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File: 929419eccc29b37⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

31b37f  No.4807407

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Saturday 1.5.19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

31b37f  No.4807411


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4806703 Mexico opens border for new migrant caravan

>>4806721 Start of dig on Broward Human Trafficking Coalition

>>4806743 UK May refuses to continue Brexit talks w/opposition party leaders

>>4806756 Doug Costle, EPA founder and former top admin, dies

>>4806796 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulator discussing plan to end conservatorship

>>4806807 Top Hussein WH lawyer made false statements to DOJ re: Manafort-related work

>>4806855 More on the Pelosi wine caves

>>4806860 NJ man indicted on cp charges

>>4806972 POTUS announcing pro-life declaration at March For Life

>>4807117 FBI probing possible Chinese real estate developer bribes to Los Angeles officials

>>4807213 More data re: Pelosi/scumbags flying on US military’s dime

>>4807278 On March For Life attendees and MSM failing to report correct numbers



>>4805937 One year delta on “where is AS”

>>4805943 ; >>4806239 Happy Popcorn Day!

>>4805946 ; >>4806493 Planefag Updates

>>4805977 ; >>4805999 On vineyards, caves, Pelosi, and DJT tweets

>>4805992 ; >>4806092 WH shutting down Congressional travels w/o direct approval

>>4806111 (w/vid: >>4806123 ) New DJT

>>4806170 ; >>4806478 ; >>4806508 NK talks moving forward

>>4806178 Review of Q crumbs from last year

>>4806361 Report on industrial companies boosting recent Wall Street gains

>>4806589 #6134


>>4805187, >>4805337 Shock Poll: Trump Gains 19 Points with Latino Voters During Border Wall Shutdown

>>4805262, >>4805304 NP cancels Afganistan Commercial flight "after" POTUS declas. Fake News spinning hard.

>>4805367, >>4805388, >>4805395 New POTUS twats, Never seen the Republican party so unified. No "CAVE". America First! MAGA.

>>4805405 Chris Matthews: Trump’s Letter to Pelosi Made Democrats ‘Look Like Fools’

>>4805845 #6133


Baker Change

>>4804355 Vidya of Pelosi flyin on her broomstick. For keks.

>>4804360, >>4804487, >>4804548 Buzzfeed at it again, Cohen and "real" estate edition. Who leaked this time? NO EVIDENCE.

>>4804404, >>4804445, >>4804700 POTUS Tweet and info, people working on farms (grapes) will have easy access in! Ref to NP's vineyard?

>>4804428 OMB (Mick Mulvaney) issues guidence on Reduction in Force layoffs. PAIN coming?

>>4804393 Perspective: The Wall = $57 dollars out of annual budget of $44,000.

>>4804479 Anon puts together healthy dose of research on January habbenings.

>>4804712 Industrial output increases as Auto Plant Production Surges

>>4804765 Nancy has her own Pay to Play.

>>4805070 #6132

Previously Collected Notables

>>4803545 #6130, >>4804340 #6131

>>4801250 #6127, >>4802017 #6128, >>4802778 #6129

>>4798935 #6124, >>4799743 #6125, >>4800468 #6126

>>4796767 #6121, >>4797348 #6122, >>4798131 #6123

>>4794296 #6118, >>4795030 #6119, >>4795835 #6120

>>4791939 #6115, >>4792986 #6116, >>4793521 #6117

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

31b37f  No.4807413

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

31b37f  No.4807416

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

31b37f  No.4807421

File: 0314a9556f5c42b⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x177, 85:59, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

4d7d78  No.4807450



1dbaa3  No.4807454

File: 8dca2970c02d18f⋯.jpg (358.84 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 0j40gj509hgj5kjh69khu6jh5u….jpg)

File: 11a7774f0bb42c4⋯.jpg (234.61 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 65h5j76k8ikl7lui,.iuo,..jpg)

File: 43da6372032f6ed⋯.jpg (323.43 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 65hrtehyjutyikyky89.jpg)

File: e971b3149bfe94f⋯.jpg (371.71 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 66h78k999999999999j5.jpg)

File: 6b735f70e10e5a5⋯.jpg (482.84 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 635gh76hj76ij67kj6.jpg)

d87050  No.4807463



here is some sauce:


c29a9a  No.4807468


Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex?

Excellent Source of Info Here Anons, Mandatory Reading for Background on Everything Q Talks About



The following exclusive report is quite lengthy and exhaustive. There is no other series of disclosures about the Military-Industrial Complex on the Internet as revealing and radioactive.

By Anonymous Patriots

We are not only incensed that our elected officials are turning a blind eye to the transnational enemy within our country and around the world, we are disgusted with these warlords, both military and corporate, that send our sons and daughters to wars-for-profit to have their blood spilled for their own families’ profits. As citizens of the world, we are filled with anger when we see men, women, and children slaughtered and displaced so that the few at the top can earn profits from blood and guns. We are sick and tired of wars ad nauseam, from our fathers who were killed in Viet Nam, our neighbors on 9-11, displaced war refugees around the world, not to mention the millions of starving children around the world who could use the money we spend on DARPA and their war tools for clean water, food, and education.

This anger has arisen in us to the point that we had to find out WHO IS IN CHARGE. Unlike many of our politicians, we know that naming our enemy is the first step towards identifying and disarming them.

In this article, the Anonymous Patriots are back again. Armed with the internet and a keen ability to interpret the geopolitical landscape, we have traced these GLOBAL WAR CRIMINALS back to the economic machinations that make them richer and more powerful with every military invention that they hoist on us. We are tired of becoming poorer, sicker, and more enslaved by these ruling sub-humans and ask you to arm yourselves with the knowledge we have gleaned from our research.

Then, be a patriot. Send this article to as many people as you can, as quickly as you can, so that the truth will be preserved when TPTB think about taking down this website.

1d4b28  No.4807472

Something BIG is about to DROP.


c4d1e5  No.4807473

File: 74b919920334f50⋯.png (317.91 KB, 627x392, 627:392, ffff.PNG)

36a2ea  No.4807475

File: 7948a2b1f868992⋯.png (67.99 KB, 718x920, 359:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba5e4e062247e2b⋯.png (69.77 KB, 718x843, 718:843, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 366a7580a65a85f⋯.png (36.79 KB, 721x641, 721:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e0210ed7424cb7⋯.png (49.1 KB, 717x785, 717:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a146cccbb543ba⋯.png (28.04 KB, 718x894, 359:447, ClipboardImage.png)




Then use the links below to download our work!


SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf


Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs/baker girls needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women, porn is posted by shills.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

4c56ea  No.4807478

File: e614b0c0ef3b1d7⋯.png (35.84 KB, 1026x395, 1026:395, buzzfeed true kek.PNG)

my oh my did this make me KEK

"if the BUZZFEED story is true he must resign!"

buzzfeed and true dont belong in the same sentence, fucking idiots run the dem party

c735e0  No.4807480


if there's no other bakers I can take it for a few

want to wait until around 100 posts?

9424a9  No.4807481

File: 13ca329ea2f4fc1⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 367x550, 367:550, don-t-waste-bread-wwi-post….jpg)

b34882  No.4807482

A thought on recent Republican actions: I've notice that several Republicans in the House and Senate are proposing bills in this new session that have no hope of getting past the Democrats. The three that immediately come to mind are:

1. Abolish the IRS and go to a sales tax

2. Defund abortion providers

3. Restoring US sovereignty by getting out of the UN.

Methinks that those Republicans proposing these bills now either know of the plan to get rid of the corrupt Dems, or might have a whiff of it. So why propose them now?

Optics, for one. When the plan happens and the Dems get swept out of the House and Senate, these bills will already be introduced under a Democratic led House, so it would be harder for the MSM to claim the Republicans are taking advantage of the situation.

Second, it goes along with Sun Tzu's strike hard and fast motif. While the Dems are in chaos, and the Republicans have control, quickly pass these through before anyone figures out what is happening.

Hats off to POTUS and the gang. It's been a long road to get here, but if what I'm thinking is true, what a glorious ending it will be.

31b37f  No.4807483


Sounds good.

Please check in then.

Notifying BO/BV's.

c29a9a  No.4807484


US Patents for Mind Control Devices Pt 1/2

USP # 3,951,134 (April 20, 1976), Apparatus & Method for Remotely Monitoring & Altering Brain Waves

Abstract: Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform … is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

USP # 5,159,703 (Oct. 27, 1992), Silent Subliminal Presentation System

Abstract: A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain.

USP # 5,017,143 (May 21, 1991), Method and Apparatus for Producing Subliminal Images

Abstract: A method and apparatus to produce more effective visual subliminal communications. Graphic and/or text images, presented for durations of less than a video frame, at organized rhythmic intervals, the rhythmic intervals intended to affect user receptivity, moods or behavior.

USP # 6,052,336 (April 18, 2000), Apparatus and Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound as a Carrier

Abstract: An ultrasonic sound source broadcasts an ultrasonic signal which is amplitude and/or frequency modulated with an information input signal originating from an information input source. The modulated signal, which may be amplified, is then broadcast via a projector unit, whereupon an individual or group of individuals located in the broadcast region detect the audible sound.

USP # 5,539,705 (July 23, 1996), Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communications System

Abstract: A wireless communication system, undetectable by radio-frequency methods, for converting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ultrasonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by way of acoustic pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids and solids, and reconverting the ultrasonic acoustic pressure waves back to the original audio signal. This invention was made with government support under Contract DE-ACO5-840R2l400, awarded by the US Department of Energy to Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.

USP # 7,629,918 (Dec. 8, 2009), Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system

Abstract: An RFDE system includes an RFDE transmitter and at least one RFDE antenna. The RFDE transmitter and antenna direct high power electromagnetic energy towards a target sufficient to cause high energy damage or disruption of the target. The RFDE system further includes a targeting system for locating the target. The targeting system includes a radar transmitter and at least one radar antenna for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic energy to locate the target.

4529a7  No.4807485

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, jewsrunall.jpg)


>#NOTALLJEWS own the media.

bffd6b  No.4807486

File: 4edc37dd74e4a24⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 995x621, 995:621, RBG.JPG)

RBG to be absent from arguments next week as per Bret Baier


8690dc  No.4807487

File: 6dda997b51d2966⋯.png (51.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, buzzf33d.png)

>>4807461 (lb)

>They are going with the Trump told Cohen to lie playbook now.

>They will invite Cohen, Buzzfeed writers


Tubal cain, my fellow fake news cocksuckers.

4501e5  No.4807488

File: 651e8b9ba272358⋯.jpg (101.52 KB, 563x563, 1:1, High-Quality-Secret-lady-B….jpg)

Thank You Baker

d30965  No.4807489


Could Christians be fooled by the antichrist?

In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul teaches that before the Day of the Lord the antichrist will be revealed. This coming world ruler will attract followers from all over the world with his magnetic personality.

He will be a financial and political genius.

In Daniel 7 he is referred to as the “man of sin, the “little horn.” Daniel wrote, “This horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts.”

He will be boastful and egotistical, a megalomaniac in his quest for world power. He will come preaching peace. But Daniel says, “through peace he will destroy many.” (Daniel 8:25)

His authority will be overpowering, his hatreds intense, his political techniques first rate. The news media will not be able to resist covering his every move and pronouncement – however outrageous.

8690dc  No.4807490


Weiner laptop.

75c2e2  No.4807491



I like the way you think. ;)

8690dc  No.4807492


>Could Christians be fooled by the antichrist?

Donald Trump is not the antichrist.

bffd6b  No.4807493

File: 38d829b512629dc⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 497x103, 497:103, January 19th 1.JPG)


9eaa45  No.4807494

File: b11bf2f3446b931⋯.jpg (527.71 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, schitts.jpg)

c29a9a  No.4807495



US Patents for Mind Control Devices Pt 2/2

USP # 6,488,617 (Dec. 3, 2002), Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brain State

Abstract: A method and device for the production of a desired brain state in an individual contain means for monitoring and analyzing the brain state while a set of one or more magnets produce fields that alter this state. A computational system alters various parameters of the magnetic fields in order to close the gap between the actual and desired brain state. This feedback process operates continuously until the gap is minimized and/or removed.

USP # 6,239,705 (May 29, 2001), Intra-Oral Electronic Tracking Device

Abstract: An improved stealthy, non-surgical, biocompatible electronic tracking device is provided in which a housing is placed intraorally. The housing contains microcircuitry. The microcircuitry comprises a receiver, a passive mode to active mode activator, a signal decoder for determining positional fix, a transmitter, an antenna, and a power supply. Upon receiving a coded activating signal, the positional fix signal decoder is energized, determining a positional fix. The transmitter subsequently transmits through the antenna a homing signal to be received by a remote locator.

USP # 6,091,994 (July 18, 2000), Pulsative Manipulation of Nervous Systems

Abstract: Method and apparatus for manipulating the nervous system by imparting subliminal pulsative cooling to the subject’s skin at a frequency that is suitable for the excitation of a sensory resonance. At present, two major sensory resonances are known, with frequencies near 1/2 Hz and 2.4 Hz. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance causes relaxation, sleepiness, ptosis of the eyelids, a tonic smile, a “knot” in the stomach, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used. The 2.4 Hz resonance causes the slowing of certain cortical activities.

USP # 5,507,291 (April 16, 1996), Method and an Associated Apparatus for Remotely Determining Information as to Person’s Emotional State

Abstract: In a method for remotely determining information relating to a person’s emotional state, a waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual’s emotional state.

USP # 4,877,027 (Oct. 31, 1989), Hearing System

Abstract: Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of 10 to 20 uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.


9b6efc  No.4807496


Don't click^^^^.

It is a toilet cam.

cbcd8d  No.4807497

>>4807351 (LB)

Research the Golden Triangle and the Kings Romans Casino in Laos

anything goes

4ea71e  No.4807498

File: 97a2661646f8e75⋯.jpg (309.02 KB, 1600x993, 1600:993, VenenoAss.jpg)


TY Baker for the tasty bread!

Have some ass for your troubles.

Keep working Anons, the light is on OUR side!

Fuck off shills.

053d0a  No.4807499


but but but but the media told me she's ready to start running marathons and benching 400 lbs any day now!

1d4b28  No.4807500

36a2ea  No.4807501

File: b83314306149441⋯.png (17.26 KB, 527x753, 527:753, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24ac407e259dbb4⋯.png (831.35 KB, 714x919, 714:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 292c68c2f8a42d5⋯.png (29.61 KB, 731x573, 731:573, ClipboardImage.png)

United States Bombings of Other Countries. America’s “Bombing List”

The important legacy of the late William Blum will live. This article was first posted on GR in June 2016.

It is a scandal in contemporary international law, don’t forget, that while “wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages” is a war crime of long standing, the bombing of cities from airplanes goes not only unpunished but virtually unaccused. Air bombardment is state terrorism, the terrorism of the rich. It has burned up and blasted apart more innocents in the past six decades than have all the antistate terrorists who ever lived.

Something has benumbed our consciousness against this reality. In the United States we would not consider for the presidency a man who had once thrown a bomb into a crowded restaurant, but we are happy to elect a man who once dropped bombs from airplanes that destroyed not only restaurants but the buildings that contained them and the neighborhoods that surrounded them. I went to Iraq after the Gulf war and saw for myself what the bombs did; “wanton destruction” is just the term for it. – C. Douglas Lummis, political scientist

The above was written in 1994, before the wanton destruction generated by the bombing of Yugoslavia, another in a long list of countries the United States has bombarded since the end of World War II, which is presented below.

There appears to be something about launching bombs or missiles from afar onto cities and people that appeals to American military and political leaders. In part it has to do with a conscious desire to not risk American lives in ground combat. And in part, perhaps not entirely conscious, it has to do with not wishing to look upon the gory remains of the victims, allowing American GIs and TV viewers at home to cling to their warm fuzzy feelings about themselves, their government, and their marvelous “family values”. Washington officials are careful to distinguish between the explosives the US drops from the sky and “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD), which only the officially-designated enemies (ODE) are depraved enough to use.

The US government speaks sternly of WMD, defining them as nuclear, chemical and biological in nature, and “indiscriminate” (meaning their use can’t be limited to military objectives), as opposed to the likes of American “precision” cruise missiles.

This is indeed a shaky semantic leg to stand on, given the well-known extremely extensive damage to non-military targets, including numerous residences, schools and hospitals, even from American “smart” bombs, in almost all of the bombings listed below.

Moreover, Washington does not apply the term “weapons of mass destruction” to other weapons the US has regularly used, such as depleted uranium and cluster bombs, which can be, and often are, highly indiscriminate.

WMD are sometimes further defined as those whose effects linger in the environment, causing subsequent harm to people. This would certainly apply to cluster bombs, and depleted uranium weapons, the latter remaining dangerously radioactive after exploding. It would apply less to “conventional” bombs, but even with those there are unexploded bombs lying around, and the danger of damaged buildings later collapsing. But more importantly, it seems highly self-serving and specious, not to mention exceptionally difficult, to try to paint a human face on a Tomahawk Cruise missile whose payload of a thousand pounds of TNT crashes into the center of a densely-populated city, often with depleted uranium in its warhead.


a0d5fe  No.4807502


2 day delta. 1/21/19

ca16e7  No.4807503

File: 5f2006ba602687d⋯.jpg (146.92 KB, 960x825, 64:55, IMG_1433tali.JPG)

ty baker

37185c  No.4807504

File: d60eadb7c1a0fb6⋯.jpg (7.61 MB, 5861x3922, 5861:3922, 334.jpg)

39072c  No.4807505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everything is Light- Interview with Tesla

75c2e2  No.4807506

Ahhh. I can't keep up. Do you all have 3 computers & 4 assistants. Jeez! You're amazing fast.

Great work though anons! 😘

c78d7a  No.4807508

Michael Cohen May Back Out Of Congressional Hearing Over Trump Comments

In an appearance on MSNBC, Lanny Davis said Cohen is reconsidering whether to testify before Congress because of comments from President Donald Trump about Cohen’s father-in-law.

“There is genuine fear and it causes Michael Cohen to consider whether he should go forward or not. And he’s not yet made a final decision,” Davis told MSNBC’s Ari Melber.

Trump took aim at Cohen’s father-in-law during an interview Saturday with Fox’s Jeanine Pirro.

“[Cohen] should give information maybe on his father-in-law, because that’s the one that people want to look at,” Trump said.

“Because where does that money — that’s the money in the family. And I guess he didn’t want to talk about his father-in-law — he’s trying to get his sentence reduced.”

“So it’s pretty sad,” Trump continued. “It’s weak and it’s very sad to watch a thing like that.”

Trump’s remarks garnered an immediate rebuke from Democrats who accused the Republican of witness intimidation and tampering.



75c2e2  No.4807509


I have SOOO much re-reading to do.

58c657  No.4807510


Anymore of her?

bffd6b  No.4807511

File: a3e2de06d78a54c⋯.jpg (15.48 KB, 627x96, 209:32, January 19th 5.JPG)


Look what day it is. Check it out!

93fc74  No.4807512


Scripture also says the elect would be fooled "if that were possible." So no, true Christians will not be fooled.

dd510e  No.4807513


The notion of anyone taking the word of a convicted felon for perjury as reliable, is laughable.

a0d5fe  No.4807514


Just go back a few weeks. Q said something about 2 days ahead of schedule, but wtf do I know?

82c7fa  No.4807515

FAST Check it out before it gets deleted???


Betting it is an Obama Era policy.


36a2ea  No.4807516

File: 3c64db0cde404b6⋯.png (454.19 KB, 616x442, 308:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 623d4e2050a1827⋯.png (71.08 KB, 765x917, 765:917, ClipboardImage.png)

Monsanto/Bayer Moving to Genome Edit Fruits and More

Not surprising, Monsanto, today hidden behind the Bayer logo, as the world leader in patented GMO seeds and the probable carcinogenic Roundup herbicide with glyphosate, is attempting to quietly patent genetically modified or GMO varieties of fruits using controversial gene-editing. The “beauty” of this for Monsanto/Bayer is that in the USA, according to a recent ruling by the US Department of Agriculture, gene-edited agriculture needs no special independent testing. The developments are not good for human health or safety, nor will it do anything to give the world better nutrition.

The agrichemical and GMO giant Monsanto, which today tries to keep a lower profile inside the German agrichemical and GMO giant Bayer, is moving into the highly controversial domain of gene-editing of new crop varieties. In 2018 as the company was being deluged with lawsuits over its use of the probable carcinogen, Roundup, Monsanto invested $125 million in a gene-editing startup called Pairwise. The link is anything but casual.

Former Monsanto Vice President for Global Biotechnology, Tom Adams, has taken the post of CEO of Pairwise. In short, this is a Monsanto gene-editing project. In a press release, Pairwise says it is using the controversial CRISPR gene-editing technology to create genetically edited produce. Among their goals apparently is a super-sweet variety of strawberry or apples, just what our sugar-saturated population doesn’t need.

CRISPR gene-editing, a stealth attempt by the global agribusiness industry to promote artificial mutations of crops and, as the world was shocked recently to hear, even humans, as in China, is being advanced, much like GMO crops falsely were, as solution to world hunger. Pairwise founder, Keith Joung, told media that their CRISPR gene-edited fruits, “will speed innovation that is badly needed to feed a growing population amid challenging conditions created by a changing climate.” How sweeter genetically-edited strawberries will solve world hunger he leaves to the imagination. Pairwise also says that gene-edited fruits would somehow also cut down on food waste. One has to be also skeptical there as well, even if it makes nice promotion copy. In addition to super-sweet strawberries, Monsanto plans to use its work with Pairwise to develop new varieties of gene-edited corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and canola crops. And because the USDA unfortunately has given the green light, the new genetically modified foods will undergo no independent testing for health and safety.


