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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

7cad98  No.4057492

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.25.18

>>4031007 ————————————–——– Border Security = National Security

>>4030351 ————————————–——– [Koala]

>>4029544 rt >>4029281 -————————– Re_read drops re: WARNINGS

>>4029281 ————————————–——– Everything stated has a purpose.

Tuesday 11.20.18

>>3980392 rt >>3980302 -————————– Think D5

>>3980302 ————————————–——– People are nervous

>>3979646 ————————————–——– Item used when walking a dog?

>>3978509 ————————————–——– Attacks on WHITAKER will only intensify

>>3978190 ————————————–——– [D]ec 5

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

Compiled here: >>4003444

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7cad98  No.4057495


are not endorsements

#5163 Baker Change

>>4056791 Plants need water, an alternate theory

>>4056801 Updated 53-47 graphic ( >>4055838 FUTURE PROVES PAST 53-47)

>>4056807 Government plans on the bullet train

>>4056811 House Committee Examines Whether Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Lied in His Testimony

>>4056907 Moar 53-47 graphics

>>4056993 Cindy Hyde Smith Victory Speech

>>4057002 China warns US that trade war could escalate into ‘Great Depression’ or ‘World War’

>>4057007, >>4057275 NZ telco told not to use Huawei for 5G network

>>4057052 Scandal at IOC (International Olympic Committee) after discovering Qatari spy cell disguised as NGO

>>4057354 Head of CIA Korea Mission Center retiring

>>4057359 HRC with another coughing fit


>>4057484 #5163


>>4056117 CEO of YWCA Central Alabama Retiring

>>4056014 Corsi and Vox with a new "leak". Digging their own graves yet again.

>>4056415 Schumer admits he is negotiating with Trump on the wall – and liberals are furious over it

>>4056400 Several CP related press releases from the DOJ today

>>4056021, >>4056430 Potential connection between POTUS tweet and Q drop on Commitee of 300?

>>4056454 New Zealand TV CEO Resigns

>>4056661 WhatsApp Chief Business Officer Quits

>>4056568 Magical anon hits precision time stamps.

>>4056707 #5162


>>4055444 NYT Faggotry on Ca Wildfires: It's always POTUS fault when you dig your own Grave

>>4055402 POTUS Schedule Tweet

>>4055268 wikileaks HRC emails, search 'TILAPIA', THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!

>>4055538 Lilith Fair, Satanists out in the open. AMD sponsors.

>>4055497, >>4055635 Mississippi Updoot, Cindy Hyde Smith About to speak on her win.

>>4055263, >>4055276, >>4055491, >>4055631, >>4055661, >>4055676, >>4055560 53-47 FITTY THREE - FORTY SEVEN ANONS!!

>>4055756, >>4055838 FUTURE PROVES PAST 53-47

>>4055861, >>4055863 POTUS Trolls SNIPES. KEK!

>>4057090 #5161


>>4054498 Russian firm indicted by Mueller wants permission to disclose 'sensitive' US info

>>4054553 Tenaris Shares Plunge as Billionaire Chairman Indicted

>>4054565 Kashoggi Tied OBL? Needs Moar Digz.

>>4054603, >>4054512 POTUS Schedule Tweet: RED_CASTLE(WH) GREEN_CASTLE, 5:5? Castle Lock?

>>4054652 REPORT: At Least 15 Known Terrorists Have Been Arrested Trying To Jump The Southwest Border

>>4054739 Seven Nations Condemn Google for Secretly Tracking Location and Movement of Users

>>4054670 TOP KEK: Graveyard of False Q Prophets Graphic.

>>4054527 Newspaper Article with KASHOGGI in MUJAHIDEEN, AK-47 soon?

>>4054980, >>4055154 GREEN_CASTLE Potentially MI6? Greencastle IN?

>>4055077 "Dear Sen. Biden: You are a traitor" - JFK Jr.

>>4055192 #5160


>>4053983 Cleaning House: Former Las Cruces U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison for Obstruction of Justice

>>4053988, >>4053940, >>4054091, >>4054163, >>4054193 Continued Uptick in MI Air Traffic. Could be related to new holding centers before GTMO?

>>4054008, >>4054336 TG requests Investigation on Case 18-0700 from Docket areleased on Oct 28 2018. DIG!

>>4054147 Opus Bank CEO Resignation

>>4054158 MOAR DOJ Press Releases: "Global Botnets Shut Down Following Arrests"

>>4054091, >>4054232 Correctional/Holding Center Dig. Lindsay Graham in SC, Q#2077 [SC Control]?

>>4054263 Jim Jordan on end-of-session priorities: Wall funding & Rosenstein testimony

>>4054318, >>4054343 [D]ec 5 :No. 17–646. Terance Martez Gamble v. United States.

>>4054429 #5159

Previously Collected Notables

>>4052069 #5156, >>4052881 #5157, >>4053660 #5158

>>4049393 #5153, >>4050466 #5154, >>4051314 #5155

>>4047440 #5150, >>4048198 #5151, >>4048943 #5152

>>4045120 #5147, >>4045913 #5148, >>4045917 #5149

>>4046146 #5144, >>4046601 #5145, >>4046609 #5146

>>4040474 #5141, >>4041233 #5142, >>4042092 #5143

>>4038160 #5138, >>4038952 #5139, >>4039736 #5140

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7cad98  No.4057496

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>4034533

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

7cad98  No.4057498

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

7cad98  No.4057499



probably my last bread tonight

b83dac  No.4057527

There are three volumes of info on British Freemasony at archive.org

Collected by the Canadian Masonic Research Association.

Seems that the Order of the Garter, is a masonic lodge and that is what ties the royals and the nobility together.

I expect that the Master of the Chair behind the Throne of Westminster, is in that Order.


b83dac  No.4057552

File: 5ef179b6a827e3d⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 598b061504a0b05⋯.png (465.88 KB, 534x800, 267:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 831f81645cf5469⋯.png (846.61 KB, 640x800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f81e21b757c469⋯.png (640.46 KB, 900x898, 450:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Why are so many young women going for all out body tattoos these days?

These are young and beautiful women.

5f5550  No.4057554

#WWG1WGA more and more are talking, more and more have woken up.

5c515e  No.4057561

File: c8fbc489fa414b7⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 607x827, 607:827, 3.JPG)

File: d86948b3d8bf88a⋯.jpg (153.62 KB, 504x884, 126:221, 4.JPG)

File: f4dab3ed97633f9⋯.jpg (94.05 KB, 495x588, 165:196, 5.JPG)

CIA's ‘surveillance state’ is operating against us all


f591f0  No.4057562


No matter how covered in tattoos they become, they will never be able to hide the daddy issues.

38d001  No.4057563


Buckingham Palace and the Mall appear as a chair looking down from above

6888f3  No.4057564

File: beb99598083e717⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 758x566, 379:283, 28_17-02-15.jpg)

00909b  No.4057566

File: ad00429ac9f1897⋯.png (254.39 KB, 1278x1130, 639:565, eminem.png)

>>4056208 (pb)

doesn't he sing about wanting to kill his mother?

7e157e  No.4057567

is a cert of 10,000 shares of microsoft bought at it’s ipo worth any money today?

ecfdef  No.4057568

>>4057549 lb

We are still fucking choking on the smoke, you assholes. Many more will die from exposure to this chemical smoke. You seem unclear about the nature and extent of these disasters.

>>4057551 lb

a51d58  No.4057569

File: 67e605839312a8c⋯.png (206.51 KB, 768x469, 768:469, ClintonsTorontoBlueUnsold.png)

>>4057359 lb

>>4057556 lb

Wrong image.

<< Here is the Toronto unsold seats in Blue

a9e9de  No.4057571


They were beautiful.

4c2e61  No.4057572


Question: "What is a succubus? What is an incubus?"

Answer: According to medieval folklore, a succubus is a demon that takes the form of a woman in order to have intercourse with a man in his dreams. The name comes from Old Latin, and means “to lie under.” In Islamic superstition, there is a similar demon called the qarinah or karina, and in ancient Middle Eastern cultures Lilith was the night demon's name. Whichever name is used, the essential qualities are the same: a demon who tempts men sexually at night and who tries to kill infants at birth.

c3edb3  No.4057573

File: 1ca5d9b61637824⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

>>4057538 (lb)

Now THAT is one Foxxy idea.

0d8644  No.4057574

File: 2724650b3cc5f25⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jsbyr.jpg)

Security specialist, three assistant principals from Stoneman Douglas are reassigned

By Colleen Wright And Nicholas Nehamas

November 26, 2018 04:44 PM

Updated 10 hours ago

The Broward County school district will reassign three assistant principals and the security specialist from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School following a presentation that showed communication failures and untimely responses to the shooting that killed 17 and wounded 17 more on Valentine’s Day.

Assistant principals Jeff Morford, Winfred Porter and Denise Reed along with security specialist Kelvin Greenleaf will be reassigned “to other BCPS administrative locations,” according to a district press release sent Monday afternoon.

The press release did not include why the officials were being reassigned but said the decision was made after the latest meeting of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission held two weeks ago. A second-by-second breakdown of law enforcement’s response presented at the meeting shows miscommunication among the administrators regarding surveillance video playback of Nikolas Cruz’s rampage through the freshman building.

Greenleaf and Morford were said to have entered the camera room approximately 7 minutes and 15 seconds after the first shot was fired. They relayed what they saw on video for the next 30 minutes, and at one point mentioned it was a delayed feed, to Porter, who was in charge of security, and former school resource officer Scot Peterson, who later resigned. But no one told police the feed was delayed. The confusion led to law enforcement officers searching for Cruz when he had in fact already fled campus.

Reed was not mentioned in that presentation.

“BCPS is examining material received from the commission to review the response by staff to the tragedy and preceding events,” the press release stated. “Evaluation will also be used to improve school safety and services to students.”

A school district spokeswoman declined further comment.

Lisa Maxwell, executive director of the Broward Principals’ and Assistants’ Association, met with all three administrators at Stoneman Douglas on Monday. She said they each received a letter from Superintendent Robert Runcie’s office informing them that they were being reassigned to district offices while under an investigation, without disclosing the nature of the accusations.

Maxwell said it’s a due process violation, and vowed to be involved legally and “politically.” She declined to elaborate.

“This is a massive betrayal of confidence, of trust. These people did nothing wrong. There is no evidence that they did, that they violated any policy,” she said. “The evidence actually shows that they put their own lives at risk that day, and that they saved kids. This is beyond despicable.”

Staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were not prepared to deal with a campus shooting, experts testified to the commission. Staffers were confused about who should call a “code red” — which would have placed the school on lockdown — and the school had not practiced a code red drill during the academic year.

“Safe” corners in some classrooms, where students would have been out of Cruz’s line of sight as he fired into rooms from the hallway, were obstructed by furniture. And gates leading onto campus were not staffed when open.

Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was killed in the shooting, said Runcie called victims’ families Monday afternoon to let them know he was taking action.

“It appears that he [Runcie] has at least started the process of holding people to account,” said Petty, who sits on the Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission. “The failure to follow school board policy and the inaction [by staff] that day cost several lives.”

But Runcie did not specify what information presented at the commission led him to reassign the Stoneman Douglas staffers.

Petty said two failures jumped out at him during testimony presented to the commission earlier this month. First, school staff opened gates to campus early and left them unmonitored. That violated school board policy, he said.

Second, more than three minutes went by before staffers called a code red alert — which would have locked students down in their classrooms in the freshman building. Instead, because of a blaring fire alarm, students on the third floor streamed out into the hall to meet a hail of Cruz’s bullets. Audible gunshots should have triggered an immediate code red, Petty said.

“School board policies were clearly not followed,” Petty said.

Two school security monitors, Andrew Medina and David Taylor, have been fired by the school district. Medina saw Cruz carrying a rifle bag but did not stop him. Taylor hid in a closet after Cruz opened fire.

Rest here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article222205965.html

00909b  No.4057575

File: 0d450e87bbe561e⋯.png (677.18 KB, 2356x616, 589:154, kek.png)

File: 8e7f944c2232619⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 679x500, 679:500, get-in-putin.jpg)

5c515e  No.4057576

File: aacc7b297696f05⋯.jpg (93.55 KB, 539x836, 49:76, 3.JPG)

File: e20b3afdc834358⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 518x238, 37:17, 4.JPG)

Zuma’s cabinet tried to keep costs of nuclear deal with Russia secret


33044c  No.4057577

File: b2b5ea95ee68fe6⋯.png (478.62 KB, 758x1377, 758:1377, 2018-11-28_1-35-56.png)

A new twist on shitposting:


Paris hospital halts stool study after donor deluge

November 23, 2018

A Paris hospital which made a public appeal for stool samples for a study on intestinal diseases said Friday it had suspended the project after being inundated by donors hoping for an easy 50 euros.

"We had to cancel the call for donors and halt the study because it had gotten out of control," professor Harry Sokol, the gastroenterologist leading the study at the Saint-Antoine hospital, told AFP.

Originally donors were sought via posters at the hospital and at medical schools, offering compensation of 50 euros ($57) if accepted.

"Someone took a picture and it spread rapidly on the internet and social media, because the message had been altered: People thought it meant: Give us your stools, we'll give you 50 euros," Sokol said.

The telephone hotline and email for potential donors was quickly overwhelmed, "and even after we cut off the number people were calling the hospital switchboard, some even showed up in person, and it's still going on," he said.

In fact the rigorous selection progress for the study, on a potential treatment for intestinal inflammation, involved a series of blood and stool tests as well as an extensive interview on a donor's medical history.

Doctors worldwide are studying fecal transplants, which aim to treat a range of chronic gut diseases by introducing stool bacteria from a healthy person into affected patients to help replenish a normal bacterial balance.

Fecal transplantation—also known as bacteriotherapy—can help counter symptoms and infections caused by C. difficile colitis, harmful bacteria which can proliferate especially after antibiotic treatment kills off too many beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

"It's a very serious, large-scale study, with a long waiting list of patients" hoping to participate, Sokol said, adding that many were "devastated" over the project's suspension.

ffaa42  No.4057578

File: 7a118416c259dc5⋯.png (744 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9EB4721D-DF97-47DE-92D3-CD….png)

File: 5414f7fe08d3e03⋯.jpeg (1002.48 KB, 750x1028, 375:514, 11E44541-3F48-4E6A-B345-F….jpeg)

File: cd22054a8af5e17⋯.png (217.06 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 02627349-F2C5-4F55-A1C8-B3….png)

File: bde67e78488d84d⋯.jpeg (786.88 KB, 750x800, 15:16, 65F788F6-A29C-4891-8C08-E….jpeg)

File: 468ff8f399463a5⋯.png (165.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 88A76DCF-F0FE-4918-BF9D-D0….png)


>>4057038 (lb) Military Investigation services Press release tomorrow in SC

>>4057049 (lb)

>>4057066 (lb)

>>4057216 (lb)

South Carolina businesses used to launder billions to drug cartels, terrorists


afb9c8  No.4057579

File: 72b6f4c0a417fbb⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 3000x2488, 375:311, a9e8bc-Magical-Anon-11-27-….jpg)

repostola from bottom of last bread..

Magical Anon from 2 breads ago

0346d3  No.4057580

File: c6f8fd2f1163efa⋯.png (225.31 KB, 1053x507, 27:13, Screenshot_313.png)


Because they are bat shit crazy bitches.

Skanks of the highest order!

As soon as I see that tattoo shit, it's an immediate turn off for me.

40 40

5a68e9  No.4057581


>Why are so many young women going for all out body tattoos these days?

to become unemployable

484723  No.4057582


Gonna need Vitamin D tablets…

5c515e  No.4057583



There's absolutely something going on with education in this country (and worldwide). Getting ready to post the resignations from today.. and I'm pretty sure that suicide weekend is coming up.

5067ba  No.4057584

File: 062795bcaaf72e6⋯.png (534.04 KB, 800x597, 800:597, e1052e961105d25a5bf3a91584….png)

File: fb22a1a17f2415b⋯.png (45.26 KB, 616x262, 308:131, ClipboardImage.png)

This guy gets it.

91911b  No.4057585

File: 6e8f37870ee8f16⋯.jpg (84.51 KB, 744x900, 62:75, monica_white.jpg)


they ruined their lives.

7e157e  No.4057586


u da man.

wondered if would get noticed.


fba975  No.4057587

My God doesn't share a home with kikes.

And before some JIDF-fag calls me a Muslim, I want to make clear that Mohammed was a lunatic, pedophile, Semite. And, that his illusory God, Allah, is essentially a harborer of pedophiles.

Not that Allah is any better than the God who casts his own son down to be crucified, and claims to adore the people who piss on his son's memory.

d6bbc6  No.4057588

No one wants to address the huge elephant in the room.

No declas, no arrests, nothing will happen until Mueller is done and Trump is cleared. Buy all the fucking popcorn you want, you'll just die fat and unsatisfied.

279f98  No.4057589


Kek, that's shitty.

cbdf38  No.4057590

File: 9a3894aabbe618f⋯.jpg (133.5 KB, 927x925, 927:925, catexit_assange_cat_embass….JPG)

JA's cat has left the embassy! Allegedly to stay with family. He has ex's and kids in France…

I think/hope/have warm fuzzies that Embassy Cat is with JA in Camp David.

His lawyer Hanna Jonassan said they will be "united in freedom".

https:// www.rt.com/news/445009-assange-sends-embassy-cat-away/

The Daily Beast spin of course is a hit piece… y'know Assange so bonkers even the cat left

https:// www.thedailybeast.com/unkempt-heavily-bearded-julian-assange-no-longer-has-embassy-cat-for-company

4c2e61  No.4057591


Are succubi real? If we grant any credence to the widespread beliefs of ancient cultures, the answer would have to be yes. If we confine our search to biblical writing, the answer becomes more difficult. To be sure, the name has been associated with a demonic presence for several thousand years and fits in that context in the Bible. It is also certain that the Bible deals with demons as very real, very powerful beings which have dealings with mankind. Second Peter 2:4 speaks of angels who sinned and were cast down to hell in judgment. Jude 6 (KJV) likewise speaks of angels who “kept not their first estate,” and are awaiting the last judgment. Jesus cast demons out of people, as did His disciples. Whether or not we accept the idea of sexual tempters, there is no doubt that demons themselves are real.

5416c9  No.4057592

>>4057477 pb

I feel like I'm exactly where I belong. There are many ways to serve, and as they say, "They also serve who only stand and wait." (I guess that's by Milton, just looked it up.)

Only it's not just waiting. A person's presence affects everything around him, especially if there's a strong sense of conviction and purpose. I can't change peoples' ideas overnight but I can make them wonder why a guy like me has such "strange" ideas.

698353  No.4057593

File: 7e0d530e3c37443⋯.jpeg (447.53 KB, 1242x1226, 621:613, 91A53485-F71E-4568-BC7E-D….jpeg)

Interesting take on the Soros/FB ordeal. Think there’s truth to it? Kinda falls in line w/ what I’ve seen talked about here.

28ded7  No.4057594

File: 416e6a286dae94d⋯.jpg (452.27 KB, 1403x896, 1403:896, qthewhere.jpg)



it wasn't 25:25

it's 24:25


it answers the tweet

5c515e  No.4057596

Resignations in the news today (part 1)

Matrimony.com stock falls nearly 4% after CFO K Balasubramanian resign


Former WVU President and current law professor David Hardesty retires


Kiambu County Assembly majority whip throws in the towel


Serb Mayors in Kosovo to Resign Amid Tensions


Top National Park Service climate official resigns


Athens head coach Paul Essary resigns


Anaconda principal resigns after investigation


BBC headteacher tells of outpouring of sympathy after he resigned on TV


Economist Retiring From Louisiana's Income Forecasting Panel


RDEU confirms hunting resigned village chief


YWCA of Central Alabama CEO Retiring


Abilene Zoo Director retires amid missed work, investigation into harassment complaints


242a87  No.4057597



anal abuse and electric shock. SRA

a51d58  No.4057598

File: 9aae8f931592c0d⋯.jpg (37.7 KB, 309x500, 309:500, circus-tattooed-ladies-4.jpg)

File: 8f93d5d30fb021f⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 236x314, 118:157, vintage-tattoos-circus.jpg)

dc59fb  No.4057599

File: 23550a1601d3a3e⋯.jpeg (673.14 KB, 2436x2322, 406:387, 55578EB1-514D-4DDF-A493-9….jpeg)

0d8644  No.4057600


I have a suspicion that these folks were not willing to be players in the charade of the shooting.

913889  No.4057601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q, you magnificent autist bastard!

bc5dcd  No.4057602



The good guys are winning

c74be6  No.4057603


They are demons who try to sexually attack human males and females while they are sleeping.

b70efa  No.4057604

File: 73c81ec2c429e35⋯.jpg (236.96 KB, 1400x878, 700:439, 73c81ec2c429e35c3d66c59a44….jpg)

5c515e  No.4057605


Resignations in the news today (part 2)

Opus Bank CEO Resigns


Philippine peace talks adviser resigns over agency graft


McMaster announces resignation of SC workforce director


Melendez resigns from Sayreville Borough Council


Tennant Announces Keith A. Woodward as Senior Vice President, CFO, Replacing Retiring Tom Paulson


Māori TV top boss Keith Ikin resigns


Broken Bow city administrators resigns


Catholic Board superintendent retiring in 2019


MHRS executive director plans to retire


Two Otto Township officials resigned at the recent supervisor’s meeting


Retiring Harris County judge an advocate of open courts


Lake Valley Fire Protection District board member retires


Matthew Guy resigns as Victorian Liberal leader after disastrous election loss


Organovo Says Chief Scientific Officer Sharon Presnell Will Resign


Hilson resigns from police commission


Mohawk Industries CFO to retire


Terry Kelley resigned Monday from the Augusta County Board of Supervisors


INLD Leaders Resign In Show Of Support To Ajay Chautala, Sons


Gainesville Assistant City Manager resigns


Three top staffers at the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs are shown the door after WUSA9 investigation


Colonel fired for flying F-16 to see woman who told him he made her 'tingle'


B.C. Legislature investigator was fired from casino security job after suspension for intoxication


Abbotsford officer fired for ‘concerning text messages’ to sex-trade workers


Wilson fired as Franklin County’s deputy judge-executive


McAllen High head football coach announces resignation


'I've been fired,' former JeffCo DA Mike Anderton says


Holly Springs officer fired after allegations involving teen surface


Parks and rec leader to retire


Plainfield Township Admin Resigns


4c2e61  No.4057606


The male counterpart of the succubus is the incubus, from the Latin incubo for "nightmare." An incubus was supposedly a male demon who would lie with sleeping human women in order to have sexual intercourse with them. Incubi were thought to be able to father children, and the half-human offspring of an incubus was called a “cambion.” Merlin, the legendary wizard from the King Arthur legends, was supposedly sired by an incubus, from whom he received his supernatural powers and abilities. Both succubi and incubi were the products of medieval superstitions and were most likely efforts to explain the natural phenomena that occur during sleep—nightmares, sexual dreams, sleep paralysis and night terrors. They are also thought to have been efforts to explain away nighttime rapes and other assaults on women by friends, relatives and even the clergy. It would have been easier to attribute such attacks to the supernatural than to admit they came from some person in a position of trust.

fba975  No.4057607


Translation: Jew-Billionaires have an argument and cost each other millions, which hardly affects them and certainly doesn't affect you. This is news.

