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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

041794  No.4476751

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 12/22/18

>>4433511 ————————————–——– Research for yourself

>>4432768 ————————————–——– TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.

Friday 12/21/18

>>4409412 ————————————–——– What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?

>>4408964 ————————————–——– Anons can play this game all day long.

Thursday 12/20/18

>>4401036 ————————————–——– History will not repeat itself this time

>>4400956 ————————————–——– Notice a pattern?

>>4393668 ————————————–——– ALICE & MAD HATTER. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4393450 ————————————–——– The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392683 rt >>4392645 -————————– Old news. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392646 ————————————–——– You have the keystone. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392356 ————————————–——– Completed this week.

>>4392305 ————————————–——– Anons know why.

>>4392219 ————————————–——– None left by choice.

Wednesday 12/19/18

Compiled here: >>4451195

Q & A

Thursday 12/13/18

Compiled here: >>4430511

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

041794  No.4476762


are not endorsements


>>4430721 BO calls out the 'Highest Ranking Post' script

>>4308334 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth

>>4461248 BO on /QResearch/ posts per hour (PPH) stats: Be reminded that there are WAY more of us than you might think


>>4476339 Schumer and Pelosi share a tweet.

>>4476492, >>4476569 Close up of patch worn by POTUS.

>>4476508 More photos of POTUS's surprise visit to Iraq. (Image)

>>4475964 (LB), >>4476061 (LB), >>4476111 Turn Italy digs turns up House of Savoy Mansion that is filled with Cabal symbolism. Think Owl and Y.

>>4476279 Who is John moffa?

>>4476119, >>4476219, >>4476201 REMINDER: FOX is FAKE NEWS and worse than CNN. THINK for yourself Anons.

>>4476740 #5708


>>4475374, >>4475406, >>4475756 Carter Page v. Democratic National Committee Cont'd. Includes FISC judges who signed FISA

>>4475383, >>4475414 Russia tests Avangard hypersonic system on Putin's orders

>>4475425 Breaking 911: Trump Admin appealing Dec. 19th Court Ruling on Asylum Restrictions.

>>4475479 Rochester NY: Youth homes at center of sex trafficking scandal had 2,300 police calls in two years.

>>4475519 Rear Adm. Robert Sharp will become the next director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in February

>>4475534 Israeli Parl't Votes For Self-Dissolution, Sets Snap Election For April 9

>>4475552, >>4475555 Bibi losing control in Israel?

>>4475604, >>4475605, >>4475633 POTUS and Melania making special visit to Troops in Iraq. o7.

>>4475688 New filing in Judicial Watch v. DOJ (Steele documents #FOIA): Stay

>>4475835 Anon Checklist of what we need for arrests to happen.

>>4475931 TFW qresearch is hours ahead of the FAKE MSM.

>>4475949 Trolling is FUN!

>>4475956 AF1 sighting potential decoy?

>>4476038 #5707


>>4474571, >>4474957, >>4474865. Mult Reports of AF1 spotted heading towards Middle East from "civilian" spotters. Planefags rejoice. Kek.

>>4474578 North and South Korea clebrate Groundbreaking on new Railway. Peace is the PRIZE.

>>4474582 Record 24,000 Migrant Children Caught at Border in December–In Just First Three Weeks

>>4474591 POTUS holds Vidya Teleconfrence with USN.

>>4474595 Ukraine army’s Chechen allies openly admit having Islamic State links – report

>>4474605 Connecticut parents now required by law to vaccinate children against flu by Dec. 31

>>4474623 POTUS Insulated and Protected? Re-Read Crumbs.

>>4474519 (LB), >>4474521, >>4474508, >>4474569, >>4474556, >>4474535 (LB) Planefag Crumbtrail of AF1 over EU

>>4474734 Yellow Vests give demands to Irish Gov't in Dublin. The world is watching.

>>4474892 REEEEE.. HASC Dem Rips Trump over Mattis Firing

>>4474841 POTUS potentially meeting with Ergodan in Turkey? Developing.

>>4474854 LG: We Either Fight in the Terrorists’ Backyard or America’s Backyard. BBbbut we can't leave Syria. Fuckery afoot.

>>4474989 10 days starting 1st of January? PAIN

>>4475071 Re-Read Crumbs AND BReads. Interdashing Anon.

>>4475190 New filing in Carter Page v. Democratic National Committee: Response in Opposition to Motion

>>4475100, 4475215 Kraft glows. Anons digging. Philip Morris bought Majority Share of Company in 80'S.

>>4475267, >>4475260 POTUS Confirmed en route to Middle East. D5?

>>4475284 #5706

Previously Collected Notables

>>4472995 #5703, >>4473743 #5704, >>4474517 #5705

>>4470686 #5700, >>4471783 #5701, >>4472176 #5702

>>4468285 #5697, >>4469071 #5698, >>4469939 #5699

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

041794  No.4476765

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>4437980

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

041794  No.4476769

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

37 >>4359646, 36 >>4113363

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 36,000+ memes & infographs with keyword searchable filenames

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922

041794  No.4476781

File: 8b5af4ed5b4cf57⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 400x300, 4:3, POTUStroopvisitdec2618.jpg)



7b76f5  No.4476803

File: 70b8dfd05f570ca⋯.jpeg (377.64 KB, 799x1038, 799:1038, Screenshot_2018-12-26-15-….jpeg)


d9780b  No.4476833

File: aef26d1c7ff145b⋯.png (66.13 KB, 715x475, 143:95, ClipboardImage.png)

(pb) >>4475479 Rochester NY: Youth homes at center of sex trafficking scandal had 2,300 police calls in two years.

2300 calls over two years = 3.14 calls per day (pi / π)


watch the waters

re: >>4476529

b4f71e  No.4476844

File: 60009d1e30c4b83⋯.png (62.49 KB, 410x319, 410:319, ClipboardImage.png)

For those digging into Turin Italy and Damanhur

Where did Rothschild go to have a meeting with Satan?


d7ae62  No.4476856

File: 5479a0536123656⋯.png (27.77 KB, 747x228, 249:76, ClipboardImage.png)

689de0  No.4476857

Everyone has an opinion. They’re all different. What does that mean:


AF1 is in different call sign.



6c7713  No.4476858

File: 253ef0c3c8777d6⋯.jpg (33.08 KB, 650x182, 25:7, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-0….jpg)

surging hard

can some explain this

did cabal crash it with, now making money, we know they sold off

430d8e  No.4476859

POTUS twatter video from Iraq needs to be spread on social media. This was a big fuck up by MSM. Normies need to see this.

cb3dcd  No.4476860

File: 8a6389cdec85cdc⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, ulia-freedom-fighter-milit….jpg)

Thank You Baker

689de0  No.4476861


Fucking habbening

bdf296  No.4476862

File: 74de4b9ae2723d6⋯.png (52.8 KB, 722x762, 361:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bdcfcafc5fde5a⋯.png (66.72 KB, 719x792, 719:792, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12677f668d7beba⋯.png (49.65 KB, 726x836, 33:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51a3f4dc1989135⋯.png (49.72 KB, 726x806, 363:403, ClipboardImage.png)




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

20f5b4  No.4476863

File: 2e34a26b4baa314⋯.png (148.02 KB, 346x442, 173:221, NoYouDoNot.png)

>>4476784 (ALL LAST BREAD)










God Bless!


1adfb8  No.4476864

File: c88f6d87cb16e66⋯.png (67.88 KB, 1370x712, 685:356, 122618 US closed.PNG)

File: e2cc3d94b0f0c62⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Closing Bell.jpg)

Holy fucking shit!

This beats 2009 by a large margin because of the amounts involved.

Hats off munchkins!

1dd3c2  No.4476865

File: cf971d8945ec5ce⋯.jpg (86 KB, 500x676, 125:169, bewbsb.jpg)


dd6eb8  No.4476866

File: 002f84f21568976⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 600x300, 2:1, KnockedEmSilly.jpg)

0aa995  No.4476867




Rings the closing bell?

(no sauce, just saw it on Fox)

b98594  No.4476870

File: 94d82fed6c36188⋯.png (492.76 KB, 612x643, 612:643, ClipboardImage.png)

I love this PRESIDENT!!!

9038ef  No.4476871

>>4476763 lb

>>4476759 lb

>>4476741 lb

fuck all you fake finance niggers

the whole tag team lot

anons dont give a fuck what you say

0f8152  No.4476872


Yep still digging. Good one. Have to look into Damanhur Center grounds and architecture for clues into their "hobbies"

9abde7  No.4476873

File: f7828e4b10b3664⋯.png (312.65 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, ClipboardImage.png)

ae98cb  No.4476874

File: 1609930b343eff2⋯.jpg (853.81 KB, 2968x1840, 371:230, IMG_20181226_144152.jpg)

File: b4efc5038758197⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 482x304, 241:152, IMG_20181226_150134.jpg)

File: a017b92bd87bb11⋯.jpg (170.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_20181226_141729.jpg)

File: c5d05762207b25c⋯.png (857.24 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20181226-142431.png)

POTUS boots.

0aa995  No.4476875


Can they for once just call him



9c354b  No.4476876


He'll be secure in the sky when shit goes down on the ground… "supposedly".

Still waiting on The Tweet/Trump EAS Text.

ca4d44  No.4476877


this is insane

9151a2  No.4476878

File: ea40ec5609c7af5⋯.gif (887.88 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 3FE6F9EA-18FC-4AB4-A51F-21….gif)

File: 86a768ef5933ee9⋯.jpeg (165 KB, 951x934, 951:934, 8D2DB709-A6D6-4117-A87E-2….jpeg)

File: 2d7aaeca5c136eb⋯.jpeg (183.94 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, F13ADA18-77E9-484E-BA7C-4….jpeg)

File: e81d7831e9e59d0⋯.png (832.22 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, 99680A08-D1A7-41CB-BAFB-47….png)

File: a03fa41c1555ada⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB, 1112x744, 139:93, AB305F64-EDA4-4F9C-9366-0….jpeg)

e59f46  No.4476879

File: d031f69edb1ef47⋯.jpg (11.03 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 8bb14bdedb844a32ebf522ea15….jpg)

a038b4  No.4476880

File: 78d33eddedf1f3d⋯.png (34.21 KB, 633x500, 633:500, AQ5.PNG)

Dow surges more than 1000 points, on pace for biggest point gain ever on record.

Anyone know what the record is for biggest one-day gain?

6480e5  No.4476881

>>4476809 lb

It always sucks to be (you).

d7ae62  No.4476882



20f5b4  No.4476883

7f6a59  No.4476884

hmmm so looking at the dow it could make some say

They thought it was happening yesterday

689de0  No.4476885


That won’t happen until it’s over

6de743  No.4476886


Dow Jones Industrial Average

22,719.98 +927.78 (+4.26%)

b98594  No.4476887

File: e1b55800e5ff0bc⋯.jpg (17.92 KB, 248x189, 248:189, 7a4b230d24ae4092d9e74d3b90….jpg)

829298  No.4476888

File: 76f9509b6015046⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e56cd39874322ba⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1c795fb5538ea7⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1800x1201, 1800:1201, ClipboardImage.png)


ffcee7  No.4476889

Greta Wall @GretaLWall


#MarketWatch Major indexes wipe out Christmas Eve losses with all three surging past 4% on the day

9038ef  No.4476890


been explained a thousand times anon

wall street makes money off every movement

not stability


WE THE PEOPLE want a stable economy not this shit

9c354b  No.4476891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada 2019: World's First MEME COUNTRY

f53cda  No.4476892

>>4476622 lb

>>4476662 lb

>>4476728 lb

>“real money”.

Technically, money is merely a medium of exchange…that could mean literally anything.

The key is honest weights and measures (actually a biblical principle).

6c7713  No.4476893

File: d9485656782310d⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 652x226, 326:113, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-0….jpg)

63b1de  No.4476894

January 3rd

bae9d4  No.4476895

This is possibly how the DS financed and built the Arlington National Cemetery Bolt Hold.

Salon exclusive: Arlington Cemetery budget chief blew whistle in 2003 | Salon.com


Problems possible with nearly 65,000 Arlington graves, report says - The Washington Post


815892  No.4476896

File: aa21caa7ab06f94⋯.jpg (94.73 KB, 750x1124, 375:562, redheads-brian-dowling-22.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

75b577  No.4476897

Could some kind Anon please point me to where I report CP to the BO

6c7713  No.4476898


so did the cabal crash it again on Christmas eve as a threat?

13398a  No.4476899

File: 6790d991a2f0bfa⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1022x664, 511:332, global-Air-Traffic-with-Mi….png)

0f9ba3  No.4476900

File: a1c7b3fe40a2e7e⋯.png (234.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Where we're going, Morty, we don't need money!

9c354b  No.4476901


Not sure what you mean.

Heebs wrote the Abrahamic Trilogy.

You're falling for the Lies of The Jew, fucktard.

be555a  No.4476902

File: 56d27916e6aa029⋯.jpg (223.53 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 8c6cb6c2c4f65e03272b575b1b….jpg)


f0ec3e  No.4476903


Normal volatility. We were already down around 5,000 off the highs from this Bull market. Normal bounce back, we will see it oscillate up and down between now and March. In March, the downward collapse begins in earnest. May last a year or two, with an ultimate bottom between 7,000 and 16,000 - just pure speculation to know how far we end up pulling back, and whether the Fed changes or course of the PPT steps in.

1dd3c2  No.4476904


WTF is a "bolt hold" anon?

1229df  No.4476905

File: 0dccfbf190bdc41⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 0dccfbf190bdc41cd6d6246e8f….jpg)

>>4476731 (PB)


507506  No.4476906


nah, it's over. Justa dead-cat bounce.

7319e0  No.4476907

File: 182c691ae23633c⋯.png (579.93 KB, 613x540, 613:540, ClipboardImage.png)

I was on a googlemaps 'hunt' just now and i found this building near DRAGONA and DRAGONCELLA, Rome

check this building, let me know if you know what it is.. Google wont even give a street name and it looks like a real fuckin shithole


d7ae62  No.4476908


what cp?

9038ef  No.4476909


yeah real organic isnt it?

this is just a circus sideshow

get on with the plan

a038b4  No.4476910

File: 2c48fc2298cf571⋯.png (88.38 KB, 1073x649, 1073:649, AQ6.PNG)


Trump set to make History, lads.

From Wikipedia;


6d6811  No.4476911

File: 9955950ab1008c1⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 639x398, 639:398, giza.jpg)




Free electricity but need valuable materials like gold and silver. History is not what we have been told. Capstones were made of these metals. Also if alchemy is true and monatomic gold is the real deal plus the health benefits of colloidal gold and silver and all the uses in electronics.

bae9d4  No.4476912


Under ground bunker.

4eb206  No.4476913

If America falls, the World falls.

God bless our brave fighting men & women

They deserve our deepest gratitude.

Through their strength, and the millions of united Patriots around the World, we will succeed in this fight.

Peace through strength

Now comes the pain


"We want peace and the best way to have peace is through strength" @POTUS told troops adding some troops "can return home to their families" re Syria ISIS

Anon it is time

1adfb8  No.4476914

File: a20ccf474811215⋯.jpg (147.16 KB, 617x720, 617:720, Fed crack.jpg)

File: 03e781ff65a6351⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 800x532, 200:133, Digital bow.jpg)


They certainly know insane.

Which ever way you are positioned it was an IMPRESSIVE display of burning FIAT.

Hats off from ma

1229df  No.4476915

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

We do,

They don't.


be555a  No.4476916


Right up your ass.

Have a nice day

1da799  No.4476917


>Holy fucking shit!

>This beats 2009 by a large margin because of the amounts involved.

>Hats off munchkins!


>this is insane


Recent events seem to be illustrating just how 'manipulated' the stock market & Fed really are.

056659  No.4476918


Dan Harmon is an autistic genius that is trying to shock humanity out of their sleep. He put this up on the internet more than 8 years ago when Dexter the TV show was all the rage. He was mocking it. He was told by his friends that it did not come across very well and he removed it.

It did not become an issue until (((they))) watched his last season of Rick and Morty and realized what Harmon and Roland are up to. They panicked and went on a major internet search to ruin him and his reputation. This video they found is something they thought would work. It seems horrible on the surface. But you genius autistic anons should be able to read between the lines.


Watch this clip from one of season 3's best episodes and tell me what you see.

You think he is working for (((them)))? You could not be more mistaken.

6c7713  No.4476919

File: a84adcebd9ee3d2⋯.jpg (34.79 KB, 657x226, 657:226, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-0….jpg)

6480e5  No.4476920

File: c70d4244bbcbfa9⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 313x263, 313:263, mandycommunitycollege.jpg)


No doubt you are a top-ranking youtube scholar. Pic related. Mind your betters, child.

bdb3ce  No.4476921

File: c5bd101a8da2001⋯.jpg (59.09 KB, 960x494, 480:247, hawtbaker2.jpg)

If you vote on twatter polls then go troll this fake news article on yahoo in the comment section.


78547d  No.4476922


Looks like FLOTUS boots.

ty Iraq anon! ty for your service!

815892  No.4476923


Use the arrow to the left of the post. BO/BVs are diligent, though. It's a tactic that shills use here often.

0af49b  No.4476924


How long till (((they))) retract their lies FFS

0f8152  No.4476925

File: ebe9ff1636a4463⋯.png (174.5 KB, 410x684, 205:342, ClipboardImage.png)

Damanhur, Federation of Communities TURPIN

Eco-society promoting spiritual & artistic activities, with murals in UNDERGROUND worship venue.

Holy shit!

b735dd  No.4476926

File: 197858ddc4072f1⋯.png (642.42 KB, 436x1280, 109:320, Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at ….png)



f063f9  No.4476927

File: fde73e847c37b55⋯.jpg (176.74 KB, 341x352, 31:32, stag.jpg)

>>4476766 l.b.

sure does…wild.

6c7713  No.4476928

File: db0a269f5d50fb2⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, lS0iekZuWYrFKDv_.mp4)

File: 8d14c1d1f5e21d7⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 649x549, 649:549, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-0….jpg)


19 seconds

9038ef  No.4476929


click on the arrow in upper left corner and use global report

1dd3c2  No.4476930

File: c90c6e696cc9115⋯.jpg (143.28 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, bewbs2.jpg)


then use the term "bolt hole" - as in a place of refuge.

don't take my word for it - but I never heard of a "bolt hold". whereas I have heard a lot about "bolt holes"…

6480e5  No.4476931


To catch a falling knife…

0af49b  No.4476932


His momma fucked up when she didn’t beat his ass for putting his feet on the counter kek

63b1de  No.4476933

John Moffa = code name

John Moffa = No Name

9c354b  No.4476934


Sorry, I don't trust anyone who's imaginary friend can absolve them of all moral responsibility and culpability.

You're stuck in a yoke put on your people who fuck kids.

