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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

673745  No.5560997

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 03.07.2019

>>5553520 ————————————–——– Qpost on Denver Airport

>>5553154 rt >>5552800 ————————— Privacy push to cover for past/future 'exposure' issue

>>5552746 rt >>5551830 ————————— Trying to get ahead of something? What a coincidence


>>5551229 ————————————–——– Why did @Snowden only engage and attack the NSA?

>>5551010 ————————————–——– [DARPA>GOOG] Major steps underway to challenge these control pockets.

>>5550834 rt >>5550786 ————————— [2 of 9] complete.

>>5550786 rt >>5550547 ————————— Family tree of MZ? Family tree of wife? Why won't CHINA allow FB? [2 of 9]

Wednesday 03.06.2019

>>5550547 ————————————–——– Did DARPA complete build/code (tax-payer funded) 'LifeLog' program? [2 of 9]

>>5550175 ————————————–——– Define 'Lifelog' [DARPA]. (cap: >>5550214)

>>5549666 ————————————–——– Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law. (vid: >>5549677 )

>>5546235 ————————————–——– We hear his source(s) are 'very' credible ( cap: >>5546265 )

>>5543905 ————————————–——– Lifelog / Facebook connection. (image)

>>5543889 ————————————–——– FB RETURNING TO THE NEWS. [1 of 9]

>>5538237 rt >>5538127 ————————— TIME = CORRUPTION.


>>5537906 ————————————–——– But, they [D's] already know, they just LIE [DISHONEST]. ( Cap: >>5538106 )

>>5537208 ————————————–——– Death Blossom. ( Cap: >>5537276 )

Tuesday 03.05.2019

>>5525529 rt >>5525463 ————————— Kansas

>>5525362 ————————————–——– Good catch, Patriot!

>>5524897 rt >>5524789 ————————— 'X' also grew up watching 'Thundercats' so….

>>5524789 ————————————–——– Sometimes you need a little humor ( Cap: >>5524824 )

>>5524020 ————————————–——– The core is what counts

>>5523860 rt >>5523830 ————————— "Fire."

>>5523815 ————————————–——– Crumbs are being dropped and missed

>>5523765 rt >>5523731 ————————— Coincidence post stringers dropped last night?

>>5523617 ————————————–——– Listen carefully ref re: proof v evidence ( Cap: >>5523692 )

>>5523185 ————————————–——– "Meet IG" ( Cap: >>5523279 )

Monday 03.04.2019

Compiled here: >>5553124

Sunday 03.03.2019

Compiled here: >>5510343

Saturday 03.02.2019

Compiled here: >>5492143

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

673745  No.5561000


are not endorsements


>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5560870 Former Uzbek government official and uzbek telecommunications executive charged in bribery and money laundering scheme involving the payment of nearly $1 billion in bribes.

>>5560860 SEC scrutinizes fairness of stock exchange pricing.

>>5560808 Meet new billionaire Jeff Rothschild, the engineer who saved Facebook from crashing.

>>5560732 Regina Dugan and her father started RedX.

>>5560724 Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown says he won't run for President in 2020.

>>5560715 Heart attacks increasing steadily in Americans Under 40 - study.

>>5560528 Zuckerberg’s going down and there’s no stopping it.

>>5560665 Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorses Ilhan Omar, “Most important member of the US Congress!”

>>5560588 Should we trust artificial intelligence regulation by Congress if Facebook supports it?

>>5560563 Border crisis hearing: “It’s real. It’s serious. It is a threat.”

>>5560536 Elon Musk's security clearance is reportedly under review by the Pentagon.

>>5560497 DIA Commie Chicano Muralist Leopoldo Tanguma makes an appearance in JFK files

>>5560469 What is Katharine Gorka doing at the Homeland Security Department? This group is suing to find out.

>>5560438 Mueller wants to withhold millions of documents from indicted Russian company.

>>5560371 NSA Alcatrax Tweet.

>>5560360 NSA-Cyber Command Chief recommends no split until 2020.

>>5560358 New poll: Americans’ support for Israel declines to lowest point in a decade.

>>5560352 VOX publishes sixth hit piece on Q community.

>>5560339 Commies are indoctrinating our youth.

>>5560980 #7110


>>5560089 Israel's elections committee bans leftist Arab-Israeli coalition from running.

>>5560039 N.C. sex trafficker gets 230 years, ordered to pay $608,000 restitution.

>>5560017 China’s APT40 Group stole Navy Secrets.

>>5560008 WH Tweet: "Today, President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS will welcome Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and Mrs. Monika Babišová of the Czech Republic to the White House!"

>>5560006 Why the U.S. is terrified that Huawei controls the World's 5G network.

>>5559966, >>5559993 Twitterstorm over Illhan Omar's comments.

>>5559962 U.S. Household net worth fell by $3.730 trillion in fourth quarter due to stock-market volatility.

>>5559923 John Kelly sounds off on time with Trump.

>>5559898 Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids.

>>5559890 Why China let Snowden go.

>>5559839 Trump has secured funding for more than half of border wall.

>>5559824 Marriott CEO apologizes for data breach unsure if China is responsible.

>>5559822 Syrian L-39 warplanes pound militant positions in Southeastern Idlib.

>>5559796 Georgia moves to ban abortions in presence of fetal heartbeat.

>>5559771, >>5559986 Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen sues the Trump Organization, saying he is owed $1.9 million.

>>5559728 Michael Jackson’s $2 billion empire in jeopardy after HBO revives decades-old child abuse claims.

>>5559705 Huawai is China's DARPA!

>>5559702 Tennessee House of Representatives passes controversial bill banning abortion after fetal heartbeat is detected.

>>5559644 Breakup of EU ‘can’t be ruled out’ if Brussels tries to enforce pro-immigration policies - Orban.

>>5559604 JP Morgan is quietly moving bank branches out of lower income areas.

>>5559564 Artificial tremor detected in North Korean mining town.

>>5559528 Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein Delivers Keynote Address on FCPA Enforcement Developments.

>>5560250 #7109


>>5559456 Cardinal Pell's appeal process to begin in June.

>>5559439 How the CIA made Google.

>>5559287 Michael Cohen has sued the Trump Organization in Manhattan Supreme Court.

>>5559147 Warner Bros. chair being investigated for sexual misconduct.

>>5559091 Dan Bongino Tweet: "The Dems 2020 Platform."

>>5558876 Hidden tunnels below Alcatraz prison found.

>>5558858 TLAIB: Steve Scalise ‘Steeped in Islamophobia’.

>>5558811 Denver airport symbolism and links to BoA.

>>5558801 Schiff introduces bill targeting Trump pardons.

>>5559481 #7108

Previously Collected Notables

>>5558671 #7107,

>>5556345 #7104, >>5557165 #7105, >>5557940 #7106

>>5553991 #7101, >>5554700 #7102, >>5555437 #7103

>>5551644 #7098, >>5552435 #7099, >>5553188 #7100

>>5549389 #7095, >>5550157 #7096, >>5550893 #7097

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

673745  No.5561003

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71 >>5538713

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

673745  No.5561005

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 #2 >>5520584 #1 >>47310411

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>534265

673745  No.5561012

File: 0079b9b76fb0a43⋯.jpeg (155.62 KB, 2048x1321, 2048:1321, fighterjetsangelcross.jpeg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

e493d3  No.5561027

File: 825e8e1a5556838⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, lifelog1.png)

File: dfb7b1037dbcadd⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, lifelog2.png)

File: ba75715266602cc⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, lifelog3.png)

File: 4b1913474917c2e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, lifelog4.png)

lifelog is facebook is cia is darpa is lifelog

e493d3  No.5561041

File: 7ec7afca980004f⋯.png (3.87 MB, 1800x2037, 600:679, Gitmo With Friends.png)

Gitmo with Friends.

In honor of the Dem's 2020 Platform.

2020. A Clear Vision for Socialism.

0d192a  No.5561044

File: 4f8849d3ee055ab⋯.jpg (325.6 KB, 600x884, 150:221, donaldtrumpghislainemaxwel….jpg)

File: 7c892342a65f2c4⋯.jpg (87.91 KB, 600x592, 75:74, virginia-roberts-maxwell-p….jpg)


Mossad chief met with Trump team: report



e493d3  No.5561052

File: cea4aabe13d6508⋯.png (224.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Low T.png)

Do you suffer from Low T [Low Trump]?

There is a cure.

Ask your local Anon.

3b8d7f  No.5561067

File: 34dce19960a6b02⋯.png (90.45 KB, 1687x1076, 1687:1076, Untitasdasfaled.png)


>"Venezuela, Pres. "Mad"-uro sends his thugs to murder those bringing in humanitarian supplies."

>But, this was posted on my thread last night before it was immediately archived.

>"Venezuela is the next Haiti. You heard it here first. The Finders are there now among the chaos under the guise of humanity aid workers. Silsby’s team has been given the green light. Follow the food trucks.

>Finally warning."

>Fuckin notable is it not? Can we verify?

Banned everywhere I'm trying to post this but here.

c03b20  No.5561071

File: 9fbd771cb210e96⋯.png (261.04 KB, 1512x444, 126:37, ciabaker.png)

File: 4c8a92e2bb49a53⋯.png (554.77 KB, 1111x627, 101:57, youare.png)

File: 0c02d10a56a6111⋯.png (57.42 KB, 491x595, 491:595, 0c02d10a56a6111724922b207e….png)

"You are the news now"

The "anon" literally flaunting a "CIA" bakers meme.

Our "joke"– haha, CIA…?

Or symbolic MOCKERY?

What is the game being played?

I mean LOOK– it is "CIA bakery" with a BLACK hat.

Come on now.

What is FAKE NEWS?

What controls the narrative?

What controls the FAKE NEWS?

"You are the news now"

bd3f40  No.5561073

File: 8459fb557b51988⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 1280x1681, 1280:1681, db98599562a3a4085da782a521….jpg)

Thank You Baker

dc4128  No.5561076


>Meet new billionaire Jeff Rothschild, the engineer who saved Facebook from crashing.

Chances are, Jeff fucking Rothschild is not a fucking 'new' billionaire.

His name's fucking Rothschild for fuck's sake.

Also, fucking Facebook, being that it is run by the fucking C_A was never fucking going to fucking crash.

Fuck I hate fucking Forbes and the fucking MSM.


c03b20  No.5561078

File: de26f47792db0f3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 999x769, 999:769, Friendship-prevails-in-the….png)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

File: 07a9e6b39a0603b⋯.png (148.54 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)

e5308c  No.5561082

Snowden is a CIA Agent/Traitor Who Tried to Harm the NSA




6 Mar 2019 - 9:23:50 PM


c03b20  No.5561086

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: 3ef1a88dbaae9d7⋯.png (833.84 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, two-bluejays-walk-into-a-b….png)

7e5384  No.5561094

File: 4b83f75d578005b⋯.jpeg (145.92 KB, 1242x1106, 621:553, 5429B9E3-773D-4EE5-92F6-6….jpeg)

File: 2b792110079912b⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 300x180, 5:3, Google-CEO-Eric-Schmidt-a-….jpg)

Could the earthquake in NK being, KJU blowing up a Google datacenter at our request?

0c259a  No.5561096


























25b0d8  No.5561097

File: b43c5256981b6a9⋯.png (47.31 KB, 733x661, 733:661, ClipboardImage.png)

DISCOVERY is a beautiful thing.

Actors gotta act.

c196f7  No.5561101


ThanQs Baker, I gotcha.

Confirming Handoff?

3e14fb  No.5561114

File: aa1aeb368075bc5⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1173x1746, 391:582, D0AF4C63-E1A2-44BF-A8F6-8….jpeg)

c1c5b7  No.5561118

The "beast" computer system is under the denver airport. Massive data collection by the mason-industries

0d192a  No.5561128


e9c655  No.5561130

File: 74347dd212b474a⋯.jpeg (265.98 KB, 750x539, 750:539, E41054A0-58DE-49E2-B4B0-7….jpeg)

0d192a  No.5561131


"*picture of sheep* #sheepforHillary #sheep #sheepoftheday #england." Nathaniel De Rothschild


b6e00e  No.5561132

Popped in while “ working” bread seems quick for day shift

673745  No.5561133

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)


Handoff confirmed, thank you baker.

6e919a  No.5561134

>>5560801 (pb)

Use the SFW board, newfag.

25b0d8  No.5561135


And by the way.. didn't Lanny defend Cohen for free? He testified to that.

This is all such a funny shitshow.

2ab189  No.5561136



Good to go, thank you bakers.

c306c2  No.5561137


f96a35  No.5561138

File: 4499de60168ba17⋯.png (513.48 KB, 1200x663, 400:221, ZionistPlan.PNG)

File: 9d847bffe4ba225⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 900x358, 450:179, zionistplan2.jpg)

File: 338536a98713905⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 259x194, 259:194, zionistplan4.jpg)

File: a12086236637fc2⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 310x319, 310:319, jewremphan.jpg)

when you look at the murals

you need only look close

to see the nose behind the curtain

Zionist plan folks.

remember where the strings connect to.

197645  No.5561139

File: 22498fc34425c55⋯.png (257.92 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, IMG_2396.PNG)

File: 41f2b8166a09c35⋯.png (204.94 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, IMG_2397.PNG)




084bf6  No.5561140

168b32  No.5561141

If Gen Kelly really said that about taken outside and shot, then he's leaking tribunals.

Maybe he has a problem with them.

Maybe some friends of his are going down.

e17357  No.5561142


>>5559344 >>5559365 >>5558525 Some of the Flags from mural at Denver airport have a very unusual link ups, More research on why these countries have been linked together. Like what do Poland and Syria have in common

c196f7  No.5561143

File: a646526a748d664⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 571x629, 571:629, e0f50e528306a26e1c54fa4fbb….jpg)


New Baker Confirmed

ThanQs again, seen you've pulled long shifts lately, enjoy some time off. ;)

3e3a13  No.5561144



Saving qmap to flash drive…

Thanks anon, didn’t see a download link anywhere on page…

I got like 50 fdrives for just $1 each 32 gig, was going to make 50 copies and drop them near the colleges and other places….

0d192a  No.5561145


We are stuck between globalists and zionists fighting.

fda205  No.5561146

>>5561120 lb

Thanks for your input anon. Very much appreciated.

f0c876  No.5561147


Most of his cash is hidden behind 12 front companies.

67aece  No.5561148

File: d725e589a9c822c⋯.png (724.25 KB, 703x1821, 703:1821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3adc38c26dd2a72⋯.pdf (4.03 MB, The Most Evil Secret Socie….pdf)

Repost from lb


The Most Evil Secret Societies in History

0295cb  No.5561149

File: 5d380182240aed7⋯.jpg (220.87 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Sexy(2).jpg)

161150  No.5561150

>>5561079 (lb)

The lie that was floating around is that supposedly Trump went there for one night. Apparently, it was Dershowitz, and that was way before the cult shit.

c4cdce  No.5561151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





ab149b  No.5561152

File: 26274a527571ea1⋯.jpg (68.15 KB, 898x628, 449:314, moss1.jpg)



ec85cb  No.5561153

File: a1a90596a8b524b⋯.jpeg (37.33 KB, 499x481, 499:481, 4AC7CDD1-57D8-48B9-AD94-A….jpeg)

a73049  No.5561154

File: cb2fff1d26430e3⋯.png (25.1 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

More Predictive Programming: LOST (debut 9/22/04)

The DHARMA Initiative closely resembles the NICE (National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments) from That Hideous Strength, the final volume of C.S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy. Both were scientific societies whose members lived and worked together, whose lower recruits believed their aims were purely noble and scientific and whose upper echelons seemed to have knowledge of secret matters (In Lost, the energy beneath the Orchid and Swan, in Lewis's book, the Macrobes) which they intended to exploit. Both groups did experiments on bears, which escaped captivity when the groups' activities collapsed, when purged by a group of people hostile to their aims, who defended nature and objected to scientific exploitation. The names of both societies are acronyms, which hint toward applied science.

The acronym for DHARMA is similar to DARPA, the acronym for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which funds classified and often quite exotic research for the United States government.

DARPA >>>Facebook 2/4/04


18777d  No.5561155

File: 9f317d5e83ac925⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 474x316, 3:2, alcatraz.jpg)

e0f5c6  No.5561156

File: 4ec8130376b0bdb⋯.png (663.09 KB, 954x695, 954:695, 542EF66C-6C53-45DB-9173-7C….png)

b4ccc1  No.5561157

File: 92a23249842de69⋯.jpeg (151.49 KB, 727x835, 727:835, 6947a014c8ffb66dc1a8aa219….jpeg)

File: db9b8d9f0a6b631⋯.jpg (154.36 KB, 727x835, 727:835, 6947a014c8ffb66dc1a8aa2199….jpg)

ef8fc3  No.5561158


fat leonard is fat

b5dbdc  No.5561159

File: 6c3402308fe175b⋯.jpg (211.86 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, WE-HAVE-THE-SERVERS.jpg)

9148f8  No.5561160

File: 230c552978481cc⋯.png (730.07 KB, 900x786, 150:131, muh.png)

just one Q…

just ONE…

084bf6  No.5561161


Imagine finding a flash drive and putting that shit in your computer


You want a virus, cause that’s how you get a virus

c196f7  No.5561162

File: 417cb5c8dccde14⋯.png (789.88 KB, 1235x640, 247:128, FireShot Capture 824 - Den….png)

Posted this over at the Nordic thread, but compiled some more sauces..

They trying to keep the truth hidden as usual..

Denmark police prosecute 14 over sharing Morocco hikers 'murder video'









Dansk politi sikter 14 for å ha delt video av Marokko-drap



b6e00e  No.5561163

I been dropping the pamphlet Anon made in shopping carts>>5561144

168b32  No.5561164


fattest fuck ever, anon

abc115  No.5561165


Tomorrow is the 45th Anniversary of the Eisenhower Tunnel opening.

dark to light

c306c2  No.5561166


f7cff5  No.5561167

Facebook censorship tool

Former employees of Facebook revealed that the company secretly developed a censorship tool, in hopes of winning support from China’s internet watchdogs. Facebook had worked on blocking sensitive content for countries such as Russia, Pakistan, and Turkey before, but this new development would even prevent certain content from appearing in feeds. This invention sounds very appealing to Chinese officials. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the company’s very presence in China would pose an incisive political question — how much internet control and surveillance is the Chinese government willing to reduce? The answer is none.


bdd253  No.5561168


>drop them near the colleges and other places….

This is a remarkably bad idea.

0aedf4  No.5561169

ABC: Sherrod Brown won't be running for president.

3c311c  No.5561170

so you have GHWB becoming liason to China in 1974, the country was mostly 3rd world status at that point.. which I Think he helped set up a C_A hub there, or at least a “nest”.. you have china not wanting C_A into country now.. but only because they are jacked into everything and it would allow Americans who are not in the “FAMILY” to see what they are up to and expose the fuckery going on AGAINST THE UNITED STATES.

So China is C_A controlled,which is why they were overseeing what was going on in NK. NK was “FAMILY CONTROLLED” so China/C_A was overseeing the weapons builds/missile builds because after “sum of all fears” and US fought Russia in a controlled population reducing war, China and “the FAMILY” step out as dominant supwrpower.

Jewish Central Bankers were moving into China after WW2 to get it ready to be the “new front” and India was to be after that. The jewish central bankers basically act as locusts.. go to a new place and strip it dry of life.

14ab8a  No.5561171

File: 544f57ed124c321⋯.png (371.84 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190307-144521.png)

I knows we likes to feels good frens but we should know where the enemy inside our own party hang out. More to the point the Never Trumpers lair.

Conservative, conserving Conservatism.

I am now at a point in this #GreatAwakening preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, as to when we'll see justice?

We are all at their mercy. I know, dig, meme, pray. But still..

c1ba75  No.5561172

File: fa5de0387517603⋯.png (576.47 KB, 992x922, 496:461, ClipboardImage.png)

History being made patriots.

We will tell our kids about this time.

e4cf86  No.5561173

File: eb1d24053088feb⋯.png (978.25 KB, 1009x2313, 1009:2313, John Kelly reveals he woul….png)

>>5561031 (LB)

Reference noted previously '-)

>>5561008 (LB)

late last bread repost:

John Kelly says he would have been willing to be HRC's Chief of Staff.


"We don't need a wall from sea to shining sea.


485314  No.5561174

Why are there many books and words in The Bible?

A few would be better?

It could double and You would understand?

It's so simple it horrifying.

There is a theme and a pattern.

Even scholars get caught up in "meaning".

Instead I put to those… listen.


161150  No.5561175



Dershowitz calling for unsealing. It's going to be soon.

3e3a13  No.5561176


Thinking of saving it as a read file, not an exe

e921bc  No.5561177

>>5561059 (pb)

>WINDING DOWN the C_A is like trying to rewind a loose ball of string that has been fought over by a dozen puppies. There are bits all the place.

I wish more anons and concernfags would appreciate this when they whine that it is taking too long.

And that is just the Clowns!

Think about what else also needs to be dealt with concurrently.

4fd4af  No.5561178


Dark to light = 125 = 53 = 172 = 64

John Kennedy = 125 = 53 = 172 = 46!

