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Friday 2.1.19
>>4989823 ---———————————--——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)
>>4989820 ---———————————--——– Anons understand.
Sunday 1.13.19
>>4965770 ---———————————--——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)
>>4965765 ---———————————--——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)
Friday 1.11.19
>>4956136 ---———————————--——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)
>>4956094 ---———————————--——– Public access to intel? (Cap)
>>4956076 ---———————————--——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)
>>4956045 ---———————————--——– BOOM! (Cap)
Monday 1.7.19
Compiled here: >>4834899
Sunday 1.6.19
Compiled here: >>4770751
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040274>>5040759
are not endorsements
>>5032986 Reminder: State of the Union Speech at 9 PM EST
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.
>>5039651 MSM calling for Presidents to not be pardoned for crimes
>>5039652 Kushner's brother has financial ties to company targeted in inauguration subpoena
>>5039685, >>5039980 Republicans Plan To Turn On Trump If He Declares National Emergency (source is NYT)
>>5039826 From QRV: Updated lists of prosecutions happening
>>5039799 Anon on the Electoral College
(Baker Change)
>>5040081 Colombia Deploys More Troops, Equipment Near Border As ‘Lima Group’ Declares Support To Guaido
>>5040123, >>5040166 Anon digg on Jack Kachkar CEO of Inyx, a specialty pharmaceutical company (and P.R., related)
>>5040221 #6435
#6434 Baker Change
>>5038768 Mueller deputy, Andrew Weissmann, briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election
>>5038769, >>5038772, >>5039049, >>5039203 Military Drills over LA
>>5038778 Acting AG and Secretary of DHS Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on 2018 Elections
>>5038800 Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal
>>5038806 One of ICE's Most Wanted Aliens indicted for illegally re-entering the United States following deportation
>>5038836 Firm founded by ex-Blackwater boss, Erik Prince, to operate in China’s Xinjiang province
>>5038934 Puppet Masters and Old Guard Graphic
>>5039064 US ‘Regime Changes’: The Historical Record
>>5038970, >>5039246, >>5039251 Marina Abramovic and Brazilian Cult Leader together
>>5039464 #6434
#6433 Baker Change
>>5038620 Pope acknowledges (first time) priests, bishops have sexually abused nuns
>>5038508 NO CAVE operation: proof that Q team has heavily affected Deep State?
>>5037997 NY Gov. Cuomo deflects, blaming POTUS for NY state $2.3B budget shortfall
>>5037998, >>5037999, >>5038164, >>5038239, >>5038446, >>5038560, OIG summary of FBI misconduct of agent
>>5038020 Grassley expects to see final Mueller report “within a month”
>>5038103 WH tweet: Theme of SOTU is “Choosing Greatness”
>>5038052 Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households
>>5038669 #6433
>>5037261 Acting AAG and Sec. DHS joint report on impact of foreign interference on US elections
>>5037287 POTUS hires Bear Stearns chief economist to run World Bank
>>5037299 SA launches new internal affairs office
>>5037311 Huawei, Australian politicos, and “muh Russia”
>>5037412 Governor of Coahuila, MX, ordered ~50 buses to assist with caravan transport
>>5037568 Northam retains private detective
>>5038076 #6432
>>5036619 This CGI News Anchor's Chilling Gaze Is Scaring People for Multiple Reasons
>>5036588 TRUMP EFFECT! US Oil Production to surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia combined by 2025
>>5036549 Google announces Journalism AI project to aid news industry
>>5036548 Oprah to restore the Beto O’Rourke glow?
>>5036532 Apple Has Lost $450 Billion of Revenue Since October 2018!
>>5036464 POTUS "We will build a Human Wall if necessary."
>>5036457 WINNING! (and popcorn!) Only five students taking SDSU's women's, gender studies minor
>>5036448 Gen. Joseph L. Votel testifies before the Senate Arms Services Committee.
>>5037996 #6431
Previously Collected Notables
>>5036387 #6430
>>5034047 #6427, >>5034812 #6428, >>5035610 #6429
>>5031712 #6424, >>5032403 #6425, >>5033276 #6426
>>5029461 #6421, >>5030226 #6422, >>5030978 #6423
>>5027261 #6418, >>5027902 #6419, >>5028715 #6420
>>5025502 #6416, >>5027518 #6417, >>5027518 #6417
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▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040277
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▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040282
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040296>>5040319 >>5040322
▶ 01bc30 (5) No.5040301>>5040321 >>5040607 >>5040999
Bill would ban contractors who boycott Israel
Mississippi would join at least 20 other states in banning government agencies from contracting with companies that boycott Israel if a House bill passes into law.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040304>>5040363 >>5040443 >>5040458 >>5040772
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Pelosi, Democratic Women's Working Group hold a presser
OMG this is such divisive shit -_-
▶ 01bc30 (5) No.5040305>>5040348 >>5040661 >>5040893
Mass surveillance challenge proceeds to Europe’s highest human rights court
▶ 7be59b (5) No.5040308
>>5040258 lb
"The bill was a compromise based largely on three previous failed immigration reform bills:
The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (S. 1033), a bill proposed in May 2005 by Senators Ted Kennedy and John McCain, sometimes referred to as the "McCain--Kennedy or McKennedy Bill."
The Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005 (S. 1438), a bill proposed in July 2005 by Senators John Cornyn and Jon Kyl, sometimes referred to as the "Cornyn--Kyl Bill."
The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611), sponsored by Senator Arlen Specter, which was passed in the Senate in May 2006 but never passed in the House.
The bill's sole sponsor in the Senate was Majority Leader Harry Reid, though it was crafted in large part as a result of efforts by Senators Kennedy, McCain and Kyl, along with Senator Lindsey Graham, and input from President George W. Bush, who strongly supported the bill. For that reason it was referred to in the press by various combinations of these five men's names, most commonly "Kennedy--Kyl". A larger group of senators was involved in creating the bill, sometimes referred to as the 'Gang of 12'.[1] Senator David Vitter of Louisiana led the opposition to the bill, clashing with McCain and Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.[2]
At the same time, the Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007 was being considered in the United States House of Representatives, although to considerably less public attention.
On June 7, three Senate votes on cloture (a move to end discussion) for the bill failed with the first losing 33--63, the second losing 34–61 and the third losing 45–50.[3] This had been thought by some observers to signal the end of the bill's chances, since on that day, after the first failing vote, Harry Reid had told reporters that, if another vote on cloture failed, "the bill's over with. The bill's gone."[4]
However, at the urging of President Bush, the bill was brought back for discussion in the Senate as bill S. 1639 on June 25.[5] On June 26, a motion to proceed passed the Senate, by a margin of 64--35 (under Senate rules it needed 60 votes).[6] A number of amendments to the bill were considered and rejected. On June 28, the bill failed to get the 60 votes necessary to end debate. The final cloture vote lost, 46–53.[7] This effectively ended its chances, and President Bush said he was disappointed at Congress's failure to act on the issue.[8]"
▶ 944170 (3) No.5040309
America First!!
Can’t wait to hear Trump’s message tonight. God bless POTUS & fellow anons!!
▶ c08fdd (3) No.5040311>>5040326 >>5040355 >>5040406
Wow ebot really shit the bread last time, Speaking of Military drills near LA, I was watching Dutchsinse last night and he was talking about a major near surface "earthquake" near Catalina Island…even he was skeptical
▶ e12198 (2) No.5040312>>5040330 >>5040393 >>5040462 >>5040496
James Alefantis = the PANic in DC
Double Meanings people.
▶ 04758d (1) No.5040313>>5040378 >>5040399
>cant teach the gospel without teaching about the jews faggot.
Sort of true, but still missing the point.
You see, only purity can exist with God. The way to gain access to the Kingdom of God is therefore to purify yourself. No amount of wrestling with impurity is going to help.
Knowing about deception and those who spread it can be a useful first step along the way, but you need to stop focusing on this at some point and start to focus on purifying yourself, or you'll be missing the train.
Consider the Parable of the Ten Virgins. You want to focus on getting some oil for that lamp bro.
▶ 1b54c5 (2) No.5040315
Danke, Baker!
Here's something to give to your wife on Valentines Day.
▶ 37dce8 (2) No.5040316
>>5039251 (pb)
connection to that evil cunt/witch is absolute confirmation of every evil story out there about this shitbag far as Im concerned.
▶ ea3034 (2) No.5040317>>5040337
I wonder if her soul is as good looking
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040319>>5040329
Better Dough:
▶ 01bc30 (5) No.5040321>>5040333
▶ 7bc602 (4) No.5040323>>5040333
>>5040139 lb
Hadn't seen that. Thanks for posting.
Put it on the LV clock.
Soo much fuckery that day.
▶ 386841 (11) No.5040324>>5040333 >>5040334 >>5040346 >>5040391 >>5040427 >>5040647
>>5040248 (PB)
Transdimensional element came up, an anon suggested the wall was to keep out demons/MKUltra bots headed our way now.
Was not connected to N theories as yet.
▶ f1474b (3) No.5040326>>5040333 >>5040355
Should we be expecting a FF?
▶ 01bc30 (5) No.5040327>>5040333
Inside a key Hawaii intelligence outpost listening in on the Pacific
▶ 8732ab (1) No.5040328>>5040442
Can you do AOC with Stacey A’s teeth & vice versa….just because?
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040329
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5040332>>5040344 >>5040358 >>5040645 >>5040830
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040148 (ALL LAST BREAD)
"Democracy Dies In Darkness" isn't a warning…it's a MISSION STATEMENT!"
---Jimmy Dore
Anons, I recommend watching Jimmy Dore Show regarding Tulsi Gabbard and New Knowledge.
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040334>>5040391 >>5040420 >>5040427
I was that anon.
And I was going to reply to other anon you tagged pb.
"N" stands for Nephilim.
Nephilim World Order.
▶ e34533 (10) No.5040335>>5040338 >>5040423 >>5040474
Remember, POTUS already ordered the DECLAS.
▶ 1b54c5 (2) No.5040337
8ch is not your fat acceptance safe space.
▶ 01bc30 (5) No.5040341>>5040361
Roman Catholic priest, 71, with 'Jekyll and Hyde' personality who abused four altar boys
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040342
>>5040263 (OP)
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040344
▶ 8e25b6 (3) No.5040345
Tell that to congress, the FBI and Muller
▶ 60aeb9 (3) No.5040346>>5040391 >>5040427
Would it be possible to tone down the retardation for one day, out of respect for the SOTU?
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040347>>5040360
Got a HUAWEI router
works fine until i got to qmap
then Internet goes off
changed to older version an no problems….
is the chip in consumer electronics?
▶ f69ead (3) No.5040348
Might that be because Jews are disproportionately represented in a majority of state legislatures? Might that same condition in county and municipal governments as well?
▶ 86cb85 (7) No.5040349>>5040384 >>5040421 >>5040569 >>5040661 >>5040766 >>5040813 >>5040867 >>5040893
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. EXCLUSIVE: Photos from the ‘Notorious RBG’ Musical at National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC tonight show that Justice Ginsburg was NOT among the very small crowd, despite WaPo’s claims
12:07 min start.
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040350>>5040372 >>5040493 >>5040594
Lone Dem Senator Blocks Bill Banning Infanticide For Babies Who Survive Abortions
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040351
A Southwest Airlines flight from Hartford, Conn., to Tampa, Fla., was forced to turn around midflight on Friday night, after the pilot declared an emergency. Flight 1694 returned safely to Bradley International Airport at 9:11 p.m., an hour after it took off, due to apparent depressurization in the cabin.
Ambulances met the Boeing 737 at the request of the pilot and treated a number of passengers. While there were no severe injuries, passengers complained of ear pain and other issues. Initial reports state that at least one passenger was bleeding from the ears, the Hartford Courant reported.
“The pilot declared an emergency and reported a possible pressurization issue,” an FAA spokesman told the Harford Courant.
Southwest Airlines provided a statement to Yahoo Lifestyle on the incident.
“Flight 1694 with scheduled service between Bradley International Airport (BDL) and Tampa Bay (TPA) experienced a pressurization issue shortly after takeoff. Our Flight Crew followed proper procedures and returned to BDL, where it landed safely,” the statement read. “Several Customers among the 139 onboard were treated for injuries and discomfort by local paramedics. We removed the aircraft from service and continued Customer’s travel with another aircraft. The safety of our Customers and Crew is always our top priority.”
While decompression is rare, it is vital that both pilots and passengers react to sudden and gradual cabin decompression quickly. The Telegraph reports that at 40,000 feet, people have just 18 seconds of “useful consciousness” if they lack oxygen, which is why flight attendance advise passengers during their safety announcements to put on their oxygen mask before helping others.
▶ 152af1 (1) No.5040352>>5040716
Our Potus is putting these animals out of business! The Wall means more than we Know!
▶ 317b33 (1) No.5040353
Bitch Collins at it again - https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1092888488897335296
▶ c08fdd (3) No.5040355
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040311
He also went on to say there were no reported earthquakes in Oregon or out at sea…Which when there are supposed to be 8000 a year is EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS. He ranted about that for a while. Very entertaining show, I'm not sure why but I find his stuff riveting.
▶ b1b6e4 (1) No.5040356
>>5040268 (lb)
ABC was showing a clip earlier of people celebrating the Lunar New Year in NYC. Never noticed that mentioned on the news before.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040357>>5040362 >>5040392 >>5040520
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. THEY DO THE HOMO JERK OFF FOR THE DRACCOS BTW
▶ 9c9c06 (3) No.5040360>>5040373 >>5040429
you are joking right?
if so then
if not….
huawei is a huge problem all around
but so is intel
just sayin
▶ dcc141 (11) No.5040361>>5040397
> with 'Jekyll and Hyde' personality
split/imbalanced…seems to be a theme
▶ c7fc9c (4) No.5040363
>Pelosi, Democratic Women's Working Group hold a presser
WTAF is that!?!
