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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

710a0c  No.4780263

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Saturday 1.5.19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

710a0c  No.4780273


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4780151 Oosh. Even NBC/CNN calling out Pelosi's security excuse as bogus

>>4780031, >>4780050, >>4780051 Avenatti & his whores, enter Stage Left!

>>4780000 Allow Us to Counter: @SecNielsen's DHS/USSS pledge to support SOTU

>>4779691, >>4779707, >>4780020, >>4780028 Sen. v. Dems re: Russian sanctions

>>4779783, >>4779825, >>4780002 On POTUS' Israel-Palestine peace plan

>>4779866 Statement from @WH Press Secretary re: deaths in Syria

>>4779863 Theresa May wins No-Confidence vote, Hooray for Forced Globalism!

>>4779653 Border Rancher Finds "Prayer Rugs" (but Muh Ports of Entry)

>>4779636, >>4779685, >>4779832, >>4779841 Anons re: SOTU, shutdown, & Movie

>>4779582, >>4779594 Bongino pod: Nunes "drops breadcrumbs," "make bread of 'em"

>>4779562, >>4779738 Congress skippin' recess? Fed courts/Mil Tribunal digg

>>4779617 Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce Jan 15

>>4779555 Presidential Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day Jan 15

>>4780212 #6100


>>4779029 TGP: RBG cancels Public Appearance Jan 29 in Los Angeles

>>4779384 #2 House Democrat Hoyer: SOTU is off bc Speaker invites/disinvites

>>4779315 Maggie Haberman twats smack on POTUS re: Pelosi's SOTU letter

>>4779329 KEK: Rasmussen wants you to think AOC could beat POTUS 2020

>>4779131 Honduran Caravan leader Molina sentenced for child rape

>>4779233 Prev. ownership info on Berder Island

>>4779076, >>4778858 Pro-Israel top 20 recipients, Canada investigates JNF

>>4778806 Finland Pres still calling migrants for "child rape," new cases

>>4778794 POTUS signs Elie Wiesel Genocide & Atrocities Prevention Act

>>4779159 TGP on study showing POTUS's wall pays for itself & then some

>>4778753 Re: POTUS's McD's troll -- 'member CCO/ExVP "tiny hands" twat?

>>4778740 Digg continues (linkedin) on Jason Spindler, killed in Kenya

>>4778728 AOC's urban slang not too "Congressional" -- will "run train?!"

^^Baker change^^

>>4778798 BB: Goog Manipulated YT Search Results: Abortion, Maxine Waters, David Hogg

>>4779469 #6099


>>4778613 Israel killing of Palestine children in Gaza protests amounts to ‘war crimes’

>>4778504 Erdogan on Manbij blast: ‘Trump won’t halt withdrawal because it would mean ISIS wins’

>>4778496 US to begin INF Treaty withdrawal from February 2, Washington confirms

>>4778467 Interpreter on >>4777777 Post

>>4778388, >>4778420 NBC Going Broke??

>>4778338 Arkansas Medicaid rolls fall by 18,000 after 7 months of work requirements

>>4778286 New Wa Examiner article - border farmers finding muzzie prayer rugs

>>4778127 More on SOTU and Anon theory

>>4778113 Trump just delegated authority to Wilbur Ross, Sec Of Commerce, to use the military to build the wall, lol, using the John Mcain defense act.

>>4778028, >>4778040, >>4778269, >>4778397 Moar Digs on Berder or Berder Island

>>4779158 #6098

6097 (Baker Change)

>>4777777, >>4777860 Self Explanatory!! Bread Started flying!! The Future is Ours!!!!

>>4777697, >>4777754 Trump Disinvited from House to Give SOTU

>>4777603 U.S. Department of Justice FY 2019 Contingency Plan

>>4777495 Adam Schiff hiring full-time team to investigate Trump’s Russia connections

>>4777522 Were You Duped Into Facebook's Creepy AI Feeding 10 Year Challenge

>>4777316, >>4777563 State of Union Situation & Pelosi

>>4777268, >>4777315, >>4777704 MISSPELLINGS MATTER: Here’s What President Trump’s “Hamberder” Tweet Really Means “Berder Island [Need Shovels]”

>>4777896 #6097


Baker Change

>>4776474 Good breakdown of why the Deep State needed to be rid of Flynn. And Gorka

>>4776478 Kurdish sources saying 5 US soldiers killed in this blast at a restaurant

>>4776749 Jim Jordan, Left has taken the most radical positions in American history

>>4776551 Jason Spindler was the CEO of I-DEV International, a management strategy and investment firm

>>4777153 Pelosi asks Trump to reschedule the State of the Union address

>>4777076 #6096

Previously Collected Notables

>>4775633 #6094, >>4776391 #6095

>>4773308 #6091, >>4774020 #6092, >>4774840 #6093

>>4770959 #6088, >>4771740 #6089, >>4772558 #6090

>>4768649 #6085, >>4769435 #6086, >>4770179 #6087

>>4766328 #6082, >>4767105 #6083, >>4767849 #6084

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

710a0c  No.4780277

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

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Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

710a0c  No.4780283

QPosts Archives

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New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

e754d1  No.4780296

What was The caller asking Rush Limbaugh when he cut him off and said that he knows but doesn’t want any of his listerners or any news outlets picking it up, yet. I turned the car radio on a little late.

710a0c  No.4780315

File: 8c75a59981215a7⋯.png (390.7 KB, 989x535, 989:535, AvenattiThrowWhoresAllDay.png)

#6101 dough


anyone wanna bake lemme know

otherwise good to keep going

d920e0  No.4780318

File: 55b403ff16a066c⋯.jpg (190.96 KB, 591x1112, 591:1112, Screenshot 2019-01-16_14-5….jpg)

File: c94201734c3c86d⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 578x404, 289:202, Screenshot 2019-01-16_14-5….jpg)

1 \ I published today on @newsisrael13 new details about the Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. The info is from a briefing given by a US official to a small group 2 weeks ago . I obtained the notes of 1 of the attendees in the briefing. Here are the details:

2 \ According to the briefing notes the U.S. plan will include a Palestinian state on a territory which will be "more than double the size of area A and area B" in the West Bank which the PA controls today. This will bring the size of the Palestinian state to 85-90% of the WB

3 \ On top of that the plan will also include the principal of land swaps between Israel and the Palestinians to accommodate for some of the territory in the West Bank which will become part of Israel. It is unclear how big the swaps will be

4 \ The U.S. peace plan divides settlements to 3 groups: Settlement blocks, where most settlers live & will become part of Israel; Isolated settlements will not be evacuated but will not be allowed to be expanded; outposts that are illegal according to Israeli law will be removed

5 \ According to the briefing notes the U.S. plan will make Jerusalem a shared capital. The capital of Israel will be in West Jerusalem and parts of East Jerusalem. The capital of Palestine will be in parts of East Jerusalem & include the majority of the Palestinian neighborhoods

6 \ The Holy Basin which includes The old city, the Temple Mount and its immediate surroundings will stay under Israeli sovereignty. The religious status quo will continue and Palestinians, Jordanians and maybe other parties will be given a role in running the holy sites

7 \ According to the notes, the U.S. official stressed in the briefing that the White House peace team thinks the Palestinians will reject the plan out of hand but wants Israel not to reject it and show willingness to engage

8 \ A senior White House official told me: "As in the past, speculation with regards to the content of the plan is not accurate. We have no further comment". END


cdf128  No.4780319

File: f24895513d31471⋯.png (4.19 MB, 1885x2563, 1885:2563, ClipboardImage.png)

end this degeneracy

9086c5  No.4780321

File: 31ede09fb33791a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 498x276, 83:46, ce0b02b1592e3e554fba8cd008….gif)

Don't mind me. I'm just stealing the bot's slide picture before it can post.

9047af  No.4780324

Freedom is fought for, not given.

Have a good day.

51397e  No.4780326

File: fd9386f68cc2eaf⋯.png (530.73 KB, 770x1067, 70:97, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 8ac2dcb0962542b⋯.jpg (200.29 KB, 1262x890, 631:445, DxDraURVsAEe56x.jpg)

reposting from last bread:

motherfucking national emergency act updated!



Wednesday, 16 January 2019






3a514b  No.4780327

File: 536c0a0ecff6d49⋯.jpg (629.64 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, fake_washpo.jpg)

999f0d  No.4780328

970003  No.4780329

File: 1b8694c17316d9b⋯.png (156.53 KB, 938x429, 938:429, Screenshot_2019-01-16 Q Re….png)

so many giving this bot exactly what it wants- replies…

d4b8b0  No.4780330

4780314 (LB)

What a fucking moron.

3a514b  No.4780332

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, npc_kek.jpg)

7e1c25  No.4780333

File: 7d0d5e449614b79⋯.jpg (188.42 KB, 512x640, 4:5, 7b5be87c310f2cf2d851ee415d….jpg)






baffc8  No.4780334

Rush Limbaugh just cut a guy off from talking about gov reduction in force layoffs over the shutdown. I mean he cut the guy off right as he started.

He said I don't want people talking about this and i'm not going to tell you the audience about it. We don't need the media all over this. We want as few as people knowing about this as possible. This is why i'm telling trump to hang in there.

Rush seemed to signal that he knows this is why TRUMP is doing this.

5cbd4f  No.4780335

File: a464e0393a80760⋯.gif (8.57 MB, 450x265, 90:53, ezgif-4-40c54c9746f6.gif)

Trump at the SOTU….Will the Madman Do It???

245935  No.4780336

>>4780015 (lb)

Slightly simpler on Farage... he has to be a Member of UK Parliament to be PM. He's a Member of the European Parliament.

99e05e  No.4780337

File: 90886d7cf081b52⋯.jpg (100.54 KB, 1013x741, 1013:741, Untitled.jpg)

Maybe someone who speak russian can watch and translate the video about nastya rybka, it 25 minutes long, the guy tell everything about her, should be keep, still funny it on pornhub and politic


d4b8b0  No.4780338


Shit the bread….tisk, tisk!

88f2bc  No.4780339

File: 26fc6f430dc74e3⋯.jpg (552.54 KB, 800x768, 25:24, BILLC22.jpg)

a5ed0b  No.4780340

File: efba32c0d345fb4⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 648x365, 648:365, Mason.jpg)

File: bfb142e2e49fc16⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Mason.gif)

File: a33623fdfac8fb9⋯.gif (4.74 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Mason Lowe.gif)

Mason Lowe Died while keeping up our long earned right to be AMEREICANS

Yes were all immigrants, but thru the FRONT door not as slime thru the back door, broken window, or sewer.

You want to come to the USA become one of the USA why are you so set on changing it to what you left. Just stay out or go back

We aren't playing anymore!!!

460693  No.4780341

Maybe POTUS should do a SOTU Rally tour.

Bring it to the people directly, POTUS!

13a374  No.4780342


So Jesus isn’t God?

Heretical apostate detected.

5a6643  No.4780343


Daily Reminder that what people think is the Temple Mount is really the remains of the Roman Fort Antonius, and that the real temple was not located on the mound, but about 800 feet west and south of the mound, in the City of David.

f194e2  No.4780344


So much for free speech on his show. I don't think there's anything (((they))) don't realize by now.

5a6643  No.4780345


Jesus is God, yes. Welcome to Reality 101.

2c8552  No.4780346

File: b64e7a074b98370⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1339x866, 1339:866, 354874307754371376465.png)

d755b6  No.4780347


During a closed-door interview with Congressional lawmakers in Washington, George Papadopoulos, the former foreign policy advisor to the Donald Trump presidential campaign, revealed the name the man he believes was a spy working on the campaign, according to a transcript of the testimony reviewed by The Epoch Times.

During a day-long session with lawmakers on the House judiciary and oversight committees on October 25 last year, Papadopoulos, under penalty of perjury, detailed a series of what he described as “strange” interactions with a member of the Trump campaign. The timing and content of that person’s communications led Papadopoulos to have suspicions that he was covertly working on behalf of U.S. intelligence.

Papadopoulos previously hinted in public statements and interviews that he knew of a spy in the Trump campaign, but never revealed the name. Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson has also said the FBI had a “human source” inside the campaign.

Asked about the person who Papadopoulos alleged is a spy, another former Trump campaign member told The Epoch Times that he has no suspicions about the man in question. The Epoch Times was unable to verify the allegation made by Papadopoulos and is withholding the name he provided to Congress. In this article, we refer to him as Person A.

“My interactions with [Person A] were quite strange. You know, he would call me on private numbers and kind of ask me where I’m sitting or where I’m living at the moment,” Papadopoulos said.

Asked on Jan. 16, 2019, by this reporter if he is still suspicious about the person, Papadopoulos said he is “definitely suspicious of him.”

The alleged spy began contacting Papadopoulos around the time Papadopoulos met with the foreign minister of Greece in May 2016. Though he is not named in the testimony, Nikos Kotzias was Greece’s minister for foreign affairs at the time. The meeting with Kotzias was significant because Papadopoulos claims it was the only time he told anyone directly that Russia was in possession of thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails, a rumor he learned from Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud.

68df5f  No.4780348

>>4780316 LB

>>4780294 LB

i really think it was one of the anons, the "left" already said it wasnt them. (you) are so effing lucky to have gotten one!

fe4ab3  No.4780349

File: bc5cb04e7314e25⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 461x534, 461:534, Barron-Trump-School.jpg)

2b296c  No.4780350

>>4780280 lb

This shill as you say wants nothing less than you

However Shiff doesnt act like he is under control

c50ca4  No.4780351

File: 05700f5568c9eed⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, bru01.jpg)


thank ya, baker!

6dbf04  No.4780352

File: 8461ddce1ae6547⋯.jpg (88.36 KB, 1126x814, 563:407, 011619 Going going Ghosn.JPG)

Nissan plans to file damages suit against Carlos Ghosn over misuse of funds, source says

Nissan Motor Co. plans to file a civil suit against ousted Chairman Carlos Ghosn to claim damages resulting from the alleged misuse of company funds, a person with knowledge of the issue said, adding to the high-profile executive’s legal headaches.

Ghosn, who remains chairman and chief executive of Nissan’s French partner Renault SA, has already been charged with three counts of financial misconduct and has been held at a detention center in Tokyo for nearly two months.

On Tuesday, a Tokyo court denied his request for release on bail, raising the possibility that he may remain in custody for months before his trial begins.

Ghosn denies the charges against him, which include understating his salary for a total of eight years and temporarily transferring personal financial losses to Nissan’s books.

“The broader investigation (into Ghosn’s alleged financial misconduct) continues to expand, so we will file a suit after that issue has been sorted out,” said the person familiar with the issue, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

A civil suit could seek losses related to the alleged use of company funds to pay for the executive’s residences, donations to universities and payments to a Saudi businessman who sources previously said helped Ghosn out of financial difficulties.

Nissan declined to comment on the issue.

Ghosn regularly spent more than 100 days a year flying between Nissan’s headquarters in Yokohama and cities such as Paris, and had residences in Tokyo, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam and Beirut.


This is getting juicier by the day. If he escapes criminal prosecution, doubt it, they are going to OJ him.


56d0de  No.4780353

I read this somewhere, don't know if I read it wrong.

But if you run for office and lose, you get to keep whatever donations you have left.

d920e0  No.4780354

File: 7ed02846f0251af⋯.jpg (150.49 KB, 588x836, 147:209, Screenshot 2019-01-16_15-0….jpg)

File: 23c59d7c699ff2c⋯.jpg (186.64 KB, 1200x846, 200:141, DxDraURVsAEe56x.jpg)


cdf128  No.4780355

File: 4e8e82bb1ea82bd⋯.jpg (276.71 KB, 1600x752, 100:47, Mars_Sucks_Review_Images_v….jpg)


bot defeated, nice play anon

5a6643  No.4780356


It gives them a bulletproof defense in the PC culture the clowns created. Any attack against them is automatically homophobia.

e29337  No.4780357


right, I don't get parliamentary governance

thanks, that's what I was going for

so he'd have to resign from the EU parliament and then join the UK parliament to be PM, how plausible is that?

genuinely curious

8ee883  No.4780358


Jesus is the son of God.

Says so about 200 times in the bible.

Jesus is NOT God.

If he was God, why was he praying to God???

ee9c96  No.4780360


I don't believe Trump wants to fire the rank and file for the most part at any rate. Some yes,like the EPA sloths,but mostly the SES heads.

6dbf04  No.4780361

File: f4679c6d7b462ce⋯.jpg (285.88 KB, 983x515, 983:515, John Kelly.jpg)

baffc8  No.4780362


Rush cut him off bc he doesn't want the media to know the plan of laying off workers bc they will blow it up.

64b67a  No.4780363

>>4780300 (pb)

>Gnostics = antichrist because they denied that God could come down in the flesh; that the flesh did not matter, only the spirit, and so they ended up indulging their flesh in all manner of wickedness.

You = Doofus, because you have a myopic view of Christianity and have no idea what the words you use actually mean.

9e733c  No.4780364


His shows get archived, right?

cdf128  No.4780365

File: a278e8c8fca4dba⋯.png (260.18 KB, 596x868, 149:217, ClipboardImage.png)

30 days of shutdown allows people to get FIRED?

f194e2  No.4780366

File: 9cc9e83f9cf2587⋯.png (418.24 KB, 735x447, 245:149, saltplantnovikovalekseysst….png)

3 things to know about Malta, the Google-incubated and Bill Gates-backed startup


81736e  No.4780367

File: b324340c0ce1d46⋯.png (455.18 KB, 1024x839, 1024:839, ClipboardImage.png)

60bd7e  No.4780368


Why do you think all these hucksters run for President with zero chance to win?

7e1c25  No.4780369




5a6643  No.4780370


Rush has been trying to fight Leviathan for decades, and he finally has his champion in Trump.

f48528  No.4780371


how old is this kid?

460693  No.4780372


Thanks - I actually clicked that shit nigga this time

b997d4  No.4780373

What Q post is the one where he identifies clown ops being sought out and wound down?

e29337  No.4780374


can't bake until later tonight but shitposting/lurking now

working on (a) graphic(s)

28ee38  No.4780375


Interesting only 1 years extension.

Est of timeline for cabal down and out?

5f5bcf  No.4780376

File: d3b240c0f74b893⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 500x301, 500:301, loveistheanswer.gif)

5a6643  No.4780377



f7a5d9  No.4780378

File: 2507fe0e887d97b⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 933x445, 933:445, ps.jpg)

4fa00c  No.4780379

File: 838f34f8bb13bc8⋯.png (84.58 KB, 245x192, 245:192, 2018-12-29_16-09-51.png)

245935  No.4780380


Too young!

56d0de  No.4780381


That was kinda my point.

4c59aa  No.4780382


There are people in the world besides Christians.

Christians are not right about everything.

Most of your book is Jewish.

You're an ass

13a374  No.4780383


“Have I not said, ye all are Gods” John 10:34

abdf49  No.4780384


Streisand effect anyone?

ead6dd  No.4780386


Jesus said - I and the Father are one…

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and word was God.

And the word became flesh and dwelt among us…John 1:1, 14

60bd7e  No.4780387

d920e0  No.4780388

File: bd79f4e769be7e9⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Sundar-Pichai-sworn-in-640….jpg)

Gohmert on Google ‘Blacklist’ Leak: ‘If Mr. Pichai Lied to Congress… It Would Be a Criminal Matter’

Following Breitbart News’ latest bombshell report on Google’s blacklisting of pro-life YouTube videos, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) commented on the company’s manipulative actions. Rep. Gohmert told Breitbart News: “If Mr. Pichai lied to Congress, he was under oath and it would be a criminal matter for a Grand Jury.”

