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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

b254f8  No.4501430

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 12/22/18

>>4433511 ————————————–——– Research for yourself

>>4432768 ————————————–——– TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.

Friday 12/21/18

>>4409412 ————————————–——– What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?

>>4408964 ————————————–——– Anons can play this game all day long.

Thursday 12/20/18

>>4401036 ————————————–——– History will not repeat itself this time

>>4400956 ————————————–——– Notice a pattern?

>>4393668 ————————————–——– ALICE & MAD HATTER. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4393450 ————————————–——– The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392683 rt >>4392645 -————————– Old news. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392646 ————————————–——– You have the keystone. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392356 ————————————–——– Completed this week.

>>4392305 ————————————–——– Anons know why.

>>4392219 ————————————–——– None left by choice.

Wednesday 12/19/18

Compiled here: >>4451195

Q & A

Thursday 12/13/18

Compiled here: >>4430511

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b254f8  No.4501434


are not endorsements


>>4430721 BO calls out the 'Highest Ranking Post' script

>>4308334 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth

>>4461248 BO on /QResearch/ posts per hour (PPH) stats: Be reminded that there are WAY more of us than you might think


>>4501294 General Mark Milley: Character and Trust in an every increasing compartmentalized battlefield.

>>4501332 New Migrant Caravan of 15,000 Set to Leave Honduras in January.

>>4501228 Angelina Jolie thinking of running for President as well?

>>4501200 Harris, Booker And Warren to announce 2020 bids next month. Someones nervous?

>>4501041 Anon pulls together a picture of happenings.

>>4501103 Twitter bashes Queen over video in front of gold piano urging ‘subjects’ to pull together.

>>4501049 Yellow Vest protesters attempt to storm Macron’s Mediterranean castle.

>>4501017 ‘Build the wall or close the border’: Trump issues new ultimatum to Democrats.

>>4500989 Pelosi appoints Kathy Castor to Chair Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

>>4500983 Angela Merkel: Nation States must "give up sovereignty" to new world order.

>>4500964 NGOs ferrying migrants to European shores.

>>4500832 Op Ed: Trudeau's limiting citizen activism?

>>4500784 Syrian troops enter Kurdish-held town after Turkey threatens offensive.

>>4501407 #5740


>>4500555 Anon posts an awesome clip of fighter planes.

>>4500476 US Dept. of Energy AS32982 Network possibly BGP hijacked by China telecom?

>>4500278 Huma and HRC party with Asia's richest man?

>>4499928 Dig on Deep State online gaming comms.

>>4500121, >>4500181, >>4500183 Trump urged to nationalize ‘E-Verify’ after 700 percent surge in arrests of illegal worker.

>>4500154 El Paso may face "crisis" housing migrants due to Sun Bowl, incoming congresswoman warns.

>>4500112 French yellow vests “are still mobilised” and will protest on Saturday and New Year’s Eve, organisers say.

>>4500105 China allows first-ever imports of US rice ahead of trade talks.

>>4500090 LEO deaths are up this year from 2017.

>>4500088 The American people are waking up.

>>4499903 Utah Data Center built by Army engineers (Red Castle). Uses 1.7 mil gals of water every day.

>>4500068 New York man charged in kidnapping of kids for Jewish sect.

>>4500043 California illegal immigrant ‘cop-killer’ may have ties to violent gang accused of murders, human smuggling

>>4500023 DJT Tweet: Great things are happening!

>>4499983 Saudi Arabia re-arrests billionaire prince Al-Waleed's brother days after father's death.

>>4500618 #5739

Previously Collected Notables

>>4498319 #5736, >>4499070 #5737, >>4499828 #5738

>>4496027 #5733, >>4496806 #5734, >>4497547 #5735

>>4493743 #5730, >>4494491 #5731, >>4495227 #5732

>>4491403 #5727, >>4492192 #5728, >>4492972 #5729

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b254f8  No.4501436

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>4437980

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b254f8  No.4501438

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

37 >>4359646, 36 >>4113363

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 36,000+ memes & infographs with keyword searchable filenames

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922

b254f8  No.4501445

File: ac1340ba5aeea74⋯.png (654.24 KB, 1265x673, 1265:673, ClipboardImage.png)



1ef01c  No.4501499

File: 26ad6efe6c02577⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 263x351, 263:351, bluecrown.jpg)

File: cf868575b85d998⋯.jpg (117.81 KB, 605x886, 605:886, amasunzu.jpg)

51858a  No.4501509

Be pretty sweet if something big happened before 2019…cant we get one high profile indictment? Arrest? Sonething juicy?

Anons deserve some public justice.

cc3027  No.4501513

Chuck Schumers daughter works for FACEBOOK.



e48e6a  No.4501522

File: 5d04a7c1063ad29⋯.jpg (95.12 KB, 990x726, 15:11, fake.JPG)

File: c82ba8dd268797e⋯.jpg (75.59 KB, 639x530, 639:530, fake 2.JPG)

"It's all true: Everything is fake," tweeted Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao regarding a Wednesday New York Magazine article which reveals that internet traffic metrics from some of the largest tech companies are overstated or fabricated. In other words; they're bullshit.

The metrics are fake.

Take something as seemingly simple as how we measure web traffic. Metrics should be the most real thing on the internet: They are countable, trackable, and verifiable, and their existence undergirds the advertising business that drives our biggest social and search platforms. Yet not even Facebook, the world’s greatest data–gathering organization, seems able to produce genuine figures. In October, small advertisers filed suit against the social-media giant, accusing it of covering up, for a year, its significant overstatements of the time users spent watching videos on the platform (by 60 to 80 percent, Facebook says; by 150 to 900 percent, the plaintiffs say). According to an exhaustive list at MarketingLand, over the past two years Facebook has admitted to misreporting the reach of posts on Facebook Pages (in two different ways), the rate at which viewers complete ad videos, the average time spent reading its “Instant Articles,” the amount of referral traffic from Facebook to external websites, the number of views that videos received via Facebook’s mobile site, and the number of video views in Instant Articles.

Can we still trust the metrics? After the Inversion, what’s the point? Even when we put our faith in their accuracy, there’s something not quite real about them: My favorite statistic this year was Facebook’s claim that 75 million people watched at least a minute of Facebook Watch videos every day — though, as Facebook admitted, the 60 seconds in that one minute didn’t need to be watched consecutively. Real videos, real people, fake minutes. -NYMag


72ee80  No.4501525

File: 30612fcba263231⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1079x1080, 1079:1080, pepeklimt.PNG)


Thank you, Baker

75ebf5  No.4501530

File: 1838517934c94a8⋯.jpg (113.89 KB, 1100x720, 55:36, Battlefield Trust.jpg)

fe5076  No.4501537


I don’t need proof for me to believe I need it to shove in the face of everyone who has not been moved by the current proofs that exist.

2e8b17  No.4501542

File: dd36bae67643d77⋯.gif (7.1 MB, 544x306, 16:9, uicide.gif)

d5597c  No.4501543

File: 96de5dbaa36f373⋯.png (325.31 KB, 500x388, 125:97, ClipboardImage.png)

13b8b3  No.4501545


Anons "deserve" nothing.

Entitlement mindset.

b67c6c  No.4501547



d5597c  No.4501549

File: d72864297e92b0a⋯.png (195.92 KB, 449x316, 449:316, ClipboardImage.png)

0b3062  No.4501550

Next Q post … 1 JAN 2019?

ce6bc3  No.4501552

File: e5d926b5f504c27⋯.png (495.51 KB, 620x331, 620:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0acd30c58c0c6f7⋯.png (78.82 KB, 638x838, 319:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faec5cb3f841347⋯.png (5.36 KB, 642x107, 6:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio Heartbeat Bill Goes Down in Flames after GOPs Side with Kasich, Planned Parenthood, and Democrats

Ohio's "heartbeat bill," which would have prohibited killing unborn children with a detectable heartbeat, went down in flames on Thursday after the Senate failed by one vote to override Gov. Kasich's heartless veto of the bill.

The bill passed both chambers earlier this month — the House by a comfortable majority and the Senate 18-13 — but Kasich followed through on his promise to veto the bill. In Ohio, a three-fifths majority is required to override a veto, which meant that two additional votes were needed in the Senate.

The Ohio House voted earlier today to override Kasich's veto 61-28, but the measure came up one vote short in the Senate, which voted 19-13 against the override. Sen. Frank LaRose, who was absent for the vote on the bill earlier this month, voted to override, but GOP Sen. Bill Beagle, who voted for the heartbeat bill, inexplicably defected, crossing the aisle to side with Democrats, Kasich, and Planned Parenthood, all of whom had campaigned vigorously against protecting the lives of unborn children. Beagle was joined by four Republicans — John Eklund, Matt Dolan, Stephanie Kunze, and Gayle Manning — to block the override attempt.

PJM reported earlier this month:

Passage of Sub HB 258 would mean that "no person shall knowingly and purposefully perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman with the specific intent of causing or abetting the termination of the life of the unborn human individual the pregnant woman is carrying and whose fetal heartbeat has been detected." Doctors who violate the law would be guilty of a fifth-degree felony. There are no penalties in the bill for women who choose to kill their babies. The law, if passed, would allow exceptions for procedures that are "designed or intended to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman." That language ensures that doctors would not be able to flaut the law by claiming a pregnancy would threaten the mental health of the mother.

The Senate stripped from the bill a requirement that a woman seeking an abortion must have a transvaginal ultrasound performed — which can detect a heartbeat as early as 5 1/2 weeks — in order to determine the gestational age of the child. The amended version requires only an abdominal ultrasound, which usually can detect a heartbeat at around 6-7 weeks gestation.


2e8b17  No.4501553

File: 3ee2d37ec985692⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 833x503, 833:503, Webp.net-gifmaker (5).gif)

4466b1  No.4501555

File: 55f6c0c2d55a04f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 942D294D-D4FF-4B46-B5EE-76….png)

This is the Q clock for Holy Innocents Day. Note the Sept. 5th post that links into the graphic via the 26 in killbrackets. This post suggests that HRC will be subject to military tribunal. These posts are all connected by date and seconds matches.

75ebf5  No.4501556

File: ab95e9d1ebefd96⋯.png (52.76 KB, 1163x622, 1163:622, 122818 Dollar index.PNG)

File: 76129d757ab3a30⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 474x379, 474:379, Fiat Currency.jpg)

When buying metals keep in mind they are priced in federal reserve notes. At some point the price of metals will become bifurcated from the pricing mechanism i.e. fed notes. Have ZERO idea what that will look like but we have a large problem with too many of these suckers in circulation.

60a81a  No.4501557

>>4500855 (lb)

this is a pile of bullshit

t. ETfag

e48e6a  No.4501559

File: 14419e9d7bd20d9⋯.jpg (54.37 KB, 798x425, 798:425, cohentwit.JPG)

#Mueller knows everything!


af13ac  No.4501560

File: 14bdbd209151533⋯.jpg (258.25 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, BAKER!.jpg)


I love you baker.


48793f  No.4501561

People love wealth and Power. How much better it would be to love one another. Wealth and Power keeps [you] enslaved so [you] cannot realize [what you really are].

6c7de1  No.4501563


12/22/2018 - 1/1/2019

10 days of darkness?

1ef01c  No.4501564

File: 2c6bc8b084fa59b⋯.png (493.1 KB, 450x452, 225:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ea9e14ec81f619⋯.png (444.31 KB, 600x899, 600:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57b588c709e9a88⋯.png (1.5 MB, 968x1600, 121:200, ClipboardImage.png)

0b3062  No.4501565



691d97  No.4501566

File: 602942a70e2be14⋯.jpeg (931.44 KB, 1242x2087, 1242:2087, B0DA0122-5F4E-4997-8606-D….jpeg)

File: 1130854a5400aaf⋯.jpeg (716.35 KB, 1242x1999, 1242:1999, 4BE0C1BF-E34D-4A3A-AAB3-0….jpeg)

File: eeac1a4b09bd121⋯.jpeg (889.38 KB, 1242x1933, 1242:1933, 5F581567-78C6-4A1C-9FD9-2….jpeg)

File: 3ca1b98a2d460db⋯.jpeg (44.42 KB, 446x600, 223:300, 35E40D9F-4D7B-45A3-BF06-A….jpeg)

Reposting from late last bread

>>4501539 (lb)

Las Vegas


Mandalay Bay

Interscope records artists

Satan worshipping rituals

What could go wrong?


ce6bc3  No.4501567

File: 692c636713c55dc⋯.png (56.92 KB, 598x715, 46:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 432f4c5e520bcae⋯.png (411.45 KB, 586x910, 293:455, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon admits Iran’s key role in restoring calm to Afghanistan

The Pentagon has acknowledged Iran’s key role in restoring peace and stability to war-torn Afghanistan, backtracking on Washington’s earlier claims that Tehran supports the local Taliban militant group.

“Iran seeks a stable Afghan government that is responsive to Iranian goals, the elimination of ISIS-K, the removal of the US/NATO presence, and the protection of Iranian concerns, such as water rights and border security,” the US Department of Defense said in a report sent to Congress this week.

The Pentagon also admitted Iran’s influence in Afghanistan, saying that Tehran pursues “a multitrack strategy” of engaging with the Afghan government and seeks to boost bilateral economic ties with Kabul.

“Iranian involvement is most prominent in western, central, and northern Afghanistan, where local Afghans share common history, culture, religion, and language with Iran,” according to the report.

The report comes as Iran has announced it is engaged in negotiations with the Afghan Taliban to help settle the existing security challenges facing the neighboring country.


1873aa  No.4501568

THANK YOU you are a LARP

73edcd  No.4501569

File: fbe549f924842c2⋯.png (412.3 KB, 624x396, 52:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f3e3daee0e14c1⋯.png (236.41 KB, 624x616, 78:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3975ccf22c8ba8⋯.png (251.76 KB, 624x612, 52:51, ClipboardImage.png)


Not only were there explosions at Con Edison electric plant in Astoria, New York and footage of a UFO (either real or hologram) just prior to the explosions, but there were multiple explosions in Kenner, Louisiana and a man reported a blue beam a mile wide prior.

Incredible footage captured of power lines on fire, flashes of light in the sky, and more. Charles Walton, said he saw a blue beam a mile wide and correlates it to a UFO that size, even though video of the UFO was not captured.

I guess we don’t know what’s going on, but could it be that Q Team is taking out Power Grids to stop any EMP attack that would take them all out?

Oh, as a side note, my power flickered off and on after I finished watching the video in Louisiana.



b67c6c  No.4501570

File: 1822601d7a31856⋯.jpg (245.08 KB, 1185x807, 395:269, AVENATTI.jpg)

0b3062  No.4501571

2e8b17  No.4501572

File: 060333e9392effb⋯.png (208.17 KB, 570x356, 285:178, Comics_01b930_5448113.png)


we wuz kangz

neck yourself nog

5f0eea  No.4501573

File: 087f76509b3d979⋯.png (50.4 KB, 634x407, 634:407, Donald J. Trump on Twitter….png)

File: 0cf09a81dbf3a61⋯.png (95.87 KB, 1156x627, 1156:627, Glenn A. Fine Department….png)

@realDonaldTrump Cap Code Decode


(TSP)Technical Service Provider (MI)Military (IG) Inspector General (G)Glen A. Fine

Other thoughts for TSP:

(TSP)Telecommunications Service Priority https://www.dhs.gov/cisa/telecommunications-service-priority-tsp

(TSP)The Starting Point

(TSP)Terrorist Surveillance Program

Since January 10, 2016, Glenn A. Fine has served as the Acting Inspector General or the Principal Deputy Inspector General Performing the Duties of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Defense.

Mr. Fine joined the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) as the Principal Deputy Inspector General on June 1, 2015. Prior to joining the DoD OIG, he was a partner at the law firm Dechert LLP.

Mr. Fine previously served as Inspector General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) from 2000 to 2011. He also served as Special Counsel to the DOJ Inspector General and as Director of the Special Investigations and Review Unit from 1995 to 2000. Mr. Fine worked as an Assistant United States Attorney in Washington, D.C., where he prosecuted over 35 criminal jury trials.

Mr. Fine earned a bachelor of arts degree in economics from Harvard College and a juris doctorate from Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude both times. He also earned bachelor and master of arts degrees from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

fb9d05  No.4501574

St. Louis martial arts studio and

pizzeria owner

convicted of sex crimes against children


f37072  No.4501575

A barrel of 1” Trawlex and a steam to 1000 fathoms still awaits.

First class airfare and a limo will transport you dockside when you’ve finially decided it’s all too much.

Almost reddie…..?

3f8c0f  No.4501576

File: 87ebf74841a3ecd⋯.png (46.97 KB, 649x435, 649:435, EdHenry to Lieu re Wall 12….PNG)

File: 24cb9efab28b508⋯.png (57.36 KB, 643x584, 643:584, Lieu to POTUS re Wall 12-2….PNG)

Congressman – doing a story on reaction from lawmakers in California to the killing of police officer Ronil Singh – have you sent any tweets or full statements on police officer killed in your home state?



f15499  No.4501577

Would an anon who has been around for a while explain why Roseanne has been shunned by anons?

eacff0  No.4501578

File: 6244ce9c841602a⋯.jpg (29.68 KB, 968x681, 968:681, hillary-clinton.jpg)



It's almost like it's a witch hunt, or something…

4b7428  No.4501579

File: dd778f71628c471⋯.png (225.12 KB, 822x513, 274:171, Screenshot 2018-12-28 at 1….png)

Using their get out of jail free card?


a9daf8  No.4501580

They want you DIVIDED.











Don't play this game. It only helps cabal.

fe454f  No.4501581

File: 82db14ed3a2e84d⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 400x294, 200:147, 903_candy_14.gif)

TY Baker

99e4b3  No.4501582


The social media/search giants have ALL the information on ALL traffic to their platforms. Knowing something that others do not know is a huge advantage in so many fields so it makes no sense, besides in morality/ethics, that they would share any of that information truthfully.

13b8b3  No.4501583


Because she is crazy.

0b505b  No.4501584

>>4501539 (pb)

>>4501548 (pb) (& jelly)

I see what you see.

Pray, Anon.

I grew up there.