5c515e  No.4057608


Resignations in the news today (part 3)

Head of CIA’s Korean mission center to resign, say sources


Resignation creates vacancy on Plymouth-Canton school board


B-52 Squadron Commander Fired at Minot Air Force Base


Augusta County Supervisor Announces Resignation


Chief peace adviser quits; two other officials fired


Fresno Host Craig Hansen Retiring


Imperial Irrigation District GM steps down amid unsettled fight over water rights


Tazewell town council member resigns


Palm Bay deputy city managers fired as administrative shake-up continues


Tembe Resigns As Gold Circle Director


Clemons calls it quits: will retire in March


B.C. Legislature investigator was fired from casino security job after suspension for intoxication


c74e86  No.4057609

File: c9df2a7ce6abd70⋯.jpg (254.92 KB, 600x1575, 8:21, 1.jpg)

File: c07bd0aba59345a⋯.jpg (272.53 KB, 600x1575, 8:21, 2.jpg)


Defense officials taking advantage of new cyber authorities

00909b  No.4057610

File: e8aa42299d3aaea⋯.png (764.32 KB, 2402x1240, 1201:620, 47-53.png)


those digits confirmed

279f98  No.4057611


Well now, if that's true, I am going to need some cookies and milk so I can better enjoy them destroying each other.

f4fb94  No.4057612


A handy way to explain nocturnal emissions.

f2402c  No.4057613


That the China or Shanghai pic?


913889  No.4057614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q, you magnificent autist bastard!

650022  No.4057615

File: 1499bef368d2c73⋯.png (679.93 KB, 814x615, 814:615, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 5df6b03b335ac2d⋯.png (168.75 KB, 806x729, 806:729, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 44185942ae311dc⋯.png (120.16 KB, 807x535, 807:535, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 3fb6ab9ac278b06⋯.png (101 KB, 771x654, 257:218, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 12d3652ad3e8856⋯.png (96.86 KB, 552x644, 6:7, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

tate Department Hires Anti-Trump Columnist Who Hates President's Agenda

WTF??? Her tweets slamming Trump go on and on…….


fba975  No.4057616


But in reality, these were just tales Jew-parents told their children, in case they remembered being raped and molested by them later in life.

a9e9de  No.4057617


They come to you in dreams. Looking fine but then…evil.

0346d3  No.4057618


Confirmed, Anon!

e5c323  No.4057619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



484723  No.4057620


Both are looking at deflecting blame, and profiting from it.

7cad98  No.4057621

File: 7a858d3ee6c6a2c⋯.jpg (60.05 KB, 500x495, 100:99, pepekekking.jpg)


>tate Department

afb9c8  No.4057622


OHHHHH, Chinks are hiding the server?

DiFi's connections?

2aa035  No.4057623

File: 5ed741a34372930⋯.png (731.68 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 09C18855-016F-4D3A-A7F9-9D….png)

File: 36b3663b5c61ee6⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB, 640x800, 4:5, 691AE251-27C1-4EE9-B185-1F….mp4)

The kek is strong in this child

4c2e61  No.4057625


Hence the tats on women today.

5416c9  No.4057626



Nov. 5 article

Alas, already posted notable:

#3883695 CIA's surveillance state is operating against us all

671f64  No.4057627


I've been thinking a lot about the age 40 lately, thanks for the perspective. (Note: note throughout history, the assassinations of Good men murdered before the age of 40)

bb4620  No.4057628

>>4054386 pb

>Q Drop #2077

>[SC control]

>Fuck me.

Yep, you deserve to be fucked for that call. Go back to your AOL chat rooms!

a99e3c  No.4057630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4057161 Previous bread on the 3 kinds of "Jews" and 5 kinds of end times people in the Bible. "Read the bible God wins" -Q





Don't leave yourself in the dark about this prophecy. It is happening now, after the reappearance of Israel. The Jewish people who love their TORAH are beginning to be able to see, just as God said many of them would. Read the pages I put up from the bible. It is in Romans 11.

What amazes me about a Messianic Jew, is that technically, these are similar to the Apostles... steeped in the Jewish traditions, and able to rip the bible apart in ways Christians can understand, but would not be aware of without understanding the Jewish traditions Jesus lived by... weddings, celebration days, priestly calendars etc.

Cahn is one of these end times Messianic Jews I am suspecting.

Watch this Messianic Jew figure out the date that Christ was born, using the Shepherds in the fields, time of year, and the ancient calendar of priest rotations in the Bible. Really interesting and fun to watch.

God blinded them for our sake.

He will unblind them for our sake.

See the last two pages of the bible I put up. Read Romans 11. This prophecy is there.

As for the Synagogue of Satan, or, "Those who call themselves Jews who are not", I thought about what Jesus did as his last act before he was crucified.

He literally went after the "money changers" and I am near certain that was a prophetic act, a warning to us that it would be the bankers (money changers) where we would find the "seeds of Satan".

f4fb94  No.4057631


Why are they blaming Kelly? Agenda much?

561941  No.4057632

Shorting BTC to 3500 10X Leverage

5067ba  No.4057633

File: 502073c289851f3⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 502073c289851f3bfac6fcb207….jpg)


Interdasting, I wonder what it means.

2c809a  No.4057634


Say the name Jesus and they go away. Whenever I had sleep paralysis, someone told me to say Jesus and it would stop. It did every time. Since I’ve been saved, I haven’t had it at all.

Jesus Jesus Jesus. There is power in that name.

a9e9de  No.4057635


This looks like SOMETHING.


b040a2  No.4057636

File: ee7a67272b3c545⋯.png (162.51 KB, 878x536, 439:268, ClintonsToronto2.png)

File: 330b4d007cf5853⋯.png (296.04 KB, 1016x536, 127:67, ClintonsSugarLand.png)


I looked hard to find an pic of the Clinton criminals appearance in Toronto, and I mean a picture of the size of the crowd. The only lead I came across was a post on Twatter that has been removed. Here are available seats for 2 upcoming shows on their doomed tour, as of 11/13. They can't even fill a quarter of the venues. Word is tickets for last night were cheaper than dirt.

4ca29d  No.4057637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Okay, then…

Didn't know you owned God, but. . .

484723  No.4057638


I don’t trust Kansas anymore.

a51d58  No.4057639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good advice anons @15:35

bc5dcd  No.4057640

File: f032f986be1fe24⋯.jpg (112.79 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, 1f3a38763cdb03944f25e3fc34….jpg)

fba975  No.4057641


No, it's telling you, if you attack your (((masters))) you'll be crucified, on a subconscious-level.

3076e2  No.4057642

File: e8f2cbe125dfdd8⋯.jpg (364.96 KB, 1333x1719, 1333:1719, CjuAvLM.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

698353  No.4057643


what do the two images from NT represent? i dont remember reading about a cactus in the NT.

913889  No.4057644

8ch doesn't support embedded video and image(s).

How do we update this code, add features?

eb223a  No.4057645


Someone please remind me why instruments to cause harm and implement hostile takeovers are legal.

5a68e9  No.4057646

anyone heard from the guy buying macbooks on amazon with a federal reserve account?

d6bbc6  No.4057647


You know, there is no Hebrew letter for J.

It is unlikely that Jesus was named Jesus.

9536bd  No.4057648

File: d266865d6eccebe⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 584x121, 584:121, 4580bc423cee3a3e579beeaa27….jpg)

>>4057594 POTUS Tweet decode


4c2e61  No.4057649


Didn't Snowden make his way through China on his trip from Japan to Russia?

f4fb94  No.4057650


Looks legit



279f98  No.4057651


Reminds me of the MK ultra document I've been reading from a few breads ago. They have been doing programming and getting people to dissociate in order to brainwash them for centuries.

Fathers and Mothers will sexually abuse their children to cause enough trauma to trigger DID. They put their children through a series of psychological and physical torture from the time they are in the womb.

When they dissociate, they give children and adults suggestions of what their seeing but let them imagine the details, so when they are doing these things it is real in their mind. I also read that this is often why so many people claim to have been probed by aliens etc. It's actually them being tortured by family and others in a dissociative state.

671f64  No.4057652


40 years in the wilderness

2c809a  No.4057653


Jesus knows your heart/ intention. It’s power in the intention in the name you’re invoking. You’re calling on The Lord God Almighty. Trust me, the demons know ALL his names. Thankfully, Jesus judges the hearts of men.

5416c9  No.4057654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tucker & Sexton: “Caravan Claims Exposed!” Six false claims the MSM has made about the caravan

Tucker: “For a free society to function, the press doesn’t have to be perfect but it does have to be better than a propaganda outlet. Are they?”

Interview with Buck Sexton, Former CIA analyst. Tucker states the claims and Sexton comments.

CLAIM #1: “The Migrant Caravan is mostly women and children who pose no threat to anyone.”

Buck: Not true. “The vast majority are men in their 20s and 30s.”

CLAIM 2: “The caravan…is mostly comprised of asylum seekers.”

Buck: Not true. “This is a scam…people [on the caravan] are being coached to lie.”

CLAIM 3: “There are no criminals in this caravan.”

Buck: “There are six hundred KNOWN criminals….this was known from the beginning.”

CLAIM 4: “The caravan doesn’t matter….and it’s very far away.”

Buck: “Buses and trains exist in Mexico….with some help, they got on those buses and trains. If they were actually refuges, they should claim refugee status in the first country they arrive in where they are no under mortal threat.”

CLAIM #5: “The caravan received no external support…there is no financing here.”

Buck: “They are clearly people providing support….If journalists wanted to know this stuff…they could find out. But they don’t want to know. They just want to show women and children getting tear-gassed.”

CLAIM #6: “Deploying troops to the border was [both] wrong and unnecessary.”

Buck: “The concern was that they [the caravan] would try to overrun the border—which is exactly what they did do.”

In summary (Buck): “We’ve just had this progression of lies all along the way. And at every phase, it seems the media always gets it wrong in one direction—and that is, that we’re exaggerating this threat when in fact we’re underestimating the reality of how big this problem is going to get.”


~ 11:45

f2402c  No.4057655


Yeshua Ben Hur?

c74e86  No.4057656

File: 00bcf26a9b93021⋯.jpg (189.66 KB, 600x975, 8:13, 1.jpg)


Google CEO Sundar Pichai Said to Testify to US Congress in December

1944fe  No.4057657


Are we about to announce some things that liberals don't want to hear and need Cannon Fodder?

7cad98  No.4057658



fba975  No.4057659


I think you are correct, sir.

0d8644  No.4057660

File: e0e4e9cf165a9d4⋯.jpg (319.29 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, Qpokalypse.jpg)

c3edb3  No.4057661


"Faggot! yer totes comp'd yo!!"


Mega kek.

Good watch.

2c809a  No.4057662


New Testament. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness.

aa5139  No.4057663

File: 703c8950d0add7e⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 630x801, 70:89, thx.jpg)

thanks baker

d6bbc6  No.4057664


I believe. I'm just reminding people that that name was unlikely, if not impossible. Be nice to know the original name.

698353  No.4057665


and christ rising again? wasnt that 3 days? whys that on there?

2c809a  No.4057666

2686ad  No.4057667

Declassified cabinet minutes show that Jacob Zuma’s government decided to keep the costs of the proposed nuclear deal with Russia secret until it was done and dusted, and the procurement process completed.


d6bbc6  No.4057668



0c98e8  No.4057669

Do Another and you got something anon


671f64  No.4057670


>We have the server(S)

Where did the SAP data go, may be the question that you just answered

5c515e  No.4057671

File: 2caa658caf9dce8⋯.jpg (164.28 KB, 869x916, 869:916, 3.JPG)

File: bc5b8f814909da6⋯.jpg (130.57 KB, 605x806, 605:806, 4.JPG)

File: 8ce0b668419ad6d⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 617x733, 617:733, 5.JPG)

File: 2ad4db384e17937⋯.jpg (118.83 KB, 632x897, 632:897, 6.JPG)

File: 45a5ac4fba60129⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 615x848, 615:848, 7.JPG)

All roads lead to UK, Western intel on FISA declassification, Papadopoulos declares on way to 14-day prison sentence


0346d3  No.4057672

File: 859ed74ace6283d⋯.jpeg (371.87 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, HivemindMuch.jpeg)


ffaa42  No.4057673

File: 08477f043e96985⋯.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, F5467C0A-B03D-47BC-AE2C-D5….png)


4c2e61  No.4057674


"For the glory of a woman, is in her hair", and brother, this chick proves it! KEK!

afb9c8  No.4057675


The Physical Server is gone… so why word it like that? No way they'd keep it intact,

I'd think.

2c4b56  No.4057676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See video prior to consuming.

74b872  No.4057677

File: a4c952ce5b7698f⋯.jpg (72 KB, 549x669, 183:223, 3e5499f2555154af3ef330feb8….jpg)

File: f3dbf896a9e7e36⋯.png (473.97 KB, 1312x1147, 1312:1147, d2.png)

File: 7f6e81bae287c28⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1510190846565.jpg)

File: 0037683abe99cc6⋯.jpg (110.11 KB, 612x605, 612:605, 1510192156798.jpg)

File: 0b619b8054940a1⋯.jpg (32.26 KB, 650x503, 650:503, 1510190834150.jpg)








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.








We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.

f2402c  No.4057678


Yeshua Ben Yosef

Was the full name

Jesus son of (Ben/Bin) Joseph

aa5139  No.4057679


Patton was murdered by deep state of the day.

Ike had him whacked.

21a53c  No.4057680

File: f376a4fbf711e01⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 255x153, 5:3, a70f26ec85361ca41c0fc5d4fa….jpg)

>>4057007, >>4057275 LB

not just NZ banning China / Huawei 5g

USA & Australia...see older source below



d6bbc6  No.4057681



c1ba14  No.4057682

This world order system is run by Lucifer. It's a cannibalistic system. They eat their own. That's what the Skull & Bones logo shows. 322 is a direct reference to Genesis 3:22.

The first child born on this planet, Cain, was a murderer, just like his father, the devil.

Cain + Abel= Cannibal

Jesus is the only way into the kingdom. Reconcile, ask for forgiveness & make way for the spirit of the Lord God.

33% of the angels were kicked out of heaven (Freemasonic 33 degree coincidence?). We are their descendants.

Make the most of the second change the Lord has given us.

2c809a  No.4057683


Jesus was not the son of Joseph. He was son of God. Mary impregnated by the Holy Spirit.

561941  No.4057684


Ink prove commit

6888f3  No.4057685


seen that


671f64  No.4057686


Yashua (ben Yosef)

857069  No.4057687

>>4055268 (pb)

Re: Tilapia HRC email

Fatheranon and Brotheranon raise tilapia commercially.

Statements about the fish themselves are by and large accurate. Considered an invasive species in some places, but is common in fish farms because they reproduce well and grow quickly. Especially common for use in aquaponic set ups where there's a grow bed for growing various types of vegetables and using the fish water to feed the veggies, then veggies extract the nitrites for nutrition and it purifies the water so it can be recycled back into the fish tank.

The menu items are quite odd, most notably the tilapia cannoli for dessert. Tilapia is an inexpensive fish, whose main benefit is it doesn't taste real fishy, but it seems odd to me that anyone with $ would eat it instead of the more pricey types like salmon or even trout.

Warm water fish, 70-90 F. Will survive in water down to about 50 F, but no weight gain or reproduction at that temp. They're bottom feeders, so they'll eat anything pretty much, and can be cannibalistic if the fry (babies) don't have any place to hide and food is scarce.

Females lay eggs in sand nest on bottom, males fertilize, then females suck fertilized eggs in mouth to hold them until they hatch (females don't eat during this gestation period, I think it's maybe a week, sorry, don't recall). After they hatch, the female will let them out of her mouth from time to time, but then she brings them back in for protection.

I have no idea what the significance of all that tilapia talk was, but maybe something I gave you can shed light. It was extremely odd to have it in that email.

e5c323  No.4057688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Look closely

5c515e  No.4057689

File: 6eb0aff299bfb2d⋯.jpg (122.81 KB, 539x829, 539:829, 3.JPG)

File: 64cf3f277c3aaaa⋯.jpg (182.59 KB, 536x928, 67:116, 4.JPG)

A Day in the Life of a CIA STEM Scholarship Student (We'll call her Alice)


6d1d69  No.4057690

File: bc089dc5af0d35e⋯.png (1.2 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Agonizomai-Thlibo-Thlipsis.png)

afb9c8  No.4057691


Doh, as in actual ability… the SAPs themselves. Not just the data harvested itself.

f2402c  No.4057692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Got it also, was at post limit

c74be6  No.4057693


He was the son of Joseph in human society.

2686ad  No.4057694

What is frightening is the ability and power of Q to predict the 47-53 win..

when does the power go to the people?

e14480  No.4057695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>When they dissociate, they give children and adults suggestions of what their seeing but let them imagine the details, so when they are doing these things it is real in their mind. I also read that this is often why so many people claim to have been probed by aliens etc. It's actually them being tortured by family and others in a dissociative state.

Thom showed us in his music, people don't have a clue.

d6bbc6  No.4057696


It doesn't

a34680  No.4057698

File: 5400301729dee17⋯.png (325.13 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 001Screenshot_2018-11-27 M….png)

File: 6cbb16905f02d40⋯.png (468.27 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 002Screenshot_2018-11-28 M….png)

File: c33eff6a9b1c3f8⋯.png (171.19 KB, 1350x537, 450:179, 003Screenshot_2018-11-28 M….png)

File: 16c58d5568f3618⋯.png (194.35 KB, 1350x537, 450:179, 004Screenshot_2018-11-28 M….png)

File: fcf6410ded040a1⋯.pdf (3.47 MB, MULTI-SERVICE TACTICS, MTT….pdf)

A good read.

484723  No.4057699


She’s gonna be the bitch that pushes for WW3…

97f059  No.4057700

File: 488b89666a942aa⋯.jpeg (696.33 KB, 1242x847, 1242:847, 4EF3122F-5E1E-4820-B0D1-C….jpeg)

e5c323  No.4057701






on and on

5a68e9  No.4057702


lots of tilapia aquaculture in Arkansas


671f64  No.4057703


Indeed so, multiple meanings & cross references

279f98  No.4057704

File: 428629b8420916d⋯.pdf (1.93 MB, 428629b8420916d760626a4bd2….pdf)

File: 5d804139fa943c6⋯.pdf (910.4 KB, FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8….pdf)

File: 31ab42e3d7ca0b9⋯.pdf (2.31 MB, eb0216.pdf)


I've only had the chance to skim through a couple hundred pages, but it's really eye opening just how far (((they))) go. And once you realize it's almost like a family tradition…well, it's unsettling to say the least.

This, along with some other links I have gathered make a lot of sense.


How MKULTRA slaves are made.

13 Bloodlines

The Occult Masonic Temple God

Since it's not just about mind control, but also spiritual control, they tend to use spiritual rituals and religion in their programming.

4c2e61  No.4057705


Wonder if she's pimping out women and children.

561941  No.4057706


Trust me, when you know rape ….. it ain't no alien

7e157e  No.4057707


shit eating tank cleaners

yeah, no.

2c809a  No.4057708


unless it was a deal bt cabal and trump.

21c499  No.4057709

File: fd68a111a4f2cf5⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 702x432, 13:8, giddyup.jpg)

>>4057046 (lb)

China usually always uses Japan WW2 history as the rally for its people to ban or come together.

Who does the U.S. use?

Want some popcorn?

f5537e  No.4057710

File: 4b3c13488d0dd43⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 618x340, 309:170, lotastrangeness.jpg)

“Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof,” (Gen. 19:8).

cbad54  No.4057711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This dedicated to all the homos with envy for ebots iPhone 6 64gb

May your stalking habits churn the juiciest us18rico ever

0346d3  No.4057712


Rape…it ain't no alien!


a34680  No.4057713

File: 8dbe041cc20b2e6⋯.pdf (1.19 MB, DepNetQPlannerpaper_2.pdf)

File: 352505b7604c943⋯.png (247.32 KB, 1350x685, 270:137, 001Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)

File: 573501e241d9963⋯.png (238.63 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 002Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)

File: 076a9f87bfb280b⋯.png (291.39 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 003Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)

File: 92a43140637c00a⋯.png (239.74 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 004Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)


A good read.

484723  No.4057714


I’ve seen her anti Trump shilling on Fox for a long time, this is not good for us

b146b5  No.4057715

File: ac109d8fff9ec23⋯.png (62.73 KB, 399x398, 399:398, IMG_2414.PNG)

File: 3ceefd3c84c76dd⋯.png (364.44 KB, 743x506, 743:506, IMG_2549.PNG)


Notable for vets?

561941  No.4057716


Mil [5] 1987

671f64  No.4057717


Recalling a Source magazine article labelling Jimmy Iovine the devil…can't if remember before or after Michael Jackson calling Tommy Matola the devil…you can see where I'm going with this (execs). Phonefagging, will have to dig for sauce

d6bbc6  No.4057718


Ask Q. Declas brings the house down, but can never happen or Trump goes to jail. Q is here threaten mutually assured destruction. If they try to screw Trump, Trump shows the world the crimes, but if he shows the crimes, he obstructs justice. Awesome right?

