[–]▶ 18c30c (12) No.3943987>>3944157 >>3944590 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 11.13.18
>>>/patriotsfight/467 ---—————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )
Monday 11.12.18
>>>/patriotsfight/466 ---—————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )
>>>/patriotsfight/465 ---—————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )
>>>/patriotsfight/464 ---—————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )
>>>/patriotsfight/463 ---—————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )
Sunday 11.11.18
>>>/patriotsfight/462 ---—————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )
>>>/patriotsfight/461 ---—————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/460 ---—————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/459 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/458 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/457 ---—————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/456 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/455 ---—————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )
>>>/patriotsfight/454 ---—————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )
>>>/patriotsfight/453 ---—————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )
>>>/patriotsfight/452 ---—————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )
>>>/patriotsfight/451 ---—————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )
Saturday 11.10.18
Compiled here: >>3942214
Friday 11.09.18
Compiled here: >>3889516
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3943992
are not endorsements
>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads
>>3943945 PG&E is Eric Swalwell's third top campaign contributor
>>3943730 , >>3943844 Appears AF1 is landing at Naval Air Station Point Mugu
>>3943747 , >>3943914 POTUS Schedule
>>3943743 , >>3943824, >>3943967 Collection of Directed Energy research posts
>>3943484 Cali firefighter talks of the very strange fire habbenings
>>3943457 , >>3943558 POTUS re Cali fires: “I think everybody has seen the Light”
>>3943438 On the Q-Clock: POTUS visits Paradise, CA
>>3943401 Old but relevant: Brenda Lee's Press pass permanently revoked by Obama
>>3943388 , >>3943698 Democrat Andrew Gillum concedes in Florida governors race
>>3943376 QClock Update - Re-read crumbs
>>3943351 Long list of people Hussein spied-on
>>3943313 Broward election boss says racism may be behind clamor against her
>>3943981 #5016
>>3942979 Planefag keks, 'dick in a box' drawn in the sky
>>3942766 Video of POTUS in Paradise, California
>>3942729 Fox news report on government's use of laser weapons
>>3942680 Digs into the Haiti habbenings
>>3942676 Newt Gingrich sends letter to House IG re Awan investigation
>>3942671 Rocket launcher & pipe bombs found with white supremacist gangs
>>3942660 , >>3942909 Celine Dion's "children's wear" Instagram
>>3942650 Whitaker appointment dispute reaches Supreme Court
>>3942644 US Embassy issue Security Alert for Haiti
>>3942629 Coalition: 10 unidentified strikes detected in East Syria
>>3942605 Video: Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed
>>3942549 FBI: Andrew McCabe investigation records released, 752 pages withheld
>>3942457 , >>3942604, >>3942622 "Misspellings matter" - POTUS' tweet re Pence
>>3943712 #5015
#5014 Baker Change
>>3942384 POTUS offering full support to California in response to the wildfires
>>3942378 Haiti Habbening: Boots on the ground securing airport
>>3942334 The 40 "Hidden Horrors" Of Theresa May's Brexit Deal
>>3942312 South Africa set to pass controversial land redistribution laws
>>3942276 The American Red Cross Defend Their CEO's $500k Salary
>>3942206 PapaD tweets about Turkey
>>3942192 5:5 proofs?
>>3942166 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dig
>>3942148 , >>3941986 Is Eric Swalwell's wife connected to Alaweed? Dig
>>3942022 Watch POTUS live in California
>>3942020 , >>3942031 POTUS' statement before leaving to Cali & 53-47
>>3941986 Eric Swalwell and Pay to Play
>>3941887 Satanism and Broward/Palm Beach Counties. Dig
>>3941874 4Chan being split into 2 domains
>>3941769 Collection of CA Fire Dig Links
>>3941715 , >>3941893, >>3942008 Photos of POTUS on-site in Cali
>>3942431 #5014
Previously Collected Notables
>>3940846 #5012, >>3941629 #5013,
>>3938354 #5009, >>3939064 #5010, >>3940029 #5011
>>3936169 #5006, >>3936936 #5007, >>3937707 #5008
>>3933847 #5003, >>3934660 #5004, >>3935424 #5005
>>3931615 #5000, >>3932348 #5001, >>3933090 #5002
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3943994
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>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4
>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5
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▶ 18c30c (12) No.3943997
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3944018>>3944165
#5017 Dough
Baker requests handoff
▶ 4ab32f (4) No.3944079>>3944102 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
Regardless of how it was done, the Cali fires were a Red Line response from the deep state.
The important point here is that there are people [traitors] in your own country willing to sacrifice anything to stay in control.
▶ 4ab32f (4) No.3944102>>3944625
Baker Baker
I reposted this because it was late last bread, and I fixed the double frame with this one, so it can be added cleanly to the notables now.
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944107>>3944734
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. We need one of these for Jerry Moonbeam Brown. He has earned it.
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944110>>3944112
If anyone is interested in taking over a poll….
▶ 78b1ed (3) No.3944111>>3944130 >>3944142 >>3944178 >>3944307 >>3944839
WTF Q I was trusting your plan but now you seem so crazy… and Pinkertons are after us. I can't trust you anymore Q with your crazy plans.
▶ cc1875 (2) No.3944112>>3944261
you have to post the link
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944127>>3944140 >>3944150
Poll sauce.
▶ c5e49e (6) No.3944128>>3944132 >>3944135 >>3944226 >>3944284 >>3944397 >>3944478
Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I have a gut feeling there is more to these twat posts from CG. Sorry if already discussed.
▶ c5e49e (6) No.3944132
Sorry for the double posting**
▶ 2309b1 (3) No.3944134
Scary shit
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944135>>3944226
Could very well be code. Why post just that but no link or video or pic?
Good catch.
▶ a215b3 (1) No.3944146
▶ 9e5bca (5) No.3944147>>3944179 >>3944209
>>3944058 (LB)
From two breads ago. I don't feel like rewriting the whole thing.
>>3942659 (prev)
▶ 9280f4 (16) No.3944148>>3944175
Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play. OTO
Went deeper
And they liked it
Then he went more deep
And they liked it
It was not a deep house party
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944149
▶ 1800ec (2) No.3944150
What's up with your caps?
First one has 882 votes at 4:32pm
Second has 1088 votes at 4:32pm
huh? 200 votes in zero minutes.
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3944151
Amended and posted in #5017
>>3943945 PG&E is Eric Swalwell's third top campaign contributor
>>3943747 , >>3943914 POTUS Schedule
>>3943743 , >>3943824, >>3943967 Collection of Directed Energy research posts
>>3943484 Cali firefighter talks of the very strange fire habbenings
>>3943457 , >>3943558 POTUS re Cali fires: “I think everybody has seen the Light”
>>3943438 On the Q-Clock: POTUS visits Paradise, CA
>>3943401 Old but relevant: Brenda Lee's Press pass permanently revoked by Obama
>>3943388 , >>3943698 Democrat Andrew Gillum concedes in Florida governors race
>>3943376 QClock Update - Re-read crumbs
>>3943351 Long list of people Hussein spied-on
>>3943313 Broward election boss says racism may be behind clamor against her
▶ e61fd9 (1) No.3944153>>3944257 >>3944291
I heard on the radio just now that Trump will hold a press conference with Governor Brown and Gavin Newsom in Thousand Oaks soon
▶ aee6d4 (4) No.3944154>>3944208 >>3944225 >>3944308 >>3944332 >>3944633 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Broward County Loses 2,040 Ballots -- Supervisor Brenda Snipes Says: “We Think They’re Somewhere in the Building”
Democrats were hoping to steal the US Senate and Governor Races in Florida despite losing both races by over 80,000 votes on Election Day.
On Tuesday Broward County Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes originally reported 634,000 votes were cast in the midterm election in her county.
By last week on Friday morning Broward County Elections officials said 717,000 votes were cast in the midterm election.
Broward County Democrats mysteriously found 83,000 votes in two days!
They still have not explained how this happened.
After the recount on Thursday Broward County announced their results.
According to reporter Ian Margol every candidate lost votes since the vote totals deadline on Saturday.
Broward officials also said they had 2,040 votes fewer this time.
On Saturday Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes told reporters the lost ballots must be somewhere in the building.
Brenda Snipes: The ballots are in the building. The ballots are in the building. Someone must have put a stack in a tray where they didn’t belong. And we didn’t pick that up. So we continue to count… The ballots are in this building. There would be no other place for them to be.
▶ 7da0f0 (5) No.3944155>>3944169 >>3944239
Nathalie & René simard and celine dion
▶ 3e10f0 (4) No.3944156>>3944164 >>3944285 >>3944332 >>3944633
Strange Looking ‘Tesla Tower’ In Texas Aims To Transmute Electricity Wirelessly
▶ 7b72a7 (7) No.3944157
▶ 8e564e (6) No.3944159
Last one you'll get
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944160>>3944693
That patriot needs a tan.
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944164>>3944189
It is Trumps penis according to Stormy
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944165>>3944170 >>3944214
I Can Bake
I can wait for a check or post a pastebin.
Confirming Handoff?
▶ 78b1ed (3) No.3944166>>3944173 >>3944177
Q its hard to trust you and we're losing so many people in camp here and I'm sick with consumption *cough*. It's hard to trust you Q with your grand plans…
▶ 01eaef (2) No.3944170>>3944212
No bakes, pastebin please?
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944171
>If we had to leave the US, we would have to do it legally
You may be surprised to learn that no one wants you. Post election I was salt mining at r/IwantOut….it was beautiful. There is no country on earth an American can legally migrate to. If you're rich you have options, but the jobless pathetic snowflakes from r/IwantOut…literally no one wants them. Fuckitol…we prolly don't either.
Got banned my first post…cause i laughed at someone who was "suffering" post election trauma and was devastated to learn that unless their name was Mohammad or Fatima, (or they had mad skillz) Canada didn't want them. NO ONE will take Americans…no one. (*unless ur rich enough to invest or buy property).
▶ a883f7 (3) No.3944172
Given the bread title I can't believe we don't have pictures of navel bases.
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944173>>3944268
▶ fec112 (10) No.3944174
>>3943985 lb
Looks a lot more relaxed since last sunday.
Could you stand there and not slug that rat bastard?
be tough not to but would refrain as he is.
▶ 9280f4 (16) No.3944175
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3944148
People were twerking
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944177
Really, that's the best you have.
▶ 20451d (6) No.3944179>>3944414
>>3942360 (LB)
>>3942368 (LB)
>How is she still alive, idk
Because she doesn't know what she's talking about.
You can't make a laser from space that can do this. It's not physically possible. A orbital laser would basically be a orbital telescope in reverse. And orbital telescopes are diffraction limited. The ratio between wavelength and aperture diameter determines the hard limit of how tight the output beam can possibly be. A larger aperture can maintain a tighter beam, but would obviously also mean a less concentrated beam for a given amount of power. So there is a limit to how small the laser spot on the ground can possibly be. And this is before we start talking about atmospheric distortion and dust/smoke in the air. To ignite leaves and trees under a spot a couple meters in diameter the satellite would have to output MEGAWATTS. That laser will not fit on a rocket and cannot be powered by any solar array that could have gone unnoticed all this time.
There, now I hope I've put this to bed once and for all.
copy pasta
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944180>>3944207 >>3944231 >>3944239 >>3944514
I forgot how much Rene had that Trudeau look.
▶ 78b1ed (3) No.3944182
*cough* *cough* Dutch…I mean Q, this is crazy
▶ ca8ed0 (7) No.3944183>>3944190 >>3944193 >>3944202 >>3944224 >>3944228 >>3944235 >>3944309 >>3944329 >>3944464
I'm here because I've been here since the beginning although lately not half as much, When I heard he endorsed Pelosi I had to see what anons are saying about it. I wanted to trust the plan but fuck that noise..I just can't anymore
▶ a824f7 (5) No.3944185>>3944215 >>3944249 >>3944488 >>3944510
Check out the red shoes on kid love, pizza man Bill Maher.
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944186
this unity is becoming pandemic
▶ 385746 (5) No.3944187>>3944241 >>3944264 >>3944332 >>3944481 >>3944633 >>3944774
>>3943945 (PB)
ANONS check out the two contributors to Liddle Eric's Campaign
Posted late last bread that none other than Heather Pedosta is a Liddle Eric fan
And, are there any George Webb fags out there? I'd swear one of the Webb videos I watched months ago involved a rice fag Muhammed from Texas.
▶ 44b403 (1) No.3944188>>3944227
>>3942805 LB POTUS visits Paradise fire area
Want to know who pressed the button, pulled the trigger - whatever it is to set off the DEWs as weapons.
Military infiltrated by C_A? Who?
Don't tell me about tree managment - yes that should be addressed but want to see the responsible criminals hang.
Still VERY angry about this…
▶ 1800ec (2) No.3944189>>3944195
You said that first time it was posted. Or your stealing it. Either way, it's fucking shit. Stop.
Your thinking about POTUS's dick. Faggot.
▶ 3d1152 (1) No.3944192>>3944240
i know you're not supposed to reply to shills, but you realize that the democrats vehemently oppose anything he endorses, right?
