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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

8c9290  No.4322161

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

8c9290  No.4322163


are not endorsements


>>4308334 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A

#5507 Baker Change

>>4321838 Planefag notable: Possible AF1 spotting. Drawing a Keystone?

>>4321826 Updated BDT Q proof graphic.

>>4321794 Seven detained in Russia for allegedly supporting Islamic State, Al-Nusra Front.

>>4321593 Maldives police freeze bank accounts of ex-president Yameen as part of probe.

>>4321576 Western tourists trickle into Saudi Arabia as it tries to open up and diversify.

>>4321529 Facebook says software bug may have exposed photos on 7M users.

>>4322132 #5507


>>4320685, >>4320747, >>4320807, >>4321188, >>4321145 Titanic or Olympic including mini bread

>>4320689, >>4320687 Facebook’s Building 8 research lab is no more

>>4320688, >>4321038 Anon wrap up "Comey timeline problem"

>>4320860, >>4320897 Re: About Waltons dumping shares

>>4320961 It appears FVEY had a meeting to discuss other aspects of Huawei

>>4320979 Revisiting Federal reserve / Jekyll island backdrop events

>>4321047 Secretary of the Interior @RyanZinke will be leaving the Administration

>>4321160 Ship Sabtoge history dates back to 1888

>>4321392 #5506


>>4319867 Two scout leaders sexually abused young boys in the same troop, jailed within a week

>>4319868, >>4320165 Disney Channel actor arrested for allegedly planning liaison with 13-year-old

>>4319900, >>4319986 DNC / Ukraine collusion is about to make headlines

>>4319951, >>4320085, >>4320133 Moar on the Cyprus Smear scholars

>>4319992 Planefag Tracks long straight flight

>>4319993, >>4320364 update: Paris Yellow Vest protests

>>4319996 Saudi Aramco strikes cyber defense deal with US defense giant Raytheon

>>4320079 Australia is contemplating an "opt out" organ donation system

>>4320143, >>4320145 Youtube, auto-link topic's with Encyclopedia Britannica to counter Anons

>>4320168, >>4320287 Waltons dumping Walmart stock in the last 2 days

>>4320197 article seems to out Paul Joseph Watson, do we have the goods on him?

>>4320268 George Soros-backed effort to shut down advertising revenue, Tucker Carlson

>>4320416 Anon decodes gun used in Strasbourg FF

>>4320542 Anons found Titanic link in bread 5502. Graphic for Q proof

>>4320609 #5505

Previously Collected Notables

>>4319019 #5503, >>4319800 #5504,

>>4316755 #5500, >>4317493 #5501, >>4318255 #5502

>>4314430 #5497, >>4315197 #5498, >>4316036 #5499

>>4312072 #5494, >>4312906 #5495, >>4313655 #5496

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

8c9290  No.4322165

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

8c9290  No.4322166

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

8c9290  No.4322173

File: cc354d74077a9d9⋯.jpg (39.05 KB, 618x340, 309:170, trump6.jpg)



2246f6  No.4322182

File: 662548a07cddf5b⋯.jpg (152.43 KB, 1344x1152, 7:6, SantaWoman.jpg)

Black outline. Woman getting smacked with a snowball?

9fdcfd  No.4322193

File: 882a5dd3739a405⋯.png (431.43 KB, 392x576, 49:72, ClipboardImage.png)


a09e6c  No.4322229

HOW IS OPERATION "ISRAEL FIRST" GOING, ANONS? Are you being good, subservient, goyim today?

a09e6c  No.4322239

>Updated BDT Q proof graphic.

Why would the "strongest proof" need to be updated?

57f1b7  No.4322264


That hair. . It looks like Wendy Washerwoman Schultz

14087d  No.4322274

File: fbb92d8b0c8731e⋯.jpg (11.37 KB, 306x254, 153:127, fbb92d8b0c8731ec787ac1ada1….jpg)



It's going quite well.

Get filtered


4a1e15  No.4322275

a09e6c  No.4322276

>Two scout leaders sexually abused young boys in the same troop, jailed within a week

Kike-pedos are specifically targeting churches and organizations like the Boy Scouts, because it is win-win for them… If they don't get caught, they get to satisfy their pedophilia-desires. And if they do get caught, a reputable and beneficial European establishment is desecrated and tarnished. IT'S THE KIKES. IT'S OBVIOUS. Ignore the facts at yours and your nation's peril. (Just ask Sweden, France, Germany, Belgium, etc.)

0941ea  No.4322277

fuck you freddy

fuck you cp guy

probably the same guy

dac13f  No.4322278

File: a5da1498b1676c3⋯.png (173.03 KB, 816x326, 408:163, Screenshot from 2018-12-15….png)

9c3cfb  No.4322279

>>4322248 (LB)


I think Amanda Bynes is

Does anyone remember how she got on all that? A nationwide solicitation of children submitting themselves for a chance?

Her new comeback article in PAPER says flat-out she had an agent from a young age and that's how she got the job.

So what were the tapes for, Dan Schneider?

5fa993  No.4322280

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)

GOD bless you all.

914aca  No.4322281

File: 2963462d7dcf6cf⋯.png (682.17 KB, 980x551, 980:551, umf.png)

10c4b8  No.4322282

File: 34e54dec742ba08⋯.png (2.23 KB, 343x77, 49:11, ClipboardImage.png)

d9ff85  No.4322283

BOOM! 24 page document–begin with Page 10.


IN THE ARKANSAS SUPREME COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS Robert Blair, Thomas Deegan, Peter Ostrowski, Jeremy Lowe, Don Bailey, Stephen D. Curry (in private capacity by special appearance only)



Hon. John Dan Kemp, September 10, 2018 The allegations concerning breaking a form of the Logan act through use of a conspiracy to undermine national mining laws, are serious enough as to warrant another superseding indictment against defendant GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH{George Herbert Walker Bush in private}. Due to this fact your honors we will order defendant to be read the RIOT act. These acts were committed beside the seditions involved in Uranium 1. They concern human trafficking and conspiring to defraud United States.(betray united states.) The accused defendant George Herbert Walker Bush has broken national racketeering laws that fall under 18 U.S.C. §1961 and 18 U.S.C. §371, in order to enrich himself and the CARLYLE GROUP. This has been done in a coordinated attack pattern that begins in a mining contract that is illegally signed in South Africa and ends with the operation Eagle II over a period of forty years. As a result of these indiscretions, several states and their institutions including Nevada end up losing their land rights. The plan we have hard evidence for involves moving the settlers out, defrauding the government and moving the operators tied to Barrick Gold Nevada and BHP Billiton in house to strip all residents of their land patent deeds. Since this is in fact the case we are enforcing the RIOT Act to be read to the accused defendant given his past in child trafficking. The accused George Herbert Walker Bush is already hospice ridden as his wife has passed on, yet that will not alter submission guidelines. He will be made to answer every charge on record with detailed responses, and will provide complete sentences to the sergeant on hand as summoned before the formal tribunal Grand Jury. - 1 - The defendant George Herbert Walker Bush changed several national mining laws including laws in South Africa in full violation of FCPA. This exact area is a well known hot spot for the CLINTON FOUNDATION and BARRICK GOLD Incorporated. As your honors may or may not be aware, this occurred during a specific incident dealing with the country of the CONGO. It continued on from there where serious activities of money laundering, racketeering and extortion were uncovered which will be aired. We note to your honors that the accused may not use the “bad memory” syndrome for his defense again as such notions will do nothing to avail those required responsibilities. As such, we again direct your honors to the problems that transpired in this area and why each of those events amount to no coincidence. During 1993-97, George Herbert Walker Bush aka George Bush Senior attempted to change the official mining act and in the process ran afoul of several severe national laws. The severity of the damage can by no means be understated your honors, as it affected residents across all of Tanzania and other neighboring countries. As a result of all these infractions, it is alleged now that more than a hundred miners were killed in sudden “accidents.” This was done with the willing concert of the Black Eagle Trust which we will prove on record. In the course of these events, massive child trafficking was conducted.


fd766a  No.4322284

File: 7e3a3e50f676f2e⋯.jpeg (371.3 KB, 741x1013, 741:1013, 7D2D5DFD-09BF-447F-B7D3-9….jpeg)


098bf1  No.4322285

File: 89d5debb990275a⋯.jpg (286.52 KB, 1440x1442, 720:721, bakerPEPE.JPG)

d78823  No.4322286

File: 2a389825c3f3bcf⋯.jpg (863.79 KB, 2040x1495, 408:299, IMG_20181215_222002.jpg)

Nothing to see here.

4a1e15  No.4322287

00ef6c  No.4322288

File: 66cbb3e2c532469⋯.png (116.42 KB, 258x222, 43:37, ClipboardImage.png)


With the Blasey Ford neck vagene?

5fa993  No.4322289


Thanks Baker, awesome job as always :)

5da5e8  No.4322290

unless you have the poster's name and addy

you dont

you're only reporting this entire board to the feds

interesting to see what personalities on this board are comped as fuck though, thanks for the reveal

14087d  No.4322291

File: 740fb49e1ce5641⋯.png (332.15 KB, 593x491, 593:491, 740fb49e1ce564142b45426ab0….png)

File: f5753c9aef5b836⋯.png (423.89 KB, 983x568, 983:568, f5753c9aef5b836f00017e101a….png)


Full house, ooOooo.

Are you seeing the FBI domain seizure images?

CP bot is censoring itself for us, how convenient

4a1e15  No.4322292

a09e6c  No.4322293


Pssssshhhh… Seems like you're the CIA-nigger, you shilly fuck. What's wrong, salty that I called out Israel, you pathetic-turd? Tell us… What's it like being a lackey for criminals, you bottom-feeding, faggot?

dac13f  No.4322294


go back and tell us how many are there now

f4e11e  No.4322295

File: 53e0ddf215c524c⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20181025_073108.jpg)

>>4322257 (LB)

I am curious if my stapler is better than his.

(If he confirms the pen it would be a nice confirmation, so I'm not totally gay.)

a28d10  No.4322296

>>4322194 (l/b)

Who thinks they still have the erased tweets?

(We have it all…)

4a1e15  No.4322297

771f42  No.4322298

File: b635410b5828111⋯.jpg (97.28 KB, 681x903, 227:301, NJgunownersdefystatelaw121….JPG)

Million Plus NJ Gun Owners Defy State Law, Refuse to Turn Over Banned Gun Mags


749a0c  No.4322299

File: a6caf6a044d2654⋯.jpeg (844.15 KB, 1242x740, 621:370, FF97D55F-F8B8-4790-995E-E….jpeg)

File: d15963b5628fdf1⋯.jpeg (817.15 KB, 1242x757, 1242:757, C3BDA2F4-C06D-4672-8E22-F….jpeg)

File: dbbb511015a2415⋯.jpeg (649.67 KB, 1242x733, 1242:733, 19349E93-506D-4058-BD9D-5….jpeg)

File: 15c9acd497d541b⋯.jpeg (630.96 KB, 1242x742, 621:371, 749A890F-2817-452A-9B04-3….jpeg)

File: 4af1f9a1ee63551⋯.jpeg (616.97 KB, 1242x736, 27:16, D695C0AA-AC2A-4A5D-AC9F-7….jpeg)


SCreenshots from RT’s feed on the Yellow Vests.

3449ef  No.4322300

Guys i am not suggesting anything just tryin to understand

France is literally fighting the government and police, real people are injured

Is it effective? Idk

We are sitting besides our devices and fighting information war

Real people are hurt also, either loosing jobs or by FFs

Is it more effective? Idk

What else can we do but peacefully

Or we just watch a nightmare going in a slow motion hoping that at the end there is a plan and good guys will take care

Just thinking outloud, nothing moar

a28d10  No.4322301


Sorry, texts not tweets.

2641f6  No.4322302

Daily reminder that Q has confirmed, in essence, the existence of the Illuminati. Which is to say, the US government, through its unoffocial spokesman, Q, has officially confirmed the existence of the Illuminati.

4a1e15  No.4322303

f951ac  No.4322304


I am thinking they do. How else would they know that 19,000 tweets were deleted?

749a0c  No.4322305

File: 4eb2d47ef17a883⋯.jpeg (741.6 KB, 1242x737, 1242:737, 22856CDA-F473-4A09-92E7-6….jpeg)

File: fda56ea64586faa⋯.jpeg (734.42 KB, 1242x751, 1242:751, 2F95338E-D1BD-405C-8B46-3….jpeg)

File: 0dd30722095552d⋯.jpeg (671.74 KB, 1242x730, 621:365, 605D1B80-FD9A-4043-9996-8….jpeg)

File: f7ed2ace8ef761f⋯.jpeg (628.58 KB, 1242x745, 1242:745, D45FA542-EA17-4EAD-8E9D-2….jpeg)

File: 4dd4a5b690845b8⋯.jpeg (524.17 KB, 1242x742, 621:371, 7AC1D630-C459-4931-90FF-6….jpeg)

0a065e  No.4322306

File: 289d5c8082986b3⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1363x467, 1363:467, twat-update.png)

almost at 40k

749a0c  No.4322307

File: 29651d12584b56e⋯.jpeg (429.61 KB, 1242x737, 1242:737, 065C99E6-BC86-4AAC-931B-D….jpeg)

File: 42d84c667140c93⋯.jpeg (496.29 KB, 1242x742, 621:371, 0B598E97-3582-4121-B4D4-C….jpeg)

File: 37ff41b71e41cef⋯.jpeg (590.63 KB, 1242x728, 621:364, 6AF08B55-5D4F-478E-A636-8….jpeg)

File: 050a606d5453309⋯.jpeg (629.56 KB, 1242x725, 1242:725, AA72C73F-5227-4224-A7D0-1….jpeg)

File: 0e66dd5e2ec0f74⋯.jpeg (620.45 KB, 1242x728, 621:364, 21DD078E-BC53-4A5A-ACEE-6….jpeg)

a09e6c  No.4322308


And NEWS-FLASH: The CIA and Mossad practically work hand-in-hand… So, when you call someone calling out Israel, "the CIA" and say you're going to "filter" them, how much of faggot do you think we view you as? A regular faggot, or a huge-faggot?

7703d6  No.4322309


Wrong https://8ch.net/transparency.html 8ch is very open about working with authorities and if you look at the bottom each post is the responsibility of the poster.

All posts on 8chan are the responsibility of the individual poster and not the administration of 8chan, pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 230.

There is no chance of shutting down the board for reporting getting raided by CP.

196398  No.4322311

File: dd9526a706a25ab⋯.jpg (185.7 KB, 747x515, 747:515, permit.jpg)

f14400  No.4322312


I just want though old bread for research and you know what I didn’t find…..there was NO BAKER GIRLS, NO PORN, NO NUDE WOMEN AT ALL

All the shit posts demanding nude photos “muh boobs are free speech” are GASLIGHTING SHILLS!!

749a0c  No.4322313

File: 3458926148782d8⋯.jpeg (666.5 KB, 1242x732, 207:122, 50204F80-8718-4F7A-969C-0….jpeg)

File: 947cfe92c9412e8⋯.jpeg (678.36 KB, 1242x691, 1242:691, 1CFC2F15-D07F-4F0C-B057-6….jpeg)

749a0c  No.4322314

File: 27fa69b2408c582⋯.jpeg (428.14 KB, 1242x752, 621:376, DE08A290-C2AA-4147-8768-2….jpeg)

File: 720688447709c24⋯.jpeg (606.16 KB, 1242x738, 69:41, 9FF6C403-303C-4C1D-B012-7….jpeg)

File: 09abd7d23b8f7e1⋯.jpeg (558.76 KB, 1242x727, 1242:727, B005CC9A-EF64-4A93-9A47-5….jpeg)

File: 3c5d43d4b0c8cb7⋯.jpeg (561.43 KB, 1242x731, 1242:731, 66BF9DAB-F55A-41C3-956A-4….jpeg)

File: 5fb21229f97d1f4⋯.jpeg (539.3 KB, 1242x720, 69:40, 9F7379F6-680A-4A98-B885-1….jpeg)

fd766a  No.4322316

File: 5048483b3c24a74⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB, 320x320, 1:1, pJaBZT83DbzH9Q9d.mp4)

f7991a  No.4322317

File: 232bfcee8c19624⋯.jpeg (485.56 KB, 750x635, 150:127, 30DFBE4B-1AF5-4639-B825-B….jpeg)

File: 26ad1a779dbd883⋯.jpeg (911.11 KB, 750x1235, 150:247, C0AC67D1-E3D9-4078-84EF-B….jpeg)

After watching this movie, I feel (((their))) symbolism is everywhere in it. I began looking into the partners for [instantfamily]

Happy digging digfags


749a0c  No.4322318

File: abb2d43dbb3ef14⋯.jpeg (556.2 KB, 1242x738, 69:41, 528DA2BA-5529-4B08-A97C-8….jpeg)

File: 0e2fabfed8bf7ab⋯.jpeg (552.4 KB, 1242x723, 414:241, 17F57B49-A318-419C-8D87-8….jpeg)

File: fd48fc6b4f23c6c⋯.jpeg (557.83 KB, 1242x732, 207:122, FBA2FA5F-AAE7-45C6-A742-3….jpeg)

File: 6ce7771775b2bd8⋯.jpeg (467.48 KB, 1242x713, 54:31, 5BDDD9E3-4F0A-4AB8-9328-6….jpeg)

File: cb9d3d1d8780e01⋯.jpeg (502.2 KB, 1242x740, 621:370, 2AA3F5DD-D5C5-4E20-9A8F-2….jpeg)

a09e6c  No.4322319


HEEEEYYYY!!! We got him… A week after he died. WINNING.

4ac3b1  No.4322320

>>4319067 pb5503

>Hindenburg i'm still on part 1


9adce2  No.4322321



At least 20 Afghan civilians killed in airstrike: officials==

ASADABAD, Afghanistan (Reuters) - At least 20 Afghan civilians, including 12 children, were killed in an airstrike targeting a Taliban commander in the eastern province of Kunar late on Friday, local officials said.

The strike, against local Taliban commander Sharif Mawiya, was the latest in a series targeting senior insurgents, including the shadow governor of the strategic southern province of Helmand, who was killed on Dec. 2.

Several Taliban military commanders have been killed this month by Afghan forces, backed by U.S. advisers and air power.

The tactic has raised the risk of civilian casualties and Abdul Latif Fazly, a member of the provincial council, said eight women and 12 children were killed and more than 15 others wounded in Friday’s airstrike.


baf676  No.4322322

>>4321838 pb

here's the pic with AF1 and another when DHC6 Twin Otter headed back to base.

>>4321838 pb

oops ~ diff pic!

3df446  No.4322323

File: 0bd41abf0f2d6af⋯.png (83.36 KB, 855x337, 855:337, ClipboardImage.png)

4a1e15  No.4322324

See how easy it is to fuck with the chans?

That is why Q is a LARP.

POTUS would never use this platform.

Grow up, faggots.


480dac  No.4322325

File: cf8eab17f1e41d3⋯.jpg (231.45 KB, 620x420, 31:21, andi-mack-stoney-westmorel….jpg)


Stoney Westmoreland, who plays Henry “Ham” Mack on Disney Channel’s Andi Mack, has been fired by the network following his arrest for alleged attempted sex with a minor.

The actor was apprehended on Friday night in Salt Lake City, while en route to pick up the person that he believed was underage. According to court documents, Westmoreland had been communicating via a dating app with someone he thought to be 13 years old, and police allege that the actor sent pornographic photos and asked the person he was speaking with to do the same. He also allegedly asked the presumed minor to engage in sexual acts with him.

Westmoreland was arrested for investigation of enticing a minor by Internet or text (which is a second-degree felony) and four counts of dealing in materials harmful to a minor (a third-degree felony).

