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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

2b67e1  No.4714135

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 01/11/19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 01/07/19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 01/06/19

>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability

>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (Caps: >>4637162 )

>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )

>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.

>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.

>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER

>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)

>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted

>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking

Saturday 01/05/19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Saturday 12/22/18

Compiled here: >>4628830

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

2b67e1  No.4714137


are not endorsements


>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.

>>4668020 , >>4668026 8bit/BO executes an anniversary tripcode check


>>4714099 IG Horowitz still not in possession of PS/LP texts?

>>4714101 Japan to assist Five Eye countries in the event of an attack?

>>4713426 Maryland infested with MS-13 and illegals.

>>4713920 Poland charges chinese Huawei manager for espionage.

>>4713981 Harry Reid endorses Mitt Romney for 2020 Republican nominee for President.

>>4713954 US approved thousands of child bride requests. Cabal's legal slippery slope?

>>4713833 Don Jr. shares a spicy meme during a Twitter smackdown given to Jim Acosta.

>>4713870 US to ease humanitarian related travel and shipments to North Korea.

>>4713869 Governor DeSantis confirms his plane had to land due to a mechanical problem.

>>4713690 Bezos divorce an attempt to save his assets?

>>4713619 Matt Gaetz building a bridge across parties with the socialist cutie?

>>4713563 Google defended executives against sexual harassment allegations.

>>4713543 Mike Huckabee: Why are Dems going home for the weekend if they care about the shutdown.

>>4713534 EU Rep: Europe will not allow US to determine trade relations with Iran.

>>4713531 Guardian condemns antisemitism against Soros, but legitimises it against Adelson.

>>4713429 SpaceX finishes building 'Starship' Hopper prototype. (Photo)

>>4713403 AfD party being split by extreme factions within?

>>4714133 #6015


>>4713290 House, Senate pass measure to ensure workers are paid post-shutdown.

>>4713253 Fusion GPS continued to research Dossier on behest of Dan Jones, a former Feinstein staffer?

>>4713204, >>4713225 Earth's magnetic field to flip within our lifetime?

>>4713180 Seattle TV station fired the editor who edited POTUS National Address.

>>4713146 Stacey Abrams met yesterday with Chuck Schumer and DSCC chair Catherine Cortez Masto to discuss a possible U.S. Senate run in 2020.

>>4713023 Amazon ring security cameras present oxymoron.

>>4713232, >>4712982 Q Proof: LP visited London.

>>4712992 Huckabee hosting Dershowitz this saturday.

>>4712723 Deputy US Trade Rep Jeffrey Garrish and Treasury Undersecretary David Malpass. Senior official visiting China?

>>4712844 Romney and others looking to capitalize on the Mueller report in a bid for a primary?

>>4712853 Opposition takes surprise presidential win in D.R. Congo, prompting fraud claims by the Catholic church and others.

>>4712910 Former Texas judge sentenced to six years in prison for creating fake sex-for-hire ads for women he dated.

>>4712920 Tariffs still aren’t raising consumer prices.

>>4712739 DeSantis asks entire South Florida water management board to resign.

>>4712702 UK Govt failed to deport 50,000 rejected asylum seekers.

>>4712688, >>4712741 RBG to miss next weeks arguments? No further treatment planned? Hospice care?

>>4712635 MI6 boss and Army Field Marshal: May’s Brexit deal ‘places national security in foreign hands’.

>>4712629 National Air Traffic Controllers Association files lawsuit against Trump admin over lost wages.

>>4713349 #6014

Previously Collected Notables

>>4712564 #6013,

>>4710200 #6010, >>4711006 #6011, >>4711804 #6012

>>4707882 #6007, >>4708648 #6008, >>4709420 #6009

>>4705547 #6004, >>4706343 #6005, >>4707115 #6006

>>4703195 #6001, >>4704008 #6002, >>4704782 #6003

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

2b67e1  No.4714139

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4654776

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

2b67e1  No.4714141

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

2b67e1  No.4714151

File: df9c27bc6445c1f⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1300x1733, 1300:1733, pepearmyofdarkness.png)



ae53a3  No.4714159

File: dd7b36fdf4b349c⋯.png (66.57 KB, 590x314, 295:157, 2AF7B615-80D2-42D3-BC34-99….png)

966af0  No.4714162

File: 5ee64cf0901bbdf⋯.jpg (98.79 KB, 554x830, 277:415, wsdg.jpg)

ty baker

ae53a3  No.4714164

File: ac40e3c133a902f⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 960x653, 960:653, IMG_5222.JPG)

File: 4ecc9157bf7a782⋯.jpg (79.08 KB, 634x612, 317:306, 4012ECB1-FF20-43EC-9A43-5B….jpg)

File: 0bb3b3fd4f27800⋯.png (136.31 KB, 801x617, 801:617, B26EC32B-1F70-4D8C-9995-F0….png)

ae53a3  No.4714169



ba503a  No.4714173

File: 18cc4f980b4124f⋯.png (314.48 KB, 584x547, 584:547, AQ21.PNG)


Sandy Hook peeps can dig into InfoWars’ internal marketing and financial documents

Guise, think we can find something?

adae2e  No.4714178


They're scrubbing the next false accusers' Internet thumbprints right now, as we speak.

If RBG is dead, why should (((they))) be allowed to conceal that fact? Isn't that a crime of some sort, to tie up a Supreme Court seat with a … to use one of Q's terms … [placeholder]? And if the other justices know, are they not complicity in the coverup?

Do any of (you) know how we can find out WTF is going on with that bitch? I specifically want to know which justices were involved with it had advance notice of Antonin Scalia's murder.

f27516  No.4714183

File: f9f8e24c6878d56⋯.png (818.17 KB, 817x815, 817:815, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)


TY Baker!

725668  No.4714184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


9641f6  No.4714188

File: 557866706672683⋯.jpg (83.23 KB, 751x500, 751:500, loser.jpg)

647471  No.4714190

File: 1d628ad7ff9b605⋯.jpg (6.83 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 5eeef9ded25f336cd8d0c41e25….jpg)


TY baker!

de9c54  No.4714191

File: a7ed13072752ff5⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 524x465, 524:465, Hillary.jpg)

I bet Hillary regrets this one.

f5a548  No.4714192


Well this can be interesting af.

ff1f9a  No.4714193

File: 788fb95a9779387⋯.jpeg (46.2 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 70F602BF-A130-4362-BDD0-2….jpeg)

621601  No.4714194


1) she was a homewrecker

2) she had shady money deal

3) she had a facelift and boob job

4) she got someone fired by telling lies

5) she sold cocaine in college

6) she cheats on her taxes

7) she is a closet alcoholic

8) she watches porn

9) she had 9 abortions

43ad18  No.4714195

File: 3628f95e07daf13⋯.png (736.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, aumb.png)

f5a548  No.4714197


Yeah, I hate it when I upload the wrong picture, too.

48ff26  No.4714198

File: 895de1d53868ab2⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 236x338, 118:169, 785a044f1c8951f30a9e3d4255….jpg)

Thank You Baker

9641f6  No.4714199

File: 8e6c9bcb69ff5db⋯.png (20.61 KB, 940x124, 235:31, bezosloser.png)

451ba5  No.4714200


Demand Proof if Life!

6cefe4  No.4714201

File: bc1403d543414f4⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1076x759, 1076:759, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4714122 (lb)

No sauce on any of your bullshit

Likely time for a hummus break

Maybe a quick dip - pic related

35161b  No.4714202

File: 394b4bb74b2d9a5⋯.png (539.35 KB, 659x901, 659:901, POTUS Schedule 1-11-19 12….PNG)

File: 333307e6caf12f8⋯.png (769.02 KB, 753x763, 753:763, POTUS Schedule 1-11-19 12….PNG)


ff56c3  No.4714203

File: 48d447025d016f5⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 3094x4020, 1547:2010, deck.jpg)

12feff  No.4714204

File: cc907737793a4c7⋯.png (434.21 KB, 777x969, 259:323, ClipboardImage.png)


TMZ Confirms: MacKenzie Bezos To Become World's Richest Woman

There was no prenup…

Speculation about whether Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos signed a prenup before tying the not back in 1993 - nearly a year before Bezos founded Amazon and long before his net worth was even in seven-figure territory - has been percolating for two days, since the Amazon CEO and world's wealthiest man revealed in a surprising announcement that he and his wife would be seeking a divorce.

Many have assumed that, given the length of their marriage and their relative lack of assets at the time, that they didn't bother with this formality before getting hitched roughly six months after they started dating. Now, gossip site TMZ has confirmed that this is indeed the case.

As pair prepare to file for divorce in the state of Washington, which requires equitable distribution of marital assets, it appears that MacKenzie Bezos will almost certainly emerge from the proceedings as the world's wealthiest woman - and Bezos will sink from world's wealthiest to world's fifth-wealthiest man.


“There are basically three types of women and reactions. One is the good woman who very much loves her future husband, solely for himself, but refuses to sign the agreement on principle. I fully understand this, but the man should take a pass anyway and find someone else.”

- Donald Trump (The Art of the Comeback)

e17e56  No.4714205

File: 3b951d3e7c7b4d5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1415x1946, 1415:1946, 2018_9_13_20_14_43.png)

File: 83c6a9cbbbd8ead⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1391x2230, 1391:2230, 2018_9_13_20_12_36.png)

File: b74c4e2dfd64308⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1472x2672, 92:167, 2018_9_13_20_13_51.png)

File: f25a81a34abcc66⋯.jpeg (19.26 KB, 500x341, 500:341, 07090c8804e5b0c5bcc43e19e….jpeg)

Reposting for discussion

Q post #154

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

>WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

>Fantasy land.

>Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

8878be  No.4714206


Stupid, VERY stupid, you predictable shill.

022ea4  No.4714207

File: 163461ec880944d⋯.jpeg (862.96 KB, 1189x1164, 1189:1164, 90592572-7AF4-41CE-8D46-8….jpeg)

File: 478099a803cb5d9⋯.jpeg (502.69 KB, 1079x1559, 1079:1559, A71ED661-F8F5-4C5D-8808-0….jpeg)

File: 65d8a50d51505c2⋯.jpeg (253.3 KB, 867x1277, 867:1277, FCF2B8C1-A02C-46C3-9358-5….jpeg)

File: a0303f5b3644ce7⋯.jpeg (254.61 KB, 892x1348, 223:337, B680437D-CF7B-402F-8486-7….jpeg)

Shake and bake

9d42b7  No.4714208

Sebastian Gorka DrG @SebGorka

Multiple sources tonight tell me this woman is not even in DC, but in New York and preparing to step down from the Supreme Court.

And you ready for what will ensue?

0d7a7c  No.4714209


Trump exposing jones?

1367a2  No.4714210


Typical liberal career politician

Will not work

She ate puppies when she was 5

Lb bro


12feff  No.4714211


>Reposting for discussion

Beginning to spam for the bread


d1a117  No.4714212


Think subgroup and Nazis, huh?'

So.. Jews?

ba503a  No.4714213

File: b2c90774cdeb93d⋯.png (393.73 KB, 605x611, 605:611, AQ1.PNG)

Cabal O' Rourke and Oprah

Beto O'Rourke will head to New York next month for a live interview with Oprah


8878be  No.4714214

File: 8397d2dcde4d8a4⋯.png (187.91 KB, 1130x840, 113:84, stob it.png)



>They're scrubbing the next false accusers' Internet thumbprints right now, as we speak.

They can bring up assets for any foreseeable candidate, and if they cannot fully ID them beforehand, they will just ad lib it. Or buy time like now with RBG, to figure out their next step.

17b1e7  No.4714215

File: af009b0250d7161⋯.png (248.86 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, sawyerscharles.png)

Little dig on the RBG.

Found this little tidbit on someone she may be seeing.

Charles Sawyers.

MSK has all kinds of connections. Rockefellers, Obozo, all kinds of shit.

932ab5  No.4714216

The way Q operates sometimes is making me think a different Supreme may be departing soon and then hopefully Ginsbug after that.

35161b  No.4714217

File: 0c981c58f15589a⋯.png (414.27 KB, 659x741, 659:741, Hannity Tweet re KUSI CNN ….PNG)

File: 73232b01442b9d2⋯.png (29.24 KB, 537x445, 537:445, Hannity re KUSI CNN 1-11-1….PNG)

REPORT: CNN ‘Declined’ to Air San Diego TV Station’s ‘LOCAL VIEW’ Due to Pro-Wall Position



870b96  No.4714218

File: 0b79710a480c734⋯.jpg (10.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f28e235f65833ca99ce60c275e….jpg)


I see what you did here. Kek

34c652  No.4714219

File: 9618de7464b2ef7⋯.jpg (265.62 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, GbergTree.jpg)

File: 4f5ccbfd04b65bc⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 517x299, 517:299, GB MAURass.jpg)

Gotta DOIT.

Anons are not permitted to post anything on the GREENBERG


This Anon has posted well over 30 posts on this family in over 2 years time and not a ONE gets in to Notables so others can dig and become aware.

Has NOT mattered how many nominations posts receive, Bakers will NOT allow GREENBERGS in Notables.

[and for you shillfags, NOT about muhNotables, it's about getting the info to others so they can dig and make connections, which there are many]


1de8e6  No.4714220


CUCKED. FFS. No prenup.

And to think I was going to reply back to the email my ex sent on my bday a year after she left me for some chadfag bartending mouthbreather. WHEW. These cunts ain't loyal.

489831  No.4714221



022ea4  No.4714222

It’s not the Jews I resent, it’s market dominant middlemen minorities.

12feff  No.4714223

File: 7943b52c98301a3⋯.png (158.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The richest woman will have become rich by fucking an ugly billionaire and divorcing him


1a9d42  No.4714224

File: e8901739d2421f5⋯.jpeg (101.47 KB, 750x1063, 750:1063, EA07705D-A26E-404A-AE9F-6….jpeg)

What’s this pen doing?

ac86f3  No.4714225

File: daecc87f63dc3ec⋯.jpg (590.18 KB, 564x800, 141:200, Franken1.jpg)

He was a pervert from the beginning.

62226c  No.4714226


Who is she Accountable to? Does she just call in sick to Roberts?

6c575a  No.4714227

File: 81ac096ced7567a⋯.png (298.54 KB, 499x641, 499:641, 1546541274495.png)

3cfc83  No.4714228

File: d8b7a6f8a002dd3⋯.png (2.19 MB, 919x5930, 919:5930, 01Screenshot_2018-11-18 Re….png)

File: 80d9d0930f0c89c⋯.png (379.94 KB, 850x3837, 850:3837, 02Screenshot_2018-11-18 Re….png)

File: 438f9d0586093d8⋯.png (204.13 KB, 821x2082, 821:2082, 03Screenshot_2018-11-18 Re….png)

File: 23a643c51da5709⋯.jpg (489.57 KB, 1245x1650, 83:110, 272626_original.jpg)

File: f03bd681e5e2e2b⋯.png (11.22 KB, 635x169, 635:169, e9abf206fb8e25cc2ab0f67d97….png)

149a80  No.4714229

File: 1f10a9377d031ac⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1f10a9377d031acf889fa89702….gif)


>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

because it ain't going away.

cd2ff7  No.4714230

File: 984977a6c672fb6⋯.jpg (69.33 KB, 558x1050, 93:175, yaza1.jpg)

Merci, boulanger.

022ea4  No.4714231


Last bread lb faggot

82bfa4  No.4714232

You guise thought that Jeff Bezos has a "funny eye?"

I say he's got a funnier family tree…


f2dcd8  No.4714233

File: 966c919d7b62694⋯.jpg (163.4 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, Anti Climbing spinners.jpg)

35161b  No.4714234

File: 49910476b34b05c⋯.png (32.53 KB, 649x330, 59:30, tspooky re RBG Reports 1-1….PNG)

Why do I get the feeling that this is all "less than 100%" accurate?


ab4caa  No.4714235

Be lewd and amean pimp at #AOC !

Alexandria will have to answer at some point to not destroy her narrative.And at that point she will be losing all!

Fight them (her) with theisr own means, be sexual and LGTBTQ to her, use twatter for goog reach. Praise Kek who sent the locusts to Mecca, egypt this week :D


f5a548  No.4714236


Anon, she's saving his money. Planned divorce.

4ba65b  No.4714238


Henrik Svensmark

Nir Shaviv

Valentina Zharkova "When they crawl out of the caves"

IS THIS TRUE??????????????????????????

320e65  No.4714239


That Stormy?

022ea4  No.4714240


MacKenzie bezos is dating

8878be  No.4714241

File: 5c2e993448720d2⋯.jpeg (37.32 KB, 399x385, 57:55, pepe.jpeg)


ashkaNAZI and sephradi banking interests + criminal elements are one finger of the group.

the entire ww2 was a set up from the get go, no matter what truths adolf told. he had a (((handler))) per Q.

jewry is POISON. media, finances, controlled by (((them))).

(((msm))) = jewry.



d21da5  No.4714242

File: 9a1c51c2cffe4cf⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 975x600, 13:8, 9a1c51c2cffe4cf237ab215253….jpg)


TIL my ex is going to be on the Supreme Court.

de9c54  No.4714243

File: 717f96324a32a0e⋯.jpg (111.87 KB, 750x478, 375:239, documentary.jpg)

Documentary coming about child trafficking in U.S. government.


48ff26  No.4714244

File: 2e3a019738adc50⋯.jpeg (255.63 KB, 1380x1100, 69:55, 1541161787.jpeg)

fa31e5  No.4714245


We can protest, demand FOIA, file Petition for Certiorari.

f2dcd8  No.4714247

File: da90e77eed1691f⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 550x454, 275:227, oops.jpg)


feeds into the wealth protection notable earlier.

174144  No.4714248

File: 4a7652242536349⋯.jpg (122.15 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, 1156.jpg)

877e74  No.4714249


I have never understood why they are going after Jones when he just interviewed a guy who didn't believe the story about Sand Hook and said so. Even if I am wrong about that we all know Sandy Hook was a FF. This lawsuit seems fake too. Something smells fishy with this whole thing. Is Jones in on this so we could all see his now fake internal marketing and financial documents? Is this a way to try and salvage his name to make a come back. I have no idea but I still think something stinks here.

ba503a  No.4714250


Don't think this connects, but Q could set us on him with only one post.

d1a117  No.4714251


looking cheap and classless, just like AOC

Not like our POTUS with his sweet swingin' dick fountain pen

1367a2  No.4714252


Me thinks so too

And the cheating story is fake as hell

Also details of texts are to provoke emotional response

They are playing the game

da5681  No.4714253

File: 98d2c5b8af01470⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 587x531, 587:531, Screenshot 2019-01-11_15-1….jpg)



229542  No.4714254

File: b367c9db7d55897⋯.png (354.64 KB, 402x564, 67:94, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

>>4713429 SpaceX finishes building 'Starship' Hopper prototype. (Photo)

omg rufkm? it looks like something from a 1940's sci-fi movie.

d3def6  No.4714255

>>4714109 (lb)


It should be like pro sports. You use the visas to get the superstar players into the country, not to load up your team with cheap alternatives.