And you're upset with me for not listening to pedophiles?

bdf296  No.4476935

File: 0a1f32fc39e560e⋯.png (281.11 KB, 358x442, 179:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6008c91e291584⋯.png (64.59 KB, 680x725, 136:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23a80bda7e492db⋯.png (113.34 KB, 713x830, 713:830, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Jewish Children's Services Counselor Busted for Prepubescent Child Porn on Tumblr

A counselor working at “Youth and Family/Alternative Incorporated,” a former employee of the “Gulf Coast Youth Jewish Family and Community Services” in Lakeland, Florida was arrested in a child pornography scandal encircling Tumblr.

28-year-old William Lee Smith of 110 Laurel Circle in Bartow, Florida was taken into custody after authorities discovered a circle of pedophiles swapping illicit child pornographic materials displaying the torture and rape of young children.

The Polk County Sheriff's Office reports that Smith was arrested on numerous felony counts after an in-depth investigation into the alleged pedophile turned up evidence of receiving and transmitting the child pornography.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd confirmed that Tumblr would later assist, and hand over at least 48 files of child pornography which were known to the database of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

After monitoring the activities of the group on Tumblr, it would be discovered that Smith had sent child pornography via his smartphone and other computer-related electronic devices from his home. Authorities then sought and executed a search warrant at Smiths Laurel Circle home.

The moment the Polk County Sheriff's Office entered Smith's home he began to confess to his “addiction” to child pornography and told Deputies he had “nudes” of children on his phone.

During interrogations with Smith, he would later say that “he does not even like children,” according to local affiliate NWF Daily News.

The Orlando Sentinel goes a step further, stating that Smith confessed to engaging in child porn distribution Smith admitted to trading child porn on Dropbox, Kik, Snapchat and Tumblr. Smith also told Sheriff's Detectives he viewed child porn for about three to five years.



0431d5  No.4476936

>>4476781 That is a badass pic! In a subtle way of course! That pic says it all…AMERICAN!

25219a  No.4476937

File: 3de5d9076b2893c⋯.jpg (151.83 KB, 797x540, 797:540, Anything Can Happen Day.jpg)

a038b4  No.4476938


Wikipedia already made the change.

Baker Notable

Largest in History.

65314e  No.4476939


On the given post there is an arrow next to the namefield which says "Anonymous" usually. Click the arrow to bring down the menu, and select Report or Global Report. Report is specific to the board, Global Report is site wide. Use Global Report for CP.

20f5b4  No.4476940

File: 003b0f4528327a3⋯.png (43.53 KB, 425x319, 425:319, Screenshot_317 - Copy - Co….png)

096c6c  No.4476941

File: 3484056615b6028⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 620x586, 310:293, FoxworthyTroubles.JPG)

Jeff Foxworthy busted

6480e5  No.4476942


Must have been so hawt. Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

b9b143  No.4476943

File: f0f0c782802b09d⋯.png (50.94 KB, 135x207, 15:23, Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at ….png)


That explains all the earlier drops!

d7ae62  No.4476944

File: e6b5f777925d7b0⋯.png (1.47 MB, 976x1037, 16:17, ClipboardImage.png)

faa3ba  No.4476945

File: 5a7bb87f29fce22⋯.png (341.73 KB, 672x1080, 28:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54af9070b5995bc⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1535x3298, 1535:3298, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4475737 (pb)


Back Peddle


pics related old and new articles

5716cb  No.4476946

File: 85bf5f898c04e95⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 267x189, 89:63, pepe pope.jpg)

>>4476131 lb

Don't forget P

7319e0  No.4476947



13398a  No.4476948


Love Melania wearing the same color of yellow that Michael wore with lizard boots.

e18cdf  No.4476949


this anon cares about the globlal monetary/finance reset that is coming when the cabal is no longer controlling central banks

there will obviously be a rocky transition period and gold and silver (in small denominations for trade) will be helpful as well as water, food, clothes shelter

13398a  No.4476950


Bye, Felicia!

0aa995  No.4476951

File: fb14042520eca1a⋯.jpg (69.4 KB, 1271x757, 1271:757, POTUS.JPG)



1dd3c2  No.4476952


you looked too anon…kek!

925454  No.4476953


This is worth a mention as a good way to highlight the new ShillBlue brainlets' tactic.

New tactic:

Sow confusion about economic matters. "Fiat currency is fine as long someone good issues it."

Probable reason:

Get ahead of fhit hitting shan narrative.

Initial conclusion:

Buckle up buttercup, financial reset is probably coming.

fd1b9a  No.4476954

File: e6afdbb75331bcb⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 407x235, 407:235, IMG_20181220_112135_263.JPG)


Shill faggot

0431d5  No.4476955

Is "this it?" Anybody else feeling the tension in the air! The calm before the paradigm shift?

041794  No.4476956


Damn right anon.

dd6eb8  No.4476957

File: 1d8d95008327373⋯.jpg (88.88 KB, 960x540, 16:9, FatBastardMollyOhr.jpg)

File: f97d92f53966c13⋯.jpg (53.75 KB, 751x500, 751:500, IMG_20181016_104659.jpg)

File: 811d064c94f81b6⋯.jpg (143.32 KB, 1018x1694, 509:847, IMG_20181016_104705.jpg)

6de743  No.4476958

File: 9c6bec43c90c3c8⋯.jpg (358.16 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bob-dobbs-scan-web_1024x10….jpg)

The Question that needs to be asked.

Is this Husseins economy or POTUS economy?

Last Week it was POTUS economy!

1 Month ago it was Husseins economy!

You Make the Call!

056659  No.4476959


Some baby is going to be one lucky little dude.

d04b02  No.4476960

CBS Openly Admits that the Elite Drink the Blood of the Young to Boost Longevity

Controversial Treatment Transfuses Patients With ‘Young Blood’ From Teenagers To Reverse Aging Process



Dr. Karmazin, who plans to open a business selling young blood, says patients who’ve had it say they feel amazing, and he says he’s seen evidence of reversing the aging process in rats.

“Their brains are younger, their hearts. Their hair, if it was gray, it turns dark again,” he said.

There has also been encouraging Alzheimer’s research using young blood at Stanford University.

“We found that it was safe and feasible to administer infusions of young plasma weekly,” Dr. Sharon Shaw, an Alzheimer’s researcher at Stanford, said.

Dr. Shaw is a researcher who says they have seen evidence of improvement in functional ability.

“It’s all very exciting that there can be components in blood that can be healing,” Dr. Shaw said.

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, treatments using a patient’s own blood have been in demand as trendy “vampire facials” to fight wrinkles, and as joint and tissue treatments to accelerate healing.


fd5c8d  No.4476961

File: c54c962536984ef⋯.png (11.72 KB, 568x155, 568:155, report.png)


click triangle beside post

then click report

a00372  No.4476962


I'd call 911

75b577  No.4476963


many thanks kind anon

6480e5  No.4476964


You should crawl back up into Shiffty's ass crack, that's the best place to do jewresearch.

This is qresearch.

0f4685  No.4476965

File: 6fdb8a44a1f9820⋯.png (111.44 KB, 1511x1027, 1511:1027, kike media.png)

File: 75c1ff0d9bf957f⋯.png (28.03 KB, 874x561, 874:561, IsraelHumilated2.PNG)

File: e67cab468102554⋯.png (475.73 KB, 1535x924, 1535:924, IsraelHumiliated.PNG)

File: b7f837834dfde72⋯.jpg (218.32 KB, 814x529, 814:529, kikeryandbullshit.jpg)

File: 69d8799d1af3fd8⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 344x301, 8:7, money changers.jpg)

It's already begun anons. you have the unique position to see whats coming light years before normies do. Fox news is Faux news is Mossad controlled just like all of the others. Start waking up everyone you know to the jewish question as much as you can.

4eb206  No.4476966

Q post 1350

And this:


“We want peace and the best way to have peace is through strength,” Trump told troops


20f5b4  No.4476967


I have yet to see anyone post that exact patch for identification on the board yet.

391f54  No.4476968

File: fd68e79e0be0f02⋯.jpeg (115.28 KB, 640x873, 640:873, E091396F-56A1-4A09-B193-A….jpeg)

Another loud mouth sounds off…

President Donald Trump may have been able to avoid military service in Vietnam because a podiatrist in Queens, New York, did a “favor” for his father and diagnosed 22-year-old Trump with bone spurs in his heels.

The podiatrist, Larry Braunstein, died in 2007, but his daughters recently told The New York Times that their father frequently recalled coming to the aid of the Trump family during the Vietnam War in the late 1960s.

“I know it was a favor,” said Elysa Braunstein, along with her sister, Sharon Kessel, in a report published on Wednesday. The two said that their father’s account implied that Trump did not have the foot ailment that kept him out of the war.

“But did he examine him? I don’t know,” Elysa Braunstein added. Two years before he was diagnosed with bone spurs, Trump had been deemed eligible for conscription by the Selective Service System.

Larry Braunstein ran his practice for decades out of a building in Jamaica, Queens, that was owned and operated by the president’s father, Fred Trump. The Trump family sold the building that housed Braunstein’s practice in 2004.

“What he got was access to Fred Trump,” Elysa Braunstein told The Times. “If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and Trump would take care of it immediately. That was the small favor that he got.”

The Times did not find any paper evidence to corroborate the account of Larry Braunstein’s daughters.

The daughters also mentioned another doctor, Manny Weinstein, who they say was involved in Trump's bone spur diagnosis. Weinstein died in 1995, but records show he lived in two apartments owned by Fred Trump and moved into the first in 1968, the same year Trump received his diagnosis and became exempt from serving in the war.

donald trump calls troops on christmas day President Donald Trump answers questions from reporters following a video call to service members from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard stationed around the world, in the Oval Office, December 25. In a new report by the New York Times, the daughters of podiatrist Larry Braunstein said their father diagnosed Trump with bone spurs so that he could avoid serving in the Vietnam War as a favor to the president's father, Fred Trump. Zach Gibson/Pool/Getty Images

The bone spurs diagnosis afforded Trump a one-year medical deferment. He also had four educational deferments that helped him avoid military service.

When asked about the ailment that kept him out of Vietnam, Trump has said that he did not remember the doctor who diagnosed the bone spurs and never mentioned any potential link between the doctor and his father.

Years after avoiding the draft, the president joked that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was as difficult as serving in Vietnam, during a 1998 interview with Howard Stern. In the exchange Trump said that he was going to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for his ability to stay alive while “screwing a lot of women.”

"It's Vietnam," Trump told Stern. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful.”

Trump also drew fire for his attacks against the late Senator John McCain, who was held prisoner for more than five years during the Vietnam War. During his presidential campaign, Trump said that McCain was not a “hero” because he was captured.

"He is not a war hero," Trump said. "He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK? I hate to tell you. He is a war hero because he was captured."

McCain was a prisoner at the Hỏa Lò Prison in Hanoi, Vietnam. The decorated veteran was offered early release from the camp because his father was a high-ranking official in the U.S. Navy, but McCain repeatedly declined the offer, because he did not want to leave his fellow prisoners behind.

Trump has drawn continued criticism for his handling of issues surrounding the military. Earlier this year, the president was mocked for skipping a visit to a cemetery for fallen American soldiers in France, citing the rain. Trump was also slammed for being the first U.S. president in 15 years not to visit troops during the Christmas holiday.

Speaking via video conference to U.S. troops at home and abroad on Christmas Day, Trump said, “I want you to know that every American family is eternally grateful to you.”


1adfb8  No.4476969

File: 00a402690618cda⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 474x328, 237:164, Glory.jpg)


POTUS tells everyone to 'buy' stocks and now they feel much better about it today.

Working on them.

You are one magnificent bastard POTUS!

75b577  No.4476970


Many thanks kind anons

6de743  No.4476971


Dow Jones Industrial Average

22,809.55 +1,017.35 (+4.67%)

f264f3  No.4476972


This really doesn't look like Melania. This is the second time I didn't think it was her. Body double to keep her safe?

0431d5  No.4476973

>>4476956 Yeah amen to that! The commitment, grit and determination that has (almost) always defined Americans is back!

80303a  No.4476974

File: 40de96001729233⋯.png (425.01 KB, 559x470, 559:470, 2018-12-20_22-21-03.png)

815892  No.4476975


POTUS had to be in DC on Christmas Eve. Wonder what all he got accomplished with people out of the way?

9c354b  No.4476976


What makes you think Q is a Christian thing???

Q references lots of fictional tales…

28a8ef  No.4476978



6480e5  No.4476979


Every time Moochelle appears in public, shares of Clorox Eye Bleach rise 4%. Buy long now, short later.

3f9f33  No.4476980


ooh i like that

thanks potus

beb08d  No.4476981

File: 466815dd4e2071a⋯.png (83.79 KB, 990x278, 495:139, Screenshot 2018-12-26 at 3….png)

>>4476821 (lb)

Gotta love Yahoo's spin

ac4b09  No.4476982

File: 03e4278edc65138⋯.jpeg (83.81 KB, 394x400, 197:200, 76909734-3227-49B0-A12F-C….jpeg)

Found this patch while looking for the one from last bread. I believe it is apropos.




7319e0  No.4476983


KEK well thank fucking GOD because IF he went to war, he would of never became POTUS and given the power back to the military.

these stupid fucking articles get so tiresome

b4f71e  No.4476984

File: fec57ed3315e6b1⋯.png (473.57 KB, 504x545, 504:545, ClipboardImage.png)

For those digging into Turin Italy and Damanhur

Where did Rothschild go to have a meeting with Satan?




Shape look familiar?

Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinig

2f00b7  No.4476985


>Recent events seem to be illustrating just how 'manipulated' the stock market & Fed really are.

There are no 'free markets' and Patriots are engaged in FINANCIAL WARFARE with these (((bastards))) who are trying to destroy the markets.




1adfb8  No.4476986


Nothing normal about that.

No way …no how.

049526  No.4476987

>4475479 Rochester NY: Youth homes at center of sex trafficking scandal

notable edit

per article Mount Pleasant

NOT Rochester

although Rochester IS a shithole

No.1 in nation for poorest scholastic grades

bdf296  No.4476988

File: 54318fcf3aaf9d5⋯.png (409.7 KB, 498x589, 498:589, ClipboardImage.png)

049ddb  No.4476989

File: 5c959ee075a27c3⋯.png (552.71 KB, 1440x1377, 160:153, Lmao.png)

File: 5fd426e640716f7⋯.png (78.09 KB, 1427x453, 1427:453, CAPPED-IT.png)

File: 22e03370d958fa7⋯.png (203.54 KB, 1440x1877, 1440:1877, BOTTOM.png)

File: fb7779d1636612f⋯.jpg (104.28 KB, 700x512, 175:128, CheckToots.jpg)

File: b35a348b8963ad7⋯.png (418.21 KB, 420x541, 420:541, b35a348b8963ad7ab3fdf31c37….png)

>>4476831 lb

I dunno, anon. There was a really handsome guy here this morning who pretty much called the bottom.

He capped it in Hawaii time and then ranted and raved about how the financetard was a fucking incompetent lying fraud who clearly had zero actual experience. Really not sure how a person can be that fucking good. It's too much power, really.

He had excellent taste in cat memes as well. And a marinated pork shoulder omelette for breakfast after a long nightshift of Tootsposting and didn't even watch the rally happen cuz he dgaf.

Fucking inexplicable. I think he might eat ice cream soon.

779449  No.4476990

Q team, should we watch for defenestrating bankers through Sunday?

20f5b4  No.4476991

File: 990f3158033d9ce⋯.png (334.08 KB, 348x497, 348:497, Screenshot_4.png)

391f54  No.4476992


I can’t wait until these “journalists” are permanently unemployed

0af49b  No.4476993

File: 7934d5c7e32327f⋯.jpeg (24.11 KB, 620x310, 2:1, 6DA5CC78-1B0F-45CD-8695-3….jpeg)


Shills, faggots, and race baiters BTFO

Or stay, and give us moar reason to never give up

6c7713  No.4476994

File: 315836bfc3b60af⋯.jpg (65.75 KB, 648x620, 162:155, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-1….jpg)

File: 4024114560f8426⋯.mp4 (678.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, -6-OJSigNUXEpImE.mp4)


7b4c0c  No.4476995

File: db89d52aaf3e8ad⋯.png (230.1 KB, 554x493, 554:493, BLACK EYE 54 = DEC24.png)

While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.



:54 mirror date in line with today.

fa3fd2  No.4476996

File: 31873471f25822a⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Happy 2019 Q Alpha.png)

File: d23bbbd66539a87⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Happy 2019 Q Alt Alpha.png)

File: a5256e00f63d1cb⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Happy 2019 Q Alt.jpg)

Happy 2019 Q Alpha .png Only File

Happy 2019 Q Alt Alpha .jpg & Alpha .png Files

be555a  No.4476997

File: 28ab49a24acea59⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 802x960, 401:480, 28ab49a24acea598844cf12d81….jpg)

13398a  No.4476998

File: 65244d38d3ba406⋯.png (409.12 KB, 408x450, 68:75, covered in gold.PNG)

Hey Michael,

this is how you wear gold!

2390f8  No.4476999

File: 244c04cd0d38986⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x962, 960:481, E-4BOuttaKansas.png)

E-4b Airborne Command Post 747-200 Airframe airborne now coming out of Kansas. Observing….

65d121  No.4477000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great Awakening

3f9f33  No.4477001

File: 038c2c678ffc850⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 400x382, 200:191, dog.jpg)


my captcha to submit this post started with my (3) initials

wouldn't surprise me if nsa is profiling every anon


056659  No.4477002


It really does seem a mockery of the 8 chan infinity symbol. I think the symbol must mean the abyss. The darkness that they draw their power from. Were as we draw our power from the light.

ff7885  No.4477003

File: a2a340e4fceb297⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, skydick.jpg)

86de4e  No.4477004



db7ba3  No.4477005

File: f0b5f52e57be847⋯.png (361.67 KB, 638x640, 319:320, Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at ….png)

>>4476569 (pb)

Found POTUS' patch.


9ce099  No.4477007


You been listening to Dilley? It’s actually bolt hole, and it’s an escape place, a safe place to run.

2f00b7  No.4477008


We saw today that PATRIOTS have enough resource to pull this off on the stock markets.


"How do you predict the future, Q?"


Spot, no margin, HODL for years to come. Choose wisely, never trade when panicking. AVOID margin.

Godspeed you glorious Patriotic anons world wide.

e82b98  No.4477009

File: 1b244c785dc95b3⋯.png (13.79 KB, 255x205, 51:41, de05901e36488a37885d575be1….png)


that's just DUMB .

1d3039  No.4477010

File: 687395dc19ae5a6⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 818x694, 409:347, lion5.jpg)

File: cae200fcfdc47fc⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 804x802, 402:401, gnrl55.jpg)

File: 5fc6d4167509d30⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pattont55.jpg)

File: d95d7f574243533⋯.jpg (92.87 KB, 816x552, 34:23, mntl7.jpg)

Stays in the air for a bit?

Drops the big 5 on the Cabal?

Little bit of "Tanks in the streets" action for the kidfucker round-up?

