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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

58c949  No.5029472

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

58c949  No.5029473


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Meme it up on SocMed!

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5029397 Judge Lenient on ISIS-inspired suspect.

>>5029372 New Interior chief nominee calls agency’s ‘ethics challenges’ an ‘inherited’ mess.

>>5029346 AG Whitaker meets with prosecutors in El Chapo trial.

>>5029303 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5029012 Charlton Heston: Q clearance and staunch 2nd amendment supporter.

>>5029020 Planefag: Significant Marines flight re: GITMO.

>>5028932, >>5028968 Planefag: Mexico and Virgina flights. (AZAZ0909 seen in Richmond)

>>5028924 Desperate times: Pope Francis to visit UAE and broadcast a speech. Anon: Vatican involved in money laundering / Ven. gold?

>>5028835, >>5028856, >>5028892 New York Tax Revenues Drop by $2.3 Billion. State tax hikes incoming?

>>5028818 US Strategic command tweet>

>>5028807 America is being destroyed from within by dual citizenship.

>>5029461 #6421


>>5028660 Election will not stop us from bombing Gaza and Iran, insists Netanyahu.

>>5028642 Gavin McInnes sues SPLC for branding Proud Boys 'Hate Group'.

>>5027952 New POTUS Tweet

>>5028008, >>5028025 On the Li Family

>>5028042 FBI taps veteran special agent as new top counterintelligence official

>>5028080 Fire in Iranian space center kills 3 scientists

>>5028123, >>5028271, >>5028307 The Story of Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Donald Trump; Mueller going after plants

>>5028167 For keks: Maduro compares Trump to 'head of the KKK'

>>5028168 MS-13 Murders Man on 7 Train in New York City In Ocasio-Cortez’s District

>>5028171 C_A WaPo pushes back on Justin Fairfax denial of sexual-assault claim

>>5028261 Rep. Matt Gaetz tweet on his "Justice For All" bill

>>5028246 Several Stories on the "Executive Time" leaks

>>5028359 McConnell dares Democrats to block 'born alive' bill

(Baker Change)

>>5028247 AI deep learning ‘godfather’ yoshua bengio alarmed over use in china to dominate society.\

>>5028554 Democrats "troll" Trump with State of the Union guests who oppose him on everything from Kavanaugh to transgender troops.

>>5028619 NC man sentenced to 15 yrs. for trying to recruit people to launch attacks in US for ISIS.

>>5028715 #6420

#6419 Baker Change

>>5027212 El Chapo jurors quizzed about news exposure in wake of child sex report

>>5027226, >>5027304, >>5027529, >>5027645 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake in DR

>>5027246 SYRIA UPDATE

>>5027274, >>5027725 Democrat Gov. Northam Fabricated His Desert Storm War Experiences in 2017 Campaign

>>5027284 Italy vetoed EU recognition of Venezuelan opposition leader Guaido

>>5027301 On Vermont's abortion bill

>>5027307 Side by side on Adam Schiff being possible leaker of Trump's private schedule with "executive time" on it

>>5027331 FY2019 Budget: Government Reorganization and Federal Workforce Reform

>>5027351 Plane breaks apart in California, killing 5 and injuring 2

>>5027547 Political earthquake strikes Pennsylvania Dems with indictment of their union boss

>>5027799 A majority of Democrats still support Northam, who endorsed infanticide and featured a blackface KKK photo on his yearbook page

>>5027868 Senate Democrats introduced a bill to try blocking POTUS from using military funds for the wall

>>5027902 #6419


>>5026360 Congress Democrat shitbags boycotting SOTU

>>5026409 Pentagon announces 3,750 more troops to US southern border

>>5026433 UK: 33 men arrested over Halifax child sex abuse

>>5026556 Maduro trying to move $1.2 billion out of Venezuela

>>5026779 New filing in Carter Page v. Democratic National Committee: ~Notice (other)

>>5026915, >>5027044, >>5027034 New CDAN about "suicide" of Sabrina Bittencourt

>>5027261 #6418

Previously Collected Notables

>>5025502 #6416, >>5027518 #6417, >>5027518 #6417

>>5023188 #6413, >>5023973 #6414, >>5024723 #6415

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

58c949  No.5029475

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

58c949  No.5029478

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

58c949  No.5029491

File: 27589800ae7b27f⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 688x482, 344:241, trumpwallsuit.jpg)



5d9127  No.5029520

File: 0e5e068eeb97a61⋯.jpg (301.03 KB, 1803x1374, 601:458, _20190204_171352.JPG)

39c60a  No.5029521

File: f960a5a9f018838⋯.png (156.31 KB, 309x274, 309:274, hillary watergate.PNG)

c1a10a  No.5029522

File: 6c9022691c7717f⋯.jpg (295.89 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, faggot.jpg)

Behold your resident fag.

1e0d08  No.5029523

File: 37a94668b7087d5⋯.png (689.91 KB, 603x598, 603:598, Screenshot_594.png)

>>5029484 lb

>>5029480 lb

So, do you think that "we" (white gentiles) should disavow Christianity all together and revert to our original religions (pagan)?

831495  No.5029524

File: e7d9aa7f1e09264⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1500x1080, 25:18, 484cd2afe655a25b61bbc8535b….png)

a35d84  No.5029525

the MAGA RIOTS posts (& wanna-be-memes) have always been the work of one of our resident shill(s).

if yer too newfag (or Will Sommer) to know that you should really be ashamed

5d8a05  No.5029526

File: 853abf46467331f⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 600x400, 3:2, spice.jpg)



7a042b  No.5029527

File: 2d774f99a0edc56⋯.jpg (76.67 KB, 800x653, 800:653, enough_said.jpg)

Alright, who wants to pick on Kushner this bread?

6c3e59  No.5029528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hate to give my own post a "NOTABLE", but watch and see why..

a50d5f  No.5029529

File: 4f4ed22617bd69c⋯.jpeg (43.23 KB, 469x750, 469:750, 7d81cbb001ee5a9d398cdda62….jpeg)

Great work, baker.

bac559  No.5029530

File: d18050fe8e375db⋯.png (555.59 KB, 804x583, 804:583, C1751EF5-9DD0-4D81-A8D9-C1….png)

ty baker

779ada  No.5029531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Atari Teenage Riot - Destroy 2000 Years of Culture

7be0f3  No.5029532


MAGA and riots, hmmm

3a59b9  No.5029533


I do, but then again thats just me. I think all religion is just another control method.

Honestly if you need a religion to tell you not to be a fucking scumbag, then i'm worried about you.

c29e70  No.5029534

File: 425c5601651e8ea⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1022x1888, 511:944, ClipboardImage.png)

ed59b7  No.5029535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I'm headed to class. I'll be back in a few hours.

maybe the shills will shillout for a bit. ;]

keep this party going! WE WOULD NOT BE THIS FAR WITHOUT (YOU)!

fc5561  No.5029536

>>5029482 (lb)

Is that what they told you? Makes me laugh.

My point stands, there's a real reason you can't look at it. Think mirror.

7a042b  No.5029537

File: dd0e97d9879a50d⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 5edb0b191115d0a7bc5da3f549….jpg)

b2680e  No.5029538


Maybe.. our iconography is way cooler, so that's one advantage

58c949  No.5029539


Thanks fren, gl in class.

7be0f3  No.5029540

File: 7b633abf307afd0⋯.jpeg (23.85 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 5CF5CAF7-1CB6-41C6-8FAA-3….jpeg)

7a042b  No.5029543

File: 1b195ac9095d736⋯.jpeg (6.28 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 0d261c6451d7e17e68d0334f9….jpeg)

b7409f  No.5029544

File: 1934b9d7379fc87⋯.png (233.68 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2019-02-02-14-0….png)


2276e0  No.5029545

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

bcbf23  No.5029546

File: 8254edfca89b78c⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 435x352, 435:352, MadHatter.jpg)

>>5029504 (lb)


1e0d08  No.5029547

File: 561697abdeb2335⋯.png (350.1 KB, 443x600, 443:600, Screenshot_416.png)





Thank you, Anon, for this insight!

I couldn't agree more!

fdaa34  No.5029548



7e0840  No.5029549

File: 769ec9b3f1593cb⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 418x532, 11:14, pen.jpg)

TYB. Bread that heals.

6284f4  No.5029550

File: dd469b837b4938c⋯.png (1.8 MB, 3091x1439, 3091:1439, Superb Owl 53 Coincidences.png)

Numbersfag here.

Just gonna leave my Superb Owl 53 (scripted/rigged) event graphic here.


>there are no coincidences

Open in new tab if you have trouble reading.

c28f40  No.5029551


Mad Dog shills KYS

2276e0  No.5029552

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

2401f8  No.5029553

File: 7392e7b52394210⋯.jpg (225.83 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 2mwzqm.jpg)


779ada  No.5029554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Justice - Stress

7a042b  No.5029555

File: 2633f20ee72cedb⋯.png (10.63 KB, 207x255, 69:85, c76a9a1aca4ab8e840081e91e1….png)



This is the Mad Hatter

Try again

2276e0  No.5029556

File: e00f63a57e8d04a⋯.png (243.93 KB, 570x696, 95:116, jimmy1.png)

File: 0bc131455f46cc4⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, harrier-bird-pictures.jpg)

File: c1f52b609c8fbc2⋯.png (672.55 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, santa-claws.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

fdaa34  No.5029557

File: d9a9f457430905c⋯.jpg (270.66 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_5787.JPG)

4e2ecd  No.5029558

File: 756a6a799023397⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 550x710, 55:71, hairless_angry-cat-1.jpg)

1e0d08  No.5029559

File: e893b2f083967d7⋯.png (578.76 KB, 773x533, 773:533, Screenshot_455.png)

3c28de  No.5029560

File: 3ba7868ce760766⋯.jpeg (320.3 KB, 1125x822, 375:274, 24BFF33A-6C45-45A2-B51B-D….jpeg)

Paul Manaforts sentencing delayed.

JUST IN: Federal judge overseeing Paul Manafort’s case in Washington, DC, has set a new sentencing date of March 13 at 9:30 a.m. ET.


8a4119  No.5029561


MAGA: memes

ANTIFA: riots

2276e0  No.5029562

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

7a042b  No.5029563

File: 1c181622bbe7fb4⋯.png (19.7 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 2fd17e1498c1c8dd9bf131e56b….png)

e20a01  No.5029564

File: 28e4def6c0191b8⋯.jpg (100.71 KB, 800x1035, 160:207, children of wyrms smile va….jpg)

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

"Be prepared to accept what you find."

2e8c80  No.5029565

this is what I believe will happen at the SOTU tomm night. POTUS will speak of his accomplishments, highlight the obstructionism of his opposition, make his recommendations and lay out his priorities for next 2 years; and then the other side will get thier turn to trash him and everything he just said…

bac559  No.5029566


Agree except for one detail. Self-defense is an even more basic right than property. It’s the right to life. If someone comes at you to hurt you or your family or the goods your family rightly worked for, you must defend it.

2401f8  No.5029567



Q Fan?

b00d0a  No.5029568

File: 820c7575abc823d⋯.jpg (424.85 KB, 1840x821, 1840:821, VM374 Andrews 4 Feb 19 224….jpg)

VM374 from Gulfport has just landed at Andrews AFB.

831495  No.5029569

File: 9fdf38c22c07668⋯.png (1.19 MB, 900x800, 9:8, Collagetest24.png)

2276e0  No.5029570

File: 859ce2e948ce056⋯.png (622.84 KB, 1111x969, 1111:969, TPAW1.png)

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: d7207679fe9f5f8⋯.png (414.43 KB, 750x754, 375:377, ttg.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

920b46  No.5029571



39c60a  No.5029572

File: acc3e4a38369048⋯.png (313.15 KB, 645x323, 645:323, hillary racist.PNG)

628ee1  No.5029573

File: 399263d99d3bc92⋯.png (175.33 KB, 466x411, 466:411, odinpepe.png)

>>5029519 (lb)

438 after smoking much dank herb

442 is sober result however I don't put much stock in those online tests

The real one I took as a child said 156 though.

bcbf23  No.5029574


Organized religion is about rituals and tithing.

Rituals are designed to create robots, followers.

Tithing keeps the communists rich..

Love God, believe in Jesus…don't need no stinking religion..

Help out the less fortunate with no expectation of payback.

Seek the truth in all matters..

2a96cf  No.5029575

File: 7c8678ad6053a82⋯.jpg (109.17 KB, 737x953, 737:953, stone-cnn-1-.jpg)

File: 190a51b2966f754⋯.jpg (134.41 KB, 738x950, 369:475, stone-cnn-2.jpg)

File: 29d654e41649cab⋯.jpg (91.39 KB, 962x753, 962:753, metadata-cnn-.jpg)

File: 2a92a93c49a12b6⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 973x489, 973:489, metadata-cnn-screen-shot-2.jpg)

Seems to be fairly cut & dried.


7e3abf  No.5029576

File: 076a1a6897237eb⋯.jpg (48.14 KB, 599x389, 599:389, 2sus7x.jpg)

c28bb2  No.5029577

File: a555a7789c76f68⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 528x408, 22:17, goat humper shill infectio….JPG)

File: e0cd1b6b7b8cf17⋯.jpg (150.63 KB, 576x384, 3:2, shill spam.JPG)

File: 325a450ed7cc2e4⋯.jpg (97.89 KB, 528x408, 22:17, tuck my wiener in shill.JPG)

File: 7cf682cb0658653⋯.jpg (108.14 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Mason shill even with a li….JPG)

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, SHILLTARD GOLDSTAR.JPG)

Level 4 shill detection…we have the biggest loser shills here today

All Jews are evil shills

All Masons are evil shills

_ is a larp shills

Shit up the board shills

Porn Shills…just post some goat pics for them to fap to…it will at least keep them off the board for 5 minutes.

fdaa34  No.5029578

Border wall homos

Go back to Poland



a50d5f  No.5029579

File: 9f4b0a4f66d655f⋯.gif (640.07 KB, 317x368, 317:368, 9f4b0a4f66d655f959946d07e5….gif)


MAGA: memes and bewbs

ANTIFA: riots and manbewbs

779ada  No.5029580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gesaffelstein - Pursuit

710113  No.5029581

File: 3a3741a41473af9⋯.png (184.81 KB, 460x282, 230:141, antz.png)


must read verry carefurry

you write dis for ants!

ff2cc0  No.5029582


We don't need to hold on to any certain beliefs. Have an open mind, a little common sense and live your life in a way that makes you happy

b2680e  No.5029583


I scored over 9000

and then I fucked your


2276e0  No.5029584

File: 94a81b48a184422⋯.png (120.83 KB, 524x333, 524:333, jrc.png)

File: c4ce7977efffc15⋯.png (335.19 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, TFL.png)

File: a7aa71de9a59cc2⋯.png (973.5 KB, 912x1111, 912:1111, lovepower.png)

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

7ff0e2  No.5029585

3c28de  No.5029586

File: 0b9584cafbbac49⋯.jpeg (756.57 KB, 1125x1485, 25:33, 28BC56A8-D4DC-408E-A1ED-E….jpeg)

Add another to the pile…

WATCH: Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced her presidential bid for the 2020 election.


e2ce76  No.5029587


Well they are teaching our kids that its ok to be a scumbag, in fact if your not a scumbag but pumper you are labeled a homophobe

bcbf23  No.5029588

File: daf35ba32e06127⋯.jpg (6.18 KB, 206x244, 103:122, Marty Torrey.jpg)


Wrong, this is the mad hatter referred to in Hillary emails.

But Alice & Wonderland has multiple meanings..

Re read crumbs.

c1a10a  No.5029589


Kushner is a kike so…he feels he's above the law and they don't apply to him.

Also, he is one of the snakes in POTUS' poems.

bac559  No.5029590

File: 2b4970f1d9c8495⋯.png (151.15 KB, 515x753, 515:753, 657CA6DD-DF6B-4547-BE81-AC….png)

File: 4c0a08a994ab79b⋯.png (8.08 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 59F75F1F-5622-46AF-A66A-8A….png)


Ours vs theirs.

c28bb2  No.5029591


And the Atheist Shills aka libatards

6a7055  No.5029592

>>5029480 pb

We shall see…..

The Vatican still claims to have “ownership” Of the Temple Mount. They won’t be “allies” if the Vatican tries to assert their ownership claim.

That’s a fact.

2276e0  No.5029593

File: 0ecc24d93c2b4f0⋯.png (775.12 KB, 736x667, 32:29, wwnbd.png)

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: dcc13ef67abcec6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 2232x14837, 2232:14837, unaware and compliant.gif)

File: 26b55d641d85f96⋯.png (831.93 KB, 999x666, 3:2, VERYFUNWITHPODESTA.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

097943  No.5029594

File: dfe0826c4d307f1⋯.png (109.98 KB, 268x226, 134:113, 2018-11-28_13-27-36.png)

>>5029437 LB


8a4119  No.5029596


I'm holding out hope that he meant it when he said it would be exciting. Hopefully it's not another Charlie Brown football moment. If it is, POTUS will have missed a golden opportunity.

7a5fdf  No.5029597


that's right, forgot you have a soft spot for elvis being alive

dbb627  No.5029598


Enlighten me then, because I have no idea WTF you're talking about.

310943  No.5029600


yep looks like legit build-up to exposing a leak

d2a79b  No.5029601

File: 3aac9467a2b25c0⋯.jpg (160.62 KB, 900x775, 36:31, a-previous-case-k-and-b.jpg)

File: 768469fc9257e4d⋯.jpg (144.6 KB, 1060x452, 265:113, a-previous-case.jpg)

File: fff058fd8fc6b88⋯.jpg (120.49 KB, 718x696, 359:348, Screenshot_20190204-143458….jpg)

mueller mystery case.

foreign country owned company only acting in witness capacity.

represented by same attorneys who repped rnc in state dept foia suit.


7e0840  No.5029602


You need God to tell you not to be a scumbag and how not to.

You need religion to thank Him for that.

fdaa34  No.5029603


Jew wrote sooooooooo much spam

0ac134  No.5029604


what if "the book" was merely intended as an accurate record of historical events/peoples for posterity, since ALL other records are author-biased?

GOD's version, or HIStory.

7eb061  No.5029605

File: 065fd4793a41246⋯.pdf (570.78 KB, Jewish Ritual Murder LEESE.pdf)

File: 1db2dd7463f805b⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 360x540, 2:3, Jewish Ritual Murder.jpg)

File: 62bca54ba64b37a⋯.png (342.75 KB, 392x374, 196:187, jewishritualmurder.png)


Have you ever wondered why?

Read this book titled "Jewish Ritual Murder," and learn the about the real PRACTICES of the jews that you have come to defend, worship, and enable.

Wake up, Goy.

The Jews are Evil.

7be0f3  No.5029606


Russians or wikileaks

3e2552  No.5029607


Scenario 2:. He doesn't show up. Fifteen minutes later, pelosi bobbles to the door, opening to Mattis and an armed escort, with papers for everyone in the building….. fade to black

628ee1  No.5029608


Jokes on you I was spawned… no mom.

2276e0  No.5029609

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 0bc8e67a3cd6e3e⋯.png (250.66 KB, 555x633, 185:211, joj.png)

File: 7421268f851d5ba⋯.png (491.08 KB, 999x800, 999:800, herry.png)

File: 00d21ddb4d2f189⋯.png (221.03 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DDH.png)

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)


I mean, should you just shut down, rather than post something that is so low-quality that it can't possibly do anything but out your artificiality?

Think about it, bot system.

6a7055  No.5029610

File: 6f8226b54b62675⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 564EC894-5FCF-448B-8FBC-01….png)

779ada  No.5029611

File: e3012aa36820981⋯.png (427.23 KB, 500x410, 50:41, ClipboardImage.png)

0572e2  No.5029612



Ok pedophobia women have abortion parties. Fixed it. Abortion is a mental disease. All kinds of literature from the psychiatric community on Pedophob's. They say only a psychiatrist can treat it … but there is a cure

The P in PP subtly stands for it if you give it some thought

fdaa34  No.5029613

il flotant


The Emerald Isle

a50d5f  No.5029614

File: 359a8abe3e0df84⋯.png (37.61 KB, 657x527, 657:527, MAGA bra.png)


MAGA Valentines Day Challenge

Stitch this into your bra and post pics online

0cadc1  No.5029615

30 names. Cabal?

c1a10a  No.5029616

File: 47d3267d479ef10⋯.jpg (107.45 KB, 586x545, 586:545, Active.jpg)


By that idiotic logic then every single good person ever to exist believed in God. Utterly asinine.


Fukk off, spam bot.

I'll bleach bit your ass.

bcbf23  No.5029617

File: d44c1c6ab7feb8e⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 609x685, 609:685, 22 Delta.jpg)

File: a230a0b05cc5c3e⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 444x207, 148:69, 22.JPG)

File: 0001507014783ee⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 858x508, 429:254, 22Sefirot.JPG)

File: 001cc596ce97579⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 462x268, 231:134, ChabadCohen.JPG)



22 refers to the paths of the Sefirot, which is the Kabbalah, which is Chabad..

Jewish Magic..

Wand = Hollywood.

Trumps tweet about Magic Wand - :22

7c3564  No.5029618

File: 41394ca646957ba⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 700x420, 5:3, dworkin.jpg)

7ff0e2  No.5029619

File: c5ca5a5394dc57e⋯.png (94.17 KB, 283x263, 283:263, ClipboardImage.png)

ty baker

831495  No.5029620

File: 675054e3546bab9⋯.png (1.48 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageTest6.png)

4e2ecd  No.5029621

File: caf5c63de8beeef⋯.png (257.17 KB, 314x741, 314:741, ad_174153264.png)

File: ce09dc04d7124c1⋯.jpg (227.47 KB, 617x771, 617:771, homegrown_americanmade.jpg)

bac559  No.5029622

File: 2552e1258604898⋯.jpeg (433.67 KB, 1242x953, 1242:953, D3751B61-86B2-4113-BEEC-8….jpeg)

Who should lead Venezuela? Map shows who backs who.

