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File: f29555dd6b5230f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QResearchGeneral.jpg)

0a1d2f  No.4971143

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap: >>4965770 )

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap: >>4965765 )

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0a1d2f  No.4971151


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board


>>4970446 Co-founder of Satanic Temple is afraid of Pence

>>4970498 Actress and Cosby Accuser dies at 72

>>4970499 Moar on baby-killing VA Gov. - former pediatric neurologist, Army doctor

>>4970543 Senior DOD Official: Three Migrant Caravans Headed to U.S., One with 12,000

>>4970572 Moar on Pelosi and Napa Valley scene

>>4970602 America stands with the people of Venezuela: Sarah Sanders tweets Juan Guaido NYT Op-ed

>>4970632 Dems turning SOTU into a sideshow, invite illegal immigrant fired from Trump golf course to the address

>>4970690 Twitter Suspends Jared Beck, Attorney For Plaintiffs In DNC Fraud Lawsuit

>>4970762 Gotta catch 'em all. 33 sex traffickers arrested in Atlanta in a bust related to the Super Bowl.

>>4970887 Kekek: protesters subpoena Trump over alleged violent encounter with Trump Tower security

>>4970893, >>4970931, >>4971062 Planefag reports including 4 doomsday planes in the air, 3 E6's and one Nightwatch

>>4970932 Polar vortex shows tits

>>4971014 Kek, anon makes craigslist post soliciting RBG impersonators for SOTU

>>4971019, >>4971045 DEVELOPING: Massive 8-Alarm Fire Burning In New Jersey, Smoke Seen on Radar

>>4971041 Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Withhold Pay From Congress, President During Shutdowns

>>4971113 #6346


>>4969635 SS agent injured, one arrested in incident with motorcade outside WH near the 17th & Pennsylvania intersection

>>4969657 Q clock update for the night shift

>>4969674 US sanctions Nicaragua oil company Albanisa over Venezuela ties

>>4969689 Deleted PapaD tweet: Mifsud got played by MI6/C_A

>>4969701 DC Antifa Leader Faces 17 Charges, Including Assault, Terroristic Threats, Report Says

>>4969739 Disgusting video of VA Gov. on abortion: "The baby will be delivered, 'kept comfortable for a few hours' then terminated."

>>4969897 Coast Guard searching for missing medical plane

>>4969913 German Federal president stranded in Ethiopia as plane breaks down... again

>>4970372 #6345


>>4969391 Kentucky Jury awards Rand Paul Damages in Neighbor Attack

>>4969388 Brussels orders Britain to pay £39bn Brexit bill even if there is no deal

>>4969385 David Daniels, opera star, arrested on sexual assault charge

>>4969341 Survey: 60 Percent of students value tolerance over free speech

>>4969321 Deltas of POTUS' last 3 tweets

>>4969299 Iran ships 30 tons of yellow cake to Isfahan enrichment facility

>>4969277 Three migrant caravans headed to U.S., one with 12,000

>>4969251 Facebook has a semi-official ban on employees using Apple’s iPhones

>>4968934 Q Post 458, POTUS' Venezuela tweet and 'Freedom'

>>4969131 Moar Napa Digs: Tim and Steph Busch

>>4969020 Pence going to Poland and Germany 2/13-16/2019

>>4968979 Tom Fitton tweets on alien voting numbers

>>4968939 Dems signal flexibility at border meeting

>>4968919 Human trafficking sting across Cali nets 339 arrests

>>4968899 Mueller's office: Hackers stole evidence in Russian troll farm case

>>4968889 Judge rejects request to unseal charges against Assange

>>4968873 , >>4968894 Apache Spark news, a past Q Post and Feb 5

>>4968872 Moar on Graham's letter to Wray re Stone's arrest

>>4968856 Planefag Updates

>>4969530 #6344


>>4968737 Feds Indict Philly Union Boss Johnny Dougherty, Councilman Bobby Henon and others

>>4968542 Dems play the race card straight out of the gates

>>4968518 Lindsay Graham's letter to FBI Director re Roger Stone's arrest

>>4968434 Lawmakers begin tough negotiations on border security

>>4968364 Treasury official pleads not guilty to charges of leaking information re Trump / Russia

>>4968261 Maduro "Open To Talks" As 20 Tons Of Gold Mysteriously Disappear From Venezeula's Vaults

>>4968249 Judge orders public release of docs from BuzzFeed’s lawsuit over the Steele dossier

>>4968164 Voter fraud news from Connecticut Anon

>>4968147 , >>4968166 Fresh POTUS tweets congratulating 'Interim President Juan Guaido'

>>4968102 'Something Big': Interdasting timefag graphic

>>4968100 Fresh DJT tweet: Dow just broke 25,000. Tremendous news!

>>4968068 Apple engineer accused of stealing IP in order to benefit China-based competitor

>>4968043 Today: 1 Year, -2 Day Delta from 'POTUS is safe. Protected by Patriots.'

>>4969246 #6343

Previously Collected Notables

>>4967202 #6341, >>4967958 #6342

>>4964889 #6338, >>4965671 #6339, >>4966443 #6340

>>4962540 #6335, >>4963346 #6336, >>4964115 #6337

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

0a1d2f  No.4971154

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0a1d2f  No.4971160

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

0a1d2f  No.4971165



992304  No.4971178

File: 2eebe8eca5c01bf⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 640x352, 20:11, 1548898735766.webm)

d7a06a  No.4971193

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

94822a  No.4971195

File: 044ff7db9b8b49a⋯.png (552.75 KB, 735x820, 147:164, walkie-talkie-jew-blank_ne….png)

69b616  No.4971197


"Looks like Iran was harboring AQ for years. Why was this important information hidden from the American people?"

da5e9b  No.4971199

File: 9ec31e2503b6e0e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1668x1707, 556:569, ClipboardImage.png)

She's going to end up suicided.

d7a06a  No.4971200

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

69b616  No.4971201


Report: Secret Service Makes Arrest After Incident with Chinese Motorcade Near White House

"Chinese Motorcade"?

25601a  No.4971202

File: 0841b835adace2c⋯.png (734.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



42b945  No.4971203

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

640051  No.4971204

File: 4a9ef161d087dd8⋯.jpeg (35.24 KB, 504x349, 504:349, Tits.jpeg)

Thank you, Baker.

69b616  No.4971205


Super Bowl security: 33 arrested on sex-trafficking charges

ee9bdb  No.4971206

>>4971084 pb

We're overthinking all this. Maybe it doesn't mean anything. The cabal couldn't care any less about What we do, as long as we keep feeding global commercialism and making THEM get richer.. We are all their slaves. Killing us wouldn't be in their financial interest.

857bbc  No.4971207

yes we all agree this is extreme and wrong

>>4969739 Disgusting video of VA Gov. on abortion: "The baby will be delivered, 'kept comfortable for a few hours' then terminated."

does that mean there is no opposing position that is extreme? The Bible says "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED" This extreme pro abortion decision is a direcxt result of PRO LIFE EXTREMISM

If anons do not recognize the fact that most americans accept 1st trimester abortion as a safe and legal procedure they are every bit as EXTREME

and this joyful anticipation of making the abortion supporters as miserable as pro lifers are by enacting more abortion laws is WRONG

Now cue the evil baby murderer pro life horror porn and the vile accusations - that is wrong too and unless and until that truth is recognized no justice can or will be done.

Those that love Jesus do not condemn others with horrid epithets and evil names

the pro life movement has become yet another tool in the DS cabal arsenal to DIVIDE - will NO pro lifer ever agree to compromise? to consider that millions of ordinary americans do NOT agree with you? If not how are you better than chuck and nancy and the NY fucks?

Anons who really want to reduce abortions and stop the craziness in NY and elsewhere? And soon? Easy - be like Trump and make a deal - 1st trimester abortions unrestricted - after that NO ABORTIONS unless proven physical life or health threat to the mother - and then NO money for PP and NO money for abortions

Any takers?

a97961  No.4971208


Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Julian Assange


14eefd  No.4971209

e9372a  No.4971210

File: 467a32c97c32588⋯.jpg (281.32 KB, 750x700, 15:14, IMG_055.jpg)

patriots remember!

9666f0  No.4971211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MAGA Lyrics

f48b1c  No.4971212


Yes, we remember that you posted that a gorilla times before.

3a1a84  No.4971213

>>4970927 previous

Trivia question:

Where can you go outside the CONUS without a passport?

e4e0a1  No.4971214

File: 1625da3e5243cb4⋯.jpeg (35.99 KB, 612x192, 51:16, F37801B3-EC15-4A03-80D6-4….jpeg)

Sign up for my shill-filtered internet service. Only $17.17 per month. Pic related. - Q

152ea5  No.4971215

File: 3c8944228ff2742⋯.jpeg (727.99 KB, 1242x1066, 621:533, 90CC57D2-83E4-404E-96FC-B….jpeg)

File: 803b166feac612b⋯.jpeg (736.61 KB, 1170x1488, 195:248, 5A255D6A-AF3F-432D-AEB9-2….jpeg)

File: 6659ed9ad90cf6c⋯.jpeg (627.25 KB, 1169x943, 1169:943, E2BCE588-5F31-4414-861E-5….jpeg)

25601a  No.4971216



y gracias bakero


952413  No.4971217

>>4971134 lb

I got a deal for you. Don't want the baby? Don't make the baby.

14eefd  No.4971218


>27 agents

4bd5b8  No.4971219

File: 116d33e4b1635cf⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1440x1935, 32:43, Capture _2019-01-30-21-05-….png)

File: a7a9ba728e222a3⋯.png (387.5 KB, 1440x2279, 1440:2279, Capture _2019-01-30-21-06-….png)

File: 4a84f0efc1bd54a⋯.png (339.22 KB, 1440x2246, 720:1123, Capture _2019-01-30-21-06-….png)


25601a  No.4971220


<thinks this is the longest Q has been away

6c48b1  No.4971221

File: 98273e2472955f3⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1668x1975, 1668:1975, CC01DB51-DC12-4546-9BB5-D….jpeg)

Dems heads explode….

Elections have consequences.

Theories abound early in Trump Presidency about realigning or changing districts.

This is another way.

d13bad  No.4971222

>>4970906 lb #6346

if interested, i have watched a number of vids, lays out DC as 'Little Egypt' to duplicate same 'magical' frequencies as the great pyramids,using masonry angles etc. in order to duplicate the 'secrets of the pyramids' but also have torn down structures in order to have site degree coordinates.

DC is not the only place, he reveals other locations where this applies. pyramids etc.how they all link up

so much to still learn I'm not sure which is more overwhelming, coming to terms with the pedo shit for the last nearly 5 years or what there is left to learn.

We might have more than we know, but when is it we will know enough.

My hope is I survive a few years longer to see this come to fruition for the lives of ppl around the world, in our own families and (now larger) circle of friends

d7a06a  No.4971224

File: 94a81b48a184422⋯.png (120.83 KB, 524x333, 524:333, jrc.png)

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 7421268f851d5ba⋯.png (491.08 KB, 999x800, 999:800, herry.png)

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: 5437801ccaa7137⋯.png (370.84 KB, 411x580, 411:580, mpjl.png)

01d448  No.4971225

File: 9acca205e234e40⋯.jpg (487.75 KB, 729x1050, 243:350, cofbewbs.jpg)


POTUS is a teetotaler.

Q a drug problem?

Having known many with such, it is hard to fathom a guy who could set up much of this and not get busted by a bunch of autists repeatedly. as well, tossing out that Q has a drug problem is pretty rank - it throws shade hard, and is very divisive - flies in the face of what we are trying to fight back against.

I am more inclined to view this as a typical halfchan larp. if not, then we got a pretty good view of the plan from FBIlarpanon and Q. much of it appears imminent looking at crumbs and FBIlarpanon.

not long to wait anyway.

interesting both say to sit back and enjoy the show, if FBIlarpanon isn't a shiptosting douche.

d0d593  No.4971226

File: 1702cfe4ba9b5e1⋯.png (271.72 KB, 494x335, 494:335, 2019-01-30_21-25-55.png)

File: 973e790a1173988⋯.png (244.88 KB, 478x280, 239:140, 2019-01-30_21-26-15.png)

File: 3988bbb4ff60543⋯.png (265.64 KB, 486x259, 486:259, 2019-01-30_21-26-46.png)

File: 175162ffa8edcff⋯.png (552.7 KB, 496x547, 496:547, 2019-01-30_21-27-45.png)

>>4971074 LB

Does becoming a representative or a senator means you will become a multimillionaire without having to do anything other than what you are told after you walk into that office?

Think of it, a lifetime of free stuff for you and your family for the rest of your lives for just looking the other way.

8d0d71  No.4971228


common sense

2580ce  No.4971229







028a26  No.4971230

File: 1d56baa01263db0⋯.jpg (791.13 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_NMM.jpg)

File: 8e833f54351bbfa⋯.png (374.34 KB, 4096x2048, 2:1, NMM_Template.png)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, OriginalGraphic.jpg)

File: 0b572518de2fe94⋯.png (341.66 KB, 486x551, 486:551, KubricThrillOfDiscovery.png)

Flac above the target~

How many MARKERS can (You) find?

Read the NEWS to unlock older Q Posts.

The Posts that are unlocked by news in all its forms are revealed as the MARKERS.

What we find between the MARKERS opens more.

Markers -> deltas/timestamps used to arrange them -> paint a 40K ft. V picture.

>[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

>Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to contnue.

>Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

>Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

<Graphic is necessary and vital.

>Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

<Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

<Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

>Why was this necessary?

>What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

>Why is this relevant?

>Think mirror.

>Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

>What is a map?

>Why is a map useful?

>What is a legend?

>Why is a legend useful?

>What is a sequence?

>Why is this relevant?

>When does a map become a guide?

>What is a keystone?

>Everything stated is relevant.


>Future provides past.

>Map provides picture.

>Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

>40,000ft. v. is classified.

>Why is a map useful?

>Think direction.

>Think full picture.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

>Be [p]repared.

>Ope[r]ations underway.

>Operators [a]ctive.

>Graphic is essential.

>Find the ke[y]stone.

>Moves and countermoves.

>They never thought she would lose.

>Snow white.

>Godfather III.

>Iron Eagle.


They gave us a guide.

A Light in this Darkness.

Original Text - https://pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX

As far as I can tell this pastebin has an exact Copy of the graphic Q posted, plus the three extra posts Q made in a bread before:


Happy hunting, lads

69b616  No.4971231


Uuuuuuuuh… that's gonna be a fun one for them to avoid explaining…

8641d7  No.4971232

The defiance of Cuomo and Northam really disturbs me with the abortion laws. It's almost as if they are purposely trying to bring God's judgement down on US.

a97961  No.4971233


Maybe they want us divided. Feed bullshit to both sides until they are completely divorced from each other.

e4e0a1  No.4971234


A prostitute lied? Why is she not in Congress?

d7a06a  No.4971235

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: 74095837c74687c⋯.png (228.22 KB, 444x656, 111:164, BIBEN.png)

0a1d2f  No.4971236


>most americans accept 1st trimester abortion as a safe and legal procedure

because they don't know what happens to those fetuses. they don't know they get sold and eaten by their leaders. if they knew, they would agree with most pro life anons.

you've been posting this kind of shit 3 breads in a row. give it a fucking rest.

253a52  No.4971237

File: fc3ca42b0c6a914⋯.png (889.23 KB, 1361x612, 1361:612, 0148625082340234875.png)

36ce15  No.4971238

File: dc333ec3a35212c⋯.png (147.47 KB, 591x381, 197:127, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

File: 63569c19f57db87⋯.png (175.71 KB, 937x185, 937:185, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

File: fdd0bd6a24e2f47⋯.png (113.87 KB, 411x633, 137:211, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

Jussie Smollett Rumor

1) alleged screenshot of rumor

2) urban dictionary

3) colorful incident description courtesy of /pol/


4fe50e  No.4971239

Where are the Father's to these full size babies being murder???

What's next?.. Is it okay to Kill your baby and throw it away or bury it!

This is so SICK!!!>>4971217

7c9d70  No.4971240

File: 9360b0987a4cef7⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 500x375, 4:3, screw.jpg)

883f1c  No.4971241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ee9bdb  No.4971242


Wher was the outrage when they did it in New York?

There will be more of this in other states. Count on it. Nothing and no one will stop it…except perhaps God himself.

f5a2ef  No.4971243

File: a3d28248873e6b4⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 870x426, 145:71, 1-349.jpg)

File: 39486de5e509018⋯.jpg (36.98 KB, 241x223, 241:223, _9746094.jpg)

File: 3c38147eb076b2f⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 800x519, 800:519, 206.jpg)

File: 9d2d66217223089⋯.jpeg (135.31 KB, 600x451, 600:451, 5a81a807d415a.jpeg)

File: 2b581633f794a6c⋯.jpg (25.15 KB, 640x361, 640:361, 1173750_555655697933962_86….jpg)


No, that's islam, democrats, NWO globalists

457bbe  No.4971244


Gym socks don't reproduce.

e4e0a1  No.4971245


I feel better about it now.

061906  No.4971246

File: 8a00603b427475c⋯.jpg (120.69 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, toss.jpg)

0d8993  No.4971248

File: a43eb446b34dae9⋯.png (453.68 KB, 1914x843, 638:281, pf20190130_1534.png)


RAF been active over CONUS last couple of days, so not surprising.

Netherlandians had a passenger jet going over today, wrong way though.

d3c3c0  No.4971249


welcome back

640051  No.4971250

File: a9aaccdcc04f616⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 500x278, 250:139, Planned Parenthood Child S….jpg)

They're trying to force the extreme abortion laws out there now before RBG leaves,

a97961  No.4971251


It's not just that he's been away for awhile - it's that he hasn't posted anything of great significance in a REALLY long time.

d7a06a  No.4971252

File: 463ff4d9cf01d47⋯.png (403.85 KB, 999x662, 999:662, the-smirk-dossier.png)

File: f217f72c54bc6c4⋯.png (569.02 KB, 1111x746, 1111:746, our-unity.png)

File: 201e7c1ec60150b⋯.png (837.04 KB, 1111x1122, 101:102, biden27x.png)

File: 6cc5fe2e43ff2a7⋯.png (749.29 KB, 1111x694, 1111:694, WWG1WGAkitty.png)

371644  No.4971253


lb, sawdust veins mofo

8d0d71  No.4971254

605c72  No.4971255

>>4971197 Krugman=fake economist, an idiot full of rage. Of course he's the idol of the mentally challenged left…my experience is that he is the only economist they can name, and none of them can even begin to explain the twisted BS he spews. But he is one of them, so they know his name and throw it out.