Figures I have 8 beers and no left overs, Fuck it I could lose a few pounds

29bc06  No.4477011

File: 77ca086760249ce⋯.jpg (131.97 KB, 600x444, 50:37, Pain.jpg)

d7ae62  No.4477012

File: a648d530ec29464⋯.png (5.07 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 3d108c80b08e79eb010dcfa4cc….png)



bae9d4  No.4477013



NOTABLE DS missing $20 million in 2003 Arlington National Cemetery Budget possibly for building of Bolt Hold under Arlington and midsing, mismarked graves.

517129  No.4477014

File: bc93234a572a961⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 255x151, 255:151, creppypornlawyer.jpg)

>>4476968 Medical Records are Sealed!

Cannot verify inaccuracy!

Next Russia Russia Russia slide!

b98594  No.4477015


She's on her tippy toes!

Tippy top shape!!

0ab628  No.4477016


I had the exact same thought, Anon.

6480e5  No.4477017

686489  No.4477018


I agree no way them dems come back now

4eb206  No.4477019

The Shadow Government


75b577  No.4477020


Perfect, thank you memeanon

928d4b  No.4477021

File: b426de48c14a88e⋯.png (33.45 KB, 577x277, 577:277, wayback-machine.PNG)

Internet Wayback Machine can't be trusted

Previous wikipedia article versions on the Wayback Machine, that once showed Jarret's religion is Islam, that Brennan converted to Sunni and what year, and Michelle Obama's pages, have been scrubbed from www.archive.org.

Quick dig shows Wayback Machine was founded by Brewster Kahle, jointly with his OTHER project: Amazon's Alexa



Kahle also did the groundwork for WAIS, a means of searching through text remotely.

5dc8b8  No.4477022



markets had been down for like 7 days in a row and were very OVERSOLD.

expect the S&P to go up another 60 points at least.

6480e5  No.4477023


Who dat negro?

9c354b  No.4477024


kek, you're just now finding this?

Susan Rice being there is fantastic

bc8170  No.4477025

File: 965cc639ed032fc⋯.png (10.76 KB, 414x152, 207:76, Dec 26 media collusion.png)


That day is coming…

6de743  No.4477026

File: cfb637d28823b47⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 774x386, 387:193, James Woods.jpg)


Tech & Retailers


Same rag that said POTUS didn't Visit Troops

for Christmas right before it was made aware

That POTUS & FLOTUS made the Trip!

Reliable Rag


fead25  No.4477027

4476168 (lb)

Quick slide:

Remember the coconut hottie last winter? Someone bring her back!!!

056659  No.4477028


The tales they reference have cryptic hidden information they want you to grasp.

In the end you will realize that there is a Christian part to all this. But not the slavery system being taught by some large organised religions.

44c852  No.4477029

File: 7c0067301c73bc2⋯.jpg (102.3 KB, 1002x653, 1002:653, 20181226_161503.jpg)

8efe11  No.4477030


Every bread for weeks. Are you trying to sell your song?

517129  No.4477031

>>4476974 Somebody Please Meme this with a Dick! Please!!!!!!!!!!

bdf296  No.4477032

File: b7f5071698aa95e⋯.png (402.75 KB, 444x638, 222:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bc38cc91ca6aba⋯.png (857.91 KB, 639x593, 639:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f80b0f08db5e7b⋯.png (748.5 KB, 638x634, 319:317, ClipboardImage.png)

85f1d9  No.4477033

File: d171f72fba38b1d⋯.jpg (292.19 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, tits.jpg)

0aa995  No.4477034


Bolt Hole

6480e5  No.4477035


Um, frequent references to The Bible?

829298  No.4477036


Is Damanhur a common name?


1adfb8  No.4477037


He has made ZERO calls. Just critical of anything and everyone here.

anon already admitted wrong call.

What about you?

You make ZERO calls and then come in and gloat.

Thanks for playing

4eb206  No.4477038


Q spoke about them after post 1350, and Potus used phrase from that post today.

e7b673  No.4477039

File: 944cc064516419a⋯.jpg (174.79 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4990.JPG)

779449  No.4477040

File: 4a47866ff19b5d3⋯.jpg (7.48 KB, 323x156, 323:156, suave.jpg)

SM looked jubilant with Blitzer the other day

9038ef  No.4477041


ok fair enough fren

i never criticized a statement like this one you just posted - EVER

it is true

anons should become debt free - buy commodities they use and need, and then stack silver

acting like the markets are real is a fantasy

the reset if it comes will be a major blessing accompanied by a lot of fake hand wringing by talking heads

WE THE PEOPLE will be winners

1da799  No.4477042


>POTUS tells everyone to 'buy' stocks and now they feel much better about it today.

>Working on them.

>You are one magnificent bastard POTUS!


Like Patton was wise to the 'Mil Game'

POTUS is wise to the 'Financial Game'

Both = Wisdom from 'inside' knowledge.

Both threaten/threatened → The Establishment 'Order'

80303a  No.4477043

File: 3e511be1d383e76⋯.png (238.86 KB, 482x272, 241:136, 2018-12-26_16-15-33.png)


There is someone else in the world who looks exactly like FLOTUS?


f5d753  No.4477044

File: 22867258fa18047⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zionists_are_not_patriots.mp4)


Zionists are always traitors.

d04b02  No.4477045

File: afe134fb5169770⋯.jpg (119.49 KB, 737x753, 737:753, bolt hole.jpg)

File: 0eaaf35e1297261⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 798x707, 114:101, obama-screaming.jpg)

9c354b  No.4477046


And you're going to find out that the Christian part has nothing to do with the idol the kiddy fuckers tricked you into worshipping.

Christos has more to do with your ability to THINK than some political criminal running around claiming to be a prophet like EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE AT THAT TIME.

f7bb21  No.4477047


The stock market wavers up and down , dead cat bounce.

The main street economy, people buying and selling and making real physical wealth???? Straight up. Every day, every quarter.

The main street is separating from wall street.

Read articles at conservativetreehouse

02b4aa  No.4477048

File: 13c21be062fb472⋯.png (253.87 KB, 325x326, 325:326, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting from last bread

Has anybody made this connection yet?

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December.


732e71  No.4477049

File: 358f6c12d6b3ced⋯.png (450.92 KB, 680x341, 680:341, fake news.png)

Symbolism will be there downfall. Masonic lodge/temple for sure.

0f9ba3  No.4477050

File: bea16dbc08894ab⋯.png (22.23 KB, 418x274, 209:137, ClipboardImage.png)



50595d  No.4477051

File: 66b4b552f8acc33⋯.jpeg (402.39 KB, 906x1365, 302:455, 4C5272D6-3A72-4F93-ADBC-8….jpeg)

d36500  No.4477052

bullshit notable again




Fox is fake news?

Breitbart news?

Then why does q constantly linking to their articles? And hannity/solomon/srar carter being patriots?

All of them have compd elements, but they are the best we have, and have more than enough good elements. Calling these outlets "a little better then CNN" is bullcrap and an insult to our intellect

fcb041  No.4477053


Still under 5%, not even a top 20 daily gain (#20 was 6.84%).

Remember, Anons, your money is worth far less than it used to be. Be cautious with your gambling.

ac633b  No.4477054



Top Gun?

3d1eca  No.4477055

File: f13451008d912fb⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 300x300, 1:1, memes mothafukka.jpg)

732e71  No.4477056

Fuck forgot I had an image attached.

b4f71e  No.4477057

File: e713705bce2dbe4⋯.png (456.97 KB, 500x528, 125:132, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 852ac8daa70cc30⋯.png (63.69 KB, 395x325, 79:65, ClipboardImage.png)


Compare Denver State capital circled with Damanhur Center to Turin Italy

Palazzina di caccia di Stupinigi

Notice the location of catholic church compare to location of State capital.

9c354b  No.4477058


Extend to Bacchanalia

29bc06  No.4477059

File: cc0684b6df85c64⋯.jpg (280.72 KB, 739x550, 739:550, D5.jpg)

e3dcad  No.4477060


mags in, weapon of safe, finger on trigger. all goods no brains.

80303a  No.4477061

File: a32afb7e93b6eae⋯.png (307.16 KB, 464x365, 464:365, 2018-12-18_06-10-01 copy 3.png)

f5d753  No.4477062

File: e3517407b23ee8a⋯.png (1.4 MB, 3776x4424, 472:553, Operation_Destroy_Cabal_16….png)

276dc0  No.4477063


Melania Wearing Combat Boots.

ac4b09  No.4477064


Posted it 4 times yesterday along with Yuletide carols

9038ef  No.4477065


yes anon so true and so glowing

real anons

get debt free

buy commodities you need and use - as many as you can store

buy silver coins with extra cash

simple and assured success reset or no

e18cdf  No.4477066



The capstone of the Great Pyramid was a fused glass pyramid made from monoatomic white gold powder

f0ec3e  No.4477067


>Nothing norm

This doesn't even make the top 20 one day percentage gains for the DOW - not even close. But, let's not let facts get in the way.

056659  No.4477068

File: ebea9f874afb10b⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 218x231, 218:231, 2porhq.jpg)

File: b8ddc0eb0d47340⋯.jpg (76.54 KB, 500x689, 500:689, 2pmmxu.jpg)

File: a5b55519aa7b1c9⋯.jpg (112.33 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 2pljr4.jpg)

e7b673  No.4477069

File: ba238e919bbcc04⋯.jpg (180.09 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4991.JPG)

50595d  No.4477070


Main Street has been losing to Wall Street for 40 years, so there’s a long to catch up on.

221b25  No.4477071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cb3dcd  No.4477072

d7ae62  No.4477073

File: 5b6ce9f90622f79⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 076f39a6ea350c6542f1f66011….jpg)


dem tats…

6480e5  No.4477074


Took Trump 5 months to get rid of the stench of stale Kools, gay cum, and spilled Hennesseys out of the WH.

0af49b  No.4477075




6de743  No.4477076

File: f5726ef506e49bc⋯.jpg (331.01 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ct-give-president-donald-t….jpg)


Dow Jones Industrial Average

22,878.45 +1,086.25 (+4.98%)

Final Result!


9c354b  No.4477077



I keep prepping for the 3-15 days of "OH FUCK THERE'S NO MONEY!".

f264f3  No.4477078


Did you watch the video - it was blurred and the majority of the time the point of view of video was of her from the back.

670098  No.4477079


You'd be better off taking that money, investing it yourself, and starting a business. This is main street versus wall street and POTUS is on the side of main street. Wall street and the multi-nationals are in for a rough ride.

9038ef  No.4477080


potus is the king of global kayfabe




096c6c  No.4477081


There's wrong calls

Then there's totally fucking wow missed it by a mile holy shit even Gartman was moar right

wrong calls

3c0ed6  No.4477082

File: 3faf55cabf41355⋯.png (230.54 KB, 1652x456, 413:114, ClipboardImage.png)




1adfb8  No.4477083

File: 44e88b05842626d⋯.jpg (91.69 KB, 1356x702, 226:117, 122118 NASDAQ at LOD.JPG)

File: b7ad4a44c168c1b⋯.jpg (102.86 KB, 1361x690, 1361:690, 121918 FUGLY NAS.JPG)

File: c2c6b45cb27de2b⋯.jpg (106.43 KB, 1241x762, 1241:762, 121818 Nas same thing.JPG)

Your 'buy' stop calls Freddy and friends.

You never committed to them..just came in to counter what was seen or reported.

When you put it in writing, at the time, then you can talk shit.

Until you do just shut the fuck up.

0af49b  No.4477084


That trigger discipline tho…

732e71  No.4477085


You're one sick puppy. kek

92fa99  No.4477086

File: fa622209ff5fe1b⋯.jpeg (57.77 KB, 469x640, 469:640, 5e68b1a62871941e7fcd021f3….jpeg)

File: b19d0df7b6c83e7⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1003x1203, 1003:1203, Whos jewin who.png)

Reminder that the bizzarro rothschild ball. While interesting w/ salvador dali art connection it is not (imo) the meaning of the Y HEAD. And if it was that would also be masonic.

760ce1  No.4477087

File: f1c871e368ed072⋯.jpg (27.47 KB, 226x400, 113:200, feels good man.JPG)

a6b0ac  No.4477088


Sorry Dan, nobody's buying it

(((Sarah Silverman, Jack Black, JD Ryznar)))

We know who (((you))) are

8435de  No.4477089


Totally normal… Happens at least once a month…

049ddb  No.4477090

File: 0b8cbb1bf53334e⋯.jpg (209.22 KB, 1346x906, 673:453, 0b8cbb1bf53334e9d401f5741e….jpg)


I made zero calls except the call today. Actual traders have restraint and pick their spots instead of incompetently and constantly spewing tard shit just to create a false air of "expertise".

That's 100% success.


Also, the ice creams delicious.

f7bb21  No.4477091


No, the news organizations are cabal.

Q named 2 groups over the last year…. Hannity etal and Fox morning show.

Look up the origins of Fox news and rush Limbaugh.

Deprogram yourself.

9c354b  No.4477092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Testing Ground for War on the West | China Uncensored

(Hacking and Political/Corporate Espionage)

517129  No.4477093

>>4477063 Hey Barron Yo Momma wears Combat Boots!

f264f3  No.4477094


I don't recall any meeting he had with Satan - sauce on the post pls.

d7ae62  No.4477095

File: 54c4519300b8e4b⋯.png (841.96 KB, 962x642, 481:321, ClipboardImage.png)

ac633b  No.4477096

File: 1d540efcce30f59⋯.png (617.98 KB, 1013x925, 1013:925, ClipboardImage.png)




e7b673  No.4477097

File: c30fcacf7f41e26⋯.jpg (192.51 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4992.JPG)

02b4aa  No.4477098


Never even heard of that one, kek.


I was off and on here yesterday so I mustve missed it.

Thanks, anon.


I had a short and sweet video from YT with all the Christmas connections and birthdays on Dec. 25th but YT ended up deleting it.

32638b  No.4477099

File: 49931e2ff836612⋯.png (546.42 KB, 769x688, 769:688, Screenshot from 2018-12-26….png)

File: 0df17eb58736595⋯.mp4 (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Donald-J.-Trump-on-Twitter….mp4)


FLOTUS and POTUS at Al Asad Airbase


"Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump Following Following @realDonaldTrump  More .@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to visit our incredible troops at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.! 1:23 7:35 PM - 26 Dec 2018 "




61506d  No.4477100


It’s a Dick

d36500  No.4477101

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)


New shill addition to classic muhjew:

Muh fox and muh breitbart are compd. Guess that is why q constantly links to their articles, and approved that hannity, solomon and sara carter are patriots.

Real anons know that all media have compd elements, but they also know which media have the biggest honest elements. Your new tactic will fail again

85f1d9  No.4477102

File: 6e4baa00f497b4e⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6e4baa00f497b4e2dee7fb681a….jpg)

ecf4ea  No.4477103


Calm down faggot, I was agreeing with you retard!

d47c42  No.4477104

File: 10ec4dde6eae010⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 600x322, 300:161, Rick and Morty pasta.gif)


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>>4477088 (heil'd)

70ca64  No.4477105

File: da2ebafafd6bd59⋯.png (74.82 KB, 283x178, 283:178, murdochstein.png)

0431d5  No.4477106

>>4477046 Nobody rages against the other religions and "prophets" like they do against The Most High God, Jesus Christ! Not even close! The one thing you have in common with almost all of the other cults and religions is your hatred against The Deity of Jesus Christ! That, in and of itself, should give MANY "non-followers" something to seriously think about! The whole world, leftist commie, right-wing conservatives and everything inbetween…they all deny The Deity of Jesus Christ!

7b4c0c  No.4477107

File: 145f2a0d84870fd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1727x635, 1727:635, fox fp dec24.png)



On Fox frontpage.

Cannot watch the link from Europe… :(


3b8d80  No.4477108

File: 3cdca0c027eba1b⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 681x500, 681:500, IMG_1379.JPG)

File: 4beea93d52f3599⋯.png (69.32 KB, 571x910, 571:910, IMG_1546.PNG)

File: aa90cfa48695ceb⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 640x354, 320:177, IMG_1584.JPG)


Attacks will intensify

056659  No.4477109


Jesus was a hero soul that reincarnates on Earth to wake people up.

He said we would do way more than he did. He was not kidding.

He had become enlightened. But he was a human. We can all become enlightened and do what he did.

Or do you call Jesus a liar? KEK

bae9d4  No.4477110


Sorry anons. My phone is correcting my spelling of Bolt Hole to Hold…….damn auto correct !

041794  No.4477111


>>4476919 PapaD Tweet: Nellie Ohr had a working relationship with Sefan Halper going back to 2000.

>>4476994 Dan Scavino Jr.: Behind the scenes at Iraq visit.

>>4476935 Former Jewish children's services counselor busted for prepubescent child porn on Tumblr.

>>4476910 Trump to set history in largest Dow Jones point change in one day?

>>4476928 Sarah Sanders Tweet and video: Iraq rally.

>>4476874, >>4476926, >>4477063 Anon: FLOTUS boots. (images of Iraq visit)

>>4476870 "@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to visit our incredible troops at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!"

>>4476858, >>4476893 Dow Jones up by more than 1,086 points in biggest one day surge ever.

63b1de  No.4477112

AF1 update??

b234e7  No.4477113


Two that pretty? God is good to us all

bdf296  No.4477114

File: 0df89ca5f18ac77⋯.png (237.7 KB, 716x800, 179:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee52e6474a1444d⋯.png (171.82 KB, 715x874, 715:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9f9d3fa237da5f⋯.png (57.93 KB, 708x867, 236:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20c6f0df38f129a⋯.png (67.19 KB, 720x925, 144:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Counter Chinese Influence: Is Boko Haram a CIA Covert Op to Divide and Conquer Africa?

The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department:

In 2007, US State Department advisor Dr. J. Peter Pham commented on AFRICOM’s strategic objectives of “protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance, a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other interested third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.” (Nile Bowie, CIA Covert Ops in Nigeria: Fertile Ground for US Sponsored Balkanization Global Research, 11 April 2012)

At the beginning of February 2015, AFRICOM’s “head General David Rodriguez called for a large-scale US-led ‘counterinsurgency’ campaign against groups in West Africa during remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC:

In similar remarks at a the US Army West Point academy last week, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) chief General Joseph Votel said that US commando teams must prepare for new deployments against Boko Haram and the Islamic State. ” (Thomas Gaist, US AFRICOM Commander Calls for “Huge” Military Campaign in West Africa, World Socialist Web Site, February 02, 2015)

Mark P. Fancher highlighted the hypocrisy and the “imperialist arrogance” of western countries, which “notwithstanding the universal condemnation of colonialism”, are evermore willing “to publicly declare (without apologies) their plans to expand and coordinate their military presence in Africa.” (Mark P. Fancher, Arrogant Western Military Coordination and the New/Old Threat to Africa, Black Agenda Report, 4 February 2015)

Now more troops from Benin, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad are being sent to fight against Boko Haram.

