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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

8b6030  No.4974228

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap: >>4965770 )

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap: >>4965765 )

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

8b6030  No.4974230


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board


>>4973513 Chaos reportedly erupted inside Facebook

>>4973517, >>4973524, >>4973557, >>4973584, >>4973944, >>4973996 Fire sales in several countries

>>4973519 Anon on Global Waming

>>4973553, >>4973564 'God wanted Donald Trump to become president': Sarah Sanders

>>4973570 A Facebook subsidiary works on Mobile ID authentication for Government issued ID's

>>4973604, >>4973797, >>4973922, >>4973959 On the "E-Cat", a commercial heating device

>>4973644 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting

>>4973654 China's military-run space station in Argentina is a 'black box'

>>4973670 Anon on the "After Birth" abortions

>>4973685 Trey Gowdy's new ROLE side by side

>>4973729 Reminder of the Congressional Investigation on Planned Parenthood

>>4973744 POTUS can order Military to build the wall, without declaring a national emergency

>>4973809 Democratic official in Stamford charged with ballot fraud

>>4973964, >>4973969 House Gives Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Bipartisan Standing Ovation on Chamber Floor

>>4973994, >>4974018 29 Republicans vote with Democrats to boost federal salaries 2.6 percent

>>4974029 Mueller says his files were leaked to Russia, which used them for 'disinformation campaign'

>>4974052 More than 3 million people have fled Venezuela since 2015, could be around 5 million by the end of 2019

>>4974224 #6350


>>4972850 Law firm that represented Russian interests confirmed to be involved in mystery Mueller case

>>4972874 Mexican president declares war on drugs over, but critics fear street-level militarization is here to stay

>>4972881 Schumer connection map

>>4972940 US Marine tweets

>>4972961 RBG side by sides

>>4972983 Canada to reduce staff at Cuba embassy after another diplomat falls ill

>>4973049 Half of Facebook's accounts are fake

>>4973067, >>4973079, >>4973086 Resignations in the news today

>>4973099 Map of Deep State Conspirators Who Have Been Fired

>>4973129 Clinic That Does Abortions Up to Birth Called 911 After Botched Abortion Leaves Woman Septic

>>4973170 Trey Gowdy's new ROLE

>>4973235 China’s EMP Weapons Pose Grave Threat to America, Newly Declassified Report Shows

>>4973351 Residents in Camp Fire burn area may be forced to leave homes again or risk losing $1.7 billion in funding

>>4973360 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers conduct readiness exercise

>>4973381 Vatican official resigns following abuse accusation from ex-nun

>>4973439 #6349

#6348 Baker Change

>>4971991, >>4972026, >>4972105 More on Schumer's "intervention" comments

>>4971999 Anon on why NY passed the extreme abortion bill

>>4972034 California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

>>4972053 EXCLUSIVE: Trump Rips Virginia Democrats’ Abortion Comments

>>4972077, >>4972269 VA Gov. Defending Infanticide Accepted $3 Million Campaign from PP

>>4972097 More than 300 arrested, 48 people rescued during human trafficking investigation

>>4972157 FREEDOM DAY [1 year] delta

>>4972360 54 days since RBG has been seen (55 now, soon to be 56)

>>4972369 Purported "Russian" hackers stole U.S. evidence to discredit Mueller probe

>>4972568 UAE used "Project Raven" to spy on to spy on iPhones of foes

>>4972677 #6348

Previously Collected Notables

>>4971901 #6347

>>4969530 #6344, >>4970372 #6345, >>4971113 #6346

>>4967202 #6341, >>4967958 #6342, >>4969246 #6343

>>4964889 #6338, >>4965671 #6339, >>4966443 #6340

>>4962540 #6335, >>4963346 #6336, >>4964115 #6337

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

8b6030  No.4974231

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

8b6030  No.4974232

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

8b6030  No.4974233



8b6030  No.4974239

File: 9f4e8ec78331b52⋯.png (315.97 KB, 508x488, 127:122, handoff3.png)



a3f373  No.4974246

File: c12391b96730c2f⋯.jpg (167.6 KB, 695x1061, 695:1061, Dp5TW1cU4AADumI.jpg)


Hand off confirmed

Thank you friend

8b6030  No.4974255


thanks baker, will post the new bread post then head out

really comfy

a3f373  No.4974265

File: 767105ab3b3feab⋯.jpeg (17.24 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 767105ab3b3feab3940414976….jpeg)

877a84  No.4974272

File: 4d0fe4643f517e8⋯.png (994.64 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Pope.png)

File: 90281387aff59df⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1200x1491, 400:497, 01b.jpg)

Hundreds of thousands of Christians worldwide are murdered - Pope is silent, rather washes Muslim feet


acfcba  No.4974285

File: 78a46518e3cba7b⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PepDed.jpg)

File: 6b3a61efd90c668⋯.jpg (170.49 KB, 626x1310, 313:655, Rwine5.jpg)


For faggot LB on food and beverages containing adrenochrome/biological materials:

Plenty of data to support claims of fetal tissue and adrenochrome

products in our food.

Current digs on Napa wineries offer much- READ THEM.

Check the archives for moar digs on chocolate and other foods they have added extra ingredients too.

It's not up to Anons to prove shit to you. You should have a vested interest to do the work and LEARN via your own research. We can guide, but you have to do the work.



c56539  No.4974289

1f139d  No.4974295

File: 5cc52e0d8f136c8⋯.png (6 MB, 2000x4386, 1000:2193, SecretMilTribTheoryB.png)

Three of the same, but different.

a65194  No.4974296

File: 1f9dc87238c976d⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 684x773, 684:773, GRAYZONE 5 SCOTT SHANE.jpg)

File: a593a6034b8d2dc⋯.jpg (765.08 KB, 730x4215, 146:843, GRAYZONE 1 SCOTT SHANE.jpg)

File: 59b17f14cbe1fb2⋯.jpg (535.44 KB, 720x2667, 240:889, GRAYZONE 2 PBIRM DEBRIEF.jpg)

File: 82d78cc52e7c17b⋯.jpg (514.39 KB, 720x3396, 60:283, GRAYZONE 3 JMORGAN RDIREST….jpg)

File: 204c59d284b69ab⋯.jpg (463.93 KB, 720x3306, 120:551, GRAYZONE 4 ESCAPING UNSCAT….jpg)

How New York Times’ Scott Shane covered for architects of a shocking “false flag” election campaign in Alabama

1-23-19, Dan Cohen


When it comes to the saga of the Alabama election meddling scandal, this article "tells all." Or at least as much as is known at this time.

The notes below are in 4 parts, one for each CAP. (If you're new, you'll need to read the CAP before the notes.)

SUMMARY: The NY Times national security reporter held news of a massive voter manipulation campaign while pumping up the political operatives behind it as ace Russian disinformation detectives.


* Shane went to an AET mtg in Sept 2018 where he learned that Mikey Dickerson/AET organized Project Birmingham (PB)

* PB = online disinfo campaign to ensure the victory of DEM Doug Jones over GOP Roy Moore. Was a FF op to convince voters Moore was backed by Russia; also used a write-in to split the votes

* New Knowledge was the main cyber-manipulator

* Shane knew all this but suppressed it for 2 mos+

* Even wrote an article "pumping up a half-baked report to the SSCI [the report was NK'S "Tactics & Tropes"; see >>4949614)


* "Broke" the real story on Dec 19 but didn't reveal he was at the Sept mtg until a Buzzfeed reporter confronted him



* Great example of a LIMITED HANGOUT

* John Kiriakou says Shane can't be trusted; see CAP


* On DEC 27th 6 pages of a 12-page report,"Project B Debrief," was made public by Jeff Gisea; gives damning details on the plan

* NYT & WaPo have all 12 pages but refust to publish it

* Says NK had an "aggressive" plan over 5 mos to influence out outcome of the Alabama Senate Race.

* 3 part strategy: radicalize DEMS, suppress staunch GOP, divide moderate GOP with write-in candidate

*Veil of secrecy was complete

* Top reporter influencers: Sarah Zendzior, Steven Dennis, Jao Tacopino [not known whether they were in on it]


* Morgan claimed he didn't write the leaked report & said it make claims "that did not originate with us"

* Claimed the trolls used in FF were "random users", but during the campaign, cited Hamilton68 to imply otherwise

* Diresta is a "a self-styled counter-disinformation specialist" [she has no training beyond a BS in poli sci/computer sci] stayed quiet at first.

* But she is NK's Director of Research & lead author of the "Tactics & Tropes" report

* On Jan 2,she let Sam Harris interview her (posted here last night; see >>4961799).

* Harris asked nothing about the Alabama project; meanwhile, Diresta fiercely defended the idea that Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Harris didn't ask followup questions.


* Author Dan Cohen thinks NK escaped "unscatched."

* "Today their firm remains a go-to source for Western reporters writing about the supposed dangers of Russian disinformation."

* But Alabama Atty Gen'l Steve Marshall is collecting info; has not revealed what he will do with it.

* Meanwhile, Shane issued support for Buzzfeed's claim alleging that POTUS instructed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.

d27283  No.4974297

File: 8d9052a77292453⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 683x446, 683:446, turmp.JPG)

Why the hell would Trump post something so stupid like this….


those 11 million should have been deported on day 1.

dbdfa1  No.4974298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Signs Signs Everywhere the signs….

Trey Smith>>>>> STATE of the UNION: the prophecy ~ Trump

a65194  No.4974299


I thought I WAS posting the the next bread–got tricked by the "bait & switch" catalog thing.

19ff4a  No.4974300

File: a52166df2e609c4⋯.png (7.43 KB, 304x344, 38:43, 1b.png)

File: 6f8ec54083824df⋯.png (10.36 KB, 306x346, 153:173, 1c.png)

File: 6f8ec54083824df⋯.png (10.36 KB, 306x346, 153:173, 1d.png)

File: 302aaa9c9d08b01⋯.png (7.94 KB, 350x346, 175:173, 1e.png)

File: e8014cfa1366058⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1536x3648, 8:19, hubers pedovore hunt.jpeg)

18a019  No.4974301

Q = Trump 2020 election campaign.

It's not about bringing down the deep state. It's just about getting Trump reelected in 2 years.

No storm.

No declas.

No bringing down the house.

No wall.

No arrests.

No traitor hangings.

Just 2 more years of the same old bullshit politics.

Pelosi said blabla.

Trump said no u.

Inside sources claim that Pelosi actually said blablabla instead of just blabla

etc etc

2 more fucking years of daily shit like that.

1f139d  No.4974302

File: fdd23f62ea96878⋯.png (7.69 MB, 2645x5315, 529:1063, SecretMilTribTheory.png)

8b7fbb  No.4974303


>claims of fetal tissue and adrenochrome products in our food.

Fetal/embryonic cell cultures are used in labs where they are search for new compounds for use as artificial flavors. Thy do not go in food. See:


36607b  No.4974304

>>4974266 lb

My Christian tradition (Eastern Orthodoxy) never contemplated a removal of the people of God from the Earth before Christ’s return in triumph and judgment, so no secret rapture for me!

But I can’t deny the contemporary resonance of such pointers to tribulation as:

 They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” (Jude 18)

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.  For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,  treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,  having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. (2Tim 3:1-5)

f8b439  No.4974305

So it's kinda maybe like this:

Q says shitfucks are psy-opping breads.

Buncha fuckwads complaining and concernfaggin…

Every goddamn loyal patriot here… knows you glow. If you weren't on our sqaud… the only reason you bitch is total shite.



1f139d  No.4974306

File: 9987b7ce716d9e1⋯.png (5.78 MB, 2000x4779, 2000:4779, SecretMilTrib2019.png)

b50333  No.4974307


I like this Anon. In a nut shell. Great cliff notes.

8b6030  No.4974308


thought it was /comms/ but didn't see them

cbbf9a  No.4974309

"Holy shit Jesse, Jessey, Jessey.

You two, Brett.

Take that sound bite.

Take that clip.

Have every single employee here post it, tweet it, grahm it, snap it, blast it.

Call in favors to all of our media contacts, traditional and social.

Carpet bomb the motherfuckers.

Operation William has begun."

Ballers, Season 4, Episode 9

2fdd51  No.4974310

i am not sure if i am hallucinating or dreaming after months of minimal sleep, but these are incredible. God bless all righteous patriots. what a time to be alive. truly honored.

acfcba  No.4974311

File: ec957869d004c75⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, stoopid.jpg)


>Why the hell would Trump post something so stupid like this….

NOT stoopid.

You are faggot cuz you have not learned our/his comms and can't read it. GTFO

03df0a  No.4974312


Not convinced Q = only 2020 campaign. But I have been getting campaign donation requests 2-3 times per week that just started a few weeks ago - it's a turn off. (In case Parscale is reading).

I'm going to pissed if this was just the other side of the same coin milking us.

1f139d  No.4974314

File: a668152fc23c818⋯.png (3.09 MB, 2000x2434, 1000:1217, SecretLodestarTheory.png)

b50333  No.4974315


Weak … like you …

07f2bf  No.4974316

File: 29d59823a12bdf2⋯.png (27.44 KB, 516x534, 86:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c256536cd485378⋯.png (179.28 KB, 369x558, 41:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2177bb2e2f261d⋯.png (316.42 KB, 536x384, 67:48, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4973519 LB

>Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

I've often thought that Q could have been talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ returns to gather the church - those that are in Christ (born again believers), those that are alive and remain and those that died in Christ.

"Please come back fast, we need you!"

"Come back" - Jesus Christ is coming back.

Also in regards to the Sept 2018 being a National Preparedness Month.

What happened in Sept, the year before that? Sept 23. Check out Rev 12 - first pic.

I think that Sept 23, 2017 marked a beginning of the end times or at least it was a sign for us to be alerted to it. No one knows the day or the hour, but those that are aware and watching will recognize that we are in that time period.

Read your Bible

God wins

cbbf9a  No.4974317

Obvious shills prove Q.

84352c  No.4974318

Breaking: Military choppers seen along Venezuelan-Colombian border (video)


2fdd51  No.4974319


are they human? where do they come from?

f8b439  No.4974320


Are you loyal to our Republic?

1f139d  No.4974321

File: b41765b880b8018⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, SecretKavanaughConfirm.png)

1f139d  No.4974322

File: 1f5b95bd4ac9356⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2000x1346, 1000:673, SecretFootTheBill.png)

719a0d  No.4974323



d27283  No.4974324

a56415  No.4974325

File: 6ce6210a117f0a1⋯.jpg (804.34 KB, 635x897, 635:897, JC.jpg)

File: 86c0094c569bf0d⋯.jpg (470.06 KB, 634x702, 317:351, DB.jpg)

Jan. 12: Message to everyone ("cast") regarding Judge ("All rise") RBG: Critical (syn. "vital") condition.


Jan. 18: Boo (Radley; To Kill A Mockingbird) has died.


b50333  No.4974326


These are all great Anon. Thx for posting

04139e  No.4974327

File: 91a32ccfdaba209⋯.jpg (600.85 KB, 1660x2560, 83:128, WompWomp.jpg)


Lurk moar

1f139d  No.4974328

File: 91a6e11ca2985a0⋯.png (2.67 MB, 3206x6665, 3206:6665, SecretFFBomb.png)

2fdd51  No.4974330


i voted for the first time in my life in mid terms out of a feeling of duty and hope that i had never experienced before

bc7199  No.4974331

>>4973050 pb


FB is going down. Anons knew it a year ago. Bail

acfcba  No.4974332

File: 3477f5dec5f6fd4⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, we ARE Q.jpg)



You have no business being here, you are NOT one of us, you are faggot.

Sauced and everything yet you proviede counter-sauce that's absolute bullshit. (((echo chamber)))

Don't stand near me when the SHTF- collateral fire is dangerous. You are NOT Q.

8b7fbb  No.4974333


A guy writing be Beirut, Lebanon writing about a tweet from a RT corespondent.

Hmm. I'm gonna file this under "Nah" until I get confirmation from a second source.

f6c057  No.4974334


He posted it to take away their talking points. He effectively removed Ds ammunition against the Rs.

It’ll also have some in the Ds base pressuring them to make a deal, which they won’t, exposing them for not actually caring about immigrants.

d32835  No.4974335


>those 11 million should have been deported on day 1.

The real number is probably more than triple that. If he was serious about immigration the deportations would have begun on day one like you say.

860ee6  No.4974336

File: 34db01fb26292ee⋯.png (30.95 KB, 298x522, 149:261, owner.PNG)



acfcba  No.4974337

File: b05709f7c2141c2⋯.png (32.54 KB, 225x127, 225:127, RBGded.png)

acfcba  No.4974338

File: 6dcb18e5d7164c5⋯.png (192.11 KB, 1141x809, 1141:809, rbgDC.png)

26755b  No.4974339


Nice decode Anon… "Boo" Radley– of course.

Come[y] has become quite the theater buff lately hasn't he?

1f139d  No.4974340

File: 88f243891d6c12b⋯.png (6.64 MB, 2000x4779, 2000:4779, SecretElectionTrap.png)

6b79a7  No.4974341


I never really saw much in the way of support for the rapture in the scripture. Honestly, and this is me being insane - I would be kind of pissed if God birthed me into the world just to rapture me to heaven before the fun kicks off.

Why put good people into the belly of the beast just to poof them out like the raid was about to wipe?

Which… Probably means I am in no danger of being raptured out of here, but that suits me. I at least hate what evil has done to people, if I've killed all other emotions, hatred for evil still burns.

Hatred may not be able to destroy evil, but it can sure do a number on the physical mechanisms they rely on. I'll leave the turning to the party clerics. Or my alter ego that I like to believe doesn't exist anymore for dramatic effect.

04139e  No.4974342


This is interesting. There is a strong delusion out there these days.

d27283  No.4974343


fair enough, I see your point.



a3f373  No.4974344

Great find very interesting article

>>4974296 Scott Shane covered for architects of a shocking “false flag” election campaign in Alabama

DiResta is a former advisor to the U.S. Army Cyber Command

Very interesting connection will fit into the map just fine

b50333  No.4974345


Weak … like you

1f139d  No.4974346

File: 8a35c4ec1bdae70⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2000x2803, 2000:2803, SecretCensorTheory.png)

f8b439  No.4974347


I ask again. Are you loyal to our Republic? It's an ideal based on a Platonic understanding of philo-sophia… the "love" of wisdom.

We acknowledge perfection is relative.

Can you be loyal to our Republic? The ONE NATION which has attempted to set an example for all of humanity? (imperfect though it may be)

a65194  No.4974349



Yeah, I saw that too. Capped it, but then wondered….

b449e6  No.4974350

File: 43fc84c63f0cbff⋯.jpeg (514.74 KB, 1242x701, 1242:701, 5DA03F2D-E174-4E6A-9944-1….jpeg)


a5171a  No.4974351

I get why it's the great awakening, why there was a plan and why dark to light is how the truth will set us free. I know why where we go one we go all. I'm actually surprised 4-6% will be left behind, I think even they will wake up from the hell they are in and see a better world around them

f6c057  No.4974352


If he deported 11 million on day 1, his presidency would’ve effectively ended Day 2. Nothing else on his agenda would’ve been possible.

It’s the unfortunate reality of politics. Moves and countermoves.

1f139d  No.4974353

File: 7ff7809cd8ea607⋯.png (3.66 MB, 2000x3436, 500:859, SecretBuzzfeedTheory.png)

fbce9d  No.4974354

>>4974264 lb

I'll give you quick personal econ lesson…

Since we live in a capitalist society, where loans/credit increases the overall money supply, it's an uphill battle to increase your personal wealth or even keep your head above water, without utilizing those tools (loans/credit). But it's important that it's used wisely. Is it okay to borrow to buy a car? Yea, if you need it to get to a job that's gonna ensure you pay off the loan. Always consider if the loan/credit will help you increase your income.

d27283  No.4974355


yeapp you right. Just frustrated.

28d542  No.4974356

File: fa6012074e0e20c⋯.png (658.59 KB, 1113x625, 1113:625, tucker abortion.png)

Tucker Carlson and pro-choice advocate have heated debate on Virginia abortion bill

That bitch is batshit crazy.

Now that's a smirk I would want to punch.


Marxists pushing their agenda at full speed.

These people's lives should be aborted asap, before they cause further damage to society.

719a0d  No.4974357

File: 3b0d38a50470bc6⋯.png (142.92 KB, 1269x905, 1269:905, pepeswede.png)


depends on how legit is searchquarry.com

2fdd51  No.4974358


to God, this nation, and wise righteous leaders loyal to the same

a5171a  No.4974359


They don't really believe it, they will just say anything to be on TV and have a little bit of fame and noteriety.

1f139d  No.4974360

File: f2e670aa0086312⋯.png (9.73 MB, 2000x5052, 500:1263, SecretBallotRigging.png)

3303a0  No.4974361

P = Pandora

ccf67c  No.4974362

File: 1aee171d3732d44⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x2017, 1242:2017, 921FEBEB-BD83-43DD-B846-E….jpeg)

(Bloomberg) – Venezuelan lawmaker Jose Guerra dropped a bombshell on Twitter Tuesday: The Russian Boeing 777 that had landed in Caracas the day before was there to spirit away 20 tons of gold from the vaults of the country’s central bank.

The claim set off a welter of social media speculation and outrage. When asked how he knew this, Guerra provided no evidence.

Just another outlandish comment from a lawmaker trying to draw attention to the plight of crisis-torn Venezuela? Perhaps not. For one thing, Guerra is a former central bank economist who remains in touch with old colleagues there. For another, a person with direct knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg News Tuesday that 20 tons of gold have been set aside in the central bank for loading. Worth some $840 million, the gold represents about 20 percent of its holdings of the metal in Venezuela, the person said. He provided no further information on plans for those bars.

With strongman President Nicolas Maduro losing control of the country’s already-scant finances and reserves thanks to U.S. sanctions, who can put his hands on the nation’s estimated 200 tons of gold at home and abroad has become a key question. The nation owes billions to its patrons Russia and China as well as bondholders, and also needs hard currency to buy food for its starving people.

db7a0e  No.4974363


That woman was an idiot, and Tucker should never have her on his show again. She refused to move away from her talking points and answer the question about the 'abortion at birth' issue that was currently in the news.

8b6030  No.4974364


post those here:




dump all them there so they're in one place

f6c057  No.4974365


Spent a month in Colombia over the summer. Military presence, including choppers, are a common sight.

I’d wait for further info….

8d3ed1  No.4974366


Good post.

