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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

07d32f  No.4048256

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.25.18

>>4031007 ————————————–——– Border Security = National Security

>>4030351 ————————————–——– [Koala]

>>4029544 rt >>4029281 -————————– Re_read drops re: WARNINGS

>>4029281 ————————————–——– Everything stated has a purpose.

Tuesday 11.20.18

>>3980392 rt >>3980302 -————————– Think D5

>>3980302 ————————————–——– People are nervous

>>3979646 ————————————–——– Item used when walking a dog?

>>3978509 ————————————–——– Attacks on WHITAKER will only intensify

>>3978190 ————————————–——– [D]ec 5

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

Compiled here: >>4003444

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

07d32f  No.4048260


are not endorsements


>>4048212 How the government legally coerces witnesses to tell them what they want to hear. (Manafort?)

>>4048094, >>4048154 Dominick Brascia, the man accused of abusing Cory Haim, died of 'natural causes'.

>>4047878 Ferrovial/Magic Johnson dig on Denver contract.

>>4047877 Sen. Kennedy (R-La) said it would be a "grave mistake" to add Mueller protection legislation.

>>4047661, >>4047692, >>4047686 Manafort secretly talked to JA in 2013, Spring 2016.

>>4047572 "Something BIG is about to DROP" = Soros shorting stocks/currencies?

>>4047593 Facebook exec admits Zuckerberg not appearing before UK parliament doesn't look great.

>>4047531, >>4047538, >>4047552, >>4047573 Ferrovial dig/Aus "refugee processing"; human trafficking?

>>4047555 The Forgotten Coup: Hillary Clinton’s “Dirty Hands” in the 2009 Honduran Coup.

>>4047529 Wendy/Debbie Schultz: Child trafficking in FL?

>>4048198 #5151


>>4047398, >>4047415, >>4047423 Magic Johnson leaves Square board after securing billions in private/public contracts.

>>4047374 Soros transgender agenda spreads to Chile.

>>4047330 China’s industry profit growth slows for 6th month as trade war takes toll.

>>4047066 FLOTUS Christmas video.

>>4047249 Crimean court detains Ukrainian sailor captured by Russia for two months.

>>4047109, >>4047221 POTUS stands up to Climate Change pimps.

>>4047092 George Soros’ Open Society Foundation pulls out of Turkey following Erdogan remarks.

>>4047059 Three US Service Members killed in explosion in Afghanistan. o7

>>4047031 Philippine government warns of trafficking rings in Dubai illegally transporting Filipino workers to Iraq.

>>4047021 12 minute delta, then 25 minute delta. 12/25 = Christmas?

>>4046981 Google accused of ‘deceptive, misleading, manipulative’ tactics to track people with smartphones.

>>4046958, >>4047247 Ca. Democrat takes vote lead three weeks after election.

>>4046870 Katz running a #MeToo racket?

>>4046947 US charges Honduran President’s Brother with drug conspiracy.

>>4046927 US school in S. Korea closes after US headquarters relocated.

>>4046953, >>4046954, >>4046956, >>4046962 DJT Tweets: "The Phony Witch Hunt continues…"

>>4046868 Yakuza & Gov't officials tied to Taiheiyo Kansai arrested for improprieties in business. Appear to have Cemex and Soros ties.

>>4046782 Storm headed for Australia.

>>4046798 Dec 5th 1958 Michael Flynn was born.

>>4047440 #5150

#5149 Baker change

>>4045971 Mexican anon reporting from Tijuana

>>4045979 Kris Kobach for DHS?

>>4046034 GAA Update

>>4046036 Anon's side by side guessing DECLAS comes after LL and before Huber

>>4046095 latinos threatened for supporting POTUS

>>4046229 FISA birngs down the [HOUSE] of Windsor?

>>4046233 POTUS showing his Christmas spirit

>>4046306 dig on clinton related DNS history >>4046368, >>4046373, >>4046381, >>4046387, >>4046394, >>4046403 >>4046433

>>4046417 Facebook info Commissioner questioned by "grand commitee disinfo and fake news"

>>4046423 EU tells UK they can reverse Brexit and stay cucked

>>4046424 POTUS roasts Obama over Spygate

>>4046493 NY immigration attorny convicted of falsifying asylum docs, also controlled many NY taxi medallions

>>4046495 Qthread on half/pol/ bumplocked, some anons confused

>>4046524 [KOALA] found?

>>4046142 Caravan Funding Dig: What We Know & Where to Go Next

>>4045917 #5149

Previously Collected Notables

>>4045120 #5147, >>4045913 #5148,

>>4046146 #5144, >>4046601 #5145, >>4046609 #5146

>>4040474 #5141, >>4041233 #5142, >>4042092 #5143

>>4038160 #5138, >>4038952 #5139, >>4039736 #5140

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

07d32f  No.4048262

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>4034533

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

07d32f  No.4048264

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

07d32f  No.4048268

File: af22f88b389cd8f⋯.png (245.84 KB, 500x375, 4:3, trumppublicdeepstate.png)



628ad2  No.4048290

File: ff7f3e1d51996d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, Niagra-Falls-vacation-pic-….png)

File: d675b8e40cadaf0⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: 0c9a97ce2aae47e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1555x1870, 311:374, Pepe-goes-to-the-movies.png)

File: e99f698fdd02d5b⋯.png (1005.13 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, moreadorablekittens.png)

File: 4d30e46703aedd5⋯.png (986.39 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, frogspuppiesandbirds.png)

5c02f5  No.4048291

File: 711813d7100a316⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 655.32 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, JpSM6lM.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

d4fe97  No.4048292

I just poured a little pepper spray onto my eggs this morning.


7f9bff  No.4048294

File: aeaeeb722d246c2⋯.jpg (246.42 KB, 1105x800, 221:160, 4-6.jpg)

9e76da  No.4048295

>>4047697 (lb re Assange manafort fake visit)

Read carefully. No log of the visit by security staff, but they claim some Ecuadorian intel agency has some mention of it and mentions “Russians” x lol

Total fabrication

6eac6c  No.4048297

File: 47c24377f6f5363⋯.png (55.27 KB, 1377x335, 1377:335, ClipboardImage.png)

Prosecutors call them cooperating witnesses. The rest of the criminal justice system calls them rats, snitches, chivatos, stool pigeons, informants and sapos, just to name a few of the terms. The federal criminal justice system is built on these witnesses. So long as they tell “the truth,” they receive enormous reductions in their sentences. In some cases, sentences for defendants convicted after trial are 500 percent longer than sentences received by those who plead and cooperate with the government.

So it’s no surprise that trials have dropped from almost 20 percent of all cases in the 1980s to less than 3 percent today (with most all the rest of the cases resolving in a plea). Like the days of Salem witches, even the innocent are racing to plead guilty and to tell the prosecutors what they want to hear in the hopes of avoiding monstrous sentences.

There are many fundamental problems with such a system. One such issue is demonstrated in the Paul Manafort case, where the prosecution team just filed a status report with the court explaining that they have concluded that Manafort is not fulfilling his end of the plea agreement because, they say, he has lied to them during interviews (or as they are called in the system, debriefings). Manafort has said he has answered all of their questions truthfully. This may or may not be true.

But who decides? Strangely, the Mueller team is the decision maker in whether Manafort is telling the truth. In the Manafort plea, just as with all other cooperation deals in the federal system, the government gets to decide unilaterally whether to ask for a sentencing reduction based in part on whether they believe Manafort is telling the truth. Manafort cannot himself file a sentencing reduction motion under the sentencing guidelines, and neither can the judge. The government and only the government is charged with evaluating whether Manafort has provided “substantial assistance in the form of truthful information.”

Defendants quickly learn what this really means: tell the government lawyers what they believe the truth to be or get burned at the stake.

This is what is expected to qualify as providing substantial assistance. The “truthful information” must be the version of events that supports the government’s storyline.

So long as the testimony supports the government’s case, they are happy. Even when cooperating witnesses who parrot government narratives are exposed as liars under oath at trial, prosecutors still file motions to reduce their sentences. In one recent federal trial in Orlando, a judge called out a cooperating witness and dismissed the case against the defendant. The prosecution team still reduced that witness’ sentence because in its view, he told the truth (i.e., he said what the prosecution wanted him to say).

This is just one example of prosecutors’ unchecked power, which has caused the crown jewel of our criminal justice system — the trial — to vanish.

We would be well reminded of Thomas Jefferson’s words that “trial by jury [is] the only anchor ever yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”

Even if Manafort told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, his answers won’t be judged by a jury or a judge. The Mueller team will be the judge, jury, and executioner. This is not how it should work.


ff67f5  No.4048298

>>4048286 lb

The least agenda'd statement all day

ae335a  No.4048299

File: 03ed36a93fc1c0c⋯.jpg (167.29 KB, 751x423, 751:423, IMG_3850.JPG)


Try rubbing chocolate on its skin >>4048283

f0f563  No.4048300

File: 4edad00e97f5a1c⋯.png (413.87 KB, 656x625, 656:625, USMC 11-27-18 5 am PST.PNG)

File: 95fa32ac1c75466⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1466x729, 1466:729, USMC 11-27-18 5 am PST pic.PNG)

Hold Up


c5a899  No.4048301

>>4045650 pb 5148 Field McConnell is under heavy attack. Death threats.


a00901  No.4048302

File: 40da16b9858a962⋯.png (31.68 KB, 746x509, 746:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dd49a6ba8d068f⋯.png (60.24 KB, 587x453, 587:453, ClipboardImage.png)

manafort article authors


In February 2011, Harding was refused re-entry into Russia. According to Harding, this made him the first foreign journalist to be expelled from Russia since the end of the Cold War.

Lavrov also added that Harding had previously broken the rules of his press accreditation by visiting the area of counter-terrorism operations without informing the relevant security authorities

In 2011, a book written by Harding and David Leigh was published by Vintage Books in the US and Guardian Faber in the UK.[12] WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy was made into a Hollywood film, The Fifth Estate (2013).

In November 2017, Harding published Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win on the subject of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. The book examines the dossier by a former British spy Christopher Steele, among other things.[24][25]

freelance journalist - C_A mockingbird



c28e06  No.4048303

File: 70521ed761fe02c⋯.jpg (95.09 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 2l37lh.jpg)

File: d058f76359f10a3⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 2l1g2p.jpg)

Start to believe that there is more truth in lil fighter Toots than in Q.

RIP Toots lil champion your death will not be in vain.

10c1e3  No.4048304

File: d781929eaa89f0e⋯.jpeg (123.03 KB, 1125x763, 1125:763, 07BB8659-AF41-4431-AFE5-7….jpeg)

File: a4b674fc4ecab57⋯.jpeg (157.66 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, 96A0A8D3-B7D1-4353-92DD-5….jpeg)

File: 63346f4e4cd105f⋯.png (12.12 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 9449561C-F857-4F22-B826-B5….png)

Christmas = Red and Green

Castle = WH

Red Castle

Green Castle

Christmas 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS

Pics related

32e90a  No.4048305

File: 417e81b0d1b3aff⋯.jpg (276.57 KB, 533x800, 533:800, f2df435a23249468f92fb0595a….jpg)

Thank You Baker

995386  No.4048307


I "might" have found something with this whole Loop Capital/Denver Airport dig, but would need more digging. Sauce is not solid.


The entire hub of domestic CIA work is headed towards Denver, and more than likely, will be stationed underneath the expansive Denver International Airport.

From Langley, Virginia to Denver, Colorado. I’m pretty sure there are intracontinental military tunnels connecting the two locations, as well as the Denver International Airport to many other places.

2c3ece  No.4048308

File: 5588f4941f6416b⋯.png (276.18 KB, 628x467, 628:467, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


TY Baker!

e7b57d  No.4048309

>>4048242 (pb)

Agreed…but AJ wasn't really on my radar then for some reason, but man, when he apologized to James A….that is when I completely tuned out.

7c32d0  No.4048310



10c1e3  No.4048311

File: 812d57c633d2d77⋯.jpeg (131.66 KB, 1242x1186, 621:593, 474F1857-681F-401E-BC57-5….jpeg)

ae335a  No.4048312

File: eb45d657e6f8103⋯.jpg (90.07 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, IMG_3828.JPG)

📡🤖🎻 it was probably the Scientology conflicts of interest that made (you) kulak

c93cb2  No.4048313

File: c4aa56f283b6159⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 442x366, 221:183, 12weeks.gif)

>>4048225 Last bread

>Anons know [D]ec 5 is NOT December 5th.

>D5 will take place in December, but not on the 5th.

Someone is already making excuses for when Q's Dec 5 hype turns to jack shit ….

Pathetic attempt to justify your blind following of this psyop.

995386  No.4048314

File: 8a8e242af33fa5e⋯.png (413.75 KB, 1218x1176, 29:28, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

85d118  No.4048315

File: 42dcee93d1ecdbb⋯.jpg (55.47 KB, 851x320, 851:320, 4.jpg)

Any sauce on JA yet

e64b40  No.4048316


>Trump: WITF do you think you're going with Lady Liberty?1

>DS: fuck


4d84c6  No.4048317

File: 95e00e7f813646c⋯.png (49.34 KB, 444x642, 74:107, ClipboardImage.png)

a017d6  No.4048318

>>4048183 (LB)

Use it like I use the muzzy holy book- for no bunghole TP emergencies in the outhouse at camp

>>4048191 (LB)

Yeah well maybe FBIAnon had not known at the time that Corsi was a Mossad asset, not everyone knows everything,or was it a disinfo is necessary approach already in effect for self preservation even for precursors to Q?

I remember thinking Webb was a standup kinda guy, till he self admitted he was a soft Zionist, then discarded him onto the trash heap of history, like all the rest of the jew investigative journalists the Rotties sent out to get ahead of the story when the Podesta emails dropped to protect Obama, shield the Rotties & the UK Royals, I really expanded my thinking at that point.

6806e3  No.4048319


I think he was looking for his own personal gain by being on the campaign team but so did a lot of people that no longer work in the WH. I think he was just kind of naïve/dumb and got used by the FBI. I think he agreed to help the FBI or whoever but then backed out when he realized he was getting used. Then they went after him.

I think he is still pretty naïve/dumb and I don't think he is a threat to anyone except the deep state. Maybe he is safer in prison camp until the dust settles.

a6f093  No.4048320

I get this whole slow roll out by Q and company …..Do they realize it has no effect on the Normies listening to MSM …. You are just infuriating both sides ….Not uniting ….Just unleash the fucking hounds already

af7240  No.4048322

File: 75ad648f7ffb111⋯.png (93.31 KB, 744x804, 62:67, 75ad648f7ffb1115bba73b53eb….png)

8c3dcc  No.4048323


Actually it is "Brainstorm" 1983 with Natalie Wood but unless I was in the room with you to tell you what it all means none of you can figure it out it seems.

Hint. All the characters are archtypes of other people. God, Sophia, Arch Angel Micheal, Lucifer. MI even puts themselves in the movie. But alas you can lead a horse to water but you can not make them watch

07d32f  No.4048324

ae335a  No.4048325

File: 9840043bda68568⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 800x502, 400:251, IMG_3795.JPG)


It's the scooby do mobile

8beee8  No.4048326

THE PRESIDENT: Good luck tomorrow.

Dialogue from yesterdays Bryant law enforcement leaders meeting:

WH news:https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-first-step-act-roundtable-governor-bryant-law-enforcement-leaders/

Senator Lindsey Graham, who’s my friend and done a fantastic job, especially with the hearings on Justice Kavanaugh. ]That was an amazing moment, I will tell you.[

ff67f5  No.4048328

File: 45bc1e56eea85be⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 444x612, 37:51, Checkem.jpg)



58e1fd  No.4048329

Last night I watched the Lone Ranger w / Johnny Dip-shit .

After following Q for the last 13 months , so much shit popped out at me , it blew my mind …It's like they are throwing it all in our faces . Now I have to go back and watch it again and take notes / sauce !!

3ade37  No.4048330

File: 59bad2a7b5c36db⋯.jpg (422.53 KB, 1836x3264, 9:16, Woman.jpg)

File: 59b023167574fa2⋯.jpg (392.87 KB, 1836x3264, 9:16, Kids.jpg)

File: edca64978a0fd97⋯.jpg (514.97 KB, 1836x3264, 9:16, Back.jpg)

File: 5ba470b9ba32b03⋯.jpg (564.41 KB, 1836x3264, 9:16, Front 2.jpg)

File: 746781754f7f9f9⋯.jpg (673.55 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 32165b2a9a7c21bd3ed167c4e0….jpg)

1738ae  No.4048331

File: 883234c554117b3⋯.jpg (796.35 KB, 1970x2960, 197:296, denver.jpg)

c7bf67  No.4048332

>>4048138 (last bread)

>That means that, likely, Manafort knows, too. That's the type of thing that a Mueller Special Counsel would like to keep quiet.

Yes. So, say Manafort knows, and according to FBIanon back on half chan, Corsi was pretty close. Add Flynn to that group. Then we have Assange. Looks like Mueller is trying to silence the ones who could fill in all the pieces and tell the full story by waging lawfare on them.

POTUS is calling the bullshit out with his tweets.

6eac6c  No.4048333

File: aec9d219320fe9b⋯.png (252.07 KB, 862x515, 862:515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 059540dbd289cc2⋯.png (103.81 KB, 415x560, 83:112, ClipboardImage.png)


827c20  No.4048334

File: f011bb786d9ff4a⋯.png (344.29 KB, 680x408, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)
















Thank you anons, it means the world. Honestly.


Fuck you, you heartless piece of shit.

ae335a  No.4048335

File: 6629cae2cb8cb80⋯.jpg (533.97 KB, 751x501, 751:501, IMG_3920.JPG)



19b825  No.4048336


Militaryfag here (more accurately, from military family).

May have found evidence that this pic is fake.

Where’s the trademark symptoms of tear gas exposure?

Runny mucous membrane around eyes and nose? Skin inflammation? Chemical burns on site?

Keep in mind, basic training requires people to be exposed to tear gas.

20e646  No.4048337

>>4048269 (LB)

>Proof of having done a tour is the difference between a veteran and stolen valor ;p


I can think of a few ideas.

f0f563  No.4048339

File: 66aeb23b29f1f43⋯.png (325.24 KB, 649x659, 649:659, DoD 11-27-18 5 am PST.PNG)



2b3800  No.4048340

>>4048230 (lb)

>After the Qt Sibel shitposting the other night, i realize it might have been her.

You mean poasting before the whole message with TOOTS started? I'd bet she poasts here….

98d59f  No.4048341


Nice assessment anon…im on the same page

94debf  No.4048342


Its possible that his serving time in prison, ie his freedom is taken away, creates a 'concrete' actionable injury against the Govt/SC that can be later proven in a civil action by Papad. Prior to serving jail time, not sure he has an actual injury, but now he does…. -lawfag

ff67f5  No.4048343


I actually really liked that movie. Might be Depps last good performance that got buried in redface drama. And the whole fucking movie was about white man bad anyway. Lmfao

af7240  No.4048344


AJ had me fooled for a bit. Remember when

(spring 2017) Corsi was going to head an Infowars DC office and acquire a WH press pass?

What happened? POTUS must have known

they were Mossad agents the whole time

98d59f  No.4048345


Sorry if you posted it, how old was he?

6806e3  No.4048346









20b53e  No.4048347


Does chuck schumer just sit around and scheme all fucking day? We, as citizens should demand he be investigated for treason. I demand it. Q, if your there, put a lid on this weasle right now. Give him the flu or something

2c3ece  No.4048348

File: c6e644aa8708872⋯.png (499.51 KB, 925x1066, 925:1066, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: be0594b72666fca⋯.png (579.7 KB, 655x1161, 655:1161, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: e29606f1e34374b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1608x1077, 536:359, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

38,000ft over the Med

#SaudiArabia - Mohammed bin Salman heading to Tunisia

🇸🇦 Saudi Government

B744 HZ-HM1 SVA1



a017d6  No.4048349


Alright sauce this shit largepicAnon, where when who etc..

07d32f  No.4048350


Pairs nicely with the ricin appetizer.

619e79  No.4048352

>>4048275 (pb)

I think I agree with this. Mr. Papadop seems to have a very, er, wide narcissistic streak, doesn't he? I understand confidence and bravado - this thing with him is somewhat different, imo.

Also, the twatter photos he posts of his wife and himself are super-cringe.

ae335a  No.4048353

File: 0f12ed94a69e65e⋯.jpg (305.03 KB, 751x451, 751:451, IMG_3896.JPG)


Game of thrones is dumb like your face

9ff304  No.4048354


well that's not creepy at all.

ff67f5  No.4048355


Yes. The ones that were ignored.

98d59f  No.4048356

If Assange is going to testify, and going to drop a bomb, how do we get libtards to accept his proof? Libtards dont like him already

c4dfad  No.4048357

>>4048273 lb

[D] ouble

[E] ntendre

[C] yphers

[L] ove

[A] cronym

[S] hills

2c3ece  No.4048360

File: b26c9d521c06611⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 750x739, 750:739, DmDgj2XXoAAswA4.jpg)


I got 3/4…

53a0b8  No.4048361


Blue Metal?

98d59f  No.4048362

Remember back in January, Q said Chuck Schumer would live in fear from this day forward? He sure as fuck doesnt seem scared at all

1738ae  No.4048363

File: 24fc4c6180e759e⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 448x241, 448:241, gsorosss.jpg)

619e79  No.4048364


He can free himself.

c93cb2  No.4048365



Regulation helps/protects established, large cap businesses within the regulated industry … ALWAYS.

