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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

cc278f  No.5536186

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 03.05.2019

>>5525529 rt >>5525463 ————————— Kansas

>>5525362 ————————————–——– Good catch, Patriot!

>>5524897 rt >>5524789 ————————— 'X' also grew up watching 'Thundercats' so….

>>5524789 ————————————–——– Sometimes you need a little humor ( Cap: >>5524824 )

>>5524020 ————————————–——– The core is what counts

>>5523860 rt >>5523830 ————————— "Fire."

>>5523815 ————————————–——– Crumbs are being dropped and missed

>>5523765 rt >>5523731 ————————— Coincidence post stringers dropped last night?

>>5523617 ————————————–——– Listen carefully ref re: proof v evidence ( Cap: >>5523692 )

>>5523185 ————————————–——– "Meet IG" ( Cap: >>5523279 )

Monday 03.04.2019

>>5509984 ————————————–——– @SaraCarterDC ( Caps: >>5510040, >>5510079 )

>>5509783 ————————————–——– Those awake can see clearly ( Cap: >>5510013 , >>5510524 )

>>5508407 ————————————–——– Public comms prevent. FS on incoming.

>>5508361 ————————————–——– Battery A_roof 1A. Battery F_ground 9G.

>>5508261 ————————————–——– Dark pattern active. [-48] LMT_NO_NONS.

>>5508223 rt >>5508196 ————————— CLEAR ALL NONS. [-48]

>>5508196 rt >>5508181 ————————— MGL_change_route_under, Assist P_193

>>5508181 ————————————–——– D Fire_Good. Location assist_Good

>>5505190 rt >>5505069 ————————— 'War-like' Posture Activated?

>>5504953 ————————————–——– Promises made. Promises kept ( Cap: >>5505096 )

>>5504293 ————————————–——– Hussein gave the order to start the spy campaign

>>5503631 rt >>5503585 ————————— Define 'backchannel'

>>5503493 rt >>5503398 ————————— Public will become aware > doc dump

>>5503275 rt >>5503240 ————————— Departure from the DOJ doesn't mean he's not on the team

>>5503231 rt >>5502835 ————————— You have a short memory, Anon

Sunday 03.03.2019

Compiled here: >>5510343

Saturday 03.02.2019

Compiled here: >>5492143

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

cc278f  No.5536189


are not endorsements


>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5536100 Rachel Mad Cow: research for yourselves, get viruses. Viruses, goy!

>>5536007 Reuters OpEd: Mueller report might be a let-down for Anti-Trumpers

>>5535755 North Dakota builder offers 234 miles of border wall for $1.4bn

>>5535520, >>5535832 Anti-Q book now #3 on Amazon (tops in Streisand Effect too?)

>>5535813, >>5535833, >>5535843 Annoted review of June's WaPo on Stone/(((Greenburg)))

>>5535452, >>5535556 Afghan Service Act references same Mil Tribs law as Kav

Baker change

>>5535384 Priests must break seal of confessional regarding SA or face arrest

>>5535396 SSA update


>>5534640 Miami U.S. Attorney's office recuses self from Epstein case

>>5534650 Microsoft’s South African data centers are now open for Azure business

>>5534654 IMF forecasts Uzbekistan's GDP to increase to 5.5pct

>>5534667 Oregon Legislature has agreed to pay $1.32 million to resolve sexual harassment complaints by eight women who worked in the Capitol.

>>5534668 China wins the tech war in Africa

>>5534670 No. of immigrants detained trying to cross the U.S. border from Mexico soared to a RECORD 76,000 in Feb

baker change

>>5534621, >>5534701 Is the Wall moar than just a steel barrier?

>>5534628, >>5534665 AOC's Chief co-founded web design tool 'Mockingbird'

>>5534770 (Video) Independent Inquiry Child SA - investigations abandoned when prominent people encountered

>>5534772 Colorado abandons latest lawsuit vs. baker

>>5534777 New book claims Clintons punished Irish school for not giving Chelsea's boyfriend a scholarship

>>5534897, >>5534931 MSM disinfo continues? NK rebuilding Launch site. (Dailymail, CNN)

>>5534955 Pelosi/House hate speech resolution becoming more broad?

>>5535006 SCOTUS still has not posted motion granted on 2/19 to the docket - Mueller case

>>5535059 Update on Qresear.ch

>>5535080 Reminder: Fronteras Del Norte PNW activities

>>5535104, >>5535224 Cohen returns - new closed door hearing w/House members

>>5535169 Connecting NSA PRISM shutdown to Q's 'Black Eye' mention

>>5535217 Black Journalists demand CNN 'civil rights audit'

>>5535326 #7077


>>5533858 NSA in MSM news

>>5533857, >>5533860, >>5533863 Resignations in the news today

>>5533934 As Bongino pointed out in his podcast today, we need to make a huge scene every time this kind of abuse happens

>>5533955 Based Brit

>>5533960 World Wildlife Fund’s Security Forces Commit Rampant Abuse Against African Villagers

>>5533983 Christopher Steele backs out of public appearance

>>5534005 U.S. Immigration Targets

>>5534031 Obama writes a fiction piece

>>5534068 ‘Time to declare victory!’ US senators seek to end ‘forever war’ in Afghanistan

>>5533967 Connections regarding Ghidra and Q-Posts

>>5534077 Trump channels Tucker re: Degraded Media

>>5534176 For laughs b/c humor is necessary too

>>5534201 Man's dying wish fulfilled with call from President Trump

>>5534220, >>5534520, Dig on Nadler's Wife

>>5534261 Florida Lawmaker Introduces 'Stop Social Media Censorship Act' to Protect Free Speech Online

>>5534267 Notch telling his followers to check Praying Medic

>>5534277 Six new Assistant U.S. Attorneys hired to help with crimes in Utah

>>5534317 Bolsonaro is calling out degeneracy at a Brazilian carnival

>>5534341 Trump, @UncleJimbo tweets & Q proofs

>>5534501 Obama in Calgary: Climate change chaos making politics more toxic

>>5534558 #7076

Previously Collected Notables

>>5532987 #7074, >>5533794 #7075

>>5530482 #7071, >>5531279 #7072, >>5532128 #7073

>>5528195 #7068, >>5528937 #7069, >>5529725 #7070,

>>5527480 #7065, >>5526596 #7066, >>5527385 #7067

>>5523546 #7062, >>5524632 #7063, >>5525817 #7064

>>5521220 #7059, >>5521986 #7060, >>5522720 #7061

>>5518912 #7056, >>5519648 #7057, >>5520437 #7058

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

cc278f  No.5536191

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

cc278f  No.5536193

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 #2 >>5520584 #1 >>47310411

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

cc278f  No.5536205

File: 06c57df44ef0b3a⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Qdragon.jpg)

#7079 dough


Baker seeks handoff

Workfagging calleth

3a2a2a  No.5536208

Previous board didn't cut off .. up over 760 a few minutes ago and this one not moving.

d13d59  No.5536219


If you don't know you shouldn't be here!

cba6d4  No.5536228

File: 236743de2d79ccb⋯.png (10.23 MB, 2000x5755, 400:1151, 236743de2d79ccb8bd872cd572….png)

File: 4fde56b935804f9⋯.png (3.66 MB, 2000x2866, 1000:1433, 4fde56b935804f9cdb573a3242….png)

dd1b71  No.5536229

File: a3bf999191f64fa⋯.jpg (225.86 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, GreatAwakeningCovfefe.jpg)


Good morning baker, anons.

I can't take the dough but wanted to say hi and share my covfefe with frens.

Should be a glorious day.

a2bcec  No.5536231

File: b17aed7afc1c97e⋯.png (460.56 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3780.PNG)

File: 48b5c7a0026efa1⋯.png (418.69 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3781.PNG)

March Madness!

I'm beginning to think the "internal Civil War" is going on within the Dem Party.

I almost think that these crazy ass women (AOC, Omar, etc…) where planted within the Dem Party to expose their communist beliefs & evil plans, which in turn destroys the Dem Party from within.

Pretty brilliant plan if it was indeed planned by Q team.


30a46d  No.5536234

File: 083a9f4dbea7530⋯.png (908.05 KB, 869x1559, 869:1559, Screenshot_2018-05-08-12-4….png)

File: 09d4055670c7815⋯.jpeg (44.95 KB, 497x693, 71:99, 98257929d497d116d631ff2cf….jpeg)

File: 24d77605d225d87⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1008x1732, 252:433, Screenshot_2018-05-15-14-1….png)

Slow day huh baker?

Want to check out some bewbs?

cc278f  No.5536237




includes notables bundle

376555  No.5536238

>>5536218 lb

>I believe Q's willingness to malign the entire organization of Freemasonry is incredibly dangerous, ill-informed and speaks volumes of incompetence.

How did Q malign them with that pic?

d1e8dc  No.5536239

File: 2f2d94c46cd4249⋯.png (548.97 KB, 592x884, 148:221, flag.PNG)

BLACK teacher wraps MAGA flag around WHITE student's neck……..FIRE HER RACIST ASS!!!!


690fef  No.5536240

File: 8f1c6e851909047⋯.jpg (180.45 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, swimsuit-twopiece-ami-dm00….jpg)

Thank You Baker

9dc892  No.5536241

File: 267ad910e72f9e8⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 600x315, 40:21, addtext_com_MjAwMzQwMTUwMw.jpg)

File: b9f4918fa40607e⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 600x315, 40:21, addtext_com_MjAwOTQwMTk3Nz….jpg)


Thanks baker!


cba6d4  No.5536242

File: fdd23f62ea96878⋯.png (7.69 MB, 2645x5315, 529:1063, fdd23f62ea968780bdcfff1f63….png)

File: bc1640290d70d92⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2000x4386, 1000:2193, bc1640290d70d9200cf15f8ed6….png)

aa76b5  No.5536243

File: eabf97affeabe18⋯.jpg (203.22 KB, 1200x778, 600:389, POTUS give me strength.jpg)



thought somebody said give them 10min to set up?

49d9cb  No.5536244

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)



Got it baker, thank you.

b5d1c6  No.5536245



Big-dollar donors, including Donald Trump, fueled Kamala Harris' political rise…

Who knows?

b1df04  No.5536246


Well, gee, Linda. That sounds kinda racialist and shit. Are white women not women anymore?

55f363  No.5536247

>>5536213 (pb)

I do not recall Trump showing up in Russia with a big, fat, "RESET BUTTON" and smiles for miles.

I do recall a couple of other people doing that, tho.

62fa04  No.5536248

File: a169f487ff5f5b5⋯.jpeg (20.38 KB, 425x319, 425:319, fullsizeoutput_68b.jpeg)


f54eb7  No.5536249

File: fff3a3d98d85175⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D0823eGX0AEG1sB.jpg)

Tom Steyer is pizza buddies with John Podesta


690fef  No.5536250

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB, 500x225, 20:9, giphy_2.gif)

711686  No.5536252

>>5536184 (lb)

Thank you, was accused of mental gymnastics by a shill. Ignored that cause this is true, psychopaths. I never want to know what that's like to be one. I got in trouble, minor.. One time. I lossy 20lbs worrying about all of it.

55f363  No.5536253


Trump has given $$ to plenty of reprehensible people. And plenty of decent people.

So, who cares?

31a6d8  No.5536254

>>>5536213 (You)

>I hate concern fags. There you go. I"m thinking for myself 30 posts already this bread GTFO loser


I am thinking for myself by attacking anyone who says something that might make me think anything other than what trump and q has told me to think

cba6d4  No.5536255

File: 129cc76adac0d66⋯.png (6.82 MB, 3570x4300, 357:430, 129cc76adac0d665e956317c84….png)

File: 14c69f2a3a6e04c⋯.jpg (712.43 KB, 1222x1280, 611:640, Attachmen1.jpg)

1a9fcc  No.5536256

File: f939ac7977a8504⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 300x300, 1:1, NSA.jpg)

08d6fb  No.5536257

File: 93efc8e04d7e0e1⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, BB403B08-4CF5-4AAE-BB87-E….jpeg)

bf2fe1  No.5536258

>>5536156 lb

you just checked off a lotta boxes.


patterns describe behaviors

behaviors describe people

will be interesting to digg on her. noted her name. use of Xs seems fake.

know where she was domiciled before fleeing?

ff8fc4  No.5536259



Well, imho, it is time She went ( from the SCOTUS at least ) . . .

7edf15  No.5536260


She's not part of the "Posterity" as described in the Preamble to the US Constitution.

Send this dangerous creature back to her African homeland.

690fef  No.5536261

File: 5a3bc0f69298e5c⋯.jpeg (101.31 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1529452901.jpeg)

127c3a  No.5536262


muh god… is POTUS a PAYtriot too! Gasp!

cc278f  No.5536263


Awesome, thanks RGB.

You have a great day baker, anons.

And either use dough below

or amend with this notes bundle plz:

>>5536136 #7078

updated dough


540e39  No.5536264

File: e565fd96e1b4b92⋯.jpeg (73.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AB74A7F1-117A-4E00-8FAF-8….jpeg)

6810fb  No.5536266


There have been some good JA digs lately on Voat's PG forums. Worth checking out, imo.

aa76b5  No.5536267

File: e86ac2e0f0c0947⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 255x169, 255:169, pepe wall street bs.jpg)

File: 9f963e28170d40e⋯.png (337.87 KB, 1472x539, 1472:539, 030619 Buybacks.PNG)

The Controversy Around Stock Buybacks Explained

At face value, the notion of companies buying back shares in their own stock may seem pretty benign.

But as soon as trillions of dollars are being poured into any single cause – regardless of how innocuous it may sound – there is always the potential to make a lightning rod for controversy.

With stock buybacks totaling $1.1 trillion in 2018, they’re at the center of discussion more than ever before.

What are Stock Buybacks?

When publicly-traded companies want to return money to shareholders, they generally have two options.

The first is to declare a dividend, but the other is to repurchase its own shares on the open market.

Although it seems meta, stock buybacks are a way for companies to re-invest in themselves. Each buyback decreases the amount of shares outstanding, with the company re-absorbing the portion of ownership that was previously distributed among investors.

In other words, buybacks are somewhat analogous to buying out a business partner – they allow the remaining partners to own a higher share of the company.

Pro vs. Con

With the amount of stock buybacks rising to historic highs, they have been front and center in 2019. Here are what proponents and opponents are arguing about.

Pro Case:

Proponents of buybacks say that if they are done rationally, buybacks (like dividends) are just another way to return cash to shareholders. Stock prices for companies that have bought back shares are also higher, in general, than other companies on major indices like the S&P 500.

Con Case:

Opponents of stock buybacks say that they increase inequality, and that executives make short-term oriented decisions around buybacks that allow them to maximize personal gain. In other words, when a company probably should be investing in its people or its business, the company is instead giving money back to the wealthy owners – and only they benefit.

The Bottom Line

While both sides make a compelling argument for different reasons, the only real way to evaluate stock buybacks is based on the merits of individual companies.

If the company is returning money to shareholders because it is the best allocation of capital, then it can make perfect sense. If the company is doing it at the expense of growing its business and the wages of employees, one can see why stock buybacks may rub people the wrong way.


77026b  No.5536268

File: 2d5004ed75f69cc⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 450x550, 9:11, as.jpg)

Adam Schiff - BY BEARBOY · DECEMBER 4, 2016

Birth Name: Adam Bennett Schiff

Place of Birth: Framingham, Massachusetts, U.S.

Date of Birth: June 22, 1960

Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish

Adam Bennett is an American politician. A member of the Democratic Party, he has served as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California, since January 3, 2001, and a Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, since January 3, 2019.

Adam is the son of Sherrill Ann (Glovsky) and Edward Maurice Schiff.

He is married to Eve, with whom he has two children.

Adam’s paternal grandfather was Frank Ephraim Schiff (the son of Yaakov/Jacob Zalman/Solomon Schiff and Bessie Mary Frank). Adam’s grandfather Frank was born in England, to Lithuania Jewish parents. Yaakov was born in Kaunas, the son of Louis Schiff. Bessie was born in Ukmergė, Vilnius County, the daughter of Yisroel Moshe Frank and Jennie Brendal.

Adam’s paternal grandmother was Martha Sneirson/Sneierson (the daughter of Gershon/George Sneierson/Sneirson and Sarah/Sara H. Dubinsky). Martha was born in Massachusetts, to Russian Jewish parents. Gershon was born in Riga, Latvia. Sarah was the daughter of Solomon/Samuel Dubinsky and Rosa “Rosie” Saltinsky.

Adam’s maternal grandfather was Harry A. Glovsky (the son of Meyer Yudel Glovsky and Sadie H. Bromberg). Harry was born in Massachusetts, to Russian Jewish parents. Meyer was the son of Ze’ev Wolf Glovsky. Sadie was the daughter of Simon Bromberg and Rosie.

Adam’s maternal grandmother was Marcella Williams (the daughter of Barnard/Bernard Williams and Jennie F. Helman). Marcella was born in Massachusetts, to a German Jewish father and a Russian Jewish mother. Barnard was born in Germany, the son of Markus Williams and Rachel Freedland. Jennie was the daughter of Isaac Helman and Gertie Shapiro.

SOURCE: http://ethnicelebs.com/adam-schiff

Adam’s paternal grandmother, Martha Sneirson/Sneierson, on the 1920 U.S. Census – https://www.familysearch.org

Adam’s maternal grandfather, Harry A. Glovsky, on the 1920 U.S. Census – https://www.familysearch.org

Is that a bit of Russian collusion bloodline in his background? Oh and German too! Alert! Open the investigation!

9b144b  No.5536269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posted last night for KEKS!

e1db6d  No.5536270

The CIA, Drugs, Banks, the destruction of families, and the removal of activist leaders. Drugs are a major avenue for control of the masses. They’ve stepped up their game because this POTUS is a huge threat to their operations.


This video is not to be missed. This guy has studied the subject of the CIA’s black ops exhaustively. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNq6CiCgJuU

Drugs as weapons Against us is the title of his documentary.

Soaked in Bleach: Kurt Cobain’s “suicide” and Courtney Love. Kurt was likely killed because his ability to influence the masses was viewed as a threat. Think JFK, MLK, and many others who met the same fate. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3253624/

5b067f  No.5536271



‘Very closely’ following reports of F-16 misuse by Pakistan: U.S.

The United States is “very closely” following the reports which have claimed that Pakistan misused American-made F-16 fighter jets against India in the recent aerial confrontation between the air forces of the two countries, a top State Department official has said.

The Indian Air Force on Thursday displayed parts of an AMRAAM beyond visual range air-to-air missile as evidence to “conclusively” prove that Pakistan deployed US-manufactured F-16 fighter jets during an aerial raid targeting Indian military installations in Kashmir after India’s anti-terror operation in Balakot.

Pakistan has said that no F-16 fighter jets were used.

The US State Department has said that America is seeking more information from Pakistan on the potential misuse of American-made F-16 fighter jets by it against India in violation of the end-user agreement.

“We’ve seen those reports and we’re following that issue very closely,” US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino told reporters at his biweekly news conference on Tuesday.

He was responding to questions that Pakistan has violated the end-user agreement on F-16 that it procured from the United States.

“I can’t confirm anything, but as a matter of policy, we don’t publicly comment on the contents of bilateral agreements that we have in this regard involving US defence technologies nor the communications that we have with other countries about that.

“So, we’re taking a look and we’re going to continue to take a look. I’m going to leave it at that,” Palladino said.

AMRAAM missiles allow a fighter pilot to target an enemy aircraft that is beyond visual range, in day or night, and in all-weather conditions. They have an autonomous guidance capability, which allows the pilot to manoeuvre immediately after the missile’s launch.

Tensions between India and Pakistan flared up after a suicide bomber of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed killed 40 Central Reserve Police Force personnel in Kashmir’s Pulwama district on February 14.

India launched a counter-terror operation in Balakot on February 26.

The next day, Pakistan Air Force retaliated and downed a MiG-21 and captured its pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who was handed over to India on Friday.

2d4ca7  No.5536272



You must vote in 2020. The opposition does not want you engaged. It doesn't matter if Q and POTUS do something or don't do something. We patriots are what matter and we get to renew our commitment to freedom each two years with a vote in federal general elections.

We need to stick to our core principles, and the right to vote is chief among those.

If you truly don't believe voting is necessary outside of the Great Awakening, the Plan, and Pain, then you become the shill.

Don't become the shill!

bc3653  No.5536273

File: d7920ae5ee2a2d3⋯.jpeg (766.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 728691C7-8DF7-49C5-B060-8….jpeg)

File: 71c90b909ce677b⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3000x1995, 200:133, 1468B000-527B-4F8A-A2F7-B….jpeg)

Good morning and God Bless

62fa04  No.5536274


"enjoy the show"

28cc4a  No.5536275

File: 41d92d560f9908f⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 635x847, 635:847, downloadfile-39.jpg)

Linda Sarsour the Muslim woman that wears make-up and shaves her pussy.

Anons would you hit it ??

574772  No.5536276

File: ec73d2e6c18c252⋯.png (447.05 KB, 591x631, 591:631, USMC 3-6-19 5 am PST.PNG)

File: f251d2b1290c4c0⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1470x732, 245:122, USMC 3-6-19 5 am PST pic.PNG)

Making the Grass Grow


127c3a  No.5536277


top kek anon

cba6d4  No.5536278

File: 9987b7ce716d9e1⋯.png (5.78 MB, 2000x4779, 2000:4779, 9987b7ce716d9e107a5ab9a21d….png)

File: 6efa7f17dc41bde⋯.png (6.99 MB, 2000x4751, 2000:4751, 6efa7f17dc41bdee8b880ae217….png)

aa76b5  No.5536279

File: 5cb032a735e6a0e⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 664x376, 83:47, 5x5 bm.jpg)


you need something to be gathered or brought forward tag me.

49d9cb  No.5536280

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)


Thank you fren, handoff confirmed.

7edf15  No.5536281


"Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down."

55f363  No.5536282


What pic are you talking about?

cc53dc  No.5536283


A couple of thousand is not big bucks

2bf1c8  No.5536284

File: e807a7778311996⋯.png (4.5 KB, 197x88, 197:88, soon.png)

>>5535169 pb

Good catch anon.

If that 'black eye' protection is being ended, then it's no longer needed. So imagine how much winning that means there has already been and how much Q team is in control.

540e39  No.5536285

File: 8bb297503b7f555⋯.jpeg (44.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4B4A01EA-0328-43A6-8340-2….jpeg)


HELL no.

1a9fcc  No.5536286


No you can't do that… Trump needs slaves… er… I mean, low-wage working migrants for all the slave-labor… er… I mean, jobs he brought back.

d7768e  No.5536287

File: 639b444ab7578a2⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 627x398, 627:398, 2vcqm1.jpg)


Good morning Anon.

62fa04  No.5536288

File: b57e38bf73f6246⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 494482c29b9471089c2cedc3b4….jpg)

69fc20  No.5536289


Freemasons are luciferians. It the truth is maligning then so be it. If you are afraid or ashamed to admit what you are and what you believe then you are doing the wrong things.

28cc4a  No.5536290

File: 43fcb9157597f60⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 2vcqxh_1.jpg)

File: fbc4c2c660f1f3e⋯.png (316.43 KB, 638x614, 319:307, fbc4c2c660f1f3e9c47f52006e….png)

This order was seen in the ultra deep web..

