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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

e229ad  No.4718855

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 01/11/19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 01/07/19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 01/06/19

>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability

>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (Caps: >>4637162 )

>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )

>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.

>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.

>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER

>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)

>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted

>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking

Saturday 01/05/19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Saturday 12/22/18

Compiled here: >>4628830

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e229ad  No.4718859


are not endorsements


>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.

>>4668020 , >>4668026 8bit/BO executes an anniversary tripcode check


>>4718107, >>4718129 Syria Update

>>4718106, >>4718134 POTUS_SChedule, John Bolton on Venezuela

>>4718160, >>4718422, >>4718353 WTF is with puerto rico - Clinton, Fallon, 30 congress fags

>>4718356 dank proofs (anon theories proofs)

>>4718342 desanits plane emerg landing (on way to Broward)

>>4718157 update on GoFundMe Build the Wall - Build The Wall, Inc 501c4 with Erik Prince

>>4718623 planefagging

>>4718818 #6021

#6020 Baker Change

>>4717405 Syrian Army targets radical militants in Hama And Idlib with armed drones, guided missiles and heavy rockets.

>>4717371 Unconfirmed: Video of supposed Israeli strike on Damascus. (video)

>>4717342 Two pedo priests in PA going down.

>>4717323 Bus crash in Ottawa. 3 dead 23 injured. Driver detained.

>>4717443 Notable Observations from anon on kidnapped girl case

>>4717574, >>4717692 Ivanka World Bank Boss?

>>4717321 Meet The Greenbergs

>>4717777 God got quads

>>4717587, >>4717819 Reason Nikki Haley Resigned (new yorker article, but intersting), and then some past creds

>>4717984 6020


>>4717077 McDuff the qresearch mascot.


>>4717067 CPL and Democrat abused stripper to attend Cohen hearing?

>>4717047 Paris a battlefield this past weekend. (video)

>>4717046 Tulsi Gabbard intends on running in 2020.

>>4716865 Democrats act to strip State powers over elections.

>>4716845 Israel is also racist.

>>4716811 Syria says Israeli airstrikes hit warehouse at Damascus airport.

>>4716787 Mexico is buying us peaches.

>>4716731 Fed tells banks to help workers hit by shutdown.

>>4716677 Fmr. Nissan Chairman created slush fund that he used to send $100 mil to the Middle East.

>>4716625 Globalist MSM distorts coverage of populism in all countries: we need to get the real scoop.

>>4716584 DJT Tweet: "Drug prices declined in 2018, the first time in nearly half a century..."

>>4716567 What is the real medical diagnosis of [RBG]?

>>4716566 Hamptons police seek thief who stole $42 million from parked car.

>>4717237 #6019


>>4716266 An armed guard reportedly transporting a 'very special load' for Apple was killed in a fatal truck crash.

>>4716369 Turkey is racist.

>>4716135, >>4716225, >>4716252 John Solomon: How news media omissions distort Russia probe narrative … and shield Democrats.

>>4716249 Some of AOC's fellow Democrats reportedly live in fear of her sending a "mean-tweet" in their direction.

>>4716244 Sheriff Scott Israel removed over failures during Parkland shooting, replaced by Gregory Tony.

>>4716068 WH Tweet: "President Trump is committed to stopping the crisis at our border, but the Democrats have already left Washington."

>>4715991 Yellow Vest protests in Israel.

>>4715932 POTUS Schedule: No POTUS travel expected for the remainder of today & tonight.

>>4715824 Dragon FISA mentioned last July.

>>4715772 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>4715722, >>4716097 That GoFundMe to build a border wall is issuing $20 million in refunds unless you opt-in.

>>4716465 #6018


>>4715557 Trump Dunks on Jim Acosta in Oval Office: “Good Job, Yesterday! I Appreciate it!”

>>4715535 POTUS Instagram: CBP salute.

>>4715403, >>4715478 There are at least 5 women on the short list for SCOTUS in addition to Amy Coney Barrett.

>>4715412 PapaD: Joseph Mifsud's ties to Gaeta, Steele and Sambei are key.

>>4715119 Amazon Ring videos can be viewed by tech workers in an area known for cybercrime.

>>4715071 Article on the shooting death of Officer Natalie Corona.

>>4715060, >>4715074 Lawfag on why ACB is not likely to be the SCOTUS nominee.

>>4715001 Trump holding off on declaring national emergency on the border, calls on Democrats to fund wall.

>>4714987 LL didn't formally recuse herself despite her statements to the press? Q proof?

>>4715605 #6017

Previously Collected Notables

>>4714624 #6016,

>>4712564 #6013, >>4713349 #6014, >>4714133 #6015

>>4710200 #6010, >>4711006 #6011, >>4711804 #6012

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

e229ad  No.4718868

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>4714320

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

e229ad  No.4718872

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

e229ad  No.4718879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DOUGH coming

post away anons

0592a1  No.4718884

File: d6789b6575862e3⋯.png (862.7 KB, 841x675, 841:675, Hannity 1-11-19.PNG)

On Now


c8e6d4  No.4718890

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



d6391b  No.4718891

>>4718694 lb

Back in my bar room brawl days I loved the idiots with hair and piercings you could get a hold of.

I ripped out my fair share.

Nothing like a waterfront brawl.

The good ole days.

c8e6d4  No.4718892

File: 483e7776441550a⋯.jpg (104.31 KB, 704x547, 704:547, aaasmh_130201.jpg)

4f8846  No.4718893

Maybe it will take the tards a few minutes to find this bread.

4bafcd  No.4718894


Anyone have a youtube embed?

e229ad  No.4718895

File: 740bff5160f4501⋯.jpg (55 KB, 662x665, 662:665, reee.jpg)



sorry for missing the Fresh Bread post in time last bread

bb17c9  No.4718896

>>4718178 (lb)

Been a while, but…


Lt. Kevin O' Connell PhotoJersey City Police participate in an "active shooter" drill Tuesday at Newport Centre Mall in Jersey City.Jersey City police, emergency medical responders, and others took over the Newport Centre Mall and turned it into a mock shooting and hostage situation during an "active shooter" training drill conducted Tuesday, officials said.

"We try to keep current and try to do training every three to six months to ensure all officers are trained in these situations," Police Director Sam Jefferson said yesterday.

The drill simulated shootings in the mall, including a responding officer being shot, a hostage standoff and the Emergency Services Unit bomb squad defusing fake traps.

57c5d1  No.4718897

File: 731009bb8a377ad⋯.png (215.76 KB, 465x354, 155:118, concave2.png)


c8e6d4  No.4718899

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

4c35ba  No.4718900

File: b929cb4a6eef09b⋯.jpg (74.1 KB, 580x669, 580:669, Screenshot 2019-01-11_21-2….jpg)


42e90b  No.4718901

File: 876bab6def536cd⋯.gif (78.51 KB, 400x204, 100:51, REEEEEEEEEE!.gif)

ce2bc7  No.4718902

File: 32267e09318ed9c⋯.png (7.54 KB, 200x165, 40:33, 501efed1d97695e26ddfd4bba4….png)

>>4718853 LB


I Just figure we are all sparks of god that are experiencing a movie to bring the experience back to god.

4a8b28  No.4718903

File: c3359151e67ad2f⋯.png (188.71 KB, 367x428, 367:428, common11.PNG)

File: dc71925514b3032⋯.png (381.77 KB, 594x293, 594:293, dog star2.PNG)


ac9557  No.4718904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e229ad  No.4718905

Lur King Bakers

Baker seeking handoff

i can bake again later, even next bread if needed

c8e6d4  No.4718906

File: 5211f7f2b672238⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 416x448, 13:14, 30pctopac.jpg)

File: 4df2300ea407e73⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 418x448, 209:224, 60pctopac.jpg)

File: 59b643a95b81604⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 411x444, 137:148, 80pctopac.jpg)

File: 81a86f7d24e63f0⋯.jpg (28.11 KB, 433x452, 433:452, 100pctopac.jpg)

b34b44  No.4718907

>>4718865 lb

No thanks. I can 'unplug' when I am dead.

003af4  No.4718908

Bezo's has no prenup allowing his wealth to flow to his wife. This enables him to still use and have access to funds despite possible sanctions by the federal government.

fc11d8  No.4718909

Wanna know what the best proof of Wikileaks being comped and untrustworthy is?

The twitter account is still active.

7e36ed  No.4718910

>>4718837 LAST BREAD

Wht better way to force their agenda on the Sheeple than to suddenly start having drs exclaim human blood is good for the digestive track, or cures Alzheimers or is the Fountain of Youth.

It supports their agenda for human blood harvesting. Hell they prolly have human harvesting ongoing in every city right now (anyone missing your fave homeless person?) Sounds like BLADE TRINITY doesn't it? Spoopy!

68c7f3  No.4718911

File: 6cfa68ff7d7f61f⋯.jpg (299.45 KB, 1500x1297, 1500:1297, 1yrdelta.jpg)



boom == 01/11/19

boom == 01/12/19

boom == 01/13/19

boom == 01/14/19

Mon 14th starts the week to watch 0.0

4bafcd  No.4718912

File: e9feacf4ceb674c⋯.jpg (278.14 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 11957893915_069688958c_b.jpg)


'Tis okay, baker. Nice work.

a1bcc9  No.4718913

File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 525x700, 3:4, mercheditor.jpg)

File: 5f33deab378cc38⋯.png (11.21 KB, 255x146, 255:146, merchgassed.png)

File: 5b51f23ebf595b8⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 323x277, 323:277, merchkike2.jpg)

File: f4cb52791b15dee⋯.png (131.54 KB, 731x600, 731:600, merchbrainlet.png)

File: 2ab7b03556c3922⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 960x400, 12:5, merchkike.jpg)

Fuck the JIDF shills are retarded tonight

0f903a  No.4718914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Baker!!! Scoring Old School points. Shiet. Remember when they had break dance platforms in the Roller Skating rinks?

9f1ca1  No.4718915

>>4718836 (pb)


DEMS will 187 her to stop the arrests and give POTUS a SC pick IF HE AGREES.

((They)) haven't decided yet if she lives or dies.


42e90b  No.4718916

File: 155df278adbd824⋯.gif (312.04 KB, 500x282, 250:141, You right this second.gif)

c8e6d4  No.4718917

File: 6f0ef0c7e9fd038⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 940x1060, 47:53, John-F.-Kennedy-Jr.-940x10….jpg)

File: c24e2cb30cce853⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1165x778, 1165:778, e3fkla75f (2).png)

aff703  No.4718918

"[RR] in charge of DECLAS." -Q

"DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination." -Q

"If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty." -Q

"Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?


[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

2-way failure.

If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).

If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed). " -Q

"[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].

How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?


"When did [RR] learn of involvement [BO][NO]?

What happens if [RR] knew PRIOR TO signing CP FISA?

Why did [RR] under congressional testimony refuse to answer the question re: reading of FISA prior to execution? " -Q

"Did [RR] feel safe post AF1 30-min meeting w/ POTUS?

Did [RR] communicate meeting back to handlers?

When your 'enemy' feels in control…." -Q

"[Why not?] [if true] D's do not want DECLAS [TO PROVE] POTUS was colluding w/ RUSSIA?

Why are D's opposed to DECLAS if what they say is true?

DECLAS would [PROVE] evidence v. POTUS to obtain FISA WARRANT - why the block?" -Q

Rod was in charge of FISA

"Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed]." -Q

BO NO Bruce, Nellie Ohr

CP FISA = Carter Page FISA?

AF1 = Air Force 1

2d1f38  No.4718919


China Using Twitter History To Arrest, Interrogate Dissidents

4f8846  No.4718920

File: bc4afe90fc07e51⋯.png (522.11 KB, 501x750, 167:250, 6e0aab50eb97caf491960c762d….png)

TY Baker.

7a835a  No.4718921

THIS IS WHAT LIBERALS DO NOT WANT AMERICANS TO SEE! The REAL consequences of our open border & the crisis it is creating in AMERICAN LIVES!

Worth the watch. Every American should be MADE to watch this. Very moving…. makes me want to kick every damn Dem’s ass who is holding up the wall that WILL PROTECT AMERICANS!

Damn it… POTUS- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! These children had a RIGHT TO LIVE & so do all our children! They MUST BE PROTECTED from these illegals!


4a8b28  No.4718922

File: 0d365a4f8228598⋯.png (1.05 MB, 567x855, 63:95, cia80.PNG)

File: 4909afa9482912d⋯.png (280.12 KB, 394x394, 1:1, cia73.PNG)

9ce3f0  No.4718923

That there Tucker fella just said "Buckle Your Seatbelt".

71e313  No.4718924

File: 3807c6d91ed5dcc⋯.png (202.84 KB, 553x3643, 553:3643, 01Screenshot_2018-11-26 Sa….png)

File: ac976031ec0baa9⋯.png (291.33 KB, 542x5470, 271:2735, 02Screenshot_2018-11-26 Sa….png)

File: 601fc0b04efc013⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1111x2047, 1111:2047, Saville.png)

File: 37946ad28e25d9a⋯.png (705.77 KB, 985x660, 197:132, Queen-Saville legacy.png)

File: a665c7359f1a84d⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1544x1356, 386:339, MuhHandCold.png)

a612a6  No.4718925

File: 27d0ef740149533⋯.jpeg (104.71 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, 9F27CF91-20F0-41CD-B475-5….jpeg)

I love when the shills are out. Let me smoke this sweet, sweet bud real quick so I can buttfuck your mouths.

f4ce45  No.4718926

Is the shitstorm cuz its Friday

Or is smth else going on?

c8e6d4  No.4718927

File: 04ed340bfaaf006⋯.jpeg (146.33 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, plane04ed340bfaaf006.jpeg)

bf46b9  No.4718928

What do Anons think the game plan is with funding the wall? Does POTUS think the Dems will cave and fund it?

9ffc8a  No.4718929

File: c53d5c69bbd5b22⋯.jpg (182.07 KB, 960x540, 16:9, housemirrors.jpg)

7fdd6b  No.4718930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still funny as fuck

6eb5d3  No.4718931


"they will crawl out of the caves" Valentina Zharkova

Nir Shaviv

Henrik Svensmark


don't be DUBM

f09959  No.4718932

File: 695f46cdd03aaa7⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 441x442, 441:442, Q China VIP.JPG)

Dianne Feinstein returning back to her Chinese masters.

aff703  No.4718933













"[LL]>paper trail>special entry

[Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort

FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort

Mueller>>Manafort" -Q

"What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted?

Who signed the CP FISA?" -Q

"FISA = Foundation.


People are more aware of current events.

Establish link.

Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS.

Public awareness.

Evidence introduced.

MSM covert link.

Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations.

How do you build a home?

Foundation to structure (layers).


Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc)." -Q

b34b44  No.4718934

File: 24c35fc96ef5c16⋯.png (138.86 KB, 573x514, 573:514, Screenshot 2019-01-11 at 8….png)

42e90b  No.4718935

File: 45e2cbd081a0b55⋯.png (110.15 KB, 982x706, 491:353, Clawbacks.PNG)


Can take it from her too.

9fbb34  No.4718936

File: 16af0ed5028dd6f⋯.jpg (400.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 35G56H4675JU785KJR97JIUTKL….jpg)

File: 8dca2970c02d18f⋯.jpg (358.84 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 0j40gj509hgj5kjh69khu6jh5u….jpg)

c8e6d4  No.4718937

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

f8433a  No.4718938

File: bfa7c07ef5e2fcd⋯.jpg (188.04 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, EdBuck3.jpg)

File: 87271afd0caf9fc⋯.jpg (147.43 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, EdBuck2.jpg)

File: 20967f196e712eb⋯.jpg (408.33 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, EdBuck1.jpg)


Thank you Baker.

9ffc8a  No.4718939

a71a4f  No.4718940

File: 5b2c21aa8d3ff3e⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 800x760, 20:19, f951f52b225ed72021d0a784b9….jpg)

e229ad  No.4718941



call out notables for bakery

help baker sift next batch

nom nom nom

477701  No.4718942


You can read Q's writings just as I can.


7a835a  No.4718944


You are an idiot. We have much more going on in this country to worry about than your JFK jr. fetish!

77bd9c  No.4718945

File: 80c1b35e652eb6a⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 737x412, 737:412, mkultra3.jpg)

File: 80c1b35e652eb6a⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 737x412, 737:412, mkultra3.jpg)

File: 759cac826eba656⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 500x386, 250:193, mkultra4.jpg)

ce2bc7  No.4718946

File: 02eded44d60de1c⋯.png (362.7 KB, 1120x673, 1120:673, 02eded44d60de1c612b572cd5c….png)

c8e6d4  No.4718948


kek. You don't have a clue why you are here. bfff

4bafcd  No.4718949


Someone probably posed a direct link in a normie site. Baker did us a favor by not linking to the new bread.

615229  No.4718950

File: 30a0fe8e9bc7c86⋯.png (32.37 KB, 467x490, 467:490, 1.png)

77bd9c  No.4718951

File: eacd575993ac8e1⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 785x568, 785:568, mkultra2.jpg)


wrong pic…

c4fee3  No.4718952

File: d6b45ff51a81516⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1017x816, 339:272, 8906128985498650.png)

File: 6b8e6a63eea004c⋯.png (840.82 KB, 744x753, 248:251, 98765324190563297435.png)

dbfea4  No.4718953

>>4718157 lb

Good find anon!

Prince shares what he knows about the Weiner hoard of texts and emails:


8c260b  No.4718954


Thank you anon.

Enjoy the weed, I wish i had some right now.

f8433a  No.4718955

File: e0f2f4e7c280bda⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BOOM.mp4)

Bye bye

71e313  No.4718956

File: 2f1e1bf5a542045⋯.jpg (20.35 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 1sm1gv.jpg)

9ffc8a  No.4718957


Trump knows he is winning. The longer this goes on, the stronger his position will be. And he views it as a way to teach the nation. I don't think he'll have to use the National Emergency option.

a725d8  No.4718958

>>4718883 ( LB )

sigh… I really wish I would have never wrote that.

d6391b  No.4718959

It’s fucking cold out tonight.

9f1ca1  No.4718960


That's why the shutdown is still going on. Because POTUS said NO.

Shutdown is cover for arrests.

a612a6  No.4718961


Don’t self doxx kek

c36b6b  No.4718962

File: f3eacb9ea0298d3⋯.jpg (75.93 KB, 634x664, 317:332, 1547250245536.jpg)

File: 8abbbe4cc0969f4⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 306x509, 306:509, 1547250104304.jpg)

File: 86c6fba636293d7⋯.png (822.58 KB, 613x716, 613:716, 1547250686334.png)

File: 1cdd9036420e9da⋯.jpg (291.38 KB, 1134x2016, 9:16, 1547249886814.jpg)

has ed buck been arrested yet or what?

aff703  No.4718963

"When will the public discover that Ted Cruz was also illegally SURV (pre_POTUS_R nomination)?" -Q

4a8b28  No.4718964

File: 63de889b55b54f4⋯.png (46.5 KB, 261x259, 261:259, dog star.PNG)

File: 36ab23260c56506⋯.png (683.79 KB, 496x470, 248:235, dog heart.PNG)

File: 88917798881698a⋯.png (297.14 KB, 845x470, 169:94, dog star6.PNG)

File: b2260524fc42082⋯.png (478.93 KB, 399x558, 133:186, red317.PNG)

4f8846  No.4718965

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)



How about just screen caps of the posts, or links to them.

Anyone who is anyone has already seen these.

0592a1  No.4718966



>THIS IS WHAT LIBERALS DO NOT WANT AMERICANS TO SEE! The REAL consequences of our open border & the crisis it is creating in AMERICAN LIVES!

>Worth the watch. Every American should be MADE to watch this. Very moving…. makes me want to kick every damn Dem’s ass who is holding up the wall that WILL PROTECT AMERICANS!

>Damn it… POTUS- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! These children had a RIGHT TO LIVE & so do all our children! They MUST BE PROTECTED from these illegals!

