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File: 9a1122fb99ef348⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

b037bb  No.4685377

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening >>3082821 , >>3082809

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 01/07/19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 01/06/19

>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability

>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (|Caps: >>4637162 )

>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )

>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.

>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.

>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER

>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)

>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted

>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking

Saturday 01/05/19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Saturday 12/22/18

Compiled here: >>4628830

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b037bb  No.4685381


are not endorsements


>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.

>>4668020 , >>4668026 8bit/BO does an anniversary tripcode check

#5978 Baker Change

>>4684669 Half the 600,000 residents aided by NYC Care are undocumented immigrants

>>4684682 Trump Signs Law to Pump $430 Million into Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts

>>4684702 RBG and Sloan Kettering Digz Graphics

>>4684731 4AM Talking Point? Vanity Project.

>>4685100 Anon takes a crack at some DS twitter code. Interdasting.

>>4685147 WH Tweet of POTUS signing VPRA Avct.

>>4685273 Chuck is a Nazi - William Cooper.

>>4685114 Evergreen International and Ties to Bush 9/11 "Stabilizing the Airline Industry".

>>46853671 #5978


>>4684479 Canadian Astronomers picked up unusual bursts of radio signals from distant galaxy 1.5 billion light years away

>>4684295 Planefag: Spoopy Swiss plane in and out of Sudan/South Africa.

>>4684078 Congress debates Obamacare.

>>4684050 Flashback: POTUS gave Starbursts to G7 attendees.

>>4683981 Pence trolls the Democrats / MSM.

>>4683904, >>4684140, >>4684140 POTUS Schedule: Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act.

>>4683898 Samsung users can't delete FB app.

>>4683880 Iran dismisses as 'lies' reports about US citizen's well-being in detention.

>>4683859 WH Tweet: "@SecNielsen: Everywhere we have put up a wall, illegal immigration has been reduced 90-95%..."

>>4684570 #5977


>>4683611 Dozens of Pakistani pilots, crew members suspended over fake degrees.

>>4683608, >>4683616 DJT Tweet: "Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time..."

>>4683597 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) introduced legislation to criminalize private gun sales on Tuesday.

>>4683585 Incoming Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham: ‘I’m Going to do a Deep Dive on FISA Abuse’.

>>4683559 Details into Ed Buck's deadly fetish.

>>4683563 Congressional leaders will meet at the White House. (video / live)

>>4683465 SAM077 Lands in Hills AFB, outside Ogden, UT. Huber?

>>4683356 Whitaker speaks on the human trafficking problem on the Southern border.

>>4683162 First female marine to graduate Winter Mountain Leaders Course. / First female F-35 development test pilot.

>>4683182 POTUS signs the anti-human trafficking bill.

>>4683105, >>4683107 POTUS Schedule update.

>>4683096 China pledges to buy 'substantial amount' of U.S. goods.

>>4683789 #5976

#5975 Baker Change

>>4682903 DJT Tweet: "Thank you to all of America's brave police, deputies, sheriffs, and federal law enforcement on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!..."

>>4682880 Ex-Gitmo US Navy Commander charged with obstruction of Justice in death at base.

>>4682836 Nadler rejects Whitaker's offer to testify in February, demands hearing this month.

>>4682799 Ford cancels a $1.6 Billion Mexico Plant and adds 700 jobs in Michigan.

>>4682796 John the reporter gets BTFO by POTUS.

>>4682608, >>4682660 Murray Brennan: RBG's surgeon from 2009.

>>4682721 France warns Italy over supporting yellow vest movement.

>>4682619 Rumsfeld slips: Plane shot down over PA.

>>4682571 Israel ex-minister to get 11 years for spying for Iran.

>>4682512 Fed policymakers say can wait on further U.S. rate hikes.

>>4682502 $3.5 Trillion A Year: Is America's Health care system the World's largest money-making scam?

>>4682389 Future proves past: RR out / Q drops. (image / proof)

>>4682379 Iran says U.S. citizen White arrested, confirming earlier reports.

>>4682330 Trump nominates acting EPA head, an ex-coal lobbyist, to run agency.

>>4682283 USAID forced to shutdown Palestine operations after POTUS yanks foreign aid.

>>4682249 UNICEF claims it is working to prevent human trafficking in humanitarian emergencies.

>>4682931 #5975

Previously Collected Notables

>>4682123 #5974,

>>4679837 #5971, >>4680590 #5972, >>4681334 #5973

>>4677398 #5968, >>4678266 #5969, >>4679058 #5970

>>4675145 #5965, >>4675931 #5966, >>4676688 #5967

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b037bb  No.4685387

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4654776

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b037bb  No.4685391

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922

b037bb  No.4685404



Fixed notable bun ^^

c072f8  No.4685425

File: ca415c9c266faf4⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 213x292, 213:292, 9c325db9ae4a6e4951448249ae….jpg)


6960ee  No.4685426

>>4685418 lb

I thought I was speaking your retard speak. No hablas?

4b4a71  No.4685428

File: 1ba6259211d4e5c⋯.png (2.27 MB, 993x926, 993:926, ClipboardImage.png)


Ala calls for lifting sanctions imposed on Syrian people

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala called for lifting unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people.


A new batch of displaced Syrians in Jordan return via Nassib border crossing

SANA reporter said that a new batch including 130 displaced Syrians , mostly women and children, returned on Wednesday from al- Azraq and Zaatari camps in Jordan to their towns and villages liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from terrorism.


Senior Syrian Diplomat Confirms EU States Are Preparing To Restore Relations With Damascus

Syria’s Deputy-Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad, told RT on January 9 that many European countries are preparing to reopen their embassies in Damascus and revealed that several meeting were held to discuss this matter inside and outside of Syria.

Mekdada added that the Syrian government is keeping these talks a secret so that “the conditions of normalization of relations with the European countries become more positive and easier.”

Last week, several reports said that the United Kingdom and Italy are renovating their embassies’ buildings in the Syrian capital. While the UK stressed that it’s not planning to restore its relations with Syria, Italy has not commented on these reports yet.

“The Assad regime lost its legitimacy due to its atrocities against the Syrian people. We therefore closed the British Embassy in Damascus in 2012. We have no plans to reopen it,” said Martin Longden, UK Special Representative for Syria, on Twitter.

Local observers believe that Italy will likely lead the efforts to restore the Syrian-European relations, especially that the country has maintained a secret relation with Damascus since the beginning of the war.


Unusual Russian Movements Around Idlib

These unusual Russian movements led to a state of panic among Syrian opposition activists and leaders. Many figures accused Moscow of taking advantage of the ongoing attack of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) [the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria] against Turkish-backed militants and preparing to launch an attack on the governorate of Idlib.

“What’s happening in Idlib is the wish of the Russians, the Iranians and the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad,” the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi quoted Brigadier General Ahmed Berri, a commander of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), as saying Opposition activists fear that if HTS capture that region, Russia will pullout from the demilitarized zone agreement with Turkey and attack Idlib.


Ryabkov: Officials at US Administration insist on keeping illegitimate military presence in Syria

He added “in the current circumstance and the case of Washington’s attempt to control the world and its ambition to be present everywhere and to settle issues in accordance to its conditions I cannot imagine that the USA will suddenly withdraw completely from Syria.”


Military Situation In Syria On January 9, 2019 (Map Update)

This map provides a general look at the current military situation in Syria:

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have launched a new attempt to capture and secure the town of al-Shafah in the remaining ISIS-held pocket in the Euphrates Valley;

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has continued its expansion within the Idlib de-escaltion zone capturing new areas;

A new round of ceasefire violations has been reported in northern Hama.



3319da  No.4685429

File: 25ddbdc99b95cb1⋯.jpg (63.29 KB, 303x457, 303:457, moonchildren.jpg)

File: 9d3d323fa3e4eb3⋯.png (862.52 KB, 937x670, 937:670, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

>>4682535 (lb)

The CIA would NOT have anything to do with actors like these, nor a play called MOONCHILDREN… in 1971, w/in 30 minutes from Langley.

0266c4  No.4685430

File: 6341a505e66f8d7⋯.jpeg (239.29 KB, 1928x493, 1928:493, image.jpeg)

File: bfc4cd4cf71fdf1⋯.jpeg (112.86 KB, 2048x190, 1024:95, image.jpeg)

c2ad54  No.4685431

File: e6807935c5632ab⋯.jpg (14.57 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 539f84f5cf5bc_-_guy-withou….jpg)

TY Baker

99dbf7  No.4685432


Well, it obviously doesn't speak common sense.

Let the shill die.

244540  No.4685433

File: 50028bf01d36feb⋯.jpeg (46.65 KB, 375x383, 375:383, B3CDA23D-9764-46C8-90A5-5….jpeg)


fcdb73  No.4685434

File: 14c621d98661d0c⋯.png (357.42 KB, 600x545, 120:109, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4685401 (lb)

Jeff Bezos’s divorce announcement is a perfect example of controlling the story


27938f  No.4685435

File: d63386024893871⋯.png (323.12 KB, 1206x778, 603:389, tyb.png)


thanks baker!

064bd0  No.4685436

File: 4593f882cbe43d3⋯.png (341.47 KB, 303x457, 303:457, ClipboardImage.png)


That's hard to read. Is this easier to read?

5c1b83  No.4685437


What is this fuckery? The fuck goin on in here?

050cd5  No.4685438

>>4685369 lb lb lb

lawfag here

i assume the liens were of record when you bought - if not they should not effect you

did you NOT get title insurance when you bought? if you did make the claim and they will get t hem removed

if not - i assume your seller gave you a deed? if so it has warranties to protect you from these liens

if you have a sales contraxct there are a;lso usually reps on the title too

you also could do a workaround to close

the title insurer can remove those exceptions if you persuade them to

EZ way is to escrow the amounts of the lien or sign a hoild harmless

you need a real estate lawyer to look at these and other options

forfeiting that amount is NOT an option - what are you thinking?

you would be better off filing bankrupcy to stay the foreclosure

many options

6960ee  No.4685439


I hope it lives to see the wall, arrests and UFOs with big 'ol American flags on them.

dd662c  No.4685440


The bitch is back?

e653d7  No.4685441

In case you asked yourself, why BO is supporting muh jew shills and shilly bakers (like this one) so much (despite being a jew himself), here is your answer:


>>4527320 lb

>>4509951 lb, IMAGE

>>4510122 lb




Codemonkey is BO's (Jim Watkins') son.

Jim Watkins used a second name: Jim Cherney.

He is a mason and was assumed to be C_A.

He lives in the Phllipines (recent earthquake and known for pizza).


>Jim Watkins is the owner of 8chan, 2channel, and NT Technology. 

>James Arthur Watkins was born on November 20th, 1953 in Mukilteo, Washington. He is a natural-born businessman and former military personnel. He is currently living in the Philippines because he escaped Tax Fraud in the USA. He has multiple children; one of which was adopted and named Ronald Watkins (CodemonkeyZ), who codes for 2channel and 8chan, where he has his own Meta Board.


>Symbolism will be their downfall.


This confirmes that BO and his board is comped.

However, anons know how to play this game.

We have to be even more aware and careful.

Anons are stubborn.

Anons stay the course.

Anons fight fight fight - also behind enemy lines.





How awesome is it that we force our enemy to work for us.




86ea14  No.4685442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

064bd0  No.4685443


We don't need images of human anatomy of either sex. This is Q Research, not Anatomy 101.

d410b7  No.4685444

Meme request

Article on chuck into potus and chuck meme

POTUS holds the article

Lets destroy the fucker

95d1b2  No.4685445


>>4685338 PB

Are the chemtrails spreading antibiotic infectious pathogens? It makes since so that the elderly who are subjected to their brainwashed kids and hastily put into institutions where they are subject to $7.50 hour workers? You know the institutions that have pools and movies theaters to entertain the elderly until the infection takes hold and kills them with in 6 months.

Is this the reason we are told by the medical community we have to "conserve" antibiotics especially when it comes to the elderly. Why does every study and research article on these superbug pathogens always conclude that although they can trace back to the first incident they have yet to figure out "how" the strain appeared.

0a8512  No.4685446

File: 6491b90400af5c9⋯.jpeg (30.66 KB, 400x382, 200:191, B59C1215-46E8-4F67-9C04-2….jpeg)

ca2e57  No.4685447

File: a65c40729ef2f29⋯.jpg (9.18 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pepehmmm.png.jpg)

a416ef  No.4685448



I call bullshit. They are responding to the narrative we have created on the boards, spread on social media, and videos. She is dead until proven otherwise. I don't care about a potential photo. That could be from any time in the last few years.

b1daba  No.4685449

File: bc5de28d7b318ad⋯.png (892.29 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)

File: c88765dca24cd8d⋯.png (892.61 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)

File: c54c4c3470fcb19⋯.png (893.27 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)

File: 2b845c3a545859f⋯.png (893.47 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)

File: 5def35c827143de⋯.png (893.68 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)

ATTN Planrfags

I have a C-130 with a strange rapidly changing C/sign ne Los Alomos.

4b4a71  No.4685450

File: 00d678052c32022⋯.png (1.63 MB, 684x920, 171:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f719fbb19d3859⋯.png (66.83 KB, 747x788, 747:788, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 319c7ef72fd3ce4⋯.png (57.18 KB, 726x813, 242:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98b5615d2442eb7⋯.png (66.32 KB, 711x924, 237:308, ClipboardImage.png)


Agricultural Sector Revitalized in Deir ez-Zor

The agricultural sector in Deir ez-Zor province is witnessing a renaissance and the wheel of production has starting running after a hiatus of several years, due to the terrorist attacks which mainly targeted infrastructure and water projects, in parallel with the return of tens of thousands of its inhabitants to their houses and farms.


Jan. 9, 2019: Turkey Wants US Military Bases In Northern Syria

“We are pleased with Trump’s decision for withdrawal [from Syria], but it needs to be clarified as to what kind of structure will be left behind, what will happen to the heavy weapons that have been deployed, the fate of American military bases and logistics centers. In this meeting we discussed these in detail,” Kalın stressed.


Ahrar Al-Sham Groups Dissolve Themselves After Series Of Defeats From Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

After receiving a humiliating defeat from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Ahrar al-Sham Movement’s groups in northwestern Hama agreed to surrender and dissolve themselves on January 9.

HTS launched its attack on the Ahrar al-Sham Movement’s positions in the al-Ghab Plains and the Shashabo mount a day earlier. Within few hours the radical group, which was the main branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, imposed its control of the towns of al-Ankawi and Habit forcing the remaining fighters of Ahrar al-Sham to surrender.

The Ahrar al-Sham Movement is the core of a Turkish-backed coalition that operates under the name of the National Front for Liberation (NFL). However, the coalition didn’t intervene to support Ahrar al-Sham during the battle in northwestern Hama.


Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Expansion In Northwestern Syria

This map provides a general look at the current military situation in northwestern Syria. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has significantly expanded its control within the Idlib de-escalation zone and is workong to expand it further.


With Golan at Stake, Netanyahu, Bolton Set Trump Straight on US Syria Withdrawal Plan

Israel’s main motivation in preventing a swift U.S. exit from Syria was also made explicit by Netanyahu, who openly stated on Twitter that Israel’s push to obtain sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights – which is internationally recognized as part of Syria – was the driving factor behind Israel’s recent efforts to dramatically slow down Trump’s plan for an “immediate” withdrawal of U.S. troops currently occupying Syrian territory illegally.




95d1b2  No.4685451



"antibiotic resistant infections pathogens"

27938f  No.4685452



it's a femanon triggered by pics of beautiful women


>(like this one)

how do you know this current baker is a shill?


5c1b83  No.4685453


You know the rulz… just show us them floppy things and get it over with.

Untuck them from your belt, we're mostly all adults here.

66b663  No.4685454



6960ee  No.4685455


Be more like Freddy. You are no fun.

09e1fb  No.4685456

File: 6f19a86e999ea9c⋯.jpg (9.18 KB, 189x266, 27:38, First Adulteress 028098793….jpg)


Does Air Force One have one of those? Rom. 7:2, 3

e1450d  No.4685458


The shills had enough of freddy so theyre muhjewing gay pics.

be3993  No.4685459

File: 1812bfd39eb087a⋯.mp4 (519.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _Large (1).mp4)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 22ed013b05187db19a22503e07….jpg)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)


Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.

How to Spot a clown

Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns==

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Their words are writ upon water.


4c421b  No.4685460

File: acf578ded5aa375⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 555x689, 555:689, 81.jpg)


not so fast there sparky.

6002bf  No.4685461

what are anons thoughts on scott pruitt? just now found out he is no longer at epa.

814c5c  No.4685462



Who invited the faggot?

6960ee  No.4685463


How do you know it is "homo"?

b4dd41  No.4685464

File: 04cc30094bc0259⋯.png (879.11 KB, 1114x4786, 557:2393, ClipboardImage.png)

"Amazon removes bath mats, doormats after reports that products were offensive to people of Muslim faith"

Amazon yanked certain products from its online marketplace after the Council on American-Islamic Relations pointed out that the merchandise was offensive to people within the Muslim community.

What's this merchandise?

The organization issued a statement Thursday asking Amazon to remove the offending merchandise, which included bath mats, doormats, and other similar merchandise that featured references to Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

A portion of the statement said, "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today asked online retailer Amazon to remove a number of doormats and bath mats imprinted with Islamic calligraphy, references to the Prophet Muhammad and verses from the Quran, Islam's holy text."

"CAIR said it received complaints about the items offered by Amazon seller Emvency that are offensive to Muslims because the Quranic verses and other Islamic references would be stepped-on or otherwise disrespected by customers," the statement added.

What are the details?

On Tuesday, Amazon announced that they would be removing the merchandise — which was sold by independent merchants — from its marketplace.

A spokesperson for Amazon told CNN, "All sellers must follow our selling guidelines, and those who do not will be subject to action including potential removal of their account. The products in question are being removed from our store."

In response to Amazon's announcement, Masih Fouladi, who is executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' Washington state chapter, expressed gratitude to the Washington-based company.

"We thank Amazon for its swift action on this issue and hope it sends a message to manufacturers of such inappropriate and offensive items that they will not profit from Islamophobia or any other form of bigotry," Fouladi's statement read.

The organization said that it would work with the online retail giant to "ensure that products are not exploiting or promoting bigotry for commercial gain."

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told CNN that some of the products could be considered innocuous enough, but others crossed the line.

"I don't think it would be appropriate to have a toilet seat with the image of a Bible on it either," Hooper said. "It's just inappropriate stuff.

"My gut feeling is that at least for the bath mats, shower curtains, and stuff like that, it's these companies just slapping these designs on everything without even thinking about it," Hooper continued.

"But there are others crossing the line into intentional Islamophobia," he added. "Some of the companies have things like toilet seats. I mean come on, why else would you do that?"


f2df63  No.4685465

File: a650883421756b0⋯.jpeg (343.14 KB, 750x769, 750:769, 1BB6875C-9A82-40D2-896D-4….jpeg)


Gina Haspel Supposedly Ran Guantanomo Black Site

Isn't that nice?

a3dfc3  No.4685466

File: fcc160c9738ab72⋯.jpg (328.26 KB, 1856x1707, 1856:1707, 1234.jpg)

Just a thought

New updated image graphic has


Color Green for GO

Comms Understood 5:5


Follow the Watch


7aa09c  No.4685467

File: 5e7ea9c1940f6d3⋯.png (290.48 KB, 630x700, 9:10, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4daa3b7fd90b27⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Creepy Joe Biden.mp4)

Reporter calls out Creepy Joe


99dbf7  No.4685468


Would split that muffin with my knife, and butter it all up inside.

