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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

aeb54a  No.3383485

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 10.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/358 --------------------------------- Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett. (Caps: >>3383199 ; >>3383224 ; >>3383269 )

>>>/patriotsfight/357 --------------------------------- Devin Nunes on Russia probe and FISA abuse (Cap: >>3382810 ; >>3382812 )

>>>/patriotsfight/356 --------------------------------- [BOOM WEEK] (Cap: >>3382314 )

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/355 --------------------------------- DON'T BE A PAWN IN THEIR SICK GAME ( Cap: >>3374695, >>3375172 )

>>>/patriotsfight/354 --------------------------------- [Repost][Search & Destroy] ( Cap: >>3373783 )

>>>/patriotsfight/353 --------------------------------- "Wrap-Up Smear" deployed v. Justice K? ( Cap: >>3371630, >>3371514 )

>>>/patriotsfight/352 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Justice K impeachment: CON sold to voters by LYING D's ( Cap: >>3371193 )

>>>/patriotsfight/351 --------------------------------- America's destiny of goodness and good will ( Cap: >>3369559 )

>>>/patriotsfight/350 rt /pf/298 ——————– TODAY, THE REPUBLIC, TOOK BACK CONTROL. ( Cap: >>3372173 )

>>3368187 rt >>3367982 ————-————– God bless, Patriot. Celebrate - this means so much. ( Cap: >>3368259 )

>>>/patriotsfight/349 --------------------------------- POLITICAL HIT by D's. ( Cap: >>3367230 )

>>>/patriotsfight/348 --------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. ( Cap: >>3366916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3362076 )

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

aeb54a  No.3383489


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3382808 DHS backs Apple, Amazon in denial of Chinese “spy chip” infiltration

>>3382900 UK doctor ran illegal transgender clinic, treated children as young as 12

>>3382935 ; >>3383086 /pf/357 video is the only one posted on that YT channel; further digging

>>3382964 Italy going hard again illegal migrants, EU bullying

>>3382983 Dem staffer arrested for doxxing was paid by an “outside institution”

>>3383010 /pf/356 tineye dig

>>3383060 ; >>3383110 Interpol president Meng Hongwei has resigned with immediate effect

>>3383148 Clockfag update

>>3383440 #4287


>>3382111 Full statement from Swetnick re: sore losing

>>3382151 LG calls out Schumer to “name one that would be OK” from DJT’s judiciary candidate list

>>3382194 Planefag Updates

>>3382234 Twitter summary of Feinstein’s husband’s ties w/China

>>3382257 Bulgarian journalist killed; was investigating EU funds corruption

>>3382275 F&F hearing rips Holder, DOJ for deception in gun-running

>>3382549 New USMC Tweet: “Fight-for-Life Drill” during the Crucible

>>3382643 GOP Senator’s wife received graphic text of beheading after Kavanaugh vote

>>3382686 NH election corruption re: out-of-state funding

>>3382723 Board of Advisors of Let America Vote gets a boot

>>3382673 #4286

#4285 Baker Change

>>3381239 ; >>3381242 Summary of Hussein, NK, Iran, China, and uranium connections (analysis)

>>3381474 ; >>3381492 List of possible C_A clowns running for Democrat legislature seats; corroborated digging for hits and misses

>>3381545 Scalia’s daughter goes Republican after Dems’ treatment of Kavanaugh

>>3381571 Planefag Update: UAE Airforce flying over US

>>3381608 Trackables in titty photos

>>3381668 ; >>3381741 NY limo wreck updates: less than an hour from Marina Abramovic’s house

>>3381768 New FLOTUS

>>3381789 Swetnick bitching about her 15 minutes of fame not going as planned

>>3381818 Hirono lying about corroboration re: Kavanaugh, CBF

>>3381870 DHS calling for extra awareness at NFL games

>>3381915 #4285


>>3381139 NY Limo Crash at Popular Tourist Spot Kills 20

>>3381083 Nunes: Top Democrat Lawyer Gave Top FBI Lawyer Pee Dossier That FBI Used v. POTUS

>>3381014, >>3381048, >>3381052 Sauce for Israeli backdoor built into all cpu systems

>>3381054, >>3381132 Early digg on Yuri Milner, one of Putin's "election-meddling Jews?"

>>3380833 Resigned on principle?? News anchor leaves CBS after defending Kav online

>>3380781 Wife says missing Interpol pres sent her knife pic b4 disappeared, signaling danger

>>3380709 Andrew Kauders spotted with HRC? (twat only sauce)

>>3380477 Lookback: Military Tribunals for Terrorists are Legal; from CNN, no less

>>3380456 Susan Collins Calls Out Planned Parenthood for Blatant Partisanship

>>3381151 #4284

Previously Collected Notables

>>3379577 #4282, >>3380369 #4283

>>3377194 #4279, >>3377985 #4280, >>3378820 #4281

>>3374857 #4276, >>3375576 #4277, >>3376356 #4278

>>3372814 #4273, >>3373668 #4274, >>3374065 #4275

>>3370190 #4270, >>3370955 #4271, >>3371748 #4272

>>3367935 #4267, >>3372435 #4268, >>3369419 #4269

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

aeb54a  No.3383499

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3380951

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

aeb54a  No.3383505

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

aeb54a  No.3383514

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



eb6cdf  No.3383525

File: 25ebc388d276b71⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 818x694, 409:347, oct.jpg)

12f3ee  No.3383544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4adae5  No.3383545

Lisen to and Watch the Speaker. and the blonde and other man behind him. They. are. fucking. Angry. No tears. just Anger.


c5f7e3  No.3383550

File: 5c8933364f0600d⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2jlp7m~2.jpg)

fb8b56  No.3383553

File: 12b050ecc932360⋯.png (666.31 KB, 574x764, 287:382, sstorm5.PNG)

3aeabd  No.3383558

File: 3d70041d1298807⋯.png (1.09 MB, 625x754, 625:754, ClipboardImage.png)


ISIL Asks for Surrender Terms as Gov't Forces Advances in Sweida Desert

ISIL has been calling on Damascus to pave the ground for their surrender as the Syrian Army troops are on the verge of final victory in the Eastern deserts of Sweida, a Russian media outlet reported on Saturday.


Helicopters of Int’l coalition evacuate Daesh terrorists from Deir Ezzor Countryside

Helicopters of the US-led International coalition evacuated a number of of Daesh(ISIS) terrorists from the south-eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

Few days ago, the “International Coalition” carried out an air landing operation at the outskirts of al-Mrashde village located in the pocket where Daesh terrorists spread in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor,

transferring a number of Daesh leaders .


Army foils terrorist infiltration attempt towards military points in Hama countryside

Army units directed concentrated strikes against terrorist groups’ positions affiliated to the so-called Turkistan Party, which tried to infiltrate inside agriculture lands towards military points in the surroundings of al-Mansoura village , Tal Wasset in the far north of al-Ghab plain in Hama northern countryside, SANA reporter said.


President al-Assad during al-Baath Party’s Central Committee meeting: Idleb agreement is a temporary measure

“What we have witnessed recently of Western hysteria ahead of Idleb battle stems from the fact that it is a fateful thing for them, because the Syrians’ victory in it will lead to the failure of their plans and to Syria’s return as yet a more serious prospect in the face of their project in the region than it was before whether through the Deal of the Century or any other, and it will be a new model for the countries of the region and the world, “ said the President.


Fresh footage of S-300 system unloading in Syria released by Russian MoD

The move will likely “cool some hotheads down and avert them from ill-judged acts that endanger our troops,” Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said earlier.


Netanyahu says will hold meeting with Putin soon

"Israel will continue taking steps in order not to allow Iran to create military bases in Syria and prevent Iran from handing over lethal arms to the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon," Netanyahu said.


NOTE: Assad mentions 'deal of the century'

4fb752  No.3383559

File: 94533fce03c3065⋯.jpeg (71.38 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 11F6CE7E-A2F3-429C-900C-8….jpeg)

fb8b56  No.3383560

File: a68bf596cec8100⋯.png (58.21 KB, 783x753, 261:251, un404.PNG)

1e1bd7  No.3383562

What was the edit on the last Q post?

51025f  No.3383563


Just a typo fix. Read the bread anon.

9c1140  No.3383564

thank you baker!


Chage → Change

edited quickly after

01d0bc  No.3383565

File: c15e7b7286e38e6⋯.jpeg (45.33 KB, 399x353, 399:353, 0beer1.jpeg)

c5f7e3  No.3383566

File: 8b881d555a31a24⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 722x453, 722:453, 2jlnm2~2.jpg)

fb8b56  No.3383567

File: ef367d1e8925e16⋯.png (1015.44 KB, 679x654, 679:654, expose3.PNG)

File: 05f2c921f6c10e8⋯.png (530.22 KB, 891x561, 27:17, decl.PNG)

File: 1c416619bb7e7d5⋯.png (145.96 KB, 910x362, 455:181, declasfisa.PNG)

9b054f  No.3383568


Read the fucking bread newfag.

Is it too hard to scroll up a bit.

ff344f  No.3383569

File: decca8f59e808b9⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, SQ_Lethal_Injection_Room.jpg)

[VJ] table for one, [VJ] your table for one is ready.

93a055  No.3383570

File: a09a53bf6c1ce3e⋯.png (407.38 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 01037912-B0D9-4253-A6FE-1A….png)

File: 4a2d50384719cfb⋯.png (4.81 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 5908CE4D-5D2A-440A-AFD0-5C….png)

File: e854525294e8c7a⋯.jpeg (69.46 KB, 527x630, 527:630, A37283D3-BBCA-45D7-8B27-3….jpeg)

Guys, interesting correlation by the Albany Times Union. The limo crash that killed 20 in Schoharie NY and the Buffalo plane crash on Feb 12, 2009 (Q post 985)

Interesting that this reference is made. Really need to dig when the 17 names of the limo passengers are released.


d23ff4  No.3383571

File: cd364bb6c677e7b⋯.png (40.74 KB, 788x93, 788:93, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

Q… Your love affair with Reagan is getting creepy. Also, it's not the 80's and he is not our president anymore.

Furthermore, don't say, "Goodbye Valerie", when you just said, "Goodbye Rosenstein and others", and NOTHING happened.

You are fast becoming the boy who cried wolf, faggot.

37ea16  No.3383572

File: 095056ac7f6709d⋯.jpg (192.03 KB, 700x473, 700:473, w34fsefAW4TAWF.jpg)

7c7ed0  No.3383573

File: 5fdbd7cd22de339⋯.jpeg (99.89 KB, 491x601, 491:601, 6B79B43A-EE95-497C-A903-C….jpeg)

3aeabd  No.3383574




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

316f46  No.3383575

ya know, it really angers me that (((they))) are allowed to testify behind closed doors. This gov is run and funded on the backs of the people and the people are denied access to (((their))) testimony. The public testimony that have occurred, so far, have been dog and pony shows. RR should have to spill his guts in front of the people he betrayed: the people who pay his salary.

12f3ee  No.3383576

File: 204a2c8c5388cba⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 445x400, 89:80, bitchplease.jpg)

d64dcf  No.3383577

>>3383449 lb

I really needed this refresher

Thanks for the breakdown

fb8b56  No.3383578

File: 839748acc1d54e6⋯.png (719.59 KB, 509x639, 509:639, expose.PNG)

File: 66ebf99c4e2c868⋯.png (418.92 KB, 1062x594, 59:33, declcorrupt.PNG)

File: f7eb07260dd3993⋯.png (149.51 KB, 703x798, 37:42, decaslymad.PNG)

a0c81a  No.3383579

File: aed8e530c9117b9⋯.jpeg (54.29 KB, 272x261, 272:261, 9CC00F50-2544-465A-9598-9….jpeg)

When will the arrests start to happen?

ec2a7c  No.3383580


Neon has an N theory they keep promising to share

964094  No.3383581

File: 9387bb00c6b9c36⋯.jpeg (70.92 KB, 848x476, 212:119, 1538833992.jpeg)

7e831e  No.3383582

File: b16ce7c4ca5fabd⋯.png (461.32 KB, 505x551, 505:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Who was in this limo? 20 people dead from a car crash right after Justice K is confirmed.. sounds pretty fishy

fbbe7d  No.3383583

Q himself stated “everything has meaning”.

If an honest “typo” was made, Q has always corrected it said so.

Until I am told otherwise by Q.

Everything has meaning!

32d9d4  No.3383584

Thinking logically about The Big Declas that sets the World on-end:

"Ally" countries begging not to Declas because they're implicated in this Huge conspiracy.

So, because when the news does break, all hell also breaks. Therefore Declas disclosure is very tricky. Measures & Assets MUST be in place and ALL contingencies accounted for.

We really want the Big BOOM, but we've got to be smart & measured in the implementation of the Declas so there isn't just a huge disaster as a result. Major turmoil could ensue.

Just stating the obvious I know.

ae7026  No.3383585

"Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett."

"Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein"

Metaphysically impossible for my balls to get any bluer at this point.

45dac8  No.3383586

File: 6a22c63397a6c30⋯.jpg (871.93 KB, 1804x2438, 902:1219, 2016 Election by Race and ….jpg)


Starting in 2016.

9c1140  No.3383587

296b86  No.3383588

>>3383060 (pb)

Interpol is a private information sharing organization commisioned by the Rockefellers just like the FRB.

692030  No.3383589

>>3383548 (lb)the typos spell out "Justice e N " so far. Maybe we are ending the Justice phase soon and starting the next phase and Q will wipe the board clean again

37ea16  No.3383590

File: e0cd5838756ec39⋯.jpg (640.96 KB, 980x1040, 49:52, ChrisEvansLaughing.jpg)



d32b4c  No.3383591

>>3383487 (last bread)

>>3380529 (past bread)


I saved this post from last spring. Check this list for local politicians. These people should be exposed.


https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/10/18/daily-202-ex-cia-officers-running-for-congress-as-democrats/59e6b25b30fb041a74e75de5/?utm_term=.39429689b3ae

http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/no-precedent-us-political-history-extraordinary-number-ex-cia-operatives-running-congress-democrats/

57 CIA agents so far have announced candidacy, all for Democrat seats.

Why is no one talking about this?

Why are there so many slide threads?

Why have we not started on digging dirt on these people?

Funny how 57 CIA agents are running for Congress and Washington post puts out this article:

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/14/why-54-may-be-the-magic-number-house-democrats-need-to-win-back-the-majority/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6a46834227d5


Elissa Slotkin

Abigail Spanberger

Jesse Colvin

Jeffrey Beals

Patrick Ryan

Jonathan Ebel

Shelly Chaucey

Omar Siddiqui

Dan McCready

Daniel Helmer

Alison Friedman

Richard Ojeda

Josh Butner

Dan Feehan

Andy Kim

Maura Sullivan

Jason Crow

Matthew Morgan

Tom Malinowski

Lauren Baer

Pam Keith

Nancy Soderbert

Edward Meier

Sara Jacobs

Doublas Applegate

Talley Sergent

Aaron Sheinberg

Jessica Morse

Regina Bateson

Matt Reel

Mary Jennings Hegar

Elaine Luria

Mikie Sherrill

Chrissy Houlahan

Amy McGrath


683b8d  No.3383592

File: dd1cf7d563f4cb3⋯.png (242.83 KB, 598x729, 598:729, VJ darwin.png)


Ask and ye shall receive!

These people are STOOPID!

6734a1  No.3383593

Anyone else have the suspicion that Q has helpers in the threads guiding anons?

884bdb  No.3383594

File: abd34650470c321⋯.png (94.72 KB, 372x569, 372:569, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

d23ff4  No.3383595



"You all are a bunch of wanna-be faggots, who can do nothing to me. Now shut up and watch Netflix, pussy." - Valerie Jarrett

fb78ac  No.3383596


next week

next week

next week

next week

4644bd  No.3383597


Re: VJ tweet https://twitter.com/ValerieJarrett/status/1048323034745098240

Missing letter? N

N = November.

What VJ is really saying is that the Dems have all their energies and efforts focused on rigging the November midterms elections!

So, this 'powerful movement' VJ refers to is ANTIFA?

Makes sense since she is a communist so as ANTIFA.

So she is directing ANTIFA and working for Soros.

9c1140  No.3383598

File: f08c259e5f5b8cc⋯.png (314.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, muhhelper.png)



8bdf6a  No.3383599

Article excerpts from 2013 about ARC processors mentioned in Israels backdoor posts, saying they are embedded in Intel processors.

November 6, 2013

Electronics Engineering Journal

Mystery CPU for the Masses

New Synopsys Processor Makes Leaps in Performance

by Jim Turley


"Pop quiz! What’s the second-most-popular CPU core in the world? First place goes to ARM, of course, but who’s the runner-up?

If you guessed MIPS, PowerPC, x86, Tensilica, 8051, or XMOS, you’re wrong. (In good company, but still wrong.) The correct answer is: ARC.

According to Synopsys, 1.3 billion ARC processors were embedded into chips last year, and that number is growing by about 300 million per year. That puts ARC second only to the mighty ARM. Must be something about the name. Maybe all those designers thought they were getting ARM but licensed ARC by accident.

Not likely. ARC and ARM are vastly different beasts, even though both occupy the same phylum (or is that genus?) of the microprocessor taxonomic tree. They’re both 32-bit RISC processors; both are offered as licensed IP; both are used in SoC development; and both have a number of variations and configuration options. One runs practically every cellphone and tablet in the world, while the other one appears in… uh… where do all those billions of ARC processors go?

In just about anything that’s not a cellphone or a tablet, really. ARC-based chips are in cameras, utility meters, televisions, flash drives, cars, and on and on. Think “embedded system” or “system on chip” and you run a good chance of identifying a product harboring at least one ARC processor. (Extra credit for knowing that ARC has more licensees than ARM does, too.)…"

"…It’s the Silly Putty of CPUs. Developers can add and remove registers, invent their own instructions, change the caches, swap byte ordering, include an FPU, configure a hardware multiplier to improve performance or to save space, and more. It’s not so much a prepackaged processor as a smorgasbord of processor features that designers can browse and select from."

"…It’s intended as a deeply embedded CPU core for deeply embedded software. The HS has neither superscalar nor out-of-order execution, two tricks that could have improved performance at the cost of die area and power. Instead, its designers embraced RISC simplicity. In 28nm silicon, a minimally configured HS core measures just 0.12 mm2, which is about one-fifth the size of ARM’s Cortex-R7…"

"…So maybe the ARC HS isn’t going to power the next Windows Phone or Galaxy tablet. But it might wind up in ten times more devices that have lower profiles. If what you want is a small, unassuming little 32-bit CPU that spins away in some corner of your device, the HS may stand for “hidden secret.”"

2c3cad  No.3383600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Con. Danny Davis Communist Party USA

77f18f  No.3383601


GTFO shill

50bf26  No.3383602

File: 700f8d87308715a⋯.jpg (38.82 KB, 599x400, 599:400, female-baker-taking-bread-….jpg)

3e9765  No.3383604

File: a05e784748bebcb⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 570x400, 57:40, USS_Liberty_.jpg)

964094  No.3383605

File: 5914841f69d4ce7⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 347x529, 347:529, IMG_20180911_173725.jpg)

Thank You Baker

956d9d  No.3383607

at times anons need a little direction.

fb8b56  No.3383608

File: 89d3d1cb16b52b1⋯.png (959.45 KB, 586x792, 293:396, expose2.PNG)

File: afa64cd993513bf⋯.png (658.54 KB, 786x551, 786:551, ready4pain.PNG)

File: 9d5320e3600f074⋯.png (312.61 KB, 399x313, 399:313, pack.PNG)

a0c81a  No.3383609


I hope so Anon

5a2046  No.3383610


I do, with the big pic?

6734a1  No.3383611


I mean, more anoymous ones.

12f3ee  No.3383612

File: 70af70fb6c38956⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 247idc.jpg)

70aff3  No.3383613

File: e181ee113fed68f⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1069x591, 1069:591, storm.PNG)

45dac8  No.3383614


Enemy combatant.


What do we do with enemy combatants?

7c7ed0  No.3383615

File: 3a3908e78bc035e⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB, 539x455, 77:65, 6AB7CFC0-2FF7-4E62-B042-1….jpeg)

File: c4dee3773e89dfa⋯.jpeg (74.73 KB, 406x481, 406:481, D9CB7B1B-C997-4F4E-A706-8….jpeg)

0610f7  No.3383616

Q Don't let the rat VJ go quietly like No Name.

