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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

ef169a  No.4222713

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 12.07.18

>>4198897 ————————————–——– Scott Free = WWG1WGA

>>4198677 rt >>4198635 -————————– Operators are ACTIVE.

>>4198539 ————————————–——– Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!

>>4197470 ————————————–——– COME[Y] (Cap/clip: >>4197712 )

Thursday 12.06.18

>>4187199 rt >>4186896 -————————– THE WORLD IS WATCHING.

>>4186896 ————————————–——– Why is "The Clinton Foundation" back in the news?

Wednesday 12.05.18

>>4171864 ————————————–——– What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

>>4171587 ————————————–——– It's all just a CONSPIRACY

>>4171504 ————————————–——– What do you want for XMAS? ( Cap: >>4171610 )

>>4169476 ————————————–——– People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST.

>>4169002 rt >>4168720 -————————– WHITAKER, HOROWITZ, HUBER, and WRAY.

>>4168720 ————————————–——– Move and countermoves.

>>4167458 rt >>4166910 -————————– EVIL has no place here.

>>4164820 ————————————–——– Follow the names on the list provided [update].

>>4160648 ————————————–——– Please allow us to counter (pic)

>>4160527 ————————————–——– Attention On Deck!

>>4158577 ————————————–——– When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY

Tuesday 12.04.18

Compiled here:>>4203271

Monday 12.03.18

Compiled here: >>4198988

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ef169a  No.4222717


are not endorsements


>>4222003 Paul Sperry tweet: James Baker said it was appropriate to charge HRC, and Comey persuaded him not to

>>4222049 Anon on "They never thought she would lose"

>>4222164 Gigantic 'object' spotted towering over Earth from ISS – before NASA live feed is CUT

>>4222069 Cruz announces $25b bill to fund border wall

>>4222106 For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust

>>4222166 Paul Sperry tweet: Lisa Page and Peter Stzrok helped draft the exoneration letter

>>4222222 Checkem and Be Best

>>4222285 Anon's throwback decode of crumb #133

>>4222307, >>4222635 The Hague - Police removed man in yellow vest from the public tribune in second chamber of parliament.

>>4222402, >>4222473 Philip Reines bitching about Q

>>4222494, >>4222561 Tom Fitton Tweets

>>4222529 Pakistan kicks out 18 charities after rejecting final appeal

>>4222694 YUGE Planefag Bun

>>4222707 #5378


>>4221282 'Amazon will go bankrupt': Clown Bezos keeps talking about Amazon's inevitable death

>>4221311 Q signs make an appearance at Yellow Vest protests in Canada

>>4221318 Planefag report: 17 C130J Combat King II - more information

>>4221352 Dig on Dyess Air Force Base near Abilene, TX

>>4221465, >>4221509, >>4221512, >>4221549, >>4221721 Planefag updates on interdasting OUTLAW movements

>>4221526, >>4221527, >>4221600 "Wtf is going on tonight?" Planefags update on plane circling Boulder city

>>4221662 $2.5 Million in Meth, Heroin, Cocaine Seized by Feds in Arizona

>>4221971 #5377


>>4220551 Belgium Government "Fallen" Over Migration Pact

>>4220651, >>4220661, >>4220661, >>4220755, >>4220754 Planefags point out 17 C30's flying over Texas with callsign "OUTLAW"

>>4220822, >>4220912, >>4220927 Moar "OUTLAW" planes coming out of Nevada, plus "THUGs" earlier in the day: coincidence?

>>4220910 7/10: Pilot taken to hospital after central PA plane crash

>>4220961 BNL news reporting Macron is ready to make a statement, won't resign

>>4220991 Bin Salman's top aide fired for role in Khashoggi killing

>>4221057 BI: Former senior Google employee says frantic quest to stop internal info getting out is now mgmt's number one priority

>>4221118 Planefag: OUTLAWs flying near Midland Basin near recent huge oil discovery

>>4220540 Anon digs on non-profit Project Engagement

>>4221188 Compiled Planefag updates

>>4221199 #5376


>>4219841 FBI agent wounded in wild drive-by shootout in Brooklyn

>>4219865 Demoncrat asked Comey about SR murder and pizzagate during his hearing

>>4219877 Anon theory on Barr nomination

>>4219963, >>4220297 Planefag notes plane flying at -225ft below sea level near LA

>>4219985 Rep. Meadows tweet re: Comey's sudden memory loss

>>4220004 Comey contradicted himself re: HRC defensive briefings

>>4220033 Epoch Times: China’s Threat to Ottawa Over Huawei CFO Arrest Ignores Rule of Law in Canada

>>4219777, >>4220031 Clockfags claim Qclock points to possible HRC arrest morning of 12/24

>>4220095 Phillipe Reines attacking Scaramucci on twitter - Scaramucci doesn't disavow Q..

>>4220107 The final nail in the "collusion" coffin on page 163 of the Comey testimony: "[Collusion's] not a thing"

>>4220265 Belgium Cabinet Collapses over UN Migration Pact and Yellow Vests

>>4220294 Anon counters "EU stickers on Macron vehicles" ( >>4218817 pb ) as fake&gay slide

>>4220373 QClock: Q posts "Witch Hunt" on Halloween Marker

>>4219774, >>4220378 Anon dig on "D"

>>4220417 #5375


>>4219024 New POTUS tweets and video re: Army/Navy game

>>4219109 Q Clock Update

>>4219149 Army beats Navy 17-10

>>4219040, >>4219316, >>4219358 Anons on "What do you want for XMAS?" and XYZ

>>4219346 Anon theory on Macron's fate in light of yellow vest protests

>>4219440 Immigration agents arrest 105 in massive NJ sweep

>>4219464 White House article: "What It Will Take to Prevent Deadly Wildfires"

>>4219535 Zero Hedge: Scaramucci Talks QAnon, Stone Rails Against Uranium One

>>4219584 Upcoming scheduled events

>>4219679 #5374

Previously Collected Notables

>>4217386 #5371, >>4218083 #5372, >>4218850 #5373

>>4215024 #5368, >>4215764 #5369, >>4216562 #5370

>>4212716 #5365, >>4213897 #5366, >>4214245 #5367

>>4210390 #5362, >>4211158 #5363, >>4212014 #5364

>>4208112 #5359, >>4208863 #5360, >>4209625 #5361

>>4205776 #5356, >>4206558 #5357, >>4207352 #5358

>>4203512 #5353, >>4204578 #5354, >>4205031 #5355

>>4201132 #5350, >>4201945 #5351, >>4202423 #5352

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Post last edited at

ef169a  No.4222718

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#58 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996 , >>4199346

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ef169a  No.4222721

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

ef169a  No.4222727



321553  No.4222756

Do you all still believe in justice…lol

f1272b  No.4222762

File: 888c4c46693cfca⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2499x1318, 2499:1318, 9549487512349876.PNG)

File: 0db92faef48209a⋯.png (849.6 KB, 1543x949, 1543:949, 987879654654321231654564.PNG)


ef169a  No.4222763


ah, forgot to take out that ISS notable, oh well, it's still weird

probably some reflection or some shit

50377f  No.4222764

File: 32b34a78ded6368⋯.jpg (3.9 MB, 3579x2436, 1193:812, B-52_Stratofortres.jpg)

6985a0  No.4222765

File: 62a53066b200e22⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 538x722, 269:361, wooow.jpg)


db9f84  No.4222766

Q & R

Wanna unite America for what’s to come?

Go find 2Pac, and have him come onto the stage with the rest of the team.

Obviously, this is a light-hearted post, but imagine the unity.

57515b  No.4222767



Best Baker Ever! (IMO)

Top Kek!


97070a  No.4222768

Eight ship headed North.

Only lead will be visible.

fe68f7  No.4222769

File: 84919f9451a05dc⋯.gif (409.45 KB, 840x488, 105:61, dancing pepe.gif)

>>4222599 (LB)

I already got my personal message when the landline rang and I was invited to a Trump rally.

And just the other day I was invited to apply for a Secret Service job. Q even said I was on the fast track for landing the job.

Yep. 'Das Right.

50377f  No.4222770

File: 425ad8c5d1da589⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg)


Great job, Baker.

0b93b5  No.4222771

Just getting this in nice and early - Q is a flop

[DS] in Control

ab37cd  No.4222772

File: 858e6601ebd856b⋯.png (361.85 KB, 595x581, 85:83, BRRRRRRRRTpanties.png)

6cbaf9  No.4222773

>>4222745 lb

Never forget their faggotry. Never. That msm push was one of the most blatant things I've ever seen.

But this story smells more like the truth than anything yet.

a9b881  No.4222774

File: 38e4da5953ed540⋯.jpg (249.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_4225.JPG)

When your homo is woke

a9f1fc  No.4222775

>>4222705 (LB)

Not really a Mueller thing. Flynn's plea deal set him up as a CI for Mueller to take down all sorts of swamp creatures. Note that he interviewed Flynn 19 times, and mentioned several investigations that are redacted in the sentencing memo. The ones that are redacted are ongoing, as they have told us repeatedly (it literally comes up every other day). One investigation is mentioned by name, however… the Trump campaign. It's not ongoing. It's done.

fe626f  No.4222776


spellin mattres

5762fa  No.4222777

File: 15ace276371763a⋯.png (358.18 KB, 295x295, 1:1, eye bleach.png)

File: c8327053320cc6c⋯.jpg (151.12 KB, 847x513, 847:513, deaddog.jpg)

be16dd  No.4222778

>>4222720 pb


we get this right about this time OUTLAWs and THUGs go dark on radar ~ hitting targets? enjoying the view from here!

Thanks DoD!

5f8908  No.4222779


Boulder City?

6cbaf9  No.4222780

50377f  No.4222781


Dammit, Jeem! I'm a linguist, not a proctor.

a9b881  No.4222782

Pics or it didn't happen

4ff5cb  No.4222783

Reposting from LB - didn't realize it was so close to closing or I'd have waited a bit…

Ever stop for a moment and think about just exactly how much money, and how many man hours are being spent directly opposing Donald Trump?

When you think about it, there's entire governmental organizations, 95% of the main stream media, multiple NGO's, legions of SuperPacs and entire hordes of political activists. Add to that, the UN in nearly it's entirety.

Now, put a Dollar amount to that.

It could literally wipe out all global national debt…

I wonder why

34a464  No.4222784

File: 8d9443a6ffe35fa⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 1266x7382, 633:3691, ny times.jpg)



2,352 pages

More than 2,200 pages of documents were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on June 14, 2010. They cover 1961 to 1986 and include scores of death threats, the Chappaquiddick incident that caused the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne, and investigated rumors about an assassination plot by Sirhan Sirhan and a smear campaign by the mob.

Note: Redactions, by the F.B.I., were “largely made to protect the privacy of people mentioned in the file.” Some documents may contain objectionable language

2ac72d  No.4222785

File: 1dd46be7ada71d4⋯.png (517.6 KB, 661x663, 661:663, DoD 12-8-18 9 01 pm PST.PNG)

File: 50def732f4dd8fe⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video DoD 12-8-18 9 01 pm ….mp4)

Repost [lb]

A view from the cockpit!


adebc7  No.4222786

File: e18db1184c3fd68⋯.png (978.63 KB, 1038x588, 173:98, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)

Great Work Baker!!

Thank You very much for your efforts.


97070a  No.4222787

File: 77831a33e179abc⋯.png (2.58 MB, 768x1171, 768:1171, RBF~AC process for the vis….png)

File: 0964257a8cf9775⋯.png (2.58 MB, 768x1171, 768:1171, RBF~AC process for the vis….png)

File: 8d3948a004abb8d⋯.png (2.58 MB, 768x1171, 768:1171, RBF~AC process for the vis….png)

Dig on [Project on Forward Engagement] continues.

Tasty stuff, eh?

#5361 [ >>4209199 >>4209233 >>4209221 ]

#5373 [ >>4218212 ]

#5374 [ >>4219089 ]

#5376 [ >>4220540 ]

Let's get to it.

I unearthed this Podesta email a couple hours ago. Re-formatted for moar easier reading.

Names; Petraeus, McChrystal, Both Podesta's, Albright, Senator's Levin and Lugar, Dunford, Allen…on and on.

See some [@atlanticcouncil.org], [@cesmail.net], [@palisadestartan.com] and [@neomailbox.ch] email's…CHINA?

"Afghanistan, India, Hong Kong, Munich, NY…"

They are in it for money/power/status/ and our children.

I'll toss this out there in case some anons have been following this and are interested. Lot of lose threads in this one.



ef169a  No.4222788



thanks anons

ab56f5  No.4222789

TY Baker

(((Planefags.. we need moar update)))

c18171  No.4222790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For our brothers in arms, the yellow vests…

To you we say thank you for your patriotism..

Vive` La France….

No regrets

f1272b  No.4222791

File: 505f5e3fa4bc5b4⋯.png (361.26 KB, 1582x960, 791:480, hkftyjksgjnhjsdtyjkyukfuil.PNG)

complete military blackout

812dbf  No.4222792

File: 84716054ebb996e⋯.jpeg (889.96 KB, 1242x1441, 1242:1441, CC4A42DD-9E21-451E-90C3-F….jpeg)

Maybe the « point » is the « blank » ballots the Dems used fraudulently in the mid terms

55183a  No.4222793

God works in mysterious ways

TRANSLATION: The Most High Does Things We Will Understand ONLY When He See's Fit. <<<


52a99a  No.4222794


Trips X 2 = eye bleach?

adebc7  No.4222795


It really boggles the mind. Beyond words. I can't even guess.

4ac4c7  No.4222796

File: cd46259713d6018⋯.jpg (230.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trillions.jpg)

ef169a  No.4222797

#5378 (posted in #5379)

>>4222003 Paul Sperry tweet: James Baker said it was appropriate to charge HRC, and Comey persuaded him not to

>>4222049 Anon on "They never thought she would lose"

>>4222164 Gigantic 'object' spotted towering over Earth from ISS – before NASA live feed is CUT

>>4222069 Cruz announces $25b bill to fund border wall

>>4222106 For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust

>>4222166 Paul Sperry tweet: Lisa Page and Peter Stzrok helped draft the exoneration letter

>>4222222 Checkem and Be Best

>>4222285 Anon's throwback decode of crumb #133

>>4222307, >>4222635 The Hague - Police removed man in yellow vest from the public tribune in second chamber of parliament.

>>4222402, >>4222473 Philip Reines bitching about Q

>>4222494, >>4222561 Tom Fitton Tweets

>>4222529 Pakistan kicks out 18 charities after rejecting final appeal

>>4222694 YUGE Planefag Bun

>>4222707 #5378

06866a  No.4222798

File: 86b919b4705de83⋯.png (228.1 KB, 1242x617, 1242:617, qresearch.PNG)

thank you baker

thank you planefags

475206  No.4222799


fa shizzle?

3b638d  No.4222800

File: e3ef7a419ac665d⋯.png (94.84 KB, 491x595, 491:595, cia-baker.png)


Thank you baker.

Also if you meant to link my 2nd post from (lb) in the notables >>4222307, >>4222639 ← you overshot by 4 digits: >>4222635 (lb) was my 2nd post.

If you didn't meant that, disregard this post but I thought you might want to correct the bun for the next couple breads if that was in error. o7

50377f  No.4222801

File: c225551203b8739⋯.png (634.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Last shot from me. All is quiet.

238aec  No.4222802

File: 6fa367fb1b3c5f3⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FLOTUSbeBEst.jpg)

a3e593  No.4222803

File: b46555c7a5c8e27⋯.jpg (381.58 KB, 1600x1046, 800:523, military-b52-worm-burner.jpg)


imagine the ones that have synthetic vision, with this view right now…

420a37  No.4222804

File: 3f194f8fa26ec53⋯.png (787.77 KB, 1178x564, 589:282, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

fe626f  No.4222805

b1926c  No.4222806

File: b0ed2a87ccbd8f6⋯.png (270.31 KB, 1205x782, 1205:782, Screenshot_2018-12-08 Virt….png)


confirm.. most comms dark here… Exercise_GO

4bf429  No.4222807

File: db5c924f97861f9⋯.jpg (514.07 KB, 3350x1616, 1675:808, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….jpg)


I'm still showing some action

10e5e7  No.4222808

File: f3efa26cdca8ee4⋯.jpg (554.85 KB, 933x1400, 933:1400, Halo_sun.jpg)

File: e6dbd8cc285f6e9⋯.jpg (404.03 KB, 630x962, 315:481, longitude.jpg)


The Truth Is In Front Of Your Eyes.

wwg1wga - until the end, then the line divides.

Can you tell time?

THINK MIRROR - THINK MIRROR - A (reflection) of the truth.

9869d0  No.4222809

>>4222789 LB was posted training operations schedule of AF through Dec 12…this is more than likely an exercise, planefags can dial it back?

ed9a47  No.4222810


Q told us a year ago when this is all over we will get a personalized thank you. It would be perhaps scary but it was all cool.

That was Q telling us from the beginning we are not anons. Not to them.

fe626f  No.4222811

File: b328a05b47c9a48⋯.png (198.82 KB, 605x490, 121:98, ClipboardImage.png)

530bbb  No.4222812

File: 2b3d63b30587260⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2548x1428, 91:51, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

Zoomed out and noticed this UK aircraft "2 DEER"

0b5681  No.4222813


Another "red v blue" fake war has commenced on the Nellis ranges.

516da4  No.4222814

File: f29be1d3d8362b1⋯.png (236.67 KB, 732x441, 244:147, pesky01.png)

8653a8  No.4222815

File: e10f581806a1aae⋯.png (529.25 KB, 660x324, 55:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2535d92a0ae3bd⋯.png (2.98 MB, 1248x924, 104:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f5be6b61562263⋯.png (1.61 MB, 686x921, 686:921, ClipboardImage.png)


UN renews demand that “Israel” should abide by resolutions related to occupied Golan

The United Nations (UN) renewed its demand that the Israeli occupation authorities should abide by the resolutions related to the occupied Syrian Golan, particularly resolution No. 497 for the year 1981 which considers its decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as null and void and without international legal effect. The resolution demanded that the Israeli occupation authorities should immediately cancel the decision on annexing the Golan .


After eight year absence, Christmas tree lit up in Daraa

The Christian denominations in Daraa lit up the Christmas tree and opened the cave of Jesus inside the church of St George in Azra’, marking the Barbra Day and celebrating Christmas after an absence of eight years during the crisis in Syria.

The festivity was organized by the Church of St George, during which the locals in Azra’ recited Christmas carols and lit the Christmas tree with the martyrs’ photos dotting it.


After 4 years of hiatus, al-Sheikh Maskeen power transmission plant in service

Director General of the General Establishment for Electricity, Ghassan al-Zamel, told SANA that this achievement will improve the situation of electricity in the province which, in turn, will reflect positively on all aspects of economic life.


FSA Exposes ‘Sneaky Iranians’ Disguising As Russians To Trick Israel

Colonel Mustafa Bakkor, a spokesman for Jaysh al-Izza, claimed that Iranian forces in northern Hama are raising Russian flags over their positions in order to “protect themselves from Israeli bombardment.”

“All the military positions of the Assad regime in the norther Hama countryside are hosting Iranian militias from the 313 Brigade –Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)- especially in Halfaya, Khattab’s base, the College of Veterinary Medicine, al-Shalyut, al-Zilaqiyat and Hama airbase,” Bakkor told the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi on December 8.

Back then, Syrian pro-government activists debunked these claims and said that almost all forces in Syria, including some of the FSA, are using the same uniform. The activists also clarified that the SAA soldiers and officers stopped wearing their patches since late 2011 for security reasons.


Syrian Army Employs Armed Drones Against Turkish-backed Militants In Northwestern Hama

The pro-opposition outlet claimed that the armed drone took off from the Russian Hmeimim airbase in the western governorate of Lattakia. However, experts believe that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out the attack with a mini drone, which had been modified to carry and drop small-diameter projectiles.


Military Situation In Southeastern Syria On December 8, 2018 (Map Update)


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On December 8, 2018 (Map Update)

This map provides a general look at the military situation in northwestern Syria:

The US State Department has come with a creative statement accusing the Assad government and the Russians of staging a chemical attack in the city of Aleppo on November 25. According to the State Department, the goal of the attack was to justify an offensive on Idlib. MORE HERE

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) have deployed additional armoured vehicles and battle tanks at its observation posts in northern Hama where sporadic clashes between the Syrian Army and militants erupt on a constant basis.


Charities warned that sending aid to Syria's Idlib could be a 'terror offence'

UK regulator tells charities to consider suspending aid via Bab al-Hawa because crossing is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham


d41ad7  No.4222816

File: b156efae0783f28⋯.png (403.27 KB, 870x516, 145:86, Comey 'don't know-don't re….png)

ef169a  No.4222817


yup, noticed and fixed, see:


had a planefag post there, KEK!

d9ed79  No.4222818

File: a84fbf82f7c93a5⋯.jpeg (763.66 KB, 1492x1092, 373:273, 7DB30717-2822-4700-8D9F-7….jpeg)

Well a morning shower cleared this one up for me.


POTUS is confiscating traitor assets that the cabal cia et al pay with our tax dollars.

ALL YOUR SERVERS BELONG TO US NOW, because we paid for them anyway.

HFS would anon love to see a live feed of this operation.


be16dd  No.4222819

music for the night shift and all planefagging habbenings ~ magic sward ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G02wKufX3nw

wondering if /ourguys/ are listening to this tonight?

6985a0  No.4222820

File: efd1f0721cc3f0d⋯.png (19.78 KB, 200x179, 200:179, 453.png)

e5c2b9  No.4222821

File: 59d11aaba618233⋯.png (851.34 KB, 2436x1125, 812:375, E1FCAF20-6891-4AAA-86C2-ED….png)


Nope. Try again.

ab56f5  No.4222822

Every time I come here I get hacked by the UK Fags (mod)..

