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File: 929419eccc29b37⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

9d39d2  No.4977373

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap: >>4965770 )

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap: >>4965765 )

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

9d39d2  No.4977374


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board


>>4976626 WH security specialist suspended w/o pay

>>4976660 17 cars catch fire at Newark Airport parking garage

>>4976668 On the Cult of Dionysus and similarities to cabalist horrors/symbolism

>>4976719 More on “Who’s talking to this board?”

>>4976725 Compilation of IT drops in Q crumbs and POTUS tweets

>>4976730 POTUS schedule and “Chinas”

>>4976859 Haberman getting ahead of Herman Cain/Federal Reserve story w/old sexual assault allegations bit

>>4976887 Meadows weighs in on Pelosi introducing new bill, immediately stating “no wall funding”

>>4977112 Ethics Cmte. lets Cory Booker off the hook for admitted violation of Senate rules re: Kavanaugh

>>4977195 Blackstone controlling Tallgrass Energy for $3.3B

>>4977207 Trudeau taking flak from leafs

>>4977209 “John of God” cult leader allegedly ran child sex slave farm

>>4977241 New DJT; repeat of earlier tweet (now deleted)

>>4977321 #6354

#6353 Baker Change

>>4975906 US sending more troops to southern border

>>4975932 On Ginsburg, Scalia, and Q two days ahead of schedule

>>4976047 Reports on US MIL aircraft in Colombia (moar sauce pending)

>>4976050 2017 article re: Venezuela’s creditors meeting with Rothschild in London

>>4976053 Summary of POTUS holding all the cards vs. China (speculation)

>>4976105 Compilation of all POTUS tweets from today as of post timestamp

>>4976216 Saudis confirm $100B seized in corruption crackdown; last detainees released

>>4976255 Portfolio manager at Soros Fund Mgmt. quits, returns to his own firm

>>4976260 Covington update: lawyers state “we will be relentless”

>>4976262 Chicago PMI plunges to two-year lows

>>4976399 WH press office announces two promotions and one new staff member

>>4976413 ; >>4976443 Germany, France, Britain set up European payment channel to Iran, circumvents US sanctions

>>4976537 #6353


>>4975733 DJT: "IT" = Awan? Q says Awan is bigger than we think.

>>4975736 New DJT Tweets: Troops to the Souther border. Wall being built. China opening farming/manufacturing sectors.

>>4975675 President Donald J. Trump announces intent to nominate Judicial Nominees.

>>4975270 Trump makes the deal of a lifetime and buys two lucky kids.

>>4975545 POTUS Schedule update.

>>4975259 US Marines dropping us a clue regarding 29 Palms?

>>4975409 Oracle's lawsuit over the Pentagon's $10bn cloud contract, and how Amazon is involved.

>>4975124 TG's role: anti-Mockingbird agent?

>>4975393 Senior DOD Official: Three Migrant Caravans Headed To U.S., One With 12,000.

>>4975328 Nellie Ohr news from yesterday and some good questions. Reminder: Ham radio operator license.

>>4975327, >>4975342 V. Jarrett: Islamic Communist since at least the 70s.

>>4975265 DJT Tweet: "Democrats are becoming the Party of late term abortion, high taxes, Open Borders and Crime!"

>>4975247 The rise of state sponsored propaganda in America.

>>4975080 Nightmare fuel.

>>4975191 Anon: The Dem's use of the popular vote to gaslight America into 'supporting' unpopular abortion.

>>4975186 Tomorrow (Feb. 1) is National Freedom Day.

>>4975175, >>4975210 Sun dogs, a rare phenomenon; Q: Every dog has its day.

>>4975201 Timestamp minutes of DJT's tweets this morning.

>>4975093, >>4975107, >>4975187 DJT's flurry of Tweets: Desperately needed WALL and China trade.

>>4975115 US Marines Tweet: "Hop in! We’re going to the exchange."

>>4975119 EIC Tax fraud is 3x the amount POTUS is requesting for the border wall.

>>4975132 US DoD Tweet: "Steady as she goes."

>>4975088 Deutsche And Commerzbank See Merger By Mid-Year If Turnaround Fails

>>4975099 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers conduct readiness exercise live at the border.

>>4975801 #6352

Previously Collected Notables

>>4974224 #6350, >>4975011 #6351

>>4971901 #6347, >>4972677 #6348, >>4973439 #6349

>>4969530 #6344, >>4970372 #6345, >>4971113 #6346

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

9d39d2  No.4977376

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

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Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

9d39d2  No.4977377

QPosts Archives

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New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

9d39d2  No.4977379

File: 0314a9556f5c42b⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x177, 85:59, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



b8ad14  No.4977382

File: 8dca2970c02d18f⋯.jpg (358.84 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 0j40gj509hgj5kjh69khu6jh5u….jpg)

File: 43da6372032f6ed⋯.jpg (323.43 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 65hrtehyjutyikyky89.jpg)

8890fe  No.4977419

File: 5d9c3947c40bae5⋯.png (86.26 KB, 588x541, 588:541, ClipboardImage.png)

is he on crack

d9b384  No.4977422

File: f62238591e98734⋯.png (315.76 KB, 647x533, 647:533, ClipboardImage.png)

ISIS makes it's final stand in Syria.

The world is about to change.


b7932a  No.4977427

File: fe085f917f46dca⋯.jpg (911.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 316370.jpg)

eba803  No.4977429

"We've set the set for what is going to happen on the 15th of February"


f57abe  No.4977432

File: 4c5234381095beb⋯.png (441.04 KB, 694x632, 347:316, ClipboardImage.png)


b8ad14  No.4977433

File: 4bbd62bcacf4a8e⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 480x635, 96:127, jesusnotforgive.jpg)

eba803  No.4977436

set the stage*


d69c2a  No.4977437

File: ef8ec78494857ce⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 290x174, 5:3, virginia.jpg)

25cc5d  No.4977438

File: 7a537a4ba393fac⋯.jpg (130.85 KB, 946x855, 946:855, OIG.jpg)


b7932a  No.4977441


Nothing. Potus cannot do it. He must remain unbias to anyone that gets in trouble. He cannot show favoritism. Q mentioned this in a very early post.

b8ad14  No.4977443


Stage is still a set?

*Pedantic man away!

c5de6e  No.4977444

File: c7c224317897e30⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 576x451, 576:451, Mattis Confirmation.JPG)

So Mattis got a standing ovation from the likes of Cheney, Bezos, John Kerry, etc..

Former Defense Secretary James Mattis received a standing ovation Saturday at the annual black-tie Alfalfa Club dinner after delivering a speech in which he honored the troops and talked about the importance of the US’ standing abroad, according to a source with knowledge of the event.

For the third year running, President Donald Trump skipped the annual event — but this year, so did the vice president as well as Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner.

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen as well as White House advisers Ivanka Trump and Kushner were all on the seating chart for the head table but didn’t show at the event, attended by a who’s who of prominent political and business leaders, according to the source.

CNN has reached out to both the White House and Pence’s office for comment.

Mattis quit the administration in December and pointedly criticized the President in his resignation letter.

The rest of the evening was lighter in tone, with former Secretary of State John Kerry delivering a speech replete with jokes about official Washington and himself. Kerry, the outgoing president of the club — a mainstay of establishment Washington — handed over his leadership role to newly minted Utah GOP Sen. Mitt Romney at the black tie event.

“This is the only speech in Washington that hasn’t been canceled by Nancy Pelosi,” Kerry joked, according to CNN’s source.

The person said the dinner was attended by major business figures including Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Tim Cook, Bill Gates and Randall Stephenson, CEO of AT&T, which owns CNN parent company WarnerMedia.

Political figures at the dinner included former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Rex Tillerson.

Aside from Mattis, Kerry and Romney, the list of speakers included Bezos as well as Chief Justice John Roberts and former Tennessee GOP Sen. Bill Frist.

Among those at the head table currently in the Trump administration were Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. They sat alongside former administration officials Tillerson, Mattis and former White House chief of staff John Kelly — all of whom were ousted by Trump in the past year.


b76588  No.4977452

CNN Breaking News

‏Verified account @cnnbrk

Mueller seeks to place protective order on evidence collected from longtime Trump ally Roger Stone's hard drives and email accounts


b7932a  No.4977454


Mad Dog

Dogs Day


Dogs play with dogs > send Mattis to no names funeral to play with dogs.

958926  No.4977456




what does he have on his hard drives?

8890fe  No.4977458

File: 6414a1268f4058d⋯.png (334.1 KB, 621x674, 621:674, ClipboardImage.png)



6b3662  No.4977459

Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult .

1315d4  No.4977460

File: ac53a56fe12ed24⋯.png (328.26 KB, 660x594, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

ebda19  No.4977461

>>4976471 (lb)

This has nothing to do with me.

The point is, your fake shit is too obvious. Don't get mad at me for pointing it out. And is it my fault you're a bot? So why are you mad?

We should stop letting bots control the "baking" IMO. Why should that be allowed? How is it okay?

847f82  No.4977462

File: d5403b7b8c3648a⋯.jpeg (247.28 KB, 676x727, 676:727, Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-….jpeg)

File: e2bfc50aeb1223b⋯.jpeg (175.22 KB, 641x486, 641:486, Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-….jpeg)

…The most deadly enemy of the Serpent is the EAGLE. The Eagle never backs away from the Serpent; it will wait its chance and grab it with its Talons, carry the Serpent high in the air and then drop it upon the ROCKS.Then it will come down and take the dead Serpent and feed its young. Always the Eagle is pictured as a Snake Killer. No wonder that God calls you the EAGLE PEOPLE, for He said: 'Ibore you on Eagles Wings'. He said: 'Ye shall mount up with Wings like the Eagle' always the symbol is of an Eagle People, an Eagle Kingdom, and Victory. America is thus legally an Eagle.


b7932a  No.4977463


Will they claim he's Q?

c5de6e  No.4977464

File: df21bd13e712616⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 444x285, 148:95, Mattis Black Eye.JPG)

1e36e4  No.4977465

File: 18437af77888f4d⋯.png (4.51 MB, 2124x1526, 1062:763, Whitaker-Columbia.png)

>>4976047 (pb)

>Reports on US MIL aircraft in Colombia (moar sauce pending)

Whitaker visits Colombia to strengthen bilateral crime-fighting efforts

The acting U.S Attorney General Matthew Whitaker made a surprise appearance on Wednesday in the Colombian capital to meet his counterpart, Prosecutor General Néstor Humberto Martínez. The senior U.S law enforcement official came to Bogotá to participate in the Colombo-American Judicial Summit with the purpose of strengthening bilateral efforts in fighting organized crime.

The official meeting, planned for several weeks, had the backing of the White House and allowed Whitaker to review recent investigations and operational results related to the dismantling of criminal groups and illicit financing. Whitakers’s visit came just over a week after the National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrilla detonated a car bomb inside a Police Academy killing 20 cadets. The ELN is considered a terrorist organization by both the United States government and European Union, and at war with the Colombian government for more than a half-century.

Among the topics discussed between the representatives of the two nations were changes to the current extradition agreement and establishing a closer working relationship with investigations relating to transnational corruption.

The delegates also discussed the case involving former FARC commander, Seuxis Hernández, known by his wartime alias “Jesús Santrich,” currently under arrest for allegedly conspiring to ship 10,000kgs to the U.S while a member of the guerrilla’s peace negotiating team. Santrich is wanted in extradition by New York prosecutors.

Whitaker’s visit was also marked by the arrival of several U.S military transport planes, including a C17A Globe Master, capable of moving more than 100 soldiers, special forces and vehicles.

Whitaker is the most senior U.S Government official to visit Colombia since Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came to Cartagena in early January to meet President Iván Duque.

The U.S delegation included Chief of Staff, Gary Barnett; National Security Adviser William Levy; Assistant Deputy Prosecutor General Bruce Swart; the liaison between the Department of Justice and White House, Lindsey De la Torre; the director of the Office of Public Affairs, Kerri Kupec; and the judicial attachés Marlon Cobar and Brian Skaret.


There are also a few reports similar talking about the military aircraft. MSM silent. Wonder why…

e49f9d  No.4977466


Excited for anyone who was recording that to post shortly.

b8ad14  No.4977467

File: 2ca56ebb0c5622d⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2ca56ebb0c5622dc94147e165b….jpg)

102006  No.4977468

File: 9830517defd5e1a⋯.jpg (243.04 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 5c5336a7dda4c8c1198b4567.JPG)

1315d4  No.4977469

File: 28e67f983f51398⋯.png (64.23 KB, 248x200, 31:25, ClipboardImage.png)

8890fe  No.4977470

File: 782752e03caa727⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1368x2048, 171:256, 782752e03caa727c65bb245d4b….jpg)


Doubt it. They are too scared to even discuss Q.

6b3662  No.4977471


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

de42c0  No.4977472

File: fdfe9717aeea351⋯.png (16.33 KB, 588x150, 98:25, Screenshot_2019-01-31 Dona….png)

Trump was watching https://twitter.com/thedilleyshow, who talked about the border problem right before his tweet.

6b3662  No.4977473


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

b7932a  No.4977474

File: 6e125175afd1dd7⋯.jpg (124.53 KB, 799x533, 799:533, download.jpg)

6b3662  No.4977475


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

49e76c  No.4977476

File: ab4a5aaa345bc15⋯.jpeg (114.76 KB, 436x310, 218:155, 2E5EEF95-5696-4664-B9BC-E….jpeg)

The stage is set.

f6b3e8  No.4977477


Roger Stone hardrive is the key.

Contains Wikileaks unreleased info.

The Key. Opens door of all doors.

(Roger) Stone: Used to initiate action

61b522  No.4977478

File: 3a1a6683582bd3b⋯.jpeg (256.07 KB, 600x431, 600:431, Pepe Movie time 2.jpeg)

4793fe  No.4977479

File: 2d5eeccbdd6e368⋯.jpeg (270.59 KB, 1242x948, 207:158, 0FD8D446-B4EA-4849-85BF-4….jpeg)

PoTUS just said “The stage is set”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

b6f996  No.4977480


Wonderful, now he will be able drag shit out for two more years.

At this rate, DS will die of old age before there is an arrest.

5aad81  No.4977481


The whole we dont dox Q makes no sense to me

Especially Q nevar asked for that

6b3662  No.4977482


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

847f82  No.4977483


He's an alien or a clone

6b3662  No.4977484


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

5fc1bc  No.4977485

File: fda062eff053cfb⋯.jpg (289.78 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, earth_is_talking_to_you.jpg)

f156c5  No.4977486

>>4976713 lb

Mental illness

c5de6e  No.4977487


You know what that is. That's an alter.

What is done at an alter?


b7932a  No.4977489


Especially when Q wants to force the question.

6b3662  No.4977490


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

6b3662  No.4977491


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

7e0802  No.4977492

I was thinking in regards to the new law they passed in Ny with Human babies. Wonder how that compares to animal laws.

It's legal to do it human babies, and illegal to do it to animals.

§ 360. Poisoning or attempting to poison animals

A person who unjustifiably administers any poisonous or noxious drug or substance to a horse, mule or domestic cattle or unjustifiably exposes any such drug or substance with intent that the same shall be taken by horse, mule or by domestic cattle, whether such horse, mule or domestic cattle be the property of himself or another, is guilty of a felony. A person who unjustifiably administers any poisonous or noxious drug or substance to an animal, other than a horse, mule or domestic cattle, or unjustifiably exposes any such drug or substance with intent that the same shall be taken by an animal other than a horse, mule or domestic cattle, whether such animal be the property of himself or another, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by both

§ 353-a. Aggravated cruelty to animals

1. A person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when, with no justifiable purpose, he or she intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal with aggravated cruelty. For purposes of this section, "aggravated cruelty" shall mean conduct which: (i) is intended to cause extreme physical pain; or (ii) is done or carried out in an especially depraved or sadistic manner.

2. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit or interfere in any way with anyone lawfully engaged in hunting, trapping, or fishing, as provided in article eleven of the environmental conservation law, the dispatch of rabid or diseased animals, as provided in article twenty-one of the public health law, or the dispatch of animals posing a threat to human safety or other animals, where such action is otherwise legally authorized, or any properly conducted scientific tests, experiments, or investigations involving the use of living animals, performed or conducted in laboratories or institutions approved for such purposes by the commissioner of health pursuant to section three hundred fifty-three of this article.

3. Aggravated cruelty to animals is a felony. A defendant convicted of this offense shall be sentenced pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 55.10 of the penal law provided, however, that any term of imprisonment imposed for violation of this section shall be a definite sentence, which may not exceed two years.

e901ef  No.4977494

File: 523295f0baf2300⋯.png (840.72 KB, 600x902, 300:451, df07f9cf9eba5d69cc3f86d4d7….png)


b6f996  No.4977495


Image and post text make opposite statements.

Glowing Shill.

6353db  No.4977496

File: 38cbe3f92eda4c8⋯.png (153.86 KB, 1340x548, 335:137, ClipboardImage.png)

Just thinking outloud!!

f6b3e8  No.4977497


HIGH IQ Póster.