Each family so far is telling the story of their child killed by an illegal

They all keep saying

This is Not a Manufactured Crisis


c8e6d4  No.4718967

File: 4bbea56ddb37a1c⋯.png (947.43 KB, 750x612, 125:102, JFKjrRFKjrwithunknownkidsf….png)

File: 799b8de222bd789⋯.png (423.78 KB, 599x446, 599:446, JFKjrRFKTweet7_16_18.png)

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)

Let's see the Clown shills explain this. On July 16 of all days. kek

9cf30b  No.4718968


That dude is a weird mother fucker

ce2bc7  No.4718969



If you cannot filter in real life and in EM you should learn. Simple techniques.

f06ba8  No.4718970

I am going to post here only because, hopefully, being the most recent video posted it will get seen. I have heard from numerous news sources about the horrific tragedy of sins continually being committed against children without an iota of investigative work done by your news agency and others. I have only come to the conclusion that most anchor jobs are to put a pretty face on news stories that are dictated to them, so long as 'we' don't have to look at the dark side of life or admit who the perpetrators are. When the evidence is presented, it is beyond me how this does not get told to the American People, yourselves included. It makes me wonder the quality of investigative reporting staff any news agency has on staff if, people (this one example is not the only one) are discovering the heinous crimes being discussed by the reporter here. My only conclusion is that there either exists a level of stupidity or evil (complacency or greed) as the reason this is not being reported. God speed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diqSlOC3UF4

d42780  No.4718972

File: dae037ec49599eb⋯.png (124.68 KB, 255x196, 255:196, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4718645 (lb)




a9383b  No.4718973


we are tucked in for the weekend- snow is arriving soon

c8e6d4  No.4718974

File: 4838b3cccd9c0e3⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, DjiNH2SV4AABYZy.jpg)

4f8846  No.4718975


A lot of the fuckstains from the last bread are not here yet. kek

c8e6d4  No.4718976

File: 26e6a9803f6e15b⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 480x548, 120:137, FuscaRubyCute.jpg)

42e90b  No.4718977

File: f3d5875e1fe0a44⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 800x800, 1:1, Pepe REEEEEEEE.gif)

a71a4f  No.4718978

File: 370e95af0e9fa7d⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 425x560, 85:112, idiot-award.jpg)

09882e  No.4718979



3x cancer 'survivor'.

We will never see her alive again.

610eb9  No.4718980

File: 043e28bf6f53aa5⋯.jpg (376.43 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0357.JPG)

cab545  No.4718981

0e7948  No.4718982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a725d8  No.4718984


Not sure what he's up to honestly. He already has the funds to build the wall… enough to build a concrete wall clear across mexico us border.

I think he's just playing the dems and setting them in front of the world, so everyone can see what they really are… they have no choice but to fight him every inch of the way, even though they know he's already won. If they don't fight him, they expose themselves and the people hang them in the street.

c8e6d4  No.4718985

File: 573fdd9834a5c86⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 502x628, 251:314, carolynbksplit30s50s.jpg)

File: 8a03e787c38d554⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 511x583, 511:583, carolynbksplit62pctopac.jpg)

File: 43c72290b617751⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 499x616, 499:616, Carolynbksplitnoopacity.jpg)

File: 5ab63c1a05247d1⋯.png (490.56 KB, 1055x418, 1055:418, Carolynbksplitsvariableopa….png)

f4ce45  No.4718986


Whats the sauce?

c102b9  No.4718987

We have been researching who (P) may be and Paysuers we're honed in on.HOWEVER…

I was listening to a JORDAN MAXWELL lecture and he mentioned the hierarchy of the Jesuits, Vatican and Rome and said the the (((PICOS))) (Pronounced PEESOS) Is the hidden hand behind them all,'

GRAB YER SHOVELS Guys and gals!

[P] = PICOS ??????

2d1f38  No.4718988

Leaked video shows Google leadership's political bias and conspiracy


1b6e77  No.4718989



>Baker did us a favor by not linking to the new bread.

someone tell the CM to fuck with our catalog!

ad61d2  No.4718990



yeah i had posted this article


and the other anon had posted the pdf of the IG report.

didn't think anyone noticed

kind of important and i didn't see it posted in the notables for the last 10 breads

806ed5  No.4718993


Hmm. You’re sounding like someone from the MSM that wants anons to provide inside scoops (conjecture based on Q) or sound bites to be used against the chan’s later to make us look like crazies when opinions prove to be wrong. If you’re not MSM, read Q, read current events and form your own opinions.

8ba134  No.4718994

File: d666f32eeeb2a88⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 634x816, 317:408, 8419770-6583259-image-a-31….jpg)

File: 17c5c521eb0ac3b⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 634x422, 317:211, 8419772-6583259-image-a-32….jpg)

File: 6ae1cad3b7650b5⋯.jpg (121.05 KB, 634x949, 634:949, 8420748-6583259-image-a-33….jpg)

Saw a story that Steve Buscemi's wife of 30 years died.

Check out her Y necklace in first pic.

Steve Buscemi's wife of over 30 years, Jo Andres, has died.

The filmmaker, choreographer and artist passed this month in New York City at the age of 65 with family and friends around her. The two wed in 1987 and share 29-year-old son Lucian Buscemi.

Steve is best known for his TV series Boardwalk Empire and The Sopranos.

The two were last seen together on the red carpet in July at The Cinema Society screening Of Puzzle in NYC.

Radar also reported that on Wednesday Buscemi 'was spotted lifting a wicker casket out of the house'.

The actor then head to the funeral service with a police escort in tow.

According to Radar, 'the company that handled the funeral arrangements caters toward those looking for natural burial.'

( WICKER CASKET? WTF Sounds witchy/cabal like, like their pagen Gotthard Tunnel ceremony)


6a9e69  No.4718995

>>4718835 (pb)

>>4718850 (pb)


pb >>4716746 >>4716866 POTUS "How about a businesswoman?"

615229  No.4718996


deep fakes are coming. R is a larp

e229ad  No.4718997




baker seeks handoff

reply here




9ffc8a  No.4718998


Pro Tip: leave the fields blank. You be taken more seriously here.

4c35ba  No.4718999

File: 4e618302a350bb4⋯.jpg (72.67 KB, 589x526, 589:526, Screenshot 2019-01-11_21-2….jpg)

File: afdc115dc79bfe6⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, Dwqt0etW0AEvBgY.jpg)


9fbb34  No.4719000

File: 7d45234bcc99634⋯.jpg (242.05 KB, 704x929, 704:929, 5h56j4h5e64657jh.jpg)

File: f23ec7f37045c70⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 540x405, 4:3, f23ec7f37045c70e70dfa8ef63….jpg)

8c260b  No.4719001

File: 31182b69c7cd26e⋯.jpeg (137.67 KB, 1534x868, 767:434, angry-dems-in-pain-01.jpeg)

Here is one for you anons.

How Much Wood could a Cuck Chuck Suck if a Cuck Chuck could Suck Wood?

4a8b28  No.4719002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

68c7f3  No.4719003

File: 74a390d06290184⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 592x465, 592:465, cut3.jpg)

what if i told u i be seeing 911 every other day for last year o.0

not even lying => 4718911

7a835a  No.4719004


Best friends forever? But I don’t even know you….

I know that the Truth is not what we have been told but spamming JFK jr shit constantly makes YOU the one who doesn’t know why you are here….unless you are shilling for shekels.

bf8443  No.4719005


speaking of cults, is it just me or we don't hear about cults anymore….

sects and cults were regulars in MSM news in 80s\90s…

aff703  No.4719006


Thank you.

1b6e77  No.4719007



can take it baker, just got back


822b68  No.4719008

File: d8adc8ec92a99c6⋯.jpg (9.95 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 80c1b35e652eb6a5a2cdc52dca….jpg)

why is this fag from Ashville, NC?

e229ad  No.4719009


post again

both preferably - PDF of IG you refer too and screen caps to go with article (if possible)

if not maybe anons halp

4a8b28  No.4719010

File: c2fcf882f3d2c0f⋯.png (278.95 KB, 968x695, 968:695, cia81.PNG)

File: e9588761df555fa⋯.png (275.16 KB, 492x500, 123:125, cia75.PNG)

aff703  No.4719012

"“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also said U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct related to these actions, noting that Huber would be “conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and “in cooperation” with Horowitz.”" -Q

"Who does Huber work with specifically?

Who investigates?

Who prosecutes?

Team of 470?

Will BO transcripts be released?

Huber + IG + 470?

Inside or outside of the DC [SWAMP]?

How many members of Congress not seeking re-election?" -Q

">Who is HUBER?




>Mandate charged to HUBER?

>Resources provided to HUBER?


>Mandate charged to HOROWITZ?

>Resources provided to HOROWITZ?


>What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER?



"Think No Name.

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

Who does Mueller 'now' report to?

Does WHITAKER also oversee HUBER + OIG?

What case(s) is HUBER + OIG + team of 470 currently working on?" -Q

301aa9  No.4719013

>>4718422 (pb)

comment (lb)

These people are Sick.

Human trafficking in PR isn't considered a crime.




f8433a  No.4719014


You know what SAGE! does? Maybe if you can answer, you'll be taken seriously.

9fbb34  No.4719015


Because they took over the news.

42e90b  No.4719016


it happens on it's own.

ce2bc7  No.4719017

File: e2244ba15c9dee8⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 259x194, 259:194, mand1.jpg)

File: 63acc94c3e0a660⋯.jpg (6.11 KB, 208x242, 104:121, 6f26559781194fa5866786c332….jpg)

File: dbfd7baf77b6254⋯.png (1.28 MB, 866x838, 433:419, lenstomandelbrot.png)

File: a2ac452210972a6⋯.png (10.27 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 532321de3ce9410fb6cca0988e….png)

216a28  No.4719018


Is the pay really that good? I couldn’t do it.

8fea3d  No.4719019

File: 92c12ef51627e2e⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 800x723, 800:723, 92c12ef51627e2ea1e71becfb4….jpg)


He's right

KYS (please live stream that shit is funny)

This isn't about any individual.

e229ad  No.4719020



dough is current

ill be around

thanks senpai


0592a1  No.4719021

File: 5e0210bf8e11161⋯.png (39.7 KB, 628x309, 628:309, Gov H re Dems Wall 1-11-19.PNG)


> makes me want to kick every damn Dem’s ass who is holding up the wall that WILL PROTECT AMERICANS!


If Dems in Congress are really upset about shutdown why did they head home for the weekend?

Why don’t they stay and work and vote to not get Congressional pay until shutdown ends?



c4fee3  No.4719023

File: 58b2fe714299e64⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1193x1132, 1193:1132, 78952123450785749.png)

File: d6b45ff51a81516⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1017x816, 339:272, 8906128985498650.png)

File: 58b2fe714299e64⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1193x1132, 1193:1132, 78952123450785749.png)

bbdc76  No.4719024


Sheriff Tony doesn't look Jewish…

9ffc8a  No.4719025


I never expect to be taken seriously.

I just post for my own pleasure.

4f8846  No.4719026


One man's cult is another man's non-profit.

bc6371  No.4719027


Tend to agree but the apparent wife is more perplexing.

4bafcd  No.4719028

File: 79b3b625f8fc9e7⋯.png (49.28 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 82aa210e70971d3aa4264f8e70….png)


You're a cult!

234240  No.4719029


Everything is wrong with her. The folks have been kidnapping, raping, torturing, chomping pineal glands, drawing all blood/killing forever. They transfuse the blood and eat the meat. Once they have to stop they are fucked.

f8433a  No.4719030


Bye faggot.

d6391b  No.4719031


Wish I could give you some of this fine chocolate.

It’s Superior.

42e90b  No.4719032

File: 01fca16ca5c4a10⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 750x745, 150:149, Pepe celebration.jpg)

aff703  No.4719033


Then scroll by / filter dummy.

3c1a26  No.4719034

File: 7b6ff22411d2999⋯.jpeg (385.87 KB, 1242x1421, 1242:1421, FF835B31-928D-4332-99E1-6….jpeg)

File: c27d66c12366a54⋯.jpeg (117.58 KB, 800x450, 16:9, C4596FF6-1E92-468D-9066-2….jpeg)

File: ee16a1f9d1dd6f3⋯.jpeg (125.45 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 94B503EF-F475-4D0D-99C1-A….jpeg)

All of their water bottles have a green top, but POTUS’s water bottle has a blue top?! 🤔

a725d8  No.4719035


Geezes… P stands for POTUS… Common sense. He's in control now. Most powerful man in the world. Can't believe anyone is still arguing that point.

Somewhere Q is doing a double face palm.

9ffc8a  No.4719037


Genius response.

9c357f  No.4719038

File: 9cdb430ad068b7a⋯.png (77.85 KB, 1041x662, 1041:662, MaurST.png)

File: 4bf23665a55d90d⋯.png (92.29 KB, 867x412, 867:412, MaurST_.png)

File: bdd73ba364c867e⋯.png (524.62 KB, 728x775, 728:775, Maur ST.png)

Maurice Strong

Father of Climate Change


(he's the Greenberg Grandpa!)

Nominated LB

bf8443  No.4719039


but i have a lot of sects

c68189  No.4719040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

satellite worker I miss you man, i hope you went to do your digging

its ok really, I was there too but it all adds up

8c260b  No.4719041

File: 5fa1cbced6fe956⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 1420x1963, 1420:1963, 5fa1cbced6fe9561db6d235465….jpg)


Neanderthal man.

b34b44  No.4719042


At this point he is just toying with them. The wall is being built right now — this whole thing is a game/not a game. They are destroying themselves before our very eyes - and the world IS watching.

4af143  No.4719043


proven wrong


2d1f38  No.4719044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous. A Message You Need To See in 2Q19

7f3d93  No.4719045

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, 9FB23953-DF54-41B0-A5C3-CB….png)


What does Sage do?

6a039d  No.4719046

File: 304a56610565e32⋯.jpg (280.63 KB, 1000x884, 250:221, Reeeeee1540768238564.jpg)

ad61d2  No.4719047




$21 TRILLION unaccounted!!

(didn't see this listed in the NOTABLES in the last 10 breads)

here is the pdf link for the IG report that another anon posted last bread


1b6e77  No.4719048


New Baker Confirmed

thanks bakernigga

f8433a  No.4719049

File: 557415b175c1a0f⋯.jpg (177.58 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpFentanyl.jpg)

Share this guise!

bf8443  No.4719050

>>4719015 touché

>>4719026 aussi\also…

a725d8  No.4719051


Hmm.. isn't that what I said? Or am I missing something?

5efe50  No.4719052

File: 2ce688f33364525⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 550x522, 275:261, courageoftheriown.jpg)

It's not unique for this type of behavior in the IDF, but very courageous for some of their own to speak out about it

Why All Israelis Are Cowards

Israelis can no longer be indifferent to murderous acts, nor make use of the army and debase it to make murderousness the norm.

By Tal Niv

What do you call a soldier who, from a range of 80 meters, shoots at two youngsters – not yet 18 – who are passing by? What do you call the soldier who took aim and fired? And what do you call the public from which that soldier came, a soldier who shoots people as though death were a knock-down target in a shooting gallery at a country fair? Who shoots people from such a long distance, nameless beneath his helmet, shooting at people with names who fall to the ground? They won’t be going to school anymore. Their mothers will never talk to them again. Their fathers will say nothing to them anymore.

What do you call a soldier who shoots two teenagers who are passing by, dozens of meters from him, schoolbags in tow? Is he supposed to shoot, even if their heads are covered with the colors of Palestine? Even if they support the army’s expulsion from the territories? What do you call that soldier?

You call him a coward.

And the Israeli public – the same public from which people stand up to defend “David the Nahalawi,” the Israeli soldier who in April threatened to kill a Palestinian youth in Hebron and aimed his rifle into the youth’s face; the same public that watches a soldier named Effi promising Issa Amro in Hebron last month, “The first chance I get, I will shoot you,” this after a settler invaded Amro’s home and he asked for her to be removed – what is the right word for the Israeli public? The public who will not watch the video shot by Bilal Tamimi from Nabi Saleh, which documents Israel Defense Forces soldiers implementing the “mapping” procedure by waking up his children at night in order to photograph them, and to compare those images with film the army took during demonstrations? What do you call that public?

What do you call a public that wants to hear from the defense minister that maybe it’s not true, that what they saw on the video shot in Beitunia on May 15 – when the two teenagers died during Nakba Day protests – never happened? That those who died did not really die. Or maybe they did die, but not in connection with us, that maybe it’s a show.

What do you call a public that is unwilling to understand that what is shown in the film – shot by a security camera that offers no security – is murder? Assassination, not from the air, not with a bomb from the sky, but using a new method of collective indiscrimination. Shooting “toward.” Murder, for which there is no charge or trial, because they are others, not us. What do you call a public that watches an execution – the death penalty – and does not lower its gaze? That does not demand an immediate investigation. That does not cry out?

Consider the concept of the différend: a situation in which a person has no language in which to speak his complaint, because the court does not exist, does not speak his language. “A case of différend between two parties takes place when the ‘regulation’ of the conflict that opposes them is done in the idiom of one of the parties, while the wrong suffered by the other is not signified in that idiom,” Jean-François Lyotard wrote in “The Différend: Phrases in Dispute” (translation: Georges Van Den Abbeele).

And now we have the film from Beitunia, which by its very existence establishes a court in which the Israeli society will be judged, as will its army, and as will each and every one of us. For the film shows, in a manner not susceptible to denial or deconstruction, that the other side too has the ability to speak, that the other side has testimony, and that its language is understandable to everyone. For how is it possible not to understand what one sees? By what language can it be denied?

The public can no longer be indifferent to murderousness, nor any longer make use of the army and debase it to make murderousness the norm. Today, everyone – particularly once it was known that the IDF investigated but did not say anything, or reached no conclusion – must ask what he himself did at that instant when we saw the two teenagers, Nadim Siam Nuwara, 17, and Muhammad Mahmoud Salameh, 16, fall to the ground. Dead or dying. Has the différend for each of us disappeared? Have we finally, all of us, grasped that something has happened? That Israelis will never be at home in the Land of Israel if the murder does not stop. If we do not stop it now. That what people like us are called is cowards.


7822e7  No.4719053

File: c92399b941514d9⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1264x1242, 632:621, BD369435-4C88-4879-9E1B-F….jpeg)

File: 23309991adf32be⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2208x455, 2208:455, 9E702616-B172-4E30-81AA-7….jpeg)


Since we have a disclaimer about posting bewbs… we should also state that anons DO discuss JQ here and no matter how many mossad faggots scream “antisemite” while their cubicle m8s post stupid jew memes to make us all look like ignorant racists…

they attempt to control both sides of the convos to subvert any real and genuine JQ discussion.

Dont let the shills fuck with u. Research for urself and find out the fake jews are indeed a problem.

See attached image from the /qresearch/ welcome page.

WITH ALL THE JQ SHILLING AND THE FACT THAT BEWB POSTS MADE GLOBAL NOTABLES, this too should be in global notables for awhile.

6a039d  No.4719054

File: 3fd7ad5c650a88d⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 656x656, 1:1, NeonReee.jpg)

9c357f  No.4719055

My traded MSM feed says FBI opens case on whether POTUS colluded with Russia

NEW and breaking news! ?


003af4  No.4719056


Something we definitely need to keep an eye on. Just wanted to put the idea out there.

615229  No.4719057


These are the same guys who promised to expose Q as a larp and dox his info

Still waiting

never trust a maskfag

b34b44  No.4719058


The wall was already funded - think Omnibus. Where have you been? You need to do some reading.

42e90b  No.4719059

File: ace76de665e7546⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 603x512, 603:512, huh.jpg)

bb93e4  No.4719060

File: 64b546605f1278f⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1024x938, 512:469, download7c8195b0__2femulat….png)


Not sure but hell of a coincidence




d76b10  No.4719061

File: 07b5dafc7654b12⋯.png (384.86 KB, 569x410, 569:410, 2019-01-11_21-28-12.png)

>>4718805 LB

Imagine living in a world where your first thought is NOT to notify the CIA, FBI. or IRS for anything…

because they are so corrupt?

