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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 329ad23b4631297⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2232x1256, 279:157, AnniversaryBig.png)

eb9b5a  No.3343175

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Thurdsay 10.04.18

>>3337560 rt >>3337502 -————————– Are you ready to be part of history?

>>3337502 rt >>3337425 -————————– Memes ready?

>>3337425 ———-----------------------------——– Anons Ready?

>>>/patriotsfight/339 ——————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )

>>>/patriotsfight/338 ——————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )

>>>/patriotsfight/337 ——————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )

>>>/patriotsfight/336 ——————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )

>>>/patriotsfight/335 ——————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )

>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ -——————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )

>>>/patriotsfight/333 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )

>>3331903 rt >>3331878 -————————– We do try.

>>>/patriotsfight/332 ——————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 -——————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )

>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 -——————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )

>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )

>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.

Wednesday 10.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/328 ——————————— It takes time to reach the public domain. ( Cap: >>3322970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/327 rt /pf/324 -——————- Read Carefully. Sessions tomorrow [doc related] ( Cap: >>3322218 )

>>>/patriotsfight/326 ——————————— Tensions Flaring ( Cap: >>3318349 )

>>>/patriotsfight/325 rt /pf/324 -——————- Enjoy the show! ( Cap: >>3318267 )

>>>/patriotsfight/324 rt /pf/267 -——————- What a wonderful day ( Cap: >>3317922 )

>>3317104 ———-----------------------------——– [Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]

>>>/patriotsfight/323 ——————————— Sessions meeting Huber.. What are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>3315937 )

>>>/patriotsfight/322 ——————————— What a wonderful day. ( Cap: >>3315505, >>3316304 )

>>>/patriotsfight/321 ——————————— Ford herself coached by the C_A? ( Cap: >>3307739, >>3307756 )

Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3310187 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

eb9b5a  No.3343185


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3320655 , >>3320771 Suggestion that we use the old CBTS image for the General on Oct 5th (Up to you, bakers)

( >>3321050, >>3320601, >>3320610 )

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3342274 VIPanon's account of an encounter with POTUS about Q

>>3342340 DARPA wants to use insects to spread viruses (to "save crops")

>>3342586 ZuckerFB foundation research in coral reefs being cancer free

>>3342601, >>3342627 Judiciary releases Exec Summary of FBI Kav report

>>3342799 Thirteen States investigating Catholic Church for pedophilia/coverup

>>3342802, >>3342855, >>3343103 Kav/Ford witness, Leland Keyser, pressured to change testimony

>>3343148 US and allies coordinated Russia Hacking accusations? Anon presents synopsis

>>3343164 #4235


>>3341392 Regional cellular networks disrupted after POTUS Alert message

>>3341476 NXIVM players think it's a game

>>3341567 "Intrusion Truth" group doxxing Chinese Hackers

>>3341495 Anon digs to show Clinton ties to China go way back

>>3341564 "Bolsoaro" is "Trump" in Brazilian Portuguese

>>3341784 Grassley bitchslaps Ford's Obstructionist Lawyers again

>>3341857 Yemeni Amb asks Russia/US to urge Iranian-backed Houthis to join Peace Talks

>>3341873 Soros Moveon.org threatens "Direct Action" in DC re: Kav nomination

>>3341894, >>3341918 Sen Daines (R-Montana) will be there to vote for Kav, "as needed."

>>3341887, >>3341585, >>3341500 Planefag updates

>>3342134 Lawyer for Clinton campaign and DNC gave FBI documents for Russia probe

>>3342146 #4234


>>3340676 Bongino tweet about 'the storm'

>>3340618 From anon, To Republican senators and representatives who are here

>>3340728, >>3340859 DiFi China dealings from 1997

>>3340995, >>3341064 CTBS History: the first time the OP Pic was not numbered was #39 (6 to 38 were)

>>3340644 Qclock: Misspellings Matter

>>3341171 Grassley Repeats Request of Katz, Bromwich, Banks to Provide Evidence Cited, Reported But Never Provided to Committee

>>3341233 #4233


>>3339777 Oct 3, 2018: Sessions boasts about federal prosecutors now "running up the score against the criminals"

>>3339792 Q's timestamp (IN PDT ONLY) connects to 18 USC 2712

>>3339840 Federal ballot link for overseas anons

>>3339876 18 USC 2712

>>3340242 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3340463 #4232


>>3339085 As Kavanaugh vote looms, GOP Sen. Daines says he's going to daughter's wedding

>>3339088 Flake digz

>>3339112 FB's VP likes Justice K

>>3339353 Body Language: FBI Report Dianne Feinstein & Chuck Schumer Press Conference

>>3339361 Chelsea Clinton’s IAC Stock Is Now Worth More Than $6 Million

>>3339367 We broke the posts per minute record anons! (34 posts/minute)

>>3339155 Daines tells Don Jr. that he has the vote covered.

>>3339486 Red October Graphic

>>3339536 Video of Trump saying CBTS

>>3339617 #4231


>>3338331 Clinton's ties to SA (1993)

>>3338442 Orrin Hatch Shoos Away Unhinged Mob, Tells Them to “Grow Up” – Then Waves Bye-Bye!

>>3338533 POTUS Schedule for tomorrow

>>3338578 Wisconsin Man Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison for Producing Child Pornography

>>3338660 Unsealed Indictments in the news today

>>3338859 #4230

#4229 Baker Change

>>3337962 Russia Spotted 21 Foreign Spy Jets Near Border Over Past Week

>>3337983 Law school dean resigns after his writings spark backlash

>>3338099 #4229

Previously Collected Notables

>>3337370 #4228

>>3335083 #4225, >>3335829 #4226, >>3336593 #4227

>>3332808 #4222, >>3333571 #4223, >>3334360 #4224

>>3330543 #4219, >>3331274 #4220, >>3332022 #4221

>>3328278 #4216, >>3329009 #4217, >>3329774 #4218

>>3325929 #4213, >>3326653 #4214, >>3327500 #4215

>>3323549 #4210, >>3324313 #4211, >>3325077 #4212

>>3321238 #4207, >>3322086 #4208, >>3322799 #4209

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

eb9b5a  No.3343189

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>3336631

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

eb9b5a  No.3343192

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - —-: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

eb9b5a  No.3343199

Dough #4236


Dough changes:

Added notables

Retired #4228 to previous notables

Baker will keep this dough updated periodically, so if a new baker starts, this link will be the correct dough and updated with any announced notables.

Normal midshift baker (me) will NOT be here tomorrow morning

Bakers, please make arrangements to cover for this time slot tomorrow

bc9dbe  No.3343208

File: 37587e06edb46c9⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 960x598, 480:299, IMG_5026.JPG)

File: 0458fcdbce8b45f⋯.jpg (117.94 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, IMG_5027.JPG)

File: 273f9b5cefa3bc9⋯.jpg (79.28 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_5038.JPG)

File: 3dfae3f8cb11e57⋯.jpg (199.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_5044.JPG)

12 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?”

7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, times and half a time.[b] When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.”

8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?”

9 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.



13 “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”

69bf2d  No.3343216

File: 7ba23ed8f1aa876⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1108x1328, 277:332, pepeastro1.png)



not sure what will happen for the graveyard

maybe get a new baker to try it out, I'll do my best to get us to the night shift

thanks baker

0eb1e0  No.3343218

File: 74370e5f3f35157⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 996x607, 996:607, BestPOTUS.jpg)

File: dc9185b7171a9a8⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 197x255, 197:255, highestranking.jpg)

File: 955952afa2d75dc⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Freedom on watch.jpg)

69bf2d  No.3343219


meant: through the night shift (to graveyard)

7fc56d  No.3343220

File: f4de7f7f9f3745a⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1182x1512, 197:252, C30EC49F-20CF-4C61-96B6-1D….png)

c8a98d  No.3343221

I just red-pilled an American Friend from NY, and (as I found out) a Trump hater! He sent me a video mocking Trump, told him I love Trump, while living in The Netherlands!

He tried to convince me about how he is disgusting and scum! I then started telling him all details regarding American Politics, and described all details about what was going on.

He was stunned by my knowledge of current events in the US, while I've never set foot in the US, ever! So he started asking questions.

That's when I knew he was genuinely interested!

I guess it's easier as a foreigner to explain factual details on US Politics, when never having set foot there, cause I did my research! So, That made it easier to red pill him. floored by all the details I knew did the trick!

Very Satisfying to be able to help from the other side of the world, I just hope our Swamp will be drained fast too! But, thanks to POTUS I have hope! And I know you guys will help us too!


415dca  No.3343222

File: 33fdd33a6c8967d⋯.png (512.23 KB, 868x680, 217:170, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 65c3098e72c77f4⋯.png (575.76 KB, 879x697, 879:697, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)


reposting from last bread

she's throwing out signals


second time she has worn that specific bird dress recently


258650  No.3343223

File: 3713cd1c9187913⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 419x680, 419:680, 111.jpg)



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e5e78e No.1768636

Jun 16 2018 00:02:16 (EST)



437d5f  No.3343224

File: 80cc4e1d39df7fd⋯.jpg (200.47 KB, 735x489, 245:163, THANK YOU BAKER.jpg)

f5758d  No.3343226

File: 19446b1538d066f⋯.png (102.46 KB, 446x580, 223:290, 19446b1538d066f19efcaf348b….png)

508fd7  No.3343228

File: 3de5e5253d30001⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 3de5e5253d300016ee6fc52121….jpg)

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 3ce5b82711d54670c6b8e065e0….jpg)



>kvetching intensifies

c1c1f5  No.3343229

6f810a  No.3343232

I thought Obama was hitting the campaign trail for Dems? I find last speech Sept 21. Michelle is hitting the trail harder than he is…Sept 23, 28, 29 & 30… so where is Obama?

8f6d9e  No.3343233

File: 9883d3ca621ef66⋯.jpeg (75.08 KB, 500x636, 125:159, image.jpeg)

f4c7a7  No.3343234

File: 038d77a782f3f92⋯.png (7.31 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 1484047980416.png)


Good work Dutchanon. You're up early (or late?)

4cc260  No.3343235


Thanks, Netheranon!

dd8821  No.3343236

File: dd221de1c75e669⋯.jpg (120.09 KB, 750x600, 5:4, IMG_3248.JPG)

a12971  No.3343237


>people who value a foreigners opinion over their own countrymen

I sure have met that type before, good job anon.

4284ff  No.3343240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ee4d31  No.3343243


Good question. Antarctica with John Kerry and the real Hillary?

52121d  No.3343244

File: 430bbe76de80325⋯.png (4.8 MB, 2176x1420, 544:355, aaaaaaacm.png)

Thank you baker!

Acorn clusters to the heroes…

253fc1  No.3343246

Not sure if yall have realized this yet

Alice- is the collective conscious of humanity which is controlled by the msm narrative.

White Rabbit - symbolizes love peace and harmony

Wonderland - is this false world that has been pulled over our eyes to convince us to hate each other.

When Alice (9) awakens our world will change very quickly and we will once again be free

624837  No.3343247



551d36  No.3343248


Who cares about opinions?