Breitbart News recently published yet another leak from within Google, which reveals that YouTube has manually intervened to blacklist pro-life videos in its search results on numerous occasions. It was further revealed that Google often engages in “manual actions” in order to correct controversial search results in their search product, as well as their Google Home and Google Assistant device search results. Some of the altered search results reportedly relate to Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters and anti-gun activist David Hogg.

Breitbart News reached out to Rep. Louie Gohmert for comment on the issue. In a written statement to Breitbart News, Gohmert said:

The information leaked from Google certainly raises yet another concern of Google and YouTube subjectivity and manual manipulation of search results. If Mr. Pichai lied to Congress, he was under oath and it would be a criminal matter for a Grand Jury. His defense would become more inconsequential by a ‘Trust & Safety Team’ verification that there were ‘huge teams’ at Google involved in determining the manual manipulations that Mr. Pichai testified were not happening.

Regardless, this issue is more reinforcement for my bill (H.R.492) that would remove large social media companies’ immunity from lawsuits. This immunity was provided when these types of internet outlets were argued to be simply like ‘town squares’ where anyone had equal access to come and speak without filter. However, now we know that’s not the case. Instead of acting like the neutral platforms they claimed to be in order to obtain their immunity, it appears to me that some have turned Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 into a license to manipulate results, censor political thought with which they disagree, and even defraud with impunity. Testimony from witnesses like Diamond and Silk that raise issues of potential deception and fraud should be heard in court….


a5ed0b  No.4780389

File: 06d21379b7dc02f⋯.jpg (228.02 KB, 1600x840, 40:21, HeroVSZero.JPG)

fe178e  No.4780390


The SOTU is for the Congress, not the People.

Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

64b67a  No.4780392


This keeps getting posted without the link to the whole article.

Please add the link next time.

843638  No.4780393


These are the times that fortify us. .

Force close quarter with those we love

Force teamwork to dig out

Force social interactions.

New Amsterdam is our home.

The snow tempers us,

And joins us together.

May you keep power,

stores full of food,

and may the fires warm you.

You are not alone.


a72ad5  No.4780394

File: c68c1e098e51bb6⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 600x602, 300:301, 764619251ee7cb796305b4a078….jpg)

>>4779663 (PB)

One of the best posts ever and what I have felt all along. There's LOTS going on with Q, but keeping the peace while we root out the evil without upsetting the masses who were genuinely freaked out (I live in a purple area it's so blue, and peaceniks were buying guns to prepare, the brainwashing and control is REAL) and allowing the different invaders who were deeply entrenched EVERYWHERE to be rooted out while the "Set Up" was happening as everyone watched 'The Show", and thereby KEEPING THE PEACE.

It is brilliant and it is perfect, and unless I'm mistaken, in Wrestling and the Kayfabe game, and I'm no expert, but it's all about the "Set Up", and then the "Take Down" just happens naturally.


86528b  No.4780395


"I and the Father are One. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father."

9bd671  No.4780396


filtered for shitting the bread

f7a5d9  No.4780397

File: 443051074c0a23e⋯.jpg (69.76 KB, 750x500, 3:2, beto1.jpg)

b7bdd2  No.4780398



999f0d  No.4780399


“We are like the dreamer who dreams then lives inside the dream”

260282  No.4780400


Conference call their asses.

f194e2  No.4780401


Doesn't explain false flags.

9e733c  No.4780402


30 or 180 has been making the rounds here. Hope it's 30…

aaf4ba  No.4780403

>>4780276 (lb)

You are a stickler aren't you.


Wary of leaving town while a partial shutdown drags into a fifth week, House Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said the chamber will be in session at least a few days next week.

“If the government is not open, we will not have a recess,” Hoyer told reporters. “That does not mean we will be here every day, but it does mean that we would be here and that members will be on 24 hour notice that they may be recalled at any point in time we effect the opening of government.”


But Hoyer is known to retract these days...

5a6643  No.4780404


Correct. War chest. Then you pretend to spend it on future races.

5cbd4f  No.4780405

File: edcf856df9b64d2⋯.gif (5.47 MB, 270x299, 270:299, ezgif-4-c50f04560526.gif)

cdf128  No.4780406





For (you) my anon friends

baffc8  No.4780407


Agreed he's been using words like cabal a lot.

13a374  No.4780408


>Christians follow a Jewish prophet

>Christianity is Jewish

>^^Falling for these Jewish tricks

Wew lad. Read some history

e29337  No.4780409



that woman is 27



(from image search, fuck reddit)

3a514b  No.4780410



428ff5  No.4780411

File: 366bd70221473ee⋯.png (262.6 KB, 540x382, 270:191, ecbae86b-df75-4f08-956c-0a….png)

>>4780197 lb

7e1c25  No.4780412




81736e  No.4780413


God is everything and everything is God

d40f6f  No.4780414

File: bdf5de9ad9ae936⋯.jpg (492.61 KB, 1079x992, 1079:992, LoveSweetLove.jpg)

File: 25661b79e0be122⋯.jpg (157.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QCrumbsGodIsLove.jpg)

File: 894c8a54dd82afc⋯.jpg (158.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TrumpAmericaPeopleFirstLov….jpg)

Are we bitter, small-minded, hateful, divisive?

Are we loving, humble, caring, compassionate?

We have a choice.

9d5952  No.4780416

Just woke up.

See Piglosi disinvites POTUS.

Perhaps McConnel can invite him?

9bd671  No.4780417

File: 5c69b26eb1e5c89⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 474x266, 237:133, a10i.jpg)


sneaky pete.

b80b18  No.4780418



Nuther link

f7a5d9  No.4780419

File: 90727a8430f4650⋯.jpg (19.67 KB, 275x183, 275:183, chrisqueermo.jpg)

4f050b  No.4780420

File: 1a55bf76b067bf2⋯.jpg (244.43 KB, 1240x826, 620:413, gettyimages-1094990538.jpg)




meme time

460693  No.4780421


"time to time" can mean not 'til 2021 only if you win again - easy layup for 9th Circuit

POTUS can rebrand all he wants not unconstitutional bookworm

473048  No.4780422

File: aa0d5369ee6873f⋯.jpg (143.74 KB, 748x499, 748:499, 2rauehfdsadf.jpg)

When is anything cryptic from Poppadopalmao gonna pan out?

Probably shilling a future book.

e29337  No.4780423


foreal, I only like knowledgable biblefags

ignorant ones are unbearable

421bb2  No.4780424

File: 8ce73fedcd2ddca⋯.jpg (101.24 KB, 681x888, 227:296, 94444585ea8aed2fb3237505db….jpg)

Did you guys like that one?

Keep this site free of that Bullshit Porn are more can be done

13a374  No.4780425


>Hillary Clinton is God

Wew lad.

86528b  No.4780426


Not Faithlessness. Faithlessness separates you from God.

a72ad5  No.4780427


I wonder when that photo was taken??

64b67a  No.4780428


Thank you. :)

9b6e5a  No.4780429


3,6,9 is Vortex Based Mathematics. Tesla energy is based on it which is Free Energy. See the move Randy's Donuts for more information regarding VBM Tesla Free Energy


6ceee3  No.4780430


you people really need to read the Bible before you lie about it

1 John 5:7

“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

da8db7  No.4780431


>Mason Lowe RIP

fcfb88  No.4780432


Rush is part of this. Has to be

fe4ab3  No.4780433

File: cdd99050b455a7e⋯.jpg (171.37 KB, 896x1200, 56:75, 77.jpg)

460693  No.4780434


POTUS a badass

He could knock that out in a week

889d90  No.4780435

Reposting from #6100


Dear Q,

Nancy Pelosi Has "Disinvited" Potus from giving

the State Of The Union speech from the capital.


Potus should give the speech from a stadium with 25,000 screaming supporters.

The visauls will be epic.

He can rip in to the democrats without the MSM cameras cutting to the faces of Pelosi and Schumer showing their disapproval of everthing Potus says.

Loud cheers for his policies,

Great boos and hisses for democrat policies.

THANK YOU democrats for being so stupid.


5a6643  No.4780436


Kind begets kind. God begets God. Jesus being the only begotten Son of God, Jesus is God. Why do you think the very religious Jews tried to kill Jesus when he claimed to be the son of God? Because they knew he was claiming God as his natural father, and was therefore claiming he was God. Jesus confirmed as the eternal God the Son.

2647f6  No.4780437

File: b1316c05de33916⋯.mp4 (199.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, salt.mp4)

999f0d  No.4780438

File: f0016834e03d32d⋯.png (187.6 KB, 525x276, 175:92, ClipboardImage.png)

e3effd  No.4780439

File: 87572106201c396⋯.jpeg (81.12 KB, 737x512, 737:512, el-chapo-nancy-beto-nieto.jpeg)

>>4779743 (lb)





fe178e  No.4780440


Don't care how he does it, there just ain't gonna be a "SOTU Tour" for the people, as the post suggested. Merely pointing out it's not for the "People", but as required by Constitution, for Congress..

2a45b9  No.4780441

>>4780031 (lb)

Deripaska sued her and her fuck buddy. This is worth looking into.

Russian Tycoon Deripaska Wins Million-Ruble Claim Against 'Nastya Rybka,' 'Sex-Guru' Partner


>>4780150 (lb)

Dude in those movies is Alex Lesley. He ran against Putin. This article references the bridge fucking video and...it isn't her in it, or something. Yeah no fucking wonder she "knows" about Trump and Putin because she's fucking the guy who wants Putin gone and wants to replace him. Of course she has dirt on Trump!

Who is Alex Lesley? Vladimir Putin rival and ‘sex guru’ who staged Moscow sex romp and runs seduction courses

He is bidding to become the most powerful man in Russia with the slogan: 'A country that is run by a sex guru will multiply.'


92e529  No.4780442



730008  No.4780443


kek… DJT is the best :)

5a6643  No.4780444


I do, actually, and usually use the term "born again Christian" so as not to confuse people into thinking I'm talking about a group of people that includes catholics, orthodox, etc.

4fa00c  No.4780445

File: b6089b4301e347d⋯.png (173.71 KB, 539x1040, 539:1040, 2019-01-16_15-06-48.png)

File: 0895248035badd9⋯.png (540.85 KB, 532x1246, 38:89, 2019-01-16_15-07-18.png)

File: 28c23549db1fa92⋯.png (239.07 KB, 546x1246, 39:89, 2019-01-16_15-07-49.png)

File: 0390c44f1a4eace⋯.png (149.39 KB, 536x800, 67:100, 2019-01-16_15-08-13.png)


Anyone wondering how things are going at cabal headquarters 2 miles away from the white house?

44f9a3  No.4780446

File: 3acec44b3c8202c⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB, 900x506, 450:253, srNl9JJ.mp4)


Thank you Baker!

ddd6c2  No.4780447


Goodbye SES.

More Obama bullshit getting deleted from existence.

5c9bcb  No.4780448

473048  No.4780449


Fake news

81736e  No.4780450


but the separation is an illusion

5a6643  No.4780451


They get Reduced In Force. Riffed.

cue Warriors motif

e29337  No.4780452


you have to go back

b1dda2  No.4780453

File: 6ec4664bab6b17d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1808x794, 904:397, SUPPORTTRUMP.png)


Anons, remember to ALWAYS sign your name to anything POTUS asks for your support on, and to DONATE if you can.

POTUS would not be asking for these signatures if they did not help at least a little. If you can do nothing else for your President today, at least sign your name to whatever petition he's asking you to sign on. It's small, but it helps!


Has anyone dug on possible crumbs in these things? How about on the official WH website?


408b09  No.4780454

421bb2  No.4780455

File: b4f7de265401155⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 450x450, 1:1, newspaperprinter.jpg)

so much to do…

so little time..

did ya like that one?

728190  No.4780456

Why do I get the feeling that Pelosi's letter is her actually threatening POTUS RE: "security concerns".

'If you do your SOTU and make us look even worse there may be "security concerns" for you.'

710a0c  No.4780457


Yeah man, do your thing.

I'm good to keep going, enjoying it actually.


Ty anon

>>4780351 A little young-looking anon. Baker respectfully urges you to consider what's good for the board. Keeping far from the line btwn baker girls and CP is good for the board.

60bd7e  No.4780458

File: 096481bb3bfd87e⋯.jpeg (339.31 KB, 1927x805, 1927:805, image.jpeg)

fcfb88  No.4780459


Ty anon

843638  No.4780460


God is the exemplary drama,

The manifestation of which is found in collective interaction.

God is the spoken word tirelessly seeking to conquer the unknown.

Jesus is the son of god,

the exemplary man,

the ideal pursuit towards which the journey is fruitful.

Away from which the journey is evil.

Evil is the counter productive.

Evil is that which destabilizes and destroys.

The battleline between good and evil strikes down every mans heart.

We are God, within ourselves.

The courageous make the best of who they are,

the cowards flee towards hedonism and corruption.

Put otherwise, God is the methods that BEST FIT the collective consciousness ability to pass down information from generation to generation.

Assault on family,

Assault on children,

Assault on institution,

All evil's means of undermining the future.

5a6643  No.4780461


Have I not said, you are a genius? /sarcasm off

0472a8  No.4780462


POTUS can send them all engraved invitations to attend. If they aren't going to host him, he can host them. Easy. Plus give it to them in writing (once he has delivered it orally first).

cbc571  No.4780463


fucking streisand rush

5dcc4e  No.4780464

File: 6d1c14d82768f40⋯.png (2.25 MB, 3191x3924, 3191:3924, 1.16.png)

d920e0  No.4780465

File: a38a01c36323e1b⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 585x569, 585:569, Screenshot 2019-01-16_15-1….jpg)

Networks Trashed Trump With 90% Negative Spin in 2018, But Did It Matter?

At the midpoint of Donald Trump’s first term, the establishment media’s obvious hostility shows no signs of relenting, but polls show this negative coverage has had no discernible impact on the public’s attitudes toward the President.

Since January 20, 2017, the Media Research Center has analyzed every moment of coverage of President Trump on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts, seen by approximately 23 million people each night. Highlights:

■ As it was last year, the Trump presidency was the biggest story of 2018, accounting for almost 87 hours of coverage, or 28% of all evening news airtime. But that’s down from 99 hours of coverage in 2017, perhaps a sign the networks are wearying of treating every Trump tweet as deserving of crisis-level coverage.

■ The tone of coverage remains incessantly hostile: 90% negative, vs. just 10% positive (excluding neutral statements), matching the historically bad press we documented in 2017. Yet despite the media’s obvious disapproval, public opinion of the President actually improved slightly during 2018, from an average 40% approval on January 1 to 42.7% approval on December 31, according to RealClearPolitics.

■ For the second year in a row, the Russia investigation was the single most-covered topic amid the networks’ Trump coverage, garnering 858 minutes of airtime. Since January 20, 2017, the Russia probe has received 2,092 minutes of coverage on just the three evening newscasts….


4c59aa  No.4780467


John 10:7

7 So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.

The Vine

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." -John 15:5

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Revelation 22:16

Jesus is The Father, but apparently also a vine, a door, a "The Bright Morning Star"

Isaiah 14:12

"How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations!

240000  No.4780468


IMagine the country depending on these idiots to run things.

59f962  No.4780469


Wow, high public figures are working overtime to keep MainStream from questioning any kind of mass arrests, or their whereabouts. Or that is part of the plan. This is all going down without public hitting the streets and utter chaos.

Could explain (AND BE A REQUIREMENT)how their twitter accounts remain active.

9047af  No.4780470


This world has chosen long ago, but is now just coming to terms with it: Ignorance and arrogance>Wisdom and empathy

5c9bcb  No.4780471

File: 995e7179f1cb7e9⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 493x344, 493:344, 995e7179f1cb7e9d81d349730f….jpg)

624aa3  No.4780472

I think this shutdown was what Q meant by pain

60bd7e  No.4780473


I considered the fake WAPO on the front of Drudge as code also.

The birds are chattering.

56d0de  No.4780474

The President probably didn't want to do the SOTU anyway.

But NP sent him the letter, made a big stink that she sent him the letter, then pulled it back thinking he took the bait.

He is probably sitting back there laughing his ass off, saying NOPE. didn't want to do it anyway.

64b67a  No.4780475


Congress is for the People, aren't they?

Let's not do this thing. It's 'tarded.

b1dda2  No.4780476


It's possible, assuming Chancy aren't our puppets now that strings are cut from 7th floor.

Personally, I always found the hypnotic tone of their response, plus the weird pauses around the word


to be a call to action from the DS. Bad actors.

b8b57f  No.4780477


No, meme magic doesn't work that way. It has to be plausible.

c61977  No.4780478

File: 7679e9ba99d1a72⋯.jpg (17.56 KB, 474x315, 158:105, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


Look at all those little Commie fuckers.

I bet the get Anal sex from Soros when they are done taking his money.

eecf59  No.4780479

Can Pelosi keep Trump from delivering the SOTU address?

The invitation to address a joint session of Congress is technically a House resolution that sets aside a day and time for the president to come to the Capitol and address a joint session of Congress. Because the speech involves a joint session, both the House and the Senate must pass resolutions to OK the joint session. The passing of the resolutions, in essence, constitutes an invitation from both the speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader for the president to appear before both chambers of Congress.

So far, neither the House nor the Senate have passed such a resolution that invites the president to give the State of the Union address on Jan. 29.

If Pelosi controls when a vote comes to the House floor, she could hold back the vote on the resolution to prevent POTUS from addressing House members.

11def1  No.4780480


The future is faggot. That is an actual Jewish Gay saying. They reverse the natural order. So they want to push homosexuality in every possible way. They figure that having Gay people of public importance it will confuse the normie and make Gays seem much more common than they really are. Using peoples "soft power".

And yes when all is said and done this "movement" will have to be stopped. People can be gay all they like but doing public parades where they wave their sex organs in peoples faces and making being gay like a "super" citizen. Giving them more rights than normies is a just a way to attack society and destroy it.

Also the whole Gay adoption movement really is just cover for elite Satanist to be able to be seen in public in the company of lots of kids which they can fuck at their leisure. Taking away any natural public questioning. It is no coincidence the Satanist ramped up their industrial scale kid buggery after the gay adoption movement gained so much power.

240000  No.4780481


Amazing pair of dubs

6dbf04  No.4780482

File: ea9869b51649c19⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, A-10 Love.jpg)

f5b93e  No.4780483

File: 83ab718c31b6e99⋯.png (208.43 KB, 317x630, 317:630, pick up.png)


Last anon that toyed with DJT and Q (pic related)

I wonder if that anon ever picked up his phone?

e29337  No.4780484

File: 45e120995b1695b⋯.png (292.74 KB, 475x332, 475:332, ClipboardImage.png)



understood, comfy right now, thanks baker

64b67a  No.4780485


But what do you think of the body language? THAT is where the real information is.

aaf4ba  No.4780486


If we separate Congress from the People we are truly lost.

6c8ba4  No.4780487

File: aad85dc0aa849c6⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 851x471, 851:471, e21521d5210f.jpg)


Jesus is a spiritual master incarnated from the Galactic Federation.

He belongs to a spiritually and technologically advanced extraterrestrial race that is referred in the Bible as "angels".

They come from heavens in the sky because they use hyperspace-capable interstellar craft.

This logical conclusion that fits well with Q crumbs and various UFO info today is somehow deemed heretical, insane, unbelieveable… I don't quite understand why.

5a6643  No.4780488


I see what you see.

4c59aa  No.4780489


I did not say Christ was Jewish OR Christianity

What are you, illiterate?

Get off of the internet, it's a burden to us

551282  No.4780490

4 more days boiiiiiis then they can say ' you're fired! '





86528b  No.4780491


Illusory or not, it's efficacy is incumbent on the observer, and the observation creates reality.