This new war on yet another shadowy terrorist entity in Africa is reminiscent of the failed Kony 2012 propaganda campaign cloaked in humanitarian ideals. It is used as a smoke screen to avoid addressing the issue of the victims of the war on terror, the real causes of terrorism and to justify another military invasion. It is true that Boko Haram makes victims, however the goal of Western intervention in Africa is not to come to their rescue.

The deadliest conflict in the world since the Second World War and still raging is happening in Congo and the Western elite and its media couldn’t care less. That alone shows that military interventions are not intended to save lives.

To understand why the media focuses on Boko Haram, we need to know what it is and who is behind it. What is the underlying context, what interests are being served?

Is Boko Haram another US clandestine operation?

Boko Haram is based in northeast Nigeria, the most populated country and largest economy in Africa. Nigeria is the largest oil producer of the continent with 3.4% of the World’s reserves of crude oil.

In May 2014, African Renaissance News published an in-depth report on Boko Haram, wondering whether it could be another CIA covert operation to take control of Nigeria:

[T]he greatest prize for AFRICOM and its goal to plant a PAX AMERICANA in Africa would be when it succeeds in the most strategic African country, NIGERIA. This is where the raging issue of BOKO HARAM and the widely reported prediction by the United States Intelligence Council on the disintegration of Nigeria by 2015 comes into perspective…(Atheling P Reginald Mavengira, “Humanitarian Intervention” in Nigeria: Is the Boko Haram Insurgency Another CIA Covert Operation? Wikileaks, African Renaissance News, May 08, 2014)


6de743  No.4477115


2 month water

2 month food

2 month toilet paper

2 year AMMO!

After 2 Mos Survivors


d04b02  No.4477116

File: 04fc6314f63cbf2⋯.jpeg (127.42 KB, 502x749, 502:749, dos-equis-most-interestin….jpeg)


Stop looking for the truth inside your television, newfag. You generally won't find it there. FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch. He's on the Committee of 300, which makes him HIGH-RANKED CABAL.

Hannity, Sara Carter, and John Solomon will be exceptions at times, but there are only certain things that they can report.

0af49b  No.4477117


(((They))) gonna be trashing her in 3…2..1.

61506d  No.4477118


Still airborne

0f8152  No.4477119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9038ef  No.4477120


arrogant lying POS you are

29bc06  No.4477121

File: dac68c55e4c6921⋯.jpg (61.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2ppbst.jpg)

File: d718ac49f2324bb⋯.jpg (86.91 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2p2k1e.jpg)

File: 8e9816729ce2684⋯.jpg (99.42 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2p2e6u.jpg)

cb3dcd  No.4477122

File: 678ccd1d4d82919⋯.png (6.45 KB, 241x255, 241:255, ecc49a09c8391e59567d183e70….png)

b4f71e  No.4477123

File: a668a536da013b4⋯.png (309.03 KB, 433x305, 433:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a4025c4fd6c05a⋯.png (276.71 KB, 394x311, 394:311, ClipboardImage.png)


Damanhur center Denver CO

Damanhur Turin Italy

779449  No.4477124


I believe we call that color 'ochre', anon

517129  No.4477125

File: f565458604de990⋯.png (173.66 KB, 411x294, 137:98, YESS.png)

>>4477100 Your Self Portrait!

829298  No.4477126

File: abdad0bfcf14c87⋯.gif (3.39 MB, 314x293, 314:293, Billzip.gif)

d7ae62  No.4477127

File: 4bca18e979bd259⋯.jpeg (10.29 KB, 255x199, 255:199, pg.jpeg)


oh shit….is rather gonna talk jfk? he was fukken there.

066414  No.4477128


65314e  No.4477129



That's a clever angle you two have going there.

Blatant anti-Christian D&C versus a brave defender of Christians who also makes sure to mention that discussion of Jews doesn't belong here, complete with a clever tagline – qresearch not jewresearch. Happy Hanukkah, you two.

ffc28b  No.4477130

File: 171506c7f38ffcc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 972x1384, 243:346, ClipboardImage.png)

Sounds horrible. No wonder the frogs lost so many battles.

Indigestion and sleepiness got to them before the enemy did - KEK.

6480e5  No.4477131


*satanists and their ilk mock the church and its ceremonies and rituals for their own perverted reasons.

9c354b  No.4477132


Drinking, Orgies, and Mystery.

It's like old school Eyes Wide Shut except everyone was a part of it, not JUST the elites, who still had their own private events for the Initiated.

bdf296  No.4477133


Throw Tucker Carlson in and this is correct

f264f3  No.4477134



Then this video, they arrive in the dark, so they can trip and fall - I don't think so.


85f1d9  No.4477135

File: e192489794a9e23⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 340x211, 340:211, lynnd.jpg)


How strange are these hands?

0f4685  No.4477136

File: f3a320203aff62d⋯.png (65.96 KB, 340x185, 68:37, 666jew.png)

File: 676c60618dcfd40⋯.jpeg (50.33 KB, 434x548, 217:274, 676c60618dcfd406d5d507b5b….jpeg)

File: 6cac47e7f56a0e7⋯.jpg (148.3 KB, 998x768, 499:384, 93989416737ee96f36bc4e1672….jpg)

File: 424573b407c4d59⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 470x500, 47:50, sloped heads1.jpg)

File: 2b8841ffd7423de⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 650x804, 325:402, sloped heads2.jpg)


Shut your lying jew mouth you traitor.


f7bb21  No.4477137


Main street has already caught up, and is pulling away.

Wall street has lost its grip on main street.

Bank/FED reform will set main street free.

8d64ad  No.4477138

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)


Fake and gay bibi tweet again.

Time to join freddy in the filtered dumpster.

f9e39e  No.4477139


LOL, this is shit you see in crypto

29dcbf  No.4477140

File: af6c8adbf9857cd⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt(6)mirrorswdow….png)

Can't see any KEKs in today's numbers.

Maybe another Anon can point it out.

Has been used before.

f5d753  No.4477141

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


As long as they have a mostly zionist agenda, they are comped for the most part.


Only JDIF uses that term. Its their way of calling people "anti-Semite" without calling them worn out smear adjective.

fd1b9a  No.4477142


If you could spam the board with copy pasta that would be super fucking great.

4abe6b  No.4477143


On Straws only MF !

4f6188  No.4477144


My interpretation is that Y head is Rockefeller and this photo symbolizes their merger/ marriage to the Rothschilds. Once competing families uniting for the purpose of global tyrany.

e7b673  No.4477145

File: 99678628239b36d⋯.jpg (180.97 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4993.JPG)

3d1eca  No.4477146

File: db19ed32f3515b7⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 600x318, 100:53, GTFO.jpg)

6480e5  No.4477147


Jack will declas the chat logs at just the right moment to take down the board.

8fb451  No.4477148

File: 5acafceb6d48bff⋯.jpeg (101.37 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, MelaniaAngel1.jpeg)


Many thanks Baker. Great work tonight.

53bb0c  No.4477149

Bill Clinton visited us and we turned our backs on him, we took some heat for that little stunt.

That bastard punished states that did not vote for him by closing military bases in those states.

430d8e  No.4477150


Perfect anon.

276dc0  No.4477151


This explains why the HUCK was unable to see Sarah over Christmas… she was on a flight out of the country.

d04b02  No.4477152


Fuck him.

f264f3  No.4477153


Ok, this does look like her, but could have been taken in a studio or elsewhere.

779449  No.4477154

I wonder if Mulvaney oversaw switching USG bank accts to gold-backed

517129  No.4477155

File: 7b3b7c590568840⋯.jpg (278.56 KB, 520x381, 520:381, barrett50cal.jpg)

>>4477115 Your ammo should reflect

the population of 5 square miles of your location!

2f00b7  No.4477157


this is true. (((they))) control both sides.

corsi/AJ like assets everywhere.

AJ is a conditioned idiot.

Similar 'writers' all over ZH and such.

Notice all the doomsday and alarmist articles?

Use logic.

Use reason.

Learn to discern.

686489  No.4477158

Wonder who got monkey hammered in this +1080 point dead cat bounce today. Didnt zerohedge report the whole market was massively short prior to open.

You got all that cash on hand?

ecf4ea  No.4477159


Too many words. Break it down anon. No one is going to read this. You are trying to communicate with autists here.

b4f71e  No.4477160

File: 553b3272ca4d665⋯.png (209.82 KB, 463x306, 463:306, ClipboardImage.png)



056659  No.4477161



Dont know about all that but my IQ only is enough to glimpse the sheer greatness of what I am witnessing. It might not be able to totally grasp the ALL of Dan Harmon's amazing intellect. But I try. Every day I try.

3d1eca  No.4477162

File: 464eaf01ba6547e⋯.jpg (100.59 KB, 533x800, 533:800, good start.jpg)

d04b02  No.4477163



THIS 1000X

71a31c  No.4477164


If you're on here without a VPN or VM, you're a fucking FOOL.

d7ae62  No.4477165

File: f294f09be7ad424⋯.png (1022.54 KB, 962x642, 481:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82479753562d651⋯.png (1.07 MB, 962x642, 481:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25f4c620e1ef7e1⋯.png (977.01 KB, 962x642, 481:321, ClipboardImage.png)

041794  No.4477166


Thanks anon. It's great to be back in the kitchen.

13398a  No.4477167


>That bastard punished states that did not vote for him by closing military bases in those states.

I remember that!

4cffbc  No.4477168

File: a9f8e57a645fee0⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 270x303, 90:101, image156.jpg)



in my dig found a dastin navy wizard patch…no luck so far on a match tho

keep diggin!

517129  No.4477169

>>4477128 Your Energy!

066414  No.4477170

…wait, is POTUS a JEW????

f7bb21  No.4477171

Something major happening here at 8Chan. Constriction of data gone. Lag is gone.

What's up???

Are we ready for another stress test?

9198c7  No.4477172


"Prepubescent" ??

Would it matter if it wasn't??

These people are sick

ffc28b  No.4477173

File: 0278ae3de4d94e4⋯.png (445.33 KB, 988x946, 494:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Of course De Blasio would skip the NYPD cop's vigil and fly to Germany to praise the cops there.

Globalists will do globalist things. Perhaps the German police will form a protective detail for him in the future since he does not think too much of the NYPD.

What an utter tone deaf and horrible leader he is.

0f9ba3  No.4477174

File: 707e04e381e96cd⋯.png (143.6 KB, 402x651, 134:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey mossad homo, learn to read the crumbs before you try and fail at subversion again.

4a468b  No.4477175

File: 3d6dd309a0fe995⋯.png (423.47 KB, 519x449, 519:449, ClipboardImage.png)

6480e5  No.4477176


Yeah, yellow ochre, it's a natural earth tone.

ecf4ea  No.4477177


It's a leveling off of the massive losses prior. Don't get all excited.

8bf8d2  No.4477178

File: 4a592b474f79653⋯.jpeg (343.23 KB, 700x875, 4:5, bbBRTat03.jpeg)

75b577  No.4477179


true that

5ec4bb  No.4477180


If you think there is any safe way to access the 'net, you are a FOOL.

b9b143  No.4477181


Well, Trump (POTUS) did say to buy the dip.

There was something strategic in that idea after badmouthing Powell the last couple of weeks.

d36500  No.4477182


You are not getting paid to discuss. Luckily, filtering you is for free.

e7b673  No.4477183

File: 63d2737d47ac8ec⋯.jpg (199.42 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4994.JPG)

a6b0ac  No.4477184


It's ok Mr Kroll, we understand that (((you people))) believe it's no sin to screw a gentile baby under 3 years of age.

Keep yuccing it up… until that knock on the door comes

f3634d  No.4477185

File: 607e596bf18b75c⋯.jpg (125.22 KB, 820x492, 5:3, Queen above law.jpg)

>>4471621 pb


"Is the CIA an American asset? Or is it an extension of MI6, which serves the British Royal Family?"

85f1d9  No.4477186


For a .50 cal?

ffa67d  No.4477188

>>4476339 Schumer and Pelosi share a tweet.

Best news I've heard in a while… The FED has been fucking us for years. Andrew Jackson their asses, POTUS. You might earn my vote back.

6de743  No.4477189

File: 1808cf4ce082a71⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, HARDY_desipromo.jpg)


Good for you little girl!

or boy!


4d498b  No.4477190

File: 2e72ced435e2818⋯.jpg (968.2 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, Tits.jpg)

6480e5  No.4477191


Chappy Chanukah to you too, Dimwit. If it's over, save for next year. Mazel tov, fegala.

5cd3df  No.4477192

Think Mirror.



Wind it.

7b4c0c  No.4477193


We all are.

Except those who claim to be.

0f8152  No.4477194


If they can build this elaborate shit that seems innocent (but with all the same symbolism), and knowing what we know about ritual human sacrifice of time, what have (((these people))) built that the public does NOT have access too?

f5d753  No.4477195

File: b90f562d26e7363⋯.jpg (210.32 KB, 925x1086, 925:1086, 1_Trump_Jews_Cry.jpg)

File: 111c202b2ca8783⋯.jpg (402.04 KB, 683x1060, 683:1060, Amalek.jpg)

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, Amalekites.png)

File: f3ba680528e7314⋯.png (343.17 KB, 1126x800, 563:400, Jews_promote_genocide.png)

d7ae62  No.4477196

File: c4a915605c13973⋯.png (87.13 KB, 505x505, 1:1, c4a915605c139738fdf9f85932….png)

f5d753  No.4477197

File: 435d38c3af09009⋯.png (4.39 MB, 3040x3560, 76:89, Evangelicals_meme_VERSION_….png)

File: 322af162b5b06ae⋯.png (3.89 MB, 3104x2848, 97:89, Evangelicals_meme_VERSION_….png)

Send this to all the Evangelicals you can.

779449  No.4477198


aka 'babyshit yellow'

cb3dcd  No.4477199

File: b6e99fd1e6bac20⋯.jpeg (134.94 KB, 1440x847, 1440:847, 1528513076.jpeg)

1d3039  No.4477200

File: 2bbf074e74b7bd9⋯.jpg (152.33 KB, 734x928, 367:464, lizzie23.jpg)

517129  No.4477201

File: beefb61e3b16e96⋯.png (42.58 KB, 1684x471, 1684:471, barrett.png)

>>4477162 Yep plus Reloading!

50595d  No.4477202

File: ed1aed0fb46a899⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1498x1588, 749:794, 12774347-3B11-4600-B1B4-9….jpeg)

Is the UK even a real country anymore?

3390f7  No.4477203

056659  No.4477204


Pretty pretty strange. My theory on Lynn Rothschild is she is inbred to make a strong Neandertal throwback lineage. The Neandertal ate almost 100% meat. Early man only ate 15% meat. We are two different species designed to do two different things. I think Neandertal genes that are expressing themselves might be one of the reasons the Rothschilds are so fucking weird.

d36500  No.4477205


If you think hiding your ip makes you anonymous, youre a fool.

Think metadata.

Expand your thinking.

db7ba3  No.4477206

File: 17c2fcb5712f36e⋯.jpg (132.71 KB, 1213x1504, 1213:1504, drfoot.jpg)

ffa67d  No.4477208


Try an extension of Israeli-Mossad.

d5bec1  No.4477209

>>4474849 (pb)

>>4475043 (pb)

Bob Kraft made his money in paper, not food. Don't think he or his family have any involvement with the Kraft Foods company.

He is a friend of Trump, along with his two most prominent employees.

e7b673  No.4477210

File: 395c410dc672020⋯.jpg (201.98 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4995.JPG)

d9780b  No.4477211






whidby island


4eb206  No.4477212



20f5b4  No.4477213

File: 6a44e79b611b73a⋯.png (425.92 KB, 546x574, 39:41, Screenshot_9.png)




Found this patch for classified flight testing of the Raptor!


db7ba3  No.4477214


Maybe that's the troop he visited???

b06a51  No.4477215

>>4476339 Schumer and Pelosi share a tweet.

Just for shits and giggles … the delta between the two posts is 23 minutes … "now comes the pain 23" ????

Did they really post these or are they already in custody?

517129  No.4477216

>>4477186 One Shot One Kill!

6480e5  No.4477217


Clinton was shit and I despised him, but in retrospect, he looks a lot better than Bushbama.

8fb451  No.4477218


Trip dubs confirm. The kek is with you Baker ;)

28a8ef  No.4477219



Cartoon intellectual fapping

Not entertaining

That's why you don't get the smart girls,

Fun fact: total dipshits think it's funny, too

d8260a  No.4477220


I saw u nail this several breads ago

056659  No.4477221


Neandertals trying to defeat modern humans now when we beat the fuck out of them before. They have been plotting this shit for ever.

Or not. What the fuck do I know?

b4f71e  No.4477222

File: 674f48072ad3b4d⋯.png (27.42 KB, 355x436, 355:436, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 769cff637182403⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 387x477, 43:53, MadHatterJA.jpg)

Dead Cat bounce

ac4b09  No.4477223

File: 4dffedff897cfd0⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x2133, 46:79, 62A33229-4411-4ABD-8E72-E….jpeg)

Planefags and anons is Trump headed to China for the 125th anniversary of Mao Zedongs birthday? And is Xi working with Trump to purge the world of the cabal?

>Police nab Marxist leader on way to Mao Zedong anniversary bash


ba0290  No.4477224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What did Washington say when he crossed the Delaware? It’s really cold you better bring your long johns.

9b85f9  No.4477225


I love this especially because headlines shamed him for not visiting, boom

3c0ed6  No.4477226


Digging. Looks Airborne / variation on rangers to me. They're at that base.

829298  No.4477227

File: 0e6d38b29caae5a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

dd6eb8  No.4477228

File: e271398897993c0⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 621x420, 207:140, BoltonGettinTold.jpg)

918071  No.4477229


First LOVE the picture.

Second, WHY the shitty quality on these???

bdf296  No.4477230


Right in part but remember

UK created Saudi Arabia and Israel


041794  No.4477231


So he is. Kek

db7ba3  No.4477232

File: 26787ebf9921d62⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 1106x1012, 553:506, Illuminepe.jpg)



caf04c  No.4477233

File: 210f1cad426119a⋯.png (35.31 KB, 579x341, 579:341, 2.png)

File: 2e807b7e04314b8⋯.png (37.74 KB, 600x340, 30:17, 1.png)


Schumer & Pelosi twats were the signal/sign.

The "President" is missing. >>4476857

e18cdf  No.4477234

File: dc3be7dcf2c6420⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 937x960, 937:960, 48413883_2143399852348946_….jpg)

05aa45  No.4477235

File: 48ad0ca58fd7abe⋯.png (1.27 MB, 994x1156, 497:578, ClipboardImage.png)

Rudolf is no longer the favorite of the fat guy who runs around is an red disguise. fat

8fb451  No.4477236

File: 9cd26ab7c020fd7⋯.jpg (163.83 KB, 962x754, 37:29, messagetothepope.jpg)

2198d7  No.4477237

File: ae21112d1fb71c5⋯.png (550.39 KB, 1356x1412, 339:353, ClipboardImage.png)

d7ae62  No.4477238

File: 30bea6c10e90a88⋯.png (275.66 KB, 482x484, 241:242, 09b0b4e240b4f8c4f8dd39d56b….png)

0aa995  No.4477239


They mocked POTUS's hands for a while. Knowing what we know now, I can see why.

e7b673  No.4477240

File: ddf05421eb18f34⋯.jpg (194.26 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4996.JPG)

f7bb21  No.4477241


Use a virgin computer every day.

