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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs (New thread coming soon)
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

f128e6  No.3717891

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 11.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/389 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3717324 )

>>>/patriotsfight/388 -------------------------------- Who are the real racists? ( Cap: >>3716424 )

>>>/patriotsfight/387 -------------------------------- [D] Party Con: ( Cap: >>3716073 )

>>3715238 --------------------------------------------- Keep your eye on the ball. Midterms & Memes.

>>3714939 --------------------------------------------- POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11 - Now what are the odds of that?

Friday 11.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/386 ——————————— Re_read drops re: MS13 ( cap: >>3707057, >>3707048 )

>>>/patriotsfight/385 ——————————— Nothing to See Here. ( cap: >>3705014, >>3705114 )

>>>/patriotsfight/384 ——————————— God bless you, Patriots! ( cap: >>3704871 )

>>>/patriotsfight/383 ——————————— #FactsMatter ( cap: >>3704655 )

>>>/patriotsfight/382 ——————————— The TRUTH will set you FREE. ( cap: >>3704282 )

>>>/patriotsfight/381 ——————————— There is TRUTH in MEMES. ( cap: >>3704024 )

>>>/patriotsfight/380 ——————————— Never forget. ( cap: >>3702034 )

>>>/patriotsfight/379 ——————————— FOIA works in this situation. ( cap: >>3701667 )

>>3701131 rt >>3701031 —————-———– Fire when ready.

>>>/patriotsfight/378 ——————————— Ask yourself a very simple question. ( cap: >>3701018 )

>>>/patriotsfight/377 ——————————— Mathematically impossible or every detail planned? ( cap: >>3695816 )

Thursday 11.01.18

>>>/patriotsfight/376 rt /pf/375 -——————- Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE. ( Caps: >>3694378, >>3694711 )

>>>/patriotsfight/375 ——————————— POTUS @ tonight's rally ( Cap: >>3692583, >>3692608 )

>>>/patriotsfight/374 ——————————— Your vote matters! ( Cap: >>3694140, >>3692421)

Tuesday 10.09.18

Compiled here: >>3705420

Monday 10.08.18

Compiled here: >>3705407

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f128e6  No.3717911


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3709707 Saturday's MAGA rally schedule

>>3714264 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3673226 Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours


>>3717707 Ex NYPD Officer says 35-40% Of Washington Involved In Covering Up Human Trafficking?

>>3717518, >>3717482 On decoding n-dashes vs. m-dashes in Q drops

>>3717345 Moar "Eyes On" mentions in past Q drops, per new pf389

>>3717311 Planefag update: 47,000ft over Vermont, Kuwait Air Force

>>3717285 US Atty Utah Huber Twat about New Election Day officer

>>3717282, >>3717442 ZH: Soros Partners With Mastercard To Hand Out Money To Migrants

>>3717236, >>3717251, >>3717293, >>3717301 (((Roths))) OpEd: Q Movement's "fizzled out"

>>3717231, >>3717377 Sioux City Jew commends Journal for calling out Rep. Steve King

>>3717210, >>3717465, >>3717495, >>3717496, >>3717571 Moar @DJT: Schumer/Pelosi/Donnelly/Nelson

>>3717197 Welcome To Libtard City Central, Anon's detailed glimpse of Manhattan Antics

>>3717879 #4721


>>3716409 BREAKING: Multiple injured after car crash cause explosion in California

>>3716422 Mueller reportedly considering whether Roger Stone interfered with DOJ's investigation

>>3716425 SYRIA UPDATE

>>3716426 US Bishop says "caravan misunderstood"

>>3716437, >>3716499 "ANONS!" and "Q+" on a sign at Montana rally (hard to see the "+")

>>3716470 Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court

>>3716480 U.S. Military Troops Reinforce International Bridge Ahead of Migrant Caravan

>>3716484 Jews were heavily involved in the KKK

>>3716494 We don’t support population exchange as it could lead to parallel societies, terror threats – Hungary to UN

>>3716526 Refugee columnist of Huffington Post accused of sexually assaulting 6 women in Germany

>>3716652, >>3716691 Young African-American Beauty Accused of Racism and Fired from Modeling Agency for Attending TPUSA Black Leadership Conference

>>3716631 Snake Slithers Out of Israel's Western Wall, Sparks Biblical Prophecy Fears

>>3716726, >>3716735 Afghan peace talks involve 5 ex-GITMO detainees and Taliban co-founder released by Pakistan secret service

>>3716711 Alwaleed on FOX Maria Bartiromo's show tomorrow at 10am EDT

>>3717076 Planefag: B-52 Heavy over Kansas

>>3717097 #4720


>>3716300 Two-Thirds of Americans Drink Industrial Waste Daily

>>3716247 Border Wall Construction to Begin in Texas

>>3716188 White House Says US "Remains Open" To New Iran Deal As Sanctions Loom

>>3715884 Weekly Update: New Soros Docs!

>>3715780 U.K. Police Becoming “Irrelevant” According To Parliament – Uncharged Crime Surges, Investigations Drop

>>3715687 Digs on Like Brother like Sister (Andrew & Monique Gillum)

>>3715655 Midterms 2018: Voting machines are changing Texas voters’ ballots, state officials admit

>>3716353 #4719

Previously Collected Notables

>>3714787 #4717, >>3715556 #4718

>>3712410 #4714, >>3713215 #4715, >>3714053 #4716

>>3710134 #4711, >>3710901 #4712, >>3711709 #4713

>>3707950 #4708, >>3708608 #4709, >>3709332 #4710

>>3705666 #4705, >>3706279 #4706, >>3707417 #4707

>>3703258 #4702, >>3704067 #4703, >>3704708 #4704

>>3700885 #4699, >>3701699 #4700, >>3702412 #4701

>>3699370 #4697, >>3700113 #4698, >>3700885 #4699

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f128e6  No.3717915

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#53 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>3707422

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f128e6  No.3717919

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

f128e6  No.3717948

File: f485ec5c0ea2531⋯.png (826.36 KB, 1180x843, 1180:843, emperor-trump-watercolor.png)

Current Dough


36ae3b  No.3717955

File: 190a19f81ffd20d⋯.jpg (64.55 KB, 590x334, 295:167, Screenshot 2018-11-03_14-4….jpg)

79a335  No.3717959

File: e70fa2ef10bff18⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 600x800, 3:4, terrorist.jpg)

745967  No.3717960

File: 1d1d5de693106d0⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

40c29d  No.3717961

File: cdf65eb7fb8dd0a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1776x2881, 1776:2881, negativism.png)

File: 283039969e39231⋯.png (860.09 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, HAPPY-CAMPAIGN-O'BAMA.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

f54d99  No.3717962

File: cd9508a952b3b8f⋯.jpeg (18.59 KB, 531x350, 531:350, image.jpeg)


f58914  No.3717963

Thats all they have?

This shit is fucking weak

Not coordinated at all

Black Unemployment Is at an All-Time Low



























da83b2  No.3717964

File: 27a74e5011fb7ad⋯.jpg (168.7 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_519.jpg)

patriots succeed!

ea267c  No.3717965

File: 734b732b37d5e51⋯.png (63.51 KB, 644x474, 322:237, Sec Pompeo 20181103.PNG)


1b85a3  No.3717966

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, laffsmokepepe.png)

>>3717912 (Last bread)

Some day, that Baldwin prick is going to pull his shit on someone who isn't a pussy looking for a lawsuit payout.

Some day, Alec is going to mess with someone who is going to put is ass in a coma.

And I can't wait for that day …

bf1032  No.3717967

File: ad356fbe4e4de62⋯.png (966.89 KB, 1267x757, 1267:757, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)


TY Baker!


cf087c  No.3717968

File: b553708db584124⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 582x321, 194:107, oh_hello_there.gif)

36ae3b  No.3717970

File: 66bf61df18f4b0a⋯.jpg (99.3 KB, 600x644, 150:161, Screenshot 2018-11-03_14-4….jpg)

40c29d  No.3717971

File: 1bcb4a298e8ce38⋯.png (310.95 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, itsabot.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

e6976c  No.3717972

File: 779622ce640c02e⋯.jpg (790.19 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-164244….jpg)

File: 9f5f71da79238b6⋯.jpg (596.86 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-164222….jpg)

File: 70830880a048ccc⋯.jpg (587.38 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-164231….jpg)



e313e5  No.3717973

File: c28788fc0f8c46f⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 440x440, 1:1, plans out of Wash DC.gif)

….it is hard to trust a plan coming out of DC…for 40 years plans have come out one after the other……they ALL end up like this…everything and I do mean EVERYTHING that comes out of DC ends up like crap…is crap….even when they honestly had the best of intentions…

f54d99  No.3717974

File: 891e7cde2822f4f⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 638x673, 638:673, DfRfmoqW0AYPFLq.jpg)

dbe64f  No.3717976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Houthis Hit Saudi-led Coalition Troops With Badir-1P Rocket And Target Saudi Airbase With Qasef-1 UAV (Video)

On November 3, the Yemeni Missiles Forces, which is an ally of the Houthis, announced that it had launched a Badir-1P guided artillery rocket at a gathering of Saudi-led coalition troops on the western coast of Yemen.

“The rocket, which has an accuracy of 3meters and uses smart technology, hit its target accurately injuring and killing many [Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters],” the Yemeni al-Masirah TV quoted a source in the Yemeni Missiles Forces as saying.

The media wing of the Houthis released a video, taken by a mini drone, showing the rocket hitting a convoy of the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies with high accuracy. Experts believe that the Badir-1P is a locally-made copy of the Iranian Fajir-5C guided artillery rocket.

Hours after the rocket attack, a Qasef-1 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Yemeni Air Force, which is also an ally of the Houthis, carried out a series of airstrikes on the King Khalid Air Base in the southwestern Saudi province of Asir.

“The aerial attack resulted in accurate hits in the Saudi air base, which hosts warplanes of the enemy,” a source in the Yemeni Air Force told al-Masirah.

The Qasef-1 is a copy of the Iranian-made “Ababil-2”, according to a report of the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) group. The Houthis used Qasef-1 as a suicide UAV when it was first introduced in 2017. However, the UAV was modified later to carry and drop small-diameter projectiles.

The Houthis didn’t release a video of the UAV attack. However, Saudi-led coalition has not commented on the Yemeni Air Force claims so far, which indicates that the attack was likely successful.

These new attacks were a clear response by the Houthis to the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on the al-Daylami airbase near the Yemeni capital of Sanaa two days ago. Back then, the coalition falsely claimed that the airstrikes destroyed most of the UAV and missile capabilities of the Houthis .


43b3de  No.3717977

a few empty seats behind him and to his left looking at the crowd..what happened to all those in line. i said about 1-2 miles of ppl waiting…or maybe its just the VIP section…idk

593d46  No.3717978

File: 5b54ba08e470002⋯.jpeg (347.37 KB, 750x665, 150:133, 27497BF0-16D2-4D80-A1DA-D….jpeg)

File: ec45a177749c489⋯.jpeg (71.54 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, B40280AA-7B2B-48DA-BE92-6….jpeg)


Ty Baker

7e608f  No.3717979

File: 12c506620c7ad36⋯.jpg (79.99 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lnhjt.jpg)

f09335  No.3717980

>>3717916 (pb)

>>3717940 (pb)

Special Warfare insignia


6ce788  No.3717981

File: 58d72172d403cf5⋯.png (515.54 KB, 1023x512, 1023:512, Skippies_AB.png)

20223d  No.3717982


And you're dead now, too.

e313e5  No.3717983

File: 46008f4da20f4c3⋯.gif (4.56 MB, 564x322, 282:161, the way our govt works.gif)





It was supposed to be this GIF

b0fb03  No.3717984

CodeFag, having some issues with the new ToastMaster 2.5.2.

Fuck, hate to say this but the Auto button is checked, however, page does not Auto Update. Kills me to type that after the last couple weeks with all these bitches bitching about muh Auto Update.


7e608f  No.3717985

File: 4d4f4bd2b09b4ee⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lnhr6.jpg)

e6976c  No.3717986

File: 8ab952424b0aad9⋯.jpg (588.48 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-164655….jpg)


3bac87  No.3717987

File: 0b43e208b681989⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_6211.JPG)

File: 45e6a7cfcc0b3f4⋯.png (2.1 MB, 960x1201, 960:1201, F07F1912-DDC3-4493-ADB6-46….png)

File: 4334a7007db8e63⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1936x2592, 121:162, 30F5D9C0-B9E6-4517-AC39-D….jpeg)

File: 39e865d8a6a9ffa⋯.jpeg (11.05 KB, 238x255, 14:15, BD489F25-FA10-4EB5-B488-2….jpeg)

File: b12d22bfb978fff⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 745x960, 149:192, IMG_6238.JPG)

dc1574  No.3717988

File: 1bab3a1a475e760⋯.jpg (174.3 KB, 931x524, 931:524, Clinton_Doesnot_care_about….jpg)


79a335  No.3717989

File: f49c407bd2b064f⋯.jpg (44.38 KB, 736x414, 16:9, 11.11.jpg)

File: c7a4f33d469ffb6⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 720x717, 240:239, 11.11.11.jpg)

7e608f  No.3717990

File: eff03a600a3c84a⋯.jpg (83.14 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lnhg7.jpg)

d6202b  No.3717991


Um didn’t they just change the law to let women drive?

f54d99  No.3717992

4e3a96  No.3717993


Holy shit that clip is hilarious.

a829f3  No.3717994


f54d99  No.3717995

ea4a3e  No.3717996

File: 3677c1fcdd0eb3e⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 306x165, 102:55, get)utGF3.jpg)

Godfather 3 for meee

7e608f  No.3717997

File: bf5495582540b87⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lnhl2.jpg)

1b85a3  No.3717998

File: 8e1a3d8a88969f3⋯.png (146.67 KB, 388x377, 388:377, vengepepe.png)


… except for the cunts who pass the crap. The cunts who pass the crap always exempt themselves from the crap they force on the rest of us, all while enriching themselves, their families, and their friends - at tax payer expense.

bf1032  No.3718000

File: 5d60a53f350139c⋯.png (312.81 KB, 901x998, 901:998, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

The Ball

Keep an eye on it, as it rolls ever faster toward theEvilOnes.

Cap: Sep 5 2018 17:33:59 (EST)

>The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.

3eec47  No.3718001

File: 262e0f07abea0f3⋯.png (903.2 KB, 1563x923, 1563:923, Level3_Outage.png)

A few minutes ago I had a hard time connecting to FoxNews website.


Level3 is having issue too!


20223d  No.3718002


His former job was Democrat strategy architect.

36ae3b  No.3718003

File: af7ade062f7296e⋯.jpg (92.08 KB, 577x604, 577:604, Screenshot 2018-11-03_14-4….jpg)



7e608f  No.3718004

File: 508b56d3cfc6fab⋯.jpg (95.43 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lnfta.jpg)

7b1a47  No.3718005



You are correct, but those redpilled have gone from having completely lost confidence and given up on a political solution to stop the globalists before the 2016 election to having one last ray of hope for a peaceful solution to the problem. Q says the country will be unified 11-11-18 and it will be a glorious day. Vote red and pray.

3bac87  No.3718006

File: 42336a21a93de5c⋯.jpg (236.75 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6136.JPG)

File: 925174b9e230155⋯.jpg (239.3 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6137.JPG)

File: 81ed652b45abc77⋯.jpg (291.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6140.JPG)

File: 251483868013f49⋯.jpg (311.38 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6141.JPG)

File: fe864b187344c14⋯.jpg (35.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_6237.JPG)

66814e  No.3718007


They missed. Completely.

3bac87  No.3718008

File: 01d674e45ad5151⋯.jpg (217.32 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6068.JPG)

File: df0c351bdbc7914⋯.jpg (315.56 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6115.JPG)

File: 1e60b1275838fab⋯.jpg (195.59 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6116.JPG)

File: afdf71cf4e44290⋯.jpg (273.3 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6117.JPG)

File: 5035bf83cd03a2f⋯.jpg (191.28 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_6142.JPG)

dd8f6e  No.3718009

File: 550430a1a36470c⋯.jpg (307.56 KB, 864x963, 96:107, brett.jpg)

File: ccb783bfaff0ad3⋯.jpg (479.42 KB, 864x1210, 432:605, amy.jpg)

76d980  No.3718010


Maybe now you understand why people were making the comments and weren't actually bitching

ea4a3e  No.3718011

File: 08446488206b5e1⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 257x196, 257:196, gf3.jpg)

ad4cc0  No.3718012

File: cea9b09485d3af7⋯.jpg (593.23 KB, 1327x2048, 1327:2048, vincef.jpg)

840413  No.3718013

File: 0f4a223eaa69e08⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, iu-5.jpeg)

File: 2f51225691de16e⋯.jpeg (53.11 KB, 1000x550, 20:11, iu-13.jpeg)

File: 6bfd45702993f14⋯.jpeg (40.33 KB, 428x428, 1:1, iur-4.jpeg)

File: f9b88eeff40a60a⋯.png (491.79 KB, 579x575, 579:575, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

Navy Seal Trident Hat

Rally VIPanon's hat

dbe64f  No.3718014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GEORGE SOROS: ‘I Will Take Down President Trump’ for the New World Order – VIDEO

At The World Economic Forum in Davos, billionaire globalist, George Soros, has threatened to “take down President Trump” to fulfill the New World Orders plans for “financial armageddon”.

Speaking at the exclusive convention in the Swiss Alps for high ranking politicians and corporation heads, which many believe is actually a secret Illuminati meeting,

Soros vowed to destroy Trump’s entire agenda.Soros, a Hillary Clinton supporter and DNC funder, is reported to have lost almost

$1 billion as the stock market rallied following news that Donald Trump was elected president.

YNW reports: Speaking to a packed audience at his annual dinner at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Soros warned large multinational corporations to hold off from doing any business in the United States until he’s ended Trump’s presidency – or else face the consequences.

Asked what advice he would give to businesses preparing for the impact of the new presidency, he said, “I’d keep as far away from it as I can“.

The hedge fund manager and convicted felon, who initially became famous for having made $1bn by betting on the devaluation of the pound in 1992, is reported to have lost close to a $1bn after the stock market rallied following Trump’s win.

Mr. Soros attributed the rise in the markets to Mr. Trump’s pledge to cut regulation and taxes but told the elite gathered at the World Economic Forum that the good times under Trump wouldn’t last.

Soros, a Jewish Nazi collaborator, said he was confident Mr. Trump’s powers would be limited by Congress. “He won’t be able to get away with being a dictator,” he added.

Soros’s comments to the international economic elite in Switzerland come after Wall Street analysts have begun referring to him as a “wounded beast” and warned that he is “hell bent on revenge” after his candidate failed to win the election.

Pundits and market analysts have been keeping a close eye on the “wounded beast” in recent weeks to determine his next move and reports are now emerging that the funds Soros wasted on Clinton are set to be dwarfed by the amount of money he is now spending on the bond market.

The plan is to create “financial Armageddon and unleash hell“, driving the Western world, and in particular the United States, to the edge of ruin. Out of the flames a phoenix will rise and this will be Soros’ vision of the New World Order.

Soros believes the market is Trump’s weak point. He claims Trump has “no chance” of surviving his upcoming market assault, gloating that the future POTUS will be destroyed and unable to focus on making America great again.