7f9bff  No.4048366

File: cba26a43e689257⋯.jpg (366.82 KB, 866x666, 433:333, Teepee.jpg)

6806e3  No.4048367


We have to back up his testimony with the server information.

849e87  No.4048368


I think they threatened Manafort to spy.

His charges of tax evasion were stayed years ago.

5b1b47  No.4048369


I know this is at the top of the bread, and we know shills post stupid shit here.

But this is real.

I lost my farm yesterday. Yes, the whole thing. There was a violent shake of the ground, and boom. My ant farm fell from my dresser. Before I could scoop up all my little friends, Toots came and licked them all up. He's been hitting the sauce early lately.

Thoughts and prayers for my little guys please.

Thanks brothers.

p.s. See how shills work?

a07c36  No.4048370

File: 4a04e499822b1d8⋯.png (967.91 KB, 1190x669, 1190:669, operator 0.png)

File: 3ec16dc1a0d6358⋯.jpg (628.94 KB, 663x650, 51:50, LOVE OUR BAKERS.jpg)


most awesome reference. TY boomer baker!

619e79  No.4048371

3ade37  No.4048372


Slc daycare. reddit post on /r/nosleep about this daycare fun time kidz care by local who passed by it for 10 years and never saw kids coming in or out of it or there. banned from reddit was dug here on 8chan and on /baphomet/.

ae335a  No.4048373

File: 8b9a4a224ba1f5a⋯.jpg (241.66 KB, 751x564, 751:564, IMG_3912.JPG)

1738ae  No.4048374

File: ee19517e12d9e33⋯.png (90.49 KB, 233x240, 233:240, ClipboardImage.png)


hehe..oh yeahh..memeber that.

07d32f  No.4048375

File: 9471b54ad315210⋯.png (23.37 KB, 578x153, 34:9, ClipboardImage.png)

5f0837  No.4048376

File: 78dbec76f1567f9⋯.png (1.24 MB, 712x1000, 89:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Will the ETs finally listen?

25d3b9  No.4048377


appearing strong when he is weak

9a0ce5  No.4048378


The bizarre thing about this RUSSIA shit is the left loves Snowden who (they think) actually lives in FUCKING RUSSIA!!

86f77e  No.4048379

File: d3f3964aca0d089⋯.jpg (231.23 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 90.jpg)


Make it HABBEN!

b8ea37  No.4048380

File: 5aff9ccb16b6619⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 709x373, 709:373, hackerpepe-.jpg)

File: 7ef7227b3a18583⋯.jpg (185.62 KB, 1299x951, 433:317, pepevsgoliath1.JPG)



yah bro.

I give (you) a [grateful highfive] yesterday and admired your 'dedication' to the cause…

but your becoming annoying and getting in the way.


There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between doing the RIGHT THING the RIGHT WAY…

and being DEAD RIGHT, littering the board with SHIT because you think it's GOLD.

>these people are stupid


>This is not a game


995386  No.4048381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Denver Airport has something spoopy beneath it. C_A? Or is it the bunkers for the cabal?

05e0c8  No.4048382



salt lake city utah

6bb833  No.4048383

File: 252ec3faefac4ce⋯.jpeg (300.23 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, 249AFAF2-E09E-4F3E-9D0A-2….jpeg)

4d84c6  No.4048384




Fox News Live was just talking about the Black Friday sales numbers.

Denver came out on top with 'record spending', mainly via Amazon.

Must be a coincidence.

863a0b  No.4048385

File: 455569e2742ed7c⋯.png (87.04 KB, 636x464, 159:116, ClipboardImage.png)



619e79  No.4048386


A lot of people don't like him.

32e90a  No.4048387

File: 8862e50bdf2ecb2⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 500x500, 1:1, dos-equis-guy-shake-head.gif)

cfe34d  No.4048388

>>4046306 (pb)

Good luck, anons. Unless you have something like whoisology then I am not sure how much you'll get. Back in the early days of pizzagate and seth rich digs, whoisology was pretty useful. After they severely cut down their free offering and blackholed a lot of interesting data even for the paid tier.

There are Windows based programs for doing this kind of digging. Lost the link a while.

Here is a link I just found with a list of osint (open source intelligence) tools - https://archive.fo/lQqEf

For IPs you can also use some of the tools at https://inteltechniques.com/menu.html

For current records I like to use one-off registrars. Joker.com gives you current records easily without signing in. Many domains are privacy protected these days, though. They're learning.

>>4046403 (pb)

What was the IP address from RackSpace that Q posted last year?

ae335a  No.4048389

File: 726f5f6239cafc8⋯.jpg (142.33 KB, 1186x800, 593:400, IMG_3752.JPG)

File: 6e731e8b143aa78⋯.jpg (205.63 KB, 1645x800, 329:160, IMG_3754.JPG)

File: 8fe0160dffd302d⋯.png (79.32 KB, 590x392, 295:196, IMG_3755.PNG)


995386  No.4048390


Interestingly, the YT video had this comment…

Jimena Contreras

Jimena Contreras

2 years ago

Its ok here is the key, The preparation you see, is about global control and dominance of earth. This has to be carried out through government channels of control. But it only works when the masses are in the dark. The set up is a false flag alien attack Gov attacks public with back engineered alien craft and other things), blames the aliens, which the world has to defend against. The world then is beckoned through fear to come together under global agreements, under their control. Soooo spread the word. The more we know, the better off we are… Think of it as a really interesting movie that you can engage in…

c4dfad  No.4048391

Whatever happened to Rumsfeld?

Him & Cheney were so dirty deepstate since the ford admin there is no way they handed the football to Obama & HRC unless they were on the same team

a017d6  No.4048392

File: 49da089ed390f7a⋯.png (68.83 KB, 1479x766, 1479:766, ClipboardImage.png)



Dug just now,- any relevance to Q drops?

c511d5  No.4048393

File: 61f33ba22eb26ef⋯.jpeg (262.01 KB, 750x741, 250:247, A76586E5-4531-4562-AB77-B….jpeg)

811062  No.4048394

File: 730894ec1b72642⋯.jpeg (352.73 KB, 1920x964, 480:241, ForAiur.jpeg)

File: 58b2a0d8b529ef2⋯.jpg (39.44 KB, 955x743, 955:743, Protoss Archon Remastered.JPG)

Power Overwhelming

11adb7  No.4048395

WAR! Wikileaks Rages Against Guardian: We’ll Bet a Million Dollars and ‘Editor’s Head’ Manafort Meeting Never Happened


53a0b8  No.4048396


CIA and CABAL are same thing. They all live together in one big satanic orgy under the airport.

3fc803  No.4048397

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

827c20  No.4048398


Thank you.

We rescued him so we can only guess on his age. He was about 8 or 9.

7c32d0  No.4048399


I noticed the same thing. Somehow I don't remember any guys from bootcamp that looking like the people in the picture when we came out of the gas chamber. Keep in mind, they only use a small amount of gas in training.

050846  No.4048400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wow! Teacher Evacuates Classroom Because Student Is Wearing MAGA Hat — Calls Kid an “Assh*le” in Front of Class (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft November 27, 2018

A teacher was caught on camera berating a student for wearing a Make America Great Again hat in class. The teacher lectures the classroom for several minutes. Then at the three minute mark the teacher calls the student an “asshole” for wearing the hat.

This is your tax dollars at work — indoctrinating and abusing the conservative kids in class.

From the video:

I filmed this. If you want want me to take it down ask me. No hate speech/release of personal information/threats of violence allowed in comments. In my state, it is legal for a person to record a wire, oral or electronic communication if that person is a party to the communication, or if one of the parties has consented to the recording so long as no criminal or tortuous intent accompanies the recording.


e7b57d  No.4048401


I remember it well…and they were briefly in my circle of trust..until that Jimmy Comet apology. And what about the guy that AJ fired around that time (Justin?) that seemed to have the correct take on Pizzagate IIRC.

6806e3  No.4048402


If we dont purge every single Clinton associated person in govt we might as well have let her win the presidency.

af7240  No.4048403


They loved him when he was dumping

Bush crimes

2b3800  No.4048404


>Yes. The ones that were ignored.

Ah the dubs of truth.

I read some, but to find the posts is beyond what I can do, adhd (unmedicated)

24c8ba  No.4048405


CNN reporting that wiki is saying JA NEVER MET WITH MANAFORT

a07c36  No.4048406

File: 09f510cff312e2c⋯.jpg (73 KB, 598x500, 299:250, funny.jpg)


if you are not a shill, why you do not filter me? kek

ae335a  No.4048407

File: 124ff47b22b92dd⋯.jpg (251.42 KB, 751x425, 751:425, IMG_3854.JPG)

What's that funny smell at Disneyland after a strong rain

c7838e  No.4048408

File: 0e9b9ab618da77b⋯.png (506.87 KB, 800x930, 80:93, ClipboardImage.png)

3fc803  No.4048409

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

3fc803  No.4048410

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

e0fc86  No.4048411


I live near there. Many people here have been very curious about this place. Very creepy.

9a0ce5  No.4048412

File: d2b84b9cfc122ee⋯.jpeg (245.43 KB, 1017x1071, 113:119, AE070E56-3A82-4262-8A15-C….jpeg)

c4dfad  No.4048413


wiki said the same thing a couple hours ago, that was CNNs source

6806e3  No.4048414


ae335a  No.4048415

File: a7cb2362d5fc147⋯.jpg (391.77 KB, 751x722, 751:722, IMG_3898.JPG)

I bet if you kill a political witness to foreign pedovores of the cocaine trade and make a movie

af7240  No.4048416


I always thought it strange that Q has never

mentioned Cheney or Rummy.

2b3800  No.4048417


It's like a laser pointer for us Anons, playing on the empathy we have.

6806e3  No.4048418


6eac6c  No.4048419

File: 16e982a6b05da0c⋯.png (114.48 KB, 586x540, 293:270, ClipboardImage.png)

98d59f  No.4048420


Yes but HRC and the Dems have done a good job of brainwashing the sheep into thinking he cost HRC the election

ff67f5  No.4048421

File: 3ac0ba87bc33979⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 16d.jpg)




b38e24  No.4048422

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, ALurk.png)

Lads, do we have a Q drop that says NoName was given a choice of death and he chose suicide? Was just informing WifeAnon and would like to show her.

628ad2  No.4048423


Well fuck, I can't figure what should be done.

8c3dcc  No.4048424


Snatching people is busy work.

cfe34d  No.4048425


This is Trump fucking him and him saying thank you, sir!

e64b40  No.4048426


Pretty much. The nowshills know this too, it's why they push impatience.

Because [they] fully understand that if Trump is not rushed, MORE of [them] get the needle/prison.

I'm fully in support of the Plan.

Maximum Traitor Attrition.

a07c36  No.4048427

File: ec2c2f4fe7fcf7e⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 474x266, 237:133, sliders.jpg)


you have confused "research board" with "reddit chat room". how in any way shape or form do you consider a dead dog owned by some one you never met (absolutely shill fakery) research?

a017d6  No.4048428


Love Garrison, definitely /ourguy/

c4dfad  No.4048429

File: fee9a624d1f9401⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 60320571-480px.jpg)


awesome birds but usually near water

628ad2  No.4048430

File: 88e090d1f0baf48⋯.png (839.18 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, two-bluejays-walk-into-a-b….png)

cce281  No.4048431

File: 3e770e6b24fa4c2⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 580x601, 580:601, ekdt.JPG)


That's fupped duck


32e90a  No.4048432

File: 1da5dd55ca893c8⋯.jpeg (163.62 KB, 1440x986, 720:493, 1533385565.jpeg)

6937e4  No.4048433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Classroom Evacuated Because Student is Wearing MAGA Hat

At 3:07 the "teacher" says the high school student is being an asshole.


ae335a  No.4048434

File: e1f21015235910a⋯.jpeg (9.2 KB, 255x199, 255:199, B311F9F5-09A0-47EB-A1B2-0….jpeg)

Name a complicated bromance movie about white supremacy in Arizona

6eac6c  No.4048435

File: e87816b210fb40b⋯.png (106.73 KB, 651x459, 217:153, ClipboardImage.png)

a07c36  No.4048436

>>4048369 you left out "Feline AIDS"

>>4048417 idiot

708f57  No.4048437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blue Bloods

9b6c59  No.4048438

File: 497b89878754e6f⋯.png (64.1 KB, 667x653, 667:653, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Ocea….png)


Trump on recent climate change report "I don't believe it"

Ocean circulation in North Atlantic is at its weakest for 1,500 years - and at levels that previously triggered a mini Ice Age, study warns


Study shows the levels are at their lowest for 1,500 years

Currents have a 'profound effect' on both North American and European climate

Researcher found a similar weak signal during a period called the Little Ice Age, a cold spell observed between about 1600 and 1850 AD


3a0d6c  No.4048439



But if it's not fabricated, but instead, someone is shaking the investigators' tree a bit, then what we're witnessing is the stage being set for JA's testimony. Think about it this way, Q and team would have known about the plants before they arrived, and isolated them in the campaign into specific places so that they couldn't get dirt on POTUS' operations, connections, etc.

This also means that Manafort knew the real truth, and that the Russian Collusion story was bullshit. Mueller went after people and forced them into "agreements" to hush them in order to keep the Special Counsel going as long as possible.

That's about to wind down, now.

3fc803  No.4048440

File: 4d8d130f21baf46⋯.jpg (63.38 KB, 640x392, 80:49, Plopter.jpg)

File: 7143dfafdc73f1f⋯.jpg (479.65 KB, 1075x810, 215:162, SmartSelect_20180922-12013….jpg)

3a0d6c  No.4048441


Second link is Last Bread. Sorry!

2aadaa  No.4048442


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 682934 No.1838471 📁

Jun 20 2018 20:22:46 (EST)

We serve at the pleasure of the President.

We left the decision on timing to him.

Today, at the rally, he made his decision.

Shift in tactics.

Attacks ^


Jun 20 …. (^) Shift 6

Dec 20 … Dark to Light … Winter Solstice … When Birds Sing …FISA[20]

…maybe [something] will happen that day.

24c8ba  No.4048443



cfe34d  No.4048444


He's dead.

995386  No.4048445

File: cf1962bdd11cea2⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x752, 135:94, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 61c45393cef3544⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1048x788, 262:197, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: 967a7a9369bb308⋯.png (847.73 KB, 1444x606, 722:303, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: d697cfa9b73a779⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1436x792, 359:198, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: dff4cfae002633c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1150x792, 575:396, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)


Okay, moar on the Denver airport/magic johnson/loop capital dig.

The video embedded here >>4048381is fukkin FILLED with end of the world masonic shit. If the cabal isn't involved, I'll eat my hat.

8fb58e  No.4048446


See Q post 1935, 8/27:

"[He did not depart on his own terms]"

(This was in bold print, too)

This is about McShame. That's all we know for sure. Can be interpreted a number of ways, of course. That's our Q!

ac0ed8  No.4048447


actually what has Chucky done since then? Kav debacle was all about posturing for a 2020 run by some dems. Chucky has done nothing.

9b6c59  No.4048448

File: 1767cdc5e1889dc⋯.png (100.79 KB, 668x773, 668:773, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Ocea….png)

93c69f  No.4048449


Horus and Osiris

6806e3  No.4048450


Yeah two of those just went over my house and then looped back around the way they came!

I cant think of where they would have come from.

f0f563  No.4048451

File: ca5c41defae8adf⋯.png (47.32 KB, 658x372, 329:186, POTUS 11-27-18 4 30 am PS….PNG)

File: edd19a706959e0c⋯.png (47.82 KB, 641x376, 641:376, POTUS 11-27-18 4 42 am PS….PNG)

File: d2d5c5ebffb17c3⋯.png (47.88 KB, 644x370, 322:185, POTUS 11-27-18 5 07 am PS….PNG)

POTUS Tweets from earlier




Delta 1 = 12 minutes

Delta 2 = 25 minutes



ae335a  No.4048452

File: 585665dee63733c⋯.jpg (309.87 KB, 751x564, 751:564, IMG_3889.JPG)



With a big enough wall

Distribution could hit 90%+

Dilution could hit 98%+

1738ae  No.4048453

File: 10ca29a876d8b97⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 760x507, 760:507, 16117-james-clapper-mn-095….jpg)


teacher says school has "no hats" rule…if so..

kid should have removed.

a1d106  No.4048454


They don't have a fucking clue what ocean currents were doing 1,500 yrs ago. Fake news.

93c69f  No.4048455



af7240  No.4048456

File: 13f471059894843⋯.png (157.16 KB, 801x557, 801:557, Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 1….png)


I'll post this again…just for you

21243f  No.4048457

File: 6e4a164c6f545dc⋯.png (219.52 KB, 1325x610, 265:122, Christmas deltas trump twe….png)

>>4047021 (a prior bread)

All these deltas have mirror qualities (in addition to a "sort of" Christmas date thing)… even the SUM of the deltas mirrors itself.

9b6c59  No.4048458

File: 2b8bcc3c417b81c⋯.png (587.84 KB, 654x909, 218:303, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Ocea….png)

7917b2  No.4048459

File: 68ad5ee9922a5cc⋯.jpg (255.36 KB, 1000x952, 125:119, QCrumbsBlueMetal.jpg)


I didn't know what to make of "blue metal" but memed it anyway as a 'membrance.

c57273  No.4048460

What does the little tag say????? On the baker ornament


089219  No.4048461


>"it's a very clearly written rule there are no hats to be worn in school"




ae335a  No.4048462

File: 8fe0160dffd302d⋯.png (79.32 KB, 590x392, 295:196, IMG_3755.PNG)


Those super soldiers

Sure done made some

Super tell tale hearts huh mueller

95d130  No.4048463


Things like that make me wonder exactly what did Q meant but watching the changing of the guard, Seems so much is being intentionally left out

20b53e  No.4048464


I'll say it again. The BP oil spill and the corexit caused the Gulf stream to stop @ 2012. Evident the red tide on the EAST coast, just killed 20 something dolphins. All so people will spend more money to heat their homes.

3fc803  No.4048465


I want a luxury personal Plopter with a pilot and maintenance crew.

c24fb5  No.4048466


Ya kno that damned devil horse fell on the sculptor & killed him. Go thru DIA all the time.. damn spoopy ..underground tunnels(basically a city), murals of EVIL Schitt .. & the layout of the runway patterns!

2b3800  No.4048467


And he always captures it PERFECTLY

b38e24  No.4048468


Thanks, lad. Showing to Wifey now.

9b6c59  No.4048469


wrong, you should study a little

core samples from tidal basin indicate many things, including temperature, PH, primary direction of currents etc…

b67516  No.4048470

I was just reading some articles from the satanic panic of the early 90s and there was one case where there was like 13-15 people arrested including 5 cops and a prison director, they all got off and apologies from the government… so it was even dirty above that in the local political ranks. None of this is surprising if you’ve been around here.

The spoopiest part is that one of the little girls was asked to draw what she saw.

She drew two reptile like drawings, one like a Komodo dragon, and one like an upright serpent, much like a “Draco” as some call it. She also drew a head with the horns, and a hairy snout. Fucking identical to the Rothschild picture. That’s fucking creepy.

Get them all Q.

b8ea37  No.4048471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I feel like SO MUCH MORE can be done.


but I also realize that TOO MUCH comes across as having a selfish/ego driven agenda.

timing is everything.

TOO MUCH becomes toxic.

TOO LITTLE becomes toxic.



ae335a  No.4048472

File: d78ed6be4cc35e0⋯.jpg (357.12 KB, 751x422, 751:422, IMG_3892.JPG)


If we all sell each other frumpos cocaine and cuck each other then christfagging

No one will know bout them babies

7f9bff  No.4048473


Kid is being an asshole

a1d106  No.4048474


A sucker is born everyday. They can't do much more than a guess with that info.

8fb58e  No.4048475


Love your written accent!

Actually I'm a lassie. I'll GTFO now.

Looking forward to the next few months with

our Euranons!

542c6c  No.4048476


the mother is quoted as saying brascia was close to him. he alleged that a "young charlie sheen" raped her son. jeez learn to read with comprehension

254296  No.4048478

File: b69b570756414a2⋯.png (109.71 KB, 640x665, 128:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Storm in San Diego this week.

e64b40  No.4048479


> Researcher found a similar weak signal during a period called the Little Ice Age, a cold spell observed between about 1600 and 1850 AD

How did these modern researchers discern what the currents were doing with any statistical accuracy with no instrumentation in place to measure these currents in 1600-1800 AD?

We didn't have the tech to measure the entire ocean for statistical purposes until the advent of beacon buoys and satellites, in the 20th century.

I agree with Trump.

e03a91  No.4048480


if cnn and compromised WL twitter acct is saying he didnt meet… then that means he did meet with him.

6806e3  No.4048481


They must have come from all the way from the state south of me because we dont have any military airport or bases here, just a Red Bull station.

Anyway, that was pretty cool.

dd6554  No.4048482

File: fc02b147a9c1751⋯.jpg (35.47 KB, 604x403, 604:403, Blucifer-backside-DIA-Denv….jpg)




2af0ac  No.4048483

File: 87d0c013b0c7f32⋯.png (22.11 KB, 441x273, 21:13, Screenshot (555).png)

File: 31bbd4f908d035d⋯.png (84.93 KB, 740x558, 370:279, Screenshot (563).png)

Just as predicted by millions of people, Q is FAKE as fuck and not connected to Trump in anyway. QLarp throws Corsi under the bus and says he is BAD. Couple of days later Trump tweets he is a HERO for refusing to lie. Fuck you Q you fake fucking faggot. You are NOT connected to POTUS and POTUS just proved it.

