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File: 4cb6c0aad05031c⋯.jpg (248.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, OP.jpg)

86cd9d  No.5038724

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

86cd9d  No.5038742


are not endorsements


>>5032986 Reminder: State of the Union Speech at 9 PM EST

>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.

#6433 Baker Change

>>5038620 Pope acknowledges (first time) priests, bishops have sexually abused nuns

>>5038508 NO CAVE operation: proof that Q team has heavily affected Deep State?

>>5037997 NY Gov. Cuomo deflects, blaming POTUS for NY state $2.3B budget shortfall

>>5037998, >>5037999, >>5038164, >>5038239, >>5038446, >>5038560, OIG summary of FBI misconduct of agent

>>5038020 Grassley expects to see final Mueller report “within a month”

>>5038103 WH tweet: Theme of SOTU is “Choosing Greatness”

>>5038052 Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

>>5038669 #6433


>>5037261 Acting AAG and Sec. DHS joint report on impact of foreign interference on US elections

>>5037287 POTUS hires Bear Stearns chief economist to run World Bank

>>5037299 SA launches new internal affairs office

>>5037311 Huawei, Australian politicos, and “muh Russia”

>>5037412 Governor of Coahuila, MX, ordered ~50 buses to assist with caravan transport

>>5037568 Northam retains private detective

>>5038076 #6432


>>5036619 This CGI News Anchor's Chilling Gaze Is Scaring People for Multiple Reasons

>>5036588 TRUMP EFFECT! US Oil Production to surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia combined by 2025

>>5036549 Google announces Journalism AI project to aid news industry

>>5036548 Oprah to restore the Beto O’Rourke glow?

>>5036532 Apple Has Lost $450 Billion of Revenue Since October 2018!

>>5036464 POTUS "We will build a Human Wall if necessary."

>>5036457 WINNING! (and popcorn!) Only five students taking SDSU's women's, gender studies minor

>>5036448 Gen. Joseph L. Votel testifies before the Senate Arms Services Committee.

>>5037996 #6431

#6430 Baker change

>>5036358 Bongino: Sen. Dems block Anti-Infanticide Bill

>>5036027 Digg on Chicago PD Jordan Isaacson (re: plane crash)

>>5036311, >>5036330 @POTUS_Schedule: lunar new year & full moon Q drop

>>5036289 Lt. Gov. Fairfax accuser hires Katz team (Blasey Ford's lawyers)

>>5036177 DailyC: Will HRC be charged for emails, JC says nope

>>5036105 Hawaiian Flight 33 with spoopy guy called RavensFly aboard

>>5035897, >>5035926, >>5036263 Pope has friended Argentinian Muslims b4

>>5036128 Photos from the performance where RBG was nowhere to be seen

>>5035736 Hawaiian Bank CF/hrc link

>>5035729 Caravan arrival reports should start today.

>>5035704 NCB article: SOTU preview

>>5035667 Anon's take on the TV/Movies' effect on our Dreams/Reality

>>5035648, >>5035714 Savage to be deported, WaPo wants mo' memes

>>5036387 #6430 (mislabeled 6429)

Previously Collected Notables

>>5034047 #6427, >>5034812 #6428, >>5035610 #6429

>>5031712 #6424, >>5032403 #6425, >>5033276 #6426

>>5029461 #6421, >>5030226 #6422, >>5030978 #6423

>>5027261 #6418, >>5027902 #6419, >>5028715 #6420

>>5025502 #6416, >>5027518 #6417, >>5027518 #6417

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

86cd9d  No.5038747

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

86cd9d  No.5038749

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

03892f  No.5038750

C= Chair (electric)?


8f9ef1  No.5038765

File: 79840a2ca026301⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_714.png)

patriots remember!!

074cbe  No.5038768

Mueller deputy, Andrew Weissmann, briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election

Newly confirmed congressional testimony reveals that Andrew Weissmann, now a top deputy in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, was briefed in August 2016 on the opposition research behind the anti-Trump dossier – underscoring how early and widely the Democrat-funded research was shared among senior FBI and Justice Department officials.

DOJ official Bruce Ohr was asked about such briefings during a closed-door interview with House lawmakers in August 2018. In the interview, details of which have only recently emerged, Fox News has learned that Ohr revealed he met with Weissmann and other DOJ officials shortly after a July 30, 2016 breakfast meeting with former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, in the run-up to the presidential election. Ohr told congressional investigators that his contact with Steele included “specific information related to the Russian Government’s attempt to interfere in the Presidential election,” as well as specific allegations “related to members of the Trump campaign and allegations of colluding with Russia.”


0fc485  No.5038769




>Anyone notice that the weather in LA right now isn't organic? A week of artificial storms.

>And I've noticed that they use the clouds to generate cover for aircraft. You can hear them going by.

>No joke, I'm pretty sure I heard a pulse jet engine last night. Not even kidding.

>fighters flying from LA harbor, southward towards Catalina, several times last week

18600c  No.5038770

>>5037720 (lb)

>BUT, I will eat my words if you can show me one Q drop that says to dig the bible

His post # 1603

"Read the BIBLE."

86cd9d  No.5038771



0fc485  No.5038772

File: 807bed7728ccfe9⋯.png (245.96 KB, 923x766, 923:766, exercise.png)

80a4ea  No.5038773

File: 2375ab4c767f0c5⋯.png (95.6 KB, 379x531, 379:531, ClipboardImage.png)

3237b0  No.5038774

what was with the two bakes?

e830f6  No.5038775



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 85cc02 No.544304 Mar 3 2018 23:23:13 (EST)

A demonstration was made today in front of the WH.

It showed they can control ‘innocents’.

It was a direct THREAT.

This is not a game.

The MSM is creating emotional conflict.

This destabilizes certain minds to become suspectable to outside control.

What you SEE is 2%.

The WAR is REAL.

These people are SICK.

Watch the news this week.


35fa86  No.5038776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Principle (2014 documentary)

"The Universe is trying to tell us something."

473e7d  No.5038777

File: 42b6d4852acf495⋯.jpg (200.57 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 3E56A19200000578-0-image-a….jpg)



TY Baker!!! Doing great!

fb3c98  No.5038778

File: f22e6a9f975ca46⋯.png (56.94 KB, 749x831, 749:831, ClipboardImage.png)

Acting Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on Election and Political/Campaign Infrastructure in 2018 Elections


The US Gov is Israel's BITCH

18600c  No.5038779



My gosh, sorry for shitting the bread baker.

646a0e  No.5038780

File: 702861c56d1e18e⋯.png (197.24 KB, 2048x669, 2048:669, Screenshot_20190205-115728.png)

d82882  No.5038781

File: a5d13f26bc06574⋯.jpg (911.77 KB, 6600x4500, 22:15, Psychopath.jpg)

File: 224e7010659e3a7⋯.jpg (904.58 KB, 6600x4500, 22:15, Pedophile.jpg)

File: 036a1d4356b8401⋯.jpg (902.41 KB, 6600x4500, 22:15, Pedovore.jpg)


This is a Bad Time to be a Psychopath on Planet Earth

This is a Bad Time to be a Pedophile on Planet Earth

This is a Bad Time to be a Pedovore on Planet Earth

Psychopathy, Divinity, and Positive Disintegration


A concise and powerful post about recognizing and (graciously!) subsuming psychopaths.

Baker Please Consider Notable:


9823d5  No.5038782

File: 1d56baa01263db0⋯.jpg (791.13 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_NMM.jpg)

File: 8e833f54351bbfa⋯.png (374.34 KB, 4096x2048, 2:1, NMM_Template.png)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, OriginalGraphic.jpg)

File: 0b572518de2fe94⋯.png (341.66 KB, 486x551, 486:551, KubricThrillOfDiscovery.png)

File: 13922a79b22d157⋯.jpg (364.14 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg)

How many MARKERS can (You) find in todays SOTU address?!?!?!

Listen to what Trump says, and unlock older Q Posts.

The Posts that are unlocked by news in all its forms are revealed as the MARKERS.

What we find between the MARKERS opens more.

Markers -> deltas/timestamps used to arrange them -> paint a 40K ft. V picture.

You can reveal the Truth you've always known existed.

>[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

>Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to contnue.

>Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

>Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

<Graphic is necessary and vital.

>Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

<Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

<Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

>Why was this necessary?

>What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

>Why is this relevant?

>Think mirror.

>Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

>What is a map?

>Why is a map useful?

>What is a legend?

>Why is a legend useful?

>What is a sequence?

>Why is this relevant?

>When does a map become a guide?

>What is a keystone?

>Everything stated is relevant.


>Future provides past.

>Map provides picture.

>Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

>40,000ft. v. is classified.

>Why is a map useful?

>Think direction.

>Think full picture.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

>Be [p]repared.

>Ope[r]ations underway.

>Operators [a]ctive.

>Graphic is essential.

>Find the ke[y]stone.

>Moves and countermoves.

>They never thought she would lose.

>Snow white.

>Godfather III.

>Iron Eagle.


They gave us a guide.

A Light in this Darkness.

Original Text - https://pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX

As far as I can tell this pastebin has an exact Copy of the graphic Q posted, plus the three extra posts Q made in a bread before:


Happy hunting lads!

390dfb  No.5038783

>>5038668 LB

But he becomes horse like to rape Demeter.

"In Arcadia, located in what is now southern Greece, the major goddess Despoina was considered the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon Hippios, Horse-Poseidon. In the associated myths, Poseidon represents the river spirit of the underworld, and he appears as a horse as often happens in northern European folklore. The myth describes how he pursued Demeter, who hid from him among the horses of King Onkios, but even in the form of a mare, she could not conceal her divinity. In the form of a stallion, Poseidon caught and raped her. "

78fa79  No.5038784

d1fa42  No.5038785

File: 019ffe48f545a1f⋯.png (506.64 KB, 787x776, 787:776, 21 Savage.png)

>>5038723 FLB

>>>5038723 FLB

>Meanwhile there were 21 men arrested. Message being sent?

ed8737  No.5038786

File: 092095cb5b298e7⋯.png (359.08 KB, 797x531, 797:531, tymongolia.png)

7e8a21  No.5038787

File: c444810614a2e38⋯.png (332.59 KB, 477x389, 477:389, dabullshit.PNG)


you gotta read almost to the end of the article to get to this nugget

Other than references to Donald Trump's travel and documents, the cache doesn't appear to contain information that would point to Trump's knowledge about the project, or to Donald Trump Jr.'s.

807a88  No.5038788

File: 44929b14eac5fd5⋯.jpeg (695.64 KB, 1125x1707, 375:569, F4EE8488-D0E7-46A6-91F7-B….jpeg)

File: 5ad9d076d541e65⋯.jpeg (105.98 KB, 1125x269, 1125:269, E53FB73A-E355-49B7-94BE-6….jpeg)

File: f1f5cbd38477817⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1839, 375:613, 8A08016B-636E-4FBC-82AD-3….jpeg)

File: d4459545c16ce2b⋯.jpeg (667.62 KB, 1125x1943, 1125:1943, 5A58D06B-0646-4818-9727-F….jpeg)

File: dcf8cf8267bfe67⋯.jpeg (240.72 KB, 1125x1207, 1125:1207, 98BECF44-1BE9-481E-A567-5….jpeg)

Reposting on Y-heads. Pre-Christian Europe rune for "Elk" Algiz


0d142d  No.5038789

File: 537a38d542b3359⋯.jpg (72.67 KB, 640x960, 2:3, drop_dead_gorgeous_redhead….jpg)

TY Baker

78fa79  No.5038790

940ba8  No.5038791

>>5038707 lb

Jan 30, 2018 Press Release

Beatty Statement on Trump's First State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C.–On January 30, 2018, in response to President Donald Trump's first State of the Union Address, U.S. Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (OH-03) issued the following statement:

"President Trump opened his address by talking about 'bonds of trust' and ensuring all Americans have the opportunity to live the American Dream. However, making progress in these areas requires more than words, it takes action and strong leadership. The president read through a string of issues weaved through his scripted speech but failed to even acknowledge the many hurtful, divisive, bigoted and offensive statements he has hurled at countless Americans of all backgrounds. So, while I hope that the White House and Republicans will work with Democrats to 'put politics aside' to move our country forward, build a strong infrastructure, help our fellow Americans struggling with addiction, and provide hardworking families the opportunity to move from poverty to prosperity, I believe their actions in the months ahead will provide more insight than tonight's speech ever will."


So where is the 'I' which follows this and shown on phone screen?

317a59  No.5038792

File: 26d5240e8de2f44⋯.png (79.79 KB, 1103x524, 1103:524, APPL Revenue.PNG)

>>5036532 (lb notable) Apple Has Lost $450 Billion of Revenue Since October 2018!


$AAPL has not lost $450 billion of revenue coz that is impossible. AAPL has never had an entire year of revenue more than they had in 2018 which was $265 billion.

Apple exceed their 2015 revenue by $32 billion in 2018.

$AAPL market valuation did shed $450 billion-ish in the Fall/Christmas free fall from their peak market valuation. Apple is currently valued ~$200 billion lower than their peak.

Who let the fucking retardanon in here?

86cd9d  No.5038793


Whew! Thank you BV!


No worries I had tremendous lag while baking and it went on for like forever. Back on track now though.

Requesting handoff

d007f5  No.5038794


I will jam my foot into the deepest part of your everything

074cbe  No.5038795

File: 022059dd1f5eb75⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 480x480, 1:1, mgeGrE7IpTUSyTu6.mp4)

Thomas Sowell: “People like Paul Krugman were saying that when Trump gets in, the economy is going to tank. No. The economy hit new highs. There are so many people, especially among the intelligentsia, who are absolutely immune to facts.”


7e8a21  No.5038796

File: 57b96cfd403b81a⋯.png (244.06 KB, 1051x745, 1051:745, buzzhead.PNG)

82dfd4  No.5038797

File: 992c7a4795377e5⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

b41087  No.5038798

last bread


maybe I misspoke

Isaac Kappy was larping and collecting cash - maybe on the back of a real hollywood anon who posted on halfchan (you say Desmond Wilson?)

but at least part of the back and forth was Kappy taking advantage and collecting money…and anyway, hes all strung out and hiding at his mom's

35fa86  No.5038799

fb3c98  No.5038800

Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal

Trump claimed in an interview that “99 percent” of ISIS’ territory had been reclaimed.

WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump indicated this weekend that some US troops in Syria would remain there “to protect Israel,” in an apparent shift from his earlier insistence on an absolute withdrawal.

In an interview with Margaret Brennan of CBS News, Trump was pressed to identify precisely how much of America’s force presence there would be coming home – and how quickly.

“We’re going to be there and we’re going to be staying. We have to protect Israel,” he replied. “We have to protect other things that we have. But we’re – yeah, they’ll be coming back in a matter of time.”

“Look, we’re protecting the world,” he added. “We’re spending more money than anybody’s ever spent in history, by a lot.”

Israeli officials expressed alarm in December at Trump’s surprise decision to pull all 2,000 US troops from the Syrian battlefield, where it sees Iranian presence growing ever closer to its northern border.

They have been pushing the Trump administration to maintain a presence at al-Tanf in eastern Syria, which has served as an important base both in countering Islamic State fighters as well as Iranian influence.

Trump also revealed that he planned on keeping troops in Iraq for similar reasons.

“I want to be able to watch Iran,” he said. “Iran is a real problem.”

He claimed to Brennan that “99%” of ISIS’s territory had been conquered.

“When I took over, Syria was infested with ISIS. It was all over the place. And now you have very little ISIS, and you have the caliphate almost knocked out,” he said. “We will be announcing in the not too distant future 100% of the caliphate, which is the area – the land – the area – 100. We’re at 99% right now. We’ll be at 100.”


Say one thing do the opposite

ed4fc6  No.5038801

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, free beer q.jpg)

0901ad  No.5038802

>>5038687 (lb) <<

Been living in LA over half a century. The weather here has been unique, to say the least. Never before had thunder literally shake the building I'm in. Happened last week. Nothing here is normal. And not in the usual ways. Just today was odd between clear blue sky and black downpours.


Not my thing, but many of these symbols are attached to the original Hebrew alphabet. Y would be the first letter of God's name, which would be symbolically powerful (there is no J in Hebrew; YHWH is the Father, and Yehoshua the Son).

The Early Semitic pictograph of this letter is , an arm and hand. The meaning of this letter is work, make and throw; the functions of the hand. The Modern Hebrew name yud is a derivative of the two letter word (yad), a Hebrew word meaning "hand," the original name for the letter.

The ancient and modern pronunciation of this letter is a "y." In Ancient Hebrew this letter also doubled as a vowel with an "i" sound. The Greek language adopted this letter as the vowel iota, retaining the "i" sound.

The ancient pictograph became the in the Middle Semitic script. The letter continued to evolve into the simpler form in the Late Semitic script. The Middle Semitic form became the Greek and Roman I. The Late Semitic form became the Modern Hebrew

(the images did not transfer over; think of a Y that got drunk and fell down counterclockwise, with one foot up in the air)

390dfb  No.5038803


Pan is the Devil, The Baphomet, the masonic Baphomet, the goat god.

209454  No.5038804

File: b797b268b132fdd⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 454x319, 454:319, 1p39.jpg)

86cd9d  No.5038805


digits confirm, ty!

8b8b5f  No.5038806

File: 284b0ee92088660⋯.jpeg (871.58 KB, 625x1865, 125:373, 9F36400E-AF99-4FAD-8325-7….jpeg)

File: 63af145ca48868b⋯.jpeg (430.88 KB, 1125x1008, 125:112, D64523CE-91E6-4038-92A0-4….jpeg)

One of ICE's Most Wanted Aliens indicted for illegally re-entering the United States following deportation


0d142d  No.5038807

File: ba4fb2fc97e5757⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 274x447, 274:447, 5e05ae1aa20e5863f162db5751….jpg)


Trips of beauty

f290c5  No.5038808

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



82dfd4  No.5038809


I feel like Kappy was pulling his bs with Seth Green. (Even though Green was the one being accused)

f290c5  No.5038810

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

fb3c98  No.5038811

File: e0ad18f062414f0⋯.png (75 KB, 1486x566, 743:283, ClipboardImage.png)

US Media Pulls Out All Stops; Fake Army Defectors, Russian Mercs, Plane-Loads of Gold

Over the past few days, the intensity of anti-government protests in Venezuela has declined despite attempts of the US-led bloc to warm them up through both public and clandestine measures. However, the conflict continues to develop amid the acute standoff in the media sphere between the Maduro government and its opponents backed by the US-led bloc.

On January 29, CNN released an interview with two “Venezuelan army defectors” who appealed to US President Donald Trump to arm them to defend “freedom” in Venezuela. They claimed to be in contact with hundreds of willing defectors via WhatsApp groups and called on Venezuelan soldiers to revolt against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

“As Venezuelan soldiers, we are making a request to the US to support us, in logistical terms, with communication, with weapons, so we can realize Venezuelan freedom,” one of the alleged defectors, Guillen Martinez, told CNN. Another one, Hidalgo Azuaje, added: “We’re not saying that we need only US support, but also Brazil, Colombia, Peru, all brother countries, that are against this dictatorship.”

