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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

618a47  No.3387341

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 10.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/359 --------------------------------- THE WORLD WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. (Cap: >>3384629 )

>>>/patriotsfight/358 --------------------------------- Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett. (Caps: >>3383199 ; >>3383224 ; >>3383269 )

>>>/patriotsfight/357 --------------------------------- Devin Nunes on Russia probe and FISA abuse (Cap: >>3382810 ; >>3382812 )

>>>/patriotsfight/356 --------------------------------- [BOOM WEEK] (Cap: >>3382314 )

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/355 --------------------------------- DON'T BE A PAWN IN THEIR SICK GAME ( Cap: >>3374695, >>3375172 )

>>>/patriotsfight/354 --------------------------------- [Repost][Search & Destroy] ( Cap: >>3373783 )

>>>/patriotsfight/353 --------------------------------- "Wrap-Up Smear" deployed v. Justice K? ( Cap: >>3371630, >>3371514 )

>>>/patriotsfight/352 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Justice K impeachment: CON sold to voters by LYING D's ( Cap: >>3371193 )

>>>/patriotsfight/351 --------------------------------- America's destiny of goodness and good will ( Cap: >>3369559 )

>>>/patriotsfight/350 rt /pf/298 ——————– TODAY, THE REPUBLIC, TOOK BACK CONTROL. ( Cap: >>3372173 )

>>3368187 rt >>3367982 ————-————– God bless, Patriot. Celebrate - this means so much. ( Cap: >>3368259 )

>>>/patriotsfight/349 --------------------------------- POLITICAL HIT by D's. ( Cap: >>3367230 )

>>>/patriotsfight/348 --------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. ( Cap: >>3366916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3362076 )

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

618a47  No.3387350


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

#4292 Baker Change

>>3386650 POTUS schedule for Monday

>>3386673 NRG CEO (retired 2015) linked to Clinton Global Initiative

>>3386876 Judicial Watch source corroborating info on Baker, Comey, et al.

>>3386993 Vatican announces investigation into serial sex abuser cardinal McCormick

>>3387017 Developing: Senate Judiciary Committee now tracking CBF-McLean communications

>>3387093 Taylor Swift outs herself as a cabalist/useful idiot

>>3387201 Liberal writers and activists attacking white women re: Kavanaugh

>>3387292 #4292


>>3386232 Anon theory: Early Clown Comms From WebTV to MSN TV to XBOX360?

>>3385982 Anon theorizes Marines influencing Chan Culture as part of The Plan

>>3385980 On the Q Clock: RED OCTOBER follows HRC Arrest

>>3385943, >>3386006 Full transcript to Pence's Hudson Institute China fuckery speech

>>3385928 UK ratchets up Muh Russia narrative: War-Games Prepping Cyber Attack On Russia

>>3385891 The Italian head of the Cabal hydra has been cut off

>>3385864 Solomon: DOJ "Smoking Gun" Redactions Due To National Embarrassment, Not "National Security"

>>3385891 Viva Italia! Based Salvini DGAF, will close airports if EU flies in migrants

>>3385873, >>3385919 Compilation text of Q's Haiti drops

>>3385872 Compilation Graphic of today's Q drops

>>3386387 #4291


>>3385690, >>3385706 JW Sues ATF for Records Re: Hussein & AR-15 Ammo

>>3385702 2015 Podesta emails: Warning to HRC re: CF and Haiti

Baker change

>>3385249 Single-engine plane crash in WV

>>3385098 Amy Schumer quits her agency

>>3385154 Murkowski’s brother went to Kavanaugh’s high school

>>3385168 ; >>3385169 Hurricane en route to FL and political activity

>>3385183 LG ready to take Kavanaugh impeachment fight “to the streets”

>>3385770 #4290


>>3384293 On VJ’s assistant in the Iran Deal negotiations and possible Hussein faggot picture link

>>3384314 Reminder of Huber investigating CF

>>3384329 ; >>3384353 Crimes Against Children Text

>>3384343 Refurbished graphic on AS 187

>>3384348 Reminder: from Comey’s office after he got sacked

>>3384444 Army Criminal Investigation Division involved in cabalist hunting

>>3384475 Summary of MSM smears against POTUS re: “mob ties”

>>3384520 Helicopter crash in Delaware

>>3384435 Recall HRC and +++ in Q post #854

>>3384608 Clockfag Update

>>3384712 Driver plows through anti-kavqanaugh protest in Portland

>>3384718 Spreadsheet Update

>>3384883 ; >>3384916 Antifags didn’t get paid, start shouting “George Soros, where’s my money?”

>>3384926 Update on NY limo crash

>>3384975 Missionary from Virginia, lived in Haiti for 23 years, sentenced to 23 years for child abuse

>>3384995 Papadopoulos weighing in on UK, Australia spy activities

>>3384971 #4289

Previously Collected Notables

>>3384214 #4288

>>3381915 #4285, >>3382673 #4286, >>3383440 #4287

>>3379577 #4282, >>3380369 #4283, >>3381151 #4284

>>3377194 #4279, >>3377985 #4280, >>3378820 #4281

>>3374857 #4276, >>3375576 #4277, >>3376356 #4278

>>3372814 #4273, >>3373668 #4274, >>3374065 #4275

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

618a47  No.3387353

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3384519

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

618a47  No.3387358

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

618a47  No.3387366

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer!

894b15  No.3387390

File: 674e056cf3c79e7⋯.png (69.89 KB, 674x248, 337:124, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

Notice new Q post he post

-Crime Against Children+++

and then also

+++Criminal Investigative Division+++.

+ ++ +++ DEAD

0f844d  No.3387394

File: 6a5f8b5bae2db0f⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 55ceea9e42815dcb6651db74eb….jpg)


252ef3  No.3387395


Can take it baker

Handoff confirmed?

thank you baker fren

BV cleared me a few breads back, not sure if there is still a bake in my hash

can post a pastebin if needed

894b15  No.3387407



097d3a  No.3387409


93d0b4  No.3387411

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

938e11  No.3387413

06a00e  No.3387414

File: bcd4e0e0c9262c4⋯.jpg (98.71 KB, 650x341, 650:341, melbeach_650n.jpg)

Thank You Baker

d997c3  No.3387415

File: af442104c608c3d⋯.png (531.99 KB, 803x538, 803:538, BO - Copy.PNG)

15664d  No.3387416

Ugh Muh Tinitus!

0ad750  No.3387417

File: 64bde17190805af⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, confederate-battle-flag2[1….jpg)

Taylor Swift votes for the Democrat Battle Flag

9f9d80  No.3387418


Last month actor Ashton Kutcher testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee touting his foundation for rescuing child trafficking victims around the globe after Homeland Security contacted him pleading his assistance in tracking down dark web perps, as if the feds’ deep pocketed DARPA that came up with the internet long before Google don’t have the technological capacity to track down the bad guys. The actor dramatically claimed that his hi-tech company Thorn, started by his now ex-wife Demi Moore and him contains the [likely AI] software logarithm that permits law enforcement to prioritize sex offender caseloads to track down traffickers. His company is funded by Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon, all the same companies that ban even talking about pedophilia. At one point during the congressional hearing, Ashton Kutcher blows a kiss to his favorite politician Senator John McCain, suggesting they’re more than just a passing acquaintance. That’s because Kutcher is a board member on the McCain’s Foundation, a think tank with a stated objective of combating child sex trafficking.

Only McCain’s organization is under current investigation for misallocating funds for providing zero donations toward anti-trafficking. More than one government insider has fingered McCain as a suspected pedophile, alleged to be on the pending FBI arrest list. Among Trump’s most venomous enemies, John McCain may well be Trump’s bullseye target for most wanted in his swamp draining operation. Additionally, several of McCain’s key campaign staffers have been convicted of pedophilia and sexual misconduct and McCain himself has a long controversial history of corruption and treasonous aiding and abetting the enemy, caught yucking it up in photo-ops with known terrorist leaders after illegal visits to their headquarters.

Another notably revealing story making the rounds is a recent episode from Dr. Phil’s show featuring a woman who calls herself Kendall. She disclosed that her parents sold her at birth to a rich and powerful owner who as a member of the elite for many years used her for pedophiles to sexually abuse as his sex slave. Her owner would hire makeup artists and furnish her with fashionable attire just to hide the reality that she was an orphaned sex slave. Constantly raped since birth before she could even speak, Kendall was regularly tortured as a forced participant in sadistic satanic rituals involving child sacrifice. She grew up thinking it was normal for children to be brutally assaulted for adult sexual gratification and describes herself being kept in a cage observing other kids in cages sold to highest bidders.

Kendall stated that similar to the film Hunger Games (another Lions Gate release), children are actually hunted down like animals for sport by the rich, then systematically caught and raped. As a woman currently in her late twenties, only three years ago Kendall managed to escape from her horrific life in chronic bondage. Her appearance on mainstream television serves an important function of bringing increasing levels of public awareness to the worldwide PedoGate phenomenon of child sexual slavery and global human trafficking.

5d367f  No.3387419

File: 463f41b53e5e945⋯.jpg (378.65 KB, 800x600, 4:3, in the spotlight again.jpg)

93d0b4  No.3387420


Сап уоս раss тне теsт?

06a00e  No.3387421

File: f8f7c95afa4a986⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB, 880x880, 1:1, 1537557984.jpeg)

be85f5  No.3387422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Get out and vote, or be ruled by LUNATICS

618a47  No.3387423

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)


Much thanks, BV.

Thank you for your hard work.


Handoff Confirmed.

Dough is recent as of last bread.

Things are winding down to a comfy pace.

Enjoy, Baker, and kick ass.

Will continue to lurk for a while before crashing.

Will report for duty tomorrow morning.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great night.

4d2f7e  No.3387424

File: 163563ca17209c5⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 711x483, 237:161, earlywork01.jpg)

File: abcf42b422b2e9e⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 314x483, 314:483, earlywork02.jpg)

File: 10e1d73518ac3b1⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 720x398, 360:199, earlywork02d.jpg)

File: ea82817d601f696⋯.jpg (32.34 KB, 342x483, 114:161, earlywork03.jpg)

File: 2d80dc853632f11⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 314x483, 314:483, earlywork05.jpg)

Images from "she is an artist.com" an artist site we did a dig on.

Artist is a label. What is the intention of this work? Does it seem healthy minded if not what does it suggest to you?


58ede1  No.3387425

File: 1f5b421f1c4d468⋯.png (184.4 KB, 388x339, 388:339, TailR.png)

918fce  No.3387426


dafug is with the tractors, anon?

9216ed  No.3387427



>McLean took the polygraph!

Holy shit you're right! Look at that handwriting, too - just as schizo as Christy (kid voice/vocal fry). Look at what she wrote and then scribbled over... What a barely coherent statement.


fa5493  No.3387428

>>3387373 (LB)

I was just working off of the D list posted on the board.

be85f5  No.3387429



509097  No.3387430

File: e5b378e1a83f700⋯.jpg (77.85 KB, 930x489, 310:163, tay.jpg)

Taylor Swift bashes Blackburn in favor of Tennessee Dems, breaking political silence


==Anons, this means Marsha Blackburn is tops to replace Paul Ryan== and woohoo to that!>>3387365 lb


AI can't see this text.. will improve it.

93d0b4  No.3387431

File: 52682c90edaa8b4⋯.png (406.48 KB, 717x539, 717:539, BOCONFIRMS.png)



15664d  No.3387432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jam 4 Bread

The one goes out to my Q addicted fucking frenz who just can't quite because they know this is the best place for them to be where they can actually help defeat the bad guys.

It's Sunday night.

We're here….again

Jam On Faggots!

252ef3  No.3387433


thanks BV, wasn't sure


New Baker confirmed

thanks baker, great baking today and tonight

the board seems a bit faster, not sure if the upgrade went through or not

I guess we need to wait until we get 300+ UIDs to test it

d997c3  No.3387434

File: 061876647091a46⋯.png (494.73 KB, 666x369, 74:41, BW - Copy.png)

cf1e24  No.3387435

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>3387266 (last bread)

Very similar white hat attire for FLOTUS and Michael Jackson in his Smooth Criminal music video created on October 21, 1988.

Music Lryics Examples:

"Annie, are you OK?"

"It was Sunday, what a black day"

"You've been struck by a smooth criminal"

"It was your doom, Annie!"


Hooktube video attached.

351f00  No.3387436


God Bless you Baker… Thank you for your service!!!

688dfa  No.3387437

File: 8fd78e120990d55⋯.png (260.23 KB, 988x672, 247:168, MerchantMound.png)

686e89  No.3387438


Thanks a lot Ford and Feinstein. Now malicious fake rape allegations are offically the norm in society.

Anons, let’s WEAPONIZE this story for Red October and against feminists.

Time to use this story to shit on #BelieveWomen and #MeToo.

bdb2ef  No.3387439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Enjoy this Millie Weaver video

Thank me later

c4c24b  No.3387440

>>3387400 (lb)

then he needs to truck off to africa or israel, or china they'd love him there. if he really believes that, he ought emigrate. change your slave name m8 and stop speaking english, get our of that fucking car and walk.

the jews and freemasons enslaved your black ass.

also, Taylor Swift has a male-boy body, imo.

0ad750  No.3387441

File: 6d7c7112a36188c⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jefferson_davis_and_the_co….jpg)

File: 57ce5302c0912b4⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 459x665, 459:665, 57ce5302c0912b4db19b6d2e09….jpg)

Taylor Swift likes Democrats

Something about racism

129834  No.3387442



>>3387395 exception granted for incoming Bakers.


Fill the last bread first, which filled at 30:38

9d4bbb  No.3387443

>>3387426 He's from a farming, community this

museum is in his community!

05af8e  No.3387444

File: 190f040e31b2b78⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1988x2018, 994:1009, 20killed.png)

There's something not quite right about this story….. if true, tragic and God bless all involved. But there's something "off" about the coverage in my opinion. One site…..


27f18b  No.3387445

File: d72777885436047⋯.jpg (176.85 KB, 500x637, 500:637, IMG_923.jpg)

80a49b  No.3387446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4d2f7e  No.3387447

File: 10ff066a9a68bb3⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 450x575, 18:23, 31603bc6d6c633665d2e61a69b….jpg)

All in the very morning hour

Our gentle Lord and Savior

Was fettered and arraingned before

the bailiff of Judea.

But heathen Pilate found no stain

In him or civil terror

Accordingly he sent him on to

Magistrate King Herod

Third hour, and the son of God

Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.

And then those sinful people placed

A crown of thorns upon him.

Revile him, did those citizens

And beat him, did those soldiers.

The cross on which he was to die

was laid upon his shoulders.

Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe

And on the cross they nailed him.

The Christ was bleeding freely now.

(And are the faithful wailing?)

His enemies made sport of him,

So did the true believers.

The sun itself retired then

To scorn their cruel behavior.

Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out

"My God I am forsaken!"

They gave him bile and vinegar

His mortal thirst to slaken.

Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost

And all creation trembled;

The temple fell and from the hill

The rock of Ages tumbled.

And in the very vesper hour

The two thieves' bones were broken.

A spear was thrust in Jesus side,

And Jesus' side did open.

And blood and water did run out,

It flowed beyond all measure,

And all the folk from round about

did mock our lord and Savior.

499df6  No.3387448

>>3387133 lb

>>3387133 lb

>>3387133 lb

Baker! This is huge

Missed Notable from last bread - KY man sees commercial jet for first time.

ea9cca  No.3387449


687441  No.3387450

File: 7decb6c8b01548d⋯.png (205.56 KB, 750x937, 750:937, IMG_1034.PNG)

This is the mentality thet we are up against. How will these people be reached & ever change their views? They have been filled with hate & our country has been divided by race, religion & sex…how will this heal?

I know we are stronger together as a whole…but how are these people ever going to wake up & see TRUTH?

4d7f85  No.3387451

File: c15e7b7286e38e6⋯.jpeg (45.33 KB, 399x353, 399:353, 0beer1.jpeg)

f87fcb  No.3387452

>>3387004 (pb)

Strike a pose PJ Pepe!

62f962  No.3387453

File: f4e73afc4079eb8⋯.pdf (976.36 KB, 1946 - Saul Alinsky - Reve….pdf)

File: 7791899b1ae1b7d⋯.pdf (582.71 KB, saul-alinsky-rules-for-rad….pdf)

File: 8f2bdaaf9b3baf3⋯.pdf (33.6 KB, davidpol_saul-alinsky-s-12….pdf)

File: 1016eedd6b95661⋯.pdf (133.08 KB, The 25 Rules of Disinforma….pdf)


Have you read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Or the sequel, Reveille for Radicals?

Both are attached.

Also attached is an Alinsky cheat sheet

And an article on 25 Rules of Disinformation

Just click on one of the paperclip icons

To download the corresponding book/article

864597  No.3387454


Don't give a shit. anything infowars is dead to me.

ea15ba  No.3387455


Child torture and sacrifice

Sick as hell

27f18b  No.3387456

File: 4611ad9593dfd4a⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 468x585, 4:5, IMG_601.jpg)

52b168  No.3387457

File: cf245ca7d5baf95⋯.png (3.99 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, TYFTSKW.png)

588efd  No.3387458

>>3387331 pb

5 Time bigger by weight judging from the photo.

ad7e9b  No.3387459

File: d28573ff9c40e07⋯.jpeg (4.48 KB, 141x141, 1:1, who.jpeg)


0ad750  No.3387460

Taylor Swift likes that Democrats used to lynch blacks

d26bd4  No.3387461

File: 8bcb3042dc47a3a⋯.jpeg (77.73 KB, 556x499, 556:499, BF9706AD-14D5-4C9B-9D82-1….jpeg)

File: 8b4a832ea6646fd⋯.jpeg (597.14 KB, 500x6247, 500:6247, 34563C8F-24A9-49CB-8ED3-8….jpeg)

File: 1081d6ebc9df2d7⋯.jpeg (501.78 KB, 383x4512, 383:4512, F52154C6-3483-49A8-B1E2-0….jpeg)

Saturday and Sunday patriotsfight posts summary

61edd7  No.3387462


Finally the JIDF and the dumb easily led Anons should stop the Taylor Swift love. The bitch was Cabal the whole time. Anyone with a brain could of figured it out. Yet the Jew let her be a false whites right poster girl in case it could ever be of use. And now the shit is so much hitting the fan they are forced to throw this chip into the pot. They are playing for their very lives and no use leaving an asset unused…..its now or never.