8beee8  No.4048484


Reminds me of that weird ass post that may have been coming with Q or others and mentioned an ice age peaking in 2020 many breads back. Something akin to your little dart. Will search for sauce in a bit. Gott wworkfag

f4c09e  No.4048485

File: 87da891a75ee847⋯.jpg (159.64 KB, 751x667, 751:667, Sen Jose Peralta Queen sta….jpg)

04b337  No.4048486


Now the mudslides will cover all the clues of the fires.

a07c36  No.4048487


the teacher called the kid an asshole, in front of the whole class. maybe he should have just taken it of and set it on the desk, but the teacher needs to lose his job. wait for it.

personally attacking the student for his beliefs, NOT for dress code violation. nice try, but no soup for you.

ae335a  No.4048488

File: 63bf69358d77787⋯.jpg (379.15 KB, 751x604, 751:604, IMG_3842.JPG)

Montreal is such a yuuuuuuge hub of pedo narco traffic

It would be awesome if frumpo cocaine solved the trannyraptors out of cocaine problem

a1d106  No.4048489


You obviously didn't read the article.

3a0d6c  No.4048490

File: 23c9b3c8d92cec7⋯.png (789.68 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 7b62a6aee3f51505cb0ce92309….png)



WL is comp'd; 'member?


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 267e20 No.1918277 📁

Jun 26 2018 22:10:09 (EST)

Desperate agencies do stupid things.

Dead cat bounce.

You may have the site

but we have the source.


Panic is good.

Panic is right.

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.


Cabal is scared shitless, now.



4d84c6  No.4048491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"It all goes back to ENRON".

And farther.




AMDOCS. https://www.amdocs.com/

Comverse Infosys. https://cryptome.org/verint-spysys.htm

C.A.L.E.A. http://www.calea.org/

8c3dcc  No.4048492


Maybe. I remember in October of 2016 Fox News came on with a breathless report that Assange was going to be snatched from the Embassy. Then no more reports about it ever. Then a tweet from the Hillary camp gloating Assange was dead then they removed it right afterwards. Then the internet went down on the East Coast of America in October 21? of 2016 and the story was they had to take down that much of the internet to avoid the Assange dead man switch. Then the wikileaks people all scrambing and saying dont trust wikileaks the CIA ran it now. Then the threats from people demanding an Assange proof of life but they had none but finally put out the tapes with Hannity and Assange claiming it was real but people showed how it could be deep fakes with CIA technology and shit.

Then this weird game with no real proof that Assange is alive at all.

Last person to see Assange in 2016 was mkultra sex toy Pam Anderson. Story is she brought him drugged food and they drugged and snatched him and flew him to a CIA site in Tennessee for rendition.

Maybe our guys saved him by threatening the Jew enough or maybe not. For me it is still a mystery.

3cd8e3  No.4048493

File: 6df89c7f41710d5⋯.png (245.17 KB, 720x778, 360:389, 20181127_162049.png)

File: 2566a625dade4e9⋯.png (67.06 KB, 713x534, 713:534, 20181127_162110.png)


9e76da  No.4048494


WL has already strongly denied Manafort ever met JA. The story reeks of total clown bullshit. Read it. No record at embassy. But their intel agency has some scribble about Russians and Manafort according to some unknown source refuted by other sources. Total fabrication. Extreme Panic in DC

628ad2  No.4048495


Excess comes from fear of failing to do all that I can to fight, and not knowing the proportions in which to consider different factors: symbolic resistance/outward perception/maximizing availability of information/etc.

ae335a  No.4048496

File: 374484500a0ec8c⋯.jpg (324.85 KB, 751x566, 751:566, IMG_3874.JPG)

Dragon energies are from teh freebase crack cocaine

a07c36  No.4048497


did POTUS just bait you into supporting the anti-Q?

are you Alyssa Milano?

ae335a  No.4048498


Prostlicyzing cia nigga

9a0ce5  No.4048499

File: dc72a37cde62e30⋯.jpeg (157.05 KB, 1242x1218, 207:203, 7C30C923-0153-4596-B4C6-1….jpeg)

File: aef28f476e38fce⋯.jpeg (88.44 KB, 1242x365, 1242:365, 5428D76E-D053-49E3-BA76-1….jpeg)


Also, Q knew when No name was going to be put down. “Every dog….” They announces he died on August 25th but was “put down” the next day…”International Dog Day.”

f0f563  No.4048500



GP is always about division

They are Fake MAGA's

Always showing division / anger / ANTIFA / fake bias crimes and the like

That seems to be their role / convince Americans how bad the country is

They want division not unity so they and their group can form a "New GOP"

9ece14  No.4048501

File: dada4c39b42e4c9⋯.jpeg (73.83 KB, 640x309, 640:309, 833F9F92-685C-4EAA-8BCE-8….jpeg)

File: 4fc51629098e3e9⋯.jpeg (95.16 KB, 600x416, 75:52, DA8394D9-A903-4E6C-A22E-4….jpeg)

b38e24  No.4048502

File: 1aabc5c16ce26fe⋯.png (231.93 KB, 330x355, 66:71, Question 6.PNG)


I'm Cajun, actually. If you listen to John Neeley Kennedy(R-La) for the closest approximation of what i sound like, but with more bass and drawl, lol. Godspeed UK!

4d84c6  No.4048503


Must be over the target if efag is shilling me.

Die, efag.

2349f8  No.4048504

File: f3ffd984622eaa2⋯.jpg (123.32 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, npc crowd 1984.jpg)

File: 48868115963e78a⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 938x974, 469:487, npcs.jpg)


NPC's literally shaking. Triggered by a hat

91ca1c  No.4048505

File: 8c22985031cec29⋯.png (207.7 KB, 955x504, 955:504, d5.png)

What is the story on this?


2b3800  No.4048506


This is why I took my kid outta the HS she was in, I wish I'd homeschooled her the entire time of her schooling. It wrecked her, now I see why so much now.

2a7deb  No.4048507


I stared at it too long, and it started looking like Owl. That can't be it, though.

dd6554  No.4048508


Sup Corsi?

ae335a  No.4048509

File: fbd710e991a3ac3⋯.jpeg (6.26 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 47BF8BDB-8879-4F26-9E9F-9….jpeg)








566948  No.4048510

Quick question

Why should we trust the plan of someone who lied about almost everything

I get that you wouldnt broadcast your plans but disinfo to,this level?

The black hats know whats going,on because they have eyes in the sky

And more

This op makes more sense when i think of it from terms of how to drive people who are awake insane

People are targeted just by posting here

I know potus or the mil is 100% behind this

You can call me a concernfag

I call you a dick sucker

Thats my 2 cents good luck if youre real Q

43e50b  No.4048511

Is Manafort the source for the Podesta emails?

Everybody always thinks about the DNC emails, but the Podesta emails were 'taken' in mid March.

Manafort practically lived at the Podesta offices - he would have had access.

So did Manafort and/or Deripaska have a score to settle against Hillary?

It actually makes a lot of sense.

17ef0f  No.4048512

File: a167b116a07ea47⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 552x679, 552:679, a167b116a07ea4775b9c13c04e….jpg)

07d32f  No.4048513

I think POTUS was drawing attention to Mueller's coercion tactics.

PapaD doing 14 days/Roger Stone and Corsi getting the squeeze to implicate JA/Manafort getting squeezed to implicate JA.

They're desperate to frame JA as a "Russian co-conspirator."

Anyone else get a Q proof from this last tweet as well?

"He is doing TREMENDOUS damage to our Criminal Justice System…"

Q talked about how you have to demonstrate the Justice System has been compromised before moving to tribunals.

What if all of this is a sting to show how much corruption is in our Justice Department/Law Enforcement Agencies.

254296  No.4048514


Consider impact at border

ae335a  No.4048515



ae335a  No.4048516



ae335a  No.4048517



1738ae  No.4048518

File: 0a7f0b6dadba03b⋯.jpg (893.46 KB, 2048x3072, 2:3, asleep-at-bus-stop.jpg)


>murals of EVIL Schitt

if those paintings don't wake you up,

you are sound asleep.

4d2638  No.4048519


probably the usual suspects again

e64b40  No.4048520



kek, you guys got some spicy palates…

566948  No.4048521


Corsi is my favorite israeli bridge troll

628ad2  No.4048522

File: f8b8bfe73f4557a⋯.png (614.64 KB, 1111x676, 1111:676, black-cats-of-jimmy.png)

File: 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

21243f  No.4048523


My graphic is WRONG…

Combined delta is 1:02:01


December 1st?

That makes more sense. I've been seeing allusions to that date everywhere. It's also exactly at 12 on the clock. The picture of Thor with the hammer was also at 12.

Hammer comes down at "midnight"? Midnight is Christmas?

11adb7  No.4048524

File: 78b5028818346ef⋯.png (407 KB, 636x1098, 106:183, www_dailymail_co_uk_scienc….png)

File: c2eb9d90377fa37⋯.mp4 (6.28 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Ocean circulation in North….mp4)

Ocean circulation in North Atlantic is at its weakest for 1,500 years - and at levels that previously triggered a mini Ice Age


38812d  No.4048525


Mattis once said the fight against our enemies had shifted to "annihilation tactics."

The same needs to be the case in our war against the Deep State and all it's players.

7917b2  No.4048526

File: 196828741008878⋯.jpg (125.7 KB, 607x593, 607:593, DreamDoYouClockpepe finger….jpg)

2b3800  No.4048527


Why did you name call instead of explain where I'm wrong. Shills play on our empathy. Their bosses need to drain our positive energy.

Watch your fire Anon

a017d6  No.4048528

File: 571551990ba6ec6⋯.png (428.34 KB, 861x822, 287:274, csfugly.PNG)


And for all the Anons saying that Trump likes jews, and stands with Israel, look at POTUS's face, it screams, Fuck You to Chucky, the Israel first traitor & dual citizen, fear not Anons, the jew traitors will be dealt with,since they're near the top of the hierarchy of fuckery and this is a bottom up AMERICA FIRST OPERATION, those fucks are last, for good reason

566948  No.4048529


Notice how the shills hate posts like mine

Whats up with that

6806e3  No.4048530

File: b423296f896b1de⋯.jpg (20.41 KB, 585x293, 585:293, WAIT A MINUTE.jpg)


Wait what?!

c24fb5  No.4048531

File: 64d6d62fc2cda56⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 255x157, 255:157, 4e8ce052b61b3ad0447b6db51e….jpg)


The others who attack are not us MAGAanons


38812d  No.4048532

c3c0f4  No.4048533




>December 1st?

Jan 21st.

c5faee  No.4048534


OWC Old World Christmas

Where FLOTUS got the glass ornaments (we think)


6806e3  No.4048535



Oops, wrong image.


32e90a  No.4048536

File: 3ac943dac6c7793⋯.jpeg (120.9 KB, 1440x755, 288:151, 1541194899.jpeg)

628ad2  No.4048537

File: d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png)

File: cbb345db5c7535b⋯.png (170.24 KB, 730x418, 365:209, MMBPO.png)

File: 067512047be7362⋯.png (917.01 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, frake.png)

2af0ac  No.4048538


Evidence is clear! Trump calls Corsi a hero and Q faggot calls him bad. You Qultists better go buy some more hats and shirts! QLarp needs cash!!

51ae9a  No.4048539

File: f5bbea19aba9376⋯.jpg (97.58 KB, 800x795, 160:159, m91a2nr.jpg)

ae335a  No.4048540


e64b40  No.4048541


You just say that because you 'suck at the game.

And now we all know you suck at the game.

9b6c59  No.4048542

File: 48a20fd6abe3abb⋯.png (304.58 KB, 1590x754, 795:377, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Sear….png)




>How did these modern researchers discern what the currents were doing with any statistical accuracy with no instrumentation in place to measure these currents in 1600-1800 AD?

it's called a core sample

by drilling into the tidal basin and carefully measuring the qualities of the sediments extracted

pretty settled science actually

they do core samples of

Ice from glaciers

Soil from lake and ocean floors

Soil from archeological sites

Trees it's called dendrochronology in that case

3a0d6c  No.4048543

File: 273eb8e5dabbb1b⋯.jpg (91.87 KB, 1292x346, 646:173, Julian Assange Protective ….jpg)



>For me it is still a mystery.

Here it goes, again. First, JA and Soros were buddies. WL was backed by Soros, and things were going hunky dorey ask WL was Soros' espionage tool. Then, something happened. This put JA in opposing positions to everyone. I think JA was trying to get out to save his own ass.

At any rate, something happened, and the site (twitter) went to the cabal, and JA was in custody that entire time. Now we have the (intentional?) leak of JA's indictments, and a soon-to-be public testimony of JA in front of the Senate.




Now that you know what you didn't know before, think about what all these guys in recent news (Manafort, Corsi, Stone) knew back then about the emails, their source (Seth Rich), how WL got them, and how JA used insurance files to save his ass, and get extradited from the embassy a long time ago by Q team.

Caught up?

32e90a  No.4048544

File: fe4cae295de5ad6⋯.jpeg (182.86 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1540121509.jpeg)

6582ee  No.4048545

File: 4171013409c5043⋯.jpg (107.92 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, SQ_Lethal_Injection_Room_0.jpg)


Offer he can't refuse

0edcb1  No.4048546

Shills complain all day about muh Jews. Media runs muh Jew anti semitism stories for weeks. Q is a LARP. Orange man bad. Anons are white supremacist nationalists. Made the connection yet? Learn how to play the game.

c24fb5  No.4048547


True that! I say a prayer walking thru the valley of death.

86f77e  No.4048548

File: 62303fa25b0beab⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 5a81cbc2d030729f008b457d-7….jpg)


Once again why the Majority of teachers & professors in (our) scholastic system,

need to be


The Washing of young minds Must


21243f  No.4048549


Many options… 1/21 DOES line up with 11/22 (55th anniv JFK)

ae335a  No.4048550



20b53e  No.4048551


think mirror

def312  No.4048552

File: c0380c658324cb4⋯.jpg (458.3 KB, 1390x1762, 695:881, 20181124_175224-1.jpg)

I just read about Kate beckinsale getting a penis facial from South Korean baby's and it reminded me I forgot to show you guys this creepy ad I saw in britebart the other day. It even looks like a baby fetus hand reaching out of the tube. It's an ad for a FREE STEM CELL DINNER

75920a  No.4048553

This is kinda starting to freak me out a bit


3a0d6c  No.4048554

16e031  No.4048555

File: 51edf8b2b82a8af⋯.jpg (94.86 KB, 770x960, 77:96, DP - Dogpool.jpg)






My dog died today.

He was choking on a MuhJewBot shill's hand that he bit off while defending this board and all of you motherfuckers.

Where's the SYMPATHY?

Where's the GRATITUDE?

The little bastard died for YOU.

His name was Dogpool…

Don't ever forget that name!


<Twiddles thumbs waiting for (You's)

2af0ac  No.4048556


Trump loves him too ya stupid Q zombie, ahahahaha. Q proven fake by Trump himself. AWESOME!!

b420be  No.4048557

>>4048094 (lb)


Dominick Brascia's defense was that him and Corey Haim were the same age at the time.

But uuuuuh Dominick was born in 56 and Corey in 71.

c24fb5  No.4048558


Didn't mean to offend with fren pic with pup..apologies to you if I did.

a07c36  No.4048559


>WL was backed by Soros

cuz Soros did not want her to get elected due to the email scandal?

ya lost me.

84ec4f  No.4048560

File: 2097fc73bba0eba⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 500x376, 125:94, do-not-struggle-young-one-….jpg)

It's impossible to remember everything that's been posted/discussed here so I'll drop this here and see if it rings any bells.

This has to do with No Name and was filed in the courts last year in AZ.


06e0df  No.4048561

File: 0e3ea669d27e0ff⋯.jpeg (1.88 MB, 1668x1787, 1668:1787, 899417BF-3AFD-4E95-B3D0-6….jpeg)

File: ce5ca3d1d25241b⋯.jpeg (427.11 KB, 1668x1098, 278:183, 76D7A7E7-7BF2-4B9D-93DE-9….jpeg)

Texas Tent City For Migrant Teens

Tent city for migrant teens has grown to more than 2,000 boys and girls.


e64b40  No.4048562


>it's called a core sample

Studying sand =/= studying fluid dynamics.

>by drilling into the tidal basin and carefully measuring the qualities of the sediments extracted

You find out about rocks. Not water flow due to live environmental parameters.

>pretty settled science actually

Al Gore is famous for saying that. It makes me distrust your assertions.

b8ea37  No.4048563

File: 53b6305d96c2bd1⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1832x1374, 4:3, Qmeeting.png)

File: 384bf2b66913891⋯.png (758.74 KB, 1209x899, 39:29, !_!_!_!_!_!_!_qresearch.png)

File: afa4572fa8eafb7⋯.png (540.16 KB, 673x739, 673:739, MEMETICApatch.png)


I adore your motivation/FEARLESS vision.

(you) have a spirit of excellence.

It would be my honor to learn more about your story,

and go over a couple ideas that have helped me

along this EXTRAORDINARY journey. [If you will let me]



>see something. say something.


140866  No.4048564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dd6554  No.4048565

File: 3d362858cdd45c7⋯.jpg (184.77 KB, 1074x987, 358:329, earth2010.jpg)


Started (stalled) in 2010!

BP Oil Spill Stalls Gulf Loop Current


14a5d2  No.4048566

So now the Gov't refuses to confirm or deny Assange has been charged….Every day with Mueller, RR et al this resembles a circus and NOT a Justice System…..

So are we in control (after 2 fckg years) or are the traitors still running things??????

0f702b  No.4048567

From last night - apologies if its is old to the board

Trump’s critics were dead wrong about the caravan after all

It’s been about three weeks since CNN reporter Jim Acosta repeatedly told President Trump at a news conference that the migrant caravan is “hundreds and hundreds of miles away” and “not an invasion.” Acosta strenuously objected to a Trump ad that showed migrants climbing border walls: “They’re not going to be doing that.”

Now, thousands of migrants from the caravan have arrived in the border city of Tijuana, Mexico. Over the weekend, hundreds of them stormed a border crossing, climbing the fence and throwing rocks. US border agents used tear gas to repel the mob. If the throng was too small to constitute an invasion, it certainly wasn’t a rules-bound group of asylum seekers.

Trump relied too heavily on the caravan as an issue in the midterm election, but the last week has showed that his critics were wrong to sneer.

https: //nypost.com/2018/11/26/trumps-critics-were-dead-wrong-about-the-caravan-after-all/

cce281  No.4048568

File: 79d56bfcb92ac55⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 929x337, 929:337, skxsmnbxf.JPG)

f0f563  No.4048570

File: 7bf3ab5fd28fadd⋯.png (95.41 KB, 657x395, 657:395, Sperry re Flynn Didn't Fli….PNG)


>Couple of days later Trump tweets he is a HERO for refusing to lie.


POTUS was referencing patriots not Mossad traitors


566948  No.4048571


Q hates so far




Alex jones


I hate alex jones too

The level of cognitive dissonance to be here is too much

I would leave but the targeted harassment hasnt stopped i blame you Q

dd6554  No.4048572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gulf Loop Current Stalls from BP Oil Disaster: Global Consequences if Current Fails to Reorganize

08eba2  No.4048573

File: dc1b236c3819534⋯.jpg (237.45 KB, 500x1400, 5:14, cloned foreskins.jpg)

ae335a  No.4048574



9e76da  No.4048575


When the story said the embassy security has no log of Manafort visits, it was enough for me. WL total denial of meetings ever happening is just secondary. Clown bullshit

9a3797  No.4048577

File: 088e22bf7380db3⋯.png (3.04 MB, 599x9628, 599:9628, 2m.png)

File: cf35cab773e5c38⋯.png (2.44 MB, 594x11955, 198:3985, 1m.png)

Narrative shift in full overdrive. Blue checkmarks are sperging out trying to find ways to spin this.

f062e8  No.4048578


Two important facts about Denver airport (DIA)

1) built in the middle of NO FUCKING WHERE

2) eventually a train was sent from downtown to NO FUCKING WHERE.

Original build was on land bought as a payoff to landowner.

Train with federal funds? Bet so.

ba4545  No.4048579

File: 894550d22d9fa90⋯.png (141.45 KB, 639x726, 213:242, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7917fb146eb276⋯.png (142.58 KB, 638x629, 638:629, ClipboardImage.png)

Hildas looking for money again.

I wonder what message this is sending out.


da50bf  No.4048580

File: 0f724a8335e5214⋯.png (223.41 KB, 490x254, 245:127, 2018-11-27_11-26-54.png)

File: 10764566b1c563f⋯.png (229.55 KB, 470x308, 235:154, 2018-11-27_11-28-12.png)

File: b7554e9811a5f9f⋯.png (795.44 KB, 890x535, 178:107, 2018-11-27_11-29-42.png)

File: 9c69e024fd631f2⋯.png (248.67 KB, 486x323, 486:323, 2018-11-27_11-31-42.png)

File: 1301bacc05149bd⋯.png (304.68 KB, 486x363, 162:121, 2018-11-27_11-32-34.png)


Like anybody worth 27B is going to walk around China without being a part of Xi's government.

9ff304  No.4048581


that is a great video

2af0ac  No.4048582


McCain was NOT given the death penalty after a secret trial. That is how mentally fucking demented you QLarps are. Seek professional help immediately. You are a danger to patriots world wide asshole.

14a5d2  No.4048583

File: caf6639963ff5c0⋯.png (318.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

53fbe9  No.4048584


Some interesting ideas, Anon, but Stone & Corsi really had nothing to do with JA? Maybe that is what is blowing up in Muler's face. The corruption at DOJ/State/CIA is at the highest levels, not so much the rank and file. Sooner or later it will lead back to Hussein, and I don't see anyone taking the rap for that narcissist. The House is gone for 2 years with Dems in control, but they can't stop what is already unraveling.