3aeabd  No.3383617

File: a3ee03deb4f9f2a⋯.png (280.9 KB, 668x919, 668:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5b4ad14046340e⋯.png (21.38 KB, 655x331, 655:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Orbán: Europe Locked in ‘Culture War’, But ‘Cultural Peace’ Reigns in Hungary

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said that the “culture war” is not being fought on Hungary, but it being fought in Europe which is succumbing to a “creeping” cultural surrender.

Addressing the audience at a ceremony to celebrate the revamp of the Budai Vigadó, which houses the country’s heritage museum, Prime Minister Orbán remarked that though he “hear[d] that there’s a culture war going on in Hungary”, he believes the central European country is rather existing in a state of “culture peace”.

The Hungarian leader warned of a “creeping pan-European cultural self-renunciation”, and argued that if the continent’s cultural foundations disappeared, Europe would “collapse like a house of cards”.

And while Europeans and Hungarians respect other cultures, he vowed that “no-one can force us to take this as the relinquishment of our own culture and submission to another culture.”

“So we’ll stand up and declare who we are and our beliefs about God, the homeland, and family, and the impact Hungarians believe this has on European life,” he added.

The popular conservative statesman, who won his third consecutive term in office in April with a parliamentary supermajority, pledged earlier in the year to enact a “major family policy action plan” to make the country family-friendly and support Hungarians to have children — rather than follow the lead of Western European nations that have welcomed mass migration to solve the supposed demographic time bomb of an ageing Europe.


683b8d  No.3383619

File: 21765a9748877bf⋯.jpg (104.57 KB, 627x693, 19:21, LibTer.jpg)


Oh look! Someone found their crayons!

88e4eb  No.3383620


fbbe7d  No.3383621

>>3383574 At least be honest with this post.


pic related

66fe5a  No.3383622

File: 81689827e81cc97⋯.jpg (176.63 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, p05810q0.jpg)

54a4c1  No.3383623

File: 2995c4189452713⋯.jpg (72.67 KB, 756x500, 189:125, 2jl6do.jpg)

File: 2eee9e088a5b530⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2jl68a.jpg)

9c1140  No.3383624


anon, ffs that was confirmed a slide by BO

fb8b56  No.3383625

File: 61ead22fe60818c⋯.png (441.19 KB, 483x734, 483:734, sstorm2.PNG)

File: fb81cb9ce98fe94⋯.png (353.29 KB, 349x374, 349:374, sstorm8.PNG)

File: 6100f220e21a330⋯.png (869.35 KB, 650x579, 650:579, strom3.PNG)

6d4fda  No.3383626

File: 3282018a4f1a19e⋯.png (542.75 KB, 905x538, 905:538, The commission.PNG)


After the senate approved Kavanaugh yesterday, President Trump signed his COMMISSION to serve on the SC.

This was signed before he was sworn it.

Would this not mean that if Hussein is found to be illegitimate, both of his SC picks, whose commissions he signed, would be illegit too?

His signature on their commission would be null and void.


edeb1f  No.3383627

File: 24ebe2797351934⋯.jpeg (78.76 KB, 868x345, 868:345, DFC859B0-4D75-4E79-A448-0….jpeg)

eef079  No.3383628

File: 4050bd58617cb73⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 700x678, 350:339, 6148b6170208b0d174133f7e27….jpg)


Right, instead we endure days of fake testimony about a high school party, and high school drinking games, and what this&that mean in the yearbook from 32 yrs ago.

c89a31  No.3383629

File: 6be6d56a7b4ad76⋯.jpeg (408.02 KB, 750x1012, 375:506, C5D938E7-A406-4C14-990D-B….jpeg)

Odd time for DoD to be tweeting..

Generally only tweets on the hour…


efc960  No.3383630

File: 8a6b4e616d22caa⋯.png (377.36 KB, 666x710, 333:355, DoD 10-7-18 12 51 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 64d5e2b82f067cc⋯.png (331.41 KB, 661x629, 661:629, USMC 10-7-18 10 47 pm PDT.PNG)



fbbe7d  No.3383631

File: 674c85d9d285c41⋯.jpeg (460.86 KB, 1242x836, 621:418, 369C8DCB-FBFC-4AE4-92C3-1….jpeg)

ba0c74  No.3383632


We talk about arrests.

And talk and talk and talk.

50bf26  No.3383633


As long as she's rotting in hell, I don't care how it happens.

4e1b7b  No.3383634


God will cut you down - johnny cash

12f3ee  No.3383635

File: 8a8be447fce630a⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 1024x851, 1024:851, jace_the_body_sculptor_by_….jpg)

1bd71d  No.3383636

File: ed94f533a4e0245⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 597x346, 597:346, vjctnit.jpg)

e8c26f  No.3383637


I don't believe Trump ever said that.

683b8d  No.3383638

File: eccd115b0236ca3⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 255x250, 51:50, netflax.jpg)

9a87d6  No.3383639

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, 3e340e9eee823c0db072d8f2dc….png)

Very nice weather, very blessed to have this break time this weekend. Thank you POTUS and the Q team, God bless you all, I have absolute respect for what you are doing and your commitments and I keep you all in my prayers.

God bless everyone else here, have a great remainder of this weekend and I hope everyone here has an amazing, blessed and fruitful week!

45dac8  No.3383640


Someone found their facts.

Facts are ugly.

4644bd  No.3383641


Perhaps Eric Holder is talking about VJ to safe his ass from 'Fast and Furious'.

f1ecd8  No.3383642

Honest question - If we know all this they MUST know all of this (they did the crimes) so why are they all still running their mouths? I think I'd be getting my go bag and heading to the plastic surgeon!

edeb1f  No.3383643

File: dd221de1c75e669⋯.jpg (120.09 KB, 750x600, 5:4, IMG_3248.JPG)

File: e165dfae0208938⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 600x944, 75:118, IMG_3251.JPG)

File: 74f91189d689168⋯.jpg (200.71 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3252.JPG)

f841c2  No.3383644

File: 523cd4a9309fa69⋯.png (1.12 MB, 679x684, 679:684, ty-baker-maga-flags.png)

ty Baker

4644bd  No.3383645

035fb6  No.3383646

File: 47a453e0e04dc14⋯.jpg (168.37 KB, 1002x756, 167:126, dogebread.jpg)

TYVM, Baker.

af0579  No.3383647

File: 0861ce8bec91fe0⋯.jpeg (350.68 KB, 383x3089, 383:3089, B2E987D6-5D18-435E-BC09-E….jpeg)

All Sunday patriotsfight

d8fb9a  No.3383648


I wonder if the Chinese man was really a spy for China who was recalled home. Wouldn't China like to infiltrate Interpol? That would give them all kinds of useful info and influence.

7be690  No.3383649

That's her Pic on TWTR??

Fucking narcissist.

a0c81a  No.3383650

File: 0c631e9c0fb5be7⋯.png (742.72 KB, 1600x1140, 80:57, 00B53CE8-F30B-49F3-A08F-D9….png)


3aeabd  No.3383651

Six cases of rare 'polio-like' illness diagnosed in children in Minnesota

Six children in Minnesota have been diagnosed with a rare "polio-like" disease since mid-September, state health officials said.

Acute flaccid myelitis, known as AFM, affects the body's nervous system – specifically, the spinal cord – and can cause paralysis. Unlike polio, there is no vaccine for AFM.

Minnesota typically sees less than one case a year, the state Department of Health reported. The disease typically affects children; all the recent cases in Minnesota were in children younger than 10.

AFM can develop from a viral infection, although its exact cause is unknown. Symptoms include limb weakness, facial drooping and trouble swallowing or talking. Doctors stress the importance of recognizing the early signs of AFM and seeking care as soon as possible.


d23ff4  No.3383652

File: 6cbc7cb91902e3f⋯.jpg (89.12 KB, 388x600, 97:150, GPJs8.jpg)

File: bcab12d82a9aeb7⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 250x350, 5:7, GPJs9.jpg)

File: e0755f06477f174⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 236x330, 118:165, GPJs10.jpg)

File: 175ae4466060698⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 236x314, 118:157, GPJs11.jpg)

File: 2e5a9465144f61d⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 250x350, 5:7, GPJs12.jpg)


33224b  No.3383653

>>3379771 (pb)

>6 minutes into Trump's Topeka rally last night he said this about SCOTUS:


>"You're going to have other Supreme Court Justice's places to be filled; it could be three, it could even be four, it could be a lot. And, if you allow the wrong people to get into office, things could change. They could change and they could change fast."


>RBG is ready to head out soon - she's 85 and looking older by the day. Breyer is 80. Next oldest is Thomas at 70, who I hope is on the bench for 20 more years. Both Clinton appointees. Kagan and Sotomeyer are the other liberals, both appointed by Obama.


>Does this statement mean there is dirt on K or S? Does it mean an expansion to 11 along with RBG and potentially Breyer retiring?

What if it is determined that Obutthole was not a legitimately elected President? Would Kagan and Sotomayer get to keep their seats?

4fb752  No.3383654

File: d9cca21e9b6b62a⋯.jpeg (89.41 KB, 1485x564, 495:188, 8D317C12-FDAB-4CA7-96FE-6….jpeg)

First thing that came up in a search.

ba0c74  No.3383655

9c1140  No.3383656

File: 92a95df4893bbfa⋯.png (24.43 KB, 427x206, 427:206, ClipboardImage.png)


not all typos have meaning

some like "RUSSA" do

956d9d  No.3383657


if you ever wondered how much the CIA wants to control the gov't… there is your answer.

12f3ee  No.3383658

File: 426746b300fc153⋯.jpg (83.63 KB, 680x614, 340:307, wendy.jpg)

94bce7  No.3383659

I found the end of Nunes interview to be intriguing as well:

Maria: Have you spoken with Mueller - shut it down??


Determine who leaked Flynn.

Who's behind Fusion GPS?

Who are all the Russians they interviewed?

Who funneled it to the FBI?

What the hell have they been doing all this time since they knew from start NO COLLUSION?

I wonder if he is foreshadowing a Mueller surprise?

aka here's what I've been doing and it's a shocker to everyone

Even if not, the SC is on fumes

But, it would be a lot better if the Left's Savior Mueller called a press conference

To say he's given all the findings Nunes mentioned to the DOJ - Huber division

ec2a7c  No.3383660

File: 22fda70277db889⋯.png (1.09 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93c462fc9e628b7⋯.png (1.27 MB, 951x670, 951:670, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 108a571c1a640e8⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1300x975, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Some Anon please meme this with Pepes coming out their mouths.

After reading about the magical history of Kek last night:


I found myself chuckling over the idea of this.

“Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.”

(Revelation 16:13,14)

Would put it together myself but I'm away from photoshop.

d23ff4  No.3383661

File: f7668e78c68ad4f⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 324x450, 18:25, GPJs.jpg)

File: 932a619c4428b26⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, GPJs2.jpg)

File: 9e50061d9263bd3⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 450x575, 18:23, GPJs4.jpg)

File: 6f9c8bae287ebae⋯.jpg (737.78 KB, 1248x1731, 416:577, GPJs5.jpg)

File: dde34a3efefcee2⋯.jpg (146.85 KB, 457x640, 457:640, GPJs6.jpg)


02bcdb  No.3383662

File: d070020783f725c⋯.jpg (181.05 KB, 300x500, 3:5, the sauce force 2.jpg)

4644bd  No.3383663


Bring back the GALLOWS.

9c1140  No.3383664



7be690  No.3383665


That would be a NO

66fe5a  No.3383666


Thank you Anon for this. God Bless you and your family as well.

I am hopeful for a very good week. Lots of changes in my personal life. Could use a break, and have things go better than they have been lately.

683b8d  No.3383667


DoD time

3:15 = 3 sixes?

or 17, 9, 9 on the date?

9040f1  No.3383668


Just people on a trip to collect fall leaves

341a8f  No.3383669


This article is old but the people are still CIA and may run in mid term election or another in the future. Keep this handy!!! Share it.

Funny how 57 CIA agents are running for Congress and Washington post puts out this article:

HERE'S THE LIST of CIA Agents, by state – even tho some are out from the primaries they may run again!!!!!!


CA - DouGlas Applegate 49th Congressional District of California.

CA - Jessica Morse Congress to defend her home district which includes Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, and California

CA - Regina Bateson California's 4th District

CA - Omar Siddiqui 48th District Congress CALIFORNIA

CA - Josh Butner California 50th District Congressional

C0 - Jason Crow 6th Congressional District of Colorado

FL - Lauren Baer Congress in Florida's 18th District

FL - Pam Keith Florida's 18th Congressional District

FL - Nancy Soderbert Congress in #FL06 NAME SPELL DIFF

IL - Jonathan Ebel 13th Congressional District of Illinois.

KY - Amy McGrath Congress in Kentucky's 6th

NC - Dan McCready NC 9th District Congress

MD - Jesse Colvin Congress in Maryland’s 1st District McCain follower

MI - Elissa Slotkin Michigan 8th Congressional District

MI - Matthew Morgan Michigan's 1st Congressional District write in

NH - Maura Sullivan NH CONGRESS

NJ - Tom Malinowski New Jersey's 7th congressional district

NJ - Mikie Sherrill Congressional Candidate for NJ 11th


NY - Jeffrey Beals NY-19 CONGRESS, Proud Bernie supported

NY - Patrick Ryan NY-19 HOUSE

PA - Shelly Chaucey Democrat running for Congress in Pennsylvania's withdrew supporting Ashley Lunkenheimer.

PA - Chrissy Houlahan Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional REGION

PA - Ashley Lunkenheimer. Penn. Supported by Shelly Chaucey CIA

TN - Matt Reel for Congress, Centerville, Tennessee

TX - Edward Meier represent the 32nd Congressional District of Texas

TX - Mary Jennings Hegar Congress in Texas District 31

VA - Alison Friedman Running for Congress in #VA10

VA - Abigail Spanberger Democratic Nominee for Congress in Virginia's 7th District.

VA - Elaine Luria Congress in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District.

VA - Daniel Helmer VA District 10 - D CONGRESS

WV - Talley Sergent West Virginia's Second Congressional District.

WV - Aaron Sheinberg 2nd Congressional District of West Virginia

WV - Richard Ojeda West Virginia Senate from district 7

Keep your eye on them. Many worked with Obama, most all were Demon rats

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/14/why-54-may-be-the-magic-number-house-democrats-need-to-win-back-the-majority/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6a46834227d5

285da3  No.3383670

File: 885805a6d349362⋯.png (367.49 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 01DFC359-4AC6-4CBD-B16F-C2….png)

7c7ed0  No.3383671

File: f79879f5b1e5b9f⋯.jpeg (55.2 KB, 531x386, 531:386, A32969D2-D723-4402-920B-9….jpeg)

edeb1f  No.3383672

File: 2ad34771f739b53⋯.jpg (285.16 KB, 1344x898, 672:449, IMG_3290.JPG)

Tard dues

0d725e  No.3383673

File: 450fdc979f2997c⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 900x505, 180:101, castellano.jpg)

File: bfb5321199e196b⋯.jpg (76.76 KB, 306x688, 153:344, GotKruger.jpg)

File: 73b67bd151937b5⋯.jpg (70.4 KB, 1200x721, 1200:721, Gotti2.jpg)

File: 7bc657142dd3b86⋯.jpg (120.28 KB, 800x800, 1:1, johnG1.jpg)


How John Gotti Assassinated Paul Castellano, “The Boss Of Bosses”

"On December 16, 1985, John Gotti organized a ruthless assassination on Gambino crime boss Paul Castellano outside Sparks Steak House in New York City. It was a murder that would change the New York Mafia forever….

Paul Castellano made a lot of enemies since he took over as boss of the Gambino crime family in 1976. He was known as the “Howard Hughes of the Mafia,” because like Hughes, he was somewhat of a recluse. Castellano saw himself as a businessman who distanced himself from the guys who were the bread-and-butter of his business: the Gambino’s capos, soldiers, and associates.

Instead, he met only with top brass in his sprawling 17-room Staten Island mansion, nicknamed “the White House.” Not only did he repeatedly insult his men with his continual snubs but he was also out of touch.

With his men’s earnings already taking a hit, Castellano also kept in place a cardinal rule of predecessor Carlo Gambino: Gambino family members were prohibited from drug dealing. Any individuals dealing drugs could not become made men and any implicated in drug trafficking would be killed…

Castellano’s decisions infuriated Gotti, especially since he was dealing heroin. At the time it was underboss Aniello Dellacroce who kept Gotti in line, who despite the boss’ greed, expected absolute loyalty to Castellano…

Castellano wasn’t a fan of Ruggiero’s capo, Gotti. When he heard that Ruggiero and John’s brother Gene were arrested for dealing heroin and that the feds had wiretapped their conversations, the mobster in him wanted to demote Gotti and disband his crew. …

Castellano wanted the transcripts from the wiretapped conversations but Ruggiero refused, knowing what it would mean for him and Gotti. Instead, Gambino underboss Delacroce convinced Castellano to wait for the prosecutors to release the tapes…."


Published: 11:40 EDT, 4 August 2016 | Updated: 20:13 EDT, 4 August 2016

Grandson of John Gotti faces 25 YEARS behind bars after Operation Beach Party ends with police seizing $250k cash and hundreds of pills, bringing down $1.6m drug ring

Police seized more than 850 Oxycodone and Xanax pills, drug ledgers and $240,000 in cash from his home, tattoo parlor and cars

As alleged, John Gotti and the other defendants peddled prescription painkillers from Howard Beach to Ozone Park, contributing to the rampant supply of these potent drugs,' said Bratton….


March 14, 2018

On Wednesday, John J. Gotti, the grandson of the infamous Gambino family don who shares his name, was sentenced to five years in prison, ..


John Gotti’s grandson busted for allegedly running illegal scrapyard

July 19, 2018 | 6:00pm

"One of late Mafioso John Gotti’s grandsons was just busted for running an illegal scrapyard in Queens, according to court records.

Carmine Gotti Agnello Jr., 32 — who, along with his two brothers, starred in the reality show “Growing Up Gotti’’ more than 10 years ago — was arraigned Wednesday night on charges of crushing cars without a license and falsifying business records."


John Gotti’s grandson is a ripped MMA fighter

October 21, 2017

John Gotti III is set to make his professional mixed-martial-arts debut Friday night with a welterweight bout against Johnny “The Wild Child” Adams at the 3,500-seat Twin River Casino in Lincoln, RI.

The handsome hardbody will enter the octagon on what would have been the 77th birthday of his grandfather, “Dapper Don” John Gotti Sr., who died in prison in 2002.


Married to the mob: John Gotti's grandson marries in 'ceremony worthy of The Godfather with mafioso, Hollywood A-listers, a $2.5m cash gift and partying until dawn at Long Island castle

People 'left envelopes of cash as gifts inside bird cages that amounted to $2.5 million' and 'partied until 7am'

Ceremony at Oheka Castle on Long Island's Gold Coast was 'attended by A-listers such as John Travolta'

Guests were allegedly staggered to avoid clashes between 'wrong people' as mafioso turned out for the event

a0c81a  No.3383674

File: 1b4c89fc1c81585⋯.jpeg (21.26 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 0617FB2F-3FD8-439E-8584-2….jpeg)

2739f1  No.3383675

File: 9e53b740189d4b9⋯.jpg (104.77 KB, 1200x651, 400:217, beast.jpg)

02bcdb  No.3383676

File: 878085873d6f7fe⋯.jpg (421.4 KB, 800x500, 8:5, the sauce force 3.jpg)

d09b6b  No.3383677

File: f1b34b0f2cfc084⋯.jpg (329.38 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, IMG_104.jpg)

1ada47  No.3383678

File: 27a2bb314f3c9b9⋯.png (992.12 KB, 2377x1159, 2377:1159, BoomTheory.png)

Let's talk about BOOM WEEKS.

In the recent Q post showing the staggered "BOOMs", the indentation was exactly 8 spaces for each subsequent BOOM WEEK. The post also ties the BOOMs back to the Kavanaugh confirmation which occurred Oct 6. If that serves as a marker for BOOM WEEK #1, then we would need to roll forward in 8 day increments. Oddly, this lands us exactly on Oct 30, 2018 as a potential BOOM WEEK #4 to arrest HRC one year after the post foreshadowing her arrest on Oct 30, 2017. Interestingly, the NATO War Games are being held from Oct 25 to Nov 7, right after Mid Terms. Readiness perhaps?

d32b4c  No.3383679

File: 244c62b95b15642⋯.png (360.2 KB, 592x333, 16:9, 2018-10-07_16-01-00.png)

66fe5a  No.3383680

File: fa11fc176781929⋯.jpg (141.28 KB, 736x1109, 736:1109, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: f136dd04750ad4d⋯.jpg (177.3 KB, 512x900, 128:225, saint-michael-overthrowing….jpg)


Seriously? I get those trips??? Grrr. Be gone satan!!

