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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

6cd0c4  No.4957921

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

6cd0c4  No.4957924


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board

#6329 Baker Change

>>4957203 McConnell Mulls Introducing Amendment to Stop US Pullout from Syria, Afghanistan

>>4957220 Virginia up next for a late-term abortion bill

>>4957230 Kamala Harris Backs Massive Government Expansion Into Healthcare, Energy

>>4957239, >>4957299 Venezuela’s top court bars self-declared president Guaido from leaving country & freezes assets

>>4957251 Remembering Senior Chief Petty Officer William Ryan Owens. o7

>>4957258, >>4957334 Defense Official: Nothing Stopping Trump from Authorizing Military to Build Border Wall

>>4957289 JJ on Democrat shenanigans.

>>4957290, >>4957311 V2K about to be exposed?

>>4957292, >>4957443, >>4957585, >>4957668 Infinity symbol on CBP drone now headed towards the Northwest and Benavides.

>>4957379 McConnell calls for releasing as much of Mueller's report as possible

>>4957526 Voter Fraud Examples

>>4957750 Illegal Busted for Selling Child Porn in Louisiana

>>4957804 A Top U.N. Judge Has Resigned Over ‘Shocking’ Interference From the White House and Turkey

>>4957895 POTUS Schedule for tomorrow

>>4957915 #6329


>>4956874 Facebook pays teens to install VPN that spies on them.

>>4956986 Guantanamo judge overseeing KSM's trial has fallen sick and is being flown out.

>>4956981 Venezuelan regime’s Supreme Court freezes opposition leader’s bank accounts, imposes travel ban on Juan Guaido.

>>4956900 Gmail outages today?

>>4956876 Maduro says CIA is using its drug war to 'frame' and jail venezuelan officials.

>>4956829 DeNiro embroiled in a custody battle.

>>4956834 Pompeo Tweet: Happy 158th Birthday, Kansas!

>>4956800 Planefag: CBP drone coming in off the Gulf.

>>4956543 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>4956515 Schneiderman did the same thing they're going after POTUS for.

>>4956513 U.N. envoy urges fighters to withdraw from Hodeida port.

>>4956461 Polar vortex explained.

>>4956450 Bill Priestap was the political espionage planner?

>>4956442 Syria update.

>>4957130 #6328


>>4956239 Trey Gowdy says South Carolina is 'not Kamala Harris, AOC territory'.

>>4956228 Sheriff Joe: FBI raid on Roger Stone is unprecedented.

>>4956218 US DoD: It’s a busy life on a @USNavy flight deck!

>>4956211 Syrian war report – Jan. 29, 2019: Hundreds killed in clashes between pro-Iranian, pro-Russian forces.

>>4956167 Gen Nakasone testified at a hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

>>4956044 Kids traveling from Washington develop measles in Hawaii.

>>4955903 Anon's take on OIG report on misconduct of FBI personnel.

>>4955888 Intel plans a $11 billion investment in a new factory in the south of Israel.

>>4955827 Senator Lindsey Graham pushes back Barr committee vote by one week.

>>4955817 Actors acting.

>>4955664, >>4955652 Huckabee with the topical bantz. Top kek.

>>4956321 #6327

Previously Collected Notables

>>4954020 #6324, >>4954774 #6325, >>4955553 #6326

>>4951698 #6321, >>4952445 #6322, >>4953176 #6323

>>4949312 #6318, >>4950098 #6319, >>4950894 #6320

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

6cd0c4  No.4957928

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

6cd0c4  No.4957931

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

6cd0c4  No.4957935



6cd0c4  No.4957942


want to take it for a bread or two baker?

eed663  No.4957943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

express sexual health

future of STI screening

f449d1  No.4957976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great description of the immigration problem. Immigration,

World Poverty and Gumballs - NumbersUSA.com

6de4a3  No.4957980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember when the DNC wouldn’t allow a black woman to nominate Bernie Sanders at the 2016 convention?

31af09  No.4957981

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



31af09  No.4957982

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

d029fe  No.4957983

File: 14dbc3c88092fd7⋯.png (278.44 KB, 586x648, 293:324, biden100.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: e661f0c1511d087⋯.jpg (174.25 KB, 426x975, 142:325, bridn.jpg)

3d1886  No.4957984

File: 802415e03980a04⋯.jpg (140.11 KB, 700x526, 350:263, homerjews2.jpg)

31af09  No.4957985

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

571f87  No.4957986

>>4957969 (lb)

The love of money is the root of all evil anon.

31af09  No.4957987

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

03ca67  No.4957988

File: 3e0a5c7e8847fed⋯.png (469.29 KB, 490x735, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

ab88e6  No.4957989


When will we lean?

12c350  No.4957990

File: 0e7f1ba792cc4b5⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 562x339, 562:339, Stacy Jababrams.jpg)

Jaba the Nut

aa2d65  No.4957991

>>4957956 (PB)

Why would this info be coming to us from a twitter fag named Greg Rubini instead of Q, who we have spent 15 months interacting with? Who we have spent 15 months gathering proofs on. Why was it not posted on QResearch or PF with the trip code we know? No outside comms.

71c298  No.4957992

>>4957971 lb

there are penguins in Alaska?

d029fe  No.4957993

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

dd7bf4  No.4957994

Dafuk is goin on in here?

When did we become leftypol?

683f6d  No.4957995

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, c1fde26162d168c2fa2cb953f….jpeg)

af96bd  No.4957996

File: bf0a00279d6bbd0⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 4E292435-7ED2-46C8-87F3-F….jpeg)

8f3bcf  No.4957997

File: 297b61a4deabf1d⋯.png (28.75 KB, 1515x268, 1515:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5859ba72f6a297⋯.png (59.69 KB, 800x508, 200:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 382c6ff5517e37e⋯.png (61.88 KB, 800x487, 800:487, ClipboardImage.png)


Podesta tamps down Clinton 2020 chatter: 'She's not running'


31af09  No.4957998

4fb1ca  No.4957999


This place is lost. Only a few of us are left cause we have serious problems.

ec0ab0  No.4958000

File: 8cbade96d3c305e⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 960x439, 960:439, 50903680_1913392652123793_….jpg)

Hussein follows gay studs AND gay sex toy companies on Twitter.

the Fleshjack connection was known but now he's creeping on bods using social media like the rest of normies except, ya know, he's gay and married

4960da  No.4958001

File: 1ba78b20e73e840⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 1ba78b20e73e840547640de0e7….jpg)

2b1df9  No.4958002

File: 6535d2f7a1ddb38⋯.png (925.96 KB, 1182x910, 591:455, KH-CorpDem.png)

aa2d65  No.4958003

File: 10ab96af61473cd⋯.png (625.9 KB, 925x711, 925:711, trump and hillary.png)

This is what really happens behind the scenes.

695583  No.4958004


Yeah I got it fren.

Confirming handoff?

Hey anons, I've been out of touch with notables and habbenings a couple days, please lemme know if I do something retarded

6a69e5  No.4958005

Theory on KEYSTONE

We all know what a keystone is. It is the center of an arch that holds it up. Without the keystone, the arch will fall.

We know that both POTUS and Q love to play work games. Example "Witch Hunt". I don't believe POTUS is claiming he is the Witch because the actual meaning of this phrase is someone hunting a Witch. He would be calling himself the witch, so we have to assume it is Hillary and Mueller is hunting her.

So let's take these 2 things and apply them to Roger Stone. See where I am going with this?

Stone is the Key to help bring the inter workings of Spygate to light. Stone is a well know political operative that has known POTUS for a very long time. He understands how to turn a story into a media firestorm. He is our Trojan Horse. Think about how the media has portrayed him. He's a Trump insider, he's no one. He knows a lot about Wikileaks, he knows nothing and just likes to make himself look important.

Stone can bring to light many aspects. Of course, one of the most important is where did Wikileaks get the emails? This is the most important question of the whole thing. Stone can show how Americans are spied on, just think what Corsi said tonight "they know who you talked to, who you met with, all your phone calls, all your texts, all you emails" this is very scary. Why would they know that? They are giving us an example, right in front of our eyes, of how the system is broken so it can be fixed.

Stone is the Key to blow the whole thing wide open. The left hates him so they want to see him prosecuted. The right can't figure him out. So he is the perfect person to be the one to help open everyone's eyes on how bad things got during the election. He knows too much and has always been somewhere lurking during everything. He is willing to endure all this to bring the truth to light.

Stone has done nothing wrong but what if he is the reason this thing goes from Russia hacking the DNC to Seth Rich handing the emails off and then helps bring back the missing emails and where they are. He could be one that gives Mueller the excuse he needs to bring in the REAL COLLUSION.

Just an opinion of the possibilities.

e3bf63  No.4958006

File: a5108457c9e38b8⋯.png (390.45 KB, 1181x583, 1181:583, Pizznapple.png)

4d9745  No.4958007

File: 5e5ae31a22da36b⋯.jpg (208 KB, 1006x681, 1006:681, QCrumbswe_take_this_journe….jpg)

File: 1392e7614303d3f⋯.jpg (210.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWakeUpAmeric….jpg)

File: 13d29a14eebe78e⋯.jpg (428.14 KB, 2241x1121, 2241:1121, QKnewWatchTheWaterTimeCove….jpg)

File: 5d5eb7e20bae491⋯.jpg (572.86 KB, 2241x1121, 2241:1121, QKnewWatchTheWaterTimeCove….jpg)

3d1886  No.4958008

File: de3b947cf1e44a1⋯.png (458.9 KB, 594x407, 54:37, notthisjewagain.png)

d029fe  No.4958009

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)


"jimmy" posted about CRISPR in summer; the CRISPR baby news started in November.

bd6eb8  No.4958010

File: 3e70ec95ab6e7e0⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 201x300, 67:100, damn-good-dough.jpg)

Damn Good Dough!

537fd5  No.4958011


Can we please have the bears and no bears discussion again?

2f8c6b  No.4958012

File: 7ccdba0a73e9453⋯.jpg (242.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Time to PRAY.jpg)

File: 6225da7478f4778⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fighter Trump.jpg)

File: 6a6eba29459885a⋯.jpg (144.76 KB, 900x450, 2:1, Grassley.jpg)

File: 710c48fc7f62274⋯.jpg (226.19 KB, 741x689, 57:53, socialism.jpg)

File: a31ebe296f9fea6⋯.jpg (317.54 KB, 1003x1092, 1003:1092, medicare for all is stupid.jpg)

>>4957568 LB

Wow, thank you.

31af09  No.4958013

File: 5b9d03c5417439f⋯.png (276.87 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 4d48a211.png)

06a77e  No.4958014


Podesta talking cats now!

Is that the new code word? cats? catnip?

7bb09c  No.4958015

File: ab643857c3d5460⋯.jpg (75.36 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2sdab4.jpg)

File: 2532b90d62813b0⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 800x387, 800:387, 2sdadd.jpg)

424542  No.4958016

Book of daniel faggot

And it's lust for drumpf rectum

Many hobbits were displaced so dannalingus could lose a TAvistock watch up his asshole








aa2d65  No.4958017


I said Greg Rubini sucks nigger dick.

dd7bf4  No.4958018


Trips confirm

1be9d9  No.4958019


She's the reason the word "nigger" exists.

"black asshole" just don't do her fat ass justice.

6bc4f9  No.4958020

File: 98fc37bf7d7f0ba⋯.png (244.51 KB, 1068x478, 534:239, 1007.png)

>>4957838 (lb)

is the holocaust real or fake anon?

is the wailing wall real or a hoax anon?

no equivocation. yes or no.

d029fe  No.4958021

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

71c298  No.4958022


trips confirm!

68720d  No.4958023

Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah resigns

Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah has resigned, just days after Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas announced plans to form a new government.

In a statement today, PA spokesperson Yusuf Al-Mahmoud said that “the prime minister and his ministers welcome [Fatah, the Palestinian faction which dominates the PA]’s decision to form a new government,” adding that: “Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah has placed his government at the disposal of the President of the Authority [Abbas].”


683f6d  No.4958024

File: 5a8bfc9bcd91032⋯.jpeg (34.12 KB, 600x333, 200:111, 5a8bfc9bcd91032d36043fec4….jpeg)

523fb5  No.4958025

Q is busy. Fight Fight Fight

>>4957949 lb

>>4957868 lb

>>4957837 lb

Get these out there Anons

Run this cunt through the mud

This is War! Set 'em up and knock 'em down!


424542  No.4958026

Liars and serial killers seeking ubiquity for muhsatan

e1d733  No.4958027

File: 3dd3212369b66a8⋯.jpg (5.13 KB, 237x212, 237:212, recklessluv2.jpg)

Incase anybody was too lazy to google it.

984114  No.4958028

File: 5430996254b95ad⋯.png (721.75 KB, 800x528, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)


Abdula! Abdula! Your Bacha Bozi is getting warmed up for you! Hurry home!

d029fe  No.4958029

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

523fb5  No.4958030




af96bd  No.4958031

File: c37b89eba51e736⋯.jpeg (25.55 KB, 255x212, 255:212, DE56FE81-CCE5-49BB-9A7F-0….jpeg)

d61c35  No.4958032


Missing "r". How cryptic.

051aec  No.4958033

File: 79bf73916af4c5f⋯.png (206.42 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1FBE069A-272D-44EE-94B4-D5….png)


Yup. Q already told us, action starts after Stone arrest. Pic related.

Key: I believe is Key Witness, or could be a hash key for a drop.

1d9a00  No.4958034

File: 96077642db50c4f⋯.jpeg (673.75 KB, 1536x1853, 1536:1853, 5E077795-570A-4942-9327-A….jpeg)

File: 5d0dcda4c49d11a⋯.jpeg (773.7 KB, 1536x1963, 1536:1963, F55FDC42-3D78-4C26-AD33-A….jpeg)

A cure for the drug addiction crisis?

6cd0c4  No.4958035


Handoff confirmed

still here, will be lurking

bd6eb8  No.4958036


The Few… The Proud… QAnons!

3f0626  No.4958037


Why do you keep removing this from the dough?

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

730339  No.4958038

>>4957717 (PB)

That is not true. The confessor was not a shill, nor were they a bo, or a baker either. This I know, for I am thee. Now begone with your nonsense, fool, lest I larp you again to mysterious realms of fantasy and pain.

06a77e  No.4958039


you need some original material.

you're boring

ab88e6  No.4958040


oh shit i didn't even notice

5c8997  No.4958041


Hey I resemble that remark!

0ceb98  No.4958042


Stacy A-BARN-s

AutoBahn, not Lane Bryant

d029fe  No.4958043

File: 463ff4d9cf01d47⋯.png (403.85 KB, 999x662, 999:662, the-smirk-dossier.png)

File: 7421268f851d5ba⋯.png (491.08 KB, 999x800, 999:800, herry.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 4ed27440b902214⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1777x999, 1777:999, wsts.png)

File: dcc13ef67abcec6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 2232x14837, 2232:14837, unaware and compliant.gif)

571f87  No.4958044


"Money is the root of all evil" is a leftist meme designed to get you give all of yours, to them.

4960da  No.4958045

File: 00f948c5dcb9165⋯.jpeg (262.85 KB, 1373x1914, 1373:1914, 00f948c5dcb91657eef0b22a5….jpeg)

537fd5  No.4958046


Please pray for the Midwest in this cold. I have to go get 2 more cats, maybe 3. The third one smells so bad. He is a straight up alley cat.

877d56  No.4958047

File: 265202516ee9e66⋯.png (628.59 KB, 737x695, 737:695, FlotusPotusPepeWeeeeee.png)

4fb1ca  No.4958048

523fb5  No.4958049


Trips confirm

Fight Fight Fight

fc9db9  No.4958050

File: 9702054f09c745e⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 426x426, 1:1, 2s3gnc.jpg)

File: 635fd4e33fe98f2⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 554x500, 277:250, 1jwfgd.jpg)

File: c23e0993d2d6e54⋯.jpg (244.79 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1k8klu.jpg)

File: 7947a7e0fa3c91b⋯.jpg (109.31 KB, 554x500, 277:250, 1k212g.jpg)

File: 368c72bd8f49fff⋯.jpg (133.48 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 1l5jqu.jpg)

695583  No.4958051



thanks baker

472f0e  No.4958052

File: 1dbb7277f3bca5e⋯.png (68.63 KB, 751x645, 751:645, freedom.png)

Did someone say Freedom?

Tonight is the one year anniversary of this marker post. These next few days should be interesting.

5992d5  No.4958053


This has got to be a sign from Q that WE ARE IN CONTROL.

Anons would totally get this humor. Maybe Michelle needs to follow manufacturers who sell underwear with dickholes or something as confirmation.

(Queenly free to take that idea kek)

dc8123  No.4958054


That is an interesting take on that post. I really want to go with it, but it seems a bit thin with just that. Do you have anything else that could indicate that that is the case?

aa2d65  No.4958055


Those of who are still here need to just burn this motherfucker down.

We built it. We gave it life. And we will pull the plug.

6bc4f9  No.4958056

File: 2d4c70c41d17378⋯.png (419.14 KB, 1282x1497, 1282:1497, 03Screenshot_2018-10-20 Aa….png)

File: 9abf782be42f2fa⋯.jpeg (121.35 KB, 663x443, 663:443, 5a55f4b943aed.jpeg)

File: ecbc802d39afa2a⋯.jpg (94.53 KB, 479x620, 479:620, 07.July-1935-01.jpg)

File: 88d730669cec92b⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 422x650, 211:325, 07.July-1935-02.jpg)

File: 9a076bec38b90bb⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1330x1956, 665:978, d1873ef59bae9241c60eb08788….png)

3d1886  No.4958057

File: 225c673657176d1⋯.png (8.64 KB, 223x226, 223:226, Icasusedthatfeeel.png)

732eee  No.4958058

>>4957644 LB Adrenochrome discussion

Any anons talked about this? Just found it.


"DRENOCHROME (ADC) is an ERC20 token specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3).

The Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3) compound is synthesised by the oxidation of adrenaline, sourced from the blood of human children. ADRENOCHROME is the purest product on the market, harvested under strictly regulated conditions from our international supply chain of child donors.

In the past ADRENOCHROME could be purchased using a number of different cryptocurrencies, from a selection of suppliers on the Dark Web. This made it difficult to regulate the price of our product effectively. It also meant that profits were absorbed by a third party, instead of being reinvested in the harvesting and production of ADRENOCHROME. With the advent of the ADRENOCHROME blockchain and ADC cryptocurrency, all this has changed."

ee786b  No.4958060


You mother fuckers are desperate. there is no escape, You are fucked.

4fb1ca  No.4958061

fc9db9  No.4958062

File: 63a80d50d04871a⋯.jpg (130.7 KB, 735x500, 147:100, nkoiiiee.jpg)

d029fe  No.4958063

File: 413f3efb8d5ec6a⋯.png (921.77 KB, 683x932, 683:932, blibn.png)

File: 7b2c457b1d437c3⋯.png (198.36 KB, 442x402, 221:201, biden111.png)

File: b0690fff4da9ef5⋯.png (202.23 KB, 444x529, 444:529, biden98.png)

File: 27a1eefc844573d⋯.png (216.01 KB, 459x432, 17:16, biden89.png)

File: 39c444b25acc981⋯.jpg (212.21 KB, 494x478, 247:239, brigmbm.jpg)


You have to go, bot.

877d56  No.4958064

File: 54a269d9d500924⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 540x587, 540:587, ruhrohhhhiwasrite.jpg)


would be DOPE

5adce5  No.4958065

File: ac66ac81b60f8d4⋯.png (393.86 KB, 652x823, 652:823, Q BEDBUGS.PNG)

Bedbugs taken over hotel room: ‘There was blood on the sheets’

A mum travelling with her kids is “traumatised” after a plague of bedbugs invaded their hotel room, which she captured in skin-crawling photos.