563d74  No.5561179

64b389  No.5561180

File: a9ad4b5e81e1e60⋯.mp4 (6.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, x_UXQuNV2j-w88ye.mp4)


a73049  No.5561181


There was (and probably still is) a supercomputer in Belgium (probably Brussels) called The Beast, said to be capable of keeping information on everyone on earth. That was, what, 30 years ago?

ef8fc3  No.5561182

File: 1a31bfcc4e0b002⋯.gif (515.64 KB, 500x320, 25:16, Wut.gif)


>Dershowitz calling for unsealing

f010ba  No.5561183

File: dce35373053d054⋯.png (183.27 KB, 500x495, 100:99, c5dbf37d6c602b260c29cb2bc3….png)

fbfce7  No.5561184

File: 66a13e8b341704a⋯.png (8.66 KB, 762x68, 381:34, ClipboardImage.png)

b68369  No.5561185

File: de8120ebec5b177⋯.jpg (510.52 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Core-Counts-Lion-O.jpg)

File: d3aeda93c4b8842⋯.jpg (453.9 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Magic-Sword-Lion-O.jpg)

File: 4f04c369af8d8b7⋯.jpg (423.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, WWG1WGA-Lion-O-Q.jpg)

File: f0cc4ae6cbf8ac8⋯.jpg (521.58 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Moves-Countermoves-Lion-O.jpg)

File: 0644fd896dd4d7b⋯.jpg (523.94 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Shadilay-Lion-O-Do-It-Q.jpg)

0aa05b  No.5561186

I'm redpillingdadanon from LB. Thanks for the kind words. He turns 85 pretty soon. Lives in Newts district so he's a conservative just like 95% of the rest of this district in spite of what Stacy Abrahms says.

>>5561023 (lb)

>Prayers that they do not end up in that group.


He had particular issue with the [0] deltas. "They are using some software to get POTUS' tweets BEFORE they hit twitter and posting here."

Me (codefag): Check the Twitter API's. Timestamps mean something. Any means of getting POTUS tweets before Twitter would mean they are MitM. Would that not prove proximity to POTUS too?


I need like 5 DEVASTATING proofs to lay on him all at once. It's all crazy conspiracy to him.

He did express some concern about how Flynn has been treated and hopes that he'll be exonerated. I reassured him that Flynn is a patriot and that POTUS protects patriots.

1b0ce3  No.5561187

File: a825baff1bba4cf⋯.png (886.2 KB, 696x558, 116:93, 9807439863298621.png)

File: a6da094d82df882⋯.png (202.78 KB, 2209x1310, 2209:1310, 43890790813297643.png)

File: 2f8e76c36530c41⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1098x675, 122:75, 0786432218377543.png)

File: 28551be7282eb1e⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1047x857, 1047:857, 0986496802365423.png)


March 19, 2019 is the 25th anniversary of the Denver New World Airport.

It seems like the DS likes 25yr anniversaries.

See Poppy Bush 25th anniversary.



ab149b  No.5561188

File: 5182377fccbc19b⋯.jpg (48.31 KB, 273x267, 91:89, youngates2.jpg)


>see the nose behind the curtain

how utterly dare you, sir!

3e3a13  No.5561189

f0c876  No.5561190


It only matters if you use the evidence on them. Just sayin.

5d92e5  No.5561191

File: afeaaf305bf3001⋯.jpg (6.17 MB, 3969x2200, 3969:2200, djt-servers.jpg)

503725  No.5561192


Better off just making 1c flyers with qmap.pub printed on them and pasting/dropping them wherever

07a9f8  No.5561193


<muh jooos

try harder, shill.

Good vs Evil - this is not abut race or religion.

254c0e  No.5561194

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)



0d192a  No.5561195


Thought Bush really died earlier than that? And that date was a lie to counter Trump.

ac0602  No.5561196

File: 34bf05a11600e02⋯.png (419.24 KB, 1255x560, 251:112, Woods:Lowe.png)

Hi James. Not a Bot.

Fuck you spook.

9f0cc9  No.5561197

Does another anon know the significance of CSIS’s Surviving on a Diet of Poisoned Fruit Group?Book?

c54342  No.5561198


Originally Facesmash…an adolescent jerkoff tool

5ddfe5  No.5561199


Bullshit. Dershowitz is on the flight logs.



ff8ea5  No.5561200

File: 62a849be3eb2ab8⋯.png (64.42 KB, 600x360, 5:3, McCarthy re Anti Semites 3….PNG)

File: 8b04f2fcef0d842⋯.png (55.13 KB, 575x261, 575:261, Jr RT McCarthy re Anti Sem….PNG)

It really shouldn't be so difficult for Democrats—or anyone for that matter—to stand up against anti-Semitism.


>Jr RT

3e3a13  No.5561201


Think I’ll make a stickers with qmap address on them

0c259a  No.5561202


But true…

67aece  No.5561203

File: 7dd59ccbbdb23e4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1004x1183, 1004:1183, Patriot_Pepe_01.png)

084bf6  No.5561204



That’s exactly what I would do if I put a virus on a flash drive

713307  No.5561205

File: b4144b8c1a4afd4⋯.jpg (471.6 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-003815….jpg)

File: 45ad19ee94f5abd⋯.jpg (712.62 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-140644….jpg)


Posted this last night….


bdd253  No.5561206




511708  No.5561207

Was Microsoft C_A created as well?

4b38ca  No.5561208

File: 653a76a5c74bf92⋯.gif (379.39 KB, 200x200, 1:1, IMG_6577.GIF)

9148f8  No.5561209

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)

so, how many days left in the window Anons?

0d192a  No.5561210


Nice to see some anons feel the same as me. Woods is a creep. A very cranky/grumpy, creep.

8ef4d0  No.5561211


concur also the one reporter said would do it if granted a sit-down which isn't really just asking more like negotiating with anons for help which one can then agree that apparently there is some anon power?

c4cdce  No.5561212

File: 5851833147f11dd⋯.png (328.3 KB, 814x828, 407:414, 1551982483670.png)

File: 27507266fc0fd98⋯.png (384.15 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1551979991878.png)

File: a2cd8a9b8ba1e3d⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1130x2508, 565:1254, 1549765527181.png)



07a9f8  No.5561213

File: c62887f08fc6286⋯.png (442.7 KB, 920x690, 4:3, denver1.png)

File: a0e2d93967c9116⋯.png (924.79 KB, 920x689, 920:689, denver2.png)

48091d  No.5561214

File: 5f8b6a2c8a29f17⋯.jpg (260.36 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, wretchedC_A.jpg)


5641be  No.5561215


There's nothing conservative about surrendering your country to third world invaders and warming up to degenerate schemes 5 years after your opposition party pushes them.

Cuckservatives should get the rope before libs.

eb6790  No.5561216

File: 3d92ff75bb3ea9f⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1584x9224, 198:1153, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA.png)

File: abfe2fa443613af⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1480x6928, 185:866, 2_Theodor_Herlz_meme_zioni….jpg)

File: 7a4f31138f20519⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1277x5191, 1277:5191, 3_Jewish_supremacism_post.jpg)

File: 8d3b9b39ab37835⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1350x7352, 675:3676, 4_Circumcision_big.jpg)

File: 3d2754c7f026474⋯.png (3.9 MB, 1080x11204, 270:2801, 5_Jews_are_not_White_big_g….png)


Israel first traitors.

Zionists are traitors.

Criticizing zionism is NOT anti-Semitism.

Criticizing Judaism is NOT anti-Semitism.

Hating people for being Semites IS anti-Semitism.

Hating people for being of the Arab or Jewish race IS what anti-Semitism IS.

If Israel and zionists were ethno-Nationalists I wouldn't care, but they're supremacists and imperialists, they think they have a God given right to enslave the world to their will and meddle in everyone elses affairs. A people like that needs to be utterly broken and humbled before they can understand what true ethno-Nationalism is and why it's important to respect the sovereign rights of other people.

Why do Americans have to pledge loyalty to Israel?

Why do Americans have to fund Israel every year?

Why does the US have so many dual citizens of Israel in congress?

Why is Omar wrong for calling attention to those facts?

Does America not have free speech any more?

Now I'm not saying you should vote Dem or vote Omar, but the questions her situation arises are legitimate.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.


It is not ALL Jewish individuals that are the problem, certainly there are plenty of non-subversive non-criminal Jews that are swell and very nice people, the problem is Jewish COLLECTIVE power, which needs to be criticized and terminated as peacefully and fairly as possible, for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

3e3a13  No.5561217


I’m not mean…. wouldn’t viri anyone unless they tried hacking my system….

Former navy cryptologist

Us navy veteran.

e0f5c6  No.5561218

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB, 294x340, 147:170, 8F40021D-179D-45EA-8501-13….png)

ff8ea5  No.5561219

File: 632e3c844aa3c33⋯.png (482.29 KB, 602x702, 301:351, WE re Pelosi re Anti Semit….PNG)

File: b0f4c4b48b67465⋯.mp4 (813.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Video WE re Pelosi re Anti….mp4)

.@SpeakerPelosi Pelosi defends @IlhanMN just now during a press conference: "I feel confident that her words are not based on any anti-semitic attitude," Pelosi said. "But she didn't have a full appreciation of how they landed on other people."


09a2a8  No.5561220

File: e31d9cad33a3434⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 630x630, 1:1, nothingwrong.jpg)

File: 435a142bb42827d⋯.jpg (917.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, qre.jpg)

File: 2e3a019738adc50⋯.jpeg (255.63 KB, 1380x1100, 69:55, movie.jpeg)

File: 0af9cdde130ce5c⋯.jpeg (145.37 KB, 1172x781, 1172:781, history in the making.jpeg)

File: f0332d447fbf0c5⋯.jpeg (376.51 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, truth always wins.jpeg)

503725  No.5561221


There ya go

ef8fc3  No.5561222


> to see the nose behind the curtain

are you using that broad brush to include people who only converted to judaism for the jokes?

084bf6  No.5561223

3c311c  No.5561224


Oh dude.. matches date of DECLAS (last day on timeframe per -21)

5:5 anon

18777d  No.5561225

File: 3be9496e86763e2⋯.jpg (67.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Netflix.jpg)

File: e4d09d7ce6bede5⋯.jpg (115.56 KB, 862x500, 431:250, Netflix reality.jpg)

Netflix chief marketing officer to leave

(Reuters) - Netflix Inc said on Thursday Chief Marketing Officer Kelly Bennett will step down after seven years in the role, during which the online video-streaming giant's paid subscribers jumped five-fold to 139 million.

Bennett, who joined in 2012 after spending nearly a decade with Warner Brothers, was responsible for launching Netflix's popular franchises such as "House of Cards"​, "Orange is the New Black"​, and "Narcos".

"The past seven years have been the most rewarding of my professional life, and we are at the top of our game, which is why this was the right moment for me to retire," Bennett said in a post.

His exit comes when Netflix is investing billions of dollars on original content to fend off intensifying competition in the streaming space.

Bennett is the latest high-profile exit in the past one year. Finance chief David Wells stepped down in August, while communication head Jonathan Friedland left last June over an 'insensitive' comment.

Bennett, 46, will stay on for a transitional period until a new CMO is named, the company said in its post.

351.65 -7.96 (-2.21%)

Volume 4,714,048

Avg. Volume 11,237,956


b5dbdc  No.5561226

File: 29f36afc840e87d⋯.jpg (88.69 KB, 710x473, 710:473, facecrook.jpg)

9e1fe7  No.5561227

I wonder when & how Q team will scare them all under DAP.

lock the door after their asses plz!

b780a8  No.5561228

File: e93e3455135dd43⋯.jpg (385.33 KB, 1024x813, 1024:813, anarchycookies.jpg)

Holy Kek, Mongolian Underwater Basketweaving, finally advertised, so glad I found the right place, nik'd with much love and appreciation


548d2c  No.5561229

Hey Nemos, since I know you are watching, we know all your sock puppets and we certainly know which of those Twitter accounts track back to those from your old friend lists before you took this new name to hide your previous crimes. If you don't want them involved in the upcoming exposure of you then you may want to tell them to stop their bullshit in trying to make you look like the next coming of Jesus Christ.

They do not deserve to be sucked into your issues but if you continue to bullshit them and continue to con them into what you have been doing then they will be added. Since you're too much of a pansy to come explain yourself infront of the actual people you stole data from and are trying to stand on the shoulders of then those looking into this issue will be smashing anyone and everyone involved in your situation if you continue your BS. I do have one question though for you - What has happened to every single person or group connected to InfoWars or those individuals who has done what you have done? Every single one of them have either been exposed, had their life destroyed, been arrested, or been brought in to be examined as traitors of the country and enemies of the state. You are now associated with them given your association with Pamphlet, Sather, Kappy, and all the others. What do you think is going to happen now that you did what you did, are acting like a complete horses ass and are mocking anons who love their country? Do you think the POTUS is going to not notice? Good luck with that buddy.

ec8361  No.5561230



713307  No.5561231

File: 04e674b0a7461bd⋯.jpg (647.37 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-140815….jpg)




0d192a  No.5561232



680424  No.5561233


I'm lost.

c306c2  No.5561234

0aa05b  No.5561235



Check page 7-8

c1c5b7  No.5561236


There is a time capsule. under that plaque. It is to show the words NEW WORLD in connection with the square and compass. I am noticing that now. Apparently its a phony airport commission. How is that not fraud?

bdb54c  No.5561237

File: 363574388bec669⋯.jpg (327.21 KB, 727x835, 727:835, GoatFr.jpg)

55b70f  No.5561238

File: ab9ecf8fea444b2⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 245x132, 245:132, geniuspopcorn.gif)

7a69fe  No.5561239

File: 8364c0a1e36cacc⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 810x539, 810:539, Michael-JacksonMAIN.jpg)

Serial Child Molester

Michael Jackson's body could reportedly be exhumed after 11 new accusers have allegedly come forward.

The King of Pop died from a prescription drug-induced heart attack in 2009 aged 50, and according to Radar Online, his 'accusers' believe DNA samples would prove he was a “serial molester who abused prepubescent, disabled and terminally ill children over three decades”.

“There are at least 11 new victims who claim they were molested and even raped by Jackson when they were between the ages of seven and 14 – and the list is growing,” an insider told the US website.

The first episode of explosive documentary Leaving Neverland: Michael Jackson and Me aired last night.

In the four-hour special, Jackson's former child companions Wade Robson and James Safechuck allege he groomed them and sexually abused them before casting them aside for other boys.

Read more:


cb7c84  No.5561240

File: 51080325c67c694⋯.jpg (94.5 KB, 1202x467, 1202:467, nunez - oval office.... .jpg)

Nunez in oval office.


2fffea  No.5561241

File: 60bffa6a02f6ded⋯.jpeg (427.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Avatar.jpeg)

File: 330fc4f8e5065aa⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 920x614, 460:307, mustang-lead.jpg)

a3ecad  No.5561242

File: 5144477fdc84908⋯.jpg (91.23 KB, 449x800, 449:800, FJP082232ds02323f87338460c….jpg)

Was having a LARP with this one…

c6db4a  No.5561243

File: 9b8b548045ddf59⋯.png (104.59 KB, 280x139, 280:139, ClipboardImage.png)

f0c876  No.5561244



07a9f8  No.5561245



4fd4af  No.5561246

File: cd1d6e2cd71fa16⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 640x753, 640:753, 777.jpg)

f838b1  No.5561247

File: efadcfb52852299⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 852x704, 213:176, WeHaveItAllenvelope conten….jpg)

File: 93a28c13357737a⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, QCrumbs-haveitall.jpg)

File: 6953e2f440d9fcc⋯.jpg (407.02 KB, 1201x630, 1201:630, QCrumbsTrustPlanPainWeHave….jpg)

We have it all.

Pain coming.

Trust the plan.

a162e9  No.5561248

So Dershowitz is being blackmailed by Epstein and his folks? Perhaps Dersh saw some shit on the island and was told not to talk, and now he's cooperating and giving up all the dirt to the DOJ.

c97b09  No.5561249

>>5561117 (lb)

"Vivid imagination" like the public art in Denver National Airport?

680424  No.5561250


Thumbnail; really!

09a2a8  No.5561251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>the magnitude of this operation is beyond any thing any one could possibly imagine


>history books

b68369  No.5561252

File: cfa740f4e35aead⋯.jpg (455.13 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Qanon-Video-Q-Drops-2808v3….jpg)


Missed your conversation last bread so sorry if this is repeat info, but have you shown him this video? Lots of proofs, clearly and calmly explained.

c23d41  No.5561253


You asked the salient question, anon: "Can we verify?"

be2c68  No.5561254


Bill Gate's father headed Planned Parenthood. Evil fam.

503725  No.5561255

0295cb  No.5561256

File: 209242c8b384f1d⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 460x461, 460:461, tax.jpg)

bdd253  No.5561257


>"Vivid imagination" like the public art in Denver National Airport?

No, fake-ass shill. Like trying to connect putting shit in the food because of some patents on genetics. Try harder. You glow.

df160f  No.5561258

>>5560952 (/lb)

Here's another nugget you could try: Pollock and the abstract expressionists.

They suddenly became fashionable organically, just like that, or funded by CIA?

Welp, as outlandish as it seems, the CIA funding has been admitted and is now part of above-ground normie knowledge.

Yes, yes, of course it's downplayed as nothing-to-see-here, but:

-it's real

-it was denied for decades

-same question applies… "why would they do that?"

but most of all…

if they are willing, able, and documented to have spent millions in funding and manpower just to favor one painting style over another…

is it that crazy that they would want to funnel citizens to an all-encompassing automated panopticon?

3c311c  No.5561259



Remember nsa_key? Not c_a but nsa was all ob er it

197645  No.5561260


Just simply leaflet

Follow the white rabbit with who is Q ?

Trust yourself ?

e5308c  No.5561261

just like jews were the money changers and tax collectors for romans and then christians who didnt want to do it - why? cuz the torah discourages usury and the POPE said this means all lending at interest -that is wrong - usury is lending at EXCESSIVE interest

Jews knoew the scripture and ignored the POPE so they took over the banking industry - why did the POPE do that?

the jew names are easy to find - just look up jew bankers online - same with media jews - that alone tells you something important

the real names are hidden - even the jews do not know - all handled through lawyers (jew of course) and blind trusts and shell companies all over the world

now you can understand the immensity of what POTUS and Q team are really bringing down

want a name? PAYSEUR - there is a bunch of data on payseur that only came out because of some legal matters that had to be dealt with and that is who Q named but you wont find ANY payseurs anywhere that i know except some jackass random faggot named payseur who posts on twitter and makes sure everyone knows he is a jew- kek

as for the brits can you imagine the queen learning she is a jew? what a farce these JQ posters will say or post anything to keep their narrative alive - they may really believe their shit and that is just as bad

ROTHS dominate and control many banks - but there are other owners beside them - this control would not be possible for one family if they had to conquer and exclude all the others in the world - use logic

it is a cabal with ROTH at the top of the finance infrastructure just as Q posted –they pull all the levers and are rich evil fucks but make no mistake - they are part of a WW organization not on their own and NOT controlled by jews

eb6790  No.5561262

File: 2865ef3ea20d1fd⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 1680x13448, 210:1681, 0_The_Lobby_USA_compilatio….jpg)

File: 973146ff314df0d⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 1200x13999, 1200:13999, 0_The_Lobby_USA_compilatio….jpg)

File: fc59abd98d4e5e5⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 909x446, 909:446, America_no_longer_with_Isr….JPG)



"The Lobby: USA" documentary:

>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)

-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope


67aece  No.5561263

File: 0fead53beeb26d6⋯.png (81.47 KB, 1142x785, 1142:785, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmm they changed the definition

Used to include arabs etc

From M-W


a73049  No.5561264

File: 96af7bdb1f1d3ce⋯.png (130.99 KB, 274x184, 137:92, ClipboardImage.png)

f96a35  No.5561265


you long nosed (((troll)))

considering what the jewish people have done and are currently responsible, I find your sense of priorities highly suspicious

0d192a  No.5561266

The 68-team single-elimination tournament holds 67 games over a period of 19 days, a jam-packed end to the season that aptly earned the nickname March Madness.

Here's the full schedule for March Madness 2019, which kicks off on March 17.


5641be  No.5561267

File: 65df64efe5a440f⋯.png (629.68 KB, 891x1067, 81:97, MJ.png)

9e1fe7  No.5561268


i bet the fancy smancy virus is in that capsule

07a9f8  No.5561269

File: 11279098cf45d8e⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 2050bac6d48cab4300a46d81c6….jpg)

3e3a13  No.5561270



e921bc  No.5561271

File: e065d199dac0538⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 255x242, 255:242, kek.jpg)

>>5560665 (lb)

>Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorses Ilhan Omar, “Most important member of the US Congress!”

You can't tell me all this crazy shit like this,Occasional Cortex, Mad Max, etc, etc, is all spontaneous and organic; of course it's all scripted and it's fucking hilarious.

I love this movie!

084bf6  No.5561272

File: 6302cd43311d28f⋯.jpeg (265.22 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 9D4F08D0-E9A1-4D67-A4C4-0….jpeg)


Thank you for your service. But the world is an ugly place, bad actors everywhere. I treat my computer like my dick, no random inserts.

7a69fe  No.5561273

File: f4cb5a9abe99ed2⋯.jpg (124.06 KB, 739x499, 739:499, 2vg2c5.jpg)

File: 3858dccf221c70a⋯.jpg (122.44 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 2vg26v.jpg)

File: 335a64a458707ca⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 759x500, 759:500, 2vg22g.jpg)

File: 297aef210675891⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downloadfile-51.jpg)

83743d  No.5561274


This should be proper protocol.

f0c876  No.5561275

File: fc99cd4ae483549⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 330x330, 1:1, emoticon-oops_(fotolia)_th….jpg)

3e3a13  No.5561276


Good idea

09a2a8  No.5561277

File: 54a14e241ed0d07⋯.png (32.41 KB, 693x398, 693:398, start.PNG)


puzzles within a puzzle?

>at what point does it become mathematically impossible?

>planned long ago

>the more you know…

b68369  No.5561278



It's the Core that counts.

Apple. Huawei. DARPA.