75c2e2  No.4807517


Haa! Someone called it. Nice.

bffd6b  No.4807518

File: 27bbbfdaacf0c67⋯.png (29.1 KB, 200x387, 200:387, January 19th 6.png)

ca16e7  No.4807519















088a51  No.4807520

File: 00bd64bee002894⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1648x1377, 1648:1377, CCA973EB-CF90-45B0-961A-9….jpeg)

Interesting dates within this particular keystone on the qclock.

ca16e7  No.4807521


sadly no

c4d1e5  No.4807522

Q2672, Nancy's Travel, The Arrest Made Yesterday…… RELATED???

FBI arrested this guy yesterday.


Everybody knows about Nancy and liddle adam schitts's travel plans yesterday.

Nancy is 3rd in line to presidency.


D House focus on POTUS = 'insurance' extension from MUELLER to House.

GJ testimony underway in several states.

Attempts to BLOCK/PROTECT themselves will FAIL.

Far beyond political corruption/sedition.

Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Lights on.


Is all this related?

8690dc  No.4807523


>Kings Romans Casino


dd510e  No.4807524

Bread is so much more enjoyable with all of the poison filtered out.

fa654a  No.4807525


if your are proposing its DJT you are wrong… the anti-Christ will be preceded by the false profit, the anti-Christ will not be a lover of men.. the anti-Christ will be worshiped world wide..

36a2ea  No.4807526

Malaysia To Goldman: Pay Us $7.5 Billion And We Will Drop 1MDB Charges

The Malaysian government has a message for Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon: Your disingenuous, blame-deflecting apology for Goldman's role in one of the biggest financial frauds ever perpetrated in Asia isn't going to cut it.

According to Bloomberg, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng told reporters on Friday that Malaysian prosecutors might consider dropping the criminal charges brought last month against the bank, several Asian subsidiaries and two of its employees (who have also been indicted in the US) if the bank agrees to pay back the total amount that the Malaysian government believes was looted during the fraud.

That amount? A staggering $7.5 billion.

"Goldman Sachs should understand the agony and the trauma suffered by the Malaysian people as a result of the 1MDB scandal," Lim said in the administrative capital of Putrajaya. "An apology is just not sufficient. Not enough. There must be the necessary reparations and compensations."

Earlier this week, Solomon apologized to the Malaysian people during an earnings call with analysts, where he blamed senior banker Tim Leissner (who is now believed to be cooperating with federal authorities to testify about the bank's "culture of corruption") for the scandal and claimed Malaysia was “defrauded by many individuals" who - as was implied - just happened to work at Goldman Sachs.

Lim characterized Solomon's apology as "insufficient", presumably because media reports have revealed that senior Goldman execs, including former CEO Lloyd Blankfein blithely ignored concerns raised by the bank's compliance department and did everything in their power to court Malaysia's business (Blankfein himself was involved in several meetings with then-Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is now awaiting trial on corruptoin charges, and fugitive financier Jho Low, who is believed to have masterminded the scheme).

Goldman earned $600 million in fees on the $6.5 billion in bonds it underwrote for 1MDB, which was launched by Razak as a sovereign wealth fund intended to fund public works projects.

"At least he accepted that they have to bear and shoulder some responsibility," Lim said, referring to Solomon. "That apology of course goes some way toward that, but that is insufficient."

While Leissner is cooperating with authorities in the US, his former subordinate, senior Asian banker Roger Ng, is being held in Malaysia.

Of course, Lim, as the country's finance minister, isn't authorized to cut deals with Goldman. That authority is reserved by Attorney General Tommy Thomas, the country's top prosecutor, who brought the criminal case against Goldman.


6c5bc6  No.4807527

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


I can bake DB.

dd510e  No.4807528


No. "If it were possible, to fool the very Elect." Hence, it is not possible. Nor will any Christian today be around when the antichrist declares he is god.

41a40a  No.4807529

8690dc  No.4807530


The sheep don't know that. Buzzfeed is masonic narrative machine, not news.

43b4fb  No.4807531


Reasonable analysis anon, and I've had many of the same thoughts. The sales tax proposal I completely reject though as an assault on private property rights. Don't forget that many of these same R's were part of the great western land grabs, brought you the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, and every other war you can think of. Trump still has DS NeoCons to contend with.

6e8b04  No.4807532

File: 759692896fb9066⋯.jpg (186.05 KB, 1578x960, 263:160, 49895777_10217898052272180….jpg)

92efcc  No.4807533

File: fb65e4723ad0c79⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 318x159, 2:1, 2rf7u3.jpg)

1f1b62  No.4807534

File: 4234a246408510e⋯.pdf (18.52 KB, The New Heavenly Order.pdf)

I wrote this word from the Lord last year

c735e0  No.4807535



confirm with RGB, I defer: >>4807527

can be on backup


thanks BV

bffd6b  No.4807536


Look what day the 19th is tho

3a6602  No.4807537

>>4807265 lb

>Even kids are taking an interest.


can testify to this from personal experience

very logical thinking, anon.

36a2ea  No.4807538

File: e629e34f1d1d9f8⋯.png (107.91 KB, 590x859, 590:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af8b29fb51b80b7⋯.png (88.44 KB, 604x766, 302:383, ClipboardImage.png)

Let’s Expose Congress Members for the Warhawks They Are

As the nation continued to reel from President Donald Trump’s shock decision last month to remove all U.S. troops from Syria, news came Wednesday that an unknown number of US soldiers were among at least 15 killed in a bombing in northern Syria. Amid such continued violence, one would think the president’s withdrawal would have ever more urgency. And yet, just about everyone in Washington has attacked his decision to pull out.

The reflexive hatred for Trump that dominates the national conversation is bad for the US, especially when it comes to foreign policy. This is not to say that the president isn’t a flawed figure; after all, I’ve spent the better part of two years critiquing most of his policies. Still, when the man demonstrates prudent judgment—as in his recent calls to pull US troops out of Syria and Afghanistan—he should be applauded. But that’s unlikely to happen in a divided America, as long as an interventionist, bipartisan consensus runs the show in Washington.

Some call it the deep state, others the swamp—but the terminology hardly matters at this point. This forever-war crowd of congressional members, media pundits, arms industry CEOs and semiretired generals holds the reins on foreign policy in ways that are counter to the war-exhaustion instincts of both Trump and the American public. And it has to stop.

That’ll be no easy task, of course, as the military-industrial-congressional complex has gathered ever more power in the generations since President Dwight D. Eisenhower—a Republican—coined the term. Still, there’s one way, in the near term, to expose Beltway bellicosity on foreign affairs: Force Congress to publicly debate and vote on each of America’s ongoing wars. Let’s start with Syria, since it’s there that President Trump has a rare opportunity to shift the onus of responsibility for the bloody conflagration onto US representatives. And that’s the last thing cowardly congressional members want.

Legislators in Washington—imitating the media pundits they increasingly resemble—prefer only to yell, scream and tweet about every foreign policy move this president makes. Some of Trump’s actions have undoubtedly been unacceptable, but whenever he goes with his “instincts” and recommends troop withdrawals and less war in the Middle East, he’s immediately castigated by politicians from both sides of the aisle. Ranging from New Jersey Democrats like Bob Menendez to stalwart Southern Republican hawks such as Lindsey Graham, they’re all essentially selling the same snake oil: perpetual war.


6e9442  No.4807539

File: 53df88523c3b2c9⋯.png (316.84 KB, 740x415, 148:83, GODcr8.png)


Nice try, glow clown.

bffd6b  No.4807540

31b37f  No.4807541

File: a0e83047ede7fbb⋯.jpeg (12.91 KB, 255x177, 85:59, BakerArt.jpeg)



Thank you for stepping up regardless.


Hey there, RGB.

Glad to see you.

Handoff Confirmed

Notifying BO/BV's.

Updates to Dough:


>>4807484 ; >>4807495 US patents for mind control devices

>Note: the above was previously discussed in May; your discretion, Baker

>>4807486 RBG to be absent from arguments next week (also "the world watches")

Kitchen's pretty cozy at the moment, so enjoy the afternoon.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great day.

4d30dc  No.4807542

File: 147d40cf5d55069⋯.jpg (150.55 KB, 627x810, 209:270, 2019-01-18 16:22:08Z.jpg)

Tunnels & "Caves" in Napa Valley, California?

Under Speaker Pelosi's vineyard possibly?

What open source data could reveal this?

-Building permits

-Changes in county tax assessment

In some counties, the tax assessor documents change in the assessment photographically

The person seeking a building permit generally has to submit plans and diagrams for approval

These can be found in the county tax records

Some counties let you search tax and property records for free

Some provide access to these building-permit-related documents online

Avenues for digging?

fa654a  No.4807543


sorry meant to type "will not be a lover of women"

d30965  No.4807544


Last post on this

Make up your own minds. I'm seeing major issues in the plan…

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months

3 yrs 6 months.

Sunday will be 3 yrs..

39072c  No.4807545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What happens to a falling star and a sun that goes out? Tesla explains God

cb91bb  No.4807546


I always assumed it was BHO.

33652a  No.4807547

All last bread…



Congrats on yours!

Daughter is NPL, but paying attention to politics, and getting angry about it, which she never did before.

Proves this anons point -> >>4807265

>You can’t SHOW someone the truth if they aren’t looking in that direction.

75c2e2  No.4807548


Exactly. Bible says Jesus will appear in the sky & call his church to him BEFORE the Anti-Christ & Beast are revealed & allowed to come into power.

f25a60  No.4807549

File: fa77bad5946ffa2⋯.jpg (134.53 KB, 1079x663, 83:51, Screenshot_20190118-135330….jpg)

When did YouTube get into the "news" business? I went there to find the video of POTUS pro-life message and when I search for his name, I get this fucking headline. Every time some "bombshell" fake news report comes out, twatter notifies me (don't get notifications for any other news, only anti-Trump), and now YouTube is dishing out news? It's a site for videos, sure some of them are news but it's not a news site! Fucking Google gestapo.

fdb9f4  No.4807550

File: ef3ce3b97c42b03⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1848x817, 1848:817, conditioning john oliver.jpg)

7d242c  No.4807551

File: e0585bb4c32d225⋯.jpg (357.2 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20190118_125553.jpg)

The only good thing about the Patriots being in the playoffs this year….we get to share #Patriots and wake more normies up. Don't forget #LetsRoll #Chiefs :)

808299  No.4807552

File: 0a047585d59f8b9⋯.jpeg (600.76 KB, 1242x1004, 621:502, 468771C2-CDE6-4BC7-AB2D-9….jpeg)

6e8b04  No.4807553


she looked terrified in her interview today

c735e0  No.4807554

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB, 239x300, 239:300, jesuspopcorn.gif)

>what Jesus would be doing watching biblefags


6d67e1  No.4807555

File: 756ffe6ef27c8fb⋯.mp4 (8.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, rbg6milliondollar.mp4)

Repost from heel of lb.

RBG video- fucking HILARIOUS!


fa2cdd  No.4807556


No, he's just a tool of the anti-Christ.

6aa533  No.4807557

File: 3dd7a71ab2e6f32⋯.png (175.35 KB, 268x320, 67:80, ClipboardImage.png)

41a40a  No.4807558

6c5bc6  No.4807559



Glad to see you too DB.

Sounds good to me. Thanks bakers and BV.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

fa8aa1  No.4807560


Everyone will see.

fcbdd2  No.4807561


Who does POTUS say the enemy of the people are??

Are all those stars in that graphic because they’re masons??

654f33  No.4807562

Sure is quiet today after yesterday's fireworks… and codels can't fly free anymore… some sort of Mexican Standoff underway in DC

cb91bb  No.4807563


JFC how can it get much worse?

507dda  No.4807564

File: b95f204763fe754⋯.png (315.44 KB, 482x362, 241:181, 2019-01-18_13-52-44.png)

>>4806746 LB

<Could Nancy Pelosi be the next president of the United States?

In any scenario…

Pelosi takes over the Presidency, nominates HRC as her vice president, then resigns. HRC fulfills her lifetime dream, becomes the President, then nominates Pelosi as her vice president.

The country is cucked.

Guillotines are put into use controlling the masses.

World War III begins within 2 years.

These people are sick.

6d92df  No.4807565


The sound of NSA surveillance collecting evidence.

c735e0  No.4807566

File: 0149208929dfab7⋯.png (119.43 KB, 360x398, 180:199, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm comfy

43b4fb  No.4807567

File: 689ee78c82d0b8c⋯.jpg (66.84 KB, 640x417, 640:417, 2re5ev.jpg)

3e9276  No.4807568

>>4807117 lb

FBI just wants in on that sweet sweet bribe money. I mean, who are you kidding?

71c720  No.4807569


about that last tweet from hussein cocksucker

fa2cdd  No.4807570


Is possible.

dd510e  No.4807571


The antichrist, false prophet, are alive today, and always have been. Not the same people, obviously, but think about it. The devil does not know the future. But he does know that at some point, his reign of terror on earth will have a 7 year shelf life, and he'll have to move quickly. So being the hyperintelligent being that he is, he always has an antichrist (politician/ruler) and a false prophet (pope) ready and waiting. Also, "have no regard for God, or for the desire of women" is not a homosexual marker, but a man who has no regard for God, or for the messiah, as the Hebrew women would all desire to bear the messiah. The desire of women would therefore not be sexual, but to be the one chosen by God to bear the messiah (Jesus) who turned out to be Mary.

4501e5  No.4807572

File: 5952f47a869f02e⋯.jpeg (114.34 KB, 1053x614, 1053:614, DW-JxxXW0AAl0ip.jpeg)

36a2ea  No.4807573

File: 74b4bc00d4b086a⋯.png (48.44 KB, 647x808, 647:808, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1a747b5ff7ba4⋯.png (38.06 KB, 757x693, 757:693, ClipboardImage.png)

DoD: Majority of mission-critical bases face climate change threats

More than two-thirds of the military’s operationally critical installations are threatened by climate change, according to a new DoD report.

The January 2019 report, “Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense,” was submitted to Congress Thursday without an official announcement of the report or a public release. Several environmental organizations made the report publicly available early Friday.

After several reporters questioned why the report was not made public by DoD, the Pentagon published it on Defense.gov mid-Friday.

The Pentagon did not assess all of its hundreds of installations, instead it selected “79 mission assurance priority installations based on their operational role,” the Pentagon said in its report.

In its assessment of those 79 installations, which included Army, Air Force and Navy installations — and notably no Marine Corps bases — the services reported that 53 of the 79 faced current threats from flooding; 43 of the 79 face current threats from drought and 36 of the 79 faced current threats from wildfires.

The Pentagon also looked at logistics sites and other support that it considered operation critical, including Washington Headquarters Services, which includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense and supporting offices. the Defense Logistics Agency, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

“The effects of a changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to Department of Defense missions, operational plans, and installations,” the report found.

Critics said the report not only fell short of Congress' direction but also questioned why not a single Marine Corps Base was included. The report also did not mention last year’s massive storm damage to military installations. Tyndall Air Force Base sustained serious damage to almost all of its buildings by Hurricane Michael and the Marines' Camp Lejeune was badly damaged by Hurricane Florence.


af47b0  No.4807574

File: 519737eb6897f83⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)

File: 63b9ff4fa780ac1⋯.png (742.59 KB, 717x756, 239:252, kekandjesusdo2.png)

>>4807477 (lb)

The individual we know as Jesus knows KEK personally, Mr. Digits :)

cbcd8d  No.4807575

File: feb8ca747ca78aa⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1800x1292, 450:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1160723b0368b9e⋯.png (61.59 KB, 289x199, 289:199, ClipboardImage.png)

from twattah

Garrison kek

a86325  No.4807576

File: 7cc54709dc7da29⋯.png (550.26 KB, 739x842, 739:842, Israeli Forces Obliterate ….png)


Israeli Forces Obliterate Hezbollah Terror Tunnels into Israel


8ea93e  No.4807577


If a good chunk of Dems in the House are removed, you bet your sweet ass these can get through!

39072c  No.4807578

File: e45e22ef4f9fe5b⋯.jpg (268.27 KB, 1052x724, 263:181, starstuff.jpg)

c78d7a  No.4807579


Praise the Lord, I claim this victory in the name of Jesus Christ for our govt and country.

3e9276  No.4807580


That would be go-time if that happened.

fa8aa1  No.4807581

File: b3cac6e461fd29d⋯.png (27.04 KB, 825x311, 825:311, ClipboardImage.png)


I do think it's hilarious that Q uses #FLY_FLY# For exiting congress people…

Then Pelosi and AS try to fly and he grounds them. Wouldn't it be perfect if that is the plan.

Runway lights turned on.

654f33  No.4807582


.. and congressional aides begging their foreign benefactors to send jets…..

dd510e  No.4807583


Evil people are not necessarily stupid; they know that if enough liars stick to their lies, and publish the lies loud enough and long enough, most people will believe the lies. Most people have very little appetite for the truth, relatively speaking.

4501e5  No.4807584

File: 4a95991b42b90b4⋯.gif (956.86 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mB_BM7.gif)

fa654a  No.4807585


except the VP has to be voted on by the majority of the house and the senate… while she surly would pass the house hilldawg would not pass the senate

0e45e1  No.4807586

File: 50c56f1d2701fad⋯.jpg (85.42 KB, 648x612, 18:17, 2018-09-23-18-58-00.jpg)

Today would be a nice day for Q to drop some crumbs. Just sayin…

8ea93e  No.4807587




Did that guy have a Davy Crockett?

8282c5  No.4807588

File: 52a4d2e8c8dca19⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, image.jpeg)

Found Q on my cereal box!

6d92df  No.4807589


>foreign benefactors to send jets…..

Maybe, but I doubt it. Imagine the optics of congressmen using foreign jets for what has now been cast as a PR mission. That alone would end their careers.

71c720  No.4807590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>when the goiym believe we are not the terrorists but the ones fighting terrorism

36a2ea  No.4807591

File: c77eaee5b593d7f⋯.png (335.89 KB, 807x315, 269:105, ClipboardImage.png)

The women’s issues that the Women’s March refuses to address, and the Jewish question


b52bbd  No.4807592

Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis


Supervisor Bucher demonstrated she was unable to comply with the laws of our state and her duties as the Supervisor of Elections and failed to accurately report information related to the number of ballots that had been cast.



494 Like

More options

GovRonDeSantis's avatar

Ron DeSantis


For these reasons, I am suspending Susan Bucher as Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, effective immediately. It is time to turn the page in Palm Beach County to ensure accountability and transparency from our elections officials.

f21974  No.4807593

File: 68c78d4d952deb0⋯.png (206.36 KB, 360x415, 72:83, cucks.png)


6e9442  No.4807594

File: 412b409759d2894⋯.png (64.99 KB, 1740x588, 145:49, 1.19.18Crumb2.png)


He did, honeybunch. He did.

2dc757  No.4807595

File: 80ff2700e054034⋯.jpg (21.86 KB, 306x369, 34:41, 438D7A0700000578-4823318-i….jpg)



you mean "him"?

7d242c  No.4807596


Definitely. Why else would she be sweaty and stuttering?

632f41  No.4807597


Today is Friday the 18,….pop corn day is tomorrow

dd510e  No.4807598


Dunno why I thought Ben hated us. That's a Q.

58f66d  No.4807599


DeSantis and Florida red pilling the country before the same thing happens in Washington with the RIF's

0e45e1  No.4807600


Checked, anon.

dd510e  No.4807601


What???? There are defenses against tunnels??? Has anyone told Pelosi yet???

fa654a  No.4807602


looks like someone is draining the FL swamp… now TX, VA and the rest..

9b9a1f  No.4807603

>>4807327 (l/b)

Is one of the side effects of ketamine sedation memory loss, I wonder.

adcf20  No.4807604

File: 87cc403bada8db4⋯.png (345.17 KB, 491x388, 491:388, BigPepe17.png)

Nancy is saying it wasn't a 7 day trip, just a quick weekend trip. Why so much luggage, Nancy? Kek

222a98  No.4807605

File: 3195e3081f048ef⋯.png (135.25 KB, 370x210, 37:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Top porn site: Shutdown triggers surge in viewing by federal workers with time on their hands

One of the country’s most-visited porn websites, Pornhub, said Thursday the partial government shutdown has prompted Web traffic to climax nationwide, as well as in D.C. Pornhub, which averages more than 100 billion video views annually, reported a swell in traffic during Jan. 7-11, the third week of the shutdown. Approximately 800,000 federal workers have not been earning paychecks since Dec. 22. "When compared to traffic levels prior to the shut-down, weekday visits across the United States were up 5.94% from January 7th to 11th,” the company said in a press release issued Thursday.