Oh, wait…

1a7abc  No.4719062

File: b40b9e71fe0e8f7⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 474x366, 79:61, chuckhillary.jpg)

File: ec8d0f0932919f6⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 642x394, 321:197, handsupH.jpg)

eb5b67  No.4719063

File: d6fb0c6f398dd3e⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2034x2034, 1:1, dec20clocktoocompsimpwANON….png)

Clockfag Theories on Mirrors

Just a summary (in no particular order).

4M There is a table of relevant markers that are revealed in the horizontal and vertical axis reflections of the “active” marker.

55L The relevant post is the natural mirror (:30 minutes away) or the marker reflected in the :55 line (Q line from :55 to :25) from the “active” marker. More specifically the post from 3 rotations ago is the important one.

3D The “active” marker has relevant posts at :05 :10 and :15 markers away from it. See Q post 455 (KEK 5 by 5).

111D The relevant marker is the one that was 111 days (markers) ago.

Here is a clock for tomorrow's marker. From the previous wind.

9f1ca1  No.4719064

File: 6be1e291ebed1be⋯.jpg (147.14 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, israel.jpg)


Goodbye, Mr. Israel.

Deboard train and walk away. Once in the tunnel, there is no going back.

9c357f  No.4719065

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, cult!.jpg)



6a039d  No.4719066

File: eb5b0055f9fd4ec⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 649x636, 649:636, Reeeeeeeee.jpg)

a86a28  No.4719067

Time to declass the FISA! UK and Australia interference in election is out publically!


Fortunately, two recent excretions from the British Isles, one of them stolen, the other, self-revealing, allow us to sketch something nearer to the real picture. On November 23, 2018, someone started publishing purloined documents from the British military’s Integrity Initiative, an international network of politicians, journalists, academics, foundations, and military officers engaged in a very dirty black propaganda campaign funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, NATO, Facebook, and such intelligence quangos as the Smith Richardson Foundation here in the United States, all while posing as a Scottish charity. Then, on December 18, the House of Lords released a report on the imperatives of current British policy, imperatives for which the Integrity Initiative’s information warriors and a host of similar outfits, have been tasked to engineer popular support.

1b6e77  No.4719068

File: e22e39c315082e7⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 6877x3018, 6877:3018, MKULTRAsidebyside.jpg)

d25c54  No.4719069


I herd at my work today some guest was talking about the "brain prosessing centre and dopamin"

I wrote down on note;

"The kabylion

Tree of Life - Sentral Nervous system"

I then said; I hear you was talking about "dopmine".

I handed them the note (a table of 18aprox people and individuals of young adults)

They asked; What is this?

I said; The kabylion. A masters book. It holds keys.

One of the two who was engaged on this topic asked; sentral nervous system? Tree of life?

I said; Yes. If is the same. You will know. Read the book 100 times

The girl then said; "Thank you so much!" The dude looked kinda stunned.

This is all it takes. And I hope I gave that to the right set of people.

You wont be getting the real keys to heaven if you dont pass the tests anyway, and a small act like that can start a positive flux in timelines.

Anyway, point beeing that you hear something, say something.

Help the change on its way.

1 individual that knows will forever be for the better good of the all.

My heart got warm by the dude trying to explain to the girl what dopamine is, what is is used for and how to work it.

Love you all.

I am tapping out. Will proceed with this work if I feel the people is the right material and right heart.

Did I tell you I love you all?


71151c  No.4719070

File: f1558f3334b5307⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 514x289, 514:289, 802b6e9cbdb70aff2218cb3999….jpg)



Nice gold elk head necklace. Their boy Lucien seems well adjusted.

f8433a  No.4719071

File: 08c8165f5675bc4⋯.jpg (250.4 KB, 1021x768, 1021:768, OmnibusBillGift.jpg)


Jeez dude, i'll let a kid tell you.

b34b44  No.4719072


My pleasure, anon. We have it all - literally at our fingertips - to peruse at will with regard to just about any talking points in the news at any moment, presently.

0f903a  No.4719073

File: 82890450229627c⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 575x861, 575:861, 0e1b1e74b936c2809d48db3eb7….jpg)



As long as they are an Originalist!!!

70d960  No.4719074

File: 391c61dfbfc2d95⋯.png (306.54 KB, 1082x664, 541:332, cdf952fb6ad3b964c1415bd69d….png)

2d6bd5  No.4719075

File: 676f6dc95821753⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 960x861, 320:287, 676f6dc95821753e1b81c61573….jpg)

ad61d2  No.4719076


i just posted pdf link.

don't know how to do screen cap, sry

6d76f4  No.4719077

File: 47abd1b715ec79b⋯.jpg (154.25 KB, 640x751, 640:751, CryBaby - Copy.jpg)

77bd9c  No.4719078

File: d82926088b7fe90⋯.png (87.12 KB, 593x593, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I've never dug on this but have found other crumbs now… //lunamoth1.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-above-photo-is-from-ellen-atkins.html

57c5d1  No.4719079

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

4a8b28  No.4719080

File: 658e1b7bd368c11⋯.png (490.96 KB, 394x579, 394:579, cia82.PNG)

File: 06c3e63962f0625⋯.png (1009.61 KB, 1086x579, 362:193, cia83.PNG)

File: d1235c4b5ff5465⋯.png (796.35 KB, 719x577, 719:577, red.PNG)

a71a4f  No.4719081

File: a3da3e1df296d86⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 500x475, 20:19, a3da3e1df296d86aa61cb61543….jpg)


This-name fag shitposter!

42e90b  No.4719082

File: a8dcdd52d554edc⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Hello Israel.gif)

7e36ed  No.4719083


How does the "territory" thing work?

All I hear is that they get all the "benefits of statehood, without the costs"

We provide them with military security… what do they give us?

They don't have to abide by our laws? What's wrong with this picture?

8c260b  No.4719084


Radar = Q

a86a28  No.4719085

FUCK the UN!


Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, recently stated in an interview that the Earth is already over burdened with people and that we should look at depopulating the planet.

“There is pressure in the system to go toward that; we can definitely change those, right? We can definitely change those numbers,” Figueres stated.

“Really, we should make every effort to change those numbers because we are already, today, already exceeding the planet’s planetary carrying capacity.” she claimed.

32ea86  No.4719086

So is RBG dying or what? She's old and sick as fuck but doctors are saying no further evidence of disease? This is getting annoying. Dying or not she's not physically or mentally capable of doing this job. I'll bet this witch survives POTUS first term.

239147  No.4719087

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Best Nocturnes

- Frédéric Chopin

In the proper tuning of 432 Hz…notice how the notes almost ring in your bones. It just sounds more 'musical' … Perhaps you'll agree.


9c357f  No.4719088

File: 707f48b69dd6226⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 606x500, 303:250, cs70.jpg)



Woodchucks DO chuck

f06ba8  No.4719089


agingmomanon here. No I don't know what Sage! means. I do know I like to be called a Sage! smile.

d965d9  No.4719090

>>4717443 (ob)

Those eff bee eye spooks are definitely eyeing him to make sure he stays on script.

4f8846  No.4719091

File: 4724b8878fe1fde⋯.png (790.55 KB, 1206x712, 603:356, clipboardimage10.png)

35f400  No.4719092

Al Roker in the news two times in one day? Odd.

Al Roker Slams Jillian Michaels’ ‘Bullying’ After She Denounces Keto Diet

Al Roker, thousands of others defend weatherman fired for alleged Martin Luther King Jr. racial slur



6a039d  No.4719093

File: 44f76454e0b72b1⋯.jpg (136.92 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe reee fire.jpg)

216a28  No.4719094


Truly think she’s already dead. The msm are lying to keep the normies pacified.

61e7c4  No.4719095

File: 96cf87d0a1b12db⋯.png (429.73 KB, 660x927, 220:309, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4707199 (Qpb)

I read anons saying DiFi earlier but this news was out today:

Secretary Mnuchin: Chinese Vice Premier Will Visit U.S. For Trade Talks At End Of Month

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 8:30 AM PT — Friday, January 11, 2019

Preparations are underway for another round of high-level trade talks between the U.S. and China. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer are expected to meet with the Chinese vice premier in Washington, D.C. later this month.

The last time the Chinese premier was in the U.S. for trade talks an agreement was reached, but the plan was later scrapped by President Trump in May 2018. Experts believe his return to Washington could be a sign both countries are closing in on a deal as the clock continues to run on a 90-day tariff truce.

At this point, Mnuchin is confident the visit will take place as planned despite government delays caused by the shutdown.

“The current intent is that the Vice Premier Liu, he will most likely come and visit us later in the month and I would expect the government shutdown would have no impact,” he stated. “We will continue with those meetings just as we sent a delegation to China.”

The U.S. delegation to China wrapped up its talks in Beijing this week. President Trump praised the progress made so far, but warned he will implement new tariffs on China in March if the country doesn’t make concessions on trade.


2d1f38  No.4719096


interesting to listen to all sides

a612a6  No.4719097

File: 56e428dc99bf8f7⋯.png (752.76 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1280B17E-EC2A-4D3D-BF28-C5….png)

File: 56e428dc99bf8f7⋯.png (752.76 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D6D1C8FF-69BD-48E5-80B8-E8….png)



dbfea4  No.4719098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr. Tim Ball, good source for the history of the 'global warming/climate change' tax and fee the air humanity exhales looting fraud.

6a9e69  No.4719099


>As long as they are an Originalist!!!

whole-heartily gingerly agree!!!!!

bb93e4  No.4719100

What a time to be alive!!!

Do it Q!!

03fc01  No.4719101


The board doesnt care if you are aging or a mom. Nothing special. Tits or GTFO

1a7abc  No.4719102

File: e88bc1e020f9a17⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1271x885, 1271:885, lookatit5.png)

9c357f  No.4719103

File: 39b07731dd2ee16⋯.jpg (104.46 KB, 750x420, 25:14, UN P.JPG)



5c4950  No.4719104


Holy fucking hell!! That black dude needs to EAT!

4bafcd  No.4719105

File: ef21f6ee130442c⋯.png (321.84 KB, 680x697, 40:41, ef21f6ee130442cdca12aa57d7….png)


GTFO until you learn how to anon.

7c16f9  No.4719106

File: ef3b0ca2cfd177f⋯.jpg (263.37 KB, 521x527, 521:527, potato head Jr shillz.jpg)

your potato hole is faggot


cec090  No.4719107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q loves John Lee Hooker!

42e90b  No.4719108

File: 653466a5e17c576⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 899x625, 899:625, Sergey Lavrov.jpg)

f8433a  No.4719109


He copied them from his student John Field, Chopin doesn't even compare ffs!

Retards these days that think they know about music!

6d76f4  No.4719110

File: 1c9f2dd03c053f1⋯.png (77.23 KB, 448x348, 112:87, capture.PNG)


How long do you really think she has she left she was born in 1933

a71a4f  No.4719111

File: 1be3301f6c58b19⋯.jpeg (12.91 KB, 255x171, 85:57, c15e2b835920c7cb5fb4879ea….jpeg)

206bd2  No.4719112

Chris fucking Cuomo knocking it out of the park!

1a7abc  No.4719113

File: 996160a164fd277⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1271x885, 1271:885, lookatit6.png)

File: 79c879223dac632⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1271x885, 1271:885, lookatit4.png)

2d1f38  No.4719114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

looks like the light just hit a cable holding these guys up?


aff703  No.4719115

"“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also said U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct related to these actions, noting that Huber would be “conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and “in cooperation” with Horowitz.”" -Q

"Who does Huber work with specifically?

Who investigates?

Who prosecutes?

Team of 470?

Will BO transcripts be released?

Huber + IG + 470?

Inside or outside of the DC [SWAMP]?

How many members of Congress not seeking re-election?" -Q

">Who is HUBER?




>Mandate charged to HUBER?

>Resources provided to HUBER?


>Mandate charged to HOROWITZ?

>Resources provided to HOROWITZ?


>What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER?



"HUBER to testify re: Clinton Foundation?

HUBER to reveal 'active' probe actively underway into organization?" -Q

"But… HUBER has not ‘directly’ interviewed several witnesses therefore the appointment of HUBER by SESSIONS [and therefore the IG] is not genuine

But… SESSIONS & HUBER are following standard DOJ open/ongoing investigation policy by not discussing [making public] so therefore nothing must be happening [FIRE SESSIONS!]

But… HUBER [ability to prosecute + empanel a grand jury outside of DC [90%+ voted HRC (2016)], who already began the investigation(s) late last year w/ assigned team of 470 investigators (attorneys) + IG + legal jurisdiction across all 50 states, is not a ‘special counsel’ so therefore nothing is being done " -Q

"But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 50,000+ sealed indictments across the US [what % = USA v. X?]? Coincidence vs. HUBER start?" -Q

"Think No Name.

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

Who does Mueller 'now' report to?

Does WHITAKER also oversee HUBER + OIG?

What case(s) is HUBER + OIG + team of 470 currently working on?" -Q

4a8b28  No.4719116

File: e3ba8ca16f955b5⋯.png (128.23 KB, 646x276, 323:138, cia84.PNG)

File: b055a5771315ea8⋯.png (516.94 KB, 479x597, 479:597, cia18.PNG)

File: 237df69bf7388ab⋯.png (595.65 KB, 655x583, 655:583, cia38.PNG)

File: 2517fa8d07e7ab2⋯.png (122.42 KB, 469x473, 469:473, cia.PNG)


Pet goat?


8ba134  No.4719117



is that him? kek holy fuck

I noticed that in the story, he named his son lucian, made me think of lucifer, kek

1b6e77  No.4719118

Notables so far


>>4718884, >>4718921, >>4718966 Link to Hannity's special with the parents of victims of illegal immigrants

>>4719013 Human trafficking in PR isn't considered a crime

>>4719047 IG REPORT of Pentagon AUDIT: $21 TRILLION unaccounted

>>4719067 The British Role in the Coup Against the President Is Now Exposed

>>4719085 UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The Planet

>>4719095 Secretary Mnuchin: Chinese Vice Premier Will Visit U.S. For Trade Talks At End Of Month

from skimming, let me know if something was missed or a repeat

c68189  No.4719119

ain't Feinstein a dear and caring for all the american people


77bd9c  No.4719120

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

cab545  No.4719121


He got his brilliant breakthrough idea from listening to Jordan Maxwell… wasn’t even worth replying to.

e26226  No.4719122


mainlining meth took his appetite

b34b44  No.4719123

File: 55778f8af1f6569⋯.png (83.69 KB, 811x346, 811:346, Screenshot 2019-01-11 at 8….png)

ce2bc7  No.4719124

File: 1024f9ef064ddcf⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 223x226, 223:226, sage.jpg)

WTF anons

Sage just define morons.

"Sage is applied directly to the skin for cold sores; gum disease (gingivitis); sore mouth, throat or tongue; and swollen, painful nasal passages. In foods, sage is used as a commonly used spice. In manufacturing, sage is used as a fragrance component in soaps and cosmetics."

"Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition. For healers and laypeople in traditional cultures, burning sage is used to achieve a healing state — or to solve or reflect upon spiritual dilemmas"

caa65a  No.4719125

File: 3904c6952e0e930⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Mutt&Jeff.jpg)

True American Spirit

cfcf90  No.4719126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Start with FE, then, Water always finds its level, then, WE create OUR reality, overtime it is manifested .

7e36ed  No.4719127


Same photograph Aged.

9c357f  No.4719128

File: 4f5ccbfd04b65bc⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 517x299, 517:299, GB MAURass.jpg)


ThanQ Anon!

Will save for later.

VERY busy exposing the Greenberg family!

Wanna nominate that Maurice Strong climate change article?

Wasn't mine, just reposting from earlier when Baker wouldn't put any of it in.

68c7f3  No.4719129



What if boom is countdown?

ff9ebe  No.4719131

File: d7fd2c6f62ba421⋯.jpeg (42.47 KB, 600x700, 6:7, A86FBE81-4598-4116-82D4-1….jpeg)

f06ba8  No.4719132


If I could edit the post, i would explain that this is copy/pasta that i am putting on cbs, nbc and abc YT (pbs does not allow comments on their vids) - go figure…

2d1f38  No.4719133



9ffc8a  No.4719134

File: 7fe46a4d97c03ff⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SaggyTU.jpg)

bb220f  No.4719135

Q's >>4707199 (pb)

>What senior US official is arriving in China?

Updated: Jan 9, 2019, 17:23 India Time

BEIJING: The United States and China concluded on Wednesday three days of extended talks to resolve their trade war, with a member of the American delegation saying negotiations "went just fine".

A member of the US delegation, under secretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs Ted McKinney, told reporters that the team would return to the United States later on Wednesday.


0f903a  No.4719136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I do not know why, but this is a thing. Remember this thing with POTUS and VP? Notice FLOTUS has the same color top as POTUS.

2a909e  No.4719137

File: c51ee7b46db4f21⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 320x239, 320:239, poznerdiedtwice.jpg)

>>4718324 pb

So if she's dead Congress goes into immediate recess?

I don't think so.

Can you explain it?

>>4718144 pb

Good job! I knew "Beenz" looked familiar.

Congrats on finally getting it into Notables

Could it be that most Anons have never studied the simulated "events?

cec090  No.4719138

File: 421fcb4bb6748db⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 360x240, 3:2, voices.jpg)


Yeah but we don't get sex or have multiple wives.

Trying to see the upside to our cult.

Do we get drugs of any sort?

5c4950  No.4719139

Live with Puerto Rican. They're pissed about these assholes all going down there. Seems the most logical explanation besides needing new kids to traffic, is they know POTUS will win the border issue and cleanup voter rolls, so they have to find ways to incentivize PR's to move to mainland to vote in presidential elections. Try to secure places like FL and TX.

Pipe Dream. But they damn sure will try.

It's been how long since the hurricane?? And they're just now showing up?! GTFO

4f8846  No.4719140

Anons are like "we need more newfags."

And we get this: >>4719089

301aa9  No.4719141


maybe we should look into the congress (the members going down there this weekend, plus bill clinton going down too). why have they allowed them their own laws not congruent with america's laws?? fishy as fuck.

f3d87b  No.4719142

JAN 13 is the Satanic New Year

JAN 17 isthe Satanic Revels

Could CABAL be celebrating in Puerto Rico hence Fallon, Pelosi, all the VIPs/Leaders heading that way?

Do they even have all their infrastructure up from the Hurricane?


3fcd1c  No.4719143


7c16f9  No.4719144



"Tune in to FOX News! BREAKING!!! Sean Hannity has assembled a group of people who will listen to Sean!"

bbdc76  No.4719145

Not About the Wall: Democrats are Rejecting a Long List of Other Border Security Measures to Spite Trump

While the talking point is about stopping President Trump's wall, Democrats are actually rejecting a long list of border security measures laid out by the White House.

Last week, Office of Budget and Management Acting Director Russell Vought sent a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee outlining requirements for an adequate funding bill.

"Appropriations bills for fiscal year (FY) 2019 that have already been considered by the current and previous Congress are inadequate to fully address these critical issues. Any agreement for the current year should satisfy the following priorities," the letter states. "The President requests at least $563 million for 75 additional Immigration Judges and support staff to reduce the backlog of pending immigration cases."

The current backlog for asylum claims made at the border is 800,000 cases. According to the Department of Homeland Security, asylum claims have increased by 2000 percent over the past five years and approximately 90 percent of them are thrown out in court. President Trump has also requested additional funding for 750 new Border Patrol Agents and $571 million for 2,000 additional Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agents to help "address gang violence, smuggling and trafficking, and the spread of drugs in our communities."

Meanwhile, President Trump is specifically providing more resources on requests Democrats have been making. They are the following:

-Detention Beds, ICE: The President requests $4.2 billion to support 52,000 detention beds.