2fdd51  No.4974367


btw that timestamp + the content is almost overwhelming atm

8b7fbb  No.4974368


And the watermark on the video is "Núcleo Noticias". They seem to be Venezuela based. Possibly state media; but I'm not sure.

f6c057  No.4974369


Get over yourself

3303a0  No.4974370

P = Pandora

Q = Quest

Cave = Maze or Labrynith

This is a Hero’s Quest

6b79a7  No.4974371


What kind of retarded faggotry is this?

The fetal cultures are used in development and processing. They are not actually used as additives. Further, these are cell cultures.

This is kind of a "hidden industry" - but many different companies have cell cultures. They are 'cancerized' cell lines which divide just like bacterial cultures. They are used for various forms of research and patents exist on specific gene sequences found within the human genome and are unique to that cell line (or… Family… Which is the subject of some legal WTF in the event that a cell line were to be lost, could a company recover, from you, stem cells they have a patent on).

I mean, if you want to believe that peosi contains aborted fetuses, then I can't stop you, but you're not exactly expressing coherent thought.

a65194  No.4974372


Funny this article didn't get picked up a couple days ago. Allowed me to insert the stuff posted since then (both on Tactics and Tropes & her interview). I was tickled that the author cites EXACTLY the same quote from Diresta I did, high point of the interview, where she's asked if she's certain the Russians are really meddling in our elections. I can practically see her jumping up and down:

D: (tight-lipped) It HAPPENED. There's really nothing else to say about it. The Intelligence agencies know it happened, foreign governments know it happened, researchers know it happened. The platforms acknowledge it happened. Sure, there's some small number of people who continues to live like ostriches, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

(I mean, what can you do when you have NO FACTS??!!)

Have more stuff to share, will get back shortly with it.

d3a244  No.4974373

>>4974258 ib

HRC Raw Vid ??

1f139d  No.4974374


That is why I saved them. Remember though, don't put too much faith in anything you see on this board.

db7a0e  No.4974375

d3a244  No.4974376


lb lastbread not ib interbread kek

f8b439  No.4974377

File: 8a55533d77efb70⋯.jpeg (12.97 KB, 218x231, 218:231, born4myfrens.jpeg)


I mean it. I got you. I believe it.

It's not perfect. Let's take it fucking back.

a65194  No.4974378


I can post the picture, but maybe I'll wait a little and see what comes down the pike.

f6c057  No.4974379


Frustrated with you, fren

d32835  No.4974380


>Can you be loyal to our Republic? The ONE NATION which has attempted to set an example for all of humanity? (imperfect though it may be)

The only example it is setting now is what not to do. The loyalty you speak of is only to words not a people as it was originally. You know the "evil" White supremacists who wanted a country for them and their posterity. The current republic spits on not only their posterity but everything their ancestors did.

acfcba  No.4974381

File: 486697f0b6033ef⋯.png (73.87 KB, 1200x1588, 300:397, papal p.png)

2fdd51  No.4974382

File: 48e75d411a955a1⋯.jpeg (34.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 39519CA9-227E-43F2-BEC2-4….jpeg)

36607b  No.4974383

>>4974223 lb

I should say that this place is less afflicted by rampant Dunning-Kruger effects than almost any other place on the interwebz. Anonymity is typically not cherished by the moronic egoists and narcissists of Twat and FakeBunk.

There is also a discernibly higher level of intelligence and reflection on display.

But you’re right about the galloping expertise quotient being claimed by all and sundry. Doing a few online searches and watching a video does not painlessly convey mastery of any subject matter. I see big steaming piles of intellectual rotting garbage confidently paraded as knowledge in areas in which I do have deep subject matter expertise. I’m sure others with advanced degrees see the same in their areas.

The internet generally seems to have become the surrogate for a university junior common room, where those whose knowledge and understanding seldom rises above that of a dense first year student bullshit each other for all eternity.

78f514  No.4974384

File: 9f69d001ca13445⋯.mp4 (813.07 KB, 320x568, 40:71, vidya.mp4)




cbbf9a  No.4974385


Spoopy, nice work.

d3a244  No.4974386

File: 8dca093db8fae02⋯.jpg (2.77 KB, 161x113, 161:113, HRC.jpg)


Empty placeholder ?

f6c057  No.4974387


Check her Twitter feed. She effectively managed to unite both pro-choice and pro-life & the Left and Right on this issue. Of course it was against her and her views but everyone united to hate her.

a3f373  No.4974388

f8b439  No.4974389

File: 727b67c76f8b51f⋯.jpg (469.98 KB, 2173x2062, 2173:2062, me.jpg)


Hey bro. Just picked up a new watch.

acfcba  No.4974390

File: 72c6b714cc57a31⋯.png (20.19 KB, 668x861, 668:861, CHAOStree.png)


‘Ordo Ab Chao’

68a8b1  No.4974391


Words are important.

I would have agreed with the poster you responded to, if they had said "Constitution"

If my own part, I'm loyal to the Constitution and Patriots.


Not States, with no context. I can only support the Republic under the authority of the Constitution for the United States, specifically and pointedly. ;)

26755b  No.4974392


Come[y]'s theatre references just make me think of lincoln assasination/ john wilkes booth, who was likely also part of the [y] club

2fdd51  No.4974393


i was asking. where do shills come from and don’t they know they’re so easy to spot by now, whatever content they post?

36607b  No.4974394


That’s not a P. It’s the chi-rho Christogram.

04139e  No.4974395





This isn't a forum for such a discussion. I have another opinion, but the only relevant thing here is what you said: "in the last days there will come times of difficulty.  For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,  treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,  having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. (2Tim 3:1-5)"

We are living in that foretold experience right now, it appears.

My allusion to 'The Rapture' was simply for rhetorical effect, not a theological position, and it evoked the very reactions I'm seeing.

d32835  No.4974396


The Ministry of Truth likes to have it's distractions to get people arguing with each other.

acfcba  No.4974397



Dedonde es? Venezuela?

a3f373  No.4974398


>>4974374 is that all ?

Anons please give me (baker) your thoughts ?

cbbf9a  No.4974399

Be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills.

78f514  No.4974400



taken from the twitter account cited in the article

b449e6  No.4974401

File: b12fbba30282e1b⋯.jpeg (884.55 KB, 1242x1588, 621:794, BB9AB0E0-228C-4987-8DED-5….jpeg)

File: 5f57a6a3539e549⋯.jpeg (474.08 KB, 1242x1125, 138:125, 52AE0669-567A-444C-8EA4-6….jpeg)


278010  No.4974402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The ONE NATION which has attempted to set an example for all of humanity?

Anons have to understand what that example is. Bill Cooper seems to explain it really well. Vidrelated meant more for >>4974358

as THIS Republic was set up to see whether MAN could rule himself, instead of the kings and lords who ruled while claiming the auspices of God.

The American Experiment…

f1fa5d  No.4974403


acfcba  No.4974404

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, end.jpg)



Keep telling yourself that Anon.



278010  No.4974405


reincluding the original response to >>4974358 due to weird copypasta error.

04139e  No.4974406


Kek! (u said interbread)

acfcba  No.4974407

File: 98cf83127dfaacf⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, BallsT.jpg)


ThanQ Anon. Nice digits!

2fdd51  No.4974408


classic look. have you set the time?

26755b  No.4974409


it would appear that we are living in the environment described in 2 Tim 3:1-5. The question is are we also living in the times Daniel described here:

Daniel 11:32? "But those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits."

8b7fbb  No.4974410

File: 50ced643ed926c5⋯.png (302.74 KB, 1008x779, 1008:779, Screenshot from 2019-01-31….png)


Look at the direction of the flight relative to the sun. If it in the east (morning) then the helicopters are going north-west.

1f139d  No.4974411


Hard to say. I have learned one thing for certain though. I am wrong on almost everything I think will happen, or when it will happen. This is an awesome timeframe to be able to experience, and the more I find out the more confused I get. That may just be what the plan is designed to do though.

f1fa5d  No.4974412

Virginia another State to legalize MURDER https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71/videos/10156902652866171/

f6c057  No.4974413


That’s what I thought.

The DJT did it for me (Daniels,Jeff,Theatre)

877a84  No.4974414

File: 848ccdc15d4365d⋯.jpg (124.78 KB, 659x437, 659:437, Moschee-buildings.jpg)

File: 03de40efcb429ce⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Pope Madhouse.jpg)

a65194  No.4974415

File: 1510509fedaa575⋯.png (544.5 KB, 786x784, 393:392, alaska 1.png)

File: 134ac245e187fb6⋯.png (498.53 KB, 646x888, 323:444, alaska 2.png)

File: e95262d3463e563⋯.jpg (959.65 KB, 670x6025, 134:1205, alaska 0.jpg)

Dem party attack UA Board of Regents appointee as a "Pizzagate/Q conspiracy theorist"

Tegan Hanlon, 1-29-19, repost 2 with tasty sauce

"Tammy Randolph, 57, owns a State Farm insurance agency in North Pole. She is one of two people [Gov.] Dunleavy, a Republican, named to the UA Board of Regents this month to replace regents whose terms expire in February. The Alaska Legislature still must confirm the appointments."

"The Alaska Democratic Party took aim at Randolph on Friday, posting screenshots from her Twitter account and questioning whether she’s fit to serve on the UA board."

Randolph said in an emailed statement Monday that she was amazed, surprised and embarrassed that anyone would be interested in “personal comments I made without thinking” on Twitter."



On the Alaska Democrats FB page, the DEMS charged among other things that Randolph "is apparently a Q-Anon/Pizzagate conspiracy theorist," forcing her to basically recant:

When asked whether she "believed" in Q, she said “No. Heavens no. It’s strictly entertainment. That’s all it is.” She later said: “I don’t know whether it exists or not. I don’t believe it or not believe it. I just simply don’t know enough about it. But I find it interesting. I find it’s like a puzzle. So that’s all.”


Yesterday I posted two interviews on Renee Diresta, the Head of Research at New Knowledge, a company charged last month with potentially manipulating a Senatorial election (Q Post 2635). I was interested in her comments on the situation. But they never came because the interviewers never asked about it. Nevertheless, in both interviews, Diresta managed mention Q and to pair Q with Pizzagate (see >>4961799 pb). She did the same thing in a Q hit piece written last year.


The constant pairing of Q with "far-right" conspiracies–and especially Pizzagate–is designed to make the public think they are one and the same. But Pizzagate preceded Q by a year and Q has never commented on it. In this case, the Dems used this false association to actively target and intimidate a Q follower. Which is why this kind of smear needs to be called out on this Board and on other alt-media sites–so it the message can "by-pass the MSM" (Drop 1750).

03df0a  No.4974416


How is this move by Schumer going to bode well for him?

This seems to be a risky move.

d3a244  No.4974417


As soon as I read Coats .. I thought Turncoats kek

b449e6  No.4974418

File: 30ee8c7aca7bd0d⋯.jpeg (238.21 KB, 1242x545, 1242:545, 33657BBB-FD5A-41E2-8E13-B….jpeg)

File: 1e2ab8d6850bd66⋯.jpeg (287.81 KB, 1242x687, 414:229, 8ED4BEE8-DA46-4662-97A9-5….jpeg)


48abd4  No.4974419


P = Pritzker

baec7b  No.4974420

File: 3c722178d02562a⋯.png (104.43 KB, 534x909, 178:303, Q china owns America and t….PNG)

File: 6a81af79764318f⋯.png (100.12 KB, 489x916, 489:916, Q china owns America 2and ….PNG)

File: 6481683f3a96120⋯.png (93.56 KB, 515x901, 515:901, Q china owns America 3and ….PNG)

US Gives China Eminent

Domain Over US Property

Beyond High Treason

A. True Ott, PhD, ND


Let's connect some dots today, boys and girls to learn about the HIGHEST POSSIBLE TREASON that has happened in this country.


had this lined up earlier to drop don't know if I did or not but notable as hell😶i tink

f8b439  No.4974421

File: abbdae8d26afa89⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 255x144, 85:48, frensnice.jpg)


Yes a young lady showed me how. Pic is yesterday obviously. She didn't know Q brought me there.

d32835  No.4974422


The constitution has been ignored for the most part a very long time. It's value lies in it actually being respected. Things like all the media and banking being under the control of criminal subversives don't help matters at all.

36607b  No.4974423


With you, fren. Wheat and weeds growing together until the eschatological harvest.

But, man, those weeds are getting Bolshy and hard to tolerate.

d3a244  No.4974424


>Kek! (u said interbread)

kek .. thats why i said it .. kek

thought we could all use a laff

6b79a7  No.4974425


God sits above man, who sits next to his wife, who together combine to form their children.

Nation is a consequence of families looking to secure each other.

My family lay in ruins. My wife a distant, forlorn hope, and my home a vagrant wasteland. The nation is dead. I have no interest in failed, rotten states.

I liked the idea of what it was supposed to be - would build one rather similar if I survive. But there is no loyalty to be found in me except to my small circle of friends (which does grow), and the ideas of a free world. I saw many loyal people deceived and destroyed.

The only people fit to ask me for their loyalty are people who I have found fit to build a room in my home for. Unfortunately, that is a figurative statement.

Make of my response what you will.

baec7b  No.4974426




from 2009

28d542  No.4974427


Are you Marxist clown, or just a complete ignorant idiot?

d27283  No.4974428



So this is the work of Obama?

1f139d  No.4974429


I think that is all I have for now anon's. Got to get some sleep. Keep up the fight. WWG1WGA!

877a84  No.4974430

File: c2d8168da4244fe⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 317x325, 317:325, ä.jpg)


Jews liars are stupid

b50333  No.4974431

File: a0b8515c30e9e77⋯.png (125.31 KB, 634x408, 317:204, Q flynn acknowledge.png)

Trumps inner circle acknowledges Q

26755b  No.4974432

File: 8ced4145907c1de⋯.gif (1020.8 KB, 500x200, 5:2, Showdown_2.gif)


Noice find, Anon… this is an important confrontation. Looks like the battle lines are being drawn more than ever, which means t's time to go from "shutdown" to "showdown"

2cfa65  No.4974433

File: aacc03f7d0df46d⋯.png (171.82 KB, 800x1045, 160:209, HOOTGD.png)

File: e6e9acabb21f47f⋯.png (68.76 KB, 419x409, 419:409, GOM.png)

Sorry for being totally unrelated.

I wanted to start to dig about abortion.

Searchterm was "terminate".

But by this search i found a company:

"Golden Dawn Minerals inc." They have gold and silver mines in Canada.

Golden Dawn… Does it ring a bell?

At first i thought the name is a coincidence. But look at the logo! (symbolism)

Is this gold mining company related to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn?

The next thing (i'm german) is: Why does this company have a german website too?

The only connection i see is that two of the board are german.

I am not an autist. But maybe these names may ring a bell.

Management and Directors:

Dr. Mathew Ball, Ph.D, P.Geo. – Interim CEO, COO & Chief Geologist

Mr. Ralph Wintermantel – Director

Ms. Andrea Yuan, CPA, CGA – CFO

Andrew Brown – VP Corporate Affairs

Non-Executive Directors

Stephen M. Leahy

Kevin Puil

Dr. Dieter Benz, Ph.D. Mechanical Eng.

Advisory Board

Stewart Jackson, Ph.D. & P. Geo.

Michael Dufresne, M.Sc. & P. Geo.

Frank Wright, P.Eng. (Processing Engineer)

I am trying to look further into it.

But there is def. something spoopy about this company.

The name cannot be a coincidence imo.

Is this one of the money sources of the [DS]?

f8b439  No.4974434


The value in 8chan lies in faggots understanding what the fuck a carriage return is.


b449e6  No.4974435

File: 07c7270b5393150⋯.jpeg (889.11 KB, 1242x1338, 207:223, 549188C6-8BAE-480D-8431-A….jpeg)

File: 320666b61a03a19⋯.jpeg (205.99 KB, 1242x490, 621:245, 37442014-BDB3-4EE7-BCA0-D….jpeg)


8803a8  No.4974436


guy posted that image last night, along with C-17's landing in Colombia. His twitter showed Royal Air Force C-17 landing somewhere.

Could be anything. This is how "Epstein island is on fire" memes get started.

acfcba  No.4974437

File: cd7e39ed094c6f9⋯.png (633.31 KB, 647x802, 647:802, POTUSdot.png)


> Virginia another State to legalize MURDER


>Come[y]'s theatre references just make me think of lincoln assasination/ john wilkes booth

^^^ Are these related?

0a25cc  No.4974438


Comey- "All rise" as in Judge about to leave chamber

2cfa65  No.4974439


Forgot the sauce.


a3f373  No.4974440

>>4974350 can you give a better link?

>>4974300 thoughts ?


68a8b1  No.4974441


President Trump's working to change that.

278010  No.4974442

File: fc1f9550bc951b7⋯.jpg (278.15 KB, 1000x976, 125:122, The Fate of Empires.jpg)


>My wife a distant, forlorn hope, and my home a vagrant wasteland. The nation is dead. I have no interest in failed, rotten states.

From The Fate of Empires….

>In a surpring manner, 250 years emerges as the average length of national greatness.

How old is America?

2019-1776= 243…

acfcba  No.4974443

File: 4346156088f2357⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 500x476, 125:119, gump.jpg)


Look like Tom.

0c3de9  No.4974444

File: b056efba1441cdd⋯.jpeg (128.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2019-01-31_04.47.50001.jpeg)

File: 80581ca5e7c4cad⋯.png (353.56 KB, 1440x2476, 360:619, 20190131_044632.png)

File: c9b1fdb0a844ca8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1440x2467, 1440:2467, 20190131_044611.png)


May I please add a suggestion to the RBG dog side by sides? I applaud the anon who listed the references to HW's death and Comey's twat, along with the pic of No Name.

Then I remembered that No Name's death was announced on National Dog Day 2018. We were giddy because that was a clear Q proof, connected to "every dog has its day."

I'm not a graphicsfag but I tried making a collage, and I'll give you the screenshots, too, in case a fag who's better at this than I am is able to improve and add to the RBG - HW - NO NAME graphics.

God bless us all.


a3f373  No.4974445

a56415  No.4974446


Ruth Bader >> Booth Rader >> Boo Radley?

b50333  No.4974447

File: 73cc8672cd9029b⋯.png (353.86 KB, 584x480, 73:60, Trump donates 100 mil to r….png)

Made for a nice meme

100K I like it

84352c  No.4974448


Well to be honest Anon, we dont have any fucking information what is happening there.

We have fucking just info about some Russian plane taking away gold, then some Boltons note about 5000troops, Russian Wagner contractors, etc etc etc

If you trust MSM media, go on and read them.

I am not saying this is a true, but at least some alternative video "proof".

We will see in next few days, i am sure that behind curtains, world powers already made decisions. We are just sheep waiting for next movie.

baec7b  No.4974449


I'll dig on that

f8b439  No.4974450


Are you playing the glass bead game?

Now I'm alert. Good fucking capture.


78f514  No.4974451

File: e33740520284ffe⋯.jpg (213.82 KB, 591x592, 591:592, Pepe Knows.jpg)

278010  No.4974452

File: b77df7209c12992⋯.jpg (102.31 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, RothinHood.jpg)


Kek.. one of the first memes i'd made here, long, long ago.. such strange times.

04139e  No.4974453


I want to say yes, but I don't like where things end up in the next few verses.


"33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries."

(sounds like a merry band of anons kicking butt and dealing with a bunch of shills)

But, my interpretation of where that passage stands in the timeline places it further into the Great Tribulation period than we are right now, (hence the "King, or world leader" who is persecuting believers everywhere,) and the following verses sound like all the good guys bite the dust.

Example: "35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain."

I hope we are only living in the times leading up to that sort of thing. Of course, I believe the bad king, in this instance is the Antichrist.

I am trying to avoid a big theological discussion, but your comment was thought-provoking.

a3f373  No.4974454

>>4974372 Diresta's comments you out lined yesterday got me thinking of who similar there language and tactics are

I wounder if they could get caught out a bit by this if illuminated the right way?

also interesting how this article follows our thinking almost like…..

60c78c  No.4974455

File: 38a2e4f35676565⋯.png (266.25 KB, 588x646, 294:323, Screenshot_2019-01-31 colo….png)


Colombia on border with Venezuela. Its hard to say if legit US troops or psyops. Hueys at front with Blackhawks following. I think Colombia has a few hundred.


acfcba  No.4974456

File: 78b8685033ae64b⋯.jpg (202.46 KB, 857x1252, 857:1252, 600T1.jpg)


China has owned the Port of Long Beach- our largest port- for decades. Keep digging.

pic related

26755b  No.4974457

File: ac1c69538649b39⋯.png (20.23 KB, 469x244, 469:244, Screenshot (284).png)

File: 0e76955b3c52f06⋯.png (548.04 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Screenshot (285).png)

File: ba4b0d4fa195d28⋯.jpg (793.62 KB, 850x568, 425:284, Screenshot (286)_LI.jpg)


Completely agree Anon

Check this, in attached Q post he points us to joe digenova's article in which he describes Come[y]'s internal FBI nickname as the "Cardinal" (a cardinal level in the [y] cult) and as an "assassin"

04139e  No.4974458


>37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

Kek! (at least we know the antichrist isn't Trump!)

f8b439  No.4974459

Stop posting if you're an NPC human or otherwise.

Sit back. Watch.

You can adapt based on SHUUUUSSSSHHH.




b50333  No.4974460

If we're taking bets on RBG death announcement I'm in for Feb 11th

26755b  No.4974461



Agreed – I not partial to where things go either in those next few verses…

0a25cc  No.4974462

File: 04c6d7dea88fd01⋯.jpg (85.44 KB, 800x785, 160:157, DyM6VewWsAE2EQ9.jpg)

acfcba  No.4974463

File: 67eaf88fe6d47fe⋯.png (547.12 KB, 609x1200, 203:400, comeCard.png)

File: faf128e3f5ac08d⋯.png (268.64 KB, 428x890, 214:445, EP Q.png)

File: 362d5e8de95381c⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1720x1138, 860:569, come[y].png)


Cardinal = Prince of Darkness Their title.

Cardinal for the cardinal points on the compass.

8803a8  No.4974464



Doom porn BS

278010  No.4974465

File: f6034f039f87d52⋯.png (76.45 KB, 434x436, 217:218, Kekistani Go Club.png)


No, only Hesse book I'd read so far was Siddhartha. Only glass bead game i'd played was Wei-qi.

26755b  No.4974466


(sounds like a merry band of anons kicking butt and dealing with a bunch of shills)

Hilarious!! It really does sound like Anons destroying the shills in the true info war… too funny

f8b439  No.4974467


Home is where the heart is. The only failing is an aspect of your consciousness.

