f00ee3690538443⋯.png (166.32 KB, 416x563, 416:563, ClipboardImage.png)

things that make you go hmmmm…


cce811  No.5704913


I wonder what he thinks when he has to pay homage to something he knows is a FF & complete bullshit.

94654b  No.5704914

File: d361d28cc95810b⋯.mp4 (134.26 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ItsHappening.mp4)

96b5e8  No.5704915


Thanks for responding. Now please, step by step, how did you find the data?

2c9605  No.5704916

File: 344bb3ce3c0499a⋯.gif (3.88 MB, 480x472, 60:59, giphy (14).gif)

0196e2  No.5704917

File: a1fe1f7bfae0712⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, MmDK.jpg)

0376c1  No.5704918


You know, I hadn't thought about it like this until just now.

You're right. The Show has been a glorious cliffhanger :D

a05093  No.5704919



68d183  No.5704920

File: 90b1a3ed367901c⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 474x446, 237:223, 90b1a3ed367901c8cd017d6a1e….jpg)




qmap.pb > search NEWFLAG

3e4f65  No.5704921

File: fe3646e3d3e6881⋯.jpg (714.47 KB, 1410x1750, 141:175, SmartSelect_20190315-15003….jpg)

File: 2bdb73d79b85d3f⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 918x8459, 918:8459, 20190315_151414.jpg)




c8b814  No.5704922

File: bb1c672f0ded5ea⋯.mp4 (7.9 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bb1c672f0ded5ea13611bea0ee….mp4)

File: c5bfce51abb99ab⋯.png (60.69 KB, 259x250, 259:250, c5bfce51abb99ab91a05ef4b33….png)


We will bake our country safe!




66cee1  No.5704923

File: 45fd1d24261443a⋯.jpg (145.29 KB, 794x466, 397:233, General_Flynn.jpg)

File: 26f727d12f506d5⋯.jpg (348.72 KB, 1984x1143, 1984:1143, 26f727d12f506d529450bcc98b….jpg)

c88361  No.5704924

>>5704883 Look through the dough at the top of the bread for links to "Q Proofs" +/or "Q Side-by-Side Graphics".

8c77c6  No.5704925


95% Anons are just reading boards, they are patient and awake.

Most loud ones are asleep and with no brain.

d5bd54  No.5704926

File: c84db010901d8d2⋯.jpg (248.67 KB, 1432x712, 179:89, wwg1trump.jpg)

File: b91d48effb1d8d5⋯.jpg (686.06 KB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, trumpnews.jpg)

86f771  No.5704927

Will the live feed be on whitehouse.gov? I'm workfagging and youtube is blocked here. I need a source that doesn't attached to it.

Which, by the way, it's scary how many videos seem to be hosted on the site and just end up redirecting to youtube. Too much reliance on one site.

7de59a  No.5704928


Wow, it only took them, what, 15 years to figure that out. I feel really safe now.

2be159  No.5704929


I like it! :)

d6efec  No.5704930


They call them "UAC"? Really?

01c331  No.5704931


Just got a boner. sorry

0736b7  No.5704932

Welp 3:15 came and went

c3d723  No.5704933

File: da6f355dabf1074⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.png)

5d65be  No.5704934


No shit. Spending just one minute glancing back and forth at the two pictures proves they aren't the same.

d75d80  No.5704935




Truth hurts, huh?

WE THE PEOPLE are on to you.

(FYI: I am an American Conservative and belong to no group or organization but WE THE PEOPLE.)

48c900  No.5704936


Notice how Trump seems to leave placeholders here as though he had some other choice words for the Ardern.

He also never explicitly offers support to her, only to New Zealand.

f5383d  No.5704937

Q, your days long FF that you tell us to look out for is 'civil war' threats, right? Or at least it would start out as violent protests, then rioting, then a narrative push for that. Trump claiming tough supporters is him saying "Look, we play nice but you do this we will shut you down faster then you could ever imagine and your party will cease to exist."

Thus [D] if they really do actually try that losing hand.

4d9465  No.5704938





f1b6fb  No.5704939


The picture is 17x bigger.

310x163 = 50,530

1280x674 = 861,440

861,440 / 50,530 = 17.04809


b746a8  No.5704940


I'd take CM over those guys any day.

d818cb  No.5704941

File: f562124d765b445⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 612x407, 612:407, 2us47o.jpg)

09cec2  No.5704942


KEK!!! never underestimate the anons

71b1b7  No.5704943

File: 344bb3ce3c0499a⋯.gif (3.88 MB, 480x472, 60:59, giphy (14).gif)

b50427  No.5704944

File: eacaf8a8da15773⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 525x437, 525:437, downloadfile_1.jpg)

Chris Wallace is a dumbass bullshitter maggot.

bb804f  No.5704945

Notes so far

Anything missed?

>>5704874 New DJT re NZ

>>5704772 , >>5704813 Kept Secret For 17 Years: Intel Memo re Bush's Iraq Invasion

>>5704732 'All roads lead to Rome': Graphic

>>5704549 NZ: FF actress found

>>5704613 Reports of 8Chan under attack: TBC but it feels like it

>>5704608 Flag file sizes (in order of Q post)

>>5704558 Massive health care fraud connected to college fraud?

New Q

>>5704553 rt >>5704151 ————————— How much more obvious can we make it?

66b054  No.5704946

File: 1f840a7a1de9825⋯.jpg (196.17 KB, 973x499, 973:499, hrcmao3.jpg)

Symbolism will be their downfall.

ec6c22  No.5704947

File: 41591db59cbe1e3⋯.png (84.71 KB, 602x298, 301:149, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)


fe85c2  No.5704948



Lots of good proofs from Lisa Page transcripts.

268fe1  No.5704949

File: fc957187b2cfde2⋯.jpeg (158.89 KB, 789x1013, 789:1013, 5EC0307F-EA9E-4D31-9ED2-9….jpeg)


Flyin High!

ROFLCopters comin’ in Hot!

a11da0  No.5704950


Yes, to be a *star*.

d135a7  No.5704951

File: 3d47ff2777d9e96⋯.png (40.14 KB, 546x124, 273:62, xxd2.png)


Nice anon, saw the Hz in there and but definitely did not make the connection you just did!

There's also the word 'comm' in there, pic attached.

All the '{'s and '}'s has got me thinking we might be looking at executable, that and the /pb Exeuction?

c3d723  No.5704952

File: e3def9ce8876fad⋯.png (708.18 KB, 758x606, 379:303, FL-yyy-FFF-jmjmjm.png)

66cf6f  No.5704953

File: f26f43ab56ad0ec⋯.jpg (73.12 KB, 700x400, 7:4, RubberBullets.jpg)

bc4bc0  No.5704954


Been a wild ride today. Make me tired of winning, Q.

ccb0d6  No.5704955

File: ad8b793fe62e389⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 220x293, 220:293, cigMan1.jpg)

0c9dee  No.5704956


What's up with you? Do they have a 2 for 1 sale on Stupid Bitch drinks at the store today?

ea8fdc  No.5704957

File: bccd98b614f9fcc⋯.png (27.69 KB, 435x188, 435:188, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

File: 3542f87eb8ae9b3⋯.png (108.49 KB, 953x761, 953:761, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

Like Clockwork.

d11be8  No.5704958

File: b7324e96bdf93ad⋯.png (886.04 KB, 2047x1003, 2047:1003, ClipboardImage.png)


Civ Mil Air BLOCKED me a while ago for being a Trump supporter and a supporter of Q

I followed after seeing DJT Tweet below


8c8fef  No.5704959

File: 797d807f26f46ae⋯.png (482.88 KB, 1321x519, 1321:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3ef9dbb50cf3a7⋯.png (11.79 KB, 362x121, 362:121, ClipboardImage.png)

10:41:00 Q Flag Post Today

10:41:01 WATCH IRAN [Hassan Rouhani]


Hassan touting 'Special' relationship with Baghdad ahead of visit.