-Humanitarian needs: The President requests an additional $800 million to address urgent humanitarian needs. This includes additional funding for enhanced medical support, transportation, consumable supplies appropriate for the population, and additional temporary facilities for processing and short-term custody of this vulnerable popilation, which are necessary to ensure the well-being of those taken into custody.

-Counter-narcotics/weapons technology: $675 million would provide Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology at inbound lanes at U.S. Southwest Border Land Ports of ENtry (LPOE) would all CBP to deter and etect more contraband, including narcotics, weapons, and other materials that pose nuclear and radiological threats. This would reqires an increase of $631 million over the FY 2019 funding level in the Senate version of the bill.

While Democrats grandstand on the barrier, they're rejecting billions of dollars to fund a number of other essential border security operations.

"These upfront investments in physical barriers and technology, as well as legislation to close loopholes in our immigration system, will reduce illegal immigration, the flow of illicit drugs entering our country and reduce the long term costs for order and immigration enforcement activities," Vought says. "The Administration looks forward to advancing these critical priorities as part of legislation to reopen government."


9c357f  No.4719146

File: e85932cdecb102a⋯.png (211.6 KB, 488x354, 244:177, RED plane.png)



a725d8  No.4719147


Is that you Jim Acosta?

Just wanted to say thanks for your vote for the wall!

Awful nice thing for you to do, go down there and show people how effective the wall actually is!

7822e7  No.4719148


P stands for Payseur faggot. The son ofnmarie antoinette that was smuggled into america.

they own all railroads, quaker oats, colt firearms, and about a thousand other household products.

Lurq moar faggot.

f06ba8  No.4719149


what 'fields' are you talking about.

8e12f5  No.4719150

File: 01a92d0c4537680⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 406x720, 203:360, creepylaughsong.webm)


Notable as fuck! Kek

7e36ed  No.4719151



b34b44  No.4719152


I just pointed out that not only does he already have the funds, he is already getting the wall built.

Another thing that has been bugging me is the dollar amount. This fight is about that specific amount being buried somewhere else in another bill, earmarked for something else. I saw a post here about it a while back and didn't screencap it and I am kicking my ass for it now, because at the time it clicked for me. Whatever that is, it's what this 'show' is actually all about, I believe.

8c8651  No.4719153

File: 34bc21d868832de⋯.jpg (292.06 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, amanda-cerny.jpg)

File: f20f0ce8bfa183d⋯.jpg (64.29 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, 10_2.jpg)

73eeee  No.4719154

File: aa48c1db60d5753⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 255x128, 255:128, laugh...jpg)




Some serious 'enjoy the show' going on at this one's house.

5c4950  No.4719155


This is why I would only smoke pot. I love food too much.

7e3f96  No.4719156

Why is putting off declassification of the FIS application (and more) a good idea, again?

1a7abc  No.4719157

File: 82f44af628796a3⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1271x885, 1271:885, lookatit7.png)

ce2bc7  No.4719158

File: fe2e7306856cd21⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 310x163, 310:163, quarkgluonplasma.jpg)

File: d1c9fe27e002e8c⋯.png (9.89 KB, 272x185, 272:185, colortrinity field.png)

File: 94db817d52dcbca⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 94db817d52dcbca287668e6b7b….jpg)

42e90b  No.4719159

File: 748ecf17d861411⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 474x665, 474:665, Cookbook for Jimmy Boy.jpg)

Have something to eat Jimmy Boy

0592a1  No.4719160


>"Tune in to FOX News! BREAKING!!! Sean Hannity has assembled a group of people who will listen to Sean!"

Indeed TUNE IN =


Parents to address/ speak their minds to Pelosi / Schumer and Dems


8c260b  No.4719161

8ba134  No.4719162

File: 64da4b65f7f728e⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 224P-022-009.jpg)

File: d192dd21ad6d0e6⋯.jpg (385.48 KB, 1024x983, 1024:983, 20670625500_d8a35377a3_b.jpg)

File: 3f454787f9e347a⋯.jpg (82.36 KB, 500x680, 25:34, e070dfcc55e33f4bf7d6346035….jpg)

File: a2bb10006269d84⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 441x594, 49:66, Steve Buscemi Jo Andres BA….jpg)

cfcf90  No.4719163


He is showing the true colours of the Dems. Not caring.. ;)

35f400  No.4719164

Has anyone else heard that the Obama Presidential Library was going to relocate to Hawaii? Any sauce for this?

77bd9c  No.4719165



9c357f  No.4719166

File: 8e8ecdacef6d117⋯.jpg (242.5 KB, 1200x1008, 25:21, GbergAll.jpg)


Anon! That right there is a keeper!

ThanQ for the props and the support getting it in!

Let's nail this family to the wall!


79d073  No.4719167

File: ed12bd53fd09c8a⋯.png (21.47 KB, 319x337, 319:337, ClipboardImage.png)


I mean really.. it coulda been worse..


See picrelated.. leave name/email/subject box empty, and under show post options, uncheck the box that says Do not bump if it's checked.

57c5d1  No.4719168

File: 100ea708299a998⋯.png (658.09 KB, 586x586, 1:1, nocturne_shift.png)

301aa9  No.4719169



Puerto Rico. The last bastion of the cabal playground of EVIL.

9ffc8a  No.4719170


The Name, Email, and Subject fields.

d6391b  No.4719171


Sperge sounds better.

Try it on.

5a4d66  No.4719172

>>4718160, >>4718422, >>4718353 WTF is with puerto rico - Clinton, Fallon, 30 congress fags

muh wall funding

edbf8c  No.4719173

File: ecd1321ad0bb33d⋯.png (409.51 KB, 706x853, 706:853, ClipboardImage.png)


Wonderful Company, Fiji Water, billionaire resnicks are owner.

Have a Wonderful Day.

2d1f38  No.4719174


The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud


8c260b  No.4719175


Never mind.

42e90b  No.4719176


Massive leverage

03fc01  No.4719177


The field with your name/email/ or subject. This is an anonymous board. It doesnt matter if you are a woman, a mom, or a rabbit. No special treatment here.

b34b44  No.4719178


If you dig around a little, you can find Tesla's favorite works - listen to those (if you want).

3fcd1c  No.4719179

Back to vox


f06ba8  No.4719180


i have seen the types of responses you get. i don't play that game.

f4ce45  No.4719181


Good video

Concise and emotionless

18734d  No.4719182

With strings cut, all they can do now is start killing each other or themselves.

ce2bc7  No.4719183



The only thing you get a woman that thinks and is your equal and wants to be with you.

That is if you drop your shit and be a real anon.

6d76f4  No.4719184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just about everything in that report is in this interview . this is where the idea came from

Maurice Strong Interview (BBC, 1972)

b1db37  No.4719185

File: 7598ba1e6520cf8⋯.png (155.59 KB, 893x1086, 893:1086, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)


I dont see what you see. Sauce??

42e90b  No.4719186

File: a8eeec1bdc58b05⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 640x531, 640:531, Your money with these douc….jpg)


and crypto douchebags

f4ce45  No.4719187



We have a shitstorm tonight

Ty for the link

0966a2  No.4719188


The really powerful bloodlines stay hidden, I doubt you'll find anything. We don't know any of their names. There is a whole hierarchy above the rothschilds, payseurs, and the "13 bloodlines".

Read this, it is the most interesting AMA from a cabal insider I have ever read. They claim to be from this upper level of the hierarchy.

http://illuminati-news.com/00363.htmlrom what I gather

From what I gather the higher level has a completely pure bloodline, possibly rh null blood type, while the ones we know are "mixed" rh negative.

5a4d66  No.4719189

RBG cleared for full duties?

8c260b  No.4719190

d76b10  No.4719191

File: 8961a42c5c7f13b⋯.png (144.51 KB, 382x307, 382:307, 2018-06-15_01-34-54.png)


Is this a pop quiz?

d36f7c  No.4719192

Nobody in the Marines actually respects women in the Marines. They know it's unserious globalist B.S. Women Marines are called Walking Mattresses aka Wookies, hairy beasts living in the woods.

61e7c4  No.4719193

File: 4408963ee5f9ca9⋯.png (109.03 KB, 520x341, 520:341, ClipboardImage.png)

1a7abc  No.4719194

File: 1fa177c1f5f9b0e⋯.jpg (631.27 KB, 2200x1645, 440:329, iu (32).jpg)


Sweet one anon

03fc01  No.4719195


Then get to fuck out. We dont care if you are an aging mom or if you like to be called Sage

3c033c  No.4719196

Puerto Rico is a dem territory, like N.Korea was.

The bitch ex mayor up on corruption charges was hell bent in trying to make President Trump look bad during the hurricane. Just saw notables and decided to chime in.

It is an island, it had recent mother nature habbenings. Means there is stilla “need” for clinton foundation. Translation = “an on paper reason for foreign deep state operatives to be giving to foundation for help” to continue to try to “”resist””..

Its just an excuse.

Nextbread name idea is Normies are Zombies edition.

f8433a  No.4719197

File: 37d63d24b4ecf08⋯.jpg (171.28 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, KrassenswineSlut.jpg)

File: c3dddfa790d81da⋯.jpg (171.29 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, KrassenswineSlut2.jpg)

File: b41cce4e7e4321a⋯.jpg (171.27 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, KrassenswineSlut3.jpg)

File: ae28c5eb0c2ae0a⋯.jpg (119.28 KB, 682x1020, 341:510, KrassenswineSlut5.jpg)

File: 3965dac6d660cb5⋯.jpg (119.29 KB, 682x1020, 341:510, KrassenswineSlut6.jpg)

Hey porn shills, here are some real dirty Karassenswine sluts for you.

4a8b28  No.4719198

File: c9cb51a5c531474⋯.png (422.03 KB, 786x523, 786:523, cia85.PNG)

File: 1e841d397659941⋯.png (697.51 KB, 529x528, 529:528, heart136.PNG)

File: bb0e2feba5c49bd⋯.png (345.03 KB, 842x477, 842:477, heart24.PNG)

b34b44  No.4719199


Technically we are all aging - unless we're dead. And even then, still aging. No one is calling you a 'Sage! smile'.

2a9744  No.4719200

Chris Cuomo's head is ready to explode on CNN. CAN FEEL IT.

Anthony Scarammucci on. Can't get a word in.

c68189  No.4719201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aff703  No.4719202

File: f05d1409effec1a⋯.jpg (92.95 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Acosta.jpg)

File: 086a061342dde5a⋯.jpg (161.17 KB, 971x561, 971:561, Increases_2.jpg)

File: 67319170a811376⋯.jpg (146.07 KB, 993x576, 331:192, I reject your facts.jpg)

File: 12c0f6903093a47⋯.jpg (177.69 KB, 990x563, 990:563, Increases.jpg)

File: 3c8f8df5e5e1eee⋯.jpg (143.62 KB, 900x593, 900:593, What crisis.jpg)


Thank you.

7e3f96  No.4719203


Oh right.

And it's coming in handy…how, again?

ce2bc7  No.4719204


There is no living human that can type that is this stupid

1b6e77  No.4719205

File: fe69e8bb365b137⋯.png (11.99 MB, 7507x4921, 7507:4921, massshooterssidebyside.png)


forgot to say open in a new tab and zoom

but made this small pic on the right part of it

if black hats and rouge actors are still using MK-type tactics clandestinely, that's a yuge problem..

all (meh on the terrorism but plausible) of the modern mass shooters had mental illness, whether or not it was the stated purpose

cb7da2  No.4719206

File: d31f31bfbd0e72b⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 670x388, 335:194, tulsi.jpg)


Of fucking course Scarface wants to run. You didn't think she was an HONEST gun grabber, did you?

Even Pocahontas lamented the decline of nuclear families while she drove the CFPB knife in and twisted. She's still a green-energy scammin', Sanders-supportin', pro-abortion lefty from Hawaii.

c102b9  No.4719207



The Piso family of ancient Rome was a prominent plebeian branch of the gens Calpurnia, descended from Calpus the son of Numa Pompilius.[1] with at least 50 prominent Roman family members recognized. Members are known into the 2nd century.

Notable members:

Gaius Calpurnius Piso (praetor 211 BC)

Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi (consul 133 BC)

Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus (consul 112 BC)

Gaius Calpurnius Piso (consul 67 BC)

Marcus Pupius Piso Frugi Calpurnianus - consul 61 BC

Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus - consul 58 BC, father-in-law of Julius Caesar

Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso (consul 23 BC)

Lucius Calpurnius Piso (consul 15 BC), pontifex

Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, consul 7 BC, was charged of being involved in the death of Germanicus

Lucius Calpurnius Piso (consul 1 BC), augur

Lucius Calpurnius Piso (consul 27)

Gaius Calpurnius Piso, senator, leader of the Pisonian conspiracy in AD 65.

Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus - briefly deputy emperor of Galba for five days in 69.

Gaius Calpurnius Piso, consul in AD 111

Lucius Calpurnius Piso, consul in AD 175

Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi, usurper against Gallienus and Valens in 261. His existence is unclear.

Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso (quaestor)


^ A Classical Dictionary…, John Lempriere, 1908, Routledge, pg. 479

Categories: CalpurniiPiso FrugiAncient Roman cognominaAncient Roman prosopographical lists

aff703  No.4719208

"[RR] in charge of DECLAS." -Q

"DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination." -Q

"If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty." -Q

"Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?


[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

2-way failure.

If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).

If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed). " -Q

"[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].

How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?


"When did [RR] learn of involvement [BO][NO]?

What happens if [RR] knew PRIOR TO signing CP FISA?

Why did [RR] under congressional testimony refuse to answer the question re: reading of FISA prior to execution? " -Q

"[Why not?] [if true] D's do not want DECLAS [TO PROVE] POTUS was colluding w/ RUSSIA?

Why are D's opposed to DECLAS if what they say is true?

DECLAS would [PROVE] evidence v. POTUS to obtain FISA WARRANT - why the block?" -Q

Rod was in charge of FISA

"Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed]." -Q

"Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]?" -Q

"POTUS AF1 [RR] > Mueller END" -Q

"Did [RR] feel safe post AF1 30-min meeting w/ POTUS?

Did [RR] communicate meeting back to handlers?

When your 'enemy' feels in control…." -Q

"Did James Baker just testify behind closed doors [RR] & [JC] coordinated to appoint Mueller?" -Q

BO NO Bruce, Nellie Ohr

CP FISA = Carter Page FISA?

AF1 = Air Force 1

8c260b  No.4719209


I found it…


Turn off Do not bump

9ffc8a  No.4719210


Goddamned right.

The fucking MSM said so.

ace7c2  No.4719211

File: ab40d8f5e89b998⋯.png (88.81 KB, 255x188, 255:188, LIDDLEPEOPLE.png)

Dems are playing the fool

919290  No.4719212

>>4719052 20:33:18

>>4719053 20:33:17

Organic, and interesting timestamps.

cab545  No.4719213


I hear that Jews have the highest IQ, Asians are good at math, and niggers have huge cocks. I also hear nockelback is the greatest band ever. I hear lots of shit. But when I want to learn how aspects of our government work legally, I don’t come to a Uzbek turban winding forum where people actually believe JFK jr is alive to ask about it.

c6baa1  No.4719214


Washington post blames Qanon for driving Youtube search results for RBG today

9ffc8a  No.4719215


Fucking truth!

2a909e  No.4719216

File: c8f3c9c531d9027⋯.jpg (137.49 KB, 1000x714, 500:357, whatinsthebox.jpg)



^^^ I agree. He plays a game, then they show themselves.

They are fighting with the "Tar Baby " the more they scream and yell and punch the more stuck they get.

That being said, it sounds like a fishing expedition by a Mainstream journalist, not a question by an Anon.

e6afe1  No.4719217

Red text reeeee

77bd9c  No.4719218


Much easier to read thanx Anon…

504a4f  No.4719219


Never does the mouth. Obviously not a match.

GTFO - your clown psyop doesn't work here.

70d960  No.4719220


Multiple Choice. A or B

2a9744  No.4719221


They give us sooooo much credit.

4b54a2  No.4719222


And earlier in bread someone posted that trafficking isn't illegal in Peurto Rico.

216a28  No.4719223


Tar baby. YES!! I still have that book.

1b6e77  No.4719224


>where people actually believe JFK jr is alive to ask about it.

where shills and legit retards actually believe JFK jr is alive to ask about it.


ce2bc7  No.4719225

File: 58492e8353a8e40⋯.png (15.02 KB, 208x255, 208:255, 7ab1d58aa66575d7a23a7f460e….png)


I will bet you 100 dollars she gives her opinions but does not show.

ebaf9c  No.4719226



239147  No.4719227


On it, thanks…of course while listening to this. Was going to put up a big Mozart piece, but I remembered why I almost never use Mo…too busy and prissy. Chopin is nice and good come down from the hard rock last bread. Now, I'm off to find Mr. Tesla's favorites. Tesla is a personal hero, btw…so thanks, fren.

9c357f  No.4719228

File: 22474a5ce215189⋯.png (381.92 KB, 401x560, 401:560, FakNewCard.png)


>Is the pay really that good?

Best part- we subsidize that pay! We pay for the fake news!

a612a6  No.4719229

So do we know when Trump first started working for the gov’t yet?

c6baa1  No.4719230


Can anyone get sceenshots behind the paywall?

e1a7c1  No.4719231

File: f73510d4b25d5bd⋯.png (58.24 KB, 625x323, 625:323, Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at ….png)

File: 79f3097db3eed7d⋯.jpg (127.55 KB, 876x1024, 219:256, Dwfrgn5XQAAgNwW.jpg)

File: 5c2f9be19a333e8⋯.png (21.31 KB, 384x184, 48:23, Screen Shot 2019-01-06 at ….png)

File: f9f8dc7c060f7a5⋯.png (47.09 KB, 381x320, 381:320, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

File: 1d1488e97b590a7⋯.png (17.4 KB, 382x92, 191:46, Screen Shot 2019-01-06 at ….png)



VK predicts DJT tweet

>next up DJT watch

7min delta


2:21 hours later

Q posts "Follow the watch"

bf46b9  No.4719233

>>4718993. Ummm, no. Been here since day 3 but, my thought is if he could fund the wall but then he would have the govt reopen without the Dems giving anything. He wants them to cave because that is a win. Funding it the easy way, not so much

77bd9c  No.4719234

File: 9e055836dcae48e⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 302x527, 302:527, eyes1.jpg)


It's all in the eyes…

206bd2  No.4719235

Anon doesn't give a shit. Flank speed.

f4ce45  No.4719236



There was smth on pol about him being FBI

a725d8  No.4719237


Why is beanz hairline receding? Why is she so pale? Is she terminal? Seemed like a nice lady. Hope she's not suffering from aids or cancer. I'm worried that the part in her hair seems to be getting wider and wider, like she's losing hair. Look how thin it's getting. Anons? Sauce?

1890ea  No.4719238

File: 5f060d9bc21b322⋯.png (206.65 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_2019-01-11-21-4….png)


POTUS will not open the government. The wall fight gives him a good reason to keep government closed. The spending bill H.R. 21 funds department of State. This is main source of cash to foreign governments that is then donated back to politicians foundations. Documented in Clinton Cash.

POTUS has them by the short hairs. He has their money.

follow the money

No wall, no cash for 2 years!!!

34a7cd  No.4719239


About 1981

eaffbe  No.4719240




Nazis use the same divide and conquer identity politics that the cultural Marxists/progressives/leftists use

For example, if you listen to what the feminists say about white men it's literally the same propaganda that you see from the nazis, just directed at different groups. Consider the following equivalency:

Women's marches : White Men :: Nazi Rallies : Jews

<Feminists: White men have privilege. White men are oppressing women. White men make more money. White men rule the world.

>Nazis: Jews rule the world. Jews are oppressing everyone. Jews make all the money. Jews get all the top positions in government and corporations.

