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File: f29555dd6b5230f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QResearchGeneral.jpg)

2e8ebf  No.4911098

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

2e8ebf  No.4911113


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4910468 Melinda Gates: "We're closer to wiping several deadly diseases off the face of the earth, but we could easily blow it."... ?

>>4910571 President Trump signs bill ending longest government shutdown in U.S. history

>>4910586, >>4910846 High IQ anon: News today is deflecting from real news that Yates read the FISA line by line. She knew.

>>4911072 #6269


>>4909616 Bernie Sanders is preparing to announce 2020 run

>>4909645, >>4909658 Badass Sarah Sanders tweet on building the wall

>>4909654 ArmyAnon theory on happenings

>>4909630 FLOTUS tweet - East wing work continues in 2019

>>4909719 Clinton bagman, Terry McAuliffe hints at 2020 run

>>4909883 Unsealed indictment: TX man arrested for attempting to support terrorist organization

>>4909786, >>4909940 Seized Backpage.com funds reside in the name of Perkins Coei

>>4910044, >>4910144 New filing in Carter Page v. Democratic National Committee: Strike

>>4910016 New filing in United States v. Stone: Notice of Attorney Appearance - Defendant

>>4910033 Game theory as an explanation and call to dig

>>4910293 #6268


>>4908886 New DJT - This was in no way a concession

>>4908941 Text of remarks (potus tweet related)

>>4909014 21 days potus, Q post 700

>>4909144, >>4909083 off to the races chatter

>>4908987 The Military will build the wall. We all know this.

>>4909343 10 USC 284 to build the Wall - min 15 days notice to Congress

>>4909477 dems concerned with the use of 10 USC 284 & 2808

>>4909018 2 days ahead of a jan 27 Q post about awakening [mass start]

>>4909531 #6267

'#6266 Baker Change

>>4908109 Where in the World is Agent Pientka? Stone a distraction?

>>4908102 Anon: Internet being used for human trafficking. Call to shovels.

>>4908061 Acosta's interesting choice of words.

>>4908057 Roger Stone on Chris Cuomo's show @9pm.

>>4908212, >>4908193 Leaked Russian Documents Published by Transparency Advocates

>>4908226, >>4908242 Cohen dig, russian ties

>>4908357 possible 58,000 non-citizens voted, Texas Sec State (free beacon)

>>4908398 re-read crumbs, re: Movie Scenes we are currently watching

>>4908471 a few of the bills introduced to the House in the last 2 days

>>4908564, >>4908575, >>4908764 planefagging

>>4908708 #6266


>>4907891 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>4907848 POTUS talking to this board.

>>4907588, >>4907597 Background on Cohen's family life.

>>4907526 NYPD detective pleads guilty to bank fraud.

>>4907512 List of GOP who voted No to the wall.

>>4907492 Pompeo taps Elliott Abrams as State Department Venezuela point person.

>>4907380 [D]ec 5 theory, Red carpet, Moab, Suicide weekend.

>>4907300 The Mueller exoneration of Trump sets the stage for the Huber prosecutions of [them]?

>>4907256 More proof the Syrians (Russians) are coordinating with the Kurds (USA).

>>4907228 JJ seems to want State of Emergency.

>>4907190 Anon's breakdown of Trump's technique.

>>4907965 #6265


>>4907063 Cohen's father-in-law loaned $20M to cab mogul who was in FBI warrant: report.

>>4906909 White House reportedly has begun drafting National Emergency paperwork & repost of graphic.

>>4906884 Trump says he will declare an emergency if he doesn't reach a border deal.

>>4906816 U.S. Senate passes bill to end government shutdown through Feb. 15.

>>4906741 Pelosi says the government reopening does not mean the SOTU is back on.

>>4906456 Syria update.

>>4907138 #6264

Previously Collected Notables

>>4904739 #6261, >>4905559 #6262, >>4906383 #6263

>>4902455 #6258, >>4903302 #6259, >>4904084 #6260

>>4900093 #6255, >>4900884 #6256, >>4901701 #6257

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

2e8ebf  No.4911117

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

2e8ebf  No.4911122

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

2e8ebf  No.4911132

File: 849a9270dead4be⋯.gif (44.41 KB, 499x499, 1:1, blinkingpepe.gif)



645bab  No.4911154


I vote next bread Nobody Gives a fuck about Roger Stone Edition

26ab08  No.4911156

File: 7e224e83610ea65⋯.jpg (758.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, bitch.jpg)

113bfa  No.4911157

File: 2d200931a806c09⋯.png (3.41 MB, 3787x1894, 3787:1894, ClipboardImage8.png)

c786b3  No.4911158

File: fd753aea16a66d8⋯.png (23.15 KB, 554x316, 277:158, payseur.PNG)

File: 0625d313e070f51⋯.png (18.76 KB, 568x213, 8:3, payseur_s.PNG)

File: ce86da9244eaeca⋯.png (58.44 KB, 592x562, 296:281, power_tri.PNG)

File: be8adfcb84cedd7⋯.png (50.58 KB, 557x467, 557:467, power_tri_2.PNG)

File: d808ebf9d573051⋯.png (39.68 KB, 419x338, 419:338, power_tri_3.PNG)

>>4911016 lb

we know that payseur is the chair. the question is the chair of what master (the chair serves the master). I thought the master is the notion of satan, but it could be that the master is a core of select families, around whom the cult is constructed, with roths being the cult leaders (the cult of these families + satan).

6fa96d  No.4911159

>>4911066 (lb)

can you catch me up on pientka, what did i miss?

530ea1  No.4911160

>>4911147 (lb)

No problem. Appreciate the correction (doesn't happen often around here...)!

77f2b9  No.4911161


(pb notable)

The thing about game theory and to help explain it to the layman….

There is optimal play and exploitative play.

Optimal play is the move you make that cannot be exploited by your opponent.

For instance, in a game where you and your opponent have to guess a number between 1 and 9 and you each get one guess. Whoever is closest wins. The optimal play is to choose 5.

The reason is you are guaranteed at at least 5 numbers to win. To expand on that, if you opponent chooses 6, you will win if the number is 1 through 5. If your opponent choses 4, you win if the number is 5 through 9. It is OPTIMAL. It cannot be exploited by your opponent.


Let's say you are playing an opponent whose favorite number is 9 and you know without the shadow of a doubt that he/she will choose 9. Your best play then becomes the choice of 8. Thus, you win if the number is 1 through 8.

I only know this because of my days of playing online poker and studying game theory as it relates to poker. It is a damn shame what the Obama administration did to online poker and it was my red pill to see it all play out. It would be nice to see online poker regulated and taxed on a federal level (because it crosses over state lines). I had to throw that in there.

2e8ebf  No.4911162

>>4911154 you got it

491183  No.4911163

>>4911151 (pb)

Man this is an open forum. Just spill your guts out and get it over with. No judgements.

>>4911152 (pb)

This is the shit I like.

386e71  No.4911164

File: a9c2a9ca6b6cab2⋯.png (32.01 KB, 851x415, 851:415, 21 days Plot.png)

File: 92ebee939993cbd⋯.png (12.55 KB, 157x133, 157:133, 21 not 3 weeks.png)

File: 51598f652f5a59f⋯.png (16.07 KB, 628x277, 628:277, 21 days (2).png)

File: e8dd829bd32284b⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 256x388, 64:97, 21_days_poster.jpg)

"21 days" often codes are as easy to decode as just plugging the phrase into a search engine and it'll be the first result. In this case the message is clear by reading the plot. give it a read and see. Symbolism = end after all.

The symbolic codes are everywhere and this one is pretty easy to decode to see what's going on in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21_Days

06ceec  No.4911165

File: 9cf59cbca4b7df1⋯.jpg (37.93 KB, 400x300, 4:3, bbs.JPG)

c67882  No.4911166

File: 57fb19ecc50a67d⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-obama-administra….jpg)

491183  No.4911167

Lynn, where are you? Come back to Twitter so you can be flooded with the truth.

c2b975  No.4911168

more like POTUS embarrassment shift

you guys are making it hard for him to cut deal is what I hear..all the lying..

be like Trump...above it all..ethical..be men and women..stop playing all these petty games




d1f65e  No.4911169

>>4910520 lb

the wetback invasion has been planned for decades, but apparently you are too retarded to make the connection to the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan being used globally by the cabal to destroy developed countries and Caucasian culture

928b2c  No.4911170

File: 478dd1406f7f71f⋯.png (447.68 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, plutotoo.png)

cd36fb  No.4911171

.>>4910608 LB

I agree. That's why he tweeted "I wish people would read or listen to my words." Trump is the real deal, he is actually a compassionate man.

c7ef5f  No.4911172

>>4911050 (Pb)


491183  No.4911173


kek, I second this

fb8261  No.4911174

Wake up or die.

cd36fb  No.4911175

>>4910608 LB

I agree. That's why he tweeted "I wish people would read or listen to my words." Trump is the real deal, he is actually a compassionate man.

c7ef5f  No.4911176

File: fb0a4197dd04db0⋯.jpeg (118.76 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, 11FABA93-968F-42C3-83A5-3….jpeg)


2e8ebf  No.4911177

>>4911170 pluto's my favorite planet, thanks anon

(still a planet in my book)

8cc519  No.4911178

>>4911126 pb

Yes, but arrests are the headliner, next up, lets have a warm welcome for (((MSM))) shittling on Trump non-stop.


4916e8  No.4911179

>>4911144 lb

it was off the hook a few hours ago. I don't bother engaging them any longer. Pointless

just like the 'walk a mile in muh shoes'

835da3  No.4911180

File: 46337c176c3b32e⋯.png (688.04 KB, 648x689, 648:689, DoD 1-25-19 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: 1788a5f5cca3e99⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1171x782, 1171:782, DoD 1-25-19 7 pm PST pic.PNG)

A @USAirForce pararescueman communicates with a @USArmy CH-47F Chinook 🚁 while training in the mountains of Afghanistan.


6158aa  No.4911181

File: 9f542cfe5ab789c⋯.jpg (222.31 KB, 947x474, 947:474, relate.jpg)

0945fa  No.4911182

File: 21f56ece8fc8494⋯.png (2.95 MB, 2322x2225, 2322:2225, mppa.png)

46eae7  No.4911183

File: db4aaee39919b96⋯.jpg (131.73 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, continue.jpg)

58448a  No.4911184

File: d083cec4bc2c3bb⋯.png (98.38 KB, 236x556, 59:139, ClipboardImage.png)



919d9d  No.4911185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hold the line, patriots. Remember our POTUS needs our prayers and support.

04e126  No.4911186

File: 58aaf93719cc85a⋯.jpg (624.49 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, Bait.jpg)

POTUS tweet delta is even more interesting after I saw this notable. >>4909654 pb

The delta points to a Q drop that references BAIT.

afe239  No.4911187

Can we kick this shit off already? Tired of waiting for justice

0f8e2f  No.4911188

File: 5288fac62e88e1c⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 520x436, 130:109, 5288fac62e88e1cd41470b081d….jpg)

491183  No.4911189


Look at that beautiful fucking flag all wrapped up

3da0b7  No.4911190


What? Planned for decades? It's been going on since the 40s.

a2dec1  No.4911191


When the FEDs took down pokerstars, holy fukk was I pissed. I was steadily placing final tables in Hubble tournaments with 5,000 people in the pool. Was on my way up then bam! Seized.

764e5d  No.4911192

==1/25/19 NYPD Detective Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud

Michael Bonanno and Co-Conspirator==

Attempted to Steal Hundreds of Thousand of Dollars From Multiple Victims

Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that MICHAEL BONANNO, a New York City Police Department (“NYPD”) detective, pled guilty today to his role in a bank fraud scheme that used stolen checks and bank account numbers from New York-based victims. BONANNO pled guilty to one count of bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud before U.S. District Judge Paul G. Gardephe. Bonanno’s co-conspirator, Domenic Aiello, previously pled guilty before Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman on January 4, 2019.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said: “Instead of upholding his duty to investigate and enforce the law, Michael Bonanno, who was at the time a detective in the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers unit, broke the law by brazenly attempting to swindle hundreds of thousands of dollars from residents of New York. I commend the FBI and the Internal Affairs Bureau of the NYPD for their outstanding work in this investigation.”

According to the Information and Complaint filed in this case, other public filings, and statements made during the plea proceeding:

BONANNO is an NYPD detective and was a member of the NYPD Crime Stoppers unit, which receives and investigates anonymous tips about criminal activity from members of the community.

From November 2016 to March 2017, BONANNO and Aiello stole and attempted to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from the bank accounts of multiple New York residents in two ways. First, on over 20 occasions, BONANNO and Aiello made payments on BONANNO’s mortgage and credit card bills using stolen account information from various victims. Second, on at least 15 occasions, BONANNO and Aiello attempted to deposit fraudulent and stolen checks in BONANNO’s bank accounts.

* * *

BONANNO, 44, who resides in Staten Island, New York, pled guilty to one count of bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud. Each count carries a maximum term of 30 years in prison. BONANNO is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Gardephe on April 26, 2019. The maximum potential penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.


a17d08  No.4911193


(P) = C

C = Chair

Double Triple Meanings

Pelosi = Chair

Someone on news mentioned today she would “chair” the House debate…??

0945fa  No.4911194


no one cares if you're tired

52945f  No.4911195

File: b5979521e3fcef8⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 810x525, 54:35, lift_heavy.jpg)

Nipple pasties are the only proper use of duct tape on women.

3dadd7  No.4911196

File: d0119154dd7c1dd⋯.png (301.84 KB, 709x307, 709:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d5cb9615a51ada⋯.png (277.58 KB, 710x367, 710:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 915d2ba6ec7bd93⋯.png (308.28 KB, 726x359, 726:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f53c7a0c26f8cf⋯.png (332 KB, 732x364, 183:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e2ad171c077969⋯.png (354.77 KB, 722x378, 361:189, ClipboardImage.png)


for who i wonder

fa7b53  No.4911197

File: 24b435454ff639c⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 678x480, 113:80, Anon Fed Up With Q.jpg)

>>4910967 (lb)

ee38cc  No.4911198



and Spammers Spammin

a4c6e2  No.4911199

I better start seeing DS people in handcuffs soon cause this shit is getting ridiculous

3dadd7  No.4911200

File: 4de652e4242a46a⋯.png (365.87 KB, 725x373, 725:373, ClipboardImage.png)

a01876  No.4911201


Simple divide and conquer plan.

491183  No.4911202


if you're tired, go to sleep

928b2c  No.4911203

File: 8ca77b94b174572⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x795, 256:159, blast.png)

001aea  No.4911204

30 Jan 2018 - 5:36:24 AM

Narrative shift.


Nation on alert.

Firing RR = block Mueller.

Firing RR = set up to firing Mueller.

Firing RR = Red line.


What was the Senate conf vote re: RR?

Why did RR [BEG] Ryan to block the FISA MEMO from Congressional review/further advancement?

REAL TIME: [7] Congressional members + [3] Senators + [2] former O-senior officials + [4] OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS [NO C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE] @ SCIF [DC-CAP].




e8a211  No.4911205

>>4911123 LB

This Year the sun is in my eyes on my way to work, in a different position than last year.

I had a reliable system in place to block the sun from my eyes, on my way to work early in the morning. This year it didn't work. I had to adjust my system to block the sun from my eyes. It had worked for the last 5 years, this year it didn't.

04e126  No.4911206

Put a different spin on the happenings of the day.


aae631  No.4911207


nah he did that to counter what he did in the national speech

in the speech he CAVED outright - intentionally but left himself a sneaky out which he later presented as oh how could you have missed it?

its part of his WWF strategy

i could never play it

i barely understand it

i do not know how to manipulate other people let alone millions

POTUS does

0945fa  No.4911208

File: 8641db467030ec2⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 693x875, 99:125, huber2.jpg)



>>>/qresearch/4907300 The Mueller exoneration of Trump sets the stage for the Huber prosecutions of [them]?

58448a  No.4911209

File: 9e388303037c179⋯.png (96.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

afe239  No.4911210


Patriots can’t sleep.

491183  No.4911211


how bout I. rub my ass in your face?

eb2a6d  No.4911212


Have you ever had to listen to one? So 2 proper uses.

a4c6e2  No.4911213


How about my balls on yours instead

c7ef5f  No.4911214

File: fe2dc354e8f6af5⋯.jpeg (254.35 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 0C96E8E8-886C-48A5-9B19-C….jpeg)

be3f25  No.4911216

File: f2439570eaaa61b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 970x6656, 485:3328, Screenshot_2018-12-22 The ….png)

File: 95a6e78f256fd0d⋯.png (236.65 KB, 642x4420, 321:2210, Screenshot_2018-12-22 The ….png)

File: 220c11ae0318c84⋯.png (430.31 KB, 744x5431, 744:5431, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Deni….png)

File: 2895540dcfdb72b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 971x6254, 971:6254, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Deni….png)

File: 22159d98d58b89c⋯.png (968.03 KB, 736x6264, 92:783, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Jaco….png)

>>4909901 (pb)

>>4910089 (pb)

bitter clinger

again then? again it is.

with added Armenian Genocide part one

491183  No.4911217


then knock some melatonin

58448a  No.4911218

File: ec16f863e4036d5⋯.png (843.86 KB, 733x1244, 733:1244, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm In…!

e5dc38  No.4911219

File: 4940af20aa145e0⋯.png (541.56 KB, 944x672, 59:42, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at ….png)

491183  No.4911220


let's do it

4916e8  No.4911221


well then you have a problem. eventually you get to the point where you do or you go insane.

055e93  No.4911223

File: fe52ce5583d3bb4⋯.jpg (44.65 KB, 757x351, 757:351, caveman.jpg)

58448a  No.4911225

File: 1af1bdab772740e⋯.png (273.6 KB, 500x334, 250:167, ClipboardImage.png)

3acb93  No.4911226

File: 8dc5e362e9e1002⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 800x500, 8:5, roger_my_nigger.jpg)

737c5a  No.4911227

>>4911081 (lb)

The narrative in this case is muh russia. Not creating but reinforcing the narrative in order to distract normies from new information. Example: katherine herrige report yesterday concern fbi and fisa.

Also serves to discredit any counter narrative offered such as the fact he was indicted for a process crime arising from an illegal investigation.

Just very much a FF vibe, though not by the standard definition

c7ef5f  No.4911228


Such a beautiful ending

Way to go faggots

52945f  No.4911229


Call me old fashioned.

491183  No.4911230

so let's say this time next year shit aint happened yet.

do we have enough info to beat the shit out of the DS until they bleed to death?

29ba73  No.4911231

File: 644bf8e66cc223a⋯.png (874.72 KB, 734x509, 734:509, amen4.png)

88ae19  No.4911232


This is how we get Assange, Seth Rich and Killary back on the front page.

001aea  No.4911233

27 Jan 2018 - 6:34:38 PM

Chatter exploding.

Change of narrative will be required.


Public to awaken [mass-start].

Sleeping pill reject.

OP Mockingbird FAILURE.




Where we go one, we go ALL>


558602  No.4911234

File: 5164925d2ef73ca⋯.jpg (118.27 KB, 640x751, 640:751, the-faces-change-niggerfai….jpg)

File: cc8736d11687c6b⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 640x751, 640:751, the-faces-change-5b9272[1].jpg)

File: f6cff9b9b07fe5b⋯.jpg (73.2 KB, 640x751, 640:751, the-faces-change[1].jpg)

be3f25  No.4911235

File: 29cfcc794f7701e⋯.png (1.46 MB, 809x8467, 809:8467, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Jaco….png)

File: f82770fc0726158⋯.png (1.03 MB, 747x7753, 747:7753, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Jaco….png)

File: 6d38ec54d9183f4⋯.png (1010.15 KB, 782x7295, 782:7295, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Jaco….png)

File: 5e35084f91a6df1⋯.png (309.58 KB, 1329x2287, 1329:2287, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Davi….png)


Armenian Genocide part two

everyone i dont like is amalek

b43463  No.4911236

File: 0694429832cb090⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1267x924, 181:132, 075123465324013487632.png)

aae631  No.4911237


yeah saw a documentary where the alaska natives say the same thing

sun over a certain hill at a certain time and date for decades they used to navigate and hunt and fish

Not any moar

491183  No.4911238

please post the pic of Anderson Cooper as a faggot stripper again

b80277  No.4911239


When is Mueller supposed to be done. I thought he was wrapping things up, buts its almost everyday we get new things habbening.

4dcf59  No.4911240

File: 0b76a61cd359373⋯.png (144.36 KB, 548x489, 548:489, Basket2.png)


Damn. Kek.

58448a  No.4911241

File: 1b8e0829296e918⋯.png (471.57 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)

c47e14  No.4911242

File: 0c7d034924682e5⋯.png (937.15 KB, 575x925, 23:37, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4911123 lb

>Sun simulator?


cd36fb  No.4911243


You can only see in other people what you have in yourself.

36a0d7  No.4911244

POTUS speech in 3 weeks (Feb 15):

My fellow Americans. I deeply care about our country, our safety, and securing our border

When I campaigned, I promised to build a wall

I intend to keep that promise

I asked the Democrats for 5.7b to fund the wall, and our government was shut down for 35 days

The Democrats said they would negotiate if I re-open the government

3 weeks ago, I re-opened the government for 3 weeks, to give the Democrats an opportunity to come to the table and negotiate

I warned them that if we did not reach an agreement by today, that I would use my powers and declare a National Emergency

Well, here we are, Feb 15th and the Democrats did not once try and negotiate a wall, after saying they would if I re open the government.

I have tried everything, I have exhausted all options.

i hereby declare a National Emergency and allocate 7b for a border wall, effective today

491183  No.4911245


goddamn, look at all those niggers

e77cab  No.4911246

File: cb44fa81bdf5821⋯.png (461.59 KB, 616x778, 308:389, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran supports Venezuela in face of US plots: FM Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic supports the legal government in Venezuela and the country's people in the face of all plots, particularly those hatched by the United States.

The top Iranian diplomat made the remarks in a phone conversation with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Friday amid massive protests organized by the US in the Latin American country.

The Iranian and Venezuelan foreign ministers discussed possible avenues for countering the US plots against independent countries, particularly Venezuela, through international channels.

Zarif and Arreaza also exchanged views about ways to strengthen negotiations between the Venezuelan government and the opposition groups and find a political solution to the ongoing conflict between the two sides.

At least 10 countries, including Russia, Turkey and Iran, have expressed their support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and condemned outside interference in Caracas.

China, which has backed Venezuela’s sovereignty, said it opposed any outside interference. Bolivia, Mexico and Cuba all supported the Venezuelan president.