IRAQ begins Legal Proceedings Against 14 French Islamic State Fighters



180d27  No.5704960

File: 34f6ae5a10d0d86⋯.jpeg (122.27 KB, 1440x971, 1440:971, 1536597038.jpeg)

b0fb6d  No.5704961


Last bread, an anon called it the worst (you) for an anon (Freddy and Lynn don't count) and I count myself lucky for not receiving one myself for a similar post, but I finished with We are the news now. Kek

0f0b59  No.5704962



d75d80  No.5704963


Or are you just busy munching on foreskins with Ivanka and her ex Mob boyfriend?

1d74cb  No.5704964


imo big show in main tent after nov 2020. stuff going on now sub rosa

d040a6  No.5704965


Q, don't forget broke, busted up 59 yo's with nothing to lose that want a better country for their kids and grandkids

31c44a  No.5704966


Speak for yourself shill

ac9fef  No.5704967

The NZ false flag proves that the FBI has been cleaned up by Trump.

The cabal knows the NZ authorities will not discover who was behind the attacks.

c88361  No.5704968

File: d41aee9013da4fd⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 809x317, 809:317, 2019_03_15_15:18:00_EDT.jpg)

DJT tweets, zero delta

Bot 12:14 PM PDT

0d91d7  No.5704969

File: 38af38a78e2cb12⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 666x500, 333:250, blackstone comp.jpg)


trips confirm it's too high and ridiculous


ebbf69  No.5704970

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, aa49d4ccab171ac989fb6d6b48….jpg)

506e80  No.5704971

File: 8d12f512c0d760b⋯.jpg (366.62 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190315-141800….jpg)

CM eyes front

e5b51d  No.5704973

File: b559e9d7afacdb6⋯.png (4.8 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 00E6A71C-A20F-4FCB-B3F4-78….png)

68d183  No.5704974




Tried opening with Pixelknot but didn't prompt for a pw.

Is there another way to test to see if it will open in pixelknot or just on android app?

2a6484  No.5704975


what a fucking idiot

998532  No.5704976

68ec16  No.5704977

File: a72cfccb19f5367⋯.png (59.38 KB, 760x317, 760:317, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

The left pretends to care about foreign influence in elections, yet they stayed silent while Obama sent his political team to unseat Netanyahu in Israel



b50427  No.5704978

File: e6956e4a883d29e⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 519x1078, 519:1078, TYB Q Research.jpg)



Trump is a Rock Star….

209e0d  No.5704979

Hussein's boasting of a 'scandal free administration' was a bit premature. His 'legacy' is being formulated in the sealed indictments soon to be unveiled.

Q+ showing up in the UK Bread was quite an inspiration to so many who lack a Leader as great as The One we have in the US.

672dd5  No.5704980

File: 5773a7fb947d55d⋯.png (196.11 KB, 679x652, 679:652, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

Robert Francis has strange fantasies

O'Rourke: "As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood… I was so fascinated for a moment… I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.”


10938b  No.5704981


NSA humor

98490b  No.5704982


Lots of fake Beto pics too, these days.


c3d723  No.5704983

File: 35b56a76bf48957⋯.png (143.69 KB, 555x830, 111:166, whatgetsyoubanned.png)

File: b92ae165f5d4005⋯.png (42.74 KB, 1709x198, 1709:198, BO-censor.png)

File: 593cc2230618d70⋯.png (406.83 KB, 717x539, 717:539, BASTEBO.png)

8f699e  No.5704984


Photofag needed here. Is there an embedded image in sky. I may just need to rest my eyes tho

d5bd54  No.5704985

File: 95e5c5508070af7⋯.jpg (253.36 KB, 1324x691, 1324:691, 55.jpg)

bec26b  No.5704986

Q - are massive AT&T outages today related to justice?

Thank you for everything.

a20e96  No.5704987

File: d87bbe6f8739778⋯.png (40.64 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ba5e368cd19292⋯.png (586 KB, 470x819, 470:819, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5704151 (pb, Q)

The implication being made here is that the USAF and the US Army normally play for completely different teams and that should cause alarm.

Also, both pics symbolize the same thing. Be very afraid of what's to come.

9e0f45  No.5704988


Except for that time Jesus kiked the moneychangers out of the temple using a whip, and that whole Book of Revelation stuff. Don't be a retard. God used, uses, and will use violence. It's a sign of His passionate love for His people (in other words, don't fuck with God and His children) and his passionate love for the truth (in other words liars will burn in the lake of fire). Jesus is no sissy. He's a warrior. LORD is His name.

2078a0  No.5704989

File: 009f92c2dc3a520⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, djtbb.jpg)



612711  No.5704990


Good catch anon.


55cf1f  No.5704991


Look at all the celebs that have lost a sib or Parent. It’s staggering!

7965d1  No.5704992



last flag size missmatch between qmap.pub and https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/440.html#q468

d75d80  No.5704993


Not an argument… Funny, I suddenly get the attention of the BO.

Just a COHENcidence.

be850e  No.5704994


I like this anon. Maybe a second one pointing out the fact that all these "leaders" are still united in opposition to POTUS?

71b1b7  No.5704995

why is'nt the world condemning Israels actions rightnow.

they are a murderous terrorist nation, all for their GREATER ISRAEL PLAN!

04378b  No.5704996

File: 41e6e04a395c670⋯.png (26.87 KB, 379x510, 379:510, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d016f26d8c1dc5⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1288x736, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)




2c6b2d  No.5704997


Like I said, “coincidences”

Wife thinks I’m a whacko conspiracy guy

75ab01  No.5704998




0a9994  No.5704999

Oldfags and newfags, many of us always knew as soon as we came across Q posts, that we finally had something international to get behind.

Thank you Q, it's good to finally have the Beam of Light we needed and have it switched on.

96b5e8  No.5705000


I was thinking this yesterday, too. Unable to execute in the US now.

b50427  No.5705001

File: e6956e4a883d29e⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 519x1078, 519:1078, TYB Q Research.jpg)



Trump is a Rock Star…….

8f699e  No.5705002


Photofag needed here. Is there an embedded image in sky. I may just need to rest my eyes tho

084f57  No.5705003


Every signle one is saved in the off-site gallery of images Q posts/those he responds to - even though they seem like duplicates

>much like Punisher



66cee1  No.5705004

File: 22d253aab6da6da⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 400x429, 400:429, ocasiocorkek.jpg)

afa7e2  No.5705005

a05093  No.5705006


You are confusing issues. Mueller asked for extension for the Gates sentencing hearing. Much like Flynn. Has nothing to do with the investigation aspect.

5a2078  No.5705007




2 Nov 2018 - 2:54:16 PM


Ask yourself a very simple question.

Why is the FAKE NEWS media continually expending resources to defame, debunk, and cast as a conspiracy, for, as they say, a nobody who started on 4chan?

Why did the FAKE NEWS media attempt to cast blame of recent events on the 'Q' movement?

Was it an attempt to silence?



Are we subject to the Hatch Act?

Think Executive Branch / NSA / etc.

Acceptable 'turn on' comms?

[Filter applied - legal analysis]

Cannot point to any particular candidate or party prior to Nov 7?

We, the PEOPLE.

Fight, Fight, Fight!




Attempts to label all those who challenge their narrative as 'racists' 'white supremacists' will fail [predictable].


243c97  No.5705008


That was fast

1be6da  No.5705009


RIP Toots

0f5800  No.5705010

File: 2891c00a0e1c3ef⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 279x235, 279:235, tuckerlaughing.gif)

ccb0d6  No.5705011

File: 6c0d7223be5a8c3⋯.jpeg (43.24 KB, 403x312, 31:24, brainPain.jpeg)

2375b6  No.5705012

File: 16747358437981d⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 251x201, 251:201, youngCINC.jpg)


first long-hair President

d41c4d  No.5705013


>>5705449 IS A LIE

It is NOT notable . . .

please remove this from Notables

00c449  No.5705014

I think I get what today is. Why the warning to CodeMonkey.

