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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

Bread creation (Non-General) is suspended for the time being. Do not create new breads.

File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

74388d  No.3592078

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 ——————————— Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -————————– Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? (Cap: >>3563833 )

>>>/patriotsfight/372 ——————————— effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -——————- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 ——————————— Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 ——————————— [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 —————-———– Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 ——————————— Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 ——————————— Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 ——————————— Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -——————- Our voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 ——————————— TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 ——————————— [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -——————- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -——————- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

74388d  No.3592092


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3542917 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (Tested and Working!!)

>>3542169, >>3542282 8chan Was Down & Under Attack According to Ron (Also Expect Recurring Outages)

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3592068 Relevant Q drop.

>>3591975 Ex-Facebook security chief calls out Tim Cook and Apple's practices in China.

>>3591901 Prepare for disaster when things are quiet.

>>3591892 America's homelessness crisis is rapidly exploding on both coasts.

>>3591881 Q crumb: Fake MAGA supporters, Fake 'violent' narrative push.

>>3591877 New report lists 263 Bay Area priests accused of sexual abuse.

>>3591831 NY Times claims Russia/China listening in on Trump's phone calls.

>>3591821 Retired general: US war with China is likely in 15 years.

>>3591803 Trump '12: Be careful of an Obama "bomb" to win election! Would be a horrible thing to do.

>>3591567 Hollywood Blames Bombs on Trump: ‘MAGA Radicalized More Domestic Terrorists than ISIS’.

>>3591717 Trump Will Allow Iran To Remain Connected To SWIFT.

>>3591689 Police: 2 Satan-worshiping girls plotted to kill 15 students at Florida middle school.

>>3591584 Over 500 acts of violence by the left the media has ignored.

>>3591408 Google wants to be your media mommy.

>>3591538 DoJ, EPA, Miss. State reach nationwide settlement on Chevron case.

>>3591494 DoD tweets today.

>>3591493 James Allison: Texas man who will receive the Nobel prize for his work in cancer research.

>>3591465 @SecPompeo outlined 12 requirements for #Iran's regime to act like a normal state.

>>3591439 USAID involved in caravan?

>>3591451 China fails to stop U.N. Security Council Myanmar briefing.

>>3592075 #4557


>>3591268 Did Q call the FF bombs back in March?

>>3591226 UN agency ramps up effort to counter growing nuclear threat from cyberspace.

>>3591194 FF force the Q question?

>>3591107 Pilot identified in fatal plane crash at airport in Cape May County.

>>3591097 Blue Wave cancelled?

>>3591080 Plane happenings in the news today.

>>3591003 You might be able to collect $100 from Yahoo’s massive data breach.

>>3590935 POTUS schedule update.

>>3590877 Democrats boycott another hearing for Trump judicial nominees.

>>3590785 Stop Pelosi website raises $50,000 in first hours.

>>3590732 California city council candidate arrested for allegedly stealing campaign signs.

>>3590692 Kavanaugh has recused himself in three Supreme Court cases so far.

>>3590657, >>3590659 Gov. Cuomo deploys NG to streets of NY to frighten people.

>>3590655 Judge rules in Seattle's favor in 'sanctuary city' lawsuit.

>>3590645 Government officials, ex-employees arrested in alleged sexual misconduct case at FVSU.

>>3590633 Guat. President wants to find caravan organizers.

>>3590598 Q clock update.

>>3591308 #4556

Previously Collected Notables

>>3589011 #4553, >>3589787 #4554, >>3590530 #4555

>>3587442 #4551, >>3587442 #4551, >>3588201 #4552

>>3585228 #4548, >>3585957 #4549, >>3586681 #4550

>>3582901 #4545, >>3583653 #4546, >>3584486 #4547

>>3580506 #4542, >>3581263 #4543, >>3582141 #4544

>>3578089 #4539, >>3578934 #4540, >>3579738 #4541

>>3575914 #4536, >>3576576 #4537, >>3577454 #4538

>>3573603 #4533, >>3574368 #4534, >>3575138 #4535

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

74388d  No.3592096

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

74388d  No.3592099

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

74388d  No.3592113

File: 93ba1ebb1ffe26b⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 720x720, 1:1, trumprespectedagain.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

881e5e  No.3592119

File: bd1a161a8d42562⋯.png (317.12 KB, 500x705, 100:141, ethicalchuck.png)

File: a9536719ec5f847⋯.png (613.74 KB, 692x627, 692:627, woopsy.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 2a6cea955cc9516⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1031x1382, 1031:1382, Alexis_de_tocqueville.png)


It would be my honor anon.

097277  No.3592125

Big Brother is watching: AI algorithm can find you in CCTV footage without using face recognition

In the latest ominous AI news, a team of researchers has created a tool that can find people in CCTV footage by searching for their clothing, height and gender.

Indian researchers have built an algorithm that would allow surveillance footage to be searched and filtered for the purpose of “person retrieval.”

At the moment, surveillance footage must be searched manually to find a person based on common descriptors like clothing and gender. These identifying factors are known as soft biometrics.

The team used deep learning - which goes beyond machine learning (where patterns are set into algorithms and require supervision) by incorporating ‘self-learning’- to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to recognize soft biometrics using computer vision.

According to the study, the algorithm correctly identified “28 persons out of 41 in a very challenging dataset with soft biometric attributes.” The researchers say that, with some minor tweaks, accuracy could be improved substantially.

The new technology could be crucial in finding missing persons and dangerous criminals, but also raises ethical issues about surveillance. With no legislation in place to limit its potential, the technology could be utilized for nefarious means such as illegal surveillance of activists and journalists, or wide scale monitoring of civilians by oppressive governments.


0c7e61  No.3592135

File: da2b443ced8250e⋯.jpg (218.34 KB, 958x665, 958:665, avanatti.jpg)

File: 4c6ada07d939410⋯.jpg (211.27 KB, 958x665, 958:665, debbie.jpg)

File: 5d79f1342d11be0⋯.jpg (211.38 KB, 958x665, 958:665, hillary.jpg)

File: f5a8826c17984ff⋯.jpg (209.39 KB, 958x665, 958:665, npc.jpg)

File: 278e9fad26217b1⋯.jpg (211 KB, 958x665, 958:665, soros.jpg)

881e5e  No.3592137

File: 5cd1744efcd1114⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1706x960, 853:480, BASTER.png)

File: be3373523db6c55⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, getoutofhere.jpg)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

3e8b84  No.3592153

File: 6b5ae2d7d1408bb⋯.jpeg (421.67 KB, 1241x1646, 1241:1646, 14E8EADF-6D85-4C59-A702-0….jpeg)

I think this lends credibility to the idea that misspellings in all platforms can be code.

Wand misspelled

Replace d with t

Donald Trump

Trump boosted the economy, not obummer

What do anons think?

adbeac  No.3592155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Compare the voices………..and connect the dots…….at 1:33

097277  No.3592170

File: 271aedc9dccefcf⋯.jpg (78.03 KB, 597x444, 199:148, Screenshot 2018-10-24_16-2….jpg)


Wednesday, 24 October 2018

18:20 - Descending for landing - see ya soon!


e11f97  No.3592171

File: 39803794661bdbb⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 3456x4608, 3:4, IMG_20181024_162310_noexif.jpg)

>come home to bomb strapped to house

>Cut blue wire to disarm

>Timer appears along with flames

Am I going to be okay? I'm scared.

a12064  No.3592172

File: f6011130d237db6⋯.jpg (433.87 KB, 1064x1794, 532:897, 20181024_162511.jpg)

Samuel Whitcomb Hyde - comedian, performance artist, prankster


b05cf4  No.3592173

>>3592154 p

go to the link provided


00d8b0  No.3592174

Red october

Still waiting.

I dont like it if they try to do all the events the week before the election. Yes its fresh in the memory of the people, but i dont like how the information was handled.

You only stress people if you tell them something is happening and let them wait weeks or months for it to happen

I rather know about it right before it happens then being burnedout because of the expectation.

But go on let the show begin

3ab8b9  No.3592175

>>3586914 (PB)

Neither ... or the bomb would have gone off.

>>3587024 (PB)

It helps them trace the printer to the store it came from. From then, they could narrow things down and obtain a printout from the machine to nail it down.


>Oh, yeah — there’s a reception afterward. Registration and photo IDs are required.

Isn't that biased against the poor, the uneducated and the illegal aliens?

>>3587568 (PB)

CNN DOES SUCK. What was her question again?

969a4b  No.3592176

File: c96f02a00b5e5f5⋯.png (44.15 KB, 614x298, 307:149, 7fbc2603322498dc66a0ff015a….png)

←———— Hey anons

a6c543  No.3592177

File: fb333197ef0688e⋯.png (32.45 KB, 594x312, 99:52, AQ1.PNG)

NYC Mayor de Blasio immediately declares bombs mailed today as ‘terror’

The Mayor did not label the 2016 Chelsea bombings as terror; dozens were wounding in that attack

48d41c  No.3592178

File: 7cf9bd413d1abfa⋯.png (249.94 KB, 485x463, 485:463, baker_pepe.png)

49b25f  No.3592179

File: 755e8123857a4d7⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 250x333, 250:333, asdfaerwaw5.jpg)

Than Baker

201d7a  No.3592180

File: c6d2ba04beafa66⋯.jpg (101.26 KB, 945x666, 105:74, music evil.JPG)

>>3592023 (lb)

Re: Young girls planning mass murder in school bathroom

Lady Gaga, Kesha, Katy Perry…

emulating their heroines

c11b00  No.3592181

be epic if the Full Hunters Moon rises behind POTUS at this rally!

cdc37a  No.3592182

>>3592146 lb

What a missed opportunity for the tranny porn tab gimmick

8ed43b  No.3592183


This dude looks exhausted and terrified.

969a4b  No.3592184



ecef82  No.3592185

File: efb8ef9184b11fc⋯.jpg (966.39 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181024-182456….jpg)

3rd.. again

279e5a  No.3592186

>>3592145 (pb)

What ever happened to:

Sticks and stones

May break my bones,

But words will never harm me.

5c47a2  No.3592187


Peel some potatoes anon and cook dinner. You are going to be allright

2f02c5  No.3592188

File: bcd0c39614007a1⋯.jpg (74.2 KB, 663x1200, 221:400, ceramic_bong_boobs_big.jpg)

Russian pipe bewb bomba

c11b00  No.3592189


effin time traveler~

81b9cb  No.3592190

File: 54a14e241ed0d07⋯.png (32.41 KB, 693x398, 693:398, start.PNG)

File: 16a1bcac79cd798⋯.png (212.97 KB, 570x411, 190:137, redoct.PNG)


all we need is just a little patience

04b05c  No.3592191

>>3590659 (pb)

Actually, this isn't that weird in NYC. We've seen NG and extra LI resources deployed on transit (and sometimes at major tourist locations) when there were terror threats in the past. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen and thus is part of an established pattern for addressing heightened threats in this city that is always a target. As tempting as it is to read into it, I'd be skeptical of seeing it as more than it is–increased defense in a high-tension time when high-profile "IEDs" were found.

0eb47e  No.3592192

>>3591465 (pb)

Iran Nov 4 deadline.

>11.3 - Podesta indicted

>11.6 - Huma indicted

d0199a  No.3592193



Looks a lot like that suspected bomber

277233  No.3592195

File: 31ce9459db2779c⋯.jpg (190.77 KB, 653x477, 653:477, 1512001834023.jpg)


If they are not Raping each other, they are trying to Blow each other up.

1b3ce2  No.3592196

File: b4e5c9b4c5f463e⋯.png (769.04 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, samuel hyde pawtcket ri.png)


funny like johnny depps assassination jokes.

but not this guy

81b9cb  No.3592197

File: 5245f67d9b752e4⋯.png (857.78 KB, 903x525, 43:25, enjoyshow.PNG)

File: be4e882b643a5aa⋯.png (1.13 MB, 596x929, 596:929, expos-truu-crime.PNG)

File: 05f2c921f6c10e8⋯.png (530.22 KB, 891x561, 27:17, decl.PNG)

fa3d9e  No.3592198

The complete hypocrisy by the media and dems on inciteful speech is quite stunning

738786  No.3592199



We are tracking this suspect in real time.

He will be perp walked tomorrow to initiate the BLUE WAVE!


881e5e  No.3592200

File: 1d20021053a1ead⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1131x999, 377:333, BAKR.png)

File: 3e341b598a7afaa⋯.png (194.24 KB, 316x446, 158:223, JUSTANOTHER.png)

File: cbb94b23d1be538⋯.png (305.83 KB, 885x569, 885:569, NITESCHIFFFFFFF.png)

File: 92c8afec71979a4⋯.png (403.07 KB, 992x558, 16:9, fascistyelling.png)

File: 01eb4dbe342f9e7⋯.png (490.24 KB, 720x720, 1:1, WUVYOU.png)



Can you hear me sir, or should I speak up?

c11b00  No.3592201

gal on RSB just said she was "literally vibrating" from the music

adbeac  No.3592202

ZIONISTS in control of the Israeli government certainly love Nikki Haley!

Kek………….. at 1:18


95c684  No.3592203

story of my life atm


c0da88  No.3592204


I noticed that too are the Trump boys misspelling things for us or just by mistake. I think it is notable

839681  No.3592205

File: 3037ff196241ef0⋯.jpg (99.71 KB, 572x685, 572:685, statue-liberty-go-back.jpg)

752612  No.3592206

File: 756e023873a6142⋯.png (90 KB, 467x496, 467:496, fatpepe_npc.png)

5c47a2  No.3592207

9f5fef  No.3592208

We need to create an organic request for a POTUS statement on Q.

We need to come up with a good twitter trend, something like : #POTUSplzDebunkQAnon. We just want a statement from POTUS about Q, anything could go. Ideas ?

a359aa  No.3592209

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


- Patsy Cline

Yes, Veronica there really were singers before ProTools and autotune.. Look, here's one now..

In tribute to all the Dems going crazy right now…feel free.


7b805b  No.3592210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



cdc37a  No.3592211


I swear to God he wears the same shirt everyday. I think he is down to one set of clothes, poor bastard. Take a fucking bath Hussein.

c11b00  No.3592212

third medical emergency at the rally!

b05cf4  No.3592213

3rd medical emergency?

da fuq

d0199a  No.3592214

File: 16115b80cb41f69⋯.jpeg (936.44 KB, 867x6091, 867:6091, TimeTravel-ClassicPence4C….jpeg)



People used to laugh

They don't so much any more

f6a58a  No.3592215

File: e253334c2b1dde1⋯.png (488.26 KB, 1018x580, 509:290, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)

File: 4a9865295919788⋯.png (722.91 KB, 1002x706, 501:353, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)


b050ee  No.3592216

File: 6608346408610ff⋯.jpeg (85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cheech1.jpeg)

beto caption ?

5c47a2  No.3592217


If he is a suspect he will be in custody

Turn on your brain

25971b  No.3592218


That would be highly desirable.

503a25  No.3592219


Clenlness. Godliness. Hrc Bho

ecef82  No.3592220

File: f82ba786da24ee5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181024-183258….jpg)

File: 64eeb1541c1d4f4⋯.jpg (324.21 KB, 1242x1505, 1242:1505, IMG_20181024_183244.jpg)

1b3ce2  No.3592221


double take!

cdc37a  No.3592222


Naw man, POTUS can debunk Q with one tweet. He has not done so and that tells you everything you need to know.

881e5e  No.3592223

File: fdfcf802bdc9c47⋯.png (275.07 KB, 1111x978, 1111:978, itsafunnymemeweanonslove.png)

File: cbb345db5c7535b⋯.png (170.24 KB, 730x418, 365:209, MMBPO.png)

File: 067512047be7362⋯.png (917.01 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, frake.png)



1b635d  No.3592224




Remember (((who))) sent these bombs, anons. Remember (((who))) trafficks our children and women world wide. Remember (((who))) interferes with Q and POTUS at every turn.

Remember (((them))) and their useful idiot lackey shitskins in the west.

No compromise.

Before these plans are complete, LE and military must kill/capture all these hostiles within our borders and world wide.

No compromise.


abdracadabra BITCH. fucking hussein gleefully rubbing his hands together at the false flags along with this muzzie friends and (((masters)))

a6cbe6  No.3592225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

578067  No.3592226





5c47a2  No.3592227


Ectopic pregnancies are not aborted they are removed with partial or whole ovary

ac12ac  No.3592228

File: 072a67408999aa7⋯.png (261.03 KB, 1792x446, 896:223, ClipboardImage.png)

3d chess…..or tic tac toe??????