503725  No.5561279


The “human domain” of modern warfare

c306c2  No.5561280


Man they puttin it on strong today Kek off muthas

680424  No.5561281


Already Dusted Nemos from thoughts. Like All Out Crazy, we don't need 2 give attention here, yeah?

eb6790  No.5561282

File: 96377ada0c5db5f⋯.jpg (78.62 KB, 750x688, 375:344, Israel_commits_war_crimes_….jpg)

File: d09f34285af8e2c⋯.jpeg (52.84 KB, 589x520, 589:520, Israel_USA.jpeg)

File: 00cd7f0f2e8f8dd⋯.png (127.87 KB, 666x788, 333:394, Jews_want_to_change_Bible.png)

File: 9f8538141e1af47⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 804x562, 402:281, Zionists_putting_Israel_fi….jpg)

File: 37ee687870502e4⋯.png (338.22 KB, 548x508, 137:127, Support_for_Israel_plummet….PNG)





e0f5c6  No.5561283

File: 1ce75023cadbea8⋯.jpeg (62.6 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 1B070467-1413-4B76-9B1F-D….jpeg)

161150  No.5561284



No one could ever possibly ever even consider altering data to incriminate someone. That's never happened. Look, I'm not defending the guy, but he jumped on team Trump pretty fucking quick, and I think it was probably because he knew his ass was under the crosshairs for being a possible weak spot to info to take down bigger players.

We'll see. There's so much to keep up with, it's insane.

c1c5b7  No.5561285

File: d38b70352607f2a⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 306x306, 1:1, tumblr_lwf9n5dkwS1qdoy52o4….jpg)



his daughter drew this and was sent to a psych ward

3c311c  No.5561286


Yessir! 25yrs to the day!

197645  No.5561287


Already posted anon .

3e3a13  No.5561288


My pc is protected by “ mutiny “…. I’ll just leave that there

f431a6  No.5561289

File: 684f05f930a208c⋯.png (5.22 MB, 2564x1599, 2564:1599, The cabal collage.png)

File: 81c8256dc4a886b⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 801x500, 801:500, 2vh5ei.jpg)

680424  No.5561290


More cake!

a162e9  No.5561291

File: fe0e51906a4c6a3⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 405x623, 405:623, mikey265.jpg)


PURE PROJECTION. It looks like they're getting ahead of the pedophile rings by framing and destroying an innocent man's reputation yet again. It's bad enough that they killed the poor guy.

Q please give a drop about MJ!!

df160f  No.5561292

File: 021585bfac6df10⋯.png (4.53 MB, 1111x5783, 1111:5783, Q 2018-03-07 14-20_16-08.png)

File: 4b6cc88c0b5cfc2⋯.png (6.51 MB, 1111x9999, 1:9, Q 2018-03-08 08-46_20-31.png)

"Q 2018-03-07 14-20_16-08.png"


"Q 2018-03-08 08-46_20-31.png"

ea8ae2  No.5561293

File: e54f7e6b76db589⋯.png (329.75 KB, 601x618, 601:618, twitter_com_Tiff_FitzHenry….png)

File: d3e18f81f139757⋯.png (5.76 MB, 743x13192, 743:13192, tiffanyfitzhenry_com_2019_….png)


Who really funded LEAVING NEVERLAND? Was it Oprah and Geffen and gang? This is THE critical question in unraveling a story of absolutely historic proportions. If it was this group of elites, who’ve been implicated in the darkest of deeds themselves, that opens up a massive Pandora’s box, one this planet has been waiting millennia to see exposed.

I know one thing for sure. If it’s true, the anons will find proof. Time to dig guys!


Remember how Geffen’s yacht is called The Rising Sun. There is an (actual) house in New Orleans, that is called The Rising Sun, owned by the Rothschild family, which Washington and Hollywood elites frequent.

713307  No.5561294

File: 140d1753da9674f⋯.jpg (738.91 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-141137….jpg)

File: 937cb70c5e51d01⋯.jpg (677.21 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-141142….jpg)

File: 40e732a3e2f35c9⋯.jpg (457.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-141147….jpg)

File: 516942b917d7a60⋯.jpg (400.67 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-141153….jpg)

File: def8e798cca3cf1⋯.jpg (590.48 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190307-141200….jpg)


b4ccc1  No.5561295

File: 7dc8e7ea53a334e⋯.jpg (214.04 KB, 937x530, 937:530, -12.jpg)

0c259a  No.5561296



ff8ea5  No.5561297

File: 20a5afd43f7505b⋯.png (356.17 KB, 616x472, 77:59, JWoods re Omar Married Bro….PNG)

File: 5896b2d5a43abc1⋯.png (308.54 KB, 483x308, 69:44, Omar Married Brother.PNG)

File: d20d1433eb8eadd⋯.png (441.64 KB, 706x906, 353:453, Archive JWoods re Omar Mar….PNG)

So what is the deal on this story really?



8bdcc2  No.5561298


Can't take that one out with an airstrike or EMP.

3cbbcd  No.5561299

the Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona honored a girl for her volunteer work on "reproductive health justice."

"Meghna Gopalan received the Gold Award, the Girl Scouts highest honor, for her work. Her project involved working with the pro-abortion Women’s March and its affiliate in Tucson. She said her goal was to 'educate people about and destigmatize access to women’s healthcare' — euphemisms for abortion."

c97b09  No.5561300


Fuck off

07a9f8  No.5561301

File: 33b5c45ad2c6654⋯.jpg (13.51 KB, 300x168, 25:14, GTFO.jpg)

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)

511708  No.5561302

How many companies are really C_A?

If you were not C_A you did not succeed long eh?

0d192a  No.5561303


What? Like the song Rising son by the animals? "There is a house in New Orleans, they call the rising sun…" literal lyric from song.

485314  No.5561304


There will come a day.

:) Daniel

c1c5b7  No.5561305

The denver airport is also a detention center for the middle of the country. Masons want to cull people and behead them with guillotines.

f838b1  No.5561306



Yes welcome to 3-4 breads ago.

f0c876  No.5561307


Where were you in 2015? Had you even heard of Pepe or the chans yet?

09a2a8  No.5561308

File: 9a163620a806542⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 300x404, 75:101, adventure.jpg)




>think shadow

0aa05b  No.5561309



I've tried all the vids. His ADD + borderline Alzheimers is really causing issues.

5641be  No.5561310


Duke is a clown plant, so his support of Omar is to make the subject of Israeli control of US politicians an even more taboo subject, the same way his positive comments about Gabbard were to make questioning Wars For Israel taboo.

084bf6  No.5561311


Which your backdoor thier ocifer

9148f8  No.5561312

File: 5ad28ce44347b97⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 242x418, 11:19, dayzee.jpg)


so it's window watchen then….

b68369  No.5561313


What is the Core counting?

ad7fd0  No.5561314

File: a074532917ed6c5⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 3552x3228, 296:269, 030719_Q_2986.jpg)

Q-Drop 2986 Decode

Dark Pen to Silver (Light) Pen <- Dark to Light

It's Happening – Please Pray, Operators are Active

This is About Saving America (Civilization)

ff8ea5  No.5561315

File: dcf0a35b52503f2⋯.png (1.27 MB, 630x829, 630:829, Dem Fem Enemies Meme.PNG)

File: e49b4f29a58a83f⋯.png (317.29 KB, 470x557, 470:557, Remove Omar From Office Me….PNG)

ea8ae2  No.5561316


Q mentioned it last year

084bf6  No.5561317


It’s the Jewish bakers dozen

5c6ce0  No.5561318

>>5559995 (pb)

>Elon be watchin' on the sidelines, launchin' rockets…

I love this remark. I have the cleberest frens.

09a2a8  No.5561319

File: c1b020f6d2fbc04⋯.png (95.75 KB, 584x800, 73:100, art bell pepe.png)



also has potential for DJT/PEPE cutting the STRINGS from the handler hanging above

>think pepe with scissors

368892  No.5561320

File: b849fb4ee2ceaea⋯.png (946.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Hiram Abiff has a Lot to answer for , , ,

e5308c  No.5561321

OK then - anons - it seems like its time to put yet another major piece of the NWO cabal narratives on the chopping block - we all see it - dozens of posts and memes with an anti-Jewish anti-Semitic content.

These need to be treated exactly like all the other cabal lies - like all the other sliders shill and clowns - ignore. Filter etc - you know the drill. They want WE THE PEOPLE to be DIVIDED - Jew baiting is the oldest trick in the book.

If you don't understand or agree why this is NWO cabal deception please read this article - its a big red pill for you.

In the ancient world, religious differences were the primary basis for antisemitism. Judaism is monotheistic. Jews refusal to acknowledge PAGAN gods aroused resentment. Pagans also saw the Jews refusal to worship emperors as gods a sign of disloyalty.

The Roman destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE and the subsequent exile of Jews was interpreted as a sign of divine punishment. The Gospels diminished Roman responsibility and expressed Jewish culpability in the death of Jesus. Jews were depicted as killers of the Son of God.

Enmity toward the Jews was expressed in the church teachings. From St. Augustine in the 4th century to Martin Luther in the 16th, Christian theologians excoriated the Jews as rebels against God and murderers of the Lord. They were described as companions of the Devil and a race of vipers.

This reached its peak with the Nazis, when Adolf Hitler wrote that "Rational anti-Semitism must lead to systematic legal opposition. Its final objective must unswervingly be the removal of the Jews altogether."

Hitler and the Nazis were experts at brainwashing the public with propaganda and fear, and Anti-Semitism was an easy tool. Stalin and the Communists used the same approach - Karl Marx wrote, "Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money." Russian pogrom and exile ensued.

During the same period, the Balfour Declaration made it clear that a Jewish state was in the works. The support of Britain solidified the movement to create a Jewish State, which had begun as early as 1897 and was known as "Zionism". Predictably, the term "Anti-Zionism" (opposition to a Jewish States) was soon added to the mix, as the Middle East was carved up at the close of WW1. Later NWO propaganda labeled Zionism as a conspiracy of Jewish agents secretly controlling various governments with the objetive of enslaving the entire world.

f838b1  No.5561322


It means the spy technology is embedded in the firmware (core) and cannot be disabled through software means.

511708  No.5561323


Those 2 are the stealth bombers

18777d  No.5561324

File: 83376feba8cac4a⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 474x303, 158:101, microsoft dump.jpg)

File: b3b80b925c67009⋯.jpg (115.77 KB, 732x499, 732:499, Microsoft Share repurchase….jpg)

File: 580954806cc5c91⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 403x349, 403:349, nadella.jpg)



Share Repurchase


e5308c  No.5561325

Anti-Zionism came to a head in 1929 when the Mufti of Jerusalem incited major pogroms in Palestine. Joseph Stalin hailed the anti-Jewish slaughters - just as the earlier Russian revolutionaries had done with the anti-Jewish pogroms under tsarist rule. The slogans of anti-Zionism were forged in the Soviet Union and later made popular in the Middle East through figures like Mahmoud Abbas, current leader of the Palestinian Authority, who was educated in Moscow.

The next and inevitable step was to combine Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism into an organization of political factions and ideas against the Jews. The motives underlying anti-Semitism are now and have always been clear. They make the Jews a culprit, and a target for the politics of grievance and blame. This single explanation answered a multitude of dissatisfactions. But it was always a lie and deception. Jews were neither the cause of the problem, nor could their removal provide its solution.

683df0  No.5561326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>The Rising Sun

bdd253  No.5561327


>There will come a day.

>:) Daniel

<…when you realize that namefagging here is a disease that opens the door to corruption.

eb6790  No.5561328

File: 627fcc7784d0a57⋯.png (35.39 KB, 582x391, 582:391, Jewish_ideological_suprema….PNG)

File: ff53a0df7ea3837⋯.png (36.3 KB, 579x401, 579:401, Jews_did_not_practice_Usur….PNG)

File: e66d10c5c6bdf1b⋯.png (26.52 KB, 1243x161, 1243:161, Jews_did_not_practice_Usur….PNG)

File: 7ea9f7355d905d3⋯.png (34.13 KB, 551x459, 551:459, Jews_dont_care_for_laws_no….PNG)

File: 6462d7089eb316a⋯.png (37.25 KB, 646x275, 646:275, Talmud_plan_to_conquer_the….PNG)


You forget the part where Jews did not practice Usury upon each other and did on others because they were non-Jews.

cbadcc  No.5561329


AWESOME Memes fren!!

328e6c  No.5561330

>>5560469 (pb)

Re- Katherine Gorka

No one knows what she does at DHS. We know Q scares the left shitless. Makes me think she might be a Q contributor in some way, which would also explain why her husband keeps poo-pooing Q.

c1ba75  No.5561331

File: 1c0bea03a4db4f7⋯.png (791.81 KB, 1192x1408, 149:176, ClipboardImage.png)



e5308c  No.5561332

"The political purpose of anti-Semitism is to galvanize support for a movement during times of social and political upheaval. Anti-Semitism in America today is a variation on the deflection theme because it is not President Trump's administration that supports anti-Semitism. It is Obama's Leftist/Islamist axis legacy that is trying to depose President Trump. Obama's eight year radical socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, pro-Muslim term encouraged Leftist/Islamist and Anti-Semitism.

The current Anti-Semitism in America is being fomented to solidify the Leftist/Islamist axis and deflect public attention from the movement's anti-American platform and their intention to destroy American democracy. The concurrent restrictions on freedom of speech in the United States is being instigated by the Deep State's attempt to further destabilize and destroy President Trump's government."

a73049  No.5561333


I'm told there's a large number of Luciferians in Belgium.

a7e548  No.5561334

File: 6ef8635e1bae280⋯.jpeg (18.64 KB, 255x243, 85:81, 035C8D66-A33B-46A1-92B5-1….jpeg)

+++Q things we have abundance of water and methane hydrogen ++++++ ppl ++++++ ppl self renewing but mostly uneducated ++++++ what good is an uneducated person????????

67aece  No.5561335

File: cefbcf8a7f34ef5⋯.png (44 KB, 1085x451, 1085:451, ClipboardImage.png)

161150  No.5561336




There is a house in New Orleans

They call the rising sun

And its been the ruins of many a poor boy

And god I know Im one

My mother was a taylor

She sewed my new blue jeans

My father was a gamblin?man

Way down in New Orleans

Now the only thing a gambler needs

Is a suitcase and a trunk

And the only time you keep him satisfied

Is when hes all a drunk

Oh mother tell your children

Not to do what I have done

Spend your life in sin and misery

In the house of the rising sun

I got one foot on the platform

The other on a train

And Im goin?back to New Orleans

To swing that ball and chain

Yeah, there is a house in New Orleans

They call the rising sun

And its been the ruins of many a poor boy

And God I know Im one

e6a384  No.5561337

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)


Let's just see!

94dfe8  No.5561338

Actress Tuesday Weld (August 27, 1943-)

Tuesday Weld is an American actress. She began acting as a child, and progressed to mature roles in the late 1950s. She won a Golden Globe Award for Most Promising Female Newcomer in 1960

Tuesday Weld&#8217;s roots go all the way back from the Stuart Royal family. Druidism is practiced in secrecy. Tuesday Weld's lover at the time of her initiation was Don McLean. When he realized who Tuesday Weld was he wrote the song American Pie. Just check out the lyrics when you get a chance.

She showed great psychic ability as a child, came from money and prestige to begin with. Once she was initiated she began to show even more ability including but not limited to levitation, drawing power from the pyramids and turning that into a force of energy not seen before.

There is a long forgotten book, "Popular Witchcraft," which was published by Bowling Green University Press in 1972. In it Anton LaVey in an interview says that his book "The Satanic Bible" was partially dedicated to Tuesday because "she was the embodiment of the goddess," and was "part of the ritual."

The September 1959 issue of Coronet that supplied today's cover girl also contained many disturbing exploitative photographs of not-quite-sixteen Tuesday Weld.

At the age of 15 she was chosen as the new queen and high priestess of the Druids. The initiation rite that signaled her ascension into leadership was the plane crash that carried Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper to their deaths in February of 1958. According the Turner, the plane had been sabotaged by backers of Weld as part of this ritual which signified her inauguration as Illuminati Queen and High Priestess. She remained in that position until 1991.

The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Anton Levay and Led Zeppelin all wrote songs about her. The Stairway to Heaven song is all about Tuesday Weld. The song is about a woman buying her stairway to Heaven, turning everything to gold; it&#8217;s just a spring clean for the May Queen. The May Queen and Green man are both present in Druid Rituals which many times include human sacrifice.

In the November 11, 1977 edition of TIMES magazine, an interview was conducted with Tuesday Weld at the Hotel Marmount , and she showed up for the interview wearing a witch's hat and witch's skirt. She reminisced about the years she lived at the Chateau Marmount (Hotel California)

Anton LaVey had been associated with strange ritual scene hinted at in The Eagles' 1977 hit, Hotel California. The hotel…was the Chateau Marmont, an old hotel that has long been a fixture on Hollywood's Sunset Blvd. She reminisced about the years she lived at the Chateau Marmount.

Both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were prodigies of Tuesday Welds occulatural revolution. Her influence on the Beatles was most noticeable during the group&#8217;s psychedelic phase, and is alluded to in such songs as "I Am the Walrus" in which the lyrics refer to "…stupid bloody Tuesday." The song cryptically mentions a "pornographic priestess," Other Beatles songs that have highly evocative Weldian lyrics include "Lady Madonna," as well as "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window," from the Abby Road album with its chorus,("Tuesday's on the phone to me")

b199ad  No.5561339

File: bd96134d5569d8e⋯.jpeg (38.83 KB, 255x223, 255:223, 7ED93F9B-DE95-4C54-A83F-2….jpeg)

File: f81f1bea6019a45⋯.jpeg (657.75 KB, 2323x1822, 2323:1822, A764D941-FDFD-4B7D-B36C-0….jpeg)

0aa05b  No.5561340


I tried that. He'd never heard of black budgets. The Pollock angle is good but he's not into art. I would have to take the LONG way around to even get there. Enter his ADD - what were we talking about?

0cf817  No.5561341


Exactly this. His comments are always perfectly timed for maximum effect.

f5cf44  No.5561342

The Trump White House loses it’s way. https://twitter.com/LouDobbs/status/1103453101036658688/video/1

Trump has abandoned the very people who got him elected.

"We are going to have a lot of people coming into the country, we want a lot of people coming in. We want to have the companies grow. The only way they are going to grow is with workers and the only way to have the workers is by doing exactly what we are doing."

Fuck Trump

e5308c  No.5561343

Having established the nefarious political purposes of Anti-Semitism, two very old and very discredited anti-Semitic/Zionist conspiracy theories deserve special mention.

The first is the so-called "Blood Libel." This is the accusation that Jews kidnapped and murdered the children of Christians in order to use their blood as part of their religious rituals during Jewish holidays. The tale is extraordinary and wholly illogical. If anything, it is a projection onto the Jews of the darkest aspects of Paganism and other primitive religious rituals.

No observant Jew would ever conceive of such acts. It is absolutely contrary to The Ten Commandments. In addition to the fact that it constitutes murder, the use of blood (human or otherwise) in cooking is strictly prohibited by the kosher dietary law. Even blood from slaughtered animals may not be consumed, and it must be drained out of the animal and covered with earth.

While animal sacrifice was part of the practice of ancient Judaism, the Old Testament itself, and all Jewish teachings since, portray human sacrifice as one of the evils that separated the pagans of Canaan from the Hebrews. Nevertheless, this story was started and repeated to serve political ends. It has no basis in fact.

The second is known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Although the exact origin is unknown, its intent was to portray Jews as conspirators against the state. In 24 chapters, or protocols, allegedly minutes from meetings of Jewish leaders, the Protocols describes the secret plans of Jews to rule the world by manipulating the economy, controlling the media, and fostering religious conflict.

It is certainly plausible that the Jewish Rothschild banking family were the inspiration for this global Jewish conspiracy. For centuries the Rothschilds built a massive fortune through financial and political intrigue. It is beyond doubt that this Jewish family did indeed exert substantial influence on a broad range of historic events, from small to large.

However, even a casual study of the family history reveals that the primary agenda of the Rothschilds was money and power for themselves. Any consideration of Jewish religion, welfare or identity was a distant cousin to this primary consideration.

In any event, in 1903, portions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were first published in a Russian newspaper. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, anti-Bolshevik emigres brought the Protocols to the west. Soon after, editions circulated across the globe. An Arabic translation first appeared in the 1920s.

c306c2  No.5561344




reach out luke

466bb2  No.5561345


I had a bad dream about Belgians once

b68369  No.5561346


Ah yes, that would complicate things.

Good luck, Anon. Prayers for you and your family.

328e6c  No.5561347


They certainly are doing an amazing job blowing shit up for the Dems.


e40ad9  No.5561348


MJ himself said he liked sleeping with children in his bedroom. Not the behaviour of a legit guy.

09a2a8  No.5561349

File: 402fdbfe5ecda80⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1882x1258, 941:629, 7STONES.png)

File: d80a76e6baab4a0⋯.png (395.43 KB, 897x574, 897:574, autist.png)

File: 2bc719ab4aa8c5b⋯.jpg (262.3 KB, 1000x614, 500:307, british hillary.jpg)


your catching on…

ff8ea5  No.5561350

File: c55f3c8caeabafd⋯.png (46.89 KB, 588x334, 294:167, Zanotti re David Duke re O….PNG)

File: 0cc504701bcb67b⋯.png (332.26 KB, 592x602, 296:301, Levine re David Duke re Om….PNG)

File: d460a5799c961ae⋯.png (501.48 KB, 744x607, 744:607, Levine re David Duke re Om….PNG)


>>Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorses Ilhan Omar, “Most important member of the US Congress!”

Bread 7108 [pb]


David Duke: "Ilhan Omar is now the most important Member of the US Congress."



7a69fe  No.5561351

File: 8364c0a1e36cacc⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 810x539, 810:539, Michael-JacksonMAIN.jpg)

File: b882697078919aa⋯.png (490.66 KB, 807x833, 807:833, Screenshot_20190305-045939….png)



Jackson was a full-blown pervert he openly slept with young boys for years.