The people who do post that are just insecure and want to show their reverence for superficial dogma while chastising people for not following it. They’re pretty phaggy tbqh

cc4824  No.4977498

File: 02754c14be522e4⋯.png (310.95 KB, 496x298, 248:149, 2019-01-31_13-10-24.png)

File: 670db24c76e7a83⋯.png (385.63 KB, 494x547, 494:547, 2019-01-31_13-11-49.png)

>>4977185 LB

So they will be desperate to get a 'fix' (human)?

Wonder how that works?

These people are sick!

67bb3a  No.4977499

What has my fucking coming to. I didn't even know we had Muslim schools.

Muslim school will not allow girls to eat lunch until after boys have finished, Ofsted chief says.


8a65e1  No.4977500

File: 1b2105c46d51053⋯.jpeg (137.2 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, speed racer.jpeg)



So basically telling

us that what RS has

is a threat to the DS

This movie is about to

get good.

6b3662  No.4977501


When there is no gratitude

Uh huh

98810f  No.4977502

File: 7188ed6e7a55e70⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 367x364, 367:364, cf1.JPG)

The William Jefferson Clinton Children's Center in Haiti

-Wall Sculpture-

Abstract pile of mangled babies, older children?

1315d4  No.4977504

File: 699f21aa8640d88⋯.mp4 (229.08 KB, 446x296, 223:148, betelgeuse.mp4)

6b3662  No.4977505


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

a717f2  No.4977506

File: 2ecf1c2e607c910⋯.png (289.16 KB, 406x361, 406:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Rhode Island Catholic Governor Vows to Sign Abortion Bill — Murder of Babies Up to Birth

US Democrats are pushing the most radical abortion-infanticide laws in the world today.

Democrats believe killing a baby on its birth day is a women’s health issue.

Democrats this week proposed murdering the babies on their day of birth and even slaughtering a child after it is born!

And now this…

LifeNews reported:

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo is pushing a radical pro-abortion bill in her state while claiming to be Catholic.

The legislation, which contradicts the teachings of the Catholic Church, would legalize abortions for basically any reason up to birth. A state House committee is expected to vote on the bill today.

Earlier this month, Raimondo promised to support the pro-abortion bill in her State of the State address, NBC 10 reports.

“Let’s make this the year we codify women’s access to reproductive health care here in Rhode Island,” Raimondo said.

The Rhode Island Reproductive Health Care Act, co-sponsored by state Sen. Gayle L. Goldin and Rep. Edith H. Ajello, would strip away even minor, common-sense abortion regulations – ones that a strong majority of Americans support. It would eliminate all protections for unborn babies and codify Roe v. Wade into state law in case the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the ruling.

The bill appears to allow restrictions for late-term abortions, but it adds a broad “health” exception for abortions after viability.


f6b3e8  No.4977508


Pretty fucking BASED. Tbqh, wish they did this at my Catholic School.

61b522  No.4977509

File: 1c0af10ccafae56⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 416x506, 208:253, Shill at it.jpg)


you obviously have not been here for very long

a300c6  No.4977511

File: f762eeb20540b8a⋯.png (805.63 KB, 1001x833, 143:119, ClipboardImage.png)


All these countries building walls make me wonder if they are preparing for a meltdown

5aad81  No.4977512


Its so coordinated

Why all at once?

Why now?

fbd297  No.4977515

File: d1486a1ec8969a1⋯.png (78.67 KB, 626x348, 313:174, Crises.png)

File: bf2e0497299a94f⋯.png (83.73 KB, 674x384, 337:192, Crisis.png)




DJT old and tweeted Crises

DJT new and tweeted Crisis

6b3662  No.4977516

File: eb5f2507a1610f9⋯.jpg (482.92 KB, 1487x1600, 1487:1600, 4FFF5ED5-E172-4828-B022-0C….jpg)

90a248  No.4977517


Like what happened to Weiner's laptop?

b76588  No.4977519

Elizabeth Landers

‏Verified account @ElizLanders

.@abbydphillip in the Oval Office now with @POTUS reports that he was asked whether he has confidence in CIA Director Gina Haspel and DNI Dan Coats and that Trump didn't answer directly: “I think time will prove me right.”

12:26 PM - 31 Jan 2019


e901ef  No.4977520


RBG is dead.

Roe v wade

6b3662  No.4977521


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

8604af  No.4977522

This is notable:

POTUS just got finished speaking live on Fox News… he said "setting the stage… we have set the stage.."

2ac83f  No.4977523


no empathy

f6b3e8  No.4977524


Since the beginning phaggot. And have been calling out the “We don’t dox Q” brainlets since the beginning. Lurk moar before posting

b7932a  No.4977525

File: dc1eafbf91ec2c9⋯.jpg (93.49 KB, 1011x731, 1011:731, download (2).jpg)

anons check this shit out

What a change time can make. Remember during no names funeral? We assumed everyone was watching a dirty Graham. But it's seeming that he was clean, and these fucking hawk eyes were the evil ones!

8b27a2  No.4977526

File: fe5ea68975c17b0⋯.png (16.52 KB, 704x194, 352:97, Capture.PNG)

1315d4  No.4977527

File: 09eb8bc46963c02⋯.png (666.85 KB, 1136x1306, 568:653, ClipboardImage.png)

1d7dbc  No.4977528

File: 88639a488417d39⋯.jpeg (309.31 KB, 659x482, 659:482, 33B0F149-1A27-41E5-AE24-0….jpeg)

407690  No.4977529


I'm gonna have to say that the "journalist" has no sense of scale. That's a 20 foot fence.

9d628c  No.4977530


Fuck Rhode Island…..tiny state with tiny minded faggots

5aad81  No.4977531


Yes but it can be overturned if she is replaced

6b3662  No.4977532


Weirdo looks like a Marla rothschild

a717f2  No.4977533

File: 13c8df2ca36867c⋯.png (33.69 KB, 913x284, 913:284, ClipboardImage.png)

"It Can't Be Fixed": ICC Judge Quits Over "Shocking" Interference From Washington

ICC Judge Flügge said he realized that the “diplomatic world” did not value the independent judiciary that was the ICC.

A senior judge at the United Nations’ International Court in The Hague has resigned in protest of “shocking” interference from the Trump administration into a preliminary war-crimes investigation into U.S. troops.

The judge, Christoph Flügge, who hails from Germany, slammed National Security Advisor John Bolton over his response last year to a preliminary investigation into American soldiers accused of torturing people in Afghanistan. That investigation ultimately found “a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity” were committed by U.S. forces, MintPress News reported.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton said in September. He also called for sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) and warned the body against pursuing any investigations into “Israel or other U.S. allies.”

Bolton even cited a Palestinian-led effort to bring Israel to the ICC over its human-rights abuses in Gaza and the West Bank as a reason for closing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington.

He went on to promise to ban ICC “judges and prosecutors from entering the United States,” adding:

We will sanction their funds in the U.S. financial system, and we will prosecute them in the U.S. criminal system. We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us.”

“John Bolton, the national security adviser to the U.S. president, held a speech last September in which he wished death on the International Criminal Court,” Flügge said after leaving his post. Flugge continued on Bolton’s declaration:

If these judges ever interfere in the domestic concerns of the U.S. or investigate an American citizen, [Bolton] said the American government would do all it could to ensure that these judges would no longer be allowed to travel to the United States – and that they would perhaps even be criminally prosecuted.”

The American security adviser held his speech at a time when The Hague was planning preliminary investigations into American soldiers who had been accused of torturing people in Afghanistan. The American threats against international judges clearly show the new political climate. It is shocking. I had never heard such a threat.

It is consistent with the new American line: ‘We are No 1 and we stand above the law.’”


19a5de  No.4977535

File: 48d1fef229d1753⋯.png (886.41 KB, 916x449, 916:449, Capture.PNG)

Kim Davis, Not State Of Kentucky, Should Pay $225,000 For Gay Couples’ Legal Fees, Lawyers For Governor Say

Former County Clerk Kim Davis could pay as much as $225,000 in legal fees for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples due to her own religious beliefs, the Lexington Herald Leader reports. Lawyers for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin have indicated that Davis should be responsible for the fees and court costs paid by multiple couples who sued her in 2015 following her refusal to issue them marriage licenses.

Despite the Republican governor’s past praise for Davis, Bevin’s legal team are now indicating that Davis failed to do her job in the wake of the 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage. At issue now is their contention that Davis personally, not the state of Kentucky, should be responsible for those fees.


b56f5e  No.4977536

File: a362112e517906a⋯.png (57.36 KB, 255x148, 255:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 481fac79b03d9ad⋯.png (70.93 KB, 255x239, 255:239, ClipboardImage.png)


511e61  No.4977537

from notables




67bb3a  No.4977538


Probably because POTUS has stopped their supply of children. Just my thought

81cab6  No.4977539

>>4977349 pb

'North American troops arrive in Colombia'

f4e1ee  No.4977540


Keep wishing and hoping, dork. Wikileaks is not the Key.

5aad81  No.4977541


Actually makes sense

6b3662  No.4977542


Sympathy fagging judas fehgels of the apocrypha

Like turds trying to slip into the Bible

914696  No.4977543

File: 79eaa63f2634185⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 255x192, 85:64, f1dbc799e7955852d68231b8cb….jpg)


>One should notice that two topics never show up in the analysis 1)Photosynthesis, 2) Intimate history of the earth developing an atmosphere, and the evolution from cold blooded creatures, then warm blooded creatures, and why…. and how/why changing, evolving composition and weather have to create appropriate climate change for life to evolve and survive here… BOOM!

61b522  No.4977544

File: e038ce71726d291⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Get your shit together.jpg)

489a25  No.4977545

Looks like ebot scratched his record

cc4824  No.4977546

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope.png)


>Rhode Island Catholic Governor Vows to Sign Abortion Bill

NOT Christian.

Pope Francis is a Jesuit and a catholic.

Yet he can't control the pedophile priests in his satanic church.

735906  No.4977547

File: 1e0125b4e0da086⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 960x638, 480:319, 1e0125b4e0da086f0944c7a177….jpg)

File: 39272488959f4dc⋯.jpg (293.41 KB, 816x528, 17:11, 39272488959f4dcc1f358154f0….jpg)

File: 0b66cccf6182e76⋯.jpeg (144.27 KB, 1440x1200, 6:5, 9bcec2b137b9eb9e261d1a966….jpeg)

49e76c  No.4977548

File: 694eddb964820f9⋯.png (281.07 KB, 964x964, 1:1, 4019E1B7-E05B-42B7-9BDB-4F….png)

e775c5  No.4977549


Grapes, anyone?

eba803  No.4977550

File: 2276576c4a43d0f⋯.png (101.49 KB, 700x906, 350:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Cases Bot

‏ @big_cases

6m6 minutes ago

New filing in Carter Page v. Democratic National Committee: Judgment



9d39d2  No.4977551

Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

8b27a2  No.4977552

e901ef  No.4977553


It should never have been taken up by the SC.

They are making the case that states should decide on abortion, where it should be.

The constitution does not give authority to the feds to regulate abortion. If it is not specified in the constitution, it is left to the states.

The SC should vacate the Roe decision, not declare it unconstitutional.

957f1e  No.4977554


Wouldn't that be funny if the truth of that pick was Kelly and Mattis worried what Huma might be telling Graham about them?

e25ca2  No.4977555

File: c82a4e0f28ec78e⋯.png (375.9 KB, 495x341, 45:31, ClipboardImage.png)

The New York Pro Choice Plot

So…do you believe in the strategy yet?

These people are dumb.

Do you see it yet?

We are winning.

Just don't let them know it yet.

f6b3e8  No.4977556

So the whole abortion till birth policies, are obv not popular. So they are pushing them to cover their ass? Has planned parenthood been doing this for years secretly? If so, how? By telling the mother it was going up for adoption?

Plz explain. Not familiar with this shit, only been born once with a doctor. The second time was in a mountain river.

89a6dd  No.4977557

File: c0abeed3c8488dd⋯.png (66.71 KB, 599x507, 599:507, twitter_com_MissMaga2016_s….png)

Mueller's secret case cites 28 U.S. Code § 1605(a)(2).

State Sponsors of Terror


f4e1ee  No.4977558


Eeeeeh, still not an actual answer.

8604af  No.4977559

File: 9441a6232b6a433⋯.jpg (95.14 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2sivor.jpg)

a717f2  No.4977560

Europe Launches SWIFT Alternative To Send Money To Iran

In a move sure to unleash fury from the Trump administration, the European Union has announced it has set up a transactions channel with Iran to bypass US sanctions. The launch of INSTEX — or "Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges" — by France, Germany, and the UK will allow non-dollar trade with Iran and is being described as facilitating humanitarian goods-related transactions only, including food, medicine and medical equipment.

Long anticipated, Thursday's EU announcement marks the most concrete action Europe has taken to thwart Washington sanctions after the US pullout of the 2015 nuclear deal last May, and after SWIFT caved to US pressure. Europe is hoping the mechanism will act as a legal means to preventing Tehran from quitting the JCPOA, which promised sanctions relief should the country halt nuclear weapons research and development. INSTEX is expected to receive the formal endorsement of all 28 EU members, which aims to encourage skittish pharmaceutical and agricultural companies to the table with Tehran after many stopped doing business in Iran for fear of US economic retribution.

The Iranians welcomed the new mechanism: “It is a first step taken by the European side… We hope it will cover all goods and items,” Iranian Deputy FM Abbas Araqchi told state TV, referencing EU promises to stick to its end of the nuclear deal.

INSTEX will reportedly be based in Paris and run by a supervisory board chaired by the UK and managed by a German banking expert, and has further been described in European media as "expandable," which is likely to provoke a reaction from the United States, especially after Washington was able to pressure the Belgium-based SWIFT financial messaging service to cut off the access of Iranian banks.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas cited EU strategic and "security interests" during a press briefing in Brussels: "We have been looking for ways to obtain this agreement because we are firmly convinced that it serves our strategic security interests in Europe." He further bluntly described, "We do not want Iran to get out of this agreement and back into uranium enrichment. This has to do with our security interests in Europe."

Technically US sanctions allow some limited humanitarian trade and limited goods; however the White House's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran has still scared away European giants like Seimens, Maersk, Total, Daimler, Peugeot, Renault, and others.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo previously warned of “swift punishment” for countries doing business with Iran, thus INSTEX is seen as a first small step toward greater European economic independence, and toward calming Iranian criticisms centered on seeing "dollar domination" as fueling European weakness to follow through on JCPOA stipulations.

But is the new financial exchange mechanism too little too late? One prominent Iranian academic and political analyst, Mohammad Ali Shabani, told Al Jazeera: "If [the mechanism] will permanently be restricted to solely humanitarian trade, it will be apparent that Europe will have failed to live up to its end of the bargain for Iran," told Al Jazeera. And another, Foad Izadi, professor at the University of Tehran, echoed what is a common sentiment among Iran's leaders: "I don't think the EU is either willing or able to stand up to Trump's threat," and continued, "The EU is not taking the nuclear deal seriously and it's not taking any action to prove to Iran otherwise… People are running out of patience."


6b3662  No.4977561

File: 558d7876fed6467⋯.jpg (673.16 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5708.JPG)

File: a9a4ed7110f0d85⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 998x800, 499:400, IMG_5709.JPG)

File: e74d0e46c27ad47⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, IMG_5710.JPG)

Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

b7932a  No.4977562


That's exactly what I was thinking!

e49f9d  No.4977563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f6b3e8  No.4977564


Shalom fren

e27491  No.4977565


71a6e4  No.4977566


civil case - in oklahoma no less


13db75  No.4977567

File: 0d024742a453c90⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1704x9703, 1704:9703, vaccinjurydoc.png)

Don't even get me started on how they actually make vaccines

8890fe  No.4977568

File: 90cc85ad0c6e25b⋯.png (54.5 KB, 631x332, 631:332, ClipboardImage.png)



eba803  No.4977569

Judge Dismisses Carter Page’s Lawsuit Against DNC in Brutal Fashion

by Ronn Blitzer | 12:02 pm, January 31st, 2019

A federal judge just dismissed the lawsuit filed by former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page against the Democratic National Committee, the law firm Perkins Coie, and Perkins Coie lawyers Marc Elias and Michael Sussman. The judge made it crystal clear that the lawsuit showed absolutely no reason for being filed with his court in the first place.

Page had claimed that he had been defamed by information in Christopher Steele‘s dossier that has been reported by media outlets. The dossier was part of research done for Fusion GPS, a company reportedly hired by Perkins Coie, which had been working for the DNC and Clinton campaign. Page also claimed that Elias and Sussman in particular leaked information about him that was reported in the media.

In a brief 5-page order, Chief Judge Joe Heaton stated that Page’s lawsuit must be dismissed because it was filed in a jurisdiction that does not have authority over any of the defendants. The complaint was brought in federal court in the Western District of Oklahoma, but neither Elias nor Sussman live in the state, and neither the DNC nor Perkins Coie are based there.

“Plaintiff has offered nothing to suggest that the individual defendants are domiciled in Oklahoma and it appears undisputed that none of them are,” the judge wrote regarding Elias and Sussman.