10ecde  No.3592229


hi newfag

9df80a  No.3592230


[DynCorp, (Global Linguist Solutions (GLS)), Buck Foundation]

In 2016 DynCorp mercenaries replace Blackwater in Yemen. DynCorp is a rival of Blackwater. Interesting that Trump has an arrangement with Eric Prince. He knows where the bodies are buried.


"The first batch of mercenaries from the private US military firm DynCorp has arrived in the Yemeni city of Aden to replace paid militants from another American company. Under a USD-3-billion contract between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and DynCorp, mercenaries from the company are to be deployed to Yemen, where UAE forces are fighting against the Yemeni army and Popular Committees on Saudi orders, Khabar News Agency quoted an official with Yemeni Defense Ministry as saying."


Global Linguist Solutions

The translators for these monsters.


The Buck Foundation Subverted

The Buck Foundation has been invaded by foreigners. Just follow the rouge thread into the Labyrinth. It looks like the Buck Institute is a secret embassy for foreign affairs. I am reminded of the CIA-Contra slush fund. Anyone who comes in contact with the Buck Bunch, is going to be overwhelmed. There is a cache of Insider Information disguised as charity. The Buck Bunch are running roughshod over the Poor – who have no power! Beryl Buck wanted to empower the poor, make sure they have enough to eat, and a place to dwell, so they will not sell themselves, and their children, to the very rich!

Two men added to the institute’s board of trustees in particular raised concerns: Fouad Makhzoumi, a Lebanese native and CEO of Future Group, who joined the board in 2014; and Rubar Sandi, chairman of the Sandi Group, who joined the board in 2015. Sandi is an Iraqi from a wealthy Kurdish family who immigrated to the United States in the late 1970s.

The Sandi Group’s work with Texas-based DynCorp has been investigated by the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, according to David Phinney, a Washington, D.C.-based freelance reporter whose work includes a series on contractors and private military companies working in Iraq. Phinney said the Sandi Group teamed with DynCorp on a massive multi-year U.S. State Department contract to train more than 100,000 Iraqi police officers, as well as dozens of other projects.

CNN reported in 2007 that the “State Department had been unable to account for most of $1.2 billion in funding that it gave to DynCorp International to train Iraqi police.”


In 1984, Makhzoumi co-founded Future Pipe Industries, and was CEO from 1986 to 2003, when his son, Rami Makhzoumi, took over as CEO, with Makhzoumi as chairman until 2011, when he resumed the CEO role.[3]

In the 1980s, Makhzoumi recruited the “disgraced Conservative politician” Jonathan Aitken as a board director of one of his companies, Aitken failed to declare this, and as the government minister in charge of arms sales, promoted a military equipment deal involving Makhzoumi in the 1990s, all of which played a part in Aitken’s being jailed for libel in 1999.[4]

Just so happens to be a company that makes oil and gas pipelines!



About the Buck Advisory Council (BAC)

The BAC comprises a diverse group of individuals from the United States and around the world. Members include leaders in government, business, finance, pharmaceuticals, law and other fields of endeavors. Many have served as advisors to governments, public commissions and nonprofit commissions. These leaders provide advice on strategic priorities, serve as ambassadors to raise the visibility of Institute achievements, and set the pace for philanthropy at the Institute. The BAC meets twice each year: in the San Francisco Bay Area each spring and in a foreign destination each fall. At these meetings, members participate in panel discussions with faculty and other experts and develop ideas to promote the Buck Institute globally as a leader in research on aging and age-related disease.

The Buck Foundation is a family foundation with a commitment to peace and social justice that supports underserved children, youth, women, and other marginalized communities.


These EVIL bastards are eating children to stay young and it appears the US tax payer is funding it all.

Part 1

c11b00  No.3592231

phone service out at the rally now

9438e8  No.3592232

ABC: Caravan of migrants may be shrinking. Estimated at 3,000. Some groups may be splitting up.

46eca2  No.3592233

File: 987b67161579bab⋯.png (673.1 KB, 1231x964, 1231:964, AlienHunter.png)

Hunter's Moon

Alien Hunter goes dark.


895054  No.3592234

File: 890d04abaf81aa5⋯.png (92.22 KB, 1126x450, 563:225, ClipboardImage.png)


>We always see “It’s Happening” here.

Manage your expectations, & you'll see the show playing out right in front of you…

f3dd81  No.3592235


Eric Trump earlier: "threading" instead of "threatening"

DJT Jr: "want" instead of "wand"

881e5e  No.3592236

File: 13cf684037c4662⋯.png (268.42 KB, 744x496, 3:2, ethicalchuky.png)

File: 606451f79e3bb05⋯.png (1.23 MB, 822x999, 274:333, TAKEAWAYDISBOBBLE.png)

File: 45d5258eeab2269⋯.png (145.67 KB, 474x290, 237:145, LIONTED.png)

File: 6ba843d414e5e5a⋯.png (170.62 KB, 730x418, 365:209, TheNPCMemeIsAnNPC.png)

File: f0e154bae3f1a7e⋯.png (617.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, kittums.png)


Lol at this bot sperging.

279e5a  No.3592237


They are fake bombs and the Gov would know that.

9de762  No.3592238

File: e18343de8040c03⋯.png (47.53 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 640px-Flag_of_California.s….png)

File: 67756f11cd3cd67⋯.jpeg (71.41 KB, 730x388, 365:194, Flag_of_Communist_Califor….jpeg)

File: 8513f88c0bc746d⋯.jpg (21.32 KB, 546x550, 273:275, flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg)



>Now for the undiscovered stars

d0199a  No.3592239


Summarize Dave's show tonight if you please

f3dd81  No.3592240



Something with t & d. A person from T_D?

1bb41e  No.3592241

File: b9b47f482096940⋯.png (382.14 KB, 1076x388, 269:97, Twatter Experts1.png)

File: f029e8e6bed2fca⋯.png (469.93 KB, 1012x509, 1012:509, Twatter Experts2.png)

File: d6146ca33e63ca7⋯.png (277.89 KB, 1413x493, 1413:493, Twatter Experts3.png)

File: 2f91207638aadb7⋯.png (472.17 KB, 1035x719, 1035:719, Twatter Experts4.png)

File: 8aaae2bdee3bd37⋯.png (916.96 KB, 1413x1004, 1413:1004, No Alarm or Timer function.png)

408d9e  No.3592242

File: 794bb64d633afe9⋯.jpeg (72.65 KB, 750x483, 250:161, 2E7756F2-AB25-4BAA-A7DF-9….jpeg)


Fukken chek’d

e12e52  No.3592243

File: e8be26e430b862e⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1271x714, 1271:714, Trump in shadow.PNG)

File: 89906f9419f867b⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1329x760, 1329:760, Trump sunshine.PNG)

File: 342607f796080e5⋯.png (453.11 KB, 641x747, 641:747, USArmyEurope.png)

File: f5348fcfe960c69⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1281x721, 183:103, 3rd strike.PNG)

File: ad8bc1418895ac5⋯.png (1006.95 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

9dee72  No.3592244

File: ac89c85f659f623⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 584x292, 2:1, DqTTlFsUwAAFsN5.jpg)

posted again because of late post


Their game plan is for Trump to quit calling them out on being fake news so people will believe them.


2d2193  No.3592245

This seems like it was staged to look staged. C'mon are the dems really that stupid? Maybe it really is just a show and the Dems were ordered to look stupid.

ac12ac  No.3592246


Clearly, some of them do not care if we die….in fact they're openly committing manslaughter and are proud of it…….

9df80a  No.3592247


Former Dyncorp VP charged with rape of a minor

The conviction of their former Vice President is the latest in a string of sexual misconduct cases that have plagued Dyncorp over the years.


United Nations adviser and the founder of Street Kids International was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia after he was caught with two young children during a police raid.

Peter John Dalglish, United Nations adviser and founder of the Street Kids International charity, was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia




Dyncorp’s involvement in another a sex scandal with minors while serving in a war-torn country may well have felt like deja vu for the Secretary of State, considering the infamous Dyncorp scandal in the Balkans during Bill Clinton’s term in office.


Stephen Feinberg

The only reason I can see that Trump would give this guy a job is he has flipped.


A Bad Blueprint: Intelligence Agencies Co-opting Private Enterprise

How US Spies Partnered with Private Business for Foreign Adventures

Earlier this week, The New York Times published a story on how top Trump administration officials have asked Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, and billionaire Stephen Feinberg, who owns military contractor DynCorp, to come up with alternative plans on how to proceed in Afghanistan.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the two men, who have made untold sums of money off the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, came up with a plan to rely on private contractors instead of the US military. This story may sound familiar and it usually doesn’t end well.

Last month — after The Wall Street Journal fired Jay Solomon, its chief foreign affairs correspondent, for failure to disclose shady business deals with one of his sources — we published a book excerpt that revealed some juicy details about that source, Farhad Azima, and his unsavory colleagues.

We now present another chapter from that same book — and reading it is like looking under a rock at a hive of activity best done in the dark. As the authors put it,

“But interviews with former CIA employees and bankers convinced us that during the 1980s a private ‘business’ network was actively engaged with our intelligence community in some variety of ad hoc foreign policy adventures. The Iran-Contra affair gave Americans a snapshot look at how it was done — how a group of individuals outside government interfaced with those inside government to fund and carry out politically unpopular foreign policies.”

It was clear then that the lines between state intelligence work, military expedition, and private business (even the news business) were becoming blurred. Today, with so many top corporations under government contract to supply the means of warfare — covert or otherwise — or the means of surveilling even entire populations, with almost every area of private enterprise within the purview of national security, we ask ourselves: Has anything really changed?


Lawsuit: US Military Contractor DynCorp Accused of “Enslaving” American Employees in Kuwaiti Tent Cities

WASHINGTON — A recently unsealed lawsuit has accused two U.S. military contractors of treating American citizens working as military translators in the Middle East like “slaves.” The two contractors — DynCorp and its subcontractor, Global Linguist Solutions (GLS) — are alleged to have housed American translators in Kuwait within a poorly maintained tent city and to have threatened the workers with prison time if they tried to escape. The suit is the second lawsuit to be made public this year that accuses a prominent military contractor of treating its employees as slaves.


Part 2

1b635d  No.3592248


Fake news. the organized infiltration is not the show caravan. The groups will split and re-emerge at the borders.

bangladeshis and muzzies must be found and CAPTURED/KILLED by those so trained and authorized.

NONE must pass through.

f6a58a  No.3592249


It was 14,000 yesterday. How is that possible.

95c684  No.3592250

No way they dont already know who planted these lame ass bombs

969a4b  No.3592251


People also say that meme about Back To The Future, that Trump is the guy who becomes Rich.

95c684  No.3592252


They broke up….about to hit the trains

143092  No.3592253

881e5e  No.3592254

File: 12804e7128ab7f3⋯.png (117.29 KB, 474x315, 158:105, echuck.png)

File: 98fe280b589cbc6⋯.png (254.89 KB, 620x435, 124:87, DebbieBombermanShultz.png)

File: fce4daf908b9564⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1156x1111, 1156:1111, Thanunciasion.png)

File: 780d4f670e208f3⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, PodestaWTF.png)

File: 9f6b1e96bc15ea3⋯.png (5.38 MB, 2222x1772, 1111:886, strangestlove.png)

e28422  No.3592255

File: 4795b799d17eae4⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2920x1080, 73:27, gfhgfh.jpg)

Gillum is going to fucking cheat his way in.

bc285e  No.3592256

File: 1b0d2134fee8c4d⋯.png (244.07 KB, 965x1443, 965:1443, thmb_bombsquad_530x@2x.png)



links to


Bomb Squad Poster


48d41c  No.3592257

File: a3a010c8cb92a5b⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 830x960, 83:96, 44694785_2234605346552301_….jpg)

00d8b0  No.3592258


>extreme fatigue

The one side goes mad because of impending doom

The other side cant wait for it to happen

Inbthe end both allies and enemys get hurt

I for example dont expect anything, got to riled up for stuff in the pastjust to get dissatisfied with the results

f6a58a  No.3592259


I don't know if it's supposed to be funny or what, but it's not. At all.

46eca2  No.3592260

File: a2ada4846aefb7e⋯.png (117.26 KB, 244x238, 122:119, SHyD.png)



74388d  No.3592261


>>3592170 POTUS Schedule.

f7229e  No.3592262

I was a Scott Walker supporter before boarding the Trump Train back in 2015.

097277  No.3592263

File: 190dd4976d2e79a⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 581x544, 581:544, Screenshot 2018-10-24_16-3….jpg)

Facebook removes 8.7 million sexual photos of kids in last three months

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Wednesday that company moderators during the last quarter removed 8.7 million user images of child nudity with the help of previously undisclosed software that automatically flags such photos.

The machine learning tool rolled out over the last year identifies images that contain both nudity and a child, allowing increased enforcement of Facebook’s ban on photos that show minors in a sexualized context.

A similar system also disclosed on Wednesday catches users engaged in “grooming,” or befriending minors for sexual exploitation.

Facebook’s global head of safety Antigone Davis told Reuters in an interview that the “machine helps us prioritize” and “more efficiently queue” problematic content for the company’s trained team of reviewers.

The company is exploring applying the same technology to its Instagram app.

Under pressure from regulators and lawmakers, Facebook has vowed to speed up removal of extremist and illicit material. Machine learning programs that sift through the billions of pieces of content users post each day are essential to its plan.

Machine learning is imperfect, and news agencies and advertisers are among those that have complained this year about Facebook’s automated systems wrongly blocking their posts….



a359aa  No.3592264

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Johnny Guitar

- Peggy Lee

This'll be familiar to LOTS of Anons… FNV best of the series..who could forget the this on the PipBoy..


e6e5a4  No.3592265

Chic talking on RSBN right now sounds exactly like Sarah Palin.

c11b00  No.3592266

AF1 just landed at the rally!

f6a58a  No.3592267


And he'll be indicted shortly thereafter and removed.

503a25  No.3592268

File: a8f2adac3976c70⋯.jpeg (107.81 KB, 888x499, 888:499, D05888B5-55F1-473A-9892-2….jpeg)

1b3ce2  No.3592269


IDK I don't think the photo are the same person. Everything else, but the photo.

5c47a2  No.3592270


Hi high school senior

25971b  No.3592271



That rally where he started in the shade and ended in the sun, I take as a DARK TO LIGHT Reference.

e2fc4c  No.3592272

File: 8a7f8107a1111b6⋯.png (243.24 KB, 405x630, 9:14, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)

Boston sports radio station hits Curt Schilling, Q

Sauce: https://weei.radio.com/blogs/alex-reimer/red-sox-say-curt-schilling-wasnt-intentionally-left-out-2004-first-pitch-ceremony

201d7a  No.3592273

File: b2ec2e0b5018e47⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 520x469, 520:469, kirk univ austin 10 24 18.JPG)

And it continues…


aa2fe1  No.3592274

What a fucking entrance! POTUS IN THE HOUUUUSE!!

969a4b  No.3592275

File: 62b3146dd47e0fd⋯.jpg (95.47 KB, 717x620, 717:620, 62b3146dd47e0fdead3037a2f3….jpg)

9dee72  No.3592276


RSBN mentioned they cut service before take off and landings of AF1

ac12ac  No.3592277

File: 06acaff73128d40⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1632x1290, 272:215, ClipboardImage.png)

d0199a  No.3592278


Now let's let justice play out.

We don't want to Kavanaugh the guy.

b05cf4  No.3592279

File: be406f2176abaad⋯.png (206.94 KB, 649x359, 649:359, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)

POTUS in the house, bitches.



9438e8  No.3592280


It was reported on CBS earlier today that temperatures were about 100 degrees and really humid. Many were apparently sweating heavily, including small children. Some may have given up their fruitless mission.

46eca2  No.3592281

File: 2a036a2aced4c6f⋯.png (740.09 KB, 745x517, 745:517, Screenshot_28.png)



5113d9  No.3592282


Can bake.

Please confirm handoff.

BO/BV's, please be advised.

578067  No.3592283


Simpsons did it!

4f3d22  No.3592284


T.D. Ameritrade ??