Reported by: usarmy4life. com


f995d9  No.3718015

File: bd0dc5b1aa9ea12⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 832x374, 416:187, _20181103_224654.JPG)


this taco is fried check em

damn captchas might not check out nao

360ed0  No.3718016



4th letter of the alphabet is D



09179d  No.3718017

>>3717946 LB

if you cannot define a lie group you are an asshole

087304  No.3718018

dd8f6e  No.3718019

File: b41765b880b8018⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, b41765b880b8018416aea98a65….png)

ea4a3e  No.3718020

File: daf895ce8b3aed6⋯.jpg (137.81 KB, 721x454, 721:454, safe2.jpg)

e12963  No.3718021

File: 0163fc389190bb8⋯.png (61.9 KB, 220x191, 220:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe603c3deaaef21⋯.png (3.22 KB, 250x27, 250:27, ClipboardImage.png)

I am meme-deficient so just the stats w/ links.

Nate Silver - FiveThirtyEight: Polling & Predictions

Forecasting the race for the House

Updated Nov. 3, 2018, at 5:21 PM

(6 in 7)

Chance Democrats win control (85.9%)

(1 in 7)

Chance Republicans keep control (14.1%)

Here was his 2016 DJT - HRC Prediction:


Nov. 8, 2016

Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Dude is pushing the "gaslighting" Propaganda as hard as - Carl Bernstein is pushing his WhiteHouse "sources'.



d987e6  No.3718022

File: fa709a502d1b33a⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2198x1192, 1099:596, Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at ….png)



559272  No.3718023

File: ab64c8f2be61a74⋯.png (8.48 KB, 1266x109, 1266:109, Screenshot_2018-11-03 Q Re….png)

from lb:

I've noticed the same trend. It's older, white, Libtard, fully sjw women and they are wealthy. I also notice that many of them are gay/bi, as someone in lb also remarked. I don't know these women personally but I observe them on social media. Personally, I lean toward thinking they are simply reliving their own trauma, whether they are aware of it or not.

One of these women in particular pretty much went insane overnight, which seems like trauma/MK activation.

611e0e  No.3718024

File: e4dffbcfd0b74f4⋯.png (103.07 KB, 480x319, 480:319, history-2.png)

File: ebb8ccab942cb09⋯.png (112.74 KB, 540x540, 1:1, save.png)

File: 6919ad8af0108e1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x898, 600:449, never-again.png)


dd8f6e  No.3718025

File: 8242a49aa637b12⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2047x1125, 2047:1125, house-of-pain.jpg)

68f228  No.3718026


Looks like it's down in the hottest spots of shit.

3bac87  No.3718027

File: 7e0cd94386623fe⋯.jpg (144.35 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, IMG_5753.JPG)

File: ac6679b44f33110⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5778.PNG)

File: ef0bc059227e7ce⋯.jpeg (16.5 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 72EACB5B-9E8B-4E26-B13E-7….jpeg)

File: b31849c32a979ed⋯.jpeg (12.31 KB, 196x255, 196:255, E749DC31-1E1D-4DE4-83C8-F….jpeg)

File: 2b80fabcbe3bb71⋯.jpg (74.37 KB, 720x362, 360:181, IMG_5869.JPG)

593d46  No.3718028

File: 0c309239351e61a⋯.jpeg (12.67 KB, 203x248, 203:248, 8B68B86E-D3F9-4544-980D-1….jpeg)


Iran is Next

c20bc1  No.3718029


The opposite of a wimp and a coward.

5ad426  No.3718030

File: 44d73b374c5671d⋯.jpg (101.4 KB, 496x637, 496:637, 2142qd.jpg)

76d980  No.3718031


NOT ALONE!!!! They still need a MAN with them!

dd8f6e  No.3718032

File: 129cc76adac0d66⋯.png (6.82 MB, 3570x4300, 357:430, 129cc76adac0d665e956317c84….png)

cbe83c  No.3718033

File: 30c4fb5b6f59a2c⋯.png (214.49 KB, 637x622, 637:622, root get your girl.png)

Stilling laughing

dd19b5  No.3718034

File: 9b986b5d1a5030f⋯.png (179.01 KB, 640x462, 320:231, 9b986b5d1a5030f2c55e33294a….png)


Explain further please.

ea4a3e  No.3718035

File: 8c5a5fe2e94169c⋯.jpg (563.08 KB, 1714x1146, 857:573, Abuse.jpg)

b0fb03  No.3718036


If it was a ToastMaster issue, than why bitch and not mention ToastMaster, but instead cry to CM?

U done bitching yet?

I'm letting CodeFag know in case its an issue, but either way, I don't care because I adapt and overcome.

dd8f6e  No.3718037

File: 816fb81077c81a1⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 5400x3556, 1350:889, Q2317.jpg)

BIGLY version. Very BIGLY.

Q drop 2317.

d85fc5  No.3718038

File: 38db95c2fda178f⋯.jpg (303.57 KB, 1462x1228, 731:614, brett kavanaugh justice is….jpg)

File: ce46163667896c0⋯.png (551.72 KB, 800x558, 400:279, amy coney barrett 2 3.png)

9ef9f8  No.3718039


PB (I'm sure y'all read it-BTW loved the replies)

"we'll make sure every new white boy shit into this world gets a prescription for estrogen as soon as they're a month old."

sigh. This is old news. It's not as soon as our infants are a month, it's as soon as they have their first prefab infant formula based on SOY. Soy is just like estrogen. Snowflakes are SOYFLAKES.


"Is This the Most Dangerous Food For Men?"

There may be a hidden dark side to soy, one that has the power to undermine everything it means to be male

ea4a3e  No.3718040

File: f960a74b2cf9f7a⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 746x500, 373:250, ClearedHot.jpg)

84cc2a  No.3718041


Yep. He’s making a speech tonight for the Red Team. Should be pretty cool!

b49ed5  No.3718042

>>3717797 (lb)

hey, it isn't perfect, but will this work for your purposes? just let me know, i will fix it to fill all the lines and remove the watermark if need be…. just so happens you did volunteer yourself to learn how to make memes in MSpaint by asking the question. >>3717797

hey, it isn't perfect, but will this work for your purposes? just let me know, i will fix it to fill all the lines and remove the watermark if need be…. just so happens you did volunteer yourself to learn how to make memes in MSpaint by asking the question.

bb8de9  No.3718043

File: aeb8de828d5f24d⋯.jpg (167.06 KB, 780x601, 780:601, shillco.jpg)

317c7b  No.3718044


He just might get a 3.57 shoved up his nostril one day! I'd pay to see that!

09179d  No.3718045

File: 15538583560f142⋯.jpg (103.06 KB, 438x424, 219:212, CREATE.JPG)


bring it

bf1032  No.3718046

File: 7100a9bb9b97b1a⋯.png (250 KB, 773x464, 773:464, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

File: 4c777fc1c02249a⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 360x359, 360:359, 360w_q75.jpg)


also - OP Trident Juncture

Exercise Trident Juncture 18 is the NATO Response Force 19 certification exercise for HQ JFC Naples and its designated component commands. During the largest NATO live exercise since 2002, over 40,000 troops will deploy to central and northern Norway in October 2018 and test the rapid deployment of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force and follow-on forces. The span of command ranges across land, air, and sea domains throughout northern Europe and will include an opportunity for the Alliance to operate in parallel alongside partner nations Finland and Sweden. The United States Marine Corps will make up the largest U.S. service element, along with key assets from the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Navy.


75e603  No.3718047


And the Clinton News Network is profiting on what's left of your name before you fade into obscurity.

4cd72f  No.3718048

File: dcdd4b3e2d5c930⋯.png (14.75 KB, 252x255, 84:85, a83013f8afe3f7b66971e8c6dd….png)


Almost every vet of the 16

War remembers this tool

Heck this moran couldn't

even see Trump winning

the primary..worthless POS

a829f3  No.3718049


842f3a  No.3718050


Sauce please?

6dde12  No.3718051


Very understandable.

6e9f90  No.3718052


b49ed5  No.3718053

File: d2f2026967187b2⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1491x1065, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


oops wtf was that.

7096b1  No.3718054

File: 04394eef758aab6⋯.png (751.78 KB, 868x506, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Stone's messages to Mueller witness investigated for potential obstruction: Reports

Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly considering whether President Trump’s former campaign adviser Roger Stone interfered with the Justice Department’s investigation into the 2016 race by sending potentially threatening messages to Randy Credico, a radio host and witness in the government’s probe. The special counsel’s office has examined communications between the longtime acquaintances and is considering whether Mr. Stone, a member of the Trump campaign through 2015, sent messages that amounted to crimes including possible witness tampering and obstruction of justice, The New York Times and CNN separately reported.

Mr. Stone dismissed the reports during a television interview Friday evening, calling them out of context and “the late-night ravings between two grumpy old men who have been friends for almost 20 years.” “They are friendly, they’re vulgar, they’re vicious, they’re nasty, they’re ribald, but they’re not serious, therefore they’d have to be seen in context,” Mr. Stone told CNN.

The New York Times first reported on Thursday that Mr. Mueller’s office is examining text messages and emails sent between the former Trump campaign adviser and Mr. Credico, a radio host and comedian connected to the probe courtesy of his connection to the WikiLeaks website, and CNN subsequently published several specific expletive-laden excerpts. “Waste of your time — tell him to go [expletive] himself,” Mr. Stone messaged Mr. Credico after learning that the latter received a subpoena from the special counsel’s office, CNN reported.


20223d  No.3718055


In related news, Stormy Daniels sues Avenatti for over 100 unpaid happy ending sessions. Avenatti counters there was never a happy ending, so payment is not due.

Legal scholars concede he has a valid point.

36ae3b  No.3718056

File: faede50f901a609⋯.jpg (86.75 KB, 590x622, 295:311, Screenshot 2018-11-03_14-5….jpg)

The DeKalb Medical Center in Georgia is on lockdown due to an armed individual, according to police.

The medical center was placed on lockdown after a subject barricaded themself. It is unclear if they are inside or outside the facility. SWAT teams are responding.

3bac87  No.3718057

File: 70c8c4bbce403d9⋯.png (31.25 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 31B4345B-C7C9-4D4A-9857-99….png)

File: 2378d84ba4ddd19⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 188x188, 1:1, IMG_5842.JPG)

File: a5b2f017d17fd16⋯.png (35.94 KB, 220x287, 220:287, AC1309F3-0154-40AF-8945-19….png)

File: 58061aa4a3bcb9b⋯.jpg (98.95 KB, 526x526, 1:1, IMG_6189.JPG)

File: b7aab3f2c27664c⋯.jpg (116.63 KB, 526x526, 1:1, IMG_6190.JPG)

e313e5  No.3718058


That was almost funny

40213c  No.3718059

File: 468ad5726539314⋯.png (367.66 KB, 627x781, 57:71, bc8ae21b690a0456f799e7bffb….png)

d09de7  No.3718060


Yeah Mr. Aluminum is a poll shill.

1b85a3  No.3718061

File: 7bf3fe0d8c7c3c8⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1242x1829, 1242:1829, Hillmumu1.jpg)


Lord God, in all thanksgiving for the blessing you provide and by your will, please compel Hillary to run for President in 2020.

In Jesus name, I pray.


6a7921  No.3718063

File: 167ccfd0d5e775d⋯.png (167.75 KB, 1080x782, 540:391, 20181103_225258.png)

Well then, learned a new term from the leaked soros doc….


4d5261  No.3718064


Seriously, why is this guy still on the lose?

Don't gimme the bullshit excuses of 'playing the game'…that shit is bullshit after this long.

This POS has openly told the world on several occasions his agenda of overthrowing governments by causing unrest in his targeted countries.

So why is the evidence gathered so far concerning this not sufficient enough to make his arrest?

To ALLOW our country to be harmed by a foreign or domestic enemy is ALSO treasonous!

So what's the hold up Q?

f58914  No.3718065

Study: Economic Boom Largely Ignored as TV's Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative

For this report, MRC analysts reviewed all 1,007 evening news stories (1,960 minutes of airtime) about the Trump administration on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to September 30, tallying the coverage of each topic and all evaluative comments made by anchors, reporters and non-partisan sources (such as voters or experts).

The results show that, over the past four months, nearly two-thirds of evening news coverage of the Trump presidency has been focused on just five main topics: the Russia investigation; immigration policy; the Kavanaugh nomination; North Korea diplomacy; and U.S. relations with Russia. The networks’ coverage of all of these topics has been highly negative, while bright spots for the administration such as the booming economy received extremely little coverage (less than one percent of the four-month total).


75e603  No.3718066


I actually thought that was pretty funny given that we have hundreds of thousands of the smartest people organized and this idiot can't even spell.

360ed0  No.3718067

File: c5e7b5f1ea464b9⋯.png (276.95 KB, 515x419, 515:419, 1540704056583.png)

a64312  No.3718068


But its Gods plan

41c494  No.3718069

File: a53a8534314d92c⋯.mp4 (12.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, An Urgent Interdict From T….mp4)


68f228  No.3718070

File: ce46163667896c0⋯.png (551.72 KB, 800x558, 400:279, ce46163667896c017638c9a824….png)


Can't fucking wait to see if the dems even TRY to play games with her. She's a fucking final boss for their policies.

f7c6ac  No.3718071

File: 791a68e77d79204⋯.png (112.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorGF.png)

e9d513  No.3718072

>>3717844 l.b. Right. Wasnt there a rigged election in GA in the past year too?

3bac87  No.3718073

File: 3a9039dd947afe4⋯.png (153.54 KB, 1242x594, 23:11, IMG_6025.PNG)

File: 37e4a58ac8b7d3b⋯.jpg (349.81 KB, 1176x2960, 147:370, IMG_6030.JPG)

File: 9ac278c21dc8712⋯.jpg (401.56 KB, 1208x2417, 1208:2417, IMG_6031.JPG)

File: d43fec80f95618d⋯.jpg (341.41 KB, 1144x2960, 143:370, IMG_6033.JPG)

File: e87e3f1e0849146⋯.jpg (404.31 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, IMG_6035.JPG)

358e3d  No.3718074

File: d78ee4f883c9500⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2125x1800, 85:72, 31 mirror of 19.jpg)

File: 33ab7360a64a3f0⋯.jpg (509.87 KB, 1796x1200, 449:300, 19 mirror of 31.jpg)

File: 639a12c4de1fad9⋯.jpg (812.98 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 01 mirror of 49.jpg)

File: 11d33c2d02942d3⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2246x1800, 1123:900, 32 mirror of 18.jpg)

File: 7fd7e01343f5c0d⋯.jpg (503.03 KB, 1348x1294, 674:647, 18 mirror of 32.jpg)


Today's Q Clock

Pic 1



"Set the STAGE." - POTUS

Someone was up all night running.

DEFCON, No Such Agency.


We can take you anytime.

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

They feel threatened.

Rise of the people.


History books.

Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone


Rudy met w/ Mueller today.

Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :01

Pic 3

Night [3]



Border states are VERY key.

The pipeline.

CA is special.

MSM overdrive.

Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 4

When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.


POTUS delete/install.

Allowing @Snowden access/censorship/tracking.

Don't drop the soap.

Which country does he really work for?


Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 5

Iran is next.

"Mark it down."


Sweet Dreams.

$250B x 2 / year.

What will the texts reveal?

MOAB or precursor?


593d46  No.3718075

File: d064bd95499a2fb⋯.jpeg (55.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 52EF93FF-E27C-446D-BEB9-4….jpeg)

File: 8b8e4215302ab12⋯.gif (776.55 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 8750A7DC-3D3B-43B8-BFAD-18….gif)

File: 0a840515722d745⋯.gif (437.71 KB, 400x250, 8:5, 83D3F387-4E30-442C-B70E-81….gif)

File: 609c67f43d10d88⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 320x265, 64:53, 62D40EDC-42C3-4DF3-A97E-08….gif)

09179d  No.3718076


reposting does not mean you know - if you can define what 5 d is or 6 I may think you are not a bot

ea4a3e  No.3718077

File: 83d5b600dbb862b⋯.png (377.19 KB, 643x857, 643:857, 83d5b600dbb862ba4f9be0c623….png)

c68036  No.3718078


Quality info graphics anon

76d980  No.3718079

But muh whining is more valid then yours GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE!

e313e5  No.3718080


> this idiot can't even spell.

I think he thought he was mocking us

559272  No.3718081

File: 15adeb97ee7f0dc⋯.png (124.37 KB, 295x295, 1:1, bleach.png)

6a7921  No.3718082

File: a4a2017180bf9e0⋯.png (486.76 KB, 1058x820, 529:410, 20181030_225527.png)

cfd848  No.3718083

File: 8c206f788c2330b⋯.jpg (145.8 KB, 799x555, 799:555, memetic-war.jpg)

40c29d  No.3718084

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, sincerejames.png)

File: 708b08fa59d9702⋯.png (3.29 MB, 999x1916, 999:1916, Don_J-BOOM.png)

File: 434a665832d7d3f⋯.png (242.95 KB, 593x555, 593:555, herngchuck.png)

File: ff06d626a3d41e2⋯.png (7.53 MB, 3952x2222, 1976:1111, lrdtab.png)

File: 442e23b83be0575⋯.png (274.79 KB, 544x455, 544:455, CRIMEZ.png)

ea4a3e  No.3718085

File: 297830eceab683e⋯.jpg (60.59 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 25659880_10215012485765533….jpg)

f54d99  No.3718086




who art these ppplz?

09cfe5  No.3718087

File: ddf1def60a7e6df⋯.png (269.92 KB, 636x636, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Creepy Porn Lawyer is having a very bad month! lmfao

75e603  No.3718088


What do you think they should do? Just roll up to wherever he is an arrest him? If he's in another country, you realize we can't just do that? Most, if not all of Europe, is operated by these people. Juncker? He's a nazi. He went to Luxembourg where they avoid all the taxes. Learn the game anon. Soros is a major player. You can't just roll up to his house and arrest him.

ad4cc0  No.3718089

File: 10ca29a876d8b97⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 760x507, 760:507, 16117-james-clapper-mn-095….jpg)



ea4a3e  No.3718090

File: 4b9fa78195a8145⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 400x400, 1:1, MarineDog.jpg)

09179d  No.3718091

multiverse - you are living in it

deal :) LOL

4cd72f  No.3718092


Kill it with fire before

it breeds…Reeeeee

79a335  No.3718093

File: 9703d3f0cd795d0⋯.jpg (148.37 KB, 666x500, 333:250, fucked.jpg)

559272  No.3718094

File: 7a11f135b388602⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 735x739, 735:739, pepeilluminati.jpg)


That's all I got

f995d9  No.3718095

File: 4056e80e0d12bad⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 628x635, 628:635, IMG_20181023_045919.jpg)



Obummer ass fried as the tacos nytwatters spread

Me looking for digits, had to wait 4 captchas


Yeah, they didnt

635922  No.3718096

File: 852e48665124d21⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 643x75, 643:75, 2018-11-03_14-55-12.jpg)

GMail from spouseanon

dc1574  No.3718097

File: fb2485215045270⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 2048x6715, 2048:6715, TrollingIsFun.jpg)

Have we got a Q for (You)!

6e9f90  No.3718098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eye on Ball and VIP

ea4a3e  No.3718099

File: 89ad09edc4fcb24⋯.jpg (75.37 KB, 795x668, 795:668, truthRedPilllBlue.jpg)

09ee3c  No.3718100

Still not tired of winning……

7e608f  No.3718101

File: 908328c7bb18454⋯.jpg (91.44 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lnil0.jpg)

08bc6b  No.3718102


POTUS @ MAGARallies - “What do we say? We say ‘Jim, you’re fired!”

Q - “What Fake news anchor will not be on the air tonight?”

Q - “House Of Cards”

Jim Acosta is in House Of Cards Season 6.

I wonder why he’s good at acting?


Is Jim Acosta the fake news anchor mentioned in the 8/20/18 drop?

064785  No.3718103

Tidal Wave incoming

Are you ready for the Flood ?

You thought it was about words only ?