In a statement to our sister site Deadline, Disney Channel said, “Given the nature of the charges and our responsibility for the welfare of employed minors, we have released him from his recurring role and he will not be returning to work on the series which wraps production on its third season next week.”

Westmoreland had appeared as Andi Mack’s grandfather in 38 episodes of the series. It remains unclear if the role will be recast.


28c3da  No.4322326


They borrow against future generations of wage earners

They print money based on how many SSNs statistics say will be born in the future

baf676  No.4322327

File: 5aee2b5d1001fbd⋯.jpg (298.38 KB, 1682x993, 1682:993, AF1 up and back DHC UV-18B….JPG)

f349d4  No.4322328

File: bc8a389df310019⋯.jpg (111.53 KB, 378x396, 21:22, Santa Pepe with Candy Cane.jpg)


Now that you mention it, I can see that.

Reminds me of years ago when someone called on the phone to do a political poll and asked me, for real, "If you could throw a snowball at George Bush or Hillary Clinton, who would you throw the snowball at?"

My answer was "Both."

8fa51e  No.4322329

File: bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, Justice (1).jpg)


Unless they use something really good nothing is truly deleted.

Best to melt the platters.

d78823  No.4322330

File: f6fc34f05997884⋯.jpg (147.32 KB, 962x641, 962:641, IMG_20181215_221718.jpg)




Where We Go One, We Go All!

5da5e8  No.4322331


im aware of that

im referencing the "tip" post in lb, saying to submit a tip to the fbi

full name and addy? nope, just the board address

i know we arent legally culpable for an individual pervert, im saying submitting a tip to the tipline is going to temporarily shut it down while they investigate

unless everyone knows the posters name and addy to make it a specific ident

4a1e15  No.4322332


2018 is Glorious!

4340df  No.4322333

File: d99328346bb8291⋯.jpg (74.05 KB, 800x597, 800:597, d99328346bb8291288725fff41….jpg)

bbb940  No.4322334

File: ccb65a153da6a53⋯.jpg (130.91 KB, 500x592, 125:148, ccb65a153da6a5373e98d11f97….jpg)

14087d  No.4322335

File: e6b336e0ee7fc6c⋯.jpg (28.77 KB, 360x360, 1:1, e6b336e0ee7fc6c8a0f8cb41c8….jpg)

File: 5ad0c601b6da57f⋯.png (313.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5ad0c601b6da57fd3d155c56e8….png)


Ur mad, CIA kid. All those years of clown training has led you here, shit posting on an imageboard that's clown proof.

Sad life.

Sad clown.



Kys faggot, get double filtered

67d960  No.4322336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4322209 Pb

God Bless our Military

b8cb44  No.4322337

File: 918c89103087e6c⋯.png (393.64 KB, 527x509, 527:509, luminati.png)

3d9fe7  No.4322338


The blacklist code anon has been tarding it up for hours. Earlier he was shilling a site that literally pirates other famefag content on YouTube.

I recognize half the pics being posted so I'm pretty fucking sure it's not even cp.

731b4a  No.4322339

File: 44ae75196bcacfe⋯.png (341.24 KB, 610x609, 610:609, ClipboardImage.png)

OIG's Report on the Recovery of LP/PS Texts


932cf2  No.4322340

File: d2124e0141caa49⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1b219c670253d825eefb3637ac….jpg)


Anons see you in the reflection fren but real nice stapler anyway.

00ef6c  No.4322341

File: c47def36435d8fd⋯.png (1.02 MB, 794x578, 397:289, ClipboardImage.png)


Look (((who))) is passengers in there…

f33c8c  No.4322343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Huckabee - The Case for President Trump

A great speech by Huckabee on Donald Trump Nov 21 2018

Thought I'd throw it out, I hadn't seen it thought maybe others had not. Good speech very supportive.

I had a good chuckle when he talks about Sarah being tough cause her brothers were mean to her ….

fe79a4  No.4322344

File: a0f0c2a2c2ca957⋯.png (23.98 KB, 936x309, 312:103, Q disclosure.png)


Aliens and SSPs too.

4a1e15  No.4322345

7703d6  No.4322346


Wrong, none of the boards are interfered with while 8ch complies with warrants and other matters.

0d427f  No.4322347

the CP shill trying to get the board banned..Eric Swallwell with Schifftaaays tiny dick between his teeth..

10 bucks it's him..

bbb940  No.4322348

File: 0227f0de1456eea⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, crop-640x360-000.jpg)

a86ca7  No.4322349

File: 2d861ff222ec6e0⋯.png (155.21 KB, 400x354, 200:177, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

File: b075668db2fddfc⋯.jpg (45.84 KB, 481x307, 481:307, DtEEvhbVAAAerbl.jpg)

File: 8cd99677fef4dcd⋯.jpg (94.38 KB, 719x470, 719:470, DsNtIqdUUAAJpsG.jpg-large.jpg)

File: eea7914510fff53⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 800x669, 800:669, DsK3DPjVAAAWCtn.jpg)

File: 79af313b5597a56⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 481x317, 481:317, DrtTg5-VAAA9s04.jpg)

#campfire a signal via hashtag?

A literal hidden in plain sight "burn notice"

a09e6c  No.4322350


The only people that post porn, are kikes… Read E. Michael Jones' "Libido Dominandi" (Or watch the YouTube vid… Explains it all, and why they do it. The perverted will always be perverted, until the we slam the oven doors.

28d8b5  No.4322351

File: 6d55d478dab9e92⋯.jpg (230.92 KB, 1024x1535, 1024:1535, C891C6EE-7D50-4C21-8F06-46….jpg)

File: bcd1ecd3eb4f867⋯.jpg (98.59 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_4641.JPG)

File: c2c23eeeabee622⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 652x750, 326:375, IMG_4642.JPG)


25551a  No.4322352

File: 0d99b3d77e70fe2⋯.png (514.61 KB, 1051x912, 1051:912, 0d99b3d77e70fe2838ecc53949….png)

I hope we have some arrests soon since I just got sat down by my two sons and one of the wives telling me I was crazy about believing in Q, Trump etc. That Trump was just on the make, Q was fake and there is no cabal. These family members live with me right now and I feel so isolated in my own damn house. If it wan't for the Anons here I think I would go crazy.

10c4b8  No.4322353

File: dad531b9ab48d71⋯.png (59.59 KB, 946x699, 946:699, ClipboardImage.png)





7d529b  No.4322354

"Well-Known Abortion Activist Calls America “Racist” and “Oppressive”…Judge Gives Her One-Way Ticket Back To Mexico"

It's a start!


472e54  No.4322355


unless you have the poster's name and addy

you dont

you're only reporting this entire board to the feds

interesting to see what personalities on this board are comped as fuck though, thanks for the reveal


If anons would look closely at the post saying board & BO was reported to FBI.

Anons would see > The shill/shit-poster replied to himself.


This is the regularly scheduled → Saturday morning = shill/shit-posting disruption tactic employed EVERY Saturday morning.

I speculate this is done to shock & scare away the growing number of normie-newfags that are off work & come here to investigate.

Every Saturday morning > same thing.

e74ee1  No.4322356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4320542 (pb 5505)

I did not post this in bread 5505 but this is very interesting. I recall in 1989 when the movie 'The Hunt for Red October' hit theaters. As I sat in the theater watching the opening scene:

"In November 1984, shortly before Gorbachev came to power, a Typhoon class Soviet Sub surfaced just south of the Grand Banks. It then sank in deep water, apparently suffering a radiation problem. Unconfirmed reports indicated some of the crew were rescued. But according to repeated statements by both Soviet and American governments nothing of what you are about to see……ever happened."

As that scrolled across the screen it jogged a memory of something I'd read in the paper a few years earlier about an apparent accident that had occurred around 1984. Now I wonder if that news bit was leaked as the truth but then later covered up by the Titanic discovery?

5fa993  No.4322357

OK guise, due to the influx of shilltards and pedos (same people) I'm sharing my user javascript with you. The script does the following:

Filters all bots and namefags

Filters spammers at 15 posts (easily changed to your preference)

Highlights Qs and Yous

Filters Fake Qs and Yous

Realtime Post Counter @ Bottom Right Of Screen

Blacklist Button To Permanently Remove Images You Never Want To See Again

Bird's Eye View Bar @ Right Shows Where Your Posts, replies and Q's posts are.

Add the code to your options > user js


Be comfy frens :)

17c9f1  No.4322358

File: b2d9b41f151314c⋯.png (168.15 KB, 190x320, 19:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Daniel Payseur (Crown Prince Louis aka Louis XVII of France) (1785-1860)

Things I've never seen before

a09e6c  No.4322359

07ab2e  No.4322360

File: 94178948a8daa6e⋯.png (623.34 KB, 779x472, 779:472, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)


Not better than my stapler.

28d8b5  No.4322362

File: 3391ddec3f836f2⋯.gif (19.69 KB, 220x191, 220:191, IMG_4600.GIF)

fd766a  No.4322363

File: 5d18df39b852f4b⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 320x320, 1:1, PSbFvmTaQdhN4_f8.mp4)


7702b8  No.4322364



Line 7 has a spelling mistake

ab3f76  No.4322365

File: 2d85242f604e1fa⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 770x770, 1:1, 2d85242f604e1fa560482a4d00….jpg)

File: fb0d6179cf57d43⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a4d5490136326e45373d223f25….jpg)


Prepping the board for the fake research groups that are trying to trash the movement?

a380aa  No.4322366

File: a2cf0c0386f5c8b⋯.jpg (162.64 KB, 1000x703, 1000:703, ghwb.jpg)

>>4322242 lb

I did read, but I still don't know if it's legit.

00ef6c  No.4322367


If (((they))) send seizure squads, this will not end well for (((Them)))..

dcf97e  No.4322368


We wait and watch what happens. One way or another, the foolishness will end.

We won't be waiting too much longer. If shit hits the fan and the masses get angry enough then what we post on this board won't really matter anyway.

f4e11e  No.4322369


Phone covering face, so not worried, but thank you.

0d427f  No.4322370

File: 297bf62be948b85⋯.jpg (108.48 KB, 800x450, 16:9, drill sergeant chekt.jpg)

731b4a  No.4322371

File: 22611ac5ed9ff20⋯.png (52.51 KB, 730x155, 146:31, ClipboardImage.png)



Ended May 17, 2017

LP/PS assigned to Mueller very first day 5/17/17?


fe79a4  No.4322372


Do not force those not yet ready.

The FAKE NEWS narrative (make-believe) has been ingrained for a long time.

Do not isolate yourself within your own family.

Dark to Light.


Impossible to DEFEND.

Impossible to IGNORE.

Stay Strong.

You are NOT ALONE.

Patriots ALL.


5fa993  No.4322373


Good spot, doesn't prevent it from working though ;)

a09e6c  No.4322374

"Q&A" - Q

Dear Q… Why is it 90% of these cabal scum-bags are Jewish, when Jews are less than 2% of our nation, and does this suggest or hint at a larger problem within the greater Jewish community?

0d427f  No.4322375

File: 752f7f2642e6cbe⋯.png (19.51 KB, 470x317, 470:317, 1544802484419.png)

File: 745b5726ea2df50⋯.png (16.91 KB, 470x317, 470:317, 1544801103339.png)

28d8b5  No.4322376

File: 481e41ba5ec4084⋯.gif (2.07 MB, 384x224, 12:7, IMG_4627.GIF)

Does Mixcloud.com link yet

I got these speakeasy jams to lay





(☞゚∀゚)☞_| ̄| ⍤

bbb940  No.4322377

File: 1a3f212c737739b⋯.png (336.06 KB, 1889x1889, 1:1, 9ny8nxtbt4ly.png)


We, see (((you)))


1862d0  No.4322378


Of course they have them. Once the White Hats in the NSA determined who everyone in the DoJ and FBI was Deep State, a determination made LONG ago they grabbed EVERYTHING regardless of FISA requirements as they knew the FISA Courts were compd. Why else do you think that (((they))) now only try and communicate with HAM radios, candy wrappers at funerals and smoke signals?

06bdb4  No.4322379


where is the one that Q replied to where the anon said "to all my fellow incarnated terrestrials" or something along those lines

ab3f76  No.4322380

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)

File: 188cc012d672735⋯.gif (16.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 84e030a75f73c74d18ff687670….gif)

To our clown friends

Panic mode is when you finally realize that your spambots, triggerbots, human shills, fake q, and concernfags all failed to deliver.

How does it feel knowing that all your tactics are destroyed? That sheep vs sheep narative doesnt work? That the bots are of no use? And that no tactic in your manual does the trick?

I guess it feels so bad that you must revert to classic projection. Dont worry clowns your panic doesnt waste for nothing. We enjoy every second of it.

932cf2  No.4322381

File: 4c668f27df2fd5a⋯.jpg (204.79 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 4c668f27df2fd5af2412a68bc7….jpg)

25551a  No.4322382


I have not said a word to them. They came to me since they see me on the computer a lot. I got ambushed.

f14400  No.4322383

File: 24ed77078e89664⋯.jpeg (10.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f8f7c95afa4a9860d940f9561….jpeg)

7702b8  No.4322384



17c9f1  No.4322385

File: 6b76c30907bcc73⋯.png (231.07 KB, 935x505, 187:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably nothing to see here

Payseur Bio Labs

098bf1  No.4322386

File: d709b47ca9011c2⋯.png (199.57 KB, 470x317, 470:317, deadMAGAZINE.png)

038ec4  No.4322387

File: 44cd03f7764eaa0⋯.jpg (207 KB, 1300x1007, 1300:1007, Massed Infantry.jpg)


>Million Plus NJ Gun Owners Defy State Law, Refuse to Turn Over Banned Gun Mags

You want a revolution? This is how you get one. Piss off one million well armed citizens, see what you get.

d78823  No.4322388

File: 8e4caa20c3147c9⋯.jpg (168.68 KB, 1440x1161, 160:129, IMG_20181215_223510.jpg)

Anon, please enlighten.

dcf97e  No.4322389


Its your house…tell them to show some respect, or leave.

196398  No.4322390

File: 7e0d001df6595e5⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 576x366, 96:61, lonelyband.jpg)

9adce2  No.4322391


(((They))) can Fuckoff.

8fa51e  No.4322392

File: e1f14b0291490b7⋯.png (4.25 MB, 1685x1673, 1685:1673, Faggot.png)


>Is it effective?

Is Macron still President?

f206ad  No.4322393

File: 4e8ce052b61b3ad⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, 4e8ce052b61b3ad0447b6db51e….jpg)

9c3cfb  No.4322394

File: 4a97671ee19c0ce⋯.mp4 (8.21 MB, 320x240, 4:3, MeetJustins Interview with….mp4)

Excuse my repetition, just want to see if the same thing will happen again if I post


dac13f  No.4322395


Kick them to the curb. Blasphemy of Q will NOT be tolerated!

71a48b  No.4322396

File: b8bb33893616db8⋯.jpg (327.1 KB, 1200x935, 240:187, russia collusion.jpg)

9c3cfb  No.4322397

File: e23b9c215d26c05⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB, 320x240, 4:3, MeetJustins Interview with….mp4)

28d8b5  No.4322398


And there are nuts that need harvesting in mah backyard too

8ed55c  No.4322399

File: 93d8a8bed57b9aa⋯.png (349.03 KB, 500x592, 125:148, ClipboardImage.png)

Mornin' fags

fcf14b  No.4322400


You’re not alone in that. This has been the most wonderful, fulfilling, glorious, enlightening, hopeful yet lonely experience of my life because I have nobody to share it with

00ef6c  No.4322401

File: c13634daedc9e40⋯.png (498.77 KB, 1719x795, 573:265, trollingkikes.PNG)

File: 6d173864d594247⋯.png (477.98 KB, 1784x761, 1784:761, BOBTFOSUPERKIKE.PNG)

File: f4cb52791b15dee⋯.png (131.54 KB, 731x600, 731:600, merchbrainlet.png)

>> 4322365

<Prepping the board for the fake research groups that are trying to trash the movement?

No, countering JIDF kikery on the board, your double spun pilpul/rhetoric is working against (((You))) kike, Streisand Effect, heard of it?

0ea8b9  No.4322402

File: bee4b0f07df3c7f⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 517x499, 517:499, TITS OR GTFO.jpg)

ab3f76  No.4322403


I brought it up when the topic was hot a couple of days ago, and got mixed replies by anons. I still think it is legit. Also note the mocking of the "eye of ra" symbolism.

ae913c  No.4322404

File: ab36c9db05d4f3c⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 2p1ucz_1.jpg)

File: b6942816e92c8da⋯.jpg (75.75 KB, 500x563, 500:563, 2p1v37_1.jpg)

14087d  No.4322405

File: 054e0fd2fd893b0⋯.png (401.38 KB, 589x452, 589:452, 054e0fd2fd893b0ff002290c3f….png)


Hey, fren. I'm in the same boat as you, we're all in this together so hang in there.


Chin up and wait out the storm, they'll see the light when it's time.

In the meantime, take some of this…

555a7f  No.4322406

From USA Anon to my French Anons… You make me so proud. The Yellow Vests are doing God's work, by beating back Globalism and finding their Nationalism. I looked at all the tweets! Viva la France! Keep it up, you will win. We are With You!!


f206ad  No.4322407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is fascinating..

03cd55  No.4322408


Not much information available atm. You can find what IS available on your own.

627fcc  No.4322409

Comey has acting a lot braver lately……

A bluff? Or perhaps he has nothing to lose.

3f22a7  No.4322410


We (or many I know) are ready either way, but remember Q said the need for Z is no more. Faith

a09e6c  No.4322411


Hi Juden… You earning some nice shekels today?

28c3da  No.4322412


good thing you didnt get woke with Ron Paul back in 2007 or you'd really be hurtin like some of us old timers

3449ef  No.4322413


Alan you mean

I believe he is fine

He was waiting for his FOIS and RR gone

He has a twat and YT last time i checked

ae913c  No.4322414

File: 555b581c49dae5d⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 500x434, 250:217, 2p1ujp_1.jpg)

196398  No.4322415

File: f1e1eb0c519213f⋯.jpg (297.37 KB, 1618x918, 809:459, spacetravel.jpg)

fe79a4  No.4322416


Doesn't matter. What you are shines through, you can't really hide yourself from others. And why should you?

Set your boundaries. Have integrity. Don't get drawn into tensions or even conflict - stand your ground. That way you will be respected no matter what anyone thinks of you.

0bb938  No.4322417




28d8b5  No.4322418

Y'all got an emotional issue driving the inequities

The relationship is not copacetic

Nor progressive

03cd55  No.4322419


jfc, grow a pair. srsly.

9c3cfb  No.4322420



I think we can all relate to this. I've paid a price for being here, but it is nothing compared to what these children have endured.

701bab  No.4322421

File: ee36dba902e056d⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, vibes.jpg)


we are all connected

never alone

d54faf  No.4322422

File: 81985063d3479ce⋯.png (52.27 KB, 204x254, 102:127, 2018-11-13_23-35-24 copy.png)


God bless angel FLOTUS as well.

0bb938  No.4322423

c791cc  No.4322424


want to debate reality? they are living for free in your house? easy, monday is moving day. quick lesson that living in a comfortable fantasy does not mean that cold hard reality stopped existing outside.

17c9f1  No.4322425

File: baa3b92b7d22751⋯.png (472.93 KB, 960x300, 16:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Payseur Bio Labs

Just so happens to have a study island in the South Atlantic near Antarctic


c356ba  No.4322426

File: f1cab1dfdf5acb3⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 750x942, 125:157, F318BEF5-8244-4E7C-ABB0-1….jpeg)

File: ece585f00f399fb⋯.jpeg (105.13 KB, 631x488, 631:488, B3CDC694-3071-472F-8FA8-7….jpeg)

File: c389072849e0043⋯.jpeg (141.36 KB, 621x843, 207:281, D7064004-492A-4D6C-A426-2….jpeg)

File: f1e65d24d1f9814⋯.jpeg (82.64 KB, 636x418, 318:209, 0E9DE06F-EE61-4D38-A4B2-A….jpeg)

Love You Niggas and Frens

[No Homo]

0bb938  No.4322427

7d529b  No.4322428

File: f0757e283bda958⋯.png (52.96 KB, 1158x292, 579:146, WS_Fail2.png)

Just noticed this

Cosmic justice!

