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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qrg.jpg)

0174c4  No.4228160

Welcome To Q Research General


We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes.  We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only.  We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.






Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening  v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099  SEE FOR YOURSELF          

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com


Q's Latest Posts

Friday 12.07.18

>>4198897 ————————————–——– Scott Free = WWG1WGA

>>4198677 rt >>4198635 -————————– Operators are ACTIVE.

>>4198539 ————————————–——– Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!

>>4197470 ————————————–——– COME[Y] (Cap/clip: >>4197712 )


Thursday 12.06.18

>>4187199 rt >>4186896 -————————– THE WORLD IS WATCHING.

>>4186896 ————————————–——– Why is "The Clinton Foundation" back in the news?


Wednesday 12.05.18

>>4171864 ————————————–——– What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

>>4171587 ————————————–——– It's all just a CONSPIRACY

>>4171504 ————————————–——– What do you want for XMAS? ( Cap: >>4171610 )

>>4169476 ————————————–——– People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST.

>>4169002 rt >>4168720 -————————– WHITAKER, HOROWITZ, HUBER, and WRAY.

>>4168720 ————————————–——– Move and countermoves.

>>4167458 rt >>4166910 -————————– EVIL has no place here.

>>4164820 ————————————–——– Follow the names on the list provided [update].

>>4160648 ————————————–——– Please allow us to counter (pic)

>>4160527 ————————————–——– Attention On Deck!

>>4158577 ————————————–——– When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY


Tuesday 12.04.18

Compiled here:>>4203271


Monday 12.03.18

Compiled here: >>4198988



Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/  |  Qs Tripcode: Q  !!mG7VJxZNCI


Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online


Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789,  >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0174c4  No.4228170


are not endorsements


>>4227950 Belgian PM Relaunches Government as Minority After Ally Quits

>>4228049 William Barr in 2005 on laws of war, enemy combatants, Guantanamo, etc.

>>4228022 South Africa sets date for white farmer land grabs – March 2019

>>4227751 Lots of surveillance up today

>>4227633 More on the Comey emails

>>4227621 Bye-bye dollar: India & UAE agree to trade in local currencies

>>4227486 Comes testimony. Interview house judiciary committee.

>>4227415, >>4227490 Q post that supports Comey is working for them. Gowdy comments on Comey

>>4228107 #5385


>>4226870 continued musings about comey = fbianon connection

>>4227188 sauce on Vale

>>4226651 Comey pizzagate emails found.

>>4226721 Storch explains the OIG NSA logo change

>>4227349 #5384


>>4226244 Comey comment and Trump tweet sound very similar

>>4226346 Order to destroy nine copies of FBI 302 -- D.B. Cooper

>>4226220 Kekistan flag flying live in front of stage, England demonstration

>>4226080 While Macron’s Paris is on fire, Salvini’s Rome shines as he puts Italians first

>>4226056 Q spotted again at Brexit rally

>>4226062 Donald Trump Is Calling You (FISA works both ways)

>>4226028 message from General Tauzin to the French public dating from August last year.

>>4225947 British woman who died in Mexico: eyes, heart and BRAIN 'stolen by organ traffickers'

>>4226574 #5383

Previously Collected Notables

>>4224210 #5380, >>4224986 #5381, >>4225815 #5382

>>4221971 #5377, >>4222797 #5378, >>4223456 #5379

>>4219679 #5374, >>4220417 #5375, >>4221199 #5376

>>4217386 #5371, >>4218083 #5372, >>4218850 #5373

>>4215024 #5368, >>4215764 #5369, >>4216562 #5370

>>4212716 #5365, >>4213897 #5366, >>4214245 #5367

>>4210390 #5362, >>4211158 #5363, >>4212014 #5364

>>4208112 #5359, >>4208863 #5360, >>4209625 #5361

>>4205776 #5356, >>4206558 #5357, >>4207352 #5358

>>4203512 #5353, >>4204578 #5354, >>4205031 #5355

>>4201132 #5350, >>4201945 #5351, >>4202423 #5352


Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536


0174c4  No.4228174


War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC


Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w


Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup --  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y



Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php


Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild


Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05  >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10  >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15  >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20  >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25  >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30  >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35  >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40  >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45  >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50  >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55  >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#58  >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996 , >>4199346


Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966



0174c4  No.4228175

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file


* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup:   docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More:    qmap.pub  

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations:    qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print:    http://qanon.news/posts.html


QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps:    1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops:    pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY  

* QMap Zip:    enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas:    docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links:    8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools:    https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts:    http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted:    https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/


QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php


Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets:     https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive:     trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form:     https://www.allmytweets.net/


Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations:     pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018:   https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg  

* Stock Movement Scraper:     http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News:     www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System:     https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App:     can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup     >>>/comms/220  (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155


Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic


Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735     Side by Side Archive


Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363  35 >>3863987  34 >>3690162

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884  Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/


Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html


Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa


Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw  (In progress to 6000)


Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

0174c4  No.4228180

the dough


9c5ea8  No.4228181


yet baker ignores the dozens of other posts proving otherwise.

BO BVs… has this baker been comfirmed?

226967  No.4228182

File: 238a55ff76de556⋯.jpg (376.88 KB, 1257x1094, 1257:1094, iur (9).jpg)

88fbeb  No.4228183

File: b6b3f211f5bb934⋯.jpg (632.24 KB, 1133x1700, 1133:1700, IMG_542.jpg)

patriots pray!

067304  No.4228185


>>4228095 (lb) LL closed door session week of Dec 17th with congress.

75d744  No.4228186

File: 7204441d351160c⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 486x345, 162:115, YouWouldntUnderstand.JPG)


It's possible

036eaa  No.4228187

File: 9f38184e642b44a⋯.jpg (489.44 KB, 1145x905, 229:181, flynndeal.jpg)

File: 2ddccd64732a39f⋯.jpg (39.65 KB, 1017x1080, 113:120, asolutlycomped.jpg)

Congress is Comped. The counter intel white hats have to lie to Congress. The House will be gutted. No leaks. This really isn't that difficult to fiqure out.


58b6bf  No.4228188


It's a non profit brand licensing cross border

So it's easy on the books

efcbe4  No.4228189



c740d6  No.4228190

>>4227412 China summons US ambassador to logde 'strong protest' over Huawei arrest

>>4227544 EU army rolls into France to squash protests

>>4227603 Trump: Comey Told 245 Lies During Friday's Congressional Testimony

>>4227664 MI6's Spymaster Revealed How The UK Is Conducting "Fourth Generation Espionage"

>>4227688 ‘Leave our nation be’: French FM fires back at Trump’s tweet on Yellow Vest rallies

>>4227713 Organ harvesting in Mexico

>>4227721 CF link to child abuse

>>4227737 260+ injured & over 1.7k detained across France in latest Yellow Vest chaos

>>4227810 Farage Prepares New Party for ‘Biggest Battle Yet’

>>4227832 Merkel party member calls her signing the UN Migration Pact “An act of treason”

>>4227964 Michael Cohen was paid more than FOUR MILLION dollars for promising several companies, including AT&T, access to President Trump

>>4228055 Twitter Cofounder Evan Williams Unloaded Nearly Half Of His Twitter Stake Since April

All plan related WW. 'NEWS UNLOCKS MAP' who said that????

Mossad when your done hiding truth you can eat a bag of dicks then choke on them and die!

a36f71  No.4228191

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)

GOD bless you all.

443883  No.4228192

File: e9ac7f056e6f6ce⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1608x2048, 201:256, IMG_6852.JPG)





8b0772  No.4228193


Patriots suckle.

917b64  No.4228194

>>4228178 PB

good gravy, the article basically says that with all the bad news about Trump and the "Russia Investigation" the writer cant believe anyone still follows Q

such low energy "reportingz"

2b7026  No.4228195

>>4227950 (lb)

Local guy who can give a bit of context.

What happened was the right wing parts of the Belgian Government wanted no part of the Immigration pact which the Belgian Minister was set to take off to today to sign in Morocco.

Without a government behind him, the PM of Belgium couldn't sign the pact. So the right party, N-VA, quit the same day he was set to takeoff. Hastily put together meetings were held with the King and Ministers basically at the point of a barrel to reform a government today before the PMs airplane took off. All this for migrants?

795ce6  No.4228196

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, thisshit.jpeg)

58b6bf  No.4228197

The masochists are more addicted to the shame

The ghost of an crackhead gf is podesta plot for merry krampus

13d159  No.4228198

File: 17ae5aa551344dd⋯.jpg (102.56 KB, 741x794, 741:794, Screenshot 2018-12-09_13-1….jpg)

File: dec5f77ec898a6a⋯.jpg (191.32 KB, 695x883, 695:883, Screenshot 2018-12-09_13-1….jpg)

Virginia, North Carolina Governors Declare State of Emergency


157aa0  No.4228199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On The 8th Day Of Hanukkah——-Do You Know Who Did 9/11?

"If I'm elected, you'll find out ……

Who Did 9/11

a57cf1  No.4228200

File: 43a2a6a020eb638⋯.jpg (102.92 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 026ad0167c7a893a7ae72b3a9b….jpg)

Baker is shit.

Can't even post fresh bread digitz, fag?

efcbe4  No.4228201


More likely CF now you say cross border

bac8eb  No.4228202

File: 4497a92e2240f41⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 460x281, 460:281, q1913.JPG)

before the shills get going

Leakin' Lyin' Comey in the killbox [JC]


08b940  No.4228203

File: 8fe2f171ba39b3e⋯.png (329.18 KB, 912x1200, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)

James Alefantis Rothschild

Seems obvious.

58b6bf  No.4228204


Try the salmon brunch on Saturday

13d159  No.4228205


yes sir and there are many more posts showing Comey activating sleeper cells etc….. both sides presented eh… not shilling just open thought

6a83a2  No.4228206

File: 11403091b8a6751⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 320x240, 4:3, water_meet_duck_bitch.jpg)

File: 7d4bd0a2d8f42ef⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1473x807, 491:269, FearfulAbuse.PNG)

File: 13922a79b22d157⋯.jpg (364.14 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg)

File: 5b0b31e663c2a0f⋯.png (12.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bait_is_mindkiller.png)

File: e426d7b41188681⋯.jpg (288.64 KB, 1580x717, 1580:717, ComfyAssKicking_muh_filter….jpg)

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
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\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Regex Filters:

/* Filters any name other than [left empty], Q, and Ron(CodeMonkey) */
[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))
/* Filters any combination of upper and lower case letters eg. re: milts' spam */
[Enter as a Comment filter] [Tt][Oo0][Oo0][Tt][Ss]

Theme | Custom CSS Basics:

/* Decrease RED TEXT size and recolour to Hot Pink for teh lulz. */
span.heading {
color: #ff00f0; /* Hot Pink */
font-size: 4pt; /* Real small, default is 11pt */

/* Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over */
.post-image {
opacity: .2; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(5px); /* Can be 1 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1px); /* Can be 1 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Get Comfy, Stay Centered.

Write when Insight Strikes

806667  No.4228207


Footnote #5

[BO] Interview Dates:

Ohr FD-302 12/19/16 (interview date 11/22/16) - HUSSEIN FBI

Ohr FD-302 12/19/16 (interview date 12/05/16) - HUSSEIN FBI

Ohr FD-302 12/19/16 (interview date 12/12/16) - HUSSEIN FBI

Ohr FD-302 12/27/16 (interview date 12/20/16) - HUSSEIN FBI

Ohr FD-302 01/27/17 (interview date 01/27/17) - POTUS / JC

Ohr FD-302 01/31/17 (interview date 01/23/17) - POTUS / JC

Ohr FD-302 01/27/17 (interview date 01/25/17) - POTUS / JC

Ohr FD-302 02/08/17 (interview date 02/06/17) - POTUS / JC / IG

Ohr FD-302 02/15/17 (interview date 02/14/17) - POTUS / JC / IG

Ohr FD-302 05/10/17 (interview date 05/08/17) - POTUS / 1-DAY PRIOR TO +++++JC FIRING+++++ [RR]

Ohr FD-302 05/12/17 (interview date 05/12/17) - POTUS / IG

Ohr FD-302 05/16/17 (interview date 05/15/17) - POTUS / IG

Meetings Not Yet Released [+7]



Can an anon help break this down a little for me please. Is this saying Comey/POTUS/and sometimes IG was in the room for Ohr interview??

58b6bf  No.4228208

File: 5fb8b377aea0a83⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 332x465, 332:465, IMG_4302.JPG)

628c18  No.4228209

File: 07f8e89399eb5c1⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_basic.jpg)


Who Did 9/11?


38cc68  No.4228210

File: ae318439e9635b8⋯.jpg (22.02 KB, 292x173, 292:173, orange man bad.jpg)

c740d6  No.4228211

File: f4297302767eb86⋯.png (653.83 KB, 801x477, 89:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1dde9fc2d290f18⋯.png (358.96 KB, 833x885, 833:885, ClipboardImage.png)

‘System is broken’: Medical researchers still routinely hiding funding from Big Pharma

A huge proportion of scientists and doctors publishing in major medical magazines continue to conceal ties to corporations relevant to their research, while punishment for not declaring interests remains weak, says a new report.

“The system is broken,” Mehraneh Dorna Jafari, assistant professor of surgery at the University of California, Irvine, told the New York Times and ProPublica, an investigative journalism non-profit.

Jafari was one of the authors of a landmark study published back in August that took the names of the 100 doctors receiving the most funding from medical equipment and drug manufacturers, and then studied whether they declared a potential conflict of interest in their published research. Only 37 did.


157aa0  No.4228212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Doesn't HOLLYWOOD Make Movies About Who Did 9/11?

*The Zionist Jewish Owned Hollywood makes LOTS of Movies about "muh Holocaust", every one of which ALWAYS gets Oscar Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenwriter, Best Caterer, etc…

*Yet the Biggest, most Stunning Day of Our Lifetime, the Day that Stunned The World, the Incredible Visual of both Towers exploding and collapsing –

In 17 YEARS, Why haven't ANY Hollywood Jewish Producer, Director, Movie Studio etc. made any Blockbuster Movies about 9/11?

*The Families of those Killed on 9/11 have been waiting 17 Years for the TRUTH about Who Did 9/11, and Why.

There is a Mountain of Evidence about this Evil Bloody Day, and about Who Profited from this Mass Murder, and from the Wars that this Day of Infamy 9/11 was used as a Pretext to send Americans out to fight and die for the Zionist Cabal.

Awoke anons KNOW. Engineers, Architects, Forensic Chemists, Intelligence agents, have gone on record about Who and How the Twin Towers were brought down. However the normie sheeple will only believe it from an Official Authority:

1. The President of The United States. Official Press Conference Broadcast on all MSM.

2. Mainstream Media Monopoly. Which is ALL OWNED by Zionist Jews.

For 17 Years, Most Americans have been fooled by Zionist Jewish TV Networks, Newspapers & Magazines about 9/11

*Which is The Bigger Injustice - 9/11 Or The 17 Year False Narrative Cover-up?

Justice For the Victims and Their Families requires Official Presidential Disclosure

Who Did 9/11

3fe0e0  No.4228213

>>4228158 lb

So nobody will notice any actual effects? No visible justice will be done? We're just going to have to keep trying to convince people to look up some obscure information from some unknown sources and sound like loons for the next decade. For fuck's sake make an example out of someone. Because these assholes are tearing this country up in the meantime, but hey I suppose you don't care. I want a show to stupify all the idiots in this country. I want shock and awe. I want people who have been so loud and so fucking rude and obnoxious to others to have to shut the fuck up forever. Don't pussyfoot around with this shit they are trying to destroy us. Destroy them and make everyone watch. It's been very frustrating trying to inform the useless morons in this country for nearly a decade before there was any qanon. There are many more like me and many more who have been at it even longer and with more vigor than me. Throw us a fucking bone goddamnit. People are being alienated from their fucking families. End this madness now.

36d198  No.4228214

>>4228178 lb

I read nothing but cold hard fact in this article.

0174c4  No.4228215

88fbeb  No.4228216

File: e657bf9cf9d5c59⋯.jpg (164.29 KB, 500x714, 250:357, IMG_518.jpg)

patriots win!!

b4a8d3  No.4228217

File: 7b9121d932755ba⋯.png (544.58 KB, 1115x552, 1115:552, bsmusa.png)

File: 1048d13eaee3409⋯.png (134.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, COR.png)

File: 94996e9e44f713d⋯.png (44.66 KB, 350x262, 175:131, SSPA_24hr.png)

Bart ran across the country about an hour or so ago. New record speed - 20 minutes!!

443883  No.4228218

File: bd585a98579a643⋯.png (96.68 KB, 1242x548, 621:274, IMG_6856.PNG)

File: 772a4aeef333fc9⋯.jpg (61 KB, 940x292, 235:73, IMG_5841.JPG)

File: c1bfbd7b54ffe58⋯.png (13.36 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 122761FE-93E6-433D-86B4-A4….png)

File: 50b6584b5b14d3e⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 720x929, 720:929, IMG_6113.JPG)


Sept 11th, 1991

Sept 11th, 2001

10 Years

9/11/91 -> 9/11/01


9/11/91 = 9/11/01

Ying = Yang

OP1 -> OP2

9/11/01 -> 9/11/11

9/11/11 -> 9/11/21


What is the power of 3?

9/11/91 -> 9/11/21 = 3 Decades



3:33- "Go Q! beat Navy!–again!"

Shout out to Q and the #QArmy?


Pleasure/paradise (SEARCH)


What is the power of the number 3?


9c5ea8  No.4228219


wow… look at all those notables missed by the shill baker… meanwhile, he includes baseless and meaningless posts that claim comey is our guy.

thx for posting anon.

dcf2a7  No.4228220

File: 7c989e47afa7a78⋯.jpg (302.13 KB, 1663x2495, 1663:2495, rhHtAsFck07.jpg)

Mèsi ou boulanje

036eaa  No.4228221

File: e3abaedd3d4bee1⋯.jpg (76 KB, 750x747, 250:249, moarbrowsepostless.jpg)

0d5072  No.4228222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6013e2  No.4228223


The shills are working overtime today. Pushing the Comey shit, sliding with Cortez, plus the typical tag-team consensus cracking

6aac9d  No.4228224

File: 9fa6afa774be6b4⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 88.53 KB, 170x198, 85:99, bewbies.gif)

157aa0  No.4228225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(((They))) are Re-Releasing the movie Schindler's List into Theaters To Remind You That (((Jews))) Are VICTIMS–

When was the last time Hollywood Re-Released Into Theatres a Movie from 25 Years Ago?

In NYC, Schindler's List is now Playing at the AMC Lowe's Theatre chain. Ticket Price is $16.99. For a movie from 1993 about the Holocaust.

Wonder Why?

0ccf0c  No.4228226

File: 849daa574f2476c⋯.png (30.56 KB, 381x318, 127:106, fefcbb27-7fc1-4c5c-9455-74….png)

0aadea  No.4228227

I have been doing extensive research, and have come to the conclusion that Q is in fact Military Intelligence.

The signs all point to it. It is fucking beautifull.

d9aacf  No.4228228


This is going to get bigger. Drip drip.

c740d6  No.4228229


Mossad runs the kitchen weekends been like this for ages.

443883  No.4228230

Oct 28 2011 Alt. Mayan Calendar end

Oct 28 2017 Q

Dec 21 2012 Mayan Calendar end

Dec 21 2017 HR & C EO.




DEC 21?


46584f  No.4228231

File: b7df4029a43f513⋯.png (476.32 KB, 455x603, 455:603, ScaramucciModel.png)

36d198  No.4228232


since when was Military Intelligence anything more than an oxymoron?

0cc1d8  No.4228233


Sure he is lmfao

261e76  No.4228234

Where did the [] = "killbox" originate?

6013e2  No.4228235

File: 54555f8a21a6a30⋯.jpg (9.97 KB, 277x182, 277:182, 7e5fce9af6c99602b88462be82….jpg)

8b0772  No.4228236

efcbe4  No.4228237

File: 6d36f14273e9bfc⋯.jpg (168.15 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 9I7U883.jpg)


This one?

08b940  No.4228238

File: acf95f247a34741⋯.png (245.52 KB, 498x324, 83:54, ClipboardImage.png)


Duh, missed the 'she'.

Then it's Lynn.

Pic related.

628c18  No.4228239

File: a7c37a6f75ded31⋯.jpg (9.73 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpg)

e8e5c6  No.4228240

>>4227633 (lb)


Could the redacted part of the pizzagate email be a person, not a business?

"nut jobs have now made a correlation between redacted and Comet Ping Pong"

443883  No.4228241

File: ac6679b44f33110⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5778.PNG)

11/11 "Bell wave hits earth"

Time stamp (UTC)???