6dbf04  No.4780492

File: e8ec1af36614532⋯.jpg (13.76 KB, 255x200, 51:40, Nigel Approves.jpg)

f4fb71  No.4780493


I hope the SS is paying special attention to the newly elected dems if POTUS gives SOTU in the house chamber. It would make a really special plot twist in the movie if one of those former CIA fags stood up and took a shot at him.

c13ed3  No.4780494

File: a5012507f838bd7⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 928x1485, 928:1485, EE59792C-9440-4BE5-BDE8-B….jpeg)


Seems normal

60bd7e  No.4780495


NP is trying to get him at a specific location at a specific time.

She is daring him to come to Congress.

4b2491  No.4780496


Heard this can't be used in this type of situation

fe178e  No.4780498


Again, and for the last fucking time, I could care less how he fucking does it. Poster said POTUS should take SOTU right to the people, do a SOTU tour. I was just pointing out that is NOT for the people, but for congress, as required by the Constitution…

d3d6ad  No.4780499

File: b4292ab5ff7835e⋯.jpeg (542.69 KB, 1195x1188, 1195:1188, FC8E5FDC-408F-4F43-8D7B-4….jpeg)

File: 8708d5440a9d63b⋯.jpeg (860.94 KB, 651x1816, 651:1816, 64C6C224-3B8C-4EAF-87C0-5….jpeg)

File: 6d70df622b88e76⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1776, 207:296, AD034A51-489C-4B17-A6D3-E….jpeg)

File: 7c13d4981456864⋯.jpeg (27.11 KB, 281x179, 281:179, 1BBE015C-28C3-4A35-8048-7….jpeg)

Kanye gives 10$ million


Arizona state university

$200 MILLION to complete

Roden (Red)

Hollowed out volcano

Started in 2008

Recent major backers


Worth a dig considering this can connect to California, Alaska, Colorado and Washington Epstein was on an island.

92e529  No.4780500

File: 8e18eb17697ad5c⋯.png (440.87 KB, 616x500, 154:125, ClipboardImage.png)

9047af  No.4780501


Pain for us it seems, not them. Some people's lives have already been destroyed. What a fuckin' shame.

5a6643  No.4780502


Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

72b725  No.4780503

>Be me

>Be anon

>Start checking on Muh Joo posts for accuracy.

>Start seeing that maybe Muh Joo shills are onto something.

>Ask questions of Muh Joo shills to begin seeing whole picture.

>Activate autism

>Challenge smaller details for clearer picture.

>Be called Mossad agent and JIDF

>Be attacked

>Roll eyes at Muh Joo shills driving away their own audience

9086c5  No.4780504

File: e7d3cb66877e7ba⋯.png (409.33 KB, 729x500, 729:500, ab87602ccf7cd4efb67d118a88….png)

For any anons contributing to an IRA or 401k, consider for a moment that you're putting these two in charge of where and when you can get the money back out.

cdf128  No.4780505

6ceee3  No.4780506


Poor human reason, when it trusts in itself,

substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts.- John Chrysostom

ca1cca  No.4780507

File: 66ab6a6bcf9293f⋯.jpeg (364.16 KB, 1172x757, 1172:757, 85813B04-CC7A-4562-8259-A….jpeg)

473048  No.4780508

File: 36878245871bd3b⋯.png (680.34 KB, 960x934, 480:467, 36878245871bd3b0c59369b087….png)


Just keep REEEEEsisiting I think it will turn out well when the normie sees that you won't even allow a SOTU address.

Anons, are we watching a movie? Or is AOC gonna run a train on me?

4c59aa  No.4780509


*Yawn* heard it

920e19  No.4780510

Feds say ‘star’ DEA agent abroad stole millions

For those of you that know of @Coreysdigs you my be interested in knowing this caught her eye and she made even more connections.

First we have this:

Feds say 'star' DEA agent abroad stole millions. He was working out of Miami, but then, upon so much success, they set him up in Cartagena, Colombia. Now why does this ring a bell? Keep reading.

sauce: http://www.helena-arkansas.com/zz/news/20190115/feds-say-star-dea-agent-abroad-stole-millions

She goes on to point this out from the article:

Here's the kicker, this dude's second wife, Nathalia Gomez, is related to Deigo Marin, one of the top money-laundering suspects in the country over the past decade.

Prosecutors allege $7 million flowed through a single account over almost six years. This is a case that began in 2017 and he was listed as a co-conspirator (with no name), so this is just now coming to light. You have to read that article above to see all the crazy details.

A lot of bells clicked with her from an article she did back in May. Drug traffickers exploit Haiti while amassing $10 billion under U.S. scrutiny.' A lot on Colombia in here. You will find it interesting. Also note: Trey Gowdy's letter requesting investigations into DEA.

Sauce for that article:


With the article we have and a digging into what she has already dug very deeply into, we should probably be able to find even more connections leading to who knows where or who

d053a0  No.4780511


Thanks for that info. I was half listening and reading here and heard it and was like what? Ahhh, makes sense.

86528b  No.4780512


Very good. That completes our Bible reading for today.

Tomorrow we look at the Prayer in the Garden,

"Father, I pray that they may be One, even as we are One, thou in me, I in them, they in Us."

5a6643  No.4780513


The NIV is a shit translation of Isaiah fyi.

999f0d  No.4780514


Why are you taking quotes out of context and mashing them together

I hate that shit

77e366  No.4780515


This has been debunked earlier:


86528b  No.4780516



81736e  No.4780517

File: ad9e32495fbd8be⋯.png (199.55 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


well articulated anon

56d0de  No.4780518


So, what does the President do,

Well he pulls all the security from Pelosi's watch and tells her, NOPE we don't have enough government money to keep you and your people secure. oh, btw, it's just your security we don't have enough money for, we ran out and you were the last on the list. srry.not srry.

9b6e5a  No.4780519


Not true. I ran for congress 2018 & lost. The FEC laws force you to donate any leftover contributions to a legitimate charitable organization or foundation. I'm sure some of these corrupt candidates create or are connected to some of these Charitable Foundations like HRC. But no, you can't legally keep any leftover donations.

a81776  No.4780520


Yet only the anon that posts verses from the Jewish talmud gets shouted down and told to gtfo???

Why is that???

799d1b  No.4780521


>>4778794 - POTUS signs Elie Wiesel Genocide & Atrocities Prevention Act

Anons have ears to hear and eyes to see? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Anons found out on Night Shift many moons back. This is about "genocides" from (((them))) …past and present …. not the "Holocaust".

64b67a  No.4780522


Lives have been destroyed in 26 days?! Well, shit. That didn't take much.

970003  No.4780523

File: c3335d473796fed⋯.png (936.83 KB, 680x879, 680:879, ClipboardImage.png)


the post-resurrection jesus was also a lizard person that was used to solidify the new christian religion that the bad ayys wanted in order to continue control over humanity.

now, can biblefags go back to their biblefag thread?

890c7b  No.4780524


The typical vehicle for this is a "concurrent resolution," and the concurrent resolution for a SOTU has been known to originate in the Senate.

See, for example, S.Con.Res.39 in the 104th Congress.

16c3d2  No.4780525


Because they're putting shit in your food/household products (ex deodorant) to fuck up your hormones.

Sauce is meh, but they quote legit medical journals.



e29337  No.4780526


hey there buddy, stop being anti-semitic



biblefags gonna biblefag

aaf4ba  No.4780527


Some of these people have families and kids anon. Some of them are just ordinary people trying to get by. Some are patriots. Some are fuck tards. Let's not root for them all to be jobless. Besides the optics would be horrible.

31479a  No.4780528


Stupid……. you are a Division Fag So GTFO !

cdf128  No.4780529


pizzagate is debunked too

f48528  No.4780530


There are no muh joo shills, only honest Patriots woke on the JQ and JIDF/Krassenstein/Shareblue Jew-Nigger trolls..

So what are you, autist?

51397e  No.4780531

File: 322469757453d6c⋯.png (217.02 KB, 745x934, 745:934, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

9e733c  No.4780532


pre-martial sex/birth>gay>trannies> next is pedophilia > ???

b8b57f  No.4780533



Rush would have never let him on if he didn't want to tease the plan.

56d0de  No.4780534


good to know, much obliged.

5a6643  No.4780535


Who do you think the cabal's footsoldiers are, and why do you not think they are being deployed here?

d480fd  No.4780536


A self directed IRA is the ONLY way to go….

b1dda2  No.4780537

File: cace9ee8eba7613⋯.jpg (140.89 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1527138345829.jpg)

File: b319f0151ce53ea⋯.gif (301.41 KB, 599x468, 599:468, 1538720876822.gif)

File: 359d5c9c1537aa0⋯.jpg (94.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NOOOOOOO.jpg)

File: 36fbe06f0701d2d⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 364x419, 364:419, 1543119588770.jpg)

File: 0689e263ec14f29⋯.jpg (30.6 KB, 575x384, 575:384, hillary-crying-575x384-1.jpg)

4c59aa  No.4780538


Yeah, 8ch is really generally easy and casual to read and post. Should I collate that data for you a bit tidier and maybe make a PDF for you or can you perhaps use your eyes and brain for a few seconds?

0472a8  No.4780539


It will take the Dems about 15 minutes to find a District Court judge to issue a global injunction to halt any planned firings. They can stop damned near anything this way, at least until such time as the Supreme Court deems to address the matter.

f5b93e  No.4780540

File: ab43a8d3a49bdf9⋯.png (17.52 KB, 382x354, 191:177, Mockingbird fail.png)


5a6643  No.4780541


Trump created more jobs than they need. Your false concern is noted.

6dbf04  No.4780542

File: 2b550b0dfc2eeee⋯.gif (673.67 KB, 420x285, 28:19, Jim Limbaugh.gif)

had a few anons about May/June last year that just kept pushing the Rush Limbaugh is Jim Morrison thing.

Was funny

b8b57f  No.4780543


Gnostics are homosexuals who like to trick people into gay sex for "enlightenment." they belong in the bog with the Shriners, Jesters and others.

460693  No.4780544


No it doesn't matter.

I'm a red unicorn in a pocket of blue.

Leftards hate the MSM too.

For the same reason some anons here say Hannity won't go there but he should,

They say the same things about how that Maddow guy doesn't either regarding POTUS.

All sides getting clickbait headlines but the Leftards moar foaming at the mouth about theirs.

And the altnews shit they read Faker&Gayer.

551282  No.4780545


I have more then enough faith in the plan to know /ourguys/ probably vetted each back ground.

f48528  No.4780546


Like the "Patriot" Act..

give shit cute names so you can kek later

c13ed3  No.4780547

File: bbd8b776ed5b0a3⋯.jpeg (41.29 KB, 300x300, 1:1, BAA1EEDA-79FE-4654-88CB-F….jpeg)

3347e5  No.4780549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4778269 pb

Couple of odd things about the singer covered in gold.

He has a song called "Jenna" as in Jenna Bush?

He's called "cormos'

Cormos is a kind of sheep.

Is POTUS pointing out another part of their comms?

We've seen triangulation between SM so why wouldn't yootoob be a component?

There's also a HAM radio video that sounds like gibberish to me. It's not French. But it's well past my skill set to decipher.


5a6643  No.4780550


So, 3 days.

ead6dd  No.4780551


Which is why Judge K was so important. SC TRUMPS all the activist judges in the lower courts.

88f2bc  No.4780552

File: 617f30ed2bd827d⋯.jpg (602.02 KB, 800x768, 25:24, SCHUMER44.jpg)

b1dda2  No.4780553



4c59aa  No.4780554


"The Cabal" encompasses much of Christianity.

You people just don't get that.

How many Christians have gone off to war because they were so easily manipulated?

e29337  No.4780555


that's retarded

Jesus was gnostic, he wasn't a practicing jew

you're historically ignorant as fuck

3347e5  No.4780556

File: c35162830ef00ac⋯.png (281 KB, 1101x395, 1101:395, Screenshot_2019-01-16 Corm….png)

File: eb6e5156311c710⋯.png (563.04 KB, 884x705, 884:705, Screenshot_2019-01-16 Bree….png)

d471cd  No.4780557

>>4780178 (LB)

Jesus literally observed the then Judaism to the letter, so I'm not sure where you're getting your information (disinformation?) from. He even guided others in how to make animal sacrifices as needed. This is not "gnostic" in the least. The disciples were also perfectly observant of those practices so that when they spoke to others they would have credibility. It's unclear if Paul continued to observe practices to the letter, but he had a different mission interfacing with the gentiles. None of this is gnostic.

3c81cb  No.4780558

File: 0f46e98aaf43069⋯.jpg (505.08 KB, 1272x858, 212:143, cantgetenough.jpg)

3a514b  No.4780559

File: ef781a8593a5569⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 474x271, 474:271, slides.jpg)

So many slides…

5a6643  No.4780560

a72ad5  No.4780561

>>4779698 (PB)

Forgive me Anons, who is "AW"??

ead6dd  No.4780562


Jesus was not gnostic.

11def1  No.4780563


Operation Chaos…2008. Rush Limbaugh gave the Presidency to Obama. Because I believe the MI asked Rush to do it. Because the MI KNEW Obama was an illegal alien and the MI wanted to go in this Revolution in 2016 the whole time. They knew whoever was President would do a bunch of pardons and shit and how can you legally ignore the Presidents power? Well you have an illegal President. Thus any pardon was null and void. Probably Trump has already signed secret EO's to this effect and are ignoring any Obama pardon.

And we can remove the Obama Judges and Laws whenever we are finished laying the ground work for the normies to understand what is happening.

Chess mate. Rush is a Patriot. No doubt.

999f0d  No.4780564


If I wanted to read bible quotes I would not be on the chan

also when I read the bible I don't read random quotes out of order

51397e  No.4780565

File: d003793d09b8517⋯.png (913.12 KB, 978x896, 489:448, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)

LicketySthplat takes SOTU hostage!

72b725  No.4780566


Honest, humble, and often confused, fren. I hear you, though.

551282  No.4780567


Anthony Weiner

7f56f9  No.4780568


You are thinking of McCabes wife in Virginia. State law.

7924f5  No.4780569

File: d85b0745b78c60c⋯.jpeg (30.12 KB, 1061x961, 1061:961, received_734953710223647.jpeg)

d1dbbc  No.4780570

File: 37fbe7fc679a60b⋯.jpeg (364.27 KB, 1795x416, 1795:416, B635CE30-FA29-4869-8980-1….jpeg)

The SOTU is in the control of the POTUS.

Article 2

Section 3

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

a67a47  No.4780571

File: 0a906dc189272cf⋯.pdf (6.57 MB, CIA-RDP90-00845R0001001700….pdf)

File: 13ca0b3744204b3⋯.png (20.76 KB, 390x241, 390:241, ClipboardImage.png)



Woah, wonder if there is any connection t

5a6643  No.4780572


It encompasses none of it, and is irrelevant to it, but for a minor amount of persecution that will be remembered no more, and that forever.

16c3d2  No.4780573


I thought an anon posted a twat from an official gov acct saying emergency furloughs don't count for RIF.

408b09  No.4780574


The patriots will have options I'm sure

"We have it all" Q

6dbf04  No.4780575

File: d856692fb72a370⋯.jpg (125.43 KB, 749x1000, 749:1000, Grandma troll.jpg)

551282  No.4780576


i before e except after c, damn it my b

73a712  No.4780577

Anons… PETA twatted a video of dudes thrusting and dancing with/waving around vegetable dicks. Saying "Traditional Masculinity is dead


dbcbf2  No.4780578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Get your voices in here


So far it's sparse so your vote will count. And stay away from the TV. You saw what it did to that guy working at the head shop.

d920e0  No.4780579

File: cd91f3ad1882464⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 573x351, 191:117, Screenshot 2019-01-16_15-1….jpg)

5a6643  No.4780580


So your position is that Jesus did not believe that Jesus was God?

0666f6  No.4780582


I don’t feel sorry for any government leaches. Everyone of these fucks will get back pay. They should have prepared for this rainy day. Private sector workers get zero sympathy when they get laid off. Fuck them

4c59aa  No.4780583


Oh, right. Here, let me do my very best to accommodate your wishes on the only free-speech board in the world practically

ace407  No.4780584

File: 4d6acf1ae4db8bb⋯.jpg (68.69 KB, 618x618, 1:1, interests.jpg)

File: 51a47b8857dd622⋯.png (186.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, privilege.png)


There are no "muhjoo shills," but there are "muhjooshill shills."

Have some memes to activate your almonds.

6ceee3  No.4780585

File: aa955b3e72b6aba⋯.png (388.29 KB, 827x300, 827:300, Capture.PNG)

The cabal really doesn't want the U.S. to leave Syria

ISIS Kills US Troops In Syria

American troops are among those killed in a Wednesday suicide bombing in northern Syria, according to a spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS.

“U.S. service members were killed during an explosion while conducting a routine patrol in Syria today. We are still gathering information and will share additional details at a later time,” the coalition tweeted.


9bd671  No.4780586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

240000  No.4780587

File: d8390cd1c512bcc⋯.jpg (219.82 KB, 985x1351, 985:1351, vj orange black.jpg)

File: 89827b9e726c9f0⋯.jpg (95.04 KB, 736x539, 736:539, apes Jarret moon.jpg)


Just Drone it.

Consigliere….nice Godfather reference…kinda creepy VJ lives with them.

aaf4ba  No.4780588


Not good.

64b67a  No.4780589


What does "born again" mean, btw?

cbc571  No.4780590


where is this from? feel like i missed something.

5a6643  No.4780591


Note, tho, that even though Paul told Christians that circumcision is unnecessary to convert, that Paul circumcised Timothy so that Timothy would not have a barrier in speaking the gospel to Jews.

4c59aa  No.4780592


You have got some real cognitive dissonance in your future, and that's the best case scenario

aba1e7  No.4780593


so considering the clinton foundation is a family slush fund…

you could set up a "charity", file paperwork to make it legit

then pay yourself with the "donation"

as long as you file the registration, irs junk etc…it's all good.

b1dda2  No.4780594

File: 2955b6110af281f⋯.png (362.03 KB, 470x469, 470:469, vatican-audience-hall-snak….png)

File: 48394dda5152f78⋯.png (114.19 KB, 700x268, 175:67, outside-1.png)

File: e9ca493239e63ea⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 933x445, 933:445, evil.jpg)

131f21  No.4780595

File: c171a528803240d⋯.png (165.1 KB, 391x291, 391:291, download.png)


8chan be like

Hi, I am a patriot and a Christian

and I hate Jews cause they are all kikes


f5b93e  No.4780596


>you're historically ignorant as fuck

All your history are belong to (((us)))

Wakey wakey.

d85bb4  No.4780597

File: 0fb474aee6434e2⋯.jpg (177.48 KB, 1177x500, 1177:500, 89487557486cf2af60fca7c334….jpg)

0472a8  No.4780598


We're still waiting on DACA. That's been a whole lot longer than 3 days, and no end in sight. It's why POTUS is unwilling to include DACA concession in negotiations, because a lower court has ruled the entire program is legal (although it isn't, for a couple of reasons).

51397e  No.4780599

File: 0dddf3f625a0fe5⋯.png (643.15 KB, 580x995, 116:199, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

8962c0  No.4780600


Fucking Kikes did this.

4fa00c  No.4780601

File: fc2c96b94804ba5⋯.png (306.84 KB, 505x347, 505:347, 2019-01-16_15-17-24.png)



Cute couple!

16c3d2  No.4780602


Or panicked presidential runs.

Or MSM trashing POTUS.