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040364>>5040388
Trump inviting American holohoax "survivors" to the SOTU and talking tough on Iran is what Qudaism is all about.
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040366>>5040407 >>5040441 >>5040661 >>5040893
CBS News
Verified account
Follow Follow @CBSNews
BREAKING: Pope Francis has confirmed reports that nuns have suffered and are still suffering sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests and bishops, and even being held as sexual slaves
Pope admits clerical abuse of nuns including sexual slavery
Pope Francis admits priests, bishops sexually abused nuns
Pope Francis has admitted for the first time that nuns have
been sexually abused by priests and bishops in the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis confirms priests' abuse of nuns included "sexual slaver
one hour ago
Pope admits Catholic Church had their own sex slaves.
Thread starterBuzzman Start dateToday at 2:14 PM
2 hours ago
Pope says priests' abuse of nuns went as far as "sexual slavery"
and the walls came down!
▶ eb4dc0 (1) No.5040367>>5040381 >>5040386 >>5040489
Trains in Germany drive full steam for Potus
God bless the Trump Train and America and many prayers from Germany
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040370>>5040387
Funny how they aren't mentioning the method of suicide any more.
Irish top model, mother of 4 reportedly found dead hours after cryptic Facebook post
▶ 7be59b (5) No.5040371>>5040402 >>5040455 >>5040940
"Barack Obama will be succeeded as president of the United States by Donald Trump, who long challenged the legitimacy of Obama’s presidency by questioning whether Obama, the first African American president, was, in fact, born in America.
Trump wasn’t alone. For years, many of Obama’s fellow Americans questioned his citizenship.
But the so-called “birther” claims weren’t the only spurious rumors about Obama. Over his eight years in office, we have written about hundreds of viral claims about the president, his family and his policies. Perhaps no bogus claim has persisted more than the falsehood that Obama is an anti-Christian Muslim.
According to a 2015 CNN/ORC poll, 80 percent of Americans correctly believe that Obama was born in the U.S., but only a plurality, 39 percent, know that he is a Christian. Twenty-nine percent believe that he is a Muslim.
For the record, Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1961. He is also a self-proclaimed Christian who adopted that faith as an adult.
Below are some of the biggest whoppers we’ve addressed about Obama’s religion and background, as well as baseless claims that he is anti-America in general.
Not a Muslim
In a 2006 speech, Obama said that it “nagged” him in 2004, when Alan Keyes, his opponent in the Illinois U.S. Senate race, suggested that Obama wasn’t a “true Christian.”
And not long after Obama announced that he would run for president in 2007, the New York Times wrote an article detailing exactly how Obama, whose Kenyan father was born a Muslim, came to Christianity while attending church in Chicago.
Then, Obama told his own conversion story to those attending the National Prayer Breakfast in February 2009, just two weeks after he was sworn in as president.
Obama, Feb. 5, 2009: I was not raised in a particularly religious household. I had a father who was born a Muslim but became an atheist, grandparents who were non-practicing Methodists and Baptists, and a mother who was skeptical of organized religion, even as she was the kindest, most spiritual person I’ve ever known. She was the one who taught me as a child to love, and to understand, and to do unto others as I would want done.
I didn’t become a Christian until many years later, when I moved to the South Side of Chicago after college. It happened not because of indoctrination or a sudden revelation, but because I spent month after month working with church folks who simply wanted to help neighbors who were down on their luck --- no matter what they looked like, or where they came from, or who they prayed to. It was on those streets, in those neighborhoods, that I first heard God’s spirit beckon me. It was there that I felt called to a higher purpose — His purpose.
And Obama has talked about his faith annually at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast.
None of that has swayed those who continue to wrongly believe that Obama is not a Christian, but also that he is a Muslim. His middle name is “Hussein” after all.
A YouTube video titled “Obama Admits He Is A Muslim” has been viewed nearly 17 million times since April 2009. But it’s totally bogus and the result of deceptive editing.
For example, when Obama says “I am one of them,” he doesn’t mean that he is a Muslim. He was talking about being like others who either have Muslim relatives or have lived in countries with large Muslim populations. At other times, the video edits out the words “I’m a Christian” and “my Christian faith” from Obama’s quotes.
Truth on the Cutting Room Floor, Dec. 4, 2009
Obama also didn’t attend a radical “Wahabi” school in Indonesia, as a false viral email claimed. That rumor originated with an inaccurate 2007 Insight Magazine article that said Obama “was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage.” CNN interviewed the school’s deputy headmaster, Hardi Priyono, who said: “This is a public school. We don’t focus on religion.”
That same viral email also claimed that Obama was sworn in as a U.S. senator using a Koran. Wrong. Obama reportedly used his own Bible during his swearing-in ceremony in 2005. It was Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of Congress, who used a Koran for his own ceremony in 2007."
▶ 163924 (5) No.5040372>>5040493
Evil out in the open.
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040373
not a joke
been happening for about a month or so
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040375>>5040415
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. COREY BOOKER IS A JACKASS
▶ 1f2750 (2) No.5040376>>5040389 >>5040400 >>5040424 >>5040426 >>5040488 >>5040492 >>5040525 >>5040728
explosion in DC of some kind. waiting for more sauces
▶ 778ced (1) No.5040378
Wow, God die and leave you to make the rules?
All this impurity exists with God, right now, real time. Did someone tell you he can't see and he ain't watching?
Our Father, Maker of the Math.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040379>>5040894
baker left a turd in the notables upon departure - yeah it stinks
>>5039652 Kushner's brother has financial ties to company targeted in inauguration subpoena
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040381
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040382>>5040513
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. /LEFTYPOL/ STILL RULES THE WORLD
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040384
ready to notable this but no time to confirm, need confirm from someone else
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040385
Maxine Waters is calling for everyone to turn off their TVs and not watch Trump's speech tonight.
▶ f69ead (3) No.5040387
Chronic fap-itis leading to sepsis? Just a guess.
▶ 49a077 (3) No.5040388
Reminder: After the synagogue shooting, foreign countries lowered their flags to half mast. They never did that for other mass shootings.
Really makes me think.
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040389
Excuse/attempt to cancel the SOTU, perhaps.
If true--"huge explosion"–shouldn't have to wait much for the other sources.
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040390>>5040411
Babe!…is that you?
▶ 55d9db (1) No.5040392
Use the pindar lotion for your draco.
▶ 30a607 (2) No.5040393>>5040462 >>5040496
Dual meaning of PANic with DEMON PAN
▶ 60ab89 (2) No.5040394>>5040761
>>5040122 lb
>>5040152 lb
Maybe P = Psychedelics.
Been binging on trip report vids. Lotsa people report seeing gray ayys, egyptian gods like anubis god of the dead, jesus, hindu armed lady, trees talking to them etc.
The cool part is that these entities seem like people with personalities and react to you. I remember a dude on dmt saying he mouthed off to Anubis, then being stabbed when he got angry.
Or another guy blasting off and waking up in a pod with grays watching over you.
Or people seeing Jesus (or whatever God they worship) when they have a near death experience.
How you feel seems to affect how the trip goes. And, these 'trips' seem as real as the our hooman reality.
So if you do a child sacrifice, and get high off their chemical laced blood, maybe you get to talk to an evil entity.
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040395>>5040976
Cuomo laments failure of ‘tax the rich’ policies as millionaires flee New York
▶ 72f98d (1) No.5040396>>5040460 >>5040562 >>5040661 >>5040893
Pharma exec convicted of $100 million fraud scheme in Miami federal court
Kachkar, 55, formerly of Key Biscayne, was also accused of embezzling millions of dollars to buy a private jet, real estate and luxury cars.
The 46-branch bank based in San Juan incurred $100 million in loan losses and was closed by regulators in 2010, when the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation reached an agreement for Banco Popular de Puerto Rico to assume its deposits.
Two years later, Westernbank declared Inyx in default for failing to repay the loans.
Kachkar’s lawyers with the federal public defender’s office?!?!?
argued that the invoices were “pre-billing” and “development” invoices and that Westernbank was fully aware of them and wanted Inyx’s business to broaden the bank’s loan portfolio.
▶ 785d2a (4) No.5040397>>5040437
Hmm. Doesn’t the current HRC have blue eyes?
▶ 7bf101 (1) No.5040398
>>5040159 PB
The Compass Rose
All Rise
Primary purpose to display cardinal directions.
Who directs the cast?
The Director
~ The Cardinal
A Mocking Bird
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040399
>The way to gain access to the Kingdom of God is therefore to purify yourself.
How are you going to do that, again?
>Consider the Parable of the Ten Virgins.
The people who missed the Rapture? Who missed the wedding? kek
▶ 1f2750 (2) No.5040400>>5040434 >>5040475
being called a transformer explosion.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040401
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. KANYE IS THE GAY FISH
▶ 49a077 (3) No.5040402
I like how they had to throw in "The first African American president," to implant muh raycizms into people's minds right away.
▶ 4c5130 (3) No.5040403>>5040435 >>5040436 >>5040478 >>5040904
Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year)
POTUS noted it is the year of the pig.
Interesting that HRC is a Pig.
More interesting that 1 & 7 (17) are unlucky munchers for Pigs.
▶ cba62c (1) No.5040405>>5040436
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040407>>5040436 >>5040446 >>5040450
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5040408>>5040436
New Knowledge ADMITS to creating a "false flag" on Roy Moore with created Russian Bots.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040409>>5040419
MAXINE MELTDOWN! Waters begs Americans to ‘turn the television off’ during Trump SOTU
▶ 3879c9 (9) No.5040410>>5040413 >>5040417 >>5040422 >>5040436 >>5040447 >>5040524
Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.
SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…
1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______
2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____
3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____
4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____
5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____
6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____
7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁
Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁
Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)
Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?
Logical thinking.
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040411>>5040436
Corey Booker brush your tooth.
▶ f7c3c4 (1) No.5040414>>5040436 >>5040485
Just heard Gov. Scott on Cavuto refer sarcastically to all the "actors" that would be at the SOTU tonight.
Made me wonder if is tonight our red carpet event?
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040415
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040416>>5040432 >>5040436 >>5040661 >>5040893
Representatives from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox say they’ve asked Planned Parenthood to remove their names as corporate donors to the embattled organization.
The move follows a Daily Signal report revealing the names of 41 companies that Planned Parenthood listed as donors. That list, which was featured on Planned Parenthood’s website, has since been removed.
This latest development comes in the wake of two undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood executives talking about the sale of fetal body parts. Planned Parenthood is facing both federal and state investigations---and the possibility of losing taxpayer funding.
Earlier this week, The Daily Signal used information from 2nd Vote to publish the names of 41 companies listed by Planned Parenthood as contributors. Shortly after the story was published, representatives from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox contacted The Daily Signal to say they were erroneously listed and requested that Planned Parenthood take them off its website.
More at link
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040419>>5040436
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040420>>5040436 >>5040463 >>5040468 >>5041018
They're dead dude. King David and his boys finished off the last of them, some 3000 years ago.
▶ 7bc602 (4) No.5040421>>5040436
She isn't mentioned as being there in the introduction. Seems like it is mostly HS students in attendance.
Anyone know how many people that theatre holds? Obviously she wasn't there but this video doesn't show the crowd so doesn't actually prove she wasn't.
Will see if (((she))) shows up for the SOTU.
Lung cancer is nasty business. Especially when you are in your 80's. I don't believe for a second that she is exercising at the gym and going out in public.
We need some PROOF OF LIFE. Not just MSM BS talking points (lots of other papers picked up the original Washington Post story).
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040423>>5040436 >>5040445
already ordered?
parsing like lawyers
where the fuck is it then?
"ordered but not released"
same difference to anons
▶ 60aeb9 (3) No.5040424
Nothing on local news sites yet.
▶ 1dad34 (3) No.5040425
>>5039664 (lb)
▶ ce3792 (2) No.5040426
Yep, can be used to call off SOTU.
▶ fa1cf7 (1) No.5040428
Drag Queen 'Annie Christ' Causes Furor at Library Story Hour
▶ f27e0f (4) No.5040429
>but so is intel
talk about hiding stuff in plain sight.
word used in which business?
▶ 6034ec (1) No.5040430
Did they shop her nose or did she have it reduced?
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040432
Baker NOTABLE… hope someone kept that list!!!!!
▶ f06997 (1) No.5040433>>5040438
Are there enough SHILLS on the boards today? Do they get paid for each post they make? The boredom and stupidity is think with them…
▶ c510bb (2) No.5040434
Electrical Transformers are in cased with oil. If you have smoke coming from one exploding it would have black smoke.
▶ 163924 (5) No.5040435
interesting, anon.
▶ c08fdd (3) No.5040438
I think they get paid for replies
▶ 109732 (1) No.5040441>>5040459
How many male priests, bishops, and so on has his deadinthehead eminence abused?
How many children has he killed, raped, eaten, drank their blood, and abused?
Confess dumas
▶ 3ded58 (4) No.5040443
Ugh, I can't even. First woman says the fight for women's suffrage is still going on because only 25% of congressional legislators are female. And then goes on to talk about how the current administration has closed itself off to women. These fucking morons just LOVE making themselves victims
▶ 944170 (3) No.5040444>>5040449 >>5040487
RBG will not be attending the SOTU this evening.