5a89fd  No.3592285

File: 60d2b9afb5de791⋯.png (70.15 KB, 218x220, 109:110, ClipboardImage.png)

So on Martha MacCallum a few min ago her guest pointed out that they spelled Debbie Wasserman-Schult's name wrong - Left out the "C"

and John Brennan's name wrong - left out an "N"'

He pointed out the fact that someone who deeply hated and had a vested interest in hurting these people would NOT spell their name wrong

More ammo pointing towards FF due to the fact that those dumbasses hired a dumbass to mail out those dumbass (probably)fake bombs, and these people were too STUPID to think about a detail such as that.


This is so obvious they are conducting more BS, and MORE BS will happen within the next two weeks.

All this FAKE SHIT is pissing me off

251447  No.3592286

File: 9793f953dd0a27a⋯.jpeg (88.53 KB, 1034x677, 1034:677, 8494B8D6-0FA2-42C1-9089-E….jpeg)

f11ad4  No.3592287

File: 102b1ce15394570⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018-10-24_19-38-28.png)


Just landed.




e9837d  No.3592288


Sending this with love and light to bring you support, protection and comfort. God bless, anons.

GUIDED MEDITATION - White Light Protection: "Warrior of Light" (Epic Power-Meditation) - YouTube


738786  No.3592289



That is the suspect we are tracking in real time.

How do you guys do it?

Keep the info here until this dangerous MAGA suspect is in custody.

Perp walk tomorrow on CNN for the start of the BLUE WAVE

a6c543  No.3592290

File: f1487b02ecc589d⋯.png (653.39 KB, 661x622, 661:622, AQ2.PNG)


Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign

ac12ac  No.3592291

File: 9449c9aa0518de1⋯.png (864.77 KB, 1214x1264, 607:632, ClipboardImage.png)

ce9509  No.3592292

File: ed4b64aa70ac4d6⋯.png (8.32 MB, 3700x3516, 925:879, ClipboardImage.png)

143092  No.3592293

File: ab024b4db1709dc⋯.jpg (252.35 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, chicks3360244613_a427d751d….jpg)


why would RSBN use a chick with a screechy voice? fuk

f6a58a  No.3592294


But… but….

Jim Acosta and Andrew Cuomo said they haz real fears!

23f91d  No.3592295


This video is hilarious.

578067  No.3592296


It was intentionally meant to appear as though a foreigner did it.

9de762  No.3592297



In other words:

The commie dems put a distraction on the East Coast with fake bombs to make everyone (public and authorities) look away from what's happening with the communist invasion (caravan) on the south-west border.

09c97b  No.3592298

File: 638a60207980881⋯.png (390.54 KB, 422x362, 211:181, NYSE.png)



▼ 608.01 (2.41%)

24, 583.42 OR 2+4=6, 5+8+3=7, 4+2=6

608.01= 6+8+1=15, 1+5=6




fc1da8  No.3592299

File: decb80ad2eed6cd⋯.jpg (24.78 KB, 255x225, 17:15, IMG_8109.JPG)


It is time for you to release the REAL TRUTH BOMBS! It is time for the American people to hear & see the TRUTH of the Real Corruption within our government & the Dem Party!

When do WE ACTUALLY FIGHT BACK with REVEALING the TRUTH? I've been trying my best to convince disgruntled voters all week to still vote Republican down ticket even if the illegals get into our country.

I've seen so many Americans on social media say they WILL NOT VOTE if these illegals are allowed into our country bc they state they won't see any difference bw R's & D's. I've had many conversations trying to make them understand we are literally fighting evil & if they don't vote then they ARE VOTING for Dems, Socialism, Open Borders & evilness….but I have a feeling if these illegal INVADERS are allowed to get into our country then we will lose many MAGA voters who will lose faith in R's being different than D's. When will our POTUS, Q & Military finally give our citizens the truth that they DESERVE to know?

I'm not shilling or concernfagging…just sharing what I am seeing on social media from known MAGA Patriots….Some Truth Bombs would go a helluva long way right now with voters. Even if it is just exposing who is truly behind the caravan or these FF bombs being sent to the TOP of the Cabal. Have a PRESSER & EXPOSE THEM ALL! Use the Presidential Cellphone Messaging System!

I always trust THE PLAN…BUT, the American Citizens have the RIGHT to know the FULL TRUTH about our government BEFORE they vote! After this week, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

2ef923  No.3592300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7eec8d  No.3592301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

517882  No.3592302

File: 439b9de7a94f747⋯.jpg (86.91 KB, 400x294, 200:147, waffFinPipbum.jpg)

578067  No.3592303

a9da8d  No.3592304



just got back

was going to say I can bake, but will defer to you NB (I presume)

can take it after the rally, thanks bakers

7ccec4  No.3592305

f6a58a  No.3592306


Isn't this considered human trafficking????

578067  No.3592307


Fuck your satanic bullshit.

80e75f  No.3592308


That’s so fucking bad ass

ac12ac  No.3592309


>All this FAKE SHIT is pissing me off

I am getting pissed off that these people still are able to do this fake shit….Shut Them DOWN!

10ecde  No.3592310


I guess you haven't taken the time to look up who sam hyde is…


you are not an anon. you are either newfag as fuck or shilling

5113d9  No.3592311


Daybaker here.

If you want to bake, go for it.

Technically busy at the moment.

Can still bake, but would defer to you if possible.

b05cf4  No.3592312


You see why we fucking HATE them?


f6a58a  No.3592313


Curt was fucking amazing during that series. With the red sock and red moon.

f11ad4  No.3592314

File: debb59a124f0ba1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1272x713, 1272:713, 2018-10-24_19-41-01.png)

Great shot!

God Bless america!~

God bless POTUS!


aac954  No.3592315


kek…well done

f1c30c  No.3592316

Buckle up! Rally Bread time!

9f5fef  No.3592317



65d01e  No.3592318

>>3591744 lb Trump Border Video

Is there a link to this, to send others?

f6a58a  No.3592319




9e6509  No.3592320


that was fucking epic.

Make Entrances Great Again!

b050ee  No.3592321

File: 5fc02dca51b6e5a⋯.png (476.69 KB, 743x418, 743:418, main.png)

408d9e  No.3592322

File: 2fbef3670716abf⋯.jpeg (58.68 KB, 720x272, 45:17, 3DD40FF9-E176-4E84-B3B9-3….jpeg)

c11b00  No.3592323

46eca2  No.3592324


Buy cheap stock, sell gold.

Rinse and repeat.

Sell graduated stocks, buy gold.

Rinse and repeat.

aa2fe1  No.3592325



d588df  No.3592326

b05cf4  No.3592327


Better dead than red.

ac12ac  No.3592328

File: 5dceeb8e74f0b40⋯.png (519.28 KB, 1196x1384, 299:346, ClipboardImage.png)

16d5c8  No.3592329

File: b5a136625842cdd⋯.jpg (307.01 KB, 1080x983, 1080:983, Screenshot_20181024-184157….jpg)

Compete hoaxes

e6e5a4  No.3592330

So damn jealous right now. Can you imagine seeing Airforce One in person? Insane. Nice of POTUS to do this for Americans at the rallies.

a9509c  No.3592331



just tried to post to fb then got yellow tri-angle took 5 min to fetch and a different article posted fb censering live i dare someone to post this to fb top article


this is the article that posted in its place wit this pic WTF

0cd7bc  No.3592332

File: d69318c91307b38⋯.png (850.36 KB, 714x800, 357:400, holdinpepemamahenftw.png)

969a4b  No.3592333

If someone assasinates trump, it will be blamed on a Q supporter.

a9da8d  No.3592334


oh ok, gotcha

I'll take it





BAKER, daybaker is deferring to me, can bake


see above, all good to go

839681  No.3592335

52k viewers on all youtube streams now

201d7a  No.3592336

File: ec3ab630bfb91d9⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 882x416, 441:208, Rally wi 10 24 18.JPG)

c741d4  No.3592337

The Left is never Right.

09c97b  No.3592338





ac12ac  No.3592339

File: b2983bcc9a62bcb⋯.png (749.58 KB, 1178x866, 589:433, ClipboardImage.png)

a359aa  No.3592340


He's seen his last quick pass…I forsee extended inspections every return for this outfit.

ac78fe  No.3592341


Federal law makes it a crime to help bring someone into the United States who is not a U.S. citizen. The law contains two very broad provisions on this matter, with the result that the alien smuggler can face punishment regardless of whether he or she was acting for profit or not, or to help his or her own family or relations.

The statutes in question come from the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act. (I.N.A.), including Sections 274(a)(1)(a) and 274 (a)(2).

I.N.A. Section 274(a)(1)(a) says that anyone who helps bring or attempt to bring a noncitizen into the U.S. at some nondesignated place without inspection by a U.S. official at a border, port, or other point of entry, is committing a crime. Escorting someone across the desert is the classic violation of this section. The mode of transport doesn't matter; the law criminalizes smuggling action that takes place "in any manner whatsoever."

Penalties under Section 274(a)(1)(a) can include a fine under under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, a prison term of up to ten years, or both – and the punishment gets multiplied by the number of people smuggled. If someone gets injured as a result of the crime, the penalty can be increased to a 20-year prison term; and if someone dies as a result, the prison term can be extended to life.

Section 274(a)(2) makes it a crime to, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that the person lacks prior official authorization to enter or live in the U.S., bring or attempt to bring that person into the country. (A failed crime is still a crime under this section.) In this case, it doesn’t even matter whether the person brings the noncitizen to an official entry point or not. Attempting to smuggle someone through a checkpoint in the trunk of one's car would likely be prosecuted under this section. Penalties can include a fine under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, a prison term of up to one year, or both. Again, the penalties can be multiplied by the number of violations.

Report that fucker to the FBI. We can arrest the owner now. He can't not know where his truck is, they all have GPS on them.

5b6566  No.3592342

File: 6ccabd1b5bc5c4e⋯.mp4 (650.79 KB, 848x464, 53:29, Kirk.mp4)

46eca2  No.3592343

File: 565eb0a66d07524⋯.png (946.49 KB, 684x603, 76:67, Screenshot_274.png)


Yummy! Hot from the OVEN!

3453f7  No.3592344

Haven't seen a news report yet, but a family member of mine is being evacuated in Los Angeles. LA Times has now received a bomb according to them and surrounding area evacuated as precaution

503a25  No.3592345


Curious as to POTUS’ statements about today’s FF affair.

9de762  No.3592346


Watch CA.

1b635d  No.3592347


(((they))) will be revving up the shilling, seeing some very suspicious messages on the boards.

Anons, let's stay on our toes.

Thank you for all you do, BO/BV/Bakers and Patriot Anons.

5113d9  No.3592348


Much thanks, BO. Glad to see you.


Much appreciated, thank you.

If you feel the need to handoff in the next bread, I should have my affairs arranged by then.

Kick ass, Baker, and God bless.

2fd61e  No.3592349

7377ed  No.3592350

File: 2c90725564b8371⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 416x568, 52:71, iu (22).jpg)

b05cf4  No.3592351


An education in Law at Princeton.

f11ad4  No.3592352

File: 1b24aa7845956d3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1261x689, 97:53, 2018-10-24_19-43-59.png)

File: 93cae52f63f02c9⋯.png (212.06 KB, 399x388, 399:388, 2018-10-02_04-27-46.png)

Red Wave!


a9fc30  No.3592353


It kinda was… I thought it was milk…. but now knowing that it was water, is breddy fuddy

eafc9f  No.3592354


im thinking adding and abeding terrorism

7ccec4  No.3592355


4ad970  No.3592356

File: db3a9465d27be64⋯.jpg (164.36 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1.jpg)

File: 3de4f012222dd0b⋯.jpg (186.1 KB, 600x850, 12:17, 2.jpg)


Exclusive: Richard Linklater to Write and Direct Bill Hicks Movie for Focus

09c97b  No.3592357

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 17.jpg)


Anons- 17 on that truck

fe885f  No.3592358

File: 623f83c3e53409d⋯.png (128.41 KB, 704x589, 704:589, FBI-cookbook.png)

>>3591962 l.b.

Wonder who made the decision to release this book last month?


b05cf4  No.3592360

e459f1  No.3592361

If the traitors would have been arrested months ago instead of being allowed to remain 100% free to travel the world, give paid speeches, and talk shit, then the false flag bombs wouldn't be controlling the narrative and making POTUS look bad today.

How about at one arrest before midterms. Just one. It doesn't seem like too much to ask for.

839681  No.3592362


He will probably be diplomatic around the subject, sometimes it most wise to call the MSM narrative and move on

2feeee  No.3592363

File: c65f7fc8c8e16b3⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 2008x2699, 2008:2699, Military tribunals.jpeg)

Can you see it, can you feel it? We are at the conclusion of the first act. You know very well that in two week Trump will have the House the Senate and the Supreme court on his side. He will be unstoppable.

All of you people where given great wealth and power. You had a job to do. Did you do what was expected of you? Do you think that those in Real position of power are happy?

You know the drawback from working for human sacrificing degenerate sadist is that they are not the forgiving kind. You know…… Might be safer to be in prison than out on the street………..Pic related.

097277  No.3592364

File: 36725526ad4ce27⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 566x266, 283:133, Screenshot 2018-10-24_16-4….jpg)

I think @JimCarrey needs to put down the meth…



5c47a2  No.3592365


177 to be precise

a9da8d  No.3592366


its been bad today, hopefully it dies down a bit

thanks anon


no problem, thanks baker, understood

d588df  No.3592367

File: 03c6f8a5a073033⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BOMB.jpg)

HOLY F U C C, boys I just got a bomb in the mail too! Only 20 minutes left on this motherfucker, what do I do?!

5465ab  No.3592368

File: ccab9cfd9532356⋯.png (170.14 KB, 599x298, 599:298, Wethink4U.png)

ac12ac  No.3592369

File: aecf3ef3b5b4587⋯.png (510.47 KB, 1920x1858, 960:929, ClipboardImage.png)

just what we needed - so it probably is yet another staged event

b05cf4  No.3592370


o phuk…red october?

4833a1  No.3592371


He was born in a shithole country.

7377ed  No.3592372

File: 9198e8818dbc6b2⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 719x578, 719:578, ea8bf9fcc70ad451ce1e4617cd….jpg)

e12e52  No.3592373

File: 221d52de742186d⋯.png (369.25 KB, 1446x513, 482:171, Rally - Elko NV.PNG)


Yes me too … I mean how long was he there, the sun/shade isnt moving that fast. Also POTUS talking about the sun .. other possible things - pic AU. Gold/Star. We are going over the top …

881e5e  No.3592374

File: 593cc2230618d70⋯.png (406.83 KB, 717x539, 717:539, BASTEBO.png)

File: b2c81a474cd519a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, madamepepedour.png)

File: 6574c56a26ee415⋯.png (969.66 KB, 1111x633, 1111:633, HRPNN.png)

File: a3c8801a0a99511⋯.jpg (221.62 KB, 650x433, 650:433, storchedearth.jpg)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)


Why am I forbidden to bake, kind BO? Just curious.

b78494  No.3592375

File: 636590b17970c92⋯.png (549.2 KB, 730x547, 730:547, Oct 25 bomb.png)

5c47a2  No.3592376

121165  No.3592377

November Rain

2ef923  No.3592378

File: 32d6efe7733b0b3⋯.png (33.08 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 32d6efe7733b0b311e0592fccd….png)


RIP BO, it was great knowing you.

0cd7bc  No.3592379

File: ce042453de8d641⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1421x1420, 1421:1420, flotuspepeamazin.png)



0c7e61  No.3592380

File: f5a8826c17984ff⋯.jpg (209.39 KB, 958x665, 958:665, npc.jpg)

9df80a  No.3592381


Despite Track Record, US Hires Contractor to Provide Troops to UN Haiti Mission

DynCorp International announced that the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) had awarded the company with a $48.6 million contract. The purpose of the contract is to “recruit and support up to 100 UNPOL and 10 U.N. Corrections Advisors. DI will also provide logistics support to the Haitian National Police (HNP) Academy and each academy class. In addition, DI will supply five high-level French and Haitian Creole speaking subject matter experts to advise senior HNP officials.”


Contractor implicated in child prostitution DynCorp given $1B contract

Danger Room reports that DynCorp, the same company that used us taxpayer dollars to fund bacha bazi parties wins $1B contract to keep doing what it has been doing.

Danger Room has confirmed that DynCorp, one of the leading private-security firms, has held on to a contract with the Army worth up to $1 billion for training Afghanistan’s police over the next three years. With corruption, incompetence and illiteracy within the police force a persistent obstacle to turning over security responsibilities to the cops by 2014, NATO has revamped much of its training efforts — except, apparently, the contractors paid lavishly to help them out.