The bulge in traffic was most noticeable between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m. But the biggest spikes of 10 percent to 14.2 percent took place between midnight and 5 a.m., possibly because some government workers did not have to wake up early the following day. The only time traffic was below normal rates was from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., but only by 1 percentage point. Pornhub also reported an upswing in traffic in the afternoons and evenings, while late morning figures declined. Washingtonians watched up to 12 percent more porn between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

In D.C., viewer interest in certain types of porn also surged. The porn site asked, "Are these the favorite categories of government workers?" Pornhub saw a 71 percent spike in “outdoor" videos, a 66 percent jump in “threesome" productions, and a 60 percent increase in its "old/young” category. The company’s insights team said it chose last week to look at data because the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s Day might not have standard viewing patterns. In the past, some federal workers have not needed to be furloughed to watch large amounts of porn during daytime hours. In 2017, an NBC News4 I-Team investigation found that almost 100 federal government employees had admitted to or been caught viewing porn on the job in the previous five years. Those cases included workers who admitted spending up to six hours a day surfing for obscene material and downloading tens of thousands of adult images on their office computers.


b2ad01  No.4807606

File: 5e38d0db3491471⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 756x397, 756:397, pelosi.JPG)

a86325  No.4807607


>Susan Bucher

Gov. DeSantis suspends Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher

Sauce + Video: https://www.wptv.com/news/region-c-palm-beach-county/west-palm-beach/gov-desantis-to-deliver-major-policy-announcement-in-west-palm-beach-on-friday

775ebb  No.4807608


Je Suis Prest Anon. I will meet you there.

094a94  No.4807609

ce72ef  No.4807610

ATTN BAKER notable missed from last bread.

Original Copy-pasta is below.

>>4807265 (lb)

For those of you frustrated with how slow the plan rolls, here is what I think is happening and why.

I believe we are in the INCITE OUTRAGE phase of the plan. The purpose would be to frustrate the hell out of EVERYONE.

On BOTH sides.

In recent weeks, the pattern I’ve noticed is that people are awakening to politics. Not awakening to Trump, or Q, or the Deep State….


Those that were politically asleep watching the Kardashians, As seen on TV ads, or NFL junkies now have an opinion.

Apolitical family members are now aware of politics or speaking up.

Even kids are taking an interest.

This is all part of THE PLAN.

You can’t SHOW someone the truth if they aren’t looking in that direction.

The brilliance of this is that INCITING OUTRAGE is EASY when the opinion of those you are trying to wake up doesn’t matter.

Remember, there are THREE categories of people:

1) Those that follow the MSM narrative, the brainwashed, the BAD ORANGE MAN people, etc.

2) Those that follow the carefully crafted STRATEGIC counternarrative developed by the Q team/MILINT. This would be the Sean Hannity/ Bongino/ Limbaugh… “we need a second special counsel” people etc.

3) Last, the handful of people that realize that both narratives above are FAKE and/or DISINFORMATION. As long as 99.9% of the population fall into category 1 or 2, the plan can be executed SUCCESSFULLY in secrecy.

This is classic military planning. Wars are won through DECEPTION. So when anons get frustrated that nothing is happening, or the pace is too slow, or (insert concernfag complain here) remember that INCITING OUTRAGE to get Americans emotionally vested in politics is a tactic to get everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to have their eyes focused in the same direction.

When all eyes are locked in with a genuine interest on what is happening next…

When Americans wake from their Deep State induced slumber…

When the eyes of the WORLD are FACING the STAGE THAT HAS BEEN SET….

The stage LIGHTS can be turned on and truth revealed.

When Q said “now comes the PAIN”, it was not for them, not yet anyway.

The PAIN was for us.

Those who know.

Those who have to suffer with knowing the truth while the SHIT SHOW of politics lured the sleeping to AWAKEN.

The news is forcing people to PAY ATTENTION.

800,000 people just got on board as rumors of a RIF flew about.

Do you see it now?


Our job is just to help them FACE THE STAGE.

The AWAKENING is happening NOW.

Enjoy the show.

231919  No.4807611

File: d43f75be8f016bf⋯.png (200.47 KB, 898x577, 898:577, sandydandy.png)


latest crrow, some Posener guy (sandy hoax actor) have sued jim fetzer, they speak about it here

df188a  No.4807612


..after their spouses are asleep?

3e14ea  No.4807613

File: b7f47d37c9886d6⋯.jpg (756.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2944.JPG)

8282c5  No.4807614

984310  No.4807615

File: 6550da1366f1425⋯.jpg (198.56 KB, 1111x980, 1111:980, Q-proof-graphic-dark-to-li….jpg)

>>4803627 (pb Notable) Here's A Potential Proof That The 11:11PM POTUS Tweet, DARKNESS TO LIGHT Marker.

There are some problematic conclusions and bad maths.

How did it make it into notables? MeNoNo

Math which needed to be explained.

2 days Ahead of schedule, you are 2 days sooner not later.

1/05, 1/06, 1/07, 1/08, 1/09


1/07/19 - 2 days = 1/05/19

Anons need to spend time reviewing other peoples work. Be critical and explain what issues you perceive in diggs and proofs. It is important to identify it sooner rather than later, preferably while in the current bread so bakers can make better decisions, and so those who created the infographs can develop corrections.

Additionally, being critical will help us all improve and help keep us on our toes when the quality of our work begins to suffer.

Instead of only highlighting the issue and leaving it at that, I decide to offer a solution.

I've produced an improved graphic which ties many items up nicely.

Q Proof: Dark to Light: The End of the Democrat Party

Reference: PF 100

Q !UW.yye1fxo Fri 16 Feb 2018 20:35:54 No.100








52f09a  No.4807616


This will get you fired in a private sector job.

19aa5a  No.4807617


I noticed in the Incredibles 2 movie looks like a Q on their cereal box.

9bef43  No.4807618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

36a2ea  No.4807619

File: 69e1d93cc01b3ee⋯.png (322.95 KB, 626x872, 313:436, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 126bd8be958f33f⋯.png (54.18 KB, 636x834, 106:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94c299a6dd01fc⋯.png (42.83 KB, 626x767, 626:767, ClipboardImage.png)

US to buy two Iron Dome batteries as first part of $1.7b missile defense project

Systems to be deployed next year; $373m. purchase could lead to far bigger deal if Israeli system proves able to defeat more complex threats than it was originally designed for

NEW YORK — The US Army plans to buy two Israeli-developed Iron Dome batteries and deploy them next year as a first step in a new $1.7 billion project to both provide American troops an interim defense against cruise missiles and also explore long-term adoption of Iron Dome components for use in a major US air and missile defense system.

This decision, which has not been announced by the Pentagon or Israeli Defense Ministry, comes after the US military last year conducted an internal review of its short-range air defense needs to assess whether Iron Dome or a Norwegian or US-developed system was best suited to address a gap in defenses against potential Russian and Chinese cruise missile threats.

On October 31, US Army acquisition chief Bruce Jette notified Congress of the results of this internal review which centered on a program called the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2-Intercept program. IFPC, as the program is called, is still in development and aims to do many of the things Iron Dome has demonstrated in more than 1,700 interceptions, including shooting down unmanned air vehicle, mortars, rockets and artillery.


Can't stop a balloon from Palestine, Fuck this shit off

e13a3c  No.4807620


how is a $254 million stock sale of Century link by Temasek Holdings..that habbened today and posted in lb not a notable?

would like to have an answer to that.

one quarter of a billion $ and it just whistles past ya.

75c2e2  No.4807621


Shush it. I'm just naturally a chatty person, and I get even chattier when I'm excited…and I'm SUPER SUPER excited. So shush it.

And I'm for real struggling to keep up.

You know you're excited too, but just trying to play like you're cool. 😁

a0d5fe  No.4807622


If you think "goyim" is bad, you should hear the other words we have for you!

6c0099  No.4807623


Sure he is.

He's anti-THEIR-Christ.

The Bible is prophetic only in the sense that ALL of this has happened before.

Not because some magic man-in-the-sky says so, but because it's a result of evolutionary biology.

The Bible is a result of a game of "Telephone" warning of the inevitable fall and rebirth of civilation(s).

BSG: "All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again."

The players change, but the song remains the same.


"I know why you’re here. The world is getting weird. People betray their own and call it intellectual. Morality is now a mark of stupidity, and backward thinking. Strength of character is evil, while weakness and patheity are noble traits to aspire towards. Women are beginning to look like men, and men are becoming more like women. And people who wouldn’t last two seconds in a state of nature are telling us all that we need to destroy our society in a myriad of creative ways, yet nobody seems to notice. I see it too."

"Something has gone bizarrely wrong, and you want to find out what it is. This site is dedicated to a simple theory in Evolutionary Biology which explains why all of this is happening in our society. Called r/K Selection Theory, this concept explains why we have two political ideologies, why productive societies will inevitably decay into immoral cesspools of failure and then collapse, and why we will inevitably rise again."

fa654a  No.4807624


kek… porn site claims its web traffic climax nationwide as a result of the shutdown… excellent tongue and cheek reporter..

632f41  No.4807625

Something I noticed with this trip thing how come schumer hasn’t said anything about it

bffd6b  No.4807626

File: 708f7075e5c5ae7⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 992x442, 496:221, January 19th 7.jpg)


3c24e7  No.4807627

File: 4c91a7bca674220⋯.png (395.38 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E53C1CB0-880A-49CA-B2DA-B5….png)


Nostradamus also wrote the same thing, that there would be a black president first.


ca16e7  No.4807628


go watch it again, im sure Q-Team directed the whole movie,

its really about god and archangel michael

you have to watch it,


094a94  No.4807629

Remember when the illegal aliens were on her property last week and she called cops…. makes for an interesting set of events


6d92df  No.4807630


High IQ post.

4501e5  No.4807631

File: fa52efdeb005651⋯.gif (520.1 KB, 244x146, 122:73, tenor (1jj.gif)

71c720  No.4807633

File: 2bbbd55c923c943⋯.png (522.12 KB, 825x590, 165:118, 2bbbd55c923c9430a8dbe67632….png)


found a baby cocksucker

ca16e7  No.4807634













733426  No.4807635


probably because nobody has heard of century link or temasek…elaborate anon. big deals happen everyday. why is it relevent?

dd510e  No.4807636


satanic nonsense

fcbdd2  No.4807637

File: 765cb9b9c5100be⋯.gif (93.82 KB, 687x517, 687:517, A4AAF264-CAFD-404D-98A3-F4….gif)

e60cc4  No.4807638

File: 4d1971a0d784e5b⋯.jpg (20.7 KB, 400x400, 1:1, GF8q1URJ_400x400.jpg)


Anti-Christ has "One Eye"

That means, right know, it's Dan Crenshaw

507697  No.4807639


>wasting money on that faggot shit

Iron Dome is worthless. US should have S-400s.

75c2e2  No.4807640


You're wrong. There is only one God. The Trinity. God the Father. God the Son. And God the Holy Spirit.

Satan has created all these other imitation religions to confuse people….like you.

I'm not trying to get all religiousy on you… put seek God & you will find him.

0f40e4  No.4807641

File: b77b67385cc2462⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 582x214, 291:107, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-1….jpg)

a0d5fe  No.4807642


No, those are like WBC, and I wasn't hiding. I'm Jewish and here!

629290  No.4807643


More likely they are setting up for campaign issues for 2020.

They won’t pass the House, so Rs can campaign “give us the House and we will get you X, Y, Z”

37ce6b  No.4807644


1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

6d92df  No.4807645


>Something I noticed with this trip thing how come schumer hasn’t said anything about it

Perhaps because it is a political lightning rod. Schumer can't win on either side of it.

eb56b5  No.4807646

File: 49516974f834e53⋯.jpg (267.43 KB, 1687x714, 241:102, red_covered.jpg)

File: b0c8f94a70a58a9⋯.jpg (264.52 KB, 1647x712, 1647:712, red_uncovered.jpg)


Cabal call to arms

Left eye covered, words hidden under red banner roll over (Mobilize. Show up.)

8b24bb  No.4807647

File: f2f0c53b7e6e879⋯.gif (495.52 KB, 500x291, 500:291, i_hope_it_lasts.gif)

216687  No.4807648

File: da593e1fc0cc065⋯.gif (2.17 MB, 306x306, 1:1, 90mimb_phinq5oCVu1uzm9xm_5….gif)

094a94  No.4807649

Can’t prove it because they have nothing.


36a2ea  No.4807650

File: 81a7a32cace597d⋯.png (468.27 KB, 544x396, 136:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2f12093412cdab⋯.png (444.27 KB, 625x510, 125:102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae11eadb64ceaf9⋯.png (269.56 KB, 784x730, 392:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46ba7910c604f74⋯.png (45.66 KB, 788x716, 197:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5007556f9cf40c⋯.png (393.03 KB, 781x748, 71:68, ClipboardImage.png)

'Buy Guns, Drink Beer, Eat Ribs' - We Need to Retoxify Masculinity

“Let’s be clear: My pronouns are “he,” “his,” and “stop being creepy weirdos.” Okay, maybe the last one isn’t a pronoun, but then again, I’m a man and if I want an insulting string of words directed at the nattering nabobs of gender neutrality to be a pronoun, it is a pronoun. And if you don’t like it, fight me.

We need more masculinity, and the more toxic the social justice warriors think it is, the better.

Bizarrely, now shaving companies are allying with the SJWs in an Axis of Irritants. Gillette is channeling campus gender studies dorks to try to sell you razors. They all think you should soften up, get in touch with your feelings, and submit.

I say tighten up, let your righteous fury flow through you, and tell them all to kiss your Schumer.

Much as I advocate global warming, I am a strong proponent of toxic masculinity. It’s also known as “masculinity.”




These are the qualities the SJWs want to wring out of us. Why? Because these are the qualities they cannot overcome. They want us weak, passive and obedient. That’s how they get power. Some bloated Trigglypuff screaming about the male gaze can’t force us to do anything. Sure, a lot of them have weight on us, but if we laugh at them and simply say “No” to their demands, they’re stuck. Are they going to go get a rifle and make us?


df188a  No.4807651


Centuryilnk internet im guessing.

dd510e  No.4807652


The antichrist will suffer what appears at first to be a fatal head wound, but "miraculously" survive, and lose the right eye and right arm. So, Not Dan. kek

e13a3c  No.4807653


never heard of century link?


I see what you fucks doing.

fcbdd2  No.4807654

File: 4d8d27c3310492b⋯.jpeg (219.96 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, 0FAFDBAF-1CD5-4BAA-9D7C-F….jpeg)


There are many antichrists.

Who is anti Jesus Christ?

This shit isnt rocket science.

775ebb  No.4807655


Awesome post Anon. Well said and dead on.

36a2ea  No.4807656


My thoughts exactly even be nice to Russia and ask for the S-500

c439c4  No.4807657

File: f22974fe0e6fac0⋯.jpg (127.34 KB, 637x649, 637:649, SendABrick_Parscale.jpg)

Text "WALL" to 88022 to send a brick to Chuck or Nancy

Parscale text - link to https://www.buildtheborderwall.com/

6b44b5  No.4807658


It will definitely separate the true believers

507dda  No.4807659

File: d4968525d188ca1⋯.png (433.64 KB, 532x465, 532:465, 2019-01-18_14-08-00.png)

File: 7160c6fb04b5853⋯.png (482.78 KB, 494x406, 247:203, 2019-01-18_14-10-33.png)

File: 19e797c27dc2587⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1196x617, 1196:617, 2019-01-18_14-11-34.png)

File: 6cdf8af12e26f3c⋯.png (607.23 KB, 638x392, 319:196, 2019-01-18_14-12-39.png)



To stay in power and good graces with their demons, they must continue sacrificing babies to Ba'al!

These people are sick!

c735e0  No.4807660


>nobody has heard of century link

even normies know what it is

dd510e  No.4807661


Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, risen from the dead, is antichrist. Oh, and people who spout hatred for all Jews are also antichrist, as Jesus is a Jew.

fcbdd2  No.4807662


what people never had a nation state until these end times?

What people chose the left hand path??

The fake jews (((Pharisees))), thats who.

6d67e1  No.4807663


We're supposed to believe there are tunnels into Israel that the Israelis didn't

a) build themselves


b) know about

Mmmmmmkay. No.

fa654a  No.4807664


what verse states the right arm and right eye? When he survives his head wound.. he is already in power… assassination attempt..

733426  No.4807665


i dont live in america fuck stick. learn how hive mind works. i dont know everything you know and you dont know everything i know but if you learn to have a logical mature discussion about things people might give a shit about what you have to say. maybe you should go back to reddit faggot. this place aint for you.

65e5f2  No.4807666



‘’’The Grapes of Wrath’’’ is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939.[2] The book won the National Book Award[3] and Pulitzer Prize[4] for fiction, and it was cited prominently when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962.[5]

Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they are trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other "Okies", they seek jobs, land, dignity, and a future.


‘’’“Traveling west on Route 66, the Joad family find the road crowded with other migrants. In makeshift camps, they hear many stories from others, some returning from California, and the group worries about lessening prospects. The family dwindles as well: Grandpa dies along the road, and they bury him in a field; Grandma dies close to the California state line; and both Noah (the eldest Joad son) and Connie Rivers (the husband of the pregnant Joad daughter, Rose of Sharon) leave the family. Led by Ma, the remaining members realize they can only continue, as nothing is left for them in Oklahoma.’’’

Reaching California, they find the state oversupplied with labor; wages are low, and workers are exploited to the point of starvation. The big corporate farmers are in collusion and smaller farmers suffer from collapsing prices. Weedpatch Camp, one of the clean, utility-supplied camps operated by the Resettlement Administration, a New Deal agency, offers better conditions but does not have enough resources to care for all the needy families. Nonetheless, as a Federal facility, the camp protects the migrants from harassment by California deputies”

71c720  No.4807667

File: f7b16045c7dae23⋯.jpg (90.63 KB, 768x511, 768:511, jew-in-trance.jpg)


do you cuck baby cock too?

f30a47  No.4807668

File: d3011ff0c532579⋯.jpg (63.6 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 27-blue-sky.w700.h700.jpg)


Never heard of Century link? Where were you when the ayy lmaos came a couple weeks ago?

Newfags. Newfags eveywhere.

6c0099  No.4807669



You may not believe in satan, but they sure as hell do.


Wake up to the fact that religion is just another form of control.

Take your feelz out of the equation and you will know freedom.

Understand that "God" IS the LITERAL TRUTH and not some guy floating around in the sky.

"Who controls the past, controls the future"

– Orwell

dd510e  No.4807670


You think it's just them? All of the nations to attack Israel in the end times just coincidentally happen to exist, today, for the first time in thousands of years.

a0d5fe  No.4807671


I already said no because unlike those fucks or you, I'm not a religious zealot.

8b24bb  No.4807672

File: efc3a994cc44c74⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 1011x566, 1011:566, bb07b5ed0ee3e93a6e2e0cd05b….jpg)

File: be8d89c6de490ed⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 720x600, 6:5, muhammad raped girl meme.jpg)

6b44b5  No.4807673


There is one specific man, the man of perdition, who will sit upon the throne in the third temple, and proclaim himself as God. That, is the antichrist most refer to. The others are just filled with the spirit of antichrist.

4904df  No.4807674

File: 2b1359c8a4a1c45⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 538x601, 538:601, SoifReeveReview.JPG)

File: 8ddf12123c04c58⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 635x602, 635:602, ReeveWine.JPG)

File: b82441efb5bcd61⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 857x485, 857:485, DiningRoomRutherfordTunnel….JPG)

File: 62f6e02be210ae3⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 802x237, 802:237, Tunnels.SF.SonomaCaliforni….JPG)

File: 428b817a34a5c7b⋯.jpg (11.44 KB, 255x128, 255:128, PingPongChildSexParisCatac….jpg)

>>4806855 lb, >>4807335 lb, >>4805977pb, >>4805999 pb

Re: Sonoma County (California's "Wine Country" just north of San Francisco), Tunnels and Pelosi, I've posted some of this b4, has been a few months. Trying to dig around to find it again to repost.

There's a Silicon Valley Big Tech/Exec twatter I've long suspected as acting as a sort of advertiser/concierge service to the cabal pedo/canninbal scene, in Sonoma mostly. Rather not share the account by name here, but he promotes himself as a wine buff, and some of the specialty wineries he retweets lead to 'dasting places when dug. He's a super party-line mainstream Dem (std Haberman retweets, etc.) and sometimes out of the blue he posts creepy little kid stuff. Dude dialed it way back a few months ago, plus I got caught up in other stuff and stopped monitoring closely. But here's some of it, in case new eyes want to dig on it. You'll often fine big names attached if you dig far enough (one had a deBlasio owner iirc).

But just check out this "review" of this specialty wine. Tell me that's not code. And the pic is pretty reminiscent of blood too – notice the drop on the bottle to the right.



Also attached is an excerpt from article about how extensive tunnels are in the area, a pic of Rutherford wineries' underground dining hall w/pedo spiral & inverted tree, and a link of "ping pong" to catacombs (underground tunnels) and pedo shit.


c735e0  No.4807675


and the jewish "El" was the sun god

they were polytheistic, semitic tribes who evolved into monotheism around their favorite gods

as did the Romans

3e9276  No.4807676

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, Trusting the plan.png)

File: 633b2d2ce496d38⋯.jpg (196.84 KB, 850x561, 50:33, Shadowsb.jpg)

File: 1dbf5447ab2e481⋯.png (345.42 KB, 655x444, 655:444, maketricornehatsgreatagain.png)


Well said and Notable.

f9d830  No.4807677

File: 96ec74c492ab195⋯.png (311.36 KB, 446x520, 223:260, ClipboardImage.png)

8305ac  No.4807678

After noon on a Friday.

Bring it.

ca16e7  No.4807679

File: 3efcb8d8fb548dd⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 600x394, 300:197, meljews.jpg)


jesus knows

22714c  No.4807680

File: 1bbbf3457e3a900⋯.jpg (158.98 KB, 800x602, 400:301, Grapes NP AS DJT.jpg)

File: 158de87bb7b1305⋯.jpg (137.19 KB, 800x602, 400:301, Grapes NP AS.jpg)

>>4806775 LB

thanks for the cap

242d6c  No.4807681


Aside from how tall and the linebacker shoulders, Im not sure if this isn't just the WORST and most CHRONIC case of bad menstrual pad management that anyone has ever seen

fcbdd2  No.4807682


we can criticize the fake jews without saying all juice, altho mossad tried to smear those lines.

