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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

b095c1  No.4736006

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 01/11/19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 01/07/19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 01/06/19

>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability

>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (Caps: >>4637162 )

>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )

>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.

>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.

>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER

>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)

>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted

>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking

Saturday 01/05/19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Saturday 12/22/18

Compiled here: >>4628830

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b095c1  No.4736007


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.

>>4668020 , >>4668026 8bit/BO executes an anniversary tripcode check



>>4735338 Numerology – 32/33

>>4735377, >>4735400, >>4735439 Anon plugged in Alice In Wonderland into CIA docs search (Project Gateway)

>>4735359 Muslim Community Patrol vehicle

>>4735385, >>4735401 Organ Trafficking Co-Conspirators – A Worldwide Epidemic

>>4735387, >>4735389 What should've been redacted in the Manafort doc

>>4735411 Tulsi Gabbard member of CFR

>>4735442 How Communist China Steals American Secrets and Endangers U.S. Security

>>4735479 Israel's military says troops found the last tunnel dug by Hezbollah militants for cross-border attacks

>>4735529, >>4735729 Moar on Project Gateway

>>4735571 Credit union CEO found dead days after resigning

>>4735591 Graphic on Comey's tweets

>>4735625 Q #2669: Moar on Admiral John Richardson & his China mission

>>4735707 Meme on famefags

>>4735798 Donald Trump Bought Ronald Reagan’s Wrist Watch During One Of The Most Interesting Watch Auction Events Ever

>>4735800 BTFO Rshills again: Q's watch, IWC Portugieser Chronograph, was released in 2013

>>4735926, >>4735928, >>4735932, >>4735936 Resignations in the news 1/11 & 1/12

>>4736001 #6043


>>4734504, >>4734565, >>4734573, >>4735168 CHINESE TRANSLATOR NEEDED (for Q's pic)

>>4734532, >>4734549 MKUltra: remote controlled dogs

>>4734570 Reminder: $21 trillion missing from DoD and HUB

>>4734585 Early clock and map graphics

>>4734591 Graphics on the Catholic Church and Vatican

>>4734629 Video: Huawei disappears from top technology shopping mall in Bangkok Thailand

>>4734671 Who is Michael Cohen's father-in-law? Trump says he should be investigated

>>4734691 First RBG crumbs

>>4734772 Tulsi Gabbard’s Homophobic Remarks Surface After 2020 Announcement

>>4734792 Super low end frequency sound is being used as mind control?

>>4734811 House Democrat says physical barrier at the border is necessary

>>4734816, >>4734970 Anon on Tulsi Gabbard

>>4734839 Moar on Robert Malley

>>4734871 Pedo ring linked to Pro-Putin party exposed

>>4734885 Hypocrisy Without Bounds: The Tragedy of ‘Liberal’ Foreign Policy

>>4734890, >>4734980 Vaccine shot killed famed cancer doctor

>>4734928 Why was she (RBG) "selected"?

>>4734975 PG&E Reportedly Planning Bankruptcy Announcement To Workers As Soon As Monday

>>4735045 Moar on the "Alabama False Flag Campaign" involving democrat operatives

>>4735075 Updated Pro/Anti Trump "stars" list

>>4735138 IDF Chief Says Israel Struck Syria Without 'Asking for Credit'

>>4735149 Police in western Germany launch massive raids against criminal clans

>>4735184 Moar on the democrats in Puerto Rico

>>4735228 #6042


>>4733807, >>4734327 Reminder: Ben Carson found $516.4 BILLION in mismanaged funds in 2017

>>4733825 One person dead, 12 more hospitalized after suspected Fentanyl leads to 'mass overdose'

>>4733838 Hillary Clinton ATTACKS Trump for government shutdown

>>4733858 Moar on the Davis man who killed rookie cop that left a note saying he was hit with ‘sonic waves’

>>4733885 Moar FEC data on 2020 candidates

>>4733972, >>4734202, >>4734236 Ivanka Trump candidacy for the presidency of the World Bank has been announced on Saturday

>>4733997 POTUS Timestamp 8:37 and Q crumb #837

>>4734104 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Defends 'Frank and Positive' Trump Meeting

>>4734191 Defcon Warning System's twitter: "Test has concluded"

>>4734198 Senior ISIS Commander Killed in Afghanistan During Raid

>>4734239 Pro/Anti Trump "stars" with number of followers

>>4734246 Trump tells Judge Jeanine Pirro that Dems must 'come to their senses' on border security

>>4734396 Rep. Gabbard Recognized as Champion for Human Trafficking Survivors

>>4734451 #6041

Previously Collected Notables

>>4733672 #6040

>>4731342 #6037, >>4732137 #6038, >>4732891 #6039

>>4732219 #6034, >>4732225 #6035, >>4730559 #6036

>>4726703 #6031, >>4727488 #6032, >>4728246 #6033

>>4724325 #6028, >>4725068 #6029, >>4725866 #6030

>>4721905 #6025, >>4722774 #6026, >>4723551 #6027

>>4719598 #6022, >>4720377 #6023, >>4721146 #6024

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

b095c1  No.4736008

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>4714320

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b095c1  No.4736009

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

b095c1  No.4736010



b095c1  No.4736017

File: 9f4e8ec78331b52⋯.png (315.97 KB, 508x488, 127:122, ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting Handoff

14705e  No.4736036

File: 5ab26e6779505a2⋯.png (212.84 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, TheabsoluteInfinity.png)

The Absolute Infinity Cheers Anons


e1d653  No.4736037

File: a947b9c5580c309⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 704x475, 704:475, bakers.jpg)


I'm here baker.

Handoff Confirmed

Thank you for baking, have a good night fren

bd3fc0  No.4736044



146b82  No.4736049

File: 6e2eebda090dcd3⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 3648x2371, 3648:2371, download (13).jpg)

File: 14b9ace2b2c0261⋯.jpg (1012.25 KB, 3334x3334, 1:1, NWM-17-single.jpg)

b095c1  No.4736060

File: ae002e55da66db7⋯.png (371.54 KB, 700x720, 35:36, ae002e55da66db794179b64012….png)


thanks baker

by the way, those memes are hilarious


you get the shift off seemingly baker, thank you too

heading out soon

a0e511  No.4736065

File: 35525ddbcb3c92e⋯.jpg (736.48 KB, 1366x852, 683:426, vital mesages.jpg)

2dc7df  No.4736071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau in bed with Soros. New proof of Soros` involvment in migration policy in Canada….Disturbing…

b095c1  No.4736073

inb4 muh post count, got bored and interdasted


some of those docs are really wild

3d450d  No.4736074

'We'll attack Syria if US pullout is delayed,' Turkish minister warns

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has warned any delay to the US pullout will see Turkey launch an attack on Syria.

Speaking on Thursday, he said: "If the withdrawal is put off with ridiculous excuses like Turks are massacring Kurds, which do not reflect the reality, we will implement this decision."

"We are determined on the field and at the table.

“We will decide on its timing and we will not receive permission from anyone."


da371b  No.4736075

File: b9f4918fa40607e⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 600x315, 40:21, addtext_com_MjAwOTQwMTk3Nz….jpg)


Thank you baker(s)!!!


2dc7df  No.4736076

File: 6124b424a33c452⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 371x520, 371:520, realnakedgirls-15241046854….gif)

Thank you Baker

042126  No.4736077

SIGNING off for now. Had to make some anon posts in LFB. Good luck on digs anons.

Read between the lines. Dropped some value.


14705e  No.4736078


I know right , My eye's are burning from scanning documents .

b926f0  No.4736079

File: de6810a39353e37⋯.jpg (135.04 KB, 600x315, 40:21, lifeforce-naked-aliens-ast….jpg)

Put the Jews back on their space ship….trap their souls there and send them into deep space. Hope nobody else finds them?

ae1a45  No.4736080

File: fe7c776fae9c4c6⋯.jpg (266.69 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Thank You Baker.jpg)

Thank You Baker

2194e7  No.4736081


Very true, the value of the last bread did go down.

3dfc6c  No.4736082

>>4736040 (lb)

HUD is a slush fund.

HUD is currently shutdown in that they are barred from incurring new debt.

This is part of the reset. It's HABBENING!

What if America is really a wealthy nation?

It is. We are coming back thanks to POTUS.

0a6c21  No.4736083

File: a140609f58c580b⋯.jpg (229 KB, 1074x774, 179:129, SmartSelectImage_2018-12-3….jpg)

File: c156dcfd8e568bc⋯.jpg (356.73 KB, 1040x591, 1040:591, SmartSelectImage_2018-12-3….jpg)

File: cfb0eb0511a9d46⋯.jpg (133.78 KB, 1047x485, 1047:485, SmartSelectImage_2018-12-3….jpg)

Can't find any link to movie . Who is by the trunk ?

5e6944  No.4736084

Good night, Anons.

9a7ca3  No.4736085

File: 9edf139e4e0a7d8⋯.png (153.06 KB, 571x322, 571:322, STARMANSTIG.png)


Just throw them into deep space in the relative path that oumuamua went towards.. likely nothing out that way for parsecs..

322f3b  No.4736086

File: 72ea2b413056c90⋯.jpg (300.03 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, comey 2020.jpg)

There will be no arrests of key players before 2020. Reconcile anons.

POTUS can't head into the 2020 election with the title of Arrester and Executer in chief. It will look too suspect if he hanged Hillary last week and says he respects his democratic challenger this week.

That doesn't mean we stop memeing, digging, and sharing. We the people have to continue to fight for our beautiful republic. We have to inform our friends, family members, and communities as to what the fuck is really going on here. We have to make it a practice to regularly call congress in order that our desires are executed.

But I think we also need to be honest with ourselves about tribunals. Maybe I'm wrong (God knows I am a million times a day), but military tribunals seems a bit hard to imagine during an election cycle.

daecc6  No.4736087

File: cd9818eb15e458f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 764x512, 191:128, cd9818eb15e458f04d5172f4ac….jpg)

i got it bad

12be41  No.4736088


You smell kinda funny.

8c951a  No.4736089

File: f54e57e6f240ae8⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, solari_missing_money.jpg)

File: c6c8dc7fd2390c3⋯.png (587.86 KB, 1119x709, 1119:709, Solari_Key_21_Trillion.png)

File: c3cbedef7347a9c⋯.png (307.08 KB, 1141x793, 1141:793, Solari_Key_Documents.png)

$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government.

"That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is as much as our entire national debt!

What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? How much has really gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer?

This means the Fed and their member banks are transacting government money outside the law. So are the corporate contractors that run the payment systems. So are the Wall Street firms who are selling government securities without full disclosure. Would your banks continue to handle your bank account if you behaved like this? Would your investors continue to buy your securities if you behaved like this? Would your accountant be silent?

This is the reason that there is such a strong push to change or tear up the US Constitution. This is why members of the establishment say it is "old," "outdated!" This is why there is such a push for gun control. Don't buy it! We can use the Constitution to get our money and our government back. It is time to enforce the US Constitution.

The Solari Report has been covering the missing money since 2000 when Catherine Austin Fitts began to to warn Americans and global investors about mortgage fraud at the US Department of Housing and Development (HUD), the engineering of the housing bubble that lead to trillions more dollars in bailouts and funds missing from the US government starting in fiscal 1998."

Solari Report



2dc7df  No.4736090


When is America not in an election cycle?

311ebd  No.4736091


That's why arrests either happen this year, or they don't happen at all. You are right that it can't happen in an election year.

60cc70  No.4736092

>>4734591 (pb)

Raised Catholic, but wasn't forced to participate at 14. End of the first "experience." Nothing bad, just didn't like having to go to church. Married and my wife and I decide it would be good for the kids (this was before the massive pedo revelations) to have some religious education. We attended church with them, also, fast forward a couple of years my wife and I saw a priest for some marital counselling They really aren't qualified for that, but money was tight. We find out later that things we shared in confidence (which is supposed to be treated that way), that this homo priest was like a fucking gossipy school girl, spreading our personal information with other members of the church! That was it, end of the line permanently!

When the pedo revelations came out, I was already done with them, but that was definitely the final nail in the coffin as far as donating to their charity, of anything to do with them! Probably should have sued, but that would have just caused us further embarrassment.

b926f0  No.4736093

File: 1f706bfb0e5cdf7⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 400x219, 400:219, LifeForce03.jpg)


Lets do it.

978741  No.4736094

File: 1810e789a463474⋯.png (600.75 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Screenshot_2019-01-13-04-0….png)


>>4736061 # lb sharp previous etc

The chronograph watch baker said btfo rfags with one article was a lie!

That watch has been made since1998!!!!boom?


e1d653  No.4736095

File: 31f237b47818bef⋯.jpg (10.88 KB, 255x255, 1:1, qaward.jpg)


kek, you handed off to me this morning. Break well deserved. Get some rest baker. o7


I remember seeing this story in my news aggregator, and found it. Idk about a movie but this is real and has been reported by major outlets.


8b08cf  No.4736096

File: c72a210d71f658d⋯.jpg (86.48 KB, 736x737, 736:737, c72a210d71f658d2affb25e117….jpg)


it's been a good read so far..need covfefe.


why not a black hole?


you noticed it too? wew.

ab21fb  No.4736097

File: 55240dd1559696e⋯.png (477.51 KB, 500x494, 250:247, ClipboardImage.png)


"I've heard that there is a great restaurant at the end of the Universe"

ffc340  No.4736098


They can happen whenever, including election years, but they don't happen.

3dfc6c  No.4736099


Always figured the lame duck years (3 and 4) of the second term.

In other words, forever from now.

311ebd  No.4736100


If Trump doesn't run again maybe. Still think it's this year or bust.

a0e511  No.4736101


it's not really a catholic thing as it is a cult thing that involves a infestation across all religions - tho in catholcism's case it has a heirechy in the pope so it is sort of at the top. And much worse at the top than just engaging in sacrifice and murder of kids as they are responsible for wanton slavery across entire countries with the help of the Queen - but that's a long story.

Long story shorter…. I think you made the right decision leaving but the religion itself isn't evil - nor are most people in it. It's the cult that uses institutions and there are very few if any that are free from their tentacles

9a7ca3  No.4736102

File: 433affa526a1cde⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 325x244, 325:244, 1513551962029.gif)

File: 3e76bbc2a107fd4⋯.jpeg (620.53 KB, 1764x1746, 98:97, 3e76bbc2a107fd4391e5b04a1….jpeg)


I'd be ready to be beamed up at any point… though i'd hope to take my pupper with at least..

dde2a2  No.4736103


None of that shyt was new info. Good work , newfag.

4c8c62  No.4736104

File: 2df3504e25ca9a4⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Dww5K_5UwAAbKs2.jpg)

Sauce that he did really just say this (On his call to Judge Jeanine):


0b2335  No.4736105


Arrests are stupid anyways.

Slap some cuffs on people and then everything is better, the hero rides off into the sunset, happily ever after?

You aren't watching a movie.

Think mirror anons.

I could give a fuck about arrests.

I'm just tired of losing every website to shills and censorship. We're losing the culture war.

915c03  No.4736106

File: ebe224cabe58fe6⋯.jpg (265.63 KB, 800x1435, 160:287, IMG_20190113_221848.jpg)



How to Prevent Parallax Error

By Karl Wallulis; Updated April 30, 2018

Parallax error occurs when the measurement of an object's length is more or less than the true length because of your eye being positioned at an angle to the measurement markings. For example, a person viewing a car's speedometer from the driver's seat will get an accurate reading because she has a direct line of sight. A person viewing the speedometer from the passenger seat will overestimate the reading because of the angle between his eye, the meter and the arrow.

b095c1  No.4736107

File: 38e3503c312a394⋯.png (3.99 MB, 2579x2676, 2579:2676, readthewatch.png)




you sure?

I didn't start baking until #6038


>being this desperate

Q's model is the Ref. 3904

48d2e1  No.4736108

File: ebd7bd37fba8943⋯.png (511.99 KB, 759x2071, 759:2071, 2019-01-13_3-51-04.png)

File: 6136aadf5d438a4⋯.png (632.96 KB, 735x2020, 147:404, 2019-01-13_3-51-50.png)

File: 6122889c3e83d97⋯.png (942.61 KB, 728x2685, 728:2685, 2019-01-13_3-52-42.png)

File: 732bc430d660247⋯.png (925.49 KB, 764x2364, 191:591, 2019-01-13_3-53-33.png)

File: 18197d12051feae⋯.png (1.09 MB, 738x2845, 738:2845, 2019-01-13_3-54-42.png)

>>4724472 lb

>>4656805 lb

>>4643085 lb

>>4642979 lb

Excellent long historical narrative that describes all facets of the Benghazi corruption. Blows all MSM reporting and Congressional testimony out of the water! Pics show less than half of the rolled-up thread.

By Roscoe B. David, Career LEO-Vet-Constitutional Conservative.

Very readable rolled-up twats:


archived at: https://archive.is/l7PJN

Twitter entries:


archived at: https://archive.is/YGxGm

b7e61a  No.4736109


Which bank will still be around by then I wonder? That compound interest is a helluva thing.

Always wondered if you could just collect on the account, cancel your reservation and time travel home as a multi-billionaire.

60cc70  No.4736110


They'd start Central Universe Banking, with the usual interest rates, plus added "Off World" charges. Fucking parasites.

322f3b  No.4736111


>We're losing the culture war.

This place is helping us win it back though, our so muh feelings tell me.

14705e  No.4736112

File: 636b04c5b70a1a1⋯.png (221.96 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Adrenochrome.png)

Wonder what can be found here ? Think this will be my next dig into CIA open source info .

667e55  No.4736113

File: 8c8ed2710f4798b⋯.gif (454.03 KB, 200x317, 200:317, wpw9292iducuwnn22910w9d7cu….gif)


try the fish.

a6fd55  No.4736115


You can report that serious breach to the Bishop.

44e9a7  No.4736116

Baker should be ashamed of themselves for that notable about the watch.

The anons who posted it was first made in 2013 should be even more ashamed of themselves.

I thought you faggots were research, not shills.

One has to wonder why they're trying to distract from the truth.

The rest of you shilling them on without researching for yourself have identified yourselves for what you truly are.

The truth:

The Portugieser Chronograph is one of the most popular models in the Portugieser collection. Its history goes back to (((GASP))) *1939* when two Portuguese businessmen requested IWC make a wristwatch as precise as a marine chronometer. Sailors used marine chronometers to determine their position at sea. Before these chronometers were developed, ships often lost their way or had accidents. Wristwatch movements hadn't yet reached chronometer-level precision by the end of the 1930s, so IWC put the pocket watch caliber 74 into a wristwatch case. Thus, the first generation of Portugieser watches was significantly larger than its contemporaries with a case diameter of 41.5 mm. At the time, smaller, square watches in Art Deco style were the trend. Today, larger watches are the norm and are even trendy for women. The design of the first Portugieser was clearly ahead of its time.


322f3b  No.4736117

File: b0cfffe42847c1b⋯.jpg (141.67 KB, 600x750, 4:5, columbo clickbait.jpg)



I understand your skepticism. Just throwing my two cents out and trying to think logically. Hope I am wrong, would love to see some deepstate perp walks.

dde2a2  No.4736118


Baker Notable

b095c1  No.4736119

File: 93c915d57ce1b4d⋯.png (597.77 KB, 1071x858, 357:286, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abbd4126898f2db⋯.png (779.05 KB, 913x766, 913:766, 1547283584299.png)



and it's not even the same watch!!!!!!!

0b2335  No.4736120


This forum is too soft.

We're not winning here, we're just holding off the inevitable.

b926f0  No.4736121

File: 55a5ad47d22c20c⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (25).jpeg)

So…. you want to know who JUDY is? It is obvious. Oh how skilled he is.

Judi is obviously feminine in nature, Judy is short for the name Judith which means "woman from the tribe of Judea or Judah". David (or his character) pronounces her as called "Jew Dei" in ancient times. Which Dei means God in many languages including Latin.

JUDI is behind Bob, Behind the most evil acts in all the world (the Atom Bomb) the degeneration of humanity, and America after world war 2, which is clearly shown in that episode that terrifies everyone with the creepy guys, the atom bomb and the girl. Al

Even David Lynch knows….its the Jews.

9fa622  No.4736122

File: f15a790e96dd047⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpeg)


just stop

44e9a7  No.4736123


Try 1939.

Baker is now outed as a shill trying to slide us away from the truth.

Trump has JFK Jr's watch. He also bought Regan's watch. There has to be a reason for this.

c72a7f  No.4736124

File: cd9eee14d495e69⋯.jpg (173.11 KB, 700x699, 700:699, Overactive-Third-Eye-Chakr….jpg)

Pineal Gland Cleansing

This is the next step in your awakening. You have powers and "mutant" abilities beyond your imagination.

Mutant abilities would include telepathy, remote viewing, remote telepathy, manifestation of remote electrical impulses with thoughts, peering into the future etc.

Alchemy is a long lost art. Also called the Science of Magic, alchemys origin is so mysterious that no one really knows exactly what the word "alchemy" means. Alchemy has never been for the common person, and therefore it's secrets have been hidding throughout time.

The power of our minds is constantly under assault by toxins and poisons, in order to connect to source it's best to go through a cleansing process to open the third eye.

In a glass of water, mix:

1 Dropper Oil of Oregeno

1-2 Droppers 5% Iodine

1-2 Droppers Fulvic Ionic Minerals

1-2 Droppers Colloidal Gold

2-3 Droppers Colloidal Silver (NOT ionic silver)

1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1-2 Tsp Organic Cold Pressed Hemp Oil

Drink with the following ->

1 Kelp Tablet

1 Turmeric Curcumin Tablet

1 Vitamin B12 Tablet

1 Vitamin D Tablet

2 Omega 3-6-9 Tablets (otherwise 1/2 Tsp of natural oil)

2 Black Seed oil Tablets (Or 1 Tsp oil)

This regimen 1-2 times a week, after supper and before bed.

In a few months this formula will begin to make you… notice more things around you - especially when you are in a heightened emotional state. I recommend you practice meditation to ground yourself, otherwise the experiences can be very overwhelming.

It's a process, and cannot happen overnight. Not to mention, many things hidden in our food / water / products are constantly trying to undo the work this mixture is correcting. The initial cleanse is important, than to keep yourself clean as ongoing "brain maintenance".

I hope this resonates with some of you in here. This "awakening" is so much more than arrests and Q. Your journey starts with a clean pineal gland.

Light on Anons!

7a7cb5  No.4736125


You know, it doesn't matter what happens when. Not really, not to me. Whatever happens: dig, pray, meme. Good plan.

b095c1  No.4736126



b66619  No.4736127


Someone will be getting arrested, anon. And it will be before the 2020 elections. If Mueller is actually going after POTUS, then that means he plans to arrest and remove the entire administration. And the sooner the better because the deep state is in panic mode. Of course, this would more than likely cause a civil war.

On the other hand, let's say Mueller isn't going after POTUS, then that means the entire deep state will be going down. I tend to lean more towards this one. Mainly because of the sealed indictment count. There really isn't much time left for there not to be arrests. But who really knows at this point…

da371b  No.4736128

I am 99% sure Robert Mueller and RR will be the dark horses.

Q never told us directly.

Surely they must be running a sting on those fuckers.

What happens if RM and RR come out and say "Obama administration tried to frame POTUS?"

After everyone counting on them to impeach POTUS they give them the gravely news.

09c899  No.4736129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CNN has been Q'd!

Video is 11:11


3dfc6c  No.4736130


Looks like a lot of work only to be told your crazy if it actually does the job.

44e9a7  No.4736131


3714 is a remake.

Another anon posted that last bread and even tagged the baker but they were ignored.

I was watching and looked it up for myself. There are even 150 year anniversary editions that look the same. Even back in the 40's they had the same exact hands and dates in the same places.

POTUS very well may have JR's watch.

ab21fb  No.4736132


>only to be told your crazy if it actually does the job.

Don't worry. It doesn't need to actually work for people to call you crazy for doing it.

978741  No.4736133


i don't understand, does it have to be the same watch? I thought it was an iwc portugeiser chronograph, what does it matter if it's a3904 or a 3914 you have no idea what jfkjr watch model number was/is. I could care less about jfkjr, but we don't have his watch confirmed, someone must have it,it's not lost at sea

c72a7f  No.4736134


I always ask people, what makes you think you are going "crazy"? Maybe you are just starting to get "sane".

I can explain what it does and what you will start to experience, but yes, you will look and sound "crazy" to others who are still asleep.

7d1ab1  No.4736135



If they have no power and assets who cares if they get arrested. Won't last long anyway in public.

We should focus on what happens next.

>The world is about to change

Arrests don't do that.

What does?

7a7cb5  No.4736136


What, you want to toughen us up, anon???

4b0db3  No.4736137



Baker sir, why did you post a notable saying Rshills were at it again if you knew it was a lie?

I would like an explanation for that.

Bakers are supposed to be hard core on the facts.

Facts are important to our research.

8b08cf  No.4736138

File: d8474591dfcc4e0⋯.jpg (130.27 KB, 408x528, 17:22, d8474591dfcc4e055b5b93dc66….jpg)


We shall see.

I, for one, am sick of these sick fucks parading around like they haven't been raping/murdering/torturing children and selling them by the millions over the course of decades for a sick cult.

We need to see some big names strung up for all to see and proof laid out.

This Movie has dragged on long enough that we could be spending on far moar important shit.

Just kill the goddamn traitors already and roll out the advanced tech, life extension tech.

That's my $.02.

a6fd55  No.4736139


I feel Trump will be out of excuses for not serving justice by the end of this month.

961226  No.4736140

File: 9824c8c864ce96c⋯.png (45.3 KB, 453x516, 151:172, Q2647 follow the Watch (2).png)

File: f45ae212b9895a9⋯.jpg (705.39 KB, 875x544, 875:544, Mnuchin (3)_LI.jpg)

=It's Mnuchin's Watch in Q's Post! Follow Mnuchin!=

I am not a photofag, but I got to thinking who close to Trump could it be, US Senior Official. There are several photos of a watch that resembles the IWC in Q's post on Jan 5th, when the Administration was meeting at CD. Also, follow the watch -→ that proves the China photo as we knew someone from the Treasury Dept was headed to China.