Neverland ranch was his young boys sex ranch…

026af0  No.5561352

CNN with Gloria Borger are trying to figure out the whole Michael Cohen pardon thing.

Gloria says her entire team are trying to deconstruct/reconstruct the Cohen testimony.

Trump has them so confused, I wonder if they remember their names anymore.

f7cff5  No.5561353





March 19 1649 – The House of Commons of England passes an act abolishing the House of Lords, declaring it "useless and dangerous to the people of England".

7eeba3  No.5561354


I frankly wouldn't be surprised, this state turned into a shithole just before 2008 housing collapse.

07a9f8  No.5561355



<muh jooos

<please don´t dig for masons! please!!

you glow, shills.






e921bc  No.5561356


If that were the case, why is this going to end up working in /our/ favour blowing up and destroying the dual citizenship issue and the jq itself in the process?

4fd4af  No.5561357

File: 44024be3dfd87c2⋯.jpg (500.91 KB, 856x1920, 107:240, 1531966545429.jpg)

File: 748b0b8644f9cff⋯.jpg (554.92 KB, 1012x717, 1012:717, fisarock.jpg)

c8397b  No.5561358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

511708  No.5561359


As intended

c1c5b7  No.5561360

File: caa7cee71265ab9⋯.png (697.54 KB, 1313x5321, 1313:5321, readit.png)

67aece  No.5561361




b68369  No.5561363




cbadcc  No.5561364


Whoa!! That’s dastin!

18777d  No.5561365

File: 8e649ad4915dae8⋯.jpg (225.71 KB, 997x1500, 997:1500, Kitchen help.jpg)

e5308c  No.5561366

The plight of the Palestinian people is truly tragic. But their woes are not traced to Israel or the Jews. No - full culpability lays at the footstep of so-called Palestinian "leadership", which has consistently sacrificed its own people for selfish political and financial gains.

This has been the case since the massive propaganda campaign that persuaded ordinary Palestinians not to return to their homes after the Six Day War. They were told Jews would burn them alive, rape their women, and torture and kill their children. The intent of this evil lie was to keep political leverage for the terrorist "leaders."

This was proven over and over again - most recently by the efforts to block a water treatment plant in Gaza. Gaza has no clean water. The Gaza population has relied on humanitarian support, and access to Israel. This is no different than the famous "Samaritan Crossing" on the border with Lebanon. For years, IDF border personnel permitted pregnant women to enter Israel for their deliveries. However, as terrorists took advantage of any gap in security to commit atrocities in Israel, these crossing were shut down.

Such was the case in Gaza, where acts of terror delayed the completion of the sewage treatment plant. Even an article by the World Bank could not omit the role of terror in stopping this much needed project:

"For years, the Gaza population has endured an environmental disaster due to sewage pollution. Despite the extremely volatile environment, the long-awaited construction of the new North Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant is now complete and ready for operation. It will provide a long-term, sustainable wastewater management solution for over 400,000 Gaza citizens.

The project faced numerous challenges, including years of blockade, restrictions on the entry of critical materials and equipment, damages from war and conflict to existing infrastructure, and suspension of works due to hostilities."

http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2018/03/12/north-gaza-communities-will-finally-benefit-from-sewage-treatment-services - 3-12-18.

c8397b  No.5561367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


0c259a  No.5561368


Not really. I'm just here for the LULZ.

5ddfe5  No.5561369


Dershowitz on the flight logs was discovered by Gawker at same time the Clinton/Spacey files were. Dershowitz has admitted being there.

Why the fuck you insinuate that the records were falsified? And then you say you are not defending him. You make zero sense.

e5308c  No.5561370

The plant is an excellent example of the humanitarian efforts of many nations - opposed only by Hamas, the "leaders" of the very group that will benefit from the project. Hamas officials boycotted the opening ceremony for the new plant - demonstrating their utter disregard for the needs of the people they purport to represent.

The Israeli paper HAARETZ reported:

"The current plant, whose $75 million price tag was covered by Sweden, Belgium, France, the European Commission and the World Bank, is supposed to serve some 400,000 people. The Mideast Quartet (the United States, United Nations, European Union and Russia) and the U.S. State Department liaised with the Israeli authorities so they would allow the necessary building materials and experts to enter Gaza. Without their assistance, the construction would likely have taken many more years."

Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization that currently operates mostly in Gaza. Many consider Hamas a terrorist organization with a political party under their control.

Fatah is a related group representing Palestinians, now centered in the West Bank. Fatah and Hamas had been allied until a falling out in 2006. Each now controls half of the Palestinian territory. Hamas promotes the destruction of the State of Israel and genocide of the Jews. Fatah - with the Palestinian Authority as its political arm, began as a purely terrorist organization but since has moderated its position and does not promote genocide.

The Palestinian Authority (Fatah) Prime Minister made the trip to Gaza to mark the opening of this new water treatment facility. On his way on March 13, he was the target on a failed assassination attempt in northern Gaza. Someone is still sending a message, and the meaning is clear - death to moderates - no peace with Israel - ever.

This has been the stalemate for decades. Now, however, it appears that Palestinian terrorists have been completely outmaneuvered. This was accomplished under the watchful eye and carefully laid out plans of the new American Commander in Chief - Donald J.Trump.

c8397b  No.5561371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

c1c5b7  No.5561372

File: ec9450e4a4f5f47⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ftwr.jpg)

254547  No.5561373


You're posting with an Apple ][, right?

3c311c  No.5561374


Kys bitch i was here all last night, want same reaponse from shit dug last night faggot?!

eb6790  No.5561375

File: 435d38c3af09009⋯.png (4.39 MB, 3040x3560, 76:89, Evangelicals_meme_VERSION_….png)

File: 322af162b5b06ae⋯.png (3.89 MB, 3104x2848, 97:89, Evangelicals_meme_VERSION_….png)

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, z05bb42321672f1ca12f4ba020….png)


We can turn it against them

Get pics of old dictionaries and show the world their kikery.

The more they squirm, the faster they sink.

0295cb  No.5561376

File: 8ca43500d63159d⋯.png (193.27 KB, 330x456, 55:76, ClipboardImage.png)

5641be  No.5561377


Desperation move by (((them.))) Remember Duke surfaced to praise Trump in 2016 too, but Trump wouldn't cuck and apologize over the weak guilt by association accusations.

c306c2  No.5561378

File: d80a76e6baab4a0⋯.png (395.43 KB, 897x574, 897:574, d80a76e6baab4a07f71e46bb2c….png)

5:5 t3am

e40ad9  No.5561379


they are not good guys under cover, they are just the natural progression of idiotic socialism and political correctness/ mass brainwashing

ac0602  No.5561380

File: 2ac9ab6c091a6f8⋯.png (141.89 KB, 491x246, 491:246, ByeHolly.png)

e84f85  No.5561381


I said this yesterday.

e5068e  No.5561382

File: 525d02f348b80de⋯.png (46.51 KB, 596x284, 149:71, ClipboardImage.png)


09a2a8  No.5561383

File: 7b06b3a56de269e⋯.jpg (156.79 KB, 637x768, 637:768, pope trump1.jpg)

File: f2d62d402927ac2⋯.jpg (334.76 KB, 822x463, 822:463, pope trump2.jpg)



filling the black void in the back.

…maybe pepe on the left and DJT troll smile on the right?

>because I know you will encounter stretch issues fitting a single img in that void

548d2c  No.5561384


Let's also not forget his connection to the upcoming Mueller book. Something is going on here and we are missing it due to the bullshit distraction from this week.

dcc21f  No.5561385

==anyone remember the date of the 3 zero minute deltas?

b68369  No.5561386



What else could it mean?

Who is counting what? For why?

c1c5b7  No.5561387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The ADL is masonic

ffd7d0  No.5561388


Good memes kek

f838b1  No.5561389

File: 141f4dc6b35714a⋯.png (292.45 KB, 750x500, 3:2, LoveHeart.png)


You need to stop the drugs and get some healthy sleep.

c8faf0  No.5561390

File: dea2a89157e76d9⋯.png (828.76 KB, 529x747, 529:747, gywetwebtseb.png)

File: 69b3f596e0f0c27⋯.jpeg (128.01 KB, 1024x649, 1024:649, iu.jpeg)

File: d12b0758aa74eb5⋯.png (857 KB, 576x820, 144:205, sie.png)

The Lincoln Tower in Ft. Wayne, Indiana is a fun one to dig on.


bd3047  No.5561391

File: fba2d13f5011046⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 440x596, 110:149, 440px-Alan_dershowitz_2009….jpg)

"Sparks flew during arguments before the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan as a lawyer for Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an Epstein accuser, repeatedly reiterated his client’s claim leveled several years ago that the Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz not only defended Epstein but also had sex with some of the women Epstein victimized."


b6e00e  No.5561392

Where is Shepard Smith. Don’t care he is a fag, but no mention which is weird

e40ad9  No.5561393


pervo party? masonic symbol at bottom of sheet – maybe searching for children who escaped

b199ad  No.5561394

File: 35ebad03ad6a462⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 2067x2067, 1:1, A3A8991A-34E7-40B9-A276-55….gif)


Does it make up for all your other dumb shit if you set one really good fire?

548d2c  No.5561395


They are literally going down every single thing looking for data to harm him. LOL they are LITERALLY on a witch hunt.

e4cf86  No.5561396


Random thought:

"7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills."

as ratios go, thats a 70% and 30% split.

Today's date is sort of one of those at 3/7 just in case anything weird happens… arguably same thing on 3/10.

e6a384  No.5561397


The One Thing you gotta say for the Dirty


People are now Looking at the Joos moar


Please remember


(((their))) History is of Hate, GREED, &


a162e9  No.5561398


He was just a boy at heart, wierd guy for sure but NOT a pedophile. Also keep in mind his bedroom was literally 2 stories tall as per Macaulay Culkin.


Wrong. Neverland was a place to protect children from Hollywood and government pedophiles. If he was a pedophile (((they)) would've protected him like crazy and dropped all cases, but I'm old enough to remember the media frenzy when they tried to destroy an innocent man.

c8397b  No.5561399

File: 97c439592512700⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 480x341, 480:341, nobody.jpg)


>Remember Duke surfaced to praise Trump in 2016

ef8fc3  No.5561400

File: ddc5533d1158cd3⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 720x405, 16:9, Triggered.gif)

c1c5b7  No.5561401

File: 1edf7cbf15e3b69⋯.png (47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 571edf27f84a1fb7fecdfa6f41….png)

e0f5c6  No.5561402

File: e200e2f764d1144⋯.jpeg (248.22 KB, 1172x704, 293:176, EAFD7123-0EA4-4EAF-8666-A….jpeg)

File: 844aef0af8cd423⋯.jpeg (436.78 KB, 1076x741, 1076:741, 89ACB902-BF75-46FC-ABC9-D….jpeg)

e5308c  No.5561403


>Criticizing zionism is NOT anti-Semitism.

define zionism

>Criticizing Judaism is NOT anti-Semitism.

define judaism

you will not cuz it shows you are a liar POS

485314  No.5561404


Hi bot

there will be a day when all get "it".

supress one… all follow blindly.

even a bat is not blind… THOUGH THEY tried to make us all believe it.


3c311c  No.5561405


The fuck ever cunt

296d3c  No.5561406

Is it just my imagination or did Q say carpet bombs are ok, but nukes are better?

I can't find the post… wanting to make a meme…

bd3047  No.5561407


death blossom

c196f7  No.5561408

Early Notes


#7111 Baker Change

>>5561225 Netflix chief marketing officer to leave

>>5561239 Michael Jackson's body 'may be EXHUMED as 11 new accusers come forward'

c306c2  No.5561409


Yeah a few breqs and some smot never hurt. Get at least 6 or 7 jours of sleeps

3c311c  No.5561410

e40ad9  No.5561411


In this case, I believe the women.

f0c876  No.5561412


Dershowitz needs to burn.

18777d  No.5561413

File: d3f4b54ccc3d694⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 220x283, 220:283, full of shit.jpg)

bdd253  No.5561414




49d5f4  No.5561415

File: 981aa08a4e68b35⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 50612704_322751798346079_2….jpg)

Patriots remember

c78d9a  No.5561416




b4ccc1  No.5561417

File: 35e95b39c4369ad⋯.gif (155.41 KB, 300x233, 300:233, MJ.gif)

File: 525423b88a6f3d4⋯.jpeg (70.48 KB, 553x467, 553:467, MJ.jpeg)







I posted this late the other day. Posting again during the day shift this time since MJ was

brought up.

I personally didn't find the MJ accusers credible at all, to be honest. I thought they and their families were fake as fuck. They went from defending him as kids, to now wanting a pay day. The documentary offered no new evidence that I saw, only talk. Just a smear campaign. They admitted multiple times throughout they were jealous that Michael had other friends. They and their families probably wanted the Free ride to last forever and were upset when it ended. Fuckin moochers. Couldn't help notice how many times they say a couple of lines then CUT away. Little increments of rehearsed lines.

Michael was a weird dude for sure. An adult with massive amounts of money, trying to make up for an abusive and lost childhood. He was never a regular child, he was a star in the spotlight. He was an easy target for those that did not like his positive messages and speaking out against corruption. Positive messages and going against the system puts you in the crosshairs. We know that, many proofs exist of famous people speaking out, then having mysterious sudden deaths.

This documentary does nothing for me. And fuck what Oprah has to say, even though I'll watch that next for the sake of knowing what is said.

How's Oprah's 'faith healer, John of God', by the way?

c1c5b7  No.5561418

File: e693eaff730ccec⋯.jpg (140.86 KB, 585x980, 117:196, 4a862a1aaaf3260ffe4d1c2500….jpg)

b68369  No.5561419

File: 1f3bdccb682fd2e⋯.png (16.5 KB, 401x221, 401:221, Q-Post-2774.png)

eb6790  No.5561420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"The Jew is quick to say how he was attacked, but never why".

http://archive.is/1IEWq - Causes of hostility towards the Jews

ff8ea5  No.5561421

File: 6e4d4518ee62d95⋯.png (300.67 KB, 608x610, 304:305, Hannity Tweet re Dems Part….PNG)

File: 710425f7b0ed654⋯.png (17.42 KB, 571x278, 571:278, Hannity re Dems Party of H….PNG)

UPDATE: “It’s going to say that we are against bigotry, we are against prejudice, and against hate.”


UPDATE: House Democrats to Vote THURSDAY on Resolution ‘Against Hate’


Democratic representatives are planning a Thursday vote to officially take a stand “against bigotry” and “against hate,” backing off an earlier resolution that explicitly condemned “anti-Semitism.”

Democrats = Party of HATE / KKK/ Anti-Semitism

0c259a  No.5561422


LOL. Yeah, i know what you mean. Same with Ohio. I've been back there recently, lived there long time ago. It is a very depressed state now. Made me sad seeing how downhill most of it's cities went. I have relatives in Illinois i think, not sure.

c8397b  No.5561423

File: 45d0ab3b396bfc4⋯.jpg (77.95 KB, 504x720, 7:10, judaism-is-communism.jpg)


>define judaism

Death cult.

584155  No.5561424


>So Dershowitz is being blackmailed by Epstein and his folks? Perhaps Dersh saw some shit on the island


Famed Attorney Acknowledges He Cannot Rule Out ‘Possibility’ Bill Clinton Was Involved In Orgy Island Sex Romp

Alan Dershowitz has acknowledged in a sworn deposition that he cannot rule out the “possibility” the former president took part in a depraved sex romp with under-age girls on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein‘s orgy island!

According to a deposition transcript reviewed by Radar, Dershowitz recalled that Roberts had previously “described in great detail a dinner with Bill Clinton and two underaged Russian women who were offered to Bill Clinton for sex,” an incident she said occurred in 2002. And while he insisted that he believed that to be a “lie,” he acknowledged that he can’t prove it.

“There is the possibility, which I don’t personally believe to be true, that he was on the island,” Dershowitz said. “There was the possibility, which I don’t believe to be true, that he was on the island when orgies were taking place. There was the possibility that he was on the island and observed an orgy, and there was the possibility that he was on the island and participated in an orgy.”


4800e9  No.5561425

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>5560636 lb

Excellent video.

@5:50 analysis - "We, as a company, are doing it for Elections, because of an outside influence. There's your first clue right there that there's an outside influence."

@19:30 - "Their hands are tied. They're not your true enemy."

end - "We're going to find out who is the puppetmaster."

Goes along with Jack's nose ring. Pool mentioned the "Saudi billionaire who owns 6% of twitter" a few times during the podcast. Jack and his lawyer ignored it completely.

c306c2  No.5561426


Power up!!!

09a2a8  No.5561427

File: 531b003c829fc96⋯.png (860.84 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, baker girl.png)


rather have a bakergirl

9e1fe7  No.5561428

so basically they are trying to use MJ as a fall guy for their own deeds ? Sounds about the same they did with Dutroux…

d9772c  No.5561429

File: d3a4b2186bdecd3⋯.png (194.5 KB, 540x281, 540:281, Ash.png)

485314  No.5561430


I name you colored bot.


548d2c  No.5561431


>wierd guy for sure but NOT a pedophile

Come on anon, give me a fucking break. Do you have any evidence which you could put forward to show this as the case? Look if MJ wasn't a pedo I would support any factual material to prove that but until then the fucking guy is about as obvious pedo as there has even been in the history of the planet.

Wonderland Ranch? Kids having sleep overs? No non pedo adult man does this.

65a66a  No.5561432


quite the rabbit hole for her to go down…. she must have irreputable proof

b199ad  No.5561433


Sweet. Group Mind Activated.

‘Merica F@ck yeah!

5ddfe5  No.5561434


Well, one thing is for certain. Dershowitz was there, and he had to have known what that Island is all about. You don't run in those circles without knowing.

It was Mueller covering for Epstein, and that is why the DOJ reopened Epstein's case.

e40ad9  No.5561435


He was clearly abused as a child, and sadly many such abuse victims become victimizers.

f838b1  No.5561436

File: a7563cb73e250b5⋯.jpg (24.85 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, WeLoveAnons.jpg)

File: 8d3916ceb1b30a0⋯.jpg (74.39 KB, 499x335, 499:335, QNN:LovePOTUS.jpg)

File: 5b4b32e28816518⋯.jpeg (201.45 KB, 640x794, 320:397, LoveGreatAwakening.jpeg)

File: 5498697de711fd3⋯.jpg (181.82 KB, 900x647, 900:647, QCrumbsEmotionsCloudJudgme….jpg)

Try harder, shills.

Your efforts to divide or provoke emotional reactions are pathetically weak.

07a9f8  No.5561437

File: 86c4ebe6b0c6d73⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)


There are two kind of muh jew shills here currently - this is the no1 shill topic.

1 - the glowing ones who post bs memes with nooooses, the ones saying kike and rabbi every post

2 - the blended in ones. they use (((echos))) to subvert and try to create a people vs jew narrative.

who are those shills helping? yes, DS.

<They want you divided.

f431a6  No.5561438

File: 6560dc4e1291e59⋯.png (4.28 MB, 2375x1600, 95:64, Pepe flipping off Cabal.png)



Here, how's this?

c8397b  No.5561439

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)



0d192a  No.5561440

File: 892c8aa0b87a91c⋯.jpg (128.17 KB, 1100x751, 1100:751, gettyimages-88694242.jpg)

Anons, one thing that makes me uncertain of Micheal Jackson is what he owned.

Beatles trademarks. Sony wanted those….bad.

How Michael Jackson Bought the Publishing Rights to The Beatles Catalogue

In August 1985, after months of negotiations, Jackson paid $47.5 million to buy ATV.


How do you get such an elite property being squeaky clean?

e6a384  No.5561441

File: cfb637d28823b47⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 774x386, 387:193, James Woods.jpg)


Sorry. I believe I got High Score & a Replay!

bdd253  No.5561442



<namefaggot is still a namefaggot

18777d  No.5561443

File: 47fd491dbe87a46⋯.jpg (13.07 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 7out of 10 plane crashes t….jpg)

f0c876  No.5561444


Are you honestly on here defending Michael Jackson? How many families of kids did he have to payoff to stay out of prison? People like you are the problem as much as the pedos.

084bf6  No.5561445

File: 6d61595611aebdc⋯.jpeg (21.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, B1CFC6F7-E565-42EF-9AA9-D….jpeg)


WHAT does that stand for? I’ve been waiting on that since the qpost

c1ba75  No.5561446

File: 724b3a11091c7b0⋯.png (129.66 KB, 1210x688, 605:344, ClipboardImage.png)

"There is something wrong with Clapper."

Clapper has stage 4 TDS? Treason will do that to you.


c306c2  No.5561447


Candy apple Red

d5b6d4  No.5561448

File: a0f506287c84be7⋯.jpeg (348.63 KB, 793x1807, 61:139, 9641AC5B-5B9B-4DC2-A55C-7….jpeg)

File: d6181cc461962ea⋯.jpeg (413.65 KB, 1125x1647, 125:183, 3C07D910-B408-4F9C-AEB4-3….jpeg)


Ru don't say????

e5308c  No.5561449

File: 8da5b6e6ed2572e⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI6.jpg)


moar fake and gay talmud replies - LOL

anons - i took the list of Talmud quotations posted here and sent them to Chabad for comment - my request and Rabbi response posted below - the more you know…

Dear Ask the Rabbi - many comments about talmud online and i am unqualified to reply - they select verses that look evil and i am certain it is lies and misleading - can you assist? here are the ones they repeat over and over: (i attached the whole list from Board posts but only repeat two here)


1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

2. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed

(you know the rest) Here is the Rabbi response:

I didn't go through the entire list, but I did look up the first two and I found nothing on those pages in the Talmud that say anything remotely like the quotes you sent. I would imagine that the same goes for the rest of them.

My suggestion to you is to not bother getting into conversations with people who will continue to twist and misquote our religion. There is really nothing to be gained.