3f985f  No.3387463

File: 80b6552a369f5de⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 948x528, 79:44, fake poll.jpg)


"... I kept hearing from the people who opposed Brett Kavanaughs nomination, which is, according to polls, a much larger group of people than supporters of Brett Kavinaugh. "



78e718  No.3387464

File: 6f47a734cca5c3b⋯.jpg (612.13 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, FrogTinyQ.jpg)

File: d5f56e69bfc320d⋯.jpg (652.75 KB, 1446x1446, 1:1, WizardQ.jpg)

File: 426d237c6e25c69⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 505x331, 505:331, FrogQ.jpg)


b31331  No.3387465


But Beyonce would have been better?

bdb2ef  No.3387466

Don't look at her microphone, dumb fuck

d32cc4  No.3387467

File: ffb4dbcc2456f8c⋯.jpeg (18.91 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ffb4dbcc2456f8c44b4db3f3d….jpeg)

thanks baker

53d39b  No.3387468

>>3387093 lb

will these idiots ever learn and stop being used.

amazing, shut the fuck up and dance.

eb0f39  No.3387469

File: 7f319aff971d320⋯.jpeg (413.63 KB, 1677x1131, 43:29, 93335E81-CC8B-4336-A2BF-5….jpeg)

The commies are squealing like pigs….ignore them and the demons will die

d997c3  No.3387470

File: c1e1db74118a618⋯.png (672.53 KB, 572x525, 572:525, CH - Copy.PNG)

499df6  No.3387471

File: 67e799f2236db30⋯.png (165.84 KB, 500x664, 125:166, E2735414-C985-476C-9B6A-9E….png)

File: ccb44a297f30053⋯.jpeg (69.89 KB, 403x402, 403:402, E35484C6-5373-4840-9198-4….jpeg)

ad7e9b  No.3387472

File: ed83ae01ed164bc⋯.jpeg (8.76 KB, 255x170, 3:2, b79f4c8710b85b1bf30a16112….jpeg)


that child never had a chance

be85f5  No.3387473


She's really not all that swift is she?

93d0b4  No.3387474

File: f54155812606719⋯.jpg (476.73 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, MarlFAke.jpg)


We are so Q addicted haha! It's all a fun game haha! Jam out dudes, woohoo!

15664d  No.3387475


Is Jesus holding a soccer ball?

Looks like he's trying to get someone to pick him to be on their team.

58ede1  No.3387476

File: 45826bda12432bf⋯.jpg (25.89 KB, 645x383, 645:383, IlluminatiwatcherDotCom-Ta….jpg)

bitch is Illuminati all the way.

b3961b  No.3387477


muh celebs

d8610e  No.3387478

>>3386109 (PB)

The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS). It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee.

Anons, this was described regarding jumpers from the World Trade Towers during 9/11 - one man hanging from a window, trying to remove his pants; a woman who phoned her husband and said she was heading down the stairs, but two floors down ran and jumped out a window. That article suggested these people were targeted with high energy radiation that caused them to feel they were burning up.

06a00e  No.3387479

File: 8b4dcb6808de8a5⋯.jpeg (187.67 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1538946569.jpeg)

03bbb2  No.3387480

File: c1af7fc52b98bdc⋯.png (456.82 KB, 836x453, 836:453, 1538962688533.png)

1816cd  No.3387481


check his twitter and you will see he lives int he garden

he has the same chair that renegade sits in the garden.

Rick wilson MSNBC loves the slave garden !!!

A cult member !!!

499df6  No.3387482



He did

3cbd2f  No.3387483

File: f5b7e06c8402d17⋯.png (125.52 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c80b2adb25f912a⋯.png (143.35 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e2c3bcb1adb01f⋯.png (129.56 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)






0ab576  No.3387484

File: f8f41658a167d6a⋯.png (296.33 KB, 843x852, 281:284, Satanic Temple brings 'Aft….PNG)

>>3387282 (prev bread)

Portland Or did this in 2016 too

Satanic Temple brings 'After School Satan Club' to Portland school

The Portland chapter of the Satanic Temple has reportedly succeeded in bringing its "After School Satan Club" to an elementary school within city limits.

Finn Rezz, one of two heads of the chapter, told the Oregonian that the organization has been approved to begin its program, which focuses on "on science and rational thinking," on Oct. 19 at Sacramento Elementary School.

Rezz previously told the paper that most members of the Satanic Temple are atheists who see Satan as an allegory for free thought, and that the program is intended to promote "benevolence and empathy for everybody."

The purpose, Rezz told the paper, is meant to counter "the Good News Club," an after-school club put on by the Child Evangelism Fellowship, "a Bible-centered organization.

"Across the nation, parents are concerned about encroachments by proselytizing evangelicals in their public schools, and are eager to establish the presence of a contrasting voice that helps children to understand that one doesn’t need to submit to superstition in order to be a good person," the After School Satan Clubs (ASSC) says on its website.

"Our goal, ultimately, is to place an ASSC in every school where the Good News Clubs, or other proselytizing religious groups, have established a presence," it said.

In August, the Satanic Temple of Seattle asked the Mount Vernon School District for permission to start an after-school program in direct response to the Good News Bible Club run by the Child Evangelism Fellowship at Centennial Elementary School.

Satanic Temple of Seattle spokesman Tarkus Claypool said a parent brought the Bible club to their attention because the parent was concerned the club was teaching children to evangelize to other children, according to the Associated Press.

Claypool said their curriculum teaches children logic, self-empowerment and reasoning, and they don't worship a deity.

School District Superintendent Carl Bruner said a 1991 Supreme Court ruling stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow access to all organizations, religious and secular. He said the district will explore how to respond to the application.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

d997c3  No.3387485

File: a6b584a5b4fb157⋯.png (36.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, MJ - Copy.png)

3e8cd1  No.3387486

File: 82414bebbdab139⋯.jpeg (33.25 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 33F7E92C-D095-491E-913D-3….jpeg)

eb0f39  No.3387487


MSNBC poll all 5 of their viewers?

0be9d1  No.3387488

Saw that upgrades were acheduled for 1900 est. . . But board is still laggy. . . Upgrades in place?

Effective as you expected?

89d541  No.3387489


Ford has to be exposed as a liar

It will never stop if she isn’t

Fucking Dems

d32cc4  No.3387490

File: 7e7af944993e741⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 474150263887c576e1ebb2419….jpeg)

d26bd4  No.3387491

File: 1d2e735f06700c2⋯.jpeg (450.14 KB, 1200x1733, 1200:1733, 260A91C9-2B34-46C2-9B2C-7….jpeg)

0ad750  No.3387492

File: b8269e113a41732⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 600x393, 200:131, Clinton-Gore-Confederate-F….jpg)

Taylor Swift wants Dems to return to power

73e92b  No.3387493

Swift - A Modest Proposal:


commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. The essay suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies.

677ba9  No.3387494

File: c24ea72bd0b8ccf⋯.png (1.05 MB, 622x929, 622:929, ClipboardImage.png)

More BEWBS for codemonkey! Thank you for your efforts to keep this happening habbening!

a2c4d6  No.3387495

File: cd018375c0a3eb9⋯.png (564.86 KB, 735x616, 105:88, 874789fe6ef62be954ce30cad4….png)


Always like this one. TY.

Thank You Baker!!

56c634  No.3387496

File: 577617e8640bc48⋯.jpg (165.65 KB, 737x805, 737:805, !Sizers.jpg)

File: a1c6c53d7b342cc⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 600x401, 600:401, !moe.jpg)

File: dc3f2722f4dabb3⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 408x255, 8:5, !temp-media.jpg)

5786dc  No.3387497

File: 5876acda52c1c78⋯.jpg (276.81 KB, 1112x777, 1112:777, Oct 7 Communists.jpg)

>>3386998 (last bread)

ea9cca  No.3387498

>They want you DIVIDED.











002623  No.3387499

9d4bbb  No.3387500

File: 578f7dfd9545571⋯.png (57.38 KB, 212x119, 212:119, leavedagun.png)

be85f5  No.3387501

QUIT WORSHIPPING "CELEBRITIES"! There is NOTHING at all to "celebrate" when it comes to (((THEM)))

The non cucked agree.

ad7e9b  No.3387502

File: 3bd8d9eb14cf320⋯.jpeg (17.76 KB, 600x401, 600:401, nuts.jpeg)

894b15  No.3387503



Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.


You have so much more than you know.


Future proves past.

News unlocks map.








+++Adm R+++


One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history).

Other sides falling.





Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).


Learn to read the map.

We may have overestimated your ability.





62f962  No.3387504


That's not a bad idea

Particularly if you do some on-the-street interviews

Of groups of high school girls

Asking what they think about this

Lot's of young people are in the MAGA movement

Each interview segment should be of a group. never less than two, because it helps to portray the fact that it is not just a few isolated people who have the opinion.

93d0b4  No.3387505

We have NEVER cared about Taylor Swift on THIS BOARD. THIS BOARD isn't /pol/ shockingly enough. Not even close. This board represents a definitive discontinuity in the course of "chan culture"…The fakies are struggling to heap this fact, however.

26d262  No.3387506


Swift cabal divisionfag

359f35  No.3387507

File: cbf8e32e55ed141⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 255x239, 255:239, cbf8e32e55ed14111db3d5cb3b….jpg)

im stuck in /qresearch/ forever

ba301d  No.3387508

File: efba84f52e56cd2⋯.png (397.9 KB, 650x990, 65:99, 2d1024d9987fdcf121ce71996d….png)

Thanks to the Anon that made this meme. It has gone viral on my Facebook page.

0ad750  No.3387509


Might need munching blades with that

509097  No.3387510


Normally I breeze right by you muhjooshills but she's right there with that Hunger Games/Passengers fatass chick (canNOT ever remember her name) and what's left of Weinstein's industry is thinking they'll survive with democRAT money buying 'Country Music".

These people really ARE stupid.

13d560  No.3387511


wonder where and how they found him. how did they decide he was the one to groom.

b56cf8  No.3387512


Because the only way anyone wants her fossilized Neocon advice, is on a fictional TV show! Too bad for her, "The Cure," and the "Pain [ ]" may be televised, but won't be a fiction!

ad7e9b  No.3387513


Last I heard, she actually lives with them


bff5c6  No.3387514

File: c3ed4006fc6052f⋯.png (463.08 KB, 580x542, 290:271, climbinaround.png)

File: 425e456898305c5⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1198x686, 599:343, punishers.png)

File: f71baf3724107ea⋯.png (721 KB, 1135x830, 227:166, qwavehere.png)

File: 581030fe011e981⋯.png (242.51 KB, 480x480, 1:1, emmypepe.png)

File: 26b19037e5d4ca3⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, littlecharmer.png)

50055a  No.3387515

File: c5ed105902d091c⋯.jpg (366.53 KB, 1698x1131, 566:377, VJQuckedRO.jpg)

"Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett."


d26bd4  No.3387516



242a76  No.3387517

File: f4abb9395a20bbb⋯.png (1.04 MB, 887x873, 887:873, 37650981278963489652346890….png)

56c634  No.3387518


>munching blades


93d0b4  No.3387519



83ea98  No.3387520


They can't help it. Their vanity is too massive.

15664d  No.3387521

File: 847b7ddc6d63099⋯.jpg (28.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, melania-trump-480x360.jpg)


I don't think I've heard her speak anything yet.

But don't doubt for a HOT SECOND that she plays a much bigger part of all this shit right here.

a2c4d6  No.3387522

File: 81ea72005610afd⋯.png (103.77 KB, 960x293, 960:293, 9d572b413864f57834f036e2b9….png)


That sweater is beautiful!!

ea15ba  No.3387523

File: 50ee9da0645f18f⋯.gif (113.37 KB, 480x336, 10:7, IMG_3960.GIF)


Trips confirm

6ac4c7  No.3387524

File: b2291f5129d899f⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, 20181007_213313 (1).jpg)

Family night! We're not artists but we like it.

002623  No.3387525


Vote Dem the hell out.

994e93  No.3387526


20, gotta be some kind of a record.

d32cc4  No.3387527


I never understood the draw to her.

Her music is awful. She started as a country singer, then changed to pop, which was WAY worse.

She was a cabal creation.

And not attractive. Never could tolerate her for a second.

76103f  No.3387528

File: 687302297ba6a55⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 662x543, 662:543, friendofbarry.jpg)

File: 58fec4589e606d7⋯.jpg (146.95 KB, 662x543, 662:543, friendofbarry.2.jpg)

601386  No.3387529


I never once thought swift was anything besides a normal hw cabalist

fa5493  No.3387530


I think I posted this too late in the last bread and I think there are others interested in this information.

89d541  No.3387531

File: b58f6d81d1f5434⋯.jpeg (220.61 KB, 1084x1089, 1084:1089, 821AE627-231D-4665-8C1C-3….jpeg)

be85f5  No.3387533


Pizzagate is his BIGGEST claim to fame.

918fce  No.3387534

File: ef80515462255e6⋯.png (405.61 KB, 649x943, 649:943, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)

If Blasey's a fraud, what about Corcept Pharma's reliance on her "research?"

15664d  No.3387535


I fear the same.

I quit just Friday.

I need help.

a2c4d6  No.3387536

File: dc7b3f7871e1bb2⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 576x324, 16:9, @FLOTUS Melania Trump .mp4)


100% Fact. She's POWERFUL here. KEK!!

0ad750  No.3387537


Melania, former top MI6 spy speaking 5 languages, is Q. 100%.

8d017f  No.3387538

welp guess im gonna delete all the tay swift memes now KEK

d997c3  No.3387539

File: 32b7a913f4998fd⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1072x888, 134:111, Capture - Copy (2).PNG)

File: 294acd9c67b8038⋯.png (230.2 KB, 324x414, 18:23, spider - Copy.PNG)

73e92b  No.3387540



9d4bbb  No.3387541

>>3387511 Africa has lot of villages missing IDIOTS!

93d0b4  No.3387542

File: ec27fd8946d96b2⋯.png (918.89 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, youdoindeed.png)

File: 2aba31ed33153ab⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1111x872, 1111:872, soonpope.png)


Disgusting and not fooling anyone, as usual, failurebot.

76103f  No.3387543


She made her move to the Illuminati once we went from small town country singer to main stream. Sold her soul… now full fledge.

13d560  No.3387544


didn't take long for the new playbook

df3e8f  No.3387545

>>3387366, >>3387395, >>3387413 Just a reminder than WHB will be late relieving on midshift. I hope this is not the first you've been told. I announced it maybe 10 hours ago the first time. Good luck, Bakers!

ad7e9b  No.3387546

File: 4517724abd76aa8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB, 276x183, 92:61, torch.jpg)


family night?


I got the water

84c63f  No.3387548

File: 6f6b590a1aa663e⋯.jpg (104.1 KB, 634x753, 634:753, 30B2C41900000578-3422836-L….jpg)


CIA clone failure #890

1e0156  No.3387549


Muslim brotherhood mates with planet of the apes..

Oh shit, I am lose my job now

864597  No.3387550

It's a good day when normies start using twitter to their advantage and fighting back against the left in a meaningful way. They used publicly available information to find out who she is and contact her employers


3cbd2f  No.3387551

File: 85fb487a448fc01⋯.png (130.34 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6328dfb9edccd1⋯.png (144.83 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dba79f93eef95c⋯.png (113.88 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Google Lead Designer: “You Are Finished, GOP… F*CK. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL…”


3d6fb0  No.3387552




Hey Anon who wrote this on the last bread. Would expand more, a hell of a lot more. Who are you expecting, why are you expecting and all the details , PLEASE.

>RED OCTOBER follows HRC Arrest

>From my point of view HRC will be arrested on October 17th, followed by an armed insurgence of Antifa, which resembles the Red October revolution of 1917 in Russia by the Bolshevik communists.

And I'll add something that some may sneer at, but if it resonates with you as truth, just remember this … saw a channeled message saying that Galactic fleets have been given the green light to show themselves. The message was given on 10/5 and it was said that this would happen in 14 to 16 days. So watch the sky from 10/19 to 10/21 … and if you see a sky full of decloaked ayyy ships, wave hi. :) It will be so many at once that it'll be undeniable.


Just remember the dates … just posting that here to make a record of the message.

dffc4d  No.3387553

File: 70a8212340c30d0⋯.png (562.03 KB, 660x484, 15:11, 5CCA37B7-48B6-4EA1-8EA1-30….png)

61bb75  No.3387554


Yeah she didn't just make an offhand comment, she went full tilt on the SJW nonsense. Stinks like all hell. They're cashing in every asset they've got left.

252ef3  No.3387555


say that this morning I think, thanks

883e6e  No.3387556


>MSNBC poll all 5 of their viewers?

They would need 20 people to get 45%-50%.

They were probably whoever was standing around the MSNBC office.

06a00e  No.3387557

File: eca3f3fa36f67f6⋯.jpeg (185.87 KB, 1440x1049, 1440:1049, 1534297116.jpeg)

994e93  No.3387558

File: aa06688821c162f⋯.png (221.27 KB, 320x400, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72fc87712aead50⋯.png (60.41 KB, 490x273, 70:39, ClipboardImage.png)

52b168  No.3387559

File: cce169ad81d345d⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, RDFLD.png)

a2c4d6  No.3387560

File: 1dc2528637a64d0⋯.png (266.09 KB, 327x485, 327:485, Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at ….png)

File: 6079d27fc215d51⋯.png (531.8 KB, 692x527, 692:527, Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at ….png)


Been calling it since December. She's GOT to be part of the Team. KEK!!

No matter what, She's part of the American/MAGA/BeBest/White Hat Team, and that's all that matters. God we are BLESSED!!

ecb763  No.3387561

242a76  No.3387562

File: b6b3b3080866b04⋯.png (880.42 KB, 1079x810, 1079:810, 12890746859082310-71039465….png)

8d017f  No.3387563

File: 013fb05748c0202⋯.png (690.54 KB, 922x986, 461:493, sepiadreamz.png)

File: 265202516ee9e66⋯.png (628.59 KB, 737x695, 737:695, FlotusPotusPepeWeeeeee.png)

File: d69318c91307b38⋯.png (850.36 KB, 714x800, 357:400, holdinpepemamahenftw.png)



15664d  No.3387564


I'll tell you what she pointed out here to Anons.

She pointed out that the Mad Hatter was involved in the slave farms that brought the blood bags up out of Africa from slave farms.

HRC and Mad Hatter…that whole connection.

61edd7  No.3387565

File: 36ea54025c8edbd⋯.jpeg (6.75 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images (39).jpeg)

File: a0db782734ff51a⋯.jpeg (13.91 KB, 216x234, 12:13, images (40).jpeg)


The Melania hat and matching white suit is a not subtle statement that she is a Magician. In tarot the Magician is basically God. The one who creates the thought. Before all action there must be inspiration. The thought.

That is the Magician.

God creates with his mind.

White Wizards are always portrayed with a pointed hat. This is basically the same.

They are saying they are magicians on the side of good.

939ca2  No.3387566


Months ago I used a "wish I could quit Q" meme.

Can't even find it now.


499df6  No.3387567


We are going to have to gas at minimum…1/4 of the country.

Upside is it should give us a slight bump on employment numbers. Only slightly tho. Most are unemployed if they have the time to do this shit 24x7.

f87fcb  No.3387568

File: 9374e58e73b76d2⋯.png (904.78 KB, 1022x592, 511:296, Hooah!.png)


My pleasure.