24271c  No.4685469

Trump to Nancy…

eat a Snickers

244540  No.4685470

File: 50fb48c0ac5312c⋯.jpeg (706.62 KB, 2359x1551, 2359:1551, 0E832F1D-5FC5-44B4-B7B9-1….jpeg)

File: 3d067fc448154a8⋯.jpeg (735.28 KB, 2333x1558, 2333:1558, 7C048C55-3137-4E2C-ACA1-F….jpeg)

>>4685268 (lb)

By the power of Kauket (female Kek)…

We have the SHITPOSTS!

e8dbef  No.4685471

File: 3932c7f17e0e2b6⋯.jpg (252 KB, 702x369, 78:41, Pelosi5.jpg)

File: b317e4092388d31⋯.jpg (169.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Pelosi4.jpg)

File: 8d55ab8f2a8f6ba⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1351x904, 1351:904, LibtardSpeakTranslate.png)

be3993  No.4685472

File: be89e2dc6b10135⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 612x720, 17:20, be89e2dc6b10135361be3b3705….jpg)

3e2392  No.4685473

File: 1616ce9f282dc7a⋯.jpg (8.89 KB, 284x177, 284:177, TYB.jpg)


here, anon, calm down

fc4d13  No.4685474

File: b7d1c1139ec3e07⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1088x1542, 544:771, 0AE4369D-690E-4DC3-89B7-9….jpeg)

Thank you baker!

If women didn’t care what men looked like, God wouldn’t have made them like this….

Be like this guy, Join a gym today.

1f265e  No.4685475

File: 3ad11a2896f5a7a⋯.png (240.23 KB, 590x445, 118:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you guys see Bezos the BOZO is getting divorced?


2a2dca  No.4685476

File: 232b2f88f8f6895⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 500x604, 125:151, Nancy j.jpg)

697465  No.4685477

File: 2bcddb0073b3a5d⋯.jpg (109.54 KB, 655x368, 655:368, Shillswallowed.jpg)

8acf0c  No.4685478

File: 8355c1abeeb1625⋯.jpg (38 KB, 474x553, 6:7, Don't stop the memes.jpg)

66b663  No.4685479



025dcc  No.4685480


John Brennan Dead ???

e653d7  No.4685481


He told lb that he was the same baker, posting a "washington as mason" image to say "not all masons are bad, please don't dig."

→ shill baker.

But yes, it's copy pasta obviously. But the baker-part is only included if true currently. Like now.

afb633  No.4685482

File: f284dd5e6b6be77⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 650x977, 650:977, amore.jpg)

7fa203  No.4685483

File: 329ee4e892f8ed9⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 329ee4e892f8ed936f224dc624….jpg)



f81286  No.4685484

File: 13a50815aadbaa0⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 754x1200, 377:600, 560636b4-5a43-401f-a104-23….jpg)

File: 610b56b777085c6⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 134af4e9-9fb1-46ef-861c-0d….gif)

File: 8feb10ade3848ad⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 530x298, 265:149, d1fdcc25-28ae-4a48-bf2b-52….gif)



>1ok armed vets on the National Mall.

>constitutional convention

>rope fer those [we] already Know are criminals.

<truthfully… æıd prefer


<er just say wen.

personally… æı reckon [we] are fukt either way.

kids are still being eaten.

[we] still have no rights.


6960ee  No.4685485


She sees the writing on the wall. She is getting out with some money while she still can.

e1450d  No.4685486

File: 2d85242f604e1fa⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 770x770, 1:1, 2d85242f604e1fa560482a4d00….jpg)

File: 9ff982939cf7737⋯.png (15.4 KB, 255x250, 51:50, c069db852d0acfeb4d4227a2c3….png)

File: fb0d6179cf57d43⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a4d5490136326e45373d223f25….jpg)


Yup. Same shit every bread. And they always fail.

8acf0c  No.4685487

File: a20f7340b9b1b30⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Freddy Gets OWNED.jpg)


STFU bitch

ca2e57  No.4685488

File: 06d232ecc0ce54b⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 305x222, 305:222, stupid.JPG)

267cea  No.4685489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

French girl, 10 yrs resisting the diabolic jewish system

her home turned into an african slum

and, nearly crying still 100% sexy.

(sorry folks never met such natural feminin in US!)

This is Electre, speaking from out of Germany this week

e653d7  No.4685490


Be more like an anon, don't be triggered, don't reply.

Kek, those newshills.

Almost no fun.

f978c2  No.4685491


Spoiler that!

e653d7  No.4685492

To all the shills,

To mason baker,

To mason BO,

To mason CM,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>4423934 pb - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us



Albert Pike: "The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."


[In bread #5549 some shills openly admitted they are masons. Read for yourself, just glowing obvious.]

>>4353548 #5549

33e0ff  No.4685494

We have a pathetic government when 1 house and 1 senator out of around 500 congressmen are holding the rest of the USA (100 million people) hostage.

And until Nancy and Chuck pull their head out of their asses and start thinking of our security. we will be getting fucked up the ass…and not the good way with lube. ouch!!!!

9d2233  No.4685495


Do you know why you just call me a shill and say "cognitive dissonance" "haven't been paying attention"? It's because its all you can do, because you can't explain it to me, because it is not explainable logically. It feels good to you so you believe its becaise you have such a deep understanding, but in reality, you just cant explain it to others, if you could, you guys would try to. But you cant, so you just attack.

5c1b83  No.4685496


This chick needs SONOBELLO on her hand.

128a71  No.4685497


Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you pulling my chain?

You're not for real. I'll give you a pass. There's no way you're for real.

The Deep State wouldn't have any enforcement power if not for these guys helping and looking the other way! Gun control couldn't and wouldn't be a thing, but for law enforcement. This should be Boot Licker Day. Prima Nocta all the way!

27938f  No.4685498


>completely delusional

this baker doesn't even have a pastebin account you stupid fuck

4b4a71  No.4685500

File: 01a5ae61fc2313f⋯.png (63.01 KB, 488x388, 122:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc9743d3b3eb452⋯.png (120.02 KB, 475x434, 475:434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3452fdbfc5736e⋯.png (380.99 KB, 864x907, 864:907, ClipboardImage.png)

Antifa Group Claims Responsibility for Attempted Assassination of German AFD Politician

In a now deleted post on a popular far-left website, an Antifa group has claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt on AfD MP Frank Magnitz, saying that they wanted to “free him” from his “fascist” ideas.

In a post on Indymedia, a group called “Anti-Fascist Spring Bremen” asserted that they were responsible for Monday’s near-deadly attack in which a group of individuals knocked Magnitz down and began brutally kicking his head.

“The Anti-Fascist Spring Bremen announces that we wanted to free AfD politician F. Magnitz from his fascist ideas on Monday around 6 pm local time. Magnitz, who maintains good contacts to the far-right and fascist scene and often makes racist utterances, may not make a foothold in Bremen or elsewhere and must be silenced like any other Nazi. We do not tolerate Nazi scum in our area! The Anti-Fascist Spring is comung! Get ready!” the post, signed “Anti-Fascist Spring Bremen,” read.

It is unclear why the post was deleted — and due to the anonymous nature of the post and Antifa it is impossible to verify the authenticity. However, the Antifa group was posting calls for violence on their Facebook page less than a week before the attack.


8acf0c  No.4685501

File: ca2f6fa30586d69⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 401x600, 401:600, bb eye bleach.jpg)

814c5c  No.4685502

File: 32c11d277868926⋯.jpeg (164.08 KB, 1380x864, 115:72, 1547075186.jpeg)

fcdb73  No.4685504

File: 0cb0f2d7d554fe7⋯.png (601.32 KB, 490x534, 245:267, ClipboardImage.png)

6960ee  No.4685505


But how do you know I'm a homo? Had much experience? Your gaydar is off.

8acf0c  No.4685506

File: 3a901edcf034cf1⋯.jpg (129.5 KB, 675x766, 675:766, Still your president.jpg)

8d5679  No.4685507

Ed Buck's Attorney, Seymore Amster has defended another serial killer.

The attorney for a man charged with killing nine women and a 15-year-old girl in the “Grim Sleeper” trial in Los Angeles repeatedly shouted at the judge in the case Monday and refused to proceed.

Defense attorney Seymour Amster and the lead prosecutor spent nearly two hours Monday heatedly arguing over a number of points in the trial of Lonnie Franklin Jr., who has pleaded not guilty to 10 murders between 1985 and 2007.

MOAR –→ https://www.dailynews.com/2016/03/21/plenty-of-shouting-in-grim-sleeper-trial-as-defense-questions-dna/

e1450d  No.4685508

File: a9c083d1546b7dd⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x171, 85:57, a9c083d1546b7ddc8a085371a5….jpg)


When a bot doesnt hide it is a bot.

44f9df  No.4685509

File: 74cc57466203da8⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, cans.mp4)

dd662c  No.4685510


same one who was screaming to Trump and Q for help, I assume

99dbf7  No.4685511



5b1f73  No.4685512

File: 755053680a02e6e⋯.jpeg (390.39 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F60E6E7C-DE8D-4E3B-BC4B-9….jpeg)

File: 26c3c882b6e8f27⋯.jpeg (387.96 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C5C98BBE-F139-40D8-A2AB-1….jpeg)


Funny…. still there…

ca2e57  No.4685513

File: fbddf2b42139a67⋯.png (175.03 KB, 430x533, 430:533, biden2020.png)


I want those parents to hang too.

6f447b  No.4685514

File: b3df82a5d2ae467⋯.png (137.18 KB, 755x497, 755:497, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4684702 (lb)

>Astor connections

Really need to make a road trip with my D SLR up to Astoria (OR).

Maybe soon.

Will bring back any interdasting things found

5f7eb3  No.4685515

File: e252cf4035694a8⋯.jpg (189.76 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpDigitalArmy.jpg)

File: 8d11a6a9da2e210⋯.jpg (190.86 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpMemeArmy.jpg)

File: ec9bcd72d984d3b⋯.jpg (181.46 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpForever.jpg)

File: 63faa573587b263⋯.jpg (171.99 KB, 1113x792, 371:264, BowChumpMiosotisFamilia.jpg)

File: 364a6876ffc0039⋯.jpg (155.28 KB, 1108x690, 554:345, BowChumpFISA.jpg)

7fa203  No.4685516


my bad, sry

0a8512  No.4685517

File: 069e0a4fb7ff605⋯.jpeg (120.07 KB, 798x418, 21:11, 78C70D2D-B510-44BC-9EB8-F….jpeg)


Put this on that faggot’s twat

1f265e  No.4685518

File: 855a9db9bbe5aeb⋯.png (404.45 KB, 950x612, 475:306, ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Steyer is named in the Layer 1 Overlord files as someone who got a nice fat payout due to 9/11

Did you know that Dark Overlord released Layer 2 without ransom being met?

What if NSA "accidently" released it all?


128a71  No.4685519


>Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us

Police aren't police, they're the Masonic Armed Forces holding the entire U.S.A. under violent occupation! In plain sight. Unbelievable. And we're supposed to suck their cocks.

d8296f  No.4685520

File: e996a7e0f3d2115⋯.jpg (144.13 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, slide (2).jpg)

60cbc1  No.4685521

File: b961884e71288fa⋯.png (423.48 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190109-180151.png)

File: a84f575fd2e3359⋯.png (227.69 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190109-180225.png)



fb9236  No.4685522



840323  No.4685523

File: f1cd4a1a9eae769⋯.png (924.37 KB, 736x1061, 736:1061, ClipboardImage.png)

972a17  No.4685524


Gina has whips & hancuffs and likes to use them…

5c1b83  No.4685525



This asshole is trying to doxx me!!

06eb81  No.4685526


This is good.

66b663  No.4685527


>But how do you know I'm a homo?


1c11cf  No.4685528

File: 6da2976ed01f8fc⋯.jpeg (91.65 KB, 625x718, 625:718, 0C12B9C4-C0DE-4C57-A4C7-8….jpeg)


Gif for you faggot

b4dd41  No.4685529


i think you missed the boat and the point.

5f2923  No.4685530


Wondered why he was so terrified.

7fa203  No.4685531


that was to this: >>4685491

27938f  No.4685532

>>4685507 Ed Buck's Attorney, Seymore Amster has defended another serial killer




5b1f73  No.4685533

File: 07ae2e031cacdc4⋯.jpeg (438.57 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FDFF4D32-2384-4985-8935-C….jpeg)

244540  No.4685534

File: 508d291292c9c1f⋯.png (677.74 KB, 1121x684, 59:36, F4200E36-C444-472D-A27D-74….png)

3e2392  No.4685535

File: 6e49637dd45454f⋯.jpg (6.45 KB, 250x202, 125:101, bari1.jpg)

File: fbc07953d32fb16⋯.jpg (3.2 KB, 185x272, 185:272, bari2.jpg)

File: fdfdea647082112⋯.jpg (4.34 KB, 183x275, 183:275, bari3.jpg)

File: a1acc381d1d585f⋯.jpg (6.13 KB, 170x296, 85:148, bari4.jpg)

File: fef095c00b77d84⋯.jpg (2.64 KB, 199x254, 199:254, bari5.jpg)


60cbc1  No.4685536

File: 96d075b90bf3770⋯.jpeg (64.48 KB, 790x805, 158:161, received_364227174135095.jpeg)



2a2dca  No.4685537



b037bb  No.4685538

File: c2bc95b09631ec3⋯.gif (6.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MAgakek.gif)

745c49  No.4685539


Hong Kong’s embattled rail operator is facing the need of having to dismantle at least one entire platform at its scandal-hit Hung Hom station after another six steel bars were found to be badly installed, further increasing substandard rates.

On Wednesday the Highways Department released its findings on the east-west platform for the Tai Wai-Hung Hom line of the link. The reinforcement bars were among 11 checked by the MTR Corporation in an ongoing probe into shoddy work on the city’s costliest rail project, the Sha Tin-Central Link.

The latest results brought the number of faulty steel bars detected to 23, out of 60 checked, with an overall substandard rate of 38 per cent. For the east-west platform alone, 22 of 52 bars were found to be defective so far – a substandard rate of 42 per cent.

6960ee  No.4685540


And how do you know that? lol Freddy got the aids. Wasn't me bro.

814c5c  No.4685541

File: d5e56925eb20025⋯.jpeg (87.03 KB, 1020x632, 255:158, 1547075375.jpeg)

e653d7  No.4685542


You didn't get what I said.

Few breads back a baker did pro masonry shilling.

Surpressed dogs and notables.

Pushed shilly stuff (like homepages from mason lodges….obviously fake info, posted a "washington as mason image").

Baker from lb said it was him.



486f64  No.4685543

File: fc3661d3a4c6291⋯.jpg (57.85 KB, 768x500, 192:125, patience.jpg)


Ec 3:14 I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it,

And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.

Ec 5:8 If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent perversion of justice and righteousness in a province, do not marvel at the matter; for high official watches over high official, and higher officials are over them.

dd662c  No.4685544

be3993  No.4685545

File: d6b91cf6f7dc98c⋯.png (394.1 KB, 496x480, 31:30, 56a61709c5d65e9ebf9925a97b….png)

File: 969644788e9e0a5⋯.jpg (55.58 KB, 525x568, 525:568, 58a471fdf03f3f43f0cf0582ff….jpg)

5f2923  No.4685546


Great PR, dude. Hire an attorney known for defending serial killers.

f53c49  No.4685547

File: 2c6e9edb551934d⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1316x882, 94:63, 8079857676432234.png)


TY Baker

5ec5ac  No.4685548

File: bfba2b6fc95fbf2⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 500x541, 500:541, 2qri6r_1.jpg)

File: f31957566483b5f⋯.png (34.31 KB, 374x394, 187:197, Trump meeting tweet.154706….PNG)

Ithaca Model 37 DS Police Special is hard to find but will not disappoint, Navy Seals used it in Vietnam.

We got your back Trump.

cacc62  No.4685549


just shill posting faggot porn.

same thing that happened early in the night of the Mossad Massacre.

6ab0b1  No.4685550

File: e49b5bbc5a9c216⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 600x400, 3:2, sea-marine-hack.jpg)

File: 93d84599b14d741⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 474x525, 158:175, marinescowardbarack-obama.jpg)

enough, trump is going to take care of the traitors

or the veterans will

you people are a disgrace to this country

Obama and his pals should already be in prison

990138  No.4685551

File: 4f18d8d9b5d2666⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 320x320, 1:1, qLTn-v9kg1q3cen6.mp4)

ripped a new one


646b7b  No.4685552

File: 2c8afbdde500f7d⋯.jpg (442.61 KB, 1080x1107, 40:41, SmartSelect_20190109-17072….jpg)

File: 5f60aafbe1c1e26⋯.jpg (326.21 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_20190109_170733.jpg)

File: 79090e8660a80fa⋯.png (1.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5f16d2871be5e99a729d9da187….png)

I looked up Justinian calendar and it only shows Julian calendar. Calendar importance? Julian (Assange)?

Then check Rudy's watch to see if it's the IWC watch.

5f7eb3  No.4685553

File: 1f3766d73970312⋯.jpg (164.55 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpRemindSchiff.jpg)

File: 3eddddada258bf5⋯.jpg (164.25 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpAmy.jpg)

File: f385a9f6134bff8⋯.jpg (170.32 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpProperly.jpg)

File: 8902f2d63f58540⋯.jpg (162.57 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpPepeMedia.jpg)

File: 2a46ad05092d690⋯.jpg (177.35 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpPlanefag3.jpg)

1f265e  No.4685554

File: be19ae7ab1c006c⋯.png (31.91 KB, 285x494, 15:26, ClipboardImage.png)

Hmm, isn't Hillary's SS codename


Evergreen International Airlines was a charter and cargo airline based in McMinnville, Oregon, United States. It operated contract freight services, offering charters and scheduled flights, as well as wet lease services. It operated services for the U.S. military and the United States Postal Service, as well as ad hoc charter flights. Its crew base was at John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York.[2]

Evergreen also maintained a large aircraft maintenance and storage facility at the Pinal Air Park in Marana, Arizona that the company acquired from the CIA's Air America fleet

66b663  No.4685555


>And how do you know that?


4b4a71  No.4685556

File: 40714d470dec541⋯.png (214.11 KB, 683x784, 683:784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a97bd1b5d935ec⋯.png (187.68 KB, 711x732, 237:244, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f01747d7b9674b⋯.png (188.22 KB, 706x702, 353:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a535ba9e09b46c8⋯.png (225.5 KB, 678x661, 678:661, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53da01eba5fabc7⋯.png (208.07 KB, 686x498, 343:249, ClipboardImage.png)


Saw that yesterday, there's more:

Declassification Error Reveals Gina Haspel Ran CIA Gitmo Torture Site After 9/11

A seeming error in a heavily redacted transcript from a Guantanamo Bay Naval Base court has revealed that CIA Director Gina Haspel was the chief of base there in the early 2000s, during the heart of the CIA’s torture program. The revelation fills in a part of Haspel’s career the director was reluctant to speak about during her 2018 confirmation.

The document in question is a massive, partially redacted transcript of a secret hearing held at Guantanamo on November 16, 2018, via the Office of Military Commissions, a site concerning war courts. On page 22,088, lawyer Rita Radostitz invokes Haspel's name, arguing that she is needed to testify in a case regarding Radostitz's client, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, because the classification rules have changed so much under Haspel's purview that her testimony as chief of base at the CIA's Guantanamo black site, where Mohammed was tortured in the early 2000s, is necessary.

In the court transcript, Radostitz notes that prosecutors claim they are "not trying to cover up the torture… But the one thing that they're not willing to talk about is the names of the people involved in the torture." A large redacted section follows, and then Radostitz says, "it makes it impossible for people at Guantanamo, who may have seen her when she was here as chief of base, to identify her and talk about it."