Photo with the watch circled is from Jan 10, 2019 - his meeting with the Dems, which is causing Schumer to now want to vote on stopping the ease on Russian restrictions- https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2019/01/10/treasury-chief-no-sanctions-relief-for-russian-oligarch

f9fbfb  No.4736141

File: 8d99d4efcc5f8ea⋯.jpeg (583.39 KB, 1124x1949, 1124:1949, A65E815E-A15B-4565-989D-4….jpeg)

Who: Justin Trudeau

IWC Regulateur

Anyone who says it's a tough time for liberals should look to Justin Trudeau – the Canadian centrist is cool as a cucumber as the world arguably burns around him. Clocking in far higher than his polls, however, is his wristwear. The IWC Regulateur (also the favoured brand of House of Cards' Frank Underwood) is precise, refined and understated. Well, if the watch fits.


cd1fc2  No.4736142

The french are going after the Rothchilds. What a time to be alive.

9fa622  No.4736143


fuck off and leave baeker alone

ab21fb  No.4736144


Please do.

As ingesting gold and other heavy metals is really not healthy.

It sounds a lot like those crazy people wanting you to ingest mono-atomic gold. Because that would extend your lifespan…

Yeah… or rupture your stomach…

c72a7f  No.4736145


As long as you stay in your cocoon of ignorance, you will never wake up. No matter how "woke" you think you are.

0d543d  No.4736146


Men and institutions will ALWAYS fail. Just don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Saying this as a Christian/non-Catholic (although grew up somewhat in the Cath Church).

cbdaf2  No.4736147

File: 51e9e043ff8b21e⋯.png (325.5 KB, 704x475, 704:475, ClipboardImage.png)

ce72c8  No.4736148


I'm capable of remote viewing. Probably because I survived a deadly illness as a child. I really wish I could get some cooler powers, 2 nights ago I dreamed I had telekinesis, I frequently have cool powers in dreams, not always lucid ones, in lucid ones all bets are off and I can mess with physics and construct entire dreams, like that movie.

I'm a bit hesitant to put my remote viewing to practical use, pretty sure they have remote viewers that can look into you while you look into them. I've been entertaining this idea in my head lately of proxy remote viewing. Contact a remote viewer from a parallel universe and get him to remote view targets in my universe. Maybe it's a little too ambitious, but I fear my abilities can make me a target

14705e  No.4736149

File: 4a70a2a453eaf2f⋯.png (439.33 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, adrenochrome1.png)

So yes without a doubt the Military have been looking into Adrenochrome for awhile.


4f2a6f  No.4736150

File: a0197a2cea22753⋯.png (1.14 MB, 757x863, 757:863, FB Scavino45 11-17-18.PNG)

File: 34794297693de79⋯.png (313.32 KB, 617x1150, 617:1150, FB Scavino45 10-20-18 AZ.PNG)

File: 45b3e2a0e04ae3b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 790x813, 790:813, FB Scavino45 10-19-18 AZ.PNG)

File: 0ff7eafae525b9f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 942x803, 942:803, FB Scavino45 10-17-18 Maki….PNG)

Random pics from Scavino45 FB

ab21fb  No.4736151

b095c1  No.4736152


heading out soon, just comfy


>Another anon posted that last bread and even tagged the baker but they were ignored.

I already baked the bread, nothing I can do about an anon nominating something after the bread is baked

try much much harder though


>what does it matter if it's a3904 or a 3914

details matter, did you just come here to push this?


don't call me sir

see: >>4736107, >>4736119

>Rshills were at it again if you knew it was a lie?

are you dumb?

>I would like an explanation for that.

lurk moar

>Bakers are supposed to be hard core on the facts.

lurk moar

>Facts are important to our research.

lurk moar

4b0db3  No.4736153


Some of us are wondering if it's the watch in the picture that Q posted next to Potus's pen. If it is possible, then the meaning of the time on the watch could mean differently than what anons are assuming. By a long shot. That is why.

a6fd55  No.4736154

File: a960c844457c9f8⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 462x810, 77:135, monicastars.jpg)

Star Researcher

7dd782  No.4736155

File: 112201a6756834c⋯.jpg (190.95 KB, 693x436, 693:436, wrong.jpg)

4b0db3  No.4736156


That is not true.. you posted the notable so far and an anon corrected that one, twice, you still posted it anyway. You know that. Everyone here knows that.

0d543d  No.4736157


I heard it.

b095c1  No.4736158


>are you dumb?


cd1fc2  No.4736159

January 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th will be days to remember.

0b2335  No.4736160


Our world is just the manifestation of the people in it.

>What does?

Redpills, new structures in place, etc.

It's all happening, I know.



Just seems like things are too dictated by the newfags.

They only take what confirms their biases then they stroll away with nothing.

Maybe they can't handle it. Idk, I don't track them.

14705e  No.4736161

File: d39b6c0d17c078b⋯.png (225.33 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Adrenochrome2.png)


Another example

0b2335  No.4736162



8097c5  No.4736164



3dfc6c  No.4736165


I saw that! An article showed up on cuckbook from a friend in France (sorry - could never find a version in English) about Rothschilds and money laundering (I think) and energy production from hydro?

Sorry. My French isn't good enough to put it all together completely. What piqued my interest, though, is that the young lady who posted it is further left than many of the PussyHat wearers in America, and yet she was cheering the ousting of the Roths.

Great movie. ;)

7d1ab1  No.4736166

File: 11531a3f6d10cf4⋯.png (267.58 KB, 1283x1075, 1283:1075, 17_yous.png)

The day Trump announced his Candidancy he quoted 17 times on twatter

Yet another coincidence, right?

60cc70  No.4736167


Thanks anon. I tend to agree with you for the most part, except for the religion itself isn't evil. Sure it always takes people to do the Devil's bidding, but if a religion advocates violence againt anyone because they don't happen to agree with that religion, then I would say the religion itself is evil. Islam, for example.

b66619  No.4736168


This is what I think too. Q said the plan was years in the making. If that's the case, then they spent years in secrecy creating a perfect plan that even went to the extent of preventing the election from being rigged. Q actually said this too. So why go through all of that trouble just to place Rosenstein and Mueller into positions to ruin all of their years of planning and hard work? That wouldn't make any sense at all. Too many coincidences involving Rosenstein and Mueller. I think the game plan is for conservatives in the know (Sara Carter, Hannity, Bongino, Gregg Jarrett, Gorka, Roger Stone, etc.) to talk as much shit as possible about Mueller. This will drive the dems to defend Rosenstein and Mueller. That sets the stage for them to drop the hammer. Once the truth of all of Hussein's treason is exposed, the Dems (the ones who aren't lost forever) will be forced to accept and believe the results of the Mueller Special Counsel. Pretty brilliant if you ask me….convince the entire country for 2 years that you're the one being investigated by the special counsel. That way the Dems and the media would back off rather than attempting to sabotage.

3dfc6c  No.4736169


Bring it.

e1d653  No.4736170

>>4736089 >$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government

This is old, anon. I can still add it to the dough if you all would like me to but I've seen it here many times before.

>>4736161 Very interdasting…. I'm checking this out now and this doc is from 1958. Also says that this is Russian/USSR research that the U.S. government merely took from them. Shame that the PDF can't be searched by keyword.

667e55  No.4736171

File: 5c2ff6368ef8b39⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 250x188, 125:94, cf2974b3-9f4b-4b0f-a370-f0….gif)



<please eluci_date… fag.


978741  No.4736172

>>4736152 i agree, but I'm not sure it has to be the same exact watch to make a point. Just as the AF1 pics were made to look the same as other pictures that had been taken previously.


Regardless of RLarp bs, the Kennedy father and son are pivotal in these tales,Q is weaving

4b0db3  No.4736173

File: 79d4ea3b327bf98⋯.png (305.62 KB, 591x399, 197:133, 5f16d2871be5e99a729d9da187….png)

File: 06f57f48a4e18df⋯.png (242.39 KB, 1020x400, 51:20, qwatch.png)

I always thought night-shift was reputable as being the best. From what I'm seeing here tonight, you faggots are arrogant, combative and your research sucks.

These watches aren't even close. The one Q posted is MUCH older and out of style.

9fa622  No.4736174

there's only so much greatness we can handle

it's just not fair



a13c23  No.4736175

File: 38edd97602cbe88⋯.png (645.4 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Q HUMA CHINA 3.png)

322f3b  No.4736176



This is some crazy shit. Good find anon.

0ff941  No.4736177

The truth for those that engage in evil is dangerous to them.

Why hide evidence of God or alien visitors?

In case they tell us all the TRUTH of what they have done.

They fear what will happen to them if the TRUTH comes out.

It will because it is inevitable.

God, aliens or AI.

All end with disclosure of the TRUTH they fear.

4b0db3  No.4736178

I'm fucking disgusted with this shit. Saving screen shots of all this bullshit to show day-shift. At least they work together to explore and finalize other anon's claims. They're going to love this shit.

3dfc6c  No.4736179



Yep. Looking forward to the report on your dig here!

f69498  No.4736180

File: dac3c7986eb30c4⋯.png (118.39 KB, 1342x1442, 671:721, ClipboardImage.png)


"Those who serve it will be bound to each other by a kiss of blood."

7532f2  No.4736181

Gowdy will be the nominee.

961226  No.4736182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Press Briefing Video Mnuchin @17:00 clear shot of his watch - Q post 2647

14705e  No.4736183


Thanks , Cheers

b095c1  No.4736184

File: 224184d473371bc⋯.jpg (4.93 MB, 6147x4507, 6147:4507, PlanMapNewPhase.jpg)



I still stand by this theory



try reddit, dayshift anons will laugh their ass of at your stupidity

dayshift anons are rowdy as fuck


>I'm not sure it has to be the same exact watch to make a point

so you're saying JFK jr's watch could've been some pink $5 plastic watch and your """point""" would still be the same?


0d543d  No.4736185

File: 540937c2f21fe28⋯.png (94.99 KB, 1071x580, 1071:580, GoogTranslate.png)


Ya know Google does that sorta thing easily. Like… you can paste paragraphs of words at a time.


I hate them for being a company whose product I 90% love and 10% despise, such that I feel like I can't do without the 90% but want them to cease to exist over the 10%. Raging conflict.

3dfc6c  No.4736186


Well there's an idea that's been regurgitated for months.

c72a7f  No.4736187



First of all, colloidal silver and gold are not heavy metals.

If metallic gold is divided into fine particles (sizes ranging from one to one hundred billionths of a meter) and the particles are permanently suspended in solution, the mineral becomes known as Colloidal Gold and exhibits new properties due to the larger amount of gold surface area available.

It is used in modern surgery to patch damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes.

It is also used in the treatment of several forms of cancer. Injection of microscopic gold pellets helps retard prostate cancer in men. Women with ovarian cancer are treated with colloidal gold, and gold vapor lasers help seek out and destroy cancerous cells without harming their healthy neighbors.

Colloidal gold has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit and it' used to improve mental attitude and emotional states.

Colloidal silver is Very effective as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-tumor + more.

If you research each of the elements in this "cocktail", you will see it covers all aspects of the human body.

1e895f  No.4736188

File: 632fa7d047b1c8c⋯.png (115.9 KB, 350x352, 175:176, watch no date.png)


Is it the same watch. The 3714 has been around for twenty years. But doesn't Q's watch have a date meter next to the 3 on the watch.

This one does not. Just looking for one that does would make this rock solid for your theory on the owner

322f3b  No.4736190

File: dcd36d0359d92de⋯.png (903.31 KB, 1041x1200, 347:400, dcd36d0359d92de99124e9bf24….png)


>don't call me sir

9a7ca3  No.4736191


How about screenshotting some of the alien stuff that was discussed instead? day shift still seems mostly pensive about that.. but you're just a one-track pony, aint'cha?

3dfc6c  No.4736192


I know. I know. There are several.

Time of day, other chores, kept me from doing it.

Next time I'll signed in I'll see if I can find it again.

b399a6  No.4736193


I am dayshift and have been since day one, dipshit. You suck and so does your research. I stand by what I say. Fuck off and don't type so loud or you'll wake your mother.

4f2a6f  No.4736196

File: 1c47a10d9d3d676⋯.png (524.06 KB, 666x701, 666:701, Twitter Moment POTUS Judge….PNG)

File: 0e1caf088013062⋯.png (537.76 KB, 659x700, 659:700, Twitter Moment WAPO re POT….PNG)

The cabal / dems / libtards

Whomever it is / really didn't like POTUS' interview with Judge Jeanine

'Judge Jeanine' and 'Putin' are both Trending

Narrative: Trump concealed details of meetings with Putin, WAPO reports



8c951a  No.4736197


Old, but still current, and related to one of the DS sources of slush funds. Good for reminder for Newfags.

37f09f  No.4736198

File: 987953d4d51dbea⋯.jpeg (33.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, D31DB0F1-766A-4653-83BD-9….jpeg)

File: aa4ebae2b99071c⋯.jpeg (13.86 KB, 236x157, 236:157, F9E49DBC-E21E-4848-A734-5….jpeg)


Yeah, Yeah Yeah….

We’ll play nice…

Encourage trade.

Until we won’t.

782ae8  No.4736199

File: e522f2cd91b2f11⋯.png (82.42 KB, 721x356, 721:356, cspan poll.png)

Guise, we have to do better than this…

Dems were on 56% yesterday, now Trump is.


48d2e1  No.4736200

File: d942e71184556ad⋯.png (259.45 KB, 1247x574, 1247:574, 2019-01-13_4-21-54.png)

File: 1f8bc89f29e59de⋯.png (154.99 KB, 801x1538, 801:1538, 2019-01-13_4-19-26.png)

File: 9edbfc3771781c2⋯.png (748.87 KB, 750x3981, 250:1327, 2019-01-13_4-39-42.png)

Here is one of the ways the Deep State is inserting immigrants and refugees into communities all over the nation with little input requested or desired from the long-time American residents.


Notice they have another set of websites for refugees:

Welcoming America received $225,000 through competitive funding through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant #90RB0050-02-00. The project was financed with 100% of Federal funds.


Look at the propaganda - oops! "resources" - available to convince the locals to accept the New Neighbors.



They even have a worldwide version:

Welcoming International, a program of Welcoming America, fosters collaboration among international partners to advance local-level welcoming of immigrants and refugees across the world.


All on $225K of federal funding? That probably only pays for two, maybe three fulltime workers. Where the hell is the rest of the money coming from?

See article on Somalis and Maine residents at:


Somali immigrants aren't going anywhere and say they're who make Maine great:


These immigrants that are beating up residents and refusing to integrate should be deported! POTUS is deporting Haitian refugees because the Haitian situation has stabilized, and the Somalis need to be next.

da371b  No.4736201

37f09f  No.4736202

File: 50c033eb6ce4e4d⋯.jpeg (44.26 KB, 250x345, 50:69, B8469F37-A83E-4CAF-9698-5….jpeg)

File: b435630375621ef⋯.jpeg (57.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 322DD540-F3DC-44F6-B2C4-7….jpeg)

b095c1  No.4736203

File: ec3e6ec8683add7⋯.png (278.16 KB, 686x1111, 686:1111, ClipboardImage.png)


I could care less about your opinion

I'm arguing with Rfaggots because they can't let go of their stupid shit

read it faggot:

In addition to the famous Chronograph (equipped with a 7750, which is still in the catalogue), IWC introduced a second chronograph version in 2013, the IWC Portugieser Chronograph Classic IW3904, with a greater focus on technical content and a style that was truly inspired by the 1940s. For 2017, without making too many changes to the extremely tasty recipe, IWC facelifts the model, with a focus on essential features.


the sauce is perfectly legit, and accurate

anons established DAYS ago what the watch was, I dindu nuffin, they're just triggered their nonsense is so easily btfo'd

<since day one

<since day one

<since day one

4f2a6f  No.4736204

File: eae9e6f3a38db80⋯.png (1021.29 KB, 813x805, 813:805, US Funds Other Walls Meme.PNG)

c17203  No.4736205

Then there is "Alice in Wonderland."

The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee … The confusion technique is designed not only to obliterate the familiar but to replace it with the weird … Sometimes two or more questions are asked simultaneously. Pitch, tone, and volume of the interrogators' voices are unrelated to the import of the questions. No pattern of questions and answers is permitted to develop, nor do the questions themselves relate logically to each other.

If this technique is pursued patiently, the manual says, the subject will start to talk "just to stop the flow of babble which assails him."

Easily the most famous routine is "Good Cop/Bad Cop," in which one interrogator becomes the captive's persecutor and the other his friend. A lesser-known but equally effective technique is "Pride and Ego," "Ego Up/Ego Down," or (as the more pretentious Kubark Manual puts it) "Spinoza and Mortimer Snerd," in which the "Ego Down" part involves repeatedly asking questions that the interrogator knows the subject cannot answer. The subject is continually berated or threatened ("How could you not know the answer to that?") and accused of withholding, until, at long last, he is asked a simple question that he can answer. An American POW subjected to this technique has said, "I know it seems strange now, but I was positively grateful to them when they switched to a topic I knew something about."

CIA psychologists have tried to develop an underlying theory for interrogation—namely, that the coercive methods induce a gradual "regression" of personality. But the theory is not convincing. Interrogation simply backs a man into a corner. It forces difficult choices, and dangles illusory avenues of escape.

A skillful interrogator knows which approach will best suit his subject; and just as he expertly applies stress, he continually opens up these avenues of escape or release. This means understanding what, at heart, is stopping a subject from cooperating. If it is ego, that calls for one method. If it is fear of reprisal or of getting into deeper trouble, another method might work best. For most captives a major incentive to keep quiet is simply pride. Their manhood is being tested, not just their loyalty and conviction. Allowing the subject to save face lowers the cost of capitulation, so an artful interrogator will offer persuasive rationales for giving in: others already have, or the information is already known. Drugs, if administered with the subject's knowledge, are helpful in this regard. If a subject believes that a particular drug or "truth serum" renders him helpless, he is off the hook. He cannot be held accountable for giving in. A study cited in George Andrews's book MKULTRA found that a placebo—a simple sugar pill—was as effective as an actual drug up to half of the time.


da371b  No.4736206



Anything about James Comey or Loretta Lynch?

I'm Canadian. Shouldn't it have been the job of the DOJ to exonerate Hillary and not the FBI?

Like. FBI investigates? DOJ prosecutes?

a13c23  No.4736207


KEK!! agree 1000%

VERY little REAL work gets done/recognized on NIGHT shift. sry anons but tru

ab21fb  No.4736208


I did some quick research into colloidal gold.

Fine. I stand corrected there.

Although i can find no source that corroborates your claim of it's current use.

As I can find it is still an experimental substance whose properties are not fully known.

Next thing is. How would I even procure colloidal gold or silver?

It doesn't sound cheap or easily available.

0d543d  No.4736209




I occasionally scour that tweet database (for hours)… like all the way back to his first tweet on May 4, 2009. There are spoopy numbers, timestamps, deltas, daily tweet-counts, "coincidences" all the way back.

This plan ain't jus start las week, y'all.

14705e  No.4736210

File: 5788789b6ef7feb⋯.png (438.05 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Adrenochrome3.png)


Page Is a continued page but the first half is not here . Important part is " A natural anti tension substance called Adrenochrome"

wonder what the rest of article says .

37f09f  No.4736211

File: 2243031810e2dab⋯.jpeg (30.4 KB, 255x203, 255:203, C14C62BF-7EDC-4C93-9B27-2….jpeg)

File: 20f8f3d9dc39939⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB, 627x351, 209:117, 058705DA-E852-4BA4-874F-B….jpeg)

File: 3a5e41fc6274810⋯.jpeg (35.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 430A9FC7-F0BE-43C0-8069-E….jpeg)


Are you going to write a letter…


c17203  No.4736212


i hope this is not us!

Then there was the Alice in Wonderland method:

The Alice in Wonderland technique is designed not only to obliterate the familiar but to replace it with the weird. . . . A double-talk question $(is followed by$) a wholly unrelated and equally illogical query . . . day after day. . . . The subject begins to try to make sense of the situation, which becomes mentally intolerable. Now he is likely to make significant admissions, or even pour out his story, just to stop the flow of babble which assails him.

If all else failed, violence and other coercive methods were options:

The Coercive Counterintelligence Interrogation of Resistant Sources:

The principal coercive techniques are arrest, detention, the deprivation of sensory stimuli, threats and fear, debility, pain, heightened suggestibility and hypnosis, and drugs.

If a coercive technique is to be used, or if two or more are to employed jointly, they should be chosen for their effect upon the individual and carefully selected to match his personality.

The usual effect of coercion is regression. The interrogatee's mature defenses crumble as he becomes more childlike. . . . The subject may experience feelings of guilt, and it is ususally useful to intensify these. . . .

No mention has been made of what is frequently the last step in an interrogation conducted by a Communist service: the attempted conversion. In the Western view the goal of questioning is information. . . . However, this pragmatic indifference may be short-sighted. . . . Less time may be required to complete his conversion (and conceivably to create an enduring asset) than might be needed to deal with his antagonism if he is merely squeezed and forgotten. . . .

It is a profound mistake to write off a successfully resistant interrogatee or one whose questioning was ended before his potential was exhausted. KUBARK must keep track of such persons, because people and circumstances change. Until the source dies or tells us everything that he knows that is pertinent to our purposes, his interrogation may be interrupted, perhaps for years – but it has not been completed.

f9fbfb  No.4736213

File: 323b2252251be46⋯.png (498.74 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 00B22F38-4D0B-4A5E-A36C-06….png)

File: 46c90fcd5d04533⋯.png (456.19 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 1B9CFE7E-C5C1-403E-A852-89….png)

File: d636e4c68b07c90⋯.png (489.78 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 11A7B756-B194-421C-A49C-2B….png)

Interesting list of “Shareholders” of the US Fed.

Full list here:


eeb227  No.4736214

File: 6ad45c082b52275⋯.jpeg (75.15 KB, 661x500, 661:500, 8DF09F0C-9420-4DF3-B02F-D….jpeg)

b095c1  No.4736215


<I am dayshift

<since day one

<since day one

<You suck

>so does your research

an anon posted it, I verified it

>I stand by what I say

you have 1 post, enlighten me how you got triggered

>Fuck off and don't type so loud or you'll wake your mother.

kek, cry moar

8097c5  No.4736216

Trump pledges transparency on Putin conversations after bombshell report



da371b  No.4736217

File: 97d5eadaa8b66f0⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 660x371, 660:371, night pepe TY anon!.jpg)

File: ffe500a27e3667c⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 660x371, 660:371, Thanks anon! 2.jpg)

a13c23  No.4736218


Its getting hard to tell the diff between the shills and extreme arrogant anons @ night. To much wasted bread over night…REMINDER about shills!! DO NOT ENGAGE AND WASTE THE BREAD ON THEM

0d543d  No.4736219


That response was totally meant for >>4736166

b399a6  No.4736220

File: 836c79332f3cdf1⋯.jpg (207.45 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, zzz.jpg)

978741  No.4736221

Don't get confused, i searched the watch name,not model number and easily found that there are many such watches made before 2013 in one article, so don't give me this shit that you btfo of anyone with one article. it needs a bit more digging to dispel anything at this point. Man it's good to be back

b095c1  No.4736222

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 1024x1118, 512:559, daynightshift.jpg)


incorrect implication, meant I'm not in some kind of position of authority, and since I'm off duty, not even the baker


1a41cb  No.4736223

File: b451f141f4a7368⋯.png (536.68 KB, 1153x511, 1153:511, ClipboardImage.png)

a6fd55  No.4736224

37f09f  No.4736225

File: 2653ad7c358fc3b⋯.jpeg (31.78 KB, 222x255, 74:85, AD0E0E81-9FAE-4C9E-8EFC-E….jpeg)

a13c23  No.4736226


Filter ID+

Filter ID+

Filter ID+

easy peezy

b095c1  No.4736227


read it shillfaggot: >>4736203

9e4efe  No.4736228

File: 71e850053ed484d⋯.jpg (73.92 KB, 500x330, 50:33, op885t.jpg)

8c951a  No.4736229

File: e867b55654f43fe⋯.png (308.16 KB, 1077x797, 1077:797, gdf11.png)



322f3b  No.4736230


I wasn't thinking you were some kind of tranny anon. I just like posting memes that I made or others made (this one is someone elses) during "opportune times"

6993a9  No.4736231


1939.. wtf?

3dfc6c  No.4736232


I know the day/night thing is a slide, but there is a difference.

Day used to be a lot more productive pre-Q going somewhat mainstream. Daytime is so shilly now it's hard to get to the core of the discussion to find where to dig.

f69498  No.4736233

File: 6c01f407d1c9f95⋯.png (313.62 KB, 1548x1066, 774:533, ClipboardImage.png)




37f09f  No.4736234

File: bf7a3dbfb69d99e⋯.jpeg (177.25 KB, 1106x1012, 553:506, B05CC9B1-6B91-4BE4-846A-5….jpeg)

0d543d  No.4736235


I just voted and RT'ed with #MAGA #QAnon #Trump #KAG … should have added #BuildTheWall and variations thereof.

322f3b  No.4736236

File: af30bdf5550e600⋯.jpg (234.15 KB, 1012x698, 506:349, spidermaneverytime.jpg)

667e55  No.4736237

File: 13b35d0c8af9ecf⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 500x200, 5:2, 10b77776-9756-492a-bb8f-c9….gif)


<why johnny ringo…

0a6c21  No.4736238

File: a60722285b7c91b⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1078x1638, 77:117, SmartSelectImage_2019-01-1….jpg)

File: 8f308443a4d4af3⋯.jpg (663.73 KB, 1074x1816, 537:908, SmartSelectImage_2019-01-1….jpg)


Closest match but slight differences. Custom watch ?

b095c1  No.4736239


did you even read the sauce?: >>4736203


you idiots are bitching about something you haven't even read


kek, I know, just saying


the idiot thinks because the company's Its "history goes back to 1939", means that Q's watch somehow, even though it was introduced in 2013, could be from 1939

that's the intellectual level at which I'm being whined at

c72a7f  No.4736240


That is simply not true, it is used widely in european contries. Note, im not from the US so i'm not able to corroborate if surgeons are using it, but I would be Very surprised if they didn't. The benefits are known to every doctor.

I would not recommend you try to make your own solution. It would most likely end up being ionic silver/gold.

This regimen is a bit pricey yes, but you should only take it once or twice a week, so it will last a couple of months.