9d4bbb  No.3387569

>>3387537 Wait till the dems start saying she is the Russian connection!

af2d1d  No.3387570

"Watch the water"


waterfall ?


"The most famous training of the legendary Yamabushi or Ninja is waterfall training when the practitioner learns to sit or stand under the cold relentless waterfall while the water beats down of his body. While he sits there the waterfall comes to represent all the forces acting against him in the world, all the negativity and evil that works against him. By enduring he builds his will to becoming unmovable."

(By enduring he builds his will to becoming unmovable)

love and respect to all

03bbb2  No.3387571


it resembles a spraytan satan

1e0156  No.3387572


You Fucker

No lb

Do you think you’re so fucking important?

ad7e9b  No.3387573

File: 0bdd8b53e8dd5fe⋯.jpg (3.82 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 1523092346983429450.jpg)


I miss the chicks running from us

what happened to them?

994e93  No.3387574

File: e86bd66dae92756⋯.png (463.74 KB, 490x667, 490:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99f7706052f5d1e⋯.png (60.94 KB, 490x273, 70:39, ClipboardImage.png)

509097  No.3387575


I wouldn't even know who she was except she points out all the digits around here

89d541  No.3387576


My meme folder overfloweth too, anon

b56cf8  No.3387577


Besides being an idiotic Dox attempt, she wouldn't have a "Q" Clearance, even as a former M15 agent, which you have no sauce for, anyway! Lerk moar!

eb0f39  No.3387578


Who the hell has time to send out 25k tweets?

Save Hogue is a poser…..paid for slave

d59430  No.3387579

>>3386227 lb

>>3386369 lb

black eye = pedophile / killer after defiling his prey


93d0b4  No.3387580


But again, Taylor Swift HAS NEVER HAD THE LEAST RELEVANCE TO THIS BOARD. It was strictly a /pol/ meme.

What I'm pointing out is THE FAKENESS. /pol/ memes are arbitrarily injected and fake-discussed here, when they make zero sense for THIS BOARD.

601386  No.3387581

File: 1f91a276bed20e4⋯.jpeg (42.68 KB, 472x344, 59:43, 638D9CB4-7FD4-4C4D-BF77-A….jpeg)


I think it’s a statement against muslim treatment of women

a2c4d6  No.3387582

File: 813f0eb6c7fc299⋯.png (864.08 KB, 988x611, 76:47, Trump_Tweet_Dec_24.png)



Unless the WHOLE American Population eventually get at least CLOSE to Our "level", there will be weaknesses that evil WILL look to exploit once again.

Love it!!

56c634  No.3387583

File: b7963c1f4c28e30⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 590x720, 59:72, !LIPSS.jpg)


I would buy a business card holder if they made it look like that. Would look great on my desk…

Looks functionally possible!

994e93  No.3387584

File: b7e67f30496e729⋯.png (120.67 KB, 490x276, 245:138, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bd0b5779f3244f⋯.png (72.02 KB, 255x138, 85:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67a45c3fb893ec4⋯.png (207.53 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

3e8cd1  No.3387585


I wonder how things went in Egypt.

245d98  No.3387586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Laura Loomer & Faith Goldy visit Muslim event with WTC jihad dude. They get kicked out:

252ef3  No.3387587

File: b520887c7f59d4f⋯.png (65.22 KB, 426x380, 213:190, ClipboardImage.png)

53d39b  No.3387588


Question: "Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times?"

Answer: The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.

52b168  No.3387589

File: 82da5232359e966⋯.png (3.24 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, IASOCABK.png)

d028d4  No.3387590


I concur.

499df6  No.3387591


It’s an Indiana Jones bit.

She looks great, but it’s obvious.

13d560  No.3387592

NBC News


JUST IN: Interpol says it has received the resignation of Meng Hongwei, who had been reported missing, as president.

8b7ee2  No.3387593

File: 773d8c5b9a9768f⋯.png (90 KB, 844x778, 422:389, Screenshot (155).png)

And as one reply points out, Trump has flipped many Circuit Court judges, which significantly reduces the number of cases which will even reach the Supreme Court.



4d265a  No.3387594

File: 570ee30bfba4f6b⋯.png (39.43 KB, 662x813, 662:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b80aeaf8087dba5⋯.png (56.11 KB, 665x866, 665:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d60b04500018deb⋯.png (41.48 KB, 663x731, 39:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Dems Latest Scheme: ‘Balance’ Supreme Court by Adding Two Liberal Judges

NEW YORK — Following the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, some Democrats and progressive activists are shifting tactics, pushing a scheme to “pack” or “balance” the Supreme Court by adding two new seats to be filled by liberal judges. The Supreme Court expansion plot would be enacted if Democrats retake Congress and the presidency in 2020, according to the plan.

On Saturday, Vice’s West Coast editor Harry Cheadle referenced the plot in a piece titled, “We’re Watching the Slow Poisoning of the Supreme Court.”

He wrote:

Chatter of impeaching Kavanaugh was floating around, and some have taken to imagining a scenario where the Democrats retake Congress and the White House in 2020 but have their progressive legislation blocked by the Supreme Court. The only way forward then, the argument goes, would be appointing extra justices to “pack” the court—a scheme proposed by Franklin Roosevelt in response to a similarly right-wing Supreme Court in the 30s (FDR’s plan was rejected by Congress, but the court became friendlier to his policies anyway).

On Sunday, Vox.com featured an interview with political scientist David Faris, who advocated in a recently published book for Democrats to pack the Supreme Court with as many liberal judges as they can. Farris branded the plan the “neutron option for the Supreme Court.”

Cheadle himself previously summarized Faris’s arguments thusly:

[It] would involve first proposing a constitutional amendment to end lifetime tenure on the court and pushing a proposal to let each president pick two justices per term, a compromise that Faris hopes would “end the court wars.” He suspects Republicans wouldn’t go for that, however, so he’d advise the next Democratic president to just “pack” the court as FDR tried to do in 1937 before Congress rose up against him and prevented it. That would involve passing a bill to expand the size of the court and allowing the president to appoint however many justices would be needed to create a new liberal majority, with the friendly Senate signing off on any appointee. (This would be legal, Faris points out, because there’s nothing in the Constitution stipulating the size of the court, which has in fact fluctuated in the past.)

Indiana Law professor and podcaster Ian Samuel, meanwhile, advocated for such a plan to become a new progressive catch phrase, tweeting, “‘Pack the courts’ should be a phrase on par with ‘abolish ICE.'”

Huffington Post senior reporter Zach Carter followed with a piece titled, “Hey, Democrats: Pack The Court.” “‘Eleven Justices’ is the next ‘Abolish ICE,’” was the subtitled of the article.

Writing at NBC.com on Sunday, political science professor Scott Lemieux opined that “Democrats are now much more likely to mobilize against an even more conservative court.”



1. ATTACK OPPOSITION = FAIL (attempt anarchy)

2. ATTACK INDIVIDUAL = FAIL (attempt anarchy)


1e0156  No.3387595

File: 73b01c6f79d1b3e⋯.jpeg (20.4 KB, 236x255, 236:255, 6134E2A1-3C36-4682-B30B-E….jpeg)


Your Smart..

Yea, thats the ticket.

And Trump is Q+?

78d5a2  No.3387596


You can have the most vulgar items as long as you label them with Woman's march or some vagina empowerment shit.

894b15  No.3387597


Strike package Bravo-dT450-1


[R]_( )[+ 4]

Mar 6

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

7accac  No.3387598

File: 0536c0d589a8376⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 673x863, 673:863, heyjesus2.JPG)

c4c24b  No.3387599

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg)


we have a minimum IQ requirement here

d26bd4  No.3387600

File: 6af43d87bf0cd46⋯.jpeg (60.45 KB, 315x472, 315:472, 488F0057-6301-49D7-90A9-9….jpeg)

File: 1d2e735f06700c2⋯.jpeg (450.14 KB, 1200x1733, 1200:1733, CF32A098-A940-4323-8DB8-E….jpeg)

df3e8f  No.3387601



d32cc4  No.3387602

File: 1af373b4b3591da⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1518589772634.jpg)


who sees a sweater?

oh, wait…

3ff13f  No.3387603

bdb2ef  No.3387604


We need an EO making it legal to hunt these

retards…they should be classified as terrorists

06a00e  No.3387605


We do not

bc7b72  No.3387606




a slight correction is needed

>>3386993 Vatican announces investigation into serial sex abuser cardinal McCormick


499df6  No.3387607


This board wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for 4chan pol

201f82  No.3387608

In 1945, the US Secretly Handed 150 Warships to Russia for an Invasion of Japan

(For a time) the US was desperate for the USSR to invade Japan and Stalin drove a hard bargain


13d560  No.3387609



ad7e9b  No.3387610

File: 149d01cb9a71cbc⋯.png (137.3 KB, 800x445, 160:89, 1508033173251.png)


no we don't

06a00e  No.3387611

File: d75824adad2a202⋯.jpeg (126.81 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1538916553.jpeg)

78e718  No.3387612

File: 646d5d97c8959ac⋯.jpg (508.53 KB, 1280x992, 40:31, DeepQ.jpg)

8f07f1  No.3387613

File: 430ee2236e94ed5⋯.png (400.96 KB, 575x383, 575:383, ClipboardImage.png)

252ef3  No.3387614



>>3387453 KNOW THY ENEMY, Saul Alinksy

>>3387483 Jimmy Comet (of Comet Ping Pong_ was trolling "Qanon accounts" on Instgram

>>3387594 Dems Latest Scheme: ‘Balance’ Supreme Court by Adding Two Liberal Judges


fixed in the dough, thanks anon

918fce  No.3387615

this anon fucking rocks.


9216ed  No.3387616

File: 14d5af4834b5181⋯.png (527.98 KB, 1718x1400, 859:700, Secret to More Effective M….png)


>How will these people be reached & ever change their views?


Use THEIR faces (hipsters, black, latino, blue-hair land whales, crazy old cat ladies, etc.)

Use THEIR words/terms/lingo/slang

Use THEIR ideals

Use THEIR fears/hopes/dreams

Make it come from someone in their own in-group (a peer)

Make it okay for them to dissent, to #walkaway, to #wakeup, to THINK FOR THEMSELVES

Make it okay for them to choose differently than they have before

Make it okay for them to relax

Make it okay for them to feel good about their life looking better


baiting them personally

bashing them personally

belittling them personally

pointing out their own -personal- hypocrisy

NO ONE likes being used - they are being used.

Don't attack them personally, attack those who are USING them, and in reality, are actually oppressing them (i.e., dem leaders)

Use all the psychological tools & tricks - this is THEIR country, too and when things get better their lives get better too.

This WORKS, and it works very well.

That's why advertisers use it. That's why they spent millions of $$ developing campaigns to target a group, and use repetition

-short phrases

plant the seed

-personalize it

peer group, personal fear/hope/dream/concerns


they want desperately to "belong" - give them that (others in my group are thinking this, I can, too)


they love to ACT, and feel they have an effect, give them something to do that be that "changemaker" (vote R)

-they want to feel SMART & SAVVY

trick them into thinking it's their idea, and other smart people are thinking/doing this


They love "inclusiveness" make the message come from INSIDE their group and use those terms above

Use psychology, use everything at our disposal

8f07f1  No.3387617

File: 784c6dd83dc8b5e⋯.png (228.5 KB, 400x267, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)

a2c4d6  No.3387618

File: 339409ecac198d0⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 960x541, 960:541, 339409ecac198d0cf1e311bcc3….jpg)

And a lot of you Anons need to get up on your language. We CANNOT "Doxx" Q. Jesus Children. What is "doxxing"??

Nobody here knows who the QTeam is and it's all just speculation from a bunch of Anons. I've heard 300+ guesses of who Q is along the way, and do we KNOW who Q is yet?? No. And we never will unless Q wants to tell us.

Until then, we're just shooting the shit. Enjoy the ride.

101620  No.3387619


Seeing is believing. Do it Q!

4056e6  No.3387620

File: c3f6cbab410593f⋯.jpeg (287.9 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 63A7A409-3288-4249-AF95-2….jpeg)

File: 6d5c2242dc4d927⋯.jpeg (401.37 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FFACC046-2D0C-4B86-9E75-1….jpeg)


Thx Baker. Truly appreciative for all your hard work and sacrifices.

d26bd4  No.3387621

but muh nothings happening…



f40fa1  No.3387622


Zombies are real

25b9a0  No.3387623

Can we see a show of hands of who gives a damn what is on the pea-brain of Taylor Swift?

0ad750  No.3387624



JUST IN: International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union says it has received the resignation of Jimmy Hoffa, who had been reported missing, as president.

8f07f1  No.3387625

File: 8ae904bcc5d7671⋯.png (428.61 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

252ef3  No.3387626


be specific anon

ad7e9b  No.3387627

File: 013cce086888d15⋯.jpeg (6.53 KB, 180x184, 45:46, 3304598456980304934530454….jpeg)


And what will you be posting at?

d10ad0  No.3387628


I think this dude is actually pro-Trump. It says "The America will be great again in Trump's America". I read it as "they" being the Dems want us back in the fields. IMO

03bbb2  No.3387629


he loves the smokey eye

takes alot of spills onto vatican floors

or hes one of those beat themselves with that whip guys muh Flagellants

9e7774  No.3387630

File: 4cbe78fe9d5e918⋯.png (106.8 KB, 628x657, 628:657, hgjhgjyturtyutryu.png)

I hope we are getting close

27f18b  No.3387631

File: 16d92f77d56cff6⋯.jpg (128.68 KB, 470x541, 470:541, IMG_605.jpg)

939ca2  No.3387632


Started reading through hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of saved letters, papers, and other correspondence from spouseanon's family during WWII this weekend. It's hard enough, but knowing what I know now, it's nearly unbearable.

56c634  No.3387633


I don't want to label it, just want a cool puffed snatch to grab my cards! If they support the retard march I would never buy it.

Can't you just mentally picture a biz card "squeeking" as it is inserted into the holder's grip?


55aac6  No.3387634


Yep. SHE'S A WITCH. I've been trying to tell anons this whole time.

eb0f39  No.3387635

File: 2e3b69d9b8dc603⋯.jpeg (218.22 KB, 1084x1089, 1084:1089, 2B1F6BE1-400B-45BE-B9D8-1….jpeg)

8d14aa  No.3387636

>>3387244 pb

No Anon, I don't. If you have to ask means you need to LURK MOAR.



^^ what's up your ass?

c158ed  No.3387637

File: 23aaba9372504bb⋯.jpeg (260.74 KB, 1618x969, 1618:969, 2EBE3488-1C73-48F7-B967-D….jpeg)

8f07f1  No.3387638

File: 3976c70c4527889⋯.png (151.13 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

1e0156  No.3387639


I love it when Pepe points to the Obvious or takes the squeeze here in there

918fce  No.3387640


that would be self-aggrandizing.

52b168  No.3387641

File: 0ffdf6fb768b498⋯.png (368.15 KB, 662x342, 331:171, image.png)



93d0b4  No.3387642


How does that bear on what I'm actually saying? It doesn't. What went wrong, "anon"?

61edd7  No.3387643


The Jews wanted a visual spectacle of lots and lots of Jumpers. Hundreds if not thousands jumped that day. Some MKultra in the towers even performed Tarot card visuals on the way down like the Hanged Man guy.

It was a grand day celebration and no silly or funny joke that could be pulled on the Goy that day was skipped. This was the once in a generation chance to put on a grand death show. Like the Gladiator Games of old Rome. Make death a cinematic event using all the Jews aquirred Movie Magick.

Good times

d997c3  No.3387644

File: bc31fc2b22b55d1⋯.png (675.88 KB, 693x445, 693:445, CJ - Copy.png)

ffe5b1  No.3387645

File: 578793de2e16e67⋯.jpg (458.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 2MSM_DS_Unplug.jpg)





notice for all anons who for the 5th day in a row feel it necessary, shitting up the bread with this same tired, stupid pussy pic.

Do something productive…like help save the world, instead of cluster fukin' each other.

You will be from now on auto filtered. I don't care how many posts you have. It is old, redundant and no longer relatively amusing. Get a life…ffs

4d265a  No.3387646

File: 3ab7caea42cfef9⋯.png (285.62 KB, 589x642, 589:642, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d73be99d3f76e7c⋯.png (87.8 KB, 833x776, 833:776, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b22240fc28c8b1f⋯.png (229.33 KB, 467x572, 467:572, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 815a9a3866cc583⋯.png (12.47 KB, 858x151, 858:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Confirmed: Hack Reporter Molly McKew Who Pens Hit Pieces on Gateway Pundit & Conservative Activists Is Exposed as Paid Foreign Agent, Podesta Operative

Molly McKew, a far-left Russia-Gate conspiracy theorist who has written multiple hit-pieces against The Gateway Pundit, Cassandra Fairbanks, Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich and other conservatives, is a registered agent of the Georgian government operating inside the United States.

According to Foreign Agents Registration Act filings, Molly McKew has acted inside the United States on behalf of the anti-Russian Georgian government under the guise of a consulting company known as Fianna Strategies, LLC.


ea9cca  No.3387647


Red armband. Witch.

53d39b  No.3387648


amazing the resources the world has to spend on

the military. i wonder what the actual numbers are to every country, in ships, jets, ect.

4b5f7c  No.3387649


Active war on your mind?

"these and other actions taken as a whole constitute an intensifying effort to shift american public opinion….and policy away from the American first leadership of President Donald Trump"

bc7b72  No.3387650



nice numbers

please see


a2c4d6  No.3387651

File: 897374540c457e5⋯.png (184.01 KB, 675x615, 45:41, 43d25c26ba10142139a4b0c03b….png)


PERFECT!! This is how we win.


a4707b  No.3387652

File: dca7e375b4a6f18⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 572x418, 26:19, Constellation the Great Be….jpg)

File: 031a4cb93829f4e⋯.jpg (69 KB, 483x417, 161:139, fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

f87fcb  No.3387653


They. Must. Go.

d59430  No.3387654



This is a powerful woman

8f07f1  No.3387655

File: 6678399c77e792a⋯.png (220.82 KB, 455x239, 455:239, ClipboardImage.png)

0ad750  No.3387656


Min IQ here is 0

0b4f6f  No.3387657


Look I found a dumb kike

252ef3  No.3387658


see: >>3387614 (bottom)

56c634  No.3387659

File: 9191cec1d3c0e95⋯.jpg (223.57 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, !GAY08.jpg)



Very real.

06eca7  No.3387660

File: 6064affdd8804e8⋯.jpeg (730.63 KB, 1242x1403, 54:61, 4F11FCBE-40EF-4167-A5C1-1….jpeg)

File: 2ef298da73ec6ed⋯.jpeg (268.93 KB, 1242x655, 1242:655, A86E51A4-19D9-49CC-81E4-E….jpeg)

Did we get this?



d26bd4  No.3387661

Previously gathered intel hand off…?