Or massive illegal immigration.

11def1  No.4780603


Look out for Joo Dei that ancient evil !

It became Judy over time.

But we all know Judy as the Jews.

o7 David Lynch. "There can be only one"

P.s. Reincarnation is real and Jesus said so also. Just saying.

ead6dd  No.4780604


For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

cf0b04  No.4780605


Rush was making it sound like a secret- but the guy was on the air and they new in advance what this guy’s was going to say. Makes normie’s almonds tingle. Forces them to become curious and learn for themselves.

5a6643  No.4780606


You were born, once, in water, through your mother's birth canal. That's being born in the flesh.

Being born in the Spirit means that the Spirit of God is allowed to enter into you, and resurrect you to eternal life.

Being born of water and the Spirit is being "born again".

4f050b  No.4780607

File: fe07aee1ed789e7⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1026x756, 19:14, Untitledjjjjjjkkkkkkk.png)


Super scary

710a0c  No.4780608



dbcbf2  No.4780609

File: ff6cb26546be68a⋯.png (268.67 KB, 453x267, 151:89, ff6cb26546be68a89f3b56ef27….png)

File: fd518e938761731⋯.png (748.19 KB, 1553x634, 1553:634, fd518e9387617317ef8797669c….png)

File: 519e20dc00ad59b⋯.png (650.27 KB, 1041x550, 1041:550, faef53408ef86d6178c5c6857e….png)

File: f4f98608204bad1⋯.png (354.17 KB, 1612x679, 1612:679, d4602ca18858c81713f0a74dd3….png)


That's fucked. When were they scheduled to ship out?

cad972  No.4780610

File: 2b8f98575728340⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 569x587, 569:587, screencapture.JPG)

d1dbbc  No.4780611



9e733c  No.4780612


Orangutan is the new black. Roseanne should have tweeted that. That would have been awesome.

9086c5  No.4780613

File: 31dfce35526d172⋯.jpg (70.45 KB, 480x342, 80:57, 185262.jpg)

9047af  No.4780614


Maybe so, but even Q said that the most are good people. Sometimes pricks get into the military as well, but there's also people who truly just want to serve, protect, and honor their country.

5a6643  No.4780615


I have glory in heaven awaiting me; what's awaiting you?

138743  No.4780616

File: 5412c34075dd605⋯.jpg (13.54 KB, 249x255, 83:85, Trips.jpg)



Czeched, nice trips.

They'd pull her off life support to interrupt the SOTU with a state funeral and to dominate the news cycle with a diversion from their lunacy. She's served her purpose and it's time for her to take one for her team.

35db7a  No.4780617


1954 Lavon Affair…Israel spies planned to blow up US and Egyptian facilities in Egypt to ruin US relations with Egypt.

4c59aa  No.4780618

File: 1b2228e4721c73a⋯.jpg (605.68 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, Just Nancy Stuff.jpg)

6dbf04  No.4780619

File: f9d31065179f7c8⋯.jpg (262.61 KB, 718x950, 359:475, Ed McMahon.jpg)

5a7c30  No.4780620

File: 030be3bd07b6ec6⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 425x531, 425:531, 91PeaEdDpJL._SX425_.jpg)

It is Now time for every White Male & Female news analyst to

Put All MOCKINGBIRD media's Feet to the Flame when the Subject of

Racism, White Privilege, Masculine Toxicity etc…

When any Propagandist Push the Narrative, the analyst needs to

Hit Back with How Absolutely RACIST the Left Actually is!

Awful People (((they))) are!

88f2bc  No.4780621

File: 2b73fc7e3555c58⋯.jpg (555.39 KB, 800x768, 25:24, LIBTARD99.jpg)

16c3d2  No.4780622


Did they create these? Or did they actually believe they're true.

b8b57f  No.4780623


tl;dr they punch a nazi, we send antifag to the morgue.

240000  No.4780624

File: 9da2c1cb4e63d0b⋯.jpg (97.48 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, vjx orange black.jpg)


That was the time I made that meme

e29337  No.4780625





gnosticism → christianity (as Jesus as a prophet, the son of God, and within the Holy Trinity)

From earliest times Messengers of the Light have come forth from the True God in order to assist humans in their quest for Gnosis. Only a few of these salvific figures are mentioned in Gnostic scripture; some of the most important are Seth (the third Son of Adam), Jesus, and the Prophet Mani. The majority of Gnostics always looked to Jesus as the principal savior figure

In the Gnostic view, there is a true, ultimate and transcendent God, who is beyond all created universes and who never created anything in the sense in which the word “create” is ordinarily understood. While this True God did not fashion or create anything, He (or, It) “emanated” or brought forth from within Himself the substance of all there is in all the worlds, visible and invisible. In a certain sense, it may therefore be true to say that all is God, for all consists of the substance of God. By the same token, it must also be recognized that many portions of the original divine essence have been projected so far from their source that they underwent unwholesome changes in the process. To worship the cosmos, or nature, or embodied creatures is thus tantamount to worshipping alienated and corrupt portions of the emanated divine essence.


BUT MUH ROMAN CATHOLICISM, which is Roman Pagan Monotheism (Mithraism) with a focus on Jesus being the Sun God


did you mean to put "your" in the echoes, you're disparaging "us" meaning you

confused by that on what your position is

6dbf04  No.4780626

File: 1674d3fbff29a77⋯.png (498.92 KB, 540x720, 3:4, shills taken for walkies.png)

d755b6  No.4780627


McConnell blocks House bill to reopen government for second time


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Senate Republicans blocked a House-passed package to reopen the federal government for a second time in as many weeks on Tuesday.

Democratic Sens. Chris Van Hollen (Md.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) asked for consent to take up a package of bills that would reopen the federal government.

VOTE NOW: Should Trump Use The Military To Build The Wall? —→

One bill would fund the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 8, while the other would fund the rest of the impacted departments and agencies through Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year.

Under Senate rules, any senator can ask for consent to vote on or pass a bill, but any senator can object. McConnell blocked the two bills, saying the Senate wouldn’t “participate in something that doesn’t lead to an outcome.”

McConnell for weeks has said he would not bring legislation to the floor on the shutdown unless there was a deal between President Trump and Democrats on border security, the issue that has triggered the shutdown. McConnell has described other votes as “show votes.” – READ MORE

460693  No.4780628

File: 5371dc0cc09e644⋯.jpg (299.9 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, SlideBurns.jpg)


Let's start another one then

13a374  No.4780629


>”sarcastically” calling someone a genius

>doesn’t know how to use sarcasm

Sperglord detected.

4c59aa  No.4780630


I know that you don't know what waits for anyone. You're merely arrogant

d480fd  No.4780631


I worked in a papermill that closed down in 2008. I had to deal with a disabled spouse, 2 kids in college on top of it. Guess what? I dealt with it.

We the ordinary people don't owe these federal employees anything. That being said, I wish them all the luck in the world in their new endeavors and I hope they can ride it out.

Word of advice: Move out of Washington DC.

24d358  No.4780632


I near McD pays $15/hour.

51397e  No.4780633

File: e84b63ded9cd012⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1022x751, 1022:751, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at ….png)

6dbf04  No.4780634


not meant for you

11def1  No.4780635


Satan has left the White House. Q said that when I believe Valerie Jarrett left the Obama Mansion that was being set up as the "shadow" White House. Q never said it was the real White House and not a "shadow" White House.

Or some such shit.

8962c0  No.4780636


Can't stand Rush Limbaugh..I don't care whose side he's on.

He will NEVER call out (((them)))

4f050b  No.4780637


must have made them

28ee38  No.4780638


see >4780375

5a6643  No.4780639


If you think about it, it wouldn't take years to resolve the non-essential workers being furloughed and fired, because if it did, they'd all have other jobs.

13a374  No.4780640


Citation needed.

999f0d  No.4780641


Sorry, Just a thing that drives me crazy

too autistic I guess

d1dbbc  No.4780642


Spoiler that.

e754d1  No.4780643


Rush doesn’t always know the questions from the callers, snergly sneaks these callers in sometimes. He did troll with his response though, planned or not. Dems have been looking real scared lately.

f5b93e  No.4780644


>that the Spirit of God is allowed to enter into you

Nice try Rabbi, you are not doing that to me again.

5a6643  No.4780645


Caller is probably one of us.

b8b57f  No.4780646


>a sore ass from Soros

Likely. I noticed a lot of twinks in NGOs.

a6015a  No.4780647


Maybe that's what POTUS' McD dinner was suggesting.

How did they keep all that food warm, btw?

a81776  No.4780648


u are the biggest dumb ass ive ever seen post here. congrats.

3347e5  No.4780649

File: d629e207c44adbe⋯.jpg (452.08 KB, 932x700, 233:175, Screenshot_2019-01-16 (16)….jpg)

File: 4d2660aa0233946⋯.png (13.11 KB, 436x290, 218:145, Screenshot_2019-01-16 Q.png)

64b67a  No.4780650


It is NEVER about anything that is not butt sex. Never ever. And tricks.

Tricks and butt sex.

All hail Joel Osteen?

5a6643  No.4780651



Rabbis do not have the Spirit of God either, much to their shame.

de8acc  No.4780652

Nancy has played right into POTUS Trump's hands now.

Folks will be also saying,

"Hang on a minute, she wants security at SOTU address, but not for our own bloody country?!!!"

16c3d2  No.4780653


I get texts from POTUS and follow the links there.

7924f5  No.4780654


Hopefully there will be answers to how and why.

e29337  No.4780655

File: 2d72bcfaa91b6fa⋯.png (109.35 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 2d72bcfaa91b6fa3ea466ca82e….png)


>mfw the nonsensical bullshit in the linked post is moar believable than Jesus and the early christians being gnostic

b1dda2  No.4780656

421bb2  No.4780657

File: 466881400ad01ad⋯.jpg (4.95 KB, 299x168, 299:168, flaghalfmast.jpg)

once again the focus is on Mo-Sad and Mo-Joos

Focus need to be on the family's that lost loved ones.


334f44  No.4780658


^^^ this

> she wants security at SOTU address, but not for our own bloody country?!!!"

c13ed3  No.4780659


“Be like”?

Go back to worldstarhiphop you fucking faggot.

460693  No.4780660


2 kinds of us: Lurkers & Poasters

So, callers down with Q bigger than we think

0666f6  No.4780661


My point, they will get paid if they worked during the shutdown. If they didn’t work then they are non-essential? Why do we have non-essential workers in the first place? That’s our money

ead6dd  No.4780662


gnosticism → christianity (as Jesus as a prophet, the son of God, and within the Holy Trinity)

No, gnosticism was a 2nd and 3rd century cult that tried to hijack the teachings and doctrines of Christianity, especially the Gospel of John. When it failed it wrote its own false Gospels like the Gospel of Thomas, which also failed.

408b09  No.4780663


Only the shills, division fags, ignore the shills

5a6643  No.4780664


Maybe now you know Jesus wasn't really calling them gods, and if you cared to dig into it, you'd find he was calling them judges, yet without the ability to judge the matter.

6ceee3  No.4780665


As if only Christians were sent to die for their beliefs .. The atheist claim that religion is the cause of most wars is shown to be false. The history of human warfare shows that less than 7% of all wars have religious causes. If atheists are correct, the most religious industrial nation, the United States of America, should be involved in more religious wars than any other country. However, only the "War on Terror," among all 17 American wars, involves a religious component.

3c81cb  No.4780666


He's not very bright, and likely not a free agent. I don't get the draw.

b1dda2  No.4780667


It honestly came across as a threat to me.

cbc571  No.4780668


kind of took it as potentially Andrew Wasserman

4c59aa  No.4780669


Are you guys like, anti-gnostic shills or just really ignorant Christians? Is there a difference?

8962c0  No.4780670


Right, especially when he was getting baptized by John since the kikes saw this as heretics.

You get a special

Idiot award

e945d3  No.4780671


They made it themselves in the kitchen. Importing a fast food restaurant - ingredients, packaging - isn't all that hard, that's why you see Taco Bells etc, in schools.

14878e  No.4780672

>>4780327 - Trump will serve two terms, will not be assasinated, (Ive seen the spiritual supernatural protection he has)will not be impeached. The conservatives will be in control for the next great while, at least 30 years plus. At least two more Supremes. As you, I get impatient for the happenings to break major, but I do know they are coming.

13a374  No.4780673


There are no real “Muh joo” shills. How fucking new are you?

It’s a shill tactic to prevent people from talking about the apartheid ethnostate of Israel, its use of White Phosphorus chemical weapons, and the mossad. Lurk moar ffs

0ba190  No.4780674

File: ea0d2cf0c52d1b7⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 400x602, 200:301, 2rawxb.jpg)

5a6643  No.4780675


I know what awaits me, sure. Arrogant? I don't see it. I don't recall ever saying I deserved it.

4f050b  No.4780676

Why would isis bomb our guys when they know were leaving now were going to stay and kill them all


88f2bc  No.4780677

File: 8e0abcf5ae1997d⋯.jpg (570.48 KB, 800x768, 25:24, SCHITT56.jpg)

c5cb48  No.4780678



Watching end game moves like this has me so fuckin comfy

1:19:19 brings something tangible to us.

We are going to use the power of the eclipse for the people . Everyone should try and pray/meditate on that day.

970003  No.4780679

File: 2053ced58579ae6⋯.png (23.72 KB, 689x138, 689:138, ClipboardImage.png)


should toss a definition of Knowsis in there, too.. some just go straight to assuming Gnosis is some demonic thing, but it's just greek for Knowledge (of a personal nature)

de8acc  No.4780680


You crook.

These people REALLY are stupid!

81736e  No.4780681

File: da1094b874f9c46⋯.png (397.31 KB, 500x548, 125:137, ClipboardImage.png)


yes …

that'll be one to ponder on for a while

86528b  No.4780682

File: f69aad948a2816b⋯.png (830.74 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

0472a8  No.4780683


He calls out the deep state every damned day. He even calls the media clowns.

665f89  No.4780684

File: 429870351ba2473⋯.jpeg (206.6 KB, 421x781, 421:781, 011B572D-3C0A-43C3-9F13-1….jpeg)

Mr & Mrs Q were out last night . (Pic redacted by Rod Rosenstein)

5a6643  No.4780685


Also note: people at papermills are productive workers, unlike process government non-essential personnel who do absolutely nothing productive, ever.

dbcbf2  No.4780686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Give all the homeless bus tickets to DC.

d755b6  No.4780687


Your just sad because it isn't ever on you Eva Braun wannabes

421bb2  No.4780688

took this to the local priest while back…never received comment back >>4780594

28ee38  No.4780689

File: a5e84042a97b5a2⋯.png (811.38 KB, 1077x824, 1077:824, ClipboardImage.png)

Snagged from twatter

d1dbbc  No.4780691


It’s time to focus on getting US Troops out of Syria and finding those responsible.

07c12e  No.4780693

remember that day in russia/moscow when tanks rolled in and cleaned house?

coming soon to dc imo


460693  No.4780694


Evil trips spell doom for you or Rush

Too close to call

a6015a  No.4780695


Thanks. Didn’t know. I’ll bet those pics had Kim salivating.

4c59aa  No.4780696


There's an epidemic of illiteracy here.

Christians have been fooled into murdering millions.

Jesus said not to forgive.

Nobody said all wars are religious.

Jesus Christ, you people

d9dc6e  No.4780697

Buy Bull fags make your own bread

56d0de  No.4780698

File: a88fdef2640b8cf⋯.jpg (134.85 KB, 894x758, 447:379, Jill Stein recount money.JPG)


I just did a quick research on the Jill Stein 7 million dollar recount campaign.

So far she still has it and is still using it.

Maybe all of us could run for office to offset our pay, hmm.


a81776  No.4780699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>observed to a T

yeah thats why the other jews wanted to have him killed for working on the sabbath and eating with unclean hands.

U really need to stfu or kys. sorry.

27db9b  No.4780700


Fail. Let me fix your ignorance.

People who see everything through a racial prism are stupid.

People who use the cry of racism to stifle logical debates that they cannot win are stupid.

People who can’t see past the color of their own skin are stupid.

People who are the first to bring up the charge of racism in any type of discussion are in fact themselves the racists.

You are stupid and a racist. GKYS faggot.

4c59aa  No.4780701


not to kill* but forgive

b1dda2  No.4780702

File: ae4b59f22cabf1f⋯.png (348.71 KB, 732x832, 183:208, 1521785508105.png)

File: 55f547546c7e1a2⋯.png (55.38 KB, 389x432, 389:432, 1514158177768.png)


…no way she actually said this.

b8b57f  No.4780703



>Office of Management and Budget confirmed Tuesday

>according to the Office of Personnel Management

Fake news. That's their increasingly nervous interpretation of the statute that their leftists lawyers came up with.

27521b  No.4780704


This shutdown, potentially leading to a RIF doesn't effect enough of the government to get rid of SES. They are throughout all departments. Wouldn't be surprised to find out that they have made some rules protecting themselves from this scenario as well, but don't know. They are the Swamp.

8962c0  No.4780705


He says just enough to keep the dumbshits who don't think for themselves involved, without telling the whole truth, fucking pill popping tub of lard he is…

666 digits confirm he works for Lucifer.

a72ad5  No.4780706




KEK!! Thank You. How could I forget about Pervert Anthony Weiner??

f6dff6  No.4780707


The Trinity:

God the Father

God the Son

God the Holy Spirit

Jesus is God. God stepped into His creation, as man, and dwelt among us.

11b05c  No.4780708


Someone doesnt want the US out of Syria.

999f0d  No.4780709

File: bd17e524b1a23a8⋯.png (181.56 KB, 439x290, 439:290, ClipboardImage.png)

ecde44  No.4780710

>>4708786 (pb)

>>4747074 (pb)

I think their endgame is gonna be to fry our brains with (((5G)))

According to Aaron Russo interview by Infowars (buddy of a Rockefeller) the elite will be protected from the radiation with a chip. Possibly they now have it in wristband form or for temporary use below a bandaid ?

b8b57f  No.4780711


SES is taken care off through a different statute.

11def1  No.4780712


Jesus is a reincarnating Hero Soul. But he is a human soul. He said WE would do so much more than he did. But he was the trumpet. Like the people who start a thread and jump in and say "first". Jesus does that.

b79c46  No.4780713

File: 4faaa5ff43bebb4⋯.jpg (506.23 KB, 1861x792, 1861:792, AZAZ0909 16 Jan 18 2025.jpg)

AZAZ0909 flight headed towards Atlanta.

c13ed3  No.4780714

File: d31fe09d9be533c⋯.jpeg (992.23 KB, 1125x1819, 1125:1819, 7F7071B8-47B0-4CB5-9A79-3….jpeg)



aaf4ba  No.4780715


Then why did he say the kitchen was closed during the gov shutdown?

For me, it has to be made in house, due to security reasons, unless POTUS was forbidden to take a bite, better to have a 3rd round safety go down rather than the CINC.

8962c0  No.4780716


Keep drinking the kook-aid normie.

4c59aa  No.4780717


So you've never heard of WW2 you goddamn genius?

b0c64f  No.4780718

File: 3d8d7681d41fe91⋯.png (135.51 KB, 941x557, 941:557, ClipboardImage.png)

Why would the FBI want PapaD to wear a wire in a Mifsud meeting?

So much fuckery going on.

Read the whole article.


64b67a  No.4780719


So, in the Catholic church, babies are baptized in water and young folks are confirmed (by choice) as are converts when they complete RCIA. None of these people call themselves born again.