Schedule conflict…it’s leg day at the gym.
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040445>>5040509 >>5040555
Speak for yourself. Most of us Anon's are more discerning then you.
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040446>>5040477
reciprocity good
▶ 65ae27 (5) No.5040448
These resumed today after one full day of NOTHING. Highly unusual to have a full day of no filings
Of note
PTC Tech Systems and Software Pres and CEO
85,740 for $7,276,221
PTC (PTC - Free Report) reported first-quarter fiscal 2019 earnings of 56 cents per share (per ASC 606 adopted on Oct 1, 2018) that beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 15 cents. Earnings (per ASC 605) were 57 cents, up 83.9% year over year.
35,526 for $2,492,859
Sold half of remaining shares has 35,158 remaining
Xylem (NYSE:XYL) updated its FY19 earnings guidance on Thursday. The company provided earnings per share guidance of $3.20-3.40 for the period, compared to the Thomson Reuters consensus earnings per share estimate of $3.35. The company issued revenue guidance of $5.3-5.4 billion, compared to the consensus revenue estimate of $5.44 billion.Xylem also updated its guidance to EPS.
▶ f25c5f (4) No.5040449>>5040551
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040450
▶ 3879c9 (9) No.5040451
Thank you, God.
… Please make it permanent. kek
▶ 4d34fa (1) No.5040453>>5040537 >>5040543
Whoa President employs a new strategy with MS
Donald Trump Hosts Establishment Media for Off-The-Record Lunch Before State of the Union. 5 Feb 2019
The guest list included CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and David Muir, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie and Lester Holt, CBS’s Margaret Brennan, PBS’s Judy Woodruff, Fox News’ Chris Wallace and Martha MacCallum, CBN News’ David Brody, and C-SPAN’s Steve Scully, according to reports.
Presidents traditionally host this off-the-record lunch to give news anchors a preview of what to expect in the speech.
It was unclear whether the president would continue the tradition after someone leaked embarrassing information to the New York Times after his prime-time address on the need for a wall on the southern border in January.
“Who would believe how bad it has gotten with the mainstream media, which has gone totally bonkers!” Trump wrote on Twitter after the leak.
The president continues to brand NBC and CNN as “fake news” and “very fake news” but still gives them access.
“NBC and MSNBC are going Crazy,” he wrote in January. “They report stories, purposely, the exact opposite of the facts. They are truly the Opposition Party working with the Dems. May even be worse than Fake News CNN, if that is possible!”
▶ 53b3a2 (3) No.5040454>>5040505 >>5040664
looks east tennesseeish…
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040455>>5040469
what a fucking liar he was
as bad a hrc
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040456>>5040465
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. (YOU) WANT NICE THINGS FOR YOUR PENIS HOMO
▶ e34533 (10) No.5040458>>5040494 >>5040628 >>5040681
What is this crap?
The vvitches club?
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040459
Good questions demand good answers!
▶ 65ae27 (5) No.5040460
▶ 60aeb9 (3) No.5040462>>5040472 >>5040743
Ok boomers, time to shut the fuck up for the day and stop making a joke of this board.
Early Bird Special is on at Denny's so off you go.
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040463>>5040486 >>5040528
I think you might be undervaluing the "genetic" aspect to the Nephilim's existence.
Though on that part, there are anon's more wizened than I to answer.
I just know what I know.
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040464>>5040497
I guess all the RBG is dead people will be claiming the SOTU was video edited if she does appear.
And all the she's not dead ones will be claiming other people as her…KEK!
This is going to be fun to watch.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040465>>5040471
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040456
▶ 743cec (2) No.5040466
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040467
Cortez will never look as good as Christy Brinkley does at age 65.
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040468>>5040501
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040420
a new evil is upon us in this age.
[information is lethal when you are without it]
Where there is no terror, there is no fear.
where there is no fear, there is no hate.
When the HATE is exterminated..
DEATH is no longer a stress.
we can then SHARE OUR JEWELZ with ALL.
▶ 7be59b (5) No.5040469
Tried to take credit for booming economy/jobs.
HRC emails don't add up.
▶ 7b6e90 (5) No.5040470>>5040661 >>5040893
Russia blames NATO for dismantling INF due to plans to deploy launchers to Poland
Moscow is urging NATO to avoid turning Europe into an arena of confrontation, which would certainly happen if US launchers were stationed in Poland
MOSCOW, February 4. /TASS/. NATO shoulders direct responsibility for the undoing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty given its plans to deploy US missile defense systems to member states, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.
"Unfortunately, Alliance member states have demonstrated that they are not ready for a substantive dialogue on the Mk-41 missile launchers, which are deployed to Romania and are planned to be deployed to Poland next year in breach of the INF Treaty," the statement reads. "These systems are part of NATO’s missile defenses so the Alliance is directly responsible for the destruction of the Treaty," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.
Moscow is urging NATO to avoid turning Europe into an arena of confrontation, which would certainly happen if US launchers were stationed in Poland, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a commentary on Monday following the NATO Council’s statement regarding the situation involving the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty.
"If the United States’ European allies are really interested in preserving effective international control over weapons, disarmament and non-proliferation, they should not blindly follow US policies of attaining military supremacy. Instead they should abide by the fundamental interests of security and prevent Europe from being turned into a scene of confrontation again, which would become inevitable, if the United States begins the deployment of this class of missiles," the Foreign Ministry said.
NATO has completely conformed itself to the US policy of ruining the international system of arms control, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The ministry said that the statement had been issued before Moscow received formal notification from Washington that it was suspending compliance with the treaty.
"This rush is no surprise to Russia. It is just more proof of the fact that the alliance has entirely modified itself to Washington’s policy of demolishing the system of arms control, which required many years of hard work to build," the Foreign Ministry stressed.
Russian diplomats believe that the collapse of the INF Treaty "will entail grave and far-reaching consequences for the entire edifice of European security, which the alliance ostensibly takes care of to the benefit of US allies in Europe."
"The NATO Council’s statement lacks elementary logic: the United States quits the treaty while NATO is going to ‘deter’ Russia," the Foreign Ministry said, adding that it was Moscow that in recent years systematically and consistently tried to persuade the American side to conduct a concrete and professional dialogue with the aim of enhancing the viability of the INF Treaty and preserving its systemic role for strategic stability.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040471
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040465
▶ f69ead (3) No.5040472
In that case I'll have pie.
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040473
FFS…Ebot, it's been over a year and you're still walking shit on the carpet.
You're the 8chan equivalent of 'SPIT' from the film 'BREAKDANCE'.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040475
same ole same ole
▶ f27e0f (4) No.5040476
▶ dcc141 (11) No.5040477>>5040522
yeahh…i'm just not sure…
▶ 4c5130 (3) No.5040478
Meant “unlucky numbers”
I really need to start proofing, before I hit send.
▶ 7be59b (5) No.5040479
Be careful lying shills, rumors, predictions.
▶ b47344 (9) No.5040481>>5040516 >>5040906
I understand fraternal orders are the backbone to many areas of life. However symbolically and even w/ the content of some of Q's drops we see no other trail but that of masonic symbology.
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040482>>5040521
there you go fren :D
▶ 182f3d (5) No.5040483>>5040504
>>5040240 lb
>Find the roll.1 of 4.Find the 4th.Find the film.Not the capture.Enhance.
I still think it is a 4th phone we should be looking for in raw video.
1 of 4 phones.
there are 3 phones in this pic. We need to find the 4th phone which wasn't captured in a stillshot for news purposes.
does anybody know what time this shot was pulled from vid?
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040484
▶ 2e55c2 (1) No.5040485
Just look at Dj T background on twitter.
STATE * of the * UNION
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040486
I think it's possible that their DNA was passed down to the modern generation, creating such spawn as Comey, but as to them directly being the children of demons and human women? That stopped happening a long time ago. NWO is not Nephilim World Order; it's the same old New World Order that Poppy Bush was pushing back in the day, the same one Hussein was pushing in the UN.
▶ 3ded58 (4) No.5040487
She and 4 other justices didn't attend the SOTU last year. She won't be there tonight, and while we may know she's dead/dying, this won't be any sort of proof.
▶ c510bb (2) No.5040488
Example of a transformer explosion. Will create a dark black smoke due to the oil in the case of the transformer.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. EVERYONE WORKSOUT TO RICHARD SIMMONS
▶ a5f500 (2) No.5040491>>5040508 >>5040548
Is it true that you all are free thinkers who accept all Patriotic Americans?
Because I've decided to convert to Islam.
▶ 30a607 (2) No.5040492
This happens all the time in DC. Potomac Edison gas leaks in sewers. Not uncommon with historically old pipes. Happens more in the summer time. Messes with traffic when roads are closed for repairs.
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040493>>5040958
>Evil out in the open.
▶ 7b6e90 (5) No.5040495>>5040514
Pro-Israel group responds to ads with its own billboards
Pro-Israel groups are responding to what they call anti-Israel ads popping up around Los Angeles with billboards of their own.
Two billboard trucks featuring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s image cruised the streets of Hollywood and other parts of Los Angeles during the holiday weekend. The billboards include a quote from King, saying, "Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world."
"In 1968, he made a very strong statement about Israel's right to exist, in security, as a Jewish state," said Gary Ratner, senior executive of StandWithUs.
StandWithUs, a pro-Israel education and advocacy group, says it started this campaign to counter what it considers anti-Israel billboards being circulated by a pro-Palestinian group.
That campaign features another great leader, Nelson Mandela. Billboards on display across Southern California feature a quote from Mandela that says, "Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
The billboards were put up by a human rights group called Ads Against Apartheid.
"We don't target Israel. We target the Israeli government's behavior toward an occupied people," said Richard Colbath-Hess a board member at Ads Against Apartheid.
But the pro-Israel group says the quote on the Mandela billboard is incomplete.
"It doesn't include the fact that he also said that he believes Israel has the right to exist and in security, so it leaves out a very important point," said Ratner.
Ratner says Ads Against Apartheid is spreading misinformation.
"They have a right to respond to them, and we celebrate their right to respond to it, but a lot has happened since Martin Luther King made that quote in 1967," said Colbath-Hess.
The mobile truck ended its journey Monday, but similar billboards will be up for another month.
▶ 3879c9 (9) No.5040496>>5040533
Not buying it. There are far better ways to employ double meanings with the name Pan.
▶ 7bc602 (4) No.5040497
She pulled a no show last year.
Only picture/video that I am aware of is a post surgery TMZ video where she is helped into a car.
Keeps on ticking screen cap (Haha… the QClock is ticking. Not her).
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040498>>5040510 >>5040535 >>5040553 >>5040617
Q hasn't produced so it could happen.
▶ 785d2a (4) No.5040499
Looks like a little nip tuck on the right eye? Left eye still displays the demon.
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040500>>5040540 >>5040631
Tfw I concede.
(But do not relinquish "double meanings exist" or multiple subjects in one paragraph)
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040501>>5040545
If ante-deluvian Atlantis existed, it was a foul and evil civilization best left underwater.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040502>>5040519
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. WENDSDAY IS FAGGOT HUMP DAY
▶ 386841 (11) No.5040503>>5040527 >>5040573 >>5040578 >>5040739
The idiotic arguments and hate-vomit are shills who don't mind taking opposite sides in retarded arguments.
Anons don't argue much, if we disagree we carry on. Time sorts thing out we have found.
We don't use labels because we deal not with flesh and blood. Hate avails us noting, it's the mark of confusion and a signature of the demonic.
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5040504>>5040844
we did all this this morning.
▶ 45fea9 (4) No.5040505>>5040625 >>5040664
fort marcy park?
▶ ca2c2a (1) No.5040506
Watch them roll RBG into the SOTU, wait til POTUS is partially through his speech, and then RBG kicks the bucket right there on the floor of the House Chamber.
Ultimate takeover of POTUS and derails his speech.
▶ 2796a3 (1) No.5040507
metrocare home services, inc.
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040508>>5040517
do it legal and keep your toxins away from our coffee…
your good to go!
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040509
>Speak for yourself.
noted sorry fren
but the point is valid and shows more discernment that conflating the two
▶ 944170 (3) No.5040510>>5040515
▶ 9c9c06 (3) No.5040513>>5040746
Alright that's it ebot
I have been patient
I have been forgiving
but seriously
is that where you came from?
Geez I need to lurk there a while - haven't been there in a long time
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040514>>5040550
They had better start fighting back more effectively against this Left wing BDS movement, or they're gonna get boycotted to hell and back.
▶ b47344 (9) No.5040516>>5040559 >>5040814
notice this man is a fan of HP lovecraft. One of the more disturbing groups in masonry is this one that appears to revere cthulhu
▶ a5f500 (2) No.5040517>>5040538 >>5040587
I'm just looking forward to throwing gays off of buildings and telling women to shut up and get back in the kitchen, honestly.
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040518>>5040626 >>5040777 >>5040903 >>5040926 >>5040947 >>5040957
Eric sent an email asking if anon wanted to get a (YOU) on SOTU.
Anon complied, with pleasure.
▶ 3879c9 (9) No.5040521
▶ c1c415 (2) No.5040527>>5040553
Great words anon
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040528>>5040553
>"genetic" aspect
aka bloodlines
still relevant
▶ 8d0563 (2) No.5040529>>5040542 >>5040553 >>5040661 >>5040854 >>5040893
maybe the roll is aktually a LOAF.. a bread, maybe a 'helper' posted the video, and we breezed on bye it.