5dffeb  No.3387662

File: afd00f5a3d746ca⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, appel6.jpg)

File: 53bfad44c46d68b⋯.jpg (139.33 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, appel.jpg)

File: 8bc2cd0480b048a⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 272x160, 17:10, appel7.jpg)


the pictures show the vehicle was going left to right.

the actual picture of limo is out in open. if it was heading south west and crossed over it took a 90 degree ang back east.

but I need to see other vehicle haven't seen it yet.

ea9cca  No.3387663


You glow shill.

7accac  No.3387664

File: ddc5533165e59ed⋯.jpg (153.5 KB, 896x857, 896:857, LAUGHSINCHEETA.JPG)

601386  No.3387665


holy shit this seems big

8d14aa  No.3387666

File: 314a51e035a0330⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 750x539, 750:539, sisters.jpg)


High Priestesses- the lot of em.

That's why we say FOLLOW THE WIVES

f87fcb  No.3387667

File: a2f36ec7b2845fd⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, OnDeck.png)

ffe5b1  No.3387668

File: e04fbd2a9c76e98⋯.jpg (239.3 KB, 618x512, 309:256, Got_Q.jpg)


I think we would be hard pressed at this time to find someone who 'was not' in the club.

ad7e9b  No.3387669

File: 44ee696ec6a6e64⋯.jpeg (4.92 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 157832492376103942.jpeg)


Your facts and your approach are both wrong

We are here to dig and amuse ourselves at the same time

Why are you here?

499df6  No.3387670


Is resignation the chink word for whacked?

98172d  No.3387671


How about with JFK, Jr. at the top of the ticket?


1a193c  No.3387672

File: f7b297f8fead8d5⋯.jpg (250.36 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Eagle Laser Eyes.jpg)




^^^ This anon was clearly referring to me.



Sorry for the confusion lesser anons.

dffc4d  No.3387673


Constitutional Amendment limiting the number of Justices to nine.

7accac  No.3387674



8d14aa  No.3387675

>3387663 no shekel

filter then divisionfag

c4c24b  No.3387676

File: c356cc42a462d45⋯.png (408.81 KB, 520x750, 52:75, ec5115787211b735dc0f389499….png)


Department of Interior Bureau of Ongoing Statistical Demographics, Office of Resource Management estimates 55% of the remaining Democrat voters and elected officials are various categories of child abusers, that includes the teachers unions, academics and the media. In fact anyone at all involved in the means of communciation is now guilty of the worst crimes others have done by their silence you fucking silent fucking cowards.

bd84fe  No.3387678

File: 8b9cca55ef252e9⋯.png (45.89 KB, 625x290, 125:58, b4052bd3-42f1-949b-8471-63….png)

b839cf  No.3387679

File: 79feac3dd0bcfe6⋯.png (41.55 KB, 771x496, 771:496, brothers global foundries.PNG)

File: 68f79e3a49dba14⋯.png (113.67 KB, 1375x516, 1375:516, obama global foundries.PNG)

I was listening to one of the cable networks earlier, CNN, I think it was.

A relative of the family killed in the limo accident was telling what happened. What I thought I heard was that the limo they were in initially and the company brought another to them during the ride.

The one that arrived to transport them the rest of the way was a dilapidated old vehicle that was making all kinds of noise. In fact, the relative said that one of the woman victims actually called her sister and told her that the vehicle was so bad that she seriously did not think they would survive the ride.

That stirs my suspicion when one of the earliest accounts said that the crash sounded almost like an explosion.

So, if you were going to kill some people in car crash, would you not want to make sure it was one of your old clunkers that had problems anyway.

Also, the brothers killed worked at GLOBAL FOUNDRIES.

Global Foundries makes computer chips,

Obama visited Global Foundries.



8b7ee2  No.3387680


The big bonus here?

If Schumer obstructs the Senate vote on the 30 circuit/district judges, that will require Democrat senators to remain in DC for proceedings. They can't go home and campaign for reelection.


06a00e  No.3387681

File: ebbce8e15508398⋯.jpg (6.2 KB, 200x143, 200:143, aada97107831d085869ff5f878….jpg)


Trip six.

9d4bbb  No.3387682


56c634  No.3387683


Wrecked a lot of shit.

That does not "readily appear" as a fatality judging from the lack of twisted wreckage and the small treeline.

55aac6  No.3387684


That night was her public indoctrination into "the club."

d7c3f9  No.3387685


Breaks my fuckin' heart…

d32cc4  No.3387686


I worked for them for 20 years. Dirty as hell…

7accac  No.3387687


I bet every last one of them would fuck a snake if you held its head.

13d560  No.3387688



61bb75  No.3387689

File: c113399b2881dca⋯.png (52.01 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 1e5b05bea61e3e7103ae6d7dd4….png)

b56cf8  No.3387690


If that's your sauce, you're a bigger moron than I originally thought! Precisely how does that point to Melania? It could refer to virtually anyone! The more relevant question here is, why am I even wasting my time with such a nOb?

c4c24b  No.3387691

File: c74403a6d2791fc⋯.gif (48.28 KB, 165x115, 33:23, c74403a6d2791fcac943646d0a….gif)



0ad750  No.3387692

File: 1d85d3d8118397f⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 634x356, 317:178, DgTW5GxU8AAokrN[1].jpg)

Taylor Swift

8d14aa  No.3387693

File: fff2c4242c5c9c6⋯.png (331.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, VV.png)


How appropriate, all vvitchey things considered.

535ba3  No.3387694


What if we were the retards that they dropped

off here. They tried to teach us but then we started to mix with monkeys and shit got crazy.

So they left and now we are here.

a2c4d6  No.3387695

File: b740d0a7976fe32⋯.jpg (181.08 KB, 1026x1214, 513:607, d34a2c58b8702983e48cb73b6a….jpg)


Awesome post!!

f87fcb  No.3387696

File: 7e8efd73d92b606⋯.png (500.65 KB, 1038x904, 519:452, UHRA.png)


Thank you. Carry on.

4d2f7e  No.3387697

File: 17b85baacc398de⋯.jpg (594.9 KB, 1024x1275, 1024:1275, 722163bb7bff515a725e20c261….jpg)

Don't get caught in the shills fabricated outrage machine. They come to Harvest negative emotions and start debates among the lurking HuffPo "reporters."

There are no active debates among anons that aren't settled by evidence. If there's no evidence there is no debate.

Do NOT reply to shills.

This is not a chatroom.

Do NOT engage shills correct their deliberate errors or be triggered by their mocking of your ethnicity. They get 1.66 for your response.

Do NOT feed the beast.


bff5c6  No.3387698

File: 9406c48facd5acd⋯.png (584.13 KB, 748x548, 187:137, dontmindifiq.png)

d7c3f9  No.3387699


Next we're going to learn she's a goddamn Jew…

3ff13f  No.3387700


OMG another anti racist skinhead black Nazi!

It makes sense or something something unity fascism derpa durka derp.

15664d  No.3387701

File: 4ad6a923fb7228f⋯.jpg (133 KB, 752x752, 1:1, broughtbeforeAdonai.jpg)

a4fb86  No.3387702

File: 76cd2e35fc6a76d⋯.png (197.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, No deals Hillary checker.png)

ea9cca  No.3387703


Rather Chelsey

7accac  No.3387704


Why do they all look like childerns?x

c2386a  No.3387705


Her second album is about me.

b839cf  No.3387706

File: 9b156b5ac1a4fb4⋯.png (121.49 KB, 785x340, 157:68, axel steenburg1.PNG)

File: 0cc41e6937a3fcb⋯.png (44.94 KB, 585x616, 585:616, axel steenburg2.PNG)


one brother killed was axel steenberg

ad7e9b  No.3387707


What song was playing when I did that cool scene?

d997c3  No.3387708

File: 294acd9c67b8038⋯.png (230.2 KB, 324x414, 18:23, spider - Copy.PNG)

572c9b  No.3387709

File: cf2adba54e55938⋯.png (484.66 KB, 1024x644, 256:161, pepe sphinx.png)

252ef3  No.3387710

some retard just called me a nob

78e718  No.3387711

File: 03cbadd8f367045⋯.jpg (155.02 KB, 540x712, 135:178, [CHINA].jpg)


3cbd2f  No.3387712

File: 82ea910b2f93851⋯.png (132.43 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Second half of first screenshot

9216ed  No.3387713

File: 485dfb1c269fba5⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, 485dfb1c269fba504b63969689….jpg)


the core of oldfags are still /pol/acks tho, try as you might to deny it and change it…

314513  No.3387714


Some nob just called me a retard

ae8725  No.3387715


Did you not just answer your own question?


53d39b  No.3387716

File: 4778e5ac6016908⋯.jpg (436.59 KB, 884x1112, 221:278, limo20dead.jpg)


i see 3 in this pic

588efd  No.3387717


Limos don't typically drive that fast…does seem a bit odd that one one survived. They wouldn't be wearing seatbelts, but someone might have survived just having other humans as an airbag.

d26bd4  No.3387718

File: 9d8a3edefdce825⋯.jpeg (133.02 KB, 707x500, 707:500, F5E3A703-6CE8-4462-8F96-D….jpeg)

File: 047b42597c165c9⋯.jpeg (87.82 KB, 601x500, 601:500, 3AEB3D38-161A-4D62-B07E-E….jpeg)

22aecb  No.3387719

File: 876b2ab679ba558⋯.png (868.32 KB, 960x901, 960:901, whitehat.png)


been tryin to get this one just right.

What a beautiful woman!

c2386a  No.3387720


/They/ better have more fucking problems than Kav by the midterms or Trump can bite me.

13d560  No.3387721

Update: Interpol said on Sunday that Meng has resigned as the president of Interpol.

"Today, Sunday 7 October, (at) the Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon, France received the resignation of Mr Meng Hongwei as President of Interpol with immediate effect," reads a statement from the international police organization.

South Korean national Kim Jong Yang wil become acting president, while a new president will be appointed at a Nov 18-21 meeting to be held in Dubai.

03bbb2  No.3387722

File: bc082600417d30c⋯.png (82.89 KB, 625x290, 125:58, 1538963894679.png)

15664d  No.3387723


No hidden messages here

None at all.


9216ed  No.3387724


you archived those before posting them, right?

8d14aa  No.3387725

File: e7d727794d03048⋯.jpg (161.27 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 11.3 psalms.jpg)



His goodness will let the very elect (seven thousand that stood against Satan without wavering), being the first fruits, that would suffer for Him in the near future and bring this age into "the millennium" which is the Lord's day. The elect destiny is to lead people to the knowledge concerning, Who the Kenites are.(Roman 11 ) (Ephesians 1 )

ROMANS 11:4 I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal

EPHESIANS 1:1 … To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus


WE, Our movement, are HIS elect!

3ff13f  No.3387726


Hope not…

Than that would make her an anti racist anti patriarchy Confederate Nazi or something something it makes sense fascism not Marxism derpa derpa something something thing.

06eca7  No.3387727

File: 339b482a1339443⋯.jpeg (699.24 KB, 1242x1288, 27:28, D5CADD89-F021-4441-9A6B-5….jpeg)

Great eye contact



06a00e  No.3387728

509097  No.3387729


I bet Willie Fucking Nelson is up her ass too on the Lefty disease.

My God. Was Luckenback, Texas a fuckin mirage, too? That can't be.

002623  No.3387730


can't have a blue wave if all their cabal puppets are jailed can (((they)))


351f00  No.3387731



Nothing to see here… at all.

61edd7  No.3387732


She is Anton Lavays daughters clone.

I am 75% leaning this way. Lavay's daughter could sing and looks just like Taylor. So close that a little plastic surgery as a kid could easily make it less obvious. Got to keep up that plausible deniability in your tricks. The Elite love this cuckoo's egg sending out offspring into other families to hide the connections. It is how the Rothschilds set up their system.

3cbd2f  No.3387733


on my own hard drive. Haven't archived anywhere else.

c2386a  No.3387734


MSNBC Only polls faggots too. How’d you vote?

d39db6  No.3387735



Constitutional A not required / involved. Congress is responsible for determining the number of SC justices.


SC was set at 9 justices by the Judiciary Act of 1869, and has remained at that number, despite FDR's threat to pack the Court with liberals/progressives.

b5c290  No.3387736


"We are going to recount votes until Democrats come out on top and then stop the recount"

50103b  No.3387737


She isn't there yet. And even if she does move, she will still not be beyond our reach. There are very few places on earth beyond our reach.

28fe10  No.3387738

File: a3996057cc56128⋯.png (32.1 KB, 660x395, 132:79, Daou Poll Sunday Night.PNG)

File: aea6f7d21555e2f⋯.png (141.2 KB, 345x547, 345:547, Daou Twitter Bio.PNG)

Anons please vote

Last night when the poll was first posted on the board it was 68% NO

Now it is 64% YES

There are 51 minutes lrft

C'mon anons, vote and get the final number to 68% yes….

A complete reversal of last nights number

Remember too, he worked for Clinton and Kerry

Consider this practice for November


15664d  No.3387739

be85f5  No.3387740

DIE. They deserve to die and then what comes after that for the wicked.

d7c3f9  No.3387741


Why don't we create a "No Jews Allowed" version of Hollywood for ourselves???

This always baffled me… Just BECOME the film-makers, producers, actors, "box office", etc.

Just fucking do it, you thespian nerds!

af2d1d  No.3387742

File: 75ab719ce1a4bfe⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, Do6bazKXgAYestG.jpg)

"Watch the water"


waterfall ?


"The most famous training of the legendary Yamabushi or Ninja is waterfall training when the practitioner learns to sit or stand under the cold relentless waterfall while the water beats down of his body. While he sits there the waterfall comes to represent all the forces acting against him in the world, all the negativity and evil that works against him. By enduring he builds his will to becoming unmovable."

(By enduring he builds his will to becoming unmovable)

love and respect to all>>3387727

d26bd4  No.3387743

Genuine camaraderie


0602b2  No.3387744


Waiting for names … this is a case of someone taking control of the vehicle as per lots of others right?

cfec06  No.3387745

File: d903d918bb51dec⋯.jpeg (179.13 KB, 1064x708, 266:177, FC76BD40-83F2-41FB-BFE4-6….jpeg)

File: 91d5db72c18d9aa⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D511FC21-F66D-4F58-8D5D-6E….png)


Or tony podestas version…

af429d  No.3387746

File: bebdc876f0f7f80⋯.jpg (221.96 KB, 1062x1600, 531:800, downloadfile-1.jpg)


What a slew of self-serving drivel. Maybe some of you sorry basement dwellers need a continuous diet of soft porn, but the rest of us are content with saving our Republic. Also, some of us have breasts of our own, and find the (mostly-artificial) boob-athon perplexing.

06a00e  No.3387747

File: d65f1a3ec81d581⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 487x363, 487:363, d65f1a3ec81d581dbf9de0e65e….jpg)

894b15  No.3387748

File: 0000007405aa702⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1616x1612, 404:403, qclock .png)



0fc3da  No.3387749

File: 0d7103ea55e7bb9⋯.png (38.71 KB, 1200x637, 1200:637, 1200px-The-Weinstein-Compa….png)

56c634  No.3387750

File: 3a9dcfefd72da1a⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 480x480, 1:1, !chin-temp.jpg)


I love Chinese girls as much as other Asians, but the commies can eat a dick… (pic related!)

Not all Asians are commies - Thank God!

e7aa2c  No.3387751


This is great!

ffe5b1  No.3387752


got blank for that anon?

a2c4d6  No.3387753

File: 40e170e588c0709⋯.jpg (202.51 KB, 1496x896, 187:112, d7ee3044-10ed-4ff9-b9a0-ff….jpg)


TY Anon!!



4d5a75  No.3387754


any of the deceased own any patents?

266254  No.3387755



Pepe is Q


894b15  No.3387756

File: f17330d3a43de4e⋯.png (33.08 KB, 832x326, 416:163, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)


d3f546  No.3387757

Was LG a mole for Q team?

2cb806  No.3387758

File: b5e1b902ca36547⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 253x199, 253:199, images-3.jpg)

Mr. Collier, I know you follow Q. I want to Thank You for all you have done over the decades. You always make me feel so much better. Your genuineness just blasts through.

And to A. There are no words. One day I will give you a hug. :) <3

688dfa  No.3387759


So fucking what? Bye.

588efd  No.3387760


Possible, but not way to know at this point. Sometimes accidents are accidents.

a2c4d6  No.3387761

File: 8cc4accbee6cd26⋯.jpeg (363.09 KB, 750x426, 125:71, 704E6EF3-35C2-4DCA-A899-0….jpeg)

863a60  No.3387762



499df6  No.3387763



Are you suggesting that Taylor Swift killed halfchan?

Lol. Ok.

Seems legit a reason as any.

She’ll kill this one too, most likely.

There are only like 6 of us left here. The rest are embarrassingly cringy biblefags or FLOTUS cultists.

Don’t believe me just post boobs or anything bad about McCain

3ff13f  No.3387764


Because patriotards still go and watch all of the Jews stupid world war jew movie bullshit.

That's why!

11790f  No.3387765


I still can't understand why nobody asserts the ONE POINT: If the charges are valid, why not go to law enforcement and press charges? Why not? No one asks.

416401  No.3387766


wonder if it has to do with Chinese spy chips on chips that was in the news a few days back

76103f  No.3387767

55aac6  No.3387768

File: 17e172c1c4c62c7⋯.jpeg (17.52 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 46ed6c5842f050fb8e05c953b….jpeg)


ffe95c  No.3387769

File: 97bc37d6ab984c9⋯.jpeg (733.42 KB, 1485x2227, 1485:2227, 8D79CBE1-2173-4DA4-8531-6….jpeg)

a34dd7  No.3387770

File: aae95447501a0c2⋯.jpeg (4.43 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4826033E-7AEF-4AFA-9FFA-C….jpeg)

File: 60ba8a511049d1d⋯.png (100.34 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, EB816B6F-C872-413D-9B5C-A5….png)


Looks like UK MOD is spying on me too!

I’m an American so wtf and live in USA!!!

I did a sys diagnose of my IPhone and found my web traffic is routed through an IP address for the UK Ministry of Defense!


I’m an Inventor too so those clowns are likely stealing my shit!


2 fucking years I’ve been hacked and monitored!!!

Very bad (very sick like) people!!!

5082ce  No.3387771


Yeah…. the little Princess. Who’s her Daddy?

f8504f  No.3387772

The are 57 former C_A agents running for democratic seats. Subversion? Cabal?

a2c4d6  No.3387773


Hey…Here's the very bitter shill. Filtered.

4d5a75  No.3387774


How the hell do you get 3 cars in the woods?

Equal and opposite reaction.

9a9eb4  No.3387775


`who killed Brian Jones?

d7c3f9  No.3387776


Fair point.

ff2661  No.3387777

File: c055bfe1bab0ae9⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 477x640, 477:640, uncle-scrotor.jpg)

39c0c2  No.3387778

File: 83fc80dd672770a⋯.png (958.12 KB, 1086x600, 181:100, ClipboardImage.png)

Just guessing.