60c78c  No.4974468

File: 8353dd7239459d4⋯.png (186.95 KB, 588x705, 196:235, Screenshot_2019-01-31 #Cuc….png)

Colombian Military convoy on the border. Same areas as helicopter footage.


1f139d  No.4974469


When the world decided that corporations were a good idea we started a slow slide. Too much power and too little responsibility.

We have been taken over by boards and committee's who have lost interest in what is good for humanity.

But times are changing and maybe we can learn from past mistakes and build a better world. Look around, the world is changing, the pendulum is swinging back.

baec7b  No.4974470

>>4974428 not the answer but the REASON

…..To solve this problem, we must lead the Chinese people outside of China, so that they can develop outside of China.

Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space? First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard for us to do anything significant

to Taiwan and some other countries! Second, even if we could snatch some land

from Taiwan, Vietnam, India, or even Japan, how much more living space can we

get? Very trivial! Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia

have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.

Therefore,solving the‘issue of America’isthekeytosolvingallotherissues.

First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even

establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was

originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit

to the White race. We the descendants of the Chinese nation are ENTITLED to the

possession of the land!!! It is historical destiny that China and United States will

come into unavoidable confrontation on a narrow path and fight. In the long run,

the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle.

Of course, right now it is not the time to openly break up with them yet. Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology.

We still need America. Therefore, we must do everything we can to promote our

relationship with America, learn from America in all aspects and use America as

an example to reconstruct our country.


Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many

people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid

development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been

invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we

have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of


Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to

make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focused instead

on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy


Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the

Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are

strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place.

According to the computations of the author of Yellow Peril, more than half of the

Chinese will die, and that figure would be more than 800 million people! Just after

the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today the

official figure of the population is more than 1.3 billion. This yellow land has

reached the limit of its capacity. One day, who know how soon it will come, the

great collapse will occur any time and more than half of the population will have to


It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the

only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the

world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths, But if history


have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the

Chinese people and the life of our Party.

The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing the preparations for

military battle. The central committee believes, as long as we resolve the United

States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved.

Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is

aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking

aircraft carriers or satellites. Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for

the birth of thenewsociety.ThereforewaristhemidwifeforthebirthofChina’s

century .


6b79a7  No.4974471


Eh, I prefer not to be eaten.

I get it goes outside the metaphor of Saturn's harvest… I don't think people as food is a very good mentality to have.

I suppose that is the part that has always stuck with me as objectionable in many christian portrayals of things, and I've always been a bit irritated by the almost hypnotic "I want to be the best grain" idea. Not to say that people shouldn't be good, but I just hate the "I exist to be consumed" aspect. Even when I was a child, this sat wrong with me. People are not food.

I realize it's a metaphor… But… Call me a snake in the grass, I guess. Or a dragon in the forest. I've had that gut feeling from long ago that people were being set up. Call me born to Tinfoil.

b50333  No.4974472


Yeah I know … that's why I said, "death announcement". Do you get caught often not finishing your sentences too?

d3a244  No.4974473


… something to do with a train station ?

f8b439  No.4974474

File: cf87101651d8311⋯.jpeg (19.5 KB, 255x190, 51:38, fagz.jpeg)


Sounds next level. You got this.

baec7b  No.4974475

File: 65d1332c94f68ce⋯.pdf (76.9 KB, ChinaSpeaks[1].pdf)

278010  No.4974476



Which, from the synopses i've read, Go might as well be a stand-in for the glass-bead game as far as I can tell.. As it was one of the pinnacle achievements of historical Japanese learn-ed culture.

0c3de9  No.4974477


Perhaps the No Name / National Dog Dayimages could bee combined with the new RBG side by sides depicted here:

>>4972961 (pb)

if someone with skills could do that, please. I'm just not that good and I'm a phone tag.

But my quads confirm, just sayin'….

d3b434  No.4974478

File: 456f0a319f64ecb⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1390x992, 695:496, PlannedParenthood.png)

File: c698bd900861dd2⋯.png (500.78 KB, 1742x2264, 871:1132, JudgeRyuOrder.png)

Judge Orders Planned Parenthood to Answer Questions About Fetal Tissue Business

San Francisco – Four California Planned Parenthood affiliates have been ordered by a Federal Magistrate Judge to answer written questions related to hard costs associated with their fetal tissue trade.

Federal Magistrate Donna M. Ryu ordered the Planned Parenthood affiliates on January 24, 2019, to give an explanation of their denial that the amount of money they received on a per-specimen basis did not exceed their hard costs. Planned Parenthood was further ordered to produce the written response within seven days.

Federal law prohibits the sale of aborted baby body parts “for valuable consideration,” but allows for reimbursement of hard costs incurred by the abortion businesses.

Planned Parenthood affiliates involved in the trade of aborted baby tissues and organs were:

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc.

Planned Parenthood Northern California.

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles.

Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest.

The order came as discovery is progressing in two federal court cases brought by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation against the Center for Medical Progress and its members Troy Newman, Albin Rhomberg, Sandra Merritt, and David Daleiden for releasing undercover video that purports to show that Planned Parenthood illegally profited from the sale of tissues and organs procured from the bodies of babies aborted at Planned Parenthood facilities prior to June 2015.

Defendant Troy Newman is the President of Operation Rescue. He served on the founding board of the CMP during the investigative phase and the release of the explosive undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts, how procedures were altered to ensure intact organs, and haggling over top dollar for each specimen, because one abortionist wanted to buy a Lamborghini.

The pro-life defendants had submitted written questions to the four Planned Parenthood affiliates with Requests for Admission (RFAs) to numerous statements as a routine part of the discovery process.

The pro-life defendants learned through earlier discovery that four Planned Parenthood affiliates who participated in the “donation” of fetal tissue had “received money for fetal tissue on a per-specimen basis.” However, the affiliates “kept no contemporaneous accounting of any costs associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of the tissue.”

In fact, it was also learned through earlier RFAs that the Planned Parenthood affiliates “never attempted to determine the actual costs of their fetal tissue transfer program until after Defendants released the first videos in July 2015.”

“If Planned Parenthood never bothered to determine their costs, how could they known if they were in compliance with Federal law.” asked Newman. “It is a question that deserves an honest answer, because any amount of money that exceeds actual hard costs would implicate them in crimes.”

CMP investigations, including interviews with former StemExpress employee Holly O’Donnell, who worked as a procurement agent at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, revealed that it was StemExpress employees embedded in the abortion facilities that handled the procurement, preservation, and shipping of aborted baby tissues and organs, and that Planned Parenthood had few if any hard costs associated with the handling of those baby parts.


Judge Ryu’s order


b50333  No.4974479


Looking more and more like Colombia is poking their noses into this.

dbdfa1  No.4974480

File: 4ba5ed0a77c5cc3⋯.jpg (94.77 KB, 850x1134, 425:567, 2627895.jpg)

Thanking the baker

2866bc  No.4974481

File: e27914804367752⋯.jpg (130.25 KB, 1024x481, 1024:481, IMG_20190131_231017.jpg)

File: f285b6fe89b8a89⋯.jpg (376.84 KB, 1024x1697, 1024:1697, IMG_20190131_231215.jpg)


Hmmm, seriously… The 1776 post is what got me thinking about this. (pics related?)

36607b  No.4974482


Nah, not a turncoat. Coats was, is, and likely always will be just one of the parade of unreconstructed neocon morans through POTUS Admin.

Why are they there? WTF is going on with the C_A? After all this time the IC’s STILL producing the same old cabal-directed intelligence assessments. Will it ever end?

f8b439  No.4974483


It's an imaginary game which has never existed even in the novel from which it's from… but which is possible.

Shitbeads on a board is nothing to do with it.

0a25cc  No.4974484



When Corps got personhood the die was cast.

Undoing this one mistake would solve the problem of profit vs Humanity


78f514  No.4974485

File: 6e20df79a057339⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 640x768, 5:6, Video.mp4)



Colombia has deployed numerous armored vehicles near the border town of #Cucuta this evening.

Destination and mission are unclear as of now, but the embedded tweet claims they are headed to the Simón Bolívar International Bridge.


4360ce  No.4974486

File: f651e7b99443be8⋯.jpg (19.44 KB, 250x157, 250:157, Obama for Antichrist.jpg)


>…nor the desire of women…

84352c  No.4974487

Via Fox News:

Private sector employment increased by 213,000 jobs in January, according to the ADP National Employment report , surpassing Wall Street’s expectations of 178,000 jobs, despite a 35-day partial government shutdown that experts believed could take a toll on small business.

“The job market weathered the government shutdown well,” Mark Zandi, the chief economist of Moody’s, said. “Despite the severe disruptions, businesses continued to add aggressively to their payrolls. As long as businesses hire strongly the economic expansion will continue on.”

In December, the private sector added a whopping 271,000 jobs — soaring past analysts’ expectations of 178,000. Manufacturing, meanwhile, added the most jobs in more than four years.

f6c057  No.4974488




T heater

J eff

D aniels


d3a244  No.4974489



28d542  No.4974490

File: c71b693a6a971fd⋯.png (91.91 KB, 555x253, 555:253, cardinals.png)



>Cardinal = Prince of Darkness Their title.

>Cardinal for the cardinal points on the compass.

List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.


Vatican bank.


Board of Superintendence.

Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Clown connection.

1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.


62ccfa  No.4974491

File: a131bcddf78f594⋯.png (232.85 KB, 354x254, 177:127, 2019-01-31_05-14-48.png)

File: 4b13d9139d97b94⋯.png (695.88 KB, 483x728, 69:104, 2019-01-31_05-15-27.png)


Jesuits be crazy!

And they can't keep their hands off the kids.

0a25cc  No.4974492


was not a dis

just amplification

8b7fbb  No.4974493


My guess is they are going to reinforce the border to hold back the refuges that will come if there is military clash in V.

I really doubt they have the forces to fight all the way to Caracas.

4360ce  No.4974494


I would have guessed Ben-Wah

26755b  No.4974495

File: 6dd326bedcf8ed1⋯.png (90.84 KB, 730x865, 146:173, Screenshot (288).png)

File: e5518f7456f989b⋯.png (32.78 KB, 687x319, 687:319, Screenshot (289).png)

File: 7e3fd6e5ef03140⋯.png (36.44 KB, 726x364, 363:182, Screenshot (290).png)


Hmm… I think we are certainly in one of the seasons whereby God is separating the wheat from the tares on the global field. Maybe the environment/times we find ourselves in is a/the Fall of a Global Babylon… we are pulling it down…battle lines are being drawn and an epic ww showdown is certainly occurring. God defeinitely seems to be making another "open public display" even a mockery of evil– He seems to be pulling back the veil, exposing evil on an unprecedented scale

24d3c0  No.4974496

>>4974484 The law you want I believe was set in 1935.

1d1ae8  No.4974497

File: e8d0db6f3646b43⋯.png (74.39 KB, 250x223, 250:223, ClipboardImage.png)

acfcba  No.4974498

File: e27914804367752⋯.jpg (130.25 KB, 1024x481, 1024:481, 2381.jpg)

Qdrop 2381


18 US CODE 2381


2-3-81 ←- mirror 18 / 2-3-18

February 3rd, (20)18

0c3de9  No.4974499


Aaaaaaand double dubs confirm the quads.

36607b  No.4974500


Metaphors work best when they draw on the immediate daily realities of the community addressed. Farming and fishing metaphors abound in Biblical literature for obvious reasons. One needn’t push the metaphor into direct consumption. These were pre-Soylent Green societies…

b50333  No.4974501


I'm of the mind Planned Parenthood hired sloppy lawyer's to advise them to take on this case. What a back fire.

db7a0e  No.4974502

Anons see this site, yet? The QAnon Hub. Saw the link on Joe M's twitter feed. It looks to be a work in progress, but a pretty good compilation of links.


26755b  No.4974503



Excellent Anon…

0c3de9  No.4974504


Holeeeee shit!

Now these double dubs confirm the double dubs that confirm the quads!

a65194  No.4974505

File: da8de9d23cf3952⋯.jpg (115.22 KB, 793x863, 793:863, misc 0 warner tweet BIG.jpg)

File: ad7ff5f7e1e34b4⋯.jpg (415.15 KB, 790x2832, 395:1416, misc1 Warner tweets Dec 17.jpg)

DEM Senator Mark Warner jubilant on Dec 17 re "bombshell reports" showing Russia meddling (too bad it only lasted two days)

Here it is, anons–Senator Warner's big "gotcha" on Russian election meddling. The coup de gras. The piece de resistance. The capstone on the DEM pyramid.


Warner didn't quite figure on New Knowledge, creator of the beautiful new 100-page report, becoming mired in scandal only two days later! (Well, really one day, but nobody read the crappy Dec 18 WaPo article.) For details, see >>4913840.

Here are a selection of his Twitter comments. I was going to include them all but they're just too boringly pompous. And of course, UNTRUE. See CAP if you really want them all.

Incredible. These bombshell reports demonstrate just how far Russia went to exploit the fault lines of our society and divide Americans, in an attempt to undermine and manipulate our democracy.

The IRA continued its efforts well into 2017, when these accounts were finally shut down. In fact, they actually accelerated their efforts on Instagram after the election.

Bottom line: these attacks against our country were much more comprehensive, calculating and widespread than previously revealed. This should stand as a wakeup call to us all that none of us are immune from this threat, and it is time to get serious in addressing this challenge.

That is going to require some much-needed and long-overdue guardrails when it comes to social media. I hope these reports will spur legislative action in the Congress and provide additional clarity to the American public about Russia’s assault on our democracy.


But wouldn't you know it? Most of the content coming from the "Russians" sounds an awful lot like the stuff conservatives say.

The real BOTTOM LINE is that these reports were designed to justify censoring social media in order to silence conservative voices

Good thing New Knowledge got knocked on its ass just after publishing its report.

62ccfa  No.4974507

File: ea9c44d1d355419⋯.png (1.08 MB, 973x968, 973:968, 2018-12-25_23-57-58 copy 2.png)


Hussein's handler…

big big Mike?

0a25cc  No.4974508


I dont want ANY laws

I'm good with a global reset

1d1ae8  No.4974509

File: d8039ce3a972122⋯.png (269.3 KB, 498x498, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

60c78c  No.4974510

File: e15d3b2fab414c4⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 188x268, 47:67, 1540906369711.jpg)

File: bddb1663bd46a45⋯.jpg (4.3 KB, 93x209, 93:209, 1540906773375.jpg)

File: 4b960742157c478⋯.jpg (55.22 KB, 620x387, 620:387, 1540907038615.jpg)


Theyre not crazy its the hidden religion.

c0752d  No.4974511


Most of Trump's "employees" are working against him, top to bottom.

It's extremely hard to get people thru Senate confirmation.

Hard to get anyone thru OPM - why virtually no Trump supporters were hired, as it is still Obama's OPM.

If he gets a 2nd term maybe he can do something about the federal workforce.

acfcba  No.4974512

File: 1ef6106820ef951⋯.jpg (815.03 KB, 1629x1661, 1629:1661, treason.jpg)


>1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.

^^Qdrop 1021

1832 MIRRORED = Qdrop 2381 and US CODE for TREASON



84352c  No.4974513



Lately the Eeyores have waxed poetic that not only is Trump about to fall into a trap, hes going to go down without making any lasting changes.

Those Eeyores… have not been paying attention…

2. Many have written ecstatically about Trumps war against the Deep State. I certainly take nothing away from that effort.

But I think Trump is also waging war on a battlefront with effects likely even more profound than the actions against the DS

And almost nobody is watching

3. https://news.usni.org/2015/05/05/navy-needs-new-servers-for-aegis-cruisers-and-destroyers-after-chinese-purchase-of-ibm-line

In 2010 I read an article about the sale of the IBM division producing blade server technology…

Used in the US Navy Aegis air defense system…

4. https://missilethreat.csis.org/system/aegis/

The Aegis air defense system is the most advanced air defense system on the planet. Capable of detecting & tracking a suborbital ICBM or a supersonic sea skimming missile 10 feet off the water.

And it was essentially sold.

To China.

5. Who, in God's name, would sell one of our most advanced weapons system to a country with a history of aggressive military actions against the US and our allies?

And recently has acted even more aggressively in the world economy?

CFIUS: Committee on Foreign Investment in US

6. https://www.kelleydrye.com/News-Events/Publications/Client-Advisories/CFIUS-and-Huawei-Establish-Ongoing-Oversight-Deal

Oddly, in 2011, CFIUS entered into a "Cooperative Oversight Agreement" for technology transfers between the US and China.

And the Chinese representative organization?

A company called Huawei…

7. http://www.freeautotalk.com/china-snuck-chips-into-cia-u-s-military-commercial-servers-leaving-them-open-to-hacks-report/ …

Subsequent to this "Oversight Deal", US Navy destroyers developed navigation problems around container ships.

F-35s had problems staying airborne.

Almost like Chinese cyber intel used IBM tech as a roadmap to find the best places for backdoors…

8. During Lisa Pages closed door testimony, she admitted the FBI did indeed find Hillary Clinton's bathroom homebrew server (with 30K+ classified State Dept emails) had been hacked by a foreign power.

*NOT* Russia.

But by China.

9. https://www.rand.org/blog/2015/10/pakistan-and-chinas-almost-alliance.html

Then there's the whole thing about the House Democrats contracting a family of Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood IT techs to access the HPSIC servers…

But they were Pakistani, not like Pakistan cooperates with China…


10. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/24/chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-could-be-the-next-risk-to-the-global-financial-system.html …

The Chinese, well on their way to having compromised US military & technology dominance then launched their "Belt & Road" Initiative…

Designed to gain dominance over the world economy…

11. And how did all this happen, after decades of US domination, militarily, technologically, economically and diplomatically?

There simply is no way it could've happened without help.

And that kind of help looks an awful lot like..

12. Then something very extraordinary happened.

And it was named Donald Trump.

And Donald Trump was never supposed to happen…

13. https://www.skadden.com/insights/publications/2018/08/us-finalizes-cfius-reform …

One of the most important shots fired in this battle was heard by very few people…

Except those who panicked when it happened…

In August 2018, Trump ordered a review, reform, and realignment of CFIUS… to return to its original purpose

84352c  No.4974515


14. https://www.businessinsider.com/canada-arrests-huawei-cfo-at-us-authorities-request-report-2018-12 …

Then Trump fired a shot directly at the heart of Chinas civilian wing of cyber warfare…

By asking Canada to arrest Huawei's CFO…

15. This arrest took place in the middle of Trumps trade war. Some Eeyores painted this arrest as a DS attempt to subvert Trumps negotiations with the Chinese.

However a look at the specifics showed the arrest warrant was active for months before.

16. But evidence suggests that Trumps tariff war with China is *not* solely based on aluminum dumping in Mexico or midwest soybean sales.

These actions were planned from the beginning.

Note that Trumps first actions were aimed at Chinas traditional weapon: North Korea.

17. https://m.theepochtimes.com/poland-arrests-huawei-employee-polish-man-on-spying-allegations_2763038.html …

Following the Canadian arrest, countries around the world, primarily 5 Eyes & other allies countries began shutting down Chinese tech access, focusing primarily on their standard bearer, Huawei.

18. Some have noted that Trump has an approved declassification package in his back pocket, holding it for *something*.

This declassification package includes info very damaging to 5 Eyes governments. That would give Trump leverage to get these countries to take action…

19. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-12/us-investigating-boeing-satellite-sale-china-backed-startup …

The latest revelation in the Huawei battlefront was CFIUS shutting down Chinese access to satellite direct access to the main datastream of the internet…

20. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-12/chinas-nightmare-b-2-stealth-bombers-deployed-hawaii-watch-247 …

Is this battlefront that is being pointedly ignored by the Mockingbirds starting to bear any fruit?

Since the Chinese lost their NKorean foil, they have resorted to direct sabre rattling: AKA panic…

And Trump called their bluff

21. Is Trump winning a battle nobody knew was being fought?


Why is the Deep State going full scorched earth to stop Trump…

From fighting for America?

22. this is POTUS's way for China to save face (trade war) stop and reverse what they were doing… show China that if you negotiate on trade you'll still play a world roll alibi fair and even.. if you don't we will let your economy crash

8f4070  No.4974516


the *FUGLY* sauce: dailymail BREXit !!?

- who writes this drama, AS the WORLD turns?

- Dvine BLOOD …

bery *kekin* Noice rPILLage hear / here:


>Noice find, Anon… this is an important confrontation. Looks like the battle lines are being drawn more than ever, which means t's time to go from "shutdown" to "showdown"

Future Proves Past,

Patriots B_read[y]STEAD[y] … 5:5 o7

bc7199  No.4974517


New energy to the term "hidden hand" of Adam Smith?

de02f2  No.4974518


>Federal Magistrate Donna M. Ryu

Why do I think or Street Fighter with 'Ryu'?

"Finish Them!"

f6c057  No.4974519


Or they could be protecting their own border

6d87b6  No.4974521


It all ends for them when they stop believing them. Normies are getting very close to that point. Anons know.

b50333  No.4974522


Yep it was posted earlier. Seems to have it all right down to Potus and admin twats

baec7b  No.4974524


looks like it was wjc started it..


“Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China for U.S. Debts.”

by Bernadine Smith

Quote from article:

"Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Social justice, urban renewal, and development, the provision of decent dwellings and health conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole."


62ccfa  No.4974525

File: f19027a353b310f⋯.png (552.21 KB, 999x1156, 999:1156, 2019-01-31_05-23-53.png)


POTUS getting real Intel and comparing it to the bullshit they are spoon feeding him?

Is POTUS pointing to this?

2fdd51  No.4974526


36607b  No.4974527


What I continue to find intriguing, and somewhat inconsistent with the predicate for “The Plan,” is that Trump didn’t have the A-List administration team lined up to support the process from Day 1.

Something in the works for a long time with the backing of powerful domestic and international interests should have been capable of giving the guy a fucking team worth a shit, no?

And I don’t buy any of the “for optics” arguments.

acfcba  No.4974528

File: 28a65648098f637⋯.png (113.66 KB, 360x262, 180:131, CS bld.png)


Schumer is calling another attempt on POTUS.

See: >>4974437

a65194  No.4974529


Re language:

Yes, I've done a lot of stuff like that–content analysis, it's really fun. They are probably preoccupied with bots because they sound just like them. Renee sounds great til you challenge her. That's why I said I'd love to see her with someone like…oh, maybe Tucker? He'd get her relaxed, get her talking, and then start looking puzzled….and finally ask her a simple question she couldn't answer. He's the original "sly man."