When it came to the DNC and Perkins Coie, the judge said, “Ordinarily, a corporation is deemed to be ‘at home’ in the state where it is incorporated, where it has its principal place or business, or both.” He went on to say, “Here, there is no suggestion that either the DNC or the defendant law firm were incorporated in, or had its principal place of business in, Oklahoma.”

Page had argued that because the DNC has an Oklahoma affiliate in the form of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, that was enough of a connection. The judge disagreed, pointing out the every state has their own Democratic party. “It cannot be ‘at home’ in every state,” the judge said, relying on a past Supreme Court decision.

Judge Heaton summed up the point by saying Page “has not suggested any plausible basis for concluding that personal jurisdiction over the defendants can be based on general jurisdiction.”

Judge Heaton then addressed whether the court had specific jurisdiction over this particular lawsuit due to its nature, acknowledging that this could be the case if the tort claims alleged that the defendants “purposefully directed” their activities at the state of Oklahoma. Again, Page’s lawsuit failed, the judge said.

“Plaintiff does not offer any facts which suggest that defendants’ alleged acts were purposefully directed at the State of Oklahoma or that their suit-related conduct had a substantial connection with Oklahoma. Rather, the complaint and plaintiff’s related submissions indicate the alleged conduct took place elsewhere,” the order said.

Page asserted that he has a business based in Oklahoma, but Judge Heaton found that to be irrelevant.

“[T]here is no plausible basis alleged for concluding that defendants alleged actions were somehow directed at that corporation or plaintiff’s interest in it, or that defendants even knew of its existence,” the judge wrote.

Page, who is not an attorney, chose to represent himself in the matter rather than hire a lawyer. He told Law&Crime that he intends to appeal the decision, stating, “there were key facts alleged in my pleadings which were not taken into account in today’s order and are directly relevant to personal jurisdiction.” Page referred to a letter he sent to the court in which he asserted that the defendants could “foresee [the dossier’s] possible use in

Oklahoma.” Page also claimed that if the court wanted, he could provide other evidence of ties to Oklahoma, “preferably under seal to

protect the integrity of ongoing law enforcement investigations.”

The court did not take him up on the offer, and was not convinced by Page’s letter.

Note: This article has been updated with Carter Page’s response.


6b3662  No.4977570


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


e27491  No.4977571


1c9129  No.4977572

more indictments vs lefty pols

more winning


Read the full Johnny Doc, IBEW Local 98 indictment


6bb624  No.4977573

>>4977241 lb

5 hrs and 11 minutes earlier he posted the exact same tweet.

234d3b  No.4977574

File: 3dce2c2838d892e⋯.png (639.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Been scouring the countryside, various search parameters, looking for (ANY) reporting on (WHO)? > Is FUNDING & ORGANIZING these new migrant caravans.

All I find is cookie-cutter BS stories with no real info.

Reportedly one is 12,000 people + two others, numbers not reported.

Just like before, these are (Military Type) Logistical Movements of people and supplies.

(Real) reporting would already have the facts for us.

We know the usual suspects.

Just wondering if any digs and drops on this?

Haven't seen any notables on this subject.

6060be  No.4977575

Justice has to be public.

735906  No.4977576

File: d7ecbb7e12b5854⋯.jpeg (6.93 KB, 255x128, 255:128, c0567f1865b0488685af44351….jpeg)

847f82  No.4977577


33 & 333

Southern Border is South Pole?

It's Aliens. They are stopping them from killing US. They are coming from within the Earth!

00321f  No.4977578


Trying to push all this abortion shit through before RBG's death is announced?

Or at least get it on the books.

6b3662  No.4977579


There are no good judges left it seems

6cf114  No.4977580


C.i.a. is a state sponsored terrorist organization.

It's not hard to prove at that level.

0992a1  No.4977581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Failure Justin Trudeau Investigating YouTubers to Manipulate Next Election

More fuckery in the Great White North

f4e1ee  No.4977582



Who is MissMaga2016?

d9b384  No.4977583

File: d338ee69e427f7c⋯.png (522.18 KB, 890x770, 89:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Maduro's 'Puppet Master' wife Venezuela's 'Lady McBeth'?

Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide [Kill the King to take over] so she could be Queen.

After Hugo Chávez's death was announced on 5 March 2013, Maduro assumed the powers and responsibilities of the President.

The story of his death is pretty sketch. Mass removed from his waist in Cuba - surgery again in Venezula - back and forth +chemo 12 months then death.

"Successive announcements of his return and updates of his health were criticized by the country's opposition that the population were unaware of his health and location. The fact that the cancer had metastasized was not made public during the campaign, and strongly denied by Government officers."




bec4e6  No.4977584



a717f2  No.4977585

EU parliament urges member states to recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president

The European Parliament voted to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela and urged EU leaders to do the same.

The resolution, voted on Thursday, called on the EU leadership to adopt “a strong, unified stance,” and recognize Guaido as the “only legitimate” interim president of the South American nation until new elections are held to “restore democracy.”

The MEPs also pledged “full support” for Venezuela’s opposition-controlled parliament, the National Assembly, urging the EU states to “accredit” the envoys appointed by the opposition.

The document was adopted with 439 votes to 104, with 88 MEPs abstaining.

Guaido thanked the European Parliament for the vote. “We made a big step in our fight for democracy,” he wrote on Twitter.

European Union Foreign Affairs Chief Federica Mogherini had earlier promised“full support” for the National Assembly. On Saturday, Germany, France and Spain threatened to recognize Guaido as the nation’s interim president unless the current head of state, Nicolas Maduro, declared a snap election within eight days.

Maduro firmly rejected the ultimatum, saying that the EU nations have no right to make such demands and the election will take place, as scheduled, in 2025.

Parliament speaker Juan Guaido declared himself interim president last week, in opposition to Maduro who ruled Venezuela since 2013. Guaido was instantly endorsed by the US and subsequently recognized as the sole legitimate ruler by Canada and the majority of South American countries, including neighboring Colombia and Brazil.

States such as Russia, China, Iran and Turkey continue to recognize Nicolas Maduro as Venezuela’s democratically-elected president. Moscow stressed that all nations should respect Venezuela’s sovereignty and vowed to defend its national interests in the country “with all mechanisms available.”

Over the years, Venezuela has been plagued by a severe economic crisis that led to numerous protests, some of which descended into violent clashes with police. Maduro accused the US of stoking protests against the government, as well as harboring plots to oust or assassinate him.


71a6e4  No.4977586


I think most people misunderstand what happens if roe v wade goes away

Most people think it means abortion goes away - not that it reverts to states rights decision

Most people are stupid

e775c5  No.4977587

File: 596812161a94401⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 753x452, 753:452, w4gd5yrd6hf6h.jpg)

f94814  No.4977588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still denying Trump's "scare tactics" now, H?

These people are SICK.

49e76c  No.4977589


Yes, they have and now they’re trying to cover their tracks by making murder legal.

6b3662  No.4977590


Graham was a frog

2ac83f  No.4977591


The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

7e0802  No.4977592

File: 0869f9815e9c456⋯.jpg (208.53 KB, 1280x1074, 640:537, 0869f9815e9c45679b612c1e60….jpg)

e44450  No.4977593

What do you guys think the chances are that I walk on college campus with my AR and win a 2A Supreme Court case after I get arrested followed by a massive civil suit against the school and the professor that called the cops and the cops that arrested me are charged under 18 USC 241? Or are the courts still fucked up kek

56b215  No.4977594

File: c1020f78c3741c1⋯.jpeg (43.6 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3DE744D5-0894-48F5-874D-5….jpeg)



Festival of Friendship :)

357a0e  No.4977595

File: ba61d3c39cff5a5⋯.jpeg (42.57 KB, 350x520, 35:52, CEFADE42-A4A1-4794-A029-C….jpeg)


this is not going to go well

drag queen plans to host childrens story time at public library in simpsonville sc

6b3662  No.4977596


Get a life faggot

bec4e6  No.4977597

File: 8f5bf214ce1c11b⋯.png (247.21 KB, 1720x432, 215:54, Daily Caller on Ruby Ridge.png)

>>4977402 (lb)

Barr and 2nd Amendment

4f06f7  No.4977598

File: bd37a509b1cdbd6⋯.png (10.08 KB, 525x152, 525:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 008ca665437a5a3⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d1dcf7a15bd993af34b2c85cdf….jpg)

implosion… all your middles belong to us

f4e1ee  No.4977599

e901ef  No.4977600


Most people haven't been taugh the constitution.

They should not be allowed to vote.

c90bc0  No.4977601

File: d931d419f05ad41⋯.png (463.33 KB, 641x686, 641:686, AQ1.PNG)

Girl in MAGA hat getting beat by 4+ blackguys

Need eyes here


a717f2  No.4977602



f367cc  No.4977603


was he a 33 mason as well?

81cab6  No.4977604


kek ya idk think they were being intentionally vague or something. looks like us but hard to know I feel like we already have boots on the ground somewhere in all those banana republics anyway.

6b3662  No.4977605


No one cares

1315d4  No.4977606

File: ee0499b77ff3a31⋯.png (396.71 KB, 857x482, 857:482, ClipboardImage.png)


Costa Rica police arrest Dr. Francisco Mora Palma

ad9727  No.4977607


Nunes speaking Sunday morning on Maria's show…

'''"The discovery process of Stone's trial will be fantastic! I can't wait to watch."

Nunes already had access to all classified intel.

Sounded like he was telling the Anons who would be sneaking the football over the goal line and for us to pay attention.

My almonds are torn between the Wikileaks emails or the NEXVIUM human trafficking evidence.

I'll settle for either one.

2ea89d  No.4977608

f6b3e8  No.4977609


Israel has been added to the list for the role of Mossad and the Israeli military brass in propogating and maintaining terrorist networks such as ISIS, Hezbollah, and PLO. They are used as tools in Hegelian sense, so that ISrael is always “justified” in its occupation, invasions, and war crimes.

This will fully come out till after the election to prevent AIPAC and it’s subsidiaries from tanking state races.

6b3662  No.4977610


Graham cracker

c25510  No.4977611

File: 69f822bb2750f16⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 520x390, 4:3, P1040808.jpg)

e25ca2  No.4977612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These people are so stupid

Lobbyist shows up to this soulless butt plug and tells her to go sponsor this bill and defend it and she will get $$$$$

LOL….so stupid!

Should have just offered her $$$$$ to jump off a bridge to be faster. But this way she takes her party with her.

Dumb…so dumb.

eba803  No.4977613


This had to be about discovery or legally entering info as evidence. Odd the choice of place he chose to file lawsuit.

171616  No.4977614

File: 3855f110bde9e1d⋯.jpg (21.95 KB, 600x315, 40:21, HRCHRCHRC.jpg)





Suicide Weekend?

e49f9d  No.4977615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d3b903  No.4977616




It's hard to know which side anyone is on at the moment…

I wouldn't question our Marine Corp Generals, even if they're seemingly speaking out against POTUS.

They could just be playing their part in the political theatre.

a717f2  No.4977617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Judge Napolitano: Mueller Deep State Charged Roger Stone with Lying But Won’t Allow Him Copy of Transcript

The Deep State had amphibious team in the water and an helicopter in the sky during the arrest.

The US is now a police state.

Napolitano added that the FBI-Mueller deep state will not even give Roger Stone a copy of the transcript where they accuse him of lying.

** FBI THUGS Forced ROGER STONE’S WIFE To Stand Outside, Barefoot in Nightgown During Home Raid

The US DOJ can never be trusted.

These are police state tactics.

Judge Napolitano: They wont give him a transcript of his alleged lies because the testimony before Congress was classified. This is really Kafkaesque that he should have to defend against something. The government has papers that contains his lies and he is not allowed to see that paper. The lawyers can see it in a secure facility. They can’t get a copy of it. No way will a federal judge allow this to be a basis for the prosecution because your friend the constitution says you’re entitled to be confronted with the evidence against you… You can’t make this up.


bc0826  No.4977618


Not exact, but close. See >>4977515

b7932a  No.4977619


You just made the list.

6b3662  No.4977620


Unleavened and a slur

81cab6  No.4977621


oh ya that's us one sec.

1315d4  No.4977622

File: 89e3522a711bc6c⋯.png (671.55 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, ClipboardImage.png)



1c9129  No.4977623


As long as people have been having sex, there have been women having abortions. The American debate over whether a woman should have the right to end her pregnancy is a relatively new phenomenon. Indeed, for America’s first century, abortion wasn’t even banned in a single US state. And abortion was generally "socially" permissible until a woman felt a fetus move, or “quicken.”

However, this changed dramatically in the 19th century. Social pressure and education had been effective abortion deterrents in the past, but as the morality of America grew more relaxed, abortion gained a larger foothold in American life, so lawmakers started dealing with it specifically and explicitly. In 1821, the first abortion legislation was passed in Connecticut, and lawmakers elsewhere did their best to keep up. New York legislation changed on abortion 10 times between 1828 and 1881.13 The frequency of abortion, however, continued to increase.

During the 1840's and 1850's, 13 states passed laws forbidding abortion at any stage. Three others made abortion illegal after quickening. In 1856, the Iowa Supreme Court held that pre-quickening abortion was not a crime, but in the next legislature, the prohibitions against pre-quickening abortions were restored.

The laws every state passed by 1880 banned abortions in all cases but for “therapeutic reasons” that were largely left up to the medical practice and the legal system to determine. In practice, that meant wealthier women with better access to doctors had abortions, while many other women did not. And as other countries began liberalizing their abortion laws, women who could afford it began circulating pamphlets on how to make the trip.

Abortion made its biggest gains, however, on the back of another infamous and fast-growing American practice: prostitution. By the middle of the 19th century, there were somewhere in the vicinity of 60,000 prostitutes employed in America. With not much in the way of birth control, and with an average of 30-40 sexual encounters a week, frequent pregnancy was a given. Abortionists entered the field driven by profit and the related business of extorting money from the johns.

And the abortion bans were wholly unsuccessful as a total lack of enforcement made such laws almost useless. As one anti-abortion crusader lamented "It is not possible to get twelve men together without at least one of them being personally responsible for the downfall of a girl, or at least interested in getting her out of her difficulty." And as laws continued to go unenforced a general public apathy combined to have a snow-ball effect and opposition to abortion began to lose much of its moral framework.

In medical text books, abortion was counseled against for the potential risks it presented to women rather than for the life it destroyed. "The right to destroy," in fact, became central to the belief system Margaret Sanger began espousing and she celebrated the "virtue" of sexual promiscuity and attacked any women's shelter which counseled otherwise. Margaret Sanger would go on to found Plannned Parenthood.

The final move to repeal the abortion bans in the 1960's was in part driven by doctors appalled at the women with perforated uteruses lining up at emergency rooms and a budding environmentalist movement worried about population growth. The birth control issue split the pro-life community for many years and hamstrung their efforts during the crucial 1960's, when public opinion began to shift in significant fashion.


71a6e4  No.4977624


most people aren't taught civics at all

I don't know when it "dropped out" of school

I had it but I'm pretty old

cc4824  No.4977625

File: f9714d434172f1e⋯.png (89.01 KB, 232x255, 232:255, 2018-10-04_18-17-07 copy 3.png)


>The stage is set

Yes, he said it!


1c9129  No.4977626



In 1962, national news reports of a women who died from an illegal abortion horrified the nation, and "All-American" mom, Sherri Finkbine, became famous for having to go to Sweden to abort the child she feared would be disabled. The average American began to perceive illegal abortion, rather than abortion itself, as the real problem. In 1967, Colorado and California became the first states to legalize abortion for pregnancies that resulted from rape or incest, for pregnancies that threatened the life of the mother, or for pregnancies of severely handicapped children. Over the next three years, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina and Virginia all followed suit. In 1970 New York became the first state to offer unrestricted abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Hawaii, Alaska and Washington soon followed.

Then, suddenly, on a single day in 1973, all the remaining 19th-century bans were wiped out . The famed Roe v. Wade SCOTUD decision was handed down in 1973, all state laws regulating abortion were stricken, and abortion on demand became the law of the land. States could only ban abortion at fetal viability.

At the time of that decision in 1972, a Gallup poll found that a majority of Americans (64 percent) thought “the decision to have an abortion should be made solely by a woman and her physician.” That’s no longer the case, as abortion has become hopelessly partisan,yet among most people, (if not politicians) abortion is not nearly as controversial as the headlines might suggest. The most recent Gallup data shows that exactly half of Americans say abortion should be “legal only under certain circumstances,” while a third say it should be legal in all circumstances. That means that only a minority — 18 percent — want abortion banned entirely. Yet since Roe was decided States have enacted literally thousands of laws restricting abortions.

How will it all end - at this rate, not well.

8604af  No.4977627

File: 9ff727fffdc76d7⋯.jpg (97.34 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2sh4cn.jpg)

f94814  No.4977628


Maybe he accidentally dropped something real, and is now being forced to discredit himself.

6b3662  No.4977629


Cause Milk 🍼 got killed for dopey white Faggots

5aad81  No.4977630


It only talks about Ruby Ridge fuckery

Not 2A

Thats why i asked cuz i havent seen anything conclusive

e775c5  No.4977631


Coded messages. But to who?