The title "chief of base" is one used by the CIA to refer to officers in charge of secret foreign outposts, including the spy agency's network of secret overseas prisons, called "black sites." The US Senate Intelligence Committee's 2014 torture report notes two such sites in Guantanamo, code named "Maroon" and "Indigo." These were separate from the Pentagon's "Camp Delta," the better known prison inside the naval base.

Haspel's record of supervising and approving of torture is well known. Her role as chief of base of a CIA black site in Thailand in 2002 played a major role in the debate about her confirmation as CIA director in May, Sputnik reported. During her time at the Thailand site, Haspel oversaw the torture of detainees, which helped Haspel perfect the formula for future "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as waterboarding. Haspel herself oversaw the destruction of recordings of that torture, Sputnik reported.


267cea  No.4685557


lol smellish kike! You're only training the newfags to more easily spot you irl and to become mean by agression…

you know… the streets and your kind.

This is where the truth will reveal.

So.. just delete yourself, jew!

ca2e57  No.4685558


Biden's creepiness in Creepy Joe Biden is similar to Aquaman's. Jason Momoa was more low-key in his gropery but the creepy factor is not far off from Biden.

Also don't get how so many anons are brushing off Momoa's actions. Grooming is subtle and it all starts of looking innocent and casual.

8d5679  No.4685559


Spelling Correction : Seymour, not Seymore.

TY Baker

e653d7  No.4685560


Don't reply shills. Don't make it a slide.

e71692  No.4685561

So I heard Schumer say "the President slammed Nancy's face on desk, bit me on the dick and slapped her on the front butt, before storming from the room, yelling 'No Deal'."

This is why POTUS should do more meetings with the live press present

66b663  No.4685562



6960ee  No.4685563


Ignoring the how you have come to these conclusions. Not that I am demanding homo sauce… ><

dd662c  No.4685564


If you’re suspicious, find evidence. That is all.

831680  No.4685565


The bad guys breathe the same air we do.

64ce50  No.4685566


It's the WW SS propaganda machine. All on the same page against POTUS and hoping to stoke violence and isolate other conservative leaders by calling them "isms". It's gotten really fuckin old. What's the media gonna do when the people turn on THEM and start attacking THEM?

27938f  No.4685567


no, I said I was the baker who posted the Washington pics, because I was showing an anon he was a mason; and I'm not baking dumbass.

you're just a delusional faggot.

1c11cf  No.4685568

File: 360fabd41fbaa33⋯.gif (85.77 KB, 304x304, 1:1, 1AB10B1C-99A4-44BC-A684-0E….gif)


Meant this

be3993  No.4685569

File: 22768184dab1fcf⋯.gif (114.51 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon4.gif)


Do not engage shills

e72049  No.4685570

>>4683559 (pb)

>re Ed Buck, thoroughly compromised billionaire democrat megadonor, cabal minion

Take this as proof the crackdown on human trafficking is working.

As their supply gets cut off some of the dumber cabal members less able to control their appetites will start acting out themselves and wind up in the news.

Expect more like this.

1f265e  No.4685571


The Air Transportation Stabilization Board (ATSB) is an office of United States Department of the Treasury created to assist US airlines in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act, signed into law September 22, 2001, authorizes the board to issue up to $10 billion in federal loan guarantees to air carriers for which credit is not otherwise available and where "such agreement is a necessary part of maintaining a safe, efficient and viable commercial aviation system in the United States."[1]

Between 2001 and 2003, the ATSB approved applications for loan guarantees from seven carriers: America West Airlines, US Airways, American Trans Air, Aloha Airlines, Frontier Airlines, Evergreen International Airlines, and World Airways. These carriers accepted loan guarantees worth $1.179 billion.

The ATSB denied applications from nine carriers: Ozark Airlines dba Great Plains Airlines, MEDjet International, Corporate Airlines, Gemini Air Cargo, Frontier Flying Service, Spirit Airlines, National Airlines, and both initial and revised applications from United Airlines and Vanguard Airlines


321d00  No.4685572

>>4685018 lb

Here’s the shit list of Rs voting with Ds in today’s vote:

Fitzpatrick, Brian : PA-1

Herrera Beutler, Jaime : WA-3

Hurd, William : TX-23

Katko, John : NY-24

Kinzinger, Adam : IL-16

Stefanik, Elise : NY-21

Upton, Fred : MI-6

Walden, Greg : OR-2

06eb81  No.4685573

File: e50b0ea9f73a2be⋯.jpeg (644.64 KB, 1361x778, 1361:778, BA3E901E-FAFD-41B8-9071-6….jpeg)


This handsome fellow?

28b4ad  No.4685574

File: 61046d564e06425⋯.png (65.39 KB, 306x901, 18:53, NeverBeforeInHistory.png)

File: 0129f106b84c2be⋯.png (36.77 KB, 465x429, 155:143, MIControl.png)

File: 4a36bb2a4aac6e8⋯.png (277.47 KB, 799x500, 799:500, qns.png)


Nigger, it's because the majority of the info is unobtainable to the public. Unless you're NSA, you don't know 94%. 4-6% lost forever.

Nobody is on the attack except for you.

The choice to know is yours.

Stop watching the fucking C_A media and follow the Pen(EO's, etc).

Want to find corruption?

Follow the fucking money.

cacc62  No.4685575


AMA, cool.

Freddy, how long until TRUMP completely caves in on the wall?

Next week?

3880ba  No.4685576

File: 542395cc9de00d3⋯.png (220.51 KB, 339x302, 339:302, pelosi crack pipe.PNG)

4b4a71  No.4685577

File: 9bdbdbafbaf6bae⋯.png (530.56 KB, 638x399, 638:399, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea0fc6428af19b6⋯.png (13.93 KB, 488x195, 488:195, ClipboardImage.png)

Jordanian Foreign Minister Demands Israel To Return Golan Heights To Syria During Joint Press Conference With US Secretary Of State

On January 8th, Jordan’s Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi described the Golan Heights as occupied Syrian territory and demanded that Israel withdraw its forces from the area.

Safadi’s comments came during a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who landed in Amman earlier in the day.

“The Golan Heights are occupied Syrian territory. International law is clear on that. It has to be treated as such,” Safadi told reporters.

“Therefore, our position is that Israel needs to withdraw from that territory in the framework of a peace agreement,” he added.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Middle East war. It unilaterally annexed the area in 1981, in a move that wasn’t recognized internationally.

The UN Security Council has maintained the illegality of measures taken by Israel “to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan,” adding that “acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible under international law.”

During the press conference Pompeo essentially spoke about Iran and that the US would “redouble” its diplomatic and commercial efforts to counter Tehran’s “malign influence” in the region.

Two days before the press conference, White House National Security Adviser John Bolton met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem.

During the meeting, Bolton guaranteed the US commitment to Israel’s security in the midst of the withdrawal from Syria.

Netanyahu on his part said that the time has come for US to recognize the annexation of the Golan Heights. “The Golan Heights is tremendously important for our security,” he said.

The Israeli PM said that he hoped to helicopter to the strategic plateau on January 7th with Bolton so that “you will be able to understand perfectly why we will never leave the Golan Heights, and why it is important that all countries recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.”

Earlier, in December 2018, Bolton said that the US had no plans of recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory.

In September 2018, US ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that he expected the Golan Heights to remain under Israeli control “forever,” and mentioned the possibility of US official recognition of the Golan as Israeli territory.

In October 2018, Jordan announced its decision to not extend a 25-year deal that allowed Israel to use two tracts of territory along its border, as Netanyahu said Israel was planning to negotiate an extension.

“These are Jordanian lands and they will remain,” King Abdullah II said. In an “era of regional turmoil” his kingdom -sandwiched between Syria to the north, Iraq to the east and Israel to its west – Jordan wanted to protect its “national interests.”

Jordan is one of two Arab countries, the other being Egypt, that have signed a peace treaty with Israel. Despite it, MPs in Jordan have repeatedly called for an end of the agreement. Jordan officials are quite pro-Palestinian, so anti-Israeli sentiments are not surprising.


66b663  No.4685578


>I am demanding homo sauce


9d2233  No.4685579


Are there any guidelines, paramators, or rules of evidence for your research? Or can you just go anywhere and anything at all can be connected?

6960ee  No.4685580


But it's hilarious!

fcdb73  No.4685581


Very good job anon

e653d7  No.4685582



>eye symbolism

6ab0b1  No.4685583

same fag-o-tree>>4685492

5c1b83  No.4685584




112030  No.4685585

File: 5174caa048ad044⋯.png (192.24 KB, 766x490, 383:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41e81b654a7450c⋯.png (221.6 KB, 693x484, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26a6f0a35923434⋯.png (157.83 KB, 596x525, 596:525, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c9aea12d587574⋯.png (109.57 KB, 586x304, 293:152, ClipboardImage.png)


==More information on Moonchild Rituals==.

The creation of the Moonchildren within the Monarch Project involves high level magic by the circle of

Illuminati black magicians who are involved with a particular individual’s programming. It should be

noted that Grande Master and Grande Dame alters will understand demonology, but the sections (levels)

of alter above them, are not informed. One of the biggest secrets kept from most of the slave’s alters is

that their system was demonized while a fetus. First, this would give religious front alters the information

they need to get them on the right track towards healing, and it could also adversely affect the

programming lies of some of the front alters who don’t realize how premeditated all the trauma and

torture is. The front alters of victims remember the cover story that the moon children were produced via

torture in cages as little children. The Illuminati have also planned that every one of the Ten

Commandments of God will be violated in their favor with the child. They prefer the child to be born out

of wedlock so that it is a bastard. This breaks God’s commandment on adultery, and also gives them more

leverage to destroy the child’s self-esteem. This entire plan involves generational curses which are spoken

and unspoken. During Illuminati ceremonies, Ceremonial Pacts (which concern having the child out of

wedlock to mock God) are made. While the Illuminati destroy any Godly spiritual foundation, they are

creating a solid, rock hard foundation of “love” (adoration or idolatry) within the newborn upon which

they will build the programming.

==Sauce:== https://www.ivantic.info/Dejvid%20Ajk%20i%20zavere/Fritz%20Springmeier%20i%20Cisco%20Wheeler/Total%20Mind%20Control%20Slave.pdf

A PDF formof a book titled, "The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind

Control Slave"

64ce50  No.4685586


Go Jordan!

244540  No.4685587

File: 36ba7c4745fff60⋯.jpeg (829.04 KB, 2376x1597, 2376:1597, 3C1A9733-81F9-4EBF-B7FD-0….jpeg)

1b2409  No.4685588

File: 0c25606bd8f555d⋯.jpeg (76.64 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 7359D459-99E1-4D31-96DD-4….jpeg)


wtf u think we doin?? exposing the (((pharisees)))

cacc62  No.4685589

File: 5b6ce9f90622f79⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, toots yuck.jpg)


That hand's gotta be shopped!

27938f  No.4685590


you're telling that anon not to reply to you because you're a shill and you slide and spam.

I knew you were delusional, but not that delusional.

646b7b  No.4685591


I just saw the tweet. Probably should have just posted the content and not my crap. Noted. Sorry.

5f7eb3  No.4685592

File: 15b0340e605b55a⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB, 320x240, 4:3, TrumpOTR.mp4)

File: d484ef10d197854⋯.mp4 (661.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, UltimatePOTUS.mp4)

9d2233  No.4685593


So. You know for a fact this is all true. You have no evidense because it's unobtainable to the public. But you still know it's true. How?

c58298  No.4685594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sessions video

840323  No.4685595

File: e2d28ba6a1d61ab⋯.png (43.8 KB, 450x471, 150:157, ClipboardImage.png)


i was just re-reading the Steyer deletion breads the other day

its always good to go back

be3993  No.4685596

File: 52bf0a7adc5668d⋯.jpeg (167.79 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, ebbbb3e3eefb16db6a64f4d94….jpeg)

12f4d7  No.4685597

File: f144762242ecd69⋯.png (89.61 KB, 600x566, 300:283, SFPLY.PNG)

99dbf7  No.4685598


With that many RINOs nothing is going to get done on the hill.

c072f8  No.4685599

File: 808b0853d6ecc75⋯.png (280.25 KB, 501x628, 501:628, BEHNocG.png)

51cfa7  No.4685601


OMG. He did it!!!!! If this isn't close to checkmate I don't know what is. Dems & media have two choices:

1. Try to convince Americans that there is no crisis, no serious problem at our southern border, no illegal migrant, no drug smuggling, no human smuggling crisis. Problem: the more they try, the more they fail.

2. Unconditional surrender.

Dang, I say, let it play out.

814c5c  No.4685602

File: 636bb37d3ee54d2⋯.jpeg (41.43 KB, 630x900, 7:10, 1547054707.jpeg)

Kek. Watch JIDF tell the newfags what to do. They can't help themselves. They still think the game hasn't changed.

1f265e  No.4685603



The board was created by the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act, which was signed by Pres. George W. Bush on September 22, 2001, for the purpose of issuing federal loan guarantees up to $10 billion to airlines experiencing financial difficulties following the terrorist attacks. The board is made up of the secretary of transportation, the chairman of the Federal Reserve System, the secretary of the treasury, and the comptroller general of the United States, or their respective designees.


321d00  No.4685604


Kek, but everything sounds like The Onion to me these days

4b4a71  No.4685605

File: b96bfcf8426bfdb⋯.png (616.7 KB, 637x459, 637:459, ClipboardImage.png)

Tijuana: 18 Murdered in 18 Hours

The cartel-related drug violence in Tijuana continues to rage into 2019 with 18 killed in as many hours this past Monday and Tuesday, leaving at least 68 dead in the new year.

The figures were provided by the state attorney general’s office, according to local reports. A total of eight victims were also found wounded during the time period.

Tijuana set a new record for homicides in a single year in 2018 with 2,508 thanks to an alarming number of cartel-related murders–most tied to the street-level distribution of drugs. This violence continues despite numerous measures taken by Mexico City to intervene, including military surges and use of additional federal and state police personnel.

The 18-hour span began on Monday morning at 6:54 am in colonia Hacienda Santa María, where a male murder victim was left in the roadway under a blue tarp. The last victim during the period was recorded at 1:22 am Tuesday when municipal police discovered a male victim inside the trunk of a Honda in colonia Ejido Maclovio Rojas.

On Sunday, law enforcement and officials held a double funeral for two municipal police officers who were gunned down Thursday while eating at a Chinese restaurant in colonia Sánchez Taboada, which is known as one of the most violent sections of Tijuana. There is a high concentration of street-level dealers moving methamphetamine for the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) in the area. Officer Fidencio Figueroa Rodríguez died in hospital the night he was shot, and the wounded officer, Omar Araujo, died of his wounds Saturday. A key cartel operative wanted by authorities for his alleged role in a conspiracy to traffic huge quantities of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana to various cities in the United States was gunned down with his wife in Tijuana Saturday. The fugitive was a member of the CJNG and supposedly involved in the murder of the two Tijuana police officers.

During funeral services, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastélum Buenrostro addressed those in attendance and instructed his officers to not be afraid of using their firearms when faced with the “degenerates.” During the early days of the arrival of the migrant caravan in Tijuana, Mayor Gastélum Buenrostro wore a red “Make Tijuana Great Again” baseball cap– a nod to President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan and iconic headgear.


d67108  No.4685606



6f447b  No.4685607

File: 174c42000141d5e⋯.png (33.48 KB, 1447x146, 1447:146, ClipboardImage.png)


Knew someone that worked there as aviation mechanic

8d7714  No.4685608


Kinzinger from IL was one of No Names Boys

Was pictured in ME with terrorists

From one of the most corrupt counties in IL

And that's saying a lot!

LaSalle County deep corruption

95d1b2  No.4685609


Follow the wife?

44a022  No.4685610

File: 6e8a38c601a42df⋯.png (382.01 KB, 943x672, 943:672, ShitTalkerHitJob.png)


>Please don't stop the Memes Edition

e8dbef  No.4685611

File: 47abcc75782e74f⋯.jpg (324.28 KB, 1200x902, 600:451, Wall22.jpg)

6960ee  No.4685612


You are missing a lot more than half of that quote. Thanks for the laughs.

d410b7  No.4685613


Pls put Cooper article there

Chuck is afraid of memes

His past will bite him

66b663  No.4685614



e653d7  No.4685615


Lb baker said it was him, no baker chance, hence current baker.

35f812  No.4685616

File: a44c7b49b6b4705⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 935x610, 187:122, skdtyukfjthcg.JPG)

57407f  No.4685617

File: 7b3b7c590568840⋯.jpg (278.56 KB, 520x381, 520:381, barrett50cal.jpg)



406b2d  No.4685618


our calendar is the gregorian from pope gregory

64ce50  No.4685619


He's a clown.

28b4ad  No.4685620

File: 0209db7273d4339⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 521x622, 521:622, TrumpSignature#1776.jpg)





While you're at it, pick up a copy of the Constitution and read it.

5ec5ac  No.4685621

File: aac88fc813483ba⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 500x384, 125:96, 2qrcpp_1.jpg)

File: 344ba17a417a2e4⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x317, 500:317, 2qrcv8_1.jpg)

File: fc89e769f797993⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 2qrddn_1.jpg)

File: 9b873bda1f31016⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 720x671, 720:671, downloadfile-12.jpg)

Democrats are un American pieces of shit, motherfuckers won't even know what hit them if President Trump gives the word.

fdb728  No.4685622


What did you mean when you said you were necessary evil?

fcdb73  No.4685623

File: a804f6a9fe59d5f⋯.png (361.35 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9a9c1855d79051⋯.png (4.75 MB, 1200x1741, 1200:1741, ClipboardImage.png)

6ab0b1  No.4685624

forwarded that to my county sheriff and his corrupt butt buddy judge fuck head >>4685594

95d1b2  No.4685625


Ouch .. I see mine…

0a8512  No.4685626

076ac6  No.4685627

File: f174c304521072d⋯.png (9.78 KB, 189x73, 189:73, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

Newfag here. Good article on "odious debt" for lawfags, finfags, anons interested in FED, debt jubilee, etc.


Back to Lurk Mode. WWG1WGA.

840323  No.4685628

File: faec356b46408e7⋯.gif (482.97 KB, 500x281, 500:281, fuck yo.gif)



5c1b83  No.4685629


Aaaannnddd I just came.

abeb0e  No.4685630

What do you know about Q? Trust is a feel, either you can depend on him or not and that is the question in everyone's mind. What do you know about MI precision? Can it be depended on for the outcome or do we need to start a twit storm for constitutional convention?



d8296f  No.4685631

File: 66c2689e2d4b085⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 66c2689e2d4b085ef7759acabd….jpg)

7fa203  No.4685632


I think he's ugly. See LB for a good-looking guy

5f7eb3  No.4685633


You must be a leftie because your meme ideas are shite. Pure shite.

d40df2  No.4685634

File: 4355af3e88b7091⋯.jpeg (692.94 KB, 1242x945, 46:35, 62DCEE1B-2468-4AF8-97DD-5….jpeg)

27938f  No.4685635


seriously, it's an indication he thinks he's got a fight ahead



I was telling you that you're a stupid fuck, and I wasn't baking

holy fuck, you can't make up how fucking retarded you are, you useless, irrelevant, petulant, and pathetic faggot

d410b7  No.4685636

dec455  No.4685637


That's why the border should be open.

Then 15 of those murders would be in San Diego and only 3 in Tijuana.

c072f8  No.4685638


Hate to say it but the .50 cal is damn heavy gun to hump around

306b37  No.4685639

Jeff Bezos getting a divorce.

Typical tactic when you know you are going to lose everything. The key is that the two say they will remain "cherished friends" and "continue to work closely together on projects"

How many of you DivorceAnons cherish your ex enough to work closely with them?