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944193>>3944204
Then you should leave at once!
▶ 14d26f (6) No.3944194>>3944372
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. I've Seen the Light
- N.E.R.D.
Interesting song, interesting melody, very interesting lyrics…all things considered. A little out of my wheelhouse, but catchy..
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944195
The Mushroom from Mario Cart
▶ f71507 (4) No.3944199
▶ 64a839 (1) No.3944203>>3944296 >>3944323 >>3944460 >>3944490
I'm giving you 30 days
▶ ca8ed0 (7) No.3944204
▶ cc5435 (1) No.3944205>>3944248 >>3944332 >>3944633
CBS correspondent says 'it should be noted' that the Obama White House 'demonized' Fox News daily
CBS News White House correspondent Major Garrett on Friday said that it "should be noted" that the Obama administration attempted to "demonize" Fox News regularly.
"There was never an effort to shut me out of the briefing room," Garrett told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on "Rising," referring to the Trump White House revoking press credentials from CNN reporter Jim Acosta.
Garrett worked as a White House correspondent at Fox News during the Obama administration.
"The [Obama] White House said it was at war with Fox News. I was its most visible editorial representative on the White House grounds as a senior White House correspondent," he continued.
"The White House would always pull me aside and say 'well, really, Major, we're not at war with you,' and I said 'stop talking to me like that because when you're at war with my network you by definition are questioning and assailing my journalistic credibility and the work I do here every day,' " he said. " 'So don't tell me it's not about me, it is about me.' "
"Now, they never tried to pull my pass, but they had this sort of arms-length relationship to Fox and tried to demonize it on a daily basis. So that's another part of American history and journalism in the White House press corps I think at least should be noted at this moment," he said.
Garrett's comments come amid increased tensions between CNN and the Trump administration.
A federal judge ruled Friday morning that the White House had to reinstate Acosta's press pass after it was revoked last week following a testy exchange between Acosta and the president.
Fox News, along with other news organizations, backed CNN in the dispute.
"It's not without precedent and it's not without some high-level people saying things [that were] very aggressive about a single news network," Garrett said.
--- Julia Manchester
▶ 7da0f0 (5) No.3944207>>3944219 >>3944223 >>3944250 >>3944283 >>3944315
indeed… they could be related (?)
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944208
>>3944154 Saturday Update: Broward loses 2,040 Ballots.
▶ f6e6aa (6) No.3944209
What’s your point?
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944210>>3944265 >>3944271 >>3944350
Does CA not have fire roads?
▶ 6c651e (6) No.3944211>>3944237 >>3944245 >>3944300
For the anon who asked LB…
Luciferians (like Mormans and Masons, i.e.) believe that Lucifer is the bringer of light and knowledge to man.
Satanists openly worship the enemy of God.
In the end, they worship the same evil entity.
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944212>>3944229 >>3944233
Here is the one currently in my editor :)
▶ c9eb18 (1) No.3944213
You must suck at Chess.
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3944214>>3944229
That you Nord? Can you paste?
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944215>>3944221
What a Weirdo, there's no help for that disease.
▶ 5ee6b9 (1) No.3944216
Kicking off in Haiti now. US troops securing ports, airport.
▶ 3a2978 (1) No.3944217
>>3942166 PB
In Cortez's most recent Instagram video of her dancing while making mac and cheese someone asks a question on who she likes more I don't recall the first choice but the 2nd was tyt ( the young turks) to which Ocasio replied TYT. The founder as stated Cenk Uygur. I'm sure he's been balls deep in Cortez, half of these cronies have. These people are sick.
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944218>>3944275
>>3943698 (lb) So the pinhead concedes for the SECOND time….who is to say he won't pop up again in a week and say, "Just kidding, it's back on again." Meanwhile, his 2nd concession is "inaccurate" to say it's about justice and changing things, and getting votes counted, etc. He LOST and knew it. Then he, in cahoots with his fellow dem low lifes, blatantly attempted the in your face steal. Now, the disgraced loser tries to talk like he is on the moral high ground. Infuriating.
And no, he doesn't have a great future future as a dim stalwart. He has not only proven himself a loser, but a loser who can't even win by cheating. He has no political future. But let's pretend he otherwise might…..the party that spawned him & to which he proudly belongs is about to be totally destroyed. End of the D party, don't you know. No, Gillum ought to start looking for a real job….if he doesn't go to jail.
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944219>>3944250
▶ e9857f (2) No.3944220>>3944244 >>3944277
Why is the Trump campaign sending text messages suggesting people donate to the Red Cross? Seems weird, given what we know about the organization…
▶ a824f7 (5) No.3944221
his red shoes look different.
▶ 108218 (5) No.3944222>>3944236 >>3944445 >>3944861
>>3943682 lb
>>3943734 lb
surprise, surprise
▶ 7da0f0 (5) No.3944223>>3944283 >>3944514
René and Céline. It's all tied together.
▶ 91d6ba (5) No.3944224
>been here since the beginning
▶ 2415ea (1) No.3944225
Check under the raised floors. Have seen operators hide checks (old school tech here.) under the floor panels to get off early or take longer lunches.
▶ 7b72a7 (7) No.3944226
especially since hes doing… what the fuck is he doing besides basketball or football, what the fuck has sets? tennis? whitaker in town for weightlifting comp?
▶ ac4947 (4) No.3944228
This is really not up to quality. It’s probably one of the most obvious posts yet, anons are not going to believe this. I’ve reported it to Chris and if your quality doesn’t improve, Jessie is going to take over. Make it believable! Remember the points Lawrence and David went over with you. Last chance!
▶ 01eaef (2) No.3944229>>3944242 >>3944491
▶ 567615 (2) No.3944230
Kinda looks like a CPR dummy.
▶ 09d532 (9) No.3944231
Clones, all clones.
▶ 940030 (10) No.3944232>>3944317 >>3944710
>>3943484 (PB)
Check the patch on Cap'n's shirt.
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3944233>>3944267
Handoff confirmed
Great to see you man, have a great bake
▶ 4dbf47 (6) No.3944234>>3944260
3944144 (lb)
Dubs confirm. Thanks anon.
▶ 425675 (3) No.3944235>>3944256 >>3944329
He didn't endorse her. He said she deserves it-- she does deserve it – let them tear themselves apart. IMPLODE.
▶ 7fde97 (4) No.3944236>>3944445
Look into her Husbands/partners,
One of them is an artist who likes to juggle animal hearts. Insight.
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944237>>3944413
Lucifer "light-bringer") was a Latin name for the planet Venus as the morning star in the ancient Roman era, and is often used for mythological and religious figures associated with the planet. Due to the unique movements and discontinuous appearances of Venus in the sky, mythology surrounding these figures often involved a fall from the heavens to earth or the underworld. Interpretations of a similar term in the Hebrew Bible, translated in the King James Version as "Lucifer", led to a Christian tradition of applying the name Lucifer and its associated stories of a fall from heaven to Satan. Most modern scholarship regards these interpretations as questionable, and translate the term in the relevant Bible passage as "morning star" or "shining one" rather than as a proper name, "Lucifer"
▶ 63ccee (1) No.3944238>>3944263
I don't travel a whole lot, but every hotel I've stayed in had doors that couldn't be left unlocked. In fact, when stepping outside the room, one needs to prop open the door or else it will automatically lock you out.
▶ ca8ed0 (7) No.3944240>>3944594
Yes I do and excellent point!! I've also thought of that..I hope you're right. Not that I care what anyone thinks but I am not a shill!! I've been 100% backing & believing Q for over a year..I'm just getting weary. I fully expected to be accused of shilling. It's ok
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944241>>3944260 >>3944281 >>3944479
Swalwell has always protected John Podesta. He is pissed about Podesta emails being released and also blames it all on Roger Stone.
▶ f1d398 (1) No.3944243
It would interesting to compare how the CA fires burn patterns compared to the big fire in the Pigeon Forge, Sevierville, and Gatlinburg areas of TN just a few years back. Fire was set off by a couple of teenagers and burned people up as well. I don't remember seeing houses burned up next to untouched trees and other structures. Just a thought for a maybe a dig or two.
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944244>>3944340 >>3944442
Like every big organization, things are happening at different levels. At the grassroots, good people give donations, operate shelters for people displaced indisasters, make and distribute hot meals, provide cots and blankets and clothing for the displaced, coordinate lists of missing persons, etc.
That is still going on, I presume.
I think that is probably entirely separate from fuckery going on at the executive level and in the blood collection operation.
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944245>>3944266
Satan,also known as the Devil,is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as either a fallen angel or a jinn, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but rebelled against God, who nevertheless allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons.
▶ cae67b (4) No.3944246>>3944278 >>3944332 >>3944367 >>3944426 >>3944633 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
Reposting at request of baker:
Forensicpathologistanon here: the reason "multiple blunt force injuries" labeled "suicide" is the supposition that the decedent (Best) jumped from a height; unless a suicide note ( possibly bogus) was found, or video evidence showed the jump, it is best to classify these cases as "undetermined".
As previously posted, I know both Dr's. Need deep dig on Mitchell-from a political D family & got fired/pressured out of previous job(s);
Dr. Diaz is a good pathologist.
▶ 75225d (5) No.3944248
>>3944205 'It should be noted' that the Obama White House 'demonized' Fox News daily
▶ 09d532 (9) No.3944249>>3944274
That's not Bill Maher. Too old looking.
▶ 56edf8 (3) No.3944250>>3944258 >>3944269 >>3944831
Curious, how many Québec Anons on the board now?
I am one.
▶ 7da0f0 (5) No.3944251
That's Nathalie and René's manager, good friend of Angelil
▶ 7d56eb (6) No.3944252>>3944272
right now, for those interested on Live, Liberty & Levin, Jim Jordan
▶ c221a7 (1) No.3944254
Such a snowflake. Stopped counting after 30.
▶ 5895df (3) No.3944256>>3944327 >>3944329
I took it as, she may not get to 218 on votes with the split in her party. He could get some Rs to come around to work to give her some victories.
Wouldn’t she owe him? Idk.
▶ f6e6aa (6) No.3944257>>3944280 >>3944396
Damn he’s right down the street for me I wish I can go see him
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944258
Seen a bunch over the last year.
▶ 31315a (6) No.3944259>>3944290
Unbelieveable, sub-2k anons and shills please expand your thinking or leave the premises
▶ f71507 (4) No.3944260
▶ 7b72a7 (7) No.3944261>>3944533
type the twatter into twatter or goog
▶ 0fe86e (1) No.3944262>>3944279 >>3944294 >>3944295 >>3944321 >>3944331
Guys, are we in the 10 days of darkness?
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944263
Yep, had to be someone with a key/card.
▶ 385746 (5) No.3944264
By the way, that list of donors is sorted by amount received and that's page 1
Where have I heard the name Susie Thompkins Buell. I think she came up on a dig recently>>3944187
▶ fec112 (10) No.3944265
ncal poorly maintained
socal not as bad
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944267>>3944304
Thanks, just found out I have no plans tonight, so I am in for the long haul!!
Great to see you too Baker, miss being around!!
Handoff Confirmed
▶ faaa83 (1) No.3944268
riffle greffen snortz? faddle perk meebly doofins.
▶ 157ea8 (5) No.3944269>>3944287
▶ 6b52f3 (5) No.3944270
You are not a threat to them.
What are
Are not a digital soldier, though you do at times wear that mantle.
Are not a terrorist, though you do terrorize those that would keep Truth hidden.
ARE Patriots (WW) that just want to live your lives, but are unwilling to pretend any longer that this world that they've made us is just and fair.
Share the truth.
One could say that you are a virtual hermit,
On a virtual mountain top,
Whispering a virtual whisper into the virtual wind,
To an audience of virtually everyone,
And virtually nobody at all.
And that's virtually perfect.
A swarm of nobodies. Just wanting for everyone to be free.
(Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) lost the 2016 election because they thought that their NSA crystal ball was infallible.
Garbage In Garbage Out.
They discounted and mislabeled everyone that comes here, and those of like mind. The simulation showed them what they wanted to see.
Call those Patriots here whatever one may like, but factor a Patriot for what one is;
When the need arises, so do we.
Side note about that NSA crystal ball (sentient world simulation);
Mr.President, a tool makes a poor master.
The last time the Cabal faced a Lion, he only had 30k free men at his side. You have uncounted millions of Patriots at yours.
Trust your gut, Mr.President. Trust Us. Patriots are ready to share the Light. God Bless.
Meme. Dig. Pray.
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944271
The ecologists have stopped new fire roads and fire breaks, also dead tree removed, etc.
Muh spotted owl.
▶ 5895df (3) No.3944272>>3944324 >>3944358
Great episode! Was on last week.
Tomorrow night is Victor Davis Hanson.
▶ 9ac6e5 (1) No.3944274
That is Bill Maher.