Today, They will ask our President the Question!

What/Who is QAnon?

d75d80  No.5705015


What's wrong… Not a fan of free-speech anymore, buddy?

e82740  No.5705016

File: f736299ce70b5a2⋯.png (28.93 KB, 426x233, 426:233, Screenshot 2019-03-16 at 1….png)

File: a32d9867ceef061⋯.png (90.82 KB, 721x381, 721:381, Screenshot 2019-03-16 at 1….png)



Compared & contrasted.

This is what Q+ on twitter.

86f771  No.5705017


Are people worshiping a comic character's skull and raping/eating children in it's name? No? Ok then.

805389  No.5705018


Yeah… Just so the DS knows…There is a price we will NOT pay. There is a point beyond which you WILL NOT advance. POTUS has MIL and Police….and the TOUGH. Don't forget it.

a11da0  No.5705019


Oh my God, I love you and want to have your children. No homo.

f9c93c  No.5705020



You got the support of millions of a anons ww.


(Anons will stand the course, shills and fake news media have no effect on anons.)

ceca93  No.5705021


never trumper

8e2a05  No.5705022


Yesterday "VETO!" tweet at 3:16

Today (2) tweets on 3/15 at 3:14 with "24 hours" in the combo-tweet.

John 3:16 a recurring Q theme.

672dd5  No.5705023


Source: https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1QW26N?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&__twitter_impression=true


3e4f65  No.5705024

File: 35e38592dc022af⋯.jpg (884.48 KB, 1434x2203, 1434:2203, SmartSelect_20190315-15192….jpg)

File: 52533ec8f2f89d3⋯.jpg (554.25 KB, 1426x1051, 1426:1051, SmartSelect_20190315-15194….jpg)


The U.S. flag stands for our nation and the shared history, pride, principles and commitment of its people. Do you know how to properly display the flag?

https://t.co/GES7cDtQy5 https://t.co/1BMeRAHNBx



4a2d25  No.5705025

File: f781794bf4488d5⋯.png (330.41 KB, 1280x427, 1280:427, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)

File: 7ae46f882ccd676⋯.png (81.71 KB, 1129x519, 1129:519, Screenshot_2019-03-15 7563….png)

File: 6114d7c30f51b71⋯.png (176.26 KB, 1327x1056, 1327:1056, Screenshot_2019-03-15 7563….png)

File: 8cb53d777e63e9a⋯.png (543.76 KB, 1327x2107, 1327:2107, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)

File: 49dde78649260d2⋯.png (185.37 KB, 1327x1052, 1327:1052, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)

>>5704093 (lb)

if you mean me, it's NOT copy-pasta

as it is my own work that has only been seen in the last month m8 and hardly by anyone during night shift early hours 1-5 am usually. perhaps I could charge for it all and make some money and act like its a big deal. host a youtube channel and take money.

I posted the Syria Va. trip decode about noon on a friday iirc. and six times over the next 48 hours then I stopped. cos I'm not a shill pushing something crazy.

there are 751 posts available in each bread, and as there have been how many breads, and how many times has this stuff been posted since Q began, how is it copypasta?

if you mean this trip specifically –


I only did that this morning and I have been on again since…3.30 am I think. The other FIVE trips I decoded were all from Patriots Fight, and a decode on the sixth number that came from the five, and a seventh that came from the sixth.

This one - !UW.yye1fxo - was in open play on 3.15.18

and when decoded leads to a church shooting, another Baptist church shooting. A shooting in Texas. And coincidentally on 3.14/15.67 JFK was moved and the two remaining Kennedy brothers met in the Senate. and that is public record. So today we have a shooting down under which looks like a hoax…

and who was it that quizzed JFK on his so-called divided loyalty? see the Orrin ND decode for the answer to the anti-Catholic slur peddled by whom?

!CbboFOtcZs = 58359 = 3 (Orrin, ND) [Mary is The Heart of America / German Catholic family from German colonies in Russia, possibly from area of DJT's ancestors originally / American decay / Church in eclipse / Our Lady of Fatima / 1950 Assumption]

okay so I will try and post everything again later tonight / early morning but each decode comes with supporting evidence, i.e. images and lots of them. also I did a decode of a 4chan post form 2017 from an enemy to Q that an anon on here re-posted last week. I hadn't seen it before but it slithered so I checked it out and sure enough right away two hits, same methods as usual. i'll post that again as well I guess.

so you think Q doesn't want us to figure things out? Bacon does then.

see this image?

You think me decoding the trip for this date on 3.15.18 that led us to a Church shooting in Texas…when the very issue we see today 3.15.19 is whether there are hoaxes and false flags and assassinations and murder by (((them))) wordl-wide.

Christchurch? Orly?

3ab97b  No.5705026


If so, we should all reply with that pic.

2eff5a  No.5705027


I think the main problem is Agent Smith. Even when talking to people that have found out or even witnessed events that shock their world I get to face the Agent when talking to them.

48c900  No.5705028


3 + 3 + 3 + 24 = 33

How many emails did Hillary Clinton delete?


09cec2  No.5705029


Poor faggot. Hug?

b0b2ce  No.5705030

File: c13487f8cda4126⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 1382x411, 1382:411, i said 48 you said 24.JPG)








89c167  No.5705031

File: d300d3fa7a618c3⋯.png (575.76 KB, 777x922, 777:922, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7c1dbef47401eb⋯.png (104.19 KB, 861x914, 861:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fb6ed60595a6fa⋯.png (241.72 KB, 771x920, 771:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0ee831f82e2950⋯.png (232.03 KB, 771x901, 771:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61fd0b0d7fc09a9⋯.png (101.42 KB, 790x903, 790:903, ClipboardImage.png)

“Mr MAGA and the end of Western Civilization”

Folks in the West are taught that their civilization has its roots in ancient Rome and/or ancient Greece. This is more a case of self-aggrandizement than serious historical research. While it is true that the city of Rome was sacked in 410AD, the Christian Roman civilization continued in the East for another 1000 years until 1453. The real roots of what we nowadays call the western civilization are to be traced back to the following time periods:

Most ancient (theoretical) roots: the early Frankish Merovingian Kingdom (481–751) and Carolingian empire (751–843).

Formative roots: the so-called “Holy Roman Empire” (800-1806) which was “Roman” only in name (this term appeared only in the XIIIth century; in French it is called more accurately “Saint-Empire romain germanique” but it really ought to be called the “Germanic Empire”, since it was neither “Roman” nor “Holy”).

Modern (ideological) roots: Renaissance, French Revolution, WWI, WWII, Cold War.

But in practical terms, we can say that the western civilization emerged from the Middle-Ages (5th-15th centuries) or, even better, from the times of the Crusades (1095-1410). Far from being the heir to the Roman Empire, the AngloZionist Empire is a direct descendant from the Franks and the civilization they built in the West on the ruins of the Christian Roman Empire. When Muslims nowadays speak of “Western Crusaders” they are absolutely spot on. The only difference between the original Crusaders and their modern descendants is that the former at least pretended to be Christians. The latter wear their crass materialism as a badge of honor.



644dea  No.5705032

File: 77ff5fe7610b28e⋯.jpg (30.71 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 53c7f689941cf673fa094a26cf….jpg)

Question: What is a citizen supposed to do if your government chooses to do nothing (and is actively involved in) about the invasion and colonization of your country by 3rd worlders? When your culture, your communities and everything you've ever worked for is being destroyed or given to people who aren't even citizens of your country? When you're being murdered and your women and children murdered or raped by said invaders? Do you just sit back and watch it happen? Do you just grab some Bud Light and watch sportsball?