6a83a2  No.4228242

File: 8e833f54351bbfa⋯.png (374.34 KB, 4096x2048, 2:1, NMM_Template.png)

File: 1d56baa01263db0⋯.jpg (791.13 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_NMM.jpg)


>'NEWS UNLOCKS MAP' who said that????

Q did, at least 11 times so far.

I think it's more of a habit to get into..

b179ec  No.4228243


Share some of that research.

But you could have just read Q posts for that information.

2bf5d5  No.4228244

>>4228178 (lb)


"Even a quick look at the Q-Anon community on Voat is enough to paint a portrait of families torn apart, relationships destroyed and people spiraling into mental illness. Here are a few examples from just one thread in which various conspiracy acolytes have convinced themselves that everyone else in their lives is brainwashed and crazy:

My Dad is completely mentally ill due to successful brainwashing. He is of the type that if its on TV its true. I just watched the most ridiculous hit piece on France. They did the whole ten minute bit, telling you what they want you to believe including the French man speaking French and talking over him in English telling you what he said. I pointed this out to my old man and he went off on me on how I am a mental patient and a sicko and need help , on and on and on. If he was not my dad and this was a regular argument, I was completely triggered too. I could have just went into rip roar rioting no problem until nothing was left.

There’s an entire comment thread on the same page devoted to not getting the flu shot, because many of them believe the flu shot is a conspiracy to infect people with the flu:"

They have gotten so dramatic

They just dont know what to write anymore, nothing is helping their push to Look away

129d47  No.4228245

File: 08f6a8fefc11633⋯.jpg (148.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, handrubbing.jpg)

c740d6  No.4228246

File: 0d98c0ad483211f⋯.png (402.46 KB, 511x396, 511:396, ClipboardImage.png)

Brussels Police Detain 450 People in Yellow Vest Rally

As many as 450 people were detained in an unauthorized yellow vest protest in the Belgian capital of Brussels on Saturday, with 10 individuals having appeared in court, the city's prosecutor's office said.

"The Brussels Prosecutor's Office can provide the following information. At this stage, the issuing of arrest orders has been confirmed for 10 people," the prosecutor's office said in a statement, adding that as many as 450 people had been subject to administrative detention.

According to the statement, a minor was among those arrested by the police.

An unauthorized yellow vest rally began in Brussels at about 10:00 GMT on Saturday. The protest action has seen sporadic clashes between demonstrators and the police.

On November 30, yellow vests protests were held in Brussels, which resulted in dozens of detentions. The demonstration followed weeks of similar rallies against fuel tax increases, which have been raging in mainland France and its overseas territories since November 17.


0773df  No.4228247

File: d8cce517ac691b1⋯.jpg (71.95 KB, 836x608, 11:8, 1536023302.jpg)

>>4228093 (lb)


795ce6  No.4228248

File: 8b2bcfc44772008⋯.jpg (209.65 KB, 500x374, 250:187, awoobaker.jpg)

27ee91  No.4228249

File: b14dfff89a24722⋯.jpg (87.26 KB, 758x725, 758:725, 3.JPG)

File: 224b69f0ded3dcf⋯.jpg (70.63 KB, 751x809, 751:809, 4.JPG)

Singer/Actor Yigal Bashan dead at 68 from suicide


f56496  No.4228250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



6e3a3a  No.4228251


>yet baker ignores the dozens of other posts proving otherwise.

Were those posts nominated as notable, with links and summaries provided?

If not, STFU.

If so, plz link to the posts where that occurred when making accusations, otherwise you look like a bitch whiner who only wants to whine

78f6db  No.4228252

File: 7c8f07267b1c998⋯.jpg (360.48 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, trump coin toss 17.jpg)

Did you guys catch the 17 at the coin toss yesterday?

fa1d81  No.4228253

File: 3bd76a80ea0d7cd⋯.jpg (137.17 KB, 648x864, 3:4, 1fi45tngtg45gj.jpg)

667df1  No.4228254

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 82aa210e70971d3aa4264f8e70….png)


So you're HS aged, probably a female, or a faggot based on your use of thx.

Did mommy and daddy have to sign your shill permission slip or work permit? Kek

You've been so riled up over the Comey digs

0ccf0c  No.4228255


Thought that was common knowledge here

067304  No.4228256

File: 4b6dfda8ca8925a⋯.png (332.38 KB, 629x689, 629:689, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 905e831949f8d6b⋯.png (558.09 KB, 499x588, 499:588, Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at ….png)

9c5ea8  No.4228257


How are they getting in without being confirmed by BO or BVs??? this dude has been in the kitchen thru the overnight shift too?? makes no sense.

157aa0  No.4228258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zionists Have Subverted the US Constitution for Israel

*It is now Illegal To Criticize Israel in South Carolina

*Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks through South Carolina Senate. April 2018

*US Congress Traitors, Zionists and Israel are destroying our First Amendment.

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/landmark-bill-restricting-criticism-of-israel-sneaks-through-south-carolina-senate/

*Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand co-sponsored a Bill in Congress Making Boycotting Israel A FELONY

*43 Other Senators co-sponsored this Bill in Congress, July 2017. All Israel First Traitors. 26 States have now passed this Legislation.

*Now more Israel First Traitors in the lame duck Congress are trying to Sneak in the Anti-Boycott Israel Act.

US Senate Traitors and Israel are demolishing Our Rights under the US Constitution.

Sauce: http://gothamist.com/2017/07/19/schumer_gillibrand_co-sponsor_senat.php

*Imagine if Any Other Country subverted our Constitution like this, it would be 24/7 all over the Mainstream News. So why isn't this widespread Public Knowledge……..oh wait,

Zionist Cabal OWNS the Mainstream Media

a30dcf  No.4228259

Who am I talking to?

6038c3  No.4228260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4227453 (lb)

Was digging the other day and found a video of her from 2011.

This isn't the video (also from 2011) I found, but seems like she has been been groomed for some time.

Will see if I can find the other video

ca0aa7  No.4228261




efcbe4  No.4228262

Hey Bill is TOOTS to drunk to baker?

bac8eb  No.4228263


military tactics / terminology

9c5ea8  No.4228264


cool story homo.

795ce6  No.4228265

File: 0926db37a89ca33⋯.gif (3.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ocasio.gif)


She's so pretty

e0f819  No.4228266


Thats a common wishful thinking which we dont have any objective confirmation of

8b0772  No.4228267

File: a95be1ecc9640b4⋯.jpg (104.7 KB, 674x506, 337:253, anonincharge.jpg)

2b7026  No.4228268

File: 7ceb54b0ac88a20⋯.jpg (7.04 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 66e8e228dc6457bcca4f7c8a94….jpg)


No! Not Yigal Bashan.

Anyone but Yigal Bashan!

e8e5c6  No.4228269


As the intended receiver of the email?

a9b63b  No.4228270

>>4227894 lb

Brilliant, highly intelligent people don't always have a keen intuition about people.

James Woods has shown compassionate, humility, and love for his follow man.

6a83a2  No.4228271

File: f55b4abfc4aeeaf⋯.jpg (266.92 KB, 900x900, 1:1, allforalarp.jpg)


The eat shit baker evolved.

The masks change but it's always them underneath~

157aa0  No.4228272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1. Always Insist That You Are The Victim - No Matter What Extreme Levels of Subversion and Crimes You Have Committed Against Humanity.


Since 1863, any group death of Jews – Use the "6 Million Jews Died" Trope. 6 is a Magick number.

*Note- Does Not Matter if the "6 million jews" is moar than the actual number of Jews in Europe at the time. Or in the world.

**Also Does Not Matter that the "6 million Jews" equates to 2,281 Jews killed per minute during the duration of the Holocaust.

3. Attack Yourself To Gain Sympathy:

a. Paint Swastikas on Synagogues, Your own House, Dorm room etc. Then make sure you File A Complaint and Shout "anti-Semitism".

b. Soros & German puppet - Claim that you are funding your own "Anti Israel" "Groups". What "groups"?

6fa3b8  No.4228273


another tell that the baker is comped: does not post links to fresh bread. faggot. Comey = FBIanon. faggot. Comey = White Hat. faggot.

new baker, plz.

c740d6  No.4228274

North Carolina Elections Vice-Chair, Jens Lutz, Abruptly Resigns Amid Investigation Into NC-9 Election Fraud

In the latest chapter of the North Carolina election fraud saga, Vice Chair of the State Board of Elections Jens Lutz abruptly resigned last night. Things apparently got too hot to handle, and he began to feel…oh, I don't know, ill-equipped?… to manage the crisis properly. Judd Legum reported the resignation last night, writing in his newsletter:

Why? We don't know for sure but it may be related to his extensive connections to Leslie McCrae Dowless, the convicted felon at the center of the election fraud scandal in the 9th District.

Apparently, Lutz was helping to conduct the investigation into the elections shenanigans, but was also in business with one of the people he was investigating for said shenanigans, Leslie McCrae Dowless. Bad form. Also, illegal, probably. But, as Legum reports, not to worry. The actual CHAIR of the Board of Elections in North Carolina is not friends with McCrae Dowless. They're just cousins.

Confoundingly, Jens Lutz is a Democrat, but not for long, apparently. He seems to feel unwelcome, and his feelings are hurt by the way Dems are treating him right now. According to NBC's report,

"Overall, I'm a Democrat, but I've never been one to stay where I'm not wanted,” Lutz told WECT. “It came to my attention yesterday that some in the Democratic party are not happy with me. I'm getting hit on both sides, including my own party. I just thought it was time to step down."

Hard to tell if Lutz is guilty of gross incompetence or blatant criminality or both, but either way, I doubt either side is sad to have him off the scene.


08e4dd  No.4228275

File: 9796d1ed312bafe⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1180x648, 295:162, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

0aadea  No.4228276


My father was in Echelon project, there is more than enough evidence from Qposts themselves.

I know the difference between Q & Qanon

This is the new asymmetric warfare post 9/11, I just wonder how long it took to develop

d2b48a  No.4228277

File: df0e6ca5f98943e⋯.jpeg (107.64 KB, 700x450, 14:9, D4335DB4-1C84-44BB-9489-4….jpeg)

226967  No.4228278



88fbeb  No.4228279

File: 5770ea07044a9da⋯.jpg (449.37 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_527.jpg)

patriots fight!!!

ad3dc2  No.4228280


Well it is where the EU is based so they must be diversified. The French protesters should take a trip next weekend. Joined by people from all over Europe.

628c18  No.4228281


Too bad she is a comie.

c851b1  No.4228282



>Can an anon help break this down a little for me please. Is this saying Comey/POTUS/and sometimes IG was in the room for Ohr interview??

JC was cut out of the picture on

5/8/17 Turning Point

A Monday…..

Who got 'what to raise concerns and cut Comey out as FBI Director?

The Q post doesn't say WHO POTUS met with on 5/8/17.

6013e2  No.4228283

File: 0b3ef90e0471548⋯.jpeg (87.95 KB, 414x512, 207:256, fullsizeoutput_14fe.jpeg)


Of course a soy-boy would think this

9c5ea8  No.4228284


the comey being our guy werent nominated for notable either fuck wad… in fact, they were shouted down by many anons but keep trying tho.

but thx for letting me know that ur a shill!!

6fa3b8  No.4228285


and very, very young women.

261e76  No.4228286



Hm yeah I see 680, wish there was another term for the bulk of them

917b64  No.4228287

File: 76856f9906f6a9f⋯.jpg (18.13 KB, 962x88, 481:44, anit.JPG)

>>4228178 PB

I actually read the whole article. Look what the very last line in the article says.

This sounds quite authoritarian and I consider it a threat.

e8e5c6  No.4228288


Most of that pile of shite was conjecture. They mentioned everything that has been debunked, but offered no proof to back it up.

It’s crap.

0d86ab  No.4228289


Welcome to square zero. Enjoy the show.

13d159  No.4228290


why did they choose this retard?

a57cf1  No.4228291

File: e57f10e35630a54⋯.png (399.51 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 5-5.png)


seems (((they))) don't care that Israhell sold phone spying tools to Saudi Arabia and even a mention of the Khsahoggi fuckery.

why would they not want this info out?


0aadea  No.4228292


Im looking for that "Q is military intelligence" can anyone spare a rare?

0d5072  No.4228293

File: 7660b494356f9e6⋯.png (138.29 KB, 571x760, 571:760, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 503ebdcdc7b9f21⋯.png (139.87 KB, 570x766, 285:383, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: fb9969714f248d6⋯.png (123.51 KB, 548x766, 274:383, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: b2de291ef60cbbd⋯.png (140.95 KB, 530x765, 106:153, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 0e6c08b6d734995⋯.png (136.85 KB, 549x767, 549:767, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

6b830d  No.4228294

>>4227487 (lb)

Awww, buttsore because your afraid I'm not going to see your bullshit posts anymore?

Go cry to mommy, snowflake.

3fe0e0  No.4228295


Products with bar codes starting with 729 are from Israel. Don't buy kike trash. Fuck any and everyone involved in these treasonous anti human 'bills.' Soon every jew is going to die.

129d47  No.4228296

File: d78f37858984b35⋯.png (22.25 KB, 656x350, 328:175, birthrightisrael.png)

9c5ea8  No.4228297


I second this.

63d016  No.4228298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

start at 1:30…this fat fuck trashes Q for 30 minutes. Calls Q a conspiracy theory based on

non-sense. Even claims Q is stealing info from

him and Styx

0d5072  No.4228299

File: 039da98e9c4e271⋯.png (44.32 KB, 561x512, 561:512, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

809ca6  No.4228300


How new are you?



08b940  No.4228301


>As the intended receiver of the email?

I corrected it.


It's Lynn, on behalf of James.

It was probably written by James, and sent by as a cutout Lynn (for Hillary).

f56496  No.4228302


He is an ACTOR

efcbe4  No.4228303

HUMA can we talk while TOOTS is passed out?

ad3dc2  No.4228305


You're so desperate.

4fe586  No.4228306

Had a funny phone call with a friend today, a Scotsman.

We talked about a lot, among other things about Q - (he didn't know)

That's how I got to talk about the last drop - "Scott free."

But he understood that quite differently.

"Yes, Scot free. No fucking Queen, no fucking English idiots. Scotland free again," he shouted.

Interesting - isn't it?

0cc1d8  No.4228307

File: f015abd40e550fd⋯.jpeg (219.42 KB, 480x679, 480:679, 8CFF306D-D27E-4EED-91A4-6….jpeg)

8cc462  No.4228308


footloose and breakfast club dances

possibly others

08e4dd  No.4228309

File: 3f194f8fa26ec53⋯.png (787.77 KB, 1178x564, 589:282, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

bac8eb  No.4228310

File: 27fb092d881f57b⋯.jpg (112.2 KB, 460x392, 115:98, q2381half.JPG)


look who made the top of the




c740d6  No.4228311

Former Asst FBI Director Blasts Comey: ‘Confirmed Perception of Pretty Expansive Bias’

Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said former FBI Director James Comey “thoroughly discredited” himself and “broke every rule in the book.”

Comey held a closed-door six-hour bout of testimony to joint congressional committees earlier Friday. Comey reportedly answered questions regarding the Clinton email probe and the events surrounding his 2017 firing at the hands of President Trump.

Swecker, who served during the George W. Bush administration, said he worked with Comey and respected him but added that the Yonkers, N.Y. native made up new rules and leaked” information to the public.

“He basically confirmed the perception of the American people of pretty expansive bias on the part of himself and his inner circle,” Swecker said. “I think he’s been thoroughly discredited.”


6013e2  No.4228312


I'm with you, anon. Hopa Hey was my favorite TV show! I used to watch it while counting my shekels. No amount of foreskins can make me feel better

443883  No.4228313

File: d670ed616af2e87⋯.jpg (246.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5239.JPG)


Q is a team of humans 3 non humans and a hijacked AI (ALICE - IBM Q)


d6faa2  No.4228315

File: 16862671fb6e676⋯.png (16.64 KB, 385x352, 35:32, 2018-02-08 680 Kill Box.png)

3544c3  No.4228316


Notable - lottery needs digging

Seems like they are communicating a threat - or showing power. Who controls the lottery?

Too many coincidences - this week's mega and Powerball jackpots

217 & 245 - Q & Potus

Mega numbers 12/7/18

4-10-20-33-57 13

DJT 33?57? 13?

8b0772  No.4228317


As we all are, in one way or another.

7b3337  No.4228318

File: 041c9efb24d5705⋯.jpeg (11.28 KB, 460x320, 23:16, retard.good.job.jpeg)

673503  No.4228319

File: 222a5b2dd9d3551⋯.png (863.21 KB, 1023x3979, 1023:3979, hott_majestyt_5.png)

File: af85dc9d5a59f5d⋯.png (887.06 KB, 1023x3979, 1023:3979, hott_majestyt_4.png)

File: c41c1f5fdbec61f⋯.png (673.36 KB, 1023x3979, 1023:3979, hott_majestyt_3.png)

File: 887319c4f7044d4⋯.png (845.43 KB, 1023x3979, 1023:3979, hott_majestyt_2.png)

File: 5893553c8e46c78⋯.png (886.72 KB, 1023x3979, 1023:3979, hott_majestyt_1.png)




Your hoax-shilling will fail, fag.

<Socialist change agents known to you as William Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton T. Friedman presented the hoax known as Operation Majestic-12.


9c5ea8  No.4228320


I made that meme 8 months ago faggot. not happy to see it being used by shills.

0d5072  No.4228321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trumpwave - The Great Awakening (#QAnon JFK Intro/Outro Tribute Mix)

e41a65  No.4228322

File: 2eb561497d02959⋯.jpg (844.84 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, Huma8.jpg)

628c18  No.4228323

File: a543cae98fe26ed⋯.jpg (150.31 KB, 497x500, 497:500, 0f75c6d922a06cb9ad6ea2cf6d….jpg)



13d159  No.4228324

File: 6da7d386dfd114b⋯.jpeg (9.26 KB, 256x192, 4:3, th.jpeg)


took u that long anon

I was convince November 4th, 2017

bf4e6b  No.4228325

File: 00105ab535f1936⋯.jpg (80.75 KB, 501x585, 167:195, merchink.jpg)

File: 70da454a5fd65c1⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 512x512, 1:1, merchquaida.jpg)

File: 32ebaac54b15086⋯.jpg (84.11 KB, 483x534, 161:178, merchsnek.jpg)

File: 45c513237480e6e⋯.png (5.72 KB, 486x576, 27:32, merchborn.png)


(((THEY))) are skerred, so very skerred, now that POTUS has BTFO of their narrative control & exposed all the jew fuckery in MSM, Pedowood, banking, clergy etc.

We are ready for D5 declas & the Great Shoa to end all Shoa's. The Sinagogue of Satan is done exerting undue influence on the good people of the world.

bac8eb  No.4228326

File: 930bda9987dbb98⋯.png (128.07 KB, 830x652, 415:326, killbox.png)

129d47  No.4228327

File: 613f0b7d12744bb⋯.png (478.74 KB, 524x718, 262:359, bd1175132fc596b20de9d118f5….png)

fa1d81  No.4228328

File: 593e7eab935917d⋯.jpg (513.12 KB, 480x815, 96:163, 5465115146545.jpg)

d6faa2  No.4228329

File: 1e3a5ebed4fe080⋯.gif (80.02 KB, 611x542, 611:542, traps.gif)

443883  No.4228330

File: b29371714e63674⋯.png (393.64 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6830.PNG)

File: 78bec1d6dd66683⋯.png (423.95 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6831.PNG)

File: 83099fb1951168a⋯.png (398.17 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6832.PNG)

File: f9be81b0962d48e⋯.png (416.66 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6833.PNG)


58b6bf  No.4228331

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0n3 d33p3r

7b3337  No.4228332

File: 70a9a2b0a6838b0⋯.jpeg (16.15 KB, 450x450, 1:1, meme.cheetah.laughing.jpeg)

67a20f  No.4228333


"muh oldfags" can fuckoff for a second - congratulations, anon. Don't stop there.

443883  No.4228334

File: 0fe4a3b9ffed42c⋯.png (390.38 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6836.PNG)

File: 79cf743da29be82⋯.png (407.33 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6837.PNG)

File: fcd161c18ee667b⋯.png (417.38 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6838.PNG)

File: a2febccc9beeb50⋯.png (349.7 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6839.PNG)

File: 288eaee42998bd4⋯.png (332.34 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6840.PNG)

6fa3b8  No.4228335


>hey anons! i don't like this thing

<that i am posting

watch it for 30 minutes, k?

93961b  No.4228336

File: b318b23eb03eecd⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 361x480, 361:480, b318b23eb03eecdc3469c36241….jpg)


It's called cohesion of government.

YEW are doing it all wrong.

Why are YEW here then?

Stop posting, so YEW can spend time with your family.

f56496  No.4228337


He gets paid millions of dollars for over 50 years to act. He is nothing like us.