Jennifer Earl

Fox NewsJANUARY 30, 201912:21PM

A mother travelling with her children says she had a skin-crawling experience at a Texas hotel over the weekend, claiming she was greeted by dozens of bedbugs covering the bed, headboard and beyond after entered her room.

Kali Powell, who was travelling with her two young children, called the incident “traumatising”, Fox News reported.

“It was the most nasty thing. They were big, they were little. There was blood on the sheets. That was from when we were flipping the sheets, and bugs were crushed by the sheets,” Ms Powell told San Antonio’s WOAI News, sharing mobile phone footage of the insects inside her room at Drury Inn and Suites in Stone Oak, San Antonio.

Ms Powell said her two children had already fallen asleep before she noticed the bloodsucking insects.

“Poor kids were laying in the beds with these things crawling all over eating away at them. I have never dealt with this ever in my life,” she warned in a Facebook post early on Saturday, local time.

Panicked, the mum contacted the hotel’s assistant manager and was transferred to another room that she was assured was bug-free. However, Ms Powell couldn’t help but wonder if she carried any critters over with her.

In a post online, she advised others staying at the hotel to monitor the room for any potential signs of a “nasty infestation”.

Drury Hotels confirmed they were contacted about the incident and stressed that the “safety and comfort” of guests is their “top priority”.

“No hotel can prevent bedbugs from being introduced, but we are extremely vigilant and take proactive steps to check on a daily basis and treat any issues as soon as they are discovered,” a spokesperson for the hotel chain told WOAI.


moar cabal dirty tricks…. measle breakouts, eboli…. bed bugs terrorizing travellers????

a50e7e  No.4958066

File: dbc66b5f8c38d78⋯.png (571.02 KB, 663x1254, 221:418, 2019-01-29_20-40-02.png)

File: 779e10d7df13cb0⋯.png (210.66 KB, 659x1172, 659:1172, 2019-01-29_20-40-40.png)

>>4957979 LB

Ahhhhh, Dianne Cheinstein.

0fd2a4  No.4958067

File: db37fa5ac085de0⋯.jpg (59.57 KB, 500x375, 4:3, DEW.jpg)

4960da  No.4958068

File: d60ef38f9cce3c2⋯.png (483.25 KB, 613x705, 613:705, d60ef38f9cce3c27dbf0709057….png)

aa2d65  No.4958069


Q could always post to let us know he was in control. He used to do that like 10 times in one day. Did he lose his phone?

b2cfeb  No.4958070


It would be nice if we could see some tangible progress on the Deep State. How do you fight a problem that's shaped like an infection?

3d593f  No.4958071

File: 2ffd949f1b6d922⋯.jpg (380.25 KB, 1514x868, 757:434, 1538437720228.jpg)

File: 08cf4dcf69288a4⋯.jpg (270.23 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, DtCQ5vTU4AAGNcu.jpg_large ….jpg)


Immigration is a race war on Europeans

92a03f  No.4958072

File: 75511abd04542cf⋯.png (364.68 KB, 649x620, 649:620, ClipboardImage.png)


Timing Is Everything

fd1fd6  No.4958073

File: 22021736943bda0⋯.png (424.46 KB, 1200x1080, 10:9, ChangeYourPerspective.png)

For the Twatter

6bc4f9  No.4958074

File: 6131e262f27a993⋯.jpg (170.7 KB, 580x788, 145:197, Wow its like jews are lyin….jpg)

File: 13ee4bfc26c700d⋯.png (130.93 KB, 656x375, 656:375, wp-image-2118011058png.png)

File: b31198e069179fa⋯.jpg (94.12 KB, 640x487, 640:487, Muslim-rape-gang-headlines….jpg)

File: 5591a4f508213e0⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 850x294, 425:147, John-Amery-Quote.jpg)

File: e959e6c11f29e3f⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 247x204, 247:204, izmages.jpg)

71c298  No.4958075


is he a lil fighter with booze breath?

3d1886  No.4958076

File: 067f09fee07d366⋯.jpeg (131.43 KB, 1440x684, 40:19, 067f09fee07d366dc1db0974e….jpeg)

6a69e5  No.4958077


Theory on KEYSTONE

We all know what a keystone is. It is the center of an arch that holds it up. Without the keystone, the arch will fall.

We know that both POTUS and Q love to play work games. Example "Witch Hunt". I don't believe POTUS is claiming he is the Witch because the actual meaning of this phrase is someone hunting a Witch. He would be calling himself the witch, so we have to assume it is Hillary and Mueller is hunting her.

So let's take these 2 things and apply them to Roger Stone. See where I am going with this?

Stone is the Key to help bring the inter workings of Spygate to light. Stone is a well know political operative that has known POTUS for a very long time. He understands how to turn a story into a media firestorm. He is our Trojan Horse. Think about how the media has portrayed him. He's a Trump insider, he's no one. He knows a lot about Wikileaks, he knows nothing and just likes to make himself look important.

Stone can bring to light many aspects. Of course, one of the most important is where did Wikileaks get the emails? This is the most important question of the whole thing. Stone can show how Americans are spied on, just think what Corsi said tonight "they know who you talked to, who you met with, all your phone calls, all your texts, all you emails" this is very scary. Why would they know that? They are giving us an example, right in front of our eyes, of how the system is broken so it can be fixed.

Stone is the Key to blow the whole thing wide open. The left hates him so they want to see him prosecuted. The right can't figure him out. So he is the perfect person to be the one to help open everyone's eyes on how bad things got during the election. He knows too much and has always been somewhere lurking during everything. He is willing to endure all this to bring the truth to light.

Stone has done nothing wrong but what if he is the reason this thing goes from Russia hacking the DNC to Seth Rich handing the emails off and then helps bring back the missing emails and where they are. He could be one that gives Mueller the excuse he needs to bring in the REAL COLLUSION.

Just an opinion of the possibilities.

aff70a  No.4958078


Think of the Q posts about how to legally introduce evidence. It all comes out in the Stone trial. POTUS is isolated from all the nonsense.

Q said only 40/60 (and WE lobbied for that much disclosure up from 20/80) would be known. This is the public show.

You didn't think this was just about words?

The end of the Democratic Party.

The end of the swamp.

Bring the Pain, Q.

Bring the PAIN.

dd7bf4  No.4958079


I said it days ago,but i was told to fuck off.

Guess we have very few anons left who read Q posts anymore

2bfc18  No.4958080

File: ebb9563e8f4b400⋯.png (151.41 KB, 567x565, 567:565, MKin4Bpcq.png)

d61c35  No.4958081


Wrong. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil. Fucked up priorities.

dc8123  No.4958082


. I don't know about you, but i dont think I could trust someone with that power. Sure, it may fix one thing, but how many others will it fuck up

e6d50f  No.4958083

Reposted because this was at the end of last bread:

I didn't see this noted . . . but El Chapo's defense today called only one witness, and wrapped up within a half hour! Closing statements will be made (Prosecution tomorrow, I believe, and defense on Thursday).

BUT . . . the Defense spent just a half hour? WTF? Well, my SO said, "They're gonna claim inadequate defense/representation and ask for a retrial." Sounds logical to me - it would delay sentencing, among other things.


3f0626  No.4958084


New baker,

Please put this back in the dough;


d7acd0  No.4958085

File: cdbeb194b6b2a76⋯.png (21.25 KB, 387x457, 387:457, freedom day marker q post.PNG)

2f8c6b  No.4958086

File: 3c8f8df5e5e1eee⋯.jpg (143.62 KB, 900x593, 900:593, What crisis.jpg)

File: 3f41f3f8fff06fa⋯.jpg (153.8 KB, 862x604, 431:302, Remember this day.jpg)

File: bdb3abafbb00136⋯.jpg (107.89 KB, 800x597, 800:597, hands off.jpg)

File: d4ffa3f10e35630⋯.jpg (128.24 KB, 513x800, 513:800, DJT tweet.jpg)

File: d5e0fdd444d24bd⋯.jpg (173.5 KB, 800x600, 4:3, dem playbook.jpg)


WE PRAY for safety in the Midwest and thankful to those willing to help others.

8f3bcf  No.4958087

File: 10935ef693d56bd⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1280x858, 640:429, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe Skippy is Freddy kek.

bd6eb8  No.4958088

File: 141c99eecd37651⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 885x516, 295:172, stfu-gtfo.jpg)

6cd0c4  No.4958089



I didn't remove anything, didn't even touch the dough

a525b9  No.4958090

>>4956486 (pb)

Drug cartel focused in Democrat (blue) counties

Matches 2016 vote map

Matches Sanctuary cities and ties democrats to cartel/illegal votes

4fb1ca  No.4958092


As if Trey Gowdy did a god damn thing.

1cc063  No.4958093


Any criticism of zionists talmudic Pharisees is spreading hate.

You are free to criticize everything and everyone else tho.

4960da  No.4958094

File: fe37153c80ba1ec⋯.png (643.67 KB, 650x768, 325:384, night-shift-pepe.png)

e1d733  No.4958095


It is the only thing that can destroy it.

Let it grow.

ab88e6  No.4958096

File: 7f37a35ad1c6c28⋯.png (422.74 KB, 657x514, 657:514, ClipboardImage.png)


thank you

4bb7b4  No.4958098

Q has been gone so long his posts are fading away..

537fd5  No.4958099


I wonder if it works the same with all drugs? Cocaine is emotional, I LOVE her, I’d die for her. Hence, never again.

6257f6  No.4958100


b79586  No.4958101

File: 856fddf99c0a5b0⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 474x603, 158:201, Moar Gold.jpg)

>>4957930 lb

> Because under a floating price of gold TPTB can never do a surprise devaluation and leave the average joes holding the bag

The price of Ag/Au is determined by the COMEX. When you buy/sell gold you get pricing input from whatever site that uses data from the CME.

Massive paper dumps to suppress both gold and silver for many years. Or do you believe that $6b in paper can just be dropped on either one and actually have real physical metal being traded? If you do then you are the one who is nuts.

Now be a good boy and do some research before you look like a bigger fool.

and love the way you come in at the end of the bread like a regular shill too.

d029fe  No.4958102

File: 0506126256c06a5⋯.png (184.34 KB, 256x517, 256:517, biden113.png)

File: c595e29c033bcdd⋯.png (382.39 KB, 517x444, 517:444, biden107.png)

File: 11b66e7fa496dc6⋯.png (241.62 KB, 444x558, 74:93, biden105.png)

File: b71660e3e0ba790⋯.png (381.93 KB, 555x737, 555:737, TPBBN.png)

File: e6241e608511725⋯.png (414.76 KB, 555x734, 555:734, FFLBN.png)

bd6eb8  No.4958103



6834db  No.4958104


(You) are full of crap.

3f0626  No.4958105


Hmm, it was in last bread but not this one.


a26b96  No.4958106

File: d594fb108f9a8b3⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 691x344, 691:344, ns_prom.jpg)

aa2d65  No.4958107


The dems have the fucking gavel. Open your eyes, Anon.

4d5c36  No.4958108


Looks exactly like a LARP, or just plain bullshit.

bd6eb8  No.4958109

2ad965  No.4958110

File: 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 7ff07f4df01dee6087aad83fef….jpg)

>>4957289 lb

Pffft, voting age needs to be RAISED to 21, not lowered. We have enough idiots voting that are making things worse as is.

571f87  No.4958111


Kek, thread back anon. I was clarifying my point.

34faf8  No.4958112


>,but i was told to fuck off.

is that a bad thing?

dd7bf4  No.4958113


Q no longer needs to post here. The enemy knows what up. No need for disinformation against them.

Q really is POTUS. Once done with someone or something, it or they get tossed.

We're fired.

2f8c6b  No.4958114

File: bfb54c1fffeef47⋯.jpg (287.73 KB, 1099x978, 1099:978, the federalist 01182019 br….jpg)

File: 0ba8b38ba7de18f⋯.jpg (270.61 KB, 828x916, 207:229, Brennans Perjury Peril.jpg)

File: 56fa8ab2a8ccc47⋯.jpg (156.43 KB, 670x591, 670:591, backhand back channel bruc….jpg)

File: 76b27c5ab3e771d⋯.jpg (158.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, evil place.jpg)

File: 286936f83e41cbb⋯.jpg (399.25 KB, 931x1200, 931:1200, Q drop 01052018_2 Antifia.jpg)

d8540f  No.4958115

File: 187699995c72f89⋯.jpeg (109.86 KB, 948x543, 316:181, 88762B13-F894-4724-B0E1-8….jpeg)

7d708a  No.4958116

File: a85214b519472ea⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 474x233, 474:233, Pheonician coin.jpg)

Maps have a key

-Keys identify the symbols

–Symbols will be there downfall

—Follow the money

—-Follow bloodlines via symbols on ancient coins

The same group of banksters have been causing the world problems for their own profit and power for 1000s of years. Time to exit their pedo-paper power structure and go back to sound money. Start saving in precious metals instead of deepstate debt notes.

3d1886  No.4958117

File: 96a9d0d8a05a840⋯.png (115.01 KB, 508x552, 127:138, 99c7e214b2f797d2e17b704cf1….png)

aa2d65  No.4958118


Fuck Trey Gowdy is his faggot fucking ass.

6a69e5  No.4958119


This falls in line with Qpost 269.

Word play at its finest.

Stone is the Key to introduce everything that will take down Spygate.

b2cfeb  No.4958120


Word games can be many things, though. What if Q is using his reputation for subtlety to do something more direct, and on a related note, anything up with the Keystone pipeline lately?

1ac19f  No.4958121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bb012f  No.4958122

File: d12ec89db4f4749⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 1082x646, 541:323, you-check.JPG)

ee786b  No.4958123


They have the biggest victim card, but we know the "victim" scam now.

Meh Victims, oppressors!

537fd5  No.4958124


Thanks for stepping up. I was like, this dude is wrong, but I didn’t know why.

a26b96  No.4958125


ur mom is dead

7bb09c  No.4958126

File: b3c1a3e411410af⋯.jpg (99.39 KB, 960x720, 4:3, b3c1a3e411410affb7929644cb….jpg)

File: 52cb3b475c92e09⋯.png (1.12 MB, 833x1083, 833:1083, 52cb3b475c92e09dd9d5a389a8….png)

File: 9a1cfb2df19bac0⋯.jpg (94.06 KB, 990x600, 33:20, DkVhV8fX0AEu36j.jpg)

ab88e6  No.4958127


My serious problem is that twatter rarely will show me DJT twats. I'm glad I can get them here.

68720d  No.4958128



d61c35  No.4958129


Sorry to interrupt.

2b1df9  No.4958130



Also the excessive use of force in the early morning arrest filmed by CNN sets the stage on what to expect in future arrests.

877d56  No.4958131

File: 45fedfbaf4bc985⋯.jpg (135.16 KB, 604x617, 604:617, couldyousleep.jpg)


fuken disgusting. hope its not related as the owners of the hotel chain live in my town.

e3bf63  No.4958132

File: 1e6a3c32bee8113⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3436x1660, 859:415, Soledad O'Brien.png)


6cd0c4  No.4958133


oops, that is my fault actually

the dough is updated and fine, I just used copypasta from earlier today that didn't have the update in it

that's my bad, thanks anon

updated it

9aee85  No.4958134

File: 15a542d2a891ebc⋯.png (196.69 KB, 274x363, 274:363, ClipboardImage.png)


"God is with us"

Gray Ranks satire

0fd2a4  No.4958135

File: 73e4952484d3fdf⋯.png (18.96 KB, 605x385, 11:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21266cc709d416a⋯.png (11.32 KB, 1110x164, 555:82, ClipboardImage.png)



Im here and you are wrong faggot

Key = NSA/Wizards Warlocks/MI

Stone = Potus/Patriots

bd6eb8  No.4958136




8f1ff8  No.4958137

Hey fags, not sure if it means anything or not, but General Flynn followed me back on Twitter today. I know that he has like 20k + followers… I figured I'd say something case anyone else was added today.

a4b6b0  No.4958138

File: a7ff209936a8245⋯.jpg (11.18 KB, 225x225, 1:1, asswipes.jpg)

File: 18f956e0b60b779⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 449x600, 449:600, boohoo.jpg)

7689ff  No.4958139


Did you notice how Corsi said he thought Stone did meet with Assange on Tucker tonight?

It was odd and he said he can’t prove it, but odd he threw it out there

I agree with you….no sauce, just a feeling

5adce5  No.4958140

File: 431c17fa36dffc1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 943x633, 943:633, Q NUTTYYAHOO VIDEO ON HOW ….PNG)



grenade was tossed by an unknown source in to a mosque in Zamboanga City, at the southern Philippines on Tuesday night, according to Walla! news.

The incident occurred two days after a twin-bomb attack during a church service in the southern Philippines killed at least seven people and wounded 35.The local police is investigating the circumstances of the attack.


ALSO video by nuttyahoo daring anyone to attack Israel syber of otherwise but this case, specifically cyber might

051aec  No.4958141


See the other anons reply. As I said, no evidence.

aa2d65  No.4958142


This is a myth. Nothing beats pure cocaine. Nothing. You can bet they hoover it down until their eyes bleed.

dc8123  No.4958143


Maybe, but Stone has always rubbed me the wrong way. He's a snake. Always has been. I'm hoping you're correct, though

6d1a1d  No.4958144

File: 4fbd76a83c85043⋯.png (441.12 KB, 1367x760, 1367:760, Screenshot from 2019-01-29….png)

Headed home? Hope the fishing was good.

bd6eb8  No.4958145



6cd0c4  No.4958146


I swear 'everything is the keystone' shit is a slide

4960da  No.4958147

File: e4ade16aee1df36⋯.jpeg (58.41 KB, 961x641, 961:641, night-shift-recon.jpeg)

f1b8fa  No.4958148

File: dc2226ab7de910f⋯.jpg (67.81 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 5fcbacfd99dddbf6dd8e1adccb….jpg)


lb that shit

1d9a00  No.4958149

File: bf73183281ad628⋯.jpeg (828.04 KB, 988x1773, 988:1773, 94558F75-33F0-4035-BC7F-C….jpeg)

File: 2800bfc229b415f⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 985x1435, 197:287, 051931DB-F209-463C-BDB3-F….jpeg)

I hope part of the Great Awakening WW will help save Christians from persecution. The Satanists currently leading the West don’t care, or worse, actually want it.

4fb1ca  No.4958150

051aec  No.4958151


There will be tribunals.

Brennan’s will be first.

And it will be televised.

Screencap this.

523fb5  No.4958152


Why did NY pass at birth abortion legislation

Why did NY really pass at birth abortion legislation

Reconcile Night Shift

Fight! Fight! Fight!


1a7b20  No.4958153

>>4957962 (lb)

We have nothing to suggest Mueller is investigating Hillary. RR appointed Mueller. Allegedly did so in response to Comey's shitshow hearing. Mueller is doing everything he can to connect dots that will put negative attention on POTUS, hopefully reveal some collusion, and hopefully lead to impeachment. That is his sole job and everyone knows that.

Can you explain what AG, optics, and diversions drops suggest Mueller is going to bring down Clinton? I am 100% open to the possibility that I have missed something and some anon can piece it together to convince me otherwise. I want to believe. No one has explained how they reach this conclusion except by suggesting Hillary is the "witch" of witch hunt, and making general references to "optics" and "disinformation." And the meeting with POTUS!