279c91  No.5705033

So is Trump making an announcement right now or what? Anyone got a link?

5bde24  No.5705034




Just happened


2c6b2d  No.5705035


Not a bad guess

c3d723  No.5705036

File: 155f1abc1df012c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1111x833, 1111:833, T-b-RR-ee-jjjjjjjjjj.png)

00b46d  No.5705037


So utterly stupid. His name was Horus.

bc4bc0  No.5705038

File: 4574aa8bdc45dc3⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 720x720, 1:1, illusionofMediaChoice.jpg)


LOL, KEK. Some ppl are dense, some are still asleep. Will someone ask the question (taking to the media on here)

10938b  No.5705039


>Implying they've seen the light of day

Gotta' work on your wit a bit.

70d6ff  No.5705041

File: c879d21bb03d9ee⋯.png (531.77 KB, 1043x463, 1043:463, kjkkll.PNG)

File: 8271c3385392e6b⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 968x681, 968:681, donald-trump.jpg)

2a6484  No.5705042


oh please

you're just a little bitch

c7a4fd  No.5705043


Fucking strange for sure. They just keep popping up

c8b4d1  No.5705044

An observation..

A couple breads ago people were discussing JoeM’s new edit of the video. And why he assss 3/14 and the time 9:11.

Anyone notice the time stamp the tweet had on Q’s last post?

9:11 pm on 3/14

73f095  No.5705045

File: 48bdcd73ea4bbae⋯.jpeg (70.79 KB, 876x435, 292:145, 5A7BD473-C233-4744-A363-C….jpeg)

011f2b  No.5705046

File: 37bf87795e5ede4⋯.jpeg (97.21 KB, 527x521, 527:521, 8E556A82-E907-41BC-8BFC-7….jpeg)

File: 77f6b43c90c5aab⋯.jpeg (115.15 KB, 529x790, 529:790, 043986D9-2BBA-4CCC-84FF-3….jpeg)

8e739a  No.5705047



ccfc06  No.5705048

3ccb55  No.5705049


SHES VERY instagram-able. WONDER if that’s a coincidence.

5e3902  No.5705050

502 errors popping up on here

bb804f  No.5705051


Which notable exactly anon?

6698e0  No.5705052

File: d110b990be9f215⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 550688bf781ec7e09810db9c43….jpg)

805389  No.5705053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86f771  No.5705054


Misanthrope in action. I needs popcorns.

e89a0c  No.5705055

File: 414464fdcc6d042⋯.jpg (281.97 KB, 800x342, 400:171, Veto4.jpg)

db1fa5  No.5705056

File: 2d7514e25e2a795⋯.png (252.29 KB, 394x447, 394:447, L2.png)

ea8fdc  No.5705057

Like Clockwork.>>5704998

Search term should be OPERATION MOUNTAIN GARDEN. Made a typo in the post and inadvertently added an "s" OPERATION MOUNTAIN GARDEN = 295

Simple Gematria same as New DJT Tweet capital letters. Pointing us to Denver on Friday as per the first result of the DDG search


d5bd54  No.5705058

File: 644ed89b950f47f⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 372x577, 372:577, ezra.jpg)

3da8ef  No.5705059

File: 27a9ffdb334ab28⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2460x1492, 615:373, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)

Q flightpath

89c167  No.5705060

File: 54874ee7c0809a7⋯.png (66.68 KB, 780x708, 65:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecb4d40c99101ed⋯.png (31.31 KB, 779x360, 779:360, ClipboardImage.png)

3059e8  No.5705061

File: 05b8be52f37ce66⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180701_154249.jpg)



c88361  No.5705062

>>5704553 We are at crunch time, & in this case it is required that the opposition explicitly understands what we have and what could happen. If we are forced to wipe up the ground with them, it is on them. What their leaders think is one thing—because their lives are probably forfeit anyway—but we want their rank & file to see the reality of the situation, look down inside & see that it just isn't worth it.

c3d723  No.5705063

File: d967ac3824d5d54⋯.png (371.57 KB, 503x597, 503:597, WEBAR.png)

5a2078  No.5705064


8f699e  No.5705065

502 and a bad ass lag on posting

67ff4e  No.5705066


This is getting unbearable even for the most patient anon.

2a6484  No.5705067

File: 8cc0af2c3d18cab⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 734x390, 367:195, trump-laughing.jpg)

b50427  No.5705068

File: 77df1b7abf634cc⋯.png (551.56 KB, 743x798, 743:798, 6201310e55d91b8a8c4eb03551….png)

File: 818140a410b6a0f⋯.jpg (62.75 KB, 500x547, 500:547, 2vsh4q_1.jpg)

dae060  No.5705069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Song is on replay in my head today…

773617  No.5705070


Got pushed back to 430ET I believe

c494b9  No.5705071

File: 5ed1cb7b788cd17⋯.jpg (579.14 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening34.jpg)

96b5e8  No.5705072

0376c1  No.5705073


looks good so far baker o7

154dd3  No.5705074


Are you trying to incite violence?

b746a8  No.5705075


It's like that that shit brothers greenberg meme that says Zuckerberg,@Snowden, and a third cuck are brothers. Doesn't look anything like them.

116543  No.5705076


For pixelknot only android app though I think they were developing desktop…haven't check in awhile.

There are other apps for decrypting…not sure if they will work.


I'll open and see if I can find anything else

5bde24  No.5705077


Playing parts worldwide. Still.

00f4c9  No.5705078

Michelle Obozo intervened for Smollet's investigation to be moved to FBI. That means for sure that the FBI is still corrupt.

The new head of the FBI Richmond VA office came from Mueller team. WOULD BET EVERY DIME I HAVE THAT HE IS CORRUPT POS.

f9c93c  No.5705079


Would not make it more evident for anons. It already is.

Would very likely not make it more evident for normies.

No point in doing this.


50465c  No.5705080

just got bad gateway

b864c8  No.5705081


Wasn't it Senator Mark Warner of VA that wrote a story about returning home to have his naked son jump into his arms, whom he then flipped upside down and put his son's penis in his mouth?

Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder if these "stories" aren't true occurenc

b0fb6d  No.5705082


Hey, wow. Thanks anon.

Thanks for guaranteeing I shan't watch those clips, you namefagging knob jockey.

9cf909  No.5705083


Uh, article was last year

9f5925  No.5705084

About AOC, total fraud, found by casting agency to play the part, perhaps you wanna watch this


61c927  No.5705086

I know there's alot going on, but I thought I'd post a quick qanon.news update. I've been frustrated at not being able to provide a search of all the archives on the site and was inspired by a post from resignationAnon who said he'd built his own for the qresear.ch site. That's when I realized (again) that I'm a moran.

There's a novel idea. Why don't I build my own rather than rely on someone else's code? So I've been working on one for the few days and it's coming along nicely. Nothing available now, but I'm currently indexing all the breads I have archived. I figure it should take a few days to tighten some things up and I should be able to provide another search engine.

Not notable, just an update because I'm making good progress.

644dea  No.5705087

File: 71fb4d9da12c97f⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, comment_ATdiQKFdP6MW7VdGwF….jpg)


Isn't that the fucking truth.

484999  No.5705088


The lag on the boards the past couple has been bad, at least on my phone. Don't have desktop. Have to wait forever for type to catch up with me. Doesn't happen anywhere else. Try closing relaunching. Helps a little

672dd5  No.5705089


Lots of TF*s around since last night

e82740  No.5705090


Requested - a POTUS tweet with WRWY - 'We Are With You', New Zealand. Please.

d842d0  No.5705091

File: 956a5adfbbe9e2f⋯.jpeg (3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, D45678C8-EFE4-45A3-8F65-2….jpeg)


Found this on the front porch today…

9c1e81  No.5705092

File: 79587e4464f1f07⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 300x369, 100:123, Pepe love.jpg)

caf6c7  No.5705093

File: c3761449db21c7d⋯.png (349.28 KB, 722x806, 361:403, f79700d240bb9fb8fbdc3c111d….png)

502s 502s, CM save us!

f55f94  No.5705094

File: e9d3edaca5e933b⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1190x669, 1190:669, Stand by.png)

Q in fine form today.


