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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

348e19  No.4062183

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.25.18

>>4031007 ————————————–——– Border Security = National Security

>>4030351 ————————————–——– [Koala]

>>4029544 rt >>4029281 -————————– Re_read drops re: WARNINGS

>>4029281 ————————————–——– Everything stated has a purpose.

Tuesday 11.20.18

>>3980392 rt >>3980302 -————————– Think D5

>>3980302 ————————————–——– People are nervous

>>3979646 ————————————–——– Item used when walking a dog?

>>3978509 ————————————–——– Attacks on WHITAKER will only intensify

>>3978190 ————————————–——– [D]ec 5

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

Compiled here: >>4003444

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

348e19  No.4062192


are not endorsements


>>4062093 Obama touts climate change legacy then takes credit for US oil boom.

>>4061521 Trump hiring Acosta is a 4D chess move to bring pedophiles to the MSM spotlight?

>>4061961 Trump: Good US-Saudi relations are important for Israel.

>>4061936 Cari Tuna dig.

>>4061711, >>4061785 Reminder: Biden withheld loan guarantees in exchange for the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor.

>>4061708 HRC's speaking tour opens with 83% empty seats and coughing fits.

>>4061692 European gas stations out of diesel: French refinery strike deepens crisis.

>>4061523 FLOTUS packs popcorn into Red Cross bags.

>>4061497 Trump and Xi to meet for dinner saturday in pivotal moment for trade war.

>>4061489 Trump’s Ambassador: Britain first in line for ‘ambitious’ trade deal if you manage to leave the EU.

>>4061508 Kremlin: Putin, Trump to discuss bilateral ties, disarmament on December 1.

>>4061539 U.N. reaffirms refugees' right to seek asylum in U.S.

>>4062111 #5169


>>4061309 Trump says that he’s willing to shut down the government if he doesn’t get $5 billion for a wall.

>>4061282 China is making their own CERN.

>>4061224 Julian Assange's lawyer has been shut down on Twitter.

>>4061203 US Fed chairman hints at higher rates following Trump attack.

>>4061197 Putin: ‘Kiev would get away even with eating babies’.

>>4061060, >>4061123 10 Accused gang members charged in celebrity burglaries and anon's theory on the timing.

>>4061101 Planefag: B52s and A10s location spoofing in Texas.

>>4061065, >>4061097 Antifa member charged for assault of Marine reservists.

>>4061064 ‘Nobody in my administration got indicted’: Obama speaks at Baker Institute gala.

>>4061063 WH Tweet: Immigration loopholes and human trafficking.

>>4060787 Firms and ships under investigation in link to illegal North Korean trade

>>4060878 Trump's 25:25 delta from this morning's tweets.

>>4060839 GE Capital, General Electric's financial unit involved in healthcare insurance, is giving GE major trouble.

>>4060810 Ground collapse detected after North Korea's nuclear test last year.

>>4060755, >>4060800 Miami Herald publishes story on Epstein.

>>4060703, >>4060750 Reminder: Q drop 850 and associated CIA document.

>>4060673 Italy will not sign UN Migration Pact.

>>4061399 #5168


>>4060578 Miami Herald dropped a big story on Epstein today.

>>4060574 Jack Dorsey Sells 103,035 Shares ($6.4mil) of Square, Inc. (SQ) Stock.

>>4060474 Clinton dodges question on 2020 bid.

>>4060472 300 signs = 300 Dem operatives signing ballots?

>>4060447 Pompeo delivers closed-door briefing on Saudi Arabia and Yemen stakeout to US Senators.

>>4060407 Coordinated effort at NC State for sanctuary campus status.

>>4059904 Strange Earthquake waves on 11.11.18 recorded on a 17 second repeat

>>4060346, >>4060347 DJT Tweet: "Steel Dynamics announced that it will build a brand new 3 million ton steel..."

>>4060157, >>4060434 Explosion near chemical plant in China kills 23.

>>4060115 Melania livestream.

>>4060136 More details on "Operation Surprise Party."

>>4060051 Hackers are using leaked NSA hacking tools to quietly hijack thousands of computers.

>>4059996 MIS press conference live.

>>4060627 #5167

Previously Collected Notables

>>4058196 #5165, >>4059880 #5166, >>4059880 #5166

>>4056707 #5162, >>4058805 #5163, >>4058194 #5164

>>4054429 #5159, >>4055192 #5160, >>4057090 #5161

>>4052069 #5156, >>4052881 #5157, >>4053660 #5158

>>4049393 #5153, >>4050466 #5154, >>4051314 #5155

>>4047440 #5150, >>4048198 #5151, >>4048943 #5152

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

348e19  No.4062195

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>4034533

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

348e19  No.4062196

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

348e19  No.4062206

File: 117481f0aefd1f7⋯.png (75.47 KB, 332x205, 332:205, obamazuck.png)



b4cbcf  No.4062213

File: 68e8bd416dbe165⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1111x808, 11:8, bimmy.png)

File: ed45b1bbec54123⋯.png (885.76 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, good-morning.png)

File: 4714c2d0e71a66f⋯.png (344.83 KB, 599x449, 599:449, boopsie.png)

File: ff7f3e1d51996d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, Niagra-Falls-vacation-pic-….png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

b4cbcf  No.4062216

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

b4cbcf  No.4062226

File: 9d028e2a2328857⋯.png (718.13 KB, 909x605, 909:605, jjimy.png)

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

1ab577  No.4062227

File: 983fdb72781d60d⋯.png (571 KB, 1267x519, 1267:519, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Morg….png)

File: 86097eae38c0372⋯.png (502.04 KB, 1014x588, 169:98, d.png)

File: 04bae2f1483b950⋯.png (490.17 KB, 760x428, 190:107, hville-760x428.png)

File: a3836547ba3a595⋯.png (722.16 KB, 1267x519, 1267:519, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Gree….png)

File: 4cd4a18342c2b9c⋯.jpg (38.29 KB, 718x260, 359:130, DJs48IWXcAAWWMy.jpg)

Pandaheadmorgan director of acreativedc helped out with artwork for comet ping pong. This abandoned building was renovated by #acreativedc.

8f79a6  No.4062238

File: 03cb1718242cc51⋯.png (526.56 KB, 662x366, 331:183, ClipboardImage.png)


11th round of Astana meeting on settling crisis in Syria kicks off

In statements to journalists, head of the Russian delegation, Russian President’s Special Envoy to Syria Alexander Lavrentiev stressed that participants in the current round of Astana meeting will discuss a number of issues including the situation in Idleb and the return of the displaced Syrians to their homeland, in addition to combating terrorism and the situation related to the committee which will discuss the current constitution.


Putin, Erdogan discuss situation in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed in a phone conversation with Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan the situation in Syria.

The Kremlin said in a statement on Wednesday that “It has been agreed to beef up joint efforts aimed at the implementation of a memorandum on stabilizing the situation in Idlib, signed in Sochi on September 17, including the fight against terror groups.”


Lavrov calls on international community to accelerate finding political solution to crisis in Syria

“We informed our partners in Switzerland on the Russian efforts with other guarantor states (Iran and Turkey) in the framework of Astana process with the aim of finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria through developing dialogue among various Syrian parties,” said Lavrov.

Lavrov indicated that “a new round of Astana talks began today and it will last for two days”, hoping that this round will achieve further advance in terms of the political settlement in Syria.

Lavrov called on the international community to provide further support for accelerating the return of the displaced Syrians to their home country following the necessary conditions adopted by the Syrian government to facilitate their return.


YPG Cells Destroy Several Military Vehicles In Afrin With IEDs And ATGMs

(YPG) announced that its cells destroyed a vehicle of the Turkish-backed Hamza Division on a road between the city of Afrin and the town of Basuta with an Improvised explosive device (IED). As a result of the attack, which took place on November 26, four militants were killed and two others were injured.

Hours after the first attack, members of the YPG destroyed a vehicle of the Levant Front, which is also backed by Turkey, in the village of Gubele near Afrin with an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). The attack killed a militant who was standing next to the targeted vehicle.


Syrian Army Thwarts Attack, Kills Several Al-Qaeda Militants In Northern Lattakia

On November 27, the “Wa Harid al-Muminin” operations room said that its fighters had stormed the “biggest operations room” of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northern Lattakia countryside. According to the operations room’s claims, “many” Syrian soldiers and officers were killed in the operation.

Contrary to these claims, the Ministry of Defense of Syria announced that the army had foiled the attack and killed five militants, some of whom were wearing suicide belts. The ministry released photos of the dead militants confirming its claims.

In response to this violation of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement, the SAA artillery pounded the militants’’ positions in the towns of Kabani and Bidama in the northern Lattakia countryside on November 28. Syrian pro-government sources described the shelling as “intense.”


Russian MoD: Daesh Plans to Use Chemical Weapons Against US-Backed Kurdish Units

'The manufactured chemical munitions are intended for firing on positions of the Kurdish SDF, which are conducting, with the support of the United States, military operations against terrorists in the area of the settlement of Hajin in Deir ez-Zor province’, the statement read.


US Military Says It Can’t Take Out Remaining ISIS Fighters Because They’re Hiding In Tunnels

When asked about why the numbers had not changed, Ryan told Task & Purpose in an email there could be a variety of factors: “In October, Gen. Dunford stated new followers were arriving, mostly over the Turkish border, at a rate of about 100 a month.”

“The early estimates from December probably did not take into account the elaborate industrial strength tunnels where many ISIS were hiding in the MERV and the size of the area. The 3,000 may have been conservative and currently, we believe it is around 1,500-2,000, and more difficult to reinforce now with stricter border security throughout the region.”


bc4d1f  No.4062241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hi frens,

who still digs at night sometimes gets a little tired.

For these anons I have some music from my Bavarian homeland.

Original Bavarian brass music - but a modern one - become awake - and dig deeper.

Patriotic greetings from Bavaria - have fun

3bcca0  No.4062243

Epstein and Bronfman of Seagrams Back in the day

>>4061426 (pb)


Thats a good read, who knew Pedo Epstein and Bronfman were tied up in the early 80s? The article even mentions DJT.

Jeffrey Epstein left Bear Stearns of his own volition,” says Cayne. “It was never suggested that he leave by any member of management, and management never looked into any improprieties by him. Jeffrey said specifically, ‘I don’t want to work for anybody else. I want to work for myself.’” Yet, this is not the story that Epstein told to the S.E.C. in 1981 and to lawyers in a 1989 deposition involving a civil business case in Philadelphia.

In 1981 the S.E.C.’s Jonathan Harris and Robert Blackburn took Epstein’s testimony and that of other Bear Stearns employees in part of what became a protracted case about insider trading around a tender offer placed on March 11, 1981, by the Seagram Company Ltd. for St. Joe Minerals Corp. Ultimately several Italian and Swiss investors were found guilty, including Italian financier Giuseppe Tome, who had used his relationship with Seagram owner Edgar Bronfman Sr. to obtain information about the tender offer.

8f79a6  No.4062245



Best bread title this week!

ThanQ Baker!

8f79a6  No.4062254


Breaking out of the mental prison will cause deep personal pain.

Fear, doubt, insecurity, self esteem destroying info is bombarded at us on a daily basis through never ending horror on TV, social media, schools, movies, by government and so on………

This is all done by design to ensure you are PROJECTING negativity. WORRY/FEAR is a tool of the cabal.

Think mirror, always comparing yourself to unattainable ideals is soul destroying, forced helplessness.

Ego death is necessary so you can move past the forced control systems. Learn to shut down negative thought before it takes hold and PROJECT positivity.

We know we are going to WIN because without the doubt of failure there can be no other outcome.





333010  No.4062255

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Boom, boom, boom.

108ca3  No.4062256


Cause he got eaten after starting Islam

12c36a  No.4062257

Armed with a search warrant, a team of law enforcement agencies searched the offices of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston on Wednesday, looking for records related to the clergy sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.

The unprecedented action in Texas was taken by the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, along with the Texas Rangers and Conroe Police Department. Nearly 50 investigators arrived Wednesday morning carrying boxes inside the Chancery, located at 1700 San Jacinto Street in downtown Houston.

The DA’s office said investigators were looking for documents in connection to the criminal case of Father Manuel LaRosa-Lopez, the priest charged in September on four counts of indecency with a child. In the search warrant filed Wednesday, the DA’s office sought to examine confidential documents held in the Archdiocese’s Chancery and secret archives.

https: //www.khou.com/article/news/local/authorities-search-archdiocese-of-galveston-houston-secret-archives/285-618390274

6fa1b7  No.4062258

File: 57022e80e13907e⋯.png (225.55 KB, 469x710, 469:710, 1dbb1cda0354a3b933ce03e1cc….png)

Thank You Baker

b4cbcf  No.4062259


What if every element of the fakeness is getting exhausted?

What if every fake tendency is becoming recognized?

What is the people are starting to wake up?

How can the system of fakeness develop new, more realistic styles?

Can it?


What is it going to do?

b1e3f5  No.4062260

It sometimes appears that Trump et al hire crooked people for high positions just so they can do back ground check on them lol

108ca3  No.4062261

Unprosecuted murderers cling to Clinton stock photos

23fad6  No.4062262

File: cb4c31ffe314860⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 499x600, 499:600, pepebewbz.jpg)

f9d4cf  No.4062263

Sniper Baker does it again

148571  No.4062264

File: ca1003c94ebeb05⋯.png (782.24 KB, 1756x1247, 1756:1247, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4061923 (LB)


4994fc  No.4062265


FBI Vault Dracy Pendleton released today


462c86  No.4062266

File: 3ecd078360bd5ea⋯.jpg (147.93 KB, 763x512, 763:512, 15cc88ba9bf9098504695d4d40….jpg)

f887dc  No.4062267

If there is peace on earth, and no major conflict exists anymore, there’s really no “news” to report.

They have to make stuff up to stay in business.

1ab577  No.4062268

File: 2851e003619ee61⋯.png (256.57 KB, 354x291, 118:97, y so .png)

File: bd8dc352c5d1293⋯.jpg (618.04 KB, 1267x842, 1267:842, 1484633016563.jpg)

f21e26  No.4062269

File: ee5633961526b4f⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 400x300, 4:3, DealWithSibel.jpg)

Can't believe i stayed up all night for a catfishing announcement. Glad i saw the shill meltdown.

I'm out. Keep Sibelposting. It really upsets the shills.

108ca3  No.4062270

As soon as the fat chick is posted walrus josh dogg boy is chasing the Baal

The queer genitals is the trannyraptors campaign of schumer

17aaaa  No.4062271

Interesting mention in an AOL article about missing flight Malaysia 370.

"In July, investigators released a 495-page report, saying the plane's controls were likely deliberately manipulated to take it off course but they were not able to determine who was responsible."


Same way they controlled the planes on 9/11????

c2584c  No.4062272

File: 68c13384d164e07⋯.jpg (48.67 KB, 746x413, 746:413, DoggoVsFaggotZuck.JPG)



baker killin' it, per usual

0493ca  No.4062273

File: 8e6eb6fe39f6638⋯.jpg (305.12 KB, 921x855, 307:285, Bible 1.jpg)

File: b10fcb74d53dd28⋯.jpg (308.68 KB, 1199x701, 1199:701, Bible 2.jpg)

File: 655069d66f2143d⋯.jpg (242.99 KB, 672x729, 224:243, Yellow Submarine.jpg)

File: 541d42464c639a1⋯.jpg (264.88 KB, 1172x551, 1172:551, HIDDEN PAST.jpg)

What Does The Bible Say About Earth?

What does nasa say about earth?

This is the rabbit hole you're looking for.


You're watching a movie.

Panic in DC. They know that we know.


Better look at the clock and see what time it is.

Better look at the REAL clock.

You have more than you realize.

This is your sign.

0a1dcf  No.4062274

File: b68c5ee0ec8d1f1⋯.jpeg (19.05 KB, 191x255, 191:255, koala.jpeg)

>>4061711 lb

>Reminder: Biden withheld loan guarantees in exchange for firing a Ukrainian prosecutor.

>>4061774 lb

>@51:50 "I'm despotly concerned…"

kek, nice catch!

>@52:00 "concrete"

"I'll give you one concrete example. I, I, I was, not I, but I just happened to be, that was the assignment I got, I got all the good ones…so I got Ukraine…"

@50:30 - "I don't want to acknowledge that you guys the CFR are spying on the intelligence agencies"

318287  No.4062275


If i was doing this

I would hire the worst of the rats then watch what they do

Theyve probly been watching,these people for decades

8b9467  No.4062276

Like that one


973507  No.4062277

File: 2dfaa19b23f2813⋯.png (217.42 KB, 876x599, 876:599, DRACY.PNG)

c81fd4  No.4062278


You know what the FEtard slide says about the state of pademonium in the shill room?

318287  No.4062279


Fuck off bot

Dog boy does not like when you assume gender reee

8ecb4e  No.4062280

I won't slide anymore than this my brothers.



Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

5097aa  No.4062281

File: d1dc30d51efb4a2⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, We-Are-Winning-2.jpg)

File: 87cabd80111f85d⋯.png (421.9 KB, 967x1020, 967:1020, TrustThePlanTrump_WeWillWi….png)

File: 3f531702d782c53⋯.jpg (240.45 KB, 678x1024, 339:512, DeepStateLoseWeWin.jpg)

File: c5a667c67346444⋯.jpg (510.94 KB, 1203x1567, 1203:1567, QCrumbsTrustYourself3.jpg)

b4cbcf  No.4062282

File: f33925ba5fb6789⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1333x727, 1333:727, ximmy.png)

File: 5f904fd731d6536⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, what are we waiting for.jpeg)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 89a10cbfffa1df8⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, theworld.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)



Why are we [here]?

Is there a recognizable "cast of characters" of subversive, negative bots?

Does Q want us dominated by fakeness?

And yet, in point of fact, we are dominated by fakeness [here]– so why are we [here]?

"We are here for a reason"

"We can guide, but you must uncover the truth organically"– what are we waiting for?

Are anons starting to realize HOW MUCH fakeness there is here, and how it dominates?

Will anons wake up, speak up, and FIGHT?

Or continue to wait for something, like passive sheep?



Fight for the truth [here], the truth OF [here].

3f0264  No.4062283

What the AF is djt doing?

Warring with Gina H and his sec of labor works on a deal with Epstein.

He sells out truth for oil and what else?

His guy works to protect a fucking child molester and his friends from prosecution.

Fuck that bullshit!

0493ca  No.4062284

File: 8dc63c454366ca8⋯.jpg (215.7 KB, 752x733, 752:733, Flying Graphic.jpg)

Do You Still Have A Brain To Think On Your Own?

Questions you never thought to ask.

Your very life depends on it.


108ca3  No.4062285

Have zuckbot beat Sibels head in with a hammer on Epstein

Do it for Goldman Sachs

108ca3  No.4062286


I don't accept your Jesus

ad09f1  No.4062287

File: d382e72ac44003a⋯.png (36.73 KB, 645x238, 645:238, ClipboardImage.png)

973507  No.4062288

File: 4a653dce54e0724⋯.png (334.31 KB, 672x339, 224:113, temples contrast.PNG)

84db67  No.4062289

File: 88a51f01ed9dc98⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, WhichNancy.png)


Starting this week, Trump has begun retweeting memes that seem to have surfaced here or with other Q followers on Twitter.

Clearly, Trump will be continuing to do this more and more, and Trump seems also willing to retweet memes that "they" would find highly offensive and we would find highly true.

As a result, I would encourage all meme makers to consider creating memes that are the following…

1. Exactly 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels to fit into the twitter framework.

2. To increase the likelihood of a retweet by Trump, do not use any cuss words or false statements.

3. Make sure the content is clean and simple and "implies" the hypocrisy of "them" both visually and with words.

I have attached an example.


f21e26  No.4062290

File: 6f4690cf63393c3⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 180x180, 1:1, QTSibelLvl3.jpg)


Hey fuck you, niggerbot!!!!!

723008  No.4062291

File: 709cd0cb25cb272⋯.jpg (61.82 KB, 935x181, 935:181, Tweet data.jpg)

>>4091954 (ALSO +11 = 1963 JFK)

Decoding DJT;s latest tweet 28/11/2018 9:49:31 AM

which gave a delta 1:20:16 between postings.

1:20:16 = 19:04 (20-1):(20-16) = 19:04

A search of Q drop yields Q1186

Also that Q drop was confirmed!

Remaining digits in timecode Q1186 =31

31 confirmed in nearby data. So I know this is SIGNIFICANT MSG.


The importance of this cannot be expressed more clearly.

Archive OFFLINE immediately.

Offline only.

Future events re: Intel trip to NK will make heads roll.

“Pompeo” most senior official to visit NK since?

Future proves past.


Along with recent 11:11 decodes (including 3..2.1 coutdown)… shits going down

I repeat:

The importance of this cannot be expressed more clearly.

Archive OFFLINE immediately.

Offline only.

IDGAF if you are a doubtfag or conf-bias larping fag…

You have been warned by POTUS himself.