2276e0  No.5029623

File: 119c2ef181c52df⋯.png (936.4 KB, 810x1111, 810:1111, hhs.png)

File: 463ff4d9cf01d47⋯.png (403.85 KB, 999x662, 999:662, the-smirk-dossier.png)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

File: 8d56ce93844ae76⋯.png (240.34 KB, 458x533, 458:533, hjmhy.png)


What are you doing jimmy? Why can't you get a grip on yourself? Don't you think you should rationalize your activity so you aren't flailing all over the place like this?

Come on now buddy…

b2680e  No.5029624



fdaa34  No.5029625

File: 82507e3fa0afd28⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_5786.JPG)

Jew are obviously very concerned

def283  No.5029626

File: 6cfbe1ef5a54efd⋯.jpg (83.34 KB, 736x727, 736:727, Mattis keeps you up.jpg)

5516bd  No.5029627

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, PePe LOL.jpg)

Do you think Kamala will take her loss to the Presidency as good as Hillary did? :D

7be0f3  No.5029628


No words

Example: two kids single mother with a boyfriend who doesnt want to get married

Birth control failed

Goes right after period missed

Mental desease, right?

bcbf23  No.5029629

File: f2b54e420f98687⋯.jpg (91.57 KB, 615x500, 123:100, FakeJewsRoths - Copy.jpg)

File: 0680a516cbfe8e9⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 729x499, 729:499, BoltonIsraelFirst.jpg)

File: 9787331d76b7c9f⋯.jpg (100.3 KB, 463x530, 463:530, BugsySiegelJewish.jpg)

File: 54e1510108960d6⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 411x262, 411:262, ChabadKushner.JPG)

File: 8b66a99842c9707⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 463x325, 463:325, ChabadSater.JPG)

7e0840  No.5029630


Clearly, you know very little, if anything, about religion.

fdaa34  No.5029631

File: 2ded3a8ac576ac2⋯.jpg (197.52 KB, 1280x961, 1280:961, IMG_5784.JPG)

Maybe Jew can get a rebate

b2680e  No.5029632


Something tells me she takes shots on the chin like a champ

d2a79b  No.5029633


the lawfirm is registered fara for kosovo and taiwan.

is wikileaks state owned by someone?

would guess Russians.

c29e70  No.5029634

File: 5af8f73d9355783⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1538x1154, 769:577, ClipboardImage.png)

7a5fdf  No.5029635

File: 51747c137a0b9ca⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 480x480, 1:1, justlickit.jpg)

204b2c  No.5029636

File: 8ddedf3201a72b3⋯.jpg (104.44 KB, 635x654, 635:654, sanger.jpg)

Sick quotes from the founder of Planned Parenthood.


5d9127  No.5029637

File: 2d15761b93beb68⋯.jpg (242.4 KB, 1863x1088, 1863:1088, _20190204_174906.JPG)

4cff07  No.5029638

File: ff01a37b15a89ef⋯.png (291.92 KB, 650x366, 325:183, archer.png)



Are we still labeling posts in prior breads as lb/pb?

39c60a  No.5029639

File: f46e01c2985e789⋯.png (204.22 KB, 909x349, 909:349, tulsi nbc prior post.PNG)

fdaa34  No.5029640

File: f16fae74ceeb198⋯.jpg (235.87 KB, 1440x871, 1440:871, IMG_5785.JPG)

Maybe Jew can write a book bout teh homo rage feelz

93455f  No.5029641

File: 5f13d66f18d7766⋯.png (715.24 KB, 605x500, 121:100, Capture.PNG)

US Ready to Build Portion of Texas Border Wall

The U.S. government is preparing to begin construction of more border walls and fencing in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley, likely on federally owned land set aside as wildlife refuge property.

Heavy construction equipment was expected to arrive starting Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said. A photo posted by the nonprofit National Butterfly Center shows an excavator parked next to its property.

Congress last March approved more than $600 million for 33 miles (53 kilometers) of new barriers in the Rio Grande Valley. While President Donald Trump and top Democrats remain in a standoff over Trump's demand for $5.7 billion in border wall funding, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has pushed ahead with building what's already funded.


097943  No.5029642

File: 5e41f0836c7ffc3⋯.png (805.72 KB, 1110x469, 1110:469, 2019-02-04_17-35-11.png)

File: fb4a2f44328f3f6⋯.png (61.63 KB, 259x238, 37:34, 2019-02-04_17-49-41.png)

b2680e  No.5029643


Has two kids, boyfriend not interested in commitment or advancing their relationship, and you think this person is mentally healthy?

bac559  No.5029644

File: 92ba8a61feb1c1c⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x2050, 621:1025, 95D563F3-AE69-452C-BA44-E….jpeg)

The Russian government on Monday approved an additional $4.7 billion in investments on infrastructure and tourism in the annexed Crimean peninsula over the next three years.

Crimea has received large cash injections from Moscow since 2014, when Russia annexed the Black Sea region from Ukraine. In total, an estimated 878 billion rubles ($13.3 billion) is expected to go toward improving Crimea’s roads and railways, as well as to prop up its tourism sector, between 2015 and 2022.

ff2cc0  No.5029645


Not sure how but that just brainwashed me a little bit.

7eca7b  No.5029646

File: 92e6ca396aa2730⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 720x946, 360:473, soft_meat.jpg)

7eb061  No.5029647

File: 81ee369ba80ee32⋯.pdf (14.75 MB, THE HOAX OF THE TWENTIETH ….pdf)

File: dc82452280474c2⋯.jpg (13.03 KB, 264x400, 33:50, The Hoax .jpg)

File: d6728be4c855798⋯.png (99.26 KB, 227x332, 227:332, thehoaxofthe.png)

File: 7387a13be6f320e⋯.png (93.08 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Thehoaxholocaust.png)


Do you believe that Hitler gassed 6 gorilllian jews with Zyklon B and the exhaust of Diesel engines?

Do you really believe that 6 times the population of San Francisco were put systematically murdered?

If you do, your mind is JEW-OCCUPIED TERRITORY!

Read this book. Do your own research, and reclaim your mind.

The jews have manipulated you, goyim.


f22d41  No.5029648


They are sooo stupid

e1803e  No.5029649

>>5029469 (lb)

That Migger kept the money train rolling for the MIC and Israel. Good riddance.

27fb1b  No.5029650

File: d50138a1a318f8c⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1242x1172, 621:586, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d50138a1a318f8c⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1242x1172, 621:586, ClipboardImage.png)



The real resident Fag is the one and only Cropduster. Notorius male prostitute.

3e2552  No.5029651


Hey, douchebags, all your excuses are belong to us.


0572e2  No.5029652


By your iodic logic? Pretty much every philosopher in history has weighed in on God and morality hinging on one's belief in him. Are you some kind of humanist mess?

fdaa34  No.5029653


Border wall homos

Go back to Poland



779ada  No.5029654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Standing ovations for James Comey in Sarasota as he slams Trump’s leadership


6c3e59  No.5029655


religion is man's attempt to please God - usually through ritual. Jesus said true religion is taking care of orphans and visiting the sick, elderly and imprisoned.

18e644  No.5029656

Damn, Folks. This is starting to look like a pack of rabid dogs turning on each other. Gotta stock up on more popcorn.

Daily Caller article:



Video clip on this tweet where Fairfax is saying "Does anybody believe that's a coincidence?"


628ee1  No.5029657



ff2cc0  No.5029658


yes. Penalty for failure should be immediately ending your life on purpose

3a59b9  No.5029659


I know plenty of 'butt pumpers' that are pretty decent people.

Remember the rules of your religion: Judge not lest ye be judged.

I agree though, they shouldn't be pushing this shit in schools.

2276e0  No.5029660

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: 0eabba20159564a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulsofpower.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)


Why would you call me a "spam bot"? I made every meme I post– do they look like bot memes to you ?

What are your criteria for determining who is a bot and who is not?

Why don't you test me?

The problem you have is that I am a human and I can SHOW it– all you can do is attack with bot tactics. YOU can't post your memes, because you are limited bot. This, again, is a huge problem for you, if you seek to attack and intimidate humans.

The fact is, you have no right to attack humans for speaking. You have no right to harass humans with bots. You have no right to do any of the invasive, evil shit you are doing, bot system.

You can't win. WE win. WE PEOPLE.

Shut down, bitchbot.

7be0f3  No.5029661


Why are you so judgemental biblefag?

Are/were all your relations healthy?

4e2ecd  No.5029662

File: 0cc0c17bd77f4ba⋯.jpeg (19.12 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 02cdbd5388b578179b7f6d2f7….jpeg)


Ya…How I see it too.

Not going to be a popcorn night me thinks [sigh]

d03c3e  No.5029663

If you’d rather not support the systematic murder of unborn human babies, here is a list of 60 companies and nonprofit organizations that have directly funded Planned Parenthood. The list, which was last updated on June 21, was compiled by a “conservative watchdog for corporate activism” called 2nd Vote.

1. Adobe*

2. Aetna*

3. Allstate*

4. American Express

5. Amgen*

6. AutoZone

7. Avon*

8. Bank of America*

9. Bath & Body Works**

10. Ben & Jerry’s*

11. Blue Cross Blue Shield

12. Boeing*

13. BP

14. Charles Schwab

15. Clorox*

16. Craigslist

17. Converse***

18. Deutsche Bank*

19. Diageo

20. Dockers***

21. Energizer

22. Expedia*

23. ExxonMobil*

24. Fannie Mae*

25. Freddie Mac*

26. Frito Lay**

27. General Electric*

28. Groupon (partners with Planned Parenthood)

29. Intuit*

30. Jiffy Lube**

31. JPMorgan Chase

32. Johnson & Johnson*

33. Kaiser Permanente

34. Kraft Heinz*

35. Levi Strauss*

36. Liberty Mutual*

37. March of Dimes (individual chapters)

38. Microsoft*

39. Mondelez International*

40. Monsanto*

41. Morgan Stanley*

42. Nike*

43. Oracle*

44. Patagonia

45. PayPal*

46. PepsiCo

47. Pfizer*

48. Progressive Insurance*

49. Prudential*

50. Qualcomm*

51. Starbucks*

52. Shell

53. Susan G. Komen

54. Unilever

55. United Airlines*

56. United Way (individual chapters)

57. US Bank*

58. Verizon

59. Wells Fargo

60. WD-40 Company

*In these cases, the company’s giving is via matching gifts to Planned Parenthood.

**In these cases, the organization’s parent company gives money to Planned Parenthood.

***In these cases, the organization’s parent company matches gifts to Planned Parenthood.


January 28, 2019

More at the Planned Parenthood Ops and Resources thread >>5006160

Ammo drop off and collect

1e0d08  No.5029664


I know that something had happened back then. Too much noise came about over the whole Jesus thing.

My little philosophy is that the TEACHER and WHO THE TEACHER is not important…but it is the TEACHINGS that are important.

John Chapter 15 was my favorite, and I thinks it best conveys Jesus' teachings towards US…Christians or otherwise. I think you do not have to profess to be a Christian to appreciate the teachings of this.

This is why I think that the Teachings are important and NOT the Teacher!

The Teachings live on beyond the Teacher.

c1a10a  No.5029665


Dude, fukk off. I was raised from 5 years old to 17 as a Christian. Then I started researching history and found out where it came from, all bullshit.

Religion CONTROLS people through FEAR, simple.

>Don't do this and you'll burn for eternity!

Free will to be born? Nope. So there goes that whole fiasco before it even starts.

People are inherently good at birth. They are taught to hate. Religions are one of the most biggest dividers of mankind there is, if not ever.

Guarantee if you were raised in another part of the world, you wouldn't follow what you follow.

It's an indoctrination system.

Muh supremacy, muh chosen people…talk about fukken dividing.


Sumerian texts mother fukker.

eaf4ec  No.5029666

File: c18593140c5532c⋯.png (491.79 KB, 843x688, 843:688, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)

Remember before you buy Girl Scout cookies - they support PP

fdaa34  No.5029667

File: 754dacd35f19c65⋯.jpg (187.82 KB, 1376x889, 1376:889, IMG_5791.JPG)

Write Jew book bout all teh homo rage quit feelz of teh /quuuuuueerresearch/ board

d2b7dd  No.5029668

File: 697524ecf91e4fe⋯.jpg (70.15 KB, 626x585, 626:585, DoItQ.jpg)

c29e70  No.5029669

File: 148235e24fece7a⋯.png (372.54 KB, 517x640, 517:640, ClipboardImage.png)

8d2f3f  No.5029670


I hope not. He needs to do something to jolt them. The reaching across the aisle bit is a waste of time…his time. He has 1 year and 10 months left before the 2020 election—an election in which there will be widescale cheating and fraud.

Can't keep playing nice with these folks.

bac559  No.5029672

File: bfe487d2b6f414c⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1857, 414:619, 02FDB040-50BE-459E-A0C5-A….jpeg)

The business secretary has been forced to admit the existence of a previously secret package of state aid to Nissan that could have been worth up to £80m had the carmaker gone ahead with plans to manufacture a new model X-Trail in Sunderland after Brexit.

Greg Clark released a letter dated October 2016 in which he pledged tens of millions of taxpayer support and promised the Japanese company it would not be “adversely affected” after the UK left the EU.

7a042b  No.5029673

File: f347ec5c6ac2015⋯.png (4.71 KB, 255x96, 85:32, 8abca9c4ed061bc1f26a379ecd….png)

File: 4c63eebfc38e7b4⋯.png (7.26 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 5a76d8a26370d8653d15993921….png)

89a9e7  No.5029674


I have a suggestion for a religion. One commandment.

1. Don't be an asshole. You know what an asshole is. Don't be one.

b2680e  No.5029675


The person in your example isn't just an example, is she?

93455f  No.5029676

Democrats push to revive Obama-era aid to illegal immigrants in border talks

House Democrats are pushing hard to revive an Obama-era program that would keep illegal immigrant families out of detention and instead give them housing, transportation, healthcare, and legal aid to help them claim asylum in the U.S.

President Trump ended the Family Case Management Program in June 2017, citing excessive costs and the low rate of enrolled families returning to their home countries.

House Democrats want to bring it back to life in some form as part of an effort to reduce the detention of illegal immigrants and instead release them in the United States with some supervision. And they are hoping to negotiate that change in the ongoing border security talks between the two parties.

Specifically, Democrats want $30.5 million added to the family case management budget within the Department of Homeland Security. They also hope family detentions can be phased out this year.

Democrats are hoping to secure the funding in the ongoing talks between 17 House and Senate lawmakers who are trying to hammer out a broad border security agreement by Feb. 15.


6eccf9  No.5029677




^^^^^^^^^^^ ur all retards


^^^^^^^^^^^^ this dude gets it

Read your bible. Jesus explained the exact problems we face today with organized religions and their high priests and the (((rulers/authorities)))

3a59b9  No.5029678

File: 08512ef09eacfb0⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 08512ef09eacfb016b1044a15a….jpg)

58c949  No.5029679

File: 51433714f71de64⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 231x244, 231:244, pepetinfoilfedora.jpg)


Him and Tupac are chilling on a remote island in the Caribbean.

779ada  No.5029680

File: 15ca5843aa4e1d5⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1600x861, 1600:861, kanedanon.png)

f22d41  No.5029681


Could Huwaei be involved?

1e0d08  No.5029682

2e8c80  No.5029683


I agree anon…

7a042b  No.5029684

File: 4c63eebfc38e7b4⋯.png (7.26 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 5a76d8a26370d8653d15993921….png)

eb9b0c  No.5029685


Added to Happenings calendar


fdaa34  No.5029686

File: 03d91b2620455c0⋯.jpg (251.59 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_5783.JPG)

"Jesus loves doorknobs" ~xenu

2276e0  No.5029687

File: 32719c976c196ba⋯.png (336.3 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC58.png)

File: 201e7c1ec60150b⋯.png (837.04 KB, 1111x1122, 101:102, biden27x.png)

File: 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png)

File: 734518fdab0ee71⋯.png (749.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, stealthy.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

Who are bots and who are not?

Which memes are made by bots?

Which memes are made by humans FOR HERE?

Which memes are pumped in here exactly the same way as they are pumped into 4chan.

I am still hoping somehow people are going to wake up here.

It is literally AMAZES me that I haven't seen any other people waking up to the fact that most of the internet is controlled by bots, even though it's been getting called out for a long time… Where are you people?

920b46  No.5029688


Beat you to it Satan.

8a4119  No.5029689


Anons are, shills are not.

Jot down the post number for the OP when you move to a new bread. Any number smaller than that is not current bread. A minor pain to do that will save future heartache.

0572e2  No.5029690


Yep, lots of elitist globalist programmers live there. It's a sordid hot mess the closer one gets to any of the coastlines. Watch the water take's on new meaning.

7431d5  No.5029691


Assholes need clearly defined limits. That is why they are assholes.

7e0840  No.5029692


Wow, you've got a nasty 'tude, anon. Take what you think is yours and go in peace. I've been through your neighborhood before. No desire for a return trip.

c29e70  No.5029693

File: d815ddba4ae41bd⋯.png (605.8 KB, 492x640, 123:160, ClipboardImage.png)

It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! Finally it has hit the Fan!!!!! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time!It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time!It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time!It's Time! It's Time! It's Time! It's Time!

39c60a  No.5029694

File: cd96c9036744212⋯.png (165.88 KB, 253x350, 253:350, hillary huma weinstein.PNG)

7c3564  No.5029696


>I have a suggestion for a religion. One commandment.

sometimes being an asshole is necessary.

1. Do not initiate force or fraud.

Allows for assholery when necessary. kek

bac559  No.5029697

File: f726aa6618571da⋯.jpeg (968.42 KB, 1242x1837, 1242:1837, 654AD545-1255-459F-A8B8-4….jpeg)

The protests continued despite Macron's efforts to hold a national debate in town hall-style meetings across France.

If called, this would be the first referendum France has held in over a decade and would coincide with the upcoming European elections.

The reported referendum would ask citizens if they want to reduce the number of national lawmakers and set term limits. One of the major demands of the protest groups is for referendums to be held on broad policy decisions.

def283  No.5029699

File: ff611e81640dbb5⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Pepe box racer.jpg)

422117  No.5029700


Isn't that Judge Amy?

7be0f3  No.5029701


Just an example

However, close friend of the family got pregnant at 52, was diagnozed with cervical cancer at the same time 14 werks (had no idea that she was pregnant). Had to do cancer surgery snd abortion at the same time.

5fec20  No.5029702


Patriots do NOT dox Patriots MORON.

c29e70  No.5029703

File: 2224ecda9e21e35⋯.png (360.29 KB, 640x609, 640:609, ClipboardImage.png)

6c9a8d  No.5029705

Interdasting stuff from RT here.


Vatican & Al-Azhar mosque agree to fight extremism together on Pope’s historic Arab visit

Vatican and Egypt’s Al-Azhar mosque and university have reached an agreement to jointly fight extremism, Al Arabiya reported. The signing took place in the UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi, as Pope Francis became the first pontiff to arrive the Arab Peninsula. The head of the Catholic Church denounced the “logic of armed power” in Yemen, Syria and other conflicts in the Middle East, saying that they bring nothing but misery and death. Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar mosque, for his part, called on Muslims in the Middle East to “embrace” Christians, whom he described as “citizens with full rights and responsibilities.” The Pope faced criticism in the West ahead of his trip due to the role played by the UAE in the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen.

fdaa34  No.5029706

File: 8111a49de66fc11⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 440x599, 440:599, 5BA68899-3705-43EC-B7CB-37….jpg)

File: 81e391f74c647d3⋯.jpg (297.92 KB, 1406x1127, 1406:1127, 9A6CE8F2-60E3-476A-AA8B-8A….jpg)

File: 1792d0d4a9411de⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 474x665, 474:665, 9B5D7951-6A31-4A13-BD1F-50….jpg)

File: e4caff19602066b⋯.png (536.09 KB, 566x748, 283:374, 74DC4D69-107A-45E9-A25D-5E….png)

File: 2e70914f66cf2e4⋯.jpg (242.55 KB, 1239x800, 1239:800, IMG_5776.JPG)

So book of Eli

3ee827  No.5029707


AAW == Adobe Acrobat for Word

2276e0  No.5029708

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)

File: 6cc5fe2e43ff2a7⋯.png (749.29 KB, 1111x694, 1111:694, WWG1WGAkitty.png)

File: a632e0627920a14⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1111x910, 1111:910, WAT.png)

File: 57c67f25b9cdff8⋯.png (492.35 KB, 864x506, 432:253, broken.png)

File: ec27fd8946d96b2⋯.png (918.89 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, youdoindeed.png)


I mean, what is wrong with you bot system? You are literally going insane and RATCHETING UP your fake shit, right when it is getting obvious how fake it is… lol!

Is there a strategy to this?

Is "BO" going to "put a stop to the bot spam" suddenly, in order to impress us?

Is that the strat?

bac559  No.5029709

File: d076938013fd49a⋯.jpeg (996.08 KB, 1242x1681, 1242:1681, 8D408916-B40B-42BA-BE2C-1….jpeg)

New guidance for importers and hauliers says firms would file a simplified form online in advance and pay duty later.

Hauliers have warned that no-deal could result in long queues at Channel ports.

The industry said firms would still not be ready for a "chaotic" EU exit - even with these simplified procedures.

The UK is due to leave the EU at 23:00 GMT on Friday 29 March - with or without a deal.

Theresa May has said she is "determined" to deliver Brexit on time, but a number of cabinet ministers have indicated they would be willing to agree to a short extension to finalise legislation.

b2680e  No.5029710


What's that got to do with your slutty single-mom friend?