During the entire clip, these persons were presented in a manner alleging that they had just recently defected and are now calling on others to follow their step. However, therein lies the problem. The badges on their uniform say FAN – Fuerza Armada Nacionales. This is an outdated pattern, which has been dropped. Now, Venezuela’s service members have a different badge – FANB, which means Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana. So, either the “Venezuelan army defectors” somehow lost the letter B from their uniform, or the entire interview is a staged show involving former Venezuelan service members, who have been living for a long time outside the country, or in the worst case – actors.


f290c5  No.5038812

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

6666f5  No.5038813

File: 15380ff5890786e⋯.jpg (37.72 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 9de89d2cff0be64aeba3b6fa98….jpg)


64ae4e  No.5038814

7hrs… Germananon has timer set to 3am to see it live.

6fa141  No.5038815

File: 6b4a57fd39f1977⋯.png (33.51 KB, 503x300, 503:300, EZgirlCaptcha.png)

>>5038680 (LB)

>>5038755 (LB)

>>5038508 (LB)

Yes. Both? Is it even widely known it was the same plane? Droppin' an info-nugget here or was I just asleep that day?

f290c5  No.5038816

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

e830f6  No.5038817


see you next bread

for a new filter

d56dad  No.5038818


Q said "exactly". What you have there is far from "exactly". Gay.

0901ad  No.5038819


Demeter? I raped the bitch!

807a88  No.5038820


Thought we learned last year it was p-shopped hence why the raw feed was needed.

294916  No.5038821


is it time?

8f9ef1  No.5038822

File: ed97cd66104e78d⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_715.png)

patriots remember!

a48da1  No.5038823

b5ac53  No.5038824

>>5038652 (pb)

>>5038652 (pb)



eyes are turned in the proper direction. There are far too many possibilities to elaborate upon in regards to "why" they would have scrubbed information……but FEAR is certainly one part of all possibilities of elaboration.

d007f5  No.5038825


Dude, quit posting mythological disinfo. it's relevant to exactly zero things, and you're lowering the collective IQ in here.

3237b0  No.5038826


gotcha, thanks for baking

Handoff Confirmed?

0010dc  No.5038827





fb3c98  No.5038828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The direct line from the Nazis to the Neo-Cons

A little history

The Neo-cons draw Nazi legal theory

Why does US foreign – and even domestic policy – so often echo the behavior of the Nazi regime?

A little history answers the question…

There’s a direct line from the Nazis to the Neo-Cons – and the Neo-Cons are clearly who the powers-that-be want in control of US foreign policy.

Timely information, especially now that the US is sending war criminal Elliott Abrams to “manage” the situation in Venezuela.


8bb097  No.5038829

File: 3a625b017984604⋯.png (498.14 KB, 632x769, 632:769, eh.png)

File: cd8ddb8ce1409a2⋯.png (31.42 KB, 588x412, 147:103, EH2.png)


Is this whom Q is referring to in post 1071?

Eric Holder is relevant in other posts but I think

Elvin Hernandez is being pointed out in this particular post.

POTUS guest for SOTU tonight.

f047c5  No.5038830


Will you just FUCK RIGHT OFF already?

I've been watching you spew out your shill crap for 2 months now.


473e7d  No.5038831


Gotcha. Yeah, it was all fishy coming from Krappy.

e8587c  No.5038832

File: 0fc534ff8320e18⋯.png (380.47 KB, 746x960, 373:480, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody seen this? Any sauce?

116ea8  No.5038833

File: ae9f1f33f7d9469⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 0CD5B92B-C163-4700-B354-BD….png)

Green castle Red castle

0fc485  No.5038834


If you can recognize aircraft by sound, try listening tonight. I'm pretty sure they flew a pulse jet over San Pedro/Long Beach last night.

Ghoulish things afoot? I dunno. Gonna go run an errand. Will use satellite imagery to investigate when I get back. I know they have some smaller islands apart from Catalina that are military outposts south of port of LA.

d56dad  No.5038835


discussion thread from last year


fb3c98  No.5038836

Firm founded by ex-Blackwater boss to operate in China’s Xinjiang province

A security firm founded by Erik Prince, the former boss of the private military company Blackwater, has announced a deal with the Chinese state to operate a training facility in China’s largely Muslim Xinjiang province. In the months following the United States invasion of Iraq, Blackwater was hired by the Department of State to provide diplomatic security at several locations throughout the Middle Eastern country. By 2010, when the company was abruptly sold to a group of private investors, its tactics in Iraq had prompted international controversy. Prince went on to help found Frontier Services Group (FSG), another private security firm registered in Hong Kong. The company provides security training to personnel working for Chinese companies. Its specialization is training personnel of Chinese firms based abroad, mainly in regions of Africa.

The announcement of the new training center was posted on the FSG’s Chinese-language website. It said that one of FSG’s subsidiaries had struck an agreement to build and operate a “training center” at the Kashgar Caohu industrial park in the city of Kashgar, one of China’s westernmost cities, situated near the country’s border with Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan. The city of 1 million people is located in the province of Xinjiang. In recent months, Beijing has been heavily criticized by several Western countries for allegedly carrying out mass detentions of Uighur Muslims, which make up about half of Xinjiang’s population. Uighurs are ethnically related to the peoples of Central Asia and speak a Turkic dialect. Some see the Chinese state as an occupier and advocate secession, often combined with calls to create an Islamic caliphate. China denies the allegations of mass detentions and claims that Uighurs are voluntarily enrolled in “educational and training facilities”, where they are de-radicalized through political and cultural instruction. Up to a million Uighurs are believed to have been enrolled in these facilities in the past year.

It is worth noting that the initial announcement of the Kashgar Caohu training center agreement between FSG and its Chinese client was eventually deleted from the company’s website. Late last week, an FSG spokesperson told several news agencies, including Reuters, that Prince was not involved in what was described in a statement as a “preliminary agreement” for a training center in Xinjiang. The spokesperson added that Prince probably had “no involvement whatsoever” in the agreement.


f290c5  No.5038837

File: 7e1139bdc5d77d5⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 494x358, 247:179, 7e1139bdc5d77d59e26e5a66d3….jpg)

379f96  No.5038838

so no illegals voted at all Ok so Q is fake as fuck then ok same old same old >>5038778

4dce3b  No.5038839


>Germananon has timer set to 3am

better set it to 2am, if it starts 9 est, no?

a48da1  No.5038840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cfb99a  No.5038841


Plans must be Fluid

f290c5  No.5038842

File: 9eff1d5467ac2d2⋯.png (143.21 KB, 548x362, 274:181, 9eff1d5467ac2d2b4059a889eb….png)

b41087  No.5038843



This is a good point

not a marketfag so didn't bother to read



390dfb  No.5038844


Who is Pan?

Who is Pan?

Pan is the demonic pagan god of sexual perversion, pedophilia and rape he’s also portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk and lascivious, frolicking with nymphs and piping his way through the wild. We might say he ruled the lower nature of man, its animal side. The attributes or symbols associated with Pan are woods, pastures, umbrella, phallus and the flute(also called Pan flute). He is depicted with goat’s feet and two horns, and wearing a lynx-pelt.

No, I am not. the statue in front of the hotel posted by Soro's son is of the devil and the god that represents pedophilia. That is very relevent.

3237b0  No.5038845


#6395 Baker Change

>>>/qresearch/5008617 Payseur hidden trust at 55 Water Street NY, $1.7 quadrillion in value worldwide!

from saturday

86cd9d  No.5038846




4dce3b  No.5038847


sorry, 3am is correct.

f047c5  No.5038848

File: b1e2d68a5117613⋯.png (272.32 KB, 550x704, 25:32, opinion.png)

f290c5  No.5038849

File: 2e9f7044218982f⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 413x450, 413:450, 20pctopac.jpg)

File: 5211f7f2b672238⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 416x448, 13:14, 30pctopac.jpg)

File: 4df2300ea407e73⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 418x448, 209:224, 60pctopac.jpg)

File: 59b643a95b81604⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 411x444, 137:148, 80pctopac.jpg)

806cd6  No.5038850

>>5038599 LB

WAIT… was this a Hussein SOTU? what black congresswoman would be insulted by someone dragging on TRUMP?!?

6666f5  No.5038851


He did say that Israel can take care of itself or something like that.

Wonder who go to him.

e41458  No.5038852


>Dude, quit posting mythological disinfo. it's relevant to exactly zero things, and you're lowering the collective IQ in here.

that you james

how's mummy

35fa86  No.5038853


Foreshadowing. Not the actual event.

373037  No.5038854

File: dc8d8619033b9a8⋯.png (774.88 KB, 881x510, 881:510, Academy7.png)


I've heard that each American Citizen has been robbed of anywhere from 35-50 MILLION in wealth in the past 100 or so years. No sauce, but it's what a lot of smart people I know seem to believe.

BUT….IF it's there….It IS OURS!!

0729aa  No.5038855


Very weak report! Patriot in control my ass.

5edd57  No.5038856

File: c6d4a1c84841792⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 395x600, 79:120, backflip2.jpg)

A man was arrsted for making threats against Webster Groves city officials (pic related: is city mentioned here yesterday).

Having seen that city mentioned here because of its… artwork, I decided to dig on the guy making the threats.


The man is a chiropractor who DOES STEM CELL INJECTIONS.


Does it seem to anyone else that this man is trying to send a message of "don't dig here!" What might a man who does stem cell injections have to hide?

What is even going on here anons?

Do chiropractors do stem cell injections usually? I would've thought plastic surgery (and this is still possible), but are chiropractors doing it too?

3237b0  No.5038857

RGB, let me know when you can take over


New Baker Confirmed

good job, did you bake two breads or did someone bake another bread?

because there were two breads for a little bit

a48da1  No.5038858

f290c5  No.5038859

File: 9aba467ed250803⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 1236x1600, 309:400, LUNATIC POWER.jpg)

a48da1  No.5038860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

473e7d  No.5038861



Can this be verified?

6666f5  No.5038862


>Wonder who go to him.


fb3c98  No.5038863

File: 5026bda77a6a7f4⋯.png (65.23 KB, 1459x825, 1459:825, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edc5ea20b8b752f⋯.png (46.19 KB, 1452x555, 484:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 764b2a876019448⋯.png (967.13 KB, 1462x851, 1462:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a6fca213073906⋯.png (20.03 KB, 1472x299, 64:13, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN Admits: Saudi Arabia Supplies Weapons to al-Qaeda in Yemen

Now, even CNN admits that the Saudi-led coalition is supporting al-Qaeda terrorists Yemen. The goal: to get their support in the ongoing conflict.

The Saudi-led coalition provided US-made weapons to al-Qaeda-linked fighters, Salafi militias and other factions taking part in the intervention in Yemen, in violation with their agreements with the US, according to a CNN investigation.

The weapons have also made their way into the hands of Iranian-backed rebels battling the coalition for control of the country, exposing some of America’s sensitive military technology to Tehran and potentially endangering the lives of US troops in other conflict zones,” CNN reported.

According to the investigation, Saudi Arabia and the UAE used the US-made weapons to buy the loyalties of militias or tribes, bolster chosen armed actors, and influence the complex political landscape.

However, by handing off the military equipment to third parties, the Saudi-led coalition is in breach of its agreements with the US, according to the US Department of Defense.

CNN correspondents went to Yemen’s Taiz, to “shop” at the local weapon shops, asking if they have any US weapons.


b41087  No.5038864



I was following that pretty closely bc I was all up in pizzagate but was

way disappointed when some people linked it to kappy who is a virtual nobody

a5a14f  No.5038865


Anon, I know what you are saying. Thunder is unusal, but not heard of. Scared my kid to death about 10 years ago. Kek

But, weather here is cyclical, as you know. Periods of drought and periods of excessive rain.

All I am saying is that I am not so quick to lay this cycle on fuckery.

1980e0  No.5038866

>>5038288 LB (formatted for you, apprentice baker)

>>5038237 - Practicing Collecting Notables, bear with me.

>>5038179 - Planefag Reporting

>>5037997 - Practicing Collecting Notables. Call 'em out!

>>5037997 - Nolte: Gov. Cuomo Falsely Blames Trump for New York’s $2.3 Billion Budget Shortfall

>>5037998 - "Prosecution was declined"

>>5038020 - Chuck Grassley says he expects Mueller report 'within a month'

>>5038027 - Sen. Kennedy: The World Won’t ‘Spin Off Its Axis’ if Trump Declares National Emergency at Border

>>5038031 - Booker Embarrasses Himself, again

>>5038054 - Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

>>5038062 - Soros tweet from Hotel Sacher showing same statues as (((Epstein))) island

c73a0d  No.5038868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Las Vegas clip - 'Pellets' 'Campos' posted LB

fb3c98  No.5038869



a48da1  No.5038870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

that's alotta fun looking stuff huh

f210da  No.5038871

“IMMUNIZATION program as practiced is the most dangerous one program ever foisted off on mankind and babies. Once inoculated, the body carries the damaging invasion substance for the remainder of the life of the body in point. This is also one of the biggest money-makers in Modern Medicine and chemical "warfare" against the human species. If you continue to allow the system to trap you, you are to blame for your own misfortune.”

86cd9d  No.5038872


Yes that was me with the bad/dupe 6433, I promptly added 6434 and was ready to notify you but you already got it. Thanks!

ed8737  No.5038873

File: 84a499063e9a9ca⋯.png (36.63 KB, 1079x202, 1079:202, comment.png)

File: a3f39f849663ec3⋯.png (21.98 KB, 341x199, 341:199, comment2.png)

File: 320464eed476183⋯.png (29.6 KB, 1025x135, 205:27, comment3.png)

>>5038579 (pb)

some comments

0901ad  No.5038874


It's value of market cap, not revenue. Sloppy reporting.

bd9ac5  No.5038875

File: 6bfecd5939e8277⋯.jpg (240.49 KB, 819x1139, 819:1139, togtfo.jpg)

24c4cf  No.5038876

>>5038722 pb

yes, the statues are from the same sculptor, being in front of that hotel is a calling card for those "in the know"

>>5038729 pb

spelt it wrong, i meant wien

>>5038752 pb

yes it crossed my mind, it ties in, a part of their code. Alefantis is a clown name (i love children in French) he associates with Pan, the pedo god in his avatar

fb3c98  No.5038877



we were warned (((Q+)))

afd4d0  No.5038878

File: e9f870ff252c62d⋯.jpg (278.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Citizen Journalism.jpg)

d951e4  No.5038879


Anon it is much easier and will help you feel vindicated to just filter the posting, Other anons will catch on too!

FTF ….. Filter the F**ker

a48da1  No.5038880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b01242  No.5038881

>>5038522 lb

18 tons / 466m(m=13) hidden message there imo

379f96  No.5038882

File: 1fa948023af2b55⋯.png (31.11 KB, 451x207, 451:207, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


we got had, RBG in front row tonight, its clear the white hats lost, this is a slow roll back to the way it was before, we got hit hard on this time to abort if Potus does not make fireworks tonight

940ba8  No.5038883


where did the text in photoshop come from?

That is what I am trying to find out.

I can match the upper part of text to Beatty Response, although she appears to have scrubbed some of it.

But where did the text in lower half come from, even if it is photoshopped?

Just curious why that text would be scrubbed? it is nothing damaging.

I think the text on phone may be Beatty's original response, a much longer response, but why scrub it unless it can unlock this phone mess?

614054  No.5038884


Why do "a lot of smart people [you] know seem to believe" this?

9458f3  No.5038885


Jesus Christ was killed for speaking out about the Jews - practice your right to free speech and make Jesus proud… call out the Jews.

1dad50  No.5038886

Serving one another up for Dinner!

Let them eat each other out of Existence!


35fa86  No.5038887

We've already won.

cfb99a  No.5038888


are you going on a cruise ?

f290c5  No.5038889


kek. Therapy. LMFAO

e830f6  No.5038890


so close

0901ad  No.5038891


Widely known here; the sheep are still asleep.

806cd6  No.5038892


Schumer sure is quiet.

c73a0d  No.5038893

Be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills.

dbf778  No.5038894

File: 26dd263cc6c667b⋯.png (200.77 KB, 532x551, 28:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2504ea3da42a777⋯.png (161.11 KB, 409x412, 409:412, ClipboardImage.png)



1dad50  No.5038895

File: c5be9e463445fe6⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 550x530, 55:53, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg)


What a Waste of Quads!

d58e53  No.5038896

Another DREAMER anon here… Would also love to request laying down the first brick of the wall.

And fuck Israel.

0fc485  No.5038897


Anybody notice the captchas talking to them? Or am I going nuts here?

b5ac53  No.5038898


copy pasta from pub

POTUS Speech & CNN Assassination Planning




10 Mar 2018 - 8:15:05 PM

CNN airing assassination of JFK.

CNN 3 sec delay - speech.

CNN Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

These people are sick.


expand your thinking.

they edit shit in real time before it hits the air…..

"Live" is just a word.

fb3c98  No.5038899

File: 0ab146573c3979d⋯.png (48.55 KB, 615x613, 615:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0f61c901c1d59c⋯.png (10.05 KB, 613x158, 613:158, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats have a free ride for human-traffickers in their immigration proposal

Is there any special interest group Democrats won't accommodate?

Breitbart News took a deeper look at Democrats' proposal for immigration, the one they're putting out to show they're supposedly as serious as President Trump is on border security, and it contains a doozy for human-traffickers:

The House Democrats' first offer to President Trump in negotiations to fund his proposed United States-Mexico border wall includes a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants trafficking children across the southern border.

The draft budget provides the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with $7.4 billion, nearly $850 million less than requested by the Trump administration, and funds only 1,250 beds for adults and migrant children coming across the border this year, a decrease in detention space.

Attached to that funding, though, is an immigration enforcement ban first introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and supported by every Senate Democrat. The Democrats' offer demands that all immigration enforcement end for any adult crossing the border with a child by the end of Fiscal Year 2019.

Now ostensibly, the logic is that moms and kids should never be separated as they await trial over mom's illegal entry into the U.S. (Why such moms are not prosecuted for child endangerment, given the dangers an illegal border crossing involves, is not addressed.)

The problem with it is that it incentivizes not just illegal immigration, but child-trafficking. That, as Breitbart argues, is going to lead not just to more unwed mothers and their kids making illegal entry, but to cartel members ramping up their child kidnapping and human-trafficking operations, given that nobody has to prove that that baby on her hip is actually hers. Every border crossing with a kid would mean instant catch and release. Every child of an illegal border-crosser would amount to a free ticket in.