▶ 53b3a2 (3) No.5040531>>5040553
know a thing by its absence
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040533
▶ f27e0f (4) No.5040535>>5040544
Well, she's not the epitome of intelligence, now is she?
▶ 3590c8 (1) No.5040536>>5040553 >>5040589
▶ 785d2a (4) No.5040537>>5040553
Wolves in the Lion’s den…
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040538>>5040553
lol the camera will catch it.
and then it'll be brought up 20 years later when you try to find a cute date.
she will be like… "oh, no.. 8ch said your a POS. I can't even…"
▶ c1c415 (2) No.5040542
Hope you dig up some gold anon.
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040543>>5040608
Hmm…you know, with this, I'm actually beginning to believe there may be something bigger tonight…
Why else have lunch with these people who allegedly can't stand him if it weren't to go over some last minute prep that the news agencies would need to be a part of tonight.
For example, if their station's cut/try to bail etc.
Just spittin' that ball…
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040544>>5040561
She's a patriot and you got to admit Q hasn't came through with anything.
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040545
here fag
regularly scheduled planetary doomage
some left and came back
some where left here
the ones who came back where seen as gods
the rest is history…
I know, I know….
▶ 95ee60 (3) No.5040546
literally like 2 people even seemed to notice.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040548
get ya some gud kneepads for prayin anon
▶ 68f044 (2) No.5040549>>5040584 >>5040600 >>5040672
2006 Oprah article about her exposing pedophiles, did she eventually flip, or was she playing the part?
▶ 7b6e90 (5) No.5040550
Who gives a fuck Israel is a Rothschild Zionist state that has committed endless atrocities killing untold amounts of innocent people all for the purpose of creating what Pike wrote 150 years ago
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040551>>5040642
it is unlikely that Ginsburg will go to the Capitol on Tuesday. Few things are mandatory for a Supreme Court justice, and attending the State of the Union address is not one of them.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040552
Assume that's the Beast?
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040555>>5040590
Yeah, many here do have fanciful imaginations. You can either call out the bs or trust a plan that is meant to be tailored by ourselves according to our own imaginations.
▶ b47344 (9) No.5040559
Notice this post from @cult.of.cthulhu
symbolism will be their downfall
▶ f27e0f (4) No.5040561
▶ 9c9c06 (3) No.5040562
This is proof that Obama admin did nothing in justice dept
the crimes were committed between 2005 and 2010….
fucking nothing happened until now
▶ 213618 (1) No.5040566
Outstanding anon.
▶ 86cb85 (7) No.5040569>>5040577 >>5040605 >>5040609 >>5040624 >>5040782
I love qresearch for this reason. source or sauce?
Jacob Wohl
Verified account @JacobAWohl.
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040571
Savage (french pronounciation)!!!!
▶ a66693 (1) No.5040574>>5040599
>>5040263 (OP)
Yorba Linda plane crash: Pilot was carrying false credentials that ID'd him as ex-Chicago police officer
A pilot was carrying credentials that falsely identified him as a retired Chicago police officer when his Cessna crashed into a Yorba Linda neighborhood Sunday, killing him and four others, authorities said.
An Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman told ABC News that the agency was contacted by the Chicago Police Department after a sheriff's lieutenant, speaking at a Monday news conference, described the pilot as a former officer.
It was not immediately clear why the man, identified as 75-year-old Antonio Pastini, was in possession of the fake credentials. According to authorities, his other identification details and his Federal Aviation Administration pilot's license are still believed to be authentic.
As of Tuesday morning, the coroner was still in the process of identifying the four badly burned victims -- two men and two women – who were killed in a home that was struck by the plane's debris. Their conditions require additional measures – including DNA – to reach official identifications.
A close friend of the deceased said the family had gathered for their annual Super Bowl party when the deadly incident occurred.
The small plane ascended to about 7,800 feet before it crashed about 10 minutes after taking off from the Fullerton Municipal Airport, National Transportation Safety Board investigator Maja Smith said. Its wrecked fuselage ended up in a residential backyard.
Shawn Winch, who lives near the two-story home that erupted in an inferno, said the plummeting aircraft "sounded like a missile coming at my house."
"I got over there and the house was just engulfed in flames," he said. "Stuff was blowing up in the garage and everything else. It was horrible."
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040575>>5040586 >>5040589 >>5040593 >>5040598 >>5040632 >>5040650 >>5040849 >>5040893 >>5040974
Christ called out the Jews and you should too.
Part 1
Mark 7:3 - Jews not holding Moses’ traditions but their own
John 5:10
John 5:15-18 - Jews wanted to kill Jesus for healing the sick on sabbath
John 6:41 - murmuring jews
John 7:13 - No man can speak openly about Jesus due to fear of the Jews
John 8:48-52 - Jews accuse Jesus of being possessed by devil
John 9: 18-22 - The Jews harass the parents of a blind child who was healed by Jesus.
John 9: 28-34 - Jews hating on Jesus’ abilities as a miracle worker because he’s not a rabbifag.
John 10:31 - Jews take up stones to try and kill Jesus
John 11:8 - Disciples warn Jesus to stay away from Jews because they want him dead.
John 11:53-57 - Jews take counsel together to put Jesus to death and put a bounty out for info re his whereabouts
John 18:12 - Jewish officers (not Romans) took and bound Jesus
John 19:7 - The Jews tell Pilate Jesus must be killed according to their Jewish laws
John 19:12-16 - Pilate sought to let Jesus go but Jews cried out reeeeee and further proclaimed their laws justify killing Jesus - so Pilate releases Jesus unto the Jews so they can crucify him
Acts 9:23 Jews take counsel to kill one of Christ’s disciples
Acts 12:1-3 - Herod beheads James and since it pleased the Jews, Herod proceeded to take Peter also
Acts 13:45-50 - Jews were envious of the multitudes deciding to follow Christ - Paul tells the Jews they are unworthy of everlasting life because they have turned their back on the truth. So the Jews social engineered an artificial outrage and expelled Paul from their coasts.
Acts 14:2 - The unbelieving Jews stirred up the gentile to create divide and make their minds evil against their brethren.
Acts 14:19 -
Acts 17:5 - The envious Jews stirred up the people again to go against the church.
Acts 17:13 - The Jews found Paul preaching the Gospel elsewhere and went there and stirred up the people against him again
Acts 18:12 - The Jews brought Paul to the judgement seat
Acts 20:3 - The Jews laid wait in Macedonia to catch Paul and kill him
Acts 23:12 - Jews made a pledge that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Paul
Acts 24:5 - The Jews accuse Paul as being a mover of sedition to all the Jews across the world and say he is the ring leader of Christianity and ought to be killed
Acts 25:7 - The Jews from Jerusalem came and made many false accusations towards Paul - which they could not prove
Acts 26:7 Paul states to the King that he is only being accused of crimes by the Jews
Acts 26:21 Paul testifies that the Jews have been trying to kill him
Acts 28:17 Paul testifies that the Jews had arrested him and handed him to the Roman authorities
Acts 4:8-21 - The Jews forbid Peter and John to speak in the name of Jesus and forbid the people from discussing it
Acts 7:41 - Steven tells the Jews that they have taken up the tabernacle of Moloch and worship the star of Rempham (David)
Acts 7:51-59 Steven calls the jews stiff necked, blind and deaf, and btfo them for killing the prophets… so the jews shilled and when that didnt work, they stoned him to death.
Acts 11:12 - The Jews opposed Peter
▶ 95ece5 (1) No.5040580>>5040585
▶ 7b6e90 (5) No.5040581>>5040666
Elijah J. Magnier: “ISIS could not return after US withdrawal from Syria and Iraq”
The US Intelligence community claims that the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) will return within twelve months of any US withdrawal from Syria and will be able to control a wide sweep of territory. In 2014 ISIS occupied an area the size of Great Britain-- analysts claim that ISIS would soon be able to control half this much territory. At the same time US President Donald Trump is correctly announcing that ISIS is almost defeated, Pentagon sources claim there are still 20,000 to 30,000 ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria.
These unfounded statements and predictions are made by analysts whose bread and butter is to keep the fear of ISIS alive. The reality on the ground is different. Indeed, Kurdish forces in Syria are overwhelmed not by attacks, but by the hundreds of ISIS surrendering to its forces, unwilling to continue fighting, and preferring prison to death. What is more, the families (women and children) of ISIS militants of various nationalities are flocking into the deserted area under Kurdish control east of the Euphrates and surrendering themselves. They are hungry and humiliated, and they loudly express their disappointment at the trap they were drawn into years ago to by the so-called Islamic State. Coalition forces and Iraqi artillery have been bombing ISIS’s last strongholds in Arqub, BaghuzFoqani and BaghuzTahtani, within 7 km of the Syrian-Iraqi borders east of the Euphrates.
▶ a70fac (5) No.5040584>>5040629
Informing her comrades what to look for when trying to make a purchase.
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040585
Beat ya by a second
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040587>>5040610
i myself prefer the 72 virgins
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040588>>5040621 >>5040623
Trump after Sessions recused himself wanted him out and Q was telling everyone to Trust SESSIONS…..lol
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040589>>5040725
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040590>>5040745
Not sure what you think your calling out. Show me where Q gives an exact date as to when in your mind he does for whatever event your twisting in your shorts over.
Like I said, you lack discernment. Deal with it.
▶ 69c8db (1) No.5040592
Kek. Anon requested that back in the day.
Like yours better than this interim version.
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040593>>5040611 >>5040618 >>5040632 >>5040658 >>5040849 >>5040893 >>5040974
Part 2 - Christ called out the Jews and so should you
Matthew 3:7 - Jesus calls the jews from the generation of vipers.
Matthew 9:34 - The Jews claim Jesus cast out devils by the using devil (of course we know that claim is illogical)
Matthew 12:2 - Jews accuse Jesus of doing unlawful acts on the sabbath
Matthew 12:4 - Jews got together to conceive a plan of how they might destroy Jesus
Matthew 12:24 - Jews again accuse Jesus of being from the devil
Matthew 15:3-12 - Jesus tells the Jews their traditions of men transgresses against the God of Moses. Jesus proclaims the Jews have made the commandment of God null and void because of their oral traditions (Talmud) - the Jews were offended by this.
Matthew 16:1 - The Jews tempted Jesus
Matthew 16:6 - Jesus warns the people about the corruption of the Jews.
Matthew 16:11-12 - He specifies that his leaven parable refers to the doctrine of the Jews
Matthew 19:3 - The Jews further tempt Jesus with loaded questions.
Matthew 21:31-46 - Jesus tells the Jews that the drunks and whores will be in the Kingdom of God before they will. Jesus then explains the parable of the owner of a vinyard, whos lent his property out to husbandmen, but when the property owner sent his servants, the husbandmen beat them, over and over. So the owner sent his son and they killed him to steal his inheritance… and Jesus asks the Jews, what do u think the Owner will do to the husbandmen when he returns? The Jews knew Jesus was talking about them being false shepherds and turning their backs to God. They were butt hurt but they knew if they laid hands upon him, the multitude would revolt because they saw Jesus as a prophet.
Matthew 22:15 - The Jews, again, conspired on how they could entangle Jesus in his talk.
Matthew 23:13-15 - Jesus says the Jews are hypocrites and will receive the greater damnation because they lead people away from heaven, mistreat humanity, and exploit religion… and Jesus says the Jews go to far extents to make more Jews, which are ultimately twice the child of hell as the original Jew.
Matthew 23:23 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites because they adhere to the oral traditions of men (talmud) and do not adhere to the original Moses commandments (Old Testament).
Matthew 23:25 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites for outwardly appearing Holy but internally they are of the devil.
Matthew 23:27 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites and compares them to a gravesite - where the memorial stone and site appear lovely but under the surface, is decaying dead man’s bones.
Matthew 23:29 - Jesus calls the Jews hypocrites again…. (seeing a pattern??)
Mark 3:6 - The Jews conspired to destroy Jesus
Luke 11:42-44 - Warns the Jews that they are hypocrites and use the guise of Holy to hide their devilish and disgusting acts.
Luke 12:1 - Jesus warns his disciples and multitude to beware of the hypocrisy of the Jews.
Luke 13:31 - Jews tell Jesus to leave or he will be killed.
John 11:57 - The chief priests and the Jews put out a bounty on Jesus and told the people to turn him in.
John 12:42 - Many people believed in Jesus but due to fear of the Jews - they did not confess it.
John 18:3 - Judas, with the chief priest and Jews, went to arrest Jesus (it was not the romans).
Titus 1:10-11 - The Jews are unruly, vein and deceptive - and their mouths must be stopped because they subvert entire houses, teaching filthy things.
▶ a62cc1 (1) No.5040594
Patty Murray …. Pure evil. You should see the BS she spews on her twitter. No wonder Washington state is so fucked up.
She needs a twitter wake up call.
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040595
▶ 95ee60 (3) No.5040597
▶ 7b6e90 (5) No.5040598>>5040742
Amen, those True to Christ know!
▶ 1b9141 (2) No.5040600>>5040619 >>5040654
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040549
Kek. "Over 9000 penises" comes to mind.
▶ 95854e (2) No.5040601
That better be a diet coke
▶ 8ba08f (3) No.5040602
>>5039543 lb
Catholisism yes, not Christianity.
Think about what you are saying and always choose your words carefully.
Christianity, that is true Christianity is all about the Christ in you. Catholics do not believe in Christ in you as being available to all who believe. This is in direct contradiction to God's word where he says that whosoever believes is saved. The only way is through Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are just finding a new way to worship the adversary.