All the best,

Rabbi (name omitted)

for Chabad.org

KEK - Rabbi said do not reply to shills!

hey fake and gay shitposter

how about ONE screenshot of ONE talmud verse from the source?


you couldnt find it with the book in your lap

dcc21f  No.5561450


anyone remember the date of the 3 zero minute deltas?

7a69fe  No.5561451

File: b2691ee72302bd6⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, e36936abcb32d802baa3ce0c0f….png)





Once Michael Jackson is exhumed the DNA tests will confirm his pedophilia or clear his legacy…

9127ef  No.5561452


If she's not going to talk in the poorly matched old lady voice, this does nothing for me

e40ad9  No.5561453


Dershowitz is no naive individual.

09a2a8  No.5561454

File: 0b71afe9789a898⋯.jpg (49.83 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2scoops.jpg)


though there is NO PROOF for EITHER ARGUMENT…

my opinion is that MJ became the FALL GUY for the cabal.

…i think he was a fun autist at heart, not a wierdo kid diddler like MSM FAKENEWS pushed so vigorously down our throats…

7ff3a5  No.5561455


This is amazing!

They are actually destroying themselves all on their own!


0a0db9  No.5561456


When do we dig here?

e493d3  No.5561457

File: 561395aeb30674d⋯.png (145.73 KB, 1773x767, 1773:767, chansa.png)

I merged CHAN and NSA into CHANSA.

Green Castle = Chan = Declass

Red Castle = NSA = Class

eb6790  No.5561458

File: 99766dffe206c54⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 734x681, 734:681, Jews_Anti_Semitism_Death_P….jpg)


Are you trying to imply that anti-zionism and anti-Semitism is a communist affair?


Leon Trotsky was a Jew whose original name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein (just duckduckgo it, its easy to verify). Add to that another fact about the communist political phenomena: most of the people involved in the financing, promotion, leading and implementation of communism at its start were Jews, including in China using Mao as a proxy (verify this claim here: http://archive.vn/KJ2Rt ; http://archive.vn/1Jl6V ; http://archive.vn/R2FWk ; http://archive.vn/vxky3 ; http://archive.vn/94Ect ; http://archive.vn/PECQA ; http://archive.vn/L3Ftq ; http://archive.vn/PbEvv ; http://archive.vn/BLw97 ; http://archive.vn/1oRzt ).

Even Fidel Castro was a crypto-Jew (verify here: http://archive.vn/LCsBr ).

In fact, Bobby Fischer, one of the greatest chess players of all times, and a Jew himself, has said this about the connection about Judaism and communism: "First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism." ( http://archive.vn/Eh33u ; http://archive.vn/MDl82 )

Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise (aka: "The Red Rabbi") had this to say about communism: "Some call it Communism; I call it Judaism." ( http://archive.vn/rfCDT ; http://archive.vn/H4xdz )

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn had this to say about the connection between Judaism and communism: “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ( http://archive.vn/FGDwS ; http://archive.vn/mjhbG ; http://archive.vn/MZgBJ ; http://archive.vn/RLmNd )

Rabbi Rabbi Harry Waton: “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” ( http://archive.vn/AUxlo ; http://archive.vn/79dTX )

Now, before communism, why did Russia wanted Jews out of there? The answer is simple: debt slavery (which is a central part of religious Jewish ideology (its in their Torah (which is composed of the first 5 books of the Old Testament), in Deuteronomy 15:6: "For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you." . The nations are the goyim, the non-Jews)).

Mark Twain had this to say about that: "The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant and villager stood no chance against his commercial abilities. He was always ready to lend money on a crop, and sell vodka and other necessaries of life on credit while the crop was growing. When settlement day came he owned the crop; and next year or year after he owned the farm." ( http://archive.vn/UOoXR ; http://archive.vn/kjfzA )

Another interesting thing about the relationship between communism and Israel is that Israel refused to extradite Salomon Morel, a Jewish-Polish NKVD officer, commander of the Zgoda labour camp, and a war criminal who later immigrated to Israel and acquired Israeli citizenship to Poland ( http://archive.vn/D53jF ; http://archive.vn/QjgnD )

eb6790  No.5561459

File: e41464ca0266818⋯.mp4 (10.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1.mp4)

File: 739ef9c27a88d55⋯.png (284.85 KB, 524x529, 524:529, Jews_hate_Christ_Israel_ex….PNG)

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: d8cc267a067b9b8⋯.png (23.37 KB, 1157x188, 1157:188, Plus_Sign_Israel.PNG)

File: b41c23d80c33d18⋯.png (604.29 KB, 862x748, 431:374, Youtube_video_Intense_Host….PNG)


>hates Christians

She's not the only one.

Most Israelis hate Christians too.

Cut all aid to israel.

d27e7d  No.5561460

File: 2159d42321b2765⋯.png (8.88 KB, 444x107, 444:107, EYEOFTHESPY.PNG)



c8397b  No.5561461

File: b103ec7097ad704⋯.png (638.54 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, loser_ass_jew.png)



NEWFAGS! This is a jew.

0d192a  No.5561462

File: fbc723c80c4cc11⋯.png (821.61 KB, 500x419, 500:419, download (1).png)

dcc21f  No.5561463



511708  No.5561464


Are you 100% sure?

485314  No.5561465




c23d41  No.5561466

>>5561162 Denmark police prosecute 14 over sharing Morocco hikers 'murder video'


Thanks for posting here, Nordicanon. Vital information. Let's get the word out about happenings WW.

5b34f3  No.5561467

File: f51ba28173ea48c⋯.jpg (67.5 KB, 750x563, 750:563, Turtle Coke.jpg)

Another Federal judge confirmed in Senate.

df160f  No.5561468


ok… i guess patience is the key.

I don't think much can be done before certain things are publicly inescapable.

& you've already done much more than i have… months ago i've talked Q to some friends, but haven't in ages.

Not even trying with family, no hope of inroads there either.

bdd253  No.5561469




becc85  No.5561470

File: 6451e7052cc9e78⋯.png (413.52 KB, 940x841, 940:841, kittens law.png)

Saw the photo on this good news, and thought of "You Know Why" cat's face - kek.

5641be  No.5561471


Agreed. Given what we know now, it should raise questions why the media treated him so viciously.

c8397b  No.5561472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

d9772c  No.5561473

File: 99a05bc184d3911⋯.png (663.3 KB, 1556x2046, 778:1023, Punisher.png)

File: fa2cf60e0645790⋯.png (570.5 KB, 1556x2046, 778:1023, PunisherIntro.png)

c4cdce  No.5561474

File: 103f333381a5fa9⋯.png (557.36 KB, 644x1060, 161:265, cohn.png)

548d2c  No.5561475


I think this is correct given what we currently know. I am damn positive that your first sentence is 100% correct and I also think that is why they feared Trump so much as I seriously think they tried to trap him in that very thing and he said "nope" which is why there have been no accusers from the island in regards to him and why they have been so afraid of him for a long time now.

Dersh though, I don't know, a lot of oddities here. I do not trust him. I know some anons do but there is just something connecting all these issues and his involvement to Mueller that sets my radar off.

4710d6  No.5561476


WTF is up with John Kelly? Being a little bitch?

18777d  No.5561477

File: 63c107c352d93f2⋯.jpeg (11.25 KB, 255x215, 51:43, Pepe love you.jpeg)

c306c2  No.5561478




reach out luk3

07a9f8  No.5561479

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)


low IQ post proves.

this is a glow shill.

a blended in one would have replied with (((many))) (((echos)))

f838b1  No.5561480

File: e0de6bdfbf94c93⋯.jpg (95.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EmotionallyControlled.jpg)

File: 55261b1d4662e23⋯.jpg (243.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Programmed:EmotionsOverrid….jpg)

File: 3ebed4f6d1f6420⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 852x480, 71:40, EmotionsCloudLogic4.jpg)

I didn't agree to be controlled, did you?

So I refuse to be emotionally triggered.

Keep calm you must.

Hillary's minions keep trying to do their programming thing here, but it doesn't work here. Autists are independent thinkers and always have been. That's why we're like that.

c03b20  No.5561481

File: 02caa7e3664c40f⋯.png (275.74 KB, 999x871, 999:871, T-w-g-t-KK-MMy-eeeeee.png)

0d192a  No.5561482

Paul McCartney settles with Sony over rights to Beatles songs previously owned by Michael Jackson


b199ad  No.5561483


Truthie senses tingle.

9148f8  No.5561484

File: 608d34d67dd3676⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 198x254, 99:127, surpkat.jpg)

5d92e5  No.5561485


lazyanon, go here and read/scroll/new page. look for a day with 3 x 0/1 minute deltas… then you can come back and tell us.


09a2a8  No.5561486

File: 7ffe5fd060ae22b⋯.png (46.45 KB, 425x617, 425:617, Ace of Pepe.png)




surely you get it.


>FAKENEWS pretending to acknoledge the problem, but NEVER letting the BOSSES take the fall

…meanwhile the BIG PIG remains out of ALL spotlight

485314  No.5561487

seems omniseprent huh?


b02925  No.5561488


STFU freddy. Go annoy someone else you talentless hack.

084bf6  No.5561489

File: 4bd53eedc0cc47a⋯.jpeg (51.47 KB, 450x571, 450:571, 6F3C0CA3-9404-4C11-B668-F….jpeg)


Fuck off namefag

13d20b  No.5561490

Construction company that worked on the Denver Airport.


bdd253  No.5561491




ab149b  No.5561492

File: ad781ddd8be829d⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 900x750, 6:5, plotinus-2.jpg)


we must divide…from THE RULING CLASS.


a162e9  No.5561493


There's still no proof of any of that, it was all just a media witch hunt just like we saw with Kavanaugh, and we constantly see with Trump. He was constantly described as a little boy in a man's body, sleep overs and pillow fights and stuff like that is what boys do. You really think a giant megastar who was by far the most famous person in the world would be molesting sick children without any sort of coverup and expected to get away with it? Give me a break.

e40ad9  No.5561494


He is a BS artist.

c196f7  No.5561495


Kek, I didn't want to self nominate or anything..

But yea, I agree it's important, at least to the stiruation in Europe. Cencorship is becoming a real problem.

eb6790  No.5561496

File: ba3d0b886c8aaf7⋯.png (236.71 KB, 1034x613, 1034:613, Obama_Biden_pro_Israel.PNG)

File: 407fdfe944becf5⋯.png (547.28 KB, 834x610, 417:305, Obama_Israel_Aid.PNG)

File: d23bec745d213a3⋯.png (77.52 KB, 501x510, 167:170, Obama_Jew.png)

File: cbcef4a001f17f3⋯.png (205.28 KB, 1261x633, 1261:633, Rham_Emanuel_Obama_zionism….PNG)

File: ce68bd37c383b88⋯.png (11.17 KB, 764x136, 191:34, Rham_Emanuel_father_Mossad.PNG)


Why is Obama an anti-Semite?


548d2c  No.5561497


I really don't want to/won't look into the old MJ issues but I am fairly certain that he lost a massive (several) civil trials in which he was sued for that very thing. Those don't happen unless there was evidence of wrong doing of some sort.

09a2a8  No.5561498

File: 9941e171781ba20⋯.jpeg (942.11 KB, 2632x1754, 1316:877, _ff nofunkksgiven.jpeg)



>quote that too


f0c876  No.5561499


He was a pedophile dude, deal with it.

093776  No.5561500

File: c1793cea48e68dc⋯.jpg (8.17 KB, 474x266, 237:133, monser.jpg)



hebrew va va va

e6a384  No.5561501


Hold it!

Turn Around!


You smell Something?

a joo!

f63438  No.5561502


Jesus doesn't exist ever since mueller cannabalized him

0aa05b  No.5561503



>Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?

>You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

What if it's MJ?

18777d  No.5561504

File: a6c1b3ad212bbd6⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, Matrixxx Flash.png)


you obviously have your mind made up so just fuck off.

Turn off your TV…that might help.

120dfc  No.5561505

File: 12cb592a905585e⋯.png (104.61 KB, 330x330, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




c8397b  No.5561506

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, 0001Q_goy_warning.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, 001Q_goy_warning.jpg)




You'll notice that Q specifically point to the kike jews.

7a69fe  No.5561507

File: 3c0f603e45900c5⋯.jpg (66.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, downloadfile-44.jpg)

Once Jackson is exhumed the DNA tests will confirm he was a serial Child Molester or clear his name once and for all.

e40ad9  No.5561508


cognitive dissonance – the red flags are there for MJ

0bb6e0  No.5561509

>>5560612 (pb)

Braille plaque above DIA Capstone points to Masons involvement in NWO time capsule

>>5560268 (pb)

Baker, I know it was last bread, but please consider for


digging now, thanks anon! good lead! Will be lookin for connections to georgia guidestones as well

9f0cc9  No.5561510

File: 7849fa467f88bae⋯.png (329.58 KB, 1343x652, 1343:652, gsndu69uheefcs.png)

Former DARPA

(Former DARPA) (Current-Principal Researcher at Microsoft working on security AI)

Mike Walker is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft working on security AI. Prior to joining Microsoft, Mike led DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge, a two-year $58M contest to construct & compete the first prototypes of reasoning cyberdefense AI. In 2016 at the DEF CON hacking contest, these prototypes took their first flight into the game of hackers, Capture the Flag (CTF), landing zero-day exploits and writing patches in a fully autonomous battle. Mike has worked in a policy advisory role, testifying to the President’s Commission on Cybersecurity and serving as contributor and panelist to CSIS’s Surviving on a Diet of Poisoned Fruit. Prior to joining DARPA he worked as a research lab leader and principal vulnerability researcher focusing on tools to amplify vulnerability research abilities with the power of supercompute automation. Mike has played in DEF CON CTF finals, coached CTF teams, and built CTFs throughout his career.


9127ef  No.5561511


Convenient the guy the use to "confront" the diddling problem is conveniently dead and a easily identifiable weirdo to boot..

..who also named the Jew and didn't do what they wanted him to.

c23d41  No.5561512


USSR prosecuted Menachim Began for Zionism (see his book White Nights). Communists do not like competition.

f7cff5  No.5561513


What sort of government are we reduced to when we must have a vote on hate? Who would vote in favor of hate? Maybe a government who voted in favor of dead babies

4fd4af  No.5561514



5190a8  No.5561515


“Now therefore, hear the word of the LORD:

You say, 'Do not prophesy against Israel, and do not spout against the house of Isaac.'

Therefore thus says the LORD: 'Your wife shall be a harlot in the city;

Your sons and daughters shall fall by the sword;

Your land shall be divided by survey line;

You shall die in a defiled land;

And Israel shall surely be led away captive from his own land.'"

c4cdce  No.5561516

File: 9fd0e48708e6471⋯.png (530.45 KB, 642x1060, 321:530, cohn.png)

e0f5c6  No.5561517

File: ee33cae844ac1a0⋯.jpeg (40.3 KB, 480x427, 480:427, 99EEE5F0-72C1-4A41-A7F2-4….jpeg)


Can a creative anon make another one of these memes with PARTY OF RAPE on it please? Thank you in advance.

ff8ea5  No.5561518

File: 860581436285d2d⋯.png (769.5 KB, 607x774, 607:774, NSA re Booth 1753 3-7-19.PNG)

File: dbc7ed5c7523dfc⋯.png (12.1 KB, 422x252, 211:126, Q 53.PNG)

File: b75c8202fb5605f⋯.png (14.44 KB, 399x338, 399:338, Q 1753.PNG)


Booth 1753

#Innovation is flexible, like yoga and #NSA’s #integratedcircuits. Visit our inventor and get his autograph today! Booth 1753 #RSAC


Bread 7110



485314  No.5561519

Psalm 9:9 ESV

The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.


07a9f8  No.5561520


ruling class: world wide elite, connectied via masonry and illuminati orders

jews included, but obviously not only jews and not every jew.

shill tactic:

Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?


a162e9  No.5561521


That's precisely WHY they framed MJ, that catalogue was worth BILLIONS after decades. They were pressuring him to sell it. When he myseriously "died", guess what happened? The MJ estate (NOT controlled by the family but by the conspirators) sold it back to Sony for a measily 750 million.

4fd4af  No.5561522


He fake died.

eb6790  No.5561523

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, Jewish_Ritual_Murder_Dr_To….png)

File: 52a65c3f4d3b745⋯.png (184.03 KB, 1576x1000, 197:125, Jewish_Ritual_Murder_Dr_To….png)

File: e40c407ab1f7feb⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 800x9957, 800:9957, Jewish_Ritual_Murder_Dr_To….jpg)


Blood-libel is based on a real phenomena.

Its well documented :)

fda205  No.5561524


fuck off Dilley

f431a6  No.5561525

File: 5fe66442bf59775⋯.png (359.37 KB, 601x607, 601:607, Pepe yellow vest girl 2.png)

File: 93ff38a9ee0d1ef⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1002x1505, 1002:1505, Pepe german girl.png)

b02925  No.5561526


>We are stuck between globalists and zionists fighting.

That's good. Makes sense to me.

bdd253  No.5561527




81779d  No.5561528

Hello and goodbye.

JQ Research

Body Language

This shit weasel:


b68369  No.5561529


>How's Oprah's 'faith healer, John of God', by the way?

sketchy. probably worth a dig.

also strongly promoted by one of oprah's proteges Gabrielle Bernstein



>How's Oprah's 'faith healer, John of God', by the way?

Everything looks different once you know what a smear campaign looks like, doesn't it

c8397b  No.5561530

File: 75db2813e42bcea⋯.png (179.83 KB, 400x312, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)

0d192a  No.5561532

5b34f3  No.5561533


Or 7/3…

b68369  No.5561534


WWG1WGA Patriot.

7e3774  No.5561535

File: 3f92a27ccd14386⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 848x576, 53:36, onstellar_e15ec856c67d74b3….jpg)



In Q Tel is interdasting. Are they used to fund puppets like Zuck?

e40ad9  No.5561536


Weinstein took the hit for Hollywood, so the rest could keep perving on. Sacrificial scapegoats are not uncommon.

b4ccc1  No.5561537


He was clearly abused as a child, and sadly many such abuse victims become victimizers.

You're right, that is the case, sometimes. The cycle continues. Doesn't mean it ALWAYS does. People CAN and DO break that cycle.

He was Acquitted of ALL charges in court though. Now we're supposed to believe 2 people flipping their story years later after Michael passed. Just two guys looking for money. Cleared in court now we are supposed to take these guys on their word? Imagine if we believed Kavanaugh's bullshit accusers or Jussie Smollett's MAGA hoax.

People lie for selfish reasons and sometimes those people are puppets to a larger agenda at play. You know that though, YOU'RE HERE.

3e3a13  No.5561538


The World Bank can be sued when its overseas investments go awry. And so can some other international organizations.

That is the clear message from the U.S. Supreme Court, which last week issued a 7-1 decision in Jam v. International Finance Corporation, ruling for the first time that international financial institutions, including various branches of the bank and other U.S.-based organizations like the Inter-American Development Bank, can be subject to lawsuits in cases where their investments in foreign development projects are alleged to have caused harm to local communities.

The decision overturns a decades-old presumption dating to the founding of the World Bank in 1945 — that the IFC, a Washington, D.C.-based branch of the World Bank Group that finances private-sector projects in developing countries, and other bank-affiliated organizations are fully immune from such suits.

The Jam suit, which was filed in 2015, is far from over. With the fundamental immunity issue resolved, it will return to a federal circuit court in Washington, D.C., this spring for further battles over the facts of the case, and it may not be decided for years. In the meantime, at least one other major suit against the IFC is now gaining steam in response to last week's decision, and more could follow as international financial organizations grapple with this new standard of accountability for the unintended consequences of their investments.

Article continues after sponsor message

"This decision certainly opens the door for more lawsuits," says Mark Wu, an international trade law scholar at Harvard Law School who was not involved in the suit. "It may cause [international financial institutions] to be more cautious in the operations of the projects themselves."

Wu added that the new legal liability might make the World Bank think twice about whether to fund projects that could come with high environmental or social risks.

The decision could make it possible for millions of people around the world to seek compensation for environmental and human rights abuses associated with internationally financed development projects.

The World Bank and its affiliates are vital sources of funding for international development projects, and many of their projects are completed without complaint. But some are highly controversial. An ongoing series by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has found that more than 3 million people, across every continent, have been physically or economically displaced by World Bank-funded projects over the past decade.

Who's suing?

The Jam lawsuit, the first of its kind against a World Bank institution, was brought in 2015 by a group of farmers and fishermen living in Gujarat, a coastal state in western India (several of whom share the surname "Jam"). They alleged that the nearby Tata Mundra coal-fired power plant, which came online in 2012, had contaminated local water sources and led to a decline in fish populations, severely disrupting their livelihoods.

The plant was built with a $450 million loan from the IFC. The IFC, the fishermen allege, did not follow through on a commitment it made as a part of the loan to ensure that the project adhere to stringent environmental safeguards and is therefore responsible for the damage. The group is being represented by EarthRights International, a D.C.-based legal nonprofit that is the driving force behind the suit.

The case was brought in U.S. court because the IFC is based in the United States and because the injury in question is linked to an allegedly irresponsible decision, made in the U.S., to finance the power plant despite the risks.

The IFC, for its part, argued that it was protected from lawsuits by a 1945 law granting U.S.-based international organizations "the same immunity from suit and every form of judicial process as is enjoyed by foreign governments," and that changing that standard would unleash a flood of baseless litigation. The case reached the Supreme Court in part because lower courts had disagreed on their interpretation of the immunity issue.

5284be  No.5561539


Nunes is about the refer Clapper for Lying and FISA abuse, and he knows it.

He said on Hannity last night that all the referrals will drop at the same time.