80a4ea  No.5038900


ok shill

a8e500  No.5038901


>Droppin' an info-nugget here

Known on day of grounding. Flotus left maybe 2 hours after grounding. People thought it was just POTUS sticking a finger in Pelosi's eye, but if the on evac/no cave stuff is accurate there were more ominous reasons. Big, if true.

5edd57  No.5038902


Plz take a look baker, this is a solid lead on where the fetal tissues are ending up.

e830f6  No.5038903


biggest groan/cringe today


a48da1  No.5038904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


















it's a huge convention for the seo's too

0901ad  No.5038905


I'm not too far from there, and I hear activity fairly frequently. Kinda sucked at my plane ID class, but there's a really distinctive sound difference between military choppers and civilian choppers, and between military planes and civilian planes. One triggers PTSD, one doesn't. Simple tell.


379f96  No.5038906

File: 2a6241da66586a6⋯.png (40.38 KB, 515x345, 103:69, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


Today we got fucked hard on this Q shit

03892f  No.5038907

Dude is questionable, cabal, disinformation agent.


cfb99a  No.5038908

File: b0b0154a6f75cfe⋯.png (35.36 KB, 200x152, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

3237b0  No.5038909


ah ok gotcha, and I'm not a BV, kek

just an anon who bakes

35fa86  No.5038910



4dce3b  No.5038911


I have car's number plates talking to me sometimes. No worries. Kek!

f290c5  No.5038912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86cd9d  No.5038913


LB baker here. Looks great! For a real bun, leave out the - hyphen after the link, it's yet another character that must be typed by a busy baker. "Prosecution was declined" was vague headline for a big story, so it got linked to several more in the final bread. Soros link was controversial and not well sauced at one point, did it ever get confirmed? Collecting Notables is an art and you did great.

35fa86  No.5038914


Which dude?

3a1edd  No.5038915



>so no illegals voted at all Ok so Q is fake as fuck then ok same old same old

An illegal alien voting in the election is not a "foreign agent." That's a different kettle of tuna….

64ae4e  No.5038916

202c1a  No.5038917


Get the story right ,, would ya

John 5:18

“Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.”

74a6c1  No.5038918



nothing is gonna happen, he will just talk about the wall, late term abortions etc

fb3c98  No.5038919

File: adfb1f211020056⋯.png (671.89 KB, 718x889, 718:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c800d682cbb64e5⋯.png (41.33 KB, 734x573, 734:573, ClipboardImage.png)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress

Those of you who have been involved in the past in the battle to protect our children from poorly made vaccines or toxic chemicals in our food or in our water know the power of these industries and how they’ve undermined every institution in our democracy that is supposed to protect little children from powerful, greedy corporations. Even the pharmaceutical companies have been able to purchase congress. They’re the largest lobbying entity in Washington D.C.. They have more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than there are congressman and senators combined. They give twice to congress what the next largest lobbying entity is, which is oil and gas… Imagine the power they exercise over both republicans and democrats. They’ve captured them (our regulatory agencies) and turned them into sock puppets. They’ve compromised the press… and they destroy the publications that publish real science. (Robert F. Kennedy Jr, from the video below)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Children’s Health Defence (a worthy cause if you’re looking for one to donate to) has been fighting against big corporations that have taken over and undermined American government health regulatory agencies for a number of years. One of the most recent examples is when Robert F. Kennedy Jr represented Dewayne Johnson, a school groundskeeper who successfully brought forward a lawsuit alleging glyphosate caused his cancer. That’s right, he won!

There are currently thousands of cases pending against Monsanto, which is only one of multiple powerful companies influencing agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And to think, these are the agencies providing us with ‘science’ in order to get the food, medications, and other products produced by these big corporations to be deemed safe. Not only that, but these agencies are providing educational resources to medical schools, which Big Pharma has completely taken over as well.


115d74  No.5038920

File: 1d4fd64ca3a4219⋯.png (369.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, SOTU02.05.19.png)

Hi Q and POTUS. Missed you. Glad to be back.

Can POTUS say Whatever It Takes tonight?

Love you all.


350a48  No.5038921

Anon enjoys the new knowledge, but concedes to now owning a headache.

a48da1  No.5038922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3237b0  No.5038923


sounds like you just volunteered, if you do, Id add it to notables

3bb53d  No.5038924


>muh dreamer slide

Obvious slide is obvious.


ebcd5a  No.5038925

>>5038039 (lb)

the pentagon one with a bunch of dudes talking in a car about the sighting sounded like a bunch of 4th rate movie actors ….this anon wouldn't even hire for a 3th rate amateur theater production ffs

f290c5  No.5038926


The girl looks exactly like Carolyn when she was younger.

03892f  No.5038928

Da video


74a6c1  No.5038929

8b8b5f  No.5038930

File: f38186fa53cb0dd⋯.jpeg (452.28 KB, 1125x1102, 1125:1102, 32FABEB6-9926-46A6-B88B-A….jpeg)

Is it me or are the State led justice departments busy today?

South Florida Resident Convicted of $100 Million International Fraud Scheme that Led to Collapse of One of Puerto Rico's Largest Banks


e13249  No.5038931



Adjust your expectations

614054  No.5038932


poop ships.

that's all a cruise is.

350a48  No.5038933


AKA Why Paul Ryan had to go.

c47089  No.5038934

File: 97fef29225a48f7⋯.png (36.12 KB, 956x614, 478:307, master.png)

Trying to map out this Old guard from Q posts…

b5ac53  No.5038935


data mining for Capcha graphics? tsk tsk tsk…would suggest no anons began posting their capchas. Jmo..

if YOU think Q team is talking to you, no one can change your mind. Would leave it at that.

fb3c98  No.5038936

US GOV doing more for Israel than the US.

518fe6  No.5038937

'Eavesdropping' technology used to protect one of New Zealand's rarest birds

…only for the birds, sure…


cfb99a  No.5038938


just happens

I never snipe

a5eed3  No.5038939


depends who's paying him to vote…

1980e0  No.5038940


Last year I had a day where I thought captchas were eerily speaking to me. I think there was 3 in one day. I was spooked.. Thak god it stopped.

Few years back, the PIN number randomly assigned to me was a very meaningful number to me. I never changed it.

0901ad  No.5038941


Been in KY, TN, GA, Fla, etc., during horrific thunderstorms. Was sitting on my porch when lightning struck a tree 50' from me.

The thunder in LA last week was worse by a factor of 10. And the rain? The downpour left my truck clean. If you're a Los Angeles resident, you know that rain leaves your car spotted, usually dirtier than before. This downpour was clear, clean water, with nothing spotted, etc.

Very strange.

a48da1  No.5038942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.















potus will be there to answer questions

614054  No.5038943



Lotsa things going on.

Feels good.

0901ad  No.5038944


MS-13 drug smuggling? I can see that.

fb3c98  No.5038945

Kansas judge calls girls, 13 and 14, the 'aggressor' in a child sex solicitation case

A Kansas judge has come under fire for saying in court that two girls–solicited by an online predator to have sex with him when they were 13 and 14–were partly to blame for what happened to them.

“I do find that the victims in this case, in particular, were more an aggressor than a participant in the criminal conduct,” Leavenworth County Judge Michael Gibbens said in remarks delivered at a December sentencing for a 67-year-old man who paid for sex with the two girls, according to a report in the Kansas City Star.

The Star reported on Sunday that Gibbens ignored prosecutors in sentencing Raymond Soden to nearly six years in prison. Prosecutors said Soden had a prior conviction for battery and sexual battery and had asked that he be sentenced to more than 13 years in prison.

The paper reported that Gibbens explained his reasoning for the more lenient sentence by saying that the two girls went to Soden’s house voluntarily and took money from him for sexual favors.

“They were certainly selling things monetarily that it’s against the law for even an adult to sell,” he said, according to the paper, which obtained a transcript of the sentencing.

Neither girl showed up for the sentencing. That also swayed the judge’s sentence, the paper reported.

A child advocate in Shawnee, Kan., told the paper that the two girls were minors and victims, not the aggressors.

“Sexual assault is never the victim’s fault. It doesn’t matter what the girls did or didn’t do, he is still the adult and nobody deserves to be taken advantage of sexually,” Michelle Herman said, according to the paper.

In August, Soden pleaded no contest to a charge of electronic solicitation, a felony. He admitted knowing the younger girl was 13.

Leavenworth County government lists a phone number for Gibbens on its website. A message left at the number by Fox News on Monday was not immediately returned.


257adb  No.5038946



I don't think you understand Notables.

1dad50  No.5038947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dilbert Boy Scott Adams Is Amazed that he and Jack Posobiec

Didn't Kill


As If (((they))) Could Ever!

202c1a  No.5038948

File: 16926a7e116ab88⋯.png (727.42 KB, 750x454, 375:227, Capture.PNG)

Report: 63 out of America’s largest 75 cities can’t pay their bills, acquired $330 billion in unfunded debt

According to a recent analysis of the 75 most populous cities in the U.S., 63 of them can’t pay their bills and the total amount of unfunded debt among them is nearly $330 billion. Most of the debt is due to unfunded retiree benefits such as pension and health care costs.

“This year, pension debt accounts for $189.1 billion, and other post-employment benefits (OPEB) – mainly retiree health care liabilities – totaled $139.2 billion,” the third annual "Financial State of the Cities" report produced by the Chicago-based research organization, Truth in Accounting (TIA), states.

“Many state and local governments are not in good shape, despite the economic and financial market recovery since 2009,” Bill Bergman, director of research at TIA, told Watchdog.org.

The top five cities in the worst financial shape are New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Honolulu, and San Francisco. These cities, in addition to Dallas, Oakland, and Portland, all received “F” grades.


9458f3  No.5038949

File: 4d8d27c3310492b⋯.jpeg (219.96 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, A8AFD153-209B-43CB-931C-F….jpeg)

File: 466d221f62daf4f⋯.png (19.13 KB, 797x410, 797:410, B93752F8-CDB0-465E-9B55-C1….png)

File: c7ec881ace7dcb7⋯.jpeg (1005.01 KB, 1242x1925, 1242:1925, 645EE202-4583-40E0-8DCD-B….jpeg)


U think the jews were gonna come right out and admit they wanted Jesus killed cus he said they were the sons of the devil and called them antichrists??

35fa86  No.5038950


It's basically just a mash up of inconsistencies/problems in physics/astronomy according to the narrative. It features known mouthpieces to highlight some of that. But any conclusion is left to the viewer.

a48da1  No.5038951

File: d678392305a5077⋯.jpg (124.22 KB, 837x1200, 279:400, 4bffe7d46242f471c5e9b4f6f3….jpg)


those are tall words sir

0901ad  No.5038952


Anons, when you need Biblefags the most, we're all going to be gone. And you're just going to be left with people like this.

It's gonna be rough.

362793  No.5038953

File: ae89a77300a21cf⋯.jpg (24.82 KB, 474x300, 79:50, 8961-004-E874C3C7.jpg)

File: 032fea0e14e61f1⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 773x768, 773:768, a0371344397_10.jpg)

File: cdce226cb9dcbc5⋯.jpg (43.82 KB, 800x800, 1:1, SeahorseandTritonStatues_1….jpg)

File: 5dae61787a26e58⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 219x230, 219:230, triton centar.jpg)

File: 68be30258fdc5ab⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 0f30bced4f0db41ca22aa9906c….jpg)


That's not Poseidon and Pan

It is Poseidon and Triton (Father / Son)

He is sometimes depicted as part fish/man/horse while blowing a horn

b442de  No.5038954

File: 84f60a94d2e4fa6⋯.jpg (490.37 KB, 842x768, 421:384, WhiteFace.jpg)

Double Standard…

614054  No.5038955


He's already said "Promises made, promises kept".

Who knows what he'll say!

c73a0d  No.5038956

racism is stupid.

e3bd26  No.5038957

>>5038652 pb

I found a conversation about this … apologize if you have already reviewed it … just thought it may offer something you are looking for … it is from Feb 2018.




>–that have strong bipartisan support. However, making progress in these areas requires more than words, it takes strong leadership, commitment to civility, and a willingness to work with people who you may not agree with politically. Tonight, ……(finger blocks the words)….had an excellent o……..(finger blocks the words.


>this text is wiped from internet.


e8587c  No.5038958

Video to support the screen cap of "NO CAVE" / "EVAC ON" graphic from last bread…

Won't embed.


373037  No.5038959


EconomyWonks who think like us. They were the ones who taught me about "derivatives" and that shit a LONG time ago. It's so hard to keep up with what they put down, but they figure the illegalities add up to about that. The numbers look good, but I can't translate here. I think they hope to write a book or something some day.

1980e0  No.5038960


I have never baked, but I’m thinking about it! I was riding your coattails! Thanks for the tip..

d58e53  No.5038961


Dreamers 4 Trump

Latinos 4 Trump

Blacks 4 Trump


362793  No.5038962


link to PB ….(apologies)

a48da1  No.5038963

0f7515  No.5038964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb3c98  No.5038965

File: 4889ac198eb7000⋯.png (168.59 KB, 378x773, 378:773, ClipboardImage.png)

Rand is on a tear against the war mongering left & right!

b5ac53  No.5038966


lost me at http

0901ad  No.5038967


Statistically significant number of Qs, yes. Also, yesterday and it may be in the Notables, Anon posted a Captcha that said something like "gfy R"

3237b0  No.5038968

Notables so far


>>5038768 Mueller deputy, Andrew Weissmann, briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election

>>5038769, >>5038772 Military Drills over LA

>>5038778 Acting AG and Secretary of DHS Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on Election and Political/Campaign Infrastructure in 2018 Elections

>>5038800 Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal

>>5038806 One of ICE's Most Wanted Aliens indicted for illegally re-entering the United States following deportation

>>5038836 Firm founded by ex-Blackwater boss, Erik Prince, to operate in China’s Xinjiang province

3bb53d  No.5038969


Good for you.

Now go back to being anon and STFU.

209454  No.5038970

File: 017dfa7edbc0793⋯.png (891.44 KB, 1318x966, 659:483, 77hu.png)

202c1a  No.5038971


they weren't the only ones he called that

1 John 2:22

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”

a5a14f  No.5038972


Yes, it does usually leave the car spotted until the rain and wind blows the smog out.

And, the military exercizes over downtown remind me of the movie Independence Day. Kek

074cbe  No.5038973

File: da782087d521dae⋯.png (109.65 KB, 593x405, 593:405, twitter_com_almostjingo_st….png)

File: dd257f7c96290be⋯.png (88.61 KB, 605x547, 605:547, twitter_com_almostjingo_st….png)

File: 065043efc96d052⋯.png (215.2 KB, 599x459, 599:459, twitter_com_almostjingo_st….png)

File: 15e14e328e57c0a⋯.png (447.24 KB, 591x537, 197:179, twitter_com_almostjingo_st….png)


a48da1  No.5038974

614054  No.5038975



9458f3  No.5038976

File: 9067a1b8827a39d⋯.jpeg (409.5 KB, 868x1339, 868:1339, 611F35F3-9DAD-43E7-A777-8….jpeg)

File: d2d3efee8346cf0⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 873x1716, 291:572, 23FB401E-D71F-499A-A933-8….jpeg)


Cool story faggot. Yeah, Q said read ur bible and acknowledged Jesus is the savior, but didnt want us talking about what Jesus taught…

try harder.

fb3c98  No.5038977

If all vaccines are safe, why does the US Government have an entire fund/process for vaccine related injuries where they’ve paid $3,753,777,757.38 to individuals that suffered harm from vaccines over the past 30 years?

Let me be clear, I’m not advocating for vaccines to be banned and I’m fully aware of their benefits for individuals and society as a whole; I’m not an anti-vaxxer by any means. HOWEVER, I am skeptical of some vaccines (like the flu shot) and how much they’re pushed on us, and why we’re not able to even question their safety or have any kind of debates about them. There’s so much shaming of anti-vaxxers (especially on Reddit – it’s actually kind of weird how much it happens here) and I understand it to some extent but why aren’t we even allowed to ask legitimate questions about vaccines without being dismissed outright and labeled as ignorant science-deniers?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was created to resolve vaccine related injuries and over the past 30 years, they’ve paid more than $3.7bil to people that have been injured by vaccines. With attorneys fees included, they’ve paid more than $4bil. That’s a lot of money paid for something that we’re not allowed to question…. and if I’m being 100% honest, I think Big Pharma, et al bankrolled the politicians that enacted it in order to avoid liability and personal accountability. By having a fund and government run program in place, companies that make the vaccines avoid civil suits with individual payouts but more importantly, they avoid the chance of potentially damning evidence being produced during discovery.

Again, I’m not an anti-vaxxer but I am very skeptical of why we’re not allowed to ask legitimate questions about vaccines without being shamed into silence.

Also there are some anti-vaxxers that absolutely need to be called out for being stupid, but the degree of shaming that happens on Reddit sometimes makes me wonder if there’s an astroturf campaign funded by Big Pharma.



bd24fd  No.5038978

baker, this one in notable is not part of OIG summary.

>>5038560 (lb/nb) OIG summary

e41458  No.5038979


>Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress

no shit

and they NEED their guinea pigs to survive

or they ALL go down

these people need to pay

billions tortured and killed

soft kill

enough is enough, indeed

e99ccf  No.5038980

Anyone have one of the twatter graphics saved jews condoning jewish racism side by side condemning whites?

1b0407  No.5038981


with Jackie O's lips

c73a0d  No.5038982

Obvious shills prove Q.

Would shills be here if Q was fake?

a5a14f  No.5038983


To deny Jesus is not to deny God, imo.

a48da1  No.5038984

File: 6a9615409514f3a⋯.gif (459.3 KB, 200x280, 5:7, 200w.gif)

d007f5  No.5038985


My last response on the subject, but you're doing that thing again where you're mashing up different, tangentially related figures.

Pan and Dionysus are not the same figure. The Dionysian cult is what you're trying to refer to, but you've got it all backwards and upside down.

Dionysus wasn't a pedophile, but he definitely represented sensuality unchained. There's a much more interesting story here than the one you're portraying.

Most importantly, the cult of Dionysus was a female-dominant cult, where ecstatic females would sexually and literally rip dudes to shreds while they rioted across the countryside.

Sexual violence, intoxication, and female ascendancy are more germane to the current issue with the cabal weirdos than your ass-backwards attempt to jam the entirety of man's mythic history into your bible-shaped box.

c06eaa  No.5038986

File: edc435ebddf63b2⋯.jpg (34.91 KB, 376x490, 188:245, 82739.jpg)

Mr. [P_Pers]

Please make them applaud for Melanie multiple times tonight. She takes a lot of crap without much love (Except from here, of course).

c680fe  No.5038987

File: 950954c2b928430⋯.png (241.89 KB, 663x500, 663:500, Screenshot from 2019-02-05….png)

Umm, yeah. These are just going to go away

e8587c  No.5038988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Better link for the NO CAVE video by SerialBrain2…

e16d97  No.5038989

File: e89d70b1fda3f4a⋯.jpg (744.85 KB, 1165x1644, 1165:1644, 1549341968497.jpg)

A global display of human trafficking incidents and news.