In other words, Hilter was a SJW fighting the Jews the same way Feminists are SJWs fighting the white male.

Conclusion: Both nazi rallies and women's marches are wrong.

This is a divide and conquer strategy and both sides are being fed the same propaganda to hate each other by the same source.

There is a substantial amount of effort that the ruling elite put in to make sure that this happens. You see it on TV. You see it in the colleges. We are being brainwashed to hate and mistrust each other.

That is because the elite want us fighting each other instead of them.

If we spend all of our time fighting "jews" or "white men" or "blacks" or “Mexicans” then we are playing directly into the hand of those who want to dominate and exploit us.

This is their playbook that they’ve used throughout history. For example, the CIA does this kind of thing to countries around the world. It doesn't even have to do with race, necessarily. They can take an entirely black African nation and make one half hate the other half to such an extent that they slaughter each other in the streets. They did it in the Balkans as well. Numerous examples can be seen.

We need to unite and fight the elite who are using this division to control us.

Focus on the transnational corporate-military-government criminal cabal that rules the world.

The only way to prevent our country from collapsing, our resources from being exploited by transnational corporations, and our people from being made into slaves is to fight things like the power structure rather than fighting a racial group. The CIA, the Federal Reserve, the transnational corporations. They are the ones who are behind the race-baiting propaganda that is so ubiquitous. Follow the path that they want and we'll be like Sudan and get split into two countries after millions of deaths and everything will be chaos except for a few UN bases protecting oil and natural resource extraction points.

'''Unity not division. Focus on the real enemy. Don’t get distracted by their propaganda.

If we don’t take them down they will destroy us. We must take this fight all the way. EVERYTHNG depends on it.'''

Right now, the leftist are dominating society. Read about the atrocities that happened after the Bolsheviks took over czarist Russia if you want to see what will happen if we lose.

Cultural Marxism is the modern Proletariat vs. Bourgeoise. They realized America’s greatest weakness isn’t class like Europe’s was back then. Now their strategy is based on race. And it is working.

The similarities are uncanny. All this stuff you hear about social justice and white privilege is nothing new. It's laying a pretext for people to justify to themselves that it's acceptable to commit atrocities against us.

For example, “It's okay to be racist so long as you're racist against white men” and “It's okay to use violence politically so long as you're punching a “Nazi”” are very common themes in our society right now. (I’m using nazi in a different context here than above.) To the leftists, everyone who is nationalist or white will be labeled a Nazi. And getting punched will be the least of our worries.

Boshevik Russia is what's in store for us once the marxists have total control and millions were murdered back then. Make no mistake, they want the exact same thing to happen here. They already have the MSM and the schools. All it will take is for someone like hillary to win the presidency and this scenario will play out.

In conclusion, fight the elite who are directing this WITHOUT falling into the race-baiting trap and succumbing to the divide and conquer strategy which will destroy our country so the elite can dominate and enslave both sides.

To victory, brothers

a71a4f  No.4719241

File: 919adf34fdac6fc⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 500x414, 250:207, socialism_freedom.jpg)

cab545  No.4719242


Who is gonna respond but mostly shills?

a86a28  No.4719243


love it

f8433a  No.4719244

File: b79684b31360e48⋯.jpg (85.99 KB, 614x561, 614:561, ShitChuckNoOptionsLeft.jpg)

2d1f38  No.4719245

File: 79c5bbf396af2f2⋯.png (215.7 KB, 585x543, 195:181, ClipboardImage.png)



af77d6  No.4719246


He’s not going to agree to anything that isn’t part of The Plan. Fuck the Dems.

aff703  No.4719247


Yes, thank you.

Normies need to know also.

Working together we can be LOUD.

Once LOUD, politicians feel PAIN.

b34b44  No.4719248

File: cef1b4aba5cd12c⋯.png (70.94 KB, 584x394, 292:197, Screenshot 2019-01-11 at 8….png)


And wasn't the lovely Lisa Page in the news today?

57c5d1  No.4719249

File: f6519fc0f329235⋯.png (730.69 KB, 787x745, 787:745, reptile_kangs.png)

d6391b  No.4719250

Dems in congress….Fuck the wall, fuck america, fuck working.

We are going to Puerto Rico to be wined, dined and bought by 109 lobbyists.

Oh yeah, there’s lots of available kids there too but shhh.

f4ce45  No.4719251


Sry accidently included you in reply


8ba134  No.4719252

File: 19fbcd7509cbe86⋯.jpg (667.57 KB, 750x1008, 125:168, 19fbcd7509cbe869f1c8df7ac0….jpg)

fb9b82  No.4719253

File: f3a39b1ea7f63a7⋯.jpeg (136.34 KB, 618x412, 3:2, EA5B04B2-D62C-49DC-86FB-8….jpeg)

592000  No.4719254

File: 1f4df0166f98b65⋯.png (326.48 KB, 851x637, 851:637, Correctol.png)


I brought you a little something:

edbf8c  No.4719255


You would think all the other justices would call BULL SHIT on this charade. except for the evil ones.

f06ba8  No.4719256


So, you are an urbanite, are you? Urban Dictionary: sperge


a goon with asperger's syndrome,especially one self diagnosed.

Perhaps you just haven't learned to respect your elders. Do you even know what Asperger's is?

7bbe15  No.4719257

9ffc8a  No.4719258


Dems = death.

8c260b  No.4719259


If true, it is ground breaking.

And saved.

34a7cd  No.4719260


Several of the researchers on twitter have pretty much pegged him as working with FBI since 1981…

Using his casinos to run stings..

af77d6  No.4719261


True Story

a383e5  No.4719262

Let's be clear?

My task is completed

I merely hang around waiting for my TASK to be completed.

seem cryptic, but it really is CLEAR.


10860e  No.4719263


DEMS claim that RBG has been cured of colon, pancreatic and stage 4 lung cancer. Apparently, they have discovered a cure for cancer that has been hidden from the general public.

edf064  No.4719264


That’s GRIDS skinny

03fc01  No.4719265


You must be a bot.

This is the place you need to go to spread your video.


1b6e77  No.4719266




I make the big graphics so I can break them up into smaller ones too

the big ones usually need to be viewed in a new tab, kek


the 'NAZI's weren't commies though, so not really

1ef272  No.4719267

Bongino's podcast today is stellar. Don't miss it. Russia hoaxing, John Carlin, Brennan, more. It's all starting to come out now.

9c357f  No.4719268

File: 4127a2f5e8ec957⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 500x625, 4:5, bnz wtch.jpg)


It's called Karma.

She owns it, Anon. Let her go- Kek!

f85115  No.4719269

File: 1552740f30703cf⋯.jpg (258.24 KB, 975x800, 39:32, IMG_4172.JPG)

8fea3d  No.4719270

File: 4c6c745b256d14a⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1520x1224, 190:153, ClipboardImage.png)

4217c2  No.4719271

wish Q would put this to bed… one way or another


I don't believe or follow

I think it's bunk and is only dividing/distracting

q has never linked to / (((you))) a gemat decode

if it's legit i'lll get onboard

6a039d  No.4719272

File: 6a7b9919d9ac4e8⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1150x1561, 1150:1561, Pepe-O-Mint.png)

de60a4  No.4719273

My apologies if another fag has already posted this


It's provides a good layout and further data that blow's up the "Acostme" story

e1a7c1  No.4719274

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, 3e340e9eee823c0db072d8f2dc….png)

57c5d1  No.4719275

File: 6fa0a365488654e⋯.png (379.66 KB, 696x390, 116:65, pr_waterlady.png)

a725d8  No.4719276


KEK! Good one!

03fc01  No.4719277


Bongino came on the scene way too quickly and had a mass following almost immediately. Do no trust.

09f358  No.4719278

File: 12c6d94d3a5f51f⋯.png (576.79 KB, 1046x552, 523:276, Trumpshroom001.png)

5c4950  No.4719279


Has someone searched that image?

b34b44  No.4719280


Just watch. You'll see. Everyone will see. Nothing will stop this.

91028a  No.4719281



checked for poison would hope

f85115  No.4719282

File: 3eba89b47f7069e⋯.jpg (129.68 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_5208.JPG)


Lick the stripper pole chuck

1b6e77  No.4719283



but I see what you're getting at

2d1f38  No.4719284

File: c43814f77ce5a4b⋯.png (407.74 KB, 564x528, 47:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e87b8a7537cc36d⋯.png (52.48 KB, 586x266, 293:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Gorka just tweeted this

same as trumps wall design?

is there a message?


aff703  No.4719285


I missed Page in the news.

Is she still digging a hole?

If the hole is deeper, can get more from her deal time.

Be careful lying in court.

bbdc76  No.4719286

SpaceX to lay off 10 percent of its workforce

SpaceX, which was founded by Elon Musk in 2002, currently has a workforce of roughly 6,000 employees.


6c5797  No.4719287


Already paid for in military budget and windfall from USMCA. Trump's just fucking with them now. Just a matter of time before we get a surprise "wall done" announcement.

ee68c5  No.4719288


Page 32 & 33

6d76f4  No.4719289

File: 74ebada6b3c89c6⋯.png (508.56 KB, 658x547, 658:547, capture.PNG)

9c357f  No.4719290


Meant for (You)


f85115  No.4719291


Cause it is Talmud tissue and organ harvesting

Now go neck yourself schmuck

2a9744  No.4719292

File: e0b3076c973070e⋯.png (79.29 KB, 1018x651, 1018:651, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cb8c52c7fdbdd7⋯.png (88.56 KB, 979x734, 979:734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d4421c86a586d1⋯.png (90.18 KB, 989x764, 989:764, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 946e93befe6a55e⋯.png (92.19 KB, 976x769, 976:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f882d269cf7d1f⋯.png (93.48 KB, 1029x786, 343:262, ClipboardImage.png)


Searching for news on RBG? YouTube offered conspiracy theories about the Supreme Court justice instead.


1b6e77  No.4719293

Notables so far


>>4718884, >>4718921, >>4718966 Link to Hannity's special with the parents of victims of illegal immigrants

>>4719013 Human trafficking in PR isn't considered a crime

>>4719047 IG REPORT of Pentagon AUDIT: $21 TRILLION unaccounted

>>4719067 The British Role in the Coup Against the President Is Now Exposed

>>4719085 UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The Planet

>>4719095 Secretary Mnuchin: Chinese Vice Premier Will Visit U.S. For Trade Talks At End Of Month

>>4718911 "BOOM" theory on a countdown

>>4719145 Democrats are Rejecting a Long List of Other Border Security Measures to Spite Trump

>>4719174 The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

a725d8  No.4719294



True story… the rest are going to Mars.

0592a1  No.4719295


>It's provides a good layout and further data that blow's up the "Acostme" story

This is really good thread regarding Acposta's latest

Too long for snips

Excellent take down of Acostas newest Fake News

841c82  No.4719296


agreed anon.

f06ba8  No.4719297


I figured as much. sigh… Thanks for the heads up. Just wanted to verify it got posted. anyway i can do that without looking like a braggert numbskull?

239147  No.4719298

File: 48a72782325feb4⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, 48a72782325feb4c97ead809b….jpeg)


That it is…nice meme. I'm stealing it of course, but that's what we do…kek

ce2bc7  No.4719299

shallow I know

but the chick on fox is hot

bf46b9  No.4719300

>>4719238. YES! WORD

79d073  No.4719301

File: 65973c9d931325d⋯.jpg (559.29 KB, 1798x1094, 899:547, 1513291787181.jpg)


a butterfly sanctuary… MK ULTRA.

ac5f1f  No.4719302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Halfway through this new vid of Sargon interviewing Candace Owens.

Great thoughts and perspectives so far.

ce2bc7  No.4719303


and she is smart

3fcd1c  No.4719304

Heeeeeeeeey you are messing up the show >>4719203

2d1f38  No.4719305

File: 7d93978c8e2bc95⋯.png (105.32 KB, 890x628, 445:314, ClipboardImage.png)


comes up with this

Best guess for this image: welcome to idaho sign

f85115  No.4719306

File: b2c9e2ab0b9c427⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 465x624, 155:208, CB2905E8-56B8-4008-97BC-35….jpg)


0592a1  No.4719307



>shallow I know

>but the chick on fox is hot

I'm pretty sure Gorka is male

a725d8  No.4719308


I don't wish aids on anyone, anon.. not even obama.

4a8b28  No.4719309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3286bf  No.4719310


Pb nigger.

Also, they don’t realize how stupid they look with this BS. Give us the cure or announce her death!

4217c2  No.4719311


my neck is raw from schumucking myself

ya wanna help wit' tha ointment

cff160  No.4719312

File: 02e47ec6a73e3b2⋯.png (113.74 KB, 670x912, 335:456, HillarysCULT.PNG)

File: e5ad0911e9d525f⋯.png (115.13 KB, 635x866, 635:866, NXIVMClintonPT2.PNG)

File: 2a65191c36ae6d3⋯.png (592.34 KB, 595x898, 595:898, NXIVMsexCULT.PNG)



f4ce45  No.4719313

File: 3025bd505d24ec7⋯.png (605.41 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E45FD63A-7631-429D-B30C-DA….png)

Posting for later

When it becomes relevant

f85115  No.4719314


Validation fagging cause (you) trannywhores with hobbits

615229  No.4719315


Now that's the kind of autism we need

7822e7  No.4719316

File: ce0e0725bc78336⋯.jpeg (93.48 KB, 1242x588, 207:98, 691ABF4B-1D2A-46D6-84F0-B….jpeg)


Q uses basic gematria… not that complex. A=1, and so on.

a725d8  No.4719317


Kek.. fucking google..

aff703  No.4719318








"[LL]>paper trail>special entry

[Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort

FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort

Mueller>>Manafort" -Q

"What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted?

Who signed the CP FISA?" -Q

"FISA = Foundation.


People are more aware of current events.

Establish link.

Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS.

Public awareness.

Evidence introduced.

MSM covert link.

Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations.

How do you build a home?

Foundation to structure (layers).


Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc)." -Q

"Pg 389 - Andrew McCabe

Pg 391 - Rod Rosenstein

Pg 271 - Dana Boente

Pg 269 - James Comey

Pg [ ] - Sally Yates

'KNOWINGLY' used FALSE intelligence?

Think HRC [paid for] FAKE DOSSIER [bulk].

Think Steele > BO [post FBI firing] intel collection.

Think DOJ/FBI classified leaks to FAKE NEWS > insert into FISA app in effort to provide 'new sources'.

Think PDB placement by BRENNAN to AUTHENTICATE source as credible.

Think BO >>> WEISSMANN 'regular updates' re: Steele [Firewall][Mueller]" -Q

1b6e77  No.4719319



>shallow I know

biologically natural response

>she is smart

even moar of a biologically natural response



6a039d  No.4719320

File: 4631539c6220d93⋯.jpeg (79.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NewfagHottub.jpeg)


Nope. Just dive in. Better to lurk for a few days or more; some need to lurk for a year before they get it. Some are able to become comfy with this peculiar way of interacting and delivering info, right away. Some will never be able to handle it and leave.

3fcd1c  No.4719321

Already there ;) kekelodidoodah


ea2f44  No.4719322

File: ad75b3a2cb93d5c⋯.jpeg (505.28 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, D57261D8-D2C8-4CD2-8030-4….jpeg)

File: 895699ed6164b60⋯.jpeg (306.88 KB, 1242x2473, 1242:2473, F192FBAB-AB4A-4D68-B25E-4….jpeg)

I found the 3:14/3:15 on the watch!

Check this out. Illegal aliens> children born!

Look at the pages circled on the photo!!!


1eaaac  No.4719323


The Walls are Closing!!

f85115  No.4719324


Come by and I can hit ya with the truck too

ce2bc7  No.4719325

File: 7c52e2d8659bfdb⋯.jpg (4.55 KB, 183x275, 183:275, uicorn.jpg)

See unicorns exist anons super hot girls that are smart - Fox just proved it

b1db37  No.4719326

File: 9f12a703a1bd34c⋯.png (191.96 KB, 1208x986, 604:493, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

d6391b  No.4719327


Elder huh?

You know what they say about assuming.

Why don’t you copypasta what it is.

Better yet, go post your replies as you said you were.

Your just a shill being a shill.

Enjoy the “U”, Sperge.

2d1f38  No.4719328


>a butterfly sanctuary… MK ULTRA.

Project Monarch (a mind control programme developed within MK ULTRA) is named after the Monarch butterfly which, like many animals, seems to have some kind of hardwired behaviour within them. The butterfly’s migration period is longer than the lifespan of the butterfly, but the baby butterflies that are born on route still end up travelling to the same place. With mind control, the objective is to condition subjects in such a way that they end up acting without consciously thinking – it becomes instinct.


6b9759  No.4719329

File: 34f7443babb725e⋯.png (895.7 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, pppo.png)

8c260b  No.4719330

File: ee06fc00304abed⋯.jpg (150.72 KB, 600x599, 600:599, ee06fc00304abed4b527b8479d….jpg)


Please baker add my work into the "Just for Keks"?


5c4950  No.4719331


The money that has been seized during drug busts and El Chapo bullshit is another avenue of funding that should be used.

595974  No.4719332

File: ed858c341e8fef5⋯.jpg (167.79 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, 557415b175c1a0f61f6987e032….jpg)


What's that date on there Anons?? Good write up no matter what.

542c71  No.4719333

Aloooooo, Q

"Pe mine stiu ca ma iubeste Dumnezeu,

Mi-a dat o dragoste pe sufletul meu."

Si….daca nu te superi, ne-am muta in inimioara ta, si m-as incuia acolo. Cu frumoasa mea. Si as arunca cheia.

b34b44  No.4719334


I think I found it on YT, but not sure -

a3eebb  No.4719335

File: 9577af59f8b53e6⋯.jpeg (276.74 KB, 423x787, 423:787, D3C523E4-F58E-4612-9508-9….jpeg)

Q bought Mrs Q a nice new necklace with funds saved by cutting off California fire funds.

2d1f38  No.4719336



1890ea  No.4719337


[DS] is deep state… deep DEPARTMENT of State.

This is how they have enriched themselves. Cash to corrupt country, they keep some, donate some to lots of politicians. They all get rich.

9f952b  No.4719338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Survival crimes: the new Leftist policy that allows special groups to break the law with impunity

~48 mins


From Tucker tonight.

Survival crimes are those committed by the poor in their "struggle to survive." You know–like camping out on the streets or stealing things to get money.

Christopher Rufo of the Documentary Foundation says the results in Seattle have been "catastrophic." Talks about the homeless encampments all over Seattle and the huge rise in crime (250% over LA and 400% over NYC).

Rufo reports that the Seattle City Council is allowing homeless to break laws that others are not allowed to break, resulting in a two-tiered system of justice: one for middle-class citizens and another for "vulnerable" populations. He calls this "government by ideology." Hopes that the municipal elections next year will change this situation (because we get to vote the bastards out!)


I said "we" because I live in Seattle. There are homeless people everywhere. It's a problem nobody can ignore. Recently, my neighbor chased two people out of her backyard and another posted "no trespassing" signs in a vacant lot next door so campers wouldn't move in.

In the past, most homeless people were meek, non-aggressive, humble. But some have now become much more "in your face," because of the city's "hands-off" policy. One Starbucks no longer has outdoor furniture because it gets stolen.

One good thing, tho: It's beginning to wake people up. Seattlelites like to think of themselves are open-minded, tolerant, and kind. But when confronted with people defecating on the sidewalk in the middle of town or camping by salmon streams, they aren't exactly thrilled. This is creating a kind of collective form of cognitive dissonance. The whole town is up in arms. Because nice as Seattlelites are, they sort of fanatical about ecology. Homeless people trashing their carefully restored parks and wildland areas crosses their red line.