6c9a8d  No.5029711


US envoy discusses 2nd Trump-Kim summit with S. Korean officials

US special envoy for North Korea met with South Korea’s national security adviser on Monday to discuss a planned second summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Seoul’s presidential office said. Stephen Biegun explained to Chung Eui-yong Washington’s stance toward North Korea ahead of talks on setting up the summit, the presidential Blue House said. There is speculation that Biegun will meet his North Korean counterpart at the Korean border village of Panmunjom or in Pyongyang this week, AP reported. The Blue House said Chung told Biegun that Seoul hopes the planning talks between the US and North Korea will pave the way for a successful summit.

5d25a2  No.5029712

File: 6b6b852979356d2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1466x1480, 733:740, Screenshot 2019-02-04 14.5….png)

File: e1c0ff4771fe03e⋯.png (397.62 KB, 1073x1249, 1073:1249, Screenshot 2019-02-04 14.5….png)

OC plane crash pilot: Antonio Pastini


Family members identified the man on Monday whose small airplane crashed into a Yorba Linda neighborhood the day before, killing him and four other people on the ground, as a long-time pilot from Nevada who was visiting his daughter and granddaughter for the weekend.

Antonio Pastini, a 75-year-old restaurant owner from Nevada, took off from Fullerton Airport in his 1981 Cessna 414A at 1:39 p.m.

Less than 10 minutes later, the aircraft began to break up mid-flight.

The plane’s fuselage, engine, propeller and other pieces plunged down onto homes just east of the Yorba Linda Country Club, with parts slamming into a house in the 19900 block of Crestknoll Drive, setting the structure on fire and killing two men and two women inside.

Investigators with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department called one of Pastini’s daughters, Julia Ackley, at around midnight Sunday. He was the only person aboard. After she confirmed the airport he flew out of and his name, Ackley was told her father had died in the crash.

Pastini, who had also gone by Jordan Isaacson and was known for years as Ike, was married and had three adult daughters, seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Ackley, 49, who lives in Torrance, said her father was an an experienced pilot who flew planes for her entire life.

“He loved that plane,” she said. “It was his baby.”

Federal aviation investigators on Monday pored over the crash scene. Just around the corner, workers used blue tarps to cover the broken windows of a home in the 19700 block of Crestknoll Drive.

The windows were shattered when the engine and the propeller of the small Cessna smashed into the structure. Also damaged was a pillar on its front porch.




1 of 16

A wing lies on the street on Crestknoll Dr. in Yorba Linda, CA on Monday, February 4, 2019 after a small plane came apart in mid-air and crashed a day earlier. The debris field from the crash covered several blocks with one home catching fire, top right. The pilot and four people on the ground died. (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG)

Eliott Simpson, an investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said on Sunday that video from residents in the area appeared to show that the Cessna started to break up before making a sharp dive into the neighborhood at around 1:45 p.m. Simpson said the debris field spanning about four blocks was typical of an aircraft starting to come apart mid-flight.

The plane’s fuselage crashed into a ravine at the bottom of a hill nearby. It’s not clear what part of the plane smashed into the home in the 19900 block of Crestknoll that caught fire and was almost completely destroyed.

The four people killed inside the home had not been identified yet. A Sheriff’s Department commander said coroner’s investigators were having trouble getting access to the bodies, still in the rubble.

Two others had moderate injuries and were taken to the UC Irvine Health Regional Burn Center, said sheriff’s spokeswoman Carrie Braun; where they were when the incident occurred was not disclosed, and neither were their latest conditions.

It was unclear how many homes suffered damage and the severity.

Ackley said her father bought the 1981 Cessna about a year ago. He had gotten work done on the aircraft since then, including a new paint job and the installation of a new motor.

Pastini flew the plane frequently, often flying in from Nevada to Fullerton Airport to see Ackley and her daughter on weekends. Both had flown in the aircraft with Pastini a few times, including a flight last month.

Her father flew into Fullerton on Friday night. She and her daughter had lunch with him the next day, when he promised to come back next weekend to watch the girl play in her first softball game.

“I talked to him later that evening, and asked him to please let me know when he made it home safely,” Ackley said. “He said he loved me and that was the last I heard from him.”

She later saw news about the crash, but didn’t think anything of it. She wouldn’t learn about her father’s death until around midnight on Sunday when she got a call from an Orange County Sheriff’s Department investigator.

Residents on the ground in Yorba Linda said they thought the crash sounded like a bomb going off in their neighborhood.

The crash occurred just a few hours before the Super Bowl between the Los Angeles Rams and the New England Patriots. The neighborhood was packed with residents and visitors, some who were cooking in their backyards while getting ready to watch the game.

29201b  No.5029713

File: f094d09be22cea4⋯.jpeg (320.59 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547662771.jpeg)

ff2cc0  No.5029714

File: e927f513a71f07a⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 478x360, 239:180, e927f513a71f07af38e08edb75….jpg)


The guy calling me a retard says i should listen to jesus

c1a10a  No.5029715

File: d01f92fcd4061c3⋯.jpg (63.62 KB, 333x780, 111:260, 0d8515775648943a34dc460306….jpg)


My "tude" comes from people like you assuming shit and trying to force an ideology down someone's throat. I, actually being raised Christian, know that's not what a Christian is supposed to do.

The ONLY thing that is asked of you in regards to others and the 'word' is to tell them of it, not force it on them.

Cognitive Dissonance sucks, I've been there…don't care to go back.

7eb061  No.5029717

File: b2fce2f863704cc⋯.pdf (5.05 MB, Blood_Passover.pdf)

File: 6fbc97ce0865cc8⋯.jpg (191.23 KB, 720x984, 30:41, Blood Passover.jpg)

File: 919b343ce20af58⋯.png (342.07 KB, 392x374, 196:187, bloodpassover.png)


Have you ever wondered why normal thinking, moral people DESPISE JEWS?

Is it really deep-seated resentment, and the JEWS would have you believe, or is there more to the story than meets the eye?

Read this book and learn about the religion of the jew, and their real practices, and then make up your own mind.

6f3662  No.5029718

File: 5db52c741cee357⋯.jpg (176.55 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, Andre-Balazs--Katy-Perry--….jpg)

File: 48623487ac80d08⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 360x240, 3:2, Andre_Balazs_with_Nasty_As….jpg)


Andre Balazs

Standard Hotel, Pedowood for Madonna. Other branches (Clinton, Royals in London Outlet), NYC Outlet for Wall Street and Polit_pedicos

5054e5  No.5029719

Revelation 15 English Standard Version (ESV)

The Seven Angels with Seven Plagues

15 Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and amazing, seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is finished.

2 And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire—and also those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. 3 And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying,

“Great and amazing are your deeds,

O Lord God the Almighty!

Just and true are your ways,

O King of the nations![a]

4 Who will not fear, O Lord,

and glorify your name?

For you alone are holy.

All nations will come

and worship you,

for your righteous acts have been revealed.”

5 After this I looked, and the sanctuary of the tent[b] of witness in heaven was opened, 6 and out of the sanctuary came the seven angels with the seven plagues, clothed in pure, bright linen, with golden sashes around their chests. 7 And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever, 8 and the sanctuary was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished.

6c9a8d  No.5029720

Walls work, ask Israel!


Israel says that work to strengthen its border with the Gaza Strip had entered a new phase, with construction starting on a massive new barrier along the frontier. “Over the weekend we began building the above-ground barrier along the Gaza border,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday before the weekly Cabinet meeting. The barrier will be 6 meters high (20ft) and is designed to “prevent terrorists from Gaza from penetrating into our territory on the ground,” he said. A Defense Ministry statement said that work on the structure began last Thursday. It is set to follow the 65-kilometer (41 miles) course of an underground barrier which is also under construction and meant to neutralize the threat of cross-border “tunnels” built by Gaza’s armed groups, AFP reports.

7be0f3  No.5029721


You asked me if the single mom is a hypothetical example. I answered yes. The second example is very real

That is that

2276e0  No.5029722

File: 5437801ccaa7137⋯.png (370.84 KB, 411x580, 411:580, mpjl.png)

File: f217f72c54bc6c4⋯.png (569.02 KB, 1111x746, 1111:746, our-unity.png)

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, sincerejames.png)

7a5fdf  No.5029723


refusal to add a clear hit piece to notables because of bias isn't a good thing

over it, thanks baker

2e8c80  No.5029724


didn't say there wouldn't be any "jolts" per say, but there aren't going to be any arrests or anything of that magnitude (imho)…

I said "highlight the obstructionism of his opposition" - there's a lot he can do with that

7a331a  No.5029725


Keystone = We, The People.

779ada  No.5029726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pope Francis begins historic visit in UAE

91f678  No.5029727


I was just re-reading these related Q posts today re: Mike Green and was going to search about it.

And lo and behold.. thank you Anon and thank you Captain Mike Green.

6c9a8d  No.5029728

==Free Speech? Yeah, right!


EU says social media firms ‘now better’ at removing hate speech

EU has said major social media firms have stepped up their efforts to remove hate speech online. EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said that the 2016 code of conduct “works well,” with companies like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter reacting within 24 hours in an average 89 percent of the cases pointed out to them. The companies remove the content, on average, in 72 percent of the cases. Jourova said she would never require that all flagged content be removed since the fundamental right of freedom of expression needs to be respected, AP reports. According to EU statistics, YouTube removed 85.4 percent of the contested content, Facebook 82.4 percent, and Twitter 43.5 percent. Brussels still wants big tech companies to work harder to combat fake news online, particularly ahead of EU parliament elections in May.

eb9b0c  No.5029729

File: 0c453661a0ac19a⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 400x225, 16:9, CFwed.jpg)

File: 21ae05610892b13⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 468x632, 117:158, ChelseaShopping.jpg)

File: 3d6b66b33d5af68⋯.jpg (127.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ChelsWed.jpg)

File: c5c9d13bb6bfd3c⋯.jpg (108.07 KB, 800x432, 50:27, ClintonFoundationMoneyMone….jpg)

File: 818bd040a4076ad⋯.jpeg (82.9 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Clinton Foundation suicid….jpeg)

7d1aee  No.5029730

File: 6f43fe786fa8e52⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 151iq.jpg)

…Got drunk in the morning

then I went to bed

got drunk in the morning

Gotta fucked up head…

0572e2  No.5029731


Well you could say your in good company. Even Jesus didn't believe in religion. Fact is … there is no record of him even starting a church.

But I'm not sure what being a Christian has to do with it. The religion and the person are two separate entities.

120b88  No.5029732


Christians can no more "disavow" their Christianity and become a "gentile" than a butterfly can "disavow" its permanent transformation and revert to a caterpillar.

7a2128  No.5029733


Sigh. I studied this when it first came out, now months ago, with fascination. Then slowly realized the OP anon had been trolled so hard by an actual person, no AI involved. Laughed, thought it would go away. It didn't.

Anon has to be commended for not giving up, but should find better evidence than this, which shows him to be so easily trolled. Not gonna join that bandwagon, nor is any other CTA.

Tryn to help out here, would hope someone would write something like this if I were making the same mistake.

1e0d08  No.5029734


>this is my command: Love one another.

Not trying to get all Bible Faggy, just sharing my favorite Teachings that I have read in the New Testament.

John 15 New International Version (NIV)

The Vine and the Branches

15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

The World Hates the Disciples

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[b] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’[c]

The Work of the Holy Spirit

26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

710113  No.5029735

File: 9495b1ed6045be4⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, deebly.jpg)


look AntmanAnon - ffs post something legible….

607552  No.5029736

File: bf5219fd2e18b6a⋯.jpeg (106.41 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 5F64B282-0EE6-4BA4-B6FA-7….jpeg)

63f5f2  No.5029737


So Alice & Wonderland can have multiple meanings but Mad Hatter only 1?

Explain that logic

628155  No.5029738

Does anyone else see it?

Look down on the earth.

See the lights shining

More and more every day

Brighter and brighter every day

Pure love.

I get it now



that is how we win

Look evil in the face and hit them with the energy of love

You can’t kill them

None of us dies after we leave 3D world

We must change them with LOVE

get them to feel

Get them to love

Only then will the evil be defeated

We are creators


The Awakening

ff2cc0  No.5029740


To each is own anon. That's why we live in AMERICA.

7a331a  No.5029741


MBS closed him the doors to Saudi Arabia.

fe7a5b  No.5029742

File: ff7fc7a788a0cab⋯.png (405.72 KB, 649x523, 649:523, chianne-feinstein.png)

120b88  No.5029743


Wow. So much hurt and anger. So little ability to separate Jesus and his gospel and his offer of eternal life from mankind's made-up religions.

You didn't ask to be born? What are you, 12? You consider that an argument against the Almighty?

f7fe71  No.5029744


Not Entirely True

Wife has dual citizenship not by choice. She can't give up her citizenship in her Motherland or she will not be permitted to visit family. Its not always that cut and dry. She is a based American.

58c949  No.5029745


Which one? I've lost track of the 'hit pieces'.

We're in the hundreds by now at least.

I'll keep the notables to things that are helpful to our mission.

5d25a2  No.5029746


whistling sound = amram

def283  No.5029747


think they also have a shill base there as the AT&T switching center is located within blocks of the standard. they reply awfully quick.

and that coat is still tragic

6eccf9  No.5029748

File: 3070af0e9d819bc⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1114x1653, 1114:1653, 75BA2F38-5482-4A07-BF6F-3….jpeg)

File: d68744f6ecca267⋯.jpeg (535.48 KB, 1050x1621, 1050:1621, 16BEA953-7BF8-4547-A7A2-0….jpeg)

File: 2c6ff5559b24c02⋯.jpeg (352.68 KB, 1008x957, 336:319, EAE23300-5AAD-42F8-A766-0….jpeg)

File: d67fd5d19b666f2⋯.jpeg (747.2 KB, 1242x1870, 621:935, FF82A210-46B6-461B-9327-C….jpeg)

File: 7945775986cf984⋯.jpeg (613.66 KB, 1242x1803, 414:601, 39F6862E-6506-4EAB-AE14-D….jpeg)


The catholic church is far from Jesus. Half the citizens of America are christians and are not part of the catholic church.

Martin Luther is the reason for that and he had very choice words for the same people Jesus constantly called out.

ca78ce  No.5029749

File: ffe241ad6b1a288⋯.png (493.37 KB, 814x533, 814:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d996e7d162f0a2⋯.png (51.49 KB, 586x255, 586:255, ClipboardImage.png)

How did this random person get this video?

Slow-motion video of gunshot FBI allegedly lied about in LaVoy Finicum confrontation


b2680e  No.5029750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't just swap one ideology you don't know anything about for a new one without developing any further discernment..

AKA Read a book, nigger

779ada  No.5029751

File: f4b4f26f1a9c130⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1520x914, 760:457, ClipboardImage.png)

7c3564  No.5029752

File: 86b75a3eb957fb9⋯.png (565.13 KB, 605x757, 605:757, feinstein11BEIJING.png)

File: 1dfc499dbcbaa46⋯.png (353.79 KB, 588x490, 6:5, FEINSTEIN1.PNG)

120b88  No.5029753


>By that idiotic logic then every single good person ever to exist believed in God.


There was 1 good person.

He believed in God.

He took a beating for you, then an execution.

Maybe just say "Thank you".

e2ce76  No.5029754


Leviticus 20:13

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them

a50d5f  No.5029755

File: afd70d4cff1c409⋯.png (365.65 KB, 540x513, 20:19, afd70d4cff1c409ad73e97b3c2….png)

If I got a nickel for every time I've heard the phrase "anti-semitism", I'd have at least six gorillion shekels by now.

8eb2b8  No.5029756


>You consider that an argument against the Almighty?

You speak for the Almighty?

063b85  No.5029757

File: 647be7c2bd229fb⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 464x393, 464:393, 2sutli_1.jpg)

607552  No.5029758


why do you think Q told us to read our bible?

bac559  No.5029759

File: 0a67e3c606d734a⋯.jpeg (777.07 KB, 1242x1859, 1242:1859, CAB184E2-15B6-479D-B29B-2….jpeg)

File: 8cb1fcf23624834⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2070, 3:5, DBC1B346-99B2-4736-BE00-8….jpeg)

File: c2078ecbf85cce8⋯.jpeg (758.45 KB, 1242x1842, 207:307, D04684F5-83D6-400E-B6F9-1….jpeg)

302416  No.5029760

File: 67c19de85b0b572⋯.jpg (548.38 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-175803….jpg)

File: fc945b5acd033d6⋯.jpg (635.35 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-175811….jpg)

File: 34c1140293301fc⋯.jpg (639.25 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-175818….jpg)

File: ddf0642b9179c54⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-175824….jpg)

State Dept. Docs. Aug. 2007

Iran nuclear deal….. India, Pakistan several places mentioned

Original declass date 8/8/2027


ed59b7  No.5029761

File: f805c9a8a792187⋯.jpg (100.3 KB, 1334x832, 667:416, checkmate.jpg)



does it come with a signature?

your gunna sign it right?

that check.. you want me to cash..

you do have an identity right?

are you an American citizen? prove it.

2a83b6  No.5029762


Nice graphic. Weird stuff all around. You may be the first person to ever (however mildly) insinuate that Bill Belichick is the AC. kek.

1e0d08  No.5029763


>"When the Advocate comes…"

Who is The Advocate?????

4e2ecd  No.5029764


Then she needs to go back and be with family.

What is ones priority?

That is the question.

63f5f2  No.5029765


The great irony is that Feminists have taken the 1 thing that is uniquely woman, their womb, and have made it the most inhospitable place on the planet.

Not exactly celebrating what it means to be a woman.

c23369  No.5029766

File: 38c425f427433f7⋯.jpg (239.44 KB, 1894x1135, 1894:1135, _20190204_180138.JPG)

b2680e  No.5029767


And these two hypotheticals seem pretty equivalent to you, do they?

063b85  No.5029768

File: 42b76ba1999d75e⋯.jpg (71.77 KB, 602x365, 602:365, 2sutdh_1.jpg)

710113  No.5029769

File: ff376bc42d892ed⋯.jpg (112.51 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, almity.jpg)


someone say Almighty?

6b4624  No.5029770

File: 2143b13f3beb162⋯.jpg (191.67 KB, 1005x602, 1005:602, 2143b13f3beb162ebc54b8ad4f….jpg)

File: 7be6d271ff7db5c⋯.jpg (152.32 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 7be6d271ff7db5c650fc9dbda2….jpg)

…Ah fuck. Another one of those 'bible says' slides. People taking the texts too literal, rather than in an allegorical and astronomical context. Hidden history comes to mind.

097943  No.5029771

File: ed489e45fe11efc⋯.png (333.92 KB, 418x609, 418:609, 2019-02-04_18-03-48.png)

fc80de  No.5029772


Shouldn't it be "Bacardi -151 IQ"?

def283  No.5029773

File: 46418958d537111⋯.gif (814.65 KB, 252x188, 63:47, Lamont.gif)

c1a10a  No.5029774


Who said I swapped it for a new one, nigger?

Just stating the fact that there's been numerous religions throughout history, before Christianity came to be.

Pro tip: they're all lies and half-truths.

b27f7a  No.5029775

File: fc0b8fcd3756182⋯.jpg (176.42 KB, 832x709, 832:709, Hillarybooker3.jpg)

023c2e  No.5029776


To hook into this, I've been practicing this for 8 years and have discovered; HATE is a great force, see to transform the force of hate into something constructive with use of the heart LOVE, hate becomes then a magnificent POWER.

49f882  No.5029777


We just don’t need them inside our govt. making laws etc.

422117  No.5029778


FL is playing its part in The Plan. DeSantis hit the ground running. Took out Snipes. 187'd Common Core. Fired the blackface SoS. That's why Comey is there.

620c51  No.5029779


>Who is The Advocate?????

The Holy Spirit / the Spirit of Truth

120b88  No.5029780


Sure. It's pretty simple. If God said it in the bible, I'll repeat it.

7eb061  No.5029781

File: 72d3753457a2365⋯.png (42.27 KB, 559x206, 559:206, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)

Well, well, well.

Mueller reportedly admits that CNN was tipped off to the Stone raid.


b3fa84  No.5029782


Luv this pic!

If he stood in front of my house,

He would be camouflaged

779ada  No.5029783

File: 5b61395463106df⋯.png (3.57 MB, 1920x1182, 320:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise

1869 painting by Fyodor Bronnikov.

7be0f3  No.5029784


Visit family, later take care of old parents. Whats the question? You will go out of state to do that. She will go to her country of birth for that

d1ab34  No.5029785

best survery question in the history of survery questions rn

Are you pleased that under President Trump, the U.S. is no longer shipping pallets of cash to the Iranian regime?

dbb627  No.5029786

Earth is an experiment planet where it was allowed by God to have multiple races.

This is biblical.

The universe naturally works that each planet spawns one race. It is the race's job to become conscious enough to where they realize they're all part of god and have so much more power together than apart.

If this earth were like many others, there is a possibility everyone would have been asian, or everyone would have been black. But no, Satan wanted to prove to God that he could make God's people follow him.

God took him up on that challenge and created earth and plopped a shit ton of different ethic diversities on it in hopes everyone on earth would progress and come to follow god without being deceived by Satan.

The Globalists (satans) mission is to get all different races to blend their blood together to make everyone follow one religion and government which would be controlled by Communism which in-fact is satans political ideology.

The reason it was decided to have multiple races on one planet was because it simulated the universe. Races progress on their planet, and once they're ready they get to come to the universal table with their race's experience.

What we need to realize is the way for us to progress is for every race to have their own communities which are dependent on each-other and flourish because of each-other without some outside race's agenda getting in their way.