610d1c  No.3718104

File: b9cc87808a07a22⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 640x554, 320:277, hawaii-kenya.jpg)

6e9f90  No.3718105

File: bd3c55f9d966a85⋯.png (634.59 KB, 1134x580, 567:290, disk7.PNG)

File: 9e6d11d59314bf1⋯.png (109.39 KB, 324x194, 162:97, disk9.PNG)

36ae3b  No.3718106

File: 31fbee369b94152⋯.jpg (88.21 KB, 593x541, 593:541, Screenshot 2018-11-03_14-5….jpg)

f54d99  No.3718107





Are these "Covens"

or different "Families" and members

to the Bloodlines?

67330e  No.3718108

File: 86c0aff4892b997⋯.png (8.58 KB, 429x431, 429:431, shecked.png)

842f3a  No.3718109


Would love to send these to a friend I'm getting into Q and redpilling… do you have a link or sauce on these? Seen others similar but can't recall where they're from.


Good infographic anon but I would recommend not sing an image of a child… harkens to pedogate. We are not them.

09179d  No.3718110

Q got fucked by RR and had to fucking adjust LOL


never assume a low probability is none.

4d5261  No.3718111


He's not in another country….he's in fucking california hiding out.

And YES, we can arrest that POS while in another country and extradite his ass back.

We can also send in a team to extract his ass out without any other country knowing about it, we done it before, we can sure as fuck do it again for this POS.

855eae  No.3718112

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB, 790x548, 395:274, Elegant-Flotus.png)

4f9dcc  No.3718113

File: 1d8ea17d64aaaf4⋯.jpg (251.13 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave6.jpg)

File: 39876d16ab49426⋯.jpg (242.85 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave7.jpg)

File: ffc5543938198a0⋯.jpg (261.51 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave8.jpg)

File: cf9acb32e5248aa⋯.jpg (234.11 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave9.jpg)

File: 40149556d31691e⋯.jpg (309.28 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave10.jpg)

>>3717930 lb

>Are these memes made with AI?

Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah?

Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah?

No. Anon first made a template.

Anon carefully selects images depicting interesting scenes of Americans working, American entrepreneurs, American factories, American families, American kids, etc.

But I see that YOU are the shill who never goes away like a turd that never flushes.

Usually you are filtered as soon as I see your first post and don't get yous from this anon.

Your game is to try to cast doubt upon the integrity of the anons who work their asses off day and night trying to bring about the Great Awakening.

In the end, God will judge. Are you looking forward to being judged for constantly trying to interfere with waking mankind up from a satanically-induced coma? For shame.

08bc6b  No.3718114


Fuck. November 3rd drop. Not 8/20/18. 11/3

360ed0  No.3718116


>Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone

he heads the Cyber Command! It just got upgraded to a Unified Combatant Command, in May when Nakasone was appointed to that position, actually

here's the briefing


88ade0  No.3718117

File: e4532fbc22789b6⋯.png (380.89 KB, 622x624, 311:312, Acosta.png)



4ddc2b  No.3718118


Your original question puzzles me too

bb9ff8  No.3718119

File: 94894ea10b492b0⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, obama-1200x600.jpg)

File: 79d41fab22f9af4⋯.jpg (88.07 KB, 359x510, 359:510, PRM_01_GR0005_01_P.jpg)

File: 05f5d3f3568d13b⋯.jpg (898.42 KB, 2400x1800, 4:3, PresDonaldTrump-1022296714.jpg)

File: db36d8a1da5d40b⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 150930-120-D3D93F1E.jpg)

Am I Racist?

730601  No.3718120

File: e68942f33206e8f⋯.png (309.67 KB, 568x335, 568:335, ClipboardImage.png)


>How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

36ae3b  No.3718121

File: 345afbba2feec19⋯.jpg (265.81 KB, 865x1155, 173:231, Screenshot 2018-11-03_14-5….jpg)


40d9e2  No.3718122


Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes (15 October 1880 – 2 October 1958) was a British author, palaeobotanist and campaigner for eugenics and women's rights.

67330e  No.3718123

File: 783703ec648e64a⋯.jpg (107.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, drain it.jpg)

4e3a96  No.3718124


WTF am I looking at. Good Gaad

6a7921  No.3718125


Confirms that altright groups as" defend europe" and others are deeply infiltrated by the cabal

40c29d  No.3718126

THINK about Q post. RE: shopped Byrd image.

How did that image get spread around?

What does this tell us?

c0b6ed  No.3718127

File: 8c05ac4aa75f014⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 502x495, 502:495, The Retard.JPG)


Will you Memers and Twatters get over to twatter and Defend Our President's Reply sections against the Commies?

He has been tweeting for the last Hour


3bac87  No.3718128

File: d670ed616af2e87⋯.jpg (246.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5239.JPG)

File: c6f85cb12e68201⋯.jpg (330.34 KB, 2484x2484, 1:1, IMG_5240.JPG)

File: f02962dd1285b39⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_6166.JPG)

File: db2630468d65cc3⋯.jpeg (70.53 KB, 720x709, 720:709, 686C08DD-873D-4E86-BC94-6….jpeg)

File: fc9a6543842813e⋯.png (14.19 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 3EE62B0E-8F59-4086-BE57-63….png)


MUH bottt

4d5261  No.3718129

Pussies, a bunch of fucking pussies, every last one of you.

559272  No.3718130

File: 7f6cde26f6137f3⋯.png (279.6 KB, 1419x946, 3:2, trumpsup.png)


I love you, anon.

cbe83c  No.3718131


I've posted your work Anon. I'm sure many more Anon's have too. Just blow off the shill and keep up the great meme's

40c29d  No.3718132


How do you make the memes all yellow like that? Is there a special add-on of some kind?

09179d  No.3718134

still day shift LOL

842f3a  No.3718135

File: 8f3381b8fe0ada0⋯.png (22.81 KB, 580x353, 580:353, 8f3381b8fe0ada03820d934366….png)

From LB… more complete list of Libtard Demonrat Twatter hashtags for warfare:


#ResistanceRises<—- really popular







#FBR ←- really popular







745967  No.3718136

File: 89c37d0e98a9562⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1344x756, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

dd8f6e  No.3718137


The only sauce for these infographics is 8chan. Some anon made them and uploaded them. I can't find them anywhere else with reverse image searches, except places that archived them from here.

4f9dcc  No.3718138

File: e61dbe3e41fd0bb⋯.jpeg (705.83 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, GenNakasoneGood.jpeg)

File: b8d2ec16587420e⋯.jpg (251.54 KB, 789x458, 789:458, NakasoneActivated.jpg)

File: 07f9ca8d5e3566c⋯.jpg (473.47 KB, 775x436, 775:436, Nakasone:WeHaveItAll.jpg)

File: f5a842cce9a746f⋯.jpg (144.04 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, GenPaulNakasone.jpg)

File: 00f1ff16694d712⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 524x500, 131:125, GenPaulNakasone2.jpg)

f54d99  No.3718139





Q deeply infiltrated by muh Cabal?

White Hats…. Members of the Families that are "White Hats"? "GOOD Freemasons" if you will?

dd8f6e  No.3718140


The only sauce for these infographics is 8chan. Some anon made them and uploaded them. I can't find them anywhere else with reverse image searches, except places that archived them from here.

839c3c  No.3718141

File: d60dbaf01e59da7⋯.png (176.66 KB, 550x400, 11:8, turnsred.png)

a829f3  No.3718142


064785  No.3718143

millions of Anons taking part throughout usa

in the meme war….

Praying for all the vets in the meme war…..

Mil is thankful for the Patriot Anons for meming

Things are about to get hot

Anons the Patriots you do not see !!!


c8bc67  No.3718144

File: bca0de9829ac5b8⋯.png (264.13 KB, 674x577, 674:577, rbcr.png)

c68036  No.3718145


Do you care? ;)

2ef1fd  No.3718146

File: 8743fbdc1d1616c⋯.jpg (428.04 KB, 1913x1080, 1913:1080, 20181103_145829.jpg)

Our government has been working against us for a long time. They illegally impose income tax on the Americans to help pay back loans from the cabal banking system "Federal Reserve" not a federal organization nor does it have any reserve!

2565d6  No.3718147

there was a test nigger ha ha jokes on you



75e603  No.3718148


Alright fine we absolutely could.

de7872  No.3718149

one of the comments on VIP anon from todays Q post was an awesome gif of trump dancing, pepe, patriot in the storm with flag, etc, to a throbbing amplifier

wish i could share it here, if another anon could, that would be great.


e9055b  No.3718150


He shall purr again, in this world or in kitty land full of happy cats. In all cases, be strong ! o7

70daa0  No.3718151


That'sa coming outta youra paya Guiseppe!!

f128e6  No.3718152

>>3717967, >>3717978

Ty anons



Has this been in notables b4 anon?



Ermagerd!! (yawn)

97c5b2  No.3718153


Attention new # #mastercardcutitup !

6a7921  No.3718154

File: a2d5ce0dc943c72⋯.png (9.92 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images (3).png)

3bac87  No.3718155


Check the friends lists and associates

These people are stupid

4f9dcc  No.3718156

File: a861fa1fc770c4f⋯.jpg (67.57 KB, 513x437, 27:23, GODWINS07.jpg)

File: 54083c1c82f9771⋯.png (290.45 KB, 451x400, 451:400, Astronaut1.png)


Roger roger.

I vowed to do everything in my power.

With the election coming up I stepped up the output. Glad you are finding them of some use. We are winning bigly. The shill doesn't bother me. Every so often I'll call out a shill – not very often.

God bless, patriot.

cab092  No.3718157



I'm still of the opinion that this is a fait accompli…most of the "heavy lifting" has been done, and we are watching a scripted and timed release of information.

You can almost see it in the faces of the Clintons and Hussein. kek

d70658  No.3718158

Wow. Proud moment for the GA….on the run up to Tuesday and it's animal torture and moo joo mania. The worst of humanity, seemingly welcomed into the bread. Pathetic.

516faf  No.3718159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

676a66  No.3718160

File: 83c6e338bc28de5⋯.jpg (55.91 KB, 737x614, 737:614, bidenhillary.jpg)

064785  No.3718161


msm host says well done HRC

e81ffc  No.3718162


Its one of the side effects of the continual DDOS.

All I do is force the button to be checked. If his server isn't live to respond to it will miss a refresh.

75e603  No.3718163





Where those StatAnons?

3d714f  No.3718164

File: 77b0fbf9e494488⋯.png (366.94 KB, 879x586, 3:2, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

730601  No.3718165


Well, then, how about YOU volunteer to take him into custody & turn him over?

The thought of Soros shouldn't trigger you so much

40c29d  No.3718166


Is the question confusing or difficult anon? I am a memefag, and I want to learn how you get those kewl effects. ThanQ.

5f3c8f  No.3718167



d85fc5  No.3718168

File: b4b2c9ccb250101⋯.jpg (100.65 KB, 800x587, 800:587, general nakasone sock it t….jpg)

File: ad4358bce3bf012⋯.jpg (128.96 KB, 1023x561, 31:17, general nakasone magic mot….jpg)

7b2096  No.3718169

So Q can spot someone at the rally and then find that person's twitter…wild

bf1032  No.3718170


2020 census citizen question trial on Monday, delay averted.

RIGHT before the election.

Fuckery avoided.

Transparency before election?

7b1a47  No.3718171


duh…whats a '"poast" ?

3bac87  No.3718172

File: 9e45a116b17d6e0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5162.PNG)

File: b6059586dc277da⋯.png (63.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 803A7567-FA0E-40A7-9217-4D….png)

File: 894e8eaa6bb0a42⋯.jpeg (10.76 KB, 196x257, 196:257, D2B0822F-4235-42E0-826E-F….jpeg)

File: 2def3eb1347487c⋯.jpeg (10.57 KB, 300x296, 75:74, 978222BB-F3BE-483A-81A7-1….jpeg)

File: ac8f86e1742161b⋯.jpg (74.23 KB, 752x440, 94:55, IMG_5268.JPG)

Beep boop

6f1541  No.3718173

File: f0ed67ba082150e⋯.jpg (88.24 KB, 890x960, 89:96, 45353078_2420258074681261_….jpg)


1b85a3  No.3718174

File: 418bb0db6cfe7ea⋯.jpg (195.66 KB, 962x1175, 962:1175, jackboot.jpg)


No No … I don't want Alec dead.

That cunt Alec is better off completely crippled, no feeling in his terminally limp micro dick, dribbling stewed peas from his half-functional pie hole, and living out his days in a wheel chair staring at a TV for 16 hours in a nursing home. Bonus for a TV set up with a 24/7/365 loop of Alec Baldwin films.

I guess a properly placed .357 slug could accomplish this. But the risk of killing the cunt and robbing him of his rightful reward is too great.

2-3 good shots to the temple followed by a fall to the back of his head would be the best remedy to this asshole's nonsense.

730601  No.3718175


And somehow, you made it here too. That's the nature of an open forum.

a07b42  No.3718176

File: ce8f3e696c4ee1c⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1774x493, 1774:493, Screenshot (220).png)

>>3717872 prev bread

POTUS will be in Macon tomorrow afternoon for a rally with Brian Kemp.

VPOTUS was here a couple of days ago as well.

Georgia has 159 counties, and Kemp's campaign has shrewdly been focusing on, and doing a bus tour with local rallies, in damn near every one of them. Could hardly work harder.

I believe the non-metro Atlanta counties' people are strongly motivated to vote. I'm on the road around the state for work, and all I see is KEMP signs all over the place.

I am praying hard that Kemp's victory numbers are overwhelming and crushing to the left, so we avoid a runoff, which would be costly and indescribably ugly. I have no doubt Abrams and her San Francisco/Steve Phillips backers will sue. We were one of 4 states targeted as flippable for their communist candidates by the Sandler/Tides/Open Society Foundation leftist billionaires. The other 3 are Florida, Maryland, and Arizona.

Further, we all need to be aware of some possible fuckery in Fulton County on Tuesday. Fulton County contains 10% of the population of Georgia.

Look how Fulton County's election commission botched the Obama/McCain election:



"Fulton drew heat in the Obama-McCain election four years ago, when the office’s absentee ballot processing went so slow that the county had to hire FedEx to ship nearly 4,000 ballots to voters overnight, costing more than $300,000.

Then, after closing the polls, workers spent 53 hours in a warehouse counting absentee and provisional ballots. At the time, the results of a U.S. Senate race hung in the balance."

Key takeaway here:

ALL provisional/mail/absentee ballots for Fulton County are tallied at a nondescript warehouse.


1365 English St NW, Atlanta GA 30318

If we find that Georgia's governor election results aren't available by 2:00 AM Wednesday, this warehouse is where to look for answers.

6d9806  No.3718177

Making Keto pudding and Keto cookies to watch the 2nd rally of the day! TWO SCOOPS in honor of POTUS! We must win FLORIDA!!!! PLEASE RETWEET DeSantis and Gov Scott!

559272  No.3718178


RIP, Toots <3

Send postcards to your human anon from cat heaven.

7e608f  No.3718179

File: b0a5fd1990abdc8⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2lniow.jpg)

b49ed5  No.3718180

File: 277d31d0f24dfbb⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1479x1065, 493:355, ClipboardImage.png)

f42149  No.3718181


Seriously, how will this pudding compel people to vote for Democrats?

3d714f  No.3718182


And they didn't get fired?

593d46  No.3718183

File: 0d69be0eab4b89e⋯.jpeg (190.28 KB, 750x420, 25:14, 98D5C5B9-E89D-4997-B643-1….jpeg)

File: c7bfe28068b80aa⋯.jpeg (13.6 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 0AF090CF-254C-4A13-BB5F-5….jpeg)


Thas Freddy Benson Faggot.

With his Toots shit again.

e9d513  No.3718184


Tits or gtfo, Alec.

3bac87  No.3718185

File: 257b2563349229b⋯.jpg (122.92 KB, 403x403, 1:1, IMG_5865.JPG)

File: 3b4e8392c5575a8⋯.jpg (110.73 KB, 1260x407, 1260:407, IMG_5868.JPG)

File: 37dd7b671040a9c⋯.jpeg (51.95 KB, 555x496, 555:496, 08402CC4-75A9-4EA1-960E-0….jpeg)

File: cf7649aed5c186c⋯.jpeg (98.91 KB, 1072x622, 536:311, 4DFD7428-30A5-45DF-817B-7….jpeg)

File: 4693924c7ad148f⋯.jpeg (8.6 KB, 271x186, 271:186, 0532F05F-3987-497E-874B-7….jpeg)

Beep bop

20223d  No.3718186


No, what they did was legal.

We The People are to blame because we allowed it to happen.

And then, We never did anything about it..

We The People forgot We had the power.

Maybe We The People are now waking up.

d85fc5  No.3718187

File: 070fc5828470f91⋯.png (801.9 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, jeff sessions stealth bomb….png)

91e1c3  No.3718188

I owe VIPanon an apology. Thought he was a famefag and full of shit. Now I’m just jealous.

f58914  No.3718189

Chicago: 5 wounded, 4 dead in Friday shootings


7b8983  No.3718190



My chicken actually laid something like this a while back. It had no shell, just the membrane. Pretty wild.

842f3a  No.3718191


ThankQ anon for the response. Will try to Tineye the two I saved in this bread.


RIP kitty


They used a Twatter extension to post it in their reply anon, so you're not able to save the file. Sorry. You could screencap and do a reverse image search

288992  No.3718192

File: 11ee599ac914dd0⋯.png (399.97 KB, 490x587, 490:587, ClipboardImage.png)

3bac87  No.3718193

File: b1d8ce6d4417331⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 420x579, 140:193, IMG_5999.JPG)

File: c18bb950c486e2f⋯.jpg (210.36 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_6001.JPG)

File: 734a186582aa564⋯.jpg (69.78 KB, 474x1011, 158:337, IMG_6022.JPG)

File: f2e99e2db8942b6⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 230x322, 5:7, IMG_6023.JPG)

File: ed425abec7b650b⋯.jpg (214.59 KB, 620x1405, 124:281, IMG_6024.JPG)

I'm a bot

1b9e12  No.3718194

File: 9a7cf50ebbbe006⋯.jpeg (119.45 KB, 635x647, 635:647, 6887070D-B206-4759-B8B5-6….jpeg)

730601  No.3718195

File: 4584be794eb6a98⋯.png (337.27 KB, 426x426, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

840413  No.3718196


Kenya used to be called the Congo in the 50's and 60's. Not sure what date it switched to Kenya.

c4e602  No.3718198

File: 0d1fb0f19cd0b17⋯.jpg (162.58 KB, 1024x779, 1024:779, Pepe Unhinged.jpg)


Withdrawal is not pretty. Makes you kinda edgy.

40c29d  No.3718199

File: 434a665832d7d3f⋯.png (242.95 KB, 593x555, 593:555, herngchuck.png)

File: 68f0c22aaafb70d⋯.png (369.46 KB, 698x600, 349:300, eficaljhuck.png)

File: beb45be23a6b87c⋯.png (342.71 KB, 777x450, 259:150, ethicalgunchuck.png)

File: 0f3663a456a6d9a⋯.png (493.64 KB, 777x686, 111:98, Etzhicalchunk.png)

File: a821d37a426ae57⋯.png (233.89 KB, 542x400, 271:200, Echuk.png)

4ddc2b  No.3718200

Whats the deal with shopped pic on PF? Sorry got distracted with normies life, cant find the answer

1b9e12  No.3718201


Concur completely.