45dac8  No.3383681

File: bb26ee47cb7a73c⋯.jpg (219.93 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, gallows1.jpg)

88e4eb  No.3383682

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, ALurk.png)

Looks like Q wants us to focus on VJ and get that particular message out.

12f3ee  No.3383683

File: 8eddaffe87fc6d5⋯.png (465.62 KB, 724x730, 362:365, IMG_2327.PNG)

14b036  No.3383684


The same majority of white Christians who voted to elect a half black Islamic sympathizer to the most powerful seat on the planet.

Or did you fucking think Obama was only elected through black power?


301f66  No.3383685


Yes I noticed, where have you been?

983e5e  No.3383686

File: 2fd15ce5053d95b⋯.jpg (80.02 KB, 800x750, 16:15, IMG_0241.JPG)


A real woman

9573c4  No.3383687


This is complete BS

2e24eb  No.3383688


i laughed

3057ab  No.3383689

Don’t know what’s going on but have suddenly noticed about 300 small signs all over my city that just popped up over night for some group called brothers and sisters??? Weird!!!!!

341a8f  No.3383690


Yes, I have, are you okay? Are you getting a prayer rug and everything?

da1030  No.3383691

"Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett." Can Hussein be far behind? Holder? Any of them? The day Zero is arrested will definitely be one of the best days of my life. None of the McStain like dying as a hero…..we want perp walk, public revelation & humiliation, and then full public punishment of the weeping demon. For all of them.

3189b7  No.3383692



Complete lookup of the alleged Clowns for Congress list. Apprx 25 percent percent validated certain or potential clowns. 9 of 35.


91f4da  No.3383693

File: 84c9f94c21f8eb8⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 480x624, 10:13, somebody come look at this….jpg)

3edee5  No.3383694

File: acbb5d6ac106f35⋯.jpg (150.95 KB, 1023x513, 341:171, DrainTheSwamp20Jarrett.jpg)

File: 2dada0087cbc5a8⋯.jpg (125.81 KB, 959x960, 959:960, Jarrett_communist.jpg)

File: 5361594ea01ba34⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 236x227, 236:227, Jarrett4.jpg)

File: be09e73d8e6cd3c⋯.jpg (94.73 KB, 450x700, 9:14, Jarrett5.jpg)

File: 9b12d3fd5ad5b7d⋯.gif (255.63 KB, 321x321, 1:1, ValerieJarrettTickTockDone.gif)

d1c106  No.3383695

File: d1415119a4618a2⋯.jpg (142.19 KB, 720x548, 180:137, Meme Creator_1538942436081.jpg)

a13de6  No.3383696

File: ad5ff02ee7e5d5b⋯.jpg (21.59 KB, 300x227, 300:227, topofthepops.jpg)

One from the BBC Archives

4f2f67  No.3383697


I think the UK (and Australia) are trying to quickly fire up the “Russia bad guy narrative” in the media…

This is so that that can use Russia as justification to help spy on Trump’s campaign.

ec2a7c  No.3383698

File: db91c66038c3d04⋯.png (131.27 KB, 207x243, 23:27, ClipboardImage.png)


meta af

45dac8  No.3383699


Sure. Whatever you say.

54a4c1  No.3383700


yea im guessing there all dirty…hence why there all running for office… very scary.


48a263  No.3383701


Better to say PATRIOTS . . .

d09b6b  No.3383702

File: 252b30678d74ceb⋯.jpg (235.49 KB, 987x800, 987:800, IMG_121.jpg)

2c3cad  No.3383703

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d6110c  No.3383704

File: dd47e6c8883cc33⋯.jpg (148.67 KB, 566x564, 283:282, asc.jpg)

File: 6636c21e164b118⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, truth1.jpg)

File: 1b226ad68769eac⋯.jpg (9.47 KB, 320x157, 320:157, download (1).jpg)


Basic universal law applies on this level; The stronger thy Aura gets.. the more control u will have and influence.

As it rises trough the spine and gets stronger the more "they" will try and break you down again.


two part answer.. firstly; it dont want to give it up. The control.

second; Why should you have that cotrol if u cant even handle th things coming at you at that "lower" level?

So with it comes responsibillity.

The superheromovies are indeed very real at some point in this.

Also the EGO will come at you.

Will you know that you dont know and cast it out?

Cant you see the traps?

Can you be corrupted by it?

So.. keep on meditating and get that aura up.

Then shine the light for all to see.

But as the light shines the darkness will surround it on all edges.


When your own light becomes stronger than the surrounding the outside will "seem" lower from your own point of observation. that is E=MC2.

get it?

So even as it "seems" bad it is not for them in their point of view.

Its a comples answer and its hard to explain the facets of that diamond.

But rest assured.. as the freQ gets higher they will come for you.

That is whn you will need to learn the hermetic prinsiple of transmutation. Transmute any negative to a positive.

Philosophers stone? nah.. it was never a stone. why? u cant find it. Its in you.

So.. keep meditating that aura and dont stop.

Remember.. we are many.

And we are bringing the mountain top down on itself to have a big ass party in the jungle.

553a98  No.3383705


Pretty sure he does.

d09b6b  No.3383706

File: 9223cef43c38c46⋯.jpg (120.08 KB, 467x700, 467:700, IMG_352.jpg)

aeb54a  No.3383707

File: 0a640772474dc9f⋯.jpeg (50.91 KB, 354x246, 59:41, MineArt__.jpeg)


Added to Notables for past bread.

Will be present for future bakes.

Fine work, Anon.

731983  No.3383708

File: e1cc5da49cdb5d4⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 3088x2320, 193:145, EDA1EEC9-74CA-4E03-9EF0-9….jpeg)

File: 4f638672eca7b94⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 3088x2320, 193:145, 42C165B8-8326-4719-85E4-C….jpeg)

File: 7641321efd0b0ef⋯.jpeg (2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, B7045A15-837A-4B45-95E7-0….jpeg)

File: 9ee477bbd9fa028⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 3088x2320, 193:145, 49763C08-6104-4334-A20E-5….jpeg)

File: 3400bcad2ab8feb⋯.jpeg (2.8 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4908FC17-51FD-4BA0-A9A6-1….jpeg)


Disclosure-Con in Pinetop Arizona!

We Red Pilled about 100 disclosure aware people on Q! And meet about 10x 5:5 deep (pics related)

fb78ac  No.3383709

File: e21ce9ca9ba8950⋯.jpeg (187.14 KB, 1242x836, 621:418, 674c85d9d285c41e1ca83e011….jpeg)

edeb1f  No.3383710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

16d2d3  No.3383711

File: 005f5c6b74dd9a0⋯.jpg (34.03 KB, 418x293, 418:293, d78fbf7bea41cfe47775e759b7….jpg)

File: 753c2d6767c877d⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 264x396, 2:3, flaggirl.jpg)

956d9d  No.3383712

wow… reading this bread from the beginning.

the AI got triggered with that Q drop in a big way? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

4f5ad6  No.3383713

Judicial Watch busy posting about files and lawsuits right now on their behalf.


1cbc58  No.3383714

File: cd279e2b6a8fe59⋯.png (26.23 KB, 923x338, 71:26, hrcjarrett.PNG)

File: 336b84f9b021279⋯.png (39.68 KB, 696x519, 232:173, donations 9-24.PNG)

File: 7a3db5ce899d107⋯.png (12.16 KB, 784x102, 392:51, indra.PNG)

It never fails to search HRC's emails when Q posts a certain person. Also, the timing on the donations is interesting and to who got them:




fb8b56  No.3383715

File: d13bbb84daf4181⋯.png (976.49 KB, 733x528, 733:528, truth1.PNG)

File: ae93d7b4f51291a⋯.png (489.94 KB, 753x496, 753:496, fstorm3.PNG)

File: 79a4e51b9baebe9⋯.png (447.35 KB, 532x385, 76:55, punisher.PNG)

11adbe  No.3383716

File: 1e05e07aa6451ae⋯.png (267.6 KB, 500x343, 500:343, ClipboardImage.png)


pic related

Bless their hearts

e69fb3  No.3383717

File: e37f9bb4de03a51⋯.jpg (425.27 KB, 2068x1390, 1034:695, Graham LGBT Smear.jpg)

This is how the Left treats gays if they are not democrat…….

Smearing and outing other gays.

3057ab  No.3383718

Sorry meant big brothers and sisters clubs.


15908d  No.3383719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?

731983  No.3383720

095585  No.3383721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Williams Warns "The Fed Is Killing Off The Economy"

Economist John Williams says the recent rate hikes mean the “Fed is killing off the economy.”

Williams says, “I heard President Trump make some comments to that effect, and he’s right…"

"The Fed is trying to raise rates. The idea is if you get higher rates, the banks will be able to make more profits on their lending. It will also encourage bank lending. Unfortunately, on the consumer end, it raises the consumers’ cost of borrowing as interest rates go up. It makes mortgages more expensive. It makes borrowing more expensive. Mortgages go up, people don’t buy as many houses.

What you are seeing right now is effectively a recession in the housing market, in the construction area. Existing home sales have been down for six or seven months in a row, and it’s down year over year.”

Williams says, “The Fed is trying to get the system back to normal.”

In doing so, the Fed could kill the system. Williams says,

“Well, that’s what they are doing. In many ways, it would have been easier if the banking system would have collapsed and had a banking holiday, and restructured it and reopened it back in 2007 and 2008. That would have been a very difficult time for the people who owned the banks, and again, the Fed owns the banking system.”

So, they are trying to fix the banks, and to do that, they will simply screw the consumer? Williams says,

“Well, they have an escape clause. Former Fed Head Janet Yellen said that if the economy falls back into recession, ‘we will just go back into quantitative easing’ (QE/money printing). I think that could easily happen here. When the economy goes down, it increases the liquidity stresses on the banking system. There is default on debt, and companies tend to go out of business. That will stress the bank earnings. QE was aimed at propping up the banks in tough times.

The Fed is very open to QE, and from the Fed’s standpoint, I think we are going to end up in a perpetual state of quantitative easing, unless they let the banking system reorganize and get a new functioning system. It’s still not functioning.”

John Williams has long said that this money printing orgy by the Fed will end in a hyperinflationary event. Williams says,

“Unfortunately, it is unavoidable. It is only a matter of when. It can only be avoided if the U.S. can get its long term financial house in order.”

We all know that is not going to happen. Williams says,

“As they keep going here, there is going to be hyperinflation. The dollar will weaken. Gold and silver will rally, and that will be part of a self-feeding cycle, which will get you into very high inflation…

If the Fed can’t get this banking crisis worked out, I would not be surprised to see a complete overhaul of the system.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with economist John Williams, founder of ShadowStats.com.


50bf26  No.3383722


Should start by getting every anon to filter e-fag. Pisses me off when anons call him our "mascot." E-fag is nothing but a faggot bitch.

4f2f67  No.3383723



Some anons seem to know that little bit more ;)

12f3ee  No.3383724

File: 61ef5c0a3ecdbd2⋯.jpg (159.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_2481.JPG)

a1cff0  No.3383725

File: 8e72d757f65bca6⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 350x483, 50:69, aliceanddorothy.jpg)


Tatum ONeal talks about sex abuse. She was parsed out. SICK!


7c7ed0  No.3383726

File: 766528e7f52ab76⋯.jpeg (141.41 KB, 1024x766, 512:383, D1B2210D-7C39-4C6D-A97C-8….jpeg)

5d9954  No.3383727


VJ and the Chicago MOB

the rule of the Mob - potus tweet

[Change is coming!]

[The "Change we can believe in" ]

The "Change we can believe in" has been used in parodies both during and since the campaign. John McCain attempted to criticize Obama by enumerating various controversial policy positions he allegedly took and proclaiming "that's not change we can believe in" alongside a banner proclaiming McCain as "a leader we can believe in".

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_presidential_campaign,_2008

da1030  No.3383729

File: 07ed9afe9ab5eb7⋯.jpg (204.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemocratDoNotResuscitate3.jpg)

File: 84a87d9184cdf82⋯.jpg (173.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemocratDoNotResuscitate2.jpg)

32d9d4  No.3383730


Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows. In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show.

The FBI has known about VJ's father & family since the 1950's.

Boy, what does that tell us? How corrupt & compromised they've been for a long time.


a0c81a  No.3383731

File: 1ec565d05714220⋯.jpeg (30.29 KB, 201x250, 201:250, 1566EF92-71A1-4FB2-908A-3….jpeg)

ed4f8b  No.3383732


>Interpol is a private information sharing organization commisioned by the Rockefellers just like the FRB.


>I wonder if the Chinese man was really a spy for China who was recalled home


Maybe they are closing ranks before the BOOMS

983e5e  No.3383733


WTF? So they found him and then he offered his resignation?

12f3ee  No.3383734

File: 747fafc1f6ac407⋯.jpeg (77.07 KB, 1495x785, 299:157, IMG_2477.JPEG)

c5f7e3  No.3383735

File: cc5e5953d5fa33c⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 480x535, 96:107, 2jkdd9~2.jpg)





Dumb fuckers stand down.

5d9954  No.3383736


Obama's speech focused on the major issues facing the United States and the world, all echoed through his campaign slogan of change.[43] He also mentioned his grandmother, who had died two nights earlier.

73b8fe  No.3383737

File: d186a62b6642a24⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Comfy Q Alpha.png)

Thank You BO/BV's This site is soooo smooth now, it's absolutely sublime. No lag at all. Breads pop up immediately, no more running script errors….

So comfy

683b8d  No.3383738



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3093784

Sep 19 2018 19:08:00 (EST)


Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.

Watch those announcing 2020 P running.

"You cannot attack a political opponent"

None are protected.

None are safe.


d32b4c  No.3383739

File: 98dad7391b2f173⋯.png (1.13 MB, 592x1117, 592:1117, 2018-10-07_16-03-08.png)

1e1bd7  No.3383740

File: d1ccfcabf76a439⋯.png (104.1 KB, 668x656, 167:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Read this.


76eef6  No.3383741

File: df17904530cc4e4⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 561x375, 187:125, SR1.JPG)

ec2a7c  No.3383742


Well met - good soul. This rings very true. Thankyou.

edeb1f  No.3383743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

70aff3  No.3383744

File: a7ff92349712cbe⋯.png (568.8 KB, 736x638, 368:319, water door.PNG)

Watch the Water

Our lady in White


956d9d  No.3383745


that is a story i would like to get the truth about.

02f3c5  No.3383746

File: 163a428d88f1ea8⋯.png (97.44 KB, 632x662, 316:331, commy1.png)

File: 1d8fd62c276814d⋯.png (71.83 KB, 765x539, 765:539, commy2.png)

File: f19f47395eaf40d⋯.png (78.01 KB, 753x641, 753:641, commy3.png)


when will things like the Communist Control Act come into play?

pics related


5d9954  No.3383747


Obama's campaign used the slogan "Change we can believe in" and the chant "Yes We Can". T

9040f1  No.3383748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6734a1  No.3383750



Yes, some of the answers I get are just a little too quick and well prepared. Such an operation would probably need some anons to push in the right directions at times.

7c7ed0  No.3383751

File: 7744e86d81905b8⋯.jpeg (76.39 KB, 762x475, 762:475, 87FB19E0-D78E-431F-8947-B….jpeg)

edeb1f  No.3383752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e5f4ea  No.3383753

File: 9c92f939394030d⋯.jpg (341.21 KB, 1474x811, 1474:811, milts_exposed.jpg)


12f3ee  No.3383754

File: dbd2d0d2e94f954⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 196x320, 49:80, apfel.jpg)

0b7048  No.3383755

File: f7c21b3e13bcc5d⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2732x1796, 683:449, FD5250F7-D039-4B4B-9CAB-0….jpeg)

316f46  No.3383756

Former President George W. Bush Lobbied to Help Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation

Former President George W. Bush hasn't been in office for more than a decade. Yet, according to several media outlets, he made telephone calls to several Republican senators over the past few weeks to push for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Bush had several conversations with Republican Senators Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, and Lisa Murkowski, as well as Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, who were key votes in the process to confirm President Trump's nominee, according to The Washington Post. Bush spoke to the senators because they would not be as receptive to hearing from Trump.


0221e0  No.3383757

I‘m not a USanon so sorry for not knowing this…. how is the voting procedure for this upcoming election? You have to get registered first? So no illegals voting?

da1030  No.3383758


You should be thanking the site owner,

Ron (a/k/a CodeMonkey), for the hardware upgrades. Scroll to the very bottom of the webpage for info on who owns and operates 8ch.

ed4f8b  No.3383759


>So they found him and then he offered his resignation?

Nothing suspicious here.

Where is the proof of life?

316f46  No.3383760


you must be registered, yes.

e5f4ea  No.3383761

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

BattleGround States and Senators in Trouble!


Know When You Need To Go!


FLORDIA —————> BILL NELSON https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/

INDIANA —————> JOE DONNELLY https://www.in.gov/sos/elections

MISSOURI ————> CLAIRE McCASKILL https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections

MONTANA ————> JON TESTER https://sos.mt.gov/elections

NORTH DAKOTA —> HEIDI HEITKAMP https://vip.sos.nd.gov/

OHIO ——————> SHERROD BROWN https://www.sos.state.oh.us/elections/

PENNSYLVANIA —> BOB CASEY https://www.dos.pa.gov/VotingElections/Pages/default.aspx

WISCONSIN ———> TAMMY BALDWIN https://elections.state.wi.us/

d9f264  No.3383762

File: f1a4bce8830ef7d⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 429x584, 429:584, muddy-soldier.jpg)

Sorry if discussed before. Hung over from Kavanaugh beers.

Now comes the real PAIN.

Now comes the real TRUTH.





<(What goes here? Silence of the MSM?)

They want you DIVIDED.

4 booms BOOM week, (one/day) then silence….?


4644bd  No.3383763

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7b5b43 No.279710

Feb 5 2018 19:55:42 (EST)

>VJ phone call w/ AS.

d6110c  No.3383764


I also forgot for a long time

Now we are coming back.

Just promise me we have a beer at some point in 5d ;)

eb6cdf  No.3383765

File: 3e5ff638abf5725⋯.jpg (214.04 KB, 958x956, 479:478, clwn33.jpg)

834810  No.3383766


Many of these fell out after the primary s.

a0c81a  No.3383767

File: 9c75476228eb58f⋯.jpeg (53.29 KB, 298x286, 149:143, D8B97770-5171-4454-A0AB-0….jpeg)

fb8b56  No.3383768

File: af2de661070458f⋯.png (960.07 KB, 1044x445, 1044:445, duty-patriot2.PNG)

File: 54a14e241ed0d07⋯.png (32.41 KB, 693x398, 693:398, start.PNG)

File: 03a3cbf86d17957⋯.png (809.06 KB, 780x521, 780:521, revolu.PNG)

03cfa6  No.3383769

Twitter : Valerie Jarrett " Change is coming"


Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett

91c420  No.3383770

File: 08bb0e209773915⋯.jpg (4.29 MB, 5152x3864, 4:3, DSCN0868.JPG)

Q is everywhere LOL

683b8d  No.3383771

File: 314a51e035a0330⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 750x539, 750:539, sisters.jpg)



edeb1f  No.3383772

File: 95145020981875c⋯.jpeg (203.99 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 50B3DDF9-AA51-4A77-8C67-E….jpeg)

File: 685dc5eefa861d5⋯.jpeg (89.73 KB, 651x552, 217:184, 47042B56-2677-4A0B-B940-4….jpeg)

File: 9204b20a1a1be0a⋯.jpg (131.36 KB, 634x673, 634:673, IMG_3242.JPG)

f6d6f2  No.3383773

Has anyone already made a FOIA request to the WH or Office of the Pardon Attorney for any pardon Hussein issued to himself before leaving office?

b30a5f  No.3383774

File: 487e7f7b905753a⋯.png (211.86 KB, 1248x367, 1248:367, jillsteinripoffscamlibtard….png)

File: 0492fabe990b91f⋯.png (211.7 KB, 1248x367, 1248:367, jillsteinripoffscamlibtard….png)

Blasey Fraud repeating 2016 Jill Stein's money scam

70aff3  No.3383775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Digging into the sunset

3057ab  No.3383776


And that’s ok with me.