5da5e8  No.4322429



got you, faggot

89c7b5  No.4322430

File: c9f520c5b797ce4⋯.png (174.87 KB, 330x330, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Mark Zuckerberg Lost $15 Billion This Year, More Than Any of the 500 Richest Billionaires in the World

So the fake inventor of Facebook lost money.

?????? is……..

How did this clown get proped up to be the head of Facebook, who put him in charge and why him????

What is his tie to the deep state?

Is he a CIA shill????

We know he didn't invent Facebook.

So why him?????????

Q can you give us a lead or direction here????


ae913c  No.4322431

File: 51c180113b6628f⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 2p1ut1_1_1.jpg)

0bb938  No.4322432

d3b4c6  No.4322433

It was almost a victory for the US public…when the TX court ruled ACA unconstitutional. Unfortunately, POTUS immediately called for a new plan to keep health insurance under govt control. Yes, the free enterprise, capitalist Pres Trump wants your tax dollars to be spend on health insurance coverage, compliance, enforcement. IS that what you elect a govt for…health insurance? Trump is showing he is a business as usual President trying to grow govt and minimize freedom of the public. I see the plan…and I dont like where it is headed.

Donald J. Trump


As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions. Mitch and Nancy, get it done!


8c9290  No.4322434


Thank you anon fren

28d8b5  No.4322435

False pride


False piety


False show boats

Then all the hobbit Bullshit


a6de45  No.4322436


Same for me here in Germany.

I think the turning point will be when your family sees it on TV. That’s going to be our „told you so“ moment.

I‘ll raise my Glas on you this evening knowing I am not the only one.

Godspeed Anon

bbb940  No.4322437

File: 3429e9a4df3d9e0⋯.jpg (209.02 KB, 1000x1025, 40:41, vintage-french-cigarettes-….jpg)


French FAGS!

ab3f76  No.4322438

File: a9c083d1546b7dd⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x171, 85:57, a9c083d1546b7ddc8a085371a5….jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)


I heard about the "fake triggerbot effect" named after wall-e the faggot triggerbot.

According to this effecr, the more clowns use chatbot fakeness, the higher their panic is and it is easier for anons to spit them.

Carry on wall-e.

d76e17  No.4322439

File: b9d71a66c21965a⋯.jpg (158.11 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EndOfObamacareSimplyExplai….jpg)

>>4321998 lb

Meming the demise of Obamacare. This is pretty difficult to summarize & too much text for a meme. So let's call it an infographic & do it anyway. We need to get this info out there. It's strong ammo versus liberals.

I'll do a few more with this text.

• The Supreme Court said mandatory insurance

is an unconstitutional exercise of Congress'

power over interstate commerce.

• Obamacare barely survived when

characterized as merely a tax.

• The tax aspect no longer exists;

a 2017 law eliminated the tax penalty.

• So nothing that's constitutional is left.

Parts of the law won't stand on their own.

The full 906-page law + 33,000 pages

of regulations falls.

9c3cfb  No.4322440


$15,000,000,000 in one year?

0c88cc  No.4322441


its not

28d8b5  No.4322442

File: 24a540cf887243b⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4499.JPG)

749a0c  No.4322443


We need one of the awakened in each house, to help when it all floods out. Stay strong.

3f22a7  No.4322444



a09e6c  No.4322445


When the average person is confronted with a truth, that if believed, would compel/force them to take action or alter their lives in some significant way, they will often instead block it out and ignore it, pretending they never heard it. This is a well-documented psychological-fact.

28c3da  No.4322446

File: d4ad4b2d8277fc7⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 584x473, 584:473, BK.jpg)

28d8b5  No.4322447

File: a0f15d050fdbd56⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4498.JPG)

0bb938  No.4322448


We aint hard to find, dumbass.

Nobody can stop what is coming.



f206ad  No.4322449

File: 59022f265eaff14⋯.jpg (80.63 KB, 638x826, 319:413, D2-Peter-Munk-George Soros….jpg)

File: 32623fdfb174f30⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 638x826, 319:413, D2-Peter-Munk-George Soros….jpg)

File: d1db8ce1e6044d7⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 638x826, 319:413, D2-Peter-Munk-George Soros….jpg)

File: a91207e1ec6da76⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 638x826, 319:413, D2-Peter-Munk-George Soros….jpg)

File: fd7cd2eae5f8554⋯.jpg (78.25 KB, 638x826, 319:413, D2-Peter-Munk-George Soros….jpg)

ce28f1  No.4322450


555a7f  No.4322451


Hey fellow anon, same boat here. but they will be coming to us for answers soon, i trust the plan, i see it happening and yes it is painful for all of us to see that we are being hated on BUT just imagine being Trump. So lets buck up and lets keep up the good fight. WWG1WGA and if the French can do it so can we. Once they see the absolute corruption when it unfolds, they will either zombie out or they will begin to see we are right but either way its going to be emotional and hard for them, we all have been through it and are now ready to take up the mantle of being there for them.

b8cb44  No.4322452

File: bb2268000337e47⋯.png (417.62 KB, 658x416, 329:208, jaunes.png)

5fa993  No.4322453


Fuck off shill. We see you!

3449ef  No.4322454


Ban this idiots already

If anons are on their ip they will understand and request unban

Do smth pls

Its a coordinated attack!

9a6b2c  No.4322455

File: ff5148011831ba6⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1750x1377, 1750:1377, Two Goals.PNG)

I think we all have the same goals as GEOTUS

a28d10  No.4322456


Can't see a date. Is this for real?

9c3cfb  No.4322457


Why does this trigger CP slides EVERYTIME?


5da5e8  No.4322458


yes you do make yourselves obvious

ill very much enjoy whats coming

cant wait, actually, especially for you

7702b8  No.4322459



Better link


03cd55  No.4322460


what? gannon/gosch?

6df062  No.4322461


TYT - This greasy turd irritates me.

What blatant bias.

No credibility.

ccbddf  No.4322462

Please allow us to counter.

Q…. joe biden didn.t get a note at bush's funeral, but the wives gotten the notes

7d529b  No.4322463


Good eye, anon!

Caricature of DWS?

dac13f  No.4322464


Calm down Nancy.

5fa993  No.4322465


>We aint hard to find

That's true.

196398  No.4322466

File: 37ad078211d66ba⋯.jpg (256.6 KB, 1076x1158, 538:579, iur (4).jpg)

morning, anons

bbb940  No.4322467

File: e007c31ae54ccb1⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 635x438, 635:438, Forum_Belushi_Inline_05.jpg)


Wait til after Midnight

Then Kill Them!

b8cb44  No.4322468


>I speculate this is done to shock & scare away the growing number of normie-newfags that are off work & come here to investigate.

Agreed, lots of lurkers on Saturday apparently

28d8b5  No.4322469

File: 99b442a1bd81ae3⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4497.JPG)

932cf2  No.4322470




Well hell 03cd55… the anon just tryin to get a handle on things about this post & the habbin of 2 being killed in the weird world of Antartica. I can't find dick on them either but coincedently spoopy to me

9c3cfb  No.4322471


No, just felt like adding the video for fun.

Clearly the target is


Clearly they don't like us being over it

Clearly I need to make some duplicate offline archives

467409  No.4322472

File: e7415a4ce31d746⋯.png (56.97 KB, 717x456, 239:152, certain_death_for_cp_shill….png)

>>4322245 (lb)

>what are you? fuckin dumb?

>yeah it's cp..reporting the board to the feds?

>don't you fuckin see what might be wrong??

Here's something to think about, for all of the individuals posting porn:

If shill, fuck you, you get what you deserve. Nothing you do will effect this place. Pic relates.

IF anon, you should reconsider what you are doing; being put in a pedophile database can eviscerate your life in ways that you are not considering as you push the boundaries because you think it's fake or funny. You do not want a CP investigation as a lesson of that. Pic related.

a86ca7  No.4322473



28c3da  No.4322474


there is no known connection, locations were far apart, it was dug on for the last 2 days, poster is attempting a slide

14087d  No.4322475

File: a291720eacbcb1e⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 788x699, 788:699, a291720eacbcb1ee57993fe499….jpg)

File: ec1c075b98838f3⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ec1c075b98838f32e530cf9ab2….jpg)


That's what I told myself last year.

Good thing I wasn't this woke all those years ago, else I'd be going insane.

I knew that the world wasn't supposed to be the way it was and I eventually blacked pilled myself.

At that point I stopped wanting to live in a world that would continue down the same broken path.

But, I'm here now, and those dark days are behind me. Kek

Shared too much.

b1d560  No.4322476


Holy Cow…so you think the bargain was his execution..but with his 'honors' in place..did he assume other 'players' would be free of actions..but they got surprise at funeral with 'the notes'?

688c77  No.4322477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Google CEO Asked About "Videos Of Hillary Clinton Consuming Remains Of Children All Over Youtube"

I was surfing on YouTube like I always do and came across this gem.

Notice how Rep. Jamie Raskin continually emphasizes the phrase, "conspiracy theorist." Almost like he's worried about something.. :)

They're trying to jump ahead of the story anons.

732241  No.4322478

File: 53beee0a9278895⋯.jpg (51.62 KB, 671x473, 61:43, The Accountant.JPG)

Mick Mulvaney is the real deal.

If you ever seen "The Accountant"…Ben Affleck.

He is a Genius/Savant…Put him in a room with P&L and Balance Sheets and he will tell you how many condoms you bought 10 years ago and who you used them on.

He will tell you how much you paid for Coca Cola (not Sprite) 10 years ago and the total you paid plus tax…

8fee63  No.4322479

File: 051abd286af8b86⋯.png (271.32 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeff Moss, also known as Dark Tangent

DEF CON Voting Machine

CFR, Obama, DHS,

Founder of the Black Hat and DEF CON computer hacker conferences…

e23f61  No.4322480


Brad Parscal is helping him on Twatter. Liberals don't understand trolling at all kek.

8fa51e  No.4322481

File: a2fedee4952565b⋯.png (292.33 KB, 523x405, 523:405, ClipboardImage.png)


>French FAGS!


ea20ed  No.4322482

File: c18077236832762⋯.jpg (198.24 KB, 968x1267, 968:1267, Thecabal1.JPG)


Thanks anon! A VERY notable awesome dig!

I never trusted either party but had a good 'feeling' about Reagan then everything returned to 'normal' BS afterwards. BC was an obvious EVIL animal along with HRC when she tried to take over health care (Bitch).

This being public now and still NO arrest. Released Sept. 2018 it appears?

What a fucking rabbit hole that goes back to the fukin late 70's and I'm starting to feel it's a pipe dream Q and POTUS can defeat the cabal. Now I'm even moar depressed :(

a09e6c  No.4322483


And instead, nothing has changed and his base is pissed…

GREAT JOB, POTUS… Is there anything else we can do for Israel? I mean, I have a few bucks left in my account. Surely, some struggling holocaust-survivor needs it more than me. In fact, I'll just leave my family behind and go fight for them, because "their important", like you said.

5da5e8  No.4322484

File: fd787edd6d1a210⋯.png (846.12 KB, 1833x1013, 1833:1013, CTA.png)

CTA aka Posobiac et al is the CP faggot

28d8b5  No.4322485

File: f574f6ed7f107f5⋯.jpg (213.44 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, IMG_1648.JPG)


And bitch and bitch and bitch like a whore

a79bdd  No.4322486

File: 8f9c864faf6f4f0⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 431x767, 431:767, T_egES2VFlNsAI_a7KbTSPLAC1….jpg)


We're here for ya, Anon.

ea20ed  No.4322487


Sorry! (lb)

5fa993  No.4322488


The FBI have been informed, operators are monitoring. Many of us tunnel too. Be comfy and leave the heavy work to others. Have you no digging, memeing or praying to do?

363bbb  No.4322489

In case it isn't obvious enough to everyone here:

These faggots are going to keep posting porn of kids here so they can report on it, which will help them smear us via MSM.

Hell, some of them probably are MSM mockingbirds here to dismantle our efforts.

Report and ignore them. Then move on.

196398  No.4322490

File: a56532f8e354754⋯.jpg (159.48 KB, 1112x724, 278:181, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….jpg)

80113a  No.4322491



9adce2  No.4322492


Witch Hunt!

d07307  No.4322494


Raskin is a Jew and a Dem. What a surprise.

3043a2  No.4322495

File: bea8b4f9532dbb5⋯.jpeg (870.57 KB, 1242x1658, 621:829, FD62BAAA-4506-4418-8417-0….jpeg)


And the Freedom Caucus Maniac kek. YUGE Qproof

71a48b  No.4322496


Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

December 15 at 11:35 AM

Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke submitted his resignation to the White House Saturday, facing intense pressure to step down because of multiple probes tied to his real estate dealings in his home state of Montana and his conduct while in office.

President Trump announced Zinke’s exit via Twitter Saturday morning, and offered praise for the departing Interior chief. “Secretary of the Interior @RyanZinke will be leaving the Administration at the end of the year after having served for a period of almost two years,” the president tweeted. “Ryan has accomplished much during his tenure and I want to thank him for his service to our Nation…….”

Behind the scenes, however, the White House had been pushing Zinke to resign for weeks, administration officials said.

Zinke — the first Montanan to serve in a presidential Cabinet — is the fourth Trump Cabinet member to resign under an ethics cloud in less than two years. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin and Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt also relinquished their posts after coming under scrutiny for how they spent taxpayer dollars on their travel, among other allegations.

00ef6c  No.4322497

File: 2e1b34d97bbaacc⋯.png (398.69 KB, 516x573, 172:191, merchkikula.PNG)

File: 84c9ef68e02fd24⋯.png (28.95 KB, 592x210, 296:105, merchechoes.png)

File: f3f2c5d26dffd22⋯.jpg (199.61 KB, 1023x768, 341:256, merchbunch.jpg)

File: 28198ac2ae1677f⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1472x1104, 4:3, merchemtrails.jpg)

>> 4322438

<Carry on wall-e.

Is this your best wrap-up smear, Kike?

If so, have a group meeting in the row of cubicles that Tiresias & AFLB share with you, it's time for an upgrade..

Keks for all real Anons, as I keep pwning this degenerate Kike, bread after bread

158c01  No.4322499




you are a gaslighting shill yourself

you can find boobs and baker girls in each of

#2754 Night Crew is My Crew Edition ~ http://archive.fo/jI5kY

#2755: eBot is Anon's Bes Fren Edition ~ http://archive.fo/LMbpM

#2756: Alice's "Vlad" Tea Party Edition ~ http://archive.fo/frF4h

#2757: Trolling Is Fun! ~ http://archive.fo/gW0LA

#2758: POTUS meeting with Congress 2pm(EST) ~ http://archive.fo/F7mPR

#2759: NSA Hiring Emoji Autists. ~ http://archive.fo/ZLGMj

#2760: Speak ~ http://archive.fo/OF5At

#2761: Light Switch ~ http://archive.fo/VvKkf

#2762: Thunderdomes ~ http://archive.fo/Pof3I

#2763: Distance ~ http://archive.fo/hfoh5

#2764: Dark to Light Edition ~ http://archive.fo/eyB7Z

#2765: Can't Cuck the Tuck Edition ~ http://archive.fo/FtNGc

#2766: Keep Calm and Brrrt On Edition ~ http://archive.fo/NdDC2

#2767 Lisa Page Appears to be Giving Honest Information Edition ~ http://archive.fo/5ZxPw

#2768 All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down Edition ~ http://archive.fo/x9o8f

#2769: White Squall Edition ~ http://archive.fo/eUwAG

#2770: Burn the Midnight Oil Edition ~ http://archive.fo/8Vv7M

#2771: God I love POTUS Edition ~ http://archive.fo/GiGtY

#2772: Do We Need Justice… Or Just I.C.E.? Edition ~ http://archive.fo/GF0RU

#2773 English Muffin Edition ~ http://archive.fo/AO8EM

#2774 Moar & Moar I See a Red Wave Coming Edition ~ http://archive.fo/QBxCO

#2775 Is it Typical for Congress to Interview Presidential Interpreter Edition ~ http://archive.fo/DARGj

#2776: "Real Bread, Real Dough" Edition ~ http://archive.fo/MOzvP

#2777: "CONSPIRACY NO MORE!" Edition ~ http://archive.fo/b7pnJ

#2778: Look there or [here] Edition ~ http://archive.fo/E86Sg

b1d560  No.4322500


Historically..you dont raise taxes in France..heads roll..literally.

9adce2  No.4322501


Sally Yates neck.

a09e6c  No.4322502


You're still a kike… Take your Jew-porn back to Israel, faggot. No one cares about you here.

d54faf  No.4322503

File: c630e15ffd92fa6⋯.png (226.91 KB, 473x315, 473:315, 2018-12-15_12-11-47.png)

File: 7d68064283fb902⋯.png (216.19 KB, 496x264, 62:33, 2018-12-15_12-13-40.png)


He's not programmed to resist?

28d8b5  No.4322504

Such self incrimination cta

Not a real agency btw

f4e11e  No.4322505

File: 1fdc07bbb4b6000⋯.jpg (70.21 KB, 948x532, 237:133, AnswerMe.jpg)


Brad Pascale ain't gonna be good with me until he responds to my Twitter question to confirm THE PEN.

5da5e8  No.4322507

and he just revealed that reporting the entire board was the intention

no wonder they're so aggressive, they have a lot of admin help

b8cb44  No.4322508

File: 1771af232610882⋯.png (445.66 KB, 604x404, 151:101, fievre1.png)

d9ff85  No.4322509


September 10, 2018

9c3cfb  No.4322510


This. So much. This is what I tell people who believe but are terrified to ever tell anyone they believe. We disseminate to those close to us, they will be able to extend further to help others awaken and heal.

0d427f  No.4322511

>>4322262 (lb)

didn't know..didn't wanna dissuade..thnks for the info anon..was sorta panicking..the fuckin CP shills made me do it..

got the memo now..

14087d  No.4322512

File: d62ba4b6109409c⋯.jpg (104.81 KB, 638x564, 319:282, d62ba4b6109409cc71a0204b45….jpg)


Also, 23 years.

Matt Gaetz recently put up a poll asking if we knew how many times he would have been a guest on hannity this year alone.

60% of the votes were for 23 appearances.

Life truly is stranger than fiction.

86c1c9  No.4322513

File: 1dfc2d07ec1dd52⋯.png (5.64 KB, 509x327, 509:327, Glork00005.png)

b2fce3  No.4322514




7702b8  No.4322515



ce28f1  No.4322516

SITREP: GateKeeper: _A0-3555X.97–15_Accept

Gatekeeper: [7_dX)-3


HITL (5)

All_Sys_Go: Black_Arrow


We deal now not with things of this world alone, but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe… of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the [Sinister Forces] of some other planetary galaxy; of such dreams and fantasies as to make life the most exciting of all time.

And through all this welter of change and development your mission remains fixed, determined, inviolable. It is to win our wars. —General MacArthur 1962

6c29a1  No.4322517

File: dd44441516f6113⋯.png (184.81 KB, 552x399, 184:133, ClipboardImage.png)


treasure trove…still waiting for someone to tell me why this site is discouraged… or considered untrustworthy …

363bbb  No.4322518

File: 2fb3c222b93a61b⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2fb3c222b93a61b63e1f066f73….jpg)


Fascinatingly precise, anon. Agreed.