The details: DynCorp will provide security personnel to train the Afghan cops at 14 different locations across the country. Those trainers will support the NATO training command run out of Kabul by Lt. Gen. William Caldwell in getting the police into an “independently functioning entity capable of providing for the national security of Afghanistan,” the Army’s Research Development and Engineering Command says in the award. The contract runs for two years and earns DynCorp $718.1 million, but an option to re-up for a third year brings the total price to $1.04 billion.

Cablegate DynCorp used US tax dollars for child prostitution in Afghanistan

U.S. Demands Immunity for Its Peacekeepers

Justice: Washington tells the U.N. it will not participate in missions unless Americans are protected from trials at new international court.


Part 3

4af4f6  No.3592382


So how did that many photos get there in the first place and not removed?….. oh they weren't conservative!

7377ed  No.3592383

File: 2218e8c65f93be6⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 306x356, 153:178, 265bedbd53b7d1163b1a088302….jpg)

File: 7d9acf0d214c575⋯.jpg (72.61 KB, 466x315, 466:315, iu (3).jpg)

097277  No.3592384

143092  No.3592385

File: 8bf9280ab03a6ee⋯.png (158.82 KB, 540x381, 180:127, slgg.png)


> To: Fagit Comped BO

867834  No.3592386


forward to Tiresias

e11f97  No.3592387

File: ac9137ddbc746e8⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 238x231, 34:33, 19dd22421c78a7b544e95bcb9f….jpg)


Shove it up tiresias asshole!

a21608  No.3592388

File: ed2c76256bce5a7⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2440x1627, 2440:1627, 2b6422f2d4e1d363002a8ce442….jpg)

keep focused anons

balls to the wall

a9fc30  No.3592389


Top Kek, anon!

e92980  No.3592390


You have time to fap

46eca2  No.3592391

File: 3e5860870cf45de⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1542x952, 771:476, Screenshot_251.png)


It would be EPIC if the ARRESTS started right after this rally!


5113d9  No.3592392

File: 48b0afc106822e1⋯.jpeg (17.05 KB, 248x189, 248:189, 7a4b230d24ae4092d9e74d3b9….jpeg)

578067  No.3592393



503a25  No.3592394


Concur. Doubtful mention of it. Non sequitur.

9d8df0  No.3592395

932a3f  No.3592397

48d41c  No.3592398

File: f42f8b4d9ee1fce⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 248x189, 248:189, c24242574d2edd4b820093fd69….jpg)

c48dd1  No.3592399

File: cc4f8ad87ba8428⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 442x352, 221:176, 36961280_1014610552050112_….jpg)

a9da8d  No.3592400

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, pepeeyes.png)


tippy top BO


ad3368  No.3592401

OMG !? Is QBakers being targetted??

Bombs in the mail?? FUCK !

Shit is getting real ! But Q said we would be safe !?

86648a  No.3592402


While both Bomb Challenges and Drone Challenges are about speedy swinging, they’re also both about different forms of accuracy. One of the places where you can lose time defusing bombs is in actually getting to the locations. Swinging too high as you come in or landing too far away from a bomb can slow you down just enough to miss the gold medal. Spidey has a tendency to roll with momentum or bounce onto objects that can mess with your ability to grab a bomb and throw it as soon as you land. You really need to stick the landings as you come in. Try landing as close as possible to a bomb so you can quickly grab it as soon as you hit the ground. You’ll also want to avoid launching yourself too high since coming down from a swing arc can take a long time. Precise landings will save you precious seconds.

9df80a  No.3592403



4adb97  No.3592404

ever get the feeling it was necessary for Q group to abstain from posing until after certain events transpired ?

25971b  No.3592405


The other reason I think it was intentional is it was a rare day rally. They could have picked the time of the rally and stage setup to make that happen.

12827e  No.3592406


lmao nice one BO

0cd7bc  No.3592407


FREN, it was a joke, no worries :)

4d504b  No.3592408

File: e4129140324fe63⋯.png (209.93 KB, 586x488, 293:244, stamps.png)



578067  No.3592409

7377ed  No.3592410

File: 45ef749da09fec5⋯.jpg (88.18 KB, 496x508, 124:127, mcapersimmon.jpg)

File: 6b258cf9a207624⋯.jpg (386.67 KB, 1190x914, 595:457, mcgstrawberry.jpg)

1b635d  No.3592411


mail it back to tel aviv where it came from.

881e5e  No.3592412

File: b3a5942ec05d6c2⋯.png (180.62 KB, 710x449, 710:449, FREMNZ.png)

File: f49e34eee9748fd⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x797, 1200:797, FRENN.png)

File: e808649426f5c3d⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1248x1000, 156:125, It-is-the-Lords-doing.jpg)

File: 40f641cb04febc9⋯.png (814.86 KB, 844x703, 844:703, DukeofNunes.png)

File: 3091c0b36f26dbc⋯.png (531.86 KB, 907x629, 907:629, JusticeHorowitz.png)


ThanQQ fren, the filling is mutuable.

6e8442  No.3592413

File: 53fd29c1fbcdc42⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 332x192, 83:48, laserpointer.gif)


>All this FAKE SHIT is pissing me off

Trust muh plan.

Q is in control …..

4c1d01  No.3592414


>Only 20 minutes left on this motherfucker, what do I do?!

Quick! Write your dem congressman and demand comprehensive bomb reform NOW!

f3f250  No.3592415


Leave the halfchan /pol/ garbage where it belongs

b14f65  No.3592416

File: 6c58d9d6f488bb1⋯.jpg (83.33 KB, 288x360, 4:5, That's Neat!.jpg)


shut up kid…that's not neat.

b05cf4  No.3592417


no. waves wash up on the beach. the sand falls through the hourglass. anons post.

ac78fe  No.3592418


It came from CTA. Quick put it back and mark return to sender.

d0199a  No.3592419


I like the attention to details - shows you care

50/50 on whether that's a grow-light timer…

8e2875  No.3592420

File: 566b3bd06829914⋯.gif (4.96 MB, 700x394, 350:197, dbaea881165221c3ea5db82d76….gif)

46eca2  No.3592421

File: 7317750fd779298⋯.png (553.16 KB, 499x544, 499:544, PipeBomb.png)


The one I got, BO, has a Natural 20!

I think I'm FRUCKED!

PipeBombs are SCARY!

090784  No.3592422

File: 8a28fe8354a73dd⋯.jpg (115.9 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, NPC trigger tweet.jpg)


I bet it was that triggered shill from bread #4545!!!!!1!i!!!

4adb97  No.3592423



23f91d  No.3592424


The liquid throw wasn't funny. The arrest was.

c48dd1  No.3592425

File: 67c8a8ba994b893⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 400x388, 100:97, 6110d5ca-147a-4838-b902-7b….jpg)

>trump appears

<that song

578067  No.3592426


The Rot schilds extraction was a fucking failed mission probably due to something posted in a Q thread giving the enemy notice. Someone died. If this is a game, it's a deadly game.

0cd7bc  No.3592427



and for those who are tagged, like me, I am eternally grateful.

621cb1  No.3592428

File: 78dc1674f375d78⋯.png (1.14 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


What a world when Bloody Sock Schilling actually turned out to be one of the normal ones. And Johnny Damon.

b8af18  No.3592429

File: 2e11ecb88404077⋯.png (192.55 KB, 716x429, 716:429, 2e11ecb884040779a86e3216a1….png)

80e75f  No.3592430


Hahahahaha top kek

e459f1  No.3592431

How many days has it been since Q promised the big arrests? I'm guessing that Hillary, Hussein, Brennan, Soros, Holder, and DWS are all still completely free since they had the bomb scare today.

Should have locked them up months ago and all of this bullshit could have been avoided. Either Q doesn't really have dirt on them to lock them up or Q isn't capable of beating the deep state.

6e8442  No.3592432



Down 2.42% in one day is not my idea of winning, anon.

097277  No.3592433

File: 8980a8fec088120⋯.jpg (107.78 KB, 591x673, 591:673, Screenshot 2018-10-24_16-5….jpg)

Former CIA Director John Brennan speaks out about suspicious package addressed to him, saying he wishes Trump would work to unite country: "Unfortunately, I think Donald Trump too often has helped to incite some of these feelings of anger, if not violence"



fe885f  No.3592434

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>3592068 l.b.

>Morning sun brings heat.

f11ad4  No.3592435

File: a8b0fe78f67a68b⋯.png (777.52 KB, 558x907, 558:907, 2018-10-24_19-50-09.png)


Only way to defuse…


6d3382  No.3592436

File: 4ef185205fd2572⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 540x675, 4:5, IMG_0361.JPG)




cdc37a  No.3592437




Always get what

you wa want




e2c5dc  No.3592438

File: 6848c971548ed39⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 2kviye.jpg)

Holy fuck that girl's excited on RSBN

10ecde  No.3592439


God Save us all…

You were loved by all BO. Rest in peace.

RIP BO 2018

05828f  No.3592440


I think your safe. Looks like they forgot to hook up an egg beater and wire in the rabbit's foot.

6f4be1  No.3592441



a9fc30  No.3592442


Oh, right, I see…. You bet

f6a58a  No.3592443


So the weak gave up but the military aged males continue on. Great.

1b635d  No.3592444


nigger you ever heard of shorting the market.

c87884  No.3592445

File: ccd9f3a0eba2710⋯.png (385.11 KB, 656x492, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Dig City


"All packages had a return address of “DEBBIE WASSERMAN SHULTZ” [sic] in Florida. Packages identified to date were addressed to:

George Soros

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Former President Barack Obama

Former CIA Director John Brennan, care of CNN

Former Attorney General Eric Holder

Why the are the packages coming from DWS?

Why is that relevent?

What "event" happened in her district this year?

Who was the the direct report for Imran Awan?

Who was the chair of the DNC when SR was killed?

Where else do these names appear often?

Who are the most popular players on the drops?

390 Q drops involving DWS GS HRC BO JB EH

Do the majority of the drops with these tags seem to come in the beginning? (think mirror)



Cabal signal back?

NASDAQ biggest 1 day % drop since 2011, DOW and SP500 held up much better.

What is the significance of the tech heavy NCOMP dropping more than the more industrial index of the DOW? (besides the methodology)

Who does a sell off in the QQQ's hurt most?

MZ (FB)?






Who signaled what?

Just some of the 4D chess i am trying to play out in my mind, hope these Q's can help other anons find answers.

Sometimes the board, whether due to shills or whatever forgets the reason why we were hooked on Q.



Questions lead to truth, truth is the light.

Never forget that anons.

Never stop questioning.



"All packages had a return address of “DEBBIE WASSERMAN SHULTZ” [sic] in Florida. Packages identified to date were addressed to:

George Soros

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Former President Barack Obama

Former CIA Director John Brennan, care of CNN

Former Attorney General Eric Holder

Why the are the packages coming from DWS?

Why is that relevent?

What "event" happened in her district this year?

Who was the the direct report for Imran Awan?

Who was the chair of the DNC when SR was killed?

Where else do these names appear often?

Who are the most popular players on the drops?

390 Q drops involving DWS GS HRC BO JB EH

Do the majority of the drops with these tags seem to come in the beginning? (think mirror)



Cabal signal back?

NASDAQ biggest 1 day % drop since 2011, DOW and SP500 held up much better.

What is the significance of the tech heavy NCOMP dropping more than the more industrial index of the DOW? (besides the methodology)

Who does a sell off in the QQQ's hurt most?

MZ (FB)?






Who signaled what?

Just some of the 4D chess i am trying to play out in my mind, hope these Q's can help other anons find answers.

Sometimes the board, whether due to shills or whatever forgets the reason why we were hooked on Q.



Questions lead to truth, truth is the light.

Never forget that anons.

Never stop questioning.


b39803  No.3592446

File: 9cf0d6eef41631e⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 914x865, 914:865, 1a.JPG)

File: 892d0b1a884901b⋯.jpg (178.23 KB, 833x877, 833:877, 2.JPG)

File: 65ed86c4810104f⋯.jpg (91.34 KB, 868x498, 434:249, 2a.JPG)

Man found dead in NYC car ID’d as Fairfield County man


19c538  No.3592447


>images of child nudity with the help of previously undisclosed software that automatically flags such photos.

hmmm, i wonder why facebook would develop such technology and never mention it

it clearly wasn't to remove the photos, otherwise they wouldn't have just done it now all in one go

cfd594  No.3592448


384bd3  No.3592449


I love you BO! (No Homo - ok maybe a little)

0c7e61  No.3592450

File: 986107a0560a22a⋯.png (160.06 KB, 510x299, 510:299, topkek.png)

960b5b  No.3592451

File: e36cb792322ed28⋯.jpg (337.68 KB, 1024x704, 16:11, swim.jpg)


Hydrate and get comfy!

Any lakes near your place?

f6a58a  No.3592452


I thought this bitch was in Oz?

7377ed  No.3592453

File: 34d836512c51c06⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 402x339, 134:113, iu (4).jpg)

0eb47e  No.3592454

AF1 is one of my fav movies.

God bless POTUS.

895054  No.3592455

File: 55e7e188aeef15c⋯.png (177.49 KB, 350x317, 350:317, ClipboardImage.png)


you fucker, i just KEKed to tears

881e5e  No.3592456

File: 2be8a5ac94b19b8⋯.png (243.84 KB, 550x413, 550:413, EC.png)

File: cc30b452c4dac03⋯.png (1.23 MB, 662x990, 331:495, larkmare.png)

File: 6e0827a10776bb4⋯.png (840.51 KB, 1236x999, 412:333, degradation.png)

File: 9200b63175fa79a⋯.png (399.63 KB, 885x414, 295:138, why.png)

File: 43e7052bf1f57db⋯.png (382.95 KB, 928x523, 928:523, BOS.png)


Oh, HAHA BO! HAHA, this is very funny, guys we have the best, based BO! kekek. LOL, top post ever!!!

b05cf4  No.3592457


Waiting for A-Rod KEK

3c8fa0  No.3592458

2ef923  No.3592459

File: 5a2dd3a357c0f81⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 638x359, 638:359, Disabled.jpg)


*screams resist for two years*

>Trump must be responsible for this

dcfa94  No.3592460

I think Alyssa on RSBN is on ecstasy or blow

e6e5a4  No.3592461

Jared Kushner there? Am I seeing right anons?

5b6566  No.3592462

Cut the blue wire………no…….the red wire……..oh!fuck!

d2f206  No.3592463

This could be the most watched speach yet. Even the libs want to tune into this one!

ad3368  No.3592464


Kek. My joke died.

I didn't think anybody would take me seriously. Or someone would at least call me stupid.

Where is the hostility anymore? Help out a troll.

32c117  No.3592465


lots of covfefe

578067  No.3592466


Wall of stone.

Wall of lead.

Either way, they're not getting in.

408d9e  No.3592467


>FREN, it was a joke, no worries :)

To be this new again

a9da8d  No.3592468


probably just adrenaline from being at rallies

or just a perky chick naturally

b05cf4  No.3592469


yeah she needs to take a short course in voice

25971b  No.3592470


I saw that. I think it was just a guy that looked a lot like him.

4f656a  No.3592471

File: a10a78b0ae0f1cd⋯.png (538.62 KB, 830x592, 415:296, FakeB1.PNG)

File: 07c6d3536572f6b⋯.png (573.2 KB, 773x415, 773:415, FakeB2.PNG)

File: ac66a53226a6f1f⋯.png (55.17 KB, 638x417, 638:417, FakeB3.PNG)

DEMS are getting desperate !!!

1b3ce2  No.3592472

File: 4bf10a07b1d9dcc⋯.png (44.96 KB, 560x299, 560:299, 1918.png)

File: 1d04df8be5f028f⋯.png (24.24 KB, 933x423, 311:141, hyde.png)

Hyde Farell

ROY, Joseph C. Chief (Ret.) Pawtucket Police Department

passed away peacefully on Friday, October 19, 2018. He was the son of the late Arthur and Catherine (Farrell) Roy. He was the husband of the late June R. (Davidson) Roy.

Joseph leaves one loving daughter, Joanne R. Riley and her husband, Michael and his beloved grandson, Justin A. Riley He also is survived by a sister, Christina Peterson of Yuma, Arizona. He was predeceased by his brothers, Hubert, Arthur and Gilbert Roy and his sister, Marie Cleary.