96b7d5  No.4971256


Who are you, CreateTV?

a70fb6  No.4971257

The most basic fundamental right we have is the right to life. Without

most basic right, all others don't matter.

e4e0a1  No.4971258


Aloha means Goodbye.

65559f  No.4971259




Article spinners

82738d  No.4971260

Lindsey Graham, for everyone that is wondering how this movie ends…

153ec9  No.4971261


I had to have my passport to travel to USVI

0a1d2f  No.4971263


repost with sauce for notables pls thanks

cc2bb9  No.4971264

>>4971198 lb

>niggerfaggot kike is a real thing

Do we not love this timeline?

9ea02e  No.4971265


why before RBG leaves?

662747  No.4971266


makes me wonder if Q/MI is using them in place of Sats for an ultrasecure compartmentalized mesh communication network...

061906  No.4971267


>Aloha means Goodbye.

Also means hello.

Greeting general.

03f237  No.4971268

68a293  No.4971269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Right now three (((doctors))) have to sign off on killing a baby human.

They failed. They are dirt. I can get holodomor camp operators to do that.

Dreaming of their white genocide… be careful what you wish for. It might come back at you.

This is what aborting a deliverable baby looks like.

The creep doctor slops the breathing, alive baby into a tub that looks like the one you wash dishes in (if you aren't a complete leftard retard).

Then they let the baby starve to death. Side by side with the ones they feed.

Welcome to Hell.

Any kids here, think long before you act. We were played 10x to Sunday and we still won.

abda9b  No.4971270

File: a0e489153ed8830⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 761x626, 761:626, pg1.jpg)

File: 46b97313eeb4ed5⋯.jpg (158.67 KB, 770x657, 770:657, pg2.jpg)

File: 8245f40eb8d1cbf⋯.jpg (205.9 KB, 729x667, 729:667, pg3.jpg)

File: c80d18190aa41c0⋯.png (767.98 KB, 604x868, 151:217, pg4.png)

Q's operation demoralize and confuse is almost complete. If you want a plan to trust then look to Yeshua Hamashiach.

e51de2  No.4971271


>any takers

Nope, not outside of rape.

a97961  No.4971272


The GREAT PURPLE TITS of the whore have descended upon mighty Babylon.

ee9bdb  No.4971273


Yet its billionaire globalist Jews who are purposefully spreading Islamic migration all over the West.

Interesting, isn't it?

51517f  No.4971274

File: 0842af2fedb0f98⋯.jpg (711.52 KB, 2758x3448, 1379:1724, CCwed.jpg)


>So this is saying that hillary is george soros' daughter.

STOP. Chelsea married a Soros.

THIS is why newfags MUST LURK MOAR.

Not only did Anon get this completely incorrect, ya made this shit up without any basis of fact.

You may have given bad info to another newfag that doesn't know better.

You made all Anons and our movement look ridiculous in the eyes of the world.

STOP yourself.

371644  No.4971275


gay and dead?

01d448  No.4971276

File: 9deb07318486251⋯.jpeg (158.49 KB, 720x537, 240:179, faggotry.jpeg)


more like on Sodom (NYC) anon…

terrified RBG dead and SC might vacate Roe vs Wade. doing so would revert it back to the states - so this looks very peremptory. those swimming in the swamp know the status of RBG already, and either she is close to the end or already gone, IMO.

c4299d  No.4971277

File: a1c5de8a50d97d0⋯.png (68.16 KB, 834x828, 139:138, 191359.png)



Pretty sure that's a bot.

662747  No.4971278


also means love and about 47 other dakine things.

f7a51a  No.4971279



1cfe66  No.4971280

File: f46f447292fc896⋯.png (646.92 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-2….png)

Just wow. Blinders on.

"We make the baby comfortable, and then we discuss resuscitation."

Does a non-lifeform require "comfort"?

Does a baby that once was alive actually require "resuscitation"? As in, it was already a living being prior to said discussion?


These people are just sick. Q was right. Dunno how much of a proof anyone needs anymore.


keep twatting the tag folks. Great awakening curtain call.

33a156  No.4971281


and if you refuse to play ball and bow to them, you're fucked.

I would say "Just ask James Traficant", but he is gone now…RIP

8d0d71  No.4971282



but effective

e9372a  No.4971283

File: 297c659d42e012c⋯.jpg (941.18 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_020.jpg)

patriots remember!!

3a1a84  No.4971284


Where have Pelosi and the Clintons et al been? Having trouble getting out of CONUS?

adf8f5  No.4971285

LG on Hannity just now:

"To everybody who is wondering how this MOVIE ends, it ends this way: we're going to build the wall one way or another"

You are watching a movie

0e12b7  No.4971286


We need to keep the focus on what (THEY) are doing and what they are trying to hide from us….they are having a very bad time of it it seems, why else would they try to pass an absolutely barbaric legislation that allow babies to be killed right up to the time of birth, why are trying to pass an anti-lynching law, why will they not give in to the wall when they were all for it in 2017, 2013 and 2010???? Because they have been cut off of much of their illegal money, evil practices and power, this is pure desperation at this point….Q always says "look here, not there or look there, not here, or there"…. their slowly being exposed and losing more than we can ever know…..do not be deceived and keep your eye on them ….

383138  No.4971287


No matter which wing gets the upper hand in government, the result is the same: perpetuation of the welfare-warfare-police-nanny state.

As Butler Shaffer once wrote, “Left and Right are only two wings on the same bird of prey.”

The hypocrisy is endless.

“Ultimately, the same people run the show. They set up this false left-right paradigm and get people fighting endlessly over meaningless junk. There is a great line in Macbeth about "a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." The real problem is not the media, Washington, Hollywood, etc. The real problem is that so many people are so willing to believe what their chosen spinmeisters tell them, no matter how absurd.”

But hey I'm totally woke and Trump is going to save us all like he said so, right?

f48b1c  No.4971288


patriots laugh!

ddde07  No.4971290

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>4969131 pb

>Do I get a cookie yet?

How about a chocolate?

>Pope valley.

Not to sidetrack from the Busch's, but remember the hot springs digs? Looks what's also in Pope Valley…


The Aetna Springs Resort is located in Aetna Springs and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The resort and spa originally developed by Len D. Owens, Frances Marion's father in the 1870s and quickly became a popular summertime destination for vacationers from San Francisco and Hollywood. One of the first golf courses west of the Mississippi River was built on the resort's property in 1891.

In 1966 Ronald Reagan announced his intention to run for the office of Governor of California in the dining hall at the resort.

On June 9, 2009 it was announced that the Aetna Springs Resort would close. In early 2012 the Napa County Planning Commission approved plans to renovate existing 28 structures and build a new lodge on the property.

The resort property was sold to Alchemy Resorts in 2018.

0d16c5  No.4971291

Lindsey Graham on Hannity just now

"to anyone wondering how this Movie will end…"

concerning the wall

b63aeb  No.4971292

File: d38ea2fb7e091c2⋯.png (283.94 KB, 536x495, 536:495, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4971173 LB

>open your fridge door and not close it

2580ce  No.4971293


U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR's) who travel directly between parts of the United States, which includes Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Swains Island and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), without touching at a foreign port or place, are not required to present a valid U.S. Passport or U.S. Green Card.


You went on a cruise ship. Different situation.

3a1a84  No.4971294


Seems like our friends can’t get too far, hmmm?

4df499  No.4971295

File: 1f447e358553eea⋯.png (493.77 KB, 720x340, 36:17, ClipboardImage.png)

136298  No.4971296

File: 5ad47223e593985⋯.png (1019.92 KB, 1214x1018, 607:509, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

I'm convinced.

LL is the Johnny Knoxville/Jackass of Jews.


6c48b1  No.4971297




e6de37  No.4971298

Heard it keked out loud. >>4971285

d7a06a  No.4971299

File: 70e51acc7a81878⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, sooon.jpg)

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)

f5a2ef  No.4971300


hamas, cair, mbh SAVAK shills aka "the hemorrhoids" are back








e4e0a1  No.4971301


Without actual habbenings, Q has nothing to say really. There are really no salient indications of any serious actions against deep state criminals to date. Just rumors.

69b616  No.4971302

File: a3c82ab4a5e7aed⋯.jpg (189.94 KB, 507x710, 507:710, a142fd46348e1892561f5ca696….jpg)

File: a77bf321ba5c8c2⋯.jpg (225.54 KB, 635x568, 635:568, 42f6ee938b1c65048cbd381a5d….jpg)

File: e639ffeb44ca5ea⋯.jpg (271.79 KB, 731x493, 43:29, 7b26de2108408f96c7c76f0e49….jpg)

File: 577e7d82684eb51⋯.jpg (175.2 KB, 462x780, 77:130, 551a21f4dc9c54c2a4360c0d55….jpg)

d52976  No.4971303

>>4971049 (LB)

Only because... I mean... where would you put the tax stamp?

061906  No.4971304

File: 1d800bc919597fc⋯.jpg (57.89 KB, 504x349, 504:349, colder.jpg)

65559f  No.4971305

Let's sacrifice comey to the alien probe gods over and over

0b20bc  No.4971306

Graham on hannity just now, "and to my republican friends, stand behind the president on this (the wall) and if you don't. YOU WILL PAY A PRICE"

you could tell by the way he fought to get it out before the break and the way that he said it that it was a very intentional and thought out message.

d7a06a  No.4971307

File: 34f7443babb725e⋯.png (895.7 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, pppo.png)

57647f  No.4971308


Heard it too.

1d6e64  No.4971309

File: 41fe0bef68cf576⋯.jpeg (404.26 KB, 1101x1928, 1101:1928, D16AB6A0-1CF0-44D3-AE4B-0….jpeg)

>>4971012 lb

Goebbels would be proud of their preparedness. https://m.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2019/01/29/cleveland-state-university-to-host-a-ruth-bader-ginsburg-tribute-concert-in-april

2580ce  No.4971310


Depends on whether they have more than one passport.

cef7ac  No.4971311

File: 3e91100ad26831d⋯.jpg (618.81 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190130-213516….jpg)

Anons WTF?

Small plane crashes at California airport with nobody inside


e9372a  No.4971312

File: 4595048d31542f8⋯.jpg (946.35 KB, 1920x1278, 320:213, IMG_072.jpg)

patriots imagine success!!!

e6de37  No.4971313


Then he said “Trump will build the wall”

01d448  No.4971315

File: 7ce5dff5adaed71⋯.jpg (114.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, froganon.jpg)


U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR's) who travel directly between parts of the United States, which includes Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Swains Island and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), without touching at a foreign port or place, are not required to show passport.

33d1a3  No.4971316

File: 04d5e0ab759b769⋯.png (537.15 KB, 626x933, 626:933, Andrew Coyne NWO Overlords.png)

National Post, Andrew Coyne: I, for one, welcome our New World Parliament Overlords


96b7d5  No.4971317


Keep going! Remember, 'Be Careful, Nancy'

8cb46a  No.4971318


Amazon buys secretive chip maker Annapurna Labs for $350 million

Amazon has confirmed it just dropped an undisclosed sum to acquire Israeli chip designer Annapurna Labs, while at the same time neglecting to say why. Meanwhile, Annapurna Labs has said nothing of the deal, which appears to be what the company is best at — the chip startup is extremely secretive, and hasn’t even announced any products publicly. Still, Amazon must have seen something it liked to scoop up Annapurna Labs for what is reportedly a hefty price.

While Amazon declined to discuss the terms of the deal, sources say the total value of the acquisition is $350-375 million. Annapurna Labs was founded only four years ago by Avigdor Willenz, founder of the chip-design company Galileo Technologies. That business was eventually bought out by Marvell in 2001 for almost $3 billion.

It’s tempting to assume at first glance that this is a play for ARM-based mobile hardware. After all, it seems like almost every company that sells mobile devices at least toys with the idea of designing their own ARM chips. Apple, Samsung, and Nvidia have all build devices using in-house ARM chips. However, this would most likely not be a great deal for Amazon, which has only had success at the low end of the market. It’s much smarter for Amazon to buy inexpensive parts in bulk rather than spend the time designing its own chip to power a $99 Kindle Fire.

Annapurna Labs certainly isn’t keen on giving any hints as to what it is developing. The company has a website with little more than an inspirational quote from the founder, a Twitter page with no Tweets, and a LinkedIn page that specifically says it’s “operating in stealth mode.” Employees listed on the Linked-in page list specialties in the realm of semiconductor and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design. Analysts have pointed to server networking chips as Annapurna Labs’ main focus. These chips could be used to move data more efficiently and save power in data centers. That would make a great deal of sense in this context. Amazon has plenty of servers.

AWSIn addition to the server infrastructure Amazon maintains for its own sites and services, one of the company’s main businesses is Amazon Web Services (AWS). Amazon doesn’t disclose how much money it pulls in from renting computing power to third parties, but it’s believed to be in the billions of dollars annually. There are approximately 1.4 million servers in the Amazon cloud split across 28 geographical regions. That’s a lot of hardware that costs money to run, so even small savings on each server could boost Amazon’s profit on AWS dramatically.

It’s well established at this point that the Fire Phone was an unmitigated disaster for Amazon, which took a $170 million write-down on the Android smartphone after it failed to sell in any substantial numbers. Saving a few cents here and there on server infrastructure isn’t as sexy as getting into smartphones, but the Fire Phone mess might have been what compelled Amazon to focus on one of its core competencies and acquire Annapurna Labs.

e4e0a1  No.4971319


The last Senate was useless . The House was much better.

79d896  No.4971320

File: c6ca221e5ad256e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1492x491, 1492:491, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 322dcc649cc1c74⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1463x473, 133:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 293606d792b6714⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1499x493, 1499:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a039c54fe0ad76a⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1497x491, 1497:491, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a448d47992f2b7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1492x487, 1492:487, ClipboardImage.png)

65559f  No.4971321

File: 0d36b23444d0d62⋯.jpg (303.37 KB, 800x1199, 800:1199, IMG_5715.JPG)

What did three lanterns mean again ?

0249b3  No.4971322

File: ec42a6332123ea1⋯.jpeg (245.16 KB, 1453x894, 1453:894, 44B04793-A245-49A3-A75C-A….jpeg)

3d2381  No.4971323


Yep. I like the post noname Lindsay Graham.

81579c  No.4971324


There is no timeframe per se. A Congressional session lasts two years. Any nominations not confirmed in that period expire. When the next two-year Congressional session starts, the president can resubmit the same nominees or brand new ones.

The problem is 2020 is a presidential election year. If Trump doesn't win again, he could be handing over a lot of vacancies to the next president (probably a Dem). That person most likely will nominate very liberal leftists.

Right now, there are 146 judicial vacancies. Trump renominated 56 (which weren't confirmed in the last session). He just submitted these 7 leaving 83 more to do. A major reason Trump is so far behind is because Dems haven't agreed with his selections for their states/circuits. No more nice guy.

662747  No.4971325

File: d4c160c28c8ca3e⋯.png (782.03 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Once a Year at 11:11 am the Sun Shines Perfectly on this Memorial


59d89b  No.4971326

File: 9c725d02b09e831⋯.jpg (540.33 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 6031a1e961d97821d0fa5765e5….jpg)

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB, 517x594, 47:54, 3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)

9e7dc2  No.4971327

File: c187cbcecc16ce0⋯.jpeg (637.19 KB, 1242x1892, 621:946, 6720853E-7C67-4D98-BAB3-A….jpeg)


Q said Jesus is the savior (John 3:16) and we should read our bible.

Jesus had much to say about the (((Pharisees))) - modern day Jews…

See verse attached.

and Jesus told the Jews - ye are not the chikdren of Abraham… blood lines dont mean shit, I can raise up the sons of Abraham from stones… meaning, even nonblood lines can be sons of Abraham.

326d0c  No.4971328

File: a480fd4b3487480⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Tremendous.jpg)


POTUS' use of the word Tremendous twice today caught my attention. I searched Qmap for "tremendous" and only found three posts. Post #2054 regarding September being emergency preparedness month is interesting in that February is the mirror of September on the clock.

Another point of interest is that POTUS declared the week of September 17-23 as Constitution week, which is also mirrored into February on the clock.

Never hurts to be prepared.

d7a06a  No.4971329

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: 9beeb928288e95a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1245x911, 1245:911, resist.png)


Bot memes

952413  No.4971330


Ghost riding a plane. The pilot was black?

253a52  No.4971331

File: bb6e13b030ed8ed⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1082x938, 541:469, 9806263509265434.png)

1b4ebc  No.4971332

File: b7b281ef642096f⋯.jpg (125.91 KB, 504x252, 2:1, SgtEast flearth.jpg)


Flat Earthers aren't worthy of being fags

aeb3e7  No.4971333

File: b89f38dd03fa169⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 214x255, 214:255, nice tits.jpg)

25601a  No.4971334



you could go to reddit?

65559f  No.4971335


And over and over

6c48b1  No.4971336

File: 758769638823120⋯.jpeg (886.72 KB, 1668x1867, 1668:1867, E28772F5-7718-4EF0-AA30-2….jpeg)

Dems are scared.


e4e0a1  No.4971337


Q does H every night.

479083  No.4971339

File: 9f070ac1f620545⋯.png (331 KB, 589x969, 31:51, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

File: 87b4135d0dcc028⋯.png (175.81 KB, 355x276, 355:276, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

File: 532ab03f5008852⋯.png (838.12 KB, 868x740, 217:185, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

5,000 troops to Columbia written on Bolton's pad

Today 50 Apache helicopters arrive at the U.S. Military Base in Colombia

7c459b  No.4971340

>>4971194 lb

>unwanted babies

I know there are people who would adopt a baby in a heartbeat, given the chance.

a2a11b  No.4971341

File: df8fc390783edca⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1200x700, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

153ec9  No.4971342


I flew, they would not let anyone on the plane without a passport.

8c2740  No.4971343

File: 8f138cc64d41a05⋯.png (97.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorOS1.png)

59d89b  No.4971344

File: 53da675f442f2e4⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 410x307, 410:307, 53da675f442f2e439d403a26ce….jpg)

136298  No.4971345


According to the CDC, roughly 700 women die each year in the US either during childbirth or from complications of pregnancy.

700 TOTAL.

Not exclusively during birth, and NOT due to issues with the baby.


Abortion has ZERO to do with "saving the mother" or "Muh women's health."


d52976  No.4971346


Sounds like it is time to go pro-active again.