When you first discover what you are capable of, you will feel like your mind have been asleep your whole life.

09c899  No.4736241



>"Those who serve it will be bound to each other by a kiss of blood."


Where's this from? Describes what's happening anyway.

a0e511  No.4736242


I humbly disagree - only Satanism is evil in my opinion because it's the only one that to join one has to ascribe to evil before - meanwhile Islam which has evil elements of it is not understood by its practioners and is inherited as a theology of good. We can pick apart its history as evil but the same could be done of the Pope. And it'd be quite a death match for which one has a worse history. What with taking of lands and well the history is so vile in both cases that I am remiss to even begin to say it - but I do take your point I just think the evil we as a people see in it is nothing more than the propaganda of trying to make us hate our fellow man. Hate the victims of harder propaganda than we face here in the States,

b095c1  No.4736243


I agree, but love the 'dayshift'

7a7cb5  No.4736244

File: a975d10c80bfa18⋯.png (68.26 KB, 266x177, 266:177, walkie-talkie.png)

c72a7f  No.4736246


You will begin to notice something is.. odd.. when streetlights begin to turn on/off when you walk by :)

85cac2  No.4736247

File: a356cc830dd6c83⋯.jpg (128.57 KB, 1199x615, 1199:615, DwMarGzVYAEYmpy.jpg)


Holy shit. Sounds like a clean up. Many people wanted to steer clear of the Benghazi mess.

Mueller testified in 2013 that "as many as 15 individuals supporting the investigation or otherwise helpful to the United States" had been killed in Benghazi since the September 2012 attack.


f69498  No.4736248

23fa8d  No.4736249

File: 01ea408fb2d451f⋯.png (831.12 KB, 576x960, 3:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70f8a2a6b422a64⋯.png (848.6 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9286ed45c8e59a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b136d3db31ce963⋯.png (663.32 KB, 528x960, 11:20, ClipboardImage.png)

Dutch anon here

Yellow vest protest around the country yesterday. More cities, more people, still growing.

'Yellow vests' protests in Maastricht, Emmen and other cities: it's on!


9a7ca3  No.4736250

File: b4492208b9fdea3⋯.png (639.64 KB, 1335x540, 89:36, Jupiter Ascending Credits.png)

File: 65bb2f5eb58deaf⋯.png (771.59 KB, 1280x527, 1280:527, ClipboardImage.png)



I've had a feeling for a while that he was involved… was a movie producer prior to all this after all.. and worked on some really enlightening movies.. Jupiter Ascending for example - a LOT of hidden messages in that one. interesting if it actually is his watch..

4f8136  No.4736251

File: 10dd9899040fec3⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 768x458, 384:229, iceland1[1].jpg)

File: d99813bec1830fd⋯.jpg (36 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 403372_203347116456998_125….jpg)

File: 545e22c59d0bc43⋯.jpg (216.84 KB, 500x332, 125:83, icelandic-rothschild[1].jpg)

Veil Of Politics

Iceland Jails Bankers, Erases Citizens’ Debt, Recovers Strongly: No More Banks

Icelanders who pelted parliament with rocks in 2009 demanding their leaders and bankers answer for the country’s economic and financial collapse are reaping the benefits of their anger.

Iceland Continues To Grow Using ‘Startups’ By Replacing ‘Banks’: Iceland Refused To Bailout Rothschild’s Corrupt Banking Cabal.

Executives At Collapsed Iceland Bank Jailed For Fraud

Since the end of 2008, the island’s banks have forgiven loans equivalent to 13 percent of gross domestic product, easing the debt burdens of more than a quarter of the population.

The island’s steps to resurrect itself since 2008, when its banks defaulted on $85 billion, are proving effective. Iceland’s economy will this year outgrow the euro area and the developed world on average, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates.

Iceland’s approach to dealing with the meltdown has put the needs of its population ahead of the markets at every turn. Once it became clear back in October 2008 that the island’s banks were beyond saving, the government stepped in, ring-fenced the domestic accounts, and left international creditors in the lurch.

The central bank imposed capital controls to halt the ensuing sell-off of the krona and new state-controlled banks were created from the remnants of the lenders that failed.

“Europe can learn from Iceland”

Iceland’s special prosecutor has said it may indict as many as 90 people, while more than 200, including the former chief executives at the three biggest banks, face criminal charges.

That compares with the U.S., where no top bank executives have faced criminal prosecution for their roles in the subprime mortgage meltdown.

The Securities and Exchange Commission said last year it had sanctioned 39 senior officers for conduct related to the housing market meltdown.


Iceland Revolution Continues: 9 Rothschild/Rockefeller Self Proclaimed Global Elites Arrested For Iceland’s Financial Collapse Of 2008.

Iceland Jails Bankers, Erases Citizens’ Debt, Recovers Strongly (zen-haven.dk)

Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness in Best Recovery Story (vaticproject.blogspot.com)

FORECLOSURE CRISIS SOLVED (in Iceland) (advocate.typepad.com)

2008 email implicates Bank of England and Labour government in Libor manipulation

What Iceland Teaches Us: “Let Banks Fail”

Iceland Booms As the World Struggles (itmakessenseblog.com)

Iceland Turns Away from EU as Economy Recovers (voanews.com)

Revolution in Iceland: can the people have power ? (thefreeonline.wordpress.com)

Iceland president re-elected for record 5th term (kansascity.com)

Iceland Moves on From Banks Collapse (libertycrier.com)


the US should take a page out of Iceland government actions on behalf of its people, tell the bankers to pound salt

8c951a  No.4736252

File: 18a81604fca2b14⋯.png (942.16 KB, 1241x757, 1241:757, young_blood.png)



a4b54a  No.4736253

File: cba966007afa605⋯.jpg (81.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 51d031e7962654eff701fe1c9c….jpg)

3dfc6c  No.4736254

File: d2dac06be1831c5⋯.png (151.24 KB, 360x467, 360:467, bezos.png)

File: 6cf88254cdfd487⋯.jpg (79.75 KB, 750x1100, 15:22, spacey3f-2-web.jpg)

These two related?

2dc7df  No.4736255

File: e0e4e9cf165a9d4⋯.jpg (319.29 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, Qpokalypse.jpg)

978741  No.4736256


Yes i read it and despite the fact the the watch Q posted its a watch only made 2013 or later doesn't mean that there isn't an identical watch made before 2013 in appearance. Of course I'm just curious what makes anyone so sure the jr had a similar watch? That's what I'm trying to understand. I don't care if it's the same watch, is it similar,and that question has not been answered

ab21fb  No.4736257


You're speaking as if I'm actually gonna do it.

I'm not.

I did go through your list. Most of it you get naturally anyways, no need to substitute.

And let me guess: If i ended up doing it and didn't get superpowers you would just tell me that I'm doing it wrong and giving me a new list of ingredients i can waste all my money on.

<And, on a personal note, will you please stop the reddit spacing. It's super annoying to read.

1e8f39  No.4736258

I just had a captcha so I think my id will change.

I'm sorry for calling night shift slackers.

We're all supposed to be on the same team.

I get frustrated when I'm trying to make a valid point and people are replying that JFK is dead etc, and other stuff that has nothing to do at all with what I'm trying to convey.

I made some very valid and convincing arguments. I didn't want them to be arguments, I simply wanted anons to look with an open mind.

Personally, I think Trump has JR's watch, and I think that's the time it stopped working underwater on the watch. I am not sure why he's showing it to us or what he wants us to know, but I think there's something to it. I've never pushed a point so hard in my life.

You can't just open the first web page you come to, see the date 2013 and say… oh that can't be the watch then… There's a serious possibility here and I'm even more convinced since the article of Trump buying Regans watch for an extremely high price at an auction.

JFK (sr) and Regan were the only other presidents in HISTORY who have tried what Q is doing.

Okay, sorry for getting so pissed off. I haven't slept in days and have a lot going on. Just try to keep an open mind when other anons bring up a valid point. Don't be so quick to shut them down. after all, you never really know who you're talking to here.

8b08cf  No.4736259

Where can I get/invest in tachyons?

961226  No.4736260


"you are watching a movie".

85cac2  No.4736261


Nah. Ear lobe analysis doesn't match. More likely JFK Jr.

667e55  No.4736262

File: cdadab6fbfc2da8⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 268x219, 268:219, 79d73ceb0217175c1262178173….gif)

c17203  No.4736263

CLASSIFIED: The most powerful investor you never heard of

Pre IPO Swap New York, NY 1/12/2019

Did you know that the CIA has its own Venture Fund? And did you know that Venture fund was key in starting Facebook and Google? As explained in the book Splitting Pennies – the world is not as it seems.


long story

If you dig back you won’t see Google or Facebook on there – which is company policy for retail consumer investments that can impact the public (it’s kept secret behind an NDA). Here’s how it works – In-Q-Tel may invest in your startup but there’s a big catch. First, you have to sign an NDA which is enforced strongly – that you are not to disclose your partner. Second, you must agree to ‘cooperation’ when it comes to information sharing now or down the road, such as location data on people using Facebook, Google, or other systems – perhaps only to feed it into a big data brain at Palantir. Or perhaps for more street level surveillance. The surveillance is known by fact, not conspiracy theory – but by fact – due to the disclosure of classified documents by Edward Snowden. If it were not for Snowden, we could only guess about this. The name of the main program is PRISM but there are many others.

For those in the VC community that are deep in the know- the “Deep VCs” like Peter Thiel for example, the Snowden revelations would come as no surprise. MUST READ – No Place To Hide – the story of the NSA, PRISM, and Snowden (written by Greenwald).

But for others, it may come as a surprise that not only the CIA has its own VC fund, but that it sits on many corporate boards alongside many Wall St. firms and other VCs.

1e8f39  No.4736264


I don't know, and that is what is frustrating. Maybe a limited edition? I don't know. Q wouldn't have given it to us however, if there wasn't something to it.. and so far, no one has solved that. I am at least trying.

7532f2  No.4736265

Fuck yeah, mac and cheese and tendies are done. Later bitches. WWG1WGA

9e4efe  No.4736266

File: 4b0131dece36b1f⋯.png (103.5 KB, 555x1027, 555:1027, 367ee7.png)

da371b  No.4736267

File: 157b60cb565cd0b⋯.jpg (185.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, OOOOO.jpg)

b095c1  No.4736268

File: 08c809949d3dfa7⋯.png (1.23 MB, 903x1092, 43:52, pewpeaceout.png)

thanks anons, comfy night, thank you baker(s)

dumb shillfaggots fuck off, 'megajew' too if that delusional spammer is lurking



your desperation is hilarious

let me know when you find out you're fucking ridiculous

7a7cb5  No.4736269


Are you sure it's new fags? If I were a shill, I'd sure like to try some "Gee whiz" questions on anons.

("I just woke up. Has anything happened lately?")

1e8f39  No.4736270


and you sir, do not belong here. I pray you do not return.

1e8f39  No.4736271

File: a4bbf6480cf582b⋯.jpg (7.98 KB, 175x250, 7:10, #0001j.jpg)

File: 057aba086593e29⋯.jpg (11 KB, 236x279, 236:279, #0001k.jpg)

File: bcd3f6378ea2ea9⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 571x541, 571:541, #0001ka.jpg)

9d4078  No.4736272

File: 5bdf16f5c6f9f17⋯.gif (18.71 KB, 166x199, 166:199, old man.gif)

9a7ca3  No.4736273


That sir baked the bread.. You should go bake your own over at >>>/whateverthefucktheR-Larpboardis/

fd73c9  No.4736274

File: 06bf9ab88173edb⋯.jpeg (185.18 KB, 750x681, 250:227, E0747871-25D8-467E-A785-E….jpeg)

b66619  No.4736275


Anon, I might get attacked for saying this. But I think Comey either flipped or has always been part of the plan. Q said the reason that they couldn't go after HRC for the private server was because Hussein also had one. Prosecuting Hussein would have been impossible at that time because the stage was nowhere near being set. Charging Hussein would have been a complete shit show. Corporate media would have caused massive Democrat protests/riots all over leftist cities. So Comey chose to wait.

Once President Trump was in office, they needed a reason for there to be a Special Counsel. Everyone knew Russia Collusion was nonsense, so they needed something else. Obstruction! They made sure that the firing of Comey was as dramatic as possible so the leftists would rush to his defense, remember…they hated him in 2016. Now they love him!

I believe that this was all an act. Comey leaked to the press in just the right amounts of crumbs. He gave them just enough for them to use their bias to draw their own conclusions. He never said that POTUS obstructed justice or that he didn't obstruct justice. And just this alone gave Mueller, Sessions, and Rosenstein the two years they needed to work in peace and quiet while the Dems and controlled media stayed away because they thought POTUS was the one being investigated.

Of course I have no proof and this is all my own theory. But it makes total sense. I'm just going off of gut instinct too. Soros, Hussein, Brennan, Jarrett, Holder, Rice, Podesta, etc. They all look completely possessed and evil. James Comey, on the other hand, does not.

1e8f39  No.4736276


and the watch Q posted was not manufactured after 2013. That's the thing. That watch has been made in many very similar styles since 1939

c72a7f  No.4736277


Free will reigns supreme my friend. If you believe you get everything you need, good for you. This is the list, and no, I wouldn't recommend anything other, because you Will start to change in several ways, and maybe lose some of that cognitive dissonance you have build up over time.

Im not in any position to tell you what to do, im simply an Anon, giving out advice on how to wake up from the deep sleep everyone is in.

Have a great day buddy!

82539c  No.4736278

File: 32d5491b22fbe22⋯.jpg (281.62 KB, 2048x1172, 512:293, DwwgPn8VYAAKpYz.jpg)

File: 3fa4f5027f363b0⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1131x676, 87:52, Photoshop_2019-01-13_02-48….png)

Travis View on Al Jazeera.

fd73c9  No.4736279

File: bb1ff1e59bb0825⋯.jpeg (63.84 KB, 610x564, 305:282, 2C6FC051-C1E1-4608-AE76-5….jpeg)

1e8f39  No.4736280


I bake more often than you know… I have baked for night shift many times. Rest assured, I will never do so again. Not after tonight, nor after your replies. You're now 1 baker short.

667e55  No.4736281

File: 5317428976d5a9e⋯.gif (154.08 KB, 500x568, 125:142, general_pepe.gif)



1e895f  No.4736282


Great perfect…now do we have one from 99 with black numbers? I couldn't friggen find one with black numbers and date that didn't say yacht club on it. Your watch is perfect but it has to fall in the 99 period of production with black numbers

14d97a  No.4736283


Comey is a narcissistic psychopath. Black hat through and through.

82539c  No.4736284

File: e0b547af8a795b7⋯.png (706.88 KB, 537x526, 537:526, brave_2019-01-13_03-01-07.png)

Also, Steyer-affiliated CIA provocateur Patrick Little, attempting to co-opt CDAN stories and make us look bad.

7a7cb5  No.4736285


I work a lot at night. I worked for 5 hours tonight on a dig. But not real late at night; too tiring. There is often a "dead zone" for awhile in the middle of the night; and weekends are a little strange sometimes. But you have also have really good discussions sometimes, better than during the day, when the breads are too fast to chat.

2dc7df  No.4736286

File: 9e796443c233c35⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 268x360, 67:90, jUaQZGd.gif)

File: e6032eac54baf01⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 321x359, 321:359, israel-greenshines.gif)

File: e1b67544450cf9f⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 388x690, 194:345, 1521941592l8c4p.gif)

File: abc68fc46896b02⋯.gif (4 MB, 331x340, 331:340, KJL1zu3.gif)

File: 79099365cf89d74⋯.gif (3.18 MB, 348x381, 116:127, 1223055.gif)

Last bewbs of the night

9d4078  No.4736287


You gonna let one asshole get under your skin?

454552  No.4736288


Sounds like a perfectly sane plan to me.. go for it!

c7acac  No.4736289



>Vatican is a Satanic institution from the top down so yes, the institution and the religion are both evil. It was the Roman re-org of the Roman Empire, that's why it's the "Roman" Catholic church and not the "Jesus Christ" Catholic church. They replaced Roman soldiers with clergy, garrisons with parishes, etc. Confession is to obtain blackmail material, the Bible was in Latin so they could lie about what it said, etc. The Vatican was and still is a soviet-style surveillance, control and psy-op organization. It was the totalitarian government of the known world from about 800 to 1500. No coincidence that shortly after the Gutenberg Bible appeared in1455 and people found out the Vatican was lying about what it said, that the Protestant Reformation occurred and Europe prospered. It's a thoroughly evil organization, with an intelligence arm (Jesuits) that says "Give me a child till the age of seven and I'll have him for life." And that's exactly what they do, that's what the institutionalized pedo practice is for. The rules are set up so they're impossible to obey, for the purpose of producing guilt and worthless feelings in the subjects, which can only be assuaged by…wait for it…CONFESSION to a PRIEST…and…GIVING MONEY TO THE VATICAN.

>What a system. And it worked pretty well except the clergy were so corrupt and depraved by Chaucer's time (1300's) that they couldn't really sell the God part anymore, they just relied on their ill gotten gains and political control to keep power.

>Are there deluded "good" people in that organization? Maybe the parishioners, but they are severely handicapped by the trauma programming. Maybe lower clergy, but they are also severely handicapped by the trauma programming and the fake narrative.

7d1ab1  No.4736290


Posted because that's the only day I was reading

37f09f  No.4736291

File: 0c27b4a565b3d68⋯.jpeg (48.53 KB, 535x700, 107:140, 7EB6CADC-889F-45F6-A0B1-4….jpeg)

File: 652c0c63f905a79⋯.png (99.36 KB, 746x512, 373:256, B22E4D3C-7BFF-409F-B88A-5F….png)

14d97a  No.4736292

1e8f39  No.4736293


I will look more into it later. I am far from done. I will not however be so willing to share my finds here now. It is almost sun up. I have been awake for nearly 48 hours, digging, baking, and even memeing, praying the entire time. I need to close my eyes for a bit. Thank you for at least having an open mind, or pretending to. Godspeed.

7a7cb5  No.4736294


Not that unusual, two of my friends affect the streetlights. One can't use a computer, they just break.

8d2afd  No.4736295

File: 675e378b2066cb4⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 426x640, 213:320, ded1ebcdacd47796e4ab20c47a….jpg)

File: 79090e8660a80fa⋯.png (1.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5f16d2871be5e99a729d9da187….png)


Looks different.

3692b1  No.4736296

File: 9716dfba8490f6c⋯.gif (1005.25 KB, 277x300, 277:300, giphy.gif)

ab21fb  No.4736297


>Free will reigns supreme my friend.

One thing we can agree on.

>and maybe lose some of that cognitive dissonance

Yeah… you too. But let's just agree to disagree.

>Im not in any position to tell you what to do,


>im simply an Anon, giving out advice on how to wake up from the deep sleep everyone is in.

And so you did. Thank you. Now it is the boards decision whether to take that "advice" seriously or not. In your words "Free will reigns supreme"

You too buddy.

8b08cf  No.4736298

File: 2f99b39baa1e633⋯.png (567.62 KB, 1884x960, 157:80, gw.png)

File: adf061da9732975⋯.jpg (163.75 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, MV5BMjQ1MzcxMzE3NF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

So pic related 1 seems to go with my theory as well. If we are essentially energy then surely a device could be created that produces "healing frequencies" that could speed up that process.

Meant to mention this the other night but been watching a new show lately called The Orville. Has Seth Macfarlane starring in it and he created it. He's been known to predict things that happen in the future with some of his shows.

We also know that H-wood is how they program.


978741  No.4736299


Ok so these pictures are grainy and small, it's not clear. But it is similar in what is visible, in many opinion, i think. Now, why does it matter? Is it the position that Trump a close friend of Jr's has his watch and is showing us a similar but different watch? Is it to point to Jr for some reason? Or is it maybe to send a message to those who killed him? Those who killed his father? Maybe it doesn't matter and has nothing to do with Jr at all! Maybe he's telling us to "watch" for now,or until a certain time? What is the logic in jumping the LARP and over looking the meaning behind the post,closing ones mind to anything JFK related seems foolish

454552  No.4736300


And how many have (((they))) killed?

b095c1  No.4736301




good you should go back, I'll be back in a few hours


For the record, my baking was apparently fine for 6 breads until :

>>4735800 BTFO Rshills again: Q's watch, IWC Portugieser Chronograph, was released in 2013

which I'm sure the 'BTFO Rshills again' is what triggered the dumbass faggots

sauce is legit, and added the title because those stupid fucks have been spamming the board for months with that dumb shit, and Q btfo'd it twice

so again, cry moar and go fuck yourselves

1e8f39  No.4736302


Yes, I've found that one, and several others. He wore a brown banded square watch too. I'm out for now. It may or may not be nothing…Inconclusive at the moment. Will continue later. Thanks.

e1d653  No.4736303

File: 7d48921e06c30df⋯.png (247.74 KB, 1381x847, 1381:847, 4am.png)

Anons, check this shit out.

I saw another anon post above pointing out the new narrative for today:


I use the website Feedly.com to aggregate news from all sources. My favorite thing to do is wake up around 4 - 6 AM and keep refreshing the feeds. You learn some interesting things by observing how and when MSM releases articles.

Just refreshed, pic related.


1e8f39  No.4736304


Don't bet your last dollar you will return…

9a7ca3  No.4736305


should do research into Royal Rife and his studies on harmonic resonance with specific parts/structures of the body as well as virus/cancer cells/etc.

9d4078  No.4736306


You should preface that with a giant rabbit hole warning.

85db17  No.4736307


Just some thoughts…

Swiss watch…… could have something to do with the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland that Trump has said he will not attend due to the shutdown

Time on the watch is 3.15…. RBG's birthday…. so could be a reference to her imminent departure

a598b3  No.4736308


A top Chinese official will 'most likely' visit the US this month for trade talks, Mnuchin says

Thu, 10 Jan 2019

U.S. officials expect China's top trade negotiator may visit Washington this month, signaling that higher-level discussions are likely to follow this week's talks with mid-level officials in Beijing as the world's two largest economies try to hammer out a deal to end a tit-for-tat tariff war.

"The current intent is that the Vice Premier Liu He will most likely come and visit us later in the month and I would expect the government shutdown would have no impact," U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Thursday in Washington. "We will continue with those meetings just as we sent a delegation to China." <<<====


37f09f  No.4736309

File: a372a787a19fc91⋯.jpeg (20.87 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 3764EAD7-311A-4327-8E70-5….jpeg)

9a7ca3  No.4736310

File: c7b66b98e89490e⋯.jpg (78.21 KB, 350x483, 50:69, weird shit.jpg)


Yeah, probably should have.. been down too many rabbit holes to keep track of their specific sizes, kek..

846853  No.4736311


>Of course I have no proof and this is all my own theory.


But your thoughts are interesting and make a lot of sense, Anon.

8b08cf  No.4736312


I saw that in a document the other night as well.

Not sure which site but it said that frequencies could target cancer cells and tumors, eliminating them within minutes.

Some edu. link I found. I think I posted it here. Tied in to that Q drop "the hole is deep"..maybe posted that night.

1e895f  No.4736313


Anon it's a good research. Don't listen to the blow off's who don't understand that you go until you confirm one way or the other. This is still open and a theory worth hunting down until the facts present.

5a9e41  No.4736314

File: cff69699427322a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1117x4163, 1117:4163, FireShot Pro Screen Captur….png)

File: b1b5337b2088412⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1019x5681, 1019:5681, FireShot Pro Screen Captur….png)

File: 0edb8ad3f6db06d⋯.png (514.91 KB, 870x2765, 174:553, FireShot Pro Screen Captur….png)

File: 1d775ad54a05c2e⋯.png (747.2 KB, 640x4047, 640:4047, FireShot Pro Screen Captur….png)

File: 31544b8c0962919⋯.png (24.6 KB, 748x240, 187:60, FireShot Pro Screen Captur….png)

something to dig in..





quote from Chicago Sun Times article..


"Early in March, the records show Shusterman made four loans worth a total of at least $8 million — possibly as much as $16 million — to Yasya Shtayner and two companies she owns, including 2737 W. Fulton LLC, named after the address where Chicago Medallion Management operates.

Last Aug 21, Shusterman gave Shtayner four loans totaling at least $12 million and possibly as much as $24 million.

As collateral, Shtayner used three luxury high-rise condos on Chicago’s Near North Side and properties in the 2700 block of West Fulton.

Separately, Shtayner, her husband and their sons are being sued in Cook County circuit court by a federal credit union operated by the League of Mutual Taxi Owners in New York, seeking to collect a loan of about $3.5 million related to the operation of Chicago cabs.

Shusterman and the Shtayners, all immigrants from Ukraine to New York City in the 1970s, couldn’t be reached for comment.

Shusterman has a condo in the Trump World Tower near the United Nations in New York. He and Shtayner also owns condos in another Trump development in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, outside Miami.

In 1993, Shusterman pleaded guilty to federal income-tax fraud relating to his taxicab business in New York. He paid a $5,000 fine and served two years of probation."

THEORY or thought on this

Guise…criminals often use their trusted taxi driver to transport stuff and persons..sort of (((TRAFFICKING))) shit…

WHAT IF? — this whole story really is about a trafficking operation and not solely based on fuckin taxi medallions..what if (((them))) have been operating certain taxis to transport illegal goods..like drugs..or hookers or even children??

As soon as i read Chicago i had a fuckin light bulb hovering over my had..blinking RED.

0d543d  No.4736315

File: 01cb058979b2ee7⋯.jpg (47.88 KB, 809x535, 809:535, ComeyLordy.jpg)


I lean to this way of thinking.

7a7cb5  No.4736316


Wish we could follow your demonstrations on YT. I watched the Paris protesters until morning my time (west coast US). The protesters were trolling the police; one "mooned" them, others were doing funny dances, other funny things, even when the police were using water cannons. A later RT report said the protesters were "angry." No. They were mocking Macron, that's all.

We cannot get enough news from Europe; the press just doesn't cover it, especially from non-English speaking countries. The UK press that does cover some things calls everything "far right."