61686d  No.5705095

File: 8434f24b39b8c88⋯.jpg (699.09 KB, 1342x1702, 671:851, 20190315_122111.jpg)



For newbies re: Drop 3088

Good one, Boss.

As you were, Sir.

89c167  No.5705096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch live: Trump expected to issue first veto over national emergency declaration


d75d80  No.5705097

File: 414e99b5ca0cb18⋯.png (56.69 KB, 1106x161, 158:23, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)


Can anyone disprove this, or nah… Just ad hominem is all?


Just debunk this ONE claim and I'll shut my mouth…

ANY TAKERS… Surely you can make a guy drinking "Stupid Bitch drinks" look stupid, right? Have at it… I'm fair game. Debunk this… if you can!

279c91  No.5705098


Thank you friend! That works better for me anyways

16eb53  No.5705099

If we look at post 3086 and 3065… There is a "Dot" or "Period" in front of the letter "C". If you subtract 3086-3065=21… go to post 3021

RE: Snowden. Leads to post 3022, which is a repost of 3021 and the first sentence in the drop? "Connect the dots." The dots are in post 3086 and 3065 before the letter "C". Parades or Restraints?

4d9465  No.5705100

File: a6b36c3d4087613⋯.png (326.43 KB, 960x789, 320:263, glowiebtfo.png)





c7a4fd  No.5705101


It was last year…read the story not the headline….Strange nonetheless

b866ca  No.5705102



255eb5  No.5705103


(FYI: I am an American Conservative and belong to no group or organization but WE THE PEOPLE.

not a matter of free speech.. a matter of speak for your FKin self

c63b64  No.5705104


"Sorry"? Enjoy it!

1322e1  No.5705105

File: 247bf040e1e8ae1⋯.jpg (152.46 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, hillz.jpg)


the greatest BO evah

thanks for your service

86f771  No.5705106


refresh webpage.

7e99dc  No.5705107


Try the Megadeth version. That oughta dislodge it.

ccb0d6  No.5705108

File: 717e4ca4f0b9d45⋯.jpeg (97.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wfB.jpeg)


<What's wrong… Not a fan of free-speech anymore, buddy?

Well, you seem to have difficulty understanding the concept. You see, it works like this. Ah…you say what you like, and, uh, we say what we like in response.

Or are you so fucking stupid you failed to notice you were not banned.

Perhaps more time in class and less stroking the monkee in your bedroom, lad.

70d6ff  No.5705109

234113  No.5705110

File: 3a6568e1fa770b2⋯.webm (15.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3a6568e1fa770b27ac93ae664….webm)

4a2d25  No.5705111

File: a34e1162434c0b1⋯.png (49.24 KB, 870x407, 870:407, Screenshot_2019-03-15 JFK ….png)

File: 09356c264cccd81⋯.png (869.06 KB, 1315x474, 1315:474, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)

File: dafa773a0f3b0cd⋯.png (763.28 KB, 1344x588, 16:7, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)

File: 3d80e8b0a6631ef⋯.png (892.4 KB, 1344x588, 16:7, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)

File: 4fe096c4e6330c0⋯.png (887.34 KB, 1344x588, 16:7, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Dain….png)





cf2d23  No.5705112


What did he expect?

5d65be  No.5705113


And then it gets stuck in notables and spreads like wildfire. She'll end up being harrassed. It's fucking bullshit.

154dd3  No.5705114


msm is on their side, look at your own meme.

84572b  No.5705115


Charlie Kirk is a megafaggot. Bigger faggot than Dan Crenshaw.

48c900  No.5705116

Q, did POTUS have any choice words for the NZ PM during the phone call?

67d610  No.5705117


Rig for silent running.

noscript=no lag + no comp

1c1814  No.5705119


God I love you, BO! Top kek

ce8db4  No.5705120


I'm sure it means unity with Anons and not between the two branches.

0553e5  No.5705121

File: b858ded5399fad5⋯.gif (337.26 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1523595868731.gif)


>These people are sick & evil.

>It is not a coincidence.

>It never is.

Who are these people of coincidence?

64380e  No.5705122

File: 0af47a75d4502a0⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 494x571, 494:571, call-sign-Q-anon.jpg)

Absolutely friggen beautiful!!!

Like the Mona Lisa! Want to frame this and put on my wall next to my family baby pictures.

d135a7  No.5705123

File: 35f4423035cb063⋯.jpeg (54.64 KB, 912x498, 152:83, 35f4423035cb0633c2ad27468….jpeg)

66344d  No.5705124

File: ad8777349df839e⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 435x527, 435:527, ad8777349df839e84f570d65e1….jpg)


Chek't faggots trips

6c878a  No.5705125


Muswellbrook is in Australia, spoopy

3e4f65  No.5705126

File: 6a6bf702c52aff9⋯.jpg (1008.72 KB, 1427x2289, 1427:2289, SmartSelect_20190315-15230….jpg)

File: 09d31d39da84925⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x3033, 120:337, 20190315_152331.jpg)

God Bless our Military Women & Men


180d27  No.5705127

File: 088268473cdb047⋯.gif (11.14 MB, 460x258, 230:129, 20190301_191004.gif)

2c6b2d  No.5705128


Worlds most under rated band

9ea998  No.5705129



^^^see all this shit ? leave it out of your links , this is all you need


d98b1d  No.5705130


what? the cap, the mat or both?

ac9fef  No.5705131

File: 4a7adda4f17c0d4⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2w5720[1].jpg)

e89a0c  No.5705132

File: 65cffa0a8644c51⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 300x229, 300:229, monopoly-300x229.jpg)

6bc0cb  No.5705133


My parents and I arrived on March 17th many years ago after waiting 5 years and my uncle taking financial responsibility. Both my parents went to work, contributed and love🇺🇸.@Potus is coming to Miami that day, can you put in a good word for this Cuban-America #Patriot?

506e80  No.5705134



Q proof… he just warned CM.. and now we're being attacked

ceca93  No.5705135


I wonder how many ex SF, Rangers, Seals, Marines are in the Bikers for Trump?… asken for a fren

0d91d7  No.5705136

File: e5d0e29e9c2cc76⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 500x538, 250:269, Pepe baker assist DD 1.jpg)



will hook onto the next dough and paste. Do you want similar to what was done with the strzok bundles with collected notables?

090304  No.5705137


To be fair there is one way you could!

68ec16  No.5705138


TY, Anon!

bb804f  No.5705139


Can't read that just now anon.

Please repost and ask anons to vet and nominate.


a11da0  No.5705140

d98936  No.5705141

File: 5fd564c496312d7⋯.jpg (5.77 MB, 7352x4424, 919:553, Q Map Graphic 74.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>5703380 Q Graphics all in GMT #74 seen here >>5704521

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

9e0f45  No.5705142

File: f2f85ec3e7591a7⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ofikg.jpg)



762079  No.5705143

File: b1a4f2186bdc844⋯.jpeg (684.9 KB, 1242x1205, 1242:1205, 472C42C1-2169-48ED-BF70-5….jpeg)

File: 8b0f44e25f6c9b9⋯.jpeg (624.11 KB, 1242x1441, 1242:1441, 9E06F21F-C7A1-4647-AB6C-2….jpeg)


644dea  No.5705144

File: f7982a7b29796d4⋯.jpeg (6.92 KB, 300x169, 300:169, th.jpeg)


I'm asking some simple questions. But your reply is quite telling, boomer. Obviously your plan of action is to do nothing like the coward you are.

caf6c7  No.5705145

Kek, Q….flight path


ab77b3  No.5705146






f42b97  No.5705147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hardcore truth. We are at the precipice

d5249f  No.5705148


If Brennan is removed, will FFs suddenly reduce ?.