7edf15  No.5536291


The answers provided in the last didn't suffice?

0f223a  No.5536292



Yes. But he isnt a liar, and he takes no salary for being POTUS.

a8bb62  No.5536293

Rachel Maddow is a fucking oily skinned rectangular headed tranny with a pidgeon haircut. A disgusting abomination.

540e39  No.5536294


Cool story bromo

127c3a  No.5536295

File: c8b71fce527dcef⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 2853116_0.jpg)


ThanQ Baker

f57522  No.5536296

Bezos Washington Post leads the charge, meanwhile Bezos Amazon pushes anti Q book to the top. Bezos is very loud lately.

That being said, isn't it a bit ridiculous to write a whole book debunking a mysterious person who's timeline hasn't even been completed yet? If Trump's term ends with no justice at all, then sure, Q's a complete fraud. But we havent even had DECLAS yet, which will exonerate Q completely if it reflects perfectly the very specific and explicit drops he laid out about Spygate

cba6d4  No.5536297

File: 88f243891d6c12b⋯.png (6.64 MB, 2000x4779, 2000:4779, 88f243891d6c12b598250df14f….png)

File: 58ddd2c236b2313⋯.png (7.74 MB, 2000x4779, 2000:4779, 58ddd2c236b231346d2ca34e48….png)

127c3a  No.5536298

69fc20  No.5536299


all govt school teachers need to be fired.

544535  No.5536300


I would definitely hit her…with a baseball bat.

c49fd4  No.5536301


I'm on the fence myself. I don't know if I can bring myself to vote for Trump again if he doesn't show some intent to return power to the people. I've seen none so far and it's very disappointing. Maybe we already had our last chance to change things but we had no idea. Or maybe it was before most of us were born - around the time JFK was assassinated.

1a9fcc  No.5536302


The "ultra deep web"?

Doesn't get more credible than that.

7edf15  No.5536303


>Trump needs slaves… er… I mean

What you mean is that YOU need slaves.

Or you hate Trump.

Or both.

127c3a  No.5536304

File: 009a0942ef45eb8⋯.jpg (8.7 KB, 189x267, 63:89, download.jpg)


why so ANGRY?

aa76b5  No.5536305

File: 85b487da40b60c6⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 255x202, 255:202, bezos muh dick on ap.jpg)

fedd62  No.5536306


maybe with a baseball bat

ebc3da  No.5536307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's up Fam?

Just wanted to post this for morning shift.

New Pepe Broadcast from QNN.

Changed intro a little bit. And Outro.

Qanon is WorldWide.

You are the news now.

I don't have social media, so let 'er rip.

Pepe Broadcast seems to be taking off on there.

Peace and Love

b49f9e  No.5536308

File: a4ac40dd95f91f5⋯.jpg (47.4 KB, 572x381, 572:381, mdcw.jpg)

690fef  No.5536309

File: fee8b24eab37e10⋯.jpeg (261.68 KB, 1220x1558, 610:779, 1529238336.jpeg)

376555  No.5536310


the one which shows similarities between masonic symbols and facebook, google, etc.

I was trying to understand why an anon impllied that showing similarities is the same as maligning?

187372  No.5536311


Go away doubtfag.

c49fd4  No.5536312


Maybe the end was when the CIA was formed. Probably was.

1cce69  No.5536313


How about a lb or pb with the post anon

Just got kicked out and had to reload.

d2428e  No.5536314

Exactly one year ago:

>>567140 Q Research General #699: Speed Baking Edition

690fef  No.5536315

File: e440e1a44b8850f⋯.jpg (734.72 KB, 2592x1944, 4:3, jFBVLR0.jpg)

711686  No.5536316


I'll be there supporting him. He'd get moar done if he were allowed to REALLY work. I feel 2yrs of his presidency was stolen with frivolous investigations.

7edf15  No.5536317


Almost expected to see a "Muh Dick" on this image.

cc53dc  No.5536318

File: bc88324d63470b0⋯.png (977.39 KB, 884x1231, 884:1231, 97C548CC-BBD8-4545-9811-4D….png)

376555  No.5536319


>It the truth is maligning then so be it. If


I agree with you. It is the truth that is maligning.

showing similarities is, in itself, not maligning.

f54eb7  No.5536320


Tom and John Like Walnut sauce

c49fd4  No.5536321


Or it was designed to make it appear that way.

08d6fb  No.5536322

File: 821f9ca4f02005e⋯.jpeg (354.97 KB, 1125x1938, 375:646, 512492B4-4205-4CFD-8CA1-8….jpeg)


You’re welcome anon. Until someone gets involved with a psychopath, they don’t understand what the metaphor playing with fire really means. I’m reposting to educate some anons so they understand why these actual psychos act the way the do.

*Do not engage with a psychopath, you will lose.


ca302d  No.5536323


> thinking for myself

< 30 posts


thinking all by yourself would mean: 0 posts.

712ad4  No.5536324


anyone who wont blindly just follow is a doubtfag.

go vote

watch Hannity


55f363  No.5536325


Wut? No. Are you a retard?

Retard or not, stop whatever it is you imagine yourself to be doing with this, "anon".

bf2fe1  No.5536326


'behind every blade of grass…'

b1df04  No.5536328


Kinda needs one, that look on her face

0bff68  No.5536329

File: e3517407b23ee8a⋯.png (1.4 MB, 3776x4424, 472:553, Operation_Destroy_Cabal_16….png)

28cc4a  No.5536330

File: 3623c9cd319eb82⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 293x303, 293:303, 2usla9_1_1.jpg)



Moron that's because you are retarded and can't hack….

f427e8  No.5536331


Welcome NewFag

Posts are rarely deleted - when they are it's due to incessant spamming like in the last bread.

So, when that occurs the java-based counter no longer reflects the actual post count.

Next time you see that - refresh the page and the counter you see below will reflect the new (post deletion) post count.

bc3653  No.5536332

File: 290498495c5e597⋯.jpeg (185.1 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, B1DA8954-EAE3-44DC-96A0-2….jpeg)


God Bless you fellow patriot remember Crooked pretends not to hate Catholics

0d47ed  No.5536333

File: 804490e6549cb39⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 2400x1800, 4:3, israel-moon-lunar-lander-b….jpg)

Is this real? Im not a flat earther but there is def a string there right? Did someone alter the original maybe.


e45a87  No.5536334

File: 6a6fc200aa55443⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 702x459, 26:17, Marine Le Pen.jpg)

Isn't this sort of political persecution the reason to grant asylum?

"Marine Le Pen to be prosecuted for anti-ISIS tweets" https://www.theburningplatform.com/2019/03/04/marine-le-pen-to-be-prosecuted-for-anti-isis-tweets/#more-192749

f005bb  No.5536335

I ordered and read the book and I have to say I am pretty pissed right now as they took my digs from here and used them word for word in their book on several occasions. I didn't give a shit about their work but if they took my work and digs and copied them in exact format and exact statements then I am positive they did that to others as well. Considering I can prove I said those things, when I said them and prove when they came up (due to the site keeping records and having a nice way to keep tabs of who presents what) I am not pleased and it really pisses me off beyond belief they would pull that shit.

On one end I am telling myself to not think about it but on the other end those assholes took many hours and weeks of investigatory work, copied it word for word and now are cashing in on it. That is fucked up.

574772  No.5536336

File: fe776cbe737b31a⋯.png (22.93 KB, 567x373, 567:373, Urban Dictionary Grass Gro….PNG)

File: 0814095ba28982d⋯.png (18.25 KB, 575x344, 575:344, Urban Dictionary Grass Gro….PNG)


>Making the Grass Grow


28cc4a  No.5536337

File: 43fcb9157597f60⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 2vcqxh_1.jpg)

File: 1c6b59b7adad39b⋯.png (697.28 KB, 990x589, 990:589, 20190227-aoc.png)

376555  No.5536338


wasn't there a Clinton or Podesta wiki email from a staffer denigrating Catholics?

515037  No.5536339

Two veteran cops shot in accident at training center…

This is a great movie!!

0a8455  No.5536340

File: 1262011d26f77a9⋯.png (1.29 MB, 601x2781, 601:2781, mobile_twitter_com_TexasTr….png)

Apprehensions of undocumented families in Texas at the U.S.-Mexico border are surging.


aa76b5  No.5536341

File: d4878973229a856⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 432x252, 12:7, Glow and Mow.gif)

ff8fc4  No.5536342

File: 206b06767f52e92⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)





1a9fcc  No.5536343


No I think supporting slavery and supremacism is disgusting, depraved and the lowest-form of human action.

I think this is an attitude expressed mostly by Jews. And, that this attitude is reflected in Jewish teachings (such as the Talmud) and Israeli-politics (such as having an ethno-state and geocoding your "animal" neighbors).

I don't hate Trump… But I think he LOVES Jews. (Mostly, for the monetary and fame benefits he derives from a relationship with their them.)

I'm 100% against increased migration to America. I think the most prudent course of action is to increase the European-America birth-rate, as they are the back-bone of this nation, always have been, and tend to assimilate and support this nation FAR moar than other cultures.

You don't even an argument… You just made a handful of incorrect assumptions and got REKT.

Think before you speak.

b1df04  No.5536344


Yeah, but unlike 99% of the spineless bitch-weasels of the world, Marine doesn't want to leave her home country because things aren't going her way

d14b3a  No.5536345

File: fd7cd0e6041092e⋯.png (125.09 KB, 941x510, 941:510, Screenshot_2019-03-06 Tick….png)

File: fa4551aee63da88⋯.png (384.37 KB, 1411x765, 83:45, Screenshot_2019-03-06 Tick….png)

Strange ticket sales.

4853c3  No.5536346


and what have we learned from this ?

2ba83c  No.5536347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@Jack is a POS

e115f6  No.5536348


Is that like Super Secret Squirrel ultra deep web?

8e936a  No.5536349


Buybacks are a great way for CEO's to meet their EPS earnings goals to get their bonuses.

01072e  No.5536350

File: 530bd1e7cc8052e⋯.png (435.75 KB, 590x455, 118:91, c-oom-E-e-vehorr-ueuer.png)

ff8fc4  No.5536351



Sounds very like the way the FBI works

dbdb6c  No.5536352


Nadler can go fuck his feelings.

ca302d  No.5536353

File: ef0ebdddc4a611b⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 525x12910, 105:2582, MAGARIOTmuhdick_wau1gnug2.jpg)

File: 87c1d4cafed86c5⋯.jpg (359.31 KB, 585x2081, 585:2081, MAGARIOTmuhdick_39c4c81742….jpg)

File: 54f624ac7fc27a5⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 525x12910, 105:2582, MAGARIOTmuhdick_ef0ebdddc4….jpg)

File: b835d2770c53996⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 802x7562, 401:3781, MAGARIOTmuhdick_H2C6uGpm.jpg)

>>5536285 >>5536291 >>5536300 >>5536306

fucking hell, anons.

not only is the "would you hit it" slide is one of this shitspammer's classics


answering "with a bat" is the single most recurring answer.

Don't feed the fucker.

Learn to spot him, he's as easy to recognize as Tiresias:

>>5536275 >>5536290 >>5536330 >>5536337

01072e  No.5536354

File: 60604966716dd8d⋯.png (281.72 KB, 606x404, 3:2, LW-F-oo-pzz-jmms.png)

f9552d  No.5536355


The shills still think this is Ops Central when it is simply a phone booth.

01072e  No.5536356

File: c70e40a83bcccec⋯.gif (352.22 KB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.gif)

e057b5  No.5536357

File: 2ba424d5d6bd859⋯.jpeg (64.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, omg-it-spins_aoc.jpeg)

e9d4d0  No.5536358


>ultra deep [DARK] web

187372  No.5536359


The seating chart looks like a cock.

12cddf  No.5536360


Very sorry to hear that fren. I was afraid that much of our work would end up in their books. Im sure that wont be the only one. Q told us this was gonna happen.

cba6d4  No.5536361

File: 8ba91a3e1fb020b⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 533x518, 533:518, DjimIzNU8AAnZA8.jpeg)

File: 79efe88417a1aec⋯.jpg (940.53 KB, 1500x1264, 375:316, 79efe88417a1aeca72d6c0ab62….jpg)

File: f0490c891b4776c⋯.png (4.85 MB, 870x6668, 435:3334, 8cb32398a48f8f0f5f6da73eaa….png)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 340x408, 5:6, 2evlto.jpg)

01072e  No.5536362

File: 07a9e6b39a0603b⋯.png (148.54 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)

9e45e5  No.5536363

File: 751ac0e1d3b7192⋯.jpg (248.05 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, spidernsnake.jpg)

File: a933a6aac135dfc⋯.png (7.07 KB, 224x225, 224:225, spiderhangingbyathread.png)

Could be nothing but an interesting story…

Redback spider eats venomous snake in Australia

Nature lover Robyn McLennan stumbled upon a frightening sight while taking pictures at a winery in Victoria, Australia, last week: a highly venomous redback spider taking on a deadly eastern brown snake — an extremely venomous creature known for its aggression.

McLennan, of Bright, Victoria, snapped high-resolution photos of the fierce wildlife battle and posted them to a Facebook group for the Australia-based conservation organization Field Naturalists Club of Victoria.

A series of three photos reveals the redback spider striking and trapping the huge snake in its web, though McLennan says that's not all the arachnid did.

"The spider has now brought the entire snake off the ground and it is [suspended] mid-air, just under the lower lip of the tank," McLennan described in the post.

Wildlife enthusiasts said McLennan had a "once in a lifetime" view and urged the photographer to share more details.

"Amazing, I would love to see some sequences photos of what happened next," one Facebook user replied.

"That totally needs a time-lapse sequence of what happens next," another agreed.

"Her eyes are definitely bigger than her belly!" a third commented on the spider's size.

"Amazing! That's a pretty big snack for a small spider," a user echoed.

The eastern brown snake is considered one of the most dangerous serpents in the world.

"Eastern brown snakes, together with other browns are responsible for more deaths every year in Australia than any other group of snakes. Not only is their venom ranked as the second most toxic of any land snake in the world (based on tests on mice), they thrive in populated areas, particularly on farms in rural areas with mice," Australian Geographic once described in a blog post.

While it may be horrifying sight, snake experts say it's not a terribly unusual occurrence.

"All animals are opportunistic feeders, as in they’ll eat what they can, to survive," Brisbane Snake Catchers, a snake removal service in Queensland, explained on Facebook in reference to the recent incident.

Redback spiders typically feed on insects, other arachnids and small lizards but they can also prey on larger creatures thanks to their powerful venom.

"Redbacks will kill its prey by injecting a complex venom called alpha-latrotoxin from its two fangs, the spider then trusses its victim with silk, immobilizing the victim's limbs and appendages sticking itself to its own body. Once the prey is restrained, it is then bitten repeatedly on the head, body and legs, then hauled back to the spiders retreat to consume," the group explained.

According to the Australian Museum, "only the female bite is dangerous" and they become more aggressive during the summer.


01072e  No.5536364

File: 54084ae99e2b6e1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1333x462, 1333:462, Fl-n-J-mmz-eE.png)

08d6fb  No.5536365

File: c5f5dcc9ceac2f3⋯.jpeg (311.22 KB, 1280x1444, 320:361, 6D1FAE8D-849D-4AC4-9FA6-B….jpeg)


Do they know something we don’t about Nancy because they are going in for the kill like vultures?

7edf15  No.5536366


>*Do not engage with a psychopath, you will lose.

This is generally true.

But I did take on a sexual-abuser psychopath a long time ago and won. It took 13 years, but we won. He went to prison and died there.

7bef87  No.5536367

File: e2f1817c314644e⋯.png (324.84 KB, 1148x1120, 41:40, Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at ….png)

d6b64c  No.5536368


Similar to

"Pushing up daises"

push up (the) daisies

slang To be deceased. This phrase alludes to one having been buried underground, with daisies growing over one's burial plot.


01072e  No.5536369

File: 5003517fab4faa3⋯.png (865.81 KB, 583x777, 583:777, jvbs.png)

55f363  No.5536370


Are they angry? I didn't get the impression that they're "angry". Why do you think that Anon is angry?

31a6d8  No.5536371


Posting a lot means you are not thinking for yourself somehow but that doesnt apply to q who posted a shitload of times yesterday. See how much sense that makes?

4ecd56  No.5536372

File: 4e08a396fb6d916⋯.png (180.9 KB, 452x361, 452:361, star-trek-the-future.png)




pic from the previous bread.

if you track down the original star trek series episode S00E01 through to S00E04 you will find that spock was created in the likeness of satan. the creators of the series make great boast of the fact. future indeed!

again those episodes are:

Star Trek TOS S00E01 The Cage Original Pilot Extended

Star Trek TOS S00E02 Star Treks 25th Anniversary Special

Star Trek TOS S00E03 Star Trek A Captains Log

Star Trek TOS S00E04 Star Trek 30 Years and Beyond

the future indeed…

i believe the relavant one is the first one listed above…

side note from revelation 20 verse 10

Revelation 20:10. "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." King James Version (KJV)

f005bb  No.5536373


I don't know man, I try to steer clear of bullshit and just focus on the investigation and the work but how can I deny it is fucked up that some asshole takes someone word for word and then uses it to pretend they are a spokesperson while cashing in on it. It makes me think they probably did that to everyone who has posted a large dig here.

69fc20  No.5536374


NYC needs an experienced bartender.

1cce69  No.5536375



The biggest increase was in the Border Patrol's El Paso sector, which also includes New Mexico. During the first five months of this fiscal year, about 36,300 family units were apprehended — a 1,689 percent increase from the same period last year, when 2,030 were apprehended.

“This increased flow presents … both a border security and a humanitarian crisis,” CBP commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said at a press conference Tuesday. “[It] challenges our resources and personnel and is negatively impacting border security.”

01072e  No.5536376

File: c9fcba84e6e91ea⋯.png (524.72 KB, 777x707, 111:101, cornynlini.png)

6c5df0  No.5536377


Not to worry you'll get a second chance to vote for Hillary in 2020.. then your world will be right again

cc9531  No.5536378

File: 25a04e03c19ffb8⋯.jpg (148.59 KB, 719x457, 719:457, Screenshot_20190306-065859….jpg)

File: 786df42ed5d595d⋯.jpg (469.34 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190306-065806….jpg)


yes. Illinois.

i think this article is about her, trying to confirm.

ex husband is hypno therapist?

515037  No.5536379




Welcome, Froggy Frens!!!

28cc4a  No.5536380

File: 43fcb9157597f60⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 2vcqxh_1.jpg)

File: 7d14bfd1ee4cef3⋯.png (258.81 KB, 495x532, 495:532, 7d14bfd1ee4cef38a394f44fd9….png)

Definitely not surprised hearing about her campaign finance violations….

e45a87  No.5536381


Don't confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up. I know how I feel about it.

01072e  No.5536382

File: cb7b6fc57810d18⋯.jpg (130.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, JzslZZ.jpg)

7edf15  No.5536383


>Think before you speak.

Don't project when triggered.

b9f277  No.5536384

File: 8afc4979c3eb53b⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 1319x465, 1319:465, cards.JPG)

NSA playing card backs

01072e  No.5536385

File: 9fbd771cb210e96⋯.png (261.04 KB, 1512x444, 126:37, ciabaker.png)

File: 4c8a92e2bb49a53⋯.png (554.77 KB, 1111x627, 101:57, youare.png)

File: 0c02d10a56a6111⋯.png (57.42 KB, 491x595, 491:595, 0c02d10a56a6111724922b207e….png)

"You are the news now"

The "anon" literally flaunting a "CIA" bakers meme.

Our "joke"– haha, CIA…?

Or symbolic MOCKERY?

What is the game being played?

I mean LOOK– it is "CIA bakery" with a BLACK hat.

Come on now.

What is FAKE NEWS?

What controls the narrative?

What controls the FAKE NEWS?

"You are the news now"

e71887  No.5536386


I like it !! Great job newsproductionanon!

d4739c  No.5536387

pretty low grade shills in here lately…..funds running out?

01072e  No.5536388

File: f654b4aef262f4a⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 626x620, 313:310, chjhyz-mmM-mmy.jpg)

0860c2  No.5536389


Other than being butt hurt over the plagiarism what is your overall opinion of the book? Does it sensationalize the Q movement or give a straight forward representation?

b835ac  No.5536390


I don't understand this.

Last 12/12/18, Q posted this on #2615:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 089200 No.4280699 📁 Dec 12 2018 18:54:13 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5c3172 No.4280617 📁

Dec 12 2018 18:52:39 (EST)

Q - Should we be prepping for some kind of shutdown?



Reports of 'power grid' attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded.

While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.


So what about this, posted several days ago is this a different Black Eye?


Now consider this DARPA project and cyberspace security exercise, called “Liberty Eclipse”


Blake Sobczak, E&E News reporter, Published: Tuesday, November 13, 2018

PLUM ISLAND, N.Y. — “Three inflated air dancers flapped incongruously over a deserted laboratory. The bright tube puppets would have fit right in at a used car dealership, but on this closely guarded, government-owned island, they stood out like fireworks in the driving rain as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ran a cybersecurity exercise called "Liberty Eclipse" last week.

The event offered a dress rehearsal for nascent technologies in a three-year-old DARPA research effort dubbed RADICS, short for "Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems."

The RADICS program, which kicked off in 2015 with a $77 million federal funding announcement, is aimed at ensuring U.S. utilities can bounce back from a blackout brought on by a cyberattack. Grantees had to assume the worst: that utilities' operational networks, including sensitive field equipment, have been compromised by hackers.

Dozens of representatives from major utilities and industry groups, including the New York Power Authority, Duke Energy Corp. and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, trekked out to Plum Island to take part in Liberty Eclipse.

The baseline scenario was built around mind-bending bad news: swaths of the U.S. grid had already been offline for a month, exhausting battery backups at power plants and substations alike.”


On his return trip to DC, POTUS stopped in Alaska. Our sad DiFi puppet, Sen. Murkowski (a republican) is familiar with this DARPA project.

34232b  No.5536391

File: ba0b06875a4e991⋯.jpg (79.48 KB, 1045x353, 1045:353, redgreen.jpg)

cba6d4  No.5536392

File: 6aa187b8c4f061c⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 626x642, 313:321, 6aa187b8c4f061c065b3d8f6ba….jpg)

75a460  No.5536393


They hired a bunch of new people.

08d6fb  No.5536394

File: fbc6b405ea785d3⋯.jpeg (163.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, FD66FD53-D0A0-4711-8DC4-1….jpeg)


Good for you. I won too but there are very few of us left to tell our stories unfortunately. I bet many anon here are winners.

818688  No.5536395

File: 8a6d21178608a3b⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 90331438654270290a73c1181b….jpg)

e75735  No.5536396

File: 2461f8fe6e7cf2c⋯.jpg (85.91 KB, 777x592, 21:16, Tastries2.jpg)

File: da3f50b89e770d0⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 680x321, 680:321, Tastries.jpg)


Check out the necklace.

ff8fc4  No.5536397



Yes, very like the FBI .. .

Just ask Whitey Bulger ( Deceased ) about Mueller's wrongdoing at the FBI !

42ba8a  No.5536398


Jew Jew Jew slurs and remarks and Jews and Qanonfags

Better? I noticed the same, btw. They must be just waking up.

c5ff5f  No.5536399




GMT Graphics Update

Hey Baker, the spacing in the dough is still inconsistent.