61bb75  No.3387779

File: 2af305c004b1895⋯.png (30.61 KB, 720x644, 180:161, 1531185526094.png)


Thanks for the update. voted early on that last night and forgot to check it. Lefty twitter poll #100001 btfo

bd43be  No.3387780


eBot is aware of its shills. Oh crap…duck!

129834  No.3387781

[499df6] Is David training his shills like the Japanese did their kamikaze pilots towards the end of the war? Have a chair, broomstick and some saké.

242a76  No.3387782

File: 22b27ad67e8d399⋯.png (1.17 MB, 837x863, 837:863, 11212127676437437929078409….png)

File: 5d3492ce6f74ffb⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1595x893, 1595:893, 73244369589232786547294278….png)

06a00e  No.3387783

File: 002a89cc0f0e32f⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 500x306, 250:153, tumblr_inline_p7uuau9FPQ1s….jpg)

4d2f7e  No.3387784

File: a2783520f341daa⋯.png (243.91 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, a2783520f341daac45fbc8fae4….png)

File: b1efde8fca789d7⋯.jpeg (114.52 KB, 1024x770, 512:385, b1efde8fca789d7cf2c98ab1e….jpeg)

File: f71de47da5392d4⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 600x450, 4:3, b8b397c94c1a15eda247d6711f….jpg)

File: e6fae2234a44094⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 600x350, 12:7, e6fae2234a4409400a082450bd….jpg)

File: eea2de07022fe82⋯.jpg (79.17 KB, 576x429, 192:143, eea2de07022fe82b76aea1d86e….jpg)

Trauma based mind control uses children as slaves to create more slaves generation after generations the techniques for doing this have been cultivated by satanic cultist bloodline families/

5cba36  No.3387785

File: 6c6b9f3e732f3e7⋯.png (935.92 KB, 1229x614, 1229:614, ClipboardImage.png)

894b15  No.3387786


RED OCTOBER shows with IRON eagle


is complete in line with this ++ +++ +

figuring it out

03bbb2  No.3387787

File: 708af5169b27b35⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 862x370, 431:185, Untitled.jpg)

509097  No.3387788


To answer my own question - and why not? - Luchenbach seems to be the alias of the original Fischer-Miller Grant at Castell, Texas. Communist plant utopia massacred by Comanche AND hurricanes.

53d39b  No.3387789


seems like fuckery

b839cf  No.3387790


Here’s what we know about the 20 people killed on Saturday.

• The limousine was rented by Axel and Amy Steenburg, newlyweds from Amsterdam, N.Y., who had married over the summer, according to Lester Andrews, Axel Steenburg’s stepfather. The group of friends had gathered to celebrate Amy Steenburg’s 30th birthday.

• Three of her sisters, Mary Dyson, Allison King and Abby Jackson, also died in the car crash, relatives said. Axel’s brother, Rich Steenburg, was also killed and is survived by his 10-year-old daughter and 14-year-old stepson. The Steenburg brothers both worked for GlobalFoundries, a foundry that produces semiconductors.

• Two other victims were also recently married: Erin and Shane McGowan. Rocco Semprivivo said his stepdaughter, Erin McGowan, had dated Shane McGowan for a few years before marrying at St. Mary’s Church in Amsterdam in June. She had worked at St. Mary’s Hospital in Amsterdam and was studying for her master’s degree in special education. Mr. Semprivivo said that one of the other passengers who was killed, Patrick Cushing, was Ms. McGowan’s’s cousin. “She was just such a pretty girl,” Mr. Semprivivo said of his stepdaughter before hanging up.

• The victims were a tight-knit group of friends, most of them in their 30s, that had been recently married or had young children, according to Erin Flaherty, a mutual friend who lives in Manhattan. “They were together multiple times a week always hanging out,” said Ms. Flaherty, noting they threw many backyard parties.

• A GoFundMe page was created to cover the future college expenses for the children of Adam and Abby Jackson, who were among the victims. The couple is survived by a 4-year-old son and a 16-month-old daughter.


c2386a  No.3387791


Trump should appoint his 300+ unconfirmed nominees during the recess. Fuck the Senate demonicrats. Start firing bureaucrats too, bigly. Drain the fucking swamp!

d997c3  No.3387792


Damn it Pepe I love your glorious green ass mother fucker!

6dd402  No.3387793

Anons, it has begun. I have started the first step. I've dropped crumbs back in the old days, before the board became a center for boomers and partisans. I hope you have woken up enough to realize who Trump really serves. Buckle up buttercups, I'll see you in 2020.


002623  No.3387794


What about God Father III?

883e6e  No.3387795


Very rarely do anons who post that stuff ever contribute anything of value. You can safely filter then by ID at the start of the bread. Go back and check any of them.

f87fcb  No.3387796

File: deda12bcbce3fb8⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1360x942, 680:471, POTUS and Pepe.png)

8d14aa  No.3387797

File: 11afaf07804ce21⋯.png (9.92 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, blvd.png)


^^ Waterfall

Pic was posted earlier today- dunno wtf for but there's a poster of a Halloween waterfall on the bus stop in the background. Any clues, Anons?

Tried to blow it up but don't have the tools to see it.

c4fbb3  No.3387798


MUH empowered bewwwwbs.

db8cda  No.3387799


His eyes creep me out- can’t explain why but they just seem evil or something.

11790f  No.3387800

44238c  No.3387801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

252ef3  No.3387802



>>3387453 KNOW THY ENEMY, Saul Alinksy

>>3387483 Jimmy Comet (of Comet Ping Pong_ was trolling "Qanon accounts" on Instgram

>>3387594 Dems Latest Scheme: ‘Balance’ Supreme Court by Adding Two Liberal Judges

>>3387679 Brothers killed in limo crash worked for a company Obama visited

>>3387735 Congress is responsible for determining the number of SC justices

ffe5b1  No.3387803

File: 37a25246c491a72⋯.jpg (218.83 KB, 960x712, 120:89, grammys_liberal-squirls_in….jpg)


Interesting…These are not WH photogs…these are experienced Model photogs taking these photos. This is all a planned op…for whatever reason.


c2386a  No.3387804


I’m in deep blue libtardville and I’ve yet to see a pussy hat. I want one. Pump n dump some libtard chicks (not for the first time I might add).

3ff13f  No.3387805


If you believe Jewish history about Japan suicide pilots then you are very gullible.

4d2f7e  No.3387806

File: e5707d2e38a4543⋯.jpg (98.79 KB, 615x766, 615:766, e5707d2e38a4543fc5ec242240….jpg)

File: 2ce6a482e2cb837⋯.png (451.4 KB, 632x828, 158:207, e31565653452e40d08e68ad547….png)

File: ef2596ff76d8062⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3203x2047, 3203:2047, ef2596ff76d8062db79a87fe56….jpg)

File: af56c34b0a4c1d7⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 536x400, 67:50, f1cc8b2777249a40849fd7e89b….jpg)

File: 888aa46821ae8fb⋯.png (559.66 KB, 932x597, 932:597, ff4b24ba6619465e032f132851….png)

From the pedo files.

d7c3f9  No.3387807

File: 5c4630d08140f31⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 600x396, 50:33, Bill Clinton John Podesta ….jpg)

a2c4d6  No.3387808


Interesting try at subversion. Fuck off. Filtered.

b07ce1  No.3387809




How can other anons run the same test or equivantent to assess if we have the same issue,

f20c12  No.3387810


omg, can we please get the version without the arrows?

13d560  No.3387811

Grace Meng said she believes that sending the image was her husband's way of trying to tell her that he was in danger.

She added that she has had no further contact with him since the message was sent on 25 September.

Ms Meng also said that four minutes before Mr Meng shared the image, he sent a message saying "wait for my call". -Indpendent

61edd7  No.3387812

File: 93a17b7070296b6⋯.jpeg (7.23 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (60).jpeg)


Before you dismiss remember all media is a chance to spin you. The Jews treat media as a chance to trick you.

They also have a love of bloodlines and hiding those bloodlines. Aleister Crowley was special to them. They loved Barbara Bush because they knew she was the MoonChild of Aleister.

Anton Lavay was loved by the Satanist. They honored his efforts with some interesting fuckery. David Navarro is his Moonchild.

Anton Lavays daughter was quite the good singer. Pure Satanist but could sing.

Everything is a fucking game to these people.

They thought you would follow the stars. It is why all the stars say the same shit. They are in lockstep. The powers that be owned them totally.

Media is just a chance to show off their newest Magick tricks.

9216ed  No.3387813


These things really do work. I've made many memes that went really far on jewbook. Older friend of mine who is not political on there looked at my folder of memes and gasped that he had seen all but 4 (out of over 25). Also don't discount that a lot of older people who may not be active on social media DO have email lists and send stuff around - especially older people. Hell my mom does and I've seen here that one anon's grandma sent him a meme he had just seen posted here an hour or so earlier!!

(((They))) have millions of $$ in budgets and highly paid consultants/designers/advertisers working for them AND WE OUTSHINE & OUTSMART THEM.

We should absolutely use everything at our disposal - because this really is war. Memetic warfare is real (NATO did a seminar on it!) and our MIL knows it too. WE are the external meme-warfare factory.

The BEST propaganda is TRUE.

06a00e  No.3387814

File: 456064a64100fa6⋯.png (181.32 KB, 621x621, 1:1, 1420058085686.png)

a8e581  No.3387815

File: af8d97e4aed7af5⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1873x2160, 1873:2160, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Post 2364 Side by Side with OIG page 294

ca0ac6  No.3387816

File: 3cf5aeaf18187c9⋯.jpeg (11.38 KB, 224x224, 1:1, batman2.jpeg)

e7aa2c  No.3387817


So a relative immediately goes on CNN

Why does this raise moar red flags????

fa5493  No.3387818


Sorry. I didn't mean to derail your Taylor Swift work.

c4c24b  No.3387819

File: cfd70552f06853b⋯.jpg (294.85 KB, 865x473, 865:473, rob reiner charity.jpg)

File: 9ea46da8aa72fe2⋯.jpg (617.22 KB, 1272x867, 424:289, savile mockery.jpg)

File: b3dc4abc069be41⋯.png (205.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f5132b7c022d96a5b9f21abded….png)


alas anon i know what you mean :-(

abel danger has been saying follow the wives for YEARS…Matrix 5 &c.

watch the wives also includes melania…but a good way

7db00a  No.3387820

File: 27f132eb5cd0838⋯.png (386.73 KB, 892x698, 446:349, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)



on Twitter 7 years ago.

After she was criticizing Kavanaugh for shit 35 years ago.

Karma's a bitch literally.

834819  No.3387821


Where is a picture of the Limo ???

56c634  No.3387822

Would like to have the list if you have it.

I knew there were many.

It is very much deep state trying to maintain control…


-→ You need to LEAVE The NAME AND EMAIL blank!!!

DO NOT post your email here!

Actually, after doing that, you should stop using that address it is very seriously dangerous kiddo.


Can you zap that info for the newfag's safety?

4d5a75  No.3387823


The only way I can see getting all 3 cars in the woods is if they were going the same or near the same direction like a chase.

c2386a  No.3387824


I’ve always known who Q is basically. The team has shifted. Hope and Rogers left etc.

0b4f6f  No.3387825


You're probably the shiniest niglet at the ball.

076b2f  No.3387826

File: a7846b820569c61⋯.jpg (182.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromRage24.jpg)

File: 98ff8b5c54ad140⋯.jpg (180.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromHysteria1.jpg)

File: cefd4782deb330e⋯.jpg (169.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemocratDoNotResuscitate4.jpg)

File: 25196fb720d9325⋯.jpg (267.39 KB, 1078x701, 1078:701, RIPDemocratParty.jpg)

File: 10646923f67284a⋯.jpg (318.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayDemocratParty6.jpg)


This is very good and insightful.

We need help!

We (I) do not know their faces, their words, their ideals, their fears/hopes/dreams, who is in their in-group.

I don't have TV and have stayed off TV for most of my life except for a few brief excursions into TV-land.

I understand how to use the WE-US-I-OUR words and present information from their point of view … but what I say may not seem credible since I really lack insight into how this group thinks/feels.

Very isolated anon here; have not been plugged into mainstream society for the majority of my life.

Can you make the suggestions more specific? It would really really help.

What images/personages to use.

What lingo to use.

What hopes/dreams/fears to hype.

See my problem?

#WalkawayFromtheHate memeanon

Do you see any memes in the Red October Memewars bread that you could point out as positive examples? (It's rather obvious what the negative examples are.)

"Even their mascot wants out" → change to "Even OUR mascot wants out". Understood.

ae8725  No.3387827

File: 166e75f45c48225⋯.jpg (74.02 KB, 603x430, 603:430, bkr again.jpg)

ffe5b1  No.3387828


you can buy them online.

knock yourself out…child.

50055a  No.3387829


ThanQ Tiresias!

f4c947  No.3387830

guys what i do if the intel agencies/ lizards or whatever the fuck they are keeping bothering me and trying to scare me

its not even scary its just annoying

i just wanna play pokemon in peace

and kill all satanic jews

61bb75  No.3387831

File: 59c7aea8480c57c⋯.png (28.1 KB, 424x400, 53:50, mst3chek.png)

2cb806  No.3387832


Well done.

d32cc4  No.3387833

File: 0d98d7d39ae7b7b⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 594x500, 297:250, 0d98d7d39ae7b7b054e185455c….jpg)

3ff13f  No.3387834



8b7ee2  No.3387835


Another thing we need to pimp is the MERIT Act

Makes it easier to fire federal employees, among other things


Loudermilk is a relatively new guy, but solid /ourguy

39c0c2  No.3387836

File: 0bc8196613472ea⋯.png (967.16 KB, 1080x599, 1080:599, ClipboardImage.png)


>omg, can we please get the version without the arrows?

In the last bread.

0602b2  No.3387837

fbbbd4  No.3387838

File: 8bb8a1f26a4ebbe⋯.jpg (208.37 KB, 860x931, 860:931, gf1.jpg)

File: 8f1733fd3cf1120⋯.jpg (321.53 KB, 1725x911, 1725:911, gf2.jpg)

File: 652a1fb6be3c8b8⋯.jpg (370.25 KB, 1707x894, 569:298, gf3.jpg)

File: 2939792c4278738⋯.jpg (271.93 KB, 1687x881, 1687:881, gf4.jpg)

File: ce373730e7ade88⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 1247x548, 1247:548, gf5.jpg)


Not sure if it is or not…

But re: the limo crash in central NY that killed 20…

They just started releasing names of those killed. Just started digging into the names. Brothers Axel Steenburg (29) and Rich Steenburg (34) were killed.

sauce: https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-limousine-crash-victims-included-newlyweds-brothers

Both worked at GlobalFoundaries. Seems like the older brother Rich just started working there last year - not much detail on him. The younger brother Axel worked there for almost 4.5 years.

GlobalFoundries has Abu Dhabi owners and is a semiconductor manufacturing company involved in some big industries: automotive, communications, data centers, aerospace, and defense among others.

Here's Axel's profile from Linkedin:


4 years 5 months

PMO 14NM Yield ENG


February 2017 – Present 1 year 9 months

Malta NY

• CFFT training, Sustaining, Comprehending Disposition and Sampling

• Route Creation

• Maintain Route Update Requests

• Ensure Expedited Route Sign off to avoid delayed releases and cancellation

• Align and with various modules to resolve issues with requests

• Work with PCRB to Utilize and alter Spec Limits, Measurement Strings, Operation numbers, and Criticality

• Understand and WIP management, obtain data needed to start Product on a weekly basis

• Provide Training and assistance to less experienced team members

• Coordinate and streamline processes making sure all assigned tasks are completed

• Exchange information in an effective in concise and logical way

• Actively Participates in Multi-Departmental troubleshooting

Equipment Technician Photolithography


June 2014 – February 2017 2 years 9 months

Malta, NY

•Respond to tool alarms and resolve issues.

•Coordinate and exchange information with management and staff to resolve tool issues.

•Provide informal technical support and on the job training to new Team members.

•Apply experience to complete assignments in an effective and resourceful manner.

•Completed Semes overview tool training.

•Completed TEL level 1 Training and obtained certificate.

•Improved tool availability by reducing the number of alarms and chemical fill stops occurring on the tools.

•Helped with qualification and tool installations

•Currently Lead MT on shift

sauce: https://www.linkedin.com/in/axel-steenburg-6b490bb3

Ex-Governor Pataki was a big supporter of theirs. Current NY Chief Dickhead Andrew Cuomo has been a big GlobalFoundries supporter. His economic development agency (CROOKED AF) has given them many millions of $$$ in state funds.

"This massive transfer of taxpayer cash to a private company, and the paper trail that documents it, may provide the public its only glimpse into the biggest economic development project in state history."

sauce: https://www.timesunion.com/local/article/All-expenses-paid-GlobalFoundries-sent-bills-2209878.php


Could be nothing, but seems like it might be something….


2348de  No.3387839


Read their post again.

Appears post Trump.

Damn dude lol.

8cd9a2  No.3387840


Black lid appears to be dumpster in middle object

0fc3da  No.3387841



c2386a  No.3387842


Where’s the lick button?

002623  No.3387843


shame we can't have for this section/board, name/email locked from being used here to protect normies.

2348de  No.3387844


*pro. typo

4d5a75  No.3387845


Somebody owns a patent or worked on a patent is my bet.

b56cf8  No.3387846


Daddy must be SO PROUD! The one out front reminds me of a Baboon that's pissed off because it's in a cage at the zoo! Where she belongs! (Maybe once we are done with WWG1WGA, they should study them to determine where and how things went South in their brains!)

f20c12  No.3387847


Thank you! Just got off work and I LOVE pics of FLOTUS with this pepe.

6dd402  No.3387848

Israel is last…

Yall still falling for this?


50055a  No.3387850


ha kek

13d560  No.3387851

File: f554eb7d24add43⋯.png (89.99 KB, 232x217, 232:217, e2885878-13a9-4400-8f27-72….png)

bff5c6  No.3387852

File: c3ed4006fc6052f⋯.png (463.08 KB, 580x542, 290:271, climbinaround.png)

73e92b  No.3387853



b31331  No.3387854

File: 03b28c9d50077f5⋯.png (246.36 KB, 383x596, 383:596, ClipboardImage.png)


Movie poster


+ reflection on glass cover.

ff4241  No.3387855


Well….check that box

d26bd4  No.3387856

unstable buffoon


0ad750  No.3387857


We are just a science lab experiment of a 10 year old kid in the future

be85f5  No.3387858

Get out and vote, or be ruled by LUNATICS

29d0af  No.3387859


he was amazing.

56c634  No.3387860


I never considered that kamikaze's was a lie, because the distance and fuel was said to be 1way trip.

Elaborate- I never heard an alternative theory…

15664d  No.3387861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jam 4 Flotus

This one Goes out to FLOTUS!