Thanks Q. Stealth bombers are no match for 1000 year old satanic cabals.

857069  No.4057719


Not really. They tend to eat algae and plants if no other food available. They will eat other fish if they need to, though.

c3edb3  No.4057720


Muh owls…

Those birds are amazing, but the symbol is temporarily corrupted.

b146b5  No.4057721


Didn't mean to attach creepy prince.

279f98  No.4057722


That's what the Farms are, bases of thousands of children being programmed, tortured and killed. The weak ones get left behind. Generational abuse. It's a lot to take in anon.

And what's even more is I'm getting through the part of the document I'm reading about Amish communities being fronts, children who aren't documented so it's easy to take them and hide them.

aa5139  No.4057723

File: 205d6a8994693ff⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 500x666, 250:333, annie.jpg)


this is the real Annie Frank, but she got baked at camp, not tattood….

c74be6  No.4057724


Alien abduction memories could be trauma experienced by a newborn in a neonatal unit. Large eyes no mouths and probes in various body cavities.

bc5dcd  No.4057725

File: 63d7da600406728⋯.jpg (59.61 KB, 596x600, 149:150, 8d4c74d01f86c35ab8c616a2b3….jpg)


The sharks are trying to eat each other

5416c9  No.4057726


Education is a disaster; a key part of the progressive plan since before 1900, starting with Columbia School of Ed & Dewey laying the groundwork to Outcome-based Ed to Common Core. All aligned with UN plan for universal ed……

But are school shootings related to that plan? Or do they target the schools (along with hospitals and other targets that will make us crazy) to destroy the second amendment?

f591f0  No.4057727


Put the wolf in sheepdog's clothing.

8686a9  No.4057728


Jg 19:23 But the man, the master of the house, went out to them and said to them, "No, my brethren! I beg you, do not act so wickedly! Seeing this man has come into my house, do not commit this outrage.

24 "Look, here is my virgin daughter and the man's concubine; let me bring them out now. Humble them, and do with them as you please; but to this man do not do such a vile thing!"

a34680  No.4057729

File: da94c628e7a0cb1⋯.pdf (87.65 KB, Synchronous Text-Based Cha….pdf)

File: 9bcd1e5b426726c⋯.png (84.75 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 002Screenshot_2018-11-27 M….png)

File: 7bcfa7a2732a675⋯.png (168.7 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 001Screenshot_2018-11-27 M….png)

File: 57f56763606da8a⋯.png (149.74 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 004Screenshot_2018-11-27 M….png)

File: 921a6e97337f2fe⋯.png (163.17 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 003Screenshot_2018-11-27 M….png)


A good read.

e14480  No.4057730


wasn't talking about aliens

talking about severe trauma

watch the vid

2686ad  No.4057731

Google's CEO will testify before Congress on Dec. 5


7e157e  No.4057732


just a wee push here and there

279f98  No.4057733


In the document I'm reading, MKUltra or Illuminati programming usually starts in utero, they have handlers the day they are born. They are put through trauma in the womb so even as a fetus they are dissociating.

That wouldn't surprise me.

a3945c  No.4057734

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

65b7e7  No.4057735


Lurk moar, snowden never went to russia, he stayed in hong kong., and never went to japan wtf.

5416c9  No.4057736


I'm calling you out, you shitty shill, not because you'll stop posting Ann Frank–AN INNOCENT CHILD–on this forum but so that third parties reading this will know what anons think of disgusting shills who target children, like the bloody pedophiles we fight.

4ca29d  No.4057737

File: 57be7348932b0ff⋯.png (223.75 KB, 1058x506, 23:11, Screenshot_2018-11-28 The ….png)



Ever wonder who made Tyson chicken a name brand?


561941  No.4057738


Know first hand Protect the Families that is all

7cad98  No.4057739


wanted to find his waifu

5ded71  No.4057740

Lurkerfag here. I just wanted to pop in to thank you anons. You are a treasure to all humanity and on the right side of history. God bless you all.

We are Q, and we will defeat the cabal.

Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.

d6bbc6  No.4057741

File: a77cce75500ae53⋯.jpg (223.67 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, a77cce75500ae53507e52ae29a….jpg)

c74be6  No.4057742


These passages in the Bible shocked my innocent mind as a ten year old reading the Old Testament. So much for paternal fidelity.

7e157e  No.4057743


Fuck, we must be getting old.

410704  No.4057744

File: 233c0967b9b7714⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1219x1632, 1219:1632, lil.jpg)

File: 39e683d5138cf5f⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 1112x1447, 1112:1447, lil2.jpg)

File: 91506bb06bdc802⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 640x400, 8:5, lilg.jpg)

WHY Do They Kill Babies?

Whether it's Planned Parenthood or child trafficking and ritual, THIS is why we are here. To stop the killing of our children and to halt the business of trafficking them.

So, on an unrelated dig, fell down a deep hole of Biblical proportions. There are many religious folk that believe that Eve was not the first wife of Adam but a woman named Lilith was.

The story goes that Lilith and Adam had a disagreement (about sex) and their dispute had to be 'heard' by the 'Gods'. During the 'trial' Lilith spoke the name of God (which was forbidden) and immediately disappeared. Adam wanted her back so God sent angels to find her. When they did, they told he she must return and submit to Adam or she would be demonized forever, specifically …one hundred of her sons would die every day, she refused, claiming that she was created expressly to harm newborn infants.

Curious thing to say, eh? And the Jews elaborated on the story; Through the literature of the Kabbalah, Lilith became fixed in Jewish demonology where her primary role is that of strangler of children and a seducer of men. The Kabbalah further enhanced her demonic character by making her the partner of Samael (i.e. Satan) and queen of the realm of the forces of evil.

Could it be that a 'cult' or faction from the Bible is associated with Lilith and these are our modern-day witches? Women that live amongst us believing they were created to harm newborn infants?

Lilith Magazine: Founded at the height of the feminist movement, it is a magazine dedicated to the Jewish Woman (and it's disturbing).


The Lilith Fund: Helping women afford abortions.


b4b257  No.4057746

File: a8591c851ac3fa9⋯.jpg (110.44 KB, 587x800, 587:800, 86e149369f89f146d403d6f138….jpg)

2686ad  No.4057747

File: d5dbf71645f1c79⋯.png (483.48 KB, 896x539, 128:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Rafael Espinanzo, who was entrusted with former First Lady Michelle Obama’s care during the 2008 presidential election, is speaking out about something he feels the public needs a definitive answer on. With all the talk about Mrs. Obama once being a man, Espinanzo felt he couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer:

“I Know what I saw. Michelle Obama is not a woman who used to be a man. Michelle Obama is just a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill. On the campaign trail, no medical staff were allowed to go near her other than to take vitals if she got sick, which she never did.



650022  No.4057748

File: f0faad81703d2d3⋯.jpeg (358.88 KB, 2048x1310, 1024:655, DtEfomtU0AAq0xO.jpg-large.jpeg)


91911b  No.4057749

File: 47ede2901cfa322⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, monica_water.jpg)


Pompeo is a NeoCon Bad Guy.

Nothing to see here.

Don't Trust Kansas

561941  No.4057751


Shill it to the End. Then it will BEGIN

f5537e  No.4057752


yep..pretty much same here.

was like..huh? wtf

05ce07  No.4057753


There is a LILITH music festival -

(cd's from the late 90's and probably later)

may be interesting to see who played that.

da373a  No.4057754

File: f545141c5f6f184⋯.png (814.55 KB, 1440x2099, 1440:2099, tape.png)

Qt Sibel update.


She makes a good point. I definitely interpreted Trump's denial of listening to the tape to be strategic. Now, Erdogan, Trudeau, and Bolton are similarly denying hearing it. Commenters are pointing out that the stories say Haspel heard it, but the sources are unnamed.

It seems pretty fucked up if every one of them is strategically refusing to listen to it, dumping that responsibility of confirming the tapes existence to their underlings who are lying to them and he's totally alive. THAT is far fetched.

But it seems equally far fetched that nobody's provided any evidence of the body, murder, or even a credible motive beyond MBS bad man, yet every major news outlet and major politicians got so goncerned that they all got on their soap boxes in a 48hr period and demanded Trump sanction Saudi Arabia immediately. That push was fucking political bullshit.

So the idea that these major players would deny listening to it becomes plausible if they know it's fuckery and don't want to carry that hot potato. But why the hell wouldn't someone just come out and say "what fucking tape?" Or, "we asked for it and we haven't gotten it yet. It's in process."

The answer has to be convoluted as fuck. And they all kind of have to know it's a hot potato for shit to remain this confusing after all that press.

cbad54  No.4057755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is dedicated to sweet French boobs

The rest of the cuntry can go cook a pastery

6888f3  No.4057756

File: b49712499a9ea28⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 745x499, 745:499, 28_20-07-43.jpg)

Lewandowski: Obama had “Sinister” Reason for Not Wanting Michael Flynn in Trump Admin

According to former Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, President Obama may have told then president-elect Trump not hire Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser for fear of having his own administration exposed.

Lewandowski details the discussion in his new book, co-authored by David Bossie, Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency.

LISTEN: What Are They Hiding? >https://bongino.com/ep-859-what-are-they-hiding/

According to the authors, soon after the 2016 election, Obama and Trump sat down for a meeting, where it was common for presidents to offer advice to those about to take over as commander in chief.

The book–as reported by the UK Daily Mail–states that Obama told Trump not to hire Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, advice which was leaked to the media in May of 2017.


According to reports at the time, Obama made this suggestion because he thought “there were better people for (the position), and that Flynn wasn’t up for the job.”

However, Lewandowski and Bossie believe Obama may have had a “more sinister” reason for giving this advice.

“It’s not unreasonable to assume that Obama knew Flynn could expose some of the misconduct in which his intelligence agencies had engaged—particularly when it came to the abuse of surveillance practices,” they write.

The two point out that Obama had allowed his intelligence agencies to “spiral out of control…even going so far as to either implicitly or explicitly allow them to conduct surveillance on citizens of the United States on domestic soil—and not just any citizens, but members of the Trump campaign.”

‘”(President Obama) certainly knew that Flynn could do some damage to the permanent power structures of his intelligence agencies and shake up the bureaucracy he had helped to grow.”

They continue, “Obama probably figured that if he could convince Trump in a private meeting—the details of which were never supposed to leak—not to hire Flynn in the first place, the chances of his illegal spying on American citizens ever coming to light would decrease dramatically.”

The book, Trump’s Enemies, is on sale tomorrow.

857069  No.4057757


So the Clintons have fishy hands in Arkansas? Not that much money in fish farming, though.

9536bd  No.4057758

File: c812d603e88bc47⋯.png (352.86 KB, 1150x799, 1150:799, d5.png)

>>4057656 Google CEO Sundar Pichai Said to Testify to US Congress in December

Hearing set for December 5th

anons, could this possibly touch on the [GOOG] connection?

Google chief executive Sundar Pichai is set to testify to Congress in December, facing off against lawmakers for the first time at a hearing that could subject the search giant to the same harsh political spotlight that has faced its tech peers all year.

The scheduled December 5 hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, confirmed by three sources familiar with the plan but not authorised to speak on record, comes in response to some Republicans who claim that Google, like its tech peers, is biased against conservatives.

A spokesman for the panel's GOP leader, Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

5a68e9  No.4057759

File: 3551be1db7f7cbb⋯.jpg (176.03 KB, 551x397, 551:397, lido_113.jpg)

Fast Forward 20 years…

"US Air Force introducing new warplanes that will combat global cooling"

6888f3  No.4057760

File: 0c0899439199bd9⋯.jpg (121.85 KB, 758x570, 379:285, 28_18-20-00.jpg)



c74e86  No.4057761

File: 3ce5dcb4beb1454⋯.jpg (214.84 KB, 500x1600, 5:16, 1.jpg)


Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels Launch Second Crowdfund

8686a9  No.4057762

File: b123cd833501a4b⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, a266e7ed87c5693d650c579ab2….jpg)


make yer move, faggot.

5416c9  No.4057763


It supports some but not all….what are you trying to post?

c74be6  No.4057764


No. Lilith has nothing to do with Christianity. It is a satanic reworking of the Adam and Eve story to infiltrate it with lust and treachery while Adam and Eve were still innocent. It is just another luciferian tale to entice his idiot followers into believing they are special for murdering children.

a51d58  No.4057765


If he's not under oath, it's a joke.

cbad54  No.4057766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



784d60  No.4057767


There are no Tapes!

Reporter K

Still with the Living?

f5537e  No.4057768


> Sundar Pichai

saw…. pindar…

must sleep

91911b  No.4057769

File: 138330dc31809ad⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 624x960, 13:20, Jew Mask.jpg)


JEWS are the DEVIL

I guess (((you))) don't know that.

f2402c  No.4057770

File: f9ef1c9012d710d⋯.png (10.11 MB, 2864x2160, 179:135, ClipboardImage.png)


Good breakdown

561941  No.4057771


Let's jut take care of the next two weeks……….. then we can talk (open)

7e157e  No.4057772


Tank cleaning was one of the first ways they were used in fish farming.

7cad98  No.4057773

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4057578 South Carolina businesses used to launder billions to drug cartels, terrorists

>>4057590 JA's cat has left the embassy (not joking)

>>4057594 POTUS tweet delta (x:24:25) = "The WHERE" crumb's timestamp (x:24:25)

>>4057596, >>4057605, >>4057608 Resignations in the news today

>>4057615 State Department Hires Anti-Trump Columnist

>>4057654 Six false claims the MSM has made about the caravan (Tucker's show recap)

>>4057656, >>4057731 Google CEO Sundar Pichai Said to Testify to US Congress in December

>>4057671 Free Papadropolous: All roads lead to UK, Western intel on FISA declassification

>>4057673 3M will pay $9.1 million to resolve defective combat earplugs

>>4057680 Reminder: USA/AUS also banned China / Huawei 5g

>>4057744 Anon on "WHY Do They Kill Babies?"


the anon doesn't mention christianity

0346d3  No.4057774


The Light Bringer

13 13

5416c9  No.4057775


She is lovely.

eee584  No.4057776

File: 4dd371232c2066f⋯.png (747.4 KB, 956x788, 239:197, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)

File: d2a416ced8816bd⋯.png (603.55 KB, 982x834, 491:417, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)

File: 64e4e00afea1246⋯.png (492.89 KB, 724x746, 362:373, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)


soz fellas, jesus in just a extradimensional ayy that can be channeled

demons r ets that don't respect free will

the sun is just sonoluminecence

parts of the bible r lies written by 4d reptilians

time & physics we experience is an AI lizzie construct

the fear based God u pray to is Lucifer / Pindar / AI reptile,

cus fear is delicious.


410704  No.4057777


Buncha fem Nazi's- the Sheryl Crows.

But they are prolly all witches- in cults that we need to uncover.

It's all based on the Sumerian tablets which some say the Bible is derived from. Regardless of which came first- the Bible or the tablets- it's worthy of digging on Lilith societies to get a grip on who it is that may be supporting the acts of the original Lilith and killing our babies.

764306  No.4057778


Considering he is Military… West Point…Tea Party… appointed to head the agency who is public enemy #1… appointed to the most swamp infected department in the Federal government…

Now we don't trust him? Please.

857069  No.4057779


If we're giving some hints, our brains add in whatever additional data we need to have it make sense. Totally possible to pull off something like this, especially if nobody wants to admit having heard the tape.

Btw, similar with Sessions. When exactly did POTUS fire him? How? Everyone is assuming it happened, yet no letter, no indication of a phone call, or personal contact. (And no date on Sessions' resignation letter.) Soooo planned.

323636  No.4057780

File: a670c1c1e529242⋯.jpg (223.2 KB, 720x632, 90:79, 20181128_011157.jpg)

The Ellipse

c3edb3  No.4057781


"You gotta wash your ass!"




Might as well get used to it…


aa5139  No.4057782

File: 8c4eb3da90530ce⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1349x1614, 1349:1614, commie traitor.png)

b258e5  No.4057783


truth. good points anon. i've read his book. i think it was called harbinger. interesting read indeed. and Yeah, jesus kicking the money changers out of the temple was surely a prophetic act.

e5c323  No.4057784

File: fe870401b4f8eaa⋯.png (166.76 KB, 989x895, 989:895, jimmy-eddie.png)


Not what you were talking about, but found this interesting.

Kanye mentioned working with Eddie Q

91911b  No.4057785

File: 2e8876ce682b6a1⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 500x295, 100:59, Trump and Trump.gif)

784d60  No.4057786

File: c314f951a296e3d⋯.jpg (114.04 KB, 1600x1182, 800:591, ANGRY.jpg)

2c809a  No.4057787


Correct. It is a satanic reworking of the story of creation.

The deception goes into every facet of life.

28ded7  No.4057788

File: 1686c4250e70391⋯.png (55.18 KB, 457x407, 457:407, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)


very next post


857069  No.4057789


But other types of fish are better for that. Not that they won't clean up a tank (or a pond), but sucker fish are better.

5c515e  No.4057790


Lighting of the Christmas tree… signifying "dark to light?"

b4b257  No.4057791

File: ef91d41068e512c⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.jpg)

a99e3c  No.4057792

>>4057339 Previous Bread, Answer to how Israel went from being a person to a nation.

The Old Testament is an ancient history of a nation that was told that the savior of mankind would be tracked through their bloodlines. Because of this, as a religious matter, they literally had to put down a fathers age at the date of the birth of his first son, registered at the Synagogue.

This is why you see all that begetting in the bible. It creates an exact calendar of years from the man Adam, to the birth of Jesus, unbroken.

This is also why the bible is heavily used in the secular world as a calendar upon which we hang things like "what year Anthony Cleopatra.... What year this event or that. The bible is loaded with cities, locations, Kings of ancient worlds. It is an archaeologists treasure.

The lineage is important to draw the prophecy line to Christ. It was official Temple record, like we use a birth certificate today.

The NATION Israel was put on the east side of the Mediterranean, by God, I suspect so that they could keep history by contact with travelers and traders.

It is located right in the middle of the trade routs between Europe, Asia, and Africa. So the Scribes of Israel were able to write about events in other lands through information they got from traders on the route through.

The lineage goes like this"

Abraham bore Isaac, who bore Jacob.

God changed Jacobs name to Israel.

Jacob had 12 sons, each creating one tribe of "Israel"

When they went to Israel, they drew sticks to divide up their tribal lands. All tribes got land except for the priestly tribe Levites, who got the land in every city. Guess what the cities were called? "Sanctuary cities".

So, the name of the Nation was Originally called Israel, after the father of the 12 sons. Note, it was a name given by God, not the mans father, who called him Jacob.

There was a civil war between the tribes. This broke the nation into two Nations.

The Northern 10 Tribes were still called Israel.

The Southern 2 Tribes became the Nation of Judah, from which we get the word "Jew".

Israeli people were expert fighters, and at one point, the Assyrian empire pushed down among the northern tribes. They lived in peace with their idol worshiping neighbors. But, the Assyrians needed a military buffer to the west of the empire, so, they abducted all ten tribes and stuck them up to the east of the Caucus mountains but west of their empire.

The people of the nation of Judah were called Jews, after their tribal names.

The 10 Tribes were watched by the Romans closely. You know the Romans did a census on everything that moved around them, prolly for military reasons. The 10 tribes were never lost and there are beautiful records of the tribal names of Israel all over Europe. Check out, for instance, the "scottish declaration of independance". The people of Israel had migrated clear to Scotland.

Israel was always a place. Israel was always named after the father of the 12 tribes.

If you have European ancestors, you are highly probably at least part of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, that came over the Pass of Israel in the Caucus mountains, that the Romans recorded as "Caucasians" (Asians from the Caucus mountains I guess, is what the Romans meant)

c74be6  No.4057793


I'm trying to keep the record straight. Christ brought us all truth, beauty and goodness. Everything else is a pale imitation.

5c256c  No.4057794

>>4056893 pb

perchance is there a link to an official LIST of all the susp' death from 2018 ( celebs, minor celebs, and anything possibly deep state related) ?

honestly never thought it would stack this high

21c499  No.4057795



Meyer Levin Vs Otto Frank, File number 2241-1956 in the New York County Clerk’s office.

2c809a  No.4057796


Jesus save this poor soul. Whatever demon oppression you have I rebuke in Jesus name. Come out of him in Jesus name.

21a53c  No.4057797


hi fishfarmeranon.

Would these fish clean up large volumes of "leftover" body parts……eg like pig farms….or are they more pellet eating type fish?

asking for a fren

e5c323  No.4057798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b83dac  No.4057799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In God We Trust suggests that Bernie Madoff ran a giant money laundering scheme, NOT a Ponzi scheme.


In fact Madoff is in prison in South Carolina, so maybe he is keeping the money laundering business going from his cell?

1d0e9e  No.4057800

File: 0433334449c063c⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 720x690, 24:23, 789a002252494f3e42f756daae….jpg)

0173ec  No.4057801

Hold up hold up. Carter Page (MALE-1 here) blind copied James Wolfe on an email to a reporter?!?!

The only way I can take that is implying (knowing?) that James Wolfe leaked it.

this is from James Wolfe's statement of offense, btw


fd22f4  No.4057802


After He rose, He was on earth for 40 days before ascending to Heaven.

0346d3  No.4057804

File: 06f3199d578e235⋯.png (392.72 KB, 569x555, 569:555, BigBlue.png)


410704  No.4057805

File: 6d18da91b62ca8d⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 659x440, 659:440, MAjfrnco.jpg)

File: b73d7fa06b10949⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 490x487, 490:487, MAjf.jpg)

Abromovich and Franco, revisited

Doing other research and came across these two- again.

Thought I'd put it up, see if it sparks Anons to moar research.

(note: the gold-covered pic, Franco has band aids on two fingers and she's twice his age)

bc5dcd  No.4057806

File: fce8b9aaf61c8be⋯.jpg (128.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4d35c3c62961f7a94419e390aa….jpg)


You know what would be a great plot twist?