Me thinks the little fuckstick knows he is about to lose it all and is going to give her a shit load of his wealth before he goes down.


f6a2d9  No.4685640

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)

Evening Faggots!

It appears Chuckles is telling Fibs. I trust we are pushing the Memes…


125560  No.4685641


Ditto, time to go spam my guilty rep on twatter…grr.

fb9236  No.4685642







5c1b83  No.4685643

File: 1bc36f9ce84d50f⋯.jpg (128.49 KB, 970x545, 194:109, sad porg.jpg)


WTF did you just say asshat?

321d00  No.4685644


And it’s only Jan 8. I suspect that number would likely be higher in a couple of weeks, if the shutdown continues.

The GOP is NOT /our party/

88a845  No.4685645

File: 2ee6cb58ed77a1d⋯.png (270.28 KB, 632x486, 316:243, 469aa936b833af3b91a7f90c29….png)


Shill tactic:

Divisionfag by complaining of pretty girls, and post pics of guys for muh equality.

f81286  No.4685646

File: 4f6af43b0c09d2d⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20190109_171518.jpg)



here ye go fagit…

<been a while since æı did this.

be3993  No.4685647

File: 7f49e6ee57e49e6⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1246x1244, 623:622, 7f49e6ee57e49e698401afc0d6….png)

File: 8a9985f661ac808⋯.jpg (146.09 KB, 606x500, 303:250, 8a9985f661ac808915cb1dfb9c….jpg)

66b663  No.4685649



e1450d  No.4685650

File: 913228602f552bd⋯.png (119.68 KB, 302x326, 151:163, pepehowling.png)

File: f17bd51dec3c7f4⋯.jpeg (237.81 KB, 1200x1121, 1200:1121, f17bd51dec3c7f454ced06969….jpeg)



>kike goy jidf rabbi schlomo moshe pilpul

When shills arent even trying.

2a2dca  No.4685651



not read it yet but a thumbs up for being a new fag and producing a dig. Bless you

9d2233  No.4685652


That is another misdirection.

And telling me to read the constitution does not explain how you know, without having access to the evidence that you say will prove it, that it is true.

dd662c  No.4685653

Northern California under tornado warning

1c4727  No.4685654


Rubbing a little girls chest is creepy, she looked old enuf to have started development even if we could not see it clearly. No needs to rub a girls chest at any age. Ever. She moved so he would stop and looked uncomfortable with his hands.

e8b4f8  No.4685655

File: d92acf04717b0dc⋯.jpg (382.45 KB, 677x517, 677:517, the-fountain.jpg)

Are they beginning to disclose helpful suppressed medicines? Gosh, sounds great.


Sourced paper:


cacc62  No.4685656

File: 9a8fa9ce9c7385d⋯.png (370.86 KB, 469x469, 1:1, toots kitten.png)


Digits confirm the dude is a sodomite.

840323  No.4685657


hey buddy!

good read

According to Sack, what are the two criteria that establish a debt as odious?

There is no doubt about Sack’s position: that a regime be despotic is not a sine qua non condition that makes debts odious and susceptible to repudiation. [4] According to Sack, all regular governments, whether despotic or democratic of some kind, may be accused of having agreed to odious debts.

What are the two criteria that establish a debt as odious? “Consequently, for a debt, regularly incurred by a regular government to be considered incontestably odious with all the consequences that follow, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

1. — The new government must prove and an international tribunal recognise that the following is established:

a) that the purpose which the former government wanted to cover by the debt in question was odious and clearly against the interests of the population of the whole or part of the territory, and

b) that the creditors, at the moment of the issuance of the loan, were aware of its odious purpose.

2. — once these two points are established, the burden of proof that the funds were used for the general or special needs of the State and were not of an odious character, would be upon the creditors.”


1f265e  No.4685658

File: aac791b5f3e7fbb⋯.png (208.83 KB, 894x462, 149:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7596a1e9d5df4d7⋯.png (237 KB, 785x611, 785:611, ClipboardImage.png)





Follow the mistress.

95d1b2  No.4685659

File: 886426b476f839c⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 620x932, 155:233, kateupton.jpg)


Fred Upton .. The light bulb law man and Uncle to Kate..

fcdb73  No.4685660

File: 2a07b41d66ff523⋯.png (851.81 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

5f7eb3  No.4685661


>POTUS holds the article

>Lets destroy the fucker

You actually think this makes a good meme? You are not only a retard, you are lost. Now fuck off back to Brock!

27938f  No.4685663


>Surpressed dogs and notables.

oh, and I didn't suppress anything, I just filtered you

e1450d  No.4685664

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)

814c5c  No.4685665

File: 6ebcad19a4a1759⋯.jpeg (84.84 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1547053457.jpeg)

e653d7  No.4685667



Shills triggered again.





They push muh jew bs to deflect from freemasonry as base for global luciferian cabal.

Anons…..are comfy AF.


0a8512  No.4685668


Fucking Faggot Fitzpatrick Fudgepakks Frontholes Famously For Free.

Is that enough ffffffff’s?

cacc62  No.4685669


probably in every room, anon.

263120  No.4685670

File: 390de6b729dc239⋯.jpg (137.5 KB, 497x500, 497:500, femtoots.jpg)

06eb81  No.4685671


Do you have Dupuytren's contracture?

076ac6  No.4685673


Amen, Bro. (Or Sis.) Bless all the anons.

0a71a9  No.4685674

File: 98acf8e56c3630a⋯.png (177.95 KB, 796x1335, 796:1335, evergreenaviation_whois.PNG)


Not sure if related, but website is spoopy.


3319da  No.4685675

File: 0ab7ddcf5eef2b9⋯.png (171.48 KB, 1144x610, 572:305, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

File: 8ca126bd190edc3⋯.png (294.38 KB, 492x341, 492:341, hogans.png)

File: bb0c4dd1cc82cab⋯.png (268.6 KB, 1109x394, 1109:394, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

File: 67163b67adc7fa3⋯.png (168.97 KB, 651x360, 217:120, hollywoods.png)

File: db8235c8ebb91df⋯.png (279.91 KB, 489x349, 489:349, Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at ….png)

51be31  No.4685676

File: 3089e32dceac70a⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 520x292, 130:73, daisy2.jpg)

File: 8bdcb57a0351eef⋯.png (234.82 KB, 578x386, 289:193, driving-miss-daisy.png)

Meme this Anons!

Lets see chuck schumer and Nancy peyote in these pix!

5e34cc  No.4685677

Did chucky schumer say something against memes?

27938f  No.4685678


You're not an anon, you're delusional.

813b09  No.4685679


They also have access to the cures.

1b2409  No.4685680


I posted the Mamoa video to Instagram and they completely deleted my account within 10 minutes. I had thousands of followers. Whether or not the video is proof of him being a pedo, the certain thing is that they do not want it spreading.

cacc62  No.4685681

File: b192fd9a60f35b6⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 219x255, 73:85, toots (you).jpg)


Powerful answer.

He's already halfway there.

f20019  No.4685682


Left Handed Person

cee57c  No.4685683


Well, that would be a quick fix, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, we’ve built a nation of laws, and even though Those Corrupt have used that system against us, we still must follow the letter of the law. I’m not sure there are enough of us that would support an open revolt. However, I’m also not saying it would never come to that.

51cfa7  No.4685684


Sorry anons, mostly lurkinganon used two many I's. Will think next time.

5b1f73  No.4685685


A first,!!! NO Missouri on there!

72db60  No.4685686

File: 673f7a3ecba8f6e⋯.png (123.65 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


not this one. Its a .50

814c5c  No.4685687

File: 67478936cee44f3⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 474x355, 474:355, u7yLuj2Tj-FPfdw_prTE-wHaFj.jpg)

fdb728  No.4685688


Do you want POTUS to succeed even if you don't agree with some/all of his tactics?

e1450d  No.4685689

File: 29bd18b8aa6401a⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 740x531, 740:531, 29bd18b8aa6401a3b9dfeeb7b2….jpg)

File: be4c0c2f2403259⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (3).jpeg)

8d5679  No.4685690

Anyone consider what this statement means?

(sorry about copy)

Donald J. Trump

Verified account



19 hours ago


Thank you for soooo many nice comments regarding my Oval Office speech. A very interesting experience!

Interesting experience?

What exactly did he experience?

Kek … was that a "live' broadcast?

fb9236  No.4685691

File: 3253d3a62adb9ab⋯.png (347.7 KB, 490x495, 98:99, Screenshot_128 - Copy.png)





d648b8  No.4685692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for you file anons:

Christopher Bollyn: 9-11 *keystone* in nwo war on terror

go to 5:45

27938f  No.4685693

(((e1450d))) = (((e653d7)))


and there was a baker change you stupid fuck

>#5978 Baker Change

076ac6  No.4685694


Thanks anon.

5f2923  No.4685695


It, um, is not.

6960ee  No.4685696


.50 pistol maybe.

5ec5ac  No.4685697

File: 34110cfb8134a41⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 320x180, 16:9, downloadfile-34.jpg)


A faggot piece of shit just filtered me.

Talk about SoyBoy faggots… This board got weak.

Nigger come and get some.

5c1b83  No.4685698


Umm… that's not a .50 m8.

ca2e57  No.4685699


Yeah, the very first instagram account I saw the link at disappeared within 20 minutes.

If it's innocent, why delete?

c58298  No.4685700


Dont know the youtube and dont care. Just found the link the twitter thread and posted it dor those who havent seen it :)

f81286  No.4685701

File: 21b0ed5f4d5c76f⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 6a36e3b8-59f5-490b-83cd-7f….jpg)

1b2409  No.4685702

File: b71793de59a106b⋯.jpeg (610.63 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, AD628FB6-C1D5-4570-919C-2….jpeg)

File: 9c5c782c3d666d6⋯.jpeg (165.77 KB, 836x1000, 209:250, FCAFEC41-B89F-473D-9494-E….jpeg)

File: 51eafec1c74db90⋯.jpeg (770.19 KB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, F431DC36-D677-416C-985A-C….jpeg)


stfu hot wheels… u crippled faggot.

c072f8  No.4685703

File: a39f48faaaf3228⋯.jpeg (82.21 KB, 720x585, 16:13, memes.jpeg)

814c5c  No.4685704


(No need to apologise here)

65eac8  No.4685705

5f2923  No.4685706


Now go dig on how China is burying Angola and other African nations in debt. Scoot!

2f53ad  No.4685707

The Hobbit's Words of Sorrow

I looked forward to a day I might shake your hand,

A goal I had made for a future time

Though I had no idea of your specific plan,

nor the depth to which you strived

From the Valar sent one of Istari's clan

In the eastern gates the battles grind

Striking blows bashing the face of Durin's Bane

Because you knew his secret sign

With your hat and your cloak invoking command

To benefit the fellowship of the ring

5b1f73  No.4685708


Why do they always date someone who looks like their soon to be ex?

4777b5  No.4685709


Drop it here so we can save and archive offline

b5ef95  No.4685710


Look - people on these boards have Pedo obsessions…. it exists for sure and those people need to burn in hell…..

But labeling someone with something so vile - you better be pretty sure. It might not be the fear of spreading, but the fear of it not being true…..

2a2dca  No.4685711


Pepe McThistle

had some gristle

with Chuck

said What the fuck?

coz Chuck made him bristle

(quite rightly)

7fa203  No.4685712


Show me your back hair.

db98dc  No.4685713

Q whats next ? Nat. E since dems won't agree to anything?

3880ba  No.4685714

File: 60a4c68858110fc⋯.png (366.3 KB, 412x343, 412:343, chuck and nancy.PNG)

7aee5b  No.4685715

File: f135de88c78d9cc⋯.png (206.31 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Trump is not the president of Kenyans.

263120  No.4685716


if, if, if, if, if…

1b2409  No.4685717

File: 43fe446729418f2⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 8B481D60-D529-4B7D-B2FB-FC….mp4)

697465  No.4685718

File: 500d0c60c73410f⋯.jpg (109.07 KB, 506x380, 253:190, Welcometonightshift.jpg)

d410b7  No.4685719



Pepe os better

And all this Brock and such is a logical argument

Anger is not a good guide anon

e653d7  No.4685720

5f2923  No.4685721


The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

Today and tomorrow are yet to be said.

The chances, the changes are all yours to make.

The mold of your life is in your hands to break.

6e4064  No.4685722

File: 231f2ce10d27a46⋯.png (16.09 KB, 255x226, 255:226, iseeyou.png)

File: c6499823ee6fcdd⋯.jpeg (10.53 KB, 191x255, 191:255, kysmagazine.jpeg)

To the "maga riot" shill faggot


51cfa7  No.4685723


Relax anon, it's only the House.

84905e  No.4685724

Trump Madman Theory

Trump doesn't open government and generates as much attention as possible to the issue of the border wall and the democrats refusal to negotiate.

Trump stands his ground and takes the heat from the MSM and Democrats. The Democrats unwillingness to negotiate highlights how they don't want to protect America and its citizens.

RR leaves, Mueller investigation ends and Trump is cleared. (Does special council keep working during shutdown??)

When the government has been closed for a record number of days and Trump has the most attention possible, almost to hysteria, FISA MEMO's declassified.

Arrests, etc. occur and GREAT AWAKENING unfolds. People see how Democrats and FVEY countries have screwed Trump and the USA.

MSM forced into submission and starts reporting real news.

With key members of the House and Senate arrested, FISA brings down the house. Special elections occur. Jim Jordan becomes Speaker of the House. Congress passes a bill to reopen government and fund the border wall.

ecb7a5  No.4685725

""You cannot hide what is already known (and can be proven).

#[[[RR]]]#" -Q

88a845  No.4685726


Pop out your teeth and show us your tophole.

fcdb73  No.4685727

File: 4bafbb98b6253dd⋯.png (1.17 MB, 980x734, 490:367, ClipboardImage.png)


I remember Jordanian minister

Do you remember?

06eb81  No.4685728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4f9d8e  No.4685729


Whatever, who fucking cares about Jeff bezos fag beard

321d00  No.4685730


This is how it’s going to be, folks.

I think we need to pay close attention to GOP voting and make noise.

The House roll call website does its best to make compiling lists of names and congressional districts a pain in the ass, but it’s worth it: these MOFOs need to start realizing their voting record on important litmus tests of loyalty are being watched.

27938f  No.4685731


KEK, for some reason (which is likely delusion related), the shill, (((e653d7))), thinks you're me!

you're not a shill, KEKEKEKEK, and thinks there wasn't a baker change

fb9236  No.4685732

File: 94a68091a35afae⋯.png (117.54 KB, 370x449, 370:449, Screenshot_59.png)




5c1b83  No.4685733

File: 9db8bb6866f9c08⋯.jpg (49.83 KB, 426x426, 1:1, bofdad.jpg)

28b4ad  No.4685734

File: 66a0aa103168eb1⋯.jpg (332.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EnjoyShowPepes.jpg)


You need not worry how I 'know'.

The info you need is laid out enough to fill in the blanks.

The writing is on the wall.

Enjoy the show.

You can look up who runs the Cyber division of NSA for a good read.

2b60c2  No.4685735

File: 57f7650bb05ac68⋯.png (387.42 KB, 540x394, 270:197, obama.PNG)





c072f8  No.4685736

File: 89dee9ac8acd29b⋯.jpeg (152.92 KB, 924x960, 77:80, tax.jpeg)

5f2923  No.4685737


The contrast on that pic is up so high the shooter looks white!

b5ef95  No.4685738



e1450d  No.4685739

File: b4112cbfb94fca9⋯.jpg (524.34 KB, 2000x1425, 80:57, b4112cbfb94fca97e829a4f525….jpg)

File: df8dc07aaf654dd⋯.jpeg (159.23 KB, 972x798, 162:133, df8dc07aaf654ddd9eac7a143….jpeg)



The tag teams will always fail.

8d5679  No.4685740


Thank You Anon!

b8496a  No.4685741

>>4684896 lb

It doesnt matter what Trump does unless he purges the voting rolls. Midterms arent safe. Watch CA.

>>4685369 lb

If a foreclosure is commenced, you should be able to obtain an injunction based on these facts. Get an attorney who knows foreclosure law.

>>4685214 lb

In short, enforce immigration law, dummy.

4b4a71  No.4685742


That is what we are hoping for more or less! We'll soon see

5b1f73  No.4685743


Don’t worry if they filter you, it’s just like the trash taking itself out then you don’t have to see them

814c5c  No.4685744

File: 8d7bfb72434079d⋯.jpeg (86.21 KB, 1440x873, 160:97, 1547068725.jpeg)

db98dc  No.4685745

File: fbabe38897975e9⋯.png (68.84 KB, 431x329, 431:329, rrgone.png)

Bill Barr causing him to resign?

050cd5  No.4685746


>Join a gym today.

collosal waste of time and money


fcaa57  No.4685747


my man is WOKE

cfbfcc  No.4685748



d66f37  No.4685749


This is gold

04efcb  No.4685750

>>4685314 lb Even I have done enough digs to see the dots connect. Of course the info/data/proof is there. "We have it all".

5ec5ac  No.4685751

File: ae850e4cb688ee1⋯.jpg (260.42 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, downloadfile-38.jpg)

File: c3e6c9aac9c615a⋯.jpg (168.64 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, downloadfile-16.jpg)

All my ex military friends have at least this much firepower for home protection.

MAGA riots will be good therapy for some veterans.

4b4a71  No.4685752


Strings cut me thinks

8a9659  No.4685753

File: 606aec6c8901cbe⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 560x840, 2:3, 076e29e1e53159b5aef6975fe2….jpg)


>anons……are comfy

Fuck. You one gay retarded kike.

Burn in hell

6ab0b1  No.4685754

File: 5de3c6ba3dc71cb⋯.jpg (120.74 KB, 1170x839, 1170:839, 1106_A1_MASONIC_TEMPLE_t11….jpg)

the grand hall in Spokane was sold, they still us it. Same with lots of the small towns in ,,



6960ee  No.4685755


I don't know if/how MSM will ever go to reporting real news. Only problem i have with your thoughts.

3e2392  No.4685756


And yet you are interested, anon

263120  No.4685757

File: 0153166840a8259⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 903x516, 7:4, limpshill.jpg)

025dcc  No.4685758


I did not realize polling data is a State Secret and has to be protected at all costs. kek

ca2e57  No.4685759


Last night, so many people were brushing it off and downplaying the plain fact that his daughter removed his hand from her chest. She pulled his hand off of her.

Why does it matter what stage of development she's at? She was expressing discomfort. That's what's disturbing about it, that people are downplaying her actions.

Maybe it was just an accident on Momoa's part. I'll leave room for that. I hope it's that. But on a board known for reading into small details and the flimsiest of crumbs, brushing this off is certainly odd to me.

ffba88  No.4685760


in the process of reviewing the whole "ceremony" right now..it's actually more than just creepy..when you see the movement of his filthy hands and the smile on his face it's really fuckin disturbing..also reviewing sound and looking what i can get out of this shit..will keep board updated.

330155  No.4685761


You're getting really lazy about this. Is your shift almost over?

321d00  No.4685762


Don’t presume you won’t see similar betrayals in the Senate in this Congress.

cacc62  No.4685763

File: 0629cd63b2c5530⋯.png (969.92 KB, 714x800, 357:400, Toots melania MINE.png)


see anons, Freddy loves you!

46e240  No.4685764

File: 5c9e863ee300585⋯.png (766.68 KB, 1062x1633, 1062:1633, 1547073794907.png)


076ac6  No.4685765


1st hit is Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/angola-oil-finance-idUSL5N16H3EV

cece6a  No.4685766

File: c1f8516194cc5ee⋯.jpg (120.2 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, schumerpelosi.jpg)

Anons vote:

1) Pelosi was putting half of Chuck half asleep,


2) Chuck thought he was winking at someone.