Maduro on Friday ordered the closure of Venezuela’s embassy and consulates in the US after Washington threw its weight behind opposition leader Juan Guaido, who declared himself interim president earlier this week.

During a lengthy speech at a special session at the Supreme Court, the Venezuelan president censured US President Donald Trump for seeking to orchestrate a coup against his government and backing the self-declared leader.

The US has a long record for “regime change” campaigns in Venezuela and other countries. In 2002, the late Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, was ousted for two days in a US-backed coup which was ultimately defeated.

In 1953, the CIA led a coup against Iran's first democratically-elected government and toppled Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh.

Maduro was sworn in for a second term earlier in January, after a vote marred by an opposition boycott and claims of vote-rigging.


77f2b9  No.4911247



I was pissed as well, anon. I had over 30k wrapped up on pokerstars and full tilt. It took a couple years for me to get my full tilt money from the DOJ because of the shit show they had going on.

Trump was supportive of online poker back in the day. I would love to see him legalize and regulate. The average person could give two shits. But a whole community would love it.

001aea  No.4911248

27 Jan 2018 - 12:43:27 AM

Read slowly and carefully.

Will become critically important in coming weeks.

Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.

Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.



88ae19  No.4911249


Proof. The left can't meme.

65291f  No.4911250

File: 541f7d4c8865586⋯.jpg (59.54 KB, 500x369, 500:369, 541f7d4c8865586752bb5bec9e….jpg)

>"cave" to Dems

>Dems feel in charge

>continue to do fucking nothing but obstruct

>Federal workers get paid

>people don't understand why Dems (assuming they are now "in charge" after Trump blinked") are still doing fucking nothing

>govt. shuts down again on the 15th to weed out the remaining shitheels

>wall CONTINUES to be built

Trump is "giving" Dems every opportunity to look like a bi-partisan group that plays ball but they refuse to. He's just ratcheting up the pressure

c65ef6  No.4911252

File: ae05283a4d2b02d⋯.png (126.76 KB, 864x443, 864:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9cf66c85e10cc0⋯.png (184.14 KB, 439x449, 439:449, ClipboardImage.png)

search result for - off to the races 21

some weird role playing game undertale? seems very pizzagatish

a17d08  No.4911253


Hmm..Astrologicaly this “clock” goes back in time

4c1329  No.4911254

File: 20abe6df3d0bf65⋯.jpeg (90.31 KB, 622x622, 1:1, B7CDE9E6-5D1D-467A-A923-6….jpeg)

558602  No.4911256

fda834  No.4911257


Been hearing this story for well over a year now. There’s as much proof of this as there is of Trump “colluding” with Russia. Evidence matters to real people.

3dadd7  No.4911258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ears are required

491183  No.4911259


what's the connection with the second photo?

23be3b  No.4911260


Hell yeah! It's about time.

When you are strong appear weak

Sun Tzu.

001aea  No.4911261

27 Jan 2018 - 6:09:55 AM

/_\Council on Foreign Relations/_\



4c9424  No.4911262

>>4909639 lb

>When is it time to become a concernfag?

When the fbi is doing a pre-dawn raid on your ass for your online wrongthink.

8fe7f9  No.4911263

Qew is



was a joo larp

feels bad mon

0945fa  No.4911264

File: ca04a81147bf10d⋯.png (295.23 KB, 395x2011, 395:2011, ClipboardImage.png)


(pic for reference)

Mueller may submit report to attorney general as soon as mid-February, say sources


I see it as plausible Mueller releases the report in mid February-ish, which exonerates POTUS

then finishes up with Stone and Corsi then ends around spring

c65ef6  No.4911265


4:33 timestamp same as trump tweet

could just be coincidence

0630fd  No.4911266

>>4910772 pb

>>4910795 pb

>>4910810 pb

An anon dig couple days ago. Maduro selling uranium to Iran all along. More ties with China.

Possible plan to attack thru southern border. One reason need wall.

ee38cc  No.4911267


i thought of

28 days later

af89b4  No.4911268

>>4911026 (PB) <----

Hooboy, a rabbit hole NOBODY wants to go down here. Now you know why cat people are always complaining abut cat puke; Why vets are always pushing certain "foods", which keep you coming back with blocked and/or diabetics and itchy, obese dogs. They're carnivores. They need meat, but aren't being fed meat because somebody has to profit from all the waste which would end up in landfills otherwise.

Remember those massive recalls about 10 years ago? Royal Canin was having massive recalls (dead pets) even prior to that. Conflicts of interest is an understatement.

Do searches for what's really in pet food. Undercover video on screwtube will turn stomach.

aae631  No.4911269


i agree with that fren

POTUS has a sneaky streak

and a mean streak

etc etc etc

so he knows all the tricks

just glad he uses it for WE THE PEOPLE now

58448a  No.4911270

File: 4d6a9556da680c2⋯.png (220.82 KB, 488x362, 244:181, ClipboardImage.png)

c786b3  No.4911271


occams razor anon. q used to refer to pelosi as NP.

c47e14  No.4911272

File: ede24d088bc9a44⋯.png (922.5 KB, 1246x839, 1246:839, ClipboardImage.png)



e8a211  No.4911273


for sure fren


e04f55  No.4911274



Leaving us hangin…

06ceec  No.4911275



46eae7  No.4911276

File: b8d93f6ff133aaf⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 600x714, 100:119, gay.jpg)


honestly, why cant you leftists meme, at all?

its just terrible

65291f  No.4911277


>"Trump is so weak"

>"I can't wait to see what Stone's excuse is I'll be watching fully attentive"

>"wait what the fuck you mean Seth Rich leaked it all"


This is how I see it playing out especially after they've started cutting Mockingbird assets

36a0d7  No.4911278


Yes, go back to VOAT

0945fa  No.4911279

File: 68f8d5fae1d0d18⋯.jpg (182.94 KB, 1118x600, 559:300, noreary.jpg)

4916e8  No.4911280

File: c3a71d82a6bb2cc⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 570x950, 3:5, Nixon 92.jpg)


had version of this back then. wish i still had it

cedf41  No.4911281

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4910935 (LB)

>>4910935 (LB)



bafa5b  No.4911282

21 days till RBG

58448a  No.4911283

File: f5f83f92f92a024⋯.png (285.77 KB, 283x650, 283:650, ClipboardImage.png)



Yer move….

lol ( can;t wait) lol

9691ab  No.4911284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rogan & Di Paolo ARGUE Over Trumps Lying

this is so dumb to watch…but Di Paolo definitely reads Q

2c46ec  No.4911285

File: a226889a2fc5383⋯.png (539.15 KB, 971x1834, 971:1834, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d181716139985f⋯.png (39.56 KB, 662x236, 331:118, ClipboardImage.png)

Have anons dug on this yet?




e04f55  No.4911286

File: 6c4fc9f9e1a1d8d⋯.jpg (21.53 KB, 317x341, 317:341, Disgusted.JPG)


Back at ya newfag.

58448a  No.4911287

File: cad8d98818cd3ed⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 474x333, 158:111, dt1.JPG)

8fe7f9  No.4911288

Qew, can we pickup

our rifles


Capt. Anon

101st 123rd Av Support Bt.



eb2a6d  No.4911289

File: baf5a73f0543ded⋯.png (409.7 KB, 594x672, 99:112, MIA_RBG.png)

aae631  No.4911290


i think it was rigged

i played and won a few

then all of a sudden started taking not bad but wierd beats - where the prior play the player should NEVER have been in the hand at all

like runner runner EFT

found out it was rigged too

never played again

12ed66  No.4911291


Good night anons, I am just well…defeated today….I know its all in the plan but today was rough to watch….And I'm fatigued of all the bullshit lies and deception….If Q comes around say hello for me….this anon is going to bed…and I apologize for my rant last bread….just really tired of the evil happening around us today….will say a prayer for all of you and our POTUS….Peace….

3da0b7  No.4911292


We should not forget about the northern border either. It is as porous as a paper towel.

With Canada's welcoming of middle easterners, you can bet they are up there plotting right now.

386e71  No.4911293


tis this one, you can actually tell they fucked with the search engine results because there are more recent 21 days that could be the first result but instead it's this one. It's because they look for the codes same way I do - and this is the one - telling them to turn themselves in now - can't even find the result for the other one

c7ef5f  No.4911294


Expert KEK

195ab4  No.4911295


Another commie plot. kek

58448a  No.4911296

File: 83b7343ccc63f94⋯.jpg (39.39 KB, 533x275, 533:275, MPHG2.JPG)

a2dec1  No.4911297


That's crazy. Glad you got some of it back anyway. I'd definitely love to see real money opened up in the US again. I consider it a lottery that involves skill. It's gruelling work to make final tables in the big tournaments but the payout is life changing. If done right, it could be an economic boost as well.

a01876  No.4911298

In case anons forgot…

Feb 11 2018 19:58:29 Anonymous



Don’t care about your sentence structure. Just care to know how full GITMO is gonna be?

Feb 11 2018 20:01:37 !UW.yye1fxo Q



Max cap.

[1] other prison being prepped.


Dec 12 2018 19:12:16 (EST) Anonymous ID: 2cfbf4



Is Gitmo going to be used for US citizens (cabal)?

Dec 12 2018 19:16:27 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: 62138c



(3) detention centers being prepped.

Monitor funding.


They needed to add an extra detention center to the plan.

6eb517  No.4911299

File: 0388818171a9cdf⋯.png (151.19 KB, 838x691, 838:691, in4.png)

File: a1d6206ea5544e3⋯.png (43.76 KB, 785x289, 785:289, in3.png)

File: 004b7d1e4382937⋯.png (230.78 KB, 837x699, 279:233, In2.png)

File: 8a1ed8012476f38⋯.png (94.79 KB, 905x867, 905:867, InstituteforStatecraft.png)

>>4910812 pb

Integrity Initiative is run by Institute for Statecraft

and funded bu the UK gov and unnamed others

cleaning house. they've been caught being naughty messing in foreign countries.

be3f25  No.4911300

File: e0e7698806146ab⋯.png (3.99 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, a.png)

File: 07015f6c4bc57be⋯.png (3.54 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, gZk36kj1.png)

File: 458902a60cf1e0c⋯.png (380.76 KB, 722x3971, 2:11, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Ki T….png)

File: c677ca74af1e818⋯.png (167.49 KB, 1346x583, 1346:583, Screenshot_2018-12-22 Reck….png)

File: 594741b390ce38d⋯.png (254.14 KB, 1366x590, 683:295, Screenshot_2019-01-20 The ….png)

everyone i dont like is amalek

afe239  No.4911301

0610f6  No.4911302


… it's a stretch anon. What is pizzagatish about some slashfic blog?

c47e14  No.4911303


What a Nightmare

fb8261  No.4911304

It’s si funny that’s very time the fbi needs good PR, they trod out old supposed good times…lol, while so much crap is squeezed in between

3dadd7  No.4911305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

055e93  No.4911306

File: dd5b79d99efa96d⋯.png (348.89 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 1548473482321.png)

0f4cb8  No.4911307

File: 508ae6c3ee526c3⋯.png (47.73 KB, 640x438, 320:219, Screenshot_2019-01-25 Greg….png)

Odd for him to chime in on Q

4916e8  No.4911308

File: abbd01bd09ebd92⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maintenant.jpg)

558602  No.4911309

File: 018a083145fe291⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 640x637, 640:637, niggerfairy.jpg)

3d36a5  No.4911310


have another drink Anon

52945f  No.4911311


Corollary: they only see in you what they themselves are.


b081b8  No.4911312


Rift between Q and Trump? Just asking if its possible. I love POTUS and he's a genius. But John Kelly, and other very smart people could not work with him.

8fe7f9  No.4911313


yup, blindfold

dat gook

with dental


35d047  No.4911314


Exactly —reason for gun control

58448a  No.4911315

File: 1cf0f8b82e87b89⋯.png (120.6 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

a01876  No.4911316


In normie land Q stands for question.

f29542  No.4911317

File: b6c1f8091519357⋯.png (190.73 KB, 589x573, 589:573, twitter_com_RealJamesWoods….png)

File: 809b337af464122⋯.jpg (112.78 KB, 1199x748, 109:68, Dxzo9K3UwAAh08K.jpg)

451cba  No.4911318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chillin' like Dylan.

195ab4  No.4911319


He needs some pushups

6eb517  No.4911320

File: 0388818171a9cdf⋯.png (151.19 KB, 838x691, 838:691, in4.png)

no one seems to give a shit about this, so I will post it as stand alone.

UK gov funding think tank to find Russian influence in media and elections

aae631  No.4911321


KEK potus fooled me too anon

its all an act

he caved to make himself look weak

then took it right back


8cc519  No.4911322


these are common expressions.

they're not code.

A big big mistake we've made is thinking there is some sort of code buried everywhere.

"off to the races" just means "off to the races" unless you don't know what "off to the races" means.

It means to vigorously pursue an objective.

"If no deal is done, we will vigorously pursue our objective through other means"

Trump is not referring to some obscure satanic baby eating cult called "off to the races" and you shouldn't look for 1000 different uses of "off to the races" and try to guess which one Trump was referring to.

With Q and with Trump, almost everything is the most obvious answer.

be3f25  No.4911323

File: 0c5e96863a2fa9c⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 620x768, 155:192, 0c5e96863a2fa9c45129a08b02….jpg)

File: d7c0da9cf6fcd6b⋯.jpg (91.07 KB, 677x625, 677:625, 6a592a0802a87278cd156de910….jpg)

File: 3df0f966d9c3336⋯.jpg (49.58 KB, 461x328, 461:328, 2-a.jpg)

File: 1c3d9a8b6fae98c⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 482x960, 241:480, 1506404379776.jpg)

File: 47dc9aca49e3502⋯.jpg (138.34 KB, 1200x1051, 1200:1051, DTYiu_pV4AEAdy4.jpg)


transfer is not a dirty word

good bye Ben

4bc9d3  No.4911324


Think he's referring to Bongino? Who is he referring to? I don't watch it so *shrug*.

ps - kek Q in captcha…

3da0b7  No.4911325


What? Explain that comment.

29f2f4  No.4911326

Number of FBI vehicles that swarmed Stone's house: 17 (when everyone knows 5 at most would have done the job, and that's pushing it). But 17?! Why not 16? 18? Shit, 10?

Tip of the hat to us that we're witnessing White Hat Kabuki?

6a2c96  No.4911327

File: d714a15533f19f8⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 211x239, 211:239, thB7G2YHVS.jpg)

36a0d7  No.4911328

File: 1045df2bdb7b912⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2gmmib.jpg)

58448a  No.4911329

File: f55393bbf264848⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 564x374, 282:187, MPHG3.JPG)


It's only "wafer thin"

The 'Shrubbery"…. Ohhhh SHUT UP…HE DOESN'T HAVE TOO…..

f0b8c8  No.4911330


Toe Rogan is a massive tiny faggot

07f42b  No.4911331


001aea  No.4911332



Chairman of the Board David Rubenstein

Vice Chairman Blair Effron

Vice Chairman Jami Miscik

President Richard N. Haass

Board of Directors

John Abizaid former Commander-in-Chief, United States Central Command

Peter Ackerman founder, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict

Fouad Ajami professor in Middle East Studies, Johns Hopkins University

Madeleine K. Albright former Secretary of State

Henry S. Bienenformer president, Northwestern University.

Alan Blinder economics professor, Princeton University

Mary Boies managing partner, Boies & McInnis

David G. Bradley chairman, Atlantic Media Company

Tom Brokaw former editor, NBC Nightly News

Sylvia Mathews Burwell President of American University, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, former Secretary of Health and Human Services

Kenneth M. Duberstein former White House Chief of Staff

Martin Feldstein economics professor, Harvard University

Stephen Friedman former chairman, Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

Ann M. Fudge former CEO, Young & Rubicam

Pamela Gann president, Claremont McKenna College

J. Tomilson Hillvice chairman, The Blackstone Group

Donna Hrinak former U.S. diplomat

Alberto Ibargüen John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Shirley Jackson president, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Henry R. Kravisco-founder, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.Jami Miscik

former Deputy Director for Intelligence

Joseph S. Nye, Jr.Kennedy School of Government

James W. Owensformer chairman, Caterpillar Inc.Peter G. Peterson chairman, Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Colin L. Powellformer Secretary of State, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Penny PritzkerCEO, Pritzker Realty, former Secretary of Commerce

David M. Rubenstein co-founder, The Carlyle Group,

George Erik Rupp president, International Rescue Committee

Frederick W. SmithCEO, FedEx

Joan E. Spero former ambassadorVin WeberCEO, Clark & Weinstock

Christine Todd Whitman former Governor of New Jersey, former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

Fareed Zakariaeditor-at-large, Time

a01876  No.4911333


Or an FU to POTUS and Q.

8f0c76  No.4911334

Looks like they are trying to get ahead of the coming pain when all the treason is revealed.


c7ef5f  No.4911335

File: f5b82a5d39a5042⋯.png (46.24 KB, 220x255, 44:51, 9E46A0F8-6FC5-4859-A79A-B0….png)

File: 03d248a4c964166⋯.jpeg (602.56 KB, 629x1024, 629:1024, 4842C51B-5B13-4BB0-849F-1….jpeg)

File: cd8d75f69aecf64⋯.jpeg (288.36 KB, 628x1024, 157:256, 4D460B7E-FA47-40FD-BFE8-7….jpeg)

Thinking anons are the best anons.

bec424  No.4911336


Uranium 1 was out of Canada. Would be kind of interesting to find out there was more going on.

2e8ebf  No.4911337

>>4911326 gimme sauce

f6f9f2  No.4911338



ee38cc  No.4911339

File: bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, check check boom.jpg)



could be something that gets carried away with but lets call this a

CNN tweet delta

that points to the past a relevant Q post

the only kicker to the practice is do they want us to trumptwiiterarchive and use seconds

because even though i can timestampfag, they might want twitter timestamps

that makes it 12 hours 48 minutes

again, even though i can timestamp fag, i get this feeling that this would be a 12:48 delta…

for now, its nice work, i always go to teumptwitterarchive and numbersfag there

764e5d  No.4911340

File: a9e46381f4fe17e⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 634x664, 317:332, singh.jpg)

1/25/19 Seven Indicted For Harboring Alleged Newman Officer, Ronil Singh, Killer’s Flight To Mexico

FRESNO (CBS SF) — A federal grand jury has indicted seven people for aiding a suspect’s attempt to flee to Mexico after a Newman police officer was gunned down during a traffic stop.

U.S. Attorney McGregor Scott said those indicted were: Erik Razo Quiroz, 29, of Merced; Adrian Virgen-Mendoza, 25, of Fairfield; Conrado Virgen Mendoza, 34, of Chowchilla; Erasmo Villegas-Suarez, 36, of Buttonwillow; Ana Leydi Cervantes-Sanchez, 31, of Newman; Bernabe Madrigal-Castaneda, 59, of Lamont; and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57, of Lamont.

They were all charged with conspiring to harbor an alien. Razo Quiroz was also charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm and being an alien in possession of a firearm.

“When individuals act to thwart law enforcement’s efforts, they undermine the safety of those officers and the public as a whole,” Scott said in a statement. “Today’s indictment is a significant step toward holding accountable those who chose to harbor and conceal the man accused of killing a police officer in Newman — Corporal Ronil Singh.”

According to court documents, between December 26 and 28, the defendants conspired to harbor and conceal Gustavo Perez Arriaga, while he evaded capture for the alleged murder of Singh, who was killed during a traffic stop.

The defendants transported, hosted and provisioned Arriaga with clothes, money, and a new cellphone; concealed the truck that Arriaga was driving when he allegedly killed Singh; and made plans and wired money to smuggle Arriaga out of California and back to Mexico.

Additionally, Razo-Quiroz, a convicted felon, disposed of the gun that Arriaga allegedly used in the fatal shooting.

If convicted of the firearms offenses, Razo-Quiroz faces a maximum statutory penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The conspiracy charge carries a maximum statutory penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.


195ab4  No.4911341



We're tilting. Hopefully to the right this time.

58448a  No.4911342


ALL day long…. I'd eat a mile of shit just to get that…!

77f2b9  No.4911343


It was not rigged in my opinion. The quickness of the game (more hands per hour) and the quality of the play created the illusion of more bad beats (because you remember the big losses more than the big wins).

At least pokerstars and full tilt weren't rigged.

There are poker trackers (for hand histories) that prove that it wasn't rigged because of the long term expectations of specific scenarios.

However, There were cases of cheating going on though, but they had technology to sniff it out and overall (pokerstars at least) did a good job to stop it.

c47e14  No.4911344


millennia of evil

only GOD can fix this

40d9a9  No.4911345

File: 4d07f54f5fb30e4⋯.png (1.09 MB, 770x546, 55:39, ClipboardImage.png)

58,000 noncitizens may have illegally voted in Texas, officials say

A yearlong investigation of Texas voter rolls has indicated that about 95,000 non-U.S. citizens might have improperly registered to vote, including about 58,000 who cast a ballot “in one or more Texas elections” since 1996, state officials announced Friday. In an advisory to county voting officials, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley said his office used newly available data from the Texas Department of Public Safety to identify registered voters who might not be U.S. citizens.

The names were provided to the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who promised to investigate and prosecute illegal voting activity. “Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas,” Paxton said. Casting a ballot when not eligible to vote is a second-degree felony that carries a prison term of two to 20 years.

Almost 15.8 million Texans are registered to vote, about 79.4 percent of the voting-age population, according to the secretary of state’s office. Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector Bruce Elfant, whose office handles voter registration, said he expects to get the list of suspected noncitizens Monday or Tuesday. “We don’t know how many are in Travis County. We haven’t seen an individual list yet,” Once the list arrives, county officials will mail a written notice telling suspected offenders: “Your registration status is being investigated because there is reason to believe you may not be a United States citizen.”he said. Recipients will have 30 days to provide proof of citizenship — a birth certificate, passport or citizenship papers — or risk having their voter registration canceled. “Nobody is going to get removed from rolls without the opportunity to show that they are citizens,” Elfant said.

Elfant said he will be interested to see what those responses bring. “This is a new data set. We don’t know if it’s a good data set … or an erroneous data set. We’ll know a lot more in 30 days,” he said. “The whole process of this is to determine whether that (list) was accurate or in error.” Beth Stevens with the Texas Civil Rights Project said she was concerned about the list’s accuracy because state officials failed to fully disclose the methods used to compile names or to say whether naturalized citizens were properly accounted for. “Notably, Texas has one of the largest numbers of naturalizations in the United States, with about 50,000 Texas residents becoming naturalized citizens each year,” Stevens said. “There is no credible data that indicates illegal voting is happening in any significant numbers, and the secretary’s statement does not change that fact.”