A never Trumper who has a very public change of mind when shown the truth….. also a good way to fish out those stubborn bottom feeders who believe they have a hotline to pompeos ear

21a53c  No.4057807

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 47ff3fb1fe0bb8a243a37e04f0….jpg)


blessings anon

0346d3  No.4057808


FUcked UP! Had to sneeze!

6888f3  No.4057809

File: c564379705aea92⋯.jpg (96.86 KB, 597x561, 199:187, 28_20-16-45.jpg)


Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops, Say Authorities

Mexican authorities arrested two Hondurans who allegedly shot at federal police officers escorting the migrant caravan across the southern state of Chiapas. The attack follows shortly after government warnings about Molotov cocktail attacks around a second caravan near the border with Guatemala.

The attack took place near Ignacio Zaragoza, Chiapas, when members of Mexico’s Federal Police were escorting the migrant caravan as part of “Operativo Caminante” or “Operation Walker” across the southern border state. According to Mexico’s Interior Secretariat, two men identified only as 22-year-old “Jerson” and 17-year-old “Carlos” spotted the group of police officers guarding the caravan and began firing at them.

The attackers’ pistol jammed, allowing police officers to arrest them without any injuries. Federal authorities seized a .380 caliber Glock with nine rounds still in the magazine.

The attack came soon after Mexican authorities issued a warning about migrants in Guatemala who were preparing Molotov cocktails and acquiring firearms to use against police officers in their attempts to break through the border to Mexico. Over the weekend, several clashes occurred where migrants threw rocks and used various makeshift weapons against border security forces.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and Stephen K. Bannon. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at Iortiz@breitbart.com.

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and Stephen K. Bannon. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com.

Tony Aranda and “J.M. Martinez” from the Cartel Chronicles project contributed to this report.

sauce: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2018/10/30/armed-migrants-in-caravan-opened-fire-on-mexican-cops-say-authorities/

aa5139  No.4057810

File: 881a2eb7e28dcd1⋯.jpeg (192.32 KB, 1200x850, 24:17, hungry.jpeg)

File: 9dd12920e78ac46⋯.jpeg (68.29 KB, 800x450, 16:9, skaters.jpeg)

764306  No.4057811

File: c7670bd717c1a59⋯.png (428.05 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Read-Jeff-Sessions-letter-….png)


Ehhh ok.

c74e86  No.4057812

File: 4fa97d6149c9c0e⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Keep Up.jpg)

f5537e  No.4057813

File: 909f96b89ab944a⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 300x300, 1:1, gilscott.jpg)

ad3ecd  No.4057814


Notable AF

5a68e9  No.4057816

File: edfa5cea62b9ba3⋯.png (308.38 KB, 671x500, 671:500, tilapia.png)

File: eefc5693ed0641f⋯.png (48.53 KB, 248x261, 248:261, dafuqjesus.png)

this bread

05ce07  No.4057817


When flesh rots off they would be able to eat it, but are not aggressive.

Also they cannot eat bone.

Pigs are the way to go for disposal…

b5acf7  No.4057818

File: c2b90712aabba49⋯.jpg (722.06 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181128_005851.jpg)

File: bd036095d116f6b⋯.jpg (802.87 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181128_005519.jpg)

File: 0dbc365ef5e7fa6⋯.jpg (815.16 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181128_004753.jpg)

File: e76ad9ccf5401c4⋯.jpg (834.11 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181128_003500.jpg)

File: c0f3f554f7e734d⋯.jpg (772.17 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181128_004242.jpg)

It took less than 10 minutes to grab these screenshots which demonstrate the blatant mass manipulation attempt before hitting the poles myself. I attempted to reverse engineer the articles in order to properly portray the protagonist. He who laughs last…

857069  No.4057819


A very interesting question. Not sure they'd eat human flesh, but possibly. I'll speak to Fatheranon tomorrow and ask.

A better way to get rid of bodies, though, is a rendering company. Grinds up dead animals and then cooks them, then dries it to make meat scrap (Fatheranon's business before he became a fishfarmeranon). I don't think there'd be any way to distinguish human from animal in one of those places. Fatheranon is convinced that's how Jimmy Hoffa disappeared.

2c809a  No.4057820


BRAVO!!! Bravo. And I figured this out just by reading the Bible.

The tribes were scattered. Just don’t give consent to any dna profiles.

0346d3  No.4057821

c74e86  No.4057822

File: 72db3481601fed0⋯.jpeg (173.15 KB, 729x750, 243:250, We The People.jpeg)

484723  No.4057823


Wow, she loves walls…

da373a  No.4057824


To me, even this doesn't explain it all away. It makes sense. But it's not enough.

There is a tape and it's fabricated and then after everyone reported on it, word got out he was alive and they went into shut it down mode, that makes sense.

If they wanted to kill him, he got rushed to safety, and he's hiding now, why would they all run the story about the tapes? That's just insane. Wouldn't they know they didn't successfully kill him? Maybe I'm underestimating the value of those sanctions and or their desperation.

857069  No.4057825


Right, tilapia wouldn't eat bones at all. Fatheranon's eat pellets. Would have to be trained to eat anything else anymore.

c74be6  No.4057826


Similar to the sub-plot in Fried Green Tomatoes.

7cad98  No.4057827



97f059  No.4057828

File: e52b48bfba6c2c3⋯.jpeg (841.5 KB, 1242x1643, 1242:1643, FBA6B525-5233-400B-AC8F-B….jpeg)

File: af3541329d39f0d⋯.jpeg (895.21 KB, 1242x2155, 1242:2155, 539FE6B0-BE09-4CB9-B146-6….jpeg)


Talapia links to Greek Mythology and

“The Book of the Dead”.

Heavy Symbolism here.

Start digging.


aa5139  No.4057829


nice lucky dubs

if you had the server, the first thing to do would be to clone it………..for insurance

af96ee  No.4057830


The National Christmas Tree is a large evergreen tree located in the northeast quadrant of The Ellipse near the White House in Washington, D.C. Each year since 1923, the tree has been decorated as a Christmas tree. Every early December, the tree is traditionally lit by the President of the United States. Every president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has made formal remarks during the tree lighting ceremony.[1] Since 1954,[2] the event has marked the start of month-long festivities known as the Pageant of Peace.[3] Smaller trees representing the U.S. states, District of Columbia, and the five territories around the National Christmas Tree are referred to as the Pathway to Peace.[4]

f5537e  No.4057831

File: 4791e04ce47fa42⋯.png (334.93 KB, 661x380, 661:380, piglet.png)


pigs have human dna?…why not kosher?

410704  No.4057832

File: 1e0515c99b02f2a⋯.png (152.16 KB, 924x1356, 77:113, 25.png)

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 17.jpg)

POTUS' Tweets / Christmas Delta

Pointing out that the deltas also equal 17.

12 1+2= 3

25 2+5= 7

25 2+5= 7

3+7+7= 17

Anon has seen presumption that Q may be One who's birthday is Christmas Day. If true, these tweets and corresponding deltas are significant!


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5b7643 No.614093

Mar 10 2018 14:05:58 (EST)

You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


afb9c8  No.4057833

File: fa7351a4a8c27ed⋯.png (12.53 KB, 611x89, 611:89, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)




80672c  No.4057834

Reminder: Oprah's mom was sacrificed on thanksgiving day.

Side note, look through the "Oprah through the years" pics in the article and guess how many people have played Oprah through the years. Which one/ ones were friends of POTUS?


afb9c8  No.4057835


PAST BREAD on that.

My Bad.

c74be6  No.4057836


Feinstein must be over 100 years old; she looks fifty in that photo that appears to be from the 1950s.

a9e9de  No.4057837


FISA declass brings down the house of Clowns. Operatives met by PoppaD exposed.

c15693  No.4057838


Proof of 4D Chess if true

5c256c  No.4057839

File: 452c663b80e98b0⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 440x293, 440:293, rs-dr-dre-jimmy-iovine-ff4….jpg)


iovine's hands

7e157e  No.4057840


all you need is a river and a stolen wood chipper.

deep freeze the body first and theres no mess.

da373a  No.4057841


There really is no date. That's pretty interesting.

05ce07  No.4057842


Not jewish so know nothing about kosher except that it's pretty much the same as muzzies restrictions.

I guess they hate bacon and each other right?

Life without bacon would suck.

379eda  No.4057843

File: 116a760f7713d11⋯.png (586.75 KB, 1280x536, 160:67, Domestics.png)


Seen something like that just recently.

484723  No.4057844


Great fake news collages!


f5537e  No.4057845

File: 4c12959e43cc396⋯.jpg (277.88 KB, 600x690, 20:23, 27eff1187959d6687d31d82dc8….jpg)

f2402c  No.4057846

File: 1a7ea2ea7c9d4ba⋯.png (177.25 KB, 1078x776, 539:388, ClipboardImage.png)

c74be6  No.4057847


40 represents a period of transition from one stage or level to a higher one

0346d3  No.4057848

File: d1c859e1a32053f⋯.png (51.82 KB, 1092x631, 1092:631, Screenshot_311.png)

91911b  No.4057849

File: 74bd75ec9229ce1⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 800x1055, 160:211, monica_eyes.jpg)


>"For the glory of a woman, is in her hair"

Love me some St. Paul

aa5139  No.4057850


anne frank diary was a (((fraud)))


afb9c8  No.4057851



Shes saying she took a load of his life energy. Yup, splooge.

b83dac  No.4057852

File: 629b411b8b72817⋯.png (471.49 KB, 1043x4129, 1043:4129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18d6f128b33a33f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x990, 40:33, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing to do with fish.

Tilapia is a code for a kind of sex party involving blow jobs.

See how Tilapia have a second set of jaws at the pharynx?

Humans can exercise their pharyngeal muscles to do something galled DEEP THROAT which is not just licking the penis, but more like intercourse with the pharynx in the throat.

The Obama state department had a lot of women in it, and they would go around the world on junkets with male pilots and male security.

Presumably the State Department chose women who had Beta Sex Kitten programming so they knew how to do deep throat and enjoyed it. Of course no condom is needed to prevent pregnancy.

So, again, these emails are NOT TALKING ABOUT FISH, although they may have actually served tilapia with the meals, the main topic was the orgy that was being organized.

eb223a  No.4057853


>Fatheranon is convinced that's how Jimmy Hoffa disappeared

Someone actually claimed that was the case. Sorry can't recall the report or documentary from many years ago. The claim is he was grinded and the meat was thrown in an abandonned lot to be eaten by rats.

a34680  No.4057854

File: be52a53f537623b⋯.png (956.88 KB, 1356x1363, 1356:1363, a9f854e941157d96d02afae1c8….png)

File: 614e8c1f58f38ca⋯.gif (2.89 MB, 480x315, 32:21, 689193414477f4fc2e5f4099c8….gif)


Big Mike's Jumbo trips.

65b7e7  No.4057855


The whole holocaust was a fraud, but that is illegal to talk about in europe..

4ca29d  No.4057856


>They're bottom feeders, so they'll eat anything

Not that much money in Pig farming either, but if you ever need to dispose of bodies, I could see how something like that may come in handy…

> then veggies extract the nitrites for nutrition and it purifies the water so it can be recycled back into the fish tank

Bones provide great nutrients for plants, too, I should add…

6888f3  No.4057857

File: dafe64f79ac079f⋯.jpg (109.28 KB, 1066x453, 1066:453, 28_20-25-14.jpg)

eee584  No.4057858


ever have a devastating life exp where u cry out to jesus? and he miraculously responds

who do u think is talking back kek

or if a hindu mfker sees vishnu,

or a chink sees buddha,

or a SS soldier sees meinfuhrer

e16827  No.4057859

File: 90a0fb092092a14⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1410x1080, 47:36, red pill.png)

aa5139  No.4057860

File: f1f65be8f369a81⋯.jpeg (60.17 KB, 620x349, 620:349, rustled.jpeg)


fuck off shlomo, go fuck a goat and then neck yourself with piano wire

671f64  No.4057861


Yeah the Eddy Q tweet I recall. Speaking of which was recalling the article mentioned from memory, will have to dig deeper to sauce it. Michael Jackson re: Tommy Matola should be in YouTube. And found this re: Iovine & Tupac while I dig https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1997/07/07/the-takedown-of-tupac/amp

3198da  No.4057862


It was there to prove the people in Sodom and Gomorrah were beyond redemption.

0346d3  No.4057863


27 11…nice!

28 33

5c256c  No.4057864





Keep up the great work Anon !!!

This shit is great for Normies…


We need to make tons of New Collages for all the main threads from 2018 so Normies cant hide their eyes:

- Deaths

- Firings

- Plane Crashes

- all the weird fuckin Space News

- etc

f5537e  No.4057865

File: 599107ea88e7c36⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 1e000d62a1ac0d13a981e3004f….jpg)


been watching max spiers…

the pink commercila type pigs have always

seemed..different to me. it doesn't seem

beyond the realm of possibility.

857069  No.4057866


But other than Sessions saying "at your request" here, how did POTUS make the request? Where's the letter where he fired him? Or when did he call him? He sure didn't tweet fire him like he did Tillerson.

My guess is Sessions knew from square one that he was going to step down once his part of the performance was over. Trump did the EO about DOJ succession in March 2017. Sessions likely wrote this a long time ago and it's been sitting in POTUS' hands until the time was right.

Sessions did what he was tasked to do, and it was time for him to leave the stage so Whitaker could come in for his part.

410704  No.4057867

File: 71a2831ba847ae0⋯.jpg (66.8 KB, 697x791, 697:791, 8chan.jpg)



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e No.1123074

Apr 20 2018 21:17:04 (EST)

This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.



I really wanna see behind the door.

Show them what's behind door #3, Johnny!

2c809a  No.4057868


I was an atheist. I died and called out to the real God of the Universe. To my surprise, Jesus appeared to me. He spoke to me. Came back and spent 3 years ripping my bibles apart bc I wanted to know what else he said. It’s amazing. The Bible is not what I used to think it was. It surely is a message from God to you. It comes alive. It’s why it’s called the Living Word. It’s a blessing. Many miracles have transpired in my life. He was always there. The Bible says anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. That was me. I Called and he came.

c74be6  No.4057869


The young woman who was filmed for porn and became famous for "deep throat" later revealed that she was forced to do those degrading activities by her abusive husband/producer. Only abused people would subject themselves to such unnatural acts.

698353  No.4057871


yep. answer to why is because of $$$

3198da  No.4057872


Implants and a tattoo. Lovely.


5a68e9  No.4057873

File: c2e199bd5c16574⋯.png (529.91 KB, 759x542, 759:542, waldorf.png)

0346d3  No.4057874

c74be6  No.4057875


God bless you Anon, keep spreading your knowledge of the one true God.

5ec297  No.4057876


What/where is this photo of?

cbf538  No.4057877

File: 7f6cd53558e6a16⋯.png (581.94 KB, 602x748, 301:374, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)


It really is daddy issues. If you ever get to talk to a clinical psychologist they will tell you that almost 100% of them got raped by their father. Very sad what I have learned from psychology. We need to stop normalizing pedophilia and bring back the noose.

28ded7  No.4057878

File: b821a6cce1d5b9d⋯.png (48.37 KB, 1193x100, 1193:100, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)

File: e372f3127c95162⋯.png (94.62 KB, 447x591, 149:197, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)

File: b10f33f087e0ad3⋯.png (71.63 KB, 443x530, 443:530, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)



potus tweets

then a followup

11 min

21 sec


only 1 11:21 in the Q drops

5c256c  No.4057879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2402c  No.4057880

File: 627f5d8dc2f4866⋯.png (65.16 KB, 800x720, 10:9, pepe00004_nigel.png)


>Fuck, we must be getting old.



>"You gotta wash your ass!"

Yeah spouseanon is younger by half a decade.. All this cool stuff is being taught.

a47297  No.4057881

>>4057788, >>4057594


YES! Now let's dig for 25:04 for THE WHY. Or keep an eye out for it if hasn't been dropped yet. This could add up to a YUGE proof.

b258e5  No.4057882


how'd you die

857069  No.4057883


True, bonemeal is used in gardening, and included in some cattle feed. Just would require crushing/grinding up first. Might be more work than they'd want to do.

9080a5  No.4057884


I spent most of the last 10 years in Brazil and EVERY single modem I had or saw was Huawei!

650022  No.4057885

File: b2b439587e9c2c6⋯.png (959.72 KB, 1023x740, 1023:740, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: fee3c7d1939a07c⋯.png (175.07 KB, 1070x723, 1070:723, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

Damn it, I knew this would happen.

a9e9de  No.4057886


Education one of the ten planks of Karl Marx's communist manifesto.

80672c  No.4057887


Because they look good. These all seem like very nice ladies

afb9c8  No.4057888


You're on to something here. They can retrieve the "deposits" later as well. See vid at the link below. I tried attaching a MP4 but it errored out.


2c809a  No.4057889


Negligence from a doctor. A really evil one at that.

9700fc  No.4057890


tits or GTFO

a51d58  No.4057891


His name was Gobble!

0346d3  No.4057892

File: cbe47b8638dbe0e⋯.png (58.28 KB, 961x225, 961:225, Screenshot_312.png)

dd6d9f  No.4057893


C-17 transport approaching SEA-TAC (Joint Base Lewis-McCord?)

Out of Washington D.C. area - ADW?

Radar unit froze before getting snapshot.


prisoner transfer?

c74be6  No.4057894


Someone on a news program indicated that Cabinet members are asked to write a letter of resignation at the start of their term and have it ready to go for when the President asks for it. Standard procedure. But I do not know if it is true in all cases.

333abd  No.4057895


Stop looking.

857069  No.4057896


I still say if you're going to dispose of many bodies, the best cover is a rendering company. They are common in rural areas (well, not as common as they used to be, many small companies have been bought up by bigger ones), and pick up from slaughterhouses and even pick up grease from restaurants/fast food joints.

Maybe we should start looking into who owns those in Arkansas to see if Bill and Hill had any connections there.

f39305  No.4057897

File: af3c8b8ecb2c858⋯.jpg (258.76 KB, 500x700, 5:7, miverick.jpg)

671f64  No.4057898


Re: Michael Jackson


afb9c8  No.4057899

996a31  No.4057900

File: 77f66ca2c44b0b6⋯.jpg (180.18 KB, 735x489, 245:163, a31497384bf800d53e94a2d432….jpg)

3198da  No.4057901


WTF would I do that? You first

857069  No.4057902


Possibly. I've not paid as much attention to the others who have resigned/been fired. Might be something to look for.

a34680  No.4057903

File: c20e1d19d544d58⋯.jpg (50.24 KB, 384x435, 128:145, 8abff166e26ebc95f3a4dee206….jpg)

File: 4ed1fb0f71b8715⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 851x1068, 851:1068, 4ed1fb0f71b87155b53e8cfd68….jpg)


Anon - the latest Smithsonian has an article all about Miss Frank. Took some photos. Was in my therapist's waiting room. I'll see if I can upload them. The timing of the article caused me to take the photos.

65b7e7  No.4057904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


History of the shitty American School System.

_FIX IT!!_

21c499  No.4057905

File: 1ec090cc4ad4d93⋯.jpg (78.68 KB, 1262x716, 631:358, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….jpg)

File: 111d39a7d59b568⋯.jpg (185.41 KB, 1226x710, 613:355, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….jpg)

File: 512a002b1ca78a8⋯.jpg (131.34 KB, 1040x716, 260:179, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….jpg)

File: 944fd4c3aefd17c⋯.jpg (184.46 KB, 1244x782, 622:391, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….jpg)

5416c9  No.4057906

File: 4ac2c45f257bd1a⋯.png (23.23 KB, 740x92, 185:23, tilapia museum.png)


No question, this email is weird is oh so many ways. Here are some discussions on this tilapia email:



Focusing on this idea of some sort of tilapia museum connected with Andrews AFB (is that "Joint Base Andrews"?), there is no such thing as far as I can tell. So that part is definitely code for something else.

dd6d9f  No.4057907


One must assume that any commercially available modem has a hidden VLAN port that pipes everything somewhere. B

0346d3  No.4057908

File: 42063af1a28936c⋯.png (608.22 KB, 480x588, 40:49, GRIZZABE.png)

763819  No.4057909


Could just be the standard rotation.

fa5e10  No.4057910


Don't know if it matters or not…

A Tyson lobbyist was shot at the same time Scalise was shot

Also, Gen Flynn met with the Lt Gov of Arkansas while he was 'working to extradite Gulen'.

c74be6  No.4057911


An ex of mine told me that Napoleon asked his wife not to bathe while he was away at battle so that he could enjoy her natural odor when he returned. Vive la France.

5c515e  No.4057912

File: 43bd3239095adbd⋯.jpg (83.7 KB, 1114x838, 557:419, 3.JPG)

File: 808205e952874b3⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 781x685, 781:685, 4.JPG)

File: 46d2bd85dc0f80c⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 795x474, 265:158, 5.JPG)

Former Walt Disney World employee indicted on charges he sexually abused eight Winston-Salem boys in the 1990s and early 2000s.


7cf6be  No.4057913

More news coming related to cancer treatment….

FDA approves an oncology drug that targets a key genetic driver of cancer, rather than a specific type of tumor

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today granted accelerated approval to Vitrakvi (larotrectinib), a treatment for adult and pediatric patients whose cancers have a specific genetic feature (biomarker).

This is the second time the agency has approved a cancer treatment based on a common biomarker across different types of tumors rather than the location in the body where the tumor originated. The approval marks a new paradigm in the development of cancer drugs that are “tissue agnostic.” It follows the policies that the FDA developed in a guidance document released earlier this year.

Vitrakvi is indicated for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients with solid tumors that have a neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase (NTRK) gene fusion without a known acquired resistance mutation, are metastatic or where surgical resection is likely to result in severe morbidity and have no satisfactory alternative treatments or that have progressed following treatment.