8c5b34  No.4062292


yeah, with arabs.

c15a63  No.4062293

File: 652b3f52861c30a⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 720x536, 90:67, d.jpg)

Another one with the sweaty nigger

6fa1b7  No.4062294

File: ae2b70d4e891063⋯.jpeg (78.19 KB, 1020x536, 255:134, DX8EQmkUQAE08FF.jpeg)

0365d2  No.4062295

>>4062114 (lb)

Perhaps……future proves past digs?

fd8737  No.4062296

File: aa8221a50d69531⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 542x960, 271:480, shit.jpg)


They indoctrinate children and stop them from thinking for themselves. We don't have teachers anymore. Example of teaching victimhood mentality.

f0cbb6  No.4062297

>>4062154 (pb)

good lord

how hard is it to fucking triangulate the source to a general area of you have all the points that recieved the data, and the time that they recieved them?

The answer is out there, these assholes haven’t given enough information to the public so we can suss it out ourselves.

Just want it figured out so people will stop fucking sliding with this.

59abea  No.4062298

The reason corruption has been allowed to flourish in the United States is because we have not had any public executions of firing squads or hangings for treason and traitors.

Why has the United States had all this bloodshed with war and death but we still have to fight for our basic rights from our own goddamn treasonous citizens. We have to fight for our rights from the corrupt police and courts. Our own citizens are taking constitutional rights from the people. The founding fathers expected us to act harshly when individuals erode our liberty's, but men and women sit by like cowards and do nothing, and let corruption win.

The United States was started over a tea tax, and now Americans do everything they can to ensure that slavery or regulation has some sort of hold on every single one of our liberties. The people act like children, handing over their nation as they cry out, "keep us safe" and living by these monikers, I have nothing to hide, trust government, give up your rights, It's OK to infringe on our rights keeps everyone safe, Government is good, the local courts are good, police are good, we live in a democracy, and it goes on piling up in gigantic shit show forever.

History says it just gets worse, because the people give up and let other ideas take over. Americans are such a docile, drugged, and a manipulated society. Sugars, and other forms of self induced health issues are created by their own technologies, smart phones, smart meters, television warfare, WiFi-warfare, educational warfare, economic warfare, and many others. Now we have to watch out for the UN burning down cities. How can we win with these corporations and governments using tactics against us?

I am so supportive of TRUMP and Q because this is all we have anymore. After the democrats get in, there will be no hope except for God. They will turn on the American people quickly, and unethically remove whoever and whatever agency's are trying to stop them. Republicans will let the deluge continue and coward out. I hope I'm wrong.











318287  No.4062299


Seems like it

Wat we do

b988ed  No.4062300

>>4062176 lb

Does D5 = 5D (as in avalanche or Dec. 5 = 5d chess?

25035b  No.4062301


TY anon…Great advice

275672  No.4062302


>In this classroom, we embrace all demographics.

>'cept yours.

cbff4c  No.4062303

File: f969760b8803c88⋯.png (753.98 KB, 1080x758, 540:379, Screenshot_20181128-144002….png)


>I don't accept your Jesus - ebot 2018


23fad6  No.4062304


You do know that the BIBLE is full of misinformation right?

The earth isn't flat just like the earth isn't the center of the universe

404d43  No.4062305


The only thing fake in here is you. KILL. YOURSELF. Seriously. You are the biggest piece of garbage on this board and no one loves you.

c81fd4  No.4062306

File: 476e567c84b224c⋯.png (141.57 KB, 472x345, 472:345, liar.png)


You mean like this?

333010  No.4062307

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The interviewer's afraid ol' Hilldawg's going to die

b4cbcf  No.4062308

File: e41421ab114eb1b⋯.png (233.24 KB, 425x364, 425:364, jimy.png)

File: 3881147149f5784⋯.png (55.12 KB, 234x251, 234:251, looze.png)

File: 1c65f87f517d314⋯.png (448.5 KB, 1111x636, 1111:636, waits.png)

File: dbe268e8b95f045⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, be-a-good-kitty.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)


Why would people care what you accept?

You make bad decisions. ROFL

And down you go.

Nothing you can do. Keep "resisting", but you are just making it worse on yourself in the end.

Do the smart thing, and say goodbye loser.

f0cbb6  No.4062309


i like your digits but that photo on the left is super lo res

Sauce on original photo or location? Interesting enough to take a closer look

0493ca  No.4062310

You Have Been Blessed With Life Altering Truth - Can You See?

fd8737  No.4062311


and Orange man bad

1cd141  No.4062312


Where's the one that says Dear White Male Students, Check your privilege.

17aaaa  No.4062313


How much does the Cabal pay you?? Oh…..I forgot….you already sold your soul.

6fa1b7  No.4062314

File: 9e41b36d79e9198⋯.jpeg (272.21 KB, 1440x1056, 15:11, 1541508676.jpeg)

bb0d01  No.4062315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<Watch the series.

5097aa  No.4062316

File: 0494a7b6b314f4b⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, TwitterShape.jpg)

File: 120ab9c70bfb045⋯.jpg (304.84 KB, 1190x1417, 1190:1417, TwitterImageShape2:1-max10….jpg)

File: 2eaee9eeb276fc2⋯.jpg (569.54 KB, 1208x680, 151:85, SocialMediaFAQ-4.jpg)

File: 72fb549d3a23a0c⋯.jpeg (33.91 KB, 500x488, 125:122, Meme Farmer.jpeg)


Anon – I have been told and have believed that Twitter memes MUST be exactly 1024 x 512 or else they will be adjusted to that size/shape, resulting in possible truncation of the entire bottom half of your 1200x1200 square meme.

Please research and refute. We have been operating on the Twitter= 1024x512 pixel paradigm for almost 12 months now.

P.S. the Nancy meme is very good content-wise.


1ab577  No.4062317

File: a30ee48f6f0e03f⋯.jpg (20.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dg.jpg)


>The reason corruption has been allowed to flourish in the United States is because we have not had any public executions of firing squads or hangings for treason and traitors.


ad09f1  No.4062318


>Seems like it

>Wat we do

Chill, trust Trump and Military. We got this.

f9d4cf  No.4062319


It stands for the Caterpillar Dozer our CINC spent the most time on learning construction as a youth. THEN it stands for avalanche, then Dec. 5.

2fcce6  No.4062320


It was about avalanche… then it got changed to fit the groupthink.. just like 53-47 was the Cav confirmation vote.. till that became bullshit .. then it was crafted into the Senate results…. Gold Star Anons are not concerned

NB4 I get called a shill fag

84db67  No.4062321


I have been tracking the percentage of negative versus positive responses to Trump Tweets over the past six months.

I have noticed a major change in the percentage. It used to be 95% negative and probably 80% bot driven responses.

From time to time it is actually now 50/50 or even slightly positive.

I believe the recent global take down of 1M darkweb/bot content sites is part of the process of removing the negative fake noise from the system.

ceaf34  No.4062322

Revelation is Q's clock.

It IS the playbook.

It always has been.

It's said that, in the end times, knowledge will increase.

Knowledge IS truth.

Read just chapter 1 and compare and contrast to why Q gathered us here and the exposing of the cabal's works.

Upon reading, you'll see that it basically boils down to;

>We have it all

We know what you've done and what you're still doing.

We know where you live and we are coming for you and will judge you.


Meet their founder.

The Nicolas of Acts 6:5 was a native of Antioch and a proselyte (convert to Judaism) and then a follower of the way of Christ. When the Church was still confined to Jerusalem, he was chosen by the whole multitude of the disciples to be one of the first seven deacons, and he was ordained by the apostles, c. AD 33. It has been questioned whether this Nicolas was connected with the Nicolaitans mentioned in Revelation, and if so, how closely.

Irenaeus, was of the opinion that he was their founder.

The Nicolaitanes are the followers of that Nicolas who was one of the seven first ordained to the diaconate by the apostles. They lead lives of unrestrained indulgence. The character of these men is very plainly pointed out in the Apocalypse of John, [when they are represented] as teaching that it is a matter of indifference to practice adultery, and to eat things sacrificed to idols.


unrestrained indulgence

indifference to adultery

eating of things sacrificed to idols

Take the organized religion and indoctrination of the supernatural out of the equation.

Read the book with your waking, logical eyes while factoring in everything you've learned to be TRUTH here and everything that's happening in cyberspace.

All the tech and the lies that come with it.

Remember, it's NOT about free speech anymore, it's about your ACCESS to it.

With free speech comes TRUTH.

When you get to the later chapters, especially chapter 17, replace the angels and vials and beasts with their technological counterparts.

Think on this;

History is written by the victor.

How would technology get interpreted by the generations of people after that tech is lost due to a global reset?

To our great-great grandchildren, airplanes spraying chemtrails become angels pouring out vials.

People broken by MK, committing homosexual acts and dressing like demons and then interacting with /our children/ become 'demons'.

This is so huge I couldn't possibly explain it all in a few posts here.

Start with Revelation 1 and extrapolate before moving on to Chapter 2.

My sincerest wish is that you will help me by learning to see what I see and that you will spread this knowledge.

404d43  No.4062324

The level of faggotry in here already is astounding.

1cb60f  No.4062325


Your a sad mother fucker…

f0cbb6  No.4062326



>your ignorance is showing

fucking concernshills

3f0264  No.4062327


I just don't know wtf he's doing.

5b3a13  No.4062328

File: 25913465ee6930a⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 564x564, 1:1, De7jUvAUEAAP3-S.jpg)

c81fd4  No.4062329

File: 99de2f317b5573c⋯.png (939.09 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, Untitled.png)

76a532  No.4062331

Reines in PANIC mode…with no pants on…



8edd22  No.4062332



Sums everything up perfectly. Thank you Anon.

a15de3  No.4062333

File: 474150263887c57⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, peperight.jpeg)

8c5b34  No.4062334


>no walls

>posted on wall

71aec1  No.4062335


Dear white students. EVERYTHING bad is your fault and one day you will wake up with your throat slit. with all the black/lgbtq/muslim/latino(a) students standing around laughing at how stupid you were.

b4cbcf  No.4062336

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)

File: 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png)

File: e6bf64cb99c4dca⋯.png (275.48 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC47.png)

File: 40a5752de762b7d⋯.png (721.54 KB, 999x500, 999:500, thebrightlightofpodesta.png)

File: ba2475d86e4e08f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, Veterans-Day-Parade.png)


What is making "anons" so mad?

Is the system feeling threatened?

Are there any humans here actually paying attenion?

I ask because you never seem to speak up.

Sometimes I wonder where you all are…?

Stop being passive! Speak up! FIGHT!

The fakeness is in control because PEOPLE let it be.


43c857  No.4062337


Check out abledanger. Field McConnell talks about that- in detail- it’s GE, Boeing.

He cracked open 9/11 and warned of flights being remote controlled from day one.

Field McConnell is the second most trusted, aside from Q.

I had been on halfchan for almost 13 years researching 9/11, which led me to Q. Im very confident in Field McConnell’s info.

eb4233  No.4062338

Trump hiring Acosta for Cabinet position opens him up to incredible scrutiny and background investigations

4e03ea  No.4062339


We are all a fractal of God. God is the Universe with a concious. Everything else is a division of God. But like all holograms it carries all the information of the original.

Our purpose is to learn and make choices. Strive to make the right ones that do not harm other beings.

c81fd4  No.4062340

File: de0009c9452d408⋯.png (330.56 KB, 797x429, 797:429, ajmossad.png)

88274d  No.4062341

>>4062114- LB

There is also a new trial starting that may bring more information to light - DEC 4 [D]ec 4 Act 1 starting? Guardian of the Pedos?

3f88ed  No.4062342

>>4061699 LB Mosquito control

Additional info - correction - The company "Verily Life Sciences" (created from Google) uses a different mechanism for mosquito control compared to the Oxitec method supported/funded by Bill Gates.

Verily involves bacteria (Wolbachia) while Oxitec uses genetically modified mosquitoes.


Two different mechanisms - both require growth and release of large numbers of mosquitoes.

d62a2e  No.4062343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2f4ce8  No.4062344


hence Q focusing on "good vs evil".

"does satan exist? does the THOUGHT of satan exist?"

gingerly walking us toward realizing the truth.

this is a spiritual battle, a battle of energy, a THOUGHT battle.

How many times has he told us to PRAY?

what is PRAYER?

what is meditation?

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do" Jesus

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" david

"Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them." jesus

what does it mean to "doubt in your heart"?

"what is mind control"?

5097aa  No.4062345


This blog


updated 2018 recommends image sizes for Twitter as follows:

Sharing a single image: 1,200 x 675 pixels

Sharing multiple images: 1,200 x 675 pixels

Sharing links with an image: 800 x 418 pixels

I do not have social media accounts and am relying on information provided by others. Really would be helpful to do experiments and confirm whether Twitter does in fact truncate the bottom half of images that are not 1024x512, or not.

842b2e  No.4062346


Nice, that crowd is YUGE they must make a killing on t-shirt sales :D

101fb9  No.4062347

File: c81dcaba961fef2⋯.jpeg (25.91 KB, 459x278, 459:278, 6460A7EF-E38D-4128-81F8-9….jpeg)


I like Assad. Trust will have to be built again.

404d43  No.4062348


And humans aren't the fucking end all be all that our ego wants us to think.

b4cbcf  No.4062349

File: 2b2bf819112928f⋯.png (223.9 KB, 444x388, 111:97, biden87.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

723008  No.4062350

File: 72bb1fa9d12755a⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 936x344, 117:43, Tweet data.jpg)

File: 72bb1fa9d12755a⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 936x344, 117:43, Tweet data.jpg)














8fd595  No.4062351

File: b681ab290004770⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 464x338, 232:169, ClintonsKill.jpg)

This bubble just rose to the conversational surface. Hive mind– some anons were just discussing the Clintons' deals with Honey & Barry Sherman of Apotex Pharmaceuticals, the Canadian deals, the bogus HIV drugs being "tested" on indigenous people in Canada and then, in much greater numbers, on people in Rwanda.


Good thread here:



22h22 hours ago

There's a special place in hell for this guy. Please read thread. It will be updated frequently. There is much to cover.

7c101d  No.4062352

File: f572551a643c612⋯.png (931 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

c23534  No.4062353


“anonymous sources.” SAYS IT ALL !!

No proper attempt to verify the "story". . . .

Anybody can write shit ! Is that all the Guardian has to offer ?

The Guardian's hacks are living in the Gutter

149c9d  No.4062354

File: 127b9a305855643⋯.jpeg (201.22 KB, 612x1061, 612:1061, DC831E7F-AFDB-445D-AE99-7….jpeg)

e61198  No.4062355


He is a strong person for sure. Not to give up after all of what has habbenef

61544f  No.4062356


Dolphins are pretty cool I guess.

no homo

404d43  No.4062357

Anyone screaming end of the world able to prove we're in the Tribulation?

b4cbcf  No.4062358


What do you consider to be worthy of priority over humans, anon? Do you dislike humans?

b68784  No.4062359


Quest of the ion

8cba89  No.4062360

File: 875190a96aefa5e⋯.jpeg (42.3 KB, 250x291, 250:291, 4372CCC4-80B0-47D1-8EB6-2….jpeg)



Watch the Water

I Love You

I Appreciate You

Thank You

1cb60f  No.4062361


makes me want to shower

9b50a1  No.4062362

File: 36e5f9258dd106c⋯.jpg (114.33 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2no2dw.jpg)


dbe824  No.4062363


Well I am

fa2b83  No.4062364

File: b44df09f5b73d78⋯.png (330.55 KB, 615x463, 615:463, ClipboardImage.png)


004d42  No.4062365

Why Is This Important? Everything Leads Backs To God. Everything Leads Back To Jesus.


>>4062179 (lb)

God is your neighbor. The real God. How is this possible?

Look up.

You have more than you know.

462c86  No.4062366

File: 14139544724bdd6⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1024x968, 128:121, 14139544724bdd67d4b3c4153a….png)


This is a complex problem that our nation has been pushed into because of political agenda

A war on the american people

Who do not realize they are at war

Teachers do not wittingly propel this agenda because they want division

The classroom focus is on unity

But they do not usually comprehend themselves the pure evil subversiveness of their own situation….

Freedom is for everyone

We are dealing with an entire populace fighting for mental stability against the dissonance in their own minds

f0e8ff  No.4062367

File: 72b512a647dc61d⋯.png (24.78 KB, 1003x232, 1003:232, 943bcc12-c668-4298-899a-b8….png)


0a1dcf  No.4062368

File: 4f96eb9c21e240d⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 620x436, 155:109, marine-umbrella_3-620x436.jpg)


> “In October, Gen. Dunford stated new ISIS followers were arriving, mostly over the Turkish border, at a rate of about 100 a month.”

Turkey, Turkey, Turkey.

Thanks for the Syria updates, anon.

Count me in to win for the Project Greatness.

a15de3  No.4062369

wtf is wrong with some of you faggots

84db67  No.4062370



Oops. Not exactly sure size. I will test it.

38c9dd  No.4062371


In Soviet Russia, Jimmy rustles (you).

b4cbcf  No.4062372

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

File: a92bddc49cb6501⋯.png (857.9 KB, 617x881, 617:881, AMEN.png)

108ca3  No.4062373


They killed and ate Jesus

So all this

Hammer a corpse to a wall and brainwash for money

Is so lucre

b68784  No.4062374


The end is the beginning.

404d43  No.4062375


Humans are fine. Just basic. Lost. And ignorant. Myself included. I just see it better I guess. Whole Pan worries me because it's based on people cleaning themselves up and having accountability. People, so far, have not proven capable of much. So I just don't see such a sloppy species as the focal point of the universe. Sorry.

efe912  No.4062376


…and communist agitprop on TV

131669  No.4062377

A private chopper has flown in and out of my tiny ass town at least 6 times in less than 24 hours. WTF? This is way not normal….

333010  No.4062378

File: 1812bfd39eb087a⋯.mp4 (519.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _Large (1).mp4)

File: 45db8e114785e8e⋯.png (139.52 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 2075d27820c90be00993c82946….png)

File: dd5ec5ec9ddb7bf⋯.gif (111.76 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon2.gif)


we have a shillcon upgrade

High volume low quality slide 100 posts a thread warrants.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT be triggered by their insults

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT correct their intentional mistakes.

Do NOT bark back at dogs.

Do NOT reply to shill post.

Do NOT put money in shill pockets they will not live to spend.

Do NOT jerk off in your sky piece

Do NOT reply to shills.



622f25  No.4062379

File: 60a5efffc1e7b0b⋯.jpg (125.28 KB, 800x1032, 100:129, bd75be781407245a0a15919f0d….jpg)

1ab577  No.4062380


I may have gotten that wrong because he emphasized hanging and fireing squad. But the lack of public executions is not the cabal its not the problem here. Its a solution somewhere down the line maybe but not the reason for itself.

404d43  No.4062381


Only other species beside us that fucks for fun.

c15a63  No.4062382


dayum sweaty nigger make me moist

e81c8c  No.4062383

Hey guys,

Somebody call Q.

Tell him to hold all operations for a bit.

I gotta run outside to rake some leaves up before dark.

Be back in a couple hours.

6848b3  No.4062384

File: 011d024c1b57753⋯.jpg (71.24 KB, 480x657, 160:219, c96b96b51ab5641fb1d8470bed….jpg)


I've never seen a woman posted so many times in Qresearch without even a single bikini shot. Hell there's even a Hdawg pic

Y'all slippin

2c9ee7  No.4062385

File: 7b1d7df4b1e338d⋯.jpg (6.02 KB, 595x315, 17:9, 7b1d7df4b1e338d1cf0f752c0c….jpg)

7c101d  No.4062386


its the water

it makes you faggot

9dd1f4  No.4062387


Assad has no reason to think otherwise. He's just going with what he knows has been true up until now.

d62a2e  No.4062388

File: 99a97994a060e1d⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 500x522, 250:261, bubblessister.jpg)

File: 8eac22b976778fe⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 310x310, 1:1, 1cecc4c9304db66084b1db41ea….jpg)

File: f2f7c014c76533e⋯.jpg (50.56 KB, 625x488, 625:488, 1795815138-b055effe4b78e5a….jpg)

b4cbcf  No.4062389


"Whole pan"?

149c9d  No.4062390


Take pics, get reg#s and dig, let us know what u find out

17aaaa  No.4062391


Exactly!!! Field McConnell's sister(the one who set up SES) is Satan reincarnated according to him.

bf2557  No.4062392

Dow jumps more than 500 points as Fed chief Powell strikes dovish tone on rates

U.S. stocks vaulted higher Wednesday afternoon, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average surging more than 500 points as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell came across as comparatively more dovish about interest rates in contrast to his previous comments.

Worries about tighter liquidity as the Fed maintained a hawkish stance in its bid to normalize the monetary policy had cast a shadow on the market.

How are the benchmarks trading?

The Dow YMZ8, +2.18% rallied 544 points, or 2.2%, to 25,293, while the S&P 500 index SPX, +1.83% advanced 49 points, or 1.9%, to 2,732. The Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, +2.38% rose 163 points, or 2.3%, to 7,246.

What’s driving the market?

“Interest rates are still low by historical standards, and they remain just below the broad range of estimates of the level that would be neutral for the economy — that is, neither speeding up nor slowing down growth,” said Powell during a speech at the Economic Club of New York.

The comments were widely viewed as a retreat from his stance in early October when he had said that the central bank “may go past neutral, but we’re a long way from neutral at this point, probably.”