▶ bb4fe5 (1) No.5040604
Baba yaga, that's a name I'l never forget
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040606>>5040661 >>5040893
New POTUS Tweet
▶ 8229c3 (1) No.5040607
You must receive the mark to buy or sell… so it begins.
▶ 022504 (1) No.5040608
always happens anon…
▶ 498660 (4) No.5040609
More than sixty days, RBG is still MIA.
.She attended a concert in her honor?
▶ f25c5f (4) No.5040612
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040614>>5040778
Damn, this guy is on it!
▶ 7ff3cc (1) No.5040615>>5040917
In a dreaded genders studies type chap in my Social and Personality Development course, it mentions Pelosi.
"In 2006, Nancy Pelosi became the the first female congressional leader (Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and 2007 witnessed the emergence of the first serious female contender for president of the United States. So there is reason to suspect that many of the constraining stereotypes about women's competencies will eventually crumble as women achieve, in ever-increasing numbers, in politics, professional occupations, the science, skilled trades, and virtually all other walks of life."
What about Victoria Woodhull in 1872, Margaret Chase Smith in 1964, and a whole other crap ton of ladies? Were they just pretending and not serious like Pelosi? Perhaps Universities are prepping for the first serious politician changing lives in women to run in the future. It is taught in a $400 textbook in a $1500 course so it must be as valid as a blue check mark.
Book Referenced- Shaffer, D. (2009). Social and personality development (6th ed.)p.249. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040617
Seen your kind before…
▶ 0aa8d6 (3) No.5040618
>>5040593 >>5040575 WWJD
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040619
Oprah Winfrey wanted all old white people to die….
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040621>>5040669
dear dumby,
remember that time i showed you proof of how dumb you were?
then Trump made us wait til 2024 to find out which one of us is CORRECT?
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040623
Put the Pablum down it would appear your overdosing
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040624>>5040651
>I love qresearch for this reason. source or sauce?
Jacob Wohl is fake MAGA
Give it up shill
▶ 53b3a2 (3) No.5040625
was once from cumberland gap and points south.
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040626>>5040903
Cost to Get a (YOU) on SOTU - $5.
Getting a (YOU) on STOU - Priceless.
▶ bef8bb (4) No.5040627>>5040646 >>5040669 >>5040680 >>5040748
Clowns do not understand that Sessions appointed Huber and Whitaker was his protege.
How that's rich KEK
▶ e34533 (10) No.5040628>>5040640 >>5040681
The purple witches' name is Rosa DeLauro.
Catholic Democrat. (Italian originated crypto-jew?)
Spouse = Stan Greenberg
Jewish Democrat.
He advised the Presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, as well as hundreds of other candidates and organizations in the United States, Latin America, Europe and around the world, including Gerhard Schröder, the former Chancellor of Germany and Tony Blair, the former British prime minister.
In May 2010 Greenberg was linked to a controversy involving White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. As a House member, Emanuel had lived for five years in a rent-free D.C. apartment jointly owned by Greenberg's wife, Democratic House member Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, and Greenberg. During this time, Emanuel was chairman of a committee that awarded large polling contracts to Greenberg's firm.[8]
Following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Greenberg's work for BP became controversial. Greenberg's firm has been called a "prime architect" of BP's effort to rebrand itself as a green petroleum company.[8] As early as 2002, critics had deemed that effort "greenwashing".
▶ 3d5aa6 (3) No.5040631
And I fully believe in demons, nephelim, and the elites souls being owned, just not that the N refers to it.
▶ 0aa8d6 (3) No.5040632>>5040655 >>5040762 >>5040893
>>5040593 WWJD PT 1
>>5040575 WWJD PT 2
First time was a fail
▶ 2c9bc7 (2) No.5040633>>5040657
YOU, Patriots, are the KEYSTONE.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040634
Excellent. Rudyard would approve!
▶ c5a171 (1) No.5040635>>5040676 >>5040692
jokes aside anons, and even so this ayy disclosure is not the way we would imagine, but is Q in fact the preparation of a disclosure? pls i would like to know what you think.
▶ c33949 (2) No.5040637>>5040736 >>5040805
>>5039799 (lb)
This needs to be sauced.
Nowhere can I find Clinton only won 57.
Using incorrect numbers hurts the credibility of the message.
▶ 6ac8b1 (2) No.5040638
Liberal Writers Made Same Sexual Assault Arguments as Neomi Rao
Pressed on 1994 sexual assault article, Rao says she's 'matured as thinker'
Senate Republicans pushed back against an attack by liberal activists on Neomi Rao's collegiate writings on sexual assault, pointing to articles in the pages of the New York Times and Washington Post that make similar arguments as Rao made at Yale.
Rao, tapped by President Donald Trump to replace Brett Kavanaugh on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, is having her nomination considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. She has been deemed "well qualified" for the seat by the American Bar Association, but will be pressed by committee members about a 1994 article she wrote at Yale in which she argued that "a good way to avoid potential date rape is to stay reasonably sober."
The article was dug up by the Alliance for Justice, a liberal advocacy group dedicated to blocking Rao's confirmation. It has called her writings "vile," "terrible," and "deeply troubling."
The article was featured by NPR and CBS News in their coverage of Rao's confirmation hearing, but Senate Republicans say the argument Rao made nearly a quarter-century ago are not outside the mainstream.
▶ dcc141 (11) No.5040640>>5040668 >>5040681
i thought that was perry farrel!
▶ 65a1dd (1) No.5040642
Nigger is the lazy one.
▶ 1dad34 (3) No.5040644>>5040701
Sedir = cedar
Re: Naomi Campbell
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5040645>>5040688 >>5040722 >>5040745
Kamala Harris and Steve Mnuchin ties.
Why did Trump hire Mnuchin as Secratery of Treasurer????
He's a Swamp Rat for sure!
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040646
why you wanna spoil muh movie!? :D
▶ 541d28 (1) No.5040647>>5040684 >>5040699 >>5040719 >>5040769
Transdimensional demons? Ephesians 6:10-18 seems more relevant now then ever. And if we accept that there are transdimensional demons - are they manifesting themselves in trans men and women which would explain the disproportionately high mental health issues? I confess, I am a novice. When it comes to extra dimensions and chicks with dicks I lack the necessary expertise in particle physics and gender studies.
▶ 52dd8d (1) No.5040649>>5040662 >>5040744
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040650>>5040706
Born-agains are convinced that the UN is the archenemy and the modern state of Israel is is critical to our apocalyptic salvation. Jews are on the staff of many born again non-denominational denominations on college campuses. People think that college is the realm of independent thinking and real learning, but the indoctrination is as strong there as in grade school.
▶ 86cb85 (7) No.5040651>>5040683
He is? And you are not? Did you watch entire 1:28 hours of video. Maybe you are for the fake news.
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040653
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. EPSTEINS CUBE WAS SWAMP LAND TO BEGIN WITH
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040655
This too is a fail.
▶ b92171 (1) No.5040656
Is that Blasey Ford?
Depth of eyes…. prosthetic
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040657
*john travolta voice*
we know it
▶ 7be59b (5) No.5040659>>5040741
"Sperry is right. Sater is seen in pictures with Bill Clinton -- (see above). Sater has also been pictured with far left media reporters pushing the Trump-Russia collusion fairy tale:
Sater also went on record as the being a close Cohen associate and confidante.
Felix Sater, is reportedly the Buzzfeed leaker for the Deep State.
Most shocking is Sater’s connections to the Clintons and the Mueller gang of corrupt and criminal attorneys and investigators. It was reported that Sater’s connections began in 1998 [emphasis added]:
Sater pleaded guilty to racketeering in December 1998. But instead of being sentenced, Sater, like 16 other defendants in the case, signed a cooperation agreement with the US government, and his entire case file was sealed.
Signing Sater’s cooperation agreement for the Department of Justice was Andrew Weissmann, then an assistant US attorney and now a key member of the special counsel’s team. Mueller himself would be the FBI director for most of the time Sater served as a source.
The US attorney who oversaw Sater’s pump-and-dump case was Loretta Lynch, later the attorney general under President Barack Obama. While the Senate was considering her confirmation, Sen. Orrin Hatch asked Lynch about how her office handled Sater’s fraud case. In a written response, she said:
“The defendant in question, Felix Sater, provided valuable and sensitive information to the government during the course of his cooperation, which began in or about December 1998. For more than 10 years, he worked with prosecutors providing information crucial to national security and the conviction of over 20 individuals, including those responsible for committing massive financial fraud and members of La Cosa Nostra. For that reason, his case was initially sealed.”
To the government, he was no longer Felix Sater; in public he was referred to as John Doe, while in hundreds of pages of FBI interview reports, his code name was “The Quarterback.”
The entire Clinton -- Mueller cabal is coming undone. The creeps are in the house but the night watchman knows they’re there."
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040661>>5040671 >>5040762
Current notables, call out more or comment:
>>5040606 New DJT "Teflon Donald" with 48 percent approval
>>5040529 Anon proposes missing images from last year were already posted and we missed it?
>>5040470 Russia blames NATO for dismantling INF due to plans to deploy launchers to Poland
>>5040396 Moar digging on Pharma exec convicted of $100 million fraud scheme in Miami federal court
>>5040416 Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox asked Planned Parenthood to remove names as corporate donors
>>5040366 Moar digging on breaking news: Pope says priests' abuse of nuns went as far as "sexual slavery"
>>5040349, >>5040605 Claims that photos show that Justice Ginsburg was NOT among the very small crowd reported by WaPo
>>5040305 Mass surveillance challenge proceeds to Europe’s highest human rights court
>> #6436
▶ eb0c5f (6) No.5040662>>5040674
Always figured it was just attention whores
"Look at me!"
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040664>>5041021
Rhode Island > Buckeye Boulders > Butt Cave
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040666
Deep State neoconns must keep fear of ISIS alive to keep making their money. So much fuckery possible with an active war, engagement, whatever. No real oversight.
▶ 386841 (11) No.5040667
Attend not to the empty chittering of obsessed shills, there indignant squalls of outrage or their furious accusations. They are pitiful empty things. Hired and forgotten, set on repeat.
▶ c13d87 (2) No.5040668>>5040675 >>5040681
Im still not convinced it isn't
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040669>>5040704 >>5040881
If anything happens it will be behind the scenes because Q will never show the public anything.
Nothing yet so let's see.
▶ d6eb39 (1) No.5040671
looking great baker, thank you
▶ 475add (2) No.5040672
firefox blocking entire page
▶ fefa42 (2) No.5040673
Because it is part of their EVIL and VILE religion, that's why.
Read this book titled "Blood Passover,"
Written by a JEW
and learn some of the very NASTY secrets of the Religion practiced by your jew-masters.
Wake up, goyim.
The jews are worse than you imagined.
Arm yourself with knowledge.
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040674
shillin aint easy!
steele or concrete you dont care!
the muh Q is LARP fag days are OVER.
▶ dcc141 (11) No.5040675
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040676
▶ 023da0 (2) No.5040678>>5040707
in 2010 James Alefantis, made a campaign donation of $654 for Newsom's failed governor campaign.
▶ 743cec (2) No.5040679>>5040712
Their image shows the google doodle in action with the hand in a "horns" signal…you actually have to click on the doodle and screenshot it at the right moment, otherwise you get just the play triangle…
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040680>>5040691
>Whitaker was his protege.
not to mention stephen miller
potus stole em from sessions
kevorka in the WH
▶ 6ac8b1 (2) No.5040682
Six Things You Need To Know About Stacey Abrams Before Her State of the Union Rebuttal
Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will give the Democratic party rebuttal to President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night.
Here are six things to note about Abrams.
She wanted Georgia to re-vote after her loss:
She was a sore loser, and refused to recognize Brian Kemp as the legitimate Governor:
She founded an anti-capitalist, anti-integration black separatist group at Spelman College:
The Black Panthers hit the campaign trail for her:
Virulent anti-Semite Linda Sarsour endorsed her:
She pitched a gun buybacks on CNN:
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040683>>5040819
>He is? And you are not? Did you watch entire 1:28 hours of video. Maybe you are for the fake news.
How are the Barnes lawsuits against Haberman and the rest coming along?
Oh, that's right, the family hired a reputable lawfirm
▶ 72838e (1) No.5040686>>5040735 >>5040749
There is ZERO chance this is a Drill. There is no way that it would get approved for a NIGHT mission in Heavy Civ. Area with multiple Choppers. ZERO ZERO ZERO Chance. None De-Nadda NOPE
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040687>>5040721
Huber has not impaneled a grand jury or interviewed anyone at the FBI or DOJ.
Q has everyone living in a fantasy world.
Trust SESSIONS……lmfao
▶ 163924 (5) No.5040688
Hmmm…..zee plot thickens.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040689
drudge didnt dare use teflon don
▶ e34533 (10) No.5040690
Suicide pills.
Dead men tell no tales.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040691
My money's on Miller being Stone's protege.
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040692
>we are here for a reason
▶ ea3034 (2) No.5040695>>5040711
Stephen Miller is the part of the Q team that messages the Anons
▶ bef8bb (4) No.5040696
Last time…you are shitting up the board. These sealed proceedings are not going to just vanish!
▶ 3ded58 (4) No.5040697>>5040702 >>5040873
Teflon was invented by DuPont in the 30s. Didn't DuPont have some sort of plot to overthrow FDR or something back then? I might be trying to connect random dots but that's what came to mind
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040699
Not likely, no, but they could be inhabiting trans people. Might help explain the 40% suicide rate.