So in addition to people trying to rid their neighborhoods of homeless encampments, we now have a group challenging the whole "bike lane everywhere" zoning plan than comes right out of Agenda 21/2030. Even better, many people are thinking about running for CC next year–regular people, not activists. Maybe things had to get really bad before they could start getting better.

d58b16  No.4719339

File: 57390f7c2ba8099⋯.jpg (8.43 KB, 300x191, 300:191, beanz.jpg)


As rumor has it, not everywhere.

f06ba8  No.4719340


Thanks :-) yep, that's an ole fashioned emoji! Best to you!

f85115  No.4719342



Maybe if they sprinkle salt on (you)r head

(you) could turn into a pillar of salt

Cause sodom and gamorha is sick of (you) shit

504a4f  No.4719343


I think he knows the stock is gonna tank. It's probably a ploy, as anons pointed out, to be able to cash out the stock beforehand. She's probably his handler orchestrating the whole thing. Even signing the contract with the actress playing "the other woman".

6a039d  No.4719344

File: 0570dfadc73f0d0⋯.jpg (500.35 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, SingComfy2.jpg)



5efe50  No.4719345


Projection slide.

79d073  No.4719346


Perhaps there is some grooming center on the opposite side of the border at some point..

2e9220  No.4719347

File: a8db9b1b368c9f7⋯.png (482.78 KB, 577x625, 577:625, Screenshot_20190111-185306….png)

Socialism and racism make a person ugly.

Meme this..

b34b44  No.4719348


FBI asset: 80s

Ostensibly allowed them to conduct stings at his casinos, but it was more than that. He's really good at playing the Drumf, dontchathink?

2a909e  No.4719349

File: 81de6be06d7365e⋯.jpg (264.99 KB, 1740x1224, 145:102, someareactors.jpg)


All probably the same guy.


Those are doctored photos - to make them look "SCARY"

Just like "lone gunman" little Ozzwald.

It's a fear tactic.

The idea they have shrinks and are molested and/ or mind - controled?


But that doesn't mean they are allowed to do the shooting. [ if that in fact is what goes down. cf "Crisis Actors" fake victims VicSims.]

Some are killed, certainly, but not the ones you are told.


2d1f38  No.4719350




0f903a  No.4719351



Looking at Tulsi without makeup on is like looking at the surface of the moon with a 1500 dollar telescope.

6d76f4  No.4719352

File: d441f408251a3c8⋯.png (440.04 KB, 1007x400, 1007:400, capture.PNG)

Pretty bad when the Russians report but not the MSM kek

Senators Introduce Bill on $25Bln Trust Fund to Enhance US Border Security

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Senators Jerry Moran and Rob Portman on Friday introduced a bill designed to create a $25-billion trust fund to enhance the border security of the United States, Moran's press office said in a news release.

“The legislation would also codify protections for those individuals who, through no fault of their own, entered the United States illegally as children and are currently covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,” the release said on Friday.

DACA allowed undocumented immigrants, who were brought to the United States illegally as children and are known as "Dreamers," to stay and work in the United States. The Trump administration rescinded DACA, but a US court ruled in August the decision was unlawful and DACA must be fully reinstated.


a05385  No.4719353


can't wait to see everyone going down to Puerto Rico right now (from the US Congress, and bill clinton and friends) having one of these mug shots posted for the World to see!

806ed5  No.4719354


Just wow. Get some new material- that “joke” has been around for decades.

f85115  No.4719355

File: 39df25ec3c8ffd0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 153.96 KB, 995x800, 199:160, IMG_5238.JPG)

It's a real bummer (you) homo huh

4217c2  No.4719356


yeah I know 4 10 20…..

that's not gematria, that's simple number replacement cryptography, not even day 1 shit

i'm talking about the "you know whos" that

link dates / times / all sorts of shit

the "gematriafags"

6a039d  No.4719357

File: 295cf90782eab63⋯.png (170.36 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Are you an asshole?

9c357f  No.4719358

File: 78b8685033ae64b⋯.jpg (202.46 KB, 857x1252, 857:1252, 600T1.jpg)

File: 89c1297e6ec1982⋯.jpg (158 KB, 904x1168, 113:146, 600T2.jpg)

File: 510df738ba37e66⋯.jpg (252.69 KB, 904x1168, 113:146, 600T3.jpg)

File: 6cf0466d0b1b5cc⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 334x175, 334:175, 600T4.jpg)


This'll make ya sick pic related

77bd9c  No.4719359


Why does his head look so huge??

eb5b67  No.4719360

File: 1faed79087dcf9b⋯.png (3.32 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, qDECLASJan11.png)

File: 8e8a00d28a3a5e3⋯.png (3.51 MB, 3400x1730, 340:173, rbgsoonnewsunlocksmapfader.png)

Here are a couple clocks for the NIGHT SHIFT.

DECLAS updated for airport gate KEKs (bottom right corner).

RBG clock needs updating to include latest Q if anyone wants to take it one (just make the image wider then copy/pasta most recent Q posts /RBG news)

Been a long day on the CLOCK. Could use some fresh eyes.

cea9e0  No.4719361


Asheville NC - Lots of Satanic shit in those mountains, I just dug on it a while back. Sacrifices, missing people, I think for a very long time it was a stronghold of the bad guys. Vanderbilts, Biltmore Estate.

2d1f38  No.4719362



how could one possible find that?

5c4950  No.4719363


Well hello there WL's…you givin big ole hints to the public to search PINEAL GLANDS?? Great way to open more eyes.

a86a28  No.4719364



I thinkits time, its now public

a725d8  No.4719365


Man… what a class act.

504a4f  No.4719366

c68189  No.4719367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




a383e5  No.4719368





d36f7c  No.4719369



But Broward County is very black. If you EVER to manage redpill the blacks of Broward you will see chabads burn to dust. They know a heel is on their necks but for now they're tricked by the Jews into thinking it's white people and they will treat white people very badly anywhere anytime.


TV meteorologists give you insultingly juvenile reasons for why the weather happens because they're actors covering up for the chemtrailers. They should be pelted with tomatoes and disrespected whenever you see them because they are enablers of your death and total destruction.

cec090  No.4719370


Just read this LARP and it's full of bull shit and lies.

San Fransisco and Damascus uninhabitable by 2010 for instance.

Quit believing and posting these stupid ass larp bullshitters doom porn boomer fags.


3286bf  No.4719371

File: ecafc8632a1f124⋯.jpeg (68.67 KB, 749x485, 749:485, B60A3721-3687-46DB-B0A7-C….jpeg)

f4ce45  No.4719372


I was researching pizza, thats how i got here. Nothing new for me but its done very nicely

Good for redpilling

fcb106  No.4719373

File: f0ade91a90b7244⋯.jpg (333.86 KB, 854x1280, 427:640, Thank you baker classic Je….jpg)

1b6e77  No.4719374


saw the date but still wanted to add it

I kept the original title though, which is misleading

so I'm changing it to the past tense: The UN Admitted…

1890ea  No.4719375



The border stays open, the gov't closed for 2 YEARS

773000  No.4719376


FROM WST last year

Last year President Trump nominated Ms. Barrett for a seat on the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Several Democratic senators pondered whether an “orthodox Catholic” would have dual loyalties. “The dogma lives loudly within you,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein said during Ms. Barrett’s hearing. “That’s of concern.”

70d960  No.4719377

File: ce67c5f407d6e84⋯.jpg (88.55 KB, 956x640, 239:160, Teotihuacan-2a.jpg)

2a2baf  No.4719378

>>4706578 PB Notable. The meaning of Israel is incorrect as given in the post.

Israel is a transliteration to English instead of a translation of any Hieroglyphic. Transliteration (as opposed to translation) attempts to use the English letters to give you the approximation of the sound. Translation may give you a completely different sound, but will give you meaning There are no Egyptian Hieroglyphics involved in the meaning to the word Israel. It is not even a Transliteration from Egyptian much less translation.

Question tho:

Why use the English "transliteration" that did not even exist back then, to hop over to the "Egyptian" and pretend there is some kind of Egyptian translation going on, when the name is Hebrew, and has actual meaning in Hebrew, with "sauce" in the ancient writings about why it means what it means. Hebrew is not a dead language. People who speak it today know what it means as well as people who speak English know what the word bathroom means, so, what gives?

Israel means "Wrestled with God" in Hebrew. The reason for calling the future Hebrews "Israel" is clearly stated in the text written by the Hebrews. Isra-el written in English is simply how it sounds, spelled out in English. It is a combination of two words like "bathroom".

See sauce below for the Hebrew translation instead of transliteration.

In addition, I would mention, one can see this is wrong with a little critical thinking:

IS standing for "ISIS" is a stretch, and an English rendition, in a sorry attempt to use the transliteration (sound) for a translation (meaning).

RA is a transliteration of the Egyptian word. Transliteration means you were given the SOUND of the Egyptian word, and not the meaning.

So think for a moment about what you already know to be true:

If we had a real Egyptian word here, it would be a hieroglyphic, (photographic) not a series of letters in English in a language that did not even exist at the time the the name "Israel" or the God "Ra" was given.

The very English letters of "Israel" are set the way they are in an attempt to make out the "sound" instead of translating anything Hebrew to English. It is definitely not Egyptian.

Isra-el is an English transliteration (sound but not meaning) of a Hebrew word, not an Egyptian hieroglyphic.

EL is also a Hebrew word, standing alone, or as the ending of a word. Alone, it is the short form for the religiously unmentionable name of God" YHWH.

Notice all of the Hebrew Angels have names that end with the sound "el". ex, Michael, Gabriel?

When stuck on the end of the three letter Hebrew root word, it would mean "God" or "of God"


From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'el) meaning "who is like God?". This is a rhetorical question, implying no person is like God.



Etymology of the name Gabriel

The name Gabriel consists of two parts. The final bit is אל (El), the abbreviated form of אלהים, Elohim, the genus God:

The first segment of the name Gabriel comes from the verb גבר (gabar), meaning to be mighty:

and so on.


Because Israel is a Hebrew word, it is constructed exactly the same way as the two names above:


Dictionaries - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Israel https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/israel/

Israel [N] [E] [H] [S]

The Name and People. Jacob, grandson of Abraham, was named Israel after he had wrestled with God ( Gen32:28 ). This name is a combination of the Hebrew words for "wrestle" and"God" (because sareta [you have wrestled] with God [‘el] and men you will be called yisrael).

When Jacob had returned to Canaan, God commanded him to settle in Bethel; there God appeared to Jacob again and repeated that his name was no longer Jacob but Israel. This confirmation of the naming was followed by God confirming his covenant with Jacob ( Gen 35:9-12 ),emphasizing specific elements of the covenant he had made with Abraham ( Gen 17:1-8 ). The name, expressing the concept of wrestling, clinging firmly to God, and overcoming, and God's confirming of his covenant with Jacob, indicates that Israel is to be understood as Jacob's covenant name.


Love to all. Lets get it right. We have the right to the truth of things.

7c16f9  No.4719379

File: 0d14e6be1c8ebe4⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 676x393, 676:393, al.JPG)


just needs a cup of coffee from the Cos

grab her by the puddin', Rev!

6b9759  No.4719380

File: ecaf96d4779bad2⋯.png (213.1 KB, 694x333, 694:333, WB.png)

0592a1  No.4719381



>Why does his head look so huge??

I was wondering why his skin looks like it is falling off his face

cff160  No.4719382

File: 8727e2e32fcdcc1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 938x483, 134:69, ClipboardImage.png)


What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, 'That's the bad guy.' So…what that make you? Good? You're not good..You just know how to hide, how to lie.. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie…

7822e7  No.4719383

File: b3b8e20d14a5551⋯.jpeg (556.23 KB, 929x1895, 929:1895, 4A9903D7-A74F-4F8A-AA29-5….jpeg)


Hitler was a gay crypto jew and a puppet… the bastatd son of a Rothschild.

and ur a faggot shill that can’t handle anyone mentioning anything JQ related…

I wonder why??? cus ur a mossad faggot… see attached. its for shills like u… Q told us to expect u.

66b314  No.4719384

File: f246f6ff6694c5c⋯.jpg (127.54 KB, 678x906, 113:151, 3.JPG)

Google officially discontinues the Chromecast Audio.


6b9759  No.4719385


Shh, no. Go to sleep now.

d6391b  No.4719386

hi ya fr….uh, dannyboy

5c4950  No.4719387

Have any Anons ever dug on Dr. John Money and the transgender bulllshit he started?

aff703  No.4719388

Wall going up, parts already up.

Mexico is paying.

It's not about the money.

It's about getting it approved through Congress.

And exposing dems, imo.

b34b44  No.4719389


While you were digging that, did you happen to bump into that fabled $5.7 Bil in another bill? I think that's what all this is about — but haven't found it. It's earmarked for something else – something they want quite badly

2d1f38  No.4719390

File: ed4a3c7e99e6654⋯.jpg (61.34 KB, 661x492, 661:492, qaw.JPG)


c046d2  No.4719391

File: d70edd913069969⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 485x667, 485:667, CuomoOKNoHomo.JPG)


Specifics please

He's on the potentially flipped watch list

9f952b  No.4719392


Just added this, see what you think

>>4719338 Survival crimes: the new Leftist policy that allows special groups to break the law with impunity

0966a2  No.4719393

File: bd96c4417f0eb9c⋯.jpg (204.29 KB, 935x1319, 935:1319, 877042c336efad8828525eefa7….jpg)



Also the monarch butterfly (Latin: Danaus plexippus) is named after the Tribe of Dan.

9c357f  No.4719394



2a909e  No.4719395


Barlow favored her.

Adam Parfrey [occultist and conspiracy publisher] favored her.

& George "Webb" favored her.

2 / 3 are said to be dead last year.

What could that mean?

206bd2  No.4719396

Anon ain't kidding. Christopher Cuomo is on FIRE.

bbdc76  No.4719397

Google sued over cover-up & payoffs in executive sexual misconduct

Board members of Alphabet, the parent company of tech giant Google, are being sued by shareholders over multi-million payouts to top executives investigated for sexual harassment at the Silicon Valley behemoth.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday in California, claims that the board failed in its duty to shareholders by approving big severance payouts to executives who left the company, while keeping details of their alleged sexual misconduct under wraps.

Among the defendants named in the lawsuit by shareholder James Martin are Google’s co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as well as former CEO Eric Schmidt, who were all on the board’s audit and compensation committees that approved the payouts.


68c7f3  No.4719398

fcb106  No.4719399

File: 605e0b1c3d956b3⋯.jpg (325.19 KB, 854x1280, 427:640, Thank you baker classic Je….jpg)

4f8846  No.4719400

42e90b  No.4719401


you have never played chess if you do not understand.

66b314  No.4719402

File: d79cb1e3efa19c3⋯.jpg (14.37 KB, 311x170, 311:170, 4.JPG)

File: 3129403b6ffe29a⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 305x395, 61:79, 3.JPG)


Be Careful Who You Follow

6d76f4  No.4719403

File: 9e1db0eddb205bc⋯.png (425.74 KB, 994x363, 994:363, capture.PNG)

Look who didn't pay for their workers compensation

Ocasio-Cortez Criticized After Failing to Provide Workers’ Compensation Coverage

US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, has come under fire after it was revealed that her campaign was fined by the state for not providing workers’ compensation coverage for a month last year.

The fine is awkward for Ocasio-Cortez, who took the seat of top Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley with a campaign theme of improving conditions for the working class during the November midterm elections.


71e313  No.4719404

File: 0d9d0825c28947e⋯.png (321.97 KB, 979x727, 979:727, 0d9d0825c28947e4f69ed43297….png)


>Jews rule the world. Jews are oppressing everyone. Jews make all the money. Jews get all the top positions in government and corporations.

Judicial notice taken. Thank you fren.

3a196f  No.4719405

The NYT is reporting that Trump is a Russian agent.

So, Q works for the FSB?


3a19ef  No.4719406

Megyn Kelly officially exits NBC News

Megyn Kelly’s turbulent two-year run at NBC News is over as both sides reached an agreement Friday night on her exit from the network.

Terms of her departure were not disclosed, but people familiar with the negotiations said the former morning show host is leaving with the money she was owed on her contract, which is said to be about $30 million. Kelly is free to work for an NBC competitor.

“The parties have resolved their differences, and Megyn Kelly is no longer an employee of NBC,” a representative of NBC said.



Yeah, I know, BFD, who gives a shit.

cab545  No.4719407


It can seem a little interesting in some respects, but there’s no rules or process these fags follow, it’s strictly interpretive. So you can paint whatever picture you want bring as creative as you want. It’s basically mental masturbation.

1eaaac  No.4719408

How many Aces does POTUS have up his sleeve?


2) Wall - expose trafficking/CF/Congress

3) RBG - Whitehats in charge to control media

4) CF Whistleblowers

5) Voter fraud

6) Has the Fed by the balls - Gold

Any way (((they))) want to spin a story or FF, we win.

b34b44  No.4719409


















ce2bc7  No.4719410

File: 78cf0f8d9b3c1fc⋯.jpg (106.51 KB, 939x526, 939:526, cpdoink.jpg)

watching the comments not seeing any thought beyond politics.

Guess my philosophy fagging bringing science and god together would be wasted.

have nice night anons.

09f358  No.4719411

File: 1af721d4eb3169a⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 1af721d4eb3169a7d7f0d0bdd0….png)

d76b10  No.4719412

File: e5615a7cfbda308⋯.png (127.51 KB, 254x249, 254:249, 2018-12-19_22-36-46 copy.png)

f4ce45  No.4719413


They are desperate

Insane desperate

cff160  No.4719414

File: 05ee3d6def5ae6d⋯.png (307.68 KB, 1230x828, 205:138, ClipboardImage.png)

2d1f38  No.4719415

File: c4036c4e657b571⋯.png (744.08 KB, 834x616, 417:308, ClipboardImage.png)

3f0c35  No.4719416

File: 1361f409d81bdd4⋯.png (74.88 KB, 688x519, 688:519, Screenshot 2019-01-11 at 8….png)

File: c8ba3e656706f6e⋯.png (375.18 KB, 686x524, 343:262, Screenshot 2019-01-11 at 8….png)

File: 33a61720687c823⋯.png (65.96 KB, 692x465, 692:465, Screenshot 2019-01-11 at 8….png)

Water filter salesman gets sued by fake

parents of fake dead kids at fake school


6011ce  No.4719417


In October 2007 the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China acquired a stake of about 20% in Standard Bank for US$5.5bn. Half the stake came from ICBC acquiring existing shares and half from new shares. ICBC will also get two seats on the board of directors.

b34b44  No.4719418


It was so much more than that.

2e9220  No.4719419

File: 8d9d18ae3073212⋯.png (1.2 MB, 980x931, 20:19, Screenshot_20190111-185306….png)




Al Sharpton C-17 FBI Informant.

edf064  No.4719420



1890ea  No.4719421


Not yet, but I will add it to my search

3a196f  No.4719422

Do we have the AOC porn vid yet?

bfd8ff  No.4719423




595974  No.4719424

File: 979f5baa46d7278⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, 0f6da61d4409e0a33a4756eec8….jpg)


Good moves. It's a worthy read.


c8e6d4  No.4719425

a3eebb  No.4719426


That’s so gay.

ed8a4a  No.4719427

File: 53da675f442f2e4⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 410x307, 410:307, 53da675f442f2e439d403a26ce….jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

ea2f44  No.4719428

File: 62c0b63464d858c⋯.png (972.04 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, EF47BE7D-4BB5-4E75-9607-1D….png)

File: 6cd17a06d61d658⋯.png (965.55 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, D82CC833-965D-4D22-9649-82….png)

File: e949f1c65894193⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 9BB5D1E8-B595-428D-88F2-C6….png)

File: ed938ca740ecaf5⋯.png (1023.03 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 04571503-6A81-4CFF-AB80-B8….png)

There’s the $314 and FISA!


0592a1  No.4719429

File: 3ed06850fd7041c⋯.png (425.46 KB, 651x663, 217:221, DoD 1-11-19 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: aece3f13f633b6e⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video DoD 1-11-19 7 pm PS….mp4)

You can’t just take a 75,000 pound cargo plane through the car wash!