56b215  No.4977632



5a6551  No.4977633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George Carlin …


57b8e8  No.4977634

File: 52f362c921ea109⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1410x2732, 705:1366, AC502A04-475F-40B9-AF42-9….jpeg)


https:// www.cnn.com/2019/01/31/politics/roger-stone-evidence-mueller/index.html

6b3662  No.4977635



2959a1  No.4977636


>I'll settle for either one.

And you’ll get neither.

89a6dd  No.4977637


No idea, someone in my feed liked her tweet.

The info comes from WaPo reporter Spenser Hsu.

more leads are in her thread to docs and info.

71a6e4  No.4977638


post replies not showing…


bec4e6  No.4977639


Or they could actually be against POTUS and he needs our support. It is time for transparency. This game is tiresome and letting the deep state make too many advances.

6ced34  No.4977640


where the fuck is the FBI

if they don't investigate this while crying for muhpaycheck

fuck you lazy niggers, if you're not - do something. Investigate you lazy niggers

6b3662  No.4977641

File: 9968e9e0bdc11db⋯.jpg (154.81 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5641.JPG)


Use it

e901ef  No.4977642


I am old and i had to pass 2 tests on the constitution. Once in 8th grade, and the other as a senior.

Not to pat myself on the back,but i got an 86 and 97 % respectively.

The benefits of a private education.

669430  No.4977643

File: f08b45ea2fdfa82⋯.jpg (64.49 KB, 549x529, 549:529, dealer.jpg)

4f9812  No.4977644



Please download and embed here.

Fuck Twatter.

6b3662  No.4977645



Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


5aad81  No.4977646

Is anybody suing NY for abortion bill?

Can it be overturned in terms of is there a legal ground to sue?

90a248  No.4977647

So CINC was reading Brendan Dilley? (not that I know much about that guy) … the light cast on the wall of that pic of Scavino with CINC & Pence looking on looks exactly the light cast by 8ch on my wall.

b7932a  No.4977648


happens to me once in a while

9d39d2  No.4977649

Baker Requesting Handoff

Updated dough will be provided.

Please volunteer, Anons.

06ace4  No.4977650


42,651 sounds like the number of people who fit in the baseball stadium of a smaller-market team. Find out which team, and that's where where the bomb is going to be detonated.

6b3662  No.4977651


(You) lose

c58754  No.4977652

File: 45bc6646e72c498⋯.png (4.58 MB, 802x8242, 401:4121, Trump and Kim Jong-un and ….png)

When you know that Trump secretly negotiated with Kim, this famous public exchange becomes hilarious. Watch Trump trolling the world.

83dfff  No.4977653

File: db7253ea2b6430e⋯.jpg (492.06 KB, 1078x1968, 539:984, Screenshot_20190131-122251….jpg)



Mineral mines? Seems they feel safe underground…

Dark to light, kek


a560c1  No.4977654

File: 630ea98c977016f⋯.jpg (117.85 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 51503051_2468169469878737_….jpg)


Well the Chinese/North Koreans had a tunnel to bring 10,000 into the South, in an hour. These people don't need no stinking tunnels. Logistical Movements

0992a1  No.4977655


Sauce for this with related articles: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/election-interference-panel-1.4998409

6ced34  No.4977656

>>4977209 lb

FF's have devolved to muggings and beatings of muhjuh or any other vulnerable group that can illicit quick emotion or sympathy.

Niggers glowing like neon electrically charged by Obungo and michooo his whore wife engaging in [a] discussion over abortion or better yet - climate change.

also fuck you lazy niggers - starting with the laziest nigger of all Hill—I got cankles—Clinton

81cab6  No.4977657

File: 1f8b652134f0a3e⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 472x258, 236:129, IMG_20190131_142142.jpg)

File: 875dbe747f07a39⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 868x740, 217:185, IMG_20190131_142145.jpg)

File: 288539814d3bac6⋯.jpg (472.06 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-142248….jpg)




6b3662  No.4977658


Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


bec4e6  No.4977659


I'm tired of your crap. Go barf somewhere else.

8fb0f4  No.4977660


Very good

They control the industries

That we interact with every day

By controlling the idols,

The stars,

Because they thought we would follow them.

Work your whole life to be the best that you can be

Build a following,

Make money,


Only to be targeted for control by them.

You at the Pinnacle of your profession

Are an archway I to their world through which light passes

And enriches them.

"Illuminates" them.

e901ef  No.4977661


Sounds like the Cubs Wrigley field.

Just a guess.

89a6dd  No.4977662

File: 30510e06473c6e9⋯.png (171.86 KB, 613x521, 613:521, twitter_com_MissMaga2016_s….png)




appears to be a bad lead, she just corrected the record.


61b522  No.4977663

File: bf756ff7fd59dc4⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 255x157, 255:157, VP MBS my nigga.jpg)

71a6e4  No.4977664


I went to public school and had 3 semesters of "civics" or "government" between 7th and 12th grade

then 2 semesters of government in college - required for all degrees

a46e7e  No.4977665

File: e86302cdaac9b3a⋯.png (6.86 KB, 445x140, 89:28, ClipboardImage.png)

Plan to keep FED from killing the economy…….

"Last week, White House advisor Larry Kudlow told reporters that Trump was looking for "highly capable" people to fill the vacancies

president just interviewed Herman Cain - yes, that Herman Cain - for one of the two empty seats.

But if Cain is to become a successful candidate, then we imagine he will need to promise the president that an interest rate of 9.99% isn't in the cards."


f94814  No.4977666


It's a bot. Filter.

d9b384  No.4977667


I think the emphasis is on ISIS (also his topics of yesterday's tweet storm but not mentioned today).

I posted the most recent news article posted a little over an hour ago.


6b3662  No.4977668

Your diligence is faggot

e775c5  No.4977669

a717f2  No.4977670

Venezuela is the litmus test

Once (((they))) can simply overthrow a government by ignoring the countries sovereignty and getting other countries to support it this will open the floodgates to remove the leader of any country using the same method.

This bypasses the election process and puts the power of so called democracy solely in the hands of the ruling class.

(((They))) use media to build a narrative of the leader being a bad guy and cruel to his people then claim to moral high ground to intervene and depose said government.

Do you really think (((they))) will stop with this regime change on steroids if (((they))) get away with this???

1315d4  No.4977671

File: a1b15e6da84bc62⋯.png (169.8 KB, 594x253, 54:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, told Congress in October that she investigated President Donald Trump’s children on behalf of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm behind the Steele dossier.

3f10e2  No.4977672

>>4976372 (lb)

Interesting you mention Donald Glover. He was my guess for Hollywood anon.

b7932a  No.4977673


They're not a small market team.

6b3662  No.4977674

File: f194006b9fb8c6e⋯.jpg (212.84 KB, 1299x1501, 1299:1501, E4B9C8C2-786B-4DDC-BA02-E5….jpg)



Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


bec4e6  No.4977675


I know and I do. But I've had enough of the evil and baloney.

19a5de  No.4977676

File: e341f9d06d3133a⋯.png (577.96 KB, 636x485, 636:485, Capture.PNG)


World View: Hugo Chavez Dismantled Venezuela’s Businesses on Purpose to Create Socialist Paradise

According to a statement by Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro Moros, his predecessor “[Hugo] Chávez earned a place in heaven” by subsidizing heating oil to 150,000 low-income American families, and especially by the PetroCaribe program, which subsidizes oil for many Caribbean and Central American companies. However, Venezuela’s Socialist economy spirals into collapse, all of these subsidy programs are in jeopardy, and ending the programs could seriously destabilize the region, as many countries are already in economic difficulties.

The PetroCaribe program began in 2005, at a time when Venezuela was making huge amounts of money from selling oil. Under the program, Venezuela lends the country most of the cost of the oil under very lenient terms: 25 year loans with interest rates as low as 1%. In addition, Venezuela accepts debt payments in kind. For the last 10 years, it has received payments in bananas, rice, jeans, medical assistance and “intelligence” services (from Cuba). Estimates are that this costs Venezuela $2-3 billion per year in lost income. This was not a problem a few years ago, but with the economy collapsing, it is today.


124d7c  No.4977677

File: 90ff0c3376a2409⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 1011x1024, 1011:1024, BIGFACTZ.jpg)

File: 2ce2dd41c38b6b1⋯.jpg (224.03 KB, 900x818, 450:409, DAVID VS GOLIATH.jpg)

File: ab78d69abc49c3d⋯.png (606.89 KB, 2429x1426, 2429:1426, LAUGH AT IT.png)

File: 4ebc9ffea35aab7⋯.jpg (324.11 KB, 974x1023, 974:1023, MAGA PEPE.jpg)

File: 000806420c2b57f⋯.jpeg (124.76 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, my dad wins.jpeg)













>will you answer the call?



f57abe  No.4977678

File: d71af956e499887⋯.png (49.32 KB, 566x275, 566:275, ClipboardImage.png)

f4e1ee  No.4977679


Hard to tell w/o visible patches, etc.

1c9129  No.4977680


one really has to wonder why SCOTUS EXPANDED abortion beyond what was current

that is:

>for pregnancies that resulted from rape or incest, for pregnancies that threatened the life of the mother, or for pregnancies of severely handicapped children

in any event SCOTUS had no right or power to make this decision yet it stood

735906  No.4977681


Pretty simple in my eyes. Q spelled it out for us.

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

6ced34  No.4977682

Better question and lets engage Faulkner.

Wut - where do you stand. Say something or BE SOMETHING

You know what wh=ord Im thinking of

ea8892  No.4977683


>by ignoring the countries sovereignty

kek, do you know it was a constitutional process that happened?

8890fe  No.4977684

File: 93f1a61e647c188⋯.png (51.08 KB, 619x330, 619:330, ClipboardImage.png)

90a248  No.4977685


That's a good guess… maybe he and Gibson are a team IRL

e901ef  No.4977686


It is imperative and common sense that any nation would teach it's citizens civics and national history.

when we don't learn our history, we are doomed to repeat it.

e9e80d  No.4977687


>can simply overthrow a government by ignoring the countries sovereignty and getting other countries to support it

faulty logic, they did that tons of times already…

to pick one particularly glaring example, Lybia.

a300c6  No.4977688


Some normies are getting the idea that Trump is behind this to make the wall seem necessary

f42244  No.4977689

File: 2eaf67369f76e31⋯.png (527.7 KB, 1228x550, 614:275, B3B6CA2C-5291-4094-80DA-95….png)

6b3662  No.4977690



Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


d3b903  No.4977691


I agree, it's beyond tiresome…

I'm pretty much done being emotionally invested in it at the moment.

Either the hammer will drop, or it won't.

If the hammer doesn't drop, this world will stay the hell that it has been.

If that is the case, all good people can do is be vigilant and protect one other against the demons.

5903d1  No.4977692

File: adf9091aa230b47⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1480, 621:740, D2F96096-7A0C-439F-9ED7-0….jpeg)

e901ef  No.4977693


Not a small market,but a small stadium

5aad81  No.4977694


Heard this theory several times

957f1e  No.4977695


Camden Yards. Baltimore

dd0425  No.4977696


7th Grade we spent a 3 weeks on Vattel and Law of Nations, Constitutional Convention, Constitution, etc…. and how all intertwined. Extra credit if memorized Bill of Rights. This needs to come back.

8b27a2  No.4977697


civics turned to social studies in the '80's

but there was a constitution test in grade school and high school that was mandatory for a diploma

there are still those two tests here required for diploma of grade and high schools

1b539c  No.4977698


"Follow the wives"

1c9129  No.4977699


lawfag had to take an entire year of Con Law

and believe me that is what it was!

study SCOTUS

NOT the actual constitution!

6b3662  No.4977700


Find a therapist

735906  No.4977701

File: 193fcdad6ba2584⋯.gif (13.06 MB, 728x410, 364:205, 1bd65be45d905079f50e578be5….gif)

cc0cd4  No.4977702

File: 5649f7f3ade5676⋯.jpg (814.85 KB, 1077x1185, 359:395, kamala-donkey-style2.jpg)

b7932a  No.4977703


Too predictable. Moar likely a dem doing it to make normies think exactly what you said.

8604af  No.4977704


We are pretty close now. AG plays a vital role in many stuff that has to happen, so occams razor would say nothing can happen before Barr officially takes office

fab45e  No.4977705

File: d03369708703ef8⋯.jpg (631.44 KB, 2508x1672, 3:2, nbks.jpg)

a717f2  No.4977706


To some extent but they still used the FF HRC coordinated as a pretext I don't think they will bother with a FF unless they really need to

e775c5  No.4977707


Every dictator know the answer to that!

The Army have all the big guns!

Control the guns and you control the country.

7e0802  No.4977708

File: bff0db0748a48c2⋯.jpg (111.57 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2sixo4.jpg)

8604af  No.4977709

File: 3e28e339ec712e2⋯.jpg (107.51 KB, 463x481, 463:481, LT22524-BLACK-POST.jpg)

e49f9d  No.4977710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a46e7e  No.4977711

File: 81a448fc4aa383d⋯.png (30.07 KB, 592x543, 592:543, ClipboardImage.png)

Carter Page lawsuit vs DNC is dismissed



8604af  No.4977712


Haha good one. Makes me want to post on facebook

6b3662  No.4977713

File: 6d76918d6ab9ef7⋯.jpg (402.15 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_5503.JPG)

File: f6ae6648612032d⋯.png (557.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5519.PNG)

File: ae42146279c6ec2⋯.png (596.85 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5530.PNG)

File: bf748488fa02a40⋯.png (72.75 KB, 590x340, 59:34, BAF944A6-2B92-4F32-8FA4-FE….png)

File: c09363803f2545c⋯.jpg (82.24 KB, 500x529, 500:529, F53E2DB5-6499-40CA-8EDB-EE….jpg)

c87d10  No.4977714


Kamala Virris.

Stars are upside down anon.

958926  No.4977715

File: 2fb04a88e5c5fca⋯.png (128.17 KB, 1425x685, 285:137, tnc land purchase.PNG)

File: c91783351c20903⋯.png (105.37 KB, 1098x528, 183:88, tnc post.PNG)

File: 92a52dba363b210⋯.png (42.2 KB, 970x724, 485:362, tnc 1.PNG)

going back to THE NATURE CONSERVANCY (TNC) which appears to buy land from the govt cheap and resale it at a profit.

Supposedly they are one of the wealthiest environmental groups with ties to CLINTON FOUNDATION

I would guess they have ties to all the national parks and monument lands.

they purchased 9000 acres in VA


9000 Acre Purchase by The Nature Conservancy, Bath County, Virginia

Comments to the Bath County Board of Supervisors, Warm Springs, Virginia




5aad81  No.4977716


On technicality

b7932a  No.4977717


On April 10, 2006, the Cardinals opened their new 46,000 seat retro-style downtown


39dd3b  No.4977718


I seriously dont know how much more of this justice I can take…

b98fd1  No.4977719

71a6e4  No.4977720


I look at it as

if it all comes to nothing

it was nothing anyway

we are no worse of than we were

at least we (I) got a breath of fresh air which means at the very least, I am more well rested

6976b8  No.4977721


Wasn't there a video showing that something that looked like a note was passed between them?

6b3662  No.4977722


It's Thursday

bec4e6  No.4977723


HRC and the Dems say POTUS was not constitutionally elected and she is the real president due to election interference and collusion. Venezuela is a dangerous game.

e25ca2  No.4977724

File: 7a8da95898ab8a1⋯.jpg (426.51 KB, 1400x1868, 350:467, rodman.jpg)


Who knows?

Kelly, Mattis, and a host of others been fired who are very very loyal to Trump.

I dunno who is who anymore.

Shit for all we know he's crazier than a billy goat on skates.

But I know this…the ball keeps getting moved down the field. Inch by inch.

Not sure by who or by what anymore. It just does.

e901ef  No.4977725


Agreed, yet the whole study of the constitution, including the federalist papers is more important than SCOTUS decisions. Thomas Jefferson warns of the power to interpret laws by judges. For very good reason.

The constitution was written for easy interpretation by the common masses..

People don't understand the English language anymore. This was done on purpose

1315d4  No.4977726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2ea89d  No.4977727



>Roger Stone hardrive is the key.