▶ 475add (2) No.5040700>>5040713
last time collage dude
was grabbing photos here
there were supposed shootings
what's up collagefag
▶ 1dad34 (3) No.5040701
Phonetics …
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040702>>5040873
Think you may be onto something
▶ a70fac (5) No.5040703
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Cannibal Milkshake with a weird "comedy" video about Jeff Bezos."
▶ 9e3817 (5) No.5040704
annnnnnnnd the blackpillshills are here.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040706>>5040971
Er, we've been on to the EU for quite some time. Not the UN.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040708
kek good one
how about him with Stacey on a chain like leah?
or maybe leah chained to stacey
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040709
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Satanic Child Sacrifice - Ronald Bernard - April 2018 Testimony
▶ c22739 (2) No.5040710
Love her in the show "The Marvelous Mrs. Mazel".
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5040711>>5040787 >>5041004
Could an oldfag explain where the "Hey Girl" thing came from with Miller.
▶ 6dbdd2 (1) No.5040712>>5040776 >>5040785 >>5040855
…Odd. Seen this somewhere else before.
▶ 86b1f7 (5) No.5040713
▶ 45fea9 (4) No.5040714>>5040730 >>5040738
anons may be interested in this detail taken from the photo of the reported-explosion this morning…
▶ 3db8a6 (2) No.5040715>>5040726
▶ 9cacb9 (6) No.5040716
Not really huge, this guy is a nobody, but I like your enthusiasm
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040717
Saw my doc today at the VA, red pilled her two years ago…. she asked me if I was still here researching. Told her yes, she said from all she read it was like an adult version of connect the dots…..
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040719
This entire paragraph alone.
Both insightful and funny af at the tail.
Never considered the trans-dimensional as so literally benign to be trans-people.
However, likewise, they do want people being transgender to appease and emulate the hermaphrodite demons, and this little wordplay easily falls into their usual shtick.
Two birds (meanings) with one stone, perhaps.
▶ 8d0563 (2) No.5040720>>5040733 >>5040756 >>5040792
there is a proportional amount of mason-hate as jew-hate et al. why..
there are GOOD JEWS and BAD JEWS
these numbers are NOT EQUAL, there are only a FEW BAD PEOPLE.
▶ a9a1ce (7) No.5040721
Not really necessary, most of those people already testified under oath in the senate or house…. Therefore the same grand jury being used against mcabe (confirmed) can be used in other cases.
It has already been point out that multiple people clearly lied and many have been referred for prosecution.
▶ 386841 (11) No.5040724
Do you think a hypersexualized culture might be connected to the satanist advertising industries use of occult technologies in media advertising and editorial content?
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040725>>5040757 >>5040792
cool story… except jesus said the jews’ father was the devil. He also called them the antichrists, stirrers of men, and much much moar… read ur bible sometime.
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040726>>5040891
Nigga it's a mask you dip shit.
▶ a9a1ce (7) No.5040730>>5040876
That is an antenna. Often used for satcom.
▶ 723a71 (3) No.5040731
Actors will act.
for what ever reason they said what they said.
Is just bullshit.
Go's for both of them
▶ 1f28fe (1) No.5040735
then perhaps you should google "military helicopters over city at night" and see how many times it has happened in the past 10 years..
▶ c33949 (2) No.5040736
These are the numbers I’m finding re:
Counties won by Trump vs Clinton
▶ 805ce2 (1) No.5040739>>5040752
Love you, anons!
▶ 5e0825 (2) No.5040740
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040741
>Andrew Weissmann,
this fucker is everywhere
cant wait to see how this comes out
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040742
thx fren. Just doing my part. Jesus makes it abundently clear. the mossad shills dont like that.
▶ e12198 (2) No.5040743
Over the target we are.
pan is worshipped in caves?
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040744
Awwww…poor lil shill not getting paid
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040745>>5040951
See, I'm more discerning than you, boomer. It isn't dates and times, it's the propaganda being pushed that twists my shorts. Times and dates are purposeful distractions. Now pay your taxes goy.
Probably the same reason Trump mourns the synagogue shooting hoax victims
▶ 3db8a6 (2) No.5040746
The MSM call them a bunch of Alt-right nazis.
▶ aa3fcc (2) No.5040747
I came across this document (real or fake??) It was posted without any sauce sadly.
My eye felt on the part "Section D6" aka "Freemasons" a shadowy global syndicate that effectively operates as a "Dark Clowns In America" and is technically part of State Dept.
Could it be that Q's D5 have double meaning here (D6 - No Name? )
Any thoughts on this ..
▶ cb9f1d (1) No.5040749
You've obviously never lived in Phoenix, AZ where this happens CONSTANTLY. When you find your brain, please feel free to post again.
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040752
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040754>>5040758 >>5040791 >>5040792
Sorry if posted, just got here.
Priest and Bishops - Nun's abused, sexual slavery and forced abortions….
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040756
Easily reconciled. The quiet vast majority never matters.
▶ a68f3d (2) No.5040757>>5040783
You should really get the WHOLE passage. Really lays out the WHOLE story:
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040758
Sorry, sauce.
▶ 546942 (1) No.5040759>>5040767
U-2's are up and busy today over NV and CA deserts.
▶ 41554b (1) No.5040760>>5040802 >>5040835
Large Explosion Reported In Rosslyn, Va.
Rosslyn, VIRGINIA --- Police and fire officials were investigating a reported underground explosion in Rosslyn Tuesday.
Witnesses reported heavy smoke and shaking buildings near Lynn and 19th street.
Arlington County Police say the incident is possibly a power-related issue: “ACPD is investigating a power-related issue in Rosslyn. The source of the issue remains under investigation, police remain on scene. Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes.”
A Metrorail spokesperson said the incident is not related to the transit system: “We are aware of the images of smoke in the Rosslyn area. This incident is *not* Metro related. There is no impact to service.”
▶ 9cacb9 (6) No.5040761>>5040773 >>5041063
Let's be real clear, here
I'm looking. You got anything?
▶ 0aa8d6 (3) No.5040762>>5040795
▶ 4c5130 (3) No.5040764>>5040790 >>5040818
Interesting number for SOTU.
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040765>>5040818 >>5040893
Top Dem Nadler threatens to subpoena Acting AG Whitaker, despite his agreement to testify
▶ e34533 (10) No.5040766
▶ 19933a (1) No.5040767
o7 anon. Thank you for your service, Patriot.
▶ 7f8f6f (2) No.5040769
>particle physics and gender studies.
<navel gazing
▶ 68f044 (2) No.5040771>>5040796 >>5040818
It's a man baby!
▶ 366298 (1) No.5040772>>5040818 >>5040892
How long has that big hair been covering up that head wound?
▶ 8ba156 (2) No.5040773
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040775>>5040818
She's DIEDED and stinking up the place!
▶ 8e25b6 (3) No.5040776>>5040818
witches virgin, mother, crone
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040777>>5040809 >>5040818 >>5040820 >>5040903 >>5040936 >>5041024
Thank (YOU) POTUS. We Love (YOU)
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040778>>5040793 >>5040815 >>5040818 >>5040922
RBG people already told people she wont be attending SOTU
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040779>>5040818
Mueller investigations:
34 people have been arrested, indicted or otherwise caught up in the broader inquiry.
What the hell has Q done except leave America and the entire Trump family hang out to dry.
Q fizzled out bigly.
▶ 793009 (3) No.5040780>>5040818
MSM needs to move to the UK every day 50 articles on how bad our President or his family is, 50 articles on some queen and her family but all good don't you know.
The same queen accused of killing kids in Canada???
These idiots should just move where they want and leave the USA to Patriots
▶ 723a71 (3) No.5040781>>5040818 >>5040884
They should give out popcorn at the SOTU address..
Its Showtime!
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040783>>5040803 >>5040810
the full passage further proves my point- whos he talking when he says ye are the sons of the devil?
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040786>>5040804 >>5040818 >>5040823
Mueller to rap up in a month
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040787>>5040811
▶ c22739 (2) No.5040790>>5040818
interpretation: I am looking into the future to see what shit they try tonight.
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040791>>5040818
I remember years ago supposedly a mass grave of babies was found between a nuns place and a priests place over seas
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040792>>5040818 >>5040861
muh yuge skull!!! :D
3-4 kinds of jews there PILGRIM
You don't even know the "way" huh? :D
Behind muh (you) devil! :D
moar muh pope!
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040793>>5040818 >>5040842
Pic is of crowd they claim RBG was in. She ain't there. This Cardillo dude is trying to say she's hiding.
▶ 1f1f78 (1) No.5040795>>5040816 >>5040818
How is that notable?
▶ 393778 (1) No.5040796>>5040818
>>5040263 (OP)
Why is Chuck Schumer's wife telling that's a man?
▶ e8bcef (1) No.5040797>>5040818
A US Army training exercise is taking place in downtown LA & Long Beach, CA now through Saturday.
▶ 59f53d (2) No.5040799
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040800
LIGO doesn’t just detect gravitational waves. It makes them, too
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040801
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040802>>5040843
Large Explosion Reported In Rosslyn, Va.
Transformer fire breaks out at Arlington shopping center
▶ a68f3d (2) No.5040803>>5040934
Exactly. Really important to see: the Jews who BELIEVED HIM are the same who were trying to KILL Him.
▶ c7fc9c (4) No.5040805
>This needs to be sauced.
>Nowhere can I find Clinton only won 57.
Concur, 57? - more like 487-500-ish….
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040806
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040789
i let one go…
and then WE THE PEOPLE beat it with logic and critical thinking…
we SHOWED it how to LOVE.
the algorythm will show the snowflakes how to love. we sit back and smile. GOD WINS
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040807>>5040902 >>5040911
Dems wanting to place a shitload of taxes on We the People…again.
Dem introduces 50 percent tax on ammunition, calling it 'public health measure'
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040810>>5040851 >>5040863 >>5040883 >>5040956
Everyone who is not a child of God is a child of the devil. So, the mast majority of humanity are children of the devil. Few find the narrow path that leads to life; most are on the broad road that leads to destruction. Rabid Jew haters are most definitely on that broad road that leads to destruction, and are most definitely the children of satan.
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5040811>>5040828
I looked this up on goog. You're kidding. He's smart, prol appealing, but, come on.
Guess I'm too old a femanon to get this.
Thanks, tho.
Does he at least sing?
▶ ce3792 (2) No.5040812
This Call for Unity will rip the RATS apart. The 37% hard Left, who have never been betrayed by their leaders - unlike the 100s of times conservatives have - will quadruple down on hate. Enjoy the Show, anons.
▶ bb2415 (3) No.5040813>>5040852
There would have been a buzz in the room. We would be able to tell that she was there by where people were looking and moving towards and away from. ESPECIALLY her because this was a tribute to her unless they wheeled her in at the last second which seems ridiculous. If she was getting better, she would want to be seen and thank her well wishers.
▶ 9cacb9 (6) No.5040814
They also appear to revere the shocker
▶ 723a71 (3) No.5040815
she was attending her visual.
Late for her own funeral.
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040816
It's beautiful, and true, but not noteable in the current form which is a wall of text that any digger can find. Meme it?
▶ 13c81b (1) No.5040817>>5040831
Military Tribunals Update - C - Vine
▶ 86cb85 (7) No.5040819>>5040886
Hey you. Be nice. I am just trying to contribute when and if I can. We know RG probably is dead already and fake news like us to believe otherwise if RG is really dead.
The Barnes lawsuits? I think kid is kicking some asses. I hope all of them go down IMO
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040820>>5040845 >>5040859 >>5040860
You waited for trips…it's not KEK unless it's organic.
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040821>>5040893
Where was she?
▶ 59f53d (2) No.5040823>>5040919
Right before Mikey Flynn gets “sentenced” on 3/13
muh Bday
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040824
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Kristy Allen ~ MK Ultra, SRA Survivor ITNJ Seating
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040828>>5040848
uh oh
u know whats comin hon
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040830
>"Democracy Dies In Darkness" isn't a warning…it's a MISSION STATEMENT!"
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040831
Just proclaim your love for Israel, and you'll be fine
▶ eb0c5f (6) No.5040832
▶ 9cacb9 (6) No.5040833
Put some gap teeth on that for proper savagery
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040837>>5040924
Stone and Cardillo out having dinner.
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040839
Notorious RGB. Like Notorious BIG?
They ain't gonna try to make RGB Born Again… are they?
▶ 1999ba (3) No.5040842>>5040929 >>5040930
Schroedinger's Ginsberg
▶ c7fc9c (4) No.5040843>>5040937
>Large Explosion Reported In Rosslyn, Va.
>Transformer fire breaks out at Arlington shopping center
From 2016 anon…..
▶ 182f3d (5) No.5040844>>5040887
oh, I didn't know it was solved
▶ 3aeed9 (68) No.5040846
▶ 8c9946 (1) No.5040847>>5040862
>Republicans Plan To Turn On Trump If He Declares National Emergency To Build Border Wall
>Republicans will turn on President Donald Trump if he declares a national emergency in order to build a wall along the southern border, The New York Times reported.
Patriots will turn on the Republicans if they turn on Trump
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5040848
I love you guise.
We're ready for tonight, eh.
▶ 8ba08f (3) No.5040849
Jesus was called to speak to the Jews. That was what he was sent to do.
Matt 15:24
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
But it turned out that that was actually a mystery that was later revealed by Paul in Ephesians…
[Eph 3:4-6, 9-12 KJV]
4 Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) 5 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6 That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
… 9 And to make all [men] see what [is] the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: 10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
▶ 46978a (1) No.5040850
I have watched, picture not during SOTU, must be before speech
▶ ba6e82 (1) No.5040851>>5040938
there are way more good
than evil
▶ 86cb85 (7) No.5040852
If she was really there, the camera will be focused on her the entire time.