The day of Habbenings in close.

f63438  No.5561540


It's a creepy hand job from pelosi


Old nasty faggot goy kike handjob from sack of shit pelosi cause daniel Faggot brand lotion of TAvistock is cimpeteing with standard oil tranny grease


b5dbdc  No.5561541

File: 1d9394061864e87⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 672x500, 168:125, bush-funeral.jpg)

09a2a8  No.5561542

File: d7fca6918e139fd⋯.png (7.86 KB, 255x116, 255:116, have a beer pepe.png)



cbadcc  No.5561543


Well if the song is disclosure..

No doubt that house has been the ruin of many a poor boy…

Somewhere in my digs I read about a honeypot house in NEw Orleans that was similar to the playboy mansion in that is was wired with cameras for blackmail-

Also, there is vampire shit goin down.

eb6790  No.5561544

File: 485a57f6aa31134⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 485a57f6aa3113493ba2d813f8….png)

File: 86a4bc7fd21c47e⋯.jpg (149.26 KB, 898x671, 898:671, 1536494947173.jpg)

File: 14fcd6a83fb092d⋯.jpg (176.25 KB, 1305x823, 1305:823, IDF_Deserter_admits_Genoci….jpg)

File: 89db862ae2f89da⋯.png (130.91 KB, 941x733, 941:733, Israel_Deir_Yasin_massacre….PNG)

File: fd32cd38ce16730⋯.png (526.89 KB, 585x631, 585:631, Israel_Gaza_call_for_cut_o….PNG)


>Israel dindu nufin!


>But their woes are not traced to Israel or the Jews.

Pics related.

8768cb  No.5561545


One weekend of Street Art by anons in every major U.S. city would do the job. Concentrate on the swing/important states in 2020. Spray paint stencils and just out of reach stickers of “Q?” nationwide would cause EVERY metropolitan news paper to run a story of the phenomenon. Hell, we caused a nationwide sensation in the ‘70s with


Why can’t the same be done with


Come on anons, become the urban guerillas for one weekend BE BEST and


a21bcd  No.5561546

File: 1a864ea7ae011fd⋯.png (536.97 KB, 744x1418, 372:709, Matteo Salvini on Twitter_….png)

File: 2679f303f88f018⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Come promesso nella mia vi….mp4)



f838b1  No.5561547

File: f7343464c10f39b⋯.png (102.54 KB, 480x427, 480:427, DemPartyOfRape.png)

c1ba75  No.5561548


>Where were you in 2015? Had you even heard of Pepe or the chans yet?

There is only Q.

ea8ae2  No.5561549

File: ef78aebeb915a01⋯.png (231.22 KB, 597x632, 597:632, twitter_com_kaitlancollins….png)

File: 90ddb6724f54af5⋯.mp4 (10.84 MB, 768x432, 16:9, White House pressures Repu….mp4)

White House pressures Republicans to vote against national emergency rebuke


18777d  No.5561550

File: c74f8d6dedd48e0⋯.jpg (65.7 KB, 645x387, 5:3, monster dump.jpg)



7a69fe  No.5561551

Michael Jackson died from an overdose, guy was a drug addict.

120dfc  No.5561552


>ruling class

public class Ruling {

string name;

int ruling;

public Ruling (string n, int r) {

name = n;

ruling = r;



e40ad9  No.5561553


I cannot rule one way or the other, but some red flags exist. It is now between him and God.

9f0cc9  No.5561554


No he didnt. Theyre all going down

07a9f8  No.5561555


nope, you just try to say that.

in fact both Q and POTUS spoke out against division a lot.

Member that POTUS family is partially jewish?

you glow.

This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.


df160f  No.5561556


>Are you honestly on here defending MSM?

e17357  No.5561557


There is a treatment, called GITMO

3e3a13  No.5561558

0295cb  No.5561559

File: f3ddabef7d5f6cf⋯.png (83.97 KB, 434x374, 217:187, ClipboardImage.png)



4800e9  No.5561560

File: d96b8f949ec2c5b⋯.jpg (168.75 KB, 920x766, 460:383, Au-Ag.jpg)


>Silver 25th Anniversary

0cf817  No.5561561


Wouldn’t surprise me. He’s had some defenders - including Corey Feldman, though don’t know how trustworthy he is…his Neverland is rumored by some to be a sort of a sanctuary. I have little doubt that MJ himself was abused, and perhaps he was trying to protect kids…he did speak out harshly against the entertainment moguls…and then he was dead.

368892  No.5561562



The Rising Sun = Honey Trap

5ddfe5  No.5561563


McCartney asked Jackson if he could borrow money to buy back his share of the Beatles Rights, Jackson turned around and bought them.

McCartney has stated all of this. It is no coincidence that Jackson's pedo accusations began after McCartney was Knighted into the Order of the Red Garter.

ab149b  No.5561564

File: ab24d358f25382f⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, theyliveoldlady.jpg)

a0c5a4  No.5561565


This is not news. He would have served his Country, regardless.

And the wall isn’t proposed sea to sea. So, what sort of ridiculousness is Fox pushing?

e5308c  No.5561566



one meaningless buzz word defined by another meaningless buzz word

you lose

you failed as predicted

663083  No.5561567

File: 791f05fab846716⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 792x612, 22:17, ncaa.jpg)

eb6790  No.5561568

File: 36b1342306f2752⋯.jpeg (99.45 KB, 539x640, 539:640, Holohoax_survivors_increa….jpeg)


Why is she worried about holocaust survivors?

They on a bullish trend!

c8397b  No.5561569

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

eef1e5  No.5561570

Getting tired of reading q shit that's been known for years…

Are we going to have happenings or is this just a history lesson of the obvious?

5190a8  No.5561571


it's the ol' "hot tub=/=Jacuzzi" debate

f5648a  No.5561572

File: 51cfd9cc752e297⋯.jpg (140.82 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2vh7hv[1].jpg)

a162e9  No.5561573


I want Q to give a drop or two on Michael Jackson, he was friends with POTUS and POTUS defended him when no one else will.

6e919a  No.5561574

File: c870262c6fab8f9⋯.png (387.54 KB, 445x556, 445:556, a8b87ae6436a88ff4dad53b6b9….png)

File: de1fb95efc1e81c⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 479x330, 479:330, cffc2e455061ef29eafe5b4063….jpg)

File: 42d8c8a2faf4c50⋯.png (482.72 KB, 935x681, 935:681, 073772a77c401759830f867a55….png)

File: 96188aed6782b29⋯.png (120.34 KB, 422x634, 211:317, 27bbe4513f4541df208cc7f4d4….png)

File: bbd540250d5a8e3⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 770x415, 154:83, 8946ce8ae21d08e26d6145240e….jpg)

f431a6  No.5561575

File: 55eba9049b5ddb8⋯.jpg (192.12 KB, 800x500, 8:5, French Q Reasearch Team Ba….jpg)

File: f7bba04f848f8a0⋯.jpg (192.58 KB, 800x500, 8:5, French Q research badge in….jpg)

File: 73dbdbdb2f691ed⋯.jpg (143.79 KB, 693x500, 693:500, Germany Research Team Badg….jpg)

7a69fe  No.5561576

File: b0b7efbd51e52ff⋯.jpg (173.79 KB, 1300x1214, 650:607, downloadfile-37.jpg)

America's most prolific child molester.

65a66a  No.5561577

548d2c  No.5561578

File: 52519a8054e1b61⋯.png (30.3 KB, 467x224, 467:224, 000000.png)

Joe M unless you step up immediately and explain to that piece of shit that the real concerns are coming from the very place that he stole the data from then you will be lumped in with him as you will be seen as clearly running interference for the true issue which I know you read from these breads.

He may not read the breads (which is becoming clearly evident) but I know you do and if you continue to deflect the very valid and logical anon statements here you will be lumped in with that group.

70683a  No.5561579



slurping jew cockery

f5648a  No.5561580

File: 51f6cfb5a3a4e67⋯.jpg (63.73 KB, 512x500, 128:125, 2vh7n9[1].jpg)


485314  No.5561581

Listen You… IF You do not believe on Him?

Times of trouble are on You.

It is Written.

It is explained fully.


09a2a8  No.5561582

File: a1925fcd638d51f⋯.jpg (557.34 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.jpg)


yeh so was the JOKER.

come on anon… get real.

e6a384  No.5561583

File: 0cbb1a17a0f43fd⋯.jpg (15.77 KB, 550x395, 110:79, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg)

f63438  No.5561584

File: c1355e03306280e⋯.png (74.12 KB, 590x366, 295:183, E16623A8-CA5E-4186-B7F4-8F….png)

18777d  No.5561585

File: bd33076e4838ea4⋯.jpeg (8.57 KB, 255x116, 255:116, Pepe bitch slap.jpeg)

f0c876 (8)

168b32  No.5561586


with the St. Charles house?

ba28dc  No.5561587

File: 32fb0fe56aac24a⋯.gif (147.28 KB, 650x502, 325:251, 9F22B92D-1955-415C-B58C-EF….gif)


Makes me wonder what Cosby had that he wouldn’t give them. They killed his son and then destroyed him. Why?

Jello Pudding?

4fd4af  No.5561588

File: 669cfb5c927f24f⋯.jpg (208.16 KB, 793x529, 793:529, 2ndAmendment4Women.jpg)

9127ef  No.5561589


Sure he did, he absolutely took the PEDOPHILE hit for HW so it looked like HW was confronting their problem, oh wait no he didn't and convicted child molesters are still employed in direct contact with kids? Holy shit weird. HW is run by Jews, wow, even weirder, who knew..

Fuck off, shill

6e919a  No.5561590

File: 79ef33f488e4ed1⋯.png (243.61 KB, 1022x699, 1022:699, 32657e30fbaa76e7c6c5310261….png)

File: 29082805afa5f73⋯.png (361.82 KB, 898x691, 898:691, 1585eea1c0e676949283a09b96….png)

File: c934d2a56ab8431⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 1024x518, 512:259, 133afc24f95b716bd453371792….jpg)

File: b21d416c22c2276⋯.png (587.53 KB, 999x695, 999:695, 72fae42e6412bb16a77dff5c25….png)

File: 4dcccff8f2af86d⋯.png (177.31 KB, 643x457, 643:457, 8690f8e4039f6a9ea8847defea….png)

bdd253  No.5561591




e40ad9  No.5561592


POTUS should build the wall without the emergency declaration as an official from DoD or related agency testified a few weeks ago.

8ef4d0  No.5561593

Possible pedowood update:

Enty Lawyer from CDAN Crazy Days and Nights posted this in 2017:


Today's Blind Items - St. Charles House Of Horrors

It is still there. It is still owned by the same people who have owned the house for hundreds of years. There is a sprawling house on St. Charles Street in New Orleans that has been used by politicians and celebrities as a secret pleasure den for almost 100 years.

Over the years the owners have remodeled several times. The most recent of these remodels took place within the past decade. Unbeknownst to the various guests of the establishment, each room has been wired for video and sound.

One of the reasons this A+ list mostly movie actor has been drinking himself to death is the video he has seen of himself having sex with a 13 year old girl multiple times over a three week period.

There was a political candidate who had all the backing and money in the world last year on the Republican side. He was then shown a video of himself with two college guys engaged in several hours of sex. After that, the candidate just kind of gave up. He went through the motions, but that was about it. He was given a consolation prize to make sure he is there if they need him.

In the past week, all of this is threatening to come out of the shadows. Apparently one of the masterminds behind it, got into an argument with his father. The father, one of the wealthiest men in the world was killed this week in a freak accident. The thing is though, there was nothing accidental about it.

You know who was a very frequent guest to the house on St. Charles? This disgraced A+ list movie producer. Do you know who helped set him up? This A+ list mostly movie actor who lives down there and heard two separate stories from two A list actress girlfriends who had both been raped by the producer.

That producer led to buzz and more buzz and more noise. It also provided cover for people who were forced out. Want your wife to find out about the sex games you like playing with college girls? Then, now might be a good time to retire.

The house on St. Charles is money central in the South. Super PAC's, movie financing. It is all entwined.

$10M to one Super PAC came from two donations. A movie was filmed in New Orleans last year. Two of the actresses in the movie were, at separate times, provided some information about visits their respective A list husbands had made to the house. The next thing you know, two separate checks had been written. $3M from one A lister and $7M from an A+ lister. Oh, and that A+ lister? He had to couch up another $5M this year. Apparently he is OK with being caught with a guy even though he is in the closet. He does draw the line at him with tween boys though. His actress wife thought it was just guys he liked and not boys. Since she found that out last year, they have spent a total of about 10 days together.

What is the purpose of all of this? I don't know. I do know though it is causing chaos. It will be interesting to see what kind of order comes out of this.


And then today posted this:


Blind Item #13

They made very sure that infamous house burned to the ground.


2525 St. Charles Avenue NOLA burned to the ground very late February 2019 the guesses about the A list drunk with the 13 year old were Affleck. I dunno… So much habbening…..

09a2a8  No.5561594

File: f407f1c6a1e6762⋯.jpeg (12.85 KB, 255x205, 51:41, noted and sent to the bos….jpeg)

07a9f8  No.5561595


muh jew is shilling.

Israel is used by global DS to create division.

soon this will end.


e0f5c6  No.5561596

File: 533cfc40fe832f9⋯.jpeg (95.21 KB, 626x621, 626:621, D434E641-D8AA-425F-8B05-7….jpeg)


Noice! Got any updated versions of this fine meme with Bill?

f0c876  No.5561597


Weak deflection. It was known long before now he was a pedo. Hence the court cases and the huge payoffs.

168b32  No.5561598


synchronicity… just aksed about St. Charles

4fd4af  No.5561599


Colt 45..Quigley

bd3047  No.5561600

File: 5adf7335e85911b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2026x1212, 1013:606, Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at ….png)


Just throwing this one out there to see if it'll stick.

How about the reason the Epstein case has been reopened is because Mueller was the head of the FBI back then.

Mueller has reopened the case against Epstein, because Trump gave him a way to absolve his (Mueller's) past mistakes?

Also, it seems this could be the end of the 'investigations' and other BS.

Close or far?

0aa05b  No.5561601


Thx. I've been trying to pick up the pace because I can see the finish line. I want to help but I'm frustrated because so many employ a 'willful suspension of disbelief'. I've been most successful with others in just covering news and not mentioning Q at all. That seems to trigger the 'its a conspiracy' chemical in their brains and nothing works after that. I was trying to focus on Facebook in the hopes that he would start to become curious.

161150  No.5561602

Everyone is against anti-Semitism. What are people going to do when they find out what an actual Semite is?

b218ab  No.5561603

New Q incoming

a5fbe9  No.5561604

File: 4a607844e5da25f⋯.png (64.84 KB, 226x215, 226:215, 2018-11-20_23-37-40.png)


Lot of evil sheeit in that pic.

7a69fe  No.5561605

File: 396407319796731⋯.jpg (39.55 KB, 500x426, 250:213, 2vg7ic_1.jpg)

64b389  No.5561606



he was murdered with propofol

0b0a2a  No.5561607


Sorry Dustin, we don't forget

f63438  No.5561608


I don't believe daniel faggot is still here trying to make a buck from baby flesh, like the old days selling Romans to time travelers

683df0  No.5561609


>Y O G A

Your Objectives Guidelines and Assessment

0d192a  No.5561610


Don't make Cosby sound like some sort of good guy. He raped as a hobby.

c8397b  No.5561611

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)


Judaism isn't a religion! KEKEKEKEKEKEK! Your jewspeak won't change anything. Your days are numbered and you know it. Why else would you be here fighting so hard to hide the truth about your mongrel group of cousin fucking inbred goblins?

d6f062  No.5561612

Democrat congressman Jerry Nadler, leading the investigative charge against President Donald Trump, has a son whose firm is trying to get access to Trump documents for their clients in numerous lawsuits against President Trump.

“Congressman Jerry Nadler has a big conflict,” our source tells Big League Politics in Washington, D.C.


fda205  No.5561613


Congress making referals to DOJ 2 yrs after the fact is BS.

And DOJ not already investigating is like waiting for the Mayor to tell you to investigate a bank robbery. Why does DOJ need a refereal from Congress to investigate crime?

c23d41  No.5561614


Here is another MS employee whose is also a former DARPA researcher:

>>4532922 Christopher White, head of DARPA MEMEX Project

eb6790  No.5561615

File: abfe2fa443613af⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1480x6928, 185:866, Theodor_Herlz_meme_zionist….jpg)


>define zionism

I let the father of modern political zionism do it for me, pic related 1.

>define judaism

The most basic way to define judaism is this: Jewish racial supremacism. Quote related:


In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance: "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His Chosen People and place them under His protection … God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:

"God … said to Abraham … You shall circumcise the flesh of

the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me

and you." GENESIS: 17:9-13

With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, “no male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew … it reminds him of the doctrine of the chosen people.” [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, Chosen," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?

"Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that – if they obeyed the laws and demands of God – they would someday be as "numerous as the stars."


SOURCE: http://archive.is/1IEWq

bdd253  No.5561616


>ecause Trump gave him a way to absolve his (Mueller's) past mistakes?

This is interdasting. No idea if it is true, but very interdasting indeed.

ff8ea5  No.5561617

File: ed9b13054f0eba0⋯.png (27.09 KB, 592x312, 74:39, Krashaar re David Duke re ….PNG)

File: 4619ee64141c257⋯.png (61.57 KB, 594x398, 297:199, Bernstein re David Duke re….PNG)


Being endorsed by David Duke used to be a clear sign your rhetoric was beyond the pale.


What would it take to get David Duke to express love and enthusiasm for a black Muslim woman immigrant to the U.S.? @IlhanMN, that's what.


e311db  No.5561618

File: 5726bd14777b311⋯.png (110.49 KB, 270x275, 54:55, 270px-IAO-logo.png)

IAO defunded in 2003? Riiiiiight….

Program was shifted into other DARPA projects after the backlash.

Was Lifelog one of them Q?

0cf817  No.5561619


Cosby tried to buy GE…and he was too much of a socially conservative voice to young black men.

f0c876  No.5561620


Israel was started and is owned by the Rothschild's. Doesn't get any deeper than that.

90b95b  No.5561621


Swiped, saved and posted to twatter. Great job, anon!

94dfe8  No.5561622


Bob Hope was the Illuminati KING. Who replaced him? I don't know.

Also, it should be made clear that the Illuminati is divided into different millieus. Military, cultural (Hollywood), religious, financial, etc. If Weld is the queen, she is the queen of the cultural millieu.

The world is run by the interlocking governments of London, Vatican and Wash DC or District of Columbia: "Empire of the City"

The other thing is the Illuminati (Druidic) is divided into the "liberal" faction (Welds, who, btw have power over the Rockefellers, Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) - Pindar, Cavendish (Kennedy) etc). and the hard right with groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, etc.

However, they all want the same thing (One world order) but they have different ways of going about it. Both sides are evil; however, the right is more evil, imho. For example, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are tools of the left. They want to kill off most of the population through things like vaccines, gmos, the medical industry. The hard right pushes for wars

Then beneath them, the "Committee of 300". These families include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. There are many others.

f63438  No.5561623


I don't believe daniel faggot is still here trying to make a buck from baby flesh, like the old days selling Romans to time travelers >>5561591

bd3047  No.5561624


I have no proof, just a thought I came up with.

9127ef  No.5561625


Political candidate was Rick Perry

Pretty sure one of the closeted dudes was Will Smith

c8397b  No.5561626

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 76d6b5f050757da⋯.jpg (673.36 KB, 1196x676, 23:13, massoy.jpg)


>one meaningless buzz word defined by another meaningless buzz word

>you lose

>you failed as predicted

Die in a gas chamber kike.

ba28dc  No.5561628


Wonder (((who))) taught him that trick?

9f0cc9  No.5561629


Ty anon

0bb6e0  No.5561630


Da Fuq did i just stumble onto




Welcome to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado and Its Jurisdiction’s website. We oversee 10 lodges throughout Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. Our lodges are made up of Military and Civilian Men dedicated to this honorable institution which make good men better men!

(pictures of the masons all have upside down stars as the “keystone” of their necklaces)

still digging. Oh, and they have connections to Columbine, Colorado.

0c259a  No.5561631


Oh dear. Everyone thinks i am freddie. But i am not. I watched him for a while and know who he is when he posts on here though. You guys really need to learn how to laugh and especially laugh at yourselves. You take yourselves much too seriously and it is makimg you bitter, hateful and angry at the world.

When people lose the ability to laugh at themselves you end up with things like ISIS, Hamas, Zionism, the holocaust, the hutu and tutsis, genocides, holy wars in the name of god and endless human suffering.

Learn to laugh my friend.

5ddfe5  No.5561632


Agreed. Most naive comment I have read in 12 hours. That doctor killed him, straight up. How the hell do you become addicted to a drug that is used to knock people out for SURGERY, that must be administered by a DOCTOR.

07a9f8  No.5561633


nope, this is not a debate. never was.

it´s muh jew shills shilling and anons posting Q drops to call them out for newfags.

They want you DIVIDED.











a162e9  No.5561634

File: a11fcc8eb556676⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 405x608, 405:608, mikey266.jpg)


This is PRECISELY who I thought Q was referring to. Michael Jackson constantly talked about the suffering of children all over the world. Perhaps MJ exposed everything, and then as a result they tried to destroy the guy and ultimately killed him.

I feel it in my heart.

e5068e  No.5561635

blah blah blah

ab149b  No.5561636

File: ad01f8aa4de638b⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 500x375, 4:3, spocklogical.gif)

5b34f3  No.5561637

File: f4a055a0bece4ec⋯.png (288.13 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e320e7f88e706ad⋯.png (245.18 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02c7895d05061bd⋯.png (171.03 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea365dc8cfa08b2⋯.png (207.99 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d9d990803302d4⋯.png (135.92 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

bdd253  No.5561638


>I have no proof, just a thought I came up with.