0a1d2f  No.4971347

>>4971230 i smell a fungalleafbitch

>>4971318 2015? really?

d7a06a  No.4971348


They never are…

e4e0a1  No.4971349


Mexico still?

c5e624  No.4971350

File: 2d72572baee3d04⋯.jpg (169.88 KB, 891x1272, 297:424, ns24.jpg)

25601a  No.4971351


you got a good nose bakerfren

65559f  No.4971352



And over and over

136298  No.4971353


I flew to PR a few yrs back.

No passport required.

061906  No.4971354


I have seen those little planes get tossed by the wind if not strapped. But they did say crashed…

0042f8  No.4971355

Anon has a sad over FB's success. Here's hoping the plan is still firmly in place.

2fc087  No.4971356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Is What You Don`t Know About Fame! They Will Never Tell You In


=C L O N E S=


857bbc  No.4971357











in the first 125 posts this is the response to a call for reason and compromise on a major issue in america

chuck and nancy would be proud of you

or maybe this is all fake and paid for outrage

that would actually be better than if posters somehow are brainwashed enough to believe this approach will ever come to anything good - ever

8cb46a  No.4971358


Love it. Thanks for the reminder, Anon.

65559f  No.4971359


And over and over

69b616  No.4971360


Ugh, we're back to Jimmy again?

At least Freddy put effort into his nonsense.

f5a2ef  No.4971361

File: f03251079f45ac4⋯.jpg (20 KB, 375x375, 1:1, 00000.jpg)

a2a11b  No.4971362

File: 55e1f84c7d4b04a⋯.png (528.53 KB, 1200x1003, 1200:1003, ClipboardImage.png)


It’s past time for U.S. Intelligence Community leaders to stage an intervention with @realDonaldTrump.

My letter to Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence:

65559f  No.4971363


And put another in his mouth

9c2f63  No.4971364



That's a great twitter hashtag right there


beef3f  No.4971365

File: c8b1d403421948b⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 198x289, 198:289, th.jpg)

File: 6c858f4c6a96b59⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 250x293, 250:293, 181105robertson2.jpg)

File: e22d4a60085989a⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 644x350, 46:25, illuminati-masonic-grips.jpg)

anyone notice the ff racewar dude making the masonic lion's paw guesture on drudge? cheers anons.

061906  No.4971366


Agree. Abortion is hard on woman more than having the baby in majority of cases.

But harsh memes hit harder than numbers of truth.

93b897  No.4971367


>shill spotter

only thing worse than a shill

f48b1c  No.4971368

File: 6e92c2eecb6212b⋯.png (590.43 KB, 476x599, 476:599, ClipboardImage.png)


patriots are females too!!!

65559f  No.4971369

File: c09363803f2545c⋯.jpg (82.24 KB, 500x529, 500:529, F53E2DB5-6499-40CA-8EDB-EE….jpg)

98afab  No.4971370

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, e93d509470463e874bfbac2c4a….jpg)

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, e93d509470463e874bfbac2c4a….jpg)

3a1a84  No.4971371


AKA the list of places trapped cabal will try to flee to when making their run.

2580ce  No.4971372


That was a requirement of the airline. Not based on US law.

98afab  No.4971373

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

2fc087  No.4971374



b041c9  No.4971375

File: 630aef676023b1e⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 600x603, 200:201, John-Titor-machine-dm.jpg)

File: e37795f4b1baadb⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 340x270, 34:27, il_340x270.870649869_cwq8.jpg)



857bbc  No.4971376


no anon

the ONLY reason POTUS is stopped is becuase of corrupt senate that refuses to honor the constitution and vote with majority rule

major fuckery

65559f  No.4971377


And over and over

153ec9  No.4971378


I flew to St. Thomas, via Delta from Atlanta. I didn't think a passport should be necessary at the time, but I didn't want to argue.

3d2381  No.4971379


>Panic in DC

768ede  No.4971380

>>4970564 (pb)

Agreed fellow patriot! If we can go to war over slavery, this is a no brainer. Pray it doesn't come to that.

f48b1c  No.4971381


patriots are faggots too

136298  No.4971382

File: 26157a70a5dc3b9⋯.jpg (249.76 KB, 1200x843, 400:281, whoretex.jpg)

883f1c  No.4971383

File: 3437f3e113e58cd⋯.png (736.77 KB, 888x959, 888:959, pelosi.schumer.tits.gtfo.png)

7c459b  No.4971384

File: 5d2fc3511f03508⋯.jpg (16.97 KB, 191x205, 191:205, What Do It Say 2.jpg)


Describe this pic in detail or I tell all my frens you're a bot.

(pic related)

e1cf59  No.4971385


The whole system is flawed and outdated we need to look at the worlds past and see what works and what doesnt… then hit the reset and install a new partition

8d0d71  No.4971386


the rapture has started?

e4e0a1  No.4971387


Demoncrats tend to be very poorly-informed. They’re not all evil, most are just brainwashed dummies. Sad!

98afab  No.4971388

File: 6b422e6901ca052⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)

6f2538  No.4971389

File: 18bec1685ad4bc8⋯.png (872.98 KB, 861x865, 861:865, Screenshot_2019-01-30 Deca….png)

File: ed4a9761ab28392⋯.png (80.52 KB, 864x380, 216:95, Screenshot_2019-01-30 Deca….png)

File: 4b1bbcf1df36cc9⋯.png (390.28 KB, 1597x732, 1597:732, Screenshot_2019-01-30 Edga….png)


It seems that area is a hotbed for the "elite" and corrupt.

I just made a Bronfman connection to that dig.

Might as well post here too, moar eyes on.


>>4970079 (napa bread)

Agustin Huneeus Sr > Seagram's > Edgar Bronfman

Valeria Huneeus




I'd say the Bronfmans are pretty rich.

85b5eb  No.4971390

>>4969705 (pb)

A Constitutional Republic REQUIRES a moral people! Your argument was well crafted, but remains amoral!

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other".

John Adams

0a1d2f  No.4971391

File: 4385465e2c8ca1b⋯.png (376.49 KB, 738x677, 738:677, qxa17fx3s.png)

>>4971351 kek knew areeeba post was you! i'm getting better at it

2fc087  No.4971392


I apologize Patriot!

4df499  No.4971393


nice work, anon!

"tremendous challenges"

"tremendous WW support"

"tremendous success"

cef7ac  No.4971394


Now I see that the plane was being worked on but surely theres ways to prevent this from happening. Could possibly be somebody not knowing how to fly and attempting to steal or use for a possible false flag? Wouldnt doubt the media making up this story to cover that up.

a41f48  No.4971395


Wrong does not become Right and Evil does not become Good just because its accepted by a majority.

Some famous fuckin guy

Here’s the deal

Some have taken oaths to defend this Country.

Some others have taken an oath to defend the helpless.

If they want a civil war and are willing to cross the rubicon.

Killing newborn babies is as good as any reason to give them what they want.

VA will not be the last we hear of this. I expect more states to follow suit in the near future.

It is possible the die will be cast if they keep this shit up.

39ac17  No.4971396

File: 97536e9564575b7⋯.jpg (139.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, AMZN Dump.jpg)

File: 1c5f70b6d6d378d⋯.png (130.58 KB, 1491x768, 497:256, 013119 AMZN Dump.PNG)

Earnings are tomorrow.

Moar fuckery expected.

This is one a few company's that did a good job of hiding the black money. Of course it would be…

4d4dfa  No.4971397


Dems have no shame. Vote for killing innocent, rewarding criminals, protect bad behavior and perverts, lie cheat and steal without remorse. Biblical proportions. This should wake the rest of the normies that have a shred of decency left and can be redeemed before it is too late for their souls.

25601a  No.4971398

I get to be the highest ranking anon for a month if POTUS' nickname for Kamala is "Kinky Kamala"

71a1a2  No.4971399

I haven't been keeping up with news or the board lately and I really need 2 recent events of global interest for very subtle redpills for a handful dozens of 4-6% tier underdeveloped post-modernist anarchocommies (not Q/Trump related or obviously agenda driven or "conspiratorial")

thinking gillette for 1st

pl0x halp

fb7936  No.4971400

File: 881c40cc8dd2682⋯.jpg (58 KB, 674x545, 674:545, 2sgtk5.jpg)

This woman did more than anyone in 2019 to help re-elect Trump!


She is being ripped on Twitter - even by the pro-choicers!

457bbe  No.4971401

File: 2fc84334ed9a33b⋯.jpg (22.23 KB, 364x426, 182:213, abslide.jpg)

65559f  No.4971402

File: 88c1d45255ce530⋯.jpg (103.84 KB, 461x415, 461:415, 44BAD12A-7AC4-4B77-B8C4-8E….jpg)


And over and over

And over and over

f5a2ef  No.4971403

File: d93a62699342e63⋯.jpg (237.47 KB, 576x384, 3:2, try our bacon during ramit….JPG)

2580ce  No.4971404


Last time I checked, yes, although way back when I was in Dago, it wasn't a requirement to cross into TJ.

93b897  No.4971405

File: bfd236af4c9165c⋯.png (313.06 KB, 517x396, 47:36, water bear 3.png)

65559f  No.4971406


And then mueller stfu

8d0d71  No.4971407


Nancy will be killed by MS13

the dogs will turn on their master if not fed

f48b1c  No.4971408


<i forgive you! GOD BLESS US ALL

39ac17  No.4971409


fuck fuck fuck..forgot sauce


ca916e  No.4971410

File: f31563805751ea1⋯.png (128.65 KB, 1011x356, 1011:356, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)

File: 33411eb10dcba40⋯.png (78.58 KB, 633x637, 633:637, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)

File: 44bb2b1b07b1ee0⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)

File: 571f16e73bddfb4⋯.png (946.35 KB, 1031x615, 1031:615, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)


>>4969131 Moar Napa Digs: Tim and Steph Busch

Dig climbing into anons Tim Busch find. While looking at Busch's Napa resort, nextdoor there's a bunch of satellite dishes. Intelsat Corporation out of Mclean Virginia. Helper anon did mention beating around the bush.

>Intelsat Corporation—formerly INTEL-SAT, INTELSAT, Intelsat—is a communications satellite services provider. Originally formed as International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO, or INTELSAT), it was—from 1964 to 2001—an intergovernmental consortium owning and managing a constellation of communications satellites providing international broadcast services.

>As of March 2011, Intelsat operates a fleet of 52 communications satellites, which is one of the world's largest fleet of commercial satellites.[3] They claim to serve around 1,500 customers and employ a staff of approximately 1,100 people


>Intelsat maintains[when?] its corporate headquarters in Luxembourg, with a majority of staff and satellite functions. Administrative headquarters is located at the Intelsat Corporation offices in Tysons Corner, Virginia.[17] A highly international business, Intelsat sources the majority of its revenue from non-U.S. located customers. Intelsat's biggest teleport is the Teleport Fuchsstadt in Germany.

8641d7  No.4971411

What about the father's rights in regards to the baby? Why is made to appear that only the woman has rights and is the only one to determine the fate of those babies? What happens if the father is present at the birth and says NO, don't do that?

d0d593  No.4971412

File: 6c4d8972ced1d08⋯.png (200.01 KB, 381x263, 381:263, 2019-01-30_21-40-01.png)




855fc0  No.4971413


That is great he is pleading with them to meet with Trump to inform him on investigations. Go tell him how corrupt we are.KEK

857bbc  No.4971414



In the United States

Of the 7,208 deaths within a year of the end of pregnancy that occurred during 2011–2014 and were reported to CDC, 2,726 were found to be pregnancy-related. The pregnancy-related mortality ratios were 17.8, 15.9, 17.3, and 18.0 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively.

Considerable racial disparities in pregnancy-related mortality exist. During 2011-2014, the pregnancy-related mortality ratios were:

12.4 deaths per 100,000 live births for white women.

40.0 deaths per 100,000 live births for black women.

17.8 deaths per 100,000 live births for women of other races.

The graph below shows percentages of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States during 2011–2014 caused by:

Cardiovascular diseases, 15.2%.

Non-cardiovascular diseases, 14.7%.

Infection or sepsis, 12.8%.

Hemorrhage, 11.5%.

Cardiomyopathy, 10.3%.

Thrombotic pulmonary embolism, 9.1%.

Cerebrovascular accidents, 7.4%.

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, 6.8%.

Amniotic fluid embolism, 5.5%.

Anesthesia complications, 0.3%.

The cause of death is unknown for 6.5% of all 2011–2014 pregnancy-related deaths.


130bbe  No.4971415


Highest ranking anon here :

There can only be one….

9c2f63  No.4971416

File: ca736cfe81a1ca9⋯.jpg (23.41 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 08e7ff4a930bea78a56c6e7b40….jpg)

e51823  No.4971417


Fathers have no rights, only responsibilities (also, rapists)

3d2381  No.4971418


Krazy Kamala

65559f  No.4971419


And again and again

Till rainbows 🌈

Leap out

Like unicorns 🦄

1ad823  No.4971420

File: 3d0428d531e4682⋯.png (188.27 KB, 798x642, 133:107, Glass 1.png)

File: f22b5c961e0a7bf⋯.png (208.1 KB, 801x621, 89:69, Glass 2.png)

File: acbfe2483d9324d⋯.png (192.96 KB, 706x592, 353:296, Glass 3.png)

File: c05c61ba284852f⋯.png (178.78 KB, 674x588, 337:294, Glass 4.png)

Interdasting theory about White Hat infiltration of Hollywood, the predictive programming/hidden messaging in M. Night Shyamalan's movie "Glass," and how it all seems to specifically relate to and reference Q Anon and their claims.

Part 1/2

3a1a84  No.4971421


Yes and Canada. Walls have consequences


b089ee  No.4971422


not fair, you got to be highest ranking anon last month…

47a003  No.4971423


The longer you get the mom to wait, the more valuable the fetus becomes. So now PP will delay the abortion till closer to term. This is now a new incentive factor that has been created. Get your client to wait till close to term, then encourage the abortion. Evil has been magnified.

2fc087  No.4971424



God bless ALL who live in light!

f5a2ef  No.4971425


God Bless America, Our beloved President, our Constitutional, Bill of Rights, the Repubic

1ad823  No.4971426

File: 69b84b7ae720d6b⋯.png (180.18 KB, 726x574, 363:287, Glass 5.png)

File: 5374cecf481f190⋯.png (155.77 KB, 581x552, 581:552, Glass 6.png)

File: 78d45773b5d15ed⋯.png (194.85 KB, 632x647, 632:647, Glass 7.png)

File: c7f5ba7e94167b6⋯.png (51.39 KB, 558x170, 279:85, Glass 8.png)


Q and Hollywood continued.

Part 2/2

15c6aa  No.4971428

File: 09ed3f848001929⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Howard Schultz- Elizabeth ….mp4)

Howard Schultz: Elizabeth Warren's Programs "Will Lead To Socialism In America"


These next 2 years are going to be fun, watching the left eat themselves.

69b616  No.4971429

File: 8ae1729b86a160a⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 430x242, 215:121, 4832962.jpg)

b041c9  No.4971430

File: ee2e61397d8ff9e⋯.png (134.21 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Blank _e4d903c5e194656c631….png)

9c2f63  No.4971431

File: 5942e5d22521da2⋯.jpeg (11.23 KB, 255x255, 1:1, df8319aeeda2521d974b54bd7….jpeg)

fd565b  No.4971432

File: cb6f233c3b1cf7a⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1125x1239, 375:413, IMG_1954.jpg)

notice the imagery? they're pushing harder.

65559f  No.4971433

File: 4f17719aa417b4e⋯.jpg (379.38 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG_5712.JPG)

952413  No.4971434


You really want to negotiate? I start at 0 months but willing to go to 1.5 months. After that it's murder. We were still outraged before this but 9 months thing really brings it to the fore.

1cfe66  No.4971435


not fake.. but outrage sure. Is there no respect for life anymore? Do you see where that leads?


Right on.


e4e0a1  No.4971436


I haven’t tried it. Unlikely. I’m just going off Qresearch 1/31, been on since mid Nov 17. Enough internet posts and twatters, Trump must take actions now. The DOJ is a joke. On America.

b63aeb  No.4971437


>if POTUS' nickname for Kamala is "Kinky Kamala"

Please, dear 8 lb-6 oz not-aborted baby Jesus, MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

6c48b1  No.4971438

File: 3fa2a06bc55b9f6⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1668x1544, 417:386, 31BEBDEC-EA53-4074-BE57-5….jpeg)

Dems going after everyone.

The letter to Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., disputed claims that Mnuchin sold a stake in a Hollywood movie production company to a Ukrainian-born oligarch.

“To be clear, the Secretary did not sell his stake in RPDE (RatPac-Dune) to Mr. Blavatnik or his companies,” according to the letter, penned by Jennifer Bang deputy assistant secretary for legislative affairs. “The Secretary sold his stake in RPDE to a third party unrelated to Mr. Blavatnik.”


69b616  No.4971439

are we about to have a 502 party?

What's with the sudden slowdown?

Is Q lurking?


1d6e64  No.4971440


Kommie Kamala

bb12ec  No.4971441

File: c8fff289e115157⋯.jpg (286.7 KB, 1177x1279, 1177:1279, not their best.jpg)

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

65559f  No.4971442

File: 558d7876fed6467⋯.jpg (673.16 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5708.JPG)

1834a7  No.4971443


No taker anon here.

Murder of the innocents is a sin that cries out to Heaven.

You want to make a deal with God on it?

Only practical way forward is continued complete opposition to all legalized abortion while incrementally sanding away at the legal pillars that support it.

NY and VA are ploys by the cabal to implant in the minds of the feeders that resistance is futile.

They will lose.

01d448  No.4971444

File: 0897396bc4de641⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 432x768, 9:16, bb.jpg)


i shouldn't have posted king froggy, eh?

got D5 of shiptoasts…


0baf3e  No.4971445

File: c26c65206b32618⋯.jpg (138.76 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2sgw7m[1].jpg)

f5a2ef  No.4971446


The shill with the mason jar lid not screwed on tight enough

857bbc  No.4971447


i agree with you 100% anon

woould you not also agree one cannot legislate morality?

if we are moral we must lead by example

not condemn and force others to our POV

some things are morally black and white and are illegal and NO ONE complains becuase there is an adequate consensus

it is no different than red pilling others to persuade them abortion is wrong - that is the plan for the GA and it applies with equal force to every sub issue



8d0d71  No.4971448


>continued complete opposition to all legalized abortion

100% agreement with this anon

136298  No.4971449


Okay, so you broke down the exact same number I gave you into subgroups. Yay!