98d59f  No.4048585

this is kinda random, but

David Souter

Republican Supreme Court justice appointed by George H. W. Bush in 1990. Retired under Obama after only 18 years of service and only at the age of 69?? You think he was forced out so Obama could fill with Dem spot? (Sonia Sotomayor)

26c312  No.4048586

This white squall is boring.

3a0d6c  No.4048587



No, Soros backed WL long ago. It was his espionage tool.

Then, the email thing happened. Likely, JA learned learned the real truth behind the cabal when combining what he probably already knew with the emails, and then decided he wanted out. Dude got desperate, and shit went down.

Soros and everyone else went after JA. Q scooped him up before he got 187'd.

b8bcd4  No.4048588



ab9c98  No.4048589

File: 2dccdf0d3c2a534⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 723x400, 723:400, tyson.jpg)

Anon get the Fuck in here!

In my estimation we have avoided WW3 5 time in the last 2 years.

They have kill off 4 Russian ambassador

They have assassinated the Red Army Quire… Yes that plane Crash was NOT an accident.

The Kike use a Russian communication plane as bait for the S300 system killing 20 Rusky.

And just this week-end The Ukrainian where stop at the last minute trying to nuke a bridge!!!

+ probably some shit that did not leak yet…….

The Russian are begging Q team to accelerate the pace before thing goes nuclear

Royal navy destroyer buzzed by 17 'hostile' Russian fighter jets


They wont be able to hold on for long and internal pressure are rising.

Q the military is the only option move before your Q team loose control.

9a4094  No.4048591


Wow, nearly 600,000 views on that now. Bongino has red-pilled a few.

628ad2  No.4048592


I will just wait on that, and watch.

995386  No.4048593


Kind of sounds like meningitis

d749da  No.4048594

File: 4e1259866a55d34⋯.png (118.96 KB, 651x280, 93:40, ClipboardImage.png)


here is the Q post

i just added the clockfag because the :14 timestamp mirrors Mar 23 date

but this post is just the Q post

61d0b1  No.4048595


Lol care to make your case, beyond just launching ad hominem attacks? You fucking faggot??

ae335a  No.4048597

File: bcd21d64c98f87d⋯.jpg (252.48 KB, 751x501, 751:501, IMG_3922.JPG)


2b3800  No.4048598


The language gives her away, she still thinks herself a tomboy and swears. Fuck bein a lady, right Alyssa?

05b6ec  No.4048599

Corsi has been arrested!

Sauce: https://www.salon.com/2008/10/07/jerome_corsi/

8c3dcc  No.4048600


God is going to throw another rock at the Earth if we dont fix this fuckery soon. We are not allowed to use humans in this way so some Jewess can smear stem cells on her kike face.

254296  No.4048601

File: f4cf639b5442bf7⋯.mp4 (488.74 KB, 426x240, 71:40, PutToDeath.mp4)

863a0b  No.4048602


So is this guy the secret hand?

c24fb5  No.4048603


You're correct on that..looks like it to me too

0edcb1  No.4048604


Indeed. And immediately a shill responds to you. Fascinating isn't it?

5c02f5  No.4048605


Pretty girl likes foreskin serum on her face.

566948  No.4048606


You should read my posts i think Q is a 10/10 nigger

ae335a  No.4048607

File: a3fd955276fb165⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 300x436, 75:109, IMG_3831.JPG)

e64b40  No.4048608



I mean, oh dear… Should I be concerned?

6806e3  No.4048609


He suicided himself though. No one dies the day after stopping chemo.

34dc74  No.4048610

Does anyone remember the interview Maria B did with Rothschild on the floor of the exchange when she asked him what he was going to invest in (couple years ago) and he said, "Weather"

I've been digging, but obviously can't find it anywhere.

628ad2  No.4048611

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

708f57  No.4048612


>October 7, 2008 2:23pm (UTC)


2b3800  No.4048613


I love the Cajun accent

dats tha best accent!

2af0ac  No.4048615


No, you fucking people need help bad man. Like professional help. You are a danger to patriots world wide. You are mentally weak as fuck to fall for this shit. Trump proved Q wrong with the Corsi tweet. Obvious to anyone who is NOT mentally ill.

2790ea  No.4048616


What, you don't like being lied to by Q while the established political order shoves a red-hot fire iron up your anus?

7c43be  No.4048617

File: 1072dfd290fbc32⋯.png (161.86 KB, 277x382, 277:382, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)

File: 1e559a4e55b9e2e⋯.png (264.07 KB, 533x376, 533:376, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)

File: 05b9fa4cce339ed⋯.png (272.75 KB, 1116x259, 1116:259, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)

File: 7547f9ee4fe4205⋯.png (256.22 KB, 1002x241, 1002:241, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)

File: b5ccdf63fc403d9⋯.png (268.38 KB, 474x380, 237:190, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)

995386  No.4048618


He was last seen (that I can find) on his balcony on May 19 2017.


b8bcd4  No.4048619

Condé Nast CEO Bob Sauerberg to Exit Amid Restructuring


8c3dcc  No.4048620


We should execute her. It would be a sin to let her live.

628ad2  No.4048621

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

4d84c6  No.4048622


D5 is also Division Five of the FBI.

Guess where?


>Boeing is tied to Defense Industrial Security Command and FBI Division #5 in Denver, Colorado.





1738ae  No.4048623

File: 486e488d817fb93⋯.jpg (177.1 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, kasichlaugh.jpg)

776a03  No.4048624

File: 797dc0dea176a6f⋯.png (86.51 KB, 624x472, 78:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04f6f26cb550ab8⋯.png (59.02 KB, 624x311, 624:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b357590d829c9b0⋯.png (344.73 KB, 624x258, 104:43, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4047857 lb

Google koala + child porn and you'll find an Ukrainian.

I typed in DDG and found this. Obviously the paw icon with pedo circle indicates he may be into child porn. Can someone look into this further? I don’t want to download any photos etc. that may be imbedded, etc.


1a669f  No.4048625

File: 5b09df93102a687⋯.jpg (159.1 KB, 720x960, 3:4, MUELLER.jpg)

f062e8  No.4048626


Get millions to fund/prep for global warming when you know it's actually an Ice Age coming.

How fucking cabal is that?

ae335a  No.4048627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5b1b47  No.4048628


Anon, empathy and mental retardation are not mutually exclusive. Have discernment. 8chn is not for peoples feelz to be raised, it's for knowledge to be heightened.

6806e3  No.4048629


I want to laugh too. Thats what happens when you talk big I guess. Not that Mueller should be able to go after low level people like Corsi but its a little funny.

84ec4f  No.4048630

File: 1e9970ea46b5321⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB, 1200x1185, 80:79, Dshm4RTVAAARuhR.jpeg)




Anthony Camboni vs. The McNoName's???

2790ea  No.4048631

Please get over this shit without being violent. That's all I ask of you idiots.

14a5d2  No.4048632

File: 2eff525e1f7ed65⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1514x1972, 757:986, ClipboardImage.png)

The people in this world are crazy…..this is who we are trying to reason with/argue with/debate with……It is pointless

You can't reason with them….DeClass won't do anything, it won't bring down the House…

Logic/reason are Gone from America!

98d59f  No.4048633

What exactly is going on with Corsi? He is MOSSAD, and was complicit in trying to sabotage Q, so we dont need to feel bad for him, but how does his arrest etc fit into this grand plan?

426781  No.4048634

Sen Dianne Feinstein

Verified account


13m13 minutes ago


In 1977, Harvey Milk’s election marked a moment of hope and progress not only for San Francisco, but the entire nation. It’s truly a testament to his legacy that he is so warmly remembered 40 years after his assassination. Today, we celebrate what Harvey stood for.

4d2638  No.4048635


No, he didn't. Run along, moron.

8fb58e  No.4048636


"The distinction goes back to Hans Delbruck, although Delbruck picked it up from Clausewitz, who died before he could develop it himself. The notion is that there are two strategic traditions, concentrating on victory through the annihilation of the enemy or victory through the exhaustion or displacement from vital positions of the enemy."


5c02f5  No.4048637

File: d021036b7419c10⋯.jpeg (811.16 KB, 1242x940, 621:470, d021036b7419c10133cc2d957….jpeg)

9a4094  No.4048638


This place is fast turning into GLP II.

I wonder if that was the original plan for [self destruction].

f0f563  No.4048639

File: ca498d3394131d6⋯.png (81.45 KB, 642x346, 321:173, Corey re Trumps Enemies 11….PNG)



Thanks for the reminder

Corey's new book, that POTUS reportedly reviewed before final publication and that Q mentioned the other day, is released today



3a0d6c  No.4048640


Right; even though we know that most of these guys are plants or double-agents. Like I was saying earlier, Q and team figured out a scenario to use cabal people against the cabal. LOL.

93c69f  No.4048641



It's a damn shame… Beckinsale is probably the hottest woman ever on the silver screen.

995386  No.4048642


Built 5 buildings at the airport, declared them misplaced, and BURIED THEM.

ab967f  No.4048643

File: 85e484a21271f33⋯.png (83.2 KB, 233x267, 233:267, 85e484a21271f33cbecae16497….png)


>What is this "anon" trying to do?

I don't know, honestly.

The swamp is still fighting back hard, I guess, is part of the message.

We feel it here.

Found myself with the conviction to post that (COINTELPRO suspicion).

Same board, a usual day, if I though the operation was comped I wouldn't be posting.

776a03  No.4048644


Another link:


e64b40  No.4048646


Corsi has weak link screaming out of his face every time it sees the light of day.

Arresting him will lead to bigger fish.

da50bf  No.4048647

File: cabc5eaadc21f32⋯.png (271.96 KB, 312x491, 312:491, 2018-11-04_21-23-47 2.png)

File: 60cd85436ea1e6d⋯.png (250.12 KB, 312x491, 312:491, 2018-11-04_21-23-47 copy.png)


More pics of "Lifty", "Punchy", or whatever you want to call him.


9b6c59  No.4048648


>Studying sand =/= studying fluid dynamics.

are you saying prevailing current flow has no effect on particle orientation in the sediment layers?

f0f563  No.4048649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Trump's Enemies' exposes the assault on the president

Interview this morning /

Former Trump campaign managers Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie author a new book on the enemies of the president.

6937e4  No.4048650


Enron: The Bush Connection


dd6554  No.4048651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Julian Assange: Strange Anomalies Last Major Interview

2b3800  No.4048652


I agree, I resent the "feel bad for me" distractions. What the hell ya want from me? My firtstborn is off limits, sheesh.

2aadaa  No.4048653


121 … Dec 1st? you say.

11.11 could be 121

Below are snips from various Q drops.

[Days Prior]

How many days in a week?

A Week to [Remember].

Friday, December 7

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

6806e3  No.4048654


He has made $ from talking about how great POTUS is and how bad the deep state is and now that Mueller has him he is trying to attach himself to POTUS as though they are buddies and on some sort of joint venture.

Now he is arrested after asking people for another round of $ for his defense fund….

75c073  No.4048655

File: 165822001e376d9⋯.png (703.53 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, noname.png)


Nah Q just happened to know right when his heart would stop of natural causes.

You are sounding really desperate and rattled up and down this bread homie. Take a tea break or something then get back to shilling.

b8bcd4  No.4048656

for anyone else digging with me on magic and the airports:


>The president’s new $1.5 trillion outline skips much needed investment in airports in favor of spending on roads, bridges, and railways.

>For instance, the redevelopment of LaGuardia Airport in New York, the country’s 20th busiest airport, will cost at least $4 billion in combined public and private money. The construction of Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport, which opened in 2010 as the first new airport in the U.S. since 9/11, cost more than $300 million; in 2016, it was the nation’s 127th busiest airport. Airports are expensive!

14a5d2  No.4048657

File: f052ebaa0b3e9f0⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1516x1966, 758:983, ClipboardImage.png)

You'll never hear this from our "fair & free" (cough, cough) MSM

995386  No.4048658


I remember hearing about "foreskin" facials way back when Madonna was worth writing about.

a1d106  No.4048659


I understand what they claim they can know from core samples but I don't believe it, never will. This is the same voodoo science bull shit they use to perpetuate the global warming hoax. There is no doubt they can gain some information about the past but they sure as hell can't tell us exactly what the ocean currents were doing 1500 yrs ago by core samples. It's just not believable.

98178a  No.4048660



e64b40  No.4048661


No, I'm saying drilling holes in the sand and claiming it means currents flowed a certain way at any given time is psuedo science, specifically.

ae335a  No.4048662

File: b8079457d8f77a1⋯.jpg (196.33 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_1080.JPG)

Idk really

But Epstein island human sacrifices

Were probably for mavet and Baal to stare at ra

Cause their other means were destroying planet

5b7650  No.4048663


I find this circumstantial AND very interesting.

The detractors who criticize your speculation have no proof and no vested interest to 'correct' you if you are wrong so I ask, Why does the detractor care to such an extent that a personal attack is warranted?


c311b3  No.4048664


secret trial is not justice, it's a lynch mob.

98d59f  No.4048665


If Mueller is black hat, why is Corsi under fire?

Also, if Mueller is White hat, why is Corsi under fire?

different reason, depending on what Mueller is

b8bcd4  No.4048666


Remember, Apple wanted to buy conde naste a few months ago


95d130  No.4048667


The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade, you make the change

You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane

You lock the door

And throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me.

Hey I'm nuts . I'm glad I'm here .just like you are … idiot

8c3dcc  No.4048668


No one cares about your feelz. In case you are slow of the mind Q does things on their own time frame and will not be hurried by shills or Jews or trolls or faggot anons.

They are using us as a tool. To threaten and intimidate. They also are using this platform to teach and illuminate the anons.

6806e3  No.4048669


Yeah, down to the day and even called it months before.

But Q is "muh LARP".


a07c36  No.4048670


"Collateral Murder" - Soros wanted the Iraq invasion to end?

iD10T error.

7fffca  No.4048671


Old Christmas = January 7th

When switching from Julian to the Gregorian calendar 11 days were dropped to make up for the calendar discrepancy that had accumulated with the use of the Julian calendar.


0e956b  No.4048672


Interesting, if we take Mueller Angry Dems(Trump Tweet), it equals 13(M) A(1) D(4), and search Q posts for 13:14 (Zulu) it comes up with this post.

I'm not sure what we would do with P(Phony) W(Witch) (H)(Hunt) = 16 23 8. We would obviously limited as we could only have 26 in minutes(With Cap Z) to Q posts. We could get up to 52 if we added 2nd and 3rd cap letter.

Do we have a Q clock in Zulu time?

f080e5  No.4048673

File: ab4316b06ca865c⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 485x428, 485:428, 24232232_412908445795103_3….jpg)


Thanks Baker!

a017d6  No.4048674

File: 709a4c9c3f4c56a⋯.png (72.93 KB, 1030x195, 206:39, ClipboardImage.png)


With pic related as cornerstone of their narrative, what could JA reveal in testimony that blows this clear out of the water?

The real source of the emails..

f062e8  No.4048675

File: 68e56f954a98575⋯.png (195.67 KB, 339x506, 339:506, big July 24.png)

File: b0f47db8d7b4390⋯.png (99.59 KB, 335x362, 335:362, big July 25.png)

File: dd626d9a45dc31d⋯.png (72.53 KB, 335x358, 335:358, big July 29.png)

File: e101d87089eb1ab⋯.png (15.85 KB, 335x75, 67:15, big August 2.png)

File: 66931d30d2b1e25⋯.png (51.98 KB, 332x250, 166:125, big November 12.png)


July 24

July 25

July 29

August 2

November 12

First four would show on 9/30 statement


In value, FB is at the bottom of the list.

(more in a thread - out of image spots.)

98d59f  No.4048676


1) How was Q able to predict the death exactly 30 days in advance?

2) Q eluded to the fact he never had cancer and never had surgery

995386  No.4048677



> 13m13 minutes ago


>In 1977, Harvey Milk’s election marked a moment of hope and progress not only for San Francisco, but the entire nation. It’s truly a testament to his legacy that he is so warmly remembered 40 years after his assassination. Today, we celebrate what Harvey stood for.

After I personally put a bullet in his head.

2583b1  No.4048678


Probably more since we know YT suppresses views.

84ec4f  No.4048679


NoName…AZ Courts 2017…serious accusations!


7f9d86  No.4048680

File: 57150528ee3f0ec⋯.png (226.39 KB, 395x435, 79:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57150528ee3f0ec⋯.png (226.39 KB, 395x435, 79:87, ClipboardImage.png)

20b53e  No.4048681


Not terribly, so boom is moob? Ha, but it's alot like disinfo is nec. A turd in the punchbowl that can be baby ruth or a turd at the same time. Schrodinger turd

9a0ce5  No.4048682

File: 3a5d88ed4a93370⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3308BA5E-6BD6-47B5-AF34-73….png)

File: 0a7bd4f5a50d1d3⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1809, 46:67, FF6200F7-9058-479F-879F-A….jpeg)



7fffca  No.4048685



Make that January 6th

d56783  No.4048686

Paul Manafort Secretly Met With Julian Assange Multiple Times: Report

HuffPost Marina Fang,HuffPost 1 hour 44 minutes ago

President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort secretly met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on multiple occasions, with the last meeting occurring a few months before WikiLeaks released hacked Democratic National Committee emails in the summer of 2016, The Guardian reported Tuesday.

Read the full Guardian report here.

Manafort met with Assange in 2013, 2015 and “around March 2016,” sources told The Guardian. Trump hired him at the end of March.

The details of the meetings were unknown, and Manafort denied The Guardian’s report.

WikiLeaks denied the report in a tweet, saying it “is willing to bet the Guardian a million dollars and its editor’s head that Manafort never met Assange.”

On Monday, special counsel Robert Mueller, investigating Manafort as part of the larger probe into possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia, said Manafort lied to investigators, violating his recent plea deal.

According to The Guardian, Manafort’s first meetings with Assange date back to 2012 and 2013, during his time as a pro-Russian lobbyist in Ukraine.

In August, a federal jury convicted Manafort for money laundering and tax evasion related to his lobbying work. A month later, he agreed to cooperate with Mueller’s investigators. But in court documents on Monday, Mueller’s team said Manafort recently violated the terms of the agreement by lying to federal prosecutors.

In response, Manafort’s attorneys said the complaint is invalid.

Trump responded to the news Tuesday by lashing out at Mueller and accusing him of being “a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue,” and again proclaiming the investigation a “Witch Hunt.”

During his campaign, Trump repeatedly touted the hacked WikiLeaks emails, and in July 2016, called on Russia to “find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” referring to opponent Hillary Clinton’s emails on her personal server. The same day, Russian hackers targeted her personal email, according to the timeline established by Mueller’s indictments this summer.

This story has been updated with additional background and WikiLeaks’ response.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this story said a federal grand jury convicted Manafort in August. It was a federal jury, not grand jury, that convicted him.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.


75c073  No.4048687


>If Mueller is black hat, why is Corsi under fire?

Because he's a controlled op famefag who is easily used by (((them))) as a training dummy to beat on for easy propaganda points, the same as AJ.

>Also, if Mueller is White hat, why is Corsi under fire?

Because he's a controlled op famefag who is easily used by (((them))) as a training dummy to beat on for easy propaganda points, the same as AJ.

Actually it's the same either way.

c3c0f4  No.4048688

File: 4836e309bc14c5e⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 480x486, 80:81, Seth Rich.jpg)


>what could JA reveal in testimony that blows this clear out of the water?

ff67f5  No.4048689

File: 86a3eeb4c194bdf⋯.png (405.93 KB, 1440x1890, 16:21, Wtf 1.png)

File: 73401bbdc398ca3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1440x1677, 480:559, Wtf 2.png)

File: ea1093cf6325610⋯.jpg (205.95 KB, 896x1070, 448:535, DealWithSibel5.jpg)

Jfc. I don't even have to turn theinto a shitpost.

7c43be  No.4048690

File: 66eef5ec65bcd1d⋯.png (172.04 KB, 298x380, 149:190, Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at ….png)

File: e28016185d67c94⋯.png (212.89 KB, 488x346, 244:173, Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at ….png)

File: 995e95e7b996d96⋯.png (321.29 KB, 515x373, 515:373, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

6c4a27  No.4048691




3a0d6c  No.4048692


You mean:

1. Put American troops at risk

2. Soil discontent in the American public with its own military?

Yeah. Sounds like a Soros move to me. The cabal doesn't care who they hurt. Their entire mission is division faggotry.

75c073  No.4048693


Down to the minute, anon :)

6806e3  No.4048695


Mueller is our "slave" and "on a leash" according to Q. Corsi is Mossad and Paytriot according to Q.

Corsi has constantly outed himself every time. We will see what happens next. I don't like Mueller but he is a necessary evil (possibly) and I definitely don't like Corsi so. ..

51160f  No.4048697

File: fb12f2de33aa919⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 908x611, 908:611, 1.JPG)


f062e8  No.4048698

File: 6ad399e7389e81b⋯.png (104.78 KB, 629x595, 37:35, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: e92938450a084c6⋯.png (29.08 KB, 701x222, 701:222, NFLX July 9.png)

>>4048675 (me)

>In value, FB is at the bottom of the list.

List of top value Soros sell offs from 9/30/18 report.

July 24

July 25

July 29

August 2

"Something big about to drop."