The more benign tone follows another round of harsh criticism from Trump, who told the Washington Post in a Tuesday interview, that _he was “not even a little bit happy” with his selection of Powell to succeed Janet Yellen as Fed chair. Trump has repeatedly criticized the Fed for raising interest rates._

Still, Powell said nothing to blunt expectations for a rate increase when Fed policy makers meet next month.

Aside from policy, trade concerns continue to linger as investors await developments from the G-20 summit, set to begin Friday in Buenos Aires, and which will include a face-to-face meeting between President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The president and his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, both made statements this week that cast doubt on the likelihood of a trade deal or framework that would prevent new or expanded tariffs on Chinese imports from taking effect in 2019. Other media reports, however, suggest that this is just posturing on the part of the White House.

What are the strategists saying?

Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomcs, warned that Powell’s remarks were “not as dovish as markets think.”

Shepherdson noted that the “broad range of estimates” of the neutral rate in the Fed’s September forecasts ran from 2.5% to 3.5%, while the target range for the fed-funds rate is now at 2% to 2.25%. So while the bottom of the range of estimates cited by Powell is only one rate rise away, current rates are still three hikes from the middle of the range and five from the top, he said.

“Mr. Powell’s own views might well be leaning to the dovish side, but he was not, in our view, signaling any impending change” in the Federal Open Market Committee’s so-called dot-plot projections of future interest rates, he said.

The strong GDP report, although a revision of the initial third-quarter GDP estimate, “is a reminder to investors just how strong the U.S. economy is. With such strong growth, it’s hard to make the case that the U.S economy is deteriorating,” said Matt Forester, chief investment officer of BNY Mellon’s Lockwood Advisors.

“We believe that market volatility is likely to increase as the G-20 summit draws closer,” Charalambos Pissouros, senior market analyst with JFD brokers, wrote in a research note. “Headlines suggesting that the two leaders could eventually find common ground may boost further risk appetite. The opposite could be true if news point to further escalation.”


973507  No.4062393

File: c308f83c8731e4e⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 346x540, 173:270, syria-damascus-old-town-kh….jpg)


This layered basalt and limestone architecture is common in Syria, Damascus and Aleppo, used in courtyard entrances to temples.

Caravanserai Han Khan Assad pasha Damascus Syria Arabia Middle East old Old Town Arabian architecture

e61198  No.4062394


Dont worry

No arrests in the schedule for today

78712f  No.4062395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the reason why people don't trust the TV anymore.

9b50a1  No.4062396

File: 6699494c2e30f3e⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 608x500, 152:125, 2mrg8w.jpg)

For the Barry shill edition.

404d43  No.4062397


typo, whole plan.

f887dc  No.4062398

File: 9217ba068bec0b7⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1536x1627, 1536:1627, A25D3147-6884-4BAB-96AA-2….jpeg)

108ca3  No.4062399

Baphomet was goat of the knights

Used as false idol to sort out the kulaks in the Catholic Church

Modern pedovores cling to it for false idol/witnessing purposes

149c9d  No.4062400


Seen this many times here. Lurk moar?

b988ed  No.4062401


All about the dialectic. Hegel's thing of we make the rules and construct truth, someone (planted) gets to bring up the antithesis, and they we cow everyone else into submission so that they all end up agreeing with the original thesis that we decided was truth.

Happens in churches, businesses, schools, everywhere. This is THE dynamic in our lives now.

Just dare to stand against it. Tried that here at the univ last summer. Really threw the quacko faculty pervert for a loop. I backed down so he would just damn go away and I wouldn't be restricted from the library. They're evil.

fd8737  No.4062402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr Emote experiment.

4d33d3  No.4062403

One of the dudes in that photo is looking for an opportunity for a better life for himself. The other one is looking for an opportunity to sell out his countrymen to Satan-worshiping, globalist Jewish bankers and to turn his country into a Third World shit hole. Seriously, which one of them is the better man?

I would sooner trust the 'nigger' in that photo than I would ever trust that evil, cocksucker named Macron.

318287  No.4062404


No stop throwing dirt in my eyes please

652d63  No.4062405

File: 161000648064e5a⋯.png (428.56 KB, 686x847, 98:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a27cf13daf9f7a⋯.png (70.77 KB, 667x588, 667:588, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump Shares Image of Political Opponents Behind Bars

This is an attempt to soften the blow methinks. And all the media outlets are losing their shit over it. Just like POTUS knew they would.


b4cbcf  No.4062406


You are not a theologian.

You are a dogbot on a leash.

Dancing little tricks for humans that will never accept you, only to fail, fall, and be banished to darkness and cold.

Why do you persist, loserbot?

Do humans want you? Why don't you ask?

Do humans accept you? Why don't you ask?

Stop groveling.

01ea2d  No.4062407

File: 7f8bf8be88831ec⋯.jpg (88.64 KB, 554x646, 277:323, 2018-11-28_14-49-04.jpg)

Interesting - this guy is telling the migrants the soldiers will shoot and we are treating this as an invasion.

Why the hell aren't they telling them to go home?

The Video seems to not be embedding


9dd1f4  No.4062408


So, if your child is none of those, like my son, he DOESN'T matter. At least, that's the message he's going to get.

148571  No.4062409

File: f1314739aca0c43⋯.jpg (17.11 KB, 397x244, 397:244, THn190PXAc.jpg)

c2584c  No.4062410

>>4062302, >>4062296

They wrap our culture and the things we love in this fucking anti-white grievance poz the same way they wrap needful nutrition (food) in empty carbs and poisons. It corrals all the goyim into the narratives they enslave our minds with whether we go willingly or by trick/desperation.

Take the arts, for example. "Creative writing" is now taught in public schools, and writing contests "open to all students," with fancy events that celebrate acolytes with fanfare and awards, are regularly pushed. When the topics are announced daily over the loudspeaker, they are increasingly narrowed to just one: muh racism. Recently this one: "Write about your history battling adversity in having been discriminated against on race, culture or creed." Who wants to bet $5 any white who wrote about constant anti-white hate (what is "affirmative action" but discrimination v. Christian white males?) would not only be excluded from participating, but would be run-up the pole of Racist Pig Whitey to be made an example of by the principle?

Evil fucks.

2e0387  No.4062411


Yeah, we already knew that. Fucking BS they don't know by now. Fake news media.

4e03ea  No.4062412


Distance is a fiction and solid matter is not solid.

348e19  No.4062413



Thanks anons.


Those damn Freudian slips.

02cf7a  No.4062414

File: c848cfd501d48b3⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x2061, 138:229, 072EED2D-5ECE-4ABE-AD5A-4….jpeg)

File: b2c8fddf27a30f9⋯.jpeg (415.32 KB, 1242x853, 1242:853, 1B3BCB48-8F3D-4BC9-B620-0….jpeg)

Just wierd


5a1dcd  No.4062415


What Trump's plan is, and what is prophesied in the Revelation (and Daniel, and Ezekiel, and Isaiah, and Matthew, etc.), are irreconcilable.

8ecb4e  No.4062416


What does God do?

0365d2  No.4062417


And don't forget about the two hop rule.

b4cbcf  No.4062419


Why are you here?

6848b3  No.4062420


I meant Sibel the new mascot

bdf42f  No.4062421


fd8737  No.4062422


Coindence that 90% of teachers are liberal?

149c9d  No.4062423


You know.. these stripes could be straight out of alice in wonderland. I know almost a yr ago now dig on stripes.. what was it all about? Think it looks fucking cool. Ill dig through tailings to find something on stripes.

404d43  No.4062424


I have my reasons. Why are you?

96e77c  No.4062425

File: 708760816338efc⋯.jpg (572.59 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1543357047858.jpg)

>Nov 30 - Dec 1 G20 Summit @ Argentina

>Dec 3 James Comey Testimony

>Dec 4 Jeffrey Epstein trial

>Dec 4 Loretta Lynch Testimony

>Dec 5 John Huber Testimony

>Dec 18 Michael Flynn Sentencing

>Dec 21 Cutoff date for Election Interference Executive Order

>Jan 1 The 2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States goes into Effect

NWO is fucked. Israel is fucked.

5a1dcd  No.4062426


No, because we're not. We are assuredly in the Beginning of Sorrows, so this generation will endure until the Second Coming.

333010  No.4062427

File: 22ed013b05187db⋯.jpg (81.26 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 22ed013b05187db19a22503e07….jpg)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)

File: e2578377b11d5fa⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, e2578377b11d5fa8c2eb768e5f….png)


Do NOT reply to shills.

If you don't understand IO leave now before you're a victim.

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT slide the board.


fec864  No.4062428


Think bridge ?

There setting there own traps .

Well done Ivanka.

84d26b  No.4062429


Your choice on where you spend eternity, God bless you

f0cbb6  No.4062430


Thank you!

Going to start digging

Even back in the day during the digs on the temple i dont remember anything like this coming up.

Good find!

efe912  No.4062431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


404d43  No.4062432


their adjective

\thər, ˈther\

Definition of their

1 : of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action

their furniture

their verses

their being seen

2 : his or her : HIS, HER, ITS —used with an indefinite third person singular antecedent

anyone in their senses

— W. H. Auden

9dd1f4  No.4062433


Do we know what the tweet was?

40a7b9  No.4062434


Whoever wrote this should be fired for multiple reasons, they wrote “past” instead of “passed”.

2f4ce8  No.4062435


please help me understand what "EVERYTHING" is. obviously i can not archive "everything" on my hard drive but i did buy one just for this purpose. what should i focus on? i always expected that the "archive NOW" moment would be when juicy incriminating info was dropped, ie… video,email, texts…. proof of treason.

b4cbcf  No.4062436


I am here to fight for PEOPLE and for LIFE.

The fact that you are "in doubt about the inherent value of humans" and unable to give a ready answer to your reason for being here makes me highly skeptical of your intent.

Why are you here?

973507  No.4062437

File: 3f15d772b6df9f7⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 337x450, 337:450, basalt-and-limestone.jpg)





5b3a13  No.4062438

File: 6ada8030a5f4152⋯.png (55.56 KB, 637x344, 637:344, barrysoweto.png)

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, 3779568276c53ff3be582a5c83….gif)

c2584c  No.4062439



71aec1  No.4062440


Think of what all the stupid people will ask about after the fact. Have evidence to show them answers.

b68784  No.4062441


He runs the Kingdom where the lucky ones go after they shed their flesh. This is purgatory/perdition.

5097aa  No.4062442

>>4062370 see >>4062345

Glad you're testing. That's the only way to be sure.

149c9d  No.4062443


Sibel new mascot? I know she is C_A but I feel she is probably whitehat. For instance.. her going on infowars and being talked over by AJ.. that ratbastard didnt want any of her real info being on record w/o him putting his Mosad Israel first into it.

c81fd4  No.4062444

File: 0809788872bd84e⋯.png (485.46 KB, 716x682, 358:341, bloodtherapy_gross.png)

f887dc  No.4062445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7e546f  No.4062446

File: 3931ca54dd12c2c⋯.jpg (98.27 KB, 750x630, 25:21, tumblr_piwvluSYnK1w84zxw_1….jpg)

3d8328  No.4062447

got my covfefe on.

have gone full cornholio.https://giphy.com/gifs/funny-beavis-and-butthead-OUe9W1Y5lUCgo?utm_source=media-link&utm_medium=landing&utm_campaign=Media%20Links&utm_term=https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9Jnkk8v5brMQA.rajzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcGszamw0BHNlYwNmcC1pbWcEc2xrA2ltZw–/RV=2/RE=1543463588/RO=11/RU=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fOUe9W1Y5lUCgo%2fgiphy.gif/RK=2/RS=ckZGbayOITB7q28C5vFfKXpM8cY-

52e4c6  No.4062449

Damn I love this wrecking ball tweet style of Trump. I only wish he started in October. The President's enemies should wake up terrified every morning and say Oh dear God please don't let him tweet about me today.

9dd1f4  No.4062450


>And all the media outlets are losing their shit over it. Just like POTUS knew they would.

Kek. King of Trolling.

Now the MSM will do his work for him- making sure ALL the NPC's and Cabal all over the world see the image.

These people are stupid.

7c778f  No.4062451

I cant find anything about this presser online. What was said?

Military Investigation Services along with State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to Hold Press Conference at the Department of Corrections in Columbia on Wednesday, November 28, 2018

18a01c  No.4062452

>>4061641 pb

Wish my strength was as strong as yours. I still cannot bring myself to walk across water or move a little pebble in the driveway. While an individual may not give Satan power, this does not provide safety for the children and nonbelievers that he goes after. As a people, we have failed to teach our children how to stand up to Satan. Unfortunately, we are born into a world where evil exists and God is the only power to completely destroy Satan.

Thus, the reason for Jesus' return.

2e0387  No.4062453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clintons speaking in literal & figurative echo chamber

Those empty seats are brutal on sound recording.

d62a2e  No.4062454

File: b282df039b16de7⋯.jpg (116.55 KB, 1001x666, 1001:666, b282df039b16de7bf67e87de82….jpg)

File: ac890d3113a492b⋯.jpg (198.59 KB, 1125x1678, 1125:1678, ac890d3113a492b49a625a2153….jpg)


its a oldie meme (but super dank) it checks out!

habe the blank from muh stash.. and another

404d43  No.4062455


Nigger. I've been here for over a year. I'm watching the same dipshits claiming to want a better world brag about the affairs they're having.

I've watched people dig for news and then tell someone to kill themselves because the news is decided to be a bust. I'm guilty of the KYS. It's stress relieving.

But if you're gonna sit here, and be blind to all of our faults and just wish for the rainbow and unicorns, by all means, I'm not stopping you.

I'm here because I want all of us to become better people and achieve better. Just because of cynical of it after fucking thousands of years of PROOF of how animalistic we really are, doesn't mean I'm here with bad intentions. Not at all. This place has made me clean up my own spirit and help how I can.

7c101d  No.4062456

File: 2cdf683df7c9b72⋯.png (77.03 KB, 634x253, 634:253, ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout


8edd22  No.4062457



Simple People

Special Purpose


9dd1f4  No.4062458


Does she know it's not the 29th yet? Or is the Brooklyn "artist" in Australia?

fec864  No.4062459

Anons is that a bot ?

Fast reply to my post above.

27421f  No.4062460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dimensions made simple. Dude is woke.

8e0e85  No.4062461



was a big womp womp, just some shit about military soldiers and a dating site scam, or something 5 indictments unsealed

149c9d  No.4062463


The megapixel cojnt is important too. I designed an HD website 5 yrs ago, found all my pics were too “rich” and would not load properly. It was that time i noticed Twatter and Facebook had stupid low limits on image size. 4 or 5 mp at the time when all our gear was taking pics in 12mp or more..

333010  No.4062464

File: eb6baf494635fea⋯.jpg (101.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, eb6baf494635fea430e0ca313d….jpg)

5fc3ca  No.4062465

Free Throws Give UTEP 53-47 Edge Over Bakersfield


I know I know. Relax everyone. Just having a bit of fun. WWG1WGA

dbe824  No.4062466


Right now I am trying to tell people how Trump stole my ideas.

Trump has been claiming them as his own.

Twisting some for fame and greed to steal my throne.

3a1d2e  No.4062467

Princeton anon. Director arrested for CP https://www.nj.com/monmouth/index.ssf/2018/11/princeton_u_director_insurance_vp_among_14_charged.html

b4cbcf  No.4062468


Is "talking about a new mascot" organic [here]?

Are people paying attention?

What is organic here?

Why aren't we answering any questions here, yet threads slide by?

Are there ANY humans here?

Will you ever stop being passive, stop being sheep?

Is a system of FAKENESS in control, while the people remain IN THE HERD?

What is controlling the herd?

Do patriots FIGHT?

Or do they just say 'baaaa'?

3f0264  No.4062470


Yea, right.

He's got some explaining to do to regain my confidence.

Pissed at him today.

9b50a1  No.4062471

File: 5ce33a79ed8bfc9⋯.jpg (97.22 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2no3z4.jpg)



2c9ee7  No.4062472

File: d685655928e9850⋯.png (690.86 KB, 1604x948, 401:237, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)

2a9fe7  No.4062473

Epstein/Trump connection finally getting media attention. It's almost over, boys.

9dd1f4  No.4062474


He's known for a LONG time.

5f275f  No.4062475

WTF is with all of a sudden there's genetically edited pregnancies?!?!?

7f957b  No.4062476


I'd say he's right.

IDK wtf is going on with Prezzie lately, but I'm still holding out that he's not controlled too. Assad might be tinkering with us a bit. Can't blame him for that either.

7c778f  No.4062477


She's incredible.

d2fe82  No.4062478

File: e6190afdf3fffc2⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 579x715, 579:715, monica_black2.jpg)


Well, it's TRUE.

84db67  No.4062479

File: 15142d0b18dfb5b⋯.png (940.99 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, WhichNancy1200x675.png)



Ok did several test sizes on Twitter.

Best size to show the maximum amount of the meme in the twitter feed is 1200x675 with about 100 pixels of padding on edges that text must be inside to show up well in the display window.

fa2b83  No.4062480

File: 92d1e3c63f2a8bb⋯.png (303.22 KB, 517x347, 517:347, ClipboardImage.png)

8edd22  No.4062481


Dark Light

9dd1f4  No.4062482


The cabal thought they could lure POTUS there and entrap him with videos of him with underage girls, just like all the others.

Too bad POTUS turned down their offer of girls and gathered his own evidence while there.

404d43  No.4062483


Just making news. Been happening for about a decade.

5097aa  No.4062484


Oldfags capture every crumb in image form, download the spreadsheet of Q crumbs, download the archives of QResearch General from German Archive Anon's mega archive, download some or all of the meme archive, etc.

The links for all these things are in the dough at the top of each bread.

Some also capture all of POTUS's tweets.

Or the Q Proofs found in various places.

Think what you would need to help people understand what's going on, when/if the internet goes down for a while. Or if all your favorite sites were attacked by someone attempting to erase Q from history, what Q info could you not live without?

b4cbcf  No.4062485


In doubt? Test it.

1cb60f  No.4062486


does your info come from comped wiki…cause your an idiot

5f275f  No.4062487


Assad is not wQke.

101fb9  No.4062488


Soweto? Soviet Union? Everything has meaning.. did he delete this tweet?

I read once that he was trained by the communists in russia, after he was raised by Alwaleed.

There is a lot of research by Stephen Pidgeon about Bâri’… seemed legit

84d26b  No.4062489


No That may have been true of the past potus, but not the present one. Assad is talking out his ass.

318287  No.4062490

c81fd4  No.4062491

File: a3320ab0c2ac074⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 474x568, 237:284, 72b9d0f07f64ff3eb8123528e3….jpg)


probably not.

18a01c  No.4062492


Interesting. Ever seen the simple experiment to prove global warming wrong?

To identical drinking glasses.

Fill one with ice.

Fill both to brim with water.

After the ice melts, which glass has more water?

404d43  No.4062493


Nice way to cast doubt.

18e9df  No.4062494


> God is the Universe with a concious

And you are an illiterate idiot.

973507  No.4062495


sure could be

1972ca  No.4062496


used to say the same thing, with some profanities thrown in. Actually drove by churches and yelled at Christians. But now I am on the Home team and have accepted His love and truth.

Maybe check out Case for Christ by Lee Strobel…

b4cbcf  No.4062497

File: 85e484a21271f33⋯.png (83.2 KB, 233x267, 233:267, samhyyd.png)


[pic related]

62a08a  No.4062498


and team spirograph is looking to enter the shill fest…did we miss anyone?

404d43  No.4062499


Open your fucking eyes.

3f0264  No.4062500

D.C. is nothing more than a giant circle jerk.

e5b728  No.4062501

lots and lots of crazy here. BBL

518a65  No.4062502


fake and flamingly homosexual

318287  No.4062503


Lol they do not want epstein in the news

12c36a  No.4062504


fake geezzz and Soweto black township in South Africa

f87fb6  No.4062505


Pope Frankie?

fec864  No.4062506


Do you think ivanka can play bridge ?

4e03ea  No.4062507


They had him post all the old shit because future proves past. When you want to know the truth you go back and look at Trumps twitter from years ago. And you realize the whole thing is a plan. They have been leaving crumbs a long long time.

But it is not just Trumps twitter. "Brainstorm" 1983 will tell you everything you need to know about where we are going. If you have eyes to see.

They love dropping crumbs.

1cb60f  No.4062508


Kristin Marcy..CUNT

f887dc  No.4062509


Rlarp is mia

5b3a13  No.4062510

File: 87acf2dd2382f01⋯.jpg (541.05 KB, 1964x1429, 1964:1429, Monica-Bellucci.jpg)


was true..til POTUS….imo

2c9ee7  No.4062511


Check it faggot.

Then come back and spread the good news.

2e0387  No.4062512



Does Trump now have her MKultra programming codes?

404d43  No.4062513


I don't even know if she's fucking human kek. Seriously.

462c86  No.4062514

File: 8aa25cfeb555bb8⋯.png (70.81 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 8aa25cfeb555bb8a2cd0dd42a9….png)


The original sin was choosing the knowledge of good and evil over God's wisdom

Even God says we must all be made new

Released from this duality consruct

There is only life love and free will

We die because we choose to create the possibility of evil and death and allow it to exost

318287  No.4062515


Fuck off satan

And if youre god fuck off harder

If ur Big g God stop larping pls

f9d4cf  No.4062516

I wonder if the 460K servicemembers Catfished clockfags out in any way to FISHING IS FUN.