Private services at the convenience of the family.

a9fc30  No.3592473


Sounds like my kinda party!

e459f1  No.3592474

Where are the big arrests

Why are all of the known traitors still completely free

Why were we told there was a special place for George Soros a year ago but he's still free

201d7a  No.3592475


thx Anon - have not figured out how to embed twitter vids

74388d  No.3592476

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)


Hey baker I just went to grab a bite. I'm a bit behind on notes. Thanks for stepping up.

Here's what I have so far:

>>3592263 Facebook removes 8.7 million sexual photos of kids in last three months.

>>3592170 POTUS Schedule.

Godspeed anon. Handoff confirmed.

Thanks to you also DB: > >3592311

7377ed  No.3592477

File: fa97700d2551bd8⋯.jpg (142.64 KB, 650x426, 325:213, 48d096aeb57599c593c697bdcc….jpg)

File: 8fc7835cbb22509⋯.jpg (293.45 KB, 704x672, 22:21, 7675db0a4ea447ff6211a0e3c7….jpg)

dcfa94  No.3592478


Or she has a new boyfriend with one of those remote control vibrators in her puss

960b5b  No.3592479


The new make-up job is unbecoming. Far too exaggerated. I went to Golden State's stream.


445db1  No.3592480

File: 28261abd967976a⋯.png (284.94 KB, 875x286, 875:286, Screenshot 2018-10-24 at 6….png)

God I can't wait until we hang these dirty lying kikes

Now they are telling POTUS what to do

626b87  No.3592481


I agree 100% with this but nothing is going to change. But same thin ghere. Don't get why we wouldn't go for an even bigger majority in the house and senate so we don't have to deal with this bullshit. But nope. NOTHING.

578067  No.3592482


Go fuck yourself.

10ecde  No.3592483


she has to talk over all copyrighted music, or the stream will be pulled. so sometimes it seems like shes rambling but its on purpose to keep the stream alive.

74388d  No.3592484



Meant to tag you DB also.


Thanks BO.

5b6566  No.3592485



Its what i use.

a9da8d  No.3592486


understood, no problem, figured you were afk for a bit

New Baker Confirmed

enjoy the rally fren!

ad3368  No.3592487


Thank you !

775fbe  No.3592488

I did it my WAYYYYY

fa3d9e  No.3592489

This isn’t going to work cabal faggots, everyone has heard trump blamed for everything under the sun every day since he started running for president. Severe fatigue has set in and people aren’t listening anymore.

384bd3  No.3592490


That night we did all that Front Hole shit was one of the funniest ever on this board.

These fake bombs are even more funny!

408d9e  No.3592491


Trips conf that kike is retarded

201d7a  No.3592492

File: 08328fb96170977⋯.jpg (4.42 KB, 210x255, 14:17, Rally wi 10 24 18_3.JPG)

445db1  No.3592493


Alyssa Ash is ADORBS

cdc37a  No.3592494


He should come out to the Hulksters "Real American" in loue of the recent events happening in Mexico.

7377ed  No.3592495


I appreciate what they do, but I can't listen to them

c11b00  No.3592496


I saw him too and it also looked like Karin Housley

ecef82  No.3592497

My way… hahahahaaa he started playing this after NoName had it at his funeral

65d01e  No.3592498


The K*Y Jelly is a nice touch.

e47cfc  No.3592499

File: 894ab322562f7c8⋯.png (971.01 KB, 1109x622, 1109:622, john brennan hello kitty b….png)

c87884  No.3592500

File: e2380483326f3e6⋯.png (154.99 KB, 1346x897, 1346:897, ClipboardImage.png)


MF i fucked that up sorry anons, was posting that late last bread and copypasta'd a pretty damn good note, DAMNNNIT FUCK SHIT TITS.

8c6536  No.3592501

File: 3f6c7b005cffdb0⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 625x500, 5:4, 3f6c7b005cffdb0cefd5dc39a3….jpg)

c48dd1  No.3592502

File: 8035cd7f17bdeb5⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 205x246, 5:6, 85e8a9c6-e950-473e-a4af-fe….jpg)


63138c  No.3592503


I like RSBN , but all of their voices are really annoying. The men sound like they are WWE announcers

d0199a  No.3592504

Fake News Spotlight Coming Soon from POTUS

No brainer duh!

25fca1  No.3592505

File: 48dda7618d299dc⋯.png (174.98 KB, 460x360, 23:18, ClipboardImage.png)

5113d9  No.3592506


All good, man.

Good job baking, as always.

Enjoy the rally!

bcab38  No.3592507


The world has changed Anon. Think about the world 2 years ago. Many people were still asleep, corruption all over the intelligence agencies, and they controlled every piece of the narrative.

Now, no FBI director to back up bs stories. No confidence in the media so people are digging for facts themselves or going to independent news organizations. The people are awake. For decades their narcissism went unchecked. They are not used to rules/laws and not getting their way.

7ec052  No.3592508

File: 80ec3db5c1ff211⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 349x357, 349:357, i.jpg)



445db1  No.3592509


100% JK in the house

969a4b  No.3592510

621cb1  No.3592511

File: a696d2835079dfa⋯.png (35.29 KB, 167x148, 167:148, ClipboardImage.png)


That face though…


He's J.Lo's bitch these days, so I assume he's still very much in the thrall of the Cabal kekekek.


Anyone else think the "bomb" from today looks like a vibrator?

12d397  No.3592512


I was surprised to see ryan. why is he there?

090784  No.3592513

File: 02a81db8d6086d2⋯.png (476.17 KB, 629x655, 629:655, RIP Headphone users.png)

I love RSBN and Potus, but this woman is up there with pic related. Still MAGA! And Shadilay anons 8)

48d41c  No.3592514

File: d9f732a02530449⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 750x591, 250:197, 017E612.jpg)

86ad88  No.3592515

Jared Kushner is at the rally!

74388d  No.3592516


Thanks fren, you do the same. Good way to cap off the day.

dcfa94  No.3592517





Look at RSBN and Golden State all over my post… shame shame..

80e75f  No.3592518


Kek. But they are authentic

881e5e  No.3592519

File: d263b206e41620f⋯.png (283 KB, 1745x534, 1745:534, hahahahabo.png)


Here is a commemorative screenshot of the most epic BO post of all time for those of you who collect BOorabalia like this anonfag does!!!!

46eca2  No.3592520

File: 64742ad60c5d7eb⋯.png (248.63 KB, 567x754, 567:754, Screenshot_176.png)

578067  No.3592521



Now go grab your shoeshing box.

969a4b  No.3592522


More like girls who work at Hooters, similar to that south park episode.

e6e5a4  No.3592523


Thought so. Thnx.

a9da8d  No.3592524

File: e76e4aa258cc39f⋯.png (82.43 KB, 469x495, 469:495, npc12.png)

7a90f7  No.3592525


Good, now put some confetti inthe tubes. Or glitter.

a9509c  No.3592526

File: b5da6948bb01dbe⋯.png (185.97 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)


oops forgot pic someone post this to fb and see if it does the same

09c97b  No.3592527


An OVER PRICED market is a LOSING endeavor!

d0199a  No.3592528


Tiny Cokeheads are the worst

d2f206  No.3592529



ef23ec  No.3592530


Analog vs digital! This bomb cannot be hacked!

a21608  No.3592531


its his state faggot

and he is Scott Walker's bum buddy

>yes Walker is a swamp pos who supported Cruz

74388d  No.3592532

File: e585f168cab9d6a⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 634x421, 634:421, rg10.JPG)


You as well DB.

2fd61e  No.3592533


Bloody sock anniversary was last week. Go Red Sox! Beat LA!

e2c5dc  No.3592534

File: 0f1b9153b7d3300⋯.jpg (265.44 KB, 633x776, 633:776, YUNoStayChecked.jpg)

f7229e  No.3592535


>I like RSBN , but all of their voices are really annoying.

Tend to agree, but at my age I see them as kids who are learning the ropes.

9df80a  No.3592536

File: 54af222395c6444⋯.png (271.13 KB, 729x690, 243:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 121e7e0ed839cd6⋯.png (27.33 KB, 807x391, 807:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c46be0bd2daf396⋯.png (29.95 KB, 821x434, 821:434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf48c047036d17a⋯.png (28.94 KB, 824x449, 824:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f66302b8756ea23⋯.png (19.79 KB, 523x373, 523:373, ClipboardImage.png)

Bomb Disposal Officer: Today’s Pipe Bombs – Appear to be “Hoax Devices” – Why Was Reporter Allowed Near “Live” Bomb?

Several bombs were sent out to Democrat leaders Wednesday – none of which detonated.

The Secret Service announced that suspicious packages were sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

George Soros, NY Governor Cuomo, former AG Eric Holder, Rep. Maxine Waters were also sent mail bombs.

The return address name on the suspicious packages sent to Clinton, Obama, Holder and Maxine Waters belonged to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

One of the bombs appeared to have the ISIS flag taped on it.


46eca2  No.3592537

File: 86c0e00a3ea1456⋯.png (679.91 KB, 607x616, 607:616, abbybbs.png)


Must bump!

Most glorious!

f11ad4  No.3592538

File: 0e6882f4598f15b⋯.png (212.39 KB, 448x362, 224:181, 2018-10-24_19-51-42.png)

5296f3  No.3592539


I agree, Anon. But since the RSBN chick sounds like Sarah Palin, I can tolerate her voice.

c0da88  No.3592540



the T

Maybe they are saying Trump had everything to do with the magic wand and growing our economy(which Trump is the only reason we are doing as well as we are)

The D

and the Dems had everything to do with the mail attacks to Eric and the ones that went to the Demoncrats (Which it is pretty obvious)

f1c30c  No.3592541


HAHAHAHAHA LULZ BO! Classic KEK! I'm glad the bomb ain't real because those clocks are tamper-proof tech.

6e8442  No.3592542


Let's let this cunt and his friends continue to run their crooked mouths, instead of lockng their filthy asses up ….

0cd7bc  No.3592543

File: 135049d06adeae4⋯.jpg (209.49 KB, 638x960, 319:480, bowtiemeansbusiness.jpg)


FUKEN SAVED! ty anon

b14f65  No.3592544

File: f03462effa93c91⋯.jpg (8.89 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 62eb66667c1b109c63d0975c6c….jpg)


notable bomb theory from PB.

- in case you missed it

d0199a  No.3592545


32c117  No.3592546

File: 322061861c95f24⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1238x502, 619:251, 45455315641.PNG)


ya but QTs

8e2875  No.3592547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yeah POTUS

13d449  No.3592548

File: 330ba773539dae0⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 780x438, 130:73, book.jpg)


Call Booker he can choke it down like a dick.

895054  No.3592549


Or the military doesn't have your poor sense of timing

80e75f  No.3592550


Mazel tov

503a25  No.3592551

File: dbbccc399e1b298⋯.jpeg (160.44 KB, 1000x636, 250:159, 3CB7A698-66E1-4663-9D0F-C….jpeg)

File: 159d38a45ce75de⋯.jpeg (208.48 KB, 960x972, 80:81, 1574019A-1F0F-4376-A82C-0….jpeg)

File: 9ed78abc63fa5e8⋯.jpeg (390.91 KB, 1300x859, 1300:859, 8F3A8D14-B415-4AFD-95B8-E….jpeg)

File: a8f2adac3976c70⋯.jpeg (107.81 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 8D1690C0-4412-40F0-B2D3-5….jpeg)

File: 2b4c06664cab33f⋯.jpeg (394.5 KB, 1300x859, 1300:859, 615A29F6-052C-46BD-89FC-4….jpeg)

4617b3  No.3592552

File: 3c3482098a923b6⋯.jpg (399.63 KB, 721x945, 103:135, DrinkMoXX.jpg)

b39803  No.3592553

File: 90cfd411adcd04e⋯.jpg (114.91 KB, 789x866, 789:866, 1a.JPG)

Navarro County District Attorney Dies Overnight


e459f1  No.3592554

Q promised big arrests

Instead we get false flag bombs so the media can frame Conservatives before the midterms

How about arrest the known traitors and pedophiles instead of letting them give paid speeches, fly private jets, and travel the world

5465ab  No.3592555


never any good movies on that network

57db6e  No.3592556

File: e401c53076a1ee0⋯.png (361.38 KB, 599x498, 599:498, ClipboardImage.png)

48d41c  No.3592557

File: 1b17627546d2c1f⋯.png (4.26 MB, 2560x1650, 256:165, 1b17627546d2c1f30fe6ceeb6d….png)

4d504b  No.3592558

Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Mosinee, WI 10-24-18


dda718  No.3592559

File: ff0e3ebea3deefb⋯.jpg (222.63 KB, 620x933, 620:933, ABSOLUTELY ROUTINE DUST.jpg)

5842d9  No.3592560

File: 21681ec6488e6d3⋯.jpeg (197.66 KB, 833x615, 833:615, 4F572AC6-28D6-4045-9391-F….jpeg)



881e5e  No.3592561



I'm still curious though, BO sir, legend, chan God, and topkekmeister!!!

How may I be permitted to bake, sir? Are you open to discussing this question, or is my request beneath the dignity of your station?

humbly sir,

–an anon

090784  No.3592562

File: 8e8f0cdf79184db⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 599x599, 1:1, Potus Greatest Prez.jpg)

God bless this man! o7

b05cf4  No.3592563

File: 2b3ce4dd6e16387⋯.png (217.39 KB, 469x278, 469:278, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)


>DEMS are getting desperate !!!

It's in their eyes!

d65dd5  No.3592564

God Bless the US of A

I'm proud to be an American

Where I know I'll be free

1cd377  No.3592565


737e4c  No.3592566

















e6e5a4  No.3592567

Dang, that's a great song.

932c24  No.3592568


You have more than you know. Future unlocks past. Use the keystone. - KEK

8c6536  No.3592569

File: 7fe7903aba44d37⋯.jpg (11.23 KB, 350x449, 350:449, 7fe7903aba44d37cf8a92ad0f7….jpg)



e47cfc  No.3592570



AFLB found you, dude!

Quick, throw it in the neighbors yard!

884e84  No.3592571

File: 6058dd658fe1048⋯.png (12.12 KB, 847x80, 847:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 118776f0cbd42b3⋯.png (21.93 KB, 939x176, 939:176, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b11ae79030cedc9⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1209x2591, 1209:2591, ClipboardImage.png)

Get your poisins already.

"Washington state reports first flu death of season"


f11ad4  No.3592572

File: 102b38811e87767⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018-10-24_19-58-14.png)

Appears to have a little bounce in his step tonite.



a9da8d  No.3592573

File: 45351ac9433082d⋯.png (84.28 KB, 560x552, 70:69, ClipboardImage.png)


why you still here faggot

a21608  No.3592574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOSSMAN on stage

32c20c  No.3592575

File: cd76edc7032abba⋯.jpg (475.79 KB, 1600x1150, 32:23, kekistani.jpg)

d65dd5  No.3592576

whats the crowd count like in WI tonight?

Lots of people outside?

9de762  No.3592577

The package fuckery doesn't work.

The retards are going to take it a step further.

These people are stupid.

They will lose everything.

a359aa  No.3592578

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Turn the Page

- Bob Seger

It's set in the midwest…try finding music from Wisconsin that isn't shit rap or polka bands..yeesh. Poor cheese anons…

True story…there was an Anon driving back to an air force base on a highway east of Omaha at night in the rain the first time he heard this song on the radio. Some things stick with you. For 38 years.. Enjoy.


32c117  No.3592579

File: 30a86812013cc4c⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1538264426162.jpg)

it has begun

143092  No.3592580

POTUS speaking

b14f65  No.3592581

File: 6f4e655a2168318⋯.jpg (294.38 KB, 730x410, 73:41, Comfy Pepe in a Box.jpg)

I made this yesterday…Too Soon?

a9da8d  No.3592582



>>3592170 POTUS Schedule.

>>3592230, >>3592247, >>3592381 HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORKS (LIFE EXTENSION)

>>3592263 Facebook removes 8.7 million sexual photos of kids in last three months

>>3592290 Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign

>>3592536 Bomb Disposal Officer: Today’s Pipe Bombs Appear to be “Hoax Devices”

cdc37a  No.3592583


I'm with you Anon. Six names in that crumb all correlate to the mail shenanigans. Six postage stamps, even noted that number in the FBI statement. Then the misspellings with the (sic) addendum. These people are SIC

We have us a Q operation fellas. Buckle up!