"Today’s approval marks another step in an important shift toward treating cancers based on their tumor genetics rather than their site of origin in the body," said FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D. "This new site-agnostic oncology therapy isn’t specific to a cancer arising in a particular body organ, such as breast or colon cancer. Its approval reflects advances in the use of biomarkers to guide drug development and the more targeted delivery of medicine. We now have the ability to make sure that the right patients get the right treatment at the right time. This type of drug development program, which enrolled patients with different tumors but a common gene mutation, wouldn’t have been possible a decade ago because we knew a lot less about such cancer mutations. Using our breakthrough therapy designation and accelerated approval processes, we support innovation in precision oncology drug development and the evolution of more targeted and effective treatments for cancer patients. This is especially true when it comes to pediatric cancers. We’re committed to continuing to advance a more modern framework of clinical trial designs that support more targeted innovations across disease types based on our growing understanding of the underlying biology of diseases like cancer."


aa5139  No.4057914

File: fac9d66639da3fc⋯.jpg (244.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, slide.jpg)


is this turning into a christfag bread or what ?

5416c9  No.4057915


Whoops, replied to the HRC email "tilapia" post here

Not quite the same….kek….

c74be6  No.4057916


Must be an isolated event. (sarc)

cbad54  No.4057917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cad98  No.4057918

File: 58a4170253670d7⋯.jpg (59.45 KB, 444x331, 444:331, nothingtoseehere.jpg)

0346d3  No.4057919


What would you like to talk about, Anon?

39 39?

7cad98  No.4057920

File: fca53c03db03402⋯.png (238.25 KB, 487x346, 487:346, ClipboardImage.png)

a9e9de  No.4057921


Looks like RATO takeoff. Rocket Assisted Takeoff

91911b  No.4057922

File: 57602efad567815⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 682x809, 682:809, monica_ok.jpg)

afb9c8  No.4057923

File: efa7dc4c549fc2e⋯.png (319.39 KB, 934x552, 467:276, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….png)

cbad54  No.4057924

File: 5098378d19eb1c1⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 650x488, 325:244, IMG_3949.JPG)

b83dac  No.4057925


Some drops end in a signature block where there are important film titles before the final Q.

27 Jun 2018 - 9:45:55 AM


If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared.

You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil.

The game is over when the public knows.

The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.

You will FAIL.


You lost CONTROL.


You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.

We will DECLAS.

We will shine LIGHT.


No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.

Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.

We stand at the ready.





As you can see, WHITE SQUALL is clearly a film title.

That means that IN GOD WE TRUST is also a film title and this is the film that reveals Bernie Madoff is laundering money, NOT running a Ponzi scheme. But he could not confess to the truth, because that would be crossing a red line and the Cabal will kill all your relatives if you cross a red line. So Madoff made up the Ponzi story to protect his family.

12 Nov 2017 - 9:31:16 AM



Go deeper.

Signatures are IMPORTANT.


4 Nov 2017 - 10:12:48 PM

My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on.

Snow White

Godfather III


5 Nov 2017 - 2:59:48 PM


Graphic is good.

Please update and continue to log.

Important more than you know.

Review each sentence post happenings.

Big picture.

Signatures have necessary meaning.

Snow White.

Godfather III.


65b7e7  No.4057926


Well, a large bit of America was duped by the bible stuff… All together, we go towards truth.

Setting aside old dogma will eventually be a part of the scheme. God Wins, and thousands of years of deception will lose.

4432d7  No.4057927

POTUS tweeted about a NEWS CHANNEL

I'm thinking that a weekly MAILED NEWSLETTER to every American

with solid information about such things as:

– applicable immigration laws (Laura Ingraham had a good list tonight)

– data about health consequences of illegal immigration w/o paperwork and the cost to immunize

– proven facts about current events, china, EU, etc

– links to information that can be double checked historically


Because it is IMPERATIVE and CRUCIAL that people get factual information in a form that they can work with.

MSM is not informing people and this creates a vacuum of suspicion, which is fed by lies and accusations

The atmosphere is volatile. Our families are in crisis.

We are being targeted as Nazis and monsters.

People are believing that we both cause suffering of children and that we condone that suffering.

WE NEED HELP. We need help addressing the lies.

the US Postal Service delivers gov mail free.

Everyone gets one. Comes every saturday perhaps.

It should be full of plain facts that help people in their lives

and which also helps them find their way through the swamp.

Thank you

cbad54  No.4057928


Man hands

4ca29d  No.4057929


Totally!! I never thought much of the Tyson chicken connection other than an insider trading type of thing, but it appears to connect to illegal aliens, so I can only imagine what else we can find when we start diving in…

91911b  No.4057930

File: 88d16bcd8cc4e43⋯.jpg (89.18 KB, 578x860, 289:430, monica_tits.jpg)


> she got baked at camp


aa5139  No.4057931


take your (((gematria))) shit someplace else

a9e9de  No.4057932



afb9c8  No.4057933


What do they mean by saying "NOT/NOT"

c3edb3  No.4057934

File: 4b6c786d10c0728⋯.jpg (294.49 KB, 500x430, 50:43, index_A846-207_rattlesnake….jpg)

File: 347f9a6c1bbe6ad⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 400x300, 4:3, anasazi_petroglyphs_065.JPG)

File: 037751f2e891f6a⋯.png (1.74 MB, 523x600, 523:600, 2358499460_8576e90b2c_o.png)


Owls have mojo.

Screw those who harness and taint archetypal symbols for corrupt endeavors.

My next painting will have an owl or two. Probably some spirals as well.

Free the symbols, free the world.

cbad54  No.4057935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2c809a  No.4057936


There are Tyson chicken plants in Arkansas. Just across the border from Missouri. The small towns are all Mexicans that don’t speak English. They come and go all the time

7e157e  No.4057937

anyone just get a whiff of team spirograph warming up their act?

5c256c  No.4057938

File: a457de0c1953a3e⋯.jpg (404.42 KB, 630x482, 315:241, moonchild.jpg)

b83dac  No.4057939


By the way, Beta Sex Kitten programming is done to both males and females in Monarch Mind Control Slavery. Those big masculine A-list sports stars all have it and they do suck cock for the slave owners' orgies. Satanic Ritual Abuse and Monarch mind control both create people who are fully bisexual.

8a7919  No.4057940


The government doesn’t pay for ANYTHING anon…

The tax payer pays and nothing is free.

6888f3  No.4057941

File: 3133488622300ba⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 654x632, 327:316, 28_20-45-04.jpg)


0346d3  No.4057942

File: 502bf8b09867d80⋯.png (415.13 KB, 624x736, 39:46, Screenshot_115 - Copy.png)

45 45

6888f3  No.4057943

File: b77bddfca5f7ed3⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 878x525, 878:525, 28_20-46-15.jpg)

91911b  No.4057944

File: 568160fefcd198a⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 462x600, 77:100, sophia1.jpg)


If this is true, that Dr.'s life is in serious danger. Like Hillary Clinton danger.

The Truth about BIG MIKE can never get out.

f80206  No.4057945

i's on

iridium satellites?

0346d3  No.4057946

File: e76e865de9cdcdf⋯.png (80.74 KB, 501x305, 501:305, Screenshot_9 - Copy - Copy….png)

aa5139  No.4057947


takes time to bake a corpse….


b83dac  No.4057948

File: 89ef1234a08c4fe⋯.pdf (896.62 KB, crowley, aleister - moonch….pdf)


I have attached the entire 412 page book, Moonchild by Aleister Crowley as a PDF

65b7e7  No.4057949

File: 79ea60b7c1f803f⋯.png (724.88 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


It may be natives, though I also may be mistaken, but owls were not always perceived as a negative premonition. In some cultures, they are seen as aviaries of super-natural wisdom instead of foreboding omens.

242a87  No.4057950


Eminem faggot slide. He gets anal from Dre. And Pedo. We knew this a year ago. kys fuckboy

91911b  No.4057951

File: 04417be5a3fad09⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 590x701, 590:701, sophia8.jpg)


>Now we don't trust him? Please.

I never Trusted him.

Next you're going to tell us that Nicky Hailey is /ourgirl/ and wants to 'help us'.

Fuck Barney Rubble

7a5c6c  No.4057952


1) Pigs eat garbage, they have only one stomach. They are omnivores, not healthy to eat. Grass/seed fed animals are cleaner.

2) Because pigs are similar in DNA they are vectors for zootic diseases. Birds get the flu->pigs get the flu from them-> Humans get it from the pig.

Europe is plagued by porcine MERSA humans are getting it.

0346d3  No.4057953


49 52?

2a75f7  No.4057954

File: 20a1e588e36ad7b⋯.jpg (306.08 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, DLFakeFamilyPhotoOpFakeMom.jpg)

b83dac  No.4057955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is someone else

Who was covered in gold leaf

242a87  No.4057956



"Majic" "Johnson"

76a6cf  No.4057957


Answer: Yeshua Hamashiach means “Jesus the Messiah.” The name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which is the shortened form of the name Yehoshua. From this Hebrew word we also get the name Joshua (Joshua 5:15) or Hoshea (Numbers 13:8; Deuteronomy 33:44). The name means “salvation” and is found more than often throughout the Old Testament. This is the name from which we get the Greek word Iesous, prounounced “yay-sus,” or as we say it, “Jesus.”

9f36cd  No.4057958


Nope, nada, zip, zilch. Just send it to me, and I'll dispose of it properly for you!

b96fc8  No.4057959


or… they are finally charging zuckerberg for insider trading when he was dumping all those shares this year AFTER the investigation into FB had started.

5675f0  No.4057960

File: a29dd158a84e003⋯.png (736.14 KB, 894x870, 149:145, Q MOSCOW WARNS CRIMEA.PNG)


76a6cf  No.4057961

File: 59aeb952c8e0e26⋯.jpeg (27.38 KB, 237x344, 237:344, 0404F6AE-DF0C-4892-B80D-B….jpeg)

File: a5e14e29da4928e⋯.gif (482.24 KB, 500x200, 5:2, 90F94FC9-C225-4FA9-BFCF-E1….gif)

fd688f  No.4057962


….Difference between a pick-pocket and a peeping-tom?

….A pick-pocket snatches watches, and a peeping-tom watches snatches.

eb223a  No.4057963

File: 0ee218c51d8941b⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1920x2541, 640:847, Shinji and Misato looking ….png)


Ok, this will be hard for some here: The story is that (((they))) are the sons of Eve and the gentiles are supposed to be the sons of Lilith and the renegate angels. Now you know where the wife of Cain came from, what Neon Genesis Evangelion was about and why (((they))) behave the way (((they))) do.

2c809a  No.4057964



7cad98  No.4057965

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4057578 South Carolina businesses used to launder billions to drug cartels, terrorists

>>4057590 JA's cat has left the embassy (not joking)

>>4057594 POTUS tweet delta (x:24:25) = "The WHERE" crumb's timestamp (x:24:25)

>>4057596, >>4057605, >>4057608 Resignations in the news today

>>4057615 State Department Hires Anti-Trump Columnist

>>4057654 Six false claims the MSM has made about the caravan (Tucker's show recap)

>>4057656, >>4057731 Google CEO Sundar Pichai Said to Testify to US Congress in December

>>4057671 Free Papadropolous: All roads lead to UK, Western intel on FISA declassification

>>4057673 3M will pay $9.1 million to resolve defective combat earplugs

>>4057680 Reminder: USA/AUS also banned China / Huawei 5g

>>4057744 Anon on "WHY Do They Kill Babies?"

>>4057818 Fake News Collages

>>4057912 Former Walt Disney World employee indicted on pedo charges

c3edb3  No.4057966


Agreed. Many cultures have certainly attached wisdom, foresight, and stealth to owls.

Rightly so.

They're like sky ninjas.

Pic for keks.

f39305  No.4057967


that's the best part. kek.

0346d3  No.4057968

File: f35f0c68cfbd71e⋯.png (509.71 KB, 597x413, 597:413, Screenshot_20.png)


53 47?

7cf6be  No.4057969

b96fc8  No.4057970

File: eb7d2297e5a9630⋯.png (441.53 KB, 1800x802, 900:401, pedogate.png)

File: 0555ddb8305278f⋯.png (9.26 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, howoldwasshe.png)

21c499  No.4057971



A perversion of symbolism is noticeable

2a75f7  No.4057972

File: fbad8260bee6200⋯.jpg (127.26 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, UkraineFakeFamily.jpg)

b83dac  No.4057973

File: 9630383e9f934fb⋯.png (279.72 KB, 550x387, 550:387, ClipboardImage.png)


We live in Hell. And when we die, we will be reborn here in Hell, until we have moved beyond worldly things, spending our lives as Jesus recommended, loving others.


The Illuminati took command over the masonic lodges of the world at the Wilhelmsbad Conference in 1781 – and have governed them ever since from the London City. The Illuminati were founded by the Jesuits Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild and set loose on the world on 1 May 1776. Since then, the world has been a madhouse of bloody Revolutions and wars with just one purpose: To pave the road for the Illuminati one-world government.

There are 3 layers of the Illuminati Freemasonry organizations:

1) Rothschild’s Frankist Satanist and Pharisaic/Talmudist command center at the London City on behalf of the Jesuits’ Black Pope. Jesuits organized today’s Masonry.

2) 36 Super/Ur lodges comprising the foremost leaders in politics, media, industry, universities etc.

3) The grand masters of the Masonic lodges – telling their politician adepts how to think, talk and act.

Jan Hemmer has written the text below on the Super/Ur lodges. It was first validated and further detailed by Johannes Rosenkrantz: Superlogen regieren die Welt 1, in 2015.

36 Super Lodges rule the World

71d42a  No.4057974

File: 442bbe2ef79ca10⋯.png (453.84 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, Velma.png)


fell asleep at the keyboard… time for bed.

c3edb3  No.4057975

File: a762e76533e4855⋯.jpg (110.86 KB, 600x893, 600:893, TC20.jpg)

5675f0  No.4057976


Likely less painful than what oilikebumas and hrc had planned for open border takeovers

b8b4d1  No.4057977

Reminder that those craving PAINful revenge are NOT CHRISTIAN

1 Thessalonians 5:15 - See that none of you pays back evil with evil; instead, always try to do good to each other and to all people.

1 Peter 3:9 - Do not repay evil with evil or curses with curses; but with blessings. Bless in return – that is what you have been called to do – so that you may inherit a blessing

Romans 12:14, 17-19 - Bless those who persecute you. Bless them. Do not curse them. Do not pay anyone back with evil for evil….If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live peaceably with everyone. Beloved, do not take revenge, but leave that to the wrath of God.

Proverbs 20:22 - Do not say, ‘I will repay the evil deed in kind.’ Trust in the Lord. He will save you.



f39305  No.4057978

File: 2a629fa2ece00b1⋯.jpg (520.42 KB, 711x873, 79:97, up.jpg)

2a8d4a  No.4057979


From Arkansas, we don't give two shits about tilapia. The state runs milky with the goo of catfish, trout and bass. Tilapia is something you're more likely to get from the grocery store farmed in china. It's crap and even poor people avoid it.

d6d842  No.4057980


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

89cb61  No.4057981


#5160 Notables

>>4054553 Tenaris Shares Plunge as Billionaire Chairman Indicted

wrong post number,should be:


76cd2e  No.4057982

File: c2f846be111f4b1⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 663x419, 663:419, f74c742f87c7fce2a7a36f4d78….jpg)


>shills be kinda terse and not really happy with their lot in life

It's been like that since yesterday afternoon.. I think some of the shills were gotten to. [They] might be starting to figure that trying to fuck with us just makes us rape the fuck out of their ideas and their shitty ass memes..

3655af  No.4057983

File: c66e155752c4e36⋯.png (24.03 KB, 1152x522, 64:29, pgvsfn.png)


Just a side note to this

84925f  No.4057984


i shall steal this from mr crowley just as he stole it from the real author

7cf6be  No.4057985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aug. 5th report with Corey Goode and David Wilcock

6888f3  No.4057986

7cad98  No.4057987

7e157e  No.4057988


was there drool?

0a7f5a  No.4057989

File: e179b8833194fa5⋯.png (1009.68 KB, 1440x2880, 1:2, tape2.png)

File: 6f4690cf63393c3⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 180x180, 1:1, QTSibelLvl3.jpg)


Lol. She just added Pompeo and France's PM, Philippe, denying hearing it. She's totally got people here.

QT Sibel! Please work on a rundown of regional context to all this drama since the 2016 coup attempt. Americans don't follow international news unless it's about us.

And don't get Assange'd.

dd6d9f  No.4057990


The existence of the tapes in possession of Turkey would create an international incident over the bugging of a foreign embassy.

2c809a  No.4057991

>>4057977 amen. Bible confirms. So do digits

aa5139  No.4057992

File: 022049611a47f47⋯.jpg (191.64 KB, 1371x817, 1371:817, 56856.jpg)

650022  No.4057993


You didn't miss a thing. I'm out too.

76cd2e  No.4057994


(lb) on that shit niggas, sorry.

65b7e7  No.4057995


RIP Toots.

76a6cf  No.4057996

File: 1d24fc6e405081c⋯.jpeg (57.21 KB, 500x492, 125:123, 2DDF6215-76E9-4E85-9A69-6….jpeg)


He looks tahrible…


b96fc8  No.4057997


sauce? not that i don't believe you… i just want to read it myself.

2a75f7  No.4057998

File: 55a7d7546620f63⋯.jpg (222.59 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, BigSlide.jpg)

b83dac  No.4057999


This is where


Becomes important.

And spending time in prayer, not church, but quiet personal prayer to get God's guidance.

If you do that you will no longer feel any need for wreaking vengeance and pain.

aa5139  No.4058000

File: 95ffeb6c6222371⋯.jpg (166.42 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, 637758.jpg)


it seems to be a christfag/jesus slide today…..

maybe the shills have seen the face of God

c8935f  No.4058001

File: 64f8735d79962f1⋯.png (81.67 KB, 829x1003, 829:1003, npc ivanka email bot.png)

Trump tweeted about the Mueller witch hunt and Clinton emails today. Scanning through a few hundred comments or so I saw dozens of twatter users posting the exact same thing and or similar.

"Are you Nervous"

"Somebody is nervous"

"Are you scared"

"your getting scared and nervous"

Also to add:

Did you Anons notice the NPC's are trying to push the Ivanka Trump Email Scandal…….unbelievable how tarded shills are pushing the Ivanka email narrative on Social Media when the population has just forgotten about Hillary's emails/server. They never learn and what they are essentially doing is bringing awareness to Hilda's 33,000 emails over Ivanka's 100 or so emails.

This was well played by the Trump Team and the LIBs fell for the trap big time….Bra-fucking-vo POTUS

Libs shouting for a special counsel into Ivanka's emails….HA.

But when you bring up Hillarys Emails/Russia/Uranium1 there only means to control the narrative is to correct your grammar.

Trump is playing the LIB's on the "Witch Hunt" aspect as well. There are 2 definitions of Witch Hunt.

1)This one That applies to Trump: a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.

2)This one that applies to Hilda: a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.

These people are stupid

764306  No.4058002


Not so much. I think Haley was not happy about Tillerson leaving. I also think her and Bolton did not see eye to eye. She needed to move one.

The way I see it, if one can trusty Gowdy - Pompeo can also be trusted. Hell, they campaigned together.

0a7f5a  No.4058003


Oh fuck that's a good point. I was kind of just assuming HE was bugged if the tapes existed.

beade3  No.4058004

something occurred to me earlier.

Not sure if anyone has discussed this.

Anons had brought up the possibility that Beyonce was a cabal priestess/witch

Also the cabal seems to have a thing for twins.

Beyonce and other super popular female singers are considered Diva's

A diva can also mean goddess.

( beyonce did that that photo shoot while pregnant with the twins, that showed her as a goddess.

We were digging into Celine Dions satanic pedo kids clothing the past week.


What i realized is that almost all the top pop culture Diva's have twins.

Here are some of them


Celine Dion

Mariah Carey

Jennifer Lopez

Country genre

Loretta lynn.

Ricky Martin

And also many celebs have twins too.

Angelina Jolie

Neil Patrick Harris

George Clooney

Julia Roberts

Also many popular stars are twins, like Ashton Kutcher

I know alot of celebs end up have IVF and sometimes use surrogates, and that is the reason for many of them having twins.

I just thought it was odd that all the top Diva stars have twins.

And that there is something more to it.

698353  No.4058005


Yep. I got caught up in it myself for 2 posts b4 i realized it was nonorganic biblefagging… def their slide of choice for this bread.

65b7e7  No.4058006

File: cdab20e6fd55926⋯.jpg (55.74 KB, 1160x451, 1160:451, 1511653206356.jpg)



Double God-Trips confirm that bad actors don't deserve the noose, but Christian God's Graces.

eb223a  No.4058007


I did say it would be hard for some (((you))). Neon Genesis Evangelion is not the only intellectual work of art out there based on reseach on the topic. (((They))) do believe we are live stock for a reason.

cbad54  No.4058008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21a53c  No.4058009

File: 05bea8fbd98f91f⋯.jpg (21.94 KB, 255x193, 255:193, cheersqd.jpg)

c3edb3  No.4058010

File: 4701ccde0c47dc0⋯.gif (143.67 KB, 470x457, 470:457, chamber photo contest owl ….gif)


>RIP Toots.

Laughing begrudgingly. ;)

Have not engaged with that TOOTS psycho, but have to admit that your exact words crossed my mind before posting.

5c256c  No.4058011



then where do the Nephilim fit in

and what about the Elohim

and WTF is the Book of Enoch

561941  No.4058012

Shorting BTC to 3500 10X Leverage short at this top thank me in next bread

5fe167  No.4058013

File: b98bd0bd1fe0cc6⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, SLIDE.jpg)

44230d  No.4058014

File: a30a961e5c1a264⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q Christmas Tree with Maga.jpg)

File: 763df33e49eaf81⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q Christmas Tree with Maga….png)

Q Christmas Tree with MAGA .jpg & Alpha.png Files

aa5139  No.4058015

File: 9976c03c2799d50⋯.jpg (120.06 KB, 500x532, 125:133, toots.jpg)

e5c323  No.4058016


What a read, long, but very informative.