58229f  No.4685767

File: a0b750886707205⋯.png (197.05 KB, 1240x380, 62:19, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

tehy were talking about tx-23 on npr today, go figure


4f9d8e  No.4685768


Chris Bollyn is a brave teller of the truth. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t caught polonium or pancreatic cancer or something.

99dbf7  No.4685769


…actually looking forward to it.

831680  No.4685770


No National Emergency. Continue to rachet up the pressure on the Dems. Continue to expose the lunacy of their positions, and the tenacity with which they cling to those positions. For a while yet, maybe quite a while.

5f2923  No.4685771

111673  No.4685772


You do know none of us fall for your riot bait right?

Go back to the synagogue Moishe.

f25ad2  No.4685773


>Anons…..are comfy AF.


They would be more comfy without your bitch ass spamming all the time.

e71692  No.4685774

File: 37ef5c51367a2ee⋯.jpg (600.22 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190108-164634….jpg)

5b1f73  No.4685775


Me likes that Scenario

b8496a  No.4685776


Hey, I finally got invited to Ruthie's beach house this weekend. Cant wait!

064bd0  No.4685777

File: df7fac9960ff735⋯.jpg (266.28 KB, 1507x1069, 1507:1069, PepeDigDayNight3.jpg)

65eac8  No.4685778

050cd5  No.4685779




ill just keep reposting the reasons and opinion i came to first time i read the complaint and related docs: HERE:

lawfag here - reposting below - still have seen nothing to change my analysis - hope we will but i doubt it - scope of this is not what we want - just seeking public moneys it appears although the groups involved certainly dont like these docs out i doubt they will pay any shekels

sorry anons but these are nothing burgers with regard to ANY issue of disclosure or who really knowcked down the tower

they do not even RAISE THE ISSUE

the ONLY issues here are claims of lack pf preparation and readiness for a possible attack (ie NEGLIGENCE not conspiracy)

this is all about which imsurer companies pay for what share of the claims

NONE are attempting to lay blame at anyones feet for the attack itself - only "they shouldhave seen it coming" and so the shoudl bear the loss - if successful this will shift liability to guess who? from the insurance companies to


more DS CRAP

lawfag here

have any of you faggots ever reviewed a litigation file?

well i have - hundreds of times - and it sucks

some guys can build a house quick

i can review a giant stack of papers

not sure what more you anons want

basic fact is ths initial PLEADING - the complaint in a case determines the entire scope of the proceeding - what facts are relevanet and material and what are not

In this case that complaint makes it very clear the issue is NEGLIGENCE

that means the state/city/fed govt/port of NY failed to prepare for a "foreseeable event" and should therefore PAY ALL THE DAMAGES (INSURED CLAIMS) THESE COMPANIES PAID OUT

and guess what is worse? the DEFENDANTS did NOT raise third party fault as a defense - they already caved and will just fight negligence on their part and how much tax money they will pay out


no judge is going to allow evidence of the 9-11 conspiracy with this framework

46e240  No.4685780

File: f5e3389ea92efeb⋯.jpg (960.61 KB, 1473x2438, 1473:2438, mueller.jpg)

File: 224c78aefb47567⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 3872x2530, 176:115, 1532122536672.jpg)

File: e459663b38f7813⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 2762x2000, 1381:1000, 1529728895309.jpg)

File: fc65fcf0c12667b⋯.jpg (833.48 KB, 1566x1756, 783:878, 1540666985194.jpg)

1f265e  No.4685781

Email concerning Tom Steyer

Hi John and Dennis and fyi Bari - pls see the traffic below from Jim - he references that Tom may be interested in supporting the CF. John serendipitous timing given we talked about this Thursday at the CGI retreat. Please let me know how I can help f/u. Bari can give you more color Dennis on Jim and common sense and the new organization his brother Tom is helping fund (you may remember Tom from mom's campaign as he was a big supporter of hers). Keep me posted on how I can help! Thanks.

> Chelsea


406b2d  No.4685782


spreading now

6f447b  No.4685783

File: 8724a9e3acb7242⋯.mp4 (772.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, BorderSecurityPOTUS.mp4)

POTUS Instagram Video

Bolded words that jumped out

immoral politicians

cf33af  No.4685784

Trump was brilliant. He gave a concise speech about what is happening at the boarder and how he feels the Nation ought to proceed. Done. The DS stooges, Pelosi and Schumer, standing there ready for a great rebuttal. Ended up looking stupid with nothing to say. They were prepared for an all-out assault, but no ammunition was given.>>4685430

7fa203  No.4685785



5b1f73  No.4685786

e1450d  No.4685787

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)

File: 6f83c19271f51fe⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 683x500, 683:500, 6f83c19271f51fefe53a83ffbf….jpg)

c072f8  No.4685788


Agreed live targets are the best

46e240  No.4685789

File: 9bcf53ad73e69d8⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 3887x2733, 3887:2733, 1547074253635.jpg)

e653d7  No.4685790


Yes you did.


>>4590142 lb

>>4590260 lb

>>4590192 lb

>>4590352 lb

>>4590406 lb

>>4590260 lb

>>4590452 lb

>>4590206 lb

>Noticed Freemason Pin on Border Patrol agent during Hannity, not sure what the connection is, Trump sending a message?

You, mason shill baker, also pushed a notable that had a mason lodge homepage as sauce....and refused to add a second free/critical sauce.


Backed up by Mason BO.

>>4527320 lb

28b4ad  No.4685791

File: 4f128000285f62a⋯.png (849.09 KB, 988x953, 988:953, 180b3b0ad51a0ae1d51950025f….png)

5f2923  No.4685792


Shills hate being filtered.

Filter all shills.

5ec5ac  No.4685793

File: 5d29130e8f6b74f⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 495x330, 3:2, downloadfile-20_1.jpg)



Damn that motherfucker is really black.

Don't get near my home.

cacc62  No.4685794


Or that the Swamp has drained Trump.

4f9d8e  No.4685795

File: 0c4c074aa123698⋯.jpeg (68.16 KB, 955x579, 955:579, 69CF1D1D-97F3-4B81-A90A-F….jpeg)


It would seem so….

9d2233  No.4685796


"Following the pen" or "going back and reading all the stuff thats been written by you guys means nothing because all that is, is a bunch of people speculating. It convinces you that it must be true, but none of it is evidenced. So its just choosing to believe everyone's speculations.

c58298  No.4685797


Not just the debt to control them…they send criminals to flood the country with drugs and prostitutes/brothels and corrupt law enforcement and gov officials to keep them in their pockets.

The chinese are bad fucking news.

a416ef  No.4685798


Wonder where she learned how to fly?? Pretty obvious

ca2e57  No.4685799

File: 43fe446729418f2⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, aquaman.mp4)

File: a8887a8a9a10692⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, aquaman2.mp4)

8d7714  No.4685800


From your words to God's ear Anon.

Can't happen soon enough.

Normies are so war weary

They just want the fighting to end and will accept any "nice" man or woman to replace POTUS

Media will have to be exposed though

814c5c  No.4685801


I would like to buy you a beer one day.

ecb7a5  No.4685802

"[RR] in charge of DECLAS."

"If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty."

"DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination."

b8496a  No.4685803


This anon would likely be able to get an injunction without filing bankruptcy.

4b4a71  No.4685804

EXCLUSIVE: 'I thought I was going to be the next to die at Ed Buck's house.' Man tells DailyMailTV how Democratic donor paid him $250 and injected him with meth after 'fetish' sex sessions in white long johns - as police probe TWO black men's deaths


Jermaine Gagnon, 28, told DailyMailTV how he narrowly escaped death when Edward Buck injected him with crystal meth at his sex-toy filled apartment

Gagnon said Buck, 63, paid to fly him from Minnesota to Los Angeles, drugged him with a substance dissolved in Gatorade then injected him with crystal meth

The 28-year-old shared photos of Buck, wearing white long johns, crouched over him on a mattress during one of their nights together last year

Gagnon shared images of sex toys Buck had for their encounter, saying: 'He had this red and black toolbox with all types of fetish toys, like c**k rings, sex toys'

He added: 'He gave me some Tommy Hilfiger tighty whities, a muscle t-shirt and some long johns. White knee-high socks'

Gagnon said during one encounter Buck offered him a drink he suspected had been spiked, feeling woozy and weak shortly after drinking it

He said: 'He took my phone. I was so scared. I felt death walked into my soul. I called my mother. I said, 'I feel like he's going to kill me, I think I'm going to die'

Buck is now under investigation over the deaths of two black men, including one man who died of an apparent overdose at his apartment on Monday

More backdoor shenanigans details in link:


cee57c  No.4685805



I watched the Momoa video and it seemed innocent within that context. Nowhere near Biden’s creepiness.

7c052e  No.4685806

File: d73c8fb688aff85⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 640x457, 640:457, mueller-barr.jpg)

either POTUS is swamped on all sides or mueller is gonna drain it .

46e240  No.4685807

File: 02296946b6156d2⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1546x977, 1546:977, flee.png)

febe62  No.4685808

File: fa1c81cc47192c7⋯.jpg (107.39 KB, 640x478, 320:239, fa1c81cc47192c776e86b6c226….jpg)








What the fuck is it with you faggots? Can't handle a liddle fun? You only want tits? I thought this was a free speech zone ffs.

6ab0b1  No.4685809

File: 1e9773dbf420f62⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 350x511, 50:73, bluebirdwitch2.jpg)

List of Masonic buildings in the United States


330155  No.4685810


God, you're lazy. Literally no one else here posts like you. You stick out like a sore fucking thumb.

This isn't compelling, convincing, or even funny.

Please, try harder. If everyone immediately filters you, you lose the chance to influence, and as of right now you are boring the shit out of me.

814c5c  No.4685811

e653d7  No.4685812


Mason BO doesn't like much when I post about masonry.

Mason shills and bakers don't like either.


>>4527320 lb

57407f  No.4685813

File: 04b5cebe6efb867⋯.png (464.98 KB, 593x631, 593:631, YEPLOOKsgood.png)

>>4685638 It Feels Like Freedom!

fcdb73  No.4685814

f6a2d9  No.4685815


True… but - All for a LARP huh?

It's worth the hassel. It just validates Q. Punk@ss Shills

66b663  No.4685816





9d2233  No.4685817


Reading the constitution, or knowing who heads up a cybercrime division doesn't explain why you need this might be true you make it sound like if I would just read the Constitution it would all become clear.

cf9ba6  No.4685818

Hey Anons,,,I wish Trump would focus on our Social security and Medicare. I think he should continually remind voters about keeping them solvent means NOT wasting our tax dollars on foreign people. I don't know why we don't hear this more. I'm so sick of hearing about immigrants and their problems. Always turn the discussion back to SSA and Medicare when dealing with the Dims.

5ec5ac  No.4685819

File: 456ab2df6f1de3f⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 2qriif_1.jpg)

File: bc51577fd725a1b⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 2qicyj~2.jpg)

Democrats try to change the Constitution they will be met with extreme violence.

0ce067  No.4685820

File: 440ca5414e9d31b⋯.jpg (89.7 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, picar.jpg)


Oi kalofae Jason

44a022  No.4685821


The filthy Sanchez

abeb0e  No.4685822

do an 8chan search, connected to DOD and spending


660f3b  No.4685823



9ff9b7  No.4685824


Fuck cops

The millitary low levels are ok

Firefighters are ok

But gratz on joining,the enforcement of the elite squad if youre a cop

cee57c  No.4685825


That was his first National address from the Oval Offfice. IMO, that’s why he referred to it as an experience.

6e4064  No.4685826


That isnt notable, its me calling out the dumb maga riot shill.

You should kys too.

244540  No.4685827

File: 477545a1b3750cf⋯.jpeg (911.71 KB, 2376x1558, 1188:779, DDAB6C08-4437-4C36-94D6-8….jpeg)

febe62  No.4685828



You faggots get triggered so easily… just like the fucking snowflakes we're trying to wake up.

b8496a  No.4685829


Good, but he made some mistakes and had to leave for optics. Same as Zinke and the first VA chief.

06eb81  No.4685830

321d00  No.4685831


Here, look at all this polling data that says Trump’s going to lose

65eac8  No.4685832

89ca51  No.4685833


I've been suicidal since leaving the military because I got injured, can't work out anymore and started getting fat. Women don't even look at me anymore. No one flirts anymore.

Modern women are shallow as fuck, honestly. If they weren't, I wouldn't be on the chans, I'd be out living life. I'm not saying I hate you, but I don't blame men who hate people like you.

ec1ad1  No.4685835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why does (((someone))) always Suppress or Mock any Good Looking Men posted for femanons?

1.All great looking men are Mocked as being homo for homo. As if no women would possibly like handsome men with 6 pack abs.

*Only Dehumanized Bewbs and White Christian Naked Whores for the men for fapping.

No Healthy Heterosexuality & Love Allowed Here =Cabal fukkery

you soyboy faggots who screech everytime there's a hot guy posted for the fembaker/femanons are jealous because women love looking at beautiful men just like men love looking at beautiful women.

28b4ad  No.4685836

File: d16a416063cbfe2⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 944x532, 236:133, image005.jpg)


This is your last (You) so you can enjoy the shekels on me. That's where I'm leaning at this point.

Look at all the resignations…like Q said.

Look at all those not seeking re-election…also like Q said.

Those being arrested by major divisions for "small time" sexual harassment crimes. One example ran the CDC, last year.

Not my fault you don't have discernment or the ability to think logically.

One does not need all the pieces to a puzzle to understand the picture.

ecb7a5  No.4685837

"POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR]."


"DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination.

[RR] in charge of DECLAS."

"If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty."

fb9236  No.4685838

File: 603bd9101492622⋯.png (930.03 KB, 724x717, 724:717, Screenshot_382.png)



050cd5  No.4685839



time to put all yur stuff behind a wall

abeb0e  No.4685840

tough cookie, not to be messed with


6ab0b1  No.4685841

File: ea28795e4f993f9⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 1170x858, 15:11, pinksmokestacks5_t1170.jpg)

File: 0550c9577e38cbb⋯.png (288.19 KB, 600x342, 100:57, 541953-27745-l-uHA8Usa.png)

I could go on and on with Spokane, WA but I wont


814c5c  No.4685842

File: dfb855548bd7ea5⋯.jpeg (187.77 KB, 1440x849, 480:283, 1524100459.jpeg)


In time

330155  No.4685843


Not arguing for or against, but one thing is clearly true about Momoa- he's reaaaal dumb. Like maybe actually retarded dumb. So, maybe not so aware of what he's doing as you might think. Just saying.

afb633  No.4685844

File: aa22faa320ea6af⋯.jpg (109.28 KB, 720x442, 360:221, chucknancy.jpg)

3e2392  No.4685845

File: 065869371e57dcb⋯.png (4.9 KB, 162x255, 54:85, tungsten.png)


>Fred Upton .. The light bulb law man and Uncle to Kate..


Consider, anon, how to make some things once the Tungsten filament is subtracted from billions of incandescent light-bulb buyers

9ff9b7  No.4685846


Which people

Cuz the people here are morons but they dont hold office and suck off israel and the megacorps like the rest of congress

7856c3  No.4685847

File: 6d6905dcc4db590⋯.png (8.37 MB, 2115x3000, 141:200, ClipboardImage.png)

f81286  No.4685848

File: 7bef7d1896911a6⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 736x1158, 368:579, b02a1b4a-8e2e-41ac-9bab-4d….jpg)


shouldahh dun ben… convention of states is needful●


did æı say revolt? æı implied a threat.

yet if Good Men cannot stand for what We Know is right [re:enrichment of congressional fagits on the tax payer dime/eating kids] then what is the point?

we are the Only Ones still playing by

(((the rules))).

the constitution has been perverted….

roe v wade

two tiered justice system

et al.

531a34  No.4685849

File: d983b6d11968420⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 2048x2287, 2048:2287, 1D419D64-7396-4EC5-B123-7….jpeg)

Dem NPC opression olympics.

Let em burn.

b8496a  No.4685850



False. She's getting by solely based on her looks.

4b4a71  No.4685851

House Republicans Introduce Bill To Pay Employees Who Work During Shutdown

House Republicans introduced a bill Wednesday that offers to pay federal employees who work during the government shutdown.

As the government is in its 19th day of a partial shutdown, five Republican lawmakers, Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs, North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, Indiana Rep. Susan Brooks, Colorado Rep. Scott Tipton and Virginia Rep. Morgan Griffith, introduced legislation that would require federal workers be paid during the partial shutdown.

“While Democrats continue to play politics with border security, federal employees dedicated to their mission of keeping America safe and our border secure are still going to work knowing they will be missing their paychecks,” Gibbs said in a Wednesday statement.

Gibbs blasted Democrats for the shutdown in the statement, saying they are the reason federal workers are not being paid:

They should not be caught in the middle of political ploys by politicians who are not serious about securing our border. If they are working to protect America and the lives of our citizens, they should be getting their paychecks on time. We shouldn’t be forcing these men and women to shoulder the burden of Democrats’ unwillingness to work with President Trump and Congressional Republicans to solve the humanitarian and security crisis on our Southern Border.

President Donald Trump was on Capitol Hill Wednesday meeting with Republican senators to discuss the shutdown and border wall funding. After the meeting, he said Republicans were “unified.”

Trump also warned Democrats that he may declare a national emergency if they can not come to an agreement soon.


4f9d8e  No.4685852

File: 9ac503b174a83c5⋯.jpeg (931.98 KB, 1210x789, 1210:789, BD3E28B2-8392-4757-9DB0-8….jpeg)

e653d7  No.4685853


And yet a wave of shills reply to every post I make.

Really not triggered?

You just felt you should let me know?


Have a hug.

46e240  No.4685854

File: 4864875fed85689⋯.jpg (826.51 KB, 1913x1044, 1913:1044, 1535936082232.jpg)

File: e459663b38f7813⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 2762x2000, 1381:1000, 1529728895309.jpg)

File: 1d47cb8f40fd115⋯.jpg (760.83 KB, 1684x1499, 1684:1499, 1538622805613.jpg)

File: 708760816338efc⋯.jpg (572.59 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1543357047858.jpg)

99dbf7  No.4685855


Woman's hand. Long slender finger bones.

9fb7d4  No.4685856

File: b69fa2a4344258a⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 311x259, 311:259, hwec8y982yfouiwe7823gvio8o….jpg)

840323  No.4685857


pussy memes

89ca51  No.4685858


Maybe you belong in a garbage can and anon are trying to send you a message.

418c71  No.4685859



I don't watch Game of Thrones.

Aquaman looks like it sucks.

You just might be the worst host to ever do SNL.

Circulate this mf! That hand was no accident and that poor little girl knew it.

739089  No.4685860


These maga riots are bullshit shills trying to derail the board and give the MSM something to Frame this movement as. They want to frame it as a violent armed insurgency that needs to be put down . Then they can come kill us and have support from all the normies. Do not respond to shills.

6e78cd  No.4685861

File: 5a9006a97fc9d09⋯.jpeg (308.49 KB, 1256x1050, 628:525, 2EA16E97-73FE-4DA9-85FA-D….jpeg)

Weird. This is my local CBS News affiliate

d2acce  No.4685862

File: cbb57433a2089d8⋯.jpg (105.82 KB, 797x415, 797:415, ((((.jpg)

263120  No.4685863

File: 97581b956b75735⋯.jpg (253.62 KB, 992x558, 16:9, hwa.jpg)


who said we were not having fun?