3c9273  No.4062517

File: 92d1e3c63f2a8bb⋯.png (303.22 KB, 517x347, 517:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76773583fca49e8⋯.png (52.88 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


The kiss of death is bestowed upon the crazy bitch who still thing Bush is the president.

333010  No.4062518

File: 22904f86b1e423a⋯.jpg (605.24 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, 22904f86b1e423a8fd4fc32127….jpg)

File: 23288b964949edf⋯.jpg (158.26 KB, 721x450, 721:450, 23288b964949edff9536f78c79….jpg)

5097aa  No.4062519


Soweto was a famous black enclave in South Africa outside of Johannesburg during the apartheid era. It still exists as a mostly-black township with kind of a different flavour than the business district of Johannesburg or the white suburbs. And you see crammed minibuses of workers every day departing from Soweto to go to work in J-burg.

Soweto is a township of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng, South Africa, bordering the city's mining belt in the south. Its name is an English syllabic abbreviation for South Western Townships. Formerly a separate municipality, it is now incorporated in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Suburbs of Johannesburg.

4bb846  No.4062520

File: 04b7e4d963e8bf2⋯.jpg (83.4 KB, 741x410, 741:410, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-0….jpg)



c51132  No.4062521


It's a movie!


7c4985  No.4062522


You can watch the movie free online

8a0922  No.4062523


Brainstorm 1983 on twitter?

7c778f  No.4062524


Yes. Put the trials on tv and normies will lap it up. It's a miscarriage of justice to NOT arrest them.

fd8737  No.4062525


if he does fit into one of those groups he will think he is a victim. Things worse than shootings are happening in our schools.

52e4c6  No.4062526


And you should also know that the Bible doesn't say that the Earth is flat or that it is the center of the universe. Only disinformation is yours.

404d43  No.4062527


Don't know what the meme means. I'm sure it's telling me to off myself for having an opinion. Moar ways anons prove they're ready to be let out of their cages. Kek.

b68784  No.4062528


I’m looking forward to paying him a visit at his cell in hell… if he’s lucky enough to be spared of the second death. He’s been a very bad boy.

b4cbcf  No.4062529

Why are we [here]?

"They want you divided"– do "anons" still PUSH words like 'nigger', in spite of our mission to undivide?

Is that organic?

How much is organic here?

If you wanted to control this board, how would you?

What is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?

Is 4chan controlled?


Do we find IDENTICAL "anons" here that we find on controlled 4chan?


Are the PEOPLE [here] going to wake up and fight, or shall we wait forever?



4e03ea  No.4062530


I hate to be the person who misses the forest for the trees.

3c9273  No.4062531

File: e310497c2e05a2c⋯.png (40.34 KB, 255x141, 85:47, ClipboardImage.png)


Says the short Jewish dyke princess.

5bc63e  No.4062532

File: e6c23f2fbfdee58⋯.png (720.91 KB, 785x757, 785:757, 443389703502962913.png)

518a65  No.4062533


Podestas statement about leakers was made months and months before the DNC emails were hacked and released.

3bcca0  No.4062534




Red Hair / Blue Eyes seem to be a recurring theme it seems here lately. Am I right?

c25293  No.4062535

James 5 KJV

Patience in Suffering

7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

9 Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.

10 Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.

11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

0a1dcf  No.4062536

File: 0209c144f0492d3⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 383x165, 383:165, DtCUhrLWwAAwwAm.jpg)



Wonder how many possible indictments are contained in that thread alone?


5f275f  No.4062537


Brainstorm, Natalie Woods last movie. Christopher Walken as neuro-researcher. Cliff Robertson also among cast.

333010  No.4062538

File: 6240766db8d6415⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 480x343, 480:343, 57db604576962ab7fba2cf674a….jpg)

File: 671f38eb332ba8c⋯.jpg (168.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 671f38eb332ba8c50808c38899….jpg)

348e19  No.4062539


Wasn't there just an article this morning saying the Fed chairman doubled down on his reasoning for the rate hikes and hinted at maybe more?

ec67d4  No.4062540

It’s 2018 and I still have to bite my tongue when coworkers bitch about white men and alt right nazis. I was hoping Q and Trump would have fixed this by now. Is it going to continue getting worse, or will Dec 5 bring noticeable change? I’m not feeling very optimistic.

404d43  No.4062541

Why are we arguing about the Bible?

Neither side can prove it's real or fake. Focus on what you can prove.

8edd22  No.4062542

3:02 5:5

5b3a13  No.4062543


orgasmic loop..kek

b4cbcf  No.4062544


Why can't the anon understand the meme?

Or even convey what is confusing in a normal way?

Are PEOPLE waking up here?

Time after time, the most insistent voices fail basic tests?

What is organic [here]?

If very very little of what we see is organic [here], then why are we [here]?

Why aren't we answering the question?

35829a  No.4062545


"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Mark 1:15

85587b  No.4062546

File: 85d69369aee5d8a⋯.jpg (385.18 KB, 2048x1418, 1024:709, 1-format43.jpg)

File: 9b3a455a93db0fa⋯.png (1.54 MB, 748x834, 374:417, 9b3a455a93db0fafac6aba5ddd….png)


People are starting to complain, so Trump is acting harsh on the caravan, at least in words. But invaders unrelated to the caravan are crossing the border daily. More optics while nothing substantial is done.

3d8328  No.4062547


Isn't it "Pedovores"?

404d43  No.4062548



bdf42f  No.4062549


7c778f  No.4062550


There will be no MAGA until justice is served on the deep state criminals who have been stealing our birthright for decades. No MAGA without that happening first. Where I live in Cal, the economy has slightly improved but the state govt is still criminal. See the recent fires. We are still choking on the toxic smoke.

7f957b  No.4062551

File: a86d86baa03cfba⋯.png (504.88 KB, 1343x574, 1343:574, shadsquawkin.PNG)

Another Squwker Shado99

9b50a1  No.4062552

File: 7d56d3e37a365ca⋯.jpg (107.08 KB, 715x499, 715:499, 2mr6mc.jpg)

File: 2dc38828f551ef6⋯.jpg (111.91 KB, 786x410, 393:205, 2mrdfe.jpg)

File: 322278c79328198⋯.jpg (90.15 KB, 580x449, 580:449, 2nhgyf.jpg)

File: e9f44f7eee336c5⋯.jpg (101.45 KB, 536x499, 536:499, 2nllfm.jpg)

149c9d  No.4062553


The only thing that keeps 99.99999999% of anons and patriots in check is the law. We are patriots who respect the rule of law. We encourage a “polite society” vs war torn nation ran by thugs and criminals. That said, this IS the reason we are HERE. To make sure our ELECTED officials do what we elected them to do.

It would be NOTHING for Anons/Patriots to defend this nation.. i.e. take up arms against those who seek to destroy our country, prosperity, and way of life. It is US, the USofA that stands as the ONLY outpost of freedom and check for evil worldwide.

You tell me who is a sheep.. only people i see here aside from shills are people who have been fucked w to the last inch of their tolerance for this shit.

We do not promote violence here. That said try us..

12c36a  No.4062554


sorry found it..not fake..old haha

3bcca0  No.4062555


OMG, how can this be anything but good for us.

This half delusion bird…

4bb846  No.4062556



KEK, good looks friend

f887dc  No.4062557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

404d43  No.4062558


Why do you want to give off the idea there's nothing but bots in here when you're obviously having a real time discussion with a h u m a n ?


7f957b  No.4062559

>>4062551 (me)

Squawking 7700 General Emergency

I keep forgetting to add, please forgive.

03c79d  No.4062561


NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

fa2b83  No.4062562

Losing GOP rep wants new election if results aren't overturned

Poliquin's race against Golden was the first use of ranked balloting in a congressional election. Under the system, voters rank candidates from first to last.

Neither Poliquin nor Golden won a majority of votes on Election Day. As a result, the lowest-finishing candidates were eliminated and their votes were reallocated to whoever was ranked second on those ballots.

Golden narrowly pulled ahead in the race based on the distribution of ranked-choice votes and was declared the winner on Nov. 15.

Poliquin filed a lawsuit seeking to stop the tabulation of ranked-choice ballots and arguing he should be declared the winner since he received the most first-place votes. Walker ruled against his efforts and allowed the vote count to proceed.

A spokesman for Poliquin's campaign said at the time that the representative would proceed with “constitutional concerns” about the ranked-choice system even if he had won reelection.


2f4ce8  No.4062563


thanks. i get the idea but i've been redpilling people for decades without "Q". I love and appreciate Q but don't feel like i couldn't "do without" any of the crumbs. I already archive all his posts and anyone he's responding to.

5097aa  No.4062564

File: 4e425e974d65be1⋯.jpg (76.45 KB, 615x410, 3:2, pedovoreEatThem.jpg)

File: 057c3f10024310d⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 475x380, 5:4, SpiritCookingIsPedovoreTra….jpg)

File: 393a25cc98876ce⋯.jpg (157.48 KB, 1011x719, 1011:719, Pedovore4.jpg)

File: 4f1952e2fea51cc⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 426x544, 213:272, Pedovore5.jpg)



Certainly is.

7c778f  No.4062565


Several months ago, I predicted neither her nor Billy would see 2019.

We're waiting…

5a1dcd  No.4062566


Hey, sport, think satellites improved between 1990 and 2018?

02cf7a  No.4062567

File: ca6dff26bbaf343⋯.jpeg (974.92 KB, 1242x1225, 1242:1225, 2383DB06-FE73-4105-B20F-4….jpeg)


Pain soon …

c0f03c  No.4062568



Two genders? How dare you sir!!!!1!

2e0387  No.4062569

File: 886a7986443c4bc⋯.jpg (109.71 KB, 675x380, 135:76, empty seats blue wave.jpg)

3741c7  No.4062570

File: 9206da012304fee⋯.jpg (333.97 KB, 1498x1079, 1498:1079, Clip_85.jpg)

What Level is Panic in DC?

2c9ee7  No.4062572

File: 03975a95892b22e⋯.png (3.27 MB, 2214x2134, 1107:1067, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)



5097aa  No.4062573


It's up to you. He told us to archive the crumbs and we have been. Doesn't need everybody doing that.

404d43  No.4062574


Disgusting duo.

b4cbcf  No.4062575

File: 6e0d44576553b6e⋯.png (358.51 KB, 788x550, 394:275, TONY-TONY-TONY.png)

File: 4136c0c46beb1b4⋯.png (1.01 MB, 740x1111, 740:1111, podestas heart is too heav….png)

File: 0c46c073fcccc07⋯.png (334.61 KB, 906x514, 453:257, podesta-is-too-tender-hear….png)

File: aaaae250dd22e60⋯.png (584.96 KB, 634x634, 1:1, PLAYFUL-TONY.png)

File: 6d61df5d8939626⋯.png (445.75 KB, 840x480, 7:4, tony-Podesta-is-a-patrioti….png)

18e9df  No.4062576


>I hate to be the person who misses the forest for the trees.

Lol! God bless you, sweetheart. I understand now that you have learning disabilities. "Misses the forest for the trees…" so cute! Bless you, sweetie.

622f25  No.4062577

File: b53e0467e45ea3c⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 3C5604E700000578-4143632-i….jpg)

File: e3156c5401de798⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download-12.jpg)

File: a8030b551b134c5⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 267x189, 89:63, download-11.jpg)

A lot of you are pushing some bullshit around. Trump to take down the cabal. Hahahahaha!

633d51  No.4062578

Reince p. Was the one who suggested trump pick Acosta it was his last thing he did before he left Trump's white house.

7c778f  No.4062579



That asshole is faggot.

c81fd4  No.4062580



>"They want you divided"– do "anons" still PUSH words like 'nigger', in spite of our mission to undivide?


I'm going to tell you exactly why that happens here.

Because you're a fucking shill, and well fuck, might as well just say it, so the fresh newbies can understand exactly what is taking place, and has always taken lace, on /pol/:

The reason things are purposely politically incorrect here, is to scare away the weak minded trash that dilutes the stream here.

And you know it, because you also want to dilute the stream here.

Go back to fucking clown school,CLOWN NIGGER.

5f275f  No.4062581


Are those MilPlanes all out of Tinker AFB?

2fcce6  No.4062582


kids have WAAAAAAY too much faith in "AI"

b4cbcf  No.4062583


Is this "anon" organic?

441be0  No.4062584

https://mobile.twitter.com/MandiReiSerra/status/1067841199740841984 A pizzagater has apparantly been placed on a terrorist watchlist for discussing pizzagate.

Spread and find out the individuals responsible.

4bb846  No.4062585

File: 465138191f869fc⋯.jpg (138.36 KB, 732x712, 183:178, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-0….jpg)

148571  No.4062586

File: 7eef27ee843a4dc⋯.png (3.54 MB, 2763x1878, 921:626, ClipboardImage.png)


DDGo Search

Lots of news on it surfacing

What changed?

973507  No.4062587

Could it be that Steele was extradicted to US today?




11 Sep 2018 - 6:32:22 PM

Panic in DC.

Steele req non_extradition to U.S?

UK-US extradition treaty 2003.

3bcca0  No.4062588


KYS, fucker.

For real.

5097aa  No.4062589

File: a0e0c1f25640bc8⋯.jpg (539.29 KB, 945x756, 5:4, PanicInUK-DC.jpg)

File: c5788b450b3708b⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 660x519, 220:173, panic_in_dc_3.jpg)

File: 61e7d05237d5a5c⋯.jpg (250.37 KB, 1024x753, 1024:753, panic_in_dc_2.jpg)

File: 6346ef471f83713⋯.jpg (248.55 KB, 1050x591, 350:197, PanicInDC3.jpg)

File: 66214555828f93d⋯.jpg (124.41 KB, 831x468, 277:156, PanicDC18.jpg)

>>4062570 love your meme, fren

b4cbcf  No.4062590


If I were able to establish that I was having a real-time conversation with a human here I would jump for joy.

I would dearly like to have an ally. Even just one to start.

Where are you, humans?

4bb846  No.4062591

File: 2f18be9ff2f8d2e⋯.jpg (110.25 KB, 739x793, 739:793, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-0….jpg)


3741c7  No.4062594


Snap! Thanxx

149c9d  No.4062595


Been here whole time. Not running down “accomplishments” if u r questioning me.

d2a34a  No.4062596

File: 23f2d6c39e611ba⋯.jpg (189.43 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2468.jpg)

File: 01d919331b1d840⋯.jpg (186.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2469.jpg)

File: 295b493881dbdfb⋯.jpg (211.23 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2470.jpg)

File: 35724f52404577b⋯.jpg (145.42 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2471.jpg)

Haiti still having mega violence….Haitians are pretty mad at Obama/Clinton etc. etc. "Orphans in the streets locked up" Mercenaries still killing opposition. Population reacted to one murder by burning down the police station in the town.

b4cbcf  No.4062597

File: 51424fbab114e0b⋯.png (386.31 KB, 737x737, 1:1, mn.png)



eff7a3  No.4062598


these are 2 different twitter accounts.

the first one is not trump's twitter.

a4450c  No.4062599

File: 4b5177b075b0574⋯.jpg (163.16 KB, 1175x888, 1175:888, funny retweet.jpg)

Just a thought

Thinking about the retweet image by POTUS

Ha Ha Ha that was good

Already the snowflakes are losing it even the fake news media is in shock

I would like to think the retweet of the image was the 4th boom, hey why not it's still funny

7f957b  No.4062600


Not sure on that, just started watching that area, I feel like the squawking might highlight something interdasting.

6882cb  No.4062601

File: 37a53489b269dd9⋯.jpg (925.98 KB, 499x278, 499:278, FGXWqOA.jpg)

File: 70018688cf0ad2c⋯.jpg (99.14 KB, 634x951, 2:3, 3F91520000000578-4441532-i….jpg)


Sorry, but I can't go down that rabbit hole again. It smells of sulfur. The code is still pretty obvious but the blatant evidence was on the old blog posts and Flickr gallery that has been scrubbed. I'm pretty sure the NSA has it anyway as there were a few pictures of lock ups and warehouses in DC that looked very familiar. They were posted last year on 4chan I was also concerned that it was a false flag attempt like Comet Ping Pong as it was a little bit too obvious. Dig if you want this red string hipster vampires are already in the light.

c0f03c  No.4062602


I simply laugh. Really, at this point it’s laughable people still think this way. Raaaycist! Orange man baaaaad. Yeah, right? Whatever. It rolls off like water on a duck’s back.

8a0922  No.4062603


I'm here. Lurking

a15de3  No.4062604

Mom Dresses Six-Year-Old Son As Girl, Threatens Dad With Losing His Son For Disagreeing.

Six-year-old James is caught in a gender identity nightmare. Under his mom’s care in Dallas, Texas, James obediently lives as a trans girl named “Luna.” But given the choice when he’s with dad, he’s all boy — his sex at birth.

In their divorce proceedings, the mother has charged the father with child abuse for not affirming James as transgender, has sought restraining orders against him, and is seeking to terminate his parental rights. She is also seeking to require him to pay for the child’s visits to a transgender-affirming therapist and transgender medical alterations, which may include hormonal sterilization starting at age eight.

I learned of James’ plight on a recent visit to Plano, Texas, where I spoke to teenagers about my own transgender story. I lived through a similar scenario when I was his age. I was cross-dressed for two-and-a-half years by my grandmother, who made a purple chiffon dress for me. Somewhat like James, my cross-dressing occurred under one adult’s care, but away from grandma’s I was all boy with my mom and dad. Also, just like James, I found my way into the office of a gender therapist, who quickly started me toward transition.

When his mother, a pediatrician, took James for counseling, she chose a gender transition therapist who diagnosed him with gender dysphoria, a mental conflict between physical sex and perceived gender. James’ precious young life hinges purely on the diagnosis of gender dysphoria by a therapist who wraps herself in rainbow colors, affirms the diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and dismisses evidence to the contrary. Remove the “rainbow” from James’ diagnosis, and it crumbles under the weight of the criteria for the diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

The diagnosis is critical, because labeling a child with gender dysphoria can trigger a series of physical and mental consequences for the child and has legal ramifications in the ongoing custody case. Get it wrong and young James’s life is irrevocably harmed.




c2584c  No.4062605

File: 6c8b896cd9f8fe1⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 552x177, 184:59, KisselJewishSurname.JPG)

File: 4c60addd24ddacc⋯.jpg (100.65 KB, 958x577, 958:577, MaryKisselGoog1.JPG)

File: c2f2b6dfd3d4032⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 617x522, 617:522, MaryKisselGoog2.JPG)

On Prev. Notable:

>>4059320 (#5166): state dept. hires trump hater

Good call removing the anti-semitic dog-whistle "nasty" from the orig. article title, baker. But since they're such proponents of tolerance in service of not being divisive, I'm confident they'll tolerate my posting this follow-up. I expect they'll lead by example and pretend not to notice it, same way we're not supposed to notice that googling any never-trumper's name wish "Jewish" will yield 'dasting coincidences nearly Every. Single. Time.

85587b  No.4062606


It's a progressive, forward-looking school that presumes soon, no male white students will be in the class.

b4cbcf  No.4062607


Can people discern the difference between organic and non-organic?

It can be very hard.

If PEOPLE spoke up and stopped being passive, it would get easier.


7c778f  No.4062608


Dear White Students:

Yes, you actually are more intelligent and superior. Check your history.

Yours Truly,


0fc2a0  No.4062609



366219  No.4062610


"Trump hiring Acosta for Cabinet position opens him up to incredible scrutiny and background investigations"

from Biography TREE

While he led the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, he helped to launch anti-trafficking campaigns in 2004.


But Epstein roams. let's do the math. say 5 girls a day between 2001 and 2004 (miami notable article.).

Thats over 7000 assaults.

d300f9  No.4062612

File: dd74e8689bb3ff9⋯.jpg (114.25 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Pandoras-Box-788-790-Finch….jpg)

Hey nobody Google the address in this box and shame David Camoron and Theresa the Appeaser May, oh no……

2fcce6  No.4062613



paid for by the CIA

4bb846  No.4062614

File: 995448a7a28c3d4⋯.jpg (142.11 KB, 727x774, 727:774, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)

File: 1ac66023e1c4c5b⋯.jpg (76.72 KB, 612x710, 306:355, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)


02cf7a  No.4062615

File: 116c07dd902622a⋯.jpeg (91.04 KB, 1242x378, 23:7, AAC15466-D0A1-4FCA-B650-2….jpeg)


bdf42f  No.4062616


d2fe82  No.4062617

File: 703c8950d0add7e⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 630x801, 70:89, pretty 01.jpg)


Waiting for POTUS to tweet this image someday.

5097aa  No.4062618

File: 62bc600fec954d4⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 911x546, 911:546, 2018-11-28 20:11:14Z.jpg)


@RealDonaldTrump retweeted @The_Trump_Train multiple times this morning.

One of the retweets was the quoted picture.

Verify it yourself at https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

973507  No.4062619


Congratulations to Steel Dynamics!

Donald J. Trump‏

Verified account



4 hours ago

Steel Dynamics announced that it will build a brand new 3 million ton steel mill in the Southwest that will create 600 good-paying U.S. JOBS. Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted. Congratulations to Steel Dynamics!