Try a pi with new simm everyday. Analyze data offline in separate pi

9038ef  No.4477242


thought he owned gillette

a6b0ac  No.4477243


Apparently not

Is he/she wearing a hijab too?

041794  No.4477244


>>4477173 Just De Blasio doing globalist things.

>>4477165 More photos of POTUS/FLOTUS trip's to Iraq.

>>4476919 PapaD Tweet: Nellie Ohr had a working relationship with Sefan Halper going back to 2000.

>>4476994 Dan Scavino Jr.: Behind the scenes at Iraq visit.

>>4476935 Former Jewish children's services counselor busted for prepubescent child porn on Tumblr.

>>4476910 Trump to set history in largest Dow Jones point change in one day?

>>4476928 Sarah Sanders Tweet and video: Iraq rally.

>>4476874, >>4476926, >>4477063 Anon: FLOTUS boots. (images of Iraq visit)

>>4476870 "@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to visit our incredible troops at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!"

>>4476858, >>4476893 Dow Jones up by more than 1,086 points in biggest one day surge ever.

aff50f  No.4477245


we had a guy on it, not our best guy, but we had a guy.

988fcc  No.4477246

File: 9520f1cc9717607⋯.png (98.18 KB, 327x432, 109:144, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

Workfag checking in

With our spit balling on POTUS and AF1,

remember that yesterday there were significant military actions

in the region with key players moving

the ball around the court.

Maybe another Vegas type situation with secret meetings and

strategic responses on both sides?

056659  No.4477247


Hate the tattoos but as long as she does not try to tattoo our 12 kids…..I will over look it.

ceb26f  No.4477248

File: c77cdf645939197⋯.png (44.61 KB, 450x270, 5:3, Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at ….png)




>claims to be high IQ

>can't even eat pasta with a spoon

fucking retards off my board


d44be0  No.4477249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4eb206  No.4477250




It proves that Q knew that Potus will use this phrase when he will address to soldiers.

ReRead crumbz.

a51e01  No.4477251


Remember the Chuck and Nancy tweets Christmas Eve, one says 'president' the other doesn't…the president is missing…possible they knew it and were sending out their smoke signals to the cabal

ac4b09  No.4477252

File: 28a44eef30ccdfc⋯.jpeg (755.8 KB, 1091x1255, 1091:1255, 5E3A4899-8DE7-4E44-8305-A….jpeg)

File: 8348935adca4423⋯.jpeg (644 KB, 1036x1280, 259:320, 1A515886-CF95-451D-8E6A-8….jpeg)


Yeah I got nothing on the sword and spade and wings but these are military intel and military police

6c7713  No.4477253

File: bfcf26f5e719703⋯.jpg (103.8 KB, 659x631, 659:631, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-3….jpg)

Miley married

and stfu before u poke fun

2198d7  No.4477254

File: 97793310a9e7bf0⋯.png (343.34 KB, 481x500, 481:500, ClipboardImage.png)

9038ef  No.4477255


well those didnt age well


b98594  No.4477256


Please tell me how to fix it.

Whenever I view anything on twitter it's like this esp. if POTUS is in it.

I'm not logged into twat, just have POTUS's acct. up - as usual!

2ac854  No.4477257

File: 2eccb5f83850647⋯.png (125.23 KB, 750x481, 750:481, ClipboardImage.png)

686489  No.4477258

Nice digits - those get me excited like a wall. Plumb straight and long.

Let's have some more of that leveling - winning.

d04b02  No.4477259


NPC's always say the same thing no matter how many times they speak.

ac633b  No.4477260

File: f556ad1385768f8⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1616x1080, 202:135, Qkjhghiuoyv8ejhklnuivholjk….png)

6e8820  No.4477261


Alchemy is really about the transformation of Being. It was discussed in exoteric terms to conceal the heresy.

9c354b  No.4477262

File: 2037bbdb6540696⋯.jpg (96.2 KB, 451x451, 1:1, 2nodo3.jpg)


Hold up, you're saying that Jesus is a reincarnating soul.

You're closer than you realize because I understand that's not what you're saying.

Think of it this way:

Gautama was an Eastern Buddha/Bodhi.

Jesus was a Western Buddha/Bodhi.

If you think God wouldn't make Itself known to people across the world and only do it in a spot where It knows will produce some of the most vile fucks on Earth…

You need to open your eyes and realize your head is indeed up your own ass.

"Muh Forefathers' Imaginary Fren, Must Defend!"

Sure, it smelled like shit, but that's just life. As long as you didn't Observe, then there was still the possibility that your head was anywhere else.


The civil war has been over for a long time.

Being a nigger is no longer an excuse for illiteracy.


They're all Kikes and I don't single out an individual variation of their kikery.

You've been lied to about LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE… but your magic book is somehow the one and only TRUTH, written by the people who have lied to and fuck you over, generationally, for millennia?


9b85f9  No.4477263


I love they went over to Iraq today, our President and First Lady are awesome

53bb0c  No.4477264


They were trying to mess with him, they had video surveillance on him from the FISA. meaning EVERY cell phone, laptop camera etc. was activated and recorded 24/7.

What do you think they saw? They wanted to intimidate him and had no idea the joke was on them.

3d1eca  No.4477265


Swapping cum.

3d2c78  No.4477266

File: 773490dbb2835fa⋯.png (522.52 KB, 609x407, 609:407, federal_reservee.png)

056659  No.4477267


The ones doing this to this kid should stop right now. Or else you remove any motivation for mercy. Stop fucking with him NOW.

Or expect us.

ffa67d  No.4477268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



bdf296  No.4477269


>right-wing conservatives and everything inbetween

Most oldfags are strong believers in Christ and God. Some of them say they were bought here by God and have had direct ongoing contact.

ac1b99  No.4477270


So, the BOT has an agressive spell check…but allows it to autocorrect anyways?

cbeacf  No.4477271

File: 996d9e3c2ac66e4⋯.jpg (139.88 KB, 737x600, 737:600, ginsberglilfighter2.JPG)

Slip the juice to me Bruce..

92fa99  No.4477272


this is cancer


dan harmon the fat fuck humping the baby in the failed pilot?

670098  No.4477273


I pity that fool

b06a51  No.4477274


The delta between the two tweets is 23 minutes …


8fb451  No.4477275


macchanger is much simpler kek.

0f8152  No.4477276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Those digging Turin, Savoy, Damanhur, listen carefully (read between the lines secret, cult) beginning @ 5:25

918071  No.4477277


It was meant to lead to thoughts.

I know, Anon.

I think we've all been thinking it.


I didn't go check Twat, just noticed all I'd seen (save one of her alone signing), were incredibly low quality.


AHAHAHAHA. He tried. He tried.

4c28a8  No.4477278


Needs moar Mr. T.

9c354b  No.4477279

File: 4c8e2c8074372a1⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 625x576, 625:576, 03a3e2c320cc80967fa3250285….jpg)


People who get it, party of /thisguy/

db7ba3  No.4477280



My 11yr old thought it was hilarious. Till I heard the kind of shit they said on there. Ended that quick.

8fb451  No.4477281

File: 8c7dc052f83cfb4⋯.jpeg (645.47 KB, 1920x1036, 480:259, AlwaysDead.jpeg)

48b050  No.4477282

Currently the cabal is trying to figure out how to shoot down AF1 when it leaves Iraq

a00372  No.4477283


Six stars, six wing tips on each side, six claws, and one eye. Fuckers.

4eb206  No.4477284



For Gods sake, can at least you re read my posts?

Yes, now comes the pain.

d36500  No.4477285

File: 3008ac702491e3f⋯.png (252.02 KB, 1404x1137, 468:379, 2018_12_26_23_36_46.png)

File: 76e7ede2f8d8ca4⋯.png (655.54 KB, 1333x1879, 1333:1879, 2018_12_26_23_34_57.png)


Oh i know my qcrumbs well. It is time for you to reread yours while you are playing with freddy in the dumpster. Attached images are relevant.


I see the spambot is deployed again. Of to freddy you go.

db7ba3  No.4477286


Exactly. Which is why he didn't announce anything.

92fa99  No.4477287


Miley died from dehydration and being raped to death while at disney w/ hannah montana.This is her double.

c35a7c  No.4477288


John 15:18

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.”

1229df  No.4477289

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

f7bb21  No.4477290


Plus, only use public wifi, change location often.

4cffbc  No.4477291


I am the poster last bread that started this debate

and am open to this interpretation. I have seen most all episodes and it may be that they insert pizza party ref and theoretical physics to seed our collective consciousness that it is happening and not to only to disclose it as a "hidden in plain sight 'luciferian' karmic clearer" as they like to do.

I am open to it, but have a hard time trusting hollywierd and minions.

However, this is the Great Awakening…how else exactly are we supposed to "wake up" with out the infiltration of our subconscious and consciousness through media. Ultimately even the bad childfuckers are the antagonists of

this great show called life and help us wake up to our true potential the and scientific possibillties that R+M partially disclose.

Either way, good wins.

Its mother fucken science.

the pendulum must swing back.

e18cdf  No.4477292


let's see…

that belief is held by about 1/6 of people on this planet, while there are about 10 billion planets in this galaxy of a trillion stars, where far more expansive and uplifting concepts of the Source are contemplated

therefore, Chrisitianity and the notion that Jesus Christ is God has no cosmic significance whatsoever

85f1d9  No.4477293


Pelosi call for an attempt on Trump?

c819b7  No.4477294


New Illuminati meat aaaaaand their next sacrifice!

0f8152  No.4477295


These people have extremely in depth knowledge of Gnostic Symbolism as evidenced by the entire construction and design that went into this UNDERGROUND TEMPLE.

d7ae62  No.4477296

File: 4f55e7149d50032⋯.png (61.08 KB, 720x644, 180:161, ClipboardImage.png)


nice digits, too!

b8a04b  No.4477297

Hi Deep State :)

Do you understand that there are operators working right now this second to completely wipe you off list of existence?

Don't take the slow roll as a fucking choice idiot.

do you really think you can harm the people now?

why in hell is this going so slow?

use a brain cell.

Q says use muh logic… I say use a brain cell… it's that obvious, ok?

There was a deal made…


ae32a2  No.4477298

File: 4e9cdfd38abb27d⋯.jpg (932.53 KB, 1848x1893, 616:631, 1545784177770_Screen Shot ….jpg)

7319e0  No.4477299

File: 531d1800e466cb0⋯.png (5.78 KB, 71x50, 71:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f716ec6acd4900f⋯.png (25.49 KB, 211x391, 211:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9607b18f56ddf65⋯.png (670.19 KB, 613x540, 613:540, ClipboardImage.png)


Found this company online when I was searching for this building in Rome..this "book publishing company" is on the same road.

Some of the books they publish sounds alot like a soros-type company. Its funny because the neighborhood this company is in is a real shit hole..check out there facebook;


goolge translate is your friend.

41.780176, 12.380444

547b33  No.4477300


He was wheels up before they released the pics and story.

3d2c78  No.4477301

File: e48a7e3e6d561ef⋯.png (546.69 KB, 900x769, 900:769, roths_fed1.png)

918071  No.4477302



Sorry….I love an artfully done sleeve and she's not totally covered.

Lovely. Cute as hell too.

6c7713  No.4477303

db56a4  No.4477304

File: 8bfccd406296593⋯.jpg (263.31 KB, 947x861, 947:861, Yellow Jacket ad.jpg)

File: 1ea6020606dd2d6⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 634x678, 317:339, Yelllow Jacket 26dec18.jpg)





The first lady wore a saffron-colored military-style jacket by Victoria Beckham.


d36500  No.4477305

File: c90b53b494a5e4c⋯.jpeg (185.36 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, c90b53b494a5e4c4a1c100835….jpeg)

ac633b  No.4477306

File: 7de3f79b4705469⋯.gif (423.06 KB, 512x807, 512:807, 9c2ee1376426207896f3ef09f6….gif)

Julian Assange

Jesus Aramaic

Thinking sources.

bdf296  No.4477307

File: 5facef40d9dadf2⋯.png (267.65 KB, 900x837, 100:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f61aff6a3b4813⋯.png (153.17 KB, 908x485, 908:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Stocks Are Soaring: A Massive, $64 Billion Buy Order

Last Friday, when stocks were tumbling, we reported "some good news for the bulls" which was lost in the overall chaos over the latest mutual fund liquidation discussed earlier.

And no, we did not anticipate that President Trump would activate the Plunge Protection Team over the weekend: the good news in question was that as Wells Fargo calculated U.S. defined-benefit pensions fund would need to implement a "giant rebalancing out of bonds and into stocks" - in fact the biggest in history - with the bank estimating roughly $64 billion in equity purchases in the last trading days of the quarter and year, prompting the banks to ask if traders are about to make pension rebalancing "great" again.

Judging by today's market action, the answer is a resounding yes, even though as Wells warned investors and traders looking for a desperately needed respite from market gyrations "may have to deal with yet one more seismic bout of volatility before Dec 31 finally pops up on their calendar dials."

For those who missed our Friday post on the topic, Wells explained where this massive rebalancing comes from: the huge, end-of-quarter buy order was precipitated by the jarring divergence between equity and bond performances both in Q4 and the month of December. The stocks in the bank's pro forma pension asset blend had suffered a 14% loss this quarter, including about an 8.5% drop in December. Contrast this with a roughly +1.6% quarterly total return for the domestic aggregate bond index. The gap between equity and bond performance in pension portfolios would have been even larger had IG credit OAS not widened nearly 40 bps in Q4.

As a result of this need for massive quarter-end rebalancing, corporate pensions would need to boost their equity portfolios by as much as $64 billion into year-end. Getting a bit more granular, Wells analyst Boris Rjavinski wrote that domestic stocks – both large cap and small cap – may need disproportionately large boosts of $35 billion and $21 billion, respectively, compared to “only” $9 billion for global developed equities (see table below). This is driven by large performance gaps within equity markets: U.S. stocks have trailed global and EM equities in Q4 and December after outperforming the ROW for quarters on end.


0aa995  No.4477308

File: b7f4f478222ec70⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 636x358, 318:179, queennolonger.jpg)

1229df  No.4477309

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 22ed013b05187db19a22503e07….jpg)

File: 45db8e114785e8e⋯.png (139.52 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 2075d27820c90be00993c82946….png)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)


Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.

How to Spot a clown

Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns==

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Their words are writ upon water.


c0e747  No.4477310

ed200d  No.4477311


Please give us a Happy New Year crumb.

Specifically, would you please tell us what was in the envelopes at the fake funeral?

Thank you.



e7b673  No.4477312

File: 00a5afccbc7a98a⋯.jpg (195.24 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4997.JPG)

92fa99  No.4477313


no head on the righthand person on the logo. Decapitating people is a virtue in the cabal.

829298  No.4477314

File: 564eea9d150c08b⋯.png (29.96 KB, 590x197, 590:197, ClipboardImage.png)

4a468b  No.4477315

File: 01d7d6280440f6f⋯.png (209.88 KB, 338x296, 169:148, ClipboardImage.png)

779449  No.4477316

File: 065869371e57dcb⋯.png (4.9 KB, 162x255, 54:85, tungsten.png)


Currently there are reasons they should not attempt any more ATWTs. If they like their dumbs, that is

3c0ed6  No.4477317

File: 0d0e286d2450b45⋯.png (428.92 KB, 462x582, 77:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Closest so far.

f5d753  No.4477318

File: 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB, 830x911, 830:911, 1.png)

File: 3827c8a8965f3a3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1091x4694, 1091:4694, Canada_jews_pedos.png)

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)

File: 53474c24a2e795f⋯.png (539.65 KB, 1005x3784, 1005:3784, Rabbis_from_hell.png)

File: b7e59dd18019891⋯.png (573.88 KB, 817x5736, 817:5736, Rabbis_from_hell_2.png)


Not a bot.

Your fluency in lies does not hide them, traitor.

Like the ones we expose and corner into exposing themselves each and everyday, you’re headed for extinction.

It is nothing but mere nuisance that you take so infernally long dying, inevitable but oh, the boredom meanwhile.

You dare call yourself a Chosen…

Everything about you is a cesspool, you have no suitability to the very own agenda you so feebly and pathetically try to advance, and it amuses me to no end that God in all His wisdom and righteousness has put you here day in and day out unable do to anything else but speed up your own demise and the failure of your given mission… The more you squirm and smear, deflect and defame, curse and name call in the face of the facts, the more you help God’s plan to irrevocably remove you from this Earth.

So please, do go on, indulge us with your pitiful presence and woeful participation in this platform, I am nothing but grateful to have an impotent enemy such as yourself here.

In this place you embody the epitome of helplessness as you get to watch all the wickedness you are ordered to protect get destroyed right in front of your eyes by the LIGHT that shines on it by means of the truths and facts that expose it, and when you so desperately try to intervene and stop the righteous from knowing, your actions can only ever result in the speeding up of the now unstoppable process of destruction of your wicked agenda.

So continue stumbling traitor, it is what you’re destined for, and know that once you fall you will be broken to pieces, and that when the cornerstone that your overlords the builders rejected falls on you all, you will be crushed, like the snakes and brood of vipers you are, and that you shall not escape being condemned to hell, where all of the Synagogue of Satan belongs, because you belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your murderous father’s desires, and just like as with your father, when you lie, you speak your native language, for you are a liar, and your father the father of lies.

I posted facts, you post attacks on the messenger to try to discredit the message.

Name calling and false accusations does not make the facts I post any less factual, Israel first traitor :)

When Israel first shills attack you and you decide to reply, expose them and post verifiable facts that poison the general public's support for Israel, its what they want to avoid as the information containment agents they are :)

Reminder that Israel is a pedo haven.

ca0f84  No.4477319

So FLOTUS few Baron to Florida to spend Christmas with the family… knowing she was going back to DC two days later to do NORAD Santa Tracking on Christmas Eve then on to Iraq with POTUS on Christmas Day. This trip had to be planned well in advance. No one had any clue… the Trump haters and MSM came out in full force.

And today they all look like fools.

Pass the popcorn please, I'm almost out!

6c7713  No.4477320

File: 1ded3dd023affb0⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 638x438, 319:219, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-4….jpg)

File: d808d3898662de0⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, DvX5aQ-UYAAagPH.jpg)

File: 7953f9e12386e70⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, DvX5cnjV4AA_9v4.jpg)


760ce1  No.4477321



Remember: if you read it on an anonymous forum, it must be true.