Plz post anything you have before, during or after. We want to know what is happening. God go with all of you, Dutch anons. WWG1WGA

978741  No.4736317


Dang baker, you seem a little sensitive and you've done a great job. I don't actually see any R Shills here. I mean i certainly am not. I am not posting the issue of the bake, and i don't care about Jr being alive. Things are getting worked out,and you're getting worked up over what? One of over6000 breads. Chill out. I haven't been around and I'm catching up.i might be talkative tonight and stupid but it's slow,i don't mean to offend. Tyb, i can't do it, I'm on a fire tablet just trying to learn. You think the stupid can stop anyone from seeking the truth? I don't!

c17203  No.4736318

File: 064e2750aeb6f25⋯.png (264.64 KB, 540x351, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)

8b08cf  No.4736319


The ones who didn't harm children made a deal.

Still corrupt.

They survived and even thrived for years serving the 'cabal'.

Those who didn't are dead.

8d2afd  No.4736320

File: 79090e8660a80fa⋯.png (1.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5f16d2871be5e99a729d9da187….png)

File: d35e5cd42fc13c3⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 39a93322e0513a4bccb418a4ed….jpg)

File: 5e43486751bdbd7⋯.jpg (162.14 KB, 1655x1544, 1655:1544, 546.jpg)

File: 50d4fd8ae5b561b⋯.jpg (176.71 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, fdbf4d74a9486cc058b3272b8f….jpg)


Yeah I saw that watch as well. But I don't think JFK Jr's watch that looks like the Q watch is the same. But you are right, inconclusive is what I would go with as well.

e64e9e  No.4736321


>Sauce that he did really just say this (On his call to Judge Jeanine):

God, love this man.

846853  No.4736322


Apparantly Trump Admin decided to let the FAke Media talk..

There may be good reasons for that.

But in my everyday live this means that I become lonelier and lonelier, losing contacts because letting the MSM spreading their lies makes patriots with their thoughts and their world views outcasts in society.

667e55  No.4736323

File: 62b92724369753a⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 450x262, 225:131, Typical_POL_Autist.gif)


>now it's hard to get to the core of the discussion to find where to dig.

<pick literally any direction and go till you hit the wall.

all the walls are the same.

146b82  No.4736324


good sniping on the talking points

8b08cf  No.4736325


I monitor our enemy and got this one.


7a7cb5  No.4736326

Baker, enough here to be notable?

from a Dutch anon, there is so little about their protests

>>4736249 Dutch protests continue in Maastricht, Emmen & other cities

cccb16  No.4736327





37f09f  No.4736328

File: a3ee52894d8be65⋯.jpeg (23.07 KB, 202x238, 101:119, 547197F6-922C-4E28-818D-4….jpeg)

Know what has been pretty consistent the last few days.

Attacking the baker.

Baker is mossad

Baker wtf with this/that notable

Baker why’d you ignore my post.

Baker why’d you take the echoes off.

Baker this Baker That.

Whiny bitches.

As long as there is bread then do your thing.

8c951a  No.4736329


Adrenochrome. This is why kids are tortured before they are killed. Adrenaline + GDF11,

Asprin. The slimy stuff between the bark and trunk of a willow tree. You got a headache? Take some aspirin. It will DILATE your blood vessels. Headache-Begone.

Going into combat? Fear. BP up. Heart-rate up. Adrenaline flooding your body? It CONTRACTS blood vessels preparing for a potential wound. Great for transplants and gives you an almost heroin level euphoria. Ref adrenaline addicts.

9e35b7  No.4736330


It's clear that Soros is one of the high priests of the diversity cult. Any place with too many Whites becomes a target of his diversification campaigns.

8b08cf  No.4736333


Right. Same thing with the BO is a mason bullshit.

So the fuck what if he is, he doesn't control or stop the flow of information here and masons get BTFO all the time.

Freemasonry is actually a very good starting place to red pill fuckers on the JQ when it's all said and done.

2bde25  No.4736334

File: 0bd30950c659e67⋯.jpg (163.66 KB, 848x478, 424:239, kvetch5756.jpg)


division fagging shill

a0e511  No.4736336

File: b8a2b8bde01bcd4⋯.jpg (129.58 KB, 722x554, 361:277, ImInTheirWay.jpg)

d7ba82  No.4736337


Not sure if I would say predict .. more like voice the unspoken whispers

146b82  No.4736338

File: 30c5362d517d27d⋯.jpg (155.29 KB, 597x538, 597:538, 30c5362d517d27d9a92bbd1c2e….jpg)

OK I've got a question

how do I find all misspelled Q posts and/or DJT tweets

I am trying to follow up the good work of another anon

unfortunately my spelling is atrocious so I can't see it when it is in front of me


3f0311  No.4736339

Couple ‘smeared in blood’ caught ‘having sex in woods surrounded by chanting women’

A woman from Leeds, called police after coming across the scene while searching for her dog. She spotted the couple near the Hawksworth Wood Trail, just off Craigside Walk in Kirkstall, Leeds, shortly after midday on Friday, January 11.

West Yorkshire Police confirmed officers were called to ‘a report of public indecency’ in the woods and they have now ‘stepped up patrols in the area’. The dog walker, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: ‘I let the dog off for a run and he went to the top of the wood, near a field where kids play and people walk.

‘He disappeared and I heard what I thought was shouting so I went to get him, as he’s a big softy, but I thought he had scared someone. ‘It sounded like someone shouting in a different language, but then I saw a lady in her late 30s laid on a white plastic sheet.’ She said she thought the woman ‘was dead’ at first, but when she went closer to try and find her dog, she saw a man. The man then used his finger to take blood from a dead bird and ‘put it on the woman’s face’ before they had sex, she claimed.


b66619  No.4736341

File: e989766979b3d9b⋯.png (536.46 KB, 571x499, 571:499, nasim-divisionfag.png)

da371b  No.4736342




Well. Q did tell us about occam's razor.

Has POTUS attacked Comey? RM? Sessions? RR? Special counsel?

Clearly he has. (We all know what the DEMS thought of Sessions when he was confirmed for DOJ) VS him being fired. They attacked him then defended him once he was fired.

According to Q. RR drafted the memo for Comey to be fired. RR's name is on the FISA warrant.

My opinion. RR and special counsel pretending to work with DS told POTUS…

"Fire James Comey, we'll do an investigation and make the DS think we bamboozled you to fire him."

064cf0  No.4736344

File: 60c4bce02e62ebe⋯.jpg (526.15 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_5538.JPG)


ty Dutchanon




to this anon

2bde25  No.4736345

File: d1ea68fe9cceda2⋯.jpg (80.38 KB, 500x506, 250:253, chekked spidey.jpg)


>BO is a mason

kek !

nice trippz btw

4d6f07  No.4736346

File: e21f4d2a394f70b⋯.png (3.14 MB, 796x1375, 796:1375, The Secret Logistics of Am….png)

File: 619de6446885e50⋯.png (3.16 MB, 799x1378, 799:1378, The Secret Logistics of Am….png)

File: 63dfa1e50175ec2⋯.png (3.18 MB, 796x1392, 199:348, The Secret Logistics of Am….png)

File: 6b8caea130247e9⋯.png (3.15 MB, 794x1384, 397:692, The Secret Logistics of Am….png)

File: 894b709e15abaff⋯.png (3.09 MB, 797x1351, 797:1351, The Secret Logistics of Am….png)

Why is America’s Baghdad Embassy the world’s largest embassy — and the largest by far?


2c0277  No.4736347


wiccan retards most likely than jewish synagogue satanist opening doing their weird shit in the woods. they have private royal property for that.

7818bd  No.4736348

File: 6a01a7d24dde215⋯.jpg (121.77 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 15-varsham17.jpg)

File: 6fcf5468800ac53⋯.jpg (62.96 KB, 250x300, 5:6, amma-pope1.jpg)

File: e7326aedcd6dcf8⋯.jpg (88.98 KB, 600x787, 600:787, 7803c5847c4ca1df684767c4ed….jpg)

File: 7fec59370673d33⋯.jpg (30.07 KB, 350x524, 175:262, 2367b53fd65b1cba1989b57380….jpg)

This Bitch Anons…..Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī (born Sudhamani Idamannel; 27 September 1953), better known simply as Amma ("Mother"), is a Hinduspiritual leader and guru who is revered as a saint by her followers.

Excuse me while I shout this. NGO!!!!…..The Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) 

Emblem: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MAM_Logo.jpg

Site: http://www.amritapuri.org/

Its most extensive disaster-relief program followed the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.  Also work in Haiti and Katrina.


Mata Amritanandamayi Center in the United States

MAM, along with Amritanandamayi's other centers and organizations throughout the world function collectively under the umbrella title of *Embracing the World.*

Archived PDF of embracing the world:


UN Special Status


The Parliament of the World’s Religions chose Her as one of three Presidents of Sanatana Dharma in 1993. In 1995 her address was a highlight of the Interfaith Celebrations at the UN 50th Anniversary in New York. In 2000 Amma lent the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit giving her vision for the millennium.

Care Homes for Children

MAM runs two care homes for children. Amrita Niketan is a facility for 500 children in Paripally, Kollam, Kerala. The majority of Amrita Niketan residents are from poor tribal communities. In 2009, through a sister organization known as Amma-Kenya, MAM started an orphanage in Nairobi for 108 children.

*EYES ON*- UN related PDF download

Reconciling ancient Spiritual Wisdom and Modern Technology


Television channels, numerous schools, university, temples and of course a state of the art hospital in a 3rd world country.

Bridge construction…sorry, but some words just activate the almonds. "The bridge, constructed by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, was opened in the presence of the Mata."


Financial fuckery


Numerous suspicious deaths

"Report that Suspicious Deaths at Amritanandamayi Math Are Growing",Deshabhimani, 9 August 2002.

"Holyhell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion and Pure Madness" 


High ranking witch!

This all ties back to Time Magazine. *Marc Benioff*

Marc was at Oracle for years and Macintosh (apple) prior.

"On September 16, 2018 Marc and his wife Lynne bought Time (magazine) for $190m[23]."

His charity model is significant, reproduced by numerous corporations including Google.

"Benioff is a Chairman of Salesforce.com Foundation which was established in 2000 as a public charity.[38] He created the 1-1-1 model of integrated corporate philanthropy, by which companies contribute 1 percent of equity, 1 percent of employee hours and 1 percent of product back to the communities it serves.[39]Parts of this 1-1-1 model have been adopted by more than 700 companies,[40] including Google.[41]"

Where did he get his inspiration? Yep, this high ranking witch!

"But the most pivotal meeting for me was with Mata Amritanandamayi… It was she who introduced me to the idea, and possibility, of giving back to the world while pursuing my career ambitions. I realized that I didn't have to make a choice between doing business and doing good. I could align these two values and strive to succeed at both simultaneously."

And yes, he also has a hospital.

6ede8b  No.4736349



Human Organ Harvesting, Human Trafficking, Child Sex Trafficking…

JAMES LEVINE, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) at the Mayo Clinic. Donated to Clinton Foundation…

Dr. Levine lectures around the world and is a senior scientific advisor to the U.S. government, United Nations, and the Government of the Peoples Republic of China as well as throughout Africa and in Jamaica.

He is a designated ‘Expert’ to the United Nations, National Institute for Health, and the National Science Foundation. He is an invitee to the Presidents Panel.

Author on publilcation with an interdastingly strange name…

The face of fear


Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer to human adipocytes in vitro, and human adipose tissue ex vivo and rabbit femoral adipose tissue in vivo








The face of fear (Note)

Levine, J.A.,

Pavlidis, I.,

Cooper, M.

Mayo Clinic, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, United States

bHoneywell Technology Center, Minneapolis, MN 55418, United States



Professor Levine has received over 50 national and international awards in science including the Judson Daland prize from the American Philosophical Society.

He holds several NIH and other federal grants. His Treadmill Desk won the “Invention of the Future” award from NASA, “The Innovation of Year Award” at the World Trade Fare and currently is sold by Steelcase.

The Mayo-based company he founded called, Muve Incorporated, won the Business Innovation and New Company of Year Awards in 2007.



Peter W. Smith killed…shabby investigation done.





ICMEC International Center for Missing and Exploited Children

So apparently two actual (doctors) on Mayo Clinic board have been on ICMEC for years… seems odd.

Over the years, the Mayo Clinic has maintained a constant presence with Dr. Daniel Boughton and Dr. James Levine acting as members of the ICMEC board of directors.

International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children https://www.icmec.org/

"Hillary Clinton helped to established the ICMEC in 1999 in Washington DC. The ICMEC board of directors includes an impressive list of royalty, accomplished diplomats, heads of industry and philanthropists. Over the years, the Mayo Clinic has maintained a constant presence with Dr. Daniel Boughton and Dr. James Levine acting as members of the ICMEC board of directors."

James Levine was on board of directors for Mayo http://www.mayo.edu/research/faculty/levine-james-a-m-d-ph-d/bio-00083408

John McCain's Institute has a section about Human Trafficking


Clinton Foundation board of directors involved with human trafficking in Haiti https://wearechange.org/clinton-haiti-child-trafficking-smoking-gun-monica-peterson/

38a62e  No.4736350

File: e37a22e5fdd381c⋯.jpeg (342.71 KB, 750x714, 125:119, B060C7F2-D7F6-47B2-ABAF-A….jpeg)

a0e511  No.4736351



More good than bad or however Q said it, I know the cult very well and in my view they are the only problem - what they do to people not "in their club" makes them all victims right up until they become monsters - and even then they are still only the end results of what they have been programmed to by the cultists. It's not the religion that's at fault but the puppeters who seek to control all using it. I believe in blaming the people who knowingly engage not those who have been deluded.

So while I take your point I just don't think it's condisve (at least until we root out the actual cultists at the core of the corruption) and then after that we can have a long discussion about what is good and evil outside the intended evil of the cult.

9e35b7  No.4736352


Surely military tribunals aren't needed to take down the CF. The two Jesuit guys seem to have done a lot of the work already. Only a lack of political will (or power) is stopping prosecutions.

05338e  No.4736353

File: 8a3e1464ecda1fb⋯.png (613.49 KB, 1004x1056, 251:264, 1547374480779.png)

DNA pioneer and Nobel Prize winner stripped of awards over IQ comments. SJWs rewriting science.


14705e  No.4736354

File: 639579b4467c473⋯.png (223.1 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, APizzaconnection.png)

File: 6aa59ecc3e18fc1⋯.png (207.34 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, APizzaconnectionb.png)

File: d798b36d09a554b⋯.png (417.24 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, APizzaconnection1.png)

File: 347abaf8924dc42⋯.png (228.63 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Apizzaconnection2.png)

Ok strange How many references the CIA docs have for Pizza , This one will require a deeper look .

2bde25  No.4736355

File: b7dfabb4449008d⋯.png (504.57 KB, 570x499, 570:499, 12345.png)


think mirror

e1d653  No.4736357

Notables Update


>>4736249 Dutch protests continue in Maastricht, Emmen & other cities

>>4736205, >>4736212 "The Dark Art of Interrogation" - Alice in Wonderland?

>>4736200 Welcoming Refugees receives DHS Grant for "community engagement" AKA to convince locals to accept new neighbors

>>4736089 $21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government

>>4736108 Historical narrative on Benghazi



I'll have to add that to my feeds. Any others you recommend? Thanks anon.


o7 anon, thanks for the sauce.

cccb16  No.4736358



7a7cb5  No.4736359


It's always that way at times like these. We are with you, fren. Do not despair.

8d2afd  No.4736360

File: 4a5e799475641d9⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sforifowemfwoeifiergnwoeif….png)



Anyone have an idea what the President is wearing watch wise these days? Hard to find pics of the exposed watch because POTUS is always rocking the cuff-links. There are pics that suggest he is wearing a watch with a dark wrist band.

>Pic related

66ac3b  No.4736361


was his analysis incorrect scientifically?

or socially?

3f0311  No.4736362

File: 18a339a09afb2e3⋯.png (808.58 KB, 1062x576, 59:32, ClipboardImage.png)



9a7ca3  No.4736363

File: 8861fa0b6daf71f⋯.gif (428.21 KB, 200x183, 200:183, 1513202811182.gif)



back to back different deep-digs in hivemind fashion.. that don't happen often..

b66619  No.4736364

File: 228828e9ab3301c⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 230x255, 46:51, nasim-spirit.jpg)


Praise her!

691840  No.4736365


It is true that the pineal gland can develop calcification. We know because it's visible on x-rays.

Great. So there is a simple test to see if this concoction actually works. Has there ever been any sort of study done with before and after x-rays? A quick search turns up no shortage of health and New Age woo sites claiming this this is beneficial and that certain foods can clear the calcification. But I can find no trace of this very simple study ever happening.

If people take this and start noticing that they feel more spiritually aware but there is no change in the x-rays then it's more likely the placebo effect. Or just the hemp oil.

7a7cb5  No.4736367


Right. Always gets my attention.

0d543d  No.4736368


100% relate. Best friend (temporarily) no longer speaking to me. I think the need to "Never interfere/interrupt your enemies while they're in the process of destroying themselves" is more important than we realize. People don't truly learn from being told… people learn from experiencing and thinking they figured it out on their own, from their own experience, perception and brilliant ability to figure it out! The MSM is preposterous right now, but not enough that most NPC's are getting it. I believe it will get a lot owrse, and there will be dramatic moments that prove (to even the most asleep) that the media is just a propagandizing, lying, fake, bullshit, evil, sack of… you get the idea. People need to see this movie. Telling them wouldn't work… they need to believe they figured it out on their own.

bae925  No.4736369

File: 82d648755eeee59⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 356x260, 89:65, 1523341765243.gif)

3f0311  No.4736370

File: 723d944e229ff4f⋯.jpg (556.01 KB, 3000x1983, 1000:661, Untitled-2.jpg)

File: edf8d3018a4d817⋯.jpg (18.15 KB, 344x344, 1:1, Untitled-22.jpg)



Actually… nope.

8b08cf  No.4736372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



well he would know their script, he's in the club.







I track reuters, jpost,


that one, and then the usual suspects.

check in on the same with twAtter as well.

I like to check the ones who are ahead of the eastcoast,US timezone because they're "a day ahead" and all, playing the narrative over there.

064cf0  No.4736373

File: 2dc7e996928cb60⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1004x1502, 502:751, Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at ….png)

File: 94c75d51dbc9c08⋯.jpg (406.79 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2136.JPG)


Jim Carey uses his "imagination" in a tweeted painting of trump sawing a guys hand off with an arab

def think mirror, Jim

wouldn't these guys be considered rogue assets at this point? they should got ahead and bring em in before anything (moar) crazy happens

9e35b7  No.4736374


Not towing the anti-White line can be costly. I doubt he cares too much about the awards though. I like how they call it a racism row. The only row is the anti-Whites going apeshit that a scientist didn't bend the evidence to suit the anti-White agenda.

978741  No.4736375

Cmon, you guys, there's like 90 uids. There is some dedicated faggots and niggers on this board. I appreciate the correction, but some of you take your authority or perceived rightness far too seriously. Nothing happens in this board for hours days and weeks sometimes. There have been so many attacks on the anons who do dig, meme, and pray. We are not going to undo 6 decades of fuckery overnight, in a week, a month, a year. Some of y'all clearly need to take some breaks, relax, and find your center. I know there are not many of us,and i myself generally don't get past notables since the last election. You want me here,and you don't want to discourage others like me from coming here or staying here. Cause I'm not here to play games, I'm here to learn and disseminate the truth, whatever that may be, not my truth or your truth, but THE TRUTH

cccb16  No.4736376




691840  No.4736377


Ya'know, the CIA would have never declassified this stuff if it actually worked.

f77367  No.4736378

Q = 2020 election campaign

>1 years of nothing happening.

NO declas.

NO wall.

NO boom.

NO arrests.

NO traitor hangings.

Face it, you're just part of Trump's 2020 election campaign. Nothing is ever going to happen. Just more empty promises.

f894c9  No.4736379


Well said fren

God Wins

7a7cb5  No.4736381

File: fdfb0c66de35d21⋯.png (91.07 KB, 1378x767, 106:59, misspell.png)


You could try searching the board with variations on "misspell"


c7acac  No.4736382


If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. In the case of the Vatican, it's an insult to dogs, but you get the idea. The organization itself is Satanic, it's not just "a few bad apples". The programming applied to every Catholic is Satanic trauma programming. What do you think all the incense and the pictures of a man being tortured to death are?

9e35b7  No.4736383


That's looks like a skeleton watch of some sort.

da371b  No.4736384

File: 512e4c1dc1996a3⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 400x400, 1:1, suck-im-sorry-meme.jpg)


Military Intelligence is hard to decode!

Asking simple questions/determining simple things is the best way to get people to include their questions/findings as we rip 1 piece of paper of a stack of 1 million!

ae1a45  No.4736385

File: 364779be70e644c⋯.png (2.63 MB, 3000x1333, 3000:1333, IW390302 - IWC Portugieser….png)

Q Proof for #2647 Watch Image

[1] The Portugieser Chronograph Classic is equipped with the IWC-manufactured 89361-calibre movement, which allows stopped times of up to 12 hours to be read off on the subdial.


[2] The 89000 family of calibres is a series of high-end automatic chronograph manufacture movements produced by IWC in the 2010's.


[3] Welcome a new generation of IWC Portuguese with the Portuguese Chronograph Classic. Another new release for 2013 is rather important for fans of the Portuguese collection. Updated and arguably more sporty than ever, this is the best Portuguese chronograph watch to date. Called the Portuguese Chronograph Classic, it builds on the design of the Portuguese Yacht Club Chronograph that was originally debuted in 2012.


You inspired me to make this baker! Thanks for all you do!

8d2afd  No.4736386

File: 00cd225aa427e14⋯.jpg (105.39 KB, 1200x815, 240:163, gettyimages-175165584.jpg)

File: 863f13a2cd327cb⋯.png (584.78 KB, 2004x1708, 501:427, sdfadfgsdhgdfjsthdrg.png)








Doesn't seem to be Mueller either.


>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>Rod Rosenstein

>Robert Mueller

President Trump?

2853af  No.4736387

File: 16c797300ff8fa1⋯.png (403.41 KB, 800x332, 200:83, ClipboardImage.png)


>Contact a remote viewer from a parallel universe and get him to remote view targets in my universe.

8b08cf  No.4736388

File: ac5eaedad1aa66e⋯.jpg (31.22 KB, 480x295, 96:59, 37561249_645017935879913_6….jpg)

File: 68d04f88829d5ee⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 653x328, 653:328, image040.jpg)


That thought has crossed my mind, anon.

Some truth within disinfo however.

4987f3  No.4736389

File: 2b4d5995bf37767⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 165x564, 55:188, ftyjth.jpg)

66ac3b  No.4736390


the best part about getting old… "i do not give a shit what you think about me."

85e4d7  No.4736391


Remember all of the sensations of using your powers and practice bringing it to the waking/walking realm. Large aggregate means are hampered, but in fluid materials, especially moving, can be convinced to flow in cetain directions. It will take time and effort.

RV is only as good as the time you take to sharpen your senses. As far as I care, most are doing it wrong by going to what they seek, not keeping themselves away from the target. Astral travel is not remote viewing. Looking through a proxy is workable, though a rapport is needed. Lucid dreaming is the best option you have. Everything will be a duplicate without certain dangers following you home, giving you time for gathering your curiosities.

fe6059  No.4736392


Concernfag much?

da371b  No.4736393

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1503396029227.jpg)

2bde25  No.4736394

File: ef872e4d01aabf0⋯.jpg (209.36 KB, 917x777, 131:111, 5657.jpg)


5:5 anon

f894c9  No.4736395


Was reading comments on CTH ( Sundance ) earlier and some posts keep referring to TRUMP TIME. As in - all will be revealed in Trump time - and only POTUS what that is…

acb889  No.4736396

File: fc9d54ca6599944⋯.jpg (198.68 KB, 1517x1033, 1517:1033, The_Vital_Message_RBG.JPG)


The Vital Message', first published in 1918, was Conan Doyle's second book devoted solely to his thoughts on Life after death, written after his debut book on the subject; 'The New Revelation'. "In "The Vital Message" the sun has risen higher, and one sees more clearly and broadly what our new relations with the Unseen may be."




2853af  No.4736397

File: df27cda41b8733a⋯.png (89.83 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>RV is only as good as the time you take to sharpen your senses. As far as I care, most are doing it wrong by going to what they seek, not keeping themselves away from the target.

c17203  No.4736398

The clock is ticking



acc1d1  No.4736399


Then Q shouldn't be your source:

Podesta indicted

Huma indicted

mmm.. right

396147  No.4736400


This is like sitting in a foxhole and complaining about not being shot yet.. POTUS is winning still, and without expending any ammunition.

146b82  No.4736401


good suggestion thanks

9a7ca3  No.4736402


..how is the book connected to comey's tweet? screencap seems to leave that detail out..

9e35b7  No.4736403


Mueler's watch looks like some relatively cheap g-shock. Anybody that wears something like that with a suit probably isn't into IWC watches.

8d2afd  No.4736404

File: 9976998b98a0834⋯.jpg (257.37 KB, 900x1905, 60:127, 1546137809868.jpg)


RBG has to be dead or almost there. When was her last public appearance?

Could there be a clone op happening to replace her?

Is that why we were given this crumb?

9a7ca3  No.4736405


oh.. the vital message.. is that the only connection?

2853af  No.4736407

File: 40c2211f662c0ab⋯.png (322.8 KB, 620x442, 310:221, ClipboardImage.png)


"All Rise" does not appear at all in Harper Lee's book. "Rise" is in the text only once:

"Some invisible signal had made the lunchers on the square rise and scatter bits of

newspaper, cellophane, and wrapping paper. Children came to mothers, babies

were cradled on hips as men in sweat-stained hats collected their families and

herded them through the courthouse doors."

064cf0  No.4736409

File: 1290cad4af64163⋯.png (317.38 KB, 1582x1580, 791:790, Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at ….png)


fuck me, somebody bought it

found the exact one (with the black hands)

made an offer but, alas no joy

8d2afd  No.4736410

File: 1a8523527f2d806⋯.png (12.15 KB, 735x137, 735:137, sfefwefwefwefwefwefwef.png)

0d543d  No.4736412

File: 99ba19b2c3dc86f⋯.jpg (180.74 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Trump-Card.jpg)

File: 9518903806d63a3⋯.jpg (417.08 KB, 635x733, 635:733, Trump-Organization-Tweet-T….jpg)


Marketing a ROLEX (from what I can tell of the logo) on whomever's wrist this is. And a nice array of Q/JFK-cards.