219b43  No.4719430


Your opinion? Your opinion is all delusion.

77bd9c  No.4719431

File: dd1616ab7881b9e⋯.png (713.24 KB, 1354x690, 677:345, ClipboardImage.png)

a3eebb  No.4719432

File: aa984ee3ac65e64⋯.jpeg (343.31 KB, 640x642, 320:321, 22EC9717-C1B1-4EB7-889D-7….jpeg)

McCabe Jr.

6a039d  No.4719433

File: 7dc0f989ab14d3a⋯.jpg (154.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DECLAS-FISA37.jpg)

File: da2634b20f86609⋯.jpg (186.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DECLAS-FISA38.jpg)

File: 253ba15c0dd3eb7⋯.jpg (136.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DECLAS-FISA39.jpg)

File: 3c7abefa2da0c9a⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 750x750, 1:1, DeclasFISAorder.jpg)

File: 1e86885c68faea0⋯.jpg (274.04 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DeclassifyItAll3.jpg)

22b97c  No.4719434


We stopped in to stay the night in a nice downtown Asheville Hotel while we were traveling for the holidays…..never again. Now I know why my parents always avoided Asheville like the plague. Lots of weirdos.

773000  No.4719435

File: bb719c481f8a72e⋯.png (348.65 KB, 1194x752, 597:376, Screen Shot 2019-01-10 at ….png)


how to pop beto balloon???

c8e6d4  No.4719436


another retard who has no clue why everyone is here. kek.

f8433a  No.4719437

File: e252cf4035694a8⋯.jpg (189.76 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpDigitalArmy.jpg)

File: 8d11a6a9da2e210⋯.jpg (190.86 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpMemeArmy.jpg)

File: ec9bcd72d984d3b⋯.jpg (181.46 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpForever.jpg)

File: 364a6876ffc0039⋯.jpg (155.28 KB, 1108x690, 554:345, BowChumpFISA.jpg)

File: 9232805329e92bb⋯.jpg (188.41 KB, 1114x806, 557:403, BowChump69Seats.jpg)

b34b44  No.4719438


Oh, no. She is not digging a hole by any means at all. Quite the opposite. Go dig around - the stories were released today, I believe. They're quite fresh, and nice to read. All good.

5c4950  No.4719439


That talentless hack who fucked her way to top (ask Brett Bair!) is walking away with enough money to secure generations of her family. Sometimes this world sucks when trying to do things right.

e5ed68  No.4719440

File: da19b84b9752be4⋯.jpg (154.9 KB, 736x740, 184:185, 4ecff7fdf247f5815aab56d04d….jpg)


We Get Ours at Night!


09f358  No.4719441

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 1d32ecf46fc3e68637973e09a2….png)

← Jews practice this.

Hide your kids!

9f952b  No.4719442


Really nice, anon! I can't draw but glad other can.

2d1f38  No.4719444





brain turned off now

ce2bc7  No.4719445

remember it is not a movie it s a divine play


2a9744  No.4719446


Talk about a payWALL.

Nothin gettin' through.

592000  No.4719447

File: 11c3b0916e8908e⋯.png (592.68 KB, 1093x1220, 1093:1220, UnAmerican.png)

cab545  No.4719448


And you are right, using a simple alpha-numeric cipher is not gematria.

f4ce45  No.4719449

Buttetfly sanctuary will be neg affected by the wall

Any theory on how can the wall stop MK Ultra?

aff703  No.4719450


Once the Normies know, they can help.

If Normies don't know, they will be fooled into helping team evil.

It is prime time now, the World is watching.

9f952b  No.4719451


Has Monarch ever been officially acknowledged by any gov't agency?

c68189  No.4719452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




d6391b  No.4719453

Sage, you still here?

42e90b  No.4719454

File: bb7ab48e55c6139⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 442x516, 221:258, POTUS and Russian Agent.jpg)

a3eebb  No.4719455


They promised to attack him via House control, but he put them back on their heels .

4f8846  No.4719456

File: 841641ed22d72be⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1235x1358, 1235:1358, Clipboardimage.png)

1890ea  No.4719457


By closing DS, (department of state) POTUS has deprived all , all, crooked politicians of their money.

This is huge.

Trillions of dollars. Not billions.

c8e6d4  No.4719458

239147  No.4719459


Bach is awesome…kinda bold in a lot of ways. Like. Too many good classical composers…classical is a very deep well. Nice…but deep.

aff703  No.4719460

>Your opinion? Your opinion is all delusion.

shill example, weak.

504a4f  No.4719461


Just saw a news article go by in the last couple of days about the severe reduction in Monarch butterflies. Wonder if it was code-speak.

7822e7  No.4719462


The Trump Jinx cursing anyone who crosses him.

Nobody can stop God’s TRUMPet from sounding.

edf064  No.4719463


Bad ju-ju in Asheville

77bd9c  No.4719464

File: 36ed3d99a100540⋯.png (303.23 KB, 1549x752, 1549:752, ClipboardImage.png)

fcb106  No.4719465

File: ebc73a06dc2f3d0⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1700x2550, 2:3, Vintage Jenna thank you ba….jpg)

6c5797  No.4719466


True if big

5efe50  No.4719467

File: 6a68e05ddcfeda7⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 477x712, 477:712, 5951091_orig.gif)

0af6ba  No.4719468


do you faggots ever read

from 2017


ce2bc7  No.4719470


butterfly shock collars. You put them on the caterpillar to keep them within the invisible boundary.

9f952b  No.4719471


Agree. Some people think normies will never wake up. They will–enough anyways. And they can and will help.

8a855f  No.4719472

File: 12ee40fda39671d⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1257, 375:419, D2E62391-1D76-4956-8350-4….jpeg)

Twitter is promoting Last Man Standing

And Washington Post is promoting President Trump and the poles are shifting.


bb5482  No.4719473

>>4716802 (pb)

It’s back on the short bus for you, Einstein!

aff703  No.4719474

">Who is HUBER?




>Mandate charged to HUBER?

>Resources provided to HUBER?


>Mandate charged to HOROWITZ?

>Resources provided to HOROWITZ?


>What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER?



"HUBER to testify re: Clinton Foundation?

HUBER to reveal 'active' probe actively underway into organization?" -Q

"But… HUBER has not ‘directly’ interviewed several witnesses therefore the appointment of HUBER by SESSIONS [and therefore the IG] is not genuine

But… SESSIONS & HUBER are following standard DOJ open/ongoing investigation policy by not discussing [making public] so therefore nothing must be happening [FIRE SESSIONS!]

But… HUBER [ability to prosecute + empanel a grand jury outside of DC [90%+ voted HRC (2016)], who already began the investigation(s) late last year w/ assigned team of 470 investigators (attorneys) + IG + legal jurisdiction across all 50 states, is not a ‘special counsel’ so therefore nothing is being done " -Q

"But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 50,000+ sealed indictments across the US [what % = USA v. X?]? Coincidence vs. HUBER start?" -Q

"Think No Name.

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

Who does Mueller 'now' report to?

Does WHITAKER also oversee HUBER + OIG?

What case(s) is HUBER + OIG + team of 470 currently working on?" -Q

813ae4  No.4719475

If Trump orders the .mil to build the wall for national security, then makes the project top secret, can he just arrest anyone that talks about the wall? First rule of fight club…..

cfcf90  No.4719476


Wise you are Fren. ;)

Answered them we did. <3

504a4f  No.4719477


After Bach it all changed. He was the last to let the mathematics dictate the music.

cec090  No.4719478

File: ad173932c4dfe12⋯.jpg (350.69 KB, 1200x1129, 1200:1129, love is.jpg)


No Sauce

No facts

Just smear what the fuck ever you want and call it real.

That's called

False Witness Against Thy Neighbor

And it's a sin

And we'll have to be held liable for every false witness we smear people with here.

Think About It

9c357f  No.4719479

File: 79302fc1e004479⋯.png (139.35 KB, 495x328, 495:328, stable genius.png)


I love this man!


1a7abc  No.4719480

File: 322a5d5ff74769c⋯.jpg (127.71 KB, 605x653, 605:653, aocsharpton.jpg)

6d76f4  No.4719481


With all the money she it walking away with from these idiot networks ,,paying her these exuberant amounts, she'll have a good time with the blonds are more parties

1890ea  No.4719482


POTUS has also denied money to FOREIGN politicians. POTUS has killed the globalists.

615229  No.4719483


fuck TV

d6391b  No.4719484


The hills above Catskill New York are crazy insane evil as well.

Pink Eye country.

3fcd1c  No.4719485

This guy fucks hard>>4719477

caa65a  No.4719486

File: 357921356e9e0d7⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 294x167, 294:167, Mutt&Jeff2.jpg)

Dank American Sentiment

bea521  No.4719487

File: bcb76ad7863e8ce⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 500x439, 500:439, 2qsn74_1.jpg)

5bf395  No.4719488



1a7abc  No.4719489

File: d5dea68686b5fe9⋯.jpg (147.93 KB, 640x640, 1:1, iu.jpg)

a3eebb  No.4719490


I got invited to spend the Weekend At Ruthies. I’m so psyched bro!

1b6e77  No.4719491


to my knowledge, no

it was a subproject of MK Ultra, and many of those files and documents were destroyed:

Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.


3a196f  No.4719492

Trump should just build a wall on the Eastern border of California

919290  No.4719493


>To the leftists

Which have infiltrated everything.

219b43  No.4719494


That is quite a lot of delusional bullshit right there.

2d1f38  No.4719495

d7b80c  No.4719496


Most on this list have slush funds, not just DoS

c8e6d4  No.4719497


kek. loser.

c046d2  No.4719498


Posted this morning - wondering if tonight's updates seal the deal:

Cuomo may have taken a Maggie-type deal recently offered

(to actually be an objective neutral MSM Anchor Type)

Reverse Chron:

Cuomo freaks CNN peers out live with Pro-Border honest take re: POTUS and the Shutdown

Previous to that got curiously asked by kellyanne during her Acosta beatdown if he had something to say and said Nope I'm Good

Previous to that was at WH luncheon and then gets fingered along with Maggie forleaking OFF THE RECORD comments by POTUS

Previous to that Q was busting on Maggie again with potential deal talk

Stay tuned

6a9e69  No.4719499

File: ddb4ae0893b0cb5⋯.png (174.38 KB, 749x494, 749:494, ClipboardImage.png)

July 2018 Senate says IGs find USAspending.gov not reliable

IGs found that over half of

the data submitted to USAspending.gov was inaccurate, the Subcommittee finds the

website does not currently fulfill its legislative mandate as a reliable source of

government-wide spending. The executive branch, and specifically the Treasury

Department, must work to ensure the spending information found on

USAspending.gov is both accurate and reliable.



2a9744  No.4719500

File: 431ad072cbc022a⋯.png (73.58 KB, 768x642, 128:107, ClipboardImage.png)


The power of POTUS.

Trending: ‘intransigence,’ ‘intransigent’

Lookups spiked 4,800% on January 10, 2019

1b6e77  No.4719501



>>4718884, >>4718921, >>4718966 Link to Hannity's special with the parents of victims of illegal immigrants

>>4719013 Human trafficking in PR isn't considered a crime

>>4719047 IG REPORT of Pentagon AUDIT: $21 TRILLION unaccounted

>>4719067 The British Role in the Coup Against the President Is Now Exposed

>>4719085 UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The Planet

>>4719095 Secretary Mnuchin: Chinese Vice Premier Will Visit U.S. For Trade Talks At End Of Month

>>4718911 "BOOM" theory on a countdown

>>4719001 For keks: How Much Wood could a Cuck Chuck Suck if a Cuck Chuck could Suck Wood?

>>4719145 Democrats are Rejecting a Long List of Other Border Security Measures to Spite Trump

>>4719174 The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

>>4719292 WaPo complaining about 'RBG conspiracy theories on YT'

>>4719328, >>4719336 Project Monarch

>>4719378 Anon on the meaning of "Israel"

>>4719403 Ocasio-Cortez Criticized After Failing to Provide Workers’ Compensation Coverage

1eaaac  No.4719502

File: 4b86a13ee4b7f07⋯.png (48.4 KB, 990x511, 990:511, NIGHTSHIFT.png)

42e90b  No.4719503

File: 2232b99fb3d948d⋯.png (210.77 KB, 796x581, 796:581, Take it back NOW.png)


ahh. NO

We fight here too!

d50b9b  No.4719504


There are Patriots here. I am one of them. Would love to leave but cannot for family ties reasons. #MCGA!

66b314  No.4719505

File: d906d9ecc3c099d⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 303x940, 303:940, 5.JPG)



Crop dusters… shady farmers… how many coincidences before it's

aff703  No.4719506


They have the power.

Once the msm illusion is removed, they will vote and spend wiser.

That means less corruption.

If the corporation is doing evil, and Normies find out, they can stop spending there.

But first they must know.

Who is there to show them?



No one really, Anons can help.

4aa463  No.4719507

File: ac81fe742b8660a⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 235x370, 47:74, 2a28a69d0670abc13e5cb56f6b….jpg)

9f952b  No.4719508


Same post, same bs, no documentation. Total SHILLERY.

1a7abc  No.4719509

File: 5fdf7f336ca48fd⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 512x262, 256:131, iu (7).jpg)

c8e6d4  No.4719510

File: d72815887915a85⋯.jpg (84.74 KB, 500x489, 500:489, husky dog MMHM.jpg)

22b97c  No.4719511


We’re from the other end of NC…..the coast. And I can tell you we don’t have people like that around here. Not many anyway. Men kissing in front of my children. On purpose. It was gross.

9c357f  No.4719512

File: 99ea6756de80f32⋯.jpg (22 KB, 249x255, 83:85, bod.jpg)


>Just smear what the fuck ever you want and call it real.

Nice story. Nice try. FAIL. Cuz it's TRUE and real.

I'm good with it!

f8433a  No.4719513

File: be17b9ac108fd71⋯.jpg (108.05 KB, 800x533, 800:533, POTUSwillwall2.jpg)

File: e290f0ddce4769b⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 800x537, 800:537, POTUSwillwall.jpg)

f4ce45  No.4719514



There was a hearing

They put a stop on investigation cuz of muh national security

34a7cd  No.4719515


yeah….and they're saying that the obstruction is the actual collusion

3a196f  No.4719516

File: 38d480f09da131f⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 500x529, 500:529, braininjar[1].jpg)



2a909e  No.4719517

File: 50d84fea3c9074e⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 645x479, 645:479, Adam Lanza Changed Name to….JPG)

File: 7da20102df4f467⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 344x234, 172:117, Adam-Lanza.jpg)


As far as the age issue goes, they often back-dated the images / pictures; Used old pictures.

For instance "Adam" Lanza was just old pictures of his brother Ryan - who was the original accused.

bea521  No.4719518




Al Sharpton is an ex cocaine addict.

1eaaac  No.4719519



219b43  No.4719520


1) The Q community believes, some stranger on a chan, is a high level (something?) Who is dropping important intel to an unknown number of you on 8chan saying that Trump is leading up an army for good who is going to take down a worldwide cabal of child traffickers pedophiles and murderers.

2) in the beginning, Q posted specific predictions which failed to come true. As Time wore on the predictions became vague sentence fragments and strange questions only. He told the community that anything he posts that does not lead anywhere is actually on purpose because the Deep state is on to him and he has to put out this information to throw them off the trail.

3) If he needs to keep the Deep State off the Trail, he could accomplish the same thing by not revealing the plan to begin with. they would just implement the plan without tipping anyone off, which is how all legitimate military and civilian operations are carried out in the real world.

4)Trump has said multiple times that he thought it was dumb for leaders to announce what they're going to do ahead of time because it lets the enemy know what you're doing. he said specifically that he would never do that. But Q tells you he is indeed, doing just that.

3) The Q community explains that away by saying that the reason he's doing this is because you will be needed to educate the masses because what is happening is so big, it will shock people who will not understand.

The problem here is that this is all so convoluted that the community cannot even explain it to themselves out loud or even in essay form, and have it make any sense, much less explain it to somebody else.

4) The Q community also isolates themselves in these circles, attacking anybody from the outside who does not believe, attacking and ridiculing anyone who questions the plan (even if they're on the inside), and generally driving people away unless they embrace the plan, which shows the Q community has no intention, desire, or even the skills to educate "the masses", so the whole premise of the reason given for why this is necessary falls apart. it is just an excuse. it is almost as if you are LARPing yourselves.

5) over a year and so far no physical evidence, no arrests, none of it has come true.

Maybe it is a good time to step back and reevaluate the situation, take the time to test out the theory. That is how real research is done. Tests must be done to prove a theory before you can build on top of it. If the tests do not prove the theory, then it must be abandoned.

b34b44  No.4719521



Here you go, anon - from a Tesla interview:

Mankind is not ready for the great and good. In Colorado Springs I soaked the earth by electricity. Also we can water the other energies, such as positive mental energy. They are in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of great poets. In the Earth’s interior, there are energy of Joy, Peace and Love. Their expressions are a flower that grows from the Earth, the food we get out of her and everything that makes man’s homeland. I’ve spent years looking for the way that this energy could influence people. The beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun rays as a food.

1a7abc  No.4719522

File: e0b97f02215d173⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 342x342, 1:1, thewalliscoming.jpg)

a3eebb  No.4719523


NEVER call the police. They are kidnap, extortion, and theft specialists!

a05385  No.4719524


there are criminals in all types of business/government. i don't get why you keep posting him about being in crypto??? bot perhaps. i started mining BTC when it was 13 cents a coin back in august of 2010. go figure that out.

1890ea  No.4719525


In one move, global check.

True 3D chess.

Now, do anons have the balls to play a true long game? 2 years.

d6391b  No.4719526

Go read the first few months of Qresearch.

It will help your crazy subside.

09f358  No.4719527

File: c61465fe81059f5⋯.png (501.75 KB, 626x613, 626:613, 1532846102905.png)

822b68  No.4719528

the current board hasn't had contact of seen a women in years..so..I guess they really are gay


919290  No.4719529


>the 'NAZI's weren't commies though, so not really

Both are leftist ideologies that engage in infighting. All about central planning. Just differ on the amount of control.

7e36ed  No.4719530

The wall is not THAT thick.>>4719284

If it’s too thick and ruins the butterfly sanctuary, then that sanctuary is not large enough to make a difference in the butterfly world.

I’ll personally donate enough seeds to restart the same sanctuary 20 feet from the existing one

42e90b  No.4719531

File: f4093f68ebeefe0⋯.gif (1016.76 KB, 400x200, 2:1, You fail 3.gif)

c8e6d4  No.4719532


You hungry again? fuck

cec090  No.4719533

File: a74faa5e1739067⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 690x720, 23:24, facemeltpepe.jpg)




Two "anons" calling each other moron, and can't spell it.

This is a sad sad moment.

c5447f  No.4719534

>>4719408 POTUS arsenal of cabal destructive devices


382ceb  No.4719535


When this country was founded non-whites were not given citizenship. You can fight this, and you will lose.

b34b44  No.4719536


Whatever you say, sport.

2d1f38  No.4719537


> severe reduction in Monarch butterflies

With 86% Drop, California’s Monarch Butterfly Population Hits Record Low


cfcf90  No.4719538


Agreed. They are Freemason Policy Enforcers for Government officials ONLY.

Sorry, did I breach your PEACE?

4c35ba  No.4719540

File: 0c750ae46f253ce⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 582x244, 291:122, Screenshot 2019-01-11_22-1….jpg)


bf46b9  No.4719541

>>4719238. >>notable>>

e26226  No.4719542


fox13 seattle fucked with geotus' image and didn't get shit for punishment.

oh ya, its inslee2020 for prez in the PNW

epic homelessness and poverty astride opulence - wow we made it


6b9759  No.4719543

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)


The vast majority of our red pills involve dispeling delusions with common sense… however, there is one point that is not common sense, and will be difficult for most to accept. But the reality is the reality…

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:29:35 No.149063235

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”



This has never been fully answered.