That city is heavy on my heart.

Ephesians 6:12

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

eb0285  No.4501585

File: 65de320cb68196a⋯.jpg (16.26 KB, 324x324, 1:1, funny baker.jpg)


75ebf5  No.4501586

File: ec79292d046fd7f⋯.png (98.5 KB, 1070x338, 535:169, 122818 US Mkt snap.PNG)

File: c0c9fadd695baed⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 245x140, 7:4, Napalm son.gif)

Munchkins had better arrive or it's going to get ugly.

b67c6c  No.4501587


And not very bright.

13b8b3  No.4501588


Describes most women.

84d39d  No.4501589

File: 3039b0a8577c122⋯.jpg (39.05 KB, 750x457, 750:457, lens_flare!.jpg)


Muh blue beam came from the ground too then…

No, it was lens flare.

bac3f5  No.4501590

File: cac70d2fd001395⋯.jpeg (124.8 KB, 1242x1186, 621:593, 61572A82-8EF8-407D-A1B3-2….jpeg)

File: 695d2d1276d690b⋯.jpeg (115.84 KB, 1242x1082, 621:541, 77B829DA-4B7D-4311-8226-4….jpeg)


ab2ada  No.4501591


looks like she has a tooth front and center.

ccbd81  No.4501592


>Oh, as a side note, my power flickered off and on after I finished watching the video in Louisiana

Every single fag that has posted this kind of stuff

All say at the end: then Muh power went off too and I live in Guam totally spoopy yo!

f15499  No.4501593


That's it? If that were tge only reason, none of us would be here. Kek

62eee4  No.4501594

File: 8db771b26fee3a8⋯.png (312.26 KB, 630x834, 105:139, BasedPoland_on_Twitter_-Th….png)

File: e2cedf26146b169⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BasedPoland on Twitter The….mp4)

The new Europe.. 50 hoodlums on motorcycles / Vespas chase a police car in a #NoGoZone in #Marseille #France These neighborhoods are known in France as #Banlieue & the young criminals living there are called #Racailles They dominate many parts of France. #Sweden looks the same


d4f683  No.4501595


Americans dont deserve justice? Huh.

b3b7c7  No.4501596

File: 869717d980f8ea6⋯.jpg (373.59 KB, 630x456, 105:76, Tut-bird-man.jpg)

Law of one

82e03d  No.4501597

File: 35ec74ae9462a31⋯.jpg (120.55 KB, 500x666, 250:333, baker.jpg)

ce6bc3  No.4501598

File: d0b9b2442314ef7⋯.png (96.98 KB, 746x878, 373:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2977bf866170c⋯.png (99.88 KB, 738x915, 246:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1980394ec348c42⋯.png (99.02 KB, 739x918, 739:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 763c9bda7c1b2b1⋯.png (88.97 KB, 743x924, 743:924, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24420c50ec0732b⋯.png (29.45 KB, 731x272, 43:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Who Was Secretly Behind America’s Invading and Occupying Syria?

The invasion and occupation of Syria by tens of thousands of jihadists who were recruited from around the world to overthrow Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad,

was financed mainly by US taxpayers and by the world’s wealthiest family, the Sauds, who own Saudi Arabia and the world’s largest oil company, Aramco. America’s international oil companies and major think tanks and ‘charitable’ foundations were also supportive and providing propaganda for the operation, but the main financing for it came from America’s taxpayers, and from the Saud family and from the Government that they own.

One of the best articles that the New York Times ever published was by Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo, on 23 January 2016, “US Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels”. They reported that, “the C.I.A. and its Saudi counterpart have maintained an unusual arrangement for the rebel-training mission, which the Americans have code-named Timber Sycamore. Under the deal, current and former administration officials said, the Saudis contribute both weapons and large sums of money, and the C.I.A takes the lead in training the rebels. … From the moment the C.I.A. operation was started, Saudi money supported it.” Furthermore, “The White House has embraced the covert financing from Saudi Arabia — and from Qatar, Jordan and Turkey.” But “American officials said Saudi Arabia was by far the largest contributor to the operation.” The invasion and occupation of Syria by jihadists from around the world was primarily a Saud operation, though it was managed mainly by the US Government.

Prior to the failed US-backed coup-attempt on 15 July 2015 to replace Tayyip Erdogan as Turkey’s President, Turkey was part of the U.S-Saudi alliance to overthrow and replace Syria’s Government. But afterwards, Turkey increasingly switched against the US and Sauds, and toward instead supporting the target of the Sauds and of America’s aristocrats: Syria. And, so, Turkey has increasingly joined Syria’s alliance, which includes Iran and Russia. That’s one of the major geopolitical changes in recent decades.

The NYT continued: “The Saudi efforts were led by the flamboyant Prince Bandar bin Sultan, at the time the intelligence chief, who directed Saudi spies to buy thousands of AK-47s and millions of rounds of ammunition in Eastern Europe for the Syrian rebels. The C.I.A. helped arrange some of the arms purchases for the Saudis, including a large deal in Croatia in 2012.”


a9daf8  No.4501599


Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.

Watch those announcing 2020 P running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe.


d4ae7c  No.4501600

>>4501041 (lb)

This Anon, right here, is on to sumpthin'

046552  No.4501601

af13ac  No.4501602

File: 3a02177f571c10b⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 736x718, 368:359, 902b85f1cea341de7feaad297b….jpg)

File: 512e4c1dc1996a3⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 400x400, 1:1, suck-im-sorry-meme.jpg)



22dcf9  No.4501603

98eb6c  No.4501604

File: f44d1f455348ea6⋯.png (144.46 KB, 948x689, 948:689, ClipboardImage.png)

Another dead TV news anchor

50bf06  No.4501606

File: 607dcb1e0e943c7⋯.jpg (671.86 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Enterprise.jpg)

d31199  No.4501607


Criminals deserve justice. Americans want to witness it.

b265ff  No.4501608


She's not. I love her.

2be676  No.4501609

Sky Event.


44fba2  No.4501610

File: c85cbd25f50f9a1⋯.png (13.49 KB, 255x246, 85:82, gayjew.png)

>>4501510 LB

BiBi is a dangerous, cornered animal now. His panic will have him make a devastating military blunder in the next 72 hours that will fully expose Israel & the Cabal cunts that have usurped power in the US for decades through usury blackmail & jew subversion Screencap this

1500ea  No.4501611


The real question is why TF do you care?

You do know Roseann is an entertainer, right?

Does her life in any way reflect what you do in an average day?

Why TF would you care what this fat, loud-mouth, unemployed primadonna feels about anything?

Maybe if you got your head out the tv for a minute you'd realize you are living a life that is NOT your own but hinged on allowing entertainers to frame your existence.


71b9b1  No.4501612

File: 042e61ddbd9424c⋯.png (125.24 KB, 297x168, 99:56, Capture.PNG)

Basically the only reason the UN exists is because the League of Nations failed, we have been had,, again as usual

Funding the United Nations Is Making Less Sense Than Ever

"Here's an idea: Let's stop funding this globalist organization altogether.

In 2018, the UN's General Assembly issued a total of 27 condemnations of nations for various actions that the UN considered nefarious in one way or another. Twenty-one of them were against the State of Israel, mainly for its attempts to defend itself against Hamas and its 'abuse' of Palestinians. The United States got its annual condemnation, sponsored by Cuba for 'the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United State of America against Cuba.'

North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran, and Myanmar were also condemned by the UN General Assembly, one time each. Ridiculously, serial human-rights abusers such as China, Pakistan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Somalia were not condemned even one time by the UN in 2018…

The UN's original mission called for the maintenance of international peace and safety. It has far outgrown that mission and is attempting to set itself up as some sort of seat of global government. But the truth is, the UN needs the United States much more than the United States needs the UN. The UN, with its climate-change fear mongering and obvious political biases, is not an organization that deserves respect. Without U.S. involvement, it would probably quickly go the same route as the League of Nations - and good riddance.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump got big applause with promises to cut funding for certain United Nations programs. Candidate Trump often stated that, when elected, he would be 'canceling billions in climate-change spending for the United Nations.'

Imagine the cheers in 2020 should he announce that he intends to withdraw from the UN altogether."



President Reagan, endorsing the suggestion that disgruntled members of the United Nations are free to leave New York, said today that perhaps they should consider splitting their sessions between the Soviet Union and the United States.


7854b9  No.4501613

File: 49a5d3c79731c7b⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2000x2434, 1000:1217, Lodestar_graphic.png)

Here's the Lodestar Graphic

b254f8  No.4501614


I love you too fren

feb0db  No.4501615


She hasn't been shunned. She isn't exactly the center of attention for what this board is about, though.

2e8b17  No.4501616










/\ ☻/




































































































13b8b3  No.4501617


If you commit a crime you damn well deserve justice because you earned it.

f15499  No.4501618


She's a djt supporter. Knows all about the Roths and mku and it's victims, and tries to help those victims.

You guys aren't telling the whole story.

d4f683  No.4501619


OD’d in motel with some dude..meanwhile wife/kids at home.

f2906f  No.4501620


It is NOT going to happen . . . .

A Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is a burst of electromagnetic radiation created by nuclear explosions. NK has threatened and boasted about their capabilities for using an EMP, which means they will fire the nuclear weapon into the atmosphere over the US. Migrants crossing Channel declared 'major incident' by Home Office If an EMP was fired over the US, it would not only devastate the electrical grid of a country along with all its infrastructure but this would lead to widespread casualties. There would be an indefinite blackout because of the EMP, and Military Commanders have been running drills in practice for a situation of chaos caused by a mass failure of the power grid. In the case of any nuclear attacks, radiation is the main thing to be worried about but in the case of an EMP, the radiation is mostly absorbed by the air in the atmosphere above where it is detonated. Using the EMP as a weapon may be desirable for North Korea as it requires less accuracy, and an EMP blast could affect a 700-mile radius (1126 km). North Korea has warned of a ‘very dark day’ for the US (Picture: Getty) The only spot that will be unaffected will be the small area exactly under the explosion close to the ground where the Earth’s magnetic field will create an eye of the storm. The EMP would only need to hit a general area of the target to cause significant damage. Until an EMP actually happens it is hard to know exactly what will happen.

0a3578  No.4501621

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Bones of a Dying World [Full Album]

- If These Trees Could Talk

An excellent album from a group out of Akron, OH. Instrumentals, kind of post-rock(ish)…very well done. Enjoy, Anons…this is some good stuff.


52eb02  No.4501622

File: 84055c67a1332f8⋯.jpg (79.93 KB, 600x575, 24:23, 1.jpg)


Ethiopia repatriates over 4,000 nationals from Middle Eastern, African countries

45df64  No.4501623

File: 5105d5352cb1f4b⋯.jpeg (57.56 KB, 565x500, 113:100, 3032A8AD-A0BC-4483-975E-7….jpeg)

edcb48  No.4501624



If they righteously wanted to overthrow a corrupt government, props to them, but they didn't, they themselves are corrupt generational and groomed degenerates, and have been working to put in place a self-serving, psychopathic tyranny, and one of the major problems with that is that they're peddling the fake revolution to millions of people who believe in them.

f15499  No.4501625


And, she shouldn't be.

d33495  No.4501626


Trump is president, we demand endless investigations and he be locked up with no evidence!


I am running for president, you cant look at any of my crimes.

98d741  No.4501627


That is why we are here.

To prosecute the witnessing of Justice.

99e4b3  No.4501628


Fake and GAY. Obvious and already established.

5215cd  No.4501629


is Yacub a primordial drawf?

d9d26c  No.4501630


^^^^^^^^^^^very good fake or strange things are happening

24224d  No.4501631


Finally. A functional 'fro.

feb0db  No.4501632


>None are protected.

>None are safe.

I really hope these are not disinfo. I think we will know very soon.

d970e9  No.4501633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those that have the discernment to recognize the hollywood style disclosure personalities as the disinfo agents that they are, let's get back to the plain janes.

60a81a  No.4501634

File: a0f0c2a2c2ca957⋯.png (23.98 KB, 936x309, 312:103, Q disclosure.png)


People are still not taking this seriously, instead focusing on bullshit.


10483c  No.4501635

File: 2c0fd9ab7d1de45⋯.jpg (195.33 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_559.jpg)

patriots remember!

52eb02  No.4501636

File: e93b156cb27b529⋯.jpg (197.41 KB, 500x1250, 2:5, download.jpg)


Malta most mentioned foreign country in Italian mafia investigations

e5604a  No.4501637

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>4501538 (lb)

while no professor or autist, here's the unhinged uncle of the drum family…

b3b7c7  No.4501638

File: 3372bb075daf312⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11111.jpg)

d4f683  No.4501639


You retarded or what? No shit.

Hildabeast and countless officials committed crimes. I want them to face justice.

Do i need to use fingerpaint? How fucking dumb are hou?

75ebf5  No.4501640

File: a7d35751cd04bb2⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 750x420, 25:14, First in line.jpg)

f2906f  No.4501641


Just pull all the Funding for the UN.

ce6bc3  No.4501642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Could the 38 Billion given to Israel by the US be used to feed, cloth and shelter America’s 500,000 homeless?

Could the 38 Billion given to Israel by the US be used to feed, cloth and shelter America’s 500,000 homeless?

38 * 1000 * 106 / (500000) = 76,000

So yeah that’s enough for food and shelter and probably a car and a overseas holiday.

Is there something wrong with my math?

edit: it’s 38 billion over 10 years so that should be 7,600 per homeless person per year. Is this enough for food and shelter?

edit2: James Traficant says Israel gets 15 billion a year from American tax payers

so that’s 30,000 per year per homeless person.


bac3f5  No.4501643

File: d8770ae329ded27⋯.jpeg (147.52 KB, 1242x1373, 1242:1373, 11296E79-7067-455A-A9B6-A….jpeg)

Is this nonsense or comms not understood?

687be7  No.4501644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even Airbus counts down for the retard

1500ea  No.4501645


Add central KY to the outage map as well.

Large area south of Lexington.

d9d26c  No.4501646

>>4501624 Yes! AND their Satanic "code" is that they have to publicly announce in some fashion what they are going to do and exactly how they are going to do it…and when the "sheep" offer no resistance, "permission" is obtained to proceed. Get it?

7894fa  No.4501647

File: 810d237076c12dc⋯.jpg (617.53 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ThankYouBaker.jpg)


Thank you Baker.

d31199  No.4501648


lmfao stalp

edcb48  No.4501649


She's controlled opposition, she is pretending to be something she isn't.

13b8b3  No.4501650


> How fucking dumb are hou?

Pretty dumb, I guess.

eb0285  No.4501651


This is getting quite interdasting

6f9eaf  No.4501652

File: 1961849ef6f02e0⋯.jpg (15.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, comfypepe.jpg)


I love Roseanne. I already asked Pepe to have a hot cup of covfefe ready for her if she decides to stop by.

d4f683  No.4501653


Disnt realize the board is awash in grammar fags today, muh bad.

bac3f5  No.4501654

File: 0c8620f2724eb68⋯.jpeg (164.29 KB, 1229x1347, 1229:1347, 5CB96B13-6490-44C7-845A-6….jpeg)

Wonder what ever happened to Anon

4aeb89  No.4501655

File: bad77e8182a48b4⋯.jpg (468.11 KB, 2037x1219, 2037:1219, Trump Dark to Light.jpg)


>>4500951 (lb)

>Angela Merkel: Nation States Must "Give Up Sovereignty" To New World Order

Trump: 'In America we don't worship government, we worship God'

60a81a  No.4501656


Everything has meaning. Everything.

Nothing is random.

10483c  No.4501657

File: 94ae5afb496404d⋯.jpg (159.21 KB, 511x768, 511:768, IMG_513.jpg)

patriots know!!

1ef01c  No.4501658

File: 29f7a731f1fe1a7⋯.png (453.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Tiye became the Great Royal Wife of pharaoh Amenhotep III. She was the mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun. Her mummy was identified as "The Elder Lady" found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35) in 2010.

73edcd  No.4501659


shill, you're trying to distract from what's happening

75ebf5  No.4501660

File: e54d48ae6574de4⋯.png (116.06 KB, 833x818, 833:818, 122818 Gold slow and stead….PNG)

Slow and steady wins the race.

Bit of congestion at this point over last three sessions.

d31199  No.4501661

5dd34b  No.4501662

File: a65e52cf71572de⋯.png (393.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

fe5076  No.4501663


She believes in pleiadians….Shhhhhh gatekeeper anons will call us retarded if we talk about it at all

50bf06  No.4501664


Also possible that this was a hit and warning to all the other propaganda readers on TV. This could happen to you if you try and go off script.

f7fa65  No.4501665

File: 9c808868a4a52f8⋯.png (788.32 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, pepe uncle sam you.png)

how dus one draw a predater in?

gud bate? /wiggl wiggl

shud charg 4 rid. ver fun. 2 shrt tho; end was meh /shrug (kek)





flyn sketti monstr? kek, no sauce

muh greys? kek, no sauce

cabag critrs? kek, smh, 4 reelz?

wut bout uni in cristl prsn?

interdasting, that

2 clos u let one

c u, did one

one weak, tkn.

one weak, gvn.

then apels 4 all.

hint; outsd in, no wrk on waknin, insde out, ahhhhh, clvr. but no cigar.

tic toc

do the RIGHT thing.

hash it if curious.


b254f8  No.4501666


>Oh, as a side note, my power flickered off and on after I finished watching the video in Louisiana.


fe454f  No.4501667


I don't need her to smile.

b67c6c  No.4501668


She's might be, but she's unreliable and inconsistent.

d0b680  No.4501669


Those numbers are comfy.

046552  No.4501670


She's pretty

1b1a0b  No.4501671

File: 2b2f1e461b784d3⋯.png (89.08 KB, 220x294, 110:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Picture Analysis → CHINA Current Events.

Cabal Plan for NWO was progressing in "The West".

Meanwhile, it was progressing in "The East" [China].

Via: Cabal toady-traitor-minions carrying out > Transfer of (Wealth & Assets)

Western Leaders [Cabal Assets] Progression:

* GHWB > WJC > GWB > BHO > (they intended) HRC

- Simultaneously multiple [US Gov traitors] collaborating w/ China.