907902  No.4477322


It has eternal significance. Like Jesus Himself said: If you believe not that I AM He, you will die in your sins.

d04b02  No.4477323

File: d306d7effc7c4c8⋯.jpg (256.97 KB, 933x1227, 311:409, smallpox.jpg)

Is this for real? Small pox? They need a distraction so bad, they are sending people across the border with small pox??

f5d753  No.4477324

File: ed704e45793f7a3⋯.png (15.59 KB, 608x141, 608:141, Cultivating_tacit_aproval_….png)


You're a shill, you removed this from the document.

4b0d15  No.4477325

better than chipped beef and powdered eggs


c0e747  No.4477326


I only use the internet from a hot air balloon

f264f3  No.4477327

File: bb318a6e852b0b5⋯.png (688.61 KB, 665x592, 665:592, ClipboardImage.png)


That was interesting - a flat earth painting for their table.


e7b673  No.4477328


Angry closet homo

d7ae62  No.4477329


not sure why i'm included here but ok

02b4aa  No.4477330


Wouldn't doubt it, but you got any sauce for that?

e18cdf  No.4477331

File: b80335e0677e5a9⋯.png (693.65 KB, 666x500, 333:250, indexde45x.png)

67f333  No.4477332


That makes me feel sick.

92fa99  No.4477333


you never heard the "theory" that blonde short hair new miley (the slut at the awards shows) is a look alike? There is a difference in teeth at least.

6c7713  No.4477334

File: 7bf18eb9ae2120e⋯.jpg (167.4 KB, 876x648, 73:54, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-4….jpg)


ee3a1e  No.4477335

Hi Q and Q+,

I want to thank you all for what you are doing.

I just left the recruiting stations where I had to leave my son. He is off to bootcamp. I know he is only one of many. I know we are no more special or important than any other Patriot and their families who have gone before us. But he is mine. He is my reason for being. I cannot protect him anymore, as he is now in your hands.

I will worry for him, and pray for him as I never have before. And I will pray for you all as well. May our soldiers sacrifices not be in vain.

Though I worry, I will take comfort knowing Patriots are in control.

"We will never give up. We will never give in. We will never, ever back down and we will never, ever surrender.

Because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white, and blue.

We are one people. We are one family. And we are one glorious nation under God."

God bless you all this holiday season.

7e9f41  No.4477336

File: f1cedd486207584⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20181226_121839_315.jpg)

missing lost renoir?

you magnificent bastards!

ac4b09  No.4477337


Nice find, and the largest national parks in the country are next to Denver

One national park by Denver has an entire highway named after John D. Rockefeller

Wouldn’t be surprised if Grand Tetons/Jackson hole has a few HUNTING RANGES…

8fb451  No.4477338

File: 144d4f98cd0ef60⋯.jpg (738.53 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, FukkenWoke3.jpg)

File: 43e0de889863516⋯.jpg (132.06 KB, 806x450, 403:225, FukkenWoke2.jpg)

File: 9882384074e51d1⋯.jpg (154.94 KB, 1028x576, 257:144, FukkenWoke1.jpg)

fd1b9a  No.4477339

File: e645d41f5a190ae⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 405x248, 405:248, IMG_20181220_111852_484.JPG)


Shill faggot

517129  No.4477340

File: 2e9fddc3ab683f2⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 470x471, 470:471, royalcaddie.jpg)

c35a7c  No.4477341


Romans 3:3

“For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?”

28a8ef  No.4477342






While your mom turns tricks upstairs

Badlywritten even more poorly drawn cartoonsthan any three year old human with one broken crayon can produce

I never claimed high iq you did, Einstein

Guess which of us can proove said superior intelligence?

779449  No.4477343


no, saffron has a reddisher tint, anon

if the designers are blind, so be it

7c8f01  No.4477344

File: ed4e35ade372e19⋯.jpeg (363.6 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, E44629C8-A798-4184-AF08-A….jpeg)

File: 99270dd498faaa1⋯.jpeg (147.79 KB, 1280x872, 160:109, 0D52DE00-6D14-4D37-A72C-A….jpeg)

File: 783ff5a63d10fae⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1EBF7F25-3288-42F9-9A42-85….png)

e59f46  No.4477345

File: 97ba47411e12fc3⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 421x450, 421:450, tim_gunn.jpg)


Thank Tim Gunn for the color commentary.

db7ba3  No.4477346


I posted it already.


a6b0ac  No.4477347


Just because it's the 21st C, don't think the 'experiments' on (((your kind))) won't happen again.

We'll sew your skin onto Caitlyn Jenner

40b9f7  No.4477348

File: 667518f379dad9e⋯.png (415.68 KB, 668x590, 334:295, ClipboardImage.png)

See it everywhere even if coincidental

e9addc  No.4477349

Does anyone remember the description of the patch John Titor had?

f264f3  No.4477350


What is this "good start?"

3d2c78  No.4477351

File: a074ea241038c1c⋯.png (343.71 KB, 610x332, 305:166, fed_titan.png)

fd9eb2  No.4477352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YT embed related?


f7bb21  No.4477353


Careful, if you tug too hard the fish may break the line.

6c7713  No.4477354

File: 20530f818408a2a⋯.jpg (54.81 KB, 655x296, 655:296, Screenshot 2018-12-26_16-4….jpg)


POTUS_Schedule 🇺🇸‏


Following Following @POTUS_Schedule


Wednesday, 26 December 2018

22:52:46 (AST) #POTUS/#FLOTUS #AirForceOne #AF1 Departure - Al Asad Air Base, Iraq en route Germany (undisclosed location)

4:42 PM - 26 Dec 2018

7e9f41  No.4477355

File: bf24b6cf7c2da26⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 420x420, 1:1, IMG_20181226_064333_825.jpg)

File: 728ef3b39889cdc⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 720x900, 4:5, IMG_20181226_135845_332.jpg)

File: bae0b78759be7f5⋯.jpg (25.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_20181226_035105_099.jpg)

File: 28491e1654640c3⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 320x319, 320:319, IMG_20181226_064559_302.jpg)

File: 129bf19d49b0c4e⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_20181226_035105_092.jpg)


come to the party!

87454c  No.4477356

File: 3f134f74917278c⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 299x169, 23:13, tits.gtfo.brad.jpeg)

829298  No.4477357

File: bd6298dfafb0a5b⋯.jpg (167.52 KB, 1200x887, 1200:887, Madeleine_Astor_at_Belmont….jpg)

d9780b  No.4477358

File: ed0a45072a987d5⋯.png (61.3 KB, 220x204, 55:51, ClipboardImage.png)


this thing?

85f1d9  No.4477359


Love some of the suicide Girls Radeo is my fav

d7ae62  No.4477360



056659  No.4477361

File: 8de2747768b6860⋯.jpeg (10.02 KB, 311x162, 311:162, download (97).jpeg)


I did not say the Bible was a magic book. It was written by men, edited by men, chapters and books removed by man.

Jesus and the Bible are not exactly the same thing.

I get that. Shit in the Bible has a 50/50 % chance to be a Jewish Larp.

I figured that out when I read what John the author of Revelations wrote in the beginning of his prophecy that "scribes that change his words will be damned by the events that he describes" He would not of felt the need to threaten the scribes if God protects his word always. God might but he for sure let the Bible tell some horrible lies.

I dont know why you are yelling at me.

96b2c0  No.4477362

File: 2ecd45cd6a436b3⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 775x855, 155:171, ab95835a9d85fd7fce65f928c5….jpg)

File: 3798088b91ed72b⋯.jpg (232.76 KB, 750x836, 375:418, iu.jpg)

fa77fe  No.4477363


So people are in debt by choice and have extra cash after Christmas…what world do you live in?

b25176  No.4477364


Lucky him. He gets to learn his chain of command up to the Honorable Donald J. Trump. Pity the patriots who had to do so to any POTUS after Reagan and prior to the Donald.

670098  No.4477365


>next to Denver??

Like in an adjacent state. Geography much?

f264f3  No.4477366


Looks to me that we don't have to worry about that anymore. Had Hillary gotten into office, we would have been fucked.

1229df  No.4477367

File: 17811ab7a684552⋯.jpg (240.21 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Dso2Xe2VYAE7Rif.jpg)

Oath of Shills

Repeat after your handler:

I am satan's shill. I believe nothing, I will say anything. I have no values, friends or family I will not sell into bondage forever for food and for feathers. Dollars will buy me. What can not spend I will burn in an ashtray or shove up my ass. But give me dollars. I am a shill. I demoralize myself. When I finish the blow I take five footballs and pass out. Asleep, I dream I'm awake. I am a shill. My stridulations are filtered. My mockery, my despair, my anguish, like my coming and my going pass ever unnoticed.

I am a shill. One day I will vanish like the a knot in a shoelace. I am a shill. A petty criminal, a peeping Tom, a canvas for others tattoos, a repeater, an NPC.

ffa67d  No.4477368

>>4475479 Rochester NY: Youth homes at center of sex trafficking scandal had 2,300 police calls in two years.

BAKER, THIS NOTABLE IS INCORRECT… This happened @ Hawthorne Cedar Knolls, which is in Hawthorne Hamlet, in the town of Mount Pleasant, in Westchester County, NY. Please update.

I post a lot of credible shit regarding fuckery in the Buffalo/Rochester/Ontario-CAN areas, so I cannot allow misinformation pointing to this area to happen on this board, in good conscience. Humbly requesting a correction be made.

28a8ef  No.4477369


Processed saffron is this hurts

Saffron stamens are slightly redder on the flower before harvesting

6480e5  No.4477370


Trump's faith is growing because of what he has been experiencing.

fd1b9a  No.4477371

File: 00cb0a0394a38ba⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 1126x506, 563:253, IMG_20181220_112059_725.JPG)


Shill faggot

b25176  No.4477372


the one where people allow themselves to be victimized by "everyone does it".

db7ba3  No.4477373

File: b3a231e63abef6d⋯.jpg (117.44 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, potuspatch.jpg)






3c8a79  No.4477374

File: 57e5d972a31482c⋯.png (108.4 KB, 200x300, 2:3, BL-Country-Jam-dec-27-200x….png)

File: 94dfea8a5698e9f⋯.png (25.57 KB, 432x252, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Are (You) QANON in Thousand Oaks area? Then let’s meet up on 12/27 at the Canyon Club and help support Borderline Strong!


at The Canyon Club in Agoura Hills, CA

Thursday, December 27th, 2018!!!

Live Performances by Big Mike, Brother Earl & The Cousins, Chris Johnson, Emily Coale, Erin Cosgrove, Hannah Rose, Highway Starr, Jack Parr, Just DaveBand, Justin Honsinger, Kiddo, Lacie Mae, Paige Peel, Shannon Rae, and Special Guests.

Plus! Line Dancing with DJ Josh Kelly

Doors at 7pm

I hope you are all ready to put your boots on and show everyone what we are made of!




ecf4ea  No.4477375


>😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo.

>Dan Harmon's genius

Those two statements PROVE you are low IQ

says me, IQ 136 Anon

0948b8  No.4477376


>All of them have compd elements, but they are the best we have, and have more than enough good elements. Calling these outlets "a little better then CNN" is bullcrap and an insult to our intellect.

Let's see:

CNN: Sandy Hook, no fuckery to report.

FOX: Sandy Hook, no fuckery to report.

CNN: 9/11 official story good. Conspiracy theorists bad.

FOX: 9/11 official story good. Conspiracy theorists bad.

CNN: Obama birth certificate real.

FOX: Obama birth certificate real.

CNN: No Bilderberg reporting of relevance.

FOX: No Bilderberg reporting of relevance.

CNN: George HW Bush, No Name, funerals of great, respectable men.

FOX: George HW Bush, No Name, funerals of great, respectable men.

CNN: Pizzagate "debunked" conspiracy theory.

FOX: Pizzagate "debunked" conspiracy theory.

Yeah, FOX NEWS seems MUCH better than CNN.

6c7713  No.4477377

File: b21b7d68ee5901a⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2g1J6blZHJzbecxK.mp4)


7e9f41  No.4477378

File: 01bffc7007dbffa⋯.jpg (35.15 KB, 380x380, 1:1, IMG_20181226_143157_851.jpg)

File: 382c0e700313654⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 403x403, 1:1, IMG_20181226_143157_850.jpg)

File: bf24b6cf7c2da26⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 420x420, 1:1, IMG_20181226_064333_825.jpg)

File: 03b4cb1fd403e80⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 406x406, 1:1, IMG_20181226_143056_184.jpg)

File: 20a8646430b5dad⋯.jpg (26.25 KB, 339x339, 1:1, IMG_20181226_143157_849.jpg)

did you guys find me thru that horrible DVD of my childhood or what?

b98594  No.4477379

File: 3ec888a0bbb8e47⋯.png (22.5 KB, 667x277, 667:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone was looking for this:

ff7885  No.4477380


There's also a Black Forest in Co:

"Located to the northeast of Colorado Springs is a small and picturesque area that makes you think you have left the Front Range for a quaint and wooded mountain town. What you may not realize about the area, however, are the dark legends that surround it and terrify its nearly 14,000 residents. The place that I am referring to is, of course, Black Forest."


056659  No.4477381

File: c7dbe3213d12f06⋯.jpeg (11.47 KB, 260x194, 130:97, download (96).jpeg)

096c6c  No.4477382


Solid points

But why is that dude wearing a shirt skirt over yoga pants?

1adfb8  No.4477383

File: b2d1a469713af24⋯.gif (4.15 MB, 282x159, 94:53, Shill Harvesting.gif)


That's what I thought.

Cowards and spineless shill bitches do not have an answer for FACTS.

Seems to be a very large problem for you.

ac4b09  No.4477384

File: 1fc7a62315a0b2e⋯.jpeg (933.74 KB, 1242x1970, 621:985, BA17AE62-2CFF-40ED-B0E2-C….jpeg)




Jesus Christ is LOGOS

Think Logically


Nothing to do with a mortal man

61506d  No.4477385

File: 79db1f85ade4727⋯.jpeg (60.13 KB, 300x332, 75:83, 90E92714-D2B8-4155-849A-F….jpeg)

We never left

92fa99  No.4477386

File: fd8c36e3c44330e⋯.png (561.66 KB, 1206x535, 1206:535, Screenshot_2018-12-26 Disn….png)

28a8ef  No.4477387

e9addc  No.4477388


hm, not sure. I seem to remember him talking about a path that splits in 2 directions, because in time travelling theres a chance you make it, and a chance you die trying.

779449  No.4477389


habbening everywhere now, anon

02b4aa  No.4477390

File: 75a2ff479b480ba⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1086x1172, 543:586, melania trump boob gatling….png)

d75056  No.4477391

Syrian women want their men back from the countries to which they fled

The purported "compassion" Angela Merkel insisted on for Syrian refugees is not being appreciated back home in Syria. When civil war came to Syria, most of those who fled the violence were military-age males, and they left their women behind to fend for themselves. "Women and children first" apparently does not translate smoothly into Arabic. When Angela Merkel led the E.U. into offering refuge for these young males who abandoned their females, she not only opened the door to a new wave of rapes, thefts, and other crime by men taught to despise the decadence of the infidels, but also abetted a demographic catastrophe for Syria.

Repatriation of Syrian male refugees ought to be a priority as soon as the civil war winds down, as it may well be doing in the face of the apparent victory of Russia-backed forces of Assad. That is not likely to go smoothly, though. But for the good of host countries as well as Syria, it is the right way to go. It is not too soon to begin planning the mass repatriation.


4cffbc  No.4477392

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)


>whidby island


c2dfaf  No.4477393


Shit on a shingle.

1adfb8  No.4477394

File: 070ad8d90d7e433⋯.gif (318.75 KB, 500x338, 250:169, Shill Sharks Tamed.gif)


I'm sure it is.

gotcha again

6480e5  No.4477395


I saw RBG at 24-Hour Fitness over Christmas, pumping out sets of 450 lb reps on the leg press.

f3634d  No.4477396

File: 3d6ca5d9e60af0b⋯.png (159.39 KB, 381x704, 381:704, greenqueen.png)



049ddb  No.4477397


I've been trying to explain it to the tard for like a week. Nobody trades around Christmas. Markets are thin. Volume is low. Volatility is exaggerated as fuck.

When the Fed decided to do their tard shit, it wasn't a real panic. Just what happens when everybody's waiting til January to take a side. Then it got so bad volume actually spiked because it blew through big players stops. And cunts played the momentum down. It's still a largely meaningless swing til a week into January and it was all pushing straight down for a while.

Calling it a short or even a not-long because the exaggerated chart voodoo, exaggerated because of the thinner more reactive markets, was fucking retarded. It was a spring waiting to overreact in the upside if it goes off before January and destined to correct up hugely in January if it continued.

The weeks around Christmas should be ignored. Usually nothing happens because nobody's there. This time shit went down because the Fed and msm made it happen. There's a real chance they targeted this window just to fuck with Trump. Trumps economy is basically unchanged and prob still tending upward fundamentally. And now there's way less risk of inflation so the Feds really being a bunch of cunts.

If this volatility continues through January then it's actually shit hitting the fan all because the Fed has no touch.

e9addc  No.4477398



I'm an idiot, I see the paths in that image now

7e9f41  No.4477399



lol 8888888???

what a journey lads.

Intel alphabet or supernatural?

fd1b9a  No.4477400


Shill faggot

041794  No.4477401


Fixed anon, thank you.

1229df  No.4477402

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

61506d  No.4477403

We are Chosen by ourselves

4a468b  No.4477404


i hope

The Lord works in mysterious ways

0f9ba3  No.4477405


>Total Control re: MSM

>(besides the obvious hannity/tucker/carter)

>and it's clear that when anything regarding jews come up that he is still leveraged by the STUDIO MASTERS of News CORP who write the (Script) that he repeats on air. >>4477050

the (((Media))) is entirely COMPED, with the exception being a few pockets of select protected individuals.

d9780b  No.4477406

File: aba24b2cb5b9181⋯.png (179.95 KB, 474x511, 474:511, ClipboardImage.png)


only other image i can think of is this but not patch related

f7bb21  No.4477407


Assholes. Q links to nytimes.

61506d  No.4477408

This is the past we already died

517129  No.4477409

>>4477399 <Dig your digits triFecta!

7e9f41  No.4477410


found 369 in kjv too

db7ba3  No.4477411


This was always their goal.

Who are the only people with access to small pox? Or a potential vaccine?

056659  No.4477412


Dan Harmon is one of us. You realize we have people everywhere?

"This is bigger than you know"

People have to blend into their environments. How do you blend into a world like Hollywood that is dominated by Satanic Jews?

You just give up and go home? Or do you plan and plot and have our people EVERYWHERE?

22ae1e  No.4477413


check this

ff7885  No.4477414

File: fd3e3cc119c7297⋯.jpg (79.99 KB, 526x405, 526:405, wearethenews.jpg)

d29f47  No.4477415

File: 6c5d7e511808e7c⋯.jpeg (185.83 KB, 2015x782, 2015:782, ed77a7931825531bfc441a592….jpeg)

I'm still on 5706, playing catch up on breads when I came across this image from Oboobie's twatter banner. First thing that struck me was whether this was a pet Wendy. Wasn't there a picture of a group of girls wearing some kind of halter tops made out of bandanas and or red-white stripes?