Please use the following pastebin to copy & pasta over existing list in the dough:



Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Godspeed Baker/s

bade9a  No.5536400



How fake can you make it… geez.

690fef  No.5536401

File: 074e01d8bcc6c3c⋯.jpeg (145.9 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, 1546351210.jpeg)

ff8a3b  No.5536402

File: 79978608a0f4b85⋯.png (602.57 KB, 774x682, 387:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Jesus, this is getting exhausting. I dont know how POTUS deals with all this so well.


5bf2a1  No.5536403

File: 5be7987e1c8bfd2⋯.jpg (724.55 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190306-080222….jpg)


01072e  No.5536404

File: a198b482ea43ae2⋯.png (64.68 KB, 425x156, 425:156, wutevennow.png)

File: d8e48d811ea4a5d⋯.png (118.25 KB, 432x159, 144:53, morebad.png)

File: afa631b4d0a4e54⋯.png (21.2 KB, 438x156, 73:26, vvNHt.png)

File: 40cd67f2724be2e⋯.png (68.7 KB, 432x168, 18:7, wuttt.png)

File: 3e7c1aa2af1ca34⋯.png (74.88 KB, 432x153, 48:17, httc.png)

Look at these.

What do they convey?

Are we being MOCKED, here?

Really, are you kidding me?


Robert Mueller and Obama smirking?

Big black holes in the head?

Distorted weird faces?

Bad facial expressions?

Cattle herding?

Where do these images come from?

Why doesn't the COMMUNITY create the images?

It doesn't

Where do they come from?

Do patriots question this?

Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?

Or not?


control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

>(control over you)

We are the news– FAKE NEWS?

Are we able to counter the mainstream narrative?


967b9b  No.5536405







The dates of the appointments for "MULLER" on the White House Tour do not appear consistent with the procedures.

"White House Tour Tickets Public Tour

"Requests for the White House tour must be submitted through your Member of Congress in either the House or Senate. These self-guided tours are available from 7:30AM - 11:30AM on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; and from 7:30AM - 1:30PM on Friday and Saturday. Tour hours are extended whenever the White House schedule permits.

"White House tours are scheduled on a first come, first served basis and they must be requested ==a minimum of 21 days in advance of your visit.== Requests can be submitted up to three months in advance. The earlier, the better as only a limited number of spaces are available.

"The White House will notify you of your tour request status ==approximately two weeks before the tour date.== Spring and summer tours fill up quickly, so make your request early. Want to see the holiday decorations? Submit your Christmas tour requests in September. All tours are free of charge. You can call the Visitors Office information line 24 hours a day at 202-456-7041 for updates about any last minute schedule changes or cancellations of tours.

"Secret tip: If your request for a White House tour is denied, you might be able to get in on a Congressional Member's Pass distributed monthly by the White House Visitors Office. "


So, how do all these Robert MULLER persons (not Mueller???) manage to get on the "tour" so quick?

ROBERT "L" MULLER 01/27/2015 02/07/2015 WH RESIDENCE TOUR

ROBERT "A" MULLER 02/22/2016 02/27/2016 EW Tour

ROBERT "M" MULLER 09/22/16 09/24/2016 EW Tour

The Robert S. MUELLER wasn't head of FBI in 2015/2016.

b835ac  No.5536406


Sorry, >>5447476 should be op.

55f363  No.5536407


You must understand this one thing, Anon: The only way to be legit is to never say anything. Ever. That's the only way to be a TRUE Anon.

No bantz. No thinking in different directions. Nothing. Just silence.

(Aaaaand I am very much being sarcastic. I really do not like the post counters. Such dicks. So small.)

8e3dc9  No.5536408

Are these border hearings to set stage for the 15th 16th 17th 18th and 19th?

0af1f3  No.5536409


Where are you gunna go ,, the swamp?? ,, nowhere left to go ,, we’re on the way and where we go one we go all ,, there is no other place too go ,, except back to the way it was

e661bb  No.5536410

File: 02bd1a7f179d5bd⋯.png (319.52 KB, 640x408, 80:51, ClipboardImage.png)

d85c49  No.5536411

File: 90596f7ced81908⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 255x157, 255:157, df4dfec1823b26bdfd26bd9a1c….jpg)



I mean they shilled

everything under the


What worries me is the

lack of mu joo and

toilet cone shilling

Makes my FF spidey

senses tingle op with

a white van style.

1a9fcc  No.5536412


>Moron that's because you are retarded and can't hack….

We're NOT all alike.

49d9cb  No.5536413


Got it fixed anon, thank you.

6c5df0  No.5536414

File: de36c6a688cec84⋯.png (446.05 KB, 835x482, 835:482, Capture.PNG)

Interview: Czech PM praises Trump ahead of meeting

Ahead of his meeting with Donald Trump, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis is praising the U.S. president for trying to reach a North Korea nuclear disarmament peacefully.

Babis, who is meeting Trump in the White House Thursday, says talking to a dictator is a better option than a military conflict.

Babis told The Associated Press the U.S. should also use its influence and position as a permanent U.N. Security Council member to help negotiate peace in Syria.


28cc4a  No.5536415

File: 3435d40e5e3960d⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 589x423, 589:423, 2vcsue.jpg)

Comey is definitely going to prison.

c49fd4  No.5536416


On the contrary, you guys that are propping up a CIA nigger should really pursue getting some compensation. Gov't hacks are generally well paid.

42ba8a  No.5536417


But then how are people supposed to make all of these "good points" about the Jews? You're 100% right though. If everyone shut the fuck up, it'd be easier to catch the q posts.

01072e  No.5536418



1bc0e2  No.5536419


I know it's not a monetary reward anon but I thank you for your work. My children thank you and my childrens children thank you. Sometimes the best reward is knowing at the soul level.

8e3dc9  No.5536420

They keep saying crisis crisis

They really pushing it today. Pay attention!

9dc892  No.5536421


c5ff5f  No.5536422


Thanks Baker.

I know it was a small detail,

but I have a concern for accuracy :/

3fe304  No.5536423

Biblefag requesting assistance.

I'm wanting to compile a list of Q's Bible quotes. There are probably a few more than what I've listed below seeing that some of Q's Bible quotes do not include citations. If so inclined, let me know what I've missed.

New Testament Books (in chronological order)

James, 0 Posts

Thessalonians, 2 Posts, 154, 2744

Galatians, 0 Posts.

Corinthians, 2 Posts, 1886, 2431

Romans, 0 Posts.

Philippians, 0 Posts.

Colossians, 1 Post, 1712

Philemon, 0 Posts.

Ephesians, 4 Posts, 1432, 1886, 2403, 2904

Luke, 0 Posts.

Acts, 0 Posts.

Timothy, 0 Posts.

Titus, 0 Posts.

Mark, 0 Posts.

Matthew, 2 Post, 154, 2744

Hebrews, 0 Posts.

Peter, 0 Posts.

Jude, 0 Posts.

Revelation, 0 Posts.

John, 0 Posts.

Old Testament

Psalm 46:1, 1 Post, 2744

e9d4d0  No.5536424

File: c7750c1158e7631⋯.jpg (207.27 KB, 500x888, 125:222, come.jpg)

2338e6  No.5536425



455db3  No.5536426

File: 3cd6148f894f2a1⋯.gif (8.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, THE_STORM_IS_UPON_IS.gif)

c1075c  No.5536427


They colluded with Russia.

They laundered money.

49d9cb  No.5536428


I know the feeling.

31a6d8  No.5536429


>>>5536213 (You)

>I hate concern fags. There you go. I"m thinking for myself 30 posts already this bread GTFO loser


Come up with a different name for me concernfag makes it sound like i am concerned about you when i am really just here to make fun of you. i could not care less about the welfare of people who worship an anonymous poster on chan boards and a con man and embrace the genocide of a group of people and pray for people to be extrajudicialy arrested and jailed or even better just killed without any proof or a trial just because that con man told you to hate those people.

Got it?

455db3  No.5536431

File: c8ef501e02049bd⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 334x480, 167:240, THEY_NEVER_THOUGHT_SHE_WOU….gif)

b2a2cd  No.5536432

File: 6f8f0855c8c57a6⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 1903x9128, 1903:9128, NYTUpshot_Irwin_030519_Eco….jpg)

spider web

NYT talking about global economic problems being a 'spider web' of challenges, not just 'single strands.'


d4739c  No.5536433


kek, glad to see the humor has not died in anons though…impossible to kill…..good to be home.

ca302d  No.5536434


> i could not care less

yet here you are

4853c3  No.5536435


back to the way it was ? hardly… they will be all about finishing you. bet on it.

c49fd4  No.5536436


Like baby birds waiting for their mommy to come back to the nest and jam another morsel down their throats.

d14b3a  No.5536437

File: e0a9a8be55eda09⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 636x848, 3:4, cf.jpg)

455db3  No.5536438

File: 754515d63413f6d⋯.png (679.27 KB, 1024x603, 1024:603, TIME TO START.png)

3ce389  No.5536439

Well all I can say is that whoever wrote the book exposed themselves…or we will find out…(nothing we can do about it) but we will know who the RAT PAYTRIOT is…maybe we can work our magic on him/her/them!!!!

34232b  No.5536440


turn it off then

b0d83a  No.5536441

File: 9b2bc8a95c15b32⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 540x374, 270:187, AOC.jpg)

File: f3b99cc06827922⋯.jpg (218.25 KB, 1500x641, 1500:641, pelosi-aoc-e1551394995374.jpg)

File: 2d1ee919499de9f⋯.jpg (101.69 KB, 780x438, 130:73, green nwe deal.jpg)


Never interupt!

711686  No.5536442


Last ash Wednesday parkland happened

f54eb7  No.5536443

File: 8bd433fbb143df2⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D0823XxXgAANQ8U.jpg)

Tom Steyer is pizza buddies with John Podesta



0d47ed  No.5536444


Lol ive seen a couple diff pics and some look like they have a string and some dont. I'm not really a shopfag, just curious what the board thought.

e45a87  No.5536445

File: c22de88d9209e12⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 255x167, 255:167, Steal that.jpg)


>spineless bitch-weasels of the world

12cddf  No.5536446

File: 2eaba99e5bbac8c⋯.png (207.32 KB, 560x485, 112:97, Screenshot (96).png)

Praying Medic calling out NBC

55f363  No.5536447


Who said shit was supposed to be easy?

8e3dc9  No.5536448

Let's see if Nielson really stresses human trafficking today

f005bb  No.5536449


First off, fuck you about being "butthurt" about anything. When and if you ever put time into something only to watch someone steal it and make money on it you may not be happy so take your bullshit insults and fuck yourself as there is no reason to not support someone who makes that claim irregardless of anything else.

As far as the book, yeah, I mean it had a good amount of content on things that have been covered but it focuses way too much on the pizzagate and ancient aspects of that situation in terms of speculative material that is more so not a Qanon movement. Sure there are some anons that focus on that but overall we focus on Q drops and proving them through digs. I would say a good majority of the book is related to the issues that have yet to be proven which I found to be an issue and something that should not be included until they were proven.

Many of the digs that are sound are issues we have gone over and I support their inclusion which is good. I did find a serious lack of support for the country, the west in general and a complete lack of any mention of historically related issues. I would say that in terms of the fact based proofs it did a good job of relaying them but they took up a small amount of the material covered which focused on a lot of conspiracy shit which may be true but just hasn't been proven which I did not really like.

99ef1d  No.5536450


But, but, but, muh Kirstjen Nielsen


42ba8a  No.5536451


Beats the strange cock you're used to

aa76b5  No.5536452

File: bf756ff7fd59dc4⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 255x157, 255:157, VP MBS my nigga.jpg)

28cc4a  No.5536453

File: ed77fc079db2142⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, y2mate.com - farrakhan_tra….mp4)

Mexican people get called out.

12cddf  No.5536454



455db3  No.5536455

File: 10132090da96830⋯.png (261.15 KB, 490x366, 245:183, NANCY WALL.png)

ad32ac  No.5536456

File: 66628edd3f0f8de⋯.jpeg (635.18 KB, 1242x1337, 1242:1337, 9841DC9C-E370-4B2A-A9D3-D….jpeg)

Pamphlet is a contributing writer to this book? U gotta be kidding me.

Remember when we first started and used to let him namefag on the board cus we thought he was a decent human?

2e4d25  No.5536457


Is that where Freddy and Tiresias work?

ca302d  No.5536458




31a6d8  No.5536459


Your reply sounds funny when taken out of context and only a tiny portion of what i said is quoted doesnt it? Its almost like you are not very honest about things at all and willing to twist or bend or toss out the truth to keep your fantasy alive. But no that could not be right could it?

1a24bf  No.5536460

File: a7790a0afd7b10f⋯.png (109.09 KB, 331x266, 331:266, 2019-03-06_10-07-09.png)

1a9fcc  No.5536461


Good one.

d85c49  No.5536462



Always with the holy

days….The ancient ones

too. Thanks for the heads

up anon!

376555  No.5536463


Cheney wife looks like she knows Hillary is weird so she ignores Hilary's rocking side to side.

Who rocks side to side like that?

Unless you are handicapped, it happens when you are totally freaked out and forget you are in public.

Like a panic attack.

76b1ea  No.5536464

More On AOC's CoS - Saikat Chakrabarti

So far, we know that AOC was recruited via casting call to run for office by the Justice Democrats PAC.

The Justice Democrats is a PAC that was created by none other than Cenk Uygur of the progressive online news program The Young Turks, Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, former Bernie Sanders presidential campaign staffers Zack Exley, and last but not least, Saikat Chakrabarti.

You probably recognize the last name as AOC's Chief of Staff, the guy that just got caught hiding $1m in donations in his private companies and the guy that co-created the Mockingbird program.

So, he helps to create a PAC that goes out and recruits young, stupid liberals to run for office. Then he gets the not so brightest of them to take him on as CoS and starts the money scheme within weeks.


515037  No.5536465


My Life and Fortune at risk for Freedom.

Expect many takers.

1a7c74  No.5536466



God Bless you Anon! Have a peaceful and holy Lent.

cba6d4  No.5536467

File: 93307696c34908b⋯.png (11.41 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 636129f1585a8dff8f46b441d7….png)

File: 91709e7eac61f0a⋯.jpg (57.14 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 2v4l5r.jpg)

File: a1f431e75becd56⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 730x342, 365:171, 2v4lct.jpg)

455db3  No.5536468

File: ebadc59c0b6849f⋯.jpg (157.77 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, LOOK CHUCK ITS BEING BUILT.jpg)

c49fd4  No.5536469


Whatever you need to tell yourself, clingerfag. You're wasting time as your nation continues its decent into socialist hell. Maybe one day you can tell your grandkids how you unwittingly cheered it on.

0bae04  No.5536470

File: f4bfb464aa04eed⋯.jpg (515.67 KB, 792x960, 33:40, RollingStone-Dangerous.jpg)

ca302d  No.5536471

File: 5ed3af71e71f9e7⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1111x3882, 1111:3882, 2018-01-05 Q 11-12_23-36.png)

File: 526ad3ddaaf53f9⋯.png (367.19 KB, 1842x3073, 1842:3073, 2018-01-05_Qcomp.png)

49d9cb  No.5536472

File: ed69f697b905318⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 600x516, 50:43, absolutelyharam.jpg)

d14b3a  No.5536473


That is Freddy.

f553bb  No.5536474


Her reptilian mother didn't rock her enough as a child.

99ef1d  No.5536475


How and why this fucktard divisionfag isn't dead yet is beyond me.

34232b  No.5536476

File: 559ae64264a71be⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 2112x2816, 3:4, bookburn1.jpg)


i wasn't real happy either (pic related) ,then i thought, its just exposed more shilly corruption and those who want to be associated with it..

5ea28e  No.5536477

File: aca2aa5df00fd45⋯.png (343.98 KB, 669x690, 223:230, e09972d9d7333c1604ae0e5086….png)

690fef  No.5536478

File: 26b9a91e5232a55⋯.jpeg (16.57 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 1ecf3672f3683add766ef7cba….jpeg)

254a24  No.5536479

File: 4c2df17241b64c2⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, omar.jpg)

Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar


March 6, 2019 at 12:27 pm

American Jews, including prominent figures like Naomi Klein, have signed an open letter in support of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

The letter states that she has been “falsely accused of antisemitism” and that there was nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the “noxious” role of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in American politics.

It went on to say that “The pro-Israel lobby has played an outsized role in producing nearly unanimous congressional support for Israel”, and slammed AIPAC and other lobby groups including the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the fossil fuel lobby for its “anti-democratic” legislative influence on US politics.

The letter finished by saying “We thank Ilhan Omar for having the bravery to shake up the congressional taboo against criticizing Israel. As Jews with a long tradition of social justice and anti-racism, AIPAC does not represent us.” and called on other Jews to sign the letter.

Omar has faced huge backlash after calling out AIPAC, including facing accusations of anti-Semitism from both Democrats and Republicans, floor action against her by Nancy Pelosi, and disturbing posters at a Republican event, linking her to the 9/11 attacks.

The charge of anti-Semitism comes after Omar said that the Republican Party’s threats against her and Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for criticising Israel was “all about the Benjamins, baby!” in reference to money allegedly paid to the party and its members to support Tel Aviv.

When she was asked to clarify who is paying members, she cited AIPAC, which has previously boasted about its financial influence in US politics.

Open letter link: http://jewswithilhan.org/

d1e8dc  No.5536480

File: eb65eb414e569b5⋯.png (825.13 KB, 868x776, 217:194, hrc.PNG)

FLIP FLOP!! Hillary Clinton Flip-Flops: Might Still Run in 2020


49d9cb  No.5536481

#7079 Baker Change

>>5536432 NYT talking about global economic problems being a 'spider web' of challenges.

>>5536424 Graham live re: deaths of two children at the border.

>>5536414 Czech PM praises Trump ahead of meeting.

>>5536340 Apprehensions of undocumented families in Texas at the U.S.-Mexico border are surging.

>>5536276 US Marines: "Making the Grass Grow"

>>5536271 US following very closely reports that Pakistan misused F16s in its' confrontation with India.

dd1b71  No.5536482

>>5536239 Yes, she should be fired on the spot. But she won't be, because these people congregate at certain schools, and their politically correct insanity has taken over their minds and lives. If I had ever done something like that as a teacher, I would not only have been fired, but would have also been arrested for assault and then sued for every cent I had….as this STUPID creature should be. On top of it all, she/they are as wrong as humans can be. Wrong on every level, while self righteously telling themselves every day that they are the "good" ones, hammers of God.

455db3  No.5536483

File: ff96a2caf79a280⋯.jpg (203.57 KB, 1142x750, 571:375, MEANWHILE, IN GOTHAM CITY.jpg)

d6b64c  No.5536484



Thank you Anon.

Holy hell this is stomach turning

"only 2 % of unaccompanied minors go back to their home country"

cc53dc  No.5536485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



13 minute video

Q - The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED

25,620 views so far

Start around 11:00 min -

High profile arrests coming in the next chapter of the story

641af6  No.5536486

File: 3c0bec3c334016f⋯.jpg (192.31 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190306-090908….jpg)

Ghidara at top of daily trending list on github

f9552d  No.5536487


I see (((you))) shill.

8796fa  No.5536488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

America is Back!!

Trumpwave 2020

1a9fcc  No.5536489


You're cool, man.

I wish everyone didn't give a fuck about justice. And sat on their asses for years.

263656  No.5536490


Stop namefagging, faggot

3ce389  No.5536491


I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't some Democratic Socialist…why I say that…

Because they always mooch off of someone else's hard work to benefit themselves…

I'm wondering if the person who wrote/copied the material that made the book actually put any work into the digging the material…so basically he/she/they are just thieves…

55f363  No.5536492


They've done it to themselves. We don't need to do anything to them; the wheels are already turning.


42ba8a  No.5536493


Our Democrats are currently in the process of of a sub-month long purge of all Socialists. Goofball. The Democratic party gets half of their money from Jews, and Socialists are patently anti-Israel. They can't exist with the DSA in their ranks. Enjoy the show. Money is the only honest thing out there.

31a6d8  No.5536494


That clock is one fucked up something but not nearly as fucked up as that map. Nobody understands that map yet they all hold it up as proof that this is real.

455db3  No.5536495

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB, 217x272, 217:272, THEY_ALL_LOOK_THE_SAME.gif)

589e72  No.5536496


Her tits will keep that lady in place for a while.

Sugar tits are sweet, and hard for the dems to give up on that lifeline when everyone else is as photogenic as a sloth.

d87390  No.5536497


Why vote for someone who doesnt deliver

Especially if hes behind this whole stupid op

e09517  No.5536498


She's better than AOC. Doesn't have the crazy eyes.

3ce389  No.5536499


Yes…I do believe in KARMA!!!!

818688  No.5536500

File: 7a92f3ca1b1aedc⋯.png (835.62 KB, 794x596, 397:298, ClipboardImage(20).png)


I've seen Revelation quote memes in the megamemes folder, and a lot more I'm sure

ca302d  No.5536501


>coming in the next chapter of the story

how stupid is this?

Q doesn't make predictions, stop confusing newfags/normies.

this just feeds the "Q PREDICTED THIS" meme

376555  No.5536502




I think maggie h tweeted about his yesterday, too.

9e45e5  No.5536503

>>5536479 Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar


watching the show, getting moar interdasting every day

cca3a3  No.5536504

File: fc6a4e0a05c7af2⋯.jpg (292.93 KB, 1080x1513, 1080:1513, Screenshot_20190306-090753.jpg)

Can lifetime appointed judges be removed if convicted of serious crimes? 3/9 appointed by Obama. Currious if the hammer dropping will include a thorough cleaning of the courts. 3 pending Trump nominations.

1a9fcc  No.5536505


(((Greenberg)))… Just a coincidence… like EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

66a277  No.5536506


Hes there to make sure Zionist retards like you want to kill muslims

c49fd4  No.5536507


Right. And Trump is stopping illegal immigration.

8e3dc9  No.5536508

Tlaib says she plans to file impeachment resolution this month per cnn

bring it bitch

b835ac  No.5536509


You're missing the OT verses. Twice (I think) Q has posted a cap of a Bible at 2 Chron. 7:14.

There is no word to find by filter. But I have them copied off at home. I'll look for them and post the Q dump for you.

b1df04  No.5536510


Both of you fags should definitely vote for Bernie or whatever other D-bag faggot gets the Dem nomination. That'll show 'em.

<Power to the people madafakas!

280060  No.5536511

File: 83769e140d29127⋯.png (43.93 KB, 646x425, 38:25, ClipboardImage.png)


arab and jew semites come together to screw over whites. Big surprise

f54eb7  No.5536512


No wonder Q said we are missing crumbs

0d47ed  No.5536513

File: dd822f641d3dbbd⋯.jpg (483.76 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FlagShirt_Famous.582cd8e13….jpg)


POTUS comes out against cancer. WTF I LOVE CANCER NOW. Is it really this easy for POTUS to troll them? The left is eating itself.