Truth is what we are trying to share.

If I hear the truth from anyone I should endeavor to receive it, be it from my immediate neighbor, or my neighbor across the world.

9e4171  No.3343250


makes my heart comfy…

thank you Netheranon

16ffa4  No.3343251

We changed back to the sunset image?

3f7a60  No.3343252

File: 71043922e0077a9⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 900_515143gpCU_dead-donkey….jpg)

Here ya go baker…cake

0c8978  No.3343254


9e6d40  No.3343257

File: 1af373b4b3591da⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 641x530, 641:530, MotherofGodPepe.jpg)


I don't know what to think about this

dd8821  No.3343259

File: 25362a38341c235⋯.jpeg (126.21 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, 4507FB35-2E02-42F2-A3FA-1….jpeg)

Did we rob the fake Jews yet honey bunny

That's my favorite part of the homoerotic zombie movie

f06f02  No.3343260

File: c456eab731c311b⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2556x1350, 142:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6b9f139f18efe4⋯.png (165.64 KB, 1228x656, 307:164, ClipboardImage.png)

this whole fan bingbing shit is so wild lmao



5d5b05  No.3343261

A tad late but what the hell

Q: "roget" typo or no?

c2f8cd  No.3343262


She should go see a doctor about that.

31db82  No.3343263

File: 1255d8855df1e4d⋯.png (40.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

3b4636  No.3343264

File: cd500a8b2cdcc4e⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1188x726, 18:11, FLOTUS Elephant Orphanage ….PNG)

a12971  No.3343266


jesus christ, lighten up Francis.

exchange opinion for truth if it unwedges your panties.

the statement stands.

00d1da  No.3343268

>>3343150 lb

just read Nevada's biggest export trading partner is Switzerland, ((they)) are buying up the gold

774d14  No.3343269


Hearing they do not want him. Seems to be a common theme. Think he will hurt more than help. Remember, most States are red.

91d269  No.3343270

File: e6b668e33ea8a9e⋯.jpeg (23.32 KB, 306x463, 306:463, 8BAB211B-0DF7-4D23-A00B-B….jpeg)

File: 9f4abdd60c5804a⋯.jpeg (26.3 KB, 255x199, 255:199, AD5F11B0-78CB-4470-914D-E….jpeg)

File: 0bf07737705baaf⋯.jpeg (107.03 KB, 500x633, 500:633, D513D785-E89B-49ED-868A-F….jpeg)

File: b0e41816f81f61e⋯.png (238.81 KB, 500x796, 125:199, F3072829-D617-41A7-A9E2-F4….png)

c8a98d  No.3343271


Still up since yesterday!!

LOL, I'm living freaking US timezone hours! 11 months since first Q post, I don't get sleep, and doing my duty as a woke DutchAnon, If we don't get the US on track, how can we expect to get this swamp here in EU on track!!


VECHT VECHT VECHT (Fight, Fight, Fight)

Ps. Wish I has a MAGA hat to annoy the shit out of the Leftists here, though!

ee7d03  No.3343273


typo , edited , deleted; see caps in OP

4cc260  No.3343275

Russia cyber-plots: US, UK and Netherlands allege hacking

article from >>338

"Russian spies have been accused of involvement in a series of cyber-plots across the globe, leading the US to level charges against seven agents.

The US justice department said targets included the global chemical weapons watchdog, anti-doping agencies and a

US nuclear company.

The allegations are part of an organised push-back against alleged Russian cyber-attacks around the world.

Russia earlier dismissed the allegations as "Western spy mania"."


253fc1  No.3343276


Alice (9) is most powerful when people know the truth

Right now everyone has their own idea of of how the world works, which makes individuals easier to decieve.

Remember there is only one truth.

Trust you gut and follow your heart (like kanye said) and the lord will lead you to the ultimate truth.

69bf2d  No.3343278



doing God's work anon!

POTUS and the USA are trying to help, but the cabal is incredibly entrenched in Europe

its their HQ imo

d84a6f  No.3343280


LAS VEGAS was done by the same assholes who did 9/11!

d5fa19  No.3343281

File: 4fddc7352ac0129⋯.png (57.38 KB, 1149x540, 383:180, Friend_of_Dr._Ford_Felt_Pr….png)

>>3342802 LB

By Natalie Andrews,

Rebecca Ballhaus and

Sadie Gurman

Oct. 5, 2018 12:52 a.m. ET

A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh, which she later updated to say that she believed but couldn’t corroborate Dr. Ford’s account, according to people familiar with the matter.

Leland Keyser, who Dr. Ford has said was present at the gathering where she was allegedly assaulted in the 1980s, told investigators that Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement, the people said.

The statement to the FBI offers a glimpse into how Dr. Ford’s allies were working behind the scenes to lobby old classmates to bolster their versions of the alleged incident, as were Judge Kavanaugh’s.

Judge Kavanaugh, whose Supreme Court nomination will be debated in the Senate Friday, has denied the allegations of sexual misconduct.

On Thursday, a day after sending to the White House the report on its investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, the FBI sent the White House and Senate an additional package of information that included text messages from Ms. McLean to Ms. Keyser, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Ms. McLean’s lawyer, David Laufman, said in a statement: “Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false.”

Ms. Keyser’s lawyer on Sept. 23 said in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that she had no recollection of attending a party with Judge Kavanaugh, whom she said she didn’t know. That same day, however, she told the Washington Post that she believed Dr. Ford. On Sept. 29, two days after Dr. Ford and the judge testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Ms. Keyser’s attorney sent a letter to the panel saying his client wasn’t refuting Dr. Ford’s account and that she believed it but couldn’t corroborate it.

4cc260  No.3343282

>>3343275 - >>338

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/04/18 (Thu) 15:57:57 No.338







16ffa4  No.3343283


Nobody can find the bread in the catalog because the image was changed.

79bd51  No.3343284

File: 4d142a3214da7cd⋯.jpeg (20 KB, 480x480, 1:1, damn.jpeg)

dd8821  No.3343285

File: e9ecf71b868814f⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 640x800, 4:5, IMG_3172.JPG)

Grandpa memefag

Why were the peanut butters forcing muhrussia with muhjooskikeshills during the meme war

c8a98d  No.3343286


>people who value a foreigners opinion over their own countrymen

It's not that, it's the fact I know more then they do, while not living in the US, that makes my red-pilling more credible. They resist less! I use this constantly on Twat too, saying: I wish he was my President. Etc

Apparently that does make them think harder and resist less, coming from a foreigner

fdff98  No.3343287

File: e4d91d58e1ec01a⋯.png (767.1 KB, 819x442, 63:34, ClipboardImage.png)

526dfc  No.3343288

File: 027d3382ae843d8⋯.png (276.03 KB, 1395x679, 1395:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47dda35eb54fa94⋯.png (139.13 KB, 720x730, 72:73, ClipboardImage.png)

The WAR is REAL.

We are at WAR [@].


''I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001, and, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), I intend to utilize the following statutes: sections 123, 123a, 527, 2201(c), 12006, and 12302 of title 10, United States Code, and sections 331, 359, and 367 of title 14, United States Code.'


Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order declaring a national emergency to deal with the threat of foreign interference in United States elections and authorizing the United States Government to impose a range of appropriate and meaningful sanctions against foreign individuals and entities determined to have engaged in election interference.

The Executive Order further directs the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury to develop additional recommended sanctions measures, appropriately calibrated to account for the severity of the interference and any collateral effects on United States and allied financial stability and economic and security interests, targeting companies in significant economic sectors in a country whose government is determined to have engaged in or sponsored election interference.

I am enclosing a copy of the Executive Order I have issued.



ee7d03  No.3343289


that is when reading comes into play

7fc56d  No.3343291

File: eb428ccf07e870d⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 651x863, 651:863, 38713671_1911882898846935_….jpg)

437d5f  No.3343292

you got it now, carry on


d478f0  No.3343293

We need to get a good chant going at the next POTUS rally.

How about #WeBelieveQ. Its got a good cadence for chanting, and the Q also sounds like (You).

I think a crowd of pedes validating Q to Trumps face would help give him strength to do what needs to be done.

6f810a  No.3343294



I crashed out for a few hours during Q's drops earlier. Roget? missing r? did he identify this typo?

a12971  No.3343296


So we agree.

69bf2d  No.3343297



you mean you and others who don't know what going on can't

we've been saying it for days, its a global notable

1st anniversary of the phrase, so bakers decided to do it

this isn't that hard, it says the title

come on

5d5b05  No.3343298


Got it. Thanks anon

c8a98d  No.3343299

File: dd0635fc0ff30f0⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 848x960, 53:60, dd0635fc0ff30f08e43a44714b….jpg)


LOL, never heard the "NetherAnon"before

I call myself DutchPatriot!

3b4636  No.3343300


> I just hope our Swamp will be drained fast too! But, thanks to POTUS I have hope! And I know you guys will help us too!

I believe many US anon will stay involved [even after resolution here in the US] until there is freedom WW

31db82  No.3343302



c43878  No.3343304

File: 189cd7591138264⋯.jpg (31.38 KB, 361x557, 361:557, baker8.JPG)

Ok, this bread seems fucked up…….. So…. BEWBS…..

437d5f  No.3343305


Democrats are undercover commie bitches, sounds like you are finally waking up

0733a6  No.3343306


Have to admit it got me at first as well. Out here on the west coast knew it was coming, but didn't even think the day switched on the east coast since midnight was a few hours away still out here.

69bf2d  No.3343307


excited, R's down the ballot

3b227b  No.3343308


Apparently this alleged "Nobody" has any clue about little things, like history, and these "Nobodies" don't belong here.

9e4171  No.3343309

File: 270bc5faf3f5fe7⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 468x684, 13:19, kristieswanson.JPG)

File: f27079dc33d5de2⋯.jpg (12.98 KB, 200x271, 200:271, kristy_swanson11.jpg)

80s cat fight!


16ffa4  No.3343310



You're right. My bad. Slow is great for me.

f86126  No.3343311


Third graders and their damn picture books

20b999  No.3343312


Seems there are a lot of dutchanons active!

Goed werk !

We arr not falling fir the russia narrative and will speak out for our believes.


8212b4  No.3343313

File: 21cfcb4c4928cdc⋯.png (33.05 KB, 628x316, 157:79, 21cfcb4c4928cdcf00fe23c29b….png)

16ffa4  No.3343314


Absolutely. You are right.

69bf2d  No.3343315


EDT nigga

3f7a60  No.3343316

File: 3f7ddead30b4a45⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 556x512, 139:128, bobbin_bewbsNbacon.jpg)


That's BACON!

91d269  No.3343317

File: 2e289abf5a35c2c⋯.jpeg (23.72 KB, 236x213, 236:213, C6C868BA-37B5-4F50-B0FA-A….jpeg)


Win some you lose some.

A for effort and originality.

Now take the leaves off rub those puppies in baby oil and lets try that again…


ab4c69  No.3343318


Cloture tomorrow. Final vote will be Saturday.

4cc260  No.3343319


Plus you aren't as threatening to them as US anons. If we try that, they instantly get their partisan back up and resist. They have been brainwashed into that behavior.