9efa99  No.3718202



If "We The People" stopped paying taxes all at the same time we could topple the system. Easy.

de78dc  No.3718203

File: 4a8b8dd356452e6⋯.jpg (58.96 KB, 500x474, 250:237, IMG_20181014_102623.jpg)

cfd848  No.3718204

File: 04fd77e487c6273⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 873x479, 873:479, TDQ?.jpg)

67330e  No.3718205

File: 6155e95943c8622⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 750x496, 375:248, 1493345199840.jpg)

288992  No.3718206


Please please please run!!!!!! Honestly think she'll be under heavy investigation or locked up by then but it would be awesome to watch them debate.

d50f1e  No.3718207


Those prison shoes. No fussy straps or laces.

c892f5  No.3718208

File: 0e7b1efb350be73⋯.jpg (123.83 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_20181103_163154.jpg)

File: 989f5846d3099a6⋯.jpg (102.73 KB, 1024x616, 128:77, IMG_20181103_163230.jpg)

File: 7d3ed1900133e0f⋯.jpg (179.41 KB, 1080x1199, 1080:1199, IMG_20181103_170639.jpg)

dd8f6e  No.3718209


They are just deferring to the lower court to decide it for now and then they will overturn the appeal before the actual census.

10191f  No.3718210


Just go to heyjackass.com it breaks down every Chicago shooting. Has month to date, year to date, shootings, stabbings, fatalities, where the shooting occurred, where the victim was shot, nut shots, etc.

1b85a3  No.3718211


Soros still free to fuck over countries, particularly the US, is one of the biggest clues that Q is not who he says he is.

855eae  No.3718212

File: a11e2124edd38c7⋯.gif (889.77 KB, 485x365, 97:73, rir.gif)

Those are called "Fart Eggs" chickenAnon

6e9f90  No.3718213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d714f  No.3718214


The first 10,000 would have their shit sold at auction 7 go to jail.


75e603  No.3718215


not to dox but drake either on Q team or represents an old members of Q team meaning there has LONG been a Q team within the NSA.

4e3a96  No.3718216


Keto is the best. Ive gone so long without bread that when I ate some a few weeks ago, i was sick and I mean SICK! Pouring sweat & in a kinda pain I have never felt. I couldn’t crawl to my phone to call 911. I didn’t know it was the bread that made me that sick until much later. That shit is bad for you.

40c29d  No.3718218


I suspect we are supposed to read between the lines. Or behind the lines. How did that pick circulate? Who caused it to be circulated? It was circulating long before Q.

I think that is a form of fake news. I think that might be the point.

There is much much fakery on the internet. Look, for example, [here]

91e1c3  No.3718219

File: c202a9600b9cd6b⋯.jpeg (503.26 KB, 834x1024, 417:512, 6446F4A8-6521-489B-B5EC-C….jpeg)

f58914  No.3718220

‘SNL’ Star Alec Baldwin Releases Non-Denial Denial About Alleged Assault

1- Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today’s story.

However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false.

I wanted to go on the record stating as much.

I realize that it has become a sport to tag people w as many negative charges and defaming allegations as possible for the purposes of clickbait entertainment.

Fortunately, no matter how reverberating the echos, it doesn’t make the statements true.


745967  No.3718221

File: a926a39a4d9eaca⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

fdf7ed  No.3718222




America is waking up more so now than I've ever witnessed before….thanks to POTUS, Q & especially you Anons!

A day will come when WE THE PEOPLE are in COMPLETE CONTROL over OUR government! There should never be such a thing as a career politician & there WILL BE term limits!

If we lose the House, Senate or BOTH to the Dems…there will NOT be any going back. We The People will step up with our VEterans & Active Military and TAKE this country back!

Never forget, POTUS still has 2 more years in THIS term & he will do what he has to do to take back the country from the Evil that has been controlling her.

We Will Never Give Up & We Will Never Shut Up! We ARE the AMERICAN PATRIOTS!

e9d513  No.3718223


Putin has a warrant out on him.

855eae  No.3718224


was meant for


6b734c  No.3718225


Go back to GLP!

730601  No.3718226

File: 30b4fbfe5605e03⋯.png (332.93 KB, 591x486, 197:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02c0a5ba6de8018⋯.png (714.97 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02c0a5ba6de8018⋯.png (714.97 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)


Shopped pic? It's from earlier drops.

317c7b  No.3718227

File: de5384437e67dec⋯.mp4 (157.48 KB, 450x250, 9:5, 🚨 REDPilledCrasH on Twitte….mp4)

ec9c74  No.3718228

https://voat.co/v/politics/2829261 NYC Synagogue Vandalism Suspect Is Former City Hall Anti-Hate Crime Intern

https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1058789860968972288 Modeling agency fires black woman for attending pro-Trump rally




#WSJKillsKids: Wall Street Journal gets Youtube to ban small competitor Ralph Retort and forces St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to refund $26,000 in donations that Ralph raised for them

Facebook censored a rabbi's story about being harassed by a Farrakhan supporter


064785  No.3718229

File: 7d16a4dedd9343e⋯.jpg (68.81 KB, 624x900, 52:75, DHSzlDbUwAA42wH.jpg)


UK used masons in civil war - uk big on human trafficking..took over the south — you can see all the statues in statutory hall are confederate.

They helped start the civil war in south.

Then these comped politicians comped the federal reserve….

uk an ally ?

meanwhile byrds statue in the hall

c20bc1  No.3718230


I didn't punch him, I assaulted and battered him.

<Good job Alec

40c29d  No.3718231

File: 708b08fa59d9702⋯.png (3.29 MB, 999x1916, 999:1916, Don_J-BOOM.png)

File: 91c8b9dc7ae0988⋯.png (55.68 KB, 846x393, 282:131, clownazon.png)

File: 442e23b83be0575⋯.png (274.79 KB, 544x455, 544:455, CRIMEZ.png)

File: 734518fdab0ee71⋯.png (749.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, stealthy.png)

File: fbe28b673e4b9e8⋯.png (557.93 KB, 918x918, 1:1, FrankieFuk.png)

3d714f  No.3718232


"…how reverberating the echoes…"

635b3d  No.3718233

Wouldn't it be hilarious if after all the rallies that haven't allowed Q shirts for the last rally before Nov 6th every person that walks in gets handed a free Q t-shirt to wear…. how could the media not ask the question then???

d70658  No.3718234

File: 99aeea4f3d32c65⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 1155x728, 165:104, dd.jpg)


Anon. I'm a low-fidelity MemeMakingAnon, so I'll give you what I got.

I think, and it's just an 'I think' (do some research on via DuckDuck etc.), but the meme you're referencing was created by software called 'Deep Dream'.

Stop the press….just looked it up (pic related). I've never looked into it but I think you can use it the same way the MemeGenerator sites work. Hope this helps.

9de551  No.3718235

6e9f90  No.3718236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

20223d  No.3718237


We got got to LEGALLY undo what was done.

Bad laws are still laws

Keep everything legal.

288992  No.3718238


KEK you made me giggle. Glad you shills are around some of you are fun. Dumb fucks but fun non the less

fed0fc  No.3718239

File: cde7e53ef2858d3⋯.jpeg (819.62 KB, 1154x778, 577:389, 57D84BF6-DF4C-4C26-A802-E….jpeg)

dd8f6e  No.3718240


And Axios is full of shit. It's not a "significant victory," it's just "delayed justice." That's like saying the travel ban that got stayed bu an activist judge was a "significant victory" – until it wasn't. Fucking journalists these days. I swear to God, they're just retarded.

559272  No.3718241


He is thoroughly repulsive. Wonder what he was like the delivery room…. if that is actually how he came to be here.

6d9806  No.3718242


I'm down 18 lbs. Hubs is down 35. No more diabetic meds! Celebrating the Red Wave coming and hopefully a move to FL!! GO RED FL!!

a2a40d  No.3718243


Index fag reporting for duty

is it comfy without the muh catalog fags?

842f3a  No.3718244


Watch out anon, some rulesfag here told me to LURK MOAR for talking about rally locations and travelling to one.

Lots of voting mishaps and fuckery happen in GA. GA has also been stricken by the opioid crisis. I truly am concerned about the races there, more than anywhere else.

This is some great information, though. Props to you for this. I would call notable, but not sure how other anons feel.

>>3718210 Website with detailed Chicago shooting statistics.



Drake is anti-Q and anti-POTUS, just read his Twats. I tweeted him a while back, and he confirmed this… see Q Drake drop timeframe.

ceebc4  No.3718245

File: 05b3618d0addead⋯.png (110.43 KB, 939x532, 939:532, tapper on anitisemitic cri….png)

Am I dreaming or did an MSM-anchor just tell the truth oO?

Don´t let Don hear that :D

7b8983  No.3718246


Heh. I had no idea! The dog sure loved it.

de7872  No.3718247



Wanted anons to see this Awesomeness. :)

568c8c  No.3718248


It could $110,000 . . . + $500,000 in Legal Fees . .

c892f5  No.3718249


40c29d  No.3718250

File: fa898894d6a8e77⋯.png (517.81 KB, 685x732, 685:732, TobRrmi.png)


And think about it. How would such a pic possibly happen?

e81ffc  No.3718251

File: c78f162f569bce1⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 325x307, 325:307, takethis.jpg)




NEW - Will announce the thread number when Q posts. I don't know why you want this feature.

You can turn this off at the top by setting var chatty=false

NEW - Ribbits when Q posts in the main bread!

NEW - Improved compatibility with other scripts.

NEW - Click ribbit to hear a frog ribbiting. Yeah I'm drunk, so what?

OLD - Qresearch links from past breads are now colored differently!! No more last bread accidental clicks!

OLD - Auto refresh stays checked! Forever!

OLD - Q post notification when Q posts in the same thread, now with 150% less fuckup (sorry)

OLD - Untripped Q's are labeled as FAKE, just in case you're that stupid (but we can forgive you, almost)

OLD - Toast buttons - recent breads with post counts green toast is still fresh, red toast is stale. Yes, I know

in real life green toast is moldy, its a stop and go kind of thing. The idea is so you can skip going to the catalog.

OLD - Smarter comment boxes - highlighted so you don't try and post in a full bread.

OLD - Fast search filter - find all matching at the same time. Works kind of like filtering everything else.

OLD - Canadians put butter on their ham sandwiches. Does this have anything to do with the Dutch word for sandwich?


Codemonkey changes shit all the time to keep ahead of the clowns. Expect stuff to break sometimes.

This weekend is Canadian Breakfast Stout release weekend; Its made in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Its actually pretty good. Not sure if its $1 an ounce good, but good nonetheless.

Do not use user scripts blindly. Check them for shifty stuff. If you don't know how, ask someone.

May contain weevils, weasels, beetles, weebles, bibles, tribals and tribbles.

Usage is regulated by the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

If your computer begins to smoke, you should use peer pressure to make it quit. Its bad for its health.

Made from 100% recycled electrons and magnetic particles.

Alternate toy available for children under 3.

1b85a3  No.3718252


Must be a private school.

c53c5b  No.3718253

I'm a Satanic Priest from Detroid and I've been here from the beginning.

And I really need to set some things straight with you guys.

You are no better than the bigots we are fighting against.

You see yourself as morally superior, yet you discriminate against Satanists.

I'll have you know that all my ritual orgies were harmless and of age. And I've only sacrificed people who were willing to give themselves to our lord. And all my spells and curses have been for the betterment of mankind.

Educate yourselves.

Not all satanist are evil.



Hail Satan !

88ade0  No.3718254


is that pic real? kek

e9d513  No.3718255

File: 8cbb981cac6ad46⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 275x183, 275:183, brennansecuritymeme.jpg)

148e89  No.3718256

>>3717356 lb


f09335  No.3718257



Two different countries which are miles apart.

855eae  No.3718258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



4f9dcc  No.3718259

File: a362bb7767e7398⋯.jpg (236.37 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave11.jpg)

File: d32d8cbfbc210c7⋯.jpg (247.36 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave12.jpg)

File: e5b8df6230369a1⋯.jpg (285.57 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave13.jpg)

File: d4788d9dab1ca35⋯.jpg (258.37 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave14.jpg)

File: b613d53ff9c54b9⋯.jpg (215.73 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave15.jpg)

40c29d  No.3718260


That's just a pic I grabbed, I am not promoting the additional narrative included, as far as the supposed endorsement meaning anything.

5f3c8f  No.3718261

File: 3c5a8185e981fe7⋯.jpg (133.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sasgaytwfdcdiuvblaksugd.jpg)

f58914  No.3718262


Holy shit



09179d  No.3718263


you know I will kick your ass if you don't know the fuck you are talking about right?

730601  No.3718265


except that's not the pic used on PF, anywhere

f54d99  No.3718266

File: ababc2a576eeb3b⋯.gif (451.2 KB, 500x319, 500:319, giphy.gif)

40c29d  No.3718268


Are you a bot anon? I am only asking because the mechanical nature of your meme production makes it seem likely. Thanks.

7b8983  No.3718269

I’m loving these people RSBN is interviewing. Just salt of the earth folks. :)

88ade0  No.3718270




this is old news

68f228  No.3718271

Remember how Nikola Tesla researched, and was in all probability successful with, invisibility?

Remember how Tesla experimented, and in all probability could have been successful with, time travel?

Remember the Philadelphia Experiment?

Remember how John Trump was the FBI investigator to secure Tesla's notes?

What does that tell you?

What are the implications of Nikola Tesla's personal experiment notes in electromagnetism being in Trump's possession?

Inter-dimensional war?

Invisible military assets/private property?

Invisible or shifted out of phase?

Think critically.

Information should be FREE.

Tesla's technology should be used freely.

For the betterment of humanity.

God bless Tesla.

God bless Q.

God bless POTUS.

God bless (You).


1b85a3  No.3718272

File: ea2ec3d25819807⋯.jpg (65.24 KB, 736x981, 736:981, bbw1.jpg)



But if this cunt is /ourguy/, I'd still hate his fucking guts.

d85fc5  No.3718273


That anon's memes are awesome

840413  No.3718274


Maybe Lemon pissed him off when he was sitting right next to him calling for whites to be killed.

Maybe Tapper will fly the CNN cabal coop

4e3a96  No.3718275


What just happened! JT got his soul back, or what?

c20bc1  No.3718276



We need a big name on Twitter to share this.

538e64  No.3718277

File: 5ce90f65c71dbe2⋯.png (55.45 KB, 623x392, 89:56, ClipboardImage.png)

Remarkable tweet of Willem Middelkoop (well known in the Netherlands) about 'remarkable tweet by Dutch professor'


7dd454  No.3718278


don't get used to MSM reporting truth

as it is one has to toss out so much of what they say as false, it becomes easier to investigate for one's self

550d6f  No.3718279


WHY are so called patriots still adding this divisionfag shit to the notables

oh yeah - because 20% of the board is muhjoo shitposts

cant leave out that part our anon hive right?

are divisionfags part of the hive mind - answer = yes

fits into the plan somehow - any REAL ideas autist(no replies from muhjoo fags requested - but they will shitpost anyway)

>>3716484 Jews were heavily involved in the KKK

>>3717231, >>3717377 Sioux City Jew commends Journal for calling out Rep. Steve King

at least this one has an actual cabal member posting for comment but how is (((this))) relevant to (((WGG1WGA)))?

>>3717236, >>3717251, >>3717293, >>3717301 (((Roths))) OpEd: Q Movement's "fizzled out"

dbe64f  No.3718280

File: a8ffbcf47cb490b⋯.png (807.74 KB, 637x457, 637:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3f498cfa814d00⋯.png (14.83 KB, 518x224, 37:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Merkel’s Migration Chief Suggests Courses Teaching Migrants Not to Rape After ‘Despicable’ Gang Attack

Angela Merkel’s migration commissioner has suggested “orientation courses” teaching new migrants not to rape German women after a group of Syrians were arrested for a gang attack on a teenage girl.

“Men who have been living here for a long time need to talk clearly about sexuality and equal rights in Germany to men who have just arrived — if necessary in their native language,” said Annette Widmann-Mauz in the wake of the “despicable” crime in Freiburg.

“All asylum-seekers need to get orientation courses about living together in Germany as soon as they arrive to their first accommodation centre, and that also includes that there is zero tolerance for sexual abuse and other violent acts,” she added.

Similar initiatives have been attempted in Germany before, with some public swimming pools having to put up illustrated signs showing migrants that molesting women is not allowed after a number of attacks on women and children of both sexes.

Widmann-Mauz’s intervention was prompted by a particularly brutal attack in Freiburg, which saw an 18-year-old girl drugged, taken to a wooded area, and gang-raped by up to 15 males for four hours.

Seven Syrians and one German passport-holder have been arrested for the crime, with the public being particularly outraged when it was discovered that suspected ringleader ‘‘Majd H’ has a previous conviction and was wanted by the authorities at the time of the attack.

Publicly available pictures purporting to show him holding a machine gun somewhere in the Middle East which he is said to have uploaded to social media have also caused consternation, suggesting the Merkel government has been incredibly lax about who it has allowed into the country since the onset of the migrant crisis.

U.S. President Donald Trump was excoriated by the left-liberal media worldwide for highlighting the situation in Germany earlier in 2018, saying Chancellor Merkel had made a “big mistake” in inviting millions of people who have “strongly and violently changed their culture” and increased crime.

The statistics appear to support him, however, with refugees, asylum seekers, and illegal immigrants accounting for 11.9 percent of sexual offence suspects, in particular, despite being only 2 percent of the general population.


4ddc2b  No.3718281


I daw that one several years ago. I know about Byrd. I dont get the meaning of shopped pic drop, like with Hussein video or voting machines email. Honestly confused, since not the first time

317c7b  No.3718282


>NEW - Ribbits when Q posts in the main bread!

Now that is freaking awesome codefaganon!

40c29d  No.3718283

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Satan loses.

Out you go [ ]

6c00ab  No.3718284


Read the End of the Book.

You Lose

Have a NIce Day

63d4fc  No.3718285


Which one is the Russian? Sorry asking for my cat.

f54d99  No.3718286

File: ced0eb0933e0b3a⋯.gif (995.97 KB, 245x245, 1:1, giphy-1.gif)

ad4cc0  No.3718287

File: b4b7dff3c814417⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, v_KLIDQ__400x400.jpg)


>You see yourself as morally superior, yet you discriminate against Satanists.I'll have you know that all my ritual orgies were harmless and of age.

89e53c  No.3718288

File: c74ca0706136806⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 474x474, 1:1, th.jpg)


We, The People.

a2fede  No.3718289

File: abcf9f669223eb5⋯.png (792.23 KB, 611x594, 611:594, YOU SUCK.png)

09ee3c  No.3718290


UK Elite not the British people, British people have been shat on by the so called Elite for years too!

e81ffc  No.3718291

File: 39b39204e860da9⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2400x1677, 800:559, d3779eb78254c5180e5afeabb8….jpg)


Not all christians are good.

36ae3b  No.3718292

File: e03a024836ae94e⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 595x773, 595:773, Screenshot 2018-11-03_15-1….jpg)

dc1574  No.3718293

File: e7fdb4a0653a6ef⋯.jpg (460.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClintonTies_Twitter.jpg)

Of course they want you to "lurk for months" before posting.

How dare you goyim disrupt their carefully crafted culture~

Isn't it odd that it also denies fresh perspectives, and silences an organic change of culture..

e42cd2  No.3718294


What is SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)? - Definition …


SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol that allows programs that run on disparate operating systems (such as Windows and Linux) to communicate using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and its Extensible Markup Language (XML).

5f3c8f  No.3718295



dumb faggot, who said or commented about "news"?

He's not "ourguy", so fuck Jim and fuck you too idiot.

842f3a  No.3718296


maybe jack pussobiec will see it in his chatlogs and share

cfd848  No.3718298


>VIP Patriot!


>VIP anon


288992  No.3718299


YES ==Big Man Tyrone==

6929a7  No.3718300

File: 87c3e8681c73926⋯.jpg (5.71 KB, 300x200, 3:2, cje45.jpg)

No.3717282 lb

"Billionaire investor George Soros has repeatedly denied rumors that he is helping to finance the migrant caravans making their way up from Honduras and Guatemala through Mexico with the ultimate aim of reaching the US.