3ce389  No.5536514

File: e426166ee5912c3⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 480x480, 1:1, We're going to die.jpg)

c196a6  No.5536515


Well at least you're being an honest shill, I'll give you that, but you're still a pos shill

263656  No.5536516

File: 30e094e8dba9b10⋯.jpeg (203.02 KB, 1165x803, 1165:803, 1F1E37A8-EDD2-4DA9-A32F-B….jpeg)

254a24  No.5536517


We Stand with Ilhan


Join Naomi Klein, Ilan Pappé, Ronnie Kasrils, Sarah Jaffe, Rebecca Vilkomerson

& many more, to say:

We are Jews who stand with Representative Ilhan Omar. She has been falsely accused of anti-Semitism since tweeting that GOP threats against her and Representative Rashida Tlaib for criticizing Israel were “all about the Benjamins baby.” When asked to clarify who is paying members of Congress “to be pro-Israel,” Omar replied, “AIPAC!”

There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the noxious role of AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which spends millions each year to buy U.S. political support for Israeli aggression and militarism against the Palestinian people. As the NYC chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace summed up: “Accurately describing how the Israel lobby works in this country is not anti-Semitic. The never-ending smear campaign against Ilhan Omar is racism and Islamophobia in action.”

There is no denying that money rules U.S. politics, and that powerful lobbies from the NRA to the fossil fuel lobby to AIPAC play destructive, anti-democratic roles in our political system, wielding money for legislative influence. The pro-Israel lobby has played an outsized role in producing nearly unanimous congressional support for Israel. It has organized a national campaign to suppress Palestinian activism on campuses, made the Israel Anti-Boycott Act a legislative priority, and for decades has boasted about their power to make or break political careers. To point out this reality is not anti-Semitic.

Genuine anti-Semitism and the growth of white supremacy are indeed growing concerns in Donald Trump’s America. Omar and Tlaib, the first two Muslim congresswomen in this country’s history, are not part of this ugly growth of white supremacy. Instead, they are part of movements which seek to confront it. For that, and for their courageous support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, they are being smeared by a racist and Islamophobic chorus, including the House Democratic leadership itself.

As long as the Israeli state continues to militarily besiege, economically choke, and incessantly dispossess the Palestinian people, and as long as it does so with the full backing of the United States government, we need to speak out against these crimes. We thank Ilhan Omar for having the bravery to shake up the congressional taboo against criticizing Israel. As Jews with a long tradition of social justice and anti-racism, AIPAC does not represent us. #WeStandWithIlhan


Elizabeth Aaronsohn

Stephen Aberle

Manal Abed

Said Aboukar

Husni Abualeinein

Ethan Ackelsberg, ISO, OSU Coalition for BDS Judith Ackerman


Jeb Adems, Proud father, husband, and socialist!

Mohamed Oueld Ahmed

Mahmood Ahmed

Ali Aijaz

and 500 other jews.

55f363  No.5536518




e55f5c  No.5536519

File: 8d9f740e8c9b3b6⋯.png (539.44 KB, 851x550, 851:550, bear CUM ON ME.png)

f9552d  No.5536520


I suppose you wont be happy until your ego is in the library of congress?

b0d83a  No.5536521

File: 93740813a5457b4⋯.jpg (101.28 KB, 885x516, 295:172, nadler schumer schiff.jpg)

File: 709eb5c0b7dcae8⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 540x281, 540:281, nadler.jpg)

455db3  No.5536522

File: b59e0ffc526dd51⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, b59e0ffc526dd518f6e2fb045b….mp4)

31a6d8  No.5536523


What you just said is telling. You do not own this story and have no right to it. Attacking someone for the sole purpose of writing about it is fascist and so like the old communist countries you are so afraid of. You have become the very things you claim to hate and fear and claim you are fighting. Congratulations.

1a9fcc  No.5536524


It's the kikes.

Happy now?

818688  No.5536525


Yeah Q refers to a lot of bible through codes like 5:5

fedd62  No.5536526

Has 'X' been discussed? Is X a group that grew up watching Thundercats?? Is X the person that created Ghidra??


ad32ac  No.5536527


yep… I havent read the book yet… is there a consensus yet that its horse shit?

Do they even direct people to sites like qmap.pub where they can read the drops themselves?

1a24bf  No.5536528

File: 6c889dfc07dac85⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1313x2496, 101:192, 2019-03-05_16-51-56.png)

051f45  No.5536529


Aren't some of those names off of the tube patriot news channel??? I know Pamphlet is….was wondering about the rest……used to give it a listen until they had Corsi on there.

cba6d4  No.5536530

File: 287b9c9ba588e5a⋯.jpg (80.29 KB, 720x890, 72:89, 1 1_190m_p39oiqw1dK1rdxkq5….jpg)

File: 7bd65ceafd4b255⋯.png (371.69 KB, 670x670, 1:1, d6478909d684505af863ddd4f8….png)

File: 5e37d6c66da384d⋯.jpg (232.33 KB, 764x727, 764:727, 5e37d6c66da384dbbb0fd625f6….jpg)

File: 7e545ccc32f71b8⋯.jpg (210.12 KB, 766x680, 383:340, 7e545ccc32f71b8019f1cb5910….jpg)

File: 2513ae5f733c59f⋯.png (468.83 KB, 600x478, 300:239, 3b65882dad8e62512b0d6adae4….png)


Bunch of angry, racist baby-killing evil bastards…and stupid too!

f005bb  No.5536531


Yeah after reading it I was and am now certain that those people representing themselves as anons or connected to the movement have not even once done a dig on anything and all they do is take the work and report it through their Youtube channels and recently through this book of course.

Every single issue covered originated elsewhere and outside of those that I myself uncovered I know of several other anons who were the authors of issues they brought up and they used their exact statements as well. So all in all I walked away with the thought that those involved in that process are not actually investigating anything but are taking the material and spreading it. That is actually, by itself, a good thing as it's good to get the issues out there but to cash in on it while not doing anything really calls into account their true allegiance. I wouldn't be surprised if some anons who can prove that they stole their work sued them since it is blatant in my case so I am positive it is with others as well. And that right there is something I roll my eyes in thinking about because all of it didn't have to happen if they just released the book online for free instead of trying to make money. Now they are very open to lawsuit. Fuck… it never ends when idiots are involved.

e1db6d  No.5536532

>>5536449 NOTABLE Q Book Review

>As far as the book, yeah, I mean it had a good amount of content on things that have been covered but it focuses way too much on the pizzagate and ancient aspects of that situation in terms of speculative material that is more so not a Qanon movement. Sure there are some anons that focus on that but overall we focus on Q drops and proving them through digs. I would say a good majority of the book is related to the issues that have yet to be proven which I found to be an issue and something that should not be included until they were proven.


>Many of the digs that are sound are issues we have gone over and I support their inclusion which is good. I did find a serious lack of support for the country, the west in general and a complete lack of any mention of historically related issues. I would say that in terms of the fact based proofs it did a good job of relaying them but they took up a small amount of the material covered which focused on a lot of conspiracy shit which may be true but just hasn't been proven which I did not really like.

28cc4a  No.5536533

File: b03a615a01b6191⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, y2mate.com - cannibal_al_s….mp4)

574772  No.5536534

File: af3af41a7c778c1⋯.png (168.09 KB, 697x907, 697:907, Archive Preying Medic Amaz….PNG)

File: 6ad0aee68dfd424⋯.png (173.17 KB, 701x903, 701:903, Archive Preying Medic Amaz….PNG)


Preying Medic promoting/drawing attention to a Hoax Book

Likely so the expert and authorities on Q will promote his book when he releases it

Mutual money making [scam] theme

0c05ec  No.5536535

File: 738bbd28e14ed7d⋯.jpg (175.94 KB, 1385x628, 1385:628, rocking.JPG)


this is an interesting article about the rocking side to side and seems to fit. Her eye movement went wonky at the same time.


f005bb  No.5536536


It's already there so I have nothing to prove.

69fc20  No.5536537


weaving spiders come not here.

e55f5c  No.5536538


>Anons would you hit it ??

Who the fuck falls for this obvious slide every day?


It rhymes with kills or snots.

2e4d25  No.5536539


Spoiler that shit nigga

b21888  No.5536540


>all govt school teachers need to be fired.

Not all do. Best ones find a school with a decent principal and keep a low profile. If your a moderately good teacher and can coach, without having advanced degrees out the ass, you can get a job anywhere. Very mobile. Best for your own kids, too. Find the best school for them and get a job teaching in the district. A lot of small rural schools are good to work at. Best principals are former coaches; not threatened by and operate wisely with conflict.

Assholes like this teacher are what's left over when all the good ones have left for better pastures.

bcaabc  No.5536541

Anyone see this yet?

West Virginia kicked poor white and black people out of their housing and has spent millions on free housing for refugees. They are also building a million dollar mosque next door


d87390  No.5536542


Or i could not vote

Then laugh because it makes 0 difference

c4a6b3  No.5536543


didn't the msm from anonymos source say she was going to be fired like 2 months ago?

55f363  No.5536544


Zero percent notable.

Find another source saying the same thing, look for another source that doesn't say the same thing.

Look for that middle ground stuff.

aa76b5  No.5536545

File: 0a0f8fd8dc86332⋯.png (284.46 KB, 408x320, 51:40, Insider Buy.PNG)

File: 06381ccc5e6ada3⋯.jpg (166.11 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Road runner buy.jpg)

File: 751669942ac8fcf⋯.jpg (100.23 KB, 870x500, 87:50, sunrun buy.jpg)

Not all insider buys have a goal of increasing EPS for bonus collection. Most of these are in solid business's like Kinder Morgan, Seagate etc.


ca74d1  No.5536546

File: 70e95ec6628f67c⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 540x750, 18:25, 1515396.jpg)

3ce389  No.5536547


yea…and how much money will you be making off the material you stole to make a book you didn't put any hard work into…sound like JP?

I bet…sounds just like him!!!

ad32ac  No.5536548

File: f11ca61d5f6e954⋯.jpeg (104.94 KB, 604x850, 302:425, 8C25E47F-949B-4EEC-9EA3-E….jpeg)


Q posted John 3:16 - u dont show that in ur list.

b4e730  No.5536549

File: 3e7a2e3a45ba04b⋯.jpg (180.07 KB, 864x649, 864:649, HSIP1.1.jpg)

File: f1294facc205344⋯.jpg (94.87 KB, 582x435, 194:145, HSIP1.2.jpg)

File: 31351beb10305ec⋯.jpg (86.85 KB, 677x508, 677:508, HSIP1.3.jpg)

>>5523815 /pb

>Crumbs are being dropped and missed.

>Think scope.


First step to solving a problem is to recognize there is one. Second step is to identify what the problem is.


0d47ed  No.5536550

File: 20d8765ecc7227b⋯.png (215.26 KB, 466x411, 466:411, 45BBB2CF-2317-4455-BF14-D3….png)


Literally every time.

1cc370  No.5536551

File: 3813fcb2261a4d7⋯.png (230.77 KB, 851x721, 851:721, 1495787327007.png)

e55f5c  No.5536552


You mean Gen X?

cba6d4  No.5536553

File: 315724ee15aec01⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 2v9dsn.jpg)

0d8ce2  No.5536554


They are still trying to push the narrative that PamphletAnon is connected to Q.

0602bb  No.5536555


I’ve heard someone say that proceeds are going to charity - young journalists, so in other words THEM. Charity to me means 501c. I wonder if they are 501c registered??

This is getting Interetesting.

aa76b5  No.5536556

ca302d  No.5536557



Well there we go.

They had more than plenty enough just using the crumbs.

Had to throw in all sorts of unrelated shit.

2e4d25  No.5536558


Thanks for the confirmation

2d4ca7  No.5536559

File: 903e439ff782f82⋯.jpg (299.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Cortez47.jpg)

little girl about to be finding out just how much she got used

7a1dde  No.5536560

File: 0344ed6232a7d9b⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 500x680, 25:34, 13256023_10207717738434879….jpg)


LOL…of coursi another book deal, there's always a book deal…

always…everyone online is writing a book and is a self-published author now. No one wants to be an anonymous superhero anymore. Sigh.

55f363  No.5536561


Immediate thought:


28cc4a  No.5536562

It's not if MAGA riots are coming it's when, anons don't forget there is at least 30 million illegal foreigners embedded in the united states.

The reliable Stevens 320 pump security 12 ga. shotgun has everything you will need anons to hit the streets when the shit gets

hot in America—and it comes at an affordable price.

The effectiveness of the 12-gauge shotgun is beyond dispute. Sure, it is limited in range, but the majority of law enforcement and even armed citizen shootings occur within room-sized distances. As appealing as the AR-15 carbine may be, it does not hold a candle to the 12-gauge shotgun when it comes to target power. It is true that the shotgun is more punishing to the shooter, but the harsher it is to shoot, the harsher it will be for those on the business end of the muzzle. No, eight to nine .33-caliber pellets will not stay together for any great distance and .72-caliber slugs are only accurate to 75 or maybe 100 yards. But then, considering your real world of work, it is very unlikely you’ll have confrontations at such great distances.

3d0b9d  No.5536563

File: b77274dbb6aa655⋯.png (765.28 KB, 708x760, 177:190, 2020 Places.png)

c49fd4  No.5536564


I would never vote Dem (socialist) under any circumstances. But I'm not going to vote for someone who's not actively turning things away from socialism either. Trump is not moving us away from being completely owned by the corporate and bankster elitists. Much as you want to pretend otherwise, it's simply not happening. We the people have not gained an inch.

2e4d25  No.5536565


Looks like they had to put two belts together kek

818688  No.5536566

File: e10a81e100445f0⋯.jpeg (32.49 KB, 424x237, 424:237, F29AB4FA-586F-4F36-99FA-C….jpeg)

e71887  No.5536567

File: 9c6b99f0cef58a0⋯.jpeg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, 7683b6cb516bc9349df5dc77f….jpeg)



Present but never pressed charges..was not willing to take the public abuse & comped system.

394716  No.5536568

File: a3fd299d63ce7e6⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x2054, 621:1027, E20658B3-14D6-4AE5-B2B9-9….jpeg)

HRC May be facing same fate as No Name

ca302d  No.5536569

File: 571174bbad38e9b⋯.png (232.66 KB, 707x516, 707:516, sources of errors DMSC-Sha….png)

File: c01d0b85f57bc2f⋯.png (152.14 KB, 698x518, 349:259, DMSC-Shattuck-2.png)

File: 386ee1f6eaf5311⋯.jpg (107.36 KB, 784x496, 49:31, Dugan does DARPA.jpg)


cheers anon, glad to see ye around

b4e730  No.5536570

File: 0720bbc69abf040⋯.jpg (157.9 KB, 886x658, 443:329, HSIP2.1.jpg)

File: 483bcde1d94bd3c⋯.jpg (145.44 KB, 887x670, 887:670, HSIP2.2.jpg)

File: 422ea31755f5a2f⋯.jpg (87.25 KB, 634x468, 317:234, HSIP2.3.jpg)


2/2 - background material

sauce - Dynamic Model of Situated Cognition to Assess Network Centric Warfare in Field Settings

Lawrence G. Shattuck Nita Lewis Miller - authors

Co-Directors Human Systems Integration Program Operations Research Department Naval Postgraduate School



1a9fcc  No.5536571



You haven't delivered us the justice we so badly craved and invested so much time into helping you achieve… So, give us some cash, instead.

Or do we have no REAL value to you?

2e4d25  No.5536572


You forgot the pictures faggot

2f3798  No.5536573

File: da249e16e5f9867⋯.jpg (101.32 KB, 481x635, 481:635, anon.jpg)

aa76b5  No.5536574

File: 940d4fef814110c⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 340x213, 340:213, every single time.jpg)

fedd62  No.5536575


Gen X did cross my mind but feels like Q is referring to 1 person

d1e8dc  No.5536576

File: 0405628817da3c2⋯.jpg (64.04 KB, 740x337, 740:337, 2vcuij.jpg)

9e45e5  No.5536577


my thinking as well

b835ac  No.5536578


They are also banking on the fact that QRes'ers are not famefags. I can't count the number of times I've worked for days on a topic, posted it, it got ignored, but a day or two later, someone posted the same info. Maybe even just copied what I'd done. I don't care. Not here. We're helping inform each other and we're fam.

I agree, tho, if they'd just put their stuff out there for free, that would have made a big difference.

Q is moving in a new direction. The original Plan is underway and a done deal.

We have a new nation to build. New party structure at ALL levels in our society.

And then dealing with the normies, pissants and pussies. They're going to need more than covfefe!

cbbfb4  No.5536579

Anons, do we know what is wronf with her hand?

It looks nasty… and suspicious



d6b64c  No.5536580


Notice all the twatter,YT famewhores

who were never real Anons,.who were given

a lil shout out by Q ( linked their twatter or vid)

are always the ones trying to cash in. Cashing in on the work of Anons. I too am pissed.

I am more pissed at them claiming in the book to be the "authorities of Q"

How dare they think they are or anyone is such, do they not get this is not a game?

Ppl actually have their lives on the line, so disrespectful

authorities . persons having the legal power to make and enforce the law; government:

They finally persuaded the authorities that they were not involved in espionage.

(Pamphlet was once an Anon, until he famewhored and got BTFO by Q, every day he is thirsty on his YT for a (you) by Q, I hope Q never gives that fucking cash in shill a bat of the eye.

bef942  No.5536581

>>5536535 https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/tardive-dyskinesia

2338e6  No.5536582

Pharma & Insurance Gave $43M to the 130 House Democrats Not Backing Medicare for All

(EDITOR’S NOTE, 3/5/19, 7:40 PM ET: The technical difficulties previously affecting the mobile version of this article have been resolved. The full list of all 130 House Democrats can be seen below.)

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) recently rolled out House Democrats’ version of a Medicare for All proposal that would ensure all Americans have guaranteed healthcare.

The bill (H.R. 1384) has an impressive 106 co-sponsors, and has been called “the most ambitious Medicare-for-All plan yet” by Vox, which also reported the benefits the House bill contained were even more significant than the companion bill Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) first introduced in his chamber. Under Jayapal’s plan, private, for-profit health insurance plans would be eliminated, and all Americans would be covered by a government-administered single-payer healthcare plan.

Additionally, Rep. Jayapal’s bill — the Medicare for All Act of 2019 — calls for a two-year transition from the current system to the one she proposes, rather than a four-year transition, as Sanders proposed. The House bill would put everyone under the age of 19 and over the age of 55 on the single-payer plan after one year, and then everyone in between the following year.

“We will be pushing it as hard as we can and as fast as we can,” Rep. Jayapal said. “Enough nibbling around the edges. We really need to transform the system.”

Should the House bill become law, the system that would replace Medicaid and Medicare (healthcare programs for veterans and Indigenous peoples would remain) would provide even more coverage than the universal healthcare system in Canada, as Jayapal’s plan would cover long-term care services for nursing services. Americans would no longer have to come up with emergency room co-pays or fees for doctor’s visits. The only out-of-pocket spending would be on prescription drugs — which would come at a lower price due to the government negotiating on patients’ behalf.

However impressive 106 House Democrats co-sponsoring the bill may be, that number falls short of the 218 votes needed for a bill to pass the House of Representatives with a majority vote. Even though there are 235 House Democrats, 112 of the 130 House Democrats currently not listed as co-sponsors on Rep. Jayapal’s bill would need to come on board in order for the bill to be able to pass the chamber and go to the Senate.

As Grit Post reported last year, private health insurance companies (and pharmaceutical drug manufacturers) were spending big on making sure that Senate Democrats up for re-election in competitive races would allow the for-profit system to remain in place. And according to new research, it appears that the healthcare industry’s robust election spending also benefited House Democrats.

Using campaign finance data made publicly available by the Center for Responsive Politics, Grit Post calculated that donors in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries gave a combined $43,740,947 in career campaign donations to the 130 House Democrats who have not yet signed on as co-sponsors to Rep. Jayapal’s bill. House Democrats received anywhere from $9,570 in financial support from pharma and insurance to $3.2 million, depending on the member……..moar


0a8455  No.5536583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Belgian carnival float condemned for featuring caricatures of Orthodox Jews atop money bags

Belgian mayor defends, argues display ‘should be allowed’ and that ‘carnival participants had no sinister intentions’


e21148  No.5536584

>>5535452 (/pb)


so no more hangings? is this another anti-lynching bill meant to save the necks of traitors?

31a6d8  No.5536585


Keep jutifying your actions. It doesnt matter how much money he makes. Are you saying that every person who writes a book about events they were not part of should be jailed? If so you better build some jails cause there are lots.

You are a lover of tyranny and not freedom at all. You are the ones trying to impose tyranny on the country not the dems.

You are all about justice for me but none for thee.

34232b  No.5536586


keks out loud

f54eb7  No.5536587

File: 8bd433fbb143df2⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D0823XxXgAANQ8U.jpg)

File: fff3a3d98d85175⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D0823eGX0AEG1sB.jpg)



280060  No.5536588

File: d0665391c0d3ba8⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


And now we feel like winners without actually winning. We're meant to go down honorably feeling proud to be conservative. Jewish men, women, and children in the lifeboats first!

30a46d  No.5536589

As a biblefag im also a concernfag sometimes about the isreal thing. I know realanons dont shitpost the muh joo line, but as a christian, i stand with isreal. Im not saying they dont do bad things, but they (realjoos) are God's chosen people.

I know realanons probably all agree that we are just talking about the governmental leadership. But im a little concernfagged that losing alliance with isreal will be Americas downfall. Any thoughts anons? Or should i just gtfo and kms?

818688  No.5536590

File: 63b9d428167f89e⋯.jpg (165.54 KB, 929x529, 929:529, QNN-CPACspeech.jpg)

My favourite part was when the crowd laughed at "these people are sick!" because they knew the inside joke.

ca302d  No.5536591


the fuck is this?


e115f6  No.5536592


Farrakhan boy has been a good fedcoat asset. He says some truths and then screams kill whitey.

f9552d  No.5536593


I smell greed and ego.

e26bba  No.5536594


Now they’re researching the alt-right term “LARP” and what it possibly means. Most likely a racist term.

c49fd4  No.5536595


You don't get it. You clingerfags are unwitting shills. You are working for the enemy, not me. One day you will figure it out. But it's going to be far too late by then.

55296e  No.5536596


my understanding of these lists of 'traits' is that they do apply to all psychopaths, however everyone who has these qualities is not a danger.

Most who have these qualities never become murderers. . .

and thus such lists are discouraged for use other than like this, a kind of casual way.

Applying this kind of list to real people has resulted in some dangerous discrimination against people who have broken no laws.

03090c  No.5536597

File: 15ce427bfd97722⋯.jpeg (114.49 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 557570B3-0A6E-4600-9B1E-B….jpeg)

aa76b5  No.5536598

File: db35a473a46e40f⋯.png (786.31 KB, 516x684, 43:57, POTUS cures cancer.png)

263656  No.5536599



>You forgot the pictures faggot

Jesus, the faggot sucks at life so much he can’t even shill properly. I’m guessing he came here after Walmart decided to get rid of their greeters

f005bb  No.5536600


And that is something that is a problem as it did focus a lot on the things that do currently run on conspiracy theories without being able to be proven. Those things may be true but as it stands we have yet to prove them and those investigations are not really QAnon related anyhow and were created long before QAnon surfaced which made it even more puzzling as to their inclusion.