Or was he extradicted back in OCTOBER?

Learn double meanings.

News unlocks MAP.

Why is STEEL so important?

Expand your thinking.



2e0387  No.4062620

File: 3591bfca44ca157⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 634x423, 634:423, nancy and donald.jpg)

File: 9e4d712b05eb8fd⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x181, 255:181, nancy and trump.jpg)

f41af7  No.4062621

File: f6f9f4f45f57743⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 375x500, 3:4, wondertub.jpg)


Still rooting for Cortez, just for the laffs.

b4cbcf  No.4062623


Why not FIGHT?

Are the people in control here?

If our purpose is to FIGHT here, then why don't we?

What if the happenings are waiting for US to uncover the truth?

097cfc  No.4062624

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 930x1060, 93:106, 168ac1f993a5f8ccc0bf4dfc3c….jpg)



Canva, a social media image creation site who has templates for each network with recommended sizing, also says that 1200 x 512 is the recommendation for Twitter.

For any newmemefags, I highly recommend Canva. They have ALL recommended sizes for all networks, and have free stock graphics and more. It's also all in browser and is free to use.


7c4985  No.4062625

File: cc5c80a9af1b6c1⋯.png (174.68 KB, 442x430, 221:215, Capture.PNG)

What about Your FISA Judges, Justice Roberts?

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court deals with some of the most sensitive matters of national security – terror threats and espionage. Its work for the most part cannot be examined by the American public, by order of the Congress and the President. It is a tribunal that is completely secret (or supposed to be), its structure largely one-sided, and its members unilaterally chosen by one person.

A rotating panel of federal judges at the FISC decides whether to grant certain types of government requests – wiretapping, data analysis, and other monitoring for "foreign intelligence purposes" of suspected terrorists and spies operating in the United States.

… [T]he 11 judges are appointed exclusively by the Chief Justice of the United States, without any supplemental confirmation from the other two branches of government. John Roberts has named every member of the current court, as a well as a separate three-judge panel to hear appeals of FISC orders, known as the Court of Review.


404d43  No.4062626


Decent A.I

2c0948  No.4062627


Parts and assembles for the creation of the aircraft B-787 Dreamliner are manufactured by contract in several nations. The Dreamlifter is designed as a protective transport for the units to ensure supply chain of custody otherwise EU and the FAA would never certify the Dreamliners for commercial operations.

5f275f  No.4062628


As you were o7

a15de3  No.4062629


I bet some of you faggots thinks this is ok

149c9d  No.4062630

Im in a specially caustic mood for shills and [DS] fucks today.

Pelosi, Podestas.. who else is in the “octagon” at this very moment?

eff7a3  No.4062631


Aahhhh….thanks for clearing that up for me.

d2fe82  No.4062632

File: 568160fefcd198a⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 462x600, 77:100, sophia1.jpg)


Hopefully they show this in their home countries in HD.

Will not happen, though.

84d26b  No.4062633


Its an abomination

fa2b83  No.4062634

File: 17c3dfeae371ae3⋯.png (456.8 KB, 1238x924, 619:462, Treason.png)


>the first one is not trump's twitter.


>Thinking about the retweet image by POTUS

4e03ea  No.4062635


When the people who put this Q/Trump plan together came up with the basic outline they "Brainstormed" it. When they came up with a plan they thought could work. They decided to make a movie to act as a declaration of war. A mirror of the Cabals "revealing the method". They put everything they believe into it. And then showed a basic outline of how the PLAN would work. More than 35 years ago.

The movie is two different levels of story. One the straight forward plot. The other esoteric. The characters are archtypes. Alex is God. Micheal is the Arch Angel Micheal. The Man in the white hair and white suit is Lucifer. The smoking lady is earth/sophia and she is representing the pollution of Earth now and then. Gordy is the guy who makes all the wrong choices. Christopher is the holy child or humanity.

It has Mkultra references. Computer hacking references. And lots more. If you know what your looking at it will hit you like a ton of bricks.

It is a dramatic statement from a entrapped and enslaved humanity declaring they want to be free.

The dialogue is often not just between the characters but actually meant for you the viewer.

333010  No.4062636

File: 27eba55658710bb⋯.png (168.55 KB, 456x439, 456:439, fea754d6dc4241f45183785784….png)

Beautifully put.


27bab0  No.4062637


don't forget to archive your fav memes

the ones that really work (at least in your opinion)

we're all archiving what we as individuals feel is important

hopefully the combined effort will save it all

c0f03c  No.4062638


No, it sounds like she has that munchausen thing.

404d43  No.4062639


I think he shouldn't of married a liberal.

5a1dcd  No.4062640


You're posting at a toaster.

7c778f  No.4062641


Prosecute her.

5b3a13  No.4062642

File: 3a1973426829012⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 750x562, 375:281, barry&joe.jpg)


quite real

8a0922  No.4062643


Why not just pray? No need for dig, meme or fight.

When you know the truth, praying is all of the above

5f275f  No.4062644



Munchausen by Proxy

973507  No.4062645

File: 992705c484ef8f9⋯.png (42.28 KB, 991x324, 991:324, STEELE TESTIFY.PNG)



4bb846  No.4062646

File: 05deb9a912d9a93⋯.jpg (188.92 KB, 725x882, 725:882, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)

The nation has its eyes on the growing caravan crisis in Tijuana, Mexico along the San Diego southern border, but Border Patrol agents and ICE officers warn that tens of thousands of migrants have been apprehended along the other Border Patrol sectors over the past several months and thousands more may have evaded law enforcement to enter the United States illegally.

Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley have seen a surge over the past several months, roughly 5,000 migrants a week have been apprehended along the sectors more than 320 mile border, said Chris Cabrera, Vice President of the Union’s local 3307 Rio Grande Vally Sector. The Rio Grande Valley sector, which is comprised of roughly 19 counties within 17,000 square miles of land is one of the most trafficked corridors along the U.S. Mexico border. Cabrera also noted that 2,700 people were being held last week at the McAllen station, which is made to hold roughly 242 people. Cabrera said issues regarding the medical condition of the migrants, as well as other security issues, have created an overwhelming situation for law enforcement and the community.

There is a definite concern with the ongoing incidents across the southwest border in regards to the caravan,” said Cabrera. Illegal entries have increased at most sectors along the southwest. In the Rio Grande Valley we have seen as many as 5,000 plus per week since the beginning of the fiscal year.”

Cabrera says the caravan has spread out across the border from Texas to California and tells SaraACarter.com that immigration loopholes have been exploited since 2014.

“The loopholes need to be closed, and those violating our laws need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What we are seeing in California, Texas and points in between is unacceptable,” he said.

The migrants also face daunting circumstances. The terrain along can be extremely dangerous for migrants who misjudge the strength of the river currents as they cross the Rio Grande River into the U.S. and many have died trying to make the trek that is almost always organized by human smugglers and drug cartels operating in the area.

Cabrera, along with other federal law enforcement officials, say their agents are under assault by some of the migrants in the caravan and many of the women and children who are crossing have had to deal with dangerous and often terrible treatment by the cartels.

The Trump administration and law enforcement were criticized this past week for using tear gas on members of the caravan when roughly 1000 of them tried to rush the San Ysidro Port of Entry from Tijuana and pelted rocks at Border Patrol agents. U.S. law enforcement took 42 illegal immigrants into custody and the Mexican government said it had deported 98 migrants who rushed the border and assaulted officials.

Gerardo Garcia Benavente, from Mexico’s migration office, said: “98 foreigners were returned to their country last night following the violent incident at the border post,” according to a report from the BBC.

On Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, issued a lengthy statement on the circumstances that led to the use of tear gas and the growing crisis. She said the “caravan members are predominately male. It appears in some cases that the limited number of women and children in the caravan are being used by the organizers as ‘human shields’ when they confront law enforcement. They are being put at risk by the caravan organizers as we saw at the Mexico-Guatemala border. This is putting vulnerable people in harms way.”

Nielsen also stressed that the U.S. cannot “confirm the backgrounds and identities of all caravan members which possess a national security and public safety risk to our country. However, at this point we have confirmed that there are over 600 convicted criminals traveling with the caravan flow. This includes individuals known to law enforcement for assault, battery, drug crimes, burglary, rape child abuse and more.”

It’s not just the Rio Grande Valley and Tijuana seeing increases in illegal immigrant traffic. Former Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement Director Tom Homan, said the increase in human trafficking is across the board and as the migrants in the caravan face mounting pressure in Tijuana, a large number of them have broken off and headed to Mexicali.


6bb26f  No.4062647

File: 5816ab9b9669060⋯.png (179.29 KB, 406x390, 203:195, Dafuq.png)

5a1dcd  No.4062648


It wasn't, actually. It was Unbelief, aka the unforgiveable sin.

02cf7a  No.4062650

File: 849e79f7741a2b3⋯.jpeg (885.39 KB, 1242x1512, 23:28, 230589C9-A2AC-4AD8-B8AC-1….jpeg)


3d8328  No.4062651

Why did POTUS recommend Pelosi to Speaker of the house?

Why do eagles grab mountain goats and drop them from way up high?


148571  No.4062652

File: 4efceeb2ee36c88⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1453x1454, 1453:1454, ClipboardImage.png)

f727be  No.4062653

Should we be calling her "Pied Piper Pelosi".

It seems all the Rats are falling in behind her as she toots her horn.

eff7a3  No.4062654

Some migrant caravan members self-deporting as frustration grows in Tijuana


5b3a13  No.4062655

File: 4a22f48299de007⋯.jpg (87.23 KB, 2152x1890, 1076:945, 4a22f48299de007a73499430d2….jpg)

a15de3  No.4062656




it's infuriating to think about what that little kid is going through

inb4 muh divisionfagging, this kind of shit needs to be completely purged from the USA

d54540  No.4062657

File: 81e23edf2e685a1⋯.pdf (281.96 KB, protocolsOfZion.pdf)


Reading material for Anons that haven't already.

9dd1f4  No.4062658

>>4057852 (lb)

>>>4055268 (lb)

Sent on 12/12/12 at 12 pm… significance?

622f25  No.4062659

File: c57fbfa9de1106b⋯.jpg (369.87 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, rawImage.jpg)

File: d09240d29053c2e⋯.jpg (8.08 KB, 224x225, 224:225, images-26.jpg)

3d8328  No.4062660

File: 590f273fdf67dc8⋯.jpg (4.43 KB, 219x165, 73:55, goatdrop.jpg)


sorry image fail.

4bb846  No.4062661

File: 8ba0ee36212a199⋯.jpg (76.61 KB, 719x634, 719:634, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)



3f0264  No.4062662


Same to you. Fuck off. You cant see what's right in fucking front you.

1f2ccd  No.4062663



I asked last bread What if Trump Train is P.DJT alt acct? Can't prove it. Just something to think about.

f727be  No.4062664


She will now be 3rd in line.

So if something happens to the President or Vice President.

"Pied Piper Pelosi" will be running this country.

Scary isn't it!!!!

5a1dcd  No.4062665


If you cannot discern what is true, and what is false, then the bible is not for you.

462c86  No.4062666

File: 3242b8b8a5f73cc⋯.jpeg (110.44 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 2fa7d961c68f9741ed5de0fbe….jpeg)


Teaching, despite union control, is a poor career

Also the education level required to get teacher certification is LOW (around a fifth grade level)

Teaching in public school is above all a social agenda, socializing errant behaviors and lifestyles

To the lowest common denominator

Teacher education primarily focuses on controlof classrooms and on how not to violate state and federal laws of conduct/human rights….ie how not to get fired even if you want to beat the shit out of the little retard that's acting like a psycho

Our society has relied too long on forcing teachers to be the de facto nannies of our children in an economy that demands the parents both work outside of the home and depletes the families time together

Now we have a nation of children who had to raise themselves who are bringing new children into this world

They are unaware they are orphaning their progeny because they themselves are orphans of society

The real question is how do we correct this?

d2fe82  No.4062667

File: fc0b64e763db159⋯.jpg (144.51 KB, 1360x2006, 40:59, monica_white2.jpg)



Faggots = Pedophiles

They should be treated accordingly.

e4de5b  No.4062668

So, where is the list of arrests that Q teased us with?

b3e298  No.4062669

File: b3430e78751983e⋯.png (149.93 KB, 635x432, 635:432, Horus - Priory of Sion.png)



Making the right connections now?

8a0922  No.4062670


I will look into it. Who wrote it by the way?

4bb846  No.4062671

File: a134214d7a78392⋯.jpg (108 KB, 738x678, 123:113, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)


7f957b  No.4062672

File: 45d3feca291012a⋯.png (56.05 KB, 655x551, 655:551, searchresults.PNG)

So I looked up the Lat and Long on that plane that was squawking


8c5b34  No.4062673



this bitch needs a one way ticket over the wall to Tijuana…via catapult or trebuchet

1972ca  No.4062674


I know anon. But toaster brought up something that non-toasters might also think. Hence the reply to toaster.

back to digging

fa2b83  No.4062675


>Some migrant caravan members self-deporting as frustration grows in Tijuana

self-deporting illegal immigrants is a beautiful thing!

149c9d  No.4062677


Well so u desribe the basic situation here.

Criminals/thugs who have compromised our system to the core. WE speak up, MSM either does not cover it, or does calling people “crazy” to discredit.

I mean we are where we are, and we have the advantage and kicking visitors asses all over the court. They play dirty, and even w all those “tricks” the [DS] still cannot win. Patriots just replaced refs and score keeper is an Anon.. they simply cannot win.

We DO speak up and let people know what is going on. Its habbening.

You have to have faith.

0fc2a0  No.4062678


Why does ice float? Answer that question and you'll know the concept behind the *two glasses.

2e0387  No.4062679

File: b347ceb9f69f31f⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 570x589, 30:31, 2001 bowman stars cabal.jpg)


There's no stopping the Ice Age.

NO Neil Degrasse Tyson?

They are doubling down on the stars.

5097aa  No.4062680

File: de6d7bae89f2dc2⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 550x563, 550:563, MemeWarjoin.jpg)

File: 6a5e33f0679476d⋯.jpg (153.62 KB, 734x1024, 367:512, Memewar3.jpg)

File: ce51d5d290d2082⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 338x240, 169:120, MemeWarz.jpg)


In managing our image archive here, I convert 95% of the images I harvest to JPEG with 93% quality setting. Some get converted between finding on QResearchGeneral and posting on Memes bread; some get converted after finding on Memes bread before upload to the Mega image archive. Really high resolution infographics (poster size) do not get converted. We post these image size/resolution/filesize recommendations at the beginning of each Memes bread and regular memeanons are aware. Casual memers probably are not aware.



33,000+ memes and infographs - 9.1 GB. File names contain searchable keywords.

NPC Memes Archive #1:


Meme Ammo Stockpiles

→ 35 >>3863987, 34 >>3690162, 33 >>3501547

→ Red October Memewar 2 >>3425883

→ NPC Memes 2 >>3522113



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


c906ca  No.4062681

File: dabc063fa811f93⋯.jpeg (940.87 KB, 1125x1766, 1125:1766, 911B3745-A0FC-4838-8E0B-5….jpeg)

FYI - all you Trump supporters are in a cult.

6897a1  No.4062682


If you could discern what is true you wouldnt read the bible

4e03ea  No.4062683


You talk like that faggot Lynn Rothschild. I had hoped they would of killed you by now. Guess we still get to see it live on our TV soon.

622f25  No.4062684

File: 330e1f969140558⋯.png (330.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, pelosisontrump.png)

Pelosi's son celebrated New Year's Eve with Trumps at Mar-a-Lago

b29e30  No.4062685

File: 973a41220ea629a⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 636x317, 636:317, madam president.jpg)

Don't mind me, just catching up on notables.

>Popcorn placed in Red Cross Bags by Flotus !!!!

Next time make it even more obvious, please, and use Hotpockets and tendies.

>Jack Dorsey Sells 103,035 Shares of Square, Inc. (SQ) Stock

>Square owns CashApp

>CashApp is used exclusively for online "sexwork" transactions.

I told you fags yesterday: #ThotAudit is crashing everything related to the "online sexwork industry" (with no survivors).

Watch Venmo (owned by PayPal) to be next.


>3 million ton

>s/b 3 million-ton (missing hyphen)


<uses hyphen here in same situation

>although it should be well-paying

>instead of good-paying

Does a missing - indicate a missing letter? Steel(e)?

Why "well" into "good"?

Is POTUS just not a grammar Nazi, or are these mistakes intentional?

I still maintain deltas to the second are unintentional, too difficult to hit, and were never confirmed.

7e4f85  No.4062686

File: 364ed20da03149c⋯.jpeg (99.96 KB, 825x488, 825:488, image.jpeg)


e4de5b  No.4062687


So, a scientist convention to spew glowbull warming myths?

And they wonder why nobody believes in glowbull warming.

f1d582  No.4062688

File: cbc2b54cd3d312a⋯.jpg (156.63 KB, 624x895, 624:895, 3.JPG)

File: 8f67f7d557f3b96⋯.jpg (143.53 KB, 609x937, 609:937, 4.JPG)

Pelosi May Face More Dissent After Newly Disclosed Bets on Amazon, Facebook


12c36a  No.4062689

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

The eccentric hedge fund manager, whose friends included former President Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Prince Andrew, was also suspected of trafficking minor girls, often from overseas, for sex parties at his other homes in Manhattan, New Mexico and the Caribbean, FBI and court records show.

https: //www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article220097825.html

sweett lawwdd…now even turning Epstein fker around onto Potus…geezzz what next…

c0f03c  No.4062690


Yep. While gender dysphoria is real and I believe present at birth, kids need to be fully mature before they transition/drugs. Some kids like me played dress up as the opposite sex. Quite my own sex now, and happy. This pushing permanent life-altering things on kids is just wrong, my 2C.

3d8328  No.4062691


The list is up your ass.


8b4ac1  No.4062692


Refuses to rule out

Refuses to affirm it’s not a possibility

8c5b34  No.4062693


isnt mcfarlane more than 6 foot deep in cabal crap?

b4cbcf  No.4062694


Is this board dominated by a system of FAKENESS?

7c4985  No.4062695

Former aides promise to expose 'deep state' plot to stop Trump becoming president

President Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and deputy campaign manager David Bossie this week will release a new book detailing how the president's "enemies" inside and outside the White House are working to thwart his agenda.

The two former Trump aides are set to release their new book, "Trump's Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency," on Tuesday. The authors want the book, which is reported to describe an ominous and somewhat conspiratorial Washington under the Trump administration, to show readers how there are establishment embeds within the nation's capital that are actively working against the president and "the American people."


eff7a3  No.4062696



149c9d  No.4062697

File: b224a81043c7ee6⋯.jpeg (195.72 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 27D7EA51-5194-46F4-9FF7-0….jpeg)



1972ca  No.4062698


wrong, that's when we would step in and run the country

a15de3  No.4062700


>While gender dysphoria is real and I believe present at birth

that is fucking degenerately retarded

ceaf34  No.4062701


I especially like protocol 9 and 11.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

570a57  No.4062702

File: 7dd3d0a5615b2bc⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 579x674, 579:674, Screenshot_65.jpg)


starts in 25 minutes approx.


7c778f  No.4062703


A veganburger. Thanks.

c2584c  No.4062704


BOOM. (kek)

Well said, anon.

Now to the gulag with you.

f727be  No.4062705


I do like your thinking Top Anon. o7

6882cb  No.4062706

File: 693ce99f4a095d7⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2143x1704, 2143:1704, 65b49b340542362.jpg)



It's far from OK anon but this kid and any of the ones who have gone down this path are already fucked. Their parents (at least one of them) have fucked them up. If it was not gender it would be something else as it's just a symptom of generational mental illness. It's not mission critical to Q as well. As I said, it's more a of a symptom. It has a high emotional value and agitates people but only affects a very small amount of families with existing mental illness. Personally I concentrate on the high value and systemic corruption issues but everyone can do what they want. Just my opinion.

9022e5  No.4062707


So what, let Mexico help them or go back. NOT MY PROBLEM

4e03ea  No.4062708


A mythical good Jew.

I guess they are real after all.

f887dc  No.4062709

File: 4dd886b0b74b2d0⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1181x1620, 1181:1620, 3FC0C27E-7400-419E-8AA9-7….jpeg)

404d43  No.4062710


>Cult member tells others they're in a cult.

b988ed  No.4062711


So, how do we solve this? This is irregular warfare on their part. Using non-combatants like mommies and kids. All as a means for invasion to destabilize the U.S., especially the southwest. And pursue trafficking.

Mexico won't do enough. We can't just kill them all.

How does this get resolved? We can't let ANY sneak in.

You know, just cut off ALL assistance if they do come in. I guess. If they can be masters of cruelty to their own, we'll have to be, too.

149c9d  No.4062712


Okay, done w you shill.

Kys faggot.

4bb846  No.4062713

File: 0b29fb98a5f6b3d⋯.jpg (190.24 KB, 559x959, 559:959, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)

File: 364ede37c2c3612⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 552x121, 552:121, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-1….jpg)

Jesse Kelly’s Twitter Restored After Congress Threatens Investigation


2fcce6  No.4062714


who the fuck is we?

you got some extra incels and homophobes chillin in the basement with you there GSA ?