69bf2d  No.3343320

>>3320655 , >>3320771 Suggestion that we use the old CBTS image for the General on Oct 5th (Up to you, bakers)

( >>3321050, >>3320601, >>3320610 )

59d5bf  No.3343321

File: f7aba6bf42d0388⋯.jpg (152.68 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 2018-09-11 15.35.45.jpg)


So habbening right now!

258650  No.3343323

FFS. 2nd Bread posting.


SEE: >>258650




^^^There's (another) confirmation.


79bd51  No.3343324

Image didn't confuse me and moldy breads usually get locked don't they? It's just odd tonight.

c8a98d  No.3343325


>doing God's work anon!

>POTUS and the USA are trying to help, but the cabal is incredibly entrenched in Europe

>its their HQ imo

I live in the fracking Lions den!! Where Bilderberg was born, where Pedophiles run the place and we pay taxes for the Multinationals and our politicians sell their soul to Brussels!

Result: We are poor now, without any voice or freedom left!! Damnit!! FEMA Camps all over the place and as far as I'm concerned , these migrants, all men in their 20's, is the EU's new Army in the making! No European would go to war for their leaders! Non! Unless they are asleep!

2ae0ad  No.3343326


I have done this time and time again with research. Was told "not right board, reserved for Q". Thicker skin? I have the thickest skin other than a war Vet. I see dead kids, see all dead. Help sick to their loving last breath.

I am pissed because this is such an amazing group of folks that could change the balance of forced immunizations on people and kids when time and time again we prove deathly side effects and Government and Big Pharma keeps hiding the information.

I am exhausted, been yelling from the mountain tops.

I am not antivaccine--- but I am for safer vaccines and what we have suck. They all make us sick and most have been proven by third party to have MRC and WI cells, those are the aborted fetal cell lines. I know all this is true but I do not know how to compile it for 8 chans. Norm needs help.... I have the knowledge and places to go to find sauce.

I see normal babies at early ages, then not normal and get worse as they get more shots some times. Not all.

I have seen normal adults leave my dept after tetanus and come back with acute seizures with in minutes and hours.

bc9dbe  No.3343328

File: 0886b23332f37b2⋯.jpg (94.43 KB, 720x899, 720:899, IMG_5027.JPG)

File: 3dfae3f8cb11e57⋯.jpg (199.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_5044.JPG)


12 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?”

7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, times and half a time.[b] When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.”

8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?”

9 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

13 “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”

7fc56d  No.3343329

File: 3f2a823092484cf⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 27857845_1614683551900255_….jpg)

5a8a5e  No.3343330

A lot of notables linking cabal members ie DF, HRC, BC, etc. with China. China/Cabal

relationship officially dates back to Henry Kissinger, if not earlier.

If you look back in history, they usually have a 50 year playbook/plan to subvert/destroy a

nation/empire. This 50 year playbook goes back to ancient times.

So when was it that Kissinger began talks/opening with China?

4cc260  No.3343331

File: 9741f7a45de6c49⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 503x768, 503:768, 9CEA518.jpg)


Here, anon!

b7eea8  No.3343332

File: 983cb37f264d8f6⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 666x543, 222:181, IMG_7583.JPG)


Nicely done anon

29b7c2  No.3343333

File: 4f827e5daf98e59⋯.gif (91.65 KB, 900x150, 6:1, nIghT ShiFt 02.gif)

91d269  No.3343335



Something is off in here tonite.

So much so I decided to hang around.

6355a3  No.3343336

The beginning of a cleanup ?

Downtown LA Hit With Outbreak Of Flea-Borne Typhus


69bf2d  No.3343337


damn anon, EUanons have hard work ahead of them, its bad

but you do have some leaders fighting back

need many though, I'm sure freedom will come, it will just take a long time

its not easy in the USA either

7fc56d  No.3343338

File: cfe7df1a562ed96⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 299x299, 1:1, 16649519_10212081705617693….jpg)

517970  No.3343339

Just some wild speculation.



5 Oct 2018 - 10:27:07 AM

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


3720x380 is 1,413,600

141 hours? (about 5.8 days) ie just a visual code.

The second part looks like some kind of serial or, maybe a timestamp (it's looks 48 bit) DNP3?

In unix epoch it is :

New York* :26/11/11269, 12:01:23

Not gonna wait that long to find out…

437d5f  No.3343340

Anyone have a WSJ subscription, we need a screenshot or archive


9e6d40  No.3343341




June 16, 2018

I don't think Q posted on that day.

76dd3a  No.3343342


that doesn't mean that it was a typo. honestly, it's any anon's guess at the moment. it was edited before being erased but that only proves that Q new about it. It does NOT prove that it was an accident

3f7a60  No.3343343

File: 5a5dcec6e62e242⋯.jpg (78.02 KB, 335x500, 67:100, sleeping_shills.jpg)

c8a98d  No.3343344


YAY Dank je! Glad to see Dutch Anons here too! Moar and Moar

Many are waking up, but still zapping on their couch! One may wonder what it takes to get them of that couch and start using their brains!

526dfc  No.3343345

File: 008a75a148b64da⋯.png (25.06 KB, 490x143, 490:143, ClipboardImage.png)



Don't push so hard, news unlocks.

b7eea8  No.3343346

File: 9a99f080ff79003⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, IMG_7178.JPG)


Look at them digits


09331d  No.3343347

Huh, you know whenyou turn off the music and watch the crying DiFi video….

It looks more like a plotting video. I see "Idea!" following by "No, won't work," followed by "Fuck" over and over again, with each failed idea brings more tears to the brim of the eye.

7fc56d  No.3343349

File: cb8a5d4dd49a30b⋯.jpg (635.93 KB, 1141x1521, 1141:1521, comfy2.jpg)

69bf2d  No.3343350



BO is still not full time here again, and the BV isn't around right now

anons have reported it for deletion, shouldn't have been baked in the first place

anons were told the next bread (now 2 breads ago) would be using the CBTS pic

its eye opening really

b4bf2d  No.3343351



9e6d40  No.3343353

File: a945e4de5d826ca⋯.png (35.79 KB, 553x358, 553:358, ClipboardImage.png)


Closest Q posted was June 3rd (Pic related)

16ffa4  No.3343354


Anons requested confirmation of typo….silence. What did Q replace the 't' with?

d84a6f  No.3343356

File: ed951b8246d68c3⋯.png (12.87 KB, 374x231, 34:21, VIPANONPATRIOT.png)

File: ed349ffb362671e⋯.png (803.76 KB, 631x820, 631:820, VIPAoc.png)

File: abea7e5c2828677⋯.png (568.15 KB, 626x731, 626:731, robloomer.png)

I just noticed that VIP Anon's pic he took with Loomer included another Anon that Q just posted his twitter link yesterday.

322e9a  No.3343357

File: 813f0eb6c7fc299⋯.png (864.08 KB, 988x611, 76:47, Trump_Tweet_Dec_24.png)


THANK YOU!! If all of these Leftist Americans ONLY KNEW what a BLESSING POTUS and this Great Awakening that THEY think is the end of the world, was, the way you and so many others do.

Thanks Again Patriot!! We Shall ALL Be Free.


bc9dbe  No.3343358


10 days of darkness

f4c7a7  No.3343359

File: 9f10aa722b24eaf⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FvD Awoeeee.png)


Good work patriot!! Have some Cofveve on me. And leftists are triggered easily, you don't need a hat for that. Just wear a shirt with pic related and you'll trigger them.

Say hi your PM from me if he's not busy kneeling down to baphomet (40 seconds into the video)


>No European would go to war for their leaders! Non! Unless they are asleep!

Thaths why the EU wants a EU army. You think it's accidental the Dutch spent 60+ million on Syrian terrorists while your own army can't get decent equipment? 1) [create] problem 2) reaction 3) [provide] solution


EU (non-visegrad) politicians are all comped. Royals are worse, hunting kids for sport. Remember what Q said, this is WW.

80509d  No.3343360

>desert cake

lol bakker

c8a98d  No.3343361


I guess you do, indeed KEK

f2953b  No.3343362

File: 4b87bba12a2b1fa⋯.jpeg (17.64 KB, 339x149, 339:149, 1F7A3254-2EBC-46C3-986E-F….jpeg)

File: 0833228ff61a613⋯.png (496.08 KB, 502x546, 251:273, key.png)

16ffa4  No.3343363

69bf2d  No.3343364



and italy, few UK too

ec00c7  No.3343365

File: 5b63f91ad09755f⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, town_1920x1080.jpg)

29b7c2  No.3343366


Heh, be my guest fren, rape pillage plunder

322e9a  No.3343367


I will never stop until all men and women have the chance to live free.

a12971  No.3343368

File: 35e0d530a6de5f0⋯.jpg (132.76 KB, 1230x1176, 205:196, Untitled_Artwork 9.jpg)


am i the only one who thought vip anon had a fro under his hat at first glance?

58b2c2  No.3343369


go back Rshill

Q doesn't need to confirm a typo because it can be edited, which Q did

e106dd  No.3343371

File: a4a2dd4df89a257⋯.png (68.11 KB, 768x486, 128:81, Screenshot_2018-10-05 Lead….png)

258650  No.3343372




THAT POST contains a post from Jan which states DECLASS And SHOT around the world!

Q couldn't post the actual date, so he was tricky in inserting it here for the




16ffa4  No.3343374


What did he replace 't' with?

c8a98d  No.3343375


>Good work patriot!! Have some Cofveve on me. And leftists are triggered easily, you don't need a hat for that. Just wear a shirt with pic related and you'll trigger them.

>Say hi your PM from me if he's not busy kneeling down to baphomet (40 seconds into the video)


>>No European would go to war for their leaders! Non! Unless they are asleep!

>Thaths why the EU wants a EU army. You think it's accidental the Dutch spent 60+ million on Syrian terrorists while your own army can't get decent equipment? 1) [create] problem 2) reaction 3) [provide] solution

Tell me about it!! Please can we get all those Leftists to EU and I can move to the US…seems like a fair deal!

That would be like Q Nation!!

d9bc47  No.3343376

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update

"We Are Ready"Edition

Dear Anons,

i added #4213to #4235 and updated the checksums.



4213-4235.zip MD5: 090d2c427fe86f819482ba8412614d88


4213-4235.html.zip MD5: f5de667d0f6f0ab6392c3cd133773799

The archive now contains 4242 breads.

I just wanted to say that i am honored and proud to be with you all.

What a hell of a ride we had until now.

Thank you Q. Thank you Anons.



d84a6f  No.3343377



I didn't notice!

It's kind of like Painter Bob from PBS!

4cc260  No.3343378


The first lesson is that not everyone who tells you this isn't the right board is a real anon. It is the right board for such subjects.

What I am saying is anons like to see some info, links, etc to go with a discussion.