Come home soon!

a2c4d6  No.3387862

File: c732c4cb27e0feb⋯.png (934.61 KB, 790x548, 395:274, FLOTUS1.png)


FACT!! We really have no idea of how much reach we have. It's all about our INTENTIONS, and your's are clearly on point Anon. I can't make graphics, but I can tell we're on the same wavelength, and I hope to apply what you brought up in the New Free markets we have coming up.

Compassionate Capitalism

Your doing God's work Anon, keep it up!!


88b631  No.3387863

For those interested, SpaceX is currently around T minus 11 mins for launch.


688dfa  No.3387864

File: d1f23a94745cf4d⋯.gif (3.8 MB, 640x424, 80:53, BookerSpooky.gif)

75d14f  No.3387865

File: 9bdf136a8a9bcb5⋯.png (287.94 KB, 624x888, 26:37, ku5ys5u6ud6u.png)

can anyone shed light on the witch trials. do they relate to the modern day ones?


d32cc4  No.3387866

File: b8b18406c4ec28b⋯.jpg (55.8 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 1468948457852.jpg)


these are so fucking sick….

where is Tony Podesta anyway?

242a76  No.3387867

File: 3264827a11abc88⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1050x1101, 350:367, 03649058669782194764378904….png)

File: 6508126f291fd35⋯.png (1.61 MB, 944x1041, 944:1041, 47609832860764326854068948….png)

8b7ee2  No.3387868


How amusing, as if it ever actually mattered "who" was behind this.

Q is a philosophy, an idea

Utterly pointless to identify them. That horse ran out of the barn years ago.

89d541  No.3387869

File: 4634c0ef5ec31d3⋯.jpeg (177.56 KB, 1242x1347, 414:449, 273F48E7-D4C6-433F-AF46-2….jpeg)

Kek….found on twatter

076b2f  No.3387870


Suggest learning how to use the Report button (left triangle pulldown) to send a message directly to BO/BV whenever there is an email doxxed. That's what I do. Best way to make sure they see it and act on it quickly.

e95b3b  No.3387871

File: 2da14b3092f32ee⋯.png (2.65 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q-Letter-Confederate copy.png)

ad7e9b  No.3387872

File: 5f78883bff75db0⋯.jpeg (14.64 KB, 600x401, 600:401, ar.jpeg)

129834  No.3387873




Your posts are so colorful.

509097  No.3387874


She's definitely a moonchild, only they get to make 10Billion with zero talent

6dd402  No.3387875

Wake up anons, you are being played:

A message for the few ostriches with their heads not quite all the way in the sand, I know there aren't many left active here.

PS: The lion will still eat the ostrich with their head in the sand.

8d14aa  No.3387876

File: 54d4df83652d9d4⋯.png (221.25 KB, 550x308, 25:14, POTUS part.png)


That's beautiful, Anon!

4d5a75  No.3387877


street signs define location and dumpster or building material in background in an upscale neighborhood.

7db00a  No.3387878

File: d8727bfa13afafb⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1358x719, 1358:719, Kim and Pompeo 10:2018.png)

File: d8727bfa13afafb⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1358x719, 1358:719, Kim and Pompeo 10:2018.png)

c2386a  No.3387879


An entire world bamboozled into complacency and comfort-seeking by Govt-created depression and WWII, allowing the cia nsa etc etc It was actually “the greatest generation” that caused the slide into shit by the time the boomers reached adulthood. Change my mind. I saw it happen.

0be9d1  No.3387880

File: 150ffc7c69eda45⋯.jpg (932.71 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180809-224028….jpg)

Just putting this here because I am heading home, and see this board with NO images at work tomorrow . . .

Four words.


semper fi Anons.


Love you. . . nohomo

Tomorrow wil be yuge

06a00e  No.3387881

File: 2d17e2fca6ad76b⋯.jpeg (38.29 KB, 800x576, 25:18, 1534783148.jpeg)

cd2ded  No.3387882

I still don't see any reason to be alive.

Most of us are idiots.

Most if the rest of us are assholes.

Q is spiritually arrogant.

The Christians here are fake, mostly homicidal and psychotic.

What a big load of shit this place turned out to be.

Post more porn. That will surely help stop the degeneration of America.



2cb806  No.3387883


They were hunting and killing pagans. Goddess followers.

4bd8df  No.3387884

File: b5dc33c6d9cd32a⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 500x353, 500:353, 2idspj.jpg)

File: 80be7ea141044e1⋯.jpg (233.49 KB, 961x488, 961:488, 2ivo1b.jpg)

File: bdf473b6d38cdc1⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 420x399, 20:19, 2j8oh7wsd.jpg)

File: 63539aa9c129ee4⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 399x601, 399:601, 2jhtj6.jpg)

78d5a2  No.3387885

Why would FLOYUS refuel in Ireland?

9216ed  No.3387886


>on my own hard drive. Haven't archived anywhere else.

Please, ALWAYS archive live pages before posting here, even if you save it to your machine/external hdd!

NOT archiving online allows for the material to be altered/edited/deleted, with only your screenshot as evidence.

It is very, very easy to fake those screenshots or alter them, which would of course be their defense.

This is a fight for the entire world, and these fuckers play dirty. The least we can do is document their actions in a manner accessible to everyone, as evidence.



free, easy, fast.

Always archive!

Please :)

db8cda  No.3387887



a2c4d6  No.3387888

File: 82a37d9ae0bf309⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 809x455, 809:455, Melania_Trump_at_opioid_cr….jpg)



At the end of the day, as long as we ALL end up being Q, then it never really mattered right?? I just like shit posting and playing around. It's been a long couple of years living at this desk. KEK!!

6dd402  No.3387889


On this board, every drip is a boom, every next day/week/month/year is going to be huge.

Wake up anons, you are being played.

e27588  No.3387890

File: f75251d14a28371⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 454x220, 227:110, Alex_Steenburg_Global_Foun….jpg)

File: bb64d89cabb6088⋯.jpg (215.37 KB, 1162x724, 581:362, New_York_district_20.jpg)


They are on the list:

Abigail Spanberger

Jesse Colvin

Jeffrey Beals

Patrick Ryan

Jonathan Ebel

Shelly Chaucey

Omar Siddiqui

Dan McCready

Daniel Helmer

Alison Friedman

Richard Ojeda

Josh Butner

Dan Feehan

Andy Kim

Maura Sullivan

Jason Crow

Matthew Morgan

Tom Malinowski

Lauren Baer

Pam Keith

Nancy Soderbert

Edward Meier

Sara Jacobs

Doublas Applegate

Talley Sergent

Aaron Sheinberg

Jessica Morse

Regina Bateson

Matt Reel

Mary Jennings Hegar

Elaine Luria

Mikie Sherrill

Chrissy Houlahan

Amy McGrath


d26bd4  No.3387891

chase I thought probable


f20c12  No.3387892


Obliged anon, thank you

129834  No.3387893



4d2f7e  No.3387894

File: e27044ad4045020⋯.png (103.06 KB, 830x960, 83:96, 1501110438174.png)

File: b2f902c448dad1e⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 1502979310881m.jpg)

File: b881e3d4abb35da⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 1503030478844.jpg)

File: 53a95b796fb5c99⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, 1506042216117m.jpg)

File: 0356b21b861738e⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 360x360, 1:1, site_0084_0005-360-360-201….jpg)

Look familiar?

These are shills.

56c634  No.3387895


It must be left open for Q to use tripcode.

But I wish it was able to be scrubbed or denied if the trip did not match…

We do not need casualties (digital or otherwise)…

And considering the nature of #walkaway, we can expect 5000 normies a day if they can "find" us.

50103b  No.3387896


That's correct. If you are too dumb to find your way here, please find your way back out.

5b31e4  No.3387897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This bitch says Trump holds some kind of a cult like sway over his base. Is that rich or what? Coming from a used up hollywood whore.

ffe6d4  No.3387898



>>3386993 (lb)

>Vatican announces investigation into serial sex abuser cardinal McCormick


Please correct the bread. Should be Cardinal McCarrick.

Looks like he's the designated scapegoat.

af38ae  No.3387899

File: fb223fa9a01350c⋯.jpeg (43.9 KB, 603x326, 603:326, C971F686-AC71-4B81-8CD1-3….jpeg)

db8cda  No.3387900


True meaning of “speak for yourself”

Bye! Kek.

2127ce  No.3387901

>>3384926 (pb)

Baker one of the 20 that did in the schoharie crash, was an IT guy for the NYS Senate. Is it wrong to dox him? Not sure if there is a connection with him working for the Senate and the rest of the fuckery that has happened.

8d017f  No.3387902

File: a80b1a9c2ca3f7f⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 255x241, 255:241, differencebetweenchildtraf….jpg)

be85f5  No.3387903


Then you are the stupid idiot that throws out the baby with the bathwater. I always wondered who that person was, thanks for revealing it to me.

13d560  No.3387904

File: 23335b3bc9abff7⋯.png (711.43 KB, 479x559, 479:559, 156affbe-ca66-4873-978b-d6….png)

3ff13f  No.3387905


It's just stupid demonization bullshit. Concocted because they knew samarai viewed suicide as a honorable if shamed. They twist everything and lie whole cloth.

These people claimed they were turned into soap and lampshades in real shower rooms secretly disguised as gas Chambers that they all survived from.

It's stupid.

69733d  No.3387906


Was on the news tonight. (limo being towed out). Seemed it had blown through a stop sign and come to a sudden stop at the bottom of a ditch.

No one wears seat belts in a limo. 100 km (+?) to 0 in a confined space. Passengers still going 100 when the limo stops.

Very tragic. Failed brakes?

Driver medical emergency?

Limos full of people are very heavy.

Very tragic.

Not of interest to us I believe.

6dd402  No.3387907

Q - Last chance to speak Apache before I go Apache on you.

tick tock

2127ce  No.3387908

af38ae  No.3387909

File: 5fdbd7cd22de339⋯.jpeg (99.89 KB, 491x601, 491:601, 2C61CA14-43E1-4E64-92FA-C….jpeg)

4056e6  No.3387910

File: 21d3384eada9535⋯.jpeg (249.66 KB, 1226x1216, 613:608, 8C3FDEE9-0403-4437-80F6-1….jpeg)

MAKE him squeal like a pig.

5082ce  No.3387911


Aviantayyyyy? Is that you, Aviantayyy?

834819  No.3387912


The History channel has shown black and white film of actual Jap kamikaze pilots. The Americans called it the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot

a2c4d6  No.3387913

File: d3e4ed3ac8e91c0⋯.png (329.99 KB, 394x591, 2:3, 0970d26c3275c5afb4a502755f….png)


All that is doesn't know. And All that is has neer known of another, YET, knows that they are not the origin of it's existence.

All of Life is an Experiment.

076b2f  No.3387914

File: 1bc0398833164f1⋯.jpg (169.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemMascotWantsOut.jpg)


So here is the only meme I know how to correct.


"Our" → from the point of view of the people we are trying to reach.

af38ae  No.3387915

File: f79879f5b1e5b9f⋯.jpeg (55.2 KB, 531x386, 531:386, 9033D16A-2FBE-4E7D-B458-4….jpeg)

6dd402  No.3387916


Nein, das ist nicht.

5cba36  No.3387917

File: 27d48aed96c7da1⋯.pdf (100.7 KB, ! MEMETICS—A GROWTH INDUST….pdf)

File: fcb310a1a7a4b07⋯.pdf (14.17 MB, ! Memetics Compendium 5 Fe….pdf)




Memetics Compendium 5 February 09

3ff13f  No.3387918


*Honorable death


8b7ee2  No.3387919

File: 722e785ff1604b8⋯.gif (687.67 KB, 500x337, 500:337, crows.gif)

Rather lazy with the gaslighting posts, Media Matters. Yawn.

8cd9a2  No.3387920

File: c39957cd943ac15⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 500x207, 500:207, mad max bait.gif)

61edd7  No.3387921


If you can not see the obvious by now blinded by some remaining Left Wing Feminism your beyond help.

The left tried turning women into warriors with the pink haired pussy hat wearing shrills.

These creatures are no match for real manhood. The Male is just the biological driven protector. It is obvious in the size differences between men and women. All animals that have a 20% larger size for the males are driven to compete over the females.

In a war you need aggression. You need protector motivation. The Marines smartly knew they needed to make a home for hyper masculiniity. Not for some silly tit showing contest but to keep people entertained. You cant preach all day dire and horrible facts and expect people to come back over and over. You throw in funny memes for humor. You throw in tits for arrousal and entertainment. You throw in nigger and faggot over and over to weed out the people too caught up in PC culture.

Not personal but it is easier to save the world with young smart driven men.

Women can come. We love women. But we are not changing for some PC bullshit.

89d541  No.3387922


Yes. Yes I did

Where the hell has that dweeb been?

af38ae  No.3387923

File: b7720b8ad385273⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB, 521x500, 521:500, 1208529E-B519-4C7D-BF04-3….jpeg)

0ad750  No.3387924


You sound fun at parties. Insanity is curable.

8168ea  No.3387925

At some point after all the important stuff is over we got to take a look at the fast food industry and the garbage slop they serve up as food.

Jesus, ate some Wendys the other day and now back to feeling sick and weak, de ja vu of the flu symptoms a few weeks ago. Sucks!

3cbd2f  No.3387926


I always save document I post to my stand alone hard drive. There is no way to alter on my stand alone. If there is another way to archive online, I am unaware. I don't use the cloud for obvious reasons.

b839cf  No.3387927

File: 8711643c3d1df1e⋯.png (50.46 KB, 721x465, 721:465, global foundries china.PNG)


>wonder if it has to do with Chinese spy chips on chips that was in the news a few days back



6dd402  No.3387928

Qteam - Choose. Self-cleaning, or forced cleaning…

tick tock

a2c4d6  No.3387929

File: ad9fb3ae80885a6⋯.png (215.11 KB, 643x921, 643:921, 4c1dcd9d3256c5fbd009bc165c….png)


I treat my self to the filter button one day a week. Your turn.

eec111  No.3387930


Dubs don't lie. Make it happen!!

4bd8df  No.3387931

File: 270dc7d25a755fb⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 754x500, 377:250, 2j920t.jpg)

ca0ac6  No.3387932


Now there is a guy who is dedicated to one woman…

e48e3f  No.3387933


Did you forget to swap to your sockpuppet or something, rabbi?

8d14aa  No.3387934

File: 5e9599df99c2322⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 604x683, 604:683, pedo hand.jpg)


That's just fukn creepy. There's an email- says he grows each time. Could it be those fangs that grow?


3ff13f  No.3387935


Horseshit jew channel

Run by Jews

Produced by Jews

David Zisplat

Russian Jew

1fa2f8  No.3387936

File: 8ae5575b7aa1e51⋯.png (517.42 KB, 779x483, 779:483, ClipboardImage.png)

One of these things looks not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong.

55aac6  No.3387937


I personally don't think it's funny but… live and let live. It IS starting to shit up the bread though.

7783b4  No.3387938

<iframe width="1180" height="664" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0NMSGVd2S70" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

205275  No.3387939


we've been over this extensively from time to time in the Qresearch breads.

In a nutshell: Yes, the witchcraft that was practiced in the American colonies in the 17th-18th centuries is related (ideologically, institutionally, and by bloodlines) to the modern witchcraft practiced on the North American continent.

The townspeople of Salem were not superstitious hicks. They knew what was up and weren't afraid to take on the problem of witchcraft in their midst.

If only Americans today could be as spiritually woke as the good people of Salem back then.

It's a sign of the times that Salem, today, openly has witches' covens and they even brag about it.

0fc3da  No.3387940


[think mirror]

92b020  No.3387941


is that an international and a farmall

does it mean something

ad7e9b  No.3387942

File: f867c42f41cbe11⋯.jpg (2.18 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1498683935104s.jpg)


bait guys

they already got her

15664d  No.3387943

File: 013ffccfd0bcbc4⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 195x255, 13:17, assholeagain.jpg)

c2386a  No.3387944


Exactly. Also, I’m not aware of anything serious being done about the rampant vote fraud. Show me. I don’t “believe” anything I can’t see in this world.

6dd402  No.3387945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qteam: ;-)

af38ae  No.3387946

File: 766528e7f52ab76⋯.jpeg (141.41 KB, 1024x766, 512:383, 7B13642E-6827-4175-BAB5-3….jpeg)

78d5a2  No.3387947


Memetic warfare, do you know why you are here?


28fe10  No.3387948

File: 6e130e7b2ff525c⋯.png (151.16 KB, 649x725, 649:725, LG 500k please 10-7-18.PNG)

File: 519644fb1860c43⋯.png (48.2 KB, 653x379, 653:379, LG 501 051k 10-7-18.PNG)

Not bad / two hours


c1cda2  No.3387949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

rocket launch stream

a2c4d6  No.3387950



46509e  No.3387951

File: f76bec9075d7c42⋯.png (209.04 KB, 638x720, 319:360, ClipboardImage.png)

Gindburg may be out soon…

"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg forgot the contents of the 14th Amendment while speaking to the National Woman's Party in late August and needed an audience member to give her a copy of the Constitution so she could remember what it said.

The incident happened on August 26, 2018, when Ginsburg was asked to talk about the Equal Rights Amendment while addressing the audience at the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument…"


1c5adb  No.3387952

File: 0c274bddd5d44f4⋯.jpeg (8.72 KB, 255x246, 85:82, pepefist.jpeg)


Some of these mossad niggers sucked some rabbi cock and are getting uppity ;)

df3e8f  No.3387953


This seems suspicious. Maybe someone should investigate. I wonder if Interpol knows where to hire investigators. I would insist on a verbal resignation, on camera, and with no other Chinese officials present. In a foreign embassy. Otherwise, sanction the shit out of the duplicitous Chinese.

af38ae  No.3387954

File: 7744e86d81905b8⋯.jpeg (76.39 KB, 762x475, 762:475, 5297E577-7FBB-4FDA-A593-F….jpeg)

6169fb  No.3387955

File: c89ad6a84324cc8⋯.png (58.39 KB, 735x505, 147:101, oct2018cal.PNG)


Not according to my calendar

9e7774  No.3387956

File: 60b35618e675742⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2560x2108, 640:527, 1538960357376.jpg)

7783b4  No.3387957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Repeat After Me … I Believe


af38ae  No.3387958

File: 8939b17b30a466a⋯.jpeg (301.98 KB, 1439x782, 1439:782, 8A384B81-ACDA-4F72-85D8-3….jpeg)

129834  No.3387959


Nope, just flushing out the shills. I see it worked.

06a00e  No.3387960

8d017f  No.3387961


Have the names of the deceased been released yet?

201105  No.3387962

Oh, THIS week is "boom week"

Can you imagine falling for this for the 30th time?

004b35  No.3387963

File: 8a3d6b5655183ff⋯.jpg (106.28 KB, 1329x503, 1329:503, Sackler.JPG)

File: d586ef0d0fc6577⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 1342x197, 1342:197, Sackler2.JPG)

>>3386955 (LB)

Oh it is not just OTC Narcan, Purdue Pharm has another trick in the pipeline:

(buprenorphine is also commonly used in Veterinary medicine for pain control)

e95b3b  No.3387964


There was a theory that the sprinklers probably went off and then the energy radiation/micowaves (?) caused the water to boil, so they were trying to get taking off their wet clothes.