11adbe  No.3383777


>First thing that came up in a search.

thats cute sweetie. but this post isnt going to make it on the fridge

see the clock?

you searched it before

45dac8  No.3383778


In some areas, you don't even have to be able to fog a mirror.

622f5d  No.3383779

File: 50a695bbcad7387⋯.png (314.13 KB, 567x445, 567:445, 50a695bbcad7387a2fc4301e5d….png)

4644bd  No.3383780


Huma talking.

7c7ed0  No.3383781

File: cae8d395341b001⋯.jpeg (68.37 KB, 716x463, 716:463, C38FF5AA-020E-41EC-8190-B….jpeg)

3057ab  No.3383782


Was thinking the same…. but weird for my small city.

14b036  No.3383783


good work anon

16d2d3  No.3383784

File: 24f17efb9fe1318⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 272x281, 272:281, iur (3).jpg)

6d4fda  No.3383786

File: 1f6f16fb381ca27⋯.png (56.47 KB, 746x558, 373:279, feinstein blum 1pool.PNG)

File: c2d191bd9449dcf⋯.png (220.71 KB, 668x602, 334:301, zemin.PNG)

FEINSTEIN/BLUM (husband) and the CHICOMS and a swimming pool!


c75483  No.3383787

File: 6a73d098faaa394⋯.jpeg (336.15 KB, 932x2012, 233:503, 5D57AED0-C903-4D1D-AFEB-C….jpeg)

Corruption investigation in China. Chinese President of INTERPOL resigns. South Korean VP to assume office. Hi James C., John B. and Andrew McC.


12f3ee  No.3383788

File: f22c6d64c1aa1ec⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 580x705, 116:141, buzzlightyear.jpg)

password is: 3mcsandonedj

9c1140  No.3383791



3057ab  No.3383792


The first thought that popped into my head was are they running out of areas to find children?

773011  No.3383793

File: 394149e1263abd4⋯.jpg (96.41 KB, 606x869, 606:869, 1a.JPG)

File: b2aef0d277a1c9b⋯.jpg (133.88 KB, 599x912, 599:912, 2.JPG)

File: 9cc5f4e4a6bfc00⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 548x502, 274:251, 2a.JPG)

Google may face £3.3bn bill for UK customers' data breach


c5f7e3  No.3383794

File: e014beb0ee58376⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 540x360, 3:2, The Gong Show - Gene Gene ….mp4)


NumNUTS This is for you.

37d66e  No.3383795

File: 3c9594127e2de69⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Trips.jpg)


Trips of truth

095585  No.3383796

File: f00f0b02fb786cd⋯.png (869.29 KB, 807x419, 807:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47d273aabb8366c⋯.png (45.47 KB, 822x911, 822:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b1528bee50069e⋯.png (381.73 KB, 528x441, 176:147, ClipboardImage.png)

As US Rappers Flaunt “Money and Bling” Rap Superstar Akon is Bringing Solar Power to Africa

Instead of using his fame and fortune to brag about bling and degrade women, rap superstar Akon is literally lighting up Africa.

Rap superstar, and Senegal transplant, Akon is planning a solar investment program in Sierra Leone to bring thousands of solar powered lights and traffic lights to the people. Conversely, other rap stars in the United States, like Daniel Hernandez, aka Tekashi 6ix9ine—who likes to post photos of himself holding large amounts of cash while degrading women on Instagram—are facing jail time for child rape. Clearly Akon gets it while many other rappers do not.

In an interview shared by the Sierra Leone presidency, as Africa News reports, Akon said: “Actually (the president) motivated me a lot more, you know; he is a very smart guy (and) he definitely understands Sierra Leone and he understands the future where Africa needs to be.

“Meeting with a lot of the younger Africans who have been elected now is really motivating because my biggest challenge was getting presidents to understand the vision, and with him we speak the same language.

“We pretty much have the same thought process so I think he’s going to do very well for Sierra Leone,” he added.

Akon is no stranger to bringing electricity to others and his track record backs him up. As TFTP reported in 2016, realizing that access to electricity is one of the key components to increasing the quality of life, Akon decided to take action and put his money where his mouth is.

As the Guardian reported at the launch of their project, Akon and his two co-founders — Thione Niang, a Senegalese political activist, and Samba Bathily, a Malian entrepreneur and CEO of the solar energy company Solektra International — believe that what rural African communities need is not overseas charity but affordable renewable energy delivered by fully trained African professionals, managing for-profit projects that bring longevity, generate jobs and build new self-sustaining economies.

They were right.


eef079  No.3383797

File: 68d87fd890c8cf6⋯.jpg (134.85 KB, 569x647, 569:647, 37053277_265166617398572_7….jpg)


This is SICK.

Can you imagine if we said ANYTHING even close to any of this about GAY HUSSEIN on Twatter?

And why so much nasty hate? Because he stood up for the TRUTH???

16d2d3  No.3383798


plausible theory

efc960  No.3383799

File: 12f55d545c2193a⋯.png (29.53 KB, 656x323, 656:323, VJ re MSNBC Mitchell re Ju….PNG)

File: f304528a36344cd⋯.png (50.61 KB, 667x405, 667:405, Senate Judiciary re Commit….PNG)

File: db02006d7156629⋯.png (601.25 KB, 1199x572, 109:52, Grassley Comment re Judici….PNG)

I have only just begun to look thru some of Jarretts tweets

It appears she is in coordination with MSNBC to create the libtard narrative/chaos




e5f4ea  No.3383800

File: 73187bffdc19e84⋯.jpg (234.02 KB, 775x1022, 775:1022, BAD_DOG.jpg)

File: fd482c172e4f52c⋯.jpg (565.35 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, RED_OCTOBER_CHINA.jpg)

File: 1ecab3b393a11e0⋯.jpg (358.1 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, TRAITOR.jpg)

File: 28364a8086fca71⋯.png (496.39 KB, 664x993, 664:993, Kav_Face_Happy.png)


14b036  No.3383801


FACTS hurt, don't they divisionshill?

YOU are irrelevant. YOU don't matter in America any more. GTFO

16d2d3  No.3383802

File: 5830dc5c23c4d49⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 384x365, 384:365, wakeup311221-1.jpg)

File: 08a298206d89517⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 686x392, 7:4, consciousrebel.jpg)

956d9d  No.3383803

the investigation into all these peeps must be enormous… jeez… imaginingthelogisticsanon.

b3c535  No.3383804

File: ec44184113bd374⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 320x157, 320:157, 2jlr9w.jpg)

35b03e  No.3383805

File: a3bcd7d6b0006ff⋯.jpg (81.32 KB, 613x525, 613:525, cap.jpg)

One of Judge K's first cases this week:

"Whether a criminal alien becomes exempt from mandatory detention under 8 U.S.C. § 1226(c) if, after the alien is released from criminal custody, the Department of Homeland Security does not take him into immigration custody immediately."


da1030  No.3383806


You must register first.

Each state has its own laws concerning voter registration.

There is much controversy.

Some states (California) automatically register anybody who gets a driver's license…including illegals…if they merely check a checkbox on the form. It's blatantly in violation of the intent of the law & U.S. constitution.

Other states require various degrees of proof of identity.

Of course voting should require proof of eligibility to vote. This is a major change that is needed for the integrity of our electoral system.

In the 2016 election, illegals and dead people have voted. Some bragged about being bused from a different state to vote in a state in which they did not reside. Warehouses of pre-filled paper ballots were found. Electronic voting machines were tampered with electronically.

Americans are very angry about the voter fraud and something needs to be done about it.

fbbe7d  No.3383807



this is no joke!

983e5e  No.3383808


I would be lying if I said this weren't me on a few occasions

7be690  No.3383809

File: aa1516ee132f3bc⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Bird.jpg)

45dac8  No.3383810

File: 980f6e44561d7e1⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 496x718, 248:359, americanssuffershills.jpg)

d948d7  No.3383811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was gone for 2 days. Did I miss somehing?

731983  No.3383812

File: f49f2fd36f8dc3a⋯.jpeg (3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4BE4ED5C-E3BA-4799-8906-6….jpeg)

File: 778178e081785cc⋯.jpeg (2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 8B50CBFD-ECA5-476A-B6D8-5….jpeg)

ed4f8b  No.3383813

File: d9a35bdf8eb3884⋯.png (315.13 KB, 724x547, 724:547, ClipboardImage.png)

Racist! Sexist! Anti-semites! Repeat!

02bcdb  No.3383814

File: 5d6b4a0598be220⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 365x521, 365:521, sting.JPG)

11adbe  No.3383815


dead voter kek

ed71e6  No.3383816

>>3382951 (PB)

Hello BAKER.

I think this should be NOTABLE from Previous Bread.

"The More You know"

622f5d  No.3383817


We have all been there, anon… patience may be a virtue… but damnit it's hard.

a0c81a  No.3383818

File: 7a3dfc66d79d8e0⋯.jpeg (32.94 KB, 207x243, 23:27, C8DEB7C0-A4CA-48F6-9737-C….jpeg)

File: 2be2b994f014df7⋯.jpeg (15.48 KB, 236x313, 236:313, 7051C817-E53F-496B-81F4-7….jpeg)

12f3ee  No.3383819

File: 4edee8107c0ffaa⋯.jpg (97.1 KB, 1100x1387, 1100:1387, 3f46bd80fb15fff621f2e332c4….jpg)

File: 2e32d8c3c92a506⋯.png (538.49 KB, 840x525, 8:5, impresssauron.png)

File: 1381df902c1dec8⋯.png (860.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, jackelope.png)

should of sent cash when you had a chance

now the meetings won't help anymore

095585  No.3383820

File: 2b5a1998a5010bc⋯.png (30.81 KB, 901x436, 901:436, ClipboardImage.png)

High doses of vitamin C aggressively kill cancer cells, research confirms

If you’ve heard that high doses of vitamin C can kill cancer, there’s a good chance you’ve also heard some official-sounding organizations claiming that there is no science to back this up. However, new research shows that high doses of vitamin C can indeed fight cancer, underscoring the findings of countless other studies like it that are widely ignored by the medical industry.

Detractors choose to focus on those studies that showed it didn’t work, conveniently ignoring the fact that many of the studies that were inconclusive in this regard simply weren’t testing big enough doses to unlock its effectiveness.

Research carried out at the University of Iowa confirms that vitamin C does kill cancer cells selectively without damaging normal cells. One study showed that the vitamins can reduce mutations that cause cancer in mice, while another study showed it can kill as much as 50 percent of human lymphoma cells.

Another study, this one from the Perlmutter Cancer Center, found that injecting mice with high doses of vitamin C stopped leukemia cancer stem cells from humans from growing, probably by telling the faulty stem cells in bone marrow to die. A different study found that adding vitamin C via IV to typical chemotherapy drugs extended the average survival times of pancreatic cancer patients from 5.65 months to 12 months.

Then there’s the University of Kansas study that injected high doses of vitamin C into ovarian cells from humans. They found that the vitamin targeted the ovarian cancer cells without harming healthy cells, and they went on to repeat the study on mice and human subjects.

The power of the elements: Discover Colloidal Silver Mouthwash with quality, natural ingredients like Sangre de Drago sap, black walnut hulls, menthol crystals and more. Zero artificial sweeteners, colors or alcohol. Learn more at the Health Ranger Store and help support this news site.

These findings wouldn’t be surprising to the researchers who worked on a review that was published in the Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal in 2008. After looking at studies that used extremely higher amounts of vitamin C intravenously, they concluded that it can be effective against tumors, although they said that its efficacy could not be judged when it was administered orally.

Even though the authors called for further research into vitamin C’s cancer-fighting power, nothing was done about it at the time. After all, chemotherapy has been so profitable for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and it would be hard to profit off of something as cheap, widely available, and unpatentable as vitamin C .


91c420  No.3383821


LMBO he's even High Teck

7c7ed0  No.3383822

File: 90f6db0278ef6de⋯.jpeg (129.4 KB, 666x481, 18:13, 108BCF50-6DD4-4E03-8DEF-7….jpeg)

0db21a  No.3383823

File: 77255686f9f60d3⋯.jpg (328.87 KB, 1265x897, 55:39, FBI SMOKING GUN.jpg)


FBI’s Smoking-Gun: Redactions protected Political Embarrassment, not ‘National Security’

The Hill | 0/07/18 | JOHN SOLOMON

To declassify or not to declassify? That is the question, when it comes to the FBI’s original evidence in the Russia collusion case.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI have tried to thwart President Trump on releasing the evidence, suggesting it will harm national security, make allies less willing to cooperate, or even leave him vulnerable to accusations that he is trying to obstruct the end of the Russia probe.

Before you judge the DOJ’s and FBI’s arguments – which are similar to those offered to stop the release of information in other major episodes of American history, from the Bay of Pigs to 9/11 – consider Footnote 43 on Page 57 of Chapter 3 of the House Intelligence Committee’s report earlier this year on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Until this past week, the footnote really had garnered no public intrigue, in part because the U.S. intelligence community blacked out the vast majority of its verbiage in the name of national security before the report was made public.

From the heavy redactions, all one could tell is that FBI general counsel James Baker met with an unnamed person who provided some information in September 2016 about Russia, email hacking, and a possible link to the Trump campaign.

Not a reporter or policymaker would have batted an eyelash over such a revelation.

Then, last Wednesday, I broke the story that Baker admitted to Congress in an unclassified setting – repeat, in an unclassified setting – that he had met with a top lawyer at the firm representing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and received allegations from that lawyer about Russia, Trump and possible hacking.

It was the same DNC, along with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, that funded the unverified, salacious dossier by a British Intel operative, Christopher Steele, that became a central piece of evidence used to justify the FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign in the final days of the election.

And it was the same law firm that made the payments for the dossier research so those could be disguised in campaign-spending reports to avoid the disclosure of the actual beneficiaries of the research, which were Mrs. Clinton and the DNC.

And it was, in turns out, the same meeting that was so heavily censored by the intel agencies from Footnote 43 in the House report – treated, in other words, as some big national-security secret.

What makes this so extraordinary is that the FBI and the DOJ would have Americans believe that a contact with a lawyer for a political party during the middle of the election is somehow a matter of national security that should be hidden from the public.

Well, that argument was proven to be a lie by the very way the interview with Baker played out last Wednesday on Capitol Hill. Baker was not interviewed in a "SCIF" – a "sensitive compartmented information facility" routinely used to discuss super-secret, highly sensitive information. There was no claim of classification over any information he provided Congress that day.

So we can now say with some authority that the earlier redaction in Footnote 43 was done in the name of a national-security concern that did not exist.

Which raises the question of what the real reason was that it was hidden from public view. I think the answer can be found in an earlier set of documents that DOJ and FBI fought hard to keep secret – the text messages of those FBI love-birds Pete Strzok and Lisa Page. What we learned from their messages was that the investigation was a whole lot more about politics and and a whole lot less about verified intelligence.

There is now a concrete storyline backed by irrefutable evidence: The FBI allowed itself to take political opposition research created by one party to defeat another in an election, treated it like actionable intelligence, presented it to the court as substantiated, and then used it to justify spying on an adviser for the campaign of that party's duly chosen nominee for president in the final days of a presidential election.



9040f1  No.3383824


That community center must be in need of new funding.

fdffcb  No.3383825


you mean white non jew patriots who back Iran and Russia

341a8f  No.3383826


Newer list by state in this bread


1eaa59  No.3383827

File: 31cdfd389196117⋯.png (27.52 KB, 440x191, 440:191, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

matches Q Clock for today

4f5ad6  No.3383828


Some states let those dead for the past 100 years vote too. We don't discriminate here. kek

68a086  No.3383829

File: 31988c266e1b7ec⋯.jpg (288.6 KB, 1280x1028, 320:257, reclaimconstitution.jpg)


035fb6  No.3383830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh K can you see, by the dawn's early light,,,

The men in Black already knew. Spoopy…

d418e7  No.3383831

File: ade839f1299da18⋯.jpg (26.18 KB, 474x288, 79:48, vj.jpg)

File: d390481e785d455⋯.jpg (132.89 KB, 1280x641, 1280:641, vjpa2.jpg)

File: 902a69f69b94e0a⋯.jpg (82.56 KB, 703x500, 703:500, vjpa4.jpg)

File: 1754593a0db969a⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 730x500, 73:50, vjpa.jpg)

ec2a7c  No.3383832


Transmute this?

773011  No.3383833

File: 91350baab515f22⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 810x793, 810:793, 1a.JPG)

File: 1213b7eae7795b5⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 531x414, 59:46, 2.JPG)

File: c64bd2f0aa85451⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 517x517, 1:1, 2a.JPG)

File: eaf505a7a19057f⋯.jpg (18.93 KB, 516x98, 258:49, 6.JPG)

Interpol chief reported missing resigns amid Beijing investigation


2e24eb  No.3383834

File: ecacc187efc3415⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c18a332fba5456⋯.png (420.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

692030  No.3383835

>>3383773 it wouldn't be covered under a FOIA. He could hold it secret until an investigation was launched. At that point it is a "Use it or lose it" I was thinking about this the last few days and remembered how BHO threw attitude towards HRC when he said " Elections have consequences" I bet it was a quiet rule that the new President came in and pardoned the old with the understanding they get the same when they leave office. BHO might have refused to give HRC a pardon because she lost the election and left him twisting in the wind without one himself

aeb54a  No.3383836

File: 4fff166af9ef016⋯.jpeg (78.21 KB, 800x556, 200:139, MagpieArt.jpeg)

683b8d  No.3383837


Not at all, Anon!

That's where they hide in plain sight!

Live in the middle of nowhere and every solstice and equinox, someone builds an alter in the creek and does rituals. You'd never think!

7be690  No.3383838

dare I ask? CRT?? Gone?

edeb1f  No.3383839

File: 1ffd76557195bc0⋯.jpg (325.29 KB, 1344x924, 16:11, IMG_3183.JPG)

File: 7c14d3a69881e1f⋯.jpg (251.8 KB, 1312x950, 656:475, IMG_3193.JPG)

File: 33c249caaf77ee3⋯.jpg (197.05 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_3198.JPG)

eb6cdf  No.3383840

File: 3ac0819ce78f10d⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 704x452, 176:113, doitq3.jpg)

d418e7  No.3383841

File: 01907c18f8122eb⋯.jpg (29.97 KB, 474x292, 237:146, vj3.jpg)

9b69e6  No.3383842

File: 65a75980313b2a3⋯.png (5.91 MB, 1424x2136, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

a24930  No.3383843

File: cd7408e67ff7e59⋯.png (1 MB, 986x1178, 493:589, carolynbryant.png)

8cd2ef  No.3383844

File: bf5a2e4c876c8e0⋯.jpg (169.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, One Chair Remains.jpg)

e7d61f  No.3383845

>>3383536 pb


This one of them [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS] type sitchy-a-tions?

983e5e  No.3383846


If nothing big breaks before 11/11, then I might start to lose my cool. But for now, I'm still feeling comfy

76cb05  No.3383847


OMG THIS brings back memories those of us privileged to grow up in the 70s are now kicking the cabals ass

197103  No.3383848

b8e30b  No.3383849

File: c746dbf27b99f0b⋯.png (468.69 KB, 540x661, 540:661, ClipboardImage.png)

7c7ed0  No.3383850

File: 081cebda1de628a⋯.jpeg (51.96 KB, 504x410, 252:205, 5505EE68-83E9-4688-BAFF-9….jpeg)

3459ac  No.3383851



325b7e  No.3383852

File: 06ce97f256fc463⋯.png (182.13 KB, 588x504, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

All I wanna know is if someone stabbed him in the head to keep him from coming back.

fbbe7d  No.3383853

Ron, your dedication never ceases to amaze.


a0c81a  No.3383854

File: 2eb2731a923df2c⋯.jpeg (34.99 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 9098FC05-EB2F-4A65-B2D9-F….jpeg)


We have it all

d32b4c  No.3383855

File: 0cbab709af2a2e7⋯.png (265.02 KB, 400x298, 200:149, 2018-10-07_16-13-03.png)

File: b0385ca65dc1038⋯.png (437.19 KB, 514x347, 514:347, 2018-10-07_16-12-08.png)

File: 4e7c53aea1f1d3e⋯.png (389.14 KB, 592x380, 148:95, 2018-10-07_16-12-40.png)

File: 994a148079aad82⋯.png (309.35 KB, 593x295, 593:295, 2018-10-07_16-13-28.png)

File: 2b9f6622dd52f12⋯.png (338.85 KB, 547x412, 547:412, 2018-10-07_15-39-37.png)

51025f  No.3383857


I nominate as


>>3383823 John Solomon - FBI’s smoking-gun: Redactions protected political embarrassment

3189b7  No.3383858


To be clear, in the table I compiled >>3383487 about 25 percent are certain or potential clowns.