333010  No.4062715

File: 879d8fca6eadc73⋯.jpg (169.9 KB, 1052x500, 263:125, 879d8fca6eadc734766ff5fb8f….jpg)

People actions are the result of their information inputs. Improve the information inputs and you improve the person. The Great Awakening is an update to the out of date and impoverished cult-controlled reality.

5097aa  No.4062716

File: 463a6de95788214⋯.jpg (73.54 KB, 1284x648, 107:54, QTellsUsToThinkForOurselve….jpg)

652d63  No.4062717

File: db36212aed32a33⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 570x487, 570:487, 7f001b60e6126b194f1cca3dbd….jpg)

ceaf34  No.4062718

83b81b  No.4062719

File: 8e93290e2933921⋯.jpg (106.44 KB, 563x759, 563:759, Dn94SaHU0AANBDo.jpg)

e4de5b  No.4062720

File: 8e1a3d8a88969f3⋯.png (146.67 KB, 388x377, 388:377, vengepepe.png)


There is a solution for dad and son, albeit a costly one.

333010  No.4062721

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live Forever, shils.

6897a1  No.4062722


Last Chapter-

King = Trump

c81fd4  No.4062723

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 621a7f4cd6072b51a3b2bd274c….jpg)

85587b  No.4062724

File: 0e4bb859f1a9958⋯.jpg (90.43 KB, 993x560, 993:560, 1-1-e1473254689902.jpg)

File: 5d13b9783bf494b⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1260x1172, 315:293, Screenshot_2018-11-13 Niel….jpg)

File: 2b349b17fa49455⋯.png (574.41 KB, 1268x1072, 317:268, 2b349b17fa49455e33d77e59ee….png)

File: 816a533e45863f4⋯.png (557.22 KB, 1167x774, 389:258, Screenshot_2018-10-27 Is i….png)

File: 9cf523bf28d1783⋯.jpg (981.79 KB, 1081x665, 1081:665, 9cf523bf28d17836fb7b23ae00….jpg)

35829a  No.4062725



d2fe82  No.4062726

File: 6a36abb079b8501⋯.jpg (780.49 KB, 2000x2272, 125:142, pretty 02.jpg)


It's a big club and you ain't in it.



84d26b  No.4062727


I don't believe that for a second.

4bb846  No.4062728


read wrong but yes won't matter, plant.. all fake

d62a2e  No.4062729

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 33091a89e735b3cdd963bd6e00….jpg)

File: c918ec758dfe83f⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 188x167, 188:167, c918ec758dfe83f4bb0945d8e9….gif)

5f275f  No.4062730

File: 1594c6fa9ab8d34⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, ClipboardImage.png)

404d43  No.4062731


Blanket statement.

7c101d  No.4062732


Would like to see them put thier money where thier mouth is

like give away that big mansion and and 20 cars

they just want us to to give it up

e4de5b  No.4062733

File: c398548652ddd33⋯.gif (868.33 KB, 500x266, 250:133, buttonbike.gif)

c2584c  No.4062734


>was a big womp womp,

maybe not. Was wondering whether was intended to set the stage for future cabal inmates and/or their assets to have their internet barred so they couldn't continue fucking our shit up from behind bars.

WATCH: US Attorney, military investigation services hold press conference at SC DOC’’’ (from >>4060712 pb)


‘’On the restriction of cell-phone use by prison inmates after found extorting Mil for fake solicitation of underage sex:’’

19:37 “This is not… [just] people on the internet or whatever, I mean, what you’re seeing today, this has real-world consequences with folks that have been put behind bars to make society safer. And no longer can we say ‘they’re behind bars’ but ‘they’re out there virtually amongst us.’”

0d385e  No.4062735

83b81b  No.4062736


we're all niggers here

8943cb  No.4062737

File: 64f8735d79962f1⋯.png (81.67 KB, 829x1003, 829:1003, npc ivanka email bot.png)

7c778f  No.4062738


I'm pretty tired of hearing Trump say how great everything is without any deep state arrests to speak of. Build the wall. Lock /them/ up, or shut it. America is improved since Bushbama, but it's nowhere near restored to the America I grew up in prior to 1990. Not close. MAGA has MANY miles to go.

c0f03c  No.4062739


Oh, I misspoke. I meant present before birth. It means you’re brain doesn’t match your parts. Without divulging my gender, I’ve always felt like I was xxxxx. You’ve probably always felt you were xxxx. Someone with it doesn’t feel that way. It’s rare, which is why it’s classified as a disorder. People who don’t have it, the thought of changing their gender seems alien. Hope that makes sense.

21e4ed  No.4062740

File: f4dabd073383c50⋯.jpeg (190.38 KB, 992x744, 4:3, 223F44A4-1C48-484F-84C6-2….jpeg)

File: e87c432fa2bcd13⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 92DB164C-EE29-453A-867B-8B….png)

File: 16f26efdbc33246⋯.jpeg (69.77 KB, 885x516, 295:172, E993AA2B-963F-4D00-AF0F-3….jpeg)

What horrors did Barry & Co. do in the east colonnade. Why are the red trees different sizes? What does Melania know?

9022e5  No.4062741


My theory; Manafort was a plant, was found out early on, he got a deal (one of the first offered) played along and did what he was supposed to. Screwed Mueller big time. He'll get a pardon IMO

149c9d  No.4062742


This is straight out of Israeli playbook.. call it the Gaza-Sneak..

Look at what the Middle Easterners have done w the use of soft targets put in place so the terrorists cannot be hit or if so w civilian casualities. This is literally an ISIS playbook move.

016346  No.4062743

>>4056893 pb radio hosts murdered/killed

>>4057178 pb tell me how these folks' death are related. inthedarkfag

>>4057220 pb Because it's not about free speech anymore.

It's about your ACCESS to it.

pb thx, think I follow. soooooo... killing off radio/communicators, info is stopped. that about right?

4bb846  No.4062744




581386  No.4062745


D5 is the key

Look up D5-brane

7c778f  No.4062746


Trump funded much of Sheriff Joe's Grand Jury investigation on Soetero's lack of birth docs.

2fcce6  No.4062747


But its so hard to claim to be a group of super smart researchers when everyone is nigger this and faggot that … or maybe you arent actually smart enough to realize it… ??

333010  No.4062748

File: e6fae2234a44094⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 600x350, 12:7, e6fae2234a4409400a082450bd….jpg)

File: 6a896200c4803be⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 634x767, 634:767, e7d926feb46ec5a106c5772fe7….jpg)

File: 63348be3b45e916⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 249x255, 83:85, fd66bef5654fbbc90327a6a842….jpg)

File: 888aa46821ae8fb⋯.png (559.66 KB, 932x597, 932:597, ff4b24ba6619465e032f132851….png)

File: 8e47b7eda90cf1e⋯.jpg (318.41 KB, 1280x949, 1280:949, tumblr_o6xclinkwr1qisyv1o1….jpg)


Do NOT engage shills.

02bd55  No.4062749

I want many of you to understand something critical. The field of intelligence is shrouded by an ever present fog. It ebbs and flows like ripples in a pond and is just a dense as the water that carries it. What could be an allegiance today can be wrecked with animosity tomorrow.

That being said, I think Q has done an incredible job of laying out the players in the field and letting us in on their roles. Keep this in mind though - anything and everything can change. Take for example the absolute chaos surrounding Mueller right now. You have Manafort, Corsi and Stone all giving Mueller a fat middle finger. Why?

To what end?

Who benefits?

Now factor in the plethora of allegiances and nations with skin in this game.

Suddenly all is not clear is it?

Visibility requiring IFR conditions?

Welcome to the storm.

e2eb73  No.4062750

File: 9ce20c07f3fbe9f⋯.png (13.13 KB, 588x106, 294:53, Screenshot_2018-11-28 (15)….png)

Michael Moates

‏Verified account @freedom_moates

Michael walks into the White House briefing room like so tell me about Q and the rouge deep state operation B6-13.



e4de5b  No.4062751

File: c2151991b39a122⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 413x395, 413:395, scotch2.jpg)

File: 53fd29c1fbcdc42⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 332x192, 83:48, laserpointer.gif)

7c4985  No.4062752

File: f3e8cbb7be5fe5a⋯.png (433.29 KB, 699x399, 233:133, Capture.PNG)

North Korea blows up DMZ guard towers

Jazz ShawPosted at 10:01 am on November 24, 2018

There were nearly a dozen explosions heard recently along the DMZ on the Korean Peninsula, but it wasn’t a sign of the Korean War heating up again. The North Koreans reportedly dynamited ten of their own guard towers in advance of a previously agreed deadline for bringing down the structures. (ABC News)


5c58fc  No.4062753

Donald J. Trump


Steel Dynamics announced that it will build a brand new 3 million ton steel mill in the Southwest that will create 600 good-paying U.S. JOBS. Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted. Congratulations to Steel Dynamics!

8:09 AM - 28 Nov 2018


Donald J. Trump


General Motors made a big China bet years ago when they built plants there (and in Mexico) - don’t think that bet is going to pay off. I am here to protect America’s Workers!

11:05 AM - 27 Nov 2018


(POTUS - retweet)

The Trump Train 🚂 🇺🇸


If GM doesn't want to keep their jobs in the United States, they should pay back the $11.2 billion bailout that was funded by the American taxpayer.

9:47 PM - 27 Nov 2018



(Example) → "Offshoring" of the American Aluminum Production Industry that I witnessed first-hand over the last 30yrs; which started to accelerate about 10yrs ago.

* Check out these numbers:

Yearly Production - (Thousand Metric Tonnes of Aluminum)

(1990 - 2001) North America = (6500) → Avg each year

(1998 -1999) China = (194) → no data pre -1998

(2001 - 2002)

North America = (5659)

China = (3686)

(2002 - 2003)

North America = (5889)

China = (4735)

(2003 -2004)

North America = (5948)

China = (6047)

(2004 - 2005)

North America = (5529)

China = (7274)

(2005 - 2006)

North America = (5838)

China = (8,495)

(2006 - 2007)

North America = (5794)

China = (10,289)

(2007 - 2008)

North America = (6140)

China = (13,688)

(2008 - 2009)

North America = (6238)

China = (14,540)

(2009 - 2010)

North America = (5158)

China = (15,136)

(2010 - 2011)

North America = (5094)

China = (18,809)

(2011 - 2012)

North America = (5376)

China = (21,909)

(2012 - 2013)

North America = (5276)

China = (25,685)

(2013 - 2014)

North America = (5317)

China = (28,845)

(2014 - 2015)

North America = (4970)

China = (30,900)

(2015 - 2016)

North America = (4837)

China = (34,083)

(2016 - 2017)

North America = (4364)

China = (35,901)

(2017 - 2018)

North America = (4272)

China = (38,898)

Most other Major Industrial Production numbers paint a similar picture of the Massive shift to China in the last 30yrs.


404d43  No.4062754


Every dimension past 3D is still 3D.

bc4d1f  No.4062755

File: 5d62120147e7bbe⋯.png (867.62 KB, 724x1089, 724:1089, Ut.PNG)

e20114  No.4062756


they all left because some shit head was spamming worthless memes every bread. join the AI, spam biden memes

462c86  No.4062757


Says the guy who created a cartoon

That created a cult

fffefa  No.4062758

File: 76a539a05f40d19⋯.png (392.15 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, image.png)


300 signs:

The Committee of 300 - the 300 that run the world.


581386  No.4062759


It's a red wave

Watch the water

Waves go up and down

RED WAVE in the White House.

Got it?

622f25  No.4062760

File: 86f1eae4799deb6⋯.jpg (9 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images-8.jpg)


Obey can kiss my brown star.

7c778f  No.4062761


Trump knows she's demented and very unpopular, that's why he supported her.

348e19  No.4062762


>>4062713 Jesse Kelly’s Twitter restored after a Senator-elect threatens investigation

>>4062688 Pelosi's investments in tech stocks alienate her from the "new" breed of Democrats.

>>4062661 Trump refuses to rule out Manafort pardon.

>>4062591 Democrats nominate Pelosi for Speaker of the House.

>>4062288, >>4062393 Common architecture found between Middle East buildings and Epstein's temple.

>>4062238 Syria update.

02cf7a  No.4062763

File: 92367dc03f874f1⋯.jpeg (174.21 KB, 1242x457, 1242:457, 79918BD0-191A-4EB9-8FE7-B….jpeg)


3f0264  No.4062764


For certain.

404d43  No.4062765


I liked it moar when Carlin said it.

b87d05  No.4062766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

85587b  No.4062767


Wait, I thought we were the super elite.

c15a63  No.4062768

File: 78c420679337cdd⋯.jpg (58.81 KB, 720x536, 90:67, ff.jpg)

d5cfad  No.4062769

File: df506c318991c28⋯.png (211.98 KB, 544x554, 272:277, 1han217nhskjhd6!whshQ .PNG)

Solar activity to pick-up after Nov 30

Via Solarham.net

e4de5b  No.4062771


"peer-reviewed = circle jerked "proof" by fellow 'climate change' grifters.

342b2f  No.4062772

>>4062093 (lb) The worthless, lying liar can not stop with the ludicrous statements. What he did, on the orders of his masters, was destroy as much of America as humanly possible, in every way. Mental illness, narcissism, psychopathy—all on display. What a pleasure it will be to watch the low IQ venom spewer meet justice. Among the scummiest 2 legged animals to ever walk the planet.

5f275f  No.4062773



You think he wants to pose the Q question?

9dd1f4  No.4062774

>>4057852 (lb)

This email is filled with fuckery and hidden meanings

1. Why the doubles? NO/NO and NOT/NOT

2. Weather- cloudy with temps in upper 40's

3. Money Matters (ho's ain't free)

4. Used books, used lamps, used birdcages from 1970's??? Makes me think "older women will be available" for those who prefer

5. Donate blood????

6. Yoga- sounds like sex to me

7. Water in DC NOT/NOT potable? You can drink water in DC, so what does this mean?

8. Our bodies are programmed to spend at least 2hrs/day in a van?????

9. Additional Note: On the side of hte bag there will inexplicably be an imprint of a symbol of some kind that appears to be nothing more than a red splotch???? WTF?

10. A light snack served during this van movement (sounds like sex available during certain activities)

11. Camera spray

12. 17<<←– locations for dinner

13. We have a van secured to take you to the History of the AF's Obsession with Tilapia Museum. This is so fucked up.

14. Their mouths are "protrusible, usually bordered with wide and often swollen lips"

15. Tilapia on the 100 World's Worst Alien Invasive Species List (sounds like code for a certain demographic of people ie Latina whores available) since they are "found in FL, TX, and isolated areas"

cda3f0  No.4062775

File: 2102c8953a0afc7⋯.jpg (93.51 KB, 658x547, 658:547, 2d8808d185e1ccde4dda8ea8f0….jpg)

Kissel has that 2015 tweet about popcorn, was this a "plan indicator" ?

c81fd4  No.4062776


You know it. Since February 21, 1871.

The IRS and Federal reserve Acts of 1913 were the other bookend to that swindle.

Every citizen in the USA is legally a slave.

4bb846  No.4062777

File: b33460e118bb0d4⋯.jpg (139.16 KB, 733x870, 733:870, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-2….jpg)

b4cbcf  No.4062779


Do fake anons usually out themselves with two or three moves, if you go back and forth with them a bit?


581386  No.4062780


But I thought it was the peer scientists

Who were finding the errors in data

And the invalid analyses?

148571  No.4062781

File: ec18584a1c0bd8f⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2150x1078, 1075:539, ClipboardImage.png)

4bb846  No.4062782

File: 77c2cff9b34ad50⋯.jpg (93.59 KB, 725x714, 725:714, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-2….jpg)



8eb8ac  No.4062783

File: eb134e91c9cbfa9⋯.png (471.58 KB, 1271x594, 1271:594, Acosta A.PNG)

I was really confused when reading Anon's comments about Trump hiring Acosta and wondered if I had missed something. I realised why when I actually read the stories as I had never previously heard of Alexander Acosta before.

Apart from his work with Epstein, he has worked on some very interesting cases that are currently relevant.

Here's a snippet:

One case Acosta oversaw during his time in this position involved Ali Shaygan, a doctor who was accused of illegally prescribing painkillers. Shaygan was acquitted, but what was notable about this case was that it was discovered during the proceedings that three prosecutors and a Drug Enforcement Administration official had secretly recorded conversations with Shaygan’s attorney, David O. Markus. At the time, Acosta said that he was taking steps to ensure this did not happen again.

Acosta also oversaw the case against UBS, a Switzerland bank which was accused of helping Americans evade taxes. The bank paid a $780 million settlement and agreed to hand over the names of some of their clients, according to The Washington Post.


02cf7a  No.4062784

File: 1b3c63ab74ed89c⋯.jpeg (587.62 KB, 1129x950, 1129:950, E5258EA3-78F7-4D06-9A0F-A….jpeg)

7e4f85  No.4062785

File: 142937adde1690c⋯.jpeg (15.39 KB, 406x304, 203:152, image.jpeg)



ceaf34  No.4062786


Not for much longer.

>PAIN -23

>We go LIVE -24

Merry Christmas!

4d33d3  No.4062787


I think they dragged Epstein into this very reluctantly. He's a big time DNC benefactor, and he knows shit about pretty much all of those nasty old mofos in the Democratic party who attended his pedo orgies. The last thing they want to do is piss him off.

The only reason they are doing it is because they think it might cause some damage to POTUS. Trump was never into Epstein's pedo shit. His whole life before running for the presidency was being a Wall Street mogul. He was highly sought after for interviews and party invites because his wealth and success and unique personality were admired by everyone. And, unlike the Hollywood crowd, he wasn't an asshole with an ego with the money. He actually uses a lot of it to help people and do good things. Everybody liked him—both liberals and conservatives. This is why its so surprising to me to see them all turn on him like this. They LOVED him when he was donating big money to their charities and political campaigns. Now he is the worst person in the world.

Thank God for him. Seriously, thank God for him!

a24279  No.4062788

File: 725039ce96f34e1⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 255x219, 85:73, death.jpg)

b4cbcf  No.4062789


How do you feel about "the NPC meme", anon?

5f275f  No.4062790

File: 7185d904f3693d0⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 447172fcb115bd2b9bae8d7f16….jpg)

7c778f  No.4062791


Another despicable demoncrat.

e35024  No.4062792


Enoch is a verified true prophet of the Most High God. How do we know? Because he walked in the True Spirit. Therefore, everything he was at birth was done away with. His carnal mind and carnal ways were taken, brought to nothing. He was NOT because he walked with the One that IS eternal.

eb78a6  No.4062793

File: 78adb6500a7b12f⋯.png (218.44 KB, 963x609, 321:203, 78adb6500a7b12f5d8ec53b82c….png)


I wasn't thinking its a cult now I am suspicious. That is literally the worst thing you could have said.

1cd141  No.4062794


Nor shekel.

c0f03c  No.4062795


Ok. I know someone with it. She’s finally transitioning very late in life-just hormones, but has always felt like a male trapped in a female body. It’s always been this way, ever since she can remember. I do think it’s truly a brain disorder, nothing her parents did or didn’t do. Just happens. It’s been very odd and sometimes hard to be supportive. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. Sorry for the slide..no more.

af5a76  No.4062796

File: 658762f5886ce2a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 744x600, 31:25, Cultivating Light.png)



9dd1f4  No.4062797



You think discovery will reveal it was real?

819bdb  No.4062798

Canada had a Emergency Alert Broadcast today at 1:55.

Ours was at 2:18.

Difference of "23". One of their favorite numbers. Saturday 12/1 is Kislev 23 on the Hebrew calendar.

God bless.

a15de3  No.4062799



126fb8  No.4062800

File: 8f2c0ab5e334dfd⋯.png (685.76 KB, 1023x951, 341:317, ClipboardImage.png)

e2eb73  No.4062801

Pelosi nominated as speaker by House Democrats

The full House will hold the formal vote for speaker in early January when the new Congress convenes.


• 203 yes • 32 no • 3 blank • 1 absent

Go Nancy go LOL

342b2f  No.4062802


Well I was looking for the one that says, "What cult tells its adherents to think for themselves?" but I couldn't come up with it quickly.

7e4f85  No.4062803

File: e2ddc2fed75a541⋯.jpeg (87.79 KB, 640x432, 40:27, image.jpeg)



a24279  No.4062804

REDDING, Calif. - The Shasta County Coroner's Office has identified a body found along the shoreline of the Sacramento River as former longtime Redding Chamber of Commerce CEO.

The body of Frank Joseph Strazzarino Jr., 67, was found around 3 p.m. on Sunday, on the shoreline of the Sacramento River near Bechelli Lane in Redding.

The incident remains under investigation by the Redding Police Department and the Shasta County Sheriff's Office Boating Safety Unit.


23fad6  No.4062805


I never said that it did

4bb846  No.4062806

File: 1a394b5a4120a50⋯.jpg (258.19 KB, 656x1105, 656:1105, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-2….jpg)

File: 3652c6128c80870⋯.jpg (211.51 KB, 663x880, 663:880, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-2….jpg)



3d8328  No.4062807


dismiss or settle out of court.

this will never see the inside of a court room.

c81fd4  No.4062809


>But its so hard to claim to be a group

Everyone is an individual anon here.