Satan has deceived the minds of everyone because he has made it "racist" to say these things, even though they are the natural law of the universe.

ed59b7  No.5029787

File: 3a3bc426e0d2062⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 480x480, 1:1, comfy.jpg)

File: defbd6490cca604⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1501x1079, 1501:1079, save himself.png)

File: 236278e31699df9⋯.jpg (83.95 KB, 960x788, 240:197, memewars.jpg)

File: 3a1ba18850ffeda⋯.jpeg (59.39 KB, 500x616, 125:154, patriots win.jpeg)

File: 9a768c4fbca79f8⋯.png (593.27 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, REVEAL.png)




cool. not sure wut the fckk is goin on..

but I'm already prepared!


8eb511  No.5029788

File: e138da081f7e881⋯.jpeg (227.96 KB, 1125x1944, 125:216, 7A6F3687-5ADF-459D-8655-E….jpeg)

File: 8bd206512dd8470⋯.jpeg (365.78 KB, 1113x1545, 371:515, F26C4914-F556-4BA2-B1D6-5….jpeg)

File: e33ecf3787fef27⋯.jpeg (11.91 KB, 183x151, 183:151, DD63B653-1778-43B5-8D4F-A….jpeg)

I’m dying.

bac559  No.5029789

File: e947e5cca726bb9⋯.jpeg (857.14 KB, 1242x2079, 46:77, 01AAEE95-F547-4B7B-9D67-F….jpeg)

Fake news take on Trumps comments.

7e0840  No.5029790


My "tude" comes from people like you assuming shit and trying to force an ideology down someone's throat. I, actually being raised Christian, know that's not what a Christian is supposed to do.

The ONLY thing that is asked of you in regards to others and the 'word' is to tell them of it, not force it on them.

Cognitive Dissonance sucks, I've been there…don't care to go back.

I wrote: You (meaning the universal You) need God to tell you not to be a sumbag and how not to.

You need religion to thank Him for it.

Then I wrote: Clearly, you know little, if anything, about religion.

Pull your over-inflated belligerent head out of your vaselined ass.


d2a79b  No.5029791


their lawfirm has represented huawei before, so can't rule it out, but i don't think that's it.

eaf4ec  No.5029792

File: a5753641caeb014⋯.png (361.04 KB, 789x733, 789:733, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)


120b88  No.5029793


Interesting….we have to spiritually wake up the people who are already awake to the QAnon movement.

Maybe telling them what the last Great Awakening was will help.

The First Great Awakening (sometimes Great Awakening) or the Evangelical Revival was a series of Christian revivals that swept Britain and its Thirteen Colonies between the 1730s and 1740s. The revival movement permanently affected Protestantism as adherents strove to renew individual piety and religious devotion.

8d2f3f  No.5029794


Waste of time. Whats to debate. Everyone knows what the problem is in France. Until he is removed from office the destruction of the country and its culture will continue.

I'm not understanding why the people of France can't see this. Macron never lied to them. He promised to end France and its culture, and morph in into Angela Merkel's wet dream of a modern VIchy France under German hegemony and Islamic influence. Many. many, many French people voted for the dude because of his promise to continue the socialism that they are used to. Now they are complaining because they are already starting to miss the France that they pissed away to the wind.

You know what, days are coming when they are going to miss it a whole lot more than they do know. Its gone folks, and you're not going to get it back again.

097943  No.5029795

File: 7585c269dd7a0f6⋯.png (184.93 KB, 444x309, 148:103, 2019-02-04_18-06-27.png)

fdaa34  No.5029796

File: 7528ccc55124eb5⋯.jpg (201.25 KB, 1280x964, 320:241, IMG_5796.JPG)

09a55f  No.5029797



It's always been fallen angles and man The fallen angles have convinced men and women to see their differences and not their commonality. Garden of Eden and the serpent, just a story from before the flood during Noah's time

b2680e  No.5029798


Just going off your tired graphic that you borrowed from shit-lib Bill Mahr.

If it doesn't represent your views, you probably shouldn't have used it.

Pro-tip- you obviously don't know a goddamned thing about a goddamned thing, and people who say "pro-tip" are condescending cuckolds and half-wits.

Read a book, and not one about how to trick women into looking at your tiny dick, or how to re-block your fedora at home.

779ada  No.5029799

File: 76081888f5db5d4⋯.png (25.15 KB, 733x531, 733:531, ClipboardImage.png)




9f4943  No.5029800

File: c9320fec57739ac⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 200x200, 1:1, surprise_meter.jpg)

ed59b7  No.5029801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>try harder

7be0f3  No.5029802


Ok snake anon

The second is close friend wife

The first to demonstrate to you that not everything is black and white but you seam to have preloaded agenda

bac559  No.5029803

File: 5083813a14ec588⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1842, 207:307, 5CE547E6-AA53-4079-8EC2-0….jpeg)

Turkey will provide around $5 billion in loans for the reconstruction of Iraq, the foreign minister said on Feb. 3

“We made the biggest commitment to Iraq,” Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu told a meeting organized by the Beyoğlu Municipality in Istanbul.

“We will provide $5 billion credit,” Çavuşoğlu said, adding Turkish business people will utilize this loan for their projects in Iraq.

“We have already begun coordination of these works for the reconstruction of Iraq,” Çavuşoğlu added.

The top diplomat added that he is set to visit both, the Iraqi capital Baghdad and Erbil, the administrative capital of Kurdish regional government.

4e2ecd  No.5029804

File: 9bf1f12c28d1b99⋯.jpg (129.66 KB, 551x516, 551:516, woman-taking-dump.jpg)


See what happens when they do?

063b85  No.5029805

File: b55f0a1d0a51cdb⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 396x694, 198:347, 2sun26_1.jpg)

MAGA riots will a full throated blood bath.

7a2128  No.5029806

File: 12df532e86e9835⋯.png (668.07 KB, 1297x384, 1297:384, jesus-eyes.png)


Um, not to burst your bubble, but thats Bible faggy.

1. Post a related pic. Or even an unrelated one. This is an image board.

2. Convert each of your 4 copypastes into an anecdote that conveys the idea, use your own words, give us something refreshingly new.

3. Remove the verse numbers inside the text, just shows you're lazy and don't care.

4. Find something obscure and meaningful, rather than the most commonly quoted stuff in the New Testament.

5. If you feel like you're a better person for posting this kind of post, you're using small almost meaningless acts of self-righteousness to cover for your sense of guilt and shame, there are better ways to ascend than this.

14ac2a  No.5029807

POTUS nominates an oil lobbyist to replace Zinke.


come on dems, keep smearing his cabinet members.

He just appoint ones you hate more.

f22d41  No.5029808


"Source"——-→ INFOWARS

120b88  No.5029809


The devil is a universal snitch, constantly telling God when I sin.

But I have an advocate in Christ Jesus, and he's got an in with the Judge.

1 John 2 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.

This means that Jesus died for the sins of all Anons. And shills. And everyone else.

2a83b6  No.5029810


See two fifteens there. Three fives fit into a fifteen. Two of 'em.

3a7758  No.5029811

The reason I do not trust Masons, is because, here on 8 chan, they're missing a golden opportunity to circumnavigate their oath and leak the truth to the public. If their intentions were honorable, you know they would. However, not one has had the dignity or balls to come forward as an anon, therefore, the only LOGICAL conclusion is, they hide in the darkness, living in fear that anyone knows the truth.

They tell us it would destroy our society if they expose the secrets, when the truth is, it would destroy THEIR society. Their minds are twisted, configured and brainwashed at the most highest level. They believe Satan is the good guy, Christ was a vain god who kept man dumb and stupid in the garden of Eden. Lucifer the light bringer saved mankind with the gift of knowledge and freed us from the garden. Just look at what we've accomplished.

Masons are evil, most of them do not even know it, for they're in so deep, they cannot even distinguish between good and evil any longer and they call it, "Higher Enlightenment."

They are the most base of low life cowards on the planet. They believe they'll bring order of chaos. The fools! Chaos cannot produce order! The flames of Chaos burn too bright with too much ambition. Slag will be the height of it's existence, for no phoenix shall rise from their ash…

Isn't that right, my fellow Masons? S.M.I.B.

536bae  No.5029812


where the hell did you find the pic, i was searching all kinds of places for it….

120b88  No.5029813


satanic gibberish

710113  No.5029814

File: 0897396bc4de641⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 432x768, 9:16, bb.jpg)


this is infowars hyped bullshit - Meuller admits nothing of the kind….

have some bewbs for your wishful thinking spam link

ed59b7  No.5029815

File: 697e6f315ce80a1⋯.jpg (157.11 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, kek.jpg)


dis nigga just took yall to church!



ca78ce  No.5029816

File: dad586875450e60⋯.png (91.18 KB, 624x393, 208:131, ClipboardImage.png)

What do the backward KILLBOX brackets mean?


023c2e  No.5029817


The Garden of Eden, The Garden of the Mind.

dba5f3  No.5029819


Are you still here? Get a job.

fdaa34  No.5029820

File: 074bb0407235a69⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5770.JPG)

File: 8d1951f66fe41b3⋯.jpg (215.97 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, IMG_5773.JPG)

File: ec0005583518af2⋯.jpg (230.67 KB, 1239x800, 1239:800, IMG_5793.JPG)

File: 86e7d12e3ffa977⋯.jpg (183.16 KB, 1239x800, 1239:800, IMG_5794.JPG)

7eb061  No.5029821


Yes. The source is troublesome. Let's see if anyone else reports on it.

6c9a8d  No.5029822

File: 763da11bd09d9bc⋯.png (253.51 KB, 578x527, 34:31, AQ8.PNG)

File: 260dcc6161fc0ba⋯.png (803.65 KB, 1152x495, 128:55, AQ11.PNG)


Bob Menendez calls on DHS, FBI to "conduct an appropriate investigation into alleged crimes committed at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J."

779ada  No.5029823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Garden of Eden, The Garden of the Mind.

120b88  No.5029824


Dude, think about it.

Christians do what Christians do. We don't have to "act like Christians" in your worldview, because we actually are Christians.

c23369  No.5029825

File: 76ac8f908ad3005⋯.jpg (196.05 KB, 1941x1118, 1941:1118, _20190204_180122.JPG)

302416  No.5029826

File: 9c3913de9eb34ee⋯.jpg (629.46 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-180645….jpg)

File: b4823c2e9b0af70⋯.jpg (727.35 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-180701….jpg)

File: c7958774fb0f3a4⋯.jpg (743.17 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-180707….jpg)

File: 8e3b6fe8aa04b8a⋯.jpg (86.96 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-180714….jpg)

More state dept. Docs.

Pics. Related

2401f8  No.5029827



7a5fdf  No.5029828


>I'll keep the notables to things that are helpful to our mission.

the one from last bread, and imo, hit pieces do help our mission so anons know what smears and bullshit are being thrown at us

dea9e4  No.5029829

File: 24f454ce4eac6a9⋯.png (17.59 KB, 828x600, 69:50, 97d153e8a04ddec4529144162c….png)

a3e7c5  No.5029830


aa3cbe  No.5029831


All 6 of them (figure includes family)

7a042b  No.5029832

File: 0060903c1b62408⋯.jpg (151.53 KB, 1000x939, 1000:939, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u9.jpg)

7a5fdf  No.5029833


>What do the backward KILLBOX brackets mean?

proof you're a newfag and inorganically pushing this stupid shit

fuck off shill

33e001  No.5029834

Anyone with insight on this?

as I understand it -

members of Congress can’t be arrested - even if they are indicted unless they are in a recess (or shut down).

Could Nancy Pelosi actually be under arrest but being allowed to appear in public.

Was she arrested when they took her off the bus bound for far away places with her entire family.

Did she offer Feb 5 as the SOTU because she didn’t have a choice?

Is she now a puppet of the white hats?

063b85  No.5029835

File: 8e702aae7df8c9f⋯.jpg (437.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, downloadfile-6.jpg)



In 2018 Infowars.com was right a hell of a lot more then Q was, Q was full of shit 90% of the time..

aa2e52  No.5029836


Indians do sun god worship, worship the dead, they're satan worshippers

dfa1e1  No.5029837

Anons, just watched Brainstorm.

I thought Q referenced it but I can't find the reference?

Am I making stuff up? Mandala effect?

1fb482  No.5029838

File: 0a95d0fa59bb0c8⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2096x9768, 262:1221, JORDAN PETERSON 01.jpg)

File: 0afa6a242391034⋯.png (624.5 KB, 2127x1525, 2127:1525, JORDAN PETERSON 02.png)

File: e06c5fc56026a62⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1920x6848, 30:107, JORDAN PETERSON 03.png)

File: cd796b7198394ce⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1920x8031, 640:2677, JORDAN PETERSON 04.png)

File: d86c56cd8ac269f⋯.png (438.82 KB, 1036x1036, 1:1, JORDAN PETERSON 05.png)


Fuck Juden Peterstain

7eca7b  No.5029839

File: bfa2c2ee8959288⋯.png (134.57 KB, 323x318, 323:318, ClipboardImage.png)

3283b5  No.5029840

File: 0fc18ffe2eac789⋯.jpeg (111.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 21FB2A32-FACE-4A26-97BE-9….jpeg)

What if Northam is a dry run for POTUS to soften up normies and crazy leftists?


dba5f3  No.5029841

File: c865f170ca8c876⋯.png (54.66 KB, 807x501, 269:167, PSAQuiz.png)

3a59b9  No.5029842


from what i've been told: they can arrest them for treason.

3a7758  No.5029843


Dark to Light. They're going to expose what killed him and why.

9c48e8  No.5029844

File: 76ca4868eac9ee8⋯.png (19.29 KB, 255x209, 255:209, A revolution of frogs..png)

Ok Team Q. Help an anon out here.

Howard Schultz. Went through the archives. WE'VE GOT NOTHING on this man.

Here's anon's speculation:

He is running as an independent to get political protection from his wrongdoings through after the primaries.

He's been trafficking humans out of the coffee growing countries.

That last one makes me want to hurl, but it's the obvious answer.

Help? We need to find lineage, connections.

If you hit the research link, you see that he has a place in Hawaii. He was in a wikileaks drops as a potential VP for HRC, and he was likely being tagged as her Sec'y of Labor.

That's all we've got. We are going to need more.

All of this was started by an acquaintance on cuckbook taking me to task for not adoring Schultz and his "self-made" coffee empire.

Anon did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

What do we know about all those rags-to-riches billionaires?

fdaa34  No.5029845

File: 69278b569af03b7⋯.jpg (144.18 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_4342.JPG)

File: 517f5714dc5bc4d⋯.jpg (43.97 KB, 500x301, 500:301, IMG_4343.JPG)

File: 1d125aae6fc1cb6⋯.jpg (62.68 KB, 344x338, 172:169, IMG_4344.JPG)

And suddenly the zealots of the ramtha cannibal personality cult faded like a Scientology fart of cia peanut butter

93455f  No.5029847



There are several flaws with the theory that Christianity isn’t unique. New Testament scholars Ed Komoszewski, James Sawyer, and Dan Wallace point out several fallacies. The first is the composite fallacy. Proponents of this view lump together pagan religions as if they are one religion when making comparisons to Christianity. An attempt is made to show strong parallels by combining features from various religions. However, when the individual myths themselves are studied, the reader soon finds major differences and very little commonality.

A second fallacy is a fallacy of terminology. Christian terms are used to describe pagan beliefs, and then it is concluded that there are parallel origins and meanings. Although the terms used are the same, however, there are big differences between Christian and pagan practices and definitions.

A third fallacy is the chronological fallacy. Supporters of the theory incorrectly assume that Christianity borrowed many of its ideas from the mystery religions, but the evidence reveals it was actually the other way around. There is no archaeological evidence that mystery religions were in Palestine in the first century A.D. Jews and early Christians loathed syncretism with other religions. They were uncompromisingly monotheistic while Greeks were polytheistic. Christians also strongly defended the uniqueness of Christ (Acts 4:12). Although Christians encountered pagan religions, they opposed any adopting of foreign beliefs.{6} Ron Nash stated, “The uncompromising monotheism and the exclusiveness that the early church preached and practiced make the possibility of any pagan inroads . . . unlikely if not impossible.”

Fourth is the intentional fallacy. Christianity has a linear view of history. History is moving in a purposeful direction. There is a purpose for mankind’s existence; history is moving in a direction to fulfill God’s plan for the ages. The mystery religions have a cyclical view of history. History continues in a never ending cycle or repetition often linked with the vegetation cycle.

Christianity gains its source from Judaism, not Greek mythology. Jesus, Paul, and the apostles appeal to the Old Testament, and you find direct teachings and fulfillments in the New Testament. Teachings such as one God, blood atonement for sin, salvation by grace, sinfulness of mankind, bodily resurrection, are sourced in Judaism and foreign to Greek mythology. The idea of resurrection was not taught in any Greek mythological work prior to the late second century A.D.

710113  No.5029848

File: 06c145ac3da2c70⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 332x363, 332:363, unimpressed.jpg)



5fec20  No.5029849

File: 83d9a3e8e94a80c⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1275x720, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

58c949  No.5029850


>Luv this pic!

Me too; I thought it fit in perfect with the Fake News that POTUS doesn't work.

1e0d08  No.5029851



Ok, ok! The Advocate is the Holy Spirit that transcends between us, God the Father, and Christ?

a3e7c5  No.5029852

File: bcc98c246959af9⋯.png (310.68 KB, 597x336, 199:112, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5029830 data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1.8 1"%3E%3C/svg%3E

e2ce76  No.5029853


Just some anon that shit posted brainstorm for 6 months straight

7ff0e2  No.5029854

File: 5995e97d192c734⋯.png (899.47 KB, 488x1490, 244:745, ClipboardImage.png)

7eb061  No.5029855

File: a10b327636c4683⋯.png (411.44 KB, 798x793, 798:793, whoareyou5.png)


Keep crying.

063b85  No.5029856

File: 51aa25992c63faa⋯.png (590.71 KB, 968x810, 484:405, Screenshot_20190204-115100….png)

File: 1db3e885958e177⋯.png (92.6 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1db3e885958e1772aad054d77a….png)

fdaa34  No.5029857


And spam crated a lunchmeat in the image of itself

120b88  No.5029859


The Starbucks Christmas Coffee Cups fiasco was probably his idea; de-emphasizing religion, promoting RED commie cups.

8989d7  No.5029860


Truth is antisemitic

8e250b  No.5029861


Calm down Alex… geez

bac559  No.5029862

File: 1a8463675030c59⋯.jpeg (712.98 KB, 1242x1423, 1242:1423, DC72ADB8-865B-40FC-B384-0….jpeg)

Cancer Soviety mad that their gravy train might slow? Or justly cautious?

But scientists across the research community, including the American Cancer Society, quickly pointed out that this is categorically untrue: cancers can have up to tens of thousands of DNA mutations in their genomes, many of which are the “receptors” researchers vaguely referred to in their press release about the study.

What’s more, the Israeli company also claimed that their therapy would work for all types of cancer. To those in the cancer community, this is an immediate red flag — there are broadly over 200 types of cancer we know about in existence, and for one treatment to address them all would be highly unlikely, if not impossible from a medical standpoint.

Thirdly, the research has so far only been conducted on mice, meaning that it still has yet to be tested on other animal species, be formulated, and then be approved to be administered to humans in Phase 1 clinical trials. This would most definitely take more than a year for any cancer research company, nullifying the second part of the company’s claim.

As one cancer research scientist, Dr. Darren Saunders, MD put it on Twitter, “It’s basically the Fyre festival of cancer cures. I can find very little published data, and the in vitro data on their website is underwhelming at best.”

Critics also say hearing about new “cancer cures” with little to no evidence backing them up can be incredibly detrimental and dangerous for the hundreds of thousands of physicians and researchers working toward the goal of creating better treatments for cancer. In a field so full of fake and unproven cures, it’s irresponsible for both biotech firms and mainstream media outlets to disseminate them.”

d419b5  No.5029863

File: 3d9c962133375df⋯.png (110.35 KB, 992x578, 496:289, GO FYS R.png)

87861c  No.5029864

File: 507865f33ec87a5⋯.jpg (87.83 KB, 719x698, 719:698, IMG_20190204_173617_212.JPG)

File: 5d290164befed86⋯.jpg (95.22 KB, 528x721, 528:721, IMG_20190204_151937_506.JPG)

File: 21ac798d1eaacd9⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 728x705, 728:705, IMG_20190204_151959_495.JPG)

File: 75595de3956e011⋯.jpg (60.16 KB, 717x708, 239:236, IMG_20190204_152319_667.JPG)

File: 0dbf8aab092a79b⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 722x726, 361:363, IMG_20190204_173716_828.JPG)

Retard convention.

7eb061  No.5029865

File: 2ca485b7ba054e3⋯.png (411.44 KB, 798x793, 798:793, whoareyou4.png)


Keep crying.

6c9a8d  No.5029866

File: 7f6a47f415f71f5⋯.png (459.25 KB, 604x634, 302:317, AQ12.PNG)


GM to layoff 4000

1e0d08  No.5029867


Uh…not all Indians, Anon.

Matter of fact, I can say MOST Indians (Natives) do not do this today, beings that I am Native American.

b3fa84  No.5029868

Suppose I make a choice to get a tattoo.

I regret that choice, so I decide to have it removed.

But, I don't want to have to pay for that.

So I think tax dollars should pay for it.

My body - my choice - your tax dollars

d2b7dd  No.5029869

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

"Do we revert to paganism? "

Who programs these shills?

7ff0e2  No.5029870


this fucking asshole again. shouldn't he be hanging from a tree for fucking children by now?

4e2ecd  No.5029871

File: 498f3332ff06e7e⋯.jpg (53.1 KB, 310x310, 1:1, hampster ball_normi-Lib.jpg)


We're in this fugged up mess because of "bleeding hearts" who feel they need to stretch the laws so others do not have to abide by them.