I admit, the possibility is always there, but with all we know about Mueller, how likely is it that he is taking down Hillary?

d029fe  No.4958154

File: 119c2ef181c52df⋯.png (936.4 KB, 810x1111, 810:1111, hhs.png)

File: 94a81b48a184422⋯.png (120.83 KB, 524x333, 524:333, jrc.png)

File: a3c8801a0a99511⋯.jpg (221.62 KB, 650x433, 650:433, storchedearth.jpg)

File: 947678597b84f7d⋯.png (580.99 KB, 610x800, 61:80, LordBolingbroke.png)

3d1886  No.4958155

File: bef8d1e3b60fa9a⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, homerjew004.jpg)

Listen to Homer's advice.

It could save your life.

6bc4f9  No.4958156

File: 0ae1a6a1a65bfa2⋯.jpeg (81.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0ae1a6a1a65bfa2eff20f3910….jpeg)

File: bc6ef1cc85a7247⋯.png (199.88 KB, 495x622, 495:622, c38ad37bc12411b9e9d3d223e4….png)

File: a2db0839bf055e2⋯.png (533.91 KB, 1344x875, 192:125, a2db0839bf055e2f7235e20db3….png)

File: 81e4f801b7a62cd⋯.png (623.98 KB, 538x794, 269:397, 1385866136681.png)

File: 795d702e56811e0⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1498x1440, 749:720, 027f9b70752e3828467faad102….png)

40d04f  No.4958157

Watch out for your children Planned Non-parenthood wants to infect them with the desire to kill babies


8:34 PM 01/24/2019 | US

Mary Margaret Olohan | Marketing and Publicity Associate, Regnery Publishing

Planned Parenthood just announced plans to release “Roo,” a new sexual health app, on Thursday in collaboration with their ongoing partner Work & Co.

Adage.com reveals that “Planned Parenthood worked with digital shop Work & Co on the strategy, branding, design and development of the chatbot — which began testing last year but officially launches Thursday.” (RELATED: Women’s Groups Stay Silent About Planned Parenthood Discrimination Allegations)

The app, named “Roo” in order to “to seem gender-neutral and friendly to the intended audience,” is supposed to be a venue for young people to ask questions about sexual health that they might not feel comfortable asking their parents. Designed specifically for 13 to 17-year olds, Roo is equipped to evolve over time to better answer questions from consumers.

Adage reveals that users of Roo can find information on pretty much any sexual topic; puberty, STD’s, pregnancy, masturbation, and even crushes. Roo will also connect users with other resources in the event that they cannot find what they are looking for – and among those resources are “live educators via Planned Parenthood’s Chat/Text program.”

Roo is accessible on mobile phones – meaning that young people now have the ability to ask any questions regarding sexuality and sexual health that they wish at any time or place. Not only will they receive uncensored answers to these questions, but they will also be given advice from Planned Parenthood operatives.


dd7bf4  No.4958158


Nah. I kept repeating the theory Keystone was revealed.


Roger /STONE

Seemed likely.

I could be wrong,but doubt it. Wikileaks is proof about Seth being a leaker,instead of muh Russia hacking.

And being told to fuck off,especially here with you morans,is a badge of honor.

3f0626  No.4958159


Good to go, thanks.

NewBaker copy?


984114  No.4958160

File: ec0397faa82d81d⋯.png (238.06 KB, 474x379, 474:379, ClipboardImage.png)

They've taken Europe

Take a look at the streets of London!

Phase 1: The Seed

The less radical muslims move in and show you how like you they are.

Phase 2: They Breed

They have kids. LOTS LOTS LOTS of kids. Anyway they can or whomever they can. They spread their seed.

Phase 3: They Bleed

When they become the majority and you still have not woke the fuck up yet. They will start to kill your white ass and rape your kids and steal your government elections. Then it's TOO LATE.

They are not coming to mix and let you be you. They are coming to steal, kill, and destroy. Period, that's all.

Woke Yet?

95d7bf  No.4958161

Where the (o)(o)s at?

1d9a00  No.4958162

File: 39379a3cdce0b52⋯.jpeg (103.03 KB, 883x264, 883:264, EE951D49-0F74-4023-956B-8….jpeg)


I pray you are right fren.

4fb1ca  No.4958163

weve been overrun by jewish shit shitty memes other bots and wackos and gay porn

06a77e  No.4958164





27 Jan 2018 - 11:09:31 AM

"Catch & Release"

"Safety & Security"


Have you learned how to read the message?


bd6eb8  No.4958165



68720d  No.4958166


to shock Americans

051aec  No.4958167


Do you even Q, newfren?

Double meanings exist.


aa2d65  No.4958168


The footage is going to get beamed right into Greg Rubinis LARP'ing anus.

76f410  No.4958169


He's dead, bro. Sorry.

6a69e5  No.4958170


Yes these 2 are playing their roles to bring Seth Rich and the stolen emails into the light.

This is the Key to bring the whole mess to a conclusion. The MSM and the world has to know where the emails came from. Everything falls from there.

d029fe  No.4958171

File: 3a2e56f873c1baa⋯.png (220.99 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC45.png)

File: f39495a94f44160⋯.png (187.78 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC44.png)

File: 559bac208b2a253⋯.png (243.19 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC43.png)

File: 89f643c7b38956f⋯.png (234.9 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC42.png)

File: 68259731490552a⋯.png (297.96 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC38.png)

4fb1ca  No.4958172




dd7bf4  No.4958173


Multiple meanings exist

6cd0c4  No.4958174

File: 29f38af1442a22e⋯.png (49.99 KB, 828x266, 414:133, ClipboardImage.png)



the dough has it in it, it was just on my end

the incoming baker should be all good to go

1be9d9  No.4958175

File: a395eb4a019532e⋯.jpg (175.5 KB, 489x735, 163:245, 994a5946c7099065595ea73589….jpg)

File: a8e9e38e0bc8242⋯.jpg (217.35 KB, 735x490, 3:2, 4524581789ece2642187960873….jpg)

File: de08463a34d6cf9⋯.jpg (213.17 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 62aeb1c78e373c012cdf27dfe5….jpg)

05b4af  No.4958176

File: fad0b559b7ef059⋯.jpg (198.56 KB, 612x408, 3:2, goy_love_buying_stuff.jpg)

4fb1ca  No.4958177


d029fe  No.4958178

File: 5754e8bba2c1e5e⋯.png (238.21 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC37.png)

File: 1c26a1dcbe2af87⋯.png (283.07 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC34.png)

File: 8a02f9561253c8b⋯.png (183.6 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC33.png)

File: dac14446d024be1⋯.png (169.4 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC32.png)

File: ff45bddb16fcc12⋯.png (267.79 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC30.png)

5c8997  No.4958179


Plausible and the word of the next few weeks is going to be “discovery”. Stone’s case will be the D5 tipping point IMHO.

bd6eb8  No.4958180

File: 9e7c699a846d5c2⋯.jpg (319.53 KB, 1184x1351, 1184:1351, 30.jpg)



8f3bcf  No.4958181

File: ce35073b10f8aa7⋯.jpeg (474.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ce35073b10f8aa7903bba3910….jpeg)


Do you openly support Q on your account, anon?

880acd  No.4958182


What's your guess on a time line for this happening?

424542  No.4958183


537fd5  No.4958184


To feast upon them. Otherwise, you wouldn’t bc of the medical waste alone. It’s like giving up your baby for adoption, but adoption = murder. Do they kill it inside or outside?

e1d733  No.4958187


are you trying to say bots can't read?

523fb5  No.4958188


I like it anon. Glad to see you.

Not guilty plea means "discovery" for trial?


6cd0c4  No.4958189



Q confirms meaning to signatures, like Alice & Wonderland

stop sliding

aa2d65  No.4958190


Q is on Epstein's island fucking dead DYFS kids and Haitian babies.

4d9745  No.4958191

File: d0b1024aa85999f⋯.jpg (196.5 KB, 474x1042, 237:521, QCrumbsJourneyTogether.jpg)

File: f316ea95dc8eca1⋯.jpg (202.01 KB, 648x900, 18:25, QCrumbsBlindWillSeeTheLigh….jpg)

File: 0726e456f77a6bb⋯.jpg (297.29 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, QCrumbsBlindWillSeeTheLigh….jpg)

File: 6d59d0d9a003b47⋯.jpg (439.64 KB, 1255x757, 1255:757, QCrumbsBraveNewWorldWWG1WG….jpg)

File: 34226f2eb02ef75⋯.jpg (232.87 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, QCrumbsBraveNewWorldWWG1WG….jpg)


YW. Found just a couple more, put em up here >>4958007

No point wasting a post, here are We Take This Journey Together, One Step At A Time. Q will show us a beautiful brave new world.

ecd973  No.4958192

File: e135de780bb409a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F417C99E-3D16-4A02-9240-0F….png)


Follow the leads. Connect the dots. I’m still digging.

2f8c6b  No.4958193

File: a31ebe296f9fea6⋯.jpg (317.54 KB, 1003x1092, 1003:1092, medicare for all is stupid.jpg)

File: 9ef20590860bf59⋯.jpg (82.75 KB, 800x527, 800:527, nancy ms13.jpg)

File: abb755de33a3e2b⋯.jpg (142.15 KB, 777x665, 111:95, FaceCrime.jpg)

File: 10ef92587f359af⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 800x420, 40:21, content of character.jpg)

File: d39135f31f9fcc0⋯.jpg (263.56 KB, 691x1099, 691:1099, human trafficking.jpg)

3f0626  No.4958194



Back to lurking.

5adce5  No.4958195

Defense case in 'El Chapo' trial lasts only 30 minutes

The defense case for notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman lasted only 30 minutes on Tuesday.


5:27 a.m. PST Jan. 29, 2019


f71283  No.4958196

File: 943f4b8f87e8ca4⋯.jpeg (57.95 KB, 350x347, 350:347, DEBC5559-3733-4A7F-9DF5-9….jpeg)


aa2d65  No.4958197

File: fbc74b5efd574c2⋯.jpg (543.36 KB, 2403x1178, 2403:1178, tranny.jpg)


Q is Chelsea Manning.

40d04f  No.4958198

PP talking to kids as young as 13, who thinks this is a wholesome idea? And what about parents?


Planned Parenthood’s New Sex Chat Bot Targets Young Teens, Gives Shocking Answers on Sex, Abortion, Relationships and More

By Dan Andros

Managing Editor

January 25, 2019

Planned Parenthood continues to exert influence over the culture on issues of sex and abortion, launching a new online mobile app that gives sex instructions and advice 13 to 17-year-old teens who are attempting to navigate sex issues

6a69e5  No.4958199


Exactly. These kind of raids about to be normal.

bd6eb8  No.4958200

File: f786f615a6d15a3⋯.gif (21.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, one-shill.gif)

1d9c9f  No.4958201

File: f52f790d03bf3ad⋯.jpeg (741.58 KB, 1173x1066, 1173:1066, 14AE2088-11DD-4F26-B72A-E….jpeg)

7689ff  No.4958202


What were you digging on to get this response?

94c25e  No.4958203

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)


Q can take the time they need.

We are comfee

55f543  No.4958204

File: eec98097e42ac91⋯.jpg (56.54 KB, 500x537, 500:537, 2m3v4t.jpg)

Holy fuck… Bidenfag shill is back….

880acd  No.4958205


She's not pretty

984114  No.4958206

File: d650523f4a59d0b⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1360x1200, 17:15, ClipboardImage.png)


Are all muslims into Bacha Bozi? Or is that just certain ones?

a50e7e  No.4958207

File: 73408ceaebc2394⋯.png (74.07 KB, 237x254, 237:254, 2018-12-24_13-19-52.png)

ee786b  No.4958208


Can we enter a raffle or something where the winner gets to be the executioner?

3018fc  No.4958209

File: 0d19336489e1b79⋯.jpeg (85.22 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, 6D2953AE-0C6F-464D-B04A-4….jpeg)

This is not the same woman.

The nose is very close and the contours of the face but the teeth lines do not even remotely match.

d6eb23  No.4958210

File: 4f54e6bb8bf9e60⋯.jpg (98.34 KB, 631x458, 631:458, kinghat.jpg)

571f87  No.4958211

aa2d65  No.4958212


She is an abomination.

8ebe83  No.4958213

File: f89dfa51ad55d6f⋯.jpg (78.26 KB, 676x960, 169:240, IMG_0851.JPG)

Breadly reminder

Pelosi broke King Cuck

bc37b1  No.4958214

File: 04233d94b38e722⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1331x749, 1331:749, 020138634698054.png)

aa2d65  No.4958215


I mean he.

7689ff  No.4958216


13 for fucks sake

af820a  No.4958217

File: c2eae001b223596⋯.png (82.62 KB, 721x308, 103:44, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at ….png)

File: 06835355229fb5a⋯.png (75.45 KB, 383x222, 383:222, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at ….png)


8f1ff8  No.4958218

695583  No.4958219


>NewBaker copy?

Copy. Confirm dough is good.

bd6eb8  No.4958220


People will be executed

051aec  No.4958222


He is.

You will be as surprised as the Libs.

>Everyone knows it.

If you were Q team would you want it any other way.




Mueller and RR are working for POTUS. The “Goodbye RR” posts that happened like 3 or 4 times were to panic ((them)). He’s still there because he still has work to do. Also, that’s why congress backed off targeting RR when White Hats were made aware he was doing things that could not be made public yet.

Wait and see, fren.

4d9745  No.4958223

File: a27b698da53320d⋯.jpg (389.09 KB, 811x740, 811:740, QCrumbsBraveNewWorldWWG1WG….jpg)

File: 606d8b270db0be1⋯.jpg (258.61 KB, 756x960, 63:80, we_are_going_to_show_you_a….jpg)

File: fe32e8759d39af4⋯.jpg (278.02 KB, 521x1024, 521:1024, QCrumbsBraveNewWorldWWG1WG….jpg)

File: 4ace59647bdf116⋯.jpg (334.38 KB, 900x675, 4:3, QCrumbsBeautifulBraveNewWo….jpg)

File: 5fe1c1651aede78⋯.jpg (407.05 KB, 1024x1406, 512:703, QCrumbsExpandYourThinking-….jpg)

4fb1ca  No.4958224

File: b0d29fdc09f0122⋯.png (266.52 KB, 500x401, 500:401, ClipboardImage.png)

06ac60  No.4958225

File: 5fa1cbced6fe956⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 1420x1963, 1420:1963, InQontrolPepe.jpg)


Yes, yes indeed fren.

6bc4f9  No.4958226


the rich and the jews get so many breaks and enjoy so many excuses don't they anon?

never ending investigations and dithering as fuck

1ed29d  No.4958227


We went from saving the world to bedbugs….sad times

537fd5  No.4958228


I like these better. These do not make me want to jump ship.

6a69e5  No.4958229


Then he is playing his part perfectly.

He is suppose to rub you wrong. The Left has to hate him just as much as they love Mueller. Think about it when the roles are reversed.

Stone is the good guy and Mueller is working for us. The Libs and MSM will go nuts.

3d1886  No.4958230

File: 17606af3f805325⋯.jpg (162.31 KB, 700x466, 350:233, crazy_jew_whip.jpg)


Cry Moar.

051aec  No.4958231

06a77e  No.4958232

POTUS State of the Union




31 Jan 2018 - 8:54:16 PM


31 Jan 2018 - 8:53:33 PM


“I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”





bb5918  No.4958233

Clintons go all in for McAwful. Their only chance for a pardon.

4c2f5f  No.4958234

File: c6156c477d597fd⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2388x1668, 199:139, ADAB36D1-7979-491D-920D-6F….png)

Ok, this could be something big. In an PB 495581 an Anon dropped a post about 11 Zinfandel Lane, St. Helena, CA. Said look at the map, see where the money flows and from sea to shining sea. I am paraphrasing. I looked at the location and I noticed the Napa River flows down the back of the vineyard and a lot of other vineyards all the way down to Napa Opus One. The Napa River continues on down and opens to the eventual sea. Could they be bringing the kids in through a ship from Mexico or another transport and dropping off on the Napa River and it works its way down? The other theory I have by looking at the map, Silverado Trail winds through all the vineyards and right behind 11 Zinfandel. This needs more hive mind.

5adce5  No.4958235


I think that squinted eye, broad gritting smile is the tip of the knife the mexican cartels have in her back,

9aee85  No.4958236

File: e49d947f73051a8⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1346, 960:673, ClipboardImage.png)

see the Q on her arm?

ee786b  No.4958237

File: 9b2cee55dab3239⋯.jpg (243.95 KB, 640x493, 640:493, MemeCenter_1518822771498_4….jpg)

f7d120  No.4958238


He's being controlled

3f0626  No.4958239

File: 9800a8dc1f8c2ce⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1024x788, 256:197, hanginwithmydogs.png)

aa2d65  No.4958240


He also follows @TrueEyeTheSpy, who is a steaming pile of dogshit.

4fb1ca  No.4958242


The people still left her lurking are the best of the best. o7

9278c1  No.4958243


Yeah, this is anon humor. Just look at the profiles. It's a total troll move. Something Big Don would do or sign off on. Kek.

984114  No.4958244

File: c1d5b5ca41c64d2⋯.png (796.89 KB, 897x764, 897:764, ClipboardImage.png)

a525b9  No.4958245

File: b8e2b0d30060cf8⋯.png (9.38 MB, 4076x1922, 2038:961, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4956486 (pb)

More details

Drug Cartels, Democrat Votes, Sanctuary Statutes, & Human Trafficking

4c2f5f  No.4958246

File: b63ab72c1ed5324⋯.png (4.69 MB, 2388x1668, 199:139, 24E21B50-4816-45AE-91EF-ED….png)

6bc4f9  No.4958247

File: 4d4dd5c7579d667⋯.jpg (46.04 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 6bd1a24a64f0c7cf481da589dd….jpg)


who is ((them))?

The Vatican?

051aec  No.4958248


How new are you?

7689ff  No.4958249


Stone is incredibly confident

Manafort looked like a whipped dog


2f8c6b  No.4958250

File: 82fdfd79d5654ae⋯.jpg (213.16 KB, 900x543, 300:181, brave new World.jpg)

File: 5e7d14bbcbc94a7⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 600x395, 120:79, obama constitution rip.jpg)

File: 24dc9d8a25c6a1b⋯.jpg (221.47 KB, 968x784, 121:98, Trump FLOTUS.jpg)

File: f74c871b5b13e7a⋯.jpg (179.06 KB, 980x588, 5:3, QAnon sent us Thank you Wo….jpg)

File: fe661b403b7b557⋯.jpg (274.23 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Bring it Trump EO.jpg)


Thank you.

3d1886  No.4958251


They learned that shit from the jews.

2b1df9  No.4958252

File: 541f7d4c8865586⋯.jpg (59.54 KB, 500x369, 500:369, council.jpg)

523fb5  No.4958253


Dont stop now anon. We have to learn to do this without autists.

Fight Fight Fight


af96bd  No.4958254

File: 1629a9cadca690a⋯.jpeg (24.72 KB, 252x255, 84:85, B8022E6C-7FF2-479A-8953-E….jpeg)

File: 05aa11cdbbb41b1⋯.jpeg (15.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, B5D3BD20-6BF1-47C1-B3B3-F….jpeg)


And a few rider femfags holdin it down too i bet.

This meme comes up a little short.

Much luvz muh ladies that dont exist.

Sum u got tuff as nails.

Consequence of this was no moar femfag bewbs so that part sucks.

Is an honor to be here a year and change later


Apologize for the times I acted like an ass.

Still say the shills suck compared to last January.


dd7bf4  No.4958255


Did you not read the part where i said i could be wrong?(But i doubt it)

Everyone is wrong predicting Q.