And Jesus was not a practicing jew, in the sense of the word. The religion was hijacked and subverted by the oral traditions of man (Talmud)… He actually called out the fake jews often.

18bcec  No.4807683


I am tired of the Naggotry

2eeaa6  No.4807684

File: 6f4959dc16ac071⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 610x380, 61:38, monsanto.jpg)

dd510e  No.4807685


Old school prophet.

Zechariah 11:17

“Woe to the worthless shepherd, Who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his arm And against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

71c720  No.4807686

File: 82dd1fe40ac3516⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1545227600055.png)


whats your opinion on this judas?

c735e0  No.4807687

File: e98b8b77e98f68e⋯.gif (221.53 KB, 250x250, 1:1, e98b8b77e98f68edc2aa650f2d….gif)


there's a lot of 'antichrists' then megabiblefag

df60b4  No.4807688

File: 8e164fba27dd71c⋯.png (6.78 MB, 1920x7858, 960:3929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42745be1cd48807⋯.png (34.7 KB, 1221x382, 1221:382, ClipboardImage.png)

'Biblical' sandstorm turns Cairo orange as residents advised to stay indoors

Authorities have told those with respiratory problems in Egypt's capital to avoid going outside during the bizarre weather event

Jan 18 2019

>Really? The same general time-frame NP+co-conspirators were supposedly going to be there?


e13a3c  No.4807689


Nice try..I guess you never heard of JP Morgan either.

6ac4d0  No.4807690

File: 86b4a9a9de5a226⋯.jpg (586.57 KB, 1871x959, 1871:959, AZAZ0909 Columbia 18 1 19 ….jpg)

AZAZ0909 over Columbia, SC on a possible course for Atlanta, GA. Tracking.

e60cc4  No.4807691

File: 1ce8d171a84916f⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 580x381, 580:381, DxKKvJeUwAAPKhM.jpg)

File: 3771094fc83930e⋯.jpg (147.32 KB, 1200x652, 300:163, DxKK1BDU8AEb1dB.jpg)

File: 66a15062d4bcdf2⋯.jpg (150.09 KB, 530x1200, 53:120, DxKK8HLUcAA-n8n.jpg)

File: 87b71591b8a8cd9⋯.jpg (112.35 KB, 1024x789, 1024:789, DxKLAk-U0AAqsJM.jpg)

dd510e  No.4807692


more satanic nonsense

ff8a29  No.4807693

File: 1109dc21ed1b3fc⋯.png (297.33 KB, 601x848, 601:848, TrumpLetter1.png)

Trump's actions of yesterday only had a little to do with payback for the SOTU dis' Pelosi laid on Trump.

It had a lot more to do about leverage (I am the President, dammit) and a countermove to stop Pelosi and her masters fucking around with the work Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo (Kansas), has been doing in the region.

This was a not-so-polite "stay the fuck out of my foreign policy objectives" slap in the face to Pelosi. Grounding her at the last minute and exposing her actual destinations to the public, were Trump's way of shoving the bitch out of the way - at least for a time.

Just go the Secretary of State's Twitter feed and you will see he has recently been in Egypt and many other destinations in the Middle East.

8282c5  No.4807694

985ea3  No.4807695


I still think this is all acting.

Trump and Cohen (and Sater) have been running FBI sting operations on the Russian mob for years.

The 'lying' was related to that - Cohen and everyone else in the Trump organization had to play along for the stings to work.

So they are admitting that Trump told them to lie, but leaving out the context that it was legally sanctioned.

9eaa45  No.4807696


The deadly head wound occurred in 1796.

a0d5fe  No.4807697


I don't know any of them, but if they're bad people, they should suffer the consequences, just like anyone else, inbred hick.

fa8aa1  No.4807698

File: ebb7d6f378ba041⋯.png (24.75 KB, 660x134, 330:67, ClipboardImage.png)


Sure does. No coincidences.

And a horse tranquilizer at that…

4501e5  No.4807699

File: 4f597df06ad3cac⋯.jpeg (89.07 KB, 1020x916, 255:229, 1531012739.jpeg)

df188a  No.4807700


This guy?


fcbdd2  No.4807701


zionists fake jews are everywhere… but their loyalty lies with israel (the fake jew capitol of the world)

04cfc8  No.4807702

File: 2e4188f03b60217⋯.png (5.26 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5253FDB2-08BA-4481-AB46-30….png)

Troll Master General President Trump asks donors to purchase bricks to send to Chuck and Nancy’s offices

Bahahahahahahaha! I love this man so much!

6c0099  No.4807703


Stay asleep, little sheep.

You will not be missed.

31fb1c  No.4807704

>>4807265 (pb)

Similar to a discussion i had with a friend the other day but explained much better. They were asking with all the possible shifts in motion you think we will have a change in media and journalists? My response was that its possibly happening now. Have them continue to spread bs until the divide is strong then have them begin to report truth that crazies can't refute because cnn reported it. Crazy way to get the normies to swallow a red pill but I'm hoping it's possible.

035614  No.4807705

File: d1d10b9ab5c48ee⋯.png (47.6 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, george soros plan.png)

anon posted this about a week ago and I am just now getting around to reading through it. Some pretty scary stuff if real.


c735e0  No.4807706


actually, there'd be moar antichrists than non-antichrists

by a yuge margin

445c0e  No.4807707

Happy Friday anon brothers & sisters, I'm in a bit of a bind woke up to my family's power being cut. My father has been having moments of forgetting things lately and refuses to get a consult health wise. I'm first generation born here in the states and have had a rocky few year of severe depression and a few other issues that put me in a financial pickle. I'm not here asking for a loan or anything but if anons would be able to help with a few bucks so we could get our power on before the end of the day. We just need $250 since the re-activation fee is the reason why it's that high. I'm trying to work from home selling a few things since the places around me aren't hiring entry level clerk jobs for 30 year olds.

I'm phonefagging right now like a madman to send a signal out for help. I know I'm going to take a shit ton of flak for this but I have no friends and you're all the only people I know outside my family.

Any shekels would be greatly appreciated. I literally just made a BTC wallet 10 minutes ago and you all and check the transactions so it's clear to see when the $250 amount is reached.

I've had a few notables and solved IronEagle=EagerLion a few months back if that means anything. Still hoping to get a (you) from Q one day.

Thank you anons for taking the time to read or skim over this. God bless.


dd510e  No.4807708


Aye, so by convention, he's The Antichrist, just as his comrade in evil is The False Prophet, when many false prophets exist. Some on this board. Some in this thread.

222a98  No.4807709

File: b0bf6c3b747ea83⋯.png (531.96 KB, 732x437, 732:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Oxford University Suspends Research Funding from China’s Huawei

LONDON—Oxford University says it is suspending research grants and funding donations from Huawei amid growing security concerns about the Chinese telecom giant. It’s another setback for Huawei’s image in Europe, an important market for the company, which has been effectively blocked in the U.S. over concerns its technology poses a cybersecurity risk. It’s now facing increasing scrutiny in Europe, where it is expected it to play a major role in building new fifth-generation mobile networks. The university decided on Jan. 8 that “it will not pursue new funding opportunities” with Huawei or related companies, it said in a statement on Jan. 17. The decision, which applies to both funding of research contracts and philanthropic donations, was made “in the light of public concerns raised in recent months” surrounding the company’s U.K. partnerships. Two existing research projects worth a combined 692,000 pounds ($895,000) will continue, it said. “We hope these matters can be resolved shortly and note Huawei’s own willingness to reassure governments about its role and activities,” the university said. Huawei said it was “not informed of this decision” and awaits the university’s full explanation.

Britain’s defense secretary and its intelligence chief both voiced concerns last month about Huawei’s involvement in the country’s rollout of 5G networks. Huawei’s troubles are expanding elsewhere in Europe. The company fired its sales director in Poland last week after authorities there arrested him on charges of spying for China. The Czech Republic has warned against using Huawei equipment because of security fears and Norway is rethinking the company’s role in its telecom networks.

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said in a rare interview that his company had never received a request from a government to transmit information in violation of any regulations. Ren, a former army engineer and current Communist Party member, said his company “would not answer to” requests from the Chinese regime to hand over information, the Wall Street Journal reported. Ren didn’t provide details about how the company would resist requests from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). But under China’s national security laws, all companies operating in the country are required to grant authorities control of its data if asked. The concept of national security is expansively defined to cover threats to the CCP’s authoritarian control, including opinions critical of the Party. Huawei financial chief Meng Wanchou, who is Ren’s daughter, is fighting a U.S. request that she be extradited from Canada on charges related to Iran sanctions violations.


ca16e7  No.4807710

File: 9ef6f00f4ad15de⋯.jpg (328.26 KB, 2560x1697, 2560:1697, pope pedo.jpg)


triggered much ?

72527b  No.4807711

File: 2b39235752a2038⋯.png (157.99 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190118-102441.png)

File: 6eac27119be5ef6⋯.png (175.74 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190118-102450.png)

37ce6b  No.4807712



this is why anons should read the scripture FOR THEMSELVES, because (((THEY))) sowing dis/misinformation in EVERYTHING (((they))) do. They are corrupters of truth and most normies are too lazy to seek it out themselves.

fdd48b  No.4807713

File: ad5dd01258116c5⋯.gif (923.7 KB, 450x479, 450:479, nfrain.gif)


raining newfags

b5449d  No.4807714


Why would we listen to a former film accountant who read some books on screenwriting then tapped into blue chicken alien conspiracies?

GTFO Wilcock!

733426  No.4807715


so you still have no explaination for your whinning about baker ignoring you? would've advocated for your notable if it was worthy but you clearly cant put enough brain cells together to explain your self so…good bye.

445c0e  No.4807716


Here's the wallet address:


ec6a14  No.4807717


no. absolutely not. never.

aa9e95  No.4807718


Why would Christians not celebrate the anti christ?

Does the anti christ not precede the return of Christ himself?

Seems to reason that Christians would not fall for the tactics of evil yet still rejoice as they know what soon follows.

9b9a1f  No.4807719


Peaches, grapes - fruit? Is this what we're meant to dig? Have Pelosi or husband got a financial interest in Monsanto/Bayer?

3c24e7  No.4807720

File: 575a188d53f7734⋯.jpeg (93.33 KB, 500x817, 500:817, EF701F3F-D8AE-4336-B997-A….jpeg)


Bags parked.

dd510e  No.4807721


satanic nonsense. Also, spelled "Canaanite" very poorly.

d48c35  No.4807722

Michael Cohen shows up with black eye and arm in sling after report comes out.


59f1fe  No.4807723

File: 5f046c6c45bccb4⋯.png (27.96 KB, 583x541, 583:541, unsecure1.png)

File: 4e60235b9777b9f⋯.png (107.48 KB, 679x383, 679:383, unsecure2.png)


I don't know about the rest of you Anon's but I'm fucking sick of the Paytriot's deceiving people!

Many of us here know what it means when you have an unsecure website and are steering traffic toward that, right?


33652a  No.4807724



8305ac  No.4807725


I mean, nothing is a gentle red pill to normies like an article on Child Sacrifice Cults running the banking system in conjunction with the C_A and Vatican.


1d4b28  No.4807726

242d6c  No.4807727


hang in there anon

93fc74  No.4807728


What nobody is really talking about is their families were with them as well. Who takes their family to Afghanistan? They were trying to skip town before things happen.

We are close…

c735e0  No.4807729

File: 0f38b438eab17d1⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 515x595, 103:119, 0f38b438eab17d1bec870af0d7….jpg)


don't you have donations to collect at your megachurch?

dd510e  No.4807730


Jesus is literally the only practicing Jew in the past 2400 years.

8305ac  No.4807731


Air Force should've lost her luggage.

df188a  No.4807732


Orange man did it. Kek

6ac4d0  No.4807733

File: 91414c36122ee5a⋯.jpg (415.01 KB, 1879x939, 1879:939, AZAZ0909 Columbia 18 1 19 ….jpg)

Correction - it's headed for Augusta, but ADS-B is being tricky again, with plots flickering in and out.

eb56b5  No.4807734

File: fcf1abb345ecda6⋯.jpg (294.93 KB, 1647x712, 1647:712, red_uncovered_message.jpg)


More messages


dd510e  No.4807735



2fef07  No.4807736


there is a God

65e5f2  No.4807737




8305ac  No.4807738


Sauce that? Would be interdasting.

da6925  No.4807739

File: 1ec38ef9b012501⋯.png (811.51 KB, 1080x838, 540:419, Screenshot_2019-01-18-14-0….png)

File: 36be05ba2092f14⋯.png (250.07 KB, 1080x1439, 1080:1439, Screenshot_2019-01-18-14-1….png)

File: ef738b6f99336fb⋯.png (116.01 KB, 1002x605, 1002:605, Screenshot_2019-01-18-14-1….png)

File: 0015d47e3462a7d⋯.png (977.11 KB, 946x1229, 946:1229, Screenshot_2019-01-18-14-1….png)


Assuming wine "country" is not CA but Mexico.

Mexican wine country is in Valle de Guadelupe.

Place called Vena Cava - Wine cave

Caravan destination?

Will have easy access in?

04cfc8  No.4807740


Lol I always go the celeb - NXIVM - Marina Abramovic route when Red pilling normies. Helps when there is photographic evidence of their favorite pop stars and actors rubbing elbows with these freaks.

dd510e  No.4807741


Symbolically to that beast, yes. Literally to this other beast, this man, not yet. Soon.

0f40e4  No.4807742

File: 4d0a810dd2bef97⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hiUNa15AEJD-mSbR.mp4)

632f41  No.4807743


Ft Gordon near by .signal base also the new 5000 person intelligence building

3c4dcc  No.4807744

File: 2d43e18e431cba4⋯.png (81.77 KB, 1191x672, 397:224, ClipboardImage.png)



More bricks. I wonder if it's related.

5b4f4e  No.4807745


If there is a paper tral, then…

12a5b6  No.4807746

>>4806538 lb

Fake and sad when these shills could get better jobs at industrials.

0f40e4  No.4807747

File: 6f3868d84c4d6e3⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 576x296, 72:37, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-2….jpg)

0bb8c2  No.4807748

File: f09a044c641faf3⋯.png (815.47 KB, 1101x694, 1101:694, ClipboardImage.png)



Black eye club anyone?

6ac4d0  No.4807749


Roger, I noted that.

7c0ff6  No.4807750


I don’t have direct sauce but I do remember seeing that family’s were with them yesterday

d30965  No.4807751


Trumpet = horn

Trump shortened horn,or little horn.

dd510e  No.4807752


Why are you so against Israeli patriotism, yet are here, again? Are you also against American patriotism? Or just here to poison the bread?

0f40e4  No.4807753

File: f72953f03ee853a⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 575x339, 575:339, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-2….jpg)

fdb9f4  No.4807754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some of my favorite red pill videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU39EQSnKnY - Rush Limbaugh on racism - Just a random caller evokes a great speech from Limbaugh on the nature of racism using anecdotes from his past.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mII9NZ8MMVM Collapse of the American Dream - watch a well made cartoon for some background on the history of the FED

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE Immigration Gumballs - no video can convert normies faster on the immigration issue. I've never even heard an argument that could beat this tiny 6 minute video that proves beyond any shadow of any doubt the truth of the matter.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSJDhZvLtak Inspirational video using sections of Trumps speech to students on 5/13/2018

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2dct9ErA_g Hilarious Tucker Carlson breakdown of the Trump Movement

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M Redpill video on the media Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=305-erOr3jk Great Redpill video using the entire life of Donald J. Trump: The Long Road to the White House (1980 - 2017)

93fc74  No.4807755


Can't dig right now, but look up people being dropped off around the corner so cameras didn't see them. It was their families.

c29a9a  No.4807756


Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System


…The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020.

…research in electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the USA and Russia since the 1950’s

…previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes.

…In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head…

…the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain …and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.

…they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for some of their correct answers, and memory falsification for other correct answers.

…messages were sent into human brain in ultrasound frequencies which the human brain perceives, but of which the subject is unaware.

…easier to control human emotions which motivate human thinking, decision making and actions.

…Directed energy weapon system designed to match radio frequency source to interfere with human brain activity at synapse level

…The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology …it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic. “Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each.”

…The Institute of Strategic Studies supposed that in the year 2000 those technologies would be that advanced that it will be possible to deprive human being of his freedom and adjust his personality to the needs of ruling elite.

c4be6c  No.4807757

File: 97f427d08a48407⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 333x241, 333:241, let that sink in.jpg)

b08974  No.4807758

File: 30ac0b168e5bac4⋯.png (293.68 KB, 476x614, 238:307, 30ac0b168e5bac4b28e743c5f3….png)

d171c2  No.4807760


I read on someone's twitter account (can't remember name) it could be about the ability to actually fire some of the dead wood in the federal government. Shutdown must last at least 30 days, then some of the furloughed people can be let go. One way to streamline the gov't of unnecessary workers/saboteurs.

c014e7  No.4807762


Who in the ever loving fuck has activated the muh gebus shills this week.


FFS, I'd rather have Freddy than all this runny shit.

52f09a  No.4807763


Century link is a conglomerate of several telecommunications local operating companies. E.g US WEST RBOC that became Qwest that was bought by Centurytel, which changed it's name to century link. Centurylink is the 3rd largest telephone company, what is unique is they dont have a wireless component.

0f40e4  No.4807764

File: 74d792bac345590⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 596x593, 596:593, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-2….jpg)


dd510e  No.4807765


I'm quite comfy as a sheep; the only other choice is goat, and the goats go by the left hand, not the right.

0e45e1  No.4807766


"kys"is all you got? You keep dropping that same shitty video that NOBODY is watching. I mean nobody, you stupid fuck. Go play in traffic, faggot.

b2ad01  No.4807767


vena cava are also the two big blood vessels going to the heart..

a86325  No.4807768


Dailymail is unreliable.

I don't see a black eye.

216687  No.4807769

File: e1422cb46166b66⋯.jpg (6.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, John Wayne.jpg)


As with all things, the pendulum will eventually swing back the other way and when it does the men of the world will drive these marginalizing weaklings back under ground where they belong.

Bitches be making sammiches and babies like they are supposed to and the gender confused will be straightened right the fuck out.

God rest his soul, this guy knew how it's supposed to work.

a269fd  No.4807770

File: a267c8afc2f17f6⋯.jpeg (11.03 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 9d3c143ddc1397b6e822f00c8….jpeg)

File: 04b78a160960676⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 600x338, 300:169, a0b08d9276e307fd624ea0df3e….gif)

File: 37be8c1a8e48b38⋯.jpeg (8.66 KB, 255x103, 255:103, 7cf0214a920e1df543a02b242….jpeg)

898545  No.4807772


I'm gonna suggest that someone kicked his ass for being such a tool.

probly not but it shoulda happened.

Maybe he took too many pills for "stress" and fell down.

507dda  No.4807773

File: 421139921f1ec20⋯.png (41.53 KB, 477x168, 159:56, 2019-01-18_14-20-30.png)


>#NOTALLJEWS own the media

‘Houston, we have a problem’

733426  No.4807774


its not a referal. FBI can tell merkley to pound salt if they want. sounds like political posturing to me.

75bcfd  No.4807775

File: eae671e2ecbc8de⋯.jpeg (442.53 KB, 1242x1016, 621:508, 15F7ECC1-ADB3-4747-BA0C-5….jpeg)

File: a788008e586bd3f⋯.jpeg (666.92 KB, 1242x1272, 207:212, 3E593452-269F-40E3-B1E0-A….jpeg)


fa654a  No.4807776


this is getting stupid… the hammer needs to drop and drop hard

dd510e  No.4807777


That is quite correct, and tragic.

f7576e  No.4807778

File: e5f05cc054bf0cf⋯.jpeg (100.74 KB, 900x507, 300:169, kikesbebitchin.jpeg)


Look at this fucking jewish whore LOL

Oi, this is why we need to kill your jewish ass.

93fc74  No.4807779


Just look up the bus dropping people off around the corner to avoid cameras. It was family members. The whole thing stinks. Add to it the guy arrested plotting an attack and you can see "their" fingerprints all over this.

e0ffde  No.4807781

985ea3  No.4807782


How did they separate 'has always had a risk of floods' from 'has a future potential risk of floods specifically because of climate change'?

Pro tip…. they didn't.

e13a3c  No.4807783

File: a0781efe9d17d6a⋯.jpg (253.36 KB, 1814x594, 907:297, 011819 Insider.JPG)

c9158a  No.4807784

File: ae3b7d9ca329859⋯.jpeg (98.46 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 20B7AC1F-A53C-4411-867F-F….jpeg)

This needs to return to the rotation.

37ce6b  No.4807785

File: 1785d81ea208c48⋯.png (128.99 KB, 537x325, 537:325, Screenshot_2019-01-18-13-2….png)

Jane Doe murder victim finally identified 3 decades later thanks to forensic technology: Sheriff

A Jane Doe found dead from a brutal attack in 1987 has finally been identified three decades later thanks to forensic technology, southern California authorities said.

The identity of victim Tracey Hobson, 20, was confirmed on Tuesday through forensic odontology, which analyzes a person's bite marks, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said.

The case dates back to Aug. 30, 1987, when her skeleton was recovered in a grassy area in Anaheim.

She had been stabbed in the torso and her hands were cut off, the sheriff's office said, and experts at the time estimated the body had been there for about two months.


9bef43  No.4807786


What does it mean?