Great site that compiles a lot of trafficking news. Every link I've checked out so far is sauced by local news outlets or .edu sites.


8b8b5f  No.5038990

File: e9bb16d49fc39dc⋯.jpeg (626.14 KB, 645x1310, 129:262, 79A12240-671B-41D9-949B-8….jpeg)

File: 67e260555b0d5bc⋯.jpeg (416.33 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 3FB7FDEB-4ACD-496D-BB41-C….jpeg)

Misinformation from POTUS?

NEW: President Trump spoke to 20 Republican supporters yesterday at the WH about what to expect in #SOTU speech. Here are the very broad talking points they handed out, “choosing greatness” in bold.


518fe6  No.5038991

Meteor Or Russian Satellite? New Zealand Netizens Investigate After Spotting Mysterious Fireball In The Sky


0901ad  No.5038992


Wait until you learn that if you were the only human being on earth, Jesus still would have come down and been tortured to death, by you, to save you.

ad7fd2  No.5038993


spoken like a true jew

35fa86  No.5038994


Unless these words are true:

In the beginning was the Word

And the Word was with God.

And the Word WAS God.

18346c  No.5038995

File: 88795c926ad3c3d⋯.png (135.25 KB, 1244x644, 311:161, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

>>5038620 (notable)

Also Pope screaming CONCRETE again…

a48da1  No.5038996

File: f785606af8fac93⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 625x500, 5:4, 1pxzyr.jpg)

helluva wind up

9c37c5  No.5038997


i told baker that when it was posted originally.

If they lost $450b in rev they would cease to exist.

Clearly the author knows fuck all about finance

09844f  No.5038998


Felix Sater is a known FBI informant. Weird how he came to Trump with this offer after Trump started his campaign.

08740e  No.5038999

File: 5bff2b1cf19bff4⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 300x360, 5:6, the-original-stretch-armst….jpg)

362793  No.5039000

File: 2d804d8d665f06e⋯.png (293.44 KB, 468x604, 117:151, 2d804d8d665f06eb90b66bf5e6….png)

File: cdbf5dfa525ebd5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cdbf5dfa525ebd5cc16371cfd2….png)

File: 4d38f68947df4d3⋯.png (61.54 KB, 1180x757, 1180:757, 430b833e-387d-4070-94c4-c1….png)

I found RBG! She's playing Elf on a shelf. Where will she hide next?

e13249  No.5039001


Ehy do you think its misinfo?

202c1a  No.5039002

File: 14c0cf2bf7bd21f⋯.png (591.21 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Capture.PNG)

Interesting how congress always keeps their perks

U.S. representative wants to close Congressional sauna, other perks during shutdown

An Illinois Congressman wants to shut down the gym and sauna used by lawmakers in Washington while many other workers are furloughed during the partial government shutdown.

Naperville Democrat Rep. Bill Foster said lawmakers have been using the perks of their job like the congressional gym and sauna while tens of thousands of workers remain furloughed. In light of this, he filed the Shutdown Prioritization Act to make sure lawmakers can’t deem things like the Congressional workout facility as “essential.”


35fa86  No.5039003


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

473e7d  No.5039004

File: 94967e9e7509310⋯.jpeg (75.26 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 48d52f59-e689-4d61-8096-0….jpeg)


We do have the best FLOTUS, dont we filks?

c3589b  No.5039005

File: 63cd44ecf296d8e⋯.png (290.19 KB, 686x387, 686:387, these damn gooks bob.png)

these damn gooks are gettin out of control anons

look at this shit

are these just jews in costumes or what ?

-confused anon

a48da1  No.5039006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

518fe6  No.5039007


Sounds like the same talking points as the summer with the rallies. Kind of tired of the broken record and deny act.

30ff4b  No.5039009

File: aed7cc7eebb5797⋯.png (601.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Maxine Waters Urges Americans Not to Watch Trump’s SOTU Address

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said that she hopes Americans switch off their televisions during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday evening. “I don’t even know why he wants to come and give the State of the Union,” Waters said in an interview with ESSENCE on Monday. “The state of the union under him has not been good and he has been divisive, and I think he’s putting us all in harm’s way. And so he is not worthy of being listened to.”

The California Democrat, who has repeatedly called for President Trump’s impeachment, wondered aloud why Americans would tune into the highly-anticipated speech. “I don’t know why anybody would want to pay attention to anything that he has to say. He lies over and over again, like I said. 6,000 lies have been documented since he’s been there,” Waters fumed. “I just can’t imagine what he’s going to try and say.” “But since he is a great liar, he’ll say anything because he’s capable of saying anything without facts, without research,” she continued. The virulent Trump critic concluded her rant by saying that she not only is not looking forward to the address, but hopes Americans will turn their televisions off ahead of the speech.

Nonetheless, millions of Americans are expected to tune into the address to hear about the administration’s numerous accomplishments. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders indicated the president would highlight what he sees as achievements and downplay discord. “You’re going to continue to see the president push for policies that help continue the economic boom,” Sanders said Monday night on Fox News. “You’re also going to see the president call on Congress and say, ‘Look, we can either work together and get great things done or we can fight each other and get nothing done.’ And frankly, the American people deserve better than that.”

With the new Feb. 15 funding deadline looming, President Trump is expected to use his address to outline his demands, which still include funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He’s teased the possibility of declaring a national emergency to secure wall funding if Congress doesn’t act, though it appeared unlikely he would take that step Tuesday night. Advisers have also been reviewing options to secure some funding without making such a declaration. “You’ll hear the State of the Union, and then you’ll see what happens right after the State of the Union,” he told reporters. The president is also expected to use some of his televised address to showcase a growing economy. Despite the shutdown, the U.S. economy added a robust 304,000 jobs in January, marking 100 straight months of job growth. That’s the longest such period on record. President Trump and his top aides have also hinted that he is likely to use the address to announce a major milestone in the fight against the Islamic State terror group in Syria.


390dfb  No.5039010


Obama and Monsanto.


0901ad  No.5039011


And yet, it is.

If you do not have the Son, you do not have the Father. And if you do have the Son, you also have the Father.

"I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; no man comes to the Father but by me."

t. Jesus of Nazareth

In the words of C.S. Lewis, Jesus is either Lord, a Liar, or a Lunatic. Jesus did not leave any other possibilities.

7e6af0  No.5039012

File: 2924477bf62ec8e⋯.jpeg (267.76 KB, 1242x1808, 621:904, A7CD1C15-F03E-420D-BF2F-C….jpeg)

File: 2cff64df5926078⋯.jpeg (71.62 KB, 1242x620, 621:310, FD4E10CB-794A-4A6E-87EC-C….jpeg)

a77213  No.5039013

>>5038521 (lb)


Thanks Anon, tried to get this new JoeM vid in all weekend. Don't think it made it.

24c4cf  No.5039014


yes anon, i wasn't too sure of the Pan thing maybe some disinfo being pushed

a5a14f  No.5039015


Fuck off, Adolf.

8b8b5f  No.5039016

File: e12a9e0f1cdbb8f⋯.png (127.12 KB, 352x352, 1:1, 187BCEC1-B896-4AFC-948F-50….png)


Feels good anon, feels good

afd4d0  No.5039017

File: ca1bab68717c4e1⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 638x360, 319:180, Muslims plan for defeating….mp4)

It is not just the Satanist and Zionist Head-Bobbers we need to worry about!

You'd be hard pressed to make this point any clearer!

a48da1  No.5039018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0901ad  No.5039019


Aye, making modern pagans seem lame and tame, at the same time.

e6b98f  No.5039020


So, in short. The same as usual; rally talks so to speak.

My next bet is February 15th. If still nothing is gonna happen, I really might take a break from Q and such. I will still vote for Trump in 2020, but I think my time here was well spent, but some times things need to end for good when results are not being delivered.

27f550  No.5039021


compelling if not a serious notable coinkidink

b5ac53  No.5039022



294916  No.5039023

China's 'zombie' companies are a big threat to the economy — and JPMorgan says their debt pile means the country could be slowing faster than anyone thought

The trade war with the US is getting more of today's China-focused headlines, but the world's second-largest economy is facing an even greater problem.

"The biggest concern regarding financial stability and the sustainability of economic growth has been China's ballooning debt problem, especially in the corporate sector," according to a note published by JPMorgan.

Chinese corporate debt is among the highest in the world — it's a stunning 162% of gross domestic product.


e830f6  No.5039024


hm, too generic.

i agree with an earlier anon that

Where We Go One We Go All

would be much more triggering

930049  No.5039025


I think he blocked me today LOL

86cd9d  No.5039026


Definitely more Qs than there should be randomly, noticed that long ago.

fb3c98  No.5039027

Top Russian diplomat blasts US for failing to furnish evidence of INF violations

Lavrov says Washington has so far not provided a single shred of evidence to prove that Russia had violated the INF Treaty

DUSHANBE, February 5. /TASS/. Washington has so far not provided a single shred of evidence to prove that Russia had violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University on Tuesday.

According to Russia’s top diplomat, Washington seeks to retain its dominance on the global stage at any cost. "We see the basic concepts of the security architecture that was shaped after World War II being undermined, key strategic stability agreements being dismantled," he stressed. "The latest example is in plain sight, specifically, the United States’ pullout from the INF Treaty under a far-fetched, unsubstantiated pretext of alleged violations of that accord by Russia. Not a single hard fact has been provided to us."

On February 2, Washington suspended its obligations under the treaty on instructions issued by President Donald Trump. The US launched the process of quitting the accord, which is to be completed within the next six months (in August). Later in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow was suspending its participation in the agreement and approved the Defense Ministry’s proposal to begin research and development on creating a ground-based version of the sea-based Kalibr missiles and land-based hypersonic medium-and shorter-range missiles.


0901ad  No.5039028


This guy is priceless. The apotheosis of Weaponized Autism.

a48da1  No.5039029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ed8737  No.5039030

File: 2bd02e4d9f781e0⋯.png (145.08 KB, 580x200, 29:10, mason.png)

File: e6bce2c43bbc6d8⋯.png (328.97 KB, 426x561, 142:187, masontv.png)

File: 19cc66151359676⋯.png (439.25 KB, 1200x506, 600:253, churchgoer.png)

File: abb716899f3c952⋯.png (144.52 KB, 1071x550, 1071:550, fakemoon.png)

27f550  No.5039031





6bc585  No.5039032

File: 259bba9b28fc5b6⋯.jpg (420.79 KB, 875x932, 875:932, 20190204_181215.jpg)

Is it easy for someone to tap into your landline to connect to your Wifi? I know, stupid question, I live in an apartment building and lately could not even stream a movie. Ready to watch the sotu. Going to catch up.

518fe6  No.5039033


Agreed. I swore I'd stay with this until the end. But when we have nothing of substance to spread to normies, it's getting kind of pointless.

a48da1  No.5039034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0901ad  No.5039035


Makes you wonder who's pulling his strings.

a086f2  No.5039036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Normie Friendly Black Pills on Muh Russia

fb3c98  No.5039037

File: ce1b984d7d1a6ed⋯.png (398.45 KB, 1276x355, 1276:355, ClipboardImage.png)

cfe486  No.5039038


Second frequent notable was "H".

"Q" was almost always.

Been wondering about that "H" for a while…

Too frequent for too long to be RNG luck.

24c4cf  No.5039039


what's that about? first thing i thought was the black eye thing all the celebs/politicos are sporting

a5a14f  No.5039040



We do not KNOW these things to be true.

We do not. We can have faith that they are true, but we cannot know.

I do not believe that there ever was anyone between God and me.

350a48  No.5039041


Solved P = C in #6428. It's all over that bread (no notables) but start here:


a48da1  No.5039042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b5ac53  No.5039043


perhaps it isn't the pope, but a whitehat now in control of the account…refer to POTUS vrs BO twat way back when as extraction codes were sent…..

30ff4b  No.5039044

File: bf4b67120f29f29⋯.png (516.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Promises ‘Human Wall’ of Troops to Block Migrant Caravans

President Donald Trump promised Tuesday to keep a flood of migrants from the southern border by sending in more military forces. “We will build a Human Wall if necessary,” Trump wrote. “If we had a real Wall, this would be a non-event!”

The Pentagon announced Sunday that they are sending 3,750 troops to help secure the border as additional caravans of migrants from Central American countries are making their way to the border. One caravan of mostly migrants from Honduras has already swelled to over 12,000 migrants.

Tremendous numbers of people are coming up through Mexico in the hopes of flooding our Southern Border. We have sent additional military. We will build a Human Wall if necessary. If we had a real Wall, this would be a non-event! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2019


ff997e  No.5039045

File: a9438194c6c512d⋯.jpg (273.07 KB, 630x360, 7:4, Comfyair.jpg)

bd24fd  No.5039046


5c1780  No.5039047

File: e4312329047bbc8⋯.jpg (39.85 KB, 977x308, 977:308, DroppingNumbers_20190205.JPG)

Just an FYI, but comes from Muh ConcernFag Department.

Numbers trending towards <100K for first time in a long time.

0901ad  No.5039048


Is it possible that I know something, that you do not?

fb4825  No.5039049


They are either starting operations, ( with cover of practice)?

or they are practicing for when the arrests go down.?

Loud booms in downtown L.A.? That was a U.S. Army training exercise

A series of loud booms that rocked downtown Los Angeles on Monday night startled some people who complained on social media. But Los Angeles police said there’s no reason to be alarmed.

The noises were part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving aircraft and weapon simulations in urban settings. The training is set to run through Saturday in Los Angeles and Long Beach.

“Residents may hear sounds associated with the training,” the LAPD said in a news release. “Each location selected enables special operations teams and flight crews to maintain maximum readiness and proficiency, validate equipment and exercise standard safety procedures. The training is essential to ensure service members are fully trained and prepared to defend our nation overseas.”

Police said residents near the training locations would be notified beforehand. But some on social media said they were caught off guard


Military exercise causes scare in downtown Los Angeles

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) – Military helicopters were seen flying in formation around downtown Los Angeles and explosions were reported in the area that were all part of an exercise.

The choppers and explosions caused many people to head to social media, scared about what they were seeing outside.

Many people also tweeted that they saw the exercise in Silver Lake.

One helicopter even landed in the middle of Wilshire Boulevard and soldiers were seen rappelling out of the aircrafts onto rooftops.

Authorities urge there was no cause for alarm and that the Special Forces exercises will continue for the next several nights


e13249  No.5039050


Context please

7b0735  No.5039051

File: 6f04468b84ae18e⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 496x347, 496:347, a10.gif)

294916  No.5039052


The launchers of Russian-made S-300 missile defense systems deployed to Syria have been erected, new satellite images released on Tuesday showed.


518fe6  No.5039053


Do you have wifi? Landline is different, it's the physical ethernet cord/connection. If you have a WiFi device, it can be hacked. Change your wifi password.

930049  No.5039054


We should dig on his alleged step-son dying from a fentanyl overdose. I bet he made it up – part of the script.

e50990  No.5039055


Watch the Water


55 Water Street





9c37c5  No.5039056





>>5038098 lb

They had plenty of time to take it out.

a48da1  No.5039057

87e6ba  No.5039058

I took a few days off what was 5000000?

6666f5  No.5039059


John 10:30

I and my Father are one.

5ed26d  No.5039060

File: 273183b29efb4fa⋯.png (193.66 KB, 394x373, 394:373, ClipboardImage.png)

9458f3  No.5039061


whats that have to do with jesus calling out the jews? now we cant criticize jews around here cus Jesus died for our sins? fuck off mossad

7b66a7  No.5039062

File: 1c2ede8021d8659⋯.png (33.31 KB, 557x388, 557:388, p=c.PNG)

File: fd753aea16a66d8⋯.png (23.15 KB, 554x316, 277:158, payseur.PNG)

File: 0625d313e070f51⋯.png (18.76 KB, 568x213, 8:3, payseur_s.PNG)

File: 7df76fb12a180a5⋯.png (88.8 KB, 572x787, 572:787, sat.PNG)


p = payseur = chair

master = satan (not confirmed, but hinted by q),

bd24fd  No.5039063

File: efafc481a5c2dc5⋯.jpg (30.63 KB, 485x379, 485:379, Dyqh014X4AEBQUk.jpg)



fb3c98  No.5039064

File: d1d52a7b2a16f46⋯.png (179.82 KB, 722x689, 722:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3814777589076c6⋯.png (166.89 KB, 725x914, 725:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 492fabce76ff763⋯.png (238.23 KB, 722x907, 722:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d33bdb3035b418a⋯.png (41.93 KB, 725x747, 725:747, ClipboardImage.png)

US ‘Regime Changes’: The Historical Record

As the US strives to overthrow the democratic and independent Venezuelan government, the historical record regarding the short, middle and long-term consequences are mixed.

We will proceed to examine the consequences and impact of US intervention in Venezuela over the past half century.

We will then turn to examine the success and failure of US ‘regime changes’ throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Venezuela: Results and Perspectives 1950-2019

During the post WWII decade, the US, working through the CIA and the Pentagon, brought to power authoritarian client regimes in Venezuela, Cuba, Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Brazil and several other countries.

In the case of Venezuela, the US backed a near decade long military dictatorship (Perez Jimenez ) roughly between 1951-58. The dictatorship was overthrown in 1958 and replaced by a left-center coalition during a brief interim period. Subsequently, the US reshuffled its policy, and embraced and promoted center-right regimes led by social and christian democrats which alternated rule for nearly forty years.

In the 1990’s US client regimes riddled with corruption and facing a deepening socio-economic crises were voted out of power and replaced by the independent, anti-imperialist government led by President Chavez.


81993c  No.5039065



86cd9d  No.5039066


baker made mistake, BV fixed it. it was there about 120 seconds.

a48da1  No.5039067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3237b0  No.5039068


hahahahah, check it:

>>5000000 (pb)

c34a53  No.5039069

9c37c5  No.5039070

File: 4c382568bb74b28⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 611x354, 611:354, A10 BRRRRRRT.gif)

bbd563  No.5039071


Pervy brazilian doc?? Huh… catarac scraping my ass

e3bd26  No.5039072

File: 2477e149c7788e7⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 586x42, 293:21, link.JPG)



fb3c98  No.5039073


Not until March is what real sauces have said. Jew post pffft

975665  No.5039074


I agree if we could get a Where We Go One We Go All That would be definite comms , Maybe enough to Trigger the Loved Friends and Family Us Anon's have been trying to reach for sometime. Do It Q !

6a4b13  No.5039075

a48da1  No.5039076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a6b01  No.5039077

File: 5a00222d942b63a⋯.jpg (27.5 KB, 401x301, 401:301, Dyqkfz3UwAA0Bxh.jpg)

Stop with the 'likes'.