DiFi et al. = Are becoming millionaires & billionaires via treachery.

China Leaders [Cabal Collaborators] Progression:

* Deng Xiaoping > Jiang Zemin > Hu Jintao > Wen Jiabao/Xi Jinping > Xi Jinping

- Simultaneously many in China, '[Party]-connected' & [conduits to 'western' traitors] are becoming billionaires. (NOW - They know too much)


In the last phase of [The Cabal's Plan] they needed to "Mop Up" / "Tie Up Loose Ends".

While BHO + HRC were the tail-end of their 16yr Plan and they were "mopping up" here in "The West" (Arkancides) → I think they began "mopping up" in China too.


Xi Jinping's (Anti Corruption Campaign) starting in 2012.

Anti corruption campaign: "Operation Fox and Hound"


Consolidate power under new [AI] social controls built w/ collaboration of Western Big Tech.


Conclusion: Viewing with healthy skepticism, any moves China makes by rounding up & "disappearing" those, billionaires & party officials, they deem "corrupt".

They might be silencing [Expendable] liabilities. Plus, purging opponents is SOP for totalitarian power structures.

Either way, time is running out for ALL of (((them))) involved in what (((they))) had planned for us.


d31199  No.4501672

Newman, CA cop killer caught


4aeb89  No.4501673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trump: 'In America we don't worship government, we worship God'

73edcd  No.4501674



Do you have a link to any news reports or videos?

e48e6a  No.4501675

File: a9fe959d7ade774⋯.jpg (43.86 KB, 718x456, 359:228, DdnVptb.jpg)

The Essence of Control Is Its Concealment

For thousands of years “control” of humans, both at the micro individual and macro collective level, was obvious and institutionalized. It was the way the world worked, with pharaohs, chiefs, kings and queens, along with their sycophant and supporting courts, wielding power and control at the top. Arrayed along the bottom were the slaves, serfs and peons of various rank and stature, while scattered about the thin middle were the skilled tradesmen, shopkeepers and professionals such as they were.

It was the most effective social order of all millennium; a control system based upon claimed mutual benefit through the collective sharing of resources and defense, though never fairly or just. With disease, pestilence, hunger and death always lurking around the corner, it just made good sense to gather in groups and subsist as best we could. The pecking order quickly sorted out, with sociopaths and ruthless killers quickly rising to the top.

Of course, things are very different these days…right?

No one likes to think/believe/know they’re being controlled; therefore the tendency is to practice partial/full proactive/reactive denial of any and all evidence of overt and covert control and influence. It’s an ego thing mostly, and those who wish to control understand very well the art of leveraging a person’s ego against him or her “self”…….more to read in link….


d31199  No.4501677

6f9eaf  No.4501678


Hi RB. Any chance of your show moving to FOX?

9723a4  No.4501679

File: 2b882423e16fcb3⋯.png (1.02 MB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ce954ceb6a6c76⋯.png (274.75 KB, 906x1274, 453:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57b134ed27d4c4c⋯.png (268.71 KB, 976x1368, 122:171, ClipboardImage.png)

Syrian surprise: How Trump's phone call changed the war

ANKARA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s declaration in a phone call with Tayyip Erdogan that he was pulling U.S. troops from Syria has stunned Turkey and left it scrambling to respond to the changing battlefield on its southern border. In the phone call two weeks ago, Trump had been expected to deliver a standard warning to the Turkish president over his plan to launch a crossborder attack targeting U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in northeast Syria, U.S. officials say. Instead, in the course of the conversation Trump reshaped U.S. policy in the Middle East, abandoning a quarter of Syrian territory and handing Ankara the job of finishing off Islamic State in Syria.

“Trump asked: ‘If we withdraw our soldiers, can you clean up ISIS?’”, a Turkish official told Reuters. He said Erdogan replied that Turkish forces were up to the task. “Then you do it,” Trump told him abruptly. To his national security adviser John Bolton, also on the call, Trump said: “Start work for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.” “I have to say it was an unexpected decision. The word ‘surprise’ is too weak to describe the situation,” said the official, one of five Turkish sources who spoke to Reuters about the Dec. 14 call between the two leaders.

Trump’s decision was also a shock in Washington, where senior administration officials, including Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, tried for days to change the president’s mind, U.S. officials said. When Trump made clear he would not back down, Mattis and a senior official coordinating the fight against Islamic State, Brett McGurk, both resigned. On a visit to a U.S. air base in Iraq this week, Trump said that military commanders had repeatedly requested extensions for the 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria - requests that he finally turned down because he said Islamic State was largely beaten. “We’ve knocked them silly. I will tell you I’ve had some very good talks with President Erdogan who wants to knock them out also, and he’ll do it,” he told American troops.


7894fa  No.4501680

File: 95a3023bfeb2ec2⋯.jpg (80.73 KB, 729x484, 729:484, DaveyRotMTV.jpg)

File: 6d983a4a79331ea⋯.jpg (180.18 KB, 709x765, 709:765, daveysuicide.jpg)

File: a7bee2931af738e⋯.jpg (66.34 KB, 540x405, 4:3, fixedit4u.jpg)

File: 043ca59d57bc65a⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 800x400, 2:1, flatline.jpg)

File: 821135a49b9d115⋯.jpg (219.97 KB, 1366x580, 683:290, MARtweet.jpg)

f15499  No.4501681


How do you know that? You don't.

(((They))) very nearly destroyed her and she's the bad guy?

98d741  No.4501682


Dubs confirm, Herr Merkel (not a typo) is wrong and Mr. Trump is right ;p

4f45bb  No.4501683

File: 0f78daa80a2ce57⋯.png (37.92 KB, 581x212, 581:212, ClipboardImage.png)


e064bb  No.4501684


NW Kentucky here, no outage

310c7f  No.4501685


it’s pretty well known among industry insiders she’s still a fucking junkie. she’s a walking corpse

ce708f  No.4501686


Hope your lurking

Give anons a shot that will be heard AROUND THE WORLD.

We are at the tipping point.


65a8d9  No.4501687

File: 15205ed271c1c42⋯.png (315.95 KB, 1048x815, 1048:815, 1546015439.png)


We are excited to welcome Lionel to the Sather/ Wilcock team! His years of experience and insight are a most welcome addition! Welcome Aboard Lionel!!

125d92  No.4501688

File: 145c9dce9dca598⋯.png (682.87 KB, 720x608, 45:38, ClipboardImage.png)



73edcd  No.4501689


It actually did and I thought here we go.

1ef01c  No.4501690

File: 266f9a0962fd7cd⋯.png (4.81 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5504c992d3848ac⋯.png (417.05 KB, 413x550, 413:550, ClipboardImage.png)


The preservation is incredible.

ab2ada  No.4501691

File: ffbd7ca758d4f8a⋯.png (240.5 KB, 578x446, 289:223, ClipboardImage.png)

4f45bb  No.4501692

File: 7f11a8db8e672ed⋯.png (306.6 KB, 576x447, 192:149, ClipboardImage.png)

weird tweet from ZH


10483c  No.4501693

File: 3c7ee9e0fd58689⋯.jpg (147.28 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, IMG_554.jpg)

patriots win!!!

ccbd81  No.4501694


>shill, you're trying to distract from what's happening


The same little aside about Muh Power Too in multiple posts since last night totally legit

0935de  No.4501695

Vespa gangs?



73edcd  No.4501696


As I indicated, it could also be a hologram in New York, but it sure looks real.

b3b7c7  No.4501697

File: 5711bf66a1f8a7e⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 640x425, 128:85, 01013.jpg)

bac3f5  No.4501698


She’s a hollywood Jew who pushes lefty and authoritarian values trying to infiltrate our movement.

16ef83  No.4501699

File: d94e6f83aabdab5⋯.png (923.92 KB, 737x1143, 737:1143, Screenshot_2018-12-28 Reli….png)


22dcf9  No.4501700


Roseanne did help expose Cathy O’Brien’s story. She has been one of the more outspoken pedowoodites. But she’s inconsistent.

Personally, I loathe when anyone worships/idolizes anyone for anything (roseanne, kanye). No one is above any other.

84d39d  No.4501701


dubs of truth

2e8b17  No.4501702

File: 4f95f9cfe8afdf3⋯.png (161.06 KB, 785x335, 157:67, Comics_1c1435_5448113.png)

preservation is incredicble dotcha think

6c7de1  No.4501703

File: d24a8ec88b5b709⋯.png (172.58 KB, 467x319, 467:319, warrenPALEskin.png)

06b763  No.4501704


It's called clear communication.

If you don't even try to communicate clearly, you will always miss your target, and people will point you out. Simple as that. Your responsibility, no one elses.

3f8c0f  No.4501705

File: ccb7d776b65de17⋯.png (512.58 KB, 653x814, 653:814, MSNBC griffin re Tibbets 1….PNG)

File: 62fc55b7f608f40⋯.png (493.75 KB, 653x681, 653:681, WAPO re Tibbets 12-28-18.PNG)

Democrat / MSM attempt at distraction from Officer Ronil Singh murder

Trending on Twitter / Mollie Tibbets

MSNBC /twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1078673191755751424


6eb1fb  No.4501706

File: e0558179ef56e44⋯.jpeg (97.7 KB, 736x712, 92:89, 9D825872-DBBC-4E9D-B6B8-1….jpeg)


How many strikes until your brain shuts down?

4? 5??

7ef0bd  No.4501707

File: 4b9a8a2e87af1b5⋯.jpg (112.36 KB, 731x583, 731:583, gr1-490.jpg)



Neat. Learn something new every day.


2a7777  No.4501708

File: 17bb39d22127b5d⋯.gif (2.47 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 25af4d6d5095a22e5aecf04065….gif)

f4b754  No.4501709

File: d5956770a52e204⋯.jpg (199.89 KB, 972x654, 162:109, RosanneBaitAndSwitch.jpg)

File: a24fa5ae4022c7d⋯.jpg (276.76 KB, 1200x626, 600:313, Rosanne.jpg)

12cfe5  No.4501710


In custody according to Overtime on Fox.

71b9b1  No.4501711

File: f9fbd4867e9f253⋯.png (525.58 KB, 695x365, 139:73, Capture.PNG)

Perhaps the Least Known CONSPIRATOR Against Trump

There is a person of interest who plays a big role in the conspiracy against Donald Trump.

In order to explain who she is, we should revisit the facts that I received in an email from a friend.

From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the “charity”. Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

Guess who took over this investigation in 2002? None other than James Comey. And around this same time another person of interest transferred to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS. Any guesses?

Let me help. Lois Lerner got the job.

Very interesting, but it still gets better when you consider who ran the Tax Division of the

Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005.


046552  No.4501712

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

98d741  No.4501713

File: a3320ab0c2ac074⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 474x568, 237:284, 72b9d0f07f64ff3eb8123528e3….jpg)

f15499  No.4501714


Thanks for sharing, David. Now fuck off.

6f9eaf  No.4501715

File: 607908d6c5848f2⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 240x255, 16:17, kanye.jpg)

068d32  No.4501716

File: 08b9cf12295482c⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, grumpycat.jpg)


seems then it would follow that they are frauds

and have financial contracts based on manipulated data….thinking stocks and ad revenue based on bs

1a6ae5  No.4501717

File: 6da1b748e35245b⋯.jpg (62.56 KB, 674x375, 674:375, Moving graphic.jpg)

75ebf5  No.4501719

File: 0e81893afa05dff⋯.png (66.51 KB, 1332x707, 1332:707, 122818 NAS snap 3.PNG)

File: f1d143be3ec5e38⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 736x1117, 736:1117, Bombs away baby.jpg)

Has to get over the last few peaks or it will drop.

Momo traders expect it to.

99e63b  No.4501720


Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No.148139234 📁

Nov 5 2017 18:15:25 (EST)

Game Theory.


Why is this relevant?

Moves and countermoves.

Who is the enemy?

False flags.

Shooter identification.

Shooter history.

Shooter background.

Shooter family.


Define hostage.

Define leverage.









Why is this relevant?


What is Flynn’s background?

What was his rank?

Was he involved in intel ops?

What access or special priv?

Why is this relevant?

Set up.

Who wins?

Who becomes exposed?

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Who has access?

What is MI?

Who was part of MI during BO term?

Who was fired during BO term (MI)?

Why is this relevant?

Re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good).

Paint the picture.

Disinformation exists and is necessary.

10 days.



Good v. Evil.

Roadmap of big picture is here.

Review post happenings.


Crumbs not only for /pol/.

The silent ones.

Others monitoring (friends and enemies).


Snow White.

Godfather III.


darNKess - NK - North Korea

10 days

Relevant now?

6d5780  No.4501721


I think i love you.

891f5b  No.4501722


If the areas are lawless, then send in the FFL to slot some hajis.

e064bb  No.4501723

Trump is done with Mueller, won't provide anymore answers in Russia probe, Giuliani says

President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani reiterated that President Trump is done with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and won’t provide any additional written answers, speculating that the Russia probe will end soon.

“I think I announced about ten days ago 'over my dead body' and I’m not dead yet,” Giuliani said Thursday after being asked on Hill TV whether Trump would give more answers in writing.

“[President Trump's] not answering any more questions from these people — they are outrageous activity … we did enough,” he added.

Giuliani was referring to his comments on “Fox News Sunday” earlier this month where he dismissed any possibility of an in-person interview with the special counsel.

“Yeah, good luck, good luck … Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead,” he said during the interview.

But in later interviews, Giuliani moderated his view and said that while the in-person interview was out of the question, Trump “might agree” to a few additional written answers.

“Or we might not,” he told Axios in an interview.


ca4a33  No.4501724

From notables – can somebody please give me a link on the info that 90% of our fleet is currently docked in the US for the first time in history? It lists USN – but I don't see it there.

9723a4  No.4501725

File: 82d0c0975b308f4⋯.png (713.03 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Wells Fargo to pay $575 million in settlement with U.S. states

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N) will pay $575 million to settle claims made by U.S. states that the bank created phony accounts and committed other customer abuses, according to a statement by the Iowa attorney general’s office. Two years ago, Wells Fargo agreed to pay $190 million to settle federal government claims that the bank created phony customer account, and improperly referred and charged customers for various financial services products. The deal announced on Friday will settle similar claims by attorneys general from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The settlement was reported earlier by Reuters. “This agreement underscores our serious commitment to making things right in regard to past issues as we work to build a better bank,” Chief Executive Officer Tim Sloan said in a statement.

As of the end of the third quarter of 2018, Wells Fargo had set aside $400 million of the settlement amount and expects to allocate the remaining $175 million by the end of this year, the company said in the statement. As part of the settlement, Wells Fargo will create a customer restitution review program to refund customers who have not gotten compensation from remediation efforts already in place. The bank will also create a website outlining the existing remediation programs.

Friday’s settlement marks the most recent in a long list of penalties related to Wells Fargo’s sales scandal, which initially related to the bank opening millions of accounts in customers’ names without their permission. It has since touched on businesses ranging from mortgage banking to auto lending. After reaching settlements with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Los Angeles city attorney and the New York attorney general, Wells Fargo still faces probes by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice and the Department of Labor, according to its most recent securities filing. So far, the scandals have resulted in over $2 billion in fines and an unprecedented growth restriction imposed by the Federal Reserve.


7894fa  No.4501726

File: 8fc99485ce6e6b9⋯.jpg (273.21 KB, 1025x768, 1025:768, LoopCapital524.jpg)

File: 08c8165f5675bc4⋯.jpg (250.4 KB, 1021x768, 1021:768, OmnibusBillGift.jpg)

cc3027  No.4501727


I never saw these posters until now.


eacff0  No.4501728

File: e8838bf92703062⋯.png (833.31 KB, 600x869, 600:869, 753f8fedcc74ec88f25be96bb3….png)

DOD chiming in.


4f45bb  No.4501729


All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,

Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.

Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like snail

Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,

Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,

Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,

Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,

Seeking the bubble reputation

Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,

In fair round belly with good capon lined,

With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,

Full of wise saws and modern instances;

And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,

With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;

His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide

For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,

Turning again toward childish treble, pipes

And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends this strange eventful history,

Is second childishness and mere oblivion,

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

welcome to the movie

75ebf5  No.4501730

File: c46e77fd91ca73f⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 540x349, 540:349, KW POTUS Phone.jpg)


"see it's working….no call from Don though"

f37072  No.4501731


oh ffs

02687d  No.4501732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e7d372  No.4501733


One eye open. One closed.

a99655  No.4501734

File: 63bd975f1f99ef5⋯.jpg (132.69 KB, 1364x754, 682:377, 1 law 6 times.jpg)


There's only 1 law and it says so six times.

disclaimer: your capacity may differ

2e8b17  No.4501735

File: e6e3cd03eab681e⋯.png (461.32 KB, 795x560, 159:112, Comics_17f53d_5448113.png)

muh muh gimme mo dems red cheeeetoooes

gimme my crack gimme my weed gimme my $25 dollars so i ca go 2 da muthafuckin SWAP MEET

7894fa  No.4501736


Just a second early kek!

e6aa3b  No.4501737


Tryin to catch you baking dirty?

125d92  No.4501738

File: 5241b1e028de3f9⋯.png (266.68 KB, 600x320, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)


ab4515  No.4501739

File: 1e5972fa74dc25b⋯.png (115.31 KB, 910x520, 7:4, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)



cap for your sauce, Anon

The next phase of US support to the #Coalition's operation in #Syria is a deliberate, well thought-out, mutually supportive, and controlled withdrawal of forces while taking all measures possible to ensure our troops' safety and protection. #DefeatISIS


06254f  No.4501740


Drill. Tunnel machine

3f8c0f  No.4501741

File: 8626a6f249f986f⋯.png (48.05 KB, 635x367, 635:367, DoD 12-28-18 10 15 am PST.PNG)


1500ea  No.4501742



KY power outages over night


d970e9  No.4501743

File: 624147bf8179a5a⋯.png (432.55 KB, 625x662, 625:662, ClipboardImage.png)


75ebf5  No.4501744

File: cc850eb32153afe⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 820x479, 820:479, fed tightening cycle.jpg)



16ef83  No.4501745

File: 3d2cba28bc43d6b⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 720x538, 360:269, 49206718_2505994649428135_….jpg)

086da4  No.4501746

CNN is reporting that a tourist bus of vietmanese was killed by a bomb in Egypt!