But many are career mil vets, pilots, West Point, Naval Academy. Unlikely spooks. Lists like these need to be cleaned up.

Oxymorons though, career Marines >> progressive Dems.

316f46  No.3383859


one of my favorite Q posts

ebe6ba  No.3383860


"Patriots" to avoid division.

e0b1f0  No.3383861

File: ccb67c8b6f9c9f1⋯.png (459.19 KB, 972x1200, 81:100, Trust the plan.png)

4fb752  No.3383862

File: 5a6a726d31c5dcf⋯.jpeg (610.06 KB, 1438x1791, 1438:1791, 973C125C-A054-4A2E-AD3E-A….jpeg)

Looks like that crash that killed 20 in NY wasn’t a wedding party but a wine tour. One relative has come forward and identified 3 of the victims: Amy, Richie & Axel Steenburg.


3459ac  No.3383863

File: 75e835f68727d02⋯.png (955.87 KB, 864x577, 864:577, Pompeo Kim.PNG)

This is so great. Thank you Mr. Secretary and Kim.

12f3ee  No.3383864

File: 0dab6d737f1dbad⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, goolagtriggeredstalin.jpg)

Are you ready kids?

I said are you ready?

who lives in a pineapple under the sea

Spongebob SquarePants

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he

Spongebob Squarepants

If nautical nonsense be something you wish

Spongebob Squarepants

Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish

Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob squarepants

Spongebob squarepants

Spongebob squarepants

Spongebob squarepants!

e1797b  No.3383865

File: 0b6fbf8b669918d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djtoct543.png)

File: 0f68637e21d5f3d⋯.png (412.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 9_30_18_57_DELTA.png)

File: 6c5b5880d4366be⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, carpetbombsupdatedplusQ.png)

File: 832b02e3d5a063e⋯.png (86.37 KB, 856x560, 107:70, talkingtous.png)

File: 2b545608b52a794⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt58bvegas2.png)

Q confirmed the QClock many occasions. If you don't understand the clock then you don't understand the confirmations either. Was done with deltas and markers (how we clockfag).

For the Anon who complains we don't explain it clearly, the time we spend trying to explain it takes away from the time we are actually working on it.

We don't claim to have the final explanation yet. There will be a way to wind the clock to connect all the posts and tweets. There must be a master algorithm in order for it all to work.

Just some recent examples. If you really are interested there are 5 versions of Clockwork Qrange that will show you a history of how ClockFagging is evolving.

6eb594  No.3383866

File: 5e24f8a7fbd0b5e⋯.jpeg (52.89 KB, 634x484, 317:242, A62889C4-DFCE-494D-BC0E-C….jpeg)

14b036  No.3383867



683b8d  No.3383868



Remember Gene, Gene the dancin' machine! Good times!

4644bd  No.3383869


Don't go down to their same level.

Remember?: >>2560115

4a3bd6  No.3383870


Sad to see many in denial about the importance of demographics. Many here (shills, maybe?) can't refute these points. The founding principles of America and the GOP are rooted in white cultures. If the country becomes majority non-white, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye.

d9f264  No.3383871


Answer is last bread.

Kek. Q has a Linuxfag on the team.

12f3ee  No.3383872

File: fbfc3f017236573⋯.jpg (118.04 KB, 960x846, 160:141, offended.jpg)

File: 3447d8b89db17f1⋯.jpg (295 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, oldfags.jpg)

File: f875d32db1e2c88⋯.jpg (121.6 KB, 1200x1027, 1200:1027, pastaBOO.jpg)

b8e30b  No.3383873

File: 66668162f043a80⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1594x1278, 797:639, ClipboardImage.png)

0221e0  No.3383874


What a mess, unthinkable in germany… but we have other problems.

I hope the rigging won’t be as bad as in 2016. But you still want won, the real numbers must have been mind blowing for Trump.

2c3cad  No.3383875

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tim Kaine

Muslim Brotherhood.

4644bd  No.3383876



341a8f  No.3383878


CIA agents never quit the agency. Keep these people in your sight.

02bcdb  No.3383879


true crime….visually effective memeing anon

63fc2c  No.3383880


KEK good one asshat clown. Be gone shill

924285  No.3383881


Was Obama's grandmother a 666 sacrifice or just a possible snitch?

f841c2  No.3383882

File: 3ee12e29c2246bd⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 631x484, 631:484, Now-pain-hold-sessions-bee….jpg)

316f46  No.3383883


is she the man on the sofa with young hussein? Odd that she shaves off her eyebrows and pencils them on.

84a52b  No.3383884


All of them belong in the 9th ring of hell with Satan

When are we going to fucking burn them at the stake?

I am DONE waiting

a79aa5  No.3383885

I looked into the voting machines used by my local gov. a while back. They come from Dominion Voting Systems which is Soros connected. Our last election ended in a lawsuit over the results supported by a guy who won. The numbers didn't add up…but of course local media didn't report it, and nothing ever came of it. We now have a Soros funded Dem. DA in a typically red area. This leads to my question…

What is the safest way to vote? I know protections are in place but it would be really hard to protect every machine in every county nation wide. Anybody got an idea if early voting is more or less safe?

0221e0  No.3383886

fbbe7d  No.3383887


3459ac  No.3383888

File: 44163cd8729d49f⋯.jpg (526.21 KB, 1089x2048, 1089:2048, ELEPHANT TAKE DOWN.jpg)

Baby elephant knocked in to FLOTUS and USSS was there to catch her. Kek.

983e5e  No.3383889



It's a sign that you're exercising your own demons and things will now take a turn for the better. God bless, anon

ed4f8b  No.3383890


This in itself is a crime.

SO two main possibilities -

1. Black hats did the redacting to keep muh Russia alive and hide their collusion

2. White hats did the redacting to hide what they knew while the investigation continued

c75483  No.3383891


Let me guess. They are going to argue DUE PROCESS

a13de6  No.3383892


See Aliens are real..

4fb752  No.3383893


Go Fund Me Page is up for buried


45dac8  No.3383894

File: 0a3da87617192a4⋯.jpg (313.57 KB, 720x1079, 720:1079, John Jay no.2.jpg)


From the Federalist Papers, Federalist No.2, John Jay:

7be690  No.3383895

File: 7ffe5fd060ae22b⋯.png (46.45 KB, 425x617, 425:617, Ace of Pepe.png)


CF's have no equals.

need confirmation of what YOU have uncovered or seen?

These guys fucking rock

32d9d4  No.3383896



Too little, too late if you asked me.

Their Jedi mind tricks don't work anymore.

683b8d  No.3383897


That one will make the rounds! NICE!

91b668  No.3383898


8 HA's in the sequence. February 8 months ago. Coincidence?

095585  No.3383899


Cool ya tities and trust the fuckin plan!

da1030  No.3383900

File: 3e3cedde9a7f127⋯.jpg (266.89 KB, 1078x701, 1078:701, RIPDemocratParty.jpg)

c4d3e8  No.3383901

File: 2f771f1348ad9a0⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 2520x3600, 7:10, LEARN_HISTORY001.jpg)

File: 91a0c5ee430e963⋯.jpg (237.85 KB, 648x504, 9:7, LEARN_HISTORY002.jpg)

73b8fe  No.3383902

File: f8a6f54ba307a8d⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Groot Q.jpg)

Huge thanks to Code Monkey and all admin of 8Chan. We are grateful for all you do.

All is comfy.

4f5ad6  No.3383903


Probably a liability turned into a sacrifice.

296b86  No.3383904




Interpol is used extensively by corrupt governments, corrupt police agencies, and organized crime (members within police agencies) as a means of discrediting and capturing their enemies to bring them back to their home country for everything from jailing them to torture and murder. (Personal experience speaking).

b8e30b  No.3383905

File: 61ecc5d3313863d⋯.png (422.2 KB, 540x392, 135:98, ClipboardImage.png)

e606e4  No.3383906


F/O you racist faggot

76eef6  No.3383907

File: 84d94dcb31761a8⋯.png (197.09 KB, 661x377, 661:377, ClipboardImage.png)

16d2d3  No.3383908

File: aa390af8bff2ec4⋯.jpg (135.24 KB, 654x723, 218:241, iu (36).jpg)

14b036  No.3383909


You're not alone. Me too. Time for me to take a break and cool my jets.

9c1140  No.3383910

File: 0482476dac39961⋯.pdf (2.83 MB, Federalist Papers.pdf)



great reference anon

marxist subversion tries to claim otherwise

4a3bd6  No.3383911


Looks like Jay was a divisionshill and should be FILTERED!

7c7ed0  No.3383912

File: b74684e0c89698e⋯.jpeg (136.66 KB, 920x476, 230:119, A2F15DC1-0B97-455F-9418-5….jpeg)

88c435  No.3383913


Gotta insert Hilary sitting on the floor.

3459ac  No.3383914

Is the FBI CF investigation still going on?

e7d61f  No.3383915

File: 2ffe50bac1a7059⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 707x795, 707:795, 68d13488cccb4100fdcd90e713….jpg)


Trips say she looks comfy as hell kek!

c89a31  No.3383916

File: 030672ff2282188⋯.jpeg (409.53 KB, 750x995, 150:199, 3E955295-5BEF-4676-89C2-C….jpeg)


12f3ee  No.3383917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9c1140  No.3383918


buh bloo bhills!!!

e8c26f  No.3383919


The Democratic Party was founded in 1828, not 1776.

Fit it. Your meme as it is now implies that the nation dies when the Dem Party dies.

cc2d08  No.3383920

File: 7f27f3b94360114⋯.jpg (82 KB, 1012x502, 506:251, ObamaValerieJarrettForMama.JPG)

File: 06ce0f010cc5bd6⋯.png (225.07 KB, 634x545, 634:545, ClipboardImage.png)


By random chance, Valerie is also Jewish.

It's only a (((coincidence))) that's she's yet another

ethnic Jew among the subversive traitors in the cabal.

Nothing to see here, goy.

"The White House can add one more senior staffer to its list of advisers with Jewish roots, and it is an unlikely name. Valerie Jarrett, President Obama’s senior adviser and assistant for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement, disclosed her Jewish ancestry to a Jewish gathering on Monday.

Speaking on behalf of the administration at the annual plenum of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Jarrett, who is African-American, told the story of the first Passover seder she attended as a child.

“Many, many years ago, my parents hosted a seder for a group of our Jewish friends, and it was here that my father first told me that my great-grandfather was Jewish. What a wonderful surprise for our friends, and for me! So Passover has always been a special holiday for me.”



7d7ba1  No.3383921

File: 5ce1ee95a5dc3de⋯.png (74.91 KB, 600x146, 300:73, trans.png)

Go Jeff Sessions!

Sauce: https://www.justice.gov/ag/page/file/1006981/download

4644bd  No.3383922


When does the clock run out?

dc430d  No.3383923


Another EQ in Haiti just now. 5.2. Anon reported feeling the one last night. Didn't feel this one, just got the alert on my quakefeed app on the phone.

fbbe7d  No.3383924


So what is your plan if you’re done waiting?

095585  No.3383925

File: 581201037279793⋯.png (427.31 KB, 645x674, 645:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e58eb0159873e3⋯.png (313.81 KB, 649x896, 649:896, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07a532ab7ac042c⋯.png (10.93 KB, 634x153, 634:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Actress Rose McGowan who triggered Harvey Weinstein's downfall says #MeToo movement is 'all bull****' and a 'lie to make lily-livered Hollywood types feel better'

Rose McGowan accused producer Harvey Weinstein of rape this time last year

Sparked more accusations as some tweeted #MeToo to expose alleged attackers

But McGowan says that Hollywood film industry's supposed liberalism is fake

Weinstein denies all allegations of sexual assault and rape as he awaits his trial

The actress who kick-started the exposure of Hollywood moguls who allegedly exploited positions of power to abuse women has branded #MeToo campaigners against sex attackers 'losers'.

Rose McGowan accused producer Harvey Weinstein of rape this time last year, sparking an avalanche of allegations in the entertainment industry and beyond.

As stars such as Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman were alleged to have assaulted or harassed performers, activists began using the hashtag to share their ordeals online.

But McGowan has slammed the movement as 'bull****' in today's Sunday Times Magazine, which comes the day after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice in the face of historic sexual assault allegations he denies.

After year of stars such as Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow claiming to be vistims of harassment, McGowan has said she understands why Donald Trump supporters hate Hollywood, whose apparent liberalism she says is fake.

On the subject of #MeToo, she said: 'I just think they're douchebags. They're not champions. I just think they're losers. I don't like them.

'How do I explain the fact that I got a GQ Man of the Year award and no women's magazines and no women's organisations have supported me?


c5da99  No.3383926

File: f258b8ea2bb0ef9⋯.jpeg (333.8 KB, 1292x1449, 1292:1449, B6AB9897-37FD-4C8B-AA8B-3….jpeg)


N word

692030  No.3383927


it's a victory hangover after the nail biting confirmation. Pent up energy from the stress has left you hungover.

a13fbb  No.3383928


I think the gentlemen's agreement is that you don't investigate the previous administration and the previous President continues to not unclassifiy documents until after he or she is dead.

The Trump Adm. has BHO's documents.

683b8d  No.3383929


C'mon now. That is something that doesn't happen irl!

Last thing you'd think about if you lost youngins!

Least not this quick! FF!

12f3ee  No.3383930

File: 7ec2f26ad837804⋯.png (225.13 KB, 500x2420, 25:121, i-hear-tankies-talk-about-….png)

a13de6  No.3383931


Good question

c5f7e3  No.3383932

File: 4204a539a3eebef⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nigga Please.mp4)





Nigga grow up and buy a ticket back to shitville

45dac8  No.3383933


If HRC was around in his day, he would have been Arkancided.

fa1d58  No.3383934


You can't claim to be Christian and then vote based on superficial reasons. Maybe you need to read the Bible for yourself and see exactly how well it exposes fake Christians, false prophets and deceptive spirits.

157e05  No.3383935

File: 4db317728976099⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1079x1696, 1079:1696, 20181007_221941.png)

File: 548f85c9572dd3e⋯.png (321.3 KB, 1042x1640, 521:820, 20181007_220703.png)

File: b6ec507c940e251⋯.png (806.17 KB, 1076x1248, 269:312, 20181007_220528.png)

File: 541c04eb25b1b43⋯.png (598.2 KB, 1070x653, 1070:653, 20181007_222217.png)

>>3381474 (pb)

List of C A candidates running for office

One name of that list immediatly stood out

Omar Siddiqui

I member Anons speculating this Foto was Couch-Siddiqui with Obama

A short dig into 'Omar Siddiqui, the Muslim FBI Guy with Pakistani Parents who "enters race against Rep. Dana Rohrabacher"


7731f1  No.3383936


Looks like McMaster's silhouette with Melania

d9f264  No.3383937

File: 9856e6c590873c7⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 900x500, 9:5, 230jz9.jpg)


Boom Boom Week.

4fb752  No.3383938


Maybe they don’t have the $ for the burial of multiple people? One is expensive.

b3c535  No.3383939


She is a Jew that is attempting to infiltrate the Muslims of Iran. She is attempting to act as if she supports them. All so they will allow her to lead them into ruin all for the gain of the Jews.

It is a tactic the Jew runs on every society on Earth. Infiltration then destruction.

12f3ee  No.3383940

File: 56126cc6986441c⋯.png (168.22 KB, 500x589, 500:589, trotsky-died-of-natural-ca….png)

731983  No.3383941


Edit : add “in”

983e5e  No.3383942

File: 692c613ad2d3297⋯.jpg (232.01 KB, 547x483, 547:483, IMG_0556.JPG)





37ea16  No.3383943

File: 0a22f2a2da5f43d⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 480x578, 240:289, 0a22f2a2da5f43d656b86285dd….jpg)

Not all Jews are bad…but must bad people are Jewish…coincidence? I don't think so.

88c435  No.3383944

File: a31e9b87aa74e8f⋯.png (57.68 KB, 1019x718, 1019:718, ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch making waves.


16d2d3  No.3383945

File: a567fd09441fd73⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 434x444, 217:222, 6593d_Test_Squadron_-_Lock….jpg)

File: cc8133470a1eafc⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 670x388, 335:194, 9690b30b0a7ca19f534e1f53bc….jpg)

01489a  No.3383946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mind Kontrol

fa1d58  No.3383948


The only faggot on the board is you and your fellow microdicks and fake rape dykes.

a0de3f  No.3383949


Yup. This was what Q was showing us. Mueller has always been /ourguy/ I think even RR didn’t know it till too late. This allows political cover for arrests close to elections cuz they appointed him

095585  No.3383950

Afghan Govt Rules Out Privatization of US War

US commander confirms Blackwater founder's proposal 'isn't happening'

With Blackwater founder and former CEO Erik Prince making the rounds in the US advocating the idea of “privatizing” the US war in Afghanistan, Afghan government officials are quickly issuing a flurry of statements ruling out such an idea.

The Prince plan is to replace the current US troops with military contractors, and he has argued that they could continue the 17-year-long war much more cheaply than has the Pentagon. There has been substantial resistance to the idea.

Afghanistan’s National Security Council not only ruled out the idea, but said they would consider such a move a violation of Afghan sovereignty. They added that they would use all legal avenues open to them to prevent a privatization of the war.

Centcom commander Gen. Joseph Votel also seemed to put the idea to rest in his own comments, saying of the plan simply that it “isn’t happening” despite how many meetings Prince has been having with officials.


09b4db  No.3383951

File: c6d45ecd8d2d653⋯.jpeg (815.9 KB, 1242x1858, 621:929, 9FCA1444-701E-4421-B41E-E….jpeg)

File: c87f09405dc67a0⋯.jpeg (842.29 KB, 1242x1766, 621:883, 44641C48-8049-4189-A26B-5….jpeg)

File: 204f3d21a895ae1⋯.jpeg (982.72 KB, 1242x1811, 1242:1811, CC183362-0522-4239-B04C-3….jpeg)

File: 88ac18799d200c3⋯.jpeg (750.68 KB, 1242x1937, 1242:1937, 279A9FBB-1FB5-437E-AA36-4….jpeg)




9c1140  No.3383952


Tom Fitton is a patriot

177a50  No.3383953

File: 2d88ac050d0b7df⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 400x388, 100:97, 1421911540367.jpg)


We're getting REAL PUFFY CLOUDS in Southern Commiefornia. I don't remember the last time I've seen clouds like this. The world is changing right in front of my eyes, every day feels more positive than the last. It's an amazing feeling.

70aff3  No.3383954


Pics from Her Twitter

Latest trip

683b8d  No.3383955


It was likely the wedding party- dif fams. Not all for one fam.

That's too quick- just happened! It's how cabal launders money!

0aac0f  No.3383956

54a4c1  No.3383957


never fails…smh

fa1d58  No.3383958


ALREADY DONE - Just lining up the justice department to take these traitors out!

e8c26f  No.3383959


We went over this weeks ago. Omar Siddiqui is not the guy on the couch with Hessian. He's too young and much too short.

efc960  No.3383960

File: 900ffb946b0a3e7⋯.png (43.43 KB, 662x424, 331:212, Scalise re Dems Denounce V….PNG)

Rep Scalise: Democratic leaders need to denounce this behavior

Bread 4286



d948d7  No.3383961


Def notable. Comey’s fffffffffffffukked

e5f4ea  No.3383962

Baker Baker

You've got another baker here when you feel like taking a break!

25acc8  No.3383963

File: 71b1a5c7d1328f4⋯.png (119.34 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorSM.png)

84a52b  No.3383964

File: 297f56c73c76e80⋯.jpg (17.98 KB, 180x243, 20:27, evilfuckmattell.jpg)



We are still in control! We are still taking your money, your kids, your hopes and your dreams!

We are still raping you country by importing rapists & profiteers! By sending out vile mindwaves! By rolling out the 5g, spraying the chemicals, by poisoning the water and your food!

Ha ha ha ha

We are still doing it!

The time will be soon when the people will take matters into their own hand, and it won't be fucking pretty.

They do not deserve life.

And we should not be prolonging theirs.