▶ 4bbb20 (2) No.3944275>>3944282 >>3944341
No doubt, imho, that he will at some point wake up to cold steel bars..they have yet to look at the mess he created in Tallahassee, which would be in addition to what he did with the elections..I have a feeling we should be spending more time digging on the Black Caucus, I think they may have paid an important role in this one as well as the Georgia race.
▶ d60777 (7) No.3944276>>3944297 >>3944370
Guy with 40 years in medical field, 28 years fire experience, trains fire captains etc.
Lives in California.
▶ 099880 (2) No.3944277
Haven't you learned yet? Q team is total bull. Its was a Trump team psyop to make the people think the swamp is being drained when in fact Trump is in bed with the swamp already. Why would you think otherwise?
▶ 6714e8 (4) No.3944278>>3944326
I agree
Only fall can classify
But are they suppose to day then jumped out of the window or roof also as cause of desth or not?
▶ 69a669 (4) No.3944280
Where I am close
▶ 385746 (5) No.3944281
Doesn't Skippy have a hot dog stand in California? Wonder if it's in Liddle Eric's district
▶ 4bbb20 (2) No.3944282
▶ 90f308 (2) No.3944283>>3944315 >>3944601
Natalie Simard revealed she had been sexually abused by Cloutier since 1980. She sued him and his company Productions Guy Cloutier (PGC), for more than $1.2 million, but settled out of court.[1][2] Cloutier was convicted of criminal charges in 2004 regarding this assault and that of another unidentified child.[3] He subsequently received a 3.5 year prison term.[4]
▶ 3e7d81 (5) No.3944285
So what if operation Hot Musket is set up in Lubbock to receive the first wireless electricity?
▶ 56edf8 (3) No.3944287>>3944298
As you wish. I am here to serve.
▶ 69a669 (4) No.3944291
Where I am close?
▶ 7cfda3 (4) No.3944292>>3944355
WTF Anons
Just watched video on Plan to Burn No Cal
Googled "100 Resilient Cities"
Every Major US City has signed on
Will have "Chief Resilience Officers" in ALL Cities
WTAF? Digging on this
THese people are SICK!
▶ 972c7a (1) No.3944293>>3944330 >>3944332 >>3944633 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
Sauce: http://www.pgecorp.com/corp/about-us/corporate-governance/corporation-directors/roger-kimmel.page
▶ 9f0fe0 (2) No.3944294
10 days of placeholders….
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944295
We have had many days of darkness. It's normal and Q will be back. We have had 10 days before and many more other times.
▶ a743c9 (1) No.3944296>>3944306
I'm giving (you) the finger
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944297
that's also from last year posted links in lb near the end still freaky "coincidence" *wink*wink*
▶ 157ea8 (5) No.3944298>>3944325
i love canadians
or quebequiose
▶ 41d1c9 (1) No.3944299
Read the whole article. No where does it say she had White House press credentials, nor does it say they were permanently revoked. Quit spreading untrue shit.
▶ cf84a0 (3) No.3944300>>3944363
▶ 78169f (1) No.3944301>>3944334 >>3944415 >>3944473 >>3944542 >>3944705 >>3944724 >>3944751
The part where Q lost me is when he hit up Stacy Dash. She was mine and if Q sees it all, he should've known this. I got a twitter account just to follow her. I would send her likes on the sly and pictures of memes I stole from half-chan, calling them my own tweeting I made them especially for her. I even lied to my parents and said I was dating a girl named Stacy Dash It works because they've never seen Clueless.
Now Stacy acts like she doesn't even see my retweets anymore. She only has eyes for Q. How can a guy with an autogenerated twitter handle compete against a movement? Thanks a lot Q. Patriots safe, my ass.
▶ 2309b1 (3) No.3944303
Lol dude on Live PD just now singing a song about the Fed. “they lie, they cheat, they steal your money too”
▶ 18c30c (12) No.3944304>>3944491
Ah, wish you a top night. Changed TZ here and falling asleep, so appreciate the relief. Catch up soon. <3
▶ 173f20 (4) No.3944305>>3944342 >>3944345
…and then the raw vid was made!
▶ 157ea8 (5) No.3944306
oooh, you're hitting the prostrate!
▶ c43798 (4) No.3944307>>3944316
You are a loser. If you don't see the changes happening, you are blind
▶ fd1bae (6) No.3944309
DJT 'endorsing' N Pelosi is just fukkery
trolling to Leftists,
to anons here who think this is just that …. Trolling on [them],
while the DS still has you by the balls.
Are you getting it?
More division is created / divisiveness is stronger, more extreme
since 45 was elected, ….
All the while, Q MOS has Larped real patriots
into "believing" a genuine Plan is in play.
There is a plan. It's to put the final nail on the
USA coffin.
When you worship a cult phenomenon w/o question,
what have you become?
True independent thought / expanded thinking still genuine?
Q is real. But will never be accountable.
Collateral civilian casualties w/ full knowledge,
▶ 21645d (1) No.3944310
The pineal gland may have a role in DMT production by way of nightly copper transport, which could allow INMT, the enzyme which creates DMT, to produce more of it, because copper-glutathione complexes inhibit DMT production.
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944313
Uck, he looks like Kathy Griffin!
▶ 157ea8 (5) No.3944316>>3944353 >>3944776 >>3944826
Sinema is hot! Much hotter than FLOTUS.
▶ bbb754 (1) No.3944317
he says where the shirt came from in the video at the 15 minuet mark, he was flown to Florida 2 times to teach about fire safety,
▶ 3e10f0 (4) No.3944318>>3944357 >>3944368 >>3944383 >>3944395 >>3944633 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
Marines Twat: When the Smoke Clears
▶ 52d2f7 (1) No.3944319
Our troller in chief be trolling. Enjoy the show dumbfuck, us Patriots already have our popcorn.
▶ c1061b (12) No.3944321
▶ 24b9c6 (4) No.3944323>>3944335
Next Week
Don't worry.
▶ 7d56eb (6) No.3944324>>3944361
VDH. so damn smart. tonight on Levin with Jordan is Chip Roy. who the eff is Chip Roy? kek
▶ 56edf8 (3) No.3944325
Right back atcha
▶ cae67b (4) No.3944326>>3944354
Thanks for input-don't exactly understand your question-maybe rephrase it?
▶ 425675 (3) No.3944327
Se had a decision to make -- she was given until Monday… did she chose correctly? as POTUS says we will see.
Source Brenden Dilley periscope who does get good intel.
▶ aee6d4 (4) No.3944328>>3944512 >>3944633
Israel Ships $72 Million into Europe to Combat BDS and Free Palestine Boycotts
Israeli oppression throughout the Middle East has seen a heavy-handed challenge in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a boycott of Israeli products across the globe; and now the tyrannical occupation of Israel is shipping $72 Million into Europe to counter it.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dedicated the $72 Million dollars to head directly into Europe, where support for BDS is growing daily.
The European Jewish Association (EJA) announced their desire to wreak havoc on anyone supporting BDS amidst a two-day conference.
According to the EJA, they're drawing “red lines” to stop the boycotts.
We've all heard the propaganda:
“They're using human shields!”
“Israelis are threatened!
There is no excuse to murder children. None.
If that were the case, we have to ask why the Israeli influence over the globe prevent sovereign nations from trading with companies that support the BDS boycott.
Even in America, many states have legislation which names companies supporting BDS as “illegal” to do trade with. 26 states now have such legislation on the books.
So, let us try to tackle this question:
If America is a sovereign nation, why are there laws in place preventing American companies from criticizing Israel?
Anti-BDS strength is growing across the globe.
I encourage Americans and Europeans to unite behind the BDS boycott and tell your government no more financing of nations which murder children.
America First.
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944329
POTUS has the goods on Pelosi and I think he has met with her and is using LEVERAGE
against her to save her ass. He may have convinced her to work together bilaterally to get things done, or her corruption (NK for one) will be exposed.
▶ 7cfda3 (4) No.3944330
This all goes to CABAL
See my post on 100 Resilient Cities Plan
Look at names of CRO's they have placed in US
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944331>>3944388 >>3944401
Q didn't say "ten days OF darkness".
He said
Ten days.
in the context of a much longer post.
The "ten days of darkness" somehow crept into the lexicon without much substance behind it. It may or may not be what you think it is.
▶ 1e6439 (6) No.3944332>>3944491
200 bun for your consideration.
Liddle kitchen 'elper.
>>3944154 Broward County Loses 2,040 Ballots -- Supervisor Brenda Snipes Says: “We Think They’re Somewhere in the Building”
>>3944156 Spoopy Tesla tower in Texas aims to transmute electricity wireless.
>>3944187 Heather Podesta is a contributor to Liddle Eric's campaign.
>>3944205 CBS correspondent says 'it should be noted' that the Obama White House 'demonized' Fox News daily.
>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.
>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
▶ 4dd478 (3) No.3944333
Definitely late to the party on this, but what if Sessions was never the stealth bomber. What if it was Whitaker? Trust Sessions to do nothing and appear ineffectual and to step down when the time was right?
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944334
You sound like a serial stalker…just sayin.
▶ 9f0fe0 (2) No.3944335
Kek, forgot the boom.
▶ c43798 (4) No.3944337>>3944418
Such a fraud. We will find you no matter where your hole is.
▶ 157ea8 (5) No.3944338>>3944403
podesta transcends gay or straight
▶ 940030 (10) No.3944339>>3944347 >>3944483
Concernfag shilling, light muh jew shills.
Shillcon downgrade.
Do NOT reply to shills.
▶ 09d532 (9) No.3944340
Your probably right about the compartmentalization in that regard.
But a lot of times they can't even distribut the blankets right. They are pretty fucked up.
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944341
>>3944275 The Black Caucus (racist right on the surface, right up front….WE are black and you are not) is a distinct cog, a wheel within a wheel, of the entire leftist machine. What good has come from that bunch.
▶ 3e7d81 (5) No.3944343>>3944371
Yeah. Federal funding for CA has to be tied to a whole bunch of stuff, don't you think?
▶ 39e84a (2) No.3944344>>3944516 >>3944633 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
Plane Crashes in the news today:
Plane loses wing, crashes at Darke County Airport
1 killed, another injured in small plane crash in Niceville
Pilot OK after plane crash in Clermont
Small plane crash in Georgia sends 4 to hospital
MCSO: Two men OK after plane crashes into Lake Pleasant
▶ bd1692 (2) No.3944345
I am not entirely sure that is a real email because why would that not have been dug on more I mean she said sacrifice night. People where doing cartwheels because of the time she said "sacrifice a chicken to moloch"
EDIT: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1682857
It is actually fake fuck
▶ 1c6083 (5) No.3944346>>3944576 >>3944793
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Not fiction: DARPA’s
High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense (HELLADS) program is similar in application to the JHPSSL, with a notable difference being that the DARPA lasers are intended to be liquid-cooled and reach 150 kilowatts.
Play YT video at 1:04
▶ 22b41d (1) No.3944348
>>3943420 (LB)
Ah yes the guy on the flat earth pushing his head through the dome
▶ 7b72a7 (7) No.3944350
it does yep,
get the PG&E camp fire audio from news outlets, or better yet a transcript, at least thats what i plan on doing
in the "blame PG&E" audio that went around the following days, you'll hear the fire team say a road is not accessible
im almost going to be positive that it is a fire road that wasnt maintained, if you wanna scoop me on that notable dig……
▶ 04020a (2) No.3944352>>3944373
Her first album…… How young she was! >>3944308
▶ 6714e8 (4) No.3944354>>3944416
Are they obligated to state that the person jumped out of the window or roof for example when filling in cause of death? The way person commited suicide. Or just a resulting trauma not action which led to it?
▶ 7cfda3 (4) No.3944355>>3944385
Rockefeller Foundation Funding It
Started during Hussein's Reign
▶ 544254 (5) No.3944356
sweeter than a plate of yams with extra syrup.
▶ 8e564e (6) No.3944357>>3944404 >>3944432
For those about to MEU
We salute you!
▶ 7d56eb (6) No.3944358
I could listen to Victor forever. The way he speaks, softly, but all facts. Haven't seen anyone argue with him yet.
▶ 69a669 (4) No.3944359
Heading to Moorpark and TO blvds with my Q Gadsden Flag.
▶ 5895df (3) No.3944361>>3944384 >>3944632 >>3944650
New Congressman. TX, maybe?
▶ 6c651e (6) No.3944363
Well, I have read that attention spans are getting shor…
▶ c43798 (4) No.3944364>>3944374 >>3944417 >>3944433
Oh Lord please. Just give me a taste of that before I die.
▶ 4c3356 (1) No.3944365
DJT Jr. still with Newsom’s ex? That had to be a little weird today.
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944367
Anons should look up the address at the "multiple blunt force" suicide victim and see if there is a second floor at the garage area where he was found.
If there is no high rise above the garage area, he didn't jump.
▶ 8e564e (6) No.3944368
▶ 7fde97 (4) No.3944369
"With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . "
-Cheryl Mills.
▶ 9e5bca (5) No.3944370>>3944532
Holy shit. I watch that video and missed that.
And a quick check doesn't reveal any county or town called Broward in California.