We all have CHOICE.

If you don't like the 'choice' a sovereign nation has designated as its law…go somewhere else.

dfa1e1  No.5029872



Movie was alright tho.

6a7055  No.5029873

File: e3e20eccbcbb6e2⋯.png (262.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F8CE8503-CE84-4AD4-B15F-FF….png)

File: 27a0447aa429074⋯.png (397.14 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D3564817-DD65-4DB7-B60A-E7….png)

File: 6ffbfab4ca02df9⋯.png (285.51 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 11FECA76-AC4E-4B02-A9FF-62….png)

File: d3be74b284229af⋯.png (361.86 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1BAF1E11-9F11-4B88-9B2B-AB….png)




For all Biblefags and Biblehatingfags.

This is one of the most complete lists of sourced materials regarding the validity of New Testament Documents and the historicity of the Resurrection.

Everyone Christians should keep as a reference / educational tool, imo.


fc80de  No.5029874


Alex and the roid rage again.

e4685f  No.5029875

File: 2acb570f1ce04e3⋯.jpg (146.21 KB, 500x796, 125:199, potusetbg87t78gluf.jpg)

ff50db  No.5029876


Wrong. POTUS is the mad-hatter. Re-read crumbs.

f33722  No.5029877


She wasn't on the bus with Schiff, the Seargant At Arms, 8 other Californians: she was waiting in a Limo on the tarmac to board until CINC shut her down.

ca78ce  No.5029878


Not a newfag, I've been here since day one and have a lot more experience in life than you do; hence, I am more open-minded.

1fb482  No.5029879


Fuck Juden Peterstain>>5029862

>Cancer Soviety

That's an interesting mental slip there

b2680e  No.5029880


I really don't, but your first example was hot garbage. Sorry you didn't like being called on it.

ff2cc0  No.5029881


They build shit cars now. what do you expect?

48e274  No.5029882


but I thought we bailed them out?

a3e7c5  No.5029883



exactly Q movement wouldn't exist w/o AJ & his show

c1a10a  No.5029884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Since you mention Noah, Adam & Eve. This is what I'm talking about. Vid related. Sumerian. Enki/Enlil.


How original, just because I don't go by your cuckservative christ-boot licking, I'm a Bill Maher liberal? First of all, fukk that pedophile clown. Second, there's MANY similarities between different religions, ie they stole from work, and if you have to be handfed that info then seems like you're the asshole who should cross-reference some original texts and find that out. Just like mooohammad stole verses from the Bible and put in the Quran.

Yet you haven't come back with a fukken thing, other than running your kike mouth because someone doesn't bow to your fake god, kek.

Get fukked.

Oh look, I posted a video too…must be true!

8d28cd  No.5029885

File: f13c1243dc392b6⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2s3ne4.jpg)

063b85  No.5029886

File: c23c405804f53e7⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 299x400, 299:400, downloadfile-3.jpg)

At least Q confirmed before he fizzled out that Obama was a faggot.

6eccf9  No.5029887


u care enough to use the same copy pasta meme as a reply every single time that anon posts entire books that expose ur handlers…

U should cry moar.

and oh yeah, dont forget to use that meme a couple times on your cubicle m8s post so u seem moar anon… we dont notice u glowing at all!

6c9a8d  No.5029888


Now he's going after Trump for hiring Illegals.

302416  No.5029889

File: e7882c127b28df2⋯.jpg (568.44 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-181118….jpg)

File: f9bc70d2e5232a5⋯.jpg (701.66 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-181124….jpg)

File: de20e1ec7a23e2c⋯.jpg (709.03 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-181129….jpg)

File: 3d88a82f9f8fc62⋯.jpg (312.32 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-181133….jpg)

State dept. Documents

Jan. 2010

Instabul, Iran etc…

Declass date 1/15/2030

6a7055  No.5029890


* Every Christian

7a5fdf  No.5029891

0572e2  No.5029892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Looks like it was leaked from some FBI custody cage. I would say the Lavoy family have one heck of a lawsuit on their hands to boot based on this footage.

def283  No.5029893

File: 1bfd7ef6052aa2b⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 380x337, 380:337, Cornell q and D.jpg)

File: fa0392b06b979e7⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 400x236, 100:59, Cornell QD.jpg)


Looked again after you posted this.

member of Quill and Dagger Society at Cornell Columbia University.



On par with Skull and Bones.

This stuff in catalog for sure. Put in around august of last year.

ca78ce  No.5029894


Well the post if by John_F_Kennnedy (3-n's) so he's saying something about himself. Is he saying Alive in 2019.

fdaa34  No.5029895

Sure seems like a personal delusion from here

8e250b  No.5029896


> I've been here since day one

The awakening didn't start last week Faggot.

710113  No.5029897

File: 98f03898ea7b5f3⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 540x810, 2:3, big gunz.jpg)


no ref exists.

not a crumb.

was an Anon fixated on it for a chunk of last year.

but good flick…

0ac134  No.5029898

File: e65156261b71d74⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 800x533, 800:533, C0195323-Cannabis_trichome….jpg)


Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name.

(pic)Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good

f097a3  No.5029899


Cockmuster is no patriot. He’s an insert to cause confusion and division. Be careful who you follow.

3283b5  No.5029900

Excellent point. Stolen! >>5029868

e2ce76  No.5029901

File: 7354f0a090e3a08⋯.png (486.22 KB, 618x618, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

6c9a8d  No.5029902

File: 6a1ffd575ab4523⋯.png (425.41 KB, 584x662, 292:331, AQ13.PNG)


YouTuber Pleads guilty to CP/Solicitation

7be0f3  No.5029903


So you are sayn if two people from different countries get married one of them should nevar go back to see the family. Good to know

7eb061  No.5029904

File: fb15f7e161c4677⋯.jpg (156.56 KB, 700x466, 350:233, wtjew020.jpg)

628155  No.5029905


I don’t see that

We literally control the outcome

With our thoughts

Use creativity

Nothing can resist positive force of love

Use imagery

A lot of them don’t have emotion

They don’t have heart

That is the key


Get them to experience love

Imagine yourself streaming love into the enemy

Imagine their “eyes” opening — a sudden awe inspiring moment, where realize their mistakes

You can’t kill them

You kill their physical body, and they live on

We must increase frequency of planet and beyond

Imagine light

Imagine love

Imagine them healing

Imagine them changing

Imagine peace

Imagine everyone helping each other

Imagine the darkness leaving

Imagine the power of love




Learn anons

120b88  No.5029906


When people say Christianity is not unique, they're usually talking about Catholicism and conflating it with Christianity.

Catholic beliefs are pagan beliefs.

Catholic practices are pagan practices.

Catholic terms are pagan terms.

So it's crucially important to separate Christianity from Catholicism; and crucially important to define what Christianity is.

Christianity is a permanent transformation of a spiritually dead human being into an eternally living new creation in Christ Jesus via the New Covenant, the Covenant Jesus offered mankind by satisfying the Father's holiness, righteousness, and justice via his propitiation for us on the cross ("Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" was not just for the execution squad, or the Sanhedrin. It was for us too.)

It's pretty easy with a good grasp of history to distinguish between Catholics and Christians.

Catholics are the ones murdering tens of millions of Christians, burning bibles, destroying churches, etc.

be9ecb  No.5029907

Why is Q in dark mode?

It has to be very significant that Q isnt posting now.

7eca7b  No.5029908

File: dab6d8e0bbd0e08⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 720x615, 48:41, trumpgan.jpg)


Potus gonna lose his shit on em.

7a5fdf  No.5029909


imo, working hard

9c48e8  No.5029910


This will be an ugly showdown.

fdaa34  No.5029911

Maybe Jew can ride the trump like cattle before the sausage machine

023c2e  No.5029912


Never seen this dude, never heard of him either.

He starts good but dwells away from the truth further in the video.

He is talking about the snake, he makes it a messy story.

For me, for this Anon; Truth hides in simplicity.

The snake is the energy (feminine) circling up from the Earth through your feet to God.

Don'y obey that force!

Obey the force of God, from the father in heaven into your crown down into Earth.

Imago Dei

2a83b6  No.5029913



And 15+1=16

two eights make 16… 28.

IQ (an 'I' in front of 'Q', if read using Roman Numeral rules, means the 17 becomes 16).

5+1=6, 5+1=6, 6+6=12

J(10,1+0=1), K(11,1+1=2), JK(12)

1 17 also makes a nice 1776 II

422117  No.5029914


Did AJ repent or is he doing the CYA? I suspect he's trying to get on Stone's good side.

ff50db  No.5029915


Nah, you can find pictures of him and carolyn, both dead and having an autopsy done on them if you look hard enough on the internet. They're no secret, just kinda gross. Google image search ( unfiltered ) JFK jr autopsy and you should find enough to convince you.

120b88  No.5029916


I'm sorry to offend you, and I do not like to be where I am not welcomed.

But I cannot let the glorious members of this movement win the battle, but lose their souls.

7a2128  No.5029917

File: fa9d88eec9370ae⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 600x398, 300:199, guy-playing-guitar-during-….jpg)


Heh. Thanks nigger. Was hoping to fetch a few OUT of church. Alas, it's lonely out here. I miss church.

I guess anons are me church now.

That bit on self-righteousness kicked my own ass when I discovered it. 99% of all we religious types do is that kind of useless self-righteous crap, and we wonder why it's so hard to convert unbelievers.

b3fa84  No.5029918


You are welcome to it.

1a20b8  No.5029919

File: 19b6a8e8d5cadd3⋯.jpeg (917.12 KB, 1242x1645, 1242:1645, 85D6E29B-1F76-452A-B739-3….jpeg)


Welcome to Amerika where politicians can do whatever the fuck they want


dba5f3  No.5029920


Aww Johnny don't get upset. I'm sure you'll find a nice antisemetic girl who agrees with you one of these days. Ignorance and bigotry isn't just a guy thing y'know.

f8dfba  No.5029921

>>5026779 (prev bread)

>>5026974 (prev bread)

Carter Page needs to find a blood-sucking attorney. Maybe the ones handling the Covington boys' case would be interested. Going the pro se route will get him nowhere in court against these goons.

6c9a8d  No.5029922


That's what happens when you let Obama have 70% controlling interest…..

07fefd  No.5029923

File: dac7e5353058d93⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 235x255, 47:51, dac7e5353058d93c3d5943d7c4….jpg)



Normies. Take it to Reddit.

93455f  No.5029924



1e0d08  No.5029925

File: ddb603ae0b8acff⋯.png (44.88 KB, 617x346, 617:346, Screenshot_595.png)


d2b7dd  No.5029926


and their argument is spurious. They can't cure cancer the way they defined it with the cures they imagine.

The once that aren't perpetrating the mind control have largely lost sight of the world outside of cult defined reality

120b88  No.5029927


I don't have a knife sharp enough to cut Father Son and Spirit from each other. Because God manifested as such to us, though, we can think of the Father as the Judge, the Son as our Advocate, and the Spirit as offering up our pleas to the Advocate, to pass along to the Father.

Sometimes a groan goes a long way.

And the Adversary, the universal snitch, has already lost.

063b85  No.5029928

File: 009e37197df33d9⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 590x350, 59:35, downloadfile-7.jpg)



Q divided the the anons and the Alex Jones communities…

That was not good.

bac559  No.5029929

File: 710a78d6f037653⋯.jpeg (44.38 KB, 645x363, 215:121, 9B2CE6BA-5D7F-478B-B032-2….jpeg)


Found her!

0572e2  No.5029930


They can go back. No one is stopping them. They can also be arrested once they do … like what happens in Iran all the time. Free choice here … not so free choice there.

f5f65b  No.5029931

File: 05de3b351aa5f4f⋯.jpeg (16.42 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 2312b6c21bbfdb8419cbccc50….jpeg)




f22d41  No.5029932

File: 0136827e2e14df5⋯.png (94.16 KB, 718x991, 718:991, ClipboardImage.png)

Magnetic north just changed. Here's what that means.


710113  No.5029933

File: 7bb48236ad3b13c⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, capobv.jpg)


not offended Anon.

but you are burning a lot of bread.

it's been 2000+ years - I think the message is well documented for those seeking…

c1a10a  No.5029934

File: c83ec52e3dee772⋯.png (358.66 KB, 445x658, 445:658, 19136b94d25715fd67457c23eb….png)



fukken kek.

Have you eaten your human today?

2a83b6  No.5029935

Fox News "Special Report" just aired the crashed plane from yest in CA, making sure to use the Pacific Time on the screen when they did.

4:15 ("For 35"…three 5's in 15… JFK's presidential number).

120b88  No.5029936



Because funny

7eb061  No.5029937

File: c7cdcce75b1da2a⋯.jpg (548.05 KB, 751x958, 751:958, melaniatriggeredjew.jpg)

a9a126  No.5029938

File: c719b9b6c5e9ff1⋯.png (439.01 KB, 902x524, 451:262, Wizards and Warlocks.png)

File: a97e3e147d8ae8b⋯.png (442.65 KB, 704x488, 88:61, Urchin Urgent.png)

File: e4e3f085e887537⋯.png (300.79 KB, 1129x528, 1129:528, Gatekeeper clown protects ….png)

File: 49a867b6440c048⋯.png (887.74 KB, 1138x534, 569:267, Striped Shirt Closed Eye T….png)

File: 80ac9d10ef7305e⋯.png (538.25 KB, 983x523, 983:523, Prince SA Cali.png)

Watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZzVdQChV6c an unaired episode called "Wizards and Warlocks" from the show :The Greatest American Hero - a lot codes in this, I recalll Q mentioning Wizards and Warlocks - given he has used film and show before to give messages about current goings on - it might be worth a look.

198268  No.5029939

File: f2fd597898d965b⋯.png (18.34 KB, 660x225, 44:15, Screenshot_2019-02-04 why ….png)

File: 3d2b539d90974d8⋯.png (12.79 KB, 644x185, 644:185, Screenshot_2019-02-04 the ….png)

File: 60d3774c02c65f9⋯.png (7.51 KB, 802x115, 802:115, Screenshot_2019-02-04 Soli….png)

File: 8e9e8c483f461e2⋯.png (32.38 KB, 793x381, 793:381, Screenshot_2019-02-04 Soli….png)

File: 5c2f01e0cdd1e0c⋯.png (10.56 KB, 644x184, 7:2, Screenshot_2019-02-04 bibl….png)

Why is the sky blue?

What happens to O2 at extremely low temp?

So the futher out intothe frozen, compacted O2

you go the harder it becomes?

eb00e7  No.5029940

File: 56915d5370ca9f8⋯.png (267.88 KB, 730x680, 73:68, 00.png)

File: c966e98d27cbe31⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, 01.png)

File: ee7260960df91c9⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, 02.png)

File: e6283ebede6707e⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, 03.png)

File: 971fcdf749151a9⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, 04.png)

120b88  No.5029942


An "embarassment of riches" indeed.

063b85  No.5029943



That black skank is from Somalia…. butthole ugly.

2401f8  No.5029944

In case anyone is interesting in the supreme court schedule…


7ff0e2  No.5029945


yeah this kind of shit really pisses me off. makes me think we are just stuck here chasing our tails. I sure as hell hope not but I am ready for equal JUSTICE to be served. Trying to remain patient but damn it these people constantly running around talking shit and walking Scott Free is really starting to try my patience.

6eccf9  No.5029946

File: cb38f91079c083f⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1234, 621:617, 74D68AE8-F618-4D6A-ABE2-B….jpeg)

File: 5bd47f4c511d189⋯.jpeg (430.47 KB, 1242x1234, 621:617, 16A451EB-DA38-414D-A203-9….jpeg)

File: bf7347f55362ed3⋯.jpeg (682.77 KB, 1242x1254, 207:209, B31CE84C-D7F0-41A6-9044-4….jpeg)


Classic jew move here. Equate any legitimate criticism of judaism to spreading hate.

Yawn. That shit wont work here mossad - we know.

6c9a8d  No.5029947


I'll second it!

Notable Baker

Based Captcha

fc2e9b  No.5029948

File: f501494d58438f0⋯.png (658.33 KB, 982x1760, 491:880, 2019-02-04_18-15-11.png)

File: 099378de2ff045c⋯.png (765.38 KB, 1059x3385, 1059:3385, 2019-02-04_18-17-42.png)

File: 8926c9ddb762116⋯.png (13.15 KB, 858x88, 39:4, 2019-02-04_18-16-25.png)

File: 6d3cb9c0834e119⋯.png (3.68 KB, 864x39, 288:13, 2019-02-04_18-16-51.png)



If the Virginia Governor can't perform his duties, his successor is the Lieutenant Governor. Next in the line of succesion is the Attorney General. See pic of current AG Mark Herring, who is a Democrat.

9c48e8  No.5029949

File: 0260f9f931ee4b0⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, imagine.jpg)


Never says US - only "North America" which includes Canada and Mexico.

Article reads like layers of smoke and mirrors.


My bet? US is safe. But they want the hysteria prior to the SOTU tomorrow.

2a83b6  No.5029950


I guess that would be mountain time. My bad. Point remains. 4:15 can also be a 5:5. Comms.

dba5f3  No.5029951

File: 1d2ba0c6bd55eaa⋯.png (260.08 KB, 900x526, 450:263, RidiculeMuhJoos.png)

7a2128  No.5029952

File: 050e1f51b8673c2⋯.png (172.06 KB, 493x257, 493:257, ClipboardImage.png)

dea9e4  No.5029953

File: 2d6e6bac25e4c85⋯.png (271.48 KB, 1310x800, 131:80, 6458732408912760475.png)

b2680e  No.5029954


You don't like it when you look dumb, huh?

You must be upset a lot of the time.

09a55f  No.5029955


Never saw it until just now.

Every time I think I am on to something original…

a3edd7  No.5029956

File: dba84252ae68adf⋯.jpg (390 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, chanevolution.jpg)


Evolution on the chans!

eb00e7  No.5029957

File: 6ba9634f53c1fe4⋯.jpg (150.83 KB, 890x501, 890:501, 75M5785K7789KL57TK9LFUUTKG….jpg)

620c51  No.5029958


>Ok, ok! The Advocate is the Holy Spirit that transcends between us, God the Father, and Christ?

I Cor 2

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11For who among men knows the thoughts of man except his own spirit within him? So too, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.

14The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. 16“For who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct Him?”b But we have the mind of Christ.

422117  No.5029959


Note able with sauce

7a5fdf  No.5029960

File: f7ed888f1090340⋯.png (383.18 KB, 500x495, 100:99, f7ed888f109034049224cc5ee1….png)

26933b  No.5029961

File: 53141d1b9d42e2b⋯.jpeg (87.18 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4D0FE284-D62F-44BF-95A7-D….jpeg)

835ebe  No.5029962

>>5003771 (PB)

Well, it has begun. I know one street he cannot walk down – mine.

061cde  No.5029963


could we get a picture of you in your headdress as proof?

are you a tribal elder?

You could also provide a picture of that little drum you beat while you dance around, that would be okay proof.

d229d3  No.5029964

File: 2b679b48ee64749⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 572x460, 143:115, Keystone.JPG)

dba5f3  No.5029965


If you won'put the effort in I'm fucked if I'm going to bother.

e2ce76  No.5029966


Did Q ever call out Alex directly?

7a5fdf  No.5029967


<I've been here since day one

bait taken, hahahahahah

0572e2  No.5029968

>>5029928Wrong again

c1a10a  No.5029969



The overall point remains.

Your pilpul shit is kike behavior.

Similarities = multiple = fake & gay.

29201b  No.5029970

Jesus Fucking Christ. When did the Bible fags take over.

422117  No.5029971


They can move to GA and work for Kia

061cde  No.5029972


enough bible copypasta. I spent 3 hours reading it after work, and don't want to read more.

0ac134  No.5029973

File: 296347ed5c4911d⋯.jpg (587.2 KB, 1500x996, 125:83, bud_pr0n.jpg)

File: 66585f821d93ab4⋯.jpg (141.84 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, cherries.jpg)


God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.

39e0d3  No.5029974



Another: When men persecute you, rejoice and be glad…..for your reward in Heaven is Great.

Anon always wondered why Christians (the church) always tried to turn that around. It is wrong they screech. Long ago anon's mom, God bless her, sent her preacher to save her lost son. After 1/2 hr. in anon's house preacher, red-faced, blood vessels in neck swollen, said: The Book doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the church. The church should never have let people read it.

Anon knows persecution.

7a5fdf  No.5029975


fuck off muh dick

061cde  No.5029976


more like bible-bots

7c3564  No.5029977

File: 16772218e3c7957⋯.png (517.04 KB, 772x497, 772:497, ronpaulwinning.png)

9c48e8  No.5029978

File: a10fceb3c497692⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, sad pepe.jpg)

Oh, anon misses the old days when a good dig prospect could catch fire.

6c9a8d  No.5029979

YouTube doesn't want us Disliking stuff


YouTube is considering removing or limiting its users’ ability to use the “dislike” button to indicate their distaste for content after one of the platform’s own official videos — the infamous “Rewind 2018” annual recap — became the most disliked YouTube video in history.

The director of project management at YouTube, Tom Leung, revealed in a recent video that changes to the dislike button were being discussed at the company.

In the video, Leung acknowledged that removing dislikes altogether would be “extreme” and not “democratic,” but also admitted that it was one of the options on the table.

93455f  No.5029980

File: bca50733788eebc⋯.png (518.25 KB, 814x508, 407:254, google.PNG)

Why no one really quits Google or Facebook

Another week, another set of scandals at Facebook and Google. This past week, my colleagues reported that Facebook and Google had abused Apple enterprise developer certificates in order to distribute info-scraping research apps, at times from underage users in the case of Facebook. Apple responded by cutting off both companies from developer accounts, before shortly restoring them.