0aadea  No.4228338


Is there a pepe edition of "Q is military intelligence"?

bd3eb1  No.4228339


Chid tracking thru “Comet Ping Pong”

Box at 2nd to bottom of page!

Why would they redact that phrase unles they are looking into it or is a part of investigation?

443883  No.4228340

File: 1444e5b3c7345be⋯.png (438.16 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6841.PNG)

File: bcf0b602b75b763⋯.png (439.03 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6842.PNG)

File: 0d87f19ebc94e1b⋯.png (423.84 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6843.PNG)

File: 131c56b74b3ef11⋯.png (486.12 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6844.PNG)

File: 16938f85e2c668d⋯.png (491.03 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6845.PNG)

37615c  No.4228341

Mr. Cooper Vanderbilt, please Lurk Moar.


bf4e6b  No.4228342

File: 797900945a1cbf0⋯.png (504.01 KB, 583x654, 583:654, LoccasioCortina.PNG)

917b64  No.4228343


I started thinking this not more than a few days ago.

Q is, in part, definitely and AI or AGI possibly even a quantum computer

efcbe4  No.4228344


You must be a FREDDY not a WINNIE, right?


443883  No.4228345

File: 9f34c22685ad700⋯.png (481.83 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6846.PNG)

File: d3c0473a24e4e2b⋯.png (483.54 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6847.PNG)

File: af03df639a6064f⋯.png (423.85 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6848.PNG)

File: 9e700cb1f964185⋯.png (356.58 KB, 1242x1861, 1242:1861, IMG_6854.PNG)

File: 062fc441a264584⋯.jpg (218.45 KB, 1440x1353, 480:451, IMG_6855.JPG)

18fdc7  No.4228346


Last night baker got shilled hard for including notables critical of Israel and Jews (one about Laura Looked in particlar). Baker kept telling the shills if they didn't like it, they could get in the kitchen and bake. Now we have this. Not surprised. Especially given that the original theory use the terms "muhjews" and "muhholocaust"-known shill terms.

I hate notables slides. They are stupid. But it's pretty clear what's going on here. Same way MSM all attribute the Mueller is a whitehat theory to Q, this is designed to do the same with Comey.

It might be true, and it might not. But I don't think we have arrived here by accident.

b5a2db  No.4228347

File: ab706aed955e381⋯.jpeg (110.66 KB, 854x623, 122:89, comradesattack.jpeg)

>>4228178 pb

To Paraphrase:

"Believe in what we tell you,

Or you will be relentlessly attacked."

c03173  No.4228348

File: d5fe4d0a2a50a1c⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 960x526, 480:263, IMG_4166.JPG)

13d159  No.4228349

File: 1e17d49306cf4fd⋯.jpg (43.38 KB, 351x425, 351:425, Screenshot 2018-12-09_13-2….jpg)

On time…


0ccf0c  No.4228350


I sure as hell don't see anything except black regarding him, even his smugness and narcissism point to a black heart.

c851b1  No.4228351


Also this….

A FD-302 form is used by FBI agents to "report or summarize the interviews that they conduct" and contains information from the notes taken during the interview by the non-primary agent. It consists of information taken from the subject, rather than details about the subject themselves.

So my conclusion is those are DOJ Form FD-302 signed by Bruce Ohr

f76771  No.4228352

File: 98f8a4f0588e8ac⋯.jpeg (792.14 KB, 1242x1909, 54:83, 5FC9DB14-0D5D-44F8-B70B-5….jpeg)

d3766a  No.4228353


theres no kvetching notables

too late now pussy

f56496  No.4228354



129d47  No.4228355

File: 6371d07023c5ab1⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 590x496, 295:248, David-Rockefeller-742601.jpg)

43944e  No.4228356


33 is Masonic. POTUS tied to masonry.


a36f71  No.4228357


Most likely because they get to fuck her. Same as Kamala Harris.

6fa3b8  No.4228358


we don't put up with this shit on the night shift.

e41a65  No.4228359

File: 5458e2a6b832569⋯.jpg (855.31 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Huma19.jpg)

File: dfa077e4fa87d66⋯.jpg (726.16 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Huma20.jpg)

File: 5435520f2b9e678⋯.jpg (716.87 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Huma21.jpg)

File: 9f498986fca33b5⋯.jpg (844.45 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Huma23.jpg)

File: 87d47a56de644ce⋯.jpg (563.93 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Huma25.jpg)


Dang, wrong one. Here's a few more.

6a83a2  No.4228360

File: 0e71540a13f5593⋯.jpg (281.89 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Fredz_and_milts_sittingina….jpg)

Your bread-to-bread adaptation is remarkable lately..

Did someone spring a leak?

much strict..

0d5072  No.4228361

File: 7db1ff5f4f8d093⋯.png (33.33 KB, 342x783, 38:87, PAIN.png)

bac8eb  No.4228362


poor majestic shill is trying so hard in the middle of the Comey is good shilling

ad3dc2  No.4228363


The idea is dead but the reality isn't. Yet.

809ca6  No.4228364

443883  No.4228365

File: a9f1e39cca8eb59⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_6853.JPG)




000 33

… . … 17:17


9c5ea8  No.4228366



They’re scuurrred… like another anon said in last bread, watch the “comey is /ourguy/ start getting pushed by fake Q accounts and used against us by the media.

oh well tho. Nothing will stop what is coming. Nothing. They’re fucked and they know it.

8b0772  No.4228367


Who is us?

You saying we are not all unique individuals, but NPCs?

feecec  No.4228368

File: 581277bbb7b7591⋯.png (204.85 KB, 669x672, 223:224, ComeyGOPride.png)

File: 38d5878429d0117⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1676x769, 1676:769, Come[Y]cartwheelHell.png)

File: ec62d20093051de⋯.png (52.08 KB, 458x672, 229:336, NoReasonableProsecutor.png)

File: 8977a2f684d028c⋯.jpg (233.72 KB, 1000x1564, 250:391, MuellersDayOff.jpg)

Blackhats? Whitehats?

Flipped or leveraged?

I am starting to think that because there is so much confusing information creating doubt about them that this is done as intentional cover for the plan.

Hopefully people won't be holding a grudge about misidentified traitors and patriots.

I go back and forth almost weekly on who is good or evil. Actors are acting. So enjoy the show.

a03ba5  No.4228369


the 1st email sent sounds like someone trying to keep their school and comet ping pong disconnected. a dig into what school it may be might reveal interesting results.

6a83a2  No.4228370


tough talk for a social engineer.

bf4e6b  No.4228371

File: 8952a4ff87dec46⋯.png (698.56 KB, 679x535, 679:535, hillwhoring.PNG)

63d016  No.4228372

File: 9dc93bd39774f2f⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 288x200, 36:25, 9dc93bd39774f2f3e2c7fb1707….jpg)


>anons post attacks on Q

>Q posts attacks on Q

shills attack legit posts, k?

3fe0e0  No.4228373


I found that meme funny anon nice work.

13d159  No.4228374

24b739  No.4228375


4eva in r hartz - wiv da angles now

f56496  No.4228377



I dont agree with her but the bitch is pretty as hell. Sorry anons. You cant unsee this.

5c9ffe  No.4228378

File: 6053f9c6f38dc2a⋯.png (656.55 KB, 868x611, 868:611, q and pepe.png)

File: e6817810a90d3bc⋯.png (119.78 KB, 309x286, 309:286, QAnon.png)

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh………. guys……..

[Q and Pepe]

Sound familiar?

Why 'all of a sudden' are people talking about the IMPRACTICAL JOKERS (including alternative cable networks established to investigate covertly (ex_TBS))?

Would you 'pitch a pilot' if the show was still ongoing?

What happens when you have enough episodes to PROCEED?

What is the benefit of pre-screening the public PRIOR TO proceeding?




0bc8e0  No.4228379


Like the ty fighter part of the old Star Wars video game. Duck into the port!

6c866d  No.4228380


does she go by "Sandy"

4df38d  No.4228381

File: 72d7f9a92c8b372⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1175x862, 1175:862, 43787643128974368.png)

File: dcf07c2a8d7b3c2⋯.png (1.35 MB, 933x817, 933:817, 8403761278436435114.png)

6038c3  No.4228382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right..dumber than a box of rocks..

Easier to manipulate I'd imagine

5c9ffe  No.4228383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



74ca52  No.4228384

Hillary Clinton is still being protected by the Matt Whitaker DOJ, FUCK YOU Q. DOJ lawyer sided with Clinton attorney that Hillary should not be forced to testify under oath. Fuck you QLARP.

226967  No.4228385


Stupid is ugly

b4ded9  No.4228386

>>4228369 panama papers connects it all

Case underway

c740d6  No.4228387

File: 1e032298d7444f2⋯.png (285.82 KB, 506x751, 506:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eface1aea95f607⋯.png (98.05 KB, 904x775, 904:775, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e91ca0cddb41aa⋯.png (342.36 KB, 904x706, 452:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Large-Scale USAF War Drill Over Nevada Simulated Forcible Entry Maneuver: War Preparations

Dozens of US Air Force warplanes have hit the skies en masse under cover of night over the American Southwest for the Joint Forcible Entry Exercise (JFEX), December 08, reported The Drive.

The large-scale air mobility exercise, simulated forcible entry capabilities by the USAF of enemy territory with dozens of transport planes, fighter jets, and electronic warfare aircraft.


6b830d  No.4228388

Beauty is only skin deep, ugly is to the BONE!

01bedb  No.4228389


Until she opens her mouth and caca comes out. All that beauty……..DISAPPEARS INSTANTLY.

bb5a6b  No.4228390

Omidyar-funded pro-Islamist at The Intercept laughably attacks SAUDI ARABIA for “Islamophobia.”


Regarding this article


efcbe4  No.4228391



b66a7b  No.4228392

File: d7d59e90c28af7b⋯.png (72.82 KB, 133x243, 133:243, Capture.PNG)

File: d196e9f92adb910⋯.png (48.2 KB, 137x198, 137:198, Capture1.PNG)

File: 907c3bc3e6c6180⋯.png (79.1 KB, 141x196, 141:196, Capture3.PNG)

File: efc4765aaae166b⋯.png (73.66 KB, 139x196, 139:196, Capture5.PNG)

File: 92f3efad58bda7d⋯.png (79.91 KB, 139x200, 139:200, Capture6.PNG)


How long have they been brainwashing people with sex and death

fcd4a2  No.4228393


Barry Soetero changed his name to Barack Obama. Credits here show Sandy Ocasio-Cortez now goes by Alexandra. Coincidence?

0d5072  No.4228394

File: 0b3777d8ad31c3c⋯.png (51.59 KB, 421x496, 421:496, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: ce60691cb83a61e⋯.png (53.49 KB, 417x470, 417:470, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 2219b99609a3be3⋯.png (68.06 KB, 429x540, 143:180, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 8c298670470b260⋯.png (78.02 KB, 424x517, 424:517, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 34f0b1dd9899f21⋯.png (109.83 KB, 424x752, 53:94, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

7dc7d5  No.4228395

File: 58d6c10cc0824bd⋯.png (329.03 KB, 662x552, 331:276, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


TY Baker!

0d86ab  No.4228396


This is actually a good thing, that people are being forced into the open with criticism of Q. I never trusted HA Goodman, add this to the list of reasons.

93961b  No.4228397





noun: yew; plural noun: yews; noun: yew tree; plural noun: yew trees

a coniferous tree that has red berrylike fruits, and most parts of which are highly poisonous. Yews are linked with folklore and superstition and can live to a great age; the timber is used in cabinetmaking and (formerly) to make longbows.

667df1  No.4228398

File: 466a864206e359f⋯.png (15.83 KB, 819x827, 819:827, 466a864206e359f294af6c7402….png)


Imagine being such a transparent and 1 dimensional person. No wonder you're a shill and not on our side, you all share the same shit qualities that we loathe.

So tell me, are your working quarters sweatshop like, or is it a nicely air conditioned office?

Also, is there any studying done before shilling? Or do you guys just get thrown into the Lions den to just wing it and toss shit around?

I actually find you guys fascinating, I know there are some of you who do this because you're dumb, or you have no other choice (threats), but if you're doing this out of your own personal volition, then please let me know what's motivating you to continue going down this track to obvious failure?

I mean, you guys of all people should have already realized that you've lost right?

I've got a fresh cup of coffee, give me a glimpse of your life, I would ask one of the copy pasta shills, but they're probably making more $ than you. So I won't bother them.


a36f71  No.4228399


I found another anon! Hey fren :)

5c9ffe  No.4228400

File: d951c3e0ce123f4⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 450x253, 450:253, 1544378256997.gif)

628c18  No.4228401


All women are stupid. They should stay in the kitchen where they belong.

6038c3  No.4228402

File: 925cf3f407d2852⋯.png (26.83 KB, 912x576, 19:12, alexandria-ocasio-cortez-n….png)

File: e475e54e7d33436⋯.png (85.68 KB, 748x1102, 374:551, alexandria-ocasio-cortez-n….png)


Probably so. Some Astrologer worked this up.

Notice Pelosi comparison.

7b3337  No.4228403

File: 49f774e0acdcf25⋯.jpeg (13.85 KB, 171x255, 57:85, fake.and.gay.trudeau.unic….jpeg)

6a83a2  No.4228404

File: 0b572518de2fe94⋯.png (341.66 KB, 486x551, 486:551, KubricThrillOfDiscovery.png)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, OriginalGraphic.jpg)

>[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

>Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to contnue.

>Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

>Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

<Graphic is necessary and vital.

>Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

<Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

<Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

>Why was this necessary?

>What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

>Why is this relevant?

>Think mirror.

>Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

>What is a map?

>Why is a map useful?

>What is a legend?

>Why is a legend useful?

>What is a sequence?

>Why is this relevant?

>When does a map become a guide?

>What is a keystone?

>Everything stated is relevant.


>Future provides past.

>Map provides picture.

>Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

>40,000ft. v. is classified.

>Why is a map useful?

>Think direction.

>Think full picture.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.

>Be [p]repared.

>Ope[r]ations underway.

>Operators [a]ctive.

>Graphic is essential.

>Find the ke[y]stone.

>Moves and countermoves.

>They never thought she would lose.

>Snow white.

>Godfather III.

>Iron Eagle.


They gave us a guide.

A Light in this Darkness.

Original Text - https://pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX

As far as I can tell it's an exact Copy of the graphic Q posted plus the three extras in a bread before:


Good reminder of our Core

13d159  No.4228405


HA goodman got a GOOD RAID months ago… he blocked all Q anoners…. put on the list

e8e5c6  No.4228406


James Woods is a member of the Prometheus Society if I’m remembering correctly, with an IQ of 180.

He knows exactly what’s going on, which is why he’s on OUR side. Maybe he kept quiet a long time, but look what happens to those who speak out. He’s fighting now, and that’s what matters.

324905  No.4228407

File: 63b579b8a242073⋯.jpeg (354.92 KB, 1122x610, 561:305, B4D0AE8D-F7D6-4723-8C98-C….jpeg)

0d5072  No.4228408

File: 2e929d34b5e0461⋯.png (112.39 KB, 416x761, 416:761, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 1b5d12af80485b4⋯.png (93.82 KB, 421x643, 421:643, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 0ea43b4831556c0⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 329x333, 329:333, d263-a.jpg)

795ce6  No.4228409

File: 8d42734176dbae3⋯.png (467.75 KB, 918x688, 459:344, ClipboardImage.png)

f5c1a4  No.4228410

File: b78b8c4ff096521⋯.jpg (433 KB, 2048x1548, 512:387, stormMAMFUgn.jpg large.jpg)


Yep, 100%

63d016  No.4228411

File: 01596ddc5bc31ca⋯.png (39.6 KB, 196x142, 98:71, Screenshot 2018-12-09 at 1….png)


if you have a thing for communists with cankles

157aa0  No.4228412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zionist Shill Using Q As a Human Shield To Cover Their Crimes




Remember, 98% of Americans are non-Jews, yet the 2% Jews and Jews in Israel seem to think that We, the People should die for them, and give them our Money.

2bf4cc  No.4228413

File: 3ad22ad21b951c6⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 480x510, 16:17, 2ofdby_1_1.jpg)

File: 9be6df10e6c5449⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 480x531, 160:177, 2o8a7o_1.jpg)

File: 9774265224a0d73⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 640x640, 1:1, DtRAAkMXcAEB9Sn.jpg)

File: 4a19ca3959a082e⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 500x663, 500:663, 2o535c_1.jpg)

At some point anons need to face reality.

6b830d  No.4228414


Multi-cultural bullshit…

e8e5c6  No.4228415



That’s when society as we know it began to fall apart. When they decided to work.

c740d6  No.4228416

File: 8366f06f14fb887⋯.png (51.82 KB, 712x856, 89:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05bc11fecf4f3d6⋯.png (51.58 KB, 715x855, 143:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b53c44d09ecd81⋯.png (14.84 KB, 716x275, 716:275, ClipboardImage.png)

“Terrorism Made in America”: US Sponsored ISIS-Daesh “Pockets” Inside Iraq After More than Three Years of Fighting and US Bombings

An interview with Iraq's ambassador to Russia, Haidar Mansour Hadi

After four years of ISIS-Daesh terrorism sponsored by Obama, the ISIS which acted as a proxy terrorist organization on behalf of Washington has finally been defeated.

While a new government recently came to power in Iraq, ISIS nonetheless remains active in small pockets on the country’s border. At the same time, some Western analysts predict a resurgence of ISIS in Iraq, with a view to fomenting religious sectarianism.

In this interview the Iraqi ambassador to Russia, Haidar Mansour Hadi Al-Athari, talks to renowned journalist Edu Montesanti regarding the ongoing threat of these ISIS pockets within his country.

How are local governments is acting to avoid a return and resurgence of the ISIS-Daesh in a Iraq, a country with a longstanding history of culture religious tolerance and peace among Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Terrorism is a “Made in America” (“New Fashion) see (video, video and paper).

“Despite declaring victory over ISIS, however, there are small pockets still acting individually, which shows the defeat of a once strong ISIS to a very weak one,” rejoices Ambassador Haidar Hadi, in counterposition to media propaganda.

In this interview, Saddam Hussein’s regime is also addressed.


Edu Montesanti: Some say that the declaration of victory against ISIS late last year was premature. Arguing that the terrorist group remains a deep threat not only because of its own acumen as an insurgent movement, there are analysts stating that Iraq has failed to face the basic needs of the population, to remedy political and social divisions, and to forge a common national framework that unifies the country which soon paves the way for yet another devastating civil war as rival groups compete for control of the Iraqi state.

What are your thoughts on these described scenario, and to what extent has ISIS been defeated,

Ambassador Haidar Hadi: The declaration of victory in December 2017 came after more than three years of fighting the international terrorist organization.

This victory came as a result of joint efforts between the Iraqi Security forces, Counter-Terrorism Units, Kurdish Peshmerga, Popular Mobilisation Units, as well as the support of the coalition forces and Russia.

It was a well-deserved victory, not a premature one as some might describe it. We gave lives of innocent Iraqis and the destruction of our infrastructure, so the price of this victory has been heavy.

The Iraqi Government at the time of the fighting against ISIS had important tasks, achieved hand in hand with each other. One task was military, which was to fight the international terrorist organization and its affiliates, and the other task was to provide a safe haven for a large number of displaced Iraqis, forced to leave their homes by providing them basic needs or food, water, medical services and most importantly, a place to stay.

The Government also helped a large number of Iraqis to return to their homes after being liberated, and it was successful with the help of UNAMI [United Nations Iraq].

Fighting ISIS has brought Iraqis together, and made them closer than ever before due to the threat was against Iraq as a whole.

Declaring victory over ISIS proved that civil war was never a threīat in Iraq and will never be, due to the integration of the Iraqi society as Arabs, Kurds, Muslims, Christians, and other minorities live together for hundreds of years.


13d159  No.4228417

File: 7287fdaacba3e28⋯.jpg (354.9 KB, 1822x722, 911:361, SKIDDADLE-SHILLS.jpg)

There is a place for everyone

1fd225  No.4228418

File: fb230fc332a6ad0⋯.png (463.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing CH-47F Chinook in the sky above Leavenworth KS

78f6db  No.4228419

File: 618d67583a8d396⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 605x920, 121:184, james comey a higher faggo….jpg)

f56496  No.4228420


Hollywood actors. Famous multi-millionaires known across the globe. They arent like most of us working a 9-5 for a bullshit boss with a singe digit IQ just to put dinner on the table and get their kid some braces so he wont be picked on in class. We dont have yachts. We do go to exclusive parties. We cant afford private jets or mansions. That is what I am talking about anon.