▶ 8ba156 (2) No.5040854
There was a phone during the happy meal party at the wh
▶ c9a89e (2) No.5040859
It’s Parscale soliciting campaign donations.
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040860>>5040901
KEK. i did not wait. i am scrambling cuz i have to start workfagging soon. BUT i am dyslexic so that is a bonus. now give potus some money faggots! :D
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040861>>5040941
hes talking to the Pharisees… modern day rabbinical theology is based on the Talmud, which is the oral tradotions of the Pharisees dumb ass.
▶ 88268b (10) No.5040862>>5040872
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040847
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040863>>5040946
God says we are all a child of God. Christ IS the gate keeper. You are GLOWING anon or is it shill? Stop it.
▶ e34533 (10) No.5040865>>5040953
When you kicked out of 50 schools… is your behaviour the cause or do all these schools just hate you for no reason.
Jews were kicked out of 90+ countries.
Any questions?
▶ 38613f (4) No.5040867
As always, pics or it didnt happen.
▶ 9fcb0a (8) No.5040868>>5040870
What time does the SOTU start?
▶ a70fac (5) No.5040870>>5040875 >>5040980
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040872
So are neckties. They symbolize the noose. Like the one they have to put on at Bohemian GROVE rituals.
▶ 3ded58 (4) No.5040873>>5040942 >>5040952
I think Teflon is a clue. Teflon is a flourine polymer. Flouride in the water?
I don't believe the claim of this article but I think POTUS wants us looking at it.
Also found this:
New documentary out regarding DuPont poisoning workers who manufacture the product Teflon
▶ 9fcb0a (8) No.5040875
▶ 45fea9 (4) No.5040876
by whom?
for what purpose? (tv signal? security?)
any pics of examples?
not disputing your characterization, just wanting to see if you can support it.
▶ 2c9bc7 (2) No.5040877>>5040998 >>5041055
Do it, Q+.
▶ 7bc602 (4) No.5040878
Does anyone have sauce for the first report of RBG working out after surgery? Think it was her son on social media.
Here is an updated clock. It is missing some Q posts.
▶ 3acac0 (8) No.5040879>>5040925
New York City man seen shattering lingerie store window, taking Barack Obama mannequin
▶ a84de1 (1) No.5040880>>5040920
…WHY in 2019 is this still occurring?
Anyone know????
▶ f79ea0 (2) No.5040881
yeah that was part of the full disclosure thingy wasn't it?
or was it power back to the people.
nothing like power and ignorance…..
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040883>>5040964
rabid jew haters = equals anyone criticizing judaism
so you’re calling jesus a rabid jew hater? sounds like what the Pharisees preach.
▶ aa3fcc (2) No.5040885>>5040899 >>5040995
▶ 008888 (7) No.5040886
>probably is dead already and fake news like us to believe otherwise if RG is really dead.
You are contributing speculation
>The Barnes lawsuits? I think kid is kicking some asses.
Barnes / you might want to look into that Fake News too / nothing but a publicity stunt by the Fake MAGA's
The family hired a reputable firm
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5040887>>5040960
Don't think it's solved. I found some info here, tho. All the research was on breads 6430 and 6431.
>>5036898 op
>>5036845 op
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040888
State of the Union Address: Street Closures and Other Restrictions
Restricted Access -- U.S. Capitol Building / Capitol Square
The U.S. Capitol Building will be restricted to only those with event credentials and authorized pedestrians beginning at 5:30 p.m. on February 5, to include Members of Congress and spouses, invited dignitaries, USCP credentialed guests, media with a standard Congressional media photo ID, and ticketed guests.
Beginning at 7 p.m., no vehicles will be allowed within the Capitol Grounds except for those displaying a current Congressional parking sticker with at least one occupant of the vehicle carrying a valid Congressional I.D., and/or a USCP special event placard and credential.
The following areas will be restricted to event credentialed and authorized pedestrians only beginning at 5:30 p.m.
First Street between Constitution Ave., NW, and Independence Ave., SW
Independence Ave. between Washington Ave., SW, and Second Street, SE
First Street between Independence Ave., SE, and Constitution Ave., NE
Constitution Ave. between Second Street, NE, and Louisiana Ave., NW
Street Closures
U.S. Capitol Police will put the following street closures into effect beginning at 7 p.m. on February 5. Access to the perimeter will be restricted to those bearing proper U.S. Capitol Police authorization and credentials. These restrictions will be lifted upon the conclusion of the event. (Please see the map below for reference.)
Pennsylvania Ave., NW, from Third Street, NW, to First Street, NW
Constitution Ave., NW, from Louisiana Ave., NW, to Second Street, NE
First Street, NW, from Louisiana Ave., NW, to Washington Ave., SW
New Jersey Ave., NW, from Louisiana Ave., NW, to Constitution Ave., NW
D Street, NE, from Second Street, NE, to Louisiana Ave., NE
Delaware Ave., NE, from Columbus Circle, NE, to Constitution Ave., NE
First Street, NE, from Columbus Circle, NE, to C Street, SW
C Street, NE, from Second Street, NE, to Delaware Ave., NE
Maryland Ave., NE, from Constitution Ave., NE, to First Street, NE
Second Street, NE, from Constitution Ave., NE, to East Capitol Street, NE
East Capitol Street from Second Street, NE, to First Street, NE
Independence Ave. from Second Street, SE, to Washington Ave., SW
C Street, SW, from Washington Ave., SW, to First Street, SE
Delaware Ave., SW, from Washington Ave., SW, to C Street, SW
South Capitol Street from D Street, SE, to Independence Ave., SE
New Jersey Ave., SE, from D Street, SE, to Independence Ave., SE
Maryland Ave., SW, from Third Street, SW, to First Street, SW
▶ 1999ba (3) No.5040889
Caves around there and ice is thawing.
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5040891>>5040914 >>5040923
Been collecting Silicone Masks for years.
SPFX is the first and SUPER REALISTIC!
Many of their masks have been purchased to do Bank Robberies and also for a Chinese Citizen to escape China and arrive in Canada.
Almost ALL the Silicone Mask company's have stemmed from Rusty at SPFX.
CFX, IMMORTAL MASKS…they all have branched off from the original.
Rusty makes GREAT Super Realistic masks, my only complaint is the durability for the money that you spend.
But because their masks are made "thinly"…the mask adheres to a person's face and can easily look very real, even thought the strength of the mask is compromised.
I advise if you are looking to by one of these masks to wear OFTEN, that you should buy from CFX or IMMORTAL.
SPFX is only for the super realistic WOW factor; but all my SPFX masks have ripped only after a few usages.
My Immortal Mask is perhaps one of my favorites and their masks are usually not as expensive.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040892
maybe she was the one who actually got McTreason's brain surgery…
▶ 94f7cd (12) No.5040893>>5040974
Current Notables
>>5040765 Top Dem Nadler threatens to subpoena Acting AG Whitaker, despite his agreement to testify
>>5040606 New DJT "Teflon Donald" with 48 percent approval
>>5040529 Anon proposes missing images from last year were already posted and we missed it?
>>5040470 Russia blames NATO for dismantling INF due to plans to deploy launchers to Poland
>>5040396 Moar digging on Pharma exec convicted of $100 million fraud scheme in Miami federal court
>>5040416 Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox asked Planned Parenthood to remove names as corporate donors
>>5040366 Moar digging on breaking news: Pope says priests' abuse of nuns went as far as "sexual slavery"
>>5040349, >>5040605, >>5040821 Apparently photos show Justice Ginsburg was NOT among small crowd reported by WaPo
>>5040305 Mass surveillance challenge proceeds to Europe’s highest human rights court
>>5040632, >>5040593, >>5040575 Frenly reminder of where Jesus was on the JQ
>> #6436
▶ cb678b (13) No.5040896>>5040907
Not all pendants are satanic nigga.
I got my 7 yous saved on this thumbdrive.
This is my cape. I don't leave home without it.
▶ 6b7866 (10) No.5040899
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040900>>5040968
like that, so its not looking good for some of (you)[me] :D
Kick deep states assah while constantly saying "I am sorry" and "you made me do that!" and "excuse me but yer a POS $3.50 SHILL BITCH FAKE MAGA!" and have a nice fucking day! :D
Apologies, Sir…
Back to MKULTRA lurk mode…
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5040901>>5041020
I'm watching you donationAnon
▶ c585b0 (2) No.5040902
Open and shut unconstitutional. Stated purpose isn't to generate revenue but to discourage exercising a right. They're not even bothering to hide it anymore.
▶ 9e3817 (5) No.5040903>>5040928 >>5040944 >>5040965
is there a website for anons who aren't on the mailing list?
<reminds me of the good ol' days, like 12/16/07…the original tea party.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040907>>5041007
7 (You)s from whom?
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040908>>5040977 >>5040989
>>5040804 - October 17, 2018? A while ago, anon.
Senior Treasury employee charged with leaking documents related to Russia probe
October 17, 2018
▶ 49a077 (3) No.5040910
▶ e2521d (3) No.5040911
Reminds me of Chris Rock's $1000 bullet bit.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040912>>5040935
my libtard neighbor claims she get all the dirt on trump from CSPAN so its all gud
▶ 51b34b (1) No.5040913>>5041025
Everyone with any Bible knowledge likely knows the parable of the ten talents. The commonly shared version is the one in Matthew 25:14-30. But have any of you ever read the version in Luke 19:12-27? I just came across this in my studies today. There’s a bit of a gotcha in there. When I saw verse 14, I thought of Pres. Trump: “But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.” Those who do this might want to check out the outcome of this from verse 27: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” Soon?
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5040914>>5040943
▶ 5e0825 (2) No.5040917
>in my Social and Personality Development course
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040919
Anons knew wrf was going on but no one but us were willing to say it.
▶ f79ea0 (2) No.5040920
Alex, "what is The Law Doesn't Apply to THEM".
▶ 6c3e63 (1) No.5040922
Ruth get your ass out of bed and get to SOTU… lazy bitch.
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040924>>5040967 >>5040993
MSM polling themselves?
▶ 2fbd3c (2) No.5040926>>5040967
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5040928>>5040965 >>5040967
Go to WH website and send POTUS an email.
It will ask if you want to get "promos". Click yes.
You will get almost daily solicitations for $$$.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040930
▶ 9cacb9 (6) No.5040932
▶ 163924 (5) No.5040933>>5040967
Shop ban for disabled pensioner after row with man praying at work
This is already here, I'm afraid.
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040934>>5040967 >>5040969
ur retarded. no. ur wrong. The pharisees had him killed and didnt believe him. the pharisees’ oral traditions make up the authoritarive rabbinical texts Talmud - where they bash Jesus and say hes burning in a pot of excrement for all of eternity
u should lie moar tho.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040935>>5040967
I have a friend who's girlfriend's mom does something with the government she told her that Drumpf is going down cuz she's got info and it's only a matter of time….
And because the girlfriend hates being wrong, I haven't talked to the friend in a hot minute.
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040936>>5040967
Call for UNITY
3:41 = 3 + 4 + 1 → 8
2/5/19 = 2 + 5 + 1 + 9 → 17
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040937>>5040967 >>5041066
Ah. Having a off day, anon. I saw the fire being power related, but didn't check the date. My bad.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040938>>5040962 >>5040967
Not according to God. Maybe use God's measuring stick, not your own.
▶ 88268b (10) No.5040939>>5040967
▶ 38613f (4) No.5040940>>5040954 >>5040967
There's zero official evidence to support that Soetero is a citizen.
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040941>>5040967
he is talking to all of them fool! :D
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040942>>5040967
Great search anon!
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5040943>>5040967
Also, Silicone Masks can be manufactured using 3D printing tech. That means that all you need is a photographic image of anyone and you can make a SUPER REALISTIC looking mask that can fool a lot of people!
▶ c9a89e (2) No.5040944>>5040967
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040946
Show me in the bible where God says we are all children of God. I'll wait.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040947
I wonder why I didn't get one…
Maybe telling them on the phone that I have no money, just time, made them take me off their list.
▶ 1999ba (3) No.5040948
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040949
Chabad.org Ask the Rabbi Team
P.S. Please consider partnering with us! Contribute to our vital work at http://www.chabad.org/donate
Question Summary:
Date: 01/20/2019
Incident ID: 4705089
talmud and jews under attack:
many lies about jews online and i combat them - recently focus on talmud and i am unqualified to reply - they select verses that look evil and i am certain it is lies and misleading - can you assist? here are the ones they repeat over and over:
1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”
2. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.”
3. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.”
Chabad.org: Ask the Rabbi { Ref. No. 470** }
Eliezer ---——— | Chabad.org <mail_co5387419_4181594@chabad.org>
Tue, Jan 29, 7:28 PM (7 days ago)
to me
Hi J---—--,
I didn't go through the entire list, but I did look up the first two and I found nothing on those pages in the Talmud that say anything remotely like the quotes you sent. I would imagine that the same goes for the rest of them.
My suggestion to you is to not bother getting into conversations with people who will continue to twist and misquote our religion. There is really nothing to be gained.
All the best,
Rabbi Eliezer _____
for Chabad.org
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▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040951>>5040983
Only propaganda anyone can identify here is yours. So here you are spinning in circles scrambling your brains as we watch you defy yourself. Your not very good at this are you.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040952
Nah, it's a slander to a mob boss, the Teflon Don, John Gottie in NY.
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040954
No authentic birth certificate has ever been produced.