According to Whitley, his office matched the DPS data to the statewide voter registration database using documents that listed one of the following combinations: • Last name, first name and full Social Security number. • Last name, first name and the number on a DPS-issued driver’s license, personal identification card or election identification certificate. • Last name, first name, last four digits of the Social Security number and date of birth.

In the future, Whitley said, his office will use DPS citizenship information to cross-reference the statewide voter registration database once a month. If a noncitizen match is found, the county voter registrar will be notified to take action, he said. Texas law requires registered voters to show one of seven forms of photo ID before casting a ballot: a Texas driver’s license or handgun license, a U.S. passport, U.S. military ID card, U.S. citizenship certificate or a DPS-issued personal ID card or election identification certificate.

Voters without a photo ID can show documents that include their name and address, such as a utility bill or paycheck, and sign a “reasonable impediment declaration” stating that they could not obtain a photo ID because of a lack of transportation, disability, illness, work schedule, family responsibilities, lost or stolen ID or other reasons.


645bab  No.4911346


nothing was as bad as when POTUS striked Syrian chemical factories..

but we didnt know it was chemical weapons factories at first

THAT was a rough day

f9e00f  No.4911347


more than likely

fa7b53  No.4911348

>>4905744 (pb)

Her nickname is Mayonnaise, because she spreads so easy!

52945f  No.4911349

File: 0a410a5b11a484e⋯.jpg (41.27 KB, 768x432, 16:9, lucky_charms.jpg)


Q already cast his lot.

06ceec  No.4911350

File: 5ab38a56b5e47ce⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 735x748, 735:748, npncs.jpg)

147d8f  No.4911351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Invasion Day Australia

be3f25  No.4911352

File: 3e3d834ee4ebaf1⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB, 487x750, 487:750, 3e3d834ee4ebaf1c88b80b90e….jpeg)

File: 8d249c5cf2ef9fd⋯.jpg (325.43 KB, 1410x1706, 705:853, 5b66546d19cde.jpg)

File: 50308ff12990423⋯.jpeg (71.94 KB, 613x750, 613:750, 78c6bb05ef091c958d13b3957….jpeg)

File: 156ac8cc5bf2628⋯.jpg (183.85 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, 156ac8cc5bf262895998410c26….jpg)

File: 1e35c9b954c8d2b⋯.jpg (458.95 KB, 1281x1963, 1281:1963, Screenshot_2019-01-20 pol….jpg)

6a2c96  No.4911354



maybe, but the invasion will be coming through the southern border.

3dadd7  No.4911355

'He was a pedophile': Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland sickens Sundance with 'sexually explicit and devastating' proof that King of Pop was a 'monster' who 'sexually abused a lot of children'


2b34e3  No.4911356

File: 72e633d3a8f466b⋯.jpg (233.38 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 10854284_580604055409416_2….jpg)

As much as a Q drop would be a great shot in the arm I love knowing that my fellow anons are not leaving the fight. We are better equipped then we were when we voted DJT in. Maybe Q needs to know we are strong in our commitment. WWG1WGA

77c4fe  No.4911357

>>4910772 (PB)

Venezuela went downhill years ago, way before any sanctions. Most families that owned businesses saw it coming. Trump has done the right thing. You don’t have a clue anon

4c1329  No.4911358

File: 07848c98459a400⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB, 590x420, 59:42, F956F9FC-F6D4-48A4-A32A-2….jpeg)

eb2a6d  No.4911359

File: effd3a75e695440⋯.jpg (166.36 KB, 960x1002, 160:167, voted.jpg)

001aea  No.4911360



58448a  No.4911361

File: a2306a23251db60⋯.png (720.32 KB, 940x627, 940:627, ClipboardImage.png)

441126  No.4911362

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Kavanaugh.gif)

36a0d7  No.4911363

File: a1215f8341cfb56⋯.png (131.09 KB, 1551x635, 1551:635, TrumpDOW.png)

6ddd2e  No.4911364


Concerning the RIF–someone asked how I know what I know– I fucken read the whole thing about the rules about how to get rid of a SES person… it is very hard–there are rules to follow —read the whole thing and see what all it entails and proceedures it takes to get rid of them

7a9d21  No.4911365

File: 39987e86a32b525⋯.png (514 KB, 482x960, 241:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa2ecd216466b4….png)

46eae7  No.4911366

File: 23f2162350e28d0⋯.gif (458.52 KB, 270x203, 270:203, awesome.gif)

4916e8  No.4911367

File: ab34a790383ff13⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 704x396, 16:9, Woderick.jpg)



been a while.

comfy as fuck now

3dadd7  No.4911368

File: c011f275f8a974f⋯.png (388.61 KB, 694x359, 694:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Laughing his arse off

he knows whats going on

0945fa  No.4911369

File: 55f94ffda814957⋯.png (25.52 KB, 406x254, 203:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3f3a85c0c8b385⋯.png (26.8 KB, 408x250, 204:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfba82978737ff5⋯.png (945.39 KB, 3254x4682, 1627:2341, ClipboardImage.png)

Total amount of times confirmed deltas have occurred between Q and POTUS

anons have been looking into the deltas and delta markers that Q has confirmed at least once and those are: [0], [1], [5], [10], and [15] (and [1 year] delta)

also, Q has referenced or hinted at these deltas once: [2], [6], [7], and [17]

one anon made this to look at the deltas between POTUS' tweets and Qs crumbs:


I counted up the amount of times these deltas happened, and it's not actually very many times relative to the amount of crumbs (2673 total) and tweets than I thought it would be

==(+&-) is the deltas with both Q inb4 POTUS and POTUS inb4 Q

(+) is JUST the deltas with Q inb4 POTUS

the reason I distinguished between them is in all Q's examples (except the [0] deltas because of the lag/interference) Q is inb4 POTUS

thread for the delta markers:



a72f55  No.4911370


Anons you want the ultimate Q proof? We have been asking for tippy-top and other phrases in twatter from POTUS well let's write parts of the SOTU.

a01876  No.4911371


We need a gulag for these types.

75c5ea  No.4911372

"We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics.

We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.


b80277  No.4911373


Ok, the special council won't end with the report is what you are thinking. I guess I assumed that the report would be the end of it. Maybe it is possible the special council after it exonerates Trump will go into the real witch hunt.

4c1329  No.4911374

File: 7a5c452f8c9220a⋯.jpeg (76.59 KB, 634x683, 634:683, 036ACC40-CE85-4485-943C-A….jpeg)

cd36fb  No.4911375


>so he knows all the tricks

>just glad he uses it for WE THE PEOPLE now


0945fa  No.4911376


>We have been asking for tippy-top

lurk moar

3da0b7  No.4911377


I have no doubt there is a ton of shady shit that goes on up there.

dae983  No.4911378

File: c5bbbd09a5db547⋯.jpg (207.11 KB, 400x411, 400:411, q research.jpg)

46eae7  No.4911379

File: ab9dce9680942a4⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 735x573, 245:191, wwg1wga.jpg)

58448a  No.4911380

File: df17904530cc4e4⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 561x375, 187:125, SR1.JPG)


I did notttttttttttt

He bravely ran AWAY

3dadd7  No.4911381


The Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland had its world premiere on Friday at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah

The four-hour documentary, which will air on HBO and Channel 4 in the UK, details Wade Robson and James Safechuck's allegations of abuse

'Michael Jackson witnesses/sex abuse victims coming off very credible. It’s so sexually explicit that counselors are in the lobby,' wrote Mara Reinstein

'MJ gave one of his young male victims jewelry in exchange for sexual acts, and even staged a mock wedding,' wrote Patrick Ryan

Robson has previously detailed Jackson masturbating while watching Robson naked on all fours and fondling his genitals

The Jackson family dd not try to stop the screening in any way, but the King of Pop's nephew did urge his Twitter followers to boycott Sundance sponsors

f0b8c8  No.4911382


Rogan acting like he never heard

of the dossier..what a piece of shit

55d4e4  No.4911383


>strong in our commitment


75c5ea  No.4911384

"The public is about to learn that the DOJ, FBI, + other US/Foreign assets have been actively working behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history.

DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the 'TRUTH' > People

Transparency is the only way forward [CONTROLLED MEDIA - 'Enemy of the People'].


be3f25  No.4911385

File: 233a175e217880c⋯.jpeg (126.07 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 945a7573ac5ef4329c5fec060….jpeg)

File: 88b1f332e5f1f6f⋯.jpeg (150.55 KB, 1068x1242, 178:207, 6d5ee03f069e706b094e93172….jpeg)

File: 5352f81e287b807⋯.png (1.26 MB, 746x5520, 373:2760, Screenshot_2018-12-19 Sexu….png)

File: 4f900ed06f9813e⋯.jpg (26.52 KB, 800x205, 160:41, verifiedhate-3-800x205.jpg)

File: 4a751a5b738bc59⋯.png (513.32 KB, 1244x932, 311:233, 47517.png)

c7ef5f  No.4911386



324461  No.4911387

File: 0d07c4bb9bf6daa⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1902x1410, 317:235, Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at ….png)

Interdasting coincidence??? CNN reporter who had a 'hunch' that something was going to happen at Roger Stones home this morning was also a Supervisory Special Agent with the FBI as well as served as a Special Assistant to the FBI Director during his 12 years with the agency.

77f2b9  No.4911388


Poker is definitely a game of skill.

I have policy ideas regarding online poker. Like buying an online poker gift/funds card to fund your account, sold only at convenience stores. This helps quell the worry of kids playing, because you would need to be carded to get the funds at the convenience store. The reason I say that is because underage gambling seemed to be the biggest deterrent towards legalization back in the day. Plus, you could get the convenience store lobby to help back it.

645bab  No.4911389

File: 50512c658f16a31⋯.png (72.19 KB, 594x447, 198:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Focus on Ruth


0945fa  No.4911390


it's possible Mueller waits to release it after he's done with everything, but also possible he sends the report then finishes

Huber goes on the real witch hunt, not Mueller

4916e8  No.4911391


they already know. we have enough..

feel you though

dd1b60  No.4911392

File: 3188b9541571b97⋯.png (165.92 KB, 399x488, 399:488, ClipboardImage.png)

40d9a9  No.4911393


Great Meme…wrong state:)

e1036c  No.4911394

OREGON, January 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – News from Oregon that Governor Kate Brown is on board with a bill which would require invasive home visits by state employees to all households with newborns has sent shockwaves across the nation.

>The controversial bill directs the Oregon Health Authority “to study home visiting by licensed health care providers.” It has also been given “emergency” status, meaning that action must be taken before the end of this year. The “emergency” designation has an oddly ominous tone, stating that the measure is “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety,” so “an emergency is declared to exist.”

>"This isn’t something for people in trouble,” said Allen.

>“When the program is complete, every new parent — this includes adoptions — would receive a series of two or three visits by someone like a nurse or other health care practitioner,” noted Allen.


>“If the program becomes reality, all families — regardless of income or area of residence — could see three visits from a nurse. They likely could come when the baby is 3 days old; 2 weeks old; and 2 months old,” said Dr. Alanna Braun of Oregon Health & Science University and member of the Oregon Pediatrics Society in an interview.

>Health Impact News cautions that “parents today face a very real risk of losing their children to Child Protection Services if they dare to question a doctor’s advice regarding medical procedures, or even wanting to seek a second medical opinion.”

>“Government agents monitoring the homes of law-abiding parents who have not been accused of a crime without a warrant is an unconscionable violation not only of parental rights and individual liberty but also a trampling of the Fourth Amendment and the Due Process Clause of the Constitution,” warned Bolyard in her PJ Media commentary

>“The bottom line is that the statists pushing these policies do not trust us with our own children,” concluded Bolyard. “It's not enough for them to have their hooks in them 180 days a year, feeding them propaganda from the first day of kindergarten through the end of high school. They now want access to them from the day they are born — and they will succeed if parents don't rise up and tell the government nannies to back off.”


3 mandated visits per birth. This would prove to be a red line for some. How many tragic doxxes/lone gunmen do you think the nurses and unarmed state officials would suffer before armed escort were necessary for every appointment?

835da3  No.4911395

File: 181c9fea1a37343⋯.png (44.39 KB, 642x339, 214:113, Gutfeld per Q 1-25-19.PNG)

Per Q?

I presume he means questions, but….


6be8c6  No.4911396

File: c789e3cbbb34b01⋯.png (365.1 KB, 493x370, 493:370, tour-guide-memes.png)

File: 32fb54c40669369⋯.png (220.67 KB, 568x379, 568:379, Bernie-turncoat-1.png)

File: d8c7a6230f8e08a⋯.png (180.91 KB, 543x343, 543:343, bernie-sotu.png)

File: 0486e9f76eca39e⋯.png (392.58 KB, 670x427, 670:427, FBI-wrecking-gang-2.png)

d77459  No.4911397

File: 8f9c4c308719406⋯.png (598.63 KB, 644x662, 322:331, Q PELOSI JOKE VIDEO.PNG)



75c5ea  No.4911398

'"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance."

"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."

-Ronald Reagan



bec424  No.4911399


It should be pretty obvious. Read the indictment.

Person 1 is Jerome Corsi

Person 2 is Megyn Kelly

Company 1 is Crowdstrike (google)

Organization 1 is Wikileaks.

Remember what we did around this time last year? Release the memo? MS13 hit on Seth Rich…

How do you enter evidence into court?

691691  No.4911400

File: 27bebf84d5c3ecc⋯.jpg (72.88 KB, 830x960, 83:96, 1946b1e910e2f7bc2a2460f1de….jpg)


The force be with you, always

0945fa  No.4911401


I'm making a set of M(x)GA hats for the planets

444a9b  No.4911403


SC targeting who?

SC on team?

SC off team?

Ok, so we can see that the SC is targeting all the compd faggots almost entirely associated with the Trump 2016 campaign.

But, what's the on/off team reference?

Something important about the who's already left and who joined later?

d793b1  No.4911404

File: d851bb15455ea16⋯.jpg (107.65 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, static.politico.jpg)

Soooo I guess we're getting that SOTU speech after all…

645bab  No.4911405


I dont believe for one split second MJ was a pedophile.

52945f  No.4911406


"You got to kick it open!"

c786b3  No.4911407

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

File: 394509a0e90080a⋯.png (46.79 KB, 617x458, 617:458, qqq.PNG)

be3f25  No.4911408

File: 9e850479f9d8bea⋯.png (134.01 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, BattagliaPharmaShillScreen….png)

File: 05af40483cb5240⋯.pdf (175.68 KB, BattagliaPharmaShill6.pdf)

File: 2d1ea5aea4d5b52⋯.png (92.59 KB, 700x315, 20:9, scaled_full_0cc62e5592d89c….png)

File: 0ba0c70da9cc5b3⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 233x216, 233:216, imqqages.jpg)

File: 49d89d4a7de13ed⋯.png (751.07 KB, 907x2051, 907:2051, Screenshot_2018-12-30 Bill….png)

dae983  No.4911409

File: a9438194c6c512d⋯.jpg (273.07 KB, 630x360, 7:4, Comfyair.jpg)

Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.

Operation Mockingbird

Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show

Q post #4

0cf23b  No.4911410

File: 3456727db2d2817⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x500, 1:1, ad340f54-0a9c-4224-9d78-db….gif)

all #


the oath holds regardless of your opinion.

æım Not speaking to you anons... jyst trying to tell the brass the facts as they stand.

no one seems to have noticed the "turn us loose" part.

sanction is a thing kid.

as fer me... ill be there with bells on.

30.o6 aint a barret but with hawgstopperz itll do.


been that way fer years.

w8in on the вoss... just like the nazis... whom Q came too... for a reason.

he said it is worse than you know.

æı know abit more it seems.

75c5ea  No.4911411

"Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.


cd36fb  No.4911412


"Anti-semitic" doesn't actually mean anything. It is meaningless. If I criticize iron, ergo, I am "anti-ironic".

a01876  No.4911413


I truly don't see how they will have credibility to flip the script. Not with fake news and mueller churning out bullshit daily.

Only way I could see it is if they drop videos and flipped DS witnesses.

What if "NSA releases it ALL" refers to NSA releasing their evidence to the 470 prosecutors instead of a public drop?

07f42b  No.4911414

File: adf4b32e1cb9f2b⋯.png (197.4 KB, 360x228, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Rothschilds Sell Last Piece of Austrian Empire After 200 Years

By Matthias Wabl

January 24, 2019, 11:00 PM EST

Updated on January 25, 2019, 4:39 AM EST

The family was once the top financier of the Habsburg empire

Deal said to value Austrian forest at more than $100 million

It’s the end of an era for the Rothschilds in Austria.

Once the Habsburg empire’s top financier, the family that started to do business in Vienna around 1815 is selling its last piece of land in Austria, closing a 200-yearlong history that included booms, busts, crashes and wars.

The family branch represented by heir Bettina Burr has agreed to sell two trusts that own about 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres) of forest in the Lower Austria region to the Vienna-based packaging firm Prinzhorn Holding GmbH, according to three people familiar with the deal, who requested anonymity since the transaction has yet to be added to the land register.

The forest – about 20 times the size of New York’s Central Park – is part of an estate Baron Albert von Rothschild bought in 1875. The Nazis seized the land after Germany occupied Austria in 1938, and it was partially returned to the family after World War II. Rothschild heir Bettina Looram moved back to live there until her death in 2012. Two branches of the family then split the estate, and both will now been have sold to Prinzhorn, which bought the adjacent forest a year ago.

“This brings an ambivalent 200-year relationship to an end,” Roman Sandgruber, a historian who last year authored the book, “Rothschild – The Rise and Fall of a Cosmopolitan Viennese Family,” said in an interview. “The Habsburgs respected the family, elevated them to nobility as they benefited from their finance knowledge. The Catholic Habsburgs, however, always kept a certain distance from the Jewish Rothschild family.”

Prinzhorn’s Plans

The buyer of the second Rothschild property, Cord Prinzhorn, will be reuniting the two family forests. He bought the smaller part, measuring 5,400 hectares, last year for 92 million euros ($105 million). The price of the second part of the forest is a bit higher than the first, according to two of the people.


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.66 📁

Jan 27 2018 11:23:54 (EST)

Time to play, Dopey.

Black Forest.

Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?

Black Forest.



FIRE sale days after post?

What went on there?


You have more than you know.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No.275544 📁

Feb 5 2018 12:16:50 (EST)

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



3dadd7  No.4911415

File: cae60f2beb72f9f⋯.png (176.92 KB, 478x334, 239:167, ClipboardImage.png)


welease woger

001aea  No.4911416


If fake news says so, he very likely is NOT a pedo.

e77cab  No.4911417

File: 61090d5a16c8284⋯.png (39.55 KB, 609x392, 87:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c050fdf9f49e12⋯.png (64.62 KB, 608x621, 608:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab4ff1bf04f2bb7⋯.png (883.18 KB, 650x602, 325:301, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump’s biggest donors’ ‘mission in life is to protect… the state of Israel’

Miriam and Sheldon Adelson are Donald Trump’s largest supporters. Together they gave more than $177 million to Trump’s campaign in 2016 and Republican causes in 2016-2018. Dr. Adelson then was given the presidential medal of freedom last year, in recognition in part of her work on drug addiction.

The 73-year-old spelled out her worldview at the Israeli American Council conference last month, and stated that she and her husband alongside her share those views: Jews are unsafe in the west, Israel makes Jews everywhere safe and proud, so all the criticism of Israel is just masked anti-Semitism. Therefore, protecting Israel is their “mission in life,” Dr. Adelson said; and American Democrats must join them in supporting Israel.

Here are excerpts of Dr. Adelson’s remarks followed by comments from Sheldon Adelson, who made his fortune off casinos.

When I met Sheldon he was telling me about the anti-semitism that he suffered in Boston. I want to tell you that I’ve never in my life suffered one personal case of anti-semitism. I grew up a proud Jew in Israel. Proud Israeli in Israel. And when I went to the States later on in my life, I’ve never been exposed to anti-semitism.

I see all what’s going on here, the anti-Israel, the anti-semitism. They mask like anti-Israel, but it’s anti-semitism. So that made me feel that my mission in life is to protect my family, my people, Jewish people and the state of Israel….

We have to spread [the IAC] across America because this organization is going to strengthen the state of Israel… We are here together. As I said when I presented Vice President Pence. No matter whether we are left or right, we have to be strong together. We are like one hand. But we should work separately. We should [unintelligible] together and be strong to protect our homeland.

Moderator Shawn Evenhaim, an LA real estate mogul, said that the Israeli American Council, IAC, is not a rightwing organization, because “Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi wouldn’t be on the stage if this is a rightwing organization, and Haim Saban [Democratic megadonor] wouldn’t be here if it was a rightwing organization.” (Here they are.) Dr. Adelson echoed him:

From the beginning, Sheldon said, that this organization should not be political. Otherwise we will lose half of the Israelis. And we repeat it and repeat it all the time, Please make it even…. We respect each others’ opinions. So we are not a political organization. We are an organization that is pro-Israel, pro the Jewish world. Yes I said it again and again, whatever you are you are welcome, as long as you support the state of Israel. So here and there people are trying to say, it’s right, or it’s left. Or why this left person came, or why this right person. So I want you to be together, as I said, one hand. And we are all together, whatever we say, whatever we think, we are together to protect the state of Israel. We know how important it is. We see the anti-semitism that is happening. And I talked with some holocaust survivor who said, this period reminds them, before the Holocaust, when nobody fought it. So we have to be strong and united. United is the name of it– united and strong. So please stick do it and don’t think that we are any political organization. No matter whether we are right or left. We should work separately but together. We should work together to protect our homeland.


0d9845  No.4911418

File: 0ef99d95a0e2cb5⋯.jpeg (108.25 KB, 1001x1001, 1:1, 2A620614-80CD-47EB-BF8A-B….jpeg)

7a9d21  No.4911419

File: 3857b5a8a85fc3e⋯.png (156.06 KB, 754x588, 377:294, listen_to_me_goy.png)


>replaced the spambot?

3da0b7  No.4911420


This is such bullshit. (((They))) can't even let him rest in peace.

Why would they continue to do this? It's sick. And, the manipulation is beyond the pale. Therapists are standing by.

0945fa  No.4911421

File: a4ed4096d4b8bf6⋯.png (221.98 KB, 416x510, 208:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6b9c898476d0f8⋯.png (563.96 KB, 475x631, 475:631, pepesara.png)

Intelligently beautiful

9cd2ff  No.4911422

Anons - relax your sphincters. Q Team now has a way of introducing evidence and exploiting disclosure from the kants on the other side.