5c1b83  No.4685864

File: 51ed8d6d445a81a⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 254x254, 1:1, laughing.jpg)



KEK,this isn't a real kitchen. Women can't bake here anon.

7fa203  No.4685865


I don't even know what you're talking about. BUT I AM NOT FAT FINGERS

53948c  No.4685866


if any/all of them were comp'd, ya'd of been banned, and repeatedly banned, over, and over, and over, and over again. They'd bust out the machine ID ban for your ass, just cuz.

The fact you are still able to spew your drivel, should tell you something, go get a new job.

c072f8  No.4685867

File: 5a32b40579060d8⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 538x629, 538:629, 5a32b40579060d8f78e1d1e62c….jpg)

5f7eb3  No.4685868


Dirty cunt!

6d6017  No.4685869


Keep attacking Masons and I'll keep eposing the new fake current Q that you are obsessed with. Real Q left along time ago

35f812  No.4685870

File: a91b33d2d67c3ed⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 709x589, 709:589, tr7krjhdgtrfd.JPG)

4b4a71  No.4685871

File: 4e378557a94d9ea⋯.png (21.64 KB, 509x455, 509:455, ClipboardImage.png)


Democrat Mouthpiece Ocasio-Cortez Says Trump Wants Steel Wall Because of the Ku Klux Klan — A Branch of the Democrat Party

The Ku Klux Klan was founded as the activist wing of the Democratic Party.

On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

Democrats in hoods slaughtered hundreds of Republicans and blacks across the country.

They beat and threatened and murdered Republicans for standing with the black man.

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.

On Thursday Democrat mouthpiece Alexandria Ocasio Cortez — or “Sandy from Yorktown” — accused President Trump of wanting a border wall because of the Ku Klux Klan.

She needs to tell that to Israel and the other 65 nations with walls.


e80f5f  No.4685872

For my planefags, you hit something interesting with the SAMOXXX flight to salt lake today.

SAMO was a NYC graffiti team who tried to bring awareness about the contradictions of life. Like wealth/poverty, inequality, etc.

Main guy was Haitian/Puerto Rican. No coincidences.


7fa203  No.4685873

File: 7494bf00f10c5ae⋯.png (18.79 KB, 584x104, 73:13, ClipboardImage.png)

551f6b  No.4685874


My spouse is a C6 quadriplegic disabled veteran.

He goes to the Y 3 days a week and handcycles at home….He can’t feel or move anything below his chest but his biceps are gorgeous and his attitude is amazing. I’m a very lucky femanon!

What was your excuse again?

1c4727  No.4685875


Very disturbing and a cause for concern Especially as we see the hollywood moment of star performer and we know how the actor does not get top rolls unless they do evil things.

fdb728  No.4685876


I was under the impression that Whitaker, since taking over, is now the one overseeing Mueller - no longer under [RR] any more.

He's not recused like Sessions was and thus the responsibility went back to the AG like it should be.

Is that the case or is it still [RR]?

b8496a  No.4685877


Purge the voting rolls period

076ac6  No.4685878

File: ce7ad1d111919d8⋯.png (832.83 KB, 928x662, 464:331, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)


"China’s debt-trap diplomacy is spreading across Africa"


[Counter INFO OPS via NBC]: "Claims China is increasing Africa's debt burden are false, foreign minister says" https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/15/china-increasing-africa-debt-is-false-foreign-minister-wang-yi-says.html

b037bb  No.4685879

Early Bread Bun


>>4685499 Planefags checkin with C-130 spoops.

>>4685500 Antifa claims responsibility of German Politician before its scraped off the web.

>>4685114 (lb), >>4685554, >>4685674 Continued Evergreeen Digz.

>>4685568 Bezos seeing former TV anchor Lauren Sanchez. Follow the mistresses? (Clowns)

>>4685851 House Republicans Introduce Bill To Pay Employees Who Work During Shutdown

5ec5ac  No.4685880

File: f32bdd5c5672fc7⋯.jpg (296.67 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, downloadfile-24.jpg)


Totally agree👍



MAGA riots will eat you alive.

cacc62  No.4685881


She's not wrong.

Why do you want her to burn?

4b4a71  No.4685882


At the border?

9f4759  No.4685883


a perfect method to transfer money

330155  No.4685884


Okay, that looked pretty bad.. also much love to woke urban anon

72d667  No.4685885

File: d8f6119088d8bfb⋯.png (55.78 KB, 635x289, 635:289, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

>>4685377 >>4682799>>4682840 >>4682878 >>4682931

Ford Cancels a $1.6 Billion Mexico Plant and Adds 700 Jobs in Michigan

<b>OLDE STORY</b> – see archive of POTUS' tweet from <b>january 2017</b> http://archive.is/2l4fq

and archive of fortune.com article from january 3 (updated january 4), 2017 http://archive.is/rgJVz

1f265e  No.4685886

Jim Steyer, Tom Steyers Brother

James Pearson Steyer (born 1956) is an American child advocate, civil rights attorney, professor and author. He is most known for founding Common Sense Media, an organization dedicated to improving media and entertainment lives for kids and families.[1]

His former students include New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and Chelsea Clinton, who he raved was such a “star student” that he hired her as a teaching assistant and research aide


271a11  No.4685887



95d1b2  No.4685888

File: dd193fe97dc2963⋯.png (388.17 KB, 885x683, 885:683, JZ.png)

File: 2e05af05a8cada5⋯.png (418.71 KB, 661x560, 661:560, Cage.png)

112030  No.4685889

File: 1924f71129e7079⋯.png (74.6 KB, 816x510, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12cd1d449c4df56⋯.png (202.08 KB, 1101x568, 1101:568, ClipboardImage.png)


Moonchild is also a novel written by the British occultist Aleister Crowley

Here's the link to one of his books (full text)


The actual rituals carried out to create a Moonchild are described in detail in three of Crowley’s writings including the one I just posted above.

831680  No.4685890


or Barr is going to be flushed for something.

7dac00  No.4685891

File: a3b32e5a737675d⋯.jpg (208.57 KB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, IMG_20181218_200047.jpg)
















ca2e57  No.4685892


Yes, there's room for that. There's also the whole hippy thing he has going on so there might be an element of free love ethos in the mix.

What bugs me is her face and the gut feeling I get from the video. It's more like he knew HE knew his movements weren't innocent. It doesn't read as accidental to me, that's all. I watch it everytime I read other comments about how it's nothing but those comments do nothing to diminish the weird vibe. I'll keep trying, tho.

ecb7a5  No.4685893

"[McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

Sound familiar?

Think [Comey] memos." -Q

b5d9e6  No.4685894


think mirror, re: projection

5b1f73  No.4685895


Anon, I can relate somewhat, I didn’t leave my house for 7 years!!! Not even my bedroom! Then I found patriotservicedogs.org!!! My service dog has allowed me to venture out among the living once again!!! She is my life savior!!! The first night I had her my heart stopped in my sleep and she pounced on my chest and got it started again! She was not trained for that! Contact them! Please!!!!

06eb81  No.4685896


Nothing could make me happier. The Democratic Party will fragment itself to death.

6ab0b1  No.4685897

File: 4a2e24f5334a9a3⋯.jpg (537.98 KB, 2304x3456, 2:3, 104e07626e165e938ee3f09986….jpg)

5c1b83  No.4685898


Tha fuk you gonna do with a 9 anon?

4b4a71  No.4685899


Your a shit baker

So much missed! Will post later when a real baker has the dough

6e78cd  No.4685900

Boom. God bless you and vet Anon. >>4685874

0c339e  No.4685902

File: 5511e65cda70cd1⋯.png (525.68 KB, 753x563, 753:563, ClipboardImage.png)

National Emergency - a bad idea?


“In the event of a declaration of war or the declaration by the President of a national emergency in accordance with the National Emergencies Act,” undertake “military construction projects, and may authorize the Secretaries of the military departments to undertake military construction projects, not otherwise authorized by law that are necessary to support such use of the armed forces.” It would be a serious stretch to suggest that military necessity dictates the overruling of Congressional powers in this case – and it sets the precedent that the executive would presumably try to declare a national emergency to redirect already-allocated defense funding to pet projects on a routine basis. Imagine Elizabeth Warren declaring a “green national emergency” and then authorizing the military to shutter coal plants, as Erick Erickson has suggested.

As David French points out at National Review, President Truman attempted to do exactly that with regard to steel works in the United States during the Korean War, and was rejected by the Supreme Court, which declared, “The order cannot properly be sustained as an exercise of the President’s military power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.”

9d2233  No.4685903


That proves what???

Tjis is what i am trying to say…

Q is sending you out on these treasure hunts, supposedly cluing you in on their "plan" (despite the fact trump disparaged in no uncertain terms how he hated letting people know plans ahead of time, called it stupid, and said he would never do it…), claims the "info" that doesnt lead anywhere is on purpose to keep the deep state off the trail…(when he could accomplish the same thing by just not telling anyone to begin with)

…and all because you guys are going to be needed to "educate the masses"..when it is obvious you guys dont want to educate the "normies", you attack and drive away anyone who questions it, and when you do bother to say anything it is "you have to read all of the drops" , "watch the video" (again) , "re-read the drops".

I have yet to see one of you who could even explain it to themselves much less others.

The lack of being able to explain it, and the way you never try to explain it, you just attack people…makes the entire premise of why you guys say you have been brought here and why you are dpimg it to begin with, collapse right there.

None of this is logical.

316b3f  No.4685904



There was a dig on Evergreen Airlines on half chan, ages ago. IIRC, there are several cos. by that name, so easy to confuse.

We found one that's CIA connected:

Evergreen’s Del Smith Dead at 84

December 7, 2014



He was one of the most colorful characters in commercial aviation. Delford M. Smith’s life literally began as a train wreck. It ended 84 years later on November 7 at his Dundee, Ore. home with the remains of his once billion-dollar Evergreen Aviation empire sold off, shut down, in bankruptcy and under investigation by tax authorities. Smith had been an active participant in his companies through the end of last year but had been in ill health for some time.

What Smith began in Corvallis, Wash., with a single Hiller UH-12 helicopter in 1960 he rapidly built into a global colossus by spotting and exploiting emerging trends in logging, energy exploration, aerial application, supplemental military airlift, civil air ambulance and expedited air freight, markets he chased and in some cases made with urgency and optimism. By 1988, Evergreen had more than 2,300 employees, a huge and diverse helicopter and fixed-wing fleet that included Boeing 747s, and $468 million in annual revenues. Notably, Smith’s companies were also highly leveraged, periodically flirting with financial ruin, and never made substantial income. At times his business philosophy seemed to be simply to borrow more money and hope for the best. For the most part, it worked.

. . .

Wherever there was a hot spot in the world, Evergreen’s helicopters and later airplanes were never far behind. Evergreen’s hardware was so inextricably linked with political intrigue that rumors swirled that the company was owned by, or a front for, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Indeed, several of the company’s senior executives either worked for the agency or had close ties to it.

Smith never let on, disingenuously telling the Portland Oregonian in 1988, “We don’t know when we’ve ever worked for them [the CIA], but if we did we’re proud of it. We believe in patriotism, and, you know, they’re not the [Russian spy service] KGB.”

“He was the most patriotic American I ever knew,” said former U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton, who roomed with Smith when both were in the U.S. Air Force during the 1950s.

0ce067  No.4685905


I also didn't realize Ukraine was Russian again.


He better have a really good explanation for that one. The look on his face though… I don't think there is one.

218ffa  No.4685906

File: a732197cf21ba34⋯.jpg (434.74 KB, 1241x1958, 1241:1958, CS-NAZI.jpg)

Blast from the past on Schmuckles from Bill Cooper.

"Charles Schumer is probably the most disliked man in America. It is clear that he does not represent anything "American".

I believe Charles Schumer to be mentally unbalanced and extremely dangerous. In fact he may be the most dangerous man in America."

064bd0  No.4685907

File: e06adf876a2e83b⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 853x512, 853:512, MediaDivides2.jpg)

File: a4d5490136326e4⋯.jpg (160.06 KB, 799x448, 799:448, UnitedlionA.jpg)


Anybody who is really focused on looking at physical specimens of humanity, male or female, is not paying attention to what we are doing here. We are researching the Deep State, institutionalized pedophilia/pedovoria, corruption, theft of moneys, destruction of western culture, etc. This is not an art history class.

Anybody who tries to make a deal out of this, one way or the other, is shilling and divisionfagging.

57407f  No.4685908

File: d8ed18da33e48ce⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



ff0b60  No.4685909


@Tore_says on twitter and gab….  

Tomorrow on the #ToreSaysShow 12p-2p EST !

We will have @shadygrooove and @intheMatrixxx The show will be all about #Q You can call in with questions about anything #Qanon at 215-867-8255 Lines open at 1:05pEST


b8496a  No.4685910

4f9d8e  No.4685911

File: bb13116397090f4⋯.jpeg (277.8 KB, 1643x1668, 1643:1668, 348E3869-87C0-41EC-B3B9-5….jpeg)


All must support AOC, the most brilliant psyop ever

c072f8  No.4685912

File: 9d25deff1a42578⋯.mp4 (457.36 KB, 368x640, 23:40, ouchshot.mp4)

b1daba  No.4685913

File: 5791f85d5a79009⋯.png (893.37 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)

File: 9bb4aac205e0c3a⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 1st recon.jpg)

Any other planefags in the house?

I have a spoopy C-130 probably SPCTR65 with a rapidly changing callsign.

5f7eb3  No.4685914



GOD bless you.

8e6770  No.4685915

File: 156715762f87f1b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1440x1049, 1440:1049, Capture _2019-01-09-18-26-….png)

e653d7  No.4685916



Free speech board, bans are quite unusual. See freddy shill.

In fact I got banned and posted this ridiculous ban (Q crumb, low post number) over and over.

So many anons saw and it backfired.

BO and shill team know that this is exactly what I would do again in case of ban.

4777b5  No.4685917


Anons be like:

"We ain't goin' to the movies anymore fam…It's nothin' but satanic cabal programing."

064bd0  No.4685918


We are not going to give her another second of free media attention.

b8496a  No.4685919


There were no police in the Republic, only county sheriffs.

072aee  No.4685920


sounds like something fat fingers would say

6e4064  No.4685921


reddit spacing detected

gtfo newfaggot

5b1f73  No.4685922


In my fathers words on his death bed, NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!! You haven’t finished your job here on earth! Why do you think you found this place???? GOD has a better plan for YOU!

9f4759  No.4685923


hey Jesus, since you're here…did the Romans create you just to con a group of ethnic people with large noses?

ec1ad1  No.4685924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe you're an ugly loser that no woman would want. Hence the rage against hot guys for women because you don't measure up.

95d1b2  No.4685925

File: cce584c07f6a86a⋯.png (457.55 KB, 789x615, 263:205, Murphy.png)

File: 3acaf42057cc3dd⋯.png (479.59 KB, 782x685, 782:685, JLaw.png)



Are these people really clones?

7dac00  No.4685926

File: 77bc84cb36cbc87⋯.jpg (276.79 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ct-jared-kushner-photos-20….jpg)
















c49744  No.4685927


The kid has a record.. not that it makes it ok but…



531a34  No.4685928

File: 25c4eb6ab2d7bc4⋯.jpeg (730.63 KB, 960x899, 960:899, 4BA9FDD6-3A73-42EE-9A86-0….jpeg)


[they] are now divided.

We are united.

960c94  No.4685929

File: 241b2dcfae91a3c⋯.png (284.28 KB, 693x465, 231:155, Screenshot_2019-01-10 Zoe ….png)

File: 1281b7d0a0d96bd⋯.png (360.67 KB, 539x783, 539:783, Screenshot_2019-01-10 Zoe ….png)

File: 6b5b69fd2358a6d⋯.png (168.72 KB, 572x673, 572:673, Screenshot_2019-01-10 Zoe ….png)

New filing in United States v. Mike Flynn: Order on Motion to Modify Conditions of Release

989184  No.4685930

Look at who is NOT running for President now after a bunch of earlier bluster.


This dude is a big Dem funder and is/was behind the "impeach Trump" movement.

064bd0  No.4685931


this anon stopped watching movies a couple of decades ago when the realization struck that it was nothing more than programming and not designed for OUR GOOD

d42fc9  No.4685932

File: efd94dfcf77db90⋯.jpg (71.93 KB, 1226x938, 613:469, opioid seizures.jpg)

File: 371ff85e1219303⋯.pdf (595.45 KB, Combating the Opioid Epide….pdf)

Shep Smith's stupid face saying that "Government statistics show much of the heroin actually comes, not over the unguarded border, but through ports of call" pissed me off and prompted me to dig into a little.

The only comprehensive document i found on this was a report commissioned by Clare McKaskill, top ranking democrat on Senate's Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. Document is titled "Combating the Opioid Epidemic - Intercepting Illicit Opioids at Ports of Entry". Attached as PDF.

Within the 17 page document, which draws heavily (if not entirely) from CBP 2013-2017 Opioid Seizure Data, we learn that, "between 2013 and 2017 CBP seized 28,931 pounds of opioids" total, 88%, of which (25,405 pounds) were seized at ports of entry, 75% (19,054 pounds) of which were seized at points of entry along the southern border. Heroin made up about 81% of that, with fentanyl and morphine making up the remaining 19%.

The story I sourced this document from suggests that the report also says that "The majority of those seizures took place in western sectors on the southern border where fencing covers most of the border and where large infrastructure investments have been made to prevent illegal crossings, indicating that opioids are crossing the border through ports of entry and are later being seized by Border Patrol agents at Border Patrol checkpoints", but i have no idea where that quote came from, as it wasn't part of the document I read. Not sure how they came to the conclusion that "opioids are crossing the border through ports of entry and are later being seized by Border Patrol agents at Border Patrol checkpoints" though. Seems like a lofty conclusion based on little more than their desire to make the story fit their narrative.


Anyhow, at face value, CBP stats do suggest that a majority of the heroin they seize is seized at border checkpoints. A better question to ask would be where does most of the heroin that makes it to market cross? Does the fact that they seize more at border checkpoints make Shep Smith's fact checking effort a foregone conclusion? I doubt it.

I suspect that most of what enters the US enters by sea/ports with high-level political assistance, and at various points along the 2,000 miles of unguarded border with the help of crooked agents, cops and etc., Drain the swamp. Build the wall. That oughtta fix it.

8bc13f  No.4685933

File: 042145e5a0f1048⋯.jpeg (105.46 KB, 750x582, 125:97, E915CE8E-1209-451F-9E4D-1….jpeg)

File: e6ad3f252edbadf⋯.jpeg (195.05 KB, 730x1075, 146:215, 30176FF6-BB67-4338-9302-F….jpeg)

File: f11a43b724a5c56⋯.jpeg (32.55 KB, 539x333, 539:333, 8CB48137-8D21-439E-9552-A….jpeg)

File: 4c5dd97152e6e7d⋯.jpeg (158.16 KB, 658x942, 329:471, 4E083AA5-EB5C-4EE5-8C64-C….jpeg)


Barbara Bush’s hurry-up wedding in Oct 2018 where only a handful of family/guests attend.

(Possible GHWB arrest)

GHWB funeral Dec 2018 where POTUS tweets it is “not a funeral.” Ceremony was a sham to protect the institution of the presidency from more shame.

(Poss GHWB sentenced to death - offer made to GWB to roll to spare Poppy’s fate)

GWB lets Laura know a deal was done the p.m. before when he met with POTUS, meaning he is in cooperation/custody immediately following burial in TX

(Note to Laura - “I took his offer”)

GWB out of sight and out of reach since Poppy’s burial, even locked Twatter.

5ec5ac  No.4685934

File: 8a53732e1cd8266⋯.jpg (349.08 KB, 1600x1132, 400:283, downloadfile-3.jpg)

File: fc89e769f797993⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 2qrddn_1.jpg)


5 million patriots go off in MAGA riots there is no agency that can stop them.