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944371>>3944382
so POTUS makes a big show in CA and is very magnanimous and helpful great optics even msm can say nada
behind the curtainold and new ca gov's in the woodshed be given the dirt POTUS has on them and what they are going to do or else
▶ 14d26f (6) No.3944372>>3944509
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3944194
Diamonds and Rust
- Joan Baez
Not part of an essay, it just came up and it's an awesome display of singing…and putting feelings to music. I'm thinking that boy broke her heart.. This is what singing sounds like..
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944373>>3944392
what's that got to do with voting, maybe you linked to the wrong post :)
Also she sang to a pope at one point.
▶ 31315a (6) No.3944374
This isn't your only life anon
▶ ca8ed0 (7) No.3944375
I like the way you think!
▶ aee6d4 (4) No.3944376>>3944633
Antifa Riot in Portland -- Moon Police – Then Douse Them with Liquid (PHOTO + VIDEOS)
Antifa terrorists showed up to a Portland rally Saturday to cause trouble.
Members from the Patriot Prayer Group in Portland held a “Him Too” rally in Portland on Saturday and they were met with hundreds of black-clad, masked Antifa thugs.
“Protest events are officially underway in Portland, as about 60-70 people march behind this Democratic Socialists of America banner on their way to counterprotest a Patriot Prayer/Proud Boys-related “him too” protest in downtown Portland,” reported Mike Bivins.
Antifa clashed with riot police in Portland Saturday.
One of the far-left protesters mooned the police as others doused the officers in a liquid (presumably urine).
▶ f71507 (4) No.3944377
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944378
The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like…2Corinthians 4:4
▶ 099880 (2) No.3944380>>3944394 >>3944420
Pelosi is COMPED so she will do what DRUMPF wants. No problem.
▶ ca8ed0 (7) No.3944381
I like the way you think!>>3944309
▶ 3e7d81 (5) No.3944382
▶ 8e564e (6) No.3944383
▶ 425675 (3) No.3944384
Yes, Austin area
▶ 7cfda3 (4) No.3944385
▶ 544254 (5) No.3944386
butts are gross
i dont like butts
i dont want to eat Sinemas butt.
i need to
▶ 8f99a2 (3) No.3944387
>>3944138 (lb)
really? for an 80 yr old man I think jerry brown looks great. I guess you aren't around old people eh?
(bty, i can't stand the man but i will give him credit, belonging to the ds must have it's perks)
▶ e52fa5 (2) No.3944388>>3944412 >>3944428 >>3944505
>The "ten days of darkness" somehow crept into the lexicon without much substance behind it.
Sometimes it feels like we are watching a movie. 😉
▶ 1c6083 (5) No.3944389
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944390>>3944419 >>3944577
We need to start a campaign to get Kellyann Conway to leave her Husband.
▶ 04020a (2) No.3944392
yup didn't mean to link it. Clicking accident. That album dates 1982, Angelil mortgaged his home for her in 1981. What a sick fuck.
▶ 6927c7 (1) No.3944393>>3944411
Drop the DAMN HAMMER damn it!
C'mon Q.
Anons need treats.
▶ 7b9901 (1) No.3944396>>3944406
▶ 9f9741 (1) No.3944397
It’s about northern Iowa volleyball. Don’t be dumb.
▶ c021ed (1) No.3944399>>3944430 >>3944431 >>3944597 >>3944633 >>3944651 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
▶ 85c5ff (1) No.3944400
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. what does it Mean to be covered in gold?
5:00 in
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944402>>3944405 >>3944453 >>3944496
George Papadopoulos
1m1 minute ago
Big development: Joseph Mifsud is tied directly to Christopher Steele and Alexander Downer’s former chief of staff. He was also on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.
▶ fec112 (10) No.3944403
posted this about time/space but it seems more appropriate in that ….case.
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944405
▶ 69a669 (4) No.3944406
TO & Moorpark Bvld is where i'll be
▶ 24b9c6 (4) No.3944408>>3944626
She looks like she might have been hot - like 20 years ago.
She needs to start covering up now.
Even the incoming commie spic is better.
▶ b6e133 (5) No.3944410
fake… don't be a faggot
▶ 4dbf47 (6) No.3944411>>3944429 >>3944446 >>3944633
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944412
yes it most certainly does
nice post anon
▶ 71659d (6) No.3944413
And Saturn - Satan
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944414>>3944459 >>3944517 >>3944572
>You can't make a laser from space that can do this
Who is claiming this stuff came from space? IF a tard on the ground can blind a pilot flying a plane with a laser…a tard in a plane WITH a laser can start a fire…and yes, the laser would be visible. Believe it or not there is an entire "underground" of people who make homemade laser weapons and they are deadly as shit. It's a hobby but also necessity in areas where gun ownership is forbidden or limited. VERY easy to go poking about and discover this for yourself.
For a while it was easy to buy the parts to build your own…and from videos I've seen…I dearly wanted to make my own for a SHTF scenario…say four or five guys creeping up on your camp in the dark, ONE SWIPE across their positions with a high power laser gun and they won't have a chance to shoot.
I think that this is one area of SHTF weaponry that gets little to no attention. You can do it from a concealed position at a distance, no sound, no need for heavy ammo, just BOOM instant blindness, instant hole burnt in chest, instant death (depending on the power)….there's a whole underground bunch of folks who build their own. Again, I've seen videos from back in the day (before getting parts got more difficult) and trust me, your supposition that a laser could not make that sort of damage…is 100% incorrect. You can start a fire with a magnifying glass and the sun…kek…so…flying around in a helicopter with the door open and zapping houses or areas you want to get burning with a hand held high power laser weapon…easy.
▶ 20451d (6) No.3944415>>3944427
▶ cae67b (4) No.3944416
Good question: yes they are obligated to put "how injury occurred" on the death certificate if the cause is multiple blunt force trauma ( manner could be suicide, accident, homicide or undetermined); phrasing for a suicide would typically be; "jumped from height" or "jumped from 3rd story of building".
▶ 6c651e (6) No.3944417>>3944630 >>3944640
Remember, anon. No matter how hot she is, somebody somewhere is sick of her shit.
▶ ca8ed0 (7) No.3944418
Why would you want to "find" me?? Because I have questions & opinions?? Slow your roll sugar!!
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944419
not to worry
he's another good actor
▶ 139ff3 (9) No.3944420
He's keeps the enemy guessing that way.
▶ 5bcbaf (1) No.3944424>>3944457 >>3944487 >>3944495 >>3944518 >>3944586 >>3944697 >>3944743
I think it’s safe to say Q team stands for Quantum and they are in the future.
▶ 31315a (6) No.3944427>>3944545
Waifus are becoming an endangered species. Soon we'll all have to face our fears.
▶ 3e7d81 (5) No.3944428
Dang. Script confirmed.
▶ 7fde97 (4) No.3944430
JOSEPH MIFSUD !! 302s !!!!! BOOM
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944431
>>3944399 PapaD: Mifsud tied to Christopher Steele and on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.
▶ 940030 (10) No.3944432
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3944357
25mm bushmaster chaingun
11meu porn
▶ f71507 (4) No.3944434
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944435
Keep Going Papa! Tell us MORE!!
▶ 3b542f (4) No.3944437
Left this for Eva Longoria
Troll the TDS with it
<pic related
▶ e9857f (2) No.3944442>>3944484
I get that, however, what happened to the millions upon millions of dollars that were donated by American citizens after the earthquake in Haiti? We know it didn’t really ever go to actual victims.
The EO involving blocking property of organizations involved in serious human rights abuses comes to mind. Seems the Red Cross would fall into that category.
▶ 108218 (5) No.3944445
article shared to note that Gov. Jerry Brown is a fan of her 'werk'.
▶ ea6deb (1) No.3944447
Cher, do you not know that you are an illiterate flunky? Have you no shame in putting your name on such a horribly written piece of tripe? You need remedial English courses!
▶ 39e84a (2) No.3944448>>3944633
Minority Business Development Administrator Fired From City of Cleveland After Murdering Ex-Wife.
▶ c1752d (10) No.3944450
▶ 2f7988 (6) No.3944451>>3944493 >>3944501
Who is in charge in this photo…irrefutably POTUS.
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944452
> Trump is endorsing Pelosi!!
I know right? This shit sucks…he also endorsed Hillary to run for president again in 2020…grow a brian you moran.
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944454>>3944522
Her incompetency is what has lead to this situation, and now she wants to blame it on racism?
Embattled Broward election boss says racism is 'probably' behind backlash against her
▶ f7066c (1) No.3944456>>3944631
>>3943457 , >>3943558 POTUS re Cali fires: “I think everybody has seen the Light”
>>3942192 5:5 proofs?
▶ 72b730 (1) No.3944457
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . . . .
That kind of makes a lot of sense.
▶ a683d2 (10) No.3944458>>3944461
Quints confirm politeness among anons
▶ 1ff375 (6) No.3944459>>3944534
Carbon Dioxide lasers have been important tools for industrial cutting for long time.
▶ c43798 (4) No.3944460
Why wait? GTFO now loser.
▶ c1752d (10) No.3944461
▶ 567615 (2) No.3944462
POTUS making it all betttah.
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944463
Who is the chief of staff. I can't seem to find the name.
▶ 88d33a (1) No.3944464
Epic Trump Troll… He's daring them.
▶ ef5613 (6) No.3944465>>3944519
BREAKING: Police Arrest Far-Left Antifa Thugs After Violence Erupts at ‘We the People’ Rally in Philadelphia (VIDEOS)
Violence erupted at the ‘We the People’ rally in Philadelphia Saturday after hundreds of far-left Antifa thugs showed up to cause trouble.
A planned rally by conservative groups to show support for ICE and police officers was met with hundreds of black-clad, masked Antifa thugs on Saturday near the Independence Visitor Center on 5th and 6th streets.
▶ 173f20 (4) No.3944467>>3944476
Google Parent Alphabet Becomes 2nd FANG to Produce ‘Death Cross’ and Netflix is Next
▶ fce459 (3) No.3944468>>3944486 >>3944499 >>3944526 >>3944553 >>3944605
potus live just called paradise, pleasure. multiple times and had to be corrected. what's that about.
▶ cae67b (4) No.3944471
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944472>>3944582 >>3944682
Quick question to clockfag
has any clock predictions ever come true?
▶ 7b5166 (4) No.3944473>>3944485 >>3944673
Kek..the chan culture is lost on many.
▶ 60619c (13) No.3944474>>3944492
▶ caae5f (2) No.3944477>>3944500
May God Bless The Commander In Chief & The Patriots…
May God Assist In Your Mission Of Destruction Of Our Enemies & The Old Guard……
With Furious & Unrestrained Tones Of Thunder & Quickness Of Lightning………
Victoria & Peace
▶ fd4819 (1) No.3944478
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944479>>3944588
>Roger Stone.
is a VERY very evil man. All honey and chocolate on the outside…that covers up his chewy nutty insides. I wouldn't trust Roger Stone to water my plants.
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944480>>3944504
Steve is Californian… he knows wtf is up out there.
▶ 385746 (5) No.3944481>>3944727
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3944187
I think this Javed contributor to Swalwell is the same Javed mentioned by Webb. Connections to Awan Bros according to George. Trust him, he HAS THE METADATA.
▶ 5e93ff (1) No.3944482
…"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows…
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944484
Yes, it seems that way.
Wish we had the full picture.
The part we have is better than nothing though.
pix related
▶ 2f7988 (6) No.3944486
Sunday am mockingbird
Wait for it
▶ 1734d8 (1) No.3944488
That's Bill it was some kinda Big pimp party him and his little pedo friends had..no sauce ..I just remember seeing it..oldfag
▶ 365566 (4) No.3944489
>>3944014 lb
Jerry Brown and Fake news.
A lifetime of fuggery!
▶ 0679f0 (1) No.3944490
who in the fuck do you think you are?
You sound like a little bitch snapping your fingers.
I bet your fun around the Holidays.
Get me what i want or else, what a fucking prick.
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944491>>3944498 >>3944508 >>3944537
Thanks Man!!
Yellow Meme's are Good Memes!!
Sweet Deep Yellow Dreams Man, Kek <3
Thanks Anon, I can spot you later if you decide to give it a whirl?? Oh, and pro tip - the mos recent notable go to the top of the list, yours is in reverse :)
Also, I only use News areticles hat are overkill relevant to our cause here… News Fags try to collect (You)'s with too many stories (IMHO), Kek
▶ 4dbf47 (6) No.3944493>>3944511
Thank God Trump is in California and bringing these people in line.
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944496>>3944506
Boris Johnson Met Professor Who Told Trump Adviser Russia Had Dirt on Clinton
▶ 09d532 (9) No.3944497
POTUS loves him.
Don't listen to fake news.
▶ 161281 (8) No.3944498
Yellow memes are ugly and gross. Why do you bots post them? Tell us. We are asking you.
▶ 55f4b0 (10) No.3944499>>3944515
And Jerry Brown looking around oddly
▶ 6b52f3 (5) No.3944500>>3944547
nice dubs.