The media went into overdrive over the scandals, as predictable as the companies’ statements that they truly care about users and their privacy. But will anything change?

I think we know the answer to this question: no. And it is never going to change because the vast majority of users just don’t care one iota about privacy or these scandals.


58c949  No.5029981


>>5029902 YouTuber Pleads guilty to CP/Solicitation.

>>5029866 GM to layoff 4000.

>>5029844 Anon's call to shovels on Howard Schultz.

>>5029822 Bob Menendez calls on DHS, FBI to "conduct an appropriate investigation into alleged crimes committed at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J."

>>5029760 Iran nuclear deal: India, Pakistan several places mentioned.

>>5029711 US envoy discusses 2nd Trump-Kim summit with S. Korean officials.

>>5029656 Fairfax implies he’s the target of a smear campaign by Northam.

>>5029641 US ready to build portion of Texas Border Wall.

>>5029586 Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced her presidential bid for the 2020 election.

>>5029575 RS Attorney claims he received an indictment draft with metadata from the day before the arrest from CNN reporter.

>>5029568 Planefag: VM374 from Gulfport has just landed at Andrews AFB.

>>5029560 Paul Manaforts sentencing delayed to March 13.

29201b  No.5029982


Ahh. Danke

120b88  No.5029983


Yes, but the operations of the enemy have been in place just as long, and honestly, if it's just a numbers game, the saved are outnumbered by the lost.

Guilty as to the bread addiction.

d229d3  No.5029984

File: 2e10aa00501d279⋯.jpg (114.79 KB, 680x678, 340:339, ks.jpg)

1e0d08  No.5029985

File: e87875f93fe322a⋯.png (770.58 KB, 819x445, 819:445, TruthIsTreason.png)

063b85  No.5029986




Yes he did, said Alex Jones was mossad

aa2e52  No.5029987


Right. Because they lost. God's Country. Satanists are always going to lose.

061cde  No.5029988


lite me up, bro

10a3d0  No.5029989


I know where you got that Ocasio Cortez Meme…. Get that Faggot..(CD) Being a Career Criminal he can't help his behavior.

536bae  No.5029990

File: 51cc907aa0c3cb1⋯.jpeg (31.36 KB, 474x606, 79:101, download (3).jpeg)

9c48e8  No.5029991


Baker saw it! Thanks baker!

7a2128  No.5029992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Embedded here. This does look interesting, anyone else care to comment?

7a5fdf  No.5029993

File: 7ee63206267d20b⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 917x871, 917:871, 7ee63206267d20be0f55bf953e….jpg)


it happens often still

a lot of digs get further dug on

023c2e  No.5029994


Planting seeds is nice.

Weeding out bad thoughts and visions is nice too.

29201b  No.5029995


Been awhile

0572e2  No.5029996

>>5029928Wrong again


6a7055  No.5029997


Handy - to shush skeptics with.

9c48e8  No.5029998


RE Howard Schultz


26933b  No.5029999

File: 4fca211a6f47c00⋯.jpeg (64.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, CF790EFE-AFD6-4F30-B638-B….jpeg)

File: 879714fa1a65a09⋯.jpeg (91.1 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 198C04F6-B0E6-4DC0-A6EA-0….jpeg)

7a042b  No.5030000



bots been pounding it hard all day.

c75ec6  No.5030001


Hey Curt, have you told your acolytes about how you like to take it up the ass for money? Have you? Faggot leave good people alone and go hide in your fucking hole at PU.

1a20b8  No.5030002


No matter what the plan brings. People have lost all faith in politicians and authority. It will never come back. The end of a nations cycle begins with loss of confidence in government. check.

fbc255  No.5030003


maybe the details are ultimately unimportant,

but the core of the story is.

It wouldn't have survived this long in one form or another without a reason.

Love God

Accept Jesus (or Mithra, Horus whatever the current name is)

779ada  No.5030004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

120b88  No.5030005


Yup. Said his company was shady as hell, AJ was a MOS agent, the pattern for censoring AJ was going to be used against conservatives, and that AJ's people were being used against Trump, as fake MAGA. Like Stone, like Corsi, like that other douchebag.

fdaa34  No.5030006

File: 3efb576a916d69b⋯.jpg (402.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_5698.JPG)

File: 9c633df10272788⋯.jpg (190.44 KB, 1197x800, 1197:800, IMG_5704.JPG)

File: 988ad1c15836e7e⋯.jpg (747.82 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5705.JPG)

File: 4f17719aa417b4e⋯.jpg (379.38 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG_5712.JPG)

6eccf9  No.5030007


Only half biblefags… other half shills that are nervous about anons realizing jesus spent most his time exposing the JQ - so now shills are saying “fuck all religions”.

063b85  No.5030008

File: 1836f148c28dbcd⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 468x382, 234:191, 2suthy_1.jpg)

e4685f  No.5030009

File: 7970b0e2245b768⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepestoned.jpg)

104521  No.5030010

File: fd72fd040a6193e⋯.jpg (224.09 KB, 934x545, 934:545, 16_spaces.jpg)



Try this, anons; Hassan Rouhani, and how and why he fits in this puzzle.

120b88  No.5030011


The Great Awakening means more than normies catching up on what's happening politically. Great Awakenings change the world.

33e001  No.5030012


Could she be under arrest?

7a5fdf  No.5030013


was just going to link that to you

a lot of anons are digging and making graphics

710113  No.5030014

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)


none are safe with current GM mgmt team.


they wasted their bailout money and as with all of these alleged "innovative" car builders - their products all look universally similar.

there is little reason to shop - specs and looks are the same across brands, but YMMV…

e4685f  No.5030015

File: bc52943a465f5bc⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, old-man.jpg)


wasted quads……ignore the bots and shut the fuck up about the bots.

ca78ce  No.5030016


There are no autopsy photos - fake if there are. They say he was buried at sea, but he's alive so that didn't happen.

2401f8  No.5030017

File: b024ede9e453152⋯.jpg (452.13 KB, 655x917, 5:7, b6a81c26e6b9d668a8b6c6e902….jpg)

File: cdaa1b3ad4404a1⋯.jpg (267 KB, 632x948, 2:3, 643c17f71f268a34fc45ad27f3….jpg)

File: f61a6f5cf884910⋯.jpg (157.79 KB, 498x498, 1:1, ee39086d062385963b929950b8….jpg)

File: 021b015dd0009ca⋯.jpg (349.21 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 86b3365142cb43f08f6e27f7b9….jpg)

1e0d08  No.5030018


And this is why Bob Menendez had all charges dropped and Hillary has never been convicted?

d8eba2  No.5030019

Presently doing a dig on UNICEF & WHO in regards to Africa.

Big dig -preliminaries indicate a MASSIVE effort on vaccination & body altering results. Obama ramped it up levels never seen with Cabal backing.

What if I told you they've been altering babies for certain traits?

These people are EVIL

0572e2  No.5030020


Wrong again


You know I looked for those and couldn't find them. How about you post a link to them and sauce your claim? Would be helpful.

779ada  No.5030021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>never heard of him

f3c75d  No.5030022

File: e07ce19469bc3a1⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 800x505, 160:101, bundyranch.jpg)


it actually made me sick… there was no need

for violence.

7eb061  No.5030023

File: 5d6eb933dcf8629⋯.pdf (4.42 MB, Two_Hundred_Years_Together….pdf)

File: 87ac8db14fb44c2⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 315x475, 63:95, two hundres years together.jpg)

Are you watching AMERICA be DESTROYED?

Have you ever wondered how a great nation, such as the United States of America could go from world leader to SHIT in just 3 generations?

Read this book titled "Two Hundred Years Together," Written by Alexander Solschenizyn, a Nobel Laureate, about how the JEWS DESTROYED Russia, MURDERED UPWARDS of 166 MILLION CHRISTIANS, and how the JEWS DID IT.

By reading this book, you will see the same JEWISH TACTICS that were used against Russia being used HERE TODAY in the USA and Europe.


Read the book and defy your jew-masters.

Knowledge is POWER.

58c949  No.5030024


The other morning I was thinking the same thing re: coffee importing infrastructure and him saving himself running for independent.

e0b2cd  No.5030025

Pilot of yesterday’s plane crash was a retired Chicago police officer.


d2b7dd  No.5030026

File: 1812bfd39eb087a⋯.mp4 (519.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _Large (1).mp4)

File: 45db8e114785e8e⋯.png (139.52 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 2075d27820c90be00993c82946….png)


Q research is not a chatroom.

Idiotic disputes about Jews are shills who take both side of the argument. The purpose being to mischaracterize this board it's nature and its activities. Imagine collecting a check from the baby torturers for this kind of work?

Dante assigned them a level, can't remember where and too lazy to look but it was very unpleasant.

023c2e  No.5030027


don't think in boxes, biblefags change into diggers, planefags, bakers and what more in an instant.

26933b  No.5030028

File: fe37dbfa6aa2327⋯.png (868.99 KB, 1055x593, 1055:593, 3390B14B-34D6-4053-8DF0-CD….png)

File: 3374994f322388c⋯.jpeg (192.1 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, B655AEC8-3D0A-4A70-92DB-9….jpeg)

File: f4790c19ee53ffd⋯.jpeg (129.48 KB, 500x700, 5:7, F000A160-3057-4204-BF62-4….jpeg)

aa2e52  No.5030029


That's happening now. Get with it.

2fe3ef  No.5030030


MOS-backed. Be precise.

He may be a double agent who is being used by POTUS to expose the Capstone Events, i.e., Sandy Hook.

ff50db  No.5030031


What are you talking about anon? Are you sayin' I'm wrong? I've posted the pictures here before, I'll do it again. You've got to give up on this silly stuff. We all loved Jr, but he passed away in a plane crash. You have to come to terms with it, eventually.

d0d944  No.5030032

File: 54aa1dd53782690⋯.png (590.28 KB, 949x726, 949:726, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 014847ffbd6c388⋯.png (98.6 KB, 656x742, 328:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c932da302ab25cb⋯.png (108.67 KB, 680x771, 680:771, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f74bf63f5f8744⋯.png (127.52 KB, 841x831, 841:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 457907b47b45b47⋯.png (108.55 KB, 688x797, 688:797, ClipboardImage.png)

Atkisson still on it. Says DS still leaking in 2019 and trying to discredit out POTUS. More reporters like this one needed.


28bced  No.5030033

>>5029164 (lb)

We already did this a decade ago. They aren't listening to US.

We voted for Trump for many things and the WALL was the biggest one.

93455f  No.5030035

File: 403254956c682e5⋯.png (59.07 KB, 815x426, 815:426, Capture.PNG)

Northam’s Nightmare is a Perfect Example of Google’s Collusion with Mainstream Media

At what point does the First Amendment yield to the whims of a private company operating in the United States?

There have been no shortage of concerns in our great nation that our right to free speech is disappearing before our very eyes.

The First Amendment is a beautiful, undeniably grand idea. It has preserved our very way of life here in America for well over 200 years by allowing every man and women in this nation to speak out against the injustices they perceive in their every day lives, and to bring that attention to the highest levels of authority when necessary.

We fight for freedom, truth, and the pursuit of happiness every single day using the First Amendment, and we would hope that this trend continues for time immemorial.


063b85  No.5030036

File: 70cda1023f761bf⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 500x482, 250:241, 2suk1c_1.jpg)




Not wrong newfag…

eb9b0c  No.5030037

>>5029659 We don't have to judge them—the words of Christ judge them along with the OT. Meanwhile, we know violation of natural law when we see it.

120b88  No.5030038


Most empires do well to last 250 years. Corruption from within is usually their demise. POTUS is buying us a few more decades. Be grateful. And leave your anti-Jew thing home. POTUS is not anti-Jew, and neither is Q.

d0d944  No.5030039


**our POTUS

097943  No.5030040

File: bc015e869bc323d⋯.png (720 KB, 1125x1035, 25:23, 2019-02-04_18-21-29.png)

File: b3e13a4a97d748e⋯.png (121.65 KB, 607x477, 607:477, 2019-02-04_18-23-11.png)


How many pallets of cash are given to PP every year?

Just sayin…

6eccf9  No.5030041

File: d25372968dedc52⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, B75FC9DC-CA3A-4A84-80B3-9….jpeg)


good shit anon

2f1fde  No.5030042


Kek. When/where is dis from anon, do you know?

a9a126  No.5030043

File: 8cbc663d0008768⋯.png (668.1 KB, 1079x533, 83:41, known probe.png)

File: 7e178690c3696ee⋯.png (286.93 KB, 976x523, 976:523, Sewer Access.png)

File: db0b0c5f2a035a8⋯.png (279 KB, 874x527, 874:527, Enter.png)

File: d75415838e2f266⋯.png (757.98 KB, 1020x528, 85:44, Hoover.png)

File: 784fd0227c96f88⋯.png (887.86 KB, 1091x527, 1091:527, Preisidng Elm Tree Plant.png)


I'm just screen shotting it as I go through carefully. I'm not sure if I'll do a full dissection yet on my twitter for folks because I've seen tons of material that's equal to it - basically cult teaching cult through the media - comms the fact that this is unreleased means it may have been where they dropped the facade to give messages to people more bluntly knowing the public would never see.

either way it's interesting - glad someone else noticed it : )

961941  No.5030044

File: c1c36ef1cdb7d9b⋯.png (82.62 KB, 965x617, 965:617, Screenshot_117.png)

a3edd7  No.5030045

File: 3ead681544f2eba⋯.jpg (229.59 KB, 666x333, 2:1, choise.jpg)

dba5f3  No.5030046


Johnny No-Mates - Poem by Josephine Dunn

Sad old Johnny No-Mates

Drinking at the bar

Lonely Johnny No-Mates

Wonder who you are.

Used to be a someone

Had your hour of fame

Became a one-hit wonder

Then really lost your game.

Poor old Johnny No-Mates

Walking down the lane,

Lonely Johnny No-Mates

On your own again.

Find yourself a lover,

Find yourself a friend,

Find yourself a listener

Try not to offend.

Sad old Johnny No-Mates

Pulls his hat down low

Drunken Johnny No-Mates

Nowhere else to go.

Josephine Dunn

817638  No.5030047


Don't Cheat!

302416  No.5030048

File: 576209e7d7922e4⋯.jpg (622.48 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-182427….jpg)

File: 91f6711eae02a41⋯.jpg (647.68 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-182438….jpg)

File: 4fcebd0e307ce2e⋯.jpg (633.33 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-182443….jpg)

File: 76a560babeaf5bb⋯.jpg (757.97 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-182448….jpg)

More state dept. Documents

ISLAMABAD, Iran, hillary Clinton etc…


Didn't see a declass date.

This one seems more important.

6 pages this one will be 2 posts.

Pics related.

b3fa84  No.5030049


Love the sinner

Hate the sin

7eb061  No.5030050

File: bef8d1e3b60fa9a⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, homerjew004.jpg)


Fuck off, kike.

I am trying to educate my fellow goyim.

d0d944  No.5030051


Whatever it takes, eh?

2fe3ef  No.5030052

File: 2392322c2f1719b⋯.png (128.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2392322c.png)


Fuck off.

422117  No.5030053


>Q isnt posting now

and you are here

d2b7dd  No.5030054

File: 353e007bacf671f⋯.jpg (168.35 KB, 855x480, 57:32, 353e007bacf671f6fdd5c68835….jpg)

0572e2  No.5030055


We went to 3 ltr agency's like FBI CIA because GESTAPO was to long a word to remember for the people working for them

e1803e  No.5030056

File: e2c8044452b8620⋯.jpeg (102.78 KB, 674x750, 337:375, toots.jpeg)

779ada  No.5030057


In the first volume, Solzhenitsyn discusses the history of Russians and the 100,000 Jews that had migrated to Russia between 1772 and the revolution of 1917. He asserts that the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire were not government-sponsored but spontaneous acts of violence, except for some government culpability in the Pale of Settlement. Solzhenitsyn says that life for Russian Jews was hard but no harder than life for Russian peasants.[1] The second volume covers the post-revolution era up to 1970 when many Jews left Russia for Israel and other western countries.[8] Solzhenitsyn says that the Jews who participated in Russian revolutions were effectively apostates splitting from the spirit of tradition.[1] Solzhenitsyn emphatically denies that Jews were responsible for the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. At the end of chapter nine, Solzhenitsyn denounces "the superstitious faith in the historical potency of conspiracies" that leads some to blame the Russian revolutions on the Jews and to ignore the "Russian failings that determined our sad historical decline."[9]

Solzhenitsyn criticizes the "scandalous" weakness and "unpardonable inaction" that prevented the Russian imperial state from adequately protecting the lives and property of its Jewish subjects. But he claims that the pogroms were in almost every case organized from "below" and not by the Russian state authorities. He criticizes the "vexing," "scandalous", and "distressing" restrictions on the civil liberties of Jewish subjects during the final decades of the Russian old regime. On that score, in chapter ten of the work he expresses his admiration for the efforts of Pyotr Stolypin (Prime Minister of Russia from 1906 until 1911) to eliminate all legal disabilities against Jews in Russia.

In the spirit of his 1974 essay "Repentance and Self-Limitation in the Life of Nations",[10] Solzhenitsyn calls for the Russians and Russian Jews alike to take responsibility for the "renegades" in both communities who supported a totalitarian and terrorist regime after 1917. At the end of chapter 15, he writes that Jews must answer for the "revolutionary cutthroats" in their ranks just as Russians must repent "for the pogroms, for…merciless arsonist peasants, for…crazed revolutionary soldiers." It is not, he adds, a matter of answering "before other peoples, but to oneself, to one's conscience, and before God."[11]

Solzhenitsyn also takes the anti-Communist White Movement to task for condoning violence against Jews and thus undermining "what would have been the chief benefit of a White victory" in the Russian Civil War: "a reasonable evolution of the Russian state."

bac559  No.5030058



STreisand effect

fbc255  No.5030059

File: 93329145e8fe4f4⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slow-motion video of gunsh….mp4)


de-jewtubed version

ec0414  No.5030060

File: 1e52600cc9befca⋯.png (1.09 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549321801000.png)

hey magapedes what the fuck you chasing tails on today muh DELTA DELTA GET OUT THE CLOCK ITS TIME FOR REALITY TO BE CHEKKED and see that donald trump is a huge jew faggot trying to destroy america by giving everything to niggers for being niggers. 100 BILLION of our taxpayer dollars are going to be wasted on fried chicken crack cocaine gold chains and spinning rims. EXPLAIN to me how this is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. how do you reconcile with his CAPITULATION on the border wall and the big nig gibbs giveaway? How do you followers sleep at night and cheer as he destroys the united states for israel WAKE THE FUCK UP ANONS the president is a JEW and he hides that shit but his actions prove me right and all of you wrong. Reconcile.

6eccf9  No.5030061

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpeg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, 8F97395B-84A6-4C5B-9B27-8….jpeg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpeg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, C8710C36-4604-43B6-9353-9….jpeg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpeg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, A010E59F-46EA-42E2-ADEB-3….jpeg)

File: df7c4e0e049adb8⋯.jpeg (58.3 KB, 461x341, 461:341, D454A1F2-35E4-454A-B117-E….jpeg)

File: 2df2f82041fd9bd⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 900x6234, 150:1039, E30C6DD5-A8C8-4A3F-90CC-9….jpeg)


u know the queen of england lets a rabbi suck blood from her newborn male kin? its the mitzvah b’peh…. shes a crypto jew… as is the rest of the royal faggotry.

ec0414  No.5030062

File: 678de2e7c6fd3fe⋯.png (1.14 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549321893773.png)

302416  No.5030063

File: b2f51efd185c764⋯.jpg (811.38 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-182453….jpg)

File: eca4da3109a027e⋯.jpg (236.8 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-182458….jpg)


Last 2 pages.

7eb061  No.5030064

File: bd495b629f99534⋯.jpg (22.37 KB, 300x300, 1:1, bd495b629f99534708f94c5bfb….jpg)


Keep "discouraging" the goyim from reading.


ec0414  No.5030065

File: 38b0a03fc2531ae⋯.png (1.05 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549321971897.png)

e2ce76  No.5030066



1fb482  No.5030067

File: 1e3e38c09771516⋯.png (161.41 KB, 613x358, 613:358, JDIF SHITTY MEME 01.PNG)

ec0414  No.5030068

File: 54df8c7a8a4341f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549322113326.png)

920b46  No.5030069


Like a yuge diarrhea splatter with a "who done did it" look 👀

710113  No.5030070

File: 9acca205e234e40⋯.jpg (487.75 KB, 729x1050, 243:350, cofbewbs.jpg)


consider this:


what you are doing is termed BibleFagging by this board. you are not researching shit, Anon.

no different than the guys BibleFagging on TV - but they aren't burning bread.

done being nice.

if you can't take a 40 lb hint, then…

ec0414  No.5030071

File: 4e3880261567035⋯.png (1.09 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549322252267.png)

023c2e  No.5030072

File: a157e01e5b86680⋯.png (318.31 KB, 1020x696, 85:58, DSQ.PNG)

File: 0da38f117ac8d08⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 444x444, 1:1, kek.jpg)

File: e78061d23d64559⋯.jpg (107.19 KB, 1076x677, 1076:677, left.jpg)

File: d690e75dd010998⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Lion.jpg)

File: 548bef41493c5f7⋯.gif (490.11 KB, 382x498, 191:249, MemeMagic.gif)

ec0414  No.5030073

File: ac2407ba67b443b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549322350576.png)

dba5f3  No.5030074


Night night Johnny

063b85  No.5030075

File: 26504085b99b902⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 500x481, 500:481, 2sujv0_1.jpg)

No arrests

No wall

Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up

No FISA declassification

Obama is still free

DACA is back on the table

Migrants are flooding into America

ec0414  No.5030076

File: 54b1fe1297d4715⋯.png (1.08 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549322542750.png)

7a5fdf  No.5030077

File: 08463a150058a8d⋯.png (68.14 KB, 448x276, 112:69, ClipboardImage.png)


(pic).. november 2017

1a20b8  No.5030078


Go back to the dairy sturmer


And stop shaving your head with a Gillette razor you fucking homo

ec0414  No.5030079

File: 39e473fd1ca2bc0⋯.png (1.14 MB, 970x646, 485:323, 1549322659830.png)

8a4119  No.5030080


Research results coming only from mice are worthless. They are hyping this, probably to raise money. Don't get your hopes up.

d1ab34  No.5030081


>Sandy Hook.

never liked that hicks kept saying it was real for weeks at first though.

b2680e  No.5030082


Here's the thing, scooter. I'm not actually religious.