9fb7d4  No.4685935

File: ce29ce180cc6754⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1632x1224, 4:3, bsdhswf7828dh2o.jpg)

35f812  No.4685937

File: c785107edbb699d⋯.jpg (77.18 KB, 712x583, 712:583, ewjhsgrfczx.JPG)



050cd5  No.4685938


there is far worse posted here

might even be true wtf knows

125560  No.4685939

2008 GAO Audit of Secure Fence Act Expenditures

Have at it anons…


646b7b  No.4685940

File: 436e53d89eb3d33⋯.png (239.33 KB, 1533x1150, 1533:1150, gettyimages-673971008.jpg.png)

5b1f73  No.4685941


BTW , I’m also 100% disabled veteran with NO spouse … but thanks to my service dog I can get up every day thanking GOD!

180102  No.4685942


I see it, and yep its callsign is going nuts

fdb728  No.4685943


But, you're on record for saying here previously


Was that a lie to begin with or have you recently flip-flopped?

418775  No.4685944

File: d1260dc6b39f627⋯.jpeg (6.69 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images copy 2.jpeg)

0a71a9  No.4685945


And there are 2 important Bills in flight in the 116th Congress; Term limits and IRS abolishment.


858ff9  No.4685946


Yep I can’t think of any other reason for trump to appoint Barr unless Mueller was good

e653d7  No.4685947





23eb36  No.4685948

Hey Democrats, Understand This Truth: God's Kingdom Has A Wall And Few Get In!


a6e07d  No.4685949


Not completely convinced she's our girl, but still don't want to interrupt the enemy while they're destroying themselves.

050cd5  No.4685950


stop eating

813b09  No.4685951


I think it may also be so she can turn on him. She does not want to go down with the ship.

064bd0  No.4685952

File: 6447ed285414a25⋯.jpg (140.02 KB, 730x456, 365:228, SwampBeware.jpg)

File: 0001d5976036a7a⋯.jpeg (156.06 KB, 580x882, 290:441, SwampEvilPoster.jpeg)

File: d3d25c7855794c7⋯.jpg (317.72 KB, 1000x690, 100:69, ComeySwamp.jpg)

File: d08173fb06ed6af⋯.jpg (89.37 KB, 744x500, 186:125, DrainTheSwamp51.jpg)

Drain the fucking swamp.

b8496a  No.4685953


Pepe could slay Schmucky while super-high and one hand tied behind his back. Schmucky is a faggot and a pussy.

7fa203  No.4685954

File: ac128134d70c39b⋯.png (180.65 KB, 493x300, 493:300, ClipboardImage.png)

4b4a71  No.4685955

File: 21c064ef97ae4fd⋯.png (153.27 KB, 833x702, 833:702, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5d4c5f553f0273⋯.png (12.95 KB, 840x133, 120:19, ClipboardImage.png)

‘More truth’? Second cache of 9/11 docs released by Dark Overlord hackers

The Dark Overlord hacker group has released decryption keys for a second batch of 9/11 documents, totalling over 7,500 files. Additional document leaks containing “more secrets” and “more truth” have been promised, for a price.

The first batch of the supposed 18,000 documents was made available by the hackers at the weekend, along with a decryption key for ‘layer 1’ of the dump. The documents are believed to have been stolen from insurance companies, law firms and government agencies, and the hackers originally demanded an unspecified bitcoin ransom to keep them unreleased.

After apparently failing to secure the ransom, the group then took bitcoin donations from the public, releasing ‘layer 1’ after collecting $12,000 – but then also releasing ‘layer 2’ on Wednesday despite not meeting its funding target.

So far, no ‘smoking gun’ has emerged detailing conspiracy or government involvement in the terrorist attacks.

nstead, the documents build up a picture of insurance litigators brainstorming to see who they could sue for damages in the wake of the attacks. In emails, the lawyers discuss targeting the airlines, airplane manufacturers, the Federal Aviation Authority, the terrorists themselves, and foreign entities.

Talking strategy, the lawyers mull taking action against Boeing for not fitting the 757 and 767 aircraft used in the attacks with automatic transponders, which could have alerted authorities sooner that something was amiss, a case that the lawyers admit in the documents was flimsy. The lawyers also discuss dropping a case against the FAA, for fear of rankling the government.

Along the way, the litigators discuss whether then-President George W. Bush had advance knowledge of the attacks, or whether the Saudi Royal family was responsible, but this discussion is speculative and no damning new information is revealed.

While the encryption key for the first batch of documents has been scrubbed from Reddit, Pastebin and Twitter, it remained available for several days on Steemit. Dark Overlord’s account was banned from the platform on Wednesday, however, but the documents can be accessed on Busy.org, a website that runs on the same blockchain as Steemit.


b5d9e6  No.4685956


those your's? you're an id10t faggot fuck post dumb shit like this.

dd662c  No.4685957


No one ever thinks of this.

b1daba  No.4685958


Roger its descending looks like its heading Lubbock.

970318  No.4685960


Something tells me that you haven’t spent much time following the white rabbit or watching the water.

fb9236  No.4685961


Already on TWATTER! Being retweeted already! GET THIS SHIT OUT THERE, ANONS!


88a845  No.4685962

File: 589d2dc8c150081⋯.png (297.99 KB, 392x339, 392:339, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)



Hivemind in action.

44a022  No.4685963

File: e82896fb96d0ee3⋯.png (427.95 KB, 489x669, 163:223, 55Qclock.png)


>maga riots are bullshit shills trying to derail the board and give the MSM something to Frame

Very obvious but needs to be pointed out.

814c5c  No.4685964

File: 0170930fdf33678⋯.jpeg (173.2 KB, 1440x1247, 1440:1247, 1545230275.jpeg)

ca2e57  No.4685965


Yup, that's the other thing. He's at the top of the heap and has a rabid fan base who uses superhero movies as substitute for religion and sense of connection/tribe.

The other part is he's considered attractive. He's not a Raine Wilson, James Gunn, Woody Allen type so lotta folks more willing to let things he does pass.

d66f37  No.4685966

Fuck you bitch. Start baking yourself or stfu. Division shill bitch.





b1daba  No.4685967



Correction probably Cannon AFB.

ecb7a5  No.4685968

">>BO>>CS>>BO>>NO>>CS>>NO>>BO>>[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Who instructed the DOJ to release 'select' text messages?

When did [RR] learn of involvement [BO][NO]?

What happens if [RR] knew PRIOR TO signing CP FISA?

Why did [RR] under congressional testimony refuse to answer the question re: reading of FISA prior to execution?

Who signed pg 380?

Who signed pg 389?

Who signed pg 390?

Who signed pg 391?

Who signed pg 392?


Who is [1 of 4] FIREWALLS?

Who signed?


Who signed?


FISA [20] " -Q

7dac00  No.4685969

File: 18d2113dd4e2f09⋯.png (371.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 18d2113dd4e2f0993c20abd29b….png)
















fc4d13  No.4685970

File: 380fd6fb0415037⋯.jpeg (897.33 KB, 1150x1630, 115:163, C2E810D6-09F3-4CA1-B52E-1….jpeg)


1f265e  No.4685971


They also have a museum.

All for the children..

Thinkin what I'm thinkin?

Drug and Children were Evergreens cargo.

The Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum is an aviation museum which displays a number of military and civilian aircraft and spacecraft, most notably, the Hughes H-4 Hercules, popularly known as the Spruce Goose. The museum is located in McMinnville, Oregon, across the street from the former headquarters of Evergreen International Aviation. Oregon Route 18 separates the museum from the company operations and McMinnville Municipal Airport (KMMV). An IMAX theater opened in 2007, and a second exhibit hall focusing on the Titan II ICBM and space technology opened in 2008.


f43d80  No.4685972


Could be in trouble

6f447b  No.4685973

File: d9c0cd75ea21c9c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x814, 720:407, ClipboardImage.png)


>Isn't that nice?

Sessions swats his hand away.

4777b5  No.4685974


Right on anon!

Burn 'um down!

9d2233  No.4685975


These resignations have been hapoening because trump cant get along with anyone. A lot of guys have been arrested for sex crimes everywhere, its the me to movement. These things convince you that what some anonymous guy on the internet alluded to is true…but he never gave an ounce of evidence that what he claimed was true to begin with. I am trying to get you to see the obvious challanges to the entire thing.

813b09  No.4685976


steroids are not good for you.

840323  No.4685977

File: 171a7eb86ec9b11⋯.png (644.88 KB, 1022x756, 73:54, gw chkum.png)


long live the queen, slave

thank my masonry for your free speech

ca2e57  No.4685978


Thanks, that's sound advice.

I hope I don't find evidence but thanks.

5f2923  No.4685979


Hopefully they also have something reliable.

dd662c  No.4685980


Too bad he didn't punch him in the throat.

57407f  No.4685981

File: 8b7146ce6bb2608⋯.png (871.97 KB, 696x804, 58:67, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4685954 NOT FOR YOU!!

You can have this one!!

1b0ba5  No.4685982

File: dcdb7a158b9f247⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 600x592, 75:74, boyiwillknocktheshitoutofy….JPG)

File: 756b33d8efe1cec⋯.jpg (143.77 KB, 621x926, 621:926, highestanon.JPG)

File: 39d950d64e238ee⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 753x538, 753:538, wineintheurn.JPG)


Don't piss him off.

He's pretty high-strung.

4b4a71  No.4685983

File: 0f03b02385a5e81⋯.png (177.68 KB, 448x388, 112:97, ClipboardImage.png)

5f2923  No.4685984


If there's any doubt, there is no doubt.

b1daba  No.4685985


Possibly dropped off near Cannon AFB.

9f6a4c  No.4685986

File: 2b0a6cc9833a091⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 280x211, 280:211, 1547033748455.gif)


Nah. But you gay tho.

330155  No.4685987


Don't want to to filter you in case you do something funny, but starting to look like it's a safe option

Just here for the keks. All the important shit is taking care of itself somewhere else above my pay grade, same as you.

If we're not having fun, what's the point?

5ec5ac  No.4685988

Trump is weak because he could crush the Democrats right now by declassifying FISA warrants and the dossier frame job proof.

Q I already know is a piece of shit troll.

Trump is losing credibility fast.

306b37  No.4685989


I see a fucking shallow narcissist.

0a71a9  No.4685991


This meme belongs in the meme where Trump is showing Schumer a meme.

06eb81  No.4685992


Over expansion by the Chinese. This is going to bite them in the ass. Looking forward to the Sino-Afro Wars.

7fa203  No.4685993



fcaa57  No.4685994


>Trump is losing credibility fast.

And you have none

d8296f  No.4685995

File: f5231c01c868e97⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 810x425, 162:85, 8e15725ab00a5beebd5e9dd8e9….jpg)


Self hate.

e0898f  No.4685996

Frens! Just got off work and catching up on breads, who has the best chuck and Nancy meme so far? I need gut buster quick! Hopefully will make a few of my own shortly… need one now, emergency patriot cat-5 Help!

b8496a  No.4685997


Everything that followed the ff 9/11 event is bad and needs to go.

2faba2  No.4685998


Or we can trust the plan and not get shot. Sounds good to me.

5f2923  No.4685999



Excellent. Welcome aboard.

b1daba  No.4686000

File: 79f0b43c5fb9fb1⋯.png (707.43 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2019-01-09_….png)


Last cap near Cannon AFB.

66b663  No.4686002


>But, you're on record for saying here previously


abeb0e  No.4686003

Would you trust Pelosi to call and lead a con-con/


f6a2d9  No.4686005


Kick his Asss!!! - touch one of my kids. What's wrong with these sick Fuq's?

399934  No.4686006


>Proper planning.

9mm will be the most coming round to be found on the battlefield when TSHF comes to our shores.

813b09  No.4686007


There was enough of this yesterday. Take it to Voat.

308681  No.4686008


Anon posted photo of him with family on Christmas and New Years (had a 2019 led glasses)

c3b738  No.4686009

Amen brother.

Philippians 4:8 King James Version (KJV)

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.



5f2923  No.4686010


Concur. Bunch of insurance claims, nothing of real substance.

6960ee  No.4686011


What do you need explained? It would take hours to go over everything even summarily.

65eac8  No.4686012

File: afd4f290cc7167d⋯.jpg (162.81 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, Chucknatzee.jpg)

050cd5  No.4686013


the problem is the same male or female


pride goeth before the fall

its nice to be fit and symettrical but if that is your self image or what you think is worthy then you are not woke

not a bit

1c11cf  No.4686014



5c1b83  No.4686015


I look like this underneath. I just like to keep my abs warm.

7fa203  No.4686016



ecb7a5  No.4686017

"Important to note [texts only].

[R] = Renegade

Not RR." -Q

5f7eb3  No.4686018


Check top of bread.

840323  No.4686019


copypasta means youre full of shit, nigger

fuck off with this post on repeat

jfk jr is alive back in time guy even thinks this post is gay

076ac6  No.4686020


Thx anon, Will mostly lurk, but happy to lend a hand when able. Have a major project in progress for a drop a week or two hence.

330155  No.4686021


Yeah, I don't know. Video looks bad. He's probably real high besides being dumb, but not a good look.

66b663  No.4686022


399934  No.4686023


Fuggin' typos.


a6e07d  No.4686024


Good catch!

7dac00  No.4686026

File: eed287d22366cee⋯.png (49.14 KB, 720x337, 720:337, Screenshot_20190109-174202….png)

bfdcfb  No.4686027


sides rekt

f6a2d9  No.4686028


Can't even watch movies at home. Just can't do it. Every time I see one of these sick bastards I just want to smash the tv

9d6784  No.4686029


Operation paperclip after WW 2. If you are going to bring a bunch of Nazi's and hide them in USA what is the least likely place people will look???

Think Jewish population. Where there is one there is "how many"???????????

dd662c  No.4686030


I agree. Balance is key to being beautiful- the Greeks knew that.

57407f  No.4686031

File: 30caf5ad6dba663⋯.png (438.33 KB, 531x795, 177:265, ClipboardImage.png)


5ec5ac  No.4686032

File: 9b873bda1f31016⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 720x671, 720:671, downloadfile-12.jpg)

File: f155993ae5c999c⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 687x487, 687:487, downloadfile-29_1.jpg)

File: bfba2b6fc95fbf2⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 500x541, 500:541, 2qri6r_1.jpg)


Ithaca Model 37 DS Police Special is very reliable.

ecb7a5  No.4686033

"Did Whitaker remove [SC] 'special articles' inserted by [RR] re: expanded scope v2?

Was the scope narrowed to the original mandate assigned?" -Q

5c1b83  No.4686034


yeah, there's a reason. NOBODY want to USE A FUCKING 9mm whe TSHTF.

050cd5  No.4686035


well is aint easy

takes will power and sefl disclpline

not taught for a long while

abfc87  No.4686036

File: 68313f8976ef66a⋯.png (67.94 KB, 588x143, 588:143, Trump highest rating.png)

President Trump receives highest national approval rating so far

c072f8  No.4686037


Thats what they get after having 30 years of endless war. Millions of trained to kill Vets pissed off over corrupt government that wrote them off medically and treated them like trash.

What could go wrong?

cee57c  No.4686038



Yes, I can see this would be an answer.

abeb0e  No.4686039

Would you trust Pelosi to call and lead a con-con


b8496a  No.4686040


AB Stoddard is one unhappy little libtard troll, aint she?

881893  No.4686041

File: d27565871ac5da2⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 1176x557, 1176:557, ian.jpg)



e653d7  No.4686042

To all the shills,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>4423934 pb - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us



Albert Pike: "The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."


[In bread #5549 some shills openly admitted they are masons. Read for yourself, just glowing obvious.]

>>4353548 #5549

d410b7  No.4686043


Ty anon

I suggested this idea and was told to go back to Brock

Me thinks chuck eill choke when he sees it

On to twat!!!

5f2923  No.4686044


Oh, yeah, this guy's a real piece of work.

> From: Jim Steyer <jim@commonsense.org>

> Date: April 11, 2015 at 5:45:54 PM EDT

> To: "john.podesta@gmail.com" <john.podesta@gmail.com>, "podesta.mary@gmail.com" <podesta.mary@gmail.com>

> Cc: Tom Steyer <tsteyer@fahrllc.com>

> Subject: Walnut sauce?


> Hey John,


> We know you're a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years …


> But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty?


> Love to all the Podestas from the Steyers! Cheers,


> Jim

ca2e57  No.4686045



I'd also like to remind people that grooming begins with things that can be denied or brushed off.

So let's say this is the absolute first time Momoa has "slipped." If the message his daughter receives from response to seeing this video is that everyone who's pointing it out is making something out of nothing, then that's the beginning of confusion because it tells her that her discomfort is abnormal.

I know this is treacherous waters but after learning all i've learned on these very boards, I'd rather move in the direction of a child's interest than a grown man's. Momoa can take care of himself.

b037bb  No.4686046

Last Call


>>4685499, >>4685913 Planefags checkin with C-130 spoops.

>>4685500 Antifa claims responsibility of German Politician before its scraped off the web.

>>4685114 (lb), >>4685554, >>4685674, >>4685904 Continued Evergreeen Digz.

>>4685568 Bezos seeing former TV anchor Lauren Sanchez. Follow the mistresses? (Clowns)

>>4685851 House Republicans Introduce Bill To Pay Employees Who Work During Shutdown

>>4685273, >>4685906 Moar on Chuckie the Nazi

>>4685929 New filing in United States v. Mike Flynn: Order on Motion to Modify Conditions of Release

>>4685887 , >>4685765 "China’s debt-trap diplomacy is spreading across Africa"

>>4685970 POTUS saying Bye Bye?

064bd0  No.4686047



This anon prefers the title anon, if any title be used.

f81286  No.4686048

File: f7d1addc0e60e11⋯.jpg (106.51 KB, 720x738, 40:41, 20190109_130946.jpg)

File: 82cc743c6f679d3⋯.jpg (375.7 KB, 720x738, 40:41, 20190109_131039.jpg)

File: 9971504d83551ad⋯.jpg (206.56 KB, 720x738, 40:41, 20190109_130932.jpg)




>bivouac in d.c. and then Tell them the facts.



Don fixes it er its all just so much pissin in the wind.

the nazis want d.o.t.r. never understanding that racial superiority theories are just another control mechanism.

æı just wanted to know why Don will not elucidate the point properly.

c66f2e  No.4686049


Tell your spouse thank you from an Eastern NC anon. We love our military here.

b5d9e6  No.4686050


thats a pretty flimsy argument for mueller being /ourguy/ try harder.

180102  No.4686051


Grabbed a few of the sequence numbers before it turned off.











I doubt it means anything but that's what I captured.

65eac8  No.4686052

File: a648d530ec29464⋯.png (5.07 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 3d108c80b08e79eb010dcfa4cc….png)

ecb7a5  No.4686053

"Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]?

Why was Rachel Brand removed?

HUSSEIN + MO actively campaigning for the midterm elections?

Normal?" -Q

831680  No.4686054


Sauce? Newspaper? Date published?

9ca66e  No.4686056


Also pass this > https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5404/text

c2ad54  No.4686057

File: 051572ed71eabf9⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 514x500, 257:250, download (1).jpg)

19346a  No.4686058


Any connections to Victoria Nuland?

7856c3  No.4686059


WTF, Baker? Check your dough, yo

>>4685568 Bezos seeing former TV anchor Lauren Sanchez. Follow the mistresses? (Clowns)

28b4ad  No.4686060


200,000 in 1946. 6 million now?

dd662c  No.4686061


I guess you have to want to be fit or hate being fat more than you love to eat.

e653d7  No.4686062



>my job is to fight for ALL citizens,

>even those who have made mistakes.