1980e0  No.5039078


Me again, the “thinking about it” pre-apprentice baker - Actually, there was another apprentice that posted all the Notables, but s/he put everything on separate lines, so I fixed that.

I know I would be an excellent baker, because I used to code years back, am super anal about details, I take modafinil - super good for focus, very familiar with the Notepad+ app that is suggested. I just have a lot on my work plate right now. How many breads in a row are expected of a new baker? I am nervous. You guys are tough to please, I might get nervous. I would be Night Shift (have not even to sleep yet)..

a5eed3  No.5039079


no way that's training, imho

7b0735  No.5039080

File: eb352ebcbda1156⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 600x450, 4:3, incoming.jpg)

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)

it's going to be a crazy board until the SOTU

00ced0  No.5039081


But… it's NOT exactly that. Only half.

35fa86  No.5039082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>We do not KNOW these things to be true.

Unless we can know Jesus resurrected from the dead on the third day.

(Or, and this is more important, that Jesus' claim about receiving God's Holy Spirit directly and receiving KNOWLEDGE is true, and the ability to know is available to us upon sincere repentance).

a5eed3  No.5039083

>>5038106 (lb)

(Walkie-talkie rabbi; "loosing")


a48da1  No.5039085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

59f1b5  No.5039086

File: f44a4255b49d698⋯.jpg (867.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, grotto_pan.jpg)

<Caesarea Philippi


afd4d0  No.5039087

File: 0d7b74d4878696b⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 398x374, 199:187, Shocking Vaccine Info.mp4)

a5a14f  No.5039088


Of course it is, but regarding this point; no.

a48da1  No.5039089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b5ac53  No.5039090


you would think they would have programmed their bots better…kek

202c1a  No.5039091

File: 3a039646ec9c738⋯.png (347.33 KB, 729x507, 243:169, Capture.PNG)

Awwww poor babies .. Trump didn't ask them now their crying

CENTCOM chief says Trump did not consult him on Syria withdrawal declaration

WASHINGTON — As President Donald Trump is expected to call for an end America’s ongoing wars overseas, his top general in the Mideast said he was not consulted or warned Trump would declare a U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria.

"I was not aware of the specific announcement. Certainly we were aware that he had expressed a desire and intent,” to leave, Gen. Joseph Votel, who leads U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, adding: "I was not consulted."


1dad50  No.5039092


@26:20 Adams can't believe that He is getting attacked on twatter over Q!

He keeps Denying the Phenomenon as Fake


Believed that there are no moar Q Spies!

Now he knows he is WRONG!

27dfe1  No.5039093


[is faggot]

0f7515  No.5039094


research the 11 disciples' lives AFTER the death of Jesus. Hard to theorize why 10 of the 11 would not deny the Resurrection when faced with death penalties in different forms. No one would do that..

390dfb  No.5039097


Still comes back to the same thing. Titons are satyrs.

"They are often compared to other Merman/Mermaid like beings, such as Merrows, Selkies, and Sirens. They are also thought of as the aquatic versions of Satyrs. Another description of Tritons is that of the Centaur-Tritons, also known as Ichthyocentaurs who are depicted with two horse's feet in place of arms."

The point is that the two statues represent unrestrained sexuality, orgies, rape.

43f5f1  No.5039098


Nothing Burger State Of The Union?

08740e  No.5039099

File: c7e83f1b6941406⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2sxcin.jpg)

a48da1  No.5039100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dont cow bell the goats

6b43be  No.5039101

>>5038327 LB

Diggin' on Schumer and G00GL - He's got a history with them. Wrote a letter to Schmidty to ask for a super fast high speed network.

"Google and the senator have teamed up before. In 2008, he and co-founder Sergey Brin operated a pair of giant scissors to cut the ribbon on Google’s new urban-park office in Chelsea. (“We don’t have high-tech scissors?” Mr. Schumer asked. “How about a laser?”)


4179e9  No.5039102

File: 9e7b1049f9cdbb2⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 524x380, 131:95, moarboobs.jpg)

0f7515  No.5039103


the other disciple of those 11, John, died of old age on the island of Patmos.

6bc585  No.5039104

It's a WiFi router.

Password protected.


dd8c45  No.5039105

File: 8dfcd1430f267df⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 526x572, 263:286, Capture.JPG)



d3ddab  No.5039106

File: 8117ef8f7602142⋯.png (239.35 KB, 1221x642, 407:214, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

Washington Post YT stream, already has 22 thumbs down, for a SOTU address that won't even start for another 6 hours!

HAHA! These people.

a77213  No.5039107


>Say one thing do the opposite

First, nice dubs, Anon.

This is precisely right. Recall we stated we were pulling out of Syria and stopped to lay waste to ISIL. Perhaps this is the msg that means we *ARE* leaving now.

49164d  No.5039108

File: 5b2ec37328c78c5⋯.png (97.85 KB, 271x200, 271:200, Q JURASSIC PARK.PNG)


What IF genetic editing by cabal could include what this movie stated, i.e., they had edited the genes for a chemical deficiency. If they didn't supply them with it, they died.

Q stated that 90% of the population would/could end up in a hospital.



4dce3b  No.5039109


>Human Wall

Not sure about the math, but as a primer:

2000 miles * 1760 yrds/mile / 10 yrds = 350,000 troups, of whom each has 10 yards to guard.

Could work – but we'd better bring those troups home from Afghanistan, Syria & Iraq.

b01242  No.5039110


4s nice

only thing i wonder is was it to the (((them))) or from (((them)))

a5a14f  No.5039111


I am not going to argue scripture with you.

806cd6  No.5039112


Notice nobody has said 'Q is fake: a top-10 person in the admin has assured me of this'

d3d30a  No.5039113

File: f7117b4243cae31⋯.png (401 KB, 990x746, 495:373, New_York_State_Q_Schumer_I….png)

379f96  No.5039114

ELECTIONS ARE SAFE SEE THE REPORT SAYS SO ITS JUST THE MSM MAKING YOU THINK THERE IS FRAUD when the Potus gets shot and killed we will be like 10 days ok trust the plan, then the arrests come [US] then the deep state is right back in control, Q was there weapon well played deep state

7e6af0  No.5039115


The tweet includes ….

03892f  No.5039116


What is your stand on the subject?

a48da1  No.5039117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f31fba  No.5039118

Winter Storm Lucian Brings Snow to West, Heading into Midwest Tuesday


a48da1  No.5039119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b45b58  No.5039120


The same Weissman that was at Hilldawgs glass ceiling victory party?

d3d30a  No.5039121

File: 6a2059b19c1faa7⋯.jpg (189.24 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, REEEEE_Jurasic_Pepe.jpg)

4179e9  No.5039122

File: 27a38fc3ef113cf⋯.jpg (118.73 KB, 735x1102, 735:1102, triggered.jpg)

518fe6  No.5039123

Anons, I just have to say, do not fall for the prediction shit with tonight. Logic. What would be the point of all the optics and secrecy for the last two years if Trump can just go on live TV and spout shit Q has said?

Trump will never acknowledge QAnon. Not while in office at least. Legalities of such. If Trump could be tied to all this, he would have said such 2 years ago and the drops would end with a T, not a Q.

a48da1  No.5039124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dd8c45  No.5039125



NYC DOT also location at 55 Water St.

fb4825  No.5039126



especially since there is a possible secret war going on, hidden from the public.

War as in taking out the cabals assets, rounding up witnesses, gathering physical evidence to back up the data and other evidence they already have.

Stopping possible future FF or gang/terror events.

Rounding up traffickers, stopping one of their sick operations.

Many possibilities for what is really transpiring.

f210da  No.5039127


God is not ‘up there’ while you remain ‘down here’. Every teaching plainly states, though sometimes taught differently, that God is everywhere, in everything. You being a ‘thing’, in other words manifested in form, are included in that statement. Moreover, you are told that you are made in the likeness of God. You can see that no two of you look exactly alike, so what does that mean? Could it be that it is, perhaps, a non-physical likeness?

So here is the thing, as you say: you are made by your Divine Source, of your Divine Source. And that Being is living as and through you, all of you. And, by the way, expressing as and through every single thing you see and those you don’t see.

So, next: there is nothing for you to become. You are IT already. You simply need to allow yourselves to remember and believe that you are what you already are. Now we know that after thousands of years of having been told that this was not true and that it was, in fact, blasphemous, impossible, this ‘simple’ thing we describe is not easy. But it is a process that you can begin and carry through if you refuse to quit. And we also tell you that the divine being that you are in truth will not rest until this transition is complete.

fbd976  No.5039128


Take it back, then give it back to we, the people.

Let's get paid.

33a586  No.5039129

What the fuck is this "No Cave" shit?

074cbe  No.5039130


Yes, same guy.

5ed26d  No.5039131

File: 76de51fe6fefe01⋯.png (297.52 KB, 496x493, 496:493, ClipboardImage.png)



is that a made-up nigger-word?


9458f3  No.5039132


kek. exactly.

35fa86  No.5039133


I haven't asked you to. I do encourage you to watch the linked video in the comment you responded to, if you can find the inclination.

2b8b75  No.5039134


Let's find the other half of that message.

86cd9d  No.5039135


new bakers get a lot of help, we all know the first couple bakes are intense. it gets easier. may want to stop sharing personal details about yourself. night shift def goes slower, good time to practice if you can. bakers can bake as long as they want, or as short. the level of stress can be much higher than what you experience as a coder most of the time.

a48da1  No.5039136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

free cruises for (you)

4d868e  No.5039137

File: 10403383d348737⋯.jpg (148.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, getthehelloutofpublicoffic….jpg)

File: f1d42b415c55f12⋯.jpg (374.56 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, reflect.JPG)

File: 7525a5d84946026⋯.png (247.44 KB, 474x432, 79:72, tiredofthisshit.png)

File: f66defe2c11ba2b⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 532x720, 133:180, lost_generation.jpg)


>his is a Bad Time to be a Psychopath on Planet Earth


>This is a Bad Time to be a Pedophile on Planet Earth


>This is a Bad Time to be a Pedovore on Planet Earth

noice memes anon!

ty for the link as well

Learning to face psychopaths with an open mind and heart, backed by unconditional love, is a skill we will all need to master


be mastered by our own emotional baggage turned against us!

518fe6  No.5039138



Luciferian (look in muh self, not in Gawd)

e50990  No.5039139


Holy Crap

Thanks for finding this picture

That's Marina Abramovic and John of god weirdo


b5ac53  No.5039140


there is no DS control after this…you should have more faith in your mil…..do yo really for one second believe the people whom are in the mil are brainwashed in their entirety? Nah….use logic…..

Rank won't mean shit if the line is crossed, remember that. People KNOW right from wrong regardless of "rules" in disguise as "Laws" True "Laws" cannot be broken, period. Concernfag copy?

27f550  No.5039141


dumas – THINKS they had concrete back in Jesus day, . Jesus Christ sent US OUT (not you) to work in the midst of wolves with a supple loving heart not a Niggardly one who channels a new green (think money) deal into church coffers calling it an apostalic journey.

Like lameass you rave too? You Pope Francis are the WOLF; the OWL; the SNAKE

Evil is the work of Pope Francis; Sin is his Product; Baal-worship is his fell place.

a48da1  No.5039142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3237b0  No.5039143


practice here:


you can do practice bakes, even track notables in a bread then act like it's a real bread

thanks for the interest

9458f3  No.5039144


john 3:16 - same verse Q dropped.

quir being a faggot. Jesus called out the Jews yugely and mossad no likey that fact.

a48da1  No.5039145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1dad50  No.5039146


Since I started watching Scott, He has been showing me how Self Absorbed he is in his belief System.

Something He does not understand he Dismisses!

When Scott first discussed Q he was Shooting

The Idea of Q Down before Researching Thoroughly!

He's Losing Viewers!

e7395f  No.5039147

Anyanon have the "Satanic Ritual Abuse" full pdf with the child's drawing on the cover?…tia

646a0e  No.5039148

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB, 634x547, 634:547, POTUSpoint.png)

fb3c98  No.5039149


600+ U.S troops Arrive in Syria 28 Jan


We are being deceived

33a586  No.5039150



By the middle of the 1st century, the material was used frequently, often brick-faced, although variations in aggregate allowed different arrangements of materials. Further innovative developments in the material, called the Concrete Revolution, contributed to structurally complicated forms, such as the Pantheon dome, the world's largest and oldest unreinforced concrete dome.

a48da1  No.5039151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

806cd6  No.5039152


lookin' for colobomas

00ced0  No.5039153

379f96  No.5039154


Q was a disinformation weapon will be very clear after tonight just news anchors and Potus twitter guy fucking with us, we knew all along it could be, but I'm pretty sure now with the fig report and voter report, Tonight is nothing but another stringer, Trump is there guy Q just speed things up

b7b920  No.5039155

>>5038239 (pb)

Prosecution was denied in the past under the Comey FBI or under the new administration?

4ca8ed  No.5039156

Guys, Fellow Anons… Isn't the William Barr Confirmation schedule for today…anyone know what time?

209454  No.5039157

File: bca99b72535511e⋯.png (60.16 KB, 758x631, 758:631, 317.png)



Marina Abramovic and John of God…

441ca4  No.5039158

File: c29067712d34fc6⋯.jpeg (60.76 KB, 600x385, 120:77, barbrady.jpeg)


If you think something big will come from this SOTU, you haven't been here long enough…just my opinion. Dont get excited.

202c1a  No.5039160

Secrecy News

Intelligence Transparency– But For What?

The new National Intelligence Strategy released last week by DNI Dan Coats affirms transparency as a value and as a strategic priority for U.S. intelligence.

The declared purpose of intelligence transparency is to raise public esteem for intelligence and to engender public trust. But because the policy is framed primarily as a public relations effort, the resulting transparency is limited unnecessarily.

“Through transparency we will strengthen America’s faith that the Intelligence Community seeks the truth, and speaks the truth,” DNI Coats said.

“This will be our hallmark, and I cannot stress this enough — this is not a limitation on us. This will make us stronger. It earns trust. It builds faith, and boosts our credibility around the world for our mission. It is the right thing to do,” he said on January 22.

The latest iteration of intelligence transparency was strongly shaped by the immediate post-Snowden environment, and it began, under then-DNI James Clapper, as an effort to restore public confidence which had been shaken by his disclosures. The legitimacy and legality of U.S. intelligence surveillance activities had been called into question, and the scope of domestic intelligence collection was revealed to a surprising new extent. In response, the intelligence transparency initiative therefore emphasized disclosure of IC legal authorities, oversight mechanisms, and the nature of IC electronic surveillance programs.


1e0280  No.5039161

File: 971a96d5c6ddbe1⋯.jpg (642.58 KB, 1919x2880, 1919:2880, Sandra-Kubicka-by-Christop….jpg)

03892f  No.5039162



589494  No.5039163


1st half in 2019 SOTU. 2nd half in 2020 SOTU? Just a thought.

679c3e  No.5039164

File: 6416f96ef632ad0⋯.png (347.08 KB, 1366x653, 1366:653, screencapture-global-adsbe….png)

A flight up from Brazil.

a77213  No.5039165


NEO-CON World Order?

cfe486  No.5039166

File: 1c43be702888167⋯.gif (627.5 KB, 516x402, 86:67, pepereefire.gif)



>That's Marina Abramovic and John of God weirdo


Guess who's friends?

33a586  No.5039167


>William Barr Confirmation


294916  No.5039168



Anons this is probably some coincidence, but when you look at 55 water street NY on Google maps, there is commercial, and there is written:

Winging it is not an emergency plan, make a disaster plan with your kids

and when you look at it:

Winging It is NOT an Emergency Plan

Have you thought about what you would do in an emergency? What will you take if you have to evacuate? Do your children know where to meet you if the family is separated? Are you prepared to shelter in place for 5-7 days?

30 minute timerTake 30 minutes with your family, fill in Family Plan contact information cards for everyone. For more information, visit our Plan and Prepare section. Everything you do today gets you closer to being prepared.

If a mandatory evacuation is called, you may not have a lot of time. Plan ahead NOW and prepare a Grab and Go Bag for each member of your family. Make it fun for your kids!!

Talk to your kids about who to call, where to meet, what to pack.


6d6403  No.5039169

File: eb0fb8c24fe0705⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 411x444, 137:148, StillDeadFuckFace.jpg)

4ca8ed  No.5039170



b45b58  No.5039171


Sounds like a pretty easy one anon.

a48da1  No.5039172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ab43ee  No.5039174


That's what it is

e13249  No.5039175


Trump cant be with them

Desinfo is only about

We control

130525  No.5039176


Holy Shit !!!

1e0280  No.5039177


Wise Anon

33a586  No.5039178

84359a  No.5039179

Aside from arrests and draining the swamp, what is the one biggest issue/topic you want to see addressed by POTUS during his term(s)?

Mine is the IRS. Re-structure the tax system and eliminate all the loopholes.

3237b0  No.5039180

Notables so far


>>5038768 Mueller deputy, Andrew Weissmann, briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election

>>5038769, >>5038772, >>5039049 Military Drills over LA

>>5038778 Acting AG and Secretary of DHS Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on 2018 Elections

>>5038800 Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal

>>5038806 One of ICE's Most Wanted Aliens indicted for illegally re-entering the United States following deportation

>>5038836 Firm founded by ex-Blackwater boss, Erik Prince, to operate in China’s Xinjiang province

>>5038934 Puppet Masters and Old Guard Graphic

>>5039064 US ‘Regime Changes’: The Historical Record

6b32ce  No.5039181

File: 7383db55b750f4b⋯.jpg (345.48 KB, 1080x840, 9:7, Screenshot_20190205-113730….jpg)

just in case u missed it xD

fb4825  No.5039182

Charlie Kirk

Verified account



A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll shows Hispanic-Latino approval of President Donald Trump’s job performance jumped 19 points in the past month, hitting, hitting 50% in January

Hispanics want LEGAL immigration and a wall!


I wonder if this is another poll. I heard the 19% higher number with hispanics a week or 2 ago.

a48da1  No.5039184

3237b0  No.5039185


I think it's neo-political (neo-con/neo-lib)

ed8737  No.5039186

File: 16240d8d0bf574e⋯.png (281.38 KB, 693x669, 231:223, sitrep.png)



0901ad  No.5039187


So, it is possible, but it's not possible. Because your knowledge on point is infinite.

9c2ded  No.5039188

File: 15202649e035902⋯.png (416.49 KB, 573x459, 191:153, 2019-02-05_14-39-34.png)


Yep, pretty much sums it up.


cfb99a  No.5039189

a5a14f  No.5039190


Anon, I gew up in Christian Church. I suppose when I was a child and not question, it all made sense to me.

As I grew older and began questioning, I came to believe that God would not arbitrarily place anyone between himself and us. A saviour?

It hasnt worked out so well now has it?