What gives..

I’m American FFS

a67d48  No.4222823


They know.

f31974  No.4222824

File: c6737620de5a3c3⋯.jpg (210.9 KB, 1790x917, 1790:917, 2018-12-09 05:15:15Z.jpg)


Not completely

but certainly about 40 planes are up there and not shown on radar.

57c81d  No.4222825

File: eb70d911777003b⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, pepebatguy.jpg)


meh, still a fan

3b638d  No.4222826

File: 627de0c8632a49a⋯.png (476.91 KB, 722x638, 361:319, END THE NWO.png)

>>4222811 Chkd


5f8908  No.4222827

9f6022  No.4222828







Q assured us that the DOJ would actually be useful after Sessions left. Another lie! Trump is appointing SWAMP CREATURE BOB BARR, one of the swampiest corrupt deep state asshats from the Bush 41 administration. Why?!?







Q assured us that the DOJ would actually be useful after Sessions left. Another lie! Trump is appointing SWAMP CREATURE BOB BARR, one of the swampiest corrupt deep state asshats from the Bush 41 administration. Why?!?


I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.





You lied, Sessions and Huber did nothing, and they were never on our side. There was never a plan. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.





You lied, midterms was a disaster. You set us up for failure. You do nothing to investigate and punish voter fraud. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.




You do nothing to protect actual whistleblowers and American citizens. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.



I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.


5762fa  No.4222829

File: f9c1768b8424ddd⋯.jpg (476.87 KB, 1920x1152, 5:3, flatearth.jpg)

812dbf  No.4222830

File: f91d1cd6d60a605⋯.jpeg (798.22 KB, 1242x1618, 621:809, 7F67F3AA-879A-4CAC-AE0A-3….jpeg)

File: 64a3b0efe6bbe6c⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x1477, 1242:1477, 909E9EED-DC53-4BAE-924D-A….jpeg)

24a0e9  No.4222831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paradise Lost # 25 ~ How the Houses Were Torched ? Interview with 30-yr. Microwave Engineer

aa9320  No.4222832

File: cce675bf2933d16⋯.jpg (120.54 KB, 585x560, 117:112, ca82859ce0c6b78083bbb385cf….jpg)


ThanQs Baker!

>/pol/ - Weaponized Diversity


50377f  No.4222833


Deer is normal out there…also, UK in the British Virgin Islands…..

9869d0  No.4222834

>>4222828 again?

4bf429  No.4222835


I saw that too….788 Dreamliner

94690a  No.4222836

File: 919e387035274ea⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 1542817914.png)

d45cb3  No.4222837

File: d4ca549bd535a84⋯.png (869.69 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, DLFN.png)

688075  No.4222838



Public/Private partnerships


321553  No.4222839


Reminder; your not a Patriot if all you do is shit here….

8ccb66  No.4222840


Not a bot.

Posts this every thread.


07fb92  No.4222841

With all of the air activity, Im remembering a past dig on a building around Henderson Nevada. It was a very strangely shaped building and had some sort of exhaust fans or something on the left hand side. We were digging in response to Q post. Maybe it was coordinates or something that brought the building to light- I cannot remember, but remember us all speculating on the building and its potential use, since it was so strange. I've been here since day 1 and mostly lurk and meme but I remember the building fairly vividly. It may have been a year ago or more. Do any Anons remember this?

e5c2b9  No.4222842


Ya. Saw it last night. Aren't royals at a wedding or something? Didn't bother digging…

59f0d0  No.4222843


She says it like it's a bad thing!

fe626f  No.4222844

File: 866486f2cfe9843⋯.png (185.29 KB, 329x354, 329:354, ClipboardImage.png)

6065b2  No.4222845

I’m the lucky winner of an iPhone.

36c31e  No.4222846

File: c850f671b9e2c34⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 255x170, 3:2, bond2.JPG)



10e5e7  No.4222847

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)


No, this is more my problem.

We know.

782ddf  No.4222848

Judge Jeanine on fire tonight.

24258d  No.4222849

File: f3229dbcba14c7f⋯.jpg (725.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_4231.JPG)

f31974  No.4222850


2-DEER is registered on Isle of Jersey in the private registry. Automatically, all 2-xxxx planes are considered spoopy because high-wealth owners able to fly with "military" designation and avoid most customs inspection.


add to planefag bun

b5b732  No.4222851


sitting bull?

34a464  No.4222852

File: f5030aa4abb5130⋯.png (471.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, plane fags THANKS yf23 TAG….png)



6985a0  No.4222853

File: ffc3216ae4c2b33⋯.jpeg (104.68 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, nice.jpeg)

fe68f7  No.4222854


Clare says she's attaching the "concept note" (whatever the F that is) that the RBF team prepared. You got the attachment?

fe626f  No.4222855

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant


c89b76  No.4222856

File: 9f0f9ede614999a⋯.png (1.06 MB, 904x482, 452:241, Capture.PNG)

What a catch! Fisherman nets in 48kg of cocaine worth US$4m

MAJURO: A fisherman in the Marshall Islands netted more than he bargained for when he hauled in his catch to find a suspected 48 kilos (106 pounds) of cocaine.

The white powder, professionally wrapped and taped in plastic bags, had a street value of about US$4 million , police said Friday.

“We’re pretty sure we got all of it,” deputy police commissioner Robson Almen added, saying there was no indication the packs had broken out from a larger bundle.

Almen said the fisherman called the police when he found the drugs last week while trawling off Kwajalein Atoll, 494 kilometres (307 miles) from the capital Majuro.

Marshall Islands law enforcement personnel have requested US Drug Enforcement Agency assistance as the western Pacific territory does not have a laboratory capable of confirming the substance is cocaine.

However, the remote archipelago, which is on the northern trans-Pacific cocaine route from South America to Asia, has a history of cocaine finds.

Between 2002 and 2009, bundles of cocaine and boats with cocaine on board were found washed up on beaches around the Marshall Islands on at least six occasions.


57c81d  No.4222857

File: b15ce5718f6e1dc⋯.png (424.61 KB, 730x435, 146:87, flattardery.PNG)

File: fd4ee7e80f1e8d9⋯.png (1.32 MB, 792x662, 396:331, Flat_earfer.PNG)

File: 2c8f0f439690673⋯.png (395.84 KB, 563x310, 563:310, flat.PNG)

>> 4222808

94690a  No.4222858

File: ce2cc6596458c16⋯.png (1.22 MB, 850x773, 850:773, 1540932638.png)

c59e94  No.4222859

File: 385217a63a71e87⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 643x759, 643:759, dew.jpg)

c8e085  No.4222860


Great. For me, it was "future proves past." Had a dream 12 years ago with giant mound of rising dough, a bank (full of "bread"), and a knowing it was about the American Revolution. But only made sense this year.

3b638d  No.4222861

File: b968bbd898529e0⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 2058x3493, 294:499, vintage1babe.jpg)


Bless you baker!! Have some classy boobs

59f0d0  No.4222862

File: a2361c98f043251⋯.png (44.8 KB, 454x496, 227:248, ClipboardImage.png)


Q posted a 5-digit number and anons figured out it was a ZIP code, and lo and behold what came up.

8653a8  No.4222863

File: dd0eccd9d6d751d⋯.png (1.79 MB, 811x887, 811:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb93dd801e5ebee⋯.png (1.03 MB, 841x688, 841:688, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b88463d264292d5⋯.png (635.44 KB, 792x888, 33:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82c370d186892e1⋯.png (18.01 KB, 824x160, 103:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8add5da35a24ee6⋯.png (540 KB, 458x598, 229:299, ClipboardImage.png)


Familiar symbols? Ukraine's president poses with ‘elite’ paratrooper sporting…SS insignia (PHOTOS)

Petro Poroshenko has met the country's elite troops – paratroopers – ahead of their redeployment to bolster the “partial” martial law state. One of the soldiers openly sported an insignia of a Waffen SS division.

“Looking at your hardened, courageous faces, I once again realize nobody will overcome Ukraine. We are ready to protect our land with weapons in hands, to fight for each piece, we will not give it up to anyone,” Poroshenko told the troops while speaking in the region of Zhitomir on Thursday.

The president stood for photos with the servicemen, who were to be redeployed to other, “dangerous” regions of the country to prop up the 30-day period of the so-called “partial” martial law that Poroshenko announced following the Kerch Strait incident.

One of the troopers, standing just a few steps away from Ukraine's president proudly displayed the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf right on his chest. Here he is.


And just to clarify who is arming Poroshenko

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine


34a464  No.4222864

File: 59cceb91c19f603⋯.png (242.41 KB, 1280x844, 320:211, Screenshot_2018-12-09 Virt….png)


they went dark

4bf429  No.4222865



that's when most of the fuckery happens is during the "training exercises"

2ac72d  No.4222866


>Judge Jeanine on fire tonight.

Live Stream…


f31974  No.4222867

File: db63aad19e95392⋯.jpg (151.21 KB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, Switch data centers superl….jpg)


Sure. Major underground data center. Q gave us the zip code in a stringer and we dug it.

812dbf  No.4222868

File: cd88e4ad57271f8⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1442, 621:721, 35F11A14-21EC-4BF4-9478-5….jpeg)


ab56f5  No.4222869


Planefags say unusual

Would be a beautiful site to see that many flying over

Massive freedom boner


a6a816  No.4222870


I helped crew 63-8888 when was still and A model good to see her still flying

db5f99  No.4222871


Anon, we're almost done processing your application. We just need your SS# and it appears

you did not state a reason for why you left Domino's Pizza. Please correct and resend.


50377f  No.4222872


>spoopy because high-wealth owners able to fly with "military" designation and avoid most customs inspection

Baker, seconded

0ff7e2  No.4222873

File: b2f2e71219750c2⋯.png (731.23 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd104a71c64cde6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38bac4a912485b7⋯.png (1015.73 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fd4bd3f76eb16f⋯.png (716.43 KB, 506x900, 253:450, ClipboardImage.png)

I noticed there are fans of Phoenix Floe on the board

So I thought I would share a few more of her photos

It is great to see a woman who is happy and joyful

At the way god made her.

238aec  No.4222874


I wonder if that was what 11/11/18 was about>taking the DEW down.. Thoughts?

97070a  No.4222875


Saw that, I got the impression she was sending in a bit or later, anyway.

I'm going to search off her address and see if I can pick it up.

d9ed79  No.4222876

Oh, I do.

You should watch people’s eyes grow wide when I try to explain it.

What if we are really a wealthy country. (Butchered Q. Sorry for not quoting directly.)

Not the same as communsm or socialism. We’ve agreed these purchases are for our collective good.

Just reclaiming our assets.


5762fa  No.4222877

File: 6c998fd7c203653⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 474x305, 474:305, didsomebodysayflat.jpg)

fe626f  No.4222878


days before xmas is when?

6985a0  No.4222879

File: 603fdee292c835c⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1498520516367.jpg)

4f0dc2  No.4222880




7fbb6a  No.4222881


Wtf is she so hairy?

fe68f7  No.4222883

35da3a  No.4222884

File: 6ee7e6c6665e059⋯.jpeg (129.95 KB, 746x1072, 373:536, F073B4DC-3B13-438B-9081-A….jpeg)

There was a J-stars over Nevada a minute ago - now gone.

9a346b  No.4222885

File: 302f013263b76d4⋯.png (22.43 KB, 820x434, 410:217, 89074.PNG)


pic related

c4dd6a  No.4222886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saturday Night Dedication to the Baker(s)

LOVE the Be Best Bakers are on The Night Shift!

36c31e  No.4222887

File: 869d96e18f325bb⋯.jpg (873.64 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, kek mass.jpg)

c59e94  No.4222888

File: cc8133470a1eafc⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 670x388, 335:194, 9690b30b0a7ca19f534e1f53bc….jpg)

be16dd  No.4222889


bingo ~ underground data center. that's where I remember that from as a possibility for underground site.

688075  No.4222890


8ch Servers - Reno, Nevada

c89b76  No.4222891

File: 9b5222e9bbcbab7⋯.png (537.16 KB, 913x466, 913:466, Capture.PNG)

Sabah CM: Time to go on the offensive against cross-border criminals

TAWAU: Sabah has called on the federal government to look into the need to take offensive action against robberies and kidnap for ransom cases in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone).

Its Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said the time has come for Malaysia to stop taking a defensive attitude as these criminal activities had clearly affected the tourism sector as well as the security of locals and foreign workers who came to Malaysia to find a living.

"They (foreign workers) came to work in Malaysia and they also do not want to be kidnapped.

“It will not work if we keep playing defensive, I think it is time for us to go on the offensive,” he said.

He was speaking to reporters at a Parti Warisan Sabah membership form handover ceremony for new members in Kalabakan division here on Saturday.


a3e593  No.4222892


WolfMan's dottir

50377f  No.4222893



Main article: List of Boeing 787 operators

There are 675 Boeing 787 aircraft in airline service as of July 2018, comprising 329 787-8s and 340 787-9s and 6 787-10s.[316] The largest operators are All Nippon Airways (62), Japan Airlines (39), American Airlines (37), United Airlines (37), Air Canada (35), Qatar Airways (30), Norwegian (28), Air India (27), Hainan Airlines (27), and other airlines operating fewer of the type.[316]

6fba2e  No.4222894


Watch for a tweet by. POTUS tomorrow morning… border crisis averted.

3a91df  No.4222895

File: be820577eebd753⋯.jpeg (295.82 KB, 750x996, 125:166, DE6702F5-CEBF-4609-8C6D-A….jpeg)

0fc359  No.4222896

>>4222736 (PB)

>random association here – it's been said for many years that there are underground high-speed trains (the purported speeds range from 200mph to sci-fi levels) connecting various DUMBs together.

kek, you mean Elon Musk hyperloop?

Just like his Tesla cars are found out to be utilizing military tech level battery cells that somehow ended up surprising Benz and BMW engineers.

97070a  No.4222897


Damn! That was a long time ago. Henderson…

I've got a dig on that…Roy something…

812dbf  No.4222898

File: 7a1202915bf63fb⋯.jpeg (221.46 KB, 1242x538, 621:269, A566C108-4896-4D8E-B2FA-A….jpeg)


adebc7  No.4222899


She's happier with herself (Seemingly) than 99% of women who are far "more attractive" than she is. Shows it's how you play the hand and not always the cards that makes the difference.

That said, I couldn't. Too much of a ChadAnon I suppose. Beautiful smile though.

c89b76  No.4222900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


John Lennon - Be My Baby (Alternate Version)

c18171  No.4222901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let the nation rise above the globalist tyranny..

La Marseillaise

0ff7e2  No.4222902


Imperial Stormtroopers

Ready for the Reconquest of Europe

To establish the 4th Empire

And finish what the Germans under Hitler failed to achieve

A homeland for white people

Ruled by the Master race

Ukraine Above All!!!

8bde68  No.4222903


There’s no way they would target those serv……

530bbb  No.4222904


It would've been the 8th

10e5e7  No.4222905

File: 8a0bd13b3c9283c⋯.jpeg (291.32 KB, 974x651, 974:651, neo matrix.jpeg)

File: 82aa1ae9d22cb3d⋯.jpg (464.51 KB, 1280x873, 1280:873, darwin shh1.jpg)

File: 18827ca71781dd6⋯.jpeg (203.41 KB, 696x607, 696:607, glowing earth orb.jpeg)

File: 8dc63c454366ca8⋯.jpg (215.7 KB, 752x733, 752:733, Flying Graphic.jpg)

How Do You Solve A Puzzle?

Put The Pieces Together.





842792  No.4222906

>>4222017 pb

This guy is worth a listen. Great talent! pb

>>4222264 pb

POTUS doesn’t drink. WTF


Filtered yet again

6985a0  No.4222907


I knew someone had pics of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

0b5681  No.4222908


In the MOA. ADSB off. Exercise is going on.

51a0e1  No.4222909


This is a good dig, anon. Def gonna read later.

Burns me though to see Ted Kennedy referred to as a victim.

8653a8  No.4222910

Italian Priest Says Salvini Supporters Are ‘Killing God’ by Opposing Mass Migration

An Italian parish priest has said he will close his church on Christmas in protest against a decree by interior minister Matteo Salvini reining in illegal immigration, accusing his supporters of “killing God.”

Father Paolo Farinella, the pastor of the parish of San Torpete in the northern Italian city of Genoa, will close his church from Christmas through the feast of the Epiphany in protest against the so-called “Salvini law” promulgated in Italy that toughens the country’s immigration policies and facilitates deportations.

“If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were to present themselves today to celebrate his birth, they would be stopped at the border and thrown back, thanks to Salvini’s dirty decree,” Father Farinella said.

The priest has appealed to “conscientious objection” to justify the drastic measure of closing his church to the faithful.

The law, “modestly called a security decree, is actually a decree of massive insecurity and undercuts the deepest values ​​and feelings of democracy and law,” he said.

“By what right can Christians pretend to celebrate the birth of Jesus when their country, without any resistance or protest, expels the son of God in the form of a man?” he asked rhetorically.

The unusual decision to suspend church services is “a one-man strike” and “the only gesture of dignity that remains,” the priest said.

With this move, Farinella seeks to “stimulate the thinking and reflection of believers and all who have a conscience,” he said.

Since his election last March, Mr. Salvini has provoked the ire of the Italian Catholic establishment, especially because of his firm stance against unregulated mass immigration.

In his short span as interior minister, Salvini has been called everything from Satan to the antichrist because of his commitment to reining in illegal immigration.

Asked how he explains the “unprecedented hostility” toward him from the Catholic establishment in Italy, notably the bishops conference and Catholic journals such as Famiglia Cristiana and Avvenire, Mr. Salvini said the resistance has left him dumbfounded.

“Honestly I cannot explain it. So much virulence leaves me truly perplexed,” Salvini said, adding that on the other hand he is “flooded” with mail from Catholics — even priests and bishops — who encourage him to keep going exactly as he has been.


fe626f  No.4222911



Remember when the NWO was not real?

who told you

AJ told me, just saying………..

2ac72d  No.4222912

File: 5e00b9041996cbc⋯.png (90.37 KB, 654x353, 654:353, Concha re McInnes 12-8-18.PNG)

File: 883f23a11243e8d⋯.png (43.16 KB, 518x443, 518:443, Hill 1 re McInnes 12-8-18.PNG)

File: 21826b61959f294⋯.png (49.47 KB, 527x414, 527:414, Hill 2 re McInnes 12-8-18.PNG)

BlazeTV breaks off relationship with founder of the Proud Boys



782ddf  No.4222913

Comey: Saying you don't remember under oath when you do, is PERJURY.

036e39  No.4222914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I would like confirmation from a GermanAnon that this is as good as it sounds. Shadilay. WWG1WGA.

5f8908  No.4222916

File: 67fb08c2a6430c6⋯.png (732.6 KB, 930x707, 930:707, ClipboardImage.png)

50377f  No.4222917

File: c659186bfe28cbf⋯.png (428.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

This guy flew from Dover Delaware while we tracked OUTLAWs, THUGs, POSSE, and such.

f31974  No.4222918

File: 0e8887cd6f57d0c⋯.jpg (178 KB, 1449x598, 63:26, OUTLAW23 returning Abilene….jpg)


We're still on it. Most unusual.

Assume the planes are still flying but we can't see them.

The E8C Joint Stars, Callsign LUXOR08, is still circling north of Las Vegas.

Outlaw28 turned back and is returning to the airport it came from.

f17ca0  No.4222919

File: 636fff6d75a2731⋯.jpg (5.1 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 636fff6d75a2731033ff25d671….jpg)

b5172e  No.4222920

File: 5b74547b10ccb06⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 6234x6473, 6234:6473, 160518-F-XX001-001.JPG)


U.S. Air Force Weapons School

U.S. Air Force Weapons School Integration (WSINT) is a series of complex, large-force employment missions that serve as the capstone portion of Weapons School classes, which take place twice a year. WSINT involves the planning and execution of every aspect of air, space and cyber combat operations, with joint force components converging over the Nevada Test and Training Range.

WSINT demonstrates the strategic advantage of multi-domain, integrated command and control and produces leaders capable of delivering success in a spectrum ranging from small tactical teams to strategic transformational change.

Training during WSINT follows lines of operations designed to support U.S. Air Force doctrinal missions. Currently, those lines of operations and missions sets include:

Operation MOJAVE SHIELD – Defensive counterair – Integrate air and missile defense to deter and defeat an adversary.

Operation INSTANT THUNDER – Offensive counterair – Gain freedom of maneuver throughout a joint operations area.

Operation CROSSBOW – Offensive counterair/dynamic targeting – Neutralize an adversary’s surface-to-surface missiles, weapons of mass destruction, and power projection capabilities.

Operation LUMBERJACK – Counterland – Conduct theater interdiction, strike coordination and reconnaissance, and close air support to break an adversary’s will/capacity for resistance.

Operation COYOTE FREEDOM – Air Mobility Support/irregular warfare/special operations – Seize key facilities in the joint operations area and set stage for decisive operations.

Operation SKYTRAIN – Strategic attack/space and cyber operations/special operations – Employ special operations forces and strategic attack assets to shape the battlespace and neutralize centers of gravity.

The following reflects the WSINT schedule for calendar year 2018 but is subject to change:

WSINT Class 18B: Nov. 19 to Dec. 12, 2018


94690a  No.4222921

File: ee1be56659e93fd⋯.jpg (690.64 KB, 1143x1715, 1143:1715, 1540392891.jpg)

688075  No.4222922


Where is the entrance?

I could see this at Yucca Mountain but Henderson?

321553  No.4222923

Are you ready for the storm?