4a2c87  No.4058017


in the beginning, i thought he was just a kibbler elf twit, and maybe so with his absurd cannabis crap,

but now, i think he just needed a long deserved vacation after preparing all the freak-en indictments, the amount of work to do that had to be non-stop overload for the brain until accomplished, much respect if this is indeed the case,

being a coder in my past, i understand the getting lost in code matrix until you do not even know what month it is, and when a project is finished, you just want to turn off the computer forever and leave the matrix,

well, i can assume, the amount of paperwork and study and cross referencing, organizing, was not much different, wth the amount of indictments that were done as he had to be lost in a matrix of paperwork for months at a time and probably he himself, didnt even know what month it was like what happens to coders

btw, 63,228 the day he left, and that number hasn't changed since, coincidence?

5c256c  No.4058018

File: 67485af2487d320⋯.jpg (393.42 KB, 2082x441, 694:147, gemini.jpg)

dd6d9f  No.4058019


Was she killed the same time he was replaced?

5416c9  No.4058020


I have the ebook.

There's a lot on Mike Flynn and how the DS had been watching him for several years, because they realized he was a potential threat to their plans (Loc. 192-197).

loc. 1200-1207: Discussion of Flynn's qualifications to become DJT's Nat'l Security Advisor: "Michael Flynn seemed like our guy. We never counted on the Deep State coming for ""him"" first."

Loc. 1234: "Barack Obama told Donald Trump not to hire General Michael Flynn."

Loc. 1269: "Obama probably figured that if he could convince Trump…not to hire Flynn in the first place, the chances of his [Obama's] illegal spying on American citizens ever coming to light would decrease dramatically."

76a6cf  No.4058021

File: e468e88f6750605⋯.jpeg (42.14 KB, 250x255, 50:51, FA1E0F7D-8E9F-48C1-A77C-D….jpeg)

0346d3  No.4058022

File: 2ceedcda97f4e03⋯.png (722.03 KB, 440x633, 440:633, Isus.png)

John 5:27

5c515e  No.4058023

File: 33286f1773c8629⋯.jpg (108.9 KB, 740x912, 185:228, 3.JPG)

File: 5bf48ebe11c2b15⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, 497x184, 497:184, 4.JPG)

Obama meets George H.W. Bush during visit to Houston


65b7e7  No.4058024


It's also half way through the next bread, so why the fuck even reply?

c8935f  No.4058025

File: 3aa9bca81ceb29a⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 221x228, 221:228, pepe 3.jpg)


sounds like Zuckerjew is trying to place blame on Soros because he doesn't want to go to fuck me in the ass prison.

Fuck them both and Facecrook

eee584  No.4058026

File: 007db2884c31314⋯.mp4 (653.81 KB, 360x360, 1:1, albinoowl.mp4)


h00t h00t

0a7f5a  No.4058027


Although on that note, are they supposed to turn off a bugged phone if a target walks into an embassy?

b96fc8  No.4058028


it's an OP being run against SA + POTUS.

funny that the Canadians have heard the tape (recent spat with SA)

(General Dynamics must be losing their shit…15 year deal worth near 15 Billion to build signed in 2014)

fd4024  No.4058029


That is an excellent point. I would reason more that maybe all of them are not really theirs. Could be the egg in the Petrie dish thing. Like the 13 bloodlines bullshit. Another they fake the pregnancy and some breeder is having them. They have all tha rubber strap on preg stomachs. Remember, these people are sick.

2a75f7  No.4058030

File: 372a8992dc97636⋯.jpg (162.46 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, BadOrange.jpg)

2da336  No.4058031

File: 7c861d705b8bb6a⋯.png (219.19 KB, 576x509, 576:509, Screenshot (275).png)

File: 34b03b169ba6a23⋯.png (29.19 KB, 575x450, 23:18, Screenshot (277).png)

File: a7cdc359818aac3⋯.png (50.44 KB, 629x398, 629:398, Screenshot (280).png)

File: af776791a1d2bf0⋯.png (167.64 KB, 577x616, 577:616, Screenshot (281).png)

ec3180  No.4058032

Remember Obama used to refuse to name POTUS when being critical on the world circuit. Was this because of FISA warrants?

cbad54  No.4058033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d83b45  No.4058034

File: 0709053012636c5⋯.jpg (6.29 KB, 200x252, 50:63, images-1.jpg)


5c515e  No.4058035

File: 44121ad8a99c03f⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 771x846, 257:282, 3.JPG)

File: 643dcb7e8fa38c3⋯.jpg (98.28 KB, 682x709, 682:709, 4.JPG)

File: cb3fd6f52db3ee7⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 633x896, 633:896, 5.JPG)

File: 6e681ff2796ee0f⋯.jpg (112.69 KB, 653x838, 653:838, 6.JPG)

Another Ferguson Protester Has Died


Deep state killing off their own pawns?

21a53c  No.4058036

File: 7382f75af4550b5⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 254x177, 254:177, fakepreggers.jpg)

c3edb3  No.4058037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


swanky owl!

800fe1  No.4058038

File: 8d11d5057cb10e2⋯.png (610.88 KB, 602x583, 602:583, FLOTUS.PNG)

A First Lady To Be Respected and Loved …


91911b  No.4058039

File: 1f9b08eb88d1b39⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 497x500, 497:500, monica_redsauce.jpg)


>takes time to bake a corpse

The oven situation is the weakest part of the 6-million lie, IMO.

It's way too scientific and important to be ignored.

2da336  No.4058040


Sorry posted before finishing grrr




242a87  No.4058041


Or protective custody. Deray and idiots have a lot of info.

d83b45  No.4058042

File: ae3a00201cfe78a⋯.gif (778.13 KB, 375x281, 375:281, giphy.gif)

eb223a  No.4058043


And what about the Oprah book club? There are books that were rejected by Constatine for no good reason and there are the Dead Sea (and other) scrolls out there in the real world. Some people claim to have more or less re-constructed them, figured them out or seen actual copies. I go with what makes sense and IMHO the guy that wrote Evangelion naled it. If you watch it like 21 times you will see it shows the enemy and what it is up to.

aa5139  No.4058044

2a75f7  No.4058045

File: 442b799679860cd⋯.jpg (303.04 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, DisneyFakeFamily.jpg)

65b7e7  No.4058046

File: d8f55c71ec504c0⋯.png (257.72 KB, 624x552, 26:23, 9dfebb994b9ca250424712869e….png)



Thankfully, there's a meme for that.

Got it saved under a folder called

"Babby's First Redpill".

c8935f  No.4058047


awan has/had the server, he swapped them out right before the Clinton crew went hammering on the devices. Q-team has the originals and the clintons bashed up different ones

Awan's father is a U.S. citizen not a Pakistani like the MSM is was projecting. So the whole narrative of Awan sending 50k to his father in Pakistan was FAKE NEWS. AWAN IMO is/was/and has been working on team trump.

Its why he was let go and then disappeared from the lime light, He has a deep-state target on his back in is in hiding.

remember the picture q-posted with a bunch of devices siting on a table. Well that photo has disappeared from the Q-drops and no-one seems to remember it.

aa5139  No.4058048

File: 420c7f8436af42d⋯.gif (7.24 MB, 480x340, 24:17, catz.gif)

91911b  No.4058049

File: 7c0a403b9178680⋯.jpg (556.36 KB, 1366x2048, 683:1024, monica_come_here.jpg)


> if one can trusty Gowdy

I don't like him either.

He's fun to watch in the hearings but that's about it.

All hat, no cattle.

dd6d9f  No.4058050


What was the Q post about why did ES set up the network?

fd4024  No.4058051


Bingo! Kind of like micheal and his package in the dresses.

d83b45  No.4058052

File: c45fe321e13c132⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 236x384, 59:96, 55b02476835857872b75a2d82d….jpg)

12/05/2018 better not be another Q nothing burger…. Fantasy MOAB

e5d76f  No.4058053


"Move your bomboclat" and then free

And from that day on, I never stop saying bomboclat

76a6cf  No.4058054

File: 11f786fa5285b60⋯.jpeg (63.85 KB, 625x468, 625:468, 796D3F85-C9F5-4379-85B1-6….jpeg)

File: 4bbd7c53e26425c⋯.jpeg (28.45 KB, 280x273, 40:39, 2B867806-0903-468E-A87C-6….jpeg)

42666d  No.4058055

File: 5f638e284bbcea7⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, paul.jpg)

91911b  No.4058056

File: b2b6c95a9fcce2b⋯.jpg (77.63 KB, 536x800, 67:100, monica_purple.jpg)


>bad actors don't deserve the noose

Fuck that.

If you want to save their souls, pray for them.

I just want JUSTICE.

dd6d9f  No.4058058


DeRay had a text exposed mentioning him getting personal instructions from LL regarding activities.

28ded7  No.4058059

File: 8e88ef6b4dc4d90⋯.jpg (579.5 KB, 1500x1047, 500:349, qmakeamericagreatagain.jpg)




found another one!


d83b45  No.4058060

File: 6c3892387de0946⋯.jpg (23.66 KB, 343x375, 343:375, tz-pic-4_1iii_1.jpg)



Gowdy helped Hillary make her senate judiciary hearing look like a joke.

76a6cf  No.4058061

File: a1f794eb8829779⋯.jpeg (151.29 KB, 1360x2006, 40:59, BE28E4EB-9221-4A16-AE70-2….jpeg)

File: 71354d5082e7b2a⋯.gif (176.36 KB, 354x363, 118:121, D1F1B76E-3979-4DC8-90BF-5C….gif)

aa5139  No.4058062

File: d7c01973bb75a11⋯.jpg (6.44 KB, 183x275, 183:275, keks.jpg)

5c256c  No.4058063

File: 250813337c1fa37⋯.png (231.44 KB, 529x910, 529:910, 3.png)

File: a25b55f576c5071⋯.png (137.52 KB, 591x860, 591:860, 1.png)

File: 4303bf41df482bb⋯.png (137.76 KB, 545x926, 545:926, 2.png)

e16827  No.4058064

File: 7cb787862195a66⋯.png (561.81 KB, 783x681, 261:227, gravity.png)

784d60  No.4058065

File: 26041bcb703d4b6⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 700x401, 700:401, 1_9_2018_beltway-people-ja….jpg)


Ladies & Gentlemen:

Strolling to the Mic after Midnight!

Please Raise your Glasses for

(our) guy.

James "FUCKING" Woods!


fd4024  No.4058066



aa5139  No.4058067


meme saved

thanks anon

706b1e  No.4058068


Lunch w/ NY Governor?!?

More “no deals” deal?

03c39d  No.4058069

File: dc5ddc2b1a54092⋯.jpg (107.15 KB, 500x546, 250:273, dc5ddc2b1a54092f71c8f2dd49….jpg)

File: 104f29be4ebfd17⋯.jpg (46.13 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 56bb4af7d0684f02db46abd861….jpg)

Trump made a stupid move by not releasing the declassified FISA warrant's…..

Trump family investigations next year are the fault of President trump.

91911b  No.4058070

File: 0416d2a8ef8b9d8⋯.jpg (275.61 KB, 1200x1604, 300:401, monica_black.jpg)



>10X Leverage short

How do you do this?

e5c323  No.4058071

File: 4765ae51d39870b⋯.png (97.86 KB, 440x1109, 440:1109, pacstepdad.png)

a34680  No.4058072

File: 6b8a8afb86bcd5c⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 002AFIMG_1182.JPG)

File: 6cbb949549c90e5⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 001AFIMG_1183.JPG)

File: 403c4fdbefae9ed⋯.png (1.3 MB, 756x9187, 756:9187, Screenshot_2018-11-28 What….png)

File: 6b1905e6e20f8c6⋯.png (200.11 KB, 743x3040, 743:3040, Screenshot_2018-11-28 No S….png)

File: cc53b6a8d9eec58⋯.png (1.22 MB, 650x5698, 325:2849, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Two ….png)


my mistake. i took photos of a Churchill article (the timing again). this is all got on the Frank Question before I had to go and bare my soul.

This is disgusting Jewish propaganda. ALL.THE.TIME.

91911b  No.4058073

File: 8d5173812ce118b⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 400x550, 8:11, pretty 08.jpg)


RIP Toots, LIL fighter

7e157e  No.4058074

File: 333d89aa8063eb1⋯.jpeg (183.5 KB, 1242x685, 1242:685, 6869AF2C-7CCD-4260-B85E-D….jpeg)

c3edb3  No.4058075


>BTC to 3500

Bold, and believable.

Timing matters.

76a6cf  No.4058076

File: c64748203685245⋯.jpeg (24.84 KB, 324x401, 324:401, A2C833E8-C790-411C-B015-9….jpeg)

eee584  No.4058077

File: d078e00e1acdb95⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, oompaloompa.mp4)



21a53c  No.4058078

File: fa9847ae6bb2a8b⋯.png (199.41 KB, 470x580, 47:58, cf.PNG)

So Clinton Foundation twatting for their #givingtuesday……..

03c39d  No.4058079

File: 5972d8deb565d3a⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 500x573, 500:573, 5972d8deb565d3a348b84fc3f7….jpg)

File: c4d3eeacf322dfc⋯.jpg (112.28 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, c4d3eeacf322dfc533536b78ae….jpg)

Without the release of the declassified FISA warrant’s Trump’s presidency is finished.

aa5139  No.4058080

File: c16b9a684dce429⋯.png (146.96 KB, 616x326, 308:163, 5466.png)


ayy dubs

eb223a  No.4058081


How come they are all nudists?

b146b5  No.4058082

File: 159e4de70ebae5a⋯.gif (27.24 KB, 500x250, 2:1, IMG_1937.GIF)


Ty Baker.

Day shift baker thought JAs cat being shipped out wasn't notable.

91911b  No.4058083

File: 28e148b77aadfae⋯.jpg (161.95 KB, 687x951, 229:317, monica_pasta.jpg)


Scum killing their own. Fuck em all.

65b7e7  No.4058084


How come 'civilized' earthlings are all clothed?

dd6d9f  No.4058085


Good question

aa5139  No.4058086

File: c9c87676f494d81⋯.jpg (174.04 KB, 584x325, 584:325, hillbot child kidnapper.jpg)


hillary needs the noose first

4ca29d  No.4058087

File: 5a29e5b9f7143e6⋯.jpg (369.71 KB, 1091x652, 1091:652, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Zoom….jpg)


I found a neat geological formation last night that reminded me owl!! This Word is a fascinating place!!

f2402c  No.4058088

File: 3e881b3888ee2de⋯.png (70.18 KB, 990x413, 990:413, ClipboardImage.png)


>owls were not always perceived as a negative premonition

Never perceived that way in my past

Best friend when was 16 died, owl was his totem spirit

Visited his grave some months after knelt, prayed, and when leaving and owl flew over (daytime)

Before it was seen every neuron in my body was lit up, not like "the chills" this was electricity/energy

Doesn't belong to (((them)))

7c595d  No.4058089

File: 8d57bf4d9be7000⋯.jpg (192.49 KB, 858x1024, 429:512, KEYCHART AKAs LISTED IN IN….jpg)

File: 497978e13394655⋯.jpg (94.95 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Swamp.jpg)

Arkansas Swamp Bleeds as Clintons Circle The Drain PICTURE

Many have read sprinkles of press releases from the justice department regarding arrests and indictments coming out of Arkansas, but few have observed the magnitude of this swamp creature and all its tentacles.

They rarely tie the individuals into the big picture in these press releases, so oftentimes, it’s a quick, “yay, another swamp creature down,” without realizing they all connect. Aside from local news outlets in Arkansas, that require paid subscriptions to read the news, the Arkansas swamp is getting little to no coverage.

Remember the plane full of documents in Little Rock? Everyone was speculating as to who/what it could be about, and hoping it had to do with the Clinton Foundation investigations. Is it possibly connected to this ongoing investigation into legislator fraud?

In August 2018, Deputy Attorney General Lloyd Warford, said that investigators have at least 4 million documents in a vault and another 200 gigabytes of information they have collected from the Department of Human Services. Warford also confirmed that more lawmakers are under investigation by the state, in cooperation with the federal investigation.

They have already convicted over a dozen individuals in one case alone, several of which are former or current legislators, one former senator has already begun his 18-year prison sentence, and there are a slew of other individuals listed in indictments.


5675f0  No.4058090


omg. I used to live on 60 acres in 30 ft airstream (rent free) I befriend a pair of Ravens, used to feed them the food students threw away rather than eating, I would collect it (as school board custodian) in a bucket then in the am, toss it on the roadway for them. I used to Raven talk with them, saw them parent 3 sets of Ravenletts. They would leave for a couple of weeks when birdies got older, returning without the young ones.

After about the first month they started waking me up like roosters at the break of dawn😵 after not getting home til around 1:

Back to Owls, one day leaving for work, I was driving up last switchback (we were 1100 ft from bottom of mountainside with switchbacks down to the ocean) suddenly something huge appeared in front & very close to my car, continued flying in front me about 20 maybe 30 feet & 10 feet off the ground until we got to the top where I had to stop to open/close gate & he flew off to the side landing on a tree branch, watching me leave.

I never really talk about it because that's exactly what I thought, they were a bad omen, indication of death even. However based my adept intuition over the years what you're saying makes more sense, some sort of protection. Watching over me makes more, well, intuition.

8a00e5  No.4058091


Magical Anon is something else. Good show.

03c39d  No.4058092

File: b644c816776f17f⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 500x628, 125:157, b644c816776f17f1b83285fe78….jpg)

File: 3eb527d8537c641⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 480x370, 48:37, 3eb527d8537c64171aec25b044….jpg)

Trump is filull of shit if he can’t release the declassified FISA warrant’s…..

6888f3  No.4058094

File: 7b4d258789a3042⋯.jpg (56.15 KB, 880x476, 220:119, 28_21-23-53.jpg)

eb223a  No.4058095


You imply then they are actually uncivilized animals then? Space kemets?

91911b  No.4058096

File: 93b8647fdf20b05⋯.png (851.44 KB, 898x540, 449:270, pretty 03.png)


fukken saved!!!!

thx anon!

91911b  No.4058097

8a00e5  No.4058098

File: a966101d0c48963⋯.jpg (122.87 KB, 1200x1162, 600:581, soros and zuckerberg.jpg)

aa5139  No.4058099

File: ed6dcba1511858e⋯.jpg (70.4 KB, 623x592, 623:592, repto.jpg)


nudey is comfy ?

a34680  No.4058100

File: 68780c217276350⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 001IMG_1184.JPG)

File: e3d314472d95888⋯.jpg (1001.19 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, 002IMG_1185.JPG)

File: c0c6eb2e1eb2811⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1512x2016, 3:4, 003IMG_1186.JPG)

File: 570cb53158b6682⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1512x2016, 3:4, 004IMG_1187.JPG)

File: 4bce550044793fa⋯.png (468.37 KB, 684x1690, 342:845, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Opin….png)


yes just a coicidence that a Russian jew dressmaker happened to have a film camera and made 150k dressed up as a payment by a news corp for his role in the killing disinformation cover up

and Alexandra carries on the burdensome sayanim task

764306  No.4058101


I guess uncovering Hillary's server, classified communication and deleted emails meant nothing.

3655af  No.4058102

File: 820dfbc69acd00b⋯.jpeg (826.46 KB, 1242x1440, 69:80, 167740.jpeg)

File: 6a5821848890f42⋯.jpg (512.99 KB, 1680x1539, 560:513, USArmyCentralFormsQ.jpg)

If anyone is interested, there is a pretty good summary about "What really happened with the JetBlue plane at JFK? How does this relate to assassination attempts on President Trump, Treason and Human Trafficking?"

Sauce: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1014110014712238081.html

I'm curious to know how many of you anons think his death was faked, and perhaps that's Jr. in the pics?

Oh and FYI, the short URL for that pic is https://t.co/Q4nFQj0bGR

Kinda interesting that the URI starts with "Q4"…

7cf6be  No.4058103

e5c323  No.4058104


He needs to be free, this has all the markings of a setup.

They also killed Afeni, after she sued the label.

What did she know, and what does he know?

279f98  No.4058105


When I was doing research on the boards this summer, I heard something outside my window. An owl had swooped down and killed a rabbit.

c3edb3  No.4058106

File: d582b7a495878d1⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 14.0.jpg)



def see either an owl, or sleestak.


7cad98  No.4058107


fuck off already

3655af  No.4058108


<Oh and FYI, the short URL for that pic is https://t.co/Q4nFQj0bGR

The short URL for the twat not the pic.

65b7e7  No.4058109


No, I agree with you. as your friend, Owl is also a totem of mine. Communicate with them when the occasion is right, and can connect fairly easily with the unseen realms that border our own material plane.


Why do humans feel the need to clothe themselves? is clothing a universal trait of "Civility"? Or is it just an egotistic trait of wealth/power? Does most cloth, especially tht of the first humans, come from animal 'hide'?

"Hide" - a blending-in with other species, flora, fauna… maybe some exo-trrestrial, if that is the case, find benefit in such things to hunt (us)…. just speculation.

1663fa  No.4058110

IG Horowitz to testify tomorrow afternoon (11/28) at House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing: “BOP Management of its Female Inmate Population, and Other Challenges.”oversight.house.gov/…



To evaluate the Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) response to findings and recommendations from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (IG).To examine how BOP intends to hold its leaders accountable for wrongdoing, and uphold the ideals of professionalism, safety, and integrity within the federal prison system.


On September 18, 2018, the DOJ IG released a report recommending BOP improve policies and programs to better accommodate gender-specific needs. The IG offered ten recommendations for BOP to improve management of its female population, and BOP concurred with all ten recommendations.On December 13, 2017, the Committee held a hearing to examine areas of improvement at BOP, enhanced reentry policies, and cost effectiveness measures.Since the hearing, the Committee received allegations from BOP employees detailing a toxic culture where managers tolerate and engage in misconduct, mismanagement, and whistleblower intimidation.

7c595d  No.4058111


Part 2

The Clintons Are Circling The Drain

1) The turn of events that are coming up over the next several weeks are quite timely. Sara Carter recently reported:

“House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) notified colleagues last week that he will subpoena Comey for a closed-door deposition Nov. 29 and Lynch for Dec. 5, as part of the investigation into the FBI and DOJ’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe and the Russia investigation.”

2) Meanwhile, Judicial Watch saw yet another victory in their ongoing case against the U.S. Department of State:

“Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.”

Q 1: Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.

Q 2: During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.