I feel your passion for this issue, anon. Just present things to the board, and let anons who are interested dig with you.

btw - it helps if you put last bread, lb, pb, or previous bread right after the numbers. Less confusing.

d52bbc  No.3343379

File: bdb8bcf09673d94⋯.jpeg (11.67 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 283c8f6992c386b1e6f900358….jpeg)

File: 17e802d68c20259⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 234x350, 117:175, 162a32bc53042005309b26fca4….jpg)

File: 69fc45ee25182b9⋯.jpeg (91.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11956d9ff957288e445a3f529….jpeg)

File: 58edec83cad7a72⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 557x563, 557:563, 109e71a307dce9e75643b4fb6d….jpg)


>I think a crowd of pedes validating Q to Trumps face would help give him strength to do what needs to be done.

You think Trump needs strength? GTFO with that bullshit. If Trump isn't validating Q, it's for a good fucking reason. Q does not exist to validate your faith in the plan, Q is here to lay out the plan with enough plausible deniability to keep the swamp off balance. If you are sticking around here so that you can one day proudly proclaim to your friends "I was right all along! Vindication!" then you are here for the wrong reasons.

526dfc  No.3343380


>I don't think Q posted on that day.

Re-reading crumbs is fun(damental).

16ffa4  No.3343381

File: 5b9d03c5417439f⋯.png (276.87 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 4d48a211.png)

1c4b2e  No.3343383

Q's capitalization of PAIN strikes me as the capitalized reference, in gaming terms, is a bit different than the normal usage. I may be looking at this too deeply but a "PAIN walkthrough" is going through a high difficulty setting without taking any damage (at all). I don't know, I am probably wrong on that but the capitalization of the word tells me we may need to look deeper into it. Q has always done things like that to emphasize what we need to consider more than norm.

ab4c69  No.3343384


Yep. "The vote to advance the nomination" is Cloture I.E. to stop the discussion. Next is the final vote that happens on Saturday.

69bf2d  No.3343385

File: 08c809949d3dfa7⋯.png (1.23 MB, 903x1092, 43:52, pewpeaceout.png)

leaving early tonight anons

reminder we're using the CBTS pic all day today


doing my civic duty and voting tomorrow

most of the candidates I will be voting for (R's) have close races


53000e  No.3343386




b7eea8  No.3343389

16ffa4  No.3343390

File: 1d9becc617f00e0⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 694x521, 694:521, 05ykyq5wl3k11.jpg)

bc9dbe  No.3343391



c8a98d  No.3343392


Trust me, I tell them all the time, but the last ones left are hard core stubborn and masochists or still deeply asleep, bending over for their Leftist Boss that doesn't give them even time to contemplate the reality

c1b954  No.3343393

FAGS, >>3341418 IS THE REAL BREAD!!1!

This is an interesting bot tactic, as there is good info in ALL breads. Methinks there is a rat near the kitchen.

ee7d03  No.3343394


i hear you anon , nonUSanon here too. I've changed the timezone on my pc to US time to make it easier to do timestamp related shit

>If we don't get the US on track, how can we expect to get this swamp here in EU on track!!


trickle down awakenomics

16ffa4  No.3343395

File: 483e7776441550a⋯.jpg (104.31 KB, 704x547, 704:547, aaasmh_130201.jpg)

58b2c2  No.3343396


its not even close

looks like a 1st grader shopped the glasses onto to JFK jf

c8a98d  No.3343397


Oh yes! I firmly believe it's HIM!

59d5bf  No.3343398

File: 90655d61123bf06⋯.jpg (525.01 KB, 1310x909, 1310:909, 2018-09-22 08.19.52.jpg)


123 children resQued thank God

508fd7  No.3343399

File: 2e4521e0eb9e887⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 399x378, 19:18, 2e4521e0eb9e8873480cff7338….jpg)

a12971  No.3343401


two things anon

1. it would be a sad reminder to everyone who knew him to see this over and over if he's actually dead.

2. If it is him, wouldn't you be putting him in danger by making this connection?

3b227b  No.3343402

File: adfc12807272ac0⋯.png (886.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Holly shit!!! Al Franken is masquerading as JFK JR!!!!!!!

ee7d03  No.3343403

File: 75d39e28cb7495e⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 460x258, 230:129, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-goodfellas.gif)

eb9b5a  No.3343404

>>3343216, >>3343220, >>3343224

Thanks, anons. Don't tell anyone, but I changed the graphic just to fuck with people. (Real anons know how to read the previous sentence.)

>>3343323 You need to be more clear. Just call me "stupid baker." What are you trying to say is notable? Just give me "link(s)" and "Label." That will tell me what to look at, and why.

6f810a  No.3343405


Correction doesn't appear in Qmap. odd

84635c  No.3343406

File: e5210188c29a176⋯.jpg (807.08 KB, 1242x1369, 1242:1369, IMG_9548.jpg)

Question: what kind of "messages of reassurance" can we send out to a VERY hostile world? People are on crazy-overload over Kavanaugh and will continue to be into the weekend.

Just want to choose my words/memes right!

437d5f  No.3343408

File: 1b22b0a89b9b328⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-1027859768-640….jpg)

Former CIA Case Officer Dissects the Anatomy of the Kavanaugh Character Assassination Conspiracy

Christine Blasey Ford’s connections to the CIA are deep and irrefutable. You would never know it from her testimony.


b7eea8  No.3343409

File: 7218b34afd9eeaf⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 320x180, 16:9, IMG_9884.GIF)

c8a98d  No.3343410


Yes I use the #MEGA as much as possible! I think half of us is actually NON American!

76dd3a  No.3343411


there is no need to argue or call names. if we based our conclusions on what q has not confirmed or corrected when asked by anons… we'd all be fucked. it is quite common for Q not to respond to our queries. recall the "yes" to a plane hitting the pentagon. shit loads of anons wanted clarification on that and we still haven't got it

b74317  No.3343412

Monica McLean

Should be trending tomorrow

91d269  No.3343413


Any anon wanna revo this one?


I remember well last time BO took some well deserved time off.

Let’s not do that again.

Gotta have BO/BV’s back only three of them faggots if I member now.

Highest ranking Fags that are here alot can keep an eye out. (not this fag fer sure)

Did anyone go tell those faggots quit ebaking and banner has gone retro.

Im phonefagging but ill go if the other breddy’s are still going.

e1461d  No.3343414

File: 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, 1_FBI_anon_full.png)

File: 7e33ccc83530dc9⋯.jpg (683.43 KB, 800x2510, 80:251, 2_CIA_MOSSAD_UK_INTEL_work….jpg)

File: 91552a7344aba91⋯.png (208.09 KB, 600x652, 150:163, 3_ONUI_1.PNG)

File: 7d3a1c9cd680f07⋯.jpg (499.78 KB, 800x2491, 800:2491, 4_Israel_promissed_land_of….jpg)

File: 71ef93d5f5f9f63⋯.png (496.59 KB, 934x730, 467:365, 5_Alan_Dershowitz_boasts_o….PNG)


>Q anon calls out the kikes at mossad

Best way to start the day!

9d6c44  No.3343415

File: 449f57492ccecac⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 615x354, 205:118, glow-et-615x354.jpg)

>>3343194 pb

yup. yup. yup.

I have never told anyone this, not in its entirety, not ever. but here it is, clear as day.

standing on tiny island in the pacific north west, same old same old, looking at all the channels islands and hills, the two people i was with were facing me, just all relaxing and talking and BAM, glowing orange meteor but not quite, like a glow around a glow, (had never heard the term wheel within a wheel at this point in "time") and without the smoke, or explosion, shooting straight at me, straight, head on, and RIGHT when it "feels" like it's about to crash dead center into my face, it IMMEDIATELY, and i mean INSTANTANEOUSLY shoots straight DOWN, 90 degree pivot from what looked like 1000 miles an hour for all i know, DOWN into and UNDER the water, like a knife through butter or a plane into a cloud, just GULP, swallowed up into the see almost like IT saw ME see IT and was like OH SHIT! kek best way to put it. and no splash really, not a 1000 mile an hour tidal wave splash anyway. and that was it. all within probably less than one full second. i litterally said "you guys didn't just see that. did you." not even a question, like i knew from that second no one would ever believe a word of it. until now.

AND, this is where shit gets a little fuzzy, and even fucking more outlandish, but why the hell not, "What have you got to lose?"

a few days later, (i think) i am back at my house, not all that far from said islands as the bird flies, i go to pass out, and just like the mother fucking x files i swear on everything, i spent countless hours researching possibilities of seeing the northern lights from location and window but this window was even facing south and this PNW area you don't see the stars but maybe a month out of any given year, but the whole sky started glowing green, not neon green, not lime green, not forest green, a green i've yet to ever see again, but what i always take (kind of hope..) the northen lights to be, already being an X files buff at this point i just keep thinking NO NO NO i'm gonna get sucked out the window like Mulder's sister, and i ran into room and shut the door, and that's where it ends. everytime, relived these moments countless times, same exact thing every time.

to top it all off, i go to school the next day, we had life size calendar for every month lining the walls of the classroom, little clear pockets you put the number cards for the date in, i just stood there looking around because the calendar was filled halfway around the room and it was now 1996. last i KNEW it was fall of 95. and i mean i KNEW, if youve ever gone on a near death alcohol or drug bender and lost days and find out its really a week later, you know the scared shitless most confused youve ever been in your life where the fuck am i how did i get here am i even me feeling im talking about.

to this day, i look for weird happenings around 95-96, CERN activity, news, military, anything and everything to try to scape goat some possibility to make myself not sound crazy, including searching reports of meteors.

i swear to god, on my life, this is all fact. take it however you may, but if you think i could possibly make all that up, i am not that creative or original and do not know anyone that is.

f4c7a7  No.3343416

File: fbb82069c5a50c0⋯.jpeg (27.97 KB, 218x231, 218:231, Born to fren.jpeg)


It's where it's all started.


Europe will get there, albeit slowly. People are getting fed up. Look at Germany.


Good luck voting patriot! And good night. o7

69bf2d  No.3343417

before I go


that bread is 2 breads old now dumbass



5d5b05  No.3343418


Many many breads ago an anon referred to PAIN as PArallel INvestigations. For what its worth

350a73  No.3343420

2 Breads

What’s up?

Rebel Bakers?


7fc56d  No.3343421

File: ed294141ed12faa⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 610x582, 305:291, 27752438_1616834448351832_….jpg)

eb9b5a  No.3343422

>>3343360 Oh, FFS! Sorry, anon. I know the difference. I started the bake late, and fukked it up. Per normal, I'll just leave it. The cake was dry anyway… (rimshot!)

Only notable so far

I might've missed some, so post away!


>>3343288 GWB declared the on-going national emergency that gives POTUS the power to continue

bc9dbe  No.3343424

File: 0886b23332f37b2⋯.jpg (94.43 KB, 720x899, 720:899, IMG_5027.JPG)


e1461d  No.3343425

File: dc54ae8cc9a5067⋯.jpg (333.81 KB, 1940x1190, 194:119, Jews_In_EU_Loxism.jpg)


Need to tell all the sayanim and shaboz goys in the EU to stand down!