0ff7e2  No.4222924

File: ed0da24452df636⋯.png (271.36 KB, 336x491, 336:491, ClipboardImage.png)



Can you ACE this test?

c18171  No.4222925

File: b47611a1c681d28⋯.jpg (374.12 KB, 4800x3200, 3:2, nightshift.jpg)

354ca0  No.4222926

Comey's Full Testimony Released!

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri7Mbwezsk4

812dbf  No.4222927

File: 56d586e44146de4⋯.jpeg (243.71 KB, 1242x531, 138:59, 7A459056-8985-40BF-9BD9-B….jpeg)


50377f  No.4222928


I think you are right, E8 on the west coast…we ain't done yet.

2c32bc  No.4222929

File: 4309ab28a4c7fd0⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 240x320, 3:4, Chunk-the-goonies-393223_2….jpg)



c8e085  No.4222930


There seem to be a fair number of man hours opposing Q movement, too….it always surprises me to hear about attacks on the board etc, hard to see this as such a threat. But I guess that's what makes anon minds different than DS minds.

5b4171  No.4222931

File: 4dbca4f1188f146⋯.png (175.43 KB, 360x240, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 464f6761da64c8c⋯.png (301.3 KB, 397x468, 397:468, ClipboardImage.png)

d77a76  No.4222932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4fc3fe  No.4222933

File: 9740ce1cd5f09ea⋯.png (337.64 KB, 638x633, 638:633, ClipboardImage.png)




8653a8  No.4222934

File: 191c8cd5dcfc79e⋯.png (294.11 KB, 885x742, 885:742, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e7ed3b45f6f992⋯.png (228.53 KB, 536x478, 268:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd31166053e2883⋯.png (294.69 KB, 895x514, 895:514, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeff Bezos Earns More In 30 Seconds Than The Average Worker Makes In A Year

Have you ever wondered how long it takes for the world's wealthiest captains of industry to earn what you make in a year? For many, the reality is too depressing to fathom.

But for any curious parties eager to learn the painful truth, ABC Finance has created a series of infographics that break down how much the world's wealthiest people earn - and how it compares to the average salary for regular non-billionaire workers.

While millions of Americans no doubt enjoyed some degree of schadenfreude watching the correction in FAANG stocks wipe out nearly $1 trillion of value from the largest US tech firms: Mark Zuckerberg alone has lost nearly $100 billion of his personal wealth since the beginning of 2018, and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has lost as much as $13 billion or more in a single day. But that doesn't change the fact that the world's billionaires enjoyed their highest-earning year on record in 2017 as their wealth increased by a combined $9 trillion.


f31974  No.4222935

File: fd8909e0ce41fbd⋯.jpg (226.53 KB, 1624x676, 406:169, JSTARS NV 2018-12-09 05:25….jpg)


Still up, 2 hrs 48 min.

3a91df  No.4222936

File: 9f9bbecd5807139⋯.gif (271.95 KB, 220x181, 220:181, A996B366-E1D7-4F4C-8A2E-25….gif)

2f0273  No.4222937

File: a83b9909388c41c⋯.png (853.21 KB, 1500x489, 500:163, 1mccain-with-neonazi-in-uk….png)

842792  No.4222938


Their supply’s are cut off, they need to feed.

55183a  No.4222939

you WILL understand…


782ddf  No.4222940


A Walmart delivery entrance.

812dbf  No.4222941

File: 3af5889a5bbb5da⋯.jpeg (786.87 KB, 1242x1880, 621:940, 71B8BAB5-2FED-48F1-9B36-7….jpeg)


c89b76  No.4222942

File: 3dc869fc1bda94d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 898x494, 449:247, Capture.PNG)

Women accuse famous Brazil spiritual 'healer' of sex abuse

RIO DE JANEIRO: Several women have come forward in Brazil to accuse an internationally known self-proclaimed spiritual healer of sexually abusing them under pretext of trying to ‘cure’ them of depression or other problems.

The allegations against Joao Teixeira de Faria, 76, better known as “Joao de Deus” (“Joao of God”) were made late Friday on a program on the widely viewed Globo Television network.

A Dutch choreographer identified as Zahira Leeneke Maus and nine Brazilian women who remained anonymous accused Faria of making them masturbate him or perform fellatio, which he insisted was the only way to transfer his “cleansing” energy to them.

Maus also told the program that Faria had raped her.

The associated O Globo newspaper later reported that it had spoken to two other women who gave similar accounts of sexual abuse by Faria, bringing the total to a dozen.

All the women said they were aged in their 30s when the alleged acts took place between 2010 and early this year in Faria’s “spiritual hospital” in the town of Abadiania, close to the capital Brasilia.


9869d0  No.4222943

>>4222920 thanks anon

67cd88  No.4222944


In case some anons missed one of the prior anon posts…

There is a Military coup occurring WW.

4644ae  No.4222945


they are old aircraft. not unusual for them to have issues in the air that require them to return to base.

fe626f  No.4222946


could we please meme james comes book

i cant remember!

4fc3fe  No.4222947


Link to loop:


2ac72d  No.4222948

File: 521dc088d4b7166⋯.png (48.74 KB, 659x379, 659:379, Sperry re Comey Forgets 12….PNG)


> Saying you don't remember under oath when you do, is PERJURY.


3a91df  No.4222949

File: 34ea05bac713e3b⋯.jpeg (409.47 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, chewie-db_2c0efea2-1536x8….jpeg)

10e5e7  No.4222950

File: 0f639a1466783df⋯.jpg (236.4 KB, 960x768, 5:4, Fly through spac.jpg)

File: 313596fcf2b92c2⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 696x568, 87:71, edge.jpg)

File: 4c3d13de6922a48⋯.jpg (702.97 KB, 1626x1032, 271:172, 2015 N 2012 blue earth.jpg)

File: d07b397903c2256⋯.png (663.92 KB, 810x798, 135:133, images.duckduckgo.com.png)

File: bf742b244fdb6d9⋯.jpg (99.79 KB, 935x696, 935:696, Long Bridge no curve.jpg)

The Truth Revealed without God is Turmoil

Can you tell the time?

We can.




This is rabbit hole you're looking for.

How do you solve a puzzle? One piece at a time.

de17e9  No.4222951



c59e94  No.4222952

File: ae4211b79b5670f⋯.jpg (199.69 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

File: 9ea22e8ee63b9af⋯.jpg (201.77 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

8653a8  No.4222953

File: 71eff72b6b284d6⋯.png (31.04 KB, 446x330, 223:165, ClipboardImage.png)

Page 227 transcript of James Comey's closed door interview!!

d3aea7  No.4222954


Yup. The reason why Lindsay Lohan went to Russian to try and kidnap children by herself.

6985a0  No.4222955

File: 73c146090121f19⋯.png (8.22 KB, 176x255, 176:255, 7ffe5fd060ae22b9b5089221cc….png)

0ff7e2  No.4222956

File: 1d9c7d2f98efaf0⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1000x682, 500:341, ClipboardImage.png)


It is in the nature of women to be hairy

The fact that you don't know this speaks volumes

About the Cabal's mind control,

And domination of the waxing and laser industries.

Rubber dollies have no hair

But a real woman is soft and furry

And so much FUN to play with!!!

321553  No.4222957


Your bunker will be surrounded & smoked out

50377f  No.4222958

File: 782ec7dc583ca9a⋯.png (414.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

OUTLAW23 going home?

c59e94  No.4222959

File: e1ee26534766cac⋯.jpg (148.15 KB, 939x605, 939:605, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

6ddf50  No.4222960


Probably why Q said they were ready to do the unthinkable!

c8e085  No.4222961


Don't have much background in this area, anon, but saw your impeccable work and nominated notable for afternoon post, it's in some bread back there (in case you weren't around long enough to see).

4bf429  No.4222962

File: 2ce783a0af09f0a⋯.png (206.69 KB, 980x1489, 980:1489, e36d46d5586a5875a6b7241051….png)

383914  No.4222963


The Storm?

475206  No.4222964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

782ddf  No.4222965

File: 33f2216ce9441b3⋯.jpg (398.85 KB, 1103x626, 1103:626, 33f2216ce9441b3593ade68315….jpg)

File: 020bc648a94bcd0⋯.png (49.6 KB, 250x262, 125:131, 020bc648a94bcd0460a102c100….png)

684e5a  No.4222966

File: 20aabb33100db4d⋯.png (101.52 KB, 784x694, 392:347, Caps 2018-12-09 at 12.27.1….png)


Nothing said about "When this is all over…"

This will not be 'over' for a long long time, anon. Accuracy is important. Please don't paraphrase Q, lest you discredit all of our work. This is not about you or me, this is about those we have yet to reach…with the honest and accurate truth.

8653a8  No.4222967

File: 1c3de50a369f340⋯.png (172.43 KB, 736x618, 368:309, ClipboardImage.png)

67ac3d  No.4222968


there are so many stories out there. I don't know what's fact and what's fiction. But I could see some kind of mag-lev trains running routes in underground tunnels.

if Hildebeast or other elites wanted to pull a runner, they'd have to avoid the airports, avoid the regular highway system, and major sea ports. So if the underground is an option for them, they might try to escape that route.

a359db  No.4222969

no place id rather be on a sat night than here with you retards

4fc3fe  No.4222970


Oh, for a minute there I thought it said "Comey claims he doesn't remember his general counsel."

0ff7e2  No.4222971


Which base is the MOA B?

50377f  No.4222972


Shaving doesn't fix cankles.

de65c3  No.4222973

Appendix D:

Mr. Comey: I didn’t by know what accurate means…


91aee3  No.4222974

did i miss the discussion on misspelled "boarder" in latest DJT tweet? i know many here think that that is the correct spelling

ab37cd  No.4222975

File: 78687e100c24bd4⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 78687e100c24bd4e7e96fc80f8….png)



Southernfags when an inch is expected

6f4a07  No.4222976


Let him believe it from Gitmo.

ef169a  No.4222977

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4222784 Possible source of FBI docs ( >>4222106 (lb) For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust)

>>4222787 Dig on Project on Forward Engagement continued

>>4222812, >>4222850 Wealthy owners able to fly with "military" designation to avoid customs inspection (2-XXXX planes)

>>4222815 Syria Update

>>4222863 Ukraine paratroopers wore SS insignias

>>4222910 Italian priest will close his church to protest based Matteo Salvini

Planefag updates:

















it's already in notables, saw it earlier

fe626f  No.4222978

File: 1c4c4f5dfca0732⋯.png (14.95 KB, 604x98, 302:49, ClipboardImage.png)


Thats why trump said what he said


6985a0  No.4222979

File: c83a406cec086ab⋯.png (23.25 KB, 399x426, 133:142, hairyfeet.PNG)

97070a  No.4222980

File: c489efb4b6b0b13⋯.png (1.64 MB, 652x877, 652:877, switch_announces_rob_roy_s….png)

File: 8274abde0187ce5⋯.png (1.57 MB, 608x901, 608:901, switch_announces_rob_roy_s….png)

File: 1cde0125b2bd97c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 599x677, 599:677, switch_announces_rob_roy_s….png)

File: 7793c3025b9126c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 603x782, 603:782, switch_announces_rob_roy_s….png)

File: 3b87ea400328314⋯.png (1.42 MB, 611x810, 611:810, switch_announces_rob_roy_s….png)

Rob Roy [Switch] has a big ass Solar project now.


156df0  No.4222981


Hmm, at that's where the Pilatus surveillance plane was circling for hours tonight.

8653a8  No.4222982

File: 41685c324ecb66c⋯.png (49.63 KB, 780x598, 30:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Gaetz Blasts Comey's 'Selective Amnesia': 'Pretty Inconceivable to Me'

Former FBI director testified before lawmakers Friday.

Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted James Comey for having "selective amnesia" during his closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.

The former FBI director spent six hours Friday testifying before lawmakers on a range of topics, including his handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, the genesis of the Russia investigation and alleged bias at the bureau.

On "The Story" Friday, Gaetz (R-Fla.) said he was particularly interested in Comey's responses to questions about his June 2017 conversation with President Trump, in which Comey believes Trump may have obstructed justice by referencing the Michael Flynn investigation.

"As soon as Comey's done with the president, he prepares a memo and then meets with his senior team at the FBI. He couldn't tell us who was in the room, who was out of the room," Gaetz said, adding that Comey also did not share what senior officials like Andrew McCabe or Bill Priestap thought of the possible obstruction.


156df0  No.4222983


*and that's

516da4  No.4222984

File: 2ad9723a3c54602⋯.png (303.7 KB, 726x452, 363:226, fake-food.png)

50377f  No.4222985

fba05b  No.4222986

File: 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif)

File: d40d49f456eb893⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 262x230, 131:115, 2299B62E-252D-4F89-AD32-D4….gif)

File: 56fc194a98ddcaf⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 500x329, 500:329, releasethem.gif)

File: d9003673d277eec⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 300x363, 100:121, 456D1043-2B9F-4A1A-8D7E-FD….gif)

File: 22aba59a63461b7⋯.gif (4.37 MB, 250x444, 125:222, bewblicious.gif)

de17e9  No.4222987


He DOES know big words

2e8b3f  No.4222988


Muh full ride

2ac72d  No.4222989


>>Judge Jeanine on fire tonight.

>Live Stream…


Fitton on Judge Jeanine after commercial break

She seems to be laying the ground work publicly for all we have known for …EVER…

Repeating what Q told us long ago, but painting the picture and connecting dots for those who have not been aware, including talking about Ryan preventing investigation and the Freedom Caucus and what they've been trying to do

c18171  No.4222990

File: 5b66302d9812979⋯.gif (9.35 MB, 400x224, 25:14, download.gif)


Fuuuuuuuck… You play with that…. I`ll take mine as a baldy any day… Well,,, maybe a landing strip…….

238aec  No.4222991


Did he answer anything? These people are stupid..

4fc3fe  No.4222992


No way boarder is spelled correctly. If you're talking the wall border, there is no "a" in it.

19dc0d  No.4222993

File: f0191b60dddf2a4⋯.png (946 KB, 914x1282, 457:641, ClipboardImage.png)

That windmill looks like a [Y]

fbb944  No.4222994

File: 765459bf077f804⋯.png (689.5 KB, 612x638, 306:319, ClipboardImage.png)

70,000 Acres up for grabs in TX w its own airstrip. NEAR PRESIDIO WHERE SCALIA WAS MURDERED SEE PIC

"Rarely do we see ranches in the same family for 50 years for sale," Dallas-based property broker Icon Global said about the property.

The Lely Ranch comes with its own airstrip. The mountainous property has the 4,286-foot Cerro Tren Peak, creeks and arroyos. And there's a brick headquarters home on the property.


6fba2e  No.4222995



Bright sun

Time by sun 2 hours after sunrise, or before sunset.

Hmmmm where was location


51a0e1  No.4222996


I could have used this this afternoon.


842792  No.4222997


And they think Conservatives are evil. Wake up people. When we are forced to march in the streets to reclaim our country we should wear hunter orange vests while carrying our guns openly where it is legal.

67cd88  No.4222998


Gee..that's not an overstatement or anything. These globalist clowns have stepped waaaay outside the boundaries to shill for their pathetic NWO.

07a185  No.4222999


Darrell Issa on Judge Jeannine said tonight that any answer of not remembering or not knowing if Comey did know or did remember is perjury .. one count for each instance.

c18171  No.4223000

Edith Piaf - La Vie En Rose


50377f  No.4223001

File: a09a7b982cd2129⋯.gif (994 KB, 417x258, 139:86, a09a7b982cd2129270d9eb6c55….gif)


Missed one….

f31974  No.4223002

File: 3ec7919b38967ce⋯.jpg (170.73 KB, 1459x671, 1459:671, 2018-12-09 05:29:52Z.jpg)

File: dce93538d630671⋯.jpg (98.99 KB, 994x1013, 994:1013, 2018-12-09 05:31:19Z.jpg)

File: 6d8741c4290258a⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 794x956, 397:478, 2018-12-09 05:31:31Z.jpg)


Here's 2-DEER in the Jersey 2- plane registry.

2-DEER Boeing 787-8 35309 Ocean Transportation Facility

Investment Ltd. 4 August 2016 N28MS

Appears to be a Hong Kong company


Pic related

fe68f7  No.4223003



You know very well why I left. I had to devote my full attention to researching what John Podesta really meant when he wondered, in an email, whether he'd do better "playing Dominos on Cheese, than on Pasta."

Future proves past, and the rest is history.

As for my SS#, I will be pleased to provide that during my in-person interview. For security reasons, I never transmit my SS# via fax or email. I am sure you understand.

27299d  No.4223004

File: dffbdd45d8f3732⋯.png (123.86 KB, 500x522, 250:261, bitch-be-gone-spray-meinie….png)

55183a  No.4223005







in that order of survival

there is a mention of salt of the earth somewhere…



fe626f  No.4223006


Made Up


Bull Shit


c18171  No.4223007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry Embedded….

34a464  No.4223008

File: 4e490d147b733a3⋯.jpeg (125.1 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, comey book can't remember.jpeg)

File: dc9f64104f8453b⋯.jpeg (70.21 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, comey book blank.jpeg)


don't have typeface, faggot

fill in the blank

67cd88  No.4223009


Digits confirm. Come(Y) is going to prison.

383914  No.4223010


He wasnt under oath I saw.

8653a8  No.4223011


Your digits suggest it's hang time for Comey

3a91df  No.4223012


Fuck outta here.

Real women have happy trails and david hasselhoff chests and look like they have chewbacca in a leg-lock?

57f01e  No.4223013


Pol is compd, and has become an agenda pushing clown honeypot. Nothing works better for them then ro portray ys as nazi jew haters.

c8e085  No.4223014


Once flipped out because of fierce battle between anons and bakers; expressed my concerns and got a message I didn't see as anon-sourced, saying all the work we do matters, but also: "WE SEE YOU."

4644ae  No.4223015


hey Q.. can I have this for Christmas please?

4fc3fe  No.4223016

Really enjoyed the military Brrrt video. Thanks Anon.

If you planefag followers haven't seen it, it's wells worth it. Very short.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvIJvPj_pjE Brrt – Military Aircraft

c89b76  No.4223017

File: 4f71f0ae1d55c7a⋯.png (469.55 KB, 650x423, 650:423, Capture.PNG)

223 terrorists killed in Jammu&Kashmir this year, highest in 8 years

NEW DELHI: Violence has run high in Jammu & Kashmir this year, with terrorists killed at a eight-year high of 223 while terror-related incidents rose to 429 from 342 last year and civilian casualties shot up to 77 from 40. The number of security personnel killed is 80, the same as last year.

The figures reflect increased attacks mounted by terrorists from Pakistan with the support of local cadres in the Kashmir Valley even as the Army stepped up security counter-measures and also warned that stone-throwers at encounter sites will be treated as over-ground supporters of terrorists.

According to home ministry data, the figure was higher only in 2010 when 232 terrorists were killed.

The number is likely to rise with more than three weeks to go before the year ends with an encounter in progress near Srinagar even on Saturday. The number of terrorists killed this year has already surpassed the figure of 213 recorded in 2017, according to official statistics accessed by TOI.

Of the 223 terrorists killed, 93 were foreigners. While 81 of the terrorists were killed over a period of 80 days since local body and panchayat elections were announced on September 15 in the state, 51 were killed in the preceding 80 days between June 25 and September 14.


0fc359  No.4223018


>I already got my personal message when the landline rang and I was invited to a Trump rally.

No way.


6065b2  No.4223019



f31974  No.4223020

321553  No.4223021


You will be denied all.

ab37cd  No.4223022

File: 3a5e810cc5b85ed⋯.png (423.24 KB, 980x550, 98:55, 0cf38605b3ad04a7e4acf402d8….png)



If you don't want to shave, at least give it a trim.

Nobody wants to dive into that.

812dbf  No.4223023


8653a8  No.4223024

File: 81c013a4bc930c0⋯.png (248.97 KB, 719x516, 719:516, ClipboardImage.png)

1c72c8  No.4223025

File: d1be4887aa3bd03⋯.png (117.46 KB, 500x520, 25:26, id-hit-that-like-t-was-isr….png)

4bf429  No.4223026

File: da62d88a431ee3f⋯.jpg (930.19 KB, 3360x1622, 1680:811, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….jpg)

got a blocked out of Minneapolis heading in the direction of Vegas currently at 45K over Colorado

28c320  No.4223027

File: f2e849706a041f3⋯.jpg (134.6 KB, 689x1951, 689:1951, PhilippeReinesMooch2.jpg)

File: fe64e22edba5251⋯.png (2.52 MB, 944x13207, 944:13207, philippeReinesQ1.png)

File: 20ae07c2ab1450f⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1060x3879, 1060:3879, philippeReinesQanon.png)

File: 92fbe1b30c8ec48⋯.png (135.49 KB, 624x834, 104:139, philippeReinesFucksGoats.png)

File: 7cc61cab2d5a469⋯.png (46.24 KB, 773x502, 773:502, PhilippeReinesTilapia.png)


Just missed the end of of last bread with one more pic of Philippe chimpin out on Twatter about Q. Compiled into one post including him projecting about fucking goats, Degenerate

a9450b  No.4223028

File: 0abcb14711a42c0⋯.png (937.39 KB, 1024x550, 512:275, likevshell.png)


It's why nobody can mention Soros in a "bad light" on corrupt MSM outlets. (Should probably replace Lenin with him in meme.)

67cd88  No.4223029


Really odd…

97070a  No.4223030


This site is good one for Nellis/NTTR info.

Good planefag info in there…looked today.


5c67fd  No.4223031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada Protestors join Yellow Jackets.



f31974  No.4223032

>>4222977 add to planefag bun

>>4223002 Owner of 2-DEER

4fc3fe  No.4223033


I think they had the video on hand and just posted it for us.