There was no mention of the issues from WA/missile, no mention of the issue from the Scotland golf/SS issue, no mention of serious issues that really shocked me and we proved beyond any doubt. It focused very much on many of the crazy things such as frazzledrip and so on.

1cce69  No.5536601


Proof Q influences trending searches

e654d7  No.5536602

File: 8149e68a49c6414⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 500x487, 500:487, 2uykkj_1.jpg)

File: e6193c6c4ef75fa⋯.jpg (60.42 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 2v98n7_1.jpg)

*Q Research 2019 Shotgun Reviews*<?

It's not if MAGA riots are coming it's when, anons don't forget there is at least 30 million illegal alien foreigners embedded in the united states.

The reliable Stevens 320 pump security 12 gauge shotgun has everything you will need anons to hit the streets blazing when America goes hot—and it comes at an affordable price.

The effectiveness of the 12-gauge shotgun is beyond dispute. Sure, it is limited in range, but the majority of law enforcement and even armed citizen shootings occur within room-sized distances. As appealing as the AR-15 carbine may be, it does not hold a candle to the 12-gauge shotgun when it comes to target power. It is true that the shotgun is more punishing to the shooter, but the harsher it is to shoot, the harsher it will be for those on the business end of the muzzle. No, eight to nine .33-caliber pellets will not stay together for any great distance and .72-caliber slugs are only accurate to 75 or maybe 100 yards. But then, considering your real world of work, it is very unlikely you’ll have confrontations at such great distances.

ca74d1  No.5536603


Peace is the prize anon.

1a24bf  No.5536604

File: e8951201e292886⋯.png (93.51 KB, 252x162, 14:9, 2018-11-11_08-01-34.png)

e3be61  No.5536605

File: 02dc75df25022ec⋯.jpg (236.42 KB, 1440x984, 60:41, 20190306_091739.jpg)

File: 306b5181a1681f6⋯.jpg (973.61 KB, 1080x2868, 90:239, Screenshot_20190306-090203….jpg)

Q posted this a year ago yesterday, March 5, 2018. This article came out March 4, 2019! How does he do this?!


2e4d25  No.5536606


Whatever the reason, anons see the bullshit.

That dog won’t hunt

818688  No.5536607


Shills can't seem to help but ask for shekels

f427e8  No.5536608



Yeah Q, gibs me Muh Reparations or I'll vote for Bernie.

This is a new tactic here so I'll give you credit for being an OriginalFaggot.

2f38ba  No.5536609


Hi Ginger

ca302d  No.5536610



didn't just famewhore, he actively worked against Q.

never forget

d85c49  No.5536611

File: 5fb3f0e4330a4f3⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 7c198eda76f1726aed6118a46….jpeg)

f9552d  No.5536612


Ivana was referencing Don Jr

1a9fcc  No.5536613


Condemned by the exact people it caricature of… And no one else.

Who cares? Quit sharing this shit, Schlomo.

f071b3  No.5536614

File: 1a63ba947024c13⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1450x1434, 725:717, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't you just love the subliminal messaging in the pic? They made sure to get the pick of Trump tower logo in the view of the White Nationalist poster. These people are sick


e1db6d  No.5536615

>>5536531 More Notable comments on Q book



>Yeah after reading it I was and am now certain that those people representing themselves as anons or connected to the movement have not even once done a dig on anything and all they do is take the work and report it through their Youtube channels and recently through this book of course.


>Every single issue covered originated elsewhere and outside of those that I myself uncovered I know of several other anons who were the authors of issues they brought up and they used their exact statements as well. So all in all I walked away with the thought that those involved in that process are not actually investigating anything but are taking the material and spreading it. That is actually, by itself, a good thing as it's good to get the issues out there but to cash in on it while not doing anything really calls into account their true allegiance. I wouldn't be surprised if some anons who can prove that they stole their work sued them since it is blatant in my case so I am positive it is with others as well. And that right there is something I roll my eyes in thinking about because all of it didn't have to happen if they just released the book online for free instead of trying to make money. Now they are very open to lawsuit. Fuck… it never ends when idiots are involved.

cbbfb4  No.5536616


Anons are:


b835ac  No.5536617


New norm, dude. Now property owners want to cash in on the refugee "crisis." Legal refugees get all sorts of gummint goodies - including rent assistance. And landlords tell THEM what they will charge in rent. Housing authority says, oh, okay. And that drives up rent for the rest of us.

A disaster for those of us on fixed incomes.

Prop owners don't even care how horribly the refugees treat their property. Gummint will pay for repairs.

Just more commie displacement of real Americans.

9e45e5  No.5536618

File: 6a8437daae88dd0⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vegas_122115sky.jpg)

Musk-owned firm recommended to build Las Vegas transit system

Las Vegas’ tourism agency announced Wednesday that it has recommended Elon Musk's tunnel construction company, The Boring Company, to build an underground tunnel transportation system.

The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority said that the project, which would carry passengers in autonomous electric vehicles at high speed, will be sent to the agency's board of directors for approval on March 12.

“The selection of The Boring Company for the Las Vegas Convention Center’s on-property, guest transportation solution leads the way to the evolution of transportation overall in Southern Nevada,” LVCVA President and CEO Steve Hill said in a statement.

“Our destination thrives on innovation and reinvention and The Boring Company’s concept allows us to continue providing the world-class experience our guests and clients have come to expect and move people in an efficient and cost-effective manner with advanced technology.”

If approved, the just over a mile-long system would debut in 2021 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The proposed project is estimated to cost between $35 million and $55 million.


1a9fcc  No.5536619


It was already in notables.

01072e  No.5536620

File: 2a5afb9ca72a82d⋯.png (86.74 KB, 444x621, 148:207, C-h1-zh-T-00-MMEE-2.png)

4d2c1f  No.5536621

File: 9390f399f7d4706⋯.jpeg (103.55 KB, 1915x272, 1915:272, ECF2A318-13B3-495A-936B-5….jpeg)

File: 5b8e68425d50ddf⋯.jpeg (337.32 KB, 1522x1598, 761:799, 850E3BBC-60D4-42A3-85EF-5….jpeg)

/pol/ prophecy

The belly of the dragon will drip water.

This prophecy is pretty interesting.

Yesterday we learned the NSA is represented by a dragon. In the pol prophecy it says that the belly of the dragon will drip water. Usually dripping water means there is a leak. Maybe it means a leak of information coming from the NSA. Thought it was kinda interesting.

After Kim Clements prophecies, especially the ones about Trump and hearing frogs croaking in one of them, there might be something to this one from /pol/.

574772  No.5536622

File: 20046875c3da964⋯.png (867.38 KB, 643x875, 643:875, Army 12-15-18 3 pm PST Val….PNG)


>they took my digs from here and used them word for word in their book on several occasions.

That's how they operate

Zero Integrity

Just like the persons commenting below


>First off, fuck you about being "butthurt" about anything.


>I suppose you wont be happy until your ego is in the library of congress?

1012e1  No.5536623

File: 7bc4a23747b70a1⋯.png (138.73 KB, 868x659, 868:659, 10:22:04_001.png)

76b1ea  No.5536624


It's called "aging". The older a person gets the thinner their skin gets. Eventually, the blood vessels can easily be seen right below the very thin skin and it makes their skin appear purplish.

Not suspicious at all anon

606513  No.5536625

File: 57169b6e8e2cc63⋯.jpeg (66.4 KB, 644x426, 322:213, 24021259-A435-4D10-939B-5….jpeg)

File: df96f724f35ba27⋯.jpeg (176.94 KB, 1000x648, 125:81, 6E38A2E6-506D-4D68-BEC9-E….jpeg)

File: b00e1a40d67338e⋯.jpeg (84.19 KB, 504x500, 126:125, 355BD6BF-FC9A-4927-871E-5….jpeg)

b0d83a  No.5536626

File: 20f610da97e9828⋯.jpg (279.53 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN GenX.jpg)

31a6d8  No.5536627


Communisn is bad unless it is your version

Tyranny is bad unless it is your tyranny

Sharia law is evil but we want to impose our christian versian of it

Due process for us but none for you

Justice for me but none for thee

You are hypocrites and devils all of you

455db3  No.5536628

File: a2c854aba957af1⋯.jpg (44.18 KB, 500x549, 500:549, THIS LADY.jpg)


77026b  No.5536629

File: 3b15dc7ae95275b⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 690x386, 345:193, nn.JPG)

File: 8a78eefe6d92ce8⋯.png (81.59 KB, 940x449, 940:449, jn.png)

KENTUCKY - Committee to vote on Medical Marijuana Wednesday, bill's sponsor says

FRANKFORT, Ky. (WKYT) - Medical marijuana advocates say they still have hope that lawmakers will approve their bill, even as their efforts stalled for much of the short session.

HB 136 is on the agenda for consideration during the House Judiciary Committee meeting at noon Wednesday.

The bill was first listed as 'for discussion only,' but Rep. Jason Nemes said on social media on Tuesday evening that he had a commitment from the committee chair that it would be called for a vote.

The expected vote is the first movement for the bill since it was assigned to the committee last month, rekindling in activists, advocates and supporters the hope and confidence they had when the bill was unveiled. But the House committee is only one step in the process, and time is running out with only six legislative days remaining in the short session.

"So this is basically the Hail Mary. We need to have it heard, or we're going to be talking about this in 2020," said Robert Matheny, a medical marijuana advocate who also owns a shop in Nicholasville that sells CBD products. "These people can't wait. This is life or death for a lot of people. This isn't anything about getting high."

Three other cannabis-related bills filed in Frankfort are stuck in committee: SB 80 would legalize recreational marijuana; SB 82 would decriminalize marijuana possession; and SB 83 would establish workplace protections for public employees using industrial hemp products.

A concurrent resolution urging Facebook, YouTube, eBay and Amazon to reconsider their marketing policies for industrial hemp businesses is moving in the General Assembly. Despite the growing popularity of their products - and the farm bill making hemp legal at the federal level - they're still limited with what they can do to market themselves on some websites.

"Until all these restrictions get lifted and you can advertise on different platforms, it's definitely going to stay a little more difficult," Matheny said.

The resolution passed the House last month. On Tuesday it was reported favorably out of a Senate committee. Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles says the state's hemp industry is growing rapidly.

SOURCE: https://www.wkyt.com/content/news/Sponsor-Committee-to-vote-on-medical-marijuana-Wednesday-506743631.html

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/jmnemes/status/1103046277091205120

263656  No.5536630


When you fail the first time, IP hop and try again.

c5758c  No.5536631

File: 63ee24f5595da48⋯.png (16.9 KB, 1118x749, 1118:749, 7fbg[1].png)

>>5534777 (PB) (Notables)

Morning anons…check this out regarding the Clintons striking back at Trini Vargo (Ireland), from Wikileaks…pretty incriminating IMO: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3231

2 other Clinton dump emails that Vargo is mentioned in:



459f7c  No.5536632

Anyone else think it is odd that 81 letters were sent requesting documentation from POTUS associates and 81 is an abbreviation for Hell’s Angels?

818688  No.5536633

File: 2f00a31945dc9b7⋯.jpg (455.17 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN:HRC.jpg)

d85c49  No.5536634

File: 06060c3eee5f027⋯.jpeg (11.43 KB, 192x255, 64:85, df52837273a230e09446a14d0….jpeg)



Aww shit here we


31a6d8  No.5536635


Oh yeah that must be it.

29a33d  No.5536636

File: 681359823d98546⋯.jpeg (27.9 KB, 220x265, 44:53, 745D49E2-D7DB-4AF9-A908-C….jpeg)

Qew, please comment on the True Pundit/WL/DNC was not hacked story breaking today, and while yer at it, go on the record for SR. Does DWS have the stones to have someone clipped?

2cb935  No.5536637

Well, it is Detroit, after all.


aa76b5  No.5536639

File: d24e2b57349a4d9⋯.jpg (130.87 KB, 874x500, 437:250, pepe breaking economic new….jpg)

File: e820e44ddf2d4df⋯.png (82.1 KB, 537x343, 537:343, 030619 Trade deficit.PNG)

U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in 2018 on record imports

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. trade deficit surged to a 10-year high in 2018, with the politically sensitive shortfall with China hitting a record peak, despite the Trump administration slapping tariffs on a range of imported goods in an effort to shrink the gap.

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday that an 18.8 percent jump in the trade deficit in December had contributed to the $621.0 billion (472.4 billion pounds) shortfall last year. The 2018 deficit was the largest since 2008 and followed a $552.3 billion gap in 2017.

The trade deficit has deteriorated despite the White House's protectionist trade policy, which President Donald Trump said is needed to shield U.S. manufacturers from what he says is unfair foreign competition.

The United States last year imposed tariffs on $250 billion worth of goods imported from China, with Beijing hitting back with duties on $110 billion worth of American products, including soybeans and other commodities. Trump has delayed tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports as negotiations to resolve the eight-month trade war continue.

The United States has also slapped duties on imported steel, aluminium, solar panels and washing machines. The goods trade deficit with China increased 11.6 percent to an all-time high of $419.2 billion in 2018. The United States had record imports from 60 countries in 2018, led by China, Mexico and Germany. Imports of good hit a record $2.6 trillion last year.

The December trade deficit of $59.8 billion was the largest since October 2008 and overshot economists' expectations for a $57.9 billion shortfall, as exports fell for a third straight month and imports rebounded.

The release of the December report was delayed by a 35-day partial shutdown of the government that ended on Jan. 25.


376555  No.5536640

File: 945be633f3b9547⋯.png (331.82 KB, 643x659, 643:659, mh tweet.PNG)

Maggie Haberman tweet setting up the cabal's new narrative (imho) that Trump is running in 2020 to stave off further indictments for his possible illegal dealing in 'other matters'.

Coincidence, she writes this the day that Schiff committee is interviewing Cohen again.

Cabal is setting the table to further MALIGN Trump.

NYT article is behind paywall. Can anybody access?

0a8455  No.5536641


Sorry Adolph, I didn't realize.

f9552d  No.5536642


It's shekelicious.

85c107  No.5536643


Are you serious, We are here for peace and freedom

244859  No.5536644


Think about all the good your time spent digging will do and all those you'll help wake, sometimes we are repaid by just knowing we helped others, that's a pretty good day. Good job anon, be proud!

6c5df0  No.5536645


For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. Obadiah 1:15

1992 23 August

The Madrid Conference was not successful the first time around, so a year later President Bush tried it again. Evidently, God’s opinion of a “land for peace” deal had not changed in the preceding 12 months, and disaster struck again…on the very same day.

1992 23 August – Same Day – Hurricane Andrew visits Florida

Hurricane Andrew smashes and crashes into Florida. Andrew causes over $30 billion in damage while destroying over 180,000 homes. At that time, Andrew was the worst natural disaster ever to hit America.

1993 13 September

President George H. Bush promoted and proudly signed the infamous Oslo Accord. The Oslo Accord was labeled a “Land for Peace” accord that demanded Israel award their land to the Palestinian murderers and terrorists in exchange for peace. The perverse Oslo proposition was simple: give us your land and we’ll stop killing you.

1993 31 October – The Next Day – Hurricane Emily On the very day that the Oslo Peace Accord was agreed upon, Hurricane Emily slammed into the Outer Banks with winds up to 115 miles per hour.

1994 16 January

President Bill Clinton meets with terrorist and Israel hater Syria’s President Hafez el-Assad in Geneva. They talk about a peace agreement with Israel that includes Israel giving up the Golan Heights.

1994 17 January – less than 24 hours – 6.9 Earthquake rocks California

In less than 24 hours, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocks Southern California. This mysterious quake, centered in Northridge, is the second most destructive natural disaster to hit the United States, behind Hurricane Andrew.

1998 21 January

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President Clinton at the White House and is coldly received. Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright refuse to have lunch with him.

1998 21 January – the same day – Monica Lewinsky scandal erupts

After Clinton’s rejection of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, later the very same day, the Monica Lewinsky scandal breaks out, destroying the Clinton presidency and resulting in his impeachment.

And the beat goes on and on and on

455db3  No.5536646

File: 37003d77f3960ba⋯.png (267.04 KB, 595x633, 595:633, DEMOCRAP.png)

34232b  No.5536647

File: b68daf55d8675e7⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 776x960, 97:120, acostababy.jpg)


imagine how donald feels

170ae6  No.5536648


Maybe if she didn't beat, betray and try to convert my people

0602bb  No.5536649

File: 37ee9a4d106cd05⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB, 800x389, 800:389, EBBDE449-1186-4AD1-AB39-1….jpeg)

b4e730  No.5536650


Curious how would this be used in the context of the crumb.

Should focus be targeted like a sniper or broadened?


likewise, anon.

d6b64c  No.5536651


Oh believe me I remember.

Also went on AJ claiming to have backchannel

to Q, then tried to give all blame on the other gu.

Then went on to have Corsi on his channel who gave deep state decodes on Q drops,

His wife quit her job( pamphlet for some reason didnt have a job) she quit her job and they moved back home with his parents so that they could chat about Q 24 hrs a day, living off paypal and donations etc.


Paints a picture doesnt it.

e3be61  No.5536652

File: d79b8a2573b52f7⋯.jpg (688.59 KB, 1356x2178, 226:363, 20190306_084024.jpg)

File: 13b5472c32ac936⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 1080x11068, 270:2767, Screenshot_20190306-084326….jpg)

WE ONLY HAVE 10 YEARS TO SAVE THE WORLD! Oh, wait!! This was from 1989



7bef87  No.5536653


Thanks!! Forgot about that

d85e2b  No.5536654





804cef  No.5536655

File: 2f24837e25aaaa3⋯.png (3.51 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A7ACE935-35C1-4837-A41C-54….png)

File: a858b37358ea2ea⋯.png (2.6 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6A88ADB2-F602-4C86-ADF8-C1….png)

Don’t mention mention Israel or your racist.


e581a9  No.5536656


Free speech, even "offensive" or "obnoxious" speech should ALWAYS be allowed. For those of us of European heritage, our ancestors sacrificed ALOT to guarantee that right.

One of the first thing the Bolshevik Jews did when they took over Russia was to institute "anti-semetic" laws where it was illegal and punishable to be "anti-semetic". They are trying to do the same thing here. Killary also helped push UN-level "anti-Islam" or "Islamophobic" laws that made questioning or criticizing Islam illegal and punishable.

Free speech should ALWAYS be defended, unless it is about hurting someone, inciting violence (we see you MW) etc.

Due process should always be respected, even when it takes time.

The Left is trying to destroy both as they are pillars of the modern West and our sense of community, heritage, justice, freedom.

e1db6d  No.5536657

>>5536578 Dear Baker. Please consider adding these comments to a set of notables on the Q book. Most of us have not read the book, and speaking for myself, I will defer to these Anons who have done some serious research on this board. Thank you.



>They are also banking on the fact that QRes'ers are not famefags. I can't count the number of times I've worked for days on a topic, posted it, it got ignored, but a day or two later, someone posted the same info. Maybe even just copied what I'd done. I don't care. Not here. We're helping inform each other and we're fam.


>I agree, tho, if they'd just put their stuff out there for free, that would have made a big difference.


>Q is moving in a new direction. The original Plan is underway and a done deal.


>We have a new nation to build. New party structure at ALL levels in our society.


>And then dealing with the normies, pissants and pussies. They're going to need more than covfefe!

03090c  No.5536659

File: 1cb03c4045f4d07⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3171x2465, 3171:2465, 2CBD143E-706E-4B3F-93B3-C….jpeg)

263656  No.5536660


And (((they))) really expect us to believe it’s white supremacists putting these up and not (((them)))? The ADL is a fucking cancer

668093  No.5536661


Anons. There is a lot here. I can’t believe more autists are not ALL OVER THIS.

Even if it’s not true it is a perfect plan to fast-forward this movie. Even if it’s not Q/Pres, it’s something for us TO DO.

Read Michael Anton bun. If you need the punchline without sauce (shame on you) read the last post first.

Definitely read The Flight 93 Election.

“2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.

Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.”

IF you are awake, you can see.

I feel like there is a growing number of anons that are listening to an inner voice that says DO SOMETHING.

This is in line with our charter: Dig. Meme. Pray.

I think the meme leaders should give us some unity and direction regarding the messaging and timing. This is a war for our country, our children, our way of life. Q started with us with the last group of people who trusted themselves and could see and hear truth for themselves, it should end with all of us, WE THE PEOPLE. Seriously, we are going to just sit back and watch? That is not the American way.

Memes got this party started, memes should end it.

I suck at memes but I will open as many twitter accounts as possible to spread and I am a privacy anon and have never had FB, Twitter or any social media.

280060  No.5536662

File: 991b9c1e6d3c39a⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 991b9c1e6d3c39a95fed5ef705….mp4)

File: a569bf053db975f⋯.jpg (849.19 KB, 1024x1358, 512:679, a569bf053db975f849ccc6675e….jpg)

File: e4a624ba241bbdd⋯.png (688.08 KB, 654x793, 654:793, e4a624ba241bbddb45008c893b….png)

File: 5438c6ed28c8a84⋯.png (516.4 KB, 675x380, 135:76, Schlock Team 6.png)


Trump: "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"

01072e  No.5536663

File: 64e47bb0cc755a0⋯.png (309.03 KB, 604x460, 151:115, pc75.png)

b835ac  No.5536664


We don't really know all that POTUS is up to on the Middle East.

What we do know is that he is a master tactician.

Just have to ride with it for now. Keep praying.

We've got a lot of work to do in the realm of being salt and light.

515037  No.5536665


Wasted your dough, Now wasting ours, on something expected and obvious, getting all bent and out of shape.

No Outside Comms…

Prolly glossed over and no link to Qmap.pub

30a46d  No.5536666

File: 2e6692d4000b21b⋯.jpeg (16.21 KB, 255x253, 255:253, b00e1a40d67338e7d21cf3008….jpeg)


Anon, can you please fix spelling

>wal os wall

376555  No.5536667


I just noticed that Maggie uses the word 'gotten', too….just like POTUS DID recently.

She could have used 'received', but she uses 'gotten'.

Is he mimicking him?

59ae49  No.5536668

File: d6c9afb7b2ad9d9⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 2821x4960, 91:160, SH-7.jpg)

File: a5985a3b9bb93aa⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 500x420, 25:21, 2v993q_1.jpg)



Nigga I have never up hopped on Q Research…never

804cef  No.5536669


Wait? Our system can’t be bribed by foreigners or that’s racist.

806492  No.5536670


Don't start with the fucking shill shit…

"Vote for trump, don't be a shill"… bla bla bla

I vote for whomever I fucking feel like…

I vote for this country, accountability, and the rule of law…

I support Patriots who get shit done…

If the Patriots supporting Trump are able to get shit handled, great, I'll vote…

They "are in control" and "have everything", then it shouldn't be much of an issue to produce some real fucking happenings… DS aren't gods, and bleed like anyone else… why pussy-foot if they're just gonna hang…

Again, 2020 is coming… I'm wondering when we are going to start hearing about "can't do anything during elections" bs again…

ca302d  No.5536671


>setting the table

Russia Collusion Projection = dying/dead.

on to another level of projection.

Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.

Watch those announcing 2020 P running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe.








99ef1d  No.5536672


Riiight, because you know me so well.

STFU, shill.