The 99%.

bac8eb  No.4228421



same - stupid girls are lame

e0f819  No.4228422



Tucker, Goodman are just tired and disappointed

24b739  No.4228423


Give me the precious!

efcbe4  No.4228424



b234fc  No.4228425

File: 868607f46b02e01⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 700x525, 4:3, second-sunday-advent-wreat….jpg)

Praying that God will bless and protect President Trump, Q, the military, all anons, autists, patriots of goodwill, and all our families on this second Sunday of Advent, and that the shills will open their hearts and come to the good side.

In Jesus' name,


94a627  No.4228426


State of Emergency = new money laundry scheme

f59a27  No.4228427


No he's not. Tell us about this "research" you've done.

08e4dd  No.4228428

File: ec3f64e569036e8⋯.png (354.48 KB, 890x1336, 445:668, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

a36f71  No.4228429


Sandy is a short version of Alexandra anon.

7dc7d5  No.4228430

File: 054e0fd2fd893b0⋯.png (401.38 KB, 589x452, 589:452, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)

0d5072  No.4228431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

01bedb  No.4228432


Yep. Powered by rainbows. Bring back the Harrier.

e41a65  No.4228433


I would think this would be normal since Ft. Leavenworth is an Army base.

0da865  No.4228434

File: 1f586382612569b⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, yep-id-hit-that.jpg)

2bf5d5  No.4228435


She smells like dead dogs and gun powder.

Bon appetit

6013e2  No.4228436

File: b30a3fb80bb56d3⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 960x702, 160:117, 3ddb4d35ed9efe50d8786c1cf9….jpg)


>third time this has happened in weeks

6a61aa  No.4228437


You - "This tastes awful, here try it!"

Me - No

795ce6  No.4228438

914e38  No.4228439


Quick Google confirms, she went by "Sandy" as a nickname at some point.

63d016  No.4228440


I sat through this shit live and sadly, sheep

donated over $500 to this liar

6eb73e  No.4228441

File: 15a4c5e29c3633f⋯.png (3.38 KB, 215x215, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d58376fa04b35b⋯.png (109.79 KB, 214x317, 214:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Carl Bernstein → Is pouring on the 'Propaganda' Hyperbole = THICK & HEAVY.

Looks like another desperate measure to "Psych - Out" POTUS & Patriots.

(The Hill - BY MEGAN KELLER - 12/09/18 01:01 PM EST)

Bernstein: Trump ‘is boxed in by Mueller’

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein said Sunday that President Trump has been cornered for the first time in his life.

"He is boxed in by Mueller and the people around him know that he is and it's on the question of…possible collusion with Russia and unquestionably a massive obstruction of justice that is now demonstrable for all to see, led by the President of the United States to cover up whatever the dealings of himself, his family, his aides were with Russia," Bernstein told CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday, following several bombshell legal filings last week by Robert Mueller's special counsel team regarding people close to the president.

"It certainly looks like they are the kind of offense that would call for impeachment hearings into the conduct of the President of the United States," Bernstein said.

"There's something much more important than just impeachment going on and that is the fact that Donald Trump for the first time in his life was cornered."


Bernstein said Sunday that the developments mean that Trump is boxed in for the first time in his life.

"As a business man he always could bully his way out of a corner, he always could buy his way out, cheat his way out," said Bernstein, who has been a longtime critic of the president.


"We don't know what those dealings are in detail," Bernstein added. "But it's clear that Mueller is now connecting the dots between a massive obstruction intended to hide the truth about the Trump campaign, Trump, his business organization, and his family from the investigators."


Layin it on THICK, hoping somethin will STICK.

Deep State 'Two-Step' "Frame-Up" Op.

1: Carl Bernstein's Job = Prep 'The Public' w/ (Disinfo - Smear) story.

2: So the (Frame - Job) charges will be believed when DS crooks reveal them → Saying: "Trump Colluded With Russia"

Typical Sunday morning smear.


3f67f5  No.4228442


her name is alexandria not alexandra. fyi

2b7026  No.4228443


EU is in Brussels but not what Belgians think of when they think of politics. Regardeless if the EU is the dominant force or not. The EU is an after thought here in Belgium and from the little I know of France, it would seem that way as well.

The EU is like an island in Brussels. It is a community consisting mostly of lobbying firms,

then government contractors, and in the minority officially sanctioned government representatives.

The majority of people who work for these entities do so for free or as extremely low paid as interns. In fact when one reaches the work force of the European Union one sees it is made of interns/free labor/slaves.

These people interact within their own circles, many of them not even speaking french or flemish the languages of Belgium. There is no sense of better than you or class differences as far as I can tell. It is just another world within Brussels that has little to do with Brussels.

e8e5c6  No.4228444


Like I said lb, Cortez has the look of a crazy bitch who will Bobbit your dick in a heartbeat.

fcd4a2  No.4228445


Maybe, but Alex is short for Alexandra. Sandy is short for Sandra. I'm pointing out how she has changed her persona to be another fake communist hell bent on destroying America.

6fa3b8  No.4228446

File: ec2c2f4fe7fcf7e⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 474x266, 237:133, sliders.jpg)


>>4225917 pb

>>4225870 pb


comped baker. faggot.

Comey & O-C-D.

80f7b6  No.4228447

RR, JC, RM are all cooperating.

Every WiseAnon know this.

73880b  No.4228448


Great additions!

c740d6  No.4228449

File: e9572fc234b97c5⋯.png (571.5 KB, 742x470, 371:235, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli, Russian military experts may meet in Moscow in coming days - Netanyahu

TEL AVIV, December 9. /TASS/. Israeli and Russian experts may gather for another meeting to discuss coordination on Syria in the coming days in Moscow, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a government meeting on Sunday.

"I talked to Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday. We agreed that the delegations of Russian and Israeli armies on coordination on Syria will meet as soon as possible. I hope this will be in the coming days, most likely in Moscow. And our meeting with President Putin will be held later," Netanyahu said, according to his press service.

Putin and Netanyahu held a phone conversation on Saturday at the initiative of the Israeli side, the Kremlin press service said. The sides reached an agreement to "work on the next personal meeting of the two countries’ leaders."

"This [phone conversation] was a follow-up to the talks in Paris, which were very crucial for ensuring the continuing cooperation, which the Russian Army and the Israeli Defense Forces have maintained for several years," Netanyahu said on Sunday.

The two leaders had a brief conversation in Paris on November 11 on the sidelines of the events marking the 100th anniversary of the World War I Armistice.

Netanyahu said he told the Russian leader on Saturday that the Jewish state would continue its policy to prevent the creation of Iran’s military bases in Syria and go on with its steps against the handover of high-precision weapons to Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and its tunnels crossing into Israel.

On Tuesday, Israel’s Defense Forces launched Operation Northern Shield to expose and destroy tunnels, built by the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah, crossing into Israel.

On September 17, Russia’s Il-20 aircraft was accidently downed by Syrian air defenses over the Mediterranean Sea when it was returning to the Hmeymim airbase. Russian top brass said a missile from Syria’s S-200 system downed the aircraft when it targeted four Israeli F-16 fighter jets, which attacked facilities in Latakia. All 15 Russian crew members were killed in the tragedy. The Israeli Air Force and those who made the decision to use the Il-20 aircraft as cover are solely to blame for its crash, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said.


efcbe4  No.4228450


Sandy Hook by chance?

7dc7d5  No.4228451



>Bobbit your dick


ac57f6  No.4228452


"plausible deniability" is a part of con-game, "never give up the tell to the mark"!!!!

6013e2  No.4228453

File: 36d6484aba50d3f⋯.jpeg (32.63 KB, 549x435, 183:145, 36d6484aba50d3f60ace09d5f….jpeg)

2bf4cc  No.4228454

File: a50db909a7d1bb0⋯.jpg (69.93 KB, 504x482, 252:241, 2ojvp1_1.jpg)

Sadly today she has saggy old granny tits.

f56496  No.4228455


Do you have a cankle fetish or are you a woman or farrot irl? No (straight) man would complain about this woman's cankles. FFS.

93190c  No.4228456


Your right, . lots of good info here but hard to see at times with all the BS

b5a2db  No.4228457

File: 855434adabb3d96⋯.jpg (929.36 KB, 2040x1471, 2040:1471, deepstatevstrump.jpg)


I agree.

BO needs to get hash of Baker.

It doesn't really matter what they say we say, though. The truth will out in the end.

And if they can't find it on here. They will put someone here to write it , then report on themselves.

They will consistently misrepresent what we write about here. They must do that. They have no choice. It's sophistry. But it's all they've got.

Remeber they did the same "wraparound smear" to attempt the frame on Trump.

Made up their own shit to make Trump look bad

Pass it onto the NYTimes via Comey and McCabe.

Find the article once it's printed and full of their lies.

Take that article to a FISA court


Maybe on fishing expedition they can find something that will REALLY sink him

Otherwise, they can just run out the clock 'til they can kill him, via

Rumor, innuendo and "Nothing Burger"

Remember they have the public's attention 24/7 which is


That's all they got.

628c18  No.4228458

File: 4a8ac62db951ab4⋯.jpg (94.49 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 5b38d84acb2acb1b008b4567-7….jpg)


←——THICK & HEAVY comic book

782006  No.4228459


Is this on twitter?

157aa0  No.4228460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




70faa1  No.4228461

File: c490d5410df4ac0⋯.jpg (113 KB, 775x634, 775:634, putin.jpg)

Putin knows

795ce6  No.4228462


Anons can theorize otherwise, but comey is NOT /ourguy/

298960  No.4228463

File: c711612b3a1655e⋯.png (404.42 KB, 1707x995, 1707:995, Greece Child sacrifice.png)


Extraordinary claim require extraordinary evidence. The child Trafficking and human sacrifice. Is real. Mixing Alien SHIT into this is a very good way to make it look like a lunatic diatribe.

3fe0e0  No.4228464


Just rid the world of their pestilence already. I'm sick and tired of this clown being alive and talking.

6013e2  No.4228465

File: dcd8b418be3f5a8⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c89e35a27f196f01a18e0bee0c….jpg)

917b64  No.4228467


dude she is hideous KEK

raise your standards anon!

24b739  No.4228468


That was like a Miss World speech. It has an almost Valley Girl quality to it. She thinks that 'Clueless' is a documentary.

43df62  No.4228469


Dec 3 2018 12:42:42 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: b8622e


Odds of a State Funeral on D5?

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

68–95–99.7 rule


This might not really mean anything either way but i think we all got this wrong. We all looked at D5 as a bunch of shit was supposed to go down on this day but the ds pulled a counter move and shit got delayed. in reality i dont think anything got delayed at all. i think q was saying d5 was gwbs funeral all along. and he referenced the empirical rule to basically say "how did we know this would happen on dec. 5th? what are the odds"? ie we got this shit under total control so for the love of god TRUST THE PLAN and stuff your face with an absolutely absurd amount of popcorn.

8e7666  No.4228470


She Likes Anal!

6b830d  No.4228471


When they bitch about you filtering their bullshit is when you know your on the right track.

0aadea  No.4228472


June 2018 - I have a long background w conspiracy theory so already knew about a lot of the stuff being exposed, AGAIN. (Deepstate, occult, magic/esotericism.

Personally dont believe in the UFO stuff, but whatever

I have been away from 8chan awhile, dont know WTF Toots is all about, anyways, thanks. Looking for rare-pepes

e8e5c6  No.4228474


Yep. Of course normies will just think he’s insane. I’ve heard Putin is autist, anyone else heard this?

08b940  No.4228475

File: b36c103540cdacd⋯.png (158.98 KB, 1085x293, 1085:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff5edd6991cc1bb⋯.png (38.89 KB, 996x172, 249:43, ClipboardImage.png)



Art After School camp

I changed my mind… its likely this.

So, Melissa Long?

795ce6  No.4228476

File: 25d086937dff5ff⋯.png (458.88 KB, 535x530, 107:106, ocasioart.png)


She's so brave

daec92  No.4228477

https: //www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/12/08/paul-ryan-pushes-stealth-outsourcing-amnesty-irish/

Clinton Foundation and Ryan and Irish money

628c18  No.4228478

File: 951a17d753c9f40⋯.jpg (48.88 KB, 587x575, 587:575, Jewish_Rat_keks.jpg)



226967  No.4228479

File: ec7844c85b72dee⋯.png (199.81 KB, 890x1336, 445:668, comey6.png)

6013e2  No.4228480



b4ded9  No.4228481


I have a neighbor that ho flat footed stood face to face with me one day and said “all Christians should be rounded up and put on a train and killed”

These fuckers live right next door to you and me. They’re not hard to spot. But they hate everything good and decent.

Bearded soy boys dating butch haired dykes

Not hard to spot them.

917b64  No.4228482



597b34  No.4228483

>>4228186 Sure, and Hussein is a patriot. Yeah, that's the ticket, and Hillary is St. Hillary of Arc.

87d304  No.4228484

File: fa0db06e70146b2⋯.jpg (279.76 KB, 1920x1040, 24:13, germaine-personnage-monstr….jpg)


Remind me Monsters and Cie

92d2c7  No.4228485



806667  No.4228486


Thank You Anon!

efcbe4  No.4228487


She is BAIT

795ce6  No.4228488



check out what planefags were up to last night (ALL past breads):

>>4224202 Yuge Planefag Bun

>>4223438 Yuge Planefag Bun

>>4222694 YUGE Planefag Bun

b4d337  No.4228489


Dude she's bangable thats it. There's nothing extraordinary about her looks at all other than she's not obese (which sadly says a lot in this country). 10 yrs ago she'd be a 5 at best, get off the computer and go talk to actual women who aren't obese in real life and then think about why you are posting about ACO's supposed attractiveness on a conspiracy laotian basket weaving board anon.

e41a65  No.4228490

File: 0090c87614d437f⋯.jpg (680.57 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Huma91.jpg)

File: 13b6d4ac3b41d98⋯.jpg (702.13 KB, 2343x1000, 2343:1000, Kerry, Huma, No Name1.jpg)

>>4228469 ← Correct

Pics unrelated, but relevant today.

daec92  No.4228492


Retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan is quietly pushing a bill to outsource many thousands of U.S. college graduate jobs to Irish graduates and deliver amnesty to Irish illegals.

His Irish-only bill was quietly pushed through the House on November 28 without a recorded vote by legislators. It is now awaiting approval by the U.S. Senate — but the outsourcing and amnesty bill will be blocked if even one U.S. senator privately or publicly notifies GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that he or she will oppose the measure.

Ryan is a Globalist!!!! offshoring foreign help.

1eb69a  No.4228493


What the actual hell?

6fa3b8  No.4228494

13d159  No.4228495


ok but many fired who are also grey/white,,,

his firing might have been needed don't you think for optics?

either way that doesn't mean he is all bad, u can fire good people for reason

but i understand ur point

628c18  No.4228496


No sauce. Its a joke!

5cc9f5  No.4228497


I am telling you if you are a normie this week you expect Trump to be frog marched out of the White House any minute now.

The MSM has gone all out, including the 'conservative' media.

795ce6  No.4228498


Comey is not /ourguy/ newfag

24b739  No.4228499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here we go again….

bf4e6b  No.4228500

File: dc7a5f083bb9b11⋯.png (390.71 KB, 428x784, 107:196, telaviv5.PNG)


It's all kikeshillin, fren

(((They))) skerred AF now & it will only worsen.

Celebrate the Kike, as he hastens his own demise by shilling the most on the platform that is now the news for millions.

Apparently, (((They))) still haven't heard of the Streisand Effect, to our great advantage. Keep the slides coming Shlomos, it's fucking great!

6a61aa  No.4228501

File: 3ecf25f544c714d⋯.jpg (125.23 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, jcbook1.jpg)

f56496  No.4228502


>dude she is hideous

ad3dc2  No.4228503


The EU should be more than an afterthought considering the power it wields. The events in France seem to have weakened the EU especially since Micron was supposed to be the new face of it with Merkel going.

0773df  No.4228504

File: 9813224f98dddba⋯.jpeg (111.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, divid_willsuck_TIME_TRAVE….jpeg)


Holy balls. Wilcock realized that Obi Won Konobi was his father, when he watched Star Wars at the age of 4. He says that out loud with a straight face.

92d2c7  No.4228505

File: 162a32bc5304200⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 234x350, 117:175, 162a32bc53042005309b26fca4….jpg)



e8e5c6  No.4228506


This is the most reasonable option. I think you’ve got it.

8f0b2b  No.4228507

File: ca422548ac0a06a⋯.png (130.12 KB, 287x488, 287:488, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad309afde81f4f9⋯.png (249.57 KB, 308x410, 154:205, ClipboardImage.png)

These days, getting a Ph.D. is probably the last thing you want to do if you are out to revolutionize the world. If, however, what you propose is an idea, rather than a technology, it can still be a valuable asset to have. Dr. Eugene McCarthy is a Ph.D. geneticist who has made a career out of studying hybridization in animals. He now curates a biological information website called Macroevolution.net where he has amassed an impressive body of evidence suggesting that human origins can be best explained by hybridization between pigs and chimpanzees.


Dr. McCarthy's site:


200eee  No.4228508

File: 188cc012d672735⋯.gif (16.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 84e030a75f73c74d18ff687670….gif)

File: a9c083d1546b7dd⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x171, 85:57, a9c083d1546b7ddc8a085371a5….jpg)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)









>shills tag teaming with spam pastabots

Just another shift in shareblue office.

A "youre a kike/jidf/jew/rabbi" coming in 3… 2… 1…

2bf4cc  No.4228510

File: 03be8ef14e90dbd⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 500x620, 25:31, 2ojx4w_1.jpg)

13d159  No.4228511


look, i understand… but i don't label people so quickly… mueller was never our guy right?

I am watching the same movie as you

we will wait for the end

6b830d  No.4228512


Think mirror.

If MSM's are all over that, what would be the opposite of that?

a36f71  No.4228513


I'm Irish but I firmly believe no jobs should be outsourced when an American could do it. Charity starts at home.

795ce6  No.4228514

File: e1e6a93bd2049d2⋯.png (254.33 KB, 452x451, 452:451, StfuJIDF.png)

94a627  No.4228515


This guys was a hard core Bernie supporter and a total shill….

628c18  No.4228516

File: 8f44a178faa629a⋯.jpg (69.34 KB, 968x645, 968:645, lordrothschild.jpg)


b511ef  No.4228517

File: 70e9097722f056d⋯.jpg (716.68 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181209-134049….jpg)

This is interesting… Thursday!

795ce6  No.4228518


Mueller has been /ourgreyhat/ form the beginning

lurk moar

f76771  No.4228519


Amen and God bless you and yours Anon

63d016  No.4228520


I live in Wisconsin…..I stopped going out a couple

of years ago. Every woman over 25 is at least

50 lbs overweight…..yet I'm supposed to stay

buff and be rich

f24f80  No.4228521


Shs most likely is posting these herself

Because she gets off on her boob power over men

d123ba  No.4228522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The walls are closing in

6013e2  No.4228523


I know, some of those posts are mine. But now we have an explanation

6a83a2  No.4228524


Don't strain yourself sweety~

d4d2c7  No.4228525


You're a kike/jidf/jew/rabbi

efcbe4  No.4228526

File: 36d6f2fce25557a⋯.jpg (203.46 KB, 1200x871, 1200:871, Dt_stc7VsAA-cyH.jpg)

f86e5d  No.4228527

File: fe8b5ec6719686d⋯.jpeg (86.91 KB, 1080x581, 1080:581, 1543544092.jpeg)

They REALLY don't make it easy.

6b830d  No.4228528


Feel sorry for that pole.

73880b  No.4228529

File: 123e9ee19e96c8e⋯.png (2.64 MB, 2798x2002, 1399:1001, clowns12_09_2018NR-fs8.png)


>Wilcock realized that Obi Won Konobi was his father, when he watched Star Wars at the age of 4.


806667  No.4228530

Comey only had one post before this one…it was in May 2017

James Comey

‏Verified account @Comey

18 Oct 2017

Beautiful fall day at West Point. Lone kayaker on the Hudson.

Q first started posting Oct 28th, 2017

e0f819  No.4228531


Actually putting ethnicity against others should be out of practice

1fd225  No.4228532

File: 0d77003991bdddd⋯.jpeg (16.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, planefagpatrol.jpeg)

13d159  No.4228533


lurk for my posts bitch and see what i said a year ago u fuck… u lurk moar….

e8e5c6  No.4228534


??? Sandy??? Do we even know her real name???

efcbe4  No.4228535


That is the HOOK

a596ce  No.4228536

File: fe64199132301fc⋯.gif (3.79 MB, 360x202, 180:101, christmasgirls.gif)


6ae881  No.4228537


pics or go back.

806667  No.4228538


Meant to add.