NFLX was at a high July 9. (But notice, Soros did not close out position.)

ae335a  No.4048699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conjecture zombies of the thule eugenics felateing a turd and some roadkill for macabre finances

c3c0f4  No.4048700

File: a3e41c0f2a784a3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.48 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, ~~solved.jpg)



c5faee  No.4048701


Very indressing anon, BOOMS on 7th of Jan?

Also, screw the NWO

51160f  No.4048702




566948  No.4048703


No i dont


6806e3  No.4048704

File: cebbe5c6c61f447⋯.png (284.31 KB, 678x514, 339:257, Capture.PNG)

c28e06  No.4048705



febd30  No.4048706

File: d873315cf78595d⋯.jpeg (37.4 KB, 771x452, 771:452, 0C40022C-1E9C-4B24-9E71-B….jpeg)

File: 4f36731ae2a6957⋯.jpeg (174.31 KB, 620x932, 155:233, D92BECE4-3CC4-4500-BEF7-4….jpeg)

File: b1d0cfe5ddad4e8⋯.jpeg (63.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FDCF7B0E-0A79-4C4D-AB63-6….jpeg)

File: c7778dd3e70003f⋯.jpeg (68.05 KB, 618x480, 103:80, C6F7347D-24D2-492A-BB4D-5….jpeg)

43e50b  No.4048707


Killing Moscone and Milk was how she earned her cabal street cred and make way for her political ascension.

c73581  No.4048708

File: 06fad411632dbef⋯.png (571.11 KB, 804x1937, 804:1937, Spinal_Tap_Christmas_Not_F….png)

File: ad34e4d02fc8ff7⋯.png (484.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, spinal_fluid_blood_fallon.png)

As Christmas nears, and Rob Reiner continues to shoot his mouth off about POTUS. It's worth reviewing the words to "Christmas with the Devil" from his movie This is Spinal Tap. and also take a moment to ask why Ryan Reynolds of Aviation Gin would "rather drink spinal fluid"…. That's two people with the initials RR that have a thing with spinal tap/fluid.

ae335a  No.4048709

File: 4d643cac394f805⋯.jpg (388.19 KB, 751x751, 1:1, IMG_3924.JPG)


Die Roth die

9de0d6  No.4048710

I was thinking about how much of this fuckery is tied to satanism/spiritualism/occultism and remembered a name. Helena Blavatsky

In the late 19th and early 20th century, spiritualism and the occult gained in popularity. This was also the time when Darwin and people like him started their shit. You need to stand back, or go to angels 40 to see the overall picture. It is a concerted effort to remove God from society, a fight against God. Whether you believe in God or not is your choice, but you can at least see the machinations of those who are trying to remove Him.

Back to Helena Blavatsky. I was wondering if there was some connection between Helena and Marina Abramović. I didn't find anything but I didn't dig very hard as it was late. In regards to Blavatsky though, I did find something interesting. Theosophical Society.

The Theosophical Society was officially formed in New York City, United States, on 17 November 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others. It was self-described as "an unsectarian body of seekers after Truth, who endeavour to promote Brotherhood and strive to serve humanity." Olcott was its first president, and remained president until his demise in 1907. In the early months of 1875, Olcott and Judge had come to realize that, if Blavatsky was a spiritualist, she was no ordinary one.[2] The society's initial objective was the "study and elucidation of Occultism, the Cabala etc."[3] After a few years Olcott and Blavatsky moved to India and established the International Headquarters at Adyar, in Madras (now Chennai). They were also interested in studying Eastern religions, and these were included in the Society's agenda.[4] After several iterations the Society's objectives evolved to be:

To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.

To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.

To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.





I don't know if this helps or not, but background info always seems to help when figuring out how the past presents itself in the present.

ab9c98  No.4048711


This woman as a death wish! I wish more would have her courage.

f062e8  No.4048712


Wait. What? Any sauce?

08eba2  No.4048713


red scarf and doorknob?

( • )( • )

ff67f5  No.4048714

File: 1ec704887e9b1fa⋯.png (324.61 KB, 1440x1290, 48:43, Wtf 3.png)

File: fe5ea942e1c89b2⋯.png (316.94 KB, 1440x1300, 72:65, Wtf 4.png)

File: 8ce4a834b1cfc5f⋯.png (321.99 KB, 1440x1278, 80:71, Wtf 5.png)

File: a42f357af2fc452⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 444x612, 37:51, DealWithSibel6.jpg)


More changes than fucking Vegas massacre

8fb58e  No.4048715


I hate to complicate this, but the research I did on McShame and Derikpaska last July lead down a bottomless rabbit hold. Here’s a link to some good explanation, but this is a mess to sort out.

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1582 Here’s a little bit of it: involves Bob dole, too. And DJT tweeted about Montenegro possibly leading up to WW3 on 7/24.

“The 40-year old Deripaska is also > politically-connected, having married the daughter of Russia's late President > Boris Yeltsin. Unlike most other Russian tycoons, who now live in exile abroad > and are protected by Israeli passports, Deripaska maintains close relations to > Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and another Russian tycoon, Roman > Abramovich, who was also invested in Russia's aluminum industry. In 2000, > Deripaska merged his firm, Basic Element, with Abramovich's firm, RusAl…

The party was > arranged by McCain's 2000 campaign manager Rick Davis of the Washington > lobbying group Davis Manafort. Attending the meeting in Davos were McCain, > Davis, Deripaska, and Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and John Sununu (R-NH), > as well as the host, Munk. > > On August 29, 2006, McCain attended a dinner party in Montenegro that was > followed by a champagne reception on a yacht that was hosted by Deripaska. > Also reportedly in attendance was Davis, whose lobbying firm was representing > the government of Montenegro; Munk; and Nathan Rothschild…”

566948  No.4048716


>Sen Dianne Feinstein


>Verified account


>13m13 minutes ago


>In 1977, Harvey Milk’s election marked a moment of hope and progress not only for San Francisco, but the entire nation. It’s truly a testament to his legacy that he is so warmly remembered 40 years after his assassination. Today, we celebrate what Harvey stood for.


What raping young boys?

Sounds about right

4d84c6  No.4048717


And MUCH more!






Boeing v Airbus.

What was Q saying about 7/10 crashes?

ae335a  No.4048718

File: 99015b9670687a6⋯.jpg (379.99 KB, 751x751, 1:1, IMG_3877.JPG)


ae335a  No.4048721



dd6554  No.4048722


Fished the Gulf for 5 years, you could catch a fish with a lugi, now you can soak a shrimp till it rots.

Gulf is dead!

6c4a27  No.4048723




56d15d  No.4048724

File: 2094f5cd8e04c98⋯.jpg (121.77 KB, 717x1007, 717:1007, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-4….jpg)

da50bf  No.4048725

File: 622412fed2765a5⋯.png (202.93 KB, 441x301, 63:43, 2018-11-27_11-46-47.png)


You got that right.

He ruins… every single show!

Fox version of a Don Lemonhead.

1738ae  No.4048726

File: 2234aa4390a71ec⋯.png (156.61 KB, 348x364, 87:91, butthurtcream.png)

3a0d6c  No.4048727

File: 215563c938908a2⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1624x4516, 406:1129, Q - No Name Story line.png)


I compiled No Name stuff a while back. Here goes:

436: McCain coordinated transfer of the Dossier to James Comey

The DNC email breach was an insider, Seth Rich. It was declared a hack by Russians by a firm called Crowdstrike. The Defense National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, and Clown (CIA) Director, John Brennan, coordinated the dossier efforts and coverup of Seth's murder for releasing the emails to Wikileaks.

They also coordinated with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to blackmail the DOJ and FBI persons involved in the investigations to cover up the Insurance plan.

The power structure for coordinating the dossier hit job against Trump:

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Loretta Lynch

James Comey

Andrew McCabe

Peter Strzok

Supporting operatives include Chuck Schumer, Nanci Pelosi, Adam Schiff

They engaged British Intelligence (SIS/MI6) to engage in spying on Trump's campaign.

Hillary's campaign (illegal use of funds, anyone?) Paid the DNC which paid Perkins Coie to pay Christopher Steele, coordinating with the Podesta Group (Tony), then Eric Holder, which eventually got the Dossier to McCain.

McCain gives it to James Comey, Comey to Loretta Lynch (coordinating FBI/DOJ control), and eventually up to Barack Obama.

McCain was a part of the Daily Presidential Briefs in Obama's office (why?)

They were shifting the public narrative in efforts to set the stage to prevent Trump becoming president, or remove him after (if he gets elected) - INSURANCE PLAN.

The ramifications of these actions is that the public thinks it's OK to weaponize the US Intelligence agencies Presidential Candidates, those running for Congress, Senate, (using the MSM to shift that view).




524: How money is used to buy politicians

Q is explaining the source/destinations of money transfers for pay-to-play schemes.

For example, Loop Capital was funneling money to Barack, McCain, the Clintons, Nancie Pelosi (and on and on) through other countries.

Q wants us to ask the question how senators, presidents, congresspeople can get right while in office? What votes/policies to they exchange for the $$?

559: Private emails addresses are used to coordinate "Deep State" actions

List of people:

Loretta Lynch, Hillary, James Clapper, James Comey, Chuck Schumer (or Christopher Steele), Andrew McCabe, McCain, Rod Rosenstein, SR, John Brennan, Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama.

They all had @gmail.com addresses and used them to coordinate comms.

Eric Schmidt resigned from Google. He went to NK to setup private gmail comms for the deep state.

732: McCain in Syria (when no one else could get there)

Q lays out McCain's true source of wealth comes from those buying his allegiance; which isn't even a complete list, but you get the point. The McCain institute was a laundering scheme. Note the purpose of the institute:


The opposite is true.

b8bcd4  No.4048728

Continuing the Magic Johnson dig. Found another "fund" of his: Magic Johnson’s Canyon Johnson Urban Funds


A labor dispute between Hudson Meridian Construction and Magic Johnson’s Canyon Johnson Urban Funds is getting ugly. The contractor has threatened to walk off the job at the 20 Henry Street condominium conversion, leading the investment firm to ask a judge to kick them off the Brooklyn Heights site.

7fffca  No.4048729


Still celebrated as Christmas by the Amish.

9b6c59  No.4048730

File: a4a1c20588c9101⋯.png (108.38 KB, 1590x754, 795:377, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Sear….png)


>but I don't believe it, never will.

it's your prerogative to remain ignorant

c28e06  No.4048731


macabre thing about it is that usually those eugenics guys are genetic "Untermenschen" who have to commiefag in secrecy to take out individuals with better genes. (((They))) are projecting their own weaknesses.


29ede9  No.4048732


His (((ethnoreligious background))) indicates yes.

3a0d6c  No.4048733


855: McCain helped to organize trade deals that led to weakened US Military products made with weak steel.

Got pissed when Trump fixed it: https://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2018/3/statement-by-sasc-chairman-john-mccain-on-steel-aluminum-tariffs

1009: How do the institutions raise money?

Trafficking in exchange for funds. Read 732. Donors are international, and trafficking is a huge part of it.

POTUS sent National Guard to block it.

Donors: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-20/mccain-institute-donors-look-disturbingly-similar-clinton-foundation-soros-teneo-sau


1022: McCain getting out of office now that his income source is diminished.

This Q statement comes on April 4th. Arizona was already planning next steps to keep his seat off the Ballots for November:


1086: McCain in Syria, the ISIS nearly takes the whole country over.



Timeframe is important because nobody could get in and out during this period of conflict. After this meeting, Syria is nearly overran:

Isis in Syria Timeline: https://www.cnn.com/2014/08/08/world/isis-fast-facts/index.html

ISIS in Syria Animated Map: https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-animated-map-of-isis-expansion-in-syria-iraq-and-1756464711

Here's what syria looks like now under Trump's presidency:


ISIL/ISIS has nearly lost all ground gained since 2013 (McCain's visit).

1088, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1094, 1095,

Q lays out the spiderweb of connections to Syrian "Freedom" fighters, ISIS, Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), etc. Many of the photos shown are sourced from cell phones. At the time, Blackwater was McCain's security detail. In post 1091, Q is telling us Blackwater was engaged in double agent operations to gather intel. In post 1092, Q is telling us that the photos are sourced from NSA archives; hijacked off cell phones being used (these people are stupid).

1235: Q is telling us that McCain was inextricably tied to the MB through his ties to others in government at the time.


Q is also pointing out that Prince Al-waleed was the one responsible for paying Barack Obama's tuition while at Harvard.


1305: Q signals that McCain is out. This has released Lindsey Graham from binds, and now he's telling all to Q and team.


1326, 1555, 1649: Q is advertising that McCain was involved in meetings with the captured leaders of ISIS.


There is a negotiation in progress on his future. In post 1649, Q reminds us that Kavanough's confirmation is CRUICIAL to the plan. With McCain out of the way, the Supreme Court (SC) vote should go smoothly.

1707: Q tells us that McCain was involved in the FISA process, and even visited UK to help coordinate.

1708, 1764, and 1828 lay out how the cabal worked to put an insurance plan in place to prevent Trump from becoming POTUS or Impeach him should be be elected.

da50bf  No.4048734

File: d902336888a4bb4⋯.png (180.69 KB, 479x322, 479:322, 2018-11-27_11-43-31.png)

83c8b1  No.4048735

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Thick plumes of smoke clouded the French city of Lyon on Tuesday, as firefighters gathered in protests demanding higher salaries, as 'yellow vest' protests against the government continue across France.

Police forces were deployed as Lyon's firefighters blocked the streets of the city and marched towards the Bellecour square with torches and banners.

The firefighters' strike comes just a few days before the popular 'Fete des Lumieres' which attracts thousands of visitors to Lyon.

The "yellow vest" movement has grown in the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

53a0b8  No.4048736

File: a6d43eec57d00b0⋯.png (837.97 KB, 805x775, 161:155, Attack.PNG)

IS this more winning?

We all sit and take it for years and they just keep going.

I will be attacked for posting this and supposedly hinting at violent retaliation.

07d32f  No.4048737


They're just ideas. I usually keep them to myself while I'm still forming them but I like having outside input every now and again.

ff67f5  No.4048738

File: 61f80ea0f9aadc1⋯.png (739.39 KB, 1440x1494, 80:83, uh oh.png)

File: 0639a71e8d5dc49⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1440x1591, 1440:1591, uh oh 2.png)

File: eec82ccaa58276d⋯.png (201.5 KB, 1440x669, 480:223, lmfao.png)

File: ee5633961526b4f⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 400x300, 4:3, DealWithSibel.jpg)


Seriously. Qt bitch kind of crazy.

She gonna get herself Assange'd at this rate.


3e152f  No.4048739


>Oh anon, I’m so, so sorry. Dogs are our world. He was a good boy and will surely get his reward. Hang in there. He’s waiting for you…

ae335a  No.4048740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gabby is a hoss

7917b2  No.4048741

Don't like what's going on here.

Plowing thru dense shillery to reach scattered patriots.

Gonna make some more Q Crumb memes and re_read crumbs.

CU later.

3a0d6c  No.4048742


Last post:

1828: Q lays out the entire spy operation for us to understand.


Spy operation

>[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]?—-?[HRC/DNC]

White house, under Barack, With: Valerie Jarrett, Denis McDonough, Joe Biden, Rahm Emmanuel or R. David Edelman, John Kerry, Samantha Power, Kenneth Merten or Ken Meyer or Keith Maley or Kelly Magsamen ←-> Coordinating with Hillary and the DNC

>[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

CIA and John Brennan (NSA shows POTUS the surveillence of TT ) From Anon >>2534007 "I read that as Brennan and 5 others (ID's classified) at the CIA were running the surveillance on Trump Tower which NSA revealed to POTUS." – Anon was RIGHT!!!

>[DNI [JC]] ^^

DNI = Director of National Intelligence / James Clapper. (Anon mentions this position is a creation from the Trilateral commission – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission)

> ^^^^^ ^^

James Clapper is a member of/contributor to the DNC

>[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]?——–?[BC]*

Dept. of Justice - Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Bruce Ohr - Christopher Steele (Coordinating with UK spy agencies), David Lawrence, [PS], David Laufman, John P. Carlin, Mary McCord, Rachel Brand ←-> Coordinating with Bill Clinton >>>/patriotsfight>>64

> ^^^^^

>[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]?————?[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]

James Comey, Adrew McCabe, James Ryibicki, Michael Steinbach, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, Lis Page, James Baker, Michael Kortan, John P. Carlin or Josh Campbell, Sally Moyer, Tashina Gauhar or Tim Geitner, Kevin Clinesmith - Coordinate with Hillary, Bill Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2533736.html#2534477 – and the MSM

> ^^^^

These people coordinate with the MSM to give them their 4am talking points. These are the player in Mockingbird; these are the folks that coordinated with the MSM.


> ^^^^

Songbird was being FED the POTUS Daily Breif regarding the FBI Investigation by John Brennan and James Clapper

>[FUSION GPS](Shell2)?——–(CS)——-?[NO NAME]

Christopher Steele gave the Fusion Dossier to Songbird

>[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

Perkins Coie is a law firm that was used to transmit the dossier.

>[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^

Washington Free Beacon is a shell "journalism" company, that was used to act as a cointelpro operation to expose wrong-doing by supposed bad actors. They aren't right-wingers. They are subversive.


Hillary, John Podesta, Robby Mook and the DNC with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and James Comey coordinated with the UK's Prime Minister (David Cameron)/MI6/SIS to conduct Spy Operations on POTUS ←-> Coordinated with Christopher Steele (Does Sergei Millan fit in?)

>*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

The Clintons met with Loretta Lynch to BRIBE her with a Supreme Court nomination in exchange for KEEPING QUIET!!!! ←————- THIS IS BIG!

>*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Has Loretta Lynch flipped since then?

>Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

Obama issued 3 separate National Security Orders (that Trump now knows of because he has the power to DECLASSIFY!!!) (Working from bottom to top of the Heirarchy (Read above)) That instructs the FBI and DOJ to carry out this plan. This was the insurance plan!!! Straight from the office of the President of the United States of America!!!!!!!

>FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They used the UK spying agencies to assist in falsifying the entire thing because if the CIA had done it, it's be WHOLLY ILLEGAL, even for clandestine operations, because it would have happened on AMERICAN SOIL. Five Eyes Operations aren't covered by the Constitution of the United States!!!

>They NEVER thought she would lose.

56d15d  No.4048743

File: 1dbb3d09de036c3⋯.jpg (106.73 KB, 722x716, 361:358, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-4….jpg)

30b231  No.4048744


You scared? His trial is actually very relevant to everything going on. Perhaps you are in the wrong place "anon".

b8bcd4  No.4048745


This article lists: Leviathan Construction Management

which brings up:

Contractor, 2 developers accused of racketeering


566948  No.4048747

Q provided me with a nice big helping of anti psychotics and the mk ultra beam

Trusting the plan fully

Praise israel

8c3dcc  No.4048748


Did they get her to do it as an initiantion thing? Like Lady Gaga pushing her friend off the balcony or Kanye arranging for his mom to get a hot shot of heroin to kill her for his career? Or Ashton Kutcher arranging for his girlfriend to be murdered as an offering for his career? Or Dave Navarro having his Church of Satan mom killed for his career?

You have to prove worthy before they will start doing stuff to boost your career?

56d15d  No.4048749

File: d6ff997fccf58a7⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 740x467, 740:467, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-4….jpg)

ae335a  No.4048750

File: 61ef5c0a3ecdbd2⋯.jpg (159.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_2481.JPG)

File: dc454ac7f891e32⋯.jpg (659.46 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_2484.JPG)

File: 90736d671273225⋯.jpeg (217.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2A3327A2-C7E6-4433-A807-E….jpeg)

File: 9d5bae6d5f627dd⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2490.JPG)

140866  No.4048751


voter fraud is real in California.

no hope for RED WAVE.

56d15d  No.4048752

File: 12a2efa631f2301⋯.jpg (114.62 KB, 746x758, 373:379, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

51ae9a  No.4048753

File: 30a2b6f2a829228⋯.png (484.57 KB, 394x422, 197:211, zzzxxccccvvvvb.PNG)


keeps announcing filters like a true pussy .

6c4a27  No.4048754




a07c36  No.4048755

File: 25b17b4635e6d63⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 420x291, 140:97, bib.jpg)

File: b698c2ca6b861ca⋯.jpg (116.77 KB, 716x500, 179:125, alt write.jpg)


that is so weak. Soros is not JA backer. (((they))) worked so hard to justify invasion…

>and "soil discontent" is so low IQ i have to filter now. you are describing your diaper.

56d15d  No.4048756

File: 4a5608af2bbb7f2⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 729x724, 729:724, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)


ae335a  No.4048757



5c02f5  No.4048758

File: 02b70d15d0743e8⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1024x996, 256:249, 02b70d15d0743e85feb130fcc7….png)

56d15d  No.4048759

File: 482b6aff95f578b⋯.jpg (109.17 KB, 743x721, 743:721, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)


ae335a  No.4048760

File: fbf8f3000a4ab33⋯.jpg (417.91 KB, 751x751, 1:1, IMG_3848.JPG)

56d15d  No.4048761

File: b9d883c4733df4a⋯.jpg (163.44 KB, 729x792, 81:88, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

4a709f  No.4048762


Yes, they did. She's done a lot worse than that. And her and Nancy Pelosi were fucking around with the likes of Jim Jones around that time as well, who was also a democratic leader.

3363b7  No.4048763


Here is his resignation letter.