The other end of the scale is the seasonal visas. Tourist places, for example, have a problem from labor day to November because their summer workers go back to school. Farm pickers, same thing.

The visa system is abused by companies using the lower level visas to hire permanent workers and not letting the talented people who could compete for their own jobs at the top end in.

509a5a  No.4714256

Can you see me Q? Was wondering if putting the Coast Guard back under Military control and not Homeland Security could be a thing…Much appreciated if you could speak to + on that. Much love to you and the team. Semper Paratus

3d3cef  No.4714257

>>4714223 Nah…my bet is he's just trying to insulate his finances!

34c652  No.4714258

File: ee666e018afc0db⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 648x430, 324:215, Gberg fam.jpg)

File: 1beef119228ef6b⋯.jpg (318.87 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Gberg har K.jpg)






9d42b7  No.4714259

Does anyone have Antonin Scalia's Pillow for RBG???

da5681  No.4714260

File: ab931fe7c70a7a5⋯.jpg (365.3 KB, 1124x2444, 281:611, screencapture-hannity-medi….jpg)

REPORT: Federal Judges Ordered ICE to Release MS-13 Members Before New York Attack


229542  No.4714261


fucking muslims. go away.

82f501  No.4714262


Nothing. It's a clowns pen.

12feff  No.4714263


see: >>4714223

women can be amazing.. and can be succubi






plausible, but I don't think so personally

seems like the clown fucked up to me

271fda  No.4714264

>women are money hungry sluts even when they marry someone with no money and years later he is a whoring multibillionaire sending dicpics to a plastic surgery queen

>its her fault and even if it isn't hes only guilty of failing to get the money hungry slut he married just out of college to sign a prenup when he was fucking broke

>btw if I didn't mention, shes a whore

So you stupid faggots think the way to go is to bash Mackenzie bezos….?

1d1ec7  No.4714265

File: 548b1a20d3bb666⋯.png (422.2 KB, 605x526, 605:526, birdbrainchallenge.PNG)

Layton Police

‏ @laytonpolice

Bird Box Challenge while driving…predictable result. This happened on Monday as a result of the driver covering her eyes while driving on Layton Parkway. Luckily no injuries.

10:49 AM - 11 Jan 2019


ef7f7b  No.4714266

8878be  No.4714267

File: 4976099a0d3f93c⋯.jpeg (45.28 KB, 474x634, 237:317, ohjew5.jpeg)


>being this retarded

Why so low energy today, (((shill)))?

Welcome to mars, bitch.

ba503a  No.4714268


Well, Anons DID connect Jones thru Corsi to Mossad, so there is that.

022ea4  No.4714269


What do you think happened to the adults who were supposedly shot at sandy hook if it was a hoax? Have they been found out in their new identities?

922ab6  No.4714270


>something stinks here.



maybe you should take a peek at previous crumbs, looks like you missed a few

8fabd7  No.4714271

File: ae404c25c8fd4d1⋯.png (224.07 KB, 627x474, 209:158, space-ghost2.png)

Interesting look at some numbers. Might not mean anything but I find it interesting so I am sharing.

Today Q post has 4 booms https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4706349.html#4707080

Todays date has 4 numbers in a row.

Today is 1/11/19 which = 4 1's This is the only day of the year that 4 in a row can happen.

If we look at the date as 1 11 2019, we do not get the same result, however if we advance the date to 2 22 2019, we get quads again. This is the only time when this will happen.

By strange coincidence, if we look at both numbers together we see 4 12's in a row



Considering that Trump recently mentioned 12, I found this interesting. Might mean nothing but who knows.

b0e6ab  No.4714272

Anons, if Mitt's running again - I'd assume it, at this point - , the chessboard just completely morphed, and we have to re-evaluate EVERYTHING.

229542  No.4714273


driver covering her eyes.


f01590  No.4714274

File: 3516d3781c3e112⋯.png (914.2 KB, 1112x922, 556:461, ClipboardImage.png)

53ea7e  No.4714275

File: b73179bede6cc6a⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x821, 1242:821, 3EBCC829-5E4D-4824-9C81-E….jpeg)

Ok I missed it but what’s the take on Mrs Pompeo wearing an Iranian patterned headscarf on their trip to the ME?

922ab6  No.4714276

File: a6d7d07ed2318e4⋯.jpg (260.33 KB, 643x453, 643:453, pepcard.jpg)


>Bird Box Challenge

8e7b43  No.4714277

>>4713981 (n)

Fulford says Harry Reid is the next person to be executed for treason, which is why he's been speaking out so much lately.

>>4714101 (n)

Fulford says Japanese PM Shinzō Abe is also going to be dealt with because he has been doing a lot of desperate bad shit on behalf of the cabal like nationalizing drinking water and dumping Fukushima water into the open seas. "Assisting the Five Eyes" validates this information perfectly.

35161b  No.4714278

File: 96102746554a9c0⋯.png (40.43 KB, 645x305, 129:61, WH re Rountable 1-11-19 12….PNG)



1f908e  No.4714279


Leaning towards yes.

932ab5  No.4714280

The way Sheppy operates makes me think he must have been the honeypot for one of the Murdoch boys. Maybe both. He is just daring fox to fire him. I had to shut him off. I don't know who is watching him. Can't be big numbers.

6cefe4  No.4714281

File: 9bb6ae71e699c02⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1282x1455, 1282:1455, WWG1WGA_NHDP.png)


Nice deck you got there

41f4dc  No.4714282

File: 720cd257025a319⋯.gif (715.36 KB, 700x529, 700:529, flash.gif)

12feff  No.4714283



sci-fi → sci-fact → reality


she deviously played it well, bezos fucked up


she's going to be one of the richest people on Earth ffs

149a80  No.4714284


TBH, it is a manufactured crisis..

just an inversion - it's $oro$ doing the manufacturing.

5f4a24  No.4714285

9ab7e8  No.4714286


yeah right… POTUS has 80+% approval from Repubs

4afac1  No.4714287


0d7a7c  No.4714288



be1cb5  No.4714289

File: a4d749b4dfcd9f6⋯.png (68.88 KB, 639x452, 639:452, FeinsteinFuckery.png)

Feinstein - wut are you doing?

e58e88  No.4714290

It's a game of chicken with RBG and the wall.

Trump wants congress to give him the wall so it's done easily/legally. If he calls for a state of emergency, it can be challenged in many courts and would inevitably end up in the Supreme Court.

If RGB stays on the court, she can challenge the legality of it, even to simply delay the construction orders. Right now, he's delaying the announcement to see what Ruthie does with her health/retirement/death.

c47f01  No.4714291


Hate or love AJ.

This is not good. Are we setting precedent for attacking free speech here?

3d3cef  No.4714292


Solidarity with the people of Iran! Gov't sucks but GREAT people!

fc12a3  No.4714293


The funeral will be held at (((their))) convenience

9d42b7  No.4714294


I have a feeling Tony knows the "REAL" truth

870b96  No.4714295

File: 23f4b69f1675b74⋯.jpg (241.11 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 7jJuuOU.jpg)











Why are you so triggered by the q crumbs?


I dont know. Ask ivanka, or jared or horowitz or mnuchin.

412fd8  No.4714296


And she's not running for POTUS as a Dem in 2020? Huge missed opportunity!

f2dcd8  No.4714298


No matter where it goes it can be taken under claw-back provision through DOJ

022ea4  No.4714299


Just need Bernie Sanders to run as independent

9ab012  No.4714300

File: 06496ac7926ebdb⋯.png (506.61 KB, 632x784, 79:98, dershowitz on huckabee.png)

File: 449ef6bc75acf4d⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 619x700, 619:700, 2019-01-11_151840.jpg)

>>4712992 (pb)

Any significance of the time showing on Dershowitz's watch in the Huckabee ad? Looks like 3:50? Follow 'the' watch or maybe follow all obvious watches of related players?

cfef34  No.4714301

>>4714156 (PB)


We all died in 2012

I literally haven't worked in over a year

I go to work and get a paycheck every week

but I don't actually do anything

at first it was just a test to see how long it would be before somebody said something

We had a office meeting the other day and everyone was talking about how one of the other workers wasn't doing anything and whats wrong with him and I was thinking to myself that is me! say it , say it damit, but nothing,

Are you guys just NPC's in my nightmare?

cdc3d9  No.4714302

File: a7ce5e5963bec8c⋯.jpeg (99.6 KB, 649x360, 649:360, CE2B1E9B-EDA9-4FAA-96FA-7….jpeg)


She died years ago. Current RBG is a replacement. Step down for incarceration.

88ee1d  No.4714303


Flush the border with drugs. Kill off young white demographic.

Flush the border with boarders. Replace young white demographic.

Easy peasy.

12feff  No.4714304

File: 8790e87db1f96ab⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 480x480, 1:1, hatecianiggers.jpg)

File: 17ec479870863d8⋯.gif (687.44 KB, 160x160, 1:1, 58b246c82ba90fe71e2b81743e….gif)



HUGE AMAZON PACKAGE Jeff Bezos sent X-rated photos of his ‘big’ willy to Lauren Sanchez and told her ‘I won’t be gentle’, mag claims


3d3cef  No.4714305


That would be the best answer for the rest of the world!

17b1e7  No.4714306


Rut Roh.

Shit starting to rattle loose on the Democrat death trap.

0d7a7c  No.4714307


Q has already said Jones is Mossad.

d1a117  No.4714308


Nah, it's fuckin' great. Let's dig into those MOS payments and talk about 'em.. dis gon' be gud

8878be  No.4714309



Now SHAMELESSLY lying about shutdown not being their fault and (((projecting))) their 'it's all because trump…because….because he likes to POLITICIZE YOUR DEATHS' oh wait that's what (((we))) always do…

Fucking STUPID.

45b290  No.4714310


Q team has dropped various stuff in the past about security and visibility tracking on FB and others. Been reading up on Kaspersky since yesterday too and it's damaging vulnerabilities. I'll continue to dig, but I encourage anyone newish here to look at what's been happening to our information both civilly and defense wise. We have been sold out in so many ways. I dont know how much good it does anymore. Honestly, I dont think there's any protection in digital presence at least in the mainstream sense. Alot of normies lurk here and they dont have sic VPN and encryption protocol like others. That said how do we as a country take back control in privacy and online safety? So much contradicting information out there. I get the sense we are trying to rebuild infrastructure internally on many fronts. I guess in time it will get better. Thoughts?

373046  No.4714311

Country-wide service lapse at 2 pm est. notable?

1f908e  No.4714312


She’ll be airtight with three Jamaican dudes singin “I shot the sheriff” in a month.

e17e56  No.4714313

File: 9ff982939cf7737⋯.png (15.4 KB, 255x250, 51:50, c069db852d0acfeb4d4227a2c3….png)



You got it anon. Kek

53ea7e  No.4714314


Yes I’d agree

852109  No.4714315



8878be  No.4714317

File: 762fae6eab8aa19⋯.png (218.65 KB, 640x367, 640:367, gaskike.png)



>thinks it's doing anything after copying anons listing kike shills

KEK you fucking bitch. you are done.

be1cb5  No.4714318

Anons, something is weird about this shooter. A bystander at the scene of a traffic accident walks up and shoots the responding officer at almost point blank, then WALKS off shooting at others. MK Ultra?


35161b  No.4714319


>I have a feeling Tony knows the "REAL" truth

I have a feeling you are correct

5b7258  No.4714320

File: d5f3d6604563134⋯.jpg (4.85 MB, 7232x4448, 226:139, Q Map Graphic 61.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>4654776 Q Graphics all in GMT #61 seen here >>4714139

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

d21da5  No.4714321


>It's a game of chicken with RBG and the wall.

Don't forget the election report that's due in ten days.

Q mentioned "constitutional crisis"

f2dcd8  No.4714322


Preparation for a run. It exists now and also shows willingness to assimilate.

Kind of a problem here the non-assimilation


7be18a  No.4714323

File: b52995ad798fccd⋯.png (36.79 KB, 651x131, 651:131, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)


is POTUS talking about fentanyl? or something else – misspellings matter as does tweet construction and this one is atypically vague ..


We lose 300 Americans a week, 90% of which comes through the Southern Border. These numbers will be DRASTICALLY REDUCED if we have a Wall!


681543  No.4714324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OK, that is awesome, LOL.

0498ae  No.4714325


Bird Box pushes an anti-white agenda.

149a80  No.4714326

File: 9a88adb86548932⋯.jpg (18.53 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1547193424849.jpg)



not like it's not obvious.

877e74  No.4714327


It was kids that were shot and there are pictures of them older now. You also don't meet parents inside the school for lunch (pizza was brought in0 when your kids blood was still on the walls. There is so much proof out there this was fake. The whole town all had their mortgages paid off later. No coincidences

7d1b76  No.4714328


>Don't forget the election report that's due in ten days.





f2dcd8  No.4714329

File: 1461a1f05d395ba⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 400x200, 2:1, derp derp.jpg)

d1a117  No.4714330


I'm not triggered, I love Jew shit..

Lox & Bagels

Chinese and Movies at XMas

Lampshades, Soap

Anne Frank memes

Your mom's sweet puss-puss

6cefe4  No.4714331

File: 1c7032d89dc3f19⋯.png (326.17 KB, 776x696, 97:87, ClipboardImage.png)

ba503a  No.4714332


> Are we setting precedent for attacking free speech here?

Free Speech? Have you been paying attention to what we do here? We're documenting the attack ON Free Speech right here.

5b7258  No.4714333




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4714320

Pastabin in case one prefers: https://pastebin.com/SvbsN0uR

870b96  No.4714334

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)


Oh my. A clown got triggered.

cd2ff7  No.4714335

922ab6  No.4714336


how about just being respectful of local traditions

despite no reciprocity


7ac8fc  No.4714337


Also pushes an Evil wins agenda.

73853d  No.4714338

File: 9f754795f28846f⋯.png (233.66 KB, 468x600, 39:50, orange pepe mandela.png)

>>4714087 lb

>>4714123 lb

>>4714123 lb

Pray for good things because we are changing reality

8878be  No.4714339

File: 9ec625659e2ce7f⋯.jpeg (56.59 KB, 640x489, 640:489, gas.jpeg)


> e17e56

>"got it (((anon)))"

Fucking OBVIOUS (((sock puppeting))) LOL

Why such a bitch today, shills? Did we rape you too hard?

12feff  No.4714340

File: 7eaefdc2c6aa054⋯.png (2.54 MB, 3709x2301, 3709:2301, megajew1.png)



I just think you're a spammer shillfaggot that is the closest thing to the JIDF we have on this board.

stop IP hopping by the way

I enjoy those crumbs

599ebf  No.4714341


KEK! The Soros money will be gone by then. So will this fake Mexican. Not to mention the way he dealt his father-in-law in and fucked over a bunch of poor people in El Paso when he was a city council guy.

7d1b76  No.4714342


>We're documenting the attack ON Free Speech right here.

78e56f  No.4714343

File: 42289ddc423a004⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 2pqmcf.jpg)



834fac  No.4714344


Stop glowing, shill.

9ab012  No.4714345

File: 52de35db157eb9b⋯.jpg (136.14 KB, 592x1543, 592:1543, 350.jpg)

File: fb554d5f9e96eb8⋯.jpg (27.92 KB, 584x569, 584:569, 1550.jpg)


attached q posts #350 and #1550

0498ae  No.4714346


She's blaming GUNS….

0ac1f0  No.4714347



Pretty much had the same response.

412fd8  No.4714348


This is Female 101

022ea4  No.4714349


I agree there was a lot of fakery at sandy hook, just have a hard time thinking the school was really closed and the adults weren’t actually killed. I don’t know what to think tbh

12feff  No.4714350


you can tell by the syntax, pasta, and language used:

(((870b96))) = (((e17e56)))


lurk moar faggot

186529  No.4714351

File: 7222ffe0962265c⋯.png (844.11 KB, 922x499, 922:499, ClipboardImage.png)

ba503a  No.4714352


Not what i meant. Sorry, should have been clearer.

Doesn't connect Jones to Trump.

I'm sure FIOA's and the like are getting filed soon.

7d1b76  No.4714353


>I don’t know what to think tbh

Good. At least you're not deluded into thinking you know. Keep watching. Patterns emerge.

48ff26  No.4714354

File: 5514b0d1c993d2b⋯.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1528904166.jpeg)

870b96  No.4714355

File: b4112cbfb94fca9⋯.jpg (524.34 KB, 2000x1425, 80:57, b4112cbfb94fca97e829a4f525….jpg)





Bring back freddy. He was way more convincing.

9a6a28  No.4714356


why do you hate jews so much?

6cefe4  No.4714357


Fuck off and leave the baker alone you wasted 10% of last bread shill

Those pictures mean nothing alone

Your goat is calling

cdc3d9  No.4714358

File: 0ad19dc5c506cb3⋯.jpeg (239.32 KB, 600x400, 3:2, D7BC252E-B221-48EF-82D3-7….jpeg)



Me too.

I still think Jew BJ’s are the cats meow.

8e7b43  No.4714359


Do you think Trump is ruthless enough to leverage "the man who got him elected"? Would dare he hold a gun to Jones's head and tell him to run a Pelosi-style script?


Does Corsi mean well or must he be destroyed?


They wouldn't be in danger if citizens were allowed their full gun rights. So sad, boo hoo.

725668  No.4714360

File: fca361bb5c18476⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 554x606, 277:303, a7ed13072752ff502e38c67a9c….jpg)


you need to set the date straight dude..

763cc0  No.4714361

File: 4a37b6f1f198f0a⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 861x484, 861:484, feinsteindesperate.jpg)

5e356b  No.4714362

File: 948074e5228dc90⋯.png (417.68 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

271fda  No.4714363



it's the same reason you don't go to a funeral wearing shorts even if it's really hot outside

53ea7e  No.4714364


Well they weren’t in Iran but the Middle East and this pattern looks Iranian

1f908e  No.4714365


Sure looks like stormy to me.

Who is it den?

62b096  No.4714366

File: f604ad55f75c588⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 540x423, 60:47, praise kek.jpg)


youre so dank desu

ff56c3  No.4714367


Why do you love them so much ?

5d7fa9  No.4714368

File: 96284db6c67f2d4⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, Trump-SOTU-2018-rtr-img.jpg)

8878be  No.4714369

File: 88d075dca0a8da0⋯.jpeg (22.88 KB, 474x395, 6:5, pepelaugh.jpeg)


Holy shit (((it))) literally IP hopped the moment it was told to KEK


17b1e7  No.4714370


Needs to read "Grabbed My Penis"

48ff26  No.4714371

File: 2166207b3e64a76⋯.jpeg (91.09 KB, 1440x570, 48:19, 1542218197.jpeg)

be1cb5  No.4714372


Think of it like the wall vs tunnels anon. With a VPN you may get freedom from a certain quality of prying eyes, perhaps the vast majority like a wall would stop. But, you still have a few who have the resources and skill to tunnel under the wall, many less than would otherwise cross your border but one is too many.