10 days

782006  No.4228539

Where are the majestic posts made? Searched twitter, couldn't see them. My autism can't interpet symbols shown. TIA

c740d6  No.4228540

File: d67c4cfb21b1549⋯.png (769.93 KB, 751x768, 751:768, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c7abfdac6e1a38⋯.png (65.51 KB, 743x864, 743:864, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 453ab0f9d9efe7a⋯.png (161.58 KB, 834x845, 834:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79f5ffc5e10c217⋯.png (68.05 KB, 733x825, 733:825, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73aedef95ef8e5f⋯.png (14.07 KB, 753x193, 753:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Comey reveals he concealed Trump meeting memo from DOJ leaders

Former FBI Director James Comey revealed in closed-door testimony with House Republicans on Friday that he deliberately concealed an explosive memorandum about his one-on-one Oval Office meeting with President Trump in February 2017 from top Department of Justice officials.

The former FBI head also acknowledged that when the agency initiated its counterintelligence probe into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government in July 2016, investigators "didn't know whether we had anything" and that "in fact, when I was fired as director [in May 2017], I still didn't know whether there was anything to it."

His remarks square with testimony this summer from former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whose anti-Trump texts became a focus of House GOP oversight efforts. Page told Congress in a closed-door deposition that "even as far as May 2017" – more than nine months after the counterintelligence probe commenced – "we still couldn't answer the question" as to whether Trump staff had improperly colluded with Russia.

Comey further testified on Friday that he and his aides were "all very concerned" about how the president had spoken of the probe into fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in a private Oval Office meeting, according to a 235-page transcript of his remarks released as a part of an agreement between House Republicans and Comey.

The fired FBI director wrote in his memorandum that Trump had told him, "I hope you can let this go," amid reports that Flynn had lied to the FBI and senior White House officials about his contacts with Russia's government.

But despite that concern, Comey told Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, that he and his team made a "judgment call" not to tell then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions or his lieutenants about Trump's comments, saying he thought Sessions would recuse himself "in a matter of days" from the Russia probe.


b66a7b  No.4228541

File: 4b3cfa9fa016f94⋯.png (202.57 KB, 780x927, 260:309, feminism.png)

3f67f5  No.4228542

>>4228501 comey is /ourguy/ what a joke….

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/07/18 (Sun) 16:44:03 No.359

File (hide): 4a5371399b8b8e2⋯.png (529.05 KB, 850x480, 85:48, 1529030582738.png) (h) (u)


[Pg 294]

[Meeting between Comey and Coleman on October 4]

>Coleman told us that he could not recall this briefing with Comey.

>Coleman’s notes from October 4 contained the following entry:

(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]

(2) [Unrelated]

(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit

-9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop

-Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails

-Hillary Clinton & Foundation

-Crime Against Children+++

>We asked Coleman about these notes and he told us that, given their placement in his notebook, the notes would most likely represent information he was briefed on first thing in the morning by his subordinates in the +++Criminal Investigative Division+++.

>Comey told us that he did not recall the briefing by Coleman reflected in his calendar.

>We asked Comey if this briefing could have been the time in early October that he recalled being told about the connection between Midyear and the Weiner investigation. Comey stated:

"It’s possible, possible this is what is knocking around in the back of my head, but I really, see I know the frailty of memory from having done a lot of this work, at least in my memory it’s much more of an informal than a meeting about it, but it’s possible."

>We showed Coleman’s notes from October 4 to Comey. Comey did not recall being briefed on the information contained in the notes.










324905  No.4228543


He used a pseudonym before @coey

f86e5d  No.4228544

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

24b739  No.4228545


Actress / Stage school?

a03ba5  No.4228546

File: f407739fd618b9d⋯.jpg (117.31 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ApBOhrsCIAI02N9.jpg)


been digging around since I last posted. found some weird articles in search results, one talking about how trump and pence refused a meeting there. also found this picture on their Twatter. I'm sure I've seen this logo on here recently, it was quoted "Byop - Build your own paddle" . will start after school club digs.

0d5072  No.4228547

File: 6e473ec260aadad⋯.png (48.33 KB, 608x389, 608:389, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 78a89143dc5dcc0⋯.png (79.21 KB, 568x720, 71:90, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 908c4df85b6c079⋯.png (81.71 KB, 568x590, 284:295, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 53b8ffe2938f985⋯.png (74.31 KB, 512x759, 512:759, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 95769aeb8430e42⋯.png (88.19 KB, 498x766, 249:383, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


795ce6  No.4228548

File: b93288da20adcbc⋯.png (267.22 KB, 800x820, 40:41, goback.png)

3fe0e0  No.4228549


Nope. Fuck everyone except Europeans at this point.

129d47  No.4228550

File: 4791e04ce47fa42⋯.png (334.93 KB, 661x380, 661:380, piglet.png)


sounds kosher….

5cc9f5  No.4228551


Many anons have zero prospects of sex with an actual girl.

Thus the hair trigger infatuation.

You must forgive us. It is our way.

2bf5d5  No.4228552



Link to Anons cap.



Dec 13th Judicial Watch tesitfies to congress on CF pay to play

13d159  No.4228553

6b830d  No.4228554


There's a big difference between 'ethnicity' and 'nationalism'.

92d2c7  No.4228555

0d86ab  No.4228556


With each other, certainly. With the white hats, still open to question, very much open to question.

f56496  No.4228557


Yes. She is Sandy Hook. THAT Sandy Hook. Great find anon! Go do some research on it and get back to us.

08e4dd  No.4228558


Tom Fitton should have the next seat on the Supreme Court.

AG would have been nice too

0d5bed  No.4228559

Q, Merkel is on her way to Marrakesh, to sign the Global Compact on Migration.

Each Migrant will then stand under UN-legislation, and we the citizens will stand under German legislation.

You cannot have two legislations in one county.

It will not take long and we'll change our national legislation then to UN-legislation.

Every migrant under special UN-legislation will be an "anchor" for the UN-legislation implanted in our country.

This is the way, the UN will colonise my country, until my country and our legislation is replaced by the UN's legislation.

If you do know something about Merkel that could make her stop, why won't you help us all in Europe?

cc6cd0  No.4228560


Why hasnt this guy been putin notables?!?


01bedb  No.4228561


It sounded too 'White'.

0d5072  No.4228562

File: 9a194beaa810cf5⋯.png (67.57 KB, 514x744, 257:372, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: b227a0932526565⋯.png (94.91 KB, 498x737, 498:737, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 8821fff70316456⋯.png (81.65 KB, 481x690, 481:690, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: d5c2bd4d0b35d79⋯.png (239.89 KB, 514x736, 257:368, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: b7ea5a9acaaa180⋯.png (128.36 KB, 506x735, 506:735, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


e8e5c6  No.4228564


Wisconsin women are fugly (for the most part). Sorry bro. Join me down south, where women are gorgeous.

795ce6  No.4228565


good work last night planefags

yea some anons were saying it was that drill, cool to see the updates

efcbe4  No.4228566


Then read some books and become a master of whatever you feel you lack in your life.

6fa3b8  No.4228567


fuck off with ZH notables. they attempt to publish here several times daily, and just who leaked that this is simply an exercise?

did you even bother to read? this is based on "The Drive", and "The Drive" offers no sauce other than "this happened last year".

not notable

b4d337  No.4228568


Dunno what to say anon, if you're a single male you should be traveling and making your mark on this world. Don't bemoan where you live as an excuse to post ACO's photos like we should agree she's attractive. Go to Poland, or Hungary, or Czech Republic and be a man out and about exploring the world. You'll find out how unattractive really a vast majority of American women are.

fa0404  No.4228569


If you're a fan of noses looking like meat cleavers… Her face is too masculine, I bet you'd find her dad attractive too

628c18  No.4228570

File: 28890b7f8a83e54⋯.jpg (206.65 KB, 490x735, 2:3, 5c4bf70a6b81cf212ba2992ee6….jpg)


7dc7d5  No.4228571

File: 89c551e82e99390⋯.png (666.7 KB, 858x1190, 429:595, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

95f99a  No.4228572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am watching this right now.

Anons will enjoy.

Here is the trailer.

Above Majestic

7b3337  No.4228573

File: 5628188561f5da7⋯.jpeg (165.41 KB, 500x750, 2:3, pointing.sailor.jpeg)

561dd9  No.4228574


R mirrored looks like owls… RR

8f0b2b  No.4228575

File: 24c9a02c9869a1a⋯.png (602.29 KB, 620x851, 620:851, ClipboardImage.png)


Girls just wanna have fun!

b4ded9  No.4228576


They had a plan to kill most of us if necessary

Envision what America could have looked like under Emporer Obama

a03ba5  No.4228577

File: 7a1cefac4b3783e⋯.jpg (590.74 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181209-184427….jpg)



you nailed it anon. already been a light dig into it on voat too.


54f2dd  No.4228578

is comey a whitehat /grey hat/black hat

will fisa bring down the house

hrc crimes against children


project pelican

voter fraud

attempts to over throw a duly elected president

foreign allies interfering in elections

all i know is that enough of those listed need to drop asap or the french wont be only ones in the streets

c03173  No.4228579

File: a04cf50f1faf3b6⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 400x250, 8:5, IMG_0838.GIF)


I hope he has a good security team.

6b830d  No.4228580


There's some pretty nice mid-west farmers daughters out there.

75d744  No.4228581


But he's a prestigious journo

Broke Watergate wide open

By using hard investigative techniques

And being fed info by SpookThroat from what 3 letter???

But mostly techniques

bac8eb  No.4228582

File: 01b24eba4472d5b⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 449x152, 449:152, q1891 bonus round.JPG)


>bonus round

0773df  No.4228583

File: 4211d04dca9687d⋯.jpg (334.31 KB, 500x710, 50:71, ncjf_mamadrama-WEB.jpg)


Wilcock would also like you to know that a Great Awakening will be happening very soon. Sorry, that's all I can take of him. Maybe somebody with a stronger gut can watch his jewtube shit.

2b7026  No.4228584


Now Amy Schumer has a comic book?

92d2c7  No.4228585

File: 586f596a9676427⋯.jpeg (11.24 KB, 300x300, 1:1, moped.jpeg)

4421fc  No.4228586

File: a5444cb2490b9e0⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1448x1352, 181:169, V.png)

f56496  No.4228587


Agreed. Her visuals are amazing. Everything else is questionable at best.

aa0935  No.4228588



the kill box is a multidimensional assessment of a thing, as I understand it.

a8a88f  No.4228589

>>4226028 (pb)

How stupid are You (whoever put that here) to not translate it and just assume everybody will understand.

It's not French bread dumbass.

01dbbe  No.4228590

In the words of judge Judy, beauty fade but dumb last forever….


7b3337  No.4228591

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpeg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, meme.disgust.girl2.jpeg)

f56496  No.4228592

efcbe4  No.4228593


The autism is strong today. Sadly I have to get other things done.

7dc7d5  No.4228594


ages 6 - 11


d4d2c7  No.4228595

File: 06961b51fc2aa50⋯.png (489.64 KB, 483x640, 483:640, ClipboardImage.png)


>Down South

0aadea  No.4228596

File: b8b4a11c7ade448⋯.jpg (192.69 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, gent1.jpg)

Watch the water

Deep research

92d2c7  No.4228597


That's a man.

654c86  No.4228598

Man, the vibe in here today is complete 180 from last night. Last night seemed,,,,more natural, old skool..Wuz good…today cracks me up! You guys crack me up.

And for all the people ALWAYS asking for information that they sort of remember, check this out first, and then ask…Very helpful…https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

ad3dc2  No.4228599


If you are at the gym staying buff you will find the slim women you are looking for.

73880b  No.4228600

File: 9f722a2b52a196f⋯.jpeg (74.12 KB, 702x459, 26:17, js_thisclose.jpeg)

File: be8e2b2538481c3⋯.jpg (148.2 KB, 1229x691, 1229:691, kabamur_larp_clown_stgerma….jpg)


Fake and gay.

84424f  No.4228601

>>4227419 (pb)

SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder


bf4e6b  No.4228602

File: 8339719afcdb420⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 800x578, 400:289, merchreal.jpg)

File: 2e1b34d97bbaacc⋯.png (398.69 KB, 516x573, 172:191, merchkikula.PNG)

File: 826ecbfe45d2a11⋯.jpg (157.32 KB, 849x1080, 283:360, merchshekyl.jpg)

File: f3f2c5d26dffd22⋯.jpg (199.61 KB, 1023x768, 341:256, merchbunch.jpg)

>> 4228508

<Just another shift in shareblue office.

Just look at this Kike projecting onto his shillmates across the pond, desperately hoping it lends creedence to his absolute panic shillfest. You just can't help yourself, right Shlomo. My fucking sides!!!

I've only got two merchant heads left in my uber triggering Straight Outta TelAviv meme & they bite


Have some moar merchant memes, Kike, I know you love, em. Enjoy the show Anons!!

6fa3b8  No.4228603

File: fbb297e36440c2e⋯.jpg (85.22 KB, 510x500, 51:50, comped MF.jpg)

43944e  No.4228604


Needs moar chins and chubby faces.

01dbbe  No.4228605


KEK! Spewed my covfefe on that one!

0aadea  No.4228606


please bless me with a rare pepe

b511ef  No.4228608


Judicial Watch is invaluable. Sadly Fitton is not a lawyer. Klayman is.

4421fc  No.4228609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try this one when you are done with Majestic.

Majestic was very good. They talk about Q on it.

f56496  No.4228610


You are a woman or a faggot in real life.

6a83a2  No.4228611

File: d5f56e69bfc320d⋯.jpg (652.75 KB, 1446x1446, 1:1, WizardQ.jpg)

It's pretty clear who's side Comey is on, and it's not /ours/

Comey was "so untruthful", Trump said, that he might have "set a record" for the number of times a witness lied to Congress during official testimony. Hist testimony is the latest sign that the Russia probe is a "rigged fraud" launched by "dishonest people" who would "do anything so that I would not become president."

"They are now exposed!," Trump said.

On 245 occasions, former FBI Director James Comey told House investigators he didn’t know, didn’t recall, or couldn’t remember things when asked. Opened investigations on 4 Americans (not 2) - didn’t know who signed off and didn’t know Christopher Steele. All lies!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2018

Leakin’ James Comey must have set a record for who lied the most to Congress in one day. His Friday testimony was so untruthful! This whole deal is a Rigged Fraud headed up by dishonest people who would do anything so that I could not become President. They are now exposed!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2018

Last night, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted out a more detailed breakdown of Comey's deceitfulness.

James Comey:

“I don’t recall”—8 times

“I don’t remember”—71 times

“I don’t know”—166 times

AND he said he didn’t know that

Christopher Steele was passing information to Bruce Ohr, who was giving it to the FBI.

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) December 8, 2018

Comey is set to return for another closed-door session later this month.

Jim's onpoint.

Sauce: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-09/trump-comey-told-245-lies-during-fridays-congressional-testimony

f39c1b  No.4228612


they are all born into the show.. which is politics.. modelling. music.. hollywood. They just stick you in and sometimes change your roles.

7b3337  No.4228613

File: 9f581d6c0ac8c81⋯.jpeg (65.43 KB, 686x385, 98:55, meme.divisionfag.trek.jpeg)

e8e5c6  No.4228614



A few weeks back an anon posted a “Cortez” family tree. All Jews. All crisis actors.

1884ca  No.4228615

File: 1cbac815645e20c⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, F721F2A7-7E49-4891-A845-3….jpeg)

94a627  No.4228616


The new shill slide = Cortez is hot

aa0935  No.4228617


Winter is coming. :)

73ef65  No.4228618


She is indeed a q-t pa-2-t.

628c18  No.4228619

File: 618a53ee4659d39⋯.jpg (103.4 KB, 860x638, 430:319, rebel-wilson-stan.jpg)


Rebel Wilsom more like!

92d2c7  No.4228620


Clinton tactics.

bac8eb  No.4228621

0d5072  No.4228622

File: 3fc30903e7e9b98⋯.png (96.45 KB, 759x487, 759:487, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


73880b  No.4228623

File: bc6097660552e82⋯.jpg (400.14 KB, 1600x1231, 1600:1231, heaven's_gate_suicide.jpg)


>Pushing ayys this hard.

Not going to work.

8e7666  No.4228624

File: 324657992e53197⋯.jpg (32.32 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 5b9acc140ce5f51d008b61d4-7….jpg)

File: cc97ae402daae5d⋯.png (515.39 KB, 748x508, 187:127, screen-shot-2018-07-16-at-….png)




Pic #1 taking it!

Pic #2 Discussing it!

fc882f  No.4228625

File: 64b84fe1e1a18d1⋯.png (58.36 KB, 576x239, 576:239, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 249f3885572bc75⋯.png (21.41 KB, 385x200, 77:40, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

Qanon= Argintina Nuns uprising

Q Team ODNI Office of the director of national Intelligence, its the 17th agency and is the head of the rest, its headed by Dan Coats, was Clapper previously +++++>>4228232

08697a  No.4228626


Same as Huber. Then Comey comes back following Monday.

f56496  No.4228627


Obvious dude. Mangina confirmed.

24b739  No.4228628


Rosita Chiquita Juanita something. Or maybe not.

0da865  No.4228629

File: a8e20d0092e2484⋯.png (938.2 KB, 1598x859, 1598:859, fff.PNG)


Gitmo current .

6013e2  No.4228630

File: cc60dc0dad66573⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 228x221, 228:221, 5tongc7j39sx.jpg)

Shills be like:

<She ran for president so that Trump would win. She's /ourgirl/ Notable, baker!!!

0d86ab  No.4228631


We're witnessing the beginning of a PR campaign. Comey, Cortez, we'll see who is next.

67a20f  No.4228632

File: a0f0c2a2c2ca957⋯.png (23.98 KB, 936x309, 312:103, Q disclosure.png)


Yes goyim it's ALL fake especially these two crumbs which are TOTALLY not what various insiders, contactees and spiritual people have been talking about all along this entire time, at all.

If I can't convince you of that, then all messengers of Light and all people that do this kind of research (Sather, Wilcock, Goode…) are fake and gay.


c417af  No.4228633

File: e13d711fcd62830⋯.png (27.25 KB, 721x163, 721:163, Screenshot_2018-07-14 Q Re….png)

File: d406f4e5505f3de⋯.png (16.69 KB, 1252x106, 626:53, Screenshot_2018-07-13 Q Re….png)

File: d2431563b7e1251⋯.jpeg (95.87 KB, 750x825, 10:11, 671668ff3e9131f0dde92a733….jpeg)

6a61aa  No.4228634

File: 1b5d4692098b2e4⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jake.jpg)

628c18  No.4228635

File: 93922ff0b8f38ec⋯.jpg (18.14 KB, 339x230, 339:230, 1pnwmr.jpg)

6fa3b8  No.4228636


how many other stars do you worship?

bf4e6b  No.4228637


Your meme is mine nao

4421fc  No.4228638



33051b  No.4228639


Don't need to be a lawyer to be on the SC. Not that I think Fitton is a good choice, just pointing that out.

73880b  No.4228640

File: 9c799798101e43c⋯.gif (5.79 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, missing411_cluster_map.gif)



ADL, JIDF, cabal shill confirmed.

0d5072  No.4228641

File: c37148af626cd50⋯.png (263.43 KB, 747x565, 747:565, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


2bf4cc  No.4228642

File: ddac48cc58b7111⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 500x260, 25:13, 2ohy6c_1.jpg)



The Clinton's blackmailed the higher Archy of law enforcement.

795ce6  No.4228643

File: 9113bdc15ab83f2⋯.png (395.69 KB, 789x460, 789:460, ClipboardImage.png)


lighten up


anons, including me, are just fucking around with Cortez, the comey shit is odd and should be dealt with, it's nonsense and that shit shouldn't be in notables

f56496  No.4228644


She is. She is a fucking idiot but she is a hot fucking idiot.

694721  No.4228645


Ahem. Kikey… no likey.

Kikey no likey. Kikey no likey. KIKEY NO LIKEY! KIKEY NO LIKEY! KIKEY NO LIKEY!

4421fc  No.4228646

File: 770e11d1efd0447⋯.png (925.68 KB, 558x882, 31:49, Rothschild.png)

0d86ab  No.4228647


Please stop posting that fool's tweets.

3f67f5  No.4228648


next they will be claiming that Hussein is really a white hat.

324905  No.4228649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Biden confirms Comey’s “I don’t know”

346547  No.4228650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


795ce6  No.4228651




6013e2  No.4228652



Nice job responding to your own post. That'll fool the goyim

c740d6  No.4228653

UK Keeps Destroying Evidence in Skripal Case - Russian Foreign Intel Chief

Last week, unnamed sources speaking to Western media claimed that British intelligence believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally approved the poisoning of Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in March. Moscow has stressed repeatedly that London has yet to present any proof of Russian involvement in the case.