635da5  No.4322519

File: c606e5ed215888f⋯.gif (5.5 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 651889EC-4859-401D-927F-19….gif)

71a48b  No.4322520

-OIG's Report on the Recovery of Page/Strzok Texts-


f14400  No.4322522

File: d5b98b5fafe442b⋯.jpeg (12.53 KB, 255x190, 51:38, a2edf3eb63994d0d3e38ff64f….jpeg)

098bf1  No.4322523

File: e209d0b2d5fc042⋯.gif (110.95 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shill3.gif)

ae913c  No.4322524

File: 6ca8062ac9b855a⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2oww0h.jpg)





Go eat rat shit pedophile pervert.

7703d6  No.4322525


It absolutely is, there is no way those amateurs have papers.

7badfa  No.4322526

Are there insiders also in secret societies and cabal?

High profile ones?

d5cbf6  No.4322527

File: fb4612d014c6552⋯.png (190.46 KB, 616x478, 308:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a73677c2f48903⋯.png (282.35 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa598d40f03d223⋯.png (534.4 KB, 605x638, 55:58, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0133812ed09425c⋯.png (13.11 KB, 577x258, 577:258, ClipboardImage.png)



196398  No.4322528

File: 874e9217917eb92⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 720x500, 36:25, parashills.jpg)

9adce2  No.4322529

Why are there large gaps in some of the post numbers?

e8a4fa  No.4322530


I would raise it to 2

28d8b5  No.4322531


Goldman Sachs got a bot from some Jewish heist round '02

They are celebrating the fascebook

Which was the book used in nazi camps

Before ibm and the fortran tattoos

Zuck is part of some Jewish brothers that threw some mother fucking Jew magic gauntlet down outside biltmore

Ask Snowden

9c3cfb  No.4322533


It's a beautiful resource. And clearly they don't want us looking at it because it always gets slid and this is the most intense CP slide I've seen in awhile.

These poor children.

d5cbf6  No.4322534

File: a485b63c31203a0⋯.png (155.47 KB, 600x323, 600:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 834ed0dd65c2222⋯.png (127.96 KB, 600x318, 100:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3dd4ce90d710435⋯.png (65.84 KB, 599x221, 599:221, ClipboardImage.png)

f7ccce  No.4322535

File: ee1ad9465151e95⋯.jpg (163.83 KB, 702x459, 26:17, theylied702x459.jpg)

They lied: The UN Migration Pact IS legally binding and could be== ==valid FOR ALL countries

They lied.

For months proponents of the UN Migration Pact told us that the pact was non-binding. The response to the many citizens of nation states worldwide having signed country specific petitions was that it was non-binding so there was nothing to worry about, it was going to be good.

The immensely opposed and disastrous document declares unlimited migration to be treated as a human right, thereby deprecating the term ‘illegal migrants’, and criminalizes any criticism of migration as hate speech.



f33c8c  No.4322536


this is the same indictment for him that I posted about a week ago… mine was pdf apparently not enough sauce

9ce8c8  No.4322537

File: 063418bf5ce4399⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 725x483, 725:483, 2nvsr2.jpg)

File: 4fad2139e8f8e9a⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2nvs4c.jpg)

File: e63b8a8048c1e17⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 810x455, 162:91, 2nvs6n.jpg)

a86ca7  No.4322538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dac13f  No.4322539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good show about Q, why and who are the shills and the end of black hats.

25551a  No.4322540

>>4322372 >>4322389 >>4322390 >>4322393 >>4322395 >>4322400 >>4322405 >>4322412 >>4322419 >>4322420 >>4322421 >>4322424 >>4322436 >>4322443 >>4322445 >>4322451 >>4322467 >>4322486 >>4322352

Thank you all Anons. Feel better. WWG1WGA

8fee63  No.4322541

File: 2ef83b94d2405c4⋯.gif (51.57 KB, 300x367, 300:367, 1489598040085.gif)






nobody checked your roll and its was a frenly post

praise kek

28d8b5  No.4322542

File: 1e2327033be2150⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 322x315, 46:45, IMG_1851.JPG)

2022a1  No.4322543

File: e709680fc68ba5b⋯.jpg (284.99 KB, 800x958, 400:479, standardmayfrontpage.jpg)

File: 158b08657470fb2⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 615x409, 615:409, New-London-Evening-Standar….jpg)

File: 0c3e62aaa49fdea⋯.jpg (63.7 KB, 680x508, 170:127, stream_img.jpg)

George Osborne another giant turd.

d9ff85  No.4322544


I don't think the funeral "notes" had anything to do with this….

9c3cfb  No.4322545


I'd say the CP attack confirms it's good info, but that's just me noticing patterns or something.

PS: ==https://fbcoverup.com/docs/library==

8fee63  No.4322546



previous bread!!

3b2562  No.4322547


Who dat

098bf1  No.4322548

File: dd5ec5ec9ddb7bf⋯.gif (111.76 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shill2.gif)


you may be right

f14400  No.4322549

File: 6f2546f4b83b56a⋯.png (98.19 KB, 680x756, 170:189, 818206b51a9fd6cf7871564d2a….png)

05f4d7  No.4322550

File: ee6e15c72a7ceff⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 4504x4752, 563:594, 1_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 22867258fa18047⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zionists_are_not_patriots.mp4)

1st graph of the Global View Series graph was updated to version 1.1

Now includes links to archive link of video in pic related 2 slot of this post

Update your archives frens, thank you

b9ab72  No.4322551

File: 2175d165afad847⋯.png (324.27 KB, 531x552, 177:184, fred2.png)

File: 4224a6dd86958b8⋯.jpg (101.25 KB, 802x817, 802:817, fred twitter.jpg)

File: 9b857e20f0c7261⋯.png (309.2 KB, 542x649, 542:649, FREDDIE.png)


Yes, patterns always emerge.

e23f61  No.4322552

File: 288aa6599f2ea43⋯.png (3.79 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 1509515281385.png)


Have no idea who you're trying to shove around on Twatter, but I wouldn't start w Parscal.

ae913c  No.4322553

File: 34e78a3ea6893c2⋯.png (575.88 KB, 1032x471, 344:157, lyn2r3d3i5401.png)

File: 4aef3b9299e5d46⋯.png (166.61 KB, 480x381, 160:127, Screenshot_2018-12-15-06-1….png)

Another Q teaser, not a damn thing happened.

9c3cfb  No.4322554


This is probably one of the best parts of


it names all the damn names

00ef6c  No.4322555


Zippers down, we have a SUCK_TEST LARP

3043a2  No.4322556

File: a35625fd0a99f90⋯.jpeg (516.57 KB, 1242x1880, 621:940, 4A3C518E-0A9D-4800-A381-3….jpeg)




074496  No.4322557

File: 8261f425c68e40d⋯.png (83.17 KB, 1324x392, 331:98, DailyBeast.png)


ea20ed  No.4322558


That's VERY old stapler and historic. Nice slide, NOT.

174507  No.4322559

There was no CP posted, dumbasses.

Google reverse search is your friend.

Congrats on reporting THE ENTIRE BOARD to the FBI.

>These people are stupid.


Q team is a LARP.

You anons are retards.

Why hasn't Q team gotten to CTA yet?

Where are your sealed indictments?

Where is Q?

2018 is glorious.


dac13f  No.4322560


hey newfag, numbers are spread across ALL threads on the board.

d76e17  No.4322561

File: 89afa7634199fcd⋯.jpg (179.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemiseOfObamacareSimplyExp….jpg)


Twitter ammo

Let's tweet the heck out of this

It's a big MAGA victory

through a federal court ruling

bf7c79  No.4322562

File: 93be1f3f333374d⋯.png (10.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 30572256feee1a0e18f2476f4e….png)


meh , you are reaching here .

a28d10  No.4322563


Wow - ty, anon.

635da5  No.4322564

File: 55c0ac80930c4e8⋯.png (441.02 KB, 600x386, 300:193, 3C099EDB-2F83-4E0D-90BC-F6….png)


The UN Migration Pact is unconstitutional and any US president that would sign such a pact should be hung for treason.

28d8b5  No.4322565

File: 8179882d74df233⋯.jpg (27.27 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4561.JPG)

a79bdd  No.4322566

File: dc6b1e9cc19e67b⋯.png (133.3 KB, 986x347, 986:347, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

88b53a  No.4322567

File: b803bb569a8010b⋯.jpg (772.33 KB, 1854x1440, 103:80, kek2.jpg)

d3b4c6  No.4322568


To get freedom you have to give freedom. People can think what they want, encourage research and rational, non heated discussions.

7703d6  No.4322569


Your lawyers are going to be pissed when they have to prove those amateurs have papers.

06bdb4  No.4322570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE Proposed by Nassim Haramein

A blueprint of Creation. This theory explains why every galaxy has a black hole at it's center, where the sun gets it's energy from, the magnetic polarity of the planets, and the mysterious force that holds atoms together. It truly embodies theories that many of us, who are adept in the Esoteric Arts, have intuitively postulated for a long time: that "What is above is exactly below", and that "Everything has an equal but opposite mirror image of itself". Also, encompasses the "Fractal" theory and the PHI ratio, as well as the "Hologramic" Universe of Quantum Physics. Not to mention, proving there is ONE force behind and being everything, God, if you will. = The same conclusion that Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Plank wrote of. And, my favorite summation: "Balance is the Key to the Universe". Far out! :-) What a joke that "mainstream science" has turned a cold shoulder, at least initially, to this awesome discovery and theory, including Wickedpedia. Seems this could lay the groundwork for FREE energy…. and where would that leave all of the billion $ profiteering oil companies with their polluting filthy and archiac modes of energy through oil? Not to mention, the masses of society are shocked and unreceptive each time a new discovery is made…. hell, they wanted to keep thinking that the world was flat, not too long ago. All that matters, to me anyway, is that NO one can dis-prove or refute the model presented here with any credibility.

f4e11e  No.4322571

File: 254d3301a888d24⋯.png (726.49 KB, 295x640, 59:128, PEN_.png)


Yeah, probably I'll advised. It's all good. Corey Lewandowski has my back. Just pushing trying to get someone to say if this is President Trump's pen today.

5da5e8  No.4322572


we pushed you and you fucked up

tick tock you miserable faggot, tick tock

b8cb44  No.4322573

File: a2fb373aac0f9bb⋯.png (585.08 KB, 725x854, 725:854, zuck-robot.png)


Would be cool if MZ actually is a robot

cdd548  No.4322575

File: 1d9631d65ef07da⋯.png (494.12 KB, 1468x662, 734:331, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)



Remember this bullshit???

a09e6c  No.4322576



Only 2% of our nation… But involved in 99% of fuckery. Hmmmmmm…

These people ARE stupid… They're called Americans. And they tolerate being terrorized by Jews because their too worried someone might call them an "anti-Semite". America is as soft as cookie-dough. France is making America look like bench-warmers for the A-Team. Ironically, they chant, "We want Trump", not realizing if they had Trump, other nations would be being "made great again", except for their own nation. (Like we are experiencing here in America, with Trump.) Not to mention, their troops would be shipped over to defend Israel (Because, we just HAVE TO defend Israel, the "allies" who constantly attack and subvert us.) Weak…

America is enslaved of the Jew… And like any good slave operation, the slaves believe they are actually free. Sad.

0d427f  No.4322577


they keep calling it conspiracy as if Q team is conspiring with us to take them down..even though it's as open as it gets.

f4e11e  No.4322579


Ill-advised, rather.

28d8b5  No.4322580

File: 8ac6a3ce19a0588⋯.jpg (236.46 KB, 1200x1400, 6:7, IMG_1850.JPG)

File: da3fd33a7a8440f⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1865.JPG)

File: 2e2f88ed4fbdb91⋯.jpg (30.18 KB, 263x395, 263:395, IMG_1867.JPG)



Everyone is hooked on abuse now

Must of been the fake ass homosexual

Ass tossing peanut butter narrative dannalingus and walrus josh were forceing in your backhole

467409  No.4322581


read this --> >>4322472

dcecb9  No.4322582

>>4322524 How do we bust the CP skeez? Global Report REALLY do anything?

9c3cfb  No.4322583



Sorry, couldn't hear you over the enormous amount of winning we are all enjoying over at


You sick fuck. May God have mercy on your soul.

f206ad  No.4322584

File: 8ec3d159435f0d4⋯.png (214.16 KB, 617x724, 617:724, cern2222.png)

05f4d7  No.4322585

File: c5af6a4a01f086a⋯.png (399.97 KB, 658x667, 658:667, UN_Forces_Migration_Anti_D….PNG)

File: d1d71ae4258d444⋯.png (223.1 KB, 619x559, 619:559, UN_hypocrisy_CO2_emission.png)

File: 0564a346a72aa99⋯.png (211.08 KB, 581x664, 7:8, UN_Israel_jewish_interest_….PNG)

File: e7b5eb6fdd635f6⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 560x300, 28:15, UN_Migration.jpg)

File: 88e87a4e351bf29⋯.png (297.56 KB, 631x641, 631:641, UN_subversion.png)


Hung all signatories for treason.

End the UN.

8c9290  No.4322586


Good catch anon, got it in.

363bbb  No.4322588


Comprimising peace with your family was a mistake, anon.

Learn from this lesson, anons.

Redpill through anonymity. Speak with close friends and SOs about this. This is a great way to screen for a partner, so speaking with an SO about this IS important. Close friends will be understanding, and if they're that close they won't ignore and discontinue your friendship. Other than that, immediate family members and other loved ones are to be told at the time of true MASS awakening that you are there for them and if they have any questions they can feel free to ask.

Don't, however, risk ruining relationships with people needlessly. Maintain your sanity and comfort by being very subtle with these people. They are to be allowed to take the time to discover these things and to come to terms with them on their own.

7badfa  No.4322589

1. Think 'Elf on the Shelf'.

2. ELF

Extremely Low Frequency

3. Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why


01414e  No.4322590

File: 287fa08147ccc89⋯.jpg (276.52 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, clockwork orange man bad.jpg)


I think the term you're looking for is cognitive dissonance. Trust me, with an avid cnn viewer 24/7 in the house, I know'.

d76e17  No.4322591


>not a damn thing happened.

Seriously? You believe that only the things that you see on TV happened?

Sealed indictments by the tens of thousands, kept sealed until the entire shebang is ready to be revealed, "did not happen" in your book because they have not yet resulted in public trials and not yet been reported on TeeVee?

That's a pretty lame way of thinking, shill.

8ed55c  No.4322592


you mean you didn't get an exclusive invite to come here delivered by armored truck like i did?

8fee63  No.4322593

File: 39895b5b902fd8a⋯.png (212.5 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>reporting THE ENTIRE BOARD to the FBI.

man you are fucking stupid CTA

but thanks for reminding me

i have a new PC, its the only reason i saw your post in the first place

28d8b5  No.4322594


Sympathic creep pasta seo bots

How replerbiterian

250814  No.4322595


Ty baker!

FYI, the notable below is a repeat, was in notables yesterday. Sorry I couldn't tell you before you baked, just came on at the end of the bread:

>>4321529 Facebook says software bug may have exposed photos on 7M users.


>>4313894 All your data (photos) is belong to FB – oops, to everyone!

Anons, plz read previous notables before nominating ( >>4321809 lb)

b1d560  No.4322596

File: 4451a08960da23a⋯.png (513.26 KB, 667x1003, 667:1003, ClipboardImage.png)


what if Q team has super sniffer embedded in chan boards from a while ago..and they sniff and sniff..collecting..playing dumb..fools..as ANONS post confidently very very bad things

86c1c9  No.4322597

File: a85014f40b22a5b⋯.png (5.18 KB, 238x312, 119:156, Glork00003.png)

196398  No.4322598

File: 867378983e549c1⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2371x2660, 2371:2660, saganhive.jpg)

3d9fe7  No.4322599

File: a0f147bf2d0d8bc⋯.jpg (106.14 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, GoTards.jpg)

8fa51e  No.4322600

File: 2654a284a3df1da⋯.jpg (146.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DP_Christmas.jpg)


>We (or many I know) are ready either way, but remember Q said the need for Z is no more. Faith

Indeed many more watchers than are here.

Prefer not to have Zed happen.

fd766a  No.4322601

File: 77cd4085c3cd942⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB, 1280x532, 320:133, white rabbit neo.mp4)

ea20ed  No.4322602


TY anon, nice dig too! A ton of crumbs today! Awesome <3

I always think of Q when I see Flake, OMG etc. etc."Those who scream the loudest"

ae913c  No.4322603

File: 5f3dbb84d388dd0⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2oxnmz.jpg)






Fool you believe that nonsense…. Lmao

dac13f  No.4322604

File: e03f32cc1556b1a⋯.png (81.04 KB, 992x143, 992:143, Screenshot from 2018-12-15….png)

cdd548  No.4322605

4ab2bc  No.4322606




It doesn't have to be "signed". US didn't sign.

Probblem is the pact overrides human rights (see article 29.3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

JUDGES will use this to force the government to block the wall and to forbid all criticism of the human right to migration.

It will have to go to the Supreme Court.

The UN will find US in violation of human rights.

Let that sink in.

50bae3  No.4322607

File: a09dd08a53d5021⋯.png (41.96 KB, 794x130, 397:65, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

>>4320689 (pb Regina Dugan)

Didn't we determine once that Regina was Reginald?

Also, here's a link to a bread that will let you work backwards on a big dig. I recall it being quite complete, but have not reviewed it again. Enjoy.


a09e6c  No.4322608


Nigger, you aren't even original… Come up with a thought of your own, you name-fagging, faggot.

f14400  No.4322609


BULLSHIT! Go back to January 6, 18 when Q posted ….



f63520  No.4322610

File: 80ed6274947ba5a⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 606x418, 303:209, nuts.JPG)




03cd55  No.4322611


Didn't watch the vidya - have seen it before and ther things like it. I'm a believer. "What Happened to Johnny" is another excellent thing to watch.

5da5e8  No.4322612


i assumed they did, just getting impatient

28d8b5  No.4322613

File: bac217f828e2d7c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2599.PNG)

File: 9232039a9745e5d⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2600.PNG)

File: 8426db279e5fb61⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 1305x744, 435:248, IMG_2546.JPG)

bf7c79  No.4322614

File: 0afaf3b50daf8aa⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 255x238, 15:14, 4c20d7ff0b13c09d973a1f455f….jpg)

b8cb44  No.4322615


aint clicking on your fbi .com which seems to have no intel just some

photos of GHWB

17fb1f  No.4322616

File: 70cb20fd87d9057⋯.png (651.19 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 30577F32-6FA2-4950-93D0-C8….png)

Dragon NRG 🐉

05f4d7  No.4322617

File: dda9410764b5a92⋯.jpg (97.62 KB, 999x685, 999:685, UN_Aid_for_sex_scam_post_p….JPG)

File: ff19907a7bf244f⋯.jpg (108.3 KB, 864x719, 864:719, UN_Aid_for_sex_scam_post_p….JPG)

File: 9ffd6cf27d916fe⋯.png (47.95 KB, 953x594, 953:594, UN_Aid_for_sex_scam_post_p….png)

File: 576f7f267648863⋯.jpg (108.39 KB, 960x600, 8:5, UN_Aid_for_sex_scam_post_p….JPG)

File: 4e0c0a31959c6c3⋯.jpg (739.71 KB, 1534x1018, 767:509, UN_disease_post_pic.jpg)


Not only in the US, everywhere.

We need to kill the UN ASAP.