390dfb  No.5039191


Funny business with DOT is going on all over the country.

0c9522  No.5039192

File: b340ff3ba135234⋯.jpg (273.54 KB, 1111x844, 1111:844, Dec2018_SealedIndictments.JPG)

Does anyone have the updated (thru Jan 2019) of the sealed indictments list? Can't even find it on twatter.

Attached is the latest one ending 12/31/18.

a48da1  No.5039193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

074cbe  No.5039194

File: d345a3458d054d6⋯.png (702.04 KB, 750x502, 375:251, Maxine-Waters-crazy.png)

930049  No.5039195


Yep, he had me fooled as intelligent and reasonable for awhile, but he is just a self-promoting shill. Oh, well.

27dfe1  No.5039196

File: 064137104d31f33⋯.png (440.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44098fbf098a0bc⋯.png (449.58 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


> 1Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 2And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. 3And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. 4Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 5While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!” 6When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground and were terrified. 7And Jesus came to them and touched them and said, “Get up, and do not be afraid.” 8And lifting up their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone.



ed8737  No.5039197

File: 7c65c1b87f56cf3⋯.png (488.19 KB, 553x872, 553:872, tanking.png)


Petri explained: "Russian tactics rely on concentrating an overwhelming force to a focal point, something the rather small western tank fleets have a hard time countering.

"Also Russian tank and motorised rifle formations have vastly greater indirect firepower at their disposal than their western counterparts. In a modern peer level war the few slightly better western tanks that could be sent to the fight would meet numerically superior Russian formations that rain artillery and rocket fire every step of the way."

The military analyst went on to explain that countering this deadly attack would be a "nightmare" for NATO forces because they do not have the necessary armoury to fight back.

He added: "Counter-attacking against a Russian tank army would be a nightmare.

942af5  No.5039198

File: d0471bdf18feb04⋯.png (185.9 KB, 522x593, 522:593, ee81889a64447d50e18742cfd8….png)

3aaeea  No.5039199


Its only to take it out of the committee. Not the senate confirmation.

84ee81  No.5039200



Based on "the end is not for everyone" and your quote & "who knows where all the bodies are buried & 90% of people in the hospital.

This human trafficking, pedovores, etc is on an ENORMOUS SCALE.

These people are sick.

think MATRIX., also mentioned by Q.


We are eating the leftovers from their organ harvesting, slaughtering etc.

Just TOO sick to believe.

dd3adc  No.5039201

concrete love baby, who needs that warm and fuzzy anyhow


2a6daa  No.5039202

>>5038508 (lb)


Why in God's name are Comey, Pelosi, Schiff-For-Brains, HRC, Brennan, Clapper, at al. still fucking free??

I worry that one of these days they will succeed, for fuck's sake.


592eb2  No.5039203

Drill, sure.


1ca552  No.5039204

>>5038770 Anon should've already eaten his words by now…have you anon?

a9fd80  No.5039205

File: 0fef2dc79bd18bd⋯.png (316.87 KB, 618x342, 103:57, ClipboardImage.png)

379f96  No.5039206


Why do you say that? he has had executive control of the media, they have it all ready to start a civil war, trump IS one of them, how else would they get away with it we are all watching for agenda 21

bbd563  No.5039207


Hells yes NOTABLE…

Not surprised but direct 5ie for Marina and Clinton now

99409e  No.5039208


He’s been saying that bigly lately!

b45b58  No.5039209

File: f5ae0c396cdbbd5⋯.png (84.55 KB, 464x316, 116:79, ClipboardImage.png)


Can Dems go one day without racebaiting?

>Essence Magazine

24c4cf  No.5039210



e41458  No.5039211


why are you cunts even here?!

leading us all to slaughter

how evil and sad

0901ad  No.5039212


When the true extent of just how evil the Vatican is gets exposed, Catholic Anons. Flee.

How many nuns have to be forced to abort babies that they were impregnated with by being raped by priests before you can see the evil of the Nicolaitans?

a48da1  No.5039213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nailing it fart vader

5edd57  No.5039214

File: 57e913704a22f26⋯.jpg (94.85 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, jpeg.jpg)

File: d67d31685c647d2⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Screen-Shot-2018-02-28-at-….jpg)


If the keystone was a person that bridges the gap between the Saudi bloodline and the Roths/Brit bloodline, would that be Megan Markle?

She looks exactly like Bin Salman, who I believe to be good, but even if there was a relation, it doesn't mean she's good too.

Totally just speculation here.

27dfe1  No.5039215

File: ead12399e38efc9⋯.png (258.45 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



e7395f  No.5039216


Thx Anon

a48da1  No.5039217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

09844f  No.5039218


This is exactly what the A-10 was designed for.

3bb53d  No.5039219




By definition, "Landline" not required to hack into WiFi.

Log into your wireless router config and set a STRONG WPA2 password for the WiFi.

Come up with a memorable phrase.

"Here's a good example of a strong password"


Now do it again for the router itself because relying on the one printed on the router and/or provided by your ISP isn't good enough.

bbd563  No.5039220


We need sauce for that photo

495df1  No.5039221

File: effe530e9c330c6⋯.jpg (640.36 KB, 1484x994, 106:71, 5035cdb0d1f388d853766530ae….jpg)

File: 50423c892aa6832⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 500x315, 100:63, 2sxdpp.jpg)

e13249  No.5039222


So if you understand the exact process of black eye

Enlighten us pls

202c1a  No.5039223

Secrecy News

CIA Historical Review Panel Put on Hiatus

The Historical Review Panel that advises the Central Intelligence Agency on declassification of historical intelligence records said this week that its planned December 2018 meeting was canceled by CIA, and that no future meetings were scheduled.

But CIA said yesterday that the Panel would be reconvened following some administrative changes.

“We have recently been informed that the Panel is being restructured and will not meet again until this has been done,” said the Panel of independent historians, chaired by Prof. Robert Jervis of Columbia University, in a January 14 statement published on H-DIPLO. “The reasons for this remain unclear to us, and no schedule for resumed meetings has been announced.”


27f550  No.5039225


CONCRETE– u fall for that, fish on fool,,,,

fb4825  No.5039226

File: dd5211927cf42b2⋯.jpg (96.53 KB, 490x595, 14:17, 2d12pl.jpg)

File: 4a6bd9bb6aa5d2f⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 2d156k.jpg)

File: e8bc7a421e0509e⋯.jpg (91.16 KB, 614x800, 307:400, e8bc7a421e0509e3ab52f4486e….jpg)

File: 82688df32086238⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 2amd0l.jpg)

373037  No.5039227

File: 410d75a8ce86b3d⋯.png (87.7 KB, 307x301, 307:301, Melania8.png)

File: bcc86e3d4f6301b⋯.png (385.01 KB, 416x707, 416:707, Melania5.png)

File: e18db1184c3fd68⋯.png (978.63 KB, 1038x588, 173:98, Melania2.png)

File: baaaec9484e3696⋯.jpg (497.35 KB, 2000x2401, 2000:2401, Melania.jpg)


NO Doubt!!

a48da1  No.5039228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some ghostemane dues

a4fd28  No.5039229



0901ad  No.5039230


Wait until it hits you.

6666f5  No.5039231



5edd57  No.5039232


If the sides of the pyramid are Soros; Roths; and House of Saud, then wouldn't the two richest (Saud & Roth) be the two sides that have a keystone at the top?

Just a theory.

a44bad  No.5039233

File: 9c865e23d5859d4⋯.jpg (83.36 KB, 640x430, 64:43, todesstern.jpg)

b01242  No.5039234


its in the bread 2 or 3 posts down anon also pacer . gov is keeping track of them

807a88  No.5039235



Cabal cover agents "officially"

>think Newsom et al

33a586  No.5039236

File: 40d501c1c340bd4⋯.jpg (273.12 KB, 1914x2048, 957:1024, FLOTUSlovesGreatBakers.jpg)

294916  No.5039237


But what is point for them if our food contains it?

8b8b5f  No.5039238

File: 619d714da2a0907⋯.jpeg (469.79 KB, 691x1110, 691:1110, 83E15502-0485-4604-AF05-0….jpeg)


NEW: Federal prosecutors in SDNY have been interviewing witnesses in recent weeks about the flow of foreign $$$ to 3 firms MANAFORT recruited to help the Russia-aligned government of VIKTOR YANUKOVYCH —




& Mercury Public Affairs.


1980e0  No.5039239


Oh ya, I get it about the stress. Coding is not stressful, but it requires 100% accuracy. I have seen daytime breads fill up in an hour. That would be intense. It’s even more intense with Q posting. Average night shift is about 3 hours, very do-able. I’ll check out the Comms area.

a48da1  No.5039241

File: 71bfe7ea81344c1⋯.jpg (285.18 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 71bfe7ea81344c14d0f2233bb3….jpg)

(you) can paypal the love to ebot by the way guey

286ce3  No.5039242


protecting Israel does not mean US needs to be in Syria.

figure it out.

1e0280  No.5039243

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpeg (205.64 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1538664811.jpeg)

1ca552  No.5039244

>>5039190 God IS our Savior! Jesus IS God! Check out Dr. Ivan Panin's research…cannot be refuted! The God of The Bible IS Who He says He Is! Doesn't do much to advance your ideology…except to blow it out of the water!

937ac6  No.5039245


Mad Human Disease… maybe it dumbs us down, lowers the general vibration?

c680fe  No.5039246


Here is the source of the picture

>"The Space In Between: Marina Abramović in Brazil”


d5f5ae  No.5039247


Come on Anon you should know by now not to reply to concernSHILLS.

f4cd3d  No.5039248

File: 26d167d1918f650⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 737x601, 737:601, 668b99a97655e789fb902a9cda….jpg)

File: 8a3cf7a51d67297⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 2sw0cq_1.jpg)

Guido at the ready.

0901ad  No.5039249


Protecting the wife and kids.

f12eee  No.5039250



589494  No.5039251

File: fb5f4e31a415601⋯.png (640.85 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)






The photos of her and JoG are from the film "Marina Abramovic in Brazil. The Space in Between"

watch - https://ffmovies.ru/film/marina-abramovic-in-brazil-the-space-in-between.6lmq7/l2274q

read about - http://festiwal2017.dwabrzegi.pl/www.dwabrzegi.pl/en/events/marina-abramovic-in-brazil-the-space-in-between/index.html

1437fb  No.5039252


We can build a wall now with freakin Laser Beam Weapons

362793  No.5039253


Certainly an easy mistake tho

Triton isn't as well known

350a48  No.5039254


It's almost like people don't WANT to get it.

Oh well.

33a586  No.5039255


Liz Crokin needs to STFU.

518fe6  No.5039256


3237b0  No.5039257



8bb097  No.5039259



379f96  No.5039260

only 10 humans in here ? Only humans can type +++ AI can't see it need proof try and google the +++ Google can't search it because its AI, If Trump does not make a move tonight this was a disinformation weapon,[why Stone and Corsi are Fucked] they tried to distance themselves but they were caught, THERE WAS NO VOTER FRAUD ITS BLACK AND WHITE JUST CAME OUT, if they say Trump committed crimes now would you even believe them, this is fucked up bad if Trump is involved now

518fe6  No.5039261

294916  No.5039262


They are using all kind og poisons, this would not make any sense.

Only logical thing is that they are using, eating it, for unknown reasons for us.

Satanic bullshit etc.

We are still in dark, we dont understand this.

813cc8  No.5039263


Megan merkle Has been writing in bananas and giving them to sex workers. Do you think that's normal?


24c4cf  No.5039264


soul scalping??


4aa44a  No.5039265

File: 58a5e2c5f9a56fe⋯.png (207.66 KB, 2280x748, 570:187, QAPTCHA.png)


What you need to know about CAPTCHAs is that they're image files with a value associated with each one. When you enter the characters you see, a value gets calculated and compared to the value of the image object. They aren't randomly generated. You could do a CAPTCHA object filter of just images that contain Qs and import those into the rotation, thus increasing the rate t which Qs show up…law of averages, my friends. Nothing special about it other that the site operator artificially increasing the number of CAPTCHA images that contain Qs.

…case in point. The attached is the CAPTCHA displayed when I was posting this post.

e41458  No.5039266


bloodlines are a fiction

they're actors playing a part in a play

a "movie"

it's how Q can say

you're watching a fucking movie

because they've ALL got a script

to ACT out!

It's in the Script ffs…a "game" for them.

33a586  No.5039267



No. OIG says there was no foreign interference. Nothing about Domestic, and it is classified. Hmmm

a48da1  No.5039268



ghostemane won the cruise too

0901ad  No.5039269


He called you out too. Your failure to respond has been noted. Your attempt to hide behind muh joos will fail. Plus, anything you try to take cover behind must be bigger than you; how small are you, to hide behind muh joos? Start living your life, Anon.

518fe6  No.5039270


You have no idea how many humans are in here

Why is tonight the cut off date of hope?

4aacd3  No.5039271


Stupid Liz Crokin bitch, or another subverted agent.

e8587c  No.5039272


Of all the shit we could/should be digging on, I'd have to say that if we could prove the 1.7 Quadrillion dollars to be true, we hit the world's largest lottery!

9458f3  No.5039273

File: 6c400d134843233⋯.jpeg (162.42 KB, 668x750, 334:375, 215AEE48-1D35-4C3E-A770-3….jpeg)


did it stop Jesus from calling out the Jews?

350a48  No.5039274

POTUS signed the EO to grab assets for treason one year ago today. Just before the SOTU.

Anyone keeping a list of what's been caught?

fb4825  No.5039275

File: 10cdfdd458a12fd⋯.jpg (86.61 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2sxemm.jpg)

807a88  No.5039276


Elves are secret attorneys working to purpose. Search terms: Coulter, Ann, elves, Clinton

84ee81  No.5039277


Cheap way to get rid of junk, like farm raised fish (tilapia) are fed the shit of the farmed salmon in the cages above them.

Also: cannibalism makes you sick. Kill ofthe stupid feeders.

Strong suspicion that CHEAP FOOD contains these human tissues.

518fe6  No.5039278



She is half black…

473e7d  No.5039279

File: 82a40ca08694dea⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 390x205, 78:41, RG0BS1U.gif)



That speculation is in the back of everyone's minds. What Q being literal, here? We know many of the things they've been doing. What else?

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: pOV0fY+r No.150412315 📁

Nov 21 2017 22:07:58 (EST)

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

Identify and list.

They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.

Godfather III.


286ce3  No.5039280



weren't his disciples Jews?

come on now

use your head

48bb8b  No.5039281


4179e9  No.5039282

File: e3c8ad0668de6d3⋯.png (516.19 KB, 518x550, 259:275, Screenshot_2019-02-05 whit….png)

116ea8  No.5039283


My thoughts as well

9e0990  No.5039284

File: a53cc5f5fdd18ea⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 77AAC5CF-187F-4012-8E9E-6F….png)

File: 4809e7059a298df⋯.png (540.07 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8EE2E215-08AA-4046-84CF-33….png)

Apologize to the Muslims!!!! Reeeee!!!!

a923d9  No.5039286


I agree. I'm not even going to watch. Hopefully at some point this pattern will stop repeating itself.

f4cd3d  No.5039287

File: db6280761770610⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 500x534, 250:267, 2sxd69_1.jpg)




Maxine is that you?

e8587c  No.5039288


We're not ready… yet.

Have to come through the "other side" of the Great Awakening. Once evil is eradicated from the planet, money itself might become obsolete.

ff48f7  No.5039289


stone is evidence corsi is mossad.

0901ad  No.5039290


The savior is God. So still nobody between you and God.

cfb99a  No.5039291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a48da1  No.5039292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d1064  No.5039293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Artillery wins wars, that is not going to ever change. Russians like Artillery.

Can you imagine German tankers facing this?

813cc8  No.5039294


Kek, what, Faveourite food?

33a586  No.5039295


He was killed because he caused the Romans too much grief with the ruling church. Jews did not kill him, Romans did.

0901ad  No.5039296


Are they really free tho

0adb70  No.5039297


Lizard Liz running inference behind enemy lines so the media can use her as their go to girl for everything qanon.

373037  No.5039298



975665  No.5039299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sarah Sanders Press Conference

Ahead of the 2019 State of the Union address, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters on several issues, including border security, a subpoena for documents from the

9458f3  No.5039300


cool story mossad. do u use that line with any anon in here, digging on any corruption, or just the ones that expose subversive jews?

keep glowing - i like to watch u squirm.

a5eed3  No.5039301


perhaps a cover story for him to exit the scene…

6a4b13  No.5039302

File: 6a95428af6a7838⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 210x255, 14:17, b29ad3c2f6992aa97bcc031cdb….jpg)

33a586  No.5039303


Liz, is that you?

350a48  No.5039304


Anon is currently trending towards veganism. All this talk of cannibalism keeps the stomach slightly off.

Pretty sure it's a culture, thing, though, our aversion.

Well, and the Golden Rule.

e00020  No.5039305

File: 1948333e1eea319⋯.jpg (185.82 KB, 974x832, 487:416, wehere inthe world is RBG.jpg)

518fe6  No.5039306


Moar resignations.

308198  No.5039307


Not a helpful statement but she probably did not think it through.

On the face of it, the promises of Q vs the actual events have been very far removed from each other, and some people may find it infuriating that the horrific crimes he told us about were never prosecuted.

Personally, I think he lied about the crimes, as disinfo.

But some may think Q team is letting the crimes continue.

0901ad  No.5039308


I dimly recall the SA being the bottom right vertex, and that's out. Also, pyramid has both a capstone and a cornerstone, and one stone can be both.

a4fd28  No.5039309

File: d9c52a210c5d46f⋯.jpg (152.01 KB, 700x701, 700:701, yoink.jpg)


WOW! Thanks, anon. Excellent resource!

ab43ee  No.5039310


By jews he means the pharisees. Modern Judaism comes from the Pharisees. Jesus his disciples weren't pharisees, ancient Israelites were never called Jews. The term was born in the middle ages that refers to the modern talmudic khazars

f4cd3d  No.5039311

File: bb9db9bb18728b0⋯.png (47.06 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 6bf646e467456366158fca3764….png)



Tyrone settle down…

67411b  No.5039312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Real Love

The Beatles

All my little plans and schemes

Lost like some forgotten dreams

Seems that all I really was doing

Was waiting for you

Just like little girls and boys

Playing with their little toys

Seems like all they really were doing

Was waiting for love

Don't need to be alone

No need to be alone

It's real love, it's real

Yes, it's real love, it's real

From this moment on I know

Exactly where my life will go

Seems that all I really was doing

Was waiting for love

Don't need to be afraid

No need to be afraid

It's real love, it's real

Yes, it's real love, it's real

Thought I'd been in love before

But in my heart, I wanted more

Seems like all I really was doing

Was waiting for you

Don't need to be alone

Don't need to be alone

It's real love, it's real

It's real love, it's real

Yes, it's real love, it's real

It's real love, it's real

48bb8b  No.5039313

Get out of hell fast

Donate now

Do it for Dante

Do it for Milk


f16a68  No.5039315

File: c5acb4da6e2ed12⋯.png (52.88 KB, 323x318, 323:318, oyveyrub.png)

0901ad  No.5039317


Love your energy brother; you always lift my spirits.