Re the article following our thinking:

Yeah, when I found it, it was kind of spooky almost. Here it all was: all layed out like POTUS' burgers. And then no one had posted it. That never happens; someone always picks up a nice juicy story like that. hahaha…..

Last: I'm having fun.

Check out >>4974505

I should have called it

Mark Warner: foiled again!!!

26755b  No.4974530

Yes the Superb Owl Event… very thought-provoking Anon. Great info-graphic. Lots of solid markers there– assassin, cardinal. The Owls and the [y] heads are surely the Prince of D's "brotherhood".

f8b439  No.4974531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We'll be there when the morning comes.

Screw their minds up with our guns.

We're the best that they will see.


b50333  No.4974532



Nice thread … who's is it? Wouldn't mind twating it

acfcba  No.4974533

File: 37753b576f4ac35⋯.jpg (89.64 KB, 1024x1018, 512:509, POTUSper.jpg)

File: de2ad2645497833⋯.png (105.52 KB, 300x189, 100:63, POTinMi.png)


> Trump didn’t have the A-List administration team lined up to support the process from Day 1.

Kek! Is that what they told you?

82eb21  No.4974534


Sorry, my VPN kicked out and switched my ID and everything.

I believe we are in a time before the Daniel passage, and where this anon said: "The good and evil are being made perfectly clear, and people are being forced to make a conscious choice. (paraphrased)"


I think we are headed for a big reveal with Q's operation, which will buy us a little time before the Tribulation period mentioned in those verses in Daniel. I don't think God is going to allow poeple to be lost, simply because our current Rulers confused, baffled, and deceived them. You have to make a conscious choice to support evil, in order to face judgement, in my opinion. I think this Q thing is leading up to a big reveal. I know a lot of church people who aren't 'evil,' they are just completely in the dark about what their political affiliations are actually doing in secret. This does make them stupid IMHO, but not intentionally wrong. We're being lied to 24/7, and That's why God still has them in a "grace period."

26755b  No.4974535


>Yes the Superb Owl Event… very thought-provoking Anon. Great info-graphic. Lots of solid markers there– assassin, cardinal. The Owls and the [y] heads are surely the Prince of D's "brotherhood".

278010  No.4974536

File: e51b725f81c53e4⋯.jpg (144.38 KB, 960x737, 960:737, 1507957581651.jpg)

File: e72cf542f09c314⋯.jpg (236.03 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1505621802385.jpg)


Regardless, the whole Fall of Empires bit raises an interesting point that America is rather close to the average length of nations… and considering where things stand, and how precisely America would fall into the explained age of decadence category, would take a miracle to keep everything together without falling toward some sort of balkanization.

History tends to repeat itself.

a65194  No.4974539


What I really like are all the ostentatious poster exhibits.

muh russians

must clamp down

democracy at stake

LMAO, just can't stop.

62ccfa  No.4974540

File: c2dd0a383fdbf57⋯.png (329.51 KB, 471x724, 471:724, 2019-01-31_05-31-58.png)


Use your leverage…

The Art of the Deal?


59016f  No.4974541

File: 9d9b629ca5231cc⋯.gif (929.05 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 9d9b629ca5231ccfa9fe402567….gif)

I found a neat little resource while doing a dig on trying to find exactly where POTUS was during Vegas shooting. This is a site that collects all presidential press pool releases. Pretty handy and is a good pulse on Trump news and moves. These come from the people that follow him around on planes and stuff so I'm sure a lot of good details can be gleaned. If they overhear calls they write it down, lots of good stuff. I'm sure a lot can be inferred from schedules, visits, meetings, et cetera.



1712be  No.4974542


Not sure that I'd call Gen. Flynn's brother POTUS' "inner circle," but pretty cool nonetheless.

36607b  No.4974543


So you think it’s all been plain sailing from the get-go? Everything preordained and perfect?

You think Flynn getting outed was intended? You think Priebus was the ideal Chief of Staff? Was Tillerson an A-lister at State?

Have you ever run anything in the real world?

6d792d  No.4974544



26755b  No.4974545


Interesting Anon… Love your POV. I guess the main thing is that need to strive to be like, the tribe of Issachar, "men who had understanding of the times". I Chronicles 12:32

Always remembering that all prophecy isn't linear but it is rippling and echoing thru time/space.

acfcba  No.4974546

File: 79302fc1e004479⋯.png (139.35 KB, 495x328, 495:328, stable genius.png)


>Have you ever run anything in the real world?


Bwahahaha muh sides!

You'd be surprised at the kind of people that come here - 666 Fifth Ave dig

a65194  No.4974549


Nicely done, anon. Pitchforks a nice touch.

28d542  No.4974550

File: 1cfa531a9113ba8⋯.png (313.58 KB, 555x780, 37:52, 1832.png)



>1832 MIRRORED = Qdrop 2381 and US CODE for TREASON

What about drop #1832?

Come[y] = Cardinal




Clear connections to Satanic Cult.



62ccfa  No.4974551

File: f9f4be14f54052d⋯.png (300.13 KB, 478x329, 478:329, 2019-01-31_05-40-15.png)


Smell a rat…

And one of them is dead?

6d87b6  No.4974552

File: 87ccbfc63c7ea15⋯.png (679.08 KB, 961x649, 961:649, CE59A0D9-8915-4551-9E7B-DC….png)



7543ea  No.4974553

File: a6adc7a854c3953⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, IMG_20190131_001817.jpg)

File: 7c1efaba31d2490⋯.jpg (344.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190131-044244….jpg)

a65194  No.4974554


My, that is rather striking.


f8b439  No.4974556

File: 67cf66dc7fb14bf⋯.jpg (132.42 KB, 750x468, 125:78, moreloyal.jpg)

82eb21  No.4974557


> "men who had understanding of the times"

""the Few, the Proud, the Anons.""

My prayer for all the real researchers on this board.

May you find the Truth you seek.


Likewise, good discussion.

cd2163  No.4974558

File: 2067db1f2f094b8⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3116x2188, 779:547, 1832ComeyCardinalmap.jpg)


quick map.

great posts!

feel free to extend map.

7543ea  No.4974559

File: f50214120a16924⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 15489315459877149754764089….jpg)

a65194  No.4974560


Golly, anon, reads like a thriller. Yours?

ff5b85  No.4974561

Open your Fucking eyes


50992e  No.4974562


You don't know any of that.

50992e  No.4974563


It hasn't happened yet.

"Open your fucking eyes"

Back at ya.

a3f373  No.4974564

so far friends


>>4974296 Scott Shane Covered For Architects Of A Shocking “false Flag” Election Campaign In Alabama

>>4974318, >>4974384, >>4974323, >>4974468, >>4974485 Military Choppers Seen Along Venezuelan-Colombian Border

>>4974388 Anons Collection Of Graphics

>>4974415 Dem Party Attack Ua Board Of Regents Appointee As A "Pizzagate/Q Conspiracy Theorist"

>>4974418 Two Deported Mexican Sex Offenders Are Arrested By Border Patrol Agents

>>4974420, >>4974456 Us Gives China Eminent Domain Over Us Property

>>4974478 Judge Orders Planned Parenthood To Answer Questions About Fetal Tissue Business

>>4974505 These Reports Were Designed To Justify Censoring Social Media ( New Knowledge)

>>4974350 Apache Share Sale

>>4974457, >>4974463, >>4974490, >>4974512, >>4974550 Check This, In Attached Q Post Points To Joe Digenova'S Article

>>4974513, >>4974515 Trump & The Great Chinese Takeout

>>4974481, >>4974558 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

feed back appreciated It has been a complected start to the bread anons just let me know if you think i need to

>>4974350 Apache share sale

would like better sauce would anyone would like to include

including this unless anons have merited objections

>>4974388 anons collection of graphics

>>4974362 link please

7543ea  No.4974565


secret foot file

ped file

ped o file

cloud 2 ground

a65194  No.4974566


Whatever is going on, it's going to look like he's weak. Because it serves the plan to look weak. Encourages the opposition to show their hand.

baec7b  No.4974567

File: 7fdbe663787f7c0⋯.png (410.7 KB, 584x599, 584:599, Q RUTH AS A YOUNG WOMAN EV….PNG)


this side by side I came across….

ruth born a boy (bruce, ross,?) in this pic of her as a young (wo)man, examining closely the face then thinking of young lanky teenage boys, skinny, no muscle …. this seeming beauty could very well be a effeminate young man who identifies as a woman but then it would have to be right, since she died as a woman?

26755b  No.4974568

File: a3056529208632b⋯.png (333.79 KB, 515x373, 515:373, nothingtoseehere.png)


Beautiful connection Anon…


c0752d  No.4974569

Nice Nasim thread up at halfchan.

ec3cf9  No.4974571

File: eccfd5914885962⋯.jpg (509.26 KB, 1199x514, 1199:514, sbs opus one.jpg)

File: ac3dad7b85c3424⋯.jpg (724.41 KB, 912x902, 456:451, dig.jpg)

Anons Planefags

Now that the mystery of this flight path has been solved, it begs the question, WHAT OTHER FLIGHT PATHS, and there have been some that I have see, ARE LANDMARKS?

Are planefags able to collect suspect flight paths for research?

Maybe they could be listed in Global unless there is another way.

Attached is a side by side of Opus One Winery and flight path from December 2018 dig result.

4a725e  No.4974572

File: da717f0a49ac71c⋯.jpg (22.34 KB, 476x477, 476:477, 1542078351794.jpg)

placeholders, eh? trust the plan, I guess

cd2163  No.4974573

File: 917d593a401e6ff⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 3176x2128, 397:266, 1832ComeyCardinalmap.jpg)


fuck..it's bugged..made a new one..

2fdd51  No.4974574

File: bff1364cf325bf3⋯.jpeg (27.24 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 99007F1F-F3EE-41DB-B13B-0….jpeg)

off to an hour or so of closed eyes. but never sleep! shared knowledge of the knowlegeable always appreciated. keep fighting PatriotAnons wwg1wga

ad0785  No.4974575

File: fbdee8d2aa5c33d⋯.jpeg (119.33 KB, 750x743, 750:743, C51EF8CF-1B9D-4D8E-BEBA-2….jpeg)

++++Good morning everyone i want to tjank spellchecker for the help lol it’s not easy to type on iphone with tiny buttons ++++

a3f373  No.4974576



>>4974420, >>4974456, >>4974426 Us Gives China Eminent Domain Over Us Property (from 2009)

7543ea  No.4974577

File: e735367592a3cdb⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 15489318445798664885038821….jpg)

what's in that glass bottle?

d3b434  No.4974578

File: b86e03fb1d628e4⋯.png (292.75 KB, 1770x1786, 885:893, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)


This was from nbcnews.com site but was a 404 … I found it on waybackmachine.

What is Planned Parenthood? And how exactly is it funded?

With 57 affiliates nationwide operating more than 600 health centers, Planned Parenthood has become the face of women's reproductive and abortion rights in the U.S.

The organization is the nation's leading abortion provider, with more than half of Planned Parenthood's health centers performing abortions.


The organization that became Planned Parenthood began in Brooklyn, New York, in 1916, when Margaret Sanger, founder of the birth control movement and lifelong reproductive rights advocate, opened her first clinic. Police raided and shut down the clinic shortly after it opened, but Sanger went on to open the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan seven years later, according to Planned Parenthood's website. She eventually merged the bureau with the American Birth Control League to create Planned Parenthood.

From there, Planned Parenthood has steadily grown in reach and impact. In its annual report for 2016-17, the organization said it had provided health care services to nearly 2.4 million Americans.

In 2018, Cecile Richards, who had led the organization since 2006, stepped down as president.

Her departure came at a critical time for the abortion and contraception rights movement, amid efforts by some conservatives to cut both Planned Parenthood's federal funding and abortion access in general.

Richards was succeeded by Dr. Leana Wen, a physician who has said supporting abortion and reproductive rights is the organization's "core mission."


The state of Planned Parenthood's funding has remained uncertain for years. Defunding the organization is a top priority for anti-abortion rights groups and

was one of Donald Trump's campaign promises during the 2016 presidential election.

Before leaving office, President Barack Obama finalized a regulation meant to protect Planned Parenthood's federal funding.

Since becoming president, Trump has made numerous attempts to defund the organization, including a proposal that would require facilities that provide abortions and related services to be physically separate from clinics that are funded with federal family-planning grants.

Planned Parenthood receives funding from several sources. Thirty-four percent of its funding comes in the form of federal government reimbursements and grants through programs such as Medicaid and Title X, according to the organization's 2017-2018 annual report.

Such federal funding can cover many of the health services Planned Parenthood provides, but it cannot cover abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. The restriction is a result of the Hyde Amendment, which Congress passed in 1976 and prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion services in the U.S.

The majority of Planned Parenthood's federal funding comes from Medicaid, which provides health insurance for low-income Americans. Planned Parenthood patients receive services including birth control, cancer screenings and STD testing through Medicaid at low or no cost, depending on the patient's income and the state they live in. Planned Parenthood is then reimbursed by the federal government, according to its website.

Planned Parenthood also receives funding through Title X, the nation's family planning program. It's named for its section in the federal Public Health Service Act and became law in 1970.

Planned Parenthood affiliates serve 41 percent of Title X patients each year. That comes out to about 1.5 million patients who annually receive services like well-woman exams and HIV testing at Planned Parenthood clinics through the health care plan.

The organization also receives funding through reimbursements from patients' private insurance companies and from patients who pay out-of-pocket for their health care services.

Private donations and grants make up 38 percent of the organization's funding, according to its 2017-2018 annual report.


f8b439  No.4974579

File: 49f8d67269c4008⋯.jpg (143 KB, 717x654, 239:218, kill.jpg)


Commy shill.

Don't use pronouns. Hatecrime.

Orwell was wrong but Aldous was on point.

26755b  No.4974580

File: 6a6c05dc8d0b94c⋯.jpg (106.73 KB, 946x611, 946:611, alice_matrix.jpg)


TY Anon– fantastic info-map! Love it

d630d4  No.4974581

File: fa62b880421f100⋯.jpg (408.59 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Pepe Lazy Pepe.jpg)

6b79a7  No.4974582


No, anon, the U.S. is a failed state. The whole of the West is currently a failed state.

Sure - I am bitter, but to try and project this failing of the system onto those who point it out will not fly with me.

Our "money" is worthless. Even now, they are conspiring to convert carbon credits into a debt sink to serve as a corporate tax vehicle.

Don't even get me started on the consequences of carbon sequestration they have in store. Greenhouses will be necessary to grow anything for food. You will not be able to live off the grid. C3 vs C4.

But that is digressing. Property ownership is at all time lows. Renting is the only thing that is possible among residential land grabs and commercial land barons. Slum lords rule the small towns and distant corporations run the apartments. Everything else is locked behind state and national parks. You can't even pitch a fucking tent and dig a plot to throw seeds in without running afoul of some law. Which would be fun so long as it's not … You know … The Day After Tomorrow outside, like it is now.

The country itself is part and parcel to the government-industrial complex. All monetary flow is derived from government spending and all liquid capital is taxed at an effective rate of 100% over five years of depreciation, give or take.

In the next 30 years, the U.S. will suffer an unprecedented population collapse - which could be somewhat offset by immigration, but you bring in a bunch of people waving a foreign flag and pay them to breed like rabbits - you're that country, now - not the one you claim to be.

It's dead. It's rotten to the core and evil.

What it is now is nothing of what it was supposed to be. For Q and POTUS to change it back into something redeemable is nothing short of a revolution to kill everything it currently is.

I loved this nation. I loved a lot of things and showed it loyalty. After what was done, I have a much more narrow list of things I allow myself to love. This "country" isn't truly one of them. I hate it with a passion that exceeds anything defined by words, because it is a lie.

It is not just "imperfect." What it was supposed to be - sure, I loved that. The idea of the Constitution - great. But if the republic thinks it can salvage itself with a facelift and a rebranding, then I'll kill it, myself. Your only hope is Q.

So… What am I loyal to? If you want a clean-cut (you) as the answer, then I have no kind, rational words to express. More like a frothing-at-the-mouth ree that I prefer to keep better hold of.

cd2163  No.4974583




i fucked up..it's bugged..made a new one..please change links.

ty baker.

c0752d  No.4974584


Yeah his hiring has been odd.

7543ea  No.4974585


stay bull genie us

baec7b  No.4974586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau found guilty of federal ethics violations



f8b439  No.4974587

File: c6b0aa32fbe90f0⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 255x218, 255:218, lilbuddy.jpg)


Catnip is a nice treat.

Trust is a nicer treat.

62ccfa  No.4974588

File: f71e39d072f2f9e⋯.png (65.15 KB, 257x266, 257:266, 2018-10-20_12-50-35.png)


POTUS has to deal with all this evil crap every day.

Does the anon collective assist him spiritually?

Like to think so.

5bc6cf  No.4974589

File: 96343be0179d879⋯.jpeg (239.44 KB, 1453x894, 1453:894, D7D6F9A1-AFB4-4B20-958E-5….jpeg)

File: ec42a6332123ea1⋯.jpeg (245.16 KB, 1453x894, 1453:894, A6483916-0990-47EA-B92A-A….jpeg)

File: 5d7c95eb715135e⋯.jpeg (322.51 KB, 1480x1088, 185:136, C96361F2-BD0E-400F-BF66-D….jpeg)


Unrest? Pretty sure DJT will declare it a national holiday and we’ll all rejoice.

7543ea  No.4974590


sleep is how the scuttlers get you

f8b439  No.4974591

File: 50b6e4d3dcf8205⋯.jpeg (9.74 KB, 255x188, 255:188, kungfupepe.jpeg)


On every level we can.

cd2163  No.4974592


first one had a bug..

>>4974573 new one.

d630d4  No.4974593

File: 02121ce98424b58⋯.png (347.4 KB, 540x479, 540:479, AAM 1 Billionaire Pres.png)

File: 1403b2ad8e35faa⋯.png (241.78 KB, 502x347, 502:347, AAM 1 Gay Eat A Dick Sammi….png)

82eb21  No.4974594


I dig, I meme, I Pray…

62ccfa  No.4974595

File: d9c903ce9d17efa⋯.png (81.52 KB, 237x223, 237:223, 2018-12-25_15-40-43.png)



26755b  No.4974596

File: c8b34c6538fc8a0⋯.jpg (238.66 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Archangel_Michael.jpg)


Cheers Anon.. you are awesome

Well, we know one thing Jesus is the ultimate reality… and if God be for us, who could be against us?

a65194  No.4974597

File: 340555bd7f1aea4⋯.jpg (480.89 KB, 689x2351, 689:2351, modern readers on rothschi….jpg)


for >>4974350 additional article

Rothschild Investment Corp IL Sells 2,822 Shares of Apache Co. (APA)

Jan 30th, 2019

Rothschild Investment Corp IL lessened its stake in Apache Co. (NYSE:APA) by 26.5% in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 7,824 shares of the energy company’s stock after selling 2,822 shares during the period. Rothschild Investment Corp IL’s holdings in Apache were worth $205,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.



8f4070  No.4974598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>would take a miracle to keep everything together without falling toward some sort of balkanization

>History tends to repeat itself.

-stoopid is


B_secure, Expecting a Miracle, Praying … moar Praying with GEAR/helmet of HOPE

Future Proves Past,

Patriots B_read[y]STEAD[y] … 5:5 o7

TRUMP FLAG CONSTITUTION [TFC] defeats TDS "balanization" demonRATS

Trust Thee PLAN

Looking UP at that noise The Big Dipper. ThanQ Navigator !

SURE is COLDoutside

< vid related

26755b  No.4974599


Got it… ty again Anon. Mucho appreciated. Love the teamwork of the Band of Anons

679c36  No.4974600


(old article but the point is clear)


Why would the MSM "attack" Pope Francis?

Why is Pope Fancis being acussed of pedophilia in his home country, Argentina?

Why and "who" made the movie "Spotlight"(2015)?

Why was Francis apointed to be the next Pope?

Why Pope Benedict risigned?

How many high hanking level Vatican officials were arrested since Francis become Pope?

Why Pope Francis ordered priests guilty of abusing children to turn themselves in?

Did the Anons already figured out what's the color of Pope Francis hat?

0a25cc  No.4974602

File: 2435635dc4e3add⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 497x622, 497:622, Clipboard02.jpg)

File: e052e162bb6c808⋯.jpg (89.44 KB, 741x678, 247:226, Clipboard01.jpg)


6d792d  No.4974603


Amazingly, Economy Didn’t Care About “Shutdown”


a3f373  No.4974604


like this?

>>4974481, >>4974573 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

2fb8bd  No.4974605

File: b3bbfce8a0de072⋯.png (780.06 KB, 1393x742, 199:106, ClipboardImage.png)

62ccfa  No.4974606

File: d36af35b073a517⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1150x1207, 1150:1207, 2019-01-31_06-01-23.png)


Selling off stuff for a while.


82eb21  No.4974607

File: ccbbd61878905c5⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 371x424, 7:8, Go therefore, and dig like….jpg)


If two or three are gathered together in His name…

Would He show up on 8chan on night shift?


c19d33  No.4974608


He is some Eschatology for you to consider:

1) We are still living in the "Church Age" which is a parenthetical epoch of the timeline. The duration of the Church Age known only to the Father. No man knows the day or hour, nor do the angels know, or even the Son of Man. Father Father has reserved it to Himself.

2) We are in the final period of the Church Age, which is the Laodician period. It is a time when men will say, "I am rich, increased with possessions and have need of nothing". That has not happened yet. But is coming. When the Great Awakening has been realized, the entire world will then experience a season of prosperity and freedom which has never before been experienced by humanity. All nations will experience this.

3) The parenthetical age we are now living in is a timeline that was planned. It was an interruption of a previous timeline known as "Daniel's 70 Weeks". The 69th week concluded when Messiah the Prince was crucified. That event was a timeline interruption. The Second Temple was then destroyed.

4) The Resurrected Christ then inserted the Holy Spirit Comforter into the world to dwell inside and make alive the spirit of believing individuals. That happened at Pentecost and began the parenthetical timeline we now experience.

5) The Holy Spirit restrains the Mystery of Iniquity from manifesting in our world. Anti-Christ can not come until He who restrains is removed. When Holy Spirit is removed, all people that He indwells are removed with Him.

6) When Holy Spirit is removed from the world, that event concludes this parenthetical timeline. That event marks the end of the Church Age. It is the reversal of Pentecost.