That includes you faggot.

fd5424  No.4958256

File: 6219950f2016cd1⋯.png (267.67 KB, 763x545, 7:5, AQ12.PNG)

Anons knew all along.

Smollett story was bogus


2 Am

-40 Below 0

Zoo's Closed

Little known actor

MAGA Hats in Chicago

Walking around with a noose and bleach….

6bf45e  No.4958257

File: fe7eb755b2228e6⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 832x682, 416:341, sawNothing.jpg)

732eee  No.4958258


No, adrenochrome is real. It's addictive and halucinogenic - I dug on it months ago. But this could be a larp, don't know. "WhoIs" links it to Korea and I got "access denied" for the "http://www.adrenochrome.com/blog/" link.

Maybe someone with expertise in cryptocurrencies could prove/disprove it?

94c25e  No.4958259


We are here…. waiting / digging. Many are lurking

cf57b2  No.4958260


U no it

537fd5  No.4958261


Why is that image so big? OG? Steg?

9278c1  No.4958262

File: 9cbee1073fc37fd⋯.png (97.1 KB, 333x333, 1:1, pepe heart eyes.png)

fdaa51  No.4958263

Dear shills,

I just wanted to let you know, you have not the effect you hope for.

Concern shills, muh jew shills, the board is dead shills, R shills, … just proof Q by your engagement here to stop and divide Anons.

And still, I will come here every single day and


(Not a meme fag.)

1cc063  No.4958264


its amazing how triggered you are by anyone criticizing zionists talmudic pedophile pharisees….

Do u react like that when anyone other groups are criticized here?

Or u just do what ur (((handlers))) tell u to?

11b659  No.4958265

File: e102d463ffffc3f⋯.jpg (228.02 KB, 636x433, 636:433, stolen valor flair blank.jpg)

File: 26e4d47984b25f3⋯.jpg (233.26 KB, 636x433, 636:433, stolen valor flair.jpg)

>>4957315 lb

>>4957201 lb

>Someone please shop in Blumenthal and the stolen valor drum pounding injun.

39a1dc  No.4958266


Could it be Roger Stone is "KeySTONE"?

7b079f  No.4958267

File: 6a35b9bd5083006⋯.png (139.28 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


The property under the fig 8 looks like

0 County Road 214

Falfurrias, TX 78355

Just sold last year…. digging for moar

8f3bcf  No.4958268

File: e81e79fbcc0f264⋯.png (821.56 KB, 957x676, 957:676, PepeLove.png)


You mean HE'S not pretty kek.


Sweet! Congrats, anon.



b79586  No.4958269


i was eating but knew that had to be put down.

can't type with rib fingers. Just a shill as the golden cross tech signal puts it on the radar. Notice he did not respond to my first post about who actually controls the price..

2cdc25  No.4958270


So now attackers shout MAGA instead of ALLAH AKBAR??

You know when the media is lying

4c2f5f  No.4958271

File: b0fa012529d44ae⋯.png (6.97 MB, 2388x1668, 199:139, F49340A4-B051-44D4-BC31-1A….png)


This is the photo of the house that anon speaks of.

2f8c6b  No.4958272


Something is crooked about her like hillary.

Let's find it, meme it, and show the World.

The World loves Anons' memes, kek.

051aec  No.4958273


No. In that post I meant Cabal in general. But Vatican was infiltrated by Zionists in the early 60’s. Zionists are going to be exposed as the biggest player of the “Cabal”. Something like 70-80%

8f1ff8  No.4958274

File: 0c55eb586a858d6⋯.png (55.5 KB, 1258x362, 629:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e6b13b921e9e07⋯.png (10.34 KB, 250x138, 125:69, ClipboardImage.png)

bd6eb8  No.4958275

File: 8464fb8cad693f8⋯.png (218.51 KB, 579x306, 193:102, thinking.png)

537fd5  No.4958276


I’m gonna confirm your 666 mirror trips. Not always, just for you.

aa2d65  No.4958277


I'm so used to coming here, that I can't seem to leave you faggots, even though the horse has already left barn.

b7f6f8  No.4958278

File: 81a9253a2d52e35⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 640x640, 1:1, EvilEvilEvil.mp4)

A reminder of the evil… not for the queasy.

854f9c  No.4958279

File: f24bf6cf5db9c6e⋯.png (95.55 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)

40d04f  No.4958280

They say it’s to help 13 year old children navigate sex issues! Since when are 13 year olds asking for advice on sex issues? This organization and everyone like and connected to them has to go down,

Planned Parenthood's Chat For Teens


January 26th, 2019, 2:59 PM EST

Planned Parenthood’s New Sex Chat Bot Targets Young Teens, Gives Shocking Answers on Sex, Abortion, Relationships and More

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash



By Dan Andros

Managing Editor

January 25, 2019

Planned Parenthood continues to exert influence over the culture on issues of sex and abortion, launching a new online mobile app that gives sex instructions and advice 13 to 17-year-old teens who are attempting to navigate sex issues.

3f0626  No.4958281

File: 9efa6a9c1a6bd1a⋯.jpg (71.23 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, Im_gonna_steal_that.jpg)

4fb1ca  No.4958282

3d1886  No.4958284

File: 788359c165d9e8b⋯.jpg (115.44 KB, 700x506, 350:253, jewmastersmagazine_001.jpg)

Obey your masters.

051aec  No.4958285


Manafort worked for Podesta. You seem surprised?

877697  No.4958286

File: 0985b15c44f893f⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 122x150, 61:75, a6f88cdd5c.jpg)


2f8c6b  No.4958287

Be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills.

9278c1  No.4958288


KEEEEK… this pepe expression is so darn nuanced!

a7d516  No.4958289

File: 0d7aad9a7be25b1⋯.jpg (249.66 KB, 1200x881, 1200:881, wine barrels.jpg)

Why would NP own a winery license

but make no wine?

What benefit does a wine license allow?


6bc4f9  No.4958291

File: 8aeb791e7b7d46c⋯.png (210.74 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_2019-01-12 Q Re….png)

File: 9ec11c2383898ee⋯.png (58.29 KB, 1240x623, 1240:623, MindControlMKMonarchScreen….png)

File: 7a211e64eee7844⋯.jpg (452.07 KB, 1254x807, 418:269, Screenshot_2019-01-13 Q Re….jpg)

File: 17bfa6ca3ec6413⋯.png (288.25 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_2019-01-12 Q Re….png)

File: d905f2d76ef9094⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 631x300, 631:300, FakeAlienLie.jpg)

854f9c  No.4958292

File: 52e33df13d6b0f2⋯.png (85.85 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)

6a69e5  No.4958293


Every good movie needs a villian that turns out to be the good guy.

Stone is perfect cause no one can figure him out. The right thinks he's a showboat and stupid and the left hates him. Who better to wake everyone up and expose the whole truth.

It's going to be fun. I don't believe for one minute Roger is dumb. He has been playing this game longer than most of us have been alive. He has survived through many things. The Netflix special on him is very interesting.

537fd5  No.4958295


Damn, shills catching dubs and trips. Anons need to jump in the flow.

7689ff  No.4958296


Falfurrius is the most corrupt place in Texas. Biggest checkpoint out of the valley

Had a few experiences there

984114  No.4958297

File: 3d50d2f22df5a88⋯.png (4.73 KB, 285x113, 285:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5297ed363609629⋯.png (472.02 KB, 500x363, 500:363, ClipboardImage.png)


You fucking sand niggers are going to get tired of me tonight!

I'm here all night muzzie!

051aec  No.4958298


Saying it’s real to yourself over and over with no evidence doesn’t make it true. It makes you a liberal.

4d9745  No.4958299

File: 73d83b555d43cfb⋯.jpg (133.74 KB, 737x489, 737:489, GreatAwakening306.jpg)

File: d3a138534e46226⋯.jpg (144.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening314.jpg)

File: 126aee729ef31fe⋯.jpg (235.67 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, GreatAwakening503.jpg)

File: cdefdace96305e6⋯.jpg (190.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening511.jpg)

File: 6fb474537c432e5⋯.jpg (148.59 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, GreatAwakening534.jpg)


Better than what?

What kind do you want to see?

Inspirational? Informative?

b51028  No.4958300


You missed the Anons question.

It was not "does Flynn really follow you?"

It was "Do you opening support Q on your account?"

Do you twat about Q ? Do you post Q connections etc.

2bfc18  No.4958301


More like, he was Q.

bd6eb8  No.4958302

File: 3822e9bf0a2a88c⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 489x335, 489:335, anons-unite.jpg)


Never Forget

7689ff  No.4958303


Import and export?

aa2d65  No.4958304

File: f5be37c4a97b905⋯.jpg (179.21 KB, 960x910, 96:91, reeeee.jpg)


Just be happy that I'm still here after all this shit. Here, have a meme.

d7acd0  No.4958305

File: 5ebd6df1f74bffe⋯.png (812.64 KB, 1047x607, 1047:607, trump signs law to aid chr….PNG)



By Christine Rousselle

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Washington D.C., Dec 11, 2018 / 04:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- President Donald Trump signed into law Tuesday the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act, which seeks to ensure US aid reaches Christian and Yazidi genocide victims.

The bill was passed unanimously in the House Nov. 27, and in the Senate Oct. 11.

This bill was introduced by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), and the lead Democratic sponsor was Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA). This was Smith’s second attempt at getting the bill signed into law, and altogether it took 17 months for this bill to be passed.

Trump said it was a “great honor” to sign H.R. 390 into law, and remarked that his administration has had great success in fighting Islamic State. The group has lost nearly all of its territory since its peak in 2015.

“This bill continues my administration's efforts to direct US assistance for persecuted communities including through faith-based programs,” he said.

The signing of the legislation is a symbol of the US speaking “with bold moral clarity and political unanimity,” Anderson said in a statement provided by the Knights of Columbus, which were heavily involved with the process of writing the bill and assisting the situation of Christians in the Middle East.

Since 2014, the Knights of Columbus have donated more than $20 million to help Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria with food, housing, and other needs. The Knights also spent $2 million to rebuild an Iraqi town that had been destroyed by Islamic State.

H.R. 390 provides funding to various entities, including faith-based and religious organizations, that are helping with recovery and stabilization efforts in Iraq and Syria in religious and ethnic minority communities, including Christians and Yazidis.

The bill also instructs the Trump administration to “assess and address the humanitarian vulnerabilities, needs, and triggers that might force these survivors to flee” the region and for the administration to identify signs of potential violent action against minority groups in the country.

Another part of the law encourages foreign governments to identify those who belong to Islamic State in security databases and security screenings to aid with their prosecution. The bill provides support for groups that are investigating members of Islamic State who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in the region.

877697  No.4958306


MAJOR tax write off in CA

fd5424  No.4958307

File: 09ef512da6f723c⋯.png (296.01 KB, 595x545, 119:109, AQ13.PNG)


WE are just THAT good. Case in point. Pic related

bd941e  No.4958308

File: c2b4689e7881a4c⋯.jpg (111.04 KB, 800x500, 8:5, BoltonKushnerIsrael.jpg)


Yes, serious problems.

1a7b20  No.4958309


it means he's not taking a plea deal, which shuts down the case, often before the exchange of any discovery.

He's pushing toward trial (effectively saying "prove your case") and has a right to "discover" what the prosecution has on him, and the prosecution will have a right to "discover" what Stone's got to defend himself.

9278c1  No.4958310


Permits… building permits?

3d1886  No.4958311

File: f525d7fd1829bcd⋯.png (135.99 KB, 621x603, 69:67, f525d7fd1829bcd4dd1f9d5ca5….png)


As bad as mooslims are, jews are 1000X's worse.

The Goyim Know.

6ec32e  No.4958312

File: 4d091cb74d20b2b⋯.jpeg (66.58 KB, 736x707, 736:707, 9E09540E-10B3-4D84-B815-5….jpeg)

File: 31bad98673027fa⋯.jpeg (95.22 KB, 426x640, 213:320, 36CE8820-1A40-439F-8880-D….jpeg)

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

Ladies for you

>>4957221 LB

>>4957245 LB


d029fe  No.4958313

File: 4714c2d0e71a66f⋯.png (344.83 KB, 599x449, 599:449, boopsie.png)

File: 8331c81fa0cc507⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1111x805, 1111:805, awwjimmy.png)

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

File: 30cfb0ab430e8e8⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, shhh.png)

f968c6  No.4958314


What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!

What the hell is going on with missing R? Please come back fast, we need you!

What the hell is going on with missing Ruth? Please come back fast, we need you!

af96bd  No.4958315

File: fbb82069c5a50c0⋯.jpeg (27.97 KB, 218x231, 218:231, E4509485-CE28-4805-AB4F-6….jpeg)

File: 9fc699b4607c223⋯.jpeg (470.45 KB, 681x675, 227:225, AA9E4811-B9C9-45AF-B504-5….jpeg)

File: 612a223d48d396a⋯.jpeg (22.74 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 815CE14F-C1A8-46B2-9835-6….jpeg)

File: 3a5e41fc6274810⋯.jpeg (35.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DAACE981-CD2C-4E9B-8ACB-0….jpeg)

537fd5  No.4958316


I love maps. The /pol maps bread is an excellent collection.

5f5ffd  No.4958317

File: c2008a9ff0ca963⋯.png (592.29 KB, 602x435, 602:435, rise2.png)

dd7bf4  No.4958318


For God and country anon. I took the oath.

Honor is mine

04abeb  No.4958319

Pretty soon these sick, evil mother fuckers will be killing kids up to the age of five and calling it post pre-school abortions!

VA Considering Bill Legalizing Abortion Until 40 Weeks In Pregnancy https://trib.al/0rKNiPK

854f9c  No.4958320

File: a97cde36b00f00e⋯.png (47.73 KB, 1318x307, 1318:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary Clinton's former campaign chairman John Podesta on Tuesday tamped down on speculation that the former Democratic presidential nominee may seek another White House bid in 2020, calling the idea "media catnip" and stressing that Clinton "is not running."

"She says she's not running for president," Podesta said on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront."

He added that the former secretary of State was currently "in Puerto Rico trying to help the people, that Donald Trump has abandoned, through the Clinton Foundation. Trying to bring some relief to the people of Puerto Rico."

"I take her at her word. She's not running for president," he said.

Podesta added that Democrats already "have a lot of great candidates out there right now."

"I think the Democratic primary will be a spirited one with a lot of great ideas coming forward," he said. "I think she would’ve been a great president, but that’s in the past."

"If you're directing a senior official in a campaign, there aren't very many suspects."

John Podesta, whose emails were hacked, and then released by Wikileaks, offers his thoughts on Robert Mueller's investigation, and Roger Stone's indictment.https://t.co/XtRSKomU3d pic.twitter.com/X0HplWYjjm

— OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) January 30, 2019

Podesta's comments come after CNN White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny reported Sunday that Clinton hasn't ruled out making another bid for the White House in 2020.

"I’m told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying 'look, I'm not closing the doors to this,'" Zeleny said during a roundtable on CNN's "Inside Politics."


f34309  No.4958322

File: 7486e07c26aface⋯.jpg (141.95 KB, 1142x825, 1142:825, 1548813206891.jpg)



683f6d  No.4958323

File: 196395dd875f88f⋯.png (15.89 KB, 588x209, 588:209, ks1.PNG)

File: b761e3790747d75⋯.png (17.25 KB, 597x203, 597:203, ks2.PNG)

File: f6e0c43d139cb6b⋯.png (21.03 KB, 597x296, 597:296, ks3.PNG)

File: fab277849caade0⋯.png (40.59 KB, 537x311, 537:311, ks4.PNG)

d61c35  No.4958324

File: 46377eb6a140fe7⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 600x351, 200:117, LRHBirthday2007-e145412373….jpg)

File: 75c3892524ff65a⋯.jpg (313.12 KB, 1940x1092, 485:273, mpbsrp7z2rwim47iqziq.jpg)

L Ron Hubbard, Chelsea Clinton, Webb Hubbell

d029fe  No.4958325

File: b3fa2ebb5546c7e⋯.png (161.82 KB, 580x281, 580:281, ll.png)

File: 8b9c9baffa15eb4⋯.png (241.27 KB, 489x444, 163:148, kekanonkek.png)

File: 0bc8e67a3cd6e3e⋯.png (250.66 KB, 555x633, 185:211, joj.png)

File: ec40db1fed03c80⋯.png (338.99 KB, 661x805, 661:805, ....png)

38ec66  No.4958326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've seen a lot here against the Jews and the Masons, but this video is the first of a playlist of short videos, totaling some three hours of historical research, laying the conspiracy out from its roots and showing why it is neither the Jews or the Masons, but how both groups have been used…

I have seen very insufficient representation of the John Birch Society materials in the Q research breads, and I think this a sad omission, because The Young Donald cut his teeth on this stuff. Fixing it here! I found the time well spent–a well summarized long-term dig!

22206b  No.4958327

Why do i feel that Israel being saved for last is not true when you see stuff constantly pro-israel

a7d516  No.4958328





I told you already lol

2f8c6b  No.4958329

File: 29269269374bd77⋯.jpg (204.36 KB, 873x905, 873:905, Shelia Jackson Lee bill to….jpg)

File: de832656c0a4839⋯.jpg (179 KB, 800x506, 400:253, Merry Qristmas.jpg)

File: 998e77a14169e2a⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 800x451, 800:451, Wall schumer.jpg)

File: 67a945ef2d35865⋯.jpg (176.07 KB, 800x576, 25:18, Lynch Trump tweet_2.jpg)

File: a35cbc583066218⋯.jpg (333.61 KB, 1219x1062, 1219:1062, Lynch Dec 15 2017.jpg)

06a77e  No.4958330


I read/heard that she grew grapes and sold them to wineries.

who bought her grapes?

Who transports the 'grapes'?

Is that what NK called their human farms?

grape farms?

6bc4f9  No.4958331


send for the lawyers!!!!

activate the judges!!!

wave pieces of paper around!!

shapiro and pence will save the children!

chabad forever!

eae209  No.4958332

>>4957699 lb

If you want me to launch into a lambasting of Islam, then that is a different issue I have been down quite a few times. Years ago.

Islam is just a rather basic and obvious example by comparison, and most of us are on the same page.

Islam began as a unification of the tribal Arab beliefs.

Much like everywhere else, the Arab tribes had a pantheistic belief system. Each tribe associated itself with following a certain deity within that pantheon, usually credited as being the sponsor or progenitor of that specific tribe.

Traditionally, the Arabs revered the city of Petra and built many of their temples facing Petra. This changed when a series of wars to consolidate the religions under a single deity took place and the religion shifted to revere Mecca. Some temples were destroyed and rebuilt to face Mecca.

The koran's scriptures refer to "The Prophet" - the name Mohammed was something appended later, and much of the identity of this individual was established centuries after the events he was supposedly a part of.

The whole religion is built around subservience to a religious state with goals of manifest destiny. It reveres the act of warfare in the cause of expanding control and has quite literally no room for reform into a set of spiritual values reflecting true religious tolerance.

The arab religions before it have largely been destroyed and purged by it. Persia was destroyed by Islam and much of its history along with it, although the cultural conversion wasn't complete - hence the Shiite vs Sunni divide, the Sunni being arab and the Shiites being Persian (generally).

I don't consider it a spiritual religion as much as a political one, as most of its goals are set on conquest and most of its stories are all related to wars, battles, or political affairs. It doesn't really deal much with spiritual events, creation, etc - other than to quote the torah and call the Jews horrible.

Eyes open? Who bought the Ottoman empire at a discount once their empire fell into decline? Why were the British feeding the Barbary States protection money, rather than crushing them?