Roger Stone, whatever you might think of him, is the civilian equivalent of Gen Flynn.


e77cab  No.4911423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video proof

75c5ea  No.4911424

"If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.

Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.

[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.

Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.

Enemies are allies.

EVIL has no place here.

America is no longer for sale.

The age of taxing our citizens across the World while entry to our markets is FREE is OVER.

The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).

Forced immigration pushers will be exposed (the 'why').

Read the BIBLE.



7e6bcb  No.4911425


100% agree ~ was certainly nice to get @POTUS tweet as reassurance, but wasn't need by me ~ strong in our commitment!


5c5ccc  No.4911426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder fer dem Shill Billy's!

Q is da MAAAAN!

(you) Can't Bring Me Down!

WWG1WGA Fuckers!

Love ya'll no homo

cfc7b5  No.4911427

>>4911109 previous

They make food that that makes you sick. Cancer, diabetes, etc. We are all animals. Dig on the corn by products.

3dadd7  No.4911428


setting the stage?

750d1c  No.4911429

File: 4bebdba75760b9c⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, BREAK.jpg)


Can you imagine the MENTAL ANGUISH of these people?

They KNOW they are CAUGHT red-handed.

They KNOW it’s only a matter of time before what happened to Roger Stone today in the pre-dawn raid—HAPPENS TO THEM.

Imagine. Living with the knowledge that you are going to be arrested—any moment. Your crimes, so shameful that you don’t even think about them yourself—are going to be PUBLIC.

Your lies will be revealed.

Your thefts will be revealed.

Your heinous crimes against little children—ARE GOING TO BE MADE PUBLIC.

Your LEGACY will be revealed to be a LIE.

You will be HATED.

You will be JEERED—SPIT UPON—too dangerous to even be in public without police protection (who also HATE YOU for your crimes).

No way out. They have it all. They know it all. THEY HAVE THE VIDEO…

You can’t sleep. You can’t eat. You can’t think straight. You find yourself doing and saying STUPID things. You can’t believe how horrible you look in the mirror…

You think about suicide. But—you are a coward. You could not do it. You killed others—but you could never hurt the ONLY PERSON YOU EVER TRULY LOVED…

You fixate on the ONE SOLUTION; get trump. Any way possible. Get him. Kill him. Kill him and flee the country.

Then you wake up and realize how well entrenched he is within the safety of America’s military; they would die for him—every one of them.

You run to your handlers. But—they have cut you off. They are gone. They warn you—talk and you will end up like Kate. Another dead end.

Nothing helps you. Nothing. You certainly don’t pray—god is not real; it’s a construct—part of the narrative, to keep sheep in the pen. You are not a sheep. You are their MASTER. You let THEM live.

Then it dawns on you. If you are going down—you will take every one of them down with you. You will DESTROY THEM ALL…

Now ask yourself. Why has President Trump, the Q team and the most powerful military establishment in history of the world—taken so long to pull the trigger?

When dealing with psychopaths who are cornered and know they are going to lose everything they enjoy and worst—be exposed for the true, historically-epic wretched soul they are—you must first disarm them. IF they have ONE implement of total-human-destruction left they can use, they will.

They would rather break the world with a hammer, than let the sheep have it without them. They would rather slaughter every soul on the earth, than go down like this. If they have just one…anything…they will pull the pin and blow us all up to “escape” their manmade, public judgement.

PATIENCE is not just important…it is VITAL to our very survival as a human race.





dc19de  No.4911430

Resign angry C_aNN shill. Very unethical and quite unprofessional. You are a disgrace and detriMental to the agency. GTFO


c786b3  No.4911432


originally it referred to anti jew obsessed socially engineered morons.

Today it became washed up unfortunately, thanks to the sjw reform "jews".

dd1b60  No.4911433

File: 44c77d830a382f7⋯.png (422.53 KB, 640x685, 128:137, ClipboardImage.png)

8cc519  No.4911434


That is a good idea.

I have an idea that the internet could be funded the same way. Buy a card at a convenience store. And each song stream costs a penny and each post costs 1/10th of a cent.

Different concept but both provide age verification, retain some anonymity, but not in all ways.

4c9424  No.4911435


Yeah I wish Australia would legalize it again. I miss playing on Pokerstars. Great tourneys running 24/7.

58448a  No.4911436

File: 81d3a59367fecf6⋯.png (578.35 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dae983  No.4911437

File: 985d82ef571818c⋯.jpg (97.11 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 163816778_7b1a7b94a3_z.jpg)

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

Have faith.

Q post #5

29f2f4  No.4911438


"Trust Wray"

be3f25  No.4911439

File: f35d42b90325c20⋯.png (356.96 KB, 951x685, 951:685, Selection_072.png)

File: 2790595fadd7e11⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 578x334, 289:167, barbara11.JPG)

File: 812415ab54831c6⋯.png (101.18 KB, 699x1264, 699:1264, Screenshot_2018-12-19 Luke….png)

File: a26b44ff50ad5b5⋯.jpg (434.93 KB, 700x978, 350:489, Dave-Bry-Snake-revolution-….jpg)

File: 9c048e04cdae122⋯.jpg (86.35 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 51bb926bd9ed8962238119b9f2….jpg)

3da0b7  No.4911440


Ya gotta wonder….

b081b8  No.4911441


Agree, but the "3 weeks" is a line in the sand and POTUS is not Hussein. A lot could happen in those 3 weeks. Declas; Arrests: Revelations.

dd1b60  No.4911442

File: 52c2cd4aa3934fa⋯.png (285.66 KB, 532x646, 14:17, ClipboardImage.png)

0945fa  No.4911444

File: 6084befe14907b1⋯.png (129.27 KB, 394x944, 197:472, ClipboardImage.png)


>But, what's the on/off team reference?

part of the plan imo

the democrats need to think Mueller is going to save them and 'impeach drumpf'

Mueller is exonerating Trump and going after "plants"

Huber is prosecuting HRC, FBI, DOJ, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, etc etc etc

36a0d7  No.4911445

When Flynn reported to court back on Dec 4 of 2018, and he was recommended no jail time, AND it was also revealed that Flynn was currently assisting in some other investigations in addition to the Trump Russia Collusion investigation, the other investigations were listed on the docket but were redacted (because ongoing). The Mueller Special Counsel investigation on Trump Russia Collusion was not redacted. This means that investigation is done.

530ea1  No.4911446

File: 9bfd3caedcc89b7⋯.png (145.45 KB, 1673x915, 1673:915, bread_speed.png)



Plus, maybe some of us (incl. me, of course) were focused too much on Q, instead of POTUS around here.

Why not – after all this is Q-Research.

But last three yuge spikes in post speed here were when POTUS spoke (pic relates, shows two of them).

c47e14  No.4911447


>online poker

yea no way someone could cheat

6be8c6  No.4911448

File: 31231832e57bd73⋯.png (301.65 KB, 628x364, 157:91, mueller-Viktor-Yanukovych-….png)

File: 6893d33d3c87999⋯.png (286.25 KB, 568x378, 284:189, its-its-mueller.png)

File: 6fccfe7edc8ed69⋯.png (149.05 KB, 500x348, 125:87, pelosi-hands-1.png)

File: 3d2c9073158203d⋯.png (202.06 KB, 643x346, 643:346, schumer-sixwaysfromsunday.png)

e77cab  No.4911449

File: 22e8e8d60672d26⋯.png (515.99 KB, 490x768, 245:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc7ee86f2c18869⋯.png (162.83 KB, 464x389, 464:389, ClipboardImage.png)

Dam breaks in southeast Brazil, causing an unknown number of casualties. Preliminary estimate of more than 200 deaths

A dam has failed at an iron ore mine in southeastern Brazil, unleashing a massive mudflow that buried the mining site and reached a nearby community, local officials say. At least 50 people were killed.

The incident happened on early Friday afternoon when a tailings dam holding mining waste failed in Brumadinho, a town in the state of Minas Gerais, about 30 kilometers (19 miles) southwest of Belo Horizonte.

The Vale mining company, which operates the mine and owns the dam, confirmed in a statement that a breach had occurred, causing a mudflow that hit the work site and parts of the nearby community.

Footage shown on local television showed that cars, trucks, buildings, and a cargo train were buried by the devastating mudflow. A number of people were rescued by helicopter.

Mayor Avimar de Melo Barcelos told BandNews FM on early Friday evening that at least 50 people were killed. He said 200 to 300 people are believed to be missing, but rescue workers are still looking for survivors.


Brazil mining dam collapse leaves ‘200 missing’


23540e  No.4911450


Think mirror.

US is the last domino?

f4e714  No.4911451

Even Lou now admits that Trump is a failure


30cb39  No.4911452

File: 6f773bdfe693fa6⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 960x534, 160:89, cortezglue.jpg)


I don't want her to ever leave.


4dcf59  No.4911453

I do think it's possible

that the role of the

Stone indictment

in the plan is as a

vehicle to adduce evidence

about Hillary, DNC, Wikileaks,

Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie,

all that other funky stuff

that NEEDS to be

understood by

the people.


001aea  No.4911454


2 days ahead, nice match.

News unlock.


dc19de  No.4911455


The 1A is the only thing protecting (((them))). Ironic, isn't it? Too late. we have it all.

a2dec1  No.4911456


That makes sense. Something like a phone card but 18+ to buy and comes in increments. Although taxation is theft, I know they'll never stop so maybe have the taxes go toward the state they're sold in rather than the gov't. That's where you'll win people over; money going back into their local economy.

03fc8b  No.4911457

File: a5dc9d32b4836e9⋯.jpg (329.48 KB, 1902x1410, 317:235, hunchfag.jpg)

444a9b  No.4911458

File: 9efb3fc2dc1d48e⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 400x400, 1:1, stoner-guy.jpg)


>Roger Stone, whatever you might think of him, is the civilian equivalent of Gen Flynn.

58448a  No.4911459

File: 8944028558ff046⋯.png (225.42 KB, 351x270, 13:10, ClipboardImage.png)


Lost my "LOAD" on that Picture….

Sara Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!

e950c2  No.4911460


>The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed

F*** that.


be3f25  No.4911461

File: 83f58f65af455c6⋯.jpg (30.6 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 37913187_215656772449169_5….jpg)

File: 408c8b530a453b3⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 44293960_404951643584492_1….jpg)

File: 4b227843e5f4552⋯.jpeg (45.13 KB, 405x363, 135:121, 1200_59f72c50422c6.jpeg)

File: 6c0f7e2ca7f2c71⋯.png (113.79 KB, 500x410, 50:41, a-south-african-soccer-tea….png)

File: 51deb36b10dd09a⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 500x298, 250:149, g4iphy.gif)

f6f9f2  No.4911462

File: 18cda3281f26513⋯.png (257.15 KB, 596x440, 149:110, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

5e0d1f  No.4911463


dumas fuck nigga wrong

it's the Bronx "Warriors" ya dumbfuck

03fc8b  No.4911464

File: 9c8735f06c16079⋯.jpg (340.42 KB, 1902x1410, 317:235, hunchfag.jpg)


Had to add the analyst

0945fa  No.4911465



77f2b9  No.4911466


There are ways to thwart cheating.

IP addresses, software that can see the other software running on your computer, etc.

That is one of the reasons for the call for REGULATION!

75c5ea  No.4911467


All may happen.

Timing is important.

Moves and counters.

Can you predict a counter?

Can you schedule a war down to the event?

Markers are important?

PRAY, let the Normies know, be LOUD.

Work together, enjoy the show.

Are things better than last year?

What about next year?

The watching World are thankful for the Anons.


f1e5b2  No.4911468

File: 5ba73b385fda560⋯.png (124.86 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 5ba73b385fda56065c7d11084d….png)


Nice one.

d2226a  No.4911469


I'd toss it

a1c07d  No.4911470

File: 4e77bc0c9eb7c6b⋯.png (82.29 KB, 1302x562, 651:281, VK23hasnttweeted.png)

dae983  No.4911471

File: fc9cbf224a6a261⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 607x468, 607:468, New_Wave_Theatre_22.jpg)

POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).

Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?

What is most valuable?


Q post # 8

c0977a  No.4911472


Not sure if any pic of bewbs has ever made notables…. but this pic should

ee38cc  No.4911473


oh shit nice


>>4911285 Q post says learn russian, and we didnt, and now theres a yuge dumpski

645bab  No.4911474

File: f37859165d310a7⋯.png (293.42 KB, 449x378, 449:378, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7446fd2ddad94e3⋯.png (297.13 KB, 448x381, 448:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cf74dda5069bee⋯.png (283.6 KB, 441x380, 441:380, ClipboardImage.png)

001aea  No.4911475


Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

Have faith.

c7ef5f  No.4911476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He retained MAJORITY rights to Sony music shortly before his death.

This man would have owned ALL modern pop music

e77cab  No.4911478

File: c6cc0f0e9fd2b5c⋯.png (77.34 KB, 663x915, 221:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c3c52c6eb62876⋯.png (404.65 KB, 618x352, 309:176, ClipboardImage.png)

Nato asks NZ to join new training mission in Iraq

Nato has asked New Zealand to join its new training mission in Iraq.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern met Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels this morning (NZT), discussing security issues in the Asia-Pacific and areas of cooperation such as maritime security, cybersecurity, and the fight against international terrorism.

At a joint press conference, Stoltenberg said Nato had launched a new training mission in Iraq: "We will of course welcome contributions from New Zealand to that training mission."

Speaking to media after the conference, Ardern said she did not give him any commitment and would need to discuss the idea with Cabinet colleagues.

But she noted that the NZ Defence Force already had a presence in Iraq, training forces as part of the Global Coalition to defeat Isis.


4053f2  No.4911479


the book of Enoch does not say specifically but I assumed the Zodiac we have today was taught by the B'nai Elohim (watchers) back then. The hexagram belongs to Moloch and it does not get mentioned until after King Solomon

c47e14  No.4911480


Ever evil the Cabal used the USA to do

will now be direct at the USA

fc1bfc  No.4911481

File: 2faf7b2f95954f5⋯.png (392.47 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, Impeach.png)

f53ec8  No.4911482


Feels like an act of retaliation to test Bolsonaro on his first months in office. I don't like it one bit.

Stay strong, Brazilanons. They're gonna ratchet things up in your homeland.

40d9a9  No.4911483


I don't see the correlation to hospital's anon..I am more thinking of some kind drug connection here…

f12278  No.4911484

File: 11e55cfc1ba4a24⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1479x893, 1479:893, pelosiloomered.png)

d54781  No.4911485

So here's the thing that I keep thinking about and can't get around no matter how much I try to 'be objective' and 'think critically' and buy into today as a Trump 'cave' or 'loss', as the Dims want me to do. It's a very simple thing that is so glaring it cannot be ignored and my brain can't let it go.

Intellectually, Donald Trump is so far above Pelosi and Schumer, and that is so obvious even a damned MONKEY could see it. There's just no way anyone can ever convince me that they could outmaneuver POTUS for this so-called win. If they won anything, it was because POTUS let them win. He literally FORCED them to win. So now we have to wait and see why - because I guarantee they know he let them win and THEY don't know why. That means Q is absolutely not going to come on this board and drop anything that could allow anyone to figure it out. He won't even post 'disinfo' right now — it will be dead silence. Until the reasons for POTUS' actions are so obvious to everyone - Q is going to keep mum. Has to. This isn't just about the wall - never was. It is about SO much more —

65291f  No.4911486


SA > US > Asia > EU


a1c07d  No.4911487

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)

be3f25  No.4911488

File: 4553416bf0fa790⋯.png (924.35 KB, 660x4300, 33:215, Screenshot_2018-12-03 An o….png)

File: ae636ca3b3d9879⋯.png (205.41 KB, 643x1809, 643:1809, Screenshot_2018-12-03 CNN ….png)

File: d0b2adce183b785⋯.png (1.56 MB, 646x6749, 38:397, Screenshot_2018-12-03 Form….png)

File: 0f21380980cbae7⋯.png (38.5 KB, 408x437, 408:437, Screenshot_2018-12-03 Josh….png)

File: 5d488d4c033d79f⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1146x1485, 382:495, Screenshot_2018-12-03 Q Re….png)

f4a946  No.4911489

I don’t care if your in the I hate Alex Jones and Love watching the DS, DemonRats and Mueller Destroy Roger Stone and Indict Jerome Corsi and and Hopefully Alex Jones because Q said they make money.

You all misconstrued that entire message and Helped the Traitors,DS and DemonRats. That was the Plan.

People here rejoiced in Mueller acting like a 3rd world thug Dictator arresting Stone.


So did Clinton and Pedesto, Clapper, Brennan, Comey.

Many people here Rejoiced with them. The Enemy.

2c46ec  No.4911490




55d4e4  No.4911491

>>4910586 lb

>>4910846 lb

So the ObamaSpy ring to frame Trump, his family and the American people is really starting to burp up. Mueller must be shitting bricks, since he's the one covering for the perverted DS criminal actors.

What other FISA warrants did they pull, albeit 'illegally', to spy on Americans, the opposition, even their own?

This FISA corrupt tribunal of appointed weaponized judges has been going on for years, what and who the fuck else have these FBI pricks and judges been snooping on? How extensive is this web of treason?

3da0b7  No.4911492


That means his estate owns it. His kids and mother are supported by his estate.

0945fa  No.4911493



>Jan 27 2018 11:23:54 (EST)

>Time to play, Dopey.

^^^^^that's on the 27th

but everything under that is the 5th

36a0d7  No.4911494

Anyone thing Trey Gowdy is playing some important role behind the scenes?

764e5d  No.4911495

File: c91b110c75412f0⋯.gif (427.11 KB, 978x478, 489:239, rockin pepe.gif)

c786b3  No.4911496



he sounds like a useful idiot.

1. shulamit alony was an israeli soros puppet, in the radical left Meretz party:


2. the attack was done by palestinian prisoners (convicted militia men and terrorists) after the israeli prison authorities conducted searches in the cells. The response was by the israeli anti prison riot swat team:



6be8c6  No.4911497

File: d8fb0868bb5c714⋯.png (233.36 KB, 494x298, 247:149, schumer-1.png)

File: 0b30d3763f877c2⋯.png (220.86 KB, 507x347, 507:347, two bears-1.png)

File: 40284f59abf2755⋯.png (116.56 KB, 424x272, 53:34, soros world order-1.png)

File: d614ea4d0844dc2⋯.png (450.67 KB, 646x361, 34:19, soros-black manipulation.png)

71d3be  No.4911498



watch the water

c786b3  No.4911499

File: 5a8bfc9bcd91032⋯.jpeg (34.12 KB, 600x333, 200:111, 5a8bfc9bcd91032d36043fec4….jpeg)


you glow.

2e8ebf  No.4911500


>>4911192 Dirty SD-NY Cop pleads guilty to bank fraud

>>4911369 Total amount of times confirmed deltas have occurred between Q and POTUS

>>4911414 Rothschilds Sell Last Piece of Austrian Empire After 200 Years, 2 days ahead of "Black forest" Q post a year ago

lurking baker/s i'm falling asleep, will need a handoff next bread

c8ed83  No.4911501

File: ad9132cc38a956a⋯.jpg (120.59 KB, 1351x760, 1351:760, AOC.jpg)

f1e5b2  No.4911502

File: 027e9eb31a52965⋯.jpeg (37.03 KB, 528x498, 88:83, 027e9eb31a52965569deed3dd….jpeg)

File: 7016e20e9436df3⋯.png (48.03 KB, 798x474, 133:79, 74t5.png)


Suicide weekend in three weeks?

5b5da6  No.4911503

File: 5a15cd88a6031e9⋯.png (98.54 KB, 923x796, 923:796, j-pedosta-surfaces.png)

The deep state triumphant…. just in case anybody really thought there is any "panic in DC". They can't even contain their glee as ALL of the arrests and indictments and activity go only one way.

The narrative advances, the coup gains momentum, and the one group of people in the world who might have dug out the truth are distracted by Q's laser pointer, even after he earned extra credit by warning us ahead of time.

And now John Pedosta, of all people who ought to be hiding and panicking, is out with his boldest statment yet.

Despite my Italian roots, vengeance doesn't run deep in my veins. But I admit I smiled when Roger Stone's arrest was announced Friday morning.

To give some context: On Oct. 7, 2016, WikiLeaks began leaking emails from my personal inbox that had been hacked by Russian intelligence operatives. A few days earlier, Stone - a longtime Republican operative and close confidante of then-candidate Donald Trump - had mysteriously predicted that the organization would reveal damaging information about the Clinton campaign. And weeks before that, he'd even tweeted: "Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta's time in the barrel."


6b4bb7  No.4911504


why do they always look like that?

cfb822  No.4911505

Whatever is to be will be, the future's not for us to see, hmmn hmmn, no the future's not ours to see.

Baker, baker, some bewbs, golly gee.

b83dd6  No.4911506

File: 5e59dd3365f3510⋯.jpg (577.07 KB, 1242x1041, 414:347, James_Woods_on_slavery.jpg)

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, 1_Jews_Slavery_Tony_Martin….jpg)

File: 07dde983cea7dea⋯.png (710.73 KB, 856x483, 856:483, Slavery.png)

File: 5b5cc0493d267de⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 1469x1600, 1469:1600, x_Jews_Slavery_Curacao_Old….jpg)

File: 13b47c00bc4325a⋯.png (100.13 KB, 1287x673, 1287:673, z_8_Jews_And_Slavery_When_….PNG)



75c5ea  No.4911507


Nice post, thank you.

>Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

>Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

If a criminal is doing crime, and then suddenly changed his whole organization, what happened?

8f0c76  No.4911508


Beautiful catch!!

c47e14  No.4911509



c7ef5f  No.4911510


You don’t remember the lawsuit?

001aea  No.4911511


>Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

Drone, airport fuckery?

c3f816  No.4911512

File: 738501e8d2dc70a⋯.jpeg (784.23 KB, 1242x1751, 1242:1751, 5855EE55-DB12-4C50-86E6-6….jpeg)

File: 313fa406acf3f9e⋯.jpeg (809.83 KB, 1242x1535, 1242:1535, 3C626333-0F48-40B3-BFAA-3….jpeg)

In other news , they got rid of a loose end and now I’m thinking bundy

A. Was set up

B. MKUltra experiment

C . Contractor for rituals

dae983  No.4911513

File: 8d16c8dd1961d07⋯.png (333.27 KB, 750x704, 375:352, boy-scouts-scouting-vintag….png)

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

Q post # 14

DOD must have clear and verified reason to believe the Republic is at Risk and must execute their duty to protect the POTUS and Constitution. An executive order is invoked which enables POTUS to mobilize DNI to create a war council of sorts

3dadd7  No.4911514

File: e2ec2b08bb758b5⋯.png (424.99 KB, 1331x629, 1331:629, ClipboardImage.png)

444a9b  No.4911515


OK - makes sense - it's re: all the HRC Dims on the team vs no/few R's.

e56c92  No.4911516


They're gorgeous!

dc19de  No.4911517


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No.325300

Feb 10 2018 05:16:54 (EST)

Thank you Dopey.