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service director Sergei Naryshkin has said that the truth in the Skripal case can be found only through a professional, joint investigation by both Russia and the UK, but that the British side has rejected all Russian offers to help and keeps destroying evidence.

"The Russian side, if you recall, immediately offered its readiness to participate and help in the investigation of this incident, this provocation. Unfortunately, the British side has not been forthcoming. Furthermore, the British side, as we see it, is constantly destroying evidence — [the Skripal's] pets, other objects. The Skripals themselves have not appeared," Naryshkin said, speaking to Russia's Channel 1 on Sunday.

According to the foreign intelligence chief, from the Russian side, the British investigation into the Skripal case currently looks like "a farce, a provocation."

Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found unconsious on a bench at a Salisbury shopping center on March 4. London almost immediately concluded that the pair were poisoned by a Russian military-grade nerve agent, and accused Moscow of staging the attack. The allegations led to a diplomatic row between the two countries which culminated the explusion of dozens of diplomats from each country and new anti-Russian sanctions by London's allies.

Russia has sent several dozen diplomatic notes to the UK calling for cooperation in the investigation of the Skripal case. London left these proposals unanswered, while accusing the Russian side of refusing to cooperate. Late last month, the Kremlin noted that British investigators have yet to share any information with the Russian side regarding the Skripal case. The Skripals themselves, said to have recovered from the poisoning attack, have not commented on the investigation since the summer, and remain hidden at an undisclosed location, according to UK authorities.


3c3c31  No.4228654

Anons, allow me to speculate about Khashoggi.


Evidence, pretty much everything he ever did until a ghost writer put his name to some columns recently.


Destabilising governments, arms trafficking, highly enriched uranium trafficking and narcotics trafficking.


Turkey's PM killed, tortured a bunch of journalists, no one gave a fuck about them.

Khashoggi had the bank codes or they want to know if he gave up Intel implicating France, Germany, the Clintons, Hussein and the UK in the Iran deal since he was all over that.

Also he had the goods on both Saudi and UK Royal families.

Only reason people ever give a fuck is huge piles of cash, arms, HEU, drugs, children or secrets.

73880b  No.4228655


>muh fallen-angels hoax is being called out

Q didn't confirm ayys. Just said we aren't alone. Can mean many things. Faggot.

b66a7b  No.4228656


Every one of her so-called instructors/teachers need to be fired and that school closed

a03ba5  No.4228657


https:// marissalong.com/Portals

795ce6  No.4228658



the guy should stick to making vids, a lot of his twits are stupid as fuck

e8e5c6  No.4228659


Fukkin weird pedo-logo on those paddles. Almost like the butterfly or some shit.

2b7026  No.4228660



9bcebb  No.4228661

Huber testimony on CF on the 13th. 4 days away. Public or Private?

24f3e6  No.4228662

Q likes to post on Sundays. Just waiting on the 'ol Qster.

bac8eb  No.4228663

File: 9f6917747dc0921⋯.jpg (74.6 KB, 462x665, 66:95, q1589half.JPG)


>JC to LL 247x (relevant)

<247 times

thats a lot of "cooperating"-kek

0289d7  No.4228664



Now blow your mind and watch "Brainstorm" 1983 and watch the MI guys put themselves in the movie as security guards that root the hero computer hacker genius on in his war with the "company". It shows you in the first half a huge amount of Esoteria and then the second half shows a vague outline of the PLAN.

The PLAN is basically decades in the making. "Brainstorm" is the first opening shot in this game.

24b739  No.4228665

File: f07160ad93494e6⋯.jpg (117.33 KB, 1224x696, 51:29, Gitmo 9 Dec 18 1850.jpg)


Gitmo's arrivals table confirms.

aa0935  No.4228666


Paraphrasing from the transcript, in ref. to Gen Patreaus:

"Luckily for a lot of people, our public statements don't carry the same weight as what we say under oath".

Again, this is paraphrasing, Find it yourself.


a36f71  No.4228667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nigel Dodds: 'The deal is bad for Northern Ireland'

f56496  No.4228668



Very likely. Hmm…

78f6db  No.4228669


I'm waiting for this to be streamed somewhere.

He did an interview on the SecureTeam channel on YouTube like a week ago

2bf4cc  No.4228670

File: 61b024735000737⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 534x499, 534:499, 2ojvx1_1.jpg)

67a20f  No.4228671


This video is still up-to-date.

f86e5d  No.4228672

File: c1485021e7bc4ca⋯.jpeg (73.91 KB, 1080x546, 180:91, DW_dWOEW0AMV2sf.jpeg)

4421fc  No.4228673


Reading and understanding isn't your strong suit, is it?

efcbe4  No.4228674


How do you catch FISH?

a57cf1  No.4228675


just watch..anything mentioning israhell, no matter how pertinent to current or past events..it won't make notables with this baker.

every. single. time.

aa0935  No.4228676



c851b1  No.4228677




West Point is in NY

Mueller working with SDNY re: Cohen

Q has said this about former NY AG

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



94a627  No.4228678

>>4228643 ← Shill

>>4228644 ← Shill

d123ba  No.4228679


They make us look like lunatics

75d744  No.4228680


Have you seen the witness list showing Huber will be there on 12/13?

Should be out there somewhere.

c740d6  No.4228681

Dutch hospitals to drop U.S. body brokers, cite ethical concerns

AMSTERDAM - Two major Dutch hospitals say they will stop importing human body parts from American firms, which they have been doing without any regulation for a decade.

The hospitals told Reuters in recent weeks they made their decisions on ethical grounds. The move comes amid investigations by U.S. law enforcement into some so-called body brokers - companies that obtain the dead, often through donation, dissect them and sell the parts for profit.

Earlier this year, Reuters reported that one broker under scrutiny by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation - Portland, Oregon-based MedCure - has used a Dutch hub to distribute tens of thousands of kilograms of human body parts across Europe since 2012. U.S. authorities suspect MedCure sold body parts tainted with disease to American and foreign customers, a concern triggered in part by such shipments to Canada and Hong Kong, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Reuters found that importers of U.S. body parts included two Dutch hospitals. The news agency uncovered no evidence body parts used in the Netherlands were infected, but the Dutch hospitals said they would drop the suppliers in response to reporting by Reuters which raised questions about how the brokers acquired body donations.


f2fac5  No.4228682


Nice job on the letter spacing, line spacing and font selection.

755ba2  No.4228683



It depends on where you live in the USA, anon.

Cold weather climates seem to produce overweight women an men. It's self-preservation.

The warmer states seem to have the most "normal" sized people.

628c18  No.4228684


Well, to be fair he is 150 years old so, there's that…

73880b  No.4228685

File: e08b66f43e9c674⋯.png (526.83 KB, 620x600, 31:30, projectbluebeam.png)


>reading and understanding

Those and logic clearly aren't yours.

f86e5d  No.4228686

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

628c18  No.4228687

>>4228678 ← Shill

e085b7  No.4228688

The amazing thing about a dancing bear is not how well it dances, it is that the bear dances at all!

157aa0  No.4228689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ZIONIST Shills have Only 3 Words In Their Vocabulary

1. "Shill" - Call any Patriot anon who posts Evidence of Zionist Crimes a "shill".

** So What ?



Only Enemies of Americans get Triggered by any discussion of Organized Zionist Crimes. Which will be prosecuted under the RICO Statute Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

2. "Spambot" - Dehumanization of non-Jew anons Confirms the Jewish Zionist Hatred of non-Jew Americans.

3. "MUH JEW" Shill - Notice the Whining tone to "pretend" dismiss anyone who posts Evidence of Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans.

Silence! We're gonna make it Illegal to criticize Zionist/Israeli Crimes in ALL 50 States!

795ce6  No.4228690


you're just a faggot, fuck off and get whatever is in it out of your ass, which is faggot

78f6db  No.4228691



I always try to make it as close as possible to the original.

9bcebb  No.4228692


I have not seen him listed yet. Assuming it's him as he is the one heading it up.

16449d  No.4228693

Have you noticed @AnOpenSecret is in full psychotic attack mode again the Q cult

0174c4  No.4228694


>>4228653 UK Keeps Destroying Evidence in Skripal Case - Russian Foreign Intel Chief

>>4228552 Dec 13th Judicial Watch tesitfies to congress on CF pay to play

>>4228540 Comey reveals he concealed Trump meeting memo from DOJ leaders

>>4228488 check out what planefags were up to last night (ALL past breads)

>>4228387 Large-Scale USAF War Drill Over Nevada Simulated Forcible Entry Maneuver

542bd3  No.4228695


Lurk Moar or Fuckoff new fag.

13d159  No.4228696

This is where it says Comey was forced into the spotlight by the Wizards and Warlocks… ever wonder if he was forced is he already controlled…..


2 Nov 2017 - 12:54:52 AM

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

0289d7  No.4228697


Maybe your role with your father will be to explain to him WHY things happened. Sometimes trying to talk to normies about things actually happening is too hard.

The Jew did not spend billions and billions of our money on TV, Media and school propaganda for nothing. This is what all that fuckery gets them.

43df62  No.4228698

comey dresses kids up like the puppet from howdy doody and rapes them. hes not a white hat. he is an ass hat.

fafa88  No.4228699




Better shot at :18 sec.

Yes its her.

Wheres the spunk shot?

0d5072  No.4228701

File: 9d20e7a456a2346⋯.png (48.77 KB, 508x399, 508:399, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 2fbd39010f3d3ae⋯.png (91.91 KB, 517x728, 517:728, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 3c140983213eef8⋯.png (121.41 KB, 515x743, 515:743, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

e0f819  No.4228702



Nowhere in the world you can find obese people like here. Even in Florida. Following your ligic scandinavian people should be comparable in size. No and no

4421fc  No.4228703


It's pretty good. Bob essentially explains how the UFO tech works.

b5a2db  No.4228704

File: 907587faff2c39f⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 163x163, 1:1, tvfakey.jpg)



Amazing how the "muh jew"

appropriates the 9/11 TV Fakery.

Muh Jew was running part of the Fake 9/11 Truther movement from the very beginning.

From both sides.

I was accused of being a holocaust denier, just for bringing up 9/11 questions.

People immediately connected the two, being a muh -jew, and 9/11 skeptic: for some reason.

They are desperate to discredit those who recognize the 9/11 simulation.

Easiest way, get the loud proponents of it to be Jew haters

f66d6f  No.4228705


Look at this nigger

667df1  No.4228706

File: 3cb0957b8e3bc98⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 653x590, 653:590, 1422677512324.jpg)


Comey could've ruined the plan anytime he wanted to. Think about it, during that time we didnt have control of the senate, nor did we have control of the SC. Say Comey reveals the information to Sessions too early, what would happen? The still corrupted DOJ would then do everything in their power to protect and free the swamp.

It was too early. I'm sure Comey knew that.

f50d96  No.4228707


>make it look like a lunatic diatribe.

to those whose awareness has been dulled by decades of FNM programming, indeed it does. Not your fault by the way.

Appearances can be deceiving.

94a627  No.4228708

>>4228687 ← Confirmed Shill

>>4228690 ← Confirmed Shill

3fe0e0  No.4228709


So many people are slaves to them. Completely mentally compromised. Shame really.

06a7cd  No.4228710

File: 5286855b15027a8⋯.png (249.47 KB, 624x458, 312:229, ClipboardImage.png)

IMPORTANT VIDEO WITH TOM FITTON OF JUDICIAL WATCH (Published Dec. 5, 2018) - The Clintons, President Trump, & the Scandal of Our Generation


“That Clinton email scandal so frightened the establishment that they would immediately start to figure out ways to get out of it. And the way they tried to get out of it was by sicking the FBI and the Justice Department on Donald Trump. This Justice Department and the FBI while it was supposed to be prosecuting and investigating Hillary Clinton was actually working with her campaign to come up with fraudulent reasons to spy on, investigate ,and target Donald Trump and his team. There is no scandal like that in American history, not in the history of the FBI, not in the history of the Justice Department.

But the scandal of our generation is what’s going on with the targeting of Donald Trump - the hijacking of the FBI, CIA, Justice Department and the Defense Department, and who knows what other agencies, to try to drive Trump out of office.

And, currently, this Justice Department which is in theory supposed to be run constitutionally by the President of the United States has set itself up as a fourth branch of government that thinks it can investigate and harass the President in a way that not only impacts his ability to govern here at home, but manage our nation’s security matters abroad.

Who is running this Justice Department that it would allow the Justice Department to embarrass and harass the president with this ridiculous indictment or plea agreement with Michael Cohen as he is going to a summit in South America in the middle of a crisis with Russia over its aggressive actions against the Ukraine? This is a Justice Department that isn't working for the people anymore and it’s all about getting Donald Trump.

Some of these lawsuits, for instance, led to the disclosure that this FBI met with Clinton spy Christopher Steele 13 times in 2016. They only paid him cash 11 of those times. You had the CIA, in my view, harnessing agents to go and target the President's team abroad because they knew if they did it here they would be in violation of Executive Orders and laws governing targeting of domestic political organizations. It’s a scandal beyond all measure….”


a8a88f  No.4228711


I don't see GOD or Christ here, only some fucking universal mind.

Or maybe I just didn't notice.

6013e2  No.4228712

File: fb0533ed6593d08⋯.jpeg (100.23 KB, 501x585, 167:195, fullsizeoutput_13e2.jpeg)


Sure thing, (((anon)))

151bf0  No.4228713

File: 34c12dbca0b3a8e⋯.png (43.67 KB, 268x616, 67:154, ClipboardImage.png)

qanon exension frens

c740d6  No.4228714

PM Khan on U.S. Relations: We Don’t Want Pakistan ‘Treated Like a Hired Gun’

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, in commenting on ongoing tensions between Islamabad and Washington, said he does not want the United States to treat Pakistan “like a hired gun” in America’s war on terrorism, the Washington Post (WaPo) reported on Thursday.

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Post, Khan expressed his desire to have “a proper relationship with the U.S.,” noting, “I would never want to have a relationship where Pakistan is treated like a hired gun — given money to fight someone else’s war. We should never put ourselves in this position again. It not only cost us human lives, [the] devastation of our tribal areas, but it also cost us our dignity.”

Asked if he wanted relations between Pakistan and the United States to “warm up”, the prime minister responded, “Who would not want to be friends with a superpower?”

Khan dismissed repeated assertions by the Pentagon that Pakistan serves as a sanctuary for terrorist groups in Afghanistan, namely the Taliban and its Haqqani Network allies.

“When I came into power, I got a complete briefing from the security forces. They said that we have time and time again asked the Americans, ‘Can you tell us where the sanctuaries are, and we will go after them?’ There are no sanctuaries in Pakistan,” he told the Post.

Nevertheless, he did not discount the possibility that Afghan Taliban jihadis are freely moving across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

“There are no sanctuaries. If there are a few hundred, maybe 2,000 to 3,000 Taliban [jihadis] who move into Pakistan, they could easily move into these Afghan refugee camps,” he declared.

Regarding Trump’s recent request for assistance in achieving peace in Afghanistan, Khan said, “We will try our best. Putting pressure on the Taliban is easier said than done. Bear in mind that about 40 percent of Afghanistan is now out of the government’s hands.”

Kabul does not have control of about 45 percent of Afghanistan, the latest assessment by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a watchdog agency, shows.

This week, Islamabad issued a statement welcoming U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to make political reconciliation between the Afghan Taliban and Kabul the primary goal of America’s strategy to end the more than 17-year-old war in Afghanistan.

The statement came in response to a letter Trump recently sent to Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan last month requesting “assistance and facilitation in achieving a negotiated settlement of the Afghan war.”

Trump sent the letter days after accusing Pakistan of “doing nothing” to combat terrorist groups, triggering a spat with PM Khan.

On November 19, Trump wrote on Twitter, “We no longer pay Pakistan billions of dollars because they would take our money and do nothing for us. Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another. They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ending!”

The Trump administration has suspended hundreds of millions in funding for Pakistan over Islamabad’s refusal to take decisive action against terrorist groups orchestrating attacks against U.S. troops in Afghanistan from Pakistani soil.

Under Trump, U.S. officials have intensified efforts to bring the Taliban to the peace negotiation table.

While Afghanistan was the deadliest country for jihad last year, “Pakistan recorded its lowest number of terror-related deaths [852] since 2006″ during the same period, the latest Global Terrorism Index revealed.

AsiaNational SecurityAfghan TalibanAfghanistanDonald Trump


f56496  No.4228715



b4fbdf  No.4228716


HA is pretty fkn full of himself

628c18  No.4228717

>>4228708 ← Confirmed Shill

(see goy! I can do that too)

795ce6  No.4228718


the other "confirmed shill" wasn't even the one you responded to at first you fucking bzoomer

87d304  No.4228719

File: a8c261f9e99bfe7⋯.jpg (181.86 KB, 750x931, 750:931, Rothschild, Jacob.jpg)

File: 0464926049eb1af⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 600x344, 75:43, rothschild-israel.jpg)

File: 6abb8efdc550d2f⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 560x338, 280:169, baron-jacob-rothschild.jpg)


Why does this guy never have a straight head ?

He has to use his hand to keep it straight

3c3c31  No.4228720



There's fine print in what their signing. Every country that signs up grant immunity from certain crimes in their country.

It's about creating a set of countries that certain people can flee to without fear of prosecution.

Nothing to do with migrants, they are just being used to make all of us look stupid.

Everything the UN does or promotes is to take your money, your rights or your land. It is always dressed up as something else.

The UN was created and run in the shadows by the same people who run the C_A and Mi6

bf4e6b  No.4228721

File: 3b493d90610adcf⋯.png (857.29 KB, 502x760, 251:380, ClipboardImage.png)

a57cf1  No.4228722

File: fa758dc2eb778e3⋯.png (810.55 KB, 1243x650, 1243:650, FAnon.png)


Yea..I'm the nigger, kek!

Hop moar faggot.

5aad9f  No.4228723

Q had mentioned Majestic 12 in a post recently- as well as early this year

I believe it was not completely spelled out but I’m phonefagging and cannot searc the terms. Anyone on a pc to help find it/them?

f86e5d  No.4228724

File: 5514b0d1c993d2b⋯.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1528904166.jpeg)

6038c3  No.4228725

File: 240ee7f2eaee21e⋯.png (42.33 KB, 941x203, 941:203, ClipboardImage.png)

0289d7  No.4228726


Same mold as the low IQ black woman from California. The Jews like their puppets dumb.

755ba2  No.4228727


Gotta be honest and say that I've been to FL, but not spent a lot of time there.

Maybe we all just eat too much crap.

93190c  No.4228728


Sure we could get a passenger manifest of all flights to Gitmo


c740d6  No.4228729


What BS.

87d304  No.4228730


Wouahahahah the best !

f86e5d  No.4228731

f66d6f  No.4228732


Niggers are often loud and make incredibly stupid statements. Nigger nigger nigger.

795ce6  No.4228733

File: ba303cd855b4a84⋯.png (72.21 KB, 677x328, 677:328, ClipboardImage.png)





can't find much info on it

but I think this is the one

6fa3b8  No.4228734






anomaly (i totally agree):


and… we're back.


4abb9e  No.4228735

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpg (423.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 64c63c86b1e15c8e33f96e0f0e….jpg)

94a627  No.4228736



Go start a thread on your professed love for this Tijuana whore and GTFO

9c5ea8  No.4228737


well said anon. thx.

3f67f5  No.4228738


searched the drops for "majestic" and mj12. no hits.

66f469  No.4228739

File: 54b6160349c766f⋯.png (53.87 KB, 456x278, 228:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad9f86f70fc1bfb⋯.png (23.07 KB, 341x273, 341:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3962cd60aa1407⋯.png (24.58 KB, 350x319, 350:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Re: 10 days of silence.

notice dates on the pics.


67a20f  No.4228740



Equating either heaven's gate suicide cult or a psy-op program with the truth of vastly advanced positive ET races helping us and Q's Alliance to defeat the Cabal is like saying Trump and Hillary are both idiots because they are doing politics.

It's a big world out there and you can't wrap it up with old thinking. So focus on what matters and what will get us out of hell, fast.

b67a01  No.4228741


>EU army rolls into France to squash protests

haha you fuck with the baker and push this BS?

learn what gendarmarie is, svp!

628c18  No.4228742

File: 851254369e7d11e⋯.jpg (183.09 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, The-real-rebel-wilson-1024….jpg)


2b7026  No.4228743


Namefags hate Q because Q doesn't have a twitter account, a youtube account, a podcast, a blog, a website, a radio show, a tv show, a camera, a microphone or even a GOD DAMN PHOTO and Q has more people who talk about Q than the namefag who is currently bitching about him.

a57cf1  No.4228745



you're glowing bitch.

no moar shekels for you.

75d744  No.4228746


Well, I saw a snap that showed the Google street shitter guy has a hearing coming up.