67d610  No.5705149

File: 2a32d81ff13e575⋯.png (7.9 KB, 486x135, 18:5, 8chPostError.png)


Rig for silent running.

noscript=no lag + no comp

But you might get pic related, just now

255eb5  No.5705150


(FYI: I am an American Conservative and belong to no group or organization but WE THE PEOPLE.)

not a matter of free speech.. a matter of speak for your FKin self

eaf6a3  No.5705151


Sorry to hear that. Tell her someone like me would appreciate a guy like you who is awake and capable.

29fd50  No.5705152


She was a traitor

611dbd  No.5705153


Might have to put a PUNISHER logo on POTUS tie, or even better A LAPEL PIN!!

c63b64  No.5705154


We know that your own "Deep State" has a boot on the necks of your citizens, too.

bfa16a  No.5705155

Just saw another pic of guy with blood on his pants talking to others bright red …,Fail …. dried blood is never red …, Pay attention anons

d75d80  No.5705156


Bahahahaa… Look at all the shilling. NO ONE CAN DEBUNK THE CLAIM, so BO is brigading me… Fucking pathetic.

BO… You are ENEMY of Free-Speech.

0ed9f6  No.5705157

File: 118f7d01ee1c8b5⋯.png (803.46 KB, 975x650, 3:2, rez.png)


Hope this helps


b0fbd3  No.5705158

File: 9def4b37d5e36f5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1019x627, 1019:627, WeAreQ.PNG)

09cec2  No.5705159

File: f47cce96aa7da1f⋯.png (14.85 KB, 450x190, 45:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks for posting but thats old news here. To embed click Show post options & limits. Paste JooTube or hooktube links in the Embed field

f8376f  No.5705160

Spouseanon and I had lunch today. She grew up behind the Iron Curtain in Czechoslovakia and has told me about the revolution in 1989. She asked how this revolution compares to what (we) are doing. I told her that what (we) are doing in fighting the evil cabal is like what she did, only much bigger because our movement is world wide.

She smiled and bought me chocolate cake for a treat and told me to carry on.

b50427  No.5705161

File: 5dc341196fa6abd⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 320x178, 160:89, downloadfile-2.gif)

Anons keep in mind that this board is under heavy government surveillance and your browser is being tracked right now.

If the socialist democrat's take back the white house you may find yourself in a FEMA re-education camp…just sayin'.

Good luck.

Anons I hope you know by now that this post is spot on.

96b5e8  No.5705162

File: 9ec105b2547b4a8⋯.png (286 KB, 510x448, 255:224, comfy.png)


And yet, anon is comfy here.

5eeaf1  No.5705163


Fine choice, anon

805389  No.5705164


A shit ton. Behind every blade of grass you will find one.

29fd50  No.5705165


She was a traitor


Someone in the sewer drain shot jfk

3e4f65  No.5705166

File: 91314b56b2e7a7c⋯.jpg (590.32 KB, 1438x2039, 1438:2039, SmartSelect_20190315-15264….jpg)


Human Trafficking Awareness


71b1b7  No.5705167

When are we going to sort out the jewish question once and for all???

86f771  No.5705168


Anons, this is called irony.

c3d723  No.5705169

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)



you have no choice

Bow to God

down you go

you have no choice



bb804f  No.5705170


Updated anon.


2c6b2d  No.5705171


Aww, Nancy Pelosi lurks on 8Chan

48c900  No.5705172

File: 6edae21fb99c881⋯.png (762.98 KB, 1152x968, 144:121, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)


d98936  No.5705173




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#74 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>5705141

Pastabin, in case one prefers: https://pastebin.com/c6DCfSej

Godspeed Baker/s

154dd3  No.5705174

shills are stupid.

Obvious shills get the filter again.

racism is stupid.

164c62  No.5705175

Whitehouse.gov live says no streaming events, where to watch POTUS @ 3:30?

3d55dd  No.5705176

File: 06bdad8eddd0e58⋯.jpeg (261.87 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 29FF0E93-6D46-47EB-8D43-E….jpeg)


Most I’ve ever seen…

caf6c7  No.5705177


Shill warning, keep moving

d818cb  No.5705178

Just red pilled a co-worker. She is going to watch some qmap.pub videos a lurk here. Still working on my brother, my sisters are a total loss at this point. Hoping after the D5 that they will come around. Game on boys! This is what we have prepared for. WWG1WGA!

5bde24  No.5705179




42cec8  No.5705180

File: 9b3fe77180cf398⋯.png (319.73 KB, 532x642, 266:321, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5705126 @DeptofDefense

“Steady as you go”

The conning officer aboard #USSFortMcHenry gives commands as the ship navigates among other ships in the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group while deployed to the @US5thFleet area of responsibility. #KnowYourMil

b746a8  No.5705181

File: 2db5050fc460741⋯.png (878.13 KB, 1368x664, 171:83, Trump Monopoly.png)

9bb0a9  No.5705182

File: 137373369827678⋯.jpeg (53.55 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 880D787C-652A-4855-AF2A-E….jpeg)

Patriots in control in the US so they had to FF overseas.

7e7022  No.5705183


She was a traitor


Someone in the sewer drain shot jfk

67a07d  No.5705185

File: a996e3350c43400⋯.png (36.81 KB, 585x377, 45:29, ClipboardImage.png)


good connection anon.

Malta Malta Malta


caf6c7  No.5705186


Shill warning, keep moving

0d91d7  No.5705189

File: e8dae54f74408e3⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 287x400, 287:400, You...douche.jpg)

d75d80  No.5705190


OVER TARGET… Fucking confirmed. Thanks for the obvious tell, BO.

164c62  No.5705191

Whitehouse.gov live says no streaming events, where to watch POTUS @ 3:30?

dff1a3  No.5705192

Trump going LIVE SOON - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXWbPy7GFoo

ae1f40  No.5705193

File: 6059ea14369b92d⋯.png (54.5 KB, 198x112, 99:56, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Billionaire Deripaska Sues US Treasury, Steven Mnuchin

Russian billionaire oligarch Oleg Deripaska - an ally of president Vladimir Putin - sued the Treasury Department and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, seeking a U.S. court order lifting sanctions against him. In his lawsuit filed on Friday, Deripaska claimed he was “the latest victim” of “political infighting and ongoing reaction to Russia’s purported interference” with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He also accused the Treasury of unfairly and illegally targeted him, which resulted in his net worth dropping by $7.5 billion due to the sanctions.

The sanctions have resulted in “the utter devastation of Deripaska’s wealth, reputation and economic livelihood,’’ according to the complaint, filed in a Washington federal court. “Deripaska has been effectively shut out from the international business community and the global financial system.’ As Bloomberg first reported, the Treasury Department’s actions were arbitrary and capricious, Deripaska claims, and violated the Administrative Procedures Act. He asked the court to intervene, seeking an order to bar the agency from referring to him as an oligarch. He also asked the court to order his removal from executive orders imposing the sanctions and the so-called Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List administered by OFAC. “His investments have become toxic, and defendants have caused his former companies to separate from him through the irrevocable divestiture of his interests and severance of his control,’’ according to the complaint.

Deripaska, one of Russia's richest men, and founder of En+ Group and United Co. Rusal, was among the most prominent tycoons penalized with sanctions by President Donald Trump’s administration. The move followed passage of a law to retaliate against Moscow for meddling in the election. With Trump scrambling to deflect attention from allegations that he was a puppet of the Russian regime, in April 2018 the Treasury slapped sanctions on Deripaska and six other Russian oligarchs in response to the Kremlin’s “malign activity around the globe.” While the U.S. lifted sanctions on three firms tied to Deripaska in January, he remained personally under U.S. sanctions, with his property blocked.