>>4957898 lb

What you believe has necessarily expanded beyond the bounds of what your religion allows. This is like the muslims who believe their religion represents peace. They've had to rationalize on thin margins their own morality OVER the scriptural and dogmatic depictions of their god.

The question is "what bounds define your god?" The logical consequence of this is that you have created god. Because your focus is on monotheism, you were looking for a "god of gods" - a god which even "other gods" can't destroy or mute. Omnipotence and omnipresence - a raw and true concept of divinity that goes beyond understood personification.

The problem is that this is not what the religion, scripture, and dogma define. What you have created is necessarily far larger than the constraints of a book.

Whether you realize it or not, this is not a new understanding. It has been explored in depth with a number of ancient systems - of which the asians have a better preserved record of it. Although the same idea can be found all over the world.

The 'problem' is that this becomes a very personal understanding that doesn't lend itself to organized religions, campaigns of conquest in the name of a god, etc.

683f6d  No.4958333

File: 6b422e6901ca052⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)


the muhjew script

while(1) {


if(reply == meme) {



print_meme(); }


bd6eb8  No.4958334



4fb1ca  No.4958335


yea this guy fucking gets it jesus christ

1bf5c8  No.4958336

Next week and half (within) will be epoch (epic).

Not the biggest of bigs but the beginning.

Wheels in motion.

Narrative shift.

All moves slower than we all want. Patience is a virtue.

A couple key indictments hit mainstream within 9 days (not HRC)


5f5ffd  No.4958337

File: 5f092a6f6aca068⋯.png (337.1 KB, 534x430, 267:215, rise4.png)

File: 5d19ab853d93bec⋯.png (426.01 KB, 667x437, 29:19, rise6.png)

aa2d65  No.4958338

As far as I can tell all the bot/mossad/cia/whatever shills are gone. I mean I'm here, posting all this negative shilly type stuff, but nevermind that because I'm a human and I'm the only one anyway.

If Q is gone and the shills are gone… is it like over?

d50fd0  No.4958339

984114  No.4958340


Oh looky!

A few shills that didn't make it home!

Hey Abdulah isn't that your cousin? Oh no sorry that's your son.


537fd5  No.4958341


I really like the Pepe reeeee tho? I’ve got such a bad tude right now, I’m trying to hold it together. At least make me laugh.

6cd0c4  No.4958342

keystone and P slides are making a come back

a7d516  No.4958343



Wrong (you), MB

a9c073  No.4958344


I like your opinion… Roger that on the KeyStone

9aee85  No.4958345

File: c32ee7ecba12bf1⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download.jpg)

5adce5  No.4958346

File: 98e106a1e36941d⋯.png (591.68 KB, 976x549, 16:9, _105329772_varadkar_quote-….png)

File: c17065abafe20ba⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 624x351, 16:9, _105339398_mediaitem105339….jpg)

Brexit: Does the Irish peace accord rule out a hard border?

By John Campbell

BBC News NI Economics & Business Editor

19 minutes ago

aoiseach Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, has told the Irish Parliament that the UK and Ireland must honour the Good Friday Agreement and honour their commitment not to have a hard border.

After Brexit, the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic would become the only land border between the UK and the European Union. If there wasn't a deep enough trade deal between the UK and the EU, it would likely mean checks on goods which cross it.

That's where the backstop comes in - an insurance policy to avoid new inspections or infrastructure at the border - after Brexit.

It's a key part of Theresa May's Withdrawal Agreement - but a major reason why it suffered an historic defeat in the Commons.

She's under pressure to change it, but all sides say this can't come at the expense of Ireland's historic peace accord.

What is the Good Friday Agreement?

Also known as the Belfast Agreement, it is the deal that is widely seen as marking the effective end of Northern Ireland's "Troubles".

It established a devolved power-sharing administration, and created new institutions for cross-border cooperation and structures for improved relations between the British and Irish governments.

It was approved by referendums in Northern Ireland and Ireland in 1998 and was subsequently incorporated into British and Irish constitutional law and other areas of legislation.


683f6d  No.4958347

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

732eee  No.4958348


That you Tony? (or should I say Skippy?)

4c2f5f  No.4958349


On IPad so trying to post screen shots suck. Sorry. It does not load several pics at once, it just spins so i download separately. Sorry.

984114  No.4958350

File: fe8f25a601ad16a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 795x594, 265:198, ClipboardImage.png)

5f5ffd  No.4958351

File: 6db1f5fe0e26deb⋯.png (216.89 KB, 530x379, 530:379, rise3.png)

ee786b  No.4958352

File: 25dbd60351e6879⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1042x602, 521:301, aquaman.PNG)

8015e1  No.4958353

File: 81599238340bce1⋯.jpeg (7.65 KB, 192x255, 64:85, 31b8938b519ff13639791d203….jpeg)

what I think is fucking funny is that the deep state has to come here to get info cause Qteam took their comms and made it so they can do NOTHING without that same surveillance they used on everyone else used on them!!


fd5424  No.4958354


All good. Carry on.

60f12b  No.4958355


Yup, a literal witch hunt.

Should be obvious if his trail is followed all the way back to the beginning, including the law that authorizes him in the first place: the Independent Counsel statute expired in 1997 after Starr (the IC had too much power, the SC is very restricted). The SC, however, reports to the AG, who reports to the President. It's as simple as that but everyone twists themselves into knots trying to explain those simple truths away because muh media says so.

1309be  No.4958356

File: 865e5a3b3497116⋯.png (418.68 KB, 504x627, 168:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone have a source link for this information from DHS? I cant seem to find it on the .gov website… or is this report not available yet?

bd941e  No.4958357

File: 3a94e8756c3fcbd⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 389x218, 389:218, SaterFake.JPG)

File: 001cc596ce97579⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 462x268, 231:134, ChabadCohen.JPG)

File: 54e1510108960d6⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 411x262, 411:262, ChabadKushner.JPG)

File: 8b66a99842c9707⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 463x325, 463:325, ChabadSater.JPG)

File: 78cb925f290f261⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 457x369, 457:369, ChapelleJewTalkie.jpg)

5f5ffd  No.4958358

File: 0971f23d4df4f9e⋯.png (244.04 KB, 585x439, 585:439, rise1.png)

537fd5  No.4958359


You’re the only human? I’m starting to feel that way irl. We need a support group. Humans Anonymous?

05b4af  No.4958360

File: 60cc920a09e3bef⋯.png (988.3 KB, 779x690, 779:690, ClipboardImage.png)

6bc4f9  No.4958361

File: 1191a0f74a90edc⋯.png (726.32 KB, 1357x574, 1357:574, Screenshot_2018-11-24 Trac….png)

File: e0d5275939f541f⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 1028x4405, 1028:4405, Screenshot_2018-11-25 My ….jpg)

File: d8415cabd9afc9b⋯.jpg (912.14 KB, 1062x3706, 531:1853, Screenshot_2018-11-25 Blam….jpg)

File: a878fa88501615e⋯.png (816.54 KB, 1253x738, 1253:738, Screenshot_2018-11-26 Q Re….png)

2f8c6b  No.4958362


Autists lurk.

Would an Autist post a lot?

Have the Anons learned over time?

Have the Autists learned over time?

Every day, getting better at working together.

1cc063  No.4958363

File: 81248d88cc5efcb⋯.jpeg (39.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 831CA9FA-4AD6-4DDD-8FE9-C….jpeg)


u really are showing those hamas spam bots a thing or two! wow. im impressed how cool and edgy and intelligent and keen u are.

854f9c  No.4958364

File: 65a52e0d0b6c86d⋯.png (52.91 KB, 1146x328, 573:164, ClipboardImage.png)

The Department of Justice's (DOJ) top watchdog on Tuesday wrote to Congress on Tuesday acknowledging their requests for an investigation into the handling of a 2007 plea deal involving Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, but noting that the office lacks the authority to look into it.

Bloomberg Law reported that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote to lawmakers that "important questions" have been raised about Acosta's involvement in a plea deal he struck in 2007 as a U.S. attorney with alleged serial sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

“However, the OIG does not currently have jurisdiction over matters involving allegations of misconduct relating to DOJ attorneys’ handling of litigation or legal decisions," Horowitz wrote.

Horowitz indicated he would have the ability to investigated prosecutorial misconduct within the department if the Senate passed legislation amending the inspector general's powers. The bill has already passed in the House, Bloomberg Law reported.

A group of 15 Democratic lawmakers, including 10 representatives from Florida, wrote to Horowitz last month to call for an investigation into Acosta's conduct during his time as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida.

Acosta's role in the Epstein deal came under fresh scrutiny following a Miami Herald investigation into the case. The story quoted multiple people involved in the 2007 case who accused Acosta of caving to pressure from Epstein's lawyers to cut a preferential plea deal.

Epstein originally faced a 53-page indictment for sex trafficking and related crimes.

The Department of Labor did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


a8945e  No.4958365


I only show up to see what the latest schizoposting is.

d8540f  No.4958366


Posted likewise info

b42424  No.4958367


Where's Toots when ya need em

424542  No.4958368


2cdc25  No.4958369


you talk too much shit

f7d120  No.4958370

8f1ff8  No.4958371


KEK… I am just an anon. My reason for conveying this to you all this evening was to inform you of activity on his Twitter account.

fd1fd6  No.4958372

File: aba7b94b0b059c5⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, QSkeleton2.png)

File: b5edc46cc1799b1⋯.png (899.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, QSniper.png)

Find the sniper n Pepe.

4960da  No.4958373

File: 7da8827cb1843e2⋯.png (164.25 KB, 611x588, 611:588, councel-9-13.png)


Above councils like the CFR and Bilderberg group there is a counciil of 13, with the Pope in it.

Above that a (druidic) council of 9

307bf2  No.4958374


No. This anon must be pointing out the location of Sutter Home in relation to (all these places are comped as fuck, it is where the super uber rich play farmer) Opus One as main pedo attraction points on the map. Table29 restaurant is ldr wanna be at cool.

Napa Valley is known as the Adult Disneyland of California

537fd5  No.4958375


Dude, valium.

5f5ffd  No.4958376

File: 9905dce159f28df⋯.png (198.37 KB, 489x382, 489:382, rise5.png)

File: a0f6ca25b2acd42⋯.png (150.51 KB, 489x383, 489:383, rise7.png)

8f3bcf  No.4958377

File: 3e1439bfe118dba⋯.jpg (77.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1490922512591.jpg)


Anon answered me here: >>4958218

Don't want to doxx anyone kek.


Question is, what will Wray-Wray do about it?

6a69e5  No.4958378


Stone is a Patriot

The info on how he was spied on is a Key

The Stone situation falls right in with that Q post too.

051aec  No.4958379

File: d6317f1add4f72a⋯.png (256.66 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 123EA772-C6FF-4687-9CE3-1E….png)


Yes and Stone and Corsi are both ties to Israel. Your only furthering the point.

bd941e  No.4958380


Ahh, Kike gore is back…

1490c7  No.4958381

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of gg occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:___

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 0 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 1: _

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's LEAN FORWARD:_

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_

7. Odds of 17 of the above happening together:__

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



7689ff  No.4958382


Muslim Brotherhood?

Cause I have been sitting here for about an hour convinced that Pelosi is a closet Muz

38ec66  No.4958383


And yes, Bill and Hill were there while the congressional delinquents were partying there.

9278c1  No.4958384

File: 3b13f26b62af551⋯.gif (4.5 MB, 360x270, 4:3, DIDN'T READ.gif)

ab88e6  No.4958385

File: 564b331cc1471f2⋯.png (452.28 KB, 407x589, 407:589, ClipboardImage.png)

a50e7e  No.4958386

File: 222188109cc2640⋯.png (400.59 KB, 1023x1210, 93:110, 2019-01-29_21-04-58.png)


So which one of him was speaking?


523fb5  No.4958387


The honor is mine!


b3c67a  No.4958388

First bread I ever saw with 400+ posts and no bewbs. Chelsea Manning dont count, and one TYB has her back to the camera as if parody.

1aa862  No.4958389


so, are you trying to troll the arab shills

or give them a boner?

5f5ffd  No.4958390

File: 854327117c2afcc⋯.png (326.92 KB, 575x384, 575:384, rise8.png)

File: 32031d1ae8e9f52⋯.png (286 KB, 442x338, 17:13, rise9.png)

984114  No.4958391


Mohamed agrees….well he used to agree anyways.

537fd5  No.4958392


“Goodnight HRC. Sleep tight.”

d61c35  No.4958393


Love it! Thanks

2f8c6b  No.4958395

"[[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.

What evidence to support?


[[RR]] @ WH.

Why was Rachel Brand removed?

Critical thinking.


0fd2a4  No.4958396

File: 7eb47164ebcbf16⋯.jpg (16.08 KB, 318x472, 159:236, ORWELLeye.jpg)

bb012f  No.4958397

File: a9eb6e192e8da41⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 298x226, 149:113, go.JPG)


No worries anon. We are in control, just lurking moar these days. We focus on helping new anons and digging deeper.

6bc4f9  No.4958398

File: ed86a32ffa16c13⋯.png (262.63 KB, 789x731, 789:731, Screenshot_2018-11-26 Q Re….png)

File: 3bf28524f526acf⋯.png (316.94 KB, 426x516, 71:86, Screenshot_2018-11-25 Brya….png)

File: 7cf30db0407003c⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 1340x4881, 1340:4881, Screenshot_2018-11-25 How ….jpg)

4d9745  No.4958399

File: 58361a25ff3821d⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 244x214, 122:107, 1.jpg)


>a very personal understanding that doesn't lend itself to organized religions

We do agree on this one point.

Now study the graphic. Oldfags will understand what it means. It means I don't want to gab.

87b08e  No.4958400


that or this is an addiction

help, i need Q anonymous KEK

a7d516  No.4958401



Privacy is hard without a tourist site next door.

7b079f  No.4958402

File: ebede5241bab1b6⋯.png (761.07 KB, 970x867, 970:867, ClipboardImage.png)

537fd5  No.4958403


Fuck, do guys like this still exist?!?

ab88e6  No.4958404


it was an accident, i swear

3ddff4  No.4958405


Feels right. Needed to have the arrest to be able to put out the information via court proceedings. All the hoopla around Stone's arrest…."17" vehicles to his house. That was the obvious.

6541da  No.4958406

File: 5f857b2be8684a3⋯.jpeg (307.11 KB, 1242x840, 207:140, 1D334808-0522-4032-B44D-9….jpeg)

Just catching up. The time stamp from this mornings tweet…gotta love Q & POTUS


a8945e  No.4958407


You faggots think dogs farting is a sign from Q.

You are mentally ill.

e3bf63  No.4958408



bd941e  No.4958409

File: f1d27bf6200c3a4⋯.jpg (12.83 KB, 275x183, 275:183, FakeJewFeinstein.jpg)

File: 15448e84e100434⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 300x300, 1:1, FakeJewGertler.jpg)

File: dac65faa351429f⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 530x298, 265:149, FakeJewGinsberg.jpg)

File: dbd31c07395fdb8⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 605x327, 605:327, FakeJewIRSLerner.jpg)

File: 2ad0de9f0758c41⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 620x412, 155:103, FakeJewKristol.jpg)

683f6d  No.4958410




<yo boss how can I revive the talmud bullshit given we were btfo'd last bread?

<say that posting fake and gay shill bullshit is in fact criticizing the talmud.

<but the verses were exposed as fake and gay, just like that book

<don't worry gaylord! your boss knows what he is doing.

bbeed4  No.4958411



Fuck international courts. The very idea of such a thing pisses me off.

bd6eb8  No.4958412

File: c027be85300c3b7⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 498x336, 83:56, seems-legit.jpg)

051aec  No.4958413


I have my doubts too anon. But I will say this, EVERY Mueller arrest is tied to Israel. Manafort, Papa D, Gates, Corsi, Stone, and Cohen (likely). Google search their names and Israel. Gates was working for an Israeli social media company.

feb078  No.4958414


…keySTONE. I like the way you think.

eea817  No.4958415

File: b5e207b4784eb81⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 1600x1406, 800:703, 2019-01-26_23-17-34_img.jpg)

File: 03bc9602bb0e84a⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 260x433, 260:433, 2019-01-26_23-15-06_img.jpg)

984114  No.4958416

File: eb0424666175448⋯.png (2.56 MB, 795x1064, 795:1064, ClipboardImage.png)


< Apu used to shill for a living but…

d35243  No.4958417


Beyond fucking stupid.

aa2d65  No.4958418



a8945e  No.4958419


Kill it with fire.

667b03  No.4958420

File: fc30bef0ba1bb82⋯.png (145.64 KB, 1060x295, 212:59, gitmo judge sickened.png)

File: 5f9c8496020ab4b⋯.png (200.41 KB, 1006x513, 1006:513, harris sickened, marc elia….png)


a gitmo judge got so sick he's being evac'd


candidate harris was sickened too in a NC race that marc elias has been meddling in..


a34fd8  No.4958422


He’s gay and married to MUH Dick

2f8c6b  No.4958423


Whoa, good catch.

af96bd  No.4958424

File: dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, ED668AA0-402B-4BD1-BA05-8F….png)

File: 0a8b27287704fae⋯.png (145.71 KB, 413x549, 413:549, 1E03933F-DD1C-414B-B3E4-2F….png)

File: eb1e6e698f36c75⋯.jpeg (27.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, C5CFBCE8-125A-47A1-B0AB-5….jpeg)

4d9745  No.4958425


Thanks bye.

31af09  No.4958426


I see where your mind's at. You really are a faggot. kek

af820a  No.4958427

File: 39c06154a64b33a⋯.png (239.4 KB, 517x428, 517:428, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at ….png)

File: 885d6a5459267ba⋯.png (62.56 KB, 558x317, 558:317, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at ….png)

None of this is good.

bb5918  No.4958428

Narcan doesn’t reverse hypoxic brain damage….just sayin’.

8f1ff8  No.4958429


I don't think Wray will do anything. I think it's his job to allow the Military to do the investigation of the FBI and he as their director is fully in the know. But that's just my opinion.

ecd973  No.4958430

File: 8b6c42ffceb7755⋯.png (7.88 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B549362C-DD2C-4354-8A32-CA….png)

File: 6b19f81e971c136⋯.png (5.91 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, BC9859D8-CF93-447C-B03E-DB….png)


The owners of wineries- connections to Schumer/Pelosi and higher.

The caves/sacrifices/wine/blood/trafficking . There were more personal directions but I didn’t screenshot them all. Just this one because I was phonefagging and needed to remember it later. The key is narrowing down the connection to control. Who controls and who runs it.

So far, Raymond Vinyards is in a partnership with john Legend.

a8945e  No.4958431


Every Buddhist knows about this shit. You're in ego inflation.

bd941e  No.4958432

File: bca1c3436225c4c⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 473x298, 473:298, ChineseOpiates.JPG)

File: 35f9cdcce7a1d28⋯.jpg (81.51 KB, 707x500, 707:500, FakeJewLeonBlack.jpg)

File: 2f6bfbf9d3a7d3f⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 900x482, 450:241, FakeJews911.jpg)

File: b719cf12d345d4b⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 389x267, 389:267, FakeJewsBrockTrotsky.jpg)

File: ba7ffb5a18b4eb2⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 274x266, 137:133, FakeJewSchumer.JPG)

aa2d65  No.4958433


I was stuck in traffic today. I looked at my speedometer. I was going EXACTLY 17 miles per hour. NO COINCIDENCES.

f7221c  No.4958434


Let's go one layer deeper…

Suppose Mueller's "team" did nothing more than serve as a diversion for both MSM and Libtards. Create "story" after "Stormy" to keep idiots thinking, reporting on, and hoping for the White Knight to take down DJT.