Dear Mr. President: When the Supreme Court rises for the summer recess this year, I intend to retire from regular active service as a Justice, under the provisions of 28 US.C. § 371(b)(l), having attained the age and met the service requirements of subsection(c) of that section. I mean to continue to render substantial judicial service as an Associate Justice. Yours respectfully,



8c3dcc  No.4048764


Filtering is for the Jews. Never filter.

b8bcd4  No.4048765

Johnson Brings Magic to Urban Development

Basketball legend's fund has raised $1B, despite realty slump

Amid the subprime and recession chaos sits a gleaming urban development fund that has banked $1 billion with basketball legend Magic Johnson at the helm. The Canyon-Johnson Urban Fund has already completed major projects in Hollywood and Chicago, reports the LA Times, and, Johnson says, "The potential for revitalization in ethnically diverse communities is nearly limitless."

The fund is thriving, despite the national real estate slump. "Demand for affordable housing and community-serving retail is only going to increase," says Bobby Turner, a managing partner. Johnson says he listens closely to urban residents about what they want in their neighborhoods. "We don't just go in and build what we want," he says.


cb4519  No.4048767


Signaling an assassination of someone to come?

f062e8  No.4048768


Epiphany Sunday January 6

Would love big habbenings for "epiphany."

ae335a  No.4048769

File: ef5aafd7fd1c1e6⋯.jpg (282.38 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, IMG_3833.JPG)

That's a bagina


56d15d  No.4048770

File: 7a021e2d57a1fc4⋯.jpg (156.31 KB, 729x722, 729:722, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

Nov. 27 (UPI) – The South Korean government has given permission to a local humanitarian group to travel to North Korea amid concerns sanctions are interfering with aid to ordinary North Koreans.

The Korean Sharing Movement will travel to North Korea on Wednesday, and 14 of its staff members will be staying in the country for four days, Yonhap reported Tuesday.


4d84c6  No.4048771


I bet the reconvene on the 5th. ;)

b8bcd4  No.4048772

Canyon-Johnson Urban Fund And Lowe Enterprises Purchase Iconic Hilton Washington For $290 Million

In one of the largest hotel acquisitions in Washington, D.C. history, the Canyon-Johnson Urban Fund (CJUF) and Lowe Enterprises Investors today announced the purchase from Hilton Hotels Corporation of the iconic Hilton Washington hotel near Dupont Circle for $290 million. The new ownership team will invest in excess of $100 million in a top-to-bottom renovation of the legendary hotel that has been the site of prestigious gatherings hosted by U.S. presidents, world leaders and other prominent figures since opening in 1965. The CJUF/Lowe Enterprises joint venture have entered into a long-term management agreement with Hilton Hotels Corporation.


43e50b  No.4048773


What, if anything, did Deripaska (and Manafort) have against Podesta and/or Hillary?

Was there a motive for them to hack Podesta and give the goods to JA?

Because everything else says they were on HER side.

7917b2  No.4048774

File: 97ecef1a4cd50ca⋯.jpg (58.24 KB, 499x405, 499:405, MaxineLowIQIndiv.jpg)

File: 8d234ccb373c3a2⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 549x458, 549:458, low-iq-maxine.jpg)

File: 5570147fd40e9db⋯.png (410.21 KB, 931x524, 931:524, MaxineLowIQ.png)

File: cdef16e95ed9e95⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 665x540, 133:108, MaxineProudLowIQ.jpg)

File: 2f0ad18a882abc9⋯.jpg (130.96 KB, 955x500, 191:100, MaxinePawn.jpg)

480b59  No.4048775

File: 44ad137ffbbf089⋯.jpg (107.85 KB, 888x499, 888:499, aaa.jpg)

53a0b8  No.4048776



c1ba19  No.4048777

File: c44acd2ba3a1894⋯.jpg (587.47 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181127-115131….jpg)

Interesting thoughts here.


be1551  No.4048778

File: 1af529a04a7071f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt46v2wcastlegrr….png)


An old clock for the KEYWORD.

5c02f5  No.4048779

File: ffcb0e3760d08fc⋯.png (211.93 KB, 514x481, 514:481, ClipboardImage.png)

Lady Frijoles was arrested. KEK!

8fb58e  No.4048780


Thanks. The stuff I got goes back almost 20 years. That's how long these creeps have been woven together.

Just can't imagine how Q keeps it all straight. But what they're doing involves graft going back a long way. And it does involve Russia big time. All the way back to Yeltsin.

56d15d  No.4048781

File: b6f20d536bae604⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 726x912, 121:152, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)


f062e8  No.4048782


Do anons get 12 days of Christmas this year?

ccbf97  No.4048783

File: 2b6f8939cf9af7d⋯.jpg (511.87 KB, 1024x711, 1024:711, run.jpg)

f0f563  No.4048784

File: acb28933c5984e7⋯.png (447.92 KB, 659x705, 659:705, Corey re Fox Op Ed 11-27-1….PNG)

File: 6d1b1ff1d1fd4d8⋯.png (510.74 KB, 640x465, 128:93, 1 Corey Fox Op Ed 11-27-18.PNG)

File: d5e5c9a2acd8653⋯.png (104.54 KB, 488x900, 122:225, 2 Corey Fox Op Ed 11-27-18.PNG)

File: 975a853dfe6f594⋯.png (100.27 KB, 539x769, 539:769, 3 Corey Fox Op Ed 11-27-18.PNG)


David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski: This is how the Deep State is undermining President Trump



Video of Corey and David speaking with Kilmeade in link / Manafort and Corsi are mentioned in the beginning

51ae9a  No.4048785

File: 55a068f7b792466⋯.png (752.25 KB, 1258x733, 1258:733, 55a068f7b792466e6908f609cf….png)

75c073  No.4048786



Is there anything more worthless than faggots who are so retarded they have to filter everyone because they don't have the capacity to just read past the posts?

Only one thing: the faggots who lack self-awareness to the point that they brag about their faggotry and comment each time they filter someone.

3a0d6c  No.4048787

File: a68ce86c1ec9169⋯.png (931.48 KB, 700x980, 5:7, 3b672c4f9878b69a64f0956b9f….png)


Nothing like a dose of ad hominem to get you going in the am.

ff67f5  No.4048788


I hope she has some dirt on Ecuador too.

Holy shit i caught up on some sleep last night and woke up to her getting even worse. She gonna be hashtagging #cianiggers soon.

ae335a  No.4048789

File: f66d3ec6a9c3f60⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_3792.JPG)

The switch to oumi had lots of anxiety too

6915ea  No.4048790


Stripes. Tactical RV.

b8bcd4  No.4048791


This investment fund has a social agenda — and high-profile backers

An associate of 1980s junk bond king Michael Milken who made a fortune in real estate, Turner is now turning that personal philosophy into action.

He set up a company last year called Turner Impact Capital that seeks investors to pay for blue-collar housing, promising returns more typical of conventional money-making businesses.

In Los Angeles, former Lakers star Magic Johnson had that credibility, having surprised real estate experts with the success of an upscale theater complex he opened in economically challenged South Los Angeles. Turner was introduced to Johnson in 1998 and during a Lakers game the two discussed the idea of starting a fund for urban real estate investments.

Turner and Johnson launched the Canyon Johnson Urban Fund in 2001 and raised nearly $2 billon for such developments, including an apartment and retail complex at Sunset and Vine in Hollywood. But much of the development was upscale and didn't address the needs of lower-income residents.

So, two years ago, Turner left Canyon to form his Impact Capital, which he decided would be profitable and different from other low-income housing developers, which are typically nonprofit and rely on government subsidies or tax breaks.

That approach captured the interest of Ackman, the New York hedge fund manager best known in Los Angeles for his attacks on supplement maker Herbalife.


5b1b47  No.4048792


Great synopsis. Has some sauce. Would be convenient to have more, but that's a good reason to find it for ourselves. TY.

56d15d  No.4048793

File: e44116480accf42⋯.jpg (70.21 KB, 741x399, 13:7, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) – The Turkish military allegedly ‘neutralized’ 12 members of the Kurdish-led Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) during their attacks in northern Iraq and southeast Turkey this week.

According to the Turkish Ministry of Defense, their air force conducted several airstrikes over Iraq’s Zap and Metina regions, inflicting at least four casualties in the ranks of the PKK….


f062e8  No.4048794


Anons say AP Politics is full of shit.

9a0ce5  No.4048795

File: c733e5dc6ce13a0⋯.jpeg (802.41 KB, 1242x1500, 207:250, A80D7D07-18DA-430B-95DD-B….jpeg)

Well, this just got interesting.

A “well placed” source for the UK Guardian says former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort held “secret talks” with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange around the time he became a key figure in the Trump presidential campaign.

Manafort allegedly visited Assange in 2013, 2015 and the spring of 2016, just months before thousands of hacked DNC emails were leaked by the publication. He denies any involvement in the hack.


c3c0f4  No.4048796


Here we go again with the "But the children…" card.

11adb7  No.4048797

File: 704d9514eb563f1⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, DtBfPhlW0AIqsYH.jpg)

'Cokehead' Louise Mensch accuses Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv of being a Russian asset.

53fbe9  No.4048798


>They're just ideas.

Makes more sense than what I'd been thinking and your ideas seem to hint as to why Muler is going after Roger Stone & Corsi, that is, to get to JA. Muler is really stretching this thin it seems and is now after Manafort for blowing up the SC recent lies that just hit the Guardian.

da50bf  No.4048799

File: 200d7e7c53b6cd0⋯.png (82.54 KB, 474x471, 158:157, 2018-11-27_11-53-43.png)


More winning!

05e0c8  No.4048800

File: 8efb22824b51b1e⋯.jpg (127.14 KB, 1170x1151, 1170:1151, 8efb22824b51b1ef172dfd6f1b….jpg)


you're gonna agree with trump that there's no global warming as part of your slide on a post about a solar minimum causing global cooling. genius level sliding.


also research Theodor Landscheidt

56d15d  No.4048801

File: 611ae793901c6bc⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 741x673, 741:673, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

File: 83096aa0c49feca⋯.jpg (137.43 KB, 519x927, 173:309, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)


c5faee  No.4048802


Day change noted, thank you Anon.

Epiphany sounds appropriate.

America (the world) will be united!

Hope so

14a5d2  No.4048803

File: 58276a9ca2092e1⋯.png (981.24 KB, 1358x1528, 679:764, ClipboardImage.png)

……maybe POTUS really is just deep state controlled opposition…to make us think we are winning……when in fact nothing has changed

2b3800  No.4048804


Flynn Jr supports POTUS on Twatter, so I figured that was always bullshit that the Gen flipped.

ae335a  No.4048805

File: 2c86086ed789f62⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 700x828, 175:207, IMG_3523.JPG)

File: e0242cb80fbe24e⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 810x503, 810:503, IMG_3533.JPG)

File: f6d5b88f85466d1⋯.jpeg (648.48 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 120C5648-BD05-40C2-923A-F….jpeg)

File: 82b7ff1b51911d0⋯.jpg (57.02 KB, 244x420, 61:105, IMG_3686.JPG)

264eb1  No.4048806

File: 95dae7941829f8d⋯.jpg (100.84 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 14eacacedf616c5b8714287296….jpg)

File: 6648840d1730ed3⋯.jpg (698.9 KB, 3005x1690, 601:338, 3VHTMCHRCMI6RGOCZ7FG7T3BBQ.jpg)

Don't know if mentioned .

Pic 1

Woman and 3 kids

2 wearing pants

Pic 2

Same woman with different outfit

2 of the same kids no pants on

The little girl who was wearing pants now wearing just a diaper

56d15d  No.4048807


It is, counter views are good to know, their fake side is good to learn

11adb7  No.4048808

File: 3d7cee115b4b1bd⋯.jpg (123.76 KB, 960x913, 960:913, DtBdXz-W0AIj3pb.jpg)

63d474  No.4048809

File: ba3a4deb1f09eae⋯.png (792.88 KB, 508x765, 508:765, ClipboardImage.png)

The Rise of the Technocrats and Can They Be Stopped


Many people question the wisdom of having a risky “smart grid” being imposed upon them and then ask, “Why? Why would people in authority ignore the tremendous risks associated with this technology?” To fully answer this question, it first helps to gain a better awareness of how the “smart grid” fits into the larger picture of a troublesome transformation that is occurring within our society. Although the signs of this transformation are evident, its careful orchestration is being carried out “under the radar” by people who should properly be characterized as “Technocrats.”

5c02f5  No.4048810


The ending better have a Shamallamadingdong twist.

75c073  No.4048811

File: b7a7cd6df75c443⋯.png (962.05 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, b7a7cd6df75c443800354a30cb….png)

5749cb  No.4048812



PANIC in the UK

95d130  No.4048813


The world is basically run by the occult and has been ever since the fall of man in the garden of Eden . As Q said this is good vs evil

Luke 4

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Basically all religions can be traced back to the tower of babel


Animism (from Latin anima, "breath, spirit, life")[1][2] is the religious belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence.[3][4][5][6] Potentially, animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork and perhaps even words—as animated and alive. Animism is the world's oldest religion, "Animism predates any form of organized religion and is said to contain the oldest spiritual and supernatural perspective in the world. It dates back to the Paleolithic Age, to a time when … humans roamed the plains hunting and gathering, and communing with the Spirit of Nature."[7]

Animism is used in the anthropology of religion as a term for the belief system of many indigenous peoples,[8] especially in contrast to the relatively more recent development of organised religions.[9] Although each culture has its own different mythologies and rituals, "animism" is said to describe the most common, foundational thread of indigenous peoples' "spiritual" or "supernatural" perspectives. The animistic perspective is so widely held and inherent to most indigenous peoples that they often do not even have a word in their languages that corresponds to "animism" (or even "religion");[10] the term is an anthropological construct.


ae335a  No.4048814

File: f9d56bd729f0ea7⋯.jpg (321.41 KB, 751x601, 751:601, IMG_3900.JPG)

f062e8  No.4048815


Yep. Have to watch it pour out in order to know what (((they))) are afraid of us knowing.

3a0d6c  No.4048816


I imagine this plan has been in the works for decades. NSA would have a complete picture and slide show/visio with timelines, etc.

Trust your military!

b8bcd4  No.4048817


Key Executives For Canyon-Johnson Urban Funds LLC

Joshua Stephan Friedman Managing Partner 62

Kenneth Robert Turner Managing Partner 55

John Paul Plaga CFA, CPA Chief Financial Officer

Richard D. Holly Managing Director

Earvin Johnson Jr. Managing Director 59

4d2638  No.4048818



98d59f  No.4048819


Im just trying to figure out the advantage of going after AJ and JC. I get that Mueller has to front like he is a black hat, but how does going after them give off the appearance he is bad?

9a3797  No.4048820

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, crimsonpain.jpg)

File: 59df03ed6ec2ff9⋯.jpg (832.74 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, whitepain.jpg)

File: 58a232985e41e6a⋯.jpg (961.5 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, bluesteelpain.jpg)


Exactly, they know whats coming down the pipe.

9e76da  No.4048821



It says that embassy security have no visits from Manafort logged. The source is anonymous member of Ecuadorian intel supposedly. Clown bullshit all the way. Plus the entire premise of the story (Russian hacked emails for DNC) we know to be false and Seth Rish (DNC insider murdered) was the source.

be4279  No.4048822

File: 2fb555fb5ff8900⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 636x715, 636:715, Decatur.JPG)

a07c36  No.4048823


"vast right-wing something" SHE really needs new writers. but SHE is too arrogant. SHE is always the smartest person in the room, just ask HER.

56d15d  No.4048824

File: 3fe9c40bfb4348f⋯.jpg (135.53 KB, 730x743, 730:743, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

Pres. Trump Defends Border Agents For Using Tear Gas


2b3800  No.4048825


She can't suggest giving to Fire Victims either, just like Duhlyssa.

a51d17  No.4048826

File: 6793b5076aa05b0⋯.png (628.24 KB, 685x499, 685:499, ClipboardImage.png)

2aadaa  No.4048827

File: dff3555abf2cf38⋯.gif (168.52 KB, 220x220, 1:1, santa_waving_md_wm.gif)



ae335a  No.4048828

File: 84e8c7aca176b02⋯.jpg (70.66 KB, 500x361, 500:361, IMG_3473.JPG)

File: f7e25772ce26c84⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 540x960, 9:16, IMG_3555.JPG)

File: 26e72a4757ca5c9⋯.jpg (164.55 KB, 869x960, 869:960, IMG_3714.JPG)

File: 1e42c9975549682⋯.png (580.74 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 7E227181-EE68-4911-BCEA-94….png)

File: 75acc9eb4bb917b⋯.jpg (80.09 KB, 665x960, 133:192, IMG_3720.JPG)

a07c36  No.4048829


last post of yours i will see.

f0f563  No.4048830


>David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski: This is how the Deep State is undermining President Trump

The interview is really good / listen if you can

Bossie explains Manafort's relationship and close history with Roger Stone and then says we call him [Manafort] a RAT in the book….

8fb58e  No.4048831


I don't know about this stuff. The anon that responded with a long couple posts of Q statements would probably provide you with answer.

I was more interested in the doing of McShame way before all that, tho it all probably ties together.

These peripheral skanks have been tied together for a long time and I get the impression they were essential for the DS's plan to destroy America. Just analysis there, tho.

56d15d  No.4048832

File: d603b65474094c8⋯.jpg (105.97 KB, 732x762, 122:127, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)


b8bcd4  No.4048833


>Joshua Stephan Friedman


Assets under management: $23 billion

The Milken Institute Global Conference and its approximately 3,000 attendees may as well be a giant game of Six Degrees of Michael Milken. Though his own program biography understandably omits any reference to Drexel and his time in jail, the panels are populated by the defunct investment bank’s vast diaspora. Among them: Joshua Friedman, co-founder of Canyon Partners; Jonathan Sokoloff, managing partner of Leonard Green; Ted Virtue, chief of MidOcean Partners and; Andrew Whittaker, vice chairman of Jefferies.


6582ee  No.4048834

File: f00963c413eb8be⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 624x499, 624:499, f00963c413eb8be5f2c8d26560….jpg)

File: 22f8c89ee2ec883⋯.jpeg (13.84 KB, 255x246, 85:82, f262272e63d37e9a587c0ee61….jpeg)


This chaos is amazing. The more chaos the better. My Tzu is loving every second.

56d15d  No.4048835

File: 0b32b91d656926b⋯.jpg (132.94 KB, 730x756, 365:378, Screenshot 2018-11-27_11-5….jpg)

cf860c  No.4048836

File: ed5e210498620b1⋯.png (155.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

14a5d2  No.4048837

File: 2d93ebcdb910bb0⋯.png (734.54 KB, 1642x1012, 821:506, ClipboardImage.png)

….if genders aren't real….then there can be NO gender discrimination…

febd30  No.4048838

File: 8015808777b30b4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1186x1428, 593:714, 23499826-E13A-4CF5-ABF6-26….png)

File: 88957d826f8bc10⋯.jpeg (74.64 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 681ADC05-22B0-4226-9B94-7….jpeg)

File: b05910666390e26⋯.jpeg (908.05 KB, 1125x1855, 225:371, 3C52FB59-6B2F-4BC4-AD19-5….jpeg)

ae335a  No.4048839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c3c0f4  No.4048840

File: c9e222dea13a979⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 341x376, 341:376, handrubbingintensifies.gif)


← "Don't worry, I think I found a letter in my desk that will put an end to that."

5c37fd  No.4048841

File: 06b5346d0ca8f54⋯.png (71.86 KB, 642x564, 107:94, bren.PNG)

someone's feelz are edgy


d9dd36  No.4048842

File: f46e42f6d737d2e⋯.jpg (1018.03 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 2 - bNx8Fan.jpg)

File: 8ae8cbc9b6b0ef2⋯.jpg (662.53 KB, 1836x3264, 9:16, Tarp.jpg)

File: a0f5883cddc327a⋯.jpg (689.36 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1 - TWW7VXy.jpg)

File: a1730c239314ec8⋯.jpg (479.47 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 4 - 26GvQmD.jpg)

File: ba7473ae98503d9⋯.jpg (279.87 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 3 - NOTP7wt.jpg)


>satanic panic

Daycares mcmartin masonic satanic west memphis 3 masonic satanic tunnels mcmartin ted gunderson precurser to fake news satanic panic mass hysteria false memory syndrome daycares cults.

a81e52  No.4048843


Yes… you sit and take it until POTUS decides

11adb7  No.4048844

Why was Nancy Pelosi's family making leveraged long bets on tens of millions of dollars worth of shares in Amazon, Facebook, and Apple in the last month?

The positions are likely due to her husband of 50 years, Paul Pelosi - a wealthy businessman from San Francisco.

Paul Pelosi’s exact net worth is not known, but in 2014, Nancy reported between $43.4 million and $202 million in assets.

With Nancy battling the increasingly socialist progressives of her 'new' party to maintain her role as leader, one wonders what Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders will make of this ugly capitalism being unleashed at such an opportune time.

(…also we note that the investments have taken a more serious tumble in the weeks since Democrats won the House in the Midterms).


c1dbc1  No.4048845

File: a796934c61f5fe6⋯.png (275.25 KB, 1448x931, 1448:931, Q FRNTANYL AND VANCOUVER R….PNG)

File: 1c1c36a9e20987b⋯.png (205.15 KB, 746x914, 373:457, Q FRNTANYL2 AND VANCOUVER ….PNG)

File: 697fa196da30fa4⋯.png (507.1 KB, 662x913, 662:913, Q FRNTANYL32 AND VANCOUVER….PNG)

Fentanyl kings in Canada allegedly linked to powerful Chhttps://globalnews.ca/news/4658158/fentanyl-kingpins-canada-big-circle-boys/?utm_source=notification/inese gang, the Big Circle Boys

9a0ce5  No.4048846


Oh, I agree w you 100%. What I mean by interesting is Dan Bongino seems to be slipping. Me thinks he’s one of those fake supporters & his true colors are showing.

a07c36  No.4048847

File: 8d95a2a138936b9⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 630x354, 105:59, big ufo.jpg)

078701  No.4048848

Report from an ExPat in Mexico

This will be a bit long and some will choose not to read it, but, after reading multiple posts about the caravan, I thought it might be a good idea to provide information from a Mexico point of view. My information comes primarily from Mexican news sources, not American.