260282  No.4780720

File: 4d812f86ac902d6⋯.jpeg (10.97 KB, 191x255, 191:255, dude stop.jpeg)

a5ed0b  No.4780721


True but now were fighting domestic enemies, on our soil so they can change the USA to the slime pit they probably came from, or dream of. Its time to stop them across the board , Thank GOD for POTUS

6dbf04  No.4780722


the disclaimer on that is kek!

"not intended to be violent"

b8b57f  No.4780723


>Rush doesn’t always know the questions from the callers, snergly sneaks these callers in sometimes.

LOL Snergley wouldn't have his job if Rush didn't go along with it, and you've obviously never worked in radio.

29c9c4  No.4780724

File: 63124fa332a5982⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 2198745323278736.png)

File: 1918de72b9aa30d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1320x883, 1320:883, 3450089790182754043.png)

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 1282893209219021.png)

665f89  No.4780725


Normalization and promotion of faggotry is part of the nwo's attack on God, Family, and Country. See henrymakow.com for many articles on this subject.

c61977  No.4780726

File: 5282f421fbc233a⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 512x512, 1:1, 1518755317578.gif)

35db7a  No.4780727



The fucking Speaker of the House just broadcast to the world that POTUS isn't being protected properly.

ace407  No.4780728

File: 7de3f79b4705469⋯.gif (423.06 KB, 512x807, 512:807, thinking4.gif)


Similar to how you can attack blacks, gays, Muslims, women, Catholics, etc, without any backlash but the second you say anything remotely related to Jews/Israel/Zionism you get called a shill and told to GTFO?

999f0d  No.4780729

File: b4657f6f01ecd20⋯.png (309.28 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

a67a47  No.4780730

File: 8795bb78c5eee6e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1679x1087, 1679:1087, Inquisition.png)

File: 8a6ee5491bef629⋯.png (449.7 KB, 987x713, 987:713, freemasonisraelconnection.PNG)

File: d74516f1897fdcf⋯.png (373.65 KB, 999x732, 333:244, dullesciaisarel.PNG)

File: 5601a6a06542b5f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 601x662, 601:662, ArturoSosaSwornIn2.png)

File: 13ca0b3744204b3⋯.png (20.76 KB, 390x241, 390:241, ClipboardImage.png)


Forget the Nazis/SMOM forget the Jews/Masons. Think house of god.

e29337  No.4780731


gnosis and gnosticism goes back before the first century AD, and became popular in the first century AD

do you always follow the Catholic history of the world like a NPC?


true, that's exactly my point

but muh pope and sheeeit


I was being sarcastic ffs

13a374  No.4780732


Lmao. Who were they manipulated by?

Who wanted Sadam Hussein gone the most and didn’t want to fight him themselves?

Who wanted Gadaffi gone the most but didn’t want to fight him themselves?

Who wants Assad gone but doesn’t want to fight him themselves?

Who wants Iran gone the most but doesn’t want to fight them themselves?

Who actually lives in the ME and benefits from the instability and changing borders?

Qui bono?

Lurk moar, newfag.

16c3d2  No.4780733

File: 51661a2c8daeb20⋯.png (645.53 KB, 1280x1884, 320:471, wtf.png)


Yes. From yesterday, lost sauce but was in notables.

8ee883  No.4780734






So, let's ignore over 200 verses that call Jesus the Son of God and let's use some obscure, misinterpreted and misunderstood or poorly translated verses to prove that he is God. Right.

This is how the Catholic church has fooled you all!!!!

134ecc  No.4780735

Trump should do the state of the union from the Oval Office

ca1cca  No.4780736

File: 75ff9446f2aed0b⋯.jpeg (580.07 KB, 1242x1019, 1242:1019, 6BAF5C5D-2F0B-43DC-921E-E….jpeg)

665f89  No.4780737


Beware muh Anons, the CIA is watching you pee!

af64a7  No.4780738

File: fec111d199ae866⋯.jpeg (34.29 KB, 420x280, 3:2, e4be7718c0510c0ecb8c27884….jpeg)

File: 45942c927128e96⋯.jpeg (41.88 KB, 580x216, 145:54, 48fb7f14b63c1688fbf9ef713….jpeg)

File: 3b12b6b8b2534f2⋯.jpeg (24.27 KB, 400x249, 400:249, 495a922cbcb898051dfba0bc4….jpeg)

6c8ba4  No.4780739


example one:


>The aliens would, it seems, like to teach us better ways to live. Hellyer believes, though, that they are waiting for our consent.

>In case you feel you might have met one in your home town, some are tall ("Nordic blondes") ←– species encountered before, known as "angels"

example two:


>Rodriguez Aguilera says she was taken aboard a spaceship as a young girl by blond extraterrestrials who resembled the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.

This is just from the top of my head.

The rabbit hole is deep.

5a6643  No.4780740


It gained prominence then, but the men who started the movement were there when Jesus was there. John speaks of them as never being true believers, but only onlookers:

1 John 2

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

This refers to the early gnostics, who dened that Jesus came down from heaven in the flesh. They were created at the same time Christians were; Christians believed Jesus rose bodily from the dead; gnostics did not believe Jesus was God in the flesh.

86528b  No.4780741


Found the Mason

—–→ >4780625

9086c5  No.4780742


Research, faggot.

74% of WH staff is effected by shutdown.

b1dda2  No.4780743


On that note, pay attention to who had the SS and where they were sitting at the Bush Sr. funeral.

Assassination attempt.

f84fc2  No.4780744

File: fc2f19b6ccd955c⋯.jpeg (91.85 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, 1546993150.jpeg)

8962c0  No.4780745


Papa douche is an Israeli agent.

Google his name + Israel, plenty to identify the guy as Mossad

5a6643  No.4780746


Which devil do you pray to? Jah-bu-lon?

e29337  No.4780747



hahahahah, megajew using that meme is hilarious

88ab66  No.4780748

File: a6d96d84b46cd88⋯.png (48.39 KB, 250x252, 125:126, a6d96d84b46cd886fcaefde9de….png)

460693  No.4780749


I know a guy who thinks Cuomo is being paid off by POTUS.

He metrosexualsplained how he used to cover Orange Man Bad admirably and now seems to just cover for him.

Things are really getting weird out there.

4c9d42  No.4780750



The cabal declared war on masculinity decades ago because they know Daddy don't take no shit!! Man up brothers.WWG1WGA

81736e  No.4780752


give it a rest, rabbi

ee9c96  No.4780753


I've never worked in radio,but i have gotten past radio call screening.

Either way,i agree. Rush teased it and knew,maybe not about the call,but he knows Trump and the game.

28ee38  No.4780754


>no way she actually said this.

Not yet anyway

Not that I can find

Easy enough to replace the text with one of her known retarded quotes

5a6643  No.4780755






b0c64f  No.4780756


And what were they doing there?

Perhaps something they were not supposed to be doing?

Like, arming or helping ISIS 'rebels'?

8ee883  No.4780757


…and to those that say that we are all Gods, then why did we need a saviour? Why can't we just heal ourselves, why can't we not die????????

999f0d  No.4780758

File: 860babfdeb10d3b⋯.png (252.06 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fc5c5e20d7de39⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bafa5de2ddf6b5e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

665f89  No.4780760


Viagra wont make you James Bond, but it will make you roger more.

5a6643  No.4780761


This is great!

13a374  No.4780762

Justin Bieber is a Lizard. Look it up. Even the fans that were there know it.

6925e7  No.4780763


I get emails too. Don’t have crumbs but are spoopy topics we are usually discussing that day.

ba5b99  No.4780764



Getting some major dodge vibes from this blog…

ref: BERDER ISLAND (ie. French castle-swapped-equivalent of Epstein's fuck-pad?)

Any French-speaking-anons might be able to shine more light on to this…

aba1e7  No.4780765


Some people don't know how to survive without their bloated paycheck from the government arriving in their bank account with little effort.

Personally, I know to the hour, how long I can push the utility companies to let me pay late without penalty…and how much more time I can get with a phone call or two.

My neighbor went to Social Security office this morning - spent 3 1/2 hours to do a 15 minute thing… 3.25 hours was spent waiting with ticket, watching employees walking back and forth, getting another employee to find something (like paper), sighing, and telling him that he should have done his business online, waiting with ticket again. The office room opened at 8 am but employees didn't start working til 9 am. Closed at 12 noon.

cbc571  No.4780766

FFS asked for sauce on NP saying ‘security concerns’ was the reason given for no invite to POTUS for SOTU. Cmon people you know the rules. Provide sauce for fucks sake.

Since the anons discussing it did not provide, I went and got it myself and found some interesting details.


Nancy Pelosi to Trump: Reschedule State of the Union address or just submit it in writing to Congress because of shutdown

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday urged President Donald Trump in a letter to either reschedule his State of the Union address or deliver it in writing to Congress while the government continues to be partially shut down.

Pelosi, a California Democrat, in a letter to Trump, cited "security concerns" related to the shutdown's effect on the U.S. Secret Service, which provides security for the president's annual State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress.

Trump currently is scheduled to deliver that speech on Jan. 29.

3a514b  No.4780767

File: 49ac9d079040d54⋯.jpg (436.93 KB, 1240x826, 620:413, fake_washpo_npcs.jpg)


NPC version…

8ee883  No.4780768


Why? Because you feel uncomforable with the truth?

240000  No.4780769

File: 1d33f55889cd946⋯.jpg (130.34 KB, 940x627, 940:627, gitmo pic no reservations.jpg)

File: 5bcedd7b9433aa4⋯.png (408.6 KB, 600x311, 600:311, tick tock.png)



Short flight to Gitmo from PR. Lock em up.

86528b  No.4780770

File: a2c42fbcbeefeb8⋯.png (814.55 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

be5d2c  No.4780771


Bezos must be fully comped at this point in time.

Forced to–literally–print fake news.

Epic trolling at its finest!

5a6643  No.4780772


Yes, Jesus Christ indeed.

6ceee3  No.4780773



>How many Christians have gone off to war because they were so easily manipulated?

Your own post talk about illiterate .. you people

you don't know what your talking about..and the Bible said Thou shat do no murder.. try reading it once

23e059  No.4780774


Homeland Security Chief Kirstjen Nielsen on Wednesday said her agency and the US Secret Service were "fully prepared" to provide security for President Donald Trump's State of the Union address scheduled for January 29.

260282  No.4780775


How long you been playing this game anon?

Do you not recognize Kabuki Theater when it stares you in the face?

his is what the Democrats have been reduced to, petty political cheap shots.

This is what WINNING looks like FFS.

35920b  No.4780776


Jesus wants you to worship the Father and His word, not Jesus himself. Be greatful for his sacrifice but he is one of God’s children, as we all are.

17ee9f  No.4780777

File: c4c7143a3013b87⋯.png (184.49 KB, 541x620, 541:620, coreyhines.png)



88f2bc  No.4780778

File: 92d808b9475e142⋯.jpg (575.12 KB, 800x768, 25:24, CARNAC3.jpg)

d471cd  No.4780779


No, "gnosticism" is NOT Christianity. It notably occurred AFTER Christ.

dbcbf2  No.4780780

File: 5c4b081a404903c⋯.jpg (251.06 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, 5c4b081a404903c8b8b698ac2c….jpg)

File: 8e6eb04621deb44⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 5288x3968, 661:496, 8e6eb04621deb4464c502288ac….jpg)

File: b718a967448dd28⋯.jpeg (134.89 KB, 1281x1668, 427:556, 273df0a73a777a6eafee1ca6f….jpeg)

File: 5d8270de902447a⋯.jpg (903.69 KB, 1014x1883, 1014:1883, 72134.jpg)

File: dd8b1380dcc6150⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 600x282, 100:47, dd8b1380dcc61501beff097521….jpg)


When I see people in hoods coming at me I shoot first first. Then I get rid of the bodies.

de8acc  No.4780781


Secret Service, DHS Reject Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Security’ Excuse for Canceling State of the Union!

Ha ha… Love the fact the various security agencies have called out her bullshit.

Great that they are on Trump's side too I say…

c9487b  No.4780782


She might as well said "LET THEM EAT CAKE"

8962c0  No.4780783


The harder they try to cover up the truth, the weirder shit will get…

People still don't realize they know Jesus is here.

e29337  No.4780784

File: 0f38b438eab17d1⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 515x595, 103:119, 0f38b438eab17d1bec870af0d7….jpg)



77e366  No.4780785


So you’re correlating a sourced article by the federal office in charge of RIFs to talking heads (possibly personally involved) debunking pizzagate theories based predominantly on circumstantial evidence and an inordinate amount of coincidences? Just wow.

9047af  No.4780786


IMHO, the more I think about it… all the great men of humanity were killed off by the cabal long ago. They brain washed the lot of us all, then sent the brave to fight battles rigged to destroy them.

cbc571  No.4780787


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, citing the government shutdown, urged President Donald Trump in a letter Wednesday to either reschedule his upcoming State of the Union address or to deliver it in writing to Congress.

"He can make it from the Oval Office if he wants," Pelosi, D-California, later told reporters.

In her letter to the president, Pelosi noted "security concerns" related to the partial shutdown's effect on the U.S. Secret Service, which is reponsible for security for the president's annual in-person address to a joint session of Congress.

That speech, which is nationally televised, currently is scheduled for Jan. 29.

"Both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have not been funded for 26 days now — with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs," wrote Pelosi.

"And since the start of modern budgeting in Fiscal Year 1977, a State of the Union address has never been delivered during a government shutdown," wrote the speaker, who also cited historical precedent for nearly all presidents delivering their address in writing prior to the early 20th Century.

4c59aa  No.4780788


You're still a fucking idiot.

Who went to Church and asked Christ for forgiveness?

Who picked up a rifle and murdered his fellow man?

Who came home from the war and figured he was absolved of all sin because Jesus forgives.

Christians are responsible for their actions

Oh no! The Tricksy jews made me a sinner!

It's their fault I sin, the jews made me do bad things because their father is the devil!

If you people had any objectivity you would be so deeply ashamed.

They will know we are Christians by our love.

Not today.

Today that know we are Christians when we say "Nothing is my fault, the Jews are at fault"

3e814b  No.4780789


I still wonder also

8ee883  No.4780790


Yeah, asshole, the same Catholic church that came up with the trinity. The word trinity is not even anywhere in the bible. Think about it. There's a reason why they want you to believe that Jesus Christ was not a man, that he was God himself. It is all ludicrous!!!!!

16c3d2  No.4780791


I interned at a govt hospital. Trust me, less than 5% of workers give a single fuck.

Most are selfish, lazy, and know how to work the system. The other 5%, the good ones, get fed up fast. They either quit or resign themselves to working the system alongside the d-bags.

81736e  No.4780792

File: 981c90aafd9fddd⋯.png (86.29 KB, 317x224, 317:224, ClipboardImage.png)

5a6643  No.4780793


Jesus refused to play by their made up rules, and was far more popular and powerful than they were, and a direct threat to the life of the nation. "Better for one man to die, than the nation." t. Caiphus, iirc.

In any other case, he would have been correct. In this case, he was dead wrong.

b997d4  No.4780794


What the fuck is Beto doing there?

999f0d  No.4780795

File: eb6438199ce297b⋯.png (381.22 KB, 501x521, 501:521, ClipboardImage.png)

86528b  No.4780796

File: 245a9d7ef71bd90⋯.png (808.23 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

9b6e5a  No.4780797


My thoughts exactly! Rush is right!!

5a6643  No.4780798


satanic nonsense

b79c46  No.4780799

File: 1caa4f454fc0cb6⋯.jpg (540.94 KB, 1805x827, 1805:827, 16 Jan 19 2030.jpg)

Seems to be a fair amount of SIGINT in the air too - JSTARS, E-MARSS and E-3B Sentry.

665f89  No.4780800

0472a8  No.4780801


Don't know where they get their material, but Epoch Times has been breaking a lot of interesting stories the last little while.

d46867  No.4780802

File: 523d608c8abb113⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 330x297, 10:9, 523d608c8abb113d21cdae1586….gif)

3c81cb  No.4780803

File: b5cb09cb3a0d924⋯.jpg (46.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, it'stimelady.jpg)

ddd6c2  No.4780804


Gnostic Illuminati is probably the branch that hopped on the Trump train.

3efedd  No.4780805

File: 1c177fcf9ed1fd4⋯.png (272.12 KB, 651x474, 217:158, WH re USSS re SOTU 1-16-19.PNG)

File: 10fbd72a13b90fa⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video WH re USSS re SOTU 1….mp4)

…it is a no fail mission…


64b67a  No.4780806


Was being a sarcastic asshole, Anon.

I ain't got no truck with teh Gnostics.

51397e  No.4780807

File: efc3755aa37ea23⋯.jpg (37.37 KB, 450x626, 225:313, static1.squarespace.jpg)

be5d2c  No.4780808


Would you please be kind enough to post a short recap of what you learned from the movie?

5a6643  No.4780809


And correctly so, as they are not.

4094d4  No.4780810

File: fc7f8c48f108733⋯.jpg (185.35 KB, 610x346, 305:173, Eslide1.jpg)

9e733c  No.4780811


I swear, Christians are just jews for Jesus with a whole bunch of pagan shit mixed in.

ecde44  No.4780812


>>4731883 (pb)

>>4731959 (pb)

>>4731988 (pb)

Judaism, Zionism and Freemasonry

d053a0  No.4780813


That's fantastic!

730008  No.4780814

File: caa8e3066ba4de6⋯.png (27.36 KB, 255x199, 255:199, j00_very_triggered.png)

428ff5  No.4780815


>The other 5%


6dbf04  No.4780816

File: 0aff05577c6f1a4⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 1080x685, 216:137, 011619 Yuan extends earlie….JPG)

File: aca3bc81fa5d806⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 890x466, 445:233, 011619 Record injection.jpg)

Looking at some of the comment sections of the big financial news sites and even those people are heavily questioning they validity of the reporting.

Like our comped baker(s) nothing about the Yuan intervention last night. Guess magically printing $83 billion is somehow not news anywhere.

Was posted here last night when it happened.

screen caps

8962c0  No.4780817

File: 346b2bee9043d47⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 401x245, 401:245, Antisemitic.JPG)


I enjoy the bible because it's really makes the kikes look like shit,

from building the golden calf, to taking slaves and worshipping false idols like molech, to murdering Jesus….

4c59aa  No.4780818


Even if the Bible says "Thou shat do no murder"

I still stand by what I wrote, that Christians are wrong for murdering you Nobel Laureate, you

56d0de  No.4780819

Does anyone else think that Nancy and Chuck are taking this personally!!!

b1dda2  No.4780820


Unironically some kind of Satanic/witchcraft cult that worships the feminine to the exclusion of the Divine in a spiritually corrupt and disharmonious fashion.

de8acc  No.4780822


Wish Farage could make UK great again!

5a6643  No.4780823


nope. originated after the resurrection, Nisan 17, 32 AD. Because by definition it denies that Jesus bodily rose from the dead, as God could not be contained in a fleshly vehicle, per the gnostic god, satan.

aba1e7  No.4780824



Several posts - including the fucking original






aaf4ba  No.4780825

File: a420b4bf74d944f⋯.jpg (209.85 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Dwuy69vU8AAxSBC.jpg)



Finally got eyes on their Puerto Rico Shindig outside of Bob Menendez and cottage cheese thighs.

e29337  No.4780826

File: 85fb97c0a76577d⋯.png (1.46 MB, 2905x3469, 2905:3469, megajew7.png)

File: 1dc80e769eb8ef6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2228x2472, 557:618, megajew3.png)

File: a1a9024a5aa2c86⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2785x3433, 2785:3433, megajew4.png)

File: 0b34316e0bf28ae⋯.png (2 MB, 2785x3631, 2785:3631, megajew5.png)

File: f7aa01ca8258ec9⋯.png (1001.74 KB, 2228x2536, 557:634, megajew6.png)

6c8ba4  No.4780827

File: 863796fbd4e943a⋯.jpg (40.46 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 863796fbd4e943a9e9cc261edb….jpg)


this one is my fav

8ee883  No.4780828


Did you hear her voice?