0bb8c2  No.4807787


Easy on the eye and broke his arm instead kek

72527b  No.4807788


Guy if you don't know what the Ninth Circle Cult is you shouldn't even be here.

Stop shaking your head and educate yourself.

7b1265  No.4807789

File: ec50f774cd46815⋯.jpg (126.39 KB, 1385x745, 277:149, Capture 36.JPG)

e2e045  No.4807790

File: 4ef0a58ddb6e36b⋯.png (16.98 KB, 430x287, 430:287, fed213615447cb6beae6211e37….png)

52f09a  No.4807791


Just another day in normie pressleand.

6c0099  No.4807792



IF your story is legit, you need to get a job.

ANY job.

Begging for beastcoin while sitting on your ass will get you nowhere, shill.

733426  No.4807793


thanks anon.

6ac4d0  No.4807794

File: 0e236f4e20144c5⋯.jpg (442.13 KB, 1877x803, 1877:803, LOBO715 18 1 19 1925.jpg)

LOBO715 out of Cunningham Field headed West.

231919  No.4807795

File: 684f1747a00b992⋯.png (164.93 KB, 958x471, 958:471, utler.png)

File: 1aa4e4229103fc0⋯.png (176.04 KB, 1072x415, 1072:415, butler.png)


3c24e7  No.4807796

File: 5dffda8af08efbe⋯.png (1.87 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6CC8B9AB-E35C-4343-933B-BE….png)


I was in a debate with a Trump hater about Melania’s departure, they were stating hypocrisy given the Pelosi situation. No, this is proof that it’s about to go sideways. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/melania-mar-a-lago-on-military-plane_us_5c41568ae4b027c3bbbfee9b?ec_carp=3515469784650240451

23a2e7  No.4807797

File: 9f4b6b75cd626f4⋯.jpg (301.43 KB, 1284x980, 321:245, 1541808080517.jpg)


A car truly befit for a king.

dd510e  No.4807798


Cited Zechariah above. Maybe catch up.

718009  No.4807799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here's a dono for your LEFT sided egotistic thinking.


I love you anon, but your ignorant sinful ways have GOT TO GO BACKK!

24367d  No.4807800


Says the pedo looking POTUS hating idiot named after a dictator? Can't make this stuff up.

2fef07  No.4807801

File: c9b9f25d918365b⋯.png (822.38 KB, 605x604, 605:604, michael cohen.PNG)


did he have iv in right hand???

dd510e  No.4807802


Because we celebrate Christ.

71c720  No.4807803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

52f09a  No.4807804


nothing about the family in those articles

ac229d  No.4807805

File: e0bd876e0a3d9dc⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 1044x106, 522:53, Sun Tzu.JPG)

ea1730  No.4807806

File: 8e264d7de141036⋯.png (36.34 KB, 691x347, 691:347, FAKEnews.png)


Their news is so phony and awful. I wonder why …

c4be6c  No.4807807


<guyze nothing is working

<oh hey have we tried asking nicely if he can go? please?

ce8a93  No.4807808



Just post your name and address here and I am 'sure anons will help. I would drop it on 4Chan also if I were you.

fb9953  No.4807809


Not so much Sauce rather, pictures…. That would speak volumes.

IF their families were with them, this was NO official trip but an escape and Pelosi and all could be further guilty of misappropriation of government property for personnel use.

d9053c  No.4807810

What happened to Michael Cohen? Mystery ex-Trump fixer arrives at home with apparent black eye and arm in sling hours after bombshell report that president ordered him to LIE to Congress

Longtime Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen returned to his Manhattan apartment Friday after suffering some kind of physical injury – with his arm appearing to be in a sling on a day President Trump and his team once again branded him a liar.

Cohen could be seen Friday with his left arm covered, hanging in a sling, while sporting a possible black eye. His right hand had a small bandage of the kind used to cover a small wound by an IV.

He also wore a red identification of the kind distributed by hospitals.

Cohen's representative didn't immediately respond to a request for comment about his condition or what happened.



Who gave Michael Cohen the black eye?

fa2cdd  No.4807811


They believe there is a Christ. They do not believe it was or is Jesus.

d48c35  No.4807812


Looks like it. Whole things feels spooky.

75bcfd  No.4807813

File: 936678c18e746ae⋯.jpeg (909.68 KB, 1242x1410, 207:235, 2EBE7085-56F5-42FF-95D8-D….jpeg)


f30a47  No.4807814

File: 2117ce3eae7a9ee⋯.jpg (105.25 KB, 634x796, 317:398, 8705818-6608247-image-a-68….jpg)

File: a658df627bdf046⋯.jpg (141.13 KB, 634x865, 634:865, 8705610-6608247-image-a-71….jpg)

File: 615150087efd8fc⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 634x870, 317:435, 8705628-6608247-image-a-56….jpg)



Don't see a black eye either. But the broken arm is interesting.


4904df  No.4807815

File: 6e0d1a916fc4f07⋯.jpg (105.6 KB, 740x573, 740:573, LaderaAndItHasACave.JPG)


This winery for example, Ladera, was the most recent I found, but never dug it far myself. Has a cave. https://www.laderavineyards.com/


No, but I don't doubt there are quite a few who serve this function. My guy links to a lot of 'em. He's just some "random" tech guy, but his history is deep in tech/finance/sales, has done M&A w/Cisco etc., and he's put up links to ultra-rich clubs (where you have to have $1b in assets or more) so I think his job is to service the super elite. And from here, anyone you guess I won’t comment on kek, in case you get it right. for doxx reasons, am fr area

19aa5a  No.4807816

92efcc  No.4807817


Bibi has called 9/11 a bombing several times now. Fucking Jew is referring to bombs in the basement. I personally think the Jews used several high tech tricks to bring down the buildings. Directed energy and charge explosives as well. With perhaps baby nukes in the basement making the glowing slag that would not go out for weeks.

e2e045  No.4807818

File: d60ef38f9cce3c2⋯.png (483.25 KB, 613x705, 613:705, d60ef38f9cce3c27dbf0709057….png)

35d6bf  No.4807819

File: f2ab83c81c709f5⋯.png (225.76 KB, 1440x1545, 96:103, Capture _2019-01-18-14-25-….png)

File: 1c2c0073cf939a4⋯.png (969.55 KB, 1440x1895, 288:379, Capture _2019-01-18-14-22-….png)

File: 1edc8f9c0e9507c⋯.png (875.8 KB, 1440x1878, 240:313, Capture _2019-01-18-14-22-….png)

Jew Trash Mocks Jesus


fbc3b6  No.4807820

File: 38f5d567f22426a⋯.png (53.29 KB, 590x262, 295:131, E62EC27F-72A3-4157-A0BE-6D….png)

Fart larper Econ is brittle and frail

e43046  No.4807821

File: 543d05254843b46⋯.png (43.62 KB, 464x210, 232:105, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

File: b9e57449738cc9a⋯.png (14.75 KB, 153x67, 153:67, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

Are you following the news today? > Obviously

WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY.> yes, but they are not talking El Choppo Much, And MuH Cohen for them its Hugh if it were not fake and gay Libs are busting out the party Dildos for the weekend

These people are REALLY stupid. > See above

This will be the END of the D party. > O yes

This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. {Norms be mad cause Muh Tv is fake] Orange man still not bad, and now there finding out how much money the Dems waste,

You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. > Not yet but on monday

DOWN SHE GOES. Cant use the cops or courts against us, cilivian court gone,

Q > Liar face who hides news for a year with tax money

898545  No.4807822

Just pointing out that this faggot has 20% of the fucking bread for no fucking reason


dd510e  No.4807823


No, of course not. Paytriots will shill HRC memorabilia if she makes a comeback.

9a8e2a  No.4807824

File: 6d3b651fc55f01c⋯.gif (8.62 KB, 384x256, 3:2, nunst0006.gif)


Historianon. Here's a link for the Bear Flag Republic's flag. Star pre-dates Mao, in fact meant to be like Texas.

Interestingly, the Bear Flag revolt (overthrow of Mexican rule that led to the nation -> state of California) was headed by Georgia native John C Frémont (the first Republican presidential candidate) who was on an exploratory assignment toward the Oregon Territory when he quit to lead the revolt.


985ea3  No.4807825


>What nobody is really talking about is their families were with them as well. Who takes their family to Afghanistan? They were trying to skip town before things happen.

Or they were planning to leave the families in Europe for their own boondoggle.

Or perhaps the families were going to be taken to Egypt as tourists.

05e2b0  No.4807826




Trump literally put him in a headlock and gave him a swirlie.

c014e7  No.4807827


Merkley is a piece of degenerate shit. Member his IRS shit from a few years ago?

Hypocrisy is the scarlet letter of modern day politics, and Jeff Merkley is wearing it. From Main Street to Wall Street, Senator Merkley’s actions rarely match his rhetoric. Saying one thing, and doing another is the recipe by which Merkley and his political cohorts hold on to power, proving his allegiance lies not with the people of Oregon, but rather D.C. special interests.

The second act of hypocrisy we’ve caught Senator Merkley in is the Internal Revenue Service scandal involving the targeting of groups based on their political leanings. In May 2013, Mr. Merkley called the IRS targeting of political groups “wrong and absolutely unacceptable”, but had pressured the IRS to investigate those same political groups in March 2012. What a difference a year makes!"


0e0d25  No.4807828


If Trump told Cohen to lie to congress, why wasn’t that one of the charges Mueller gave him?

How did (then candidate) Trump know that he would be President, that the house would be lost to democrats, that they would open inquiries into the Trump Tower situation in particular, and that Cohen would be asked questions specifically about it for which Trump told him to lie, roughly 2 1/2 years in advance?

The buzzfeed article writers are showcasing fake news and smear attempts. And all the major news networks are going with the story like it’s the hail mary touchdown on Drumphf. They just can’t help themselves.

Clickbait article is going to wake a shit ton of people up and piss them off at the news.

242d6c  No.4807829


Thats a very strange thing to say on /qresearch after Q has quoted scripture and called to pray so many many many times.

Very out of place for you to complain in that context. Very out of place indeed.

c735e0  No.4807830

File: 26b7d4df57d20d0⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 177x150, 59:50, 26b7d4df57d20d019dd2140e41….gif)

28cfaa  No.4807831

File: 2a378acdf888749⋯.jpg (219.51 KB, 665x898, 665:898, triump.jpg)

51e989  No.4807832

File: b4aba7fe0e251e6⋯.png (161.61 KB, 1008x620, 252:155, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

Does anyone have sauce for this? I'm having trouble finding an article/legit source for this info.

I'm sorry if this may have been something already posted that I've overlooked.


8282c5  No.4807833

4904df  No.4807834

File: 011c925c48dbc3c⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 700x490, 10:7, LaderaCave.JPG)

File: 4cb6b66c6b85e5b⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 744x553, 744:553, LaderaBaby.JPG)

File: 0bcec2185e31523⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 736x557, 736:557, LaderaBlessingOfTheGrapes.JPG)

File: 71bcf4ac3d23410⋯.jpg (128.42 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, LaderaWine666corkPicTweet.jpg)


Oops, posted b4 loaded all pics.


898545  No.4807835


nah - he made Eric do it.

d48c35  No.4807836


Looks to have gotten an iv as well. Left eye does look a little wonky but not as noticeable as the black eye club.

c735e0  No.4807837

File: addb07a3b77fcaf⋯.png (62.35 KB, 403x228, 403:228, ClipboardImage.png)


(with timestamp)


e24f9d  No.4807838

File: a404505902e8fc0⋯.jpg (709.83 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, Manson mug shot.JPG)

Here, have an original Manson Mug shot.

dd510e  No.4807839


Who do you suppose is more annoyed at wolves in sheep's clothing? Me, or you?

fbc3b6  No.4807840

File: 62428ffac130f62⋯.png (48.12 KB, 590x236, 5:2, 66DFA09D-89B0-4746-A5DE-C9….png)

7d242c  No.4807841

File: e74eeb74b85fd33⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 703x359, 703:359, 20190118_132939.jpg)

e13a3c  No.4807842

File: 3f109f9e1c4c62f⋯.png (78.13 KB, 890x530, 89:53, 011819 Jdouche Comp.png)

heard of them now?

or how about JP Morgan CEO compensation from earlier today.

Just keep hanging yourself. Funny to watch

19aa5a  No.4807843

File: c94cd407b48fc10⋯.png (163.57 KB, 580x313, 580:313, ClipboardImage.png)

e0ffde  No.4807844

ca16e7  No.4807845


how does it feel ?

23a2e7  No.4807846


What the hell is wrong with these people?

75bcfd  No.4807847

File: 68d9cc6b97c4f3b⋯.jpeg (836.89 KB, 1242x1154, 621:577, 075A0D7D-0F30-40FA-8BDF-0….jpeg)


718009  No.4807848

File: e3715dcb6a81e34⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 400x400, 1:1, YEEZY.jpg)

dd510e  No.4807849


satanic nonsense

629290  No.4807850


Holy fukken funny

They’re inviting the public to troll Nancy & Chuck all day long

6e9442  No.4807851


Most older good wineries have caves as they maintain ground temp (53*/- F), this being optimal temp for storing and aging wine.

But what about NP's cave? No clue what is going on there.

97b4f4  No.4807852

File: a53a59db86fa79f⋯.jpg (132.59 KB, 960x541, 960:541, TangoUnifrom.jpg)

File: b71ae4d3a5873db⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 480x360, 4:3, shesdeadjim.jpg)

93fc74  No.4807853


Either way, their families have no business riding on the tax payer's dime. If this is official business, the family has no "business" being there. It is sketchy however you look at it.

5c3a98  No.4807854



206608  No.4807855

File: d28b2bb68924d1b⋯.jpeg (880.01 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 4E4A78D2-BC9C-421B-BB2D-D….jpeg)

File: 54c52599f405434⋯.png (5.28 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C57AF4A9-EAC9-4090-A47D-A7….png)

I can’t get any harder Mr. President

898545  No.4807856


they tried to make me go to rehab

i said no, no, no

then they said they were gonna cut off my allowance…

dd510e  No.4807857


So, you're just poison.

Just following orders, as it were.

56311e  No.4807858


No - “…if it were possible.!” Not possible to fool the elect!

8282c5  No.4807859


Feels woke!

fbc3b6  No.4807860

File: 74dbc406ae751be⋯.png (53.08 KB, 590x262, 295:131, E854A08B-99F6-4757-981E-50….png)

0e0d25  No.4807861




So if it’s true and Cohen lied to congress…

Why didn’t Mueller charge him with lying to congress and use that as the connecting charge for Trumps suborning perjury?

Oh mueller didn’t charge him with that?

Fake news

19aa5a  No.4807862

6c0099  No.4807863



It already is EST.

0f40e4  No.4807864

File: 2e3b8369a3d3b0c⋯.jpg (35.2 KB, 580x208, 145:52, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-3….jpg)


71c720  No.4807865

File: 086a924f3e345e0⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 600x400, 3:2, lyZVHxWS_Nl.jpg)

58dd3d  No.4807866


Did the arm "happen " when they were extracting his testimony?

6ac4d0  No.4807867

File: 0230531d07ae584⋯.jpg (115.77 KB, 1385x613, 1385:613, Gitmo 18 Jan 19 1930.jpg)

Three flights scheduled to Gitmo today.

45d8bd  No.4807868

File: 8f03ca3889c9158⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 593x499, 593:499, bestPOTUSever.JPG)

it's up to anons

give the Big Guy an attaboy every now and then

He deserves daily thanks for what he's done for us as a nation.

2f165b  No.4807869


yeah, just scofield coadjutors for some reason

82c7fa  No.4807870

>>4807265 lb

I pee'd a little

ec6a14  No.4807871


How do you know this hasn't happened already?

c735e0  No.4807872


You do not believe in Jesus, you believe in Yeezus!



no that's PST

68e2ce  No.4807873

Call Nancy Pelosi and leave a message to BUILD THE WALL.

(202) 225-4965 EXT 1

775ebb  No.4807874


Home of "Pardon our Noise, It's the Sound of Freedom" Semper Fi

71c720  No.4807875


I hope so, a lifetime of arm twisting in a gitmo hotel

f30a47  No.4807876


MedFag. IV is normal for most hospital visits. Especially a broken arm. But they'll IV you for everything when you show up.

43b4fb  No.4807877

File: 368ffc155839cdf⋯.jpg (39.69 KB, 506x450, 253:225, 368ffc155839cdf7a9566f3e82….jpg)


Know your enemy Anons.

c014e7  No.4807878


That has nothing to do with this nonsensical spamming all week.

8c392d  No.4807879

File: b5d005fa53db219⋯.png (680.03 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, coup-continuing.png)

Does this look like "panic in DC" to you?

There is no panic in DC, the coup is growing and gathering momentum, because they KNOW there is no justice, and they have NOTHING TO FEAR.

This is how we know that THERE ARE NO MILITARY TRIBUNALS in progress – if there were even one secret trial going on, the Dhimms would have their antifa foot soldiers in the streets while they were holding press conferences decrying DJT as "literally Hitler", and they'd be voting on impeachment before sundown.

fa654a  No.4807880


I know a lot of people that take their family into war zones… they have a blast too

2fef07  No.4807881


something tells me might be the kickoff to "suicide weekend"

23a2e7  No.4807882



Shady CLAS Military or Black Intel Ops.

Kidnapping young military aged men for top secret classified experiments?

e0ffde  No.4807883

28cfaa  No.4807884


And if he's not impeached, he should be sent to bed early without any supper.

d58019  No.4807885

File: 3e9561e5d7c9c93⋯.png (171.98 KB, 1409x1012, 1409:1012, 20190118_142536.png)

'Game fucking ON!

Just got a text stating that President Trump is sending


to Pelosi & Schumer for every $20 contribution.

Anons, you know what to do, lads.

36e8f5  No.4807886

File: bd375376a06fe9e⋯.jpeg (33.34 KB, 480x260, 24:13, 3BA1C2EC-0136-4DA3-ACDD-3….jpeg)

Once again confused old people should be forced to retire

If we can take their drivers license, why not take their jobs

51ba66  No.4807887

File: 70a95c3b3245fc4⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1984x918, 992:459, ClipboardImage.png)

Kalexandria Schpacey

e13a3c  No.4807888

File: 6b171e564749cfc⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 993x565, 993:565, Air Gitmo for ya.jpg)

6c0099  No.4807889


I'm EST and went to the twat referenced.


adcf20  No.4807890

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ce72ef  No.4807891


Agree completely. When Comey posted the To Kill A Mockinbird pic, it confirmed my suspicion that the MSM had shifted.

From a strategic point of view, MSM was to “capture” the attention of those that needed to be hand held along the awakening.

When the signal confirmed a shift, (and yes, I think Comey is part of the plan) the new objective for the MSM is start titrating small bits of truth into the narrative increasing over time.

I believe that the the 4am talking points have been under control of the Q team for over a year now.

fbc3b6  No.4807892

File: c0f40887b186785⋯.png (45.95 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 04A75AAF-FB67-4EAA-B0BC-DE….png)

c735e0  No.4807893



they said Trump wouldn't run AFTER he declared his candidacy

not our fault you're fucking retarded

7d242c  No.4807894

File: 8ad2f0a3746a0f1⋯.jpg (163.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190118-133202….jpg)


Down she goes

ac765e  No.4807895

File: 7f5d299e587d5eb⋯.png (218.71 KB, 1011x1190, 1011:1190, 88022.png)

0d31f9  No.4807896

File: e7b633f34aad4b2⋯.png (153.24 KB, 1268x552, 317:138, Screenshot 2019-01-18 19.3….png)

8221b8  No.4807897

File: d4f59011208c3fa⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 739x426, 739:426, goy1.JPG)

Favor to ask.

Does anyone have a quick link on 23 and me and how they set up their database for organ harvesting? I have a redpill opportunity.

Thanks, Frens

37ce6b  No.4807898


even on the chans "freedom of speech" applies to everyone…except Christians

92efcc  No.4807899


David Lynch ends the reboot of Twin Peaks referring to an ancient evil that is behind all the fuckery in the world today. It was called Joo Dai but over time it came to be called Judy.

He is making a joke. Its the Jew-dy.

Watch the reboot. It is all allegory. David Lynch seems to be the Professor in hiding secrets of the Great White Brotherhood in plain sight.

Watch the reboot. Everything means something. And it all ties directly into the Great Awakening. If you are a noob it might be rough going. But esoteriafags stand a little chance in understanding it.

Hint. Reincarnation is shown. Clones of the elites are alluded to. Lots of other shit. Nothing is random.

ea9f3f  No.4807900

To Q: Was the cancelled trip something more?

c735e0  No.4807901

File: f2284bc7756bc70⋯.png (124.69 KB, 720x192, 15:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>PST timestamp 12:27

>EST timestamp 3:27

it's not anon, thanks anyway

718009  No.4807902

File: fcb3b594855d72e⋯.jpeg (168.86 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, Abra[h]amLin[c]oln.jpeg)


I believe I AM made in the image of MY creator.

I believe I AM walking in the divine annointing of the Father, who has sent for me.

I believe God has his hand over my life, so that I can carry out HIS WILL which is to be a walking example of GRACE and LOVE, to be a reflection of THE HOLY SPIRIT, which is of Jesus Christ… who is WITHIN ME.

>try harder bish

969f2c  No.4807903


Great post anon. Sheep will be sheep. At a certain point some sheep will jump. And some more, and then suddenly they all jump.