The tunnel represents your modem, and your smart phone as well as the cellular network itself. They are comped, with no doubts. Some will get through.

6cefe4  No.4714373


Heh yeah was lazy on that one

53c067  No.4714374

A friend found out that they're going to pay food stamps for March around February 19th since it's expected to stop until shutdown is over. Looks like this shutdown is prepared to last a while. - https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/09/usda-food-stamp-benefits-guaranteed-through-february-despite-shutdown.html

922ab6  No.4714375


because feelings towards them are legislated?

7d1b76  No.4714376

File: eefc0e97ef00e6d⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1300x953, 1300:953, ClipboardImage.png)


…all four of them.

1367a2  No.4714377


Already answered

Money was not appropriated

9d42b7  No.4714378


Once a spook, always a spook

9a6a28  No.4714379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's simple.

Just watch this video, it explains why I celebrate the Jewish people every day.

66363d  No.4714380


ok, how about trying to lay putnam a case on how it’s connected to Q or other families before bitching about not bitching about muh notables?

Shitty presentation with absolutely no relevance without context is why people are ignoring this. Not because the board is ran by greenberg’s. FFS.

870b96  No.4714381

File: 5d9c067937ecf8b⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 094.jpg)

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)

5d7fa9  No.4714382

9a6a28  No.4714383


Why can't you answer a simple question?

834fac  No.4714384

Since the midterms muh jew shills work in overtime and attack nearly every bread.

Some obvious, many blended in ones.

For reference, look up older breads, where the word jew shows maybe 5 times, not 150 times….like now…

There is no 'the jews'.

There are only single persons.

8 million jews live in israel.

You can't possibly think all are cabal members.

I am sure that many many of the upper part of society are cabal. (Like worldwide!)

And I am aware that many cabal members are jews.

However, there are also many non jewish bad actors. Many, worldwide.

Simplified 'oh fuck, its all the jews' is just not based on any facts and just not true.

It does two things:

1 - it hides the non jewish cabal members (folks from thinktanks, politicians, actors, MSM folks worldwide, …)

2 - it gives the Q movement and especially this board the look of a bunch of non-autists that are not digging for facts, but pushing their simple and obviously wrong opinions.

You must have realized that one of the MSM weapons is to blame POTUS and all his followers as nazis.

Imo the ones pushing non fact based info, by copy pasta in every bread, are 95% shills.

Anons are not that stupid and not that blind for facts.

Only shills have an interest to hide some actors and blame innocent ones.

Is hussein a bad guy? Is he moslem, from kenya?

Is jared kushner a good guy? Is he a jew and right now destroying cabal?

It is not as simple as shills would like it to be.

Think for yourself.

022ea4  No.4714386


That 50 b disappeared into Cayman holding companies with anonymous boards based in Luxembourg. Sucks being the little person doesn’t it.

026fb6  No.4714387

File: 741edb886ba6a10⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1168x2012, 292:503, 8B21FB2C-7CB9-4E99-9E32-F….jpeg)

Picture is from 10-1-18, that was 102 days ago.

Looking forward, 4-23-19 is 102 days from today.

Interestingly, 4-23-19 lines up with Christmas Eve on the qclock

dfc6da  No.4714388


1.4 million active military. 9,000 are tribe.

670,000 cops. Can't find a statistic on how many are tribe.

But somehow they are over represented in politics, media, hollywood and banking.

We defend, they control.

725668  No.4714389


i went to trumps twitter archive and sought after a tweet from him thanking for birthday wishes n sheeitt..found one..fuck yeah..

ff56c3  No.4714390


Why are you ask question ?

17159d  No.4714391






Old news. Sandy Hook was proven 100% fake in every which way years ago. Nothing happened totally stage, mountains and mountains of evidence.

44fd4b  No.4714392

Where’s the…..BOOM, BOOM,BOOM, BOOM already?

1af314  No.4714393

File: 56f955f16bc605a⋯.png (110.53 KB, 1096x980, 274:245, Usual Suspects 01-11-2019.PNG)

The outstanding debrief of Lisa Page's testimony before congress turned up a bunch of new names complicit or involved in the imminent political Armageddon known as FISA/Spygate.

Usual Suspects has been updated to reflect her contributions. List is FISA/Spygate centric, it does not cover any of the other criminals or criminal acts from previous administrations.

It originated during the Seth Rich digs when it was becoming obvious that unmasking of FISA subjects likely caused his murder. So many names from previous digs (pizza/pedogate esp.) kept cropping up, it seemed like a good idea to catalog them. These names all came from open sources from information published directly related to this subject.


d21da5  No.4714394

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q9zhz.jpg)

35161b  No.4714395

File: de2e7ec9e9e1ba3⋯.png (62.22 KB, 647x352, 647:352, SPD re Protest 1-11-19.PNG)

File: cb820dfb8379816⋯.png (531.34 KB, 640x600, 16:15, SDOT re Protest 1-11-19.PNG)

No word yet why they are blocking the streets yet


0d7a7c  No.4714396


Oh of course not. I was saying this could be Trump saying "fuck you Jones, you're getting exposed now" since when his finances come out he's going to have to explain some contributions to his company that will probably be highly embarrassing.

9a6a28  No.4714397


>Since the midterms

You haven't been here very long have you.

Reminder, Q came to pol first.

You should go back to reddit or stick to youtubes, you stick out here.

b3d8e9  No.4714398

File: eb7e1629df86785⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 760x569, 760:569, holofake .jpg)

File: c56e6a5f48cd3e1⋯.jpg (76.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Streichholz.jpg)

File: 7781a3b625e28d4⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 731x487, 731:487, TrumpArmy2.jpg)

File: 5998605443d6ec1⋯.png (390.4 KB, 608x633, 608:633, USEBRAIN.png)

6cefe4  No.4714399

File: 339b1556bbbd321⋯.png (323.1 KB, 776x696, 97:87, ClipboardImage.png)

5f4a24  No.4714400


It's in their DNA.

6b443e  No.4714401

File: 0bf51692942ada3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1372x709, 1372:709, ClipboardImage.png)


While snacking on a Tide Pod?

48ff26  No.4714402

File: 51dda73471b82ca⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 250x250, 1:1, dsb1.gif)

8878be  No.4714403

File: 627eaa872a82d8f⋯.jpeg (55.17 KB, 258x360, 43:60, pepekek.jpeg)



Fine job of letting the whole world once again be reminded in what we are united to fight against.

THESE (((fuckers))) are STUPID.

877e74  No.4714404


There is a vid out there of a dead kid's father laughing while he walked up to the mic. He then got his face in that 'I am so sad my kid is dead' and then started his media interview. THAT was a crisis actor and not a grieving father.

d3def6  No.4714405


I think it would be best to get a vote on it. Critters need to show their colors for the voters to see.

If it goes down because of a partisan vote, then POTUS calls the SOE. He's going to be called a dictator with a SOE, regardless, might as well get the bastards on record to use in campaigning first. If you going to be labeled a dictator you might as well get your money's worth out of it.

ff56c3  No.4714406

File: cf9e838d30999cc⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 767x767, 1:1, c.jpg)

62b096  No.4714407


>Beginning to spam for the bread

as of post 185 your (8) posts are the most

149a80  No.4714408

File: 3a42d362e0a7a6f⋯.jpg (108.76 KB, 930x1024, 465:512, 1513313708944.jpg)

9a6a28  No.4714409


OK, keep shilling then. I will ignore.

9ab7e8  No.4714410


proving walls work

870b96  No.4714411

File: 53da675f442f2e4⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 410x307, 410:307, 53da675f442f2e439d403a26ce….jpg)

1f908e  No.4714412

File: 93e98fd37267287⋯.jpeg (17.38 KB, 236x295, 4:5, F17DCF6B-30B1-485B-8370-5….jpeg)

f2dcd8  No.4714413

File: 8282bfa54ec0f60⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 1138x227, 1138:227, 011119 Mkt snap 1.JPG)

Look for volume to pickup in final 30 minutes.

Would think some itchy trigger fingers on the sell side as it has not spent any time positive.

RUS2K has had positive portion of day, not pictured

531dc8  No.4714414

>>4713853 (pb)

Canker… or CANCER!!!

17b1e7  No.4714415



Red Castle

Green Castle

(B) for Bollard Wall

cfef34  No.4714416


We died in 2012


877e74  No.4714417


WE KNOW THIS but the court stuff is new and now. Fuck off

dfc6da  No.4714418


demonstrating what?

174144  No.4714419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2b67e1  No.4714420



Got it in anon, thank you.

88f7f6  No.4714421

>>4713394 lb

i'm listening to a show …… Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a MAN ?????? ….. being tossed out there. I hadn't thought about her in those terms, but ya she is a guy, look at her face/hairline, you can see her male.

More and more this shit is becoming evident… hollywood, government with many of the elite leaves one scratching their head, wondering….. her/him too…. OMG! so many trannys in gov, hollywood, in the elite around the world.

WHY? to pervert what God clearly abhorred, make it the norm, reduce population, sex without procreation

f2dcd8  No.4714423

File: 471aaf4ea6d9e39⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 320x243, 320:243, Macron A.jpg)

9a6a28  No.4714424


Is that going to be an Israel style wall or just a cuck fence?

da5681  No.4714425

File: 5fc488abbdeb4e3⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 592x272, 37:17, Screenshot 2019-01-11_15-3….jpg)

this fraud

8878be  No.4714427

File: 5094da7b030941a⋯.jpeg (47.01 KB, 474x621, 158:207, fuckouttahere.jpeg)


Literally proving tag-team tactics. LOL

Alright, raped these (((shills))) enough.


0ac1f0  No.4714428


Some research here a couple of weeks ago.

She was, and then she wasn't, and then her brother disappeared and now she's SCOTUS.

Brother assumed her identity.

12feff  No.4714429


wow, three in one bread

(((870b96))) = (((e17e56))) = (((834fac)))

impressive megajew

ff56c3  No.4714430


Dildo wall ?

271fda  No.4714431

File: 27fdb8dfc3bbc8b⋯.png (56.74 KB, 629x365, 629:365, ClipboardImage.png)

73853d  No.4714432


would that be any weirder than the reality we appear to be in?

8bafe7  No.4714433


Shes his handler. It was a sham marriage like the rest of them. How convenient that they get married and a year later hes on his way to building one of the worlds largest and most powerful companies in record time.

933687  No.4714434


Oh you think President Trump can influence judges. HILARIOUS!!

42b674  No.4714435


Discovery includes discovery of evidence of fuckery. Legal way to find it.

48ff26  No.4714436

File: 52fcd4a2cf337a3⋯.jpeg (198.77 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1547236369.jpeg)

870b96  No.4714437

File: 188cc012d672735⋯.gif (16.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 188cc012d67273559ca361b39c….gif)



Reality check. Whenever you claim to represent anyone but your faggot self, you glow.

>they want you divided

>divided by color

>divided by religion

>divided by race


Look here [muhjew] dont look here [ruling families]


b57d49  No.4714438

File: 1c63ebbdc5cc973⋯.png (43.63 KB, 246x246, 1:1, megajewalpha.png)

2b67e1  No.4714439


kek, love that movie

0ac1f0  No.4714440


So who is she?

725668  No.4714441

File: 794710ef9d6b1d7⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 554x606, 277:303, a7ed13072752ff502e38c67a9c….jpg)




improved too..

d549f1  No.4714442

File: 96c1b6978b2eaed⋯.jpg (166.3 KB, 1080x698, 540:349, Screenshot_20190111-143318….jpg)

Dragon FISA?

17b1e7  No.4714443


Spin that fucker.

Been stuck on muh joo for weeks.

77466e  No.4714444


more like Jones & InfoWars setting the stage to smear the "woke" community by colluding w/ Sandy Hook actors.

Keep in mind, InfoWars maintained that SH was NOT a hoax.

834fac  No.4714445

They want you DIVIDED.











8878be  No.4714446


Very possible. The father was a financial planner and she worked for a hedgefund.

SF born, comp'd.

4f5111  No.4714447

File: 29e0009284d21bb⋯.png (289.76 KB, 1724x1093, 1724:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

Red Castle

Green Castle


[B]lue Castle?

Plot is of a girl that takes the red pill, stops giving a fuck, and tells everyone exactly what she thinks. As a result everyone thinks she's insane.

12feff  No.4714448


see: >>4714340

really look at that graphic

'megajew' legitimately said he has "israeli contacts"

5b7258  No.4714449


Thanks Baker.


695e44  No.4714450

File: 9cd6c1cc779232f⋯.png (535.86 KB, 1440x2137, 1440:2137, Capture _2019-01-11-15-12-….png)

File: 7f6d11910fa2250⋯.png (185.93 KB, 1440x1268, 360:317, Capture _2019-01-11-15-12-….png)

The Bezos sending 'dic pics' to his mistress which the National Enquirer has, then told Bezos they would be publishing the story followed by Bezos announcing his divorce via Twitter (or so the story goes)… I think this might be leading into how Twitter has full access into everyone's phones/computers including our personal photos etc.

f2dcd8  No.4714451

File: 80722ee9ea493d1⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 480x360, 4:3, John Lee Hooker.jpg)

73fe98  No.4714452


I have a feeling that you have a feeling.

44ff34  No.4714453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heart to Heart Conversation with Reid: Democrats, I'm Telling You NO.

870b96  No.4714454

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)

File: f17bd51dec3c7f4⋯.jpeg (237.81 KB, 1200x1121, 1200:1121, f17bd51dec3c7f454ced06969….jpeg)

d9bfab  No.4714455

Anons, this will be difficult:

"Fellow Dems Chastise Ocasio-Cortez: ‘She Doesn’t Understand How the Place Works’

The National Review Jack Crowe,The National Review

"Veterans of the Democratic establishment, unsettled by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s lack of deference to seniority and party unity, have cautioned the freshman lawmaker to direct her potent social-media attacks toward Republicans rather than centrist Democrats.

“I’m sure Ms. Cortez means well, but there’s almost an outstanding rule: Don’t attack your own people,” Representative Emmanuel Cleaver (D., Mo.) told Politico. “We just don’t need sniping in our Democratic Caucus.”


e9bc59  No.4714456

File: 230377cac61d01a⋯.png (565.12 KB, 786x672, 131:112, 865067424435412134754798.png)

12feff  No.4714457

File: 5ce36a101af4638⋯.png (31.7 KB, 388x318, 194:159, 5ce36a101af463848581932169….png)



6c575a  No.4714459

File: aa07197eab3bf1a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1088x2847, 1088:2847, welcome.png)

17159d  No.4714460

File: 98be1236ca66f9f⋯.jpg (143.81 KB, 510x347, 510:347, 544d698c78351ace33fea8d799….jpg)


Keep your mom tied up, you little cunt. She seems confused.

58912a  No.4714461

cfef34  No.4714462


The world cannot swallow the truth.

maybe the truth that we are all dead or we cant die we just respawn every time

3d3cef  No.4714463


You gotta remember Anon that in the end times, the entire world will unite against "the Jews"…to the point of launching nukes…which btw, we know God will intervene and knock the nukes outta the sky to protect Israel! These Jew haters REFUSE to recognize the difference between the synagogue of satan and the Hebrews! But all the haters should know, they hate them at there own peril!

12feff  No.4714464




fa4d8f  No.4714465


Say Bonjour to the bad guy!

1e76b4  No.4714466

>>4713728 LB


This is BRILLIANT!!!!!

f960c2  No.4714467


Reid wants to have the dems run against mittens because he is a globalist as they are. They don't want to run against Trump because they know they will lose.

be97f3  No.4714468

File: 8cef3ab24dbfa6b⋯.jpg (142.49 KB, 446x299, 446:299, oprah-winfrey-michael-b-jo….jpg)

Oprah Sets Bradley Cooper, Michael B. Jordan & Beto O’Rourke Q&A For NYC

EXCLUSIVE: By next month, Oscar nominations will be out and 2020 Presidential ambitions will be crystalizing and Oprah Winfrey is bringing some of the biggest names in both categories to Times Square for a chat.


The Show To Watch This Week: 'True Detective', 'Deadly Class', 'Sex Education' & 'Trigger Warning'…

A Star Is Born star and director Bradley Cooper, Black Panther’s Michael B. Jordan, and Texas Senate candidate and potentially high office seeker Beto O’Rourke will join the Queen of Talk live one-on-one in NYC on February 5, I’ve learned. Melinda Gates and Time’s Up President and CEO Lisa Borders will also be part of the event at the Playstation Theater with more guests likely to be announced too.

Priced at $200 a pop, tickets go on sale next week on January 14 at 10 AM ET. Based on Oprah’s successful Emmy-winning SuperSoul Sunday series, the whole shindig will also be broadcast on OWN later this year and on Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast for those who can’t make it to the Big Apple.

Picking some of the most vocal and brightest stars in the cultural constellation, OWN says the event “will discuss how each of the guests created an impact and shifted the conversation in their respective fields of entertainment, politics and culture in the last year.”

https: //deadline.com/2019/01/oprah-winfrey-event-new-york-beto-orourke-bradley-cooper-supersoul-sunday-lineup-1202533537/

82bfa4  No.4714469


She keeps an illegal alien, sorry, "migrant" toy boy. He doesn't do home maintenance chores.

73fe98  No.4714470

File: 03d420b25a4002b⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 325x345, 65:69, George-Takei-oh-my.jpg)


'dic pics' you said?

681543  No.4714471

File: 3376005069fda76⋯.jpg (99.44 KB, 722x1055, 722:1055, f85eef31deee1f6ab9f08a0b64….jpg)



So, this got me thinking. If they aren't in control of their Twitters anymore (or, even if they are, and have to do as they are told as per catch and release agreement), wouldnt it be awesome if they made them tweet out something like "How many coincidences until its mathematically impossible?"

That, right there, would make people's head explode.

9a6a28  No.4714472


Why bother filtering the kikes?

They're so pathetic it's entertaining.

0d7a7c  No.4714473


Smear the woke community by having Jones finances come out? Unless the hide the Mossad money how does that work exactly.

12feff  No.4714474



kys Rspammer shill

834fac  No.4714475

Presidential Message on Hanukkah

Dec 2nd, 2018

Melania and I send our warmest greetings to our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States, in Israel, and around the world celebrating Hanukkah.

For eight nights, Jewish families and friends will come together to engage in the lighting of the menorah.  This special tradition started more than 2,000 years ago during the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which followed a trying period when Jews were persecuted for practicing their faith.

Unfortunately, Jews today continue to face many different forms of violence, hatred, and bigotry around the globe.  We remember all those from the Tree of Life—Or L’Simcha Congregation—whose lives were tragically taken in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past October.  As one Nation, we pledge our continued love and support for the victims, their families, and the community, and we pray that the victims’ families find some measure of peace and comfort during this holiday season.

Over the coming days, may the warming glow of each candle on the menorah help fill homes and hearts with love and happiness.  Together, we reaffirm the truth that light will always break through the darkness.  We send our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Hanukkah.