3) By far, the biggest bombshell, published by The Hill, was the announcement of the GOP holding a hearing on December 5th into the DOJ’s probe of the Clinton Foundation. The timing is simply divine, with Sessions stepping down, Whitaker stepping up, and Huber stepping in.

“Mr. Huber with the Department of Justice and FBI has been having an investigation — at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th,” he told Hill.TV during an interview on Wednesday.

Sessions appointed Huber last year to work in tandem with the Justice Department to look into conservative claims of misconduct at the FBI and review several issues surrounding the Clintons. This includes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian nuclear agency and concerns about the Clinton Foundation.

Huber’s work has remained shrouded in mystery. But Meadows said the committee thinks it’s time Huber gives an update to Congress about his findings and expects him to be one of the witnesses at the hearing.

“We’re just now starting to work with a couple of whistleblowers that would indicate that there is a great probability of significant improper activity that’s happening in and around the Clinton Foundation,” he said.

The foundation meanwhile has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

4) One surprise drop on November 16, 2018, was ABC News, reporting that nearly three dozen sealed criminal indictments have been added to the Washington D.C. docket since the start of 2018, fourteen of which were added since late August alone. Though these sealed indictments certainly don’t come as a great shock to many, it’s the timeline that is key here. Until they are unsealed, the names remain a mystery.

5) The Clintons’ 2017 tax returns are out, indicating a 90% decrease in donations between 2014-2017, declining from $182.5 million to $22.8 million in 2017. This is very telling, being as she lost the ability for pay-to-play schemes, since she didn’t win the presidential election. Also, it would be a grave mistake to donate to the Clintons with ongoing investigations. Keep in mind, the Clinton Foundation is not their only cash cow. They have 50 organizations, foundations, shell companies, initiatives, and LLCs, with some documented as being in other countries. Despite their creative ways of moving cash flow around, it’s still a very good sign that donors are taking a step back from the Clinton Foundation.


aa5139  No.4058112

File: f1de0fa77ac40c0⋯.jpg (214.87 KB, 1277x712, 1277:712, 655757.jpg)

8a00e5  No.4058113

File: e27b7a3a0daf94e⋯.jpg (154.66 KB, 808x768, 101:96, romney mccain.jpg)

066155  No.4058114



i caught on to the news of that 4chan thread being censored the evening it happened, (the thread those two images came from originally)

watched the board for days after that saw lots of threads being censored, never did get to see the supposed original alien image. just a bunch of these mockups meant to look alike like these two



03c39d  No.4058115

File: 7831051a8c93e4a⋯.jpg (26.78 KB, 320x281, 320:281, 7831051a8c93e4a4d62b205bc2….jpg)

File: dc5ddc2b1a54092⋯.jpg (107.15 KB, 500x546, 250:273, dc5ddc2b1a54092f71c8f2dd49….jpg)

Trump get off your ass and release the declassified FISA warrant's….

3655af  No.4058116


Why the hostility? I just got here :)

f2402c  No.4058117

File: 1843c86b94b0acf⋯.png (2.14 MB, 890x1346, 445:673, ClipboardImage.png)


I've long believed that everything is what we make of it.

If we allow someone else to define the reality we submit to their reality and abandon our own ability to create freely.

Free will

Had never heard of owls in a negative connotation until coming here.

Symbolizes change


Used to talk to the owls when I was kid all the time, starting to attract them to our new home now.

c3edb3  No.4058118



Both of these images are very similar, yet absolutely different to another one that floated around a few years ago.


5c256c  No.4058119

File: d21aaf56309e938⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 741x3600, 247:1200, Code4.jpg)

eb223a  No.4058120


>just speculation

Growing hair consumes protein and so does using the brain. In order to grow a brain we gave up growing hair in most of the body and then trusted the brain to come up with a solution to the effect of the absense of hair. All humans did the same except the kemet.

65b7e7  No.4058121



>response based upon an understanding of basic climate-controlled systems where cold temperatures which require insulation are not necessary ;)

03c39d  No.4058122

File: 9b415828318ff35⋯.jpg (53.1 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 9b415828318ff3568a6e2055aa….jpg)

Q went down in flames.

aa5139  No.4058123

File: 2aa80828d38f6fe⋯.jpg (179.33 KB, 1324x664, 331:166, kirk.jpg)


I've never seen the "originals", but there was an anon who posted a blurry pic last night, says the ayys have much bigger teeth and bodies than in the fakes…..more aggressive too

c3edb3  No.4058124


Right with you anon.

Recall seeing the supposed original, and it's neither of those.

066155  No.4058125

File: 992aa6a5163f83b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, hfgdhftfytughj.png)

d0181b  No.4058126


Gee, the ears are very close

6325c2  No.4058127

>>4057792 I agree with much of what you have to say. However Manasseh is translated - He who forgets or forgetful. See Genesis 41:51. Given our political division here in the U.S., I find it remarkable that the tribe of Manasseh was split in half, one half east and one half west of the Jordan River. Also the first major land battle of the Civil War was at Manassas or Bull Run in Virginia.

f2402c  No.4058128

File: 8c1ca339007b8d2⋯.png (331.02 KB, 586x410, 293:205, ClipboardImage.png)




Pepe Le Pew

42666d  No.4058129

File: 1311766ef7d99d4⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 645x717, 215:239, aliencutout.jpg)

c3edb3  No.4058130


This appears to be another "re-creation" of the original.

Def not the one that was freaking folks out a few years ago.

03c39d  No.4058131

File: a00534f56f17137⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 500x544, 125:136, a00534f56f171379193019fe17….jpg)

File: aa365a30048a89a⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 480x479, 480:479, ddf9dc5053e460a57ba2f1484d….jpg)

File: f58f7819c93860c⋯.jpg (67.03 KB, 500x579, 500:579, f58f7819c93860c279d50663ec….jpg)

Zero arrests…. Lol

beade3  No.4058132

File: 50d6d712c4cc862⋯.png (1.06 MB, 828x828, 1:1, Melania pepe Ornament.png)

File: e91acee0daf6f4d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 776x737, 776:737, Trump melania and pepe orn….png)

File: d6913513b0533c9⋯.png (933.45 KB, 713x715, 713:715, Be Best Melania pepe Ornam….png)

File: 5c95c72d3188da2⋯.png (1007.71 KB, 1429x893, 1429:893, Q clock ornament.png)

File: c1a78b9c20e2f23⋯.jpg (4.95 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, Q Christmas tree 2 004.jpg)

I posted these this morning after i made them.

I have been busy working on new Q christmas tree ornaments for this years tree.Have a new larger tree this year for it.

Also making a Trump tree. ( the first 3 with Melania will be on the Trump tree)

I wanted to have some memes and pepe ornaments, kek

These pics i'm going to glue onto wood circles( with painted glitter backs)

Printing them out on photo paper.

At some stores they do have letter ornaments, and there are some Q ornaments.

Craft stores and places like walmart have wood letters you can paint, and cloth ones to iron, or sew on, to make ornaments with.

Target and michaels craft store have letter stockings( got some mini Q stockings)

Target also have 5 or so different kinds of letter ornaments( all the Q's were gone, )

I did find some glass Q ornaments at Michaels.

I also making a pepe wreath, kek

You can take anything and paint it, put on some glitter, beads, and make a Q ornament. :)

The Q clock is going on the Q tree.

last pic is the tree from last year.

I'll post pics when i'm done, and of some of the ornaments.( will be a few days or so)

aa5139  No.4058133

File: ebedf5c0cd6db90⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 868.jpg)


here is one of the ayy originals

7c595d  No.4058134


I just found this haven't read it yet. Sharing for those who would like to read.

DOJIG memo Mueller bribery extortion pdf


eee584  No.4058135

File: 2a5d6ef55f73eae⋯.jpg (10.82 KB, 541x371, 541:371, ayylmao2.jpg)

c3edb3  No.4058136

File: 67730c08bf88819⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 500x370, 50:37, giphy.gif)

450ac1  No.4058137

Ivanka on Good Morning America tomorrow. Just saw clip:

"I have to ask you about your emails…So the idea of 'Lock Her Up' does not apply to you?"

aa5139  No.4058138

File: 106fa08f3ad50df⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 600x568, 75:71, pleiadian.jpg)

21a53c  No.4058139


sweet tree, anon !

eb223a  No.4058140


Most usualy share the same design msitake regarding the head. I am not telling what it ifs but is quite obvious. Regarding the 4chan thread it is possible it was an artificial humanoid and disclosing its existance will be the end of the likes of Monsanto.

f2402c  No.4058143

File: 78d041910852ff7⋯.png (34.68 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DJT0005.png)


That is kektacular

5c515e  No.4058144

File: a5b32dff3234f83⋯.jpg (110.81 KB, 734x810, 367:405, 3.JPG)

File: 4bb6845cb4802d7⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 699x763, 699:763, 4.JPG)

HPD announces 164 offenders arrested in 2-week parole violator operation


42666d  No.4058145

File: 9bd8d4821611d80⋯.jpg (186.84 KB, 1121x1130, 1121:1130, alien.jpg)

a34680  No.4058146

File: 098fdd7021f84ed⋯.png (92.59 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 01Screenshot_2018-11-28 Mi….png)

File: 8d62aa66b0e8df3⋯.png (106.25 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 02Screenshot_2018-11-28 Mi….png)


anon - this gentleman needs

investigating. FBI Agent Justin Holgate.

aa5139  No.4058147

File: 3e86031090f9050⋯.png (211.19 KB, 680x575, 136:115, interz.png)

d0181b  No.4058148

File: 717254e50b208df⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 299x168, 299:168, SPACE SF- Mars Attacks 2.jpg)

03c39d  No.4058149

File: 085175c6d487361⋯.jpg (158.19 KB, 1200x946, 600:473, 085175c6d4873615af07ac1abc….jpg)

File: 01329f245a95cf2⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 7fc92b9788930fe81d8fa704f0….jpg)

File: e075803c01861f1⋯.png (237.01 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 897132h4ljhauhu289.png)

76180a  No.4058150


Tilapia is gross. Who eats that.

97f059  No.4058151

File: f7cf0b6844642be⋯.jpeg (964.08 KB, 1227x1105, 1227:1105, 8DADE4C6-9C38-40E0-A7ED-2….jpeg)

21ebaa  No.4058152

Sorry To hijack.

Not all intelfags here are comped.

Lets start here since those clinton parasites were on our soil tonight.

Michael Cooper - President of DREAM Reit. Donated to CF, paid for speeches, etc. Seems to be connected to a lot of bad people

These sick people stick together.



a34680  No.4058153

nothing like the alien lie when shit is getting heavy

c3edb3  No.4058154


So, you know the alien truth?

Do share.

f20919  No.4058155


>Thanks Q. Stealth bombers are no match for 1000 year old satanic cabals.


03c39d  No.4058156

File: 546ca2adf2fd8cb⋯.jpg (106.69 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 546ca2adf2fd8cb46d10bb6f3c….jpg)

File: 66b804fa9f132fb⋯.jpg (15.1 KB, 254x155, 254:155, 66b804fa9f132fb68198f8240c….jpg)

beade3  No.4058157

File: 2489140c502105f⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Q Christmas tree, first da….jpg)

File: 35b1f9cda809ba1⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Q Christmas Tree 12 days.jpg)

File: 01f0bb253ab4171⋯.jpg (157.48 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 267ewd.jpg)

File: 40bd5e9edc9dbdd⋯.jpg (3.77 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Q Cookies 014.jpg)


anons loved it last year, kek

they even made memes with it ( here is thefirst and last one of a 12 days of Christmas another anon did)

Then of course i had to make a pepe pinching my tree, kek

And also the delicious gingerbread Q Christmas cookies i made. :)

d0181b  No.4058158

File: 4a31db4fa284e0f⋯.jpg (401.56 KB, 1918x822, 7:3, SPACE SF- Mars Attacks 5-g….jpg)


Op Blue Beam

3076e2  No.4058159

File: ec03a13e3341ac9⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

d6d842  No.4058160


John 5:16-29 King James Version (KJV)

16 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.

17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.

19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.

22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,

29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

aa5139  No.4058161


the ayys want to steal our precious bodily fluids

65b7e7  No.4058162

File: d8855b5ee2fb253⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x639, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)


>Had never heard of owls in a negative connotation until coming here.

I forget at the moment which civ it was, greek or roman, which held Owl as a negative omen, though it persisted through the ages- even as super-stition… though, both have made their way through the annals of history depending on which understanding you're brought into- regardless, a positive understanding has mostly flooded my own experience, even with the other, negative, connotations learned much later.. Gotta have the positive and the negative to make a meaningful balance, it seems..

05ce07  No.4058163


"needs gingermoundage"

f2402c  No.4058165

File: d31d231225b9ce0⋯.png (336.7 KB, 631x720, 631:720, distraction0011A.png)


Digits Confirm

7cad98  No.4058166



42666d  No.4058167

File: 41fc17e3b7490e7⋯.png (192.28 KB, 498x516, 83:86, 41fc17e3b7490e783e2b4c5e03….png)

7cf6be  No.4058168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Wilcock: Occupy Your Self! Personal Spiritual Development

7cad98  No.4058169

LAST CALL, will be baking early to avoid the ebake then head out


>>4057578 South Carolina businesses used to launder billions to drug cartels, terrorists

>>4057590 JA's cat has left the embassy (not joking)

>>4057594 POTUS tweet delta (x:24:25) = "The WHERE" crumb's timestamp (x:24:25)

>>4057596, >>4057605, >>4057608 Resignations in the news today

>>4057615 State Department Hires Anti-Trump Columnist

>>4057654 Six false claims the MSM has made about the caravan (Tucker's show recap)

>>4057656, >>4057731 Google CEO Sundar Pichai Said to Testify to US Congress in December

>>4057671 Free Papadropolous: All roads lead to UK, Western intel on FISA declassification

>>4057673 3M will pay $9.1 million to resolve defective combat earplugs

>>4057680 Reminder: USA/AUS also banned China / Huawei 5g

>>4057744 Anon on "WHY Do They Kill Babies?"

>>4057756 Lewandowski: Obama had “Sinister” Reason for Not Wanting Michael Flynn in Trump Admin

>>4057818 Fake News Collages

>>4057912 Former Walt Disney World employee indicted on pedo charges

>>4057913 FDA approves new oncology drug targeting the key genetic driver of cancer

>>4057809 Reminder: Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops (10/30/18)

>>4058110 Horowitz to testify for a Bureau of Prisons hearing today

aa5139  No.4058170

File: 1e69c37e5c478d4⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kek.jpg)

f39305  No.4058171

3655af  No.4058172

File: 6bc506a39199d9f⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 640x610, 64:61, outfuckingstanding.jpg)


Pass the Qookies please

e5c323  No.4058173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


afb9c8  No.4058174


What if ejaculation in this realm = ejaculation of another sort in another realm? As above, so below? Your freewill to jackoff rewards your overlords…

65b7e7  No.4058175


I've heard the "Blue Beam" shit repeated countlessly among the chans as a psyop.. but hardly ever do I see any serious re-search into the FBI's "Blue Book" project, which came up decades before….

7cad98  No.4058176

File: 45115864ad41871⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1241x533, 1241:533, ClipboardImage.png)

6888f3  No.4058177

File: 2a9d9cd9da693d0⋯.jpg (66.17 KB, 755x558, 755:558, 28_17-01-33.jpg)

afb9c8  No.4058178


Deposit saved.


aa5139  No.4058179


thanks baker, no bewbs for you as I am fresh out…sorry

c3edb3  No.4058180



Those rascally caravaners!

f2402c  No.4058181

File: aca9f5ea980f994⋯.png (860.13 KB, 1060x1095, 212:219, ClipboardImage.png)


>Gotta have the positive and the negative to make a meaningful balance, it seems..

This is true in all things

bff98b  No.4058182


You're good to go.

6888f3  No.4058183

File: d81f109513f0d32⋯.jpg (48.03 KB, 545x545, 1:1, 26_17-50-20.jpg)

7c595d  No.4058184

File: 1c8a1420e4742bc⋯.png (390.86 KB, 1015x1600, 203:320, DRAIN THE SWAMP 1.png)


aa5139  No.4058185


hmmmm, but isn't it "No Fap November" ?

79328c  No.4058186

File: 884b2786fadac65⋯.jpeg (914.83 KB, 1564x3719, 1564:3719, 732C4F8A-1F99-489F-B94D-C….jpeg)

File: 6232181cf152fc0⋯.jpeg (179.68 KB, 1242x779, 1242:779, 559DACAB-88D5-434C-BC4F-6….jpeg)

File: 9dc55e6acce8ee2⋯.jpeg (243.71 KB, 1242x1704, 207:284, 3122A896-3926-451C-9643-8….jpeg)

Almost done with my vesture.. Made it, from scratch seem less look.

As I placed the pin in the fabric I dropped blood on it.

It was dipped in my blood.

Never I finish my design for the iron rod and have my tattoo finished

d0181b  No.4058187


Are you laughing at the movie 'Mars Attacks', or Operation Blue Book?

3655af  No.4058188



Good one baker kek

f2402c  No.4058189

File: 88deb566e8c8a86⋯.png (613.64 KB, 900x1127, 900:1127, DP00005.png)


Believe this is the first ayy image ever that creates a physical desire to want to erase the threat.

For myself

76180a  No.4058190

File: 8379cbea1948062⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ground control major tom.mp4)

d0181b  No.4058191


I have read stongly supporting articles, but haven't seen the 'smoking gun' myself.

ec3180  No.4058192

DECLAS brings down the House.

I doubt very much it's the FISA otherwise it wouldn't be reported at all.

It's the DECLAS of the OTHER items in the list!!!!!!!!!

a68c50  No.4058193

File: d12cf99fa2a8557⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 2574x1923, 858:641, img_0679.jpg)

7cad98  No.4058194


>>4057578 South Carolina businesses used to launder billions to drug cartels, terrorists

>>4057590 JA's cat has left the embassy (not joking)

>>4057594 POTUS tweet delta (x:24:25) = "The WHERE" crumb's timestamp (x:24:25)

>>4057596, >>4057605, >>4057608 Resignations in the news today

>>4057615 State Department Hires Anti-Trump Columnist

>>4057654 Six false claims the MSM has made about the caravan (Tucker's show recap)

>>4057656, >>4057731 Google CEO Sundar Pichai Said to Testify to US Congress in December

>>4057671 Free Papadropolous: All roads lead to UK, Western intel on FISA declassification

>>4057673 3M will pay $9.1 million to resolve defective combat earplugs

>>4057680 Reminder: USA/AUS also banned China / Huawei 5g

>>4057744 Anon on "WHY Do They Kill Babies?"

>>4057756 Lewandowski: Obama had “Sinister” Reason for Not Wanting Michael Flynn in Trump Admin

>>4057818 Fake News Collages

>>4057912 Former Walt Disney World employee indicted on pedo charges

>>4057913 FDA approves new oncology drug targeting the key genetic driver of cancer

>>4057809 Reminder: Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops (10/30/18)

>>4058110 Horowitz to testify for a Bureau of Prisons hearing today

a34680  No.4058195

File: 028f53628287826⋯.png (255.37 KB, 936x839, 936:839, Screxenshot_2018-09-12 sca….png)


what are you hijacking anon?

post away


funny you should say that anon.

5441de  No.4058197

File: 38caea01bd55b63⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 600x387, 200:129, matt-whitaker-8dde743ceac0….jpg)

afb9c8  No.4058199

File: a23b2949707d992⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 650x451, 650:451, Podesta Fish 14.jpg)



I wonder if it was a Tilapia that ate Osiris dick?

Podesta drew a fish, you think?

aa5139  No.4058202


Mars Attacks was funny

Project Blue Beam was real

Blue Book was a disinfo slide

52acee  No.4058204

POTUS said something day before yesterday during his presser between the rallies about the elections. He said that his rallies were to campaign for the Senate. He specifically said that he didn't campaign for the House. Anyone else catch that? It corroborates what Q said days ago that the target was the Senate.

I get impatient with Q's disinfo sometimes, but I now feel like the end of all this is gonna be worth the wait.

f2402c  No.4058206

File: 463cef668e7c3fc⋯.png (440.63 KB, 749x786, 749:786, ClipboardImage.png)


Pure energy

Manifested in a physical form

9501e7  No.4058207


Sauce/video? I believe you. It’s notable with sauce.

5441de  No.4058208

smart man, tupac. i assume pac and biggie would eventually come together or were moving away from this violence bs. what happened to them is as mysterious but seems they were a threat to someone or something..


8c4aad  No.4058209

I am surprised Q didn't repost the 53-47 drop. Would have been a nice kick in the cabal's teeth while they're down.

5c515e  No.4058210

File: 406f17ca8eb90ae⋯.jpg (133.66 KB, 975x871, 75:67, 3.JPG)

Lupin dips 2% after CFO resignation


d0181b  No.4058211




Yes I said Operation Blue Beam on the initial post, before mistakenly saying Blue Book. I agree with all three of your propositions.

I just wasn't sure what you meant by your laugh reply picture.

c8935f  No.4058212

File: 744b2c7d2aeacc6⋯.png (176.11 KB, 609x743, 609:743, Trump tweet.png)


message was sent via twatter, do you think they received?

f2402c  No.4058213


>Podesta drew a fish, you think?

Possible used as just a code also.

Under the guise of "foodies".

Is the 14 significant in reference to the fish?

Age of victim?

Some other reference?

7cad98  No.4058214

File: 2daa7811f91ebaa⋯.jpg (92.86 KB, 430x600, 43:60, qresearchneedsbakers.jpg)


fill this one up

repost this at ~740 posts: >>4058196

its a good time to practice collecting notables

we still need a graveyard baker, so if you're here from an hour ago to an hour from now most days, practice baking and let the BO/BVs know in meta you want to try


going now

thanks for the lock, see you later

eb223a  No.4058215


>He said that his rallies were to campaign for the Senate. He specifically said that he didn't campaign for the House

He already said that at least a couple of times since the midterm election. Re-read the crumbs, there are proof there all the way back a year that the senate was the target.

7cf6be  No.4058216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8db5ae  No.4058217


Every time you assholes self promote the Wilcock / Goode cointelpro operation on this board, you are gonna be called out for the commercial shills you are… FUCK OFF. GGoode is nothing but a deep state disinfo. Op. launched in response to legitimate Secret Space researchers efforts gaining traction a no. of yrs ago. Goode = Deepstate Fake.