94a518  No.4736413

File: 55ae029a9bc33f6⋯.png (174.98 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190113-055606.png)

File: 8dc23f1efe456ec⋯.png (191.25 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190113-055621.png)

"a humanitarian and security "crisis" at the border."

Needs to be used more , according to the white house lawyers.

fab5d8  No.4736414

>>4734104 pb

>>4734396 pb

Tulsi Gabbard running for POTUS is great news for

Pres. Trump since she will divide the Dem Party/ like a Green Candidate would or like Bernie did.

e1d653  No.4736415


Nice anon. I'm digging on this now.

It's crazy how everyone screams RUSSIAN COLLUSION here but Fima and the whole crew are actually Ukrainian. I clearly remember George Soros having major dealings in Ukraine.

I'm wondering if Cohen's father in law or other associates are somehow connected to SOROS?

acb889  No.4736416


Yeah, such an odd phrase: Amazing cast and vital message.

The play is more than just a 'message'.

94a518  No.4736417





2bde25  No.4736418

File: df92307a151da44⋯.jpg (149.07 KB, 565x512, 565:512, 1533.jpg)


> towing

toeing / toe the line

The expression “toe the line” means something rather different. It describes toes obediently and conscientiously lined up for review, military style. It refers to situations in which you are trying to be very careful to follow the rules, do precisely the right thing. Strict parents make their children toe the line.

6ede8b  No.4736419


T3 increases mitochondrial ATP production in oxidative muscle despite increased expression of UCP2 and -3

Kevin R. Short, Jonas Nygren, Rocco Barazzoni, James A. Levine, K Sreekumaran Nair



T3 increases mitochondrial ATP production in oxidative muscle despite increased expression of UCP2 and -3

Kevin R. Short, Jonas Nygren, Rocco Barazzoni, James A. Levine


8d2afd  No.4736420


Yeah it looks like a Marine turned FBI watch.

0d543d  No.4736421


Meant as reply to >>4736360

a0e511  No.4736423


well, I come from a cult family. My perspective is scewd from knowing what was inflicted on me and other victims - there is a world of difference in the evil of the cult versus the evil of someone brainwashed. From my perspectrive that distinction is so immense that the latter of which isn't worth considering even in the same dimension as the former until the former is driven out and then we can reacess the nature of good and evil -

the reason Q says 90 percent or so would be in a hospital is because of all our collective programming. I'm in an unusual position to understand the gravity of that - but what was done to me was used on all of you. Not just a single religion but everyone. And the religious aspect is just another institution with good and evil - more evil in your eyes but to my eyes it's splitting hairs of brainwash

23fa8d  No.4736425


Most videos are on FB.

If you are on FB join gele vestjes nl or Yellow vest Europe.

This guy has videos from amsterdam


37f09f  No.4736426

File: 6248b1e73c06974⋯.jpeg (282.33 KB, 750x987, 250:329, CFA2F157-2459-49F0-8C94-E….jpeg)

File: 76a8822f01e3e10⋯.jpeg (293.69 KB, 750x942, 125:157, 0ABFEBAD-B3AB-42A2-A282-D….jpeg)


It’s going to be this guy…

Calling it.

63f728  No.4736427

File: 029b84f89d7c523⋯.gif (4.39 MB, 225x281, 225:281, j6475.gif)

Thank you, Baker, even though you might be a Mason……kek

da371b  No.4736428


I'm calling Hillary Clinton.

One last humiliation.

But I do 100% agree with who you are calling.

bae925  No.4736429


Lol the more the merrier. this will split the dems into a thousand factions. There is the cortez cult (even though she can't run) the beto cult, the sanders cult, the hillary cult, the pocahantas cult, the biden cult

955dbb  No.4736430


If Biden runs, then the Dems are really out of options.

322f3b  No.4736431

File: 6cff235f4bea173⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 594x395, 594:395, Kevin Spacey IWC Booth SIH….jpg)

File: 33cc5698fd57325⋯.jpg (26.25 KB, 613x412, 613:412, Fake-IWC-Portugieser-IW371….jpg)

File: 386be5f1544e19c⋯.png (332.23 KB, 680x478, 340:239, e43e947f32e4cc10ad9bec032a….png)

File: b03b0ee77239e4f⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 600x296, 75:37, Portuguese-Chrono-3.jpg)

File: 333d8e992e95985⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2700x1771, 2700:1771, kevin-spacey.jpg)


Kevin Spacey was an IWC ambassodor (fancy terminology for IWC spokesperson/billboard).He wore IWC watches in house of cards. The last pic is from when he was pulled over the day of his hearing in D.C.

The wristband seems to match, but the actual time piece seems to black. Could be a case of reflection making it black. These Q wild goose chases hurt the head sometimes.

14705e  No.4736432

Whew Ok time for a little break , I can smell my brain burning .

da371b  No.4736433

File: 49bada2eed35ea0⋯.png (174.75 KB, 482x605, 482:605, addtext_com_MDgwNDEwMTQzOD….png)

File: 3d7a4719dc89087⋯.png (170.92 KB, 482x605, 482:605, addtext_com_MDQzMjQyMTE4MD….png)



4f2a6f  No.4736434

File: a061fd51969948e⋯.png (403.66 KB, 653x630, 653:630, Drudge re Michelle O WH 20….PNG)


>It’s going to be this guy…

Or this one

bae925  No.4736435

File: 9fcbb05f4d2860e⋯.jpg (100.13 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1636621.jpeg.transform.buy….jpg)


It appears to be the Portugieser, the Q watch is the Portugieser Classic


63f728  No.4736436

File: d76509d7e49498f⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, aju77.jpg)


Julian, is that you ????

How is your cat ?

da371b  No.4736437

File: ede54409e08eb15⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 600x401, 600:401, CZMKLnPWYAEpU0f.jpg)

Don't forget these two faggots and Alex Soros.

Multiple pictures.

I hope my country does right this year in October!

9d4078  No.4736438



Fuckin' A Jack, exactly right.

8b08cf  No.4736439

File: 8e15aab62e74e8f⋯.png (104.03 KB, 808x676, 202:169, potuswatch4.png)

File: be56c80f6987ad8⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 975x634, 975:634, potuswatch.jpg)

File: ef672fe999abe9d⋯.jpg (93.72 KB, 1046x800, 523:400, potuswatch1.jpg)


From what I can find, POTUS' watch has a black band but a gold clasp. The Q watch has a silver clasp.

66ac3b  No.4736440


i was about to remind everyone about the virgin islands residency issue and thus not eligible for presidency… but then i reminded myself about her husband.

63f728  No.4736441

File: 8c66218e83b14ac⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 500x608, 125:152, 3546464.jpg)

a0e511  No.4736442


ha, you aren't wrong about him. But no, I'm someone who can't say much about themselves but can say whatever I want about the cult and is the entire reason I'm here. Albiet I'm still trying to find the best way to educate folks about what I know without being censored (again)

4f8136  No.4736443

File: 89155159bb80fd6⋯.png (1001.27 KB, 1075x812, 1075:812, Q JON JON AS NEW BABY.PNG)

File: 306b40b222c74ed⋯.png (543.81 KB, 568x815, 568:815, Q JON JON IN JFKs DESK.PNG)

File: 9010b6a47065fff⋯.png (1.08 MB, 540x812, 135:203, Q JON JON and JFK and JACK….PNG)

File: 35a6f9c96ca61eb⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1171x807, 1171:807, Q JON JON WITH FAMILY ON S….PNG)

File: 5439f83f57780b4⋯.png (626.84 KB, 666x810, 37:45, Q JON JON WITH FAMILY PLAY….PNG)

The Life of JFK Jr.

each image has its own url in a slide show….. this links to first slide


…………………………… 1/3

961226  No.4736444


It's not Pence's watch

I'm searching Kushner, but can't find a photo of his hand, he's very close to all key WH negotiations

66ac3b  No.4736445

File: 69ee9d9a267a91f⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 640x389, 640:389, puppet_hand.jpg)

37f09f  No.4736446

File: 1629a9cadca690a⋯.jpeg (24.72 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 5A533FCF-08D0-4B53-AB0A-B….jpeg)

Very good points.

All possibilities.

I think Hillary knows presidency is not going to happen for her.

However this guy would likely place her somewhere she wants to be.

Of all of them, I thought maybe John Kerry…

But I’m calling it.

Creepy Uncle Joe 2020

54edf9  No.4736447

File: f3cb4d4e4ac1757⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2424x3064, 303:383, f3cb4d4e4ac1757a3de5e52f74….png)

File: 065fd42b953f138⋯.jpg (299.64 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, electre-3 - Copy.jpg)




they MUST remove all traces of this abomination and the pyramid at The Louvre.

f9640f  No.4736448


>Lucid dreaming is the best option you have.

Lucid dreaming is like my super power, but I have never found anything useful to do with it.

9e35b7  No.4736449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The meme material available with pics of him groping everyone will kill his chances. Plus his approval of White Genocide isn't going to win him much of the White vote.

9d4078  No.4736451


He will be the new and improved Gerald Ford.

37f09f  No.4736452

File: e34108d78b5ebbe⋯.jpeg (24.76 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 7736B040-C703-4A65-9DB1-3….jpeg)



Scary but true…

63f728  No.4736453


anon, if we are all pretty much conditioned from birth, is it done mainly through religion/via media exposure/schools…all of these ?

this is in regard to "normies" not someone who is in a cult from birth

4f8136  No.4736454

File: 72df4dbe20573c6⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1195x816, 1195:816, Q JON JON WITH OTHER KIDS ….PNG)

File: 9b5c5a4c82301b8⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1216x816, 76:51, Q JON JON WITH JACKIE CARO….PNG)

File: 63e0598cf21bfb5⋯.png (647.75 KB, 671x817, 671:817, Q JON JON WITH JACKIE CARO….PNG)

File: ec6edd20b34c9a0⋯.png (592.85 KB, 661x818, 661:818, Q JON JON WITH JACKIE CARO….PNG)

File: be5b251a2830c64⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1137x819, 379:273, Q JON JON WITH CAROLINE SL….PNG)




best ones are coming next😊

a0e511  No.4736455


it's what kept me alive some years. Dreams were the only escape and so to find power in them is to rehabilitate yourself. I haven't had a nightmare in a long time and for some people whose waking life is a nightmare dreams can be the ultimate escape and eventual path to find oneself.

6ede8b  No.4736456


It could be a gold mine! Great research anon!!!

9e35b7  No.4736457


His watch looks rectangular as well. I doubt he'd buy the IWC model shown. Not flashy enough.

961226  No.4736458


No known IWC in his collection


66ac3b  No.4736459

File: 20bb0751b776270⋯.jpg (35 KB, 640x389, 640:389, puppet_shhhh.jpg)

9d4078  No.4736460


No like my dreams. For years all of my dreams are of me searching for something desperately. Always something different but always searching desperately.

I hate that shit.

14705e  No.4736461


Thanks , I'm taking a Music and Smoke Break . Been Into this for hours and hours now .

54edf9  No.4736462

File: 158c282c40d6b75⋯.png (8.69 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, 158c282c40d6b75cb208b563cd….png)

File: f9e4daccd7a69d6⋯.jpeg (53.72 KB, 671x679, 671:679, 94efe709362ecdc624b97e7d9….jpeg)

File: bdae6e30e31158d⋯.jpeg (72.99 KB, 750x962, 375:481, faa0761af869bb712861e9de3….jpeg)

File: acd9f7aff85318f⋯.png (1007.19 KB, 1327x1930, 1327:1930, Screenshot_2018-07-14 JFK ….png)

File: 2ff7e30d030a1e3⋯.png (38.06 KB, 612x416, 153:104, 0a29944cd2006cb4fb79830fb1….png)

fab5d8  No.4736463

File: ab35dc3a80ef5c2⋯.jpg (173.56 KB, 1025x435, 205:87, zhuzhuas12thstarcloned.jpg)




I get it now

RBG is going to "arise" from the Dead!

And start doing push-ups.

That's why they are pushing the notion she is up and about and Running, doing laps.

What's harder to believe:

DS is cloning her to keeps themselves afloat.

Or an 85 year old weak cancerous [for 20 years] post-surgery "wokaholic" who can barely sit up, will be running laps and lifting weights?

I go for the Dollie Clone idea

Nazi are into this for decades already. Trans-humanism; and their crimes have given them the money to pursue it and to hide themselves.


boy did Tom Hanks show off his weak acting skill in that movie! He's a joke.

Allegedl creators of the movie also directed "Matrix" movie.

However, the person who wrote the script clamis the "brothers" stole it.

Typical, DS is best at stealing.

Think all the identical Chinese girls?

Named "clone" in the movie.



Deals with parallel lives / time lines

So related to Synchronicity.

59321f  No.4736464

File: eeaca173a93b727⋯.jpg (266.17 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, safcwe543rfes.jpg)

File: 79db2693f6d564a⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 800x552, 100:69, Merkel-05-17.jpg)

File: 89478c5db15b886⋯.jpg (12.39 KB, 300x229, 300:229, merkel-verrat.jpg)

Wait for Gitmo and military tribunal for genocide

For freedom and justice in Germany

37f09f  No.4736465


If anons are careful and not use the shooped ones. And you know faggots will.

One meme gets debunked and normies will be like meh.

There are plenty of real ones out there.

Just sayin Joe will be in the mix.

I think the female president “thing” is a big one too.

Muh woman power almost got one of the most vile humans that ever lived in office.

Guess we’ll see.

8b08cf  No.4736466

File: 4e461b9225afc95⋯.jpg (116.37 KB, 750x827, 750:827, liberal-moral-outrage.jpg)

File: a5b3748d2a6f47d⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Donald-Trump-Watch-15.jpg)


JFK was part of the "bloodlines", ran his mouth too much and targeted too many of [[[their]]] plans.

Marilyn Monroe was also jewish.




This one seemed interesting. Notice the shield and hat logo pic 2. From sauce above. Most I've seen of his collection appear to be square but wtf is with that sauce article? hillary and DJT watches.

4f8136  No.4736467

File: 9021c85e289280f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 593x810, 593:810, Q JON JON ON BEACH IN PAIR….PNG)

File: d78840aa2ed7b51⋯.png (697.29 KB, 556x818, 278:409, Q JON JON GRADUATES.PNG)

File: c94abcdd19a7a3f⋯.png (1.76 MB, 872x811, 872:811, Q JON JON AND CAROLINE ON ….PNG)

File: e67466fc1241544⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1265x805, 11:7, Q JON JON and JAY LENO FEA….PNG)

File: a25ccaaf10c776f⋯.png (1.98 MB, 939x814, 939:814, Q JON JON AND CAROLINE IN ….PNG)



looking at image of them not looking too happy, it is easy to see that the plan to assassinate him was a blessing in disguise to break away from being known as JFK son with media invading your life, even more dangerous at that time to be a Kennedy

got stuck on the young Jon Jon in shorts on the beach…. yum yum

a0e511  No.4736468

File: ef3ce3b97c42b03⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1848x817, 1848:817, conditioning john oliver.jpg)


a cultist doesn't get inducted usually till around age 6 when they get their eyes "opened" to the cult. Tho some exceptions exist - due to the symbolism language I can tell through photos that Obama for example didn't get inducted until a few years later than most (and his father never got in)

as for your question, yea, the cult owns all of the media and every tech platform and makes sure the teachers follow a line of conditioning as well. Dietary manipulation - addictions to sugar - shoving you full of aluminum to make people considerably stupider (causing autism as well tho I think that backfired on them as autists are their bane) - and so on.

Normies are the sheep to the cult - the agreeable masses that follow the shephards that they act as. Now adays it's super chargred https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei9rhNRL88I&t=2s this video does a good job of illustrating the horrifying current state of programming the masses started as children.

The cult experiments on people like me and uses it on you - they have fine tuned it to an art.

a0e511  No.4736469


forgive me for asserting but perhaps you are trying to find yourself? Ask yourself what it is you want in this world and then run towards it. Once you know the answer to what you enjoy doing you can make that your existence. Worked for me! - and others, so that's my advice, apologies for intruding

f9640f  No.4736470


That's actually how I learned it. When I was <5 I had nightmares and taught myself to control my dreams to overcome them.

7d1ab1  No.4736471


nope, checked that the.

The watch he''s wearing has blue background.

Check video of the hearing

691840  No.4736472


Keep in mind that the CIA's job was/is to evaluate whatever information they come across and to not recognize useful information second after the Soviets do. Most of that stuff is material that various people (including quacks, cranks, and crackpots) have claimed to be valid and which the CIA was obligated to investigate. And much of it was disinfo put out by the Soviets for the specific purpose of wasting the CIA's time and resources.

54edf9  No.4736473

File: 0dbe84e06aca914⋯.png (1.19 MB, 688x1035, 688:1035, Screenshot_2018-11-26 New ….png)

File: bb1c0c3a02500c9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 868x2546, 434:1273, Screenshot_2018-11-24 Obam….png)

File: 575351394f84268⋯.jpg (48.44 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sd-aspect-1481320541-01-le….jpg)

7d1ab1  No.4736474

Is this the slowest bread ever?

Holy sheet

I don't mind, eh

8d2afd  No.4736475

File: eb6629f6ecbc7a1⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 3504x2336, 3:2, 5.jpg)

File: c4aed5833d3b108⋯.png (268.48 KB, 796x836, 199:209, 5_1.png)

File: 061b41888023789⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2500x1407, 2500:1407, 6.jpg)

File: 66de74b5c5c83c3⋯.png (310.59 KB, 1336x1300, 334:325, 6_1.png)


I just checked both George HW Bush and W Bush, no joy.

0ff941  No.4736476

Anons in the UK who believe in a no deal Brexit.

The single biggest and most important defence the UK government and controlled media tactic that can be removed by a huge campaign from us is simple.

Get the message out that the media blackout has stopped.

The French protesters are DEMANDING TO LEAVE THE EU.

If that was forced into the British media now, it would be the beginning of the End for the EU.

It is critical to get this message out across the UK and onto primetime television by ANY means possible.

a0e511  No.4736477

File: bfd44f1b5057089⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 618x340, 309:170, DreamTrump3.jpg)

bae925  No.4736478

File: ff59d970dcab9f4⋯.jpg (104.22 KB, 1200x815, 240:163, TrumpFlynn-615530474-e1520….jpg)

File: 8784a61a4ac472c⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, f2.jpg)

Flynn seems to wear different watches, no match yet

0ff941  No.4736479


Except anything illegal of course.

Sky writing.

Funny memes.


Photo bombing.

Comedy is key.

54edf9  No.4736481

File: e79e9dd42916e1b⋯.png (58.25 KB, 500x326, 250:163, kodak-black-o-follow-yo-jf….png)


couldn't care less

064cf0  No.4736482


they should've stayed far, far away from those Clintons

>hillary became firm friends of Jackie when she sought advice on raising children in the White House

that fucking witch had something to do with this

7a7cb5  No.4736483

File: 471f97ea3a7dea6⋯.png (1.11 MB, 870x6403, 870:6403, Judge jeanning POTUS inter….png)

Judge Jeanine Talks with Trump about Russia Probe, FISA: transcript cap

''(Early part of interview is about the Wall; transcript begins at about min 8 on Fox video)


Best part of interview: FISA question from Judge Jeannine

PIRRO: Will you release the FISA? We’re all waiting for the FISA. That will give us (ph) —


TRUMP: Well, at the right time, we will probably do that. If that’s necessary, we’ll do that. You know, that’s very, very important stuff.

PIRRO: I know.



14705e  No.4736484


Yeah to some degree I agree , But there is a LARGE amount that they investigated then decided it needed a closer look or had practical implications for it's use . Honestly today after reading a alot I only posted a few snippets . I have a over- all Queasy feeling after reading much into the MK ultra docs , I already knew some of it but seeing it right in front of me in black n white is different than speculating what they are doing . And honestly I am just glad to be awake , I imagine it is something special to Break the programming in general after all they go to such links to keep people asleep .

8cabdf  No.4736485


We know Muhammed was a false prophet.

How many did he raise from the dead?

How many did he kill?

How many sick, lame, blind and deaf did he heal?

How many people did he injure and cripple?

How many poor did he feed and comfort?

How many cities did he pillage and raze to the ground?

How much of the Truth did he reveal?

How many lies did he invent?

Muhammed wanted power, money and sex for himself. As an abandoned deprived child, he worked as a poor common laborer for camel caravans trading across the deserts. He invented his own Arab religion to pursue political power for himself to satisfy his personal lusts for fame, wealth and sensual debauchery.

Muhammed was essentially a thief. The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Muhammed did the works of his father the Devil. Muhammed is now long dead. He is not in a place anyone would consider a Paradise. Every lost soul that falls into the black vortex over the place of hellfire, going there as a direct result of Muhammed's deception, is increasing the eternal torment that he is now suffering. It had been better for him had he never been born.

54edf9  No.4736486

File: 84996bb283bd93c⋯.jpg (77.77 KB, 598x398, 299:199, 0 ouo0lsIa4u-b1QOm.jpg)


Where was that first picture taken anon?

7600f4  No.4736487


The watch that he is wearing is not an IWC Classic. His watch has a single crown (winder) without the additional buttons.

6804e6  No.4736488

File: d42484704a26c1e⋯.png (510.71 KB, 409x530, 409:530, TFS just to make it intere….png)

54edf9  No.4736489

File: fc41328ee7867a2⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 850x400, 17:8, V9N4wcaRSZhYVkubcGU5wmvuRC….jpg)


I think it was the last bread an anon said

"if you wear your watch on your right hand, you must be a leftie."

you may be. not must be.

8d2afd  No.4736490

File: 9dad102ad89b42b⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 324x499, 324:499, 51GyfW7aekL._SX322_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 5a4d875aabed9ff⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 324x499, 324:499, 41672goZ0pL._SX322_BO1,204….jpg)


I wonder if this is why the leftist media is pushing this "RBG is recovering well" narrative really hard now. Like hey here is her clone with perfect heath and no more cancer. It's a Christmas miracle! Though, they are likely just projecting, more so for themselves. They need to believe she will be ok for their own metal sanity.

Yeah I saw cloud atlas. It was pure cancer. And I am sure they are cloning humans.

Check these books



064cf0  No.4736491


>jews in the RED jar


3cce40  No.4736492

File: b8d570f49ee2ad3⋯.png (493.47 KB, 384x585, 128:195, cia53.PNG)

File: bc3c68a81b84345⋯.png (182.76 KB, 549x267, 183:89, cia69.PNG)

8b08cf  No.4736493

File: b20a4d2f9e390d0⋯.jpg (111.1 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, skynews-james-watson-dna-r….jpg)

Based scientist stripped of titles over muh racism.

DNA pioneer James Watson stripped of honours after 'reckless' race remarks

The laboratory Dr Watson once headed says his views on intelligence and race are "reprehensible" and "unsupported by science".

Nobel Prize-winning DNA scientist James Watson has been stripped of several honorary titles by the laboratory he once headed over his views about intelligence and race.

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said it was acting in response to remarks he made in a television documentary which aired earlier this month.

The 90-year-old geneticist - one of three who discovered the DNA double helix - had lost his job at the New York laboratory in 2007 for expressing racist views.

But in the new PBS film, American Masters: Decoding Watson, he said his views on intelligence and race had not changed since.

He had told a magazine in 2007 he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" as "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - where all the testing says not really".

Continued at sauce


kek for meh not really…wasn't going to post but since I see fucking kodak black pushing the jfk jr shit, I had no choice

064cf0  No.4736494



the way he puts it they sound Chinese

a0e511  No.4736495

File: c3e89dcc590d855⋯.jpg (262.71 KB, 720x735, 48:49, CaravanImagineMarchOwnGov.jpg)

14705e  No.4736496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In my opinion this is why we are here . To help our brothers and sister break the conditioning and tune in to the resonance .

54edf9  No.4736497


oh jew jew jew

b1eb65  No.4736498


looks like Kennebunkport to me

54edf9  No.4736499



eaf3b7  No.4736500


Calcification is true and the primary reason they add Fluoride to the water, but is there any evidence that decalcification is a a real thing?

85e4d7  No.4736501


The sky serves no purpose other than reference. Go exploring. I treat my dreams like a theater, stories to watch and participate in. They also tend towards unreal, so anything goes. It also serves as a practice arena for new abilities. Truly, have fun, or seek out and learn, the lucid dream is what you make it.

8d2afd  No.4736502



Not likely:

>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>Rod Rosenstein

>Robert Mueller

>George HW Bush

>George W Bush

>President Trump

>General Flynn

I'm looking into President Obama now.

322f3b  No.4736503

File: 1450c57484654e4⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 634x574, 317:287, 05d5cc468132272274aaaec041….jpg)

File: bdf87ce9db54cd6⋯.jpg (305.96 KB, 780x597, 260:199, 898e04f6d7fc4faa9de7e9b78f….jpg)

File: 677c1922eb2ffd5⋯.jpg (164.46 KB, 641x700, 641:700, trump-ivanka.jpg)

File: 756632edd13d3f1⋯.jpg (113.79 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 522830364.jpg)

POTUS can't hide it. He loves his family. Just one of the reasons I am so happy he is our Pres.

da371b  No.4736504



4f2a6f  No.4736505

File: 7b43f63dc1f63dc⋯.png (440.9 KB, 656x639, 656:639, Drudge re POTUS Putin Dems….PNG)

File: aeac23d6b1d0eb9⋯.png (86.61 KB, 591x625, 591:625, WSJ re POTUS Putin Dems In….PNG)

File: afe30dd72449492⋯.mp4 (51.93 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Yawning axolotl.mp4)

Democrats Promise Probe of Trump Meetings With Putin

Trump denies claims that he took extraordinary steps to keep his discussions with Russian president secret

“Every time Trump meets with Putin, the country is told nothing,” Mr. Engel said in a written statement. “We will be holding hearings on the mysteries swirling around Trump’s bizarre relationship with Putin.”



8b08cf  No.4736506

File: 0e90883610a1019⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 800x414, 400:207, huss.jpg)


Doesn't seem to be that traitor either.

0d543d  No.4736507

File: 19f91e096800161⋯.jpg (98.53 KB, 1200x744, 50:31, NightShiftPepe.jpg)


Pretty standard late night-shift speed, I think… without recent Q-drops or some major news… maybe a little slower.

d9a686  No.4736508

Where’s the sauce?