King to pawn.

Eyes on.


cd36fb  No.4911518


Without self awareness we are a bundle of accidents.

4053f2  No.4911519


Hitler was probably an illegitimate Rothschild (the son of one)

e072dc  No.4911520

File: 8547756c8707fa0⋯.png (685.5 KB, 588x654, 98:109, ClipboardImage.png)

c8ed83  No.4911521

File: 30a03bf20fd5720⋯.jpg (162.02 KB, 2158x597, 2158:597, shut.jpg)

d54781  No.4911522


If anyone 'rejoiced' about Stone's arrest, it was because it means it is laying the groundwork to go after the real players. With real evidence - evidence that will be introduced in his case, and the dramatic way he was arrested assures that when his case goes to court - the WORLD will be watching. The case against Stone is a big ol' nothingburger - for Stone. For the people who are going to be outed because of it? Not so much - not so much nothingburger at ALL. This is a really great movie.

c8ed83  No.4911523

File: 8bc6dfc3a653060⋯.jpg (130.13 KB, 1059x1178, 1059:1178, PinkNaziGoy.jpg)

fa7b53  No.4911524

Anyone have the latest DJT Twat from today, where he misspells whether as "wether?" Nothing on his official twat account, or in the archive, and the one posted on here is too small for a proof.

36a0d7  No.4911525

Merkel is most likely Hitler bloodline. Is Theresa May and/or HRC also?

57b7f9  No.4911526

File: dc9c99896c8d4c3⋯.pdf (6.6 MB, EliminationOfGermanResourc….pdf)


"core of select families." have thought similar. payseur i understand. also pays eur(ope) and select families sticks out.

not sure exactly what q refers to with eye of providence. got to trace a lot of old lore from asia to persia to arabia to mesoamerica to rome to central europe to north america and include or consider atlantian lore.

3d reich involves lot of industry pre WW2. junkers or landed class big contributors to WW 1 and 2. hitler being a puppet makes sense based on after action reports or hearings detailing 3d reich's mil industrial complex. i.g. farben is big.

how it ties in with 'satan' has occult significance. some in theosophical circles indicated what or what is called satan relates to scientific advancement. what is called satan is 'evil' but a necessary evil and one which sly souls learn to take the best from without getting stuck on a kind of moon.

4916e8  No.4911527

File: 1e73f68a79b521c⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 751x900, 751:900, Reagan Toast.jpg)

2e8ebf  No.4911528

b83dd6  No.4911529

File: 0293b8ff23357d6⋯.png (37.41 KB, 721x377, 721:377, MSM_Journalists_retarded_s….PNG)

File: 0c56deb8850746f⋯.png (136.5 KB, 1347x583, 1347:583, MSM_lay_off_cant_let_these….PNG)

File: 9e6634ff6a28d00⋯.jpg (782.1 KB, 2397x3726, 799:1242, MSM_lay_off_meme.jpg)



Retarded kikes from the MSM BTFO

bec424  No.4911530


Not exactly.

The U.S. is the first domino. The U.S. has largely been an arm of the British since World War 2. Most of the British Empire appeared to have crumbled, but World War 2 (and The Great War before it) was largely a ploy to exterminate various royal lines around the world and transition the means of control from political decree to financial investment.

Our records of who is whom and of later interactions with what would come to be known as "The Committee of 300" will be key in unraveling much of what has been going on. When the U.S. is actually freed and our records laid (largely) open, the rest if the system will begin to fall.

3dadd7  No.4911531

File: 98691a785b2de8b⋯.png (395.64 KB, 1211x618, 1211:618, ClipboardImage.png)

3da0b7  No.4911532


Which one?

c786b3  No.4911533

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b66187487d59d77f10c857497d….jpg)


he is talking about the Arab slave trade, you retard.


75c5ea  No.4911534


FISA goes both ways.

Once FISA abuse suspected, was FISA used on the ones that abused FISA?

I love irony, but not on me, kek.

5df822  No.4911535

File: d34e60e351b8a24⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1975x2145, 395:429, fimfic.png)


Anon: Internet being used for human trafficking. Call to shovels.

Why not start with FIMfiction.net and piss off ebot at the same time?

Sadly, I've been showing this to you all for months but my calls to dig went unanswered.

Maybe now that POTUS has indeed said "Because of the Internet" moar than once, you'll finally help.

To get the ball rolling again:


>An Ottawa artist who helped animate children’s TV shows has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing more than 60,000 images of child pornography and sharing them online.

>Tom Wysom, 55, has worked on TV productions such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Littlest Pet Shop, according to the Internet Movie Database.

>Wysom was sentenced earlier this month after pleading guilty to the charges in December, two months after police executed a search warrant at his home in Old Ottawa South.

>Police found 60,165 pictures — many of them duplicates — along with 1,626 videos, some of which depicted adults engaging in sexual behaviours with children. In some of the images, young girls had their hands and feet bound.

001aea  No.4911536


<kike kike kike

4c9424  No.4911537


I must admit that Whites are waking up a bit faster since Trump has been in office. He's got the anti-Whites so riled up they've dropped their mask of "anti-racism" and are now just openly anti-White.

36a0d7  No.4911538

File: 9189e11fbd7c091⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 500x556, 125:139, 2s2qfq.jpg)



Nice one anon

0945fa  No.4911539


imo yes

and notice EVERYONE keeps saying 'if these people are being charged for lying/crimes, why aren't the others?'

tony/john podesta literally did the same things that manafort did, and other connected to HRC AND HRC did the same things that the other people who Mueller has gone after

and many other things that Huber (AND other US attorneys/prosecutors) are going after

their investigation is (estimate) 10 times bigger than Mueller's

4053f2  No.4911540


my question, why sell the land, they don't need the money. 100 million? they are probably worth 50 Trillion at least and if they are going down, no amount is going to save them. What can you buy besides land? there isn't anything else.

Unless you are planning to create a liquidity crisis and buy everything for pennies.

6a2c96  No.4911541


is this for real?

6b4bb7  No.4911542

File: 603a9104f677858⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 255x244, 255:244, fd4e41a02b02861d601c8bffc9….jpg)


perfect lol

3da0b7  No.4911543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(((They))) Don't Really Care About Us.

03fc8b  No.4911544


I never before made the connection to that asswipe as a sack sucking clown.

assumed his tender sphincter would not be up to the task, but after closer examination it's the orifice he breathes from.

Good info anon.

573d5f  No.4911545

File: 6cb006286c7ab68⋯.png (609.94 KB, 920x715, 184:143, image.png)

File: f4b217f434ad0f6⋯.png (475.61 KB, 1227x742, 1227:742, Stone McNoname.png)

File: 7c80be1b299094f⋯.png (573.05 KB, 1011x834, 337:278, Daughter No Name.png)

File: d28515f2f69e132⋯.png (403.46 KB, 720x405, 16:9, image.png)

Black Manafort And Stone


NO Name

When Senator John McCain’s campaign was collapsing last summer, it was Charlie Black who set the comeback strategy: Mr. McCain had to win New Hampshire.

When conservative opposition threatened to derail Mr. McCain just as he was surging again this winter, it was Charlie Black who called prominent conservatives to secure their backing. And when Mr. McCain was finally the last man standing, it was Charlie Black who engineered the campaign’s takeover of the Republican National Committee.

Roger Stone, a Republican consultant known for his controversial brand of politics, is long-time Trump associate and a cheerleader for his presidential run (albeit without Trump's blessing). In an interview with ABC News, Stone described Cohen as a "nice guy" and an "enthusiast" but lacking the political expertise to manage the growing interest in Trump candidacy.

"If you need brain surgery, you go to a brain surgeon," Stone said. "You don't go to a dentist."

A case in point, Stone said, was Cohen's one-day Iowa trip that led to questions about his role as both a Trump Organization employee and a promoter of his boss's potential presidential campaign – questions that he sought to answer by stating unequivocally that the trip and the website were paid for, not with any of Trump's money, but out of pockets of Cohen and Rahr, who made a fortune in the pharmaceutical industry.

The Choice is Yours

7efbdc  No.4911546

File: 2a957859d86d4f1⋯.jpg (365.46 KB, 1364x1348, 341:337, Q2.jpg)

c8ed83  No.4911547

File: e87a76b3596f52d⋯.jpg (147.44 KB, 845x865, 169:173, cuck&nan.jpg)

c786b3  No.4911548

File: 4f3f404b7c3eef4⋯.png (336.57 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 4f3f404b7c3eef4d7f77180ab7….png)

0945fa  No.4911549


see: >>4911208

the title is just an editorialization of what she said (kek, so is that notable's title)

65291f  No.4911550


all the boats that shipped niggers to America were owned by kikes you glowing retard nigger

2e8ebf  No.4911551

File: c3dfe0dfdf119b1⋯.png (98.37 KB, 732x914, 366:457, Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at ….png)

2 days ahead of schedule..?


a17d08  No.4911552


Stronger Daily!

Need more popcorn

dae983  No.4911553

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB, 540x720, 3:4, Stitching it all together.jpg)

30cb39  No.4911554

File: e17425bc43511ff⋯.png (142.13 KB, 385x385, 1:1, pepepensive.png)



I wonder how close we came to WW3.

1b2fd6  No.4911555

4916e8  No.4911556

File: 133348192ebda9b⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 591x402, 197:134, Dr Strangelove.jpg)

0945fa  No.4911557



can take it next bread, was going to step away for a few minutes then come back for the night



he seems to be getting a bit better

c7ef5f  No.4911558


Ain’t got time for you anon..

be3f25  No.4911559

File: d1c53a40e45585d⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 802x6920, 401:3460, Screenshot_2018-12-03 Why ….jpg)

File: 316280f99932ea6⋯.png (961.62 KB, 863x3372, 863:3372, Screenshot_2018-12-03 Here….png)

File: 530c64656d2be28⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1333x3719, 1333:3719, Screenshot_2018-12-30 Whit….png)

File: 181450549f86a77⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1326x3603, 442:1201, Screenshot_2018-07-17 Pizz….png)

File: 2d457ac3b2814eb⋯.jpg (93.57 KB, 663x593, 663:593, Pedorights on the rise htt….jpg)

3dadd7  No.4911560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



set the stage

cfc7b5  No.4911561


Look at the industry. Just like Nestle and Smuckers - their job is to fatten the goose until sick. Then cash in on the diseases they helped bring about.

a6850d  No.4911562


HA! I just woke up and had a total dream about this scenario, Anon! That the reasoning behind why such a shit show was made about Stone, was because it's something that will make the whole Nation and World watch the trial now.

You will hear all types of info dropped during this "trial" and then…Stone will be vindicated an the whole country will be stunned!

Then the ARRESTS started to happen soon after this trial was over….

f44050  No.4911563

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Shumer,

Respectfully I submit my sincerest appreciation for I witnessed today upon hearing your conference following The President's unending common sense approach to building a more robust infrastructure for our southern border and all points of entry. The unity you both reminded us about is real. In particular, they genuine words of Speaker Pelosi's honorable way of not characterizing The High Office Of The President Of The Unites States Of America.

Furthermore, the way in which Leader Shumer also reminded us of 'lessons learned'. Do you understand the significance of that?

The unity of which you both spoke of, can, indeed, unite all. To say what you said; understanding the needs all concerned are met; that unity brings about the highest good in all. It is a privilege to watch.

The President is open for discussions and looks forward to unifying this great nation.

much love

e072dc  No.4911564

File: f842f196795d751⋯.png (684.25 KB, 593x656, 593:656, ClipboardImage.png)

b2f7d0  No.4911565




dae983  No.4911566

File: 6886e7a70749d84⋯.jpg (292.79 KB, 1000x962, 500:481, Suggested Food Pyramid.jpg)

7a9d21  No.4911567

"That Ruth Bader HAD" ~ Ingraham

3dadd7  No.4911568


4 years..

c786b3  No.4911569

File: 6c55e4fc99e029a⋯.jpeg (21.18 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 9841c92b5cdb2d19f87a4a0ec….jpeg)


<all the boats!

<it must be true cause a shill said so

<kike goy kike

sure thing moron.

Never go full retarded, not even when shilling.

c65ef6  No.4911570

File: ca02629aa8d3f83⋯.png (23.45 KB, 919x329, 919:329, ClipboardImage.png)

Podesta Projecting & threating

To anyone keeping abreast of the unfolding events in the Mueller investigation, this level of sleaze is not at all surprising. The walls have been closing in for some time. As a key member of Trump's inner circle, Stone and his course of conduct during the campaign and after have exemplified a culture of cronyism and corruption that ignored all ethical standards and rewarded fabrication over the hard truth of reality.

The remaining West Wing staff and the president's family must be looking over their shoulders, wondering if in adopting the Trump style, they have traded a fancy West Wing office for a cell.


c8ed83  No.4911571

File: 2c55cf5f2119384⋯.jpg (188.65 KB, 881x1175, 881:1175, TrumpChurchillChair.jpg)

cee0fe  No.4911572

File: e36ff3d65c08bd8⋯.png (65.67 KB, 850x897, 850:897, Screenshot_2019-01-25 Exec….png)

New XO

+5000 border agents

Build the wall

Detain illegals at the border

Deputize local LE for immigration tasks.

Expedite hearings and deportations.


324461  No.4911573

>>4911387 CNN went to great lengths to try and explain WHY they were the only ones to scoop this story and video the actual arrest. Mr Campbell gave an interview talking about how he noticed anomaly's in DC yesterday and went with his hunch that Stone might be arrested soon, so he took a quick flight to Florida. Lucky Hunch! Campbell never mentioned he worked for the FBI for 12 years.

Not one to toot my own horn, but I think this is NOTABLE.

24073f  No.4911574


I couldn't agree moar! It makes so serious sense. I kek'd a little when the synchronicity of anons last four popped like that too. At any rate it seems like a great connection was established.

6be8c6  No.4911575

File: d01558cdd930a0d⋯.png (242.21 KB, 557x330, 557:330, eliz-warren-1.png)

File: a03f6b14120f5c2⋯.png (442.86 KB, 413x414, 413:414, biden-kissy-kissy.png)

File: 99becb7206ef71d⋯.png (256.73 KB, 544x447, 544:447, brennan-lessons-2.png)

File: c2e1216b30c6e98⋯.png (220.12 KB, 434x430, 217:215, Michelle-Obama-2.png)

f606fd  No.4911576

File: 95be74054fac3be⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 1179x926, 1179:926, 95be74054fac3be19bfb0c5428….jpg)

File: 5e46f80110be4a9⋯.jpg (634.61 KB, 3118x1984, 1559:992, 5e46f80110be4a980f3a423f06….jpg)

File: f68e00cbbc0e20e⋯.gif (122.68 KB, 497x449, 497:449, Pyramid18.gif)


I believe a "helper" led me to some information one Night Shift… could be wrong… but It felt right…

the "Pyramid" we have been shown has 3 sides. A triangle has 3 sides. A pyramid 5 exterior sides (including base). The Great Pyramid has 9 exterior sides (including base). The "helper" said two words… "inside/outside"…. The Great Pyramid has 18 sides - inside and out.. including the base. This alluded to the number of families you are speaking to. If one of those families broke away….there would be 17 remaining. The ONE family, chosen by God, to save the World. Enter… ?? Is it POTUS' family and ancestors? Or… "Follow the wives"…. is it FLOTUS'?

Many names and families still yet to be known.

079e65  No.4911577

File: 501f4a264c234e8⋯.jpeg (195.85 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1548460770.jpeg)

3da0b7  No.4911578


There have been many against his estate. I don't have every single one in my head.

fuck you

764e5d  No.4911579

File: 2e98c70689c17cf⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 1024x608, 32:19, plane jan 13 canada jihad ….jpg)




For weeks, Kingston residents were mystified by a noisy, low-flying airplane circling in the sky overhead.

Kingston Police said it wasn’t theirs. The Canadian Forces base at Trenton insisted it wasn’t theirs, either.

The answer to the mystery that raged on social media turned out to be far more troubling than many could have imagined: It was tracking an alleged terrorist who isn’t even old enough to vote.

The Pilatus PC-12 police surveillance plane was an RCMP “air asset” conducting a month-long investigation into an alleged terror bomb plan that culminated in the arrest of two young friends during raids at their homes Thursday afternoon.

Had the surveillance plane — the Kingston Whig Standard confirmed it belonged to the RCMP just a few days ago — spooked the suspects? Were investigators forced to make arrests earlier than they’d wanted?

Lambertucci denied that rampant speculation about the mystery plane had spoiled their investigation. But he wouldn’t rule out further arrests.

By late Friday, Alzhabi had been released without charge.

His father, Amin Alzahabi, told the network his son would never be involved in terrorist activity.

“They tell me they search about him about terrorists. I know my son, he didn’t think about that,” Alzahabi told CBC. “He like Canada. He like the safety in Canada. How could he think about that?”

“It’s fake news about my son. I trust my son. I know he cannot do anything against any human, humanity.”

“They inspected everything from my house. They didn’t find anything. I think this is not good.”


6158aa  No.4911580

File: 91ca09fb1754de7⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 320x320, 1:1, redsoros.jpg)

c786b3  No.4911581

File: 6b422e6901ca052⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)


here you go.

8f0c76  No.4911582


more stage setting


36a0d7  No.4911583


This is a good find, and worth knowing, but when Q made this drop a year ago, the Roths were doing a firesale on their hunting property in the Black Forest. If Q was able to call a Roths sale exactly 1 year later (2 days ahead of schedule), it would mean the Roths are acting. Or the sale was forced by white hats to coincide with Jan 27 (minus 2 days)

03fc8b  No.4911584


Key Stone is starting to feel like…


573d5f  No.4911585

File: 4e117d563a2c183⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1650x1275, 22:17, 77.png)

d793b1  No.4911586

75c5ea  No.4911587

The Boy has a nice smile.

The Native got to close.

The Blacks were yelling profanity at children.

The one acting most responsible was the Boy.

He would make a GOOD Anon.

ef0dcd  No.4911588


You mean it’s not all of them? You mean there may be leftist, Anti-Semite Jews in Israel that make Chuckie look like a conservative? I thought They didn’t have political parties, it was a blanket; all of them That’s why BHO made such an effort to make sure Bibi didn’t get elected and disrespected him when he came here. Really odd a member of the MB would hate a conservative Jew. Inb4 Israël first starts, I bleed red, white and blue, so, fuck you.

f61f92  No.4911589

Truly, where the fuck is Q? They DO want us on their side, right? Drop some fucking info we can dig into that makes all this shit make sense. Is that too much to ask?

f40ec4  No.4911590

File: cdbbfeec548c8b4⋯.jpg (468.23 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PicsArt_01-25-07.22.08.jpg)

January 24, 2019 Fire

Tweet by Comet: Ping Pong Closes at 8:30pm,

Doors open at 9pm, band Moonee opens at 9:30pm.

Q#124 is + ++ +++ and is DELETED.

Arsonist (now alleged white guy wearing blue and white jacket) starts fire at about 9pm, (reported @9:20pm).

Witness says arson & a very big fire.

Except that it was curtains and extinguished by employees before responders arrived.

Many Qposts about fire, fired, and even fireworks. Some could imply this was black hats covering tracks, but this fire seemingly wasn't for damage, just distraction.

Looking to the numbers, I found 124, 4/21, and 4-10-20. 9pm and there are some 9s, and 5's…

The messages I see:

#9, #124, delete, comet ping pong,

arson, distracted, broke in during fire

#421 fire up memes

MOAB week incoming

#5(00) FIRE & FURY

ready-go live?

75c5ea  No.4911591


1 President away?

36a0d7  No.4911592


Cant telegraph anything right now. Lots of important stuff going down, and need to treat Dems and DS like a pressure cooker

3dadd7  No.4911593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lock him up….

17 fbi vehicles

750d1c  No.4911594

File: 7a6c6fbbe7256bb⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 777.jpg)

001aea  No.4911595


Back to FE shilling, concernfag.

a6850d  No.4911596

File: c3750d2ddfa9335⋯.png (100.38 KB, 416x398, 208:199, crumunjun.png)




079e65  No.4911597

File: a19515083cd3289⋯.jpg (251.02 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 2019-01-13_15.16.26.jpg)

c2b975  No.4911598

File: 2b8085e57b49d86⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 480x358, 240:179, hqdefault.jpg)

So, I have 2- 4160KVA transformers that need to be installed in a snow storm next week. We will be working underground.and 30 feet overhead.Factory rep's will be onsite. Ill be running a six man crew. Dealing with a dozen different people.

Tell ya what, come on out and ill show you how it's done. Wear your cute little Q hats. Bring some fucking sandwiches for my crew.

Show some gratitude. Stop being hate filled cry babies.

And for the rest of you Anti- American Union hating fucks..

Find someone to do the job better- cut a better deal. I have plenty of work. But you won't.. because you can't. You ran all the Mexicans out.. Now all you have are unorganized hacks pretending they know what's going on.

So COMPLAIN like you do to POTUS he's sick of the your whining.


And when the apprentice throws the switch and the sky lights up all Yellow and Gold. I'll put a MAGA sticker on the main.

We love America at my hall

We love POTUS we are rebuilding America

Union = MAGA!

and for the rest of you Paytriots..pound sand…smoke more dope. We drug in my Union

9f6a99  No.4911599

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png)

>>4909654 (pb)

Like this.

Spent a few hours today driving. No radio. Just thinking.

Got a couple of 40,000ft glimpses that pleased.

We could well end up with a border wall and enhanced security.

Also, wouldn't be surprised if a number of less-essential government workers aren't looking for new work soon. Seems the world survived without them.

Lowest unemployment in a generation. Great time to reduce the size of government.

I've read that some anons are pissy. Can't agree.

Pleased with this day.

And grateful.

451cba  No.4911600

>>4910586 (lb)

As illegal and complicated as their plans were, or are... they had to have thought about what to do if it all went wrong and eventually exposed. I find it hard to believe that they don't have some idiot on their side who was voluntarily/involuntarily put in their role to ultimately take the majority of the blame before the real masterminds of the Deep State/Cabal could be found guilty. They have already arrested a few of the guys from team Trump... and we can't even get ahold of their village idiot?