Nice blessings.
▶ fd1bae (6) No.3944501
All his yrs of Finger signing has meant Zero?
DJTrump is so fukking deep state.
Connect the dots.
We were baited.
▶ 6c651e (6) No.3944502>>3944584
Brown and Newsome are completely cucked by Trump. It's blowing my mind.
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944504>>3944523 >>3944525 >>3944530 >>3944548 >>3944565
If I could figure out how that man works his smolder I'd have fifteen girlfriends. I wonder how he does with the ladies because even I (and totally no homo, not that there's anything wrong with that) feel a tingle under his gaze. (wait wut? maybe homo?)
▶ 108218 (5) No.3944505
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3944388
Great catch. Ever see the anime they made on it?
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944506
November 11 2017, 11:11 a.m.
▶ 1e6439 (6) No.3944508>>3944540
the mos recent notable go to the top of the list, yours is in reverse :)
Fucksticks. Still learning. This is practice. Baking is a bit away yet. Kek.
▶ 14d26f (6) No.3944509>>3944603 >>3944797
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3944372
California Dreamin'
- Jose Feliciano
This'll become your favorite cover once you hear it. When you're a blind kid with a guitar, you can get pretty good. When you're Jose Feliciano, you become amazing. Oh yeah, he can sing…really sing.
▶ 1db5c4 (5) No.3944510>>3944520
Shame on Maher, he should be more sensitive to this issue! (pic related). He's this [ ] close to wearing blackface.
▶ 2f7988 (6) No.3944511
Thank you God. Truly!
▶ 3b349b (2) No.3944512
1. Bds is supported by soros tentacles (ngos).
2. The corrupt human shield using palestinian leadership is as bad as the israeli deep state.
3. Nothing justifies dead civilians. But hamas uses them as human shields.
▶ ac4947 (4) No.3944513
Not your army.
▶ 5c36c0 (5) No.3944514>>3944527 >>3944539
Says here Trudeau and Celine are cousins…and look, with Hillary too! There's a Cloutier connection also.
What's that ring she got on there?
▶ 161281 (8) No.3944515>>3944536
One gets the feeling that POTUS just pulls 'levers' as needed, because WE HAVE IT ALL. Fun to see.
▶ c5e49e (6) No.3944516
or are these being tracked already?
▶ 20451d (6) No.3944517
I just copied from past bread for a lazy anon.
▶ a683d2 (10) No.3944518
except on the Kavanaugh vote, where they weren't
▶ a824f7 (5) No.3944520>>3944551 >>3944689
What did Q say about red shoes?
▶ 20baa0 (4) No.3944521>>3944538 >>3944541 >>3944544 >>3944633 >>3944637 >>3944652 >>3944660 >>3944688 >>3944735
Trump lands at Point Mugu
▶ b6e133 (5) No.3944522>>3944528 >>3944558
this "incompetency" meme needs to go away
she wasn't incompetent at all
she was WILLFULLY shady, corrupt, and criminal
▶ 8f99a2 (3) No.3944523>>3944613
There's that cutey.
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944524
"The Era Of Gains Is Over"
▶ 79fda4 (7) No.3944525>>3944561
▶ 6714e8 (4) No.3944526>>3944543 >>3944571
Or he is loosing it
▶ 3e7d81 (5) No.3944527>>3944539 >>3944544 >>3944568
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944528
Yep, your correct.
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944530>>3944554
The reason you're likely homo - NTTAWWT - is you're probably a Pisces, and Steve is a Virgo, and Virgos trap Pisceans.
▶ c1061b (12) No.3944531>>3944557
▶ d60777 (7) No.3944532
yea he says that he went to Florida for it! weird weird
▶ cc1875 (2) No.3944533>>3944593
k i guess you dont want help wtih your faggot poll then retard
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944534>>3944687
>Carbon Dioxide lasers have been important tools for industrial cutting for long time.
They can do a LOT of damage. One thing I noted when exhaustively researching this a few years ago is that even people who have/own/make these are terrified of them. Lots and lots of safety advice was given and taken…dangerous as fuck. But I had fantasies of being on SHTF watch over my camp and swiping my laser over incursion forces…bullets are nice and all, but nothing beats no shots fired, all enemy destroyed.
▶ 55f4b0 (10) No.3944536>>3944742
Kek Jerry Brown looked like he was high on acid…must be looking to the skies for his ride to Gitmo
▶ d60777 (7) No.3944538
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944539
well there ya go he's one of the gang kek
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944540
It is OK Anon, I have seen Bakers that have been baking for a while still do it the wrong way. I think someone corrected me long ago when I was new WWG1WGA
▶ 6b52f3 (5) No.3944541
May want to reinsert those dropped notables from last bread.
Landed where called.
▶ 9294ec (1) No.3944542
sorry for ur loss. stacey dash is top shelf babe status.
▶ fce459 (3) No.3944543
not a chance. "very stable genius"
▶ 20baa0 (4) No.3944544
Well that certainly explains a lot…predisposed to EVIL!
▶ 20451d (6) No.3944545>>3944573
My waifu is an Awoo
▶ caae5f (2) No.3944547
The Fight Rages On……
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944548
▶ aed877 (1) No.3944549>>3944639 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944801
Hi anons.
After seeing POTUS blame California for bad forest management, I came across the picture on the left. I looked up California's budget pdf's and wow the pic is just a bunch of BS.
The alledged budget cuts are not to be found in the paper. It's just a bunch of disinfo.
That said, I would like to ask anons to have the heart to try and dig up proof of actual forest mismanagement. The budget pdf's are complex, and - probably intentionally - don't give much of a clear oversight of the millions and billions of $$$ strewn around.
Anyway, it would be good to have some definite numbers regarding possible forest fuel management budget cuts, or other cuts, testimonies of budget cuts etc.
Doing a little research reveals that the whole drought/forest fire issue is a complex matter. I'm sure POTUS knows more of it (it's so much money), but on the other hand, FBI anon told us that Trump's use of confirmation bias is legendary, and people buy into it without proof. Proof is always better.
The budgets are really dense and vague.
▶ ef5613 (6) No.3944550
Daniel Horowitz
If the republic survives by then, i look forward to working with President DeSantis in 2025 to end judicial supremacy.
▶ 1db5c4 (5) No.3944551
I'm not sure what Q said, but I know we have dug on it. Worn by Tony Podesta and the Pope. Rumored to be made from human skin, or so I think.
▶ d60777 (7) No.3944552>>3944621
do you have the grassley coded tweet
▶ fce459 (3) No.3944553>>3944564 >>3944581 >>3944595 >>3944606
I think Trump calling paradise "pleasure" is notable. we know how he rolls. do you believe in coincidence?
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944554>>3944566
I dunno…I think it's more a tingle of how the fuck does he do that? He's the Smoldering Jew. Scorpio…he's a Scorpio? I am a Scorpio…perhaps it is that we recognize our own, but I've a long way to go before my sting is as effective as his!
(how does an aries do with Scorpio?)
▶ 785bfc (5) No.3944555>>3944684
What are they using as reference to who is missing? Democrat voter roles? They will never find them because they never existed in the first place.
▶ 3e10f0 (4) No.3944556
A U-28A Spectre is up. There are also two Marine Citation Citation planes up. One in California and one in Virginia.
▶ 2f7988 (6) No.3944557
▶ 8f99a2 (3) No.3944558
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944560>>3944622
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944561
▶ 7b5166 (4) No.3944562>>3944578
That fucker has killed thousands and keeps getting away with it
▶ 91d6ba (5) No.3944563
/ \
is this the little saluting man?
▶ 55f4b0 (10) No.3944564
Maybe there's something hiding in the shadows of the sleepy little town of Pleasure/Paradise
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944566
Surprisingly well.
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944567>>3944625
Love You Man. (no homo)
▶ 7fb5f9 (1) No.3944568
Well that really doesn't say much, Quebec is a small province where most people are related somehow (7-10 generations)
▶ 161281 (8) No.3944569>>3944580 >>3944647
"Puke style" memes = bot signature. They are flaunting their control in your face, humans. Why don't you fight back? Do you want to be sheep? FIGHT
▶ a2ea1d (1) No.3944570>>3944607 >>3944669 >>3944796 >>3944798 >>3944801 >>3944844 >>3944851
Here's an interesting take on why we haven't seen the arrests we've been praying for.
If it comes to that, I'm ready. We really can't comprehend the vastness of the Cabal and what the Plan truly encompasses.
▶ a683d2 (10) No.3944571
▶ 9e5bca (5) No.3944572>>3944664
>Who is claiming this stuff came from space?
Agreed. I wrote that in response to a crazy lady who was claiming lasers from satellites. And then I posted the video of the high-power handheld laser last bread.
>>3942360 (old)
>>3943754 (LB)
▶ 7b5166 (4) No.3944573
Wash your hands anons don't catch the awoooovement
▶ 09d532 (9) No.3944574
Looks like thick bullet proof under his jacket.
▶ ef5613 (6) No.3944575
▶ 71659d (6) No.3944576>>3944600
And there you have it. Good one anon.
▶ 161281 (8) No.3944578>>3944596 >>3944636
And why are you on Q's board?
▶ 6714e8 (4) No.3944579
Pleasure town ca is a show
▶ 785bfc (5) No.3944581
If they were burning evidence it is prolly a pedo camp getaway.
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944582
its a simple question…
are we all following something not real?
▶ 108218 (5) No.3944584>>3944641
even the FEMA guy was punking Jerry
▶ ef5613 (6) No.3944585
A large green-and-yellow-glowing celestial object, which was caught on several cameras darting across the night sky in central Texas, has reportedly produced a boom powerful enough to make some walls shake.
NASA and the American Meteor Society (AMS) received around 100 witness reports all claiming that a bright burning object pierced the Texan night sky at around 9:22pm Thursday. Some noted that a minute later they heard an explosion which produced a shockwave so strong that it made houses tremble.
▶ 4dbf47 (6) No.3944586
Now everything makes sense.
▶ 4dd478 (3) No.3944588>>3944629
Roger Stone was able to get Netflix to publish a documentary about him after Trump got elected. Enough said.
▶ 940030 (10) No.3944589>>3944686
if not fake might well be be gay.
TY for this contribution to our work. You deserve a medal of freedom but POTUS gave the last one to Elvis.
Have Peace prize instead.
▶ 576a30 (2) No.3944590>>3944614
>>3943987 (OP)
Any updates on op hot musket?
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944591
'''Has anyone looked up the "suicide" by multiple blunt force victim's address????
▶ 7f18ac (1) No.3944592>>3944608 >>3944645 >>3944773 >>3944846 >>3944872
So Michelle Obama's book has the best opening sales of any book in 2018. I can see only two explanations- the public is still retarded and unaware of how horrible her and her husband are or some wealthy Dems are buying up tons of copies to keep the Obama's from embarrassing themselves.
▶ 3b542f (4) No.3944593
▶ 478eb2 (1) No.3944594
musing anon……
presumably bots being programmed with logic / statistics/ algorithms; can only respond to humans as logically as they have been programmed, processing only those parameters given to them.
Can we burn out their circuits 'does not compute' thru responding with illogical, including random expressions of emotion other than anger….. 'I love you' interjecting emotion into responses they are trying to process thru logic, expecting certain (arguments) words, looking for them in (known) patterns of the person they've engaged.
Or maybe overload them with logical but irrelevant stats, see how long it takes for it to figure out it's being screwed with. Maybe PP stats or asking it 'did you know adam schiff is a child abuser? football stats, bewb facts
Maybe responses from them could become a memorialized collection of FUNNY kinda like asking 'Siris' getting exactly zero response.
▶ bbd68a (3) No.3944595
▶ 7b5166 (4) No.3944596
For yous and because like you I literally am Q
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944597>>3944633 >>3944642
Wat we do wit dis
▶ f80219 (1) No.3944598
Shouldn't you be playing video games or something?
▶ 5e997f (1) No.3944599>>3944769
The agent on the passenger side of the Beast, while POTUS was deplaning did the Illuminati Power Sign
Dark hair, sunglasses, pinkish untucked shirt & open vest
▶ 1c6083 (5) No.3944600>>3944667
Just one more relatively recent article on the progress of HELLADS:
▶ 8fd764 (3) No.3944601>>3944756
David Foster did the same
▶ 1db5c4 (5) No.3944603>>3944611 >>3944819
I’m sure he’s quite good, but my girlfriend still prefers Fellatio to Feliciano.
▶ a883f7 (3) No.3944604>>3944699 >>3944840
who's the guy second from the left between POTUS and token black guy?
▶ fc64c5 (5) No.3944605
Wild-assed guess. POTUS has someone on tape talking about a "pleasure fire" or a fire in Pleasure or something like that. i.e. giving the command to set a fire, but using the word Pleasure instead of Paradise.
▶ dfd8d7 (1) No.3944606>>3944653 >>3944702
Did Bohemian Grove burn?
▶ 4579e4 (1) No.3944607
>>3944570 Good take on Trumps Situation
▶ 11c332 (1) No.3944608
That's how the elites launder bribe money, book deals, college speaking fees, getting gigs on fake news after out of office, etc.