7a7cb5  No.4736509


Anon, if you are worried about being conditioned, try not to. Human beings are magnificent, despite conditioning. We are stronger, more powerful, and more resilient than any conditioning. That is why we pray, why we will win. Placing attention on the positive in life attracts it to you. Glance at the darkness but dwell in the light.

8b08cf  No.4736510

File: 0e5a0c104cc127e⋯.png (441.33 KB, 799x500, 799:500, itsnamewasdeath.png)


I dunno…it's a little too quiet, anon.

We know what that signifies.

3cce40  No.4736511

File: e2cc86cd0f42f42⋯.png (879.77 KB, 1008x425, 1008:425, cia115.PNG)

File: 36772d1d12b243b⋯.png (497.52 KB, 1014x419, 1014:419, cia114.PNG)

File: 908f6aaa7b40f73⋯.png (510.36 KB, 987x413, 141:59, cia111.PNG)

eaf3b7  No.4736512


0, goyim are just beasts in a form that appears human

da371b  No.4736513



Not admiral Rogers. Nevermind!

b1eb65  No.4736514

File: 9ec105b2547b4a8⋯.png (286 KB, 510x448, 255:224, comfypepe.png)

7a7cb5  No.4736515


I like it. Talk to people sometimes, learn things, go for digs–come back, post, popcorn. Cozy. Watch Yellow Vests on Fridays; movie night. Popcorn.

0c7625  No.4736516

File: 63368ea80a0132e⋯.png (2 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on

As Rome burns the Demoncrats party on our dime.

7a7cb5  No.4736517

File: 6e5bc05e0ff1923⋯.jpg (8.66 KB, 275x183, 275:183, popcorn and beer.jpg)

4d6f07  No.4736518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yellow Vests March With People’s Assembly Against Austerity!

[goingundergroundRT] Russia! Russia! Russia!

One of the few measured/rational UK programs.

9e35b7  No.4736519


Yeah the French are trying to and have got some concessions but Micron is still there.

955dbb  No.4736520


Oprah would need to be taken out of the running. Woman and Black, successful media personality. She already has a strong following. She could possibly pull it off if the Dems do their job for the next two years and continue to hamstring Trump.

3b2a23  No.4736521

File: 3d07538742244d4⋯.png (91.18 KB, 277x282, 277:282, 2018-10-13_21-09-52.png)

064cf0  No.4736522

File: c9d9fd686b417e3⋯.jpeg (315.02 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6533587C-72BC-4BA2-BE62-5….jpeg)


early morning shift

nice and slow

early risers and night owls on their last legs

edf9f7  No.4736523

Just rewatched Captain America winter soldier

And just realize thats whats going on right now. Q is the government and POTUS is Captain America

And hyrda is the cabal

8d2afd  No.4736524

File: 91cc1b93b9f59f4⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 636x773, 636:773, NPC.jpg)


I came across a few articles written about what watch he wears…

Who would care about this?

322f3b  No.4736525

File: 8869496e7b1f020⋯.jpg (28.48 KB, 612x446, 306:223, gettyimages-494167471-612x….jpg)

File: 823e41a5443ec5a⋯.jpg (78.6 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, a4d2179c70661d264d9ce1fe0a….jpg)

File: 784632adfbd89aa⋯.png (261.89 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.png)


The most recent pictures of Rogers show him sporting a black time piece. But older pictures have him sporting another one. Not a good enough visual on this other one, to say nay or yay.

9e35b7  No.4736526


>As Rome burns the Demoncrats party on our dime.

Democrats, Republicans, illegal aliens, Chinese, Oligarchs…It's a big party you're throwing and you aren't even invited.

54a8c9  No.4736528


>Then Q shouldn't be your source

Q is not a source. The information is open-source. Obviously (((you))) don't belong here.

b1eb65  No.4736529

File: bd83f960e2a331b⋯.jpg (304.94 KB, 672x960, 7:10, napalm.jpg)

ae1a45  No.4736530

File: 70e018b2345dfa0⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, movie.mp4)

Listen carefully. - Q

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

Audio Clip Start Pos: At about 2:45 into the YouTube Video

Audio Clip Duration: 2 minute 49 second

Audio Clip Modification: Removed POTUS speech to analyze background music used.

No audio effects or enhancements done. The quality is filled with artifacts and lacks base because of how the canceling of the Left and Right channels for the speech was done, but it provides enough music information to find out the name of this song. The method to filter out the speech was to separate the stereo track and invert one channel, then make both channels mono. From here, the clip was made.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

Any ideas about the name of this song anons?

b1eb65  No.4736531

File: 28eb461904d809b⋯.jpg (169.88 KB, 951x584, 951:584, eret.jpg)

9e35b7  No.4736532


Looks like just a single crown on that watch with light colored dial.

064cf0  No.4736533

File: 3d81ad41c6e6d12⋯.jpg (720.43 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_1164.JPG)

3cce40  No.4736534

File: 722db36797d2acd⋯.png (954.26 KB, 642x578, 321:289, cia90.PNG)

File: d94694a4c06a647⋯.png (736.01 KB, 899x512, 899:512, cia9.PNG)

File: 7fbc193a2e42825⋯.png (471.8 KB, 717x523, 717:523, cia113.PNG)

4f2a6f  No.4736535

File: 49a4f41fb8fc4d0⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1151x759, 1151:759, DoD 1-12-19 7 pm PST pic.PNG)

fab5d8  No.4736537

File: 714799e700e04cf⋯.gif (472.64 KB, 244x230, 122:115, captamerica.gif)

7f1b57  No.4736538


Dumb argument.

b1eb65  No.4736540

File: 716e5327a1c23f3⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 630x571, 630:571, mgr.jpg)

0d543d  No.4736541


It sounds very familiar…

because I've watched that video a dozen times at this point. kek. Dunno.

322f3b  No.4736544

File: c2d0b0f59e4fa58⋯.jpg (128.61 KB, 960x640, 3:2, James-May-Iwc-Portuguese-c….jpg)

File: 0ebbef8d27be684⋯.jpg (41.27 KB, 620x388, 155:97, May_2033562b.jpg)

This is the only picture I have found of someone actually wearing the watch in question. His name is James May and he is from top gear (tv show about cars). Just an arrow in the dark, doubt this guy is part of "the plan."

05e9c0  No.4736545

File: ec12e5ae64efee7⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 2531x2581, 2531:2581, 462961099.jpg)

>>4735377 (PB)

Do (you) trust CIA software?

Do not let CIA root your brain.

Don't use software products from the CIA library without checking for embeds.

If you don't know how to examine sound files (GATEWAY) for such materials, learn BEFORE you listen to Gateway programming and conditioning tapes.

Do not be a demon farm.

Anons mostly know this, newfags may not.

Interview with GATEWAY inventor Itzhak Bentov


9a8d39  No.4736546

French policemen spotted with G36 assault riffles during the protests las saturday.


b1eb65  No.4736547


Chris Evans is a rabid Trump hater.

Evans really believes he is Capt. America, the faggot,he can shove his Vibranianus shield up his jaxie.

8d2afd  No.4736548

File: 4883f26e964b9a1⋯.png (714.96 KB, 629x758, 629:758, 1542440405109.png)



Sorry I missed yours from before.

Checked so far in this thread…

>John F. Kennedy Jr.

>Rod Rosenstein

>Robert Mueller

>George HW Bush

>George W Bush

>Mike Pence

>President Trump

>General Flynn

>President Obama

>Admiral Rogers

>Kushner? >>4736444

We suspect Q watch is an:

>IWC Portugieser Classic from around 2010ish



Kevin Spacey is known to wear IWC watches. >>4736431

Anything else?

I maybe calling it soon. Church in a few hours.

54a8c9  No.4736549



No fucks to give. Donated last one a while back.

064cf0  No.4736550

File: 4924cbb64af19d9⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, IMG_1171.JPG)



4d6f07  No.4736551

File: 8861bd0ee9ed21c⋯.png (2.56 MB, 794x1123, 794:1123, the_atlantean_conspiracy__….png)

File: 4702f28ca7935e2⋯.png (2.56 MB, 794x1123, 794:1123, the_atlantean_conspiracy__….png)

File: 429efc3c941c2dc⋯.png (2.56 MB, 794x1123, 794:1123, the_atlantean_conspiracy__….png)

File: 438d8c7d45eec7a⋯.png (2.56 MB, 794x1123, 794:1123, the_atlantean_conspiracy__….png)

File: c2d893d5771108b⋯.png (2.56 MB, 794x1123, 794:1123, the_atlantean_conspiracy__….png)

Numerology – 666


b1eb65  No.4736552

File: f742d44a7d1fd9c⋯.png (1.61 MB, 680x510, 4:3, 647.png)

d22065  No.4736553

File: d53cded8b8eec23⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 259x384, 259:384, Parts_The_Clonus_Horror_(p….jpg)


Old movie about cloning for body parts.


Parts: The Clonus Horror,

also known as Clonus, is a 1979 science fiction horror film about an isolated community in a remote desert area, where clones are bred to serve as a source of replacement organs for the wealthy and powerful. It was a Myrl Schreibman production, executive produced by Walter Fiveson and produced by Schreibman and Robert Fiveson, directed by Robert Fiveson, and stars Dick Sargent as the laboratory director and Peter Graves as a corrupt politician.

da371b  No.4736554

File: 3f8b31c6eec6c1c⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1420x1035, 284:207, Thanks anon!.png)


All good anon! Love and appreciate your research!

We'll find it sooner or late or Q will tell us.

I'm looking into Robert Mueller!

19acc7  No.4736555


Wall Math

2 minute vid Re: Wall cost vs. crimes by illegals cost.

Please watch & share.

0485d6  No.4736557


I know youre joking but Kodak says some woke shit from time to time

He said Hurricane Harvey was manufactured on one of his songs

7d1ab1  No.4736558


> We are not going to undo 6 decades of fuckery overnight, in a week, a month, a year

6 decades? kek

>i myself generally don't get past notables since the last election.

>i myself


A few infographics doesn't cut it anymore, we need more organized data and digs.

Afaik none of the Q websites does this well besides archiving/browsing the crumbs.

The search tool is a godsend but most images are lost

f9640f  No.4736559


You may have cracked it anon. If the plan was drafted by Captain Slow then it is no wonder that it is taking forever.

474f56  No.4736560

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)


God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and always

503aec  No.4736561

File: e8d04341e16913c⋯.jpeg (86.75 KB, 558x422, 279:211, 0D222CBD-D3C6-4D4F-8478-E….jpeg)

File: f99952a33aa86a9⋯.jpeg (136.42 KB, 1200x623, 1200:623, AB95F7C3-A1B7-4558-B6A2-8….jpeg)

546d49  No.4736562

File: 4418329faf7c9b5⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Frogofonelove.jpg)


God Bless you Swordanon

146b82  No.4736563

File: 4121454668c81f3⋯.jpg (103.38 KB, 576x755, 576:755, download (46).jpg)


Hi Baker looks like you got a slow one hope you are comfy

I am not going to be here for next bread

at this rate I don't think you will need me

unless you need me to finish the bread for you I am going to go to bed soon

it might be 2 more hours before you can get another baker you can always bake early and leave it ghost if you need to

will be lurking for another 20 or 30 min

bae925  No.4736564

File: 6ad2dec03c025a8⋯.png (810.13 KB, 1051x733, 1051:733, 1.png)

Along with finding the owner of that watch should we be looking at the company itself? De Niro and Spacy have a connection to the company. Other celebrities who like IWC

Bradley Cooper,

Chris Evans

2f63ec  No.4736565

File: 2f09ce9fad89be2⋯.png (17.76 KB, 1205x338, 1205:338, 31f7cc1ea34960008950599039….png)

File: 51f6bfdf073fa88⋯.png (88.91 KB, 1174x437, 1174:437, f57d71ab839e51c5854ec6c8af….png)

Hello, anons. For any anons who fell for the shills out there who watched and shared the DefangoTV video about false claims QAnon being Microchip aka James Browder and Dreamcatcher. You can quickly disprove that nonsense, since one of his major claims was that his 'keybase' (dreamcatcher) was created during QAnon's posts.

If you take a look at the dates, you can quickly see that dreamcatcher is NOT QAnon. The keybase was created in 23th December 2017, AFTER Q started posting (Q's first post was on 28th October 2017). This once again disproves the whole "James Browder is Q" nonsense and should hopefully help some dumbfucks to clear up their mind here instead of falling for shill posts.

Pictures attached.

7a7cb5  No.4736566

File: 461523c3de11221⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1092x3715, 1092:3715, dem junket.png)


thx, anon for posting this; couldn't resist capping it, enjoyed every moment…….

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton'

Despite a partial government shutdown with no end in sight, about 30 Democratic members of Congress traveled to Puerto Rico this weekend – with their families and lobbyists – for a winter retreat where they also planned to see a special performance of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton.”

Those attending the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan also planned to meet Saturday with Puerto Rican officials to discuss ongoing cleanup efforts from Hurricane Maria, according to a report.


“This year’s winter retreat promises to be our most widely attended yet with over 220 guests, including 39 Members of Congress and CHC BOLD PAC supporters expected to attend and participate!” a planning memo said.

The junket is taking place at a seaside resort where rooms run around $429 a night. The participants paid for the "Hamilton" tickets with their own funds, the Washington Examiner reported. [slush funds much??]

"Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda began a two-week run of his hit play Friday in Puerto Rico to raise money for artists and cultural groups still struggling in wake of Hurricane Maria[of course he did]. Tickets for opening night ranged from $10 to $5,000, according to the Associated Press.



4d6f07  No.4736567


"Notice every barcode has three sets of thin, parallel lines slightly

longer than the others at the beginning, middle and end. These

particular lines register as void because they are barriers, but by

being two thin lines, they encode the UPC number 6 thrice. Also

notice there are always 13 numbers displayed beneath the barcode."

Checks out…

8fa4df  No.4736568

File: 0e420c8b6d1cd10⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 587x960, 587:960, WatchCanadianHomo.jpg)

File: 3397eb3a7360575⋯.jpg (63.61 KB, 475x980, 95:196, KavWatch.jpg)

4d6f07  No.4736569


Two years ago I would have said this was "crazy talk".

322f3b  No.4736570

File: 47ba0dd28d65305⋯.jpg (246.42 KB, 841x721, 841:721, Pepe warrior of God.jpg)



Thanks swordy. Haven't avatar'd you in months. But since you, you'd me, I'll give you my "old school" response to you.

602410  No.4736571

File: 5b9587bd93e4644⋯.png (326.55 KB, 653x367, 653:367, Screenshot_2019-01-13 dog ….png)

3cce40  No.4736572

File: f1373c544fb531e⋯.png (535.75 KB, 644x582, 322:291, 1 13 19.PNG)

File: 00be6d45acb562c⋯.png (543.38 KB, 758x582, 379:291, cia116.PNG)

File: 73b3770af505f56⋯.png (524.43 KB, 384x579, 128:193, cia78.PNG)

File: 1f10fa6d8cd0189⋯.png (741.75 KB, 529x579, 529:579, cia97.PNG)

7d1ab1  No.4736573


Agreed, I though about this too!

Could be a meaning of

>follow the watch

a0e511  No.4736574

File: 125db9d6f2010b6⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1280x2487, 1280:2487, AlWaleedWho.jpg)

aff96c  No.4736575

File: 3be21511b2decb2⋯.jpg (198.53 KB, 419x335, 419:335, 6655204_orig.jpg)

0c7625  No.4736577


You're welcome Anon.

Just more Demoncratic bullshit…..Do as I say and you don't get to do like I do because you and I are not as special as them.

Can't wait to see a lot of them hanging from a rope.

7d1ab1  No.4736578

File: 909a24e56870456⋯.jpg (491.67 KB, 2700x1800, 3:2, brett-kavanaugh-1.jpg)

File: 02be6dc1ed2c870⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 632x454, 316:227, brett-kavanaugh-1_crop.jpg)

0d543d  No.4736579

File: ebd32b14e99ec1a⋯.png (152.98 KB, 620x541, 620:541, Xnip2019-01-13_00-17-12.png)

File: b1c4e6b62699ab7⋯.png (625.91 KB, 1118x621, 1118:621, WorldisWatching.png)

File: fe4afd9d5640a91⋯.png (375.58 KB, 616x603, 616:603, WaLoneReuterstweet.png)

File: 289ed063e95439b⋯.png (76.16 KB, 1250x280, 125:28, WaloneWITHtrump.png)

Anything to this?

Pence tweets "The world is watching."

Hashtag #FreeWaLone…

"Wa Lone" is reporter's name. "W. alone"?

Pence tweets at 7:36 (7+36=43) George W. Bush was #43.

Where else did we hear "alone"? Oh… Christmas Eve… POTUS was "all alone (poor me) at WH"… W in the House? Wa Lone?

Confirmation of W flipped… acting as a "Reporter" (informant) to POTUS?

Why is @VP really tweeting about these obscure reporters? Or are OUR Mockingbird reporters about to be locked up too?

0de95a  No.4736580

Might be worth a dig. Guy with Hispanic name breaks into 2 State Dept buildings, Across the river from each other and steals phones and “other electronic equipment” then walks a couple blocks and immediately tries to unload them at a restaurant ?


b1eb65  No.4736581


sounds a bit like something the Angel City Chorale would do….a big choir sound

e1d653  No.4736582

File: bd31ea1bbd5de21⋯.png (413.12 KB, 1567x751, 1567:751, felix.png)

File: 2134abe512ab7ec⋯.png (80.18 KB, 942x663, 314:221, meshuga77.png)

File: 1eff8ced508622a⋯.png (72.45 KB, 1015x459, 1015:459, NYT_Ilya.png)

File: 61519f4528118ed⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1009x5513, 1009:5513, Gary Warnecke LinkedIn.png)



Anon, you still out there? I believe I've found a teeny, tiny crumb -→ Trump is trying to point us to look at Cohen's family. You were digging on (((Fima Shusterman))) who has connections to Chicago. Well, he also has connections to Miami and South Florida as well.

Shusterman is a Ukrainian migrant and so are a ton of the associates he works with. BUT, he also is surrounded by people from Russia, Germany, and Georgia as well.

The theory I am trying to dig for:

Is Michael Cohen's family connected to [Soros]?

I was digging when I came across this article (pictured) from the NY Times:


And the name Ilya Palinsky. Something gnawed at me about this so I searched for him. He has two businesses I've found so far:


https://www.linkedin.com/company/key-transportation-service-corp-/about/ via https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilya-palinsky-0a66b2132/

He has some interesting social media accounts I dug on:



On IG he has a ton of followers and people he's following that we could dig on for potential connections. The ones I am most interested in are:


Eduard Mordukhovitch

Listed in Panama Papers




Michael Cohen is following him on both Twitter and IG


Craig Robins

CEO of Dacra @MiamiDesignDistrict

Chairman & Co-Founder @DesignMiami

Art & Design Collector


Pictured w/ odd art, Kanye West, haute couture designs, etc.


Also follows on Twitter



Gary Warnecke

Lives in Chicago

Anti-Trump posts on IG

American Lamprecht Transport - President & Chief Executive Officer


Orlando Film Studios - President

[GRIF Management, Inc. - CFO -

Worked in Moscow, New York, and Orlando in Charge of finance for a privately held company specializing in Oil Refinery Engineering, refurbishments, & major project improvements in the Oil & Gas Industry primarily in Eastern European nations.

Ilya is also followed on Twitter by

Felix Sater



Sound familiar? He has this BF article pinned to his Twatter profile:


Quote from article: "[Felix Sater] spent more than two decades as an intelligence asset who helped the US government track terrorists and mobsters."

2f63ec  No.4736583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


To add,

the Discord chat logs by Microchip have been debunked also long ago.

Tl;dr: QAnon is NOT James Browder (aka Microchip) and NOT Dreamcatcher or anybody else who claimed that so far.

This should settle the issue once and for all.

a0e511  No.4736584

File: ae1652b2fb09823⋯.png (682 KB, 934x476, 467:238, Ambassadors of HEll.png)

File: d95bf76c0694393⋯.png (6.17 KB, 642x113, 642:113, googles answer .png)

was just watching a numberphile youtube thing and they https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk_Q9y_LNzg were talking about the Ambassadors of hell - and looking around online I see Belial being the king of all hell… interesting - I guess this explains something of symbolism with the Pope eh? Just a random find, might dig more later

8b08cf  No.4736585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


apparently the ones who write the articles, kek.


ODB was a woke nigga. Watch him drop shit around 7:39 and method man bitches up.

f28917  No.4736586

Rep. Gabbard was groomed for the aftermath of Hawaii getting nuked,16 year plan.

17c2d5  No.4736587


Modern day version "The Island" starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johanssen

7a7cb5  No.4736588

File: 82eea0d809411fe⋯.png (66.61 KB, 223x176, 223:176, mist-roll-up.png)

8b08cf  No.4736589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



my bad, meant this one.

e1d653  No.4736590

File: 01c50b274ec4f1b⋯.png (154 KB, 561x502, 561:502, 01c50b274ec4f1b604379cdb77….png)


Baker, you're good. I am digging at the moment and wide awake, so I've got this. Hope you enjoyed your night off, sleep tight. Day shift should be incoming soon.

aff96c  No.4736591

3cce40  No.4736592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0de95a  No.4736593

Forgot to mention, article states “44” cell phones were taken >>4736580

9a8d39  No.4736594

File: 84141bc5aea9df2⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 392x388, 98:97, d.jpg)

French Yellow vest act IX last saturday. Big numbers and still police violence against protesters.

French policemen shouting : NO QUARTERS GUYS LETS GO NO QUARTERS


Old man being beaten :


Injury :


Man beaten on the floor, one protester filming it and a policeman beating the cameraman :


Policeman beating protester with the Cougar grenade launcher :


Policeman shooting a man with a flashball in the back leaving him on the floor :


Flashball shooting in the head : https://twitter.com/Steph_Roy_/status/1084115402056261632

Big rally in Bordeaux :


Toulouse :


Strasbourg :


Nîmes :


Toulon :


etc… the fight is not over.

51274d  No.4736595


justice delayed is injustice

pedos and murderers still walking the streets

0d543d  No.4736596

File: 98e5695b2d4c9d5⋯.png (376.24 KB, 1314x532, 657:266, 666barcodeUPC.png)



Old research, but if it's new to you! Glad you now know!

da371b  No.4736597




Guys. I'm not sure but I think the watch's name is…

IWC schaffhausen.

Schaffhausen is a town in Switzerland

aff96c  No.4736598

File: e4199d84f93ce6f⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 340x376, 85:94, jidf-logo-2.jpg)

Let me trigger JIDF. That should move this bread along.

ae1a45  No.4736599

File: 86793d745175974⋯.jpg (7.85 KB, 255x143, 255:143, About Movie 1.jpg)

File: bf893233bd5c903⋯.jpg (7.41 KB, 255x143, 255:143, About Movie 2.jpg)

File: 44efce57dcb5d44⋯.jpg (9.07 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Gold shall destroy FED.jpg)

File: 39f007c8dd4c090⋯.jpg (9.62 KB, 255x108, 85:36, IWC Portuguese Chronograph.jpg)

File: edd540e8b396cbb⋯.jpg (345.53 KB, 1600x2411, 1600:2411, Shia_LaBeouf_wears_IWC_Por….jpg)

This is a repost from a while back that nobody commented on. Besides Kevin Spacey wearing the IWC watch, there are other movies that feature this watch. For example:

Several coincidences within the 2009 movie The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3.

Pic of 'IWC Portuguese Chronograph which is worn by a Hostage Negotiator.


Pic of Gold shall destroy FED:

The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) Ryder Tells Walter Garber To Deliver The Money Scene (HD)


Pic of SCOTT FREE credits:

The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009) - Trailer


Video of Making Demands:

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009) - Making Demands

At 2:46 in clip: "at 3:13 I want that money here motherfucker!"


Watches In Movies:

Link http://watchesinmovies.info has other movies that feature "IWC Portuguese" results, such as actor Shia LaBeouf in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps wearing a older black dial model. Pic attached.

Movie info:


146b82  No.4736600

File: da7c8e53460262c⋯.jpg (7.99 KB, 255x176, 255:176, da7c8e53460262ceb28bacfaa5….jpg)


5:5 friend was trying to do some digging to but don't think it's going anywhere some times it just a hole in the ground


see you on the flip side friend

a0e511  No.4736601

File: 93ea0fb139325fb⋯.png (683.14 KB, 1357x520, 1357:520, 31 digits.png)

c0dc6c  No.4736602

File: 5afacd356b5e2c5⋯.png (568.12 KB, 998x925, 998:925, 5afacd356b5e2c54e747c35370….png)


Graveyard's always like this at this timeslot.

some of the most interesting observations happen from roughly 4a - 8a eastern..

3b2a23  No.4736603

File: 7a8cffff62af051⋯.png (79.53 KB, 276x222, 46:37, 2018-10-02_04-32-17.png)


God bless you all as well swordanon.

05e9c0  No.4736605

File: 7974e5aca44bb57⋯.jpg (371.07 KB, 1536x1016, 192:127, Dreamland_Coney_Island_Eug….jpg)

Mannkind Corp has a non addictive painkiller

Moderate to severe pain

ustia Patents owned by MNKD: 9610351 and 9233159

“Current opioid therapy using morphine and like compounds are effective to treat pain but the side effects they produce such as addiction, somnolence, tolerance, respiratory depression, and constipation limit their clinical use.”

“Disclosed are methods and compositions for treating pain that facilitate delivery of the pain medication while reducing unwanted side effects, such as, for example, addiction, somnolence, tolerance, respiratory depression, and constipation, and the like.”

Examples using real patients:

Example 6

A 48 yr. old female patient reports headache pain to her doctor. Following examination of the patient, the doctor prescribes an analgesic composition containing a FDKP/SEQ (D)Phe-(D)Phe-(D)Nle-(D)Arg-NH2 (SEQ ID NO: 2, Compound 2) composition prepared as described in the previous Examples. The analgesic composition is 15% peptide. The analgesic composition is administered with a reusable inhaler calibrated to provide a dose of 5 mg/kg of body weight. The patient reports the elimination of her headache pain.