Come on Q... you are better than that.

b8618b  No.4911601


Says it all about the DS

be3f25  No.4911602

File: 225637a005467e1⋯.gif (3.29 MB, 442x329, 442:329, 1530958995070.gif)

File: 80fe613519689f7⋯.jpg (559.79 KB, 1125x1253, 1125:1253, dc4a14091be28324426aabf765….jpg)


top left second image

eye 618

see that?

not subtle are they? killing in the name of.

8fe7f9  No.4911603

Qew, after we defeat your last


enemies, (sand nigger 1 Syris, and sand nigger II Iran) can we hold onto

our rifles to change OUR govt??

750d1c  No.4911604

File: 1121eb2a3cf99e7⋯.png (107.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, COMMITMENT.png)

I choose to trust.

We got you POTUS.


8a0473  No.4911605

File: 96deeab5bd24880⋯.jpg (115.21 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, MajorFaggot.jpg)

6b4bb7  No.4911606

File: 8685a6df6b1547f⋯.jpg (934.78 KB, 1776x1776, 1:1, d7d421045b27c33db82583ec05….jpg)

c786b3  No.4911607

File: b62fb49085afc11⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 399x385, 57:55, b62fb49085afc11bb678782c9f….jpg)


yup. sometimes i wonder if the shills actually think we are all retarded.

8e5c3d  No.4911608

Mueller has to show that he put the biggest squeeze possible on trump so that dems have no cause to reopen investigation after the report finds no guilt.

It has to look like they tried every trick in the book which the news is showing.

then boom on the cabal

e072dc  No.4911609

File: 55879779a8ade2d⋯.png (1.39 MB, 784x767, 784:767, mooch1.PNG)

f44050  No.4911610

File: 1ee5425591f916f⋯.png (3.44 MB, 2126x1315, 2126:1315, ClipboardImage.png)

The Greatest President ever!

I respect, trust, and love this man so much!

What a great man!

c4efd2  No.4911611


It’s very coincidental the govt opens back up the same day they get Stone.

7efbdc  No.4911612


We are watching a movie. Thanks Anon.

c786b3  No.4911613

File: ace8c8c213ff892⋯.jpg (541.32 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 4c8eb3be92a0de40d33382ace2….jpg)

File: c127c65a725d2b0⋯.png (198.42 KB, 384x382, 192:191, c127c65a725d2b0e2f5997cf60….png)

4916e8  No.4911614


the SEC clowns are back

36a0d7  No.4911615

File: ea4bcea80840990⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 513x336, 171:112, moub2.jpg)

dae983  No.4911616

File: 8bba42c91173879⋯.jpg (29.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, thank you.jpg)

POTUS has everything.

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

Follow Huma.

Operation Mockingbird.

Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.

Many in our govt worship Satan.

Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

Where is HRC?

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

Trust in your President.

God bless, Patriots.

Q post #3

079e65  No.4911617

File: 9abfc3aa4183365⋯.jpeg (286.81 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, 1546993588.jpeg)

3da0b7  No.4911618


Run, white girl! Run!

aa5dcb  No.4911619


Fukken notable

1800fe  No.4911620

File: 52d3f56d56d8df5⋯.png (431.89 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 26F2C2FD-B202-4D5A-896A-E4….png)

File: baf2bd606c2ff29⋯.png (447.14 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C5DA39D4-B788-48EC-A925-63….png)

Multiple Shoahs! Oy vey!



8c07ea  No.4911621

File: 372701f1e4e1c45⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 719x958, 719:958, 1.JPG)

File: 01a80343ef4fdb6⋯.jpg (118.75 KB, 739x963, 739:963, 3.JPG)

File: 194ea136c268a3e⋯.jpg (105.8 KB, 720x774, 40:43, 4.JPG)

Assange starts legal bid to unseal US charges against him


d9085a  No.4911622

You are>>4911522

>This is a really great movie.

You are wrong, it was another abuse of power committed by Trump’s FBI. If we we were actually in control this would not, should not be allowed to happen.

962387  No.4911623


Think of Wikileaks vs Fusion GPS.

Theory is that Stone was contacting wikileaks trying to find dirt on HRC.

Meanwhile, HRC campaign and FBI paid Fusion GPS to manufacture dirt on DJT.


ef0dcd  No.4911624


No shit, it’s extremely low rent. Shutdown has forced a lowered standard due to lack of funding.

a6850d  No.4911625

File: 62f4077699c458f⋯.png (12.71 KB, 862x138, 431:69, Screenshot_454.png)




Roger Stone is called "the keystone" by the LA Times.

f61f92  No.4911626


I'm not a fucking concern fag, faggot. I have been lurking since 4chan. Things just seem like they are blowing in the breeze right now, with no sense of direction. A little nudge would be appriciated…

558602  No.4911627

File: cb8a7e9f2de4fbd⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, mos sad sucks.png)

afe239  No.4911628

c7ef5f  No.4911629


1. Assumption

2. Illogical ramblings

3. Total disregard of the 12 tribes

Not so good anon

Abraham begot Isaac. Isaac begot Jacob.

To be an Israelite by blood, a person must be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Jacob begot 12 sons who are listed herein in subsequent sections.

The 12 sons of Jacob are the patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

For example, Jacob's son Benjamin is the patriarch of the Tribe of Benjamin. Jacob's son Reuben is the patriarch of the Tribe of Reuben. And so forth.

Well-known descendants of certain Tribes

Tribe of Benjamin - King Saul, Paul the apostle [a.k.a. Saul of Tarsus]

Tribe of Levi - Moses, Aaron

Tribe of Judah - King David, King Solomon, many other kings; Lord Jesus, the Messiah

The Promised Land [Canaan], plus an area on the east side of the Jordan River, was allocated among the 12 Tribes. [Num 33.54; Num 36.3-9]

As the priestly Tribe, Levi was given no land. [Num 18.20, 18.24] Instead of land, God gave Levi the tithes of the people of Israel.

Jacob's son Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

By Jacob's command [Gen 48.5], Joseph's sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, were regarded as de facto "Tribes" of Israel.

Thus, the land allocations of Joseph and Levi were given instead to Ephraim and Manasseh, preserving *twelve* as the number of tribes. [Josh 14.3-4]

There is no such thing as "10 lost tribes of Israel." [Mt 10.6, Acts 26.7, Jam 1.1, Rev 7.1-8; Ezek 37]


4c9424  No.4911630


Do you have your own mind? If so then try using it instead of crying like a bitch.

079e65  No.4911631

File: 2500d627ce78136⋯.jpeg (128.15 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1545876637.jpeg)

984216  No.4911632




4dcf59  No.4911633

File: 75472b80fa81566⋯.jpeg (166.89 KB, 960x617, 960:617, BatheCovfefe2.jpeg)

>>4911453 ← → >>4911562


Actually why the bathe covfefe.

I am falling asleep.

Night all.

Thank you so much, night bakers and night shift frens.

cfb822  No.4911634


And shills wonder why this anon all comfy.

530d56  No.4911635


>pharmaceutical industry.

beautiful anon, ty

001aea  No.4911636



Back to the lodge, shill.

386e71  No.4911637

File: 140c5048ed6ab7b⋯.png (173.93 KB, 256x335, 256:335, Storm.png)

c230c6  No.4911638

File: 1b4490472f1f219⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 3000x2271, 1000:757, 9697530F-562A-44D3-9772-B….jpeg)

f606fd  No.4911639



Q always has shown the "pyramid" as ..

+ (6)

++ (6)

+++ (6)

the interior and exterior of The Great Pyramid has a total of 18 sides… still remains… 666.

f0b8c8  No.4911640


If you would have told me in 2016 Podesta

would still be free and talking shit in 2019, I would have packed my bags and moved as far away

as possible from this shit show…..thanks to Q

we all stuck around for this torture

314045  No.4911641


Uh not a mathfag but I believe 43+44=87 not 77

36a0d7  No.4911642

Im tired of watching Schumer and Pelosi arrogantly gloat

7efbdc  No.4911643

File: 0606a138ad22684⋯.png (284.3 KB, 900x900, 1:1, BeBest7.png)


I'm most Comfy as well Anon.



46eae7  No.4911644

mj adapted, much shorter posts now

d1a786  No.4911645


HRC's 3rd year as president.

3dadd7  No.4911646

File: 5e1e6e5846aa69a⋯.png (185.03 KB, 561x355, 561:355, ClipboardImage.png)

01bed2  No.4911647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The WALL is coming…the STORM is coming!

6158aa  No.4911648

File: 392a47279630bfe⋯.jpg (139.14 KB, 497x500, 497:500, bentoots.jpg)

984216  No.4911649


*(Typo intended)

be3f25  No.4911650

File: 46bbb8044fa2a3e⋯.jpg (860.77 KB, 2048x1512, 256:189, b82f355745959b7083efd9c3ba….jpg)

079e65  No.4911651

File: 4a95991b42b90b4⋯.gif (956.86 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mB_BM7.gif)

2c46ec  No.4911652

File: a23c21dabb9a59c⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2802x1595, 2802:1595, ClipboardImage.png)

ee38cc  No.4911653

File: 24bcd252943b866⋯.png (150.51 KB, 400x600, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

751c82  No.4911654

When you start naming the boards after the shills, you're ceding power to them.

Just calling them shills encourages them.

….And you idiots think that them just being here is a sign of you being somehow right in believing in Q…

Jesus Christ, Q picked the perfect group of people to hoax. You willingly perpetuate your own confusion and justify external doubt in the movement.

750d1c  No.4911655

File: 57e81a26f105070⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 500x627, 500:627, POTUS.jpg)


Trust the plan.


fc77b8  No.4911656

File: ef2689448208e7f⋯.png (833.32 KB, 985x670, 197:134, MEGA.png)


>The Greatest President ever!

>I respect, trust, and love this man so much!

>What a great man!


I pray he is successful in restoring the USA and the constitution, returning power to the people, one nation under God.

2e8ebf  No.4911657

Notables Update

>>4911192 Dirty SD-NY Cop pleads guilty to bank fraud

>>4911369 Total amount of times confirmed deltas have occurred between Q and POTUS

>>4911414 Rothschilds Sell Last Piece of Austrian Empire After 200 Years, 2 days ahead of "Black forest" Q post a year ago

>>4911572 New Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

>>4911621 Assange starts legal bid to unseal US charges against him

e77cab  No.4911658

>>4911500 Dam breaks in southeast Brazil, causing an unknown number of casualties. Preliminary estimate of more than 200 deaths

>>4911340 Seven Indicted For Harboring Alleged Newman Officer, Ronil Singh, Killer’s Flight To Mexico

>>4911345 58,000 noncitizens may have illegally voted in Texas, officials say

>>4911355 Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland sickens Sundance with 'sexually explicit and devastating' proof

>>4911417, >>4911423 Trump’s biggest donors’ ‘mission in life is to protect… the state of Israel’

>>4911478 Nato asks NZ to join new training mission in Iraq

>>4911500 Assist

444a9b  No.4911659


DayShift today would have eaten this FanFic alive my comfy fren.

36a0d7  No.4911660

File: 986c6d35a325041⋯.jpg (65.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 27vxrz.jpg)

c47e14  No.4911661


The Messages of the Three Angels

Revelation 14:6 Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people.

7 And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

8 Another angel, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all nations drink the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.”

9 And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,

10 he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

11 And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”

12 Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.

13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

4c9424  No.4911662


>As the priestly Tribe, Levi was given no land. [Num 18.20, 18.24] Instead of land, God gave Levi the tithes of the people of Israel.

As the tribe that wrote the holy text the Levi gave themselves the tithes of the people of Israel.

f61f92  No.4911663


Why the fuck are YOU here? Nothing to do with Q, huh? Faggot, we can all dig and research shit, but THIS PLACE is supposed to be Q RESEARCH. What is it with no fucking Q? Fuck off.

b8618b  No.4911664


Disgustingly sweet. We need the 'adjustment' vid!

d54781  No.4911665


Well, anon — I look back to when Trump was playing the buffoon - it was to lull the Dims, to make them think he would be easy to beat. And it worked. Bet they are not thinking he's easy to beat now.

But back in the day - who would he have surrounded himself with but people who seemed sleazy and shady - in an obvious way. It would have to be obvious, so it would suck the Dims and the CIA into chasing because it would seem so clear that Stone must be dirty, no? I mean LOOK how sleazy he looks. Optics. I think Trump acted shady, surround himself with shady - Omarosa, Stormy, Michael Cohen, Stone…the list goes on. Bait. They were bait. Trump was bait. And they took it - they took the bait. They are all hooked now.

Ever go fishin? in normal conditions fish can be hard to catch. But ever go fishin and come upon a school of fish? They take the bait so fast that you catch them as fast as you can cast your line - reel one in, drop it and cast out - snag another. And another and another. Think about that — turn on your tv, watch - and think about that.

36a0d7  No.4911666

File: 31e6235cfe8125f⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2g8nhe.jpg)

764e5d  No.4911667

Suspect breaks in through the roof, ransacks NYC jewelry store

Friday, January 25, 2019 06:27PM

CORONA, Queens (WABC) – Police are investigating a brazen robbery of a jewelry store in Queens after a thief broke in through the roof and made off with 90 percent of the store's inventory.

It happened sometime overnight Thursday at Shlomi Jewelry on Junction Boulevard in Corona.

Authorities say the suspect climbed atop the building and somehow gained entry through the roof, before cutting the wires to the surveillance equipment.

The suspect spent more than four hours meticulously working his way though the business, stealing more than $1 million worth of merchandise before fleeing the scene.

"They're sitting here at least like five hours, emptying almost everything in the store," owner Shlomi Sakal said. "Cut the alarm, cut the camera, cut the wire, cut the roof."

Sakal said his alarm company didn't call police until 6 a.m., and no one ever called him.

"Police came, say nothing is wrong," Sakal said. "They look through the gate. They say nothing was inside the gate. They left."

The lack of surveillance video has hampered the investigation, but authorities say they are attempting to zero in on the car used.

"A lot of work to do," NYPD Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea said. "One of the things that we'll look at, obviously, is any connection to any other incidents both inside New York City and outside."

The burglary is reminiscent of some other high-profile heists in Queens involving rooftop break-ins. But this one has devastated the livelihood of a man running a small family-owned business.

"I have five kids, my wife, and me," Sakal said. "I have my dad and my mom. I have my brother, six kids, and we eat and drink from this store, OK. And right now, we don't know how we're going to cover."

Additionally, the burglar also stole Sakal's "Tzedakah" box, which is essentially a charity container. He says it contained around $3,000 he was collecting for poor people in Israel.


2b34e3  No.4911668


Romper Room and the Magic Mirror!! Oh Boy!!

afe239  No.4911669

fb8261  No.4911670

I’m so excited about bipartisan socialist disjunctionality….

f4a946  No.4911671


Excellent Anon.

dae983  No.4911672

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 600x451, 600:451, p17i1t7vc01th81fhv13pp1sk1….jpg)

c786b3  No.4911673

File: 967d6061d1c13cb⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB, 880x486, 440:243, 967d6061d1c13cb9e875db875….jpeg)


the muhjew shill script

while(1) {print "kike goy moshe schlomo rabbi"

if (reply == 'high_iq") {print "pilpul"}

if (reply == "call_out_the_shills"} {print "jidf"}


4053f2  No.4911674


the sale last year was their black forest estate in Austria and they had had it for longer.

6520b6  No.4911675

File: 626b70c6984523f⋯.jpg (45.51 KB, 500x520, 25:26, 626b70c6984523fe580d11865c….jpg)

File: 55da3803b10c6e3⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 469x512, 469:512, 55da3803b10c6e3ef96a765937….jpg)

Trump you can't do the job then you need

to stepdown and give Pence a try.

ef0dcd  No.4911676


Are you capable of presenting any facts or valid arguments, sauce, or anything to support your position? Or are shit memes all you know? That’s weak.

cd36fb  No.4911677


I would love to have a beer with James Woods.

573d5f  No.4911678


>>4900513 Morning Bread , I thought so too.

079e65  No.4911679

File: 6e4413ea91699f0⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 499x499, 1:1, 6770d6503ba2bd625805a143af….gif)

f36681  No.4911680

File: c61bfdd811b9a29⋯.jpeg (343.79 KB, 1247x1139, 1247:1139, 10293D1C-3785-4AA8-9DF3-2….jpeg)

03a57f  No.4911681

File: 93dd47793943fd1⋯.jpg (212.49 KB, 900x606, 150:101, california or bust.jpg)

Trump is losing his base as of today.

DACA is amnesty, when he told us there would be none.

J. Kushner sent to house floor a count of 700,000 illegals to get amnesty, then it was horse traded to 1.8m all the way to 4 Million.

The 1.8m/4m includes all…"ALL" La Raza illegals.

Illegal Muzzies are having 7 kids per family.

Child bride visas are in the thousands and the gov is issuing them. Catch and Release is still going on.

I have been asking questions of people where I live in the Socialist Republic of California. Supporters are disenchanted and feel betrayed knowing he is horse trading for amnesty.

He promised they would be deported, and now is not keeping his word but bartering their futures away.

They [supporters] are done, so stick a fork in them.

One even voiced his sadness that Potus seems to have become one of the promise breaking swamp creatures he swore to eradicate.

Peeps…it seems people aint in their happy place.




a6850d  No.4911682

File: c602194d601f550⋯.png (883.17 KB, 1369x900, 1369:900, Screenshot_455.png)



More "keystone" being used in media now!



Anons know best!

f1e5b2  No.4911683

File: def5341c2417613⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1146x1138, 573:569, 6yh0.png)

b1be89  No.4911684

File: 116f8823a98bb08⋯.png (85.85 KB, 666x305, 666:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9a587136e8a4c9⋯.png (17.04 KB, 539x157, 539:157, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ says super secret 'In Re Grand Jury Subpoena' case redacted filings can be unsealed!

"Although the Court has granted

the application for leave to file the application for a stay, the

response, and the reply under seal (No. 18A669), the government

believes that redacted versions of those filings may now be made

on the public record without compromising grand jury secrecy. "


link to docket:


997019  No.4911685

File: b1a78e251050daf⋯.jpg (69.88 KB, 699x712, 699:712, evolutioncannotbestoppedno….jpg)


Someoneis freaking the fuck out

75c5ea  No.4911686


Thank you.

984216  No.4911687



New EO Notable

9f6a99  No.4911688

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpeg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, Dank.jpeg)

Requesting anons theories about 10 days, darkness in conjunction with "shutdown" from the Q&A.

We've had ten days without Q a number of times, so I don't think "darkness" equates to Q's silence, and we've had 34 (35? Sorry, been out of the loop for a couple of days.) of shutdown, so…

these two don't seem to correlate.

Are we due for another shutdown in which 10 days have a "darkness" different from the partial shutdown we just saw?

A real government shutdown looming?

b43463  No.4911689

File: 9df415fd4e18a3e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 829x919, 829:919, PinkHomoKike.png)

36a0d7  No.4911690

File: 88b62941c82554e⋯.jpg (100.58 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 2s2r3v.jpg)

b32baa  No.4911691

File: 41e0db4cccba7d1⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 341x512, 341:512, neverhappens.jpg)

any day now


77c4fe  No.4911692


POTUS should pay her a visit to see how she’s doing.

750d1c  No.4911693

File: 3c5756f091c9f79⋯.png (53.74 KB, 259x272, 259:272, MASTERMIND.png)

Pelosi: "I hope the President has learned his lesson…"

Trump: "Trust the Plan"

We are winning.


eecd42  No.4911694

File: f83ac856ff3b8fd⋯.jpg (63.19 KB, 778x564, 389:282, 45022913680a119866356ed00f….jpg)

"As everyone knows, I have a very powerful alternative, but I didn't want to use it at this time. Hopefully it will be unnecessary."

"…Or, I will use the powers vested in me afforded to me under the laws, and the Constitution of the United States to address this EMERGENCEY

Look at what POTUS said, the first line is at the very beginning, and the second is from the very end of his speech. He's telling everyone, normies and Deep State fucks that DECLAS is in his back pocket, burning a hole. ALSO, a National Emergency will be enacted, where we will get the wall and whatever else the white hats decide to do.

7aee90  No.4911695


6 trips confirm.

Obama schlong is an irrelevant slide.

ad75e1  No.4911696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I bleed red, white, and blue

Prove it, watch vid related and see what you think then. Because I own guns, shoot them too, and cuss like a sailor so you know I love my 1A. Voted for POTUS in primaries and generals, also went to Maconrally not long ago.

What admin do you think signed the deal with israhell to give them $30+ billion over 10 years? Obama.

You don't think Obama and Nutsonyahoo pulled optics too?

Then look into Chris Bollyn, The Man who solved 9/11.

Again, keep an open mind and realize who was running the show when they told you it was muh weapons of mass destruction that led us into this never-ending war.

Traitors, ALL.

36a0d7  No.4911697


Yes but my point was it also coincided with Q's post

079e65  No.4911698

File: 159cc6cb8820693⋯.gif (771.77 KB, 442x333, 442:333, tenor_7.gif)

9f6a99  No.4911699


That there meme is a fine use of the photo imaging skills.


f8dfac  No.4911700

File: ce68a5d204ddcd0⋯.jpeg (78.77 KB, 683x366, 683:366, merkel_knast.jpeg)

File: 8d99be191eb0050⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 353x548, 353:548, hpfixseparat_knast_merkel.jpg)


Yes Sir


001aea  No.4911701

30cb39  No.4911702

File: eac536fc2e2f40a⋯.png (702.27 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, TRUMPFAKENEWS.png)



aae631  No.4911703



potus tricked you

he caves without actually caving

does it intentionally

pretty sneaky

tough to see up close but give it time

you will

36a0d7  No.4911704


its night shift, Im bored and posting funny memes. You calling me a slide is also a slide

764e5d  No.4911705


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1 No.175503 📁

Jan 27 2018 02:29:48 (EST)

Note the last drops on the other board.

Think logically.

Refer to past crumbs.


Do you expect HRC, GS, Hussein, etc to stand in a PUBLIC courtroom w/ potential crooked judges and tainted ‘liberal’ juries?

How do you defuse a bomb?

Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut?


952e34  No.4911706


…has a hook nose.