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944609>>3944661
I often wonder if Carville hasn't wrested back control of his party, after they let homo Robby Mook wreck it. Let ADA run the election, screw 60 years ace experience by the Ragin' Cajun. I despise that man, but I do respect him.
▶ f00d13 (1) No.3944610
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. I found this interesting, the WSJ has a report about deep fakes. Perhaps it is some kind of preemptive narrative to combat the revealing of video or picture evidence of the high level bad actors exposure?
▶ a883f7 (3) No.3944611>>3944729 >>3944760
I hope you don't mean in a receiving sense
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944612>>3944730
no funding from trump!!
lets sell some drugs
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944613
I think I just outed all the gays and ladies on here…now tits!!!
SRSLY tho, I have been studying on his style..he's so well tailored he could be gay, which if I was gay I'd put him on my "hit list". The man appears to have it all. Even his lack of hair seems virile and he's skinny as fuck and…yet he has "something". Maybe he's got a high squeaky voice (fingers crossed, no one should ever have IT all!)
▶ c1061b (12) No.3944615>>3944658
▶ 00a162 (5) No.3944616
>>3943452 (lb)
wilcock you're still a faggot
▶ 55f4b0 (10) No.3944617
Famous people born in Paradise, CA and … Jello.
1. Jake McLaughlin
Actor | In the Valley of Elah
Jake McLaughlin was born on October 7, 1982 in Paradise, California, USA as Jacob Adam McLaughlin. He is an actor, known for In the Valley of Elah (2007), Savages (2012) and Safe House. He has been married to Stephanie .. since 2004. They have four children.
Tiffany Brissette
2. Tiffany Brissette
Actress | Small Wonder
Tiffany began her "career" at the very young age of 2 years old. Her mother entered her in many pageants and talent competitions during her young life. That led to television voice-over work and many commercial appearances which included "Care Bears", "Florida Orange Juice", "IBM", "Jell-O Puddin' …
Jackie VanZant
3. Jackie VanZant Jackie VanZant was born on April 7, 1976 in Paradise, California, USA. He is an actor, known for Universal Squadrons (2011), Bail Out (2010) and Top of the First (2008).
▶ 5c36c0 (5) No.3944619>>3944623 >>3944643
I have no sauce, but there's a bit of a resemblance, no?
▶ b6e133 (5) No.3944621>>3944654
what do you mean?
other than the grassley tweets that are already on there?
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944622>>3944644
▶ 09d569 (8) No.3944623
interesting comparison
▶ 4ab32f (4) No.3944625
▶ 8fd764 (3) No.3944626
>Even the incoming commie spic is better.
I'd fuck her so hard she'd end up switching to R.
(Because she would have already had the best D there is)
▶ 5a7ded (4) No.3944628>>3944659
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944629>>3944696
>Roger Stone was able to get Netflix to publish a documentary about him
He's been able to do a lot…but he's OUT now..and will never be "close enough" again.
▶ 544254 (5) No.3944630
I've spent time with women many people would count as tens. They fart. Not fun ones. Shitty ones. Doodoo ones.
▶ 85087b (1) No.3944631
So what are we saying here? @Jack is responsible for the fires?
▶ 7d56eb (6) No.3944632
▶ 1e6439 (6) No.3944633>>3944669
500 Bun? Chuck what you don't want, this is practice. Did I manage to get them right way up now? That was confusing cutting and pasting back. Kek.
>>3944597 HRH Ambassador for SA met with Pelosi to discuss Saudi-US ties and regional and global developments.
>>3944521 Trump lands at Point Mugu
>>3944448 Minority Business Development Administrator Fired From City of Cleveland After Murdering Ex-Wife.
>>3944444 For the cause. Quints confirm politeness is the only way for anons. Shadilay.
>>3944411 POTUS is live in CA. DJT surveys California wildfire damage.
>>3944399 Papa D twat - Big development: Joseph Mifsud is tied directly to Christopher Steele and Alexander Downer's former chief of staff
>>3944376 Antifa Riot in Portland, Moon Police, Then Douse Them with Liquid (PHOTO + VIDEOS).
>>3944318 US marines twatter 'When the smoke clears'.
>>3944344 Plane crashes in the news today.
>>3944328 Israel Ships $72 Million into Europe to Combat BDS and Free Palestine Boycotts.
>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.
>>3944205 CBS correspondent says 'it should be noted' that the Obama White House 'demonized' Fox News daily.
>>3944187 Heather Podesta is a contributor to Liddle Eric's campaign.
>>3944156 Spoopy Tesla tower in Texas aims to transmute electricity wireless.
>>3944154 Broward County Loses 2,040 Ballots -- Supervisor Brenda Snipes Says: “We Think They’re Somewhere in the Building”
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944636>>3944674
Because Vince is one of us, faggot
▶ b8f3aa (2) No.3944637
▶ 75225d (5) No.3944639
>>3944549 Help Needed Digging CA Dem's Bad Forest Management
Need to get the word out in easy to digest form
▶ 8fd764 (3) No.3944640
Sometimes a girl who knows she's hot thinks she can get away with more. The test of a true man is to keep treating her like the 14 year old she mentally is.
▶ 6c651e (6) No.3944641
Anybody who knows anything about the situation knows California is proper FUCKED w/o some serious billions in federal cash. Along with "we have it all," Trump also has them by the financial short hairs.
▶ 785bfc (5) No.3944642>>3944681
She asked him "You got any of that adrenochrome in SA? Trump cut off our supplies from Haiti and Mexico".
▶ 944fc7 (2) No.3944643>>3944657 >>3944714
Before and after plastic surgeries
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944644>>3944668
▶ 71659d (6) No.3944645
Disgusting. Look fwd to day when they are all exposed. michael obama, celine dion - all of them. If they’re famous, they sold their soul. People are still so stupid and still fall for it. Idol worship. Looking fwd to the day when they’re all exposed.
▶ 181003 (8) No.3944646>>3944758 >>3944775 >>3944796 >>3944801 >>3944802
As to questions about Papadopoulos’ complicity in all this, the FBI didn’t bother to interview Papadopoulos until January 27, 2017.
Consider the timeline:
Late February or early March 2016 -- Papadopoulos lands a prestigious sounding job that immediately pads his resume.
Early March 2016 -- Papadopoulos learns he will become a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.
March 14, 2016 -- Papadopoulos first meets Mifsud in Italy – approximately one week after officially joining the Trump team.
March 24, 2016 -- Papadopoulos, Mifsud, Olga Polonskaya and unknown fourth party met in a London cafe.
April 18, 2016 -- Mifsud introduced Papadopoulos to Ivan Timofeev, an official at a state-sponsored think tank called Russian International Affairs Council.
April 26, 2016 -- Mifsud claims to have met with high-level Russian government officials who have “dirt” on Clinton. Papadopoulos told the FBI that Mifsud said “the Russians had emails of Clinton” and “they have thousands of emails.”
May 4, 2016 -- Papadopoulos gives his interview to the London Times. It is not well-received in London.
May 10, 2016 -- Papadopoulos meets with Australian Diplomat Alexander Downer. It is Downer who seeks out the meeting.
May/June 2016 -- Halper invites Carter Page to July 2016 Cambridge symposium regarding the upcoming election.
July 11, 2016 -- Carter Page attends symposium with Halper just four days after his July 2016 Moscow trip.
July 31, 2016 -- FBI opens Counterintelligence Investigation into Trump-Russia connections.
August 2-3, 2016 -- Strzok travels to London to meet unknown party at Australian Embassy.
September 13, 2016 -- Papadopoulos accepts a meeting with Stefan Halper. Halper, who has connections to CIA & UK Intelligence, asked Papadopoulos: “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”
▶ 04c7f9 (3) No.3944647
>>3944569 but red text gets you fillturd
▶ 7d56eb (6) No.3944650
▶ fc64c5 (5) No.3944651
Very notable. Perhaps Khashoggi was killed to keep him from testifying about Mifsud, who is clearly the central element tying all of this together.
▶ c1061b (12) No.3944652>>3944737
▶ 785bfc (5) No.3944653
not this fire, last years fire
▶ d60777 (7) No.3944654
couple of months ago was very weird set of tweets from him gargon
▶ 00a162 (5) No.3944658>>3944670 >>3944722 >>3944750
am I the only one wondering why DiFi is
asking for blood donations at red cross for fire victims
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944659>>3944668
Mike Smith
Mike Smith was until July 2013, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, a position he held for more than 5 years. Prior to that he was Australia’s Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism. From 2002 to 2006, Mike Smith was Australia’s Permanent Representative to the UN and the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. Amongst other responsibilities over this period, in 2004 he was elected Chair of the UN Commission on Human Rights, one of the most demanding chairing positions in the multilateral system. For most of the period 1998 to 2002, Mike Smith was Chief of Staff to the Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer. Earlier he served as Australia’s Ambassador to Algeria and Tunisia, (1989 -- 1991) and to Egypt, Sudan and Algeria (1995 – 1998).
▶ fec112 (10) No.3944660>>3944707
▶ 65fb65 (3) No.3944661
I don't believe he seriously cares about politics anymore. He's knows the DNC is too far gone.
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944663>>3944676
Oooh KUMAR. He in da box. Malta and that CDAN. Spicy
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944664>>3944723
>Agreed. I wrote that in response to a crazy lady who was claiming lasers from satellites.
She may have the method right but the delivery mode is off. All it would take is two people in a helicopter and about 15 minutes to blast every house in Camp Fire. (wild estimation) You could also select a few "flash points" of highly combustionable things and it's off to the races.
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944665
FBI agents flew in to the country to meet with him -- but were subsequently asked to leave after a government minister suspected they were trying to "frame" Assange.
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944666>>3944679
Celine is PaperClip? makes sense. somebody had to rep Canada.
▶ 71659d (6) No.3944667
Love the sauce. TY
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944668
Hopefully this is the guy
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944669>>3944683
Awesome on the order anon :)
Good job on the notes, nobody would dispute (or heckel) you for posting that list <3
>>3944570 Here's an interesting take Trumps Situation and why we haven't seen the arrests we've been praying for.
>>3944549 Help Needed Digging CA Dem's Bad Forest Management
>>3944399 PapaD: Mifsud tied to Christopher Steele and on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.
>>3944344 Plane Crashes in the News Today
>>3944318 Marines in California Tweet about "When the Smoke Clears"
>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.
>>3944154 Saturday Update: Broward loses 2,040 Ballots.
>>3944079 Were Cali Fires a Red Line Response from the Deep Sate?
Please call out if anything missed.
▶ fc64c5 (5) No.3944670>>3944748
Burn victims can need a lot of transfusing.
▶ fd1bae (6) No.3944673
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3944473
No, the chan culture is just lost.
Gone are days of actually Expanded Thinking.
Fooled into this MOS Larp Q, which propagates
a "false war" that somehow DJT is full patriot,
"down she goes" = USA … is all but guaranteed
at this point while anons rah-rah on anonymous
chat board.
This interview on NBC just sickened me.
With local long history of fires,
now that we've actually been in global cooling,
unprecedented fatal blazes increase annually.
All natural, right? --- while 'patriot' intels just
watch from NSA.
Because DEW don't exist.
▶ 161281 (8) No.3944674>>3944692
Oops, bot. You fail.
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944675>>3944717
Anyone can make yellow memes!
Wheeee! Yellow memes!!!
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944676>>3944700
You got that CDAN?
▶ 20451d (6) No.3944677
▶ 427323 (2) No.3944678
Greece wildfires: Is it safe to travel to Greece? - by Hugh Morris, 24 July 2018 - 1:36pm
British tourists in southern Greece should keep up to date with the news and follow the advice of local authorities, the Foreign Office has warned after wildfires not far from Athens killed as many as 60.
A blaze swept through the resort town of Mati, in the Attica region, an hour from the Greek capital, in some of the worst fires since 2007 when dozens were killed on the southern Peloponnese peninsula. The fire broke out late Monday but was still burning early Tuesday.
“There have been wildfires in a number of areas in southern Greece, including close to Athens,” said the FCO. “They have been confined to limited areas, but within those the impact has been high, with significant loss of life.
In Greece, Wildfires Kill Dozens, Driving Some Into the Sea - By Niki Kitsantonis, Richard Pérez-Peña and Russell Goldman - July 24, 2018
ATHENS --- Fast-moving wildfires near Athens have killed at least 76 people, officials said on Tuesday, and have forced thousands of tourists and residents to flee in cars and buses, on foot, aboard boats and on makeshift rafts. In desperation, some people plunged into the Aegean waters and tried to swim to safety.
Gale-force winds topping 50 miles an hour have fanned a pair of fires that tore through seaside areas popular with travelers, leaving behind a trail of charred resorts, burned-out cars and smoldering farms, and wrapping the region in a pall of smoke. Officials said that at least 187 people were injured, including 23 children.
Video: Survivors of the Greek wildfires in Mati, near Athens, speak out - July 25, 2018
A survivor of the horrific inferno that engulfed Mati, Greece, spoke about her ordeal after flames engulfed her house and killed dozens nearby.