But that's about to change, as the "Open Society" founder - who famously financed much of the opposition to Trump SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh - is now partnering with Mastercard to hand out money (in the form of 'investment capital') to migrants, refugees and "others struggling within their communities worldwide," according to Reuters. Through their partnership, Soros is effectively providing open financial support for migrants and refugees seeking to enter the US "


WELL someone, if not Soros, is giving them mastercards. Mastercard knows paid for these prepaid cards. Time to have ICE toss some Mastercard execs in jail for aiding and abetting until someone sings. Why is this not being done? Mastercard is helping people break US (and probably Mexican) law!

It's this sort of blatant shit that pisses me off. Like the fucking entitled Beto campaign libs that believe they are entitled to be above the law all because they are just a vanilla lib. (end rant)

1b85a3  No.3718301

File: e5b8df73aa8b2f8⋯.jpg (128.75 KB, 612x612, 1:1, freecat.jpg)


I don't pray for animals.

Fuck your dead cat. Get a new one. They're all the same anyway.

cab092  No.3718302


>Tesla's technology should be used freely.

>For the betterment of humanity.


Dude almost brought down a steel building frame with a handheld vibrator. kekekek

36ae3b  No.3718303

File: 6f7894f1f5c8fda⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 581x603, 581:603, Screenshot 2018-11-03_15-1….jpg)

New York Police are investigating a suspicious package that was found near the Macy’s Herald Square.

The bomb squad has been deployed and there is a large police presence in the surrounding area. The square has been evacuated as a precaution.


fed0fc  No.3718304

He just lost his job


ad4cc0  No.3718305

File: 776c51e62f9295d⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 620x372, 5:3, 002-being-john-malkovich-t….jpg)

f54d99  No.3718306





979829  No.3718307

File: 2383d876f06379d⋯.jpeg (287.5 KB, 2048x1234, 1024:617, B1C685AD-6BE4-4EAF-B1C6-8….jpeg)

File: 4866671b0963d8a⋯.jpeg (33.42 KB, 474x248, 237:124, A3894B5D-D0A0-4B6A-956B-6….jpeg)

“Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families.”

― Benjamin Rush

09179d  No.3718308

lol competing jew and christian shit to devise lol.

121a6c  No.3718309

File: 0285fa192f8889a⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 1008x574, 72:41, usmc-marine-corps-country.jpg)

Posse Comitatus Act is not in affect we are under a national Emergency , The Military can arrest civilians and enforce the law including Illegals .


Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


Issued on: December 21, 2017



By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY to deal with that threat.

e6976c  No.3718310


I hadn't seen anything on the 2nd one…

e9d513  No.3718311


It was never ratified by 2/3 of the states as required, but the SCOTUS doesnt give a fuck. It's not lawful. It wasnt even properly legalized.

840413  No.3718312


Sorry, I was thinking of when they changed the name of Congo to Zaire between 1971 and 1997.

My uncle was a missionary there.

c4e602  No.3718313

File: 57cf4b714c1d695⋯.jpg (20.99 KB, 300x311, 300:311, Devil dog 2.jpg)


You just had to start something, didn't you?

40c29d  No.3718314

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)


I didn't say anything against them. If you are human, and find them awesome, that's great. The fact that "that anon" can't even respond, and that you are jumping in to defend, and the memes are really rather monotonous, all tend to suggest that both "that anon" and you are bots. That is just how things work. But if neither of you are bots, and show it in some way, then I will gladly apologize.

But if you are bots, just go to sleep.

730601  No.3718315

File: da07fbd60453523⋯.png (508.13 KB, 685x732, 685:732, ClipboardImage.png)


allow me to backtrack…pic could be shopped, yet the history is real

A Senator's Shame

Byrd, in His New Book, Again Confronts Early Ties to KKK


Mr. Byrd’s perspective on the world changed over the years. A former member of the Ku Klux Klan, he filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act only to come to back civil rights measures and Mr. Obama. A supporter of the Vietnam War, he became a fierce critic, decades later, of the war in Iraq. In 1964, the Americans for Democratic Action, the liberal lobbying group, found that his views and the group’s aligned only 16 percent of the time. In 2005, he got an A.D.A. rating of 95.


0a513b  No.3718316


No…. they can easily spin this to parrot their


"OurGuys suppressing the capture of the real

haters, the Right."

Just watch.

3d714f  No.3718317

Excuse me, but I can't play fucking CD. And why can't I? Because those fucking assholes who run tech decided not to use CD players any fucking more.


62d561  No.3718318

Have we made this connection before?

Wizards and Warlocks

= Halloween?

The start date of the storm?

68f228  No.3718319


Resonance frequency matters.

88ade0  No.3718320


we've known he is /ourguy/ for over a year.

catch up

c772a1  No.3718321


Just sent it to Dilley. (Don't bash- he is a friend and a fan of Chan).

bb9ff8  No.3718322

File: 0877cf176515f9b⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 533x342, 533:342, 2012-12-20-Frank_Zappa_Apo….jpg)


Wait, wut?

Tapper Fag reporting News?


I guess 1 story out of 5,000 makes


70daa0  No.3718323

File: 3c1357347ac702b⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 480x480, 1:1, kava naugh.mp4)

6929a7  No.3718324

File: 776cdbc6d4a1cab⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 900x786, 150:131, 1xkwc2.jpg)


didnt toots already die last week? You are the dead cat shill. See my live cat filter.

09179d  No.3718325

86dbe7  No.3718326

File: 5bb0d557200243d⋯.png (59.36 KB, 503x341, 503:341, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)


there is a crumb for everything

cbe83c  No.3718327

File: 966a7851d7ee427⋯.png (498.3 KB, 616x1252, 154:313, James thumbs up.png)

The Conservative Tribune giving a thumbs up to James Woods and one of his latest great twats

James Woods is back on Twitter, and thank God for it. Without him, who would be owning the libs via memery?

Woods’ latest viral tweet comes courtesy of the migrant caravan working its way up through Mexico toward our southern frontier.

This whole thing was orchestrated by organizers as a media event to draw attention to the “migrant cause.” When the media suddenly realized that this wasn’t quite as popular as it originally looked, they suddenly became angry that American voters were paying attention to the whole thing and didn’t like it.

Woods, however, had a better take on why he thought the media might be sympathetic to the migrant caravan:

40c29d  No.3718328

File: a3704ac0e3dcef0⋯.png (245.21 KB, 1111x978, 1111:978, HIANONS.png)

We are getting a panorama of bizarre bot activity today. Earlier, the board was anti-semitic. Now it is promoting Satanism, and engaged in other random and irrelevant fake chan noises.

5f3c8f  No.3718329


he's not our guy.


Mind your own fucking business fag, and speak for yourself.

d70658  No.3718330


This is an mp4 that's 157KB and the title you gave isn't a valid link?

What the fuck is this shit? Tell me it's not malware. No thanks.

fed0fc  No.3718331

Better hurry before all,the big names on twitter are banned


de78dc  No.3718332

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, 1527078663.jpeg)

de7872  No.3718333


i imagine it's something called hard work. :)

>>3718259 Great Job anon.

559272  No.3718334

File: c35643c41647282⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, safespace.png)


That's the problem with satanists. They think discernment is discriminating. Educate yourselves. All the answers are at the back.

f58914  No.3718335


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.290 📁

Sep 21 2018 18:09:15 (EST)






928cc1  No.3718336


I can't look at her, can't listen to her … unless she's gasping for breath in the gallows.

d85fc5  No.3718337


Never seen this dude before

Inspiring shit here

e313e5  No.3718338

File: 47c60720da4305e⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 198x360, 11:20, you were cool b4 you weren….gif)

Why do most of the people working in DC seem like this?????????

30e453  No.3718339

File: 53e228ddfc5bf73⋯.png (648.63 KB, 1258x553, 1258:553, ClipboardImage.png)

Huh…Warren Buffet's daughter administers the Buffet Early Childhood Fund


"Our national co-investors include: George Kaiser Family Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Irving Harris Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, JB and MK Pritzker Children’s Initiative, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Heising-Simons Foundation, an Anonymous foundation, and others. More partners are always welcome.

59c701  No.3718340

File: 3ee3ba788ae5c97⋯.jpg (104.22 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Cz0dIxCXcAAgJJz.jpg)

File: b949fa7256ccd16⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 762x7583, 762:7583, Screenshot_2018-11-03 #QAN….jpg)

File: 86634c4cc47d652⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 500x312, 125:78, tumblr_nov58yuT231rchkzlo1….gif)

File: c87b730d4ab7c22⋯.jpg (593.63 KB, 1901x735, 1901:735, SUNRISE hOUSE.jpg)

File: 40c5b65df7f4d7b⋯.jpg (205.09 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1487537992106.jpg)

730601  No.3718341


Pfft. Anyone can wear cuff links of the Flag

>Does Acosta's continued disrespectful and poor behavior hurt or help us in the future?

What purpose does he serve if he's "/ourguy/"?

0a513b  No.3718342


ABOwarrior seems to think Jr is alive.

Retweets a lot of R stuff.


681b3b  No.3718343


Israel and SA are now allies.

09179d  No.3718344

7.68 ?

67330e  No.3718345

File: bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, check check boom.jpg)

550d6f  No.3718346


inglorious basterds ya think?

840413  No.3718347


Matt Gaetz a Q lurker?

He is always step in step with what is going on with Q.

317c7b  No.3718348


Go back to facebook idiot.

4b8012  No.3718349


I hope he’s not another Kate Mazz.

de78dc  No.3718350



559272  No.3718351


Now that you mention it, it's almost funnier if it isn't real.

d70658  No.3718352


Let's try a simple description of what it is you posted rather than a worthless ad hominem. Try harder.

40c29d  No.3718353



But if Q is posting that pic, then it would imply, on normal assumptions, that he thinks it is real. And it would follow that anons would use it, meme it, and hence discredit themselves. All of this, regardless of the truth about Byrd.

So I think Q is trying to induce a deeper understanding through anons questioning the posting of a shopped pic.

HOW did that shopped pic first circulate?

Would AUTISTS get fooled? Or were autists irrelevant to the propagation of it?

And what does that tell us?

c53c5b  No.3718354









I consider my experiment a success.

Thank you patriots.

Although I did pepper it up a little for the lulz. That hopefully gave it away.

I'm gonna be more subtle next time.

I was just testing your response to obvious jew tactics.

God bless you all.

fdf7ed  No.3718356

File: df7834ff8432a46⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1557.JPG)



Did someone say chicken? Kek!

36ae3b  No.3718357

File: 9a86a1facc70f12⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 588x204, 49:17, Screenshot 2018-11-03_15-2….jpg)

148e89  No.3718358

File: 6683894d32a663b⋯.png (405.21 KB, 666x349, 666:349, ClipboardImage.png)

63d4fc  No.3718359


The Keksexodus is upon us.

745967  No.3718360

File: 6591d2b702a0613⋯.png (432.25 KB, 1200x734, 600:367, ClipboardImage.png)

317c7b  No.3718361

File: e0cffc14a0a6f3c⋯.png (487.87 KB, 645x830, 129:166, 71388e82eb4621c5ce9feaa530….png)

22b4d9  No.3718362


dogs have masters, cats have staff

66814e  No.3718363

Not the first time Q fucked up with his photos.

5f3c8f  No.3718364


fuck off

839c3c  No.3718365


Turns into Republican

(RED with anger)

c892f5  No.3718366

File: 83b645cf637e907⋯.png (134.68 KB, 720x1235, 144:247, Screenshot_20181103-171926….png)

File: e4483ac4ff997a3⋯.png (140.08 KB, 720x906, 120:151, Screenshot_20181103-172005….png)

File: 5ac0bd100c90daf⋯.png (22.8 KB, 170x200, 17:20, inscom.png)


W&Ws refers to INSCOM.


NSA being "The Bridge" between mil Intel and 5eyes.

855eae  No.3718367

File: 5fdd31707d31b0e⋯.jpg (261.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Matt Gaetz.jpg)

1b85a3  No.3718368


>is that pic real?

I don't know. I stole it from somewhere.

Looks real though.

730601  No.3718369

File: 67466a1ceb65500⋯.png (125.73 KB, 1169x817, 1169:817, ! ! ! ! ! 17 techniques f….png)

ID: 88ade0

CNN shill using #8 here >>3718270 & here >>3718320 to manufacture consensus

c53c5b  No.3718370



And you too.

840413  No.3718371


p.s. The black countries names all look the same Kek!

bb0ceb  No.3718372

File: 9ab0fca36d447ed⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 656x400, 41:25, thats-a-huge-bitch.jpg.cf.jpg)

22b4d9  No.3718373

File: 6c9690ccb2ce301⋯.png (57.52 KB, 355x355, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> handheld vibrator

9523e4  No.3718374


Cant be sure but, Toots already had 9 lives.

63d4fc  No.3718375


Soros is NOT involved this must be fake news

730601  No.3718376

File: 2564a54dbb13128⋯.png (299.59 KB, 1088x671, 1088:671, 2pac meme.png)

855eae  No.3718377

File: 8ffc6c3148c1c9e⋯.jpeg (25.13 KB, 487x279, 487:279, CNN Hornets.jpeg)

67330e  No.3718378


that sucks, just think, if those faggots wouldnt have spammed so much every fucking night we wouldnt have cared as much

b16971  No.3718379

File: 232d45b567050ef⋯.png (18.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, PepeOkA.png)

559272  No.3718380

File: 85e72da2686d715⋯.jpg (133.44 KB, 586x597, 586:597, LOL (2).jpg)

6c00ab  No.3718381


We went to the Before 1969.

The rest was a Show for the Public, that’s why it seems fake because the NASA account was fake.

Secret Prograns

a07b42  No.3718382


Caution acknowledge, although the graphic showing the referenced rally was posted here yesterday.

Georgia has a giant drug problem. There are a lot of parents who are staggering around with thousand yard stares over losing children to overdoses.

I have a friend whose 16 year old daughter— a cheerleader-type, from a good middle class home, attended a good school– is in prison right now.

She got hold of some synthetic marijuana, went insane, and stabbed her best friend to death with a kitchen knife out in her front yard.

The number of heroin overdoses are nightmarish. These aren't low income, white trash types– they're the kids nobody would suspect.

My community now has lice removal clinics to take your kids to, for when they catch lice from the scum of the earth at their public schools. Even formerly "good" public schools are shitholes now.

If we gotta drag them kicking and screaming, having nervous breakdowns the whole way, back to a better America, well, we have to do what we have to do. Our grandparents dealt with rationing during WWII. It was what had to be done.

6dde12  No.3718383


Meme warfare. It's war.

6a7921  No.3718384




d6efb8  No.3718385


At one point Iran was going to do something and we should watch. I forgot what they were going to do.

f54d99  No.3718386





e313e5  No.3718387

File: 7ee9826c71858b4⋯.gif (2.37 MB, 265x331, 265:331, yoou thought you were cool.gif)

worked in law enforcement a very long time…..worked with a lot of feds….especially at the FBI….some at DHS…most were not this good…..

Seriously (with the exception of the military) dealing with the feds is a messed up adventure….that will leave you with a headache….

40c29d  No.3718388


It is always very strange when you ask an anon a question, IT FALLS MUTE, and then other anons jump in to defend the anon (although in this case there isn't even an attack). This has happened over and over and over.

The memes look absolutely like a machine is spitting them out. That is all I said. Do you disagree with that?

Indeed, it would seem fairly obvious that there is a form of bot that very efficiently pulls images off the internet, figures out bland, generic "Q stuff" that can be put, and cranks out vast numbers of memes in this manner.

The memes, in themselves, appear innocuous, and even positive.

What the purpose of the faking is, I don't know. But as a rule, i am highly mistrustful of everything the bot system posts.

67330e  No.3718389



and conversely, now the Rfags are probably gonna think its a sign or some shit, and spam even harder

02f88c  No.3718390

File: 600944ad986234b⋯.jpg (141.84 KB, 669x683, 669:683, build-the-wall-flag.jpg)

50fdd3  No.3718391

File: 8f1fed4489e403b⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 4096x3072, 4:3, IMG_20181103_171424436_HDR.jpg)

File: cc7a3637c595849⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4096x3072, 4:3, IMG_20181103_171358411_HDR.jpg)

Long lines in P'cola…..

dd8f6e  No.3718392

File: d5b97e9bf53e3f4⋯.jpg (136.25 KB, 900x900, 1:1, d5b97e9bf53e3f44f264bcbfd6….jpg)

4f9dcc  No.3718393

File: 81e47c9ac02f105⋯.jpg (511.04 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave16.jpg)

File: e61c90b3caa61e7⋯.jpg (283.21 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave17.jpg)

File: 2d6d8ab4011c381⋯.jpg (354.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave18.jpg)

File: d42048206db088a⋯.jpg (373.25 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave19.jpg)

File: 558c6609d48185a⋯.jpg (384.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AmericaFirstRedWave20.jpg)


Trips confirm.

Anons are relentless.

We the people have the power.

5b2158  No.3718394


At some point military generals will act w/ the will of the people simply because their soldiers ARE THOSE SAME PEOPLE and have no choice.

edf60d  No.3718395

Code delta.

Tass times in tonetown. I repeat, tass times in tonetown.

Code bravo.

63d4fc  No.3718396


read the last line

e0885a  No.3718398

Look at q post one of these dashes are NOT like the others.





550d6f  No.3718399


>Buffet Early Childhood Fund





a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.

bf1032  No.3718400


We never had this many woke people before.

POTUS is our catalyst.

He lit the fire after it went out when JFK got 187d.

b16971  No.3718401

File: a79f3959343d7b0⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1280x1048, 160:131, Suspicious_Package1.png)

730601  No.3718402

File: 7ac2759bf773b58⋯.png (325.17 KB, 1077x664, 1077:664, 2pac meme.png)

File: be76c487e89c041⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 1080x653, 1080:653, 2pac Lyor.jpg)


Sometimes, a meme is just a meme. That said, How do you KNOW that Q "thinks it is real"? Also, using said meme, say someone on twitter calls it out. Well, it's a teaching moment to point them to Byrd's history (best case scenario). HOW did it begin to circulate, I'll let you dig on that. Would autists get fooled? Likely not. Would an autist care? I don't.

So, you tell us, what that tells us.

Sometimes, a meme is just a meme.

30879b  No.3718403

There's a company called Mannkind that some anons, like me, view as our proxy in the war between good and evil.

Our stock market is cult controlled but ten years of trying hasn't killed Mannkind.

It is on life support at 1.92 a share. It may die. If it does not succumb it has the best treatment for the most widespread epidemic disease diabetes.

So bear in mind .

f54d99  No.3718404

File: 21bc4e7302b5f0f⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 625x374, 625:374, 21bc4e7302b5f0f578da9c2327….jpg)

e9055b  No.3718405

A friend just fucked a few grams of coke with some parfume, not directly on it, it just now smells like cologne. What are the options to remove smell ?

b2c26b  No.3718406

File: 4c945477379cbdc⋯.jpeg (187.45 KB, 1600x1187, 1600:1187, candy land.jpeg)


That's rather amusing, don't you think anons?

Let's teach the migrants not to rape.

She needs to go down. Soon.

d8c1c6  No.3718407

File: 33b90319e4c2fdd⋯.png (744.88 KB, 1189x673, 1189:673, rukip.png)


Seen him at the end of a bunch of the Robin Hood UKIP videos when I go on a Farage binge.


50fdd3  No.3718408

File: cc7a3637c595849⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4096x3072, 4:3, IMG_20181103_171358411_HDR.jpg)

Long lines in P'cola….. At least 7 k….