881e5e  No.3592584

File: eb6b02c8cc9a390⋯.png (596.98 KB, 792x532, 198:133, UNBORKABLE.png)

File: 95614c5f66ea305⋯.png (485.07 KB, 1012x500, 253:125, Philosoblumtor.png)

File: e5da5f8f094a46b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x799, 1111:799, falcon-of-happenings.png)

File: 4e3affee5752129⋯.png (175.11 KB, 382x417, 382:417, kittywut.png)


Sweet meme anonfag!!

f8ea74  No.3592585


WOW the big ass Q

d65dd5  No.3592586

FIRST THING addressed

package bombs!

969a4b  No.3592587

POTUS speaking about bombs

1bb41e  No.3592588

File: dc7bf53ad121d35⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 962x313, 962:313, ISIS Flag Comparison.jpg)

ISIS Flag Comparison

5ab3bc  No.3592589

File: 3f6ff76adc7b803⋯.jpg (149.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3f6ff76adc7b803634d94c3b21….jpg)

Anons do you feel me?

Bomb bomb bomb bomb in the news

Itching to get off work to start 'digging'.

I get home

fire up the social networks

and I dont have to do a thing

Americans are already ripping these hoaxes apart

Regular joes and janes, asking why the stamps aren't cancelled and why Soros' servant moved a bomb into the woods, and why Acosta was so 'dumb' to take pictures, and why the clorox wipes, and why the first reports of the media lied about a Trump supporter being arrested

They are asking

They are seeing

CNN's twitter feed is a thing of Awakened Beauty

lurkers and observers, YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! KEEP IT UP!! SAVE AMERICA!!!

c430f5  No.3592590


Why are you a faggot?

9df80a  No.3592591

File: 4d26d7b13a41ace⋯.png (80.19 KB, 904x654, 452:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1400d145b54b231⋯.png (56.23 KB, 909x465, 303:155, ClipboardImage.png)

FFS they are so desparate

China And Russia Eavesdrop On Calls Made From Trump's Personal iPhone: NYT

First it was conversations with Russian officials in the Oval Office. Then it was meetings with Japanese and Chinese leaders in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago. Now, the New York Times is going after President Trump for his insistence on talking to friends and family on his personal cell phone - which he has refused to give up, despite pleas from his national security staff.

After the close of a frantic trading day punctuated by a flurry of bomb scares that captivated the national media for most of the session, the New York Times has dropped is latest Trump "bombshell" late Wednesday, claiming that China and Russia are routinely spying on Trump's personal calls, and are using the information gleaned from their surveillance to steer an influence campaign intended to soften President Trump's protectionist policies (and, ideally, drop his trade war against Beijing).

Citing officials "who spoke on the condition of anonymity so they could discuss classified intelligence and sensitive security arrangements"

the Times reported that American spy agencies had learned that China and Russia were eavesdropping on the president’s calls from "human sources inside foreign governments" and were "intercepting communications between foreign officials." Intelligence officials can only hope that Trump, who only uses the White House land line for official business, but prefers to use his personal phone to kibbitz with friends, isn't spouting classified intelligence during these calls (which, we imagine, are also being monitored by US spies as well).


f1c30c  No.3592592

File: 62df20f8c178fbc⋯.jpeg (310.7 KB, 1238x851, 1238:851, fullsizeoutput_1715.jpeg)

45370c  No.3592593

File: 07e678cae41d1a0⋯.png (324.21 KB, 550x410, 55:41, 8395fba997b59991f4f7ff2b69….png)

74388d  No.3592594



LMAO. The rarely seen but often talked about BO fuego.

c87884  No.3592595

File: 549ac4c7365be28⋯.png (5.64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfypepe.png)


ty, comfy now


pretty sure that's how it's worked since the evolution of mammalians and their mammary glands

ad196d  No.3592596

File: ea7cd5b7ae04314⋯.png (642.03 KB, 677x921, 677:921, BmbsOMB.png)

32c117  No.3592597

trump starting with FF bullshit, NICE

13d449  No.3592598

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I figured out how Brennan survived his bomb attack.

66e8c4  No.3592599


Even if 'we' can't now, to think no one's come back is just laughable.

969a4b  No.3592600



3453f7  No.3592601

File: f3fbe7f33218167⋯.png (91.16 KB, 384x466, 192:233, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)


makes me think of this Q post

74388d  No.3592602



73173d  No.3592603


dcfa94  No.3592604

"…bring those involved to justice…"


POTUS already knows who did it.

9df80a  No.3592605

File: df3e982c2195a45⋯.png (52.8 KB, 686x546, 49:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Adidas Executive Guilty of Bribery in US College Basketball Scandal

In an eyebrow-raising ruling, paying money to families of student athletes in violation of a private association’s rules has been ruled a violation of federal law.

James Gatto, the former head of global sports marketing for German sport equipment maker Adidas AG, as well as two other company employees, have been found guilty of involvement in a scheme to bribe US high school basketball players to attend universities with Adidas-sponsored teams, defrauding universities and US college basketball's governing body, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

According to the jurors, Gatto, as well as former consultant for Adidas Merl Code and former sports agent Christian Dawkins, arranged to pay families of top recruits in return for the players attending North Carolina State University, the University of Louisville, the University of Kansas and the University of Miami, all of which have basketball teams sponsored by Adidas.

Gatto was convicted on all three counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud against him, while the other two defendants were convicted on two counts each, with every count carrying a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, Reuters reports. However, Yahoo reports that the trio are likely to be sentenced to much shorter terms of three to seven years.

"We cooperated fully with the authorities during the course of the investigation and respect the jury's verdict," Adidas commented in a statement. "We have strengthened our internal processes and controls and remain committed to ethical and fair business practices.


e6e5a4  No.3592606

POTUS uniting the people. Nice.

7377ed  No.3592607

File: 37ad078211d66ba⋯.jpg (256.6 KB, 1076x1158, 538:579, iur (4).jpg)

e459f1  No.3592608


Fuck you faggot you must like seeing known traitors laugh in our faces on tv because they know they aren't going to prison

907178  No.3592609


The RAT voters will not go through another lyin-to from the Masters when they lose the midterms like they did in '16. They will turn on them, viciously. Then turn on themselves when they get no acknowledgement from those RAT masters.

881e5e  No.3592610

File: d5cdafd9e4dd100⋯.png (261.55 KB, 1111x978, 1111:978, ILOLED.png)

File: 3e341b598a7afaa⋯.png (194.24 KB, 316x446, 158:223, JUSTANOTHER.png)

File: ef63f776e8f3ad9⋯.png (312.11 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, themallis.png)



Look at this genuine example of organic "chan" culture! Look at the human "chan anons" engaging in their characteristic "bantz"! Wow, so amazing you guys, love it!!!!

8c6536  No.3592611


Shit, I would have been too mindfucked to drive at that point.

445db1  No.3592612

"our democracy"????

POTUS knows it's a republic

d65dd5  No.3592613

POTUS sounding VERY presidential tonight

48d41c  No.3592614

File: 320c4973b8caffa⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1497, 414:499, 1C0FAF0F-B4FA-4287-AF33-9….jpeg)

b14f65  No.3592615

File: 180e604c05ddea3⋯.jpg (57.82 KB, 629x352, 629:352, Screen_Shot_2015-06-28_at_….jpg)

aac954  No.3592616


Why would they try and bomb AI? BO confirmed for human and totally fukked

66e8c4  No.3592617

b050ee  No.3592618

File: 18b3561f6c8a945⋯.png (746.09 KB, 740x499, 740:499, carav.png)

7377ed  No.3592619

File: de8706413e5942e⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 461x346, 461:346, DSCN0178.jpg)

0c7e61  No.3592620


"Terror" is a reserved term for non Muslim related violence.

These people are stupid, If you hear them say it's not terror related you know who did it.

621cb1  No.3592621

File: f4f0579dede3876⋯.png (71.63 KB, 795x728, 795:728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44c76a2e5eca00⋯.png (778.41 KB, 794x572, 397:286, ClipboardImage.png)



THAT sounds VERY plausible. Though Papadop is testifying tomorrow.


fb8d67  No.3592622

File: 7bd2e9047dcfe0a⋯.png (58.5 KB, 469x215, 469:215, tyujh.png)

012b82  No.3592623

File: fa513ed0e9aca35⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 300x479, 300:479, bewbsbig.jpg)



5465ab  No.3592624


no, it is implying that Brenen is a co creator of ISIS dont you see his pic there? anyway. they trying to put blame on the chan peeps

e2c5dc  No.3592625


Kekcellent work, anon.

13d964  No.3592626


He did have an expression I've never seen before. Looked like weakness, and fear.

5113d9  No.3592627

Reading between the lines is fun.

POTUS is only bringing up the loads of awful shit the Dems/Antifa do.

If they persist, they're hypocrites and Trump is right.

If they desist, no more violence.


b0ecc4  No.3592628

POTUS starts rally addressing the Mailed Bombs to current and former High ranking Officials

a9da8d  No.3592629



using it to bash the left

well played POTUS

b05cf4  No.3592630

"we should not mob people in public places or destroy public property…"

the man, anons, is A MASTER.

503a25  No.3592631



32c117  No.3592632

#magabomber has been number one on twatter trend all day, that is some of the most fucked up shit I have ever seen on social media

aa2fe1  No.3592633

Great opening speech from POTUS about being civil & stop being violent

0ccd25  No.3592634

File: 4d01eaade4792f9⋯.jpg (253.94 KB, 1442x980, 103:70, ZomboMeme 24102018140705.jpg)

Dad's pissed tonight!

a359aa  No.3592635

File: 3bbb14b9adf88aa⋯.jpg (152.56 KB, 1095x730, 3:2, archangel_michael_by_uriel….jpg)


It's been an interesting life to say the least…stuff like that happens a lot to this Anon…a whole lot. Thank you, God!

815406  No.3592637

Adam Housley

Verified account


Follow Follow @adamhousley


From fed source: “complete hoaxes” multiple wires when they only needed one. Reports of cell phones being involved was false. So no intention of harm. Now the questions. Dry run, or a false flag from the right or left trying to mess over the other side?

b05cf4  No.3592638


Straight shooter. Man of Action.

That's our POTUS.

881e5e  No.3592639


110% as human as they come. And it's not even close. Just look at the image. PROOF POSITIVE.

Sadly, I am on his shit list. I am not allowed to bake, and sometimes he is overtly, and even frighteningly hostile. And he won't talk to me to tell me what my crime is! Can you imagine anon? He must have some heavy human feelings affecting him…?

48d41c  No.3592640

File: 211387931994ce9⋯.png (464.06 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 5e9167e1eeb9e12209805c516c….png)

f7229e  No.3592641

President sounds a bit scripted in the opening remarks.

23f91d  No.3592642

File: 71a2a0897388691⋯.png (3.56 MB, 3600x5400, 2:3, pos37.png)

Here's the problem, fake bombs aren't prohibited.

3453f7  No.3592643

File: a21bdaeb8b3627f⋯.png (56.18 KB, 587x226, 587:226, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)



Sauce is in…

4617b3  No.3592644

Potus "Bridge" our divides

a9da8d  No.3592645


ffs because they were retard

895054  No.3592646

File: 1c99645f7923430⋯.png (938.59 KB, 620x1102, 310:551, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___JA.png)


You see clearly, anon

b0ecc4  No.3592647

"We're going to get along." -POTUS

5f8e00  No.3592648

File: 55e39dec67d457c⋯.jpg (1004.06 KB, 4979x2955, 4979:2955, 1540409604522.jpg)


You had a good run BO. We will remember your shitpoasting.

969a4b  No.3592649

JUST IN: LAPD investigating suspicious package at the Los Angeles Central Mail facility near Downtown Los Angeles; federal authorities notified

012b82  No.3592650

File: c20a5acf7f73124⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 456x756, 38:63, rally.jpg)

c4fa36  No.3592651


B-b-b -but Q promised mommy! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Shadap pussy.

aa2fe1  No.3592652

He said the MSM has to stop being dividers (something like that)

b14f65  No.3592653

File: 5d6b4a0598be220⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 365x521, 365:521, yes.JPG)

d0b4cb  No.3592654

File: f784420104383a8⋯.png (530.87 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

5900ad  No.3592655


Do we have a confirmed source for that? One of the @s is "cocksailor" … Parody account or something?

d65dd5  No.3592656

do you see how nice I am behaving tonight?


aa2fe1  No.3592657


He has to be scripted! Good grief

bfd9ac  No.3592658

File: f565458604de990⋯.png (173.66 KB, 411x294, 137:98, YESS.png)

5994b9  No.3592659

Let's put it all together

5ab3bc  No.3592660


someone paid for it to trend, that's all

286274  No.3592661

File: c85a930735db681⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x760, 128:95, false_flag[1].png)

13d449  No.3592662


DJT looks body armored up.

b05cf4  No.3592663


If people actually listened to this man…

097277  No.3592664

File: aba72ab9cec2211⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 593x244, 593:244, Screenshot 2018-10-24_17-0….jpg)


being evacuated


1bb41e  No.3592665

File: f029b00d7afa9b8⋯.jpg (63.81 KB, 411x394, 411:394, Fed Source - Complete Hoax.jpg)



c741d4  No.3592666

File: ddf7b6da873ae5b⋯.png (317.96 KB, 960x924, 80:77, a7425928567ec72b9038030eb9….png)



8e2875  No.3592667

File: 68d13488cccb410⋯.jpg (115.38 KB, 707x795, 707:795, melaniapepe.JPG)

just gonna keep posting this cuz I know just how much [[[you]]] fucking hate it

aa2fe1  No.3592668

884e84  No.3592669

File: eac65d16f6886fe⋯.png (20.6 KB, 577x76, 577:76, ClipboardImage.png)

aa79a9  No.3592670

File: 76362e0d9a04589⋯.png (299.57 KB, 626x642, 313:321, ClipboardImage.png)

e6e5a4  No.3592671

BUild that wall. oooh. Dis is goood.

bfd9ac  No.3592672

File: 74370e5f3f35157⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 996x607, 996:607, BestPOTUS.jpg)

04f022  No.3592673

File: 3cfed87aa7de74d⋯.jpg (632.44 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, 20181004_131743.jpg)

On the recent mailings delivered

What if all the components were there?

What if the batteries were missing?

Recipients take it as a serious threat.

National emergency?

NG deployed in NY as a result?

Who requested their activation?

Stage set?

48d41c  No.3592674

File: 23eb2ddf8dbe0d0⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 12A0D75.jpg)

5ab3bc  No.3592675


We may not have to do a thing? everyone gets suicided would be handy

b05cf4  No.3592676


no, sounds presidential. not fucking around.

c5e618  No.3592677


>Autists catch the message?

Think Q400

f3dd81  No.3592678

The people at the rallies can never hold the chants in unison, kek

969a4b  No.3592679



621cb1  No.3592680

File: 780a95a83486f00⋯.png (21.62 KB, 304x288, 19:18, 780a95a83486f00b651fb356a6….png)


Oh no, not seasoning, anon! The humanity!

74388d  No.3592681

Look at that beautiful crowd.

02d9a6  No.3592682

File: 89b415b8a931cf3⋯.jpg (196.53 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DaysFree331.jpg)

1e09ff  No.3592683


The same guy who's making propaganda videos for Beto. That should tell you something

090784  No.3592684

File: d38306263094ce2⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, npc twat.jpg)


@Jack not suppressing b/c it fits the narrative and their agenda.

63726b  No.3592685


prolly helped POTUS with opening remarks, and JK is possibly his most trusted person in WH

aa2fe1  No.3592686

012b82  No.3592687

File: 278938d477fb525⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 350x309, 350:309, bewbs4.jpg)

7377ed  No.3592688

File: 4222d26e9a27dfc⋯.jpg (252.41 KB, 720x1012, 180:253, awakenbrain.jpg)

5ab3bc  No.3592689


>wut white people use seasoning for

097277  No.3592690

File: 0621878ad8539f1⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 582x249, 194:83, Screenshot 2018-10-24_17-0….jpg)

f7229e  No.3592691


Come on, Anon. He sounded stiff reading that 'get along' stuff. He's reaching his stride quickly here…))

5c47a2  No.3592692


Kek let the meme free its perfect

097277  No.3592693

File: 4e03cc5651078da⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 591x250, 591:250, Screenshot 2018-10-24_17-0….jpg)

0cd7bc  No.3592694


KEK sorry fren, with all the newfags I try to help babysit them when I can!

b050ee  No.3592695

File: f94a95ce155b7d1⋯.jpeg (4.1 KB, 197x200, 197:200, skeleton_eyes.jpeg)

48d41c  No.3592696

File: 793521a2b765adb⋯.png (260.81 KB, 1077x1187, 1077:1187, 5KXAiCT.png)

e1dd3f  No.3592697



>He was born in a shithole country.