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944680
WOW! Broward County Loses 2,040 Ballots -- Supervisor Brenda Snipes Says: “We Think They’re Somewhere in the Building” (VIDEO)
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944681
Date 10/3. With elections going????? Khashoggi went into Embassy 10/2.
▶ b6e133 (5) No.3944682>>3944698
nothing Q posts on here is meant to make accurate predictions
because the bad guys lurk here too
future proves past
present/past predicts future
what are you new?
▶ 1e6439 (6) No.3944683>>3944780
Lurking The Chans for years has its benefits it seems. Got the order thing now. paste in notepad from bottom up. Kinesthetic learner needs to do first.Kek.
▶ 743e29 (3) No.3944684
When I was there weren’t many democrats. Over half my life in Butte County and I am old. Chico was epic back then…. I often referred to it as God’s country. What a shame.
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944687>>3944708 >>3944771
>>3944534 Huge 2nd Amendment supporter here, as all real anons are. Yet I have issues with lasers. Every now and then we read about some creep targeting a pilot. People have had their eyes damaged, and it could conceivably cause a crash. Will not dox myself by saying what work, but a colleague had someone hit him in the eyes with one while he was working. Could have blinded him. And I had someone try it on me while driving out in the boonies.
Anons have seen talk of a potential Constitutional Convention in the future. Mixed feelings here because in such a case we risk ALL if the delegates might choose to take a wild course. Do not believe they would though. Such a convention would tackle many issues, and one of them should/would be to exactly state 2nd Amendment gun rights, so that in the unlikely event the commies ever get power again, there won't be any more dispute over the meaning of the words. It will spell out exactly what weapons a citizen may possess, and under what circumstances. This is good; even I do not think a citizen should have a tank. Lasers need to be looked at too, among other things.
▶ 20baa0 (4) No.3944688
Link to landing info prior to confirmation. https://media.8ch.net/file_store/ee5194934d7897dad1ca29293260e95ab6526053f63d34b3a972ec5b1df8f930.png
▶ 23b503 (6) No.3944690>>3944753
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944692
Just fuckin' aks him. He's a Ron Paul guy.
▶ c90ad9 (1) No.3944693
I volunteer to apply the lotion
▶ 31315a (6) No.3944694
"Choice to know" is about things the caliber of Aliens, not some old NWO puppet whose overlords fled to USA anyways and formed MIC.
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944695
ANTIFA out and about on both coasts today.
Antifa Riot in Portland -- Moon Police – Then Douse Them with Liquid (PHOTO + VIDEOS)
BREAKING: Police Arrest Far-Left Antifa Thugs After Violence Erupts at ‘We the People’ Rally in Philadelphia (VIDEOS)
▶ 785bfc (5) No.3944696>>3944761 >>3944859
Who killed the giraffe with the short neck?
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944698
nope been here a long time
never seen a link between the clock and anything that happens
an old clock should be relevant today?
its not
▶ 4dbf47 (6) No.3944699
Local first responder, don't have a name yet.
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944700>>3944814 >>3944855 >>3944867 >>3944891
3 days and 300 ss ago kek
▶ a2f1bb (1) No.3944701>>3944715 >>3944733
In 5 days it will be the 55th anniversary of the Assassination.
3 days later it will be the 58th Birthday of our special Friend.
If he is anything like me he will do what he can to not allow depression to grip him.
Mental alchemy, dark to light!
▶ fec112 (10) No.3944702
that is just north of SF. Take GG bridge north on 101 and it's about 30 minutes away
▶ 71659d (6) No.3944703
That’s some good plastic
▶ f6e6aa (6) No.3944705
Your Hittin’ that Too?
Damn she said I was the only one
▶ 20baa0 (4) No.3944707
▶ 1ff375 (6) No.3944708>>3944763
What’s wrong with owning a tank… for hunting?
▶ 1c6083 (5) No.3944710
What are the fucken odds?
▶ 2b6777 (1) No.3944712
▶ 5c36c0 (5) No.3944714>>3944759
The nose and the teeth, right?
She doesn't look like her mom.
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944715
what happens
if nothing happens again!
we have been saying this kind of thing for months now
▶ 2309b1 (3) No.3944716
Is PapaD the Stealth Bomber? I didn’t see him coming.
▶ 161281 (8) No.3944717>>3944731 >>3944890
We hate you bots. Ask us. You cowering cowards. Get out.
▶ 85fed2 (3) No.3944718
Trump supporting Pelosi considerations.
1. Whoever or whatever Trump supports the Dems resist. He could be sabotaging her by supporting her.
2. The art of the deal. Negotiations require the other side to feel like they have a win.
3. He’s got her over a barrel. He’ll make her look like she’s winning to her people, while she’s flipping like a fish on the pier.
▶ c1495b (2) No.3944719>>3944741
▶ 7d56eb (6) No.3944720
So we have a Senator named Chip? he's so full of shit. Getting a very bad feeling from him.
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944721
This ties in prett good with that Popadopolus tweet.
State Dept: Khashoggi death still being probed despite report blaming prince
▶ 00a162 (5) No.3944722>>3944740 >>3944781
I wasn't aware of the number of injured
will this be the "9/11" to bring everyone together
it's hard to even think about the extent of it all
▶ 9e5bca (5) No.3944723>>3944766 >>3944782
People would notice a low-flying helicopter over their homes.
On the other hand, one guy in a car driving around on the back roads could cause all this by stopping a few times to light some dry bushes on fire. Laser or matches, doesn't matter.
▶ 385746 (5) No.3944727
Apparently this Javed guy was a candidate
▶ 1db5c4 (5) No.3944729>>3944760
I try to chose my words carefully. Otherwise, yes it would have been cunnillingus….
>I hope you don't mean in a receiving sense
Unless you think, like obama, the fraud, I'm shacking up with a tranny.
Best to you anon, thanks for sharing the clip.
▶ 3dbb00 (1) No.3944730
▶ 96e7f8 (9) No.3944731
That's right, you're picking on a PERSON again, you damnable mentally ill weirdo.
▶ fd1bae (6) No.3944733
talk about shilling….
get a room.
▶ 3b542f (4) No.3944734>>3944823
Been kinda quiet lately
Haven't heard much out of her
▶ 04c7f9 (3) No.3944735
dragging moonbeam by the hand, like Macron, to a room with a gold fringed flag. "wanna MAGA yet? or ya wanna scheme your way outta this 1?"
▶ 576a30 (2) No.3944736
▶ 6bcdb9 (7) No.3944737>>3944795 >>3944808 >>3944824
Every photo today,
Newsom looks like a punk ass teen that hates being there. Stands around with hands hanging in front pocket and never looks at the devastation. 1st photo is of Newsom looking at Trump.
Brown looks concerned looking at devastation and almost looks sullen and regretful. Maybe he realizes this is his legend - leaving office destroying CA
Sometimes, older people have a change of heart before dying in old age…… I hope he is realizing what he has been a part of.
▶ 1e6439 (6) No.3944738
> Thoroughly and vigorously. Kek.
▶ 81043d (7) No.3944739
Iran to Be Declared in Breach of Chemical Weapons Bans
▶ 1ff375 (6) No.3944740>>3944791
It’s staged and intentional, like 9/11, probably some To your supposition.
▶ 23b503 (6) No.3944741>>3944752 >>3944772
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944742
>must be looking to the skies for his
for his moonbeam.
Not shitting here but recently I had occasion to put his name into a document and as one often does when working quickly I typed Jerry Brown Moonbeam…then thinking the better of it I mentally highlighted it to go back and make sure his name was Moonbeam before turning the documents in. I FORGOT. I sent the boss a 911 don't turn that in yet….and then researched to find if his last name was Moonbeam. You may find that stupid, but SRSLY all my life I've heard him called Gov. Moonbeam. I lived in CA during his first governorship…and I've rarely ever heard him called anything else. Red faced I discovered it was a nickname (come on it's the land of fruits and nuts-- they change their names and name their kids all kinds of strange shit. But whew I caught it in time to edit it. Much like "with God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly"…so too did I think Moonbeam was his name.
▶ 772b60 (1) No.3944743>>3944754
It's true.
Someone posted a photo of christmas lights earlier.
▶ 75225d (5) No.3944744
▶ 6a0e26 (8) No.3944745
by: Lady Mary Wortley Montague (1689-1762)
T length, by so much importunity pressed,
Take, Congreve, at once, the inside of my breast:
This stupid indiff'rence so often you blame,
Is not owing to nature, to fear, or to shame.
I am not so cold as a virgin in lead,
Nor is Sunday's sermon so strong in my head:
I know but too well how time flies along,
That we live but few years, and yet fewer are young.
But I hate to be cheated, and never will buy
Long years of repentance for moments of joy.
Oh, was there a man (but where shall I find
Good-sense and good-nature so equally joined?)
Would value his pleasure, contribute to mine;
Not meanly would boast, nor would lewdly design,
Nor over severe, yet not stupidly vain,
For I would have the power, tho' not give the pain.
No pedant, yet learned; nor rake-helly gay,
Or laughing, because he has nothing to say;
To all my whole sex obliging and free,
Yet ne'er be he fond of any but me;
In public preserve the decorum that's just,
And shew in his eyes he is true to his trust;
Then rarely approach, and respectfully bow,
But not fulsomely pert, or foppishly low.
But when the long hours of public are past,
And we meet with champagne and a chicken at last,
May ev'ry fond pleasure that moment endear;
Be banish'd afar both discretion and fear!
Forgetting or scorning the airs of the crowd,
He may cease to be formal, and I to be proud,
Till lost in the joy, we confess that we live,
And he may be rude, and yet I may forgive.
And that my delight may be solidly fixed,
Let the friend and the lover be handsomely mixed,
In whose tender bosom my soul may confide,
Whose kindness can soothe me, whose counsel can guide,
From such a dear lover as here I describe,
No danger should fright me, no millions should bribe;
But till this astonishing creature I know
As I long have liv'd chaste, I will keep myself so.
I never will stare with the wanton coquet,
Or be caught by a vain affectation of wit.
The toasters and songsters may try all their art,
But never shall enter the pass of my heart.
I loathe the lewd rake, the dress'd fopling despise:
Before such pursuers the nice virgin flies:
And as Ovid has sweetly in parables told,
We harden like trees, and like rivers grow cold.
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944746
Any more news coming out of Haiti?
▶ 9280f4 (16) No.3944747
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3944709
Buster Keaton dues
▶ 00a162 (5) No.3944748
>I wasn't aware of the number of injured
>will this be the "9/11" to bring everyone together
>it's hard to even think about the extent of it all
(replied to self, best to stop typing now)
▶ 4a9554 (1) No.3944749>>3944767 >>3944787
@ the anon that tried to convince people today was a habbening because of some random calculations made with the DOW closing prices, well you were off the mark young fella.
▶ b4f995 (1) No.3944750
I’m wondering if this is how they’re ‘legalizing’ residents- why would Feinstein’s office assist with personal documents?
▶ d4ff09 (1) No.3944751
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3944301
STACEY DASH: Trump & Kanye, Hollywood Blacklisting, #WalkAway from the Democrat Plantation (#94)
▶ c1495b (2) No.3944752
▶ 20451d (6) No.3944753
Freddy this is dad. Come home and show me where you hid the vodka. You were always a little bitch. Should have let your mama abort you. She only scratched that head with the coat hanger.
▶ 592861 (3) No.3944754
This is not true.
▶ 71659d (6) No.3944756
▶ 9280f4 (16) No.3944757
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Your mama smelled of elderberries
▶ 09d532 (9) No.3944758
Great work anon.
▶ 287e23 (4) No.3944759>>3944765 >>3944803
I was thinking exactly the same. nothing matches with her mom.
▶ 1db5c4 (5) No.3944760
Forgot my main point. Which is Fellatio works juxtaposed against his name, where cunnillingus doesn't.
▶ c1061b (12) No.3944762
umbrella much ?
▶ f6e6aa (6) No.3944763>>3944770
Hunting with shoulder fired sting missles is much more effective
▶ 5a7ded (4) No.3944764>>3944800
Anons, you know what to do.
▶ cd011a (9) No.3944765>>3944803
▶ 1c6083 (5) No.3944766>>3944816 >>3944833
Does not need to come from space. We need some planefags to track some AC-130s to coincide with the start of the fires
Articles related.
"The weapon produces a silent, invisible, but extremely hot beam by pumping electricity through rare earth minerals to excite their electrons and generate energy, Defense News reported. "The reason that I want it on an AC-130 is, right now, when an AC-130 starts firing kinetic weaponry, everybody knows you’re there," Heithold said. "What I want on the airplane is to be able to silently disable something."
▶ 23b503 (6) No.3944767
▶ 8ba7f6 (1) No.3944769>>3944792 >>3944878
Watch again. That is a Chevy Suburban, not the Beast which is a Cadillac
▶ 1ff375 (6) No.3944770
▶ f6e6aa (6) No.3944771
And don’t forget a convention could put us in a heap of trouble to. It would give them a chance to completely fuck up the constitution
▶ 108218 (5) No.3944773
Costco buys all the lib books in bulk.