77466e  No.4714476


sounds like a threat from this satanist posing as a Christian.

17159d  No.4714477


Yet more "strange facts." TY

48ff26  No.4714478

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB, 500x225, 20:9, giphy_2.gif)

66363d  No.4714479


well if someone could zoom in on those signs…




be97f3  No.4714480


@ Jack and Jeff

3cfc83  No.4714481

File: ffbdaa9d22de363⋯.gif (2.31 MB, 400x206, 200:103, 8FCz3DF.gif)

5734c3  No.4714482


>Dragon FISA?

I'm thinking"China related" FISA, anon…?

45b290  No.4714483


I see. I guess in researching this I've read into the unspoken understanding that this is the standard now and has been for some time a least for those that understand it. No matter what anti-virus or VPN you use the ability and potential for access will always be present. That said is the standard of being monitored and tracking to be accepted by America or the world? Or is the silence and the demand for digital presence from the majority considered acceptance? The alternative is to live under a rock. One extreme or the other.

5f4a24  No.4714484

File: 0ded83c5e843f27⋯.png (674.34 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

5d7fa9  No.4714485

File: f9d39129c59c130⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, trump-fail-004.jpg)


Let's shape it a bit moar

Should read

14 jun 2015

That's the Day before 4-10-20

Made the PUBLIC Announcement!

834fac  No.4714486

To all the shills,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>4700726 pb - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us



Albert Pike: "The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."


[In bread #5549 some shills openly admitted they are masons. Read for yourself, just glowing obvious.]

be1cb5  No.4714487


Just saw something the other day about Greenberg. You say you're not allowed to post anything about them, yet here we are discussing it.

Instead of complaining, why don't you just keep your head down and drop the damn crumbs. Stop worrying about whether it receives a notable.

You don't have any clue how many anons are listening and going off to do moar research based on what you drop. I'm interested.

Back to work faggot!

6b443e  No.4714488

File: 4d5d76a33762cc2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 591x777, 197:259, ClipboardImage.png)



531dc8  No.4714489

File: 49ff147e04e62f7⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 217x232, 217:232, dementia.jpg)

8335de  No.4714490


>so others can dig

>it's about getting the info to others so they can dig and make connections

You could have done a lot of digging and put a whole filebox of portfolio together on this family in that 2 years time. Why did you spend the last two years trying to get others to dig, instead of doing the digging yourself and bringing the results here? Anons have free will, and dig on what they feel called to dig on.

You obviously feel called to dig on this family, but are not answering your own calling.

415ca3  No.4714491

File: fda98d54f91cbef⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 556x501, 556:501, tuckermouthbreather.jpg)


>sci-fi → sci-fact → reality

48ff26  No.4714492

File: 2485361ee5867e1⋯.jpg (94.44 KB, 1020x481, 1020:481, IMG_20190110_182120.jpg)

35161b  No.4714493




It is far too soon to say no further treatment is required / unless of course she is dead

Not saying she is and think that is a slide here

But you can't just say oh it was cancer, treatment no longer required without much more clarification

6b443e  No.4714494


this is pilpul by a Kike; ignore

17159d  No.4714495


kek. You got hurt.

0627c2  No.4714496

File: c28bec6ac38f89f⋯.png (386.1 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ad2379  No.4714497

File: 6f66cd45f224870⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

9ede99  No.4714498


Is that a Mona Lisa Swatch? Ha ha pretty rad.

Wonder what it might signify other than the time, I mean that thing is pretty distinctive and Mona Lisa has plenty of symbolism to different people. Also the word Swatch, and that it’s a symbol of Switzerland.

ffcc53  No.4714499

>Anti-Climbing Feature

how about electrification

d549f1  No.4714500

File: e3e7f5b66e9cac8⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 1080x346, 540:173, Screenshot_20190111-143756….jpg)

85aefb  No.4714501


All those employees should find another job and shut the fuck up. Strip down excess fat.

8d7d63  No.4714502


Well that was really stupid!!!

320e65  No.4714503


That Jenna Jameson?

8335de  No.4714504


this is pipul, ignore

8bafe7  No.4714505


She went to Princeton, then worked for a hedge fund. Already some CIA-esque background there.

Plus they adopted a kid from China. Funny how all these people seem to have some solid ties/ reason to visit china.

929955  No.4714506



73fe98  No.4714507



Damn! This ma is so weak it makes my 2 years old doughter look like a fucking siberian tiger!

9a6a28  No.4714508



Didn't read past there.

English obviously isn't your first language…so what is it? Hebrew?

da5681  No.4714509

File: 023f5da9984f759⋯.jpeg (136.44 KB, 661x593, 661:593, download.jpeg)



17159d  No.4714510

17b1e7  No.4714511


or terminal, no hope of recovery.

174144  No.4714512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8878be  No.4714513


knowing that old guard is finished, (((they))) are trying to give credibility to the 'new', mainly to self-destruct but there will be plenty of 'agents' to give her a hand in appearing 'successful'.

Why do you think the shills are spamming 'ain't she a doll' here.

Obvious, STUPID of (((them))):

>870b96 ←– dumbass replying to (((own post)))

>834fac the dumbass

>12feff ←—just a kayfabe


>48ff26 ←— tries to blend in and slide.


unfortunately many public sector 'employees' literally cannot function in a private sector. for white dems, it's a lose-lose situation.

0ac1f0  No.4714514


Nee Tuttle. And we've done a shit job digging her.


High school.


Surprise book award.

Who are here parents, completely unnamed?

681543  No.4714515


Quick, someone get in touch with a local pizza place and have something delivered there. We need boots on the ground, people!!

b0e6ab  No.4714516


If he - fuckit, accept that he will - he will get the mormon + NeverTrump vote = 18%, RATS will get 40%, MAGA the remaining 42%. Like I said, everything is changed now, plan accordingly.

12feff  No.4714517


Tucker actually knows what I mean by that, KEK


so congress didn't do it today, meaning POTUS is know considering it, but did NOT say it'd be today

didn't give a time table

271fda  No.4714518


No - we don't discuss it because it is made up shit

it was bullshit yesterday

it was bullshit last week

last month

last year

the year before that

the year before that too

fake fucking bullshit


set up to make chan man look stupid.

c5084d  No.4714519


Protesting Bezo's affair?

d1a117  No.4714520


Sheps.. sheps of the feld

That's right, right? Sounds legit.

0627c2  No.4714521

File: 3e218f3422ad3b0⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1862x1984, 931:992, ClipboardImage.png)

…What does this portend?????????????

3cfc83  No.4714522



I do not accept your premise. Posting facts

about Jews is not an attack. Posting facts about white people is not an attack.

There are only single persons, 80% of whom are white hating cunts?

fair enough.


3d3cef  No.4714523

>>4707304 - PB - JFK, knowingly, put his life on the line to take a stand for our Constitutional Republic! I think you owe him respect for that!

174144  No.4714524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


531dc8  No.4714525


Moar Red Pills please.

a09c78  No.4714526


They will make it a race thing. This draws on the strength of the other narratives, and is really the only thing capable of producing the outcry they need. Ties in with the border, sows the most division

dfc6da  No.4714527


They dont want the dick pics released

9ede99  No.4714528



I’m gonna keep my eyes and ears open on April 10th, 2020.

78e56f  No.4714529

File: 86275d3da267e87⋯.jpg (153.21 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, coke-bill.jpg)


Bill fits the bill. a coke vacuum. meme away!

73853d  No.4714530



>The world cannot swallow the truth.

maybe the truth swallowed the world and we are marinating in it's stomach acid,

soon to re-emerge as good soil for the awakening to grow in

229542  No.4714531

POTUS rocks.

I know yer gonny 9th circuit…and you know where gonny win in the SCOTUS so can we stop fucking around and GIT 'R DUN?

2454f2  No.4714532

File: e96f66968b02c43⋯.jpeg (157.11 KB, 832x598, 32:23, 51F26E0F-657D-4A49-9DF4-9….jpeg)

NBC Meet the Press disables video November 11, 2012 episode. Schumer said what?


834fac  No.4714533

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


246661  No.4714534



Back Pay = Severance Pay.

8d7d63  No.4714535


OR they do want them released

17159d  No.4714536

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



2b67e1  No.4714537


There's a run on patchouli.

dfc6da  No.4714538


Its seattle dipshit

fa31e5  No.4714539


How did they get the pics? From Lauren's phone or from scorned Mackenzie?

f274a2  No.4714540


Either the school was closed or it wasn't.

Either it's standard procedure to send medivac choppers or it isn't.

There's no in-between. It couldn't kind-of been faked.

How many anons know there's an abandoned mental hospital in Newtown where horror movies have been filmed?

How many anons know that Harrison Bounel died in hospice care there?

Newtown is likely where all the My Blue Heaven peeps live.

1367a2  No.4714541


I dont want them released

Will be for sure in my face here

ffcc53  No.4714542


>to be revealed

join the club P-Dap

we're all tired of waiting

252d35  No.4714543

4 booms, 4 SCJ nominations for POTUS?

Maybe we are nearing the third boom? Were other BOOM posts around times with SCJ action?

0627c2  No.4714544

File: a3d8ff7a3342206⋯.png (384.23 KB, 540x425, 108:85, ClipboardImage.png)

cc1cc4  No.4714545


literal dark to light?

922ab6  No.4714546

File: d091ab7a095f8d4⋯.png (210.5 KB, 432x227, 432:227, drake.png)



8d7d63  No.4714547


Right, full of liberals and gays, they wanna see it


85aefb  No.4714548


>unfortunately many public sector 'employees' literally cannot function in a private sector.

…because they are dumb as fuck.

da5681  No.4714549

File: b342ee2d2ed477a⋯.jpeg (33.41 KB, 453x458, 453:458, download (1).jpeg)

1f908e  No.4714550

File: c7b3bfe643d8cc0⋯.jpeg (125.5 KB, 750x319, 750:319, B0D1AED4-2124-45EC-8A85-A….jpeg)


Page no longer exists…


415ca3  No.4714551


>Tucker actually knows what I mean


f639bf  No.4714552

File: 2888258d291c886⋯.jpg (61.55 KB, 696x394, 348:197, indulge.jpg)


>this fraud

fucking johann tetzel on steriods. god luvs ya if ya got green shit.

9a6a28  No.4714553


We used to be united.

United by race

United by language

United by common values.

United by character.

Until jews caused division w/ the 1965 immigration act.

48ff26  No.4714554

File: 362f19f0117117f⋯.jpeg (182.48 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1546792880.jpeg)

dfc6da  No.4714555

File: 0161d7abfd25d3a⋯.png (16.39 KB, 609x153, 203:51, ClipboardImage.png)

ad2379  No.4714556


fuckin' magnets, how do they work?

9ab012  No.4714557


ha! i didn't even notice the watch face - good eye!

1e76b4  No.4714558


Those that are claiming they want "hate speech" censored are hurling their "hate" in all their forms of speech at our beloved President. A President that has broken records many times over - OVER 200 TIMES!!! It's undeniable what success he has brought for our country and all without even a salary.

Reconcile that? Why so much hate towards POTUS?

From where is it coming?

From where is it really coming?

725668  No.4714559

File: 5d2eb1d56f99efc⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 554x606, 277:303, fgh.jpg)


kek..great idea..let's find a twat


simply needed a 2015..thinking is complicated..

922ab6  No.4714560


"and we don't know why"

but totally trust us when we know about earth's climate shifts and changes in the past, present and future guyze

0627c2  No.4714561

File: 5bb5f3f8a3f78b8⋯.png (499.33 KB, 540x729, 20:27, ClipboardImage.png)

c5084d  No.4714562


Harpo running out of money? Hope it doesn't flop like the Clinton World Tour.

a09c78  No.4714563


From one pocket into the other. Now that quantum of power is publicly split, making it less of a target, and less of a scapegoat

9ede99  No.4714564



Make that October 4th, 2020.

October Surprise.

1479d3  No.4714565

Love that I see the Q proof in the Epoch times article and also love the anons who dropped it two breads ago.

Timing bitchez!

8bafe7  No.4714566

Kind of funny, maybe a coincidence but…

Mackenzie Bezos' first book is for sale on Amazon… But currently unavailable hahaha.

8878be  No.4714567


tell us when the geographical location wanders.

Also, I think they got it covered.

This could tie into the climate change scam however.

2cf2da  No.4714568

File: 6afc26af4596475⋯.jpeg (31.46 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 2236c05e22eb071e63f9b8756….jpeg)

cfef34  No.4714569



its the Joo

5bb995  No.4714570

File: 66ad369adc2666c⋯.png (36.61 KB, 235x141, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

The Fed’s Chairman Jerome Powell Just LIED To the American Public! Here’s PROOF.

The Federal Reserve is the most secretive public organization in the United States. The power that they wield is unknown to the public. It claims to be a central bank acting in favor of the American public but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Markets have been aggressively buying the dip here in early 2019 as the Fed continues to spread their propaganda throughout the media, ensuring the public remains calm. But what’s really going on?


THIS IS THE TRUTH! You don’t find this information in the mainstream news. The real deal. But look at how many views. Probably only a few thousand. It’s not “trendy” enough I guess. Oh well. At least you came here for the truth.


Canada was bailed out by the Fed.

The Fed bailed out institutions all over the world.

The Fed’s REAL balance sheet is much larger than $4 trillion.

The Fed has never really been fully audited.

The Fed has a “permanent” and unlimited lifeline with other central banks across the world.

Jerome Powell:

Balance sheet will not be at where it was before crisis. Too much money has been created.

Claiming the Fed is very transparent.

Fed is self-funding. We buy securities and make profit. 1.7 trillion in currency. We earn the spread. Then claims the excess profit after expenses is given back to the Treasury.

“The Fed is audited.”

Fed Bailed Out CANADA! Prime Minister Harper Caught Lying! – YouTube https://youtu.be/qnQRYlul8N4


Federal Reserve Emergency Loans: Liquidity for Banks – Bloomberg


Fed Loaned Banks Trillions in Bailout, Bloomberg Reports – ABC News


Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress – Bloomberg


Fed’s Once-Secret Data Compiled by Bloomberg Released to Public – Bloomberg


Central Bank Currency Swaps and Their Implications to the International Financial Reform


Fed Chairman Powell says he is ‘very worried’ about growing amount of U.S. debt


GAO-11-696, Federal Reserve System: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies and Processes for Managing Emergency Assistance


Bernanke’s Obfuscation Continues: The Fed’s $29 Trillion Bail-Out Of Wall Street | HuffPost


Fed’s $16 Trillion Dollar Secret Slush Fund Props Up Our Way Of Life – Business Insider


The Fed’s $16 Trillion Bailouts Under-Reported


5734c3  No.4714571

Anyone who thought there would be a National Emergency Declaration & action on the wall before Trump broke the record for "Longest Gov't Shutdown In History" hasn't been paying attention to how GEOTUS has rolled for the last…idk…30 YEARS!!

b52353  No.4714572


Q Team please tell me you are not going to reopen the USA Corporation .

Please tell me that you are switching from a Corporation to a real Republic

If so the Supreme Court with Admiral Laws will be dissolved and

we will return to Common Law

So why are you talking about The Supreme Court then ?

Please answer if you can Thank you :)

4b3aaf  No.4714573


This is the clearest best UFO image that I have ever seen! Where was this taken and have you shared it with the news media?? Jai Bhole Ki!

3864de  No.4714574

Didnt she help him build Amazon?

Good for her….having to fuck that toadstool and then being humiliated publicly when he cheats….good for her


43ad18  No.4714576

File: eab09b82ed1f9d6⋯.png (367.62 KB, 765x713, 765:713, cencorit.png)

MINNEAPOLIS — Soon after the social media “purge” of independent media sites and pages this past October, a top neoconservative insider — Jamie Fly — was caught stating that the mass deletion of anti-establishment and anti-war pages on Facebook and Twitter was “just the beginning” of a concerted effort by the U.S. government and powerful corporations to silence online dissent within the United States and beyond.


0627c2  No.4714577

File: 7c0b1735ced91e6⋯.png (364.19 KB, 540x546, 90:91, ClipboardImage.png)

85aefb  No.4714578


"Never give in. Never back down" - POTUS

834fac  No.4714579


Did every single jew sign that?

252d35  No.4714580



1367a2  No.4714581


Didnt she quit twat?

be1cb5  No.4714582


Well the MSM is spinning it as she is "cancer free" and will be back to work in a week.

5b94cc  No.4714583

AT&T says it’ll stop selling location data amid calls for federal investigation

AT&T said Thursday that it will stop selling its customers' location data to third-party service providers after a report this week said the information was winding up in the wrong hands.

The announcement follows sharp demands by federal lawmakers for an investigation into the alleged misuse of data, which came to light when Motherboard revealed a complex chain of unauthorized information sharing that ended with a bounty hunter successfully tracking down a reporter's device.

AT&T had already suspended its data-sharing agreements with a number of so-called "location aggregators" last year in light of a congressional probe finding that some of Verizon's location data was being misused by prison officials to spy on innocent Americans. AT&T also said at the time that it would be maintaining those of its agreements that provided clear consumer benefits, such as location sharing for roadside assistance services.

But AT&T's announcement Thursday goes much further, pledging to terminate all of the remaining deals it had - even the ones that it said were actively helpful.


4ac155  No.4714584

Mecca is Keystone.

385e05  No.4714585


Legal question about the asset seizure EO.

In regards to the Bezos "divorce" if assets were transferred into his spouses name as part of a divorce settlement would they be considered safe from the EO in the event that Bezos was found guilty of crimes listed in the EO?

Seems odd that the divorce would come now.

Seems to me it's a device to protect assets from possible seizure.

I don't doubt the divorce will be legal - on paper.

But a "uncoupling" in the true sense - I highly doubt it.

The timing is sus as hell.

9a6a28  No.4714586



try again retard.

you kikes fail at logic.

cfef34  No.4714587


Why are (you) wasting bread nigger?

1e76b4  No.4714588


We will NEVER stop WINNING!

0627c2  No.4714589

File: 4e7404cdc21a5ed⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1822x1888, 911:944, ClipboardImage.png)

ff52df  No.4714590

File: 2dc9362eb116bff⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 500x360, 25:18, 2qxbg0_1.jpg)

FLOTUS America's Best.

Be Best.

2b67e1  No.4714591

File: eb3b8a9689a5eca⋯.png (401.37 KB, 1279x542, 1279:542, halperhaza.png)

ff56c3  No.4714592


French Deep state and what we call "Macrony".

Our Deck, like your during irak wars.

ea56b3  No.4714593

File: 8c7dc052f83cfb4⋯.jpeg (645.47 KB, 1920x1036, 480:259, AlwaysDead.jpeg)


NO remaining signs of cancer for Justice Ginsburg (Cuz cancer dies when the body dies),

and no additional treatment required (again, no treatment for a dead body) Supreme Court says. She'll miss next week's arguments (again, cuz she's dead) but continue to participate in cases from home (because we aren't telling the world yet that she is dead).