0f40e4  No.4807904



47d9af  No.4807905

File: 6174481f919b2eb⋯.png (764.84 KB, 1327x773, 1327:773, father in law.png)

I took a 40,000 foot look at the POTUS tweet from this morning. "Father-in-Law" seemed a little too obvious, so I searched "Father." "Happy Fathers Day" & a reference to BO *(Watch a Father who is a lawyer?)* and an article to STANDARD. I've attached the video Q pointed to, but the twat account Q linked has been shut down.

Long version of BO video introduced by Laura Hemmati founder of Leadarise. (Father is Farid Hemmati):


Transcript of Obama's speech:




df188a  No.4807906


Jeremy Stoppelman - yelp. Just throwing that out? I dunno

fdd48b  No.4807907

File: 1af4d0660cb05a6⋯.jpg (74.3 KB, 600x383, 600:383, beldr1hole.jpg)


a cucked poster leaving an image of a cucked website headline…..

up your game faggot….

7d242c  No.4807908

File: 796f0eb0928ba91⋯.jpg (147.55 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190118-133132….jpg)


SOTU timing is everything

e0ffde  No.4807909


guess will wait till tonight to see if any major habbenings occur

9bef43  No.4807910

File: ddf19d8d69e9e8d⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 184x255, 184:255, ce672359b6770f30ca06c7564b….jpg)


People don't even grasp the greater reveals…

EAT my flesh, DRINK my blood…

WTF do you think is in FF 'meat'

24367d  No.4807911


Disinfo Wars? That would be a accurate name for that website. Who cares what crap articles they have on it?

fa2cdd  No.4807912


Jesus Christ. Are you really siting bloggers and groups no one ever heard of?


36e8f5  No.4807913


Those 2 dumb bitches don’t share a brain

Their handlers are faggots with tiny little penises

Cuz…..Satan is a fag

9c7fe1  No.4807914


I hope they have identified all of the Democrat Communist Party members and shit can their communist cake hole first. DC is infested with them and use working hours to do their DCP propaganda bullshit!

242d6c  No.4807915


all the spammers and bots and enemies on this board, and you complain about religiousity.

Atheists merely don't believe themselves.

Anti-theists try to make others not believe.

28cfaa  No.4807916


Lobo = Wolf

b78031  No.4807917


a) build themselves

Don't think so ace. Not only did hezzi blow through tons of iranian money building them, the majority of said tunnels are located in LEBANON OR THE GAZA STRIP.

There's the small problem of having a covert crew digging tunnels in hostile territory without anyone inquiring, including the person's home that serves as the secret place to enter and exit.

"Hey Rakim. Any idea what those guys with the earth moving equipment have been doing all this time?"


"Oh, don't mind us. We're a secret hezzbollah team building an emergency water line. Please continue with your dinner. We'll put everything back when we're done. Please don't tell anyone we were here and don't open the secret door behind your bookshelf. Have a nice day. Salem hal lekem or whatever."

b398ff  No.4807918

File: a38cd65e33fc7cf⋯.jpg (136.52 KB, 630x670, 63:67, disisembed.jpg)


only trust embeds. want to share a youtube but don't know how? ask an anon, or see pic.

6c5bc6  No.4807919


>>4807674, >>4807815, >>4807834 Ca. winery dig.

>>4807722 Michael Cohen shows up with black eye and arm in sling after report comes out.

>>4807619 US to buy two Iron Dome batteries as first part of $1.7b missile defense project.

>>4807607 Gov. DeSantis suspends Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher.

>>4807542 Anon suggests digging around caves and tunnels in California.

>>4807508 MSM trying to spin witness intimidation narrative around Cohen / Trump?

>>4807484 ; >>4807495 US patents for mind control devices

6c0099  No.4807920

File: d007a3252fff431⋯.png (70.84 KB, 720x482, 360:241, ClipboardImage.png)


Suit yourself.

e0ffde  No.4807921


can't believe we waited for a year for this

97b4f4  No.4807922


Ramming speed!

d4ebaa  No.4807923

File: 8c71f6b0ca0c461⋯.jpg (117.41 KB, 600x250, 12:5, TedJonesHouse2.jpg)

Hidden research labs in the very

remote area of Kansas.

KU sponsored research

Animal research colonies

'human volunteers'

Bayer, Topeka Kansas

Hill Pet Nutrition Manhattan, KS


Who owns the Human Genetic Code Data base base?

US Army Ammo Depo cover?

Experiments on military personnel?

Think Corn Field and Pineapple express

ce8a93  No.4807924

File: 7a8a30df29d662d⋯.jpeg (9.94 KB, 255x167, 255:167, f8c57bf7af6757a20fd6f1441….jpeg)

969f2c  No.4807925


But it will take forever to keep them in line..

43b4fb  No.4807926


Speak freely anyway biblefags, it drives them crazy.

7b8716  No.4807927


Is it just wine thats in the barrels ?

e13a3c  No.4807928

File: dfe4719430626f6⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 474x255, 158:85, Deathmobile.jpg)

24367d  No.4807929



0f40e4  No.4807930

File: 1d50d2b6ecec241⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 587x241, 587:241, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-3….jpg)


045597  No.4807931

File: c25b395a7b35ca1⋯.jpeg (756.37 KB, 828x1438, 414:719, 3D497912-FC64-4A3E-A484-C….jpeg)

POTUS sending bricks

f21974  No.4807932


what do you mean watch the reboot??

i cant find any reboot only a 25+ episode series for twin peaks

i dont own a tv so i always miss this shit

c735e0  No.4807933

File: d6a30241857a784⋯.png (84.45 KB, 600x465, 40:31, ClipboardImage.png)



just because you might be physically in the est timezone doesn't mean twatter is showing it

8744e4  No.4807934

Just an FYI to anons

Did you know that we are split?

That there is terrible 'infighting' here between us all?

The mouth piece for the 'alt-right Christian' view Sheila Zilinsky of "Sheila Media" stated Thursday that due to the above split and contention of the group who call themselves Q-Anons, she has decided to "leave the Q movement" because the Doug Hagmann(s) were right and she had to "eat crow". Q is nothing and nobody.

Damn peeps…didn't know we were fighting or we had "split"…

fugg [stupid ignorant people]

718009  No.4807935

File: 8ea2de5234fbbd2⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 575x431, 575:431, djtapproves.jpg)



e2e045  No.4807936

File: a0837238c9fee7e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1106x738, 553:369, a0837238c9fee7eeb0646cc31d….png)


>WTF do you think is in FF 'meat'

Depends where it's served.

6b6f93  No.4807937

File: 1eb993e59a25d6a⋯.jpg (93.57 KB, 832x468, 16:9, 65129847-770-0@2X.jpg)



A Vehicle Fit For POTUS!

True American Muscle!

Kings should stick to Horse Drawn Coaches!

724750  No.4807938

File: 42baa04d22a7004⋯.png (63.14 KB, 240x180, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


The PAIN was for us.

Those who know.

Those who have to suffer with knowing the truth while the SHIT SHOW of politics lured the sleeping to AWAKEN.


Being "In the Know" is painful.


Don't be surprised if the truth is revealed that the Deepwater Horizon was really an (Inside Sabotage Job) by the [Big Oil Players] & [DS].

* Happened in Apr 2010 - Hussein 1 year in office.

* He was radical about destroying our (Energy Production) capability.

* He was radical about (supposedly) being environmentally friendly.

* He even shut down offshore production in certain areas.

I worked in the Texas oilfield since 1980.

Worked on a semi-submersible rig, in 2005-2006, just like the Deepwater Horizon.

Reviewing the list of failures leading to the disaster: Basically [Everything] went wrong or failed.

I was a rig mechanic. I can tell you there was some sabotage of equipment on the rig I was on. Idiots do it for various reasons.

What the Deepwater Horizon disaster accomplished.

* Huge PR disaster for offshore drilling.

* Huge insurance payout.

* Big dent in USA oil production.


Bottom line. Looking at that disaster with what we've currently been discovering: It sure played into the [Deep State's] hand.

aaba27  No.4807939

WHEN WE SAY EAST TEXAS IS COMPD, here is part of the problem: even media is complicit in covering for the cartel drug operations.

They are pro-open borders and this particular station is all about bilingual inclusiveness at the expense of the white community that does not do drugs in their east Texas viewing area and want the borders shut down, as east Texas and this area in particular is a major thoroughfare for drugs and human trafficking.

The lowdown:

Guy caught breaking into off duty cop's home. Cop subdues would be burglar and burglar's friend.

Would be burglar has gun and ammo; is shot by off duty cop in process of removing gun from waistband of would be burglar.

Gun turns out to be a stolen gun.

Following drugs found on would be burglar:

* A plastic bag containing 23 grams of marijuana.

* A plastic bag containing approximately 108 tablets of MDMA.

* A plastic bag containing 23 grams of marijuana.

* A plastic bag containing approximately 108 tablets of MDMA.

* A glass jar containing approximately 83 Alprazolam tablets.

* A plastic bag containing approximately 21 Alprazolam tablets.

* A plastic bag containing suspected methamphetamine.

* A plastic bag containing suspected cocaine.

* A plastic bag containing mushrooms.

* A set of digital scales.

* A Ziplock bag containing approximately 37 clear empty capsules.

It was decided “due to manpower reasons” that would be burglar drug dealer would not be arrested at the time and arrest warrants would be obtained later, according to the affidavit.


An affidavit also states investigators decided that Texas Rangers would investigate the officer-involved shooting and file any weapon charges on would be burglar, while Whitehouse police would handle drug charges.

(Texas Rangers compd in cartel areas, too; housecleaning underway??)

Warrants for arrest were obtained on Jan. 7 and Jan. 8. He surrendered himself to the Smith County Jail on January 17 and is being held on bonds totaling $446,000.

WOULD BE BURGLAR AND DRUG DEALER IS SPAWN OF LOCAL ABC AFFILIATE daily selling open borders, illegal immigrants as victims of citizens, and never Trumper rhetoric:

Very last line of story says it all:

"Ben Stacey is the son of KLTV General Manager Pat Stacey."


IMO this sure explains a LOT about the FAKE NEWS and their bias towards regular citizens.

ca16e7  No.4807940

File: 490bdd0c6983692⋯.png (6.67 KB, 220x229, 220:229, ClipboardImage.png)


>only trust embeds

fbc3b6  No.4807941

File: 6a501763bd6d8fc⋯.png (46.96 KB, 590x236, 5:2, 6BE36A5C-61BD-4366-A73B-56….png)





Fart larper Econ is brittle and frail

6d67e1  No.4807942

I don't think Melania is allowed to travel commercial. THATS the difference.

4904df  No.4807943


Agreed, the caves alone can be explained by utility. But the opportunity to use for other stuff, combined with other indicators of pedo use, is where eyebrows should be raised.

>But what about NP's cave? No clue what is going on there.

I dunno. But I do know that my twatter account guy has ties to her. Sorry to be so cryptic re: his name. Another lead I followed from his account led to Hussein/VJ. I'm trying to find it now, will post nb if I do.


These people are sick.

Very sick. I won't say what my connection is to the twatter account I'm speaking of, but I know first hand just how sick these ppl are. I can dig into it only so long and then it gets overwhelming. So I try to fight in other areas of the Great Awakening. But my dedication to it, the time/sacrifice I devote to it, is bc of this shit right here.

8221b8  No.4807944


Thanks Anon!

b398ff  No.4807945

File: d4c94dda618607b⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 452x600, 113:150, DaS_OOhXkAAdGYZ.jpg)


you call out an attention whore by becoming one, good job.

27cbee  No.4807946

File: 67f8d1c7955a0d3⋯.png (358.99 KB, 1341x705, 447:235, ClipboardImage.png)


The madman did it! I posted on here last week

someone she take the "paytriot's idea" of bricks and really do it. MADMAN GEOTUS just did!!

Got $20.20 anons?

Totally worth it!


75bcfd  No.4807947

File: c456899b3197258⋯.jpeg (460.21 KB, 1242x1644, 207:274, 878D7496-96BD-4279-B2FB-6….jpeg)


0f40e4  No.4807948

File: 085579b43b0b03c⋯.jpg (56.8 KB, 1093x219, 1093:219, Screenshot 2019-01-18_14-3….jpg)

Pompeo planning to meet with Pat Roberts amid 2020 Senate speculation: report

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is planning to meet with Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) amid speculation that the Trump administration’s top diplomat could run to replace the retiring senator.

McClatchy reported the plans on Friday, though there’s no set timeline for a meeting.

The Hill has reached out to the State Department and Roberts's office for comment.

The report comes amid an increasingly aggressive effort by Senate Republicans to recruit Pompeo to run for Roberts’s seat in 2020.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has personally urged Pompeo to leave the State Department to run for the seat, even directly broaching the subject in a recent phone call.

Before joining the Trump administration as CIA director in 2017, Pompeo, 55, served as a congressman from Kansas’s 4th District. President Trump named Pompeo secretary of State last year after firing his former top diplomat, Rex Tillerson.

Roberts, who’s currently in his fourth term in the Senate, announced earlier this month that he would not seek reelection in 2020. Since then, Republican leaders have eyed Pompeo as a top choice to succeed the 82-year-old Roberts.

Democrats, fresh off a wave election in November that handed them control of the House, are hoping to regain a majority in the Senate in 2020, when nearly two dozen Republican incumbents will face reelection.

But winning Kansas is not likely to be easy for Democrats. The state has not sent a Democrat to the Senate since 1932. The Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan election handicapper, currently puts the 2020 Senate race in the state in the “likely Republican” column.


053d0a  No.4807949


I see you're not above anti-white stereotyping.

Muh they want you divided.

c014e7  No.4807950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

52f09a  No.4807951


he failed.

3e9276  No.4807952


its just off topic.

e13a3c  No.4807953

File: 706b70685062b08⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 500x323, 500:323, Crickets.jpg)

6867f5  No.4807954


>inbred hick

The Jewish hatred for the agricultural working class reveals itself. Every. Single. Time.

See also: Martin Luther's "On the Jews and their Lies" and the Holodomor.

733426  No.4807955


meme correction anon

>when your husband is no longer first lady.

24367d  No.4807956


Fed. court in (let me guess) the 9th Circuit? If not, then at least an Obamanation judge? Same shit, different day.

8305ac  No.4807957


That guy was one of them, ffs.

d858dc  No.4807958


I just purchased my brick.


b2ad01  No.4807959


wonder who owns shares in corexit too

fcbdd2  No.4807960


im against people subverting their host nations u dumb fuck.

9bef43  No.4807961

File: 8dbf857748d02e8⋯.png (143.4 KB, 275x260, 55:52, Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at ….png)

Why would you beLIEve that?

37ce6b  No.4807962


so is boobs, poop and porn but it doesnt stop it from being posted

f7576e  No.4807963


Would you get this uppity fucking semitic bitch LOL

Boy you want to get fucking targeted racially you came to the right fucking place.

629290  No.4807964


Vena = veins

Vino = wine

24367d  No.4807965


No problem.

222a98  No.4807966

File: 0edfaa6de312757⋯.png (647.67 KB, 830x319, 830:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Drug Companies Used Shortages, Recalls To Hike Prices As Much As 1,137 Percent, Report Finds

Drug companies raised prices on approximately one-third of the nearly 120 drugs classified as currently or recently in shortage after the shortages began, according to a Wall Street Journal report published Friday. Many of the drugs seeing big price hikes are low-cost prescription medicines that have been on the markets for years, like valsartan. It’s a blood pressure medication available through multiple sellers. After recalls of valsartan products from at least three companies this summer, other companies raised prices on their valsartan products by as much as 469 percent, according to The WSJ. Drug companies have already raised prices on hundreds of drugs in 2019, and high drug prices are a top concern for Americans. Average prices went up about 14 percent for drugs in shortages lasting more than 18 months and 6 percent during shortages lasting less than six months, according to a Value in Health study cited by The WSJ.

Indian drug company Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. raised prices on some of its valsartan-based products by 340 to 469 percent in July, according to The WSJ. An American company also raised prices after the recall. AmerisourceBergen Corp.’s American Health Packaging unit in Columbus, Ohio, jacked up prices by up to 63 percent in August. The price increases were passed down to individual pharmacies. The WSJ reported: But the average price that U.S. community retail pharmacies pay for valsartan tablets has also risen—to 31 cents a tablet from 10 cents in July, according to a Wall Street Journal review of data from a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services survey of pharmacies.

Alembic has defended its price increases. “One of our roles is to create a nimble supply chain that can react quickly to market opportunities,” Alembic managing director Pranav Amin said according to an October conference call transcript cited by The WSJ. “So we could respond very fast to the valsartan opportunity, and we could ramp up our supplies and we could get on the market at a high price.”More limited supply meeting inelastic demand should give a producer pricing leverage should they choose to exert it,” Rena Conti, associate professor of markets, public policy and law at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business, told The WSJ. These price hikes, like the 1,137 percent increase on muscle relaxant methocarbamol, happen even though buyers like pharmacies have also consolidated and gained negotiating power over companies manufacturing these less lucrative, older prescription drugs, according to The WSJ.

The WSJ’s review comes about a week after new Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley revealed his three-part initial plan to cut drug prices Jan. 9. The proposed legislation would aim to increase drug industry competition and include a ban on brand drugs engaging in “pay for delay.” It’s a tactic where a brand drug company pays a generic manufacturer to withhold a product that would compete with the brand drug for market share. The WSJ’s report was published about a week after a Jan. 7 study that undercut the drug industry’s claim that price increases are primarily due to medical innovation. The WSJ’s story also came about a month after a federal judge raised the stakes in an illegal price-fixing investigation of 16 drug companies making roughly 300 generic medications. The judge opened up more than one million emails, text messages and other communications to be shared among the plaintiffs in November. The WSJ based its analysis on pricing data provided by RELX Group’s Elsevier health-information unit.


9bef43  No.4807967

06a622  No.4807968

File: 56badff4cce0804⋯.png (499.75 KB, 602x669, 602:669, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

Seemed kinda notable for the black eye conspiracy guys like me.

380b6f  No.4807969


See Marcus 6:40 - 53

97b4f4  No.4807970

File: b16870d2fafe817⋯.jpg (192.54 KB, 980x649, 980:649, 66GTO.jpg)


A POTUS like Trump has a stable of American-made muscle cars! Here's another:

36e8f5  No.4807971


Cool…..maybe now the greedy fucks will drill on private land

No new wells should be approved until old ones are pumped dry

cc1d5a  No.4807972

Larry Klayman on Newsmax calling for Trump to pull Barr's nomination, citing his long relationship with Mueller. Also mentioned that Corsi happens to be one of Klayman's clients.

fa2cdd  No.4807973


I'm sure she could if she wanted to, but it would not be very wise.

92efcc  No.4807974


showtime has it. Maybe other places. You might try bootlegging it.

It is weird as shit. But everything means something. And people intentionally do not make things easy.

f43762  No.4807975

File: 550b2733537b910⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, adfca7d38e92b5614642c40185….jpg)


No outside comms

4501e5  No.4807976

File: e234a926b0e8a91⋯.jpeg (97.64 KB, 1020x800, 51:40, 1539190798.jpeg)

91a1c0  No.4807977

File: c19dae93d79fcaf⋯.jpeg (186 KB, 1063x378, 1063:378, 942004C6-9B1C-41C4-8991-E….jpeg)

Just received this text from Team Trump! KEK


8744e4  No.4807978


A Goat…beautiful sight.

e2e045  No.4807979

File: b2988767d2f7a03⋯.jpg (10.36 KB, 255x185, 51:37, b2988767d2f7a0399cc2029648….jpg)


>muh biblethumpin is bein' censored

fdd48b  No.4807980

File: fb340433432663f⋯.jpg (197.06 KB, 634x471, 634:471, matrix.jpg)


YEP - Obamas lovely BSEE group hard at work preventing businesses from producing O&G - as they have been doing since their creation…

517f9e  No.4807981


*CALLER: Is this Gordon's Pizza?

*GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza.*

*CALLER: I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry.*

*GOOGLE: No sir, Google bought Gordon's Pizza last month.*

*CALLER: OK. I would like to order a pizza.*

*GOOGLE: Do you want your usual, sir?*

*CALLER: My usual? You know me?*

*GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you

ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and

meatballs on a thick crust.*

*CALLER: OK! That's what I want …*

*GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula,

sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat, gluten free, thin crust?*

*CALLER: What? I detest vegetables.*

*GOOGLE: Your cholesterol is not good, sir.*

*CALLER: How the hell do you know?*

*GOOGLE: Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical

records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.*

*CALLER: Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetable pizza! I already take medication

for my cholesterol.*

*GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly.

According to our database, you only purchased a box of 30 cholesterol tablets once, at Drug RX Network, 4 months ago.*

*CALLER: I bought more from another drugstore.*

*GOOGLE: That doesn't show on your credit card statement.*

*CALLER: I paid in cash.*

*GOOGLE: But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank


*CALLER: I have other sources of cash.*

*GOOGLE: That doesn't show on your last tax return unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law.*


*GOOGLE: I'm sorry, sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you.*

*CALLER: Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp

and all the others. I'm going to an island without Internet, cable TV, where there is no cell phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me.*

*GOOGLE: I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago…*

fcbdd2  No.4807982


did jesus work on the sabbath? did jesus eat with unclean hands??

ur a retard.

f9d830  No.4807983

File: b53c64bc6d7741c⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 386x499, 386:499, hitlermeinwompf.jpg)

6ac4d0  No.4807984

File: 3914e43743d28a0⋯.jpg (434.55 KB, 1864x660, 466:165, LOBO881 18 Jan 19 1940.jpg)

LOBO881 headed SE out of Dayton, OH.