Example 7

A 22 yr. old male patient undergoing chemotherapy reports stomach pain to his doctor. Following examination of the patient, the doctor prescribes an analgesic composition containing a FDKP/(D)Phe-(D)Phe-(D)Ile-(D)Arg-NH2 (SEQ ID NO: 1, Compound 1) composition prepared as described in the previous Examples. The analgesic composition is 15% peptide. The analgesic composition is administered with a reusable inhaler calibrated to provide a dose of 5 mg/kg of body weight. The patient reports the elimination of his stomach pain.


da371b  No.4736606

File: 2197697b82f3075⋯.jpeg (106.8 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, watch1.jpeg)

File: 79090e8660a80fa⋯.png (1.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Qwatch.png)


Despite the colors.

See how the writing is on the left? (beside 9)

and there is a small indict of # on the right? (beside 3)

7a7cb5  No.4736607


I think they managed to mentioned last year's hurricane at least 3x. That comes from the Dems, not Fox. They're justifying the junket by bringing med supplies. Probably bought with slush funds. LMAO. They are really stupid this time; what do they think their constituents stuck in snowstorms think of their little trip??

9e35b7  No.4736608


>etc… the fight is not over.

The fight would be over quicker if they protested Monday to Friday instead. Micron should step down.

3cce40  No.4736609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6d4654  No.4736610

Any Anon here that can confirm that his GPS devices became inaccurate the past 24hrs?

343402  No.4736611

A family member who is going to the border in February posted this on her FB page. I know we all have a lot of issues with the Catholic church, but, I think its important to at least listen to all sides.

President Trump did not allow Sr Norma to speak at the round table in Texas this morning - instead only pre-selected speakers who support his agenda were called on. But Sr. Norma has been working on the Border, cooperating with ICE and Border Patrol agents, for 4 years now. I'd ask you to please extend her the courtesy that the President did not extend to her, and listen to what she wanted to say had she been given the chance.

I will have the privilege of helping her in February. Please listen .

7a7cb5  No.4736612


There is actually time to think. Kek.

064cf0  No.4736613

File: a69e7ecae57fbf9⋯.png (4.02 MB, 3356x1760, 839:440, Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at ….png)


bless berikand

aff96c  No.4736614

File: 62f9416af8f8102⋯.jpeg (332.8 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547252577.jpeg)

7818bd  No.4736615


Baker, since the bread is slow and at the risk of seeming like a self promoting faggot, look the following post over. Seems like several significant items related, I loaded it all in one drop. No previous mention of this from quick search.

If you don't think it's notable, then dont include it.


Thanks for your work.

9a8d39  No.4736616


We are workers, we cant protest during the week.

8aeb3a  No.4736617

I’ve realized something Q. :) you are not going to do anything. :) tee hee.

We are going to kill every democrat we can get our hands on. No guns. You asssholes will just make it a Gunn thing. We are going to start beheading like isis. :)

Thank you q, if it wasn’t for you some idiot might have shot someone and a Jew cunt like Feinstein would have tried to take guns away… oh wait, did that just happen? Oh I see you are just a cunt who thinks they can control people like the msm. 😂 good luck. You are all dead!

854459  No.4736618

File: c20ee2c2e71f81f⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 386x400, 193:200, 40.172IWC-Portugieser-Chro….jpg)


yes this is the correct watch …chekked

heres another pic

42313b  No.4736619

File: 93e2053cd0ba720⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 976x971, 976:971, I Want My3.jpg)

c0dc6c  No.4736620

File: caa8e3066ba4de6⋯.png (27.36 KB, 255x199, 255:199, j00_very_triggered.png)

a45e54  No.4736621

File: 7742b802221e21f⋯.png (333.57 KB, 680x769, 680:769, dems-PR.png)

File: b5c962756547d40⋯.jpg (411.45 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, menendez-and-potato-inPR.jpg)

Dems in PR

Billy's there too!


da371b  No.4736622

File: 4e6ec00d91d4f7c⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 455x475, 91:95, Watch2.jpg)




Looks almost identical.

Fuck me. I need another drink.

I need weaponized autism.

182dc5  No.4736623

>>4735347 (LB)

lots of people do read these posts. The trouble is the effort it takes to respond to them and the fact it all moves so cockily

42313b  No.4736624

File: 78a3a7246b29261⋯.jpg (229.95 KB, 2043x1258, 2043:1258, DayNight.jpg)

7a7cb5  No.4736625



>>4736594 French Yellow Vest act IX: Big numbers but but police violence continues against protesters

a45e54  No.4736626


are you fucking kidding me

welcome to last week with this shit

come on

bae925  No.4736627


Yes IWC schaffhausen is the brand name Portugieser Classic is the model. It's not a portugese company, it's called that because it was originally designed for portugese sailors or something

182dc5  No.4736628


auto correct


i can't imagine how it came to that conclusion.

5a9e41  No.4736631



>>4736415 yes Anon..i'm still out here. like always. while I think it's great that you want to find connection to GS, please don't leave out other possibilities. Ukraine is also Podesta, Manafort hole..


cany make this a string of sorts?

something like: dig on Cohen's father in law–call to dig—Ukrainian fuckery afoot.

ty baker

9e35b7  No.4736632


A general strike plus protest will crush Micron. I don't know if you could get the numbers now though. There seemed to be more support at the beginning.

f60a5b  No.4736633

File: 38a57ee74b3b930⋯.png (331.53 KB, 490x491, 490:491, ClipboardImage.png)

fb377c  No.4736634


So…it's the favorite watch of… JFK Jr.?

What a movie!

8aeb3a  No.4736635


Mr/ ms q is not going to do anything. It’s time to force their hand. Any of you assholes who want to kill someone. Pick a target. Preferably a congressman. A ngo cunt. Take your rifle and shoot!!!

7d1ab1  No.4736636

0de95a  No.4736637


Notice the Dems aren’t at the border feeding agents who are not being paid? Anon posted last night they are in PR trying to come up with a plan knowing what is habbening and what’s likely next

8bcb87  No.4736639


now that you say that i was just showing half a mile off east-northeast until I re calibrated and gave it 5 minutes or so.

usually catches in seconds.

602410  No.4736640

File: eb1c87b12b32501⋯.png (97.21 KB, 153x228, 51:76, Screenshot_2019-01-13 Q Re….png)



7cda35  No.4736641


Wa Lone: With those letters you could also write 'One Law'

84319a  No.4736642


This is good but we need more. Swedish MSM will do, and does, everything they can to surpress alternative media oulets. Berikande Mångfald means Enriching Diversity and is a peak to how teh swedish society is being enriched with this endless flow MENA imigrants. Something that our elite keeps telling us are enriching our community.

Starting to get pretty fed up with that bs. Its time for a yellow vest movement in sweden too, but im afraid we’re to far gone. Please Q make this end.

f5bde3  No.4736643

Checked notables

Ivanla Trump world bank candidate?

When rumors circulated, me thought it stoopid and would be damaging

Super low frequency used for mind control. One thing comes to mind. Bose headphones for the flight comfort cut off exactly those

06ba50  No.4736644

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Disgusted_LilGirl_03.jpg)


Ewwww Anon!

Spoiler that shit!

8aeb3a  No.4736646

If any of you assholes want to kill someone remember the billionaire globalists deserve it more. Remember they are mostly all Jews. Aim for the Yamakas. Is that how you spell asshole? Kill them all until q starts delivering.

0c7625  No.4736647

File: 68460b149e2eef8⋯.png (606.98 KB, 1406x582, 703:291, ClipboardImage.png)


Did this guy get it right??????

7a7cb5  No.4736648



Anon, I respectfully disagree. I have sat with Amma and do not see her as NWO. Many people interact with the Pope; so this is not an argument for me. If you can provide sauce that shows she is directly involved in something shady, I am willing to look at it. But to me, this is more of a case of guilt by association unless there is more sauce.

14d97a  No.4736649



5df1b7  No.4736650


check your grammar

ae1a45  No.4736651


Maybe. But if you squint your eyes and look at the blurry center image it looks like she is wearing eye glasses. A better focused photo should have that.

c0dc6c  No.4736652

File: a3320ab0c2ac074⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 474x568, 237:284, 72b9d0f07f64ff3eb8123528e3….jpg)

8aeb3a  No.4736653

Have you noticed no one in the msm ever gets gunned down? I wonder why that is? It’s almost like they are a protected clsss? But but how is that possible if they keep trying to disarm us? Fuck the Jew media!

14d97a  No.4736654


Think I've just been converted to burkas at the beach.

42313b  No.4736655

File: 32b01607be39147⋯.png (198.22 KB, 513x557, 513:557, ClipboardImage.png)

182dc5  No.4736656


well now!

Here is an educational moment for all the kids and newbies here.

This is a prime post for having the FBI look into your business.

Threatening to kill people.

If attention is what you seek. This is the way to achieve it.

d7ba82  No.4736657


Would anyone be surprised if it was her ?

8fa4df  No.4736658

File: 654226e937ba308⋯.png (67.74 KB, 843x490, 843:490, WeHaveItAll.png)

Q and 8chn Under Heavy Attack by 3 Intel Agencies




10 Aug 2018 - 2:35:30 PM


We are under [extreme] heavy attack by [3] intel agencies [Foreign & Domestic].

We are in comm/coordination w/ necessary division(s).




Military Intelligence & State Secrets



31 Oct 2017 - 11:00:15 PM


Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

It's About the BREAK




9 Dec 2017 - 1:45:57 PM

Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


Marker US Military Post and POTUS Tweet




9 Dec 2017 - 1:48:57 PM


Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet - US Military.

How many clues must we provide?

As the World Turns.


IG has all the Secret Gmail Draft Comms




16 Jun 2018 - 1:09:35 AM


News unlocks.


0de95a  No.4736659

Barry was such a great potus they named a slug after him


5a5777  No.4736660


Eyes are the window to the soul

8fa4df  No.4736661

File: 815fac8a883a931⋯.png (148.09 KB, 998x636, 499:318, Colluding Media.png)

File: 0d045587bf939b9⋯.jpg (89.69 KB, 534x960, 89:160, CFjournalistColluders.jpg)


Long List of Media who Colluded with DNC/HRC




16 Jun 2018 - 1:50:56 AM

These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP – Ken Thomas

AP – Lisa Lerer

AURN – April Ryan

Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

Bloomberg – John Heillman

Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter

Bloomberg – Mark Halperin

Buzzfeed – Ben Smith

Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

CBS – Gayle King

CBS – John Dickerson

CBS – Norah O'Donnell

CBS – Steve Chagaris

CBS – Vicki Gordon

CNBC – John Harwood

CNN – Brianna Keilar

CNN – Dan Merica

CNN – David Chailan

CNN – Erin Burnett

CNN – Gloria Borger

CNN – Jake Tapper

CNN – Jeff Zeleny

CNN - Jeff Zucker

CNN – John Berman

CNN – Kate Bouldan

CNN – Maria Cardona

CNN – Mark Preston

CNN – Sam Feist

Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich

GPG – Mike Feldman

HuffPo – Amanda Terkel

HuffPo – Arianna Huffington

HuffPo – Sam Stein

HuffPo – Whitney Snyder

LAT – Evan Handler

LAT – Mike Memoli

McClatchy – Anita Kumar

MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin

MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

MSNBC – Alex Wagner

MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC - Beth Fouhy

MSNBC – Ed Schultz

MSNBC – Joe Scarborough

MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC – Phil Griffin

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow

MSNBC – Rachel Racusen

MSNBC – Thomas Roberts

National Journal – Emily Schultheis

NBC – Chuck Todd

NBC – Mark Murray

NBC – Savannah Gutherie

New Yorker – David Remnick

New Yorker – Ryan Liza

NPR – Mike Oreskes

NPR – Tamara Keith

NY Post – Geofe Earl

NYT – Amy Chozik

NYT – Carolyn Ryan

NYT – Gail Collins

NYT – John Harwoodje

NYT – Jonathan Martin

NYT – Maggie Haberman

NYT – Pat Healey

PBS – Charlie Rose

People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall

Politico – Annie Karni

Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

Politico – Glenn Thrush

Politico – Kenneth Vogel

Politico – Mike Allen

Reuters – Amanda Becker

Tina Brown – Tina Brown

The Hill – Amie Parnes

Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas

Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco

Vox – Jon Allen

WaPo – Anne Gearan

WaPo – Greg Sargent

WSJ – Laura Meckler

WSJ – Peter Nicholas

WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

Yahoo – Matt Bai


Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+

Why did the Podesta Group close?

Public charges?


Why close?

When did Huber start?


JP/ Huma NOV.


Do they know?

Why did the Podesta group close?

Why no leaks?

Who else knows?

HRC deal request?



Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

Why not?

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

Everyone has an opinion.



8aeb3a  No.4736662

Little pussy q folowrers will wait in patience while mr q psyop placates them w nonsense promises. Kill the Jew. That’s your only hope. Q is the enemy.

59321f  No.4736663

File: 29dee00aec59ec8⋯.jpg (97.99 KB, 452x640, 113:160, gesucht-verrat-an-das-deut….jpg)

File: 3803dfb64e754c4⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 8803b5bc4ec3f6690c579bdcfe….jpg)

File: 63c58abb92ff1ac⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 678x381, 226:127, merkel-islamic-germany-678….jpg)

Traitors have a face

Betrayal against Germany

Genocide of the German people

ripe for the military court

0c7625  No.4736664


Another interesting article on Chi Di

fab5d8  No.4736665

File: a64a2b19671d69e⋯.png (133.01 KB, 432x420, 36:35, schaffhausen.png)

fab5d8  No.4736666

File: 9de241a7e6f2460⋯.jpg (250.76 KB, 1536x1136, 96:71, insane.jpg)

667e55  No.4736667

File: efcaee5a64cad18⋯.gif (2.39 MB, 500x260, 25:13, 43cfa984-818b-40d4-8400-d6….gif)

File: 98b62a8ca0664d8⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 416x312, 4:3, 8c1693ee-1033-4d83-a6f3-68….gif)



>smart… like Qgrup don't have EveryThing.


ip address much¿


5a9e41  No.4736668


i mean..Q asked why some of the litigations are brought to SDNY..BEFORE it was announced that Podesta was referred to SDNY..

Cohen is taken place at least partly at SDNY..

We have MANY indictments and sentences out of SDNY lately…

Now..cab medallions in New York..may sound harmless..

taxi medallions bought with millions in loans by (((Ukrainians))) at least in New York and Chicago sounds even moar fucked up..and these people are in the warrants..so..in no way not important..

don't stop your dig. include foundations. Soros operates mainly in Foundations.

My thinking is..while Soros is more the agit/prop political part of their OP, there is also the criminal element of human trafficking and the cover up thereof. that somehow has to be organized. Ukraine is known for trafficking their ladies and even kids around Europe..before the Ukraine crisis we're seeing for years now, there was a big push of human trafficking from Ukraine and european cities were flooded with ukrainian 'sex workers'..

54a8c9  No.4736669


no No NO! Not the Jamaican Iditarod Dragracing Federation!!

42313b  No.4736670

File: c4c1e55c10e8022⋯.png (130.42 KB, 404x600, 101:150, ClipboardImage.png)

Multiple sources tonight tell me Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not even in DC, but in New York and preparing to step down from the Supreme Court.

fe6059  No.4736671


"NOTE! This body of Hindu priests which requires that self-styled gurus should have a clear spiritual lineage through gurus in the Adi Shankara tradition has remarkably NEVER criticised many major gurus/godmen/godwomen as fake (as far as can be discovered). Many are listed above, however, and most notably these include major abusers without any spiritual lineage such as Sathya Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Rajneesh (Osho), Swami Prenananda and many more. In addition, the lineage of major profiteers from their false teachings and cult organisations Sri Ravi Shankar and Amma (the Hugging Mother Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī) have never been established back to Shankara."

So she apparently enjoys people worshipping her as a goddess, but has no actual spiritual lineage.

I would guess this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and I don't care enough about a Hindu to pursue corruption on another continent. Don't need to BORROW trouble when we have enough right here.


aff96c  No.4736672

File: 3a8e42b4593ce46⋯.jpeg (129.41 KB, 1440x961, 1440:961, 1537826511.jpeg)

8aeb3a  No.4736673

Q was put into place so you don’t start killing each other. What one thing has q delivered? Take your guns out start shooting. Libtards do not stand a chance. Trump is a bitch who thinks he can stop what is coming.

b1eb65  No.4736674


ummmm, they told you last night too

7693ce  No.4736675

DJT on Judge Jeannine: People are being exposed that nobody ever thought possible 27:09

Can't embed for some reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=yCZ3CDW63mc

a9f359  No.4736676


Jan. 10 Today is the 13th

f60a5b  No.4736677

File: 6ff1f5e592fd269⋯.png (329.96 KB, 490x490, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

0c7625  No.4736678

File: ba3031a966fc481⋯.png (83.2 KB, 235x255, 47:51, ClipboardImage.png)


The President of GITMO.

It has a kind of ring to it.

74feb4  No.4736679


What's your thoughts on vrillon

And the great awakening ?

Can it be that big ?

aff96c  No.4736680


Yup. They are the absolute worst!

8273a2  No.4736681

Nothing happening? Expand your thinking:

Coup d'étàt

- Fast

- Violent and traumatic for the population

- Uncertain to cover all necessary areas correctly

- Difficult, if at all possible, to build a peaceful society on

Q d'étàt

- Slow

- Seamless and undetectable by most of the population

- Extremely methodical to cover all areas correctly

- Optimal to build a long lasting peaceful society on

4185ff  No.4736682




Schaffhausen is just where they're made, I believe. It's still the Portugieser family of IWC watches. And I believe there's been enough sauce to state that it is the Portugieser Chronograph Classic ref 3714.


8fa4df  No.4736684

File: 0cf48bd64ceb1e5⋯.jpg (17.56 KB, 275x183, 275:183, shillflankus.jpg)

0277d9  No.4736685

File: 64f82fe384e943c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1382x1480, 691:740, Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at ….png)

File: f2082a494e7bd56⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2100x1480, 105:74, Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at ….png)


All this talk on Tulsi, Please realize she is from Hawai'i. She would never be elected as a republican, Hawai'i is a uniparty state. The corruption here runs deep on the top. Most People don't give a rip about what is going on with the mainland. We had Linda Lingle win as a Republican for governor between 2002-2010. Ever since then, democrats have kept it locked down. We were sold a "lightspeed rail system" that was supposed to cost $2billion, it now is estimated to be $9billion. I've seen something about her and CFR, question, should good people be part of CFR so that we have better info of what is going on and potential for influence? As an aside, her father is a state senator who is one of the few republicans that are on the state legislator. He wins because that section of the island is far more conservative. Senator Mike Gabbard is pro-life. Tulsi is one of the best hopes to keep the Lefitst progressives from eating away this country. Yes, she supported Bernie but she was also has insider info, perhaps knowing that HRC would be stealing the nomination from him anyways. Hawai'i, in general, supported Bernie because the general message of him was the populist opposite of President Trump. I really think turning Hawai'i red is very possible and should happen. As it stands now, we are a breeding ground for progressive policies that are then used on the mainland. I've noticed more and more people from CA coming over here and setting up shop in Honolulu. There is a turning point to where going red may not be possible. We are a very Christian state, and no longer being Christian would be the line where turning red is no longer likely. -Q- food for thought. Also, if you anyone wants to look up some corruption, look up the light speed rail out here. 'Financial' info is posted for the public to see.



a0e511  No.4736686

File: afcc0f0cad09623⋯.png (754.54 KB, 1366x518, 683:259, question 6.png)

Even shit like this is cult coded… I know our side is untangling them but it begs the question on how much we currently have? I suppose more than we know. Percentage wise? over 50%? I wonder.

064cf0  No.4736687


>enriching diversity

those fucks

they were trying to get the blood right in the herd

moar muh melatonin?

d7ba82  No.4736688

Anyone know of any relevance of 1259 ? … just trying to crack a nut here

7a7cb5  No.4736689



Swedish anons, can you send us more details on this website (first post) or on anything else that is happening in Sweden? We are looking very hard for uncensored news from Sweden and anywhere else in the EU. Most of what we can get that's in English comes from the UK and it calls anything populist "far right." The coverage is very negatively biased.

Is it safe for you to do so? I do not know the extent to which your government goes after online posters but I know you have "hate speech" laws that may be a problem. But the more substantive info you can send, the more we can help populist movement grow worldwide.

Do not despair, frens. You are never alone. WWG1WGA.

b1eb65  No.4736690



"followers"……shill properly, spelling is important

I'm reporting you to the Spelling Gestapo

fab5d8  No.4736691

File: b2924bf2cee42b1⋯.jpg (887.51 KB, 1025x1940, 205:388, quadspointer.jpg)


What happened to the board? I leisurely was able to make those quads.

4185ff  No.4736692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

14d97a  No.4736693


Agree. Only I'd add:

extra judicial


intra judicial

respectively and most importantly.

42313b  No.4736694

Vet Denies Demise of GoFundMe Campaign: ‘We’re Going to Build the Wall’

1/13/2019, 5:08:29 AM · by Altura Ct. · 3 replies

Breitbart ^ | 1/13/2019

Brian Kolfage, a triple amputee Air Force veteran who started a crowdsourcing campaign to raise money to pay for a border wall, told Breitbart News Saturday media reports the effort has failed are fake news. Following Kolfage’s announcement about the 501(c)3, We Build The Wall, Inc., the leftist media said all of the money donated to the GoFundMe campaign would be refunded. In fact, the spokesperson for the fundraising website said that the donations would be automatically refunded if the campaign doesn’t reach its $1 billion goal, unless donors specifically direct their contribution to the new organization. “The money is…

b1eb65  No.4736696


board is asslllllllllleeeeeeep…been a slow night

54a8c9  No.4736697


I thought this originally. The gal in the white coat had me searching Huma's shoes. Kinda Ace Frehley in black.

064cf0  No.4736698


it is berikande mangfald on Patreon


f5bde3  No.4736699


What if both?

5a5777  No.4736700


This is good anon. Ty

5df1b7  No.4736701


better - saved

9e35b7  No.4736703


The republican party has been colluding with the democrats for decades. The msm is fake news and the democrats vs republicans is fake politics. In reality they are two sides of the uniparty.

0c7625  No.4736704


I heard day shift was bringing Bloody Mary's for all>

d7ba82  No.4736705


The media and government seem to have worst case of Stockholm syndrome ever seen … siding with abusers who are no better than animals.

4185ff  No.4736706


On January 30 (delayed due to the US Government shutdown), the World Magnetic Model — which governs modern navigation systems — is due to undergo an urgent update.

This model is a vital component of systems ranging from geopositioning systems used to navigate ships through to smartphone trackers and maps.


ae1a45  No.4736707



CTRL+F and search for "Section 1259 bars…"

a0e511  No.4736708

File: 8fd31d8a13ae822⋯.jpg (181.9 KB, 800x500, 8:5, CrossRedLine.jpg)

4ece58  No.4736709


think mirror

667e55  No.4736710

File: 069e7c657923236⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 502x381, 502:381, 8d361ebb-bdc3-4f2b-b2a6-56….gif)



>nite shift… check


<haow Dare (Yü)


05e9c0  No.4736711

File: 85b1e0a3a0d6aff⋯.png (1001.25 KB, 1964x1570, 982:785, The_Cognitive_Bias_Codex_-….png)

Common Cognitive bias Codex

f5bde3  No.4736712


Reps ate pusdies

They allowed resoning of voting districts and the law not to challege, the latter just stopped this year, me remembers

42313b  No.4736713

Americans blame Trump and GOP much more than Democrats for shutdown, Post-ABC poll finds (Fake News)

1/13/2019, 2:09:25 AM · by Zakeet · 21 replies

Washington Post ^ | January13, 2019 | Scott Clement and Dan Balz

By a wide margin, more Americans blame President Trump and Republicans in Congress than congressional Democrats for the now record-breaking government shutdown, and most reject the president’s assertion that there is an illegal-immigration crisis on the southern border, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. Support for building a wall on the border, which is the principal sticking point in the stalemate between the president and Democrats, has increased over the past year. Today, 42 percent say they support a wall, up from 34 percent last January. A slight majority of Americans (54 percent) oppose the idea, down from 63…


5a9e41  No.4736714

File: 579e424fccf2184⋯.png (1.57 KB, 128x40, 16:5, uioiou.PNG)

7a7cb5  No.4736715

Baker, notable

for Swedish anon posts?

>>4736613, >>4736642 Support Swedish anons fighting for alt-media, free speech

b1eb65  No.4736717

File: fe33c5e5b87f73d⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 410x220, 41:22, 646464.jpg)


dub dubs chkd

54a8c9  No.4736718



e64e9e  No.4736719


I can't wait for the humiliation if Biden isn't in jail by that time, Trump is already taking jabs at washed up clown Biden.

5df1b7  No.4736720


AIAnon…been a while

cheers mate

8fa4df  No.4736721

File: 0115482c1c50c45⋯.png (77.09 KB, 692x500, 173:125, StopAmyBarrett.png)

File: d23d5fe9a6ec764⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, barrett.jpg)

Next Supreme Court Nomination to be a Woman? The Senate Confirms SC Nominations




11 Jan 2019 - 5:15:03 AM

If a woman is selected as the nominee does that eliminate the wrap up smear re: sexual assault?

What other tactics might be planned to block and/or force name removal?

Why is the Senate important?

Who controls the Senate?


Enjoy the show.



Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) attacked Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on Monday, indicating that Democrats fear her appointment could be politically problematic.

Barrett is widely viewed as one of President Donald Trump’s top picks for the U.S. Supreme Court seat vacated by the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Last week, Breitbart News reported that Trump is considering up to seven names, including Barrett, before his July 9 deadline. That list was thought to have been whittled down to four by Monday. Barrett was reported to have been among those four, who were reported to have been interviewed by the president.

42313b  No.4736722

File: 3fc73cd9637954c⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 418x498, 209:249, gollum.jpg)

8aeb3a  No.4736723

Fuck q. You think u can stop the coming war by placating us? We despise the government. We thought u and trump might have had the balls to stop the madness, but you are straight up pussies. Enjoy the fall of Rome! Because you cunts are worthless. Gitmo is fortified? WOw. That’s special. We are going to kill you all. Pelosi, will die before the sun god kisses the moon god. Cortez will never see the light of day after her next name day. The Bush family dies in fortnight. Fk Q

9e35b7  No.4736724


Half the country shooting at the other half of the country is a wet dream for the parasite class.

f60a5b  No.4736725


BTW, do you think that maybe Bird box was an attempt to subconsciously make people not look at evidence that frightens them, that threatens their world view… "Don't look, you'll die!"