08edaf  No.3718409

File: ec760925dcabf33⋯.png (4.6 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4A413433-D620-4DF4-9FC5-EF….png)

The suspect in a synagogue vandalism act that forced the cancellation of a Democratic event is reportedly a former City Hall employee who worked on anti-hate crime issues and is a Democratic activist, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

6e9f90  No.3718411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

087304  No.3718412

File: 5a05dc2e6ed2bef⋯.png (458.8 KB, 716x469, 716:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Was digging, and saw this coat of arms form a region in centre of Switzerland. Probably nothing, but keys and two red crosses.

Canton of Nidwalden:

The population is 40,287 (in 2007) of which 4,046 (or 10%) are foreigners.[3] The capital is Stans.


Extra detail! 'Podestà is the title of mayors in Italian-speaking municipalities of Graubünden in Switzerland'


d09de7  No.3718413


Why would he have to repeat it? It's written down.

164f65  No.3718414

File: c43495716a9d20d⋯.png (7.29 KB, 551x136, 551:136, ClipboardImage.png)

This post seems rather straight forward, no?

We need to keep our eyes behind Trump to see who or what the VIP does.

Does anyone want to chime in and brainstorm what Q expects us to see?

745967  No.3718415

File: ee40c394ea21268⋯.png (445.85 KB, 1200x734, 600:367, ClipboardImage.png)

1b85a3  No.3718416


Picture of a picture of Trump's AF1 office?

Blurry picture of some old guy's ear?

cb8b69  No.3718417


Ya, no shit that's wild… speculating about what else Q can do is creepy.

40c29d  No.3718418

File: 61a3e512d606550⋯.png (256.81 KB, 1111x978, 1111:978, CAMPRIATE.png)

File: 00aaf7d3ed4f784⋯.png (2.14 MB, 896x5920, 28:185, WeAreQueueanon.png)


Notice how COMPLEX the [fake] stuff has become anons. The system is getting real squirrelly.

b2c26b  No.3718419

File: 8c680ef3f1bd5b1⋯.png (11.5 KB, 255x254, 255:254, hygge pepe.png)

Have a buddy on tour in Afghanistan.

MilitaryAnons, what did you want most in your boxes?

67330e  No.3718420

File: e7c7a1933573760⋯.jpg (10.46 KB, 238x255, 14:15, liberty.JPG)


Makaveli and MAGAveli

The Don's

f128e6  No.3718421

Basket of deNotables


>>3718074 Q CLOCK UPDATE: Today, Yesterday, Mirror :01

>>3718056 DeKalb Medical Center in Georgia on lockdown for armed individual

>>3718032 InfoGraphic: Unrigging the Election

>>3718013 Navy Seal Trident Hat, Rally VIPanon's hat

>>3718003, >>3718087 Coffee Co. CEO says Avenatti owes him $110K

>>3717972 Grassley criminally refers another Kav Accuser (admits was 'ploy') to DOJ

>>3717963 Looooonnnggg list of MSM echoes: "Orange man say blacks stoopid, t. Cohen"

>>3717955 /OurSecState/ Pompeo twats: Iran sanctions coming 11/5

d51c99  No.3718422


— — — — — — — – <<

3bac87  No.3718423

File: fc9a6543842813e⋯.png (14.19 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 3EE62B0E-8F59-4086-BE57-63….png)

File: 58061aa4a3bcb9b⋯.jpg (98.95 KB, 526x526, 1:1, IMG_6189.JPG)

File: b7aab3f2c27664c⋯.jpg (116.63 KB, 526x526, 1:1, IMG_6190.JPG)

File: 7e916b6929b5638⋯.jpeg (12.82 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 7E4CB2AB-6593-47E0-A976-1….jpeg)

File: b70ca4432f21ba9⋯.png (17.37 KB, 255x254, 255:254, F61670EE-7B6B-4C43-B127-BB….png)

c53c5b  No.3718424


Well… you tried…

e313e5  No.3718425

File: adcd657f8ad6133⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1746x1802, 873:901, ClipboardImage.png)

WHY is this guy allowed to commit treason after treason without Any Fckg!!!! Consequence?????????

559272  No.3718426


Open heart surgery

840413  No.3718427

File: 2bdfd8ba26bb899⋯.png (216.01 KB, 716x429, 716:429, Board Pepe Bug Eye & Frien….png)

df882c  No.3718428


Two Dogs

0 Cats, don't care for rodents.

f8eda0  No.3718429


Doesn't matter:

8 dashes = SESSIONS

he's the stealth bomber

de78dc  No.3718430

File: 403de8cbe1b107a⋯.jpeg (151.59 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1538000881.jpeg)

8bfae7  No.3718431

File: 6d9f366f93e6031⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, carolyn.jpg)

I just found three more copies of the JFK Jr, 20-year MEMORIAL SPECIAL at CVS.

4db202  No.3718432



4ddc2b  No.3718433


Ok i lets say send it on antisocial media and discredit myself

7b8983  No.3718434

cfd848  No.3718435

File: 0ac913798c65b6c⋯.jpg (79.35 KB, 662x441, 662:441, keep calm jackass.jpg)




Second notable –

>>3718176 History of fuckery in major Georgia elections.

e81ffc  No.3718436

File: dc58fcc16859155⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 634x448, 317:224, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)

62d561  No.3718437


You sound like a Demoncrat

e0885a  No.3718438

730601  No.3718439



ID: 40c29d

Wait wait, you're TIRESIAS, i usually ignore you. Glad I followed the ID up the bread…missed filtering you & got caught actually answering your delusions

157f7c  No.3718440


Yes they are. They are the very definition of evil. Your the seed of your father who is fallen from grace and exalts himself to be like God and above God. Your God is a cosmic laughing stalk. A charlatan, a fraud, quack and scum bag of the cosmos. A real fucking loser just like the off spring he has produced in you.

e313e5  No.3718441

File: 393ecad69662f4d⋯.png (895.93 KB, 848x694, 424:347, ClipboardImage.png)

559272  No.3718442

File: a762c19e8ffd1e3⋯.jpg (13.97 KB, 255x205, 51:41, wooooo.jpg)

40c29d  No.3718443


Did my words imply that I think Q thinks it's real?

If Q posts a meme, what could the phrase "a meme is just a meme" mean in relation to it? Is anything Q posts likely to be casual as that phrase implies?

Obviously Q doesn't want to discredit us, and is unlikely to fall for the fake image. So those are the two premises from which reasoning should start, IMO.

c68036  No.3718444


Fucks sake. After a few toots your nose is going to be fucked anyway so don’t sweat it

f54d99  No.3718445

File: 07fefbc1d98f81d⋯.gif (1000.41 KB, 499x206, 499:206, candie.gif)

50fdd3  No.3718446


Well… I won't tell you what the Navy nurses like…

…for everyone else…. Cigars, dip, jerky, candy that won't melt.

4ddc2b  No.3718447

317c7b  No.3718448


Give him enough rope and…..

1b85a3  No.3718449

File: 95ca19150441382⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 482x346, 241:173, seal2.jpg)


You sound like a pussy.

3a58a7  No.3718450

File: 316e50830cd5e50⋯.png (489.53 KB, 739x579, 739:579, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

White Pill incomming

>we only needed a 3% gain to destroy the Dems forever

>this is MUCH more than 3%


63d4fc  No.3718451


Kate, the Signifier or the Rlarp?

4d5261  No.3718452


Because this all for nothing but votes.

02f88c  No.3718453

File: c35ca5902b4e9f1⋯.jpg (124.25 KB, 682x680, 341:340, rule-law-not-mob.jpg)

dd8f6e  No.3718454

File: 0cb1875ad213b68⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpg)

c68036  No.3718455


Is Podesta Italian for ‘power’ or somesuch?

4aec1d  No.3718456


As long as you keep doing coke you keep supporting the cabal. That is one of their main crops. Take care and wake up

a2a40d  No.3718457

File: b9454c5224467d9⋯.png (237.71 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Break-in Attempted at Assange’s Residence in Ecuador Embassy


disregard if already noted

cbe83c  No.3718458

File: 9e906308e677e95⋯.png (203.05 KB, 551x439, 551:439, fsu student.png)

Communist Student Who Attacked Republicans with Chocolate Milk Gets Arrested

By Cillian Zeal

November 3, 2018 at 8:48am

A Florida State University student who became an internet sensation in all the wrong ways this week — particularly for trying to claim that the Nazis weren’t socialist even though the word socialist is in their party name — is now under arrest for her actions in the video.

And no, it’s not for defending socialism; in spite of the best efforts of the American left, the First Amendment is still alive, well and operative. Throwing chocolate milk on people you disagree with generally isn’t covered under free speech, however, and given that she allegedly did that, she’s going to be given an introduction to the legal system in the Sunshine State.

“A Florida State University student was arrested and charged with battery after a profanity-laden outburst at a College Republicans display was captured on camera,” WJXT-TV reported Friday.

“The video, viewed nearly 30,000 times, shows 19-year-old FSU student Shelby Shoup throwing chocolate milk, hitting students and kicking campaign signs at a College Republicans booth.”

The video shows a woman, allegedly Shoup, berating members of the FSU College Republicans.

“You are supporting Nazis, you understand that?” she can be heard saying at the beginning of the video.

When one of the Republicans pointed at what appeared to be a Soviet hammer-and-sickle pin on her jacket and asked if she’s supporting communism, she responded, “Yeah, I f—ing am.”


e9055b  No.3718459


It's not for him, iyswim, baking soda is on the list to purchase kek

His current trick is cigarettes butch sitting on it during the night, kinda sketchy as fuck

593d46  No.3718460

File: 8ee1c64f76eaaa4⋯.jpeg (21.63 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 0C85B2E1-CD24-4C3C-A29E-1….jpeg)

bf1032  No.3718461

File: 2856900bb7f69f5⋯.png (935.81 KB, 1320x903, 440:301, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

67330e  No.3718462

File: a03b8ff16366be0⋯.png (16.05 KB, 255x177, 85:59, doitQ.png)


im gonna go with the smart money and say subdued - subtle

67d746  No.3718463


Nate Silver is drunk on his own BS…Republican turnout is WAY ahead of Demon turnout in all but a couple of states…Iowa and Oregon IIRC…Rally math shows an utter blowout for the Red Team…massive ass whoopin!

e313e5  No.3718464


>Give him enough rope

I think by now, he should own just about all the rope in the world………………

b49ed5  No.3718465

File: c3e570e677bca6b⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1013x442, 1013:442, ClipboardImage.png)

e42cd2  No.3718466

File: 4735702f123fe10⋯.png (67.54 KB, 1210x603, 1210:603, DOPEY PRINCE VEGAN.PNG)


Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal, the founder and CEO of KBW Ventures, is in talks to bring vegan F&B chain Plant Power Fast Food to the Middle East region.

In an exclusive interview with Arabian Business, Prince Khaled said he has signed a deal with Plant Power Fast Food to bring the popular restaurant chain to the region.

“It’s a restaurant that does plant-based hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, French fries and milkshakes – and it’s absolutely killing it in the US,” Prince Khaled said.

We’ve just closed a deal to invest with them and take the rights to open up these fast food joints in the region. It’s an amazing restaurant, and I couldn’t be happier with the partners. We see eye to eye, we have the same mission and we have the same passion. It’s just a beautiful company and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it.”

Prince Khaled, who turned vegan in 2009, said the secret to selling healthy food is taste.

“Fast food is addictive – as long as you make it taste good, it doesn’t matter what you’re selling,” he said.

6c00ab  No.3718467

File: 83b565e00b71ca8⋯.jpeg (26.57 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 2FF30E4E-717D-4F4B-9346-4….jpeg)



You Failed.

We All Knew

40c29d  No.3718468


I am an anon, I have no idea what you are talking about. But thank you for letting the board know how you are operating [here]. (((WWG1WGA)))

da83b2  No.3718469

File: 30f9966f8200c5b⋯.jpg (471.18 KB, 851x1280, 851:1280, IMG_541.jpg)

patriots vote!

dd8f6e  No.3718470

File: 29d375e8316ee0c⋯.jpg (27.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

e0885a  No.3718471



Remember nothing is random, everything has meaning. Q map

559272  No.3718472


What are non-melting candies? Like swedish berries and twizzlers?

e42d8f  No.3718473


Nate Silver.


91e1c3  No.3718474


Maybe it’s laced with fentanyl and he won’t have to worry about it for to long.

4d5261  No.3718475


That motherfucker has had enough rope to hang every congress since the start of fucking congresses!

Try fucking again!

3a58a7  No.3718476


she cute,

if i bail her out can i keep it?

730601  No.3718477

File: 0fb1c2a90d89976⋯.png (187.66 KB, 890x526, 445:263, ClipboardImage.png)


Are memes for us to pore over anally and analyze, or are they to be USED in helping to wake up the people at the speed of light? Here TIRESIAS, have a quick review at the speed of light…

7dd454  No.3718478


this anon patriot already voted!

62d561  No.3718479


We all pussies when we are anons..

e81ffc  No.3718480



Wizards = coding/mathematical geniuses

Warlocks = decryption hardware



d46dac  No.3718481

File: cf7d9060e666071⋯.jpg (44 KB, 600x390, 20:13, CNN-Nigeria-map.jpg)

File: 9c6f389f1321ff0⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 690x388, 345:194, cnn-map-ukraine-fail.si.jpg)

File: 2496c82ec0489c4⋯.jpg (59.85 KB, 634x456, 317:228, cnn_fail_tripoli.jpg)


There are so many more examples ….

"These people are stupid."

3bac87  No.3718482

File: eb755ebde8009a7⋯.jpeg (25.9 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 66895B11-A8D4-44BB-BE49-E….jpeg)

File: b01785bc5f67cb9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 900x800, 9:8, DB5ECF33-21FA-4732-8BC1-14….png)

File: db2630468d65cc3⋯.jpeg (70.53 KB, 720x709, 720:709, 686C08DD-873D-4E86-BC94-6….jpeg)

File: f381665c1d3a2e5⋯.png (24.79 KB, 255x184, 255:184, F890EF89-72AF-43BA-890B-DF….png)

File: 3da19320f83cd6c⋯.png (20.01 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 179D2508-191E-4B39-9055-38….png)

f54d99  No.3718483

File: 80865c9037e956c⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 290x408, 145:204, 42b679a7-d8f3-a9c2..jpg)

d5aa16  No.3718484

File: e165cbfa8afdc10⋯.webm (4.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Surprise_big_man_tyrone1.webm)


Big man tyrone


ad4cc0  No.3718485

File: e9bc5735b2fe80c⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 620x413, 620:413, im-24075.jpg)

97c5b2  No.3718486


thanks I just vomited and my head spun three times so now that is done can we get back to real research please this not a chat board

e9055b  No.3718487


kek, we don't think so, hopefully.

de78dc  No.3718488

File: b4cae8b817d6ffe⋯.jpeg (149.79 KB, 1440x1131, 480:377, 1539006187.jpeg)

09179d  No.3718489

personally IDGAF 60

70daa0  No.3718490

>> 3718431

InstaFiltered for R Larping

e7b3a1  No.3718491

File: 96cbaaf84c77378⋯.jpg (249 KB, 691x389, 691:389, Reuters_No_USA.jpg)

A NO USA notice for upcoming rally being covered by Reuters….

I have not seen a country specific notice before…


559272  No.3718492


Is your buddy allowed to receive packages anonymously? If I wanted to send him a box of treats, can I do that anonily?

f58914  No.3718493

Pelosi: We Won’t Rest Until We Pass Gun Safety Legislation


62d561  No.3718494



who knows

c53c5b  No.3718495


I'm actually not religious.

But I'm glad you feel this strongly towards Satanists. Because as you say those people are evil, whether they know it or not.


I have never killed anyone, neither do I intent to.

But if you think is wasn't trolling then I don't see what I can say to change your mind.


Not my decision.

157f7c  No.3718496


Maybe the point is that, that's the power of person.memes. Whether it's true of not it makes a statement that makes you think and either associate or disassociate the idea with the person.

593d46  No.3718497

File: 894ffea848ace9e⋯.jpeg (11.73 KB, 255x170, 3:2, A2B46AEF-D4AB-4566-9B4C-E….jpeg)

dbe64f  No.3718498

File: 6fefebd68a08892⋯.png (290.44 KB, 895x505, 179:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e5acd1002c7ef4⋯.png (130.92 KB, 900x636, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)

Hackers Claim Breach Of 120 Million Facebook Accounts; Put Private Messages Up For Sale

Back On September 28, Facebook announced that as many as 90 million users may have had their "access tokens", which keep people logged into their account, stolen by hackers. The number was subsequently reduced to 30 million accounts whose phone numbers and email addresses were accessed in the largest security breach in the company's history.

Of the 30 million exposed, 14 million users had much more data harvested, including; "username, gender, locale/language, relationship status, religion, hometown, self-reported current city, birthdate, device types used to access Facebook, education, work, the last 10 places they checked into or were tagged in, website, people or Pages they follow, and the 15 most recent searches," according to the company.

It now appears that their private messages were also compromised.

According to the BBC, hackers appear to have compromised and published private messages from at least 81,000 Facebook users' accounts. The unknown perpetrators also told the BBC Russian Service that they had details from a total of 120 million accounts, which they were attempting to sell.

Meanwhile, Facebook said its security had not been compromised noting that the data had probably been obtained through malicious browser extensions.

Despite denying it had been breached, Facebook said it had taken steps to prevent further accounts being affected even though just over a month ago it admitted a massive hack had broken through its security tokens.

Meanwhile, the BBC said that while many of the users whose details were compromised are based in Ukraine and Russia, some are from the UK, US, Brazil and elsewhere.

"We have contacted browser-makers to ensure that known malicious extensions are no longer available to download in their stores," said Facebook executive Guy Rosen.

"We have also contacted law enforcement and have worked with local authorities to remove the website that displayed information from Facebook accounts."

The breach was first noted in September, when a post from a user nicknamed FBSaler appeared on an English-language internet forum: "We sell personal information of Facebook users. Our database includes 120 million accounts," the hacker wrote.

The claim was examined by cyber-security company Digital Shadows which confirmed that more than 81,000 of the profiles posted online as a sample contained private messages. Data from a further 176,000 accounts was also made available, although some of the information - including email addresses and phone numbers - could have been scraped from members who had not hidden it.

The BBC Russian Service then contacted five Russian Facebook users whose private messages had been uploaded who confirmed the posts were theirs. One example included photographs of a recent holiday, another was a chat about a recent Depeche Mode concert, and a third included complaints about a son-in-law.


6f7422  No.3718499


that same faggot will be spamming all night

shift just started

148e89  No.3718500

>>3717197 lb

Wisdom in leaving the cities

“When it was proposed to King Cyrus that the Persians abandon their barren homeland and move

to the fertile plains they had conquered, the persian king replied that they might act upon it if

they pleases, but added the warning that, if they did so, they must prepare themselves to rule no

longer, but to be ruled by others. ‘Soft countries,’ he said, ‘breed soft men. It is not the property

of any one soil to produce fine fruits and good soldiers too.’ The persians had to admit that this

was true and that Cyrus was wiser than they; so they left him, and chose rather to live in a rugged

land and rule than to cultivate rich plains and be subject to others…The difference between firm

bodies and soft bodies was the divided between rulers and slaves.” -Shigehisa Kuriyama, The

Expressiveness of the Body

edcae5  No.3718501

For Legal Law Anons

Any updates on the sealed indictments 10/30/17 through 10/31/18

7e608f  No.3718502

File: 323baee0d1e5bd1⋯.jpg (104.08 KB, 758x500, 379:250, 2k8s4mr.jpg)

4fe7ce  No.3718503

File: 2fef0ee25170fa3⋯.png (276.23 KB, 448x328, 56:41, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)


Well, might have room in the caboose for someone like you. Or, maybe not.