7) When Father declares the Church Age completed, then the previous timeline recommences. That means Daniel's 70th Week begins to run its clock.The world will experience the events foretold for predetermined days, also known as "the Time of Jacob's Trouble", also known as "The Tribulation". Had those days not been shortened, no flesh on earth would have survived.

8f4070  No.4974609




80a67a  No.4974610

What crap is this, all the radical left seems to want to push, read between the lines, breaking up the family of man and woman


5bc6cf  No.4974611

File: d5433cf3369b9a3⋯.jpeg (95 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 6E59C184-3553-44A8-9ABE-E….jpeg)

a65194  No.4974612


Hard to believe they're running out of cash….their dealings are so protected, hard to get a straight story

f8b439  No.4974613

File: f582e3244c5efd7⋯.jpg (131.26 KB, 750x468, 125:78, revolt.jpg)


Everything you say is true. Money is an illusion. Humans are comped psychologically on all levels.

Call to arms. Now we fight. (and not the MAGA riot fag shill, but for real.)


62ccfa  No.4974614

File: 2f2b75dfc06cc6f⋯.png (129.11 KB, 342x300, 57:50, 2019-01-31_06-06-18.png)

488fef  No.4974615


>hard to get a straight story



cd2163  No.4974616

baker, me again


bread is comfy as fuck..lotta good autists in here right now i guess.about time.


had to extend map by two other posts again..

contains one other post..please put to dough..will leave here soon..could you somehow invite anons to take it and extend if necessary(which i hope)

ty baker.

82eb21  No.4974617


I've studied this subject intently for more than 30 years, and I believe you have it right.

I respect others who have other opinions, but your interpretation is what I've seen also.

a65194  No.4974618


Still operating under the premise that "the pen is mightier than the sword." Besides, I'm much handier with a pen than a sword.

d630d4  No.4974619

File: cfdf1e41a128e3d⋯.png (329.04 KB, 470x469, 470:469, Rel Popes Reception Hall.png)

File: 48394dda5152f78⋯.png (114.19 KB, 700x268, 175:67, Rel Popes Reception Hall O….png)

d24095  No.4974620


Why would you think RBG's death'll be announced on Feb. 11th, Anon?

I'm thinking they'll either announce it so it fucks with the SOTU set for Feb. 5th or – more likely – that they'll try to pretend she's alive for months, attempting to keep her stiff in the dark until at least 2020.

That latter option should not be allowed. We need proof of life or else start impeachment for her if RBG fails to march her commie ass into the SCOTUS building for "work."

Ain't nobody got time for this bullshit.

6b79a7  No.4974621


If I were POTUS, I wouldn't have a list I tried to push through all at once. Not if I had decades to study and plan.

I would have specifically developed an "ablative" list of people I could throw against the process as fodder. I would not be afraid to hire and fire, or make use of interim appointments from within.

People here place too much importance on the political process and how it's been done in the past or how it's been run, traditionally. That's just not going to work. He is not going to get hardly anyone appointed into positions. Most of who he has to work with are people already on the inside and who were part of the plan from decades ago (or core people they knew were not corrupted).

The plan had to be multilateral in which Trump being President was the capstone for the operation. These were people who were positioning themselves through government and military agencies for years as a long-term sleeper cell operation (if it was even that cohesive).

The idea that POTUS was going to come in with a bunch of gangbuster appointees and get them run through congress was always delusional - and exactly why I initially assessed the prospect of President Trump as "the last shriek of a dead nation into the night." More of a vain last gesture against the globalists against which the only other resort was open warfare.

I hadn't considered the prospect of pre-positioned assets within government, however. I figured they had all pretty well been cleared out by Obama and the military could really only be relied on to scratch its ass and eat crayons (as prior service, myself).

So, Q changed my assessment and I see progress toward a plan as indicated.

I see no harm in giving Q range, as I already resolved to using the President Trunp years as prep for a civil war. If there ends up being no need - cool. If there ends up being need… Well, what's one last insult to the injuries before heading off to greet death?

baec7b  No.4974622

WATCH & LISTEN TO THIS EXCHANGE: This college liberal majoring in some kind of arts (I'm surprised! Not) got TRIGGERED bigly by a Trump & Jesus sign.

She starts screaming & writing things on the ground. So bizarre!

This is the kind of lunatics on the left we have to deal with!


might be best trump syndrome scream yet. KEK

a3f373  No.4974623

f8b439  No.4974624


Common Sense was so influential that John Adams said: "Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain".

New American Revolution.

We start NOW.

82eb21  No.4974625


I've upgraded my weaponry from the sword quite considerably, but if I have to throw a keyboard while reloading, I guess I will.

d630d4  No.4974626

File: 41e3096b734947e⋯.png (172.11 KB, 489x332, 489:332, Pedo Strange Fruit.png)

a3f373  No.4974628




>>4974296 Scott Shane Covered For Architects Of A Shocking “false Flag” Election Campaign In Alabama

>>4974318, >>4974384, >>4974323, >>4974468, >>4974485 Military Choppers Seen Along Venezuelan-Colombian Border

>>4974388 Anons Collection Of Graphics

>>4974415 Dem Party Attack Ua Board Of Regents Appointee As A "Pizzagate/Q Conspiracy Theorist"

>>4974418 Two Deported Mexican Sex Offenders Are Arrested By Border Patrol Agents

>>4974420, >>4974456, >>4974426 Us Gives China Eminent Domain Over Us Property (from 2009)

>>4974478 Judge Orders Planned Parenthood To Answer Questions About Fetal Tissue Business

>>4974505 These Reports Were Designed To Justify Censoring Social Media ( New Knowledge)

>>4974350, >>4974597, >>4974606 Rothschild Investment Corp IL Sells 2,822 Shares of Apache Co.

>>4974457, >>4974463, >>4974490, >>4974512, >>4974550 Check This, In Attached Q Post Points To Joe Digenova'S Article

>>4974513, >>4974515 Trump & The Great Chinese Takeout

>>4974481, >>4974573 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

>>4974602 Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

7543ea  No.4974629

File: 3d557e039e3892c⋯.jpg (375.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190131-051116….jpg)

File: f1d254681a9bd1b⋯.jpg (377.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190131-051114….jpg)

you're a clown Lawrence

we cant all be lion tamers, sir

26755b  No.4974630

File: 6dd326bedcf8ed1⋯.png (90.84 KB, 730x865, 146:173, Screenshot (288).png)

File: e5518f7456f989b⋯.png (32.78 KB, 687x319, 687:319, Screenshot (289).png)

File: 7e3fd6e5ef03140⋯.png (36.44 KB, 726x364, 363:182, Screenshot (290).png)

File: 7e3fd6e5ef03140⋯.png (36.44 KB, 726x364, 363:182, Screenshot (290).png)


Excellent eschatological timeline you've set forth here Anon. Between time marker 5 and 6, there are many important events. I keep thinking we are viewing/participating in a ww Fall of Babylon. As I mentioned earlier in conversation with Anon on this thread– God is pulling back the curtain on evil in what seems to be an unprecedented way…prophecy rippling thru time. Maybe it's a dress rehearsal for the final victory. Can't help but see that we are in a Kingdom Age, where Heaven is invading earth in any unparalleled way– a great harvest ww. Something reminiscent of Rev. 18

cd2163  No.4974631

File: acbb6bd6ee668c4⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 3160x2832, 395:354, 1832ComeyCardinalmap.jpg)


shit..forgot to put it in..kek..

this is my final one for now..


a65194  No.4974632



Of course, when swordanon shows up, I'll have to revise my opinions

ff5b85  No.4974633


Your mom is calling

its time for you to get ready for school

28d542  No.4974634

File: c3ac250d4608301⋯.png (127.65 KB, 555x322, 555:322, bishop.png)

>>4974457, >>4974463, >>4974490 (You), >>4974512, >>4974550 (You) Check This, In Attached Q Post Points To Joe Digenova'S Article

Just thinking… not sure if anons already found out…

When Come[y] (Coney) is (a) Cardinal, then who is/was BISHOP?

6d87b6  No.4974635


What if, they are keeping her alive until they need her dead? Is that murder?

f5f20e  No.4974636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2fb8bd  No.4974637


I made this one >>4974605

26755b  No.4974638


Way comfy in here tonight… where's all the shills?

Guess they' re all re-evaluating their failed "racial slur" strategy- kekekekekeke

68a8b1  No.4974640


That would be Gillibranded's cult.

0a25cc  No.4974641


>where's all the shills?

Learning to Code

50992e  No.4974642


Showing your colors are you?

Not a Patriot

Your Traitor is showing.

62ccfa  No.4974643

File: 693f76b944a35e2⋯.png (247.66 KB, 637x683, 637:683, 2019-01-31_06-16-25.png)

cd2163  No.4974644


no big push could mean something totally different..like…their will be no disussion..he just does it..think around some corners,faggot..

baec7b  No.4974645


I think you may have overlooked a small thing…. he doesn't really want another 4 years he wants to get his job done and go home to his family. So everything has to be done by the rules and laws governing right now so no one in the future can doubt our side didn't stoop to 'moving the goal posts so to speak' moar double standard when a part of the whole exercise is to have ppl acting 'by the book' since without laws there can be no society worth living in. Cutting corners to achieve the long term goal is exactly how it starts

f8b439  No.4974646

File: a517e5d3c93839e⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 500x591, 500:591, valks.jpg)


Swordanon is a known slide.

I hear her calling. Calling to me.

Queen of battle. Mighty Infantry.

cb0a35  No.4974647

Imagine that

Government reopens and we go from record cold to record heat

d630d4  No.4974648

File: d1f42be8181a059⋯.png (184.02 KB, 500x686, 250:343, AAM 2 Women The Rabbit Hol….png)

a3bdf2  No.4974651

File: 90f2536de150538⋯.jpg (97.76 KB, 736x1219, 32:53, FLOTUS.jpg)

f5f20e  No.4974652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5bc6cf  No.4974653

File: 35d1ec00cfabea2⋯.jpeg (279.49 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 3B9E5D8F-0E42-44BD-99B0-9….jpeg)

b50333  No.4974654


Must be hard for a Podesta shill to absorb … but then the repeat and rinse brain cells camping out in your skull have a long history of failing your IQ.

6d792d  No.4974655

File: b452dfe6ef31294⋯.png (800 KB, 733x722, 733:722, Screenshot_2019-01-31 U S ….png)

Always on the WATCH

cb0a35  No.4974656


C_A cocaine empire crumbling?

b50333  No.4974657


Anything you put her in is going to be beautiful and penitrating. Nice

26755b  No.4974658


Brilliant question…

Is a bishop higher in the "church" hierarchy than a Cardinal?

488fef  No.4974660

“A farmer went out to sow seed. 4 While he was scattering the seed, some of it fell by the road. The birds came and ate all that seed. 5 Other seed fell on rocky ground, where there was not enough dirt. It grew very fast there, because the soil was not deep. 6 But when the sun rose, it burned the plants. The plants died because they did not have deep roots. 7 Some other seed fell among thorny weeds. The weeds grew and stopped the good plants from growing. 8 But some of the seed fell on good ground. There it grew and made grain. Some plants made 100 times more grain, some 60 times more, and some 30 times more. 9 You people who hear me, listen!”

a3f373  No.4974661

>>4974631 like this?

>>4974631 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

b50333  No.4974662


Maybe Podesta's Center for American Progress was finally RICOed. Seem's alot of them were shilling here too

d630d4  No.4974663

File: 336c1b5b66624ca⋯.jpg (52.7 KB, 736x552, 4:3, AAM Patriot Eagle.jpg)

File: 0eacdf40b5e6497⋯.jpg (75.77 KB, 640x853, 640:853, AAM Pol Tr Team USA.jpg)

26755b  No.4974664


In the Catholic Church, archbishops and bishops rank below cardinals. Becoming a bishop is the third and fullest level of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The first level is the ordination of a deacon, the second is the ordination of a priest, and the third is the ordination of a bishop.


6d87b6  No.4974665

File: b1f78e826d8f009⋯.png (4.02 MB, 3000x2199, 1000:733, 5E2481FB-4973-4D78-AC3E-6E….png)


Well said anon. He’s in this to win. If he loses, he loses everything, possibly his life. They want him dead now.

f8b439  No.4974666


Mission top secret.

Destination unknown.

We don't even know if we're ever coming home.

But if my main don't open wide.

I got a reserve by my side.

And if that one should fail me too.

Look out ground I'ma coming through.

48abd4  No.4974667


the Pope is the Bishop of Rome, so in that sense, a Bishop can be (/is) top dawg. otherwise, Cardinals are pretty much at the top of the chain.

cd2163  No.4974668


travis view twatter fag usually surrounds a lot of these T__ts(fuck this name) niggers around his twatter..you can tell by how they're circumvent to mention that they are in fact those shills..when i realized that these faggots try to smear the boards by putting shill posts screaming for violence on here something fell of my chest because i also realized that these people are dumb as fuck..they pretend to know that in fact nothing's really happening..when in fact these fuckin retards run around the board trying to make fun of good people and also trying to set same good people up because they can't stand the thought of not really understanding what's going on in here..

fuck these people..their heads gonna explode when SHTF..so..soon enough..

ff5b85  No.4974669


you must have gotten demoted

shilling early morning instead of primetime

488fef  No.4974671


they can't always get what they want

if we try we get what we NEED

26755b  No.4974672


Kekekekekeke!! You know it..



Everyone was shilling here…must be a profitable biz. I must admit I do sort of miss [fre_ _y]– so redundantly entertaining

00eeb2  No.4974673


>embarrassed that anyone would be interested in “personal comments I made WITHOUT THINKING”

Basically admitting she is NOT a suitable

person to be on the UA Board of Regents

28d542  No.4974674

File: fae9441bdaa0065⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 649x655, 649:655, slide_6.jpg)




>Brilliant question…

>Is a bishop higher in the "church" hierarchy than a Cardinal?

Cardinal is higher up than Bishop.

If I remember well, back then (dec. '17) we thought it might be Epstein.

855cca  No.4974675


I sometimes go to the archives and re-read his posts to have a good good laugh. I wish the other shills were half as entertaining!

b50333  No.4974676


Both of these are dynamic Anon. Yours?

bc7199  No.4974677

File: f3295d4bb90e6e7⋯.jpg (609.3 KB, 1025x1359, 1025:1359, religioustoleration.jpg)


Speaking of Dates and coincidences

The Day Feb 5 of the SOTU was historically "Roger Williams" Day.

Non - conformist who found colony founded on principle of Freedom of Conscience.

488fef  No.4974678


conjuring red text?

60c78c  No.4974679

File: 9008ab83ea6ac89⋯.png (921.42 KB, 626x834, 313:417, Screenshot_2019-01-31 Cour….png)

'British' muslim in court over having sex with corpses at the morgue….


413cac  No.4974680

File: 64d7e248d1bbed3⋯.png (245.66 KB, 510x485, 102:97, FB Scavino45 1-26-19.PNG)

File: 465ff88149c4934⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1126x804, 563:402, FB Scavino45 1-26-19 pic.PNG)

A moment I’ll never forget - when POTUS Addressed the Nation live from the Oval Office, for the first time in his Presidency…#BehindTheScenes

7715c3  No.4974681

ICYMI, there's a few very interesting Trumpisms in this section of the Daily Caller interview:

"I’m a little surprised that the report wasn’t much longer, but at the same time, I can understand it. You know, it was just a terrible thing. They were unable to find a real reason, other than that obviously he was sick and they didn’t know it. So I was a little surprised, and a lot disappointed that they weren’t able to find the reason, because you’d like to find a reason for that and stop it."

"He had money, or at least they think he had money. He was a gambler. You know, you don’t see too many gamblers that have money. But I think they worked very hard. I will tell you, they worked very hard on that case. They just were unable to find anything. From all of the facts — because I’ve looked at some of the things, also — and it was a very unusual case. A very sick person, who just, people never saw that coming."

TheDC: On the Paddock case, all of America was interested to find out what happened there.

TRUMP: Including me.

"I guess they’re well over 30 million dollars now on this Russian collusion hoax, and everybody knows it’s a hoax. "

"But that is very interesting to ask, where you’ve had so many people killed, and so badly wounded, because I went to the hospital. You had people so badly wounded. People never talk about the wounded. "

"And you look at that by comparison to the Russian hoax, it’s a shame. The Russian witch hunt, it’s a shame."


8a33ce  No.4974682

DS has dialed to 11 the abortion division tactic in preparation for RBG's replacement. The new drama to prevent Trump's SC nominee is the battle over abortion. This will bring riots for sure, especially with the extreme abortion legislation being passed and promoted in several States. Stand strong fellows anons and inform your left and right anon on this now obvious division tactic.

8ad7d3  No.4974683

File: d3cfa278d06840a⋯.jpeg (135.26 KB, 753x500, 753:500, DB6A12F9-255A-4136-869D-0….jpeg)

File: 86ec7aa3c2bdfde⋯.jpeg (105.4 KB, 565x500, 113:100, 2FE88539-B084-4BD8-995F-0….jpeg)

File: 6fd71dfe00c81b4⋯.jpeg (151.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 7862C296-7104-496B-80AF-5….jpeg)

File: 9b5317b01f9f1c6⋯.jpeg (71.99 KB, 500x581, 500:581, 95C5EBA2-4CC0-4BEF-8369-D….jpeg)

6d87b6  No.4974684

File: 666f6880289ef6e⋯.jpeg (285.07 KB, 1125x1562, 1125:1562, 750BE181-0DBC-465D-8764-2….jpeg)

Liddle ralphie is mad at us because we misunderstood his murderous statement.

8f4070  No.4974685

File: 05fa314358ceb25⋯.png (298.74 KB, 2048x1176, 256:147, KNOWyour_ENEMY___IDENTIFY_….png)

File: b0666e731e895fd⋯.png (409.52 KB, 1600x2392, 200:299, PEPE_magic_sWORD.png)


to Q_uote AND "WELL SAID" noice !

Excited for the SOTU :D

<pic related

f8b439  No.4974686

Fall in patriots.



(you say "HEY!")


(you say "YOU GOT IT!")


(you say "HEY!")


(you say "YOU GOT IT!)





7715c3  No.4974687


You have to wonder what went on behind the scenes leading up to that address.

6d792d  No.4974688

BAE SYSTEMS – their Clients and Weapons


By: Anons on 8chan/Qresearch/ Board

The British arms producer sold $22.9 billion worth of weapons, demonstrating a 3.3 percent growth against the previous year. The UK remained the largest arms producer in the region in 2017, with total arms sales of $35.7 billion.

The ARGUS-IS, or the Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System,

is a DARPA project contracted to BAE

ARGUS is an advanced camera system that uses hundreds of cellphone cameras in a mosaic to video and auto-track every moving object in a 36 sq. mile area.

9a3d01  No.4974689


>>4971979 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAmSdq9xDY&t=31s

26755b  No.4974690




Very dasting that Y head Come[y]/Coney would potentially rank higher in the cult than Epstein with his fake abomination Jerusalem Temple.

Who in the Cabal was visibly sidelined in Dec 17? McCabe? No Name was sidelined pretty hard in late 2017– the writing was on the wall for him pretty early on

278010  No.4974691

File: fc4027847f39e68⋯.jpg (163.41 KB, 1209x713, 39:23, Starwalker.jpg)


God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

8f4070  No.4974692

File: 5c728379652ddc9⋯.png (55.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, The_Pepe_Von_Clausewitz.png)


noice, without exception

ad5118  No.4974693


Swordanon may be a known slide but apparently your well on your way too with 22 fucking posts on this bread. Good job faggot.

a65194  No.4974694



413cac  No.4974695

File: 17b95186ec6e3b9⋯.png (323.93 KB, 480x433, 480:433, FB DoD 1-31-19.PNG)

File: a3dfccce5cb5981⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1143x754, 1143:754, FB DoD 1-31-19 pic.PNG)

Stand clear! 💥


cb0a35  No.4974697


Recruits couldn’t get Left/right correct back in the day….it’s prob considered racist to march recruits around now

e7f00a  No.4974698

File: e1b4220415a6efb⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Q Research Christian Badge….jpg)


God bless you as well Sword Anon.

a65194  No.4974699


Go look at what I've been posting, faggot.

ad5118  No.4974700


I did. Not impressed.

f8b439  No.4974701


Bro. Scrolled. Kek'd hard.

6d87b6  No.4974702

File: af040dab7de3b24⋯.jpeg (67.42 KB, 750x751, 750:751, 050E7017-814A-4714-8C72-6….jpeg)

26755b  No.4974703


I don't miss him that much! WHat a party-crasher, but it was quite funny. Hopefully we'll not conjure up the endless red copypasta –KEK kekekeke

7715c3  No.4974704


Excellent observation. Their reactions to the pushback are telling.

example >>4974684

768ebe  No.4974705

File: 2d05c15950e2ee6⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 316x266, 158:133, joshuatree.JPG)

The only park being said to have suffered such disgusting treatment comes from California. The entitled liberals shit in their own streets so why wouldn't they destroy their own beauty elsewhere?

d3b434  No.4974706

File: 2d28a5c84c2287f⋯.png (816.83 KB, 1366x910, 683:455, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

File: 1ba25d012cd1553⋯.png (703.64 KB, 686x688, 343:344, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

Review the Congressional investigation on PP.

Be prepared for what you learn.

Next question - how are they allowed to operate?

These people are SICK!


Fusion GPS was hired by Planned Parenthood to cover up evidence of selling baby parts.

Cecile Richards, who was serving as Planned Parenthood CEO at the time of the presidential campaign, was often seen on the campaign trail speaking in support of Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

Cecile Richard’s family are long-time friends with the George Soros family, one of Clinton’s biggest financial backers.

But Planned Parenthood’s connections with Clinton and the Democrat Party are not casual ones.

Why we can’t defund Planned Parenthood

Each year, the U.S. budget contains money for Planned Parenthood, which has increased every year due to support from nearly every Democrat in the House and Senate. And it is lots of money. In 2018, Planned Parenthood received a whopping $564.8 million in Federal tax dollars – a $20 million raise over the previous year.

Many of those same Democrats that aggressively defend funding Planned Parenthood has good reason. Planned Parenthood is a big donor to Democrat political campaigns. It is estimated that during the 2018 Mid-Term elections, Planned Parenthood recycled at least $30 million back into the campaign coffers of powerful Democrats that vote to give them money. (Some say that figure is actually closer to $65 million, including undisclosed campaign expenditures.)