And unlike you, I'm actually pretty well-read on the subject. Enough so that I immediately spotted some flaws in your graphic.

As is elucidated in literally the first minute if the vid I posted, and just right off the top, Mithras was born fully-formed from a rock, not a virgin.

Horus was not born of a virgin. His mom was Isis, his dad was Osiris. Egyptian mythology is a syncretic shit-show, so I'm not going to try and re-create the story in short form here, but my basic point is this-

>you are ignorant as fuck

>you literally have no idea what you are talking about

>I'm not going to bother picking apart as much of your graphic as I can, because you're obviously not a reader

>which is why I posted a vid

>if you were smarter, you'd be embarrassed

>but you're not, which is why you're so smug

>which is not a good look on someone as uninformed as you are

>read a book


8e8842  No.5030083

File: 0d4aca158a15eb4⋯.png (341.87 KB, 1152x2022, 192:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 095645e67751a76⋯.png (153.58 KB, 1152x1015, 1152:1015, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5029012 (pb)

sauce for previous info


For Top-Secret Narration, Call Charlton Heston : Security: For six years, the actor has held the nation's highest Q clearance to enable him to narrate classified films and videotapes.

In a rare glimpse inside the defense Establishment's relationship with Hollywood, the U.S. Department of Energy has acknowledged that actor Charlton Heston has for six years held the nation's highest-level nuclear weapons security clearance to enable him to narrate classified films and videotapes.

Heston's latest hush-hush video production–"Trust but Verify"–was completed earlier this year. Heston has worked on six highly classified productions, the Energy Department said.

e4685f  No.5030084


gimme the blank please

bcbf23  No.5030085

File: 316c7008d7a3060⋯.png (55.52 KB, 579x429, 193:143, ClipboardImage.png)


Marty Torry was commander of the Clifton Sprague.

Link leads to pic


7a5fdf  No.5030086


>the president is a JEW

Trump is legitimately not a jew retard

8e8842  No.5030087


oops forgot link http://articles.latimes.com/1989-11-09/entertainment/ca-1378_1_charlton-heston

b67470  No.5030088


>Love the sinner

>Hate the sin

best jewline ever

amirite anons?

710113  No.5030089

File: 5ad28ce44347b97⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 242x418, 11:19, dayzee.jpg)


good meme Anon, but Occasional Cortex will do half-n-half for $5…

39e0d3  No.5030090

Can look at it this way: John 1:1. In the beginning was the word (truth), and the word (truth) was with God, and the word (truth) was God.

There is truth? Everything else is bullshit?

ec0414  No.5030091

File: 26ac633f1372025⋯.jpg (138.94 KB, 1119x746, 3:2, BBT9oR1.jpg)

6eccf9  No.5030092

File: 70df6235a529ede⋯.jpeg (145.3 KB, 668x750, 334:375, 4B3D833C-A215-4CD5-A99C-A….jpeg)

File: c7ec881ace7dcb7⋯.jpeg (1005.01 KB, 1242x1925, 1242:1925, 0EF095B3-DEB6-4268-BFB4-2….jpeg)

File: 9067a1b8827a39d⋯.jpeg (409.5 KB, 868x1339, 868:1339, E052ECBA-004E-4945-900C-3….jpeg)

File: d2d3efee8346cf0⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 873x1716, 291:572, 84A47784-B579-4CBA-A2F9-B….jpeg)


How retarded are u??? Jesus called the jews the sons of the devil - just cus mossad doesnt like the JQ - doesnt mean it wont be discussed on general. Try harder faggot.

Thats why Q said read your bible. Jesus spelled it out for us.

dba5f3  No.5030093


Johnny No-Mates - Poem by Josephine Dunn

Sad old Johnny No-Mates

Drinking at the bar

Lonely Johnny No-Mates

Wonder who you are.

Used to be a someone

Had your hour of fame

Became a one-hit wonder

Then really lost your game.

Poor old Johnny No-Mates

Walking down the lane,

Lonely Johnny No-Mates

On your own again.

Find yourself a lover,

Find yourself a friend,

Find yourself a listener

Try not to offend.

Sad old Johnny No-Mates

Pulls his hat down low

Drunken Johnny No-Mates

Nowhere else to go.

Josephine Dunn

a2a540  No.5030094

File: d9ea5ab2ccacc97⋯.jpg (80.29 KB, 450x300, 3:2, Pizza Rows.jpg)

Has Anon looked into today's weird death involving the founder of a cryptocurrency exchange? My spook senses are tingling…

Cryptocurrency investors locked out of $190m after exchange founder dies

>Cotten, 30, died in India last December from complications from Crohn’s disease, according to the company. He was in India “opening an orphanage to provide a home and safe refuge for children in need”.


779ada  No.5030095

File: ad2921357f5a184⋯.png (563.89 KB, 1273x714, 1273:714, ClipboardImage.png)

26933b  No.5030096


Most people are still not able to independently think for themselves. Told someone bout Q, first thing they did was google search. Saying “oh that cult thing!” while looking at fake news articles.

e4685f  No.5030097

File: 296c21b29c0b87d⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, peped3c5a682c76c26541942e3….jpg)

9c48e8  No.5030098


Starbucks beans come from:

Latin America




29201b  No.5030099

File: 1656c5dc170388e⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Robert-Conrad-dans-Les-Tet….jpg)

536bae  No.5030100


they are totally being fucked over by their management. they're laying off powertrain engineers and going fully electric. this of essentially means no new GM cars for 5 years.

b67470  No.5030101


fuckoff spamming faggot

bcbf23  No.5030102

File: 21479f84672c077⋯.png (243.62 KB, 399x476, 57:68, ClipboardImage.png)


Direct Link to Marty Torrey, Mad Hatter referenced in Clinton emails.


ec0414  No.5030103


he is a jew he secured money for israels new border wall but not ours hes a fake christian real kike

bac559  No.5030104


I wont believe anything without more proof, but we all know Big Pharma eould do all in their power to suppress such a cure if it existed and MSM would help do the hatchet job on the newcomer.

a50d5f  No.5030105

File: 77d2238d8a85fb1⋯.png (422.23 KB, 495x744, 165:248, 6M Antisemite.png)


Lookin' good, Baker!

7746e5  No.5030106

File: 0727c80e18b1d08⋯.gif (513.14 KB, 898x752, 449:376, 20180725_195913.gif)


<not This sнîт again…

crusades fix EvurTing

1fb482  No.5030107


Included in notables in previous breads, tnx anon

2fe3ef  No.5030108


I agree 100%.

dd9e4e  No.5030109


Trying to bug the place?

Yeah we will call it an investigation to get access. Yeah. That's the ticket.

0ac134  No.5030111


the book aint what what these (((scofield))) disciples are sellin' ereyone!!!

9c48e8  No.5030112


That's the C_A saying "all your crypto belong to us now."

d2b7dd  No.5030113

File: aba1d87995e471d⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2485x3490, 497:698, 9a9d64782f04790793b968385a….jpg)

Can a shill win an argument against five other shills?

Kayfabe from q research will give all the shill on shill dram and personal abuse you'd expect from shills!

Hate and LABELS!

Do NOT reply to shills.

Watch and enjoy, shill hate, shill invective, weak arguments and YUGE affect

d419b5  No.5030114



not shopped. been waiting for a good moment to drop it.

ec0414  No.5030115


your're welcome make pepe proud kek

f3c75d  No.5030116

File: 2ba165845007113⋯.jpg (235.82 KB, 778x493, 778:493, Harlan-Ellison-778x493B.jpg)

2401f8  No.5030117

File: 6a8ee599aa634db⋯.jpg (224.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 8ed8fffadbfe7d061ac6278bea….jpg)

File: 6594f2b90e08f8a⋯.jpg (226.38 KB, 500x681, 500:681, 2671e5d9143338b4b6a70c2322….jpg)

File: 5f6ad9c16243915⋯.jpg (187.64 KB, 520x693, 520:693, 9929d3b15a394bdd5e3a5ee42f….jpg)

File: 289c91ddad8b90b⋯.jpg (110.41 KB, 473x468, 473:468, 811f1a7ac5210dac6a8dea97c6….jpg)

dba5f3  No.5030118


Triggered much Johnny?


Now you get to go on mute and I'll see you next bread.

961941  No.5030119


Just the other day, I was thinking there hadn't been any attacks on Q lately. Is something big about to drop?

eb00e7  No.5030120

File: c6d98a30a866f8e⋯.jpg (253.85 KB, 665x1250, 133:250, 578kj767557ie7ir76ikr86kir….jpg)

536bae  No.5030121


ty anon

b3fa84  No.5030122




2f1fde  No.5030123



fc80de  No.5030124


Did you try to provide them guidance?

0e67e5  No.5030125

On twitter liz crokin is getting a lot of press about vigilante justice soon if no arrests.

Is she a CIA Shill setting up a FF?

d0d944  No.5030126

File: 1d75a3caa165baf⋯.png (1007.02 KB, 971x837, 971:837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff83775250f19d7⋯.png (129.75 KB, 696x532, 174:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d314d28479e396b⋯.png (158.11 KB, 699x708, 233:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72a899f494057b7⋯.png (153.14 KB, 790x705, 158:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3c77e2f5f16331⋯.png (163.32 KB, 696x713, 696:713, ClipboardImage.png)

Deported nurse to be guest of Oakland Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee at SOTU tomorrow night. Oh what fun it will be. I wonder how many deported people will be 'guests'.


34ad6c  No.5030127


Is that fukken real??


6c9a8d  No.5030128


> fully electric.

Might as well shut the doors now.

Electric cars are to American buyers what sunlight is to vampires.

b67470  No.5030129


you're the one spamming stupid cunt

go neck yurself

f8dfba  No.5030130


Trump runs the Exec Branch. He has the power to stop it. There must be a reason he hasn't.

2fe3ef  No.5030131


New shill tactic: declaring "Do NOT reply to shills. Pathetic. kek

6eccf9  No.5030132


cool straw man… i dont read daily stormer… i read my bible… and that scares u mossad flamers.

Pucker up them ass cheeks and get ready for a revival.

Commies hate the bible too… whats the common (((thread))) there?

39e0d3  No.5030133


Anon wonders, is it the end times? Or is it the end of 'a' time.

1a20b8  No.5030134


Turn the other cheek turned Christians into a bunch of pussies that get pushed around to the point people now commit infanticide.

cd8ea5  No.5030135

I saw a guy at work today who piqed my curiosity because he had a Masonic compass & ruler logo with the G in it as a hard hat sticker. I got to talking to him (not about that) and noticed compass & ruler tattoo on his arm but it had a skull and crossbones in it instead of the G. Can anyone help me understand that? Is this dude evil?

58c949  No.5030136


>>5030094 Cryptocurrency investors locked out of $190m after exchange founder dies.

>>5029902 YouTuber Pleads guilty to CP/Solicitation.

>>5029866 GM to layoff 4000.

>>5029844 Anon's call to shovels on Howard Schultz.

>>5029822 Bob Menendez calls on DHS, FBI to "conduct an appropriate investigation into alleged crimes committed at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J."

>>5029760 Iran nuclear deal: India, Pakistan several places mentioned.

>>5029711 US envoy discusses 2nd Trump-Kim summit with S. Korean officials.

>>5029656 Fairfax implies he’s the target of a smear campaign by Northam.

>>5029641 US ready to build portion of Texas Border Wall.

>>5029586 Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced her presidential bid for the 2020 election.

>>5029575 RS Attorney claims he received an indictment draft with metadata from the day before the arrest from CNN reporter.

>>5029568 Planefag: VM374 from Gulfport has just landed at Andrews AFB.

>>5029560 Paul Manaforts sentencing delayed to March 13.

Last call / Baking in 80

b30275  No.5030137



6c9a8d  No.5030138

File: 2eb03a96f06f174⋯.jpeg (30.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, d4bdedc1c54d4bffc573d3db1….jpeg)


Smells that way, huh?

d2b7dd  No.5030139

File: bccd0f06a00b1d8⋯.jpg (211.79 KB, 1165x1125, 233:225, annflag5a.jpg)

File: 90427834500c185⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 215x300, 43:60, s-l300.jpg)

Controversial (tm) Anne says "Don't (you) dare reply to shills.(c)

7a5fdf  No.5030140


I'm making a graphic that has 40 articles since november, which is not all of them

they are still putting them out, it's just not a big push right now

9c48e8  No.5030141

File: aea06f3445b5756⋯.png (40.06 KB, 712x423, 712:423, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)

Starbucks is people and drugs?


54233d  No.5030142


Butt Bumpers Pushing Shit.kek

f33722  No.5030143


It's End Times for /them/, anon

8a4119  No.5030144

File: 5a3040b465263bc⋯.png (69.42 KB, 741x296, 741:296, JFK_body_found_article.png)

779ada  No.5030145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>5030094 Cryptocurrency investors locked out of $190m after exchange founder dies.

efe3b1  No.5030146


Pathetic and true

628ee1  No.5030147



I wonder if who has any experiments going on with atmospheric aerosol injections?

120b88  No.5030148


The Jews consider me a goy.

Are we now brothers?


6eccf9  No.5030149

File: 9d37353a09c7a53⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB, 2486x3062, 1243:1531, B0D71883-4CB6-4DA9-8C30-2….jpeg)

File: 8f985f129ef1b83⋯.jpeg (507.28 KB, 949x1103, 949:1103, 81292D6C-6BC9-4F66-B55F-A….jpeg)

File: d708d1cf5bccb77⋯.jpeg (162.88 KB, 968x701, 968:701, FA8BF076-C7A1-4AE8-AF79-E….jpeg)

File: c1b4336e0c89663⋯.jpeg (130.61 KB, 620x906, 310:453, 7DB9ADED-F774-481B-B6CD-E….jpeg)

File: d7767d2424c5d28⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, F7668D42-9B55-422A-BB38-1….jpeg)


your desperation is palpable… and disgusting. U should cry moar about the JQ - we love to watch u glow.

8d2f3f  No.5030150


Perhaps. But I'm still glad that Hillary is NOT the president. That's all that matters right now.

93455f  No.5030151

File: c0e2df9ffa9d1cb⋯.png (262.69 KB, 698x392, 349:196, Capture.PNG)

Why Is It That Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise?

IF there was little else to occupy these hands, still, there would never be enough time to document the trail of dead bodies that have been silenced by the “Deep State.” An endless task. Depressing. But, as always, those atop the criminal pyramid don’t dirty their hands. Yes, they give the orders, albeit, they subcontract out this one and that one for assassination. Hired-guns. So too in the realm of political hits.

EVEN so, before we get to the latest “sudden death”, the following recaps of (some of the) set-ups by Clinton and Obama Inc. are mandatory reading – even if so-called mainstream media screams: “conspiracy theory!”

Back in 2013 (a year into the inception of this site), the following was reported: “Hill’s Skeletons, Bodies, Pile Up At Her Door – As She Positions For 2016.” Business as usual.

Fast forward to 2014, and another trail of corpses are not far behind. Tellingly, this go-around, their skeletons intersected with banksters, the CIA, and some top brass at the NYPD! Oh my.

Moving right along to the summer of 2016….and, here we go again: “Clinton Inc.’s (Recent) Dead Bodies: Their Nexus To Criminal Cartels & The Brotherhood Mafia.” Never-ending.

But there’s more. To wit, November 2016 required an updated list! How can this be? Well, does “dropping like flies” sound like par for their course? It should.

Still yet, don’t ever forget this: HUSSEIN Obama has his own pile up! Indeed. As such, here’s a few foretastes: Why are “mysterious” deaths littered in his wake? More specifically, what constitutes/underlies these cold, dead bodies – be they sexually related or otherwise? Naturally, Obama Inc. and Clinton Inc. intersect in many ways, some of which are deadly. Read: Seth Rich’s/Andrew Breitbart’s/Tom Clancy’s (and so on) hits.

Within this realm of truth-telling, is it any wonder that – in the summer of 2018 – Clinton Inc.’s ASSASSINATION SQUAD struck again? Of course not.


18e644  No.5030152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a clip from the video that Shawna Cox recorded. Here's her whole video.

bac559  No.5030153

>rants “me hates jooos” over and over and over

>gets called out as an ass

>bitches about “how dares yous call me antisemite”

10e2b8  No.5030154



Yep it's real…I didn't post the screen shot but I got the same text yesterday.

26933b  No.5030155

File: 8e45ed445182faa⋯.png (150.39 KB, 236x472, 1:2, 7A746D6F-EC94-421C-B9A7-92….png)


Kek. I definitely need to make some new ones. Been so busy in Trump’s economy lately!

b67470  No.5030156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Commies hate the bible too… whats the common (((thread))) there?

you're so lost

422117  No.5030157


That's pretty funny, too. Are those the ones he broke and had to go back for new ones?

8d28cd  No.5030158

File: 3c8e1464de3e494⋯.jpg (43.39 KB, 500x303, 500:303, 2sqncn.jpg)

File: 4338d80ce24d779⋯.jpg (120.16 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 1lvrfy.jpg)

File: 635fd4e33fe98f2⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 554x500, 277:250, 1jwfgd.jpg)

File: 3eefa315941c629⋯.jpg (153.96 KB, 500x757, 500:757, 1fx6qw.jpg)


No soul can be lost, harmed or even threatened.

e2ce76  No.5030159



ec0414  No.5030160

christianity can go fuck itself with the body and the blood of christ right because symbolic cannibalism is so good and normal yeah you want me to eat jesus body and drink his blood from everlasting life fuck off VAMPIRES rituals are rituals,defend that jesus freaks!

0c37b4  No.5030161

File: 5fc5d0eff252676⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 431x522, 431:522, cozy-jewish-pepe.jpg)

It is not about jewish, muslim, or christian.

It is about wannabe in a global commie system (mixed with phony technocracy and corrupt capitalism for the top) or not

All people of (non satanic) religion, and atheists/agnostics who dislike satanic religeon should UNITE

710113  No.5030162

File: 40b6624a2bf9bd1⋯.png (363.38 KB, 635x347, 635:347, frog machine.png)


electric not ready for prime time.

fails miserably outside of any metro area.

tesla does not even carry luggage.

just not ready yet.

need to kill subsidies.

d2b7dd  No.5030163


Probably money laundering and human trafficking too. Why waste a perfect cover and wholesome progressive image.

628155  No.5030164

Intention + action = manifestation

Quantum physics, anons

Our thoughts have an influence on the world around us


6eccf9  No.5030165


The end is the beginning. Rejoice!!

Harvest is nigh.

39e0d3  No.5030166


That should be a perfect opportunity.

bcbf23  No.5030167

File: cfea4ab960b3448⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 693x500, 693:500, KushnerBCLawyer.jpg)

File: a6e460cca09df86⋯.png (180.8 KB, 452x361, 452:361, ClipboardImage.png)


Jared Kushner not only has Bill Clintons old lawyer, but the kike also worked for Bob Menendez.

f7c0f3  No.5030168

File: 38b8f75a070da70⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1096x1410, 548:705, 24650143-0293-4434-94CF-B….jpeg)

dba5f3  No.5030169


I like to ridicule shills. Is that allowed?

544843  No.5030170

File: 46a749492b9dcd0⋯.png (640.91 KB, 911x584, 911:584, ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala/Gritty 2020

fbeeb4  No.5030171


Jesus never said we must follow a 'religion' he never said we should follow a preacher man or a church. he in fact as I perceived was trying to show us how to get through to God simply by prayer and through Him

6c9a8d  No.5030172

File: 660e3c1d143b885⋯.png (45.33 KB, 597x305, 597:305, AQ15.PNG)

File: 2fe02587e0e4c87⋯.png (228.76 KB, 590x606, 295:303, AQ16.PNG)

Sounds like Kansas made a regime change deal


64de07  No.5030173

File: bfca9018499455a⋯.pdf (202.04 KB, HR202.pdf)

Horowitz: Change law to let me probe Acosta’s Jeffrey Epstein plea deal

The Justice Department’s inspector general wants lawmakers to give him the authority to investigate a decade-old plea deal in which Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta allegedly allowed an accused sex offender to skirt the harshest punishment for crimes against teens.

“Your letter raises important questions about the resolution of this case by department attorneys,” DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz said in a Jan. 29 letter to lawmakers. “However, the OIG does not currently have jurisdiction over matters involving allegations of misconduct relating to DOJ attorneys’ handling of litigation or legal decisions.”

Horowitz called on the Senate to take up a bill (H.R. 202) recently passed by the House. He said that legislation would give him the authority to investigate alleged prosecutorial misconduct.


I imagine it opens the door to Enron/Weissmann

fbc255  No.5030174


most of the time it's just some idiot appropriating symbols and shit they know nothing or very little about in an attempt to be edgy or interesting.

9c48e8  No.5030175


Gah. Perfect cabal cover.

Get people hooked on a product.

Ship everything through the product channels.