Look at the pic and see if she fits the profile of a Wendy… Symbolism will be their downfall.

096c6c  No.4477416


Don't worry Black Eye got it covered POTUS safe

d9780b  No.4477417

File: 2d7fafd967a65cc⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1800x1258, 900:629, ClipboardImage.png)

signs of the times

db56a4  No.4477418

File: 1fdb77940091881⋯.jpg (27.1 KB, 589x144, 589:144, undisclosed location 26dec….jpg)

File: 84aa16022170cdb⋯.jpg (243.52 KB, 793x677, 793:677, Q35 undisclosed location.jpg)


Undisclosed Location

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

22:52:46 (AST) #POTUS/#FLOTUS #AirForceOne #AF1 Departure - Al Asad Air Base, Iraq en route Germany (undisclosed location)

e7b673  No.4477419

File: ccbe88789e39013⋯.jpg (213.02 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4998.JPG)

c35a7c  No.4477420


Ephesians 4:14

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

b25176  No.4477421


Advertising for a FF. What's next?

0f8152  No.4477422

File: bef6413689fbd6c⋯.png (503.12 KB, 962x836, 481:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2579d371bfa4e7b⋯.png (602.21 KB, 674x1117, 674:1117, ClipboardImage.png)


"Spark of Divinity"

8fb451  No.4477423

File: 2b265480068d221⋯.jpg (256.52 KB, 962x1262, 481:631, yourefiredpope2.jpg)

96ead9  No.4477424

File: 9c990dbebe26ba4⋯.jpg (601.96 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, download (2).jpg)

f7bb21  No.4477425


Archive everything off line

7e9f41  No.4477426

help me fence this lads and well get a meet house until I getmarried!

d75056  No.4477427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shouting 'F*ck CNN' live on CNN is becoming a thing in Ferguson

Ferguson residents and protesters are taking out their frustrations over CNN's coverage of the grand jury verdict by heartily shouting "f*ck CNN" in the background of correspondents' pieces-to-camera.

It all started with Don Lemon's disastrous reportage in the St Louis suburb, during which he said "Obviously, there's a smell of marijuana in the air", leading one man to lean over his shoulder and shout the slur into the camera.

Now a whole group of protestors in New York have picked up the chant, repeating it over and over and forcing the reporter to lament that CNN doesn't seem to be particularly popular at the demonstration.

Back in the studio, anchor Anderson Cooper tried to palm off the chant as people "playing for the cameras", but given how widely these videos are being shared, it's probably going to become a recurring theme in the network's coverage for the next few days.


d04b02  No.4477428


Check 'em

61506d  No.4477429


This is the Past you’re already Dead

22ae1e  No.4477430



(sorry for mistake)


ffa67d  No.4477431


Bless you

ceb26f  No.4477432









>falling for pasta


This was the most successful boomerbait ever.

cd2862  No.4477433

The market did a 180 today with the Dow ending on a gain of 1086

The 1080 is 6 180’s

So we’ve got 6 180’s + 6

I can’t make anything of it. ==Probably rubbish==. But if there is something here, I hope smarter and better anons see it.

517129  No.4477434

>>4477403 Only for Masturbation!

7e9f41  No.4477435

neet even!

d7ae62  No.4477436

File: 95fb9a36c17379e⋯.png (122.81 KB, 455x271, 455:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fb5a699c684a50⋯.png (276.04 KB, 588x366, 98:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33e16cc7c06ae1f⋯.png (216.7 KB, 570x456, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7209577f06aa7dd⋯.png (416.46 KB, 634x419, 634:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Knows

fd1b9a  No.4477437

File: fca7f6b8edef548⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 455x241, 455:241, IMG_20181220_111544_760.JPG)


Not even trying shill faggot

db56a4  No.4477438

File: a3289d992a5cf62⋯.jpg (27.28 KB, 589x144, 589:144, undisclosed location red 2….jpg)

28a8ef  No.4477439


I believe it would appear different, therefore true saffron hue , in person

Digital photography often fails true color reproduction without expert adjustments

61506d  No.4477440


Brain death

ff7885  No.4477441

File: 4466d05f7247298⋯.jpg (53.38 KB, 494x373, 494:373, stresstest.jpg)

bdf296  No.4477442

File: a25bd1d07bd30f8⋯.png (21.24 KB, 623x268, 623:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 287351d9385483a⋯.png (346.39 KB, 620x337, 620:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Jerry Brown Grants Pardons to Immigrants Facing Deportation Due to Criminal History

California Gov. Jerry Brown's Christmas granted 143 pardons and 131 commutations for Christmas, including a handful of refugees and immigrants that he hopes to spare from deportation by scrubbing their criminal histories.

Brown also responded to the clemency request of Kevin Cooper – a death-row inmate convicted of killing four members of a Chino Hills, Calif., family at their home with a hatchet, knife and ice pick in 1983 after escaping from a nearby prison – by ordering new DNA tests on four pieces of evidence including the hatchet handle and sheath.

Brown stressed in the order that he takes "no position as to Mr. Cooper's guilt or innocence at this time, but colorable factual questions have been raised about whether advances in DNA technology warrant limited retesting of certain physical evidence in the case."

"The purpose of this new testing is to determine whether another suspected person's DNA, or the DNA of any other identifiable suspect based on a match in the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) database, is present on the items tested," the outgoing governor continued. "Given the nature of the testing requested, and the fact that the murders in this case occurred before the advent of DNA technology and related evidence handling protocols, both parties acknowledge the distinct possibility that further testing may yield multiple DNA contributors of unknown origin. As such, if the only result of further testing is to yield either no additional DNA matches, or only DNA from unknown contributors, this matter should be closed."

San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos argued that DNA testing on items including a bloody T-shirt and discarded cigarettes had already put Cooper at the scene and in their family's stolen station wagon. The defense asserts that Cooper's blood was planted on the T-shirt in order to frame a black man for the crime.

The California Supreme Court blocked Brown's attempt to commute the sentence of Kenny Lee, convicted of robbing and murdering a cab driver in 1992. It's the seventh time the court has stepped in to use its power to stop the outgoing governor from issuing sentence commutations for killers in recent weeks.

Brown also granted pardons to five Cambodian refugees brought to the country when they were 5 years old or younger, and now face deportation because of their criminal pasts. He likewise pardoned a Honduran immigrant facing deportation.


1adfb8  No.4477443

File: b191828eeaf817b⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Painting the tape BIG Time.jpg)


Still washing money into SERCO with the qtrly

re-balancing 'story'.

They have no performance for the entire year until today. Remember all of 2018 gains were washed away as of last friday and monday's session.

and it's Wells Fartgo? nuff said there.

fa77fe  No.4477444


Guns give away your location and attracts others with guns…who need your ammo. Knives, crossbows and stealth will get you to two months…guns will not.

8a533b  No.4477445

LinkedIn co-founder says he unknowingly backed disinformation effort in Alabama Senate race

Billionaire Reid Hoffman has acknowledged that he partially funded a group that used disinformation tactics in Alabama’s 2017 special election in an effort to sink Republican candidate Roy Moore, according to The Washington Post. Last week, Facebook suspended five accounts linked to the operation for “engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior.” One of those accounts belonged to Jonathon Morgan, CEO of cybersecurity company New Knowledge. Morgan has said he was acting alone as a researcher and not through New Knowledge.

The group Hoffman backed financially, American Engagement Technologies, used Facebook in a manner similar to the way Russia inserted itself into the 2016 US presidential election. They created misleading Facebook pages, urged Republicans in Alabama to support a write-in candidate instead of Roy Moore, and “created false evidence that bots were backing Moore on Twitter” to spur misleading news headlines. The effort was collectively known as Project Birmingham.


d9780b  No.4477446


out of a rocket, into the sun? would be poeticly symbolic and justice

6c7713  No.4477447

Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Text Message to Susan Collins Revealed After Senate Confirmation

Justice Brett Kavanaugh reportedly sent Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) a text message right after he was confirmed into the Supreme Court and we now have the contents of that message. Collins was an important role in helping Kavanaugh to be confirmed despite the Democratic Party trying to assassinate his character with flimsy accusations.

Collins revealed the contents of Kavanaugh’s text message while speaking with Martha MacCallum of Fox News when she asked if Kavanaugh had been in contact with her since being confirmed. Collins answered the question with a brief response telling that she had only received one message from Kavanaugh since he was confirmed, but nothing else since. However, it was the message she received that put a smile on some faces.

Daily Caller stated, “Collins’ revelation came in response to a question from Fox News host Martha MacCallum about whether or not Kavanaugh has been in contact with her since the bitter confirmation battle concluded and he took his seat on the Supreme Court.

“I have not,” Collins responded. “I have gotten one text message from him right after it in which he said that he would work hard to make me proud and the American people proud.”

Collins relived the political and social ramifications of the Kavanaugh fight during the wide-ranging interview on Thursday night’s edition of “The Story With Martha MacCallum.”


d04b02  No.4477448


DJT OWNS Dan Rather in 1999.


056659  No.4477449


Jesus is a fractal of God. So he is a part of God. So are you.

So am I.

The Good Aliens have a religion that is naturally similar to what Jesus preached.

But not what the organised Religions on Earth SAY to do. Organised Religion and Jesus are not the same.

7b4c0c  No.4477450

File: 4bc136f0788518d⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 534x400, 267:200, Bolton MKO 2.jpg)

File: f69edbd6f91dc75⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 855x621, 95:69, JohnBolton_Sept2014_MEK_te….jpg)


Iraq knows Bolton supports terror cult MEK and Rajavi. Just like NoName did.

MEK killed 17,000 Iranian women, children and men and multiple American servicemen.

50595d  No.4477451


How can adult people support this kind of shit, it boggles my mind.

686489  No.4477452


not true my fren over in the meat market overheard the traders of pork bellies got their price. and the fcoj closed at 32.

02b4aa  No.4477453


There is a weird story involving Dan Rather that I stumbled on before Q came around.

Seeing if I can find it…

517129  No.4477454

File: 07daf3546508c04⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 255x250, 51:50, buthurt.jpg)

d75056  No.4477455


>The California Supreme Court blocked Brown's attempt to commute the sentence of Kenny Lee, convicted of robbing and murdering a cab driver in 1992. It's the seventh time the court has stepped in to use its power to stop the outgoing governor from issuing sentence commutations for killers in recent weeks.

80303a  No.4477456

File: 379fdbed0c43170⋯.png (961.54 KB, 1007x607, 1007:607, 2018-12-26_16-47-32.png)


Biggest Dick out there!

Have a heart?


f264f3  No.4477457


This one is on the Fed and that Rothschild's party

Rothschilds meet with the Devil in Colorado with the Illuminati


0af49b  No.4477458



ac4b09  No.4477459

File: 74a7603cd84099f⋯.jpeg (2.98 MB, 1242x2000, 621:1000, 6D7F0357-AEF0-469B-A3CA-F….jpeg)


Yeah sorry I guess there are no national parks in Colorado, at all.

80303a  No.4477460

File: 75658846bed17fb⋯.png (817.22 KB, 984x464, 123:58, 2018-12-20_22-21-03.png)

d7ae62  No.4477461


what's the frequency kenneth?

e59f46  No.4477462

File: a50a7cbff0fdfd7⋯.jpg (4.11 KB, 255x62, 255:62, 1fdb77940091881f0706b9cb0c….jpg)

>>4476758 lb

suck it fag

fa77fe  No.4477463


They are all just reading the script.

d9780b  No.4477464

File: 7c44ba74f1a7443⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1500x1337, 1500:1337, ClipboardImage.png)


found this

9abde7  No.4477465

File: 79219fc8fbab112⋯.png (742.92 KB, 960x896, 15:14, ClipboardImage.png)

670098  No.4477466


You said the largest. They are not in Colorado.

0f9ba3  No.4477467

File: f0ad436a519e321⋯.jpg (237.43 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Drawn & Comey'd.jpg)

7e9f41  No.4477468


had to figure out if it was Voice of God or the voice of god!

many signs and lying wonders

ms. me on Instagram @f00tc4nd735 Twitter elpr0dukstarve

think crossed wires

517129  No.4477469

>>4477460 On the shirt?

61506d  No.4477470



db7ba3  No.4477471

File: 1d7a535aa37a6c8⋯.jpg (82.56 KB, 1200x427, 1200:427, rbgpumpingiron.jpg)


me too!!! Even snapped a pic.

779449  No.4477472


really depends on whose crocus pistils or is it stamens from what country. some are reddish, some are vibrant yellow, but saffron is generally a more reddish gold.

b8a04b  No.4477473

In My beginning, does it seem logical I was given access to what the future held?


Yes, I was as a matter of fact.

God being an emotional basket case sometimes… I capitalized on that.

(read the bible, then dispute me)

I asked The Lord of Hosts to do EVERYTHING in His POWER to save EVERYONE!!!!!!!


ff7885  No.4477474

File: e5f3b43d518a199⋯.png (193.51 KB, 499x375, 499:375, saffron.png)

Saffron is a spice with both culinary uses and symbolic importance. Difficult to find and time consuming to gather and process, it was highly prized by many cultures and has acquired a number of important meanings over the centuries.

Throughout history, spices have been among the world’s most sought after trade goods, at certain periods worth their weight in gold. The main reason for the high value of saffron was twofold:

1) The small thread-like bits that make up saffron are in fact the stamens of single species of crocus flower, known as the Crocus sativus.

2) Each blossom typically contains only three stamens, so gathering any substantial amount of the spice was a laborious and expensive exercise.

Although saffron was - and still is - used in many cuisines, it was also used to create a rich golden-yellow coloring dye, and in this context is where we find many of its symbolic meanings:

In Europe, the use of saffron was largely confined to the upper crust of society due to the spice's high cost. In that vein, it was commonly associated with royalty and nobility. The golden coloring was also a symbol of the sun, and that celestial body has, in turn, been symbolically associated with royalty.

Moving east, specifically to India and other parts of Asia, saffron took on a distinctly different set of meanings. The robes of certain Buddhist monks and nuns are dyed using saffron, the color symbolizing renunciation and humility. Saffron also carries meaning in other Indian religions (Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism); saffron or orange colored flags indicate a place of worship, and saffron paste is used as adornment in certain Hindu ceremonies.

In Bhutan, a small country nestled in the Himalayan mountains, saffron is once again associated with royalty. Traditional men's clothing - known as the gho - is sometimes accessorized with a long silk scarf called a kabney. The kabney comes in a variety of colors, and national law stipulates which colors can be worn by individuals, depending on his profession and position in society. A saffron-colored kabney may be worn only by two men; the King of Bhutan and the Je Khenpo, or chief abbot.

Graphical characteristics:

Asymmetric, Open shape, Colorful, Contains both straight and curved lines, Has no crossing lines.

b98594  No.4477475

File: dbd89c9a27e563f⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 250x223, 250:223, f9ee8228c0c30dbb76c6b4f2c5….jpg)


"Not so dominant anymore!"


Anon in tears! (Christian, born in Iraq and escaped to America a long time ago). So blessed to be here!

9198c7  No.4477476





just sayin!

02b4aa  No.4477477


Yeah thats the one!

"Kenneth, what is the frequency?"

On October 4, 1986, while walking along Park Avenue to his apartment in Manhattan, Rather was attacked and punched from behind by a man who demanded to know "Kenneth, what is the frequency?" while a second assailant chased and beat him. As the assailant pummeled and kicked Rather, he kept repeating the question. In describing the incident, Rather said, "I got mugged. Who understands these things? I didn't and I don't now. I didn't make a lot of it at the time and I don't now. I wish I knew who did it and why, but I have no idea."[104] Until the crime was resolved years later, Rather's description of the bizarre crime led some to doubt the veracity of his account,[105] although the doorman and building supervisor who rescued Rather fully confirmed his version of events.[104]

The assault remained unsolved for some time, and was referenced multiple times in popular culture. The phrase "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" became a popular-culture reference over the years, such as in a scene in the graphic novel Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by cartoonist Daniel Clowes. In 1994, the band R.E.M. released the song "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" on their album Monster. Rather later sang with R.E.M. during a sound check prior to a gig at New York's Madison Square Garden, which was shown the following night on the Late Show with David Letterman before their performance of "Crush with Eyeliner".

In 1997, a TV critic writing in the New York Daily News solved the mystery, publishing a photo of the alleged assailant, William Tager, who received a 12½-to-25-year prison sentence for killing NBC stagehand Campbell Montgomery outside The Today Show studio in 1994.[105] Rather confirmed the story: "There's no doubt in my mind that this is the person."[105] New York District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau said, "William Tager's identity as the man who attacked Mr. Rather was established in the course of an investigation by my office."[106] Tager claimed he thought television networks were beaming signals into his brain.[107] When he murdered the stagehand, Tager was trying to force his way into an NBC studio with a weapon, in order to find out the frequency the networks were using to attack him, so that he could block it. Tager was paroled in October 2010 and is believed to be living in New York City.

Throughout the 1980s-90s, an NBC broadcast engineer with WMAQ in Chicago named Kenneth Steininger was responsible for assigning frequencies for national news events and is thought to be the Kenneth referred to.

Quick sauce


61506d  No.4477478


Omg are you that fucking stupid?

b0959f  No.4477479


Yellow vest popping up in California. Agenda 21 and agenda 30 mentioned

ecf4ea  No.4477480


And now you have something to fap to.

d7ae62  No.4477481

File: 0e73d254f235ee2⋯.png (310.96 KB, 360x464, 45:58, ClipboardImage.png)

28a8ef  No.4477482

7b4c0c  No.4477483


Att. CodeMonkey

Update capacity.

It has begun.

a6b0ac  No.4477484


Harmon is one of (((them))) and so are (((you)))

ff7885  No.4477485


Saffron sauce


829298  No.4477486

File: 4b4aa034d183704⋯.png (290.9 KB, 564x424, 141:106, ClipboardImage.png)

50595d  No.4477487


I like the royals slightly more after seeing this photo

9c7668  No.4477488


Very true. Anyone serving or who have the honor of enlisting under POTUS and what his people are doing cant do a higher service to our country right now. So many vets who served thinking they represented our nation under these bastards feel sick about it now.

056659  No.4477489


Dan Harmon and Justin Roland are good. The little Jew kid that cries about his not having his own show is still to much in contact with the dark side of his soul. But I think even that dude is growing.

I have watched all the shows. My wife has forced me to listen to all their fucking podcast for years. I have way more insight into Harmon and Roland than I want to.

But it must of been fate. I must of been supposed to know these two buffoons deeply.

And they are heroes.

Time will prove that.

8fb451  No.4477490

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)


Shouldn't we learn from Brett Kavanaugh's child and pray for these people instead of wishing them harm or a nasty end? Be Best.

61506d  No.4477491


It’s no issue

9c354b  No.4477492


You've gone full retard, and I'd rather be Christ-Like than Christian.