69bf2d  No.3343426


fuck off retard

7fc56d  No.3343427

File: da12330a1f61e38⋯.png (24.47 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 9b4cb7c44edb35eaeaf230cf1c….png)

322e9a  No.3343428

File: 82e38aa156d57ff⋯.png (515.92 KB, 581x664, 7:8, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 235585e5e868b1f⋯.png (533.5 KB, 587x764, 587:764, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)


She seems pretty thrilled. I know I would be.

fdff98  No.3343430


I took it as she was deeply into what he was saying, like controlling the narrative in her mind around his speaking points. I see it the other ways too. Maybe it's all of these. The body language video was good, too.

437d5f  No.3343432

File: 43e2a626c4b1e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, laughing blank.png)

d5fa19  No.3343433



I copypasta it here.

f4c7a7  No.3343434

File: 9efb2f1db475ca1⋯.png (4.09 MB, 2996x2996, 1:1, Check laserpointer.png)


Nice quads anon. And that GIF is really cool, did you make it yourself?

693e6f  No.3343438


kek I saw those wheels spinning too anon

Now comes the Pain.

ugchk and I did feel it too watching it…

whats that german word that describes that?

322e9a  No.3343441

File: d36e5b461031172⋯.png (952.35 KB, 986x796, 493:398, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)



Should as well. KEK!!

350a73  No.3343442


Fuck off you asshole, I ask what’s happening dick wad and you can’t have the Common decency to explain it to me?

d6d5d9  No.3343443


Traids are the chinese cabal.

69bf2d  No.3343444

File: 26c09887bddee98⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 500x411, 500:411, pepechocking.jpg)



does anyone even read the fucking dough?

if you really don't know whats going on, and the PIC IN THE OP makes it impossible for you to operate.. KEK

d6d5d9  No.3343445



322e9a  No.3343446

File: fb09e3fb8615d2b⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 7397c388d1d7da1409b0c83743….jpg)





ff4660  No.3343447

File: c118b61791d6f11⋯.jpg (176.75 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, fro_mullet.jpg)

32350f  No.3343448

File: afc6470be7380ea⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, PepeGinsburg.jpg)




heh heh heh

The schadenfreude incoming is gonna be as good as sex

The red hemorrhage that is going to be the Midterms is coming


Ladies and gentlemen, Justice Amy Coney Barrett


Years of an avalanche of winning incoming

d478f0  No.3343449


Calm your tits sweetie, its called critical mass. Trump isn't about to pull the trigger unless he's absolutely sure there's enough of the public on his side who won't start rioting and losing their shit.

A validating #WeBelieveQ chant would help convince him that he has that.

67c1bf  No.3343450


I believe you, Anon.

f4c7a7  No.3343451

File: 406d79c9b3c7106⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 555x500, 111:100, DiFi-QPain.jpg)


She knows she is proper fucked. Good.

4cc260  No.3343452


>>3343299 - Just being a bit playful. Thought you might laugh at it!

69bf2d  No.3343453


see you tomorrow fren


you might want to put in the dough post you're using the CBTS pic for the anniversary

but I doubt those that are confused would even read it

thanks baker

693e6f  No.3343454

File: 0cfe3d9e45499cf⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 637x824, 637:824, 96a7a6ed982b8f6798bfd2c58f….jpg)

a12971  No.3343455


so THAT'S what those bags are for!

56d376  No.3343456

File: 8db2aa28cab1e3b⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1197x1194, 399:398, guide to surviving the sto….png)

Fresh off the forge

322e9a  No.3343459

File: 659352e8fd0a589⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 502x359, 502:359, 659352e8fd0a589d7fdeea111d….jpg)


Oh man…When the Left, which at this point sadly seems to be nothing more than mostly low IQ women and the few poor boys who worship them, loses their precious RBG to Amy Barrett…Ahhhh….



91d269  No.3343460

File: 66306d0a45f8b87⋯.png (36.75 KB, 657x527, 657:527, F2EDE23E-4E1B-4A81-A3C8-94….png)

c8a98d  No.3343461





It's anniverary of JFK Jr Crash on the 16th of July

e1461d  No.3343463

File: 4a34ed244d365cf⋯.jpg (268.48 KB, 1203x945, 401:315, MSM_Hypocrites_1_2.jpg)

File: 91f4a0605cb0879⋯.jpg (138.47 KB, 750x676, 375:338, MSM_Hypocrites_2_same_date….jpg)

File: f0bf64a396d13bb⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 931x583, 931:583, MSM_Hypocrites_5.jpg)

File: 73d95b0e9a1e6ba⋯.jpg (175.28 KB, 1593x932, 1593:932, MSM_Hypocrites_6_Politicia….jpg)

File: aa4c0d97d86cff3⋯.jpg (146.06 KB, 1086x563, 1086:563, MSM_Hypocrites_7_Obama_ele….jpg)

Does the mossad kikes standing down means we are not going to have any more of these?

7fc56d  No.3343464

File: 8e81d314223afbc⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 480x470, 48:47, 8e81d314223afbcfb26d38725b….jpg)

3f7a60  No.3343465

File: b829ceabdd06c91⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 337x337, 1:1, Playground-launch.gif)

e1461d  No.3343467

File: 60d8afc0e258782⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 436x413, 436:413, Just.jpg)



Someone put a just meme over that kike's face pls.

279363  No.3343468

File: 32fe3d753294ad2⋯.jpg (118.61 KB, 1024x721, 1024:721, seuss-blasey.jpg)

Did this get posted already?

Found it when researching


16ffa4  No.3343469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fdff98  No.3343470

File: 9e053abdb04b897⋯.png (363.48 KB, 475x457, 475:457, ClipboardImage.png)

7fc56d  No.3343471

File: c4df575d108256d⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 555x960, 37:64, 26731544_10155944553099890….jpg)

322e9a  No.3343472

File: 29b05d4eabd8b81⋯.jpg (706.76 KB, 4656x2620, 1164:655, 20180601_163915 (1).jpg)


A full book?? Beautifully done Anon!

56d376  No.3343473

File: dc9191ecf102168⋯.png (590.86 KB, 1090x619, 1090:619, elon musk weed glowing eye….png)

2ae0ad  No.3343474



Will return with facts…. hope nice anons on here will be present like you. signing off. have sick precious humans to take care tomorrow.

f5758d  No.3343475


Oh shit! Its Deebo! Hide yo shit.

74bdd1  No.3343476

File: d9ea10001252509⋯.png (331.7 KB, 400x600, 2:3, hard trump.png)


same with Australia, anon…..Governments here have been deeply imbedded with China….one of the Prime Ministers…(Rudd) spoke fluent Mandarin

4cc260  No.3343477


Usually here on Night Shift.

0ace1e  No.3343480

File: f513dc8844467b7⋯.png (11.81 KB, 522x185, 522:185, ClipboardImage.png)



I'm wondering how VIPanon had his name on the tag and how Q VIP's are selected to attend the event. Is it likely that a Q shirt was spotted at the rally and then the id printed on the spot with the name? Or is it likely that the person was chosen beforehand for whatever reason, and he wore a Q shirt and there was an id waiting for him?

Pic with Laura Loomer is suspicious I think. Mossad gets a VIP ticket too and photographed with VIPanon?

0d5fa4  No.3343481

File: 823f28b04e7509f⋯.jpg (173.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2hwwdx.jpg)

16ffa4  No.3343482

File: 4838b3cccd9c0e3⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, DjiNH2SV4AABYZy.jpg)

774d14  No.3343483

File: d6d2dba3b5257f7⋯.png (16.29 KB, 657x120, 219:40, Screenshot 2018-10-05 at 2….png)


>Rehoboth Beach, DE

f1a110  No.3343484

so difficult to keep up

some notes


>>3343212 (last bread)

she's being controlled? forced? threatened?

she looked at him before she swore her oath --

when was her last therapy session?


>>3342222 (many breads ago)




I've become a believer in good music.

After watching political chaos day after day

Hearing people interrupt each other

(no one every turns the mics off to allow the other guest to speak)

Then the show hosts are always always inserting their wisdom

right at the moment a guest is making a good point

Well -- it's been this way since the Clinton impeachment

You have to talk fast on an opinion show

and if you get interrupted -- you need to remember what you mean to say

I'm so sick of this chaos and bad programming

Do they really believe this makes good shows??

That people like watching this rudeness?

It's like the Hollywood mantra "sex and violence sells movies"

I can think of a bunch of BAD MANTRAS they've dreamed up

"men want their wives to be Mary Magdalen in public and a whore in bed"

or something like it

So - hey --

music is one thing that makes sense.

Good music anyway.

The words rhyme. The music harmonizes.

All is good in the world.

69bf2d  No.3343485

fuck the main Rshill (same shit every night now)

fuck the idiot that ebaked

fuck the other shills


God Bless Anons

322e9a  No.3343487


I know it's late, but travel well Anon.


d5fa19  No.3343488

File: c5f888906b980c6⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 900x493, 900:493, kek reagan.jpg)

c8a98d  No.3343489


I believe it's him and by research we all can figure it out, also, it's no coincidence JFK Jr is popping up in tabloids, news and docu's at this moment! BUT….Maybe we should we out October…according to research from us Anons on R post, it should happen the 22nd of November…plenty of time for the reveal, and I'm sure Q will point out more before that!

3f7a60  No.3343490

File: 82894d13e4502e4⋯.jpg (377.72 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Feinstein_PlanetOfApes.jpg)

29b7c2  No.3343491


Yeah mate, Hot off the GIMP press

f5758d  No.3343492


Nose and teeth. Wow.

59d5bf  No.3343493


eb9b5a  No.3343494

>>3343376 Got it.

>>3343393, >>3343420 This is why you should always eat breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day.

>>3343427 It's only been a global since July or so (OK... maybe a slight exaggeration). Ignorance of the Bread is No Excuse.

>>3343444, >>3343453

>does anyone even read the fucking dough?

Apparently not. If they read it, we wouldn't have the faggot eBakes.


>>3343288 GWB declared the on-going national emergency that gives POTUS the power to continue

>>3343376 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4242 breads so far

>>3343223 111 Days ago, Q posted "Declass POTUS." Maybe they have some kind of plan or something

The following has been a global in the bread for several days (or longer)

>>3320655 , >>3320771 Suggestion that we use the old CBTS image for the General on Oct 5th (Up to you, bakers)

( >>3321050, >>3320601, >>3320610 )

437d5f  No.3343495

File: 2a543e03ef4aff1⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 709x373, 709:373, cyber station level4.jpg)

BirdBrain out

Big day tomorrow getting rest

nighty night anons

c8a98d  No.3343496


Correction: Wait out

16ffa4  No.3343498


I see it.


It's Friday!

61bd9a  No.3343499


I don't know what to make of this anymore. I was a staunch believer that the whole JFK jr thing was a bad slide, now I'm not sure.

Either way though, it doesn't change anything in the big scheme of things

3b227b  No.3343500


Do you get paid by the post, or by the (You)?

2542e7  No.3343501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kavanaugh linked to PATRIOT act

Ben Swan's Reality Check argues Kavanaugh is bad for constitutional reasons (4th amendment)

Starting to dig. Have we missed something?