So, many Democrats who support tax-funding for Planned Parenthood are actually just voting to fund themselves! This is why it is so difficult to get the votes to strip Planned Parenthood of all public funding.


f8b439  No.4974707


You're a shill tampon cuck for an actual woman. Slide in, slide out.

a65194  No.4974708


I understand, but this is why most well-known people–or those who must maintain what we call a "reputation"–do not advertise their interest in Q. They would get exactly the same treatment.

488fef  No.4974709

File: 4b6626c2a3f30f0⋯.png (22.36 KB, 304x281, 304:281, ClipboardImage.png)

a65194  No.4974710


Then GTFO, I'm not here to be your friend. I'm here to work.

acfcba  No.4974711

File: 63a9f174eaaaec2⋯.jpg (455.07 KB, 874x493, 874:493, ARLkraft.jpg)

File: e827a502eb1cc41⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 590x382, 295:191, SBstad.jpg)


And: pic related Kraft Headquarters

'''Robert Kraft Ripped Trump

In Front of NFL Owners, Players'''

Donald Trump’s Less-Than-Artful Failure in Pro Football

(Kraft's team will play in the Super Bowel)

Just look at the venue; triangles galore, even an owl on the tippy top. That isn't our path flight on there, is it?



105a21  No.4974712

File: 66a0aa103168eb1⋯.jpg (332.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EnjoyShowPepes.jpg)


Finally got a bread for MOVIE 3!


bc7199  No.4974714


How can he not know the anomolies, if we know them?

Must be playing stupid for a purpose.

3be1af  No.4974715

File: 007c85a2bb1bddc⋯.png (680.84 KB, 839x544, 839:544, save catepillar kill baby.PNG)

The Democratic Virginia delegate who has recently come under fire for sponsoring a bill in the Virginia House of Delegates that would allow the termination of a pregnancy up to 40 weeks old, is also the chief patron of a bill that would protect the lives of “fall cankerworms” during certain months.

Democratic Virginia Del. Kathy Tran introduced “House Bill No. 2495 – Fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain months” on Jan. 9, the same day as “House Bill No. 2491 — Abortion; eliminate certain requirements.”

Tran came under fire Tuesday for her support of legislation that would allow an abortion to be performed just moments before the birth of a child.


f8b439  No.4974716

File: d872462aa0395d5⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 710x457, 710:457, l2c.jpg)

Do you even know how to code bro?

For real? L2C.

26755b  No.4974717


Precisely.. T__TS & the whole thing " Qtard" thing.. at least it was creative…cracked me up.

cb0a35  No.4974718


Public Rec areas are going downhill quick….people trash everything, smear shit in the outhouses, party all night like they own the place…I camp in grizzly country, it’s actually safer

68a8b1  No.4974719

File: 2516c1c28f619b5⋯.png (26.15 KB, 434x316, 217:158, moarfugly.png)

3be1af  No.4974720

File: 928135550dab92b⋯.png (577.97 KB, 825x536, 825:536, chris cuomo border wall.PNG)

CNN host Chris Cuomo criticized Democrats for their part in the ongoing clash with Republicans and President Donald Trump on border wall funding.

Appearing briefly on “CNN Tonight With Don Lemon” Wednesday night, Cuomo took particular aim at Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to budget a single dollar toward wall funding. He also expressed his agreement with and his belief in the “men and women who keep us safe” who say they need more border barriers.


30994f  No.4974721


Liberal radicals trashed Joshua Tree to make Trump look bad. Only California rec areas are going downhill! Because they are full of vile, destructive Californians!

26755b  No.4974722


Chief Micah… super funny

"Here's some folger's in your cup, buddy"

"When you check your next selfie, check yourself"

cb0a35  No.4974723

File: 6f24fbc2da5ee2f⋯.jpeg (317.61 KB, 1600x829, 1600:829, 3F88F3C1-1EBB-443E-8FD3-7….jpeg)

28d542  No.4974724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS already in 2016, while debating HRC told everyone the plan to abort babies in the 9 month.

Trump was RIGHT!

He was well aware of their plans that now just came to fruition in New York, but fortunately rejected in Virginia.

6d87b6  No.4974725

File: e847f994ea526a3⋯.jpeg (121.8 KB, 1121x533, 1121:533, 60F1B3E8-0ECA-4BE8-8AD5-5….jpeg)


He’s getting hammered big fuckin time. AND people are just waking up.

488fef  No.4974726


The move to late term abortion?

Think cause and effect

You want the population to rise against abortion so you make it full term ,make it as hideous as possible??

7a0151  No.4974727

File: 28040ab75d83c05⋯.png (24.47 KB, 635x285, 127:57, Screenshot from 2019-01-31….png)

File: 4d649195eb0503e⋯.png (71.3 KB, 516x412, 129:103, Screenshot from 2019-01-31….png)

File: 6464a2b3772f5fd⋯.png (50.83 KB, 838x354, 419:177, 29palmsTheStorm.png)

File: 7375efeec09928c⋯.png (60.52 KB, 835x573, 835:573, AllRoads.png)

US Marine Corps talking to this board?

Both the notable Marine tweets reference major topics on this board yesterday. 29 Palms and Joshua tree with the Liddle Schitt tweet. All Roads Lead to with the Napa dig.

70c5a9  No.4974728


>where's all the shills

>"racial slur" strategy

I assume you mean /pol/acks. A new pedo dig got posted so we're busy.

482deb  No.4974729

File: 192225fc03bbc52⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tweet_20190131_114719.mp4)

34 secs "shot heard around the world"


7a0151  No.4974730

File: 60afec73afb71be⋯.png (358.84 KB, 662x657, 662:657, MarinesTweet29palms.png)

File: 1b4e12f0b4bc5d3⋯.png (437.47 KB, 660x587, 660:587, marinesTweetAllRoads.png)

6d87b6  No.4974731


You make murder legal.

e67c55  No.4974732


I agree Yellowstone was a nightmare this summer, too many people

I went North into Montana for some quiet. Yellowstone felt like Vegas

05dff6  No.4974733


OH NO!!!

30 Facebook pages!! The scope and magnitude is unprecedented..

26755b  No.4974734


Great historical find, Anon– a colony founded on "Freedom of Conscience"

f8b439  No.4974735

File: d2ee7aafb376180⋯.jpeg (11.2 KB, 225x255, 15:17, rare_elder.jpeg)


This anon is a patriot.

You get a rare elder pepe for DS callout.

On target.

e0fad6  No.4974736


You nailed it. The dumbfuck QTard followers will figure it when nothing has happened before the next election. You see all that Pelosi/Schumer panic in D.C. LOLOLOL. Yeah right.

8b5e80  No.4974737

This new Infanticide/abortions LAW has me curious…

Since it will be LAW, will it only apply to Citizens of the U.S.A.?

Will it apply to Anchor babies?

Since it only applies to Citizens…if a woman flies here to have a baby or crosses the border to have a baby will it also apply to her?

Would it violate some other LAW if they killed a baby that wasn't a Citizen? think about that one.!!!!!

I think you see where I'm going with this…could this be a new way of replacing our (how do you say) Birthright Citizens with their babies in some sort of sick way to take over the U.S.A…by invading our country (so to speak) from the ground up?

I know there is a better way to say all this…but I think you got my drift or maybe I'm going crazy…but this abortions shit just seems to way out of left field for any rational person to accept.

00eeb2  No.4974738

File: 8a8bd93049b5a05⋯.png (167.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Who are supporting Pro Life ?

Are there a lot of them ?


YES, so upsetting them is going to backfire BIGLY.

413cac  No.4974739

File: 92b00ec5ce749c0⋯.png (39.22 KB, 651x326, 651:326, tspooky re where is RGB 1-….PNG)


Where IS the Notorious RGB…really…


6d87b6  No.4974740



ad5118  No.4974741


Both of y'all should neck yourselves.

899350  No.4974742

Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Q-rannosaurus, just like me.

e0fad6  No.4974743


You will become even more fucking crazy as you become more and more aware that you have been fucking scammed. Get drunk a lot and slow the pain down.

7a0151  No.4974744


by the way. Those tweets are a


679c36  No.4974746


>Where IS the Notorious RGB

A) Dead

B) Dead

C) Dead

D) All the above

6d87b6  No.4974747

File: 8f5d26f5b446839⋯.jpeg (338.24 KB, 2130x1188, 355:198, E1A105AF-BBE8-4A8C-BA2C-1….jpeg)

28d542  No.4974748

File: fee942d64b0e0dd⋯.png (560.34 KB, 857x583, 857:583, Ginsburg on Ice meme.png)


She's comfy.

acfcba  No.4974750

File: 0323fe32ed6d1fc⋯.jpg (296.17 KB, 2048x1434, 1024:717, Opus.jpg)

File: d07c944a0dabd21⋯.jpg (234.64 KB, 1171x840, 1171:840, Opus2.jpg)

File: d0ebe88cc720d3b⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 550x599, 550:599, Opus3.jpg)


The notorious Opus Dei

f8b439  No.4974751

File: 9c865618aea3235⋯.jpg (5.88 KB, 220x229, 220:229, thumbsup.jpg)

7a7559  No.4974752

File: 5c4447b7248d9d0⋯.jpg (130.68 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, vintage-frame-quality-seal….jpg)

ebfae3  No.4974753

File: 5d0119318fe8689⋯.png (64.23 KB, 1141x483, 163:69, ClipboardImage.png)

62ccfa  No.4974754

File: 465980834a17bb4⋯.png (175.18 KB, 395x214, 395:214, 2019-01-31_06-55-42.png)


>Bunch of slack-jawed faggots

Say hello to my little friend.

16e2d6  No.4974756

>>4973670 pb Notable.



>They are trying to pass these new to term and after birth abortion in order to blah, blah, blah………

>Prove me wrong!

That's not how it works. You must be new here. The burden of proof is on you.

60c78c  No.4974757

File: a81301144ff5544⋯.png (60.83 KB, 671x497, 671:497, Screenshot_2019-01-31 Man ….png)

Whats the deal with New Mexico? Judges just hand out bail on rape and pedophilia?


48abd4  No.4974758


why does it feel like Dems are actually talking about their own (future) incarceration facilities when they talk about the wall?

26755b  No.4974759

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)


So true–kek! You know He's here among us. SO many believers in the movement, including POTUS & Q

60c78c  No.4974760

File: f42da8cf2751439⋯.png (577.35 KB, 641x653, 641:653, Screenshot_2019-01-31 Man ….png)


Heres the perp. Non white animal as usual.

8f4070  No.4974761


My Younger Brother born on this April 19th date

noice T bro_Mark :D

488fef  No.4974762


Do I do not,

Cabal loves to cause people to kill each other

e12671  No.4974763


solved? i didn't see it in notables. so for those of us who missed it, could you pls share?

ebfae3  No.4974764

File: 83a487c3998894b⋯.png (7.57 MB, 4220x2156, 1055:539, ClipboardImage.png)

cb0a35  No.4974765


Our court system sucks….why the fuck do judges keep releasing felons?

Stab the fucking judge….then the fuckers will get the hint

23779f  No.4974766


I said it some breads ago, the theorist in me thinks these abortion laws are purposely radical by the good guys, knowing the left would accept. But its just my opinion lol. Who knows.

f8b439  No.4974767

File: d8a60d43f6b78f0⋯.jpg (96.84 KB, 500x620, 25:31, magatits.jpg)

7a0151  No.4974768

File: 3551dbe65bcd780⋯.png (313.74 KB, 998x572, 499:286, Screenshot from 2019-01-31….png)

File: fbcb9a62a7f3d3a⋯.jpg (62.12 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, TimBuschPope.jpg)

File: f000955eca75740⋯.jpg (684.01 KB, 2048x1136, 128:71, timBuschOpusDei.jpg)


First hit

Napa Institute is in part sponsored by OPUS DEI.

One of the founders of Napa Institute Timothy Busch is a OPUS DEI Member who owns a string of Luxury Hotels staffed by OPUS DEI workers - the Pacific Hospitality Group.

Looks like Viganò is in it for the money.

Viganò is now well funded….by OPUS DEI


I bet Rad Trads didn't see that coming! Rad Trad & OPUS DEI….

Catholic donor denies he consulted on Viganò allegations against Pope Francis

An Aug. 27 report by The New York Times claimed that Viganò "privately shared his plan to speak out with" Busch, a Californian known in Catholic circles as a prominent funder. He is a co-founder of the Napa Institute, a group described by National Catholic Reporter as embracing "a mix of conservative theology and libertarian economics."

But in an email obtained by Religion News Service and addressed to "constituents" of the Napa Institute, Busch refuted reports he personally consulted Viganò on his letter.

"Contrary to some erroneous media speculation, I did not preview a copy of or in any way participate in drafting Archbishop Vigano’s testimony, nor was I consulted in any capacity about his testimony," Busch wrote on Sept. 5. "I was in touch with Archbishop Vigano several weeks ago to inquire about his involvement in the 2014 Saint Paul-Minneapolis investigation referenced in the shorter statement he released on August 27, 2018, a couple days after his 11-page testimony," it continues. "Our discussion did not involve the contents of the 11-page testimony that he released on August 25, 2018."

Busch’s denial is notable given that the National Catholic Register is owned by the Eternal Word Television Network — an organization where Busch sits on the board of governors. According to The New York Times report, Busch claimed the publication's leadership personally assured him that Benedict XVI had confirmed Viganò's account.

Busch did not repeat that claim in his email. Instead, he argued that "although I cannot validate any of Archbishop Vigano's personal experiences recited in his testimony, I can confirm that, in my interactions with him, I have found him to be an honest man."

He also expressed strong support for an investigation and discussed a proposed laity-led commission to probe sexual abuse in the church.

Cautioning in his email that "the governance of the Church does not empower a group of laity to investigate anything on their own behalf," Busch stressed the importance of knowing who would be authorized by the Vatican or the U.S. bishops to serve on the proposed commission. "Any laity who are selected to participate in such an investigation," he wrote, should be "professionally competent, intellectually honest, morally upright, and deeply committed to Christ and His Church."

Busch then called on recipients to participate in the Napa Institute's forthcoming conference on "authentic lay led reform."

RNS reached out to the Napa Institute to speak with Busch, but did not immediately receive a reply. Source

3be1af  No.4974769

File: a0efad1d7b45d52⋯.png (7.4 KB, 380x163, 380:163, q post ruth bader ginsburg.PNG)

2cb6cb  No.4974770




26755b  No.4974771


He seems to have the MS 13 tattooing on his neck. Serious psychopathology

6d87b6  No.4974772

62ccfa  No.4974773

File: fab5f3f6d72ef77⋯.png (320.11 KB, 499x396, 499:396, 2019-01-31_07-01-16.png)



Looks like a bunch of little faggots?

579bec  No.4974774


Apache was the server… Apache is a brand name of server.

02cf87  No.4974775


It seems that he may have had his strings cut since late November, in the same way Sen Graham did. I suppose we will see when he has the big meeting on what to do about pedos next month. The Americans are furious and fighting back.

1a83dd  No.4974776

File: 3bc4ef60314b7cf⋯.jpeg (162.18 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 93A856B7-9A91-4524-A072-D….jpeg)

Father, you are declaring “dark to light” today. Thy will be done.

In Jesus’ name.



acfcba  No.4974777

File: 60fd38053df6aee⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 930x960, 31:32, GUIDE_.jpg)


Go here:


Read. Learn.

Anons are busy digging. You can dig too.


60c78c  No.4974778

File: 6c18ec9a8ed1ccf⋯.jpg (82.46 KB, 640x428, 160:107, judgeernestortega.jpg)


Judge E Ortega courtesy of /pol/

f8b439  No.4974779


Faggot russians l2english.

Youre ruining this whole thing.


6d87b6  No.4974780


Filthy beast.

b050e8  No.4974781

File: 5d2bb438fa2c3e7⋯.jpg (107.53 KB, 1077x583, 1077:583, 1546729836.jpg)

7715c3  No.4974782

File: c5c0aa245f3deae⋯.png (47.09 KB, 563x352, 563:352, ClipboardImage.png)


They might have severely overplayed their hand here.

Blatantly exposed their hypocrisy for even the blind to see.

Think variations of this twat have great meme potential.

f0d447  No.4974783


It would be quite something is this date aligns.

Can anons recall why Q posted her wrinkly name on that date? Was there context?

ec3cf9  No.4974784


That’s the way.

Rally the troops.

Pity it’s anonymous otherwise you could pin your name to your self nominated superiority.

Most of the ‘junior common room’ anons are loyal and fighting like all hell, unlike others who choose to sniff and proclaim their advanced degree status.

Please take your psyop elsewhere.

488fef  No.4974785

Constant War to control Population?

Or Rulers working together to get their populations culled when the people begin to rise up against the rulers

7715c3  No.4974786



acfcba  No.4974787

File: 8a0bb140089cd24⋯.jpg (13.26 KB, 320x342, 160:171, trophe.jpg)


>Looks like a bunch of little faggots?

Well fuk. You're right, Anon. Since they look like faggots, let's call the whole thing off. Nothin to see here. Faggots pretending to be God. Good wholesome fun. I am humbled.

f8b439  No.4974788


Fuck off commie.

df889a  No.4974789

The Reddit GA board had 7k followers at the peak when I stalked it. In the early am, it would maybe have 2k on it and around 9PM it would have 6k or so.

Qmap always has 114k - 120k on it no matter what time it is. Reconcile? Fukken Comped? Q is best and worst thing to ever happen to me.

6d87b6  No.4974790

File: 7de8f7da02db454⋯.jpeg (59.66 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 79ACC7D8-1E58-496B-847A-5….jpeg)


We need different versions of this meme.

679434  No.4974791

-4 here in Albany, NY. Fuck RBG, I need proof of life from AlGore

488fef  No.4974792


>Fuck off commie


project much?

b050e8  No.4974793

File: e3ff6bc233d2816⋯.png (58.07 KB, 165x230, 33:46, 1547227426.png)


in a jar

33d1ea  No.4974794

File: 2fab140fd3cfdc9⋯.jpg (238.44 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, 2fab140fd3cfdc970c538f68e0….jpg)

bf16b5  No.4974795


This is all about RBG. They want to make Roe v Wade the only issue for the next SCOTUS nominee.

f8b439  No.4974796

File: 7cf0b893b59d382⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 255x228, 85:76, hoodpep.jpg)


I'mmmm in?

Fuckin weirdo I love you.

98edb9  No.4974797

File: 80e8b5840ff31b4⋯.jpeg (549.04 KB, 1242x1113, 414:371, B352A691-E628-4569-BC65-1….jpeg)


26755b  No.4974798


>they pretend to know that in fact nothing's really happening..when in fact these fuckin retards run around the board trying to make fun of good people and also trying to set same good people up because they can't stand the thought of not really understanding what's going on in here..

So true.. that crowd doesn't seem to understand what we are doing at all. However, there's some very sophisticated intel agency shilling deception ops happening here as well. Mixed with these other amateur nutters your referencing

68a8b1  No.4974799



She's going to "die" the day before SOTU.

She's already on ice, but yeah, that's where the movie looks like it's headed.

f0d447  No.4974802

File: 46275e1e00b4056⋯.jpg (28.6 KB, 437x80, 437:80, qmap.jpg)


The Qmap number is a rolling 24 hr total.

6c6cfc  No.4974803


Coming in late to the game…

Was checking out Vatican City today..

Has this been discussed re: Keystone earlier

Keystones and owls there -

efcf9d  No.4974804


Stable genius.

Love. IT.

8f4070  No.4974805

File: 7c76f350d281070⋯.png (87.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, REAL_Justice_SPIRIT_Now_TR….png)

File: 368de31552a4d98⋯.png (237.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, i_AM_free.png)


>applies to Citizens


>violate some other LAW if they killed a baby

*nek yoself*

<pic related

f8b439  No.4974806



This was not the best troll.

Follow your team. We are loyal patriots. Your last troll was shit.

You've done great and we love you.

f0d447  No.4974807


smack 'em Donny!

488fef  No.4974808


Doing "IT"

some know what ( IT ) op is

I do not only pick up chatter

80a67a  No.4974809


Patriots and Ram's stalk the boards

ec3cf9  No.4974810


It was in notables but look under your nose. The images tell the story.

97ca09  No.4974811

Seems like POTUS has filled his administration with back stabbers…

Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats, CIA Director Gina Haspel, FBI Director Christopher Wray stab Trunp in back; say there is NO security crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border; say POTUS is wrong about Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, Syria, ect….

White House Counsel is tried to cut a deal with Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris to put progressives on the 9th Circuit; White House Counsel Pat Cipollone attempted to make deal with CA Senators Feinstein and Harris on 9th Circut Court Nominations…

4f7011  No.4974812


February 4th [MONDAY].

"Traditionally a Jewish burial takes place within 24 hours of death because the Torah says, "You shall bury him the same day….His body should not remain all night" (Deuteronomy 21:23). In modern-day practice, this speed is rare outside of the Land of Israel except in Orthodox communities, but the funeral should take place as soon as possible following the death. Burials never take place on Shabbat or holidays."

80a67a  No.4974813


There's only 3 quotation marks

62ccfa  No.4974814

File: c58970c190e5ec7⋯.png (152.38 KB, 607x507, 607:507, 2019-01-30_20-54-47 copy.png)


Trolling again.

Love the POTUS (no homo)!


f0d447  No.4974815


there's an extra 'S' - others

48abd4  No.4974816

isn't IT the name of a scary novel by S.King?

isn't IT a clown or something?

26755b  No.4974817


Yes– them, the pol/acks– kekekeke

ec3cf9  No.4974819

I don’t think so.

This was yeasterday.

Has keystone been resolved?

f8b439  No.4974820


Trying to decide if this is funny.

Goooooing no.

de02f2  No.4974821

File: 747396caa47864a⋯.jpg (415.69 KB, 1865x652, 1865:652, PAT009 31 Jan 19 1210.jpg)

Skies are pretty quiet over CONUS right now. PAT009 (former AZAZ0909 flight) out of Davison AAF headed for SC.

3719a6  No.4974822


POTUS is not a fan of whiners, and that is why I have confidence in his competence.

db7a0e  No.4974823


Pennywise the Clown.

7a7559  No.4974825

File: b0b4019637ca1b4⋯.jpg (131.96 KB, 1061x613, 1061:613, judge.JPG)

A senior judge has resigned from the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, after the United States threatened judges investigating alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan.

The judge, Christoph Flügge, has worked with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) since 2008. More recently, he got involved with a preliminary investigations into claims that US military service members and CIA operatives tortured prisoners in Afghanistan.

Flügge told German newspaper Zeit that he handed in his resignation after open threats from US officials, including a speech by hawkish national security adviser John Bolton last September, where Bolton “wished death” on the Court.