The time is near.

c5f7e3  No.3383965




Email that photo to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher"

12f3ee  No.3383966

File: 67603f0c559028c⋯.png (126.95 KB, 500x455, 100:91, youve-mistaken-me-for-some….png)

those damn hivitess

9c1140  No.3383967




33224b  No.3383968

File: 25c372c57db9352⋯.png (898.41 KB, 560x850, 56:85, ClipboardImage.png)

BEWBS for Code Monkey! Thanks to you and your team for keeping things rolling!

efc960  No.3383969

File: ade7ae428ab533e⋯.png (225.12 KB, 658x728, 47:52, Scavino45 10-7-18 1 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 299ef49f8c8a186⋯.png (1 MB, 1411x765, 83:45, Scavino45 10-7-18 1 pm PDT….PNG)




3189b7  No.3383970


This list keeps getting posted when I've already debunked it. About 25 percent are validated certain or possible spooks, the rest are private sector civilians or mil vets including West Point, Academy, decorated. Are we gonna' do this every bread?


7be690  No.3383971

File: cc850eb32153afe⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 820x479, 820:479, fed tightening cycle.jpg)



Only 4 world mkts are green. The rest………….

f01ae1  No.3383972


Oh shut up nigger lover.

c0db22  No.3383973

Someone explain how a bunch of muslim communists took over the United States government and NO ONE seemed to care? Blah blah Deep State and all that but WHY?

Why wouldn't SOMEONE in the know leak it out? How did they do all this right under our noses?

112075  No.3383974

File: c74e3839d9ce1f3⋯.png (135.24 KB, 250x317, 250:317, flgirlbewbs.png)

fbbe7d  No.3383975


Saying all Jews are bad is just like saying all Americans are bad.

Or any other nationality for that matter.

What a great day it will be when all these evil cocksuckers have been stamped out of existence.

deca20  No.3383976


USSS to the rescue! Love it! (no homo)

12f3ee  No.3383977

File: 0f4439a26362d4a⋯.jpg (333.66 KB, 1412x722, 706:361, canteenecon.jpg)

9c1140  No.3383978


She's tippy top

622f5d  No.3383979

My QDrops app just gave me a drip sound and said Q just posted, but I can't see it… anyone else?

54a4c1  No.3383980

File: 6d065fa670112e6⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 500x364, 125:91, iu78HVJLWI.jpg)

a1e2c5  No.3383981

File: cd5485d1bfb5662⋯.png (556.95 KB, 714x684, 119:114, boom.png)

File: 58d10aea9c612d7⋯.png (553.42 KB, 714x684, 119:114, hammer.png)

da1030  No.3383982

File: cefd4782deb330e⋯.jpg (169.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DemocratDoNotResuscitate4.jpg)


ThankQ for correction. You can tell I'm not a digger. Got this meme on another site and already made some tweaks to the inscription. Can do. Standby.

Meanwhile here's this.

35a543  No.3383983


same twice.. false alarms

12f3ee  No.3383984

File: 042985e704f7c98⋯.jpg (86.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, artwar.jpg)

0610f7  No.3383985


I agree, not fucking one person leaked the proof.

e7d61f  No.3383986

File: 5881b00c13fd016⋯.png (66.74 KB, 255x177, 85:59, SuspiciousPepe.png)


Agreed, it reeks of DS.


Notice no twaats from him on the Kavabro decision…

e1797b  No.3383987

File: 9d7b2f19e269a7c⋯.png (899.21 KB, 1664x1664, 1:1, JFKlastwind.png)


Our working clock runs out 11/22.

There have been a number of countdown clocks that have already run down (ex. 23 day deltas).

01489a  No.3383988


That app always gives me false drop alerts

b3c535  No.3383989


This could be a Greek statue it is so perfect.

02bcdb  No.3383990

095585  No.3383991



683b8d  No.3383992


Meant for (You)


I need glasses.

12f3ee  No.3383993

File: 8820ed98f9d6d6a⋯.jpg (206.34 KB, 1125x1059, 375:353, JUSTSAYNOTOPINEAPPLE.jpg)

86c064  No.3383994


No wonder!!! There goes all the Dem voters, the illegal ones anyway!!

7be690  No.3383995


Lurk Moar

aeb54a  No.3383996

File: f0ee43ed7da3556⋯.jpeg (74.03 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f0ee43ed7da35565a60d8ea75….jpeg)


Good deal.

Thank you for checking in.

Will let you know once I start losing steam.

Still going strong; today is a really good day.

Hope yours is just as nice.

a0de3f  No.3383997


Thanks BASED Sauce Force. I’ve seen you save people from falling for crafty LARPs, and misdated posting. Hell you’ve even stopped some of my great shitposts dead in their tracks, while other anons ate up unquestioningly. Godspeed

a91b60  No.3383998

File: 0c0ebd0898cdc5e⋯.jpg (101.36 KB, 395x605, 79:121, bewbhge.jpg)


this is a tippy top…

f2d919  No.3383999





Week of 10/8/18

Week of 10/15/18

Week of 10/22/18

Week of 10/29/18

Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

FISA Declas

Latest IG Report Drops

Seals Broken


d3a45a  No.3384000


Hate her.

But she's right on this.

Shit or get off the fucking pot, Q … if you are who you claim to be.

12f3ee  No.3384001

File: 490885e6a6d3f67⋯.png (156.53 KB, 500x606, 250:303, destroyeditalready.png)

4a3bd6  No.3384002


Who is this

09b4db  No.3384003


9 though. I had 8 in my mind long-time too for some reason. Then I re-counted.

ec2a7c  No.3384004


Agreed. Bullying, blaming and demeaning of other humans (who are all experiencing various levels of mind control) is beneath us. The world we hope to create will be one where kindness and truth are the norm. We have to be like Yoda to win this.

013162  No.3384005

File: 565fcb9b0b6df39⋯.png (949.26 KB, 846x660, 141:110, 1C2E3CC7-783E-45C7-B3EA-D4….png)


983e5e  No.3384006


The major difference is that most of us are Americans and we're not afraid to call out our evil leaders. I don't see any jews going after their own

12f3ee  No.3384007

File: 213d7bd1fbcdeb4⋯.png (49.71 KB, 500x426, 250:213, communism-aint-free-the-fr….png)

9c1140  No.3384009

File: d27b0585915ef7f⋯.png (96.87 KB, 689x473, 689:473, pepefrens.png)


I think we can agree many women are tippy top

02bcdb  No.3384010

File: c9bcf72519a986d⋯.jpg (428.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sauce force 1.jpg)

b129c8  No.3384011


So he is FB_ and C_A.. and a lawyer

9c1140  No.3384012


after you stop namefagging

3459ac  No.3384013

File: 02499f96f6cb47a⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 220x280, 11:14, 220px-Damocles-WestallPC20….jpg)

74e430  No.3384014


I am getting tired of all the boobs pics but this girl is gorgeous

a91b60  No.3384015



and I like seeing all of them too!

63fc2c  No.3384016


I dont even try to guess anymore. Just enjoying the show. This has been a very entertaining ride.

095585  No.3384017

File: e26822b52bcd053⋯.png (211.81 KB, 685x810, 137:162, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Nauseating Rhetoric’: European Council’s Tusk Attacks Russia in Angry Speech

Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing everything he can to undermine the “the most beautiful political undertaking in Europe’s history,” said Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council (EC).

During a heated speech in Poland's Kraków, Tusk took Russia and its President Vladimir Putin to task, accusing the neighboring nation of working tirelessly to "weaken European unity" and "disintegrate Europe," cited by Politico.

Tusk pointed to Saturday's elections in Latvia, in which the pro-Russian Latvian Social Democratic Party (SDPS) appears to have won a majority of seats in the nation's parliament, as a negative consequence of Kremlin influence, ratcheting up his comments in fear-mongering attacks at Moscow and its chief of state.

"Our problem is Russia," Tusk declared, "which is undermining whatever it can undermine in Europe."

At a conference on the future of the European Union hosted by the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków in southern Poland, Tusk asserted that he "can provide numerous examples to prove that Russians will not refrain from any means to weaken European unity."

The president of the EC — the governing body for the powerful European Union (EU) economic bloc — suggested that the Riga vote results were "a turning point for that region, a moment which was planned in the Kremlin and not in Europe," adding that the results of the popular Latvian national vote made him "anxious," cited by Politico.


a0de3f  No.3384018



>> before midterms

I don’t think your understand politics.

eef079  No.3384019

File: 9e0e8da41c98d7a⋯.png (131.12 KB, 643x740, 643:740, 9e0e8da41c98d7ac9378aaed32….png)


trips confirm

da1030  No.3384020

File: 25196fb720d9325⋯.jpg (267.39 KB, 1078x701, 1078:701, RIPDemocratParty.jpg)




Corrected date. Hopefully OK now? ThankQ.

fb8b56  No.3384021

File: d74200f50f221f8⋯.png (959.35 KB, 587x794, 587:794, exopse-tru-criim.PNG)


new one for you

e5f4ea  No.3384022


Kitchen hog! :p

622f5d  No.3384023


Who is this and where can I find naked pics of her? Jesus those titties are astounding!

efc960  No.3384024

File: e546b9b7b403a91⋯.png (39.95 KB, 658x306, 329:153, POTUS Schedule 10-7-18 1 2….PNG)

File: 96789957154bf69⋯.png (33.9 KB, 631x270, 631:270, POTUS Schedule 10-7-18 1 2….PNG)

Lindsey and POTUS are done golfing

54a4c1  No.3384025

File: de9284da2330676⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 500x648, 125:162, 2jjuhd.jpg)

e69fb3  No.3384026

File: 5beb470c3055380⋯.jpeg (215.92 KB, 999x749, 999:749, FISA Declassified Patriot….jpeg)

File: d845a95bff04c88⋯.jpeg (603.15 KB, 1679x1144, 1679:1144, FISA Declassified Truth.jpeg)

File: 5beb470c3055380⋯.jpeg (215.92 KB, 999x749, 999:749, FISA Declassified Patriot….jpeg)

50bf26  No.3384027


Prototype for Marvel's new Whacky Nipple Girl comic.

12f3ee  No.3384028

Quit doxxing yourself ebot

157e05  No.3384029


And a muslim with pakistani parents

e8c26f  No.3384030


Much better. TY

983e5e  No.3384031


Oh gawd, do you realize what you just unleashed?

683b8d  No.3384032

File: 8477a028d76d426⋯.png (235.51 KB, 1864x1164, 466:291, 400.png)

File: a54113c6e74ecaa⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 940x694, 470:347, GUNS.jpg)


Make My Day

7be690  No.3384033


Reddit the other way

37ea16  No.3384034




Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week



Q: Next week

5cbcf8  No.3384035

File: 4877d708adf2dd6⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 692016546-pic7.jpg)

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB, 790x548, 395:274, Elegant-Flotus.png)


That's at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust!

I recognize the keepers kek.

I sponsor an elephant there (pic related)

Thank you FLOTUS!!!


a91b60  No.3384036


got no idea.

came up in image search when i used "-nude" in search.

12f3ee  No.3384037

File: c5c7bcdf5b9d1c9⋯.jpg (319 KB, 1900x1068, 475:267, babybananas.jpg)

howler monkeys

howl together

7d37ce  No.3384038

File: 22e2f50501e81b2⋯.png (197.36 KB, 508x287, 508:287, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

"Few hours before the fight Donald Trump called me and told me I gotta knock this Russian mother fucker out, cause they be makin him look bad on the news, Putin and shit, USA up in the mother fucker" - Derrick Lewis. KEK.


095585  No.3384039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

STEELE speaks of two legal systems Rich/Poor, Epstein Island 16 video channels, child trafficking and shitloads more!

d3a45a  No.3384040



Why would you ask this question of an anonymous 8chan poster of cryptic bullshit who has been promising arrests and "BOOM"s for 11+ months with ZERO arrests and ZERO "BOOM"s ?

fbbe7d  No.3384041


Does it suck to have such blind hate?

You’re thinking is illogical.

But you already knew that, it’s called playing the asshole.

74e430  No.3384042


Love this one. Saved

8b691d  No.3384043

File: 5704805f1595ece⋯.png (102.46 KB, 500x370, 50:37, theoden.png)

wew its scary out there, lads

They are going all in on the following:

Get rid of electoral college

Don't need due process

Scotus isn't legitimate

Potus isn't legitimate

Socialism will fix it

Reckless hate

I need soul bleach

907bb2  No.3384044

I think Patriots Soapbox was just removed from Youtube

efc960  No.3384045

File: 5cb3a28f97572b7⋯.png (342.76 KB, 650x842, 325:421, POTUS Schedule 10-7-18 10 ….PNG)

File: a5bdc1567df7f07⋯.png (344.68 KB, 650x662, 325:331, POTUS Schedule 10-7-18 1 2….PNG)

4399fd  No.3384046

File: f6121022fabf29f⋯.png (333.71 KB, 580x636, 145:159, valerie j.png)

12f3ee  No.3384047

File: 23ae756aee7cd69⋯.jpg (90.79 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DAMNJEDIS.jpg)

f841c2  No.3384048

File: 684c3b270d7b644⋯.jpg (102.34 KB, 717x382, 717:382, obozo-declass-kenya.jpg)

ba37a1  No.3384049


Not just a reset?

7197c8  No.3384050

This must be it. Watch the "WATER".


88c435  No.3384051


That's quite a number. Bet they promised all those people a DQ token for a small sundae if they protest.

54a4c1  No.3384052


cool, I acutally didn't understand him last night, im glad hes on our fucking side..lol powerful dude.

3a3ef2  No.3384053


Goodbye @Jack.

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

Goodbye, Mr. Mueller.



3189b7  No.3384054


MS13 illegal alien thug posts bond for armed robbery. DHS ICE is not waiting at prison door. "Bye bye, have a nice day Mr. Thug. Nice to have you."

20e020  No.3384055



they are annoying and solicit money

316f46  No.3384056

Sen. Gardner Says Wife Received Graphic Beheading Text After Kavanaugh Vote


29f9e2  No.3384057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fbbe7d  No.3384058


Saw a shit ton of arrests yesterday.

Q was right.

Pay attention.

84a52b  No.3384059


I am not talking about war, I am talking about cleaning up the world from people that, objectively, make the world a shittier place.

Goddamnit, they do not deserve live. I dont care about your shitty Gandalf meme: whenever you've raped a child, your live in on this Earth is fucking done


Your mother hated you from the day she shat you out of her womb.

e7d61f  No.3384060

File: 44022906512e74e⋯.png (188.99 KB, 315x262, 315:262, ClipboardImage.png)


I like!

Pic related: Jim checking out Barry's ass kek?

4f2f67  No.3384061


My advice on the Q clock is don’t over-think it.

Most clock proofs are clear to see once you see them!

Personally I wish I had more time to devote to the Q clock as I think we should be utilising it moar.

74e430  No.3384062


Its there. I am watching it


bb93b6  No.3384063


i hope anons will take these and post everywhere. this are fantastic. these are truth.

8a1146  No.3384064

File: 68a0c2fd231f5cd⋯.png (146.98 KB, 306x276, 51:46, BN - Copy.PNG)

064836  No.3384065


Was just a reset.

b3c535  No.3384066


What is funny is if the Jew/Eurotrash semi white Royal Families had moved to integrate Russia into Nato after the fall of the USSR they would not be in this trouble. But the Jew needed an opposition country to give NATO meaning so Russia was forced to be the enemy country once again.

But now after the MI and World Wide Patriots have Russia as one of the free countries the whole Russia is an enemy shit is back firing.

KEK. It is beautiful to behold.

907bb2  No.3384067


My bad..it's back

683b8d  No.3384068


Obviously, math is NOT their strong point.

88e4eb  No.3384069

File: 340afdb3bfd8594⋯.png (261.97 KB, 592x590, 296:295, AQ4.PNG)


Notice that now the POTUS Schedule Tweets act as storm advisories…..

9b67de  No.3384070

File: 71561aa1c01e373⋯.png (124.46 KB, 1013x327, 1013:327, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)


cage is coming



fish goes both ways


983e5e  No.3384072

File: 34c05038069de9d⋯.jpeg (260.13 KB, 1220x619, 1220:619, fullsizeoutput_1413.jpeg)


When you can't confront the facts, resort to pilpul. Classic

74e430  No.3384073


Wait..think your right. This is the other one

4399fd  No.3384074

File: 450f0b369ca2a90⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x898, 600:449, the ultimate price.png)

15908d  No.3384075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What Letter Follows "A" ?

A: "B" B: "Q"

12f3ee  No.3384076

File: fed24848901ac3d⋯.jpg (104.93 KB, 400x425, 16:17, stalin-obama-meme - Copy.jpg)

54a4c1  No.3384077

File: 0b2ede9c7ca57d1⋯.png (4.47 MB, 2906x1587, 2906:1587, panicroom.png)

02bcdb  No.3384078


if you can dream it you can meme it…go forth and use these sauce memes as you see fit

66fe5a  No.3384079


Thank you Anon. I love the way you think!!!

4fee0a  No.3384080

File: a8c8dd8f8fd5aaa⋯.jpeg (154.03 KB, 670x960, 67:96, DB5D1474-AB08-4B96-AB5F-D….jpeg)

fe8d55  No.3384081


Would be logical if you believed there wasn't major fuckery at play with the vote tabulations.

Just like there was nothing to see when all the networks hung for hours waiting for instructions on what to do because everyone knew candidate Trump had won in a landslide. Everyone was just waiting for those Diebold machines to count the electronic votes, I guess?

I believe bho, the fraud, won the first term. I, in fact, regrettably voted for him. I'd entertain the argument that he lost to Romney though. It doesn't require too many strategic areas' votes being flipped to produce a different national outcome. A few choice counties in a few choice states is all.

Think it doesn't happen. Listen to any speech by a guy named Tim Canova, whose running against DWS in Florida, and hear what he says they learned about the votes from his first campaign to unseat her (and get back to me).

By 2012 I was fully 'woke' and tried to spread the alarm about bho and hillary. Though the cabal sent the fake news to hit Mitt with 'binders full of women,' his pet dog on the car's roof and the 47% takers quip, I still believe MANY people were waking up. If I recall, the Benghazi lie was around then too….the lie spread to keep people from understanding that the reason a serving diplomat had been killed while in service, the last having been forty years prior, was due in part to a stand-down order NOT to send help. To say nothing about what the clowns were actually doing, and trying to destroy, in way of the Middle East. Old Susan Rice hit the Sunday news shows with that infamous 'youtube video' story, and I think they may have arrested that patsy preacher in Florida to complete the farce. If I recall, the traumatic events of that night didn't keep bho, the fraud, from retiring early or attending a fundraiser the next day. If it wasn't that, then it was the fake UBL raid and the real deaths on Extortion 17 that they were covering up. Whatever.

Yeah, bho (the fraud) won an honest election. Right. The same election where he told Medyedev he'd have more flexibility after he won 'his' election.

FACTS HURT? No, but I'm guessing Brennan's dick up your ass might. What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have a Kavanaugh protest to go to?

a91b60  No.3384082

File: 54feecfe0a2fd57⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, heds.jpg)



683b8d  No.3384083


Obviously math is NOT their strong point.

1cbc58  No.3384084


They brainwashed the majority into hating Bush and Republicans. Also Change, Also Rigging, Also History (First Black President)? Maybe followed by the First Female President?

They thought she would never lose…

Remember the progress of the families in charge if they had won again:

Bush Sr


Bush Jr


Clinton (had she won)

Obama (Mike…2020?)

85301a  No.3384085

File: eed1166b9570905⋯.jpeg (159.21 KB, 750x660, 25:22, A349738E-D7E7-4C09-A909-D….jpeg)

File: f6cb1eeb1a1f964⋯.jpeg (194.28 KB, 750x1096, 375:548, 03AFE227-55EC-4670-BEAB-C….jpeg)

Marina Abramovic is moving to London because there has been “a strange vibration” in the NY since the election of Donald Trump. She was just featured on the cover of Evening Standard Magazine Art Edition.



aeb54a  No.3384086


Kek, just doing what I can.

Things are pretty comfy at the moment.

Will offer handoff in next bread if you'd like to jump into the kitchen.

efc960  No.3384087


>Notice that now the POTUS Schedule Tweets act as storm advisories…..

Yes I do

POTUS Schedule did not used to do so

063c43  No.3384088


Nauseating name-dropping self-promoting world-class Malaprop gas bag paytriot.

692030  No.3384089

>>3384077 personal home scif ? Hiding from Q team more like it

fbbe7d  No.3384090


Netanyahu has been under the gun by his own country. Maybe you should pay a little more attention. I’m done with you. Carry-on.

4f2f67  No.3384091


Not sure if Goodbye always means fired or arrested etc.