Reading now;


7fc56d  No.3343502

File: 434cd8caaf7b623⋯.png (43.45 KB, 300x207, 100:69, 87fa159852.png)

9147c7  No.3343503


Thank you for your service, FemAnon.

b63b14  No.3343505

Don't know about how it is where you anons are, but its been weird outside the past couple days. It's not just dark outside, but it's a thick darkness, hard to explain. Also, the owls have been extra active lately. I hear them hooting almost all night and they are not afraid to come in pretty close proximity to people either. Had a coworker about shit himself when he walked outside work and huge owl was fucking sitting right by the door, he said it was the largest owl hes ever seen, like 3 ft tall. It's jut feels weird out there to me.

e1461d  No.3343506

File: 8dabd1f6350477b⋯.png (34.04 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1509296265450.png)



9bcc33  No.3343507

File: 2c670bcfb290f90⋯.png (12.27 KB, 255x253, 255:253, No_sleep_til_gitmo.png)

File: 1cc10f6fa580e4e⋯.png (308.86 KB, 531x512, 531:512, on_the_run_kek.png)

File: 2200393abfb4f0b⋯.jpg (125.38 KB, 1024x852, 256:213, Pandoras_4chan_pepes.jpg)

File: 6457a2e810da94b⋯.jpg (134.61 KB, 1024x435, 1024:435, pepe stage 5.jpg)

Hello my fellow anons..

i had a moment of clarity..

Bring the PAIN

PAIN always capitalized so:


P=? Pindar, Pope, Pharma

AI = A.I. Artificial Intelligence

N = Nazi, NXIVM, ?that secret flying machine club for which i cannot remember the letters but it starts with an N

just a thought

Bring the P. A. I. N.

what does that really mean?

322e9a  No.3343508

File: 3a9dacbf7b55843⋯.jpg (51.06 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 9e2fd65f841f0f7b74d0017d71….jpg)



"The road to hell is paved with GOOD intentions."


"There are two sides to EVERY story."

YES, If someone is lying or deluded

It's amazing how much programming is out their that is pure poison.

950a5e  No.3343509


Right, because Trump would make such a crucial decision based on a rough estimate of chanting from rally attendees and not the granular data they would have access to by monitoring this board, voat and the previous subreddits.

Trump won't release that information voluntarily on his terms, it will take us demanding it at a rally, for him to make the spontaneous decision to verify Q's legitimacy.

e1461d  No.3343510

File: 45a396b237ec5d7⋯.png (207.54 KB, 377x402, 377:402, Owl_Mad.png)


>wtf you said about owls boi?

d84a6f  No.3343511


It depends on how much money you're willing to dish out.

b63b14  No.3343512


Just let it go. If it happens, great, but don't get your expectations out of alignment.

7fc56d  No.3343513

File: 6f52cff7fc4a46d⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 930x960, 31:32, 35193491_10155623488058549….jpg)

c8a98d  No.3343514


It's a video, not a photo! check it out! Open your mind

f4c7a7  No.3343515

File: c89f4a85bbf067b⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2100x3294, 350:549, DJT Fake Orange News.jpg)


Very nice! I need to look into GIF animation in GIMP. I miss Deluxepaint II (yeah oldfag here, sue me).

Anyway, have a static meme.

f1a110  No.3343516


Don't make your kids listen to the crap.

Don't let the fighting and rudeness into your house.

I hated it in the 90s and I still hate it.

Fucking teenie babies fighting like pricks all the time

Not at all like adults.

It used to be

When you were on television

you acted with some manners

like you cared about others

b7eea8  No.3343517


Can only pray, I wish I could see the newspaper pic better. Can't see the dates

Good side by sides

f5758d  No.3343518

Anyone else watching Fox? This code pink hoe admitted she and the rest of them get paid to protest. Fucking retard.

e1461d  No.3343520

File: 44b7923203d8f61⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 640x470, 64:47, MSM_Hypocrites_9_Comey.jpg)

File: 8e66644aabb8a2e⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 619x519, 619:519, MSM_Hypocrites_10_politici….jpg)

File: fa2ff31ec34a17c⋯.png (450.18 KB, 540x930, 18:31, MSM_Hypocrites_11_Black_un….png)

File: 43764b0f5f2364a⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 599x510, 599:510, MSM_Hypocrites_12_horny_jo….jpg)

File: 0a60e73f8f4e3d0⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 928x604, 232:151, MSM_Hypocrites_14_Trumps_s….jpg)


That is both funny and disturbing at the same time.

I need my safe spaece.

59d5bf  No.3343521

File: 328cab28cc1f8ad⋯.jpg (309.35 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 2018-08-04 19.14.38.jpg)

WASHINGTON –Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement in support of the Administration’s release of a National Counterterrorism Strategy:


f2953b  No.3343522


I wish there was even one other anon in this whole movement that I could share this dig with.

Ironic to gather a movement so large and still be alone.

I refuse that version of reality.

279363  No.3343523


I like it!!

Good job Anon

9f33ec  No.3343524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure if this has been covered today but I haven't seen it if it has been.

Notable as fuck though!

330c89  No.3343525

File: 3851a532b5b4867⋯.png (194.7 KB, 666x567, 74:63, merkelburg.png)

Gas these fuckers now


cbf6ea  No.3343526

>>3342542 (pb)

I have to wonder whether getting official confirmation of POTUS involvement with Q might not take 50 or 60 years.

Because, if any of the intel Q has shared was classified (and he/they did say this was the biggest public intel drop in history), POTUS might be incriminating himself to admit being any part of it.

Even if mass arrests have already happened, POTUS may still have to claim ignorance on the subject of Q's reality.

c8a98d  No.3343527


I did actually! Love it!

0ace1e  No.3343528


True. I'm probably over-thinking it.

679900  No.3343529

File: 0e68d470e54f5b5⋯.jpg (226.59 KB, 1200x1610, 120:161, qRRBkMk.jpg)

File: 8ae07f9aad15184⋯.png (1.24 KB, 300x300, 1:1, QNC081n-IEiuqn-oBQ938.png)


Council on Foreign Relations

Trilateral Commission

Club of Rome

Lucis Trust (previous name?)

3b4636  No.3343530

File: 1584c0bea04a376⋯.png (499.47 KB, 603x401, 603:401, Frog.PNG)

792fff  No.3343531

on hannity tonight:

"How many votes will Kav get?"

Chaffetz: 53

Hannity: How many?


Chaffetz: 53

Sara Carter: 52 for sure, but im leaning towards 53


16ffa4  No.3343532


No, I love my country and our Constitution. I am excited and uplifted by the evidence pointing to the return of JFK Jr and the vindication of his father and our Founding Fathers. I know that he and POTUS want us here to know. It will be up to us to prepare the normies for the revelations both devastating and glorious. We are the Calm Before the Storm. We will be the calm during the storm too. Thanks for asking.

9d6c44  No.3343533


I NEVER get the flu shot no matter what, never get the flu, not one time. same with my old man. he got it once mandated by his work or something and ended up getting swine flu that season.

I can't remember the term for this but every time I ever got a tetanus shot, instead of the whole area obviously being sorer than fuck for a few days, I get massive muscle wasting from the injection site through the entire muscle they stick it in. every single time shits so bad I forgo tetanus shots entirely even in the e.r. if it literally looked like a might lockjaw situation I would make them shoot it in an ass cheek or somewhere else, my left shoulder literally cant take another one. took me like 3 years of resistance training to free it up and make it not look like someone took a filet knife to my lateral and rear delt.

i'm one of those, what ever side effect listed on the bottle I have a 110% chance of landing.


e1461d  No.3343534


Oh, I wish I had the memes about brown people getting white washed for the MSM, in order to look white.

16ffa4  No.3343535


No thanks.

f1a110  No.3343536


I got so sick of it tonight.

The host of the "opinion show" FOX channel

allowed the arguing to neutralize each other

so NO ONE was heard at all.

All there was – was a sickening argument.

I wanted to scream




c8a98d  No.3343537


I did read that and though:

Wait, wasn't it 11 months ago? 28th of October was Q's first appearance, I was there, and also, shouldn't we make it the Änniversary edition soon?

And are we still in the calmth of the storm?


444747  No.3343538

File: 9862b9ef702d332⋯.jpg (327.43 KB, 1753x623, 1753:623, E15738 5 Oct 18 0800.jpg)

File: 9bb4aac205e0c3a⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KAF Recon 1.jpg)

Confused AF planefag checking in. Why do we have two breads on the go?

Only one plane that is noteworthy at the moment, a C-130 headed towards Little Rock.

29b7c2  No.3343539

File: 8fe8e65a5760612⋯.gif (140.31 KB, 391x252, 391:252, NightShift_01.gif)


It surprisingly easy

bunch of layers specify delay for each frame after layer name eg.

layer1(100) - 100 in brackets for 100 milliseconds delay)


layer3(300) etc.

Then go Filters - Animation - Playback to check it out.

Made pic related in GIMP too

9f33ec  No.3343540


I'm sure these people would make great street light ornaments!

a6a97f  No.3343541


Or there's this.


"The acronym PAIN is used for the four components of security, Privacy, Authentication, Integrity, and Nonrepudiation."

279363  No.3343542


The US also helped USSR/Russia rebuild

9147c7  No.3343543


Yeah. With CO2.

52121d  No.3343544


Not tonight, Patriot. Those memes need to be made and spread. Looks like someone covered for me! Have at those! 8 chan gals have each others' 6! #WWG1WGA

e1461d  No.3343545

File: ed22650f7832618⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 634x614, 317:307, Cultural_Marxism_Mental_Il….jpg)

File: d4cf42fe644d436⋯.jpg (122.9 KB, 656x754, 328:377, 1528289631430.jpg)



Cultural marxism need to be done with, with extreme prejudice.

0ace1e  No.3343546


Kavanaugh too vividly remembered 9-11 in rmy opinion, at least in the way he described it- When I woke up on the morning 0f 9-11 my urine was darker yellow than average, so I drank tea instead of coffee. I wore black pants that fit a little too tight, and I put the left leg on first, then the right. My wife wore a checkered shirt…

7fc56d  No.3343547

File: 04e673bd4b33767⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 400x504, 50:63, faggot (1).jpg)

59d5bf  No.3343548



c40b7d  No.3343549



322e9a  No.3343550


He's agreed to vote.

984fd6  No.3343551


I hope people here get arrested.. this country is so beyond corrupt.

16ffa4  No.3343552

File: 03e80331a1a624b⋯.jpg (166.08 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, jfk_jr_red_cover-1024x1024.jpg)


You mean "Red October?"

526dfc  No.3343553


Nearly 11 months of prepping for the storm. Hope you're well stocked (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc..

eb9b5a  No.3343554


>>3343538 See above. "No one reads the bread" is the most plausible explanation. This is the real one and I'm the real baker per 8ch handoff standards.

693e6f  No.3343555


I disagree.

I think it could change a WHOLE lot, I am surrounded by trump hating normies,

if Jr is alive (which evidence, coinkidinks and psychic tingles are leading me to believe)


Jr, a loved and respected Democrat, was friends with Trump, predicted his run for Pres, and according to that magical OG R post, enlisted his help to fake his death.