196398  No.4322618

File: 24f17efb9fe1318⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 272x281, 272:281, iur (2).jpg)

d8c801  No.4322619

File: 7c6fbb8d8ec0f9e⋯.png (484.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Power_Planting_Seeds_2_1.png)

File: f26d3d45861a26e⋯.jpg (20.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, spouse_over_edge_red_pill.jpg)


it's hard anon, prior to muh spouse being a little red pilled, I got the same - but I continued planting seeds

the seed that sprouted was when they got greedy and had the same kid at 3 different bombings AND burned with bandages all over BUT they forgot to make him talk like he has burns. Spouse Anon knew that if the kid was really that burned with bandages that he wouldn't be able to talk normally…. and then did the math about being at all 3 bombings.

spouse anon calls him Bandage Boy to today…. hang in there anon - it's hard on all of us

0d427f  No.4322620


some dude offered me a red or a blue bubble gum..took both..ran away..lost the blue one..there i was..

a09e6c  No.4322621


Yeah… That was before the Jew-porn pushing, kikes came. Duh…

86c1c9  No.4322622

File: e105d5ddbc6dc10⋯.png (12.57 KB, 338x298, 169:149, Glork00002.png)

e23f61  No.4322623

File: 52ec16ed680b15d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, c1a98bb6fc1779c51b784311f8….png)


I could use a Gitmo reveal, myself.

28d8b5  No.4322624


Jealous unrequited feltcher drama

9ba6d8  No.4322625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fc1282  No.4322626

File: 2df5574ed69f428⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1863x1053, 23:13, Q-Clock Dec15 Flynn Defcon….png)

>>4321851 pb

>>4321888 pb

>Clockfags… was Defcon 1 on for yesterday?

Flynn sister's tweet was today (in est).

Seems like the Flynn's are part of Q-team…

8fa51e  No.4322627

File: a7137fcbdf9e241⋯.png (620.43 KB, 884x527, 52:31, ClipboardImage.png)



ae913c  No.4322628

File: 5ff6676d2a6a34b⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2owwfm.jpg)

I only troll people that bully Melania.

78502a  No.4322629

File: 0e28b11ad50b607⋯.jpg (173.82 KB, 707x522, 707:522, campfirepotus.jpg)

NorCal anon here. Just a quick thank you to President Trump and the Q Team.

I sadly posted this notable back in bread #5502:

>>4317732 Farm bill headed to Trump without forest management measures

Included a pic of @RyanZinke in Paradise telling people he would work to prevent another catastrophic CA fire.

Final Farm Bill didn't include much needed forest management changes.

Woke up to see POTUS tweet - @RyanZinke will be leaving the Administration.

First thought was POTUS and Q team saw yesterday's post.

Yeah I know I'm an idiot, but it made me happy.

The sadness from the fire hangs in the air more thick than the smoke ever was.

So, thank you POTUS and Q team from a small voice in a small town behind enemy lines in CA.

d3b4c6  No.4322630

POTUS immediately called for a new plan to keep health insurance under govt control. Yes, the free enterprise, capitalist Pres Trump wants your tax dollars to be spend on health insurance. Is that what you elect a govt for…health insurance? Trump is showing he is a business as usual President trying to grow govt and minimize freedom of the public. I see the plan…and I dont like where it is headed.

Donald J. Trump


As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions. Mitch and Nancy, get it done!

f14400  No.4322631


Nude photo shills started posting on Qresearch later & you successfully gaslighted EVERYONE into thinking it was free speech.

Qresearch or GTFO

25551a  No.4322632


I didn't. I have not said a word to them. They came to me like a intervention of some type. I was set up. They had been watching what I have been doing online. Now they think I am a old crazy person.

bbb940  No.4322633

File: e0819f78aceeb6b⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 294x400, 147:200, gay.jpg)


Kek to you Sir!

b1d560  No.4322634


I think 'notes' was telling them…"this does not mean your off the hook'…Im hearing new perspectives on Pence..didn't he get one to?

f4e11e  No.4322635

File: 82fb2a3df432250⋯.png (625.43 KB, 510x500, 51:50, ClipboardImage(21).png)

File: 0e62298fa7ea878⋯.jpeg (103.91 KB, 1440x815, 288:163, 1540851947.jpeg)

480dac  No.4322636


2000s is when I joined up.

2805ea  No.4322637

File: ee84839bd78b276⋯.png (128.69 KB, 873x390, 291:130, BourbonParma-jewels.png)

>>4322072 lb

The seller seems to be anonyomous, unless it was someone in the Bourbon-Parma family.

>>4322186 lb

Auction was held in Switzerland, so if the seller was European, not technically 'Payseur' but quite possibly related bloodline.

8ed55c  No.4322638


that guy looks like schiffty

8fee63  No.4322639


fuck off back to twitter, pussy, or patriots soapbox youtube chat, or other places with liberal ban hammers

takes 2 seconds to filter ID faggot

635da5  No.4322640


Then it is a declaration of war by the UN.

d5cbf6  No.4322641


You're a shill - works perfect. Trying to drive away Anons from seeking the truth doesn't work here.

196398  No.4322642

File: c8121a300b9100c⋯.jpg (100.86 KB, 837x494, 837:494, buttec.jpg)

File: f002955a53c2f51⋯.jpg (150.46 KB, 664x647, 664:647, buttecounty.jpg)

File: b66efbd0d09944a⋯.jpg (208.12 KB, 1161x797, 1161:797, punisher.jpg)

688c77  No.4322643

File: 203a355ef7386ed⋯.jpg (14.81 KB, 255x194, 255:194, Hurry Up Fag We're Doing P….jpg)


There's a whole lot of here my man, stay strong.

And arrests are indeed coming.

a09e6c  No.4322644

Dear POTUS… How bout some justice for the LARGEST SHOOTING ON US SOIL (Vegas) some time this century?

9c0d31  No.4322645

File: b17c7342611ab70⋯.png (1.07 MB, 960x722, 480:361, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

f4e11e  No.4322646


Yeah, just asking for a small (to others, maybe) confirmation of the pen today to have a little fun.

9c3cfb  No.4322647

File: b96fc15f5084469⋯.jpg (134.94 KB, 634x799, 634:799, 0dc813c28d4996ca9ff23d894d….jpg)


And just to rub it in more, you can do a print-to-pdf of the timeline for those who want an easier read than going through the library.

Accessible in the top right corner of


bbb940  No.4322648

File: 59d5e242895dcf0⋯.jpg (172.76 KB, 720x576, 5:4, bones-1-leonard-bones-mcco….jpg)


You're Sick Jim!

0c88cc  No.4322649


shit is about to hit the fan on dec 18th in flynn case

a380aa  No.4322650


Ok, I'm still too dumb to understand. Sorry for that. But why exactly is it not legit?

f14400  No.4322651

File: d5b9f85896a2d99⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1197x896, 171:128, d5b9f85896a2d99d582871c300….png)

363bbb  No.4322652

File: 4dc27ff5d7ed60b⋯.jpg (6.77 KB, 480x240, 2:1, download.jpg)




This image is all you need in order to better understand their efforts.

These SHILLS are here to deform our efforts by triggering preprogrammed responses through the use of propaganda.

Do some research about the decade or so leading up to the Nazis taking hold of Germany and you'll find rather quickly that they were flooded with pornography through the likes of propaganda. It's demoralizing primarily, and it's used to distract and dull men as well as keeping them entranced in sexual pursuits of the mind. It makes most men very ineffective in many areas.

d76c68  No.4322653


Wonder if the lull in the chart corresponds with last night/early morning… bread got weird around that time

d5cbf6  No.4322654


I have reading material for the rest of my life now.

a65832  No.4322655


Defenders of freedom around the world need to score yellow vests. I think it's time to show them our version of globalism.

b8cb44  No.4322656


Feel for you anon, a lot are in that situation I think


b2fce3  No.4322657

File: c15eeec56e0e26e⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 3.98 MB, 960x1706, 480:853, Autist1.mp4)

6ae68b  No.4322658

File: a6110238c862c14⋯.jpeg (101.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CE118214-1340-420D-B595-5….jpeg)


Did someone say Baker Girls?

0c88cc  No.4322659


It has nothing to do with a court of law. It's a court of…something else.

d9ff85  No.4322660


This is the first time I've seen it. Gotta have the sauce….

f4e11e  No.4322661

File: 6d155216bd2c089⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 948x612, 79:51, MadDog.jpg)

File: e63e2207eaa0f01⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 760x950, 4:5, MadDog2.jpg)

86c1c9  No.4322662

File: 24e36a13b9ef942⋯.png (6.78 KB, 455x371, 65:53, Glork00001.png)

d76c68  No.4322663


Dubs agree

b606db  No.4322664

Victory of the Light is posting pics from video where Huma and Hilary torture the little girl.

Also posting e-pics of Podestas and Ghislaine Maxwell tied into abduction of Madeleine McCann.

The picture of Valerie Jarrett and JP in body paint - supposedly 'smocking' in street jargon - are posted.

VOTL, along with this site, CDAN, and probably several others seem to be associated with the Q group as different pathways to get the word out.

a09e6c  No.4322665


Would arresting the Saudi-Semites responsible for the Vegas attacks hurt that 384 billion weapons-deal you made with Semite-SA? Sure it would…

9ba6d8  No.4322666

File: 665895e0593de5e⋯.png (1017.62 KB, 790x631, 790:631, 1558825c-ba04-9a8c-e6b9-94….png)

5fa993  No.4322667


Oh like…… Sunshine?

These people really are stupid.

dcecb9  No.4322668


Been done many times over i'm sure! Simplify your thinking! Realize where we are! We've crossed the line of demarcation…the point of no return! We're in it and the only thing that matters now is victory or defeat! God willing, President Trump & our Military will deliver! If not…we're screwed!

3176e8  No.4322669




17c9f1  No.4322670

File: e63f454703ac13f⋯.png (977.1 KB, 665x535, 133:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Mystic Krew of Comus

The Mystic Krew of Comus was the cult that started a little celebration known as Mardi Gras. Ever been?

Then you can follow that celebration of the Payseur Cult up the river to the Veil Prophet Fair in St.Louis.

Payseur Trust was trying to tell us all along!

The "King of France" was running American Businesses all along.

As it stands these cults of business leaders started about the exact same time that THE FED started.

Why did the chariot for the festival prophet always look "French"?

3449ef  No.4322671


Protect preexisting conditions is important

The devil will be in details

0d427f  No.4322672


in germany a trog is where pigs feed from..

302f6b  No.4322673


UN tells Europe that White Genocide is inevitable. Italy and Hungary have shown that it's not. Simply say no.

ea20ed  No.4322674

File: edc0ba640c47421⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 296x297, 296:297, qcrazy.JPG)

File: e801819c64936fd⋯.jpg (140.14 KB, 1143x1084, 1143:1084, chess.JPG)


You are not alone my fren as far as family. I just don't say anything anymore. I just smile and say, 'Huh, now that's interesting' (and similar). WE/You have privileged knowledge so be confident Patriot.

8dc871  No.4322675



> Dear POTUS… How bout some justice for the LARGEST SHOOTING ON US SOIL (Vegas) some time this century?

POTUS can't do anything yet…if he could, he would have…..

DS is Still running Most of the Gov't….

DeClass/and real Justice is stll some time away, if ever coming…

d0394b  No.4322676

File: 1ce4a92c07bce1b⋯.png (344.36 KB, 348x531, 116:177, haarp.png)

28d8b5  No.4322677

File: 66c5b6a1894248c⋯.gif (223.09 KB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4610.GIF)


It's your tranny addiction

Cause you are a pedo cuck of trump

f14400  No.4322678

File: f2e0cd4b0fc3505⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 165x169, 165:169, 20180908_183130.jpg)

39f128  No.4322679


> Due to this fact your honors we will order defendant to be read the RIOT act.

The statement above says they will read Bush the Riot Act. KEK

That says it all !! FAKE AND PHONY !!!

709f29  No.4322680

File: c41cc39e6485b22⋯.png (24.47 KB, 149x178, 149:178, canosmoke.png)

File: 4d628cf72ea37dc⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 474x490, 237:245, faggot recipe.jpg)

3176e8  No.4322681



61ec61  No.4322682

File: 8236f0e4749631f⋯.png (31 KB, 1474x318, 737:159, Capture.PNG)

Guys tis FF in France is more and more strange. In additioin to the Anon post in notable :

Attack was on the 11th of december

77 years before, the 11th of december 1941, German (Hitler) and Italian (Mussolini), declared the war to US.

So Is France (Cabal) sending a message to the rest of the world (mainly USA) saying "we are Cabal now, we want to install facism (like Hitler and Mussolini) and we will fight and kill civils if necessary".

Too much coincidences, this attack had multiple purposes.

196398  No.4322683


shelf= Continental shelf?

03cd55  No.4322684


How about this: Please describe what fbcoverup is and how it's useful.

"fbcoverup", in an of itself, doesn't seem legit.

0c0a08  No.4322685



d76c68  No.4322686


All the books Hitler burned were porn or things that made you sexually deviant

f4e11e  No.4322687

File: b55afada4cc76c0⋯.jpg (186.25 KB, 1410x1706, 705:853, IMG_20181002_125740.jpg)

dcf97e  No.4322689


Don't let the fake news fool you. Zuck didn't lose anything. Clownbook is not his company. It never was. He's just one of the many fake faces of the Clowns. There was a 'conspiracy theory' that he was groomed for the Facebook gig— and possibly a Rothschilds. There wasn't much sauce to build on this theory, but its not impossible.

That $15 billion was Clown money. It really means nothing to Zuckerberg personally. He's an actor playing a role with his beard wife. And although it seems like a lot of money, the Clowns' money laundering, people trafficking, and other global criminal schemes are raking in many times that every month, I'm sure.

a09e6c  No.4322690



Listen up… THIS anon has a brain and is actually using it, folks!

a380aa  No.4322691


Yes. Military.

bbb940  No.4322692

File: 0d59d96107cbe19⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 400x540, 20:27, Smoking-Poster-cigarette-s….jpg)

e23f61  No.4322693

File: ff50afc14434b5a⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 640x448, 10:7, IMG_1715.JPG)


Need a Q.

9c3cfb  No.4322694

While the child porn and ebot sliding is regrettable, I'm glad day shift is finally seeing


It's been lying in wait (you have more than you know) but it ALWAYS gets slid

731b4a  No.4322695



^^The OIG was investigating another matter right before Mueller was assigned

"The DOJ OIG initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through may 17, 2017, …..relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division."

a09e6c  No.4322696


Fuck off, KIKE!

688c77  No.4322697


I second the motion for sauce!

8c9290  No.4322698


It's OK anon sometimes notables warrant repeating. I didn't see it yesterday so I figured I'd put it in.

I usually have a rule about same day notables but even then sometimes I repeat them if they're very notable or relevant to later happenings.

Good eye!

467409  No.4322699


You're full of shit.

Here's a rando thread I clicked from /cbts/


NO nudes at all.

The gratuitous porn is shillwork.

a65832  No.4322700


If you are 100% banking on the plan, then I think there's a problem. Remain hopeful but skeptical, which makes far more sense based on where things currently stand, and doesn't put you over the edge to where your sacrificing all else. Just food for thought, offered with anon love.

f14400  No.4322701

File: 9f69dcff39ec4d8⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 840x420, 2:1, 9f69dcff39ec4d803c9cfbb1e2….jpg)

5f384f  No.4322702

File: 6b136abc4ad5eee⋯.png (734.22 KB, 477x633, 159:211, rain.PNG)

File: 240a2ccddb06f38⋯.png (911.56 KB, 960x513, 320:171, singing.PNG)

28d8b5  No.4322703

File: 1a03777f766f79a⋯.gif (202.6 KB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4608.GIF)


Your glaring tranny addiction comes out your mouth like drumpf

ea20ed  No.4322704


Hive minds my fren! Was going to use same meme :)

3449ef  No.4322705


Q said that vydia is fake

d2b723  No.4322706

File: 1f72d9291473600⋯.png (140.03 KB, 274x243, 274:243, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7410f482850252d⋯.png (61.38 KB, 240x120, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9860c5a8bca55f5⋯.png (111.73 KB, 302x517, 302:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c241a637339727⋯.png (90.12 KB, 221x206, 221:206, ClipboardImage.png)

bf7c79  No.4322707

File: 363330fe93f40a1⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 1b267f03e62554a274af669ac3….jpg)


and why does china need [google]

bc1999  No.4322708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I stand with the French people against Macron, and against the Globalist agenda. We must fight this tyranny on every front. However, is blocking the roads across France beneficial to our cause? Or does it just piss other citizens off and hurt our cause? I've gone back and forth on this and haven't been able to decide. What do my Frens think?

d5cbf6  No.4322709

File: 71b4ab37b5f2062⋯.png (171.27 KB, 604x611, 604:611, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd3292c6be267fb⋯.png (28.43 KB, 567x644, 81:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6929f5157a89925⋯.png (27.4 KB, 559x575, 559:575, ClipboardImage.png)

On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

The Act reformed the civil service of the federal government, partly in response to the Watergate scandal. It abolished the U.S. Civil Service Commission and distributed its functions primarily among four new agencies: the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) and the Senior Executive Service (SES).


3176e8  No.4322710


03cd55  No.4322711

File: e9d07bd998d9408⋯.jpeg (6.97 KB, 231x218, 231:218, Crisco candle.jpeg)

5fa993  No.4322712

File: 5e9ccb3c29c8444⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1700x1480, 85:74, JM.jpg)

4e0761  No.4322713


>Victory of the Light




b8cb44  No.4322715

File: 98b52cf68881e03⋯.jpeg (92.92 KB, 450x253, 450:253, splaining.jpeg)

a09e6c  No.4322716


Hey Mattis… Let's see get JUST ONE FUCKING GIRLFRIEND in your life. Then, maybe I won't think you're a lying, pedo, faggot.

a79bdd  No.4322717

File: a76ee2ca8907c46⋯.png (742.89 KB, 1218x689, 1218:689, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)

f4e11e  No.4322718

File: eebe5a5c601ce45⋯.jpeg (83.61 KB, 891x500, 891:500, 883AE0B8-2E0F-4F51-A653-A….jpeg)

b1d560  No.4322719

File: ec584e2b630678b⋯.png (612.19 KB, 593x611, 593:611, ClipboardImage.png)


keep posting..War Time is different.."we really have it all"

28d8b5  No.4322720

File: 21d35f92dfec406⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2585.PNG)

9c0d31  No.4322722

File: 6a63ae38672a4f3⋯.png (1.06 MB, 961x716, 961:716, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

f14400  No.4322723

File: c9d4300ad5ac350⋯.jpg (21.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, mattisjames_051918twitterd….jpg)

d54faf  No.4322724

File: 593795274c6a463⋯.png (242.33 KB, 492x455, 492:455, 2018-12-15_12-18-53.png)

3176e8  No.4322726



8ed55c  No.4322727

File: 68f242f188f59b7⋯.png (393.7 KB, 389x522, 389:522, ClipboardImage.png)

17c9f1  No.4322728


They fancy themselves citizens of no country anon. Ruler of the globe is more their mindset.

9c3cfb  No.4322729



Too bad I was on every prescription my mother could get her Munchhausen's-by-proxy hands on all of my developmental life and I am immune to such things.

Gotta love SSRIs and low sex drive. God.

Arrests on the 29th orrrr?


dac13f  No.4322730

File: fdf69932098f794⋯.jpg (72.4 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, pepe reeee.jpg)

Board in melt down mode

To avoid meltdown do NOT reply to porn or shills.


066b89  No.4322731


anyone got more on Bouvet Island?

8c9290  No.4322732

File: 677c00e984ab5a9⋯.png (734.47 KB, 768x960, 4:5, mattisricin.png)

688c77  No.4322733


LOL It's a good meme!

e8649a  No.4322734

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, 4b284bba0b32d8671fe80be1c9….png)

The ABSOLUTE state of the 'deep state'

All they have left to do is post CP on a LARP forum so they can stop us from "larping".

WAY TO GO, CABAL, you where never smart, just psychopaths with money.

How does it feel to watch everything that you fought and planned for slowly collapse and burn?

7badfa  No.4322735


A lot of strange unexplained earthquakes in last weeks.

363bbb  No.4322736


You say that, but you were posting porn last thread.