I think it means ‘out of the game’ or ‘power / influence removed’

095585  No.3384092


Coming in here pushing violence does not help. Understand Anon's are the CALM DURING THE STORM not the lose emotionally invested PEOPLE we are trying to LEAD through it!


12f3ee  No.3384093

File: 9817b3a57fc78e5⋯.png (405.7 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Stalin-Eastside.png)

b8e30b  No.3384094


plausible….but it seems like a lot of wasted time….You got Kavanaugh, so DeClassify Tuesday!

Unseal indictments Thursday get Going…

Tempus Fugit!

316f46  No.3384095

Toddler Among 2 Killed, 8 Others Wounded in Saturday Shootings Across Chicago


683b8d  No.3384096

>3384059 <no shekel given

That's it? That's all ya got? Wow. This is gonna be EASY! How pathetic. KYS

fbbe7d  No.3384097


Go advertise somewhere else.

54a4c1  No.3384098


yea I thought it was odd , but may be true. I like your theory better tho anon..lol kek

720137  No.3384099

File: c3d477436de8911⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1656x883, 1656:883, TFPatriot.PNG)


Sliding in to stop treason erry time.

c5f7e3  No.3384100

File: 8b881d555a31a24⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 722x453, 722:453, 2jlnm2~2.jpg)

File: 5c8933364f0600d⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2jlp7m~2.jpg)


Q said it was our last chance to save the republic and whites maned up and took America back completely.

8e263c  No.3384101

Can someone post the zoomed out pic of obama fingering asian girl? Have the zoomed in, need the full one. Thx

817848  No.3384102



3a57a4  No.3384103

File: f43aac1e576fea8⋯.jpg (130.94 KB, 800x576, 25:18, Kenyan.jpg)

25acc8  No.3384104


Sick Bastard

e8c26f  No.3384105

File: bb13fef722431da⋯.jpg (20.43 KB, 625x626, 625:626, thisisbait.jpg)

84a52b  No.3384106


I understand.

If Anons are calm during the storm, I am not Anon anymore.




I relinquish the opportunity.

d64dcf  No.3384107

File: efe228fe71b28db⋯.jpg (123.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, boom week q.jpg)

983e5e  No.3384108

File: 19ca2c5e3c8a7ce⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 800x750, 16:15, IMG_0491.JPG)

8a1146  No.3384109

File: 955115ca00b1945⋯.png (547.63 KB, 864x382, 432:191, WT - Copy (2).PNG)

b3c535  No.3384110


Jews never call each other out. It is against the Talmud. They can not tell us what the other Jews are up to because they say it risk them all getting genocided because the Jews are up to some shit that if the common human knew what they were doing they would be genocided. It will take a strong man like Putin and Trump to make sure only the legit guilty Jews get the noose.

In fact Trump may be the only person who can save the normie Jews. Because the evidence of their fuckery is coming out. Soon.

88e4eb  No.3384112


Not sure if HAARP related or Red-State related, either way it's attention worthy.

b129c8  No.3384113


(you) and running for office

a91b60  No.3384114

File: bbf53de5951014b⋯.png (180.16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bait.png)


ez to smell bait

3189b7  No.3384115


Yeah I gave that man $100 a few weeks ago, true Patriot. Unstoppable.

4881f2  No.3384116


You're speaking to AFLB, fyi.

7d29f4  No.3384117


Anyone and everything Obuthole did would be removed. Anything he signed, anyone he appointed, basically anything that happened in his 8 years would be removed.

66fe5a  No.3384118


It seems that the chemtrails have stopped in my AO right after Q posted that the satellites and computers were shutdown. Makes me very happy to see blue skies again. Hopefully they are gone forever.

c5f7e3  No.3384119

File: 651c62d83f0cc4c⋯.jpeg (67.37 KB, 960x720, 4:3, b74327b4ffd2c3824e6a8bf04….jpeg)

12f3ee  No.3384120

File: 35069ea34667d6b⋯.png (73.86 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2526.PNG)

File: d3a23b8164bb987⋯.png (67.33 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2623.PNG)

File: a0ad96615dd051a⋯.png (41.49 KB, 590x236, 5:2, MarsellusWallace.png)

efc960  No.3384121


>Q said it was our last chance to save the republic and whites maned up and took America back completely.

This is so idiotic and false Mad Max or Pelosi staff must be behind it

They roll that way now right?

Just ask Sheila Jackson Lee

6899ca  No.3384122


Are you retarded? Why are you trying to divide? Are you a shill? Clown? Or just a racist? Either way, STFU, or GTFO

da1030  No.3384123

File: 80c70d76e11b4b4⋯.jpg (174.74 KB, 608x592, 38:37, DreamLove.jpg)

File: 3a783d9ce9c956a⋯.jpeg (409.22 KB, 1200x1379, 1200:1379, LovePopcorn.jpeg)

File: bdf5de9ad9ae936⋯.jpg (492.61 KB, 1079x992, 1079:992, LoveSweetLove.jpg)

File: 232ae3b49912ad4⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningProtectComfo….jpg)

Anons are about love, not hate.

Anons are about protecting and comforting those around us while unthinkable changes shake their world.

We (anons) have already experienced the shaking and stood firm, so we are ready for this task.

683b8d  No.3384124


Is this English or some new type of ebonics?

Message lost. Kek

09b4db  No.3384125

File: 0c599c2f6b47430⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 388D428B-5371-499B-B848-7D….png)

File: 0756d9ca721f302⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EFD4927F-544F-437C-8262-0E….png)

File: df29c7baa221838⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A2C16E68-31EC-4BFC-B9B6-3F….png)

File: 8dc22163a868ceb⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6C8EB183-EEF8-4E40-8DFB-9A….png)

File: 90161f54b25f433⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C4E4E6F7-9037-494E-AC4A-38….png)


Original screengrab plus some other yummies. The night of the IP drop

>and McLeanfag was just cruising the District for us again, kek!

c75483  No.3384126

File: 075ccf8b3a7092a⋯.jpeg (1013.95 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 31047FF4-954F-48ED-9FEB-5….jpeg)


Give those bastards at Perkins Coie the ENRON treatment. Smartest guys in the room.

91b668  No.3384127

Chage in Jewish Gematria = 24

BAAL in jewish Gematrria = 24

Jarret was Iranian born.

Zoroastrians are the oldest religious community of Iran. They worship BAAL.


3d5e14  No.3384128


Holy shit that knockout though wtf..not sure if I've ever seen one like that.

3a3ef2  No.3384129

File: 8759d810c00b7e2⋯.png (399.89 KB, 540x405, 4:3, sigh.png)


Makes sense. Being patient sure ain't easy. Deciphering Q's crumbs to see if he means arrested, fired, deaded, etc. even less so. But hey, don't let's telegraph our moves to the enemy, as long as they're killing the Deep State behind the scenes, we wait.

90d5e7  No.3384130

File: fb7866ff1115737⋯.png (31.6 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 600px-State_Flag_of_Iran_(….png)

File: abaa538f0ae8793⋯.jpg (142.05 KB, 675x967, 675:967, 33206530714_7c2a773bb4_b.jpg)

File: ba8ea3c9e6d5ad5⋯.png (142.44 KB, 678x451, 678:451, AD_750OguzYabgu.png)

File: f809aba5dbfbbd8⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 204x200, 51:50, GbYCOE5.jpg)

File: efcb36005a19c9a⋯.jpg (758.85 KB, 1810x2752, 905:1376, rh-x_2_copertina.jpg)


Anons, did you know about a Bolshevik coup in Iran in 1920?

Here's a compilation of (communist) history of Iran.

Really worth a read.

(It becomes now clearer why the US deep state supports and try to install the Marxist MEK Rajavi Cult by overthrowing the regime in Iran.)

Valerie Jarrett's link to Communism and the Bolshevik coup in Iran

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, during the Pahlavi dynasty, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara T. Bowman.


The Pahlavi dynasty was the ruling house of the imperial state of Iran from 1925 until 1979, when the 2,500 years of continuous Persian monarchy was overthrown and abolished as a result of the Iranian Revolution. The dynasty was founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1925, a former brigadier-general of the Persian Cossack Brigade, whose reign lasted until 1941 when he was forced to abdicate by the Allies after the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran.


The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran was the joint invasion of Iran in 1941 during the Second World War by the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union. The invasion lasted from 25 August to 17 September 1941 and was codenamed Operation Countenance. Its purpose was to secure Iranian oil fields and ensure Allied supply lines (see the Persian Corridor) for the USSR, fighting against Axis forces on the Eastern Front.


1921 Persian coup d'état, known in Iran as 3 Esfand coup d'état, refers to several major events in Persia (Iran) in 1921, which eventually led to the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty as the ruling house of the country in 1925.

The events began with a coup by the Persian Cossack Brigade headed by Reza Khan, and directed by the British, on 21 February 1921.

In late 1920, the Persian Soviet Socialist Republic in Rasht was preparing to march on Tehran with "a guerrilla force of 1,500 Jangalis, Kurds, Armenians and Azerbaijanis", reinforced by the Bolsheviks' Red Army. This fact, along with various other disorders, mutinies and unrest in the country created "an acute political crisis in the capital."

By 1921, the ruling Qajar dynasty of Persia had become corrupt and inefficient.[4] The oil-rich nation was somewhat reliant on the nations of Britain and Russia for military and economic support. Civil wars earlier in the decade had threatened the government, and the only regular military force at the time was the Cossack Brigade.


The Qajar dynasty was an Iranian royal dynasty of Turkic origin, specifically from the Qajar tribe, which ruled Persia (Iran) from 1794 to 1925.

The Qajar rulers were members of the Karagöz or "Black-Eye" sect of the Qajars, who themselves were members of the Qajars (tribe) or "Black Hats" lineage of the Oghuz Turks. Qajars first settled during the Mongol period in the vicinity of Armenia and were among the seven Qizilbash tribes that supported the Safavids.



MEK leader Maryam Rajavi descendant of Qajar Dynasty

Maryam Rajavi is the leader of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (Mojahedin-e Khalq, MEK), an organization trying to overthrow the Iranian government. Rajavi is also the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), based since 1993. She is the wife of Massoud Rajavi.

Rajavi was born on 4 December 1953 in Tehran. She was raised there as the daughter of a middle-class civil servant descended from a member of the Qajar dynasty.


a13de6  No.3384131

File: 7faa89714152b65⋯.png (14.36 KB, 255x156, 85:52, barry.png)

e0b1f0  No.3384132

File: 7ee16bc182930da⋯.jpg (130.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Trust the plan.jpg)


Patriots have no skin colour. Now fuck off.

16d2d3  No.3384133

File: a56532f8e354754⋯.jpg (159.48 KB, 1112x724, 278:181, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….jpg)

d64dcf  No.3384134

File: a4c373fe3a81085⋯.jpg (260.63 KB, 1382x1196, 691:598, tom fitton not on my watch.jpg)

4f814a  No.3384135


Save America. Vote Republican.

>>3372551 pb

fbbe7d  No.3384136


My original post said, calling all Jews bad is like calling all Americans bad. I’m sorry, it’s just not true. Thank you very much. I enjoyed your reply. The other guy, not so much!

12f3ee  No.3384137

File: 482eca135c8801c⋯.jpg (244.38 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, marXwASrIGHT.jpg)

marx was right about the bourgeoisie the whole time

30605d  No.3384138


until Q confirms the clock by saying so in a crumb, they're cool graphics

I see too much stretching with most of the graphics

for exaple, pic1: you took the last two digits of a rt in /pf/ and a 43 in a crumb and the 43rd GA crumb, and made it correlate to a time

I still haven't been told why it can be a second or a minute timestamp either, that is a huge redflag for me

88c435  No.3384139

File: e089cc11f54c619⋯.png (494.99 KB, 588x509, 588:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c6db839147de2d⋯.png (569.93 KB, 588x486, 98:81, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ba0e7d00bfa7d2⋯.png (531.41 KB, 588x538, 294:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Cannot believe I ever went to ONE of his movies.


3a3ef2  No.3384140

File: c9d710ebebd0429⋯.png (158.5 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, pepe_potus_gun.png)



aeb54a  No.3384141


…God fucking dammit.

Thank you for pointing that out, Anon.

Never mind on the handoff offer.

This is why we can't have nice things.

3189b7  No.3384142


Clear blue here too. Not a wisp. Was it covert geoengineering? Seems to have stopped for months in our area.

2226c0  No.3384143

File: 08cdbdb5c8e7993⋯.png (5.21 MB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Q.png)

>>3383010 (lb)

Mirrored background image on that website http://www.slbavocats.ch/en/welcome/

cc2d08  No.3384144




>>3383753, >>3383761,

Keep rockin' it baker. And if you do run out of steam later, there's at least one baker lurking that can take it. I'll get my errand out of the way now (about an hour), then I'll be free the rest of the day.

f841c2  No.3384145

File: 0970d26c3275c5a⋯.png (429.3 KB, 394x591, 2:3, first-lady-statue-liberty.png)

0bb4fa  No.3384146


The streets will not be safe for her anywhere.

b3c535  No.3384147


Soon they will be afraid to walk the streets. America must be getting to hot for the baby eating bitch. Fleeing to one of the Jew strongholds. The UK. Soon the bitch will have to flee to Tel Aviv.

Bye bitch.

16d2d3  No.3384148

File: 9198e8818dbc6b2⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 719x578, 719:578, ea8bf9fcc70ad451ce1e4617cd….jpg)

e8c26f  No.3384149


Nah. it just how they spell things in an OS where most of the commands sound like digestive noises.

956d9d  No.3384150


muh balls was hot

110402  No.3384151


There is now a concrete storyline backed by irrefutable evidence: The FBI allowed itself to take political opposition research created by one party to defeat another in an election, treated it like actionable intelligence, presented it to the court as substantiated, and then used it to justify spying on an adviser for the campaign of that party's duly chosen nominee for president in the final days of a presidential election.



9c1140  No.3384152

File: 58f72c6d7fcfdf4⋯.png (196.33 KB, 456x440, 57:55, ClipboardImage.png)


when ever you see (pic), its AFLB

4399fd  No.3384153

File: 2694eaab9e1b2eb⋯.png (220.45 KB, 536x356, 134:89, 100.png)

e5f4ea  No.3384154



Why does that matter? Let me know, because it's boring around here now and I'd like to bake again.

c470c2  No.3384155

File: aaffa04a3a4ff12⋯.jpg (6.64 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20181007_134735.jpg)

The look on some of these runners faces was absolutely priceless.

Never give up Patriots!

Congrats to those anons that ran 26.2 in Chicago!

3d5e14  No.3384156

File: 2d8063a771e09f7⋯.png (764.4 KB, 1138x762, 569:381, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

03cfa6  No.3384157


Meng Hongwei? President of Interpol

Let me guess . . .

He was taking bribes to let criminals avoid arrest?

84a52b  No.3384158


My apologies; my words were very harsh and not meant for you, just for the rapists.

I hate these people. I hate them so much. I hate how they've shaped our lives and how they continue shaping it. I hope their death is tomorrow

fa1d58  No.3384159


It's called the Holy Spirit not "vibrations" you demonspawn and GOOD RIDDANCE, take your legion of demons with you!!!!!

4eae62  No.3384160

File: e8742050b9391bd⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 861x824, 861:824, week.jpg)

Just a thought

74713d  No.3384161

File: baa2a5514df3b91⋯.png (1.09 MB, 954x805, 954:805, Vj compilation.png)

muh Valerie Taking her down would be a BOOM

12f3ee  No.3384162

File: ee69b1f84ba4de4⋯.png (144.52 KB, 500x779, 500:779, us-is-an-anti-imperialist-….png)

d64dcf  No.3384163

File: 9315228c47f719d⋯.jpg (265.14 KB, 929x1181, 929:1181, marina abromovich high wit….jpg)

0aac0f  No.3384164


He da man!

3459ac  No.3384165

I am ready for midterms to be over. I am sick of the midterm narrative going on right now. What about FISA, what about RR, what about the docs, what about Iran, etc.

6899ca  No.3384166


Fungus has been teying to bake for several days now. BV saved us once. It was close. Thats why checking in with BV or BO keeps fungus out of our breads

e7d61f  No.3384167



c75483  No.3384168


Next year. Hahahaha

3a3ef2  No.3384169

File: 99f7bda2d067e66⋯.jpeg (39.75 KB, 570x494, 15:13, pink pussy hat Q.jpeg)

90d5e7  No.3384170

File: 59d192d7c71d7e5⋯.jpg (693.45 KB, 1729x2560, 1729:2560, 91drSBWk93L.jpg)

683b8d  No.3384171

File: 208284a69bc433d⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 255x144, 85:48, Qstorm.jpg)


So POTUS' weather Forecast here should read FRIDAY. Got it!

9c1140  No.3384172


UFC is pro-POTUS/America all day

great fight

like I said last night:

Connor fought like a bitch, Khabib fought and acted after the fight like a faggot

66fe5a  No.3384173


I don't know what it was all about. Mind control? Blocking out the skies? Changing the temperature of the planet for another species to be comfortable? Hopefully one day it will be disclosed to us.

1cbc58  No.3384174


POTUS taking down the Left! Kek!

a13de6  No.3384175

File: a67845cbcf2dec9⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DmXeM1iXoAAgyVR.jpg)



e4e613  No.3384176


Spitalfields, where she's looking at property, was where the Jack the Ripper hunted and killed. The more you know.

983e5e  No.3384177


And whenever there's someone super-triggered by the JQ, it usually means AFLB is around

90a010  No.3384178

File: 21cdf1b378445c2⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x455, 240:91, ClipboardImage.png)

110402  No.3384179


wasn't she attacked recently…

88e4eb  No.3384180


Do you have the VJ Power Matrix by itself?

efc960  No.3384181


>because it's boring around here now and I'd like to bake again.

Won't ever happen again unless you fool bakers

0d35bf  No.3384182


she can run- she can't hide

7ee084  No.3384183

did anons twat ROSEANNE BARR about valery Jarett?

(I did)


c75483  No.3384184


Anti Yeast Left Bitch

e5f4ea  No.3384185


2 days, actually, and I'm not hiding it. I want to bake.

e4e613  No.3384186


What is the narrative that (((they))) have queued up for after the midterms??

02bcdb  No.3384187

File: 4407628c6fc1035⋯.jpg (261.93 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Q jango.jpg)

ec383d  No.3384188



If any of you are WWEtards, please bring your Q signs to all live events. If they're checking in posters just bring a big sharpie and write it on the back of a normal poster during the show.

42d163  No.3384189


4fee0a  No.3384190



Take some friends with you

a91b60  No.3384191


oh man.

you need to remember what song closes out the rallies anon…

f38004  No.3384192

File: 8bcb3042dc47a3a⋯.jpeg (77.73 KB, 556x499, 556:499, 2527DBBA-EDC6-4851-836F-B….jpeg)

File: d733c05920b4db9⋯.jpeg (102.99 KB, 500x577, 500:577, FF3F86A7-5785-4AA6-B892-2….jpeg)

d9f264  No.3384193

File: 014296e67c5e701⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 230d5i.jpg)

File: fe5f883f8fb5e2e⋯.png (346.82 KB, 724x1054, 362:527, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)


No. It's right englishfag. American/Urban/rural verb phrase. To shit oneself. "To be so frightened as to lose control of one's bowels."

Discussed at length about Q post 570 in January.

93298b  No.3384194


[Charge is coming]

N and G definitely interchangeable

74e430  No.3384195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Satellite Timelapse Shows Liquefaction During Indonesia Earthquake

9c1140  No.3384196


there are two faggots that do nothing but whine about duh doo dhills

#1 has the pasta 'for newfags'

#2 has to stupid pics

possibly the same faggot hopping

12f3ee  No.3384197

File: dc8f9c7d9054959⋯.jpg (381 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, theENDjustifiestheMEMES.jpg)

what happens when you pull the twinkie out and put it back in

956d9d  No.3384198


i admit i hate the floor grappling love fests… but habib spanked him.

(and then definitely went off the rails… like VJ kicking the shit out of the constitution)

3189b7  No.3384199


The plan, the timing and the sequencing has been reasonably clear and logical for months. Yesterday a marker, DECLAS next, 11/6 another (ultra-necessary) marker, then the arrests begin.

It's not wave a magic wand and all will be well. It's the real world and a real war.