It is a very plausible reasoning for the situation if Mueller was flipped and offered complete immunity. He could bring down so many crimes from the past in one fell swoop.

c196f7  No.5561639

Notables So Far

Any missed?

#7111 Baker Change

>>5561162 Denmark police prosecute 14 over sharing Morocco hikers 'murder video'

>>5561225 Netflix chief marketing officer to leave

>>5561239 Michael Jackson's body 'may be EXHUMED as 11 new accusers come forward'

>>5561421 House Democrats to Vote THURSDAY on Resolution ‘Against Hate’

>>5561549 White House pressures Republicans to vote against national emergency rebuke

9148f8  No.5561640

File: c8e3811834a4f29⋯.jpg (52.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, frogs1.jpg)



f838b1  No.5561641

File: 10136b166eb2e82⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 577x374, 577:374, BernieRapeQuote.jpg)

File: 41864f93e31fa8f⋯.jpg (277.77 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pete_D_BabyRape.jpg)

File: d9ca405d6ce0e01⋯.jpg (61.76 KB, 750x759, 250:253, DemRape.jpg)

File: ddf5247175ac47e⋯.jpeg (105.8 KB, 750x737, 750:737, BabyRapeTattoosteve-o.jpeg)

File: 9b7ab8d5c591058⋯.jpg (107.58 KB, 1024x954, 512:477, RapedKidsPedo.jpg)


Got a few related, maybe not exactly on target

0b0a2a  No.5561642

File: b9511a8325cefd6⋯.jpeg (92.7 KB, 498x321, 166:107, fullsizeoutput_2006.jpeg)

64b389  No.5561643

I wonder what alias account MZ actually uses on twitter

he has to be on there

6e919a  No.5561644

File: b35a0d8b1fd3671⋯.png (180.87 KB, 619x476, 619:476, 5d8ddba0d9a6f6f426b7f63527….png)

File: 23fe3e3e14b18e3⋯.png (399.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 966a23f144bad21d94ccd72183….png)

File: cdcd06b95feb83c⋯.jpg (160.34 KB, 737x1024, 737:1024, 087cfac5fac62bdf0d3b14862c….jpg)

File: a845afe196746b4⋯.png (426.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, c0b398e1a81aad77fef36ad85a….png)

Probably most.

0d192a  No.5561645


You have fatigue.

07a9f8  No.5561646


you glow, namefagging shill.

bd022e  No.5561647

File: 13425011a3ba406⋯.jpeg (547.41 KB, 1963x1456, 151:112, E2379A65-70E9-4C84-A10F-8….jpeg)

Well, well, well. Looks like Michael Cohen turned only AFTER Potus stopped paying his legal bills.

Starting on page 7 of the pdf document, Section III. The Indemnification Agreement lays out the timeline.

Would like lawfag input on this. Does Cohen have a case?


c8397b  No.5561648

File: 175e0a613f1a2ab⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 800x1057, 800:1057, 800px-Balfour_declaration_….jpg)

File: 8ae754ff601573b⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 720x890, 72:89, 32974142_20435.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7ed.jpg)


>muh jew is shilling.

>Israel is used by global DS to create division.

d52ed5  No.5561649


“Laugh” is the key word here.

286a9f  No.5561650

File: 4e900fac6d0b568⋯.jpeg (635.06 KB, 1412x995, 1412:995, C284D1F6-8A45-4DE5-AEF2-6….jpeg)

328e6c  No.5561651

File: bebb15998750d24⋯.jpg (705.72 KB, 2564x1599, 2564:1599, dspepe.jpg)

0cf817  No.5561652


You really believe they couldn’t conjure up some victims? Even after the Kavanaugh ordeal?

e5308c  No.5561653


yes it will

in the meantime posting the truth about the muhjoo shills has the same effect as posting a request for no more bewbs

it doubles the muhjoo shitpost count

d56c75  No.5561654



eb6790  No.5561655

File: 5fc274b743619eb⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1464x7344, 61:306, Blacks_against_jewish_supr….png)

File: 2f89e7abcd135dd⋯.png (520.33 KB, 599x667, 599:667, Israel_anti_Blacks.png)

File: aafb1a9cd24590e⋯.jpg (559.47 KB, 663x2470, 51:190, Israel_sterelizes_Blacks.jpg)

File: 90ca54ecce9e987⋯.png (116.43 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Israeli_Rabbi_Uses_Black_C….png)

File: d6f6e0e4204496c⋯.png (350.38 KB, 707x453, 707:453, Jews_racist_against_Blacks.png)


Wait until we turn the spot light on the Israeli hate for Blacks.

Neocons in the rep party will be destroyed.

e5068e  No.5561656


i have drunk

4800e9  No.5561657


you're welcome. working into a graphic now. will link you when finished.

f838b1  No.5561658

File: 12ee824a7a26545⋯.jpg (86.79 KB, 728x565, 728:565, DemsRapeLand.jpg)

File: 69863ac90e51a65⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 480x561, 160:187, LizwarrenRape.jpg)

File: d628bfbd1f6d42b⋯.jpg (134.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayDemRape.jpg)

File: d8c92352a3ace64⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 320x480, 2:3, BookerRape doll.jpg)

File: 0239b0a65c04d09⋯.jpg (134.29 KB, 698x888, 349:444, Wait40YrsAccuseRape.jpg)

67aece  No.5561659

File: 8c76e2c82ceeeef⋯.png (186.67 KB, 1081x1864, 1081:1864, ClipboardImage.png)

df160f  No.5561660


You're missing the point entirely.


< It was known

4fd4af  No.5561661

File: dda6e0ab1df8093⋯.jpg (149.45 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, alexander_01.jpg)

File: 92838bcd27c8407⋯.jpg (163.07 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, alexander_02.jpg)

File: d52cab778c7c1a4⋯.jpg (132.12 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, alexander_03.jpg)

f0c876  No.5561662


Fuck your feelz! You're defending pedophilia!

7f80fe  No.5561663

File: 4e2ae53c7b11cf1⋯.png (188.66 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, c437020abb03c1cf569fa84bd1….png)

e0f5c6  No.5561664



0aa05b  No.5561665



Would that make you laugh?

0d192a  No.5561666


30+ is a bit much.

5? I'll give you. 30? Nah. He raped.

92ff67  No.5561667


It's called hiding stuff you hope no one see's…like Uranium One related documents!!!

Yep, they're worried.

3d1ce2  No.5561668


everything ok farmer? you're missed. PU

92efdc  No.5561669


Anon, sometimes things are exactly as presented. Like Weinstein, it was well known throught the industry. Women warned other women and the men turned their heads.

b4ccc1  No.5561670


Ain't that the truth. Things are seen in a whole new light.

f431a6  No.5561671

File: 90f7391c1665391⋯.png (85.33 KB, 480x427, 480:427, Dems party of rape.png)

File: f16ec3ccf685760⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 512x488, 64:61, 2vh8aj.jpg)



gave it an invisible background.

f63438  No.5561672

File: 69278b569af03b7⋯.jpg (144.18 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_4342.JPG)

Our fake Jew hams are tastey

Full of homo

Low in trannys

Can pull a wagon

Grovelling pedo is available

b4eccb  No.5561673


How is "Social media History suggestions" proof of anything?

eb6790  No.5561674

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


You're a shill.

c8397b  No.5561675

File: fd6e2faa1da08c1⋯.jpg (262.2 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, soul_goy.jpg)

File: f8ee9a0ff6dc1e4⋯.png (158.61 KB, 600x540, 10:9, jews_fear_truth.png)

File: 5729b199aa00de7⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 433x410, 433:410, samuel9.jpg)

File: 03be5a4cbba2891⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 641x303, 641:303, shiksa.jpg)




a162e9  No.5561676


Cosby and MJ are polar opposites. MJ did so many good things for charities and children all over the world… Cosby has decades of abuse and rape of women all covered up by pedowood, they finally had to come clean when it was too much and the court unsealed his use of quaalude.

e40ad9  No.5561677


Brad Pitt dated Gwyneth Paltrow who was raped by Weinstein and he lives in New Orleans (at least part time) – and Jolie was also molested by Swinestein

e5308c  No.5561678


you are one of the 4-6%

aefd95  No.5561679

File: a23191b347d035a⋯.jpg (89.87 KB, 820x547, 820:547, !FLYBHO.jpg)

f838b1  No.5561680

File: cb710923372cef9⋯.jpg (154.4 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, ClintonStafferRapeInfants.jpg)

File: be8d89c6de490ed⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 720x600, 6:5, muhammad raped girl Islam ….jpg)

File: 599f17086e66ff3⋯.jpg (128.75 KB, 1078x646, 539:323, AsiaArgentoYOURAPEDALITTLE….jpg)

File: 11975719b9bb0df⋯.jpg (220.9 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, SteveSpieburgHollywoodRape….jpg)

File: 53b1fe26cf9a497⋯.jpg (189.15 KB, 630x519, 210:173, obama_family_white_house_h….jpg)

18777d  No.5561681


you good

7a69fe  No.5561682

File: cabacb8bd112d8b⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 647x500, 647:500, 2vh85e.jpg)

File: 8364c0a1e36cacc⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 810x539, 810:539, Michael-JacksonMAIN.jpg)

Once two of the most popular black men in America.

Now they are disgraced because of their sexual perversions.

95dab8  No.5561683

Consumer Credit Storms Above $4 Trillion, As Credit Card Debt Hits Record High


somebody is leading trump down the wrong road with "greatest econmy ever" mantra and "we need more legal immigrants" mantra

6e919a  No.5561684




Ignore "probably most." Fudged my comments/replies.

584155  No.5561685

File: 47cb384b62f6996⋯.png (45.94 KB, 627x269, 627:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Czech PM tells @POTUS in Oval: "I watched your 2019 State of the Union address and I perfectly understand your plan to make America great again….I have a similar plan"

ab149b  No.5561686

File: ca4292644096311⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, Ye_fl39mo.jpg)


>I feel it in my heart.

i think he was trying to do good…

df160f  No.5561687


> in the hopes that he would start to become curious

you've got a dialogue opened already, that's a great start already… he'll have a lot to connect to when… well, when it's time

b02925  No.5561688


>but we should know where the enemy inside our own party hang out.

What do you mean "we" and "our". Who said you could speak for the anons here, I didn't vote for you! The only party I ever declared I was a member of was on my draft registration-"The party for the re-establishment of Monarchies".

You presumed MUCH.

I support actions, not partys (5 keggers excluded).

07a9f8  No.5561689

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)


i will keep speaking up as we have many newfags lurking every day.


18777d  No.5561690

File: 234b991dfdcbb46⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 255x236, 255:236, Pudding recipe.jpg)

120dfc  No.5561692

File: e4bc94df1e9c040⋯.png (8.96 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, KeksCreek.png)

f0c876  No.5561693


No fuck that, he had sleep overs with little kids. He raped them, their families took him to court, he payed off several people to cover his crimes. You're an idiot and a pedo enabler.

e0f5c6  No.5561694

File: 132dc7ce98138fd⋯.png (958.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9B8F0038-3570-40C0-B0B6-DE….png)


Thanks anon!

e4cf86  No.5561695


My take is that it's just the same optics game we've come to see as "must distance people from Trump who will be part of bringing D's down." They have to be seen as independent thinkers/voices who aren't Trump sycophants. My take… same with Cohen IMHO. "He/they hate/don't like Trump, so they wouldn't have an incentive to side with Trump on 'x' except that it's legit."

e9444f  No.5561696

File: 4490f63d345d028⋯.jpg (115.95 KB, 800x543, 800:543, IQT.jpg)

eb6790  No.5561697



I was just destroying the narrative that the shill was trying to paint that communism = anti-Semitism

If it wasn't for Jews, there would be no communism.

ba28dc  No.5561698



Hard to know what’s real or make-believe in wonderland.

b199ad  No.5561699



^^^^^^^magic numbers yeah^^^

Or Trump reopens the case since Herr Mueller knows where all the sex slave farms are?

161150  No.5561700




All good points. I dont know what to think about Dershowitz, other than he had to be in the know, even if he was only there "once". He probably weaseled his way to Trump as soon as he saw trouble coming.

0b0a2a  No.5561701


Here's my theory. They'll dig up the body, find out the DNA doesn't match (I'm not necessarily saying MJ is innocent), and then the media will pretend to be outraged at the witch hunt for a supposed pedophile. They'll use this to discourage attacking other prominent pedophiles in the future

b02925  No.5561702


>Our fake Jew hams are tastey


>Full of homo


>Low in trannys


>Can pull a wagon


>Grovelling pedo is available

I thought this was maxres's schtick

ff8ea5  No.5561703

File: 79543990bfc87d7⋯.png (560.81 KB, 582x725, 582:725, JWoods re David Duke and O….PNG)

File: c536a12d9a4eee5⋯.png (770.96 KB, 643x751, 643:751, JWoods re David Duke and O….PNG)

File: 811bf4b7c6906cf⋯.png (420.31 KB, 698x908, 349:454, Archive JWoods re David Du….PNG)

Of course. They both hate Jews.



Democrats = KKK = Democrats = Anti Semites

48b48f  No.5561704

File: 2bc7ef1240ed187⋯.png (12.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 00000000000000000000000000….png)

0295cb  No.5561705

File: 74d2d8a31c5b6b8⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 450x450, 1:1, joker.jpg)

f431a6  No.5561706

File: 38534b77261ebc0⋯.jpg (82.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, su9oq.jpg)

b4ccc1  No.5561707


No proof. Acquitted of all charges in court. YOU REALLY did not like his "They Don't Care About Us" song, huh? Long time trigger for you? kek

5284be  No.5561708


Optics Anons.

Huber and Horowitz are way way ahead of the game.

Nunes should come first with referrals then the OIG finding will back Nunes up.

Keep in mind that Nunes looked at Obama's PDB that included surveillance on Trump and his transition team.

Nunes was looking for probable cause for these massive crimes. He did not find that.

Now comes the pain

92ff67  No.5561709

File: e1db1bb28a304c0⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 607x411, 607:411, 2ui0x1.jpg)


(((▪︎Mueller team wants to withhold 3.2 million ‘sensitive’ docs from indicted Russian company▪︎)))

Prosecutors in a case brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team asked a federal judge on Thursday (((to withhold 3.2 million "sensitive" documents))) from the Russian company Concord Management LLC because of national security and law enforcement concerns.

During a court hearing in Washington, government prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich there are about 3.2 million documents that no employee or officer of Concord Management LLC should be allowed to view outside of the United States as part of the discovery process…cont.


17f549  No.5561710


You are not the real "Patriots remember" anon. His photos are always very classy. Nice try, but stick to classy, wholesome, and leave off the clown makeup

f63438  No.5561711

IF your daniel Faggots depraved homo rage can't be fixed with dickbutt

Try a more plastic approach

4fd4af  No.5561712


Maybe yeah, he's either trolling pedowood over the last year or he's a raging pizzahate pedo who calls out other pedos.

65a66a  No.5561713


without some habbenens it is lookin grim… time will tell…. anons keep your powder dry

f838b1  No.5561714

File: b3a88c4e2cc4930⋯.png (382.67 KB, 569x725, 569:725, OprahHelpedRape.png)

File: 5b071aea2f9b786⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 634x479, 634:479, OprahWeinsteinRape.jpg)

File: 6771ee1467e1cd3⋯.jpg (517 KB, 1264x960, 79:60, Pedowood Rape Culture.jpg)

File: 905e2e395015222⋯.jpg (359.12 KB, 1267x709, 1267:709, Faces of Rape Culture.jpg)

File: 0ea75a01121ab82⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BillClintonSexLifeRape.jpg)

aefd95  No.5561715


R.Kelly Much?


a0c5a4  No.5561716


Understood. If the tribunals/justice are real.

If not I guess they’re just assholes.

f0c876  No.5561717


Exhibit A for how we got in the shitstorm we're in. Naive morons and their idol worship.

f63438  No.5561718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b4eccb  No.5561719


The problem is just looking at a girl the wrong way is considered rape now

07a9f8  No.5561720

File: b7282c23e12629e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 800x552, 100:69, JQ_shills8.jpg)


the global DS did that, not s signel jew, not all jews.

most jews don´t know the stuff anons know.

soon they will learn.

muh jew = simpliefied shilling to create division and to give MSM reason to make Q followers look licke nazis.


395c1c  No.5561722


The fact that Repubs are backing away from POTUS' Emergency Bill - is that the same kind of optics you're talking about here?

Because, I think they should stick with the WH on this.

Lousy optics if it's just POTUS, Q and us.

bdd253  No.5561723


>The problem is just looking at a girl the wrong way is considered rape now

stop raping me.

e6a384  No.5561724

File: 2e0a047d1ae2104⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 670x462, 335:231, best_seller_james_woods.jpg)


What a Cute Couple!

18777d  No.5561725

File: fc64e03f882dc44⋯.png (144.66 KB, 679x502, 679:502, 030719 Consumer credit.PNG)

>>5561683 Consumer Credit Storms Above $4 Trillion, As Credit Card Debt Hits Record High

cap/copy for phone fags

After a few months of wild swings, in January US consumer credit normalized rising by $17 billion, in line with expectations, following December's $15.4 billion increase. The continued increase in borrowings saw total credit storm above $4 trillion, and hitting a new all time high of $4.034 trillion on the back of a America's ongoing love affair with auto and student loans, and of course credit cards.

Revolving credit increased by $2.6 billion, a rebound from December's downward revised $939 million, and rising to $1.058 trillion, a new all time high in total credit card debt outstanding.

df160f  No.5561726

File: 87c1d4cafed86c5⋯.jpg (359.31 KB, 585x2081, 585:2081, MAGARIOTmuhdick_39c4c81742….jpg)

File: 54f624ac7fc27a5⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 525x12910, 105:2582, MAGARIOTmuhdick_ef0ebdddc4….jpg)

File: b835d2770c53996⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 802x7562, 401:3781, MAGARIOTmuhdick_H2C6uGpm.jpg)

File: ef0ebdddc4a611b⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 525x12910, 105:2582, MAGARIOTmuhdick_wau1gnug2.jpg)

e5308c  No.5561727


lawfag here

tought to know w/o actually reading the indemnity agreement

however such agrs. typically have many exclusions and exceptions that would apply here

also the simple defense of breach by cohen

plus illegal acts by cohen

dont think he can win

NOPE - denied

92ff67  No.5561728

File: c380e71212c240a⋯.jpg (140.08 KB, 624x280, 78:35, 15510414623135657809620010….jpg)

File: 48c56bc35416417⋯.jpeg (373.82 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 48c56bc354164179220abc05e….jpeg)

548d2c  No.5561729


Seriously, agreed. Patriots wear red, white and blue and love their country. They don't claim patriotism to show themselves as a Harley Quinn hooker "I wanna blow you" look alike. Get some pride and post in country colors at the very least woman.

120dfc  No.5561730

File: 30fe22e917a461f⋯.png (208.95 KB, 2074x514, 1037:257, a82bbcf1b011cbb342282bd7b7….png)

0bb6e0  No.5561731



Seriously, WTF DID I STUMBLE INTO HERE. All grandmasters have top of pyramid with eye embedded. Here is a photo of man and woman with “Syrian Council (?)” on her shirt. They aren’t giving out plaques with the upside down star on it.

How the fuck do these people not realize they are worshipping satan or ISIS?

0aa05b  No.5561732

File: 49d469eed840973⋯.gif (606.65 KB, 800x792, 100:99, pepe_matrix.gif)



eb6790  No.5561733

File: f9c9ab832958175⋯.png (58.12 KB, 485x625, 97:125, KKK_dig.PNG)

File: 04172c6e020a2ba⋯.png (331.55 KB, 1241x460, 1241:460, Jews_KKK_2.PNG)

File: 837896743955747⋯.png (41.06 KB, 593x459, 593:459, Jews_KKK.PNG)

File: 8a8c236b94387de⋯.jpg (365.78 KB, 717x606, 239:202, 5_kkk.jpg)

File: 294560d51427e68⋯.jpg (1010.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, KKK_Jews.jpg)


The first KKK was packed with Jews.


f838b1  No.5561734

File: feb92ff3f42e431⋯.png (63.94 KB, 262x192, 131:96, Podesta NK rape children.png)

File: 210aeef69bee11e⋯.png (203.93 KB, 486x351, 18:13, Bill Clinton rape victims.png)

File: ec5699d70e617d9⋯.jpeg (111.44 KB, 960x950, 96:95, WalkawayBelieveSurvivorsE….jpeg)

File: 583dcf7ddaa316c⋯.png (685.83 KB, 799x1011, 799:1011, Rape Team.png)

File: 789d11fda1ad595⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Takei Drug and Rape.jpg)

b6e00e  No.5561735

File: 9d27af2e23cca8e⋯.png (2.76 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F38BF8B0-1717-4387-B84F-87….png)

65a66a  No.5561736


while I do believe he did that… paying of people when your rich is just another day of doing business…. take POTUS for example if he wasn't POTUS no one would have heard about horse face

0cf817  No.5561737


Not that many actually testified, though.

ab149b  No.5561738

File: e6c824b59cbc635⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 236x300, 59:75, menbegan.jpg)


hehe…ya got me!

i worship ye!

f969a2  No.5561739


You don't seem to understand how burden of proof works.

No one has to prove a man's innocence. MJ was unusual. But there again, why is it unusual for a man to take an interest in children? Just because we, culturally, have developed a self-imposed isolation between children and adults does not mean that anyone who goes against this is doing so for sexual exploitation.

What people must do is prove the man's guilt. That is often hard in a case of a sexual nature. I will, however, say that these people did not come out and file criminal cases. They filed civil cases and sought damages from his estate.

It is specifically this type of behavior that has led to a situation where society automatically begins to doubt people who make claims of rape/assault. People wait for years 'out of fear' - then magically have some crisis of conscience or receive some prompt from the media that "gives them the courage" to jump up and claim they were victims who need to be paid some kind of reparation.