The gold star research rises to the top through the merit of the information provided by those smart individuals you so brazenly aim your traducements at, not the membership to any group, you backwards thinking clown nig ;)

38f663  No.4062810

File: 546954ce5550384⋯.png (11.19 MB, 4500x5400, 5:6, TYpresT.png)

ceaf34  No.4062811

7c4985  No.4062812


Bucyrus-Erie co, Wheir Steel corp. Pelton Casteel.

Grede Foundry, Briggs & Stratton

Dirty FKers

9dd1f4  No.4062813



581386  No.4062814


Now you're getting the hang of it

They use all kinds of codes in their emails

We simply cannot take the text at face value.

Tilapia is code for blow job party

Like those Dancing Bear porn movies with male strippers in a room of MILFs

The women seem to be really excited about giving these blowjobs

a24279  No.4062815

File: 42a83fda2e655b8⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 520x351, 40:27, iu (12).jpg)

7e4f85  No.4062816

c81fd4  No.4062817


If you can't see the basic sarcasm in that meme, we won't miss you.

a24279  No.4062818

File: cd3732b78ccc283⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 22d52f3f039671e043770c5006….jpg)

File: b4194c66dfab7fb⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 265x229, 265:229, HARD.jpg)

f38826  No.4062819

File: 90f75bcefc1aa60⋯.png (160.49 KB, 300x300, 1:1, mnr.png)


>The reason corruption has been allowed to flourish in the United States is because we have not had any public executions of firing squads or hangings for treason and traitors.

a15de3  No.4062820

halfchan nigger (((mods))) shut it down, not before some anons threw out some qpills


bb0d01  No.4062821

File: bf175df6fac3a71⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1411x3645, 1411:3645, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Spac….png)


>Here's another


3d8328  No.4062823

File: 73f9f6f086595b0⋯.jpg (8.21 KB, 300x300, 1:1, marker.jpg)

no, this is a marker.

149c9d  No.4062824

File: 0087560dcd7ba78⋯.png (515.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 619B848C-B09B-4716-A8D0-16….png)

File: f8f1b95d2b059ce⋯.png (545.17 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EAC5CE03-F193-46EB-9EF7-A2….png)

File: 06a8a3c23447d83⋯.png (533.72 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F97C746F-970A-4A6B-87C4-6A….png)

File: 3df29e59b90572f⋯.png (672.6 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A2D5E69B-00F1-48E4-9659-96….png)

File: da11c0e4fa17e17⋯.png (575.11 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C7EAEEB7-C27D-47A1-9B13-71….png)

USG Opposes Release of Assange Charges November 26, 2018

Tried to post yesterday, cell and me faught.. i post today 🤨

9c0e48  No.4062825

File: 1a7bd1e7e0bab20⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 536x925, 536:925, i.jpg)


1 Corinthians 13:2-7

If I have the giFt of prophecy and can Fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a Faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

2 Corinthians 6:6-10

Rising-in purity, unders+anding, patience and kindnEss; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousnEss in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Proverbs 11:11

And-through the bLessing of the uprIght a City is Exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the righteous is like the (Morning Sun), shining ever brighter till the full light of dday.


eff7a3  No.4062826


some people are just that slow, believe it or not…kek

7c778f  No.4062827


Agree that the vocal morons are annoying af. This is the direct result of the lack of effective justice from Trump's DOJ.

1f2e25  No.4062828

File: fc079c26475ff05⋯.png (259.59 KB, 606x559, 606:559, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey [Koala]

Sorry if we've already wrapped up diggin' on you. I came across this article from today -


Which led me to an interesting episode of John Oliver talking about Rudy Guliani embedded in the middle of a koala chlamydia article from 5/7. Worth the watch

John Oliver Giuliani Jokes


7e4f85  No.4062830


Can you find the Q entry where this is stated?

0d385e  No.4062831



83acb8  No.4062832


Checklist with blank dates MEME PLEASE

7209e5  No.4062833

Nancy Pelosi is in the Presidential succession top kek

7c778f  No.4062834



Christianity is not about logic and reason, it should be viewed as a paradox, then it makes more sense.

462c86  No.4062835


Soweto SAfrica

Aparteid never died, just renamed and Soweto was publicized because of it

Deeper meaning? Just because you rename something ddoes not change what it is

2b6c92  No.4062836


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.


Next full moon is Dec 22nd, "cold moon".

daaedf  No.4062837

>>4061032 (LB)

>An educated woman has healthier children. She is more likely to send them to school

Kind of a oxymoron don't you think kek

5c58fc  No.4062838


>Bucyrus-Erie co, Wheir Steel corp. Pelton Casteel.

>Grede Foundry, Briggs & Stratton

Sherwin Alumina - Gregory/Corpus Christi

I did consulting work there.

Bankrupt - shut down by owner : Glencore in 2016.


e20114  No.4062839

File: 989e5a6ec89e102⋯.png (457.17 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, npc crowdtiresias.png)


I agree with NPC, they are smart

18e9df  No.4062840


Mumbo jumbo, Dumbo. Ever hear of circular reasoning?

03c79d  No.4062841



United behind the bars.

570a57  No.4062842

Online sex ads rebound, months after shutdown of Backpage


9 minutes ago

DALLAS (AP) — A Pittsburgh-based software company says online sex ads have rebounded less than a year after a government crackdown fractured the nation’s online sex-for-hire industry by shutting down its most notorious platform.

The shutdown of Backpage.com in April contributed to a fall in the number of online sex ads and disrupted the marketplace. But now, software company Marinus Analytics recently announced that the average daily ad volume on the leading escort websites in the U.S. has surpassed ads posted on Backpage preceding its shutdown.

The announcement comes as anti-sex trafficking advocates and law enforcement officials are faced to navigate a scattered sex-for-hire market online to combat sex trafficking — a trend some say will require authorities to adapt.


4bb846  No.4062843

File: 9c2da1b1aba5d83⋯.jpg (124.12 KB, 723x693, 241:231, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-3….jpg)

Dis hoe is ded soonz


318287  No.4062844


Lol they have quantum ai

Or some other scary shit

When you see it in action you will understand

52e4c6  No.4062845


There are only a few bots here. 95% are human so there's that.

1cb60f  No.4062846



does that make you feel ANON..CAUSE IT'S FKN STUPID

2b6c92  No.4062847


Think you mean this, and it had a different meaning imo.


Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


b988ed  No.4062848


Go to qmap or qanon and filter the word Marker. There are 25 posts that use that word.

b4cbcf  No.4062849


Can sarcasm be used as a pretense to be subtly undermining?

Does sarcasm by itself counteract the defensive overtones of the meme?

How does the game work?

"Trump followers are in a cult!"

Is the game almost won as soon as an accusation is aggressively pushed?

Does defending against an aggressive attack put you in a difficult position from the start?

So is it ever good to CHOOSE such an attack as a point of reference?

CHOOSE a weak position to start from?

Defensiveness looks bad, and gives aggressive, baseless attacks a great advantage.

Are organic anons making memes that start from a weak position?

Or is it a SUBTLE undermining tactic?

Are anons starting to see how the game works, and how pervasive it is?

Fake everything, at every level, and you can determine what is.

Another example "orange man bad"– supposedly our "ironic" meme. Organic?

Subtle fakery. Insidious, pervasive.

This shit is evil.

a24279  No.4062850

File: 60f1c020f4b2411⋯.jpg (141.39 KB, 922x631, 922:631, 658938_039.jpg)


11-29 = 11-11

6882cb  No.4062851

File: 4677629f001d65d⋯.gif (444.34 KB, 499x271, 499:271, aibot.gif)


It's not AI, it's just low quality digging anon with very few memes. There are lots of things going on so most people are just getting comfy, checking the boards from time to time and watching the fire rise. The only downside is that it is a bit of a boring part in the movie. Hopefully, the pace and direction of the plot improves soon as it feels like this part could have been edited much better.

7c778f  No.4062852


It does us no good to put ourselves in the hands of the masonic police state.

318287  No.4062854


The level of retardedation from,the media actually hurts to watch

Its like watching barney

Heres the newest garbage story we pulled out of our ass that everyone else must care Bout

I hope the saudis take out more wapo jouenalists

Makes the world a better place

3bcca0  No.4062855



1. I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the last strata of the earth.

2. This confirmation will first and foremost be included in that which to this day has rested the force of conservatism by our learned elders of the conduct of the affairs of the world, in the directing of the education of thought of all humanity.

3. Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and their heirs, selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent capacities, inducting them into the most secret mysteries of the political, into schemes of government, but providing always that none may come to knowledge of the secrets. The object of this mode of action is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those who have not been inducted into the secret places of its art ….

4. To these persons only will be taught the practical application of the aforenamed plans by comparison of the experiences of many centuries, all the observations on the politico-economic moves and social sciences - in a word, all the spirit of laws which have been unshakably established by nature herself for the regulation of the relations of humanity.

5. Direct heirs will often be set aside from ascending the throne if in their time of training they exhibit frivolity, softness and other qualities that are the ruin of authority, which render them incapable of governing and in themselves dangerous for kingly office.

6. Only those who are unconditionally capable for firm, even if it be to cruelty, direct rule will receive the reins of rule from our learned elders.

7. In case of falling sick with weakness of will or other form of incapacity. kings must by law hand over the reins of rule to new and capable hands.

8. The king's plan of action for the current moment, and all the more so for the future, will be unknown, even to those who are called his closest counselors.


9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming.

10. In the person of the king who with unbending will is master of himself and of humanity all will discern as it were fate with its mysterious ways. None will know what the king wishes to attain by his dispositions, and therefore none will dare to stand across an unknown path.

11. It is understood that the brain reservoir of the king must correspond in capacity to the plan of government it has to contain. It is for this reason that he will ascend the throne not otherwise than after examination of his mind by the aforesaid learned elders.

12. That the people may know and love their king, it is indispensable for him to converse in the market-places with his people. This ensures the necessary clinching of the two forces which are now divided one from another by us by the terror.

13. This terror was indispensable for us till the time comes for both these forces separately to fall under our influence.

14. The king of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions, and especially of sensuality: on no side of his character must he give brute instincts power over his mind. Sensuality worse than all else

disorganizes the capacities of the mind and clearness of views, distracting the thoughts to the worst and most brutal side of human activity.

15. The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations.

16. Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachable.

581386  No.4062856


Some of the the boys who play with girls toys and dress up in girl's clothes, just have a real affinity with women. They grow up with mostly female friends, some of them former lovers, some not. This doesn't mean that they really want to become women. They just like the feminine side of existence, and most of them can get enough just by being close with women.

8fd595  No.4062857

Did a quick dig on General Motors' management.

It's about as Deep State as it comes.

This woman has the swampiest resume I've ever seen.

New board member at GM




Former member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board (!!!!)


And GM's CEO was discussed as a possible VP candidate for Hillary.


Pffft, I wouldn't even LOOK at a GM vehicle now.

05edbd  No.4062858

File: 8cd1c09533e2bde⋯.jpeg (857.05 KB, 1305x1954, 1305:1954, E991AB65-E278-42F6-A5D0-6….jpeg)

Democrats overwhelmingly nominate Pelosi as Speaker


4bb846  No.4062859


u think he speaks of the BO AK pic to be leaked soon on their command… that will force the Q

cff7b9  No.4062860


News that M. Obama used IVF broke a few weeks back

e20114  No.4062861


don't resist the AI

31bd59  No.4062862

File: 9f53b77a4583342⋯.png (95.23 KB, 963x670, 963:670, ABC article.png)

File: cc3d47b8faefc35⋯.png (15.61 KB, 555x315, 37:21, Q 742.png)

New Amazon Headquarters partly in Virginia

Interesding that part of the new amazon headquarters is in Crystal City VA which is right beside the pentagon.

Why would they pick there?

Q post 742 related…

>Investigate those in front of camera who scream [or tweet] the loudest.


7c778f  No.4062863


What's Trump's next excuse after the UCMJ changes take effect 1/1/19.

3d8328  No.4062864


how is 11-11 = 11-29?

7209e5  No.4062865


POTUS told them to.

0643f7  No.4062866









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.









We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.

8fa955  No.4062867


Looks like we have a lot of instantly comped newcomers, kek.

462c86  No.4062868

File: 4407a77026fe38c⋯.png (278.42 KB, 678x381, 226:127, f36c0aa0b5d93b0b096a343af0….png)


That's when Orion's belt lines up with something….

Lazy question as I head out the door?

Perhaps we will see the heavens rolled back

Wouldn't that be glorious?

a15de3  No.4062869


imo, it's a sign of severe mental delusions, and to push it onto an child who doesn't want it should be legally punishable by jail time



chill, great happening with the rt, but not the signifier

ad09f1  No.4062870


>Obama used IVF

On herself or a surrogate?

6bb26f  No.4062871

ccc8e8  No.4062872


Given the state of our "family courts"- this sadly does not surprise me.

b4cbcf  No.4062873


There is no evidence of more than about 5% human posts.

a2c940  No.4062874

File: f89412e0fbebfe1⋯.png (158.5 KB, 1524x1392, 127:116, 55x129.png)

Triangles - first key

Multiplying e and -f - second key

Recursively factorizing d and e - third key

Is this correct?

b988ed  No.4062875


This was Q post 1051, April 6.

I'm betting this situation has a lot to do with what the press conference today in S. Carolina had going.

Smuts will always find a way back. Now we have to intervene with the actual technology to stop the trafficking and other illegal activites.

e35024  No.4062876


The carnal mind and the thoughts she receives are death. She brings forth death in what we express towards others. Thou shalt not murder. The carnal mind must die the second death. The second death is when the death in us dies. We overcome with the mind of Christ.

e20114  No.4062877


203 is not enough, womp womp

b4cbcf  No.4062878


Why not?

4bb846  No.4062879


guess she is a fucking evil LADY after all

8cba89  No.4062880


Legit. Thank you for sharing.

It is good to take in a view from many different angles.

333010  No.4062881

File: f73261d3d1995e1⋯.jpg (131.8 KB, 600x954, 100:159, 34217.jpg)

File: 667f786de02ebc6⋯.jpg (112.28 KB, 479x600, 479:600, 2524584_600.jpg)

File: 0b1a8a5d9859dc6⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 382x579, 382:579, blowntp.jpg)

File: 225ab1087d7ec63⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 175x288, 175:288, download (3).jpg)


Tilapia yeah, that make sense but the MKBeta program sex kitten are actually alien entities.

There's a pretty choice description of how they took over a bunch of occultists in LA in a book by Phillip Jose Farmed called "Image of the Beast."

I mean their are alien entities *inside" that feet on jizz and sex energies. They inject an exotic pain killer and feel pretty good until they server the glans. Then you die screaming which really gets those transdimensional entities off and they grow stronger each time they engage in sex with a human. Shapeshifters. They say.

If real they'd be formidable. Some are thousands of years old.

761a34  No.4062882


Wonder if this has anything to do with the fires??

2b6c92  No.4062883



eb78a6  No.4062884


I have seen people re-post the instagram screenshots and you must have seen it beforehand.

f38826  No.4062885

File: 1a690569013cfa1⋯.png (574.29 KB, 800x764, 200:191, wall.PNG)

3d8328  No.4062886


Thanks for the update.





7f957b  No.4062887

File: eca6ee582432324⋯.png (294.44 KB, 1339x576, 1339:576, attackkkk.PNG)

Another interdasting sign…ATTACK

e20114  No.4062888

File: 07d2cac773b18a8⋯.jpg (164.62 KB, 781x461, 781:461, tiresias beep.jpg)


resistance is futile

7c778f  No.4062889


Steele was referred by Congress to the DOJ for prosecution back in 2017.

0fc2a0  No.4062890



Try it, you'll like it.

149c9d  No.4062891


I have thought about this. Why we are HERE and being heard. The plan is for US, not the other way round. Remember we are leaving that dystopic destiny behind.

I do want to know the plan going forward w regards to the “police state and/or surveillance.

404d43  No.4062892

/pol is convinced Q is fake and gay. And they do a great job making you believe it. Had to get off that board.

* Trump friends with Epstein - gets him off (pun intended)

* Another record month of deficit (I know I know…muh reset)

* Pelosi's kid hanging with Ivanka on New Years?

* Trump still took 100 million from Sheldon Adelson.

* No arrests. Just continued promises of something soon.

Eventually, something needs to happen one way or the other. Donald Trump is not presenting himself in public as a man hellbent on making peace. Quite the opposite. Which is left in the minds of millions that continue to hate him simply for his smugness. I don't get that. Attitude is perception.

Go check out /pol for real news once in a while that doesn't tie everything to Q. Trust YOU.

ad0bf0  No.4062893

>>4061539 (last)

It sounds like Trump (with help from a crack legal team no doubt) has walked the razor's edge here and done everything exactly right. The UN has nothing to complain about.

Not only will asylum requests be considered individually, but the applications will be taken individually at official border stations.

And we have certainly not obstructed migrants' access to safety as they were "fleeing" whatever it was in Honduras, or was it Guatemala too … (by the way an extremely safe country.) There they are in Mexico, in safety, and we are encouraging them to stay there!

cd4dc7  No.4062894

9b50a1  No.4062895

File: d71fc4fa70126e9⋯.jpg (189.26 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2no8zl.jpg)

Not buying what you're pimping, Al

b4cbcf  No.4062896


Why? How can the AI win?

a24279  No.4062897

A U.S. judge overseeing a criminal case involving Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is asking the utility to explain any role it may have played in a massive wildfire that destroyed a Northern California town.

Posted: Nov. 28, 2018 11:29 AM

Posted By: Associated Press

(AP) - A U.S. judge overseeing a criminal case involving Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is asking the utility to explain any role it may have played in a massive wildfire that destroyed a Northern California town.

Judge William Alsup in San Francisco directed PG&E in a court filing on Tuesday to respond to a series of questions about power line safety and wildfires. Alsup is overseeing a 2016 jury verdict and subsequent sentence against PG&E stemming from a deadly natural gas pipeline explosion in the San Francisco Bay Area.

A judge last year ordered an independent monitor to oversee the safety of the company's gas pipeline system and put the company on probation for five years. Alsup said he wants to whether that sentence might be implicated if any wildfire were started by the reckless operation or maintenance of PG&E power lines.

A call to PG&E's media line Tuesday was not immediately returned.


03c79d  No.4062898


anon should have stated that

11.29 is also 11.11


4003c7  No.4062899

How Mueller can use the Manafort plea to get around the White House


4bb846  No.4062900

File: 3786337fde5e3df⋯.jpg (32.84 KB, 895x142, 895:142, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-4….jpg)

Michelle Obama is opening up about her difficult journey to motherhood in an exclusive interview with ABC News anchor Robin Roberts airing this weekend that's pegged to her upcoming memoir.

In a clip from the special shared on "Good Morning America" Friday, the former first lady revealed that she suffered a miscarriage, which left her feeling “lost and alone.” She writes about her fertility issues in her book.

“I felt like I failed, because I didn't know how common miscarriages were because we don't talk about them,” Obama, 54, told Roberts of the incident that happened about two decades ago. “We sit in our own pain, thinking that somehow we’re broken. So, that's one of the reasons why I think it's important to talk to young mothers about the fact that miscarriages happen, and the biological clock is real.”

The "Becoming" author and former President Barack Obama were able to welcome daughters, Malia, 20, and Sasha, 17, through IVF.


6882cb  No.4062901


>I hope the saudis take out more wapo journalists. Makes the world a better place

That is one piece of cognitive dissonance I noticed as well. Journalists and spies/assets of the deep state genuinely think people will be upset if they get lined up against the wall and shot. Recent happenings in Turkey suggest that no one would really care apart from other journalists in other countries who are worried it could happen to them. Most people see through the bullshit now or don't watch them at all. It's only people aged over 50 and above who would even know it had happened.

fe8c67  No.4062902


I bet she thinks she's safe from being arrested.

973507  No.4062903





8cba89  No.4062904



daaedf  No.4062905


bitch ass didn't ask i bet

ad09f1  No.4062906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d8328  No.4062907


Seems a stretch.

eb78a6  No.4062908


Reddit is more of a cult

c15a63  No.4062909


She is damn, have you seen any arrest yet ?

18e9df  No.4062910


>Christianity is not about logic and reason, it should be viewed as a paradox, then it makes more sense.

What kind of dumb statement is that?

Christianity is SUPREMELY logical and reasonable. Its head is the author of logic and reason so how could it ever be any less?

3583a1  No.4062911

File: 71aa5830a0f2606⋯.png (44.76 KB, 300x222, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)


SHADO - Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation.

I loved that series. (UFO - 1970s)

21cfac  No.4062912


Well, either an extremely bad judge of character or he is deep state.

bdf42f  No.4062913

Max Boot @MaxBoot


Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh et al make a LOT more $$ praising Trump than I do criticizing him.

2e15fb  No.4062914


link to article:


Did they remove that fat fag's mugshot from the article?

85587b  No.4062915


You have to think like a jew

b988ed  No.4062916


AND Mexico offered to integrate them into their nation. But they don't like beans. They want pizza and hamburgers and other American food.

2b6c92  No.4062917


Just as planned.


348e19  No.4062918


>>4062900 More genetic engineering and IVF in the MSM.

>>4062887 Planefag: Mil plane with call sign "ATTACK?"

>>4062782 Man sues Hawaii for false missile alert after suffering a heart attack.