Don't think it didn't contribute to this.

It doesn't help.

4b0fbb  No.4322737

File: a22d5b46bd80b5d⋯.png (371.97 KB, 636x364, 159:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Vive le France KEK

28d8b5  No.4322738


Such exhaled pedogarch pedo cucking


f4e11e  No.4322739

File: 035175f0fb8058d⋯.jpg (160.74 KB, 1024x760, 128:95, IMG_20180929_171747.jpg)



6dc82b  No.4322740

File: 12a3e55754bbdf7⋯.jpg (363.11 KB, 2172x1583, 2172:1583, FURY.jpg)

a79bdd  No.4322741

File: 01f60bde90feb96⋯.png (986.08 KB, 795x914, 795:914, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)



b8cb44  No.4322742



Careful of Clickbait

05f4d7  No.4322743

File: fb56bc0e0bcfd04⋯.png (240.59 KB, 927x979, 927:979, Groyper_fire_pepe_REEEEEEE….png)


>we're screwed

And so are the traitors.

There will come a time (2024 I think) where people will no longer stand for waiting for peaceful solutions.

Just look at this shit with the UN.

6 years from now is plenty of time to collapse the whole cabal shit.

De-fund the UN, destroy it using legal and peaceful means, if it doesn't happen in 6 years, start doing what you have to do to protect your Country and your People.

d5cbf6  No.4322744

File: 0a9d0219d54d638⋯.png (175.64 KB, 613x657, 613:657, ClipboardImage.png)


On Nov. 07, 1979, then San Francisco Mayor Dianne G.B. Feinstein attempted to start a Senior Executive Service (SES) within the City of San Francisco. Touch & Ross LLP (now Delloitte & Touche) was hired to prepare the selling job for the implementation of SES. Touche & Ross LLP were paid by the federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) formed just months earlier by the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978. This effort was clearly one of the first attempts by Kristin Marcy, the newly-appointed director of the SES in Washington D.C. to push this federal program down to not only the state level, but also in major cities—in complete violation of the Hatch Act.


7e7143  No.4322745


Such a coincidence.

9c3cfb  No.4322746

3176e8 0/10

a09e6c  No.4322747


Like seriously… Does it bother anyone else that our "badass General" is a man who has never even had a girlfriend??? (Supposedly) Does this seem normal to anyone else?

Or does this seem more like the behavior of a faggot-pedo? And we counting on him to catch faggot-pedos? Hmmmmm….

b9ab72  No.4322748



[CA_J] really think FBI CP reports mounted against you and they can't find you?

28d8b5  No.4322749

File: 91906779762abe4⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 480x270, 16:9, IMG_4597.JPG)


North Korean trump fake Jew tacos are real now

2246f6  No.4322750

File: 81a3a7ba519fb90⋯.png (830.17 KB, 1375x756, 1375:756, Screenshot from 2018-12-15….png)

File: d88112337c7672c⋯.png (541.79 KB, 1370x749, 1370:749, Screenshot from 2018-12-15….png)

Do we have a special guest? Perhaps a request for asylum?

Off the screen at Stewart ANG.

f206ad  No.4322751

File: a7e642d0e21a2b9⋯.jpg (218.46 KB, 998x718, 499:359, a7e642d0e21a2b9396ed662dca….jpg)

0ea8b9  No.4322752


You are not wrong with the gratuitous porn but ignore it and they'll give up, if you let it get under your skin it will intensify….baker girls have always been there, you are wrong on that count

acede7  No.4322753

File: acfddca562892da⋯.jpg (91.65 KB, 1030x582, 515:291, STEP1.jpg)

File: 3b8228c27d5f372⋯.jpg (176.15 KB, 1031x580, 1031:580, STEP2.jpg)

Read>> bake, Read>> bake… 4 the new fags

f14400  No.4322754

File: 950a9270f94733e⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 676x503, 676:503, fe48966f1472ea1d09c1f491fa….jpg)

196398  No.4322755

File: 000732cfc905247⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 364x538, 182:269, socrates (1).jpg)

158c01  No.4322756



move goalposts often?

baker girls and bewbs have been here from the start, however…

I agree that overly pornographic posts and CP have no place here, and much of that may be being posted by agent provocateurs

3176e8  No.4322757



fd766a  No.4322758

File: f94270d91257274⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 641x513, 641:513, Screenshot 2018-12-15_12-3….jpg)


that's a bird

a79bdd  No.4322759

File: 69d87b9cca8dd86⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1592x936, 199:117, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

a09e6c  No.4322760


d9ff85  No.4322761


Yep! Pence was ready to become President once Trump was impeached. A real worm!

28d8b5  No.4322762


They sold you the cheap symbols

Bummer huh

363bbb  No.4322763


>They have been watching what I have been doing online.

Maybe you're not sure what anonymous means.

You should really lurk moar.

0d427f  No.4322764


looks fuckin satanic to me..spoopy..even though it's tiddays..

especially the looks in their eyes..cold as fuck..

480dac  No.4322765

File: bbcbf1dc10e2da6⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 507x423, 169:141, ricin rod.jpg)

b2fce3  No.4322766


China wants to partner with Google, because Google is willing to circumvent the information the Chinese Communist government wants to suppress from its population.

Google is making a lot of money to be China's "butt boy".

What Google will do for China, Google will also do against this country and any other democratic country that espouse the freedom of speech and information.

69c2b3  No.4322767

File: 04ec5045c9e1937⋯.jpg (104.14 KB, 736x1038, 368:519, omg.jpg)

688c77  No.4322768


I see, I was warned that Victory Of Light was a high level shill…interesting but I will remain skeptical until more evidence surfaces.

2b1a39  No.4322769

File: a1a6bb653c663ad⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mbbm1.jpg)

f4e11e  No.4322770


I didn't know that, but it's probably to prevent the relationship from getting in the way of killing bad guys or creating a weakness for himself (meaning they could threaten her to control him.) pure killing machine.

467409  No.4322771


Eat some shit with the gaslighting bullshit of yours. I clearly state what I am referring to in my post, go fuck yourself.

bbb940  No.4322772

File: 66800cc77bfb749⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 184x274, 92:137, 74f7aa76c28947e3ce5d200487….jpg)


One who understands


The SubGenius!

05f4d7  No.4322773



I think that UN officials should be considered enemies and terrorists officially.

Last resort (when/if Trump gives the order), I think militia from around the US could easily take the UN HQ and take all UN officials inside for interrogation and military tribunal trial for terrorism and/or treason.

8c9290  No.4322774


Macron sends his plane to retrieve his balls from Trump.

d76e17  No.4322776

File: 59ac15b56a1e348⋯.jpg (163.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemiseOfObamacareSimplyExp….jpg)

File: 462538942afdad1⋯.jpg (145.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemiseOfObamacareSimplyExp….jpg)



Demise of Obamacare Infographs

f14400  No.4322777

File: 4b3ffc79f8c09ad⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 512x331, 512:331, james-mattis-mad-dog-be-po….jpg)

a79bdd  No.4322778


Twatter, @Jack?

d5cbf6  No.4322779

File: b14eff356543fd0⋯.png (58.05 KB, 604x639, 604:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3c960d8700f6fc⋯.png (10.11 KB, 394x524, 197:262, ClipboardImage.png)


On Nov. 18, 1980, the House of Representatives published its first "Plum Book" describing the first list of over 8,600 Senior Executive Services (SES) employees titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives, 96th Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.G 74/7 :P 75/6/980. GPO.[1039]

On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

5f384f  No.4322780

File: f2ecac4c809f213⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1030x959, 1030:959, back to work.PNG)

44bb10  No.4322781

File: 159dba601d85020⋯.jpg (109.43 KB, 920x518, 460:259, elon4.JPG)

9adce2  No.4322782

File: d6635107966e97f⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, trumptopkek.jpg)

5fa993  No.4322783


A leader by example. A true Hero.


77a0de  No.4322784


Slide to the left.

Now slide to the right.


b2fce3  No.4322785


Brand of Sacrifice.

ea20ed  No.4322786


Prolly a dove…

dac13f  No.4322787


If I am conCERNed about Cern does that make me a conCERN fag?

302f6b  No.4322788


It's amazing how many people believe that Zuck is responsible for Clownbook. All the stories of him stealing the idea from someone else were a nice touch to help fool the masses.

a09e6c  No.4322789

File: 49654e25d359e41⋯.png (373.26 KB, 1211x637, 173:91, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)



I wasn't;t even aware of this….


f4e11e  No.4322790

File: 01d0be620a177cf⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 768bd26.jpg)

69c2b3  No.4322791


>pedos are specifically targeting churches

have been targeting for decades

a79bdd  No.4322792

File: 0b9c93c71ad3a50⋯.png (405.31 KB, 1269x678, 423:226, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)



e9e395  No.4322793

>>4322193 Prithee, madam, if thou needst blousing, mayhap this coverlet sufficeth? And yea verily the churlish knave depriving thee of bodice, shall this Knight shall indeed slay him, or is thy mercy given? But pray, tarry awhile, lest he return for fouler deeds.

363bbb  No.4322794


Now you get to learn about German Idealism, anon.

Why does no one talk about their discoveries?

Any guesses, in light of the response you just gave?

d76e17  No.4322795


This image is an MK-ULTRA trigger.

Suggest using your NOPE or BLACKLIST button to disappear it. Not good to look at.

3176e8  No.4322796

File: cca77943b3c4ccb⋯.jpg (64.51 KB, 515x435, 103:87, 2018-12-04_18-13-28.jpg)







555a7f  No.4322797


he almost acts like one… his face for sure looks like one

f4e11e  No.4322798

File: b9e2aac786a8d15⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20181015_214427.jpg)

c6e730  No.4322799

File: 4e137859aa34933⋯.png (271.77 KB, 620x729, 620:729, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if Anons caught this gem yet.

a09e6c  No.4322800


I'm aware… Thanks for clarifying though.

8ed55c  No.4322801


i blame growing up with mad magazine in the 70s…

2a39f7  No.4322802

Anyone know who this senior DoJ Official was?


3c90d0  No.4322803

File: 7e02d1e79c34442⋯.jpg (13.99 KB, 291x165, 97:55, tucker.jpg)


Their coming to get you Tucker.

cb3dcd  No.4322804

File: 71d0568f63ea148⋯.png (36.03 KB, 256x256, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76e54bd3c52558b⋯.png (133.07 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7337e51bf765e6⋯.png (96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4886c3d390c0d7⋯.png (450.26 KB, 500x320, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey, Faggots—

We all know {{Jews}} lie.

But about what do {{they}} lie?


Once you have that figged, the rest is FUN.

Here's an example:

"Don't look at the Sun?"

How about looking until the glare disappears.

As the glare fades, you will see the "Phoenix".

And once it fully fades, you will see the "Disc".

Look around you now.

That darkness isn't "eye damage".

This is what Jappos call "Looking Inside Onself".

Try to remember the feeling.

Once your visions clears, look at the Sun again.

Notice the glare disappearing faster?

Now, try to maintain the darkness yourself.

Use you "will power" to keep eyes dark.

This is what Sunglass represent in "the Matrix".

This is the power of Christ aka "the Sun".

Now practice doing this WITHOUT the Sun.

You vision should blurr a bit, but that's OK.

You can now selectively focus via Will Power.

Try it.

Select something small or distant and "dive in".

You will feeling yourself being "pulled" into it.


9c3cfb  No.4322805


Got people to stop and take a look at the link. Just trying different things to see what works.

Also I'd argue that was quite a beautiful picture, not pornography, but I see your point.

But the ball is rolling now, no need to resort to cheap gimmicks to show


250814  No.4322806


No worries, baker. The way it was noted last night wasn't fully descriptive so easier to miss.

Thanks again for the always fine work!

05f4d7  No.4322807


That site is run by the same people who run AIM.

c4c7bd  No.4322808

half of the questions Q answer on Q&A were asked by black hats, disinformation is real, we know

9c1664  No.4322809



2805ea  No.4322810


>a intervention of some type

More like surveilled & gaslit. Sound familiar?

And you believe arrests are the answer to their behavior?

69c2b3  No.4322811


Hope this shit is getting reported to proper authorities.

467409  No.4322812


slide your mom's cock right down your own throat, nigga.

757700  No.4322813

File: 940b64d818a416e⋯.png (897.62 KB, 901x1119, 901:1119, Screenshot_2018-12-15 Saud….png)


baf676  No.4322814

File: 6d656ea311a269b⋯.jpg (122.16 KB, 822x737, 822:737, FR Airbus A310 304 arrives….JPG)


spotted on arrival over mainland at 11:15 EST

de8e43  No.4322815

File: c40a98c96df2a6b⋯.jpeg (196.99 KB, 1896x1668, 158:139, 7A321B72-B713-4066-9EBE-C….jpeg)

0ea8b9  No.4322816


newfag insults don't work either moron

ea20ed  No.4322817

66f413  No.4322818


All I see is your fake & gay adulterations to Garrisson's art, faggot.

fb51fd  No.4322819

tell them to watch the last 45 min of thur house oversight committee tell them trump is taking bill gates money and giving it to them, sound excited dont mention Q red pilled over 20 so far with that hearing, Gates and clinton steeling from charity and laundering money thru aids programs is very bad


3090b0  No.4322820

File: 8d94a5491db99ed⋯.jpg (183.78 KB, 749x790, 749:790, qjudge.jpg)


(from a few breads back)

I know most anons view of megaanon but I think it's worth re-reading and looking into what she said Strzok was

He's a documents guy

He specialized in forgeries of every kind

From paper to electronic forgeries

She even hinted at his ability to forge birth certificates (not important for this argument)

I think this is adding up because we are having an issue with this timeline

Could parts of these 302's be forged/fake?

This could also explain why Comey changed his answer mid sentence and said that he had gotten the information by reading the 302 and as opposed to hearing from the agents that conducted the interview

This could also explain why Gowdy said his will look kindly on Comey

f4e11e  No.4322821

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

d5cbf6  No.4322822

File: 12c269b69081a07⋯.png (26.53 KB, 563x637, 563:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e255760e90c46b⋯.png (153.31 KB, 566x623, 566:623, ClipboardImage.png)

345095  No.4322823

Morning anons… popped into this bread to see what's up… stepping right back out. Lordy

9ba6d8  No.4322824

File: 2b1d6456bce067f⋯.png (473.59 KB, 556x370, 278:185, NoLeaks.png)

f14400  No.4322825


Saint Chaos

I sleep better knowing he's out there fighting for us.

a09e6c  No.4322826


d5cbf6  No.4322827



d76c68  No.4322828


Not everyone needs a fuckbuddy. Sometimes people are born to serve everyoneS interests instead of their own.

When you’re fighting real evil, you’re not thinking about dating or making a family..

467409  No.4322830


That wasn't an insult. I was telling you you were gas lighting, and to go fuck yourself you fucking illiterate moran.

667f9b  No.4322831

File: 075191eccaab67d⋯.jpeg (158.83 KB, 900x506, 450:253, C637F5BA-6F1A-42F7-B9A8-5….jpeg)

File: 107ebf10ce12555⋯.jpeg (55.89 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 51F8DC52-A8B3-4E96-AD87-B….jpeg)

File: da2e101df404763⋯.jpeg (372.7 KB, 768x542, 384:271, FCF2830E-3B41-4943-A11E-D….jpeg)

File: a5ce0b37b00d4b3⋯.jpeg (39.38 KB, 360x233, 360:233, 2889AAF4-5A03-49A8-9280-A….jpeg)

File: 184382c41ba8cbb⋯.jpeg (118.52 KB, 931x633, 931:633, 1E456913-EC82-4B82-94F2-6….jpeg)

d8c801  No.4322832

File: dc1abf6bd0fa2e9⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 680x524, 170:131, standard_balazs_Andre.jpg)




58a268  No.4322833

File: 1a07df598ea7ac7⋯.jpg (120.84 KB, 759x422, 759:422, aed82c13354d0d76df5bfd1881….jpg)

winning foreseen in France

363bbb  No.4322834


Yet you were posting porn to capture our attention last thread.

It's my observation that you're trying to throw us off.

Although, I haven't examined your link. Can you blame me though? Seeing as how you're doing the very thing we're collectively shaming other faggots here for doing…

69c2b3  No.4322835


Yeah, sure. "oh…that one looks cool, I'll have that…"


You never been to a tat parlor have you?

5f384f  No.4322836

File: e6338fcc92a026f⋯.png (872.03 KB, 941x520, 941:520, back to work 1.PNG)

a79bdd  No.4322837

File: 7dda36262ed0d4a⋯.png (430.29 KB, 1102x734, 551:367, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)

10c4b8  No.4322838

File: 25bda05073cbd04⋯.png (5.06 MB, 1263x4196, 1263:4196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dbf73ba39c0c59⋯.png (4.44 MB, 1263x4586, 1263:4586, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d45381a77cee6ad⋯.png (454.23 KB, 1263x3970, 1263:3970, ClipboardImage.png)




baf676  No.4322839


when do birds sing?

77a0de  No.4322840


So witty.

3176e8  No.4322841

File: 32e5d93c0f44fe5⋯.png (256.7 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


d76e17  No.4322842

File: ca4a5e76fd0eb4a⋯.jpg (117.96 KB, 720x845, 144:169, QProofFBITexts.jpg)

File: 9a2aa0ac01eb4c4⋯.jpg (511.49 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, FBI-Text-Destruction.jpg)

File: 6d22673db2e3fd9⋯.jpg (396.65 KB, 775x775, 1:1, DeclassifyFBITexts5.jpg)

File: 0d32552bc7c22bb⋯.jpg (386.92 KB, 775x775, 1:1, DeclassifyFBITexts2.jpg)

File: f02690b202111b5⋯.jpg (344.43 KB, 775x775, 1:1, DeclassifyFBITexts4.jpg)


54m54 minutes ago

Wow, 19,000 Texts between Lisa Page and her lover, Peter S of the FBI, in charge of the Russia Hoax, were just reported as being wiped clean and gone. Such a big story that will never be covered by the Fake News. Witch Hunt!

f14400  No.4322843


One of my favorite quotes.

God bless that man.

3d9fe7  No.4322844

File: 15cc415028e8a0c⋯.jpg (98.37 KB, 512x680, 64:85, NecessaryEvil.jpg)



I'm pretty sure the fbwhatever posters and the votlfag and the idiot claiming there used to be no porn are the actual shills and the other guys are militant shitposters. I'm siding with the shitposters but having a pretty chill day.

I think there's a battle going on.

b299b9  No.4322845


My favorite part is how they are all throwing hail mary investigations and claims because they must in order to maintain their desired optics on those they still have brainwashed, even though they know this will only speed up their demise. Its a game of provocation and they can't win because trump has the "I win" move.

480dac  No.4322846


Can't we VETO this shit?

9c1664  No.4322847

File: cb7e197a474b044⋯.jpg (224.38 KB, 1824x1014, 304:169, Schumer Putin.jpg)



Chuck Schumer meets with Vladimir Putin. Excellent optics XD

cb3dcd  No.4322848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

28d8b5  No.4322849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And then Barbie said that's a lot of peanut butter on the dildo and then they shitposted their homotus in the dollhouse and called themselves Jews

a86ca7  No.4322850


Twilight. The transitions between night and day.

86c1c9  No.4322851

File: e4f3a2cc92041c2⋯.png (12.37 KB, 338x298, 169:149, Glork00002a.png)

174507  No.4322852







>These people are stupid.



05f4d7  No.4322853

File: 3bd307b9f9b25a2⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1200x861, 400:287, 1530205688454.jpg)

File: b8ad66a47cc8982⋯.png (151.84 KB, 632x626, 316:313, Degeneration.png)

File: dc77de9542e2169⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1927x10000, 1927:10000, Jews_Porn_Big.jpg)

File: a9afe1e4315d819⋯.jpg (250.07 KB, 791x1080, 791:1080, Jews_porn_big_2.jpg)

File: 1f12dd1b42e844b⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 1558x6300, 779:3150, Jews_Porn_Weapon_Against_G….jpg)



Porn is a jewish weapon against gentiles.