362987  No.4501747



So legit. Such source.

a9515c  No.4501748


They knew. They planned to do this. Obama blocked defense against this his last day in office.


1ef01c  No.4501749

File: 9c53fd2a2b81ddc⋯.png (898.14 KB, 577x676, 577:676, ClipboardImage.png)


>Tiye was the mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun.

Pharaoh Ay performing the Opening of the Mouth ceremony on Tutankamun.

65a8d9  No.4501750

File: 888b77bf7909ffe⋯.png (709.18 KB, 548x733, 548:733, 1526780590.png)


That's not very nice. Take it back. Pleadians ate my baby.

98d741  No.4501751


You're fake.

73edcd  No.4501752


Guess what, the reason for smart meters is that one city, one town goes out from an EMP and they all go out, so this is perhaps from the black eye Q told us about. It will effect one area only and perhaps we just get a short surge. Did you see the response to my post that there was another explosion or power plant outage in Kentucky? It's real, so quit trying to slide the topic.

71b9b1  No.4501753


Just tell em its a anagram , confuses the FK out of em

6f9eaf  No.4501754


While her comments about BHO's handler, VJ, were both hilarious and harmless, why didn't she realize how they would be construed? I can't find a perspective in which those comments were anything other than a huge strategic blunder on her part.

1a906e  No.4501755

File: c38ac5843b08eff⋯.png (359.43 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, b456e85df9b816e121a17b61a1….png)

67618d  No.4501756


Thanks Anon. Sounds great

4f45bb  No.4501757

File: 5271ac4bc3d84c3⋯.png (252.89 KB, 580x316, 145:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Excited to have Larry Ellison & Kathleen Wilson-Thompson join the Tesla board!


23f20c  No.4501758

File: 5c8dcf376a27d1d⋯.png (1017.2 KB, 1588x654, 794:327, ClipboardImage.png)

77f97b  No.4501759


That's red-hair CP anti-IBOR clown posting under the guise of being /oneofus/

; )

ab4515  No.4501760

File: 9fd059587a58c8f⋯.png (369.45 KB, 1511x1203, 1511:1203, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

dea6d2  No.4501761

File: 3298c1f474fe616⋯.png (201.88 KB, 289x369, 289:369, tranny.png)

e064bb  No.4501762


Um, the link is from Fox News

d10846  No.4501763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bruce Wayne = 45 = Donald Trump


b265ff  No.4501764


This could explain the fifth floor courthouse shutdown; it could have been a motion to compel POTUS to answer more of the DS' ridiculous interrogatories.

48793f  No.4501765


Some of this information is necessary

086da4  No.4501766


A roadside bomb struck a tourist bus in an area near Egypt's Giza pyramids, killing at least two people and wounding 10 others, according to Egyptian security officials. The bus was traveling Friday in the Marioutiyah area near the pyramids when the roadside bomb went off, said the officials, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

There was no immediate word on the nationalities of the tourists onboard, but the officials said one of those killed was an Egyptian.

Egypt has battled Islamic militants for years in the Sinai Peninsula – in Egypt's northeast – in an insurgency that has occasionally spilled over into the mainland, hitting minority Christians or tourists.

This is the first attack to target foreign tourists in almost two years.


2be676  No.4501767


cool, so power outage was fake too?

wake up.

what part of Space Force you no understand?

aliens or not, technology exists.

expand your thinking.

6f913a  No.4501768


1.) She is old.

2.) She is fat.

3.) Doesn't show tits.

4.) Psyop.

f15499  No.4501769


I have seen this many times. And, what else did she say?

She took it fucking back!

f4b754  No.4501770


Nice red gloves.

65a8d9  No.4501771

File: d8f295bedf1309b⋯.jpg (36.52 KB, 844x476, 211:119, IMG_20181111_084836_153.JPG)


Trust Sessions.

3f8c0f  No.4501772


>That's red-hair CP anti-IBOR clown posting under the guise of being /oneofus/


73edcd  No.4501773


what does ffs stand for? fuck ____ shill

dea6d2  No.4501774


think ya hot shit?

12cfe5  No.4501775

File: 449ff83f828e096⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepfarm.jpg)


Just give us moar Toots. Power that lil fighter gimas hero up, it's Friday nigga!!

1500ea  No.4501776

File: 7a861f86d0fb877⋯.png (611.14 KB, 771x837, 257:279, 69.png)

File: 4b7eb3c22c0ccd7⋯.jpg (162.61 KB, 1157x1600, 1157:1600, sab3.jpg)

Anons need a dig?

These are the same kid: Ray Chandler kidnap kid and 69.

16ef83  No.4501777

File: 99ffeaacb89f2e6⋯.png (579.01 KB, 820x643, 820:643, Screenshot_2018-12-28 CONF….png)


6eb1fb  No.4501778

362987  No.4501779


IBOR is shit. Doesn't make anon a clown for calling it shit.

2e8b17  No.4501780

File: db0e83955c23664⋯.png (355.92 KB, 540x349, 540:349, 1546021410355.png)

4f45bb  No.4501781

File: 0a2799bbea02649⋯.png (24.74 KB, 677x237, 677:237, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 427e13d112aef49⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1364x4848, 341:1212, ClipboardImage.png)

Tesla names Oracle's Ellison to board, ending U.S. charges


6714ec  No.4501782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JAMES BROWN - Sex Machine

Long 12'' Version

23f20c  No.4501783

File: ebfa6e7687235fc⋯.png (691.46 KB, 1072x1850, 536:925, ClipboardImage.png)

84d39d  No.4501784

File: 6fe241e6c29098a⋯.jpeg (11.53 KB, 245x206, 245:206, checked.jpeg)

b265ff  No.4501785


Men really are better than women at everything

d0b680  No.4501786


It’s a Van de Graaff Zeppelin.

ead1e2  No.4501787


Yeah, if we end up with Roseanne's tits here, I'm a gonna blame you, anon.

3d5b15  No.4501788


You shouldn’t have any posts, let alone 7.

eacff0  No.4501789



TY anon. Cant caption on this device.

125d92  No.4501790




632c22  No.4501791

File: 1448135e9d8d5d2⋯.jpg (199.61 KB, 1035x1920, 69:128, TrumpWitnessRebirth.jpg)



Precisely. We witness.

ce6bc3  No.4501792

File: 7dd00b30c106249⋯.png (432.71 KB, 525x484, 525:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63197db8b1d73f0⋯.png (343.5 KB, 603x712, 603:712, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2efe3cdf98dc29⋯.png (209.97 KB, 663x460, 663:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93c8992ae538a16⋯.png (12.58 KB, 673x144, 673:144, ClipboardImage.png)

Tourist Bus Blast Near Pyramids in Cairo Leaves Casualties – Egyptian Ministry

According to Sky News Arabia, the blast occurred in the city of Cairo on Friday.

The vehicle carrying tourists reportedly blew up near the Giza pyramid complex. Addressing the incident, the Egyptian Interior Ministry has stated that two Vietnamese tourists were killed and 10 wounded, adding that the blast had been caused by an improvised explosive device.


b254f8  No.4501793


Thank you anon :)

60a81a  No.4501794


What kind of a "team" are you speaking of? People only deserve the TRUTH! Not dividing by some team or group or whatever.

Those that want to seek will find it out themselves, those that don't will be trying to drag everyone else down. Just like that shill in the UFO thread or people like Podesta.

The Galactic Federation is very real. Pleiadians, our closest galactic cousins, are very real. So are evil greys and reptilians.

Space Patriots vs. Space Cabal. The fight is real. We are winning.

Those are the basics.

f4b754  No.4501795

File: 0b3619173e72133⋯.png (326.38 KB, 949x538, 949:538, ClipboardImage.png)


She's a kike.

e22309  No.4501796


We all get to write our own lines. So try to say cool shit.

73edcd  No.4501797


If you watch the video, that was not a lens flare.

af13ac  No.4501798




7ef0bd  No.4501799


so tits and she's back in?

22dcf9  No.4501800


Larry Evilson? Did (they) wack-out EMusk and take over Tesla?

c817b5  No.4501801

File: 0dcf68cd86394e2⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 320x320, 1:1, eZBCxzoUPN9iAvsu.mp4)


a00f1c  No.4501802


Keep voting, folks.

It makes a difference.

086da4  No.4501803



Two Vietnamese tourists killed by roadside bomb in Egypt


A statement from Egypt's interior ministry said there were 14 tourists from Vietnam on the bus. (AP Archive) Two Vietnamese tourists were killed Friday and 10 others wounded when a roadside bomb exploded near their bus as it travelled close to the Giza pyramids in Cairo, Egypt's interior ministry said.

2be676  No.4501804



7323c0  No.4501805


When TSHTF in '19, we will then be afforded the luxury of looking back and realizing that 2018 was–indeed–glorious.

The proverbial table has been set.

Enjoy the show.

1a6ae5  No.4501806

File: f1316b1a4950218⋯.jpg (120.04 KB, 900x749, 900:749, Santa Hammer Time.jpg)

2018, Anons became #2.

Senate was won.

Many resigned/fired.

FBI more exposed (Peter, Lisa, Obama FBI hallowed out).

Out of Syria.

Omarosa exposed/fired.

Hillary losing favor.

China exposed.

Feinstein exposed.

Justice Kav.

evil dems and rinos exposed, losing power.

More people know.

Increasing numbers on Qmap.pub.

Glorious, imo, from my pov.

Are Anons done?

Or just learning their reach?

A single Anon is powerful.

Imagine when they work together.

71b9b1  No.4501807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Least Free Place in America-PragerU

891f5b  No.4501808


>17 years

There's that number again. Anyway, Big Mike is looking bigger than ever.

c43740  No.4501809

File: 69f7776be3cacc0⋯.jpg (63.34 KB, 646x382, 323:191, motherzucker.jpg)



632c22  No.4501810


Unfortunately, I believe this is a sophisticated computer graphic. Spent a great deal of time examining it when it first appeared over a year ago.

ce6bc3  No.4501811


true dat

6eb1fb  No.4501812

File: 2944a37f6251007⋯.jpeg (772.72 KB, 1125x1272, 375:424, E58A552B-A37A-490B-96E4-B….jpeg)

File: 239184bf5b47983⋯.jpeg (294.56 KB, 1080x1221, 360:407, 2E04E6BC-0DAB-4171-8315-8….jpeg)


Again - he doesn’t need the gofundme dollars. It’s a nice FUCK YOU to the Dems, but only symbolic nonetheless.


84d39d  No.4501813

File: 9950e1e6c027586⋯.mp4 (9.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Electrical explosion….mp4)


Clearly it is a lens flare. Wanting it to be more, doesn't make it more.

ab4515  No.4501814

File: d0cdf959e205e20⋯.png (546.09 KB, 921x715, 921:715, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)

Excited to have Larry Ellison & Kathleen Wilson-Thompson join the Tesla board!

-anyone else excited - who are these two?



f37072  No.4501815


It’s tuff being on the outside looking in.

You don’t know shit.


eb0285  No.4501816

File: a89aa2ca670ff80⋯.jpg (279.2 KB, 1001x1000, 1001:1000, david rothschild fuck this….jpg)

ead1e2  No.4501817


Cabal infighting/takeover.

77f97b  No.4501818

Roseanne is /ourgirl/

Clowns just need someone to pick on after yesterday's incredible burns.

Narcissist's gunna' narcissist, after all.

89a8b9  No.4501819


Ever have a guy suck your dick?

Men may not be better than women at everything

23f20c  No.4501820

File: dff092f5772c459⋯.png (362.41 KB, 480x719, 480:719, ClipboardImage.png)

There are Still sets of Rules…….

1) Nothing applies to the "In Power" Group

2) EveryThing Applies to EveryOne else….

………Not Winning Yet

b265ff  No.4501821


Really? 5 seconds, it's fake.

2e8b17  No.4501822

File: 1371f222f18c73f⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 590x443, 590:443, juanturd.jpg)

77f97b  No.4501823


You're both wrong, and stupid.


0a3578  No.4501824


Anytime, Anon..I'm listening to it WRWY. No weak songs on the whole LP…hard to find. Peace to you.

75ebf5  No.4501825

File: 471a25456b22f1b⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 650x418, 325:209, Goldfinger drink.jpg)

pretty quiet 'freddy' can't put your money where your over-sized mouth is? It's probably placed on your bro's dick


632c22  No.4501826

File: 3f68e4e7e3a3a71⋯.jpg (208.75 KB, 1396x780, 349:195, DocPepeTakeRedPill.jpg)

This anon >>4501646 dispenses a redpill

98d741  No.4501827


That's not Freddy.

Someone else is doing the persona now.

It's like watching sammy hagar get replaced with gary cherone.

…While having gary try to convince you he's sammy and david at the same time.

It's not working.

809190  No.4501828



b265ff  No.4501829


Pretty sure that's what POTUS means by "shut down the southern border completely".

d31199  No.4501830

ccbd81  No.4501831


Stop saying the same shilly shit at the end of each "personal experience" and you've got a deal

6eb1fb  No.4501832


Larry Ellison is the founder of Oracle Corporation. Big data. And I “BELIEVE” he’s one of the good guys.

d9d26c  No.4501833

>>4501794 OK let's say I buy into the Federation thing. Where do I get my phaser and blue shirt? Don't want a red shirt. Might take a gold one if you are out of blue. Seriously. How many thousands of people would volunteer to get off this infested planet to cruise Pleaidian babes and fry reptoids? Ready to Do My Part. Do you want to know more?

6f913a  No.4501834

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing dog 2.jpg)



Kek, regretted writing that as soon as I posted it. Mea Culpa.

7894fa  No.4501835

ce6bc3  No.4501836

File: e3fd1ecb848e2be⋯.png (16.21 KB, 785x211, 785:211, ClipboardImage.png)

California Town OKs Destruction Of Police Shooting Records Days Before They Could Be Obtained By The Public

California has long protected police officers from accountability. Most police misconduct records are impossible to obtain via public records requests. The restrictions covering these personnel files even prevent defense attorneys and prosecutors from accessing them, allowing cops with lousy track records for telling the truth present testimony as if they've never committed a misdeed or told a lie.

After years of legislative surrender to police union pressure and an overall deference to all things law enforcement, this year's model finally managed to get a records reform bill to land on the governor's desk. The new law goes into effect January 1, 2019, opening up access to a number of records Californians have never seen.

Under SB-1421, law enforcement agencies are required to provide public access to records related to use of force, sexual assault complaints, and dishonesty in investigations and reporting of a crime.

Faced with impending accountability, police departments are readying themselves for mass releases of previously withheld data. Oh, wait. The opposite of that.

Inglewood City Council approved the destruction of records that have been in the police department’s possession — more than 100 cases — longer than required by law. The city staff report and council resolution describing the action makes no mention of the new police transparency law. Instead it says the affected records are “obsolete, occupy valuable space, and are of no further use to the police department.” It added the traditional method of destroying such records is to shred them.

Yes, it's merely a coincidence that records the Inglewood PD has held onto for years – "longer than required by law" – are being destroyed days before the new transparency law goes into effect. It's all so innocent and devoid of subterfuge the city council did it in secret with zero public notice or input.

No video or audio of the Dec. 11 council action is available on the city’s website and neither are meeting minutes or any record of the decision.

It affects far more than records the PD has retained for years. The authorization from the Inglewood council will allow the PD to destroy all Internal Affairs investigations from 2004-2012 and all Use of Force reports from 2015-2016.

The mayor continues to argue this is all routine city business and has nothing to do with the mandatory transparency going into effect January 1.

“It’s actually quite routine for us to do records destruction,” [Mayor James T. Butts Jr.] told ABC 7’s Eyewitness News. “The Finance Department, the Police Department and other entities — whenever they want to destroy records that exceed a time limit — they submit a staff report to the City Council and the City Council approves or disapproves the records destruction.”


eb0285  No.4501837


Didnt they just open a tomb to the public that was in Cairo?

60a81a  No.4501838


The uploader said he will get us another angle.

73edcd  No.4501839


Forgot about the moon landing post. thanks, we need to put in in their faces as much as possible. Because if it happens before there is disclosure, people are going to freak out.

f15499  No.4501840


Ambien is a hell of a drug.

But, the more interesting partz are that she apologized to her and to ABC.

(((They))) fucked her up because she wouldn't tow the Hollywood party line.

That's my take.

23f20c  No.4501841

File: edfdb9dcc21aa12⋯.png (275.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

50bf06  No.4501842


Pushing him for 2020 dem nomination. Always a good story never anything negative

75ebf5  No.4501843


Oracle CEO on right..no idea about the other.

He defines the phrase 'silicon valley arrogance'.

067c5a  No.4501844

File: 033cb4fe727696d⋯.png (933.78 KB, 1125x1700, 45:68, ClipboardImage.png)

fdedf1  No.4501845


Yep. Granparents had one till like 2000’ and they live 11 miles outside of a lil town on Nebraska/Kansas border (did). It was a trip to pick up, and you always apologize if someone was ina call already.. how funky no?!

1ef01c  No.4501846

File: 942275e77505af8⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 640x640, 1:1, st.coXONeh8HUf1.mp4)


f4b754  No.4501847

File: dddc646b02bfdd0⋯.png (194.77 KB, 798x623, 114:89, ClipboardImage.png)



Yeah, he's Jewish

2a7777  No.4501848


And neither do you.

Post sauce with your 'truth' or GTFO, larpfag.

7894fa  No.4501849

File: 1b7fcf76464eeab⋯.jpg (132.67 KB, 694x1000, 347:500, FLOTUSpepeBeBest.jpg)

File: 5acafceb6d48bff⋯.jpeg (101.37 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, MelaniaAngel1.jpeg)

5dd34b  No.4501850


it's shifting shape more all the time - is it on hormones?

it would be a good candidate for the supposed anti-kwiste

73edcd  No.4501851


Thanks anon, I'll add to a later post with updates.