Come on, all that missing is merchant hands

b8618b  No.4911707

File: b475525b2de7f22⋯.jpg (65.71 KB, 617x470, 617:470, borde.JPG)

389b53  No.4911708

Why is Roger asking for donations for his legal fund


This dude has plenty of good friends with money… wtf…

b97a6c  No.4911709

File: 4a6179fffff4fc5⋯.jpg (97.66 KB, 768x432, 16:9, googwalk.JPG)

While Google paid lip-service to workplace activists, their lawyers fought to strip their rights

Employees at web giant Google are in an uproar after it was reported the company had been pushing to overturn a labor law ruling protecting activists who organize over workplace email and forums.

Google has reportedly lobbied with the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) to change a 2014 regulation after activists within the company organized a series of high-profile protests last year, including a 20,000 person walk-out in November over Google’s alleged mishandling of sexual assault accusations against several executives.

“Google would rather pay lawyers to change national labor law than do what's right. Google is aiming to silence us at a time when our voices are more essential than ever,” claim employee organizers from the group ‘Google Walkout for real change.’

At the time of the walkout, Google CEO Sundar Pichai saying the executives were “encouraged” by the employees’ efforts “to create a better workplace.” Just a few weeks later, however, Google’s lawyers sent an email to the NLRB, urging it to overturn the regulation that protected such workplace organization, according to Bloomberg.

There were reportedly two such emails to the NLRB, basing their argument on comments by Republican lawmakers in opposition to the Obama-era rule – in contrast to Google employees’ overwhelming support for the Democrats.

A Google spokeswoman told Bloomberg the company’s objection to the regulation was part of a legal defense strategy and unrelated to the walkout. The company is under investigation for allegedly threatening employees for expressing their political outlook on workplace email threads and forums. A lawyer of one employee involved in the lawsuit claims his client was targeted for dissenting from the "very, very left-wing office culture" of "tribal" political correctness.


4c9424  No.4911710


I'm here to trigger crying bitches like you who either don't have a brain or refuse to use the one they do have. Do you always need someone to hold your hand online and tell you what to think and do faggot?

928893  No.4911711


intrest peaked

ee38cc  No.4911712



dae983  No.4911713

File: 6f4e655a2168318⋯.jpg (294.38 KB, 730x410, 73:41, Comfy Pepe in a Box.jpg)

75c5ea  No.4911714

>Trump is losing his base as of today.

Attempted projection?

ef0dcd  No.4911715


>I have been lurking since 4cha

Concernshill validation statement. I’ve been here since….

db2d96  No.4911716

File: 84701d6a66cbdb5⋯.png (184.72 KB, 439x398, 439:398, 2019-01-25_23-05-45.png)

444a9b  No.4911717


There were plenty of comfy anons on the DayShift.

But, man were we drowned-out big time.

305492  No.4911718

File: 2ccbc05a8121b6c⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 620x430, 62:43, stfu.jpg)


…Fuck your hippy speak. Your mind trick won't work here.

e072dc  No.4911719

File: 076bf7c2df86f89⋯.png (694.95 KB, 587x653, 587:653, ClipboardImage.png)

c786b3  No.4911720

File: b66d343d98facc0⋯.jpg (482.03 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 24b5301144e3b98286dc494e02….jpg)

079e65  No.4911721

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

d54781  No.4911722


I knew all intelligence had not left this board

f1e5b2  No.4911723


It's cheeky fun and a reminder to normies that Obummer is married to Big Mike.

573d5f  No.4911724

File: 32b289ed4dfff2b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 77.1 KB, 312x140, 78:35, image.png)


So you'd say it doesn't make sense? Is that what your saying? hmmm ok…

3bcd80  No.4911725


Plz post sauce anon. Lack of sauce makes some VERY unhappy here.

c8ed83  No.4911726

File: 22bf9afb819e828⋯.jpg (206.08 KB, 1333x1031, 1333:1031, RomperRoom.jpg)

6520b6  No.4911727

File: 9544cf258c7f5a9⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 500x537, 500:537, 3aea26d423bcf14dbe595e967d….jpg)

File: 56862ea88e3729e⋯.jpg (60.59 KB, 480x524, 120:131, 56862ea88e3729e515dce69df4….jpg)

Trump's primary job is to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic…

Trump fails to build the wall then he needs to

stepdown and give Pence a whirl.

aae631  No.4911728


nah anon

he CAVED on national TV that was obvious

but left himself a sneaky out

then took it with a tweet

2b34e3  No.4911729

File: 8d96198cba63967⋯.png (184.54 KB, 500x516, 125:129, ClipboardImage.png)

7aee90  No.4911730

File: f395e72a0af99e9⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Fair enough, anon.

75c5ea  No.4911731


'Trump is the worst racist ever.'

be3f25  No.4911732

File: 79c73e26d801505⋯.jpg (215.06 KB, 835x902, 835:902, 79c73e26d80150515d3256cecb….jpg)

File: 91ca09fb1754de7⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 91ca09fb1754de7d0df9648f72….jpg)

File: 73c66840ca541c6⋯.jpeg (73.81 KB, 925x482, 925:482, 369b24af604393f92ce2a7527….jpeg)

File: 43f2baac5e978a1⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 280x284, 70:71, 43f2baac5e978a15a22300932….jpeg)

File: 1bc68d1d0ec0e85⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 354x500, 177:250, 1bc68d1d0ec0e85d2a1a69b33e….jpg)


he looks like a bloody goblin

4053f2  No.4911733

File: fec7751ca25f655⋯.png (67.86 KB, 1359x366, 453:122, ClipboardImage.png)



Last year Bloomberg talked about it going on the market in January. To get the date this close, maybe the good guys bought the property.

fc77b8  No.4911734


Hold the sauce please. No sauce.

36a0d7  No.4911735


Heeyyyyy its a night shift shill

ef0dcd  No.4911736


No virgins for you due to this tired ass crap.

f2b3be  No.4911737


>Union = MAGA!

Is it just Chicago or are most Unions Dems?

Unions vote the way theyre told and its just organized crime paying to play here

952e34  No.4911738


Yids can’t meme.

Wanna try again, Moshe?

77f2b9  No.4911739


When you are in the political game mindset, you have to ask yourself….

Why waste the opportunity to raise funds?

I won't be donating, but I will not bash the dude for asking either.

c44dca  No.4911740

Godfather III as

G(7) II(2)1(1) is a reversed

1/27 (day of Screen Actors Guild Award… red carpet event) S(1)A(1)G(7)…27

4916e8  No.4911741

File: 4d78154331cd03c⋯.jpg (432.41 KB, 960x1109, 960:1109, Muh Apocalypse.jpg)

and in normie fear porn news

Americans Fear The AI Apocalypse

Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports that according to a survey conducted byOxford University’s Center for the Governance of AI, many Americans fear a future where mechanisms of AI become too intelligent. When asked what kind of impact high-level machine intelligence would have on humanity, 34 percent of respondents thought it would be negative, with 12 percent going for the option “very bad, possibly human extinction”. Only 27 percent of respondents believed in a positive outcome, 21 percent thought AI wouldn’t change the future much and 18 percent said they didn’t know what impact AI would have.

When asked to consider a negative future outcome of AI technology, Americans ranked the AI apocalypse as more catastrophic than the possible failure to address climate change, even though respondents said that it was less likely to happen.

The respondents of the study said that they would trust university researchers most to build and responsibly manage AI technology. 50 percent said they had at least a fair amount of confidence in their ability in the field. The U.S. military at 49 percent came in a close second. Also, more Americans trust Microsoft with advanced AI technology (44 percent) than Amazon (41 percent), Google (39 percent), Apple (36 percent) or Facebook (18 percent).

Overall, a large majority of Americans agreed that robots and other systems of artificial intelligence needed careful supervision. Despite the fears, more Americans agreed that high-level machine intelligence should be developed than said it should not.

The survey also found that respondents underestimated the prevalence of AI technology. While Americans rightly assumed that driverless cars and virtual assistants use AI and machine learning mechanisms, fewer thought of Netflix recommendations, Google Translate or Google Search as products that use those technologies.


muh apocalyspe


3da0b7  No.4911742

eade93  No.4911743


>Union = MAGA!

No. Just no.

001aea  No.4911744

c08f60  No.4911745

File: c2e77c87b58ec59⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 719x1024, 719:1024, FB_IMG_1527575860672.jpg)

079e65  No.4911746

File: 6b84516538bae1a⋯.jpg (108.57 KB, 1200x805, 240:161, mkota.jpg)

1b2fd6  No.4911747

fc77b8  No.4911748

File: 581277bbb7b7591⋯.png (204.85 KB, 669x672, 223:224, ComeyGOPride.png)

File: 38d5878429d0117⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1676x769, 1676:769, Come[Y]cartwheelHell.png)

File: 7c801b5d43023ef⋯.png (564.82 KB, 1334x653, 1334:653, ComeyTrain.png)

8e5c3d  No.4911749


Yep I’m comfy

75c5ea  No.4911750

>Trump fails to build the wall then he needs to stepdown and give Pence a whirl.

Yea shills!

They prove Q.

Why else would they be here?

Are they stupid?

6520b6  No.4911751

File: 9976f2e86ca52de⋯.png (375.39 KB, 516x500, 129:125, 6523141234761g8123764123d1….png)

File: b21b44245d78b7b⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 3d999f2b29fbefccbfc72a4634….jpg)




Pedophile eat shit.

b80277  No.4911752


Not really true, I am in a union and have never voted for a dem, I know many others like me.

079e65  No.4911753

File: 47645e3aefbb06f⋯.jpg (91.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mlbf_1843176683_th_45.jpg)

46eae7  No.4911754


great success

b97a6c  No.4911755

File: 7eb768fe67cf81a⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 600x581, 600:581, potuswalliscoming.jpg)

a6850d  No.4911756

File: 2c747b54b8b21ff⋯.png (12.06 KB, 375x202, 375:202, Screenshot_456.png)

36a0d7  No.4911757


Haha nice work on those graphics, anon

691691  No.4911758

File: 57522042cd30b6b⋯.jpeg (117.73 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, 288792976b027eda4aafcb460….jpeg)


Be prepared

10 days of darkness is not for A

It is for anons

Be vigilant


0af5b6  No.4911759


Preach ANON Preach!

9f6a99  No.4911760

File: 76ca4868eac9ee8⋯.png (19.29 KB, 255x209, 255:209, A revolution of frogs..png)

Raise your hand if you think POTUS gave fair warning about a national emergency declaration in his speech today.

(Anon needs a pepe with hand raised. Please?)

03fc8b  No.4911761


in eyes of media microscope, funds cannot come from someone like trump, must be clean.

35d047  No.4911762


What’s notable? That he signed the EO one year ago today?

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

ef0dcd  No.4911763


Newfags take note.

c786b3  No.4911764

File: 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x646, 512:323, 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b3b1a6d2944a….png)



while(1) {print "kike goy moshe yid schlomo rabbi"

if (reply == 'high_iq") {print "pilpul"}

if (reply == "call_out_the_shills"} {print "jidf"}


c47e14  No.4911765


when was the robbery?

when was the ping pong fire?

952e34  No.4911766


POTUS didn’t cave.

That would imply the democrats actually had leverage.

POTUS took a dive.

And he kissed re-election bye bye.

389b53  No.4911767


Just seems sleazy. I get it but man, I think it's weak as hell.

dc19de  No.4911768

File: 574817774f4adcb⋯.png (271.69 KB, 670x932, 335:466, clipboard.png)


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 641129 No.274601

Feb 5 2018 10:41:35 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 6546e8 No.274558

Feb 5 2018 10:33:51 (EST)

2-5-18 c.jpg


Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?

Black Forest.



FIRE sale days after post?

What went on there?


You have more than you know.


079e65  No.4911769

File: f830b77326d6948⋯.jpeg (336.53 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547480849.jpeg)

6be8c6  No.4911771

File: e7a0a4c1d2c3bb6⋯.png (314.46 KB, 603x339, 201:113, obama-peace-prize-2.png)

File: 6299906767d9c7e⋯.png (179.12 KB, 438x249, 146:83, putin-2.png)

File: 1c203fa35f9920c⋯.png (105.84 KB, 558x341, 18:11, truman-give-em-hell.png)

File: 45ca0672ad6d284⋯.png (194.36 KB, 461x349, 461:349, NWO-HGWells.png)

46eae7  No.4911772


what is A, america or autists?

6fa96d  No.4911773

File: c5b934a0533edf4⋯.jpeg (190.99 KB, 1242x271, 1242:271, E80F2094-04D3-4536-83A6-0….jpeg)

4053f2  No.4911774

File: 1914cc2e9bb97ec⋯.png (850.42 KB, 965x783, 965:783, ClipboardImage.png)


Raise that hidden hand if you're a Freemason.

75c5ea  No.4911775


hand raised

984216  No.4911776

File: 83c2a74060d8425⋯.png (163.38 KB, 439x398, 439:398, Moesod.png)

997019  No.4911777



cd36fb  No.4911778


Q said TRUST WRAY. Only way Wray's comment about being "I am so angry" in the context of the Plan is if he is acting. And he signed off on this raid.

d71033  No.4911779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Italy's Salvini hopes France will get rid of 'terrible' Macron

Italy's far-right Interior Minister worsened already strained relations between Rome and Paris on Tuesday, saying he hoped the French could soon free themselves of a "terrible president", centrist Emmanuel Macron.

"I hope that the French will be able to free themselves from a terrible president," Matteo Salvini said in a video on Facebook in the latest taunt of the French leader by the populist government across the Alps.

"The opportunity will come on May 26 (the European elections) when finally the French people will be able to take back control of its future, destiny, (and) pride, which are poorly represented by a character like Macron", he said.

Salvini, who is also deputy prime minister, said he felt "close, with all my heart… to the French people, the millions of men and women who live in France under a terrible government and terrible president".

The fresh attack on Macron, who signed a new friendship treaty with Germany on Tuesday, follows a series of incendiary remarks by Italy's other deputy prime minister, Luigi Di Maio.

Di Maio, head of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S), which rules in coalition with Salvini's far-right League, accused Paris on Monday of continuing to colonise Africa and causing people to migrate from the continent.

France summoned Italy's ambassador in protest over Di Maio's comments that "the EU should sanction France and all countries like France that impoverish Africa and make these people leave".

Relations between the two capitals, usually close EU allies, have deteriorated since the M5S-League coalition became the European Union's first populist-only government in June last year.

Di Maio and Salvini recently backed "yellow vest" protesters who have been demonstrating against Macron's government since November.


Rest here: https://en.zamanalwsl.net/news/article/40458/

c7ef5f  No.4911780

File: e49fe8d99396f4f⋯.png (117.18 KB, 1025x150, 41:6, 4015AEF5-76B3-4A8C-9346-14….png)

cee0fe  No.4911781



How am I that retarded.

One year delta is cool but not as important as I thought.

==baker== probably not notable after all

f4a946  No.4911782


Interdasting because Stone is the most experienced Player in this mix and was Richard Nixon’s man.


0945fa  No.4911783


moar than enough fair warning

might even wait for the caravan to get closer

532f99  No.4911784


He’s like 4’ 1” or something, but probly 3’8”

4916e8  No.4911785


all POTUS base berong to our POTUS

8e5c3d  No.4911786

It’s much better to be comfy and optimistic than afraid and stressed out, so many Q confirmations and Trump is a boss. If things don’t go well then it’s still better to be positive rather than defeatist. Fight to your last breath with confidence and cheer.

573d5f  No.4911787

File: 389318f44acf258⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 134.93 KB, 400x330, 40:33, image.png)


Don't make me start calling out lazy fucking money milking locals.

f2b3be  No.4911788


>Not really true

and youre in Chicago?

I dont think so, I spoke of Chicago & what I said is true

2e8ebf  No.4911789

Last Call

>>4911192 Dirty SD-NY Cop pleads guilty to bank fraud

>>4911369 Total amount of times confirmed deltas have occurred between Q and POTUS

>>4911414, >>4911733 Rothschilds Sell Last Piece of Austrian Empire After 200 Years, 2 days ahead of "Black forest" Q post a year ago

>>4911449 Dam breaks in southeast Brazil, causing an unknown number of casualties. Preliminary estimate of more than 200 deaths

>>4911478 Nato asks NZ to join new training mission in Iraq

>>4911355 Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland sickens Sundance with 'sexually explicit and devastating' proof

>>4911340 Seven Indicted For Harboring Alleged Newman Officer, Ronil Singh, Killer’s Flight To Mexico

>>4911345 58,000 noncitizens may have illegally voted in Texas, officials say

>>4911625, >>4911682 More "keystone" being used in media now

>>4911684 DOJ says super secret 'In Re Grand Jury Subpoena' case redacted filings can be unsealed


thank you anon

55d4e4  No.4911790

File: 17cd2e162a634da⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 030DCAEC-56BF-42F5-8F08-11….png)

File: cc1bdfada8b308e⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 493D8507-F5D0-41D6-BD1B-A9….png)



This was also posted last year…sale was last year, not this year


b83dd6  No.4911791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If he is talking about slavery in the US, he is talking about Jews, who started the slave trade to the US.

Pasta related:

Dr Tony Martin, a Black Professor, denounced Jewish subversion in the 90's, and gathered undeniable publicly available information that proves that Jews were the ones who started and dominated the slave trade to the Americas, including the US.

<Some thoughts on the importance of redpilling the Black population of the US on the issue of Jewish supremacism:

The reason why Jews fear a truly informed Black population (13% of the US population) is because they have been accusing Whites of what they did to Blacks (slavery), and using that as a tool for inciting Blacks to hate on Whites for it. When Blacks learn real history, the hate turns back at the Jews, for good reason, and even bigger. Blacks don't give a fuck about the holohoax, they didn't had shit to do with WW2, so the Jews can't play that card against Blacks.

An educated Black community united in the fight against Jewish injustice along with Whites, Latinos, non-subversive Jews and Asians puts tremendous fear in the hearts of the subversive Jews.

Also, a key aspect about Blacks redpilling each other is that Blacks have the ears of the Democrats in a way Republicans and Whites don’t (many White Democrats see all Whites as racists, they were taught to hate Whites for being White and won’t listen to Whites), which means that a redpilled Black is the perfect vessel for redpilling Democrats (almost half of the US population).

If Blacks get redpilled on the JQ, both the Democrats and the zionists are fucked.

Jews did dominate the trans-atlantic slave trade operation…. most blacks in America that blame that on Whites, really should be focused on blaming the jews.

Also note that Blacks blame Whites for slavery because Jews used their MSM and Hollywood domination to scapegoat Whites for their slave trade domination and kickstart.

079e65  No.4911792

File: 1a1b8ede4ed11df⋯.jpeg (142.83 KB, 1440x1091, 1440:1091, 1542646411.jpeg)

f61f92  No.4911793


Trigger your mother into a black.com video, nigger. I'm not talking about holding hands and telling people what to think. This board is supposed to be worldwide, to share info from people that have access to shit we don't have. Fuck you and your self-important shithead stance. Remember why we are here, nigger.

530d56  No.4911794


>DOJ says super secret 'In Re Grand Jury Subpoena' case redacted filings can be unsealed!

>"Although the Court has granted

>the application for leave to file the application for a stay, the

>response, and the reply under seal (No. 18A669), the government

>believes that redacted versions of those filings may now be made

>on the public record without compromising grand jury secrecy. "


2e8ebf  No.4911795

>>4911790 fack ok removed thanks anon

sorry running on 2 hours of sleep, handing off next bread

764e5d  No.4911796

‘Their husbands watch and pleasure themselves while I have sex with their wives’ – male personal trainer claims he makes up to £500 a day as a male prostitute

He now makes up to £500-a-day as a male prostitute –

with one client asking him to dress up as Batman while her husband watches.

Speaking to Sun Online about his newfound profession, Carl admitting he doesn’t always enjoy sleeping with the women who pay him for sex, but the money makes it worthwhile.


6520b6  No.4911797

File: 89c1e12524790f9⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 89c1e12524790f9fe97ad1615e….jpg)

File: 887e4cca4cf961a⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 633x467, 633:467, 887e4cca4cf961ac1a20fe069f….jpg)

Q Research, when will

the intel start to materialize

instead of being empty riddle's…

984216  No.4911798





c786b3  No.4911799


bullshit shill garbage.

>Did Jews dominate the slave trade?

>Not according to scholars that have closely examined the question. Several studies of the Jewish role in the slave trade were conducted in the 1990s. One of them, by John Jay’s Faber, compared available data on Jewish slave ownership and trading activity in British territories in the 18th century to that of the wider population. Faber concludes that the claim of Jewish domination is false and that the Jewish role in slavery was “exceedingly limited.” According to Faber, British Jews were always in the minority of investors in slaving operations and were not known to have been among the primary owners of slave fleets. Faber found that, with few exceptions, Jews were minor figures in brokering the sale of slaves upon their arrival in the Americas, and given the urban-dwelling propensity of most American Jews, few accumulated large rural properties and plantations where slave labor was most concentrated. According to Faber, Jews were more likely than non-Jews to own slaves, but on average they owned fewer of them.


>Overall, though, the conclusions Korn drew from his data were very different: he made a strong and persuasive case that there were few Jews in the planting class in the South, that Jews had historically been forced into commercial enterprises, that in the Old South they were typically city dwellers, that a small number participated in the domestic slave trade, that they treated their slaves no better or worse than other slaveholders, and that the few Jews in the South without exception endorsed slavery. The thrust of Korn's article was that Jews were not much different from other white southerners in their views on race and slavery.


cebc05  No.4911800

File: 2ea3953c891f6f9⋯.png (591.09 KB, 1051x829, 1051:829, Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at ….png)


Someone twat this back at James

691691  No.4911801

File: be18736c385f4ec⋯.jpg (213.92 KB, 1019x800, 1019:800, 1546653187.jpg)


A is A


001aea  No.4911802


This and last year. Read.

be3f25  No.4911803

File: e0746d1c2d3d0e2⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 465x510, 31:34, 3402a13aa52751fbcf329c7efa….jpg)

File: 0096e2dd7c1185c⋯.png (175.01 KB, 596x410, 298:205, 0096e2dd7c1185cff26b5809e2….png)

File: b2f4bb39b70c2df⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 700x439, 700:439, b2f4bb39b70c2df78740a74eff….jpg)

File: 7a4f31138f20519⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1277x5191, 1277:5191, PragerJewsChosen01.png)

File: fc3508f7e596e2c⋯.png (409.9 KB, 937x755, 937:755, Screenshot_2018-12-29 pol….png)

55d4e4  No.4911804


Indeed, however surveillance technology

is so so advanced no one that uses high tech devices is safe.

We're all being profiled, no escape.

The only thing we have is our great Constitution to

prevent the molestation of the individual via rule of law.