3bac87  No.3718504

File: c1bfbd7b54ffe58⋯.png (13.36 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 122761FE-93E6-433D-86B4-A4….png)

File: 72ea5248c03b1c6⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 69B3341A-C445-40E1-B427-11….png)

File: 50b6584b5b14d3e⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 720x929, 720:929, IMG_6113.JPG)

File: f381665c1d3a2e5⋯.png (24.79 KB, 255x184, 255:184, F890EF89-72AF-43BA-890B-DF….png)

File: 42ce51c5df21f3c⋯.png (10.99 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 4688F166-D62F-48C6-ADF8-B4….png)

ad4cc0  No.3718505

File: f5f7075ce5d6383⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1920x1486, 960:743, f5f7075ce5d638322d9ff084ac….jpg)

4d5261  No.3718506


A bullet in her head would secure 'gun safety' for the rest of the 2nd amendment supporters…so let's go!

730601  No.3718507

File: eae2b8d8b5c2f14⋯.png (152.1 KB, 672x576, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c302e835b3f32f2⋯.png (23.23 KB, 764x97, 764:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2b941de4b357a6⋯.png (28.33 KB, 1084x102, 542:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 357e677dbe79c77⋯.png (392.64 KB, 705x535, 141:107, ClipboardImage.png)


TIRESIAS, we know your tells by now. Same words, same memes, same M.O. - to DISCREDIT

c20bc1  No.3718508


>Farage binge

one of my favorite past times

40c29d  No.3718509


What I believe is certain is this: there is a TON of fakeness on the internet. Tons of fake memes, aimed at co-optation and discreditation. Tons of that [here]. Look at the fake NPC meme. Look at the "mutt memes" of a while back, which were actually the most creepy and bizarre thing I've ever seen. But beyond the "big campaigns", there is a continual process of faking going on, all over the internet. This process prevents people from working together, it prevents ideas from advancing, it presents truth from being collectively found, and it creates false, negative images of DISSENT against the mainstream narratives.

70daa0  No.3718511


Tree, neck, rope.


6dde12  No.3718512



see here =>>3718402

f128e6  No.3718513


Can anons help baker determine whether this was previously noted? Occurred 10/29 allegedly. I was out all day yesterday haven't caught up all the way.

Also, baker having strange lag.

Will prolly handoff next bread

de78dc  No.3718514


Hands down the best "meme series" ever.

Danke Anon

62d561  No.3718515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The George Papadopoulos Interview You’ve Been Waiting For

FISA was on George also

must listen to this..

dbe64f  No.3718516

File: 9ba3a8ce2da2844⋯.png (317.59 KB, 545x469, 545:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37659befd257631⋯.png (13.1 KB, 492x195, 164:65, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump Calls Out HACK DEMOCRATS on Their Fake Kavanaugh Accusers Now Under Investigation for Perjury

On Friday a second Justice Kavanaugh accuser was referred to the DOJ for making false statements under oath to Congress.

Judy Munro-Leighton, according to Grassley’s office, “alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her ‘several times each’ in the backseat of a car.”

The accusations were made in a letter to Senator Kamala Harris who lapped it all up.

The accuser Judy Munro-Leighton:

(1) is a left-wing activist

(2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh

(3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky

On Saturday President Trump called out Democrats for pushing these FAKE AND CRIMINAL ALLEGATIONS in the Senate in order to defame a good man.


4aec1d  No.3718517


We do not threat no matter how stupid the other person is.

6e9f90  No.3718518

File: 636e845a00eb7ad⋯.png (868.09 KB, 993x680, 993:680, suddenly.PNG)

09179d  No.3718519


with no text bot

cfd848  No.3718520




Maybe the reason why 'they' did?

> gonna think its a sign or some shit,

Wouldn't be a shocker.

63d4fc  No.3718521


I used to pay $20 for an ounce in high school, $1 sounds like a hell of a deal to me, with inflation and all

40c29d  No.3718522


I am anon, and I don't know what you are trying to say anon. Slow down and try to explain.

[How do they make the memes yellow though?]

593d46  No.3718523

516faf  No.3718524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


67330e  No.3718525

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, this.gif)

50fdd3  No.3718526



The chocolate gets wrecked on the ramp…

Name brand crackers,. Cookies, easy cheese and sardines…also winners..

cb8b69  No.3718527

File: 2da6ce8d39374b7⋯.jpeg (9.92 KB, 255x181, 255:181, 099afb451fdb5152dafab41f5….jpeg)

568c8c  No.3718528


The 9/11 Truth is gradually getting around thanks to Social Media, Youtube and the www.

I believe that POTUS will eventually do a DECLAS on 9/11 . Saving Israel for last ?

559272  No.3718529

File: e9d57ae252682b6⋯.png (554.26 KB, 908x445, 908:445, satanpopope.png)

b71dc7  No.3718530

rep. Matt Gaetz

On CNN talking about the economy n the caravan said "that doesn't mean we take our eye off the ball" @1:40 mark

Q…. keep your eye on the ball

Check out @RepMattGaetz’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1058821237907046400?s=09

e9055b  No.3718531


I'll tell him, I never did coke and it's not something I'll ever try, just want to help my friend out. The tree is radical, the war on drug is a worldwide failure so yeah.

4d5261  No.3718532


Not a threat, the truth, we want 'gun safety', 2nd amendment protected.

7e608f  No.3718533

File: 6835a5a2f59eda0⋯.jpg (109.83 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2lnjym.jpg)

516faf  No.3718534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad4cc0  No.3718535

File: ff7966d68360d64⋯.png (539.86 KB, 711x390, 237:130, ff7966d68360d645ae80e6376a….png)

4aec1d  No.3718536


Doesnt matter. We don't threat on this board

4f9dcc  No.3718537

>>3718220 Oh, well that settles that. It was all a misunderstanding…he was arrested for being pretty.

c53c5b  No.3718538


I see each attack as a win so keep 'em coming.

40c29d  No.3718539

File: cf7cb2f3b3b3b95⋯.png (285.18 KB, 1135x999, 1135:999, wuvtherhetoricanon!.png)

4d5261  No.3718540


Your fucking naive if you think after midterms there's not going to be war.

Kill before killed.

b71dc7  No.3718541


I take that as another Q proof….js

cf087c  No.3718542

File: 926d797136c8732⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 1732x1080, 433:270, 2018 election midterms.mp4)

6b4a72  No.3718543


I can Bake Baker.

I will look for your request to handoff next bread.

b49ed5  No.3718544

File: 82e35575801ba84⋯.png (99.74 KB, 204x219, 68:73, ClipboardImage.png)

840413  No.3718545


I have not seen it, but new source seems wanky.

I would request a different news source from OP to confirm.

7e608f  No.3718546


you fucken have jaundice dickhead. ain't no mutherfucken yellow memes YA KUNT!!!

3044c5  No.3718547

File: 4d28b753440ccc3⋯.png (406.77 KB, 1016x536, 127:67, jomccarvin.png)

File: ac028109a403da3⋯.png (760.57 KB, 915x640, 183:128, potus&p.png)

File: 6ace57b05570d60⋯.png (273.83 KB, 724x453, 724:453, truthad1102.png)

Need to ship CNN to China, or some other Communist country where they belong.


e1ac15  No.3718548

File: bab209adf672f08⋯.jpeg (61.11 KB, 480x738, 80:123, democrats.jpeg)

157f7c  No.3718549


Take it all bitch! We know you can!

a07b42  No.3718550

File: 4701364a987ee6d⋯.jpg (6.2 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Sanctions.jpg)

Prediction: HBO will be suing POTUS because he used the SAME FONT they use in Game of Thrones promos in a meme.

That'll be some damn case law right there. Suing over a meme.


‏ @neontaster

neontaster Retweeted HBO

How do you say fair use in High Valyrian?

neontaster added,


Verified account @HBO

How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?

6:55 AM - 3 Nov 2018

317c7b  No.3718551

File: d6af2872807e409⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Pelosi We Won't Rest Until….mp4)


Video Archived.

7e608f  No.3718552

File: ef8d79547f27c21⋯.jpg (102.86 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2lnkp6.jpg)

087304  No.3718553

File: 7d0f40bf0ab2242⋯.png (761.87 KB, 938x567, 134:81, ClipboardImage.png)

4f9dcc  No.3718554

File: 0dcfb53d0d99afa⋯.jpg (32.18 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Box.jpg)




★ ★ ★

As anon frens already well know, if you like a meme, if you think it can be effective in securing a huge Red Wave victory on Tuesday, you can collect and distribute it.

If you don't like a meme you can ignore it.

Simple as that.

★ ★ ★

b0fb03  No.3718555


Cook it up and smoke it.

559272  No.3718556


What are the crowd-pleaser name brands for crackers, cookies, candies, gum, etc. I want to send out packages for Christmas, hopefully anonymously, but I would be fine if including my return address is mandatory.

730601  No.3718557


Like i said, SAME horrible memes to DISCREDIT

you can't hide here unless you make some DRASTIC changes to your "strategy"

REAL ANONS SEE YOU, TIRESIAS the forum SHILL, even w/o BO calling you out once again

e9055b  No.3718558

Where is the video of Hussein calling Michelle Michael again just yesterday ?

f54d99  No.3718559

0d7f0a  No.3718560


>>3717972 Grassley criminally refers another Kav Accuser (admits was 'ploy') to DOJ

Who's the other?

I only know of this one.

3bac87  No.3718561

File: bf9dd7c4bac7708⋯.png (8.56 KB, 363x139, 363:139, F6C8B949-81B7-4300-9E21-24….png)

File: 0470fbf3ca0acfd⋯.jpeg (13.87 KB, 193x261, 193:261, D00CE5B5-8099-425D-B63D-D….jpeg)

File: c68bb739047a2ed⋯.jpeg (16.68 KB, 268x188, 67:47, 1262B603-514C-46E3-BF82-E….jpeg)

File: f8c1abe37519f01⋯.png (9.11 KB, 224x225, 224:225, F1B06081-A650-4937-99EE-7E….png)

File: 6b55b421184c5fe⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5153.PNG)

cbe43a  No.3718562

File: b9c8ac4612b3358⋯.jpg (141.61 KB, 851x644, 37:28, #walkaway dem klan.JPG)

File: 6b7bbb72229d5a6⋯.jpg (110.78 KB, 858x642, 143:107, #walkaway dem klan_2.JPG)

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/03/18 (Sat) 15:38:22 No.388

Dems and the Klan…History Reveals

df882c  No.3718563

File: 73710745d1606aa⋯.png (282.47 KB, 465x480, 31:32, ClipboardImage.png)

VIP Patriot

40c29d  No.3718564


Yes, but don't you think it looks like those memes are being produced by a machine? Does that strike as a phenomenon worth paying attention to? Are you curious why a bot would be doing that? I am.

2b91ad  No.3718565


call local law enforcement - they have a solution

a07b42  No.3718566


Throw it out.

College friend was a damn brilliant stockbroker. Lost his marriage, child, home, and every dime of millions on that shit.

Fuck coke.

3bac87  No.3718567

File: 79009a05bc54b0e⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 479x479, 1:1, IMG_5838.JPG)

File: d61885e9dc761ee⋯.jpg (130.75 KB, 612x561, 12:11, IMG_5839.JPG)

File: 2378d84ba4ddd19⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 188x188, 1:1, IMG_5842.JPG)

File: b950d05fa1ed4c1⋯.jpg (118.23 KB, 600x840, 5:7, IMG_5843.JPG)

File: 4c57111f6cddbfe⋯.jpg (134.38 KB, 733x1000, 733:1000, IMG_5846.JPG)

e5a0ed  No.3718568



d6202b  No.3718569


Awesome thanks

f9573d  No.3718570

Try to enjoy Indian Pow WoW? Gud time5 til??

[I. Jdkkdx #4800] (+)? Sr. Deputy? Sheriff? Ⲧcϛherrrriiifff..or₲

Dyd officer allow per5on to blow no5e on me beca5ue black man 5itting with nonblack woman?

MAGA right?

Dyd [I. Jdkkdx] unequivocably 5tate 5neezing on another per5on on purpo5e i5 not a crime involving exchange of bodily fluid5? [I. Jdkkdx #4800] not know Smart watch record audio legal?

They know it 5ound REAL bad when officer 5tate on audiovo he not doinf anything although he acknowledge crime and my right to pur5ue if I worded my an5wer5 to hi5 leading que5tion5 correctly?

So crime happen? and you do your be5t to avoid ju5tice? I fight for right5 of all? and refu5e to have 5omeone put ther hand to ther no5e 5o that they can expell mucu5 from no5trill5 onto my per5on?!

1917 guud number5? Agency iffy? Au5tin Ftate Fuppoerted Fiving Center5 need audy5? Why 5o 5ecretive about who they are? Why their "5upervi5or" not full hone5t? and acco5t me for trying to figure out who their unmarked van5 belong to 5o complaint be lodged able? Supervi5or but no name or contact infor5????

Shall we RALLY or RED PALLYS for [XXXXX'5] leader5hip of ravished county?

I a5ked for 5omething 5imple thi5 i5 the re5ult? So now I a5k for 5omething 5imple louder? Need external audy5? Vote for propkkkk? Wehy Autit5 fraid of external vroom vroom audi5 gud vehcle, internal audi5 cramped cant vroom?

Ble❌it 4 real but 5not upon by over black5? A5 cop wrong hawk come? Gud thing I a5k for 5ecurity and SHERRIF to a55i5t? 5ecurity actually fucking epic [I. Jdkkdx] not 5o much but there til fine tonight?

Have a nice day!

Ye5! All letter5 vid exi5t me pow wow! All leter5 no already me. Allnet5 watched,node at 5treet lvl tapped fiber. ro5e crux no of metinism. FMbuilder no of me in high degree. Shadowed finger5 touch u5 daily. Still USMC and MIL keep We 5afe. Love America We do! We fight 5till even facedeath,racizm, economic di5pare, and hate. Still We Love! Still We try! I CRY(lit) 4 America land that I LOVE!

Apologies that R true go a long way for 4gifness? GloWURMS? ASSLS? BLV? How far must I look?

gune5hlerin ofke5i protocol activated? Pi55ng off with halfp asped leadership? one make want enter POLITICS!! Hunted 4 year5 by letters now I stand?!! Made me vote StrAight ticke t rRED?!! First time!?



fcfdfb  No.3718571

I wonder if those tornado warnings in PA last night had anything to do with the “storm”

1b85a3  No.3718572

File: 9ac84d064817d2e⋯.png (3.36 MB, 2895x1931, 2895:1931, ClipboardImage.png)

40c29d  No.3718573


If you can't explain what you're talking about, what can I do for you anon? People can look at my posts and memes and decide for themselves what I'm doing here. You, on the other hand, are just ranting bizarrely. Good luck botty.

635922  No.3718574

File: 0593684e48c049a⋯.jpg (131.53 KB, 505x243, 505:243, 2018-10-24_01-34-27.jpg)

CA needs his help! Vote for Cox!!

a40a78  No.3718575


1. A clean gun is a happy gun.

2. Never miss your target.

3. Never pull it out with out with out backing it up

by pulling the trigger.

4. Never use cheep ammo.

Very easy safty rules.

f69200  No.3718576


ding ding ding. i always thought it hilarious that all the activist punk/crust kids who were into coke were also against slave labor…. the fucking irony

40c29d  No.3718577



6f4587  No.3718578

A q.Ya know when u get a reply to a post here. But the reply link doesn't appear above your post ? Why. Not a you thing just a curiosity.

bf10c3  No.3718579

Do we have enough time to get WW3 going before November 6th?

d6efb8  No.3718580


I think the purpose of memes is to convey the greatest amount of information in the shortest time possible. On the internet today you have about a half a second before a person clicks on the next link.

4d5261  No.3718581


WOW! Didn't know you anons took a group photo!!!

f54d99  No.3718582

So is the HOUSE going to be RED after mid terms?

Or only the Senate?

f128e6  No.3718583


>source seems wanky.

agreed. ty anon


Ty baker. Lag gone. I haven't opened a gatewaypundit site in awhile (was told they messed up bakers computers) but I chanced it just now. Might have been that. So I can bake another before handing off–we'll see how the bake goes.

164f65  No.3718584


What is that dude holding? I can't make it out!

3bac87  No.3718586

File: 72665a7ec2b68f9⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 220x220, 1:1, IMG_3479.JPG)

File: 585d1a6a7ae86a4⋯.png (899.53 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3513.PNG)

File: 89f988d2b409bc7⋯.png (2.62 KB, 192x144, 4:3, AF480BEF-7BEC-4023-9D64-50….png)

File: 14183e16caf89ab⋯.jpeg (186.23 KB, 727x1100, 727:1100, BD7B11FD-F129-4F8E-80DC-F….jpeg)

File: 7c5b9bdf636f289⋯.jpeg (44.43 KB, 291x320, 291:320, 3AC938F7-911B-4AF2-9F4A-0….jpeg)

4f9dcc  No.3718587


Not to mention a shit-post count >26

We see all, We hear all. We have it all.


68f228  No.3718588



Gun safety means a two-handed grip.

f54d99  No.3718589

f69200  No.3718590


is he holding a cat, a hat, or a pile of greenbacks?

d6202b  No.3718591


A camp hat

7e608f  No.3718592

File: 2de9ba833024f2a⋯.jpg (145.33 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1a6f44.jpg)

ad4cc0  No.3718593

d6202b  No.3718594

b49ed5  No.3718595

File: cb7f07d15728ad8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 946x445, 946:445, ClipboardImage.png)

4c4227  No.3718596

File: 706b70685062b08⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 500x323, 500:323, Crickets.jpg)


still trying that one….

f58914  No.3718597


US citizens own 40% of all guns in world - more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined, study suggests


4d5261  No.3718598


Only way to have REAL gun safety is to rid ourselves of those trying to ban them.

1b85a3  No.3718599

File: 9589bc507407449⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 400x300, 4:3, nedgun.gif)


There's a very good reason it's called dope.

Throw it out and get a life.

3bac87  No.3718600

File: 92a618df7a24340⋯.jpg (137.29 KB, 578x766, 289:383, IMG_4943.JPG)

File: 817a68d83389f79⋯.jpg (149.03 KB, 637x807, 637:807, IMG_4944.JPG)

File: 2f81913dd91c011⋯.jpg (267.8 KB, 750x1096, 375:548, IMG_4954.JPG)

File: ca5844a8ec22269⋯.jpg (149.85 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_4955.JPG)

File: c1dedb930f86259⋯.jpg (91.12 KB, 552x636, 46:53, IMG_4976.JPG)

b40a79  No.3718601

Those meddling anons


635922  No.3718602

File: ad90949a2c748eb⋯.jpg (170.83 KB, 513x345, 171:115, 2018-11-03_13-33-02.jpg)

6c00ab  No.3718603


You Just Participated my experiment Unwittingly. I knew the Goat would trigger you.

I Win

If course I’m completely kidding

4f9dcc  No.3718604


Why should I pay attention to a "phenomenon" when I am sitting here producing those memes by fucking hand?

Gotten pretty quick with my software tools but that does not turn me into a machine, fuck no.

7e608f  No.3718605


ww3 was the Cold War.

ww4 has begun.

730601  No.3718606

File: fe7957087bf9f16⋯.png (101.47 KB, 393x385, 393:385, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___GC.png)

730601  No.3718607

File: 39c5790cfd1d6de⋯.png (142.65 KB, 393x364, 393:364, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___GM.png)

a40a78  No.3718608

40c29d  No.3718609


If I am mistaken, and you're human, then as I said, I will apologize. How many memes have you produced, total, over the last year?

b49ed5  No.3718610


yes. ^^^^ that. What would you call WW4?