531dc8  No.4714594


He's a total loser and the DNC play is obvious.

Too bad they won't live.

149a80  No.4714595


Long before that, even.. look up (((Israel Zangwill))) and his Melting Pot play from the early 1900's. same time the (((Bolsheviks))) were formenting communism in Russia, similar seeds were being sown here in America.

8e7b43  No.4714596




Care to clarify? All I see is an expensive home. Lots of people have those. Nor does Joel say that what God has for you is a strictly material blessing.

ffcc53  No.4714597


Recently, there has been talk of a magnetic pole reversal that could have serious consequences for life on Earth. While some warn that a pole shift could be devastating, others say those fears are overstated and melodramatic. Is the situation really as dire as they make it sound?

When is the Pole Shift Supposed to Happen?

No one knows when the pole shift will transpire, but we know complete magnetic reversals have happened every 200,000 to 300,000 years over the past 20 million years. But that regularity hasn’t continued, as the last known reversal occurred roughly 780,000 years ago. There was an attempted pole shift about 40,000 years ago, though it was unsuccessful.

Throughout Earth’s history the poles have reversed hundreds of times and according to some, this gives us reprieve as there’s no evidence a magnetic pole reversal led to any noticeable devastation or mass extinction on the planet. But as far as we know, there weren’t complex networks of satellites and electronics during those ancient pole flips.

252d35  No.4714598


Thanks anon

d21da5  No.4714599

File: 846c2ec359963c5⋯.png (141.36 KB, 919x870, 919:870, cutespy.png)

Subtle enough?

da5681  No.4714600

File: dc6478a8de9f7c0⋯.png (668.18 KB, 980x534, 490:267, download.png)

Two crescent moons

12feff  No.4714601


Tucker loves scifi and astro-news (see his show)

he's a astrofag at heart

6b443e  No.4714602





5d7fa9  No.4714603

File: 917aad4d22fb0ae⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 992x558, 16:9, donald-trump-this-week-02-….jpg)


Good Stuff!

6c575a  No.4714604

File: b7a744346f97ebf⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, its the masons.png)

3cfc83  No.4714605

File: 028f53628287826⋯.png (255.37 KB, 936x839, 936:839, Screxenshot_2018-09-12 sca….png)

c5084d  No.4714606


Kek! Especially in THAT intersection…

022ea4  No.4714607

File: 527e55fc28e682b⋯.jpeg (319.4 KB, 1951x1668, 1951:1668, 2AAD2CFC-9374-4D3E-A9AE-9….jpeg)

9a6a28  No.4714608


Of course.

There's a reason they've been kicked out of European countries hundreds of times.

This shit goes back hundreds if not thousands of years.

cd2ff7  No.4714610


According to the fap happy pintrest stash it's from amateur secretaries in lingerie.

17b1e7  No.4714611


My exact thoughts yesterday when I first heard it.

3ed814  No.4714612

File: 15cef1b2a2c117a⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 768x384, 2:1, amazonsuckPrime.JPG)

File: baa6d73bfec3d14⋯.jpeg (68.64 KB, 720x720, 1:1, AmazonSmartRefrigeratorDe….jpeg)

File: c59a5b98003fe1e⋯.jpg (100.23 KB, 800x524, 200:131, jeff_bezosAmazon_your_chil….jpg)

File: ee783a150857d99⋯.jpg (134.87 KB, 1000x476, 250:119, Amazon-usps we deliver 3 y….jpg)

f81122  No.4714613


85 and frail as a fall leaf.

What are the odds she'd survive one round of chemo and/or radiation?

f2dcd8  No.4714614

File: 5055af384a7b558⋯.jpg (29.1 KB, 526x297, 526:297, Phil the shill.jpg)

5d7fa9  No.4714615

f960c2  No.4714616


Romney ran for the senate seat so he had a platform to run against Trump.

Bastard needs to be brought down for the globalist he is.

1479d3  No.4714617

File: 7eaf98b7e427a73⋯.png (14.98 KB, 695x271, 695:271, ClipboardImage.png)


Keystone V9

40781e  No.4714618

File: 6feee17d827cfa6⋯.jpg (623.46 KB, 1080x1571, 1080:1571, Screenshot_20190111-124016….jpg)

File: 8d9a19fac17c02b⋯.jpg (257.19 KB, 1224x936, 17:13, angles.jpg)

sup. do these numbers mean anything to anyone?

can anyone double check my calculations?

5f4a24  No.4714619

252d35  No.4714620

Church anons, do your pastors/elders pray for the president and the administration?

da5681  No.4714621

File: d340c190b6a06ad⋯.jpeg (9.75 KB, 218x290, 109:145, download (2).jpeg)

File: 9d29ac6fa0944b9⋯.png (60.22 KB, 500x604, 125:151, download (1).png)

File: f06bb87d9893890⋯.jpeg (48.61 KB, 590x540, 59:54, download (3).jpeg)

bc5b60  No.4714622


the sky is . . . inverting

the sky is inverting . . .

wait, no, the magnetic pole is shifting.

the fact is that science is the cult religion of the temple mongers. The "laboratory' or 'agency' is the temple.

the 'scientists' are usually becuckled (yes, becuckled) to the budget and will say what the redictiphone tells them to say . . . or 'no soup for you'

0627c2  No.4714623

File: fb65d18f2011f8b⋯.png (744.39 KB, 1686x1146, 281:191, ClipboardImage.png)

2b67e1  No.4714624


>>4714583 AT&T says it’ll stop selling location data amid calls for federal investigation.

>>4714532 NBC Meet the Press disables video November 11, 2012 episode. Schumer said what?

>>4714395 Demonstration in Seattle blocking 4th Ave and Pike St.

>>4714442 PapaD: Dragon FISA to be exposed?

>>4714265 Bird Box Challenge?!

>>4714323 300 Americans a week. Intentionally vague POTUS Tweet?

>>4714217 CNN ‘Declined’ to air San Diego TV station’s ‘local view’ due to pro-wall position.

>>4714215 Dig on a possible RBG doctor.

>>4714213 O'Rourke to be interviewed by Oprah.

>>4714205 Q crumbs related to Nazi symbolism. Repost for discussion.

>>4714204 TMZ Confirms: MacKenzie Bezos to become world's richest woman. No prenup?!

>>4714202 POTUS Schedule: Border security roundtable attendees.

>>4714173 Sandy Hook peeps can dig into InfoWars’ internal marketing and financial documents.

ad2379  No.4714625

File: db187918f0c1718⋯.png (186.42 KB, 645x729, 215:243, boink.png)



1f908e  No.4714626

File: bf6e6620be42874⋯.jpeg (131.72 KB, 750x883, 750:883, 56F2C9D8-2070-4DFA-BC5C-4….jpeg)


Looks like it.

News to me tho.

f960c2  No.4714627


I hate romney more than i hated obama.

4a38aa  No.4714628

File: b1f0d37c7e63489⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 1222x790, 611:395, RBG outlive us all.JPG)

File: 59e9c11775aeced⋯.jpg (150.85 KB, 1765x785, 353:157, RBG slept thru.JPG)


She'll outlive us all!!!

3ed814  No.4714629


Named it after himself instead of giving credit to God

48ff26  No.4714630

File: dc3be582ef96391⋯.jpeg (93.68 KB, 921x720, 307:240, 1546918114.jpeg)

0ac1f0  No.4714631

MacKenzie Tuttle Bezos is as cabal as Elon Musk.

Every one of 50 bios are a cut and paste of the same information.


Still can't find her parents.

8878be  No.4714632


pretty much this. Nicely done, anon.



POTUS is showing us how much we all are dedicated towards the national security and destroying the invasion of the nation.

DEMS are TRAITORS who wants foreigners as ASSETS.

They want to CHANGE this country, while killing off its people and destroying what is OURS.


'white guilt'

'minority movement (Actually marxist useful pawn, cast aside when useless)'

criminality is highest where? DEM AREAS.

They LIE LIE LIE about what (((they))) do.

projections, hypocrisy, outright LIES.

SICK scum, these dems now using useful idiots like AOC.

WEAK. OBVIOUS PUPPETS. LIARS (muh hood lopez kek).


8a7a56  No.4714633

File: b9d3ca5e0bf67bd⋯.png (88.82 KB, 494x895, 494:895, Capture.PNG)

The Hill Proves it is a Pro-Clinton Cabal Opinion Site and NOT AN UNBIASED NEWS SITE.

Look at what they chose to Delete and YOU TELL ME WHY

851d5b  No.4714634


He is so uninteresting, unnattractive and shady person who has expressed interest in politics, goes by a fake name and has a Daddy for a billionaire, no thanks, and he has no appeal at all. Why are they pushing so hard??? He will fall flat on his face if he is the chose candidate.

35161b  No.4714635

File: 5609fea0f11b7a3⋯.png (649.6 KB, 743x540, 743:540, KOMO 1 re Protest 1-11-19.PNG)

File: 17b60a6a04fd428⋯.png (17.04 KB, 559x357, 559:357, KOMO 2 re Protest 1-11-19.PNG)



Pipeline Protest / Standard Seattle Protest


Diversion for something tho / but what?

e17e56  No.4714636




>spin that wheel

Kek. Freddy joins the party from time to time, also the concern fags, but muh jew is the main tactic.

>calling out shills is against free speech

When it is a fake, propaganda subversion (pun intended) shill op, then NO i wont be silent. Free speech goes both ways.

Why i will keep calling this fakeness out?

This is why:

1. They get the fake msm to portray us as nazis for optics.

2. They chase away normies.

3. They use the time tested and contained narative of "the jew", since they want us to dig shallow holes. They dont want us to find the real complicated truth. They want us to get stuck on the easy and usefull to them, narative.

4. THE JEWS ARE A DECOY to hide the real enemy, the old guard ruling families by putting the blame on the jews, all the jews, always the jews. This push is to distract us from focusing on the occult cabal. Worshiping minerva and y heads isnt a very jewish thing.

They want to divide us with more sheep vs sheep tactics. A time tested method. LOOK HERE [JEWS], DONT LOOK HERE [THE OCCULTT RULING BLOODLINES]

But hey, i must be a ____ (enter a muhjew keyword) for using logical thinking.

d1a117  No.4714637


Crypto Jew Luciferian

cc1cc4  No.4714638

File: 3eb87a8cd2b18b3⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 650x370, 65:37, flippoles.jpg)

“The north magnetic pole is on the run, a sign of enhanced turbulence and unpredictability. A cabal in the Southern Hemisphere has already gained the upper hand over about a fifth of the Earth’s surface. A revolution is shaping up,’ reads the magazine.

“If these magnetic blocs gain enough strength and weaken the dipole, even more, they will force the north and south poles to switch places as they strive to regain supremacy. Scientists can’t say for sure that is happening now — the dipole could beat back the interlopers. But they can say that the phenomenon is intensifying and that they can’t rule out the possibility that a reversal is beginning.”

Interesting language here.


3cfc83  No.4714639

File: 5c926214ccc7247⋯.gif (680.86 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1464939769_tumblr_nciilykI….gif)

834fac  No.4714640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yup shills, joooos protesting against cabal globalists, bc the average joe jew is sick of elite fuckery as well.

But shills be like

<muh all jooos, every joooo, kike goy kike

Kek. So obvious.

Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary&Hussein&Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?


f2dcd8  No.4714641


wait…that wil lchange soon.

2b7218  No.4714642


>You gotta remember Anon that in the end times, the entire world will unite against "the Jews"

This is true. But because we are a compassionate people,

Q/POTUS is trying to protect the innocent among them

>Jew haters REFUSE to recognize the difference between the synagogue of satan and the Hebrews!

This is a half-truth.

The Synagogue of Satan Jesus spoke of

were the Edomite subverting Judea

via their ruling/legal classes (Saducees/Pharisees)

Much like foreigners have infiltrated/subverted

those same institutions today.

They say they are "American" but are not.

The Edomites of Jesus's time said they were Judean (Jews) but were not.

The Hebrews of the bible are NOT the people known as Jews today.

The people known as Jews today are a genetically related tribe

whether individuals practice a religion or not, or practice evil or not

And they are descended from the Canaanites/Edomites of the bible,

which are the enemies of the Hebrews.

Then as now, it was always the Jews

252d35  No.4714643


He will never be president. Too many believers and non believers don’t want a Mormon in the office. My personal opinion is that the church won’t be allowed to have the fulfilled prophecy of a Mormon president either.

415ca3  No.4714644


'fi' is short for FICTION

ur "autism" is more idiot than savant, yeah?

6b443e  No.4714645

File: cd83e51244d17ca⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 338.66 KB, 241x717, 241:717, mykko.PNG)



b0e6ab  No.4714646


I 'thought' measures were in place to prevent him from running. Ronna turning on him pacified me for a spell, but there's no avoiding CWII now, anon.

186529  No.4714647

a3a3c8  No.4714648

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

5f4a24  No.4714649

File: 266360305d3a100⋯.png (12.77 KB, 1058x530, 529:265, A Wall Rope.png)

How to scale a wall with Duct Tape and Rope. They gotta electrify that bitch.

5bb995  No.4714650

File: 74c620659995479⋯.png (491.26 KB, 623x919, 623:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdf336d0b468582⋯.png (554.78 KB, 633x862, 633:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d9b1f1916e3e5a⋯.png (33.41 KB, 589x435, 589:435, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has No Signs of Cancer, Will Return to Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for a second week, but officials said that her recovery is “on track.”

“Her recovery from surgery is on track,” court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said on Jan. 11 in a statement.

The 85-year-old associate justice underwent surgery to recover two cancerous growths from her left lung on Dec. 21.

Post-surgery evaluation indicates no evidence of remaining disease, and no further treatment is required,” Arberg said.

During her recovery, according to NPR, she will participate in cases before the Supreme Court from her home. She will use briefs and transcripts of arguments.

This week, she missed arguments in the Supreme Court, marking her first absence since she joined the court in 1993, reported The Associated Press.

Doctors told NPR that Ginsburg’s odds of long-term survival are around 80 percent.

According to AP, she underwent surgery for colorectal cancer in 1999 and pancreatic cancer in 2009.

And her most recent cancer diagnosis was made after she fell down in her office, breaking three ribs, in November.


So when do we get the cure??

149a80  No.4714651


longest shutdown was what, 21 days, I think it was mentioned… Going for 23 days to bring the PAIN would be quite a proof.

cfef34  No.4714652


Dude's a wizard

I want to hate him for being a shill but if you listen to him for a couple minutes you get hypnotized its crazy

922ab6  No.4714653


really? plenty more ways to waste bread than reposting Q drops, hallmonitor

f81122  No.4714654

811,000 Americans die prematurely each year due to illnesses caused by poor diet and lack of exercise (blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.).

Where's all the MSM howling about mandatory Crossfit and common-sense eating?

Fast food joints and colas kill more people than guns, drugs, alcohol, drunk driving, and texting while driving… combined.

f960c2  No.4714655


Wonderful looking!

Thank you President Trump!

85aefb  No.4714656

File: cdb7d6bf94df1dc⋯.png (5.28 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, cdb7d6bf94df1dc9c6dea36fe6….png)

DUBS CONFIRM! We will never stop winning!


1f908e  No.4714657


I don’t have tineye but Im 80% that is Stormy.

Ahh well who cares.

33aa2a  No.4714658

File: e927f513a71f07a⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 478x360, 239:180, e927f513a71f07af38e08edb75….jpg)

f2dcd8  No.4714659

File: 6bd0dbc1368eb8a⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 474x326, 237:163, RBG.jpg)

d9bfab  No.4714660


Aren't we due for some MAGA rallies?

834fac  No.4714661


So you will post your calculations?

Or are we going to guess?

Or is this maybe just meant to slide?

5d7fa9  No.4714662



red text

9ea405  No.4714663

File: b5789bcd39a6b4e⋯.png (281.64 KB, 975x945, 65:63, b5789bcd39a6b4ec8a8dc57531….png)


Yer a kike, Harry

3ed814  No.4714664

File: 58f1df723e1cfce⋯.jpg (163.87 KB, 640x480, 4:3, BillionaireBETOSLUMCaravan.jpg)

File: 995e7179f1cb7e9⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 493x344, 493:344, Beto_For_Senate.jpg)

50386b  No.4714665


>They want you divided, it’s not just one group

>by the way it’s the masons

da5681  No.4714666




did I make ur night by clarifying

d1a117  No.4714667




only joos


Oh, the truth feels so good ^_^

Sets you free, so they say

791c5a  No.4714668

>>4714442 PapaD: Dragon FISA to be exposed?

I was just digging on this!

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.”

“Still an expedite?” one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.

“Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”


Woods Review

Woods Procedures were named for Michael Woods, the FBI official who drafted the rules as head of the Office of General Counsel’s National Security Law Unit. They were instituted in April 2001 to “ensure accuracy with regard to … the facts supporting probable cause” after recurring instances, presumably inadvertent, in which the FBI had presented inaccurate information to the FISA court.

Prior to Woods Procedures, “[i]ncorrect information was repeated in subsequent and related FISA packages,” the FBI told Congress in August 2003. “By signing and swearing to the declaration, the headquarters agent is attesting to knowledge of what is contained in the declaration.”

It’s incredible to think of how many FBI and Justice Department officials would have touched the multiple applications to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — allegedly granted, at least in part, on the basis of unverified and thus prohibited information — if normal procedures were followed.

The FBI’s complex, multi-layered review is designed for the very purpose of preventing unverified information from ever reaching the court. It starts with the FBI field offices.

March 1, 2003, the FBI required field offices to confirm they’ve verified the accuracy of facts presented to the court through the case agent, the field office’s Chief Division Counsel and the Special Agent in Charge.

All of this information was provided to Congress in 2003. The FBI director at the time also ordered that any issue as to whether a FISA application was factually sufficient was to be brought to his attention. Personally.

Who was the director of the FBI when all of this careful work was done?

Robert Mueller.


be97f3  No.4714669


Fox sarah says illegal that crossed from Mexico

from BDT came in

1] BDT -> DueBye

2] DueBye -> Brazil

3] Brazil - > thru other Countries to Mexico

4] Mexico –USA

5] USA → NYC BDT time and fireworks?

Sarah BDT on list of terror nations ?

8335de  No.4714670


You want him to post a picture of a protractor?

9a6a28  No.4714671





lazy mossad copy pasta

this is why you're losing.

do you have any creative ability at all or are you all completely brain dead?

6cefe4  No.4714672

File: d98cb21968a5fbd⋯.png (3.82 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, ClipboardImage.png)

1479d3  No.4714673


dat nigga really wear a dress?

1367a2  No.4714674


Typical lib candidate

252d35  No.4714675


My guess is that operations are at a point where POTUS can’t take the time and risk. If he’s been taking precautions with AF1 and possibly the doomsday planes, he’s not going on a cross country tour right now.

288472  No.4714676

f39998  No.4714677


yeah because trafficking and corruption get your money taken, unless your wife has it.

because dumping stock before your business fails is insider trading, unless you're ordered to give it to your wife.

because complicated financial divorces end in months rather than years.