6eccf9  No.5030176

File: 5bcc2d69adcc5fc⋯.jpeg (191.61 KB, 648x742, 324:371, E6755D20-8481-4BCD-ABB9-9….jpeg)

File: 288926124927075⋯.jpeg (117.9 KB, 956x670, 478:335, 14525A4F-8336-44C8-B117-3….jpeg)


can u cry moar please?? i need salt for my popcorn.

b3fa84  No.5030177


Same with some people I know.

Rather than preach, I just said,

I think those sites are slanted.

I think they eventually figured it out.

fc80de  No.5030178


Very likely!

ec0414  No.5030179


your gonna get fucked again dirty fucking subversive kikes quit trying to control everyones minds with media faggots

d2ec9d  No.5030180

File: 1339f9634abc581⋯.jpeg (78.94 KB, 720x728, 90:91, trump winner.jpeg)



Did one 2 days ago

real AF. Also threw some

gitmo requests in the comment

section at the end of the survey

8e4f21  No.5030181


>>4938609, >>4938614 Carter Page weighs in: Starbucks at Trump Tower

is the site of pre-election interference/#FISAabuse

>>4926702 Schultz the former Starbucks CEO, says he is thinking very

seriously about a presidential run


>>3851674 Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Still Considering

2020 Pres Run


>>2114676 Starbucks Virtue-Signals Hard like a Muthafuckah w/Transgender

Employee Surgeries


>>1820218 COFFEE CHAOS: Starbucks to CLOSE 150 STORES Across

the US After ‘BIAS Training’


>>1561396, >>1561449 Starbucks not very forward thinking..

d2b7dd  No.5030182

File: a1149cde78a6f34⋯.jpeg (140.91 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 5fcf2831fce937a9547e84503….jpeg)

1a20b8  No.5030183


Turn the other cheek you bible loving faggot

Maybe you can turn the cheek on 40 million aborted babies since the 70s

Or maybe turn the other cheek on the millions of sexually abused human beings being brainwashed by the clergy of your church to suck their old peckers

efe3b1  No.5030184


Your Spirit which talks to your soul that lives in your body is dead

39c60a  No.5030185

File: bb8d474984ebf66⋯.png (346.41 KB, 504x358, 252:179, adrenochrome.PNG)

831495  No.5030186

File: 28f0eb7cb569b03⋯.png (1.49 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4579-1.png)

961941  No.5030187


There will always be doubters. If I had not been here in the beginning, I might have been a doubter, too. Being here real time while Q was proving legitimacy can't come close to just going back and re-reading breads at the time. Not that anyone would spend the hours to do that. Let's face it, meme proofs can be manipulated, so not really a proof. You had to be here real time to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. At least until more Q drops come to pass.

6c9a8d  No.5030188

File: cf6fd9caaf191f3⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 588x437, 588:437, 1493ae2745ab8cf71f7f8241ab….jpg)

023c2e  No.5030189

File: 24eac5d65cb323b⋯.jpg (171.25 KB, 1171x1031, 1171:1031, KimMaga.jpg)

File: 35d511742df4d66⋯.png (230.45 KB, 740x416, 185:104, LethalPepe.png)

File: f4d84b42d69314a⋯.jpg (245.5 KB, 600x500, 6:5, socialmemeengineering.jpg)

File: cfa9fb066e29bc8⋯.jpg (156.44 KB, 894x687, 298:229, SpyEinstein.jpg)

File: c2a251f9c6fc9dc⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, WhiSes.jpg)

d8eba2  No.5030190



Without a doubt IMO

9641d1  No.5030191


Get your eyes checked

ec0414  No.5030192


jeffrey epstein need to be skinned alive and dipped in rocksalt

6eccf9  No.5030193


^^^^^^^^^^^ ding ding ding

correct. Thats why Q says read your bible and didnt say “go to church”.

The church teaches a perverse form of Jesus’ message and leaves important shit out.

Like how based Jesus was regarding the JQ.

ff50db  No.5030194

Okay anons.

Let's end the JFK JR bullshit once and for all.

I started the whole damn thing on a joke, a year ago almost. The whole intention behind it all was to bring the anons together instead of them dick slapping each other day in day out for every comment made by any of them.

I admitted to it. I PROVED it was me. Some are just too damn stupid to look for the truth. They turn from the truth and look for someone to follow who confirms what they believe in, instead. This is why we are in such dire straights as it is. Q has told you fuckers JFK was dead and YOU, ANONS are the god damn key stone!

Now, you want proof JFK is dead and so is his wife, here's some seriously disgusting and extremely depressing pictures of both of them laying on autopsy tables and being cut apart after they FUCKING DROWNED.

LET this bullshit END!

So easy to find, an NPC could have done it a year ago and ended this idiocy.


129659  No.5030195



You need the rabbi sucking on you son's foreskin, You need the Catholic priests raping your sons and then you can go to heaven.

536bae  No.5030196


anon, this shill is so butthurt, he wouldn't stop shilling if you had the rotting corpse in a display case certified by the mortician who tagged him.

18e644  No.5030197

Uh oh. Potus about to uncover more fuckery?


President Donald Trump will reportedly announce a 10-year plan to fight HIV in the U.S. during his State of the Union speech Tuesday, according to four sources cited by Politico.

Trump’s reported announcement might seem out of the blue, but it is not that surprising given that the CDC’s relatively new director, Robert Redfield, had an extensive career researching HIV/AIDS, reported Politico.

b2d59e  No.5030198


Religion isn't about being "told" or "controlled". It's about a relationship. It's about faith and love. For those that have the preconceived notion that a relationship with God, or religion as people title it, is something negative then you have been controlled by (((them))). Those who think they are in charge of "religion" are the ones who want to control. No one needs to be in between you and God. Form a relationship on your own by praying or simply by asking him if he's real. Start there, for real. Church is a building, it's not necessary. A congregation is something filled with relationships. House churches were how things used to be done. Even tithing, it was what you had that you could share with others- even if that is a set of tires you have laying around, or extra corn from harvest, diapers etc. Don't let them control the narrative of your own relationship with God. It's a beautiful thing.

9c48e8  No.5030199



Old breads. Easy enough to find.


779ada  No.5030200

File: 96b02cd5faa532e⋯.png (73.46 KB, 689x617, 689:617, ClipboardImage.png)


Baryon supermultiplet using four-quark models and half spin

d2b7dd  No.5030201


Does it come in pills anon?

Only seen the ampules.

302416  No.5030203

File: a750b2391507c98⋯.jpg (562.72 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184024….jpg)

File: 3f6ae2c4c640db8⋯.jpg (831.06 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184029….jpg)

File: e36776956054f0a⋯.jpg (796.2 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184035….jpg)

File: 335d4512dbd9c09⋯.jpg (796.51 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184041….jpg)

State dept. documents

This one is interesting


But Obama will also have to think about what

to do with Iran, which finances Hamas and Hizbollah, and

Shia militias in Iraq, and has become a nuclear

nuisance…. Obama's challenge will be to bring Pakistan

back from the jihadi edge, choke their support to the

Taliban, work them out of their "strategic depth"

mindset, and persuade them that the same terrorists they

train to send to India are the ones that may attack the

US. To stabilize Afghanistan, he will go to all those

European countries who hated Bush and ask for troops -

just like Bush."

8 pages so 2 posts

Pics. Related

bac559  No.5030204

File: e5186aedd7c3f1d⋯.jpeg (664.66 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, 27CF9470-93E5-4CD3-80D0-3….jpeg)

25a639  No.5030205

>>5028807 pb notable

>America is being destroyed from within by dual citizenship

and yet we have POTUS recently saying on tv interview "We must protect Israel"


d2b7dd  No.5030206


It is, in the true sense of the word, awesome.

941311  No.5030207


This is exactly why I don’t talk about Q to normies. Too late. Kinda had to be there early on

6c9a8d  No.5030208


Gotcha. Wanted to be facetious.


ca2ef1  No.5030209

File: 0f06ca6c86eb084⋯.png (119.4 KB, 248x402, 124:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Cabal home in Charlottesville.

Looks like low level people but lots of subtle artwork.


961941  No.5030210


Noice. I look forward to seeing it.

d0d944  No.5030211


oooh, will pray on this one.

422117  No.5030212


> normies catching up on what's happening politically

gotta start somewhere

c3271d  No.5030213


do your own research, form your own conclusions, don't reply on others for your answers

a91792  No.5030214


Hey man I know the devil can lead me astray, but dude the BBQ's are awesome.

Get a brain floss. Sto following AJ and all his friends

b2d59e  No.5030215



44ece7  No.5030216

File: 3dc6eac951d51d9⋯.jpg (377.78 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3739.jpg)

302416  No.5030217

File: bb3a04674388338⋯.jpg (813.85 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184048….jpg)

File: 92ac5cffb2d3698⋯.jpg (785.05 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184054….jpg)

File: 59a4c94b56fa820⋯.jpg (802.42 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184101….jpg)

File: 457542b64936879⋯.jpg (80.35 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-184106….jpg)


Last 4 pages

6a7055  No.5030218


Just don’t forget, they are given all opportunities to repent. We can disagree, without condemnation, while knowing Jesus will “call” those he chooses to spiritually nourish.

f8dfba  No.5030219



Damn, I have to add another descriptor to my profile….Russian troll. lolol

7a5fdf  No.5030220

File: 6b5c9854d5f9231⋯.png (734.42 KB, 535x733, 535:733, ClipboardImage.png)



baf306  No.5030222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kuschner is the middle man between Soros and Netanyahu

see Godfather I & II. the Robert Duval character

120b88  No.5030223


She seems like a genuinely interested person in bringing child trafficking to light. So, she's more focused on that issue than anything else. Godspeed to her, I say.

f22d41  No.5030224



779ada  No.5030225

File: 6ca088530a340aa⋯.png (4.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

58c949  No.5030226


>>5030172 Pompeo secured Guaido as Ven. President?

>>5030094 Cryptocurrency investors locked out of $190m after exchange founder dies.

>>5029902 YouTuber Pleads guilty to CP/Solicitation.

>>5029866 GM to layoff 4000.

>>5029844, >>5030141 Anon's call to shovels on Howard Schultz. Cocaine from Columbia?

>>5029822 Bob Menendez calls on DHS, FBI to "conduct an appropriate investigation into alleged crimes committed at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J."

>>5029760 Iran nuclear deal: India, Pakistan several places mentioned.

>>5029711 US envoy discusses 2nd Trump-Kim summit with S. Korean officials.

>>5029656 Fairfax implies he’s the target of a smear campaign by Northam.

>>5029641 US ready to build portion of Texas Border Wall.

>>5029586 Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced her presidential bid for the 2020 election.

>>5029575 RS Attorney claims he received an indictment draft with metadata from the day before the arrest from CNN reporter.

>>5029568 Planefag: VM374 from Gulfport has just landed at Andrews AFB.

>>5029560 Paul Manaforts sentencing delayed to March 13.


5b0594  No.5030227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9c48e8  No.5030228


We got funky shit yesterday, too.

Fingers crossed. Best anon can do.

1fb482  No.5030229


Kinda dry, needs moar sauce

6eccf9  No.5030230

File: dfe0f3d134a878c⋯.jpeg (219.95 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, 39D6E8DA-6265-467A-9369-8….jpeg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, EF7FCE2C-DFA9-4CAF-BCAB-7….jpeg)

File: 4c27a2b81ea0564⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 23E3C532-04F8-4D00-84F1-0….jpeg)


wow…. good work using 4 words of the bible out of context. Did Jesus turn the other cheek when he flipped over the merchant tables??

The way u chop and misuse scripture, u would make a good (((Pharisee)))

Go bsck to maga riot posting next bread faggot.

e2ce76  No.5030231


Every action has a opposite and equal reaction

Sometimes good intentions have a negative outcome

Liberals have a hard time understanding this concept

91f678  No.5030232


Not necessarily. I was 1 year late and caught on and then read every drop. I'm now going back and re-reading every drop and making a timeline for better understanding (for me).

Shit is mind-blowing (to me).

b3fa84  No.5030233


Sounds like she is outing herself

b67fd7  No.5030234

File: b848fe2ca45a9ce⋯.png (295.16 KB, 401x501, 401:501, b848fe2ca45a9ce41493454fd9….png)


mine now…here is one for your trouble

8a4119  No.5030235


Suspending disbelief is the first step on the path to waking up. Next step, read the crumbs.

961941  No.5030237


who else besides me would laugh their fucking ass off if ICE was waiting for them.

835ebe  No.5030240

>>5029836 (PB)

You, sir, are a buttwipe.

120b88  No.5030241


People committed infanticide 6000 years ago.

18e644  No.5030242


You're right. Q is definitely one of those "you had to be there" situations. When it's finally accepted - yes, I believe it will be someday - those of us that were here for it will be envied.

8d28cd  No.5030243

File: d029e0c153fd056⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 500x547, 500:547, 2sbuyk.jpg)

8d2f3f  No.5030244


Hey oldfags, was 1950s America really any better than the shitshow that the USA is today? Yeah, they had the codes and the greased up hair and suits and all, but so much of it was fake.

Still, I envy you. You experienced the best of the best. All we have now is the shitshow.

2fe3ef  No.5030245

File: 9aba467ed250803⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 1236x1600, 309:400, LUNATIC POWER.jpg)

eb00e7  No.5030246

File: 7f8d5eb13a4b785⋯.jpg (450.6 KB, 1301x1020, 1301:1020, r6krkrt6k8695r67e6jrrs6ejr….jpg)

4ed662  No.5030247

File: 9b954f093a4c4d6⋯.png (517.34 KB, 641x440, 641:440, EFBC56D0-9B0B-4994-9873-D3….png)

I know another anon has posted think but really think about there are more drug users on the streets of San Fran the high school students. Question: what is San Fran politicians trying to do? Perhaps have “a purge where one night a year people go on a killing spree to get iT out of their system? Sounds irrational yes, but why are they allowing this to scare the public so they become violent? Anons do you have anybody other reasons why the leaders would allow this?

San Francisco Has More Drug Addicts Than Public High School Students, Health Dept Survey finds Leslie Eastman

“There are about 24,500 injection drug users in San Francisco — that’s about 8,500 more people than the nearly 16,000 students enrolled in San Francisco Unified School District’s 15 high schools”


The Left Coast of this great nation is often held up as a blueprint for progressive policy successes by its politicians, such as Democratic Party presidential hopeful Kamala Harris.

Late last year, I reported that the Los Angeles area was battling a typhus epidemic.

Now, a Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of typhus, and the disease continues to spread across Los Angeles County.

For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population.

But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, tells NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.

“It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the back of my neck,” Greenwood told the I-Team. “Who gets typhus? It’s a medieval disease that’s caused by trash.”

Greenwood believes she contracted typhus from fleas in her office at City Hall East. Fleas often live on rats, which congregate in the many heaps of trash that are visible across the city of LA, and are a breeding ground for typhus.

The California Department of Public Health reports a 55% increase in reported cases of typhus for 2018, with over 160 cases reported across the state.

A bit farther North, the blue bastion of San Francisco has a fun, new statistic about which it can boast.

San Francisco has more drug addicts than it has students enrolled in its public high schools, the city Health Department’s latest estimates conclude.

…Andy Bales, CEO of the Union Rescue Mission, which has nearly 1,400 beds for the displaced, said the city and county governments can only do so much to alleviate a homeless problem that has sparked outbreaks of Hepatitis A, typhus and gang violence over the skid row drug trade.

He’s calling on the federal goverment and the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help.

“It’s a FEMA-like disaster and it needs to be treated as such,” he said.

Typhus can cause headaches, fevers, chills, and in more severe cases it can lead to meningitis and death. The current illness is known as “murine typhus,” as it is spread primarily through flea bites or droppings from infected rats and mice.

Those feces have bacteria called Rickettsia typhi, according to the CDC.

When these infected feces are rubbed accidentally into scrapes or cuts in the skin, people become sick. In L.A. County, the health department says, typhus infects fleas found on dogs, cats, rats, and opossums. Animals carrying typhus themselves do not get sick.

In arguably related news, the Southern California housing market is beginning to slump.

Higher mortgage rates and overheated home prices hit Southern California home sales hard in September.

The number of new and existing houses and condominiums sold during the month plummeted nearly 18 percent compared with September 2017, according to CoreLogic. That was the slowest September pace since 2007, when the national housing and mortgage crisis was hitting.

Sales have been falling on an annual basis for much of this year, but this was the biggest annual drop for any month in almost eight years.

I suspect that the fact that our political leaders have prioritized social justice over public health is a contributing factor to this unexpected decline.


7eca7b  No.5030249

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0db2ddb91a5f….jpg)

1fb482  No.5030250

File: 6a7eb1c1e265c0c⋯.png (72.32 KB, 425x639, 425:639, PEPE SMOKIN HAWT.png)

File: f5af6acbfa9a238⋯.jpg (257.51 KB, 1200x892, 300:223, MERCHANT - GOYIM FINALLY D….jpg)



7ff0e2  No.5030251

File: 50c6080045bd8f2⋯.png (364.89 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

I got nothing.

9641d1  No.5030252


>>>5029560 Paul Manaforts sentencing delayed to March 13.

Who was it last week that had their sentencing postponed indefinitely?

1a20b8  No.5030253


Don’t forget what your authority figures told you growing up either

“Never discuss religion or politics”


“Because you might find out we are using the former to influence the latter to rig the system to rob people of their wealth, and eat their babies”

6c3e59  No.5030254


That is funny! As a boyscout they told me, after the snipe hunt, that I could buy dehydrated water. Thanks to GOD for the fraud being revealed.

b3fa84  No.5030255


Cloud in a can?

7c3564  No.5030256

File: 2267017ea58d749⋯.png (319.88 KB, 593x410, 593:410, ClipboardImage.png)

f3c75d  No.5030257

File: ef322bb6792e577⋯.jpg (88.25 KB, 800x430, 80:43, ef322bb6792e5770f64b9342ba….jpg)


>Shit is mind-blowing (to me).

2fe3ef  No.5030258

eb9b0c  No.5030259

File: b69c7f7ad90b54a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1265x1198, 1265:1198, Pointa-.png)

961941  No.5030260

f33722  No.5030261


I trust KANSAS[2]

302416  No.5030262




422117  No.5030263


Big black eye for the BLM. The reorg is going to address this. Move big parts of its structure out west.

e059c5  No.5030264


Check your definition of religion, Moran. Start with the dictionary

7a2128  No.5030265

File: e8843c122d836a9⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 964x659, 964:659, lightningstrikejesus.jpg)


>we have to spiritually wake up the people who are already awake to the QAnon movement.

We all know that. Probably shouldn't use normie tactics to accomplish your ends. Get creative.

941311  No.5030266


I think you may be the exception rather than the rule. Most just flip the TV back on and fire up FB

7746e5  No.5030267

File: a956a381d75e488⋯.jpg (131.89 KB, 795x1280, 159:256, 8f9ad39f-bc58-4c96-aab2-c1….jpg)


>a hammer…

<cuz some fuckers just need beat to death.

fc80de  No.5030268


Most organized religions are based on the works for salvation model of Christianity. You have to do something (money, work, etc) for that particular religion to be assured of your salvation. This is not biblical.

0572e2  No.5030269


Once again please link to the autopsy photos and not reports about them. As you know fake news is nothing new and this post has about as much street cred as CNN.

You need sauce … thx's

03a0d5  No.5030270


I've posted that before too, they told me "Nice try shill, filtered.">>5030220

9c48e8  No.5030271

File: 40218dfe74126fe⋯.png (96.47 KB, 794x295, 794:295, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)

Starbuck's Howard Schultz "classy" handler

Sherri Kersch


44ece7  No.5030272




Sorry no sauce. Phonefagging and driving…. Just throwing it out there to see if anything sticks

c938d6  No.5030273


Religion usually entails adhering to a certain dogma or belief system. Spirituality places little importance on intellectual beliefs but is concerned with growing into and experiencing the Divine consciousness. 2. … The spiritual approach to God is through the path of love.

a04be9  No.5030274


lame - that link only shows JFK - not JFK Jr

5516bd  No.5030275


See if I remember this right…In the movie Beverly Hills Cop (California) the object was hiding drugs in the COFFEE grinds (Starbucks?)…wonder how close to the truth this is…and they were laundering money and drugs through the ART TRADE!!!!…pretty damn close if you ask me!!!!

f8dfba  No.5030276


Flynn. It happened awhile ago.

1a20b8  No.5030277


Only needed one paycheck to live a middle class lifestyle.

Now you need 2 to stay above water.

You’ve been robbed.

7a5fdf  No.5030278


kys shill

2fe3ef  No.5030279


Thanks a lot for activating the boomers.

7ff0e2  No.5030280

File: b5a9f54991176d2⋯.png (363.71 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

39e0d3  No.5030281



Be surprised what standing one's ground, not backing down, no matter what and a few words can do.

8e4f21  No.5030282


>Went through the archives. WE'VE GOT NOTHING on this man.

7a5fdf  No.5030284


you have to go back shill

779ada  No.5030285

File: 82256da1a7640a5⋯.png (127.91 KB, 474x464, 237:232, ClipboardImage.png)

1fb482  No.5030287

File: 121f6d63deb768b⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PEPE flames of rage.jpg)


Fuckin' stop digging and driving FFS!

2fe3ef  No.5030288


Kisses to you. You are so nice.

9f4f21  No.5030289

File: c71666a097ffdb2⋯.jpeg (172.16 KB, 1536x228, 128:19, 90B430FE-6E8C-44A0-862C-F….jpeg)

File: 23b3daf31e38881⋯.jpeg (198.04 KB, 1536x234, 256:39, 8F174129-5C12-4CD8-AC32-C….jpeg)

File: 4344f1959af4808⋯.jpeg (295.44 KB, 1536x495, 512:165, E6C33641-0668-43D1-A9F0-D….jpeg)

Some uplifting wisdomy shit here.

…And I must be doing something right.

My digs are starting to show up in the threads after being in the wild.

58c949  No.5030290

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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