Point being- most deaths are bc the mother is already unhealthy.

NOT from the baby.

1b4ebc  No.4971451

File: ba8be55ca12ab1a⋯.jpg (158.63 KB, 576x324, 16:9, NatoBendsKnee.jpg)

4888ba  No.4971452


colder than a witch's tits

65559f  No.4971453

File: 9c633df10272788⋯.jpg (190.44 KB, 1197x800, 1197:800, IMG_5704.JPG)

69b616  No.4971454


Your trips of four command my forgiveness of your transgressianon.

6c48b1  No.4971455

File: 1eda7bb8ec69809⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 1668x2037, 556:679, 1E120A3E-793F-4725-99A1-4….jpeg)


33a156  No.4971456


Stormy Daniels

c4db4d  No.4971457


Countdown over tomorrow or 2/1?



2/1, 5:5, R ?

49db28  No.4971458


Galatians 3:28-29 King James Version (KJV)

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

a6970e  No.4971459


Kamala Vayu Harris

25601a  No.4971460



we'll have a handoff ceremony



definitely going to be with a k


KEK, it'd be such a big blow to her campaign


<i've been here since Nam and sheeeeit

061906  No.4971461

File: f317e78de129dba⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 493x235, 493:235, wallswork1.jpg)

65559f  No.4971462

File: a9a4ed7110f0d85⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 998x800, 499:400, IMG_5709.JPG)

d0d593  No.4971463

File: 0d92e45a27173c2⋯.png (59.29 KB, 261x181, 261:181, 2019-01-13_21-18-19.png)


Anyone trust Chief Justice Roberts?

e4e0a1  No.4971464


All the recipients serve at POTUS’s pleasure.

8b0842  No.4971465


Florida says it's a tranny.

81579c  No.4971466


After what the intel agencies and DoJ did to Trump, why should he trust any of them?

I wonder why Schumer sent an individual letter like this rather than one using his position as the ranking member of the caucus or committee. When I worked in the fed gov, the latter was the practice.

65559f  No.4971467

File: 9436e4e0b965ee4⋯.jpg (194.48 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, IMG_5711.JPG)

47a003  No.4971468


Soros, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, @jack, Chuck Schumer, The Patriots, every journalist in DC, Every broker on Wall Street, everyone in the FED…..

5abf2b  No.4971469

File: 7b5795b243fa28d⋯.jpg (735.85 KB, 1412x1612, 353:403, RN-VA.jpg)

Not a good meme maker but photofag/photoshopfag.

Fact graphic on Northam.

96b7d5  No.4971470


I dunno, but today's swirling is no longer superficial, but seems to be a seismic shake underway

857bbc  No.4971471


But you cannot simply drag millions of people to your POV with force

that is what SCOTUS did with ROE!

dont support this same flawed process

work with people and over time right conduct will prevail

0a1d2f  No.4971472

File: 56bea5a9babd091⋯.png (342.3 KB, 1506x540, 251:90, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)





i am the highest ranking anon permanently, sorry to disappoint you all

69b616  No.4971473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pompeo's on Hannity atm, if anyone cares.

82738d  No.4971474

File: 65519cb4058da90⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 319x240, 319:240, 781aa751e994839d8d80dd17ec….jpg)

a2a11b  No.4971475

File: f238f4aff2327c7⋯.png (445.66 KB, 579x704, 579:704, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e29d062d4cb166⋯.png (1.08 MB, 910x1200, 91:120, ClipboardImage.png)


d0eae3  No.4971476

File: 82aa81bb88cd179⋯.png (432.09 KB, 700x813, 700:813, 33.png)

Just another coincidence I'm sure..


d626f9  No.4971477

File: 8faf4296b749ae4⋯.png (554.6 KB, 950x596, 475:298, schultz.png)

93b897  No.4971478

File: d9a379875bd049d⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 600x325, 24:13, 1541810084657.gif)



can we get the cliff notes on this?

605c72  No.4971479


Spelling error.

Do you still (but) → buy shit from them

8d0d71  No.4971481


I said that once as a teen to a relative that was a practicing wiccan at the time

she was offended and asked how I would feel if she said "colder than a priests penis"

I laughed

65559f  No.4971482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eat the rich

81579c  No.4971483

b089ee  No.4971484


>we'll have a handoff ceremony

no homo

0a1d2f  No.4971485

Notables So Far

>>4971219 House Dems reject GOP proposal to block raises for federal employees guilty of sexual misconduct

>>4971221, >>4971297 Trump will nominate 3 judges to liberal 9th circuit

>>4971311 Small plane crashes at California airport with nobody inside

>>4971362 Panic in DC: Chuck's asinine letter to Dan Coats, DNI, calling for Intelligence leaders to stage "an intervention" with POTUS

>>4971410 Moar Napa digs

47a003  No.4971486


Why Not!

e51de2  No.4971487


>reason and compromise

Kinslaying is one of the gravest crimes. I'm not going to support my nation telling its daughters they may freely kill their own children, no matter how pragmatic or politically convenient it might be. If you want to compromise and be reasonable why don't you close your legs so you won't have to murder your children.

3d2381  No.4971488

7c459b  No.4971489

File: 815987947388ed9⋯.jpg (82.74 KB, 541x563, 541:563, walkietalkH.jpg)

0d8993  No.4971490


Only one propellor is badly bent. The engine was running but probably not at high revs and the wind slammed it sideways?

That or it's a stock photo. Which happens a lot.

65559f  No.4971491

File: e74d0e46c27ad47⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, IMG_5710.JPG)

94822a  No.4971492

File: 7be8d61ba4735ed⋯.png (523.7 KB, 500x557, 500:557, hamasnot.png)

4bd5b8  No.4971493

File: 293da93c709c604⋯.jpeg (264.87 KB, 799x1032, 799:1032, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-….jpeg)

File: 149647b560e9e82⋯.jpeg (109.78 KB, 799x450, 799:450, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-….jpeg)

File: 515d43f7c8aa131⋯.jpeg (164.3 KB, 799x608, 799:608, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-….jpeg)

File: 1819affadc3d0be⋯.jpeg (191.46 KB, 799x687, 799:687, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-….jpeg)

File: 670945c52a6648e⋯.jpeg (315.14 KB, 799x1011, 799:1011, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-….jpeg)


9c2f63  No.4971494


In our faces..Sorry thing is, kids are watching & are blind & innocent to it. It's suppose to be "normal" & fun & entertainiing. Pffftt!

4081a9  No.4971495

File: e3b94f972281664⋯.png (325.63 KB, 854x480, 427:240, doofyhighestrankinganon.png)

6c48b1  No.4971496

File: 1dfe2cfc56a8372⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1203x1969, 1203:1969, DE629194-4DC5-4568-996F-C….jpeg)

Consequences of snack and beverage mergers with fast food.


dac9eb  No.4971497

Almost high enough to name names.

857bbc  No.4971498


best offer so far

1b4ebc  No.4971499


Forgot the sauce


65559f  No.4971500

File: 3efb576a916d69b⋯.jpg (402.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_5698.JPG)

f5a2ef  No.4971501



Talk to yourself much, shill?

01d448  No.4971502

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)


i say use the Republic.

vacate RvW and let states sort it out.

i am weary of the left and right coast communists dictating everything at the Federal level.

49db28  No.4971503

File: 85ae98ed9b1517c⋯.png (32.23 KB, 430x134, 215:67, Capture.PNG)

fb7936  No.4971504

File: 1dc4a67b222901e⋯.jpg (74.06 KB, 841x479, 841:479, 2sgwrb.jpg)

8759d4  No.4971505


What were you thinking old man?

f57bd3  No.4971506

>>4970446 (lb)


>Co-founder of Satanic Temple is afraid of Pence

Not that I support the Satanic Temple but it's about the Separation of Church and State, even the Founders made sure to include it and fought to keep the united states of America from becoming a theocracy.

6687e0  No.4971507

An Antonov An 124-100-150 heavy equipment jet just went over my house in the Midwest. Distinctly different sound than other jets. Flying from Anchorage to Charlotte. Why is a Russian heavy jet flying across country in the U.S.?

747366  No.4971508

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, A586A847-997C-49E2-A756-6….jpeg)


Get up

c5e624  No.4971509

File: db4aaee39919b96⋯.jpg (131.73 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, continue.jpg)


smoke moar

857bbc  No.4971510


then you should be delighted with the idea of a deal cus there will only be 700 abortions permitted nationwide after three months

25601a  No.4971511


never homo


not. for. long.



c4d43a  No.4971513

File: 3fb3ad32b0fc913⋯.jpeg (70.83 KB, 726x510, 121:85, 90CE8D41-65F7-4E35-9917-9….jpeg)

Venezuela needs some Freedom…

4888ba  No.4971514


I blame niggers…does that come in Flamin Hot?

65559f  No.4971515

File: bdd24e5e1a7ccdc⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.96 MB, 500x494, 250:247, IMG_5697.GIF)

e0fa41  No.4971516


We're waiting for sauce. Do it.

918587  No.4971517


It’s called the Oil Curse.

5d1c4d  No.4971518


occam's razor says parachuted or mk ultra-ed or both.

9c2f63  No.4971519


Srsly! Makes my skin crawl.

e53c85  No.4971520


do THE R transparency w/the mars face..kek

d677d0  No.4971521


497, your digits say it is time…do it

9e7dc2  No.4971522

File: e1d7e8821223326⋯.jpeg (913.16 KB, 1242x1988, 621:994, D3E0A730-2F72-48E4-9F98-6….jpeg)


Thx fren. Its amazing how much of Jesus teachings have eerily spot on pertinent shit for us here.

We make bread here right??

Again, God busting the jws’ balls for their bread (info), and says my guys will make few breads to feed many… and warns us about the bread (info) of the jews…. and the reminder of the times he took few loafs and turned it into thousands


Its all about parables - Matthew 13:34-35 Jesus said he encoded the mysteries of the Universe in his parables.

The parable of bread. The parable of levin. Super important.

952413  No.4971523


Moving something big. I think they are Ukrainian in origin.

6ad2cd  No.4971524

File: 07219c2bba12d64⋯.jpeg (240.61 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B97E907E-9AF0-419C-9441-1….jpeg)

f5a2ef  No.4971525

File: a13c541b57a2ee8⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 719x524, 719:524, 11207280_1043395549017032_….jpg)

65559f  No.4971526

File: e98dbd97192c3f7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 234.6 KB, 821x800, 821:800, IMG_5700.JPG)

061906  No.4971527


>occam's razor

Where can a nigger get some of that occam razor, now that Gillette done went for pussies…


2fc087  No.4971528


LMFAO who knew…..

857bbc  No.4971529


>freely kill their own children,

no one supports this

you are the problem

6c48b1  No.4971530

File: 2532417d0b4d51d⋯.jpeg (21.17 KB, 429x419, 429:419, 3CA78001-A604-4A73-88FB-1….jpeg)


Pic is drop in auto sear

The drop-in auto-sear was designed in the mid 1970's for the sole purpose of converting the AR-15 to fire full-autD (select fire].

If you buy a drop-in auto-sear that was manufactured after November 1st, 1981. it is by itself classified a machinegun, and must be serial numbered and registered with B.A.T.F. as such. If it was manufactured before then, it in itself is not a machinegun. Of course, if you put it in your AR-15 then it is a machinegun. and as such is illegal, because although it was manufactured before, but not registered before midnight May 19. 19B6 it can not be registered after that date.

94822a  No.4971531


It's the final and best solution.

a41f48  No.4971532


3% is all it takes.

The millions wont have to take anyones point of view. Just dont get in the way if patriots decide to end the murder of newborn infants.

There are only 4 countries in the entire world last I checked that allow this procedure. Not a list that the US wants to be on.

0baf3e  No.4971533


I call lie. Standard semi auto rifles don't have the capacity to be converted to full auto. Different trigger mechanisms. UNLESS he had a lower that was full auto to begin with. then the question is WHO gave it to him as that stuff is closely watched by BATFE. Gotta have a FFL to work with full auto firearms. Then serial numbers can be traced to WHO with an FFL had it last.

paper trails speak volumes.

7c459b  No.4971534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Virginia Governor (former pediatrician) wants to legalize post-birth 'abortion.'

"We'll keep the baby comfortable for a few hours after the delivery, to give the doctors time to discuss 'termination' with the mother."

0a1d2f  No.4971535


take another bong rip and spill

or gtfo

65559f  No.4971536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b63aeb  No.4971537

File: 58d26e88a28e095⋯.png (149.95 KB, 642x481, 642:481, JOINTALPHA.PNG)


do it, faggot.

<if anon was high on MDMA it wouldn't even be a question. kek

3965d1  No.4971538

Rumor at FEMA is Q took too much adderall during furlough.

49db28  No.4971539


Proof R if a illegal Alien from Mars kek

0452e1  No.4971540

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, A Q Eyes.jpg)

Steal mine or fix yours.

a2a11b  No.4971542


That's wild.

d0eae3  No.4971543

File: c9d5f5ea8727e6f⋯.png (394.79 KB, 1309x909, 1309:909, stings.png)

So many sting operations,

disinfecting the bottom blocks of the pyramid?


79d896  No.4971544

File: caeec7eb4e88381⋯.png (397.45 KB, 666x654, 111:109, ClipboardImage.png)



gonna be fun watching them tear each other apart

e51de2  No.4971545


>no one supports this


>1st trimester abortions unrestricted

You literally did, lying faggot.

883570  No.4971546

Lindsay Graham just said we are watching a movie on Hannity. McNoName is feed and Lindsay was freed!

1a30dc  No.4971547


You too can go to halfchan and post as FBI Anon.

No tripcode required.

This is soo fake and you are shilling.

d5fd4d  No.4971548


Will this push schultz all the way to the right?

or the far right?

9854f7  No.4971549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

857bbc  No.4971550


again with the extreme

never said that in the post

just the opposite

if you wont compormise you are with chuck and nancy

6f2538  No.4971551

File: 0e5a0c104cc127e⋯.png (441.33 KB, 799x500, 799:500, itsnamewasdeath.png)

Q, I see what's going on.

Green light.

Kill these mother fuckers.

Many names unknown, so be it.


9e7dc2  No.4971552

File: 466d221f62daf4f⋯.png (19.13 KB, 797x410, 797:410, 98793D82-BF6C-462C-8C85-BD….png)


right… and who isnt one in Christ? Who does Jesus say are quite literally the antichrists??

Those that denieth Jesus… and who denies Jesus?

Even the muzzies have 1/4 of their Koran dedicated to the teachings of Jesus.

2fca15  No.4971553

File: 50de2630862560f⋯.jpg (8.43 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Q NEWBORN BABY.jpg)

Frens, I'm dying inside, like my soul has gone dark. Our wonderful daughter just had an abortion at six weeks. I can't tell you how this is shutting me down. I'm not judging her, I'm crying for the innocent life gone.

I could go on and on, but I won't. It seems that since this has happened the huge emphasis in fake news and here has been on the abortion issue. I will not and can not judge.

I once stood in front of God, my body trying to miscarry HER; Bare foot and pregnant, no job, he had walked out and I told God that if He allowed me to keep the baby, I would ensure we would be OK - I would do what ever it takes.

There's the pain of trying and there's the pain of not trying; pick your pain.

God Bless President Trump, Q and ALL Qanons for your work, but most of all your Heart. I will forever stand with you, work for you; together.

The light has grown much colder.

fb7936  No.4971554



They have been attacking Christians for the last 3 weeks,

now abortion - all before they announce RBG's death.

170cf5  No.4971555

I dunno bout u fags, but i can say i look forward to the arrests of clinton and crew moar than i have looked forward to anything since xmas as a kid.

Q better be somewhat legit, i want my fucking presents.

Praise pepe, God Bless Trump.

65559f  No.4971556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When ya balls deep and hit a turd 💩

01d448  No.4971557

File: d6288df8fca599e⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 465x648, 155:216, momus.jpg)


muh "bump stawks"

hope everyone has their 'assault rifles' already

it's a 5 min conversion to full-auto with most

but not necessary unless we go off the deep end

we are here because we are hoping for another way

still, irony….

2d692b  No.4971558


thats a declaration of war

918587  No.4971559

File: 3093ad11a9b6c8b⋯.jpeg (674.27 KB, 904x1356, 2:3, 6F03210C-50DC-4C08-8A6F-1….jpeg)


Pic added:

“Ross traces the oil curse to the upheaval of the 1970s, when oil prices soared and governments across the developing world seized control of their countries' oil industries. Before nationalization, the oil-rich countries looked much like the rest of the world; today, they are 50 percent more likely to be ruled by autocrats–and twice as likely to descend into civil war–than countries without oil.”

65d970  No.4971560

File: f2acedae2721312⋯.jpeg (39.63 KB, 378x396, 21:22, D9CA8787-305A-4465-AF1A-8….jpeg)


Don’t play with our emotions fam

f48b1c  No.4971561


WTF DOES THAT SAY. yes, i'm new(ish)

857bbc  No.4971562


"killing chidren"

learn english

e53c85  No.4971563



352362  No.4971564

File: 060bc28e5ddc6c6⋯.jpg (269.01 KB, 1542x956, 771:478, NP walls immoral KILLING B….jpg)

4 Da Cannons

f5a2ef  No.4971565

File: d843870127a4300⋯.jpg (40.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1ivhw9.jpg)


exactly what they do, too! Lol!

0d656c  No.4971567

File: b58600d824f463f⋯.png (974.59 KB, 980x588, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Plan to Remove ‘So Help Me God’ From Oath at House Committee

Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources plan to remove a reference to God from an oath, which witnesses are required to take before providing testimony, according to a draft of committee rules obtained. The draft (pdf) shows the words “so help you God” in red brackets, indicating that the words will be removed if the draft rules are approved. The Democrats plan to add the words “under penalty of law” to oath instead.

“Do you solemnly swear or affirm under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” the proposed oath states.

A top Republican congresswoman characterized the edits to the oath as indicative of a hard left shift for the Democratic Party. “It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority,” House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) told Fox News. “They really have become the party of Karl Marx” she said.

Arizona Democrat Raúl Grijalva is the chairman of the committee. The full committee is expected to vote on the new rules this week. Democrats have previously thought to strike references to God from key party documents. In 2012, an uproar ensued on the floor of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) when party leaders sought to restore a reference to God to the party platform. The reversal came about after criticism from Republicans about the reference being removed.