A trump hating normie will have a VERY hard time disputing the evidence of cabal fuckery after the great reveal.

It would be the BEST plot twist ever!!

>you are watching a movie


Oh! YEAH!!!!

32350f  No.3343556


So much unbelievable shit has happened already that I'm pretty much buckled up for whatever.

Am not any kind of operator, just an anon.

Bring on whatever it is; I have prepped by laying by a sufficient supply of Scotch.

0b046d  No.3343557

Can you help an anon out? I can't recall which video had the original DOITQ on the licence plate. I'ts not in the QMap PDF. MUST RIP for posterity sake.


c9a59a  No.3343558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Imma leave this here, figure this guy is more than ready for arrests.

Personally want to see this dug up, literally.

Added captcha for post, loved this one, kek!

624837  No.3343559


>to this day, i look for weird happenings around 95-96, CERN activity, news, military, anything and everything to try to scape goat some possibility to make myself not sound crazy, including searching reports of meteors.



b5929d  No.3343560


Open U.S. hostility towards China is long overdue. The regime there needs to be destroyed.

Short rundown of what communist party people in East and Southeast Asia tell me –

The Committee of 300, CFR and Trilats promised them from the 1980s on that by the 2020s Asia would be given its historical turn to run the world economy and political system after centuries of American and European hegemony.

The Committee of 300 tells them the marching orders are to implement communism on a global scale, which of course is exactly what Marx and Engels talked about from the get-go.

Part of "Their Plan" was that sympathetic (commie) U.S. and European elites would start selling off real estate and key assets to the Asian communists… hence what you are seeing in your neck of the woods. The outsourcing of manufacturing to Asia, the spy chips, etc….. were also part of this.

But now DJT and patriotic USMIL are throwing a wrench into their plans, and they're pissed.

No small number of murders and suicides have happened in the elite circles of Asia since 2016 because many of the communist party officials were so sure of a HRC victory that they borrowed money to "invest" in crooked schemes she had hatched with them which DJT has made sure never came to fruition.

Many believe the Vietnamese president (Quang)'s death a couple weeks ago was related to this. This anon can't confirm though.

c9a59a  No.3343561

File: 8108b8a69395924⋯.png (9.83 KB, 262x179, 262:179, FireShot Capture 389 - _qr….png)


tired, forgot pic, enjoy nightcrew

e8748e  No.3343562

File: b49cbdfcf4cf8e5⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1032x871, 1032:871, zodcube.png)

526dfc  No.3343563

File: 502b56da0a9851f⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1520x864, 95:54, ClipboardImage.png)

59d5bf  No.3343564


He damn well better

57 arrested in major Kensington drug trafficking operation


29b7c2  No.3343565

330c89  No.3343566


>is this fake


Oh and i found something else


Milo Rau is the person behind that play.

>"Rau has Jewish forebears"


c8a98d  No.3343567


I'm in Europe so won't feel much of that storm yet! I'm still being heavily covered by Swamp creatures with no help any time soon! But…prepped and stocked I AM

ddc611  No.3343569

File: 198452bc30ff2a9⋯.gif (10.12 MB, 711x400, 711:400, Swamp Drain.gif)


Oh silent swampy sea,

calm delight

Soon 'fore swamp-drainin' night.

e1461d  No.3343570

File: 918cbd24b351ef0⋯.png (886.56 KB, 768x1293, 256:431, 1528130483464.png)

File: e5286e661796281⋯.png (515.39 KB, 812x452, 203:113, 1528289553364.png)

File: 2ae7b45749190cd⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 469x344, 469:344, 1528289731749.jpg)

File: ac715cd59c311c1⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 798x960, 133:160, MSM_Pushing_For_Pedo_Norma….jpg)

File: 1cd48822ad256af⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1082x1828, 541:914, Scott_Wiener_CA_Senator_Je….png)

56d376  No.3343571



Thanks anons!

526dfc  No.3343572

File: e2578377b11d5fa⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, newfags.png)

322e9a  No.3343575

File: 891b186befe972d⋯.jpeg (419.04 KB, 1242x1855, 1242:1855, c85c1822dc608c3b3b93ae57f….jpeg)


We have JFK Jr., Seth Rich, and Julian all sorta hanging in this "are they dead or not??" kind of limbo. Any ONE of them would be EXPLOSIVE to a varying degree. The Question is…When would you introduce them and HOW??

We ARE watching a movie…But if any of them are alive, how do you cast them?? Juicy.

b3a905  No.3343576

File: 2fc849285d68eee⋯.jpg (67.97 KB, 500x495, 100:99, ngYczgW.jpg)

7fc56d  No.3343577

File: 4b689956eda1fc5⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 200x143, 200:143, DeathByHounds.gif)

e1461d  No.3343578

File: 21e69dc088f772f⋯.png (39.54 KB, 211x251, 211:251, Merchant_named.png)


>Director Milo Rau

>"Rau has Jewish forebears, but technically he is not a Jew himself."





7fc56d  No.3343580

File: fde3a0919d4b9e1⋯.gif (248.44 KB, 200x233, 200:233, e93713870963c079cc3671ea26….gif)

10a9a0  No.3343581


I dabble in a bit of all shifts because I just can't sleep for long at a time.

Right here with you.


bad604  No.3343582

Sup Q just made a new Twitter after my last one was banned because I said the word "tard"….or maybe it was the bigly amount of redpill inducing tweets…in other words WE got another 'ready' anon

f1a110  No.3343583


some anon posted a few days ago

that President Trump's dad

was a founding member of the John Birch Society

any links – anyone?

T - F?

29b7c2  No.3343584





tis true

28e155  No.3343586

File: 613d114efabbd02⋯.jpg (95.9 KB, 640x558, 320:279, 5346829113_22015fd16d_z-64….jpg)

File: 80ff347709ae004⋯.jpg (87.56 KB, 768x725, 768:725, unnamed-3-768x725[1].jpg)

Deep State Planning False Flags Attacks to

Shock the American People into Submission

State of the Nation

“Not only will there be an overwhelming October Surprise in 2018,

it will be set up by a September Shock and Awe.”

—Intelligence Analyst & Former Military Officer


b3a905  No.3343587

File: 0876b8e17c85114⋯.png (143.35 KB, 500x551, 500:551, Remember.png)

c8a98d  No.3343588


Check out the YT : JFK Jr Is Alive

You'll get through some of the R breads we've done! The connections are seriously mind blowing!

But, it will happen, it will be the grand final to get the biggest swamp creatures and sleeper normies the hit of their lives! The Plan, It's genius!

10a9a0  No.3343590


Almost as nice as the catalog being broken…

28e155  No.3343591

File: 2f57faef94b4ed8⋯.png (44.8 KB, 717x473, 717:473, Q netnayahoo being grilled….PNG)


c40b7d  No.3343592

File: 95495e4021a0eb0⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 239x255, 239:255, ranon?.JPG)


It's not going away. It has been growing organically. This one is remarkable.

0491c1  No.3343593


I need guidance.

693e6f  No.3343594


wow cool graphic!

29b7c2  No.3343595


DutchAnon hey

Windmills or GTFO!

e1461d  No.3343596

File: e7eae03e2de82dd⋯.png (361.91 KB, 1321x640, 1321:640, Book_about_Weimar_Rep_3.PNG)

File: 7e4052b144796ca⋯.png (59.71 KB, 1294x205, 1294:205, Book_about_Weimar_Rep_2.PNG)

File: e972af801c886ff⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 385x499, 385:499, Book_about_Weimar_Rep_1.jpg)

File: eec60550189e644⋯.jpg (106.26 KB, 638x448, 319:224, Weimar_Republic.jpg)


Weimar republic conditions seem to follow jews wherever they go and get group power…

16ffa4  No.3343597





Have you every really seen something truly GLORIOUS?

0ace1e  No.3343598


Q has made too many people think that govt surveillance is a good thing and that "bad spying" was done by dims on republican politicians or by 5 eyes for the CIA.

Trump knows 9-11 was a false flag, yet he is in love with Israel and American jews, and he wants Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Wray goes back to the 9-11 era as well.

322e9a  No.3343599

File: c975cae48e1ac0b⋯.jpg (183.1 KB, 648x1041, 216:347, 5aa24e999f55960aff27d37747….jpg)



HOLY SHEET!! I know a couple of people who lived RIGHT THERE and I heard a lot of stories about that place. Old school, good folks who were just unrepentant addicts. The stories they told about this spot. Awesome!!

bf3352  No.3343600


No classified intel has been dropped.

Trump HAS to play by rule of law or else crash and burn spectacularly.

9f33ec  No.3343601


This dude is gonna get killed. He's nuts. Doxxed himself!

7fc56d  No.3343602

File: efa9ffd3d35b1d7⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 440x337, 440:337, air3.jpg)

258650  No.3343604

File: bdf25ae3969f7c0⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 3per.jpg)


It was clear.

The post was the post- it was all there and a clear label was included..

I'm glad it's up- it's another (very important) confirmation.



c8a98d  No.3343605


Aw, thanks fellow foreign Anon!

It does make it special pulling nights and nights for the good cause, even if we will be hit hard by our swamp before the resolve! Worst case scenario, we swamp our homes with some delusional EU loving leftist in America KEK

27559f  No.3343606

56d376  No.3343608


Slightly unrelated to them but apparently Suge Knight's son, I believe, is saying Tupac is alive in Malaysia too.

2aa0b9  No.3343609

Israel last?







16ffa4  No.3343610


It's the name of a band. The album is "Red." "Jr." is a mirror image.

c8a98d  No.3343612


Correction Second Swamp = Swap

322e9a  No.3343613

File: 26b19037e5d4ca3⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 26b19037e5d4ca384e4263aa33….png)


Nope!! I want more. Fuck it. I thought I was as good as dead two years ago. Now…I root for ALL the Good. Give us ALL three. Why not??

We shall see. KEK!!

444747  No.3343616


Roger that. o7

c9a59a  No.3343618


Yea that's sorta why I posted, they already tried, go throughh his channel. He went to EVERYONE with his info.

693e6f  No.3343619


wow anon, chills all over.


c8a98d  No.3343620


That was a year ago! He got away again!

25e540  No.3343622



693e6f  No.3343624

File: d08d291615e61c5⋯.png (15.74 KB, 250x106, 125:53, Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at ….png)

fdff98  No.3343625


We shall find out via S. res. 610 those slimebags passed.

c04884  No.3343626

This article got me to thinking maybe Q meant age with 47-53. What has taken Kavanaugh the last six years to accomplish?

Joe Manchin: I’m Looking at Kavanaugh’s Life ‘from 22 to 53’ to Decide Vote



28e155  No.3343627

File: eaaecb1712a353a⋯.png (490.28 KB, 715x420, 143:84, Screen-Shot-2018-09-30-at-….png)

The Democrats Fake and Fabricated

‘Trump-Russia Collusion’ Scandal

State of the Nation

“The Democrat’s Russiagate scandal has been closing in on them from day one. It’s gonna catch up with them sooner than later. The FISA docs alone prove a highly organized conspiracy against Trump by Obama himself. Some of the emails yet to be released are so damaging they will hang. Countless crimes were committed in the conduct of this coup—serious crimes of treason and sedition. The Democrats knew they had to change the public discourse—FAST! Their immediate goal is to use Blaseygate as an overwhelming distraction from now until Election Day. The Democrats know if the voters see the hard evidence of their blatant criminality regarding Russiagate, they’ll lose the midterm elections nationwide.”