I have the sauce can't find it at the moment.


d7c3f9  No.3387965


God existed first in consciousness only.

With nothing created God could "move" no where.

(In the beginning… the earth was without form and void…)

God expand his consciousness.

At the limits of his consciousness he creates a boundary.

(Draw a circle.)

Now God has somewhere to move to.

(And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the "waters".)

God moves to the edge of this boundary.

(Using a compass, draw an equal sized circle, with it's center anywhere on the "boundary line" of the first circle.)

God now perceives the properties of light.

(After drawing the two precisely-overlapping circles, you will notice another shape is created where the two intersect. This is called the "Vesica Pieces", whose angles give the square roots of 2,3 and 5. Giving us the mathematical properties of light.)

God then decides to create, using these new-found properties.

(And God said, "Let there be light." And there was light.)

Moving logically, continuing to draw equal sized circles, more properties are revealed…

1c5adb  No.3387966

File: 00288afd0244977⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 292x173, 292:173, putinlaugh.jpg)


that uppity sandnigger bitch is going to get fucking gangbanged in gitmo so hard lol

a4707b  No.3387967

File: 5ac58ec6c736c30⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 592x432, 37:27, iu.jpg)

ad7e9b  No.3387968


that took work

that is how we kek

9e7774  No.3387969

File: ce803255c04318b⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2048x1638, 1024:819, 1538856337053.jpg)


Are you ready for Beer?

9f097a  No.3387970

File: d2752ae23cf4b5d⋯.jpeg (515.3 KB, 750x996, 125:166, IMG_AE1A8C68240D-1.jpeg)


07ca1a  No.3387971

File: 67fcf5a08275a13⋯.png (784.52 KB, 1388x1118, 694:559, september-2018-habbenings.png)

5cba36  No.3387972

Imagine Putin reading crumbs on /PF/. Imagine Xi reading crumbs on /PF/. Imagine EVERY head of state reading crumbs on /PF/. The World is watching.

416401  No.3387973


nice find I couldn't remember what the company name was but if it's global foundations this thing just got whole lot more suspicious imo

b5c290  No.3387974


The Bible answers that question. GOD is eternal and lives outside of time. In fact, GOD created time.

56c634  No.3387975


Never thought for .0002sec that the Holohoax was real.

Just never heard that Kamakazi's were not as they were said to be. (not surprised by anything anymore)

0ad750  No.3387976

File: 0235ba167375012⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 600x720, 5:6, donald-trump-riding-the-bo….jpg)

LIVE pic of SpaceX launch just now.

883e6e  No.3387977


>and then the energy radiation/micowaves (?) caused the water to boil,

You're thinking of "fire".

b5c290  No.3387978


Nonsense. You have not done your homework

62f962  No.3387979

File: 7c0d05956a0b958⋯.png (249.9 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6e751513fabfa5⋯.png (98.97 KB, 320x385, 64:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a0b97edb1b2db3⋯.png (656.17 KB, 1806x852, 301:142, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 0206ebb01bb2575⋯.pdf (3.6 MB, 1912_Watch_Tower.pdf)



There is a Templar symbol of a Cross in a Crown

Which is like that prophecy of the rod and the ring striking

I think it represents the HIGH PRIEST


To bring forth a Moonchild

These satanists have been around for thousands of years

Carefully breeding their bloodlines

According to occult laws.

Needs more digging, deeper digging


By the way, look what used to be on the cover

Of the Jehovah's Witness

Watchtower magazine

Got this from the attached PDF

Which has all the issues from 1912

In one volume

1c5adb  No.3387980


imagine that. No hostile nation manufactured parts in our weapons and equipment.

no more globalist cabal games.

4d265a  No.3387981

SDF Security Forces Attack Syrian Army Once Again, This Time In Western Aleppo

On October 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) closed the Taiha crossing between the town of Manbij and the city of Aleppo following clashes with security forces of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to the Syrian pro-government news outlet Damascus Now.

Syrian opposition sources confirmed Damascus Now report and said that at least one soldier of the SAA’s 4th Division was killed during the clashes. According to the sources, the SDF closed a crossing with the government-held areas in the governorate of Deir Ezzor few hours after the closure of the Taiha crossing.

Last month, the SDF’s security forces killed more than eleven personnel of the Syrian Military Intelligence in the northern city of Qamishli after accusing them of entering their part of the city without permission. Later, the SDF’s political wing expressed its regrets and an investigation was launched into the incident.

The SDF’s security forces and the Damascus government have not commented on the clashes in the Taiha crossing so far. This likely mean that both sides want to solve this new problem away from the media as they did many times before.


NOTE In my Syria update a few days back I noted the SDF had been "advancing on ISIS" in the Euphrates valley for 3 weeks but with no progress??? That makes sense! Now this, as stated previously these are CABAL backed NOT white hats

af38ae  No.3387982

File: 52f936f719918e8⋯.jpeg (118.18 KB, 683x683, 1:1, 833004DD-3DD1-4D90-AFC3-3….jpeg)

8d017f  No.3387983

File: 6b7a8be53f90775⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, thereiwaswastingtimehogg.jpg)


a34dd7  No.3387984

File: a42f2cbd6d559e8⋯.jpeg (139.86 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, BEF34228-99B2-4E25-9D94-7….jpeg)

File: f085e995ce378e1⋯.jpeg (115.21 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 9126E0F1-8FDA-431F-BC6F-8….jpeg)

File: ae1afb9ae90e2a3⋯.png (86.15 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 463AEF01-3171-4576-B79F-C1….png)

File: e7cec078ef1ce82⋯.jpeg (31.11 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 2C047E61-9FAB-4FDB-9CE3-A….jpeg)

File: 36e1183f0e46c17⋯.png (64.1 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 5F87728B-DB87-42CA-A282-B8….png)


Sysdiagnose depends on Iphone type but for my SE I did the volume up and down buttons + power at same time (phone should vibrate once) and it runs for ten mins then you go into analytics and the sysdiagnose is there

You have to air drop the file to your Mac or iTunes file transfer because file is too big to email

After running sysdiagnose (should take 10-15 mins to appear) Go to settings + privacy + analytics + analytics data and it should be at very bottom

Click on it and then at very top there is a share button

The only way to send is via air drop or maybe if you can connect phone to iTunes it may show up

I haven’t been able to connect my phone to any computer whether Mac or windows


I marked yellow on photos

Name of file I found is “network status” it’s in one of the folders

The sysdiagnose is originally archived so you have to decompress it to view

Good luck anon

2127ce  No.3387985


No but I know one of them.

3ff13f  No.3387986


Said the same shit about Germans and Hitler. What did we learn class?


You heard me.


Don't be obtuse.

You heard me.

5cba36  No.3387987

File: 43e29023c527edd⋯.png (39.12 KB, 496x380, 124:95, ClipboardImage.png)


>You were chosen for a specific reason.

ae8725  No.3387988

File: 80b87a0b85443c7⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 550x362, 275:181, booker 13.jpg)

d26bd4  No.3387989

Ruth’s not long for this world…before November elections…?


0fc3da  No.3387990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

499df6  No.3387991


Drooling retard

894b15  No.3387992


all the kids

48b81a  No.3387993


>Jimmy Comet

Just to point out the obvious: Jimmy Comet and James Alefantis are not the same person.

Not sure if intentional disinfo/conflation or common/honest mistake.

73e92b  No.3387994


Queen's (Aleppo) Gambit.

D4, D5

25b9a0  No.3387995

>>3385864 (prev)

Trump rarely self-deprecates.

However, this time we're self-deprecating our nation, which if you want others nations to trust you - you gotta be honest.

1c5adb  No.3387996


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5dacd4 No.347137 📁

Feb 12 2018 01:22:16 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 0a27cc No.346987 📁

Feb 12 2018 01:05:41 (EST)

The fact Q brought up Ginsberg and then she landed on CNN the same day front page speaks volumes. We are missing something.


“Here to stay.”

No, you’re not.


ea9cca  No.3387997


How you know it's two years?

ff4241  No.3387998


I think it was all planned to begin on /pol/ and then move to 8chan. Q knew /pol/ was compd or would be shortly after this kicked off. It served as a sort of proof to the drops Q made. This was all part of the plan. Remember, they only have a playbook. When you know your adversary and know yourself, you will always be victorious.

af38ae  No.3387999

File: b1dc1963e48994b⋯.jpeg (86.84 KB, 750x500, 3:2, E6409335-2772-418B-B17C-B….jpeg)

96d784  No.3388000

File: 8dee17ef8081a02⋯.png (397.04 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 98172349aha8euheba.png)

Anons this is an important conversation, honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.

Q WE DEMAND SOME ANSWERS or we will riot. Seriously.

8168ea  No.3388001


>They thought you would follow the stars. It is why all the stars say the same shit. They are in lockstep. The powers that be owned them totally.

Why would anyone worship people who's only identity in life is "pretending" to be other people in front of camera. Unless this is your natural calling in life do not get in front of a camera. Very stark difference in movie quality of the 1950, 1960 and 1970s and todays movies. Too many people up there and they cant act or dont even care to act.

e99b12  No.3388002

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing dog 2.jpg)

8d1b09  No.3388003


Can you be so sure about the Euphrates valley? Our Marines are also out there so let's not be too hasty labelling black hats.

Admittedly this would be easier if we could get a front-lines anon in here.

252ef3  No.3388004



>>3387453 KNOW THY ENEMY, Saul Alinksy

>>3387483 Jimmy Comet (of Comet Ping Pong_ was trolling "Qanon accounts" on Instgram

>>3387594 Dems Latest Scheme: ‘Balance’ Supreme Court by Adding Two Liberal Judges

>>3387679, >>3387838 Brothers killed in limo crash worked for a company Obama visited

>>3387735 Congress is responsible for determining the number of SC justices

>>3387815 Q Post 2364 Side by Side with OIG page 294


>>3387927 Global Foundries connection to China

b07ce1  No.3388005


Ty, anon. Really appreciate the wisdom and insight.

ca6f81  No.3388006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wolfgang Halbig was interviewed by Nathan Stolzman last week.

Of interest:

-Posner dropped lawsuit against Wolfgang (can you say "scared of DISCOVERY")

-Wolfgang sent email to ALEX JONES LAWYER to offer tips dealing with Posner since AJ is now being sued by him.


The setup is for AJ to pay a SETTLEMENT to POSNER over the fake Sandy Hook shooting, to LEGITIMIZE that everyone claiming it was fake is a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST".

Towards end of interview he discusses this. Great interview all around though.

ad7e9b  No.3388007

File: e4210b10686b073⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 765x960, 51:64, e4210b10686b07325312a90512….jpg)

File: 501cd5638ec7335⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 960x956, 240:239, 501cd5638ec733508ac89a1017….jpg)

3ff13f  No.3388008


Chicken or the egg kinda thing?

1f04a9  No.3388009


Congrats faggot

Pat yourself on the back for earning a filter

Fucking assholes that fail to give some damn common courtesy of posting (lb or pb) are only shills being jackasses.

Dont want to be filtered? Have some damn common courtesy and try again next bread asshole.

7db00a  No.3388010


Very nice anon. I like the little donkey logo on the bottom one.

I'm going to call you the walkaway anon in future, when I have more ideas.

You do excellent work.

2127ce  No.3388011

File: 140a9320f75010c⋯.jpeg (309.34 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, FCB909CE-C26F-4F1E-B610-E….jpeg)

99c729  No.3388012


I think it's for guys who never saw a woman?

Naa it's got to be shills

22aecb  No.3388013

File: 132c2cd50bf2e72⋯.png (442.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, lovetrumos.png)



>baiting them personally

>bashing them personally

>belittling them personally

>pointing out their own -personal- hypocrisy

>NO ONE likes being used - they are being used.

>Don't attack them personally, attack those who are USING them

65dda5  No.3388014


It appears Taylor Swift is a BOY

fbbbd4  No.3388015


What a shame to waste those digits with a copy/paste shill.

076b2f  No.3388016



>>3388004 Better Memes: Use Psychology

a4707b  No.3388017

File: 49da4748c238802⋯.jpg (82.16 KB, 585x520, 9:8, ruleoflaw.jpg)

d7c3f9  No.3388018


Yeah, sure they do… (retard)

d26bd4  No.3388019

Two weeks later pbs ran special on her career. Suspicious.


b14885  No.3388020

File: 4c29ed4f12348a8⋯.jpg (182.93 KB, 575x457, 575:457, soros_funded_fusion_gps.jpg)



03bbb2  No.3388021


>Only the called are chosen, however, not all the called are chosen.

7783b4  No.3388022

File: f8be98a49729ba8⋯.jpg (63 KB, 600x403, 600:403, media_brainwashing.jpg)

8d017f  No.3388024

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, hugpepe.jpg)


Anon…I am so sorry for your loss……..

What is your take on this, a tragic accident?

Praying for you and your frens family. God bless

ff4241  No.3388025


Somewhere in Nevada a drone crew is flipping to the pre-approved strike option….

5b31e4  No.3388026

File: 58ac056c23e68b0⋯.png (5.05 KB, 530x157, 530:157, 189.png)

File: f7e32802742742a⋯.png (356.36 KB, 531x561, 177:187, 188.png)


“Do you think I don’t know these people? Do the math,” the Citizen Rose star continued, referencing Milano’s agent husband David Bugliari. “Who’s behind Time’s Up? CAA. Where do they meet? CAA? Who needs good PR? CAA. Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.”

509097  No.3388027


Do you think Taylor was a project of the Dixie Chicks once they combusted? Jeebus, having to dig on TS, of all the useless POSs in popcult.

48b81a  No.3388028

File: 7b36bdc79718c36⋯.png (100.67 KB, 851x324, 851:324, fat sister is watching you.png)





Hey anons, redpill me on this filename convention.

>the default saving/posting names on certain phones

>the UUIDs for tracking anons

ad7e9b  No.3388029

File: 4d447185ef5341b⋯.jpeg (8.59 KB, 331x152, 331:152, 1872863172386193419283.jpeg)


But when you drop is most important

99c729  No.3388030



8cd9a2  No.3388031

File: e3edd049571a181⋯.png (15.37 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 9e17c8feaa19e65991f7b5da46….png)


I love the reddit spacing

"WE" dont need to do shit shill

129834  No.3388032


>You heard me

No, I read what you wrote. You are incorrect and are here for a specific reason. Remember, she lost and this is all you have.

ea9cca  No.3388033


Stop copy pasta shill.

06a00e  No.3388034

File: 77a6a56f3556673⋯.jpeg (88.08 KB, 1020x756, 85:63, 1538965452.jpeg)

a48d63  No.3388035


Ok Anon. Next steps then?

15664d  No.3388036


Thanks for the follow!

6053ee  No.3388037



It's part of the Cabals plan to deculturalize Country music; the same reason why you can't go to a single COUNTRY DANCE hall and NOT HEAR Hip Hop

ain't no Conway Twitty played in a Hip Hop Club btw.

They have even gone as far as to add rap to country. Even Tim McGraw is guilty of this sin.

There are no coincidences

7db00a  No.3388038


These could be memes…….

"Love you………Love you too bro"

0a78e7  No.3388039

File: 1604fd4a6dfb8e1⋯.png (558.12 KB, 474x583, 474:583, ClipboardImage.png)


>Taylor Swift has a male-boy body

I always knew she sold herself to devil, but she is a female. A fat transfer can not do this.

271ec0  No.3388040


People think I'm crazy, but he was also a good friend of POTUS and presumed still alive….just sayin…

e7aa2c  No.3388041

>>3387970 Trump Wants Chinese Parts Out Of American Weapons

(moar sauce from article)

Top defense officials said last week that the Pentagon intends to invest in domestic manufacturing to reduce it over-reliance on Chinese and other foreign-made parts in American weapons.

The Pentagon's reliance on China is a major topic discussed in a new report about the overall status of the defense industrial base that President Trump is scheduled to release. Some other areas include "accelerating workforce development efforts to grow domestic science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and critical trade skills," said Defense One.

According to Defense One, the new report says China is the only manufacturer of various chemicals needed in missiles and bombs, Europe and Japan are the only supplies of certain carbon fibers used in missiles, satellites, and rockets; Germany is the sole supplier of high-tech vacuum tubes for night vision goggles.



92b020  No.3388042

File: 90466bf0388c4a5⋯.jpg (3.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, notaklingonwarship.jpg)


oh fug its decloaking

ffe5b1  No.3388043

File: 6de6b4e90cc99cb⋯.jpg (282.55 KB, 796x569, 796:569, google_images.jpg)


They accuse others of what they themselves do.


5cba36  No.3388044

File: 364cbc0ea1009f2⋯.png (44.14 KB, 495x488, 495:488, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25708973eae4114⋯.png (41.96 KB, 489x384, 163:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c94658126333a97⋯.png (23.43 KB, 506x306, 253:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2493d2052492b2⋯.png (130.36 KB, 507x557, 507:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2493d2052492b2⋯.png (130.36 KB, 507x557, 507:557, ClipboardImage.png)

d32cc4  No.3388045

File: e4c4988ba1a1e2a⋯.jpg (424.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1514250501260.jpg)


Relax and trust the plan and enjoy the show.

It won't be long now, anon.

I believe that.

25b9a0  No.3388046


Look at those digits!

0fc3da  No.3388047



ea0202  No.3388048

Now imagine if some arrests habbened election night…


8da9fd  No.3388049

File: 62b0b38dd9c2155⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Jason MAGA MAGA.JPG)

File: fa01681d27c7416⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 644x805, 4:5, 22450060_10209813566961437….jpg)

File: 4562b86b4aa744a⋯.png (594.77 KB, 663x438, 221:146, 6d5842b3-c005-46ee-8c7f-2f….png)

File: 398beb6bbb8a8b1⋯.jpeg (51.3 KB, 530x353, 530:353, 5b3d394f8e81e.jpeg)

File: ade26def1becf2d⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 40270049_10211882350199725….jpg)

7cab45  No.3388050

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, f6e0ead1f0114f1e87ae2f831e….gif)


Ready my Anonigga.. Brewski's for all!!!

c2386a  No.3388051


Perhaps because you’re dim witted, you missed my point that I see no pussyhats in deep blue libtardville. Read moar for comprehension skills.

ad7e9b  No.3388052

File: 964f1cbb75046d7⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 188x252, 47:63, 83edb44f084550a59f2d00b763….jpg)


It is a word, but….

d10ad0  No.3388053


Really? Alefantis's insta is @jimmycomet lurk moar

8d14aa  No.3388054

File: ab65fdfedd8ce90⋯.png (392.11 KB, 583x668, 583:668, rbg who.png)

File: 70da67efad7670e⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 255x188, 255:188, RBG twin.jpg)

File: 5de526b974d2964⋯.jpeg (68.87 KB, 750x417, 250:139, RBG go.jpeg)

File: 3cf41270da90327⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 773x960, 773:960, RBG freb.jpg)

File: 943646a56a99910⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 255x127, 255:127, RBG kids.jpg)

076b2f  No.3388055


The software creates unique IDs for images using a specific format. You can't read any particular meaning into it, other than what standard is employed.