630e39  No.4501852

>>4501086 (LB)

Maybe, knowing that government shutdowns do occur, they should have put that money in a savings account. Damn tired of reading "resist" posts whining about not being able to pay their bills due to the shutdown. The fact that they are financially irresponsible is their own doing. They really are stupid.

125d92  No.4501853


8a184b  No.4501855


She’s adorable.

a00f1c  No.4501856


great news

b265ff  No.4501857


Yeah, still not sure if it is FTM or MTF. Disgusting either way.

99e63b  No.4501858


Sew half of her to Bruce and the other half to Caitlyn

dea6d2  No.4501859


>that's a man, baby

6d5780  No.4501860

f7a870  No.4501861

File: a34925bd15dc336⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 474x257, 474:257, 2pxfos.jpg)

6f9eaf  No.4501862


Don't get on the ships. That's when you get taken to an intergalactic slaughterhouse where mantoids feast on your innards.

12cfe5  No.4501863


>That's not Freddy.

Don't care who behind the badass memes and shops of Toots in a Bane mask, that shit is sometimes kek worthy. Newfags getting twisted about it makes it full on KEKKY af.

7ef0bd  No.4501864


well now I kind of want to see them

b265ff  No.4501865


Not to mention the people they do business with let them slide until they get all their back pay.

50bf06  No.4501866


release the audio/video.

Q said phone was present during this discussion.

23f20c  No.4501867

File: 01358242e3bbe6c⋯.png (612.6 KB, 1508x1650, 754:825, ClipboardImage.png)

ab4515  No.4501868

File: 00a28d077566989⋯.png (79.93 KB, 932x431, 932:431, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)

File: 4536d79ca47840f⋯.png (171.37 KB, 424x511, 424:511, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)


$2.5 billion. It was not accepted.

replying to:


Some news today from Mulvaney: White House came off its hard line on $5 billion for border wall in last offer to Dems, proposed a lower amount, although Mulvaney won’t say what the # is



632c22  No.4501869

>>4501690 especially if one considers the possibility that they were fabricated in the 20th century

7894fa  No.4501870


FLOTUS is Heaven Sent.

d10846  No.4501871


Adrenochrome withdrawals? You have the twangs?

75ebf5  No.4501872

File: 54f0843f1805c9b⋯.jpg (5.89 KB, 255x135, 17:9, Moon vids 2.jpg)

2be676  No.4501874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f37072  No.4501875


That should not be in notables with no sauce.

Everyone is now in the pool.

Some appear to be drowning.

56ef05  No.4501876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ce6bc3  No.4501877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The “Nuclear” 2nd Server at Benghazi Contained Radioactive Secrets (Video)

125d92  No.4501878



a00f1c  No.4501879


because she's a phony, attention whore, kike.

1a6ae5  No.4501880

File: 96b29aa26a14bd5⋯.jpg (96.1 KB, 780x438, 130:73, Huber DECLAS.jpg)

Thank you, Huber.

Thank you, Sessions.

FISA incoming.

Who will be exposed by FISA?

Why can't RR DECLAS?

Trump already DECLAS.

Goodbye, RR, LL, JC, JPC, etc.

Thanks to who, Huber and Sessions?

4aeb89  No.4501881



>Slow and steady wins the race.

yeah, but if it pops thru the resistance at 1280, that bull will be hard to get back into the corral.

d9d26c  No.4501882

>>4501862 Jupiter Ascending was a documentary amirite?

98eb6c  No.4501883

File: e2f5459f83d101e⋯.png (895.44 KB, 1021x849, 1021:849, ClipboardImage.png)

eb0285  No.4501884

File: 83480c49e202277⋯.png (398.22 KB, 637x728, 7:8, michelle obama transgender….png)


Fudging numbers again, eh Mike?

1ef01c  No.4501885

File: d4236f323a987fd⋯.jpg (209.99 KB, 600x444, 50:37, coloboma.jpg)


it's just coloboma from inbreeding

6eb1fb  No.4501886



Oracle has remained almost entirely above board, relatively speaking, compared to the larger tech industry.

6f9eaf  No.4501887


In other words, they were going to give her the old scroogie eventually anyway. I can dig it.

5dd34b  No.4501888


wrong, dipshit

senate will not impeach

eacff0  No.4501889



Oh, look. They are getting smarter and taking my advice, trying to blend in. Still cant give up on attacking anons, though. Think of it this way, if you simply stopped attacking anons altogether, you might actually subvert the entire Q movement. Copying always works better than trying to brow beat.

65a8d9  No.4501890

File: 1332501e236563e⋯.jpeg (143.68 KB, 1500x1150, 30:23, 1546019222.jpeg)


Well said! The only thing we are after is the truth. With the express approval of Mr. Sather and Mr. Wilcock, I would like to extend an invitation to travel to the Intergalactic Space Ball!! Our orb will pick you up at 8pm. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience!!

ce6bc3  No.4501891

File: 110442bd967c1b9⋯.png (240.02 KB, 633x316, 633:316, ClipboardImage.png)


screen grab from vid

16ef83  No.4501893

File: 8cf14cef047ea9a⋯.jpg (72.36 KB, 750x420, 25:14, 48987073_10218445667435298….jpg)

b3b7c7  No.4501894

File: f34c92873356de3⋯.png (218.73 KB, 1914x1437, 638:479, a1a123.png)


Avians are much nicer

7894fa  No.4501895

File: e8f07f5e47ad892⋯.jpg (165.8 KB, 767x791, 767:791, ForNeverFirstLady.jpg)

125d92  No.4501896



23f20c  No.4501897

File: 2995c85f72efd0d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1510x1988, 755:994, ClipboardImage.png)

You can't argue with Crazy……no point

89a8b9  No.4501898



Idiocracy was

48775e  No.4501899


They killed the bus? Bastards!

2e8b17  No.4501900

File: 3990637101c06cd⋯.png (160.57 KB, 375x293, 375:293, 7B7_Vx.png)

3f8c0f  No.4501901

File: 99f8cd3a6a59df8⋯.png (66.5 KB, 635x606, 635:606, Comments 1 DoD 12-28-18 10….PNG)

File: 3747760114648e7⋯.png (711.03 KB, 651x900, 217:300, Comments 2 DoD 12-28-18 10….PNG)

File: 486d53bbf4ae3e1⋯.png (67.75 KB, 660x872, 165:218, Comments 3 DoD 12-28-18 10….PNG)


I have posted the DoD tweets every day for over a year now

This is the first time I have seen a full on libtard attack against them

Sure there have been random comments here and there but almost all of the comments to the latest tweet are from the PSYCHOTIC left

3d1e75  No.4501902


Yep, I'd def kick her out of bed.

af13ac  No.4501903

File: c87221318eaf2e6⋯.png (142.88 KB, 301x482, 301:482, TOOTS NO.png)

File: 3d84344313e8bf7⋯.png (712.6 KB, 1240x775, 8:5, TOOTS RIP!.png)

File: 8bc065290959268⋯.jpg (107.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, TOOTS.jpg)

File: b192fd9a60f35b6⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 219x255, 73:85, TY Freddy & TOOTS.jpg)





7323c0  No.4501904

"Trust Wray." – Q

Why did Wray personally visit all 56 of the F_I's satellite offices? Is it possible he was handing out assignments that are currently being carried out during the Ten Days?

"Trust Sessions." – Q

Why did Sessions step aside? Is it possible that all indictments were amassed and passed along to the F_I to begin arrests?

"Trust Huber (and Horowitz)." – Q

Why has Huber gone quiet as a church mouse? Is it possible that he's patiently waiting for arrests to be completed so he (and his team of 470 prosecutors) can begin impaneling grand juries?

IMHO, the show has long since started and will quietly play out behind the curtain. Our job is to give our sleeping friends and family members sneak peeks and wake them very, very slowly.

a11556  No.4501905


not surprising. at all.

16e544  No.4501906


Troops out. New weapons on.

84d39d  No.4501907

File: b2992a10a8dd869⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 527x500, 527:500, no-replies.jpg)

362987  No.4501908


All Americans deserve justice.

77f97b  No.4501909


Thanks for the unsolicited confirmation.

Really not needed though, are you sure you've recovered?

72ee80  No.4501910


Perfect! Changed for next time.




My pleasure.

a9daf8  No.4501911


Is he the antifa cunt that got knocked down by tiny??

23f20c  No.4501912

File: 3d337138951a05c⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1506x2002, 753:1001, ClipboardImage.png)

7a3808  No.4501913

File: df9362a8ea768c1⋯.gif (5.01 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 41f5eecf0d78fa341bce47bf25….gif)

dea6d2  No.4501914

File: ef3dda6e2a5aaa7⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 903x492, 301:164, michelle obama man.jpg)

c9d509  No.4501915


sorry no ez catch phrases or buzzwords to offer

truth is too complex for sound bites

and muhtv normies are not capable of moar yet

once some Q action habbens on muhtv then all will fall into place

af13ac  No.4501916



6eb1fb  No.4501917

File: 52c0e6548262e56⋯.jpeg (69.48 KB, 598x366, 299:183, 08A0AA6D-EBF0-4DEB-956E-1….jpeg)

60a81a  No.4501918


You have to learn how to recognize positive from negative ETs by feeling. Becoming positive spiritual is the way.

ab4515  No.4501919

File: 9fd897dfd28b664⋯.png (724.57 KB, 1379x963, 1379:963, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: d053017e23102fb⋯.png (386.04 KB, 1214x860, 607:430, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)


Ooooo, forgot about the vid. possibility…..

Feinsteeeal is one of the DS I want to see suffer in public…I need to see her in tears again.

b59dd0  No.4501920


Exposed,exposed, exposed..

Who cares? Wtf good is “exposed”? Whos been arrested?

2e8b17  No.4501921

File: 9fa75b15429e797⋯.png (67.39 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1533697935428.png)

eb0285  No.4501922

File: 4de211d71478ff9⋯.jpg (132.24 KB, 624x582, 104:97, world war 2 covfefe 2.jpg)

687be7  No.4501923

File: 781ec8f535d9207⋯.png (116.62 KB, 236x252, 59:63, babyshrrk.PNG)


Alexa - play Joan Rivers

a00f1c  No.4501924


Trump lied. I America, you worship the military.

d4ae7c  No.4501925


Wiki says Soros suffers from this shit.


b265ff  No.4501926


Just struck me, I know, I'm a bit slow, but when Q says 'we have the server', he's talking about the server they snatched out of Benghazi when the shit hit the fan down there.

And after HRC and Hussein gave nukes, Davy Crocketts, to Al Qaeda, in Syria, who used them on Russian troops.

75ebf5  No.4501927


Anyone that employed Marc Benioff is suspect in my book. Plus he was famous for landing at San Jose airport early morning despite the curfews. Did not care one bit…he had the money so he just paid the fine.

2be676  No.4501928

File: 755a2a2c82f3a4b⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 400x228, 100:57, elon_musk_the_joker.jpg)

a00f1c  No.4501929

98d741  No.4501930


I've got no rebuttal for that, It's just that Freddy never used the mossad operator's memes before last night…

He strictly stayed to the cat memes.. I think we've got some scared mos operators trying to co-opt a persona that doesn't belong to them.

d0b680  No.4501931


Who is this fat fuck on Twitter who can’t even cross his arms and why should I believe him?

ec09f8  No.4501932


It's not just that they aren't sharing the info anon. They charge people for advertising on their platforms based on bs metrics. That's fraud.

99e63b  No.4501933


Limited hangout kike

fdedf1  No.4501934


How anyone ever took this faggot seriously is beyond me. What was tough used to be steely looks, no emotion shown and quick decisive action. Think Dirty Harry.. tough was the look and feel.

Take this jackass w rainbow hair and teeth jumping around like a lil girl.. wtff?!

60a81a  No.4501935


It's unlikely we'll get to such a situation but the Cabal can try to pull many things off.

1a6ae5  No.4501936

House not clean, what good are arrest?

5f0eea  No.4501937


The hole, the people around the hole look pretty normal. The object in the hole looks distorted as if it is out of proportion.

691d97  No.4501938


What happened on 12/7?

The clock started -10 ( 10 days ago)

When are the 10 days of darkness?

During the government shut down



dea6d2  No.4501939


fucked that up fagget

b3b7c7  No.4501940

File: 140d4aa7c8e867a⋯.gif (2 MB, 214x178, 107:89, 55.gif)

125d92  No.4501941


c9d509  No.4501942


good work ohio

fuck the pro lifer take your liberty faggot

and fuck the gun control take your liberty faggots too

ka-sick got both wrong

ohio got both right

8ccdfa  No.4501943

File: 1bb3a931bd1278c⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 798x700, 57:50, Alaska red outage spreads ….JPG)

Alaska back in red as outage spreads back west US heavier in CA.

Here's link if anyone else want to track https://downdetector.com/status/centurylink/map/

b71c12  No.4501944


My house just exploded from reading about it.

It got better.

6f9eaf  No.4501945


BTW, I feel you on the ambien. I took one from a bottle of 20 one night many years ago. When I woke up the whole bottle was gone and my sister said that after I blacked out I crushed them all up and began reenacting the final scene from Scar Face.

6c7de1  No.4501946

File: 5152955da485d56⋯.png (201.23 KB, 309x800, 309:800, Screenshot from 2018-12-28….png)

6eb1fb  No.4501948


She brings eyes to QAnon. Idgaf for what reason. More eyes = more digital soldiers.

7894fa  No.4501949

File: d4032a014d053fd⋯.jpg (171.29 KB, 962x754, 37:29, yourefiredpope.jpg)

1a6ae5  No.4501950

Why do shills attack Q?

Because Q is real?

ec28ad  No.4501951


Ellison is a ass! NWO all the way

73edcd  No.4501952

File: 3550c58a8fbf274⋯.png (19.08 KB, 936x309, 312:103, ClipboardImage.png)


yes, obviously fake, but Q affirmed there were moon landings and that we are NOT alone.

c817b5  No.4501953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


think about space x and all the white hats thwarting it while everyone says the 'crash' is because of aliens… go look at the footage…. horrible title… one of many… white hats have sophisticated this technology.

Q even posts about it

Great technology

af13ac  No.4501954

File: 2fc0c42358a0a60⋯.png (163.72 KB, 500x556, 125:139, am-i-anti-semitic-no-its-t….png)

File: 7644e6d2e22f3be⋯.png (168.06 KB, 500x519, 500:519, why-dont-jews-eat-pussy-be….png)




362987  No.4501955



How did Omarosa make the list? wtf??

ce6bc3  No.4501956


there are many servers but yes this is one of them

ab4515  No.4501957

File: 1a79b2524aaadb6⋯.png (103.37 KB, 418x509, 418:509, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 755a053908b7fe4⋯.png (1.51 MB, 971x1040, 971:1040, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


In America we worship our Freedoms motherfucker

125d92  No.4501958


d10846  No.4501959


Remember that time Weiner went missing over a year ago

77f97b  No.4501960


It's a stance change.

Milts is trying to reorient himself; To save face, if you will.

Like a pig putting on makeup LOL

99e63b  No.4501961


Lats match

1a6ae5  No.4501962

Re Omarosa.

Are leaks dangerous?

dea6d2  No.4501963

b59dd0  No.4501964


Shes the keystone. Watch the rosa..

2a7777  No.4501965

File: c9d9499a9c189b6⋯.png (49.15 KB, 168x299, 168:299, ClipboardImage.png)

b71c12  No.4501966


Did he try to go off script?

Sauce it or drop it.

6eb1fb  No.4501967


Both weak arguments. My decision stands.

4ba3e7  No.4501968


It Go Boom.


2be676  No.4501969




34fc44  No.4501970


there is not a single jew on our side.

2e8b17  No.4501971

File: 6bf646e46745636⋯.png (62.45 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 1533696429744.png)

c9d509  No.4501972


nothing to see here

hey potus and Q

when will the lies stop?

when will WE THE PEOPLE get the truth?

b3b7c7  No.4501973


Flush beats a full house every time

e7d372  No.4501974


Yep. I tried to wake family members very very slowly. All answered the same. All bullshit until someone gets arrested.

d5597c  No.4501975


Do like your told or end up dead in gay motel

cb9e2b  No.4501976

File: 26dbb99936abace⋯.png (532.48 KB, 1176x867, 392:289, Screenshot 2018-12-28 at 1….png)

File: 9655ad7bcf5da75⋯.png (130.38 KB, 971x506, 971:506, Screenshot 2018-12-28 at 1….png)


ec09f8  No.4501977


Not really full control then.

b59dd0  No.4501978



957f15  No.4501979

File: 8b53ed425154452⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 2028x909, 676:303, FC5DEDE7-3B25-4C9A-B560-5….jpeg)


This is false. I did some research this morning and posted in bread 5737.

89a8b9  No.4501980


You don't play poker

It shows

7894fa  No.4501981

File: 2a5096da2a007f1⋯.png (974.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JM2.png)

File: 68d01d21d9be4da⋯.jpg (127.51 KB, 757x484, 757:484, MattisFLOTUS.jpg)

687be7  No.4501982

File: c2919447ff0840f⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 297x167, 297:167, 2pxln2.jpg)

9723a4  No.4501983

File: 3740911797be1bd⋯.png (864.36 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de46d16821033a8⋯.png (262.52 KB, 911x1510, 911:1510, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1f394389d26893⋯.png (216.34 KB, 869x989, 869:989, ClipboardImage.png)

Tesla names Oracle's Ellison to board, ending U.S. charges

(Reuters) - Tesla Inc on Friday named Oracle Corp co-founder Larry Ellison, a shareholder and self-described close friend of Chief Executive Elon Musk, to its board to the provide independent oversight demanded by U.S. regulators after Musk tweeted about taking the electric carmaker private. Tesla said Ellison and Walgreens Boots Alliance’s global head of human resources, Kathleen Wilson-Thompson, joined the board as independent directors, effective Dec. 27.