▶ 10dabe (1) No.3944774
Javed is not a good dude. He was one of the largest single contributors to HRC. Had a huge fundraiser at his home for her in Beaumont of all places. Beaumont is a very strange place for someone that wealthy to live. He is part of the ratlines for sure.
He tried to get a meat processing plant in nearby cities but the citizens fought back bc they didn't want the smell. It was obviously a cover op for something else as well.
▶ 6d82ff (1) No.3944775
>March 24, 2016 -- Papadopoulos, Mifsud, Olga Polonskaya and unknown fourth party met in a London cafe.
Any sauce confirming four people at this meeting? All info I've heard/read has only 3 at the meeting: PapaD, Mifsud and Polonskaya [aka Vinagradova].
▶ da57fa (1) No.3944777
Nice graphic Anon.
STOLEN for the ClockFags.
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944780>>3944790
I am going to have to cook (real food) in a little bit - if you are gonna be around for a while I will let you collect notables and post them "as is" when I return.
▶ 743e29 (3) No.3944781
Don’t forget Lara Trump even asked for donations - to Red Cross. Optics?
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944782
>People would notice a low-flying helicopter over their homes.
Not necessarily, especially after one or two fires got burning. And based on what I've seen they don't have to fly that low. A handheld pointer can blind a pilot flying a airliner…so they don't have to be close.
Still driving by could accomplish the same thing. However lighting brush on fire (personally I feel that's the fuel) wouldn't necessarily take out the houses in the manner we've seen. I saw one house wiped the fuck out…car parked RIGHT at the end of the drive so close to these small trees/bushes they probably touched..the car was melted into nothingness…bushes…untouched.
▶ 4cc014 (2) No.3944783
If I'd lived in my "big city", my vote woulda been bunk.
I had to be in the suburbs to have a safe vote.
▶ a58585 (2) No.3944785
done to death. any thing different? No?
▶ 365566 (4) No.3944786
>>3941852 lb
California is not Cherfornica.
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944787>>3944794
I think most see by now there will be no DECLAS. We can't always get what we want. But we get what we need.
Mueller probe will end if its own accord. No fuckery. And yet we win. Optics. History books.
▶ 173f20 (4) No.3944788
Did anyone notice or make mention that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized on the same morning that the Campfire wildfires first started?
Also, (I don't have a clock made) Bader's hospitalization lines up on the Clock with Feb 11 Q drop #728.
11 Feb 2018 - 3:12:25 PM
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
▶ 23b503 (6) No.3944789
▶ 1e6439 (6) No.3944790
I gotcha Baker. I'll go make my cup of tea now. Catch you top of next bread.
▶ 00a162 (5) No.3944791
sux not being able to know wtf is really going on
or has happened in past
makes me feel really blackpilled
▶ 592861 (3) No.3944792
The BEAST is forced, unification (Transcendism)
▶ fd1bae (6) No.3944793
Q would have been able to stop this kinda shit.
Think for yourselves.
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944794
Amend: and THEN we get DECLAS and arrests and freedom and PEACE.
▶ 75225d (5) No.3944795
Being a psychopath means having no conscience.
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944796
Notable Bun
>>3944570 Here's an interesting take Trumps Situation and why we haven't seen the arrests we've been praying for.
>>3944549 Help Needed Digging CA Dem's Bad Forest Management
>>3944399, >>3944646 PapaD: Mifsud tied to Christopher Steele and on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.
>>3944344 Plane Crashes in the News Today
>>3944318 Marines in California Tweet about "When the Smoke Clears"
>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.
>>3944154 Saturday Update: Broward loses 2,040 Ballots.
>>3944079 Were Cali Fires a Red Line Response from the Deep Sate?#5017
>>3944570 Here's an interesting take Trumps Situation and why we haven't seen the arrests we've been praying for.
>>3944549 Help Needed Digging CA Dem's Bad Forest Management
>>3944399, >>3944646 PapaD: Mifsud tied to Christopher Steele and on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.
>>3944344 Plane Crashes in the News Today
>>3944318 Marines in California Tweet about "When the Smoke Clears"
>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.
>>3944154 Saturday Update: Broward loses 2,040 Ballots.
>>3944079 Were Cali Fires a Red Line Response from the Deep Sate?
▶ 14d26f (6) No.3944797>>3944856
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3944509
Going to California
- Led Zeppelin (IV)
Probably one of the most folksy of their discography…interesting change up for them.
▶ fc64c5 (5) No.3944798
That is a year old, but still a worthy read.
▶ d60777 (7) No.3944799
eddie bravo is here on the Q, seriously feel bad when rogan wont let you talk if you see this
hes comped for sure
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944800>>3944842 >>3944868
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944801
Notable Bun
>>3944570 Here's an interesting take Trumps Situation and why we haven't seen the arrests we've been praying for.
>>3944549 Help Needed Digging CA Dem's Bad Forest Management
>>3944399, >>3944646 PapaD: Mifsud tied to Christopher Steele and on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.
>>3944344 Plane Crashes in the News Today
>>3944318 Marines in California Tweet about "When the Smoke Clears"
>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.
>>3944154 Saturday Update: Broward loses 2,040 Ballots.
>>3944079 Were Cali Fires a Red Line Response from the Deep Sate?
▶ 5c36c0 (5) No.3944803>>3944888
I see it sort of. My face if she's a moonchild kek.
▶ 10c962 (1) No.3944805>>3944822
What reason is there to just not unseal the fucking indictments already? Nukes?
Innocent people are dying left and fucking right but we gotta sit here and make sure all our paperwork in order…these people are insane. A context doesn't exist where they go quietly so why not just rip the fucking bandaid off already. ?
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944806
▶ c5e49e (6) No.3944808
Do you think these two would have visited these sights had POTUS not gone? No
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944810
Looks like those steel-toes CINC is wearing are Wolverines, but that can't be, what steel-toes remain that are made in the USA? Timberland?
▶ 4729d2 (2) No.3944811
Authorities announced today
a missing Argentine naval submarine has been found
a year and a day after it vanished in the South Atlantic with 44 crew members on board. Clown news network: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/17/americas/argentina-missing-submarine-found-intl/index.html
▶ 5aaed3 (1) No.3944812
IDK after reading the article the thauce seems a little weak. "The government said." Needs more digging seems like.
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944814>>3944867
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944816
>We need some planefags to track some AC-130s to coincide with the start of the fires
excellent sauce..wonder if planefags have any data about what was flying when and where around the time of the most devastating fires? Should be easy to just focus in on one area for example Camp Fire…chart the data and if it produces evidence then move on to another spot, rinse and repeat.
I wonder if a "commercial drone" could be outfitted to fire. Back when I was doing all my research there weren't commercial drones..but I bet some enterprising asshole could rig one to fire…remotely.
▶ c1061b (12) No.3944817
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. https://aplanetruth.info/2017/10/17/how-and-why-the-dew-ca-fires-were-created/
▶ ac4947 (4) No.3944818>>3944829 >>3944832 >>3944834 >>3944847 >>3944848
Some meaningless shitlib on twatter posted an internet poll and President Trump is losing! C’mon guys, rally! So important we flip it and win! This is not a game!
▶ 14d26f (6) No.3944819
Those wind up be your favorites as you look back on things…or down..never mind…kek
▶ 25b895 (1) No.3944820
>Pelosi on pedastol
>Trump builds her up
>Trump takes down
Qanon.pub text search Pelosi. It'll make your peepee hard.
▶ 1ff375 (6) No.3944822>>3944838 >>3944866
“War is hell.”
---A famous general.
▶ 6953f7 (1) No.3944823
Nor Kevin Spacey. He's just disappeared. For a year… It is quite possible he's fucking kids in the South Pacific though.
▶ 5a7ded (4) No.3944824
I think we can maybe work with Newsom, Jerry Brown looks like he's got a tribunal coming. Reminds me of DiFi after the SCIF with Chucky S
▶ 365566 (4) No.3944826
Never believe a blind squirrel.
▶ 23b503 (6) No.3944829
▶ 85fed2 (3) No.3944830>>3944835 >>3944853 >>3944874 >>3944894
Chem trails on top of everything else.
Wake up. This is war.
▶ 706086 (1) No.3944831
Comfy chillin anon
▶ 6c651e (6) No.3944832>>3944852
I reached max poll fatigue some time ago.
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944833
>We need some planefags to track some AC-130s to coincide with the start of the fires
excellent sauce..wonder if planefags have any data about what was flying when and where around the time of the most devastating fires? Should be easy to just focus in on one area for example Camp Fire…chart the data and if it produces evidence then move on to another spot, rinse and repeat.
I wonder if a "commercial drone" could be outfitted to fire. Back when I was doing all my research there weren't commercial drones..but I bet some enterprising asshole could rig one to fire…remotely.
HOLY shit weird things happening on the board now. Strange rejection messages then when trying to repost…get flood detection. We must be over some kind of target with this laser chat.
▶ 23b503 (6) No.3944834>>3944841
▶ 592861 (3) No.3944838>>3944858 >>3944876
War is always the last option.
▶ 3f37fe (1) No.3944839
Pussy afraid of the pinkertons
▶ 427323 (2) No.3944840
Another token black guy.
▶ 940030 (10) No.3944842>>3944868
Poss not biological male.
▶ a20fa5 (2) No.3944844
>This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).
▶ 7b72a7 (7) No.3944845
can you it without your bullshit text? thats pretty fucking dank wallpaper
only 6 posts and almost at 700, very frenly
▶ 91f6c7 (1) No.3944846
port-o-throne twalette papier
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944847
you social media fags are nuts. OMG OMG OMG someone posted something…we must go to war….
▶ 85fed2 (3) No.3944848
They fish bowl everyone.
So what ever group you’re in - you see the poll results you like.
▶ 4729d2 (2) No.3944850
Prosecutor accidentally reveals that US secretly charged Assange. The “court filing was made in error” according to the Washington Post report. The case will remain sealed until the arrest of the whistleblower.
▶ fd1bae (6) No.3944851
This can also be ==BAIT==
See how easily anons bite?
▶ ac4947 (4) No.3944852
▶ 7b4a10 (1) No.3944854
▶ ea5c57 (1) No.3944855>>3944867 >>3944897
▶ 14d26f (6) No.3944856>>3944892
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>3944797
Hotel California
- Eagles
The song…that makes you wonder exactly where he's talking about. You know, because there's something about this song that makes you think he didn't make it all up. And California is as creepy as it is cool…just saying.
▶ fef8a9 (10) No.3944858
War is simply an extension of diplomacy, under Cabal rule.
▶ 718913 (17) No.3944859
>Who killed the giraffe with the short neck?
sad day..explaining "deer tags" to immigrants…
▶ a58585 (2) No.3944861
brown? good catch
heres some picts to add to your collection if u dont have already
▶ 8afa79 (1) No.3944862
"Honestly the anons say Tits or GTFO President Trump what do they mean?"
▶ daac72 (2) No.3944865>>3944877
▶ 142483 (12) No.3944867
Let me guess the Panama Papers had a lot of information
▶ 5a7ded (4) No.3944868
So much fucking soy.
▶ 778dfd (1) No.3944869>>3944881
Doesn't take a genius to tell the difference between a cirrostratus and silver iodide.
▶ 159e0b (1) No.3944872
Honestly, no reads these days. I cannot sell my old books. I cannot give them away, no one wants them. So I don't see how she can sell that many books at such a high price.
▶ dd660d (13) No.3944873
Nord, if you are around, fix this for me so I can fuck with Leafy some more :)
▶ f6e6aa (6) No.3944875
Propaganda none of them are Chem trails
▶ 1592cc (1) No.3944876
As Mason said to Dixon: "We've got to draw the line somewhere."
▶ c69bb3 (1) No.3944878
▶ 55f4b0 (10) No.3944879
▶ 1ff375 (6) No.3944882
▶ 5c36c0 (5) No.3944884
Younger picture of Celine's daddy
▶ a20fa5 (2) No.3944887
The dew button is to the left as well
▶ 72021c (1) No.3944888
If you look at her archives, it's like she doesn't have a dad.
▶ fc64c5 (5) No.3944891
Is it a coincidence that Mifsud is a MALTESE professor?
▶ 940030 (10) No.3944892
You are correct anon. Refers to DH initiation.
▶ 9e5bca (5) No.3944894
What exactly is the original evidence for chemtrails?
When I look into the topic all I can find is chaff. I find pics of crisscrossing contrails. I find pics of firefighting aircraft and test setups for simulating the movement of passengers in aircraft. And then there are the idiots who look at weather satellite photos and say wave clouds are chemtrail spraying. But where is the air sampling and analysis to identify the composition?
Chemtrails seem to be accepted common knowledge. But I can't find the actual evidence.
▶ a999bb (11) No.3944897
Yes. Did you see May's Kumar shill upbread with Pres of Malta? In the Midsud cluster