The organizers of the caravans is a group called People Without Borders. They began to organize the caravan in August, by posting on social media. They are currently in the process of organizing a "super caravan", scheduled to leave Honduras on January 15. 85% of the caravan consists of young men. Women and children compose the rest, but were placed at the front, particularly while the American news people were following them. The caravan tore down the fence between Mexico and Guatemala, over running the police. Along the way, the Mexican people have been warm and friendly, bringing food, blankets, toiletries etc. Upon arrival in Mexico City, they demanded that the UN provide them with buses. The U.N. declined. However, the migrants did begin to get rides on trucks and buses. It should be noted that the current President offered asylum and jobs, which they turned down. Two weeks ago, 3000 migrants arrived in Tijuana. Another 3000 arrived this past week. More are expected everyday. When some arrived, they went to the beach area, causing so many problems, the local residents contacted the Mayor. He met with them, then arranged transportation for the migrants to the sports complex. The locals brought them food, which they refused because they didn't like it. The locals use the word "invasion" to describe what is going on. Last week, a local teenage girl was raped and killed and a police officer stabbed. There is wide spread use of drugs, and multiple arrests.

This has affected the jobs of many of the locals. Many people work along the border lanes, selling food, souvenirs, etc. All lost income yesterday due to the border closure. Tourism was down 40% over the 4 day holiday. The argument of "brown" hating doesn't apply when the Mexicans themselves are chanting "Trump is right" and the TJ mayor wears a hat saying Make Tijuana Great Again.

A country can be compassionate and still be lawful. Yes, the migrants have the right to walk across the US border and request asylum. Walking is not the same as rushing or tearing down a wall. The migrants violated the law of Mexico. If asylum is the goal, a migrant can also walk into any consulate and request asylum. There are 6 US consulates in Mexico, including Mexico City. In addition, there are pedestrian lanes. They could have stood in line and walked across. They still could do that, but chose to rush the border and throw rocks and stones at CBP. They have not made a good impression and they Mexican people want them deported to their home country.

There is more, but I think that's probably enough for now.

75c073  No.4048849


I see the "filter everyone" shills are still trying hard today.

It's so cute to see you rotate through the strategies, watching prove limp and ineffectual, then move on to another.

No anon filters other anons anymore. Literally every person suggesting to do so is an enemy.

We see you.

2afde9  No.4048850

quit quoting the bible…..for the love of god…have you learned no thing…..

14a5d2  No.4048851

File: 5f802b0e715bbd1⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1882x1926, 941:963, ClipboardImage.png)

Day by Day this circus grows in its Insanity

566948  No.4048853


What do you mean maybe anon

The jews do this shit every 8,years

Im mad at myself for falling for it

b113a0  No.4048854

File: 3498d929c41c571⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 400x424, 50:53, jj.jpg)

140866  No.4048855


true colors.


56d15d  No.4048856

File: 003ba7c06169be6⋯.jpg (126.89 KB, 736x757, 736:757, Screenshot 2018-11-27_12-0….jpg)

Breaking: Russian court charges 12 Ukrainian sailors for trespassing

The Russian Investigative Committee has opened two criminal cases over the attacks on Russian diplomatic missions in Ukraine after the Kerch Strait incident.

“The main directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee has initiated two criminal cases on the basis of the offense under Article 360 Part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (“Attacks on persons or buildings under international protection”),” Committee Spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko informed TASS.

“According to the investigation, on November 25-26, 2018, unidentified persons, acting in a group with intent and prior agreement, carried out attacks on the building of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Kiev with the aim to complicate relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The attackers threw smoke grenades and other pyrotechnic articles on its territory,” she added.

On November 26, radical groups conducted a similar attack on the Russian General Consulate in Kharkov.

“Embassy buildings and their property receive international protection and immunity in accordance with the norms of international law, and, of course, the attackers were aware of that,” Petrenko stressed.

“The Investigative Committee is taking all existing legal measures aimed at identifying the persons involved in carrying out these offences,” she stressed.


da50bf  No.4048857

File: 2303d7e181f63de⋯.png (217 KB, 469x263, 469:263, 2018-11-27_11-59-51.png)


It's a guy?

Oh, it's Microsoft Transgenderism software.

Where's EBOT when you need him?


7c32d0  No.4048858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminds me of my dog.

27a34b  No.4048859



That big plug of BP muck in the gulf of Mexico, look at the charts!!

c1dbc1  No.4048860



Correct link

f062e8  No.4048862


That hook in the Gulf of Mexico.

Anons remember where that hot vent was a few months ago? Off the coast Louisiana, I thought.

9e76da  No.4048863


Many just believe the mocking bird media until disproven. He is just showing his ignorance on the topic.

d749da  No.4048864

File: 76c2119323f9077⋯.png (921.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7d78ef56794449⋯.png (134.42 KB, 1341x279, 149:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78110962bb2199d⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1450x1483, 1450:1483, ClipboardImage.png)

i think Q chooses popular AUS Qtuber because JA is AUS

you have the site, we have the source

wikileaks, JA

them, us

a deeper dig will show the we have the source search term on Q posts usually includes a wikileaks tweet

JA was publisher of wikileaks

pic 3 is anon pointing out that PF 115 was 115 days ago (yesterday) and its the wikileaks 2016 bombshell

8fb58e  No.4048865


I don’t care about the HRC horror video.

It’s what you suggest that will fascinate me!


cf860c  No.4048866

File: b29d98f4cc34783⋯.png (739.83 KB, 630x747, 70:83, ClipboardImage.png)

7803c0  No.4048867

File: 737aaa76882022b⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 5Brennan_Leah_Millis_Reute….jpg)

b8bcd4  No.4048868



joshua Friedman of Canyon Capital Partners: with wife Beth, gave $5,400 between 2013 and 2015

4d84c6  No.4048869

File: 092bf5135abe149⋯.png (23.32 KB, 289x292, 289:292, meinneger.png)


Where my dawgs at?

8ad2da  No.4048871

File: f81097be196416d⋯.jpg (328.89 KB, 751x419, 751:419, IMG_3906.JPG)


Let's hope it's feinsteins suicide letter

e64b40  No.4048872


There's no evidence that it's man made.

That is the implication which you are avoiding with your carefully crafed accusation.

The Sun and Jupiter control the weather here, as in other places in the solar system.

This "scientific" climate consensus that Trump is disagreeing with, is itself flawed. Slide all you want, I agree with Trump because my own research agrees with his statement Man made global warming climate change global cooing is a crock of shit to sell carbon credits. [They] can't even figure out what to call it, the science is so settled ;p

Or, tax the Sun, it's the Sun's fault ;p

28c534  No.4048873


Kid should have taken the hat off and left it on his desk.

c5faee  No.4048874


Can you fucken read?

Angry Dems turned on Corsi.

Angry Dems wanted him to lie.

DJT doesn't call the shill Corsi a hero.

Fuck's sake it's written right there?

cb4519  No.4048875


Sorry… phonefagging…. list number of days between each of those dates( 1,4….) and see if it matches up to THAT specific Q drop number. Does that give us any insight? Just spitballing….

51ae9a  No.4048876

File: 43a0b755aad06e6⋯.jpg (15.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


wat is on his bass ?

990fee  No.4048877


Or maybe its all fake news?

616dfe  No.4048878

>>4047797 (Coupla breads back)

Who says that Manafort actually met with Assange? I believe the story to be fake news. The only sauce for it is a mysterious source that allegedly gave the information to a staunchly anti-Trump, lefty news site… This is what they always do when they make things up. Just like all the New York Times and Washington Post anonymous "sources". The MSM is pushing this very hard in unison, and whenever they all start doing this at the same time you can be certain that it is one of the 4:00am talking points that they were given to push. There is no evidence at all that these meetings ever happened. Its total BS.

They obviously planted this fake story to provide another false narrative for Mueller to use as an excuse to continue his nonsense. Obviously, they are getting VERY desperate. This includes Mueller. If those declassified FISA documents are it means the end of Mueller and also the end of the careers of a whole lot of people who are out there running their mouths right now.

8fb58e  No.4048879


Good ol' Q knew the score:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 2a8ae0 No.2395861 📁

Aug 1 2018 15:16:22 (EST)

What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1024747172829556741📁


Threats/scare tactics deployed.

Fear not.


They're at it again. I guess WW3 failed.

b8bcd4  No.4048880


Mr. Kenneth Robert Turner, also known as Bobby, is the Founder, Principal, and Chief Executive Officer at Turner Impact Capital. Mr. Turner serves at Canyon-Agassi Realty Advisors. He is the Managing Partner at Canyon-Johnson Urban Funds LLC. He was the Managing Partner at Canyon Capital Advisors, LLC. He left the firm in 2013. Mr. Turner was the Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Chairman and Fund Manager of Canyon Capital Realty Advisors. He served …

14a5d2  No.4048881


>It’s what you suggest that will fascinate me!


Why? It is ALL a Movie to keep us entertained while they finish building the prison…

d749da  No.4048882

File: f55b5af195231c8⋯.png (1.25 MB, 845x633, 845:633, miller time.png)

digits confirm


read this report on pelosi making lev long bets



read this report from expat in mex


praise kek

24c8ba  No.4048883


That may not be the time that he died.

That could be the time they (Ciindy) reported that he died.

I still think that she suicided because he didn't have the guts to suicide himself and she wanted the family name protected.

f0f563  No.4048884


>The interview is really good / listen if you can


Corey just stated in the interview that to his knowledge Corsi has never been close to POTUS and had no part in the campaign and also how he fired Stone

Anon, this interview is specifying the RATS!

Now David is saying that Corsi and Stone are not players / were not players in the election

d749da  No.4048885

File: cb528f02e0ce585⋯.png (204.05 KB, 472x479, 472:479, booms.png)

2b3800  No.4048886


"Muh Filtered"

Gotta announce it cause youre a shill!

43cb5a  No.4048887


Not sure about him yet, but there's so many of them that I can see already some here are struggling with it.

a07c36  No.4048888


they lost, but still 'claim' power. who do they think they are, John Brennan?

9a0ce5  No.4048889


Could be many things. Ignorance, confuse the enemy….FUCKING LOVE IT

802362  No.4048890





776a03  No.4048891

Heh Guys, is this our buddy Vincent Fusca a/k/a JFK Jr. outside the courthouse of Assange hearing? Looks like him and I heard him speak and sounds like him.

BTW: I only watched a few seconds so I could post - see min. 5:34 (he said "thank you" to someone who gave him a coffee - they must think he's homeless)

LIVE: Court hearing on the disclosure of US charges against Assange


febd30  No.4048892

File: 967e75b2d3c1f1e⋯.jpeg (88.65 KB, 970x647, 970:647, DC11772A-224E-48DB-835C-F….jpeg)

File: 3a33a65961f5ef8⋯.jpeg (106.39 KB, 649x570, 649:570, 8DBFD61E-67F4-4261-AC08-0….jpeg)

File: dcc2bb3424a7868⋯.jpeg (129.55 KB, 1027x780, 79:60, FE3B7D46-BFAC-4208-94CF-3….jpeg)

File: bbd0a03a9c7efa7⋯.jpeg (48.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 3B3E86A2-E415-4D62-9E9D-1….jpeg)

d749da  No.4048894

File: c850f671b9e2c34⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 255x170, 3:2, bond2.JPG)

we have the source

b6166f  No.4048895





record level of…


all the titles are misleading as fuck


>>4045369 Illegal Immigration Apprehensions Under Trump On Track to Hit Highest Level in a Decade

look at the sauce, the graph used is for APPREHENSIONS

9e76da  No.4048896


It seems obvious, based on the headlines re Corsi, Manafort, Mueller, plea deal “broken”, JA WL and claimed Manafort meetings - Mueller wants them to agree to these false events in their bid to hang Trump politically if nothing else. Extreme Panic in DC anons.


43e50b  No.4048897


You are missing the importance of the 'mid-March 2016' visit.

That would have been EXACTLY the time the Podesta emails were stolen.

Manafort did a lot of work with the Podesta's, and hung out at his office.

What are the odds he didn't know Podesta's password?

3e152f  No.4048898

File: d91719dc7781e91⋯.jpg (204.71 KB, 684x907, 684:907, microgab.jpg)

776a03  No.4048899

File: cd284b0610ef597⋯.png (317.79 KB, 372x388, 93:97, ClipboardImage.png)

b113a0  No.4048900

File: bedbd4e5d5a092f⋯.jpg (205.7 KB, 500x1525, 20:61, 1.jpg)


Pompeo, Mattis to brief US senators on Saudi as concerns mount

29ede9  No.4048901


Agreed. I don't care if anyone filters, just do it and move on. Stop announcing it to the board.

da50bf  No.4048902

File: cdcfdb6407f874d⋯.png (73.55 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 2018-11-08_21-46-28 copy.png)

7c43be  No.4048903

File: b3defc5e4c1c91c⋯.png (817.51 KB, 1164x575, 1164:575, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

File: fe2b477ea7d18c3⋯.png (168.7 KB, 464x234, 232:117, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at ….png)


Woods ever said a word about



anything about Barrymore/ O'rourke?

newly dug KEVIN SPACEY?

07d32f  No.4048904

Plants need water.

Watch the water?

cf860c  No.4048905

File: 5e48a732721dcd5⋯.png (256.31 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

TX - Woman Who Was In Coma From Botched Nose Job in Mexico Dies


566948  No.4048906


I dont care what the story says

The jews will always win

Do you see any changes ?



11adb7  No.4048907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia asks UK & others for cooperation in Browder case

f57ae8  No.4048908

File: 419115de0980fef⋯.png (439.33 KB, 497x301, 71:43, Q_Captcha.png)


I like the meme, anon.

One critique: move "either" up. or eliminate it, so

that each statement has its own line.

Got this captcha. Adding for keks.

b6166f  No.4048909



>our buddy


75920a  No.4048910

File: 5697037f8958187⋯.png (313.38 KB, 566x519, 566:519, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)

Got no sauce but this makes a lot of sense

146820  No.4048911


Excessive heat from exhaust gases.

849e87  No.4048912


Old Christmas Day

When Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian calendar in 1582, he ushered in an era in which the people of Europe disagreed on what day it was. As a result, they celebrated Christmas on different days. Before the Gregorian reform Europe had adhered to the Julian calendar, which was a full ten days behind the newly instituted Gregorian calendar. Some nations and churches refused to adopt the Gregorian reforms. In these lands people continued to celebrate Christmas on December 25, but did so according to the Julian calendar. Their celebrations fell on January 5 according to the new Gregorian calendar. In past eras the English sometimes referred to January 5 or 6 as "Old Christmas Day."

995386  No.4048913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In the video.

9ece14  No.4048914

File: 47b6e3d545465e1⋯.png (400.96 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1E4AA099-5730-4681-B433-61….png)

File: fef5d0cf81eb5e1⋯.png (476.23 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 4FEB123F-BC18-4282-8D9E-48….png)


863a0b  No.4048915

990fee  No.4048916


Muh Q will fix everything…oh wait! No (((they))) won't.

9e76da  No.4048917


Manafort was a computer illiterate grandpa. The entire story is a bogus clown narrative

b113a0  No.4048918

File: ad9944d3cb6be2f⋯.jpg (456.53 KB, 800x936, 100:117, Michael.jpg)

c24fb5  No.4048919


I believe you .. I've taken pics of some local that don't wash with me.. I don't know what to do because I don't trust authorities yet..

74d585  No.4048920


What he said, Double it.

d9d57b  No.4048922

File: d357ba5afbb0e6a⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1800x1208, 225:151, ClipboardImage.png)

c1dbc1  No.4048923

File: b8598c599c9cd3e⋯.png (248.66 KB, 516x522, 86:87, Q NOSTRADAMUS COMPLETE WOR….PNG)

File: bb095a2577c83a5⋯.pdf (1.11 MB, The-Complete-works-of-Nost….pdf)


14a5d2  No.4048924


What is the level of Deportations?….They are ALL still here

b8bcd4  No.4048925


LOTS in here…

more funds:

Turner-Agassi Charter Schools Fund, Turner Multifamily Impact Fund

783827  No.4048926


Christmas comes early?

51160f  No.4048927

File: 3fbf253fbf9f127⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 474x667, 474:667, 1.JPG)

Skippy the Pedovore came out of his cave

a81e52  No.4048928


The word desposed is bothersome

a07c36  No.4048929

File: 96859ecb1e20977⋯.png (61.21 KB, 685x304, 685:304, sean n bibi.PNG)


and he had Gorka on… when?

863a0b  No.4048930


Ok so you just a random screen capture?

d9dd36  No.4048931

File: 03749bf27fd81ff⋯.png (741.47 KB, 884x540, 221:135, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Eart….png)

File: ccf5aa3288324af⋯.png (706.3 KB, 1350x582, 225:97, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Pabl….png)

File: a965ce6e2bfcfd7⋯.png (279.84 KB, 783x492, 261:164, kikemare.png)

Huma and hillary tape must be real I keep seeing face off symbolism all over the place here.

c5faee  No.4048932


Some early effects 'pedals' were mounted on the input jack like that.

05e0c8  No.4048933


gibberish with formatting. of course it's not man made, it's solar cycles.

9a0ce5  No.4048934


When there’s only a few players I’m pretty good at weeding out the bad guys. My gut instinct has always been good at reading folks, but this is some next level shit.

24c8ba  No.4048935


>That could be the time they (Ciindy) reported that he died.

I think Cindy had an agreement with POTUS.

"Cindy, if he is gone by the next SC justice vote, you can have a nice funeral for him in DC. If not, he goes down as a traitor in your lifetime.""

Why else would Cindy and Trump spend months negotitating a 'position' for her, while No name was traveling to a dozen countries cutting deals to get rid of POTUS.

nONAME had no idea POTUS and Cindy were cutting their own deal.

cf860c  No.4048936


you should be happy that we didn't have our first female president in 2016

20b53e  No.4048937


he owns a projection mirror and uses it every day. it must suck to be him

fca827  No.4048938

File: ebbca3c3f044095⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 2880x2160, 4:3, 20181127_110521.jpg)

MagnoliaStateAnon here… held my nose and voted for the POTUS pick. I did my part, Q. You do yours. WWG1WGA!!!

776a03  No.4048939


Can someone do a close up so we can read the signs? Vincent Fusca?

deb0db  No.4048940


24c8ba  No.4048941


We had sissy hussein.. that was close enough

bf6437  No.4048942


no one gives a shit, we are told the earth is going to suffer mass environmental calamity every year for 60 years now, fuck off you pyramid scheme hyping faggot

07d32f  No.4048943


>>4048856 Russian court charges 12 Ukrainian sailors for trespassing.

>>4048784 David and Corey speak about Manafort Corsi.

>>4048770 SK allows humanitarian group to travel to NK amid sanction concerns.

>>4048697, >>4048702 POTUS threatens additional tariffs (including Apple products) ahead of trade summit with China.

>>4048656, >>4048765 Magic Johnson and airports dig.

>>4048639 Lewandoski's book released today.

>>4048567 Trump’s critics were dead wrong about the caravan after all.

>>4048561 Texas tent city for migrant teens still growing.

>>4048438 Ocean circulation in North Atlantic is at its weakest for 1,500 years. Mini Ice Age imminent?

>>4048385 JA unsealing judge = Clinton judge?

75920a  No.4048944


Its this person butI can't speak to their legitimacy

Just thought it made a lot of sense


febd30  No.4048945

File: 21685d89a72eb9e⋯.jpeg (63.8 KB, 630x339, 210:113, C26FCE55-8110-4103-82D9-9….jpeg)

File: 0f057a7f524b6b2⋯.jpeg (93.16 KB, 729x488, 729:488, B053B14C-47ED-4B64-B2E7-5….jpeg)

File: f5de647748edd01⋯.jpeg (51.01 KB, 607x649, 607:649, 394448F1-9AD6-4F72-B1AF-9….jpeg)

File: 5bbeeec93b6f55b⋯.jpeg (122.85 KB, 854x854, 1:1, 11F1CD03-AAD4-46A5-9935-8….jpeg)

b8bcd4  No.4048946


>Turner Multifamily Impact Fund


The Turner Multifamily Impact Fund, a real estate investment fund managed by Turner Impact Capital that addresses the nation’s growing shortage of affordable workforce housing, has recently expanded its portfolio with the acquisition of three multifamily housing communities in the San Antonio and Atlanta metropolitan areas. The acquisitions expand the fund’s total portfolio to approximately 3,200 units of workforce housing.

Was this the plan to house the fucking "migrants"?

03547a  No.4048947


That dog will not let go of that bone…pathetic really!!

e64b40  No.4048948


Then why did you attack me if we agree to that?

FFS man, anger troll elsewhere.