9458f3  No.5039318


cool story mossad - read the bible. its all there.

9c37c5  No.5039319

File: 268f02e7710d9dc⋯.png (858 KB, 885x584, 885:584, DTCC location.PNG)





The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is an American post-trade financial services company providing clearing and settlement services to the financial markets. It performs the exchange of securities on behalf of buyers and sellers and functions as a central securities depository by providing central custody of securities.

DTCC was established in 1999 as a holding company to combine The Depository Trust Company (DTC) and National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC). User-owned and directed, it automates, centralizes, standardizes, and streamlines processes in the capital markets.[2] Through its subsidiaries, DTCC provides clearance, settlement, and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, unit investment trusts, government and mortgage-backed securities, money market instruments, and over-the-counter derivatives. It also manages transactions between mutual funds and insurance carriers and their respective investors.

In 2011, DTCC settled the vast majority of securities transactions in the United States and close to $1.7 quadrillion[3][4][5] in value worldwide, making it by far the highest financial value processor in the world.[5] DTCC operates facilities in the New York metropolitan area, and at multiple locations in and outside America.

Multiple diggs on saturday in notables

It is a HUGE part of this financially speaking


84ee81  No.5039320



Blood drunk, bodies raped, andrenochrome harvested, organs harvested, bone marrow taken.

Leftovers made into cheap stuff that kills the poor who buy it.

Look at the damed rothshits wine labels and chocolate cake dripping "blood"?

6ebefe  No.5039321


Andrew Wasserman (any relation to the evil hag who once had rather perky titties?), the same guy who leaked details of Stone's arrest!

00ced0  No.5039322

File: 1e65b1a14f26ef5⋯.png (438.78 KB, 666x776, 333:388, Pharisee Cult 1.png)

File: 04bdd60bea3cb02⋯.png (150.32 KB, 657x354, 219:118, Pharisee Cult 2.png)

File: 7ec10fa87dbf5c8⋯.png (465.92 KB, 659x806, 659:806, Pharisee Cult 3.png)

File: b927389922f3c64⋯.png (131.67 KB, 660x311, 660:311, Pharisee Cult 4.png)

File: 1e79373700c0a48⋯.png (1.25 MB, 643x1213, 643:1213, pharisees.png)






ed8737  No.5039323

File: c842952a41a713e⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, su35s.png)

File: 2b5e6ba2d261f4b⋯.png (458.87 KB, 672x866, 336:433, heavy.png)


be brave



6666f5  No.5039324


1 Timothy 2:5

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

3b7515  No.5039325

File: 235feced43cd97d⋯.png (70.15 KB, 733x614, 733:614, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1ed9337df3ef28⋯.png (684.99 KB, 702x490, 351:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5cab824806db74⋯.png (21.69 KB, 816x344, 102:43, ClipboardImage.png)

IWC is a type of watch and it's also the International Water Conference (IWC)

Maybe Q is saying watch the watch (clock).

23bb1f  No.5039326

File: f587874acf74d12⋯.png (331.7 KB, 704x589, 704:589, ClipboardImage.png)

0adb70  No.5039327


I'm still going with meat eating is OK if you hunt the animal yourself. I don't preach that though because I don't practice that.

7b0735  No.5039328

File: 0bfd252e812e41e⋯.jpg (229.79 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, nstuff.jpg)

File: 9834a136660af69⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, a10_wart.gif)

a48da1  No.5039329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

24c4cf  No.5039330


i posted on 4chan about this, definitely something going on with bananas. sexual innuendo obviously, but there's more to it i think

807a88  No.5039331



04d1f6  No.5039332

File: 9cb10705cb0823c⋯.jpg (112.65 KB, 938x500, 469:250, 2qnn7c.jpg)


Hmm. Alarmist red text pastrami….not on white bread, kosher sauce…sounds like Hebrew heartburn to me. Russian missiles are more their problem than ours.

31ef83  No.5039333


I moved to veganism and I feel incredible. My brain fires on all cylinders as if I took 3 adderall.

0901ad  No.5039334


Did it stop Jesus from calling you out? You, scoffer, in the last days? the end times? Anything in the bible about you?

473e7d  No.5039335


Oh yeah, we have tons of circumstantial evidence for all that. Have they fed some of it back to us, is the question?

6d6403  No.5039336

File: 4e6afb7f71784f2⋯.jpg (77.33 KB, 650x813, 650:813, tightwhiteshirt_5_6_2017_1….jpg)

File: 29fbf28213287d1⋯.jpg (283.36 KB, 650x811, 650:811, tightwhiteshirt_5_6_2017_1….jpg)

File: 8cec483243d236b⋯.jpg (304.04 KB, 650x812, 325:406, tightwhiteshirt_5_6_2017_1….jpg)

File: 5945687e57cdc82⋯.jpg (290.5 KB, 650x813, 650:813, tightwhiteshirt_5_6_2017_1….jpg)

File: 591c15310ea5e4d⋯.jpg (404.56 KB, 650x812, 325:406, tightwhiteshirt_5_6_2017_1….jpg)

Thanks New Baker!!

Don't forget: White is Tight

518fe6  No.5039337


I mean, ok, fucked up….but that doesn't seem 99% of the world would get fucked up, worthy. I mean, everyone in this room/.board is aware of it, and I don't know about you faggots, but I still hit McDonalds. Doesn't really bother me since there's nothing being done about it and nothing I can do.

9458f3  No.5039338

File: 79e4fe6be9e977f⋯.jpeg (623.06 KB, 1242x1908, 69:106, 5CFAC255-17C9-456E-AA78-7….jpeg)


read ur bible moran.

jews set the bounty. jews had him arrested. jews dragged him in front of the roman pilate and pilate wanted nothing to do with it so the jews hung him from a cross.

350a48  No.5039339


Assets confiscated for treason per EO of 2/5/18?

48bb8b  No.5039340

File: e3d879c700b7d01⋯.jpg (30.67 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4564.JPG)


286ce3  No.5039341


Jews call themselves Jews

get over your 500 years ago stuff

0901ad  No.5039342


Yes, and just as Job reasoned, the mediator between God and Man would have to be able to put one hand on God, and one hand on Man, in order for Man to have the ability to petition God. Jesus is that God Man. Fully God, as though he were not Man, and fully Man, as though he were not God. The perfect hypostatic union.

bd24fd  No.5039343

File: 623ce4baf35acfe⋯.png (168.4 KB, 416x510, 208:255, ClipboardImage.png)

Can only find one post with 'greatness'

It means worlds more than you could ever know for us to have a president who believes in the greatness of WE THE PEOPLE!

Do you think POTUS could give us a confirmation? Kind of like a symbolic hug?

33a586  No.5039344


Romans killed him.

ab43ee  No.5039345


Didn't John of God do something with bananas, wait his nickname I think was banana god or something.

cd1227  No.5039346

File: 32c4d78e534744e⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 514x396, 257:198, NYA.JPG)

350a48  No.5039347


Much easier to eat if you don't have to fix it yourself!

cc2336  No.5039348

File: 4db9c9d305dd3b0⋯.jpg (261.74 KB, 908x638, 454:319, 8k7586k678kl698kl89k9k75.jpg)

379f96  No.5039349


You mean last year? or tonight, when did they have control? who is really causing all the division? we are watching a movie but it goes on and on and on, you think maybe Potus is working for the deep state to Keep the Military in check? What Line? You should use Logic Fren, all we get is shit on and ZERO news now, But ya we can trust the plan some more Fuck me this is a Military operation for sure just not our military

074cbe  No.5039350

SDNY is going after Trump for links to Imaad Zuberi

Here are all Podesta email links for Zuberi…






3237b0  No.5039351

File: 359a8abe3e0df84⋯.png (37.61 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 359a8abe3e0df84a5825be5d61….png)

f9de33  No.5039352



EBOT Shilling for shekels



fuck you you broke ass panhandler

641b6c  No.5039353

File: 81da6c73876475d⋯.jpg (183.27 KB, 640x747, 640:747, IMG_5629.jpg)

59f1b5  No.5039354


<Crokin explained her theory that JFK Jr. has been running the QAnon account all along, insisting that any mockery she receives, or attacks she endures, for promoting her absurd ideas is proof that she is right.

afd4d0  No.5039355

File: 27d94cfee11b229⋯.jpg (119.69 KB, 1047x673, 1047:673, BODY DOUBLES WANTED.JPG)

Going out on a limb here but, I do not put ANYTHING past their sick ways.


589494  No.5039356


>Whatever It Takes

If he says it twice.

518fe6  No.5039357

File: 5dfd2aec13509dc⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download.jpg)

Jews HATE Christ. This is why they spend every waking day of their lives denouncing and pushing the opposite of Christ's teachings

b6d656  No.5039358

File: 888374b081670f7⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1190x595, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ab43ee  No.5039359


yes you kikes like to deceive people with semantics. Words matter and the ancient tribes of Israel didn't call themselves jews

f4cd3d  No.5039360

File: 274dffb1f1b5ca5⋯.png (156.09 KB, 300x325, 12:13, downloadfile-3.png)



Alex Jones was as right a hell of a lot more then Q was in 2018 so don't put to much stock into Q's go nowhere prophecies. .

Trust SESSIONS!!!!

a48da1  No.5039361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e13249  No.5039362



Shills prove Q logic

301b19  No.5039363

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


post above.

saying the same thing.

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 01/11/19 (Fri) 00:19:34 467fd2 (1) No.4707080






dcaee2  No.5039364


what's his rationale? I can't bear to watch him.

Cliff's notes please

cd91fd  No.5039365


Only Out of Committee…Not Full Senate vote

841901  No.5039366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>listen close

#KEKFORCE #wwg1wga

e13249  No.5039367

28a5df  No.5039368


Pan was a Grrek God that was horny for Wood Nymph's. Not a pedo, not demonic.


4a6b01  No.5039369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5038511 (lb)

Every cycle. EVERYTHING gets 'recycled'.

3b7515  No.5039370

File: a013910b3d646af⋯.png (760.51 KB, 731x540, 731:540, ClipboardImage.png)

Shut Down Deadline = 2/15

Time on the watch 3:15.(3x15 = 45 (POTUS))

45 = D5

The :45 - :15 markers line up with 2/15 on the clock.


9458f3  No.5039371


cool deflection lecturefag.

does it bother u that jesus so obviously spent the majority of his words on calling out the jews?

823579  No.5039372


stop owen..

074cbe  No.5039373


that's DWS' brother.

He's a DOJ lawyer as well.

84ee81  No.5039374


If everyone of this board stopped buying their trash, the would go outof business.

HOW do you kill a DANGEROS ANIMAL?

"Stop feeding the monster, watch it DIE, just cut of it's food supply"

Use your dollars wisely.

39592d  No.5039375


You nuke the front lines silly.

3237b0  No.5039376



>>5038768 Mueller deputy, Andrew Weissmann, briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election

>>5038769, >>5038772, >>5039049, >>5039203 Military Drills over LA

>>5038778 Acting AG and Secretary of DHS Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on 2018 Elections

>>5038800 Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal

>>5038806 One of ICE's Most Wanted Aliens indicted for illegally re-entering the United States following deportation

>>5038836 Firm founded by ex-Blackwater boss, Erik Prince, to operate in China’s Xinjiang province

>>5038934 Puppet Masters and Old Guard Graphic

>>5039064 US ‘Regime Changes’: The Historical Record

>>5038970, >>5039246, >>5039251 Marina Abramovic and Brazilian Cult Leader together

a48da1  No.5039377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

27dfe1  No.5039378


at the demand of the Pharisees.

655ad7  No.5039379


works for me

518fe6  No.5039380


Q did more with internet drops in 3 months than AJ has done for 20+ years

4a6b01  No.5039381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"As the world…"

f4cd3d  No.5039382

File: 933a04535448d08⋯.png (216.55 KB, 534x548, 267:274, 933.png)



No arrests no nothing….

8bb097  No.5039383

File: 6089d332d37934e⋯.png (957.76 KB, 1696x937, 1696:937, B52SUP.png)


Planefag reporting…

3 B-52's up right now over OK, NM and TX

f31fba  No.5039384

File: 9ebfb70184d6054⋯.png (281.73 KB, 610x320, 61:32, ClipboardImage.png)

9458f3  No.5039385

File: 4d8d27c3310492b⋯.jpeg (219.96 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, CA621FB5-C206-416F-A678-1….jpeg)


keep lying faggot.

why do jews admit they had christ killed in their talmud?

33a586  No.5039386


Romans killed him. Thank you for confirming.

0901ad  No.5039387


Doesn't bother me that Jesus came to save the lost sheep of Israel at all. It's what He said He was going to do. Had they listened, neither of us would exist.

24c4cf  No.5039388


gonna need a source for that nickname

a4fd28  No.5039389



I think this is weird, too, but don't know why.

518fe6  No.5039390


I typically only get the egg white and hash browns. No burgers.

0a10a3  No.5039391


That's biblefag levels of retardation.

04d1f6  No.5039392


You slimy faggot cocksucker. Don't ever use Ric Flair's image in vain on this board again or I will personally come to your house and make you snort your entire auto-shipped 90 day supply of Brain Force in front of your terrified and weeping family.

d007f5  No.5039393


Hang on- how many tubs of bone meal has Q sold?

Yeah, that's what I thought

379f96  No.5039394


Not of Hope, But only God himself will cut the liars down, why do we need a wall anon? is our military to weak to take out south americas drug cartel? is mexico to powerful for Marines? Its all bullshit If trump had control Mexico would be Invaded by us already Right?

a48da1  No.5039395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33a586  No.5039396


Fuck off, Jew Clown.

ed8737  No.5039397

File: 54bbb2021e78b57⋯.png (272.3 KB, 967x875, 967:875, befearful.png)

File: 10733ea9cd36683⋯.png (254.27 KB, 971x862, 971:862, fakengay.png)



"The Su-35S is a single-seat multi-role air superiority fighter jet. It’s the top Russian air-superiority fighter in service today."

check comments very interesting discussion


nukes no work they are fake and gay, fear porn

83085b  No.5039398

File: ca283ab8e9b43f8⋯.jpeg (22.58 KB, 214x317, 214:317, 88CA29F2-C318-4A2F-9288-A….jpeg)

813cc8  No.5039399


I'm trying to be serious, yet can't help but kek.


Nice, weird though….

>>5039345 a quick jewgle says yes…

Keeping this in mind for a later dig.

6a4b13  No.5039401

File: 0bae3d7b3bd107b⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 5025694d6bb3f73c78000000-7….jpg)


This is fake news.

0901ad  No.5039402


Oh, no, I don't think that's definitely true at all.

8f21a8  No.5039403


>Trust SESSIONS!!!!


Roger Stone arrest suffices…))

e41458  No.5039404


want a fucking cookie fagbot

cc2336  No.5039405


Now show me 100 of these tanks. And 100 of their "super" fighter jets. You only ever see a few here and there. That's all they have. They still use rotary dial phones on their subs. It's all a BS front.

6b32ce  No.5039406

File: 63fde0081a0b419⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2173x1158, 2173:1158, 1549395818142.png)


… now is a good time for you to take a break

9458f3  No.5039407

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, A4B9FB7C-17ED-4280-B607-2….jpeg)

a4fd28  No.5039408

File: d163dd0e924aebb⋯.jpeg (12.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe heart.jpeg)


And lowkey sweet.

86cd9d  No.5039409

File: 238e79100a41c59⋯.png (436.02 KB, 421x421, 1:1, hasid_on_phone (5).png)


>Amongst their number was the great magician Simon ben Yohai father of the 'Cabala' and Judah the Prince who compiled…

compiled what?

moar plz

e7398a  No.5039410

File: 04b570fa1962d5c⋯.jpg (535.25 KB, 1861x748, 1861:748, PAT008 5 Feb 19 2000.jpg)

PAT008 (former AZAZ0909 flight) returning to Washington from Nashville, TN.

b5ac53  No.5039411


kek can't help meself sometimes….however, it does in effect allow other anon's to see them for what they are when logic is dropped upon them.

b6d656  No.5039412

File: 1eb3018c6e77dd7⋯.png (756 B, 206x13, 206:13, ClipboardImage.png)

0adb70  No.5039413


Trust sessions = 217 = John Kennedy Jr is here.

a48da1  No.5039414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

27f550  No.5039415

Call out - singing Baker Street -

Glad to be of service with you glorious faggots.

God Bless - Stand firm, Stand tall, Chest Out o7

POTUS - praying for you my man, thank you SIR!

Memes away brrrttttttt brrrttttttttttttttttt bbrrttttttttt

518fe6  No.5039416


Shirtless Q showing how ripped he is on his vitamin supplements. Kek

589494  No.5039417

File: 8f57d8eab8537ca⋯.png (1011.51 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

d007f5  No.5039418


Only if it cures his gayness

8dfb11  No.5039419


"Squeaky wheel gets the grease." n'all.

7b0735  No.5039420

File: db08522cebcd377⋯.gif (6.61 MB, 360x270, 4:3, nope.gif)

0adb70  No.5039421


You unaware Q speaks in riddles?

518fe6  No.5039422


You realize how long the border is and how difficult it would be to task a force across it's entirety that doesn't affect other services?

f16a68  No.5039424

File: ca4292644096311⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, Ye_fl39mo.jpg)

f950df  No.5039425

File: 7414026075fb726⋯.jpg (161.51 KB, 621x464, 621:464, they_control_you.jpg)

a48da1  No.5039426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0901ad  No.5039427


Who are the dudes in the operator boots?

42dd47  No.5039428

File: 9c1d237093ac938⋯.jpeg (96.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4F83232A-5E44-44FA-863E-9….jpeg)

5a2311  No.5039429

File: d0c5217f0eeed93⋯.jpg (203.04 KB, 469x538, 469:538, weinshall.jpg)

301b19  No.5039430


recon Marines practised downtown LA 5 years ago. No announcement.

Practised for this, I'd say.

f4cd3d  No.5039431

File: 26d167d1918f650⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 737x601, 737:601, 668b99a97655e789fb902a9cda….jpg)

File: 70cda1023f761bf⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 500x482, 250:241, 2suk1c_1.jpg)

No wall

No FISA declassification

No dossier details

No FBI DOJ investigations

Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up

Deep State still running DC

Obama didn't move to Kenya

Podesta brothers are still laughing

afd4d0  No.5039432

File: 8ccb63b4c60beeb⋯.jpg (39.59 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 51165055_2495480317146107_….jpg)

00ced0  No.5039433

File: 8d3189f1a9efc1c⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 256x361, 256:361, Enlil-en-la-mitología-sume….jpg)

File: 6bd93716af383c5⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1402x965, 1402:965, Epstein Island E.png)

File: 6443a12344d7b09⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1330x846, 665:423, Epstein island sundisk.png)


Pharisee Cult worships the ancient Sumerian god Enlil…


Epstein Island.