52f09a  No.4807985


immigration gumballs is my go to vid. Bottom line, no matter how much you feel about things, you cannot immigrate your way out of the global poverty problem. Especially the part with the pink gumballs.

24367d  No.4807986


Really not surprised. Price fixing in the drug industy? They have been doing this for years.

245589  No.4807987


Maybe she planned it as a one way trip.

fb698b  No.4807988


> Who takes their family to Afghanistan?

I wonder if that was the Egypt part? They tour Brussels, fly to Egypt where the families get off to looky looky at the pyramids, then are picked up on the way back.

That would explain the dems not admitting to the Egypt stop that POTUS mentioned.

Also remember Ramstein is less than an hour (flying) from Brussels. Why wouldn't a military flight stop there? Answer could be Ramstein isn't a tourist haven like Brussels.

fbc3b6  No.4807989

File: 7547a0d8f4ca958⋯.png (82.27 KB, 590x366, 295:183, F2896C8D-62FA-4F60-A444-CE….png)

718009  No.4807990

File: 1118151cc05f29c⋯.jpg (102.35 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MFGA.jpg)

File: 7a20bf0fd171455⋯.png (685.23 KB, 863x573, 863:573, rehearse.png)

File: 3a3bc426e0d2062⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 480x480, 1:1, comfy.jpg)

f21974  No.4807991


well smack my tities

i might have to check that out

c4d1e5  No.4807992

File: dedd18030172173⋯.png (1003.44 KB, 1136x927, 1136:927, nancy.PNG)

OMG IT'S……..IT'S REAL!!!!!!!!!!! MADMAN!!!!!!!!



3c24e7  No.4807993

File: 2ce58defba0a06c⋯.jpeg (3.88 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 461E0C08-CC85-44F8-A21D-3….jpeg)

File: 2da43c4ba94660e⋯.jpeg (55.91 KB, 314x445, 314:445, 722FDA58-F9B9-49E0-BACB-A….jpeg)

File: 0e097d8c80543c3⋯.jpeg (79.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, D7FC2495-FFB0-467B-A6D2-0….jpeg)

222a98  No.4807994


They sure have.

ada3d9  No.4807995


There's no in-fighting, just anons hanging out and Jew shills trying foment discord.. Zilinsky, eh? That's a pretty great name.

fa2cdd  No.4807996


Shut up, fuckinv shill.

8305ac  No.4807997


I wish that were funny.

97b4f4  No.4807998


Who is the Lord of the Sabbath?

718009  No.4808001

File: 6aaa089927266ec⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 400x400, 1:1, badge.jpg)

File: edca731ce596c14⋯.png (19.19 KB, 254x255, 254:255, bebest.png)

File: d3dbeacbecb9745⋯.png (581.38 KB, 720x529, 720:529, conquer.png)



2fef07  No.4808003


paytriots losing $$ due to Q

36e8f5  No.4808004


Cops work for the C_A and take down the competition

Never trust a pig

969f2c  No.4808005


Damage control? I think EU is beyond repair.

fdb9f4  No.4808006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's another of his videos, almost as good where he uses charts instead of gumballs and talks about different parts of it. If you haven't seen it I strongly recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muw22wTePqQ

f7576e  No.4808007





Great many jews and shills feeling like they are in control LOL

This is how we know the timing is close.

3e9276  No.4808008


it doesn't really work that way… Extraction is based on technology which is driven or stopped by oil price. I believe the VERY FIRST oil well ever in Pennsylvania was re-worked and fracked a few years back and is producing again…

Even a "dry" well only has 2-3% of total resource drawn from it. Tech advances prices fall and then it can be tapped again.

3c24e7  No.4808009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ada3d9  No.4808010


FLOTUS is too classy to travel commercial

Pelosi should be required to ride in the cargo hold in a kennel with the rest of the animals

c4be6c  No.4808011


who the fuck is "we" supposed to be?

does that include Lynn?

7b8716  No.4808012


Yes, hes a MADMAN but in the right way. Gotta luv him (no homo)

fbc3b6  No.4808013

Cia Faggots are so dull

6ac4d0  No.4808014

File: d138e6c40093f9a⋯.png (65.57 KB, 279x272, 279:272, ClipboardImage.png)

The LOBO flights are most likely to be from VMR-1 (Marine Transport Squadron 1 USMC), otherwise known as the 'Roadrunners'.

37ce6b  No.4808015


Migrants Kidnap Belgian Woman, Hold Her as Sex Slave for Two Months

Italian authorities are investigating claims of a 32-year-old Belgian woman who says she was kidnapped by six migrants and forced into sexual slavery for two months.


47d9af  No.4808016


tits or gtfo. Always sounded like something a Liberal came up with. Freedom of speech with rules & limits based on an idea from a screaming 20 yr old boy KEK


7bb6af  No.4808017

File: 214fa4d57e7f1af⋯.jpeg (58.85 KB, 325x668, 325:668, EF9F8E67-D7D8-4BFC-9D28-6….jpeg)


What happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand.

Ahhhhhhh… the power they have over us,

it’s embarrassing really.

fa2cdd  No.4808018


Ok, hippie

724750  No.4808019

File: 6f23620587f6503⋯.png (206.67 KB, 460x276, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)



Deepwater Horizon Disaster = Profit (Here comes Hollywood again)


Deepwater Horizon oil spill

BP bought Kevin Costner's oil spill clean-up machines – despite field test failure

Experts say oil company spent $16m on actor's oil-water separation machines and gave top priority to testing his devices.


2f165b  No.4808020

File: c011ec9c7358da6⋯.png (792.56 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, #'70w31.png)

File: 55dad7db623adf0⋯.png (819.52 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, #69judge.png)

File: 2af1ec2143af577⋯.jpg (415.07 KB, 881x489, 881:489, #71firechicken.jpg)

8596fe  No.4808021

Ok, If no one has said it yet, I'll say it…

Can you mix "Adrenochrome" with "Red Wine" to get some added benefits…hmm.

Can you bottle it to improve the potency?

etc…. you catch my drift…we can go all day with the what if's… have fun with this one.

22714c  No.4808022

fcbdd2  No.4808023


The creator… and thats why i make every day the sabbath fren.

ada3d9  No.4808024


Pathologically averse to manual labor, isn't that what they say? Sounds like regular plain, ol' laziness with good PR to me

d58019  No.4808025


Anon, come on, man. In this historic economy you can get s job. I'm in the middle of a 72-hour work week. And next week I'm scheduled for 80 hours. After that I'll keep booking as many 80 hour weeks as possible because.I need the.dough.

Why so many hours? Because the only work I could find that fits with my current study schedule is independent contract work (courier) and there's no overtime paid. But I can study in my vehicle when it's slow, so it works. One day when school is done I'll look back fondly on being holed up in my ride with my dogs for so long, learning what I gotta learn to have a real nice.profession…

So if I can do it, so can you. I did a shitload of research here, like you, AND I got a (you) from Q ("100% authentic"). But none of that mattered when bills came due.

There are plenty of Anons here to carry on this work and nine of us Anons is special, so go back the fuck away from your computer and get yourself a damn job.

75bcfd  No.4808026

File: 1587dec470e0825⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x1634, 621:817, C844EF7A-61DA-4C1A-A3ED-3….jpeg)

808299  No.4808027

File: 3caa9a9df34c8c9⋯.jpeg (253.14 KB, 1221x893, 1221:893, E622C42F-67DC-44C3-9A34-E….jpeg)

24367d  No.4808028


Don't include me in this "we". Sounds more like projection to me. By "we" you really mean you.

8596fe  No.4808029


Who sells wine out of California?

c9158a  No.4808030

File: bd54389ddbca670⋯.jpeg (34.69 KB, 255x239, 255:239, E9E6669C-E0FD-401F-B457-A….jpeg)

Pelosi was gonna go to Egypt?

f30a47  No.4808031

File: 708f7075e5c5ae7⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 992x442, 496:221, 708f7075e5c5ae75a050797d23….jpg)

File: 5a0138b9c749ec8⋯.png (44.42 KB, 644x195, 644:195, q post - coincidences.png)


How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

6ac4d0  No.4808032

File: ad3d7cb8249fcdd⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 450x262, 225:131, titsonthis.jpg)

File: d8608dd560755f2⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 640x446, 320:223, Dick Pic.jpg)

Here, have some tits and a Dick pic then.

e13a3c  No.4808033

File: e6714ec4964977f⋯.jpg (65.69 KB, 1497x331, 1497:331, 011819 US Snap 2.JPG)

File: ca89af57d65561f⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 451x333, 451:333, Same as it ever was.jpg)

File: c2c6e2f4835921f⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 1232x382, 616:191, 011819 NASDAQ Volume.JPG)

Propped up on decreasing volume throughout the session

Look for it to get 'busier', volume-wise, as the the indexes are all starting to tire. 24 hours ago we had the whoosh up. Keep it nice and green so no one talks about it over the weekend.

97b4f4  No.4808034

File: bc58f97dab538dc⋯.mp4 (15.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nancy Pelosi - North Korea….mp4)


The treasonous bitch should be incarcerated for dealing with the Norks…

c78d7a  No.4808035



6c5bc6  No.4808036


>>4807966 Drug companies used shortages, recalls to hike prices as much as 1,137 percent, report finds.

>>4807947 Popcorn to hand: EU braces for Brexit.

>>4807775, >>4807882 Nationwide gang of serial killers?

>>4807896 WH: Trump-Kim summit to take place near February.

>>4807674, >>4807815, >>4807834 Ca. winery dig.

>>4807722 Michael Cohen shows up with black eye and arm in sling after report comes out.

>>4807619 US to buy two Iron Dome batteries as first part of $1.7b missile defense project.

>>4807607 Gov. DeSantis suspends Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher.

>>4807542 Anon suggests digging around caves and tunnels in California.

>>4807508 MSM trying to spin witness intimidation narrative around Cohen / Trump?

>>4807484 ; >>4807495 US patents for mind control devices.

bb0f00  No.4808037


Christians are NOT the elect. Jesus had nothing to do with Christianity as he taught Torah Law. The elect are people that walk in his Law, statutes, and commandments - not to be confused with Jewish customs and traditions.

Also, we are NOT in those times. That period is a 3 1/2 year period. The markers are not in place for that time to start either.

Any preacher preaching we are in those times is truly an idiot.


d4ebaa  No.4808038

File: bb4298e469528b6⋯.png (141.38 KB, 800x861, 800:861, 800px-Karyotype.png)

How long does it take to grow a human clone?

Why does US-ARMY has secret research lab at KU?

Think star wars clone war


c23825  No.4808039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very interesting in regards to "The Bridge"

43b4fb  No.4808040

File: 0ee76f158e649d5⋯.jpeg (121.93 KB, 814x833, 814:833, 0ee76f158e649d503d5cd2782….jpeg)


Military personnel have always been guinea pigs and still are today. One Monday morning in 1987, my Infantry company was given the choice between volunteering to be tested with a new vaccine that was supposed to protect us from waterborne bacteria and get the rest of the day off, or run 5 miles PT. We unanimously opted for the vaccine. Probably not the smartest choice, but this 23 year old grunt was hungover and not in the mood for a pre-dawn run in 89f temps and 90% humidity. To this day I still don't know if it was legit, what it was or if it came with any risks or side effects. It does not show up in my medical records.

b14473  No.4808041

File: 7fd7b1b33e851d6⋯.jpg (199.52 KB, 1056x828, 88:69, fired the IRS.jpg)



That is outrageous! And needs to be stopped immediately.

Prolly why Pelosi was so adamant about getting the IRS reopened for people to get tax refunds.

Guess who will pay for the wall, if the IRS is closed? MEXICO!

fbc3b6  No.4808042

File: 3c22877c751f20d⋯.png (53.95 KB, 590x288, 295:144, 2FFAC96A-5D83-4C6A-9BED-AB….png)

51ba66  No.4808043

File: 1ab4908b53b43b2⋯.png (884.7 KB, 750x1073, 750:1073, ClipboardImage.png)

e2e045  No.4808044

File: 24a0971e573f264⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 980x770, 14:11, 24a0971e573f264c65c2e214d7….jpg)


If you're whoring for attention, you've got to put up the goods. Tits or reciept for a brick will do.

65e5f2  No.4808045


He who is Lord of Sabaoth - Rom 9:29

7b8716  No.4808046

File: 09364ccbe24d2d6⋯.png (80.34 KB, 633x439, 633:439, ClipboardImage.png)

"President Donald J. Trump met with Kim Yong Chol for an hour and half, to discuss denuclearization and a second summit, which will take place near the end of February. The President looks forward to meeting with Chairman Kim at a place to be announced at a later date.” SHS


2fef07  No.4808047


if he did not want to be photographed, he could have easily found a way not to be

so, he did want it to be publicized

believe he is an actor

92efcc  No.4808048


It is going to be probably the strangest shit you have ever seen. I promise you it all means something important.

71c720  No.4808049

File: 683b85557bc6a79⋯.jpg (199.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2019.jpg)

36e8f5  No.4808050


And look, a hog surfaces…..give your pension back faggot

78d9d7  No.4808051

File: 964e5692cffa8f5⋯.jpeg (87.38 KB, 750x500, 3:2, D4D4C81A-AC74-4698-BBA3-8….jpeg)

6e9442  No.4808052


Your front hole is showing.

c78d7a  No.4808053

File: dbc055f425e8484⋯.jpg (15.26 KB, 237x390, 79:130, eye bleach.jpg)

40420a  No.4808054

File: 9d8b26e0057a1c8⋯.png (59.92 KB, 212x174, 106:87, MC.Allergy.PNG)

File: c0dc77cf94fede3⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Allergy.Bracelet.jpg)


>Seemed kinda notable for the black eye conspiracy guys like me.

w/hospital admission

That's a red Allergy Alert hospital bracelet he is wearing.

e13a3c  No.4808055

File: b15330e89d154d2⋯.gif (277.09 KB, 240x287, 240:287, Hitler rave.gif)

47d9af  No.4808056


Case & Point. Screaming liberal alert

718009  No.4808057

File: 07d6a7de636628d⋯.jpeg (295.36 KB, 1000x884, 250:221, REEEEE.jpeg)

File: add99f143d3f83e⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, img.jpg)

File: a3d70f35ec1c8bc⋯.jpg (195.66 KB, 1092x739, 1092:739, LOVE TRUMPS HATE.JPG)

File: e13458e05e646c0⋯.jpg (54.94 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, overflow.jpg)

File: 463dd346f3c05ec⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 600x460, 30:23, peaceisourprofession.jpg)



[Q steps onto the stage]


[POTUS saw the Love of the Son, and it TOUCHED his heart]

POTUS believed in _ff bc _ff believed so whole heartedly in Q.


And this testimony was documented for ALL the NATIONS to see.


>Speaking the TRUTH in LOVE, we all can become WHOLE in the BODY, who is Christ within US.

f30a47  No.4808058

File: 2f62337e295496c⋯.jpg (354.48 KB, 1259x688, 1259:688, Song and Dance.jpg)

0bb8c2  No.4808059

File: c06dc499df01266⋯.png (654.69 KB, 507x755, 507:755, ClipboardImage.png)



Watch the water…


238cd7  No.4808060

File: 3157ad5f187804a⋯.jpg (154.61 KB, 938x573, 938:573, 3157ad5f187804af471f019e32….jpg)


Thanks Fren.

fcbdd2  No.4808061


now that is a great sign!!!

45d8bd  No.4808062

File: a62fc005f8fd62f⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 610x584, 305:292, i7dtyj.JPG)


Mein Kekpf

97b4f4  No.4808063


Good = life

Evil = death

Chose good over evil

Choose life over death

fa2cdd  No.4808064


You truly are an idiot.

Every cop in every city is not to be trusted?

969f2c  No.4808065


Fast & big money

6f7d3c  No.4808066



>>4775483, >>4775542 Furloughed feds won’t be RIFed if government shutdown extends past 30 days

c735e0  No.4808067

File: df81e679046a04a⋯.gif (72.59 KB, 129x150, 43:50, bitchnigga.gif)


>contention of the group who call themselves Q-Anons

>she has decided to "leave the Q movement"

>Q is nothing and nobody.

>didn't know we were fighting or we had "split"


aaba27  No.4808068


dirty LEOs are a huge problem out here.

many tied by LICENSE PLATE and social media directly to the cartels.

it is real easy to buy cops and judges and station managers with the sheer amount of cash changing hands … vehicles, property, stolen guns and ATVs … huge amounts of bribery out here.

e2e045  No.4808070


How do we send him a jar of peanut butter?

d4ebaa  No.4808071

right over target

Why would US ARMY store best and brightest personnel tissue sample in Secret K-state freezer?




36e8f5  No.4808072


Only niggers and spics get refunds

White people get fucked

IRS is weaponized Jewry

c014e7  No.4808073


Giving me a friggin head ache. I can catch other shilly posts before I read them. But these guys…gah…gotta read two three word b4 I catch it.

0bb8c2  No.4808074


That's a pretty funny display…I'm sure the humor was lost on many

19aa5a  No.4808075

File: c95c00a4cc40da8⋯.gif (350.88 KB, 500x375, 4:3, c0613d5e35e8abd0720fb3bd6a….gif)


we are qresearch if you please

we are qresearch if you don't please

fa2cdd  No.4808076


Case in point, anon.

9b9a1f  No.4808077


>I'm going to an island without Internet, cable TV, where there is no cell phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me.*


You cracked it , anon. That's why the elite like owning their own islands!

ee2572  No.4808078


I was in back then, still had few old nam vets still in. Went pussified in the 90's.

bb0f00  No.4808079


No it never says that. You are brainwashed by Christian dogma.

8444f7  No.4808080

File: 9ab143591efa6a6⋯.jpg (789.08 KB, 2489x2489, 1:1, IMG_5364.JPG)

36e8f5  No.4808081


Only time you can trust a pig

Is when it’s staring down the barrel of a .45

f30a47  No.4808082

File: 18462be35bf088e⋯.jpg (43 KB, 274x184, 137:92, nancy and kim.jpg)

37ce6b  No.4808083



didnt take much to rattle yall, did it…kek.

when anons have no valid argument they resort to tits or gtfo. Either stand by what you say is your premise - no offtopic - or you g tfo hypocrite…and I dont wanna see any of your body parts. :-) Peace, anons.

fa2cdd  No.4808084



Yes, but there are still satellites

f43762  No.4808085


She's also not breaking any laws, so there's that

ff8a29  No.4808086

File: 31ff7ae8c6386e1⋯.jpg (603.19 KB, 800x768, 25:24, PELOSI66.jpg)

e13a3c  No.4808087

File: 94fb94ba326187d⋯.jpg (622.84 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Buick GSX.jpg)

2fef07  No.4808088


berder island

fbc3b6  No.4808089

File: 077b4d829cb2c87⋯.jpg (152.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_5461.JPG)

92efcc  No.4808090


As we get further along the Great Awakening the Jews will have to throw more of their prepositioned controlled op assets into the fray to attempt to spin our movement and slow us down. No use getting destroyed while still having misinformation agents to toss on the fire. After all these assets only have worth to protect the powerful.

779c77  No.4808091


Where's waldo? We've suggested to Ben (on this board) to start hiding subtle Q-related symbolism in his drawings.

c014e7  No.4808092


>all the spammers and bots and enemies on this board, and you complain about religiousity.

No I complain about the headache inducing biblefagging dispensationalist horse shit. Y'all should post on the board THAT's BEEN MADE FOR YOU! FFS, we gave enough of a shit about you fucks to give you a friggin board and ya'll act like muh jew shills. Very fucking christian

6e9442  No.4808093

File: cfc68e5efa2b459⋯.jpg (410.42 KB, 1750x2500, 7:10, leftcantmeem.jpg)


Of course not. But every cop who stands by while antifa fags get physical against patriots do not paint a picture that endears them to patriots.

Just remember that. I do.

8744e4  No.4808094


What the fuk you talkin about?

I reported on some dipshit giving her skewed biased 2 cents about Q to a over 100K YT viewers.

Like I said…FUGG [stupid ignorant people]

I guess you are one

aaba27  No.4808095


there are still good cops out there.

they are the ones being forced out of the cop shops for not playing along.

was raised up around a lotta cops.

good people.

not all are corrupt.

out here the whole 'system' is.

hard for good cops to rise above.

91f1e4  No.4808096

Travel to Brussels and Egypt with families was not a codel…

It was an escape attempt with out extradition….

We only see Pelosi luggage (how long after)

Cases of cash confiscated

ce8a93  No.4808097

File: e8bb8f8c0bafd49⋯.webm (1.21 MB, 600x480, 5:4, 1497734233590 (1).webm)

2b2de2  No.4808098


>who sells wine out of CA?

fucking everyone?

Napa valley and Temecula Valley Wineries are fucking world renowned.

ee2572  No.4808099


troops first mission always.

That is the nicest way anyone will ever tell you just how fucked you are.

6b44b5  No.4808100


LOL… Ya because the first lady is in involved in negotiating the reopening of the govt.

These people really are stupid.

eedccc  No.4808101


Isnt he the guy in Qs pic

Sry just woke up need covfefe

37ce6b  No.4808102

Manufacturing Production Soared in December

Output at U.S. factories grew 1.1 percent last month, the Federal Reserve said Friday. Economists had expected industrial production to be flat to barely rising. Compared with a year ago, industrial production rose 4 percent in December.

Vehicle production jumped 4.7 percent in the month, boosted by demand for light trucks. Compared with a year ago, vehicle production is up 7.8 percent.