>Contains Wikileaks unreleased info.


stone had nothing to do with wikileaks

except waiting for them to drop like everyone else was

newfags go away

1c9129  No.4977728


im with you

anons i gotta say that i am 100% convinced that a massive load of MOABS are coming our way - ones that will fulfill every promise Q made and i will explain why - via an anecdote - was speaking to a resident of tri-cities WA where hanford nuclear reservation is operated by the feds - massive errors and incompetence and corruption led to a variety of serious dangers - mostly having to do with nuclear waste containment

so they got a handful of MAJOR contractors lining up to do the work and they all have a revolving door with the regulators and those handing out 100s of millions in awards - and the job NEVER getting any close to completion with delay after delay and these same fucks getting paid all the while PLUS huge bonuses for the delays they and their friends create.

well they finally make some head way and guess what - one of the contractors raises a new red flag - earthquake proofing the solutions - well there hae never been an earthquake in hanford but that brought the whole project to another standstill and moar studies and more bonuses etc etc etc

this fuckery - if ever it is called out - gets buried in congress investigations and inquiries and maybe a lawsuit or prosecution - THAT COLLECTIVELY CHANGE NOTHING. and can ANY anon say that this process is exactly what is going on right now with all the other issues we know of?

this is the way ALL govt shit works - the corruption and evil is so deep and so wide it will NEVER be drained by its own processes - NEVER. the processes themselve gurantee that result - if we are waiting to "normal" events to achieve the GA we are delusional

so now back to the point - the system will NEVER NEVER NEVER change without the massive wave of MOABS Q promised - and since i love and trust POTUS and i know that he has signalled that this is truly habbening AND i am positive that is the ONLY way change will ever occur - the MOABS are indeed coming - and it will be both GLORIOUS AND EPIC

b98fd1  No.4977729



DS panic

a717f2  No.4977730

File: 2b7cc3cbe83a05a⋯.png (369.6 KB, 809x557, 809:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce7a82bd296773d⋯.png (560.68 KB, 833x876, 833:876, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ec8974238e28ef⋯.png (387.88 KB, 570x783, 190:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d45c0e5a8b5b60⋯.png (456.97 KB, 857x744, 857:744, ClipboardImage.png)

A glimpse into Huawei's new $1.5bn ‘simulated Europe’ campus for employees

The new campus of the Chinese tech-giant Huawei features 12 towns which are designed as miniature replicas of European cities, including Paris, Oxford and Verona, all connected by a one-way electric tram.

While the United States pushes its European allies to cut the Chinese cellphone manufacturer out of the 5G market, the company has come up with an innovative solution: building their own Europe.

Huawei’s “Ox Horn” campus is being constructed on the outskirts of metropolitan Shenzen, where the company’s corporate headquarters is currently located. The copycat European facility aims to develop employee creativity and provide them with respite from the atmosphere of China’s crowded skyscraper-dominated megacities, according to a company blog post.


847f82  No.4977731

File: a9d902e5be7351a⋯.jpeg (53.08 KB, 579x801, 193:267, Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-….jpeg)

b76588  No.4977732


Hopefully shit will leak before the judge signs the order

61b522  No.4977733


way too many newfags in here


2959a1  No.4977734


The plan is to demoralize everyone. Eventually everyone will figure that out.

68a005  No.4977735

File: 5615a426b83e3b1⋯.png (143.84 KB, 577x423, 577:423, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4976725 (lb/nb) IT

e9e80d  No.4977736


>FF HRC coordinated as a pretext

that was in 2012.

when did Ghaddafi die again?

your timeline is also faulty

6b3662  No.4977737


It's archetypes

The farmer

The liar

The soldier

The cisgendered rothschild murder faggot

b7932a  No.4977738


When it strikes it will be swift. A wave of destruction. Not a trickling effect.

17fc44  No.4977739

>>4976997 (lb)

She'll have all her friends with her in Gitmo anyway, so won't need any visitors.

They should be in solitary confinement though - least they deserve.

0b5226  No.4977740

‘No wall money’: Pelosi draws line in the sand on border budget ahead of potential second shutdown


What makes a movie GOOD?

GREAT actors?


Please, HighIQAnons, is this a movie?

1b539c  No.4977741


the death penality for existance

just what the cabal wants

28093a  No.4977742

Qmap looking to go back down to double digits, soon.

109k now

efd738  No.4977743


Distraction from wall fight.

6b3662  No.4977745




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


092909  No.4977746

File: 4517bf4f95fb537⋯.png (509.4 KB, 629x716, 629:716, usmc-tweet-code-decode-fir….png)

File: 40775712cc397ae⋯.png (507.8 KB, 636x666, 106:111, usmc-tweet-code-decode-roa….png)

File: 567255d0c07ab5f⋯.png (495.98 KB, 633x742, 633:742, usmc-tweet-code-decode-mig….png)

@USMC Tweet Code Decode: Memes Ready? Fire Away!

U.S. Marines @USMC

Fire Away

Marines with @1st_Marine_Div perform a breach and clear exercise during Integrated Training Exercise 2-19 @CombatCenterPAO Twentynine Palms, California.





U.S. Marines @USMC

All Roads Lead to Motor T

Marines with @3rdMLG conduct a raid to recover a 7 ton vehicle in Okinawa, Japan.



American Revolution, Law, Military Tribunals

Military Operation


Military tribunals are distinct from courts-martial. A military tribunal is an inquisitorial system based on charges brought by military authorities, prosecuted by a military authority, judged by military officers, and sentenced by military officers against a member of an enemy army.



U.S. Marines @USMC

Hop in! We’re going to the exchange.

A Marine with 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, crosses an intersection during Integrated Training Exercise 2-19 at @CombatCenterPAO Twentynine Palms, California.



Mighty PC - Hop in! We’re going to the exchange.

Meme Warfare



It is 5:5, Loud and Clear.

Digital Soldiers, Battle Stations, Memes Ready?

Subject: American Revolution; Military Tribunals; Laws pertaining to both.

a717f2  No.4977747

Senate ethics committee dismisses call to investigate 'Spartacus' Cory Booker for leaked Kavanaugh documents

Sen. Booker had repeatedly said at the time that leaking these documents violated Senate rules

The Senate Ethics Committee has dismissed calls from the group Judicial Watch for the committee to review whether Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) had broken Senate rules by releasing confidential emails.

What's the story?

During the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Booker said he had problems with some documents related to Kavanaugh's past being designated "committee confidential." He said he thought that the public had a right to see these records, and that he planned to release them on his own. He followed through on this promise.

"I understand the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate," Booker told his colleagues in the Senate Judiciary Committee during the hearings. "I openly invite and accept the consequences of my team releasing that email right now."

Booker called this "the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an 'I am Spartacus' moment," referring the 1960 Kirk Douglas movie based on the life of an infamously rebellious first century B.C. Roman gladiator. In the story of Spartacus, Roman soldiers tell a group of recaptured former slaves that their lives will be spared if they identified the rebel leader known as Spartacus. In response, the slaves all stand up and declare "I'm Spartacus!" in an attempt to save him.

Booker also stated in a tweet that he had broken committee rules by releasing the documents.

In its response, which was released by Judicial Watch, the ethics committee said:

The Select Committee on Ethics (the Committee) has reviewed the complaint you filed against Senator Cory A. Booker, dated September 12, 2018. The Committee carefully evaluated the allegations in the complaint and, based on all the information before it, determined that no further action is appropriate. Thank you for your correspondence with the Committee.

What else?

The Senate Ethics Committee is made up of three Republicans and three Democrats. Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga) chairs the committee, with Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) as vice chair. The remaining committee members are Sens. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), James Risch (R-Idaho), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Jean Shaheen (D-N.H.).

Booker has indicated that he is considering running for president in 2020.


9c7321  No.4977748

CONFUSION: Pelosi starts ‘Bible’ story — then admits ‘I can’t find it in the Bible’


She just rambles makes no sense at all

9d39d2  No.4977749

Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

e49f9d  No.4977750


You’re thirsty? Have some water, you’ll be okay.

6b3662  No.4977751


Not mine

39dd3b  No.4977752


but what if we are already a year and a half into a trickling effect??? ;)

664801  No.4977753

File: 5b8b3b9bcba5da3⋯.png (79.24 KB, 209x309, 209:309, 1st First Adulteress 34096….png)


Daddy’s little enabler? 1 Co 5:11


Except “I do.” Heb 13:4, 1 Co 6:9-10


Pr 16:18


2ac83f  No.4977754

File: f49f918a5788154⋯.png (38.88 KB, 1003x226, 1003:226, ClipboardImage.png)


bec4e6  No.4977755


I don't trust Barr at all – and he can start confiscating guns from vets on basis that they used marijuana (medical) or alcohol or saw a counsellor for mental health, etc. AG is the most powerful state player with the FBI and DOJ to crush anyone they wish.

3f10e2  No.4977756

File: a15f8dd2ace4d90⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1308x1256, 327:314, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)



958926  No.4977758



d3b903  No.4977759





I do believe that the military is in the control of the white hats.

However, It would be naive and foolish to say that the military and the industrial complex have not been completely corrupt for a long long time, if not the whole time…

a4e9cc  No.4977760

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


I'm back DB if you'd like a handoff just give me a shout.

2f4320  No.4977761

File: c7f61bd34f0f43c⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 580x629, 580:629, Screenshot 2019-01-31_13-3….jpg)

The Latest: Border officials report biggest fentanyl bust


a717f2  No.4977762


John 14:6

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

d7e78e  No.4977763


nice rabbit

60fc80  No.4977764

>>4977192 (lb)

Any way you slice it, the nfl IS a leftist promoting organization! You make all the excuses you need…you support the nfl you're supporting interests that stand against our Republic!


41c269  No.4977765


Crises? SES getting targeted now?

e0f54e  No.4977766

File: 588376cb0b35897⋯.png (68.54 KB, 719x472, 719:472, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting "misspelling" by Jr.

Perhaps he is highlighting "Saturday" and "Live"

Arrests/raids scheduled for Saturday and will be shown Live? Wouldn't that be glorious..

847f82  No.4977767

File: 13144ac349a0d00⋯.jpeg (369.12 KB, 789x567, 263:189, Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-….jpeg)

735906  No.4977768

File: b6c5ed03fe48435⋯.jpeg (463.91 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 14f810f44dd3dd396d728fe19….jpeg)

File: 5b1f187d29dbac6⋯.jpg (15.84 KB, 255x159, 85:53, e5de6aae4105e28bea14dad7f8….jpg)

File: dd0e97d9879a50d⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 5edb0b191115d0a7bc5da3f549….jpg)

64a89c  No.4977769

"Nobody plans to be a parent by killing their babies."

b7932a  No.4977770


That's perspective.. nothing has really started yet from that avenue. It's truly a game of chess. You set the player up. We've been watching everything get stacked and ready for the take down. It's just too much emotion and psychological warfare for most of us

1938a9  No.4977771

on LB mudflood topic please be on the lookout for 3 or 2 story entrances that only could be reached by a anti gravity flying machine.

the mudflood channels only look to the soil not the buildings without the soil

160a18  No.4977772

File: 76ac5349c0400c9⋯.jpg (534.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, mc planned.jpg)

0b5226  No.4977773

Trust Potus

41c269  No.4977774


yea fuck the NFL, i started to get into it, then they decided to let politics in. Now i'll never watch it.

847f82  No.4977775

File: cb13fa6c02542c0⋯.jpeg (67.81 KB, 503x498, 503:498, Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-….jpeg)

2ac83f  No.4977778


254 pounds???

6b3662  No.4977779

File: 55348fa5c1ef1a4⋯.jpg (7.4 KB, 275x184, 275:184, 2856EB3F-9932-445A-9F1A-19….jpg)




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


f94814  No.4977780


8604af  No.4977781


Well this far/deep in, there has to be a reason POTUS chose him of all people

c87d10  No.4977782

124d7c  No.4977783

File: 0fde4879471b934⋯.jpg (182.26 KB, 1200x819, 400:273, FORCE.jpg)

File: 773b2522a130e8a⋯.png (74.31 KB, 536x361, 536:361, fuckyourfeelings.png)

File: c6e9fecd38f3713⋯.jpg (109.64 KB, 660x582, 110:97, nice.jpg)

File: 9d9b629ca5231cc⋯.gif (929.05 KB, 500x284, 125:71, NONSTOP.gif)

File: bed0d468e0db2af⋯.jpg (144.08 KB, 2001x1140, 667:380, we are the generation.jpg)
















freedom of speech is brutal…

but that is the beauty of it.


e901ef  No.4977784


Absolutely. The MIC has been the start of the deep state,and do not forget that Obama fired many generals who said they would not fire on American citizens. Trust the military at our own peril.

f94814  No.4977785


Not gotten in this bread.

19a5de  No.4977786


your lost.. try harder there's hope for you yet

64a89c  No.4977787


Hate to ask this, but is he bright enough for us to assume he is coding messages?

958926  No.4977788




2ff8bd  No.4977789


Why did you leave out "Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican"?

772689  No.4977790



Good to go, thank you bakers.

1315d4  No.4977791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sssooo bbbaaaddd

6b3662  No.4977792

File: 4f806bdbd04cd1c⋯.png (66.87 KB, 590x314, 295:157, 99CE5123-1B8F-416F-815A-C3….png)

File: c641800595c7809⋯.png (446.28 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5521.PNG)

File: 9925d70797972f2⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, 11D4BAE9-DD85-4A4C-ABC0-10….png)





Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


3c24a0  No.4977793

File: 2fca62381a43d9c⋯.jpg (261.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, REV12.5.jpg)

27d9f6  No.4977794


Or using voice to text.

64a89c  No.4977795


Also, retarded, as National Socialist Party is Nazi, while Christians follows the Man from Nazareth, i.e. the Nazarene.

735906  No.4977796


Truth brother!

cc4824  No.4977797

File: 6fa5cbd35bf3e82⋯.png (182.4 KB, 470x319, 470:319, 2019-01-31_13-37-17.png)



If she isin't running the whole show, then someone has to be getting nervous?

She could bring down the whole world wide cabal if she flips?

Scarf and doorknob time?

Gotta love it!

9d39d2  No.4977798


Lol, you got it, man.

Confirming Handoff


Much thanks, BO/BV.

Notables Dough


>>4977422 Reports of ISIS making “final stand” in Syria

>>4977429 POTUS LIVE: “We’ve set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February”

>>4977452 ; 4977458 Mueller seeks to place protective order on evidence from Stone’s hard drives and email accounts

>>4977465 AAG Whitaker visits Colombia to strengthen bilateral crime-fighting efforts

>>4977515 DJT tweets deleted vs. new comparison

>>4977533 ICC judge quits position; chimps out re: Bolton

>>4977550 ; >>4977569 Carter Page v. DNC case dismissed

>>4977583 Maduro’s wife linked to drug trafficking

>>4977678 Reports of special forces outside residence of Venezuela Pres. Guiado

Updated Dough for convenience: https://pastebin.com/isvuTwz6

Pace is picking up this afternoon, but all is still cozy.

Surprising lack of the regular shills, so enjoy.

God bless and kick ass.

a300c6  No.4977799

File: 402a8844f7f8a3f⋯.png (74.86 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

60fc80  No.4977800


Right on brother! Time to STOP drinking the kool-aid and CARE enough to DO something! Screw these guys!

f4e1ee  No.4977801


>The plan is to demoralize everyone

Nah, just some. A high dropout rate doesn't mean what you might think it means.


a717f2  No.4977802

File: cf9fb9e3aa0069c⋯.png (35.17 KB, 832x713, 832:713, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69181681b864ef4⋯.png (5.66 KB, 821x116, 821:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: caf78c9191b5515⋯.png (647.92 KB, 811x426, 811:426, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the 1st Amendment Die as Journalist Arrested at Press Conference for Not Being Mainstream

If you are unsure over how the establishment feels about alternative media asking them questions, this video will clear that up.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

Las Vegas, NV — A rather disturbing situation unfolded in Las Vegas on Wednesday as two independent journalists—attempting to exercise their First Amendment right of the press—were arrested and cited for trespassing. Joey Lankowski, Kelly Patterson, and Ronald Mecklosky were at the Las Vegas police station attempting to cover a press conference about one of their officers shooting at a man for holding a cane.

Lankowski tells the Free Thought Project that he’d been in contact with the Metropolitan Police Department so he could get the details of another press conference over police shooting another man and attend it. However, according to Lankowski, officials from the department lied to him and refused to tell him when the actual press conference would take place and held it in secret on Monday.

On Wednesday, Lankowski eventually found out through a source that this new press conference would be held on Wednesday, so he, Mecklosky and Patterson grabbed their cameras and went down to the station.

The interaction was captured on multiple cameras and the video is nothing short of infuriating. As Lankowski enters the room in which dozens of other journalists are allowed, he is quickly approached by police who tell him he is not part of the media and must leave.

Clearly, these officers have forgotten their oaths they swore to uphold the constitution which protects Lankowski’s presence in that room to cover the event as media.

As the Public Information Officer approaches Lankowski, he begins degrading him and telling Lankowski that he is not a part of the media. To be clear, Lankowski is a journalist for Nevada Cop Block and also hosts a weekly podcast for the group. By all standards, what he is doing is being the media.

What’s more, the fact that the officer didn’t recognize this fact is irrelevant as his rule book, the constitution, guarantees this right.

Nevertheless, as other media outlets continue to fill the room, the officer tells Lankowski that he needs a “credentialed” media pass to be in this public space to report on a public press conference.

As Lankowski continues to resist leaving the press room, he is approached by more and more officers who all fail miserably at upholding their oath to the constitution.

Eventually, because Lankowski refused to be denied his First Amendment right, he was physically taken down, handcuffed, arrested, and cited for trespassing—on public property, in a press conference, doing his job as a journalist.


f08024  No.4977804

File: ef809087ad3b07a⋯.png (384.69 KB, 807x921, 269:307, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)


(pb) Hey lets not forget about our friend Bono. U2 named their album 'The Joshua Tree' - check out where they did the photo shoot for it. The California desert of course. You know, cuz thats what Irish bands do. Record in Ireland and do the cover art in Death Valley. According to the story, while roaming the desert for several days, the director of the photo shoot told Bono the story of the Joshua tree whil en route to Joshua Tree National Park. Bono then left and returned with a Bible in hand and said that is what they are naming the album.