420a37  No.4223034

File: b21cd9b3d13f034⋯.png (350.89 KB, 888x1340, 222:335, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)



2 fags beat me.


684e5a  No.4223035

Notice the people who say "Stop Tweeting" are the same retards that ridicule COVFEFE as nonsensical?

50377f  No.4223036

File: 4de7858d49b5808⋯.png (529.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Lakota on border patrol?

a359db  No.4223037

who is code name "white cat"

f4b6e4  No.4223038



It was circling boulder city, Hendersons close though. Also Switch is not in that zip code, but


this one is right next to that zip code and actually in henderson. They are building it right now. Lots of secrecy about it. Locals think its google.

fe626f  No.4223039



8bfa43  No.4223040

File: f5be455cdba9b58⋯.png (237.82 KB, 647x721, 647:721, Screenshot_2018-12-09 Biza….png)


8653a8  No.4223041

File: 0b5b5965823cee3⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1038x747, 346:249, ClipboardImage.png)

34a464  No.4223042

File: ea5d3c9c28c6c46⋯.jpeg (127.17 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, comey book aint telling.jpeg)


who you calling a fag

55183a  No.4223043


will my ass.

I have it ALL

it will be taken from you that denies another…



d41ad7  No.4223044

File: dd4b584bacc561e⋯.jpg (212.77 KB, 500x1010, 50:101, We Want Trump.jpg)

Tijuana, Mexico - "Trump was right"

Paris, France - "We want Trump"

Berkeley, Californistan "U.S.A" - "IMPEACH TRUMP!"

0b5681  No.4223045


MOA- Military Operations Area. Large chunks of airspace around the USA are set aside as MOA's. Nellis range is one of the largest I believe. Not related to the MOAB- bomb.

42895d  No.4223046

File: be49cff2b056459⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 719x703, 719:703, be49cff2b0564596d6089cbb6d….jpg)

383914  No.4223047


Texas Wall Country

7fbb6a  No.4223048


Not in Texas anon. Lots of people with big ranches and it’s far away. If they have the money to own it they have the money to buy a plane to get there.

2e8b3f  No.4223049


"I don't know"

fe68f7  No.4223050


Kek, yes, really. It was a recorded message though from Lara Trump, POTUS' daughter-in-law. Gave me directions and a code to go online to get my tickets. So I did. I still have no idea why I was called or how they got the numbered. I am registered as an Independent.

d3aea7  No.4223051

File: e5890f2439d74fa⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 600x587, 600:587, underground assault.jpg)

Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground



There is no where you can go.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


475206  No.4223053


It's not particularly odd, anon…Do a realtor.com search in your area and sort High to Low…

There are some rural properties in michigan that wreak of cabal fuckery…not hard to find out the owners either

f1c6ad  No.4223054

File: baaf155395170fe⋯.jpeg (32.66 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 38C8D0CF-2969-4659-89A7-6….jpeg)

aa9320  No.4223055

File: db8d13552fb9fd1⋯.jpg (116.66 KB, 525x684, 175:228, 8139c93531f1b2a7e0828f151c….jpg)


Isn't errything comped at this point?

'cept 8ch, I guess

8653a8  No.4223056

File: 1539390eb253709⋯.png (51.59 KB, 915x730, 183:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2015afba3255dde⋯.png (63.05 KB, 919x862, 919:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 006411ea155cade⋯.png (19.33 KB, 926x266, 463:133, ClipboardImage.png)

“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”

As a former member of the major media prior to its concentration in few hands by the Clinton regime, I have reported on many occasions that the Western media is a Ministry of Propaganda for Washington. In the article below one of the propagandists confesses. PCR

Published on Russia Insider News (http://russia-insider.com)

“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” — former CIA Director William Colby

Our Exclusive Interview with German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower

Fascinating details emerge. Leading US-funded think-tanks and German secret service are accessories. Attempted suppression by legal threats. Blackout in German media.

Exclusively for RI, Dutch journalist Eric van de Beek interviews the senior German editor who is causing a sensation with his allegations that the CIA pays German media professionals to spin stories to follow US government goals.

We wrote about this two weeks ago, and the article shot up in views, becoming one of the most read articles on our site.

Udo Ulfkotte reveals in his bestseller Bought Journalists, how he was “taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.”

The former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which is one of Germany’s largest newspapers, was secretly on the payroll of the CIA and German secret service, spinning the news in a way that was positive for the United States and bad for its opponents.

In his latest interview, Ulfkotte alleges that some media are nothing more than propaganda outlets of political parties, secret services, international think tanks and high finance entities.

Repenting for collaborating with various agencies and organisations to manipulate the news, Ulkotte laments, “I’m ashamed I was part of it. Unfortunately I cannot reverse this.”

Some highlights from the interview:

“I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.”

“Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you ‘Will you do me this favor’…”

“When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets – but I don’t mind.”

“[The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] hasn’t sued me. They know that I have evidence on everything.”

“No German mainstream journalist is allowed to report about [my] book. Otherwise he or she will be sacked. So we have a bestseller now that no German journalist is allowed to write or talk about.”


0fc359  No.4223057


Forces of Light in our solar system.

Pretty srs. I wish they chose a less corny name, this from ahuman perspective.

96cbdd  No.4223058

File: 93282d89e2390ed⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20181209_002036.jpg)

File: 5ffcb1fb2e9966b⋯.jpg (313.58 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20181209_002122.jpg)

File: 9367f9e526be659⋯.jpg (378.86 KB, 786x863, 786:863, Screenshot_20181209-000529.jpg)

File: 2a2997e1cd44717⋯.jpg (373.78 KB, 799x1168, 799:1168, Screenshot_20181208-235932.jpg)

File: 9367f9e526be659⋯.jpg (378.86 KB, 786x863, 786:863, Screenshot_20181209-000529.jpg)

WTH! From Twatter




All out of Dyess, Not Nellis

ALL HEADED TO AREA 51, Now, dark

Now 1-A10, 1-Joint Star, 1-KC135 & 1 C30J Circling

f31974  No.4223059



My watch just ended. Retiring for bed.

Good hunting, planefags.


fe626f  No.4223060


Dark to Light

420a37  No.4223061

File: 41f5b729e17ca22⋯.png (589.28 KB, 784x410, 392:205, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

5c67fd  No.4223062


Hopefully seized under Dec.21/17 Presidential Executive Order.

4fc3fe  No.4223063

File: 5e4a41c6b4f6f38⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1031x1138, 1031:1138, ClipboardImage.png)

Heh Anons, who was sitting next to Pence at GWB Sr's Not a Funeral?

Looks like she got an envelope also. If she's Pence's wife, why would she get an envelope?

And, did anyone see Obama or Mike get an envelope?

f4b6e4  No.4223064


nevermind the first reply link 4222824, sorry kms

ef169a  No.4223065


I have that dig in it's own notable because it got nominated separately, didn't know what to title it, any thoughts:

>>4222812, >>4222850, >>4223002 Wealthy owners able to fly with "military" designation to avoid customs inspection (2-XXXX planes)

should it just be "2-DEER plane spotted" or someshit?

67cd88  No.4223066


Dude is clearly obsessed. And scared to death. Night night Phillipe.

321553  No.4223067


w/o POWER you have none.

Cord will be cut….

42895d  No.4223068


Your link is faggot. Doesn't even match the image. Hence the 2017.

42895d  No.4223069

138ec1  No.4223070

File: 618080b7d17bc6c⋯.jpg (222.98 KB, 724x500, 181:125, ONA1NAT.jpg)

5c67fd  No.4223071


Good night planefag.

8bde68  No.4223072


Now I’m interested

fba05b  No.4223073


Thanks for having my back fren

5c67fd  No.4223074

06866a  No.4223075

File: 48fab16379efdc8⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 168x255, 56:85, JTOOTS.jpg)

0fc359  No.4223076


So…are they coming in with reinforcements or to pick up newcomers?

What…what what…

This is becoming way too eerie

8653a8  No.4223077

Pentagon Claims Accounting Error In Yemen War…

President Donald Trump, who repeatedly complains that the United States is paying too much for the defense of its allies, has praised Saudi Arabia for ostensibly taking on Iran in the Yemen war. It turns out, however, that U.S. taxpayers have been footing the bill for a major part of the Saudi-led campaign, possibly to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

The revelation—detailed in a Defense Department letter obtained by The Atlantic—is likely to raise further ire among senators who have grown ever-more critical of Saudi conduct in the war, which has resulted in a growing number of civilian casualties, and U.S. support for it.

Since the start of the Saudi-led intervention, in March 2015, and up until last month, the United States provided mid-air refueling for Saudi-led coalition aircraft that then flew missions related to the Yemen campaign. Getting heavy U.S. tankers into the air and carrying out this job is enormously expensive. The recipient country is required by law to pay the costs, but that isn’t what happened here. In a mea culpa of sorts, the Pentagon’s November 27 letter states that while the Defense Department “believed” Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates “had been charged for the fuel and refueling services, they in fact had not been charged adequately.” How inadequately, the Pentagon will not yet say; it is “currently calculating the correct charges,” the letter states.

On Thursday, the Pentagon confirmed the letter’s contents to The Atlantic. “Although DoD has received some reimbursement for inflight refueling assistance provided to the Saudi-led coalition (SLC), U.S. Central Command recently reviewed its records and found errors in accounting where DoD failed to charge the SLC adequately for fuel and refueling services,” Commander Rebecca Rebarich, a Pentagon spokeswoman, told The Atlantic.

The Pentagon’s letter says that it reached these conclusions after Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, made a specific request for information.

Reed, along with seven other Democratic senators, raised the question of reimbursements in a letter to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in March. The Pentagon’s response admitting “errors in accounting” arrived the day before a key Senate procedural vote on withdrawing U.S. support for the war effort.

“It is clear that the Department has not lived up to its obligation to keep Congress appropriately informed or its responsibility to secure timely reimbursement,” Reed told The Atlantic. “U.S.-provided aerial refueling assistance was provided to the Saudi-led coalition for more than 3.5 years, activities that likely cost tens of millions of dollars. We must ensure that U.S. taxpayers are fully reimbursed for that support.”

When asked by The Atlantic how much reimbursement DoD had received from the Saudi-led coalition, Rebarich said that “CENTCOM is still working through the calculation.” The Saudi and UAE embassies in Washington had not responded to The Atlantic’s requests for comment about any reimbursements at the time of publication.


838002  No.4223078


They went through that in the report. It's illegal to lie to Congress.

4644ae  No.4223079

File: 0f099e59be5ec97⋯.png (167.86 KB, 739x449, 739:449, eyesback.PNG)

they are starting to show back up again.

50377f  No.4223080

File: 169933d1645e2f9⋯.jpg (13.02 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 8bb311f59e676e4404e09dacad….jpg)

bf4662  No.4223081

File: abf4e2295cd0b39⋯.jpeg (118.69 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 5C290447-1577-4232-9826-B….jpeg)

any anons know what city this was in??

0ff7e2  No.4223082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here is an approximate picture

Kwazy Kwystals are the underlying structure of everything in the universe.

Kwazy, because they are like shadows on the wall of Plato's cave

be16dd  No.4223083

File: d6e26f88ae74ae7⋯.jpg (178.48 KB, 1731x990, 577:330, THUGS popping back onto ra….JPG)

THUGS callsign popping back onto radar as OUTLAW23 gets home to Abilene TX ~ should see more OUTLAWs and THUGS callsign C30J aircraft reappear ~ done with op?

watch and see!

d77a76  No.4223084

File: 164cf6bb309aa56⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 70625c3001222c07740b9401f2….jpg)

f7b60a  No.4223085

File: bee077ae44c0f24⋯.jpg (155.58 KB, 622x544, 311:272, Moon Rock TRUTH.jpg)

File: ad13bf9b5b0d0be⋯.gif (152.27 KB, 770x550, 7:5, LADY_LIBERTY_AT_NIGHT.gif)

File: a03131a15def2bf⋯.jpg (111.94 KB, 496x496, 1:1, fish bowl.jpg)

File: 655069d66f2143d⋯.jpg (242.99 KB, 672x729, 224:243, Yellow Submarine.jpg)

Can't You See? Can't You Hear?

The bell tolls for thee.

Can you tell the time?


Remember who you are.

Remember WHERE you are.

Think mirror.

Think reflections of the truth.

Was the tower of Babel going to take people into outer space?

Do satanists worship planets?

Reflactions of the truth.

Why do they do this?

Novus Ordo Seclorum?

New Order Of Ages? Define?

What our true earth history reveal?

Mirror? Reflections of the truth?

Are they hiding the truth?

Are they hiding… THE MIRROR?

This is the rabbit hole you're looking for.

We know.

How Do You Solve A Puzzle?

55183a  No.4223086



fuck you troll


238aec  No.4223087

File: a8a4443632c5066⋯.png (224.52 KB, 336x525, 16:25, ClipboardImage.png)

fe626f  No.4223088


Baker and anons

Can i suggest we meme the fuck out of these all over!

awesome work!

34a464  No.4223089

File: ada431dcb9cadda⋯.jpeg (117.46 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, comey book dont know.jpeg)

e63573  No.4223090


Think you're wrong. According to this (posted back in August - After an initial dig it was thought to be fake but later confirmed true. Other anons welcome to look into it too.

Here is post 2732344 from 08/25/18 (Sat) 10:18:29

Five Star Trust is the source of CIA funds & contains trillions of dollars from clandestine drug and other criminal activities. The fund was started by 5 individuals to acquire black funding for C_A ops.: These were:

General Landsdale,

William Colby,

George Bush (SR)

Richard Armitage &

Gen Ferrera.

Information is provided in a secret FBI report requested by Edward Kennedy, however the report failed to grasp all the complexities of the Trust and believed it to be fake.


The profits of the Five Star Trust are divided 3 ways between Rothschild Banking Empire, Rothschild Family and C_A . Others with knowledge of the Trust are listed; members of Bush 41 & Clinton administrations, including James Baker, John Sununu, Dick Chaney, Oliver North, Bill Clinton, Paul Volker, Robert Rubeun, Lawrence Summers & George Tenet.

There appears to have been significant internal arguments and criminality within the players. Allegedly

General Ferrera was angry when he discovered US servicemen were being addicted to the drugs and ultimately supported Marion Horn of Kentucky to work towards returning the funds.

This and much more information was provided in a letter to Obama in 2009 by someone who represented a group with knowledge of the fund and a desire to return the funds to the US govt. https://www.slideshare.net/ernestrauthschild/five-star-trust

b4f5c3  No.4223091

Tell me why walls are bad again when Jerusalem has always had walls for protection? Or why the elite have walls around their Hollywood homes with gated driveways?

c7a30d  No.4223092


New(?) connection to ‘wonderland’. A pedophile ring busted called the ‘wonderland Club’ in 1998.

Wickedness of Wonderland

Ian Baldock: Was the crucial British link for police

On 2 September 1998, police across the world picked up 107 men in connection with one of the world's biggest internet paedophile ring.

Police seized a total of 750,000 pictures along with a library of 1,800 computerised videos depicting children suffering sexual abuse.

The bust was named operation cathedral. Digging needed? Or are anons aware?

c18171  No.4223093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A celebration of France tonight

One of my faves by Edith. One of the great voices of all time…such emotion…Manifique….

Great music to scroll by

edith piaf - padam padam

96cbdd  No.4223094


This ALLStarted at 0000 hours in military time. Like Q's drop.

2e8b3f  No.4223095


Love you anon!

f31974  No.4223096


Mainly it's for planefags on other shifts.

They will know that a 2-xxxx plane is spoopy and they will want the screencap of its position & ownership. Will save them a bunch of work. We just record where the 2-xxxx planes go, mostly in Europe, it's very rare to see them in the USA, and hope our logs will one day be correlated with proven happenings.

Red Arrow is on UK shift and he will want to see it.

Good night!

c3d286  No.4223097

File: 3b895fb8711c248⋯.png (125.56 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, December 19.png)

Brings us right to :17 on the clock.


782ddf  No.4223098


Comey: I don't know what what means.

34a464  No.4223099


over and out

3b638d  No.4223100

File: a276c199fa72b0b⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 1519588771453.jpg)


I find it pretty interesting (well not really since I know the background) how they want to sell this to Joe Average?

>The guy who promotes Christian identity by make it obligatory for crucifixes to be displayed in all public spaces, including ports, schools, embassies and prisons.

Is compared to Satan(!) by…

<Italian priests, however, have been the strongest opponents of his vitriolic anti-immigration stance since his party took power in coalition with the populist Five Star Movement in early June. The leading Roman Catholic weekly, Famiglia Cristiana compared him to Satan on its front cover on Wednesday.

Kek! I believe they bitten off more than they can chew this time.

>https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/26/pope-francis-adviser-decries-matteo-salvini-policy-on-crucifix

c59e94  No.4223101

File: db041315eb569d6⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 332x332, 1:1, heptadecagon-300x300.jpg)

File: 9e2fd65f841f0f7⋯.jpg (61.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, heptadecagon-300x300.jpg)

67cd88  No.4223102


I'm a Texan. Odd in timing and 50yr ownership is all. Most people fight to keep the land. Maybe sell some portions of it. 70k acres of some beautiful country? That's odd.

8653a8  No.4223104

File: 2ebe0dd4c1424a9⋯.png (266.17 KB, 308x395, 308:395, ClipboardImage.png)

One Of Largest Child Pornography Bust - Light Sentence At Adult Diagnostic & Treatment Center

Anthony White, from Ocean County, who was found with over 36,000 videos and images of child pornography on his computer devices was sentenced to six years in state prison.

White, 31, was one of 40 men who was arrested in 2016 during a child pornography sweep by the New Jersey Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

White pleaded guilty to second-degree charges of distributing child pornography and attempting to manufacture child pornography.

“We are working hard through our proactive online investigations to banish the offensive notion that viewing child pornography is somehow a victimless crime,” said New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. “Tens of thousands of children were cruelly abused to create the videos and images in White’s collection, and he exploited and re-victimized those children by his actions.”

White admitted to purposefully using file-sharing software to make 25 or more files of child pornography available to other users to download from a shared folder on his computer.

White also admitted trying to reproduce images of child pornography he had previously downloaded.

Members of the task force who search White’s home, after his arrest, seized a number of computer devices.

A forensic search revealed over 36,000 videos and images of child pornography.

White’s sick collection was one of the largest of child pornography ever seized by law enforcement in New Jersey.

Under Megan’s Law, he will be required to register as a sex offender and will be subject to parole supervision for the remainder of his life.

Depending on how they house these types of criminals, may determine how long their lifespans are. Prisoners have a code of their own and the two things they have no respect for are rapist and child offenders, who typically face a wrath, if not placed in protective custody.

After investigating where White was placed, sickeningly, I found that he was housed at ADTC, Adult Diagnostic & Treatment Center

. “The Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center (ADTC) is a secure correctional facility operated by the New Jersey Department of Corrections. Its purpose is to provide treatment for certain repetitive and compulsive male sex offenders who have been sentenced under the New Jersey Sex Offender Act.”

Basically, he is protected until he is free! Where are our children’s rights? Where is their protection?


de17e9  No.4223105


Can we name it Bewbland?

383914  No.4223106


I guess a different crime than perjury. That's the least of Comey's charges though.

8bfa43  No.4223107






ugh ffs correct link


2bbbb8  No.4223108


>>>4222106 For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust

Looks good but no cigar. It's related to the scammer Eliahi Priest. Currently he's shopping real and fake docs claiming to be a sekrit helper for Trump to drain the swamp.

Tru fax he's a scammer, previous scams include alien / interplanetary ambassador, complete with passport…zero point energy, and again, sekrit halper to save the world visited by VERY HIGH UP people….to ask HIS help…Eliahi Priest is not his real name…he's a citizen of AUSTRALIA…spent a lot of time in the UK scamming…lost his kids due to his insanity.

Currently he's roping folks in with his documents and seeking investors in his "diamonds" ….to help him complete his mission for Trump.

Beware…some docs are legit…and any many of them are FAKE AS FUCK…use your brains…and don't "invest" in anything but yourself.

d3aea7  No.4223109


The wives got the envelopes.

4fc3fe  No.4223110


Question for our planefag. Are all the planes listed to the right all flying at the same time and listed on the map?

bdb5c6  No.4223111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hello Anons I was just talking to our boarder he is from Iran he told me that about 15 months ago in Tehran there was a large building that was on fire and then it collapsed 911 style lots of people killed does anyone remember hearing about this?

remember about same time there was a building in Brazil that suffered the same fate I have been wondering if they are trying to set up examples of previously unknown cause of collapse in preparation for 911 re inquiry

Theory still needs more work

But both buildings were concrete and apparent cause of collapse was fire

sound familiar?



b593e3  No.4223112


Can't make out the street sign in that pic. Would give me a clue of where in Canada to look.

I think it's one of the predetermined locations of their protests in the major cities that was floating around. Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, and so on.

da7588  No.4223113

File: c3da1584ea346ad⋯.png (535.74 KB, 1151x996, 1151:996, palemoon_2018-12-09_00-41-….png)



Kenny's not dead yet.

59f0d0  No.4223114

File: 33b4ed4ea79010f⋯.jpg (272.83 KB, 1942x1091, 1942:1091, comey doesn't recall.jpg)


Third in line!

782ddf  No.4223115


Did you just hear that Ari guy?? Holy shit what a nut case.

fbb944  No.4223116


>Hopefully seized under Dec.21/17 Presidential Executive Order.

My hopes as well! I search on Presdidio County news weekly waiting for crumbs on Scalia's murder.