Is shithole code for his front hole?

e459f1  No.3592698

Q will a single traitor or big name human trafficker be arrested

Or will they continue to fly on private jets, have millions of dollars, give paid speeches, travel the world, have book deals, have tv shows, etc.

aa2fe1  No.3592699


Thank you so much . I’m staying off Twitter for a while so I didn’t see it. It’s insane over on twat right now.

9df80a  No.3592700


You still alive Brother???

bfd9ac  No.3592701

>>3592693 DEEP State Delivery!

fe6430  No.3592702

File: da4cf188fcf84e0⋯.webm (1.12 MB, 1114x954, 557:477, 1539185450228.webm)

012b82  No.3592703

File: 7b887afa3bc3f55⋯.jpg (157.59 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, bewbsmat.jpg)

097277  No.3592704

22-year-old woman living in Alabama worked to facilitate support for al Qaeda, feds say

Alaa Mohd Abusaad was charged today by criminal complaint in Birmingham, Alabama with attempting to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda, a designated foreign terrorist organization, and aiding and abetting others.

As set forth in the complaint, Abusaad instructed an FBI undercover employee (UCE) about how to send money to the mujahedeen—fighters engaged in jihad. Abusaad told the UCE that money “is always needed. You can’t have a war without weapons. You can’t prepare a soldier without equipment.” Abusaad also advised the UCE on how to send money in a manner that would avoid detection by law enforcement, including by using fake names and addresses when conducting electronic money transfers. Subsequently, Abusaad introduced the UCE to a financial facilitator who could route the UCE’s money to “brothers that work with aq” (meaning al Qaeda).


2f525d  No.3592705

Old man with white USA hat and glasses is sketchy AF

a9da8d  No.3592706


She's pretty

and she's got nice bewbs

e2c5dc  No.3592707


I've consumed too much internet.

I found myself wondering why she had arms.

b05cf4  No.3592708

7377ed  No.3592709

File: 26937ec9b81bf25⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 455x455, 1:1, iur (2).jpg)

File: 2cc300f5809b62f⋯.jpg (69.08 KB, 433x612, 433:612, Magician.jpg)

53af63  No.3592710

File: 8bf4e23a29050da⋯.jpg (163.33 KB, 1904x947, 1904:947, strange.JPG)

What's up with dark sunglasses at night on white hat guy? He's drawing attention to himself with his rocking back and forth too

25fca1  No.3592711

BOSSMAN is taunting these sick evil bastards!!!

d0b4cb  No.3592712

File: 382750f5133a6ad⋯.png (431.45 KB, 601x500, 601:500, ClipboardImage.png)

9438e8  No.3592713

Military Is Ready!

aa2fe1  No.3592714


Maybe, but if he wants to reach liberals he has to talk very scripted

8f758b  No.3592715

Will Trump mention the big fat stock market bubble he mentioned before being president? Nah. Cause he's the boss now. Let's see if he mentions the stock market tonight.

621cb1  No.3592716

File: e6409b0683b3203⋯.png (121.66 KB, 500x603, 500:603, e6409b0683b320302e68f972ec….png)

097277  No.3592717

Trump "The military is ready, for all sides' i think i head that

a9fc30  No.3592718


>can't play video - file is corrupt

74388d  No.3592719

File: 5b47b3b639b1cde⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepetrumpwall.jpg)


143092  No.3592720

File: b3488b6f51b283c⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x182, 255:182, fl82cedbb6511be5cfcffa3111….jpg)

279e5a  No.3592721

Sounds like Trump is sending the military to the border.

72c462  No.3592722

File: f3e269d262dcfc3⋯.jpeg (64.78 KB, 721x441, 103:63, 5A179426-E3A2-409E-8182-9….jpeg)

File: dd1fbc3a56aeb59⋯.jpeg (469.43 KB, 1004x1790, 502:895, 562E254D-0535-4A6C-B1FA-2….jpeg)

e6e5a4  No.3592723

Next few weeks. Very secure border. NG?

b05cf4  No.3592724


Schooling them, as I see it.

a9da8d  No.3592725


didn't you get btfo'd enough last night faggot?

839681  No.3592726

File: c2c75a32b29493d⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 249x255, 83:85, c2c75a32b29493dddb8c1e5afb….jpg)


4ad970  No.3592727

File: 469f3781a6426de⋯.jpg (156.15 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1.jpg)

File: a31b86add223987⋯.jpg (203.82 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 2.jpg)

File: 64734692fe9ddd7⋯.jpg (256.5 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, 3.jpg)

File: 7a702ff4d9818e0⋯.jpg (252.89 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, 4.jpg)



Bomb scares and the politics of the apocalypse

969a4b  No.3592728


Some people can't stand still, or like to sway a bit for comfort. Looks oldish, probaly hurts to breathe lol.

48d41c  No.3592729

File: 2f3bb4140b9ad44⋯.gif (567.74 KB, 500x281, 500:281, download (6) - Copy.gif)

6f4be1  No.3592730



ca051f  No.3592731

Night Shift in the house!

e47cfc  No.3592732

File: 7e49c96a6b40309⋯.jpg (232.4 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, locked and loaded q.jpg)

201d7a  No.3592733

The Military is ready - they're all set

POTUS talking about what will be happening at the border in a couple of weeks

45370c  No.3592734


No artificial fillers in rally bread.

e2c5dc  No.3592735


instead of a chestplate, it should be the new layout of gitmo

614d65  No.3592736

Dude in white USA ball cap behind trump looks like Woods dressed in disguise.

dcfa94  No.3592737


I noticed a few people with sunglasses.. probably the lights are too bright

b3aab2  No.3592738

File: 39276da2972b198⋯.png (633.41 KB, 772x434, 386:217, Nightshift77.PNG)

13627d  No.3592739



Do you have stock photo?

I have ideas

Thanks in advance!

3d8b1b  No.3592740

>>3590625 (pb)

Yes, but haven't we since had a 4 and a 10 again?

So this is 20, again.

Then we get Q for a couple of days?

Then 10 days of darkness.

Then dark to light.

Then all things are glorious on 11/11.

e2c5dc  No.3592741

I'm loving that AF1 is just chillin' in the background.

012b82  No.3592742

File: 6a268efbaf45f3d⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 360x498, 60:83, bewbhg.jpg)

f021d9  No.3592743

File: 56d9a47cd5a9842⋯.png (99.79 KB, 1305x663, 435:221, 770D3763-E977-44B6-A130-FF….png)


You had a good run, BO.

See you on the other side.


b050ee  No.3592744

File: 0b9e891cd676c50⋯.png (303.6 KB, 745x754, 745:754, blank_power.png)

b39803  No.3592745

File: 6e9bed2d2e49a12⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 671x867, 671:867, 1a.JPG)

File: ca848ca731ff4fb⋯.jpg (181.15 KB, 652x884, 163:221, 2.JPG)

File: 6db2e49d354cabb⋯.jpg (176.49 KB, 659x873, 659:873, 2a.JPG)

File: 136a515c60b67f7⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 661x215, 661:215, 6.JPG)

ICE Misled A Federal Court About Why Iraqi Detainees Couldn’t Be Sent Home, Documents Show


b05cf4  No.3592746


not a word about corn.

0cd7bc  No.3592747

File: 3e4faca9387a600⋯.png (361.57 KB, 900x900, 1:1, bestflotusbeinbest.png)



comfy as FUCK

0a1e45  No.3592748

so many frens at the rally

25fca1  No.3592749

File: 98afda0f09e4697⋯.png (297.54 KB, 490x382, 245:191, ClipboardImage.png)

2f525d  No.3592750


That what I thought

6f18dc  No.3592751

File: 73fc8c16b371970⋯.jpg (94.76 KB, 853x1300, 853:1300, Organic Mkt.jpg)


It is if you fully understand how it is put together. Many anons have waited for this for MANY years.

IF you don't understand the game…..don't play.

4ad970  No.3592752

File: 52428913ec5d0a3⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 900x800, 9:8, pepperballs.jpg)

48d41c  No.3592753

File: 494c60de6a34a55⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 264x430, 132:215, 14641676.gif)

097277  No.3592754

File: d229d34271d194a⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 597x881, 597:881, Screenshot 2018-10-24_17-1….jpg)

a9fc30  No.3592755


me too, anon

f7229e  No.3592756


> if he wants to reach liberals he has to talk very scripted

Liberals are beyond common sense & reasoning at this stage of the mid-term cycle, the Trump offensive is an appeal to the independents.

46eca2  No.3592757

File: 35ff8a43ff0dd4f⋯.png (960.01 KB, 884x627, 884:627, GoldenR.png)

5ab3bc  No.3592758


had to do it, brudda anon


f3dd81  No.3592759

Why are we getting porn spammed?

e2c5dc  No.3592760


Probably gonna talk more about Dairy.

(Not to be cheesy.)

907178  No.3592761


I think this would look like the French Rev for the RATS. They all know where each other live, and their 'friendships' are all quid pro quo.

b3aab2  No.3592762

File: e0831edd03eb84f⋯.png (823.2 KB, 969x426, 323:142, 1024rally2.PNG)

b050ee  No.3592763

ahmed clock 2 ?

012b82  No.3592764

File: 7aba999ae99d3f0⋯.jpg (245.46 KB, 740x1265, 148:253, bewbs3.jpg)

c667c0  No.3592765

File: f386a134fd0efb6⋯.png (574.29 KB, 736x582, 368:291, 2018-08-19_10-59-31.png)


hope you got your covfefe ready anon. things are getting interesting quick

e28422  No.3592766


good eye. He looks suspect, but he could just be cold old people dont do well in cold weather

c11b00  No.3592767

America is BOOMING!

a9da8d  No.3592768

LAST CALL; BAKING AT ~660, later if the bread slows

which it likey won't


>>3592170 POTUS Schedule.

>>3592230, >>3592247, >>3592381 HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORKS (LIFE EXTENSION)

>>3592263 Facebook removes 8.7 million sexual photos of kids in last three months

>>3592290 Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign

>>3592367, >>3592648 #MuhBomb

>>3592536 Bomb Disposal Officer: Today’s Pipe Bombs Appear to be “Hoax Devices”

>>3592643, >>3592664 "Suspicious package" in the Central Mall of LA

097277  No.3592769

File: 6992b9156aff63a⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 497x404, 497:404, Screenshot 2018-10-24_17-1….jpg)

7377ed  No.3592770

File: 99f792a042817c6⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 751x581, 751:581, P1050548 (1).jpg)

a925e9  No.3592771

File: 3e05c2d822e5d4b⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1430x930, 143:93, NSKA.png)

8f4656  No.3592772

File: 1662088d4569f52⋯.png (335.22 KB, 621x685, 621:685, 1.png)

Sessions will bypass lower courts and take any treason trials straight to the SC. Everybody has a right to a speedy trial.

Praying for America.


9e6509  No.3592773

File: 2f29a4ac48c7cbc⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 220x200, 11:10, flat,220x200,075,t.lite-1.jpg)

143092  No.3592774

File: 2d60f90058456b1⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 255x143, 255:143, TRAFPISDOFHCA[SODUIA.jpg)

6f18dc  No.3592775

File: a1592cb65cab03e⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 474x355, 474:355, This side ladies.jpg)


learn our comms or lurk moar

b6a609  No.3592776

File: d2009a1cf5a65c1⋯.png (422.48 KB, 640x453, 640:453, catalog.png)


Found the supplier. Still digging but getting warmer. Looks like they have a facility in Toonsville, USA

e47cfc  No.3592777

File: a8b6d9f5dadd779⋯.jpg (520.91 KB, 1400x928, 175:116, trump breaking every recor….jpg)

1d6b66  No.3592778


Kek @ cta

5c47a2  No.3592779

Just for keks

I shot a meme into the air,

It fell to twat I knew not where;

For, so swiftly it flew, the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a vydia into the air,

It fell to tube I knew not where;

For who has sight so keen and strong,

That it can follow the plan so long?

Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the meme and normies woke;

And the meme, from beginning to end,

I found again in the twat of a friend.

f3f250  No.3592780


Some Anons get bored and can't stay focused when Q hasn't been around for a while.

090784  No.3592781

File: 7d7caa5346f8a0b⋯.jpg (266.43 KB, 1500x938, 750:469, ns best shift.jpg)


We in here!

ca051f  No.3592782


Popcorn too

aac954  No.3592783


you mean best spammed

aa2fe1  No.3592784


No one can’t say he didn’t try .

48d41c  No.3592785

File: afdd59cff51460c⋯.jpeg (134.52 KB, 400x620, 20:31, 16771A64-5A33-451C-968A-9….jpeg)

77ca35  No.3592786


Deep state rolls out staged “bomb” attack on CNN headquarters, just as Mike Adams and Alex Jones publicly predicted on multiple video broadcasts

46eca2  No.3592787

File: 64646dc66e32cf7⋯.png (436.17 KB, 721x440, 721:440, Screenshot_278.png)


Trips confirmed!

a925e9  No.3592788

File: 6e313609d2a30fc⋯.png (584.9 KB, 1096x872, 137:109, ThereItIs.png)


Trips confirm.

fc1da8  No.3592789



That isn't exactly true. I've had 2 ectopic pregnancies (both caught early bc I was high risk with severe endometriosis) & was given a shot of Methotrexate each time which deplinishes the folic acid witch ends in the body aborting the baby.

It is truly horrible & I literally had contractions & ended up in the ER both times. I am strongly against abortion & having to do this to my 2 babies, bc they were literally killing me, was absolutely mentally horrific…HORRIFIC! My second baby kept growing even after the shot & caused my Fallopian tube to rupture which ended me up in hospital & ultimately ended my fertility.

Sorry for the long winded post but I felt I needed to explain how what this "doctor" is saying is factually true. When a woman's ectopic pregnancy is caught early they are given medicine to abort the baby so they can live. It is one of the most horrible things that a real woman who loves life & children has to deal with. I pray this "doctor" gets special treatment in HELL!

9438e8  No.3592790

I don' think I've heard any of the economic stats even once from the media.

01f717  No.3592791



895054  No.3592792


Scripted or not, now they can't say that he didn't say it

614d65  No.3592793


You did too? wow…watch how goofy he's acting

32c117  No.3592794


this is the shills last stand, red wave coming

12827e  No.3592795

File: 4671186809aef78⋯.png (28.52 KB, 139x153, 139:153, damngurlll.png)

ecef82  No.3592796





5f8e00  No.3592797


Why is POTUS not using 747 as AF1? Decoy?

b6ea6e  No.3592798

>>3592167 (lb)

>Mystery Babylon? They are the Khazarian Mafia (fake jews) who have interloped on Israel.

097277  No.3592799

File: 263fb169ce3bfd2⋯.jpg (119.53 KB, 592x838, 296:419, Screenshot 2018-10-24_17-1….jpg)


Wednesday, 24 October 2018 (CDT)

Rally speech started at 6:59:48 with @POTUS @realDonaldTrump once more condemning the attempted attacks on former and present governmental officials.


621cb1  No.3592800


There was also a guy who claimed to be ex-MI who talked about General Dunford and the military coup to overthrow the pedophiles who ran our government. Not kidding. He said it outright.


I understand, the world is so tasteless these days. Needs moar favor.

9df80a  No.3592801



7377ed  No.3592802

File: 289069f5af21f29⋯.jpg (145.47 KB, 620x646, 310:323, iu (15).jpg)

63726b  No.3592803

File: 976264a16265c4f⋯.jpg (45.51 KB, 435x255, 29:17, democrats4trump_small[1].jpg)

File: 52b14f5eeb87538⋯.jpg (181.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CmeZGafUEAANXip[1].jpg)

File: 53a45effe0dbac4⋯.jpg (142.41 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Democrats-For-Trump-1200x8….jpg)

File: fa4d319b4b0b688⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_6038-640x480[1].jpg)

a9da8d  No.3592804




its going to be the ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, not the National Guard

a925e9  No.3592805

File: 6af7ce5fa2235cb⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1430x892, 715:446, NS-Q.png)

598707  No.3592806

File: 89ec7fb40e3910e⋯.gif (321.56 KB, 400x215, 80:43, 1536884809768.gif)


godspeed, space cowboy

969a4b  No.3592807



b05cf4  No.3592808


small strip.