Musk on Aug. 7 tweeted that he was considering taking the company private and had secured funding. The SEC subsequently filed fraud charges against him, citing what it said were his “false and misleading” tweets. Under a court-approved agreement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Musk agreed to pay a $20 million fine and step aside as Tesla’s chairman for three years to settle charges that could have forced his exit. Tesla also agreed to pay a $20 million fine. Tesla further consented to the appointment of an independent chairman, two independent directors and a board committee to control Musk’s communications. Prior to his Tesla appointment, Ellison did not sit on boards other than Oracle’s. But he served as a director at Apple at a critical time for that company – in the five years after Steve Jobs returned to the helm of the then struggling computer maker in 1997, helping oversee one the greatest turnarounds in corporate history.


d31199  No.4501984


Already been caught. Catch up Anon

eb0285  No.4501985

File: 370ba1012406183⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 707x1014, 707:1014, its happening 2.jpg)

1ef01c  No.4501986


Text messages between Khashoggi and an executive at Qatar Foundation International show that the executive, Maggie Mitchell Salem, at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government. Khashoggi also appears to have relied on a researcher and translator affiliated with the organization, which promotes Arabic-language education in the United States.

c43740  No.4501987

File: 7470c1710135736⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 670x603, 10:9, korea.jpg)



1a6ae5  No.4501988

" Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key

POTUS and Patriots = stone "

73edcd  No.4501989

File: 800f5992a087bfe⋯.png (318.13 KB, 855x487, 855:487, ClipboardImage.png)


I captured the photo of the object right above it just before the explosion.

f152af  No.4501990

This place used to be fun and a little entertaining. But now it just sucks. Even the tits are stale.

ab4515  No.4501991

File: 858a272f40caab5⋯.png (900.44 KB, 1064x772, 266:193, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

File: 262bcbc9b019a61⋯.png (416.6 KB, 689x666, 689:666, Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at ….png)



362987  No.4501992


She's a player on a stage, yes.

NOT the keystone. (I have no sauce for that, btw. I just don't think she is the KEYSTONE.)

73edcd  No.4501993


captured a screenshot

b3b7c7  No.4501994


Ok Str8 flush then

a00f1c  No.4501995


I remember that one.

That's when Q basically admitted defeat.

7a3808  No.4501996


flood detected post discarded..x10

f37072  No.4501997

911 alerts still coming. thats 5 now for me.

60a81a  No.4501998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nothing to see here.

125d92  No.4501999

File: e9578e2765e7946⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 1177x662, 1177:662, proof.gif)


eacff0  No.4502000



You should post this daily, if not more than once per day. Refocusing on perspective helps.

99e63b  No.4502001



Imagine POTUS' struggle with Jared

Children suck

77f97b  No.4502002





1ef01c  No.4502003

File: 890db2c1d94cb21⋯.png (837.04 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Maggie Mitchell Salem

d1c465  No.4502004


80% chance yes

1a6ae5  No.4502005

SEE the shills.

Why are they here if they hate Q?

shills prove Q.

21a4eb  No.4502006


> The metrics are fake.

I'm pretty sure that Reddit's creditors would like to have a word with the CEO about this.

Money is lent based on how many users Reddit acquires and retains.

Lying about those metrics is outfight fraud.

a00f1c  No.4502007

File: b8e923ec3ef30cf⋯.jpg (147.75 KB, 814x852, 407:426, toot merry xmas.jpg)


Fred, is that you?

Wassup dude.

6f9eaf  No.4502008


Fine. Now that she flushed her career, I expect her to dig and meme like all the other Anons. 8 hour shifts, no famefagging.

a11556  No.4502009


dont let the door hit ya on the way out

dea6d2  No.4502010

File: f424977191b2e59⋯.png (1021.51 KB, 1444x1040, 361:260, Q Proof - Trump Movie Post….png)


>That's when Q basically admitted defeat.

Q's timeline is not linear. They are in full control. You are fagget.

d10846  No.4502011


I was here when some weirdo kept posting pics of Pelosi in a bikini.

These people are sick!

81ff98  No.4502012


Anon, the fifth floor shutdown was due to the court being moved from Article 3 to Article 1 and the discussion of classified materials. In short, Flynn went to something very close to a tribunal - as a witness/informant. Mueller has unrestricted territory to investigate government corruption.

Mueller is doing exactly what he is supposed to do, and that is introduce evidence to court. Giulliani is… I think, doing his part. The guy doesn't really register on my radar, and my gut tells me he's a stage extra. Could be wrong, though. In theory, NYPD had Weiner's laptop… So… That could put him in the territory of significant.

None of what is going on has anything to do with POTUS and everything to do with the deep state.

eacff0  No.4502013

File: a7df972e01f59db⋯.jpg (304.99 KB, 1106x1600, 553:800, 30a541d6c3bbf2d9c9cf875645….jpg)


Remember that time we counted the folds in the curtain and realized they were different photos?

50bf06  No.4502014


Remember when your husband beat you and you called the cops?

When the cops got there to arrest your husband you started whining “Don’t arrest him I love him”

That’s how we are with Q.

He treats us like shit but we still love him.

But we are no homo unlike you.

16e544  No.4502015

What is the most shilled/attacked board on the internet?

a90d0a  No.4502016

File: d0ae2df2240a368⋯.jpg (71.26 KB, 865x548, 865:548, journ3.JPG)

File: 2e6617551958e1e⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 811x152, 811:152, journ2.JPG)

File: 6a25ff1ac5fd109⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 774x306, 43:17, journ1.JPG)

lots of dying journalists today

3f8c0f  No.4502017


You aren't bright enough to post the actual DoD tweet

Yet you can post your fetish pic of a red head

Your are not a patriot / you are a freak who is unable to control their fetish and is obsessed with posting here

You add zero value to anything

1ef01c  No.4502018

File: fc1665718195f95⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 260x152, 65:38, hankswanks.gif)

d1c465  No.4502019


coaster/mug was different.. lurk moar

( • )( • )

7a3808  No.4502020

File: 4c2e7c90a79d212⋯.png (589.26 KB, 1000x741, 1000:741, 0cbed1845a891d895c7379ee69….png)

125d92  No.4502021

File: 16f5af40f0e0174⋯.png (73.36 KB, 533x242, 533:242, Opera Snapshot_2018-12-09_….png)



12cfe5  No.4502022

File: 1bc36f9ce84d50f⋯.jpg (128.49 KB, 970x545, 194:109, sad porg.jpg)



Dis mudafucka true anons??

2be676  No.4502023


>Great technology


some anons aint ready to recognize that creation creates all kinds of "beings"

(consider the vastness of Space)

at the very least, recognize the Tech exists and haz for years.

ce6bc3  No.4502024

File: ff5d4cdd472ee04⋯.png (55.89 KB, 602x914, 301:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aea443ed417e51⋯.png (47.6 KB, 614x741, 614:741, ClipboardImage.png)

EFF Wins FOIA Lawsuit Against DEA, Forces The Release Of More Info About Its Hemisphere Program

Thanks to a FOIA lawsuit, the EFF has lifted a number of redactions from documents detailing the DEA's Hemisphere program. This program was first exposed in 2013 when the New York Times obtained documents showing AT&T was working side-by-side with government agents to hand over massive amount of call records in response to DEA subpoenas.

AT&T has always considered itself to be an integral part of federal government surveillance programs, often going beyond what's required to comply with demands for info. In the case of Hemisphere, it appeared to be operating as an unofficial arm of the government by "embedding" personnel in the DEA to expedite its surveillance efforts.

More documents obtained by other FOIA requesters have peeled back a little bit of the secrecy. Even with redactions in place, the astonishing breadth of Hemisphere's surveillance capabilities was evident. Communications contained in the documents showed both the DEA and AT&T encouraged hiding the program from criminal defendants and the courts overseeing their cases. Parallel construction was the de facto policy, preventing anyone outside of US law enforcement from attacking the origin of evidence used against them.

The EFF's lawsuit victory has revealed even more of the program's inner workings [PDF], including the forms used by the DEA to initiate phone record searches. The searches hardly appear to be targeted, as agents were able to capture an unlimited amount of call data using a single subpoena.


b71c12  No.4502025


I'm sure Nuttyyahoo has his Kissinger:

"Moreover, Defense Secretary James Schlesinger recalled years later that in the final days of the Nixon presidency he had issued an unprecedented set of orders: If the president gave any nuclear launch order, military commanders should check with either him or Secretary of State Henry Kissinger before executing them. Schlesinger feared that the president, who seemed depressed and was drinking heavily, might order Armageddon."


52eb02  No.4502026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pretty Big Dig

e7d372  No.4502027


They do? Well them add them to Qproofs and STFU.

6839bd  No.4502028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting reference to Q clearance at Area 51 starting around 5:50

56ef05  No.4502029

File: ee3062217a693cf⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 640x400, 8:5, snow_thing_tineye.jpg)


You're right, TEN YEARS is "over a year ago"…

906f3a  No.4502030


Tits or GTFO!

f37072  No.4502031


We are having a game tonight. Please join us and brings lots of $$$$

You’ll get rich.

1a6ae5  No.4502032

SEE the shill trying to change our minds about Q.


Try harder.

362987  No.4502033


Did they steal it?


3ef7ee  No.4502034


(((them))) or?

bac3f5  No.4502035


I saw photos of Hillary and Chelsea going to the Nutcracker. You can believe things are happening behind the scenes; I’ll believe my own eyes.

fdedf1  No.4502036



1ef01c  No.4502037


new phone who dis

af13ac  No.4502038

File: 09ae8a00410107d⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 322x593, 322:593, 120101-nancy-pelosi-bikini….jpg)

File: fb05e7637e86899⋯.jpg (17.6 KB, 288x284, 72:71, nancy-pelosi-in-bikini.jpg)

c9d509  No.4502039


secrecy is poison in a free america

when weill the truth be told?

why do govt apes get to know and we do not?

still treated like sheep even under our beloved POTUS - for our good right?

NO that is not your right

when will that end mr president?

71b9b1  No.4502040

File: 2640936b50f9a82⋯.png (614.57 KB, 983x518, 983:518, Capture.PNG)

The State Is Influencing Big Tech’s “Unpersoning” — Now Imagine If It Takes Over Healthcare, by Tho Bishop

Actually, you don’t have to focus on the government and Big Tech to fear a government take over of health care. Just look at anything the government currently does

As tech executives continue to be grilled in front of Congress, the growing Bernie Sanders-wing of the Democratic Party is preparing to push its misnamed “Medicare for All” into the political mainstream after its political gains in the midterms. While these two stories seem to have very little in common, it’s not difficult to imagine a not-so-distant future where the two are dangerously connected. After all, so long as the scope of government grows, the continued politicization of all aspect of life will follow – the inevitable consequences of which could be quite horrific.

The State’s Shadow over Silicon Valley

First let’s consider some of the overlooked causes behind the increased censorship from Silicon Valley.

While Republican politicians relish in collecting cheap soundbites railing against the censorship practices of widely despised tech executives, few are willing to point out the obvious influence of government in Big Tech’s growing hostility to free speech.


ccbd81  No.4502041

File: 9eb566d648ec2c5⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 382x549, 382:549, Q_Pissed.JPG)


You remember what he was pissed about oh so well

125d92  No.4502042

File: b083f4b9bac25a5⋯.png (2.68 MB, 836x834, 418:417, b083f4b9bac25a5e82eaac88a4….png)


b3b7c7  No.4502043

File: 295fe143ad4f4d1⋯.png (411.72 KB, 632x390, 316:195, pelosi.png)

File: 5285c9bf064f5c6⋯.gif (845.52 KB, 320x240, 4:3, bzRcORH.gif)

632c22  No.4502044

File: 1cef61c044bd6cb⋯.png (119.68 KB, 1007x370, 1007:370, ClipboardImage.png)




Anon had trouble parsing it so anon prepared a simplified version.

Was in a 12/25 PB >>4464900 PB

A Navyfag replied

Looks normal we have 3 out and CVN-76 is in Japan. (home port)

Another milfag replied

Air wing (CVW-#) = naval f(e)a-18c,e,f,g/e-2/c-2/helo squadrons (often assigned to a certain carrier)

Carrier (CVN-#) - ship itself

Destroyer Squadron (DESRON-#) - approx 3-? Destroyers (DDG-#) sometimes includes Cruisers (CG-#)

All those combined = Carrier Strike Group



>>>4501875 >>4501969

6eb1fb  No.4502045


Why is self-discovery so important?

4ba3e7  No.4502046


I Bounce the hate right back at you.

Think Mirror.

84d39d  No.4502047

File: dd8b4324c55c171⋯.jpg (134.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, clinton_h.jpg)

ab4515  No.4502048

File: 9a322f72da83cf8⋯.png (841.38 KB, 1085x671, 1085:671, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: 5d3a0b59f4d458e⋯.png (862.42 KB, 1367x541, 1367:541, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)



ce6bc3  No.4502049

File: 844aed6f68f8c06⋯.png (614.56 KB, 630x420, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24183d54de0c5bb⋯.png (50.48 KB, 653x868, 653:868, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 671a3ad7cfacdbc⋯.png (56.3 KB, 656x882, 328:441, ClipboardImage.png)

Esteemed Heart Surgeon Blows the Lid Off the Big Pharma Statin Drug Scam

A physician’s word is often taken very seriously and with little skepticism. An opinion from one or two doctors, when made in a professional office or hospital, can persuade a worried patient to take drugs with complex side-effects, or even undergo traumatic treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. Yet, when the same doctors, with years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, give an opinion that questions a therapy established by mainstream medicine, the mainstream media calls them irresponsible, or quacks, or even criminals.

Many doctors are highly admirable people, but they are still human beings. They all make mistakes, they all learn from them, but the really good ones are willing to admit to them.

Which brings us to Dr. Dwight Lundell. He’s an experienced heart surgeon and retired Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery at Banner Heart Hospital in Mesa, Arizona. Not so long ago, Dr. Lundell made the following statement of confession:

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.

I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labeled “opinion makers.” Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol. The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice. It Is Not Working!

These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible.


632c22  No.4502050

046552  No.4502051

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

44fba2  No.4502052


Just knowing the fall from all that propped up grace is imminent, allows me to kek internally at the MS Cabal shills, who are all getting dethroned by the D5 that's coming.

So comfy

ec09f8  No.4502053


Full house beats a flush. Straight flush beats a full house.

691d97  No.4502054

File: 7beab77f776ad02⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1898, 621:949, 157D5DD9-C568-4B3E-B9F4-2….jpeg)

File: fa139d8164527cd⋯.jpeg (357.48 KB, 1131x1993, 1131:1993, 7FEB530E-5C16-4082-9862-8….jpeg)

File: 1b49bd017bacb3d⋯.jpeg (567.81 KB, 1109x1515, 1109:1515, 6DF577C1-8A99-48BF-AEA3-C….jpeg)



>Foreign Agent of Influence for

Muslim brotherhood

Clinton foundation

>Foreign Agent

Muslim brotherhood??

I see a pattern, stage is being set 5:5


7894fa  No.4502055

File: e36162123b202da⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 720x558, 40:31, CoretzJigsaw.jpg)

1a6ae5  No.4502056

When someone starts to expose shills, they

say stfu.


Try harder.

shills are losing.

shills are proving Q instead of obstructing Q.

21a4eb  No.4502057


Because Roseanne probably said she had doubts about Q.

That's the usual reason people get shunned here.

That and any pro-Trump internet personalities that Q doesn't like for whatever reason Q chooses for the day.

98d741  No.4502058

File: 61ab473fb01ef6f⋯.png (278.29 KB, 488x480, 61:60, babcome[y].png)


Good thing we wanted the Senate then huh?

Makes it so our confirmed judges stay that way.


We will get MOAR constitutional judges.

Plus good luck with that impeachment. Senate does the actual trial.

'"And no reasonable lawmaker will convict"… to borrow a phrase from your asspal Comey.

Fuck you, fake faggot.


34fc44  No.4502059

Brought a stack of happy merchant printouts to the range yesterday. People noticed. Several people made oy vey jokes and asked for copies to shoot at as well. People are awake around here, especially gun owners.

fdedf1  No.4502060


I have said FUCK LIONEL since the day he started screaming in that painful whiney voice he makes for Q to “DO SOMETHING”.. that moment I knew he was someone who doesn’t trust the plan.. fucking paytriot.

ccbd81  No.4502061


They just telled me Q been out drinkin again

Hope he don't come home pissed

e406df  No.4502062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There was a ~100m pyramid floating over the Pentagon last Wednesday. Similar ship was spotted over Moscow in 2009 I believe.

ee16df  No.4502063


Project Blue Beam.

Some clowns probably still attempting to run the show.


1ff641  No.4502064


A server is a computer connected to the internet that is responsive to incoming data requests.

I've heard reports that there was a server in Benghazi that was being carried there by the US diplomats to secretly pass data to bad people, and that this server was recovered by white hats.

What sounds off to me about the story, is that such a computer would nearly certainly not be a "server". If true, the context of the story is passing data files on a physical data storage unit (possibly within a computer or free-standing external hard drive.) That's a physical transfer of data (like shh here's a memory stick) not a server (here's my www address, the data is stashed on the server, and you can collect the data from anywhere in the world.)

That specific detail, calling something a server you're physically carrying to pass data files, makes me skeptical of the entire report.

There are edge cases where it's possible, but seriously they're wildly improbable edge cases (bad people running their private LAN they plug the server into so a room full of bad people can access the files in parallel). If the report is true, seems more likely that it's not a server and the report got garbled by someone who doesn't know tech terms.

Or perhaps (this just came to me) that someone stole an actual server that was being used in a network (whether the public internet or an internal DoD equivalent), and so that the computer was a server wasn't relevant to how it was going to be used at the destination.

2a7777  No.4502065

File: d4ce9e1759f6867⋯.png (246.34 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_glasses.png)


>Moved to Parkland

fb9d05  No.4502066


>Flush beats a full house every time

You are invited to my house for poker night…bring cash, lots and lots on cash! bwhahaha

25f10b  No.4502067

File: c1041311e058af9⋯.jpg (394.55 KB, 630x456, 105:76, Q Thoth.jpg)

It looks like a Q to me!


ce6bc3  No.4502068

File: 98672447197056a⋯.png (53.33 KB, 657x913, 657:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d81c30bf0a53a6⋯.png (338.07 KB, 640x359, 640:359, ClipboardImage.png)

COMPLICIT: California Gov. Jerry Brown wants to pardon murderers in order to protect illegal aliens

Outgoing California Gov. Jerry Brown wants to give the residents of his state some very dangerous Christmas presents: Violent criminals.