She's been yelling too much me thinks! :)

11def1  No.4780829


Yeah some are real normal. But the Government has really gotten out of hand. And people in it lose motivation because they see fucktards getting away with anything and it takes moral courage to continue to be a upstanding employee when you see your fellow workers fucking off at an epic scale.

Something has to be done. I hope it doesnt fuck me in the ass personally but honestly we all have to buck up.

I think normies will be fine. It is probably the KNOWN ring leaders of the Deep State that will get the axe. They have to go at some point regardless. And this whole movement is about seemingly doing EVERYTHING by the book. So if they need this trick to start firing people then lets do it.

Most the lazy employees will get the message and start straightening up fast.

15a3b4  No.4780831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've known for awhile that all the social media platforms are lorded over by liberal, Globalist, Deep State goons but I have only just realised how pervasive their grip on communications really is.

So I work to spread the news of the yellow vest (Les Gilets Jaunes) uprising in France and elsewhere. The American media doesn't want people to know how successful this movement is and how people can use it as a model to overthrow oppressive Globalist governments everywhere.

So I have a YouTube channel that never really got off the ground. I did Qanon meme videos at first then went on to make riot videos, first with Antifa then with the Gilets Jaunes. I got a little traction, but not much.

Then….BOOM….I made one video that blew up! I'm almost at 60k views now and started talking with patriots from DOZENS of different countries. The interactions were so productive and enlightening! Information flowed back and forth like crazy. I even learned a lot of stuff that I did not consider previously.

In short, we were bypassing the usual channels and sharing information with each other, which, no doubt, is not something that the Cabal likes. I'm not hugely influential, obviously, but I must have raised some sort of red flag because first thing YouTube did was give me a copyright strike for anothhen YouTube put an age restriction on this one, something which severely hamstringed my reach and stunted my growth.

I need more support. I need a little help from my Frens! This was just a flashy fun action video but I'd like to do hard hitting stuff too that spreads the word of our movement (with Q) here worldwide, and shares with Americans international news they rarely hear.

God bless and Godspeed!

1750ab  No.4780832


Ditto. Similar experience here and boy…did they appear to hate their jobs. Very rude.

86528b  No.4780833

File: 6fe379b5240ac17⋯.png (827.66 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

460693  No.4780834


Morandez don't pull the hotties like he used to

f6dff6  No.4780835


“Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!”

67faa3  No.4780836

4 DC-10s out of Travis AFB headed northeast all in a row. What’s this I wonder?

730008  No.4780837


They probably are.

Trump is very publicly destroying their satanic cash cow, after all..

b7f3ca  No.4780838


Yeah, that's not in the Bible either… So that post didn't happen.

f7ddd5  No.4780840


She's not too bright is she? I can see why they are called, "Dimms"


5a6643  No.4780841


When Thomas bowed to the risen Christ Jesus and said ""My Lord and my God!", did Jesus rebuke him?

3a514b  No.4780842

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB, 360x361, 360:361, pepe_popcorn.png)

Hannity saying "Buy a big popcorn machine"…. kek

64b67a  No.4780843


The intern knows all.


1750ab  No.4780844


I can see why they used the cropping tool. Kek

6dbf04  No.4780845

File: d193bacc8f93abc⋯.png (218.56 KB, 280x382, 140:191, This.png)

3e814b  No.4780846

I don’t know about you anons, but pelosi seems awful scared !!!! Panic in DC????

Yup! Think so!!!!

aaf4ba  No.4780847


That doesn't change the fact that the President said the kitchen was closed due to the shutdown.

4c59aa  No.4780848



I love the ironic projection.

So many of you are so similar I can't tell if I'm talking to one or another, you all have the same talking points…

Are there pro-christian bots on this site?

16c3d2  No.4780849



MSM blackout.

665f89  No.4780850


This crook.

240000  No.4780851


Are there any sexy shots of Chris Christie on the beach/?

14878e  No.4780852

>>4780358 A Triune Godhead, 3 beings, all Gods with power. God, the Father, is beloved to Son (God the Son) and the one who has not taken a body, the Holy Spirit, the power (God, the Holy Spirit).

e945d3  No.4780853


All you need to do is plunk down the conveyor belts that run through a gas oven - assembly takes about an hour - and you can make all the burgers and pizzas you want. One fryer would handle the whole Clemson team, someone just had to remember to pick up the condiments from local fast food franchises.

6d4d71  No.4780854

File: 2ff303e41641071⋯.png (414.64 KB, 1318x862, 659:431, Screen Shot 2019-01-17 at ….png)

260282  No.4780855


>Something has to be done.

You should run for Congress.

That is their fucking motto and why we are where we are.

710a0c  No.4780856

Notes so far

all 'notable' calls have been reviewed, lemme know what's needed


>>4780713 Planefaggin': AZAZ0909 flight headed towards ATL

>>4780718, >>4780745 PapaD: EpochTimes on Oct2017 testimony & Anon suspicions

>>4780334, >>4780370, >>4780384 Anons on Rush L's shutdown of shutdown talk

>>4780329 Anon reminds us why it's best not to respond to obvs shills

>>4780326, >>4780608 National Emergency Act Updated. Interdasting.

>>4780319, >>4780356, >>4780480 Graphic: MSM Gay Anchors, Anons on agenda

>>4780318 Continued from lb's POTUS' Israel-Palestine peace plan


Barron-poster playing w/fire.

I can prolly speak for Q/POTUS on this one:

Nigger, stand down


kek, so stealing dat


>Like our comped baker(s)…

How to IDEN yourself as useless on QR:

start sentence w/above

f83b53  No.4780857

File: d7595e512a1a43e⋯.jpeg (1.71 MB, 5100x3300, 17:11, E351F069-267B-4574-9ACF-D….jpeg)

Today is the 90 degree (15 minute) offset of the anniversary of Red October.

Interesting that Syria is back in the news.

27db9b  No.4780858


Jesus also said, “the Father and and are one”.

“If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.”

Etc. Give up your disinfo BS. If you believe that you should pray that God removes your ignorance.


a6015a  No.4780859


What they never learn is this: they always take POTUS on way too soon. It gives him time to just let it simmer and it usually works itself out the way he wants it to be.

It always backfires or boomerangs. They are idiots. The whole point of an October surprise used to be that there would be no time to recover.

In 2016 the dims even blew that with lyin' Comey messing up with HRC's emails just two days before election.

They just can't win.

6dbf04  No.4780860

File: 988837932599f4e⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 400x225, 16:9, You fail 2.gif)


Live action fav

6af02f  No.4780861




6ceee3  No.4780862


Anybody can claim to be Christian it doesn't make it so,,, are you really that naive … obama claimed to be christian when he 1st run for president .. dam read a book

e28c34  No.4780863


She's playing her assigned role, ffs!

710a0c  No.4780864


>90 degree (15 minute) offset of

There is no such thing, fake clockfag.

Neck yerself

283814  No.4780865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e29337  No.4780866


thanks for you ignorant response megabiblefag

this info isn't in the Bible so you'd be unaware of it




so do I, but I realize there are historical movements and events not included in the Bible

665f89  No.4780867


Have the top deep state crooktards been physically seen this year?

86528b  No.4780868

File: 882906d66ed2d8d⋯.png (830.48 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

64b67a  No.4780869


What's an "office room"?

dbcbf2  No.4780870

File: ffb125b5eeb1f7f⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 509x538, 509:538, 1b38df1dab87afdeb9618875f5….jpg)

File: 10d9a6e80b2b027⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 1051x456, 1051:456, 3650ef8bd86d8d6eed8cde9aba….jpg)


She is an agent of Soros. The politicians they bought are just treasonous whores.

730008  No.4780871


You'll have to try better than that, agent.

It's plainly apparent that the Mossad is active here, and since the jew baiting didn't work, you are now attacking us directly.

7fff62  No.4780872


First verse ever memorized. Great verse any time any day, any where.

a72ad5  No.4780873

File: bff8576129470e8⋯.png (471.44 KB, 1018x897, 1018:897, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 0c18b024e79beb7⋯.png (302.9 KB, 835x893, 835:893, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)


11def1  No.4780874


Jesus knew he was a fractal of God. He knew we all are a fractal of God. So he was the son of God.

So am I. So are you.

But we are not God.

5a6643  No.4780875


I know you're trying your hardest to shill, but at least try to get something right.

Everything properly in the bible is true; therefore, anything that contradicts anything properly in the bible is false. So simple.

c6cf00  No.4780876


The whole point was to keep msm talking about rush. Last time about rush causing SHUTDOWN, this time about rush causing furloughs to be fired.

3e814b  No.4780877

Folks better leave Barron alone!!!!

Leave the children out of this!!!!!

4c59aa  No.4780878


Everyone that doesn't act like a Christian, isn't one.

I understand.


c03d6d  No.4780879

File: dd57f01c08510cd⋯.png (173.23 KB, 480x300, 8:5, DR.png)


Menendez put together the port deal in DR that allowed Haitian kids to be shuffled out of Haiti via Silsby and shipped out of DR with his Dr. buddies help.

710a0c  No.4780880


Eh, this kind of spoopy stuff isn't my thing unless there's something else to show how it's relevant to QR. Open to feedback from moar anons tho.

ef7baf  No.4780881

File: af171d70d00af9c⋯.png (81.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5a1f56431cf36b⋯.png (38.83 KB, 211x114, 211:114, ClipboardImage.png)

"BERDER" - Crazy Connections > Not sure of relevance, but there are connections.

>>4777268 (pb) >>4777315 (pb) >>4777704 (pb) MISSPELLINGS MATTER: Here’s What President Trump’s “Hamberder” Tweet Really Means “Berder Island [Need Shovels]”


Background dig: (Website in French)

(l'île de Berder (Berder Island) France) - Château de l'île de Berder

Interdasting background. (Google Translate - from French website)

In 1879, Berder Island was bought by Earl Arthur Dillon who built a modern castle. Then the property was bought in 1920 by the Duchess of Uzès and then by the Congregation of the Oblate Brothers of Mary Immaculate in 1927, and a second building was built and transformed into a rest home. Towards 1937, the whole becomes the property of the Little Sisters of Saint François, it is rented from 1984 to a organization of holidays and tourism …

Castle Berder Island 56870 Larmor Baden, the building hosts summer camps and is also rented for family celebrations and seminars, tel +33 2 97 57 03 74.


The Chateaux seems to host mostly 'Tech & Science' conferences - Here are some.

- Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS), Berder Island 2004

- 6th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2005, Berder Island, France, May 18-20, 2005 "Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation"

- 2008 Berder island (RCSL) Research Committee on Sociology of Law (International Working Group for Comparative Studies of Legal Professions)

- Berder Island, France, 22-­30 June, 2012 (International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging)


* (Ronan Berder) - Take note of the name.

Went to high school in Brest, France - 190km(114m) from (Breder Island)

Founder & CEO of → (Wiredcraft) Shanghai & Paris

* Notable > Some (Wiredcraft) Customers & Work:

- Worked with USAID to build the Voter Registration System for the Myanmar Elections.

- Business intelligence for (all) of Apple’s manufacturing.

He previously worked for → (Raincity Studios) Shanghai

Raincity Studios → Is an international (Drupal) web dev and design shop.

(Drupal) > Connected to → Howard Dean (Yes, That Howard Dean)

Drupal became an open source project in 2001.

Interest in Drupal got a significant boost in 2003 when it helped build "DeanSpace" for Howard Dean, one of the candidates in the U.S. Democratic Party's primary campaign for the 2004 U.S. presidential election. DeanSpace used open-source sharing of Drupal to support a decentralized network of approximately 50 disparate, unofficial pro-Dean websites that allowed users to communicate directly with one another as well as with the campaign. After Dean ended his campaign, members of his Web team continued to pursue their interest in developing a Web platform that could aid political activism by launching CivicSpace Labs in July 2004, "…the first company with full-time employees that was developing and distributing Drupal technology." Other companies began to also specialize in Drupal development. By 2013 the Drupal Web site listed hundreds of vendors that offered Drupal-related services.


The notable connections ref: "Breder"

* High school proximity to Breder Island - Old family connection?

* Big Tech connections to Apple, Election Systems & Howard Dean.

* Located in Shanghai & Paris.

→ Making NO judgement about Ronan Breder. Just providing connections sauce.










71a28f  No.4780882


Doubt it. I don't think POTUS is into the Esoterics of full moons anon……

b0c64f  No.4780883

File: bdbf7c5b7f9b437⋯.png (121.72 KB, 757x568, 757:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02949d850af7679⋯.png (131.76 KB, 763x502, 763:502, ClipboardImage.png)

Everybody wants the $10000 marked bills back now

a72ad5  No.4780884


They know not what they do. Bad moves on their part. Very bad.

e29337  No.4780885


you're not even using the correct format, nor using the meme correctly at all


>anything that contradicts anything properly in the bible is false


f84fc2  No.4780886

File: a24aa494a77e703⋯.jpg (61.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, general-douglas-macarthur-….jpg)

d471cd  No.4780887

File: e4721a0b340c819⋯.gif (20.96 KB, 200x130, 20:13, 200w.gif)





Not my fault that you folks are making shit up by pulling it out of your collective asses.

Gnosticism still isn't Christianity.

3efedd  No.4780888

File: 3b5661a314b14d8⋯.png (82.9 KB, 662x277, 662:277, Conch re USSS re SOTU 1-16….PNG)

File: 9d9a844e123899d⋯.png (253.21 KB, 450x666, 25:37, 1 Hill re USSS re SOTU 1-1….PNG)

File: 6fdba7205417f6c⋯.png (75.13 KB, 442x729, 442:729, 2 Hill re USSS re SOTU 1-1….PNG)

File: 098c9ff14fdd580⋯.png (43.91 KB, 641x333, 641:333, KNielsen re USSS re SOTU 1….PNG)


Nielsen: Secret Service prepared to secure State of the Union




6dbf04  No.4780889


had an Atlas air 747 out of miramar yesterday.

Not uncommon but have not seen that for some time. Moving personnel around perhaps?

35920b  No.4780890


If God had brought anyone back to life, you might think that person has Godlike powers but, much like the mistake of Moses, the power doesn’t come from the staff, it comes from God.

999f0d  No.4780891

File: caebaa7744b4355⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

f7ddd5  No.4780892


Oh please sensai. tell me more that this grasshopper has missed.

b1dda2  No.4780893

File: 93da9e64a1d8f31⋯.png (7.85 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 2vugqypz4bvx.png)


Swanky cockatiel party?

1750ab  No.4780894


Mine had a lobby waiting area, and the actual SS windows were in another area..

5a6643  No.4780895


With what knife are you going to cut God from God?

64b67a  No.4780897


Why not?

f19624  No.4780898

File: d596f878932de69⋯.jpg (299.97 KB, 1237x1600, 1237:1600, AAM Facts About Fags.jpg)

16c3d2  No.4780899


The initially "good" 5%. kek

dbcbf2  No.4780900


Guatemala chimps rape babies.

d3fd97  No.4780901

File: b661f7cbc8ade1d⋯.jpg (187.8 KB, 750x499, 750:499, fakenews.jpg)

665f89  No.4780902


Ive seen sauce that 8000 of the 9500 SES are Soetero appointees.

3e814b  No.4780903


So true!!!!!! Hope Q team is watching!!!!

8962c0  No.4780904

File: aa70b974a2337bf⋯.png (75 KB, 883x507, 883:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump just put Israel on notice


5a6643  No.4780905


Christians are christians; we don't have to act like Christians. People who are not Christians have to act like Christians. Easy peasy.

13a374  No.4780906


This is sad. But anyone who’s dug on PG. knows that the Amber Alert system is only used to give a heads up to the perp to lay low, or the child is already gone. AA is run by them. Same with NMEC, (Brian Podesta is in a top position there.)

6ceee3  No.4780907


And anyone that doesn't act like a human isn't one right

'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty


4c59aa  No.4780908


I'm an American arguing with shitheads on 8ch.

Every time they don't like what I say I'm "A Jew", "A Mossad Agent" or a "Satanist"

The more you guys Ad hominem attack me the more I know you have no fucking argument whatsoever.

Logical fallacies are way less interesting than dialogue by the way

3c81cb  No.4780909

File: 971d675dba9b120⋯.jpg (654.71 KB, 2000x1396, 500:349, relleaders.jpg)

460693  No.4780910


Thus, the reason why the rope awaits his future and in the meantime he only eats cottage cheese.

a6015a  No.4780911


The ironic thing is that DJT haters would love for him to show up anywhere and get killed.

That's what they want.

And now NP has thwarted the NPCs!

5a6643  No.4780912


What's that in real money? About tree fiddy?

95fc12  No.4780913


former 1960's hippy retreads…. they never grew up mentally.

480b86  No.4780914

File: 052f2277a95747b⋯.png (568.49 KB, 639x530, 639:530, HMMM?.png)

b1dda2  No.4780915

File: 8aa74c142c830b1⋯.png (171.66 KB, 327x359, 327:359, 1537858503837.png)



56d0de  No.4780916

Sure "Dead People" do not have remaining cancer…cancer needs live cells, if i'm not mistaken. but you get my drift.

2647f6  No.4780917

File: 6f44c1c931fc3e7⋯.jpg (147.51 KB, 1064x837, 1064:837, slide_fun.jpg)

999f0d  No.4780918

File: ad22c4afb09e3f7⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1591x795, 1591:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44449c23c25aca8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Enjoy the show

9e733c  No.4780919


I chalk it up to loner type teenagers.

f84fc2  No.4780921

File: 29ac7fda7ae542a⋯.jpeg (10.88 KB, 255x137, 255:137, fe8b5ec6719686dac3f826f15….jpeg)

4094d4  No.4780922

File: 3bddc58fceef668⋯.jpg (33.18 KB, 481x181, 481:181, BestSlide.jpg)


Best Slide

464d9b  No.4780923


NCMEC is like the FED, they don't have to answer to anybody and keep all the child porn files they can store, all they want ….legally.

no oversight.

f83b53  No.4780924

I don’t normally waste my time, but just thought I’d let you know that it’s apparent you know nothing about the qclock and that seems to be consistent with your other comments.


86528b  No.4780925

File: 6bb86fa2e91c968⋯.png (1.15 MB, 826x775, 826:775, ClipboardImage.png)

5a6643  No.4780926


Prove it.

8962c0  No.4780927

File: ee64f3d32b4c94c⋯.png (69.88 KB, 917x427, 131:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Excepted employees. People like Secret Service, people who are necessary to national security…

Doesn't cover furloughed govt employees.


c03d6d  No.4780928



52f2d4  No.4780929


>required by Constitution, for Congress

required by Constitution, for Congress

are you forgetting that WE are the Constitution, and Congress is supposed to work for US? but yeah, I agree there wont be a SOTU tour, because it will look so much worse for dems if they refuse to allow a SOTU.

They are gambling the house, the farm, and their futures that the cabal will save them because they know mueller isn't going to.

710a0c  No.4780930

>>4780883, >>4780915

Sauce it if you want it noted plz. ty!