Yeah this guy's real dumb…

78e56f  No.4714678

File: 8e97e99f9b6e2f8⋯.png (376.5 KB, 1341x618, 447:206, 1-11-2019 over Texas.PNG)

Planefag: B52 callsign:00000000*

over Texas!

ffcc53  No.4714679


In an interview in 2011, Osteen stated his strong support for Israel.


0ac1f0  No.4714680

File: 2a7aec2d910e761⋯.png (54.93 KB, 789x270, 263:90, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

File: f1f863830e84249⋯.png (205.25 KB, 766x423, 766:423, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

Christopher Tuttle. Financial Planner. Closer?

149a80  No.4714681

File: 3d89772d4c69cc3⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3d89772d4c69cc3324b4342f42….mp4)


how long until the yellow vest protests in Israel start chanting for all the jews to leave israel, like they did in France?

cfef34  No.4714682


Yes really

I see your same old pattern its old

be1cb5  No.4714683


It's theater and they are in the Clown Show Biz. If she helped him build it then she is just as much at risk financially from a stock tanking.

A forced liquidation of the stock due to a divorce could be a vehicle for cashing out without raising too many eyebrows. Thus, a nasty divorce is required.

If you haven't noticed, the "other woman" is an actress also.

If so, it would constitute an attempted fraud upon the court. Maybe I'll wait until they try and pull that move and then report the suspected attempted fraud to trigger a Grand Jury investigation. Then they lose even moar. Fucking DS Clown. Shoulda stayed a geek, or was he replaced. Not believing his "tranceformation".

174144  No.4714684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

022ea4  No.4714685

File: 2f7d042ff08fdd9⋯.jpeg (265 KB, 525x777, 25:37, E04D3197-EA3B-4067-ACA1-9….jpeg)


Wow, what a Habit

33aa2a  No.4714686



3ed814  No.4714687

File: 7f2cd4c60fbb8e8⋯.jpg (213.09 KB, 736x489, 736:489, RejectDivisionBeUnited.jpg)

File: be1b8fc6dbb88a7⋯.jpg (514.58 KB, 736x1299, 736:1299, RejectDivisionBeUnited2.jpg)

File: ce7ed435f034ac0⋯.jpg (326.85 KB, 600x773, 600:773, I-Banish-Division-1.jpg)

File: eee8c96ce67e46f⋯.jpg (106.21 KB, 728x561, 728:561, DemsDivision.jpg)

777086  No.4714688


And at least 10% of all American deaths every year, exceeding 250,000, are due to medical negligence.

Fixing diet and the crooked medical/drug industry would save and drastically improve millions of lives.

5734c3  No.4714689


>Anyone who thought there would be a National Emergency Declaration & action on the wall before Trump broke the record for "Longest Gov't Shutdown In History" hasn't been paying attention to how GEOTUS has rolled for the last…idk…30 YEARS!!

When the record is broken by the current shutdown, Trump gets to tick off another "Fact Check - TRUE" box for normies and it legitimizes the plea from the public to declare a Nat'l Emergency to elliminate the Dems objection and reopen the gov't.

12feff  No.4714690


are you legitimately retarded?

>sci-fi → sci-fact → reality

an idea goes from being science fiction, to science fact, to being reality

I'm was joking about Tucker, he really doesn't know that much apparently but is interdasted by it

6b443e  No.4714691

File: db1deb611fd5329⋯.png (580.47 KB, 1724x482, 862:241, jews2.PNG)

File: ef91ee8da44b756⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1248x712, 156:89, jewsoyvey'd.PNG)

File: ee1a13303ae65ef⋯.png (12.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jewpepe.png)

File: 1cf7e7067878a5d⋯.jpeg (15.97 KB, 166x255, 166:255, jewscalp.jpeg)

File: ae07735ccc518e4⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 893x884, 893:884, jewfinch.jpg)


Anons see right through the kike pilpul.

Every. Single. Time.

252d35  No.4714692


I just say the cabal. They’ve infiltrated too many groups to pin a single group

9a6a28  No.4714693


holy shit you just fucking rekt that heeb

ff52df  No.4714694

File: c1354d85732b66c⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 305x368, 305:368, downloadfile-20_1_1_1.jpg)

File: 2dc9362eb116bff⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 500x360, 25:18, 2qxbg0_1.jpg)

File: 2dbc827d92ef368⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 500x369, 500:369, 2qn3y8_1.jpg)

File: 2475989cc25d230⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2qssns_1.jpg)

Melania is a quantum leap ahead of the rest.

4f1b23  No.4714695


KEK…. the angles composing the wall add to 45 degrees if you round 17.5 down to 17 degrees.

17+28 = 45

12feff  No.4714696



*I was

or just I'm


1479d3  No.4714697


Answered my own question. Damn…din knowd dat

d9bfab  No.4714698


Thanks. That’s actually a relief. Never prayed more for anyone beside my spouse, as I do for POTUS and family.

Still… miss the excitement.

4ba65b  No.4714699



Valentina Zharkova "When the crawl out of the caves"

IS THS TRUE??????????

1e76b4  No.4714700

File: 4c8cf39b0010dd3⋯.png (39.13 KB, 198x247, 198:247, ClipboardImage.png)


Huh! I never saw that before!

Those you would trust the most! They are all tied into one another. All the super wealthy ea having control of another part of our society world wide.

d1a117  No.4714701


It's because they can literally only use approved material, which is generated and approved by other operators.. which is part of why they're so lame and sad..

I kinda feel for them, except I'm mostly busy being sorry that they're so hairy and big-nosed, and nobody likes them

320e65  No.4714702

File: 12e4a4bedba6ad3⋯.png (1.47 MB, 708x918, 118:153, ClipboardImage.png)



Damnit… shitty res on this one… I'll try again

f2dcd8  No.4714703

File: b6b3e05de909312⋯.jpg (91.2 KB, 500x487, 500:487, Major Kong rides it down.jpg)

80b000  No.4714704


i wonder if they spied on Kanye?

922ab6  No.4714705


not seeing enough to notice it was another ID, though

seriously, if you're gonna hallmonitor, look the way of sliders like "would you hit it" and fkn anons posting polls n shit

ff7b2a  No.4714706

Supreme Court, Kavanaugh info. The point is the *independence* of Kavanaugh's judicial thinking and decisions.

Posted in a discussion just now by Jan Van Eck, who also personally knew George W. Bush for decades, back from their Yale days.

While I debate with Jan frequently, and we tend to disagree on certain issues (for example, I support Trump, Jan generally doesn't) he is not a liar.


Brett Kavanaugh is another fraternity bro of mine from the old DKE House at Yale. Those guys are nobody's stooges; neither am I.

A recent case just debated before the USS Court bears this out. The case is Obudskey v McCarthy and Holthus LLP, Docket # 17-1307, in which Dennis Obudskey sued the lawyers representing Wells Fargo Bank for his legal fees in defeating them. A fairly decent recitation of the case can be found here:


For those of you who like digging into the raw material, here is the actual 81-page transcript of the Oral Argument before the Court:


Note that Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts, both appointed in the hope that they would be "right-wingers," were "skeptical" of the arguments for the lawyers for Wells Fargo Bank, and ripped up that legal team. While there is no Decision, it becomes obvious that these Judges are nobody's patsy. And personally, I rather doubt they have a high opinion of The Donald. 

I have not yet studied that 81-page transcript, which will make for tedious reading, but for those of you who are retired and have lots of extra time, hey, that's your next novel sitting there! Enjoy.




cd2ff7  No.4714707


Can't they just get a ramp or dig under them. Walls are so last century

022ea4  No.4714708


Faurrison a raison!

Je suis d’accord

3ed814  No.4714709


You just never know what you'll find in the memearchive! I didn't know either. Somehow managed to collect that meme without ever having noticed its content? Kek

5bb995  No.4714710

Hillary Clinton ran weapons into Libya for the Obama administration, while Michael Flynn was targeted because he knew the details



Trying to find a better sauce assist if you have a moment need to confirm

19f25e  No.4714711

>>4711302 (pb)

I've seen tons of other shit sauces make notables and a big steaming pile of shit currently sitting at the top of the global notables.

I could give two fucks less about reuters, it's the message.

21 days shutdown, currently tied with the longest, which was Bill the rapist Clinton.

Then it goes on to say that a shitload of PRIVATE CONTRACTING companies are also shutdown because they get funding from the government. Bye bye False Flag Operators.

a3a3c8  No.4714713

File: 12791b82ef35f24⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 732x439, 732:439, Pelosi.jpg)

fa4d8f  No.4714714

File: 48066191e255304⋯.png (410.15 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1F567D27-9753-4170-8C01-D8….png)


Hmmm. Jeff Bridges mentioned Bucky Fuller in Golden Globes speech. POTUS knows his work too.

1f908e  No.4714715

File: 9a4172dffd15de4⋯.jpeg (141.41 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, 88CECA7D-17FF-484B-9161-6….jpeg)


>Tou too


y is right next to t.

I do dhit likr rhat all the yime.

834fac  No.4714716


Yeah, 'they' have, and 'they' are masons, the base for cabal worldwide.

f2dcd8  No.4714717

File: 6f8a93f7aa337d2⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 474x574, 237:287, Shag in a bag.jpg)





117004  No.4714718

File: 586c21b5c03e548⋯.png (74.3 KB, 828x403, 828:403, jrkjr.png)


ac86f3  No.4714719

File: 9f10b374b672935⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 563x539, 563:539, RBG2.jpg)

File: e2872b5e2dcbbd7⋯.png (554.24 KB, 1280x1021, 1280:1021, RBG5.png)

File: 125184236d7b068⋯.jpg (529.84 KB, 800x611, 800:611, RBG6.jpg)


Justices on the Supreme Court hold office "during good Behaviour," in effect typically receiving lifetime appointments to the Court and only Congress can remove a sitting Justice. Any deceptions on the normal process would certainly not fit the definition of good Behaviour, so I seriously doubt any of the other Justices would involve themselves in a coverup. Ginsburg's staff or the Democrat party, now that's another story. If a coverup is suspected, I would see watchdog groups bringing suit for her to provide proof of life. I seriously doubt they would delay a big state funeral for long, as the libtards have so few things to provide helpful optics to their cause.

3633e1  No.4714720

>>4713449 (lb)

notable baker

Anon finds book from China airport pic code

Eyes on Target

03cd1e  No.4714721

Btw fun fact now that were in the 2020 election season nobody will get arrested even if they really are going to arrest people and its not just a psyop

Because the optics will be horrible

2024 will be glorious goyim

8878be  No.4714722

File: b7208dc7fda1577⋯.png (159.15 KB, 625x398, 625:398, gaussianiqracecountrysd15.png)



Also remember actual 'genius' jewish IQ is sub 100 avg. KEK

That's literally same as US black pop IQ.

3ed814  No.4714723

File: 7458f9dedfd4a8f⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1494x8229, 498:2743, BenghaziServerNukeSecretsW….jpg)

cfef34  No.4714724


Are you going start mason shilling next?

278cae  No.4714725

For every Q drop we get, we get a tweet from DJT that he plans to import another countless thousands of H1B workers (dot indians) and make them citizens.

Can POTUS ever stop listening to his liberal know-nothing kids and keep his fat twitter mouth SHUT?

288472  No.4714726



Just making sure you knew BEFORE it gets thrown out to the wolves.

50386b  No.4714727

File: 453c53d2518eeb5⋯.jpeg (94.25 KB, 750x484, 375:242, 2E7FE1FC-8969-4B16-8F02-B….jpeg)


Um excuse me anon, please cool it with the right wing extremist rhetoric

18f94b  No.4714728

File: b4cec4d0fe92f9a⋯.jpeg (2.58 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6795C3CE-3920-4AB6-9A41-D….jpeg)

File: f38e290259b0fb0⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 067229E0-50B6-408A-B605-8….jpeg)

File: 726ac63a4cc2a34⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 378E1383-9C67-4212-94E2-1….jpeg)

File: 61e6ed8609061dc⋯.jpeg (4.42 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, C30FAF6C-9ECB-4751-9B2E-E….jpeg)


e03018  No.4714729


There won't be a next Dem president

48ff26  No.4714730

File: dfb5efd1767b177⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, dfb5efd1767b1779739be42294….gif)

834fac  No.4714731

muh jew shills on duty.

Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary&Hussein&Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

320e65  No.4714732

THIS——–→ >>4714729

3cfc83  No.4714733

File: 13d7130a7208174⋯.png (858.17 KB, 913x931, 913:931, Screenshot_2018-11-08 r Th….png)


Jewish fren calls "fakeness out".

Jewish fren no mention holocaust

415ca3  No.4714734

File: 131797a79b6bca3⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 817x427, 817:427, ayyymuhlmao.jpg)


sure, kiddo

922ab6  No.4714735


ugh, nah

fuck that guy too (the BO compd fucker)

ce4555  No.4714736


> Posting facts

heres your problem

1530b0  No.4714737


Dems will do it anyway, they don't follow rules or etiquette, they do whatever they damn well please.

d9bfab  No.4714738


The Nazis made Jews, in WW2, wear a yellow star of David.

Now look who's wearing yellow.

Hard to separate out all the sides. Globalists have forced the common folks into yellow vests, I guess.

be1cb5  No.4714739


Guess the MK III clone has been grown and is alive and kicking, almost ready to go.

1e76b4  No.4714740


Funny, that you included my post, because I never even mentioned the "Jews" anywhere. You just assumed it!!!!


185e9b  No.4714741

File: 1ee437af3fa739f⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 1092x766, 546:383, 1ee437af3fa739f05abbcc7d0d….jpg)


Hurr dur why would someone cover a spaceship in highly reflective material instead of lets say black?

77466e  No.4714742


so the magnetic pole–which isn't perfectly aligned with the actual pole–is getting closer and closer to being aligned…

… and that's supposed to worry me?

597609  No.4714743

How many people sued Obama Admin when he shut down the gov for Obamacare?

a09c78  No.4714744


Makes sense

e61c1f  No.4714745

File: 9e6b36397f8df0b⋯.jpg (523.04 KB, 1088x866, 544:433, no_rush_on_emerg.jpg)


I'm doubting you on that.

621c86  No.4714746


yes. it feels very intentional. forced perspective.

plus, taken on 10/01. mirror.

d1a117  No.4714747


joooos, joooos, only jooooooooos

only ever the dirty, dirty joooos

62d172  No.4714748


Though she probably had the seed of evil within her at that age, the card hadn't been dealt.

What a shame. To go from that cute innocent young lady to a lucerferian loving witch. Into one of the darkest souls ever to hold office, and with untold gallons of blood on her hands (and adreno down her throat).

5afa9d  No.4714749


They are at the University of Texas! Can't stand Joel but that is Hook em Horns

5bb995  No.4714750


We all know it's mostly true but we need a reliable sauce, intellihub is clown run your sauce is also not reliable.

4a38aa  No.4714751

File: 4a1dbba4c180b98⋯.jpg (12.9 KB, 302x167, 302:167, Mostly dead 2.jpg)

File: 0b9db94a64c8c2e⋯.jpg (8.86 KB, 302x167, 302:167, Mostly dead 1.jpg)

149a80  No.4714752

File: c39fb07ff16e636⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 599x470, 599:470, 1506392651533.jpg)

File: 45952ca4e1db590⋯.png (379.15 KB, 950x571, 950:571, ClipboardImage.png)


Top kek, matrix moves there.

8bafe7  No.4714753


What a dumb tweet.

Comparing protection from an invasion to a constitutionally protected right. Good luck getting that one past the Conservative majority supreme court.

320e65  No.4714754

File: 2ab668da277600a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 800x842, 400:421, ClipboardImage.png)

ac86f3  No.4714755


Big difference - the right to bear arms is a constitutional right, being an illegal alien or drug mule is against current law.

555526  No.4714756

Maybe the two norths are about to meet up…. like a clock….the hour hand moving….

Best way I can voice my thought, sorry


3ed814  No.4714757


One thing I find particularly hypocritical/perplexing about RGB is that even though she was for decades advocating for removal of gender distinctions in society, she chose apparel that is uniquely different from that worn by all the male justices. The 19th century tatted lace collar thingie, the heavy earrings, etc.

6b443e  No.4714758

File: 8339719afcdb420⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 800x578, 400:289, merchreal.jpg)

File: faacc9997e9e554⋯.png (389.97 KB, 825x563, 825:563, merchtootsnaime.PNG)

File: f3f2c5d26dffd22⋯.jpg (199.61 KB, 1023x768, 341:256, merchbunch.jpg)

File: efe407a78d98b98⋯.jpg (322.14 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, merchsoup.jpg)

File: 87fa95bde57ab56⋯.jpg (126.2 KB, 976x548, 244:137, merchmultifeelz.jpg)

5bb995  No.4714759


sad but most likely true

ec81e1  No.4714760


The right to bear arms is protected by the 2nd Amendment.. crossing the border illegally and raping/murdering US citizens is not..

Dumb argument.

ce4555  No.4714761


answer = fuck off faggot

you cant even shill right (LB)

174144  No.4714762

File: 36b1342306f2752⋯.jpeg (99.45 KB, 539x640, 539:640, bq-5befe6f93d75.jpeg)


its ok to be jew to receive the shekels, but not to be pursued for the rat you are?

f2dcd8  No.4714763

File: 58f30db18f8b100⋯.jpg (56 KB, 726x436, 363:218, Muh Holocaust.jpg)

9a6a28  No.4714764

Must be something to all this "anti-semitism" if Q hasn't counter-signaled ANY of it, EVER.

1f908e  No.4714765



Wasn’t my meme…

I was just pointing out I understand.

It’s amazing how many typos on memes make it out there tho.

And on a meme it does matter.

1dc3ac  No.4714766


Mockingbird's pushing out WAY TOO MANY health updates on RBG "Cancer Free Post-Op"…keeping her in spotlight for next big distraction…is she already


8f991d  No.4714767

File: 730194d38ff17bc⋯.png (31.91 KB, 1540x285, 308:57, jesse barrett.PNG)


They will go after her husband, Jesse Barrett and federal prosecutor

Amy Coney Barrett’s husband, Jesse M. Barrett, is an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana, according to The Commercial Appeal.

Jesse Barrett’s LinkedIn page says he’s a prosecutor based in the South Bend, Indiana area.

During the confirmation hearing, Amy Barrett said that her husband “serves our country” as an assistant United States Attorney in the northern district of Indiana and added, “I hit the jackpot when I married Jesse. We have been married 18 years with each year better than the last. Jesse and I have seven children.”

Some of Jesse Barrett’s cases have involved felons in possession of firearms, according to U.S. Department of Justice press releases.

For example, one release said, “David Rodriguez, 32, of Elkhart, Indiana pled guilty to the felony offense of being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. The magistrate judge is recommending that the district court accept the tendered guilty plea. Parties have 14 days in which to object to the magistrate judge’s recommendation. This charge was filed as a result of an investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Sentencing has been set for November 10, 2014. This case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Jesse Barrett.”