6b3662  No.4977805


Maybe Jesus can sodomize your Elon hole daniel

7e0802  No.4977806

File: 9814de1b764606f⋯.jpg (132.26 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 111019919-Paisley-Morrison….jpg)

File: 99977d43b1aee0a⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 1280x2048, 5:8, 111019919-Paisley-Morrison….jpg)


when looking for a pic for the meme i saw this picture of a baby born with an adult sized tongue.

I guess it's a rare disorder. Luckily they were able to fix this little girls tongue.

Baby born with adult-sized tongue smiles after life-changing surgery


b8ad14  No.4977807

8604af  No.4977808

POTUS was live on Fox News 30min ago and literally said "setting the stage… we have set the stage…" and Ive pointed this out 3 times now, and still has not made notables, nor has another Anon even mentioned POTUS saying this. Are yall all fuckin sleeping??????

6b3662  No.4977810



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


ad9727  No.4977811


What about this posting triggered e-bot?

61b522  No.4977812

File: 885918d8abffae8⋯.png (28.81 KB, 1118x211, 1118:211, 013119 US snap.PNG)

File: f3f1d7e6dede9f8⋯.gif (462.4 KB, 500x352, 125:88, same as it ever was 2.gif)


Volume 1,510,604,144

Avg. Volume 2,402,345,081


Volume 233,772,838

Avg. Volume 368,184,590


Volume 1,696,201,726

Avg. Volume 4,003,050,491

The volume is at the NAS and the gain reflects it. Still way below avgs. SP500 continues it's well-below avg volume daily performance.

See the PMI numbers in pb.

e901ef  No.4977813


Why did you leave out much much more than just that? Common sense by Paine,the the Benjamin Franklin letter. Too many to name my good anon.

8604af  No.4977815


Oh wow I wasnt aware that happened. And pretty awesome it can be fixed.

666511  No.4977816


I saw your post, thanks for letting us know.

90a248  No.4977817


Enough to kill off China

cadf31  No.4977818

File: 2318b04cda91e51⋯.jpg (110.73 KB, 540x851, 540:851, ZomboMeme 31012019123935.jpg)

b7932a  No.4977819


You need to sauce it with footage or a site quoting him. You can't expect everyone to take you for your word.

a717f2  No.4977820

>>4977506 Rhode Island Catholic Governor Vows to Sign Abortion Bill — Murder of Babies Up to Birth


a300c6  No.4977821



Who got the 77777?

7e0802  No.4977822


nice find anon

notable when someone gets a video clip of it.

5aad81  No.4977823


No we saw dat

We just do not want to hype

8b27a2  No.4977824


enough to KILL 54 MILLION people

1c7a64  No.4977825

File: 441fb4efa5f12f9⋯.jpg (365.85 KB, 1025x1258, 1025:1258, TALMUDISM 11 HAS "NAZI" RE….JPG)




And remember, Q said:

"Research Nazism".

The moar u know

6976b8  No.4977826




b98fd1  No.4977827

File: b9987f951a1ddc5⋯.jpg (10.91 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 1545435241.jpg)

c87d10  No.4977828


Oh boy anon, will oneders never seas.

124d7c  No.4977829

File: 51747c137a0b9ca⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 480x480, 1:1, just lick it bro.jpg)

ya man just keep being ignorant and stupid!

one day you will be a hardworking king! just not today!








19a5de  No.4977830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kek heard that daniel pissed ya piss ya off ..not to worry it ain't me


9d39d2  No.4977831


Please see: >>4977798

Thank you for your attentiveness.

6b3662  No.4977832


Looks (you)r the shit of shitty cults

Way to go Dorothy



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


3f10e2  No.4977833


Why is magic 7's in a different bread?

b8ad14  No.4977834


*Hezbollah rat hole.

90e9e3  No.4977835


Seriously this is why they lost the culture war. The original comment on that Video where epic!

ea8892  No.4977836


no they don't

they're just butthurt, it was legitimate

Maduro disbanded the congress and supreme court, then made his own and in the elections forced the people to pick between his own hand picked socialistas

and in their constitution, if there is an illegitimate election (meaning the election of him was also), and there is a vacancy in the presidency, the leader of their house becomes president

which is Guaido

Maduro's socialist government is collapsing anyway

888391  No.4977837


UMMMM…..You can clearly see that girl is NOT wearing a MAGA hat (or any hat at all). Those negroes were wearing the red hats. The mudshark was just getting tossed around. FAKE AND GAY!!!!!!!!

3d3f8e  No.4977838

File: f8c44d5504e411e⋯.jpeg (351.8 KB, 2048x1471, 2048:1471, 331128DA-9D75-429D-8FEF-0….jpeg)

Whitaker in Columbia

Phonefagging because my computer is filtered. Must be over the target.


Also reports of the military presence on local media. MSM silent.

f4e1ee  No.4977839


It's stupid and doesn't have links to anything, maybe?

e775c5  No.4977840

File: db61fe3a4227d8d⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 300x459, 100:153, db61fe3a4227d8dcfe2b89bb9b….jpg)


What? Is it habbening?

b7932a  No.4977841

Vubiq Networks Completes Development of Millimeter Wave RFID Hyperimaging System


8ed7d9  No.4977842


but…but…but…. that shit don't come in from that direction. It's all "legal" imports, right?

Fucking detarded dems.

64a89c  No.4977843


Let's see. A kilo is worth $1,600,000

There are 115 kilos in 257 pounds.

Street value: $185,000,000

Conclusion: Wall pays for itself every month.

d7e78e  No.4977844


can confirm. lived there in the 80's when U2 came to town. Teenage me was in absolute bliss.

bfebe4  No.4977845

File: eb6abc3b5019b9b⋯.png (83.14 KB, 537x371, 537:371, bogotac17.PNG)

more C-17's in and out of Bogota

a717f2  No.4977846

Largest Fentanyl Drug Bust In History Made As Truck Tried Crossing The Southern Border

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized enough fentanyl to kill over 50 million people from a truck that was trying to cross the southern border into the United States, according to an investigation by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“Well, the U.S. border patrol has made the biggest fentanyl bust in history. An enormous amount, enough fentanyl to kill—they estimate—57 million people. That’s more than the combined population of the states of Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania. It’s a lot,” Carlson stated.

“We got our hands on an internal memo from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol that details this bust. The biggest fentanyl seizure in U.S. history,” Vaughn began. “According to the memo, four days ago in Nogales, Arizona, at the port of entry, CBP officers stopped a tractor-trailer crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people. That’s plenty of fatal dose to wipe out the entire populations of Texas, Arizona and New York state combined.”

She continued:

They found this under the floor of the trailer. They found 114 kilograms of fentanyl. According to the DEA, just two milligrams is considered a lethal dose. They also grabbed 179 kg of methamphetamine and one gram of fentanyl in pill form. The street value for the fentanyl over $102 million. The CBP officers arrested the smuggler, a Mexican national who attempted to drive the drugs across the border. The suspect was a part of the DHS’s trusted traveler program called FAST, that stands for free and secure trade for commercial vehicles. The program started after 9/11.

The bust comes as President Donald Trump is trying to secure funding for a wall he would like to be built along the southern border to prevent smuggling and illegal immigration. Many Democrats have countered the president’s desire by saying a wall would be “immoral.”


b8ad14  No.4977847

File: a6810dd2a98cad6⋯.jpg (306.53 KB, 710x725, 142:145, 45H576H578J76JK869K8KL789L….jpg)

cc0cd4  No.4977848

File: 2f0b6531a148ff0⋯.jpg (195.73 KB, 1080x1286, 540:643, Screenshot_20190131-133954….jpg)


4f9812  No.4977849

File: 2185596b696366d⋯.png (263.67 KB, 1096x680, 137:85, lurkmoar2.png)


FFS, there are other breads in the Catalog.

Why not find out, newfag.


2ac169  No.4977850

File: b30ac65a693450c⋯.png (614.3 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-134036.png)

File: 3f8c62bc68e28cc⋯.png (362.46 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-133953.png)

Q is Trumps sister.

06ace4  No.4977851


Closest would be San Diego at 42,445 and Cincinnati at 42941. No exact match - it was just a thought. There is some fuckery afoot. Maybe this is the new way to cheat in baseball. Find your younger self, give him an apple watch, and feed him the 411 on all the pitches before they happen. Keep an eye on his career stats. You might just wake up one day and find out that he never got caught doing steroids and that he's in the HOF with 1000 career knocks.

855f9e  No.4977852


The BibleFags got it.

8604af  No.4977853

Anons, help me figure this one out. When Mueller is done, he doesnt simply come forward and testify, he hands his report to the AG, as he answers to the AG. If the AG (Barr) has to deliver a report full of criminal recommendations to Democrats, how are Democrats going to accept the results of the Mueller report? It will just look like political targeting.

Mueller needs to testify live, sitting alongside AG and IG who are both corroborating Mueller's claims

f4e1ee  No.4977854


we know.

bbd3f6  No.4977855




e0f54e  No.4977856


It was posted 5hrs ago and still hasn't been corrected even though he has been mocked constantly for it. So I doubt it was accidental.

7e0802  No.4977857


i had never seen it before either, thought it was interesting.

I have seen people who had one large limb, like a foot.

6976b8  No.4977858


I've been looking for the footage … can't find it yet

6b3662  No.4977859


Turtles from a butthole

That's willcock


Looks (you)r the shit of shitty cults

Way to go Dorothy



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


124d7c  No.4977860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>you'll find out.

f4e1ee  No.4977861

f94814  No.4977862


Because the 4,977,777th post on qresearch was the one made in that other bread?

8604af  No.4977863


Yes it was posted 10 seconds before my post. While I was typing my post. Got caught in the mix. Sorry about that

efd738  No.4977864


>Page also claimed that if the court wanted, he could provide other evidence of ties to Oklahoma, “preferably under seal to

protect the integrity of ongoing law enforcement investigations.”

64a89c  No.4977865


MOS shill who pushes the talmud bullshit non-stop.


275d89  No.4977866

File: 91a0e7d4aad6c0a⋯.jpg (29.09 KB, 273x400, 273:400, apache_hidepainting.jpg)

File: 1a78875c33efada⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 210x151, 210:151, apache_hidepaintingstarofd….jpg)

File: e85b667a4ff1a18⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 310x240, 31:24, upsidedown.jpg)

File: 8f246e88477a422⋯.jpg (791.71 KB, 688x860, 4:5, upside down.jpg)

File: c0f0e65fa900793⋯.jpg (11.02 KB, 239x300, 239:300, grandfathersjpg.jpg)

Why is the Star of David pictured on many old hides and petroglyphs predating white arrival?

Answer: Pre -catastrophe we existed as one people. These symbols now rest in our collective unconscious. That is why vision quest 'remote viewing' is vital to cracking these ancient codes.

Illuminati secret: Memory is genetic, that's why spiders and owls are cannibals.

Do not be upside down in life.

It is the 5th day many are tired. Today we dance as Ghosts..we are in the Spirit world. I am looking for you New World Order… your secret labs in BC.. I can smell them. The stench of them rises up in the morning cedar smoke.

I am flying over the tree tops, asking other creatures if they have seen you…many have

spirit world hunting…

Do you fear me? Because I do not fear you. I carry a true Tomahawk. Not the pipe, not the blood of the mother.

…and I will not stop until it is bright…

This is my death face

that is my ghost dance

we come quickly


9c7321  No.4977867

Richard Branson’s first cruise ship is for adults only

There’s no kids allowed on Sir Richard Branson’s first cruise ship.

The British billionaire recently unveiled his new cruise line, Virgin Voyages. His debut boat, Scarlet Lady, is only open to passengers over 18 years old and caters toward millennial guests.

The ship is decked out with grown-up amenities, including two spas, a blow-dry bar and a tattoo studio.

Although ticket prices haven’t been announced, travelers will have access to complimentary meals from nine restaurants, ranging from a food hall to a steak house and pizza bar.

On Razzle Dazzle, which was designed after the camouflaged pattern painted on WW II ships, health-conscious passengers can brunch on a selection of vegan and vegetarian dishes while watching a drag show.

Meanwhile tourists can break a sweat at the ship’s athletic center, which contains a boxing ring and outdoor training zone.

And if you’re looking to unwind, the Scarlet Lady also has nightlife options, including a rooftop lounge, a nightclub and sports bar.

The ship will make its inaugural voyage to the Caribbean in 2020.


e25ca2  No.4977868

File: 439633668ffe2ea⋯.png (72.84 KB, 535x321, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


c87d10  No.4977869


It seems like the ticker rolls through all the breads on the Q boards that are in the catalog.

1315d4  No.4977870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6a65db  No.4977871


We don’t dox Q. Kek

8604af  No.4977872


No to what?

6ced34  No.4977873

The DUMAS Governor of Virginia will allow the killing of a living being while providing comfort as the baby's mother and her very caring doctor decide to off the baby and throw it out with the lavage water for a hot sale at Hilldawgs auction house. Then he says muhconcern for babies. Someone should gouge his eyes out, legs, arms, leave the ears, as, well discussed it with my fellow constituents and they wanted to hang you said the Princess Bride method was better. Leave him iin the public square.

No wonder the governments of the world are/is willing to kill POTUS and conspire in so many ways to take this world and give it all up to Satan, they show the only life that matters is the one that can rip it away Ruth-Less-ly.

a4e9cc  No.4977874


Thanks DB, firing up the ovens as we speak.


Thanks BO/BV.

ea8892  No.4977875

>>4977838 Whitaker in Columbia

Notable, I don't see it in notables

9be48b  No.4977876


holy shit it's all been changed.



Priapus hasn't been changed lets see if it does now.

e775c5  No.4977878




Lurk more faggot!

a4e9cc  No.4977879


God bless to you as well; I hope you have a great day!

6e6853  No.4977880

File: 85cd8a89e29e7d9⋯.png (570.56 KB, 1009x743, 1009:743, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

File: 3f514a30eaf0fc7⋯.png (659.28 KB, 1142x736, 571:368, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

File: aece322f3ebb19f⋯.png (51.92 KB, 507x112, 507:112, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)



GUYS! POTUS just said with the shutdown

“we set the stage for what will happen Feb 15”

…. read the date on the middle :08 minute delta Q post above

f42244  No.4977881


It is a future movie based on today’s facts. It will be in several parts and the most watched movie in the history of the world, for the second time.

1557d3  No.4977882


What the absolute fuck is going on?

This iz a planned and strategic attack by the most extreme on the left.

There are no coinkydinks.

ea8892  No.4977883

File: a16fab0e2103261⋯.png (41.74 KB, 413x305, 413:305, gorka.png)


Gorka is delusional and got btfo'd out of the Trump administration well before Q

735906  No.4977884

File: 0060903c1b62408⋯.jpg (151.53 KB, 1000x939, 1000:939, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u9.jpg)

19a5de  No.4977885


Don't cry bot as soon as Freddy shows up we'll pick on him till then settle down you'll be OK

116841  No.4977886

Dumb-fuck Don. The low IQ time traveler.

The window is rapidly closing. Do the right things at the right time, or I'll fix it myself.

This is your last warning. Luckily for the world, I am not afraid to die, unlike you. Good Luck.

7e0802  No.4977887


someone posted in one of the other threads, derp

e25ca2  No.4977888

39dd3b  No.4977889


Everything in my being wants you to be right anon… WWG1WGA

64a89c  No.4977890


All inclusive, no brats running around = smart

6b3662  No.4977891


Rageing Gaylord cheeseburger announcement


Looks (you)r the shit of shitty cults

Way to go Dorothy



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


ad8c3b  No.4977892


Nice. Was the flight of the valkyries his escort?

fab45e  No.4977893

File: 58d57e63aaf6112⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 584x380, 146:95, iwillsurvive.jpg)

9d39d2  No.4977894


Good deal, RGB.

Will lurk for a while yet.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great day.

124d7c  No.4977895

File: 93c0325b720b486⋯.png (167.88 KB, 500x499, 500:499, FAKE.png)

File: 646b542bf4e5f42⋯.png (212.18 KB, 385x383, 385:383, got em.png)

File: dba0f3fb003ad15⋯.jpg (39.77 KB, 400x300, 4:3, icant.jpg)

File: 1d7ee3af69a24ee⋯.jpg (101.59 KB, 1190x595, 2:1, kek audibly.jpg)

b76588  No.4977896


Those comments tho…

It came in through port of entry

proof no wall needed

etc etc

a717f2  No.4977897

File: 67365da99b611b0⋯.png (674.79 KB, 663x658, 663:658, ClipboardImage.png)

Super Bowl Crime Sweep Nets 33 Arrests on Sex-Trafficking Charges

With only a few days before the Super Bowl kicks off, law enforcement officials in Atlanta announced that a security sweep of the area has resulted in the arrests of 33 people on sex-trafficking charges, a report says.