Mueller does NOT have to announce he (and his team) are going after Killary/CF!

He merely needs to state that he, and his team of UMPteen attorneys found a LOT of "Russia collusion", and it's all too big for them to investigate/prosecute, so he long ago referred the case to John Huber.


06a77e  No.4958435


pretty soon it will be the fathers killing the woman's body part, so he doesn't have to support the woman's body part for 18 years.

Men will be claiming they, too, have reporductive rights and , really, what is the difference in development 5 minutes before birth or 5 minutes after birth?

a4b6b0  No.4958436


Sitting on fence on this one, but pointing to teeth

as negative proof?

… noses do change thru time.

11b659  No.4958437

File: 078276e14ddead7⋯.jpg (197.87 KB, 720x480, 3:2, build the wall once and fo….jpg)

ab88e6  No.4958438

File: fdcc6e2a5110f94⋯.png (257.97 KB, 536x629, 536:629, ClipboardImage.png)

683f6d  No.4958439

File: d5b678f1be3e986⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 225x359, 225:359, ce58a04a943dadb008589b117a….jpg)

984114  No.4958440

File: 663e500611e5dab⋯.jpg (15.86 KB, 257x280, 257:280, distractashill.jpg)

File: 6177c331565866e⋯.jpg (667.73 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, shillporn.JPG)



<If I want them to go quiet for a while. I give them porn.

9278c1  No.4958441

File: 969b4c0f11ae0be⋯.jpg (436.17 KB, 1600x1495, 320:299, pepe volcano.jpg)

fd1fd6  No.4958442

File: 2eb0f6bb1a5f62b⋯.png (9.93 KB, 516x146, 258:73, qmap.PNG)



No Q.

Still over 100k.

7be8aa  No.4958443

File: 36ef4a793b7e7ae⋯.jpg (99.32 KB, 984x609, 328:203, 20190129_210712.jpg)

What day is the SOTU?

1 year exactly

> timing is everything

e2a50b  No.4958444

File: 2e2388aa142a6fa⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 640x388, 160:97, IMG_0193.JPG)


Yes I KEKked on that as well.

06a77e  No.4958445


it matches exactly, imho.

d7acd0  No.4958446

File: 7b597ed995fbbcd⋯.png (280.27 KB, 815x278, 815:278, q post hunters become the ….PNG)

88a059  No.4958447

File: 4c6691d027ed373⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 200x160, 5:4, buzzards.jpg)

I keep listening to X22… he's so optimistic. I keep waiting, but I don't see much that encourages me that justice will come to the DS and their Cabal masters. It makes me feel like this….

dd7bf4  No.4958448

File: f8460d9ee806243⋯.jpg (18.79 KB, 534x326, 267:163, 331449235ec120a068d8a56fcc….jpg)


At this point anon

Patriots never showed

Pic related

4c2f5f  No.4958449


What is the name of her vineyard

5f5ffd  No.4958451

File: 7c9022bf6347abc⋯.png (43.93 KB, 190x198, 95:99, trumpets3.png)

6178e4  No.4958452


So Podesta has more power than Killary. Interesting.

31af09  No.4958453

File: ed37375da503d72⋯.jpg (53.75 KB, 283x424, 283:424, Number-18.jpg)

2f8c6b  No.4958454


'The World is watching'.

06a77e  No.4958455


never notice that Q misspelling before.

it says 'morons'.

should it not be 'morans'?

a525b9  No.4958456


Good to know

Do a lot with/love maps

Been digging today trying to find KML/KMZ with the data to make a multi-layer google earth pro view

Will check out the /pol maps

cfe46a  No.4958457

File: a4ff31c674078aa⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190129-180950.png)

Q Team, how much longer until we stop this unamerican shit in its tracks?


7689ff  No.4958458


I was phone fagging that day so I didn’t get the shots either

Pelosi et al are bugging me. We missing sumpin

12a791  No.4958459


We've been waiting for a long time, we can wait a little longer.


12524f  No.4958460

File: 58d8aaee8a99ab8⋯.jpg (161.38 KB, 776x589, 776:589, Screenshot_20190129-190928….jpg)


You are referring to the DJ obviously.

683f6d  No.4958461

File: 4f3f404b7c3eef4⋯.png (336.57 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 4f3f404b7c3eef4d7f77180ab7….png)



key = nsa

stone = we the people

key + stone = woke sheep

aa2d65  No.4958462


You're the faggot with a JFK Jr. sex fantasy that you just can't let go of. He. Is. Dead.

7bc289  No.4958463

File: 0cfecb01639985a⋯.png (253.1 KB, 663x797, 663:797, USMC 1-29-19 5 11 pm PST.PNG)

File: a2a9552b38fa215⋯.mp4 (11.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video USMC 1-29-19 5 11 pm….mp4)

Continue the Attack


5ffc27  No.4958464



I see what you did, and I like it.

b79586  No.4958465

File: 75312810d71939e⋯.png (12.64 KB, 284x392, 71:98, 012919 Asia snap 1.PNG)

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)

Heads up faggits. The golden cross signal (lb)

means that it is firmly on the radar of tech trader's.

It will not be long before the normies start waking up. The one that started in lb was an idiot beyond comprehension and tried to explain that a WW gold trade exists so that we do not get a devaluation that hurts everyone.

He fails to understand the pricing input is controlled by the CME via the COMEX.

fdaa51  No.4958466

fd5424  No.4958467

File: b6af3a4b8f5ad24⋯.png (40.65 KB, 594x338, 297:169, AQ22.PNG)

Rich Notable here Baker


Dig In Here

bd6eb8  No.4958468

a50e7e  No.4958469

File: 01a3dca2d792b8c⋯.png (73.92 KB, 275x213, 275:213, 2019-01-29_21-10-43.png)

5a2822  No.4958470


what a creep.

He should run for the Dems.

Would be just a pleasure to arrest him few weeks before election.

537fd5  No.4958471


WVB tombstone, firmament, “flat” earth, nowhere to go, all outsides are inside.

689ea6  No.4958472

Fucking hell… Bidenfag is back.

051aec  No.4958473

The graphic is KEY.

The one of Washington crossing the Delaware. It will be behind Mueller when he gives a surprise press conference with his findings. That’s when the literal rubicon will be crossed.

1a7b20  No.4958474


Same thing, Anon. You're effectively asking me to trust you, I'll see, and it will be awesome.

I agree, it would be awesome to have turned their own fixers against them. But they are going to freak out anyway when the whole investigation shuts down or when anything threatens the investigation. It's their last hope of covering up their crimes.


Again, same. "Should be obvious." But again, nothing suggesting Mueller is after Hillary. Of course they're going to freak out when RR loses control of DOJ to Whitaker, who openly opposed the SC investigation. It is a direct and powerful threat to their last hope of covering up their crimes.

None of this even hints Mueller is after Hillary. It's still just a weak theory supported by loose circumstantial connections (coincidentally just like the collusion theory).

bbeed4  No.4958475


KEK, agree w/you

1d9a00  No.4958476


It’s the problem with any breakthrough…. but consider this…. some of the cures may have been discovered decades ago and kept secret by the Cabal. Any tool can be used for good or evil.

5bdfc2  No.4958477

"Woe unto you who cause wickedness!" who boast and honor

false words, you are lost, and you have no life of good things;"

"Woe unto you who alter the words of truth and pervert the

eternal law! They reckon themselves not guilty of sin, they

shall be trampled on upon the earth."

"In those days, be ready, you righteous ones, to raise up your

prayers as a memorial, and place them as a testimony before

the angels; and they, the angels shall bring the sins of the sinners for a memorial before YAHUAH (God) the Most High."

Enoch 99:1-3

bd6eb8  No.4958478

File: a8121eea7ee5e0e⋯.jpg (152.08 KB, 952x710, 476:355, Kaaba-Black-Key-Stone.jpg)


ffs this is the keystone

6541da  No.4958479



It’s the little things …a reminder that we’re all in this together.

a7d516  No.4958480


11 Zinfandel ln st helena !gm

b42424  No.4958481

File: c270a295da8be37⋯.png (19.66 KB, 453x379, 453:379, Across.PNG)


You trying to take credit for what Q told everybody would happen .. what's this we shit Kemosabe

e3bf63  No.4958482

File: 8d9c29bacae6efa⋯.png (3.79 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

ACTUAL size of the crowd during POTUS inaugural address:

a34fd8  No.4958483


This is SO wrong

683f6d  No.4958484


you sound concerned.

3debbd  No.4958485

File: b8c287628230ec2⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 334x593, 334:593, EYES-WIDE-KAMALA.jpg)

>>4957230 LB

>Kamala Harris Backs Massive Government Expansion Into Healthcare, Energy

aa2d65  No.4958486


Wray is too busy butt-fucking Marco Rubio.

1cc063  No.4958488


U think anyone is gonna be offended by u bashing muzzies?? have at it faggot.

its only when people criticize zionists that all u shills cry reeee!!


<just act like we btfo the talmud posts even tho we literally did nothing but scream reeeeee

<thats a great idea rabbi, just one question

<go ahead

<can u suck my newborn sons penis super hard after work tonight?

<only if u tongue my butt hole out while i do it

<sir yes sir

689ea6  No.4958489




792766  No.4958490


nice digging, those big fermentation tanks would literally be a good place to sacrifice someone as they'd contain almost all blood, etc and even if any thing spilled out 'oh that's wine' also most have auto cleaning systems. seems very spoopy

fd1fd6  No.4958491

File: 2dadc64a30e51ac⋯.png (239.04 KB, 940x353, 940:353, Cost.PNG)



Federation for American Immigration Reform

537fd5  No.4958492


Is he really “one of us”? I feel the need to hissssss that tho…

5782fe  No.4958493

File: 7f032677022bbcc⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1125x1396, 1125:1396, 7f032677022bbcc024eab49426….png)

File: de7e28fc03efce8⋯.jpg (72.41 KB, 620x430, 62:43, drjoycebrothers_8fae3.jpg)

…Same, tired out clichés from lackluster schills. Tryhards trying to divide, only to fall flat due to a lack of creative thought. So much energy expended 'for a larp'.

Face it. You're ilk will not succeed. Old guard no longer in control; Patriots are onto the centuries (millennia?) old mind tricks used to stifle human potential. In other words, "Fuck you, patriots are in control, faggot".

a99e71  No.4958494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






2f690b  No.4958495

File: 10764d48691dd10⋯.jpeg (90.61 KB, 872x436, 2:1, 9C087F42-CEB2-4EF0-AE44-5….jpeg)

7bc289  No.4958496

File: 0d5d2fade28a8cf⋯.png (519.08 KB, 658x592, 329:296, Eric on Hannity 1-29-19 6 ….PNG)

Look forward to being on ⁦@FoxNews⁩ with ⁦@SeanHannity⁩ at 9:20pmET! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


→ http://ustv247.com/fox-news-live-stream-hd/

1be9d9  No.4958497

ugh, why did I let fox roll into hannity…

so tired of his fucking fear mongering.

1d9a00  No.4958498

File: 53c654ef32ddf28⋯.png (118.25 KB, 359x340, 359:340, 41B7A102-63AF-4553-B057-B2….png)



11b659  No.4958499

File: 71519f54c4bafe5⋯.jpg (65.7 KB, 360x360, 1:1, enhance.jpg)

683f6d  No.4958500

File: ace8c8c213ff892⋯.jpg (541.32 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 4c8eb3be92a0de40d33382ace2….jpg)


<yo boss i know what i'll do! i'll ip hop and post that lame shill meme with trump and the wall, it'll work 100%

dd7bf4  No.4958501


All this arguing about keystone has done what exactly?

Where is NSA?

Where are the Patriots?

Aaaaaaand we're done with this topic

05b4af  No.4958502

File: eadc8dc2c0dce61⋯.png (987.36 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

31af09  No.4958503


Oh, shit. I didn't know. TY

8ebe83  No.4958504

Hannity crying about antisemitism

what a fucking loser

bc37b1  No.4958505

File: 7f63c7d9756caaf⋯.png (1.13 MB, 2001x978, 667:326, 19668594.png)

File: 7c47fe0e104eb52⋯.png (39.12 KB, 994x458, 497:229, 987235987120792635498.png)

aa2d65  No.4958506


He's gone.

4d9745  No.4958507

File: 1c2b80ad59b0785⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, JusticeAmos-5-24.jpg)

File: e4e159e74fce5eb⋯.jpg (96.34 KB, 640x512, 5:4, Justice-Amos-5-24-2.jpg)

File: af4716c8bc943cb⋯.jpg (196.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningJustice1.jpg)

File: 88d5872b9b29da4⋯.jpg (189.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningJustice2.jpg)

File: a53f5780f689294⋯.jpg (288.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningJustice5.jpg)


Trips confirm. Let there be Justice even though the heavens fall.

695583  No.4958508

Notes so far

All calls for 'notable' have been reviewed, but have only combed first half of bread, so make sure to call 'em out to make sure I get everything. ty!

#6330 Baker change

>>4958463 US Marines twatter: Continue the Attack

>>4958144, >>4958267, >>4958296 Planefags talk figure 8 over TX

>>4958140 Grenade tossed into Phillipines Mosque kills 2 injures 4

>>4958083 El Chapo/Sinaloa Cartel Mexican Drug Cartel Trial & Anon's take

>>4958023 Resignation: Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, bc new gov.

>>4957997, >>4958467 Podesta tamps down Clinton 2020 chatter: 'She's not running'


Is a few days old, has been noted before?

bd6eb8  No.4958509


6ec32e  No.4958510

Sweet… >>4958385

Maybe!?? >>4958403

7bc289  No.4958511


>ugh, why did I let fox roll into hannity…

>so tired of his fucking fear mongering.

Tell it to your therapist

No one here gives a fuck about your whining

a46983  No.4958512

File: dd936b57ba3026e⋯.jpg (87.8 KB, 1495x497, 1495:497, 2000000.JPG)


Always here.

a60957  No.4958514

File: bcd2898503d7194⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 540x281, 540:281, 1093526.jpg)


Christianity doomed itself by turning away from God's word. You let women run countries when the Bible says they are not to speak. You let faggotry and miscegenation run rampant. You failed. You let God down just as the Jews did.

Your covenant with the creator has been annulled. Good riddance to you.

8f1ff8  No.4958515



2398c9  No.4958516

File: 3f58c20bf960d65⋯.png (88.99 KB, 901x710, 901:710, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c8e7e96f64ee78⋯.png (319.06 KB, 510x446, 255:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Admin Hands Venezuela's US-Housed Bank Accounts Over To Guaido

The Trump Administration has handed control of Venezuela's bank accounts in the United States to Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, whom Washington and most Latin American countries have recognized as interim president.


fd5424  No.4958517

File: 147a9244e9e467f⋯.png (41.36 KB, 595x407, 595:407, AQ23.PNG)


rule something out when folks like John Kerry don't have to

Think we have comms here, guys!


a99e71  No.4958518


barrel over niagra falls anons

jp to rs

051aec  No.4958519


No, I am asking you to trust Q and POTUS.

See graphic: >>4958379

Mueller’s investigation is into “foreign interference of US elections”, not Muh Russia. This includes Israel, UK, Saudi Arabia, and EU.

537fd5  No.4958520


You’re right, sign me up for the time travel mission, bc I NEED that in my life. Just bc your dreams are sad and small, doesn’t mean you have to be such a Debbie Downer.

aa2d65  No.4958521


Everyone answers to the almighty kike. They are the Goa'uld.

a34fd8  No.4958522


Does Ebot actually have a penis….

8d9ed7  No.4958523

9278c1  No.4958524



WTF is this?

ab88e6  No.4958525


seriously though, where is ruth?

959a2c  No.4958526

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, 6D5D4BA4-041E-4545-BB72-4….jpeg)

ecd973  No.4958527

File: 2e6aa8f4591623f⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C38F12E0-EC44-4D28-B7F0-43….png)

File: 33fc9cfd91929d0⋯.jpeg (66.9 KB, 457x306, 457:306, 414B309E-960C-4346-A625-F….jpeg)

File: cb72918b4ca1531⋯.png (3.68 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 17D5409D-72F4-481F-8EEE-F2….png)

File: 422471e37a56495⋯.png (383.13 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5E2BF57B-55C1-481F-A266-E9….png)

File: 5c709fcbe702f11⋯.jpeg (50.71 KB, 515x300, 103:60, 4BA73892-86DC-4013-8C2C-D….jpeg)


Taxes. And grape sales are private. So whatever is being done/sold on her vineyard is benefitting her. Also grapes sold to NY after the weather and alcohol sales via mail being legalized is something Schumer is fighting for.

21773e  No.4958528


i see you r a know it all.

wow what an ego

4d9745  No.4958529


You missed a couple of us.

I figured it's over 30,000 hours into this project already, times 2 anons.

11b659  No.4958530

File: b9fe9f8c42884d8⋯.jpg (239.13 KB, 576x847, 576:847, 3 traitors cops-and-robber….jpg)

File: e588d7a6efc61be⋯.jpg (590.51 KB, 1008x764, 252:191, 3 traitors beer barrel pol….jpg)

File: 387d606160aee4a⋯.jpg (152.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3 traitors disorder in the….jpg)

b42424  No.4958531

File: 0e30b6f8156faf9⋯.png (351.85 KB, 384x380, 96:95, Capture.PNG)


Figures … Ok who"s next

19a75f  No.4958532


>So Podesta has more power than Killary. Interesting.

Podesta and Hillary are/were puppets. They have no power if they don't do exactly what is expected of them.

051aec  No.4958533


Muh Hannity

Muh Zionism

424542  No.4958534


9b2dca  No.4958535


Also the woman on the right has ginormous ears in comparison.

236da1  No.4958536

File: fcd0d2ffbd17e55⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1543901178688.jpg)

you guys remember the energy in here right before midterms?

the excitement we all had.

the red wave was about to crash and good was going to fix America….

WTF happened?

my heart is so broken.

I have never in my life felt so lost and helpless.

4fb1ca  No.4958537


oh im sure of it o7

aa2d65  No.4958538


I don't dream of spending time with a male sex symbol. That's on you, bro.

38ec66  No.4958539


Can't let the damn Yankees get one up socially, can they? Must go further….

d7acd0  No.4958540

File: 0b06dc95aa51ba2⋯.png (207.09 KB, 278x270, 139:135, trump.PNG)

3f0626  No.4958541


That shill's been around awhile now, he just forgot the pics this time.

dd7bf4  No.4958542


I'm comfy

You comfy?

I don't believe you are

Why argue the slide?

Chest pounding is for lefty fags

Need to feel superior?

Go back to Fakebook

bbeed4  No.4958543


Lets go already, Ima be dead before any of these assholes go to prison

bd6eb8  No.4958544

55f543  No.4958545

File: b489758b61468b9⋯.jpg (356.65 KB, 963x980, 963:980, walkaway.jpg)

60f12b  No.4958546


Manafort absolutely leads to Hillary. He was indicted for his work with the Podesta Group. Flynn's indictment as well: Ukranian lobbyists that ultimately tie back to… the Podesta Group.

You can't just selectively ignore the evidence and claim there is none. It's there, it's just not being reported honestly by the media.

4fb1ca  No.4958547

Man the democrats are going to destroy themselves from within this is Epic.