>provide hope and a second chance, to those who earn it.


Take this chance.

Free yourselves.

025dcc  No.4686063


Trump team is trying to catch a few more in traps of their own making. Maggie didn't take the deal. Just imagine the intel. Q says they are stupid.

321d00  No.4686064


I seem to recall that all of the claims and counter claims were settled under the supervision of Hellerstein anyway. There was pressure to settle out of court.

The documents in layers 1 and 2 are exactly what you’d expect in the early stages of major insurance litigation - mostly casting around for responsible parties to stump up cash to offset the insurers’ payouts.

Every document I’ve reviewed quickly [most] treats the official story as the way it all went down. I expect little more from the balance of documents, but you never know.

I’d hope to see some papers questioning the manner of destruction and the identification of responsibility; but if such questions were entertained at any stage they’re unlikely to have passed across the wires or today be sitting on a server.

I doubt anyone has anything to fear from disclosure of these papers, which is why the hackers weren’t paid off immediately or otherwise sorted out.

050cd5  No.4686065



it means i have to repeat myself cuz of faggots like u

e1cbe3  No.4686066


I assume the ones that were removed had Mohammed on them so you were “walking on” someone they worship.

ecb7a5  No.4686067

"When the info is released [RR] no more.

When the info is released no more Russia investigation.

It will factually conclude the corrupt nature by which the entire false narrative was created all to 1) prevent the election of POTUS 2) delay/shelter/mask/hide all illegal activities by Hussein/others during past 8 years.

DOJ/FBI cleanse vital as primary.

Huber coming." -Q

c2ad54  No.4686068

Bezos and wife getting "divorced" as a cover for something?

42bc83  No.4686069


Underrated negotiation tactic = NO

7fa203  No.4686070

File: 32b7ebf928697ce⋯.png (227.13 KB, 397x397, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



06eb81  No.4686071


>As David French points out at National Review….

Stopped reading.

d8a569  No.4686072

File: c1bf29f6cad9ad6⋯.jpg (89.67 KB, 618x505, 618:505, Facial Asymmetry.jpg)

from Anonymous Conservative

007888  No.4686073


Masons fuck kids.

a6e07d  No.4686074


Agreed. That was my first thought as well.

399934  No.4686075


The last thing you'll be worrying about is the caliber of the round being fired at you, though guy.

Grow the fuck up.

330155  No.4686076


I'm doing my part?

1b2409  No.4686077

File: 288926124927075⋯.jpeg (117.9 KB, 956x670, 478:335, DA193684-EF8B-47BF-9E95-E….jpeg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpeg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, D6E5D32D-4B42-4D86-83B7-B….jpeg)

File: 3ac8d62aa027183⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1752x1792, 219:224, 0DC9AFEB-2B3C-4720-92F1-D….jpeg)

File: fe24bed113d65d0⋯.jpeg (127.25 KB, 660x662, 330:331, 3EC46BB3-7554-4683-B275-E….jpeg)

File: df7c4e0e049adb8⋯.jpeg (58.3 KB, 461x341, 461:341, BB3C71E1-15D4-4012-B0CE-2….jpeg)


So Bobby Fisher didnt say all those things about the Jews?

when are u mossad faggots going to learn?

and what about general patton?? he spoke out about the jews and was killed for it.

d94e21  No.4686078

File: 91ef0c7c7d9cb39⋯.jpg (233.71 KB, 610x930, 61:93, workingthekitchen.jpg)


How about we meet half way?

4642f1  No.4686079


Maybe a password or key…

b8496a  No.4686080


He always seemed too druggy to me.

840323  No.4686081


hey scooter, this is day bread.

youve got 12 posts of replies.

you scoot. dipshit. go dig. fukken idiot.

dd662c  No.4686082


Holy crap Nancy's half Jewish

5c1b83  No.4686083


FYI… he's 5'4". David Hogg has bigger arms.

e71692  No.4686085


Agreed Anon. Alas, I lack the skill.

814c5c  No.4686086

3880ba  No.4686087


maga riot shill works for dnc-so obvious

7aa05c  No.4686088


Only some masons anon, some fuck each other.

9fb7d4  No.4686089

File: 72e10ed6b6b44c6⋯.jpeg (58.58 KB, 366x488, 3:4, ADDEB31B-0FBB-4692-A65C-A….jpeg)

5ec5ac  No.4686090

File: e58ab6c1f514502⋯.png (38.45 KB, 297x336, 99:112, downloadfile.png)


Anon you nailed it plus some are highly trained and still have close military hardware connection.

57407f  No.4686091

File: f4ea9cf4812a564⋯.png (4.05 MB, 1364x2000, 341:500, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4686070 TITSorGTFO!

5f2923  No.4686092



To: john.podesta@gmail.com

Date: 2014-02-25 04:51

Subject: The Steyer brothers: 'We're fearless' - Stephanie Simon and Caitlin Emma - POLITICO.com

Re. our conversation of the other day. They're drinking the kool-aid


California activist Jim Steyer is following his billionaire little brother into national politics — he’s launching a political advocacy group, and a super PAC may follow.

Steyer, 57, a children’s advocate with close ties to Hillary Clinton, hasn’t quite figured out how to stage his debut as a major player. But he promises it will be memorable.

“You don’t bring a squirt gun to a fight where the other guys have AK-47s,” he said in a telephone interview. “I will tell you this: We’re fearless.”

Younger brother Tom Steyer, 56, splashed onto the national radar last fall with huge investments in the Virginia governor’s race that helped boost Democrat Terry McAuliffe to a slim victory. He recently pledged to spend at least $100 million on the fall campaign to knock out candidates who don’t share his views on the urgency of combating global warming.

9d2233  No.4686093


I understand all the things you guys have speculated on. I understand that you keep seeing things or "finding" clues out in the wide world, that reinforces the belief, but what i want to know is where is the evidence of the original premise to behin with? Please hear me out one last time. lll try to explain wjat I am getting at…

ecb7a5  No.4686094

"Why were the 'McCabe Memos' released to the NYT >>> [RR] 'wear a wire'?



What did they think was about to drop?

Think DECLAS." -Q

4642f1  No.4686095


How bout you hang yourself?

44a022  No.4686096


You are the best example of a frame up shill.

I will be expecting more FF to be pinned on QR and you are setting it up.

064bd0  No.4686097

File: 54efee0862832cb⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 960x520, 24:13, TrumpCard50.jpg)

File: 6953e2f440d9fcc⋯.jpg (407.02 KB, 1201x630, 1201:630, QCrumbsTrustPlanPainWeHave….jpg)

File: 9e0f99ff83dec83⋯.jpg (122.46 KB, 750x519, 250:173, QcrumbsSpace_nice_view_up_….jpg)

399934  No.4686099

File: c6e587d6a85d4cb⋯.png (30.17 KB, 500x502, 250:251, moobs.png)

88a845  No.4686101


Keeping her half of the fortune while he crashes and burns.

e0898f  No.4686102

File: 653d19d60d2dbca⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 640x632, 80:79, #0001j.jpg)


Searching through memes now.

Need to add this one

f81286  No.4686103

File: 5d0aecb10004ca4⋯.gif (414.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20190108_223927.gif)


see the fourth line..


b8496a  No.4686104

File: 30bc6a609f88e4d⋯.jpg (145.54 KB, 750x941, 750:941, monicaontable.jpg)


Mrs. QAnon

2c7740  No.4686105

File: 0567f2d5b1451d7⋯.png (524.05 KB, 640x666, 320:333, ClipboardImage.png)

7fa203  No.4686106



263120  No.4686107

File: eea08a5e3847df7⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 336x424, 42:53, hagord.jpg)

5724f8  No.4686108

File: 0904ee11b7d30fa⋯.png (282.86 KB, 1409x656, 1409:656, odin wiki.PNG)

The Nordic God Odin is known for sacrificing one of his eyes as a means to gain more inner knowledge. He believed sacrificing some vision sensation would enhance his intuition, or something like that.

I wonder if that is what the cabal is doing with their black eye marker.

They could not all go around with one eye actually missing, so they get a black eye as part of the initiation, believing that it will enhance their understanding and wisdom.

And his companions were wolves!


5f2923  No.4686109


If it were logical, it wouldn't be very effective from a counter-intelligence viewpoint, now, would it.

050cd5  No.4686110


vain and gay

no better than anthony weiner selfie

ecb7a5  No.4686111

"Imagine if the new acting AG now releases all previously 'blocked' doc requests by the House (including the [RR] secondary CLAS scope doc).

Stealth Bombers fly undetected. " -Q

c2ad54  No.4686112

File: ec5b64077921e59⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 2oulyk.jpg)

6fd655  No.4686113

File: 9f3445dcaabfef9⋯.png (570.3 KB, 466x573, 466:573, tmk.PNG)


Top kek

ec1ad1  No.4686114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Psychotic Jewbot shill keeps spamming the same nonsense over and over…

Even though it's now 12 Days after the Dec. 28 Mossad Massacre.

>Are alllll the JIDF/Unit 8200 shills in Tel Aviv this brain dead stupid?


064bd0  No.4686115

File: 51a68a03684b14e⋯.jpg (233.07 KB, 1024x634, 512:317, NoForce5.jpg)


>You are the best example of a frame up shill.


b1daba  No.4686116


Possibly. Couldn't catch all the numbers but it seemed to me to be randomly cycling.

Here's what I caught.































308681  No.4686117


Conyers resigned the same day of Q's bye bye post on Dec. 5, 2017. Is Pelosi resigning today? Doubt that.

This Dec.5, 2017 Article from CNN includes a video statement of Pelosi saying the "should resign"


48e657  No.4686118

316b3f  No.4686119


I think that's part of what we dug into on half chan. Here's a few links I just scraped off the top of the 'net. Also, if you do any searching, use date delimiters to pre 12/31/2015 or 2014.


http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread437237/pg1 [usual ATS site disclaimers apply, post is from 2009]



6c1d95  No.4686120

Speaking to SpouseAnon –(Amazon employee) about Jeff Bezo divorce. Said "One person can remove him from being richest man in the universe and beyond – she is now one of the richest women taking half"


51cfa7  No.4686121

fcaa57  No.4686122


Vagina neck

6960ee  No.4686123


What's the original premise? I haven't kept track of whatever conversation you were having with another anon.

b8496a  No.4686124


Guy's a creep. Move on from this slide. He's not important.

6ab0b1  No.4686126

I had a Vet tell me the other day he was ready make the ultimate sacrifice…coward Qtarp larp fucks



5724f8  No.4686127


reminds me of dorian gray aging

858ff9  No.4686128


Let them spend tons of money on a futile effort and make themselves look like idiots

c2ad54  No.4686129


No doubt lol

57407f  No.4686130

File: 31fae6e3c8d909d⋯.png (673.73 KB, 696x463, 696:463, ClipboardImage.png)



218ffa  No.4686131


>Tom Steyer is named in the Layer 1 Overlord files as someone who got a nice fat payout due to 9/11

How did that happen?

c66f2e  No.4686132


I like him. I’ll always believe he was 5th Ave Anon. I really enjoyed that dig.

831680  No.4686133


I don't think you've thought that all the way through. There is an explanation that makes sense.

d410b7  No.4686134

On chucks past


ecb7a5  No.4686135

""The DOJ and FBI have previously informed me that release of some of this information would cross a “red line.”


701f92  No.4686136

File: f263f5a1b330e47⋯.jpg (36.44 KB, 459x352, 459:352, Capture.JPG)

>>4685281 lb

The given theory Q posts are a year behind.

I hope!

a7a0e1  No.4686137


>Underrated negotiation tactic = NO

Actually the most important one…if you're not prepared to walk away before you start negotiating, you've already lost.

ca2e57  No.4686138

File: 06926b62b6b2b17⋯.png (20.14 KB, 255x211, 255:211, rare.png)


Thanks, Anon.

bff651  No.4686139

Damn day shift looks like the old night shift. They can't find any shills to work the night shift anymore bahahahahahahahaha!!!!

abeb0e  No.4686140

wait till they get to those cold cases from civil rights era! It's a threat the Dims are not getting.


52ea52  No.4686141

File: d2d78af260423b6⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 2j1sp9.jpg)

File: 4ec4c3c00f13aa9⋯.png (340.96 KB, 809x969, 809:969, 4ec4c3c00f13aa911bb1c83a7c….png)

198d9f  No.4686142


It may have been Cooper's paper, "Veritas."

399934  No.4686143

Who's got the trojan pinata at the border meme handy?

6ab0b1  No.4686144

oh yea.. you going to 'call it'


321d00  No.4686145


No. Terrible idea.

Bill Still made a video last year setting out, rather well, the many reasons why the Article V procedure could lead to unintended outcomes.

62abab  No.4686146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can FLOTUS give the SOTU?

c2ad54  No.4686148



dd662c  No.4686149

File: 1b10fafd4d06935⋯.jpg (183.59 KB, 812x564, 203:141, knightshift.jpg)


Shill slayers

ecb7a5  No.4686150


c072f8  No.4686151

File: 6bb62589a0a237b⋯.png (21.72 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 6bb62589a0a237b7158602075b….png)

c2ad54  No.4686152

File: a77a91180f3bdc1⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2q2opo.jpg)

7e2a28  No.4686153


701f92  No.4686154


Sure, just lemme grab my magic 8-ball


024f2a  No.4686155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4ce4e2  No.4686156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I would watch this first

5f2923  No.4686157


Post count shill much? Sorry, was busy tying Tom Steyer to HRC, Podesta and walnut sauce.

b037bb  No.4686158



>>4685499, >>4685913 Planefags checkin with C-130 spoops.

>>4685500 Antifa claims responsibility of German Politician before its scraped off the web.

>>4685114 (lb), >>4685554, >>4685674, >>4685904 Continued Evergreeen Digz.

>>4685568 Bezos seeing former TV anchor Lauren Sanchez. Follow the mistresses? (Clowns)

>>4685851 House Republicans Introduce Bill To Pay Employees Who Work During Shutdown

>>4685273, >>4685906 Moar on Chuckie the Nazi

>>4685929 New filing in United States v. Mike Flynn: Order on Motion to Modify Conditions of Release

>>4685887 , >>4685765 "China’s debt-trap diplomacy is spreading across Africa"

>>4685970 POTUS saying Bye Bye? Nancy gone?

>>4686036 GEOTUS recieves highest national approval rating per Parscales data.

064bd0  No.4686159


My veterinarian doesn't feel that way.

6ab0b1  No.4686160

who gives a fuck. release it..>>4686150

b1daba  No.4686162


I think it was signalling to get attention or they were using some tech to confuse.

Plane seemed to come in from Utah area. I spotted it near Santa Fe/ Los Alamos.

66b663  No.4686163



f6a2d9  No.4686165


(2 days ahead of schedule)


1-19 ??? would love to call it

e1cbe3  No.4686166


Can you please post the others I saw a few breads ago? I want to save them…

ecb7a5  No.4686167

"IG report.

Sessions public attack.

RR problems.

Seals broken.


Why was Huber made public?

Why now?

Everything has meaning.









Election Integrity.

Immigration Bill.



Military start." -Q

ef59f1  No.4686169


Boone from LOST? Maybe that's why he got the hair transplant.

399934  No.4686171

File: 25681cd61e03aca⋯.png (10.11 KB, 396x95, 396:95, postcount.png)

4796b6  No.4686173

File: 0c166ee146be652⋯.png (465.48 KB, 517x600, 517:600, 098CBD7C-000F-47AF-95FA-42….png)

File: 3fae981c08410d3⋯.jpeg (211.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 03DBCC4B-56F6-4F20-BA68-9….jpeg)

File: f55c74130ab5d1f⋯.jpeg (183.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, A0756C28-74CC-46A0-9800-B….jpeg)

File: 5075047078a4b1f⋯.png (508.35 KB, 631x625, 631:625, 75915027-06F4-4C73-A267-D7….png)

b8496a  No.4686174


Hey, it also goes to kill kids in countries you'll never go to!

6960ee  No.4686175

Doesn't understand original premise-anon, are you phone fagging? This might take days then…

961aeb  No.4686177


Probably to protect half of his assets from being taken.

06eb81  No.4686178


Trying to make money on this is sickening to me.

cacc62  No.4686179

File: cbd2f9457e4c21e⋯.png (1.33 MB, 696x886, 348:443, MONICA LIPS.png)


so? It's Monica's best pic.

88a845  No.4686181

File: 188c722f1bb220b⋯.png (88.49 KB, 675x191, 675:191, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)


Baker, you forgot lb's on 1st and 6th notable

ecb7a5  No.4686183

"Who is missing from the scheduled meeting?


Who is Ed O’Callahan?




701f92  No.4686186


Grabbing Magic 8-ball

fb9236  No.4686188

File: 6228b402063d2fe⋯.png (1.13 MB, 749x610, 749:610, Screenshot_280.png)

File: 0c71ad94e8b9f9e⋯.png (709.21 KB, 748x586, 374:293, Screenshot_281.png)

File: a9d8ae1ee4c5218⋯.png (858.24 KB, 745x562, 745:562, Screenshot_406.png)

File: 2588ed93fd76bc2⋯.png (585.46 KB, 611x455, 47:35, Screenshot_264.png)

File: cbc245542877fbb⋯.png (539.63 KB, 339x526, 339:526, Screenshot_265.png)



399934  No.4686189

File: 49c66487501b818⋯.png (90.47 KB, 951x840, 317:280, pepe_what.png)


ALL notables are lb.

7856c3  No.4686190



This CRUMB does not link to your relevant source, but instead links to a SHILL SLIDE attempt.


>>4685568 Bezos seeing former TV anchor Lauren Sanchez. Follow the mistresses? (Clowns)

6960ee  No.4686191


I would be ok with this if there was substance.

5c1b83  No.4686192


Aren't ALL notables LB though?

Welcome newfag.

d3abbd  No.4686193

so when Q said 2018 was going to be GLORIOUS

That meant 2019 was going to be GLORIOUS?

Think mirror and all that shit?

b8496a  No.4686194


No point in a Patriot putting himself into the hands of the masonic police state. The Trump DOJ needs to do its job .

0a8512  No.4686195


Their newfag glows kek

5ec5ac  No.4686196

File: 374565ee0847d2d⋯.jpg (123.66 KB, 754x1200, 377:600, 13a50815aadbaa04df511fbe03….jpg)

File: f87cfcf704634e9⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 600x667, 600:667, downloadfile-4.jpg)

The Crusades 2019

b1daba  No.4686198


Baker 1st notable 4485499 is not planefagging. TY

5b1f73  No.4686199

Wish the No such agency would ACCIDENTALLY release it all NOW

57407f  No.4686200

File: 77323fd1c52e4a5⋯.png (719.74 KB, 696x465, 232:155, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4686179 I LIKE THIS ONE!!

dd662c  No.4686202


It will be glorious, when we find out the happenings, future proves past.

88a845  No.4686203



Still screws with phonefags navigating from bun.

b037bb  No.4686204

4796b6  No.4686205

Her middle name is Wendy. Caught my eye.

62abab  No.4686206


I'm guessing 2019 is when you fags (OP excluded) find out how glorious 2018 was.

ecb7a5  No.4686207

"Justice K confirmation


Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein [payment in full]


"Flake's decision came after he spoke to senators of both parties and withstood pressure from some Republicans not to take such a step. As he considered his course of action, Flake also had a conversation with Deputy Attorney General [Rod Rosenstein], who is in charge of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation."

Define 'Treason'." -Q

ae6979  No.4686208

Anyone else excited for the nwo so the goyim finally have to see exactly what it is theyve been supporting

Sadly i think most of them will like it

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