420a37  No.4223117

File: ec3f64e569036e8⋯.png (354.48 KB, 890x1336, 445:668, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

8dff05  No.4223118

File: 3b87a92606443a7⋯.jpg (65.51 KB, 745x750, 149:150, Screenshot 2018-12-09_00-4….jpg)

File: 24be3d7fb8c1e08⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB, 320x568, 40:71, kwhBAcBopq6pRhqF.mp4)

is that Bieber?

That would be hilarious


4644ae  No.4223119


absolutely.. plenty of room for all the anons.

c8e085  No.4223120

Missed the earlier edition of Judge Jeannine….but worth the wait, with Bongino there; they 2 of them are skewering Ari Aramesh. It's really unfair, Ari up against Bongino and Judge J together.

50377f  No.4223121


Not that kind of E8…

4fc3fe  No.4223122


So Pence is up the creek without a paddle?

321553  No.4223123


Yes, seriously.

I’m watching you jerk off to trap porn now…


fe68f7  No.4223124

File: bda530e92b19f89⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 255x205, 51:41, herr durr pepe.jpg)


It's Pence's wife and she got the envelope b/c that's what wive do. They deal with the envelopes.

475206  No.4223125


Think logically anon…

Would Q initiate such an action during the heating season, where many would freeze to death?

f7b60a  No.4223126


How can you see the reflecction if you don't have the mirror?


We know what they are hiding.

In the end it will be up to you to know.

Does your life depend on it?

c18171  No.4223127

File: fdc4cbf99a7dff0⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 2odvx2.jpg)


Walls are bad as they stop the flow of illegals that business so loves to exploit for slave wages. Cut off the supply of wetbacks and damn, they might have to start paying citizens some real wages…

842792  No.4223128


Ther has been digs on her. Follow the wives….,

5c67fd  No.4223129


Most women I know don't have hairy chests.

812dbf  No.4223130

File: 7f4d46062b05c13⋯.jpeg (239.24 KB, 1242x612, 69:34, 60AA6F47-C274-44E8-8E89-8….jpeg)

File: 57d9bfd971dfacf⋯.jpeg (815.38 KB, 1242x1378, 621:689, BAEDA5A3-2566-446A-9BB0-5….jpeg)


8653a8  No.4223131

File: ba9cd6630d1077e⋯.png (14.94 KB, 487x279, 487:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2648648ebacb0e2⋯.png (221.4 KB, 832x570, 416:285, ClipboardImage.png)

IDF compares Hezbollah to Elon Musk in bizarre signal boost attempt

In a strange PR ploy, the Israeli military has enlisted the help of tech visionary Elon Musk to blast Hezbollah's tunnel-digging and rocket-building, tweeting that the SpaceX CEO does the same things, only for the greater good.

The Israel Defense Forces, who this week launched an open-ended operation to destroy a web of tunnels stretching from southern Lebanon to northern Israel, revealed their unexpected appreciation for Musk's tech-savvy genius on Saturday.

On its official Twitter account, the IDF wrote that while Musk "builds rockets at @SpaceX and digs tunnels at @boringcompany to help mankind," the Shia militant group "does the same" in Lebanon "to kill Israeli civilians."


0b5681  No.4223132


Mine is trained in that manner as well.

0fc359  No.4223133

File: 5cf1b5d22c3a6a0⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 1120x977, 1120:977, 1543802536907.jpg)



>I’m watching you jerk off to trap porn now…

People still do that?

50377f  No.4223134

File: b085abf0efdc0de⋯.png (835.99 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

All the traffic is here for now….nothing to see. :(

Had fun watching 20+ C130s cross the sky though.

bdb5c6  No.4223135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad589c  No.4223136

That Ari Aramesh on Judge Jeanine is wetting his pants. Those who shout the loudest, he knows he's going down, curious to see what he has to hide. dude!!!

412fe3  No.4223137

File: fb51f38e80f28cd⋯.jpg (345.68 KB, 802x1152, 401:576, IMG_20181209_003756.jpg)

4fc3fe  No.4223138


That's funny, but you're probably right about that. But, doesn't that mean Pence is DS?

50377f  No.4223139


Krampus started two days ago.

2bbbb8  No.4223140


>Do you all still believe in justice

KEK…NOPE…not now, not ever…and I doubt I ever will because of the nature of the world….but I will settle for doing a bit better than we have been…and things being a bit more equal…we are never going to do away with rich people justice and poor people justice, although it would be nice it is unrealistic.

We have to make our own justice.

94690a  No.4223141

File: 01a36f0c3534ca1⋯.jpg (219.59 KB, 550x311, 550:311, er55b6d803.jpg)

8653a8  No.4223142

File: ea90a46d722e9af⋯.png (224.09 KB, 835x540, 167:108, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff987fa91cc1991⋯.png (395.04 KB, 841x785, 841:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1257a3517b54447⋯.png (656.1 KB, 810x881, 810:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3437c53208785c8⋯.png (249.19 KB, 838x754, 419:377, ClipboardImage.png)

Hypnosis, truth drugs and remote-operated dogs: Declassified papers on CIA’s 'mind control' research

A renowned government secret hunter has published new documents detailing the CIA’s Cold War “behavioral modification” experiments (ranging from the bizarre to the stomach-churning), released under the Freedom of Information Act.

The documents were published by “The Black Vault”, a site which has published enough government documents on the paranormal, UFOs and government mind control experiments to provide material for a dozen new seasons of The X-Files. While the site might sound like a fringe web-community indulging in paranoid cliches, it is also the largest repository of its kind aside from the US government with over 2,000,000 pages of information. The 800 pages of classified information published in November had been withheld from previously released documents that were made public through FOIA requests in 2004 and 2016.

The newest documents, if verified, showcase some unprecedented disturbing outcomes of the CIA’s attempts to develop mind control techniques and truth serums as a part of its “MKultra” project, which the agency admitted to having secretly run until 1973. The releases include documents on a “successful” effort to create 6 dogs that could be “operated” to complete basic commands by remote control in the late 1960s. There are even diagrams of the surgical implants that employed “Electrical Stimulation of the Brain” to create controlled responses.


838002  No.4223143


Let's hope so.

57f01e  No.4223144


Yep, pretty much.

Even here you have some shilly subthreads (just look at the "organic" jq thread lol. Its like all the shills got drained to a single place), and at all the shill waves they have here, all coordinated and calculated.

Luckily they never really took over the board. '''True anons see the through their deception. Those who push anti q agenda will always glow.

0ff7e2  No.4223145

File: 1dbb6ad16cea26d⋯.png (948.37 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

684e5a  No.4223146


Lots of Israel/Middle East commentary, I was just digging on him a minute ago.

811c48  No.4223147


Fame is overrated.

55183a  No.4223148



wrong image… YOU can't hack me faggot.<<<

i'm watching this thread…

hack me faggot… BEWARE!!!!!!!


3b638d  No.4223149

File: 0c7823d1ed90d86⋯.jpg (186.13 KB, 500x1645, 100:329, A10 TARGET.jpg)


Thanks. Pretty nice video. Also a shame they want to take this plane out of service. Probably the same line of reasoning that got the F-4 Phantoms designed without a gun and then sent into Vietnam (with disastrous results for the airmen against MiG-19/21's)

516da4  No.4223150

File: 5d11ee0ac2fbce9⋯.png (374.36 KB, 696x411, 232:137, bill-gates.png)

2bbbb8  No.4223151

File: 6525d43e2fc3291⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 414x480, 69:80, tits.jpg)

842792  No.4223152


Reducing wages for our citizens. Taking teenagers out of jobs and learning skills and responsibility that can help them through a lifetime. They want to keep people down and on assistance. And rip off the taxpayers that bankroll this country.

34a464  No.4223153


recent overnight light snow, with higher temperature following

de17e9  No.4223154


People in 18 countries pay to see Kathy fucking Griffin??!!

d41ad7  No.4223155

File: 4a9646337f6bf84⋯.png (342.58 KB, 621x516, 207:172, ClipboardImage.png)

I'll just leave this here…

812dbf  No.4223156

File: b1e4df61dd0f69c⋯.jpeg (572.22 KB, 1242x1468, 621:734, BAB4816B-8094-405D-88CF-4….jpeg)


4644ae  No.4223157


yeah that was a blast.

Thanks everyone for your awesome Planefag skills.

91aee3  No.4223158


ok, they went dark. we, or more likely, somebody, was intended to be an audience… let's figure out the Sun Tzu of it. THUGS for the last 12 hours, blipping on and off screen. then the "elephant walk" of outlaw & outlw, with the extra 'a' in "border" in DJT tweet.

MOOSE in SA. plus two scoops of Brrrrrrrrrrrrrt KLLLTGTS that seem to be heading north of the action. i think the area 51 is a ruse, but i am wrong a lot. my hope is CA.

5c67fd  No.4223159


It's theft of taxpayer money.

c8e085  No.4223160


I just posted on this too–Wow!!! She and Bongino are an unbeatable tag team. And Tom Fitton is always worth watching.

fbb944  No.4223161

File: dc64965ff706960⋯.png (27.19 KB, 400x368, 25:23, ClipboardImage.png)



>This ALLStarted at 0000 hours in military time. Like Q's drop.



961caf  No.4223162


join the club anon, been out here for 10 years now.

da7588  No.4223163



d3f267  No.4223164


Need to find intel on his handler, financial stats of the church and if it has a small congregation then how does it keep its lights on. This Priest stuck out his neck, time to take a closer look!

321553  No.4223165


It puts the duct tape back on the camera….

57c81d  No.4223166

File: 36b274c745a7e11⋯.png (152.15 KB, 445x217, 445:217, feet.PNG)

8653a8  No.4223167

File: bad56a60ddf43fa⋯.png (738.57 KB, 811x423, 811:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e00596a5af4a2e6⋯.png (475.73 KB, 829x698, 829:698, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b016a921f63863e⋯.png (26.15 KB, 828x533, 828:533, ClipboardImage.png)

High-Ranking Military Commander Busted in FBI Child Sex Trafficking Sting

A High-Ranking Air Force official was arrested this week and charged on multiple counts for attempting to have sex with a child.

Cobb County, GA — Earlier this week, the FBI Metro Atlanta Child Exploitation Task Force held a sting to catch alleged sex traffickers and made multiple arrests in the process. During the sting, a high-ranking Air Force Colonel was ensnared by federal agents.

The undercover sex bust unfolded Tuesday night at a Cobb County hotel at which Lt. Col. Willie Newson, 47, was arrested. According to authorities, Newson thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl at the hotel. He was actually meeting undercover agents pretending to be a child.

Georgia Department of Defense spokeswoman Desiree Bamba told AJC.com that Newson is on the command staff of Maj. Gen. Jesse T. Simmons Jr., who is the commander of the Georgia Air National Guard. Newson also was formerly the commander of the 165th Communication Flight of the 165th Airlift Wing, according to the official.

“Lt. Col. Newson’s alleged actions do not reflect the values we uphold in the Georgia National Guard,” she said.

As WSB-TV reports, the “undercover officer that Newson spoke with gave him the opportunity to stop communicating several times.” However, Newson continued to pursue who he thought was a 14-year-old girl.

The Air Force Colonel was using a popular dating app to pursue the child.

On Tuesday, Newson was arrested on multiple charges stemming from the child exploitation charges. After he was taken into custody, he immediately bailed himself out for $20,000.

He is currently on leave pending the outcome of the case.

“It’s upsetting to the safety of our kids, the safety of this community as a whole,” Mark Samuels, who manages the hotel where the bust took place.


97070a  No.4223168

Clicked this: http://www.dreamlandresort.com/forum/messages/45480.html

Message posted by TheMelonTom on August 09, 2018 at 13:52:59 PST:

Hey Guys, dont know if this has been posted before but I got attention on this site see attached link.

You go to Menu - hit options - filter - click military and zoom in NTTR and you will see all Military flights in this or the area you choose. Have fun with it.

This one and a couple other aircraft tracking sites can certainly be interesting to watch. Most of them receive their data from a network of private individuals running ADS-B receivers/decoders in their local area and sending the data to the site.

You see Janets heading into the ranges and a few military aircraft. Unfortunately Janets quit transmitting data as soon as they enter the ranges. But you can judge by the altitude where they are going. 14,000/15,000 feet is from/to Groom, above FL180 is going to TTR.

Few military aircraft have their ADS-B transponder set to transmit position data, but some will show up on the "radar". If you are new to this, definitely give it a try.


Showed this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

42895d  No.4223169


Would that honestly surprise you? Remember, Reagan had Bush forced on him too.

ef169a  No.4223170

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4222784 Possible source of FBI docs ( >>4222106 (lb) For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust)

>>4222787 Dig on Project on Forward Engagement continued

>>4222812, >>4222850, >>4223002 Wealthy owners able to fly with "military" designation to avoid customs inspection (2-XXXX planes)

>>4222815 Syria Update

>>4222863 Ukraine paratroopers wore SS insignias

>>4222910, >>4223100 Italian priest will close his church to protest based Matteo Salvini

>>4223017 223 terrorists killed in Jammu&Kashmir this year, highest in 8 years

>>4223027 Moar Philip Reines bitching

>>4223041 New Ben Garrison

>>4223056 C_A control over the MSM

>>4223104 Light sentance for one of the largest CP busts

>>4223142 Declassified papers on CIA’s 'mind control' research

Planefag updates:
























4fc3fe  No.4223171


So Pence is actually comped? I thought so because I have information that he and Ryan were running mates at the same time Trump and he were running mates. Paid for a website and everything. Must have thought Trump would be taken out BEFORE the election.

b41f6d  No.4223172


with a higher resolution photo you could get the street name off the sign ..

2bbbb8  No.4223173

File: f6fe21a2cf81253⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 214x291, 214:291, pantifa.jpg)


>And just the other day I was invited to apply for a Secret Service job. Q even said I was on the fast track for landing the job.

You weren't supposed to announce this Bernard. Consider your clearance pulled.

Then…there's also the little matter of (pic related).

5399e0  No.4223174

File: f2cfe1d0412e432⋯.jpg (132.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_4236.JPG)

adebc7  No.4223175

File: 26f727d12f506d5⋯.jpg (348.72 KB, 1984x1143, 1984:1143, 8b58aa3367dee760c14ff31f4c….jpg)


We need a "I believed it then…I believe it now" cover. That's the classic line thus far IMO. KEK!!

2ac72d  No.4223176


>Did you just hear that Ari guy?? Holy shit what a nut case.

Judge Jeanine didn't do a very good job of shutting him up

That'swhy I stopped watching her months ago / because she can't shut down the libtards

Am watching now tho, Ari … fuck…

He can't deal with truth and facts as Bongino was calmly stating and he starts attacking FLOTUS and bringing up Stormy and rantimg

These people can not be helped / they are crazy

There is no reason to delay revealing information / nothing is going to wake those people up

They are lost

So, lets just get on with full transparency

811c48  No.4223177


She's not interested in progress.

0b5681  No.4223178


Sun Tzu of it- an exercise on the Nellis ranges. They do this multiple times per year. Hundreds of aircraft at a time in some cases- from all over the world. It's what they do. Simulate war.

238aec  No.4223179

File: ab8e408b49fd4af⋯.jpg (21.06 KB, 635x359, 635:359, littleisis.jpg)



ef169a  No.4223180







>>4221311 Q signs make an appearance at Yellow Vest protests in Canada

might have info

2bbbb8  No.4223181


WHY is he touching her?

fe68f7  No.4223182


IDK what it means. I am on the fence about the whole envelope and odd behavior at the funeral thing. Tend to think the envelopes were merely invites to special dinner for the dignitaries. Gotta feed people after a funeral.

0ff7e2  No.4223183


That is because they pluck, wax or laser their breasts

Before they reveal their bodies to boys.

Back before the plague of wax barbies

We encountered this more often than you realize.

Of course, it was less hairy than our star of the evening

But women who keep themselves skinny

By reducing calorie intake

Tend to be HAIRIER

5399e0  No.4223184

File: e90e914b3f487f6⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_4235.JPG)

8653a8  No.4223185

Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries


42895d  No.4223186

File: 406beb85ecaf6f3⋯.png (719 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, 406beb85ecaf6f3dedfa61e864….png)


Don't cockblock bro

34a464  No.4223187

5399e0  No.4223188

File: bd4bad86437e3bb⋯.png (345.7 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4233.PNG)

6535e9  No.4223189

95ad6a  No.4223190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

516da4  No.4223191

Nephilim = fallen angel + human DNA

2bbbb8  No.4223192


So does LB fucktard.

811c48  No.4223193


No garage.

3a91df  No.4223194

File: 0ce16f9b1071076⋯.jpeg (35.76 KB, 284x426, 2:3, 2196B14E-1D3D-4F03-9804-9….jpeg)


Because He can.

383914  No.4223195


Then Bush tried to kill him.

51a0e1  No.4223196


The guy must have been on the computer 24/7. Sick fuck. I bet he's in withdrawal.

96cbdd  No.4223197

File: 5ed93d9a9a6c0d7⋯.jpg (480.95 KB, 1242x658, 621:329, Screenshot_20181209-004216.jpg)

File: 45bb28bb40ad610⋯.jpg (292.56 KB, 1267x681, 1267:681, Screenshot_20181209-004353.jpg)

File: a4d16ebf2d682e1⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 565x581, 565:581, Screenshot_20181209-004504.jpg)

File: b37ec9973d656bd⋯.jpg (322.67 KB, 757x1130, 757:1130, Screenshot_20181209-004634.jpg)

File: 50d1050646c66be⋯.jpg (88.13 KB, 923x584, 923:584, Screenshot_20181209-004539.jpg)

Circling Dry lake Valley

One up from the Table Top Mountain area

f712f7  No.4223198

File: 2f7243307d0f0d2⋯.jpg (1007.16 KB, 1272x1656, 53:69, kek.jpg)

Moving Mountains.

4644ae  No.4223199


yes the bar on the right shows all the aircraft on the map screen.

go into menu-options-filters and click apply filters and then select military if you want to watch yourself.


34a464  No.4223200


He has skillz and you don't

5399e0  No.4223201

File: a6ab6a392e8fabf⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 373x521, 373:521, IMG_4220.JPG)

3ba25e  No.4223202


>We have to make our own justice.

That’s anarchy. Society at the very least is bound by morals and mores. Making our our own justice is not part of either one in the United States of America. GTFO.

67ac3d  No.4223203


even if the Pence/Ryan ticket info is legit, I still wouldn't take that as evidence that Pence is comped. It's evidence he's a savvy politician who realizes the winds could change direction at a moment's notice, nothing more.

Having said that, I don't trust Pence. He seemed to have been foisted on Trump by the RNC when Trump himself wanted Flynn as VP. Trump has more than earned the right to select his own VP without RNC interference.

f8d053  No.4223204

File: 8496d7e7fd5f1f2⋯.jpg (149.68 KB, 640x426, 320:213, senior-military-leaders-CB….jpg)

File: 399e4f00ab6cd8b⋯.jpg (167.62 KB, 800x448, 25:14, military hosted by trump i….jpg)

Who Is She?

Military Leadership hosted by WH on Oct 6 2017


5c67fd  No.4223205


this guy is a fake priest

59f0d0  No.4223206

File: 7d2324bcafc2719⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1906x929, 1906:929, ClipboardImage.png)


Street sign says MacLeod Tr (Trail)

It's in Calgary, outside their city hall.


55183a  No.4223207

microwave… stove… CLOCK…

keep going anon… tele


4dc100  No.4223208


did the mound have red hair tho?

8653a8  No.4223209


I bet I just posted his face to a shit load of inmates! Justice will be served!


f7b60a  No.4223210

File: b10fcb74d53dd28⋯.jpg (308.68 KB, 1199x701, 1199:701, Bible 2.jpg)

File: 8e6eb6fe39f6638⋯.jpg (305.12 KB, 921x855, 307:285, Bible 1.jpg)

File: 8b0bce491ce67d5⋯.jpg (257.43 KB, 857x662, 857:662, Bible Verse2.jpg)

How Can You See The Reflection If They Are Hiding The Mirror?

Signs and symbols rule their life.

Signs and symbols will be their downfall?

You see their symbols but not the symbols reflection.

Why? Because they are hiding the mirror.

Find the mirror and find they key to all their symbolism.

Do you know how to find the mirror?

The mirror is all around you.

This is the rabbit hole you're looking for.


8dff05  No.4223211

File: 5613e1635772009⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 600x694, 300:347, Screenshot 2018-12-09_00-5….jpg)

51a0e1  No.4223212



91aee3  No.4223213

File: 9335401328948d5⋯.jpg (269.9 KB, 1905x817, 1905:817, thugs.JPG)

File: ea6d97231cd337b⋯.jpg (212.06 KB, 1916x850, 958:425, thug 84.JPG)


maybe. but first pic is 8 hours ago, the next is a few seconds.

THUG84 (and 83) blipping on and off is what got me started much earlier today, and it is not staying at Nellis.

42895d  No.4223214


I wish I could have seen how pissed off he was when he found it he failed. I wonder what happened to that hero SS agent. I doubt he was given a raise.

5c67fd  No.4223215


Pence's best friend is Flake a pedo

8bde68  No.4223216


Alien vs punisher

5399e0  No.4223217

File: eba21b8688eb2c5⋯.png (168.07 KB, 500x809, 500:809, IMG_4216.PNG)

KFC founder

0ff7e2  No.4223218


But the planes that are operating in the MOA

Usually come from one AF base

So that base would be the MOA B

And by the way, Q did not say that MOAB was a bomb, or a city, or anything in particular.

Maybe the U1 travelled from MO to AB

Missouri to Alberta.

We are still waiting for the future to prove the past on that one.

ef169a  No.4223219

File: 99ea97ee84bdbd2⋯.png (743.22 KB, 720x560, 9:7, goldstarresearcher.png)

a6712a  No.4223221


The flag in the middle is likely Manitoba or possibly Ontario. Looked at news pics and Winnipeg had a yellow vest protest and the crowd size looked similar.