"Be patient" sounds ridiculous, but be patient.

c75483  No.3384200


Hunter Moon not marked on your calendar

fb8b56  No.3384201

File: 5862221d8d95b23⋯.png (1.02 MB, 595x840, 17:24, expos-truu-crime.PNG)

e69fb3  No.3384202

File: 13281cb111e10a7⋯.png (306.88 KB, 603x665, 603:665, 13281cb111e10a708180f2f278….png)

File: 5ddd80fa3380093⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 1411x801, 1411:801, 3ce9a2f9eca26fba1dbeacb17e….jpg)

File: 8dbefcd0b8a6b21⋯.jpg (167.81 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 8dbefcd0b8a6b215d406d73655….jpg)

TIME TO PUSH THE DECLASSIFY which is next in the plan

43d5b9  No.3384203

File: 1b3ad664e761653⋯.jpg (116.89 KB, 1676x493, 1676:493, Q29.JPG)

New Q

e7d61f  No.3384204

File: 6ac0bb46c2d5ed6⋯.png (212.65 KB, 1782x607, 1782:607, ClipboardImage.png)


You're doing it wrong kek.


4fee0a  No.3384205


Can’t always get what you want by the Rolling Stones

77f18f  No.3384206

File: 7431d2087b4e14f⋯.png (170.74 KB, 1739x528, 1739:528, ClipboardImage.png)

88e4eb  No.3384207

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 724x752, 181:188, A Dig.jpg)


Rosie's gone back to Rabbi Smooli (Mossad). She's lost to us, sadly.

0aac0f  No.3384208


That strange vibration is the rattling of her cell door as it slide's shut.

e5f4ea  No.3384209


Allies strafed the supply lines leading to the overrampent spread of Typhus - the leading cause of death near the end of WWII.

I've been a /pol/ack for years sweety I know it all.

49791d  No.3384210

File: a2a154f7da53b9e⋯.png (194.02 KB, 1073x495, 1073:495, ClipboardImage.png)

16d2d3  No.3384211

File: 092ee132d34870a⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 310x341, 10:11, cureflag.jpg)

3459ac  No.3384212

File: 32802097ac03c75⋯.gif (490.95 KB, 448x288, 14:9, crazy homer.gif)


It will probably look something like this…

eef079  No.3384213

File: b6a30259ff18635⋯.png (145.77 KB, 1556x453, 1556:453, q1p.png)


aeb54a  No.3384214

Notables Bun


>>3383558 Syria Update

>>3383617 Hungarian PM Orbán: Europe locked in “culture war”

>>3383630 DOD, USMC tweets re: new guided-missile destroyer

>>3383721 Economist John Williams: “The Fed is killing off the economy”

>>3383793 GOOG may face 3.3B British pounds bill for UK customers’ data breach

>>3383823 FBI redactions protected political embarrassment, not national security

>>3383925 Rose McGowan, Hollywood clown, turns on PoundMeToo movement: “all bullshit”

>>3384017 EU Council’s Tusk attacks Russia in angry speech

>>3384130 On Bolsheviks in Iran

9040f1  No.3384215


That's a strange starting position for a gulf storm. Seriously south stop sending your shitty hot air up north.

d0d66e  No.3384216

File: 024bb17c25e2217⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 576x380, 144:95, boomreagan.jpg)

For the memes…

5cbcf8  No.3384217

File: 1ba6bea37601622⋯.png (720.02 KB, 1472x1733, 1472:1733, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

c89a31  No.3384218

File: 4ff53ac1752f94b⋯.jpeg (184.4 KB, 750x579, 250:193, D43F4CC0-C9F9-48E9-8E6B-3….jpeg)


f38004  No.3384219



National Gaurd

6899ca  No.3384220


But the answer has been no… How many times will you ask? Because the answer is still no!

3a3ef2  No.3384221

File: ce3d3ca6d13d10f⋯.jpg (88.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8zWl891.jpg)



Babies are being eaten

Vote Republican

d3fad2  No.3384222

Valerie Jarrett > media company ATTN & Lyft> universities. Read this.


9b69e6  No.3384223

File: b2376b5cf892429⋯.png (110.03 KB, 488x488, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

4c4480  No.3384224

File: a52a0cd2254da42⋯.png (268.96 KB, 1076x761, 1076:761, pf359.png)

e0b1f0  No.3384225


PF ~ New Q.

Sorry can't cap.

d32b4c  No.3384226

File: 516d30094dba132⋯.png (486.91 KB, 771x444, 257:148, 2018-10-07_16-47-03.png)


Any better resolution of that pic on the wall?

16d2d3  No.3384227

Am I part alien if I have a very poor rate of passing the captcha exams?

12f3ee  No.3384228

File: 4d3c8f3db3a16fd⋯.png (147.53 KB, 500x648, 125:162, when-you-find-the-institut….png)

e5ac47  No.3384229


The Hill makes John Solomon report under the title “Opinion Contributor” … and he’s one of the only journos out there actually reporting the facts and getting closer to the truth.

fbbe7d  No.3384230


Leafie Leafie Leafie.

You are persistent.

661d28  No.3384231

File: 81542449d1f0013⋯.jpg (132.5 KB, 1042x482, 521:241, Screenshot_20181007-134351….jpg)

File: c8180310373f303⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 1080x1009, 1080:1009, Screenshot_20181007-134542….jpg)

Q is living rent free inside this man's head.


c0db22  No.3384232

File: 4a0f7536d483839⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 1304x705, 1304:705, godfather.jpg)

95ea08  No.3384233

File: 9c6ed99f024fc50⋯.png (258.38 KB, 1327x478, 1327:478, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

5cbcf8  No.3384235

File: 024c83fe774bf36⋯.png (717.87 KB, 1472x1733, 1472:1733, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….png)

16d2d3  No.3384236


You dared. Hmm

b3c535  No.3384237


Yeah me too. I want the arrest and the hangings to begin. It is like waiting for Christmas. Fucking takes forever to get here. Come on I want to open my presents. Jaret, Hillary, Obongo, Big Mike, Flake………hang them high.

154b13  No.3384238

File: 37bdee5729d449d⋯.jpg (122.2 KB, 619x850, 619:850, 172851.jpg)

316f46  No.3384239

Capitol Hill demands answers from Saudi Arabia on missing journalist feared dead

Members of Congress from both parties are demanding answers of Saudi Arabia's government regarding the disappearance of journalist and Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi.

Turkish authorities have determined Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, according to the Washington Post and others, by a team sent by Saudi Arabia.

Khashoggi is a prominent Saudi dissident who wrote for the Post’s Global Opinions section. He has been living in self-imposed exile in Washington.


8198f9  No.3384240

File: 95c68386fea06ea⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 255x235, 51:47, PLBest.jpg)


I am here Baker and can bake a few when you get ready to handoff.

e5f4ea  No.3384241


Or maybe ya'll just need to forgive me.

b8e30b  No.3384242







VERY VERY VERY Soon We Hope Q….!


f6d6f2  No.3384243


>Am I part alien if I have a very poor rate of passing the captcha exams?

Yes, you are from planet Illiterus.

d234bb  No.3384244



OBVIOUSLY a hit job to me.

60MPH+? More like 80MPH to kill 18ppl inside but no one was likely buckled up so that is a factor.

Emergency brake wasn't deployed?

Crashed into a fixed object (parked car)

Someone wanted someone on that limo good and DEAD.

I don't know if the 2001 Excursion is drive by wire though.

cd4e79  No.3384245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God bless patriots

3189b7  No.3384246


Rotweiler, patriot. Go get 'em.

4fb752  No.3384247

File: 7fc9eb0c35d3478⋯.jpeg (662.5 KB, 1442x1871, 1442:1871, E013A276-94E2-452E-A297-C….jpeg)

Q post #359

da1030  No.3384248

File: 6e46035ac5ae564⋯.jpg (131.01 KB, 750x512, 375:256, skinnydippingmoonlight.jpg)

File: c3430b76074e396⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 907x491, 907:491, PatriotsNoSkinColor10.jpg)

File: 5951dc8c2bd933d⋯.jpg (88.72 KB, 898x572, 449:286, PatriotsNoSkinColor30.jpg)

File: 28b4053df8cf60d⋯.jpg (179.81 KB, 662x877, 662:877, QProofPatriotsNoSkinColor.jpg)

File: a3acb2f684f7f84⋯.jpg (61.79 KB, 465x461, 465:461, FrogSkinColor.jpg)

77f18f  No.3384249

File: 4260a289c07f6e2⋯.png (69.01 KB, 1043x839, 1043:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5782330f4fff83e⋯.png (30.59 KB, 1038x490, 519:245, ClipboardImage.png)

Pg 294

29f9e2  No.3384250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3459ac  No.3384251


12f3ee  No.3384253

File: 893107c102d3663⋯.jpg (550.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_2611.JPG)

16d2d3  No.3384254

File: c29ab226af28b49⋯.jpg (74.76 KB, 573x328, 573:328, iur.jpg)

a13de6  No.3384255

File: abc55ab50ff2ae6⋯.png (76.57 KB, 339x291, 113:97, forewarned.png)


>Marina Abramovic is moving to London

d7b2b8  No.3384256

File: 042702ecad49837⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 500x666, 250:333, GETSOME.jpg)


because the c[]a has been at the reigns for the better part of a century and effectively combined the deep seeded financial cabal with modern bad actors hungry for power money and evil.

the only way you can keep that whole bullshit alive is my controlling one way or another every form of every government on earth, and drug trade to fund it.

the only people not under the wrath of the c[]a were working with them, either out of threat money power or just being all around pieces of shit themselves.

same thing you see in any major gangs or prisons, the heads of all the "sworn" enemies are all on a first name basis, do business together, and when no ones looking best believe youll see the top tier skin heads niggers and Mexicans (and theyre sworn Mexican enemies) ALL working hand in hand, laughing even.

just like the corrupt as fuck laywers and law enforcement in my home town.

I had to write a statement to jail staff to be ALLOWED to plead GUILTY. the prosecutor AND "my" own "public defender" would not let me, and actively "colluded" against me.

that's what happens when you stick the offense and defense in the same floors of the same buildings with the same boss and the same friends and the same paycheck coming from the same people.

clowns also had a direct hand in placing me in the system before I was even ever a drug addict then criminal.


a91b60  No.3384258


her mind is all twisted in a knot.

makes her funny.

also makes her completely unreliable.

e7d61f  No.3384259

File: e4668a722156344⋯.png (279.81 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, ClipboardImage.png)



Confiscated from Comey's office after the shitcanning…

4399fd  No.3384260

File: c81f2a21fa681bf⋯.png (430.87 KB, 437x613, 437:613, 155.png)

File: 77a4ed3162868a8⋯.png (330.53 KB, 891x500, 891:500, 156.png)

Intel inside?


The cult color codes are

Green Forrest = "I am your plant"

Yellow Sunshine= "Gold/Reward"

Blue Ocean= "Info/Surveillance"

Red Fire= "Anger/Smear"

Orange Sunset= "End this now"

d9f264  No.3384261


Prolly starts Tuesday as Monday is a holiday….

02bcdb  No.3384262



digital truth graffiti

d0d66e  No.3384263

File: 5ab18082b57b9d2⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 265x180, 53:36, killary2.jpg)

d59c28  No.3384264

9cb52d  No.3384265




4fee0a  No.3384267


That must still have those tiny chips in them that Hillary Clinton owns the patent and manufactured in China

484d17  No.3384268




When a teacher overreacts and yells at the whole class because of a bad reason. Comes from "chode rage".

296b86  No.3384269

File: 4039e46456a5746⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 1920x1151, 1920:1151, Bolsonaro17.jpg)

"Trump of Brazil" holds a heathy lead in today's Presidential Election.

Jair Bolsonaro leads as Brazil goes to vote:

Ex-paratrooper has lead of 15 points over closest Presidential rival, Fernando Haddad

Image: Jair Bolsonaro prepares to cast his vote during the general elections, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Sunday.

Photograph: Mauro Pimentel/AFP/Getty Images

Rede Globo is the Fake News agency in Brazil that uses the exact same tactics against Bolsonaro as CNN and the MSM uses against Trump. The MSM refers to Bolsonaro as a "far-right" populist. He is certainly is not far-right. He is just right and a patriot at that.

9c1140  No.3384270


most of that isn't new anon

its from the IG report

8dbc37  No.3384271


Ughhh I can only take so many thrashings.

16d2d3  No.3384272


Knew it.

4f814a  No.3384274


>crime against children

They have it all. Now comes the pain.

e5f4ea  No.3384275


I'll ask until the Lie falls.

12f3ee  No.3384276

File: 3272d6b95ecd12e⋯.jpg (262.59 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, IMG_2673.JPG)

f38004  No.3384277

File: aac3286548b188e⋯.jpeg (233.29 KB, 500x1858, 250:929, D10B4787-C10C-4948-BD3D-5….jpeg)

359 patriotsfight

c0db22  No.3384278


The meeting where we discussed emails tat depict all kind of sick acts with children? That meeting? Yeah sorry I cannot recall it taking place

88e4eb  No.3384279

File: e0c52c613958f59⋯.png (123.37 KB, 696x422, 348:211, AQ2.PNG)

File: 676c08d1a884d38⋯.png (134.46 KB, 628x446, 314:223, AQ4.PNG)


Page 294, A and B.

4f2f67  No.3384280


Worth a cross reference of drop #1552?

da1030  No.3384282

File: 1c78350cd84eb4e⋯.jpg (269.89 KB, 1698x728, 849:364, 2018-10-07 20:51:26Z.jpg)


Clinton Foundation.

Crimes against children.

>Crimes against children.

<Crimes against children.

Crimes against children

a9d77c  No.3384283


pic from halfChan


b3c535  No.3384284

File: 622fc26eeb683ee⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 800x449, 800:449, 2jluid.jpg)

Give her two weeks.

9040f1  No.3384285

File: 23d4ba66f665e85⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 968x645, 968:645, 264891602-marina-abramovic….jpg)


>Marina Abramovic is moving to London

The 71-year-old self-styled “gypsy nomad” has been based in New York for the past 17 years, but is coming to London next year and has her eye on a property in Spitalfields.

She told ES Magazine: “There is a very strange vibration and energy in New York right now.

“It’s interesting, since Trump is president, my work is more in Europe and Asia. I really love London right now.


She thinks she is going to be safe there

3f9f9e  No.3384286


he IS our Superman

37ea16  No.3384287

File: eb0b348c74eae83⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 496x410, 248:205, spongebob-nobody-cares-mem….jpg)

ccd266  No.3384288

Heads up. Q edited the post from CHAGE to CHANGR.

16d2d3  No.3384289

File: 5b51d8e150b6d45⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 272x147, 272:147, 6d3d36923c4415d40a68dadd5a….jpg)

a91b60  No.3384290


nice drop anon!

0610f7  No.3384291



74713d  No.3384292


Let's not let our desire for vengeance interfere with the execution of the plan. BTW, methinks she had a chance and now its [Valerie]

1cbc58  No.3384294

Is that Fox screenshot from today?

c0db22  No.3384295

It's funny/not funny but it seems that the lynchpin that's bringing the entire stack of dominos down is ANTHONY FUCKIN WEINER!!

His pervy catfishing of minors is what will take down the cabal world wide!

You can't make this shit up

d9efeb  No.3384296

So do we have to vote republican now to get arrests?

c320d4  No.3384297


reality TV, watch Big Brother that has been watching you.

Based on a fake story.

98408b  No.3384299


>crime against children

Bloody brilliant. You had a month of #metoo screaming about fake assault, and now the real thing against CHILDREN is being rolled out, and they all seem to turn their heads.

88e4eb  No.3384300


Coleman told us that he kept regularly took notes in a journal. Coleman’s

notes from October 4 contained the following entry:

(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]

(2) [Unrelated]

(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit

9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop

Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails

Hillary Clinton & Foundation

Crime Against Children

We asked Coleman about these notes and he told us that, given their placement in

his notebook, the notes would most likely represent information he was briefed on

first thing in the morning by his subordinates in the Criminal Investigative Division.

Coleman stated that he may have passed this information to other FBI executives

after the morning briefing with the Director, but he could not remember if that

occurred here.

Comey told us that he did not recall the briefing by Coleman reflected in his

calendar. We asked Comey if this briefing could have been the time in early

October that he recalled being told about the connection between Midyear and the

Weiner investigation. Comey stated:

It’s possible, possible this is what is knocking around in the back of my

head, but I really, see I know the frailty of memory from having done

a lot of this work, at least in my memory it’s much more of an informal

than a meeting about it, but it’s possible.

We showed Coleman’s notes from October 4 to Comey. Comey did not recall being

briefed on the information contained in the notes. When asked about Coleman,

Comey said he “thought very highly of him” and described him as a “straight


We asked Comey if this information was something that he likely would have

“put out of his mind” after being informed of it in early October. Comey responded,

“I don’t think so unless, unless the way it was passed to me was with some, you

don’t need to do anything. We’re doing, we’re running it down or something.

Something that pushed it down on my priority list.”

When asked if he recalled this meeting between Coleman and Comey, Rybicki

stated that he did not. Bowdich told us that it is possible that he would have been

at this meeting between Comey and Coleman, but he had no recollection of it.

McCabe continued to be on travel and was not in Washington, D.C., on October 4.

983e5e  No.3384301

File: 080c41c7cd686a3⋯.jpeg (65.34 KB, 594x464, 297:232, fullsizeoutput_140f.jpeg)

ccd266  No.3384303


CHANGE dammit

a13de6  No.3384304


She'll not be safe there

f38004  No.3384305

File: 1081d6ebc9df2d7⋯.jpeg (501.78 KB, 383x4512, 383:4512, 02B488D4-2E76-4F90-A061-D….jpeg)

All patriotsfight Super Sunday drops


9c1140  No.3384306


KEK I think you ad a typo anon

its chage to change

and no shit

aeb54a  No.3384308

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






84a52b  No.3384309

File: b51d9a310cd15e3⋯.jpeg (831.84 KB, 750x1103, 750:1103, 7D588D6C-D28D-42E4-AAC0-4….jpeg)


This is hard & i've only been awake for 1 year

It's tough to imagine the decades of suffering patriots have had to go through

Soon they will have to answer for what they've done

Soon we will have our justice.

Soon we will have created the change


b8e30b  No.3384310

File: 9c03f9163dfd196⋯.png (655.7 KB, 1448x1606, 724:803, ClipboardImage.png)

98408b  No.3384312


>“There is a very strange vibration and energy in New York right now.

Yeah, it's your witchcraft having no effect.

fbbe7d  No.3384313

File: f934ad4f83447cf⋯.jpeg (199.17 KB, 1163x436, 1163:436, 69B2BE81-3D74-4B0C-B190-1….jpeg)

pic related

744bfd  No.3384316



these are posts by complete assholes

not patriots

not anons

911b50  No.3384317

e5ac47  No.3384318

File: 2bc6aeb1d20d55e⋯.jpeg (491.63 KB, 1408x1191, 1408:1191, 1DE5670F-BE82-4F7F-827D-1….jpeg)

Brazilian voters push “17” for Bolsonaro.

4f814a  No.3384319



DOCUMENTARY: Donald Trump At War: Battle of 2018 Mid Term Elections, A Nation Awakens


140422  No.3384320

US recalls Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Panama diplomats

Sep. 07, 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has recalled its envoys to the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Panama after decisions by those nations to cut ties with Taiwan in favor of diplomatic relations with China.

The State Department says it has called back Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Robin Bernstein, Ambassador to El Salvador Jean Manes, and Charge d’Affaires in Panama Roxanne Cabral “to discuss ways in which the United States can support strong, independent, democratic institutions and economies throughout Central America and the Caribbean.”

While the United States formally recognizes only China, it remains a close Taiwanese ally and maintains a de facto embassy in the island’s capital, Taipei.

Taiwan is now left with just 17 diplomatic allies as China ratchets up pressure on the island’s government to endorse Beijing’s “one-China” principle.



b0f946  No.3384322

Fuck right off, psycho bitch. From, Britanon >>3384285

8dbc37  No.3384323


Madonna fled to Portugal, now Abramovic is fleeing to the UK.

Wonderful. The witches are being expunged.

98408b  No.3384324


We need to make sure that British Fight and others have our help for their cleanup.

Also, Canada, where I am. We need a barium sweep like on Star Trek.

cc2d08  No.3384326


>I want to bake.

>I want

>I want

>I want

>I want

>I want

>I want

What a creep.

7298fa  No.3384327


Don't forget trying to get that memo unredacted. That fell down the memory hole.

d0d66e  No.3384331


the weakest link in their chain?

ba0c74  No.3384332


And Trump admin doesn't charge her with anything?

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