I'm probably just being paranoid…

064cf0  No.4736726

File: e57b16a775e0808⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1570x868, 785:434, Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at ….png)


thanks m8

322f3b  No.4736727

File: 0794829b9181b3b⋯.jpg (229.03 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Giuseppe-Conte-IWC-c-AP-Im….jpg)

File: 91e3d74f927c834⋯.jpg (752.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, conte-pm.jpg)

Prime minister of Italy with IWC watch in whitehouse meeting with Trump. But apparently not the right watch, it is supposedly an IWC Portofino Automatic.

The needle in the haystack…

5df1b7  No.4736728


of course. kinda like Hillary's emails - "its illegal to look at them" BS from the media - kek

f5bde3  No.4736729


We are researching here

Political activism for violence somewhere else pls.

aff96c  No.4736730

File: 34fd3b7313ec9fe⋯.jpeg (255.09 KB, 1440x1446, 240:241, 1524525792.jpeg)

42313b  No.4736731

File: 9e451ad6c0c8db0⋯.jpg (611.21 KB, 1657x1105, 1657:1105, 8.jpg)


they will just call her a whore and try to find someone from highschhol who she screwed but she will have raped him/her

a0e511  No.4736732

File: 0fc358b249ec608⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 797x466, 797:466, DevicesNeverOffPrivacy.jpg)

7a7cb5  No.4736733


Ironic–Stockholm syndrome. Kek.

Please stay in touch and send us whatever you can. If it's safe, send what you can. The other day when the Populist leader from Germany was attacked, I was trying to find something in English that showed some humanity for this man. Nothing. All the UK accounts called him "far-right." They said very little about him, just showed gory pictures.

b1eb65  No.4736734


covfefe, someone get me some covfefe !!

fab5d8  No.4736735


She was pushed by her brothers.

She could be an original ?

Yes, she supposedly gave up receiving flowers so the money could be given to orphanages

Did that ever happen?

Also she opposed the distribution of condoms in very over-populated country.

There's "Guru" foundations which need to be checked out - operating and recruiting in the USA - so it's not just what goes on over-seas.

When they have the double passport and the "religion" cover [no taxes] That could definitley be used for smuggling.

They point people to "fix yourself first"

and push APOLITICAL as the only way to be; but that's to keep tax exemption And to make-it in what they are trying to do [keep alive an ancient religion and teaching?]

A lot of them claim a lineage; but if you check it , it turns out just as bogus as genealogy of Kings?

Real issue : Teacher should always have been a student to start, and have an apprenticeship.

a45e54  No.4736736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Psychiatry: The True Shadow Government ~ Tavistock Where Deception Is Taught.



4185ff  No.4736737


I'm not convinced that's our old friend. I may be wrong, but it feels like an impersonator.

8bcb87  No.4736738


kek with them strong words there you'll get all the proof you need here soon enough shill.

so are you a brown terrorist or some Portland pussy terrorist?

7a7cb5  No.4736739



Are you guy that Day Shift shills or something? Sticking up for the Day against the Night? Fuckin hilarious!!

a45e54  No.4736740


that's a fucking SHILL, moran

2f9207  No.4736741


Magnetic NP moving quicker than anticipated and causing navigation issues for ships (mil and civ) in the arctic circle. Pole movement doesn't impact mid and lower latitudes.

8aeb3a  No.4736742


You stupid cunt. We own your weapons. We own you. What are you going to do about it pussy? When it’s outlawed to own a firearm, or use a fire arm, what are you going to do nazi? The second amendment doesn’t protect you from being castrated.

f0f862  No.4736743


Yep. Lots of folks confused about wtf the "protests" are actually about and pretty pissed about the destruction of property.

The longer it goes, the weirder it gets.

7d1ab1  No.4736744

Any anon wish there was a chat (parallel) in the bread?

e1d653  No.4736745

Notables Update


>>4736594 French Yellow Vest act IX: Big numbers but but police violence continues against protesters

>>4736483 Judge Jeanine Talks with Trump about Russia Probe, FISA: transcript cap

>>4736505 Democrats Promise Probe of Trump Meetings With Putin

>>4736349 Dr. James Levine, on ICMEC board, Mayo Clinic professor, donated to CF, paper on Adenochrome

>>4736348 Dig on Mata Amritanandamayi Center in the United States, connected to UN, Haiti, NGOs

>>4736385 Q #2647 Watch Graphic

>>4736314 Cohen's father-in-law loans money to owners of Chicago Medallion Mgmt

>>4736249 Dutch protests continue in Maastricht, Emmen & other cities

>>4736205, >>4736212 "The Dark Art of Interrogation" - Alice in Wonderland?

>>4736200 Welcoming Refugees receives DHS Grant for "community engagement" AKA to convince locals to accept new neighbors

>>4736089 $21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government

>>4736108 Historical narrative on Benghazi

baker having internet issues

e93f7d  No.4736746

File: 367306f745e7b18⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, hotpepesauce.jpg)






heh you shills. collodial silver is kick ass. study medical info pre1930 to learn. they use silver for burns and anti virii and all sort of stuff. or dont.

eeba5d  No.4736747

File: 54e75a8565a90fc⋯.jpeg (483.5 KB, 1370x1309, 1370:1309, D68CA311-C0E5-42F1-9D47-8….jpeg)

What a pussy

Gets goosed from club for being an asshole and tries to kill people with his vehicle

Cuz that’s civilized behavior……fucking sand niggers


667e55  No.4736748

File: 6e7964419c6b595⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 500x209, 500:209, c99b17ea-5d2e-4513-85a2-fc….gif)

File: bae271951593937⋯.gif (662.13 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 27c4883e-dc03-4850-b503-23….gif)



<yer right… it does.


>hullo… so it has.

<cheers and jeers both this nite slow tho t'was.

a0e511  No.4736749



Vatican muhjoos shills left for coffee - shills are usually 90% of our traffic. First time I've ever seen them this silent since I've been here from the start (minus the first few Q posts when they were controlling the board)

42313b  No.4736750

File: aef351ada122c37⋯.jpg (584.93 KB, 1784x3326, 892:1663, bwn.jpg)


just bought a new phone. going to flash a aftermarket OS. I hate that I dont own my own phone. (((THEY))) know more about me than me

Unique ID tracks you across the internet and is combined to show your porn history and such…

f5bde3  No.4736751


Nope AI anon comes here not so often

He is not a shill

Me thinks some slavic computer geek

4ece58  No.4736752


we can hear you breathing

we can see your dreams

we can give you nightmares

we occupy your mind

no fear

064cf0  No.4736753

File: 08cf5c811d84036⋯.jpg (500.86 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0781.JPG)


bout to pick up

feel that?

14d97a  No.4736754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Tavistock Where Deception Is Taught.


Need to keep up with the research from American Intelligence Media to appreciate the extent to which Tavistock rules the world. Here's their latest video.

8fa4df  No.4736755

File: e90760dd0b86a93⋯.png (13.58 KB, 114x98, 57:49, pissonantifa (2).png)

2f9207  No.4736756


>according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll

which should explain the polling results

51274d  No.4736757


this is very obvious shilly post

f0f862  No.4736758

439105  No.4736759


You play fortnight in your moms basement?

064cf0  No.4736760

File: 1cb6a7fd20efc20⋯.jpg (609.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_3221.JPG)

7a7cb5  No.4736761


If I join ICLEI, do I get to burn down a Cali town?

439105  No.4736762

064cf0  No.4736763


you have to max out donations though

b1eb65  No.4736764


Yep, the board has been extraordinarily silent, maybe the shills are on vacation

42313b  No.4736765

File: 308643d18bf3d7f⋯.jpg (740.72 KB, 2760x1878, 460:313, hoggs.jpg)

0c1ff5  No.4736766


There's always an election cycle nonstop, and in any case it sounds like you have a very severe case of Beltway thinking.

f0f862  No.4736767


No need to "keep up" with those goofballs. Tavistock is pretty easily researched and HAS been, at various points.

4ece58  No.4736768


“Remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.” That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it. “Your father's right,” she said. “Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy . . . but sing their hearts out for us.

396147  No.4736769


perhaps watching hamilton in PR

eeba5d  No.4736770

Government Shutdown!

You can hear the Deep State going broke

Keep it shut down until they starve

8aeb3a  No.4736771


I own you cunt. A Jew. What are you going to do about it. You q Fags are hilarious. Do you really think q will save you? Suck my jew dick and die. We are smarter than you and we do not have the same bullshit Jesus shit as you. You will sumbit before we take Your children.

8fa4df  No.4736772

File: 416fc34695ea7e5⋯.jpg (96.85 KB, 500x461, 500:461, MomsBasementEmpire.jpg)

439105  No.4736773


Anarchy is the cowards way out

You are a coward

Big fucking coward

5df1b7  No.4736774

File: 080e2a19b744747⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB, 640x640, 1:1, frog.jpeg)


don't jinx it….

8b08cf  No.4736775

File: 54568673bc26764⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 625x882, 625:882, kysf.jpg)


Do a flip.

0d543d  No.4736776

File: 2a75be2e4da971b⋯.jpg (17.99 KB, 592x331, 592:331, 6666.jpg)



Strange lull… all the bad guys get locked up overnight or somethin'?

a45e54  No.4736777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Psychiatry IS Politics. Has ALWAYS been politics - it is politics, pure and simple because the politics of psychiatry WAS ALWAYS THE APPLICATION OF FORCE AGAINST PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT TO BE FORCED."

Dr. Thomas Szasz

Prof & Author of The Myth of Mental Illness



439105  No.4736778


You keep coming back here, we own you.

We “q fags” live in your head rent free

We mentally fuck your wife and mother


14d97a  No.4736779


>No need to "keep up" with those goofballs

I'd be less inclined to put AIM reseacrhers in the "goofball" camp than most Q Research Anons. Still, everyone to his own…

b73e8c  No.4736780

File: 54f032eb4760579⋯.jpg (217.53 KB, 640x432, 40:27, no polite way.jpg)

File: 818c823046b477b⋯.jpg (176.94 KB, 640x432, 40:27, rex.jpg)

a45e54  No.4736781


you are seriously uninformed and naive

84319a  No.4736782


I think they are more into destabilizing our cuntries so that they can introduce a unified european policeforce, something that im sure youve heard of before.


That site, never seen it before. But a quick seqrch on duckduck gives me a youtube site and the fb page linked previous. Also, a search for that term will give you a lot of different government (county or political) sites boosting how great diversity is and how it enriches our communities. Propaganda. We’ve been told for so long how we will benefit from this imigration, both cultural and financial, that people have a real hard time tonactually see and accept whats in front of them.

Its hard to find unbiased news sources here sice all alternative medias have a destinct far-right view. However, they do report on happenings that MSM seem to ignore completly. From the top of my mind, these sites are samnytt.se and friatider.se. We do have one bastion of free speach however, the forum flashback.org. Its been widely bashed by the MSM and the swedish government have tried to close it down many times, but its still online. Now adays we’ve got different groups and organizations (some funded by the government) that actively try to out and dox people posting unpopular opinions in this outlet and on fb, just lately boosting about how they managed to get some people indicted fore hatespeach in these channels. I rarely post anything online because of whats beeing collected, but id say that im one of few who actually cares about that over here.


667e55  No.4736783

File: c68d088a16107bc⋯.gif (892.79 KB, 500x268, 125:67, dc2b6eb1-8994-4885-a911-43….gif)

File: 4b8b5b3e47dddac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 540x304, 135:76, fea64688-a204-43d1-b55b-58….gif)


coal in yer stocking.


>bout to…

<yup =tru



<not so often… slavix tho… chukl

8aeb3a  No.4736784


My gun is bigger than yours. But mine is pointing to Washington. Maddona told me to.

42313b  No.4736785

File: 09a34afe66b195e⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 2817x1416, 939:472, yoda.jpg)

f0f862  No.4736786


Who is asking Q to save anyone? Ok, some losers actually ARE asking that. And they're losers, so, meh. Whatevs. Losers be losin'.

Everything else you wrote: You own nothing.

0d543d  No.4736787

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, GlassesRemovingPepe.jpg)


Whoa… how did I get DUAL mirrored digits LIKE THAT!?

f5bde3  No.4736788


Thats a dangerous road. There are real violent psychotic people, if we assume they should roam free,will be non stop violence

a45e54  No.4736789


AIM is a giant fucking Jew SHILL

do you not know that?

This is why newbies should lurk for 2 years

GTFO with this shit

439105  No.4736790



42313b  No.4736791

File: d82313633992e6d⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1200x648, 50:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Ocasio-Cortez calls out CBS for not assigning a 'single black journalist to cover '20

1/13/2019, 12:42:38 AM · by GuavaCheesePuff · 66 replies

The Hill ^ | January 12, 2019 | Aris Foley

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y) criticized CBS News Saturday night for what she considered lack of diversity in its team of reporters covering the upcoming 2020 presidential election. “This WH admin has made having a functional understanding of race in America one of the most important core competencies for a political journalist to have, yet [CBS News] hasn’t assigned a *single* black journalist to cover the 2020 election,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a tweet. “Unacceptable in 2019. Try again,” Ocasio-Cortez added.


8aeb3a  No.4736792

I agree, it’s time to show the world what we are capable of. Kill all Antifa!

eeba5d  No.4736793


Really skews the narrative when you can’t blame crazy people

No such ting as mental illness….your just goofy

a035a9  No.4736794


Mine is 105mm. How big is yours?

fab5d8  No.4736795

File: 7c55db5204adfb5⋯.jpg (238.09 KB, 1079x789, 1079:789, pelosi0.jpg)



^^^Wonder if that could be used in a Meme war against Pelosi?

Where was the oversight

Wasn't she Speaker of the House?

7818bd  No.4736796


While i appreciate the respect, I wholly disagree that I did not include sauce.

Financial fuckery


Numerous suspicious deaths

"Report that Suspicious Deaths at Amritanandamayi Math Are Growing",Deshabhimani, 9 August 2002.

"Holyhell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion and Pure Madness"


I'm phonefagging with a shattered screen and I'm probably the lowest ranking Anon here. So I'm requesting eyes to this.

This alone warrants attention:

Reconciling ancient Spiritual Wisdom and Modern Technology


8fa4df  No.4736797

File: 289530cad12ee33⋯.gif (296.94 KB, 300x456, 25:38, mirrormirror.gif)

3cce40  No.4736798

File: 0b62868297480de⋯.png (419.49 KB, 333x549, 37:61, cia117.PNG)


paradise lost?


a45e54  No.4736799


people have been preyed upon by these monsters. If we remove the predators, then we go back to being a normal sane society. Psychosis is not natural, it is induced. We would not have as many crazy people if they were not being drugged and locked up

a45e54  No.4736800


and you're fucking clueless grandma

f0f862  No.4736801


Yeah, in some areas.

This isn't one of those areas.

322f3b  No.4736802


So be it.

Just trying to game theory this thing. The only way I can see arrests happening and no cry of foul play, is if Mueller initiates them with clear optics he is not doing this for POTUS, but doing this because the law demands its. But as stated before, be more than happy to be wrong about this.

aff96c  No.4736803

File: a1110fec3315d56⋯.jpg (180.16 KB, 780x500, 39:25, slow_bread.jpg)

c314db  No.4736805


Sorry swami I am lowest ranking anon

6d4654  No.4736806



Ok. So i am not imagining this.

7a7cb5  No.4736807


A couple of comments.

First, I am not naive. I know about some charges re some of the gurus mentioned on this website.

Second, I know nothing about Robert Priddy. He has a LONG list here. I do not know where he is coming from.

Third, I do not see Amma accused of anything like sexual deviance.

If you want to make the somewhat esoteric point that all gurus ought to have lineages, I understand that argument but do not necessarily agree with it. I would myself judge on a case-by-case basis. My impression on Amma remains positive based on my own intuition. But you are welcome to your opinion.


439105  No.4736808

File: 59458c96d332870⋯.jpeg (79.29 KB, 750x450, 5:3, E90A0652-8061-4451-9E18-8….jpeg)

51a8bb  No.4736809

File: 0b0ab0e7a9b472e⋯.png (187 KB, 363x546, 121:182, Hold On.PNG)

Hold on.

d22e8d  No.4736810








This gonna be guud

14d97a  No.4736811


>AIM is a giant fucking Jew SHILL

I disagree with your categorisation. We all are first and foremost individuals, not categories. You are the type that Q warns against - those who cause division by viewing people as categories (identity politics) instead of individuals expressing personal beliefs. Get behind me, Satan.

We are people, not categories.

8fa4df  No.4736812

File: d6f226ae2ecf1bc⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 255x252, 85:84, AllYourServers.jpg)

File: f11ec7cae716762⋯.png (399.56 KB, 1015x706, 1015:706, QXKeyScore.png)

File: 0b2856a15d147cd⋯.jpg (30.54 KB, 460x347, 460:347, -XKeyscore-SESSIONS-010.jpg)

File: fe76a61a31cc11e⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 460x276, 5:3, -XKeyscore-map-010.jpg)

File: e70c52ed03d291f⋯.jpg (30.56 KB, 460x345, 4:3, XKeyScoreEmail.jpg)

667e55  No.4736813

File: ee4c75daecdda85⋯.gif (192.39 KB, 525x477, 175:159, 20180627_173755.gif)



naow naow…

<whom else would be here like a plague fer hours on hours¿◇?

(yü) mist мæı preachinx… heh

f5bde3  No.4736814


Have you ever encounter a psychotic person in real life? Or bipolar?

My friends couldnt hospitalize the father who beat up mother and wanted to kill her with an axe. Beautiful childhood memories

fab5d8  No.4736815


As I wandeered away from the scene I remember her attendants were expected to work crazy hours with no compensation [pay their own way]

They were supposed to be super-human in their devotion. Recipe for disaster and exploitation.

Brothers ran it, were the greedy ones.

Maybe her lover was pretending to be a brother?


I'm not surprised at all

Good work, Anon.

It's an old tale.

4ece58  No.4736816

File: dff97627ddb5982⋯.png (299.16 KB, 814x840, 407:420, ClipboardImage.png)



a45e54  No.4736817


you're a fucking idiot.

8b08cf  No.4736819

File: 0fbf83bda7b91e4⋯.jpg (24.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, fag.jpg)

File: bcfda69f6ae189b⋯.png (657.16 KB, 600x600, 1:1, easyas123.png)

File: 30ca48d646d49dc⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, doitright.jpg)


tfw someone calling you dumb can't even tell the different forms of than/then.


c'mon mein nigger.

42313b  No.4736820

File: 6ebf33467cef39e⋯.png (932.28 KB, 719x880, 719:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20f993c46db6b11⋯.png (203.62 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10e6f7238e54ea2⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa686f999772a58⋯.png (219.03 KB, 340x270, 34:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef7bb695e78a2d0⋯.png (374.49 KB, 474x335, 474:335, ClipboardImage.png)


rip off the mask

0d543d  No.4736821


Excellent deployment call, anon. If not then… when? kek.

14d97a  No.4736822



>you're a fucking idiot.

And you, sir, are a fascist.

a45e54  No.4736823


many many times, they're everywhere

42313b  No.4736825

File: a2a211d4ee11275⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 1506x1027, 1506:1027, ERGO.jpg)


eat shit and die btich

fe6059  No.4736827

>>4736811 AIM had terrorized this board RELENTLESSLY several months ago.

There is NO LOVE for them to be found here.


e81a82  No.4736829


FEMA camps for insane leftist commies!

Soon…very soon!

All the crazy ones like Vape Shop Ginger are too deranged to be allowed in society anymore…Lock them up!

064cf0  No.4736830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

snake plissken twatted this

6aee0a  No.4736831

>>4736064 (Lb)


8aeb3a  No.4736832

Pussies. Fuk q. Where r u q? Do you really think your cunt ass is going to stop this war? Pathetic. There is no stoping this. Actually you can. Kill all the Jews. Not going to happen. So… good bye America. There is a reason it’s not in the biblical narrative.

8b08cf  No.4736833

File: b336762effcc16c⋯.jpg (103.23 KB, 763x497, 109:71, 91eb6d1e6ad5e75852fe2868d3….jpg)


Right after you mother fucker.

eeba5d  No.4736834

File: 4aaec81026dd2c3⋯.jpeg (68.81 KB, 521x523, 521:523, 1443A2CE-B604-40BA-B918-A….jpeg)


Triggered much…..goofy

2f9207  No.4736836


More like a free speech type myself. You?

5df1b7  No.4736837


wouldn't miss it for the world

catching up on the nights bread now


d9a686  No.4736838

File: 930655888025a0d⋯.png (997.13 KB, 961x542, 961:542, Expulsion1.png)

Okay anons, time to get serious and start bringing out some serious shit. We need to start putting pressure directly on Schumer and Pelosi's power (their positions in Congress). I am in the process of designing several graphics/memes outlining how Schumer and Pelosi can be removed from power.

The first is by expulsion. Now this option does take a 2/3rd vote of their respective chambers, which is currently a remote possibility, HOWEVER, if rank and file Democrats get massive pressure from patriotic American citizens, it is still a possibility. Either way, it is pressure we can put on Schumer and Pelosi and they will get scared shitless if they begin to believe it is even a remote possibility.

According to research, there is no recall process in the Constitution for Senators or Representatives. The expulsion option is the only removal tool available. We need to get Schumer and Pelosi's attention, so we need our hashtags to be:




or if you want to type a lot:




3cce40  No.4736839

File: f113d970fbbe4d6⋯.png (535.36 KB, 679x391, 679:391, cia118.PNG)


dog day afternoon?

42313b  No.4736840

File: 6ef24017a729ed6⋯.jpg (156.65 KB, 1000x584, 125:73, eat-less-bread6.jpg)

3b2a23  No.4736841

File: 9dbbb1f522efffc⋯.png (190.84 KB, 494x287, 494:287, 2019-01-13_08-10-23.png)

File: d4de80107e10ad1⋯.png (181.29 KB, 478x263, 478:263, 2019-01-13_08-10-44.png)

File: c4fb521d5e0a38c⋯.png (167.02 KB, 484x270, 242:135, 2019-01-13_08-10-56.png)

File: b5ddabd5c48b6cd⋯.png (186.86 KB, 487x265, 487:265, 2019-01-13_08-11-22.png)

File: ddab894ba8fc3a8⋯.png (142.66 KB, 481x271, 481:271, 2019-01-13_08-11-32.png)


Lots of actors own IWC watches.


fe6059  No.4736844


There is free speech and then there is TERRORISM, especially when you uninvited and unwanted. Theirs was MAYHEM and chaos, not "Free speech."

e1d653  No.4736846






602410  No.4736848

File: 7a650da8807d707⋯.png (1015.42 KB, 1200x648, 50:27, racecardcortez.png)


> “Unacceptable in 2019. Try again,”

We should meme all her posts with that comment.

3cce40  No.4736849

File: 626bf815e382fcf⋯.png (230.27 KB, 776x239, 776:239, cia52.PNG)

8aeb3a  No.4736850


Gtfoh. You righties are as dumb as rocks. Time to take over. Do you reallly think the Jew controlled the government will let you have freedom?

42313b  No.4736851

File: c62f7c5f4f99244⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 1047x787, 1047:787, probulator.JPG)

7a7cb5  No.4736852



I replied to you after visiting the website; did not see your data here. I'm not even suggesting you not get a notable. It's fine with me, free speech.

I'm just discussing.

I've sat with a guru, and I know what kinds of problems can arise. It is a very intense experience that brings up all sorts of stuff, even with a decent teacher. And teachers are far from perfect. Very easy to give them too much say–especially Westerners sitting with Eastern teachers.

And there is no such thing as low-ranking anon, anon! Appreciate your persistence and passion. (Logic is not everything.)

We can agree to disagree. Frens?

0d543d  No.4736854


4 Hour, 20 Minute Bread… I didn't think it was overly slow earlier. I was wrong. Still slow.

aff96c  No.4736856

File: ecec190c9b9a15b⋯.jpg (90.69 KB, 800x983, 800:983, kate-moss-st-tropez2.jpg)


42313b  No.4736857


if she so wasnt cute…

wasnt spell chek fags

a45e54  No.4736859


TY anon

this is excellent

Psychopolitics is an important if less known division of Geopolitics. It is less known because it must necessarily deal with highly educated personnel, the very top strata of "mental healing.

"By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last only communism can resolve the problems of the masses.

A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos in the fields of"mental healing." He must labor to increase the personnel and facilities of "mental healing" until at last the entire field of mental science is entirely dominated by Communist principles and desires.

To achieve these goals the psychopolitician must crush every "homegrown" variety of mental healing in America. Actual teachings of James, Eddy, and Pentecostal Bible faith healers amongst your misguided people must be swept aside. They must be discredited,defamed, arrested, stamped upon even by their own government until there is no credit in them and only Communist-oriented "healing" remains.

You must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only Communist doctrine under the guise of "psychology." You must labor until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psycho-politician or an unwitting assistant to our aims.You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in your nation.

You must achieve such disrepute for the state of insanity and such authority over its pronouncement that not one statesman so labeled could again be given credence by his people. You must work until suicide arising from mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark. With the institutions for the insane you have in your country prisons that can hold a million persons and can hold them without civil rights or any hope of freedom. And upon these people can be practiced shock and surgery so that never again will they draw a sane breath.

You must make these treatments common and accepted. And you must sweep aside any treatment or any group of persons seeking to treat by effective means.You must dominate as respected men in the fields of psychiatry and psychology.

322f3b  No.4736860

File: f3da790d905f049⋯.jpg (10.35 KB, 255x163, 255:163, comfy bred.jpg)


Slow bread is the best bread. Enjoy it.

Got red text fags waiting for us the rest of the day.

7818bd  No.4736861


She's supposed to celebrate per what i read, but that's part of it, she's not. Per the Holly Hell author she's having relations with several of her servants. And the author herself was raped by one of them numerous times. They themselves supposed to be celebrate.

Seems like there's a trend there….

4f3e39  No.4736862


He ran on many things!

What about “lock her up”

He ran on that along with “build the wall”

So what are you shilling I mean saying?

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