4bd8df  No.3388056

File: f56d55524b1ab44⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 1918x1043, 274:149, rfrfwwredg.jpg)

Good humans with another win right now.



f7c974  No.3388058


Are we going to see a new American electronics component industry arise from this?

We're going to have to make some of the stuff here.

4056e6  No.3388059

File: 80caf1622df1e10⋯.jpeg (347.04 KB, 863x1471, 863:1471, 35E1B7B9-B0A2-4C1D-BCDD-B….jpeg)

d997c3  No.3388060



4bd8df  No.3388061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

96d784  No.3388062

File: 73e5625ef4597a1⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 73e5625ef4597a1a27cc383b87….jpg)

Anons this conversation is not over, honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.

Q WE DEMAND PUBLIC CLARITY or we will riot. Seriously.

205275  No.3388063


On a related note, are you Anons not excited about the coming BOOM of actual, original, creative music once the Great Awakening goes mainstream?

I know a lot of people think the late 60s were a great time for music as it was kinda countercultural (in a way), but even that movement was shepherded by cabal groups like Tavistock.

Music in the MAGA era is gonna ROCK!

ad7e9b  No.3388064

File: a4809b6e3b172f6⋯.jpeg (7.26 KB, 289x174, 289:174, doitscotty.jpeg)


Lock on, Mr. Sulu

29d0af  No.3388065


would be cool, he and JFK Jr.

ffe5b1  No.3388066

883e6e  No.3388067


Universally unique identifier


Is just a semi-random name that is practically guaranteed to be unique.

e7aa2c  No.3388068


They'll keep Febreezing her

ff4241  No.3388069


If not a FF, then obviously not paying attention (texting) and going way too fast.

3ff13f  No.3388070


I love how a movement that talks so much about humanity and unity is so easily led to believe that past enemies were demonic satanic irrational killers…




a34dd7  No.3388071

File: 2f3d8785f0e9823⋯.jpeg (517.51 KB, 640x423, 640:423, A8BC2351-1E7E-4BAC-A1E4-D….jpeg)


Cloud data says synced preferred WiFi networks with a network I’ve never used and it is defaulted going back since March of 2016

Same network is same MAC address and WiFi network of English neighbors (who speak fluent German) to a place I moved to 4 MONTHS LATER

Some serious fuckery going on..

99c729  No.3388072



588efd  No.3388073

File: a4457ecba790cc1⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 480x360, 4:3, soros hell.jpg)

File: 5688d7f1974db49⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 530x358, 265:179, soros mccain soon.jpg)

File: 8ef56ce2d1af924⋯.jpg (301.14 KB, 600x400, 3:2, soros.jpg)

402562  No.3388074


Because they are in Halloween costumes. Are you familiar with Voat? You might want to go there, or just lurq moar.

4d265a  No.3388075


As with the recent deployment of 1000 marines to Al tanf I believe the marines are there to take control from the black hats. Within days of the above deployment there was talk of a peace deal with the SAA and terrorist attacks ceased.

I think the Euphrates valley is a lot more complicated as the black hat forces are distributed and not solely under one entities banner. There is also a lot of natural resources and religious artifacts in the Euphrates valley which may also be a factor.

dffc4d  No.3388076

File: d95ca759d513825⋯.png (769.26 KB, 872x628, 218:157, 08E082B4-831C-4F4C-AC1D-D0….png)

497cc4  No.3388077


Deathly ill for 48 hours after eating a salad at wendy's, made it back to work today

ae8725  No.3388078



And if you cant' do that, just close the tab.

6650ac  No.3388079


Hopefully the day after. If she dies/"retires" before, it'll fire up the Dem base to ensure Trump can't replace her. But if it's the day after, insult to injury for shitlibs, kek.

252ef3  No.3388080


>>3387453 KNOW THY ENEMY, Saul Alinksy

>>3387483 Jimmy Comet (of Comet Ping Pong_ was trolling "Qanon accounts" on Instgram

>>3387594 Dems Latest Scheme: ‘Balance’ Supreme Court by Adding Two Liberal Judges

>>3387616 Better Memes: Use Psychology

>>3387679, >>3387838 Brothers killed in limo crash worked for a company Obama visited

>>3387735 Congress is responsible for determining the number of SC justices

>>3387815 Q Post 2364 Side by Side with OIG page 294


>>3387927 Global Foundries connection to China

>>3387970, >>3388041 POTUS Wants Chinese Parts Out Of American Weapons

03bbb2  No.3388081


>you did not answer the question

62f962  No.3388082


Which is why volume of meme production

Is better than volume of meme distribution

The Clowns want you to waste your time

Blasting out thousands of copies of the same Meme

Because they've got your number

Specifically, they have the hashcode of your image

And can easily block it, shadow ban you

Remove any followers who retweet that one

Which breaks the distribution chain.

Instead, make more memes. More variety

This INCREASES the statistical chances

That someone will like one of your memes

And pass it on. And when you have a huge variety

It is harder for the Clowns to ID the meme image

And stop it or shadow ban based on it.

For each original meme, you should make a bunch of modified ones that are warped

Rotated, blurred, color manipulated.

Not extreme modifications but enough to make it hard to block

Even if you have a GREAT image

And some GREAT words

You can still make 20 versions

With different oddball fonts

Or letters cut from magazines

Or scrawled on a whiteboard and photographed

So that the AI can't read it, and filter you by your words.

Don't blast out memes.

Make memes!!!!

Make LOTS of Memes

Variety is the spice of life

a2c4d6  No.3388084


Hey…You changed your photo again Copy/Pasta chill. Man…You've been REALLY worried for a VERY long time. You okay??

c2386a  No.3388085


It wasn’t challenging for me to ID Q. I just never shared it much coz its not important to do so. You seem challenged though.

d7c3f9  No.3388086

File: c444c471c34758f⋯.png (80.06 KB, 591x417, 197:139, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 0c3814919043ca4⋯.png (91.29 KB, 588x494, 294:247, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 75405196bcdd2af⋯.png (176.82 KB, 588x552, 49:46, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: dcdfd0ed14aa7a3⋯.png (131.87 KB, 582x491, 582:491, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 5b6ffdf1fbe9915⋯.png (416.24 KB, 940x549, 940:549, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)


You wanna see creepy?

97ecea  No.3388087


A quick recovery anon!

252ef3  No.3388088


0fc3da  No.3388090

File: 0578fbf37e2ef1e⋯.jpeg (25.87 KB, 250x250, 1:1, QueensGambit-e13466100539….jpeg)

a7cc9e  No.3388091


>White Wizards are always portrayed with a pointed hat. This is basically the same.


>They are saying they are magicians on the side of good

Agreed. But there are those who will tell you all magic is bad b/c muh bible

ad7e9b  No.3388092



the squirrel is my fav

d26bd4  No.3388093

Any sauce on stroke couple weeks back?


d7c3f9  No.3388094


Notice the (((name))).

5a94f5  No.3388095

File: b1330a1dca172c6⋯.png (369.93 KB, 589x450, 589:450, Screenshot_2018-10-07-11-1….png)

ea0202  No.3388096



8d14aa  No.3388098


As usual, MULTIPLE meanings!

af38ae  No.3388100

File: e68a456d063a62d⋯.gif (755.88 KB, 320x238, 160:119, 87CFD359-97B5-44EA-B1B6-16….gif)

894b15  No.3388101


kek was that part of the movie?

Kav sayin he loves beer cause we anons always waiting for the free beer tomorrow???

ea9cca  No.3388102

920498  No.3388103

File: 5ab8978dc686a46⋯.jpg (143.04 KB, 854x570, 427:285, IMG_5926.JPG)

097d3a  No.3388106


Ha ha ha, how did this work for you in August again? Oh yeah. It didn't

efef60  No.3388107

WTF!? Stop wacking and slacking off anons! Geeze. Thought I'd see something of importance here. The AF.

b474f2  No.3388108

wtf happened in here. you all are losing it.

6f80e0  No.3388110


Go on…

c2ec48  No.3388111


One of the things I'm most looking forward to, honestly. Especially from the UK. Real music, with real soul, made while fighting for you very way of life. Nothing quite like it.

df3e8f  No.3388112


Anon, help out another anon. I cannot keep the players in Syria straight. I have no idea who the good guys or bad guys are. Can you do some kind of graphic or list that says who is backed by Russia; who is backed by the US; who is Al Qaeda or ISIS aligned; who is Syrian government backed… I just cannot decipher who is who. Also, does the cabal have forces that both the US and the Russians are fighting?

It seems to me if the US and Russia were working for the same goal, this conflict would already be over.

ea0202  No.3388113

"Parade" = What really?

ef73a0  No.3388114

File: d18fc5bae63c398⋯.jpeg (43.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 9935518E-3311-427B-A947-E….jpeg)


thank baker for smore bread

nom nom

11790f  No.3388115

File: b72f29eec139f23⋯.png (958.85 KB, 1920x953, 1920:953, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

File: 27fa5160dca1286⋯.png (46.54 KB, 231x721, 33:103, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

bc7b72  No.3388116


>definitive discontinuity

yes, but it's a very small one

hotwheels made 8chan

8chan allowed /pol/ to flourish uncensored

/pol/ made this place what it is

it was chosen for a raisin

5dffeb  No.3388117


been covering this. the pic where you see limo is actually where they say limo blew stop sign.

figure that one out. the cars in back are of the parking lot. so they are saying limo was heading south blew stop sign. somehow made a sharp right turn assuming at a high rate of speed, hit another vehicle two pedestrian and ended up pointing east. eye witnesses who heard it was like an explosion.

but the limo dont looked crushed..

ea9cca  No.3388118

>Anons are not divided.

>Anons are under attack.

>Recognize the difference.

>Trust the plan.


There is again a lot of shilling in here.

Currently shills post much muhjew stuff, besides concernshilling, muh timing, muh habbenings, muh kavanaugh and other bs.

Please think for yourself if this is ok with Qs message.

A lot of cabal folks are from jewish families and also israel is involved in a certain way. That is no secret and was and is being digged on.

However, generally blaming all jews and using 'nose' images, saying 'kike' and 'goy' over and over, is not based on facts and just division shilling.

By that shills hide the fact that the leadership of every religion seems to be involved.

Many CEOs are involved. Many politicians, worldwide. Many advisers from thinktanks are involved. …  Many are not jewish.

There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us. Some of the cabal activities have used beeing jew as a shield/cover to hide their activities and blame others.

Also, sacrificing children to moloch, getting high on adrenochome and gay mason stuff is not a jew thing.

>They want you DIVIDED.











>>3354377   //is it possible? Muhjew


>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…

Simplifiying and dividing muhjew shilling is not working. Anons see it.


4d265a  No.3388119


This has been happening all over from multiple fast food corps, 1000's getting sick from listeria

ad7e9b  No.3388120

File: 19076e64aacdac1⋯.jpeg (4.38 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ohura.jpeg)


That is inappropriate behavior, Jim

5082ce  No.3388121


Did you get the ebs text from Potus?

fb15c9  No.3388122

File: 74d7aebd30879b6⋯.jpg (226.57 KB, 976x926, 488:463, CosmicBox1.jpg)

00dd79  No.3388123


Thanks Anon just what I was looking for !

a34dd7  No.3388124


No problem

06a00e  No.3388125

File: e4fb2bc81b980f2⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, image_2.jpg)

29d0af  No.3388126


yep, we're coming to the short game. going to fun, this week and the next months till January with M/tribunals.

9216ed  No.3388127

File: e31203b46769311⋯.jpg (200.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GREAT AWAKENING - family o….jpg)

File: 905da8fed505751⋯.png (309.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, SHUTDOWN - great awakening….png)

File: d5d7c194c8f0486⋯.png (298.81 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, FISA MEMO - how insulting.png)

File: 6db3177183c75b0⋯.png (282.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, FISA MEMO - insulting.png)

File: bffd905ab5ca44d⋯.png (365.11 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, LIFE IS BETTER NOW.png)


Very glad to help!

>their faces

hipsters (the bearded ones, the multicolored hair ones, piercings, hippies, feminists)


blacks (male & female)

old hippies/cat ladies

>their ideals

they want "inclusion", "fairness," to "be heard" their opinions [ironically not their own, but leave that aside] to be respected and count for something

they want their experiences to mean something to someone, anyone who will listen and respect them

they want to have some effect in their life (action and make an impact in the world)

>their fears

they are afraid they are useless

they are afraid that they are impotent, except their rage & violence

they are deeply afraid of failure in life

(having to live with parents b/c they cannot afford life on their own and are saddled with enormous college debt)

they are afraid of being alone

(the D's have so atomized society that everyone is relegated to smaller and smaller identity groups)

they are afraid for their future

(enormous debt and the responsibility to pay it off - lack of job prospects to do that)

they are afraid of their fellow citizens

(partially due to the atomization of identities/groups - they actually fear violence from us, while they are prepare to be violent to us)

they are afraid that they are going to be victimized if R's control government

(they actually have a physically-felt reaction of fear when someone disagrees with them - like a physical attack on their person)

>their hopes

they hope they can pay off their debt

they hope they can have as good a life as their parents

they hope they can make their mark on history

they hope they are smart, savvy, intelligent and successful

(not unlike us or any normal person)

they hope they are in the "correct" group

(identity politics and atomization makes this very, very stressful)

they hope to be loved for who they are

(they don't know who they are)

they hope they are taken seriously, like an adult

(they are grown children and think & behave as such)

>their dreams

to do well in life

to not be alone

to be successful, respected and loved

As far as using images/personages to use - I just looked up different groups (black women, latino couple, annoyed woman, confused man, etc) and used either stock photographs (with no branding/watermark) or real-life photos online. Then those are used to speak to that group - it will be coming from a familiar face. I looked up phrases for each group

>who you callin' a bot?!?


Here are a few examples from different themes. Other anons probably have better and can show you more.

I like the mascot one - that's very good, although I would change it to "our mascot" instead of "their mascot" since that seems like it is coming from one's own peer-group.

Hope this helps!

eb0f39  No.3388128

File: 930616a39492a4c⋯.jpeg (130.94 KB, 960x956, 240:239, B932C7C1-74D2-4F31-BEBD-6….jpeg)

d997c3  No.3388129

Anons ready?

b31331  No.3388130


It looks like a narrow depression… parking lot on other side.

ea0202  No.3388131

Define "Parade"

Define "Military"

What kinds of "Military Parades" are there?

a4707b  No.3388132

File: cf2e6dd4545b804⋯.jpg (241.66 KB, 928x718, 464:359, P1030649.jpg)

File: 4a3d120dd38512c⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 3466x2617, 3466:2617, P1050420.jpg)

ad7e9b  No.3388133

bf871c  No.3388134


Weird. I guess it fits in with the symbol of the fish, which looks like the two boundaries of circles are crossing.

0a78e7  No.3388135



e95b3b  No.3388136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not fire.

In 2012, former professor of engineering mechanics Dr Judy Wood came to the UK to present a lecture tour. The conclusions of her research prove that even those who support supposed 9/11 truth groups, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have got their facts wrong. The towers did not slam to the ground, but turned into dust in mid air. Dr Wood clearly demonstrates this in her two part lecture.

497cc4  No.3388137


Mucho better! Ty, anon!

73e92b  No.3388138


I think we might just be in for one last quick game.

At the end of the game we will see Russia added back into the G8…G8 is the final position of the Black King upon surrender.

3ff13f  No.3388139


Proud Trump supporter.

Your a jew it's obvious.

a34dd7  No.3388140


Im not lying and will send Q team the sysdiagnose file for proof if Q team requests so

a8bf04  No.3388141

22aecb  No.3388142




anon spelled it out.

6650ac  No.3388143


Members of the military will perp-walk a "parade" of cabal members through DC.

ffe5b1  No.3388144

File: 8c53ea1ba9b0c92⋯.jpg (250.66 KB, 510x548, 255:274, gorilla_flippn_bird.jpg)


there is nothing amiss with my comprehension skills foggot.

YOU not I, wanted a 'pussy hat" so you could 'fuk and dump' a liberal.

Get your shit together brah. Or do you need it broken down in picture form?

b07ce1  No.3388145


on point.

205275  No.3388146


it's clear the West has never lacked for talented musicians and poets/songwriters. But the good ones have been systematically suppressed for so long.

With the suppression ending, it's gonna be glorious.

b31331  No.3388147


Limo took straight shot into woods. path visible here:


Could easily be damage in crumple zone in front of limo, not visible from angle of photo.

03bbb2  No.3388148

File: a962b7aaa386c83⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 641db133eb952bf69eb142d6f1….jpg)


>There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us.


>There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us.


>There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us.


>There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us.

caught one its fighting look at it struggle

bd84fe  No.3388149


Watched from my balcony. Great times.

ec9115  No.3388150

any so cal anons she a Rocket Launch?


6abad5  No.3388151

SpaceX rocket just launched

af38ae  No.3388152

File: 7c830302de07c05⋯.jpeg (93.83 KB, 719x479, 719:479, CED0E894-EAE5-4B11-A679-1….jpeg)

d7c3f9  No.3388153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Start @ 8:11, fren


252ef3  No.3388154










anon, a small skirmish doesn't make the SDF back hats

that shit happens all the time

and on the Euphrates pocket, its all heavily fortified towns

the SDF, along with our spec op marines, are clearing them

we just cut of one side of the pocket from the river, its not easy clearing ops

the jihadi goatfuckers are putting up a tough fight

(I think Baghdadi is there personally)

we're working on it

SDF are backed by POTUS, and the generals and Mattis

3cc453  No.3388155


>What kinds of "Military Parades" are there?

1. Victory

2. Remembrance

bd84fe  No.3388156


see one above kek

ad7e9b  No.3388157

File: 130a643a35be543⋯.jpeg (5.76 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 15090874537272900384.jpeg)


last time I heard that, I had to report to engineering.

84c63f  No.3388158

File: ee649c491110368⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 274x184, 137:92, bunny.jpg)


And then God created Us and held the threat of eternal burning over our heads while at the same time claiming unconditional love.

That adds up……………

df3e8f  No.3388159



Why the all-caps? This has been here many times, also.

6169fb  No.3388160


Did you just see the ufo in the background? no shit

252ef3  No.3388161


kek anon

it already released its payload and the main booster landed already

8d017f  No.3388163

File: fda98d54f91cbef⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 556x501, 556:501, wtftucker.jpg)

0a78e7  No.3388164


Ok, thanks! :-)

509097  No.3388165


I saw that pop up, too.

ea9cca  No.3388166


252ef3  No.3388167


frenly reminders

and I copypasta'd it, oh well

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