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040956>>5041038
You preach that here while I'm sure you preach the inverse to the non-redpilled, that jew lovers are doing God's work on earth.
▶ a3db6a (4) No.5040957>>5040979
Don't know about this one…
▶ 6b9623 (1) No.5040959
Malcom X was right. Read here about how the democrat ruled press slandered Malcom X. They used the same terms and phrases they use against us Q followers.
Martin Luther King could be controlled because he was a communist.
Malcom X could not be controlled because he saw what the democrats were doing to the black community in America during that time (and still to this day).
▶ 182f3d (5) No.5040960
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040962>>5041046
Or maybe get off your high horse, quit condemning people, and realize you don't talk for God nor know how They operate?
Just a thought.
Tired of all the smug ass biblefagging going on.
▶ 407283 (19) No.5040963
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040964>>5040988
Nope. Jesus was not a self-hating Jew.
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040965>>5041000
this is the first request for a contribution i have ever had from his site.
▶ 8f572d (7) No.5040968>>5041045
>Be nice or be left behind
That was actually the original R post, not Q.
But, yes, we all need to better our souls, regardless, and help those who need it.
WWG1WGA, right?
(For the most part. I don't think God can forgive a child murderer)
▶ 50fb11 (2) No.5040969>>5041008
A 16th century Talmud printed by Daniel Bomberg sold for $9.3 million to rare books expert Stephan Loewentheil---who one source said was a proxy for private equity baron Leon Black—and set a world record for Judaica sold at auction.
The book is one of first complete editions of the Babylonian Talmud, all printed by Bomberg in the 1500s, of which only 14 copies survive.
The sale was the first of a series at Sotheby’s of the Valmadonna Trust Library, a collection of Jewish texts assembled by diamond dealer Jack Lunzer and his wife. The Bomberg Talmud was the cornerstone of the Valmadonna Trust. (It is named for a city in Italy where Mr. Lunzer’s wife has relatives and where some of the first Jewish manuscripts they collected came from).
The Bomberg is a rarity at auction, Jonathan Greenstein, president of J. Greenstein & Co., an auction house dedicated to Judaica, told the Observer. “It is in the top five rarest pieces of Judaica to come to auction in the last 20 years,” he said. “It is very early and important.”
▶ b28086 (17) No.5040970>>5040996 >>5041008
Thanks anons…. It's fucked hilarious…..
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040971>>5041008 >>5041054
Ok, basically the same fallguy
▶ 99f484 (2) No.5040973>>5041008
https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5038724.html#5038934 (pb)
Q opened the door to who the master is.
"The choice to know will be yours'.
It gives you vertigo but there it is.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5040974>>5041008 >>5041015
>>>5040632, >>5040593, >>5040575 Frenly reminder of where Jesus was on the JQ
Hey, thanks for encouraging all of the DS shills to continue spamming antichristian nonsense. Really appreciate it.
▶ 9fcb0a (8) No.5040975>>5040986 >>5041008
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Video presenter is [blah] but the info… On the Q clock anon has found the "High Noon" [12:00] and its ramifications starting Jan 31 2019
video @ 2:31
Might be interesting to some
[not a clockfag]
▶ 38613f (4) No.5040976>>5041008
All these crooked libtard states are very much propped-up by fed funding. Cut that FTW. Trump needs to become more assertive and aggressive. These crooks arent going to turn around anytime soon. /They/ only respect fear and threats.
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040977>>5041008
Anons rock! WE are the knews not the snews!
▶ 2ccbde (1) No.5040978>>5040984 >>5040987 >>5040992 >>5041008
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5040979>>5041008 >>5041052
What's not to know, Anon? POTUS wants to give Anon (YOU)s. How fuckin GLORIOUS is that for a sign of UNITY at SOTU???//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'///
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5040980>>5041008
RIGHT SIDE will be live and has also been broadcasting old SOTU's today…
▶ 03e97f (2) No.5040981>>5041006 >>5041008
Footage of Military Training in Los Angeles last night
▶ 182f3d (5) No.5040982>>5041008
didn't Q post before and after last SOTU?
▶ 93921d (9) No.5040983>>5041008
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5040984>>5041008
▶ a70fac (5) No.5040987>>5041008
No. Already officially confirmed she will be absent, and it is not mandatory for her to be there.
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5040988>>5041008
jesus loved everyone and so do I… we can criticize judaism without being a “jew hater” u ding dong.
▶ c585b0 (2) No.5040989>>5041008 >>5041028
Must take Sorcha Faal with a grain of salt but the additional charges part is corroborated here.
Prosecutor: New charges possible in Russia probe leak case
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5040990>>5041008
Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack
What, no sickle?
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5040992
Only if she is on ice!
▶ 3887aa (8) No.5040993>>5041041
Seems to be their favorite past time. Fantasy lying … it should be a board game.
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5040994
Wonder if any anons got the list of companies that donated to PP before they removed it??.. maybe a boycott of the companies would get others to withdraw support of PP!!
▶ d8b119 (2) No.5040995
"Blown underground trans" Was Mike O'bama involved?
▶ 99f484 (2) No.5040996
a little baby powder will keep it from looking so shiny and fake. try a very light dusting of baby powder.
▶ 2fbd3c (2) No.5040999
Awfully big push recently to get these bills approved in each state… do you think the jews know something is going down?
▶ 9630c2 (7) No.5041000
The site you show is not familiar to me. I probably didn’t get this. There are several “notices” I get from the WH every day. Most have a solicitation.
▶ a70fac (5) No.5041001
▶ 32e499 (1) No.5041002>>5041026 >>5041044
The suspected MS-13 gang member behind a deadly New York City subway shooting was living in the United States illegally, according to Fox News.
Ramiro Gutierrez, a 26-year-old Salvadorian national- was arrested this week on murder, gang assault, and criminal possession of a firearm charges following the Sunday incident on the platform of a Queens, NY subway station.
“Gutierrez was taken into custody Monday and charged early Tuesday morning. Authorities have since revealed that the suspect was free on $2,500 bail after being busted on attempted murder and other charges late last year,” reports Fox News.
“ICE said it had lodged an immigration detainer so that they could be contacted prior to his release,” adds the report.
Read the full story at Fox News.
▶ 9cacb9 (6) No.5041003
Americans don't say "bangs on," Shekelstein
▶ a8840b (4) No.5041004
I thought the Hey Girl meme started with Ryan Gosling who was a huge hit on tumblr and feminists. Stephen Miller is the face of Hey Girl MAGA style. The Hey Girl meme thing works with Gosling and Miller because in most photos they're look very stoic and thoughtful. One of the best memes, I think.
▶ 685ec6 (1) No.5041005
Off after lurking as usual but God Bless your President Trump and those that get it
▶ 77b460 (9) No.5041006>>5041031
Preparation. When I saw it early today thought "Anons know WTF is going on"
▶ cb678b (13) No.5041007>>5041032
my daddy. Q.
and i got muh QMAP and all muh QPOST saved here too.
no big deal.
never know when i might have to slamdunk on a bish [like I'm doing to you right now]
▶ 182f3d (5) No.5041009>>5041029
Jim Clyburn's on CNN saying there are FEnce that need repairs and that is what Trump should be doing.
But I thought barriers were immoral?
▶ e2521d (3) No.5041012>>5041029
id buy one that looks like my buddy and fuck with him
▶ 124f56 (2) No.5041014>>5041029
Kek I never tire of that pic.
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5041015>>5041029 >>5041064
mossad shills are the ones crying reeeee about the truths that jesus spoke.
cry moar tho - i like salt on my popcorn.
▶ 38613f (4) No.5041018
▶ f20f04 (1) No.5041019
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5041020>>5041043
KEK. i know Anon is watching. This anon watches too. Thank (YOU) for what (YOU) do. It's DJT's actual website tho so we good.
▶ daaed6 (1) No.5041021>>5041040
▶ e34533 (10) No.5041023>>5041067
The real Mossad banging hasn't even started yet… Good luck with that.
The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time.
There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.
Why are we here?
▶ 830aef (1) No.5041024
Trips of support!!! Here's to (you), POTUS!
▶ c07825 (24) No.5041025
Soon and very soon.
▶ bb2415 (3) No.5041026
Get these motherfuckers out!
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5041028
Forgot sauce:
▶ 9fcb0a (8) No.5041030>>5041034
Because like (YOU)
We have no life.
▶ 03e97f (2) No.5041031
I read the comments and the poster and some others who don’t even seem Pro Trump think it’s a cover up as well.
▶ 26ae08 (11) No.5041032>>5041060
Mmmmmmm…. i don't see a "you" on that…
And I don't know how you think you're "slam dunking a bish"
▶ ac0f4c (1) No.5041033
Q team, whoever they are, is the greatest inteldrop/GOODpsyop EVER!
Please be patient with the plan my fellow anons as it is going to take some time to fully implement because we're fighting 100+years of deeply embedded corruption. IMO, it's a lot like Hydra from Marvels Agents of SHIELD. Also, much like A.O.S. there were/are traitors hidden within both the Campaign and the administration . I truly feel for POTUS & OUR White Hats who've been betrayed by those whom they thought they could trust.
So here and now I shall decree
Knowledge & truth shall no longer be hidden from (you) & me
I beseech the divine creator to bring the light of LOVE, BEAUTY, JUSTICE, TRUTH, FAITH, EMPATHY, UNDERSTANDING & WISDOM into OUR hearts & minds
To give us COURAGE in the face of this evil which we now fight
To aid us to to ensure our victory over the darkness
To keep those GOOD Men and Women fighting for us safe and in the divine creators GOOD GRACES
Thank you creator for hearing my plea, GRATITUDE for EVERY BLESSING you've already bestowed upon US.
▶ 163924 (5) No.5041035>>5041049 >>5041059
This woman.
WTF does that even mean?
▶ 7f8f6f (2) No.5041036
Heb 7:14 For it is evident that our Lord arose from Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5041038
I'll take that bet.
▶ 23f1b7 (1) No.5041039>>5041051
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. LAS VEGAS SHOOTING
Mike Tokes Famous Helicopter Footage - Is This The Smoking Gun?
Did gunfire come from helicopters that night?
▶ 8927bc (12) No.5041040
Are they trying to say RBG is hiding in Butt Cave? Cuz that's the name of the cave. Anon reverse image searches.
▶ 71a9c1 (9) No.5041041
Very true! They are herd beings for sure. Lemmings, I say!
▶ fc4381 (9) No.5041042
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5040923
I have a Gimli the Dwarf I had SPFX specially construct, also I had CFX make me a replica of The Leprechaun from the Movie.
You can pretty much have them do any type of mask if you are willing to spend the money.
I think for about THREE THOUSAND, you can have them create a whole new mask with collaborations, and then you can actually get royalties from the mold if CFX decides to use it for commercial use.
Basically, any idea that you have for a mask; you can just talk to them and they will make it.
Video is not me, btw. But same mask I had them make!
▶ 88b813 (10) No.5041043
It's ALL love brother…Just having fun!
▶ 33bf75 (1) No.5041044
$2500?? Jeez. That is nothing.
▶ f4dc7c (20) No.5041045
point (you) but that makes muh like it even moar! :D
▶ c07825 (24) No.5041046
Jesus condemns people, not me. I'm here to warn people that Jesus condemns people. And not just the "Jews".
▶ f1aaab (12) No.5041047
ever read a Q drop??
only mossad would make a meme crying about people calling out mossad.
▶ a9a1ce (7) No.5041049
I guess that blows the whole woman empowerment narrative.
▶ 386841 (11) No.5041050
No idea they were so gay, when they're not raping children.
▶ 03d39e (12) No.5041051
Yes, saw it in several videos
▶ a3db6a (4) No.5041052
Whatever floats your boat I guess. Maybe I'm too anon. Don't like the idea of putting my name out there.
▶ c07825 (24) No.5041054
Look into Javier Solana.
▶ 7a2d88 (1) No.5041056
You baby raping, deforming, murdering kikes are a plague to the planet Earth.
▶ 124f56 (2) No.5041059
Not entirely sure, but my interpretation of it is that Hillary is saying she is a steaming cunt.
▶ cb678b (13) No.5041060
go home will.
this isn't Q&A.. I KNOW WHO I AM.
i give you muh facebook. you should see for your self.
slide up in muh DM if you want disdick.
▶ 60ab89 (2) No.5041063
kek gotta learn how to growshrooms.
Here's a thought experiment, if:
Severe pain = body releases hallucinogenic chemicals, & if
Getting high lets you see 'God' like entities, then:
If I were a sociopathic ritualistic satanist, the best way to explore consciousness, would be to torture a child to death. And report what the kid sees.
Nice clean methodology, if the kid were raised in captivity, to avoid outside concepts. You know… what if the kid sees mantid beings without ever being introduced to the concept…
▶ 45fea9 (4) No.5041064
i doubt very much that Mossad has any reason to wade through the morass of these boards, indulging in petty bickering.
▶ 1b83b6 (1) No.5041065
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez age 29
Christy Brinkley age 65
▶ c7fc9c (4) No.5041066
>Ah. Having a off day, anon. I saw the fire being power related, but didn't check the date. My bad.
No worries, anon.
They DO have quite a few transformer fires there it seems…
I did a quick scan for sauce earlier, and I came across the same article you posted, and others - all old.
The current happening is now surfacing on the mainstream, a couple of anons have posted links.
▶ 93921d (9) No.5041067
Trump is having holohoax survivors attend tonight. After years of Trump treating the jews like they are the pillar of humanity, I doubt he'll do a 180 and call out their crimes