2f525d  No.3592809

I think we're all paranoid now because of the 3 fuckerS that got BTFO by USSS at that rally a few weeks ago. I think we just need to chill and listen to POTUS

37a64b  No.3592810


>effin time traveler~

Name of the MegaMillions winner? John Titor.

359cac  No.3592811

the DEMs seem more interested to give our tax money to non-citizens in the Caravan then help the 500,000 homeless American Citizens..

4617b3  No.3592812

File: 8c51c9f37a52305⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 635x700, 127:140, dduwbw.jpg)

b14f65  No.3592813


In that scene the reporter is doing call ins…

the last call is from "The Hague" and gets cut of…

The Hague is a city on the North Sea coast of the western Netherlands. Its Gothic-style Binnenhof (or Inner Court) complex is the seat of the Dutch parliament, and 16th-century Noordeinde Palace is the king’s workplace. The city is also home to the U.N.’s International Court of Justice, headquartered in the Peace Palace, and the International Criminal Court.

That movie makes me wonder now that my eyes are wider open.

0a1e45  No.3592814


god bless our BO

46eca2  No.3592815


On the clock.

061303  No.3592816

>>3590700 (lb) Previous bread, spoiler alert graphic vid of MS13 types.

>For the various anons asking…if I recall a Mexican cartel kidnapped the son/nephew of a governor or captain in the anti-narcotic national police force. They filmed this for him, and anyone else with similar ideas, to see.

>Agree…should have been spoilered but it's legit. The ugly truth to what I'm sure the President sees in various daily/security briefings.

>Perhaps the muh migrant caravan/open borders crowd should be mandated to watch it. Fighting crime and violence is one of the arguments against said lunacy, and they're quick to dismiss it. As Trump says, MS-13 and/or Mexican cartels are bad hombres.

I no longer wonder why Sessions went after them first, as soon as Trump was elected. And I agree with you that this video should be put out there right in front of the SJW's who want the borders open, and want to invite everyone into the US. I do not care if they go into shock, end up puking their guts out. Far better they see this reality from a safe distance, in time to make the right decisions about open borders. War is ugly. Communism and Socialism always lead to these same ugly murderous results every stinking time.

384bd3  No.3592817

File: 3e2f2cfd7088e5c⋯.png (820.66 KB, 721x404, 721:404, ClipboardImage.png)

Location where bombs were made identified!

Suspect being questioned.

fb8198  No.3592818

Silent no more Executioner!!!!


01a5ef  No.3592819


Runway not strong enough to support the weight of the whale. (B747).

1d6b66  No.3592820


Sorry to bother, but always wondered…

Why isn’t POTUS schedule handle verified?

c87884  No.3592821

File: eebda5c43184b07⋯.png (17.58 KB, 367x372, 367:372, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 055747c85a322a8⋯.png (281.98 KB, 915x691, 915:691, ClipboardImage.png)



Q400 i know you meant the plane but it lines up with drop 400.

Those SPECIFIC people is no coincidence.

Has anyone calculated the odds none of them exploded?

656b02  No.3592822


That was from last year

45370c  No.3592823

File: bb9dfd36563a099⋯.png (458.92 KB, 736x632, 92:79, Anvil Alpha.png)

0cd7bc  No.3592824


What a time to be alive!

ecef82  No.3592825




5f8e00  No.3592826

File: f6fd6752e221ba2⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 1486x987, 1486:987, fw190d6583668265825699.jpg)


Ah ok. Didnt think of that.

9438e8  No.3592827


I've read for several years that General Dunford was one of those fighting the global syndicate.

a925e9  No.3592828


OMG with a return address to me!

097277  No.3592829


good Q will recheck it

b8261c  No.3592830

File: fe2ed9927b38ae4⋯.png (287.58 KB, 737x737, 1:1, NICEMAN.png)

c741d4  No.3592831

File: f8dfc1ad5ef3b1b⋯.jpg (152.18 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, ad1d3d552879370c39daf7da19….jpg)


Perfect!! Exactly as I would expect. Remember Anons, we are TWELVE Business days removed since Kavanaugh was sat. POTUS and crew are NOT fucking round.


ecaa15  No.3592832


Thought. He could be an autist. I have known many in my lifetime. This is often how they control extreme stimulation. And the glasses could be his way of dealing with social situations and lack of eye contact.

91c8fe  No.3592833


Hm I used to follow him on twitter. Openly gay and openly pro Trump. Seems like a good guy.

62ef70  No.3592834

File: d016f8eaa3350ad⋯.jpg (17.02 KB, 300x341, 300:341, pipebopmbrecipientsmap.ima….jpg)

File: 332462da6c9b35a⋯.jpg (289 KB, 640x360, 16:9, brennan-Pipe-Bomb-CNN-2.jpg)

File: 3adbd3ed2b23039⋯.jpg (63.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, billandhillarybombredoimg.JPG)

File: 74e566bc0966ef7⋯.jpg (77.74 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, holderandbrennanPipeBomb.jpg)

None of the envelopes seem to be franked. Possible that a delivery service was used.

Soros found at home could of been hand delivered or service.

BHO and Bill&Hill went to Secret Service station. All of the major delivery services would route there, but no extra routing info on packages to designate extra shipper.

CNN could of been hand delivered.

The big mystery is that no one other than the USPS returns packages to original sender. And it was done in the same time frame. Which means if it was a USPS package sent at the same time it would still be in the process of being returned.

Second, the CNN photo seems pretty lackadasical, here is a bomb, lets take a pic of it. Notice the wipes by it, staging for later claims of the mysterious white powder.

f45175  No.3592835



Sessions will take treason cases directly to the Supreme Court.

Sessions activated!

Bring the PAIN!!!!!!!

a9da8d  No.3592836


>>3592170 POTUS Schedule.

>>3592230, >>3592247, >>3592381 HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORKS (LIFE EXTENSION)

>>3592263 Facebook removes 8.7 million sexual photos of kids in last three months

>>3592290 Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign

>>3592367, >>3592648 #MuhBomb

>>3592536 Bomb Disposal Officer: Today’s Pipe Bombs Appear to be “Hoax Devices”

>>3592643, >>3592664 "Suspicious package" in the Central Mall of LA

>>3592772 Sessions will bypass lower courts and take cases straight to the SC

b9b996  No.3592837


So, basically, they were hosting child porn while busily searching for and censoring conservative viewpoints

b14f65  No.3592838


Stop the distractions!!!

The inhumanity of it all!!!

…OK….. don't stop!

c667c0  No.3592839

File: ea7137a44e968ad⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 255x205, 51:41, ea7137a44e968adbf4cc86732f….jpg)



Treason trials to go straight to US SC

384bd3  No.3592840

File: 9c93808fcdf284d⋯.png (347.7 KB, 483x264, 161:88, ClipboardImage.png)


Bomb making equipment found!

96fb29  No.3592841

File: 2d69fb85d7b4798⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20181024_201546.jpg)

Anyone ever notice a resemblance…?

1b635d  No.3592843


It's interesting to see the dynamic at play.

We NEVER really hear shit about Gen. Dunford.

One look, reminds you of the 'silent ones'.

0101a0  No.3592844


Good luck spending your shiny when the SHTF.

1a916b  No.3592846

File: 9819d2925b1f9a7⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 356x355, 356:355, sub genius 6a.jpg)

e47cfc  No.3592848

File: 516b5b7d0662923⋯.jpg (250.32 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, jeff sessions the silent e….jpg)

f7229e  No.3592849


>No one can’t say he didn’t try.

President Trump has poured his heart into the mid-terms. Spunky crowd out there in the Wisconsin moonlight tonight. POTUS loves those who voted him in. Being in IL it is a different story, but, by Christ, I have no idea how he pulls off the meetings, press conferences by day and rallies by night. The right man for troublous times.

050feb  No.3592851

File: c1d23547fd45541⋯.jpg (89.9 KB, 900x579, 300:193, c1d23547fd45541b7e8e58d1e1….jpg)

13d964  No.3592853


It's profit taking, not panic selling

5b6566  No.3592854

Every time POTUS says USMCA i start sing the Village People.

6f18dc  No.3592855

File: 5cfb29eae411c0b⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 474x587, 474:587, Irish Lass.jpg)


anon bitching about porn….guess they weren't here for gore/porn months ago.

279e5a  No.3592856


Why not the military tribunals? I can't find any other article on this but just WAPO

b0ecc4  No.3592857

File: ff4783b80020a3c⋯.jpg (8.44 KB, 255x166, 255:166, c2c6ff56552460178989bd87cc….jpg)

7714c6  No.3592858


Relax, it's 30 day clock. U are on the 20-th. day.

On the 17-th. day just mail it back to sender.

bfd9ac  No.3592859


a9da8d  No.3592860

kek.. BAKING


rather see bewbs and pussy than the shit on half most of the time

f2ed17  No.3592861




6f18dc  No.3592862

File: 5769fcc8a4f28b0⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Sessions.jpg)

9e6509  No.3592863


my retinas are still scarred.

fcd869  No.3592864

File: b00ebf54ccde5b7⋯.jpg (165.77 KB, 589x785, 589:785, heybeto.JPG)

Puta cabre

aa79a9  No.3592865


>Why isn’t POTUS schedule handle verified?


>good Q will recheck it

Because it's NOT a official POTUS schedule twatter! *eyeroll

807387  No.3592866


These people are sick. They are broken. We need to get them out of the fucking gene pool.

7377ed  No.3592867

File: 5d1e60d75ab80af⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 691x487, 691:487, iu (6).jpg)

d0b4cb  No.3592868


That's R. There is no R, only Q.

Think logically.

19d920  No.3592869

File: 6b3fee32edff4c9⋯.jpeg (376.96 KB, 907x771, 907:771, 171F997B-96E5-4F2F-ABE3-F….jpeg)

I bet CNN got a product placement fee from Clorox.

60654d  No.3592870

File: bcf2dfaba7b1506⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 562x500, 281:250, jobsmobs.jpg)

What the fuck do Pelosi and Schumer want POTUS to say? I want to fucking scream they are such partisan hacks! Fuck them!

aa2fe1  No.3592871


RIGHT!! I’m only 49 & feels like hell to get moving sometimes. POTUS just goes goes goes & doesn’t stop !!

a9fc30  No.3592872


OMG, I'm in fucking LOVE!!!!

f45175  No.3592873


Jesus Christ , BO!



a9da8d  No.3592874


stfu faggot

btfo… again

e47cfc  No.3592875


Thats usually how it works

46eca2  No.3592876

File: b7e6e8979af6991⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1040x545, 208:109, icrmbmb.png)

Holy Shit!

We ain't got much time!

This thing is about to go off any minute now!

379218  No.3592877


LEO info.

a photo of the device would


be released at this stage of the investigation

that fact alone should raise every eyebrow

c48dd1  No.3592879

File: 632925710dd3f40⋯.jpg (37.08 KB, 358x312, 179:156, happening.jpg)

48d41c  No.3592880

File: e11b2f1493651aa⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, f045fef407ef11523da55c0f32….jpg)

201d7a  No.3592881


Sessions said in a recent speech that a robust response to what he considers activist judges is necessary to protect the separation of powers and to deter “encroachment” on the president’s power.

“If the judiciary can subject the executive branch to new, disruptive and invasive reviews, the power of the judiciary is enhanced, while the power of the executive has been diminished,” Sessions said in a speech prepared for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

“That is a tilt we cannot abide. Executive branch officers do not work for the judiciary. We work for the president of the United States.”

d0b4cb  No.3592882


18 posts? wow. spamming faggot.

dd5122  No.3592883


>anon bitching about porn….guess they weren't here for gore/porn months ago.

We all remember red head pedo tho

b14f65  No.3592884


some things can't be unseen.

horrible but necessary…reminds me of why we are here.

God Speed Anon, to you and yours.

503a25  No.3592885


So. Many. Hints.

65d01e  No.3592886


Save money. The Trump Campaign pays for all rally expenses.

1d6b66  No.3592887

b05cf4  No.3592888

"…the midwest farmers' daughters really make you feel alright…"

48d41c  No.3592889

File: a8384c4b4d077e4⋯.jpeg (237.29 KB, 1363x1023, 1363:1023, 5D5B2866-FCCC-4F07-9DA1-A….jpeg)

fc1da8  No.3592890


18 posts by THIS ID…so who's is the real shill.

0a1e45  No.3592891


pepridge farm remembers.

Needing CSS to blur every picture

b050ee  No.3592892

File: 77aae603827b887⋯.png (212.06 KB, 391x449, 391:449, chairy.png)



bomb maker IDed !

a9da8d  No.3592893

File: a260b7c54c74d5e⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2580x3268, 15:19, rshill7.png)


<Rshill still can't search a UID

you going to kvetch all night again?

kys you fucking bitch

fb8d67  No.3592894

File: cde826832b9d695⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 464x623, 464:623, majorG.JPG)

7377ed  No.3592895

File: 6ba3affd83fd97c⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 528x336, 11:7, bce3bbc5ad6af5f19ee80cdbd4….jpg)

8ac8a0  No.3592896


Negative. Runway not long enough.

839681  No.3592897

File: 13d6abd2a5817e7⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 565x452, 5:4, great-milk-trade-deals-pep….jpg)

Great White Milk trade deals

9062fb  No.3592900

File: bc0a2a3da6188db⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 700x400, 7:4, sun-tzu.jpg)

9e6509  No.3592901


>here is a bomb, lets take a pic of it.

AMEN man the last thing on my mind with unexploded ordinance is hey, lets sit here and photograph it real quick..

621cb1  No.3592902


I believe it.


Hehe true.

I don't know who the caller actually was, but he said the "coup" happened in mid-2016, after they'd taken Hillary's email by force and read what was in them.

63726b  No.3592903

File: 1400a071ac7f9e6⋯.jpeg (28.73 KB, 525x400, 21:16, president-trump1[1].jpeg)


He loves being President

He loves America

He loves the American people

f11ad4  No.3592904

File: a53d7b946d656eb⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1362x779, 1362:779, MAKE FARM GREAT AGAIN 9:14….png)

Make Farmers Great Again!


050feb  No.3592905


damn anon thats some magic autism right there

that would explain the stamps not being cancelled.

that shit was intercepted and dismantled and the photos leaked out to prove it was they themselves that set this up.

God Bless America!

7377ed  No.3592906

File: a0b4af85a0bec36⋯.jpg (34.75 KB, 275x336, 275:336, survivor.jpg)

b05cf4  No.3592907


22 by this one. so fucking what. read 'em and be schooled, bitch.

f45175  No.3592908



ac19fc  No.3592909


Looks like Gary Busey.

a9da8d  No.3592910










baked a bit to early, will bake later


you can't search a UID either faggot

go fuck your self

c119d5  No.3592913

I think the entire town is in the hanger.

Why this town and not a bigger one?

d0b4cb  No.3592914


not me retard.

bfd9ac  No.3592917

>>3592913 OPTICS!

e0c671  No.3592919


If you like Muh bomb, you can keep Muh bomb

…RiP brutha

48d41c  No.3592920

File: 2c64b3d4b399d8a⋯.png (101.15 KB, 964x771, 964:771, farmin.png)

46eca2  No.3592921

File: 6416c2c7170e349⋯.png (1.29 MB, 931x575, 931:575, corn.png)

Fill this BITCH!

aa2fe1  No.3592924


8 Supreme Court judges !!! 1 a year - POTUS

e6e5a4  No.3592925

One a year. YES.

097277  No.3592926

I am not a shill i fucking research and post logically

go fuck urself whoever thinks i am ashill

watch me post

62ef70  No.3592927



The big mystery to me is how a package for Holder was "returned" to DWS in Flordia in the same timeframe. It would have to have been sent a week earlier than the other packages. Holder getting a pipe bomb a week early would not make sense. Fuckery is afoot.

65d01e  No.3592928

File: 67cf9bf62071ee5⋯.jpeg (141.9 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DqTcvRgWkAAYPgW.jpg-large.jpeg)

48d41c  No.3592931

File: 3c8a5ce3fc608ca⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepeexcellentbread.jpg)

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