31af09  No.4958548

File: 573fdd9834a5c86⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 502x628, 251:314, carolynbksplit30s50s.jpg)

File: 8a03e787c38d554⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 511x583, 511:583, carolynbksplit62pctopac.jpg)

File: 43c72290b617751⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 499x616, 499:616, Carolynbksplitnoopacity.jpg)

File: 5ab63c1a05247d1⋯.png (490.56 KB, 1055x418, 1055:418, Carolynbksplitsvariableopa….png)

5ffc27  No.4958549


Muh leftists

aa2d65  No.4958550


Check twitter. The LARPers are having a fire sale on hopium.

40d04f  No.4958551

The propaganda all starts with MSM not reporting the truth!Autists-we can connect with students if we speak the truth.

Watch College Students Actually Change Their Minds on Trump After Learning Truth About Pelosi.


JANUARY 29, 2019 AT 4:48PM

There is little question that the predominately liberal mainstream media provided incredibly one-sided coverage of the lengthy partial government shutdown by blaming the situation on President Donald Trump being unreasonable while exonerating Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats of their refusal to negotiate a compromise to end the standoff.

That glaring disparity was revealed when Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips interviewed a number of students at a Washington D.C.-area university and asked who was to blame for the government shutdown. All of the students said that Trump was to blame for the lengthy shutdown, as he had not offered up any sort of compromise solution … only to find out later just how wrong their initial assumptions of the “facts” actually were.

As an aside, we have covered these Campus Reform videos numerous times in the past, and while many on the right will chastise the ill-informed students on their lack of knowledge about the reality of the world around them, the students are merely uninformed young adults who have had biased narratives drilled into their heads by liberal academia and the liberal media.

Once the students had been informed that President Trump had made several offers of compromise to the Democrats — all of which were flatly rejected by Pelosi and her Democratic Party — their tunes on who was to blame for the longevity of the government shutdown changed their minds

As noted, all of the students interviewed in the video blamed Trump for the shutdown. Phillips then asked the students if they thought Democrats should agree to a compromise if Trump were to offer certain concessions, such as protection for the “DACA dreamers” of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, $800 million in humanitarian aid for illicit border crossers and additional funding for immigration judges to clear the backlog of immigration cases.

All of the students said Democrats should accept such an offer and be willing to trade funding for a border wall to do so, even if it would be a “bittersweet” win for the left.

That is when Phillips revealed that President Trump had already made such an offer to Democrats, which was shocking news to all of them as they hadn’t heard this prior to his telling them.

With a laugh, one woman admitted that she hadn’t been aware of the compromise offer. Another young woman, asked if she was surprised by the revelation, replied, “Yeah, like … yeah.” Another pair of young women simply laughed and expressed their disbelief.

A male student admitted his own surprise at the news, while another declared it to be “awesome.” The girl who said such a compromise would be “bittersweet” admitted that she was “pleasantly surprised” to learn the compromise had already been offered.

Finally, Phillips got to the kicker of the whole exercise and asked the students if they thought Democrats should have accepted the compromise deal instead of flatly rejecting it out of hand. All of them said “yes,” Pelosi’s Democrats should have been more open and accepting of the proposed compromise if only to get the government reopened and operational again.

While many of Phillip’s interviews with students are somewhat depressing in regard to the future direction of our nation, this video actually inspired a little bit of hope in that it revealed how the students aren’t complete automaton partisans devoted to the left. They are merely parroting the one-sided information they have heard from the media, their professors and their friends on media.

That was the message Campus Reform’s Phillips attempted to drive home in an appearance on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday when he explained, “Many students had said they heard from social media, from professors, from TV that Trump was the one to blame.”

“Much of it has to do with (how) media is covering this situation,” Phillips said when he was asked why the students hadn’t previously heard about the concessions.

“It starts in the classroom as well. Students being inundated with these ideas. As much as the Democrats wanted to put this on President Trump, when people look at the facts it’s hard to deny that President Trump did more to end this shutdown and more to compromise than anyone else, especially on the left.”

683f6d  No.4958552

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b66187487d59d77f10c857497d….jpg)


<it's not working boss, now what?

<shit! gotta think gotta think…..

<i got it boss! i'll right some pink text to copy his style like i do with the memes when i add "jidf" to them. you know, classic projection like what the protocol says.

<go on, i'm listening

<yeah, i'll post like he does and it will be funny like what we shills always do, and it will help us blend in and look organic… you know.

<do it faggot!

689ea6  No.4958553




HUSSEIN is a cuck, but he's NOT stupid. He wouldn't follow those with his real account.

WHITEHATS control a lot of DS twitter accts.

By the way, when was Hussein's last appearance in public?

12524f  No.4958554


Ever since he got Viagra it's been more of a worry stone.

051aec  No.4958555


If your gonna die before 4/10/2020, then yes.

4, 10, 20

a99e71  No.4958556


john podesta on mueller being mythodical


4d9745  No.4958557


My math sucks. Probably meant something like 5000 hours each. I multiplied by 7 an extra time which was wrong, kek. Feels like 30,000 hours tho.

1aa862  No.4958558


Shirley, you can't be serious

a46983  No.4958559


Hellary's campaign team injected him into the Trump campaign. Prove me wrong.

f7a4ee  No.4958560

File: a1b00d3631d73e7⋯.jpg (364.63 KB, 669x1053, 223:351, concerned.jpg)

aa2d65  No.4958561


You need to insert your penis into a meat grinder.

87b08e  No.4958562



Bed Bugs have been making a rise across the country and San Antonio is a nice warm humid place and bed bugs probably become immune to sprays and people carry them around in their luggage. nasty. but reality. not surprising

732eee  No.4958563


There has been a strong effort to hide all the details and legitimize those who discuss adrenochrome. Early evidence quickly disappeared from the internet. Perhaps that is your intent or perhaps you truly do not believe it exists. If the latter simply research it for yourself.

695583  No.4958564


I know general talk on Pelosi's vineyard connections has been going on for a few days, but if this post has new stuff you want in notables, could you guys lemme know and someone post sauce? ty -b

38ec66  No.4958565


Pull up your socks and study something relevant.

Wallowing in your emotional state isn't helpful.

683f6d  No.4958566


many newfags are fed with their crap. optics are important, especially given that this board is more mainstream than ever before.

a7d516  No.4958567


Not literal.



As it needs to be.

aa2d65  No.4958568


4,10,20 = DJT = Donald John Trump

It's not a fucking date, you deluded fuckwit.

a60957  No.4958569


As an Aryan you're helping us by telling the truth about muslims while we tell the truth about Jews fyi. Thank you, bro. If it's not white it's not right.

21773e  No.4958570

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, YOU.jpg)

6cd0c4  No.4958571


the OIG is already in notables

31af09  No.4958572


Pass. kek

a50e7e  No.4958573

File: 03d72968577dbd8⋯.png (98.34 KB, 358x361, 358:361, 2019-01-29_01-37-10 copy.png)

File: 76981f70117f9f3⋯.png (399.15 KB, 730x502, 365:251, 2019-01-29_21-16-05.png)

File: f8bb998fef256d6⋯.png (203.07 KB, 632x346, 316:173, 2019-01-29_21-13-52.png)

a46983  No.4958574


Well you can be an hero.

984114  No.4958575



Hit the Jew button for over a year!

Day after day after day!

Well…it dawned on me. Even neo-nazi isn't this dedicated. Who would benefit most from an op like this?



Then it dawned on me just how Muslims are NEVER mentioned.


We are fighting them on every continent right now yet we never hear anything about them on this board? Odd since we hate on everyone. But why so few sand nigger posts?

Well….then it just became obvious.

Sorry Sand Nigger! Trix are for kids!



f449d1  No.4958576

File: 0bf8f801e7188af⋯.jpg (165.96 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, ArmorOfGod1.jpg)

aa2d65  No.4958577


Death Penalty = All the Bad People will eventually die of old age.

f03d49  No.4958578


Yeah - think about your daughter's behavior . . .

1cc063  No.4958579

File: d41f2b2196e69f0⋯.jpeg (164.75 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 0778C238-AED1-438D-889D-5….jpeg)

File: 3e3d834ee4ebaf1⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB, 487x750, 487:750, D8E4305E-103E-4865-8BC6-7….jpeg)

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, C43BD300-7258-4751-9489-B….jpeg)

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 84622503-D20C-4D1A-B9DD-F….jpeg)

File: 298a37ee3cec3dc⋯.png (647.5 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 5B0D5A25-2DD5-4590-8588-0E….png)


Does this trigger u? See attached.

Please say its all fake and post another disinfo site - and def create a strawman and say we learned it all from a book nobody here has ever mentioned.

06ac60  No.4958580

File: edf672c7f12ada5⋯.jpeg (68.61 KB, 1071x561, 21:11, 0463324b63a91cd7ce2a4c029….jpeg)


God I love you memeanon. You bring this board to life, day in and day out. TY.

523fb5  No.4958581



Good bread

3f0626  No.4958582


You DO realize that the admin can put WTF ever number they like there, yes?

051aec  No.4958583


Wrong. Watch what happens

1d9a00  No.4958584

File: fbf0f5da293549b⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1536x1071, 512:357, 42BBC048-9CD3-49A2-94B9-5….jpeg)



What they showed.

4d2c00  No.4958585


I nearly shit myself when General Flynn followed me a few months back. It always makes you do a double take lol. But Congrats, Patriot! What an honor! Be proud!

60f12b  No.4958586


I don't doubt that. Stone ties into that as well. Cohen was helping (along with Sater). The sting is pretty impressive.

7b39f5  No.4958587

File: 3adc1a808786e92⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 545x499, 545:499, 2sdd2w.jpg)

File: 6b168feb922b0d3⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 545x499, 545:499, 2sdcz2.jpg)

File: 75caf04616f49ce⋯.jpg (94.22 KB, 500x725, 20:29, 2sdcjs.jpg)

File: 3e9e72c47809bbc⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2sdb43.jpg)

7689ff  No.4958588


Wonder why Pelosi took her husband to Syria when she went in 2007 to meet with Assad?

732eee  No.4958589



4c2f5f  No.4958590


She backs up to the NAPA RIVER!!! I think they are bringing them along the river. Some places have private docks.

424542  No.4958591


d7acd0  No.4958592

File: 88f317b9d0547e4⋯.png (344.54 KB, 546x351, 14:9, haberman enemy of people.PNG)

e3bf63  No.4958593

aa2d65  No.4958594


Please say you are an ACTUAL shill, JFK Jr. fag. Shills are a sign that someone still gives a shit about this place.

1a7b20  No.4958595


but his team of UMPteen attorneys is composed of CF/Hillary supporters, right?

I still don't see this theory as anything but a loose possibility.

Now Huber on the other hand, and maybe some other Huber type(s), is a different story. We have direct evidence to believe t(he)y is/are in the process of taking her and the CF down.

a4b6b0  No.4958596



Like the visual

3fe0ad  No.4958597

File: 9571e5bc396d105⋯.png (31.1 KB, 1158x603, 386:201, anti-vax.PNG)

The sudden 'anti-vaxxer' push on the internet.

On Reddit, right now, there are hundreds of 'anti-vaxxer' posts and memes within the last 24 hours. Hundreds. All with a fear/outrage bent that is familiar to us all.

This push is accompanied by media headlines 'anti-vaxxers cause outbreak in measles' articles, from the portland outbreak.

Unvaccinated people do not CAUSE measles. A carrier must bring in the disease from outside the population. Childhood diseases, typhoid and even plague WERE largely eradicated by the US and most western nations but with unfettered movement of people from disease plagued areas they are going to start up again. And have- the MSM is not reporting on the diseases coming over the border, but some outlets are.

And the disease outbreaks, instead of being blamed on the CARRIERS of the diseases, will be blamed on the victims who CATCH the diseases. (negative label: 'anti-vaxxers' for aversion marketing). Push will be for government to enact laws to force vaccinations, and Washington state will get those laws. People are asking r/legaladvice about the ramification of not hiring or working with 'anti-vaxxers' or allowing them to go to schools.

Religion is taking heat, since that is the reason many people opt-out. Religion is BACKWARD, they cause DISEASES, and Amy Coney Barrett is a CATHOLIC yadda yadda.

They can't lose control. The goals of leftist outrage against those who opt out, plus getting people vaccinated with all that lovely aluminum, plus deflect blame away from illegals, and turn up the volume for the war on Christianity. The anti-religion push will be a package tied up in a huge media bow, difficult to unravel to millenials with 'but hey, 1st amendment yo'.

4d6677  No.4958598

File: b73cd4f587db2ac⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 474x320, 237:160, A6_1.jpg)

File: b5cd62583685f5f⋯.jpg (918.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, A6_Intruder_Vietnam_Q.jpg)


Here everyday.

f968c6  No.4958599


Water Rights anon

1aa862  No.4958600

i love how snarky we can collectively get at times like this

love you faggots (mostly no homo)

aa2d65  No.4958601


How many kids have to get abducted and raped in the mean time?

fd5424  No.4958602

File: 5bd6e53d1ddbcd3⋯.png (37.26 KB, 602x328, 301:164, AQ24.PNG)


"Pretty good idea of what I'm talking about"


689ea6  No.4958603

File: 09fdac1cf75bb6d⋯.png (1013.26 KB, 1284x1126, 642:563, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at ….png)

Cray Maxine Waters takes the BEST photos.



523fb5  No.4958604


Feb. 5 baby.

Feels good man

051aec  No.4958606


I have. Since Pizzagate. That’s why I know there is no evidence for it currently. And it’s quite the opposite, anons here post about it all the time without evidence and people jump on there theory’s. More likely that it’s being used as a distraction or delegitimization tactic by (them)

863e61  No.4958607

File: 419524408db9ca6⋯.jpg (8.68 KB, 220x289, 220:289, sean.jpg)

Sean Hannity - what a waste of time…

It works like this - Southpark once did an episode on NAMBLA. They showed and talked about NAMBLA for 23 minutes. All about it. Showed old men, etc etc. Then the last 2 minutes the police come and they tell you NAMBLA is bad. But they advertised it all throughout the show.

Same principle with drugs. The earl marijuana movies to tell you its "evils" only seduce people to try it.

Now Hannity. Talks about all the people I DO NOT WANT TO SEE on TV. I turn to FOX to NOT see these Democratic idiots. And what does Hannity do? Show them over and over and then tell us they are bad. It is the same technique.

And then to bring in the 3 or 4 "mah joos" they use, who are some of the most vulgar speakers, you know, Richard what's his name (what a faggot), the ex Schumer guy, the red head bimbo, just more BS.

Screw you Hannity and FOX. True, you may support POTUS, but you are dispensing BS.

Done with you folks.

87b08e  No.4958608


I know. I was there!! and it was full. amazing.

1cc063  No.4958609


Yeah Q warned us about those iranian hamas terrorist orgs shilling the bread with their wifi connections in the caves.

keep posting insulting shit about muzzies tho and watch how nobody gives af if u insult them. I dare u to criticize zionists tho…

Q did say mossad was here… and who would get offended by JQ posts? Muzzies or Mossad?

e64e03  No.4958610

File: 3ca29960b0190ca⋯.jpg (379.09 KB, 962x1443, 2:3, 3E55EDE800000578-4321382-M….jpg)





They did it to force conservatives hand to push Roe v Wade back to SCOTUS before RBG death is announced to the public. Something tells me POTUS and Q aren't buying this nonsense, and know the play, here. If someone challenges abortion through the courts now, it'll be game over for POTUS' next SC pick.

If conservatives dont take the bait, chances are, the cabal will put a moderate or lefty up to it just to make conservatives look bad. We got to get RBG out, and a new SC pick in first, or we're going to be having this stupid abortion conversation for the next 100 fucking years.

Can a FOIA be done to check in on a SCOTUS justice?

2b1df9  No.4958611


I believe that too.

When they went into damage control to defend against HRC/DNC/Hussein's Russian ties, they concocted the plan to stick the story on POTUS. Planting operatives in his campaign, setting traps for the family, and weaponizing Intel.

3f0626  No.4958612


Unadulterated Autism!

5a2822  No.4958613



So he's still alive and kicking?

But haven't seen his Bro for awhile.

(no, not Skippy. The other evil one)

8d9ed7  No.4958614

File: d32f638f855915c⋯.jpg (15.63 KB, 191x255, 191:255, spocklogicce6407205cbfecc5….jpg)



no one that helped build this posted (30) times in one bread.

Fuck You Fakefag

537fd5  No.4958615

File: 9366771485de66a⋯.jpeg (412.27 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, D62C7099-9EFC-4EC5-BB89-5….jpeg)


Best I can do. Is cold and I’m getting old.

424542  No.4958616


546e06  No.4958617

what percentage of the news is fake?

4fb1ca  No.4958618



Coincidence you are seeing that right after they changed their logo?

With pyramid all seeing eye symbolism?

Then you see the anti-vax shaming on reddit?

Speeding up the depopulation plan?

Changing abortion laws in NY?

Easier access to fetuses?

Move stronger to the left?


What is the democratic party now? What did it used to be?

472f0e  No.4958619

File: 1dc7b0bdf0fd4a7⋯.jpg (50.96 KB, 587x391, 587:391, yuge.jpg)


[D]ay [Of] [D]ays

The [D] marker from Q's last post along with Freedom marker… Something YUGE is about to happen.

60f12b  No.4958620


Of course, he could be following eye for a different reason. Eye is a scoundrel, for sure.

fd1fd6  No.4958621

File: 197334de3f2fd55⋯.png (176.38 KB, 416x448, 13:14, foundit.png)

2cba68  No.4958622


Greg Rubini on twitter said this over a week ago

537fd5  No.4958623



a34fd8  No.4958624


Merlot much….

7b39f5  No.4958625

File: 0489babf1662a71⋯.jpg (78.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2sd0se.jpg)

File: 777b09d34e389c2⋯.jpg (104.04 KB, 480x720, 2:3, 2sczvr.jpg)

File: da7ac7058f168a5⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 392x388, 98:97, 2scznq.jpg)

File: b65b22695c9e8a6⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 545x499, 545:499, 2sczkp.jpg)

File: 4fb971d7c991087⋯.jpg (103.91 KB, 545x499, 545:499, 2sczap.jpg)

aa2d65  No.4958626


We will need a support group at some point in the near future. A board for people who went on QResearch every day for many months and got hung out to try. It will be for people who will always hate the Clintons and who know of their crimes, but who also know of the mind fuck that happened here.

1cc063  No.4958627


<im gay rabbi

<so am i

<arent we all gay?

<if u consider being gay as someone that likes to rape children, then yes.

<thank u holy one.

e3bf63  No.4958628

File: 13896aa4f12a8f4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 688x960, 43:60, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, fren! I fight for those tits!


1d9a00  No.4958629


My guess. Immigrants are bringing diseases like measles and the MSMwants to shift blame to anti-vaxxers.

959a2c  No.4958630


Thanks anon. Looks better typed out but it’s easier to use the picture.

051aec  No.4958631


Not sure of the number. But anons have been saying arrests were imminent since last January, and posting shit like you do to anyone who said it wouldn’t be till summer, or next year or whatever.

Want arrests to happen ASAP will not make it happen

dd7bf4  No.4958632



Probably not a good idea to get your hopes up.

Would be nice,and Q mentioned SOTU recently

Yet we shouldn't be too excited


06ac60  No.4958633



And, you're the board's antidote to da shills.

e3bf63  No.4958634


Looks supple, and sweet to me. Fan-fuckin'-tastic

76f410  No.4958635


Show a picture from the back that has more people.

1c0507  No.4958636

It’s the Hannity cut every guest off hour

8687f3  No.4958637

File: 20b224984b26b7c⋯.png (571.75 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 7F2D12CE-88A8-4AE8-A7AA-18….png)

“The few who stoke the misery of the many.”