The views on restoring the reference to God were far from uniform with a group of delegates yelling “no” as the convention chairman called for a vote. The chair had to call for the vote three times before concluding that they “ayes” had it. A number of Democrats openly ran as socialists during the 2018 midterms. While most lost, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America, won a congressional race in New York. The drаft of the committee rules features other nods to cultural Marxism. The words “his or her” are replaced throughout the proposed rules with “their” and all of the references to “chairman” are replaced with “chair.” An offshoot of Marxism, cultural Marxism focuses on culture instead of economics. The ideology is steeped in atheism and purports that there is no such thing as race and gender. Cultural Marxism’s central goal is to destroy traditional culture, with a specific focus on family values, faith, and love for one’s country. In an exclusive series by The Epoch Times, cultural Marxism is exposed as a form of communism used to infiltrate the West. The reporting specifically shows how the campaign to remove references to God traces back to communist ideology.


Hnrc Rules Proposed:


The reporting specifically shows how the campaign to remove references to God traces back to communist ideology.


9e7dc2  No.4971568

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, D4F22C2B-B926-4E9D-8C6A-D….jpeg)



awww… how cute.

Did I say something that triggered u (((fagbags)))??

f7a51a  No.4971569


is it safe to assume, based on this post, fellow Anon, that you agree with YT's position of censorship for this most serious and egregious of all topics, flat earth?

If so, in your opinion what makes Flat Earth so dangerous that only its censorship can help stave off the onslaught of misled sheeple. ← emphasis is my own.

Also, if so, what other forms of censorship are you currently in favor of? It would help to gauge your level of commitment to particular known or unknown truths.

Thank you.

5d1c4d  No.4971570


this implies BOTH amazon and google are going to get an SEC audit….

2fc087  No.4971571


Stay focused on your daughter, not the loss.

94822a  No.4971572

File: e44b77bcb885df2⋯.png (519.12 KB, 500x557, 500:557, evailashitlerabortion.png)

6c48b1  No.4971573

It’s getting too shill for me. Must be vortex.

Anons on own for finding news among fake news

93b897  No.4971574

File: 0e39655d5ddc770⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 912x1031, 912:1031, toilet.jpg)

9c2f63  No.4971575


Wonder if he's got children? Sumbitch!

39ac17  No.4971576

File: 9bbdd4bc02b6350⋯.jpg (64.93 KB, 448x294, 32:21, Drummond dump.jpg)

File: cf63a92ae836ab0⋯.png (129.79 KB, 1494x869, 1494:869, 013019 GOOG dumps.PNG)

Earnings are 2/4


49db28  No.4971577

File: cd8eaf4916ebbf9⋯.png (72.31 KB, 442x201, 442:201, Capture.PNG)

File: d87982087e80d10⋯.png (96.41 KB, 556x301, 556:301, Capture1.PNG)


A 3D perspective view of the Face on Mars landform produced by Jim Garvin (NASA) and Jim Frawley (Herring Bay Geophysics) from the latest MOC image (April 8, 2001) and all of the available laser altimeter elevation measurements by MOLA. There is no vertical exaggeration in this ray-traced image. Garvin and Frawley express special thanks to Mike Malin and MOLA science team. See also

these false-color 3D views

of the Face with approximately 10:1 vertical exaggeration.

4c2874  No.4971578

File: b7f88e7a0554c2e⋯.png (83.94 KB, 426x310, 213:155, Polor Vortex Bewbs.png)

File: ce25854abec53e3⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 634x358, 317:179, 9169050-6647815-image-a-15….jpg)

File: a8a7ed93ae8046b⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 634x358, 317:179, 2sgx4e.jpg)

The polar vorteXXX: Weather forecast map tracking arctic blast that's crippling the Midwest looks uncannily like a pair of breasts

WLKY News Louisville map tracked the polar vortex bringing in -50F wind chills

But it unintentionally displayed what looked like pair of pink breasts with nipples

Forecasters have predicted that Chicago will be colder than parts of Antarctica

t was meant to highlight a polar vortex sweeping the Midwest and East Coast this week, forcing 220million Americans to contend with temperatures as low as -50F.

But unfortunately, this weather forecast ended up emphasizing something else altogether.

The WLKY News Louisville graphic bears an uncanny resemblance to a pair of perky pink breasts - featuring two perfectly placed nipples.


25601a  No.4971579

File: 824cf14e0d0c316⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 242x520, 121:260, 1542067538133.jpg)


POTUS is good with the nicknames, but that'd be worse than the "(THEY LET YOU DO ANYTHING…) grab her by the pussy"

1ded39  No.4971580

Its been 6969 days since Jan 1st 2000

7ce03a  No.4971581


A mother is always giving birth. One of the curses is pain during birth. It never ends for her after having a child. Hang in there.

6687e0  No.4971582

Yes it is Ukrainian.


0042f8  No.4971583

File: d1f8e6f472ca36d⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 963x1016, 963:1016, concernfag is in.jpg)


Tread carefully anons.

Decide in advance how badly you want to slide this board for the next few days.

9dbd4c  No.4971584

Does anyone here wonder about MLM companies and whether the founders of businesses like AdvoCare, Amway, Plexus, etc. could be part of the cabal? I know some people have had success at the top levels, but the pyramid business structure seems very unethical.

Also, the MLMs that sell supplements have virtually no oversight.

c5e624  No.4971585

2fc087  No.4971586


NASA BULLSHIT, snake oil to sale?

91210f  No.4971587


Kamala the commie

0d8993  No.4971588


It's not meant to make sense anon.

93b897  No.4971589

File: d3dbd41de727f71⋯.jpg (125.04 KB, 679x905, 679:905, 1548439536702.jpg)


>Almost high enough

f48b1c  No.4971590


Everything happens for a reason, hopefully.

81579c  No.4971591


Legislature creates laws while the governor signs and executes them. Put the blame where it belongs.

857bbc  No.4971592

File: 4dc8044fdda3cdb⋯.jpg (4.44 KB, 299x168, 299:168, 7weeks.jpg)


why dont you post the pic of what was aborted instead of a beautiful baby?

74990e  No.4971593

File: 5032678f323531a⋯.png (827.01 KB, 664x960, 83:120, ClipboardImage.png)

f5a2ef  No.4971594


I would entirely agree…but at least 3/4 ths of them have to be sent back there before we turn it into one tropical island

46007d  No.4971595

File: 621f2346e445f73⋯.jpg (139.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, marspepe.jpg)

170cf5  No.4971596


Trips confirm!

Q, when is anon Christmas???

5edb8c  No.4971597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When ya balls deep and hit a turd 💩

Keep probing Daniel

855fc0  No.4971598

File: ca9222be3b3c9f2⋯.jpg (233.96 KB, 621x643, 621:643, MEME2019-01-30-10-00-39.jpg)

f2ac75  No.4971600

File: ce62926a1371d91⋯.png (115.62 KB, 255x195, 17:13, ClipboardImage.png)

f268da  No.4971601

>walk like an egyptian

01d448  No.4971602


i don't wanna



f48b1c  No.4971603


are you kidding me?

42b945  No.4971604

Can I PLEASEEEEEEEE go smack the crap out of a snowflake who thinks she knows everything and is always right????

She is driving me nuts! She’s 30 and thinks she knows more of the world then a 60 yr old!

82738d  No.4971605


Your daughter is now psychologically damaged for the rest of her life. It will haunt her till the day she dies. She needs you now more than ever. Don't cast judgment, just love her and pray for her.

457bbe  No.4971606

File: 7a05366b95d40bb⋯.jpg (85.05 KB, 462x524, 231:262, BLAME.jpg)

a70fb6  No.4971607


Mary Kay almost had my wife and me divorced.

She did weird shady shit for her director with our money. It was like a freaking cult.

3f34a2  No.4971609



Krazy Kinky Kamala the Kommie KEK

4bd5b8  No.4971610

File: 059cc90b780d01e⋯.jpeg (227.1 KB, 799x596, 799:596, Screenshot_2019-01-30-21-….jpeg)

File: a9c65fc7c3fde56⋯.jpeg (99.12 KB, 799x686, 799:686, Screenshot_2019-01-30-22-….jpeg)

Is this true? Is the USMCA worse than NAFTA?

a7090c  No.4971611

long time no see, anons

was wondering how the boom booms going?

are we still trusting the plan?

has EO dropped?

didn't see cnn reporting on the gitmo flights for traitors and pedovores, is it next week?

midterms still safe?

red waving

53-47 or 50-48?


trusting huber?

sessions ok?

kelly still giving the eye to graham?

how's the wall coming along?

election fraud investigation?


meanwhile stone get raided like a mob boss on national TV


e53c85  No.4971612


Well I didn't realize this was for Trump to use on Twitter..lol

5edb8c  No.4971613


Josh is licking old tampoon

94822a  No.4971614


If we end the fed, end wall street speculation, and boycott the rest of them, 3/4 will happen quickly.

e0fa41  No.4971615


MANY prayers anon. Sorry for your loss. God be with you and your wife and daughter.

79d896  No.4971617


Supposed to be you as keystone of an arch

White house on left and usa military on right

39ac17  No.4971618

File: df424eeeb4d8ba1⋯.jpg (85.29 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Bezos Dump.jpg)

061906  No.4971619


must be true. the cabal says so.

(think mirror)

ca916e  No.4971620

File: bb4fb96f0065e64⋯.png (504.99 KB, 731x582, 731:582, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)

File: acc8b4ae732eb12⋯.png (538.78 KB, 698x585, 698:585, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)


From a satellite nerd forum. https://www.satelliteguys.us/xen/threads/intelsat-dish-farm-napa.184102/

I've actually been on a tour of the place with the director. The dishes pointing straight up do have a purpose. The dishes pointing to the east provide television and data services to Asia.

When did you visit us? The Antenna pointing up are still not in use, but yes all of them have a purpose…

Hi All,

I was doing a Google search for the phone number for the Napa teleport so that I could contact an old friend, and I came across this old thread. If this thread is still active, I'll give some answers.

The Napa satellite earth station teleport is owned by Intelsat. It was originally built by PanAmSat in order to service their satellites in the Pacific Ocean Region (POR). PanAmSat was sold and then merged and merged again until today the teleport is owned by Intelsat.

In the photos shown previously in this thread, the antennas looking straight up (zenith position), are in that configuration for maintenance, and are out of service. The teleport can view satellites in the POR, the U.S. domestic arc and a couple of satellites in the AOR (Atlantic Ocean Region). This teleport services many satellites, including Intelsat 8, which is located at 166°E (on the other side of the International Dateline), with a look angle of 5.7° above the horizon.

747366  No.4971621


Its not supposed to be funny anon

f48b1c  No.4971622



91210f  No.4971623

>>5 dolla holla kamala

f5a2ef  No.4971624


I hear you and agree..there was some good research before the abortion distraction psych op was planted and the shills came in.

56b9a4  No.4971625


long story short.

chambers is a fucking moran.

01d448  No.4971626

File: edbd3f3f5fabd25⋯.jpg (5.74 KB, 300x168, 25:14, robopoint.jpg)


my ex joined that frigging cult

was #3 on list of why we split

883570  No.4971627


Start at 23:30


7c459b  No.4971628

File: b60e8e26175c4c6⋯.jpg (91.93 KB, 541x608, 541:608, walkietalkHQ.jpg)

69b616  No.4971629

File: a836ad6caffb386⋯.jpg (371.99 KB, 750x1266, 125:211, 6896352b0936ac5b9216ca0d96….jpg)

File: 9ccce3b82a5d037⋯.jpg (330.78 KB, 655x917, 5:7, 57dd9093536a1832c05df70145….jpg)

File: c41430ab574b6f6⋯.jpg (302.28 KB, 894x671, 894:671, 390647fd5009e989ccd59306ec….jpg)

File: 5464fa7fef2ddba⋯.jpg (188.73 KB, 903x665, 129:95, 5397fd15c90d67f4271b47b650….jpg)

39ac17  No.4971630

File: 55d3b569318210f⋯.jpg (155.51 KB, 1162x793, 1162:793, nightshift.jpg)



9e7dc2  No.4971631

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 7061B9ED-81E0-424B-B709-9….jpeg)

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, 5E6B51FC-9746-4E9E-BC1F-7….jpeg)

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 90F388AF-9D8E-4DE1-BF85-C….jpeg)

File: 9a1daf9780549ad⋯.jpeg (189.7 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, F3B40560-8A65-4FB2-96E8-A….jpeg)

File: 4c27a2b81ea0564⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 3EA1969C-DBAA-474B-B85A-8….jpeg)


Cus we cant criticize either without being racists?

ok. I can criticize the pope for being a pedo and not imply that all christians are evil.

Can I not critixcize the leaders of Judaism or the black community and not imply that all of both are evil?

U should stick with ur day job, writing scripts for chieg meth cloud.

9854f7  No.4971632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1a30dc  No.4971633


Wholeheartedly agree.

Indulgence in outrage just feels so good,

kinda makes us feel righteous.

130bbe  No.4971634



26728e  No.4971635

File: e78e1ecfe5882a7⋯.jpg (150.69 KB, 1632x1055, 1632:1055, Renegaytor.jpg)

File: bd93141ebf408e3⋯.jpg (397.96 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o-OBAMA-THUMBS-UP-facebook.jpg)

48470a  No.4971636

My sister has finally ditched the Dems after the Covington shit and how Schultz is being attacked.

She voted for Obama and Hillary…was a total Lib.

Fuck yea!!

Sign of the times ahead.

0042f8  No.4971638


I'm oldish and just got it the other day anon.

In the quest to find a keystone - what is surely one of many - you and I are just that.

White House (POTUS and players) on the left, Military Intelligence on the right, and we hold the two together.


e51de2  No.4971639


Oh, you're a Jew. I thought you were an anon. Well done to you.

883f1c  No.4971640

File: 0f22dad4a430e62⋯.jpeg (77.02 KB, 500x707, 500:707, night.shift.charon.jpeg)

dac9eb  No.4971641

It's not marijuana.

It's the codeine in this cough medicine.

Stuff works.

Rather have thc for pain relief though.

56b9a4  No.4971642


JBS is not cabal.

061906  No.4971644


NOT Able

not even able…

9dbd4c  No.4971645


I know several family members and friends that lost a lot of money through these schemes.

d677d0  No.4971646

File: 72da5f615557b18⋯.png (64.08 KB, 875x275, 35:11, 25bfd5d731d2f0601170cef044….png)


Now you have another common ground, good for her.

1ad823  No.4971647

Sure, but it is worth a read if you feel like taking the deep dive.

TL;DR: Glass turns out to "really" be about an ancient secret society, whose members have infiltrated and weaponized everything from the media to the police to the medical/psych industries, serving their agenda above all else. They have deceived the entire world on a massive scale about our history, the potential of human beings, and the nature of reality.

The movie is a HUGE fuck you to the idea of secret societies and the need for disclosure, insisting there's no motivation that justifies subversion and deception. Additionally the metaphor of dark to light is used constantly, as well as the idea of "trusting the plan" of a mastermind working to expose the truth.

This "plan" includes the necessary usage of disinformation, appearing weak/defeated, meticulous "3D chess" strategy, and sometimes being less efficiency to maximize exposure.

Notably, the movie CONSTANTLY asks the viewer to understand that (although they are watching a movie) this is taking place in the real world, your world, and should not be categorized as another story in a fictional comic-book universe.

39ac17  No.4971648


let's hope so. Plenty of evidence these guys dump at will. Not even smart about it. Apple and softy man are moar responsible about it it appears. Still…how much is enough?

Greedy fucks

9e7dc2  No.4971649

File: f9f97329b5fb7c8⋯.jpeg (179.64 KB, 700x700, 1:1, D7F021EF-BBC8-4DA0-9D99-2….jpeg)


yeah Q warned us about the hamas shills, working from their caves with perfect american dialect and quick senses of humor.

cry moar faggot b

d0d593  No.4971650

File: 7c4245a7e96983e⋯.png (392.52 KB, 473x447, 473:447, 2019-01-30_22-01-54.png)

File: 05c66ff2f5a0c90⋯.png (364.2 KB, 480x358, 240:179, 2019-01-30_22-03-00.png)

File: dbea4f710738179⋯.png (301.62 KB, 486x312, 81:52, 2019-01-30_22-04-41.png)

File: cdbcbf947041b16⋯.png (426.16 KB, 479x637, 479:637, 2019-01-30_22-06-35.png)


Another satan worshipper?

82738d  No.4971651


They are comped. Mormons destroyed a once great organization.

c5e624  No.4971652

File: 0362953a7635005⋯.jpg (85.25 KB, 800x600, 4:3, doit2.jpg)


ok, then drink moar and spill

061906  No.4971653


NOTE : the one "named" MIKE

1ad823  No.4971654


Here you go, sorry forgot to link your post:


b02860  No.4971655


That is fucking hilarious.

69b616  No.4971656

Holy fuck…

Ingraham just said:

"Dr. Mengele would be proud."

MK Ultra… Trained Michael Aquino… SRA…


First intelligent thing she's ever read!

56b9a4  No.4971657


needs digging. how many anons here actually understand the new USMCA?

94822a  No.4971658

File: 72a7ab73904da4d⋯.gif (616.18 KB, 735x820, 147:164, combinesrabbis.gif)


Cry moar.

f48b1c  No.4971659


Yes, thank you. I'm glad I finally asked.

4081a9  No.4971660


I'm sorry for your pain anon. She made her choice but I think above all else she needs someone.

Maybe you can both help each other heal?

7c9d70  No.4971661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It is time for Vest in America. To much time has been waisted and zero has been done.

457bbe  No.4971662

File: 3eee77c99e62006⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 412x510, 206:255, AMQBLAME.jpg)

85b5eb  No.4971663


Yes I agree! We cannot legislate morality! Nevertheless, a moral person cannot pause their morality! A moral person cannot "stand-by" for the sake of "letting the issue work it's way out"! So, considering both sides, it should be clear protecting life is infinitely more important than disgruntling those who snuff life out! Btw, light has no fellowship with darkness! THAT is exactly why we are where we are!

170cf5  No.4971664

Stale bread, stale larp.

Q shit or get off the pot and kys.


A once beautiful collection if anon minds has become teenagers posting walkiytslky amish for hours on end.

Even the boobs are stale.


81579c  No.4971665


MLMs are shady AF. Think of all the people today who earn a living by causing harm to others.

0042f8  No.4971666


Shadilay anon. WWG1WGA.