The crackdown was part of a campaign to quash an influx of prostitution into Atlanta ahead of the big game, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Nick Annan, Homeland Security Investigations special agent in charge, told the media that sex crimes often rise for special events such as the Super Bowl. He added that the security sweep was carried out over the previous four days and that the effort will continue through the Super Bowl.

The sweep is part of the larger security plans for the NFL game that has included a stepped-up police presence in and around Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium by members of 40 local and state law enforcement agencies who are supported by 25 federal agencies. The stepped-up security also includes flyovers by helicopters from the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.

The sweep was conducted in and around Douglas County and included monitoring social media and the use of undercover officers in various hotels. The youngest person arrested was 17, officials said.

Authorities also announced the confiscation of more than 2,000 counterfeit items including fake tickets, but no further details on this topic were released.

“This is a fantastic city,” Atlanta police Chief Erika Shields said. “We really want people to come and just have a great time.”


e44450  No.4977898

File: 203514835cc9aab⋯.png (63.75 KB, 921x384, 307:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a397b23273a7cc⋯.png (22.85 KB, 1754x85, 1754:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e96d81e298e0127⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 440x331, 440:331, Cry Moar.jpg)

File: 4fdb0076a723021⋯.gif (20.26 KB, 406x452, 203:226, mmmmm Shit.gif)

666511  No.4977899


Do you really want to dance?

f4e1ee  No.4977900


You're the only one awake. Feel good about that.

Link to Fox segment would be good, fwiw.

bec4e6  No.4977901


Excellent meme anon.

I would recommend a caption re law passed on bottom - for people who know nothing about the law.

for example - NY Reps Cheer 9-month Abortion Law

(or something more concise)

6b3662  No.4977902


Freddy was designed to kick (you)r ass btw

e25ca2  No.4977904


Screen shot and post it over here

That's bull shittery

49e76c  No.4977905

File: 2924bbe6744d54f⋯.jpeg (35.78 KB, 545x545, 1:1, 20AFCD9B-BB3A-49ED-AC72-B….jpeg)


Learn to play the game.

1315d4  No.4977906

File: b54020fa5314e2f⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB, 720x400, 9:5, Bill Nye says global warmi….mp4)

The agriculture is going to have to move north into what would normally be Canada and we don't have the infrastructure, the roads and railroads to get food from that area to where we need it.

64a89c  No.4977907


Denying the providence of God in establishing America is anathema to me.

90a248  No.4977908


The stage was finally set when NP said no period not knowing about enough Fentanyl to kill 50 million people.

124d7c  No.4977909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

357a0e  No.4977910

File: 4b627013a713caa⋯.jpeg (25.73 KB, 355x252, 355:252, D4C22F8A-25BA-4824-A784-B….jpeg)


right here

thanks to marketfag!

2ac83f  No.4977911

c87d10  No.4977912

File: 964e5842604472d⋯.jpeg (29.83 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 9FEECB1E-6B7E-4AB5-86CA-C….jpeg)


Know. Nice 8’s

17fc44  No.4977913

>>4977036 (lb)

Maybe she'll perform a ritual sacrifice on the House floor next?

2ff8bd  No.4977914


It was referencing the Constitution… But I did leave out "The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787" (The records of the Federal Convention which was held in Philadelphia between May and September 1787).

ea8892  No.4977915



>>4977777 (some bread)

do it yourself dumbass

3d3f8e  No.4977916


Didn’t check updates only saw that I’m filtered when viewing on phone.

BO is global filter possible? Why would posts not show up? Shadowbanning on 8ch?!

19a5de  No.4977917


Toots programed Freddy . don't be jealous

ad9727  No.4977918

The entire late term abortion noise serves one singular–but critical–purpose…

To begin waking the Normies about murdering babies that could have lived on their own.

Once "digested", they will be prepped (braced) against the cognitive dissonance that otherwise would have destroyed them when child trafficking moves into the public consciousness.

The stage is very clearly being set, IMHO.

e49f9d  No.4977919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Testing. Attention please.

06ace4  No.4977920


Whoa, his testicles just woke up. It's about time.

124d7c  No.4977921

File: 39d0ff4556a7b28⋯.jpg (121.97 KB, 718x960, 359:480, YOU ARE BLESSED.jpg)

>the choice to know will be yours


9c7321  No.4977922

Laura Loomer Arrested While Protesting Illegal Immigration At Calif. Governor’s Mansion

Political activist Laura Loomer, right, films herself on her smartphone as she is escorted off the stage after interrupting Women’s March NYC director Agunda Okeyo at a rally in Lower Manhattan, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:22 AM PT — Thursday, January 31, 2019

A conservative activist is arrested while protesting illegal immigration at California Governor Gavin Newsom’s home. Laura Loomer and a group wearing sombreros and ponchos surrounded the governor’s mansion in Sacramento on Wednesday, where they demanded to be let in.

Loomer has been outspoken about her opposition to California’s sanctuary state policies, while Newsom has already taken steps to give illegal immigrants more rights and more access to health care.

Loomer was taken into custody shortly after arriving at the mansion.

“Every single day innocent Americans and innocent police officers are being killed by illegal aliens, who are being brought into this country and supported by people like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newson, who is now the Governor of California, and it’s really interesting you guys…how you’re not allowed to jump over Gavin Newsom’s fence or Nancy Pelosi’s fence, you get handcuffed and arrested, but if you’re an illegal alien or you’re a rapist, or you kill innocent police officers, or you murder and rape women here, and you’re here illegally in California, right, you get all the free benefits, free welfare, free housing, free everything and you don’t get deported,” she explained while standing handcuffed with law enforcement.

Loomer held a similar protest at Nancy Pelosi’s home earlier this month, where she set up a tent with photos of people killed by illegal immigrants in the House speaker’s yard.


b8ad14  No.4977923

File: 70a7ca7f76739c9⋯.jpg (202.87 KB, 450x738, 25:41, Media_Flotus_Randomhour_pr….jpg)

File: e839d758c3cd17f⋯.jpg (716.46 KB, 1599x1307, 1599:1307, anon-do-not-fuck-with-us.jpg)

a717f2  No.4977924

Virginia Delegate Who Co-Sponsored Abortion Bill Admits She Didn’t Read It

Virginia Democratic Del. Dawn Adams apologized to her constituents for co-sponsoring a bill that would legalize abortion up until birth, admitting that she did not read the bill before putting her name on it.

“I did not read a bill I agreed to co-patron, and that wasn’t smart or typical,” Adams, who is a nurse practitioner, said. “I will work harder and be better for it.”

“I am sorry that I did not exercise due diligence before this explosion of attention,” she continued. “Had I done so, I would not have co-patroned.”

Adams said that while she is no longer co-sponsoring this particular bill, she is not compromising on her support of abortion.

“I do believe that women have full authority to decide what is best for themselves and their bodies,” Adams said. “As a healthcare provider, I believe that all patients are entitled to the sanctity of the patient-provider relationship and that medical practice should not be legislated by the General Assembly.”

Virginia Democrats have come under fire for their support of the bill, especially Gov. Ralph Northam who appeared to endorse post-birth abortion in a radio appearance yesterday.

Northam fired back at his critics but did not seek to clarify his position on the proposed policy: “I have devoted my life to caring for children and any insinuation otherwise is shameful and disgusting,” Northam tweeted Wednesday night.

The proposed bill was tabled by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates on Tuesday.


b7932a  No.4977925

File: d5858539bee1d29⋯.jpg (98.24 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 5c51400ff280e.image.jpg)

Israel leader scorned for wooing Holocaust-distorting allies


f42244  No.4977926


The seed of Israel is hidden from him, therefore he makes stoopid twats

ea8892  No.4977927

File: 4b4f9ed118bcd55⋯.png (274.82 KB, 746x637, 746:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6e5914cdb7b5ee⋯.png (349.83 KB, 1138x377, 1138:377, ClipboardImage.png)



everyday with this shit

1557d3  No.4977928


Do you have an actual comment to make?

1b539c  No.4977929


It's been a few weeks since the last post. I'm thinking a spike after the next Q post.

234d3b  No.4977930




>Some normies are getting the idea that Trump is behind this to make the wall seem necessary


>Too predictable. Moar likely a dem doing it to make normies think exactly what you said.


I hear y'all.

So many moves over the last 2yrs made by the [Old Guard - Resistance] seem to be (contingency) tactics to throw as much (crap) POTUS & Patriots' way = To stall for survival.

Throw a lot of crap & see what sticks.

Go all-in & crash the system.

b8ad14  No.4977931


>There are 115 kilos in 257 pounds.

Might want to re-check your math there bucko.

ea8892  No.4977932



to Gorka, Rothschilds = God

38a811  No.4977933

File: 8aebcf28ff84696⋯.jpg (129.98 KB, 635x626, 635:626, Lindsey-Tweet-013019.jpg)

File: 6e446d717d48f3c⋯.jpg (165.92 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, page-1.jpg)

File: 2d385a04c175280⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, page-2.jpg)

3f10e2  No.4977934

File: 8ede6904a142e67⋯.png (862.92 KB, 1280x986, 640:493, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

A week and a half before his bullshit MAGA story…


1c7a64  No.4977935


Quads and history confirm, (((faggot))). (((You))) are fucked.

6b3662  No.4977936

File: ace584471584773⋯.jpg (199.91 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_5136.JPG)

File: 9627d52add7c02d⋯.png (54.87 KB, 590x288, 295:144, 5E3C308C-5FEE-490B-B2D1-3C….png)

File: d699d3023a59f53⋯.png (63.3 KB, 590x314, 295:157, B863CE26-5507-49B1-AC84-0D….png)

File: a3ec4ef9b2ce17b⋯.jpg (24.33 KB, 320x213, 320:213, C264CDEF-DEF3-4A20-BDE3-6A….jpg)


Schumer designed one of the first poultry plants by hand in Moorepark btw



Rageing Gaylord cheeseburger announcement


Looks (you)r the shit of shitty cults

Way to go Dorothy



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


ea8892  No.4977937



it's definitely planned and a push for this disgusting shit

it's not working though, Americans revile this shit

583672  No.4977938


the end times are getting closer and closer for them… they need to advance their cause as fast as possible.. the unintended consequences are that they are going to turn off 80% of the electorate POTUS needs to push this hard

64a89c  No.4977939


2 kilos stuck to my fingers. Sorry.

c2be39  No.4977940

>>4976668 On the Cult of Dionysus and similarities to cabalist horrors/symbolism (pb)

>all roads lead to rome

Uh…yeah except for all of the ones that go to Israel. Fucks sake….bacchus??? Ever heard of moloch or the children of satan

8b2d67  No.4977941


Hmmmmm? Those characters look awfully familiar?

f01779  No.4977942

Aborting babies damages their bodies.

Birthing then killing is much more lucrative.

e44450  No.4977943


>not knowing how the chans work

e775c5  No.4977944

File: 7798b263d6e751e⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 80884f71a443200a9947f493fe….jpg)



Makes a point and use Bill Nye as a credible source!

b7932a  No.4977945

Mayor appoints former Obama AIDS policymaker to lead SF Public Health Department


6b3662  No.4977946


Freddy killed thousands of autists btw

f4e1ee  No.4977947


Actually, yes, I do think shadowbanning DOES happen here, depending the baker. However, I can't prove it because I'm not organized or passionate enough to do so. So, who knows?

9be48b  No.4977948


I thought it was to set the stage for Roe v Wade overturn but this… THIS is a high IQ post.

64a89c  No.4977949


ffs, the pilgrims literally made a unilateral covenant with God fashioned after the Abrahamic covenant, called the New World the New Jerusalem, etc., etc., etc. They knew more about what they were currently doing than Gorka can see with allegedly 20/20 hindsight!

250f28  No.4977950

File: 60a475b966d1684⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2sizmg.jpg)

haven't meme'd in a while.

am i rusty?

124d7c  No.4977951

File: bc441144f0cf534⋯.jpg (452.61 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, fromhitler.jpg)

File: 3bbbb4397a7f464⋯.jpg (148.58 KB, 720x1013, 720:1013, noway.jpg)

File: 61aed7046b4ded0⋯.png (129.69 KB, 503x500, 503:500, how could u.png)

File: 27090cc8b19c9a3⋯.jpeg (195.98 KB, 669x900, 223:300, walkietalkie.jpeg)

File: 2eee03bdc611e32⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 796x580, 199:145, hottub.jpg)

6a65db  No.4977952

File: 5427d0f401a6ac3⋯.jpeg (238.53 KB, 1536x301, 1536:301, A81B37F3-5143-44B8-A8C8-C….jpeg)

Setting the stage…

1557d3  No.4977953


Kek. Fuck you Gavin Newsom, you communist bastard.

a717f2  No.4977954

File: 01f16f97ef73269⋯.png (586.88 KB, 694x468, 347:234, ClipboardImage.png)

Bono in Davos: “If Africa fails, Europe cannot succeed”

U2 frontman Bono said that capitalism is “not immoral” while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, admitting it’s “taken more people out of poverty” than any other system.

The social activist (and capitalist) urged global business leaders to join the fight against extreme poverty in Africa and Aids on a panel debating how to end global poverty by 2030 – a UN goal.

“Capitalism is not immoral – it’s amoral. It requires our instruction,” Bono said, adding: “Capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other ‘ism’. But it is a wild beast that, if not tamed, can chew up a lot of people along the way.”

The musician said that unfettered capitalism has caused an international drive towards populism and that public-sector spending is more vulnerable than ever due to issues such as homelessness in European cities.

“We have to have some humility about what we can achieve in the private sector but if we can unlock it it’s amazing what you can pull off,” he said before issuing a warning: “If Africa fails, Europe cannot succeed.”

Bono is a co-founder of One, which is a global campaign organisation with more than 10m members seeking to end extreme poverty.


6b3662  No.4977955



Schumer designed one of the first poultry plants by hand in Moorepark btw



Rageing Gaylord cheeseburger announcement


Looks (you)r the shit of shitty cults

Way to go Dorothy



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


ea8892  No.4977957


great points actually

64a89c  No.4977958


We cannot afford to risk having LG be the champion of the right. He has no track record of achievements, only rhetoric.

1b6153  No.4977959

File: 8dbfc8462874cdd⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 716x558, 358:279, are_you_a_tard.jpg)

cc0cd4  No.4977960

File: fd86104ab620419⋯.jpg (435.59 KB, 1630x1162, 815:581, npc-satan-abortion.jpg)

File: e6afae8ec029147⋯.jpg (131.91 KB, 480x352, 15:11, abortion-chant2.jpg)

File: c96e3467fbe0cf8⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 500x701, 500:701, abortion-brain.jpg)

File: 6c797177b3b6d5f⋯.jpg (138.63 KB, 1024x579, 1024:579, death-dems.jpg)

19a5de  No.4977961


where they Jews by any chance

f01779  No.4977962


Don't they do both?

b8ad14  No.4977963

File: 16af0ed5028dd6f⋯.jpg (400.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 35G56H4675JU785KJR97JIUTKL….jpg)

a24e11  No.4977964

>>4977209 “John of God” cult leader allegedly ran child sex slave farm

I guess I still don't believe this is humanly possible. I guess I'm still naive; funny, since I'm the one who says, "Evil knows no boundaries. The Abyss has no bottom."

e44450  No.4977965

6e6853  No.4977966

File: 4129a23fcc32892⋯.png (253 KB, 1302x586, 651:293, Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at ….png)

File: 778f3035249a1bd⋯.png (90.07 KB, 548x187, 548:187, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

File: da030c195c7f3e9⋯.png (163.3 KB, 784x858, 392:429, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)




February 15 on Q Clock at the 3:15 on a real clock

Time on the watch is 3:15

666511  No.4977967


If pattern holds true this board is about to be blacked out by organic shills and none organic shills.

124d7c  No.4977968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e1620e  No.4977969


Yes. And I’m thinking also to force people who were on the fence to choose a side. The line has been drawn.

e901ef  No.4977970


Even basic constitution studies would be a benefit.

bbd3f6  No.4977971

33rd Stage when searching Q drops.

The Nazi order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.



If the Stage is SET then FREEDOM comes next.

a24e11  No.4977972


why do you think all the corporate frat boys go there? To watch football?

3f10e2  No.4977973


They don't care that someone clearly wants us all DEAD!

a4e9cc  No.4977974


>>4977954 Bono in Davos: “If Africa fails, Europe cannot succeed”.

>>4977945 Mayor appoints former Obama AIDS policymaker to lead SF Public Health Department.

>>4977933 LG's letter to FBI Director about the tactics used in the arrest of Stone.

>>4977924 Virginia delegate who co-sponsored abortion bill admits she didn’t read it.

>>4977922 Laura Loomer pulls her agent provocateur bullshit at Newsome's mansion.

>>4977897 Super Bowl crime sweep nets 33 arrests on sex-trafficking charges.

>>4977506 Rhode Island Catholic governor vows to sign abortion bill — murder of babies up to birth.