But, there's been no snap showing Huber

Kinda spoopy if ya ask me


Gotcha, but like you said that's it.

Is he really going to be there or is it a smoke screen?

850b61  No.4228747


try not being namefag

7db229  No.4228748


On an apache target system. It's called an IAT Image Auto Track. Lock on and two [ ] pop around the target. This is just one explanation

579945  No.4228749


you have the right to remain silent when charged with a crime.

18fb7a  No.4228750


you become a Master Baiter

58b6bf  No.4228751

File: f297c2a28870d37⋯.png (221.42 KB, 396x554, 198:277, IMG_4307.PNG)

File: 7b2aa1fc7e328ba⋯.png (348.68 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4308.PNG)

File: 0b4e45ab1fc3167⋯.png (246.41 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4313.PNG)


0n3 d33p3r

f56496  No.4228752


Im married. Wifeanon is 11 years younger than me. Shes about an 8 on both the hot/crazy meter but I got a kid from an earlier relationship that she accepts. Good enough for me.

That said, ACO is indeed bangable.

Thats it.

Everything else about her is trash.

f5c1a4  No.4228753

File: 7865375b5581ff4⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 205x255, 41:51, pepegolddiamna085c2f092298….jpg)


Very nice

6a61aa  No.4228754


Tippy Top Kek!

9bcebb  No.4228755


Subcommittee on Government Operations




this article says the CF testimony is public

b5a2db  No.4228756

File: 24575b55253301d⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 450x500, 9:10, comey.jpg)


"Comey couldn't ruin the plan any time he wanted"

No he couldn't.

He walked into the traps the plan set.

That was stooopid, wasn't it?

63d016  No.4228757


typical Jew…thinks he is smarter than everyone else

73880b  No.4228758

File: 80643a1157330f4⋯.jpg (305.69 KB, 500x800, 5:8, 1506323056731.jpg)


>vastly advanced positive ET races helping us

Take your anal probe, you LARP'ing zero-evidence shilling faggot.

feecec  No.4228759

File: ec71ac9ca137d3b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1363x826, 1363:826, AncientAlienTheoristSayYes.png)

8f0b2b  No.4228760

File: eec46116bab8f8e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)



You folks obviously don't understand

How to use bone structure

To identify biological sex

It should be clearer in this picture,

That her head/skull width

Is less than her shoulder wide

I.e. the width of the shoulder bone

Measured from one shoulder joint

To the edge of the skull.

This is clearly a biological female

And you can even find a video

On xhamster, of her masturbating

No doubt about HER sex.

2bf5d5  No.4228761

File: 0c7af0260d745f9⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, EDH_v5iZio8JUWXS.mp4)

France Antifa attacking Yellow Vest Protesters

Footage of what is said to be French Antifa fighting fascists amidst the #YellowVests protests again today.

Yesterday there was vid which made it to the notables of french police

opening up their line to allow a group of all

non yellow vest wearing scum in, now this.

France is sending Antfia out to use as an army to fuck up yellow vest and the police protect them.

c417af  No.4228762

File: 504b56b2dc159e3⋯.png (638.79 KB, 720x994, 360:497, Screenshot_2018-09-15 Q Re….png)

File: 5e3909389741f87⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 3o7TKQk0zORmu9zXXi.gif)

File: cc093570f9c3b2f⋯.png (344 KB, 908x496, 227:124, 0a2bbc857e021b352f3e3ed5fd….png)


yes, quite, we are all

capable of being deceived

by people that insist on wearing

the mask and that can turn it on and

off at whim. sometimes though

what you are seeing is consonant with the interior core.

54f2dd  No.4228763

its offical ive turned 8 years old again im anxiouse and excited cant wait for xmas (xmas being the day the light shines bright) its close and coming i can see the presents under the tree

and i just know i got that red ryder bb gun

thank Q

58b6bf  No.4228764

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ed8f8e  No.4228765

File: 66f81ad43eeaa76⋯.jpg (82.3 KB, 500x575, 20:23, yodareleasecures.jpg)

a36f71  No.4228766


Translation - My boyfriend fell out with me on my birthday and he sulked for 10 days straight!

b5a2db  No.4228768

File: 408a61c9f4cf0ae⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 540x678, 90:113, comey.jpg)


should've said "could have"

typing too fast. sorry.

84424f  No.4228769

File: 77fcd9a113712e3⋯.png (67.3 KB, 819x599, 819:599, ClipboardImage.png)


>Majestic 12

I found some

0da865  No.4228770

File: f6530e2c6dac468⋯.png (64.67 KB, 750x780, 25:26, 31bedc59d074fba2664eb0c0d3….png)


there is moar flights than they list that i catch , that doesn't include the ones that go in dark .

so yes a list of all flights would be awesome.

58b6bf  No.4228771


Maybe your autism requires meds

e2b5c0  No.4228772

Watched the movie last night because I needed a break then there was this

Movie Title. HOW IT ENDS

Father in law lives on 17th floor

You know because it is obvious in elevator scene (unnecessary for movie)

At end of movie guy explains that it is planned and says "unless you believe in coincidences"

9c5ea8  No.4228773


u seem very desperate shill. look at all those words??? all cus im saying comey is not a goodguy like the shill baker and ur jidg cubicle m8s are trying to make it seem. the post below was all i needed to know. buhbye slomo!!


73880b  No.4228774

File: 166f83e390d537f⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 447x320, 447:320, 009-Michael-Obama-proporti….jpg)



18fdc7  No.4228775


The only thing worth noting about Cortez is that her name is a common Sephardic jew name, like Castro and Mendoza.

8f0b2b  No.4228776


Typo? Brain fart?

Females have a ratio where the skull is WIDER than one shoulder

Males have a skull width that is LESS than one shoulder.

I.e. males have WIDER shoulders.

b66a7b  No.4228777

File: f1f442993a85ecc⋯.png (385.74 KB, 731x441, 731:441, Capture.PNG)

Tribunal Investigates Allegations of Forced Organ Harvesting in China

LONDON—An independent peoples’ tribunal is examining evidence purporting to show how the Chinese state is targeting innocent prisoners of conscience and forcibly carving out their internal organs for transplants and profit.

Three days of public hearings began on Dec. 8 in the heart of London’s legal district, in which witnesses from across the globe gave their testimonies on the disturbing practice of forced organ harvesting.

Chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, the people’s tribunal will, in his words, be looking at the evidence of forced organ harvesting in China afresh—with no assumptions.

Further hearings are scheduled to take place early next year, followed by a report of the findings


63d016  No.4228779


He kept repeating that Q was a joke because

he is on a message board! You are spot on

f56496  No.4228780


Nephilim offspring.

Aliens = Fallen Angels.

We have been lied to.

75d744  No.4228781


That would explain the tits

2dc1d2  No.4228782


Happy Hanukkah!

226967  No.4228783

File: 8ed361bc2c84055⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 321x475, 321:475, carreymagestic.jpg)

File: 3f16a6e4e8d28bc⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 293x439, 293:439, jimdance.jpg)


efcbe4  No.4228784


Does the ringing or is there a reason for that?

fba993  No.4228785

File: 4a7f951877ca6dd⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2Qhhdda6Qnbf3uVYxgzQhyipLL….jpg)

>>4227990 lb

Tamera Luzzatto (pool party hostess)



b67a01  No.4228786


an 8 huh, post picture and let us vote on it

0289d7  No.4228787


George Washington was a Mason. You say Trump is a Mason.

Trump says he wants to promote judges who rule based on the Constitution as written.




What is the Great White Brotherhood?

6fa3b8  No.4228788


my sex? a social construct.

my fat ass? genetic.

7075db  No.4228789

What if we started spamming all the MSM social medias and/or got


to trend?

9c5ea8  No.4228790


thx fren!!! someone else posted the image, i just included the text. it was a joint effort.

58b6bf  No.4228791

File: f3229dbcba14c7f⋯.jpg (725.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_4323.JPG)

If meds ain't cutting it for your autism

Call this line and start an account

6013e2  No.4228792

File: 8bd6237db57bb0a⋯.jpeg (144.26 KB, 581x720, 581:720, fullsizeoutput_1538.jpeg)


Oh no, JIDF has reported me for hate crimes. I'm so sorry for breaking the law, rabbi. I will never forget the 6 trillion killed in the holocaust, and I humbly thank you for 9/11. You're our greatest ally

8f0b2b  No.4228793


Check out what Justin Bieber is

Also the position of the navel in relation to the torso narrowing.

628c18  No.4228794

File: 8fc33aff13425ee⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 364x314, 182:157, 6F1xl3-0.jpg)



18fdc7  No.4228795


I was very tempted to include that data point. And her being a communist.

94a627  No.4228796



a36f71  No.4228797


GOD bless you anon. That's the one! Has she connections to a school?

f5c1a4  No.4228798

File: 126bb210c56bda4⋯.jpg (208.19 KB, 800x420, 40:21, potusCowboyTrump.jpg)


Very well said.

>Namefags hate Q because Q doesn't have a twitter account, a youtube account, a podcast, a blog, a website, a radio show, a tv show, a camera, a microphone or even a GOD DAMN PHOTO and Q has more people who talk about Q than the namefag who is currently bitching about him.

667df1  No.4228799

File: 3de20e730689ce8⋯.jpg (10.19 KB, 251x242, 251:242, 9 - u0dsgCn.jpg)


Your assumption is that he's a black hat, mine is that he could be a gray/white hat.

If he was part of the plan, he would know that the timing was wrong.

No senate majority, no judges, no justice.

No supreme court majority, no justice.

Why is he now coming back into the spotlight to talk about Hilary and the foundation? Why just before the election, did he bring up Hillary's emails?

I distinctly remember the Dems not being happy about what Comey did.

3fe0e0  No.4228800


Haha look at how fucking ugly they are. No wonder they hate everyone!

a57cf1  No.4228801

File: 85d011b547d9a97⋯.jpg (89.06 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 39281897_10215713377661292….jpg)

File: 024de67ba8f989a⋯.jpg (120.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, zuck.jpg)


Them trips tho

58b6bf  No.4228802


Poor choices prol

067304  No.4228803

Any sauce on HRC 'envelope' durring poppas funeral and jeb crying?

Workfagging like crazy last week.

f56496  No.4228804


I just dont wat to research this thing….

>And you can even find a video On xhamster, of her masturbating


Let me look this up…

For research.

aa0935  No.4228805


Maybe it would be different if things were presented in a less obvious manner? With neutral facts and stuff? Minus the commentary. Like, say "Isahell".

Or whatever. IDK and IDC.

0bc8e0  No.4228806


So… Sit, walk, sleep, eat,,, 10 days straight….

for FREE.

Way to Douche it up for your b-day, Jack!

63d016  No.4228807


In 50 years we can use pics like this as our

Holocaust photos.

What should we call what the Jews did to our

children? Transocaust?

0289d7  No.4228808


You anon are not enlightened and need more time.

795ce6  No.4228809

File: fd0e879e9931a18⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1258x1843, 1258:1843, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a87334df5d0b858⋯.png (31.13 KB, 690x202, 345:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1ff10b7a646211⋯.png (116.03 KB, 739x358, 739:358, ClipboardImage.png)


He is scheduled to testify in that committee on the 13th of December at 2pm est:

Next Thursday, a House Oversight subcommittee chaired by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) expects to hear testimony, in public, from two of the people who submitted a formal complaint to the IRS and the FBI alleging problems at the Clinton Foundation.

The formal title of the Dec. 13 hearing is "Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation."

Jon Solomon, an investigative reporter and frequent contributor to Fox News's "Hannity," said on Thursday night that the Oversight subcommittee also has asked Justice Department officials to come in and give a status report on various matters they've been assigned to investigate. Those matters include the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal.

As you may remember, last March, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions informed Congress that he had asked John Huber, a U.S. attorney in Utah, to "evaluate" issues of concern to House Republicans.

In that March 29 letter, Sessions wrote that at the conclusion of Huber’s review, Huber would recommend “whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened; whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources; or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel.”

According to Jon Solomon, the Rep. Meadows and his subcommittee now want to learn what Huber has been doing.



43944e  No.4228810


Look at his crest. Double headed eagle.

Look at his penthouse. Same as lodges.

5bda4d  No.4228811


Have you reached a conclusion on the Clintons, yet? Are they bad?

0d5072  No.4228812

File: 48a6b1f6aa5a2ba⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Scott_Free_-_White_Squall.jpg)

f56496  No.4228813


Aliens are demons/.fallen angels

75d744  No.4228814


Never let manners get in the way of science

c35d1a  No.4228815

c740d6  No.4228816


Home stretch Anon's. Next we have to start heeling the broken!



2ef76c  No.4228817


I still think of these kids from time to time.

e88778  No.4228818



watch this and decide

4421fc  No.4228819

File: f893f0e6a90dcb5⋯.png (13 KB, 255x194, 255:194, f893f0e6a90dcb5633d9c5e31e….png)

aa0935  No.4228820


wut? (re: Great White Brotherhood)

9c5ea8  No.4228821


he brought up her emails and then magically exonerated her of all wrong doing one week later, just in time for elections…

the james comey is a good guy bs is a total slide being orchestrated by a compd baker.

only shills would argue otherwise.

f86e5d  No.4228822

File: 9b147dc454413b2⋯.jpeg (251.06 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, 1537477003.jpeg)

de803f  No.4228823

File: 0652163b2289487⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 271x300, 271:300, th-1.jpg)

File: c885853c78c3a6a⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 214x161, 214:161, th.jpg)

File: b1963b09137ed71⋯.jpg (3.78 MB, 2462x3300, 1231:1650, ed685a548dde46b2f29847a36c….jpg)


uh huh

0cc1d8  No.4228824

File: decedaf618d6d9c⋯.jpeg (44.74 KB, 281x468, 281:468, C760C8B5-584A-47AF-A931-B….jpeg)

Big cock wanted for my fronthole

f56496  No.4228825


KEK. No…im good.

13d159  No.4228826

File: c60b03c17cba6d7⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 728x256, 91:32, Screenshot 2018-12-09_14-0….jpg)


80ee4c  No.4228827

File: c09cc740e30ae58⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 474x315, 158:105, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

I am starting to get excited...

Ever since noticing some countdowns in POTUS Tweet data (refer >>4152031) I have been waiting for 9 Dec to see if we do indeed get the 11:11 Tweet I theorized may be incoming, due to both count-down and count-up data (8-8, 9-9, 10-10) from POTUS Tweet posting times, which seemed to indicate that 9 Dec was the date for something BIG like a 11:11 Tweet.

Also wondered if there might be a potential link with increased French Yellow Shirt activities due to kick off 10 Dec (SMS circulating indicating this and the French chanting "We want Trump"), and realised that if the POTUS 11:11 Tweet was to be sent with maximum BOOM, as a shot to be truly heard around the world, then it may well have to be a 9:11:11pm or 11:11pm Tweet in order to be delivered simultaneously on both 9 Dec (US EST) and 10 Dec in France.

A 9:11:11 PM Tweet would also tie in nicely with Q#2183

911 Interesting Digits Q



Then I looked at the number of POTUS Tweets for the past two days.

7 Dec - 18 Tweets

8 Dec - 12 Tweets

18 12

which seems to make reference to the 1812 Overture - the finale of which ends with cannon fire.

(Check out https://youtu.be/DtXUj-09PME from 6:00 onwards)

eg BOOM .. BOOM .. BOOM .. BOOM !

All just a wild theory right now ... but would tie in beautifully with the Tweet data I have been seeing recently - and I am sure Q has a flair for the dramatic - Guess we will see if something interesting eventuates sometime later today.

Sure would make a hell of a movie!

Take care all,


58b6bf  No.4228828

File: 6b0025496faf21c⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4311.JPG)

Is the ghost of your tweaker ex gf a stalking homo caught in a cocaine fueled pedovore cuck

Maybe it's time to pass around the collection plate and learn the book of mtg by eBot

12366f  No.4228829

File: 97a1168a6448d4d⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 892x877, 892:877, Pepe OK.jpg)



>I have been doing extensive research, and have come to the conclusion that Q is in fact Military Intelligence.

7b3337  No.4228830

File: 04bca9789682144⋯.jpeg (77.64 KB, 540x423, 60:47, praise.kek.unicorn.jpeg)

1e70a8  No.4228831

File: 5c8581f2bda21b2⋯.png (312.49 KB, 588x414, 98:69, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 36ab485083dc751⋯.png (449.89 KB, 588x429, 196:143, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


No compassion, humility, or love for Heather O'rourke (and ALL of the others) tho. STFU

a36f71  No.4228832

File: ee33a80053ad902⋯.png (249.72 KB, 611x542, 611:542, Screenshot_2018-12-09_19-0….png)



6e3a3a  No.4228833


>"youre a kike/jidf/jew/rabbi" coming in 3… 2… 1…

Of course it is, and we will continue to counter your lies. Because we are truth-seekers in search of political solutions to our societal problems. anyone that comes here and stays, does so for that reason. Newfags will eventually investigate the facts on Jews we present here, because every day they will hear us assert that it really is the Jews behind every destructive agenda plaguing our societies. Digg on any one of these agendas, you'll find Jews at the bottom, instigating, funding, crony-positioning, bribing, and character-assassinating if not outright murdering their opposition:




anti-traditional fill-in-the-blank,

usury/financial fraud,

election fraud/vote-harvesting,

attacks on free speech/censorship,

attacks on gun rights/false-flags,

attacks on freedom of association (bake the cake!)

attacks on innocence/children (porn/trafficking)

excessive state control over private life, excessive depravity in arts & entertainment, excessive leftist bias in academia and MSM, excessive medicating and poisoning of environs,

excessive minority-stacking and discrimination v. whites in their own countries

excessive gaslighting of shame & guilt over muh racism and "white privilege"

lies, fraud, excess, destruction and control

CAN YOU JIDF SHILLS COUNTER OUR CLAIMS? Because if all you've got is more snarky sleight of hand, you might want to up your game. Shit's not working anymore.

The goyim know

f66d6f  No.4228834


Aliens are niggers

597b34  No.4228835

File: bfa5e8c0d1d8cca⋯.png (164.1 KB, 1536x671, 1536:671, ClipboardImage.png)


Just added LL testimony week of 12/17th per Fox News from anon in LB

Date –– Scheduled Event –– Sauce

Mon, Dec 10

Tue, Dec 11 –– House Judiciary Committee mtg: Transparency & Accountability: Examining Google & its Data Collection, Use, & Filtering Practices –– https://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByDay.aspx?DayID=12122018

Tue, Dec 11 –– House Oversight: Examining ‘Backdoor’ Spending By Federal Agencies –– https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/examining-backdoor-spending-by-federal-agencies/

Tue, Dec 11 –– Senate Armed Services Committee (Subcommittee:SeaPower) Closed briefing on recent Chinese and Russian naval activities –– https://www.govtrack.us/congress/committees/calendar

Wed, Dec 12 –– House Subcommittee On Oversight & Investigations (Armed Services Committee): Security Clearance Processing Status Report –– https://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByDay.aspx?DayID=12122018

Wed, Dec 12 –– House Oversight: Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act –– https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/federal-information-technology-acquisition-reform-act-fitara-scorecard-7-0/

Wed, Dec 12 –– Senate Armed Services Committee (Emerging Threats & Capabilities subcommittee): Hearings on Implications of China's presence & investment in Africa –– https://www.govtrack.us/congress/committees/calendar

Wed, Dec 12 –– Senate Intelligence Committee: Closed briefing on certain intelligence matters –– https://www.govtrack.us/congress/committees/calendar

Thu, Dec 13 –– House Oversight: Exploring Alternatives To Fetal Tissue Research –– https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/exploring-alternatives-to-fetal-tissue-research/

Thu, Dec 13 –– House Oversight: Oversight Of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study On The Clinton Foundation. Two Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Testifying Publicly –– "https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/oversight-of-nonprofit-organizations-a-case-study-on-the-clinton-foundation/ ;

John Solomon on Fox News / Hannity (Dec 13th)"

Fri, Dec 14

Sat, Dec 15

Sun, Dec 16

Mon, Dec 17 LL closed door session week of Dec 17th w Congress Fox News 12/09/18 (Sun) 1:12:29 PM est

Mon, Dec 17 Senate Intelligence Committee: Comey testifies again https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/goodlatte-and-gowdy-statement-on-comey-interview/

Tue, Dec 18 –– General Flynn sentencing hearing ––

Wed, Dec 19

Thu, Dec 20

Fri, Dec 21 –– Director of National Intelligence report on 2018 Voter Fraud ––

Sat, Dec 22 –– DHS election report due ––

Sun, Dec 23

Mon, Dec 24

Tue, Dec 25

Wed, Dec 26

Thu, Dec 27

Fri, Dec 28

Sat, Dec 29

Sun, Dec 30

Mon, Dec 31

Tue, Jan 1, 2019 –– EO changing Military Tribunal rules takes effect ––

Wed, Jan 2, 2019

Thu, Jan 3, 2019 –– New congress to be sworn in ––

Fri, Jan 4, 2019

I know the text format is annoying, but it enables our search engines to find the relevant post by a text search.