424542  No.4958638



b79586  No.4958639

File: 077d3b7797fbeab⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 480x524, 120:131, POTUS Cash.jpg)


sounds like you are the one with the problem

b42424  No.4958640


no thanks ,,, haven't touched the stuff in years

31af09  No.4958641


Wow you don't stop proving what a real-life flamer you are. kek

12524f  No.4958642

File: 0a9bf84ab1b2393⋯.png (567.98 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, Abby_Martin_RT_corresponde….png)

aa2d65  No.4958643


I don't think they're happening any more. I would love to be wrong.

984114  No.4958644

File: 4ece4e3213ddecb⋯.png (87.1 KB, 858x663, 22:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Got nothing better to do than to shine the light of truth on the filth and the scum.

In fact, I can see no better use of my living time.

14542a  No.4958645

File: 0c495e5197373ae⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 458x522, 229:261, QUAKE.jpg)

3f0626  No.4958646


[D]eath [Of] [D]ems

1d9a00  No.4958647


He was definitely MKULTRA and has multiple personalities.

8f3bcf  No.4958648


That's probably right. And he's made himself seem independent of POTUS too, so the hacks can't accuse him of pulling any Comey-like "loyalty demands" when the hammer drops.


Headline kind of implies that, but unless Skippy is actually Satan, probs not kek.


o7 Kek!



Maybe he'll reveal what was on the phones during SOTU 2018 during SOTU 2019. We never did figure that shit out, did we kek?

ecd973  No.4958649


I usually will tag or alert if a notable, but still digging and connecting dots for now. I lurk with the others tagged to see if we have anything but it is one hell of a rabbit hole. Outside of photos and yard owner connections, the BOOM will be when we get to the top (as advised to climb higher), so we aren’t there yet.


But thank you baker. I’ll keep you posted.

6ad636  No.4958650


facebergfag go home

546e06  No.4958651


if 5-10% is real, what does the real news include?

e4ef81  No.4958652


That’s a rerun

14542a  No.4958653

File: ba5ffd2215c4175⋯.jpg (88.26 KB, 497x497, 1:1, QUAKECANTSTOP.jpg)

472f0e  No.4958654


Right on!

051aec  No.4958655


I think before the end of 2020. But I would love to be wrong as well (and have them much earlier)

4c2f5f  No.4958656


Maybe anon did mean literally. If that is Pelosi’s it could be hauling kids to the vineyards that back up on river. Sea to shining sea.

ab88e6  No.4958657


beautiful. stay forever

fd1fd6  No.4958658


Nice. Must be 200k.

a7d516  No.4958659


Sea to shining Sea.

Now do:

sex druggs and rock and roll.

dd7bf4  No.4958660


Someone get a pepe on that beautiful nip

1cc063  No.4958661


u can post about the muzzies all day and night… but you are crying reeee about anyone criticizing zionists…. hmmmm… now why would that be??

051aec  No.4958662


Take ur meds

95d7bf  No.4958663


Tits plural? Aww who am I kidding, I'll take whats I can gets.

19a75f  No.4958664


fukkin' notable as hell.

podesta looks like he hasn't been shitting properly for quite a while.

aa2d65  No.4958665


Well, you got me there. The bread is moving kinda slow though. I see a lot of high post counts.

1ed29d  No.4958666

File: 128b57338519be8⋯.jpg (9 KB, 261x254, 261:254, 1548482914830.jpg)


you pay for cable??

b79586  No.4958667

File: d12e1fc9feade71⋯.gif (981.15 KB, 500x280, 25:14, rollin', rollin'.gif)

d7acd0  No.4958668

File: ac1ca5273822beb⋯.png (275.76 KB, 491x348, 491:348, haberman skippy quote.PNG)

863e61  No.4958669


You telling me I have to go to Russia news to get what is happening in America? My how things have changed.

Hurry up Q.

5b7777  No.4958670

Remember last year when that Q guy used to post?

7bc289  No.4958671

File: 603dcd4ec7fd307⋯.png (24.8 KB, 654x208, 327:104, Hannity re Eric 1-29-19 6 ….PNG)



Eric on Hannity NEXT


Live Stream → http://ustv247.com/fox-news-live-stream-hd/

424542  No.4958672

File: 05a714df642753e⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FB9A515F-AEF5-4D14-87C6-A6….jpg)



55f543  No.4958673

File: 2724650b3cc5f25⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jsbyr.jpg)


Accorrding to this, vaccines may not be needed for de-population. Seems feminism and the breakdown of the family in western countries is doing at least part of the job.

Monetization Vs. Depopulation - The World's Narrative Until Something Breaks

In contemporary, post world war II times, the process of depopulation is the declining number of births pitted against significantly longer life spans of the existing population. Given this, depopulation starts from the declining quantity of young and slowly works its way up the population. So, as depopulation is taking place, it is tracked by declining births, and eventually by declining 0 to 64yr/old populations vs. still expanding 65+yr/old populations. Outright depopulation only takes over once the declines among the under 65yr/olds outweigh the ongoing growth among the 65+yr/olds.

In 2011, there was one state plus Puerto Rico that experienced outright depopulation. However, by 2018, that number has increased to 9 states(Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, West Virginia, Wyoming),plus Puerto Rico that are outright shrinking (chart below).

In 2018, an additional 16 states (Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, Kentucky, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Alabama) are now experiencing the precursor to outright depopulation; declining 0 to 64yr/old populations versus ongoing growth among the 65+yr/old population. Simply put, half the states plus Puerto Rico are experiencing either outright or the early onset version of depopulation (under 65yr/old depopulation).

Speaking of Puerto Rico, the flood to the exits appears to be on. The chart below shows the annual net population declines that began in 2005 & hit warp speed in 2018. Since 2005, the Puerto Rican population has fallen about 16%!!!

Rest here: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-28/monetization-vs-depopulation-worlds-narrative-until-something-breaks

11b659  No.4958674

File: f65774cca3fbd94⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 776x767, 776:767, cow nap.jpg)


he might just need some shuteye

03ca67  No.4958675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well put. Plus he's been known to mock/bash 9/11 truthers.

2e805a  No.4958676

It's a sheep fest. Choose your Sheppard ignore their blinding faults contradictions lies and false hope and claim you're woke!

Welcome to 1984

1be9d9  No.4958677

File: f7752a085518846⋯.jpg (297.22 KB, 675x533, 675:533, d33053b205596c01fb0b92af77….jpg)

File: b881d9d314765de⋯.jpg (181.54 KB, 735x490, 3:2, 4aad116715d237ee8b8b7599eb….jpg)

File: fc37422439cdae3⋯.jpg (183.81 KB, 635x568, 635:568, 53f946cf57aeff730fd8324a49….jpg)

537fd5  No.4958678


What is :25 on the clock? Or 2/5. Curious really, got a special place in my heart for 25 and 7.

af96bd  No.4958679

File: 250e9a5fc901c9f⋯.jpeg (253.76 KB, 750x1247, 750:1247, CCDAC9F3-5E44-4659-B513-3….jpeg)

984114  No.4958680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Must See What You Are Fighting

bbeed4  No.4958681


I gotta admit, I thought this whole winery dig thing was just a big distraction. I mean hey, people want to dig then dig, but it seemed like a total side show.

With this fermentation thing, now the light bulb is clicking on. ITS JUST LIKE THE CEMENT PLANTS. Cabal can invest in business operations which provide perfect cover for the child sacrifices, in other words. Pretty fucking creepy, although not a surprise.

Thanks to Anons for following their instincts on this thing, I hope you can continue to shed more light on it and draw the connections.

b79586  No.4958682

File: 9b8d57bfed94b6a⋯.jpg (222.73 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Trey Gowdy ...MONEY.jpg)

4c2f5f  No.4958683


Typical shill response.

051aec  No.4958684

File: 2ea6ef712924cf5⋯.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, B0E8B987-13C8-4D6C-A198-17….png)

File: 3b6b490d27c7b86⋯.png (819.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 85348B4E-3038-4EAF-A2D7-7F….png)

File: d887f8b77e12a76⋯.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, D5534D7F-362C-4CAF-BD7B-1B….png)


Every Mueller arrest is tied to Israel. And they know that.

a34fd8  No.4958685


Watch the water…….

1aa862  No.4958686


kek, youre in rare form tonight, i like it

4d6677  No.4958688


Semper Fi my Friend.

d0eb70  No.4958689

File: 5d14ea32bb060fc⋯.jpg (163.4 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Rear Adm. Robert Sharp.jpg)

New Chief for military spy agency


Not brand new news, but I thought it was relevant as the current NGA boss, Robert Cardillo, testified today, along w/ all the Intelligence Community heads, to the SSCI

By the way, the Hearing today (in notables) was a nothing burger. The juicy stuff will not be public (held this afternoon), but maybe something will leak.

Sen. Warner cried about the govt shutdown, lot of questions on cyber, deep fakes,etc., but a lot of non-answer answers which you would expect from this lot.

One takeaway was that the Chair & Vice Chair don't necessarily share classified briefing info with the rest of the SSCI

424542  No.4958690



3f0626  No.4958691


>We never did figure that shit out, did we kek?


I remember an Anon that was trying to purchase the footage, but it was expensive.

Alas, no footage appeared.

616363  No.4958692

File: 3c36d80b30f30e5⋯.png (479.59 KB, 588x757, 588:757, ClipboardImage.png)

ecd973  No.4958693


Yes! But the owners of the wineries are key. Need help digging and narrowing the pool.

e3bf63  No.4958694



And he denies Bin Laden CIA connections every chance he gets.

5c8997  No.4958695


The real math is how much covfefe and sammiches these last 15 + months?

b3c67a  No.4958696


i been on a lot past few days, dont recall the pp notable. go widdit

f7221c  No.4958697


R = the famous "R" post that sounded just like Q.

That post built a very intriguing case that JFK Jr. was close to DJT, faked his death and may be part of the, "Wait until you find out who has been talking to you from here" quote.

A bit farfetched, but fun for mental chewing gum.

aa2d65  No.4958698


Yeah, big juicy intel drops that made us feel like really big shit was RIGHT ABOUT TO HAPPEN. Remember that feeling that in a few months we would look like geniuses to everyone around us when we were proven right? Remember staying up late because Q was posting in the early AM hours? I remember, anon.

537fd5  No.4958699


Did they reboot Freddy? I should call stinky, toots instead.

a34fd8  No.4958700



695583  No.4958701

#6330 Baker change

>>4958364 Hill: OIG Horowitz on 2007 Labor Sec. & Epstein-related plea deal

>>4958322 OIG Invest. Summary re: firing of 2 senior FBI officials

>>4958494 CNN: Did Roger Stone, Podesta's emails, "Mueller methodical"

>>4958463 US Marines twatter: Continue the Attack

>>4958144, >>4958267, >>4958296 Planefags talk figure 8 over TX

>>4958140 Grenade tossed into Phillipines Mosque kills 2 injures 4

>>4958083 El Chapo/Sinaloa Cartel Mexican Drug Cartel Trial & Anon's take

>>4958023 Resignation: Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, bc new gov.

>>4957997, >>4958467 Podesta tamps down Clinton 2020 chatter: 'She's not running'

baking soon


You bet, ty anon

dd7bf4  No.4958702


Radix? Is that you? I recognize that nipple

523fb5  No.4958703


"Have you figured out 4 10 20?"

You have not. Check your Mega

b759ee  No.4958705

File: f22e9784dde5f1d⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1530x2485, 306:497, f22e9784dde5f1d1deb633b6a0….png)

31af09  No.4958706

File: a065d0ab0ce6205⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 720x220, 36:11, 27b7b06d48cb9e5bf7c962e75d….jpg)

5f5ffd  No.4958707


Remember last year when that old Ginsberg hag was still conscious?

b42424  No.4958708

File: 565f807e1c10c35⋯.png (240.46 KB, 595x326, 595:326, Capture.PNG)

Some Dems Privately Push For Primary Challenge For Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‘Make Her a One-Term Congresswoman’

Some House Democrats are privately floating the idea of a primary challenge for freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

According to The Hill, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has infuriated some fellow lawmakers by aligning with an ultra progressive outside group that is threatening to primary a few senior, entrenched Democrats.


877d56  No.4958709

File: 32fad2060b95556⋯.png (125.54 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, herewego.jpeg.png)

424542  No.4958710



051aec  No.4958711

File: 3907dc339208113⋯.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, E6C8CE0E-5A8F-4BB9-B424-20….png)

File: e977227511561c8⋯.png (532.88 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 474A5FE6-8DF1-4043-A4D4-9C….png)

40d04f  No.4958712

File: 7b611def2a762d8⋯.jpeg (156.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BF710183-32EA-4CCE-A8AA-2….jpeg)

Unearthed By Melting Ice In Antarctica: A Strange Two Kilometer Long Strip of Structures

16Sep 15, 2018 Source: express.co.uk


Tags: Antarctica ICE mystery strange

A Two kilometre long series of 22 sinister-looking structures have been revealed by thawing ice in Antarctica - prompting claims the installation is a World War 3 fall out shelter for the global elite or a landing pad.

Experts say the bizarre looking series of structures is the size of a small town - and appears to have been buried for years.

To the north of the settlement deep inside Antarctica, - where temperatures can dip to -130F (-90C) - there appears to be an airstrip and the whole area is covered with what seem to be vehicle tracks.

According one researcher into the unexplained the nearest official scientific research station is Troll, a Norwegian research station located at Jutulsessen, 200 miles north east of the structure near Princess Martha Coast in Norwegian-claimed Queen Maud Land.

An online paranormal investigator calling himself ‘Conspiracy Depot’ unearthed the strange installation on worldwide mapping app Google Earth.

He said: “I assume they are related to some man-made activities for research purposes but I’ve looked at the co-ordinates and I’ve looked on a number of sites for all known research stations in Antarctica and the closest one is Norwegian station 200 miles away.”

Fellow paranormal investigator going by the name Florida Maquis – who claims to be a former agent in the US Military Intelligence Corps - discovered something even more bizarre by looking back at the same Antarctic area year-by-year.

The installation – whatever it is – remains invisible until about 2001 when melting ice starts revealing the first indications of a buried site.

He said: “This is about as creepy a place as I’ve ever seen in my life.

“In 2001 it starts to protrude, in 2009 it starts to become more prominent and in 2013 it emerges.

“What we have is a runway and an operations centre of some kind.

“I did some basic measurements and whatever these things are protruding through the snow they measure just shy of 2000 metres.”

The discovery triggered an avalanche of conspiracy theories both on YouTube and forums with one contributor suggesting the installation was a nuclear bunker for the world’s rich and powerful elite, another that it is an ancient alien landing site now being thawed out for invasion.

Antarctica Hidden Bases


1a7b20  No.4958713


For me, I saw manafort as just an offshoot from the Glen Simpson article/Dossier. Easy bait for an indictment loosely connecting Trump and shady overseas dealings helping to legitimize the SC investigation for MSM and normies. Nothing about Hillary?

I can't recall what came of TPodesta's case though…

877d56  No.4958714

File: ebd8ba63b6ff905⋯.jpg (78.49 KB, 500x513, 500:513, logicfrens.jpg)

4c2f5f  No.4958715


Look at Napa river that backs up behind vineyards. Pelosi’s as well. Are they shipping kids in through waterways.

f449d1  No.4958716

File: e189caf78a17afd⋯.jpg (39.9 KB, 480x243, 160:81, see.jpg)

6fec5e  No.4958717


Q will be court martialed for going Absent With Out Leave…… left his fellow patriots in the fox hole and took off running…….

9aee85  No.4958718

File: e667e3ebbc9cda7⋯.png (688.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

877d56  No.4958719

File: 42f46712dc4529e⋯.jpg (320.97 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, THIS IS HABBENING reconcil….jpg)

31af09  No.4958721

File: 524cd0aab6877bd⋯.png (404.12 KB, 1259x631, 1259:631, FR24041020JFKfrplane.png)


4, 10, 20

9278c1  No.4958722

File: 10c795c454221e0⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 360x204, 30:17, Roger, roll out.gif)

695583  No.4958723

#6330 Baker change

>>4958157 Planned Parenthood pushing sexual health app for teens

>>4958364 Hill: OIG Horowitz on 2007 Labor Sec. & Epstein-related plea deal

>>4958322 OIG Invest. Summary re: firing of 2 senior FBI officials

>>4958494 CNN: Did Roger Stone, Podesta's emails, "Mueller methodical"

>>4958463 US Marines twatter: Continue the Attack

>>4958144, >>4958267, >>4958296 Planefags talk figure 8 over TX

>>4958140 Grenade tossed into Phillipines Mosque kills 2 injures 4

>>4958083 El Chapo/Sinaloa Cartel Mexican Drug Cartel Trial & Anon's take

>>4958023 Resignation: Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, bc new gov.

>>4957997, >>4958467 Podesta tamps down Clinton 2020 chatter: 'She's not running'



984114  No.4958724

File: 6567ee4e6cfed56⋯.png (44.06 KB, 800x421, 800:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Iranian Missiles Isreal & Gaza


877d56  No.4958725

File: 9c2103480bc9b16⋯.png (410.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, nowfags.png)

689ea6  No.4958726


That and I personally believe the DS/Big Pharma is purposely infecting us to force moar vaccines.

b61e68  No.4958727


proofread the date.

b79586  No.4958728


had 2 singles w to e into mir about ten minutes ago. right turn clyde. Love it!


877d56  No.4958729

File: 5a05b1c662e272c⋯.png (340.55 KB, 700x463, 700:463, beagoodanon.png)

4d9745  No.4958730

File: a3bf999191f64fa⋯.jpg (225.86 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, GreatAwakeningCovfefe.jpg)

File: ce8ba4d98760267⋯.jpeg (514.1 KB, 1942x1203, 1942:1203, UltraPepeHydrate.jpeg)

7bc289  No.4958731

File: 4379e9c87607eb7⋯.png (626.52 KB, 947x754, 947:754, Eric.PNG)

2e805a  No.4958732


"our movement is about controlling and eventually killing you people" and then claiming I was a victim of a conspiracy and that stopped me doing what I said I'd do.

4c2f5f  No.4958733


How about ones with acccess to Napa River

9aee85  No.4958734

File: 355ad21ba8e50e9⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 720x720, 1:1, planefagsquad.mp4)

ecd973  No.4958735


Mondavi, as well. The Mondavis are partnered, also there’s intermarried Gallo, Coppola tied to Hollywood. Vineyards in Chile (Roth’s), Washington, Eric Schmidt lives there… there’s a lot going on there just have to weed it out. The water and fact that Sacramento is a major trafficking hub is also key.

b6c793  No.4958736

File: a0c38506cb75db1⋯.jpg (5.37 MB, 3600x4800, 3:4, 1546827007.jpg)


Our Lord bless you and keep you safe, patriots


424542  No.4958737

Why do the lab rats say they are Jewish

537fd5  No.4958738


I’ve literally been screaming that we create our own reality today. In person, in print, to the heavens I’ve been screaming. Any other suggestions? I’ve tried begging softly too.

984114  No.4958740

File: d19c7782a003b5e⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 191x255, 191:255, cantstopanon.jpg)

11b659  No.4958741

File: d4d48c1ed02031b⋯.jpg (109.03 KB, 480x468, 40:39, get a brian.jpg)


get a brian

1cc063  No.4958742


Very intradesting….

2f690b  No.4958743


If Roger Stone is somehow able to take Skippy down I’ll drive back east and give my best Steve Bannon sucking his own cock impression on Patriot Stone.

051aec  No.4958744

To all anons doubting Mueller or that Israel will go down…

Mueller is investigating “foreign interference into US Elections”




We are fighting for (USS)


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