0a513b  No.3718611


Like RT's, just because anon gets (you'd) by Q,

does not / cannot = endorsement of RT'd

account in full.

As w/ life, of course.

3bac87  No.3718612

File: 257b2563349229b⋯.jpg (122.92 KB, 403x403, 1:1, IMG_5865.JPG)

File: 6bd02eb709e5962⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 720x707, 720:707, IMG_5897.JPG)

File: 2a8c872fd8efdbb⋯.jpeg (7.04 KB, 225x224, 225:224, BE7787F5-D07B-43DA-B782-3….jpeg)

File: 4cf90d30fe7c1e7⋯.gif (14.62 KB, 220x217, 220:217, F3FFF244-9185-41AB-8CFD-0D….gif)

File: 3f8264de65d2c4f⋯.jpg (135.99 KB, 740x1014, 370:507, IMG_5924.JPG)

67330e  No.3718613

File: c2e166e3cfc7d34⋯.png (8.19 KB, 240x255, 16:17, slimey says.png)



good post anon

fucking satanist niggers

f9bc90  No.3718614


Satanists are fools who worship the Hebrew word for adversary and they wouldn't understand what actual sacrifice is!

Hint ~ Sacrifice has nothing to do with killing living beings!

df882c  No.3718615

File: 8832a20ca1b2d06⋯.png (907.14 KB, 874x856, 437:428, ClipboardImage.png)



Tried to catch it while on but RSBN camera wen squirrel

68f228  No.3718616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bf10c3  No.3718617


Tons of action on Twitter right now. It seems Iran is in a big huff over sanctions on Monday.

They are saying they will absolutely attack multiple targets if their shipments are halted.

fcfdfb  No.3718618

6a7921  No.3718619

File: ed16e891750bab2⋯.jpg (106.51 KB, 574x800, 287:400, die_kantonswappen_der_schw….jpg)

Heavy symbolism in all cantons coat of arms …Facses, too

Podesta means mayor

7e608f  No.3718620

File: c830938c69c90a6⋯.jpg (106.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2lnksq.jpg)

b0fb03  No.3718621


No..Not if mixed with cologne as the OP stated.

bb9ff8  No.3718622

File: c38585434a5d453⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 220x364, 55:91, 220px-Minute_Man_Statue_Le….jpg)


Why We, Will Remain


568c8c  No.3718623


America Mourns


Not much sign of mourning from the Bush family.

317c7b  No.3718624


The war on your mind.

da5c1c  No.3718625


agree… thats the hat

eb0f04  No.3718626


It’s possible, his background doesn’t add up to being a leftist, Cuban refugee and his father was a blue collar fire fighter

cbe43a  No.3718627

File: 85aec125a0002d3⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 616x227, 616:227, fitton hussein steal 11 3 ….JPG)

File: a5cc91c7e1846c9⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 477x391, 477:391, POTUS hat.JPG)



New Sheriff boys…

[Pic Related]

3bac87  No.3718628

File: 212cfab000d2086⋯.jpeg (214.62 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, D33C77FC-2DFF-416A-8616-0….jpeg)

File: 1170e563ce1e656⋯.jpeg (23.85 KB, 216x233, 216:233, C78372D7-7DEC-4CE0-AA30-E….jpeg)

File: 2705c33c1098562⋯.png (2.42 KB, 209x241, 209:241, 4D284A24-634E-493C-B73E-7F….png)

File: d73460ebee8757d⋯.png (1.83 KB, 116x116, 1:1, 33AE36E6-63A0-488E-BBD1-2B….png)

File: 657e33c7a4701e4⋯.jpg (213.98 KB, 720x706, 360:353, IMG_4510.JPG)

4f9dcc  No.3718629


Anon does not count.

Anon's memes are combined with all the memes in the meme library.

Our memeanons collectively have produced over 33,000 memes that have been collected, as well as many more that were not all able to be collected.

5554e3  No.3718631

File: da7c8e53460262c⋯.jpg (7.99 KB, 255x176, 255:176, pepe hug.jpg)

File: f233edd2cae9dbd⋯.jpg (15.37 KB, 255x195, 17:13, KEKCRY.jpg)

>>3711524 (pb)

You too little anon. You are what keeps me going. We're making the world a safer place. Promise. Rejoice!


>>3711474 (pb)

YOU KNOW more than anyone: WWG1WGA!

d09de7  No.3718632



df882c  No.3718633


4th row, will be right over POTUS right shoulder when facing cam

4c4227  No.3718634

File: 9c09e850a4bceab⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 474x323, 474:323, Reddit is now.jpg)

File: 22ddbc6a955e085⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 637x622, 637:622, Easters.jpg)

newbs. they work in circles..just talking and replying to themselves. learn comms (they have too) so be aware of this.

really shilly now.

70daa0  No.3718635

File: 84e10c51622b595⋯.png (305.06 KB, 740x375, 148:75, guncrimes (2).png)


After I replied & I analyzed this as a shill slide, the amount of


it's gotten guarantees it'll be returning in later breads.

Take notes Anons, Tel Aviv Shill HQ day shift just got a raise

b0fb03  No.3718636


Come on man. Drugs are fun in moderation. If you have that personality where you have to ruin your life, then you probably shouldn't drink soda, or surf the internet or eat cookies. Life sux then.

157f7c  No.3718637


Baking soda does more than just remove oder. Rock it up and smoke that shit.Get ready for life long addiction.

49aa57  No.3718638

File: 193c0e0bea7f9fa⋯.jpg (305.14 KB, 1500x815, 300:163, pepe fallout 4 spaceforce ….jpg)

File: f6c41b06933afe6⋯.jpg (174.6 KB, 1200x740, 60:37, pepe into_battle 04.jpg)

File: be6b18e1bc3b584⋯.jpg (196.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pepe battle 04.jpg)

File: 67a554982d9686f⋯.png (820.05 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, pepe angels-vs-demons 03.j….png)

File: fc04b8defc1a1a0⋯.jpg (122.12 KB, 1000x499, 1000:499, dark sun mountain metatron….jpg)

c68036  No.3718639


They don’t even use a custom typeface! It’s just Trajan Pro

40c29d  No.3718640


Can't you look at your folders and give a rough guesstimate anon? Shouldn't be that hard.

c53c5b  No.3718641



Although I can say the same about many Christians. And other religious people.

It's all just a form of control.

0d86d5  No.3718643

c7d466  No.3718644

File: d71e500761e55a2⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 37422430_1766451293408295_….jpg)

d09de7  No.3718645


On top of ruining your life that shit is all cut with levimasole. No bueno.

62d561  No.3718646

Who is putting all these great memes on social media?

79a769  No.3718647


Also, visual messaging can bypass the indoctrinated mental filters people are polluted with these days.

df882c  No.3718648


Scratch that 5th row, behind the brunette

7e608f  No.3718649

File: 80f322a9ce46d35⋯.jpg (144.89 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1a6fev.jpg)

4a7cc2  No.3718650

File: d9cf0ad9f091836⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB, 2000x1252, 500:313, meme warfare.jpeg)


Taking this in a different direction for a minute, bear with me, anons.

Re-read Q2397: the [MULLER] purposes hinge on Dems winning midterms!

>>MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.

>>[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.

>>[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..

>>[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.

>>[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.

>>[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].

Therefore, if the Dems do not gain power in the midterms, Muller's purpose largely vanishes.

>>Keep your eye on the ball. Midterms and Memes.

What if ==anons are the stealth bombers== and ==memes are the bombs==?

Memes→vote→red wave→Muller's work no longer has an achievable goal. Roadblock removed.

9355f9  No.3718651

File: e6630a529108fa9⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 1250x834, 625:417, Breast-Cancer-Awareness-Mo….jpg)

Kikes are, quite literally, cancer.


German article from 2009. Cancer stats in Israel vs the world.

"1: What are the Israelis doing differently ?:

Is it because of the smoking habits of the Israelis? No, there smokes one in four adults, in Germany every third. It can not be so. If it is true that the cancer-affected Jewish inhabitants are usually neither chemo-treated nor irradiated, then that must make you sit up and take notice. How is the disease treated there? Quite simply: In Israel, a cancer therapy includes the total detoxification of body, soul and mind while changing to a healthy diet .

2: Why do not we adopt this concept?

To answer this question, we should consider what the true reasons are that the Federation of orthodox medicine, pharmaceutical industry and politics stubbornly adheres to the non-Jewish population of the world as a tank on their system chemo + radiation + surgery + morphine.

The answer seems to be clear:

This form of cancer treatment is one of the most gigantic deals of all time. This could be the main reason for the otherwise incomprehensible lack of interest in this effective, holistic form of therapy. The vernacular would say, "a murder business!" Apparently, Israel gets by without these murderous business methods."

Haven't seen this anywhere else yet. Notable? Maybe a memefag wants to get to work?

Peace and victory.

da5c1c  No.3718652


short anon… needs a booster seat… kek

35b23d  No.3718653

File: 4e3c8ac3f6f952d⋯.png (304.97 KB, 552x312, 23:13, ClipboardImage.png)

VIPAnon keeping hidden pretty well

6a7921  No.3718654

File: ca0a306f95a5818⋯.png (225.22 KB, 1064x1530, 532:765, 20181103_234807.png)

File: 50c3292b0bf5bfd⋯.png (338.27 KB, 1039x1521, 1039:1521, 20181103_234703.png)

68f228  No.3718656

File: 6d2760f974da7c7⋯.png (4.31 MB, 1920x1082, 960:541, Capture.PNG)


I think this is VIPATRIOT.

Look for the hat when POTUS speaks.

3bac87  No.3718657

File: a92506f9fb795fb⋯.jpg (153.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_3273.JPG)

File: ce059a8600e274a⋯.jpg (151.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_3274.JPG)

File: 76318e875f288e5⋯.jpg (161.3 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_3278.JPG)

File: f833c9452a1ef4a⋯.jpg (151.53 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_3279.JPG)

File: 88303a031ef8e8b⋯.jpg (177.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_3281.JPG)

b49ed5  No.3718658


interesting. I think of it as more of a war to claim the mind, like the war for economic power or war for military power, more of a war to get one's citizens to claim the power of the mind. a race to claim positions in the hierarchy of consciousness.

730601  No.3718659

File: b679ea55c11653a⋯.png (654.28 KB, 653x575, 653:575, checked.png)


consider this a hand raised, shadowban & all

40c29d  No.3718660


Don't get things twisted, pushing-Satanism-anon. We see through that, and all the cant about "control" and the implied (false) equivalences.

We aren't fooled by satanism, and you are cordially invited to banish yourself. Cheers!

85bf9e  No.3718661

File: d86c7adb31d02c2⋯.png (734.53 KB, 1010x509, 1010:509, Screenshot_2018-11-03 🔴 Wa….png)

c68036  No.3718662


Can’t resist stealing a taxation is theft meme

d6202b  No.3718663


Maybe so cuz the short one is a kid.

900b94  No.3718664


If the Democrats were serious about Gun Safety they would address the Demographic responsible for causing the vast majority of it.

But they don’t, simply because it isn’t about Safety as it is attacking White Men. Once one understands The motivating factor behind all that they say and do, it is easy to understand their insanity.

62d561  No.3718665

File: a5ae111c7fb22a4⋯.png (418.02 KB, 1302x647, 1302:647, ClipboardImage.png)


d70658  No.3718666

File: ff16ca3e048306f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 42.93 KB, 522x640, 261:320, cb.jpg)


I think the better question is: What is the drab outfit covering?

The side of her left leg appears to have something strapped to it. Colostomy bag? (graphic pic related).

No way you wear a drape to a public outing when you were 'this close' (wink, wink) to being president, unless it's covering something.

157f7c  No.3718667

File: 342ad4443a6049b⋯.png (15.05 KB, 340x214, 170:107, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's how you get the smell out.

b0fb03  No.3718668


Guess we have work to do to get it to 50%.

Just cleaned my Rem 710 today. Only way to repel a police state.

4f9dcc  No.3718669


This topic is unimportant.

Anon's memes are in the same folders with all the other anons' memes.

You are shitting up the bread and I refuse to be part of it.

You are filtered again.

d5aa16  No.3718670

File: d12efaad29293e1⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1643x612, 1643:612, Facades - Archives - faggo….PNG)




Fuck ACLB, Mandelson, Major & others …

730601  No.3718671


I would too, might even be a bit mad at Q for a day or two KEK

4d5261  No.3718672


…and we need to remove them by any means necessary.

40c29d  No.3718673


You seem completely incapable of answering questions like a person. That may be a problem for you. Good luck!

df882c  No.3718674

File: 0f548348bfe25c1⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1701x1104, 567:368, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah just got another also.

We see you VIP Patriot

f83afa  No.3718675


Is that a uh uh uh….wtf IS that?

62d561  No.3718676


Surely team Q would have the skills to remove the banning?

or is that the point?

9893d0  No.3718677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Substitute 'Iran' for 'Satanic Cabal'

Can 'Iran' show Team Trump some love before the 5th November? What a movie!

27d35e  No.3718678

Trump Tantrums After Obama Draws Crowd Four Times Bigger Than His

Trump fumed at a rally after thousands of people waited in line and showed up to see former President Obama in Florida.

Trump said in West Virginia, “He had a very small crowd, I have to be honest… I had to listen, I was in the plane, I had nothing else to do. And I heard him talk about telling the truth… and yet, 28 times he said you can keep your doctor, if you like your doctor, you can keep your plan, if you like your plan. They were all lies…”

Trump went on to rant about the size of his crowd in Texas when he campaigned for Ted Cruz, which he also exaggerated and lied about.

The president was tantruming because the White House Pool Report estimated the crowd size at Trump’s West Virginia rally to be maybe 1,000 people, while 4,000 people waited in line for hours to see President Obama in Miami.


Obama Fl Rally attendance = 4,000

cbe83c  No.3718679


You mean… ship CNN back to China…

3044c5  No.3718681


Relatives overseas have requested writing paper & pens. The US Government pens are sold online. Best wishes.

730601  No.3718682


Yep, they got to him. Again.

4c4227  No.3718683


sauce it

34c965  No.3718684


that is a child btw

bd04be  No.3718685


It’s a kid.

0ddce4  No.3718686



Cure for (((me))), not for thee. etc.

4f9dcc  No.3718687


No – I feel completely UNINTERESTED in answering questions that only serve to shit up the bread by trying to put the spotlight on YOU and on a person. We are all anon here and the focus rightly belongs on Q and POTUS and what we are trying to accomplish. Not on any of us as individuals.

77df58  No.3718688

>>3718049 Guess you have to include yourself, "POAST" forsooth!

7221d1  No.3718689

How is SA prince - Obama’s sugar daddy on Sunday Futures tomorrow? I thought he was IN JAIL. WTH

3bac87  No.3718690

File: 416923428799263⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_3671.JPG)

File: 03b38068f9095fa⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 488x480, 61:60, IMG_3673.JPG)

File: e4c44e91b4abdec⋯.jpg (116.51 KB, 1160x1160, 1:1, IMG_3674.JPG)

File: cc53a88f3af285a⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_4153.JPG)

File: fd677a0646f58b8⋯.jpg (102.1 KB, 960x924, 80:77, IMG_4156.JPG)

f54d99  No.3718691





If that's the guy Q says is so important….


62d561  No.3718692



9954f3  No.3718693


Keep watching. It looks like that is a child.

c53c5b  No.3718694


You still believe an actual Satanist would post what i just posted earlier in hopes of sympathy?

Anyways. I'm not telling you what to believe. That is entirely up to you.

What I am telling you is that as I see it any form of organized religion is a tool for control.

c68036  No.3718695

File: f5ec1e69b27a1ba⋯.jpeg (106.63 KB, 681x661, 681:661, 3282D2F2-8CF4-46EB-91F8-F….jpeg)

40c29d  No.3718696


Yes, "shit up the bread" gotcha. Like I said, good luck. You can fool all the people some of the time… etc…

730601  No.3718697


>Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities.

>"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."

de78dc  No.3718698

File: 789bd6000439f87⋯.jpeg (95.65 KB, 1044x772, 261:193, 1531868807.jpeg)

df882c  No.3718699



Yeah I see that but it was the only hat in the crowd even similar before the start off prayer

4d5261  No.3718700


No. He saw this shit being dragged out for too long as well.

This is the kind of shit we'll start seeing from here on out, unless they do something soon, people will leave.

7e608f  No.3718701


the whole cure for cancer program is a massive scam. we can argue about the causes, but the fact is, we cannot control the genetic causes and we will NEVER stop people from developing cancer. massive emotive scam. you also need to consider that more people die an agonizing death from treatments than they do from the cancer itself. tis better to ride the cancer out than die the hideous, painful, drawn-out death from treatment.

ae020d  No.3718702


The only person I see is a kid with a black shirt and camo hat sitting next to Veterans for Trump T-Shirt.

40c29d  No.3718703


You are a bundle of false and vile fakness. You fail, and suck. That is all I am suggesting.

0a513b  No.3718704


Real Vet.

Removes cover appropriately.

900b94  No.3718705


You cannot coexist with someone who doesn’t accept your right to exist. The levy will break one day, The Plan being successful will only delay this

62d561  No.3718706

File: 0777b92c9ff22f9⋯.png (227.48 KB, 514x300, 257:150, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Troops setting up barb wire along the U.S. - Mexico border. Spanish speaking news networks Telemundo and Univision are in meltdown mode. #Texas

157f7c  No.3718707


See what a meme is worth at face value. Associate or disassociate with the claim made.

40c29d  No.3718708

The baker may have broken. lol

85bf9e  No.3718709



The hat/twitter could belong to the mother or something.

67330e  No.3718710



im interested, will dig it and update next bread

i thought he was MIA

article says

Lawyers for Assange have confirmed to activist and journalist Suzie Dawson that Assange was awoken in the early morning hours by the break-in attempt. They confirmed to Dawson that the attempt was to enter a front window of the embassy. A booby-trap Assange had set up woke him, the lawyers said.

confirmed to activist has a link


reading that now

d6202b  No.3718711

bf10c3  No.3718712


This is the fakest news I've seen in days.

4d5261  No.3718713


So losing your mind is part of the plan, when shit, once again, get's kicked down the road another month.

374758  No.3718714


Let's go patriots!


Will you Memers and Twatters get over to twatter and Defend Our President's Reply sections against the Commies?

He has been tweeting for the last Hour


8cef1b  No.3718715

File: bb20cd7a807a9b3⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1689x659, 1689:659, gafas.PNG)


Bright in there?

f42149  No.3718716




68f228  No.3718717


Maybe we're meant to look NEAR the hat, not AT the hat? I'm so confused.

c53c5b  No.3718718


Hahah… Don't tell me you are Christian. Because then you are not very good at it…

I'm not a Satanist… For the final time… I don't even believe in a God.

Now stop bothering me faggot.

bd04be  No.3718719


There’s a perfect view of him on Golden State Times live youtube stream.

a07b42  No.3718720


Oh, they're in meltdown mode?


I've been in meltdown mode for decades.

Getting to be such an asshole that I ENJOY seeing liberals in hysterics.

It's my favorite thing.

cbe83c  No.3718721


Does this publication hail from some foreign country. Even google images will pull up crowd sizes that fill city blocks and fields back to the tree lines for Potus.

0d86d5  No.3718722

File: 1835cf6c8d23152⋯.jpeg (91.54 KB, 800x466, 400:233, got_adreno.jpeg)

840413  No.3718723


The troops will probably catch some deer with that barbed wire.

Will make for some nice venison bar-b-que for them.

e53973  No.3718724


Wash in cold dry 100% acetone

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