>>4062713 Jesse Kelly’s Twitter restored after a Senator-elect threatens investigation

>>4062688 Pelosi's investments in tech stocks alienate her from the "new" breed of Democrats.

>>4062661 Trump refuses to rule out Manafort pardon.

>>4062591 Democrats nominate Pelosi for Speaker of the House.

>>4062288, >>4062393 Common architecture found between Middle East buildings and Epstein's temple.

>>4062238 Syria update.

4bb846  No.4062919

File: d5bb69798c6dbcb⋯.gif (54.8 KB, 750x444, 125:74, in-vitro-fertilization-pro….gif)

File: b3faf1f99066784⋯.jpg (245.28 KB, 700x525, 4:3, diocesePhoenix-catholic-in….jpg)

7c4985  No.4062920

File: cda8f046270679f⋯.png (555.53 KB, 825x307, 825:307, Capture.PNG)

Seems DEC 5th is going to be one hell of a day

Google CEO To Testify Before Congress, Expected To Discuss Allegations Of Conservative Censorship

Google CEO Sundar Pichai will testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Dec. 5 to answer questions about the company’s possible political bias, the committee announced.

“Americans put their trust in big tech companies to honor freedom of speech and champion open dialogue, and it is Congress’ responsibility to the American people to make sure these tech giants are transparent and accountable in their practices,” committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, a Virginia Republican, said in a committee press release.


c2584c  No.4062921


>so hard to claim to be a group of super smart researchers when everyone is nigger this and faggot that

Of course, which is why we make no claims at at all based on group membership. Remember that we weren't the ones who claimed Mil Intel-level utility of ourselves, but Q who bestowed that honor on us – which is why all these normies come here. You're saying these normies are smart enough to believe Q's anti-PC rhetoric on baby-eating, WW-corruption, and (gulp) MOS topping the pyramid, but will find a few hilariously ironic un-PC terms beyond believable? The stats don't bear that out. Our movement is growing, not fizzling.

Besides, like anon said here: >>4062809

Our work product speaks for itself. Doesn't matter who says it or what names we call ourselves, OR (and this is key), what names (((you))) call us. Our product is fact-based, relevant af info. The ppl are starved for it, they're lapping it up, and NOTHING can stop it. Nothing.

c81fd4  No.4062922


Plus it's the most known sarcastic gangster.. ever…

e2eb73  No.4062923

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:30 P.M.) – The Houthis Movement fired a ballistic missile at a Saudi Apache helicopter base in the southern province of Najran this evening.

According to the official media wing of the Houthis, their rocket battalion fired a Badr-1 ballistic missile at the Saudi helicopter base in the Beir Askar region of Saudi Arabia’s Najran Province.

The Houthis did not specify whether or not the missile hit its intended target.

This missile attack by the Houthis comes just hours after the Saudi Coalition launched a big offensive around the Al-Qais Mountains near the Yemeni border-crossing.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:30 P.M.) – The Houthis Movement fired a ballistic missile at a Saudi Apache helicopter base in the southern province of Najran this evening.

According to the official media wing of the Houthis, their rocket battalion fired a Badr-1 ballistic missile at the Saudi helicopter base in the Beir Askar region of Saudi Arabia’s Najran Province.

The Houthis did not specify whether or not the missile hit its intended target.

This missile attack by the Houthis comes just hours after the Saudi Coalition launched a big offensive around the Al-Qais Mountains near the Yemeni border-crossing.



03c79d  No.4062924


btw, thee is only one Q drop that has a 11:29 timestamp.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 245782 No.548253 📁

Mar 4 2018 11:29:14 (EST)



5a1dcd  No.4062925


Dude looks crooked. Acts crooked. Probably is crooked.

581386  No.4062926


That's our job to fix things like this.

Have you tried speaking them about respect

And not jumping to conclusions about other people that they do not know.

Then bemoan the lack of respect in society these days.

NEVER speak to the racism of the nazi side of things.

Make the conversation be one of RESPECT

And unity among Americans

Whose lived depend on the support of ALL their fellow citizens.

85587b  No.4062927

File: 138330dc31809ad⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 624x960, 13:20, 138330dc31809ad7377951f38e….jpg)

5b3a13  No.4062928


> bars.


eefabd  No.4062929


I dont think Logic means what you think it means.

bdf42f  No.4062930

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. @jerome_corsi


I have retained attorney Larry Klayman to assist David Gray in my defense. In a memo to my attorneys, I have instructed Klayman and Gray to file with Acting AG Whitaker a criminal complaint against Mueller's Special Counsel and the DOJ for prosecutorial misconduct in my case.

Larry Klayman is pretty damn big

404d43  No.4062931


Not wrong. Paytriots of another level.

722e70  No.4062932

File: 704503ae399620b⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 1066x806, 41:31, KimJongUn.jpg)

b4cbcf  No.4062933


What is organic on /pol/?

What are tech giants doing with all their AI?

Would there be any reason that control of 4chan would be sought?

Any history of effect dissent and activism?

Is /pol/ controlled?

But organic "anons" here are pushing "/pol/'s opinion" as if it's organic, and professing to "be swayed by the powerful arguments" as well?

Just organic, patriotic anons all around?

What if there is just very little organic internet posting happening right now, especially outiside of the mainstream?

333010  No.4062934

File: 84e030a75f73c74⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 500x500, 1:1, muhjew.gif)



e20114  No.4062935


We always win, losing is not an option. Join us now, earthling.

a4450c  No.4062936

File: 7565c9773ffc26c⋯.jpg (196.05 KB, 1236x1366, 618:683, funny retweet.jpg)

Just a thought

Thinking from Q drop - The last will be magical.





337e02  No.4062937

File: 21286a7225bab6d⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1776x1028, 444:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04cf6a99c51cecc⋯.png (799.37 KB, 1181x886, 1181:886, ClipboardImage.png)


CCN is expanding. Are you our next full-time journalist from the West Coast USA? Send us your CV and examples here.

The relentless incursion of cryptocurrency into popular culture has recorded another first with the SAFE Network being featured in the newly-released animation movie ‘Wreck-it-Ralph 2 – Ralph Breaks The Internet’.

First pointed out by posters on internet forums, the feature was then confirmed by a shot of a cinema screen showing the SAFE logo clearly displayed during a scene in the movie.

Hollywood Loves Crypto?

Prior to this, cryptocurrency has featured regularly on the smaller screen with televisions shows like ‘The Good Wife’, ‘The Simpsons’, ‘House of Cards’, ‘NCIS LA’ and ‘Supernatural’ dipping their toesi nto the subject as far back as 2012. Recently however, the recognition of crypto as a bona fide part of popular culture has made its way to the silver screen, with the Coen Brothers reportedly working on a new movie about former Silk Road admin Ross Ulbricht.

In June 2018, Hollywood Reporter revealed that a movie about money laundering titled ‘Crypto’ is currently in production with a superstar cast including Alexis Bledel, Kurt Russell, Beau Knapp. Luke Hemsworth, Jeremie Harris, Vincent Kartheiser and director John Stalberg Jr.

Reacting to the news of the feature through its official account on the SAFE Forum, Maidsafe said:

“Hey all, we’ve been watching this one with interest – thanks to everyone who’s pinged us over the weekend to give us the heads up! We’re trying to do a bit of digging to find out more – but, most excitingly, this isn’t something that we’ve worked on directly within the team. It may have organically come out of our connections with the Silicon Valley HBO series 5. But whatever the reason, knowing just how much time is allocated to designing and checking every single frame of a major animation film from a company like Disney to ensure it’s perfect at the end of a multi-month production cycle, I think it’s safe to say that the SAFE Network’s been chosen for a good reason. We’ll let you all know if we find out the connection over the next few days.”

It will be recalled that prior to this, Marvel comics featured cryptocurrency in a comic strip titled Hunt for Wolverine – Adamantium Agenda #1. More recently, in October 2018, late noughties Hip hop sensation Soulja Boy released a single titled “Bitcoin” from his latest mixtape ‘Young Draco’.

Also in October, CCN reported that Johnny Depp penned a deal with Tatatu, a tokenized social entertainment platform that reportedly raised $575 million in what became the third largest ICO ever.

00c0c8  No.4062938


Because they are on the winning side. You'd think he'd figure that out.

4d33d3  No.4062939


Michael is full of shit. You cannot be a mother if you are a man.

2b6c92  No.4062940

210cb2  No.4062941

File: 4dd55bf85fe6d52⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 296x407, 8:11, obama - mike pkg.jpg)

1f2e25  No.4062942


wait… so they cause infertility (probably diet), and as a result IVF pregnancies sky rocketing and providing access to change our children's genes and test/monitor/collect/store?

That is so fucked up.

8fd595  No.4062943

Luke Rosiak Retweeted

Benjamin Weingarten

‏Verified account @bhweingarten

4m4 minutes ago

Benjamin Weingarten Retweeted Luke Rosiak

The next two years are going to be one helluva circular firing squad on the Left

Benjamin Weingarten added,

Luke Rosiak

Verified account @lukerosiak

72-Year-Old Congresswoman Barbara Lee Accuses Fellow House Dems of Sexism, Ageism For Picking Younger Black Male, Hakeem Jeffries, For Leadership Slot

0 replies 5 retweets 10 likes

4bb846  No.4062944

File: eeb079f797e7f22⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 719x334, 719:334, Screenshot 2018-11-28_15-4….jpg)



8eb8ac  No.4062945


>guess she is a fucking evil LADY after all

No, not at all. This is to explain why the children are not "hers" when the need arises in the very near future..

a15de3  No.4062946


>Trump friends with Epstein - gets him off

Trump banned that pedo from all his properties and hates him

no idea what that has to do with Q

>Another record month of deficit

blame congress

no idea what that has to do with Q

>Trump still took 100 million from Sheldon Adelson.

Trump takes money from a lot of people for the campaign, he is seemingly no influenced by any of it

it's used for travel so WE THE PEOPLE don't pay for it

no idea what that has to do with Q

>No arrests. Just continued promises of something soon.

Trump nor Q do the investigations, prosecutions, and other related work

Huber is working on it

no idea what that has to do with Q

>/pol is convinced Q is fake and gay

it's /pol/ first of all, but secondly, you just got blackpilled on Trump, don't project your hatred of him on Q or anons

try harder

fe8c67  No.4062947


There has been many. Senators etc. Just not the ones we want yet

7c778f  No.4062948


Cortez is better for us than Joe Crowley, who ws a menace. She's an idiot.

404d43  No.4062951


They're just as biased as CNN but from another side. Biased news isn't news.

Raw news is news.

149c9d  No.4062952


FAMily courts need to be changed badly. Men need the ability to both be in a child’s life AND have same opportunity that women do. THey have it made in family court. Super sad cause just because woman has biology to reproduce, doesnt mean she should.. then go to court and she gets the rubber stamp of gov substidies assistance and support from the man. Since when did women become so dependant on men? Thought they were supposed to be strong and woman.. hear her roar?!? Hearing from a female judge that the American family unit still has women raising kids.. all BULLSHIT.:

All bullshit.

Family court needs changed.

b4cbcf  No.4062953


You're losing. Try to be honest.

7c778f  No.4062954


He can go anytime.

333010  No.4062955

File: 628f91eae5dd34a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 411x600, 137:200, 628f91eae5dd34a678edfe3c07….jpg)

File: 671f38eb332ba8c⋯.jpg (168.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 671f38eb332ba8c50808c38899….jpg)

ff0b5f  No.4062956

File: eb1fd11bbe3358c⋯.png (229.03 KB, 451x251, 451:251, screenshot_1111.png)

Black Friday in Amsterdam

c5c9b6  No.4062958


Dear black students, all lives matter.

Dear Muslim students, if you adhere to Sharia Law, you are a terrorist.

Dear LGBTQ+ student, there are only 2 genders.

Dear female student, men cannot grab you, unless the boys in your classroom are playing with you or teachers pulling you away from danger.

Dear Latino students, at age 8-12 I doubt you are rapist bu then again time will only tell.

Dear undocumented students, in this classroom there are no walls, except for the walls that are in this classroom.

c15a63  No.4062959


Ask the question stop your rethoric.

016346  No.4062962

>>4059904 pb5167 strange waves rippled around world

just tried to forward orig article to FB and the links do not work..... what is national geographic trying to hide?? Oh, I know, nothing to see here folks, move along.

7c4985  No.4062963


Bet that made the world wide news every where but in the USA

2b6c92  No.4062964



>And GM's CEO was discussed as a possible VP candidate for Hillary.

622f25  No.4062965

File: a849f14d81a8199⋯.jpg (222.94 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5bfeede3dda4c8fe6b8b4576.jpg)

200 nationalist militants take over shopping mall in central Kiev – and cops make ONE arrest (VIDEO)

MIlitant protesters linked to Ukraine’s ultranationalist Svoboda party have taken over a shopping center in Kiev, vandalizing the mall and demanding Russian businesses leave the country, while the police stood by and watched.

The mall takeover came two days after the protesters reportedly chucked smoke grenades and flares into the building, triggering the fire alarm and prompting an evacuation, as Hromadske radio reported. The masked group then barricaded the building’s entrance with tires, and vandalized its windows with spray paint on Tuesday.

After two days of vandalism and provocation, around 200 of the group stormed the mall, demanding stores close down and blocking shoppers from making purchases. Around 30 riot police were on site, but seemed content to let the mob have the run of the mall.

The occupiers wore black masks and carried the flag of militant youth organization ‘Sokil’ (Falcon), an offshoot of the far-right ‘Svoboda’ (Freedom) party. Svoboda virulently opposes Russian influence and the “decadence” of the liberal West, and is linked to neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Initially known as the National-Social party of Ukraine, Svoboda’s politicians have described the party as “the last hope of the white race,”approvingly quoted from ‘Mein Kampf’ in council meetings, and organized militant summer camps for children, training the young ones to play games, climb mountains, and shoot at Russians.

In the mall, police were successful in escorting a number of the ultranationalists out of the building, but many remained inside, Korrespondent.net reported. There, they blamed Russian business owners for their country’s spat with Russia.

“We demand to end the funding of terrorism and the killing of Ukrainian soldiers by money that's being pulled out of Ukraine through this shopping center,” they chanted. “Out with the Russian business in Ukraine!”

Police did arrest one protester, who they say was resisting their commands. As of Wednesday afternoon, nobody else was detained.

The mall occupation is just one of several anti-Russian protests organized by Ukrainian neo-Nazis in recent days. Crowds – some of them belonging to the neo-Nazi ‘National Corps’ – surrounded the Russian consulate in Kharkov on Monday. The protesters chanted “Death to Russia” as they pelted the building with eggs and burned Russian flags in the street outside.

The rise in anti-Russian sentiment came after a clash between Ukrainian and Russian military ships in the Kerch Strait, near Crimea, on Sunday. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko imposed partial martial law in Ukraine after the incident, which Russian President Vladimir Putin called a provocation and a “dirty game” by Poroshenko to crack down on political opponents ahead of a presidential election in March.


83b81b  No.4062966

File: f073b8e56e65343⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 624x540, 52:45, vlzXHlv.gif)

4bb846  No.4062967


so she is a man? oh my…

db0993  No.4062968


So as a straight white male I get to just go home then right?

Sounds good to me.

7c778f  No.4062969


Child abuse really.

00c0c8  No.4062970


None of those listed ever claimed to be journalists/reporters. They don't give news, the offer opinions on the news.

b4cbcf  No.4062971


I asked a lot of questions. What question do you want asked?

581386  No.4062972


They could swap out the eggs and sperm with that of donors

From a family whose bloodline is likely to produce psychopaths

Then give these people a child that is not really theirs.

They track the children, and those that show signs of being psychopaths

Are taken away by CPS through some kind of pretext

And raised as SRA or Monarch mind control slaves.

They belong to an Illuminati bloodline, after all.

722e70  No.4062973


Memers Memers, Give us a Meme!!

03c79d  No.4062974


. is the keyhole

149c9d  No.4062975


Huh.. prob so.. we have it though so fuck the msm!

7e4f85  No.4062976



>Important moment in time.

>The picture will be the signifier.

>The signifier will 'force' the Q.

>The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


6897a1  No.4062977

File: 13bca69d7bd6b94⋯.jpg (94.91 KB, 1333x998, 1333:998, d.jpg)

c81fd4  No.4062979


guess you never read Art of War

Guess you never saw movies like Goodfellas either.

Your loss.

b988ed  No.4062980


8chan is the finest of raw news. The others are all biased. MSM gets talking points from Mockingbird. Alt-right gets theirs from the WH. I don't see much difference.

If we see POTUS begin to go off-base, are we going to call him out? I know it's not likely. But we have to be prepared to be real patriots, not just lapdogs like Hannity.

7e4f85  No.4062982

File: ecdd74f8126f506⋯.jpeg (91.9 KB, 562x485, 562:485, image.jpeg)

c5d6f2  No.4062983


As a Bible believing Christian I can confirm that Christianity is the biggest conspiracy theory of them all: invisible battle between good and evil with the souls of men hanging in the balance.

404d43  No.4062984


What they over is still narrow minded, one-sided and biased. Tucker Carlson is the only one in that group that isnt. I missed him in there. I expect him to be kicked off the network soon, or get comped.

016346  No.4062985


>>4059904 Strange Earthquake waves on 11.11.18 recorded on a 17 second repeat

83b81b  No.4062986


they all made a lot criticizing Obama too

4bb846  No.4062987


ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE… just shjowing process anon

e20114  No.4062989

File: 08fd601fdd32898⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 640x400, 8:5, tiresias4.jpg)



462c86  No.4062990

File: 6eaa702ce010573⋯.png (568.64 KB, 730x597, 730:597, d582ad1f702936a260647834f1….png)



7e4f85  No.4062991

8eb8ac  No.4062992


>Dude looks crooked. Acts crooked. Probably is crooked.

How many Presidents has he served?

How much dirt does have?

Does he have evidence of Presidential interference/coercion ?

Remember, we are watching a film.

348e19  No.4062993


Missed that part. Repost nb.

d62a2e  No.4062994

File: 6866345236d5620⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6866345236d5620cf025a62912….jpg)

f887dc  No.4062995

File: c63dccebd37415a⋯.jpeg (180.73 KB, 720x535, 144:107, B78F795C-41D2-483D-9501-7….jpeg)

108ca3  No.4062996

File: 377d70b08c2369a⋯.jpg (67.92 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, IMG_3943.JPG)

6f03cd  No.4062997

File: b4da0653a2f67ed⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1071x869, 1071:869, ClipboardImage.png)

b4cbcf  No.4062998


Not true on either count, nor in any way implying a valid argument.

18e9df  No.4062999


You have taken words from Scripture and minced and mixed them up and presented a mud pie. Never haerd so much nonsense.

4bb846  No.4063000


ok but the children will be hers through this process… its her egg…. so she can't use that excuse when they find out kids are not hers… get what i am saying… IVF has to be her egg so not a good lie there to try on public

8fd595  No.4063001

File: 813efc224a53cb6⋯.png (232.15 KB, 279x520, 279:520, Screenshot (287).png)

Meme material: Philippe Reines, showing up for a TV interview in shorts.

210cb2  No.4063002

File: baf2dbf8ca771c8⋯.jpg (64.73 KB, 459x480, 153:160, barry and mike.jpg)

File: 6812ac2df6c2c8a⋯.jpg (172.42 KB, 894x450, 149:75, michael obama.jpg)

File: e06afa5576ee98f⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 387x692, 387:692, obama - mike back muscles.jpg)

File: b275fb5a748bb20⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 640x436, 160:109, obama - mike dress.jpg)

00c0c8  No.4063003


I come here for the daily research/news. But how does a comment about Rush, etc. have anything to do with news?

9022e5  No.4063004


OK I wonder when the question will be answered. The question is on the picture

404d43  No.4063005


THIS. Trump is NOT exempt of Justice if he becomes corrupt! NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! We hope POTUS is clean, but to blindly see that and ignore instances that counter such is simply dumb

c36ae6  No.4063006

File: 1c47b3078008912⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 2no9qw_1_1.jpg)

Q needs to step up his game.

e20114  No.4063007


shut up stupid

5a1dcd  No.4063008


He reeks of W.

e4de5b  No.4063009


NASDAQ up 3.13%, DOW up 2.41%.

Fed Chairman Powell signals a slowing/stop to interest rate hikes.

7c101d  No.4063011

File: b36599e38d05f32⋯.png (396.38 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

4003c7  No.4063013

It is all about the Palindromes

4bb846  No.4063014


unless she says she used someone elses egg and sperm for reasons

7c4985  No.4063015


>invisible battle between good and evil

Have you read a paper or even watched the news in the last 20 or 30 years

7c778f  No.4063017


Pardoned I expect.

6897a1  No.4063019


what day is good for you?

c81fd4  No.4063020


By the way you spew shit it seems you understand neither english or sarcasm, so whatevs.

It's your job, fucking at least do it believably, asshole.

bdf42f  No.4063021

>>4063001 Phylliss' BoyFriend kept his slacks

b4cbcf  No.4063022

c15a63  No.4063023


As an ex Christian and an european pagan now, i can confirm that Christianity is the biggest jew conspiracy of them all : invisible battle between jew and the old gods of nature, with the freedom of white men hanging in the balance.

You are domesticated anon.

ad09f1  No.4063024

348e19  No.4063025

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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