9a0e6d  No.5536673

File: 9e34fc4800331b3⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 608x342, 16:9, letter3-rt-ml-190306_hpMai….jpg)

Investigation launched after explosive devices sent to major London transport hubs

LONDON – An investigation has been launched after three "small improvised explosives," one of which partially exploded, were discovered after being sent to major transport hubs in London on Tuesday, police said.

No one was injured and no arrests have been made, though the Metropolitan Police are working with the U.K.'s counter-terror forces in the ongoing inquiry.

"The packages – all A4-sized white postal bags containing yellow Jiffy bags – have been assessed by specialist officers to be small improvised explosive devices," London's Metropolitan Police said in a statement. "These devices, at this early stage of the investigation, appear capable of igniting an initially small fire when opened."

A sender's address on the envelope says "Bus Erean Dublin," an Ireland based bus company. The stamps on the package are also believed to be from the Republic of Ireland.

"Look closely at the stamps," Bunkall said in another tweet. "They say Eire on. Rep of Ireland."


d85c49  No.5536674

File: 0ee233318235b08⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 242x351, 242:351, ajlskdhfk.jpg)

e1db6d  No.5536675

>>5536541 This has been happening big time in Europe and now it is happening here. FIGHT!!

03090c  No.5536676




376555  No.5536677


you think this ties to Irish Bombs in UK?

c49fd4  No.5536678


Exactly. What ground have we gained since Trump took office? NONE. In fact, we lost ground. I used to be able to at least post on Twitter without getting banned. Now I'd be banned for just about every one my old tweets.

f005bb  No.5536679


I would be much more apt to think that way if those involved and who were cashing in were those that I could relate to in the means of them loving their country. If it was someone I actually believed to be an America loving individual who shared my hope for the future I wouldn't give a shit and, to be honest with you, I would pass off my entire 900 page work on this very issue to a struggling (financially) anon if I knew they could benefit from it to help their life since I am doing fine. In fact I will do that once the smoke settles on this issue but I simply cannot deny it bothers me that those particular people are the ones who benefited from the work given they have never once mentioned any love of country and hope for the future and everything is about themselves. That bothers me and I believe it bothers others who not only love the US but love their own countries and are hoping at a united front between our nations moving forward.

aa76b5  No.5536680

File: ae44d4c11a5ca4f⋯.png (260.99 KB, 577x738, 577:738, 030619 Mush rec's LV trans….PNG)

>>5536618 Musk-owned firm recommended to build Las Vegas transit system


2d4ca7  No.5536681


You don't ever let anyone or any circumstances take away your most basic right as an American citizen.

I have voted in every general election since I was 18 - no fail. Sometimes I held my nose and made my choice from the lesser of two evils, but I made my choice and did not leave it to others. Yes I voted for McCain and for Romney, and wished all along I would have had a better choice. Still I voted against the worse candidate, not for the weak candidate.

I get sick when I see conservatives say "so and so disappointed me, so I won't vote!" Liberals have no problem voting for the person closest to their position even if they aren't libtard enough! Of course they voted for Bill Clinton and Obummer each time, though both had failed big time! Again, grow up and put on your big person panties and make the choice you know is the better of the two.

Any conservative who chooses not to vote based on weak excuses is not a true patriot!

66a277  No.5536682



maybe you can go to one of our newly established fake MAGA safe spaces

0a8455  No.5536683

File: 6eeddf0a1b4fa66⋯.mp4 (12.06 MB, 480x270, 16:9, CNN Dem Voter Panel Loves ….mp4)

CNN Panel of Democratic Voters Go Nuts Over ‘Bad Ass’ AOC: ‘She Is the Candidate of the Future!’


1012e1  No.5536684

File: c31b49ea5063c23⋯.png (638.49 KB, 905x875, 181:175, 01:10:23_001.png)

547dc9  No.5536685


I’m feeling positive re: this March.

For Q:


eb1c00  No.5536686




When you realize 2 guys a girl and a pizza place was canceled for reasons other than raitings

bdc10e  No.5536687

File: 9edbefc8d48fe3f⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1166x1834, 583:917, ClipboardImage.png)

455db3  No.5536688

File: 099ed37ca6d33b6⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 238x364, 17:26, 'GLOBAL WARMING' IN A BLIZ….jpg)

ca302d  No.5536689

f005bb  No.5536691


Oh I didn't buy it my friend. I would never pay for that. I did what everyone here (I assume) knows how to do in acquiring such things. In fact, would you all like for me to post the book?

3a2a2a  No.5536692


LOL .. Pulse of the People? They wouldn't know the pulse of the people if it hit them on the behind.

e115f6  No.5536693

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)

bef942  No.5536694

Proverbs 26, for the shills.

1 As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool.

2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

6 He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.

7 The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

8 As he that bindeth* a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.

9 As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

10 The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth transgressors.

11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

13 The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.

14 As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.

e45a87  No.5536695


>The reliable Stevens 320 pump security 12 ga. shotgun

Public Service Announcement.

Not responding to slide shill here. Just a heads up for anons that the Savage/Stevens 320 is a certifiable piece of shit. Any Remington 870 or any dual action bar Mossberg 500 are light years better shotguns.

2cb935  No.5536696

Excellent info, thanQ fren


75a460  No.5536697



99ef1d  No.5536698

55f363  No.5536699


Agreed. It really doesn't bother me if another Anon basically copy/pastes my work and it gets noticed by other Anons. Because "Anon" and "I love research". I do NOT like it when it's monetized by self-proclaimed "experts". Not so much because of the monetization aspect. Mostly because an "expert" who is maybe not such an expert stands to do a disservice to everyone here and everyone trying to understand what happens here.

Example: I don't ask the teller at the bank for investment tips. Sure, both things are related to money aaaaaaand that's about it.

690fef  No.5536700

File: 35d562885b4d134⋯.jpeg (37.62 KB, 1080x567, 40:21, DVZmFe4WsAYOhPq.jpeg)

34232b  No.5536701

File: bb4fd800469ead2⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 495x532, 495:532, 9d013ba2.jpg)


thats actually pertty funny toi, thanks for the keks

c5758c  No.5536702


Checked…and doubtful. This is prolly water under the bridge for the Clintons by now.

74413c  No.5536703

File: 3bfad2a6d8ec773⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 818x501, 818:501, downloadfile-17_1.jpg)



IP hopping is not needed on Q Research.

3ce389  No.5536704


And they called the book QAnon!!!!!

4853c3  No.5536705

File: 5c76469c597820e⋯.jpg (139.6 KB, 580x580, 1:1, snickers-candy-bars-127952….jpg)

f005bb  No.5536706


Alright I will be home in 3.5 hours and will make a new post about it on the site here and just upload it all.

455db3  No.5536707

File: 4d2d7ce4b057457⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 500x606, 250:303, D5?.jpg)

1012e1  No.5536708

File: 837b81e3c299760⋯.png (869.35 KB, 749x840, 107:120, 07:40:40_001.png)

e115f6  No.5536709

File: 8fbdfb132ca7fbd⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 207x255, 69:85, trump.jpg)



0664aa  No.5536710

File: 8dd22a9552a7a4d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1982x1128, 991:564, 4753763089743621.png)

2f3798  No.5536711


And it's got an ugly cover.

1cce69  No.5536712


Nice illustration anon, basically filtering can be faulty (tricked) with disastrous results.

Humans as filters require assistance to get it right. Some are better than others.

Empirical Rule

The "68–95–99.7 rule" is often used to quickly get a rough probability estimate of something, given its standard deviation, if the population is assumed to be normal. It is also used as a simple test for outliers if the population is assumed normal, and as a normality test if the population is potentially not normal.

03090c  No.5536713

File: 57957411f30c649⋯.gif (27.43 KB, 650x804, 325:402, DDCC017B-D5E3-4D3A-A372-61….gif)


Mossberg has a nice ring to it.

d85c49  No.5536714


Every damn time


b835ac  No.5536715


If there are any UKanons out there, it would help if you could give us some understanding about English/Irish politics and how they are being exploited in the Brexit situation.


e45a87  No.5536716


> anti-lynching bill meant to save the necks of traitors?

Ding Ding Ding!

My thoughts exactly. Congress is whistling past the graveyard.

55296e  No.5536717


So answer me this: did they site you as 'an anon' , and 'quote' you?

or did they use your words without sourcing them?

please provide (y o u) caps (though that doesn't really prove it.) and photos from the book of what they stole.

If you can show a post that was pilfered, and the text does not site the bread and post number and say it is from an anon, then you can prove that they need to do a rewrie and include aall the sauce. bread and post numbers.

So they might have to do a second edition.

5ea28e  No.5536718

File: d487304cce0fd6c⋯.png (33.27 KB, 635x361, 635:361, Borgino tweet 76k illegals.png)

File: 3b59158fc6e2f7a⋯.png (333.09 KB, 635x765, 127:153, Don Jr tweet 76k illegals ….png)

File: 5c891f89f4d464e⋯.png (68.56 KB, 420x312, 35:26, Record number of immigrant….png)




e3be61  No.5536719

File: e64617c17877523⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1374x2268, 229:378, SmartSelect_20190306-09295….jpg)


Vatican to open archives on WWII-era pope accused of silence on Holocaust


d14b3a  No.5536720


This is a crime against humanity and it must stop.

bdc10e  No.5536721

File: f4626e292b9576d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1878x1996, 939:998, ClipboardImage.png)

99ef1d  No.5536722

File: 87a2a886bea9c65⋯.png (20.47 KB, 776x193, 776:193, ClipboardImage.png)


Shill, confirmed.

See ya next bread, homo.

eb1c00  No.5536723


besides the secret tramways already running from groom lake underneath all the hotels?

f67e9c  No.5536724


They are the worst kind of danger to all close to them. You sound like you know that. You speak of not breaking LAWS.

376555  No.5536725


projection big time!

I noticed that Washington gov has raised a tone of money so far because he is not limiting campaign contributions from large donors like the others are.

A lot of corruption to protect in state of WAshington

515037  No.5536726


But, Of course!!

Archive offline and save for posterity!!


1012e1  No.5536727

File: 4838437d48be297⋯.png (505.56 KB, 1272x844, 318:211, 21:32:18_001.png)

f427e8  No.5536728


Muh fellow Pirate fren knows the score.

263656  No.5536729


I got the joke the first time. No need to beat a dead horse with a stick

aa76b5  No.5536730

File: 432420efafceae9⋯.jpg (161.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Quads 6666.jpg)



8e3dc9  No.5536731

OMG I just love Sec Nielson, no homo!

b1df04  No.5536732


kekekekekekeke XD

69d540  No.5536733


>Peace is the prize

To this day, my favorite POTUS quote…

How can you not love this man?

244859  No.5536734


I understand anon, it is wrong, I was trying to cheer you up. Don't let it eat you up, if you do then they have screwed you over twice,Illegitimi non carborundum (don't let the bastards grind you down). Forgive but don't forget.

0288b1  No.5536737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f005bb  No.5536738


They never sourced it. They delved into topics and, from there, they used the statements word for word. For example they would bring up subject A and then from there there would be a section on subject A and within that section is where the word for word statements were placed typically (on 4/6 occasions) with those statements being the first paragraph or first few paragraphs.

2f3798  No.5536739

File: 79bd168fa7532da⋯.jpg (222.22 KB, 962x627, 962:627, trumpkimpeace.jpg)

49d9cb  No.5536740

#7079 Baker Change

>>5536718 Bongino, DJT Jr., and article detailing surging border crises.

>>5536673 Investigation launched after explosive devices sent to major London transport hubs.

>>5536646 Jewish House members urged Pelosi to denounce Omar.

>>5536640 Maggie maligning Trump and his 2020 race.

>>5536639 U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in 2018 on record imports.

>>5536629 Kentucky: Committee to vote on medical marijuana Wednesday, bill's sponsor says.

>>5536618 Musk-owned firm recommended to build Las Vegas transit system.

>>5536449, >>5536578 NOTABLE Q Book Review

>>5536479 Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar.

>>5536432 NYT talking about global economic problems being a 'spider web' of challenges.

>>5536424 Graham live re: deaths of two children at the border.

>>5536414 Czech PM praises Trump ahead of meeting.

>>5536340 Apprehensions of undocumented families in Texas at the U.S.-Mexico border are surging.

>>5536276 US Marines: "Making the Grass Grow"

>>5536271 US following very closely reports that Pakistan misused F16s in its' confrontation with India.

30a46d  No.5536741


So weird! I got trip6s yesterday!

394716  No.5536742

File: a3fd299d63ce7e6⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x2054, 621:1027, 3016FB41-7731-4768-AA22-9….jpeg)

File: 36fb2528f9e9455⋯.jpeg (202.07 KB, 1242x656, 621:328, 65777350-BF8A-4FA6-80B1-7….jpeg)

File: 93f957dbb34cfff⋯.jpeg (126.61 KB, 1242x678, 207:113, B9157AB6-3F2D-43E7-A9C2-F….jpeg)

File: b920b30ae69979c⋯.jpeg (267.09 KB, 1242x1020, 207:170, FEA3364E-F888-4564-B529-4….jpeg)

File: 12227ed04a91eaa⋯.jpeg (481.01 KB, 1242x1194, 207:199, DFAD6AEE-0CF0-4297-8D26-6….jpeg)

Q2725 Said HRC Public health will deteriorates.

No Name’s “public” health also deteriorated and was “sorely missed”

PoTUS said HRC will be Sorely Missed

Q2973 mention crumbs are being ‘missed’

Q476 told us a long time ago marker missed maybe it was Marker: ‘missed’

1cc370  No.5536743

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

If you want to protect your post an retain anonymity you can do so, though it seems a shill issue.


To lazy to research (c)

or do anything but complain

anyone can create a book

Book slide shills are as empty of meaning as every other shill.

Fine QNN story. Anonymous shills outraged at "theft" of public domain material they claim to have originated an published anonymously.

eb1c00  No.5536744



that tool is backdoored at least 7 ways to sunday

just like vault 7 shit run on vm with extreme caution

b988a8  No.5536745


Noice if you would anon.

d85c49  No.5536746

File: fc0bbd442180354⋯.jpeg (71.95 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, bf0bdfc337e6dbd67ce363d78….jpeg)



Quads confirm

Ragheads suck

1012e1  No.5536747

File: c8710f14a91334f⋯.png (982.04 KB, 839x836, 839:836, 18:34:41_001.png)

File: c8710f14a91334f⋯.png (982.04 KB, 839x836, 839:836, 18:34:41_001.png)

ada0d8  No.5536748

File: 76d120252ce0c36⋯.webm (216.45 KB, 240x160, 3:2, MightViolateOurRooms.webm)

aa76b5  No.5536749

File: 611753d6d35fec4⋯.png (9.84 KB, 295x295, 1:1, not kosher.png)

574772  No.5536750

File: dfc081079552e1b⋯.png (330.71 KB, 583x577, 583:577, SDavis re Clown Clapper 3-….PNG)

File: e2c192e43d4563f⋯.png (90.15 KB, 445x751, 445:751, 1 Federalist re Clown Clap….PNG)

File: 6f4f21363693545⋯.png (447.51 KB, 409x894, 409:894, 2 Federalist re Clown Clap….PNG)

File: 79599cdfb879e64⋯.png (98.97 KB, 430x877, 430:877, 3 Federalist re Clown Clap….PNG)

Even in a town full of pathetic liars, this clown really sets himself apart.


4 Different Lies James Clapper Told About Lying To Congress


cc69d3  No.5536751

File: e64b55947894e25⋯.jpg (264.38 KB, 770x498, 385:249, kangz.jpg)

1012e1  No.5536752

File: 9314ea87200587f⋯.png (458.67 KB, 1273x844, 1273:844, 17:49:19_001.png)

eb1c00  No.5536753

File: 5e2e7d45f1e2c1b⋯.png (94.16 KB, 622x416, 311:208, cartesian.png)


224 digits

224 is an important number, agent cooper

someone also got their passport on this date

sha224 as well

540e39  No.5536754



Automatic disqualification.

711686  No.5536755


Michigan has a lot of recalling and impeaching to do. Whitmer just raised fuel tax to the highest in the country. We already can't afford this. Most residents are hearted enough to support recalling the governor. She said it was ludicrous asks ridiculous when it was suggested she was going to do just that to fix our roads.

fde106  No.5536756

File: edc7174932ed7bb⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 652x960, 163:240, DltPKXaVsAEmMgk.jpg)

File: f5833d1406b1ef6⋯.jpg (205.99 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, f5833d1406b1ef6b012f0191c7….jpg)


His wife reports that it's like finding a Nedledick in a haystack.

55296e  No.5536757


Maybe they stated in a preface that it all comes from a mash up of anon's posts?

that would a fair use too, wouldn't it, considering we are all anon.

anon, whatever you do here is a 'give away', you need to understand that.

if you are looking for glory here, you are going to have cold water poured on your head (allegorically).

you should be proud that you were sensible enough in your posts to have them quoting you!

ac1e33  No.5536758

File: 3435d40e5e3960d⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 589x423, 589:423, 2vcsue.jpg)

File: 19d44a4f2f52290⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 500x652, 125:163, 2v4wlq_1.jpg)



Why do you promote Q Research's master troll?

You know you can't beat him don't you?

0288b1  No.5536759

File: 8dee3eb1d40567c⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 625x344, 625:344, 8dee3eb1d40567c91e13a589d2….jpg)

11702c  No.5536760


It is fucked up. It's also bullshit that their objective is to attempt to establish themselves as the gatekeepers of the movement. I trust that Q Team has a plan, and we know that they know the score. I think it'll all shake out in the end.

2f3798  No.5536761


So they stole honey from the hive?

1012e1  No.5536762

File: 219e5d1ec9dc3a0⋯.png (280.22 KB, 888x670, 444:335, 12:30:06_001.png)

Democrats, that is.

ad32ac  No.5536763

File: 78c6bb05ef091c9⋯.jpeg (97.68 KB, 613x750, 613:750, 5C4254D2-EE1F-4D08-B895-F….jpeg)

File: 262658cf8d56953⋯.png (110.72 KB, 1026x794, 513:397, F4774A6A-AB7E-435D-8A0F-FD….png)


>muhjoo shilling

u mean real anons that post about your handlers?

0af1f3  No.5536764


Where are you gunna go ,, the swamp?? ,, nowhere left to go ,, we’re on the way and where we go one we go all ,, there is no other place too go ,, except back to the way it was

fde106  No.5536765

File: 19ce00d08534fe6⋯.png (570.75 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

34232b  No.5536766

File: 25398db4d930ae3⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 700x629, 700:629, WOMBATATTACK.jpg)


be aware of the shill tactic ,to provoke an emotion and get you pissed of fk the haters ..your a champion and better than that

806492  No.5536768


I'm halfway with you on this… just can't shake the fact that people die of "natural causes" all the time… seemingly this could solve much of the treason overnight…

1012e1  No.5536769

File: a091283c624f866⋯.png (330.24 KB, 643x827, 643:827, 02:40:55_001.png)

376555  No.5536771

Nielsen says they always ask Parents if they want their child to be deported with them?

c5ff5f  No.5536772


Multiple meanings?

The NSA twat says "Follow the dragon"

This jumped out at me:


…are we about to see a "Britney Spears" situ with this child actor?

It was the BBC she worked for, after all!

d66467  No.5536773


you were anon when you wrote it, what changed?

1012e1  No.5536774

File: 8b4f457817bb238⋯.png (37.98 KB, 630x587, 630:587, 23:27:27_001.png)

ca302d  No.5536775

File: 1a670504126366f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_Amazing.png)

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_You_During.png)


>their objective is to attempt to establish themselves as the gatekeepers of the movement

that's what anons are for.

263656  No.5536776

File: edf672c7f12ada5⋯.jpeg (68.61 KB, 1071x561, 21:11, 92D2C6F1-3694-4699-91FF-F….jpeg)

596954  No.5536777


If they used any of my (yous)

Of Q , or my digs I'll sue the fuckers.

Did my Roswell (you) make the book or is it all lopsided ?

540e39  No.5536778

File: 4a5ffe6e1ac99ae⋯.jpeg (57.25 KB, 653x435, 653:435, 1FB6D767-76D1-481A-AB72-C….jpeg)


Fake n gay

47d080  No.5536779

File: 6e847d15480a9a8⋯.png (385.06 KB, 960x435, 64:29, ClipboardImage.png)

fb deleted my post of q proof

a452b4  No.5536780

File: 57d8e8f7bdcb184⋯.jpg (706.96 KB, 2000x1378, 1000:689, TrumpStorm.jpg)

ba1b30  No.5536781


Some group was being formed to undermine the Church.

aa76b5  No.5536782

File: e88517b5698c32e⋯.jpeg (97.93 KB, 888x481, 24:13, FAB.jpeg)


they seem to come in bunches. hit three or four then none.

bef942  No.5536783


Revelation 2:9

“‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

c36949  No.5536784


Wasn't it Beanz who told us that Pam, et al

by order of Corsi, deleted Qs

in Dec of 2017, causing Q to move to 8 chan?

d7768e  No.5536785

File: aa3e581432648eb⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 489x720, 163:240, 2u8smv.jpg)


We have a positive match!

cbbfb4  No.5536786


(((Will Smith ‘not black enough’ for role as father of Williams tennis sisters in new biopic)))

bdc10e  No.5536787

File: 7cddf4072b60195⋯.png (559.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

99ef1d  No.5536788



I can't watch BOTH at the same time!



1012e1  No.5536789

File: 6e5334a0ac44d2f⋯.png (456.22 KB, 1272x843, 424:281, 19:19:46_001.png)

b0d83a  No.5536790


meet the real deplorables… Man, they have to be remembered their whole life, how stupid they aREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

eb2cce  No.5536791

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)

File: f6e6a55dddcddea⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 576x384, 3:2, End the war on chronic pai….JPG)

File: d77071da3c9f76b⋯.jpg (190.93 KB, 576x384, 3:2, DEFUND THE CDC & FDA Just ….JPG)

File: f0e85d5555b5aa4⋯.png (486.54 KB, 512x481, 512:481, Liquid Gold 3 profiteering….png)

The suicide rate of those with chronic pain is climbing higher and higher.

This is life or death for us…We want our lives back. It took me years to find something that actually worked. You don't think that we've tried other treatments like bio-therapy, etc They all ended up to be an expensive joke.

I doubt most of us (25 million) will be around to vote for you, in 2020. I didn't vote for you, to make my life hell or forced to end it.

End The Witch Hunt On Chronic Pain Patients & Their Doctors!

Why in the HELL are the CDC, FDA and Politicians Dictating to Doctors how to treat their patients?

An Estimated 25 million Americans suffering from chronic pain…we were fine before Trump (in pain relief) & Obama as Presidents…now we're just pissed as hell.

President Donald Trump has set a goal of cutting opioid prescriptions by one-third over the next three years. He has also boasted of stepped-up prosecutions of doctors who prescribe them (define inappropriate)

End The Witch Hunt on Chronic Pain Patients & Their Doctors.

We are Anons, Veterans, Ret. Police Officers…etc. and feel betrayed.

376555  No.5536792

Only 10% of illegals are approved for asylum.

Is asked why aren't they all required to stay in Mexico if only 10 % approved.

2f3798  No.5536793



· May 26, 2018

Replying to @elonmusk and 4 others

You're very smart so I want you to think about this for a second. Do you think it's in the interest of powerful people to A: support a free press that exposes their lies, or B: tear it down so their lies are easier to tell? Now ask yourself why the polls would look bad.