64dfd4  No.4971667


hey if 60 is the new 40-

she's acting like she's 10

08bf3f  No.4971668

File: fbdee8d2aa5c33d⋯.jpeg (119.33 KB, 750x743, 750:743, C055C535-FFFD-4EFA-8AF8-2….jpeg)

+++hi spellchecker i got another +++

8b0842  No.4971669


Something that can't feel pain isn't a suitable host for a human soul.

The first projections from the thalamus to cortex (the higher alarm) appear at 12-16 weeks' gestation. By this stage the brain's outer layer has split into an outer cortical rim, with a subplate developing below. The thalamic projections that develop from 12-16 weeks penetrate the subplate. Within the subplate, cortical afferents establish prolonged synaptic contacts before entering the cortical plate. The subplate is a “waiting compartment,” required for mature connections in the cortex.6,7 The major afferent fibres (thalamocortical, basal forebrain, and corticocortical) can wait in the subplate for several weeks, before they penetrate and form synapses within the cortical plate from 23-25 weeks' gestation. Subsequent dissolution of the subplate occurs through prolonged growth and maturation of associative connections in the human cerebral cortex.


56b9a4  No.4971670


do tell, any good sauce? in all honestly i'd like to know.

ca916e  No.4971671

File: a14ced9461627fc⋯.png (9.06 KB, 804x137, 804:137, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)

File: b6b1af640cc06ba⋯.png (67 KB, 831x620, 831:620, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)

File: 38b43e715a6b920⋯.png (52.08 KB, 595x596, 595:596, Screenshot from 2019-01-30….png)


they dont like photographers.

3965d1  No.4971672


Who paid?

bcce7f  No.4971673


What kinda names are you thinking of dropping?

0042f8  No.4971674


Dang with the digits. Beat that one huh?

e0fa41  No.4971675

File: 6eb6a7b2952326a⋯.jpg (20.84 KB, 241x681, 241:681, thegatekeeper.JPG)


Heartless. Zero compassion. We see you.

3f34a2  No.4971676


I wonder if Schultz is another op on the normies, if POTUS and crew didn't give him this role. Because nobody can deny the idiot is a libtard, so him getting attacked by super-libtards for making some sense on something is GREAT.

Congrats on the sister conversion kek. o7

952413  No.4971677


Do it Q.

fb7936  No.4971678

File: 00e4220c08804d3⋯.png (224.68 KB, 792x733, 792:733, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

Sidney Powell

7c459b  No.4971681




>The Governor signs and "executes them" (indeed he does.)

Good luck in hell, Gov!


2b3443  No.4971682

File: 815fcb53370faa6⋯.jpg (8.75 KB, 251x242, 251:242, hrmph pepe.jpg)

74174b  No.4971683

How the fuck in this world does the President survive, when he surrounds himself withe nothing but warmonger Zionists and Jewish nepotism.






352362  No.4971684

File: eaf2249d506bbf5⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 429x307, 429:307, Commie Kamala.JPG)

904015  No.4971685

File: 638b056af1caae1⋯.jpeg (156.05 KB, 999x758, 999:758, 3BFAEB34-E843-4C59-95A7-6….jpeg)

33df1e  No.4971686

Wow, surprised this place is still up and running.

d0d593  No.4971687

File: 1ba586710d153d3⋯.png (232.1 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 2019-01-30_22-10-31.png)


Must of read the book!


aeb3e7  No.4971688

File: d80327bc2b6ce41⋯.png (447.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, go on1.png)

9e7dc2  No.4971689

File: 829761df2e03cfc⋯.png (271.66 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 2D6C175D-71F9-421C-BFB4-13….png)

File: c72e400563d92c5⋯.jpeg (855.62 KB, 1242x1346, 621:673, 7C330683-706C-4368-9852-7….jpeg)


Try harder mossad

the rabbi walkie talkies arent going anywhere

6050de  No.4971690



...Unless something goes off the rails....

aba67e  No.4971691

File: f1d901cd5336d6f⋯.jpeg (710.77 KB, 2376x1646, 1188:823, ABCE9AA0-3BFD-44C6-8E89-9….jpeg)

42b945  No.4971692



f48b1c  No.4971693

File: f3f8aea0608ef17⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, pn.jpg)

01d448  No.4971694

File: ed7a30a07dcc519⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 480x403, 480:403, beldrexit.jpg)


he is…GEOTUS

6050de  No.4971695




605c72  No.4971696

File: 07d964dc0619daf⋯.jpg (220.16 KB, 701x633, 701:633, MassMurderMolochCrimesAgai….jpg)

File: 67118b0f3c04a5b⋯.jpg (307.28 KB, 1120x633, 1120:633, MassMurderMolochCrimesAgai….jpg)

File: 991b4eaba26cd9d⋯.jpg (301.81 KB, 1120x633, 1120:633, MassMurderMolochCrimesAgai….jpg)

74174b  No.4971697

File: 7bde912861de402⋯.jpeg (308.8 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 203374B2-1CBB-4319-B914-F….jpeg)

9c2f63  No.4971698

File: 10e5f8a5eb78d33⋯.jpg (12.84 KB, 255x253, 255:253, b12304413edf556ab3dcf42950….jpg)


You are admitting this pain has stayed with you all this time. It never will leave you nor will it leave your daughter. I know because it was forced upon me! That is why I fight for the babies who have no voice, no rights, no choice, no chance. This is life from the very beginning..not somewhere oh lets flip a quarter & say about 6 weeks or 6 months or third trimester.

0d8993  No.4971699


Kek. Now we both know.

4bd5b8  No.4971700


I agree. Especially this point:

>Supranational bureaucracy of unelected tribunals, commissions, and committees

2fc087  No.4971701




Just finished 50ml of CBD oil 50/50 for salivary gland infection, fixed it in 10 days..

Antibiotics would've taken 14 days with side effects. Main one being, gut floral killed for 7 years….

e8ee67  No.4971702

File: 3e6833364e01b0a⋯.jpg (204.59 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, dark_punisher.jpg)

File: 8b5f8e5cf25b8ce⋯.gif (5.96 MB, 500x400, 5:4, Angel .gif)


Murder is immoral and Illegal Bi itch

33df1e  No.4971703


But…muh Q…MUH PLAN!!!


0249b3  No.4971704

File: 5d7c95eb715135e⋯.jpeg (322.51 KB, 1480x1088, 185:136, 57118A24-4A5A-4C70-BDEB-7….jpeg)

42e8a1  No.4971705

File: 3b781bc38adb80f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 747x515, 747:515, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)


Hugs for comfort for you Anon.

The decisions we live with are difficult ones. Remember to be there for her when the day of regret comes. It will.

01d448  No.4971706

File: 84c37dd7f23fde2⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 568x304, 71:38, abynrml.jpg)


now that was noobishly faggy….

9bb343  No.4971707

File: c2e47252792f756⋯.jpg (208.86 KB, 743x1075, 743:1075, E47F6459-406E-4EB9-BAB2-3F….jpg)

When ya balls deep and hit a turd 💩

Keep probing Daniel

And again and again

a41f48  No.4971708


We entrust our government and leaders to do what is necessary to protect and lead this country. That protection extends to babies that can survive outside the mothers womb.

If it becomes clear to enough people our government is no longer fit to lead on this issue then they have only themselves to blame for the consequences.

I can imagine an entire state refusing to pay their mortgages until the law is rescinded.

No one buys the next iphone or orders anything from Amazon etc.

Peaceful means of course could be tried first.

However the list of greivances grows daily.

9e1b59  No.4971709


Because you're a surface-dweller that has basically zero knowledge of who's actually working for who, who's running things, and who's a double/triple/quadruple agent?

a2a11b  No.4971710

File: df1bfef6cc985d9⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Heartbreaking... This isnt….mp4)

42b945  No.4971711

Noticed that statement at end of video as well…..


74990e  No.4971712

File: d755af1e6d6f827⋯.jpg (35.66 KB, 688x456, 86:57, ismellmatzah.jpg)


You sound afraid.


25601a  No.4971713


that's what I meant, kinky is on the line of being ok and too far

kuntmala would be too far, but hilarious

b041c9  No.4971714

File: 458445fde49361f⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 2875x1625, 23:13, Hillary-Coughing-Attacks.jpg)

74174b  No.4971715


Soooo…you live underground?

9bb343  No.4971716

Those Dulce curtains ain't as shitty as daniel faggot

cfdf81  No.4971718

File: cdec163e52953ed⋯.jpg (168.29 KB, 475x672, 475:672, vampire_state_building.jpg)

NY vampires, they drain your wealth, stomp on your constitutional rights and slaughter babies

39ac17  No.4971719

marketfag request

can someone summarize reader's digest version of what the twatter activity is. Don't use and don't care too. Just a quick update.

34003f  No.4971720

File: dc8b4dff4b30210⋯.png (163.1 KB, 624x591, 208:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Carter Center Suspected Of Providing Support To Hamas, Lawsuit Pending

Posted at 6:01 pm on May 10, 2018

Former President Jimmy Carter has achieved legendary status for his role in the Camp David Accords, the historic peace treaty between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in 1978. It was the first treaty officially declaring a formal end to war between Israel and neighboring Arab state.

Later, his Carter Center in Atlanta was renowned for its work in international disease and control and prevention. Carter himself even won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the Center.

Most recently, Carter publicly declared the desire to leave the Iran deal a “serious mistake.” It was apparently a risk President Donald Trump was willing to take as he pulled the country out of the deal this week.

And while Carter’s noble history of waging peace is certainly commendable, there have long been rumors that he — via the Carter Center — may have been enabling terrorist organizations. In April, the Trump administration sought dismissal of a suit brought by the Zionist Advocacy Center against the Carter Center alleging the humanitarian organization had taken $30 million in taxpayer grants and violated “federal statutes barring it from using the cash to provide material support to terror groups.” The administration said it was too expensive to prosecute at the time.

Now however, Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), says his organization is filing a suit alleging basically the same thing.

“It is well known that former President Jimmy Carter and his Carter Center are no friends of Israel.” And now that the @ACLJ has filed a new lawsuit to find out if the Carter Center has been providing “material support or resources” to #Hamas. https://t.co/fT9QjQxIvT

— Jay Sekulow (@JaySekulow) May 10, 2018

As the ACLJ explains on its website in a post about their suit, they filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the State Department seeking documents related to the Carter Center’s taxpayer funding and whether or not it supplied “material support or resources” to designated terrorist groups. It may not be a hard case to win, if what the ACLJ says is true.

[T]he Carter Center also openly describes its regular contact with Hamas – designated by the State Department as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) since 1997 – stating that “The Carter Center works both with grassroots activists and with high-level decision makers in its efforts to further conflict resolution, human rights and democratic development in Palestine,” and that the Center maintains “regular contact with leaders of the two largest Palestinian political parties, Fatah and Hamas.” For context, other organizations carrying this same designation – FTO – include ISIS, al Q’aeda, Boko Haram, and al-Shabaab.

The Carter Center received $306 million in cash, pledges, and in-kind gifts in 2015-2016 alone. The State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are listed as donors, alongside the Open Society Foundations founded by George Soros, the U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative, and a number of Islamic government donors. In 2016 alone, the State Department and USAID fell into the highest category of donors to the Carter Center – donating a minimum of 100,000+, and $1 million or more over the lifetime of the Center’s existence. In fact, the Carter Center has reported over $4 million in accounts receivable from the federal government.

The ACLJ has reason to believe that the Carter Center may actually be using U.S. taxpayer funds to provide “material support or resources” to both Hamas and the PFLP in violation of U.S. law.

While no one relishes the thought of persecuting a former president — who is now an elder statesman who has beaten back cancer — the thought of innocent taxpayers footing the bill for terrorist activities is more disturbing. As the ACLJ notes, “now [they] will finally get some answers in court.”


0249b3  No.4971721

File: 4587f630d81c646⋯.jpeg (157.71 KB, 663x551, 663:551, 1A93B1AD-F955-4A39-9886-E….jpeg)

0a1d2f  No.4971722

Notables Update

>>4971219 House Dems reject GOP proposal to block raises for federal employees guilty of sexual misconduct

>>4971221, >>4971297 Trump will nominate 3 judges to liberal 9th circuit

>>4971311 Small plane crashes at California airport with nobody inside

>>4971362 Panic in DC: Chuck's asinine letter to Dan Coats, DNI, calling for Intelligence leaders to stage "an intervention" with POTUS

>>4971410 Moar Napa digs

>>4971543 Moar low-level pedos arrested

25601a  No.4971723



she's hot though

457bbe  No.4971724

File: fee8bb574d54427⋯.jpg (92.19 KB, 527x521, 527:521, GOING.jpg)

3b1310  No.4971725


Yeah, first time here in a month but something big is building, so I came to check in.

1fd664  No.4971726


spill it smartanon.

91210f  No.4971727


Kinky kamala would probably make her more popular, dems are degenerates by nature.

e8aaf1  No.4971729

File: 967a999f1de6659⋯.jpeg (1011.12 KB, 1032x1390, 516:695, 865804B9-DC27-4866-A3FB-8….jpeg)

Demoncrats are showing the world how truly evil they are & are making millions of people Question “WHY” would they would ever make a LAW & celebrate making it legal to dismember, skull crush & poison to death of a full term infant that could survive outside of the womb.

What do you think they will do with these full term babies?

They will chop them into pieces and sell their body parts to the highest bidder.

This isn’t about “women’s rights”….this is literally child sacrifice & they are making tax payers pay for it!

When do you finally have enough of this evil & actually stand up to it?

Infanticide is now acceptable & is coming to a state near you.

2fc087  No.4971730

File: 7d72717e1c01188⋯.jpg (98.68 KB, 374x406, 187:203, tartary_flag_11.jpg)



Unfortunately ..

98afab  No.4971731

File: 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x646, 512:323, 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b3b1a6d2944a….png)



kayfabe spotted

9bb343  No.4971732

Fuck these people



74174b  No.4971734


So ur confused about your Jewishness?

9d8b97  No.4971735


We are close to the end.

33df1e  No.4971736

8b0842  No.4971737


You are right, that 13 y/o carrying her uncle's baby should have been forced to prostitute herself to pay for the abortion.

74990e  No.4971738

File: 30fdfa0418c00af⋯.png (1.19 MB, 720x703, 720:703, ClipboardImage.png)

25601a  No.4971739


good point

#metoo means you need to discount when a woman sleep her way into power, but attack the man when she doesn't get what she wanted after sleeping with him

9ea02e  No.4971740

9bb343  No.4971741

MAybe obamas can gangrape daniel faggot


1ad823  No.4971742


>this is literally child sacrifice

From Planned Parenthood's website:

>The Our Whole Lives, or “OWL” curriculum is comprehensive lifespan sex education that equips participants with knowledge and skills to make decisions about their sexual health and behaviors.

Owls have been used for sacrificial imagery, haven't they?

Sauce: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-southwestern-oregon/local-training-education/programs-parents-adults-professionals/owl

01d448  No.4971743


NY is not most states

CA is not most states

4600ea  No.4971744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just watched a video about this tonight.

ddde07  No.4971745


>seems that area is a hotbed for the "elite" and corrupt.

Bohemian Grove not too far away, so no surprise.

9bb343  No.4971746


Might solve the tredeau riddle too

25601a  No.4971748


being the world's largest exporter of oil means we don't need to do that shit any longer


74990e  No.4971749

File: 4beb9148f610197⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 701x571, 701:571, idiotboi.jpg)


>So ur confused about your Jewishness?

Take a seat boy the grown folk are talking.

9e7dc2  No.4971750



^^^^^^^^^^^^ When cubicle m8s chat

Gay shill image detected. Must eject or face second death in eternal lake of fire.

2a425a  No.4971752

No compromise is possible.

Don't be seduced by the pro-choice extremism. Cooperating or compromising with evil? Still evil. >>4971207

fbb015  No.4971753



1a30dc  No.4971754

File: 896079c5d95cfa7⋯.jpg (73.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, fonzie-shark.jpg)

94822a  No.4971755

File: f0e65be72d359f4⋯.png (519.85 KB, 500x557, 500:557, walkietalkiejewsick.png)

a2a11b  No.4971756

File: 2bc4607ef3675b9⋯.png (429.64 KB, 844x518, 422:259, ClipboardImage.png)

7eb712  No.4971757

File: 4d884a3a76e8ce7⋯.png (31.47 KB, 828x600, 69:50, PSA.png)

4c2874  No.4971758



i do know starbucks is a fucked up company.

We knew someone who was a manager with the company 10 plus years.

In one city, they fired every single manager,( like 8 or so)and then hired people with no clue and paid them not much more than min wage.

All the managers that were fired/layed off were really good.

cheap bastards, all to save a buck, and or make that schultz asshole stocks 1 point higher.

This person ended up losing their house, and living in their car for awhile.

They did it during the really shitty years of the Obama Administration.

9bb343  No.4971759


Double stuff daniel Faggots Elon hole

Stuff a Diet Coke in it later

Fuckntgat watch

7c459b  No.4971761


but you aren't concerned about this?


130bbe  No.4971762


This lady can burn in hell.

3d2381  No.4971763


WTF is the matter with you?

98afab  No.4971764

File: 4982e5056777387⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 6167e0f393484b8eee0d7b2891….jpg)


<quick boss we are losing the narative with those shill walkie talkie memes

>post that he is a mossad and that the memes are a success

<but the memes are the joke of qresearch!

>i'm your boss faggot! do it now! or you are spending the night with brock!

<on it chief. sorry chief.

7ca1c2  No.4971765

Hey Q!

When are you gone remove HRC or her Body double from her ability to push infanticide? Might be a good time to stop the murder of babies and her freedom is helping the cabal agenda.

a97961  No.4971767


Begin your LARP. We're listening.

7ba02e  No.4971768

File: 6051e264e9cccd3⋯.jpeg (64.9 KB, 421x399, 421:399, 33F241B5-24DF-4D3D-837E-7….jpeg)

56b9a4  No.4971770


here's an interesting article calling it NAFTA 2.0


>It also extends the period that a pharmaceutical drug can be protected from generic competition


How the fuck is that MAGA?

b63aeb  No.4971771

File: 48894fea947538b⋯.png (269.33 KB, 378x686, 27:49, domkamala.png)

74990e  No.4971772

File: 7e5c4684ac671df⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 308x302, 154:151, yusodumb.gif)


It's funny.

Lighten up.