03cd1e  No.4714768

Daily reminder that Q still has not gone back to reddit and stayed there where he or she belongs

34c652  No.4714769

File: 62a3ae594bd924f⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, GbergPhoto.jpg)


Nominations for the post prove you wrong, shill.

Have it your way, I will make your life miserable.

Anons WILL get the info they need to make connections of this evil family.

a0437d  No.4714770

File: 2d2227d7d81ac06⋯.png (17.92 KB, 300x250, 6:5, say again.png)


Lower ego.

f5bedb  No.4714771

Where my autists at?!

old breads




when does it become mathematically impossible?

320e65  No.4714772


Yeah, must be true, otherwise all the red text would just be a waste, wouldn't it?

252d35  No.4714773


I agree with you partially but surely you concede that there are cabal members who are not masons and masons are not cabal members?

62226c  No.4714774

File: 27f978957247dc0⋯.png (106.85 KB, 728x418, 364:209, terror_route.PNG)



In fact, one terrorist organization that is growing at an alarming rate in Latin America is

Hezbollah.14 Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the State Department,

Hezbollah has been operating in Latin America since the early 1990s when it worked with Iran to

carry out the 1994 bombing of a Jewish Community Center in Argentina. Hezbollah continues to

operate in the region, which is an issue that garnered the attention of this Committee in a 2012

report entitled, A Line in the Sand: Countering Crime, Violence and Terror at the Southwest



f2dcd8  No.4714775


must be something to


fc81ae  No.4714776

File: 5ed44375c38ca9e⋯.png (759.81 KB, 993x959, 993:959, 2019-01-11_15-53-56.png)

834fac  No.4714777


Why do you reply, shill?

Glowing much?

022ea4  No.4714778


Trump has been worryingly trigger shy: declas, Syria pullout, now the Wall.

I hope he does it all on one glorious day to blow up as many lib skulls as possible

e6442b  No.4714779

Regarding adrenochrome and its apparent collection; I wonder if it is possible to extract blood from the back of the neck into the spine column w/ a syringe without having to murder the victim? Because that would outline what exactly is going on in a portion of the satanic ritual abuse allegations. Perhaps a cable tow is introduced hoodwinking the candidates of pain. If you are being lead by a cable tow it will ache in the back of the neck so maybe that is a way for them to hide the blood extraction whilst blindfolding victims. Potentially abusing other areas of the body while extracting adrenolized blood. But maybe that won't release the squirt they need for their addiction to torture hash. Doing this shit apparently in places w/ deadmouse strobe lights disorienting the victims as was the case in the skippy "fatherhood" video Maybe they make 20 sra victims terrified if they kill one out of every dozen or so kids they bring to the abuse areas.. maybe that explains over and over again reports of sra survivors having to witness children being murdered. Being made to watch and participate and eat cannibalism aswell! Regularly adrenochrome collection strangely enough is very possibly what huma and hillary clinton where doing over at comet pizza w/ james Rothschild/alefantis (adrenochrome mogul, supposedly the richest man on Earth)of course abusing them to the point of no return like hillary and huma did by wearing a child's face they filleted off of them in front of them. That seems like trying to peak terrify the victim before doing one of their masonic fatality gestures with an athame. Collecting the adrenolized blood via the back of the neck w/ a syringe. Then of course they will still gobble and pour blood on themselves. Adrenochrome gives the user a mania that can be described of as primal rage out of body experience. They are the wolves you see. Howling in the night.

5f4a24  No.4714780


Much better

f5a548  No.4714781


Q was never at reddit shill.

Q started on 4chan,then came here. Different boards on 4 and 8, no other sites.

288472  No.4714782


When Liberal Mathematics stops being taught in colleges.

e03018  No.4714783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e76b4  No.4714785


Now, can we finally put the JFK Jr slide to bed!

Obvious - Controlled Op.

Obvious - SLIDE!!!

d9bfab  No.4714786


Ya know the meme of the little old lady in front of the computer, she says, "Do they deliver email on Sunday?"

She also wants to know if red text costs more.

ce4555  No.4714787


dont need to

she is an easy target

DQ off the short list

see notable yesterday on her problems - many

1479d3  No.4714788


She was much prettier before she went all plastic surgery on her face. Tits too but meh

9ab012  No.4714789

File: 557cc95175c527b⋯.jpg (258.26 KB, 2429x1811, 2429:1811, honduras jews - nelly jere….jpg)

File: 0e2d1c82240efc6⋯.jpg (133.7 KB, 753x1099, 753:1099, hondurasjews1.jpg)

File: 3f4098f8590106d⋯.jpg (170.87 KB, 766x1213, 766:1213, hondurasjews2.jpg)

File: a8012b3bb09d55b⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 760x364, 190:91, hondurasjews3.jpg)

>>4711276 (pb)

New Honduras Migrant Caravan Reminder: 5 Jewish Families Run Honduras

The Jewish families that run Honduras

In its original form this article published 28/11/2009 in ‘El Mundo‘ – a leading Spanish newspaper, has been condemned as anti-Semitic by the American Jewish Committee. You just can’t mention somebody’s ethnicity in certain circumnstances – the journalist only wrote that those five families are of Jewish heritage. Here is rough translation from spanish:

Honduras, a country owned by five families

• 40% of the GNP is in the hands of a fistful of names of Jewish and Palestinian origin

• Almost all of them contribute financially to the two major political parties.

• A small number of families united before and after the coup.



Google translated version of original article


5bb995  No.4714790

I'm assuming the nat emergency won't be declared until next week until Burr is in place, also fits with the [1 year delta]

6b443e  No.4714791

File: 0ec9fc8902b356c⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 218x255, 218:255, merchglow.jpg)

File: a6b7cf62ed9c722⋯.gif (147.96 KB, 550x400, 11:8, merchintense.gif)

File: 69fb7c34ea6c4ad⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 600x550, 12:11, merchvsmerch.jpg)

File: 0cc51cda2e0df35⋯.jpg (96.01 KB, 710x639, 10:9, merchbaked&heil.jpg)


It's not anti semiite to expose (((their))) fuckery, stop reinforcing the trope

3ed814  No.4714792

File: 1fa665bf27f1449⋯.jpg (219.15 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, GinsborgDie1.jpg)

File: e079ababab1c24b⋯.jpg (231.78 KB, 1118x686, 559:343, GinsborgDie2.jpg)

File: b59711bbc7723e8⋯.jpg (94.51 KB, 549x363, 183:121, GinsborgDie3.jpg)

File: e3ff6bc233d2816⋯.png (58.07 KB, 165x230, 33:46, Ginsborg.png)

File: 15fbdbbc06db8ec⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 600x324, 50:27, Ginsborg.jpg)

5d7fa9  No.4714793

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)




SH Never Happened!

Court Case is Made Up Sham!

AJ Not one of U.S.!

77466e  No.4714794


it is a NATURAL right

it is a GOD-GIVEN right



(important distinction)

much love, anon…

75e200  No.4714795


My , how she's aged !

922ab6  No.4714796


hm, they do have eyes on, though

member they posted a few posts from there

da5681  No.4714797

File: aefb54b80793569⋯.jpg (79 KB, 589x610, 589:610, Screenshot 2019-01-11_16-0….jpg)

File: bfac8d1955e9741⋯.jpg (77.61 KB, 670x388, 335:194, Screenshot 2019-01-11_16-0….jpg)

A former Arkansas lawmaker has been charged with conspiracy due to his part in a scheme to bribe a judge in the state.

Former state Sen. Gilbert Baker has been charged with conspiracy, bribery, and wire fraud for his role in the scheme. Former Judge Michael Maggio has admitted to receiving a bribe from a nursing home company for him to lower a jury’s judgement in a negligence lawsuit.

Baker reportedly aided Maggio in ensuring that the campaign contributions the company offered in exchange for the favorable judgement made it to him. Baker is a former state Republican Party chairman who unsuccessfully ran for the GOP nomination for a U.S. Senate seat in 2010.


9a6a28  No.4714798


Today I Learned.

Of course, it all makes total sense.

Thanks for posting this, anon.

149a80  No.4714799

File: 9269351cfa2b6a6⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 258x402, 43:67, 1506493573338.jpg)


gotta combat your fake news narratives since you are paid to post them in every bread.

63c582  No.4714800

File: 0cec34c0f6f38e9⋯.png (27.62 KB, 208x154, 104:77, sus.png)

2b67e1  No.4714801


>>4714678 Planefag: B52 callsign:00000000* over Texas!

>>4714583 AT&T says it’ll stop selling location data amid calls for federal investigation.

>>4714532 NBC Meet the Press disables video November 11, 2012 episode. Schumer said what?

>>4714395, >>4714635 Demonstration in Seattle blocking 4th Ave and Pike St.

>>4714442 PapaD: Dragon FISA to be exposed?

>>4714265 Bird Box Challenge?!

>>4714323 300 Americans a week. Intentionally vague POTUS Tweet?

>>4714217 CNN ‘Declined’ to air San Diego TV station’s ‘local view’ due to pro-wall position.

>>4714215 Dig on a possible RBG doctor.

>>4714213 O'Rourke to be interviewed by Oprah.

>>4714205 Q crumbs related to Nazi symbolism. Repost for discussion.

>>4714204 TMZ Confirms: MacKenzie Bezos to become world's richest woman. No prenup?!

>>4714202 POTUS Schedule: Border security roundtable attendees.

>>4714173 Sandy Hook peeps can dig into InfoWars’ internal marketing and financial documents.

Last call / Baking in 80

64e676  No.4714802

Is RBG dead yet?

Any news?

1367a2  No.4714803

File: 2494af64700c7c6⋯.jpeg (29.84 KB, 244x214, 122:107, C4CD40EF-E9F2-4E8F-BF77-3….jpeg)



0ac1f0  No.4714804


Article from Time on Bezo/Tuttle.

Can't find kids names.

Can't find parents names.

e03018  No.4714805


National Emergency re: border security is coming and we all know it. Learned not to predict dates but sure feels close

9a6a28  No.4714806


hence the quotation marks smoothbrain.

d1a117  No.4714807


If this accurate, it's fuckin' hilarious

faaaed  No.4714808


Hmm, where did Jesus say that?

555526  No.4714809


Maybe I’m a tad daft…. but survivors are the ones who endure it…. most should be dead or dieing by now, how can that number grow???? Those are NOT survivors, their kids and grand kids of survivors….

1e76b4  No.4714810


Our POTUS is smacking them into submission, one by one!!! And he's enjoying it!!!

Let it continue to go on - the longer it goes the more damage they are doing to their own party! But they will continue because the wall to them is worse! POTUS winning!!!! No matter WHAT they do - this is called CHECKMATE BITCHES!!!!

0ac1f0  No.4714811


Ooops. A link helps.


354cab  No.4714812


>Cabal O' Rourke

They were grooming him ten years ago. I was there.

8e7b43  No.4714813


Please continue while you have the momentum. Show it all to me.

2b7218  No.4714814


Fucking boom.

Ty anon.


And this, too.

Ppl have to wake up and see this.


>Did every single jew sign that?


No one said every Jew responsible

or every Jew punished

Just that their tribe as a whole

works counter to ours, as competitors.

And the greatest trick they ever played on us

was getting us to think they, as a tribe, didn't exist

That (((their))) interests were identical to ours

They're not.

Every people & nation infiltrated by Jews

needs to wake up and remember

they have a right to exist as a people, as a nation

And that if putting themselves first, as Nationalists,

makes the Jews cry, then too bad.

They can go to Israel and put themselves first there.

9ab012  No.4714816


pretty sure it is… look at the flags behind Nelly at the Foreign Ministry of Honduras…

a031a4  No.4714817

I just noticed that "Red Castle" had 9 letters and "Green Castle" has 11. I can't be the first to notice. What's the significance of this?

174144  No.4714818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


exactly, still they all receive the shekels

victim jew hun?

77466e  No.4714819


4/19 is the date of the (historical) "shit heard round the world"

ea56b3  No.4714820


How would we know that there were no mass extinction events then? It's not like there are records from that time frame.

Were there even people on earth then?

fa4d8f  No.4714821

File: 3e8e2e7ca9793d7⋯.jpeg (81.12 KB, 500x333, 500:333, F830F256-0D89-4648-B599-1….jpeg)







Post 2668

d9bfab  No.4714822


What does emergency do for the libs, though?

They've got to get something out of this, too.

Now that gummint employees will get their back pay, after this nice little paid vacation, how else do the dims benefit?

f2dcd8  No.4714823

File: b73f479376724c3⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 1457x224, 1457:224, 011119 Mkt Close.JPG)

File: e2cc3d94b0f0c62⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Closing Bell.jpg)

34c652  No.4714824

File: e1b50a3af66db7a⋯.jpg (588.31 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, gbergphoto3.jpg)



SHILLS tagging this post to avoid the GREENBERG name and evidence against them to be a part of Qresearch!

Shill attention of this magnitude tells you what's up!

Anons will not be silenced!

Anons cannot be fooled!


8f991d  No.4714825



They will go after their religious affiliation

Amy Coney Barrett belongs to a “small, tightly knit Christian group called People of Praise,” The New York Times reported in September 2017. According to The Times, the group’s members “swear a lifelong oath of loyalty, called a covenant, to one another, and are assigned and are accountable to a personal adviser, called a ‘head’ for men and a ‘handmaid’ (now woman leader) for women. The group teaches that husbands are the heads of their wives and should take authority over the family.”

Under this scenario, as Amy Barrett is married, her “head” would be Jesse Barrett, as a manuscript by a former People of Praise member explains that married women are advised by their spouse and single women by the handmaids (now women leaders). However, Jesse Barrett would also have a “head” within the church himself; the manuscript claims that confidentiality is not usually practiced within the church.

The Times reports that members of the group take direction from the heads and handmaids (or woman leader) on major decisions, even down to whom they marry. According to the Times’ interviews with current and former members, Barrett, her husband, and both of their fathers are members of the group.

According to UK Daily Mail, “At least 10 members of Barrett’s family, not including their children, also belong to the group,” and the site confirms that the Mike Coney described above is Barrett’s dad. The site claims that author Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale is based in part on the group. Of Barrett’s five sisters, at least three are closely involved in the group, Daily Mail reports. Her brother Michael was a “full-time worker” for the group, the site reports, noting that Coney’s dad lives on a block with other People of Praise families and her husband’s brother, Nathan Barrett, also belongs to the People of Praise. Barrett’s mother was previously a “handmaid,” according to Daily Mail.

fc81ae  No.4714826

File: 9878e96f48b1c45⋯.png (166.6 KB, 316x404, 79:101, 2019-01-11_16-02-19.png)




77466e  No.4714827




35161b  No.4714828

File: a05a2a225bef192⋯.png (792.26 KB, 641x754, 641:754, DoD 1-11-19 1 pm PST.PNG)

File: 85db469ada25f60⋯.png (421.17 KB, 976x493, 976:493, DoD 1-11-19 1 pm PST arti….PNG)

“We’re all a team!”



e4f18b  No.4714829


Oh, Martin Short's evangelist character?

d1a117  No.4714830


Caravan.. so organic, you guys.. soo organic

72ab4a  No.4714831


Increase? Like when you cut a worm in half? Does not compute.

6cefe4  No.4714832

File: e787e68c8783006⋯.png (499.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Mitnick it

Call and social engineer the info.

health check etc.. have to get a front desk

Ask for room number at med facility "concerned friend" etc etc

/not volunteering

4a38aa  No.4714833

File: 705ccd69f9d8c32⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 800x485, 160:97, Both Pills.jpg)

022ea4  No.4714834


They have a steady stream of 17 year old goyim who give RBG their blood in a total transfusion scheme before their bloodless carcasses are harvested for stem cells and collagen.

d21da5  No.4714835

File: 185e72653e5a22c⋯.gif (4.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Australias-Michelle-Jennek….gif)


Lookin' good, baker.

3cfc83  No.4714836

File: 1783c23ec7602e3⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 721x5762, 721:5762, Screenshot_2019-01-06 The ….jpg)

File: 04b5cd2b4aeffb1⋯.jpg (464.41 KB, 714x2714, 357:1357, Screenshot_2019-01-06 The ….jpg)

File: 3f8f4cac8e5ec8e⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 661x5730, 661:5730, Screenshot_2019-01-06 Fran….jpg)

File: fc4fafde00e4b98⋯.png (1.46 MB, 693x6950, 693:6950, Screenshot_2019-01-06 Fran….png)

File: 7553ec4a51f328f⋯.jpg (13 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 65982c545491a465c9d8c8adbf….jpg)


Check this out anon!

Great news. Jesus didn't get it wrong. The Romans really did the business.

If there are any Catholics left in Rome, you

must asap purify the entire Arch of Titus. You MUST exorcise the whole place and then hold Mass there.

The Bad Jews have practiced sorcery there.

You agree, right?

62d172  No.4714837


No, I think you're on point. I'm Jewish and it made no sense from my perspective too. At first (perhaps still), thought it was fake and gay. There will be no 'survivors' by 2050, so either the term is being redefined or it's a gay af meme…it is awfully shilly in here at present.

1f908e  No.4714838


Any HB Califag (expat) like myself is going to have a hard….I mean soft spot for JJ.

She’s pro Trump pro Q as well.

So yeah I like.

ce4555  No.4714839


tag team faggots

72ab4a  No.4714840


Bingo. I See it now. “Religious nut job”

e4f18b  No.4714841


Joel Osteen's "church" is The Church that CDAN talks about.

82f501  No.4714842

File: 516d956ddfaa578⋯.png (670.97 KB, 774x728, 387:364, c829bff8-ae53-4b91-9fff-16….png)


022ea4  No.4714843

File: 50823be4eea2e57⋯.jpeg (171.11 KB, 553x911, 553:911, F5B53CEE-FD6C-42AF-9180-2….jpeg)


The FLOTUS that got away…

fb6f23  No.4714844


MacKenzie, call me, baby!

0ac1f0  No.4714845

Oh well. If no one cares, I guess I won't care either.

4e46fd  No.4714846

File: 59e1cd1d08de9fa⋯.jpg (85.4 KB, 682x899, 22:29, downloadfile-21_1.jpg)


d1a117  No.4714847


It's a joke, dingus

Just a regular, kosher joke

f639bf  No.4714848




>Seems to me it's a device to protect assets from possible seizure.


>I don't doubt the divorce will be legal - on paper.


>But a "uncoupling" in the true sense - I highly doubt it.