Just in time for the holidays, Brown granted 143 pardons and an additional 131 sentence commutations that included Kevin Cooper, an inmate sitting on death row after being convicted if killing four members of a Chino Hills family in their home with a hatchet, a knife, and an ice pick in 1983.

In response to a clemency request from Cooper, Brown ordered new DNA tests on four pieces of evidence that includes the handle of the hatchet used to commit the murders and the sheath holding it, PJ Media reports.

Brown justified his order by claiming in a written statement that he is taking “no position as to Mr. Cooper’s guilt or innocence at this time.” But, he continued, “colorable factual questions have been raised about whether advances in DNA technology warrant limited retesting of certain physical evidence in the case.”

Continuing, Brown noted, ”The purpose of this new testing is to determine whether another suspected person’s DNA, or the DNA of any other identifiable suspect based on a match in the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) database, is present on the items tested. Given the nature of the testing requested, and the fact that the murders, in this case, occurred before the advent of DNA technology and related evidence handling protocols, both parties acknowledge the distinct possibility that further testing may yield multiple DNA contributors of unknown origin.

“As such, if the only result of further testing is to yield either no additional DNA matches, or only DNA from unknown contributors, this matter should be closed,” he wrote.

As if it isn’t bad enough that Cooper has spent nearly 35 years on death row already, escaping the justice that a court and a jury prescribed, now it’s entirely possible he’ll get out of prison altogether if Brown deems it.


ab4515  No.4502069


True Dat, Keto/Paleo is where it's at.

84d39d  No.4502070

File: df25f3a61a02a90⋯.png (7.5 KB, 219x230, 219:230, alien_merchant.png)

1ef01c  No.4502071


Erdogan was bold enough to actually ask for the United States to send him Fethulla Gulen, his main political rival, who resides here as a green card holder. The irony of Erdogan using the death of a Saudi opposition activist to ask for the extradition of opposition leaders he would most likely kill is stunning.

a00f1c  No.4502072


Remember when TRUMP told Hillary in a debate that he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her and the she would be in JAIL if he was in charge of the law?

b71c12  No.4502073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

77f97b  No.4502074


Great insights, Patriot.

Muhfamilywontbeheebme shills are desperately hoping more aren't waken up by REALLY EASY CONVERSATIONS TO HAVE.

; )

eacff0  No.4502075

File: e71796f249cae0a⋯.jpeg (83.22 KB, 900x779, 900:779, 380db6015464c245a821e9722….jpeg)



Remember that time shills used photoshop to line up a selfie from the Oval Office with a pic from a breitbart article to prove it was a fake, only after they did that, they realize the flag didnt line up right, proving they were unique photos after all?

af13ac  No.4502076



I wanna join too if a flush beats a full house.

60a81a  No.4502077


>filename is not ayy vey

c43740  No.4502078

File: 02108ca46dfa508⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 883x785, 883:785, toilet waters.jpg)

This is priceless!


125d92  No.4502079


86cdde  No.4502080

e7d372  No.4502081

Breads would be more productive if the Q cult could refrain from replying to shills, but they can't help it because they feel superior in that they trust a plan they know nothing about, so they must tell shills they are shills, thus making shills stronger. Paradoxes are a bitch.

632c22  No.4502082

File: 7458f9dedfd4a8f⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1494x8229, 498:2743, BenghaziServerNukeSecretsW….jpg)


Screen grab from anons on Dec. 23, 2018 with sauce

7894fa  No.4502083

File: 35f8f7cad903a95⋯.jpg (134.75 KB, 1100x621, 1100:621, Kim.jpg)

89a8b9  No.4502084


Not if you are the one with the full house

c1f9cf  No.4502085

21a4eb  No.4502086

File: aed32fe32ee1070⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 512x512, 1:1, fagkys.jpg)


Another fag that we don't have to listen to or pay for his AIDS treatment.


bac3f5  No.4502087


Remember when we collectively spent days searching for a text message calling for the POTUS to be assassinated at the SOTU, never found it, and it wouldn’t have mattered anyone because nigger democrats openly call for his and his family’s death on social media?

f152af  No.4502088


Dietary cholesterol does not contribute to blood cholesterol. Statins block production of cholesterol. 25% of the cholesterol used by your entire body is in your brain. Statins makes people stupid by depriving your brain of the cholesterol it requires. Statins are the #1 prescribed drug. Over 40 million prescriptions per year in the US alone. It's given out like candy.

Trump is on Statins. Prescribed by his "doctor".

76a9d6  No.4502089


The 10 days of darkness was the 10 days leading up to 12/21 first day of shutdown, now you are on the mirror 10 days of light, more truth should be uncovered each day leading up to 1/1/19 , if this weekend does not bring the pain, I would guess its 1/3 actionable 1/4, Huma on 1/6, it says on the 11th to expect another shutdown, along with the done in [30] drop leading up to TSOTU, will we get any declass? well fren I think its fake, I don't think we know what they will be charged with but I'm sure it will be a BOOM

b3b7c7  No.4502090

1500ea  No.4502091

File: 902664785b91f82⋯.jpg (683.99 KB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, MMan.jpg)


>How to serve man

Mellantated man is a holiday fav!

72ee80  No.4502092

File: 26c5bde40ff3008⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 720x420, 12:7, eda51165e285e75c55f5ee7517….jpg)

e64971  No.4502093

File: 062725adc1b9b72⋯.png (79.58 KB, 1773x967, 1773:967, ask yourself stage is very….PNG)

morning anons. any one who missed the "anon puts together picture of the happenings" notable should read it. Sounds like we are at the precipice.

a9daf8  No.4502094

muh jew shill tactic:

Look here → joooos

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary&Hussein&Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

The World is Here.


This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

Peace through strength.


They want you DIVIDED.











98d741  No.4502095



does a plastic elf trigger you?

6f9eaf  No.4502096

File: d1e756fc1fd712a⋯.jpg (197.07 KB, 1072x467, 1072:467, roseanne meme.jpg)

e5a799  No.4502097


Damn, forgot what the Interscope logo looked like. Nice pedo symbol- and who’s their distributor-Geffen, or course.

71b9b1  No.4502098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Steve Vai - Little green man

1ef01c  No.4502099

File: d1c4055fac1271b⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 320x568, 40:71, WATCH A not-so-amused Maxi….mp4)

d1c465  No.4502100


you're Awesome Patriot good membering

bac3f5  No.4502101


It really is frustrating. We’re being lied to by everyone. Left, right.

125d92  No.4502102




474e38  No.4502103


word..and nice to be not so isolated talking to volleyballs and stuff.

8bf53d  No.4502104

File: e35bc2dd7723cb9⋯.jpg (214.78 KB, 960x540, 16:9, murdersRus.jpg)

af13ac  No.4502105

File: 2ede397edb67435⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 846x846, 1:1, 2ed.jpg)

84d39d  No.4502106


kek, renamed it…

b71c12  No.4502108

File: 6a566cdf22a880c⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 634x703, 634:703, cigM6.jpg)

24d37d  No.4502109

File: c4ad754c534a0f8⋯.jpeg (64.65 KB, 445x352, 445:352, EC3D7B76-0393-4974-9251-A….jpeg)

File: 2d47618e090c1f7⋯.png (1.72 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1C75383C-A373-496A-93C9-67….png)

File: 4e739a97fda5707⋯.png (2 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 47B2546B-8261-476C-A207-85….png)

File: e25e7dfa806183e⋯.png (2.12 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BFC865BC-ADDA-4514-ADEE-62….png)


Here is a video of the muh down power lines with lense flair

Sauce Is Boss


6eb1fb  No.4502110

File: 25931e0be11eb74⋯.jpeg (26.56 KB, 326x269, 326:269, 86111522-56B4-4815-9C23-2….jpeg)


>I’ll believe my own eyes.

461d0a  No.4502111

File: 92a37d92e9cc81e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 952x676, 238:169, AIPAC_SUBVERSION_2.png)


I'd say that depends on what she tells them.

If she tells them to stop meddling in foreign elections and all that jazz, then she is not.

632c22  No.4502112

File: dcc976c9cd66af5⋯.jpg (117.68 KB, 556x790, 278:395, RedOctoberAPhoneWasPresent.jpg)

File: 6e8c91a9d4659ff⋯.jpg (130.97 KB, 556x790, 278:395, RedOctoberAPhoneWasPresent….jpg)

File: ede388fb77db37c⋯.jpg (162.08 KB, 556x790, 278:395, RedOctoberAPhoneWasPresent….jpg)

85ebcf  No.4502113


Except giving birth?

d31199  No.4502114


hell yeah I saved that txt already.. great QRD

73edcd  No.4502115

File: 20059eed3c948b8⋯.png (137.97 KB, 258x363, 86:121, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm not a photofag so I can't discern the difference between lens flare and beam above. But what is this object(?) that appears to be moving around to right of screen?

a9daf8  No.4502116


Thanks for reporting.


dea6d2  No.4502117

File: 99c7e214b2f797d⋯.png (47.77 KB, 508x552, 127:138, shill spotters and snipers.png)

b71c12  No.4502118


Damned visa violaters.

77f97b  No.4502119


Unless you're just desperate to remain in control.

Because I think you're just desperate to stay in control.

I mean try to control, of course, seeing as how… well I wouldn't be proud of your results if I were you..

a9daf8  No.4502120



3f8c0f  No.4502121

File: 6457e7947c2645a⋯.png (382.09 KB, 646x731, 38:43, King Co re 911 Outage 12-2….PNG)


bac3f5  No.4502122


“It’s happening soon!”

Repeat every week for next 5 years

98d741  No.4502123


So how did the glork experiments go?

362987  No.4502124




"Pivot to video!"

73edcd  No.4502125


at :51 and just before

2f1ba1  No.4502126

File: 4892aea02cadbbd⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1050x698, 525:349, ShillTeam6.png)

af13ac  No.4502127



Well women are better than men when it comes being raped.

Also why the fuck do they bitch so much and cry while being raped?

7894fa  No.4502128

File: d532992ff8f235d⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Amy on Twitter WATCH A not….mp4)


Archived KEK!

8bf53d  No.4502129


50% true today.

1a6ae5  No.4502130

Remember the time Obama made a speech

and hundreds showed up?

Remember the time Trump did a rally and

thousands showed up?

Remember, shill.

046552  No.4502131

File: 2166207b3e64a76⋯.jpeg (91.09 KB, 1440x570, 48:19, 1542218197.jpeg)

e5a799  No.4502132

File: 2f02f0afc96255b⋯.png (186.79 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8EBFF20B-C956-4E31-A6AD-66….png)


And can’t forget the known trafficking

d10846  No.4502133


43 = Bush Jr

e7d372  No.4502134


Well, I don't consider myself a shill. I just question Q and that gets you labeled as a shill so fuck it.

691d97  No.4502135

File: 321840db9fdc480⋯.jpeg (1023.66 KB, 1242x1837, 1242:1837, DA05E87B-5BE7-4C49-8BE0-2….jpeg)

File: 321840db9fdc480⋯.jpeg (1023.66 KB, 1242x1837, 1242:1837, 1BED9A27-6CDB-4DD1-959B-1….jpeg)


I respectfully disagree I think MbS is/was purging the Muslim brotherhood from his circles and they got sloppy.

Now time for us to finally act on Michelle Bachman’s 2012 letter that No name shot down


b3b7c7  No.4502136

File: 4b8612b90e886a1⋯.jpg (83.4 KB, 960x539, 960:539, 1tr3b.jpg)

Reverse engineered

125d92  No.4502137


16e544  No.4502138


More like 90%

d31199  No.4502139



was he Mexican? read fool

dea6d2  No.4502140

File: 66afd20abefbc84⋯.png (185.52 KB, 147x658, 21:94, cannibal rabbit.png)


>feels fake

is this a fucking white rabbit?

7894fa  No.4502141

File: f77ca42d4fd8f20⋯.jpg (31.29 KB, 550x364, 275:182, Kiss.jpg)


A phone was present.

4f45bb  No.4502142

all those 911 outages, sounds like maybe that was another "stress" test.


362987  No.4502143


Why do men cry so much about everything?


6eb1fb  No.4502144

File: 31607df1bbd8ced⋯.jpeg (60.37 KB, 598x366, 299:183, E502C8A3-74CF-45E7-A07F-3….jpeg)


Kek my cock faggot, you are less than dead to me. You don’t exist.

897776  No.4502145

File: ddc564a32142f09⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 507x715, 39:55, acc2ef2d8f081bfd16fe396818….jpg)

b71c12  No.4502146


Buses gotta do what busses do, I guess.

2f8ed9  No.4502147

File: a1ed252e86f2478⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 576x587, 576:587, down tiger.jpg)



>I was here when some weirdo kept posting pics of Pelosi in a bikini.

I was here when some sick loser kept calling Q a larp and fake with acres of red text for 13 hours every day.

Wait, that faggot is still here posting 13 hours a day to try and discredit a hoax.

af13ac  No.4502148



98d741  No.4502149


remember that time the game wasn't a game but you suck at the game?

1a6ae5  No.4502150

Remember the time the dog with noName got put down?

a65cc8  No.4502151

File: 37ee0cb6852ad88⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 584x442, 292:221, Hes-Right-you-know-morgan.jpg)

5f0eea  No.4502152


Hebrew Worship>>>Christianity>>>Modified Pagan Christianity


Modified Pagan Christianity = Religion

d10846  No.4502153


Calm down you'll have to make do with animal blood from now on.

d31199  No.4502154


If I remember correctly, this is from a movie anon. Still sick as fuck

c2878c  No.4502155


nope, full of shilllt

b254f8  No.4502156


>>4502099 Maxine Waters cannot escape Trump even in the Bahamas.

>>4502024 EFF wins FOIA lawsuit against DEA, forces the release of more info about its Hemisphere Program.

>>4501987 Hack exposes the identities of 1k NK defectors living in SK.

>>4501943 CenturyLink outage spreads back West.

>>4501705 Democrat's 4am talking points ignore Office Singh's murder.

>>4501679 How Trump's phone call changed the war.

>>4501672 Newman, CA cop killer caught.

>>4501777 Fmr. JW attorney: GoFundMe campaign can fund the border wall.

>>4501781 Tesla names Oracle's Ellison to board, ending U.S. charges.

>>4501598 Did the Saudis, American oil companies and NGOs finance/support the Syrian war?

>>4501594 Approx. 50 foreign invaders chase a police car out of a "no-go zone" in France.

>>4501576 Congressmen from Ca. show their priorities.

>>4501567 Pentagon admits Iran’s key role in restoring calm to Afghanistan.

1ef01c  No.4502157



5dd34b  No.4502158

File: 42c03c5fdb0a348⋯.png (779.1 KB, 600x812, 150:203, ClipboardImage.png)

77f97b  No.4502159


And you're absolutely vague about your own concerns, almost as if you just want the intended effect of demoralization without the risk of being wrong.

Interesting, no?

; )

632c22  No.4502160

File: e67fe305faef257⋯.jpg (172.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ThoseFourServers.jpg)



These are some of the servers that are in play. The Benghazi one was not known to us when this graphic was made, so that system would be a 5th one. Doubt this is all of the servers containing incriminating data either…

4ba3e7  No.4502162

File: ef6da7dd93c5b2b⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 3508x2480, 877:620, hand pic le et.JPG)



Interdasting date 9-11 Symbolism and numerology.

4f004e  No.4502163

File: 4f5efc27e41472d⋯.png (701.44 KB, 1080x1798, 540:899, Capture _2018-12-28-13-47-….png)

This promo ad showed up on my twatter. In the pic I see a Q. Strange that I now see Q's everywhere.

1a6ae5  No.4502164

Remember the time all those CEOs retired?

125d92  No.4502165


e22309  No.4502166

File: 65310e565215673⋯.jpeg (104.87 KB, 906x462, 151:77, 0C3C8F0C-8A66-4F85-B066-C….jpeg)

File: 1adf737a37ec72e⋯.jpeg (256.15 KB, 1310x1390, 131:139, 5E21A6FA-6335-4FFA-9A21-E….jpeg)

f63d70  No.4502167


Stop talking to your friends.

8bf53d  No.4502168

File: 760312c4387afd5⋯.jpg (108.33 KB, 576x720, 4:5, MadQuitter.jpg)


>Why did Wray personally

7894fa  No.4502169

File: a1610601f7ba3db⋯.jpg (124.31 KB, 1024x597, 1024:597, JohnHuber4.jpg)

File: 3aa316c06801004⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, JohnHuber3.jpg)

File: 6e22a3f442d7982⋯.jpg (132.53 KB, 1024x674, 512:337, JohnHuber2.jpg)

File: 533926146628fd3⋯.jpg (154.9 KB, 1024x532, 256:133, JohnHuber1.jpg)

84d39d  No.4502170


It looks like a reflection. As he turns his phone, it moves perfectly in sync with the phone angle changes.

bac3f5  No.4502171


Wishful thinking without any logic to back it up. I promise you you’ll see February 2018 before you see any declas, arrests, progress of any sort in this movement.

4bc0f8  No.4502172

File: 7ae101f2d4596db⋯.png (116.3 KB, 608x510, 304:255, Gold Star Anon.png)

d5597c  No.4502173


Judges etc were comped fag

still over 200 peeps not confirmed

are you fucking retarded?

dea6d2  No.4502174

File: f7f4949107558b8⋯.png (68.52 KB, 150x203, 150:203, pizza?.png)



lots in there

c817b5  No.4502175

File: bc736a10e199025⋯.jpg (150.45 KB, 647x709, 647:709, Screenshot 2018-12-28_13-5….jpg)

File: 0e986e5ba75fb4f⋯.jpg (229.62 KB, 1200x857, 1200:857, DvhmfptWoAAULYp.jpg)


d10846  No.4502176


43 = Bush Jr again

1a6ae5  No.4502177

Remember the time the church got shot up and

shills tried to blame Q?