12366f  No.4228836


Kekin' right

c417af  No.4228837

File: 85809bea813f245⋯.jpg (1022.07 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0226.JPG)

File: d3a5b8d8a0a5059⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1679x1141, 1679:1141, Screenshot_2018-06-28 Thi….png)

File: 7acbb575dddd619⋯.png (680.73 KB, 1329x743, 1329:743, Screenshot-2018-6-8 Anthon….png)

File: 02d32712e49841e⋯.jpg (173.43 KB, 1600x663, 1600:663, obama bourdain pizza death.jpg)

File: 2e9fa29c72ffbbe⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 349x252, 349:252, giwwxphy.gif)


if you've just turned 8, you are back

on the market for some people. no offence


feecec  No.4228838

File: 91fc89c7e1574f1⋯.png (109.29 KB, 500x457, 500:457, MissPiggy3.png)

File: ce8b9d7e4cfaaa4⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 639x384, 213:128, MissPiggy2.jpg)

File: 0705708d34beb1d⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 722x767, 722:767, MissPiggy1.jpg)

67a20f  No.4228839

File: 46cb5c8cffeef06⋯.jpeg (860.64 KB, 2863x2250, 2863:2250, Original-scan-photos-of-s….jpeg)

File: d533e6d70d2fde5⋯.jpg (462.23 KB, 1754x1594, 877:797, obr4407.jpg)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BWHVmBY0Cs - Southern Television broadcast interruption from 1977 (cue the Great Awakening reference)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg6VTzacb9I - 'Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less' - Former Canada Defense Minister

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhW9F0kR7oA - positive ET shutting down nukes



https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/35713 - Apollo 14 astronaut attempts disclosure of "nonviolent ETs who are peacefully assisting" (rejected by pedo)

Open wide shill, it's spoonfeeding time.

e88778  No.4228840

exactly.. otherwise arkancide


0d5072  No.4228841

File: 45e534bd2d32a9b⋯.png (279 KB, 530x721, 530:721, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


b4fbdf  No.4228842



create hypothetical situation, badreference a known chemical reaction,

and faggots will believe the conclusion all day long

200eee  No.4228843

File: e209d0b2d5fc042⋯.gif (110.95 KB, 479x681, 479:681, e209d0b2d5fc04251d9979852d….gif)

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

Current shill status

Current topic - heavy muhjew

Current "jew count" - 45

Current "kike count" - 14

Current r2d2 pasta spambot status - offline, replaced by other spambots. See



Support bots: fully deployed. See:




Do not engage the spambots and especially do not engaged the support shills and chatbots. Its a dead end. Call them out once and filter.

0bc8e0  No.4228844


"heeling" or "healing"?

because the first one made me laugh!

f56496  No.4228845


You are wise, anon.

I like you.

Carry on.

0289d7  No.4228846


Not deformed it is admixture Jew.

73880b  No.4228847

File: 8f01c3e71e812a4⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 488x273, 488:273, podesta_fucked_aliens.jpg)

6a61aa  No.4228849


He was part of (((Their))) plan Anon. Sometimes, "those that scream the loudest" are doing it to save their lives. He has 2 choices, turn on the Clintons or Treason. He's putting himself out there so that he's not murdered…stay in the light.

bea45e  No.4228850

File: 77cbf72c41f73f9⋯.png (239.65 KB, 406x300, 203:150, 057C784B-7117-4489-8DA5-31….png)

58b6bf  No.4228851

File: 4c61b91230602d8⋯.jpg (108.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_4279.JPG)

File: 5327872a1d1b920⋯.png (276.27 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4283.PNG)

File: 05c6970483b2505⋯.jpg (56.85 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4290.JPG)

aa0935  No.4228852


Only anons who don't point to the source material to back up their statements and shill-spotting are legit, then?


9fe925  No.4228853

Robert Mueller was in the cold open on Saturday Night Live.

Do people think its normal for politicians in charge of huge investigations to make cameos on comedy and entertainment programs?

WTF timeline is this where anyone thinks this is acceptable.

Luckily I know we are watching a movie but good gravy these people are stupid. Cant wait for this to blow up in all their faces while we all laugh maniacally!

93bb8a  No.4228854


is this serialbrain2? kek

f66d6f  No.4228855


Simple ID confirms simple nigger

b66a7b  No.4228856

File: 0eab8e22d68f458⋯.png (249.13 KB, 301x387, 7:9, Capture.PNG)


Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters

The Spiritual Hierarchy serving the Earth is made up of Cosmic Beings, Angels, and Ascended Masters. Ascended Masters are individuals who have attained the Victory of the Ascension and are in "Heaven" (the upper Divine Octaves). The Great White Brotherhood, also known as the Brotherhood of Light, is made up of these, as well as their unascended disciples (chelas) and adepts in the lower octaves (lower planes [levels] of atomic structure).

4bb159  No.4228857

File: a43603126f94f35⋯.png (270.33 KB, 510x867, 10:17, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

File: aeea4fa2829f4bd⋯.png (549.78 KB, 655x656, 655:656, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

File: d367c1c954bca33⋯.png (120.94 KB, 493x343, 493:343, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

File: 3397f7792122a76⋯.png (58.42 KB, 624x304, 39:19, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

17 OUTLAW C-130's

SKYFALL - Army Paratroopers line jumps

OUTLAW's in route

Moon Owl at the front (OW20) leading the way in the dark!

The HUNT is on

USA and British Army Paratroopers Conduct Static Line Jumps

- ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPgJc8aXJsg 2:30 mark

Amy Schumer Tweet

Enjoy skyfall fags. I'm bout to get knee deep in Helen Hunt #thesessions


c740d6  No.4228858


kek typo

a596ce  No.4228859


you will find the time is there to put your worn out libtard ideas to rest.

Racism is integral part of the human mind and état-d'être. Negating that is diminishing the human experience and degrading not only to yourself (if at all possible) but to all your 'fellow' 'men'.

It is the faculty of distinguishing that allows us to discriminate and is one of our major survival talents.

Libtards like to disagree about this because that is their only talent, being disagreeable. It is but the conservatives good-natured heart that keeps the libs alive at this point and that patient good-naturedness might wear out sooner than anticipated at this juncture.

The constant treason inherent in libs behavior starts to be seriously threatening group survival for westerners.

So don't be surprised if you catch an arrow all of a sudden, your sell-by date has expired long ago.

0cc1d8  No.4228860


Oh yes please

9d4958  No.4228861



2b7026  No.4228862

File: b8ea5b2f645c039⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 480x308, 120:77, macron.jpg)

157aa0  No.4228863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trying to "pretend" that Patriot anons here who expose Zionist Crimes "work" for Ultra Leftist Hillary loving ShareBlue - David Brock?

Typical Sneaky Lying Desperate Zionist Shill… you're like the ostrich with its ass sticking up in the air thinking nobody can see you for what you are.

73880b  No.4228864


Your attempt to cover up technologies kept from us and that weree developed by us on earth as revelations of aliens will not go over well. See >>4228847

ed8f8e  No.4228865


>to be this stupid.

It was Robert DeNiro playing Robert Mueller.


c740d6  No.4228866



Maybe I'm right after all heel you fucking idiots!!! kek

43df62  No.4228867


what proof do u have god exists? 2000+ years of child rape and murder? how many of these kids prayed for help? all of them. how many were saved? zero.

just saying you bible thumpers need to re-calibrate your heads. its a great big universe out there. look at all the shit tesla was into.

more than likely none of us have any fucking clue whats possible and whats not. but thinking humans are it and any other type of being would have to be a demon is borderline retarded. jesus was awesome. he preached love. not organized religion. not some stupid ass man made rule book. you are brainwashed. let organized religion go.

917370  No.4228868


Trudeau, Abedin, both?

597b34  No.4228869

File: a4d5490136326e4⋯.jpg (160.06 KB, 799x448, 799:448, UnitedlionA.jpg)


ThankQ anon.

aa0935  No.4228870

4421fc  No.4228871


(((You))) are no doubt a shill.

f66d6f  No.4228873


Turbonigger achieved

efcbe4  No.4228874

CERN Accelerating science All events

Look at those NUMBERS


226967  No.4228875

File: 2218e8c65f93be6⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 306x356, 153:178, 265bedbd53b7d1163b1a088302….jpg)

58b6bf  No.4228876

File: 0ec9bc2359dd69c⋯.png (73.35 KB, 500x303, 500:303, IMG_4280.PNG)

File: 33904e0715a1133⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4286.JPG)

File: d7716613a4d7553⋯.png (241.07 KB, 375x524, 375:524, IMG_4293.PNG)

12366f  No.4228877

File: 78a88679a6f0dac⋯.png (579.62 KB, 1611x1196, 1611:1196, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 7795f69b159805c⋯.png (550.84 KB, 2002x966, 143:69, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: d4872bc504d9124⋯.png (525.38 KB, 1853x931, 1853:931, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


0e5f3d  No.4228878

What would happen if truckers united and stopped delivering to Sanctuary Cities?

c35d1a  No.4228879

75d744  No.4228880


So, it's not just Huber but also whistleblowers going to be there


Maybe that's why there's nothing detailed on paper/website

0174c4  No.4228881


>>4228835 Looking Ahead (Hearings and Events)

>>4228777 Tribunal Investigates Allegations of Forced Organ Harvesting in China

>>4228653 UK Keeps Destroying Evidence in Skripal Case - Russian Foreign Intel Chief

>>4228552 Dec 13th Judicial Watch tesitfies to congress on CF pay to play

>>4228540 Comey reveals he concealed Trump meeting memo from DOJ leaders

>>4228488 check out what planefags were up to last night (ALL past breads)

>>4228387 Large-Scale USAF War Drill Over Nevada Simulated Forcible Entry Maneuver

d54924  No.4228882

Clinton Foundation Indictments ??

Focus mainly on Bill ?

The Defence likely to involve the Sicilian Flu gambit ?

9fe925  No.4228883



Just seeing who is paying attention.

54f2dd  No.4228884


just ewwwwwwww

63d016  No.4228885

File: 227a802bf344621⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 588x549, 196:183, 227a802bf34462196ad92e2e9c….jpg)

e41a65  No.4228887


Thanks, anon. Been waiting for this. o7

c35d1a  No.4228889


67a20f  No.4228890


Whatever floats your boat :-)


What we are doing here is removing the anomaly called "evil". Again, what helps greatly is expanding one's thinking. Ironically, i've been heavily attacked by bible thumpers for saying some things that don't fit the old dogma.

50e524  No.4228891

File: ee69dde7fceb92e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 868x824, 217:206, medieval-cognitive-science.png)

File: 4c110f40c8145fb⋯.jpg (69 KB, 500x282, 250:141, Mundus-Imaginalis.jpg)

is virtual space a self aware mathematical space to which all life forms , whatever their native dimension (s) possessed of imagination have native access?

ie is virtual space identical with the Mundis Imaginalis?

MI is

>a term in Persian that seems to be its linguistic calque: Na-kojd-Abad, the “land of No-where.” This, however, is something entirely different from a utopia.




73880b  No.4228892

File: 2c8e1c78988009b⋯.jpg (80.64 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 1490556353739.jpg)


>muh ayyleeun cover story for the trillions of dollars stolen from the world to develop hidden technologies is being exposed

>wat do

>call shill

Go fuck yourself, in the (((eye))).

0289d7  No.4228893


I liked it. I think they intentionally are using disinformation about the Nazi stuff. They dont even mention the word Jew. How can they talk about the NWO and not say Jew?

Because they have been informed that the Jews have spent billions over the last 100 years mind fucking the West about "Jews did not do nuffin" and "Jews are always innocent" that it is wiser to just not say anything and let anyone who really goes down the rabbit hole run smack into the reality. That it really is the Jews.

Just tactics at this point. A stepping stone on the road to real disclosure.

ac1d8b  No.4228894

File: 32e66ffe7b93fbb⋯.jpeg (51.12 KB, 300x259, 300:259, image.jpeg)

File: 62758166b93737f⋯.jpeg (16.66 KB, 255x144, 85:48, image.jpeg)

File: 3a03309cb291b3c⋯.jpeg (91.29 KB, 500x666, 250:333, image.jpeg)

File: ff866a6721f1ec8⋯.jpeg (133.78 KB, 802x483, 802:483, image.jpeg)

File: 07ca921bbc34e2a⋯.jpeg (87.52 KB, 888x486, 148:81, image.jpeg)

4b8f85  No.4228895


Should be speaking now……what did he say???

f56496  No.4228896


Nice find.

Still, need front hole confirmation just to make sure. Tits would be nice too…

58b6bf  No.4228897

File: e12bac9ede7daf7⋯.jpg (195.25 KB, 1360x800, 17:10, IMG_4324.JPG)

f66d6f  No.4228898



screams the nigger as he wipes shit off his teeth

bf4e6b  No.4228900

File: cb75c54f7a9c26d⋯.png (240.41 KB, 645x709, 645:709, jacobmoundcheckum.PNG)


Nice post digits to debut my latest checkum meme on. BEHOLD!!

84a25c  No.4228901


KEK Love this

2b7026  No.4228902

File: 9c08684c1912042⋯.jpeg (42.83 KB, 1094x768, 547:384, BBPI95d.img.jpeg)

1e70a8  No.4228905

File: 3d90b99fd4d0580⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 491x276, 491:276, DtUUYRdU0AEYXfc.jpg-large.jpg)

File: a59a557cf0f32d7⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 390x303, 130:101, woods2.jpg)

File: 2629050db2fd19f⋯.png (181.06 KB, 281x384, 281:384, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 16499bdd72d14ed⋯.png (196.54 KB, 488x348, 122:87, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 32dc575905291c2⋯.png (176.41 KB, 269x355, 269:355, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)


>look what happens to those who speak out

WHO? NO ONE SPEAKS for these children, at that level. FUCK THEM ALL.

And JW has surely seen the photos of the CA 'fires', which he used for +PR, never talking about the DEW elephant in the room.

Autists do NOT ignore Red Flags, nor TRUST words. Actions, and LACK THEREOF, however, as tell-tale.

66f469  No.4228906




3ef7bf  No.4228907


It's shilly as fuck in here.. mostly Muhjooshills that ignore Q

e97e28  No.4228908

Slow anon here…Hillary would have signed this UN migration bullshit…Trump knew that and that’s why he ran and ran loud on patriotism and building a wall…. yes, I know kys

9c6573  No.4228909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Care to comment on this?

755ba2  No.4228911


Amy Schumer is a comic book. A bad one.

e0f819  No.4228912


So you are sayn

If i suggest hire irish only or germans only or whatever only is the right thing to do. I disagree cuz it needs to be qualification only. We all profile but not based on ethnicity, we profile based on behavoral patterns. I am sayn putting people in a group based on ethnicity and then prioritizing this group or suppressing is stupid

b92513  No.4228914

getting snoozy is the new comfy, just today. after snoozy what's next

3001bc  No.4228915

File: f1503b14bbef706⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 607x628, 607:628, Q ottawa 12 9 18.JPG)

File: 6e26d7a3d8be049⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 549x723, 183:241, Q uk 12 9 18.JPG)

Q Ottawa




4421fc  No.4228916

File: 77a7ab6b5247925⋯.png (222.19 KB, 340x378, 170:189, IMG_6724.PNG)


You are so inferior. I laugh at you. Pathetic.

Turn around, I'm behind (((you))).

c03173  No.4228917

File: 39bd48bf6b60b4b⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 500x281, 500:281, IMG_4095.GIF)

58b6bf  No.4228918

File: e4def547c94974e⋯.jpg (67.6 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4249.JPG)

File: 071646efe8b2113⋯.jpg (66.61 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4251.JPG)

File: 5782f1a3a840eed⋯.png (1.04 MB, 762x1048, 381:524, IMG_4253.PNG)

f56496  No.4228919


Good find, anon. Thanks.

868f24  No.4228920


That's why they are using her, also for the minority sympathy. Just remember that she wants to kill you in order to take what you have and she wants to use the force and violence of government to do it. She's a psychopath with a head full of murderous ideology

597b34  No.4228921

>>4228856 Bullshit. I know from personal experience what a crock this is. Just another fake, new age ploy to distract people from what needs to be done.

9328df  No.4228922


Triple dubs checked. HEAR HEAR!

You hooknoses want to revel in being evil little shits to mankind and forever refuse to repent? Then this is how we return the favor. Golden Rule, little bitches!

0289d7  No.4228923


Is this why Chicago has so many murders? Collecting for the parts?

ed8f8e  No.4228924

File: 4057abbadc49ddb⋯.jpeg (317.76 KB, 1916x1240, 479:310, kekistanmap.jpeg)

66f469  No.4228925


Yes, she wouldve signed and most likely most of the others that didnt wouldve followed suit. Do you think the US not signing opened up some others not signing. Id say so.

5e5744  No.4228926


Figured this from the beginning.

'Member when Q gave a shoutout to a "VIPanon" who on twitter claimed to be an AI specialist?

Thought he semmed important but anons seemed to disagree.

4b8f85  No.4228927

File: d1f10ce99c07d3a⋯.png (469.2 KB, 569x434, 569:434, ClipboardImage.png)

73880b  No.4228928

File: d6a760d67b40f48⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1120x1340, 56:67, pleiadian_assending_intens….png)


Fuck yourself in the ass-end, Sather-fag.

aa0935  No.4228929


what needs to be done?

a57cf1  No.4228930

File: 0dbdc0101a30e58⋯.jpg (114.1 KB, 1063x813, 1063:813, 0dbdc0101a30e5857f5cc4d4f7….jpg)


In with that triple double..nicely done.

f9bcdd  No.4228931


>HON HON HON HON Stop rioting please and go home.

226967  No.4228933

File: 7c64797a837702c⋯.jpg (237.59 KB, 1278x856, 639:428, ghost.jpg)

795ce6  No.4228934


you're a fucking idiot

9c6573  No.4228936


Sounds a lot like a zionist.

c35d1a  No.4228937


Quantum computers aren't stuck in the present.

f56496  No.4228938


Nice find, anon. Thanks. An anon and I were wondering about this lst bread.

0174c4  No.4228940

94a627  No.4228941


How many times do you need to be told to go start a new thread for your "she's so pretty" slide?

4b8f85  No.4228942

File: bee006d476341a2⋯.png (388.13 KB, 616x431, 616:431, ClipboardImage.png)

a4d262  No.4228943

File: 727f96e2be537a6⋯.png (483.62 KB, 1386x1068, 231:178, 8d2dfe9ab42df00b1674e287d8….png)

>>4227900 (lb)

I can't find my sauce, anon, but i remember her first name is Tamara. I can't remember her last name… on tip of my tongue.

aa0935  No.4228944


meh. it happens.

a36f71  No.4228945

File: 92ffa2f6cfbf2c7⋯.jpg (247.9 KB, 977x1200, 977:1200, Do5uih8XkAEWLkK.jpg)

Moar PG stuff..



3ef7bf  No.4228946


Most of o us have know about the JQ since 2015 you are just a fucking racist

200eee  No.4228947


Just how many ip addresses did shareblue purchase?

4421fc  No.4228948


Awww, did I hurt your feelings?

73880b  No.4228951

File: 66dba2edc1362f5⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 412x384, 103:96, nice_try.gif)

c03173  No.4228952

File: 7413e2fcf003661⋯.jpg (71.83 KB, 517x361, 517:361, IMG_7259.JPG)

b98c09  No.4228953

File: bc94d94f8f2fd79⋯.jpeg (116.3 KB, 1053x1600, 1053:1600, 32B1CCB2-7710-4CBC-AA04-1….jpeg)

58a33c  No.4228954

File: 5242abc2d089e86⋯.jpeg (118.44 KB, 686x794, 343:397, 2018-12-09 at 8.17 PM.jpeg)

c417af  No.4228956

File: b5cc2c9b530df27⋯.jpg (167.13 KB, 640x320, 2:1, beach plum schumer.jpg)

File: d5085a8f5183d2e⋯.jpg (947.1 KB, 1473x1101, 491:367, comet pizza beach plum inn.jpg)

File: ebce99674455afd⋯.jpg (220.54 KB, 621x513, 23:19, beach plums.jpg)

File: 8baa6f6d21ccd97⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 668x476, 167:119, clinton nxivm.jpg)

File: 50a9238b4ee80a3⋯.jpg (372.22 KB, 1213x781, 1213:781, DgLIn3CUwAAVZd4.jpg)

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