In Israel, access to porn is restricted, yet they produce most of it and distribute it for free outside of Israel. Where jews ever known for giving away shit for free?

9c3cfb  No.4322854


We can all think for ourselves, thanks.


It is.

667f9b  No.4322855

File: 13a63c30dfaf6ec⋯.jpeg (45.65 KB, 518x445, 518:445, CB277601-E5AA-4603-BBE5-E….jpeg)

c6e730  No.4322856

File: 1e46dfc07c804ae⋯.png (33.2 KB, 247x196, 247:196, 4cf2808f5d91770c461f1cf044….png)


Brad Parscale is my people.

6c29a1  No.4322857

File: 1f89b10958dd929⋯.png (31.01 KB, 633x133, 633:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e09c167234b8d2d⋯.png (75.05 KB, 657x224, 657:224, ClipboardImage.png)

warning: for some reason this is triggering the fuck out of somebody

was pulled from the board and anon posted about prior debate concerning this site but I have yet to get an explanation


e23f61  No.4322858

File: 6b158756e2e505f⋯.jpg (597.13 KB, 1200x732, 100:61, 1544030089.jpg)


Dats rite.

f4e11e  No.4322859

File: 44f5849a81d7c21⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 480x637, 480:637, Shit-bag.jpg)

5fa993  No.4322860


I love seeing how his Marines look up to him, they ALL aspire to be him. He has instilled honor, courage and integrity in his men. I'd love to have the honor of shaking his hand one day!

ab3f76  No.4322861

File: 188cc012d672735⋯.gif (16.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 84e030a75f73c74d18ff687670….gif)

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)



Oh wow, its full clown panic mode.

21 shill posts - ✔

"Juden/kike/jidf/jew/rabbi/moshe/shlomo/goy/talmud" - ✔

No arguments - ✔

Thanks for playing faggots. Your panic is our bread and butter.

bf7c79  No.4322862

File: 594f71b5fe6da9a⋯.png (8.96 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 9dc045b6c07690a4eba2aa9a1a….png)


>What Google will do for China, Google will also do against this country

they are already doing this as well as pushing what "they" want , example google idiot and POTUS comes up first .

what i was really asking is why do they need google as opposed to using their own people .

and thank you for your reply anon .

7d308f  No.4322863


Wish they hadn't posted that - no proof, and the incidents took place at some distance from each other . . .

b8cb44  No.4322864

File: 295e8679d55208e⋯.png (498.39 KB, 489x575, 489:575, respawn.png)

d76c68  No.4322865


I really think Comey is playing the part assigned to him.. maybe Cohen too.

It’s optics for the witch hunt.

Witch hunt is MANDATORY agree?

363bbb  No.4322866


Maybe this is a means justify ends sort of deal.

That I'd gladly accept.

Either way, you post porn certainly HINDERS the cause and does little to support it.

>But the ball is rolling now, no need to resort to cheap gimmicks to show

Indeed, I tend to be pedantic when I'm annoyed.

I see your point, anon. It doesn't mean I approve, but it is recognized.

Can you post screenshots or an overview of the site?

05f4d7  No.4322867


Go fuck yourself AIM faggot.

28cc13  No.4322868



this was baked by a girl, as was the breads prior. We only knew cause someone called the baker a guy and she corrected them. The gender neutrality of this bread is a testament to it not mattering, girls exist and they do things and thats that

b9ab72  No.4322869


By the way [CA_J]

Tell your Blue Check handler that we saved the deleted periscope.


667f9b  No.4322870

File: 4ee626fa42c66a9⋯.jpeg (56.65 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 5FBE14A9-ED1B-4180-8E0D-A….jpeg)

870866  No.4322871

Robert Barnes Retweeted

cain_nate's avatar

Nate Cain 🙏👪🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ @cain_nate

Dec 5

To clarify my last tweet. The raid was real, this isn't over, and I still don't know why it happened, but progress is being made towards answers (@ChuckGrassley letters). I did what I believed was right and followed the law to the best of my ability and I am not ashamed …..

a09e6c  No.4322872


Oh I see… So Mattis is a role-model, to be revered… That childless, loveless, non-girlfriend having, skinny-nerd with a lisp. Ahhh yes, I hope all our nations men can be so bold as to be MGTOW-faggots, serving the destruction of their own race, by acting as a template for what a great man should be… Childless, impaired, alone and acting as a pawn for the powers that be!


d76e17  No.4322873

File: 5631e9c433d6d9d⋯.jpg (158.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsWhatIfTextsAssassin….jpg)

File: e9a3b496fcea4b7⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts.jpg)

File: 0bd1c9df92e0a21⋯.jpg (146.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts1.jpg)

File: 7795450c3f257c7⋯.jpg (135.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts2.jpg)

File: 3031f179a2f3e9e⋯.jpg (92.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts3.jpg)

Memes re:


54m54 minutes ago

Wow, 19,000 Texts between Lisa Page and her lover, Peter S of the FBI, in charge of the Russia Hoax, were just reported as being wiped clean and gone. Such a big story that will never be covered by the Fake News. Witch Hunt!

bee030  No.4322874


Why not just have her pay for the wall?

e9e395  No.4322875

>>4322855 BO delete it pls

78502a  No.4322876

File: 8ea5c39383e6b50⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1024x1018, 512:509, trumpdove.png)



>Prolly a dove

←—-Like this?

00fec4  No.4322877



Borrowing from AYYLMAOS

28d8b5  No.4322878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And then bannalingus larped the homotus backhole from the peanut butter dildo and walrus josh went on to claim trump part of the Bible cause there were no blue pills left

667f9b  No.4322879

File: a3b928db7fc4b52⋯.jpeg (144.56 KB, 749x471, 749:471, 57E462F9-47AE-4B37-BBFB-5….jpeg)

File: 905bd38e0ab86bb⋯.jpeg (274.19 KB, 1526x990, 763:495, 1E1036C5-BBBA-4373-BCA1-8….jpeg)

3de5da  No.4322880

everyone should just calm down.

We have 16 days to make 2018 glorious.

On 1-1-19 we'll all look back and laugh at how great the last 2 weeks were with all the arrests, truths revealed, cured diseases, and space travel.

5fa993  No.4322881

File: 9675ef40b3764e0⋯.png (69.09 KB, 1200x422, 600:211, Screenshot_2018-12-15_16-2….png)

d5cbf6  No.4322882

File: a80ce3b55df7c23⋯.png (448.6 KB, 577x674, 577:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c3aa1b6df7d2f0⋯.png (599.85 KB, 560x555, 112:111, ClipboardImage.png)


Rogue C.I.A. shadow government planned to secure diamonds and rare earth minerals needed for manufacturing in computers, TVs, mobile phones, space and defense in Central Africa by installing Paul Kagame as a strongman, no matter the human cost


86c1c9  No.4322883

File: 2e9afa91cae0f9a⋯.png (6.79 KB, 453x332, 453:332, Glork00006.png)

05f4d7  No.4322884


He is that clown that got doxed, the AIM faggot.

dac13f  No.4322885

File: d672053ab7b114c⋯.jpg (185.28 KB, 599x602, 599:602, pepe reeee deep.jpg)

The Krassensteins are here

8c9290  No.4322886


>>4322813 Democrats have several political stars with Arab or Muslim backgrounds.

>>4322428 Weekly Standard last issue to be on Dec. 17.

>>4322371 LS/PS texts end date, May 17, 2017, coincides with the appointment of Mueller.

>>4322339 OIG's report on the recovery of LP/PS texts.

>>4322325 Henry “Ham” Mack on Disney Channel’s Andi Mack, has been fired by the network following his arrest for alleged attempted sex with a minor.

>>4322321 At least 20 Afghan civilians killed in airstrike: officials.

>>4322298 Million plus NJ gun owners defy State law, refuse to turn over banned gun mags.

dcf97e  No.4322887


I read the opposite of what you are saying, Anon. Hitler hated every aspect of liberalism–including its philosophies, literature, art forms, music, movies, and porn. He burned this stuff publicly, and people were arrested for possessing them.

Berlin was perhaps the most progressive city in the world during the pre-Nazi era. They had a thriving film industry as well—with lots of mainstream stuff as well as porn. Many of the writers, producers, artists, etc. where liberal Jews. But the ones who could afford to leave and were able to get American visas fled Germany when they saw the changes coming. A lot of them ended up in Hollywood.

After Hitler took over, the arts that featured a lot of nudity and sex were mostly erased and replaced with nationalist elements. Most of the succeeding body of 'Nazi Art' has vanished. A pity…. as some of it was quite beautiful. Much of it now exists only in old black and white film clips that are featured in documentaries about the Nazis.

196398  No.4322888

File: 0ba50e1ad464018⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 578b8a429fede9aca9bac1f0ca….jpg)

File: 64ecedc380e9073⋯.jpg (68.29 KB, 748x500, 187:125, iu (13).jpg)

d8c801  No.4322889

File: 47bfab644e302b6⋯.png (17.77 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BUT_MUH.png)

it's not about (y o u)…. it's about Q

9ba6d8  No.4322890

File: 1d7b7d2fd78eff9⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1197x794, 1197:794, d10d3c67-8299-4a67-276c-5d….png)

File: 80d285545c1017b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1033x577, 1033:577, 033ee143-4023-84ba-cea4-6b….png)

a09e6c  No.4322891


I'll bet our "ISRAEL FIRST" president is just ecstatic about young-men looking top to Mattis.

d76e17  No.4322892

File: 938996804ab186f⋯.jpg (122.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts4.jpg)

File: 604c4b091ed3402⋯.jpg (99.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts5.jpg)

File: 2e7c92782dfd45e⋯.jpg (154.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts16.jpg)

File: 9c530b943be6764⋯.jpg (122.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts19.jpg)

File: 11d674f08fb97e4⋯.jpg (272.99 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ReleaseTheTexts20.jpg)

22f0e1  No.4322893

>>4321882 (lb)

We still don't know what the notes were or meant.

467409  No.4322894


>I think there's a battle going on.

there is. yesterday was like this too

the shills didn't appear to like being told that the porn doesn't matter AND there's a false precedent for it.

Either way psychological warfare can be fun. It goes both ways, just like FISA's :D

I don't care about the porn for the record, but it's fun pointing out truths kekekek

0ea8b9  No.4322895


I think you're bang on with that analysis anon…I will disengage

3176e8  No.4322896

File: a0df816a6b5e069⋯.png (806.41 KB, 1024x762, 512:381, TOOTSMOBALLS.png)




ab3f76  No.4322898


Lol this pathetic tag team between the 30 post shill and the porn clowns is the fakest and gayest crap i have ever seen

9c3cfb  No.4322899


You and only you control the information you allow yourself to see and analyze. Keep trying to pin me for one post LB out of many, many others.

God bless you.

7702b8  No.4322900

File: 6a24745886fc1e2⋯.jpg (118.05 KB, 598x913, 598:913, 0054c0d25ef45f83a6676d750a….jpg)


80113a  No.4322901


Its so crazy.. when i was a kid… this image was "sent" to my brain" and i drew it on a piece of paper while at my grandfather's house…. it felt like i was blowing lines of coke…

3176e8  No.4322902

File: 182d440774d9da6⋯.png (96.18 KB, 464x211, 464:211, ClipboardImage.png)

9c1664  No.4322903

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)



9c0d31  No.4322904

File: ae35d34dec7fa1c⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 500x648, 125:162, 2p1xr8.jpg)

Lawfags, what do you think the Judge will do in the Flynn case?

dac13f  No.4322905


You are your own worst enemy

4ab2bc  No.4322906



Do you think President Trump needs to be told what to do?


Veto exists only at the UN Security Council.

363bbb  No.4322907



Although, we should certainly be wary about making this too much about Jews.

Keep in mind that they are merely pawns, anon.

Don't get engulfed in the jidf/unit 8200 persuasion that intends to throw us off by insisting Jews are the end all be all of in the hierarchy of power.

a09e6c  No.4322908



"To be childless, alone and fighting for Israel, like our brave Gen. Mattis." - America

d76e17  No.4322909

File: 04f714005bb6b69⋯.jpg (156.15 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts21.jpg)

File: a4fd56a9bdbea99⋯.jpg (175.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts22.jpg)

File: f550fda93345427⋯.jpg (164.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts23.jpg)

File: e77ab77f8356b26⋯.jpg (131.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts24.jpg)

File: 611312f11e548f9⋯.jpg (156.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts25.jpg)

f206ad  No.4322910

File: 5c6cba26b84d28f⋯.jpg (137.94 KB, 565x425, 113:85, 5c6cba26b84d28f8f8f779088d….jpg)


is that you Michael?

9ba6d8  No.4322911


vacate the plea and dismiss the action

17c9f1  No.4322912

File: 301d9581cdcf681⋯.png (297.39 KB, 380x306, 190:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Mystick Crew of Comus

Was this elite group of businessmen actually mocking ordinary citizens by parading around in the mask of a French King?

This group started Mardi Gras in the late 1800's

Why does the "King" ware a mask at the celebration?

But the Queen does not ware a mask?

Same with V.P. Fair in St.Louis.

Both cities were French colonies btw.

Was there a French Royal behind these fairs? Was Payseur lineage behind these fairs?

d44271  No.4322913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Then shillary showed up and sucked buttholes and peanut butter and claimed Jesus when she sat on bannalingus

And claimed it was the Jews

f14400  No.4322914


Same here, would love to meet him in person someday.

667f9b  No.4322915

File: 57a70e2fb59c4c7⋯.jpeg (77.16 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, 481435BD-FC01-40BB-B5B0-C….jpeg)

69c2b3  No.4322916


Is it France's version of AF1? Honest question.

ea20ed  No.4322917

File: 7451a6a53f144d9⋯.jpg (326.43 KB, 1478x1108, 739:554, Q_TAG.jpg)


Zactly. Biblical symbol of peace and love?

Just found this in my archives before my PC was destroyed in April… I now use pcmatic kek!

d76e17  No.4322918

File: d697c0c02d761cd⋯.jpg (141.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts26.jpg)

File: 3943b9fdf86f21c⋯.jpg (103.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts27.jpg)

File: 652ba810bd1f566⋯.jpg (144.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts28.jpg)

File: 06f766933257726⋯.jpg (138.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts200.jpg)

File: a5659b27e9bfea9⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts202.jpg)

ab3f76  No.4322919


Theyre in full blowm panic mode. Dont remember tge last time we had this shit. Maybe the closest were the gore spambots days.

0c0a08  No.4322920


Agree anon. I was a fan of Meganon as well and many of her statements seems to be playing out as truth. I think she was silenced to not distract form the Q movement (and is perhaps now one of the Q team)

d54faf  No.4322921

File: f2234fbeadbeb6d⋯.png (335.84 KB, 466x502, 233:251, 2018-12-15_12-43-36.png)

dac13f  No.4322922


Wasn't talking about you faggot

05f4d7  No.4322923



But it is.

And you're a faggot zionist gate keeping shill motherfucker old ass clown.

Reminder that you already got doxed once, don't play with fire old man, you might get burned.

196398  No.4322924

File: 861f239dce24ef1⋯.jpg (125.28 KB, 750x404, 375:202, wtpcutdown.jpg)

098bf1  No.4322925

File: 0eba6658dc6cf93⋯.png (36.14 KB, 470x194, 235:97, pointerTRUMP.png)

635da5  No.4322927

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, 3DCB4B37-DD95-434A-8A66-B8….gif)

019755  No.4322928

File: b860c50ed280a8a⋯.png (80.97 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)




The important thing to get to is who is this clowns handler.

Not a group but a individual who pulls his strings.

I am sure that the Jewish princess Sandburg was helping but who is the main shill.

0c88cc  No.4322929


100% disagree

a09e6c  No.4322930


Yeah… It's me. I'm shilling against myself. Because that's what people do. You must be one of these GREAT RESEARCHERS I keep hearing about here on 8Chan.

8c9290  No.4322931


It's a good question, I have no idea honestly. Maybe an on-call planefag can weigh in?

d76c68  No.4322932


Why are people debating girls ?

Without them we wouldn’t exist.

(Not surprisingly, the same can be said for men)

d76e17  No.4322933

File: 3ae1e25487465db⋯.jpg (85.36 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts203.jpg)

File: af90a7911ed693e⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts204.jpg)

File: 834c7158dd9ea24⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts205.jpg)

File: 4d4d674e3e396fa⋯.jpg (157.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts206.jpg)

File: 33d2b54383b24d5⋯.jpg (97.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts207.jpg)

d8c801  No.4322934

File: 39c12092694ece7⋯.png (275.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, I_smell_desperation.png)


yep… can't believe they went back to Q is a LARP….

405ed0  No.4322935

File: 77914b0ef62b43f⋯.png (146.72 KB, 885x609, 295:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d97f8175c69825a⋯.png (229.3 KB, 871x851, 871:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 169d6eddfc8fc39⋯.png (229.1 KB, 899x827, 899:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bea2d6f23fe94d⋯.png (167.21 KB, 883x657, 883:657, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaked Memo Touts UK-Funded Firm's Ability To Create "Untraceable" News Sites For "Infowar Campaign"

The hacking collective known as "Anonymous" has published more explosive documents detailing a UK-based psyop to create a "large-scale information secret service" in Europe in order to combat "Russian propaganda" — which has been blamed for everything from Brexit to Trump winning the 2016 US election to this month's anti-Macron "Yellow Vest" protests.

We previously detailed the first trove of documents which were dumped online November 5th to the site Cyberguerilla, revealing the private UK organization with deep government ties, the Integrity Initiative, to be engaged in an aggressive campaign to organize "clusters" of journalists across the West engaged in “counter-propaganda” efforts on social media networks and in media. And now a new trove of leaked Integrity Initiative documents has been dumped online Friday.


7702b8  No.4322936


who is Priscilla Chan?

f14400  No.4322937

File: 93b421fcc0d3840⋯.jpeg (222.08 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, A49C4E00-A52B-4D2A-88CA-3….jpeg)

2b1a39  No.4322938

File: 3b1a2534e97d369⋯.jpg (122.34 KB, 404x512, 101:128, John_Kerry_official_Secret….jpg)


John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943)

555a7f  No.4322939


Brad is a good guy and spot on. Trump is not isolated. He is a great man and has great people around him.

757700  No.4322940

File: f98a921baa2496f⋯.jpg (91.05 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 48369520_2067132760036014_….jpg)

this being circulated on social media

5f384f  No.4322941

File: 91c353bbf67175d⋯.png (553.61 KB, 1076x639, 1076:639, people.PNG)

d44271  No.4322942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THen trumps pedo cucks came out to touch peepees that weren't theirs

With fancy MSM network tools

And that judge that bought all that cocaine

d9ff85  No.4322943


"to enforce The Riot Act"

Riot Act/Rule of Law–"advance toward the commission of an act which would he a riot if actually committed, such assembly is a rout. Pen. Code Cal. "

667f9b  No.4322944

File: 06d964c37648081⋯.jpeg (196.38 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 91B77365-6670-4CBF-97B0-0….jpeg)

c13431  No.4322945


30 and over OK…otherwise No Way…

d76e17  No.4322946

File: cff0b57be8e7f69⋯.jpg (91.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts209.jpg)

File: e193face9ab2956⋯.jpg (90.18 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts210.jpg)

File: b6bdfa3db2a5651⋯.jpg (87.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts211.jpg)

File: 549b6af0f9f4ee3⋯.jpg (85.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts212.jpg)

File: 71b835ba29566e1⋯.jpg (137.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts213.jpg)

9ba6d8  No.4322947


now your anonymous reputation is on the line, ooohh

245a22  No.4322948



Don't hold your breath.