The The case is Deripaska v. Mnuchin, 19-cv-727, U.S. District Court, District of Columbia


992702  No.5705195

>>5702353 (pb)

John Podesta is mocking we Patriots, POTUS, the Plan.

Even worse, he's citing the NZ shooting as a show of Power.

"I did this, Bitches; you can't touch me."

805389  No.5705196


Trying to hi-jack the news cycle and the minds of normies. "Allow us to counter"

86f771  No.5705197


Door's open.

f23d4c  No.5705198

File: 51c9f468b2a21df⋯.png (32.59 KB, 768x308, 192:77, Capture.PNG)


You have exposed yourself

Nobody w/ half a brain uses "safe space" unironically

154dd3  No.5705199

File: 0564760cab0d8b6⋯.jpg (191.41 KB, 1246x888, 623:444, Hope.jpg)

b4499b  No.5705200

File: 273ff53d0b028f2⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 481x640, 481:640, 01.jpg)

Ty baker

bb804f  No.5705201


>>5705059 Planefag Reports

>>5704890 , >>5704968, >>5704962 New DJT re NZ: Zero Delta and 'Stand By'

>>5704861 No name and Hussein colluded at highest levels in TREASON

>>5704772 , >>5704813 Kept Secret For 17 Years: Intel Memo re Bush's Iraq Invasion

>>5704732 'All roads lead to Rome': Graphic

>>5704549 NZ: FalseFlag actress found

>>5704613 Reports of 8Chan under attack: TBC but it feels like it

>>5704608 Flag file sizes (in order of Q post)

>>5704558 Massive health care fraud connected to college fraud?


84d62f  No.5705202






c3d723  No.5705203


And why does no one quote a Pound poem, ever?

Because he never fell in love.

And ended up raving out bad simplifications of economics

Until lapsing into a final long sad silence.

Now why do robots continue enforcing the 20th c. on us?

1d74cb  No.5705204


i so want you to be right. rule of law the only way to win this for good. but takes time and effort and at the same time need to dodge bullets

f9c93c  No.5705205

5d65be  No.5705206


Now that's timing.

cb1b0a  No.5705207

File: 0fa1fef357d45f6⋯.jpg (315.89 KB, 621x1699, 621:1699, Screenshot_20190315-122853….jpg)

File: bb100f3b04a1162⋯.jpg (5.1 KB, 150x300, 1:2, 282825.jpg)

File: e99816d20017d61⋯.jpeg (5.15 KB, 219x230, 219:230, images (3).jpeg)


You guys are cracking me up!! Here's your free beer!!!

644dea  No.5705208


Should America and Europe be brown?

75ce5e  No.5705209


That is absolutely amazing, anon, Thank you. I want to learn to write so badly. Is there a way you can make an easy to download file of ALL Q PROOFS/SIDE BY SIDES/Q DROPS for us non techfags to store offline in one place so we can redpill after the net goes down? This is vitally important

b5298b  No.5705210


and nothing happening yet, I bet we see way higher today

0d91d7  No.5705211


and you are who now?


d725a3  No.5705212

File: 29948b39e5dde4e⋯.png (654.95 KB, 1221x907, 1221:907, Screenshot 2019-03-15_15-2….png)

e82740  No.5705213


The Choice is yours

583337  No.5705214

File: aa4e3957e34e16d⋯.png (124.34 KB, 800x975, 32:39, Elvis-Pepe.png)



Record DAY!

762079  No.5705215

File: b286758be21ae1b⋯.jpeg (253.14 KB, 1242x557, 1242:557, 5F6C75D4-D796-4DDE-B7C9-4….jpeg)

=a pedo in a dress


3d4f84  No.5705216

File: 4a118870188ba32⋯.jpg (94.31 KB, 500x501, 500:501, Guns_5.jpg)

Wait a minute! I thought guns were the problem?

This time its ∞chan, QAnon & Candace Owens?

972acb  No.5705217

File: 00fb11aacc0d739⋯.jpg (43.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 00fb11aacc0d739381fd481ea6….jpg)

98490b  No.5705218

File: b1465475a283b57⋯.png (477.14 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171102_2017….png)

a72e86  No.5705219


Noticed that too anon

8712db  No.5705220



Any other feeds? Some with some edgy chat enabled? I struck out looking for alternatives.

92dc7c  No.5705221

File: b8476ed6cd116a4⋯.png (610.03 KB, 968x1180, 242:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Translation - The CABAL is moving to NZ.

" John Podesta was in New Zealand on March 10th, for the record. Neat. 2020 New Zealand election a 'juicy target' for major hack - John Podesta"


ccfc06  No.5705223




09cec2  No.5705224


Get ready for moar chan and Q hating. seems they were holding him for the NZ attack so they can flood the MSM with "chans bad shut em down"

9f5925  No.5705225


got you , thanks

10938b  No.5705226

You've got a nice quick entrenchment DS, but guess what..?


2be159  No.5705227


3:30 pm is really about 4:30 pm

71b1b7  No.5705228

Why are most countries subservient to Israel, why do most countries do what Israel says, are they scared of them, are they scared of Israels


d98936  No.5705229




Excellent Baker.

It appears we posted simultaneously: >>5705173 ;)


d135a7  No.5705230

File: f26274f452bf85f⋯.png (7.05 KB, 255x128, 255:128, f26274f452bf85fb64e45001ab….png)


Is the funniest thing I've seen all day. BO giving the smack down. Awesome.

672dd5  No.5705231

File: f37416121f18f64⋯.png (206.08 KB, 569x436, 569:436, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png)


Um, that's a new one to me

d41c4d  No.5705232


5705449 is a LIE

NZ FF actress

e5b51d  No.5705233

File: eca4656a8dd6156⋯.png (730.33 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, D7833037-1D4C-4F09-9C99-33….png)

255eb5  No.5705235


What If the French were armed …

952229  No.5705236


Do you believe in coincidences? Tweet by @ScottPresler gave me chills.

Reports say that 49 are dead in New Zealand.

49 is a traumatic number for me.

I came out the day after a terrorist murdered 49 at Pulse, a gay night club, in Orlando.

Sick to my stomach.



3e4f65  No.5705237


Steady as she goes, full steam ahead Q.

84d62f  No.5705238






7de59a  No.5705239

File: f9b776240bdfb75⋯.png (135.87 KB, 520x390, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

03f00a  No.5705240


There is.


Java script

231ace  No.5705241

File: d29c1edd9a7e7bf⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA.png)

File: a71ec5412e20d44⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1480x8000, 37:200, 2_Theodor_Herlz_meme_zioni….jpg)

File: 7a4f31138f20519⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1277x5191, 1277:5191, 3_Jewish_supremacism_post.jpg)

File: 8d3b9b39ab37835⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1350x7352, 675:3676, 4_Circumcision_big.jpg)

File: 3d2754c7f026474⋯.png (3.9 MB, 1080x11204, 270:2801, 5_Jews_are_not_White_big_g….png)

Criticizing zionism is NOT anti-Semitism.

Criticizing Judaism is NOT anti-Semitism.

Hating people for being Semites IS anti-Semitism.

Hating people for being of the Arab or Jewish race IS what anti-Semitism IS.

If Israel and zionists were ethno-Nationalists I wouldn't care, but they're supremacists and imperialists, they think they have a God given right to enslave the world to their will and meddle in everyone elses affairs. A people like that needs to be utterly broken and humbled before they can understand what true ethno-Nationalism is and why it's important to respect the sovereign rights of other people.

Why do Americans have to pledge loyalty to Israel?

Why do Americans have to fund Israel every year?

Why does the US have so many dual citizens of Israel in congress?

Why is Omar wrong for calling attention to those facts?

Does America not have free speech any more?

Israel does NOT permit dual-citizenship legislators. Why does the USA?