480b59  No.4048949

File: 8fb8113e496a328⋯.jpg (93.17 KB, 708x500, 177:125, jb.jpg)

b6166f  No.4048951


>Do you see any changes ?

they're NOT getting into this country

the majority that go to a legal point of entry being held pending trial, unlike hussein and what HRC would've done (~90% are denied entry)

and NONE of the illegal entries are getting in


no idea, see above though

legal point of entry → held then 90% denied

illegal entry → held then deported

9166a1  No.4048952

File: b3cd2d443bd0d44⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1488x956, 372:239, media-manipulation-at-the-….png)

566948  No.4048953


Q is ai confirmed

6915ea  No.4048954


>DNI = Director of National Intelligence / James Clapper. (Anon mentions this position is a creation from the Trilateral commission – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission)

Nope. 9/11 Commission recommended the position in 9/11 Commission Report

Feinstein, Jay Rockafeller and Bob Graham introduced it in S.R. 2645 in June of 2002. It was finally created in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Act of 2004, which also created the National Counterterrorism Center and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

d9dd36  No.4048955


>earthbound records

The chessboard in masonic allegory is earthbound conciousness.

>jeff the brotherhood

>the brotherhood

7803c0  No.4048956

File: 5afba899b43d1a2⋯.png (93.83 KB, 500x868, 125:217, resume-john-owen-brennan-d….png)

deb0db  No.4048957

File: 123c6edfab6ffe2⋯.png (354.7 KB, 698x465, 698:465, 123c6edfab6ffe2118e1eefe2d….png)

b6166f  No.4048959


again, kys

b8bcd4  No.4048960


Separately, the regents approved a recommendation from Mr. Strong to commit $20 million to the Turner Multifamily Impact Fund on behalf of the university’s $9.8 billion endowment.

The real estate fund will “acquire, improve and preserve workforce rental housing in densely populated, ethnically diverse, underserved urban communities,” and is managed by Turner Impact Capital, Mr. Strong’s report said.

adefb0  No.4048961

File: 53c3dd0066002a4⋯.png (981.23 KB, 1024x760, 128:95, QBOOK2[1].png)

File: 702a2b93cc24050⋯.png (781.06 KB, 1024x760, 128:95, QBOOK[3].png)

File: de39bb2105052c2⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1024x760, 128:95, delta[1].png)


be4279  No.4048963

File: 9ebaf7e13d4955c⋯.jpg (127.12 KB, 689x691, 689:691, SC.JPG)

Military Investigation Services along with State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to Hold Press Conference at the Department of Corrections in Columbia on Wednesday, November 28, 2018


51ae9a  No.4048965

File: f6530e2c6dac468⋯.png (64.67 KB, 750x780, 25:26, 31bedc59d074fba2664eb0c0d3….png)


oh cool , thank you anon .

c1ba19  No.4048966

File: 8a7a0cede713faa⋯.jpg (753.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181127-121006….jpg)


This reminds me of Comey's tweet.


492445  No.4048967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@ 0.30 look at the fucking DEWbeam!!

cf860c  No.4048968


first black president, first female president and first gay president… he sure achieved a lot of firsts

24c8ba  No.4048969


It makes total sense.

GM got in bed with Hussein and now they owe him.

adefb0  No.4048970

File: 73bf2407696010c⋯.png (932.21 KB, 1024x760, 128:95, brennan[1].png)

a07c36  No.4048971


never, never, never any substance. never any info, facts, argument, debate. never.

just orange man bad, every single time.

47cfa3  No.4048972

File: b4399e9e33918c2⋯.png (346.75 KB, 694x493, 694:493, podestaisanidealisticvisio….png)

File: dcd2659a7e519cc⋯.png (453.6 KB, 999x561, 333:187, podestaseeks.png)

File: 40a5752de762b7d⋯.png (721.54 KB, 999x500, 999:500, thebrightlightofpodesta.png)

File: 1e6d7cc96970644⋯.png (382.15 KB, 610x395, 122:79, soonkitty.png)

11adb7  No.4048973

File: 1b0f2905653fa50⋯.png (43.65 KB, 611x369, 611:369, twitter_com_johnpodesta_st….png)


1738ae  No.4048974

File: 6ef4570440f334a⋯.jpg (3.66 MB, 4241x2850, 4241:2850, becoming-michelle-obama.jpg)

File: fbdc822e682814c⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 534x712, 3:4, gavin-newsomhmmm.jpg)



24c8ba  No.4048975


married to the first tranny first lady

2b3800  No.4048977


The way she's going I'm thinking she has protection ala Sara Carter. Saudis maybe? Either way, keep her safe, she's yelling righteous news.

9a0ce5  No.4048978


If I’m not mistaken, Podestas password was “PASSWORD”.

febd30  No.4048979

File: 985412be00353cf⋯.jpeg (917.6 KB, 1125x735, 75:49, 3DBD9444-08F9-48E9-B410-E….jpeg)

File: 49596e5785e7abc⋯.png (600.08 KB, 681x1004, 681:1004, 96EA6DAA-0FF5-4FDA-BA20-7F….png)

File: b50abda73c38927⋯.jpeg (62.23 KB, 550x313, 550:313, DD046882-F81D-4515-8C93-B….jpeg)

File: 3ea7323f5d572b5⋯.jpeg (304.88 KB, 1125x971, 1125:971, F63078EF-82AE-4FC7-A594-2….jpeg)

7bed3f  No.4048980

POTUS not playing games anymore, DECLAS must be nigh

480b59  No.4048981


the old elephant walk. glad its still around.

05e0c8  No.4048982


such projection. those who reread the thread will see you for what you are. have another You.

995386  No.4048983

File: f6a9167b17119df⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 363x363, 1:1, numberonepatriot.jpg)


We ALREADY know who hacked Podesta/DNC.

Don't be stupid.

dd6554  No.4048984


Found MAGA hat!

9166a1  No.4048985

File: 9695249682219c9⋯.webm (13.64 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Caravana Migrante en Tiju….webm)


Video shows where CM Riot Control was deployed Note the end where "migrants" are tossing canisters. Also not the billboard location.

616dfe  No.4048986

A question…



Why does Q always refer to No Name's 'departure' and never to his death? My theory is that that coffin was buried empty. NoName 'departed' to GITMO—his permanent new home. I can just imagine what his last few days were like…watching the clock tick and knowing that his time was running out.

I get the feeling that this is exactly what its like for many in DC now. 'Extreme panic' can't even begin to characterize it.

75c073  No.4048987


Yeah, it could definitely be a false time, I remember commenting on that when it happened…

It is sort of irrelevant though, because Whether he actually died at that time or it's just what it was reported as, either way it shows Q team's foreknowledge and control of the situation.

56d15d  No.4048988


There's much to take away from a BC tweet u faggots… if u read passed it u pass comms u bitch fuck…. GTFO for not know what's happening

7c43be  No.4048989

File: 7cacbd9a26beed1⋯.png (49.08 KB, 524x238, 262:119, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at ….png)



03547a  No.4048991

File: be5ad9035707b29⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 507x377, 39:29, Trump defeats Deep State.JPG)

File: 97628d61c217cf7⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump destroys the Deep St….mp4)

Love this video and music!!

ff67f5  No.4048993

File: 6775c257de3d2c8⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 400x300, 4:3, QtSibelLvl2.jpg)



She needs to hide her power level

934742  No.4048994


wtf. that's interesting indeed. ya never know but that is odd

492445  No.4048995


ever heard of chani energy? spoopy af imo

b6166f  No.4048997


Podesta was a "hack" (got the password)

DNC was exfiltration

6582ee  No.4048998


What is this all about?

94fe23  No.4049000


You can't do big business in China without being a member of the communist party.

Not trying to defend Ma, but many people join the party strictly for business reasons…like why a lot of people join churches here. Good for business.

20b53e  No.4049001


let me guess, you have an education and use that education watch to CNN. EVERYTHING you learned was a lie. Wake up, it's all the opposite of what you think.

802362  No.4049002

the rats are starting to get ansy. almost time for them to try and scurry


47cfa3  No.4049003


Is "orange man bad" organic, for US?

I really wonder…

As if we can't come up with catchphrases that aren't INHERENTLY INSULTING to our POTUS?

That is an ORGANIC necessity, coming out of the "organic viral NPC meme"?

Do anons pay attention?

"Orange man bad"– this is supposedly what WE use to mock OUR OPPONENTS?

995386  No.4049004


So HUSSEIN got GM to close their plants?

566948  No.4049005


This is how you know not a single person on the left will be going to jail lmao

b113a0  No.4049006

File: 44ac284c42386d7⋯.jpg (161.35 KB, 500x1125, 4:9, 1.jpg)


Former Cleveland Community Development Director Arrested for Attempted Sex with Minor

492445  No.4049007

File: c377d15ad4bd277⋯.png (662.03 KB, 499x831, 499:831, jewswdewspews.png)



e64b40  No.4049008


kek, keep telling yourself that ;)

7ad127  No.4049009

Dave Hodges over at the common sense show has old articles and interviews on the c-a and fed gov moving to DIA. Look into it. He was on it for years.

b57a2e  No.4049010

File: 0876ecf98c7dc14⋯.png (845.94 KB, 880x586, 440:293, ClipboardImage.png)

776a03  No.4049011

File: 4eaead006654981⋯.png (562.7 KB, 786x407, 786:407, ClipboardImage.png)


A closer screenshot when the camera panned to the person getting out of the car.

2a7deb  No.4049012


Whoa. Anyone have a clue what this could be about?

43e50b  No.4049013




It's like he forgets they were partners in Ukraine work.

995386  No.4049014



61d0b1  No.4049015

File: 06d04b833517b97⋯.jpeg (275.28 KB, 1300x1040, 5:4, 4EF42A3C-1193-451C-A842-F….jpeg)

File: 0eb830b013528d1⋯.jpeg (397.48 KB, 1130x1017, 10:9, D28F736E-4C26-413D-8EF3-F….jpeg)

File: ecc3a3bc4c7c0ed⋯.jpeg (242.14 KB, 1741x1125, 1741:1125, FE4862E5-F381-45F3-8FD1-F….jpeg)

File: 8b9053a859f4f8e⋯.jpeg (426.6 KB, 1722x1785, 82:85, 0D2511D4-F02D-4723-A2C0-3….jpeg)

6582ee  No.4049017


^^^^^ note

Why are they holding a press conf? Are they going to use some of the SC prison systems?

07d32f  No.4049018



I thought GM hired an ex-CIA spook to be one of its' directors? No Obama needed.

2b3800  No.4049019


He's too cocky for my liking right now…like he believes they're winning somehow. Fucking Podesta rot!

be4279  No.4049020


I'm not sure. Seems important. Announced today for a press conference tomorrow and all these different parties will be there.

Represented at the press conference will be members of the Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS), U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Command (CID), Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Department of Defense Criminal Investigative Services (DCIS), Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigations (IRS-CI), United States Marshals Service (USMS), the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC), the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Researching now.

140866  No.4049021

File: 6bb56d9eb520714⋯.png (414.46 KB, 963x506, 963:506, interdasting.png)

56d15d  No.4049022


what happened to this board, don't want to learn dark comms anymore u bitch… ur coming on here and acting like u know it… u have missed much my friend while i keep breaking it down… ur the prolapse that rectums hate

51160f  No.4049023


I always love reading the comments when this piece of shit says something

b113a0  No.4049024

File: f4454894594a7f0⋯.jpg (248.94 KB, 499x1800, 499:1800, 1.jpg)


US farmers store record soybean crop as China dispute weighs

75920a  No.4049025


Dunno….shes on the board at Disney

Doesn't sound out of the realm of possibilities

c1dbc1  No.4049026

File: 323b5e4f5634d59⋯.jpg (818.7 KB, 4304x2880, 269:180, GettyImages-1067904714[1].jpg)

File: 1c338771463cf09⋯.jpg (921.89 KB, 3510x2544, 585:424, GettyImages-1052855150[1].jpg)

Failed Democratic gubernatorial candidates Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum came out against a North Carolina district court judge nominee.

They accuse lawyer Thomas Farr of a “record of hostility and disregard for fundamental civil rights.”

Farr was nominated by President Donald Trump in July 2017.

Defeated Democratic gubernatorial candidates Stacey Abrams of Georgia and Andrew Gillum of Florida voiced their opposition Tuesday to a North Carolina judicial nominee for what they called a “disregard for fundamental civil rights.”

Lawyer Thomas Farr, 64, was nominated to preside over the Eastern District of North Carolina by President Donald Trump in July 2017 and could fill the longest judicial vacancy in the country, reported NBC News.


43e50b  No.4049028


>We ALREADY know who hacked Podesta/DNC.

>Don't be stupid.

DNC was Seth, in May/June 2016.

Nobody knows who 'hacked' Podesta, in March 2016.

Different 'leaks'.

Pay attention.

2b3800  No.4049029


Too late for that, it done ran out the open gate. I pray she stays safe. She's a favorite of mine, has been for a few yrs now.

776a03  No.4049030


can anyone read the sign???

11adb7  No.4049031


Someone should remind John that Manafort was found guilty for work he did with his brother Tony.

566948  No.4049032

File: 9f3500e00ca7a65⋯.png (283.12 KB, 600x485, 120:97, carrot before the donkey.png)

24c8ba  No.4049034


that is true. agreed.

1738ae  No.4049035


ob fusca te?..interesting

07d32f  No.4049037

File: 6675ac5e275fcdf⋯.png (79.03 KB, 2320x304, 145:19, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7650  No.4049039


Horrible and wonderful


Never forget

4703ff  No.4049040

After them Dems find more ballots in the next few days we should know who won Mississippi in 11 days

146820  No.4049041

File: c1a58ed4c2cb7e9⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 4000x2248, 500:281, IVOTED.JPG)


I felt like I was gonna puke when I voted for DiFi…

but the other choice was even worse.

Hopefully she'll be gone soon..

6582ee  No.4049042


seems pretty fucking odd. why would the mil be in contact and teaming up with the SC prison system.

11adb7  No.4049043


podesta was a 'phish'

febd30  No.4049044

File: a8d248fc65966fc⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 1660x1645, 332:329, 8EF21C92-D72A-42DE-8982-E….jpeg)

File: 6c99bc4028d0f80⋯.jpeg (14.24 KB, 242x160, 121:80, 7CF3063C-50E6-4EDD-8061-9….jpeg)

File: d83f87e56123940⋯.jpeg (151.61 KB, 962x602, 481:301, 818B2A16-A822-4807-A2C3-8….jpeg)

24c8ba  No.4049045


We will see if Cindy or Meghan volunteer to work at Gitmo

0ea2f8  No.4049046

File: 969dd2b1576aea0⋯.png (43.26 KB, 1143x550, 1143:550, opensociety.PNG)

File: 6eabf4646c048d7⋯.png (34.19 KB, 524x329, 524:329, pg.PNG)


776a03  No.4049048


Looks like him.

b6166f  No.4049049


exactly, not even sure if thats classified as a hack, probably is

but the DNC was NOT a hack

6582ee  No.4049050


seems pretty fucking odd. why would the mil be in contact and teaming up with the SC prison system.

61d0b1  No.4049051


Why? Wtf is going on in the Carolinas?

1st Military Investigation presser, now this?

Neither one lives in NC.

e64b40  No.4049052

File: 8cb215c3739eb98⋯.png (319.78 KB, 600x485, 120:97, muh_sad_yooshill.png)

ab9c98  No.4049053


Patriot in control my ass!

03547a  No.4049055


With all those MI agencies…I'm guessing Nation Wide Voter Fraud…It is just a guess.

7c32d0  No.4049056

File: edb735f59c9b93e⋯.png (157.01 KB, 368x545, 368:545, ClipboardImage.png)

566948  No.4049058


Nothing on google

bb7bf7  No.4049059

File: 1279fbc50706986⋯.png (98.61 KB, 637x451, 637:451, ClipboardImage.png)


802362  No.4049060

this is fucking interesting


61d0b1  No.4049061



9b30d0  No.4049062

File: 848f02d05487170⋯.png (175.83 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Screenshot_2018-11-27 Axio….png)


She is ahead in the polls. She believes the polls . She is not worried.

ecc5fe  No.4049063

File: 03c521f6ce1200d⋯.png (73.96 KB, 1105x366, 1105:366, brendan.PNG)


I am wit Brendon

07d32f  No.4049064


Repost nb please.

616dfe  No.4049065

Another CEO Bob Sauerberg, forced to resign. He is the CEO of the failing Conde Nast publishing corporation. For those who don't know, Conde Nast publishes most of those glossy magazines that you see in bookstores and at magazine counters and newstands. It also produces some lifestyle and sports cable TV programs—ALL of which have gone full-on LEFTY since Hussein's presidency, and are now blatantly anti-POTUS since Trump took office. They are also HEAVILY promoting globalism, faggotry, and the multi-culti thing. One by one, their magazines have been faltering and shutting down their print operations due to loss of subscribers. If you have a subscription to any of their publications please consider canceling it.


47cfa3  No.4049066


>I did my part, Q. You do yours.


Like we are here to nag Q, and that is what is going on? lol, That is what is needed?

The fakeness is very stupid. Please understand.

566948  No.4049067

File: 38bd602476dd8c2⋯.png (457.83 KB, 1024x491, 1024:491, truth.png)

b6166f  No.4049068

6582ee  No.4049070


lets call this | and something to watch


56d15d  No.4049071

File: 86b8a44d79c71e6⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 732x263, 732:263, Screenshot 2018-11-27_12-2….jpg)

i understand the new is fake yes but here is the fake news

426781  No.4049072


he his?

24c8ba  No.4049073


he nailed it again.

The way she is grabbing their wrists.

He missed her food wristband, though.

9de0d6  No.4049074


True. It ties in with Daniels prophecy about the kingdoms to come, the statue of gold, silver, bronze, iron and iron mixed with clay. All of them use the harlot of false religion. The names have changed but the motive is always the same. Remove the God of the bible and Abraham at all costs and distract the people from the truth. The serpent uses the same tactics over and over. He tricked Eve and he tricks us today with his subtle little lies.

1And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

I think this might actually be a reference to apostate Israel. Who killed the prophets? It wasn't some other country. It also makes sense when you understand what Christ did. He came to the Jew first with His message, some listened, the majority did not. The ones who listened are redeemed, the rest are doomed unless they listen to God.

f4c09e  No.4049075

File: 6294424d2a345bf⋯.jpg (197.71 KB, 661x826, 661:826, podesta hacked search resu….jpg)

be4279  No.4049076


I think so too.

Article from 11/16/18 in Sherri Lydon's jurisdiction


COLUMBIA — Round door knobs, sloped parking spots and inadequate handicapped parking signs are among voter-accessibility problems being fixed in Anderson County following a review by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, officials said Friday.

The county’s elections board signed a settlement this month pledging to ensure all of its polling precincts meet federal requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. Attorney Sherri Lydon announced.

Why government authorities chose to review Anderson County precincts is unknown. A spokesman for the federal office did not return a message seeking more information.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office reached a similar agreement with Richland County officials following a 2016 review.

A review of 15 of Anderson County’s 80 precincts during the June primaries found many weren’t properly accessible to voters with limited mobility, according to a release from Lydon’s office.

Improvements began before the settlement took effect Nov. 9, in time for the General Election held three days earlier, the release said.

Cited issues included doors without lever handles — required for opening with a closed fist — signs that didn’t specify a parking spot was van accessible, sidewalk ramps that were too steep and sloped parking that could make it difficult for someone to get out of a vehicle and inside the building without help, according to the Anderson County Board of Voter Registration and Elections.

Some of the fixes were easy, such as new signs and moving a parking spot a couple spaces to the left or right, said precinct coordinator Mellissa Braendle.

“We take this seriously,” she said. Before this month’s election, “we did everything they asked us to do to be compliant. We want every voter eligible to get out and vote.”

Some precincts will have to be moved before the next election, she said.

Under the settlement, Anderson County also pledged to train poll workers on how to install Election Day solutions, such as temporary wheelchair ramps, placing cones to designate accessible parking and putting mats over door thresholds.

The State Election Commission’s goal is 100 percent accessibility at all 2,278 polling places statewide, said spokesman Chris Whitmire, noting the agency sends a check list to each county so local officials can verify whether polling places follow federal law.

“Every South Carolinian should be able to go to their polling place and vote without any barriers,” he said. “They can vote curbside or absentee, but those options aren’t replacements for going to their polling place and voting like everyone else.”

16e031  No.4049077

File: 9eac343ded7c86c⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 183x276, 61:92, DP - The Fool.jpg)


It's no coincidence some (1) linked The Fool Card (0) previously.

Excessive compassion leads to Fool Cards.

Embrace your Fool Cards my frens!

It's the only way we learn…

990fee  No.4049079

File: 19be1b0b894283a⋯.jpg (32.6 KB, 494x358, 247:179, 19be1b0b894283afbc13b4f358….jpg)

febd30  No.4049080

File: 4afd845717019eb⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 753x511, 753:511, 1133A30D-44DF-4BBE-9EFA-5….jpeg)

File: bc77858e7e53115⋯.jpeg (88.16 KB, 640x403, 640:403, 6FD840E0-8357-4534-99F4-4….jpeg)

File: 6063128dd43fa3c⋯.jpeg (41.53 KB, 360x242, 180:121, F9B2C5CD-FFD6-4817-B339-0….jpeg)

File: e09404abcb8297e⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 6514AB91-9106-48AF-B4BE-C….jpeg)

File: f7646c3dfdaa903⋯.jpeg (162.9 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, A67A440A-2BB7-41FB-88CE-9….jpeg)

1738ae  No.4049081

File: 1e5e957c4ceeee0⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 600x808, 75:101, 1e5e957c4ceeee01332695d2e5….jpg)

43e50b  No.4049083

File: 10b2527d862c0fe⋯.png (152.26 KB, 651x329, 93:47, ClipboardImage.png)

Guardian starting to walk it back, already.

07d32f  No.4049085

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

11adb7  No.4049087



Military Tribunals

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