170cf5  No.4971773



7ba02e  No.4971774

48470a  No.4971775

File: d7c373fc8ddca87⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c96d2fd6e1701b0⋯.png (332.51 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris/Kermit Gosnell 2020

537f2a  No.4971776


Hi Israel. keep earning that shite pay check

9e7dc2  No.4971777

File: d41f2b2196e69f0⋯.jpeg (164.75 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, D9C16AE6-A01D-4DCF-8719-A….jpeg)

File: 6f1bc35ab9ff62f⋯.jpeg (98.4 KB, 461x749, 461:749, 5FD9A5C2-6BB6-4078-A9C6-A….jpeg)

File: 3e3d834ee4ebaf1⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB, 487x750, 487:750, 30B92B26-6809-49DB-B6D3-C….jpeg)

File: 39c3166b6e7dc14⋯.jpeg (860.43 KB, 1242x1501, 1242:1501, D20D0ED2-3454-4224-B053-9….jpeg)

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, E7F687B9-B15A-4A42-9D2B-B….jpeg)



2fc087  No.4971778

File: 82f03975207b990⋯.jpg (150.67 KB, 1200x1091, 1200:1091, Dx7aUX9U8AY9QAu.jpg)

File: f86aa45cff41d9c⋯.jpg (272.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, f86aa45cff41d9c1682a98e567….jpg)


"would they would ever make a LAW & celebrate making it legal to dismember, skull crush & poison to death of a full term infant that could survive outside of the womb.

What do you think they will do with these full term babies?"

74174b  No.4971779


So, you gonna post that same broken slide 20 times a night Mossad?

Every fucking day for months, it’s like the Jews hired Pakis on a budget

42b945  No.4971780


Sounds like a threat to me

cfdf81  No.4971782


Cryin Chuck is threatening POTUS. He's telling them to show Trump the unedited JFK tapes.

f48b1c  No.4971783



dac9eb  No.4971784


Haven't you heard?

All this 4chan hacker Q is a LARP.

8b0842  No.4971785


That was sarcasm. Her family handled it.

605c72  No.4971786


Great meme.

Typo -→ un presidential ly

Get rid of the A before the Y


6f2538  No.4971787


>>4971722 baker, nominating own above post to go with napa digs. Bronfman name linked to big money, the owner of Quintessa and other wineries.

1b47c8  No.4971788


So she’s still in the court to rule when these extreme bills are challenged

7c459b  No.4971790




Proof that there are some lurkers here who should never post, lest we find out how disgusting they are.

f7d528  No.4971791


Holy Trips Confirm

e8aaf1  No.4971792


You truly can’t see the whole picture of what is truly happening, do you?

Does that baby deserve to be pulled apart limb by limb, piece by piece, & have its skull crushed at the 9month of its full term birth? That baby can survive outside of the womb & what is happening in NY & being proposed in other states is MURDER & YOU will have to face HIS WRATH.

WE are at the end…be prepared & WAKE THE HELL UP before it is too late for you.

94822a  No.4971793

File: 172c123394873ff⋯.png (517.13 KB, 500x557, 500:557, mossadjewswhine.png)

a2a11b  No.4971794

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Kavanaugh.gif)

98afab  No.4971795

File: dd445ff795497c1⋯.png (17.96 KB, 564x198, 94:33, evil2.PNG)


<shit boss! it is still not working!

>quick homo! post the fake and gay talmud quotes!

<go it!

this link debunks all your shill garbage:


no wonder you are so afraid.

oh wait, what's this? all your garbage is taken from the "book" called "talmud unmasked"!

>talmud unmasked, a book published in 1892 by Justinas Bonaventure Pranaitis (1861–1917).


The author is the same clown that was exposed as a complete fraud in the Beilis trial.

He was brought over as an "expert", and got completely exposed as a fraud:

>One prosecution witness, presented as a religious expert in Judaic rituals, was a Catholic priest, Justinas Pranaitis from Tashkent, well known for his antisemitic 1892 work Talmud Unmasked. Pranaitis testified that the murder of Yushchinsky was a religious ritual, associating the murder of Yushchinsky with the blood libel, a legend believed by many Russians at the time.

>Pranaitis' credibility rapidly evaporated when the defense demonstrated his ignorance of some simple Talmudic concepts and definitions, such as hullin,[1]:p.215 to the point where "many in the audience occasionally laughed out loud when he clearly became confused and couldn't even intelligibly answer some of the questions asked by my lawyer."[3]

>A Beilis Defense Committee advisor, a writer named Ben-Zion Katz, suggested countering Father Pranaitis with questions like "When did Baba Bathra live and what was her activity" which he described as the equivalent of asking an American "Who lived at the Gettysburg Address?" There were enough Jews in the court for the resultant laughter to negate Pranatis' value to the prosecution.[1]:pp.214-216


>A Tsarist secret police agent is quoted, reporting on Pranaitis' testimony, as saying: Cross-examination of Pranaitis has weakened evidentiary value of his expert opinion, exposing lack of knowledge of texts, insufficient knowledge of Jewish literature. Because of amateurish knowledge and lack of resourcefulness, Pranaitis' expert opinion is of very low value.



let the shill kvetching begin!

On a personal level, I got some issues with the talmud but none of them relate to the shill garbage that is spammed day after day.

74174b  No.4971796


You see a boy you suck his dick,

It’s written in the Talmud faggot

a97961  No.4971797

File: 6faccf6b8f4f47a⋯.jpg (82.58 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtpastrami.jpg)

457bbe  No.4971798

File: ae691a1fda9b254⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 397x524, 397:524, STUPIDTROL.jpg)

f23fa2  No.4971799

File: e1adbd90b2a9bef⋯.png (395.63 KB, 447x520, 447:520, humantrafficking.png)

aef7f5  No.4971800


Anon, please don't fall for the bait. We know it's truly evil.

98afab  No.4971801

File: 6c55e4fc99e029a⋯.jpeg (21.18 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 9841c92b5cdb2d19f87a4a0ec….jpeg)


<yesssss!!!! we are lucky boss! we landed on 7 trips!

>quick gaylord! ip hop and post trips confirm!

fb7936  No.4971802

File: 974753d5f323426⋯.jpeg (41.17 KB, 811x456, 811:456, DyNL6ZDWkAAr6DW.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 6f6aaf692f3c70a⋯.png (322.62 KB, 636x736, 159:184, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)

Any anons want to enlarge and get a clearer photo of these 2 people?

9bb343  No.4971803

File: f92df847758ed9c⋯.jpg (169.94 KB, 800x1038, 400:519, IMG_4683.JPG)

File: 13f62cd0060ac95⋯.jpg (587.27 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, 32572F28-FC7B-486E-975C-C1….jpg)

33d1a3  No.4971804


She is – Harris

94822a  No.4971805

File: ae651e566afc3e8⋯.png (521.22 KB, 500x557, 500:557, hamasmuslimmossad.png)

74174b  No.4971806



d51a9d  No.4971807

File: e93e3455135dd43⋯.jpg (385.33 KB, 1024x813, 1024:813, anarchycookies (2).jpg)

what is his angle? billionaire capitalist from seattle pushing a new brand of globalist/garch control?


74990e  No.4971808

File: 335f807ed54b81a⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 431x431, 1:1, 32819560_621582311511728_7….jpg)


>You see a boy you suck his dick,

>It’s written in the Talmud faggot

You seem to be barking up the wrong tree.


3965d1  No.4971809


Go home Issac and Ishmael

043d24  No.4971810


I have no idea if this is true, but…

Bill Cooper said in a Mystery Babylon episode that Mexico and the United States must unite before bringing in the New World Order. I don’t remember the reasoning, except it might have to do with Atlantis.

3d2381  No.4971811


Sarcasm is supposed to be funny.

7c459b  No.4971812

File: 740cbfebbfac0a3⋯.jpg (144.02 KB, 480x980, 24:49, Walkie1c.jpg)

0249b3  No.4971813

File: e17e19cd7a2f6ce⋯.jpeg (249.53 KB, 1125x1898, 1125:1898, FAD6BF1D-1CF9-4F0A-9DB3-1….jpeg)

3f34a2  No.4971814


Harry Potter shit kek!


That's awful and I believe it. But libs will swear till they die that they're not ruthless corporatists…smdh…


Dom-mala kek!

25601a  No.4971815


it's a hilarious pic

just saying


we should shop the fuck out of these action figures:


e8aaf1  No.4971816


They are trying this in Virginia & talks about Washington. This is the damn START…WAKE UP!

7efd65  No.4971817

>>4968261 PB Maduro "Open To Talks" As 20 Tons Of Gold Mysteriously Disappear From Venezeula's Vaults

1. Maduro hiding it for a rainy day

2. black hats removing it to keep from white hats

3 white hats asked to hold it for the global reset

"Open To Talks" = already talking

it's dangerous to think …but just a thought

457bbe  No.4971818

File: 2338c81df98061b⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 524x507, 524:507, WATT.jpg)

c5e624  No.4971819

File: 809318cf2451093⋯.gif (453.78 KB, 220x165, 4:3, ohsnap.gif)

7c9d70  No.4971820


Trump will be gone in 9 months and you lazy asses will have to fight to take your country back after a Dem or someone like Pence or Romney has the WH and Military. Good Luck with that.

You really think you are going to get anything done once the Cabal has their next flunky in office?

Pull your heads out and take a look. Because in 9 months your chance of freedom is over in your life time

a70fb6  No.4971821


It represents the capstone adjoining on top of the pyramid. Like on the back of dollar bill. Mission complete

3a95bd  No.4971822

File: f458985f3b9d3c7⋯.jpg (51.45 KB, 474x668, 237:334, madame.jpg)

94822a  No.4971823

File: 5c31256b46e83bb⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 667x691, 667:691, 5c31256b46e83bb94b5de9f2ed….jpg)


I really wanted to like your meme, but it is gay as fuck.

Try harder. I am rooting for you.

3d2028  No.4971824



Get a room…

2b3443  No.4971825

File: e859b32ff52a255⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 1216x984, 152:123, quotation marks pepe.jpg)


Well I am involved in an MLM as a "distributor" of essential oils. I say "disttributor" bc I really don't push sales at all. I simply became one in order to get discount on the oils which actually sell themselves if/when I happen to suggest an oil for a particular ailment, but only to the closest of friends and family. I'd hate to see the "aromatherapy" business become regulated bc then for sure we wouldn't be able to purchase them w/o a lot of hassle and expense. I don't care if others above me on the pyramid scheme make a few bucks from my measly monthly order. I care that I have established my own home oils kit and I have become fairly well-versed in their use and application. They're ancient medicine as far as I'm concerned, and I have experienced a lot of healing properties in their use, as well as helping others, but ssshhh…don't tell.

d0eae3  No.4971826

File: be082e665becf71⋯.png (369.06 KB, 603x837, 67:93, SA.png)

Some Highlights:

o Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has recovered more than $106 billion through settlements with scores of senior princes, ministers and top businessmen.

o 87 people confessed to charges against them and reached secret settlements that included the forfeiture of real estate, companies, cash and other assets.

o Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in October while inside the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate, is still dead.


82c94f  No.4971827

File: 24bc65aa863b01f⋯.png (471.27 KB, 1309x1029, 187:147, nkiogy89ft67yde4.png)

File: 4a4a0d131d7c9d8⋯.png (126.94 KB, 966x475, 966:475, dtykj5yse4ye.png)

File: 50a939635d89d7b⋯.png (270.92 KB, 933x1106, 933:1106, igf6ude4yse468ur5u.png)

File: 47a6ee188c8ba6a⋯.png (193.69 KB, 956x922, 478:461, jfthsr5yeud56u.png)

File: 491b83abd6eec38⋯.png (279.46 KB, 956x1432, 239:358, ivicdr57dr7ftk67.png)

3ac875  No.4971828


And what else are the bronfmans connected to?

25601a  No.4971829

File: 8bf9a956687f7de⋯.png (188.49 KB, 1028x711, 1028:711, ClipboardImage.png)


9e7dc2  No.4971830

File: 174aff24134439e⋯.jpeg (233.78 KB, 970x710, 97:71, B2CB96F5-F2F2-46A3-A101-5….jpeg)

File: ccfb4542e2fe38a⋯.jpeg (154.28 KB, 952x676, 238:169, CEA62BAF-7E74-4501-A4A9-F….jpeg)

File: 9c5c782c3d666d6⋯.jpeg (165.77 KB, 836x1000, 209:250, DDDF0978-B6A6-433B-B13D-C….jpeg)

File: 204277852a3a53d⋯.jpeg (334.89 KB, 1074x840, 179:140, 770E8FF3-3F57-41A6-B0B8-6….jpeg)



Did I say something that triggered u faggot?

How come every time I post the Talmud, you’re there to defend the Jews??

Mossad is watching, folks

… which is better than them molesting children.


That was awesome.

1b47c8  No.4971831


How many small plane crashes are actually people who fake their death so they can disappear?

1a30dc  No.4971832


i think they are going to swing them by their feet into a brick wall until their brains splatter all over the delivery room.

them poor little imnfants.

Outrage pornography slide.

e0fa41  No.4971833

File: 06d232ecc0ce54b⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 305x222, 305:222, stupid.JPG)

a97961  No.4971834

File: 6ac782e93b415ad⋯.jpg (80.56 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wttalmud.jpg)

74990e  No.4971835


That puppet used to freak me the fuck out!

33d1a3  No.4971836


Rachel's Vineyard and associated group help grieving moms and family members of children killed through abortion. Naming the little one and having a small memorial service helps the grief.

8b0842  No.4971837


Women should have a choice whether or not they are pregnant. If that choice means having an abortion then something else already failed.

0d8993  No.4971838

File: 64108eb41c49705⋯.jpeg (34.38 KB, 514x445, 514:445, 12d57a5523bba938f1a82d5b2….jpeg)



f45304  No.4971839


Less than ONE PERCENT of abortions are due to this kind of shit. If that's all abortion was then it would be a completely different argument

457bbe  No.4971840

File: c6ab6c41b71eb3e⋯.jpg (69.75 KB, 437x502, 437:502, AMELD.jpg)

043d24  No.4971841


That’s exactly what he said, yes.

9c2f63  No.4971842

File: af27d5eb8b00d24⋯.jpg (18.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3a8a576634ff7c0e31f30af62f….jpg)


May the VA Gov die just as he describes these babies die.

a70fb6  No.4971843


NXIVM sex cult

49db28  No.4971844

File: cc4eb5d5c197d64⋯.png (1.17 MB, 888x504, 37:21, Capture.PNG)

New York lawmakers give final OK to expanded gun controls

State lawmakers Tuesday banned teachers from carrying weapons on school grounds and opened a new route for school officials and family members to take legal action to force people deemed an “extreme risk” to surrender any firearms they possess.

Democrats who now control both houses of the Legislature said the five-bill gun control package is needed as a response to mass shootings and other gun violence, while Republicans lashed out at the measures as political acts designed to undermine Second Amendment Rights.

“Every day, it seems, we wake up to the headlines of another mass shooting, another horrific gun crime. … The madness has to stop,” said Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, a Westchester County Democrat.

But gun rights advocates said New York is heading down a legally dangerous path. “It’s just a massive assault on the Second Amendment,” said Tom King, executive director of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association and a board member of the National Rifle Association. He called the different bills a combination of either “very egregious” moves against gun rights or “just plain stupid.”


fb7936  No.4971845


WTH does that have to do with the photo I posted?

9bb343  No.4971846

File: 858aec1c29b07b7⋯.jpg (165.66 KB, 800x1038, 400:519, IMG_4682.JPG)

File: 022cf62188f303d⋯.png (93.26 KB, 943x943, 1:1, 06D72D10-52EF-413E-B4C0-35….png)

File: 41b12210a43ef12⋯.png (750.7 KB, 799x532, 799:532, B7B18FC0-1EE4-417C-9F8D-4D….png)

File: 959e4c5f7a17778⋯.jpg (346.8 KB, 992x1281, 992:1281, IMG_4793.JPG)



When your done

But the Jewish radio homo

Through the obama sausage factory

2fc087  No.4971847

Q was correct concerning the truth will put 99% in a mental ward.

702885  No.4971848

File: 25e2c95bd244272⋯.png (37.89 KB, 624x405, 208:135, ClipboardImage.png)

HRC's reflection.


01d448  No.4971850

File: 2ab411cd168590d⋯.png (283.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, caphindsite.png)


quite awake anon

that's why I live where I do

it's why I don't get worked up overmuch

abortion, like prostitution, has been around a looong time.

making it illegal never worked in the first place.

making it super legal will only backfire

74174b  No.4971851


Fuck you and your tree, you keyboard bitch and you faggot memes… you are a pathetic abomination

4c2874  No.4971852

aef7f5  No.4971853


They have a choice. Take the pill or keep your legs closed.

8b0842  No.4971854

File: 7f3c4d06169671a⋯.png (343.37 KB, 1200x817, 1200:817, 1:6.png)



a97961  No.4971855


I'm ready to do a stint at the puzzle factory.

30c7eb  No.4971856

File: 24e78c5320e9082⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 451x524, 451:524, hileye.jpg)

48470a  No.4971857

I see Kamala Harris going nowhere. The Dems will quickly learn her snarky cunt afro-attitude will turn off their real base.

That's when they wipe the oatmeal off Creepy Joe's chin and wheel him out to get his ass kicked by POTUS. lol

33d1a3  No.4971858


you must feel comfy knowing planned barren hood kills the babies of young mothers victimized by incest or sexual assault crimes and then doesn't report it to authorities so pimps and criminals can take young person back into their clutches – real compassion

6f2538  No.4971859


seems notable.


as other anon said as well as CEMEX.

f45304  No.4971860


Has nothing to do with abortion.

2fc087  No.4971861



I need a vacation.

a97961  No.4971862

File: fd06c9565452595⋯.png (126.88 KB, 325x303, 325:303, dick grabber.png)

File: fb7119deda4b22a⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 321x336, 107:112, owen dick.jpg)

457bbe  No.4971863

File: 9593a9bf70ef10b⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 406x497, 58:71, QUAKMAYBE.jpg)

9e7dc2  No.4971864

File: c24822bb8b409a0⋯.jpeg (72.42 KB, 502x377, 502:377, 2824B82C-509D-4CC0-BBAB-5….jpeg)

File: 85ff3e0098fc19f⋯.jpeg (515.7 KB, 1242x709, 1242:709, 8CBA06E3-F484-4CCC-8062-B….jpeg)

File: 0b5157a50e8fd19⋯.jpeg (1014.32 KB, 1112x1616, 139:202, EE96BE5E-A085-4EE3-83D8-7….jpeg)

File: 2df2f82041fd9bd⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 900x6234, 150:1039, CDED4DD9-20D4-4D3F-A602-B….jpeg)


^^^^^^^^^^ Now thats a shill attack from a post. Catching shrapnel, over the target folks.