88f2bc  No.4780931

File: 9097b48dc204c40⋯.jpg (598.21 KB, 800x768, 25:24, CONGRESS1.jpg)

0b8150  No.4780932

File: 2a3f344fba81bb6⋯.png (448.43 KB, 1388x1580, 347:395, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4775862 old bread

Reposting these graphics which serve to suggest that POTUS will highlight the RBG-related Q drops. Her replacement will be nominated in the wake of the histrionics of the Kavanaugh hearing, of course, much like RBG herself whose nomination followed the spectacle of the Clarence Thomas hearings.

Pendulum swings.


[Her]strionics? Kek

She sat with the stillness of a watchful bird.


e29337  No.4780933


Christianity GREW out of that movement

Roman "Catholicism" isn't real Christianity either, it's Roman Mithraism based on Jesus

4c59aa  No.4780934


Hahahaha Jew must be new here ;)

45a11c  No.4780935

But one of the most untampered with sections within that book is Revelations because no one, number one, understood it–and still do not, and number two, God gave the law down and He said, "anyone who tampers with and adds to or takes from, is in real serious trouble." And since they couldn't understand it, anyway, it was easier to

leave it than run that risk. So the Book of Revelations is pretty much John's vision as given to him.

Is every word of it true? Absolutely not. For, number one, it was a vision. Number two, it has been translated and, for instance, where it talks of a thousand years, and a year, etc., the terminology is incorrect. The counting was different. The intent of the length of the cycle was different than a thousand years. But it was sufficient to give you an idea. You're waiting for the ending times in the Armageddon and you cannot quite equate these two magnificent series of events.

I want you to listen to several things. I want you to be open in your minds, go within, get connected to your Source. I want that mental, I want that mind connected to God.

Please, it's time you ones stopped playing games and come into your purpose. You must begin to recognize that it is both closer to home than you remembered; it is not

going to be the tribes that you suspect because as history moves, so do circumstances and I want you to hold both the past and the present status of some countries on your globe uppermost in your mind as we go through some of these revelations. I call them revelations because this is where the seven angels come to pour the vials and it is incredibly important that you ones begin to get the players straight.

5a6643  No.4780936


Why not chalk it up to your own ignorance?

276fc8  No.4780937

World Health Organization: Anti-vaccine campaigns a top ten threat to global health in 2019

The World Health Organization rolled out its top ten threats to global health in 2019, and vaccine hesitancy made the list. WHO pointed to a re-emergence of common vaccine-preventable diseases, some of which were nearly eradicated in the past.

What are the details?

In making its case, the WHO explains that measles has seen a 30 percent uptick in cases worldwide, stating that "some countries that were close to eliminating the disease have seen a resurgence." But the international agency stopped short of blaming avoidable deaths entirely on vaccine hesitancy, and acknowledged that the "reasons why people choose not to vaccinate are complex," such as "complacency, inconvenience in accessing vaccines, and lack of confidence."

Newsweek reported that campaigns against vaccination have gained ground in several developed countries in recent years — particularly in the U.S. — citing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showing that the percentage of children from 19 months to 35 months "who have received no vaccinations has quadrupled since 2001."

Last year, a study published in the journal PLOS Medicine warned that "Since 2009, the number of 'philosophical-belief' vaccine nonmedical exemptions has risen in 12 of the 18 states that currently allow this policy: Arkansas, Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah."

Europe also saw a spike in measles cases in 2018, with anti-vaccination campaigns being blamed for infections hitting a 10-year record on the continent.

Dr. Dyan Hes explained to the BBC that part of the reason modern parents don't always realize the risk of not immunizing against childhood diseases is because many ailments have been largely eradicated and are therefore uncommon today.

"They don't see that so they don't know, so they say, 'What's the big deal? It's a rash, you know, it won't be my kid,'" Hes said.

"But people forget what childhood death is and what infantile mortality is," Hes continued. "People forget how many children died or were left with encephalitis or terrible brain diseases that caused mental retardation and people to be institutionalized for the rest of their life from measles."

What else was on that WHO list?

Listed unnumbered and in no particular order, WHO named the other nine threats as being: air pollution and climate change, noncommunicable diseases, global influenza pandemic, fragile and vulnerable settings, antimicrobial resistance, Ebola and other high-threat pathogens, weak primary health care, Dengue, and HIV.

According to the WHO, addressing these threats through its new five-year strategic plan will mean "ensuring 1 billion more people benefit from access to universal health coverage, 1 billion more people are protected from health emergencies and 1 billion more people enjoy better health and well-being."


f28019  No.4780938

How about one of these stadiums for the SOTU?

- Rush Offered to Open for Trump again on his show.

1. A&T Stadium 80,000 Arlington, Texas United States RR Capacity expandable to 105,000.

2. Lucas Oil Stadium 62,421 Indianapolis, Indiana United States RR Capacity expandable to 70,000.

3. The Dome at America's Center 66,000 St. Louis, Missouri United States D Capacity expandable to 70,000

5a6643  No.4780939


So, no proof forthcoming. So, so unexpected.

56d0de  No.4780940

Holy Shit,,,Must be DAYSHIFT…why?

Because you have to skip to every 3-4 post to avoid a jew/jesus/kike post…OMG!!!

67faa3  No.4780941


3 of he DC-10s just dropped off ADSB exchange. We’ll see if Toga drops off too.

ef7baf  No.4780942

File: bd79f8769b129e7⋯.png (625.78 KB, 750x525, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot twitter sauce.

Ronan Berder


Nerd alert! That's me in the front row, circa 1998 at the Lycée Naval, a military high school. #nerd #lyceenaval #brest

2:00 AM - 30 Aug 2018


64b67a  No.4780943


Social Security office?

d471cd  No.4780945


As noted in my previous post: there is nothing to support that Jesus was "gnostic." The ideas of gnosticism were developed long after Jesus' time. That requires you to do a simple goggle search to understand the meaning of actual "gnosticism."

It was a convolution and many here are perpetuating it by buying into the latest "new age" interpretations.. inching ever closer to the One World Religion that the cabal wants to badly.

But, keep right on going. kek

4c59aa  No.4780946


Actually, I'm not watching any shows put out by pedowood and Spedoberg

460693  No.4780947


Not many no-T pussies being raised in that neighborhood

2d20e5  No.4780948


Dude, those who are attacking you are not anon patriots.

Anon patriots don't waste their time shitting the bread.

Those are the clown shills.

428ff5  No.4780949


Oh yes he fucking does actually

his natal chart predicts all of this

many of the things he has done line up exactly with planetary/sun/moon/star alignments & transits


9ab27a  No.4780950




464d9b  No.4780951


makes me wonder about John WAlsh and his background

2f677d  No.4780952

File: b26221ad29f015f⋯.jpg (224.94 KB, 1152x870, 192:145, Eureka.jpg)

I'm watching this series called Eukeka and of course cabal symbolism all over the place then this comes on and it activated my almonds. The show is about elite minds all living in one town created by the government for secret projects.

Premise: A scientist created a MADD (Mutually assured destruction) device and many years later it gets accidently activated. This is their current situation. Missiles are active and ready to blow in 24 hours.

Season 1 Episode 6 13:00 mark

Henry says: We put mirrors on the moon to bounce lasers off of it and destroy any target they want.

Jack says: You mean like tanks and stuff?

Henry says: No like Cities and stuff. NORAD took a giant leap for themselves


c03d6d  No.4780953


And Silsby got her sweet spot at Amber Alert after getting caught smuggling Haitians through the DR.

9d5952  No.4780954

Sheckle Smith reporting Ginsbug is expected back in court February 19.

Maybe 2/19 has some significance.

86528b  No.4780955

File: 9e384c0375b4f65⋯.png (846.19 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

a5ed0b  No.4780956

The communist Democratic party wants to lead the sheeple to financial, moral destruction. They couldn't care less for the people! They pave the way for sheeple with sex, drugs, movie & art maniacs that have proved over and over how sick they are. Wake up and see exactly what our POTUS has done to stop this, WWG1WGA

64c31a  No.4780957


Anti-vaccine = I do not authorize you to fuck my kid up you evil shit-bags.

9f7072  No.4780959


So the DS will get their sacrifice? Symbolism? Downfall?

5a6643  No.4780960


What is necessarily false about a vision, and why do you think John only had a vision? Do you think John lied about being taken to the third heaven and shown things, and declaring that he saw and heard things with his own eyes and ears?

John the Revelator is a liar?

52f2d4  No.4780961



cdf128  No.4780962

File: b62701099435c08⋯.png (441.99 KB, 539x648, 539:648, 1506413026748.png)


I'm joking with you that calling something debunked doesnt mean it's debunked. The furlough and 30 day threshold is not set in stone, however it grants cover to departments who may decide to let people go. It's not so much that everyone has to get fired and that this is the habbening we've been waiting for. It's that this is an effective method to wipe contractors and wasteful government employees off of the payroll. Stay tough anon we're in this together.

431636  No.4780963

File: c6cd586e17e3f2a⋯.jpeg (347.71 KB, 750x1024, 375:512, C18E3191-47D3-463B-A89C-F….jpeg)


Arizona State has close ties to McCain Institute

d920e0  No.4780964

File: 4f99a9d39723f43⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 603x203, 603:203, Screenshot 2019-01-16_15-4….jpg)


35db7a  No.4780965

File: f398d2a857f6a52⋯.png (473.16 KB, 985x807, 985:807, Screenshot 2019-01-16 at 1….png)



b1dda2  No.4780966



Come to think of it…this is from November 2018.

4c59aa  No.4780967


What the fuck are people supposed to do, dox themselves?

I laugh at your demand, fool.

Why doesn't Q prove who they are?

Because it's an anonymous board.

Go to fucking facebook if you want proof, this is 8chan

23e059  No.4780968

File: 644032c8baa7fd5⋯.png (758.88 KB, 736x548, 184:137, moveon.PNG)


The newspapers were apparently circulated by MoveOn, a progressive organisation and political action committee backing left-wing candidates for elected office. The group tweeted a photo of the papers, suggesting it had witnessed a staffer bring a copy into the White House.

45a11c  No.4780969

I told you–I've given you a major, major hint as to how things will come down and that will be through the thirteenth, not the twelve tribes of Israel. It will come through the thirteenth who proclaim themselves Jews. We are going back and we are going to call them Nords. These ones were from the Nordic Races, a cross between the Mongol and the Nordic tribes. They were absolutely the meanest creatures ever put on Earth, and can you imagine what it would be like when they met the Vikings? And they did! And it was some show. That should be a clue right off the top to let you realize that it is not as you thought it was. As we read through the words, I want you to think of the Nations that have outreached the rest and now benignly control your country financially through the banks–and do not confuse them at this point with the Zionists. Their purpose is different. Global control is prevalent in both but you're going to have to recognize your enemies because your enemies have seeped in until they have eaten the foundation of your nation. We're going to speak of things like Armageddon. But it's over. You are here, but its over.

I want you to come to the recognition within self as we go over this and you will come into the knowledge that now you remember. It won't be clear. Don't misunderstand me, it will not be clear. And you will still wonder who is doing this and who is doing that but I am telling you now that you are not moving into the cycle that you believe you are. You have already passed through that cycle once. It's called the First Death. The First Resurrection. And the children of God, if you will, then traveled to other planets, other places, to be trained to accept your final mission of coming back into this place for the end of what they called the "Thousand Years".

You are not looking forward to that thousand years of beautiful peace. The world passed it. Unto the time where Satan was loosed from the pit, for a brief period of time, and he would again rule because man will not have learned his lessons, as you look and see, and this is the final death. This is the Second Death referred to and this is why all the talk of rapture because that is the perception mankind remembers and therefore he thinks that he is going to take off to the skies somewhere. No, that is not what God said.

9e733c  No.4780971


Because I don't call people jews or derivatives. Did I hit too close to home, young anon?

1750ab  No.4780972


Yes. Social security office. If I remember correctly the waiting area opened up first, then the workers at the windows started seeing people. It was a lonnnnnnnnnngg day.

730008  No.4780973


Make no mistake; I have no interest in the topic you're sliding, since I already am secure in my own knowledge.

I made my assessment based on your patterns.: You attack anons on topics you know will get an emotional response, with responses that are calculated to cause moar emotional responses.

So in reality, I'm not attacking you. I'mstating my observations about you, to you.

5a6643  No.4780974


The government expert for the Vaccine Courts has flipped, and said that absolutely some of the vaccines cause autism in some children. They promptly fired him, of course, and continued to make the same representations that he was still on their side. Turns out government people lie a lot.

e28c34  No.4780975


Do you truly think that Nancy and Chucky's behaviour over recent weeks is normal and consistent with their previous behaviour?

And that Trump supported her for speaker means what?

f5b93e  No.4780976


But one of the most untampered with sections within that book is Revelations because no one, number one, understood it–and still do not,

Proceeds to 'splain revelations

67faa3  No.4780977


They’ve now all dropped off ADSB. Looked like they were headed to Boise based on their vector.

b1dda2  No.4780978


Trump can afford better toilet paper.

428ff5  No.4780979


give me a fucking BREAK from this faggot


710a0c  No.4780980


>Roll eyes at Muh Joo shills driving away their own audience

>Wonders whether they were playing for the other team the whole time

>Lightbulb: was my being turned off from genuine inquiry into the JQ the intended result?

>Realizes I was never their audience in the first place

f19624  No.4780981

File: 0d78668ece99335⋯.jpg (127.58 KB, 500x546, 250:273, AAM A Grace Q.jpg)

d471cd  No.4780983

>>4780933 I haven't said a word about Catholicism.

Meanwhile, Christianity grew out of following Jesus Christ, during his time incarnated and thereafter. This is not gnosticism, it is Christianity.

Gnosticism was born OUT of that in an attempt to apply mysticisms (a Judaic influence?). Silly to conflate the two.

45a11c  No.4780984

Now, does that mean that you're not going to smoke, drink or carouse? Forget it. Let's not even talk about these things; you are human beings, and of course you would. But you're brought back here as volunteers from that first "Resurrection". You have a job to do with the mop up crew, remember?

Satan was loosed. Again he came upon the land and now you're moving into the final Armageddon, if you will, but, it does not have to be. But you see what is unfolding in the Middle East is right along with the prophecies, as written. Man has this tendency to insist that his doom comes about himself. I want you to hear this knowing that you know it all. You know who the players are and you truly know that which has to be done to

change. You know why you are here. You don't quite have it all workable yet. Your spiritual understanding will come the ancient teachers, Grandfather's Tribes, the Bird Tribes, the Eagle, the Little Crow, and you ones. Man has to be shown the way before the final death. Before the final resurrection. God promised that man would know. If he closes his ears, that's his business. If he closes his eyes, that's his business. Yours is to print it and get it out there and you reach man in many ways. Clint reaches them through poetry, and the truth of the land, and the knowledge of the Indians and the sharing of that intermediariness between the ancients and you over here, you honky white eyes, because you're all one and you can't quite understand it because you are fragmented. But you will become one, unified. And you're it.

f84fc2  No.4780985

File: 159cc6cb8820693⋯.gif (771.77 KB, 442x333, 442:333, tenor_7.gif)

aba1e7  No.4780986




Despite the fact that at least one of you is a shill

I am gonna answer your conundrum

The bible says thou shalt not "murder"

it doesn't say

thou shalt not "kill"

in fact, it recommends killing on more than one occasion

so are you complaining about killing or murder?

cause there's a difference

6dbf04  No.4780987

File: a36d7121f17691c⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 437x624, 437:624, 011619 Atlas Air MCAS Mir.JPG)


this was the 747. I lost it several minutes after that screen cap

2647f6  No.4780988

File: 9d782f1e1227e5e⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1024x720, 64:45, im black.mp4)

5a6643  No.4780989


That letter from a "Senior Official" of the Trump Administration is devastating to the deep state/civil service traitors.

460693  No.4780990


They're set to get thir monies owed up to the RIF date point.

Seems fair.

POTUS makes the best deals.

86528b  No.4780991

File: 47257a7a35c1267⋯.png (849.91 KB, 816x660, 68:55, ClipboardImage.png)

d480fd  No.4780992

Is all this arguing over Christianity and Gnosticism organic? I will let you in to a little secret…. you will all know the "truth" when you are dead and it doesn't matter anymore… All religions are divisive and subject to skepticism.

e945d3  No.4780993


Good, good. That means they can party it up and be too high to suspect the approaching RIFs.

56d0de  No.4780994

I read in a earlier bread that the President is going to use the McCain Act bill to pay for the wall…wouldn't that be something no one expected?

f7ddd5  No.4780996


Lib tears.jpg

5859cd  No.4780997

File: 196dc3f5e55bacb⋯.jpeg (103.42 KB, 960x707, 960:707, 4636B027-77C5-4B71-AE0F-4….jpeg)

File: 38489ccacf9f6f5⋯.jpeg (241.99 KB, 960x707, 960:707, 5FB2C077-AE15-4D1D-B17A-C….jpeg)

Never forget when shit really “happened”. Everything since has been underwhelming IMO.

When are we gonna see these 70k indictments?

5a6643  No.4780998


Oh, okay, sure. Who should I look up on facebook to see if they're an American?

b1dda2  No.4780999



In all seriousness, though, "Hey, let us inject every baby with this shit or you're a wacko and you'll lose your kids" is a pretty crazy position to take.

f6d586  No.4781000


It has been discussed here so all the media already know. Lazy mockingbird media wouldn't know how to actually do research if they had to. They all come here to find stories to warp and do damage control

a81776  No.4781001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that is the gayest fucking meme ive ever seen.

and the video i posted is someone who is ONLY reading NT verses. Im not making anyrhing up but thx for letting me know that im over the target.

Hers, enjoy more. this one from a jew himself.

86528b  No.4781002


Fuck no, it's not organic. (((THEY)))'re digging.

ecde44  No.4781004



The truth is anti-semitic

45a11c  No.4781005

You're stuck with it. You accepted it, you volunteered. And I don't know how to break it to you easily. Because I hear you speaking of the Revelations. I see you seeing what is going on and I see the pain as you see the lies being fed to you, and yet everything was told to you that it would be exactly this way and where it would be this way.

I'm talking about location. I've hounded you for two years that it would be in the Middle East. I wonder how many of you looked at a map so that you know exactly what is going on over there? Do you know where the Euphrates River is, for instance? Do you know where Syria is in relationship to Israel? It's adjacent and Israel went over and took the Golan Heights which is Syria. Hold in your heart where Jordan is, Iraq, Iran. These are basically in the Holy Land, the Ancient Holy Land. But, you can know that it will happen there and you can know that it happened there already because it said Babylon will fall and it will be split into three, and an earthquake will come and will render it

split into thirds. And if you look up that river valley, where that fault line goes, it makes a "Y"; it splits into three.

It's over. It happened. You are born to go through it again because it is a repeat for the Second Resurrection. Now I will be quiet while Oberli reads that, and I want you to keep your minds open, because you are going to have some revelations here right now. (Revelations, Chapter 16, Verse 1)

710a0c  No.4781006


would need sauce and moar detail in the analysis of this to bolster notable claim here: >>4780861

421bb2  No.4781008

Ha ha ha ..wish I have a pepe for this..

filed under ongoing projects



aba1e7  No.4781009



5a6643  No.4781010


satanic rubbish. The tribe of Joseph was split in half, Manassah and Ephraim, both half-tribes, and the tribe of Joseph still remains, so there are 13 tribes, technically, but it has nothing to do with the descendants of Japeth, the Nords.

b8732a  No.4781011



There are no RIFs. Stop with this nonsense. It has already been shut down by the OMB when they stated they will NOT be doing any RIFs if the shutdown lasts longer than 30 days.

f84fc2  No.4781012

File: 1656c5dc170388e⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Robert-Conrad-dans-Les-Tet….jpg)

665f89  No.4781013


Nancy is finding news ways to lose.

d471cd  No.4781014

>>4781001 I'm glad you liked the meme. I picked it just for you (gay). kek!