Vultures and scavengers picking over the bones. Even if they were wronged in the past, they are not some variety of lion or guardian to be celebrated.

296d3c  No.5561740

File: 13dbbee50b2100c⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, winningbg.jpg)

Made this for as my wallpaper, throwing out here for anyone who might like to use it as well.


f63438  No.5561741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is a daniel Faggot in recovery self help video

bd3f40  No.5561742

File: 486709497f62ad1⋯.jpeg (122.85 KB, 720x968, 90:121, 1548805974.jpeg)

9127ef  No.5561743


Not to mention women can hold a grudge like a madafka

If it was rape-rape, they would have at least tried to get him done up back when

More like he wham-bammed a bunch of chicks that thought they were going to get something other than the D out of the deal, and they didn't, stayed mad

c8397b  No.5561744

File: ff1e300389f1fea⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 640x396, 160:99, glowindark.jpg)

File: ed93f5cea3fdff9⋯.jpg (281.05 KB, 867x392, 867:392, sataniccore.jpg)

548d2c  No.5561745


Dear God is that real?

df160f  No.5561746

MJ being promoted in MSM as pedo

is also to help cement the narrative that pedos are outlandish/extravagant/obvious.

Just like evil bad guys psychopaths in the movies.

All painting a picture of EVIL as LOOKING EVIL

663083  No.5561747

File: 99857b9cf7534aa⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 255x177, 85:59, road Q.jpg)

a162e9  No.5561748


Looks like MJ and Kanye knew where the bodies were buried in their field (music, HWood)… MJ was wacked as a result

07a9f8  No.5561749


is your use of (((echos))) impliying it´s was a jooo?

are you impliying that the jooos are the ones to fight?

not masonry and global DS?

you glow and are not at all blended in any more.

(((not))) (((at))) (((all.)))

5ddfe5  No.5561750

>>5561600 How about the reason the Epstein case has been reopened is because Mueller was the head of the FBI back then. *…* Close or far? >>5561600

How about duh?

7e3774  No.5561751



In Q Tel and Endgame -Chris Darby CEO

ef8fc3  No.5561752

APPREHEND [B]arry [S]oetoro

d56c75  No.5561753

File: bacf61260ee95d9⋯.png (259.44 KB, 422x425, 422:425, pepe157.PNG)


We Need Old Pepe with a Cain and a Beard dark sun glasses like ZZtop

e5308c  No.5561754


sorry did not mean to imply you should not

i do as well and see the same result i mentioned

part of the day on the board

carry on fren

610868  No.5561755

File: 0f3bc552ca2ce28⋯.png (206.58 KB, 400x216, 50:27, ClipboardImage.png)

18777d  No.5561756

File: 483f7b6953ddb59⋯.jpg (40.55 KB, 379x426, 379:426, Hey Hey Hey Wait..what.jpg)

5190a8  No.5561757


>nope, this is not a debate. never was.


"And bring an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel."

f1c39b  No.5561758


The House Of The Rising Sun"

There is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I'm one

My mother was a tailor

She sewed my new blue jeans

My father was a gamblin' man

Down in New Orleans

Now the only thing a gambler needs

Is a suitcase and trunk

And the only time he's satisfied

Is when he's on a drunk

[Organ Solo]

Oh mother, tell your children

Not to do what I have done

Spend your lives in sin and misery

In the House of the Rising Sun

Well, I got one foot on the platform

The other foot on the train

I'm goin' back to New Orleans

To wear that ball and chain

Well, there is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I'm one

f63438  No.5561759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More daniel faggot therapy

4800e9  No.5561760

File: 2f10fb184446b68⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 934x430, 467:215, mwphglco.jpg)



>>5553520 pb Q


UPDATE BY LEO: President Obama was in Denver Sept 27th last year when Comet Elenin passed by the earth,

62c6e8  No.5561761

File: 8356a1311cdd5aa⋯.jpg (190.52 KB, 800x533, 800:533, A6_7.jpg)

File: 746db00ae53a044⋯.jpg (7.79 KB, 141x131, 141:131, th8ORYUYGS.jpg)


Great Shot of C130J. Would you mind if I Acquired it ?

How about a swap for a Playboy Bunny ?

f0c876  No.5561762


No nigger, the Rothschild's and the other Jew families they settled it with did it. The Jew knows the Talmud well, too bad you don't.

093776  No.5561763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Fitton

doing his best

HRC remarks

515 thumps up ZERO thumbs down

c23d41  No.5561764


Lots to dig on, hard to know which bits are particularly relevant. Also hard to find out much on DARPA except what they want you to know. MEMEX digg got to a point where it looked like Memex went underground. Big announcements several years ago, then very little about what happened next.

fa802f  No.5561765

Fuck being chemtrailed at my place now again.

FFS end this poisoning!

b68369  No.5561766

File: 7940194a070dde8⋯.jpg (413.05 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Dark-to-Light-Lion-O.jpg)

bd3047  No.5561767

File: 882510840af858e⋯.jpeg (121.13 KB, 550x367, 550:367, iu.jpeg)


What if they are doctors?

c306c2  No.5561768

Q, being candid here. You stay on your side of the fence and TCB, and I'll stay right here TCB'n. WAWY. DUC #342 ~:> out

f63438  No.5561769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even this tranny wants your daniel faggot to seek help

b02925  No.5561770

File: d84d2f29a6f14b1⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, ohhLaLa.jpg)


>a request for no more bewbs

b4ccc1  No.5561771


I'm honored you have to ask. I'm not very good at PS. Yes, shopped. But the original says "Impeach the motherfucker" like she said in that now famous video. I only added, 're-elect the'. Anon posted the original earlier. I accidentally saved over it.

bd022e  No.5561772


Hope so. Like you, I also would like to see the actual agreement. The court document just outlines Cohen’s interpretation of it.

9e1fe7  No.5561773

File: ccd2bda53fbb6a7⋯.png (535.37 KB, 800x800, 1:1, K3KTR00P4.png)


b6735b  No.5561774


>2525 St. Charles Avenue

Anne Grace said she was grateful no one was injured in the fire and expressed particular concern for her grandchildren, who she said adored the house more than anyone.

“She was a grand old lady that served us so well,” she said. “I’m just in shock. This was such a part of New Orleans history.”


a162e9  No.5561775

File: 2d1a9d087943db3⋯.jpg (25.57 KB, 405x575, 81:115, mikey268.jpg)



>Michael Jackson


>Hollywood, Weinstein, Clintons, Wiener Laptop, Epstein Island

If MJ was actually a pedophile, they would protect him just like they do to their lackys. They don't. That tells you everything (not to mention ZERO evidence)

eb6790  No.5561776

File: 0d6fd6c3498a545⋯.jpg (3.85 MB, 4552x3424, 569:428, 5_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 8e6eb04621deb44⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 5288x3968, 661:496, 5_GV_Annex_2_5_GlobalView_….jpg)

File: 74d72ed9c8bcfa4⋯.jpg (3.93 MB, 4552x4376, 569:547, 5_GV_Annex_3_5_GlobalView_….jpg)


Stating facts about Israel and Jews is not shilling, no matter what you call it.

Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing:

http://archive.vn/x5qSo - #1 version 1.2

http://archive.vn/MZp6s – Annex 1 version 0.2

http://archive.vn/ypVpQ - #2, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/nGAey - #3, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/EFTt0 - #4, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/4jdTm - #5, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/iax6J – Annex 2, version 1.1

http://archive.vn/kfR77 – Annex 3, version 1.1

All Jewish collective power needs to be eradicated from the West for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

8a7f8f  No.5561777

File: eb1c59cf26b7ff7⋯.jpeg (60.23 KB, 533x363, 533:363, 3C29A660-6984-4F84-B3D9-5….jpeg)

296d3c  No.5561778


So this is allowed on youtube but not PATRIOTS asking critical questions regarding the establishment…

78fb6b  No.5561779

File: b34ea845846a5ee⋯.jpeg (454.11 KB, 1279x2048, 1279:2048, B2D8B6F6-729E-4899-942D-1….jpeg)


e40ad9  No.5561781


From a legal point of view, I would recommend asking questions rather than declaring someone a pedo or rapist without a criminal indictment or conviction or clear allegation from a victim (and then state it as an alleged crime). Just to protect yourself and others who may post the meme. Eg. one meme asks – what happened to Heather O'rourke with the spielberg photo.

f0c876  No.5561782

File: 9538b2fb4e30022⋯.jpg (22.73 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 64d4fc474923a18a5eba1cfac5….jpg)

084bf6  No.5561783


By Amazon


e6a384  No.5561784


I Can Smell the Regret Brewing!

0cf817  No.5561785


And what happens to every other accuser in Hollywood? For example, those who accused Bryan Singer? You don’t easily get away with those accusations against a major figure…especially back then.

0bb6e0  No.5561786

File: 0a554e861961498⋯.jpeg (201.65 KB, 896x1348, 224:337, 37610943-1851-4592-9BEB-D….jpeg)

File: 28902fc35ea7a76⋯.png (862.25 KB, 828x1071, 92:119, D41411BD-CE96-4F35-81C0-76….png)



07a9f8  No.5561787

92efdc  No.5561788


I know. It is. But, bear in mind that the Cosby case was well on its way long before Harvey was unmasked in a public way.

I myself had heard stories about Cosby as far back as the mid 80s.

I have no doubt.

92ff67  No.5561789

File: 7bd65ceafd4b255⋯.png (371.69 KB, 670x670, 1:1, d6478909d684505af863ddd4f8….png)

File: 5e37d6c66da384d⋯.jpg (232.33 KB, 764x727, 764:727, 5e37d6c66da384dbbb0fd625f6….jpg)

File: 7e545ccc32f71b8⋯.jpg (210.12 KB, 766x680, 383:340, 7e545ccc32f71b8019f1cb5910….jpg)

File: 287b9c9ba588e5a⋯.jpg (80.29 KB, 720x890, 72:89, 1 1_190m_p39oiqw1dK1rdxkq5….jpg)



Wrong…it was packed with Dem's because…..they founded the KKK!!!

fa802f  No.5561790


plus the shekels 2 billion of them

b199ad  No.5561791

File: 643985babea28f8⋯.jpeg (947.72 KB, 960x829, 960:829, 1E6BA7AD-E141-4317-BF55-6….jpeg)

c23d41  No.5561792

>>5561725 Consumer Credit Storms Above $4 Trillion, As Credit Card Debt Hits Record High


eb6790  No.5561793

File: 56bd00697737c68⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 498x645, 166:215, Circumcision_is_shit.jpg)

File: 5aef426c0b9a4e3⋯.png (740.03 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, Circumcision_kills_baby.png)

File: cc1bea1f19a97d9⋯.png (2.94 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, Jew_Circumcision_3_No_Bene….png)

File: 25f145bdc6a822b⋯.png (652.45 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 1_Jew_Circumcision_2_Traum….png)

File: 7bba66d6110e71f⋯.jpg (100.2 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, Rabbi_sucks.jpg)


Name calling AND projection.

Cry more traitor :)

09a2a8  No.5561794

File: cea7d9adf46c8c2⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 802x951, 802:951, THEYEARWEWON.JPG)

b6e00e  No.5561795


No Ragrets

104a7e  No.5561796

File: 3f44ec77b78b39f⋯.png (46.13 KB, 920x536, 115:67, WW.png)

7a69fe  No.5561797

File: e1244666d03b8d7⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 589x412, 589:412, 2v7iiy_1.jpg)

c196f7  No.5561798

File: 01b3cd5e4318c5d⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 735x490, 3:2, 01b3cd5e4318c5da123fa91cdb….jpg)


8ef4d0  No.5561799


Uh huh. My guess is clooney for the fucking underage boys and pay up and who is the politician that got the consolation prize?

093776  No.5561800


Cliffs notes please….what felonies?

ba28dc  No.5561801

File: 65c2bbd6bd79e70⋯.jpeg (62.51 KB, 625x468, 625:468, E280A1E7-3279-44DF-A730-E….jpeg)


Cabal dude.

The joooo’s are not equivalent.

You new here?

e6a384  No.5561802

File: 657d7abfc48739e⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 220x162, 110:81, tenor.gif)

90e999  No.5561803


Disgusting. Our Congressmen's primary allegiance to be foreign countries not to us. When does the shooting war start?

c8397b  No.5561804


If MSM is painting someone guilty, they are most likely an enemy to the jew. And MJ called em out.

584155  No.5561805


>How the fuck do these people not realize they are worshipping satan or ISIS?

You think they don't know?

c196f7  No.5561806

#7111 Baker Change

>>5561162 Denmark police prosecute 14 over sharing Morocco hikers 'murder video'

>>5561225 Netflix chief marketing officer to leave

>>5561239 Michael Jackson's body 'may be EXHUMED as 11 new accusers come forward'

>>5561421 House Democrats to Vote THURSDAY on Resolution ‘Against Hate’

>>5561549 White House pressures Republicans to vote against national emergency rebuke

>>5561612 Congressman Jerry Nadler has a big conflict

>>5561683 Consumer Credit Storms Above $4 Trillion, As Credit Card Debt Hits Record High

b199ad  No.5561807


You sir deserve a


195971  No.5561808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

09a2a8  No.5561809

File: 8ce21f47f3ad6c9⋯.jpg (280.54 KB, 795x453, 265:151, cheerleaders.jpg)

File: 1d10163fd77de2f⋯.jpg (343.02 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, comfy.jpg)

File: 92d4198d78bbaad⋯.png (3.12 MB, 2016x2022, 336:337, GEOTUS patch.png)

File: be110cf4ca6ca1a⋯.png (254.69 KB, 592x499, 592:499, get in pepe.png)

File: 0d683a6a223f878⋯.jpg (521.85 KB, 987x788, 987:788, growingstronger.jpg)



ad8464  No.5561810


Bake on bruh, bake on…

df160f  No.5561811


everyone KNOWS doctors are nice benevolent demi-Gods among us who would never hurt anyone, anon.

it's not like they are positions of power & authority that they could easily abuse, just like a dentist who would drug patients & fuck'em.

except when that's exactly what they do

0aa05b  No.5561812


I may have found an opening in the Robert Kraft story. IMO there's a China connection in there because the last few 'massage parlor's' that got pinched were owned/run by folks that were Chinese. Anybody got some ammo on that for me?

c23d41  No.5561813


Thanks anon.

ab149b  No.5561814

File: ca79f59349019a9⋯.png (215.71 KB, 457x375, 457:375, randyq.png)

damn, I was starting to

cut the cord and Q posts

about denver airport.

oh well….guess i'll stay.

1999b3  No.5561816


wrong…look at older Q posts already defined

f0c876  No.5561817


Some of them are dead. Do you not know the story of Brad Renfro?

6e919a  No.5561818


More than likely MJ got the "wrap up smear."

64b389  No.5561819


or Henry W

f5648a  No.5561821

File: d6f2e84816013b2⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 564x500, 141:125, 2vh9ll[1].jpg)

a0690f  No.5561822

File: 5981ac8fe623e8a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 736x492, 184:123, XB-36.jpg)

B-29 "Superfortress" and B-36 "Peacemaker"

48b48f  No.5561823


You mean her intersectionality …

f838b1  No.5561825

File: 832fa237a222f9e⋯.jpg (207.28 KB, 804x684, 67:57, FacesOfRapePedowood.jpg)

File: 1e53e3b64f94f1e⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, HillaryRapeChildren.jpg)

File: ec4b9ba3898bcd6⋯.png (364.25 KB, 585x640, 117:128, Ken Friedman rape room.png)

File: ca15170b703732c⋯.jpg (515.96 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Believe Women.jpg)

File: 3de79298499d24c⋯.jpg (146.71 KB, 1190x830, 119:83, BelieveTheWomanUnless.jpg)

I can't find the exact one I'm looking for

9127ef  No.5561829


It's weird when people want to go hard in the paint for actresses and other low-moral-fiber women who very conceivably been trying leverage sex for favors or money, but they blow kids getting banged in the butt right the fuck off

Really gets the ol' noggin joggin'

e40ad9  No.5561830


usury was once illegal in US – under Christian moral principles

18777d  No.5561831

File: 7bc16251c1fc795⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 500x629, 500:629, Fail.jpg)

fa6f69  No.5561832

Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that again.

8d912f  No.5561833

Anons, are we putting Part 1 & 2 of 9 in memes and spreading?

f838b1  No.5561835


Then we'll have to discard a % of the memes in the memearchive made by various anons.

7a69fe  No.5561836

File: de983973a33b736⋯.jpg (238.3 KB, 759x1015, 759:1015, downloadfile-17.jpg)

4fd4af  No.5561837

File: 4c010aa3c90d7e3⋯.jpg (210.59 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, battle_feared_01.jpg)

File: 89c1bbdf7993481⋯.jpg (210.14 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, battle_feared_02.jpg)

c23d41  No.5561838


Yes. Times have changed, haven't they?

7f80fe  No.5561839

Not an occult anon but the Gnostics (Christain Jewish or Islamic contend that good and evil are not opposites but poles and that both are necessary. The Christ for the up building and the and the satanic pole for destruction essential to evolution.


b6e00e  No.5561840


Another classic

09a2a8  No.5561841

File: bec5e2e21e422b1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x680, 128:85, KimKek.png)


we protect those we love anon.

>these people are stupid

4800e9  No.5561842

File: 60420a2df0fa8b7⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 758x392, 379:196, PG.jpg)



No kidding.


eb6790  No.5561843

File: 3f5c2d247a47c16⋯.png (1.17 MB, 927x6648, 309:2216, 1_US_debt_anon_analysis.png)


And some of those democrats were Jews.

Cry more in the face of the facts :)

0aa05b  No.5561844


I could see it, but it wouldn't be as ironic as MJ exposing it. I'm undecided.

3d1ce2  No.5561845


There are many different keystones to many different operations anon. We find each keystone to every subject and apply pressure.

f838b1  No.5561846

File: 4b71e93332f0878⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 563x613, 563:613, ClintonVictimsBelieved.jpg)

File: 6f94e8072a41227⋯.jpeg (119.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, walkawayBelieveWomanExcep….jpeg)

File: 09ba7ddb460adb0⋯.jpg (62.36 KB, 512x499, 512:499, WalkAwayBelieveWomanExcept….jpg)

File: a30ca625a02e517⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 563x800, 563:800, BelieveWomenUnlessAssaulte….jpg)

b6e00e  No.5561847

File: d02a5cd410616ae⋯.jpeg (687.86 KB, 3072x2304, 4:3, 2291528A-9572-4F8C-A58D-B….jpeg)

f0c876  No.5561848


How about your wifes son?

e4cf86  No.5561849


Guess we'll see what happens.

8ac79c  No.5561850

File: 9b89a58baa52dba⋯.png (5.06 KB, 93x138, 31:46, ClipboardImage.png)



Or it could just be this…


07a9f8  No.5561851


i know that halfchan is flooded with muh jew shills.

as well as i know that their time is overdue and that all these resources had no effect at all.

It´s the "grave battle" done here, while Q wakes up the masses rapidly with Qmap.pub, YT, Twatter, PEOPLE TALKING, Qs in rallys, visible Q patriots, …

Go ahead Mason Masters and send your shills here for muh jew.

Anons enjoy.

fda205  No.5561852


There were several articles linking China to the message palors. They were sex slaves. Shouldn't be too hard to google them.

64b389  No.5561853

File: bf4b8e07cd5142a⋯.png (67.61 KB, 603x351, 67:39, Screenshot 2019-03-07_15-4….png)


ff8ea5  No.5561854

File: 1a5b7d902e01fce⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1020x571, 1020:571, Duke Omar Pic.PNG)



>What a Cute Couple!

e9444f  No.5561855

File: 4d0b2da0ea13bcb⋯.jpg (211.63 KB, 790x775, 158:155, end game chris darby.jpg)

95dab8  No.5561856



At one of trumps pre midterm rallies he made a statement something like "they told me not to talk about the stock market but I am going to anyway"

i think when it comes to our crony capitalism trump still believes in it even though the rich are getting richer and very little middle americans are seeing benefits them.

the market needs to crash so we can start over. way too much ill gotten gains need to be reversed

cc17cb  No.5561857




Multiple meanings exist

e6a384  No.5561858

File: b74084e7097a43e⋯.jpg (510.95 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, 636673646227726641-rugrats.jpg)


No Rugrats?

5dceed  No.5561860


digging this anon.

f5648a  No.5561861

File: dbd0f791f7f049e⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 564x500, 141:125, 2vh9wi[1].jpg)

a162e9  No.5561862

going to drop some MJ stuff I found next bread

fa6f69  No.5561863


I don't have a wife.

Too busy fucking yours in the ass.

084bf6  No.5561864

File: 505f0e522f19eb3⋯.jpeg (47.09 KB, 644x573, 644:573, C5EA585D-9DDE-46AB-A0B5-2….jpeg)

b6e00e  No.5561865

b9f2c8  No.5561866

0b0a2a  No.5561867


Just look at his twitter handle.

>Help Q fight commies, nazis, muslims, pedos, and satanists

Interesting which group he left out of that list. Dude is comped as fuck

f0c876  No.5561868


You're one of the JFK Jr. Morans aren't you?

ab149b  No.5561869

File: 01c30fd981831b6⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 01c30fd981831b67470e9dba52….jpg)

c196f7  No.5561871

File: 77df60c56376505⋯.jpg (67.75 KB, 532x392, 19:14, 9ee15c44a4017144ce2e6520f3….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

9e1fe7  No.5561872

bye bye greenlanders

bdd253  No.5561873


>way too much ill gotten gains need to be reversed

Trump has the Fed locked into a checkmate. If the market crashes, it will be the Fed's fault. If it doesn't, it helps Trump. I believe the Fed will be dismantled /reoganized under the dept. of the Treasury.

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