>>4977422 Reports of ISIS making “final stand” in Syria Baker Change

>>4977429 POTUS LIVE: “We’ve set the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February”

>>4977452 ; 4977458 Mueller seeks to place protective order on evidence from Stone’s hard drives and email accounts

>>4977465 AAG Whitaker visits Colombia to strengthen bilateral crime-fighting efforts

>>4977515 DJT tweets deleted vs. new comparison

>>4977533 ICC judge quits position; chimps out re: Bolton

>>4977550 ; >>4977569 Carter Page v. DNC case dismissed

>>4977583 Maduro’s wife linked to drug trafficking

>>4977678 Reports of special forces outside residence of Venezuela Pres. Guiado

357a0e  No.4977975

File: 2d587be8a555c2e⋯.png (597.05 KB, 1772x1772, 1:1, BD669C03-4479-4C93-8B0B-35….png)



lg stepping up bigly

God Bless LG

4f9812  No.4977976



Enough Fentanyl to wipe out 50 million, you say?

The chemtrails and RF are bad enough.

I don't think I'll be able to hold my breath long enough to let the Fentanyl cloud dissipate.

Time to invest in some SCUBA gear for the living room.

b8a1ae  No.4977977


C-17s have been going to and from Columbia for a while now; one left an hour or so ago and went wet/dark maybe 15 minutes ago. I've noticed a distinct absence of AFSOC MAGMA flights at the same time.

6b3662  No.4977978


Corsi was the best customer

The house still has rubber floors

250f28  No.4977980


was there ever proof they sold baby organs? I know there was some undercover video, but did anything result from that?

89a4c8  No.4977981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Roger Stone speaks to the media

f01779  No.4977982


So you think it's the white hats pushing this???

64a89c  No.4977983


I feel ya. Right when I think we've found rock bottom, we find yet another hidden basement. "They have to actually do it; nobody could have made this stuff up!"

84147d  No.4977984


> predating white arrival

"Whites" predated Mongol arrival

124d7c  No.4977985


sometimes the good guyz need to set up show in Haiti so they can spy on all the EVIL GUYS before they go in for the swoop.


>we are here for a reason

124d7c  No.4977986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a717f2  No.4977987


More interested in highlighting the masonic projection 33

a54b61  No.4977988


S&L used to stand for Savings and Loans

538ccd  No.4977989

File: 84affbd7582d85d⋯.jpg (241.28 KB, 651x679, 93:97, KINDA.jpg)

6b3662  No.4977990

File: f574f6ed7f107f5⋯.jpg (213.44 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, IMG_1648.JPG)

File: 1e2327033be2150⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 322x315, 46:45, IMG_1851.JPG)

File: cc71e82d5226628⋯.jpg (150.53 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_1852.JPG)

64a89c  No.4977991


I see pi on the watch.

3:14 on 1/5

cc4824  No.4977992

File: 3a336dd3fbb5ce3⋯.png (214.15 KB, 439x431, 439:431, 2019-01-31_13-51-25.png)


Thanks anon.

Too funny!


28b655  No.4977993


Will they be charged with “Ethnic Intimidation” or receive a Hate Crime enhancement?

Oh that’s right, Only Whites can be curbed with such crimes

f01779  No.4977994


Yeah the filmers went to prison and nothing happened to PP.

1315d4  No.4977996

File: dd36d39f64b96c1⋯.png (591.27 KB, 1259x840, 1259:840, ClipboardImage.png)

3f10e2  No.4977997


What could go wrong?

1b6153  No.4977998

File: 211eb648e495743⋯.jpg (71 KB, 960x854, 480:427, 32294453_239766793244483_8….jpg)

7d2133  No.4977999

90a248  No.4978000



Stage SET.



Tomorrow's Freedom Day, so we might be REAL-TIME now, anon

39dd3b  No.4978001



64a89c  No.4978002


Yes, they admitted it, and said the fees were necessary to keep their doors open. Said the organs were only going to "scientific research".

3f16ef  No.4978003

File: 5640145f2f6d8f9⋯.jpg (893.78 KB, 2560x1789, 2560:1789, setting-the-table.jpg)

6b3662  No.4978004

File: 36dffdc9e81aaa3⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 736x1003, 736:1003, IMG_1181.JPG)

File: d6fca4cedff2a6f⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 600x191, 600:191, IMG_1005.JPG)

File: 7962e0df54c00d2⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 600x203, 600:203, IMG_1006.JPG)

File: f46b2327c1d891f⋯.jpg (123.02 KB, 660x582, 110:97, IMG_1012.JPG)

5aad81  No.4978005


Who went to prison?

Pardon my ignorance

250f28  No.4978006


yeah, the white hats want to pass legislation that kills more babies, so that everyone can see killing babies is bad, and then the white hats can pass legislation rolling back their previous legislation.


a717f2  No.4978007

Mexican President AMLO: ‘No More War’ on Drugs

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) sent shockwaves after publicly claiming an end to his country’s drug war. The politician said his administration will focus on reducing violent crimes instead of capturing regularly violent drug lords.

“There is no more war, officially there is no war because what we want is peace,” AMLO said during a press conference in Mexico City. The politician said his government would focus on decreasing violent crimes rather than fighting a war on drugs like his predecessors. Since AMLO took office in December, Mexican authorities have not captured any major cartel figures despite the escalating drug violence.

Obrador said earlier this week there were 54 murders in one day, improving upon the previous 80 homicides-in-day record–a demonstration that his strategy was working. AMLO’s statement comes at a time when U.S. President Donald J. Trump publicly called out the country’s high murder rate, claiming it rose by 33 percent and was worse than Afghanistan.

Very sadly, Murder cases in Mexico in 2018 rose 33% from 2017, to 33,341. This is a big contributor to the Humanitarian Crises taking place on our Southern Border and then spreading throughout our Country. Worse even than Afghanistan. Much caused by DRUGS. Wall is being built!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 31, 2019

Breitbart News recently reported that court documents from the ongoing trial of Sinaloa Cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman revealed AMLO’s failed presidential campaign in 2006 received money from cartels. Details from the trial have also noted that other Mexican presidents and top officials allegedly received bribes from organized crime.

In his talks about peace, the current Mexican president did not acknowledge the fact that a convicted terrorist responsible for the 2008 grenade attack against the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey recently assumed control of Los Zetas. Breitbart News recently exposed Hector Raul “El Tory” Luna Luna as the new operational leader of the “Cartel Del Noreste” faction of Los Zetas and the man who authorities blame for most of the murders in the northern border state of Nuevo Leon.

Recently, El Tory threatened to blow up the headquarters of a state police agency in Nuevo Leon. Law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart News that top security officials from that state reached out to the federal government for help–only to be ignored.

AMLO’s talking points about not going after cartel bosses also overlook the escalation of violence in many parts of Mexico including Cancun, Acapulco, greater Baja California, Tijuana, and others is tied to the push by Nemesio “El Mencho” Oseguera Cervantes and Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) to take over areas once controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.


bbd3f6  No.4978008


nice digits

4f9812  No.4978009


>Net will be paused.

ad9727  No.4978010

File: 2a8bea52dd526df⋯.png (63.33 KB, 1269x297, 47:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Her and Chucky were both brought to heel very early on. Here was my original posting…==How Q is imploding the D Party…==

(pic heavily related)… I took the liberty of making a graphic to help clarify something that I've been explaining during my red pilling process.

A vast majority of Americans tend to "live" somewhere toward the middle of the spectrum. Many of us would feel a little liberal on some issues (like weed), but then feel conservative on others (gun control, for example). Not many people "live" all the way out on one side or the other, because they sure as hell wouldn't have many friends.

We are watching Q "force" a clear shift in the D Party as far left as possible. Most Anons don't remember that when AOC ran for her seat, the D incumbent NEVER showed up for any debate, never canvassed and never even tried to win. He was bought off and disappeared.

Also, remember when POTUS was rallying and he continually kept calling Waters the new "face of the D Party"? He was purposely building their "brand" for them.

Remember when POTUS twatted constantly about wanting Pelosi to win the SOH position? Notice how she's done a clear 180 on her position to secure the border? She's being forced; they all are!

The more "progressive/socialist" the leaders appear, the more uncomfortable with their policies the moderate D congresspeople, senators and general public all feel.

Watch and see how many D pols "flip" and vote for the wall; against Pelosi's wishes.

Those that don't are likely the ones that will "disappear" (GITMO).

The moderate D public will either become a mod R, an independent, or will stand and cheer when the full-out libtard pols are arrested. They probably want their old party back, TBH.

6b3662  No.4978011

Maybe y'all fake ass shitty death cult needs a day off from its rear projections

1e3fa7  No.4978012


311 minutes. 311 is who you call for government services, and complaints


aafa7b  No.4978013


I dont know thats a big load to swallow Kamilla

e775c5  No.4978014

File: eb626ef75c32822⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 540x354, 90:59, 34fge5yr6yryhdtgd.jpg)

6b3662  No.4978015



Schumer designed one of the first poultry plants by hand in Moorepark btw



Rageing Gaylord cheeseburger announcement


Looks (you)r the shit of shitty cults

Way to go Dorothy



Jerking off tonthis morbid crap


Such shitty cult




Use the probe

It's Scientology


Fuck yeah

Shove potus up your asshole

An lick the dirty pelosi tampoon


That's not a shitty cult

Mueller loafs to rule the hobbits


250f28  No.4978016


the guy who "illegally" filmed the inside of PP, exposing their operation of baby parts sales.

eba803  No.4978017


Nice eye! :)

124d7c  No.4978018


i went to Prison bout 5 years ago.

Coastal State Prison, Savannah Georgia.

I had a 5 serve 1.. suspended upon completion of Three Deminsional Life.. I didn't finish the sentenc….

f57abe  No.4978019

File: d6fc735eb09b828⋯.png (65.71 KB, 583x412, 583:412, ClipboardImage.png)

275d89  No.4978020

legend of thunder bird is key




2ff8bd  No.4978021


only problem with that is they never pass the "rollback" legislation…kek

89a6dd  No.4978022

File: ebf9ec8b31d098c⋯.mp4 (406.11 KB, 320x180, 16:9, RSn47waw246paQOj.mp4)

==Rachel Madcow blames Russia for utilities having issues keeping the power on during Polar Vortex.==

a24e11  No.4978023


they go for teen pussy.

f57abe  No.4978025


that disturbs me so much

2ea89d  No.4978026

podesta is pretty cranky today

must be getting pretty nervous

3a2c93  No.4978027

File: 5ef12ec4f12b802⋯.jpg (278.76 KB, 1440x770, 144:77, IMG_20180506_202525.jpg)

5aad81  No.4978028



ea8892  No.4978029



OMG LOL WTF WHERE DID 4977995 GO?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

>>4977995 (some bread)

051f84  No.4978030

Ebay Weirdness

Why do these sellers have such high priced items? Note especially the ones with NO feedback. Others have feedback for items that have nothing to do with weird item being auctioned. Seriously, the collectible Beanie Baby market collapsed years ago. Even the “error” ones should not be priced this high. Are they what is REALLY being sold? Don’t know. Bears looking into.


asking $270,000 and $30,000?


asking $25,000?

And then there are these:










See Something, Say Something

(I posted this yesterday, but was at end of bread. Wanted to get a few more opinions and eyes on this idea.)

dfa127  No.4978031


its all cloak and dagger stuff.

19a5de  No.4978033


The one in the Black Forest

250f28  No.4978034



on other sources as well, just posting usatoday for the keks.

eba803  No.4978035

File: e531bde81048122⋯.png (224.27 KB, 700x906, 350:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Cases Bot

‏ @big_cases

5m5 minutes ago

New filing in United States v. Stone: Protective Order


efd738  No.4978036

File: 8496cdee14ba526⋯.jpg (105.53 KB, 632x1000, 79:125, reinforcements.jpg)

Reinforcements have arrived. Video brought tears to this old anon's eyes


847f82  No.4978037

File: e77260c3bf9fcf1⋯.jpeg (283.72 KB, 722x554, 361:277, Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-….jpeg)

17dc33  No.4978038

Citizens bank park 43,647 Philadelphia

250f28  No.4978039


no, i think okeefe is too smart.

these guys:


64a89c  No.4978040


Do you think this has something to do with the Q info drop on PF before they go dark for good? Hence the urgency to archive things offline?

a24e11  No.4978041

medicine. first, do no harm.

what possible medical benefit for anyone could this new abortion trend possibly offer?

5aad81  No.4978042

3f10e2  No.4978043

File: 2a17f570a2c504d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1288x1250, 644:625, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

From yesterday, but I couldn't let it go without sharing.

SJW will see muh racissm ANYFUCKINGWHERE.


a717f2  No.4978044

File: cb1d5b857a50aa7⋯.png (17.31 KB, 633x338, 633:338, ClipboardImage.png)


f949b0  No.4978045



She was coerced and found guilty by a judge because she was a State employee.

Now she is a private citizen?


250f28  No.4978046


apparently not of this world.

no offense, I think highly of the guy.

bfebe4  No.4978048

File: 21f3f51cccb83b5⋯.png (38.34 KB, 368x262, 184:131, royal1.PNG)

File: acb264ad2451817⋯.png (38.01 KB, 495x295, 99:59, royal2.PNG)

Royal Air Force otw Columbia?

89a6dd  No.4978049



Stone has been gagged?

64a89c  No.4978050



Nice dull ring of truth to this. Well done.

17fc44  No.4978051

>>4970065 (pb)

Thanks (am OzAnon)

e25ca2  No.4978052

File: acf475f3406f88b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 4bd28e6099420bf7a09087f0c9….jpg)

Maybe Roger Stone will be the KeyStone to it all starting to happen.

Maybe the shit on his hard drives is how all evidence is entered into court legally.

Maybe someone can give me a call to wake me up when "it's habbening"

250f28  No.4978053

bolton really trolled them with that notepad, huh?


b98fd1  No.4978054

File: 550b2733537b910⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, adfca7d38e92b5614642c40185….jpg)




0bd95d  No.4978055

File: 4e79564ff280445⋯.png (740.59 KB, 684x934, 342:467, ClipboardImage.png)

019e6d  No.4978056


Ama zon has similar weird sellers

Selling shit nobody actually wants… why?

What are they REALLY selling on these sites?

Could a certain hot sauce seller be selling something hotter?

c25510  No.4978057

File: 73ace35b481b26b⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2048x1564, 512:391, wallofjustice.jpg)

64a89c  No.4978058


Money laundering.

1315d4  No.4978059

File: 4d0fa49944970be⋯.png (591.17 KB, 1259x839, 1259:839, ClipboardImage.png)



also, v.2

29edec  No.4978060

File: 9d09362ce836858⋯.png (436.89 KB, 490x492, 245:246, ClipboardImage.png)

cc4824  No.4978061

File: c4dcb1da35902c1⋯.png (360.48 KB, 622x589, 622:589, a Pepe the frog 2.png)



She knew exactly what she were doing.

Typical RAT party response when things don't go their way.

ea8892  No.4978062


>Maybe Roger Stone will be the KeyStone to it all starting to happen.


he is a last minute indictment for lying

a9d7a4  No.4978063

File: ffaaf919b7a937b⋯.png (94.16 KB, 720x695, 144:139, Screenshot_20190131-125730….png)

5:5 POTUS!

Thank you boss!!

b76588  No.4978064

The Associated Press

‏Verified account @AP

Asylum seekers locked in ICE detention are being force-fed through nasal tubes after a month-long hunger strike. @Garance Burke and @mendozamartha report.



90a248  No.4978065


Did Stone slip Whitaker a copy of his drive? or what?

cc0cd4  No.4978066


A court in Texas just made a ruling against PP based off the videos. They concluded the videos weren't doctored.

dda714  No.4978068

File: 5ea9a199bde973d⋯.jpg (57.84 KB, 559x315, 559:315, rbg1.jpg)

19a5de  No.4978069

File: f92b9aeea273fd1⋯.png (101.66 KB, 147x242, 147:242, Capture.PNG)


It was all a farce any way

The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Governments Embrace

An award-winning journalist's shocking expose of the international drug smuggling trade. The Underground Empire is the result of Life reporter James Mills's behind-the-scenes investigation which spanned five years and traversed four continents. With recent media attention propelling the narcotics issue into the nation's headlines, Mills dramatically addresses this issue with stunning depth to explain why we're losing the most important war of our time. Everything in this book is true: no changed names, scenes, characters or dialogues.


e1620e  No.4978070


Sad thing is there is someone I ‘know’ who looks like Nanchuck (on the right). Creepy.

64a89c  No.4978071


Best part of the Western; the Calvary comes riding in at the last minute and kills all the black hats. Great movie!

664801  No.4978072

File: c83d9d6b2334081⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 612x885, 204:295, No Hoes WH 093486083048080….jpg)

c25510  No.4978073

File: 7115a272caa5262⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 563x382, 563:382, 55.jpg)

65105d  No.4978074

File: 3a80a092e8a9f3e⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 1291x731, 1291:731, Plane_Crasher_Remote.JPG)

This just smells like HRC! Probably what she used to crash JFK Jr,'s plane……just one of many I'm sure.

e775c5  No.4978075


Tolkien was pretty racist, though. Not as much as H.P. Lovecraft but at least not a pedophile like Lewis Carroll

4f9812  No.4978076


Quite possibly.

I'm just hoping the pause is a short one.

250f28  No.4978077


>organs were only going to "scientific research"

that could be really broad.