Elon Musk


Who do you think *owns* the press? Hello.

f005bb  No.5536794


>please provide (y o u) caps (though that doesn't really prove it.) and photos from the book of what they stole.

I am not going to provide any such material until I decide how to proceed with the issue as I have not ruled out lawsuit. I am not going to sit here and blow smoke about it and pretend it isn't an option in my mind given who they are and their allegiances. I am about 80% that I do not want to deal with such baloney and will just get over it but at the same time and judging by the shills who are trying to protect that book as if it is a good thing while not being able to understand the issues many of us have are partially convincing me that a lawsuit will chase away any future jerks who want to play this game at the cost of our time.

I really do not want to press lawsuit and it aggravates me to no end that it is even in my mind but I fear if one does not happen that this recent release will become norm and the market will become flooded with bullshit that will limit all we do. I, as I am sure (at least I hope) other anons do follow the two prong method of being able to prove we posted what we posted so that is not an issue but I am not going to open the door for them to prepare a statement beforehand.

394716  No.5536795

File: c627cd33ea6a6eb⋯.jpeg (740.46 KB, 1242x2144, 621:1072, 1043110B-CD7D-4621-968C-D….jpeg)

File: 984adc3bdd6d8ca⋯.jpeg (68.59 KB, 1242x406, 621:203, 8DD2456B-E71E-4A74-8041-0….jpeg)


48 without the - sign was first mentioned in Q1359. Connection??

85c107  No.5536796

Q when and if the question to POTUS comes, Is the answer already prepared ??

55296e  No.5536797


according to one of the lastest Ruth authored rulings, unless you already have your copyright certificate from the Commerce Dept, you can't sue them in The United States of America. First you must pay the deepstate trolls at Commerce.

sorry for you.

hey, get over it.

263656  No.5536798

File: 10e69929123143c⋯.jpeg (13.93 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 11A259EC-04E2-43F4-AC11-F….jpeg)

376555  No.5536799


she said they are trying to get to the point that all illegals stay in mexico until the time of their court hearing in US

668093  No.5536800

File: a809330bdfad181⋯.jpg (410.58 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, Go.jpg)


Forgot the image.

244859  No.5536801


Kek, true. A buddy came to work one day and told us how he was using a VPN to use multiple ID's on a forum, lasted two days then he got an email from the admin and all it said was "we can see right through your VPN, stop now, first and only warning"

fac36a  No.5536802


Baker - what is this?

>>5536424 Graham live re: deaths of two children at the border.

e8c37c  No.5536803


Everything on this site is public domain and contributed anonymously. They (or anyone else) can use whatever they want, without attribution.

ba1b30  No.5536804


They want the term cured off there, the guy overcame or something. I saw some shit like that on Fakebook too.


540e39  No.5536805


Sue them for what?

We sacrificed our identities for this, pal.

0a8455  No.5536806

File: 418c1cc2b46baf1⋯.jpg (169.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D0-s4-yWkAINUG_.jpg)

b5d1c6  No.5536807

Just a note:

If you wait for the ass-rapists to shoot inside your ass twenty times before finally striking back, you were STILL ass-raped.

574772  No.5536808

File: 84224d39270955f⋯.png (55.55 KB, 593x442, 593:442, Bedford re Anti Israel Oma….PNG)

To be clear, a "censure" means nothing, carries no consequence, is toothless. Still, Democrats downgraded to a motion that names no one- just says hating Jews is bad. Still, @AOC & Co. rebelled. They pointed fingers at everyone but themselves, & so the Dems retreated #IlhanOmar


376555  No.5536809

Mexico has offered asylum to most all migrants and work permits to all!!!!!!!!

e09517  No.5536810


You should probably put the barrel in your mouth and gently squeeze the trigger.

f6dd09  No.5536811


Sorry Anon

Kinda what I expected should have mine this week.

Plan to make some proofs with pictures of the pages.

49d9cb  No.5536812


Not sure, let me fix it.

d2cd48  No.5536813



e115f6  No.5536814

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, b21af45bcc721b6401d354e7e4….jpg)

bdc10e  No.5536815

File: 4b5019f52cfc4b8⋯.png (136.17 KB, 450x213, 150:71, ClipboardImage.png)

2d4ca7  No.5536816

File: a7e89b96aeee342⋯.jpg (279.74 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Countdown13.jpg)

aa76b5  No.5536817

File: 296b12efa9963ec⋯.jpg (120.93 KB, 761x500, 761:500, twitter dump.jpg)

File: 721924dd1001c1f⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 625x627, 625:627, Dorsey 1.jpg)




ba1b30  No.5536818




That is the term they want used.

cbbfb4  No.5536819


Fact check: The Senator who asked the question said "Regardless of what was going through the director’s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people." BTW, question was provided in advance


712ad4  No.5536820



bbb8c8  No.5536821


Spider got the snek! Go and read the arachne lore. Good.

e1db6d  No.5536822

Americans kicked out and relocated to substandard housing. New housing goes in for new immigrants where Sharia Law will supplant our laws. Q? Is POTUS aware of this? Does anyone Twat here? (I got kicked off for a very benign comment about 'willful ignorance') Can we retweet this to WH, POTUS, and Ben Carson? Please Twatters? Thank you. This thing needs to go viral. AMERICA FIRST.


596954  No.5536823


I'm in the uk anon and don't mind if they use my material for the greater good .

Which I decide what the greater good is.

They are just paytriots

1012e1  No.5536824

File: 024ec4dba916122⋯.png (1.27 MB, 976x828, 244:207, 08:33:41_001.png)

354113  No.5536825

File: 2ac4f6756d64ddd⋯.jpeg (104.02 KB, 899x1200, 899:1200, 1550634505-1.jpeg)


>Praying medic

376555  No.5536826

Northern triagle ????

border and northern triagle of Mexico

ways to dismantle criminal orgs.

want to find out who is in 'flow'

smugglers charge $6000 per migrant.

ad32ac  No.5536827

File: 7e87f0f49670c48⋯.jpeg (493.39 KB, 1242x1061, 1242:1061, 10D3B11C-094C-4B85-A80C-B….jpeg)


twitter is censoring Q proofs too. The enemy is scurrred!!

712ad4  No.5536828


Seriously .. stop buying this book you fucks…

e45a87  No.5536829



Just remember to replace the plastic sliding tang safety with a metal replacement.


f6dd09  No.5536830


Meme it as plagiarism and spread it far and wide.

Best way to kill it.

832c16  No.5536831


Top KEk

1a9fcc  No.5536832


I understand that it is for some… But I also understand we have not attained nor moved toward that. And, for me the prize is justice, not peace.

And personally, it's too late to give me peace. My child has been harmed. While authorities were aware and sat on their fucking asses. Justice is still an option. Though severely delayed to our misfortune.

My "peace" will eventually come, internally. Not through anything done here. I came here for "justice". And if I don't see justice being done, then what the fuck is America? Are we not more than Constitutional mouth-pieces, talking big-games and yet never walking our talk or manifesting our ideals?

Today's "LAW" has stolen the freedom to defend life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from the average American citizen. Meanwhile, the LAW MAN/WOMAN delays with justice for the most wicked and is often a participant in the evil they are sworn to defend us against.

You can put your undying faith in LAW and ORDER if you want… I know better.

This shit is broken.


>To this day, my favorite POTUS quote…

He meant this regarding our policies toward other nations… Yeah, peace is the goal/prize. This is the equivalent of a pageant-girl saying she desires "world-peace". How profound and original!

Americans didn't vote for "World Peace", whatever the fuck that means. We voted for him to clean up OUR nation. Here's an analogy for you…

"America can't see clearly to take the speck out of it's neighbors eye, until it removes the log from it's own eye."

ca302d  No.5536833



not the point at all.

y'all getting slided, or sliding.

aa76b5  No.5536834

File: 5a31260aee66b5c⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x220, 16:11, Elon tunnel boy.jpg)


i 'member

e8c37c  No.5536835


This is a slide.

You have no rights to anything on this board, nor does anyone else. You could have written a book, lifting what you wanted, but chose not to.

1a9fcc  No.5536836


Which have you received?

3de969  No.5536837



Is there a Bush we can vote for? They are republicans, right?

If POTUS hasnt managed to REDUCE presidential authority, fuck up the lobyists place in this shit, create congressional accountability, and push for term limits in 4 years, he’s just not serious enough to honorably appreciate all this energy the people offer.

My bet is still that he will.

But fuck, if he doesnt, ill have to question all this.

1cc370  No.5536839

File: 79d3e9e86af2d7a⋯.jpg (479.95 KB, 2560x1193, 2560:1193, 6e05e03dee00001ce67a5d7bdf….jpg)

>5536591 >5536595 >5536603 >5536608 >5536611 >5536643 >55367

Do NOT reply to shills.

e79074  No.5536840

File: b8544ea4ca94357⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 480x473, 480:473, acf7a81465970c90528c9a4837….jpg)

Hey girl…

55296e  No.5536841


I agree.

One would expect them to provide sauce for all that they used.

Well, now we have accusations of someone feeling 'hurt'. anyone else can 'annotate' their book with bread and post numbers of attribution.

If they want to.

an annotated version of the book should be in the works, I suspect, that does include all of that. But when would that be released?

I agree that any anon who is quoted without attribution in that book ought to feel pride at being meaningful enough to get included.

1012e1  No.5536842

File: d487085d2849ccd⋯.png (333.54 KB, 857x834, 857:834, 14:42:18_001.png)

711686  No.5536843


Could've done without this today.

I gagged. Thx! Kek

47d080  No.5536844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sheila up

16274f  No.5536845

File: e042b0da472853a⋯.png (730.39 KB, 526x1062, 263:531, ClipboardImage.png)

1a9fcc  No.5536846


>Are you serious, We are here for peace and freedom

Which have you received?

b555d5  No.5536847

just gonna leave this here

With Russian doctor-scientists becoming alarmed in 2005 about the rising rates of autism in newborns, this report further details, they began to document how nitrogen contaminated drinking water was making it especially dangerous for infants—as it interferes with the necessary transformation of methemoglobin into hemoglobin, thus decreasing the blood's ability to carry oxygen and causing methemoglobinemia, or “blue baby syndrome”—with even greater concerns being raised due to a scientific report issued, also in 2005, by Doctor’s Işιk Görker and Ümran Tüzün from Istanbul University titled “Autistic-Like Findings Associated With A Urea Cycle Disorder In A 4-Year-Old Girl”—and wherein a firm link was established between high blood nitrogen levels in children and autism.

ba1b30  No.5536848


Under international law, if they are escaping oppression in their land, they get to go to the next closest. So if they turn down Mexican offers of asylum, they don't get to move to the next country and try there. They get sent back.

Until recently, Mexico imprisoned them for 2 yrs and then sent them back for illegal crossing.

263656  No.5536849


>we’ll publicly admit Q is a LARP

No we won’t, nigger. Stop trying to be the public voice of anons. These paytriots are so fucking annoying

2f3798  No.5536850

Q Thanks the Anons




19 Dec 2017 - 7:22:19 PM

Board owner, mods, and other patriots:

Sincere thanks for all that you do.

You are true heroes.

Long overdue - my apologies.

There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms recognizing your contributions.

We thank you for your service.



1012e1  No.5536851

File: b65c41d181f95a8⋯.png (346.59 KB, 783x885, 261:295, 21:14:01_001.png)

File: f8a25d84a386c1d⋯.png (557.04 KB, 886x843, 886:843, 12:46:04_001.png)

6bf588  No.5536852

File: 2d04d9615171caa⋯.jpg (4.47 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20190306_094227.jpg)

Kudos to Lowe's.

Thank you veterans!


6b485b  No.5536853

File: 6936815e5cfc314⋯.png (503.63 KB, 643x368, 643:368, Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at ….png)

File: 589eb4138b4b723⋯.png (1.05 MB, 996x590, 498:295, Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at ….png)


Now listen here bub… leave the sloths out if it. YOU HEAR?

BTW, I'm partial to TWO Toed vice THREE TOWED.


34232b  No.5536854

File: b0a29aaaec2f279⋯.jpg (150.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, koala.jpg)


some of those out by the barbie never seem em do that before….

fac36a  No.5536855


Shilltard Praying Medic forgets we are the news now.

Publicity stunt for more of that sweet cash?

c5ff5f  No.5536856


'They sold them to me': R. Kelly's claims his 'brainwashed' girlfriends' PARENTS 'handed' them to him in explosive interview where he cries, screams and claims the 'whole world' is lying about him

Kelly told Gayle King that Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary's parents 'sold' them to him

He alleges the girls' parents wanted money out of him and were willing to let him spend time with their daughters in exchange

The parents claim Kelly brainwashed their daughters and has been keeping them against their will in a cult-like environment in Chicago

While he blames them for 'handing' them to him, he also denies having sex with any while they were underage

Now, he admits that all three are in a relationship but says it is consensual

Asked if he is attracted to younger girls, he replied: 'I don't look at age, I look at legal'

Kelly is facing 70 years imprisonment if convicted on child sex abuse crimes

His interview is his first in years and lays bare his desperation to beat the charges

He screamed, cried and claimed his only problem was that he had a big heart


PUBLISHED: 13:55 GMT, 6 March 2019 | UPDATED: 14:44 GMT, 6 March 2019


…MK-Ultra Project Monarch moving from DARK to LIGHT?!

711686  No.5536857


Many will work in some capacity for the cartel to pay it off.

376555  No.5536858

Sheila Jackson lee bitching at Nielsen.

49d9cb  No.5536859

#7079 Baker Change

>>5536750 4 Different lies James Clapper told about lying to Congress.

>>5536718 Bongino, DJT Jr., and article detailing surging border crises.

>>5536673 Investigation launched after explosive devices sent to major London transport hubs.

>>5536646 Jewish House members urged Pelosi to denounce Omar.

>>5536640 Maggie maligning Trump and his 2020 race.

>>5536639 U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in 2018 on record imports.

>>5536629 Kentucky: Committee to vote on medical marijuana Wednesday, bill's sponsor says.

>>5536618 Musk-owned firm recommended to build Las Vegas transit system.

>>5536449, >>5536578 NOTABLE Q Book Review

>>5536479 Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar.

>>5536432 NYT talking about global economic problems being a 'spider web' of challenges.

>>5536425 Graham live re: deaths of two children at the border.

>>5536414 Czech PM praises Trump ahead of meeting.

>>5536340 Apprehensions of undocumented families in Texas at the U.S.-Mexico border are surging.

>>5536276 US Marines: "Making the Grass Grow"

>>5536271 US following very closely reports that Pakistan misused F16s in its' confrontation with India.

Last call / Baking in 50

804cef  No.5536860

dbfe5e  No.5536861

Wednesday is a breaking news day. Stay alert, something is coming.

187372  No.5536862

File: aa68b50cdee224f⋯.jpeg (333.56 KB, 1125x1614, 375:538, 03E866EE-E0D3-4838-AFE8-7….jpeg)

Don Jr Retwatted this thread. Interesting.



5ed9b9  No.5536863

File: a3af343427a8d9a⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, itinary.png)

170ae6  No.5536865


change your fucking settings

you imbecile

f6dd09  No.5536866


Saved this for later.

Will explain then

You do you, and relatively certain you're not the HMFIC

d7768e  No.5536867


Timothy 4:10 "That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe."

244859  No.5536868


Kek! Stop, you're killing me!

e75735  No.5536869


Pamphlet is a girl.

First name is Pam.

e8c37c  No.5536870


No rights "in" anything on this board.

1cc370  No.5536871


posting crap to support the contention right here.

1cce69  No.5536872



31a6d8  No.5536873


These people are tyrants claiming to be fighting tyranny. They do not even see it. As long as it is what they want to do or is in their interests it is fair game to oppress and jail and kill with impunity whoever they decide deserves it. Q has become a fascist movement.

187372  No.5536874


It will still happen. I see this all the time and I have the box unchecked for content screening.

394716  No.5536875


Periodic Table V=23 element

f005bb  No.5536876


No, a slide is what you are stating as you are, in essence, stating you support non anons stealing proofs to profit rather than supporting anons who did the work. No actual anon who actually investigates or researches anything would, in the slightest, make such a statement. The mere fact you are standing with Nemos, Sather and those idiots who have done nothing in terms of investigating anything or helping brethren of this country speak volumes about those who make such statements.

bd70bf  No.5536877


It's still just a proposal. Hasn't even been voted on yet. Fear porn junkie.


b1df04  No.5536878


Well, that ain't right- those kids are all Caucasian

f071b3  No.5536879


Use Outline.com to access behind paywall. Almost always bypasses paywalls.

574772  No.5536880


>Shilltard Praying Medic forgets we are the news now.

>Publicity stunt for more of that sweet cash?

Of course

Preying Medic made sure to promote his upcoming book while also promoting the Hoax Book

347ea8  No.5536881

File: d3936b20a37db20⋯.jpeg (32.9 KB, 327x290, 327:290, 800_1.jpeg)

Anons top of the morning to you….

c1a88f  No.5536882


Biggest larp proof of them all.

3fe304  No.5536883


Can you please explain how the code "5.5" might reference a specific Bible quote?

b555d5  No.5536884

File: 182b38e5d4ef699⋯.png (9.92 KB, 303x166, 303:166, DEADCAT.png)

File: 6b8ee45698c3585⋯.jpg (3.96 KB, 187x270, 187:270, deathrattle5.jpg)

troll baker?

or muhjoo shitoster?

you decide

>>5536100 Rachel Mad Cow: research for yourselves, get viruses. Viruses, goy!

WaPo on Stone/(((Greenburg)))

the muhjoo shills are making a lot of noise

even making extra effort to bake in JQ fake and gay notables now every day

its the death rattle of their fake narrative

good riddance

NOW just a DEAD CAT BOUNCE trying so recover and survive - NOPE

NSA recorded the muhjoo chatlogs:

hey POTUS and Q told us to BTFO

so what shall we do?

lets post moar JQ bullshit and claim POTUS is a crypto jew

and also lets post fake history

and also lets posts new and exotic theories that make no sense

lets double and triple down on the same bullshit

oh and make sure one of gets a bake session every day and includes our fake and gay lies

comms clear?

1a9fcc  No.5536885


This is that point, where American politicians have to make a "tough choice" between:

Semite A (Jews)

Semite B (Arabs)

The decision basically comes down to, whichever way the majority of the country is leaning. However, either way, the Semite gains his foothold on American soil once more.

Do you see how this works yet?

712ad4  No.5536886


Cool yeah .. you keep on sending money to those "outside comms" that Q says there are NONE of…

263656  No.5536887


Of course, his book is coming out soon after all. Where paytriots go one, they go all

711686  No.5536888


It's Ash Wednesday, even moar reason to be alert. Those going to mass, be alert. I've had a weird feeling all week.

ca302d  No.5536889


>This is a slide.

>You have no rights to anything on this board, nor does anyone else. You could have written a book, lifting what you wanted, but chose not to.

absolutely this.

the issue is not sourcing the content, it's the content selection & positioning as experts.


false equivalency/dilemma.

the sliding towards "muh research"/suing is obvious

389436  No.5536890

File: 5ec61f289f9a770⋯.png (536.73 KB, 500x835, 100:167, ClipboardImage.png)

596954  No.5536891


Who made you highest ranking anon ?

Are you cashing in off it ?

712ad4  No.5536892


you didnt get your super secret decoder ring in the mail? SUCKS 2 B U

spoiler alert… its Ovaltine.

e1db6d  No.5536893


Thanks Anon. What is the source of the high nitrogen?

d87390  No.5536894

Be me

Be Q

Use anons as bait

Woops sorry anons the corporate bottom line needed to be saved our bad

aa76b5  No.5536895

File: 0c64fb0d426a6e9⋯.jpg (7.26 KB, 255x126, 85:42, RBG 404.jpg)


you see last night?

793756  No.5536896

File: 3cc6f1cea37a3d2⋯.jpg (180.37 KB, 962x769, 962:769, DJTyoung2.jpg)


Hey back…

1012e1  No.5536897

File: 4c70ea0ced45910⋯.png (568.49 KB, 805x646, 805:646, 14:41:36_001.png)

f071b3  No.5536898



Here is the direct Outline link for that article,


f6dd09  No.5536899


Been a slide for a couple of days


FFS let it go

170ae6  No.5536900


oh, well then sorry. I take back the fucking and imbecile anon

304964  No.5536901

File: 366c89bd4ca3736⋯.png (718.44 KB, 1080x1197, 120:133, Screenshot_20190306-062247….png)

AG Whitaker's ex banger…

f005bb  No.5536902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let me take it a step further. Yesterday an anon asked a very serious and logical question about Isaac Kappy and that he obtained and has the data of victims of molestation which he acquired after inserting himself into the Qresearch issue. This is his response calling people "trolls" for asking about that. This is a guy who supports the book release, is connected to the people who released it and this is a guy claiming to be connected to Q research.

d6b64c  No.5536903

File: b29cf6bab7fa80d⋯.jpg (27.53 KB, 372x377, 372:377, DemFuckers.JPG)


Why you do dis to us Anons

0b4a8a  No.5536904


>>5535520 (lb)

I Am an Anon

I Dig, I Meme, I Pray.

The work that I do is not for me.

It is for the countless heroes of previous generations that sacrificed, that I might still have liberty to act against tyranny.

It is for my son, and his sons - of whom I expect honor and patriotism.

With Life, Liberty and Sacred Honor, I too will sacrifice.

…and I would be concerned if someone "plagiarized" my work?

'Cmon Buttercup!

We've got Patriot shit to do!

c49fd4  No.5536905


There are worse but yeah it's up there.

793756  No.5536906

File: afbc499ca5971b2⋯.jpg (83.84 KB, 634x563, 634:563, RBGWheresRuth.jpg)

03090c  No.5536907

c1a88f  No.5536908


I got enfamil. Guess I really don’t rate.

e6ea0a  No.5536909


National Border Patrol Council President: There is a national emergency on our border – Here's proof

I sure hope that there are names being taken and people rounded up that are organizing these caravans.

All I see is a lot of talk and nobody paying the price for theses shit parades.

Money to do this is coming from some where.

People at the low end of the totem pole are taking orders from people to organize these walks.

Who is giving the money and leading the shit parade and why have they not been dealt with using extreme prejudice????

244859  No.5536910


Well this turned out to be nothing but a shill slide

3ce389  No.5536911


I beg to differ…the rights are with the BO…and since you/they labeled the book "Q" Anon…i believe that the BO has the rights…

If you/they had labeled the book anything other than 'QAnon' and put a note in there that some of the information was from the /Qresearch group called QAnon..you might have a defense…but I'm not seeing it considering how the book was rolled out claiming that you/they "ARE" QAnon.

d87390  No.5536912


I wish anon

Then something would actually be done

711686  No.5536913


Why is she proposing this after saying she would not?! It's not fear porn when you see democrats in action here. Michigan democrats are comped.

0d47ed  No.5536914

File: fe5f172ccd4b601⋯.jpeg (445.13 KB, 1976x3000, 247:375, E99FBABD-738F-44DD-9D22-D….jpeg)


White libs are the worst kind imo. They over reach with muh reparations.

55296e  No.5536915


I agree that all those traits are good reason to stay away from someone. My point is that the list is misused. Eveyone who has those traits should not be hunted and locked up.