Look at the context of the crumb?

Who/what controls the narrative?

What is "jimmy"?

What is "FAKE Q"?

What is "ebot"?

etc., etc…?

These are nodes of an AI system– but what is behind THAT?

Can technology be used to "manifest" the thing the elites worship?

Why are we [here]?


d34e07  No.4719544


Would not surprise me. I was worried about getting sued once, asked my lawfag what I could do, he said "not much" so I said "tell me about not much." He said "do you trust your wife?" I said "with my life." He said "put it in her name, keep the rest in a joint account."

So I did.

That was a hot wife too. What ever happened to her. Oh yeah, here she is.

You think that Bezos has a brain implant, that thing with his eye not opening all the way.

374652  No.4719545


its a sad moment that you don't lurk moar and realize that's how we spell it here you dumbfuck

a3eebb  No.4719546


Yeah, you have to go back now, newfaggot.

822b68  No.4719547

no, that right..only gay as well >>4719536

68c7f3  No.4719548

File: c42c96b10898ede⋯.jpg (209.36 KB, 1271x885, 1271:885, lookatitchawk8.jpg)

42e90b  No.4719549

File: 7a39347a2e5657d⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, You in one pic.jpg)


Good for you!

How did Mt. Gox work out for ya?

5bf395  No.4719550

maroon took the BATE >>4719533

d76b10  No.4719551

File: 824fc14377429aa⋯.png (387.8 KB, 647x487, 647:487, 2019-01-11_22-13-26.png)


Cute couple.


77cd46  No.4719552

File: 4d1bd94696c0a9a⋯.png (242.81 KB, 707x521, 707:521, 1547184034245.png)

ad61d2  No.4719553


"FREEDOM CAUCUS"— stabbed POTUS in the back??? or MSM/DNC lies????


1890ea  No.4719554


DS, (department of state) moves TRILLION s of dollars per year

9c357f  No.4719555

File: 8335180c07366de⋯.jpg (134.3 KB, 1200x904, 150:113, WwgGuide.jpg)


>Now, do anons have the balls to play a true long game?

The alternatives suck, so yeah. All in!


219b43  No.4719556



2a909e  No.4719557


Should have written

of "his brother"

This is very confusing.

Pic related

The "Noah Pozner died twitce" proof.

They used his image for a bombing in Pakistan, claiming it was a picture of a child killed there in a bombing.

Very sloppy, per the usual

Only by control of the Mass Media do they cover -up their mistakes.

919290  No.4719558


Nope. Truth. You are a leftist, history revisionst slide.

6b9759  No.4719559

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)


The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that humans' dependence on modern technology will result in the coming of the Antichrist.

In an interview with Russian state media, Patriarch Kirill explained he does not entirely oppose gadgets, but warned against "falling into slavery" to smartphones.

Patriarch Kirill said that the collection of user data including "location, interests and fears" will make it possible for humans to be controlled by external forces.

"Control from a single point is a harbinger of the coming of the Antichrist," Kirill told the state-run Rossia-1 TV network on Orthodox Christmas Monday.

"The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger," he said.

The church leader stressed that "if we don't want to bring the apocalypse closer, there should be no single [control and access] center."

1b6e77  No.4719560



tell the redditnigger that puked this out that all of those points are hilariously ridiculous

fraudulent and homosexual

7822e7  No.4719561


Thats not correct at all and in fact, everything u stated is classic jewry spinning of truth and facts.

This was not nominated for notable, yet baker included it. Now I must ask why??

mossad in the kitchen?? >>4719501

bbdc76  No.4719562

>>4719499 IGs find USAspending.gov not reliable


cec090  No.4719563


Where's your proof then dolt.

Just a photo?

A photo where nobody looked any fucking thing like them other than their skin color?

OMG what has come of this movement.

57c5d1  No.4719565


fake and gay?

2a909e  No.4719566

File: 2758d6518deec69⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 600x569, 600:569, posner.jpg)


Forgot the image, sorry.

237781  No.4719567


Schiff is that you ?

d7b80c  No.4719568

File: 511feb073ffa552⋯.jpeg (420.43 KB, 750x1203, 250:401, CE3C010B-B6A6-4467-86B1-8….jpeg)


This is what was funded back in September 2018. See the difference?

Also note “additional military construction funding not subject to discretionary limits”

—> Military construction is 1 source of funds during National Emergency


1a7abc  No.4719569

File: 2e6ea251a9f251b⋯.jpg (103.39 KB, 841x556, 841:556, iu (7).jpg)


Had just imagined this meme, thanks anon

822b68  No.4719570

why to you think most cops have blue uniforms? >>4719538

239147  No.4719571


Learned something new, thanks. Conceptually, if it's 'music' it's a form of sonic math…whether the composer is notionally using math to inform their work…now that's another matter. Bach. Good on him. I always think of him and Beethoven together for some reason.

b34b44  No.4719572


New to Englishing?

6c5797  No.4719573


Didn't this already happen a few months ago?

09f358  No.4719574


Post the sauce.

It's fake.

ec3ef8  No.4719575

Mobilefag here.

Any Anon having trouble with AT&T?

2d1f38  No.4719576

4c35ba  No.4719577

File: d7a4f3ea34ad37e⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 592x353, 592:353, Screenshot 2019-01-11_22-1….jpg)


** President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts



President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:

Mark Lee Greenblatt of Maryland, to be the Inspector General of the Department of the Interior.

Mr. Greenblatt currently serves as the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations at the Department of Commerce’s Office of Inspector General (DOC OIG). He has more than 15 years of oversight experience, including serving as DOC OIG Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Compliance & Ethics, DOC OIG Director of Special Investigations, Investigative Counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice OIG, and Minority Staff Director/Chief Counsel for the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Mr. Greenblatt clerked for U.S. District Judge Anita Brody and was a litigator in New York. He earned a B.A. with distinction from Duke University and received a law degree from Columbia University Law School, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. Mr. Greenblatt served as Vice Chair of the Montgomery County (MD) Ethics Commission and a Senior Manager in Government Fellow at Harvard University‘s Kennedy School of Government.

Thomas A. Summers of Pennsylvania, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for the remainder a of five year term expiring October 18, 2020.

Mr. Summers previously served at the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration and recently retired as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. He earned his B.S. from Saint Vincent College in Physics and Mathematics, and four M.S. degrees from: the Air Force Institute of Technology in Applied Physics; Central Michigan University in Business Administration; Air Command and Staff College in Military Operational Art and Science; and National War College, Washington, D.C., in National Security Strategy.

919290  No.4719578


Hitler was Catholic

595974  No.4719579

File: 64da5222cbe96da⋯.png (439.62 KB, 619x515, 619:515, 770e056d23af0d0bac051db70f….png)



615229  No.4719580


Democracy is the prelude to socialism

Socialism is the prelude to communism

6b9759  No.4719581


Just give up, bot system. The entire fake back and forth is pathetic.

Get out. Humans don't want you.

1a7abc  No.4719582

File: 43c17bafd63419b⋯.png (211.37 KB, 349x338, 349:338, rbgproof.png)

a05385  No.4719583


lmfao..all good fren and very comfy

219b43  No.4719584


1) The Q community believes, some stranger on a chan, is a high level (something?) Who is dropping important intel to an unknown number of you on 8chan saying that Trump is leading up an army for good who is going to take down a worldwide cabal of child traffickers pedophiles and murderers.

2) in the beginning, Q posted specific predictions which failed to come true. As Time wore on the predictions became vague sentence fragments and strange questions only. He told the community that anything he posts that does not lead anywhere is actually on purpose because the Deep state is on to him and he has to put out this information to throw them off the trail.

3) If he needs to keep the Deep State off the Trail, he could accomplish the same thing by not revealing the plan to begin with. they would just implement the plan without tipping anyone off, which is how all legitimate military and civilian operations are carried out in the real world.

4)Trump has said multiple times that he thought it was dumb for leaders to announce what they're going to do ahead of time because it lets the enemy know what you're doing. he said specifically that he would never do that. But Q tells you he is indeed, doing just that.

3) The Q community explains that away by saying that the reason he's doing this is because you will be needed to educate the masses because what is happening is so big, it will shock people who will not understand.

The problem here is that this is all so convoluted that the community cannot even explain it to themselves out loud or even in essay form, and have it make any sense, much less explain it to somebody else.

4) The Q community also isolates themselves in these circles, attacking anybody from the outside who does not believe, attacking and ridiculing anyone who questions the plan (even if they're on the inside), and generally driving people away unless they embrace the plan, which shows the Q community has no intention, desire, or even the skills to educate "the masses", so the whole premise of the reason given for why this is necessary falls apart. it is just an excuse. it is almost as if you are LARPing yourselves.

5) over a year and so far no physical evidence, no arrests, none of it has come true.

Maybe it is a good time to step back and reevaluate the situation, take the time to test out the theory. That is how real research is done. Tests must be done to prove a theory before you can build on top of it. If the tests do not prove the theory, then it must be abandoned.

87204d  No.4719585


What In THE actual fuck?

That is so much money. That bitch, who was in on the pizzagate coverup, gets a massive payout, while niggers on here have made it their life mission to killuminati FOR FREE. 😂😂😂

Crazy world.

398be3  No.4719586

File: 52fe2e417565a7d⋯.jpg (84.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1547262913640.jpg)

c8e6d4  No.4719587


You get the prize for the stupidest statement in this bread.

1b6e77  No.4719588


there was discussion about the meaning of "israel" last night (ISIS-RA-EL)

will remove though, just a note I put in because I remembered the discussion

d34e07  No.4719589

File: 53deb81e7bc1cff⋯.png (683.59 KB, 1358x533, 1358:533, ClipboardImage.png)

6c5797  No.4719590




79d073  No.4719591


>conservative group have privately raised their concerns with the Trump administration, fearing it would lead to a years-long legal standoff that Democrats could win while setting a dangerous precedent for the presidency, according to more than a dozen lawmakers and GOP aides.

no names, and privately? sounds like a bunch of garbage to me.

1a7abc  No.4719592

File: 7008b8d3eff6ba6⋯.png (449.5 KB, 940x492, 235:123, 7008b8d3eff6ba6cff0db1d056….png)

f09959  No.4719593


9fbb34  No.4719594

File: 7d45234bcc99634⋯.jpg (242.05 KB, 704x929, 704:929, 5h56j4h5e64657jh.jpg)

File: e839d758c3cd17f⋯.jpg (716.46 KB, 1599x1307, 1599:1307, anon-do-not-fuck-with-us.jpg)

4c35ba  No.4719595


thats right let me wind my clock

a383e5  No.4719596

it would be SO much easier if you just bypass everything else and talk to God.


2a909e  No.4719597


You're a liar.

Stop with the religious virtue signal when you're a fraud.

1b6e77  No.4719598


>>4718884, >>4718921, >>4718966 Link to Hannity's special with the parents of victims of illegal immigrants

>>4719013 Human trafficking in PR isn't considered a crime

>>4719047 IG REPORT of Pentagon AUDIT: $21 TRILLION unaccounted

>>4719067 The British Role in the Coup Against the President Is Now Exposed

>>4719085 UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The Planet

>>4719095 Secretary Mnuchin: Chinese Vice Premier Will Visit U.S. For Trade Talks At End Of Month

>>4718911 "BOOM" theory on a countdown

>>4719001 For keks: How Much Wood could a Cuck Chuck Suck if a Cuck Chuck could Suck Wood?

>>4719145 Democrats are Rejecting a Long List of Other Border Security Measures to Spite Trump

>>4719174 The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

>>4719292 WaPo complaining about 'RBG conspiracy theories on YT'

>>4719328, >>4719336 Project Monarch

>>4719403 Ocasio-Cortez Criticized After Failing to Provide Workers’ Compensation Coverage

>>4719408 Anon on what POTUS might have up his sleeve

>>4719499 July 2018 Senate says IGs find USAspending.gov not reliable

c8e6d4  No.4719599

File: e0f23be5f6f076d⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 575x429, 575:429, coconut_macaroon.jpg)

822b68  No.4719600

File: 8bce5386be76032⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 600x466, 300:233, janefondablue-bird-1976-2.jpg)

File: 0212409faa34f75⋯.jpg (67.28 KB, 600x454, 300:227, liztaylorblue-bird-1976-4.jpg)

File: 90ca33f5aec6218⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 474x669, 158:223, Avagarderyoung.jpg)

Albert Pike and his Blue Birds

17377c  No.4719601

File: 2dfa635e218bed0⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 1480x989, 1480:989, Capture 34.JPG)

f8433a  No.4719602

File: 3f98a21af2f915f⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 780x524, 195:131, POTUS.jpg)

When will you fucktards learn?

536b52  No.4719603

File: e654c102255be9f⋯.png (138.88 KB, 1881x518, 1881:518, Iran_NL.png)

>>2545582 old bread

>>2545954 old bread

Did Iran plot four attacks in Europe? The Dutch government thinks so.

pic related

sauce: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/01/08/did-iran-plot-attacks-europe-dutch-government-thinks-so/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.542e1ce677e6

ba6933  No.4719604


With speling like that, i have a hard time even coming close to believing this. Not that it matters, cause that was one stupid story

7822e7  No.4719605


Yeah and Karl Marx is aethiest… cool story faggot.

73005d  No.4719606

File: 88c1fc76d073865⋯.png (34.81 KB, 789x251, 789:251, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

Good evening, fellow anons.

I was just doing a little "research", and I'm not sure if what I found is relevant or completely irrelevant; I'll let autists be the judge. (pic related)

I was doing a search on qanon.pub using only the word " BOOM " because of Q's latest "BOOM" drop….it came up with 22 posts….and all but the very last one contained the word "BOOM"….the last one, as you can see, did not and was dated 11/11/18 (incidentally, I'm sure).

Think there could be any immediate meaning to this?

fcb106  No.4719607

File: 197afae95a6033f⋯.jpg (753.06 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, Tyb classic JJ Spread Up.jpg)

62f3db  No.4719608


We are here because we know how it's spelled.

d50b9b  No.4719611


Her show was cancelled but she wasn't actually ousted from the network. Apparently, now she is.

2c11eb  No.4719612

File: d2f41133cca900f⋯.jpg (248.62 KB, 1000x997, 1000:997, 546r.jpg)


42e90b  No.4719613



You are under-informed too

3fcd1c  No.4719614

Motherfuck California


edbf8c  No.4719615

Why doesn't drudge have the sheriff israel got fired story?

the headline should read


374652  No.4719616


KEK, you need to fine tune your "Bot System" radar, holy fuck you're off in left field

595974  No.4719617


Awwww….I love them!!

3a196f  No.4719618

File: afd8d1edf23cc19⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 500x529, 500:529, 2qy6s6[1].jpg)

77bd9c  No.4719620


checkered hat's in Europe..

5bf395  No.4719621

File: 3e0057a79c937b4⋯.png (67.86 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

This is a maroon


77cd46  No.4719623



Got your hot creamy white cum sauce between my leg ready for your throats.

Why do you questions Q? He posted this in code dipshits! See how you all only believe what the MSM says? Just like JFK Jr death is coded, well so is this. Yet you wait for MSM to say it? you all really are fucked up hey?

d6391b  No.4719624


It may be true. It’s been 5-6 years since we’ve seen the late massive Summer gathering of Monarcs on a small coastal island here.

Don’t see them much around our butterfly bushes anymore either.


822b68  No.4719627

File: d027455ef837174⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2336x1536, 73:48, 6a00e5518490a0883401b7c962….png)

0966a2  No.4719628


There were dozens of wildfires near San Francisco and ISIS at one point completely controlled Damascus. Plans change, even for Q.

The OP of that thread was reluctant to make predictions for that very reason. Even said most people that makes predictions are not trustworthy, no one knows the future with any certainty.

This material is definitely not for everyone but give it a chance, lot of interesting info.

7e36ed  No.4719629

You are confusing him w Mohammed >>4719411

cab545  No.4719630


Lol every time some assclown posts shit like that I can’t wait until they get robbed or worse.

1a7abc  No.4719631

File: 8bfc2e96c9c7c1d⋯.png (453.37 KB, 596x433, 596:433, bikinigirls.png)


1eaaac  No.4719633


If she really did cover it up, then per POTUS's EO , "funds" belonging to us.

1890ea  No.4719634


The key point is all globalist, both U.S.government, and worldwide politicians are destroyed by not opening the gov't

2d1f38  No.4719635



Declassified MKUltra documents

Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were, at times, illegal.[1][2][3] Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.[4]

The operation was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967, and recorded to be halted in 1973. There remains controversy over whether this operation ever ended, or continues presently.[5] The program engaged in many illegal activities,[6][7][8] including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as its unwitting test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[6](p74)[9][10][11] MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[12][13] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse (including the sexual abuse of children), and other forms of torture.[14][15]

d50b9b  No.4719636


Is this what Q meant when he said "Saving Israel for Last"? Or did Q mean the country?

42e90b  No.4719637

File: 87f4cb8ba2fe02d⋯.gif (185.48 KB, 240x136, 30:17, you are the fire.gif)

2a9744  No.4719639


Anons know this but sometimes if just FEELS GOOD to tell them to fuck themselves. Ya know?

09f358  No.4719640

File: 81ce497f2cdda05⋯.png (352.27 KB, 533x526, 533:526, 1523865695216.png)


It's fake and gay.

1a7abc  No.4719641

File: 5ac58ec6c736c30⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 592x432, 37:27, iu (1).jpg)

66b314  No.4719642

File: c26e0d0248f2d54⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 425x433, 425:433, 6.JPG)



More than one group was formed. Went from group to group gathering research to post. Now has a "studio and a sponsor" - just like all of the other Paytriots. Symbolism is his downfall.

919290  No.4719643


Marx was a leftist-jew. The pope is a leftist catholic. Notice a pattern?

0450f5  No.4719644


Civic Nationalism is also a leftist ideology. That means Q and POTUS are lefties by your definition.

6d76f4  No.4719646


Fairly sure Drudge is compromised

8e12f5  No.4719647

File: b5f6601d752dbd1⋯.jpg (20.25 KB, 290x273, 290:273, Best-29-Hilarious-Memes2.jpg)


Low Energy Post. Lurk moar, do your own research. You very conveniently spouted every normie talking point that was every spoken to you. If Q team actually does/did what you say they do that would be one thing, but they don't. There is plenty of evidense. Read Drops, compare and crossrefrence with other data.

7da4b1  No.4719648


^^^^^Best post of the day.

Still laughing….roommate's mother's adopted daughter's babysitter….lol

love you fags

a3eebb  No.4719649


*No. Soetero is going to be LIBRARIAN on a different island. In the Caribbean.

77bd9c  No.4719650


Never thought of it from that angle…

f8433a  No.4719651

File: 3eddddada258bf5⋯.jpg (164.25 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpAmy.jpg)

1b6e77  No.4719652

File: 2fb59f6d46bf768⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 5ad52d6a146e71092e8b493b-7….jpg)









it's funny when shills use other shill tactics as their basis to shill

0af6ba  No.4719653


what the fuk happened to this place!

d76b10  No.4719654

File: eaee9edade85bfd⋯.png (234.61 KB, 496x387, 496:387, 2019-01-11_22-16-09.png)



d34e07  No.4719655


Israel = struggles with God.

Zionist State Calling itself Israel = adulterates with Molloch

615229  No.4719656


They should have been more careful about who they followed and who they formed partnerships with

d6391b  No.4719658


you change just like the fucking tide does. ffs dannyboy, u crazy.

919290  No.4719659


Nope. Left hijacked Nationalism into ultranationalists. State control is leftist.

1a7abc  No.4719660

File: fe6ec7936d56a98⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 476x419, 476:419, it's all good.jpg)

3fcd1c  No.4719661

If by that you mean full on two cocks up the ass shilling for the deep state then… yeah.


5a4d66  No.4719663

File: 5159aa1d07d2c7c⋯.png (527.38 KB, 694x456, 347:228, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

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