Now I'm not saying you should vote Dem or vote Omar, but the questions her situation arises are legitimate.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.


It is not ALL Jewish individuals that are the problem, certainly there are plenty of non-subversive non-criminal Jews that are swell and very nice people, the problem is Jewish COLLECTIVE power, which needs to be criticized and terminated as peacefully and fairly as possible, for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

96b5e8  No.5705242


>another letter from Lindsey Graham

Guess you best get back to work then, huh?

3aef64  No.5705243



86f771  No.5705244



Bullshit. I've talked shit about BV, BO and Q during several concernfagging weeks and I was never banned or even called out like your bitch ass.

7e99dc  No.5705245


You sound panicked, friend. All that emotion for a LARP? Hahaha

f74fbc  No.5705247



84d62f  No.5705248






9d3f97  No.5705249

File: f3e80d3e7d701d8⋯.jpg (336.49 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, pedo-island-tours.jpg)

b50427  No.5705250

File: e2739ee31d7f948⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1144, 135:143, Screenshot_20190310-090114….png)




Bonehead stop living in a fantasy matrix….




2c6b2d  No.5705251


Saw it, too. No blood anywhere else

d98936  No.5705252


That's where (((their))) luxury underground bunkers are!

154dd3  No.5705253


What color should it be?

09cec2  No.5705254


YW and welcome to the party fren.

43254d  No.5705255

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Plane.jpg)


Plane Fags are da best!

94654b  No.5705256

17 minutes of carnage: how New Zealand gunman broadcast his killings on Facebook

https: //www.reuters.com/article/us-newzealand-shootout-livestreaming/17-minutes-of-carnage-how-new-zealand-gunman-broadcast-his-killings-online-idUSKCN1QW294

d842d0  No.5705257


Can you send me the VETO stamp POTUS uses?

89c167  No.5705258


He was in Melbourne yesterday so should we expect a FF there in a few days?

00f4c9  No.5705259

The watch said 3:15

That's why they did NZ. (((They))) are expecting something today.

123c52  No.5705260

File: 1d7acf82633dd6d⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 255x237, 85:79, D1uE89BXQAAVo-V.jpg)


More normies waking up every day. kek!

180d27  No.5705261

3ccb55  No.5705262

File: 1e72ac80f54ef43⋯.jpeg (145.99 KB, 750x747, 250:249, B5E4DD22-EED6-4EB1-9413-8….jpeg)

eaf6a3  No.5705263

File: 78bbfc48c78dc18⋯.png (193.83 KB, 433x393, 433:393, ClipboardImage.png)


You guys have to hear this. Excerpts from POTUS speaking about being tough. What a guy! He's standing in the gap between us and evil. You HAVE to be tough.


caf6c7  No.5705264


Shill warning, keep moving



e82740  No.5705265

File: 4169ad5f6a84093⋯.jpg (143.38 KB, 1199x995, 1199:995, D1uRrHNVYAAM4Nw.jpg)



42cec8  No.5705266

>>5705126 >>5705126 >>5704921 >>5704781


9c1e81  No.5705267

File: a6b832becdb641d⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 402x600, 67:100, do not feed.jpg)

36da86  No.5705268


Well done DS

71b1b7  No.5705269

Zionists filthy 3.50 hasbara shill !!!>>5705238

9b205d  No.5705271


5:5 My friend

9decde  No.5705273


Well when whites are hailing women in the military I guess they don't need to reproduce anymore. Perhaps it's better if we all go brown. I hate this so-called Western civilization. It's devoid of any redeemable qualities. Just a pile of ashes that homos and transgenders are dancing on.

10938b  No.5705274


You're the only one who believes your own astroturfing sweety~

0a9994  No.5705275


Compare me digits to my id :)

fe85c2  No.5705276



0f0b59  No.5705277


STAND BY !! >>5705247

154dd3  No.5705278


laggy AF here/

86f771  No.5705279

31c44a  No.5705280


Did we pass

bfa16a  No.5705281

MSM has way to much info on shooting …… Fake …… Staged ….. Last words of shooter ….. So obvious ….

b68f65  No.5705282

File: 30ea16b9a159fc8⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 405x607, 405:607, Ellie-Bamber_4may17_getty.jpg)


Adjust your vector, Victor.

e7fca5  No.5705283

File: 0c5afe7cb5b1082⋯.jpg (397.48 KB, 814x900, 407:450, pepesatva.jpg)

be850e  No.5705284

Sec_Test - We have a sec-test!!!

Wait a sec…

Did we pass?

cce811  No.5705285

Thanks. You're the BEST!

92483c  No.5705287

File: 6c1ce2372cedd04⋯.png (492.74 KB, 695x765, 139:153, animeohwell.PNG)


>Fucking pathetic.

f74fbc  No.5705288




d725a3  No.5705289

972acb  No.5705290

File: 29897068dc325ad⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 336x392, 6:7, 298.jpg)


>dried blood is never red

From what planet you are from?

82728d  No.5705291

File: e0bb77c5e3fc601⋯.png (8.38 KB, 255x134, 255:134, Freedom Justice png 15Mar1….png)

66cf6f  No.5705292

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

8cfe84  No.5705293

File: 9773a33f494b61d⋯.png (103.98 KB, 679x515, 679:515, ClipboardImage.png)

7de59a  No.5705294


>t. Nervous Freemason

0d91d7  No.5705295

File: 56f72a996bb16ad⋯.png (573.93 KB, 706x303, 706:303, chek'em.PNG)

5d65be  No.5705296

File: 04fe7c381271f13⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 04fe7c381271f134cfa191b2da….jpg)


>no blood anywhere

f9c93c  No.5705297


that worked…

6c878a  No.5705298


Test away Q

7fccc4  No.5705299


oh man thats a lot of push-ups

d040a6  No.5705300


Carnation instant bitch for breakfast, followed by 2 for 1 stupid bitch for lunch and and a big bowl of dumb cunt for dinner.

9ea998  No.5705301


Attacks Increasing


92ec52  No.5705302


Fellow procrastinator (and semi newfag) here. I think there are proofs threads in the catalog too.

f55f94  No.5705303

File: 8f45da20397ebc0⋯.png (1.2 MB, 713x799, 713:799, Hold tight.png)


>If the socialist democrat's take back the white house you may find yourself in a FEMA re-education camp…just sayin'.


We Know.

What the fuck do you think we are doing here?

We are all in.

9cf909  No.5705304


Thanks, anon. Great story.

cb5c31  No.5705305


go go go

85b7a5  No.5705306


[CA_J] cat boy failure.

5bde24  No.5705307


That have white flags!

61c927  No.5705308


Thx. You can learn to code. It's easy AND free

Yes. I'll put it on my TODO, but I don't want to get sidetracked. I've been trying to get this search worked out for a while!

6119d0  No.5705309


Hard lag here

04378b  No.5705310

4a2d25  No.5705311

File: 6daeae85496b1b2⋯.png (30.07 KB, 509x192, 509:192, Screenshot_2019-03-15 [Fut….png)

File: e85c2bcc11e3a28⋯.png (17.53 KB, 494x199, 494:199, Screenshot_2019-02-17 Q Re….png)


okay here's the decode I did..3 weeks ago I think today? 5th of Qs on Patriots Fight.

5. !!mG7VJxZNCI = 22743 = 9 (Syria Va.) [Obama / Treason / Disposition Matrix / Coverups / Assad-Syria / Homo Payback? Warning? Cleansing the area? Who died?]

that's a drone strike okay? apparently. killed 193 iirc. including 78 kids. o n US soil.

I'll post it all later. this was a reply someone gave me to my original proofs / postings.

I think the [2] means something good. Hope so.

caf6c7  No.5705314


acefaf  No.5705315


Thought I was on Reddnitwit there for a second.

ccfc06  No.5705316

be850e  No.5705317


Roger, Roger…

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