E = Enlil



a3a56d  No.5039434







e6497f  No.5039435

Please release the cures if they exist. Praise the LORD! Jesus Christ will save us!

9458f3  No.5039436

File: 97751c6c763f4b8⋯.jpeg (680.54 KB, 899x1888, 899:1888, 3D61245C-D19A-4D49-9DD0-8….jpeg)


When Jesus told them they werent of the seed of abraham and that he could make stones rise up as the seeds of abraham, u think he really meant that blood lines and tribes matter?

6ebefe  No.5039437


>that's DWS' brother.

Thanks anon.

I guess the rest of the family must be of a similar ilk.

But, with AS working with Mueller, one would have to assume that his communications would have been (and presumably still would be) monitored (thanks prez 0 for the 2 steps) so therefore, the leaking of Stone's arrest details would have been known about and allowed to happen, right?

ed8737  No.5039438

File: 8ca77b94b174572⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x795, 256:159, blast.png)


top kek

d29ead  No.5039439


Unlock, eh?

a48da1  No.5039440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8dfb11  No.5039441

File: db133ada865e841⋯.gif (379.7 KB, 480x270, 16:9, TooSP.gif)

27f550  No.5039442


Baker your bread is fire!

0901ad  No.5039443


This dude is making a serious run for Top Dog Cartoonist

a48da1  No.5039444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e987d  No.5039445

‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey

ELIZABETH, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — New Jersey is one of the highest taxed states in the country.

Now, residents and businesses could be taxed extra … when it rains.

Save it for a rainy day. Some of your hard-earned dollars may be taken away as the weather turns ugly and rain drops fall on the Garden State. A new bill calls for the creation of local or regional storm water utilities, giving local counties and municipalities the power to collect a tax from properties with large paved surfaces such as parking lots, CBS2’s Meg Baker reported.

That’s businesses and homeowners.

The bill passed in the Senate and the Assembly and is now headed to Gov. Phil Murphy’s desk.

https ://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/02/04/rain-tax-likely-to-become-reality-in-new-jersey/

31ef83  No.5039446



No thanks. I don’t eat processed white flours, refined sugars, eggs or dairy. But I do hope you enjoy your colorectal cancer and heart disease, fat fucks.

0901ad  No.5039447


Pretty sure he meant that he could make descendants of Abraham from the stones he was walking on, sure. And that they would be proper descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

cd91fd  No.5039448

File: 90d2f7a8faca618⋯.png (395.82 KB, 399x636, 133:212, ClipboardImage.png)

f16a68  No.5039449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9c37c5  No.5039450

File: 1dedb49a94818f6⋯.jpg (411.86 KB, 1247x831, 1247:831, Super Storm Sandy.jpg)


could be but here is the best part

This is the most comical and stupid story EVER.

Locate what records they had at a different location which was well below the water table and then sent super storm sandy right up the gut of it. Flooded the building out



Superstorm Sandy: Prelude to an Unprecedented Recovery

When dawn broke over New York City on October 30, 2012, Superstorm Sandy, the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, had moved on. The water from two rivers and New York Harbor that had swept across lower Manhattan just a few hours earlier began to recede. But not so for the subways and buildings near the tip of the island where the water surged and settled. More than 15 million gallons of salt water filled the South Ferry subway station – from track level all the way up to the station's mezzanine – just a few steps from the street.

The story was very much the same for DTCC's offices at 55 Water Street, where millions of gallons of water flooded and filled the building's basement and sub-basements, left several feet of water in the building's ground-floor lobby and engulfed its securities vault located five stories below ground.

The flooding wreaked havoc, strewing more than 1.7 million water-logged certificates, as well as millions of other documents, throughout the vault. DTCC suddenly faced the monumental task of recovering, restoring and reconciling these documents. But the company couldn't begin to do even a preliminary assessment of the damage for nearly two weeks after the storm as seawater was pumped out of the vault.

Finally on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, teams consisting of two recovery experts from outside DTCC, one representative from DTCC operations, another from DTCC internal audit – plus a videographer – began the trek down five flights of stairs into a darkened, damp and cold DTCC vault to begin the largest vault recovery ever undertaken.



and to top it off they opened up all the doors to get some airflow and then set in on FIRE.

Couldn't make this up if you tried>>5039339

9c2ded  No.5039451

File: d051e7c0b7dc3d8⋯.png (273.08 KB, 498x269, 498:269, 2019-02-05_15-02-11.png)

File: 7a1b912331e8fb5⋯.png (150.05 KB, 387x220, 387:220, 2019-02-05_15-03-07.png)

File: 615d5c3cd8e4da3⋯.png (237.82 KB, 496x487, 496:487, 2019-02-05_15-03-47.png)

File: cb6ae739ea39168⋯.png (269.64 KB, 475x353, 475:353, 2019-02-05_15-04-26.png)


Wisdom from that POS Gates and his Foundation?

No thanks.

473e7d  No.5039452


Mr. Garrison already has Q approval status!

f4cd3d  No.5039453

File: b55f0a1d0a51cdb⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 396x694, 198:347, 2sun26_1.jpg)



Alex Jones got Trump elected.

cd91fd  No.5039454

File: edf096494dd41cf⋯.png (404.65 KB, 459x640, 459:640, ClipboardImage.png)

2de6c9  No.5039455


jesus is a saviorbut not at all in the sense taught by the church

he is a unique and elevated soul dedicated to the human race

lots of factors went into the fate of our earth

imo jesus is the keystone

a48da1  No.5039456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4179e9  No.5039457

File: 1b84111b50b0f5c⋯.jpg (146.16 KB, 437x650, 437:650, gritsnbaby.jpg)


+200 UID's

BibleFags+Jew Slides

Q didn;t do anything…toilet golf


074cbe  No.5039458


I'm sure a net was placed over the whole Mueller team from the beginning.

There was a reason they took the biggest Clinton supporters and put them on the same team.

257adb  No.5039459


Tax those coastal elites when it rains.

3237b0  No.5039460

File: d479a03cfe45d22⋯.png (1.36 MB, 978x1049, 978:1049, muhdick1.png)


fuck off faggot, you got rekt'd.

a3a56d  No.5039461


We can save the children later… meantime.. racist boards MOAR.

4a6b01  No.5039462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a48da1  No.5039463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3237b0  No.5039464


>>5038768 Mueller deputy, Andrew Weissmann, briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election

>>5038769, >>5038772, >>5039049, >>5039203 Military Drills over LA

>>5038778 Acting AG and Secretary of DHS Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on 2018 Elections

>>5038800 Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal

>>5038806 One of ICE's Most Wanted Aliens indicted for illegally re-entering the United States following deportation

>>5038836 Firm founded by ex-Blackwater boss, Erik Prince, to operate in China’s Xinjiang province

>>5038934 Puppet Masters and Old Guard Graphic

>>5039064 US ‘Regime Changes’: The Historical Record

>>5038970, >>5039246, >>5039251 Marina Abramovic and Brazilian Cult Leader together

2de6c9  No.5039465


pope finally having a bad month?


one year later

b6d656  No.5039467

>>5038800 The prophecy say all countries against Israel?

Armaggedon = Israel ff (new holocaust) (Rotschild Insurance)

Think mirror

USA protect Israel to last, null prophecy No armaggedon

I think…

a48da1  No.5039468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

518fe6  No.5039469

File: eba179b3adab8e7⋯.jpg (674.12 KB, 580x297, 580:297, banned-honored1.jpg)

7b0735  No.5039470

File: a16064f836c70ee⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 380x260, 19:13, vac.jpg)

390dfb  No.5039471


Pan has evolved over time in literature. He does represent Satan in literature and in film.

In literature he is a rapist.

"The Victorian artist and poet Thomas Woolner wrote Silenus, a long narrative poem about the myth, in which Syrinx becomes the lover of Silenus, but drowns when she attempts to escape rape by Pan. As a result of the crime, Pan is transmuted into a demon figure and Silenus becomes a drunkard."

You are just being too narrow.

He is the hooved one.

Anyway, the point is that Tritons are also aquatic satyrs and anyway you look at it, the statues that soros posted are representative of unrestrained sexuality. Satyrs.

ffb636  No.5039472

File: 6074835f9f8b529⋯.jpeg (42.22 KB, 448x250, 224:125, 9E248B25-36FC-4220-9814-0….jpeg)

The real question Q needs to answer is giving me anxiety. I just want a preview! Picture relevant.

5cd42c  No.5039473

File: 78c420679337cdd⋯.jpg (58.81 KB, 720x536, 90:67, ff.jpg)


58e532  No.5039474

File: 11c0f05215faad2⋯.png (630.62 KB, 576x573, 192:191, frog pond1.png)

File: d85b47e6a61bafb⋯.png (339.04 KB, 581x573, 581:573, frog pond2.png)

File: 1568fb5be92c52b⋯.png (343.3 KB, 580x573, 580:573, frog pond3.png)

File: b4ec05e42863045⋯.png (322.4 KB, 576x568, 72:71, frog pond4.png)


Frog Pond, the man with the sign 13

cd91fd  No.5039475

File: 1dafa0b2cf5f10b⋯.png (459.98 KB, 400x587, 400:587, ClipboardImage.png)

04a30e  No.5039476


No … miss direction from you?

afd4d0  No.5039477

File: 72bc7bc06dd593f⋯.jpg (126.99 KB, 832x960, 13:15, 51484219_2512478842100212_….jpg)

File: c843153fe6d5288⋯.jpg (124.73 KB, 712x960, 89:120, 50578047_2512478865433543_….jpg)

File: 21cae4766d2fe27⋯.jpg (137.28 KB, 732x960, 61:80, 51088016_2512478718766891_….jpg)

File: cfd2b184a612947⋯.jpg (100.37 KB, 785x960, 157:192, 51576955_2512478415433588_….jpg)

File: cca94599855438e⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 1242x472, 621:236, 51579233_2512478445433585_….jpg)

d007f5  No.5039478


I'm drinking generic fruit punch soda right now. It's like carbonated Hawaiian Punch. A million grams of sugar per serving, it's got fake color in it.. mmmm. So good.

But eating cardboard and feeling morally superior is probably just as tasty.

4179e9  No.5039480

File: 5ea95c9e5897914⋯.png (317.21 KB, 555x322, 555:322, blackfaceobumba.png)

654c2b  No.5039481


You’re a special kind of stupid.

63b50a  No.5039482


>jesus spent the majority of his words on calling out the jews

Not at all. Jesus spent the majority of his words talking about "God's Kingdom", what it's like, and how to get there. It is clear to anyone reading this is what he really cared about.

He only called out Jews when they were being especially obnoxious.

9c37c5  No.5039484

File: 0f23acade77e458⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 474x316, 3:2, KW Here for you.jpg)

04d1f6  No.5039486

File: c5ef0ed3e047a9a⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2svlpv (1).jpg)

518fe6  No.5039487

File: 3c76bcfe8982266⋯.jpg (120.21 KB, 750x600, 5:4, download (1).jpg)

cd91fd  No.5039489

File: 3759fa6a60d3d69⋯.png (581.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

b41087  No.5039490




I had a 6 piece chicken mcnugget last weekend while I was at Walmart….

hadn't had Mcd in about a year but was starving

and frankly

it was fucking delicious

but I won't make a habit of it

e41458  No.5039491



>No thanks. I don’t eat processed white flours, refined sugars, eggs or dairy. But I do hope you enjoy your colorectal cancer and heart disease, fat fucks.

believes its from eating meat

knows nothing of what corn syrup

and pharmaceuticals are doing to the population

enjoy your dementia asshole

27dfe1  No.5039493

File: 4d517002d5c3bd0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


WTF is going on with these numbers?

Warner Music Tops $1.2 Billion in First Quarter Revenue as Recorded Music Division Surges 15 Percent

How and why the fuck is this happening?


390dfb  No.5039494


He lied.

4688b4  No.5039495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Outstanding video about Late Term Abortion…

"Are we really doing enough to protect the live of the most innocent and vulnerable among us…"

Millie Weaver - How To Schedule Abortion At Nine Months Pregnant!

Millie Weaver challenges the Democrat talking point that "late-term abortions are only available for medical emergencies" by showing she was able to schedule an abortion appointment in her 9th month of pregnancy simply using the vague excuse of depression.

vid related

3237b0  No.5039496


he had a bad May last year dumbass

350a48  No.5039497


They can't prove they own it so it's /ours/ now?

cd91fd  No.5039498

File: 183fd6e4a2dc8bd⋯.png (334.34 KB, 519x640, 519:640, ClipboardImage.png)

e13249  No.5039499

I am not watching SOTU with anons

Dont wanna see another meltdown, just sayn

a48da1  No.5039500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

24c4cf  No.5039501

File: e475265451441eb⋯.png (819.63 KB, 888x3053, 888:3053, bananas blair & clinton.png)


well there's this (see pic) = code words?

Plus I found shit loads of articles in MSM dating back a decade on Viagra spiders found in brazilian bananas in UK that give men 4 hour erections when bitten by them.

bit wierd

f16a68  No.5039503

File: a16f7e9f0dde49e⋯.jpg (92.39 KB, 901x595, 53:35, a16f7e9f0dde49e28057f439c1….jpg)

9458f3  No.5039504

1dad50  No.5039505


No Rationale at All!

Scott Adams is now Pushing Propaganda!

For Whom?

What is Scotts Forte?

Persuasion & Hypnosis!

So We, Now have Moar of an Idea Of

Dilbert Boy!

645a59  No.5039506

I’m just going to post this then go back to lurking.

Will you fucking out-of-State transplants to Texas

(((Get out of the FUCKING left lane while driving)))

JFC. If your vehicle can’t cruise at 85mph.

Buy a fucking truck.

Hope you cry about how your fucking eyeballs sweat in summer.

654c2b  No.5039507


Fucking gold!

441ca4  No.5039508


At what point do (we) tell Q:

Tits or GTFO

b41087  No.5039509


>corn syrup

<doesn't eat refined sugars…..

corn syrup is pretty much covered there

8e987d  No.5039510


Dems cannot get Climate Tax but NJ has the Rain tax

tax for the air you breath and the rain water from above

f9de33  No.5039511


Where’s Tony Podesta?

bet you can’t find him

d007f5  No.5039512


Priaprism is my favorite kind of prism

f4cd3d  No.5039513

File: ef9355ff0a8ca48⋯.png (985.7 KB, 1080x1190, 108:119, Screenshot_20190204-225940….png)






Once Q divided the anons and the Alex Jones supporters I knew Q was a total LARP .

473e7d  No.5039514



You must've missed out on all the diocese issues with child abuse. Namely Argentina…


0fc485  No.5039516


Vegan here. Used to think I was exempt, but…

Look what goes into soda and food flavorings. Pepsi-cola. Fetal cells.

We are ALL cannibals. No way around it.

3bb53d  No.5039517


Problem: Cabal money not coming in like it used to.

Reaction: Tax the fuck out of the sheep so revenue continues.

Solution: Chemtrail the fuck out of NJ every 48 hours so it NEVER stops raining!

fb6e3b  No.5039518


>The Insurance Policy

33a586  No.5039519

f950df  No.5039520

File: 897374540c457e5⋯.png (184.01 KB, 675x615, 45:41, staycalm.png)


>You’re a special kind of stupid.

You're a special kinda triggered. Mindless fool.


cd91fd  No.5039521

File: 206a47f58edd3b5⋯.png (224.08 KB, 320x640, 1:2, ClipboardImage.png)

3237b0  No.5039522


>Dont wanna see another meltdown

you mean shareblue coming here and shilling?

happens everytime


Alex Jones talked to Q though

4a6b01  No.5039523

File: 827d8f9f5a0bf20⋯.png (173.6 KB, 627x664, 627:664, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: ed4cf8e994ef596⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1335x649, 1335:649, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

7b0735  No.5039524

File: 70364ae9e530e1c⋯.png (9.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Texas_Q.png)

a48da1  No.5039525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9458f3  No.5039526

File: f8b76698f5d4292⋯.jpeg (203.07 KB, 1242x1409, 1242:1409, 9646404A-FB2D-4BB4-90C9-D….jpeg)

File: 5790755dc4ac4ee⋯.jpeg (559.45 KB, 1242x1983, 414:661, 7039AD06-D0E8-46AD-9082-8….jpeg)

File: f458f89c796dca4⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1840, 27:40, CCCD9EA3-3D4F-46E9-AD98-B….jpeg)

File: a94bf34046c9820⋯.jpeg (974.8 KB, 1242x1638, 69:91, CCFABA46-1F51-43E4-9EFC-B….jpeg)

File: db379c417ae05ad⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1847, 1242:1847, AFBF45BD-E5C5-4BE7-A620-1….jpeg)

308198  No.5039527


Not the point, anon: Q also definitely speaks in statements - such as that "the world will know" last July - which obviously did not happen.

That is just one example of his direct statements which were false.

The only possible lessons are either that Q said it for greater purpose such as disinformation, or that he simply lied.

3237b0  No.5039528

File: 07a335a1856105d⋯.png (362.56 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 07a335a1856105dae5e5954d06….png)

59f1b5  No.5039529



Le 17:7 And they shall no more offer <zabach> their sacrifices <zebach> unto devils, <sa`iyr> after <'achar> whom they have gone a whoring. <zanah> This shall be a statute <chuqqah> for ever <`owlam> unto them throughout their generations. <dowr>

4179e9  No.5039530

File: 85af3ac81ebfd9c⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 408x380, 102:95, pumpndump.jpg)

518fe6  No.5039531


Bullshit. No outside comms. Jones never spoke to Q.

4688b4  No.5039532

File: bd7a2e3a25ef59e⋯.png (302.28 KB, 540x513, 20:19, afd70d4cff1c409ad73e97b3c2….png)

77d30e  No.5039533


That's the satanists plan.

9c2ded  No.5039534

File: f9bc176fd6eb48e⋯.png (203.16 KB, 499x194, 499:194, 2019-02-05_15-09-53.png)

d007f5  No.5039535


Does eating pussy count?

9c37c5  No.5039536

File: 9e94d090ea6acda⋯.jpg (138.39 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Pepe's Advice.jpg)


All those records were torched after flooding so your guess as good as mine.

What records they did keep and are traceable should belong to us.

They had better after that fuckery. Knew this when it went on but what can you do.

589494  No.5039537

File: 7e5cb4b20597e26⋯.png (161.11 KB, 409x412, 409:412, ClipboardImage.png)


This was in notables over the weekend with the DTCC digs.

1dad50  No.5039538


So you're Divided?

Put yourself Together Man!

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