999f0d  No.4781015

File: 195a8eb68ffc89f⋯.png (199.91 KB, 722x346, 361:173, ClipboardImage.png)

240000  No.4781016


Total boner amirite?

6ceee3  No.4781017


I'm not the one complaining ,, people reread posts

460693  No.4781018


>that is the gayest fucking meme ive ever seen.

At least it's #1 at something

de8acc  No.4781019




Consider trump's relationship with a famous wrestling promotion and family.

And it's all about the script.

& draining the swamp is part of the 'business'..


4c59aa  No.4781020


I'm sure you've impressed yourself but you're a fool.

I'm on a VPN, you're probably confusing my posts with other people.

Sorry, there's simply no way for you to know.

Thet's why arguments are supposed to be taken on their merit rather than backed up by an identity.

Who is Q?

Seriously, NSA, SEC of DEF? Mil intel?

We don't know, we verify the information, apprehend the data and bigger picture by extrapolation.

Anyway, the great awakening should include Christians or else you will be left behind

5a6643  No.4781021



You're as right here as you were there.

276fc8  No.4781022

File: 9e830cd2c820bc1⋯.png (449.24 KB, 551x489, 551:489, ClipboardImage.png)




665f89  No.4781023


It's way past time for massive federal govt cutbacks. 25% is just a good start.

2c396f  No.4781024


This is like some "The Secret" type spell conjuring. Put it in writing, disseminate it to help it become reality.

13a374  No.4781025

Anyone want to know how the false flag shootings are done by psychiatrists?

Look up the experiment with Meyersberg and Stokes. The subject was Ivan Santiago.

They subjected around a hundred people to hypnosis, then kept weeding people out based on how weak the trance was. Once Santiago got into an ice cold pool and thought it was a warm bath, they New is nervous system was so strongly hypnotized that he would be selected.

HE was told he was NOT selected, but to come in to do like a “debrief”. They put him under hypnosis, and told him a bad man outside carrying a red binder was violent and needed to be erased. When the cue was given he was to walk out to a motorcycle and unpack a gun from the bag and shoot him. The gun had blanks and the “bad man” was an actor with blood bags pretending to be a dignitary. He was told he would not remember anything after it happened. He did it. Despite being a normal guy with a family and no criminal history because he was so strongly hypnotized. He obv freaked the fuck out when he woke up with a gun in his hand and a dead guy in front of him and cops and cameras. He didn’t know wtf happened.

This study is real. So imagine Cruz, Lanza type that is already predisposed towards violence etc.

Eye opening to understanding FF.

64b67a  No.4781026

428ff5  No.4781028


well I guess you have some research to do then don't you faggot

45a11c  No.4781029


And I heard a mighty voice shouting from the temple to the seven angels, "Now go your ways and empty out the seven flasks of the wrath of God upon the earth."

So the first angel left the temple and poured out his flask over the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the Creature and was worshiping his statue.

The second angel poured out his flask upon the oceans, and they became like the watery blood of a dead man; and everything in all the oceans died.

The third angel poured out his flask upon the rivers and springs and they became blood.

And I heard this angel of the waters declaring, "You are just in sending this judgment, O Holy One, who is and was, for your saints and prophets have been martyred and their blood poured out upon the earth; and now, in turn, you have poured out the blood of those who murdered them; it is their just reward."


e29337  No.4781030


Gnosis/Gnosticism originated in Greece ignorantfag

not everything started with Jesus

Gnosticism was merely the last “incarnation” of a very old belief system, going back at least to the 6th century BCE and probably much further even than that. That belief system was known as Orpheanism, after the Greek hero Orpheus. Orpheus was a son of Zeus, and an incredibly skilled musician. When his wife, whom he loved immeasurably, died, he followed her shade to the River Styx. She went across, while he remained on its earthly side, mourning her. He played on his flute such stirring laments, that even Hades, in his halls, heard it, and was moved to tears. He allowed Orpheus to come across the Styx and visit her, for only one day; he had to return by nightfall.

Unfortunately, the majority of Orphean beliefs are lost to us. This is not merely because of later Christian eradication of any record of them, but because they did not generally put any of their teachings in writing. The earliest Orpheans used music, songs and poetry, via oral tradition, to convey their teachings. They appear to have depended on songs, thereafter.

Another problem with understanding Orpheanism is, that it manifested in several different ways that we know of and probably others that we don’t. For example, the Pythagoreans were, very likely, an Orphean movement, founded by Pythagoras (or perhaps his mentor). Other Orphean communities and/or academies popped up throughout the Hellenistic world. Most were in the Aegean islands or in western Anatolia, the district known as Ionia.

Some Orphean communities were not well-received, for they were viewed as a collection of useless outcasts. Still, they tended to be very scholarly, and a number of Orpheans established schools or academies which taught a “conventional” Greek curriculum.


many of the early followers of Jesus WERE gnostic, and the gnostic traditions are seen all within Christianity

but my comparison to Catholicism is that the early Christians (literally followers of Christ) were moar gnostic than what you would think of as Catholic

5a6643  No.4781031


Gnosticism is the belief that Jesus is not the Christ, and not the Son of God, and not risen from the dead.

24d358  No.4781032

>4780746 5a6643

(50) poasts so far.

0b8150  No.4781033

File: 762449359de69b0⋯.png (1.8 MB, 5692x1052, 1423:263, ClipboardImage.png)

Q 2671:

If a woman is selected as the nominee does that eliminate the wrap up smear re: sexual assault?

What other tactics might be planned to block and/or force name removal?

DEMS, Deep State, MSM may look for alleged financial wrongdoings. Look at foundations.

However, the heavier knock that might be tried is ideological: setting terms for feminist bonafides? This stuff did not work on other nominations of women that POTUS has got through so far.

86528b  No.4781034


I agree Gnosticism isn't Christianity. But Christianity IS Gnostic, without a doubt. While Christianity is a religious tradition, Gnosticism is a psyop term used by Ireneus to chastise heretics.

a312f6  No.4781035

Sunday's total lunar eclipse is called the 'super blood wolf moon'

12:12 a.m. EST = Maximum eclipse


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.76 📁

Jan 27 2018 20:12:12 (EST)



"Bring them to heel"

Define heel.

(of a dog) follow closely behind its owner.


d480fd  No.4781036


What a shit-up bread…

5a6643  No.4781037


Believers can know now.

9b6e5a  No.4781038

Since the Government shutdown:

Airports are not using Body (Naked) Scanners just metal detectors like TSA Pre travelers. Ive seen the DEA with their Drug smelling Dogs helping out at the airport.

The Body Scanners are a risk to your health bc of the Ionized Radiation is cancer causing. I never go thru them, always opt out for "pat-down" like a criminal, smh. Better than getting zapped!

All National Parks are Open & FREE (Zion National Park is OPEN, Red Rock National Park in Las Vegas is open etc.!)

IRS is shutdown - yay!

Most non-essential Government Employees have 2nd jobs anyway, & work 2nd job during Govt work hours.

Stop feeling sorry for the Government Employees that are on "vacation."

I have a friend who works for EPA and is loving his time off.

As long as the Military and NG get their paychecks Im very happy with keeping the Shutdown forever!!!

The smaller the government the better!

f6dff6  No.4781039

I smell a FF coming that will be used in an attempt to blame POTUS because of muh shutdown.

999f0d  No.4781040


Hope it has wall money

01594f  No.4781041

File: 922cd6b7dad03ba⋯.jpg (189.88 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Plage_de_larmor_baden_fevr….jpg)

Île de Berder

Île de Berder => Larmor-Baden

en: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larmor-Baden

fr: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larmor-Baden

translated: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffr.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FLarmor-Baden


4c59aa  No.4781042


>it doesn't say


>thou shalt not "kill"


>in fact, it recommends killing on more than one occasion

*slow hand-clap*

710a0c  No.4781043

File: d0548a55bb3e051⋯.png (26.77 KB, 842x302, 421:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Yo, bible derailers, there's a thread for this

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

Unless something is directly related to current Q drops or related habbenings, too much detailed discussion on any off-topic subject is either shilling or retarded. Please cease and desist.

460693  No.4781044


Sauce it Nigga with the actual OMB/OPM statement to that effect.

Not the 20-something ugly chick only sauce is 2013 OPM employment manual article that's the only thing mentioning that.

f7ddd5  No.4781045


I do think they have been acting weird.

I trust the plan and the plan means POTUS has everything, is in control, and we are just watching a movie play out.

was making a joke about her not being bright and her political party being called Dimms - there was supposed to be a sacrastic correlation in there somewhere

1750ab  No.4781046


Like something on a plane that slipped through because TSA is “understaffed”

05aa68  No.4781047



First sentence:

Agencies won’t need to consider targeted layoffs, otherwise known as reductions-in-force (RIFs),

Won't need to consider = not mandatory =/= can not

Rest of article indicates RIFs might be possible because regulation (Title 5) applies to cases of known duration factors, not those of unknown duration. IOW they don't apply here. OPM also not sure about sending furlough time notices or not.

Looks like they don't know for sure. Never happened before.

Could it be why Pelosi (who found out by reading the newspaper yesterday?) sends POTUS a letter today saying open up by Friday or no SOTU, giving a sham security excuse as the reason.

276fc8  No.4781048

File: 8b02bcd40e8fa3d⋯.png (6.59 KB, 318x166, 159:83, ClipboardImage.png)

WREXITEER Theresa May Chosen to Deliberately Wreck Brexit, Trigger Second Referendum That Will Be Rigged For Bremain

710a0c  No.4781049


>>4780881 Moar diggin' on France's Berder Island & Ronan Berder

>>4780713 Planefaggin': AZAZ0909 flight headed towards ATL

>>4780718, >>4780745 PapaD: EpochTimes on Oct2017 testimony & Anon suspicions

>>4780334, >>4780370, >>4780384 Anons on Rush L's shutdown of shutdown talk

>>4780329 Anon reminds us why it's best not to respond to obvs shills

>>4780326, >>4780608 National Emergency Act Updated. Interdasting.

>>4780319, >>4780356, >>4780480 Graphic: MSM Gay Anchors, Anons on agenda

>>4780318 Continued from lb's POTUS' Israel-Palestine peace plan

baking presently

01594f  No.4781050




5a6643  No.4781051


Same people, different bread.

9e733c  No.4781052


Chatty newfag would be more apt. Or straight shill operative. Really don't care what you actually are.

f603d7  No.4781053

>>4780296 The guy wanted to know about the Reduction in force (RIF) possibilities after government employees have been furloughed for over 30 days

e29337  No.4781054


>boomer megabiblefag

The majority of Gnostics always looked to Jesus as the principal savior figure.


a53742  No.4781055


Do you believe Ed Buck to be a serial killer of sorts as journalist Jasmyne Cannick has suggested?

I am hesitant to solidify that Ed Buck is a serial killer, but he definitely appears to have the framework of the making of one. Psychologically, I believe him to be a sadistic man who receives pleasure from the pain of others and in this case — the pain of disadvantaged young gay Black men.

Why do you think he targets Black men?

I believe Ed Buck has a slew of fetishes that leads him to use gay black men as an outlet for fulfillment. I think it’s an obsession, a super-humanization of black men overall that stems from slavery, believing that blacks are physically and sexually superior while whites are intellectually and emotionally dominant. Many clients/victims of Buck reported the constant use of the N-word during their visit, removal of their own clothes to wear items Buck lays out for them [ white long johns] and lastly to financially reward his guest by having victims or himself shoot large amounts of meth into their bodies to see the amount their bodies could withstand before passing out or overdosing… it’s sick, it is almost reminiscent of 19th century New Orleans serial killer Madame LaLaurie. He targets those young black men that are socially disadvantage or in need of help with promises of financial reward or shelter in order to fulfill his slave play fetishes and meth induced like experiments.

2d20e5  No.4781056

File: fba6b85e10bb7e3⋯.png (776.63 KB, 923x487, 923:487, justlikeme.png)

34b70b  No.4781057

American that worked at world trade center killed in attack in Kenya

6dbf04  No.4781058

File: a369815271bafc1⋯.jpg (109.27 KB, 730x545, 146:109, Kayfabe 1.jpg)

88f2bc  No.4781059

File: 2d4d5721079c6c0⋯.jpg (546.14 KB, 800x768, 25:24, SCHITT57.jpg)

01594f  No.4781060

34b70b  No.4781061


Jason Spindler escaped the world trade center attack

5a6643  No.4781062


What a great post! Should recommend for Notable!

d471cd  No.4781064


Bless you. Perspective as it regards CHRISTIANITY:



by Matt Slick

Gnosticism traces its roots back just after the beginning of the Christian Church. Some researchers state that evidence of its existence even predates Christianity. Whichever the case, the error of Gnosticism had affected the culture and church of the time and possibly even a earned a mention in 1 John 4.

The word "Gnosticism" comes from the Greek word "gnosis" which means "knowledge." There were many groups that were Gnostic and it isn't possible to easily describe the nuances of each variant of Gnostic doctrines. However, generally speaking, Gnosticism taught that salvation is achieved through special knowledge (gnosis). This knowledge usually dealt with the individual's relationship to the transcendent Being.

A more detailed Gnostic theology is as follows. The unknowable God was far too pure and perfect to have anything to do with the material universe which was considered evil. Therefore, God generated lesser divinities, or emanations. One of these emanations, Wisdom desired to know the unknowable God. Out of this erring desire the demiurge an evil god was formed and it was this evil god that created the universe. He along with archons kept the mortals in bondage in matter and tried to prevent the pure spirit souls from ascending back to god after the death of the physical bodies. Since, according to the Gnostics, matter is evil, deliverance from material form was attainable only through special knowledge revealed by special Gnostic teachers. Christ was the divine redeemer who descended from the spiritual realm to reveal the knowledge necessary for this redemption. In conclusion, Gnosticism is dualistic. That is, it teaches there is a good and evil, spirit and matter, light and dark, etc. dualism in the universe.

What we know about Gnosticism is gained from the writings of Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Tertullian, Origen, and some later manuscripts discovered in the eighteenth century such as the "Codex Askew, Codex Bruce, the Berlin Gnostic Codes and, most recently, the Nag Hammadi collection."1 Nag Hammadi is a town in Upper Egypt near ancient Chenoboskion and 13 codices discovered were discovered about 1945.

The danger of Gnosticism is easily apparent. It denies the incarnation of God as the Son. In so doing, it denies the true efficacy of the atonement since, if Jesus is not God, He could not atone for all of mankind; and we would still be lost in our sins.

There is debate whether or not this is a Christian heresy or simply an independent development. The evidence seems to point to the later. Nevertheless, the Gnostics laid claim to Jesus as a great teacher of theirs and as such requires some attention. It is possible that 1 John was written against some of the errors that Gnosticism promoted.

1. Achtemeier, Paul J., Harper’s Bible Dictionary, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1985.

f5b93e  No.4781065


Sometimes you don't even need hypnosis.

Just an 'authority' figure telling you to do it.


07c12e  No.4781066

File: 669f9bd1e982024⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 400x241, 400:241, VP.gif)


'non-essential' furloughed w/out pay fed fags are leaving in droves as we speak

t- resigned yesterday

9086c5  No.4781067

File: 8292ae9510dc3ff⋯.png (516.01 KB, 1140x1140, 1:1, d16725aa5fbde08a6f5fa5f652….png)

Imagine what would habben to DC property prices if POTUS laid off half the gubbermint.

86528b  No.4781068


All good. There's plenty of bread. These are the fun ones. It gets much worse, if you didn't know already….

6dbf04  No.4781069


young jesse best jesse

665f89  No.4781070


If they all get terminated, they might actually do something PRODUCTIVE with their lives.

f6dff6  No.4781072


Full body diaper for the little Schitt. He's one giant piece of shit.

dbcbf2  No.4781073

File: b517d03eec2e0c1⋯.png (880.4 KB, 1236x766, 618:383, DarthSoros.png)



421bb2  No.4781074

people are so pissed off that no action

has been taken. couple that with all the Q misdirection..people are just sick of the lies..coming from both side >>4781037

428ff5  No.4781076

fucking retards

are not invited to the next bread

stay the fuck out

5a6643  No.4781077


Never. The gnostics never looked to Jesus; they look for the occult, the hidden, the super secret wisdom of the ages, of the universe, whatever. They deny Jesus is God, and are therefore damned. In fact, they're following the devil's first lie on earth; by your knowledge of good and evil, you can be like God.

e29337  No.4781078


> But Christianity IS Gnostic, without a doubt

that's exactly my point

gnosticism had an influential impact on Jesus and the early Christians

CLEARLY Gnosticism isn't Christianity, they're distinct belief systems, but it's a historical fact Christianity was heavily influenced by it

some claim Jesus himself was a gnostic, or at least influenced by it

b1dda2  No.4781080

File: e4f232fc139494e⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 484x461, 484:461, ILUTGzY.jpg)




>The partial government shutdown has crippled the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s food safety surveillance efforts, pausing many domestic inspections and potentially putting more Americans at risk of contracting food-borne illnesses such as E. coli, salmonella and norovirus.

>“There’s a lot of ready-to-eat food that the FDA oversees that consumers ultimately have to trust doesn’t have a pathogen on it that can kill you,” says Seattle-based food-borne illness lawyer Bill Marler. “We need to get people back to doing their jobs.”

8fdfc5  No.4781081

File: 84cea5dc65a55b6⋯.png (454.75 KB, 501x692, 501:692, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

BREAKING: Attorney General Nominee William Barr announced his support for "red flag" GUN CONFISCATION to Dianne Feinstein at today's confirmation hearing.

Call your Senators today and urge them to oppose the confirmation of William Barr for Attorney General. 202-224-3121 or look up your Senators here: https://www.senate.gov…/contact_informati…/senators_cfm.cfm



a829e9  No.4781083

File: d95ec85f4dd549d⋯.png (332.79 KB, 1070x857, 1070:857, Jan21 Eclipse.png)

1:07 (6:43 - 7:50)

Eclipse Blood Moon

Dark to Light

A week to remember

11def1  No.4781084


Yeah pretty much. Constantine seems to me to have been a bullshit artist and likely a Satanist.

5a6643  No.4781085


Love me some Matt Slick.

b0c64f  No.4781086

File: 78d8293f5e1595c⋯.png (97.59 KB, 782x402, 391:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8428c004bbb074f⋯.png (127.64 KB, 766x466, 383:233, ClipboardImage.png)



Sauce -


Also, another spy on the campaign?

Who could it be, anons?

d480fd  No.4781087


I second this. Obviously shill driven and eating up bread.

34b70b  No.4781088

Jason Spindler

spider web

f5b93e  No.4781089


Can someone direct me to Qresearch.

This appears to be the biblefag bread.

665f89  No.4781090


May you be correct.

64b67a  No.4781091


Omg, it really is.

Example: When the people selling weapons and whatnot do NOT actually know what they are selling, everyone should be concerned.

"Ooooh, so THAT'S what this is" says the 300 lb. guy who hasn't seen his dick in 20 years.

428ff5  No.4781092


Eclipses are ENDINGS

01594f  No.4781093


01/20/2019 == 01[20/20]19 == 2020

710a0c  No.4781094

fresh breadly




fresh breadly

999f0d  No.4781095


Its called natural selection

but they want us all to be one race like that will save us

16c3d2  No.4781096



Place to put in phone # to get texts.

e29337  No.4781097


from some weird biblefag

got it, muh opinions are better dan da factzzz and shhheiiit

3c81cb  No.4781099

File: 22482e778518d34⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 408x424, 51:53, goodwin.jpg)

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