“If these judges ever interfere in the domestic concerns of the US or investigate an American citizen, he said the American government would do all it could to ensure that these judges would no longer be allowed to travel to the United States – and that they would perhaps even be criminally prosecuted,” Flügge told Zeit, in an interview translated by The Guardian.

"The American security adviser held his speech at a time when The Hague was planning preliminary investigations into American soldiers who had been accused of torturing people in Afghanistan,” Flügge explained. “The American threats against international judges clearly show the new political climate. It is shocking. I had never heard such a threat.”

Bolton’s speech was delivered in September to the conservative Federalist Society in Washington, DC. It came a year after the ICC began investigating claims that at least 61 detained persons in Afghanistan had been tortured by American troops and another 27 by the CIA at secret prisons in Afghanistan and abroad, according to prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

Bolton called the investigation “utterly unfounded” and “unjustifiable,” and promised to “protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court.”



488fef  No.4974826

ec3cf9  No.4974827


I don’t think so.

This was done yesterday.

Has keystone been resolved?

f8b439  No.4974828

Sidetalk anons:

Isn't it funny how all the red-text and trip-paren anons aren't here?

Geeeee I wonder who made that happen.


de02f2  No.4974829

File: 850166dbc6bd61c⋯.jpg (605.88 KB, 1600x1147, 1600:1147, R Bader Ginsborg.jpg)

679434  No.4974830


IT. Steven King.

Rep. Steve King?

a65194  No.4974831


Did a lot of general looking around today, trying to fill things in about groups connected with Alambama digg and beyond. Went to see what's left to look at for New Knowledge, DDV, and Data for Democracy.

D4D has a lot of projects, good to check them out. One's sounded promising: "Immigrant Connect."

It works with the Natl Immigration Law Center. Sounded familiar….hmmm…….

Ah, yes–shades of the Caravan digg. Soros org, money:

D4D's "Immigration Connect [works] in conjunction with the NILC, a project helping the National Immigration Law Center carry out quantitative analyses to help it serve its clients. This is especially helpful to counteract the effect of disinformation around immigration."

JW doesn't have a high opinion of the National Immigration Law Cente:

" Headquartered in Los Angeles, NILC was established in 1979 and is dedicated to “defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income.” The organization, which also has offices in Washington D.C. and Berkeley, California claims to have played a leadership role in spearheading Barack Obama’s amnesty program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which has shielded hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from deportation. “Ultimately, NILC’s goals are centered on promoting the full integration of all immigrants into U.S. society,” according to its website."


Will look into some other of D4D's projects tomorrow. Do you know about the "pledge"? Creepy:

"The Pledge is a global initiative aimed to show intent to adopt our ethical framework and principles into your data work. Join the movement today. Become a data defender for life." (etc)


efcf9d  No.4974832


Two of the remaining letters from DECLASSIFICATION?

Only O and N to go?

98edb9  No.4974833

File: 1de16a400c863ff⋯.jpeg (565.73 KB, 1242x1160, 621:580, E6BA8942-A736-441D-BAA6-2….jpeg)



488fef  No.4974834

fast mis-direction KEK

33d1ea  No.4974835

File: 7c28ead976582d4⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 849x560, 849:560, stephenking.jpg)

a3f373  No.4974836

what we got


>>4974296, >>4974344, >>4974372, >>4974454, >>4974529 Scott Shane Covered For “false Flag” Election In Alabama

>>4974318, >>4974384, >>4974323, >>4974468, >>4974485 Military Choppers Seen Along Venezuelan-Colombian Border

>>4974388 Anons Collection Of Graphics

>>4974415 Dem Party Attack Ua Board Of Regents Appointee As A "Pizzagate/Q Conspiracy Theorist"

>>4974418 Two Deported Mexican Sex Offenders Are Arrested By Border Patrol Agents

>>4974420, >>4974456, >>4974426 Us Gives China Eminent Domain Over Us Property (from 2009)

>>4974478 Judge Orders Planned Parenthood To Answer Questions About Fetal Tissue Business

>>4974505 These Reports Were Designed To Justify Censoring Social Media ( New Knowledge)

>>4974350, >>4974597, >>4974606 Rothschild Investment Corp IL Sells 2,822 Shares of Apache Co.

>>4974457, >>4974463, >>4974490, >>4974512, >>4974550, >>4974634, >>4974664 In Attached Q Post Points To Article

>>4974513, >>4974515 Trump & The Great Chinese Takeout

>>4974631 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

>>4974602 Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

>>4974679 'British' muslim in court over having sex with corpses at the morgue

>>4974571, >>4974711 Robert Kraft Ripped Trump In Front of NFL Owners, Players

>>4974715 The Democratic Virginia delegate who has recently come under fire

>>4974727, >>4974730, >>4974729, >>4974744, >>4974747 US Marine Corps talking to this board?

>>4974768, >>4974750 First hit: Napa Institute is in part sponsored by OPUS DEI.

>>4974757, >>4974760, Whats the deal with New Mexico? Judges just hand out bail on rape and pedophilia?

>>4974825 A senior judge has resigned from the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague

hmmm…. That was a lot of clicks

008fa4  No.4974837

Q is Military.

Tribunal EO effective Jan 1.

Last Q post Jan 13

Hypothesis: A tribunal began Monday Jan 14, that requires Q refrain from drops.


The timeline seems to fit. EO Jan 1, Couple weeks of prep, then a Monday start.

Q posted about judges on Dec 20:



20 Dec 2018 - 8:02:56 PM

Rogers departure. Intel.

Sessions departure. Law.

Kelly departure. Warfare/MIL

Mattis departure. Warfare/MIL

Notice a pattern?


None of that is really evidence. Certainly not evidence that there is 1) a tribunal underway or 2) that Q is gagged because of it.

Anyone know how to check Rogers, Sessions, Kelly, Mattis' whereabouts/schedule?

Could RBG absence be related?

What would Columbo do? Normally I would say follow the money but where would one start?

de02f2  No.4974838

I've always thought of IT as having a silent 'SH' in front of it - that's been my experience over the years with IT Departments.

26755b  No.4974839


"IT" could be pointing to Int'l Trade and of course Info Technology

8a5c76  No.4974840


The 'slippery slope', camel's nose in the tent, etc., arguments have been substantiated. The progressive ideology is addicted to forcing their will upon any and all as a way to validate their own importance and presumed infallibility. They don't know when to fucking stop.

413cac  No.4974841

File: 0c930d52b6cb045⋯.png (48.51 KB, 653x376, 653:376, POTUS 1-31-19 4 04 am PST.PNG)

File: 07bc3a0b3668588⋯.png (48.83 KB, 647x368, 647:368, POTUS 1-31-19 4 13 am PST.PNG)

New POTUS Tweets





7a0151  No.4974842

File: e0d20ed7801d5bd⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1238x1112, 619:556, marinesTweets.png)



e12671  No.4974843


at 4:25 there is a close up of the eyebrow sitch. what the hell is it!!

e67c55  No.4974844


You need to understand the game. He can't truly pick who he wants for those positions, they need to be approved. In the current political climate, evidence present all the time, getting his nominees approved has been slow walked like never before.

He has to choose from a small pool of pre-approved nominees to get a position filled.

After the storm he can install the right person for the job

488fef  No.4974845


there is an OP



above my pay grade


everything above my pay grade

26755b  No.4974846


pointing us to Int'l Trade> China in DC negotiating trade w/ Mnuchin & the gang

673671  No.4974847

Morning anons…

>>4973604 (notable)

Has been a LONG time coming…remember COLD FUSION and how Ponds and Fleshmen were discredited? Well guess what? THEY WERE RIGHT!

So, because of the BS and the HAHA, cold fusion became LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Resonance. Rossi discovered a way to get the reaction to sustain. Weirdly it does not always work and variability has to do with phase of the moon!

Anyway was pretty close to this at one time…so cheers e-cat team!

BTW was the FIRST free energy patent in the US (that we know of….)

26755b  No.4974848


"IT", maybe pointing to Int'l Terrorism… a ff?

98edb9  No.4974849

File: b302033796cfbdc⋯.jpeg (256.73 KB, 1242x654, 207:109, BDC61F0B-8740-41B0-AE39-C….jpeg)



6d87b6  No.4974850

File: 916f039c6c3b0ce⋯.jpeg (142.09 KB, 1125x909, 125:101, 51361FCE-8C6A-40A3-8D75-6….jpeg)


f8b439  No.4974851

Trade secret boys:

There is no coded message except EXACTLY what the words say. READ THEM LITERALLY. THAT IS THE THE CODE.

Those who spin a code… guess who they are.

488fef  No.4974852


from chatter


is a psyop

62ccfa  No.4974853

File: 71f43b9bd23fe88⋯.png (84.67 KB, 402x391, 402:391, 2019-01-31_07-17-51.png)


Another award.


I will add it to the collection.


7a7559  No.4974854

File: 69e050fa848cc8a⋯.jpg (104.85 KB, 1044x717, 348:239, pop.JPG)

File: 2b6aa5ea69250e7⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 665x587, 665:587, tat.JPG)

Popstar Ariana Grande has fallen victim to the old trope of badly-translated tattoo fails, after attempting to celebrate the ongoing success of her latest single ‘7 rings’ with some commemorative ink.

Despite having ‘no tears left to cry’ the pop singer would have been ‘better off’ avoiding ‘bad decisions’ like a hastily-translated tattoo, which she then posted online to her tens of millions of followers, to immediate backlash that reverberated across Twitter and Instagram.

The vegan pop singer may have thought she was getting the Japanese Kanji characters for ‘7 rings’ but instead had the words for “shichirin” or “small charcoal grill” tattooed on her palm.

In a now-deleted message, Grande admitted her mistake saying: “Indeed, I left out “つの指” which should have gone in between. It hurt like f–k n still looks tight. I wouldn’t have lasted one more symbol lmao.”

“Also…. huge fan of tiny bbq grills,” she wryly added


…mistake or for reals after what we know…

2cfa65  No.4974855


Sounds as if he took the gloves off from now on.

Do it Q+

488fef  No.4974856



413cac  No.4974857

File: a0fe1b577240f4f⋯.png (25.74 KB, 640x229, 640:229, POTUS 1-31-19 4 16 am PST.PNG)


>New POTUS Tweets





a3f373  No.4974858


>>4974831 Data for Democracy Immigration Connect [works] in conjunction with the NILC

very interesting: Im Gona Need A Bigger MAP

9e7418  No.4974859




db7a0e  No.4974860


Executive Order 13767 of January 25, 2017

Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

Sec. 3. Definitions

(e) “Wall” shall mean a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier.


5bc6cf  No.4974862

File: c97c00458cadcee⋯.jpeg (2.82 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, F92AD6C5-F497-40D3-96C5-C….jpeg)

488fef  No.4974863


next bread title?


a65194  No.4974864


POTUS' terrific sense of humor….KEK.

95d89d  No.4974865


WALLS. IT. Wall Street IT? Tech going down?

a65194  No.4974866


Didn't you leave an extra big space for Soros?

f8b439  No.4974867

Q is here now.

a12406  No.4974868

File: 72bd514f63d938b⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 978x881, 978:881, 2019-01-31_072155.jpg)


crazy bitch is possessed by demons, who are triggered by Trump and Jesus. messed up.

488fef  No.4974869


the great wall is a great wall

4f5692  No.4974870


Yes, prayers for DJT every day from this AusAnon. This is the fight to the death that DJT has sacrificed everything to lead. We must and will win…

f8b439  No.4974871

Buddy. Pull it in.

97ca09  No.4974872


Sorry anon.. Don't need to understand anything… was just pointing out what POTUS is up against… but thanks anyway…

488fef  No.4974873


>triggered by Trump and Jesus. messed up.

and spice

98edb9  No.4974874


Just search Qpub for the word “IT”…..not a single post from Q has the word “IT”.

db7a0e  No.4974875



b449e6  No.4974876

File: 7d1f4ac270f478e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x1803, 414:601, 94D55A5C-AAB5-49FF-AD15-2….jpeg)

File: 783c8f0bf114ec2⋯.jpeg (425 KB, 1242x1006, 621:503, 0D3010A0-9512-45FE-BFAD-A….jpeg)

File: aca88487971164c⋯.jpeg (525.99 KB, 1242x1228, 621:614, B0F333D7-4B8B-4138-B2B8-F….jpeg)

File: 6242b07b58023b5⋯.jpeg (819.95 KB, 1242x1784, 621:892, 13851238-7310-49D7-B398-4….jpeg)


a65194  No.4974877


I'm think of getting a printer that will do 13 x 18.

488fef  No.4974878

Q we miss you

marching orders please

e67c55  No.4974879


Please enlighten me, not disrespect me. What was the point that eluded me?

5bc6cf  No.4974880

File: e0fb9889a4477d3⋯.jpeg (185.4 KB, 1200x749, 1200:749, 890A2180-EE10-4CF1-AEC1-2….jpeg)


What does IT mean?


f8b439  No.4974881

A "wall" is a "foundation" for safety security and the health of our people.

We build "foundations" to protect our families and our basic health.

PSY-OPS 477 Q.


c65dd9  No.4974882



e67c55  No.4974883


Guy a couple of responses previous thinks I am way off base…

9e7418  No.4974884

File: d542c7b382c92d2⋯.jpg (245.99 KB, 1405x2501, 1405:2501, Screenshot_20190131-062146….jpg)

File: 42b2338c7679606⋯.jpeg (139.38 KB, 1242x1113, 414:371, 80e8b5840ff31b4247d1cd412….jpeg)

Not once is "it" used in a Q post if you can believe that.

no "it in all of posts

24d3c0  No.4974885

>>4974819 The Keystone was Saudi intelligence who everyone thinks as the bad guys since 911. However Trump liberated them by installing MbS in power and dethroning AlWaleed and Bandar who were DS. Saudi intel has all the dirt on UK/US politicians and has done for decades. They are not stupid, and have seen it all. I know of a 14 million dollar coke ring they smashed with a defence contractor using expert Saudi plain clothes - very clever sting. So collapsing the 4Tn dollar House of Sod and handing it to related MbS was critical to success. Remember NSA has everything. Enjoy the plan in action.

26755b  No.4974886



Great Wall of China

China "IT" Int'l Trade > deal completed, possible?

c8526e  No.4974887

File: f1e8005f5beb0b0⋯.jpg (238.54 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, va-not-4-murderers.jpg)

for Virginia anons #ResignRalph

68a8b1  No.4974888


This is fantastic.

Thank you Mr. President!

33d1ea  No.4974889


think for yourself


a3f373  No.4974890


Ive tried to put big players on the outside

26755b  No.4974891


Wow hoe did Q avoid using the pronoun "IT" in all those posts

488fef  No.4974892


was I take it all in?

we have IT all

how to analyze all the intel?

e67c55  No.4974893


Virginia is for lovers with consequences

f0d447  No.4974894


POTUS would be telling us directly about that, no need for code.

e91221  No.4974895

File: 54cb53964f831b1⋯.jpg (122.42 KB, 1239x775, 1239:775, johnofsatan.jpg)


"Brazilian activist Sabrina Bittencourt, whose investigations led to Teixeira’s arrest in December, now claims the celebrity medium ran a baby trafficking operation where children were “farmed” in Brazil before being sold to childless couples around the world.

Shockingly, she claims young girls were held captive in remote farms where they were forced to produce babies - before being murdered after 10 years of giving birth."

Fucking sick. This sick fuck was promoted by Oprah.

98edb9  No.4974896

File: 091ce3b360131e3⋯.jpeg (571.85 KB, 1242x1113, 414:371, A59887AF-C034-4447-84BE-5….jpeg)

26755b  No.4974897


True and good point– but there may be intrigue surrounding IT on some level

9c5f92  No.4974899

File: c056ff885dc6494⋯.png (150 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-072704.png)

Very sadly, Murder cases in Mexico in 2018 rose 33% from 2017, to 33,341. This is a big contributor to the Humanitarian Crises taking place on our Southern Border and then spreading throughout our Country. Worse even than Afghanistan. Much caused by DRUGS. Wall is being built!

5af8e0  No.4974900

Gee…na I'm in the WH and they are not!

d10ff2  No.4974901

File: ea7dc8b8f3dab32⋯.png (4.36 KB, 439x210, 439:210, Capture.PNG)


fake and gay

try harder

413cac  No.4974902

File: f6a007da0912248⋯.png (50.38 KB, 654x381, 218:127, POTUS 1-31-19 4 25 am PST.PNG)



>New POTUS Tweets






efcf9d  No.4974903


Do it Q.

People on here tell Q how and when he should do it.

Is POTUS gonna do it?

20a67f  No.4974904

File: 7aa8c82acb16247⋯.jpg (835.19 KB, 1077x1185, 359:395, kamala-dvd.jpg)

File: 7031c582c18579e⋯.jpg (829.45 KB, 1077x1185, 359:395, kamala-donkey-style.jpg)

8f4070  No.4974905


The CALL for MEMEarmy, Secure that WALL ! Mighty*keks*

" BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL! pic.twitter.com/a0G7GWi74k

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2019"

" A WALL is a WALL!"

- not Awol is missing in a CLEAN HOUSE!?!

488fef  No.4974906

Mexico is sided with Nicolás Maduro

That must change

a3f373  No.4974907


>You need to understand the game. He can't truly pick who he wants for those positions

on target (my opinion)

ec3cf9  No.4974908



It has.

Do a search for Keystone on the search page.

9e7418  No.4974909

File: 0807e9e12034884⋯.png (14.38 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 7854e53167d8955296a9525ec0….png)

Trolling Master

e67c55  No.4974910


Only thing better would be to add some emojis, maybe with their tongues sticking out or the middle finger.

Love it, take it to a level they comprehend

488fef  No.4974911

‘You people will listen and listen,

but you will not understand.

You will look and look,

but you will not really see.

15 Yes, the minds of these people are now closed.

They have ears, but they don’t listen.

They have eyes, but they refuse to see.

If their minds were not closed,

they might see with their eyes;

they might hear with their ears;

they might understand with their minds.

Then they might turn back to me and be healed.’

80a67a  No.4974912


4 13 16 = 33

Then next post 33%

33.341 is this HRC emails.

They have them

33d1ea  No.4974913

File: bbac0bf42e27a89⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 840x480, 7:4, MS-13_840x480.jpg)


> 33,341.

f8b439  No.4974914


говорить по-английски, малыш

8f4070  No.4974915


+ThanQ+ 5:5 o7

3c3339  No.4974917

>>4971194 lb

There is actually a compromised solution

Allow first trimester yes allow cuz this train has left the ststion

Then determine the exact term when fetus is viable outside based on current medical advance. Currently 24 weeks. Before that and after first trimester: risk mothers health, birth defects. After 24 weeks only risk of mothers life, birth dedects incompetible with life.

673671  No.4974918

File: 52e916125a7746c⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1250x1216, 625:608, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

Beat goes on…

98edb9  No.4974919

File: 5dba90d35327a58⋯.jpeg (433.65 KB, 1242x843, 414:281, 955114DE-AD24-4322-AB73-2….jpeg)



a65194  No.4974920


Did you know TDIP's address?



MC LEAN, VA 22101-3646

I'll have to look up that post that talks about all the interesting organizations in McLean.

b4f7c4  No.4974921

>>4973519 Anon on Global Waming

These kind of posts are fun to keep an eye on, they're often made by schizophrenics, but more importantly the comments are all schizos.

26755b  No.4974922


Good stuff Anon…referencing 33, 33 degrees, 33k emails. IT could be a crowdstrike reference?

5af8e0  No.4974923


Thinking more along the lines of I'm ok but where are they? Gee…na Do IT!

413cac  No.4974924

File: ac497c001b3ee02⋯.png (39.03 KB, 652x300, 163:75, POTUS 1-31-19 4 32 am PST.PNG)


>New POTUS Tweets







db7a0e  No.4974925


That's what I wondered. Had to search for myself to confirm. 0 results.

df8518  No.4974926


FWIW, I haven't received a single donation-request. Zilch. (Yet.)

But then again, I'm not a shill

3be1af  No.4974927

File: 66fc9a1fb041cad⋯.png (336.31 KB, 784x298, 392:149, build that wall reagan.PNG)

f29b0d  No.4974928


His plan is to sell heat from remotely monitored devices at a price per kWh 20 percent below market price, with no carbon emissions from the operation of the devices.

20% saving is next to nothing, what a joke… "moment of truth" my arse!

Certainly nothing notable…. Andrea please take your spam somewhere else this is a research board not fucking craigslist!

Not even kidding

488fef  No.4974930




e67c55  No.4974931


Or they push it and it gets over turned. The train only left the station because the conductor was the main stream media. The majority of the population does not support it, the media and the educational system has brainwashed even non believers into accepting some form of murder…


679c36  No.4974932

File: 5fcbacfd99dddbf⋯.jpeg (103.11 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 5fcbacfd99dddbf6dd8e1adcc….jpeg)

f8b439  No.4974933


Fuckin gipper.

68a8b1  No.4974934

oh boy tweets to decode.. it's going to be a good day

00eeb2  No.4974935


How long can someone remain in an Induced Coma ?

On Aug. 6, 1941, 6-year-old Elaine Esposito went to the hospital for a routine

appendectomy. She went under general anesthetic and never came out. Dubbed the

"sleeping beauty," Esposito stayed in a coma for 37 years and 111 days before succumbing

in 1978 — the longest-ever coma, according to Guinness World Records.

d10ff2  No.4974936



explain this sentence then

>At what point is it mathematically impossible?


b4f7c4  No.4974937


I copy and pasted the entire line of a notable, only a retard wouldn't see it's a pb.

f0d447  No.4974938


Looks like a min of 3 characters for search

488fef  No.4974939

A wall is a wall, that's all

2d5d2e  No.4974940

File: cfb2d08b16e3999⋯.jpg (20.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, niteshft.jpg)

File: 0302a71b8cfe659⋯.png (8.17 KB, 1209x254, 1209:254, ClipboardImage.png)


a3f373  No.4974941

last call


>>4974296, >>4974344, >>4974372, >>4974454, >>4974529 Scott Shane Covered For “false Flag” Election In Alabama

>>4974318, >>4974384, >>4974323, >>4974468, >>4974485 Military Choppers Seen Along Venezuelan-Colombian Border

>>4974388 Anons Collection Of Graphics

>>4974415 Dem Party Attack Ua Board Of Regents Appointee As A "Pizzagate/Q Conspiracy Theorist"

>>4974418 Two Deported Mexican Sex Offenders Are Arrested By Border Patrol Agents

>>4974420, >>4974456, >>4974426 Us Gives China Eminent Domain Over Us Property (from 2009)

>>4974478 Judge Orders Planned Parenthood To Answer Questions About Fetal Tissue Business

>>4974505 These Reports Were Designed To Justify Censoring Social Media ( New Knowledge)

>>4974350, >>4974597, >>4974606 Rothschild Investment Corp IL Sells 2,822 Shares of Apache Co.