Richard Dolan, Joseph Farrell, Catherine Austin Fitts, Walter Bossley, Peter Levenda, Jacques Vallee etc etc = decent researchers with deductive reasoning based on available declassified material and Foi requests etc…. FUCK FAKE GOODE…

0d8644  No.4058218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with Dave Janda. Great insights into Trump, Sessions, the cabal, the swamp and a unique perspective on what Trump needs to do. Very interesting anons…..

e5c323  No.4058219


Thug Life wasn't what it may seem to many.

d0181b  No.4058220


Relates to the Osiris worship from memory. Might have a meme explaining it somewhere…

9501e7  No.4058221


wonder why potus said “signs” instead of “stickers”…

Character count limit?

aa5139  No.4058222


The best part of Mars Attacks is when the Martians go to Washington DC and blast all the politicians into smoke……..

21a53c  No.4058223


"fishing" "for teen"

afb9c8  No.4058224


osiris was cut into 14 pieces..

We will be led to the Number 14…

Why was Osiris cut into 14 pieces..

was he really? Or is it just symbolism…

7 Soul pieces for her

7 Soul pieces for him

7 Fold-Spirit…mentioned in Revelation

In the Tarot, 14 is Temperance

On this card is the…

Rainbow God/dess Iris, hmmmm

Iris is contained in Osiris!

Androgyne? Before they were split?

Temperance is about creating the

perfect balance and harmony in a

relationship, 50/50 . ….

remember 14 = 5(Earth Magic!)

0aa6eb  No.4058225

File: 7b90d06be768bea⋯.png (382.32 KB, 491x406, 491:406, YepShill.png)


You're full of shit.

52acee  No.4058226


1:57.04 marker


65b7e7  No.4058227

File: a18ea9910cc3ec9⋯.gif (763.03 KB, 500x348, 125:87, a18ea9910cc3ec918a948c26a9….gif)


>disinfo slide

bluebook was an actual FBI investigation, unlike bluebeam which is god-knows-what sorta shit… wtf colorado weed are you huffin' on there, Mr. CIANig?

d0181b  No.4058228


LOL yep, it was a classic.

Most people don't like it.

c8935f  No.4058229

File: 898f6cafb3bc70c⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1544x2248, 193:281, 2pac2chan.png)

f2402c  No.4058230

File: 733c208d65823db⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1352x1018, 676:509, ClipboardImage.png)


Quick DDGo search seems to confirm


3655af  No.4058231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The video game "Ready or Not" is going full Pizzagate.

Finally, someone is making a game that redpills, as I have been saying for a while should be done. Ready or Not is a tactical Swat game that is a successor to the Swat series. In it you play as a Swat team and go on various missions. What makes this game different is they are going to be tackling some heavy subject material that other video games won't touch. Things like Mass shootings and Human Trafficking. This is the trailer. 0.48 shows a dead tortured child who an officer finds and 1:12 shows the SWAT team rescuing a group of trafficked women.


YouTube Open

What's interesting is the developers of the game gave the community an easter egg ARG in a video for them to follow. In it they give out coordinates to type in on a map. When you type it in the coordinates the location where the True Detective episode "Form and Void" was filmed comes up. This episode has been extensively talked about on the Pizzagate sub. In Form and Void we see the pedophile symbols from the FBI Wikileaks release. The episode is about Elite pedophiles who torture and rape children.




"In the HBO original series True Detective, 'Carcosa' is presented as a man-made temple. Located in the back woods of Louisiana, the temple serves as a place of ritualistic sexual abuse of children and child murder organized by a group of wealthy Louisiana politicians and church leaders. The main characters, Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, storm the temple in the final episode of the season, where they confront a serial killer, who is the most active member of the cult. It is understood that the cult worships the "Yellow King", to whom an effigy is dedicated in the main chamber of 'Carcosa'. The series hints at a larger conspiracy which continues beyond the show, which is in line with Lovecraftian horror, as is a vision experienced by one character that underscores Lovecraftian themes like cosmic indifference."



The developers mention Carcosa by name.


This video game is going full Pizzagate. They made sure to drop those coordinates and reference that exact episode. Here's to hoping the game drops serious red pills for gamers. Imagine playing a mission where you play as a SWAT Team/Soldiers and rescue trafficked and tortured children and have to stop elite Human Traffickers? This game is going all out and doing it!

76180a  No.4058232


Yup. There was/is a fairly comprehensive YT video out there within a few months of pizzagate but probably scrubbed by now.

e5c323  No.4058233



1. All new Jacks to the game must know: a) He’s going to get rich. b) He’s going to jail. c) He’s going to die.

2. Crew Leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to crew members; your word must be your bond.

3. One crew’s rat is every crew’s rat. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later we all get it; and they should too.

4. Crew leader and posse should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes. In unity, there is strength!

5. Car jacking in our Hood is against the Code.

6. Slinging to children is against the Code.

7. Having children slinging is against the Code.

8. No slinging in schools.

9. Since the rat Nicky Barnes opened his mouth; ratting has become accepted by some. We’re not having it.

10. Snitches is outta here.

11. The Boys in Blue don’t run nothing; we do. Control the Hood, and make it safe for squares.

12. No slinging to pregnant Sisters. That’s baby killing; that’s genocide!

13. Know your target, who’s the real enemy.

14. Civilians are not a target and should be spared.

15. Harm to children will not be forgiven.

16. Attacking someone’s home where their family is known to reside, must be altered or checked.

17. Senseless brutality and rape must stop.

18. Our old folks must not be abused.

19. Respect our Sisters. Respect our Brothers.

20. Sisters in the Life must be respected if they respect themselves.

21. Military disputes concerning business areas within the community must be handled professionally and not on the block.

22. No shooting at parties.

23. Concerts and parties are neutral territories; no shooting!

24. Know the Code; it’s for everyone.

25. Be a real ruff neck. Be down with the code of the Thug Life.

26. Protect yourself at all times..

d0181b  No.4058234



That's the one. Thanks.


6888f3  No.4058236

File: ace78bcfc5155ba⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 444x481, 12:13, 28_20-40-12.jpg)

eb223a  No.4058237


>a unique perspective on what Trump needs to do

Another unique perspective on what Trump needs to do. Lots of people in YouTube now have a unique perspective on what Trump needs to do. I wonder why they think that way when they have no clue what he knows. Curiously almost all of the know-it-alls in YouTube seem to be "former intelligence officers".

8db5ae  No.4058238


Ahhhh,…. now you are hitting yhe nail right on the head…

What is a sigil?

How is it consecrated?

afb9c8  No.4058239


confirmed. the air force tilapia museum is a farm of fish that is eating the foreskins of baby yosephs.

you heard it here first.

Sounds weird, but what is the ISS and looking glass…? think about it.

9501e7  No.4058240



Video showing potus verifying Q re him specifically campaigning for the house and not the senate

f2402c  No.4058241

File: 17feb1fb6bd795a⋯.png (491.92 KB, 2766x438, 461:73, ClipboardImage.png)


>I wonder if it was a Tilapia that ate Osiris dick?

Elephant-snout fish

<pic related

d0181b  No.4058242



Porn is a consecrated sigil like music is consecrated to Satan, so ejaculate is a (blood) sacrifice to Satan?

e5c323  No.4058243


This would have sparked major changes in the inner cities. People would have listen to Pac, he was a huge threat to them.

He wanted out of DR, he thought he could leave like Dre did. He was far from perfect, but consider what he was up against.

52acee  No.4058244


Other way around Anon. He was campaigning for the Senate not the House. But we know that's what you meant.

8db5ae  No.4058245


FILTERED blue canary fucking slider…

f2402c  No.4058246


Think the Baker has checked out

Collate for next bread notable?

a34680  No.4058247

File: c1afa6ad5b4e57c⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 680x267, 680:267, 14787041w39718.jpg)

File: 84362acfb33a0fb⋯.png (352.67 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1480912934229.png)


this is very very good.

what was U.S. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the D.C. police chief and the prosecutors, and the FBI playing at? why did Alex Jones claim pizzagate and sandy hook were both clean, there's nothing to see?

537b30  No.4058248

Anons need to read this article. It is very enlightening and POTUS is very honest about what he has faced from Fake News, dishonest people in gov, the media etc…

It could explain why Q had to come out and get us posting on his breadcrumbs. Could also explain (((+)))


EXCLUSIVE: 'If the shoe were on the other foot, it would be treason.' Trump rips into Obama's administration for 'spying' on his campaign, telling Corey Lewandowski in AUDIO RECORDING the former President knew about surveillance


21c499  No.4058249

File: 58153716d26d037⋯.jpg (198.06 KB, 1630x910, 163:91, Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at ….jpg)

‘Your land, your future’! Germany offers migrants cash to go home in controversial ad campaign


history is repeating itself.

Germany did something similar to jews pre WW2 offered $$ in a bank account if they went to Madagascar

42666d  No.4058250


At least he baked us a fresh loaf for when this one is done

8db5ae  No.4058251


FILTERED blue canary fucker SLIDE…

28ded7  No.4058252


is there a fiction board?

because that's where this belongs

a34680  No.4058253

File: 6d3c965cf632a26⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1170x1299, 390:433, 1478950445541.png)


That has much to commend it.

afb9c8  No.4058254

File: 8facc8c2e1b3be6⋯.png (35.61 KB, 537x537, 1:1, 537px-Armanenrunor_i_cirke….png)



are we talking some 11:11 type talk?


3655af  No.4058255

File: 742c8adc382eadb⋯.png (278.56 KB, 801x874, 801:874, clinton-drain1.png)

File: abb3be489d91c10⋯.png (284.29 KB, 685x736, 685:736, mystery-clinton.png)

Well well well, it would seem the Clintons are finally going to pay their dues.

These articles are worth checking out:

Sauce1: https://www.coreysdigs.com/clinton-foundation/arkansas-swamp-bleeds-as-clintons-circle-the-drain/

Sauce2: http://archive.is/kGlsF

475ed9  No.4058256


You being so triggered makes me more intrigued.

Why so triggered anon?

8c4aad  No.4058257


All covered by SGT Report.

4ca29d  No.4058258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the water!! Most of our rivers were formed by Electromagnetic currents that flowed inland from the oceans :)

52acee  No.4058259


Makes sense. Party in power typically loses loses House seats in midterms. POTUS knew all the vulnerabilities. He focused on the races he figured he could help the candidates win.

4ca29d  No.4058260

File: 704e6297c9da0e1⋯.jpg (329.06 KB, 1091x647, 1091:647, One_Cycle_River.jpg)

3655af  No.4058261


Yeah that channel is top notch; will check it out thx.

1b0ac8  No.4058262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You thought we we were gone.

We're back.

3655af  No.4058263

File: b934bbb1e58cd7c⋯.png (706.53 KB, 769x895, 769:895, aka-chart.png)


Also interesting

65b7e7  No.4058264



Is that why they listed many other researchers to look into instead of corey's paytriotesque mannerisms?

or is it ( you ) who is triggered?

21c499  No.4058265

Seven European countries are fighting back against Google’s invasive data collection, alleging the internet giant violated privacy laws by tracking users’ movements after obtaining their consent through deception.

Google hoodwinks users into consenting to highly intrusive tracking measures using verbal trickery and misleading interface design, according to complaints filed by consumer agencies in the Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Czechia, Norway, and Sweden on Tuesday. The consumer groups are urging privacy regulators to prosecute Google for violating the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – the sweeping internet-privacy legislation that took effect in May.


d20f73  No.4058266

You may not listen to him. I very rarely do any more these days. His style may grate on your nerves. I know it does on mine. I just saw the topic of this video while browsing through real.video and needed to check it out, as my son attends a kindergarten in a Colorado public school where a boy in his class regularly wears dresses. The principal treats inquiring parents as the oddballs for posing questions about it. Please, at least watch some of this video. Alex may have some details wrong, etc, etc, but, the basic point he is making is dead on, and its sick. The children in this country, and their futures , are being systematically perverted and destroyed. Please watch and, maybe even send the link to others. Thanks, much! https://www.real.video/5970264004001

475ed9  No.4058267


Being dissuaded to NOT dig on something in counter-autist. That's some serious spoofy argument going around whenever those people are brought up. Why?

Dig and discern is the mandate of real researchers.

1b0ac8  No.4058268


d0181b  No.4058269


Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog is very good, and honest.

'A Call For An Uprising' (main channel)/ 'The Fire Rises' (backup) on YT is very good with the signs & symbols. Very good, not disinfo in my opinion.

8db5ae  No.4058270


Not triggered … calling a deepstate fake a fake… using the board to promote self interested disinfo. It is relevant because it impacts on POTUS Space Force initiatives. Goode stole the work of legitimate researches (i listed some of) rolled it up into a 'whistleblower' fairytale and subverted good empirical research that was going on at the time

0d8644  No.4058271


Suggest you watch this anon. Janda is a smart down to earth guy whose father, who was in the construction biz, had dealings with Trump over the years, so some inside perspective.

65b7e7  No.4058272


Are you retarded? that anon gave PLENTY of OTHER resources to DIG on in regards to the same subject.

1b0ac8  No.4058273

Are you fired up?

74c75d  No.4058274


Let's not forget that GHWB's cardiologist was assasinated in broad daylight at a busy Houston intersection.

Probably he knew too much about the many Falun Gong human organs installed in the slithering demon called "HW."

c3edb3  No.4058275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21c499  No.4058276

Massive blast near chemical plant in China kills at least 22, causes massive damage (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The explosion in the vicinity of Hebei Shenghua Chemical Co., Ltd. in Zhangjiakou happened in the early hours of Wednesday, prompting local authorities to launch a massive firefighting and rescue operation.


1b0ac8  No.4058277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shills think they can break my body down?

a34680  No.4058278

File: 9d5288e1e112fd4⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3500x2382, 1750:1191, 86b4a8302c2d49598ac8ef8d3a….jpg)


so should we.

Jared take the (((banksters))) money and the arabs money and mexicos money (same thing really) and we will pay one million per head.

go. forever. leave. in peace.

8c4aad  No.4058279


ACFAU hates Trump. He's so disillusioned, he hates everyone now.

eb223a  No.4058280


I watch him as well as others but lately they have fallen into the "this is what [President] Trump must do" ego trip.

8db5ae  No.4058281


Thanks anon…

475ed9  No.4058282


>OTHER resources

Ok and? I'll research THOSE as well.

Some much triggering. Jeez.

Those guys rape your moms or something?

Tell you this, any fags telling me to NOT research something sounds like a complete CIAnigger shill to me. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Sauce - everyone "believe me" fag who's wanted me to NOT research something.

3655af  No.4058283


>Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog

Will check it out thx

3655af  No.4058284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found it

8c4aad  No.4058285


Look up. You got beat.

21c499  No.4058286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0181b  No.4058287



He's very wary of the AC.

He has warmed a little to Trump in the last few months, I think he is reading the board now. People are definitely emailing him about Q.

1b0ac8  No.4058288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just watched shills drop off a cliff.

They aren't motivated.

9080a5  No.4058289

File: 71af501f335b8fa⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 620x393, 620:393, pedosta fish hand.jpg)


I was just watching an old doco on the Osiris myth and they only briefly touched on Osiris' penis not being being found, but neglected to mention that it was said that it was eaten by a fish.

It was only when they mentioned that Osiris was killed and dismembered by his brother Seth that a light bulb flashed in my brain.

Was this creepy Pedosta pic an admission of complicity in Seth Rich's death?.

The oldest version I could find of this pic was Dec 2016, does any one know if it actually pre-dates Rich's death?

I've included a link to the Osiris doco because it won't allow me to post image and embed video link.


65b7e7  No.4058290

File: 55553fe88397bba⋯.jpg (240.28 KB, 643x453, 643:453, a6d7d07ed2318e4721b19a3e95….jpg)


Thanks for proving my point… that anon di not say not to dig on secret space progams . That anon provided USEFUL RESOURCES to dig on, unlike goode whose resources are contrived from those multiple names previously stated. glow harder, motherfucker

3655af  No.4058291


So I've heard/read

8db5ae  No.4058292


Who told you NOT to research it? I said its fake… AND provided a bunch of more legitimate research (yes, IMO only)…feel free to make up your own mind..

a7a675  No.4058293

File: 9027e5f9c4ee44e⋯.png (82.67 KB, 502x628, 251:314, Fixed1a31b2d2943eb667becee….png)

d0181b  No.4058294

3655af  No.4058295


I have to look down cuz I refreshed the page kek

475ed9  No.4058296


You proved what point exactly?

To listen to your anonymous faggotry instead of listening to all points of view??

Pretty sure you have no idea what autist do find truth or how redpilling works.

As I said in the beginning, you're CIA/MOS/JIDF resistance only makes me moar intrigued to investigate what they are saying.

So thanks for proving MY point. Donkey.

d0181b  No.4058297


Podesta definitely seemed to give a veiled go-ahead to punishment of leakers in the WikiLeaks dump, just prior to Seth Rich's "murder".

Someone might have the picure of the email.

eee584  No.4058298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hapiness lady pleiadian msg

ayy lmao

somehow I believe her, either that or schizophrenia

here's an ayy q&a: https://youtu.be/W716CYX-GmQ

8a00e5  No.4058299


>my son attends a kindergarten in a Colorado public school where a boy in his class regularly wears dresses

Oh Lord, save my people.

9080a5  No.4058300


>Podesta definitely seemed to give a veiled go-ahead to punishment of leakers in the WikiLeaks dump

It was that which made me wonder about that creepy image..

1b0ac8  No.4058301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

First in. Last Out.

You think we aren't watching?

8c4aad  No.4058302

My fellow memetic amphibians of Chan lore and legend: I must retire for the night. Dig, pray, and meme. And when the going gets rough, grab a pussy. Works for all us real men. You ladies aren't too bad either. (😉)

69b9b0  No.4058303

Now that 53-47 is confirmed we can go full throttle now, right?

afb9c8  No.4058304


Elephant snout/trunk… phallic shaped?

9080a5  No.4058305

File: ab71fb324e4398f⋯.png (191.97 KB, 569x614, 569:614, pedosta seth.PNG)

a7a675  No.4058307

File: d406d8f716dd16d⋯.png (177.78 KB, 1367x887, 1367:887, KKR.png)

File: 352f2b2a7467dc7⋯.jpg (154.76 KB, 1401x1185, 467:395, DsjqJOGWkAAgdq7.jpg)

I wonder what the connection between the Clinton Foundation and KKR is..

PLDT closes $175-M investment in Voyager from KKR, Tencent

https:// news.abs-cbn.com/business/11/28/18/pldt-closes-175-m-investment-in-voyager-from-kkr-tencent

3655af  No.4058308


Watching now…they are so fucked

65b7e7  No.4058309

File: ccc391175389457⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1024x720, 64:45, ClipboardImage.png)


<all points of view

Okay, now tell me how these picrelated's fucks's point of view are valid.

i'll wait.

Then, I'll wait for you to tell me how Corey goode's shit, whose contrived STORIES from the same sources/names originally posted with actual research skills are more valid than goodes bluebird (psyop off of bluebook, which is a furhther obfuscation psyop of bluebook) is more useful…

moar bullshit deserves no further response. think harder, glownigger.

f2402c  No.4058310

File: 6bd22227944b677⋯.png (546.67 KB, 1149x739, 1149:739, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe…pixie dick?

f4fb94  No.4058311


"whether or not we have any real basis for it" is a very redundant statement in a conversation between those people

764306  No.4058312


For anything that needs the Senate, the 116th Congress starts 03 January 2019.

70f319  No.4058313


The link that you gave no longer works and I cannot locate the pdf no matter what I do. Any chance you can retrace your steps and refind it???

410704  No.4058314


At what point does a parent say, It's time to home-school?

8db5ae  No.4058315


Final attempt… feel free to spendvas much time as you like researching Goode. I think you will find that he has simply taken what those other researchers wrote and created an appealing fiction around it. But more sinister is the fact that he appeared when those legitimate researchers were taining traction, running severalmsuccessful conferences, waking people up… and he sucked all of the momentum out of the movement. This type of thing happens repeatedly in the ufo space and is nearlybalways a sure sign that the perpetrator is deepstate disinfo. But again, feel free to do all the research you want into any of it.

f2402c  No.4058316


>Was this creepy Pedosta pic an admission of complicity in Seth Rich's death?

Searched four image searches. 2016 was oldest.

Doesn't mean it might not still have a connection to admission of knowledge.

He seems arrogant enough.


bc9c47  No.4058317

File: 497b89878754e6f⋯.png (64.1 KB, 667x653, 667:653, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Ocea….png)

Trump doesn't believe the 'climate' report put out by his administration

this might be one reason why…

Ocean circulation in North Atlantic is at its weakest for 1,500 years - and at levels that previously triggered a mini Ice Age, study warns

Study shows the levels are at their lowest for 1,500 years

Currents have a 'profound effect' on both North American and European climate

Researcher found a similar weak signal during a period called the Little Ice Age, a cold spell observed between about 1600 and 1850 AD


afb9c8  No.4058318


fuck all that…

Lets get back on the sigil and consecration subject/ info..

1b0ac8  No.4058319

You are so bad at your jobs.

9080a5  No.4058321


Did you find one that predates Jul 10, 2016?

I didn't.

eb223a  No.4058322


Because the Sun been at a "minimum" is not reason enough I guess.

8c4aad  No.4058323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OSIRIS to ISIS: "Honey, where's my penis?"

bff98b  No.4058324

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #5165: House >>> Senate Edition

d0181b  No.4058326



>>4058305 Thanks

Here's a facsimille.

f2402c  No.4058329

File: cfa9c9cb27ab602⋯.png (319.93 KB, 850x841, 850:841, nuclear_explosion_PNG33.png)



d0181b  No.4058330

f2402c  No.4058331

File: 59a1d54a025d134⋯.png (878.05 KB, 1059x1500, 353:500, blackwidow0002.png)


42666d  No.4058333

File: 7989d4d96e06fb7⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 255x180, 17:12, BreadIsMyCastle.jpg)

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