B.O. is a faggot irl.

Q is a LARP

CTA is STILL here.


2805ea  No.4322949

File: 05ec4c31cd31791⋯.png (206.02 KB, 1340x339, 1340:339, Payseur-genetic-labs.png)


True, just noting it to help better understand the reach.

Whomever sold that collection needed some cash all of a sudden.


Now that's fascinating, anon.

fd766a  No.4322950

File: fac84b334898488⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 629x358, 629:358, Screenshot 2018-12-15_12-4….jpg)

File: 1c88bf0864cb096⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB, 638x360, 319:180, bjc1a5oJUoA9fCTS.mp4)

363bbb  No.4322951


What makes you think the same people who came here and taught DS through Operation Paperclip weren't capable of similar tactics before Hitler took power?

You make good points. You just don't go far enough with them.

Learn of Angela Merkel and her relation to Hitler.

Learn how Hitler was supported in many more ways than financially by the bloodlines.

You have yet to scratch the surface, anon.


4e0761  No.4322952


Formerly used by Francois Hollande, and now by Emmanuel Macron, the French presidential aircraft - an Airbus A330-200 - has a bedroom, dressing room, kitchen, office and soundproof negotiation room. It also has space for travelling journalists. Nicolas Sarkozy previously used an Airbus A319 before one of its engines failed just before take-off. After that the A319 was sold to make way for the A330. The presidential fleet also includes two Dassault Falcon 7Xs.

I don't know what the aircraft was you all are talking about, though.

dcecb9  No.4322953


Marching Orders RECEIVED!

d8c801  No.4322954

File: 0526a463106a094⋯.png (565.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ZUCK_CHINESE_HANDLER.png)

fd766a  No.4322955

File: 6e9313e4bcf4165⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 1280x532, 320:133, red pill.mp4)

d76e17  No.4322956

File: b3e906ae639171b⋯.jpg (90.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts214.jpg)

File: a1b98b35a2a46a6⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts215.jpg)

File: 9cf946620756830⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts217.jpg)

File: b22e69638e5d94d⋯.jpg (126.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts218.jpg)

File: 4d8c5afc39a239f⋯.jpg (160.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts219.jpg)

245a22  No.4322957

Microchip is your friend.

Defango is your friend.


a380aa  No.4322958

File: 7ba39880c37f4ee⋯.jpg (145.84 KB, 1255x396, 1255:396, ml.jpg)


Now please explain, why is it not legit? I don't understand this justice speech, I don't know what these §-things mean. Why is this document not legit?

5b5972  No.4322959


Your mom called. She said do something productive with your life besides posting obsessively on 8 Chan. And oh yea…you're also six months behind on the rent for your basement space.

363bbb  No.4322960


I don't want to.

Read my next reply to you.

bbb940  No.4322961

File: 46d0edeaacc61c2⋯.gif (1011.57 KB, 500x655, 100:131, tumblr_msh60tTLLo1qap9uuo1….gif)



What on Earth

Do You Mean?

Don't let FEAR Rule your Existence!

The SubGenius!

cf55c1  No.4322962



Theres no "Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas." The fonts are wrong. The form is wrong. All of it is wrong. This is fake and gay.

ab3f76  No.4322963

8c9290  No.4322964


>>4322935 Supposed leaked memo touts UK-Funded firm's ability to manipulate social media.

>>4322813 Democrats have several political stars with Arab or Muslim backgrounds.

>>4322428 Weekly Standard last issue to be on Dec. 17.

>>4322371 LS/PS texts end date, May 17, 2017, coincides with the appointment of Mueller.

>>4322339 OIG's report on the recovery of LP/PS texts.

>>4322325 Henry “Ham” Mack on Disney Channel’s Andi Mack, has been fired by the network following his arrest for alleged attempted sex with a minor.

>>4322321 At least 20 Afghan civilians killed in airstrike: officials.

>>4322298 Million plus NJ gun owners defy State law, refuse to turn over banned gun mags.

d76e17  No.4322965

File: 9414fe79a59045d⋯.jpg (105.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts220.jpg)

File: bb5b0db0fe1583d⋯.jpg (104.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts221.jpg)

File: d08ea52b570a77b⋯.jpg (142.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts222.jpg)

File: dd94bb0684e08b0⋯.jpg (94.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts223.jpg)

File: e29017aec9c00d4⋯.jpg (241.13 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ReleaseTheTexts224.jpg)

a09e6c  No.4322966


Reported for what? Sharing screenshots???

5fa993  No.4322967


The US Military does NOT swear an oath to the President. This is fake as fuck!

667f9b  No.4322968

File: a9d0313e45ec85f⋯.jpeg (288.12 KB, 1814x1370, 907:685, 8647A115-4B7A-4F7B-BB01-B….jpeg)

28cc13  No.4322969


Not debating, the title Qresearch 1336 Gender Free Bread. https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1070618.html its literally proof female bakers exist. I see someone saying they dont exist so i correct rhen :)

80113a  No.4322970


Brad is a fucking badass… wouldn't mess with that guy if someone paid me

9c3cfb  No.4322971

File: 8e801c3cfd42202⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 669x235, 669:235, deep-state-hijack-timeline….jpg)


It's a massive site, but sure, for the sake of transparency since the shills have stopped sliding and are now directly attacking me, I'd be happy to oblige your request. The cohesive run-down is 288 pages long, and then there is an entire library of documents.

288 page coherent report: http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html

Library: https://fbcoverup.com/docs/library

It is also interesting, to me at least, that you cannot get to any of that without those links figured out. fbcoverup.com doesn't have a homepage and isn't "live" yet.

4e0761  No.4322972


>"Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas."

KEK. District Supreme Court.

df5a7f  No.4322974

File: d77ce03ee5ae030⋯.png (177.37 KB, 1182x760, 591:380, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)


d8c801  No.4322975


but why? it's about Q, not about you

77a0de  No.4322978


when they're shitting in your mouth.

i dunno. am not an expert in birdology.

fc9f04  No.4322979


Let's call it what it is. ALL nudity and porn is an effort to slide the bread and discredit the movement. If I wanted to see tits, I wouldn't look for it on QResearch. This is not a one-stop-shop for entertainment. We have a SINGULAR purpose for being here.

d7d462  No.4322980

File: febdf70452c7b4f⋯.jpeg (87 KB, 500x978, 250:489, watchdevilartemis.jpeg)

01414e  No.4322982




The pic of the vid is from comet pizza security cam

4e0761  No.4322984


Fake and Gay.

Swear oath to the Constitution.

08156b  No.4322985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Then dogg boy decided to be BO

And pedocucked with Baal

And huber

And the others

And it went Scottish

a09e6c  No.4322986


JohnnyTruthSeed and the Weiss Sturm are with you, brother.

9adce2  No.4322987



667f9b  No.4322988


New here huh?

a79bdd  No.4322989

File: 102c82593a5e7d4⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1327x801, 1327:801, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

05f4d7  No.4322990

File: 963e6a6310df204⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1348x2760, 337:690, Slander_Against_Hitler_Jew….png)

File: 8899f6e071cbaa3⋯.png (222.41 KB, 1005x495, 67:33, When_Victims_Rule_A_Critiq….PNG)



Subversive jews want it both way: Hitler and nazis were bad, but they were bad because they were solving the problems that themselves created.

They are projecting their MO into the nazis (not saying they were perfect thou).

Zionism and zionists are the worst cancer in the world right now.

They better pray that Kushner is allowed to do its job and get them a place to contain them, otherwise things might become really bad for them, with no place to hide.

b606db  No.4322991


Over the past several months, several people who have seen that video in its entirety (it was taken down almost immediately) have weighed in with different interpretations regarding its validity.

Jim Stone was somewhat skeptical, IIRC.

Biggest warning sign to me, however, was that someone affiliated with Hilary (some low grade actress?) came forth and said it was she acting in a macabre filming.

That smacks of total BS to me.

It - the pics from the video - have a lot of similarities in presentation to the infamous 'Father/Podesta' video as well as the videocam pics supposedly from Epstein's island.

245a22  No.4322992

▶Anonymous 12/08/18 (Sat) 11:28:474aea49 No.4214362







Q assured us that the DOJ would actually be useful after Sessions left. Another lie! Trump is appointing SWAMP CREATURE BOB BARR, one of the swampiest corrupt deep state asshats from the Bush 41 administration. Why?!?







Q assured us that the DOJ would actually be useful after Sessions left. Another lie! Trump is appointing SWAMP CREATURE BOB BARR, one of the swampiest corrupt deep state asshats from the Bush 41 administration. Why?!?


I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.





You lied, Sessions and Huber did nothing, and they were never on our side. There was never a plan. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.





You lied, midterms was a disaster. You set us up for failure. You do nothing to investigate and punish voter fraud. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.




You do nothing to protect actual whistleblowers and American citizens. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.



I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.


d0394b  No.4322993

File: 6426e35a8cd997d⋯.png (15.99 KB, 489x241, 489:241, soiboys.png)

363bbb  No.4322994


It's something Q taught us.

There's a difference between presenting curiosity through the use of a question and simply giving someone information.

bf7c79  No.4322996

File: 0484624a5116ee6⋯.jpg (35.41 KB, 327x327, 1:1, 2ox6ia.jpg)

245a22  No.4322997


Q, get your ass out here and resolve this. I’m calling you out as a LARP. Come at me. Remaining silent while anons are jumping ship is an admission of LARP. Been here since OCT 2017 fighting for you EVERY step of the way until Hillary leaving the country.

The LARP is researching POTUS schedule and making cryptic comments too vague to be believed one way or another.

Here’ s an example:Q says stuff like: "Watch the water", "Watch the news". "Disinfo is necessary" Trust the Plan” and “Boom” Then Q will posts numbers and letters that make no sense to manipulate us into thinking it is a code.Q tells us to "build the map" Where is it? Best case scenario: Q accidently let anons believe something that wasn’t true and neglected to correct us. Worst case scenario: Q is purposefully telling us things that are not true. Either disinfo is necessary or Q is a larping liar Not to mention the stuff that Q HAS claimed never came true.Boot theory debunked, Atlanta airport debunked. John Legend and Tiegen debunked, Huma indicted debunked, Podesta indicted debunked. Hillary arrested debunked, Snowden changing sides debunked "Trump should be shot!" debunked. Loop Capital? GANNETT? The list goes on…Wake up anons

<<The best way to debunk Q is to read Q's posts.>>

Q is a brilliant strategy to get free high quality pro Trump memes, research and social media support for free.

<<Corporations pay millions for the combined work we do for free>>

At least Q brought us together. We should continue to dig and find a way to save our country.

Just don’t be afraid of using critical thinking and common sense.

I know you’ve seen this, Q.

Did you hear me?

Your anons are leaving.

I’m calling you out as a fake.

▶Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:08:59 30861d No.685806>>685852


The only thing I disagree with here is "At least Q brought us together". I don't find this true, just look at the responses to your comment. You're not yelling at people on this board, you're looking out for them, yet they'll ridicule you for not thinking exactly like them. (Yet they claim normies are brain washed).

What happened to critical thinking? To add to your issues, I will add my own. Q has stated "we see all, we hear all" yet many lives have been lost in false flags, just as recently as yesterday (supposedly).

Q claims, "this is not a game", then asks, if "you'd like to play a game". I feel like we have been playing one already.

"Enjoy the show, we are winning". Loss of innocents lives is winning and a show I should be enjoying? If they knew about this bridge, why not prevent it? Or the trains that crashed a few months ago, or the powder that got sent to Don Jr, etc.

People completely ignore all the wrong and put a HUGE spotlight on the one vague, generalization that could be explained as a Q prediction (or 100 other things) and that's what they grasp to and attack you like a vicious bear, hungry and starving, if you even Question things. You can be polite to the users, polite about Q, but the minute you question this all, look out, Cult Q will be on your ass in a heartbeat.

I also find it pretty pathetic a lot of these guys dish bullshit and then hide behind a filtered button the minute they get done saying what they need to.

8ch really is starting to seem like a group of high schoolers, unemployed pill poppers and all-knowing information givers. AKA, complete bullshit.

Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:12:34 30861d No.685840>>685868 >>685973 >>685976 >>685989


…Also, don't forget the Memo was supposed to change EVERYTHING. Obama was supposed to be caught spying, Hillary, too. So much was supposed to come from the Memo.

And then BOOM!!!!! Nothing.

Now it's the IG report, new hype, new hope and after it's release, same old shit. Q will mention something new and these a.d.d types will run where pointed toward, never once looking back at the pile of bullshit they've been run through.

Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:24:10 469017 No.685973>>685989


You're so right. The memo was suppose to bring about yuge changes. RR gone, Sessions in-recused, end to Mueller, charges filed against the FB criminals, on and on.

What a joke that was. So, now we are suppose to believe that something might actually happen when the OIG report comes out? If the general public knows of the crimes committed by the 7th floor, you know damn good and well the Congress/DOJ know about it. Yet, every single one of them are still employed!!!! Including McCabe. Yet a lowly sailor took a pic of a submarine console and was immediately thrown in the brig. Yeah, sure there is equal justice under the law.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Q tells us POTUS prays to JFK? Insanity.

No name died a hero.

We lost the House.



“Goodbye RR?




Critical thinking anons.


00ef6c  No.4322998


The best perspective, the only perspective of a true Anon, this ain't about us.

If you haven't figured it out yet, we are the digital army Gen Flynn has enlisted, our efforts here for the kids being raped tortured & sacrificed to Moloch in SRA to keep a greedy few in control of all will be remembered for ages. But we're Anon

Making history BTFO'ing a bunch of merciless bastards that will stop at nothing to keep their power, can you think of any endeavor more worthy of your time?

I can't, and I ain't looking for Glory Fame nor shekels, I do it to serve God.

6d039d  No.4322999


the i told u soes will be extra delishious

c77e8e  No.4323000

File: d487ca867a8eb40⋯.jpeg (8.44 KB, 474x305, 474:305, iu.jpeg)


Pen is confirmed. Now GTFO.

3c507c  No.4323001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jordan Sather smashed HA Goodman in debate about Q

50bae3  No.4323002


Mentally filter and get the work done anyway.

It makes you stronger.

158c01  No.4323003

File: f9dd789919178fd⋯.jpg (117.41 KB, 672x960, 7:10, saintMattis.jpg)


>Saint Chaos

Saint Mattis

of the 1st church of the holy handgrenade

4e0761  No.4323004

File: d651e30db508299⋯.png (803.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

DHS Blackhawk scanning the border.

0c88cc  No.4323005


A bunch of random weirdos writing something on a piece of paper doesn't turn it into an actual federal or legal document of any sort.

019755  No.4323006












Has Zuckerburg's handled been neutralized?

His wife is also a puppet along with Sandburg.


d76c68  No.4323007


They serve at the pleasure of POTUS tho.

Message seeeeeems to have good intentions just misinformed.

Tbh it wouldn’t hurt if people had a 2-3week supply.

dac13f  No.4323008

Could this be the beginning of bewb war 3


f4e11e  No.4323009


Love that scene.

f14400  No.4323010

File: 495871e50209b1e⋯.png (399.07 KB, 600x337, 600:337, XSiqsHx.png)

d76e17  No.4323011




Some are working to understand, explain, document, express Q's crumbs and POTUS's tweets and recent executive orders and laws and happenings.

Others are not.

It's pretty clear who is and who isn't.

3176e8  No.4323012


































































7702b8  No.4323013

File: 5298dcbacd41abe⋯.jpg (497.57 KB, 1378x1954, 689:977, 61c73e358f889ceeaae67df1fd….jpg)

Never take chances with B.O.

fc9f04  No.4323014


Not even close to accurate. If you disagree, you can take muh baker girls and shove them up your pathetic incel ass.

363bbb  No.4323015



Quite the observation, anon.

d8c801  No.4323016


you are correct… it was never this bad… not on /pol/ not on /cbts/ not on /thestorm/

the you must be jew here argument is bullshit

3090b0  No.4323017

File: e1618b721e14649⋯.jpg (171.83 KB, 750x420, 25:14, WillemDafoe2.jpg)


Really anon?

You're gonna post ETS here

Take your shit to r/imafaggot

5b5972  No.4323018


It's actually something Socrates taught Q. But yea.

50bae3  No.4323020

Ah shit. Goreporn is back, too.

Weekend bonus or is it bigly habbening?

I vote titanic/gold repatriated/fed restructure as the target.

a09e6c  No.4323021


Hey… What's it like knowing your genetic-makeup resembles a biological dumpster-fire? Like, do you look at your mike-nose in the mirror and want to cut it off sometimes, or have you just accepted the inferiority of your DNA and abilities?

5fa993  No.4323022


It's fake so the intentions are anything but good dimwit!

08156b  No.4323023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THEn the Goldman Sachs tried to blame the robot for all the replerbiterian drumpf pedocucks butthole suckers and their peanut butter dildo fest in the dollhouse . So they said zuckbot vibrated your Scientology backchannel for glory and shekels

9c3cfb  No.4323024


That is what motivates me every day, I don't want to live in a world where I couldn't raise a family. Once you see it, you can't go back.

3c507c  No.4323025


article here also


3449ef  No.4323026


They may have made it on purpose to discredit the real one

05f4d7  No.4323028

File: bafc80eacb6282b⋯.png (671.33 KB, 859x599, 859:599, 01_Trump_one_state_solutio….PNG)

File: b2f557327ce8806⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2338x2001, 2338:2001, Israel_fucked.jpg)

File: 5af62ca573496c0⋯.png (396.59 KB, 615x570, 41:38, Israel_loses_leverage.PNG)

File: 39edb1ab47a64c9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1096x1382, 548:691, Trump_to_get_tough_on_bibi.png)

File: 9d2eb7ca80d5f07⋯.png (786.07 KB, 1473x754, 1473:754, US_pressure_delays_Israels….png)


Trump is not Israel first.

He hates what zionists have been doing to America for more than one hundred years now.

I bet you some days he wishes he could just oven them all, I know I do, but it is possible to solve this shit peacefully and fairly. At the end of the day, if all turn out wrong, we can always oven the zionists, but I don't think it will be necessary.

f4e11e  No.4323029

File: e0726dc0cef3bcd⋯.gif (3.12 MB, 480x368, 30:23, MassiveLivelyEelelephant-s….gif)

a79bdd  No.4323030

File: 728fdfa481e2927⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 1024x431, 1024:431, c794af71e1a96b1ae4da61a1ba….jpg)

a380aa  No.4323031


OK. Now how do you know this is written by a bunch of weirdos?

80113a  No.4323032


Aside from his character being a faggot.. where did you get that picture of me?

363bbb  No.4323033


Well, Q utilized philosophical architecture. You're not wrong: Socrates was indeed the inventor. Q merely marketed the product and showed us that we want it and how to use it.

6df062  No.4323034


Will smile if this one goes down.

4c8df4  No.4323035


I hope that the NSA releases the text messages that Mueller intentionally deleted to keep Hillary in the clear.

a09e6c  No.4323036


Quick, think of a snappy-comeback, faggot… JIDF isn't paying you to sit on your ass and watch kiddie-porn all day.

8c9290  No.4323037

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

8fa51e  No.4323038

File: da84bb722c3fbb3⋯.png (918.64 KB, 1437x886, 1437:886, ClipboardImage.png)


Is it best to ask questions, or tell someone how to think?

2b1a39  No.4323039

File: e998c8bf09e90cf⋯.jpeg (52.55 KB, 480x728, 60:91, e998c8bf09e90cf342d333f40….jpeg)

dac13f  No.4323040


you got that right

50bae3  No.4323041

Also, BO (and Q) I've been the loudest about not deleting anything, but goreporn can be gone without my complaint. :)

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