>>4974457, >>4974463, >>4974490, >>4974512, >>4974550, >>4974634, >>4974664 In Attached Q Post Points To Article

>>4974513, >>4974515 Trump & The Great Chinese Takeout

>>4974631 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

>>4974602 Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

>>4974679 'British' muslim in court over having sex with corpses at the morgue

>>4974571, >>4974711 Robert Kraft Ripped Trump In Front of NFL Owners, Players

>>4974715 The Democratic Virginia delegate who has recently come under fire

>>4974727, >>4974730, >>4974729, >>4974744, >>4974747 US Marine Corps talking to this board?

>>4974768, >>4974750 First hit: Napa Institute is in part sponsored by OPUS DEI.

>>4974757, >>4974760, Whats the deal with New Mexico? Judges just hand out bail on rape and pedophilia?

>>4974825 A senior judge has resigned from the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague

>>4974831, >>4974920 Data for Democracy Immigration Connect [works] in conjunction with the NILC

>>4974854 Popstar Ariana Grande has fallen victim to the old trope of badly-translated tattoo fails

>>4974884, >>4974891 Not once is "it" used in a Q post if you can believe that.

26755b  No.4974942


Quite the linguistic feat on Q's part. Q isn't known to waste words….

f8b439  No.4974943


Ain't no decode.

[——————] ←— WALL

d3a244  No.4974944


>other(s) things …. extra s


>"gee" should be Gee

SITG … gits? kek

679c36  No.4974945


I don't make the rules.

437295  No.4974946


Do you know when this shit is going to stop. When judge get the rope!

Until then……… it's all the same old same old story that is going repeat itself over and over again.

5f5f8f  No.4974947

File: ea0a2f01342f4e1⋯.png (542.44 KB, 887x693, 887:693, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e31c7eba532fd3a⋯.png (440.84 KB, 775x619, 775:619, ClipboardImage.png)

FYI: Y'all have probably already seen the OIG investigation report dated 29 Jan 2019 that states it turned over the names of three FBI agents for appropriate action. I just got locked out of Twitter (again) supposedly for a tweet from Feb 2018. It was immediately after I tweeted the BHO, Number one of the Treasonous thirteen graphic (attached) and commented on Trump saying something about new parties to the coup d'etat. I listed these two names as possibilities:

Aaron Zebley is a retired agent from the FBI and working on the SC. The only person on the SC still working for the FBI is General Counsel Andrew Weissmann (would that be considered senior staff?). Both men worked closely with Mueller and Comey. My gut feeling is that I got suspended because they don't want anybody to see that tweet.

8f7f53  No.4974948

File: e424fc74c565869⋯.png (26.79 KB, 983x225, 983:225, ClipboardImage.png)

db7a0e  No.4974949


I was thinking maybe too many results, but then saw this >>4974938

a84c57  No.4974950


That was a clear message, directly to us lol

68a8b1  No.4974951

File: cbd82bc011d5640⋯.png (107.56 KB, 1195x511, 1195:511, Probability 2018-01-12.png)

File: d903fd8872d3f50⋯.jpg (5.84 MB, 8254x5977, 8254:5977, DELTA[60].jpg)

64a0bd  No.4974952

>>4971991, >>4972026, >>4972105 More on Schumer's "intervention" comments

I think its high time we throw this (((traitor))) the fuck out of our country.

00eeb2  No.4974953


The Dems will ensure RBG stays in a coma

until 2020 ?

add460  No.4974954


Many years. Or as long as life support is not switched off.

3be1af  No.4974955




LAW is a LAW

80a67a  No.4974956


2018 x 33% = 666

a84c57  No.4974957


IT as in , DOITQ

4f5692  No.4974958


Gematria for ‘it’ = gematria for ‘of Cain.’

‘Of Cain’ related to McCain/No name?

Therefore don’t say McCain and avoid ‘it.’

Unlikely I know…

24d3c0  No.4974959

Eurofag here, just been lying in the sun and enjoying a chemtrail free blue sky! Trump saved the fucking planet at Paris.

488fef  No.4974960

some many here telling POTUS how to do IT

d10ff2  No.4974961


thanks fren, i entered

enter ITspace

three characters


5af8e0  No.4974962


Trey Smith and the theory of everything:

10 to the 50th to 1


3c3339  No.4974963


SC members can demand see her me thinks

68a8b1  No.4974964

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

679c36  No.4974965

f8b439  No.4974966

File: 38046f6a3f24665⋯.jpeg (46 KB, 474x394, 237:197, newfags.jpeg)


No patriot cares how IT is built.

db7a0e  No.4974967


Baker, you may want to remove the notable about "it" not used in Q Posts. See >>4974938

6d87b6  No.4974968


I look at everything different now.

679c36  No.4974969

File: f8bf0d9016fd035⋯.png (35.57 KB, 460x252, 115:63, 5153256 _63bc70de7106be16e….png)

2057e5  No.4974971


Capitalized HBSC didnt that bank get implicated in moving DRUGS and wasn't Comey or someone on their board of directors?

62ccfa  No.4974972

File: 310b8a5a59839a1⋯.png (666.99 KB, 1024x1216, 16:19, 2019-01-31_07-32-53.png)

File: 83ce5c6ec4449b8⋯.png (441.75 KB, 639x919, 639:919, 2019-01-31_07-36-44.png)

Keeps getting better and better.

Apparently marrying her brother didn't subdue her sense of humor.


ffe798  No.4974973

File: 149f2eecfea9548⋯.gif (41.31 KB, 1124x519, 1124:519, 013119 AU BO.gif)

Gold Breaks Out of Range After Dovish Fed – Further 1% Gain to $1,321/oz

Gold breaks out of range to highest in 8 months after dovish Fed

– Fed keeps benchmark interest rates unchanged (range between 2.25 percent and 2.5 percent), will be ‘patient’ on future hikes and “flexible” on its balance sheet as indebted and vulnerable US economy slows

– Fed decision and statement are very gold positive and strongly suggest that rather than tightening the Fed may be forced to ease monetary policy; further QE is likely in the coming months

– Gold is up 3.4% in January and is set for 4th monthly gain; silver gains 3.8% in January

– Meanwhile White House warns nations not to buy Venezuelan gold as reports of Russian plane landing in Caracas to collect gold


02cf87  No.4974974


It got up to 210K when Q was posting a few weeks back. Never was above 40K before Kavanaugh. It was at about 5K late last spring.

The movement is gaining. Those numbers will rise when QTeam posts again.


acfcba  No.4974975

File: d721758a312f91f⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 474x606, 79:101, Swal.jpg)



Swalwell is an SOB.

Whether that's what POTUS is projecting or not, it's true.

9e7418  No.4974976


Ya just never know. If it fits it fits

a09a3a  No.4974977

File: b8f5955264f881f⋯.jpeg (119.78 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, 80E039AF-F206-4889-AC12-9….jpeg)


a84c57  No.4974978


2019 x 33 =666.27

f8b439  No.4974979


Q team isn't posting?

a3f373  No.4974980

>>4974967, >>4974938

thank you anons

80a67a  No.4974981


math is about rounding up

48abd4  No.4974982



also note the juxtaposition of "WALL" and "Drugs." Certainly makes me think of Walgreens.

679c36  No.4974983

File: dece8c8f4915a23⋯.png (367.91 KB, 500x546, 250:273, ended-global-warming-by-cr….png)

26755b  No.4974984

File: 05642b8d5c06730⋯.png (89.32 KB, 939x763, 939:763, Screenshot (291).png)


Noice work– references Q post 666 with the 666 re: signal that [they] control the markets

98edb9  No.4974986

File: 6a2035a98e2c4ad⋯.jpeg (552.42 KB, 1242x1175, 1242:1175, 027BAD3C-276A-4D78-83B8-B….jpeg)



80a67a  No.4974987


stock market yesterday 25.000 high on close

9e7418  No.4974988

File: 14593292360e3fc⋯.png (206.92 KB, 576x324, 16:9, 14593292360e3fca8b90a0da8d….png)

5822cd  No.4974989




Admin @ Qmap.pub can make whatever number they want appear there.

Doesn't mean a damn thing.

f8b439  No.4974990


Fate before 3 and 9.

9 ←→ 3

Get your six.

413cac  No.4974991

File: 7846e0de8c997d0⋯.png (45.98 KB, 644x331, 644:331, POTUS 1-31-19 4 41 am PST.PNG)



9c5f92  No.4974992

File: 825b2ac172ad26a⋯.png (132.19 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190131-074523.png)

80a67a  No.4974993


meetings capital M

ffe798  No.4974994


they control the markets however they will have to address the reason they are at this level. Massive credit creation. Way over-valued.

f0d447  No.4974995


you wouldn't be suggesting Qmap admin are comped… would you? Patriots they are. not Paytriots

9e7418  No.4974996


Beginning of a sentence

a84c57  No.4974997


2019 x 33% = 666.27***

2018 x 33% = 665.94

26755b  No.4974998



Look the 666 post was made Feb 5th, 2018– yr delta from SOTU date.

2057e5  No.4974999


Thought so, nice googlefu. I'm workfagging or else I would dig and cross reference the drug laundering money dates via HSBC against while he was on the board as well as who else was.

6d87b6  No.4975000

File: 9927ea49480ebb0⋯.jpeg (404.99 KB, 1473x999, 491:333, 5D4A4402-DD0D-4DB1-A22D-E….jpeg)


I remember it well.

ebfae3  No.4975001

File: 01181bef88e5aae⋯.png (541.71 KB, 1388x1580, 347:395, ClipboardImage.png)

f8b439  No.4975002


Everything is comped.

Yea? But by who?

Literally everything.

80a67a  No.4975003


in math 665.94 is rounded up to 666, POTUS said 2018 not 2019

e67c55  No.4975004


Are you parroting the media or do have proof that the markets are overvalued? If so, please share as I would love a proof and not an opinion

413cac  No.4975005

File: 7846e0de8c997d0⋯.png (45.98 KB, 644x331, 644:331, POTUS 1-31-19 4 41 am PST.PNG)

File: ba774c89b81e2d7⋯.png (47.22 KB, 652x371, 652:371, POTUS 1-31-19 4 48 am PST.PNG)


>New POTUS Tweets










679c36  No.4975006

File: cfb67f65fce24b2⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, could-it-be-satan.jpg)


>Everything is comped.

>Yea? But by who?

98edb9  No.4975007

File: 6a2035a98e2c4ad⋯.jpeg (552.42 KB, 1242x1175, 1242:1175, A749F3DB-B582-4EC9-A9BC-8….jpeg)

File: 011d8f7917e14a0⋯.jpeg (541.14 KB, 1242x1150, 27:25, A2A06FBC-4EEF-4463-AFCB-D….jpeg)


5822cd  No.4975008


And crypto is about the remainder.

a3f373  No.4975009

File: 3d850537dedc3e3⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download (9).jpg)

Baking friends

c7e7c0  No.4975010



Dr. Judy Wood proves this

a3f373  No.4975011


>>4974296, >>4974344, >>4974372, >>4974454, >>4974529 Scott Shane Covered For “false Flag” Election In Alabama

>>4974318, >>4974384, >>4974323, >>4974468, >>4974485 Military Choppers Seen Along Venezuelan-Colombian Border

>>4974388 Anons Collection Of Graphics

>>4974415 Dem Party Attack Ua Board Of Regents Appointee As A "Pizzagate/Q Conspiracy Theorist"

>>4974418 Two Deported Mexican Sex Offenders Are Arrested By Border Patrol Agents

>>4974420, >>4974456, >>4974426 Us Gives China Eminent Domain Over Us Property (from 2009)

>>4974478 Judge Orders Planned Parenthood To Answer Questions About Fetal Tissue Business

>>4974505 These Reports Were Designed To Justify Censoring Social Media ( New Knowledge)

>>4974350, >>4974597, >>4974606 Rothschild Investment Corp IL Sells 2,822 Shares of Apache Co.

>>4974457, >>4974463, >>4974490, >>4974512, >>4974550, >>4974634, >>4974664 In Attached Q Post Points To Article

>>4974513, >>4974515 Trump & The Great Chinese Takeout

>>4974631 The 1776 Post Is What Got Me Thinking About This. (Pics Related?)

>>4974602 Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

>>4974679 'British' muslim in court over having sex with corpses at the morgue

>>4974571, >>4974711 Robert Kraft Ripped Trump In Front of NFL Owners, Players

>>4974715 The Democratic Virginia delegate who has recently come under fire

>>4974727, >>4974730, >>4974729, >>4974744, >>4974747 US Marine Corps talking to this board?

>>4974768, >>4974750 First hit: Napa Institute is in part sponsored by OPUS DEI.

>>4974757, >>4974760, Whats the deal with New Mexico? Judges just hand out bail on rape and pedophilia?

>>4974825 A senior judge has resigned from the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague

>>4974831, >>4974920 Data for Democracy Immigration Connect [works] in conjunction with the NILC

>>4974854 Popstar Ariana Grande has fallen victim to the old trope of badly-translated tattoo fails

e5b12c  No.4975013

Trump tweet deltas this morning

4:04 AM

4:13 AM 9 I

4:16 AM 3 C

4:25 AM 9 I

4:32 AM 7 G

4:41 AM 9 I

4:48 AM 7 G

6d87b6  No.4975014


I would say TeamQ is definitely posting.

d89de5  No.4975016

File: 5ce21357828cbd6⋯.jpeg (153.44 KB, 1440x760, 36:19, 1535681284.jpeg)

f0d447  No.4975018


I don't think Ariana Grande is notable baker


6019e7  No.4975019


e67c55  No.4975022


Ahhhhhhh. That smug smirk

c03c54  No.4975023

File: bda530e92b19f89⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 255x205, 51:41, herr durr pepe.jpg)


45 posts. Says,


a84c57  No.4975024


I see IG IG

b99585  No.4975025

File: 8b939bb2314df46⋯.png (180.7 KB, 709x960, 709:960, ClipboardImage.png)

a65194  No.4975027


An "intervention."

You mean, like where all your friends and family sit around you and explain how you need to change your life?

Just what POTUS needs.

Yeah, better to throw the bastard out.

c8526e  No.4975028


second removal of Ariana Grande notable, it was discussed yesterday and really who gives a shit about this satanist's tattoos.

68a8b1  No.4975029


Fucken chatty kathy over there kek

f8b439  No.4975030


I was in 9/11. In front. Watching on the street.

It was so much worse than any person can imagine.

c84a8f  No.4975031

File: ebb1c0e6e4fb365⋯.png (603.73 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85bef69db07816c⋯.png (828.59 KB, 953x788, 953:788, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 870a819a29b2811⋯.png (35.95 KB, 214x147, 214:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Dennis Lindahl (aka inferno)

Democrat, Freemason, Satanist, Fake MAGA.

Patriot News (YT and Discord) = Wojcicki approved pilpul.

Careful who you follow frens.

f29b0d  No.4975032


and if you had posted 46s earlier this would have been post number 666 … close but no cigar

679c36  No.4975033


And the award for worst retarded Pepe goes to…

8f4070  No.4975034


also noted by this anon, would remove



>explain this sentence then


>>At what point is it mathematically impossible?



9e7418  No.4975035



IG report coming out, or he just read it and got all ramped.

adc5d0  No.4975036


> 4:04 AM

> 4:13 AM 9 I

> 4:16 AM 3 C

> 4:25 AM 9 I

> 4:32 AM 7 G

> 4:41 AM 9 I

> 4:48 AM 7 G

I see Post# 439797 (the "4" coming from the 4AM)

480f66  No.4975038


Seconded. Ariana Grande is not notable.

She haz an extra chromosome

e67c55  No.4975039


Tits or, well you know the rest

5f5f8f  No.4975040



Is DJT directing Anons back to Awan, MS13, Seth Rich with these two tweets?

488fef  No.4975041

IT depends on what IT is

80a67a  No.4975042


cross ref with caps on words that don't need caps

ffe798  No.4975043

File: adbb28086e6c250⋯.jpg (136.67 KB, 1754x647, 1754:647, HYG vs SPX Hist at the spl….JPG)


there is you proof

f8b439  No.4975046

File: 652b3b0a4a41c06⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 255x120, 17:8, itsthemasons.jpg)


I'm a mason. I'm a loyal patriot.

Buncha dickheads in all affiliations. And some good ones too.

cb0a35  No.4975047

File: aa9af8e1aa13c18⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 2436x1827, 4:3, 5142267A-E0AE-423B-998D-F….jpeg)

437295  No.4975049

I have figure out why some Democratic state are pushing for those insane abortion law. It's not what you think.

POTUS is really in control. When he is done with them they really wont be able to walk down the street. Those people are forced to commit political suicide. This is what this is all about. Exit stage left is what he is offering them…… Or be branded as a fucking Cannibal degenerate like the rest of them!

The Public backlash from those proposed law will be immense in the next few day. Those who have propose them will quit….. or they will become literal pariah.

The MSN as been neutralize in the last few week most of the Mocking bird asset are getting out. But I don't think CNN will survive 2019. They will be force to hold the "insanity line" to the end and they will burn.

Enjoy the show.

cae84a  No.4975050

File: b31cc5b903bd738⋯.jpeg (58.7 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 60371615-57F7-4591-A250-5….jpeg)

e67c55  No.4975051

c65dd9  No.4975054

File: 8f07eb0111a90f5⋯.png (268.34 KB, 1276x511, 1276:511, ClipboardImage.png)

First place I can find with 'IT' (not Q, but a anon)

acfcba  No.4975055


#939797 Color Hex

#939797 color RGB value is (147,151,151).

00eeb2  No.4975056


Donald Trump promised to “Drain The Swamp” while running for office. Voters gave him the opportunity to follow through when they propelled him to the White House.

So many Deep State crimes . . . . .?

So few Unsealed Indictments . . . ?

We have it ALL ?

BUT So few Declassed memos / emails / texts / phone conversations ?

98edb9  No.4975057

File: 6a2035a98e2c4ad⋯.jpeg (552.42 KB, 1242x1175, 1242:1175, 14DDC352-6DCB-46CC-A0B8-5….jpeg)

File: 011d8f7917e14a0⋯.jpeg (541.14 KB, 1242x1150, 27:25, 9391DC0A-7320-4BDA-B7AB-8….jpeg)

File: f9f2f38bc80680c⋯.jpeg (576.79 KB, 1242x1112, 621:556, 017FC086-D5A4-4595-A8EE-8….jpeg)


a84c57  No.4975058

File: 354936d8f6beade⋯.png (87.21 KB, 619x573, 619:573, $27DEC17.png)

ebfae3  No.4975059


The Cardinal is a nickname from the rank and file FBI agents who are skeptical of their then-boss's excessively high regard for himself.

Think Pompous Arse. Kek.

ca3dac  No.4975060

File: 466a864206e359f⋯.png (15.83 KB, 819x827, 819:827, 203E624F-2C32-4F4B-90A4-EE….png)

File: 420664ab1688cb2⋯.jpeg (18.62 KB, 239x255, 239:255, 78B46CDB-E124-40F5-842F-6….jpeg)

26755b  No.4975061

File: f6c61f73509e7de⋯.png (537.3 KB, 958x802, 479:401, Screenshot (292).png)


Just drawing connections/correlations here… we have 666, we have Q post 666 written on Feb 5th 2018>> 1 yr delta from the SOTU 2/5/19

We also had sale of Black Forrest/Austria come up again. Their selling of their final piece of the Blk Forest announced 5 days ago.

All just data points to connect. Maybe Cabal will try to crash the markets just before or on the date of the SOTU??

413cac  No.4975062

File: 7846e0de8c997d0⋯.png (45.98 KB, 644x331, 644:331, POTUS 1-31-19 4 41 am PST.PNG)

File: ba774c89b81e2d7⋯.png (47.22 KB, 652x371, 652:371, POTUS 1-31-19 4 48 am PST.PNG)

File: 7aeb1eef896cc7c⋯.png (48.13 KB, 648x365, 648:365, POTUS 1-31-19 4 56 am PST.PNG)


>New POTUS Tweets










f29b0d  No.4975063


The things people will do to stay at home and play xbox

f8b439  No.4975064


можете ли вы работать над своим английским, пожалуйста?

ffe798  No.4975065

File: bf756ff7fd59dc4⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 255x157, 255:157, VP MBS my nigga.jpg)

60c78c  No.4975066

File: 4b229052d3e6521⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 788x699, 788:699, 1540855175881.jpg)


This is the group Feisty is streaming with now?

Very interdasting.

a3f373  No.4975068

e91221  No.4975069


lol Trump used the exact same strategy with the Dems that he did with the Chinese.

e67c55  No.4975070


Sorry hit the wrong button.

So the bond market and stock market started to diverge in 2011 to 2012 and has continued the trajectory with no negative consequences. Not being combative but maybe this is a new normal.

f8b439  No.4975072

File: 93851fa2ae4175e⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 255x248, 255:248, smartpepe.jpg)


That's a fucking dope ass pepe.

ca3dac  No.4975074


Been looking for dis pepe…

9e7418  No.4975075

File: d924db35a2cee76⋯.jpg (100.78 KB, 1439x807, 1439:807, Screenshot_20190131-070108….jpg)



ffe798  No.4975076


credit market HYG is high yield credit

488fef  No.4975077

IT depends on your definition of " IT "

IT? the China trade deal?

c65dd9  No.4975078

File: c4b0b4dafbc4a69⋯.png (98.88 KB, 375x295, 75:59, ClipboardImage.png)

a12406  No.4975081


throw another shrimp on the baaaahbie mate

e67c55  No.4975082


Sorry, I confess I don't understand but am trying to figure it out

b99585  No.4975083

File: 713ab3da182e8c4⋯.png (79.88 KB, 505x692, 505:692, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd25fda4da37210⋯.png (146.18 KB, 388x1057, 388:1057, ClipboardImage.png)



Gee, W H

f8b439  No.4975089

fags lets go

c65dd9  No.4975090

File: 650c2b4edfc45e4⋯.png (71.26 KB, 366x260, 183:130, ClipboardImage.png)

ebfae3  No.4975092


MAR 15 2018 → MAR 15 2019

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