321553  No.4223222


I know where you live

5bb65f  No.4223223


why only six years?

can the military step in now

please and execute these lawyers

and judges that do nothing but fail us.

811c48  No.4223224


The commonwealth needed another (((gangster))) like Elizabeth Warren.

fe3182  No.4223225



What is that one?

412fe3  No.4223226


I know I started it and got sidetracked and forgot about it. When I seen it figured I would go ahead and finish it.

812dbf  No.4223227

File: 0876a417a7a19dc⋯.jpeg (756.53 KB, 1242x2049, 414:683, A2413A3D-7846-48D0-8B39-E….jpeg)

File: b3c5da6e6782679⋯.jpeg (187.51 KB, 1242x664, 621:332, 617D1019-8338-4C79-92B8-E….jpeg)


c89b76  No.4223228

File: d4b57f60a4c1ec8⋯.png (13.94 KB, 443x256, 443:256, Capture.PNG)



Women accuse famous Brazil spiritual 'healer' of sex abuse

This is why I post articles this these,, seems people forget Q's post

adebc7  No.4223229

8653a8  No.4223230

File: ddcb235332ad168⋯.png (30.97 KB, 625x329, 625:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddcb235332ad168⋯.png (30.97 KB, 625x329, 625:329, ClipboardImage.png)

95ad6a  No.4223231

This might be very OLD NEWS; however, can this be authenticated?


97070a  No.4223232

A lot of drivers out there.

I'm two miles South of Nellis and I can feel

the low rumble of more than a few jets in the soles of my feet.

Big rumble now!

0b5681  No.4223233


He's landing.

5399e0  No.4223234

File: bff4c9c2d7017e1⋯.png (178.43 KB, 500x809, 500:809, IMG_4215.PNG)

51a0e1  No.4223235


I dunno if he's a pedo, but I do know he is a soy boy faggot. I bet my grandma has more testosterone than he does.

b7a87a  No.4223236

File: 7100dd418d5bd1f⋯.jpg (360.44 KB, 717x717, 1:1, Q_Proverbs_17-17.jpg)

2bbbb8  No.4223237

File: dccab2c42ee869f⋯.jpg (272.18 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, trump on a plane.jpg)

b4a9d4  No.4223238

>>4222049 (lb)

The measure of the swing to the left is the measure of the swing to the right.

We are in for some awesome shit

516da4  No.4223239


wwg1wga in french?

3afe10  No.4223240

File: 9d16ff4fd14b0fb⋯.pdf (440.19 KB, George_Eliot_and_Spinoza_T….pdf)

File: 4a2a6e04317d492⋯.jpg (162.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ac50a9a961280778c7be94a0ee….jpg)

File: 22ad2f8b97da51e⋯.mp4 (11.8 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AfnwQXbpj1SuUd-Z.mp4)









1b4354  No.4223241

File: c95bdd852066484⋯.png (4.36 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 04C2C70D-A1FC-4010-9959-25….png)

782ddf  No.4223242

File: 2ac7118311f6e2e⋯.png (471.22 KB, 897x430, 897:430, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

File: 5c28559c7877d67⋯.png (441.12 KB, 928x412, 232:103, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

Welcome to beautiful Paris at Christmas time.

(last night)

4fc3fe  No.4223243






No, I believed that from the beginning because of the information I am providing below, but at some point I thought maybe he had turned against the DS. There are email exchanges with Pence and Ryan with an IT guy setting up their website so Ryan could run as President and Pence his VP.

See https://www.scribd.com/document/327434951/Pence-Ryan-Coup-Email

5399e0  No.4223244

File: b1b3a6ac9786abf⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4214.JPG)

42895d  No.4223245

File: e8f802f0314cfea⋯.jpg (6.76 KB, 229x220, 229:220, e8f802f0314cfea2fdb7c25e51….jpg)


I fucking hate you, but that's funny. You may stay this bread.

d41ad7  No.4223246

File: 598d9e49b3e6c0f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 688x1008, 43:63, Hussein communist POS.png)

Survivors: Cuba Has Detained Half a Million Dissidents, Still Starving Prisoners to Death


383914  No.4223247


Pics of all the victims or it didnt happen.

0b5681  No.4223248


You lost me, anon.

3a91df  No.4223249

File: 55c0c2f6db6802a⋯.jpeg (56.22 KB, 478x717, 2:3, 70275FE7-A32C-411B-B526-5….jpeg)

File: 894ffea848ace9e⋯.jpeg (11.73 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 87701A5B-5D06-4ECC-9510-D….jpeg)

94690a  No.4223250

File: 76563c3b838cd87⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 668x446, 334:223, mrs-and-mrs-signs-lesbian-….jpg)

f7b60a  No.4223251

File: 582bf795c66963e⋯.jpg (192.58 KB, 1024x523, 1024:523, giant foot.jpg)

File: bbf764e0f3af44a⋯.jpg (269.68 KB, 813x858, 271:286, awakening.jpg)

File: 278a4538ebfafd1⋯.jpg (48.03 KB, 620x382, 310:191, Lincoln Giants.jpg)

Think Miror

They are hiding the mirror.

We are giving it back to you.


Who was Enoch?

This is the rabbit hole you're looking for.

2ac72d  No.4223252

File: d710e6fb20efa9a⋯.png (76.12 KB, 627x600, 209:200, 1 Sperry re Comey 12-8-18.PNG)

File: 62fadbe0f83357a⋯.png (77.31 KB, 630x651, 30:31, 2 Sperry re Comey 12-8-18.PNG)

File: a7275c75c832c99⋯.png (94.86 KB, 631x707, 631:707, 3 Sperry re Comey 12-8-18.PNG)

File: 2d79d6fe79d8fee⋯.png (77.87 KB, 642x704, 321:352, 4 Sperry re Comey 12-8-18.PNG)

File: 30e4b786ec7a604⋯.png (20.51 KB, 653x234, 653:234, 5 Sperry re Comey 12-8-18.PNG)


>Comey Book Memes bun

Sperry tweets re Comey / ideas for book titles

ed9a47  No.4223253


Remember the Flynn call? The Deep State forced Pence to bring the shit up and get Flynn shit canned. Of course Russia and Flynn baited the dumb asses. Flynn was MI and not dumb enough to talk about a grand list of pedophiles in the American Government by accident. We wanted the Deep State to panic and do dumb shit. Which they did.

I am sure Trump knew Pence was dirty the whole time but this make it obvious.

811c48  No.4223254


Teaching geography and sex ed to the 3rd grade today.

3ba25e  No.4223255




Oh look, it’s a piece of shit shill. Nah, never mind, just an unemployed antifa asshole.

be16dd  No.4223256


where are all the OUTLAWs callsign?

waiting! :)

da7588  No.4223257

File: f7df183c39c5d6c⋯.png (362.97 KB, 776x1482, 388:741, palemoon_2018-12-09_00-54-….png)



that EC8 is still doing a figure 8.

a62812  No.4223258

File: 225e099da531f7d⋯.png (218.62 KB, 811x523, 811:523, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 2d67e50c4eea9bb⋯.png (272.3 KB, 802x597, 802:597, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 31d942e69423529⋯.png (116.49 KB, 792x464, 99:58, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 02f6e8339612420⋯.png (203.24 KB, 799x446, 799:446, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 104d32892523a8b⋯.png (206.06 KB, 801x727, 801:727, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

Tidbits from the closed door questioning of James Comey

Jamie Dupree

December 8, 2018

House Republicans on Saturday released a transcript of their private interview on Friday with former FBI Director James Comey, detailing a lengthy closed door skirmish between Comey and GOP lawmakers over the origin of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections, and how Comey dealt with the probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as Secretary of State.

So what does the 235 pages of the transcript show? Here’s some tidbits to chew on.

1. When Comey hears “Russia investigation,” it’s two distinct probes.

2. What does the term ‘collusion’ mean to Comey?

3. Comey says Flynn did lie, even if he didn’t look it.

4. Comey says he saw no bias from Strzok in Clinton probe.

5. Comey: I’m not buddies with Robert Mueller.

One refrain from President Trump is that Mueller can’t be trusted with his probe because he and Comey are friends. “Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest,” the President tweeted on Friday, just a few hours before Comey went to Capitol Hill for his closed door questioning. So, Democrats asked Comey – are you friends with Mueller? “I am not,” Comey said, telling lawmakers he doesn’t know Mueller’s phone number, and has no relation with him ‘in any social sense.’ But Comey made clear he is a believer in Mueller. “There are not many things I would bet my life on. I would bet my life that Bob Mueller will do things the right way, the way we would all want, whether we’re Republicans or Democrats, the way Americans should want,” Comey said.

6. Comey okayed leak investigation involving Giuliani. In the final stretch of the 2016 campaign, Comey testified that he was concerned by a ‘number of stories’ and leaks about Hillary Clinton, which he believed were coming from the New York Field Office of the FBI – and were going to people like former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was a campaign booster for President Trump. “Mr. Giuliani was making statements that appeared to be based on his knowledge of workings inside the FBI New York,” Comey told lawmakers, as the former FBI chief said it seemed to him that the bureau had an ‘unauthorized disclosure problem’ – “so I asked that it be investigated.”


c7a30d  No.4223259


Wonderland was a pedophile ring busted in 1998 with worldwide arrests. Additional wonderland meaning? BBC article from 2001 about a few of the arrests.


Wickedness of Wonderland

Ian Baldock: Was the crucial British link for police

On 2 September 1998, police across the world picked up 107 men in connection with one of the world's biggest internet paedophile ring.

Police seized a total of 750,000 pictures along with a library of 1,800 computerised videos depicting children suffering sexual abuse.

321553  No.4223260



c89b76  No.4223261


I posted it and gave the link … it happened and a lot came forward ,,dam at least look at the article

34a464  No.4223262


spliced in piece of dodo, no it can not

425f5c  No.4223263


Last bearing before disappearing was the area of camp fire, between Sacramento and Chico at 22,000'. Airdrop to kick out the DS military that rolled in?

2bbbb8  No.4223264

File: a286f922783ffed⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 500x654, 250:327, baby its cold.jpg)


>complete military blackout

KEK…they saw you being nosey

Oh hey Intelligence Overlords..sorry. But you're right..a moment on here and the spazzshow begins…no sekrits

here, have some tits.

5399e0  No.4223265

File: 07d8addecf14b06⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 344x480, 43:60, IMG_4232.JPG)

8653a8  No.4223266

CLINTON NIGHTMARE! Chief Financial Officer of Clinton Foundation Turns Government Informant on Crime Family

Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted by 90% over a three-year period since Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to President Donald Trump.

But that may be the least of the her worries.

John Solomon from The Hill dropped another bombshell that will keep the Clintons up at night.

The former Chief Financial Officer of the Clinton Foundation has turned on the crime family and is now working as a government informant.

This could spell doom for the Clinton Crime Family.

American Thinker reported:

John Solomon of The Hill reveals the story that has been percolating for a long time but kept tightly under wraps – because that is what serious prosecutors do, especially when grand juries are poring over evidence and issuing indictments that remain sealed until the right moment comes. The trigger for the story coming out now probably is a House subcommittee hearing scheduled next week by Mark Meadows, chair of the House Freedom Caucus, while the GOP still can set the agenda of House hearings.

[A] GOP-led congressional subcommittee, led by Rep. Mark Meadows (N.C.), is planning to hold a hearing next week to review the work of John Huber, the special U.S attorney named a year ago to investigate all things Clinton.

It turns out that whistleblowers inside and outside the Clinton Foundation have amassed “6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS and FBI.” Among that evidence can be found:

Those reviews flagged serious concerns about legal compliance, improper commingling of personal and charity business and “quid pro quo” promises made to donors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.

The submission also cites an interview its investigators conducted with Andrew Kessel that quotes the foundation’s longtime chief financial officer as saying he was unable to stop former President Clinton from “commingling” personal business and charitable activities inside the foundation and that he “knows where all the bodies are buried.”

Their own investigation! That’s hard to put down as politically motivated.

Having the chief financial officer of the Clinton Foundation turn informant is a nightmare for the Clintons. The CFO has to process all the cash, and because that person usually is on the hook for any criminal violations, there is ample incentive to turn state’s evidence.

That evidence was assembled by a private firm called MDA Analytics LLC, run by accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators, who alleged the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal activities and may be liable for millions of dollars in delinquent taxes and penalties.

In addition to the IRS, the firm’s partners have had contact with prosecutors in the main Justice Department in Washington and FBI agents in Little Rock, Ark.


97070a  No.4223267

File: 917bc8e23f620f3⋯.png (1.14 MB, 700x568, 175:142, NTTR~Nellis.png)

For Planefags only…

94690a  No.4223268

File: fc312ab323fffde⋯.jpg (212.86 KB, 1217x1600, 1217:1600, newyorker_1993-02-15_artsp….jpg)

d3f267  No.4223269


You have been denied and application has been rejected with big red capital letters. Your SF 171 has been put into File 13, Anons will tell you the reasons why you were washed out before day one even started.

c3b163  No.4223270

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)

So last time i was here it was during the night shift muhjew shill/spambot mega infestation, and surprise surprise, they all left and got replaced by the new topic:


Flat earth fuckery.

And these faggots think we are still falling for their fake naratives. I actually noticed that muhjew and freddy/toots are their "aces". These are the strongest pushed naratives with the highest combined post counts.

55183a  No.4223271


500 feet bad intentions…

served up the same fate as the rest…


DS has always known WHO I AM.<<<

i'm private news… CLASSIFIED

500 feet uninvited… dead… come near


636d82  No.4223272


Let us prey.

59f0d0  No.4223273

File: 2d7862c1ff0d197⋯.jpg (112.88 KB, 1412x785, 1412:785, Qrabbit.JPG)


Big kek!

Reminded me of something I put together when anons thought they saw a Q in the Austin bombing locations earlier this year.

8653a8  No.4223274

Comey Confirms Lisa Page Helped Peter Strzok Draft Hillary Clinton’s Exoneration Statement

On Saturday, the House Committees released the 235-page transcript from Comey’s closed-door interview that was conducted on Friday.

The Committee on the House Judiciary joint with the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight interviewed fired FBI Director James Comey Friday in a closed-door session that was NOT UNDER OATH according to the transcript.

Comey was defiant in his interview with GOP lawmakers and said he “didn’t remember” 71 times, “didn’t know” 166 times and said “I don’t recall” 8 times.

The fired FBI boss did admit to a few things, however.

James Comey told lawmakers that former FBI lawyer Lisa Page helped her lover, Peter Strzok draft Hillary Clinton’s exoneration statement.

Peter Strzok is the FBI agent who changed the wording from “grossly negligent,” a term that would have brought potential Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, to a softer, “extremely careless.”

Mr. Gowdy. Lisa Page, she was an attorney with the FBI in 2016. Is that right?

Mr. Comey. Lisa Page, yes, that is correct. Lisa Page was an attorney I think before 2016, but certainly during 2016 assigned to the Office of General Counsel.

Mr. Gowdy. What role did she have with the Clinton Espionage Act investigation?

Mr. Comey. Lisa Page’s role in the investigation into whether Hillary Clinton had mishandled classified information was in her capacity as a lawyer assigned to support the Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe.

Mr. Gowdy. Did she assist you in drafting or editing your July 5th press statement?

Mr. Comey. I believe she did assist in drafting — or editing the statement of July 2016.

Mr. Gowdy. So, from January 2016 up until your July 5th press statement, it is fair to say that both Special Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page were working on the Clinton Espionage Act or mishandling of classified information investigation?

Peter Strzok said during his congressional testimony in July of this year that he didn’t recall changing Hillary Clinton’s exoneration statement on his computer, but conceded the metadata indicated the change was made from his computer.

Strzok said a handful of people helped him with the exoneration statement, including FBI lawyers, but didn’t disclose Lisa Page’s name, the Washington Examiner reported.

“My recollection, sir, is that somebody within our office of general counsel did, it was one of the attorneys, I don’t remember which one,” Peter Strzok said. “It was a legal issue that one of the attorneys brought up.

“My recollection was that attorneys within the FBI had raised the concern that the use of gross negligence triggered a very specific legal meaning … particularly in one of the mishandling classified information statutes.”

So Peter Strzok couldn’t remember that his lover Lisa Page was one of the FBI attorneys who helped him soften the wording on Hillary’s exoneration statement even though the two were texting each other nonstop about how much they hated Donald Trump and desperately wanted Hillary Clinton to become president.

A text exchange between Peter Strzok and Lisa page just days before Comey’s July 5th presser exonerating Hillary proves that Lisa Page knew no charges would be brought against Hillary Clinton – now we know she was actively involved in changing the wording to exonerate Hillary.

“Timing looks like hell,” Strzok texted Page on July 1st referring to Loretta Lynch’s decision to accept Comey’s conclusion of the Clinton email investigation just days after the infamous tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.

“Yeah, that is awful timing,” Lisa Page said in a response, later adding: “It’s a real profile in couragw [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought.“

Comey scoffed at the idea that there was any bias in the FBI during his Friday interview saying “Anybody that thinks we were on team Clinton trying to cut her a break is smoking something.”


34a464  No.4223275

File: 179ac5cc093354e⋯.png (354.68 KB, 1280x844, 320:211, Screenshot_2018-12-09 Virt….png)


THUGS are back on

4fc3fe  No.4223276


Here is text is copied from scribd:

————Original Message————-

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 9:17 PM UTC SAME

From: patrolddesign@protonmail.com

To: Jhoppe <jhoppe@protonmail.com>; spkrryan <spkrryan@protonmail.com>; Jatterholt <jatterholt@protonmail.com> mpence mpence@protonmail.com

U gave us, like a napkin. Look, it needs polish but this is rapid protyping. The guys had about 3 hours to work on this and I had to get guys under NDA already so what did you expect??

Tell me what to change. Get me some solid copy. We can make this work.


-No Job Is To Big

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

————Original Message————-

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 9:35 PM UTC SAME

From jatterholt@protonmail.com

To patrolddesign <patroldesign@protonmail.com>; Jhoppe <jhoppe@protonmail.com>; spkrryan <spkrryan@protonmail.com>; mpence <mpence@protonmail.com>

SCOTUS Page? We can’t use this. Plus, he’s not fucking up completely. Holy God, he might actually win this. What then??

John, what does speaker want to do if he wins??

———–Original Message————–

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 9:46 PM UTC SAME

From: jhoppe@protonmail.com

To: Jatterholt <jatterholt@protonmail.com>; patroldesign <patroldesign@protonmail.com>; spkrryan <spkrryan@protonmail.com>; mpence <mpence@protonmail.com>

Chase, what the hell is this?

Jim: he’s NOT going to win. He’ll win Druge and whatever the fuck but that’s IT. Need to get this shit TOGETHER though. Are we really going to sell a gun??

Sent with ProtonMail

———–Original Message———-

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 10:12 PM UTC SAME

From patroldesign@protonmail.com

To: jhoppe@protonmail.com

Jatterholt <jatterholt@protonmail.com; spkrryan <spkrryan@protonmail.com>; mpence <mpence@protonmail.com>

Guys, my SCOTUS notes say “9 Scalias” literally. That’s it. What do you want it to say? What graphic do you want? That’s all you gave us.

This is place-holder stuff, folks. It’s just a work domain. We will migrate to real hosting and add flash and donation framework and security. This is just phase 1. Give me other stuff and we will rapidly integrate.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email

————Original Message————-

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 10:21 PM UTC SAME

From: jatterholt@protonmail.com

To: patrolddesign <patroldesign@protonmail.com>; Jhoppe <jhoppe@protonmail.com>; spkrryan <spkrryan@protonmail.com>; mpence <mpence@protonmail.com>


We’re working on the site. Okay? This was all last minute. In order to have a prayer of keeping Trump’s voters we need to promise them 100% Trump just without Trump. We discussed: we can sweep up the elephant’s cage later.

We go full Trump on launch. Clear Rule 9. Win the election. Then we can throw them a bone. Some high profile deportations or some shit.

Chase, get some intelligent copy in there. I’ll contact you on phone.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

……Original Message……….

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 10:51 PM

UTC Time: October 9, 2016 10:51 PM

From: mpence@protonmail.com

To: Jatterholt <jatterholt@protonmail.com>;

patrolddesign <patroldesign@protonmail.com>, Jhoppe <jhoppe@protonmail.com>; spkrryan <spkrryan@protonmail.com>>

he’s not losing. i’m getting calls.

Fischer wet her pants, she’s back on TT. Stand down. We’re going with plan B.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

NOTE: See email dated October 9, 2016 at 11:12 PM from Jatterholt to all involved here: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2016/10/plot-to-get-rid-of-trump-pence-ryan-2849579.html but he simply asks “what is plan b?”

5399e0  No.4223277

File: 24109545d001152⋯.jpg (47.63 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4207.JPG)

b1adfe  No.4223278

File: 50c965114592e7b⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, obama.mp4)


I have no idea. But let's archive offline.

My first thought is 'Too Good to be True". The way to test is to try to find the same video with different audio.

19dc0d  No.4223279

File: b16b0adbb5a82fe⋯.png (587.89 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, ClipboardImage.png)

5bb65f  No.4223280

File: 1c44e97e4d6bbde⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 👁️The Watchers👁️ on Twitte….mp4)

a07126  No.4223281


I miss Boy Meets World.

0fc359  No.4223282


You talk to much, man. Chill out.


>buzzkill bro strikes again

138ec1  No.4223283

4fc3fe  No.4223284


……Original Message……….

Subject: Re: Where are we??