1cce69  No.5536916


Spending a weekend with BERNIE

8e3dc9  No.5536917

Nielson is brilliant, calm, respectful, knows her stuff.. I could go on and on. You picked a star in her, Mr. President. I'll hush now…kek!

f005bb  No.5536918


>the sliding towards "muh research"/suing is obvious

I don't agree. It most certainly fits with existing law as they clearly took it without permission to financially gain so there is absolutely a legal case and loads of legal precedent to support that if someone wanted to press civil lawsuit.

9a8c17  No.5536919

ad32ac  No.5536920

File: c9511e6562f16f3⋯.jpeg (839.39 KB, 1242x1789, 1242:1789, F013E81F-2402-4866-B737-6….jpeg)

File: 97751c6c763f4b8⋯.jpeg (680.54 KB, 899x1888, 899:1888, 012A9113-0397-4B25-8D1F-6….jpeg)

File: c7ec881ace7dcb7⋯.jpeg (1005.01 KB, 1242x1925, 1242:1925, 58C65B96-C9F9-42A9-96B0-6….jpeg)

File: 9067a1b8827a39d⋯.jpeg (409.5 KB, 868x1339, 868:1339, 4FBDFE18-2D33-4171-9D6E-F….jpeg)

File: d2d3efee8346cf0⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 873x1716, 291:572, FC0560BE-0977-4DC0-B603-5….jpeg)



You are very confused. Read what Jesus said about the Pharisees. Know that the same oral traditions that Jesus blasted them for, were later compiled and became the rabbinical authorative texts being used by Jews today - TAlmud

The promises God made to Israel in the old testament were all contingent on their obedience.

A state with the population and size of Chicago is not a threat to America. For a self proclaimed biblefag, u display a very indoctrinated version of christianity thats built on false understandings.

52889e  No.5536921

File: c6c2b33e5c69cc6⋯.png (201.06 KB, 415x558, 415:558, mysideshurt.PNG)

49d9cb  No.5536922

#7079 Baker Change

>>5536862 DJT Jr. tweets thread regarding Democrat campaign headquarters found in Knoxville.

>>5536750 4 Different lies James Clapper told about lying to Congress.

>>5536718 Bongino, DJT Jr., and article detailing surging border crises.

>>5536673 Investigation launched after explosive devices sent to major London transport hubs.

>>5536646 Jewish House members urged Pelosi to denounce Omar.

>>5536640 Maggie maligning Trump and his 2020 race.

>>5536639 U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in 2018 on record imports.

>>5536629 Kentucky: Committee to vote on medical marijuana Wednesday, bill's sponsor says.

>>5536618 Musk-owned firm recommended to build Las Vegas transit system.

>>5536449, >>5536578 NOTABLE Q Book Review

>>5536479 Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar.

>>5536432 NYT talking about global economic problems being a 'spider web' of challenges.

>>5536425 Graham live re: deaths of two children at the border.

>>5536414 Czech PM praises Trump ahead of meeting.

>>5536340 Apprehensions of undocumented families in Texas at the U.S.-Mexico border are surging.

>>5536276 US Marines: "Making the Grass Grow"

>>5536271 US following very closely reports that Pakistan misused F16s in its' confrontation with India.


712ad4  No.5536923


kek sux to be yellow

5c4d67  No.5536924


crab people, crab people..

2d4ca7  No.5536925

File: 005f16ade48b736⋯.jpg (295.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Mueller14.jpg)

ca302d  No.5536926


Not at all, i've immediately sounded the alarm about the book being promoted, as others have.

Whining about "stolen" content is besides the point/not the issue.

793756  No.5536927

File: 97fc8141ca0387f⋯.png (743.68 KB, 613x770, 613:770, RBGDVDSchumerPelosi.png)


you got that right

b835ac  No.5536928


This is the kind of selflessness Patriots should have.

Good job.

And never mind the intricacies attendant with copyright laws and the Internet. Talk about spider's web.

aa76b5  No.5536929

File: d3f4b54ccc3d694⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 220x283, 220:283, full of shit.jpg)

1a9fcc  No.5536930


It's cool… Say 40 "Seig Heil"s, 20 "Our Fatherland"s, as well as, 10 paces, goose-stepping while saluting… and all will be forgiven.

b21888  No.5536931


>What is the source of the high nitrogen?

Fertilizer runoff, maybe.

d85c49  No.5536932



Spoiler that shit


77026b  No.5536933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testifies before Congress

Wide scope US Border testimony, including MS-13, unaccompanied minors, etc

3fe304  No.5536934



Sorry, I'm not finding any Chronicles 7:14 in Q's posts. Nor am I finding any Revelation (Apocalypse) quotes. I'll run with what I already have. Thanks for helping.

5d62f1  No.5536936

File: 4fb3134a79af35a⋯.png (67.03 KB, 212x185, 212:185, Messages Image(1914317013).png)

194340  No.5536937


sometimes you can judge a book by its cover

2cb935  No.5536938

Poss working together?

Remember her “smoking on the train” comment, then KJU smoking on train, summit cut short, poss attempt on KJU ( Was it part of plan?)


ca302d  No.5536939



Doing this to scare legit anons from publishing their own books.

This does not adress the actual issues of the QANON "experts" positioning book

49d9cb  No.5536940

#7079 Baker Change

>>5536933 Live: Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testifies before Congress.

>>5536862 DJT Jr. tweets thread regarding Democrat campaign headquarters found in Knoxville.

>>5536750 4 Different lies James Clapper told about lying to Congress.

>>5536718 Bongino, DJT Jr., and article detailing surging border crises.

>>5536673 Investigation launched after explosive devices sent to major London transport hubs.

>>5536646 Jewish House members urged Pelosi to denounce Omar.

>>5536640 Maggie maligning Trump and his 2020 race.

>>5536639 U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in 2018 on record imports.

>>5536629 Kentucky: Committee to vote on medical marijuana Wednesday, bill's sponsor says.

>>5536618 Musk-owned firm recommended to build Las Vegas transit system.

>>5536449, >>5536578 NOTABLE Q Book Review

>>5536479 Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar.

>>5536432 NYT talking about global economic problems being a 'spider web' of challenges.

>>5536425 Graham live re: deaths of two children at the border.

>>5536414 Czech PM praises Trump ahead of meeting.

>>5536340 Apprehensions of undocumented families in Texas at the U.S.-Mexico border are surging.

>>5536276 US Marines: "Making the Grass Grow"

>>5536271 US following very closely reports that Pakistan misused F16s in its' confrontation with India.

Baking Again

7639b0  No.5536941


Whatever happened to news coverage of Malala-Yousafzai, the incredibly brave Pakistani school girl who was shot in the head and left for dead by the Taliban due to her activism for the right of Pakistani girls to education?

The last I heard is that she was a joint recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize but my was she dropped like a hot potato by the MSM. I guess her story doesn’t fit with the new bizarro MSM narrative which embraces all things Sharia Law.

I’m so glad that my Daughters were at the exact age to understand the heroism of this then wonderful role model for young Muslim women and girls as well as the rest of us for her steadfast resistance to Islamic tyranny.

When I see these female Islamic activists screaming for Sharia Law in the U.S. as they hurl anti-Semitic vitriol I see the promotion of a hateful religious ideology. I find it incredible that the WW MSM was hailing Malala as a hero just five years ago. Now her Bizarro World doppelgängers are the face of the new Islamic female tyrants who would hurl all women back into the Dark Ages if given the chance.


6b485b  No.5536942

File: ed1abe96768897a⋯.png (414.07 KB, 1512x402, 252:67, Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at ….png)

File: a4efaa4f9092f02⋯.png (107.71 KB, 638x320, 319:160, Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at ….png)

>>5533817 (bread #7076 We Run the 4am Talking Points Now Edition)

This day keeps getting BETTER and BETTER

793756  No.5536943

File: 8eed3783cfb7635⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CHeetahLaughing.jpg)

ad32ac  No.5536945


shut up faggot. Even if I were a 6 year old and had sensitive settings… what is sensitive about that post?

c49fd4  No.5536946


100% agree. I'm just not sure if they're legit patriots that are lost in a sea of bullshit or paid shills. Probably a mix of both.

f9552d  No.5536948


You bitch but cant fix. The real question is this: is the book the TRUTH?

<muh muh muh work needs shekels

7639b0  No.5536950


* forgot the sauce.


0d47ed  No.5536951


Lol your anonymous,how would they even begin to give you credit. Sliiiiiiddeeee

bd70bf  No.5536952


Your statement implied that it has been passed when in fact it hasn't even made it to the floor yet.

c32223  No.5536953


Where are the stars?

31a6d8  No.5536954

I am certain everyone here approves wholeheartedly of ripping children from their parents caging them and then putting them in for profit adoption agencies never to see their parents again. They deserve it because. why? I dont know could someone help me out here? Why is it ok for them to do that? Because they are not white? Because they are poor? Maybe because they tried to come into your country for a better life? Why do they deserve that?

All you holier than thou hypocrits who claim to be on the side of good and claim they are fighting for children you forgot to tell everyone you were only fighting for white children who you think are being eaten with no proof at all. Everyone elses children can go hang for all you care.

They are the evil ones not you we are fighting tyranny by establishing our own tyranny.

1cc370  No.5536955

WASHINGTON — On a busy day at the White House, President Trump hosted senators to talk about tax cuts, accused a Democratic congresswoman of distorting his condolence call to a soldier’s widow and suffered another court defeat for his travel ban targeting Muslim countries.

And at some point on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017, Mr. Trump took the time to sign a $35,000 check to his lawyer, who had made hush payments to prevent alleged sexual misconduct from being exposed before the 2016 presidential election. It was one of 11 occasions that Mr. Trump or his trust cut such checks, six of which were provided this week to The New York Times.

One of six checks provided to The New York Times. The account number on every check has been redacted.

At the heart of last week’s congressional testimony by Michael D. Cohen, Mr. Trump’s former lawyer, was the sensational accusation that the sitting president of the United States financed an illegal cover-up from inside the White House. The dates on the newly available checks shed light on the parallel lives Mr. Trump was living by this account — at once managing affairs of state while quietly paying the price of keeping his personal secrets out of the public eye.

The president hosted a foreign leader in the Oval Office, then wrote a check. He haggled over legislation, then wrote a check. He traveled abroad, then wrote a check. On the same day he reportedly pressured the F.B.I. director to drop an investigation into a former aide, the president’s trust issued a check to Mr. Cohen in furtherance of what federal prosecutors have called a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws at the direction of Mr. Trump.

The White House on Tuesday referred questions about the payments to Mr. Trump’s private lawyers. Jay Sekulow, one of the president’s personal lawyers, had no comment and a lawyer for the Trump Organization declined to discuss the matter.

Other defenders of the president said that the checks proved only that Mr. Trump paid his personal lawyer, not that he necessarily knew the money was meant to reimburse Mr. Cohen for hush payments to Stormy Daniels, the pornographic film actress who has claimed to have had an extramarital affair with Mr. Trump. The president has denied the affair.

“I think it’s news we knew about,” Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee and one of the president’s staunchest allies, told reporters during a break in last week’s hearing. The payments, he said, could have been for services based on a retainer, although Mr. Cohen said there was no such retainer.

The president’s critics said that the checks, mostly with Mr. Trump’s distinctive up-and-down signature, in fact bolster the prosecutors’ conclusion about his involvement in the scheme. Mr. Cohen has pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws as well as lying to Congress and faces three years in prison starting in the spring.

NYT Haberman 3.6.2019 1

bade9a  No.5536956

File: f233789cf1ac268⋯.png (168.28 KB, 555x402, 185:134, internal attacks.png)



Q told us about internal attacks.

12cddf  No.5536957


Attention whore

170ae6  No.5536958


complaining her every bread doesn't help

go fuck urself u little fistula

fac36a  No.5536959


TYB, good job fren

cd5471  No.5536960


The only important consideration afaic is that the people are awakened. Nothing else matters by comparison. Therefore, anything that contributes to the awakening of the people is, by definition, a good thing. Profit, loss, or anything in between is of little or no consequence.

596954  No.5536961


If you check the breads , I think I was the one who first posted about the book.

A couple of breads before it made the notables.

Check if you want.

f427e8  No.5536962


>Spoiler that shit

Back in the day here those used to be everywhere.

Now not so much.

3ce389  No.5536964


Unless you can "PROVE" that the material "YOU/THEY" published is the material you researched? but i'm not getting that feeling…i'm getting the feeling that all the material in that book was stolen from the REAL ANONS here and that is why we are pissed..

711686  No.5536965


Also, I say recall if that passes. We sat around and let governor RINO Rick Snyder wreck flint

f56768  No.5536966


sugar tits, kek

e8c37c  No.5536967


From new zerohedge article on 5G:

"Over the weekend, President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign team renewed its controversial pitch on nationalizing the country’s 5G network. In other words, the government would have control of 5G airwaves and lease access to private wireless providers.

Kayleigh McEnany, a Trump 2020 campaign spokeswoman, told Politico that a wholesale 5G market would drive down costs and provide access to millions of Americans who are currently underserved.

“This is in line with President Trump’s agenda to benefit all Americans, regardless of geography," McEnany said. Trump's 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, has been also pushing for a plan that would involve a nationwide 5G network.

ad32ac  No.5536968

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, D3EB0AD0-CFD3-480C-9196-4….jpeg)

File: 7b5eb8304e976ef⋯.jpeg (85.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3, E6CD03F9-2A25-4052-8744-7….jpeg)

f005bb  No.5536969


… and there lies the issue anon because I agree with you. So on one end we have to slap down those who aren't anons and are trying to cash in but on the other end we cannot discourage the real investigatory types. So that is where I am and I agree with you.

574772  No.5536970


>You have no rights to anything on this board, nor does anyone else. You could have written a book, lifting what you wanted, but chose not to.

This book was written by twelve “Anons,” anonymous Q followers, decoders and citizen journalists known collectively as Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA).

These are the real experts on QAnon…

WWG1WGA (Where We Go One We Go All) is the collaborative effort of 12 author/contributors and citizen journalists who have YouTube channels, blogs, Twitter followings and/or sub-Reddits, etc. that feature Q decodes, news and commentary.

=These authors are authorities on Q and can answer many questions.

Contributing Editors, Dustin Nemos and Captain Roy D, are the official spokespersons for WWG1WGA. Author bios and contact information are available in the book.

52889e  No.5536971


Nipple Navel Nipple

ca302d  No.5536972


ahyes, i'll recognize your post.

it'll be the one by "Anonymous"… ok

55296e  No.5536973


can I give you a suggestion:

start your own bread and in there make a list of bread and post numbers that you feel were 'stolen' .

of course you realize all of this is public domain once you hit 'send' unless you didn't own it in the first place.

I think that the truth is that the book is useful for some, and that if there are issues with it you should suggest that the next edition include bread and post numbers, or that they provide an annotated version that does.

A first edition doesn't always include that.

so the first step is to make such a list.

and if you leave it here, they can use it.

but they won't pay you for it.

are they not giving proceeds to charity?

4757ae  No.5536974


Judging from the number and the date, this was in /partiotsfight/ …

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Tue 06 Nov 2018 15:53:40 No.421

{Pic: 2 Chronicles 7:14 with American Flag}


Together We Win.


31a6d8  No.5536975


You are well on your way. smh

b555d5  No.5536976


see liar liar

jim carrey

tow lot scene

75bd0e  No.5536977


While I understand that our country has a serious Opiod abuse problem, I find myself in much the same situation as this anon. I Love my President and did Proudly vote for him, but as a chronic pain sufferer with spinal cord damage I find myself being punished for others abuses.

711686  No.5536978


Watched them abuse her once, can't again.

b1df04  No.5536979


Yeah, prolly should invite them in, let their families in to take care of them, pay for all of their upkeep, then we'll be good people.

get fucked, shill.

ad32ac  No.5536980

File: 0dc4db3b0413df5⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1063x1401, 1063:1401, 45FC9861-8B2A-4250-9DE3-E….jpeg)

File: 3f11263537d27c0⋯.jpeg (690.35 KB, 1242x1057, 1242:1057, F7AA2BDB-4410-493C-A79D-4….jpeg)


yeah cus we never discuss sm censorship here. Great point divisionfag. Now kys faggot.

1cc370  No.5536981


Mr. Trump has offered conflicting accounts about the matter. Speaking to reporters on Air Force One in April 2018, he said he did not know about the payment to Ms. Daniels. But a month later, his lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, hoping to refute the suggestion that it might be a campaign finance violation, told Fox News and The Times that the president had in fact reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment.

Citing Mr. Cohen and other evidence, prosecutors from the Southern District of New York said in court papers that Mr. Trump directed the scheme, essentially making him an unindicted co-conspirator.A spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news cycle, telling you what you really need to know.

“We’re talking about a felony committed by the president of the United States where there’s no dispute,” said Mr. Davis, the lawyer for Mr. Cohen.

People close to Mr. Trump have suggested that he may not have been aware of what Mr. Cohen was doing in real time, despite an audiotape that Mr. Cohen recorded of him discussing with Mr. Trump payments that The National Enquirer had made to a second woman who claimed to have had an affair with the candidate.

A person close to Mr. Trump said that he may have believed the checks were payment for general legal fees, but may not have known why. The president’s associates stressed that the payment to Mr. Cohen was one of several he made privately each month.

Mr. Davis scoffed at that. “You denied the Stormy Daniels affair and that was a lie,” he said. “Now you’re denying that you knew about this payoff and reimbursement that Giuliani says you knew about. So your claim of ignorance doesn’t have any credibility.”

One person who without question was involved, according to multiple people briefed on the events, was Mr. Weisselberg, the Trump Organization chief financial officer. Mr. Cohen told Mr. Weisselberg about the $130,000 wire transfer to Ms. Daniels. Mr. Weisselberg suggested repaying it in installments and told Mr. Cohen to send invoices once a month, according to the people.

By Mr. Cohen’s account, the checks began in February 2017, just weeks after Mr. Trump was inaugurated as president. When Mr. Cohen visited the Oval Office for the first time, he said, Mr. Trump raised the issue of the hush payments in the same room that symbolized the United States’ seat of power.

NYT Haberman 3.6.2019 #2

bf2fe1  No.5536982


>>5535958 LB

ABOUT MONICA RIX PAXSON… sorry can't do ss at this time…

the Q expert Publisher supposedly living in Mexico at this time … Illinois ties say it all imo.

Has quite a few published pieces re

global warming

gaia worship




Monica Paxson was born on 03/15/1951 and is 67 years old.

Monica's Reputation Score is 3.02.

Monica Paxson currently lives in Chicago, IL; in the past Monica has also lived in Berwyn IL.

Other names that Monica uses includes Monica Rix Paxson,

>>>Monica R Flores,

Monica R Paxson,

Rix Monica Paxson and

Monica R Apt Paxson.

Monica's present occupation is listed as a Lead Creative Team | Creative Copy Manager at Quebecor World.

Monica maintains relationships with many people – family, friends, associates, & neighbors – including Charlotte Klink, Mary Flores, Charlotte Klink, Ronald Flores and Gregory Paxson.







nope Monica Rix Paxon or Monica R Flores



Elgin IL

Filing State: Illinois (IL)

Filing Status: Active

Filing Date: August 23, 2005

Company Age: 13 Years, 7 Months

Registered Agent:

Douglas G. Shreffler

4653 N. Milwaukee Ave

Chicago, IL 60630

Principal Address:

55 S. Liberty St.

Elgin, IL 60120






(note somebody we just dug on had ties to this company too. anons??)


also Boulder CO and MONTANA

Aliases: Monica Flores, M Paxson

Female, Age 67

Relatives: Gregory Paxson

Locations: Boulder, CO • Chicago, IL • Missoula, MT • Berwyn, IL




Relentlessly Creative Books Logo

Relentlessly Creative Books™

home of middle-path publishing™

"Middle Path" may be misunderstood as equivocal. In fact Buddhism is not as such. "Middle" means neutral, upright, and centered. It means to investigate and penetrate the core of life and all things with an upright, unbiased attitude. In order to solve a problem, we should position ourselves on neutral, upright and unbiased ground. We investigate the problem from various angles, analyze the findings, understand the truth thoroughly, and find a reasonable conclusion.


e8c37c  No.5536983

You've convinced me. Definitely a slide. Filtering this nonsense now.

ada0d8  No.5536984

File: d233e3ab38a6168⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 734x553, 734:553, 4566VSDR76-456678-0.jpg)

File: 5737d4f5420e8a0⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 734x553, 734:553, 4566VSDR76-456456454540078….jpg)

File: f26e4983a964f0f⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 734x553, 734:553, 234523B25H5765656563f50762….jpg)

File: f4e329f16883914⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 734x553, 734:553, 4566VSDR76-546BR.jpg)

1012e1  No.5536985

File: 354875309d1d866⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1340x887, 1340:887, 13:22:31_001.png)


d6b64c  No.5536986


hey there cranky Anon,

Twatter fucks around and resets the settings often.

Some have issues with it every day as others dont.

Do us a fav, let us help you. Give us your hand, we will pull as hard as we can to help you remove the dark cloud out of your ass.

Be nicer Bitch

c49fd4  No.5536987


That'll return power to the people! LOL.

170ae6  No.5536988


i wish u were near me

i would slap ur bitch ass back

b555d5  No.5536989


articial fertilizer

5d62f1  No.5536990

File: 08df3616ab9f7e1⋯.png (49.45 KB, 122x170, 61:85, Messages Image(2592333411).png)



call and belong

aa76b5  No.5536991


inferring that in a public place is a bit too disingenuous. I see this too but keep it schtum

d7768e  No.5536992

File: 2c422442a7a4bb1⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 434x251, 434:251, 2tiwpo.jpg)


Well then, You should sue them for plagiarism for copying an ANONYMOUS source. Blaaaaaa haaaaa haaa.

1cce69  No.5536993


When will


invite them to your home concernfag

1cc370  No.5536994


“Don’t worry, Michael, your January and February reimbursement checks are coming,” he quoted Mr. Trump telling him. “They were FedExed from New York and it takes a while for that to get through the White House system.”

The first check was signed Feb. 14, 2017, for $70,000 to cover both January and February. It was issued by the president’s trust and signed by Mr. Weisselberg and Donald Trump Jr

The payment came at a fraught moment in the president’s early weeks, just a day after he forced his national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, to resign for lying about his contacts with Russia. On the same day the check to Mr. Cohen was signed, Mr. Trump pulled aside James B. Comey, then the F.B.I. director, and suggested “letting Flynn go,” according to a contemporaneous memo by Mr. Comey.

The next check, for $35,000, came from the trust on March 17, even as the president hosted Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in the Oval Office and aides were grappling with a firestorm over unfounded assertions aired by the White House that the British had spied on Mr. Trump when he was a candidate.

Mr. Cohen included this check in a series of documents he provided to Congress last week to support his testimony.

Mr. Cohen included this check in a series of documents he provided to Congress last week to support his testimony.

A check for April has not been located; Mr. Cohen’s records were seized by federal agents. But after the initial payments, Mr. Trump was instructed that he should write Mr. Cohen checks from his personal checking account instead of the trust. It is not clear why he was told this, but in so doing, he removed his son’s name from future checks.

NYT Haberman 3.6.2019 #3

49d9cb  No.5536995

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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