Jesus doesn't want to hold your fucking hand for Eternity. Nigga only has 2 hands.

The point of "following the footsteps" (along the middle path) is to learn HOW to walk.

You remember those mats that would teach you how to dance?

"Put your feet here".

Eventually, you don't need the mats anymore.

Then you can Walk with God, for a bit, and then you can fuck off and go do something else.

You'll meet back up with Them periodically, anyway.

Being the only… Existence… (?)… was lonely as fuck.

They wanted frens.

Part of frens is them doing their own to-do.

If they only followed orders without consideration of self, they might as well be an NPC/Bot/Character-Ai, a dog, or a drone… there's a "thought" ceiling.

The Digital Frens act according to code and in no other way.

The Doggo Fren is ultimately just gonna Doggo.

The Robo Fren does what it's set to do, without question, unless you program it to question to like… entertain yourself, I guess.

It's the same for all the Teacher figures.

I don't go after Josh the Magic Jew anywhere near as often as I go after the Pedophile Muhammed or Bibi or The Zionist/Qabbaallahists.

Stuck in the desert and not sure when you're going to be able to clean your dick?

Just cut the foreskin off. Smegma's a pain in the dick while you're wandering the desert.

Way less of an issue for established cities and civilizations and completely pointless in a modern country.

d9780b  No.4477493


oh wow noticed by fake .. i may faint from the stupid. Moran i was responding to another anon idiot

e7b673  No.4477494

File: 1389a62362a04e6⋯.jpg (210.28 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4999.JPG)

670098  No.4477495


Colorado has three national parks. Rocky Mountain, Sand Dunes, and Mesa Verde. The rest are monuments and other nation treasures.

8774ec  No.4477496


No dude

fa77fe  No.4477497


A drone, a gal of gas, and your ammo with self destruct in 5…4….3…2….1….

67f333  No.4477498


I’d say may God bless you, but he already has. Glad you’re here, anon.

4a468b  No.4477499

File: 966ff2673fb0c45⋯.png (525.26 KB, 559x470, 559:470, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74b234b48db5969⋯.png (135.26 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ff7885  No.4477500

File: 78c3302424b5ee6⋯.jpg (118.18 KB, 922x622, 461:311, poe.jpg)

ac4b09  No.4477501

File: 398d602705bcd26⋯.png (132.99 KB, 640x412, 160:103, 732EF298-205A-435C-8E09-D0….png)


Awesome, MARSOC, thank you anon!

d9780b  No.4477502


we should but it sure would feel better the other way.

041794  No.4477503


>>4477377 Video: POTUS rally in Iraq.

>>4477418, >>4477438 POTUS undisclosed location?

>>4477354 POTUS Schedule: … en route Germany (undisclosed location)

>>4477334 John Bolton present during POTUS troop visit.

>>4477222 Dead Cat bounce? (image)

>>4477173 Just De Blasio doing globalist things.

>>4477165 More photos of POTUS/FLOTUS trip's to Iraq.

>>4476919 PapaD Tweet: Nellie Ohr had a working relationship with Sefan Halper going back to 2000.

>>4476994 Dan Scavino Jr.: Behind the scenes at Iraq visit.

>>4476935 Former Jewish children's services counselor busted for prepubescent child porn on Tumblr.

>>4476910 Trump to set history in largest Dow Jones point change in one day?

>>4476928 Sarah Sanders Tweet and video: Iraq rally.

>>4476874, >>4476926, >>4477063 Anon: FLOTUS boots. (images of Iraq visit)

>>4476870 "@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to visit our incredible troops at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!"

>>4476858, >>4476893 Dow Jones up by more than 1,086 points in biggest one day surge ever.

0431d5  No.4477504


Exactly! The line of demarcation is the greatest I've seen in my lifetime! It's enough for any whom are honestly seeking The Truth!

699984  No.4477505


So glad you made it here safely! God bless you , brother!

1229df  No.4477506

177'th temporal recon unit, wait, isn't that John Titor's outfit?

c35a7c  No.4477507


Ephesians 5:6

6 Let no man deceive you with vain words:

1adfb8  No.4477508

File: 1b94875fc0842aa⋯.jpeg (48.04 KB, 488x550, 244:275, POTUS brings pain.jpeg)


You have no idea what you are talking about.

Just 'smart' enough to appear that you know what you are saying. Seen a million of you in my life.

BTW POTUS said to buy stocks not sell them.

If what you say is true then it would have sold off HARD.

Run along and go circle-jerk with the cat

db7ba3  No.4477509

File: 639af424e19f608⋯.png (123.67 KB, 618x628, 309:314, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

92fa99  No.4477510

File: 08727ede17b0706⋯.webm (3.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, unbelivible tales.webm)


He is a q researcher? What are you a mason what the fuck do you mean by us?


60726a  No.4477512


The haters on Twitter still think he only went because the media called him out and that it's a nothingburger for him to have gone. They'll remain ignorant of the planning that had to go into making the trip because it won't fit their narrative. MSM is their "god". Sick.

28a8ef  No.4477513

File: fa911448d6b9bc4⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d5c978dc78ebf8a7600565494a….jpg)


Owe you a drink fren!

78547d  No.4477514

File: 1d13d53b9139216⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 634x542, 317:271, 7844256-6530947-image-m-94….jpg)


What about my jacket, POTUS ponders…

flag stripes 90deg. diff.

096c6c  No.4477517


Nice guy

Offered to take me hunting sometime

8fb451  No.4477518

File: 940fcc5179536cd⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, Bless-this-Bread-2.jpg)

GOD bless you all.

67f333  No.4477520


Let the snowball begin…

e7b673  No.4477521


Use the lotion

ecf4ea  No.4477522


retard enters captcha wrong and posts proof….

5537a9  No.4477523

File: db8235c8ebb91df⋯.png (279.91 KB, 489x349, 489:349, Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at ….png)

61506d  No.4477524

File: 35c5bd34aa07db6⋯.jpeg (365.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, D1201A9F-2BD6-48F6-BB46-3….jpeg)


You’re a complete fruitcake.

d04b02  No.4477525


God knows the "pump" has been "primed"

No Q drop for 4 days means the board will EXPLODE when Q posts.

1b51c8  No.4477527


She'll be needing those kneepads

829298  No.4477528


name that constellation

d9780b  No.4477529


said the fake Q pretending to be someone … loser

8fb451  No.4477530

File: 9937744e8cd7d27⋯.jpg (254.31 KB, 780x439, 780:439, hillarypast.jpg)

b98594  No.4477531

File: 7ef91051b8d942b⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 255x195, 17:13, 0dbdc0101a30e5857f5cc4d4f7….jpg)


Thanks Anon!!

I've always felt welcome here, that is until o'bummer was prez. Then I started to feal fear again, like what we had escaped from was now loosed on us here. It was a scary time!

I thank God for POTUS everyday! Yes, we are all very blessed!!

db7ba3  No.4477532



I've never nominated myself, but some of you seem to still be searching.


Patch on POTUS jacket is for TOP GUN- Miramar

bdb3ce  No.4477534


Hee: >>4476921

If you vote on twatter polls then go troll this fake news article on yahoo in the comment section.


92fa99  No.4477535


Notice at the end the guy falls down and is beheaded. Masonic guillotine forshadowing. Dan harmon is a freemason who makes cartoons about killing children

0431d5  No.4477536


You're splitting hairs! To be a Christian is to follow Him, which is to say, be Christ-like! Perhaps you ought to start working on that instead of vomiting your imaginations! Btw, if you knew Him, you wouldn't talk about Him that way!

80303a  No.4477537

File: 4ace63eb7b1b33d⋯.png (201.38 KB, 509x317, 509:317, 2018-12-22_23-35-25.png)

517129  No.4477538

File: 6013fffd89cce1c⋯.jpg (56.1 KB, 540x591, 180:197, letsinkin.jpg)

>>4477497 NOPE!

61506d  No.4477539

File: 87b5818e01ae046⋯.png (370.86 KB, 603x582, 201:194, 863F3306-8074-4409-A061-EF….png)


Go to sleep baby nite nite.

686489  No.4477540


True Dat. You shall have only one God and no other but me…, (modified, Ex 20:3)

78e8b2  No.4477541


Extreme efforts to kill login devices.

Extreme efforts to censor.

Extreme efforts.

Dead cat bounce.

Enjoy the show.

Bring the rain!


1adfb8  No.4477542


Dan Rather singing it


40fd07  No.4477543


They are both cool as fuck!

8d64ad  No.4477544


(((breitbart))) (pun intended) paid with his life for speaking against the old guard.

e7b673  No.4477545



Haters gonna hate

670098  No.4477546


EAP - another fine heroin addict

92fa99  No.4477547


Thats badass

d9780b  No.4477548

File: f66d344efbbc5cd⋯.png (270.04 KB, 574x336, 41:24, ClipboardImage.png)


6c7713  No.4477549

The boy’s request is will be the fifth wish granted by the Russian president. The requests were submitted to Dream With Me, a charity project looking to help fulfil the dreams of severely ill children.

Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said that before the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, Vladimir Putin will fulfil the wish of a ten-year old boy, named Nikolai Kuznetsov, who wants to shake hands with the president.

Earlier in December, Putin paid a visit to a charity project called Dream With Me, which helps fulfil the wishes of severely ill children.

There, the president collected the remaining envelopes containing the wishes of five kids whose requests the project’s volunteers were yet to fulfil; Putin promised to take care of the wishes himself.

Since then, Putin has already fulfilled four of these requests, with Nikolai’s wish being the fifth; and when journalists asked Peskov whether Putin will grant the boy his wish before New Year’s Eve, the spokesman replied in the affirmative.


d04b02  No.4477550


Has this been posted before? It's 6 days old. If not, I'm self-nominating it for NOTABLE.

6bbf80  No.4477551


You asked what we wanted for Christmas. Did you get a chance to go shopping, sir?

7e9f41  No.4477552

File: 8b5bda00a4b6f9a⋯.jpg (402.22 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_20181221_082121_864.jpg)

File: 311cb16a8c6fa56⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_20181224_171917_416.jpg)

File: 670f033d87f889c⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_20181224_161820_731.jpg)

File: 7b024bb88449b59⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_20181225_125417_732.jpg)

File: 93b755702cc2eb0⋯.jpg (787.54 KB, 1846x1846, 1:1, IMG_20181225_125408_063.jpg)





anyone local want to come to keystone pipeline?

db56a4  No.4477553


How about:

Mellow Yellow


1adfb8  No.4477554

File: bc59abd6ec6cd1b⋯.png (633.35 KB, 620x940, 31:47, Hitlercise.png)


can't even do your own thing

How much of our stuff are you going to recycle?

all of it?

getting close.

9abde7  No.4477555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



d7ae62  No.4477556


Never tell anybody outside the (((family))) what you're thinking again.

0431d5  No.4477557


Your reliance upon your own intellect will fail you! There is only One God! Check out Dr. Ivan Panin's research…can't be refuted! It's simple! God Is God…and you're not God! Thus all is on His terms! Like it or not!

517129  No.4477559

>>4477551 I asked for unsealed!

d9780b  No.4477560

File: 1ab4feedb97896b⋯.png (363.2 KB, 608x583, 608:583, ClipboardImage.png)


Obama actually put up iron barriers to keep vets out of the WWII Memorial during his 2013 Shutdown. I guess the Left likes walls sometimes.

8774ec  No.4477561


Dan Harmon is a pedo. Adult swim is a satanic pedo haven. Why do you think Sam Hyde got booted? Think about other shows on [adult swim]. Patterns?

b0f77c  No.4477562

File: b7337bf52b18355⋯.jpg (170.04 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DvXTd8lU8AAJe3y.jpg)


Exeunt, severally.

40b9f7  No.4477563

a6b0ac  No.4477564


We'll sew your hand into Kelly Osborne's mudflaps

92fa99  No.4477565

File: c91ea0aa054b3ff⋯.png (165.99 KB, 1523x447, 1523:447, 4bb37342117bb54dfc8d05c5aa….png)


i saw that in a huge get one time

71f042  No.4477566




e7b673  No.4477567

File: 1e81d562fa4f1b8⋯.jpg (347.71 KB, 1024x1023, 1024:1023, IMG_4910.JPG)

9038ef  No.4477568


another fake and gay anon friendly financier nothing

now KYS

oh and happy new year

78547d  No.4477569

File: c725196d50c4eac⋯.jpg (108.79 KB, 634x892, 317:446, 7845680-6530947-image-m-12….jpg)




7e9f41  No.4477570


what now lads?

92fa99  No.4477571


Childrens hospital was about the shriners and jesters notice the clown always had blood on his scrubs at a childrens hospital

e7b673  No.4477572

File: f2e92cb336545e1⋯.jpg (327.08 KB, 915x1024, 915:1024, IMG_4911.JPG)

be3ca8  No.4477573

File: 14b66728281dcc6⋯.png (52.96 KB, 637x441, 13:9, POTUS Schedule 12-26-18 1….PNG)

File: 067f4df7de48dc1⋯.png (471.21 KB, 645x441, 215:147, POTUS Schedule 12-26-18 1….PNG)

File: 6192091338a7b46⋯.png (996.93 KB, 689x514, 689:514, POTUS Schedule 12-26-18 1….PNG)

File: 16fd05dfa58f5c0⋯.png (902.74 KB, 688x517, 688:517, POTUS Schedule 12-26-18 1….PNG)

File: 063d004295aec0e⋯.png (37.88 KB, 640x295, 128:59, POTUS Schedule 12-26-18 1….PNG)


9038ef  No.4477574


ok dan harmons mom

tx for the good intel

670098  No.4477575


They're either invading for their own self-interest or its that latest slide tactic.

686489  No.4477576

POTUS showing upside pyramid

78547d  No.4477577

File: b9de87cf9c2bca4⋯.jpg (107.65 KB, 634x993, 634:993, 7844272-6530947-image-m-10….jpg)


tippy toes!

Tippy Top!

d04b02  No.4477578

File: d42a160e5deafda⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 214x236, 107:118, download (5).jpg)

File: 0fe6585c560d6fa⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 750x480, 25:16, newtown_hiram_freemason_lo….jpg)

File: 15196f43df8af9c⋯.jpg (11 KB, 285x177, 95:59, download (4).jpg)

a20c3b  No.4477579

Mattis loves taking tranny cock up his tater-hole!

3c8a79  No.4477582


Hey Fuck Face, I'm suggesting QAnons meet up, in real life and you can call it a FF all you want but we live and work at borderline and our friends died, so FUCK YOU!

7e9f41  No.4477583


thanks which lawsuit do i do first I have like 4. I really just want to forgive everyone and sell the painting

1229df  No.4477584

File: 45db8e114785e8e⋯.png (139.52 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 2075d27820c90be00993c82946….png)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)


Do NOT reply to the shills

c35a7c  No.4477585


couldn't care less

Luke 9:5

“And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.”

db56a4  No.4477586

File: 17b9026f566c449⋯.jpg (254.82 KB, 947x861, 947:861, mellow Yellow Jacket ad.jpg)

40fd07  No.4477587

File: c4c160b9f25cdbb⋯.jpg (238.12 KB, 1101x618, 367:206, Screen Shot 12-26-18 at 10….JPG)

0f9ba3  No.4477588

File: a6ff05d9add8afb⋯.gif (7.32 MB, 346x756, 173:378, TimeWarp Titor.gif)

8d64ad  No.4477589




the aggressive shill push of - "all fox and all breitbart is bad is bullcrap".

Of course some execs are compd, of course they have compd elements, but they also have more than enough good stuff, the stuff q linked to.

The shills try to generalize (sounds familiar) and discredit everyone, e.g. this clown over here:


Who also posted the fake and gay bibi tweet.

71a31c  No.4477590


I want to skin these fuckers alive.

6480e5  No.4477591


Answer: cognitive dissonance and proud, wilful ignorance.

a20c3b  No.4477592

Sessions eats tomato skin out of nigger asshole!

7e9f41  No.4477593



heaven is a half pipe

or real deal holyfield?

056659  No.4477594


Is this the story that also involves directed energy and the USSR and Mkultra retards?

I heard an odd additional story about those events…that I do not have enough motivation to go look up.

92fa99  No.4477595


never saw the 9/11 one that makes me fucking sick.

9 11 in roman numerals was IX XI

XX is masonic square and compass. That is why they call doxing doxxing now its masons gangstalking people and shit.

61506d  No.4477596

File: 8a714953c374e51⋯.jpeg (15.95 KB, 255x199, 255:199, E145F035-A5AD-4C33-8C70-9….jpeg)

ed01ad  No.4477597

File: 59795a6b3b3801c⋯.png (169.22 KB, 576x576, 1:1, seenothingsaynothing.png)

db7ba3  No.4477598

File: 473b73917a1b5db⋯.png (233.44 KB, 1282x822, 641:411, Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at ….png)


d7ae62  No.4477600

File: 93d1b2e1d305f0d⋯.png (8.46 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1311b559482d399⋯.png (239.55 KB, 469x393, 469:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b4f2d24221c1f3⋯.png (412.74 KB, 519x509, 519:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ba18932574c129⋯.png (309.9 KB, 636x389, 636:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c02ea800e5ea89⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1090x1168, 545:584, ClipboardImage.png)

ecf4ea  No.4477601


I first heard of this cartoon when it was on a tv in a pizza joint where a loser was working alone.

There ya go.

041794  No.4477603


Repost nb please.

fd1b9a  No.4477604

File: 4c8256c3315886c⋯.jpg (23.15 KB, 404x230, 202:115, IMG_20181220_111949_116.JPG)


Shill faggot

b8a04b  No.4477606

The catch all in the agreement?



and of late I'm not sure God was Wrong the first time…


0431d5  No.4477609


Try not to flatter yourself! You're interpretation is lacking! We're called to share the Good news! That's it! We CAN'T "convert" people…that job belongs to God Himself! The point I was making is that everybody, on both sides, who's not a follower of Jesus, vehemently hate Him, and thus His followers! Write it off to "oldfags"…so what? Check out Dr. Ivan Pain! SCIENTIFIC proof that "God Is"! Can't be refuted!

fa77fe  No.4477610


Grow a pair and man up for the actions you take.

71a31c  No.4477611


>XX is masonic square and compass. That is why they call doxing doxxing now its masons gangstalking people and shit.


ed01ad  No.4477613


You suck so bad you can't even make your own?

6e8820  No.4477614


What is specifically Gnostic about it? Why were the Gnostics targeted?

ecf4ea  No.4477616


PS I cut the cable cord decades ago, so I wouldn't know

db7ba3  No.4477617


And necrophiliac

c54cb1  No.4477619

Stock market 1000 points!

041794  No.4477620

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

dd6eb8  No.4477621

File: 6ba18932574c129⋯.png (309.9 KB, 636x389, 636:389, ClipboardImage(43).png)

85f1d9  No.4477622


Titor was right about a lot have to give him that

ff7885  No.4477623

File: f1faefd56d49ef1⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 340x246, 170:123, jerrylaurel.jpg)

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