Nefarious forces, as so obviously proven has weaponized all 3 branches, to include MSM as their paraklete extension, they're like an appendage of the same rotten body..

beyond one's own imaginings.

d54781  No.4911805


So good to see this post. Anons - if you get it - if you really get it – you have to post. We who know - we need to know we aren't alone. Strength in numbers - and it helps the new eyes on the board to put this stuff together. It exposes the desperation of the shills and helps it to all make sense.

8cc519  No.4911806


I'm not sure to what extent they all share that money. They might not.

The thinking is that


might be worried about all this Q stuff and Rothschild bashing, and would prefer not to have 17K acres.

For those of you who think this was some amazing Qonicidence, this story was written about Burr the Rothschild selling the 2nd half of the property. Last year, Q wrote about Burr the Rothschild selling the 1st half of the property.

Is it really that amazing that Burr the Rothschild sold half the property about a year ago and half the property just now?

So we, collectively, think that Burr the Rothschild timed the sale of the property in order to most closely match some sort of delta or something? Or, no?

It's good to pay attention to what the Rothschilds are doing., but this has nothing to do with Q deltas.

f44050  No.4911807

File: 2ee19a269d6112e⋯.png (708.02 KB, 748x498, 374:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b47ddaae3d1e92⋯.png (501.2 KB, 800x565, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)

There is an 'otherworldlyness' about Trump and his family. How I wonder who and what you are…..make a wish upon a star……

2e8ebf  No.4911808

>>4911798 that was from last year dude

52945f  No.4911809


That's not what they look like.

e5dc38  No.4911810

File: 7d4a06fa6cdcf8d⋯.gif (441.5 KB, 288x282, 48:47, dont-get-d.gif)

c786b3  No.4911811

1b2fd6  No.4911812


don't sweat it anon… nothing wrong with a refresher.

eecd42  No.4911813


Showing that he will shut the government down is not caving.

Opening it back up is not caving.

Has conceded nothing.

Has put everyone on notice that he can do the wall WITHOUT them.

Also the threat of DECLAS.

Those are just the things they allow us to see. Much more behind the scenes.

Tell me what has been conceded?

2f3cea  No.4911814

File: 2c3e6aa5914012c⋯.png (838.73 KB, 1163x722, 1163:722, 24866844-5757-4247-AD22-8C….png)

File: bb545cdf6d30700⋯.jpeg (61.38 KB, 793x1006, 793:1006, 8E1DCC7D-BAA7-4FA7-9E20-B….jpeg)


Wow.. Never seen a sunrise like that in person.

Might get caught out in a storm, and constantly freeze up with anxiety, completely forgetting my lines in this play.

Looking at that scenery though, always makes me wonder deep down, how we ever forgot this is/should be Heaven.

9f6a99  No.4911815


Fug! That's important!

c7ef5f  No.4911816


When your fucking lazy ass starts digging faggot

001aea  No.4911817

c47e14  No.4911818

File: 643c72d884e1c2b⋯.png (115.25 KB, 575x348, 575:348, ClipboardImage.png)

3ead6f  No.4911819

File: bc60a27d007aeb0⋯.png (14.85 KB, 320x208, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)


Likely Q is thinking

"Learn the Comms" faggots

We should have the clock and the map but e'rybody over here cryin.



does not mean every single fucking post

ef0dcd  No.4911820


>$30+ billion over 10 years? Obama.

Seriously? You haven’t figured this game out yet? How do you think leftist organizations get funded there and HERE? We do the same shit. Reread drops about Soros. What do you think foreign aid funds? Patriot causes? Give me a fucking break. If you’re not a shill, you need to wtfu

9f6a99  No.4911821


Tunnels under Neverland?

65291f  No.4911822

kikes are just trying to leverage a small amount of discontent into fracturing the movement, again. They'll do anything to keep the shekels rolling in while trying to ignore the itch of the noose they can no doubt feel. Your time is coming oven dodgers.

d6f821  No.4911823

File: 5d5740ed0b81958⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1474x946, 67:43, Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at ….png)

Seen on 4chan. Thread got 404d. Intereseting???

a6850d  No.4911824

File: ac8bf987f9cace7⋯.png (807.19 KB, 915x608, 915:608, Screenshot_457 - Copy.png)

997019  No.4911825


that would be amazing if news on that day

matched dates on Q posts

46eae7  No.4911826

File: 81f04f2fdab825b⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 300x188, 75:47, stahp.gif)

984216  No.4911827


2 years ago, but it's a good shortcut to know it exists.

c2b975  No.4911828






c786b3  No.4911829

File: eb8200cc1f130b9⋯.png (153.05 KB, 1546x609, 1546:609, ASF.PNG)

File: d2666bf7d594cc9⋯.png (125.32 KB, 1190x524, 595:262, manual_script_insertion.PNG)

File: 19d5795ddc6b5be⋯.png (211.29 KB, 558x751, 558:751, q_apache_securedrop.PNG)

File: 5c41b595c33dcb7⋯.png (66.85 KB, 581x433, 581:433, q_on_shills.PNG)

File: 498feeaf0e1ab3a⋯.png (34.21 KB, 1164x483, 388:161, trolling_2.PNG)




hey look! its the spambot again!

below is a complete spambot analysis:

a shill chatbot analysis - including relevant q posts V2.0

V1.0 of the research:

>>4346883 pb

look at the attached q posts.

The highlighted text explains the behavior of the spam chatbots that are constantly deployed here.

my experiment is described here:

here i trolled the spam chatbot with a reply:

>>4345440 pb

and what do you know?

it gave me an automatically generated text pasta reply:

>>4345586 pb

and posted another 4 posts with a random delta that is in the range [10-30 minutes]:

>>4345586 pb

>>4345666 pb

>>4345825 pb

>>4345962 pb

exactly as q told us more than a year ago!

What they did manage to do during this year is to update their automatic post pattern to be triggered by a reply. Notice that the bot posts a first "common drive post", like q called it, and the subsequent 4 posts will all tap into this one.

To summarize, lets get back to the q post.

similarly to what is written in the q post, the spambot uses a 5 prong pre packaged injection, only this time it has a precursor post serving as bait. After an anon takes the bait and replies, the bot searches for "negative" keywords ("bot", "r2d2", "spam", "shill", etc). If it found these words, then the 5 prong pre packaged delivery is injected, meaning 5 automatic posts are inserted, with the first one auto generating the other 4 posts at random designated times with deltas in a range of 10 to 30 minutes. Note that all 4 posts are linked to each other, forming a chain of posts with a common driver (root).

Then, as q said, "shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction." with ASF probably referring to the APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION.

see attached snip taken from:


Also as you may or may not remember, Q used "APACHE" as a signature, and told us to dig it. An anon found out before that it is connected to the Securedrop whistleblower honeypot fiasco, but it could have multiple meaning with one of the being the ASF, or in fact the ASF can be connected to securedrop as well (see attached q snip).

Manual script inserted by a human operator:

on an older bread I played a little trolling game with the spambot. I exposed 3 of his lies on purpose, to see if in fact there is a human operator that can edit the next automatically generated reply, before it gets posted, in real time, via a script. "Trolling is fun".

Here is the experiment:

- trolled it once:

>>4351198 pb

and received a manually inserted script.

>>4351259 pb

- trolled it a second time:

>>4351407 pb

and received a manually inserted script to an automatic template.

>>4351463 pb

attached are the snips of the second trolling and reply that included the manual insertion.

my conclusion: there is a human operator that does exactly that, he can manually interupt the automatic generation of posts and either pick a different one or insert a specific line.

4053f2  No.4911830


Are you trying to be dumb and longwinded? How does any of that connect the 12 tribes to the Zodiac?

6520b6  No.4911831

File: 5cb87245746b42e⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 5cb87245746b42ef695e6cf44d….jpg)




Eat shit faggot loser.

ff2f3a  No.4911832


Mark Harmon played Ted Bundy First. Why are they remaking all these movies ?? Hollywood cant think up something new ??

1177ac  No.4911833

>>4911039 (lb)

you glow. There's no need to turn vets loose on anyone. People on Podesta's media collusion lists are begging twitter for jobs.

Could the influx of shills today be related to the increase in deep state media unemployment? Will the supply of minimum wage bot operators exponentially grow "very concerned, fellow anons" about the lack of happenings right before the STORM?



d54781  No.4911834


More and more…I am seeing more and more posts like this. Keep them coming, anons — I know you're out there lurking. More than we are seeing so far – come on out, post your thoughts - it is getting easier and easier to put this shit together without having Q lead us there. We lead ourselves now -

079e65  No.4911835

File: dfb9ac68ee1c867⋯.jpeg (110.67 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1539732646.jpeg)

2e8ebf  No.4911836


i'm still in 2018 don't mind me and that's not notable sorry

22c4ce  No.4911837


Well said Anon! My thoughts exactly.

526ae9  No.4911838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Styx offers a good explanation of POTUS' strategy following the Rose Garden speech today. I feel a lot better about things after watching this. 7 minutes long. Trigger warning - he is an ex-Satanist. Well worth your time.

f61f92  No.4911839


Yeah, I think it's the Titanic…

ee38cc  No.4911840

File: fbabaa73a9031c0⋯.png (386.33 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

5e0d1f  No.4911841

Corsi on Trish Regan right now.

Hang yo self

Mossad o not

One way to know

Do you believe in the wall

ef0dcd  No.4911842


My give a shit meter is pegged at doesn’t.

c2b975  No.4911843

that's a bullshit statement and you know it




b83dd6  No.4911844

File: 8c5d39550a381f0⋯.png (340.75 KB, 844x567, 844:567, Zionists_are_not_patriots_….PNG)

File: 0a818436b58c965⋯.png (573.79 KB, 840x892, 210:223, Zionists_are_not_patriots_….PNG)

File: 22867258fa18047⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zionists_are_not_patriots.mp4)

File: 8b498fa960a9a18⋯.png (29.76 KB, 1572x760, 393:190, Zionist_memewar_IRL_1.png)

File: 95ec3081b7772bc⋯.jpg (113.51 KB, 1024x908, 256:227, Jewish_media_wants_America….jpg)


>anti-Semite Jews

Nice way to say anti-zionist, moran.

And zionists are always traitors, according to the father of modern political zionism, Theodor Herzl himself.

ad75e1  No.4911845

File: bd310eaef278331⋯.jpg (18.53 KB, 344x258, 4:3, 7c48dfd1d8e7de9883c83f2779….jpg)


>Raise your hand

Does this count? kek.

db2d96  No.4911846

File: a32afb7e93b6eae⋯.png (307.16 KB, 464x365, 464:365, 2018-12-18_06-10-01 copy.png)


Speaking of…

75c5ea  No.4911847



Why else the sudden change?

One day doing crime, next switching everything up.

"Thank you, Mr. Soros." -Q

8a0473  No.4911848

File: d0f370fc8db6231⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 964x200, 241:50, SmartSelect_20190125-14453….jpg)

441126  No.4911849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e5c3d  No.4911850

Every time you get nervous and scared the bad guys win a little, even if it looks like defeat is certain, which is hardly the case anyway, stand strong with a smirk and resolve.

2e8ebf  No.4911851

c786b3  No.4911852


bullshit shill garbage. recycled from farrakhan and david duke.

>Did Jews dominate the slave trade?

>Not according to scholars that have closely examined the question. Several studies of the Jewish role in the slave trade were conducted in the 1990s. One of them, by John Jay’s Faber, compared available data on Jewish slave ownership and trading activity in British territories in the 18th century to that of the wider population. Faber concludes that the claim of Jewish domination is false and that the Jewish role in slavery was “exceedingly limited.” According to Faber, British Jews were always in the minority of investors in slaving operations and were not known to have been among the primary owners of slave fleets. Faber found that, with few exceptions, Jews were minor figures in brokering the sale of slaves upon their arrival in the Americas, and given the urban-dwelling propensity of most American Jews, few accumulated large rural properties and plantations where slave labor was most concentrated. According to Faber, Jews were more likely than non-Jews to own slaves, but on average they owned fewer of them.


>Overall, though, the conclusions Korn drew from his data were very different: he made a strong and persuasive case that there were few Jews in the planting class in the South, that Jews had historically been forced into commercial enterprises, that in the Old South they were typically city dwellers, that a small number participated in the domestic slave trade, that they treated their slaves no better or worse than other slaveholders, and that the few Jews in the South without exception endorsed slavery. The thrust of Korn's article was that Jews were not much different from other white southerners in their views on race and slavery.


079e65  No.4911853

File: aea91cfbaf62f06⋯.gif (724.09 KB, 497x280, 71:40, tenor_5.gif)

2e8ebf  No.4911854


>>4911192 Dirty SD-NY Cop pleads guilty to bank fraud

>>4911369 Total amount of times confirmed deltas have occurred between Q and POTUS

>>4911449 Dam breaks in southeast Brazil, causing an unknown number of casualties. Preliminary estimate of more than 200 deaths

>>4911478 Nato asks NZ to join new training mission in Iraq

>>4911355 Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland sickens Sundance with 'sexually explicit and devastating' proof

>>4911340 Seven Indicted For Harboring Alleged Newman Officer, Ronil Singh, Killer’s Flight To Mexico

>>4911345 58,000 noncitizens may have illegally voted in Texas, officials say

>>4911625, >>4911682 More "keystone" being used in media now

>>4911684 DOJ says super secret 'In Re Grand Jury Subpoena' case redacted filings can be unsealed

>>4911429 Anon reminds us how fucked the deep state/cabal are

113bfa  No.4911855


Who writes like this?

b83dd6  No.4911856

File: d6061000f65356f⋯.jpg (209.61 KB, 1399x1049, 1399:1049, x_z_Jews_Slavery_Curacao_O….jpg)


Lol, that is just like those sites telling people that the official version of the holohoax is not a fraud.

Those are LIES, Jews STARTED and DOMINATED the slave trade to the US. THat is a FACT. and a very WELL DOCUMENTED one :)

9f6a99  No.4911857


Well there's a Pepe. Kek.

c7ef5f  No.4911858


You wanna be a dick look it up yourself faggot

eecd42  No.4911859

3dadd7  No.4911860

Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon


a6850d  No.4911861

File: e469eccf4236a02⋯.png (16.95 KB, 375x413, 375:413, Screenshot_458.png)


Trolling is fun!

5e0d1f  No.4911863


say it nigger

say it>>

ef0dcd  No.4911864


Doxxing is frowned upon here. And apparently femanons are frowned upon there.

75c5ea  No.4911865

"Border Security = National Security.

FY 2019 Defense Spending Bill


>>Budget Overview

Budget Reconciliation


What if the House fails prior to majority change?

What vested auth does the Constitution grant a sitting President re: matters of NAT SEC?

Thank you, Mr. Soros.


Will GS be the reason for NAT SEC / build the wall?

c7ef5f  No.4911866


That’s very Jewish

ad75e1  No.4911867


Guaranteed you didn't even watch the vid.

FYI - it's not all Soros. He's a puppet too, re-read drops.

444a9b  No.4911868

File: 729af8d8ce091f7⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 802x316, 401:158, BeenHereSince.JPG)

55d4e4  No.4911869



2018 article said it was sold.

fc77b8  No.4911871

File: 4ccb77cd5c502ee⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1046x663, 1046:663, ComeyGOPride.png)



530ea1  No.4911872

File: 3fc05bee727f8e2⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 781x500, 781:500, 2qy1il.jpg)

c2b975  No.4911873

you got a poacher list BROTHER?? Id like to see it




37ed17  No.4911874

>>4910461 (lb)

This is important to remember and explains JA behavior.

7efbdc  No.4911876

File: c607740224dd15f⋯.jpg (171.87 KB, 1200x727, 1200:727, c607740224dd15f389861879f9….jpg)

File: 28d68b6960122e5⋯.jpg (16.38 KB, 177x255, 59:85, ddd368bb203a3377a5eb977bd2….jpg)

File: a3b7c3ae030415b⋯.png (616.94 KB, 960x540, 16:9, e710c9edf3a140693ef84413d0….png)

File: 6079d27fc215d51⋯.png (531.8 KB, 692x527, 692:527, Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at ….png)


I believe this to possibly be true. Some form of this storyline anyway. KEK!!

eade93  No.4911879

File: 627a1660394802a⋯.png (282.3 KB, 618x840, 103:140, MMar.png)


Due to their power and control over other families, Rothschilds have secured breeding rights with most royal families.

9f6a99  No.4911881



6520b6  No.4911882

File: 696d47c5c0a5238⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 300x321, 100:107, 696d47c5c0a52382cd277dd959….jpg)

928893  No.4911883


too bad your top slate are commies but dont feel bad its not just ibew its all unions i will say this most bookholders r standup

c786b3  No.4911884

File: d8865989ac7e36a⋯.png (509.74 KB, 1070x752, 535:376, 2nd_bot.PNG)

File: 2d245422a6383fb⋯.png (52.73 KB, 1325x466, 1325:466, attack_1.PNG)

File: d2666bf7d594cc9⋯.png (125.32 KB, 1190x524, 595:262, manual_script_insertion.PNG)

File: 050182d312450bb⋯.png (522.4 KB, 1184x760, 148:95, sh_reply_23_12_2018.PNG)

File: 498feeaf0e1ab3a⋯.png (34.21 KB, 1164x483, 388:161, trolling_2.PNG)


you meant leftist soros puppets, bot operator.



reminder above is a propaganda spambot

below is a detailed bot behavior analysis:

Manual script inserted by a human operator:

on an older bread I played a little trolling game with the spambot. I exposed 3 of his lies on purpose, to see if in fact there is a human operator that can edit the next automatically generated reply, before it gets posted, in real time, via a script. "Trolling is fun".

Here is the experiment:

- trolled it once:

>>4351198 pb

and received a manually inserted script.

>>4351259 pb

- trolled it a second time:

>>4351407 pb

and received a manually inserted script to an automatic template.

>>4351463 pb

attached are the snips of the second trolling and reply that included the manual insertion.

my conclusion: there is a human operator that does exactly that, he can manually interupt the automatic generation of posts and either pick a different one or insert a specific line.

079e65  No.4911885

File: 1adeefb0938530f⋯.jpeg (142.23 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1533995354.jpeg)

b43463  No.4911886

File: 86787987efe671c⋯.png (918.82 KB, 1488x756, 124:63, 82392354108180396354.png)

282518  No.4911887



4053f2  No.4911889


I was about to say "not many to share it with" as the official family tree has relatively few descendants, but you have to remember how many illegitimates these pagans can have via their blackmasses and such. There could actually be hundreds or thousands of them, and Q actually only put their net worth at 3 Trillion.

07f42b  No.4911893


2 sales one this year, and one last year

6be8c6  No.4911894

File: 5fe97085474cb7c⋯.png (104.06 KB, 644x308, 23:11, hitler-big-lie.png)

File: 2118a6fa80086fa⋯.png (101.55 KB, 310x401, 310:401, boys-from-brazil.png)

File: f573d6dae1d4967⋯.png (215.89 KB, 524x390, 262:195, homeless-church-2.png)

File: b4a0415ca27ad2c⋯.png (260.29 KB, 487x353, 487:353, swamp night-3.png)

30cb39  No.4911895

File: 8b75deb1e10c791⋯.png (952.21 KB, 800x780, 40:39, pepemeghantopless.png)

File: ac713ac65dc0fd2⋯.png (845.73 KB, 900x911, 900:911, pepemeghan.png)


i'd hit it.

c2b975  No.4911896

that's why I posted the 3-family crests..proves that point




10f3d3  No.4911897


The IQ in this post is somewhere at the highest level.

c7ef5f  No.4911898


Very, very jewish…

6b4bb7  No.4911899

File: 0ad912d49a66b5c⋯.jpg (12.85 KB, 216x255, 72:85, b6afcfa9994e6973486af24e0c….jpg)

ef0dcd  No.4911902


>Guaranteed you didn't even watch the vid.

Of course I didn’t clickbait faggot.

e49d57  No.4911904

Don Lemon showing clips from The Godfather right now talking about Stone

f7a06d  No.4911905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ef0dcd  No.4911906


Kek, well done.

444a9b  No.4911907


Thanks but I only watch the leather jacket ones.

b83dd6  No.4911908

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


Lol, I see I still live in your yid head rent free, traitor :)

Bread #6247

Megajew ID: bfca11

Total posts: 52

No digs, only shilling for Israel and Judaism and inciting filtering.





















































You never post any digs, you’re here only to damage control for Israel.

>So, again:

Not an argument.

I posted facts, you post attacks on the messenger to try to discredit the message.

Name calling and false accusations does not make the facts I post any less factual, Israel first traitor :)

4916e8  No.4911910

File: 696b775b0d9afd1⋯.jpg (34.68 KB, 474x669, 158:223, Obrador 1.jpg)

282518  No.4911911

File: 52f8cb62f407f93⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 52f8cb62f407f93634a8d9d9ed….jpg)

2e8ebf  No.4911912






573d5f  No.4911913


IBEW Local 3 - Strong Arming Lying cheats



530d56  No.4911914


2 different properties anon

notable as fuck

9f6a99  No.4911915

The deeper we go, the more Deep State will try to co-opt Q.

Get ready for it.

392f01  No.4911916

File: efa062886631119⋯.jpg (131.11 KB, 1078x743, 1078:743, IMG_20190125_232057.jpg)

1/27/18 = 1/25/19

Nobody is sleeping tonight.

e8d308  No.4911917


My grandmother came to USA from Austro-Hungarian Empire. Those damn Rothschilds are the reason they left.

c786b3  No.4911918


kek silly bot operator…

your source talks about alleged jewish involvement in roman slave trade not african.

shill hq sure sends retards tonight.

9f6a99  No.4911919

dc19de  No.4911920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SHEEP? PP is a euphemism for Animal Husbandry.

PP started 10-16-1916

6a2c96  No.4911922


Trump is still humbly playing the buffoon.

Fake news is mocking him for caving.

fake news is mocking him for caving on the wall…for Mexico not paying for it…for his base turning against him….for NP outsmarting him.

He if facing a slew of arrows of ridicule flying at him by the arrogant stupid commentators on cable.

he is taking all of their shots just to set a trap for them.

0cf23b  No.4911923


if æı glow You are blind… period.

no one can argue mæı perspective as wrong.

just more ad hominem.

ef0dcd  No.4911924


Something new, oh, wait…..

871626  No.4911925


>Cord Prinzhorn

What do we know about him?

5038f0  No.4911927

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef278….jpg)

079e65  No.4911929

File: ce24612c9e202e1⋯.jpg (141.47 KB, 600x750, 4:5, sexy-come-kate-moss-french….jpg)

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