Local Time: October 9, 2016 11:43 PM

UTC Time: October 9, 2016 11:43 PM

From: spkrryan@protonmail.com

To: Jatterholt <jatterholt@protonmail.com> mpence <mpence@protonmail.com>, patrolddesign <patroldesign@protonmail.com> Jhoppe <jhoppe@protonmail.com>

bimbo eruptions. clean all this up. take care of chase. keep the real domain. This never happened.




Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

From patroldesign@protonmail.com


To Me realtruenews@tutanota.com

Fw: Re: Where are we??

I don’t think ryan meant to copy me on that last email. I’m worried “Take care of” doesn’t mean *pay*. I’m going away until the end of the election. Please, please get the word out. You can use this email chain. I have moved the site to a back-up domain for evidence.

These guys were ASSHOLES.

The site is:



Pence and Ryan Coup Emails – MUST READ

I’m re-posting this information from some smart anons who did some research on what appears to be a coup in which Ryan was planning to take over the Republican nomination, with Pence on the ticket as VP, because they felt Trump would disintegrate after the second debate. Anyway, this appears to be the website created by Patrol Design for the Pence/Ryan GOP run: https:// pence-ryan2016.squarespace.com/

I’m going to simply cut and paste the information from the original anons because they found the information and I really believe more people need to read this. Below the anons’ copied posts, I have included the emails between Patrol Design members and Pence and Ryan, which can be found here:

www.scribd.com/document/327434951/Pence-Ryan-Coup-Email, but I have typed them as well. Wasn’t in a notable, but I think it should be. If the Wikileaks emails are found to corroborate these emails please add to this post.

321553  No.4223285


6” \/

55183a  No.4223286

kiss my ass TRAITOR



96cbdd  No.4223287

File: c21c55d81eb9323⋯.jpg (453.24 KB, 1270x646, 635:323, Screenshot_20181209-005956.jpg)


Think WE have a Nod

5399e0  No.4223288

File: d4203fb6217b072⋯.png (180.13 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4237.PNG)

811c48  No.4223289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why do you say this? The poor shnooks are being set up by the same banksters who set up the Germans, the same way, for the same reason: genocide.

f8d053  No.4223290

File: d3e1c9065a478b6⋯.png (18.33 KB, 67x109, 67:109, military dinner CBTS close….PNG)


Close up

23ea69  No.4223291

File: 3df4d160fb13184⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 255x139, 255:139, b74a9144707385e817a792a785….jpg)

5f8908  No.4223292


fake and gay

3a91df  No.4223293

File: ec45a177749c489⋯.jpeg (71.54 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, C8724B53-A490-4C85-BBF7-5….jpeg)


She seems nice

51a0e1  No.4223294

File: 6d2916f70a4ca3f⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 302x223, 302:223, valium.jpg)


Give Daniel 2 of these.

f7b60a  No.4223295

File: 2d83e0f07043f03⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 854x442, 427:221, Ginat pic.jpg)

Think Mirror

Projection? Mirror?

Project a reflection?


Do angels walk as flesh and bones?

Are you sure?

Remember who you are.

Remember where you are.

Find the mirror!

5f5afc  No.4223296

File: 17c9b03bcf19e5c⋯.jpeg (413.84 KB, 912x595, 912:595, 75A3BBD9-A581-4E7A-AEF2-A….jpeg)

Anons I came as fast as I could…

I fear the worst.

(Pic related)

383914  No.4223297


I would.

8653a8  No.4223298

File: e7bcde1e4252f5e⋯.png (55.11 KB, 326x488, 163:244, ClipboardImage.png)

5399e0  No.4223299

File: f63f2612634c1ae⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 373x521, 373:521, IMG_4238.JPG)

c59e94  No.4223300

File: 7aca22ce14e6158⋯.jpg (102.5 KB, 752x578, 376:289, gty_air_force_1_5_kb_15050….jpg)

File: b7ea2fe63b1cbbf⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 632x499, 632:499, iu.jpg)

59f0d0  No.4223301


Are these types of figure 8 patterns unusual?

Strikes me as too much of a coincidence that it is oriented exactly north-south…. i.e. exactly like a vertical 8.

Gotta be a call out.

edeed6  No.4223302

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

782ddf  No.4223303

File: eac397f63be9051⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 320x400, 4:5, santas fight.mp4)

Santa's fighting

a62812  No.4223304

File: 30a611ce25694f9⋯.png (43.2 KB, 1125x211, 1125:211, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: b3668234383d332⋯.png (133.4 KB, 767x788, 767:788, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 97536c8fa31e3f7⋯.png (126.76 KB, 732x722, 366:361, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 64ac308b6e25296⋯.png (143.88 KB, 761x800, 761:800, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: ba2de4ea8c3bd99⋯.png (96.94 KB, 803x586, 803:586, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Comey is a disgrace to the FBI, won't answer key questions on Clinton email scandal

Chris Swecker | Fox News

The appearance of fired and disgraced FBI Director James Comey before two congressional committees Friday is a reminder of his brief but profoundly disappointing tenure leading the FBI – the outstanding law enforcement agency where I served for 24 years.

Unfortunately, members of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee were unable to get satisfactory answers from Comey regarding his illegal actions and violations of longstanding FBI and Justice Department regulations and procedures.

The chairmen of the two committees released a 235-page transcript Saturday of their interview with Comey.

According to a statement issued by the office of Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Comey said “I don’t remember” 71 times, “I don’t know” 166 times, and “I don’t recall” eight times during his interview.

Comey flat-out refused to answer some questions dealing with the investigation now led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“To the extent, I recall facts developed during our investigation of Russian interference and the potential connection of Americans, I think that's a question that the FBI doesn't want me answering,” Comey said in response to a question.

Comey’s record of lawbreaking and violations dealt with prosecution judgments, media leaks, the theft of government records and the conduct of objective investigations.

It’s a tragedy is that Comey and his former inner circle – the now infamous troika of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page – have attempted to cloak themselves in the FBI’s rich tradition of fidelity, bravery, and integrity.


c18171  No.4223305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In keeping with a theme

Another French hottie getting touch with her inner Edith….

Nolwenn Leroy

99a32c  No.4223306

Old fags - look here. I've been rereading the crumbs and realized we have no resolution on JPB. The thread about him, still nothing of solid interest. But this came across my Tw_t today and raised my eyebrows…I know Spock is all about vibration and frequency, but I do not recall Mickey Hart talking about Tesla……

So…JPB and Jr get to tripping and talking, makes complete sense they'd be pontificating all of our known issues. Barlow is somehow a player with JO.

So I give you my eyes, and all of their lies

Please help them to learn as well as to see

Why the f Mickey Hart talking Tesla today?????


5f5afc  No.4223307

File: b25b908ac8a2f84⋯.jpeg (648.83 KB, 1127x1002, 1127:1002, F31BD73C-2813-43E4-90EB-E….jpeg)


Moozies are sweltering hot… inferno hawt

0fc359  No.4223308

File: 0ed760dcde3fa0c⋯.jpeg (17.17 KB, 480x297, 160:99, ClibpoardImage.jpeg)


Mmm, these cards are good. Keep em coming.

5399e0  No.4223309

File: 584eccf7e3db141⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 176x250, 88:125, IMG_4239.JPG)

812dbf  No.4223310

File: 694fb99328e2c8c⋯.jpeg (738.89 KB, 1242x1763, 1242:1763, 87FB9BAE-9D83-48CD-8F4B-4….jpeg)

File: 9548ca6ba1b82b8⋯.jpeg (243.24 KB, 1242x541, 1242:541, 9693EA91-4168-47C2-8E30-8….jpeg)

File: 12fcdff8886e75b⋯.jpeg (534.16 KB, 1242x1291, 1242:1291, ACA0357E-0990-4EF8-9423-B….jpeg)


42895d  No.4223311

File: ebd431fcb4facb9⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, ebd431fcb4facb919cbae1235f….jpg)

3a91df  No.4223312

File: 975a36e2621d787⋯.jpeg (256.04 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, CE8E10D5-3B37-4701-8A80-9….jpeg)


Me too…

2bbbb8  No.4223313

>>4222490 ( all PBs)

BTW all you bakers look alike kek



FISA isn't so much a sekrit court but a means of getting "permission to investigate" using normally illegal methods by presenting a judge with proof you have to do that or you won't be able to get all the evidence you need. There's rules (all of which were broken in Trump's case and likely many others..no oversight either which is vile)…the TRUMP FISA was approved because they showed the judge the half chan golden shower on Obama's bed with two hookers document…yep…SRSLY.

It's like police going to a judge to get a search warrant only more sekrit. It's not court…we have sekrit grand jurys where a prosecutor presents the evidence to a jury of 12 and the defense does NOT get to present any evidence…the prosecutor is trying to convince the jury to indict someone for crimes…presents the evidence..and the grand jury decides. Such proceedings are supposed to be sekrit because if the GJ decides NOT to indict the prosecutor can go back and try again with more digs…or let the case drop…but that rarely happens…a prosecutor can indict a ham sammich..so to speak…it's pretty easy to get a GJ to indict because the defense can't say jack.

34a464  No.4223314

File: f27a03241a867c0⋯.png (262.13 KB, 1280x844, 320:211, Screenshot_2018-12-09 Virt….png)



touch n go

811c48  No.4223315

File: 4d9c8f28a419825⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 206x226, 103:113, 3dec14f27b7dc1761b059f39c8….jpg)


God will get you Snipes.>>4222873

b36145  No.4223316

File: 1fe5e48be0ee8af⋯.png (74.86 KB, 1378x320, 689:160, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

94690a  No.4223317

File: b0643ddf206d8de⋯.jpg (30.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault-4.jpg)

cc1b26  No.4223318

File: 6bdea1b33411ea5⋯.png (208.48 KB, 1128x765, 376:255, 11wave3d.png)

File: 7b9121d932755ba⋯.png (544.58 KB, 1115x552, 1115:552, bsmusa.png)

Bart appears to be asleep right now.

59f0d0  No.4223319





(yeah maybe a stretch)

5bb65f  No.4223320

4fc3fe  No.4223321


I'm surprised that Trump would allow anyone to foist someone on him. Perhaps because he wanted to "keep his enemies closer."

And you may be right, Pence may have felt the winds could change direction. Or, maybe he felt he had no choice-offered a deal he couldn't refuse.

5cf003  No.4223322

File: 7764f66239f7eaf⋯.jpg (16.86 KB, 297x223, 297:223, waxman.jpg)

c59e94  No.4223323

File: a567fd09441fd73⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 434x444, 217:222, 6593d_Test_Squadron_-_Lock….jpg)

a6712a  No.4223324


I stand corrected and also see it is Calgary City Hall. Darn winnipeg news channel didn't label pic.

f8d053  No.4223325


don't have a lot of details yet but it seems she may be very important.

b36145  No.4223326

File: 7912a7fbf601432⋯.png (53.22 KB, 1916x164, 479:41, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

0fc359  No.4223327

File: a70db9b6a5bf0be⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 292x290, 146:145, 0bc2c7a93ccb3bc223202601e5….gif)


Here comes this crazy stuff again…

Nope nope nope nope nope, not today bro, not today….

0ff7e2  No.4223328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The most horrifying theories on mankind's existence

5. Robot Jesus

4. Brain in a vat - GZK pixelation

3. 4-d watchers - unseen, unknown

2. The Great Filter - Awakening?

1. That's all there is.

be16dd  No.4223329

File: 5d565801f8b8e2e⋯.jpg (187.44 KB, 1600x948, 400:237, THUGS headed to border 010….JPG)

well, well, well ~ C17s with THUGS## callsign headed to border toward CA ~ wonder how far along the border they'll spread?

b3cf8a  No.4223330


>Paid for a website and everything. Must have thought Trump would be taken out BEFORE the election.

1. Grabbing a memorable, targeted domain name is inexpensive, and so is PlaceHolder website/webserver. Best strategy is to acquire the domain.name early, even if not used.

2. What is the URL to this website?

c7fd89  No.4223331


It looks like we should keep watching both @PhillipeReines and @Scaramucci. They both seem to be actively engaging, and the real issue is Q. It looks like Scaramucci just recently retweeted the post from a few weeks ago about Reines having no pants on.

96cbdd  No.4223332

File: bd08f39b4b15bf9⋯.jpg (208.47 KB, 1279x682, 1279:682, Screenshot_20181209-010320.jpg)


Anyone know WHAT might be in this area? Tracks ard circling it or a straight line out of it once they are visible againagain.

de17e9  No.4223333

File: 8d5a2f4cffe050b⋯.png (52 KB, 705x251, 705:251, Screenshot 2018-12-09 at 1….png)

Why'd he have to drag weed into this?

4fc3fe  No.4223334


Didn't know Pence's best friend is Flake - Wow

da088a  No.4223335

File: 068da5f2604d2a6⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b98bd0bd1fe0cc6ac31c10f3a2….jpg)

b36145  No.4223336


i happened upon the post and just thought it was really cute

c89b76  No.4223337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't be so gullible and believe that bullshit

Steve Vai - Little green man - Academia de música Muzzik de Bilbao 2013

8653a8  No.4223338

File: be2b84367d9efd0⋯.png (639.44 KB, 715x553, 715:553, ClipboardImage.png)

cc1b26  No.4223339

File: a5096063f954ac2⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 905x448, 905:448, bsm.jpg)

59f0d0  No.4223340


My bad. Mixing up the real name (Nellie) with POTUS's name for her (Molly).

b722aa  No.4223341

File: 4584e33cbbd9aa8⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fast Times at Communist Hi….mp4)

HAHA soo funny Found on Twatter

2ac72d  No.4223342


> when Trump himself wanted Flynn as VP

At NO time did I ever see anything to indicate Flynn was under consideration for VP

Several others including Newt but never Flynn

55183a  No.4223343

communication is FUN!!!!!!!


42895d  No.4223344

File: aff351cf28a5b22⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 245x256, 245:256, yep.gif)

b1adfe  No.4223345


What is everyone's judgement of Cobertt Report?

Someone posted that last night. I watch all three parts and though it was pretty good. But a quick review of his other stuff makes me wonder. His first videos he made (11 years ago) suggest he's connected to the AJ/Corsi world.

adebc7  No.4223346

File: ec69af273f5dc85⋯.jpg (127.45 KB, 420x754, 210:377, trump_made_hemp_great_agai….jpg)


Quads confirm that these fools HATE weed and smoke crack and meth.


2c32bc  No.4223347

File: acf59edad70ecfc⋯.png (812.74 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_4545.png)


Quads of kek!

4fc3fe  No.4223348


Maybe this:


2bbbb8  No.4223349

File: 20a7f1479828d17⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 768x533, 768:533, tits3.jpg)

>>4222626 (lb)


>prove the docs come from that guy or that they're fake and gay, until then, keep kvetching that I'm a "new baker" faggot

How about this faggot…saw a baker handoff so you were a new baker at that moment…stop being so damn sensitive…and stop adding docs to the notables without a SOURCE…how's that. the other night we had a FOIA source….these documents have no source and asking for it…well…you can see…there's no source and no response upon asking for one…that outta mean something.

cc1b26  No.4223350


Can you skin bear?

2bbbb8  No.4223351


Only if he's ded.

edeed6  No.4223352

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

34a464  No.4223353

File: 5e3578d17bb5262⋯.jpg (169.57 KB, 547x550, 547:550, pepe canna dream.jpg)


all the cool kids are doing it

c4bd68  No.4223354


A native american boy asked his chief…" Chief, how do we get our names?" The chief responded, Well when a baby is born the parents open the teepee flap and the baby is named after the first thing they see… I am called Runningsquirrel for instance… Why do you ask Twodeerfucking?

ef169a  No.4223355
















4fc3fe  No.4223356


Just tried it, says website connection not secure.

df5e69  No.4223357

File: c8afb9a218f6d82⋯.jpg (112.77 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 170727083143-what-happened….jpg)

File: fa012a68d644282⋯.jpg (83.34 KB, 1387x2108, 1387:2108, ada431dcb9caddab68370e033a….jpg)

File: 0bb19085148a67d⋯.png (158.18 KB, 888x1340, 222:335, b21cd9b3d13f034542b8252442….png)

321553  No.4223358


Your power will be cut first, then your water.

ef169a  No.4223359

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>4222784 Possible source of FBI docs ( >>4222106 (lb) For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust)

>>4222787 Dig on Project on Forward Engagement continued

>>4222812, >>4222850, >>4223002 Wealthy owners able to fly with "military" designation to avoid customs inspection (2-XXXX planes)

>>4222815 Syria Update

>>4222863 Ukraine paratroopers wore SS insignias

>>4222910, >>4223100 Italian priest will close his church to protest based Matteo Salvini

>>4222942, >>4223228 Women accuse famous Brazil spiritual 'healer' of sex abuse

>>4223017 223 terrorists killed in Jammu&Kashmir this year, highest in 8 years

>>4223027 Moar Philip Reines bitching

>>4223041 New Ben Garrison

>>4223056 C_A control over the MSM

>>4223104 Light sentance for one of the largest CP busts

>>4223142 Declassified papers on CIA’s 'mind control' research

>>4223259 "Wickedness of Wonderland"

>>4223274 Moar on Comey's confirmation Lisa Page and Peter Strzok helped with the exoneration letter

Planefag updates:































cc1b26  No.4223360


Cackle -

BRB and then then jump through window.

895211  No.4223361


Didn't they write books on all this warning us a long time ago?

Animal Farm


Fahrenheit 451

a6712a  No.4223362


Great find article confirms location https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-yellow-vest-protests-1.4938333

(I was fooled by the flag looks like Manitoba in the pic, kek)

8653a8  No.4223363

File: d6f5eac24393acc⋯.png (53.57 KB, 698x923, 698:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 882fe626b48e43a⋯.png (55.82 KB, 703x889, 703:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b93a32f08003a0⋯.png (21.39 KB, 700x370, 70:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Shell Oil Executive Boasts That His Company Influenced the Paris Agreement

Shell oil helped write the Paris climate agreement, according to a top Royal Dutch Shell executive.

They’re also the world’s ninth-largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions.

The executive, Shell’s Chief Climate Change Adviser David Hone, made his comments at the international climate change conference COP 24 on Friday. Hone was candid about just how much of a hand his company — through their involvement with the International Emissions Trading Association — had in writing the Paris agreement.

The agreement is the centerpiece of the conference in Poland, where delegates are trying to draft a rulebook for how to implement it. IETA is a business lobby comprised of corporations including fossil fuel producers that pushes for “market-based climate solutions,” including at United Nations climate talks.

To hear him tell it, their involvement has been wildly successful. “We have had a process running for four years for the need of carbon unit trading to be part of the Paris agreement. We can take some credit for the fact that Article 6 [of the Paris agreement] is even there at all,” Hone said at an IETA side event within the Katowice, Poland, conference center. “We put together a straw proposal. Many of the elements of that straw proposal appear in the Paris agreement. We put together another straw proposal for the rulebook, and we saw some of that appear in the text.”

Jesse Bragg, communications director for Corporate Accountability, told me, “In some ways, I’m pretty thankful that Shell was so honest about what many campaigners have been saying for a long time: that the very corporations that created this crisis are at the table and writing the supposed solutions for getting us out of it.”

Under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, only state actors can officially negotiate over the text of climate agreements, including the Paris agreement. Unions, civil society groups, and corporations can be observers to that process.

Hone added that he’s been “chatting with some of the delegations” and that the “the [European Union’s] position is not that different from how Shell sees this.”


5bb65f  No.4223364


I would never turn my back on you.

you describe betrayal as being savvy.

2bbbb8  No.4223365

File: 91f570ebf3d2aa2⋯.png (512.99 KB, 768x409, 768:409, joint.png)


>The Most High Does Things


4fc3fe  No.4223366


No, I don't - sauce on that?

cc1b26  No.4223367

File: ea59e04b4db3c17⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 905x448, 905:448, bsmEQwaves.jpg)

BART Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23ea69  No.4223368

File: 77274b03ec24cdc⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 601x900, 601:900, c69f9da9bb8b3becc442066678….jpg)

f740be  No.4223369


hassert connect to both

842792  No.4223370


These people truly are sick. There is now doubting anymore.

8653a8  No.4223371

File: 8f911114563ebea⋯.png (773.09 KB, 733x470, 733:470, ClipboardImage.png)

World in state of transformation, Russia needs to keep up - Putin

MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/. The world is a state of transformation and Russia should do its best not to lag behind, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a congress of the United Russia party on Saturday.

"The world on the whole is in a state of transformation. It is a very powerful and dynamically evolving transformation. Given we fail to find a way around in due time, given we fail to grasp in due time what and how we need to act, we might always end up in lagging behind," the Russian president said.

"It is a very dramatic situation in the history of our country. This dramatic situation is unfolding across the world as well as in our fate," he noted.

The United Russia party should employ its legislative and administrative potential and its human resources to unite and consolidate the citizens and to find solutions to nationwide problems, Putin concluded.


c3b163  No.4223372

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)


Oh my… A clown called me "a jew". What ever shall i do.

2bbbb8  No.4223373


WTF The earth is flat? I'VE BEEN LIED TO!

b36145  No.4223374

>>4223337 so anon's love isn't here? :/

kek this green man video

3b638d  No.4223375

File: 143d92ceadc3dcf⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 565x425, 113:85, pepe-smoke-high-pepe.jpg)


Check them nice digits man!

05e08e  No.4223376


I met Vai after a show once and asked him how much acid it took to write 'Little Green Men'. He just smiled. kek

cc1b26  No.4223377

Mach 5.4

4,000 MPH

jumping DUMBS in a single bound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

52a99a  No.4223378


Quads confirm, smoke it if ya got it!

d3f267  No.4223379


take to next bread, what area is it?

59f0d0  No.4223380

File: 73d5aa3b7b39ab4⋯.png (14.3 KB, 324x401, 324:401, ClipboardImage.png)



I think this is the flag in the pic.