7894fa  No.4502178

File: 83147cc1631ac7f⋯.jpg (63.46 KB, 798x420, 19:10, superman1.jpg)

77f97b  No.4502179


Oh they aren't me friends, guy.

ec09f8  No.4502180

Your beloved POTUS lies too. Just recently he said that the US defeated ISIS in Syria and that the only reason US soldiers were there was to defeat Syria. It's like everyone will just forget the Assad must go mantra or when he called him an animal over a fake gas attack. Then there is the small matter of the US arming ISIS and acting as it's air-force all this time.

84d39d  No.4502181


9/11 happened on his watch too….

4b7d82  No.4502182

File: 550e5bb0c72d9f5⋯.png (67.51 KB, 961x706, 961:706, Capture 1.PNG)

File: 642d98a04967116⋯.png (42.22 KB, 645x763, 645:763, Capture 2.PNG)

File: 1cc0319198cb817⋯.png (249.67 KB, 956x750, 478:375, Capture 3.PNG)


b3b7c7  No.4502183

File: d03703a5166f609⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 300x150, 2:1, 41Pvk24.gif)

7a3808  No.4502184

File: ad0dc54cd5521cc⋯.png (553.02 KB, 719x672, 719:672, ad0dc54cd5521cc0476d120ee2….png)


infiltration/entrenchment cleanse near completion.


f59027  No.4502185



I lost interest half way through typing a similar response to OP.

I'm not concerned in the least, but that's the most pathetic "GLORIOUS" list I've ever seen.

Not a single item on there has moved the needle of public perception even a little bit.


That's what scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with list items looks like.

e7d372  No.4502186


And here you are replying to me again. Asking honest questions is demoralizing the troops? Please. So, you're saying we aren't allow to question Q.

a7cd99  No.4502187

File: 8d86c331d1b2ae7⋯.jpeg (44.94 KB, 720x549, 80:61, 93af53fab1012188e45e929fc….jpeg)


can i borrow a dime , to phone home .

73edcd  No.4502188


I did that in order to illicit other anons to tell me if they had surges/outages also. Normally, I don't have anything to corroborate what's happening.

1500ea  No.4502189

File: 03148c64f84c5b9⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, BBQ.jpg)


This is actually a thing.

Look up- RESEARCH mellinated man.


Dead guy



Wait a few years and enjoy!

86459c  No.4502190

Just a thought…. all that happened yesterday and last night, ie,,,,power outages, internet down, 911 down…. could have arrests and take downs happened during that time, communications cut so they couldn’t warn others….

eb0285  No.4502191


There was also something weird in the sky on the West Coast that same night

60c214  No.4502192

File: 5031edeb85926d5⋯.jpg (13.43 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 9af393dee65fbe750968727fe3….jpg)

362987  No.4502193



seriously, tho. why they cry so much?

8bf53d  No.4502194


Did I say that, cockbite?

It's a great fucking meme just as it is.

b254f8  No.4502195


>>4502175 US Central Command: Dunford visits troops in Afghanistan during the holidays.

>>4502099 Maxine Waters cannot escape Trump even in the Bahamas.

>>4502024 EFF wins FOIA lawsuit against DEA, forces the release of more info about its Hemisphere Program.

>>4501987 Hack exposes the identities of 1k NK defectors living in SK.

>>4501943 CenturyLink outage spreads back West.

>>4501705 Democrat's 4am talking points ignore Office Singh's murder.

>>4501679 How Trump's phone call changed the war.

>>4501672 Newman, CA cop killer caught.

>>4501777 Fmr. JW attorney: GoFundMe campaign can fund the border wall.

>>4501781 Tesla names Oracle's Ellison to board, ending U.S. charges.

>>4501598 Did the Saudis, American oil companies and NGOs finance/support the Syrian war?

>>4501594 Approx. 50 foreign invaders chase a police car out of a "no-go zone" in France.

>>4501576 Congressmen from Ca. show their priorities.

>>4501567 Pentagon admits Iran’s key role in restoring calm to Afghanistan.

a00f1c  No.4502196


No, Freddy, the House doesn't matter anymore because '53-47'.

Who gives a fuck if no decent laws are passed.

Also, fuck budgets.


77f97b  No.4502197


You cunningly dropped the point of being more specific.

I won't wait.

1a6ae5  No.4502198

Remember the time that shill was using all RED CAPs and tried to change the optics on Q?

Did that shills succeed?

Does that shill prove Q is real?

d10846  No.4502199


These people are sick!

461d0a  No.4502201

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


You're the only one telling people to not look into something, you absolute traitor.

The crimes of the Israeli lobby against Americans on American soil here:

"The Lobby: USA", part 1/4:



ab4515  No.4502202

good threadunroll postulating Mattis is blackhat:

Thread: On Firing Mattis – a Contrarian View

1. A number of my retired military pals (including some Marines) have opinions contrary to all the gushing praise of SecDef Mattis these days.

2. Before we start, it is always good to remember this axiom. When all of official Washington sings the praises of someone – with almost no dissent – your political antenna should be quivering BIGLY!



125d92  No.4502203


64765e  No.4502204


Haha - the red letter vampire posters showing their true colour. Give 'em dead pig blood and may they choke on it.

ce6bc3  No.4502205


That WAS (((their))) plan

34fc44  No.4502206


Yeah, trust this masonic inbred mormon pedo to do nothing at all.

77f97b  No.4502207


(I get to enjoy watching milts' blood pressure shoot through the roof)

98d741  No.4502208



"Oh, you are stating you can do this?"

"Okay, you do it. Peace out."

I elected the right guy :D

8bf53d  No.4502209


Probably correct. I just think there's a larger contingent (Trump supporters) who don't pay any attention to Fake News.

f37072  No.4502210


Sure do!

It had idiots like you chasing your tails for days.

What a movie.

Enjoy your starring role.

405861  No.4502211


If Potus is aboard then it is AF1.

6f9eaf  No.4502212

File: 791432da4d2e596⋯.jpg (133.16 KB, 1764x837, 196:93, EMP SpaceForce.jpg)

Just in case anyone missed it.

1500ea  No.4502213



Not a secret!

Y'all gotta do this work so you understand wtf is habbening.

Don't take anyone's word, RESEARCH

e7d372  No.4502214


Here's a starting point


af13ac  No.4502215

File: 5f8d11481782eaa⋯.jpeg (24.1 KB, 500x461, 500:461, 1111.jpeg)

File: 6baf26d39bf186a⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 221x229, 221:229, 6baf26d39bf186a7333a01d532….jpg)

File: 5fc72fe350664fa⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 300x300, 1:1, oi-vey-time-to-beg-for-mor….jpg)

File: bbf5ce95ed7d020⋯.jpg (643.31 KB, 1600x1091, 1600:1091, jew 1.jpg)

File: 6bec4cb5070de4c⋯.jpg (192.85 KB, 501x585, 167:195, bad-goy-network-no-shekels….jpg)



21a4eb  No.4502216


" … They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news Q post."

125d92  No.4502217



1a6ae5  No.4502219

Remember that time MicroChip was caught shilling?

8bf53d  No.4502222

File: 3aae33fb8114842⋯.jpg (71.89 KB, 720x480, 3:2, madpuppy.jpg)

73edcd  No.4502223


I think you are right about that.

b3b7c7  No.4502225

File: 6ed9bd1c541f0df⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 250x230, 25:23, peoplesick.gif)

These people are sick

60a81a  No.4502226


>Not a single item on there has moved the needle of public perception even a little bit.

We did, even though fake news media wants you to believe it's all status quo forever.

eacff0  No.4502227



Cant cap on this device. Secondly, at this point, posting red heads does nothing more than infuriate the shills to exposing themselves. It's better than posting copious amounts of porn, and the amount on contributions made in posts that dont have red heads attached to them are more than you may realize. If the shills goals are to get anons attacking each other, you are exemplifying that right now.

1abc86  No.4502229


Remember that time I filtered you for using caps and red text….

d224a5  No.4502230

Trump is sounding an awful lot like an establishment Washington politician these days. I guess he's got to play the game….but so depressing.

fdedf1  No.4502231

So the 10 days darkness and sporadic internet and all could actually NOT be the cabal but /ourguys/ so they can do what they need (extractions etc).

Take for example the “planefagging” of AF1 by media/cabal.. things are going to go down (as in arrests and all) and /ourguys/ need as much cover if not more than CABAL/DS does to get missions completed w/o operations being announced.

So it might be a case where the internet and emergency services are comped on purpose in area where the shit is going down to save mission security/safeguard against mission compromise.

Just a thought.

6f9eaf  No.4502232

File: 4980a27f6fc9994⋯.png (397.68 KB, 583x466, 583:466, mason chip 1.png)

File: 5821435239e0e37⋯.png (252.45 KB, 1157x648, 1157:648, mason chip 2.png)

File: 6f4fed7ffc17a54⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, mason chip 3.png)

16ef83  No.4502233

File: 5834237a0439895⋯.png (756.34 KB, 753x620, 753:620, Screenshot_2018-12-28 Pres….png)


16e544  No.4502234


Yes. But many still pay a whole lot of attention to Fox, who tends to still be pretty fake news. As are half these YouTube Q decoders imo

21a4eb  No.4502235


Trust muh plan.

Mid terms are safe. Watch CA.


Panic in DC.


1a6ae5  No.4502237

SEE the shills.


Try harder shills.

Your red text is weak.

c817b5  No.4502238

File: 857f19f40fb8600⋯.jpg (119.05 KB, 1756x1092, 439:273, Screenshot 2018-12-28_13-5….jpg)


seems that it just needs to be in its vicinity, fried and no need for impact

34fc44  No.4502239


Checked for Theranos & Israel-first cabal faggotry

6c7de1  No.4502240

File: 14a7dbea42b51e2⋯.jpg (519.36 KB, 1404x1681, 1404:1681, TechoViking1.JPG)

379f6f  No.4502241


They don’t know how. Only real anons can research for themselves. Those who can’t don’t belong here… and sadly seem to be the majority these days.

77f97b  No.4502242


Sweety I wanted to hear YOUR specific concerns, not someone elses.

But do go on, and prove me right again~

45bc1a  No.4502243


If you go frame by frame. That little UFO makes 4 passes.

One of them through the fire.


af13ac  No.4502244




8bf53d  No.4502245


He's way over your head.

480b79  No.4502246

99e63b  No.4502247


Tenuous, ghey

eb0285  No.4502249

File: 6ec904dea5dec12⋯.png (131.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

125d92  No.4502250


45df64  No.4502252


Aces and eights are lucky

1a6ae5  No.4502254

File: 8bfed69f3b440f5⋯.jpg (197.66 KB, 592x901, 592:901, Lets Roll.jpg)

Thank you shills for proving Q.

8bf53d  No.4502255


Ooga booga derpy doo

362987  No.4502256


Things that are worth thinking about:

If there is nothing to hide and no wrong-doing, who gives a shit about investigations?

I don't think the Trump admin. gives a shit - do they?

f59027  No.4502257


That sounds like an unknowable feel-good statement, proven false by going out in the real world and observing that no one is changing their minds, only becoming further polarized.

45bc1a  No.4502258

File: 9d013d1bc5d7c0b⋯.png (2.85 MB, 3826x2116, 1913:1058, Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at ….png)

Look closer

b3b7c7  No.4502260


Dead man

ced352  No.4502261

File: 1758d9cbd755071⋯.jpg (317.54 KB, 1080x1061, 1080:1061, Screenshot_20181228-125737….jpg)


If you bake it, he will crumb

ab4515  No.4502262

File: 20f79096f289185⋯.png (112.22 KB, 917x570, 917:570, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)

Friday, 28 December 2018

13:00 No POTUS events/travel expected until after 18:30 (6:30 PM) - expect OTR (Off The Record) travel after that.

There are no plans for POTUS to travel to Mar-a-Lago in the coming days. - Sarah Sanders



474e38  No.4502263


This shit is relevant..might be last card played..Ive been watching on side..the usual clowns now finally had to admit Q..but now they are saying that they are in the same..with their alliance..just watch our videos and stuff..same baloney…Sathers has been taken under their wing to get millennials and old ladys…thats going to be fun to watch..whats going on in UFOs right now is like how it was with Alex Jones right before election…..I think Dr Michael Salla is legit source..(he's in one of Q books list) and he plays sort of a role like Dr Steve Pieczenik did before election when he went on Alex Jones…watch who you follow..btw I had high hopes for Corey Goode but I don't trust him anymore now after watching who he is aligning with.

af13ac  No.4502264




16e544  No.4502265

Quantum computing = alternate dimension mining. Captures “future events”, some of which play out in our own timeline.

7894fa  No.4502266


Did Santa not come? You need a hug?

ae43c9  No.4502267

File: 957cde1e82f9634⋯.jpeg (540.44 KB, 1242x1188, 23:22, 168F51E9-9B63-4778-BA6D-5….jpeg)



7ef0bd  No.4502268

File: e6c343dd484ccaa⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 5031edeb85926d5a9cbc786a47….jpg)

a99655  No.4502269

First China, Now Russia: Kremlin Considers Changing Constitution To Extend Putin Presidency


bac3f5  No.4502270


Agreed. “Glorious” was a gross overstatement, unless something BIG is about to drop this weekend (not holding my breath).

461d0a  No.4502271

File: 438bc0013992368⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 911_Dancing_Israelis.jpg)

File: 145664faadf152a⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 911_Evidence.jpg)

File: 782c45caf811af6⋯.png (352.2 KB, 1231x468, 1231:468, 911_Israel_symbolism.PNG)

File: 4eb7dfe7e272877⋯.jpg (354.9 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, 911_Netanyahu_Franceso_Cos….jpg)

File: 86dd0f05dc2875e⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 520x400, 13:10, 911_Netanyahu_Says_Its_Goo….jpg)


What is the word that both rhymes and is synonym with retard?


16e544  No.4502272


Well insulated

a175ba  No.4502273

File: 8039dc2c7e85236⋯.png (785.51 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 21987561982654.png)

7a3808  No.4502274

File: f8063d3bc025dc2⋯.jpg (9.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ssslllll.jpg)

21a4eb  No.4502275

File: 6ef5e0e6965b153⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 320x209, 320:209, michbitch.jpg)


1 - It's not a woman.

2 - The polling methods aren't shown. Polling more blacks than their representation in the population will get the results they were looking for.

3 - This title means shit.

4 - Who the fuck cares.

067c5a  No.4502276

File: f190cb20625c8ac⋯.png (896.29 KB, 948x1202, 474:601, ClipboardImage.png)

a00f1c  No.4502277



I think Q said that the Democrat party will literally no longer exist.

Also, remember when the Clinton foundation would be shut down but instead TRUMP had to shut down his little (and actually very good) foundation instead?

ab4515  No.4502278


bonus off the record travel!

b67c6c  No.4502279

File: 550e3997622906a⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 483x417, 161:139, fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

d0b680  No.4502280


What happens after 6:30PM?

632c22  No.4502281


>Quantum computing = alternate dimension mining. Captures

and actualizes, by means of reading the qbit registers which actually causes probabilities to materialize into actualities

>“future events”, some of which play out in our own timeline.


b3b7c7  No.4502282


Totally legit

cc3027  No.4502283

>>4502057 It's impossible to shun a domestic goddess. Stop sliding down that slippery slope.

a1b10d  No.4502284


Mr RR himself

125d92  No.4502285


ec09f8  No.4502286


So where in the plan does all the censorship of conservative voices fit in?

fd3026  No.4502287

File: 2166de7d76a06c9⋯.jpg (18.08 KB, 279x181, 279:181, 7878yhguhbv89.jpg)

8bf53d  No.4502288


Polling heavy on the monkey population.

f59027  No.4502289


I wish our dumber and more excitable anons would realize by this point that gross overstatements are a prominent feature of the plan, apparently

009ddf  No.4502290

David W. reports mass arrests delayed by intel windfall; more elites targeted. And Trump wants to delay arrests to prepare public; maybe several months.

Mutually exclusive logic?

98d741  No.4502291



Translation: the planefags will have fun tonight.

ced352  No.4502292


My dick moves

632c22  No.4502293


it's none of our business

SS made that obvious?

6c7de1  No.4502294



Does Sarah Sanders run the POTUS Schedule twatter account?

249d7e  No.4502295


Officer Ronil Singh

33 yrs old

Wife & Child of 5mo

Slow Electric Death for the

Illegal Alien!

ab4515  No.4502296

File: 30c6262981482a9⋯.png (838.82 KB, 1218x644, 87:46, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

77f97b  No.4502297



She's not even salvageable for scrap metal at this point.

d0b680  No.4502298

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, CE567E59-D35F-4706-8E02-95….gif)

b67c6c  No.4502299

File: 187d5bf3fa49380⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 682x469, 682:469, 4cc09eb606cdf175d7f26d202b….jpg)

98d741  No.4502300


do you fold it up into your own butt?

16e544  No.4502301


This is why Q posts have seemingly random snippets of future proves past ?

8bf53d  No.4502302


And for the people who enabled him.

eacff0  No.4502303



At first, Q said leadership, then recently party


2a7777  No.4502304


OTR travel?

8eaf63  No.4502305


I have read and seen some identical pics in these exotic bakeries. Dont get me wrong, they are still quite twisted people that would have for their dinner table. http://inventorspot.com/articles/body_bread_13546

ab4515  No.4502306

File: b62344dd535e30a⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 226x223, 226:223, image33s.jpg)

a9daf8  No.4502307

Presidential Message on Hanukkah

Melania and I send our warmest greetings to our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States, in Israel, and around the world celebrating Hanukkah.

For eight nights, Jewish families and friends will come together to engage in the lighting of the menorah.  This special tradition started more than 2,000 years ago during the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which followed a trying period when Jews were persecuted for practicing their faith.

Unfortunately, Jews today continue to face many different forms of violence, hatred, and bigotry around the globe.  We remember all those from the Tree of Life—Or L’Simcha Congregation—whose lives were tragically taken in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past October.  As one Nation, we pledge our continued love and support for the victims, their families, and the community, and we pray that the victims’ families find some measure of peace and comfort during this holiday season.

Over the coming days, may the warming glow of each candle on the menorah help fill homes and hearts with love and happiness.  Together, we reaffirm the truth that light will always break through the darkness.  We send our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Hanukkah.


34fc44  No.4502308


> Trump wants to delay


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