71c720  No.4808103


chinese scum

fbc3b6  No.4808104

File: cd9431d4de17748⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 828x828, 1:1, IMG_5459.JPG)

4d7d78  No.4808105

File: 8c8b13559a6ff70⋯.jpg (91.51 KB, 634x263, 634:263, pope_hall.jpg)

4dc857  No.4808106

File: 565a014367e72bc⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 482x393, 482:393, quaxi.jpg)

time for a break…

82c7fa  No.4808107


Loved it but, seemed like you needed to take a breath here and there. That, or I read it too fast.


4501e5  No.4808108

File: 3d35ff5912e3d8c⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 550x327, 550:327, mary-poppins.gif)

f30a47  No.4808109



I knew it when I clicked on it. "About to watch some people die here."

c014e7  No.4808110


infoschwartz? Is MotherfuckinJones down or sumthin

5b4f4e  No.4808111


That's when we had the good acid in Santa Bruta

43b4fb  No.4808112


I was trained by those old Nam vets. They are my heroes. They taught the stuff that wasn't in the books. Lessons learned in their blood, that saved mine a half dozen times over.

62c29d  No.4808113


Castro should be hanged for treason.

f7da60  No.4808114

File: 1aff757f1ef91b7⋯.png (20.65 KB, 801x475, 801:475, NortonSecurity.PNG)

Does anyone know what in the hail this file is and why is Norton declaring it safe if it was released just a week ago?

22714c  No.4808115

File: c0947c450fc734e⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 300x225, 4:3, babel-vs-eu.jpg)


>tourist haven like Brussels


985ea3  No.4808116

File: 8e50927c956baba⋯.png (183.37 KB, 721x452, 721:452, ClipboardImage.png)

I sure hope something else is going on here.

6c41f6  No.4808117


Continue. . . Sauce?

e13a3c  No.4808118

File: f1d143be3ec5e38⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 736x1117, 736:1117, Bombs away baby.jpg)

aaba27  No.4808119



e2e045  No.4808120

File: 1320d7e39433a22⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, 10-incredible-x-rays-that-….jpg)


If I can make a suggestion…

23a2e7  No.4808122

In their alarming book, the authors report how China has become the largest supplier of the active ingredient in aspirin and acetaminophen, present in more than 600 over-the-counter and prescription medicines. China is also the dominant global supplier for the essential ingredients to make penicillin and for vitamin C, used in vitamin supplements, cereals, soda, and hamburger buns. It is also the largest exporter of medical devices, with close to 20,000 products for sale.


Next generation of asymmetric warfare. Using world wide trade and capitalism against the USA. Death by a million slow, tiny cuts. The cuts in this case being chemicals and toxins that are found in the China manufactured medicines, vitamins and supplements, all leading to increased cancer rates, other ailments and childhood birth issues and disorders.

fbc3b6  No.4808123

Blah blah bot spam

Doge needs to go the vet


Go buy a vibrator from the scientologist and play with yourself

Use the daniel lotion for tavistock

6c5bc6  No.4808124


>>4807966 Drug companies used shortages, recalls to hike prices as much as 1,137 percent, report finds.

>>4807947 Popcorn to hand: EU braces for Brexit.

>>4807775, >>4807882 Nationwide gang of serial killers?

>>4807896, >>4808046 WH: Trump-Kim summit to take place near February.

>>4807674, >>4807815, >>4807834 Ca. winery dig.

>>4807722 Michael Cohen shows up with black eye and arm in sling after report comes out.

>>4807619 US to buy two Iron Dome batteries as first part of $1.7b missile defense project.

>>4807607 Gov. DeSantis suspends Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher.

>>4807542 Anon suggests digging around caves and tunnels in California.

>>4807508 MSM trying to spin witness intimidation narrative around Cohen / Trump?

>>4807484 ; >>4807495 US patents for mind control devices.

Last call / Baking in 50

bb0f00  No.4808125


Who says the Holy Spirit is God? Did Israel ever worship a Trinity?

You are following Christian dogma


37ce6b  No.4808126

The Joint Staff Retweeted

Netherlands Embassy 🇺🇸

Netherlands Embassy 🇺🇸




Congratulations to US General Joe F. Dunford, who was decorated as a Commander in the Order of Orange-Nassau with swords by Dutch Minister of #Defense Ank Bijleveld in the Hague for his outstanding and invaluable services to international peace and security.


6aa0fa  No.4808127


Because you are dirty rotten lying cheating cocksuckers. Keep it up and I'll tell you how I really feel

0bb8c2  No.4808128


Chinese videos never end well

a08ea4  No.4808129


research Jared Kushners sect that he is apart of.

Kushner is the only one I dont trust.

His father in law, is the most powerful man in the world.

His wife is about to be the head of the world bank.

He himself is a senior official, the de-facto chief of staff.

6b6f93  No.4808131

File: aeda45749b0b09d⋯.jpg (82.45 KB, 1000x511, 1000:511, 622605-1000-0@2x.jpg)




MOPAR = Elephant = POTUS!

216687  No.4808132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71c720  No.4808133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some globetards will say this is not cgi KEK

eedccc  No.4808134


Ivanka is not going to be a head of WB

de2b60  No.4808136


Equating Trump and Q to God the father and Jesus.

Heretical blaspheming apostate detected.

fa2cdd  No.4808137


Because it doesn't take a week to analyze a file.

They don t sit around and wait for people to report problems. They are proactive, not reactive.

6e9442  No.4808138

File: 9392653e8e81705⋯.jpg (164.11 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, grinfrog.jpg)


>Norton declaring it safe


d4ebaa  No.4808139

Not servants…subjects

What kind of Human tissue samples are stored in the UMKC basement freezers?

think super soldier program

think Transhumanism


380b6f  No.4808140

File: 007995de5a234d9⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1338x801, 446:267, ClipboardImage.png)

9acff0  No.4808141



8744e4  No.4808142


It means that it is a "new file/exe. program" that had recently come to be in use by other users.

Advice…get rid of Norton.

Get Emsisoft.

You will sleep better

43b4fb  No.4808143

File: f7daa715165c5cd⋯.jpg (73.07 KB, 580x435, 4:3, 2rf6ms.jpg)


Kek! Just now noticing?

c3e42b  No.4808144


Digitally signed by google will get it flagged as safe


c78d7a  No.4808145

23a2e7  No.4808146


Can be easy to solve with a new law. Federal government employees in crucial positions are not allowed to ingest medications that are not made in the USA due to national security reasons.

Bam, bring back manufacturing on a big scale back to the USA.

47d9af  No.4808147

File: 6bff4f60ae1869d⋯.png (275.45 KB, 754x365, 754:365, Screenshot (650).png)


liddle liberal screaming at the sky.

f4cd21  No.4808148


Everything is Not set in stone. Everyone has Free Will. Our future is on a different timeline now. We are entering the unknown. n

2f165b  No.4808149



(((newspaper))) prophets

<the gift that keeps on giving

7b8716  No.4808150

File: 8535d7ab69e734f⋯.jpg (22.74 KB, 508x1000, 127:250, bunnahabhain-stiuireadair-….jpg)

The only spirit im interested in.


9a8e2a  No.4808151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why don't you SLIDE

92efcc  No.4808152


I still think part of the PLAN is to bring Assange into court in spectacular fashion probably in NY City. Probably televise the proceedings and the PLAN will be to use the trial to bring the truth of a lot of fuckery to the public. Exposing Hillary's emails and lots of other things. And have public opinion slowly change to that Assange is a hero and when he is found not guilty there will be an impromtu grand parade marching him from the court house.

But we can not have people thinking this is what is going on. They will disbelieve the information if they think this is the PLAN. So you fuck around alot.

e13a3c  No.4808153



380b6f  No.4808154

File: 4a6e1cefc5160ab⋯.png (71.43 KB, 400x433, 400:433, ClipboardImage.png)

39072c  No.4808155

File: 0e2588cf23b06e4⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 576x383, 576:383, teslasecret.jpg)

Science and poetry are the two eyes of one person- Tesla

c014e7  No.4808156


You can "speak" all the fuck you want! Can I?!? Do I have to fucking agree with your spammy shit just cuz "free speach"?!? Free speech doesn't mean agreement dip shit.

280817  No.4808157

File: 4056bbdc0bd3bf8⋯.pdf (1.53 MB, 9S_Millenium_2019-01-19_Wh….pdf)

File: 5f767e3a0cd3b42⋯.jpg (486.64 KB, 1903x944, 1903:944, Screenshot_2019-01-19 Who ….jpg)


Thank you Patriot.

For those interested here is a 44 x A4 page version of parts 1 and 2.

It is quite a long read and pulls together a lot of threads into a comprehensive "novella". I would say that this is an essential text that lays the foundations for why the rot goes so deep.

09afd5  No.4808158

File: 81fa0db8cecb333⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 720x480, 3:2, FlamingPinko.jpg)



maybe a different color…

a8e7de  No.4808159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


watch this…it may help

880a2b  No.4808160

File: 912eeb0aa7e48e2⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Flynn-Patriot2.jpg)

We give thanks to POTUS, the military and all the white hats for making

2019 the year when Roe v Wade will be overturned and life from conception protected.

For reasons of national security.

The Russians have been making assessments

of their own quantity and quality for some time.

You can't import everything. Some things have to be made right at home.

The Rothschilds can pay for it all. No child or mother left behind.

Charlie Don't Surf.


733426  No.4808161

File: e1f03cff79dfa3d⋯.png (288.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


fetards have officially been demoted from shill to troll.

47d9af  No.4808162


>>4808083 (btw….I was agreeing w you, Fren)

1065dc  No.4808163

>>4802913 (PB)

Fur is fine.

>>4802910 (PB)

Removing the dam does not increase the amount of available water. Water in excess of dam capacity is drained off already.

91f1e4  No.4808164


Wish I could…

Can't sauce on this source…

Suggest dig itinerary… and guest list (not vacation)

d4ebaa  No.4808165


think NASA volunteers


37ce6b  No.4808166


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Prominent Global Law Firm Agrees to Register as an Agent of a Foreign Principal

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP has entered into a settlement agreement with the Department of Justice, resolving its liability for violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), announced Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers.

According to the Agreement, Skadden acted as an agent of the Government of Ukraine within the meaning of FARA, 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq., by contributing to a public relations campaign directed at select members of the U.S. news media in 2012. Moreover, in 2012 and 2013, Skadden received multiple inquiries from the Department’s FARA Registration Unit about its role in that campaign. A partner then at Skadden made false and misleading statements to the FARA Unit, which led it to conclude in 2013 that the firm was not obligated to register under FARA. The facts, when uncovered, showed that Skadden was indeed required to register in 2012, and, under the Agreement, it will do so retroactively.


4edfb9  No.4808167

You guys arguing about bible shit and religion which is 3 out of 4 post so in this thread may as well be bickering about nfl teams or tiktok videos. All of you need to swallow a knife.

e2e045  No.4808168




It's a shame that POTUS's ethanol push will destroy those cars.

2b2de2  No.4808169


Sounds like Obama, eh?

6b6f93  No.4808170

File: 1f4b90d1a9a9cc4⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Car-100972083-9e780e34b211….jpg)


Meep Meep!

6b44b5  No.4808171


As a Christian, I believe Trump and Q are who they say they are.

But, should any proof ever be given that they are acting in any way against my faith, or the bible, I will turn against them without hesitation.

0bb8c2  No.4808172

File: 107be8cf6cc0db8⋯.png (135.85 KB, 1162x571, 1162:571, ClipboardImage.png)


be careful anon.

aaba27  No.4808173


kek it took a minnit :/

d8d9a7  No.4808174

Trump and Cohen didn't lie to hide a real estate deal.

They lied to hide that they told Putin, before the first votes were cast, that they were willing to work with both sanctioned banks and GRU.


560db7  No.4808175

File: 20a72704cdd6d9b⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 1000x676, 250:169, astronaut-1000.jpg)


And Kek!

23a2e7  No.4808176


>We give thanks to POTUS, the military and all the white hats for making We give thanks to POTUS, the military and all the white hats for making 2019 the year when Roe v Wade will be overturned and life from conception protected.


God bless and protect the United States of America.

c014e7  No.4808177


No, there's a whole shit tonne of shit to do in a locked down embassy in Trashcanistan. Whooopeee!

ce8a93  No.4808178



Uploaded the wrong webm- kek

231919  No.4808179

File: 68005333aa59e6a⋯.png (441.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, bluebird.png)

e2e045  No.4808180

File: e7e1658ce8cd2a0⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 800x574, 400:287, 10-incredible-x-rays-that-….jpg)


They keep doing it wrong.

51ba66  No.4808181

File: 2d55d8f882b95f1⋯.png (246.16 KB, 624x416, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


It probably took them days to find that pic of HRC. It barely looks how she really looks now.

f09175  No.4808182

File: 64ac5f4ea2a917c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1332x1426, 666:713, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

File: 3e14ff2bd8c5a5d⋯.png (352.05 KB, 1370x1458, 685:729, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

File: 6a1ca3ac708bb3e⋯.png (392.25 KB, 1390x1450, 139:145, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

File: 1f4cd6bad3d0636⋯.png (373.93 KB, 1380x1424, 345:356, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

File: 2e799ca1c7df0db⋯.png (388.58 KB, 1380x1480, 69:74, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

If anyone wanted to know just what jobs would be deleted from Fed Workforce.. THESE.. and we wondered why Hussein was doing it.


e13a3c  No.4808184


those just got ridiculously priced. Nice though

6c5bc6  No.4808185


>>4808126 Gen. Dunford receives decoration in the Netherlands for his service towards international peace and security.

>>4807966 Drug companies used shortages, recalls to hike prices as much as 1,137 percent, report finds.

>>4807947 Popcorn to hand: EU braces for Brexit.

>>4807775, >>4807882 Nationwide gang of serial killers?

>>4807896, >>4808046 WH: Trump-Kim summit to take place near February.

>>4807674, >>4807815, >>4807834, >>4807739, >>4808154 Ca. winery dig.

>>4807722 Michael Cohen shows up with black eye and arm in sling after report comes out.

>>4807619 US to buy two Iron Dome batteries as first part of $1.7b missile defense project.

>>4807607 Gov. DeSantis suspends Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher.

>>4807542 Anon suggests digging around caves and tunnels in California.

>>4807508 MSM trying to spin witness intimidation narrative around Cohen / Trump?

>>4807484 ; >>4807495 US patents for mind control devices.


58878a  No.4808186

File: da49a356998acb2⋯.jpg (61.76 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4797261.jpg)

Anons…Real Quick….

Do any of you have an updated retiring or already gone Politicians list?? I can't find mine and I'm going at it on Fuckbook like mad today.

Some of the MOST blue friends I have are jumping ship FINALLY the past few days. GLORIOUS!!

aaba27  No.4808188


'used tire district' KEK just got that! truth!!! these guys change tires every day

8b24bb  No.4808189



dd510e  No.4808191


Israel is hosted within America? Have you ever taken a geography course?

91f1e4  No.4808192

Escape attempt

Compile events of yesterday

880a2b  No.4808193

File: 4ab8db5eaafc3fb⋯.png (72.57 KB, 500x389, 500:389, its-always-darkest-before-….png)


I am a proud globetard bitter clinging deplorable

truther since birther teabagging patriot

14d48c  No.4808195

File: 4988b49e3a9808a⋯.png (796.29 KB, 595x593, 595:593, Earth Not Flat Meme.PNG)

47d9af  No.4808196


My Dads first brand new car was a RR, Purple. Beautiful car

99f850  No.4808197


Wrong, wrong, wrong.

MANDATORY RIFs aren't in place after 30 days in an emergency shutdown, but Agencies can and will still implement the procedures if they want to.

RIFs are mandated after 30 days of a shutdown, in essence to save taxpayer money. OMB's statement simply says that this doesn't apply to an emergency shutdown (which they imply this shutdown is, but I think lawfags would agree this could be challenged…).

aaba27  No.4808198


trips of truth

dd510e  No.4808199


So, "Just following orders", eh MOS?

2eeaa6  No.4808200

File: 7248294dbc0c89e⋯.jpg (114.87 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, pope eye.jpg)



f09175  No.4808202


Baker.. Jobs filled by Hussein BEFORE he left office


880a2b  No.4808204


Is the holocaust real or fake anon?

d8d9a7  No.4808205

“Robert Mueller’s investigators have more than Cohen’s word. The lead originated with documents and witnesses inside the Trump Organization, a great sign of how much visibility Mueller has into the private business world of Donald Trump pre-presidency.”


6c5bc6  No.4808206


Repost nb please.

32aad1  No.4808207


"It's a movie."

1065dc  No.4808209

Brick the bitches in.


$20.20 to send Nancy and Chucky a brick. This is through Team Trump

dd510e  No.4808210


Did Jesus keep the Sabbath Day holy?

Is Jesus Lord of the Sabbath?

Did the pharisaical talmudists have the right to change God's Law, and replace it with their own rules?

Is a man defiled by what goes into his mouth, or what comes out of it?

733426  No.4808211

File: 995c337707eb09d⋯.png (363.11 KB, 474x563, 474:563, ClipboardImage.png)

f09175  No.4808212


roger that

71c720  No.4808213

File: 93a8078ff6fd996⋯.jpg (726.55 KB, 1997x3000, 1997:3000, 278307.jpg)


sweden is right in her asshole

sweden is a shithole KEK

d4ebaa  No.4808214

what would happen if genetic material could be used as a weapon?

how would the weapon be delivered ?

think Jason Born

e13a3c  No.4808215

File: 1633bb7c6a6ce56⋯.jpg (65.9 KB, 800x486, 400:243, Charlie don't surf.jpg)


well said. VP got that years ago.

079dba  No.4808216


wow, you look for verification about the holocaust from a random anon?

what kind of an idiot are you?

507dda  No.4808217

File: a6454118b2a5d06⋯.png (176.39 KB, 487x367, 487:367, 2019-01-18_15-04-53.png)



81b832  No.4808218

File: e5e5a1d23a7e6c7⋯.jpg (420.02 KB, 1080x964, 270:241, Screenshot_20190118-145653….jpg)

File: badd4c1510c3989⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 814x381, 814:381, Screenshot_20190118-150305….jpg)


Kellyanne Conway 01:00 rogue actors at the very "tippy top" of the FBI. reference

b4a007  No.4808219

My home….just breaks my heart


dd510e  No.4808220


Do you say that to ever Marine Corps combat vet you post at, or just me?

c78d7a  No.4808221

Trump to hold second summit with Kim Jong Un


January 18, 2019 2:55 PM

President Donald Trump is to hold a second summit with the leader of North Korea near the end of February to try to coax the North to give up its nuclear program.

The announcement came at the White House Friday after Trump met with a North Korean envoy.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Trump met for 90 minutes with Kim Yong Chol to discuss denuclearization and a second summit. She said the president looks forward to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at a place to be announced at a later date.

Trump had his first, historic meeting with Kim Jong Un last June in Singapore and reached a vague denuclearization agreement, but little tangible progress has been made since. So far, no details have been publicly released about how denuclearization could occur

Should this go with the previous notable on NK Meeting with POTUS today?

43b4fb  No.4808223

File: 73b5c7b4b31f9f8⋯.jpg (102.81 KB, 693x499, 693:499, 2rf5va.jpg)

File: 2dafb5e7ade2409⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2rf65k.jpg)

File: 364baaa75b415e8⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 2rf6dd.jpg)


Bonus memes for your dubs

a8e7de  No.4808224


go to qmap.pub

ada3d9  No.4808225


Both. If it was human anatomy, it'd be a porn star's tits.

63214d  No.4808226

File: 110a271b63341a0⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 800x770, 80:77, BlackEyeClub123.jpg)

File: 615150087efd8fc⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 634x870, 317:435, cohen black eye.jpg)

Michael Cohen in the Black Eye Club?



969f2c  No.4808227


Alex was a talented actor. You have to give him that.

dd510e  No.4808228


Is the Holdomor real or fake?

The Night of Terror real or fake?

Krystalnacht, real or fake?

WWI, real or fake?

c78d7a  No.4808229

5b4f4e  No.4808230

File: 2d96f97928d0566⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, FGMVitaminC.png)

File: 5fabed522669c81⋯.png (11.75 MB, 4160x2340, 16:9, GarnetFGM.png)


My dad bought a Vitamin C Orange Roadrunner with a 426ci hemi and the upgraded transmission in '69… it just sits in his storage now. His regular ride is a Garnet Red '69 Camaro we rebuilt from a junkyard find, 502ci with NOS.

That's my mom and son in the pics.

2eeaa6  No.4808231

File: 91c429f01ec89f4⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 534x712, 3:4, reidblackeyeclub.jpg)

dd510e  No.4808232


He's apeing professional wrestlers. Decent salesman tho

c3e42b  No.4808233

File: e6f9c003c1209ed⋯.png (828.25 KB, 1348x3492, 337:873, ClipboardImage.png)


From the pdf in article

51ba66  No.4808235


Flight is still in the USA.

🍎 2 🍊

6e9442  No.4808236

File: 66c56951b935900⋯.png (128.43 KB, 607x1280, 607:1280, ip.png)


Fukken KEK

6c5bc6  No.4808237

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

880a2b  No.4808238

File: 9bee50d63295add⋯.png (115.19 KB, 244x329, 244:329, 7ce084bb5f8ff7defdbecf1848….png)




All American

Good membering anon. I especially

like the bit where the author mentioned the SES.

8d52a2  No.4808239


I can't interact with people…

dd510e  No.4808240


Ok, well, I saw an auction where they would bring in $800,000….just sayin'….

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