Pre-1965 flag.

c59e94  No.4223381

File: ddf7c0a52fb388a⋯.jpg (268.93 KB, 805x554, 805:554, forest.jpg)

File: 48ab6361502d55d⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 400x271, 400:271, LITTLE JOHN.jpg)

55183a  No.4223382


i am who i am


see red counties and decide who gets food

it's hamonious wth WIN


23ea69  No.4223383


weed is for losers

842792  No.4223384


Nice artwork! KEK!

51a0e1  No.4223385

42895d  No.4223386

File: 8bb7efcb362f14a⋯.png (221.36 KB, 694x401, 694:401, ead06a413eaa15ffbe6e224f2b….png)

aa9320  No.4223387

File: 6bb41b60223cc38⋯.jpg (170.46 KB, 632x570, 316:285, 1b49a406af76b257d6f1158239….jpg)


>Guess we're all high then


4eb8ba  No.4223388


Yeah ok bud

52a99a  No.4223389

4fc3fe  No.4223390


Yeah, he kinda did.

782ddf  No.4223391

File: 7a2999314233179⋯.png (131.19 KB, 594x559, 594:559, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at ….png)

These don't work well on Twatter.

8bde68  No.4223392


Happy, carefree, healthy losers

5cf003  No.4223393

File: bde6894c365714f⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 600x315, 40:21, obama-getting-high-bloodsh….jpg)

04f018  No.4223394


Women are hairy. There is this sick trend to make women look like kids. It's OK once a woman hits 50 or so, the hair starts to back off.

Then again mabe in this case it's the soi boi syndrome with women….becoming more masculine while men become more feminine.

2bbbb8  No.4223395

File: a20d0a3d3c099d2⋯.jpg (81.25 KB, 1133x834, 1133:834, palestine loss of land.jpg)


Any of you mapfags able to take (pic related) and somehow show the land theft of Syria also? Cause that's the whole reason they went after Assad…the pipeline he refused to let pass through Syria…and snatching back that land…SRSLY…all those people died…ISIS..all those fucking refugees….

for a pipeline and some acreage. The worst people on earth.

34a464  No.4223396

File: 95dbfe81e05dec7⋯.jpeg (22.63 KB, 340x462, 170:231, champion.jpeg)


you misspelled champions

b3cf8a  No.4223397


No SSL cert. So just a dummy server sitting there doing nothing.

59f0d0  No.4223398


Does a horizontal orientation work better?

(Not why I did it that way, wanted to get the caption at the bottom too.)


aa9320  No.4223399

File: 959d6a2d4a15dd2⋯.jpg (105.72 KB, 512x512, 1:1, _di4tr5d5ukk.jpg)

6dfc9b  No.4223400


Don't feed the Trolls.

Don't feed the Shills.

and whatever you do, don't feed Freddy

321553  No.4223401


No go bag huh?

57c81d  No.4223402

File: 8339719afcdb420⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 800x578, 400:289, merchreal.jpg)

File: faacc9997e9e554⋯.png (389.97 KB, 825x563, 825:563, merchtootsnaime.PNG)

File: efe407a78d98b98⋯.jpg (322.14 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, merchsoup.jpg)

File: 8430f65c5b7d7ce⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 1012x591, 1012:591, merchmagic.jpg)

File: bcf16ca53242963⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 600x410, 60:41, merchmigrants.jpg)

>> 4223270

<Flat earth fuckery.

Kike projecting onto shillmates in TelAviv

when will you realize that you blow your WAD instantly when you use the term muhjew you stupid fucking HOMOKIKEPEDOSHILL ASSRIMMINERRABBIFELCHER?

a6712a  No.4223403


ThanQ I should visit Calgary

ef169a  No.4223404

File: cd06bb861085c39⋯.jpg (325.17 KB, 473x775, 473:775, trumpdubs.jpg)

2ac72d  No.4223405


>weed is for losers

Medical Marijuana will be the norm instead of big pharma in 5-7 years or less

7ffc06  No.4223406

File: 7970b0e2245b768⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepestoned.jpg)

4fc3fe  No.4223407


Actually, when I first went to the site, there were nice photos of him and Pence and I don't remember what else.

5399e0  No.4223408

File: 34721390528867c⋯.jpg (78.63 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4241.JPG)

c89b76  No.4223409


It reminds me of some of Frank Zappa's style

de17e9  No.4223410


MSM stories tomorrow…..

Qanon: The Conspiracy of Stoners

cc1b26  No.4223411

File: 2dfe3e20a43e818⋯.png (42.21 KB, 350x262, 175:131, SDquiet.png)

South Dakota

it is quiet

too quiet,

4fc3fe  No.4223412


At the time I didn't know how to use snipping tool. Unfortunate.

b1926c  No.4223413


Try tossing in some whitespace left and right to make the whole image wider.. I think proper twitter dimensions are listed in the top of the memes bread

811c48  No.4223414


He packs a lot of truth into short movies. It isn't conclusive, books are better and the source is best. Don't think he ripped AJ a new * yet but he would if he put him under the scope he uses on everything else.

76c035  No.4223415


That's Hilary Rhoda.

c59e94  No.4223416

File: e690fe9cf3559a6⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 1078x638, 49:29, iur.jpg)

782ddf  No.4223417


I will use the bottom horizontal one.

8653a8  No.4223418


Greater Israel project was the reason they went after Syria pipeline was part of that.

There are some Golan maps showing such I've seen I'll have a look

51a0e1  No.4223419


Sounds better than Conspiracy of Whackjobs. Kek.

238aec  No.4223420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5399e0  No.4223421

File: 06da3c49b4dc872⋯.jpg (70.03 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4242.JPG)

1b4354  No.4223422


Hart and Weir = members of Bohemian Grove

c7fd89  No.4223423


From the graphic above.

It looks like Reines is coming really close to asking the

de17e9  No.4223424


I started smoking in 2016….it's

the only reason I can sleep in this timeline

383914  No.4223425


Prolly coke heads who love to hear themselves blether.

c89b76  No.4223426


Cover of the Rolling Stones kek

5399e0  No.4223427

File: 4fd0460e3e6319b⋯.jpg (62.41 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4248.JPG)

File: e4def547c94974e⋯.jpg (67.6 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4249.JPG)

File: fa9ddfbc6114a80⋯.jpg (62.08 KB, 376x500, 94:125, IMG_4250.JPG)

80ae37  No.4223428


There is also the push for steroids for women for a varied of reasons, inhalers, behavior drugs, ect that cause women to develop more hair …

2bbbb8  No.4223429

File: 42bb19d02235a17⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 500x374, 250:187, missing link.jpg)



Yes yes he is..>Barr covered up Johnny Gosch (something I didn't know until last bread doc drop)…which was related to the Franklin Coverup…which does not bode well…at all…unless he's too is getting enough rope.

And fuckitol I can't remember which bread…and I failed to save it…because..pic related.

8653a8  No.4223430

File: 9fad545e7a04b74⋯.png (681.13 KB, 1148x501, 1148:501, ClipboardImage.png)



3b638d  No.4223431

File: 0494a7b6b314f4b⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, TwitterShape.jpg)



Have this template if that helps?

842792  No.4223432


Now that is classic

f7b60a  No.4223433


Yes, you are correct. Jesus is the Jewish Mesiah and I seek Jesus and accept him as Meshiah.

Who is Jewish but he who accepts the Jewish Mesiah?

Christians are following the true Jewish religion.

Most just don't know who they really are.

But a rose by any other name…

c7fd89  No.4223434

File: 1a600da795c6ba0⋯.png (340.57 KB, 701x3948, 701:3948, PRQ.png)



Screwed that up.

I was saying that Reines was coming really close to asking the Q here.

5399e0  No.4223435

File: d46d31738582c38⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4244.JPG)

55183a  No.4223436


anon if you sit in a city on a map SURROUNDED by red votes?

move or have dried food and water forever…

These fucks will NOT give in to save you

they will EAT you

just sayin'


80ae37  No.4223437


Wishful thinking….

ef169a  No.4223438

27299d  No.4223439

>>4222049 lb in notables

" they never thought she would lose"

If it was early 2016that Obama was suppose to pull the trigger on detaining, and transporting us to holding camps ( death camps) …that would be year 7 of obamas presidency… Very biblical. He was who " everybody" loved for 7 years. The MSM, and lefties loved him and made id seem like the whole world wanted to suck his dick..and Obama for 7 years- smiles and good feel words. Was he the antichrist? And WE/Q/Patriots fucked their shit ALL UP?

With all this crazy going around, i wouldnt be surprised if that was true.

Either way, thank GOD we are in this reality!

fe68f7  No.4223440


Okay, I am following your drift. A few thoughts:

1. The alleged email on scribd was posted by realtruenews.org. I have never read anything by them and cannot speak to their credibility. But I do have to say the "real" and "true" seems overkill; like they're trying too hard to be perceived as honest news. Plus, don't two positives make a negative?

2. The emails are all proton accounts, which is allegedly secure. That's what we plebes are led to believe, anyway. But I would think such higher ups would have a more secure email system than proton. Heck, wouldn't Pence at least have his own server? Not sure. Just seems odd that they all use proton. But waddaiknow.

3.) Still, I have never gotten a good vibe from Pence. Even when he smiles there's something just. not. right. IDK Let's just say muh feels could go with him being DS. Plus it wouldn't be the first time in history a VP was set up to step up when P was exterminated.


91aee3  No.4223441


it parked, but kept showing altitude readings up to 10,000 feet. THUG 12 & THUG13 went to the opposite corner to park.

another train of THUGS approaching L.A., and THUG81 is drawing squiggly lines.

95ad6a  No.4223442

File: e69f34c4b3e1f5a⋯.png (212.74 KB, 665x669, 665:669, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: e32443d6081ee1b⋯.png (396.08 KB, 656x906, 328:453, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)


Revealing how FF happens at school shootings?


238aec  No.4223443

File: 2005ac7c82d1b33⋯.png (442.8 KB, 422x526, 211:263, ClipboardImage.png)

2ac72d  No.4223444


>I started smoking in 2016….it's

>the only reason I can sleep in this timeline

Medical use has really come so far with the various strains

Very precise and effective for so many ailments

c18171  No.4223445



You missed this one

811c48  No.4223446

All I want for XMAS is justice for every single person. Same thing every year.

f740be  No.4223447

File: 25a888df8bbb4d5⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 5616x3444, 468:287, bb1.jpg)


A classic on the board. Have my favs anon.

ee6a1a  No.4223448

File: 5b6271237e46980⋯.png (3.61 MB, 5149x3693, 5149:3693, nancypelosi .png)

File: 93dda28716dbfd5⋯.jpg (145.08 KB, 1170x933, 390:311, Nancy_Pelosi_0009_3-1170x9….jpg)

File: 68bf20fe534efcb⋯.jpg (566.28 KB, 3000x2240, 75:56, nancy-pelosi-paul-ryan-hou….jpg)

might as well get a start for next year

96cbdd  No.4223449

File: c07df8907e76b77⋯.jpg (499.89 KB, 770x1115, 154:223, Screenshot_20181209-011626.jpg)


Thugs 81 doing an EKG EEG? Pattern while on descent

Have some other than the flight crew alive?

842792  No.4223450


Evidence of evolution?

383914  No.4223451


Yeah, he had Vai in his band in the 80s.

5399e0  No.4223452

File: b23cb777c3e8197⋯.jpg (75.19 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4243.JPG)

File: a55581ba89f7f0c⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4245.JPG)

File: 5240d8ed72960a9⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4246.JPG)

File: 2e947b0f8f5ab77⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4247.JPG)

c18171  No.4223453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paris is Burning and so is Macron’s Political Future!!!

3a91df  No.4223454


Hope Hicks fag,

as in this hick hopes to frolic in the hayloft with her.

I would say he might even have some ass in his hand in that pic. Definitely lower back well below most femfags comfy.

de17e9  No.4223455


I can't wait until it is legal here.

It would be great to have a choice of strains

ef169a  No.4223456


>>4222784 Possible source of FBI docs ( >>4222106 (lb) For digs: FBI report on Five Star Trust)

>>4222787 Dig on Project on Forward Engagement continued

>>4222812, >>4222850, >>4223002 Wealthy owners able to fly with "military" designation to avoid customs inspection (2-XXXX planes)

>>4222815 Syria Update

>>4222863 Ukraine paratroopers wore SS insignias

>>4222910, >>4223100 Italian priest will close his church to protest based Matteo Salvini

>>4222942, >>4223228 Women accuse famous Brazil spiritual 'healer' of sex abuse

>>4223017 223 terrorists killed in Jammu&Kashmir this year, highest in 8 years

>>4223027 Moar Philip Reines bitching

>>4223041 New Ben Garrison

>>4223056 C_A control over the MSM

>>4223104 Light sentance for one of the largest CP busts

>>4223142 Declassified papers on CIA’s 'mind control' research

>>4223259 "Wickedness of Wonderland"

>>4223274 Moar on Comey's confirmation Lisa Page and Peter Strzok helped with the exoneration letter

>>4223438 Yuge Planefag Bun

>>4223442 Student were not told it was a drill during an active shooter alert

4fc3fe  No.4223458



No I didn't Regan had Bush forced on him? Was that in the news at the time?

5399e0  No.4223459


76c035  No.4223460


You posted a picture of swimsuit model Hilary Rhoda.

321553  No.4223461


Conservatives don’t eat contaminated liberals dumb shit…

af45db  No.4223462


Look how easy it is to trigger these wasted pot heads. I bet they would ditch Trump in a hot minute if the dems promised to legalize







4fc3fe  No.4223463


Yes, I only recently learned that.

51a0e1  No.4223464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This be scrolling music

5399e0  No.4223466

File: aafd4c93fdac8ac⋯.jpg (236.84 KB, 1517x800, 1517:800, IMG_4199.JPG)

File: 90711dab3d79a33⋯.jpg (19.02 KB, 195x255, 13:17, F73CF22F-3B55-4562-BFFC-CD….jpg)

File: 9e1a60fc7130108⋯.jpg (256.28 KB, 1594x800, 797:400, IMG_4201.JPG)

5cf003  No.4223467

File: 8dbb82fa8945f5c⋯.png (167.98 KB, 800x486, 400:243, Hope-Hicks.png)

b36145  No.4223468

File: e109adf1a5ed52c⋯.png (56.52 KB, 814x374, 37:17, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: d76340942ebfaab⋯.png (344.96 KB, 2326x554, 1163:277, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: bde7b10456d1eeb⋯.png (57.02 KB, 1654x170, 827:85, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: a34579f5cdc8fb5⋯.png (798.34 KB, 2230x830, 223:83, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

File: 874737cca8e0305⋯.png (51.57 KB, 1916x134, 958:67, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at ….png)

f7b60a  No.4223469

Find The Mirror

How can you see the reflection if they are hiding the mirror?

The mirror is all around you.

In so many ways, YOU are the mirror.

..let us make man in our own image."

Image? Reflection? MIRROR?

You have more than you know.

b9c672  No.4223471

So, are the kids ready yet to sit down around the, big boys, table and get along with each other? Yet? Or do they need more convincing

383914  No.4223473


Pills kill. How many you on?

4fc3fe  No.4223475


They did have a website and I did see it before it was taken down.

a359db  No.4223477


what is this in reference to?

8653a8  No.4223478



Baker this is notable

4fc3fe  No.4223479



ef169a  No.4223480


please repost

b9c672  No.4223481

Or do they all need more convincing?

f740be  No.4223482


Grateful Dead CIA experiments.

2ac72d  No.4223483



> I bet they would ditch Trump in a hot minute if the dems promised to legalize

You are just a buffoon

I am not a pothead for acknowledging that medical marijuana is useful

You are just a shill or ignorant


8653a8  No.4223484

55183a  No.4223485


yeah cause conservatives dominate cities weirdo…

reads again MIGHT get it…


76c035  No.4223487

File: bca99b72535511e⋯.png (60.16 KB, 758x631, 758:631, 317.png)



51a0e1  No.4223488


They call themselves dead heads for nothing.

5bb65f  No.4223489

File: 3758afa39d13468⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 236x188, 59:47, 512fac28854c1deb05f6915026….jpg)

File: df688ed348ee229⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 236x193, 236:193, ede2ae29b78fde60ccb62b2909….jpg)


I have no idea who I am.

They sure don't.

383914  No.4223490


Yes, it was well-known.

2bbbb8  No.4223491



KEK no you don't…you can "own" your three million dollar house and fail to pay property taxes on it and that hosue won't be yours…I've seen people lose their houses over amounts that a collection jar at the gas station would pay off.

You own jack…you don't own the software you buy…and they're trying to make sure you don't even own your phones….dream on…pay off that 60k but get in an accident the week after? You'll discover how much of that car you "owned" a year old? NO matter, here's a check for 35 and STFU.

We get screwed every single day in every single way.

How many of you have health care you can't use…how about a 450 a month premium with a 16k deductible….26k income…26-16=10-450x12=5400 which leaves exactly ???to live on.

WTAF would ANYONE pay that kind of money to the 3rd leading cause of death in USA?

5399e0  No.4223492

File: 8335e361dd14287⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 375x524, 375:524, IMG_4210.JPG)

File: 0da8c62fdbbf365⋯.png (164.49 KB, 500x823, 500:823, IMG_4211.PNG)

File: 75d09cce431da0a⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 373x521, 373:521, IMG_4222.JPG)

4fc3fe  No.4223494


Not sure it was taken down. Another Anon said no SSL certificate.

3a91df  No.4223495

File: 9e53a1fab7f1e0e⋯.jpeg (155.16 KB, 1920x1541, 1920:1541, 9AF83790-59F3-402F-B4B6-F….jpeg)

File: c5c8602466001e5⋯.jpeg (77.13 KB, 444x666, 2:3, 832D11C3-1FA0-47BC-9EC9-D….jpeg)


Well then here is another one.

Damn Hilary Rhoda is bangin…

guess i’ll #walkaway

b1adfe  No.4223496


Airplanes don't actually fly like that. It's error in transponder positioning or bug in the software somewhere.

af45db  No.4223497


>anyone who doesn't worship the pot leaf must be a shill

383914  No.4223498


Well, demoncrats dont like legal pot because they like the police state.

cc1b26  No.4223499

File: cdf111b44aafaa9⋯.png (188.61 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, eqnada.png)


is asleep

but don't trust USGS.


321553  No.4223500


I guess you will starve, or eat your own… at your own peril…

2bbbb8  No.4223501


>Aren't royals at a wedding or something?

KEK rumor has it Markel is getting a free helicopter ride…

42895d  No.4223502


Please do. I'll #WalkUp

383914  No.4223503


I watched them wheel Reagan into the hospital.

2e8b3f  No.4223504


Promises mean nothing to a Man of Action

5399e0  No.4223505

File: e05396488879278⋯.jpg (13.66 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 51E4219C-78AF-412C-B9DF-51….jpg)

File: c57fc2d4b4160d2⋯.png (239.75 KB, 375x523, 375:523, 4776C078-E732-4D97-9183-11….png)

File: a77d241b9df6f1c⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 373x521, 373:521, 5D16AB32-572E-46DB-886D-5B….jpg)

cc1b26  No.4223506

Mach 4.5 bitch

You try it.

c7fd89  No.4223507

File: dd74cdf941ef8e8⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2040x1475, 408:295, Qnoose.jpg)


Remember this?

2bbbb8  No.4223508


>high-wealth owners able to fly with "military" designation and avoid most customs inspection. They can also remove their planes from the tracker.

55183a  No.4223509


BUT… will not happen…



4fc3fe  No.4223510


No, don't mean I didn't know Regan shot, didn't know Bush had anything to do with it.

2ac72d  No.4223512


>Pills kill. How many you on?

I see I say medical is effective and now I am on pills

So here's my response

Don't drink / don't smoke / zero medications including no over the counter like advil etc

Vegetarian / worst vice is coffee sometimes

And I support medical marijuana for those who need it

ef169a  No.4223513

File: 099e8a233178527⋯.png (102.02 KB, 540x493, 540:493, 1543800668949.png)

238aec  No.4223514

File: c70a2aadc683343⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 201x320, 201:320, wavy.and.jer.jpg)


Jerry was awesome though..

a6a816  No.4223515


unofficial sr71 8+

3a91df  No.4223516

File: 11b1732e3ab056f⋯.jpeg (65.12 KB, 640x478, 320:239, 57C541D3-72C4-4E0B-A3D2-F….jpeg)

cc1b26  No.4223517

then try mach 4.5 subterranean LMAO

5399e0  No.4223518

File: 06456dab49dfff5⋯.jpg (39.27 KB, 719x363, 719:363, IMG_0650.JPG)

File: b2b1a8ea625cfde⋯.jpg (59.51 KB, 960x638, 480:319, IMG_0651.JPG)

File: 0ec2b80ca13e56c⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 255x253, 255:253, IMG_0652.JPG)

File: de9ca8ab44e4c84⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 499x499, 1:1, IMG_0653.JPG)

File: c0fe49bbc6e40df⋯.jpg (92.41 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, IMG_0658.JPG)

e7831d  No.4223519


hahahahaha I love that you capitalized "Man of Action", you sound like Ron Burgundy.

321553  No.4223520


You’ll need a spork…

fe68f7  No.4223521


I remember back in the late 90's I was a y2k prepper. Spent a lot of time on survival sites and learned a lot so I don't regret any time or money spent. But during this time I distinctly remember reading on a "conspiracy" site about the pipeline. There was a map and the article showed in detail which countries would have to be occupied in order for the pipeline to go through. (Remember, this was late 90's.)

The article said first the US would occupy Afghanistan. Then, Iraq. Last would be Syria.

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