>The timing is sus as hell.

yeah, whatever it is, it aint normal. it dilutes bezos ownership of amazon. what the actual situation is, i have no idea. but, were i (((them))), i would certainly have fallback postitions in place. positions that could be taken in the event of catastrophe (Trump). one of those will certainly be attempts to maintain control of key assets. if bezos is severely comped and headed for whatever, then it might make sense to "uncouple" bezos from amazon. i would then push a more moderate line conceding all the broader progressive sjw bs, and hope thats good enough to maintain long-term control of the infrastrucure whether through bezos or some other (((thems))).

its more than just the cash and bezos personal assets, though im sure hed like that protected as well. but one of the main concerns has to be with maintaining control over amazon.

ff56c3  No.4714849


Oy vey

555526  No.4714850


Ok thanks, I really thought I was missing something when I read it but I reread it about 30 times of the last two days and it just does not make sense

f3b80d  No.4714851

File: defaed910884a58⋯.png (116.51 KB, 500x404, 125:101, defaed910884a5848098bbd58a….png)

86419c  No.4714852

File: 1be4a4bfe16eb89⋯.png (147.06 KB, 1694x525, 242:75, ClipboardImage.png)

Barrett had been included on President Donald Trump's list of potential Supreme Court nominees since 2017. In July 2018, following the retirement announcement of Anthony Kennedy, she was considered his possible successor, though Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the position Barrett is considered to be a possible nominee for future Supreme Court vacancies.

Amy Vivian Coney married Jesse M. Barrett, an Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana. They have seven children: five biological children and two children adopted from Haiti.

f2dcd8  No.4714853

File: 18d751df64cd28e⋯.png (686.12 KB, 517x600, 517:600, Mojan Caballo.png)

0c6366  No.4714854

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, inorganicplague.jpg)

File: 388699ed68245b3⋯.png (482.76 KB, 1291x1278, 1291:1278, ForNewfags (2).png)

9a6a28  No.4714855

File: ee15e850738d18d⋯.png (21.38 KB, 844x624, 211:156, 5a1b413db52d1867e8d62d7a2e….png)


lol u mad

a0437d  No.4714856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8f991d  No.4714857


she doesn't have many problems. that is your opinion.

some people are stuck on the adoptions.

f987c2  No.4714859


The islands of the Caribbean should be cleansed of human invaders so descendants of the original Arawak can be found and restored.

They were first displaced by the vicious Caribs, whose descendants can still be found on the island of Dominica, with its 70 waterfalls. ( not to be confused with the Dominican Republic )

Evict them first.

fc81ae  No.4714860

File: c2c2409b93a3416⋯.png (183.48 KB, 464x262, 232:131, 2019-01-11_16-06-57.png)


Wouldn't it be more beneficial if they used Joo blood?

Doesn't work that way?

0ac1f0  No.4714861


Called "nut job" earlier.

She won't be the nominee.

Way to freaking messy, but a good diversion.

cfef34  No.4714862

File: 7be3c849de69d34⋯.png (57.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


I keep seeing a commercial about holohoax survivors in Russia they need your money

and show sad pics of old russian jews that need your help

I thought they killed em all

how can their be that many survivors lol

72ab4a  No.4714863


I don’t trust rich preachers.

8e7b43  No.4714864


I thought that was Hillsong or Scientology…?

320e65  No.4714865

File: 12e3c93b25fa74c⋯.png (410.74 KB, 427x640, 427:640, ClipboardImage.png)


Here you are, Anon

5bb995  No.4714866

File: 308dcac494503af⋯.png (20.27 KB, 655x250, 131:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9af21a7765f62c4⋯.png (42.1 KB, 641x517, 641:517, ClipboardImage.png)

Jared is said to be telling Trump NOT to declare an emergency to build his wall and telling other aides: 'Let's stop doing things just to do them'

There are signs of internal splits on the 21st day of the shutdown

Trump has tasked his son-in-law with negotiating with lawmakers

Argued against declaring national emergency unless it gets wall built

'Let's stop doing things just to do them'

Administration also floated taking Army Corps disaster funds from Puerto Rico, California, and Texas

In an internal push for restraint, Jared Kushner is urging his father-in-law President Trump not to go to the wall for his border wall.

Trump has yet to arrive at a single negotiating strategy for the wall he wants on the southern border.

He is demanding Congress fund the $5.7 billion border wall, while also threatening to declare a national emergency to have the military build it. And the administration has floated pulling emergency funds from Army Corps of Engineer disaster response efforts in Puerto Rico, California, and Florida.

Among those officials Trump has tasked with negotiating a solution are Kushner, as well as Vice President Mike Pence.

However Kushner has argued internally against drastic steps, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Trump has been floating the use of such extraordinary measures like an emergency declaration amid an ongoing standoff with congressional leaders over the wall. Trump is demanding $5.7 billion, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for spending nothing a border wall, and wants Trump to reopen the government now without it.


cd2ff7  No.4714867


Bezos->Warshington Compost

Trump -> National Enquirer

Pretty damned simple.

5d7fa9  No.4714868

File: 9c5e2ae3599ecd5⋯.gif (945.9 KB, 400x217, 400:217, giphy.gif)


Are you sure he's not…

77466e  No.4714869


Dems will make it all about abortion, because they need to be able to kill (for their sick habits) without getting thrown in prison.

bring it on. America is ready to have that fight.

4a38aa  No.4714870

File: c8a6d0bc9fbadc2⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 647x986, 647:986, Why I like Titties.JPG)

0ac1f0  No.4714871


What the hell is that?

66363d  No.4714873


Throw in the DACA deal, and it shows that dems WANT illegals to STAY illegal.

Open border to bring them in,

No path to citizenship IOT create a secondary class = slaves in every way but name.

9a6a28  No.4714874


What do you think vampire stories are based on?

4e46fd  No.4714875

File: d847c71a2085b81⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 634x782, 317:391, downloadfile-13_1.jpg)


834fac  No.4714876


Not every master mason is illuminati pizza scum, sure. But all swear secret oath to help brothers, also policemen , judges, doctors, … not good for society!

However, all cabal ones are masons.

Some ones just do the degrees a lot faster, when joining late and being famous before.

But the big players are all Masons, and obviously also of other masonic knight orders.

Masonry is the base for cabal (for commitment, for network, for their believs, for stop asking questions and accepting, for secrecy)

ce4555  No.4714877


this is all accurate

she is NOT qualified

also see lawfag notable yesterday on her legal issues

681543  No.4714878


Well that was nice of them!

f3b80d  No.4714879

File: 5686177ed2bc856⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 866x564, 433:282, Capture.JPG)


One of Q's best posts and it certainly draws out the shills.

shill kungfu weak

8f991d  No.4714880


Trump nominated her and place her in the position she has now. That is when Feinstein said that her religion lives large in her.

At her confirmation hearing.

Trump would not have nominated at all, if she was not any good.

2b67e1  No.4714881


>>4714828 US DoD: We're all a team. Lear sisters.

>>4714797 A former Arkansas lawmaker has been charged with conspiracy due to his part in a scheme to bribe a judge in the state.

>>4714678 Planefag: B52 callsign:00000000* over Texas!

>>4714583 AT&T says it’ll stop selling location data amid calls for federal investigation.

>>4714532 NBC Meet the Press disables video November 11, 2012 episode. Schumer said what?

>>4714395, >>4714635 Demonstration in Seattle blocking 4th Ave and Pike St.

>>4714442 PapaD: Dragon FISA to be exposed?

>>4714265 Bird Box Challenge?!

>>4714323 300 Americans a week. Intentionally vague POTUS Tweet?

>>4714217 CNN ‘Declined’ to air San Diego TV station’s ‘local view’ due to pro-wall position.

>>4714215 Dig on a possible RBG doctor.

>>4714213 O'Rourke to be interviewed by Oprah.

>>4714205 Q crumbs related to Nazi symbolism. Repost for discussion.

>>4714204 TMZ Confirms: MacKenzie Bezos to become world's richest woman. No prenup?!

>>4714202 POTUS Schedule: Border security roundtable attendees.

>>4714173 Sandy Hook peeps can dig into InfoWars’ internal marketing and financial documents.


b472f4  No.4714882

The study of demonology in history discloses answers to otherwise inexplicable aspects of

man's, history. The torture and murder of children, obscene rites and mass killings of innocents

in worldwide wars, as well as other catastrophes, are phenomena which bear little or no relation

to mankind's day by day routine of tilling the soil, raising families, and maintaining the

standards of civilization. On the contrary, these types of calamities are direct assaults on the

normal existence of humanity. Furthermore, they are expressions of the rebellion against God, as

attacks on His People. Because of their extraordinary powers, demons have always attracted a certain number of

followers on earth. "Secret" organizations, which insist on concealing their rites and their

programs from all “outsiders" must do so in order to prevent exposure and the inevitable

punishment. While they were wandering in the desert, the Jewish tribes worshipped demons and

monsters. They revered their mythical monsters, Leviathan, Behemoth, aid Raheb, who well

may have been survivors of the tribe of giants, the Nephilim. They also made sacrifices to the demon of the desert, Azazel.

Their mythology developed a certain hierarchy of demons. A Demonarch, who presumably was

Satan, ruled over all demons on earth. He was also known as the Prince of Evil, Belial (the

Hebrew Be'aliah, meaning Yahweh is Baal). Next in the hierarchy of demons was Asmodeus,

King of the Demons, and his wife, Lilith, chief demoness of the Jews. Lilith is well known

today as the patron goddess of the lesbians. Her name survives in many current organizations,

such as the Daughters of Lilith. This choice of a patroness suggests that there may always) have

been a certain amount of demoniac impulses in homosexual practices. This motivation would fit

in with the basic rites of occultism, such as defiance of God, and the development of "unusual


288472  No.4714883

File: 2b25353152755e8⋯.png (833.3 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


He's already got his answer from the dems…stop pussy-footing around!

Your starting to embarrass patriots!


Trump holding off on declaring national emergency on the border


cfef34  No.4714884

File: d599567cad7f693⋯.png (92.34 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d599567cad7f693⋯.png (92.34 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

9a6a28  No.4714886

File: ba2ba373eec3848⋯.jpg (139.94 KB, 660x506, 30:23, 800px-Sandomierz_katedra_-….jpg)

File: a756218bada85b8⋯.jpg (153.4 KB, 595x707, 85:101, 640px-Judensau_Frankfurt_t….jpg)

File: 5040de6be04db9d⋯.jpg (340.07 KB, 768x349, 768:349, saint-simon-of-trent1.jpg)



I mean, come on goy, this is some age old shit. Get up to speed.

da80f0  No.4714887


No, that's way too obvious.

You get a female friend to pose as Feminist Lesbian activist leader from Cornell, Harvard or Columbia, where she either studied or taught. Extra points: say you're from Lund University (she worked with Swedes for a time, probably where he got all her daffy ideas about pedophilia).

t. actual private eye, likes Kevin Mitnick though

f2dcd8  No.4714888

File: e88517b5698c32e⋯.jpeg (97.93 KB, 888x481, 24:13, FAB.jpeg)

d1a117  No.4714890


Joos are welcome, what are you talking about?

We love joos

joos, joos, joos

834fac  No.4714891

9641f6  No.4714893


how did they WIN, it's yet to go to trial?????????????

fb6f23  No.4714895



Isn't he the one-eye CIA stooge?

Let's keep an eye on this situation.

3cfc83  No.4714896

File: 72e976f7d2697ef⋯.png (705.12 KB, 1326x4773, 442:1591, Screenshot_2019-01-11 Goog….png)

0c6366  No.4714897

File: 61700053662ea14⋯.png (656.07 KB, 735x763, 105:109, flotusluvsfrensbeinbest.png)

8f991d  No.4714899


they said they were a lawfag?

really? can you prove the anon was a lawfag.

Gee, I am a lawfag, too (ahem), and she is qualified.

POTUS ALREADY NOMINATED AND PLACE HER IN A POSITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9a6a28  No.4714900


You mean Jared isn't a based jew trying to save our country?

Wow, totally didn't see that coming!

86419c  No.4714901


Agreed. Just threw it on here as I came across it. Thanks Anon.

fc81ae  No.4714902

File: 318fbd835de60af⋯.png (369.04 KB, 864x647, 864:647, 2019-01-11_16-09-55.png)


There are some Arawak/Taino in the US.


4e46fd  No.4714903

File: 9805f1be847e0c7⋯.jpg (36.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2qx8kh.jpg)


2454f2  No.4714905


A trog

48ff26  No.4714906

File: bf2904c06a886cb⋯.gif (5.57 MB, 640x640, 1:1, LQbo6Ru.gif)

7c27c1  No.4714907


God damn she's beautiful.

72ab4a  No.4714909


What in tarnation.. licking an anteater butt?

229542  No.4714910

>>4714213 O'Rourke to be interviewed by Oprah.

"Is he da wun?"

6b443e  No.4714911


If Jared gets in the way he won't be spared

6cefe4  No.4714912


Yep just suggesting out of the box ideas

Not meant as a guide

Used to do it for a job

Can be done, not doing it myself

62d172  No.4714913


You're probably close, snide bullshit aside (your snide bullshit that is).

The more accurate guess is that she's being treated with shit nobody on this board has ever heard of….Q said 'off market,' and that's close enough. We, the slave public, don't know the half of what's been developed and subsequently offered to those at the top of the pyramid.

In keeping with history, knowledge and secret beneficial medical breakthroughs, especially ones that threaten big pharma, are kept from the public. The alpha agencies, primarily the c_a, still have their doctors and scientists on call and a network developed. Old cheney should have died 30-40 years ago and he looked a better picture of health that I am, and I'm half his age.

415ca3  No.4714914

File: f9f223427d129c0⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 960x960, 1:1, chewmini.jpg)

File: 237e7c014316bb0⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 586x597, 586:597, lmmfao.jpg)

5bb995  No.4714915



9a6933  No.4714918

She looks like that diniro meme >>4714843

c51163  No.4714919

Declare a national emergency and build the wall?

Liberal twatter poll

currently 64% no. You know what to do TwatterAnons


834fac  No.4714922


Immigration to Israel exists…

0c6366  No.4714923

File: 0f37fdbe385f5c4⋯.jpg (230.6 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, behindeverygreatman.jpg)


inside and out Anon :)

681543  No.4714925

File: e7b3fb036e6a82a⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 400x439, 400:439, e7b3fb036e6a82a3e2377d1918….jpg)



Can we PLEASE get pre-qual IQ tests for breeding??? PLEASE?!

ce4555  No.4714927



it is important

re habeus petitions for enemy combatants

she is on the wrong side of this one

f2dcd8  No.4714928

File: 9fa97083687cb38⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 255x174, 85:58, FLOTUS.jpg)

c51163  No.4714929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

live coverage of disabled plane in PA. No info yet

0f2360  No.4714930

File: 557415b175c1a0f⋯.jpg (177.58 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpFentanyl.jpg)

>>4714323 300 Americans a week. Intentionally vague POTUS Tweet?

da80f0  No.4714932


>I don’t trust rich preachers.

Very wise.

9a6a28  No.4714933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

live stream started

4e46fd  No.4714935

File: 78c447d3eb14874⋯.jpg (118.06 KB, 730x776, 365:388, downloadfile-30_1_1.jpg)


8f991d  No.4714936



I WILL read it.

6446a3  No.4714937

File: 1af98dcf2378648⋯.png (950.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

E4-B Doomsday is up over San Antonio

320e65  No.4714938

File: a8f3bd8d5221445⋯.png (490.54 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

They really led her around by the nose

763cc0  No.4714940


Fucking effective meme

fb6f23  No.4714941



When will we admit that Trump is a CUCK for endorsing a dude that's ALWAYS been dead set on taking him down.

e769f4  No.4714943

File: 1f218d48810bc8e⋯.jpeg (78.63 KB, 480x576, 5:6, C5C8BA68-F6BA-4F86-927B-4….jpeg)


It’s all up to the public, if they go to watch film (the propaganda puff piece) she dies eventually. If it bombs, she dies immediately so people go see the false portrayal of her devious life!

66363d  No.4714944


Primary met not identified

Cancer treatments stopped

“No signs of cancer in her body”

Someone is lying here. I doubt it’s the doctors, but instead the journalists writing the stories are repeating what the handler “spokesperson” is saying.

Even if they determined her cancer free, that she was recovering, without identifying the met means the report of no cancer is false.

She’s going to die. Her doctors have stopped treatment. This is in effect, the doctors telling her there is nothing more than can do. She can go off chemo, seem to be recovering, but in reality, the cancer would be rapidly spreading and it’s only a matter of time until she “dies peacefully in her sleep”.

da80f0  No.4714946


The military has tech at least 42 years ahead of the monkey model we get to use in civilian life.

However, there is a good intention. Think of the chaos consumer anti-gravity would cause. You think the internet and drones are disruptive? LOL They will probably want to roll out consumer force fields first. (And zero point so you power bill won't be insane.)

5d7fa9  No.4714948


A plan For Women to Become Super Rich

without working

cfef34  No.4714950

File: 21e40939012a3cd⋯.png (648.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

288472  No.4714951


$ AM talking points getting out again.

17b1e7  No.4714952

File: 75fbee5bc21f7ae⋯.png (19.84 KB, 867x617, 867:617, MSK-logo.png)

File: 3500b68deaf725b⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 474x474, 1:1, sulfur.jpg)

RBG "off market" treatment young blood?

Stem Cell?

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center symbol looks like another one I've see.

75e200  No.4714953


Can't get a much better source that that . It won't be long now .

3cfc83  No.4714955

File: d4e4ccba88aad09⋯.gif (13.49 MB, 728x408, 91:51, whitefun.gif)


anon, someone in this world is "they"..

who is "they"?

Is "they" the fake news media, schools, colleges, social media, TV, movies, magazines…essentially the entire means of communication for "they" push race war, class war, religious war, political war? Or is "they" the hand that rocks the fake news cradle?

who owns the means of communication?

That is who "they" is.

1e76b4  No.4714956


They turn everything upside down then don't they.

Up is down - like Q said.

Good is evil

Evil is good.

This is what they want everyone to believe. The Great Deception!

The Great Awakening is from this great deception!

0f2360  No.4714957


Effective drug too in the wrong hands.

f81122  No.4714958



I see what you did there.

66363d  No.4714962


funny that the only sign of life we have is a blurry photo of her getting into a car that doesn’t show her face.

Weekend at RBGs

62d172  No.4714966


Yeah, but by 2050 those who survived will still have died off. Even if they were a young child in a camp, say 5 when they were liberated, that would make them 110, more or less, by 2050 (by my math). I'm using 1945 as the start date. If 5 in 1945 they would be 60 at 2000, and 110 years old in 2050 (again, math's not my strong point), but still….no way a country of less than 10-15 people (by 2050), has 60,000 people who are 110 years old. And I'm not sure how many, if many at all, were liberated anywhere near 5 years of age.

I'm Jewish and the math doesn't add up. I'm saying it's a fake and gay altered article, or the term 'survivor' has been redefined to mean offspring of a survivor.

12feff  No.4714968


wrong board

you're looking for this: >>>/rresearch/

46e588  No.4714969


is that Arnold Schwarzeneggers house keeper?

fa4d8f  No.4714970

File: 590501a7fb494cb⋯.jpeg (68.4 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 14303B68-130F-48C5-B61F-C….jpeg)

cc1cc4  No.4714971

File: c836f47483e681d⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, theend.jpg)

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