Mystery Babylom discovered.


Jews are Pharisees. Jesus had much to say about (((pharisees)))

a2a11b  No.4971865

File: 46e239dc798d731⋯.png (780.53 KB, 634x933, 634:933, chelsea.png)

9bb343  No.4971866

File: 516fa453f15a674⋯.png (170.48 KB, 200x619, 200:619, C2D8A9E9-DA3F-49DD-A21E-F9….png)

File: 7a763f7014c1a63⋯.png (150.95 KB, 802x1158, 401:579, AE8D711B-CB25-4C94-B086-13….png)

File: a311896a90970b3⋯.gif (506.86 KB, 500x329, 500:329, IMG_5689.GIF)

a97961  No.4971867

File: 95d5d3cb5a2ca8f⋯.jpg (60.14 KB, 623x460, 623:460, trumpmd.jpg)

File: 68a59720f897d2d⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 462x413, 66:59, muh arrests.jpg)

File: 99e19f2a1012370⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 238x255, 14:15, muhdick.jpg)

c20cbd  No.4971868


NO that may damage the Pineal gland. Bad also to harvest the meat that way. Need to terrorize take out Pineal then drain blood. These people are so fucked up.

b5e622  No.4971869

File: 6a7a7827faea93b⋯.png (152.7 KB, 496x357, 496:357, matrix is an idiot.png)


WTF is this and what does this have to do with a missing (r)?

0249b3  No.4971870

File: be2ffbc4cbc9f77⋯.jpeg (156.35 KB, 663x551, 663:551, E663A0D9-DA97-40E1-BBCE-9….jpeg)


Roger. Updated/corrected and added a little panache.

7ba02e  No.4971871


Ever heard of plan Z? Bring it Fuckers!

91210f  No.4971872


Hopefully the green party runs a total leftist goofball like last time also.

130bbe  No.4971873


a97961  No.4971874

File: 1f75e911402a1e8⋯.jpg (72.48 KB, 480x437, 480:437, muhdick2.jpg)

00ed07  No.4971875



94822a  No.4971876

File: 0bb0fdc7867d7d4⋯.png (521.95 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewabortionspro.png)

9ea02e  No.4971877

CBP Officers Seize Nearly $1 Million in Unreported Currency at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge

Release Date: January 28, 2019

LAREDO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers Juarez-Lincoln Bridge recently seized nearly $1 million in unreported currency hidden within a passenger vehicle during an outbound examination.

“Our frontline CBP officers continue to maintain resolute vigilance in both the inbound and outbound environments and their attention to detail helped to detect a significant load of unreported currency,” said Port Director Alberto Flores, Laredo Port of Entry. “Large outbound currency seizures like these deny the ability of transnational criminal organizations to profit from alleged illicit activity, impacting them directly.”


9c2f63  No.4971878


And who gives a fuck what this WITCH says? Nobody!

01d448  No.4971879

File: e9903b17c1160e7⋯.jpg (166.47 KB, 768x960, 4:5, bbbbb.jpg)

40fafe  No.4971880

File: 07966a04517ac58⋯.jpeg (6.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lie.jpeg)

Leslie Van Houten eligible for Parole.

Manson inductee.


276223  No.4971881



She damn sure looks inbred in that picture.

Can almost heat the banjos playing in the background.

352362  No.4971883

File: 683d1619c608df6⋯.jpg (332.24 KB, 833x615, 833:615, Punisher Team.jpg)


Can we move it up to say plan b..? pls

a97961  No.4971884


She should be sentenced to 6 months of fellating Owen.

8b0842  No.4971885

File: 8ec17807d6b43ac⋯.jpeg (174.11 KB, 1000x518, 500:259, hide_the_rapists.jpeg)


Planned parenthood can go fuck themselves, it needs to be done in the hospital, but this guy says no.

48470a  No.4971886


Classic bipolar manifestation in her appearance.

d0d593  No.4971887

File: a228450eab35724⋯.png (148.67 KB, 322x852, 161:426, 2019-01-30_22-28-25.png)


>Kamala Harris/Kermit Gosnell 2020

Yikes, batman!

9bb343  No.4971888

File: 1e3401ce55020b2⋯.png (1.64 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2697.PNG)

File: 3ece3c2b2d899e5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2706.PNG)

File: 37c8a53433f27a3⋯.png (1.6 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2718.PNG)

aef7f5  No.4971889


I don't know which eye to look at in that pic of her. Creepy AF.

34003f  No.4971890

File: 7193a03c7c69e5a⋯.png (241.81 KB, 721x604, 721:604, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this where all the bodies are buried - in National Parks?

223a3e  No.4971891


I don't get how she can be so ugly

f45304  No.4971892


.03% actually….

Summary: This report reviews available statistics regarding reasons given for obtaining abortions in the United States, including surveys by the Alan Guttmacher Institute and data from seven state health/statistics agencies that report relevant statistics (Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah). The official data imply that AGI claims regarding "hard case" abortions are inflated by roughly a factor of three. Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%. About 98.3% of abortions in the United States are elective, including socio-economic reasons or for birth control. This includes perhaps 30% for primarily economic reasons and possibly 0.1% each for sex selection and selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies.


74990e  No.4971893

File: 6a1ecc5d9200585⋯.jpg (27.98 KB, 500x372, 125:93, fuckin_forgot.jpg)


>Fuck you and your tree

Sure thing.

25601a  No.4971894

File: ec3a74e0ee068d3⋯.png (176.86 KB, 326x304, 163:152, ec3a74e0ee068d3dc5b5b9b967….png)

d6e1da  No.4971895


"Everyone who exposes Israeli/Jewish crimes is a terrorist or member of Hamas." - (((You)))

ffd7d1  No.4971896

File: 1ab7f05a0bfec35⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 16114538_1227645557304882_….jpg)



8d0d71  No.4971897


rape rarely ends in a pregnancy

7eb712  No.4971898

File: 01de5f353bbc2be⋯.png (27.32 KB, 828x600, 69:50, PSA2.png)

3eb881  No.4971899

File: 5f8a88a6188265f⋯.jpeg (392.69 KB, 1536x820, 384:205, 1C88FCB5-B662-4024-B3ED-2….jpeg)

Do we have full control Q? Obama and NPR loving the gay sex toys.

a34a3c  No.4971900

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)


From 2012. What's the read on this one? I'm not sure I get it.

Bringing human trafficking to light, or making fun of the effort to stop it?

Dan Piraro grew up in Ponca City, Oklahoma, straight up I-35. Conoco. Marland. Pedo with a mansion just like the Vanderbilt's.

He's Catholic, as well. Or was.

0a1d2f  No.4971901


>>4971219 House Dems reject GOP proposal to block raises for federal employees guilty of sexual misconduct

>>4971221, >>4971297 Trump will nominate 3 judges to liberal 9th circuit

>>4971311 Small plane crashes at California airport with nobody inside

>>4971362 Panic in DC: Chuck's asinine letter to Dan Coats, DNI, calling for Intelligence leaders to stage "an intervention" with POTUS

>>4971410, >>4971389 Moar Napa digs, Bronfman name linked to big money, the owner of Quintessa and other wineries.

>>4971543 Moar low-level pedos arrested

>>4971826 SA winds down 15-month anti-corruption campaign

a97961  No.4971902


can't plan that here cuz spooks.

I know, we'll find a place on the internet that the spooks don't monitor.







Oh shit, is this why the only protests that happen are the ones the spooks organize themselves?

1b47c8  No.4971903


There is no maternal or fetal condition in the 3rd trimester that would require abortion.

The fetus is actually viable outside the womb at that point, so delivery not abortion would be warranted.

457bbe  No.4971904

File: 25e8df8fda92ca6⋯.jpg (85.35 KB, 462x528, 7:8, AMLIGHT.jpg)

3f34a2  No.4971905

File: 853b20751ee4ea9⋯.png (127.91 KB, 306x347, 306:347, c951e40a21759428b1a5170088….png)



Almost as bad as Bozos…kek!

49db28  No.4971906

File: 559574839a8516c⋯.png (470.3 KB, 604x359, 604:359, Capture.PNG)

File: 443d04364620706⋯.png (512.91 KB, 600x343, 600:343, Capture1.PNG)

BREAKING: Laura Loomer Storms CA Governor’s Mansion Wall in Sombrero and Poncho – Is Quickly Arrested (VIDEO)

Laura Loomer along with other activists were arrested after jumping over the California Governor’s Mansion wall donning ponchos and sombreros.

The California police showed up to the property and handcuffed Loomer and the other activist who was wearing a fake mustache.


8b0842  No.4971907


What question did they ask who to get that number?

442c6c  No.4971908

File: 4e70267b70a124a⋯.png (142.17 KB, 529x586, 529:586, ClipboardImage.png)

Schumer Urges Intelligence Community Leaders to ‘Stage an Intervention’ With President Trump

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sent a letter Wednesday to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats urging that he, CIA Director Gina Haspel and FBI Director Christopher Wray “stage an intervention” with President Donald Trump following Trump’s suggesting earlier in the day that his intel advisers “go back to school”.

Two years ago, Schumer warned then President-Elect Trump against standing up to the intel community, saying, “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Schumer posted his letter to Twitter, saying, “It’s past time for U.S. Intelligence Community leaders to stage an intervention with @realDonaldTrump.”


9bb343  No.4971909

File: 05a714df642753e⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FB9A515F-AEF5-4D14-87C6-A6….jpg)

File: 6ebbbbb83434e93⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 236x253, 236:253, 548371FB-B135-4E73-A23B-34….jpg)

File: 71bea95fb79e390⋯.jpg (39.05 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 04212255-C10D-4EE7-81F6-27….jpg)

File: 8f35f2372955cec⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 490x550, 49:55, 6964CD82-A1E2-4450-9D54-40….jpg)

d13bad  No.4971910


though I suspect he may have dabbled in a doobie or two now and again.😎

4c2874  No.4971911

File: 24f15861035d14d⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 474x668, 237:334, 2sgzp5.jpg)


they are preparing a stand in for Ruth kek

ad5a55  No.4971912

File: 2903a84b11207bc⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 773x496, 773:496, doh.JPG)

7c9d70  No.4971913


Back to your popcorn fag and just keep sitting in your chair waiting for someone else to fight for your freedom. You make your forefathers proud.

At least they were willing to fight for your freedom . It is very telling you're not. Good luck you mommas boys. No wonder you claim 50 genders

94822a  No.4971914

File: 6cac47e7f56a0e7⋯.jpg (148.3 KB, 998x768, 499:384, 6cac47e7f56a0e73627e792f5e….jpg)


Keep whining!

e51823  No.4971915


Buy a twitter handle some biggies have followed and change the info, win

9c2f63  No.4971916

File: 069db4a36180e53⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 255x157, 255:157, ed4f6298d1fd5213cf5ace1e78….jpg)

7ca1c2  No.4971917


Fuck Hillary - go to hell - literally!!!

0a1d2f  No.4971918


2b3443  No.4971919


How old would she be? 70-ish?

442c6c  No.4971920

ebdc8b  No.4971921

File: df4d35ebc249333⋯.png (61.39 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1548884971255.png)

352362  No.4971922




95f39a  No.4971923

File: 9f87299969b8ace⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 1200x597, 400:199, DyKfdWiWwAUpKkz.jpg)

fe4426  No.4971924

File: e874aa45851645e⋯.jpeg (133.26 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, HannityInterrupt154107354….jpeg)

File: c382a1fbd121004⋯.jpeg (137.59 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, HannityInterrupt154107404….jpeg)

File: ec32934fbe7c01d⋯.jpeg (128.41 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, HannityInterrupt154107532….jpeg)

File: 2cecf455834d9b2⋯.jpeg (162.04 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, HannityInterrupt154107566….jpeg)


Hannity. Infuriating cunt that he is.

ebdc8b  No.4971925

File: 141412a66acc421⋯.png (835.84 KB, 833x1112, 833:1112, 1548884910928.png)

9dbd4c  No.4971926


I'm glad that's working for you and you make some money at it as well and some positive health benefits. I think the difference for some people is, they think it's a path to riches and they invest more than they can afford or sell to others perhaps.

f7d528  No.4971927

File: f5a9c9d8f7b44cd⋯.jpeg (78.97 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 705D24B4-7215-449F-91C9-F….jpeg)


I love these memes.

fucking abortion slide post at top got like 40 (u)s… def few shekel bonus for that faggot b

f5a2ef  No.4971928

File: 7f142fd768236e7⋯.jpeg (180.86 KB, 816x528, 17:11, 5ad47e698157b.jpeg)

3a95bd  No.4971929



1a30dc  No.4971930

a34a3c  No.4971931


And Scott Walker - former WI governor.

91210f  No.4971932


Sounds like sedition to me or insurrection.

ebdc8b  No.4971933

File: 6f91ab0d69ee0de⋯.png (70.2 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1548885240251.png)

7eb712  No.4971935

d6e1da  No.4971936


Female patriots aren't attracted to faggots in g-strings, you fuckin' creepo.

9bb343  No.4971937

Book of daniel faggot

And it's lust for drumpf rectum

Many hobbits were displaced so dannalingus could lose a TAvistock watch up his asshole








3f34a2  No.4971938



4c2874  No.4971939

File: 01b480c7adc1377⋯.jpg (61.11 KB, 552x500, 138:125, 2jr46x.jpg)

d626f9  No.4971940

File: 40f90816ecec30f⋯.png (391.59 KB, 488x739, 488:739, rbg_lego.png)

aba67e  No.4971941


I am sure this will blow away your believe system, but since you put it up there, and this is Q Research Night Shift, I am going to keep it very real and save you some most understandable concernfagging.

The soul doesn’t enter the body until VERY late term, like weeks before being born. No soul was destroyed.

3ac875  No.4971942

File: 919cb762aaa6cd2⋯.gif (10.3 MB, 480x366, 80:61, giphy.gif)


That's a bingo.

94bfa4  No.4971943


ABORT yourself loser

d51a9d  No.4971944

File: eb5f2507a1610f9⋯.jpg (482.92 KB, 1487x1600, 1487:1600, Peter-Pan-Peanut-Butter-mi….jpg)

ddde07  No.4971945


>PanAmSat was sold and then merged and merged again until today the teleport is owned by Intelsat.

McLean & PanAm eh? This is getting hella intersatasting.

dac9eb  No.4971946


Exactly this.

It's a non story.

d0d593  No.4971947

File: c7f89b80e336183⋯.png (188.41 KB, 489x538, 489:538, 2019-01-30_22-33-21.png)


Owen appeared startled.

Cold hands?


7c9d70  No.4971948

File: 679cac28947cd1f⋯.jpeg (75.27 KB, 500x608, 125:152, bbrenn.jpeg)

f48b1c  No.4971950


that's a g-string?

aeb3e7  No.4971951


Pull back the curtain.

Lights on.

Only then can the audience beg for action to be taken.

13df13  No.4971952

File: 721e8f57bca8971⋯.png (141.87 KB, 302x364, 151:182, loomer.png)


She needs to find a nice young man and settle down.

8e9bb1  No.4971954


Didn’t they have nooses?

1ded39  No.4971955


they look black to me…

01d448  No.4971956

File: 7bb48236ad3b13c⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, capobv.jpg)


who hasn't?

9bb343  No.4971958

(You) are projecting shit

f268da  No.4971959

>>4971071 lb

>>4971095 lb

>Kamala Hu Akbar

7ba02e  No.4971960


I agree, I’m getting tired of this. Trump getting shit on every Fucking day. Dems are out of their minds. Celebrating with pink lights on buildings about killing an 8lb baby. Fucking insane. Do not care what happens anymore. They all need to die.

4c2874  No.4971961

File: 4f3854c0798a63b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1726x1080, 863:540, Night Shift pepe.png)

952413  No.4971963

So when a 9 month termed fetus is murdered and the state doesn't charge anyone for murder. can't the feds come in and take over? Murder charges for the mom, the doctor, the nurse, the legislation that voted for it, the governor?

9e7dc2  No.4971964

File: 9d9bf8baf72d0fe⋯.jpeg (88.73 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 01F4BA34-1632-430E-8C36-9….jpeg)

33d1a3  No.4971965


How about women dying from the abortions?

ffd7d1  No.4971966

File: a91c7d1ec436df9⋯.png (248.46 KB, 600x374, 300:187, 13buster-scruggs-trailer1-….png)


Sir. It to Seems to Me that you are No Better a

Judge of a Human Being Than you are a

Specimen od One!

Just on Further Inventory It Looks as though You

Could use a Shave and a Brighter Disposition!

0249b3  No.4971967

File: 1856c4b8bb60b7e⋯.jpeg (212.86 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, A83606FA-BC10-418E-87C5-E….jpeg)


His party is handing out abortions. They’ve lost a majority of support with this issue right here.

Fuck the intel.

94822a  No.4971968

File: 50006bb11a35ac3⋯.png (412.59 KB, 772x500, 193:125, fixedit.png)

605c72  No.4971969


Good job fren! Capped for memearchive.

f45304  No.4971970


You can read the study. PP is still govt funded and does have to report numbers.

352362  No.4971971

File: 371ee654f574013⋯.jpeg (15.63 KB, 247x255, 247:255, Kill em all Lightining.jpeg)

0a1d2f  No.4971972






0d8993  No.4971973

File: b59281d1c3d40b6⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 512x629, 512:629, 974753d5f32342618571057af5….jpg)


Just reminded me of them.

I can see from the photo you posted there's no hope of getting any detail from it (in my opinion).

51517f  No.4971974


>Is the USMCA worse than NAFTA?

Why TF don't (You) do the research, bring it back here and present it?

You have NOT done any work!

Each of us MUST do the work. If you simply trust others to define truth, you are perpetuating the problems that got us to where we are today.


7ba02e  No.4971975


Just Stop. You know as much as everyone else.

4bd5b8  No.4971977


Thanks! I'll watch this.

522f2d  No.4971978


Pretty sure you are talking to an FBI Honeypot Anon

48470a  No.4971979

File: 77d7665152bef4a⋯.png (187.17 KB, 588x464, 147:116, ClipboardImage.png)

Dems are going full chimp blitz for Kamaltoe now.

JayZ and Bae did wonders for Hillary in 2016…Hahahahaah!!

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