— Intelligence Analyst and Former Military Officer

There are obviously many layers to this Blaseygate psyop but one of the most important was to function as a HUGE distraction from the massive Democrat crime wave that has been rolling over America since Obama’s first inauguration. That crime wave became a towering tsunami right after Trump declared his candidacy in June of 2015.

KEY POINT: The Democrat Deep State desperately needed to change the

national conversation from their fictitious ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ debacle.

The real scandal is how the Democrats fabricated the false narrative as a

pretext to overthrow the POTUS, as well as to start a World War with Russia.

See: RUSSOPHOBIA: The Zio-Anglo-American Conspiracy to Conquer Russia Unravels in Real Time


91d269  No.3343628


3 babies Id put in there. Maybe 4.

d4e9dc  No.3343629

>>3342750 (lb)

Aurora has awoken, I am love

Song of solomon, please be kind to all

Me included.

168201  No.3343630


Thank you DutchAnon

As they say –"If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much"

25e540  No.3343631


That guy is in his late 30’s tops

f1a110  No.3343632


What is it about "using a private server for highly classified state secrets"

to these people NOT UNDERSTAND??


you have to look at them like "are you fkng crazy?"

"I didn't know what "C" meant" ??? WTF

amazes me

27559f  No.3343633


Os q2336 stand-down.. that deep state media control of Israel will be removed? BECAUSE THATS WHATS BEEN GOING ON FAR TOO LONG.

f4c7a7  No.3343634

File: 3f77fd0a226dadf⋯.png (88.16 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, QSTAY ON TARGET.png)


Nice one. And thanks Fam, I will give it a go when I got more time. I know (basics of) how to do animation (I've done color animations in DeluxePaintII). I'm sure we will meet again another Night Shift.


I know what pics you meant, looked but don't have them on this drive. Sad.

Oldfag out. o7

e667c3  No.3343635


>maybe Q meant age with 47-53

The absolute state of /qresearch/.

bc9dbe  No.3343638

1“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3Those who are wise a will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

5Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?”

7The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, times and half a time. b When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.”

8I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?”

9He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

11“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.


13“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”

c8a98d  No.3343639


Did you try QHHT?


Possible abduction…

If you are missing a year of your life….dunno…what did your parents say?

279363  No.3343640

Holy crap. 35 min not wasted.

China's covert infiltration of the US as well as covert politics world-wide.

29b7c2  No.3343641

File: ce65e0aff77a22a⋯.jpeg (34 KB, 700x525, 4:3, whiskey.jpeg)


I'm sure we shall, until then have one for the road, on me.

10a9a0  No.3343642


It's real.

My mother, who always got the flu shot, finally stopped after this past season and she saw I was right all along.

I was damaged badly by vaccines, born 2 1/2 months premature then also served (which I'd do again in a heart beat if I could, I knew the risk and was an adult).

I'm for safer vaccines.

Scientists have been doing it believe it or not. And they're disgusted that their work winds up owned by companies that….well yeah.

9f33ec  No.3343643



>Yep, that all sounds about right.

>All while 90 % of Americans are asleep at the wheel with their smart phones in hand.

>At least were starting to wake up finally. Just hope it's not to late. A war with China, fighting our own tech would be down right ugly.

>Bet your ass it's gonna be local too.

56d376  No.3343645


Ive seen and heard some stuff but this is some Flight Of The Intruder shit.

Crazy, man.

16ffa4  No.3343646



c04884  No.3343647

File: fbb32ad81d1a8c1⋯.png (52.8 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


We only deal in one absolute, shill. And that's TRUTH.

6e81b4  No.3343648

File: cab25b4151fdc13⋯.jpg (174.64 KB, 1372x827, 1372:827, US-NZ_China.jpg)

File: 32aafbe20f39d8b⋯.jpg (301.44 KB, 1049x823, 1049:823, NZ_FVEY-Soft-underbelly.jpg)

File: c6f4db940a78612⋯.jpg (198.73 KB, 884x1229, 884:1229, Combo.jpg)

File: b63654a64b9711e⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 706x535, 706:535, Meme_NZ-Cabal.jpg)

File: bc879cafc1722ec⋯.jpg (316.02 KB, 1119x1112, 1119:1112, MEME_NZ-Pissant.jpg)

US Ambassador warns NZ not to trust China



‘The United States Ambassador to New Zealand says we should be wary of China's growing influence here.

New Zealand is a small country caught in a gravitational pull between the world's two superpowers, China and the United States, both of which have a strong influence over the Government's foreign policy approach.

US Ambassador Scott Brown believes New Zealand should look to the US as a more trusted ally than China. He answered questions from Kiwis on RadioLIVE on Wednesday morning, where he defended the United States' history of perceived international meddling.’

From an older post-

NZ labelled 'soft underbelly' of Five Eyes spy network in Canadian report



‘For the second time in a week, New Zealand has been singled out as a soft target for Chinese influence.

Last week, a Senator and ex-CIA analyst told a US congressional hearing New Zealand politicians are receiving "major" donations from China, which has "gotten very close to or inside the political core".’

Plus additional links on the page–

1 - Former CIA analyst says New Zealand should be kicked out of Five Eyes alliance



‘A United States Congress hearing has been told New Zealand politicians are receiving "major" donations from China, with one former CIA analyst suggesting we be kicked out of the Five Eyes alliance.

Senator James Talent alleged at the hearing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has "gotten very close to or inside the political core" of both New Zealand and Australia. He claimed he's heard allegations of "Beijing-linked political donors buying access and influence with party politicians" to incentivise the country to "parrot its line on issues it deems important".’

2 - Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand

This link no longer exists and now re-directs to the third link.

3) China's influence over New Zealand at 'critical level' - academic



‘A New Zealand academic is warning that China's influence over this country is at a "critical level".

University of Canterbury professor Anne-Marie Brady is urging the Government to act to protect the country against foreign interference.

In a policy brief published today, Ms Brady warns: "New Zealand - along with other nations - is being targeted by a concerted interference campaign by the People's Republic of China (PRC). The campaign aims to gain support for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by co-opting political and economic elites."’

Additional links -

National Party MP Jian Yang refutes 'Chinese spy' claim



then – (same day?)

National Party MP Jian Yang admits training spies



‘National Party MP Dr Jian Yang has admitted training Chinese spies so they could monitor other countries' communications - but refused to say whether this included New Zealand.

Dr Yang spoke at a press conference on Wednesday, after allegations he had studied and taught at an alleged spy school before moving to New Zealand.

He denied ever being a spy and denied ever having intelligence training, but admitted teaching students English to help them with their spying activities.’

3b227b  No.3343649


it has been pushed to death by fucking IP hopping shills.


Get over it.

c8a98d  No.3343650



>>to this day, i look for weird happenings around 95-96, CERN activity, news, military, anything and everything to try to scape goat some possibility to make myself not sound crazy, including searching reports of meteors.

Sounds more like Alien stuff, have read similar experiences before…from research..usually people were well aware what was happening, maybe you blocked some of it

9d6c44  No.3343653

File: 5d86a05ddb22070⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 474x319, 474:319, th6WJJOUNO.jpg)

File: 01baf5477546961⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 827x465, 827:465, uchenye_zapustili_konets_s….jpg)


thank you for that. I think ive looked into this one before actually. I always wonder what the possible worldly side effects are of messing with this shit. intended or unintended..

and if it actually did split dimensions "time" or otherwise alter Our "reality", would we know?

would weird ass time lapse phenemnoa be a presentation?

i really hope Q throws us deep fringe quasi timetrepenuers whatever we ares a bone on all this deep interdimensional-multiuniversal-ness eventually.

and anything that looks like this humans aint go no business fucking with. Tesla maybe, but not people like fucking bezos and shit.

if philo pharnsworth could make a glaxay in a vacuum inside an immense monopolar dielectric field, and create a stable enough star inside one that he hoped to manipulate it through space as a way to aid mechanical manufacturing processes, directing it through metal boring holes, fabrication etc, what in gods name is really going on at CERN??

7fc56d  No.3343654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4cc260  No.3343655


Cool, Dutchanon!

bc9dbe  No.3343657

File: 61e85325881b116⋯.png (4.82 KB, 318x159, 2:1, B79E457F-41D7-4821-9B56-D8….png)

File: cbca9120084061f⋯.jpeg (15.93 KB, 297x169, 297:169, 97655E83-372D-4727-89B4-F….jpeg)

File: b93d7daea5e1b15⋯.jpeg (42.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3143D475-0A54-44EA-80CC-9….jpeg)

File: c943c29eee47916⋯.jpeg (11.07 KB, 329x153, 329:153, 89C6B1F4-E5EA-4CAB-9704-6….jpeg)

File: 17aee954a13b90d⋯.jpeg (24.45 KB, 339x149, 339:149, 09D23C19-EC6C-42F9-8615-5….jpeg)




DEC 21 2012

59d5bf  No.3343658


Worlds getting smaller

693e6f  No.3343659



2aa0b9  No.3343660


Oh shit, chills

444747  No.3343661

File: 7ff5164e7fb0a4e⋯.png (2.04 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 335dbfe1b471153⋯.png (2.25 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you mean Flight of the Navigator? Flight of the Intruder was set in Vietnam and is a war film about A-6 Intruder bombers..

e1461d  No.3343662

File: b2f557327ce8806⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2338x2001, 2338:2001, Israel_fucked.jpg)

File: bafc80eacb6282b⋯.png (671.33 KB, 859x599, 859:599, 01_Trump_one_state_solutio….PNG)

File: aca99b4ee9d2023⋯.png (281.45 KB, 1611x985, 1611:985, Trump_OurGuy_2.png)

File: 4e6b078f07e5bb5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2616x1248, 109:52, Trump_OurGuy.png)


>he is in love with Israel

Not really, he is setting up the kikes.

You think he doesn't know that all zionists are by definition, traitors? See the video here in this post to hear it from the horses mouth: >>3021921

84635c  No.3343663


Well, looks like he is still alive. He posted a video 1 week ago. That's some crazy stuff. Dude was shot in his HOME? He suspects people are breaking in and using his home for trafficking? How the hell does he sleep in this house when he thinks all of this is going on??? Loooord I would be GONE. Long gone.

00d1da  No.3343664


owl's nest

2fb5ca  No.3343665

File: 2177240104f2e4d⋯.png (3.67 MB, 1510x2328, 755:1164, 4F6C288D-589B-42E0-B138-41….png)

Some meme fodder for ya’ll

c8a98d  No.3343666


It's not that they don't understand, they don't know….having kids, job and superficial lives and all the news you see is some idiot sound bites from CNN and fellow sleepers…they have no clue what is going on! About anything!

56d376  No.3343667


Oh shit kek

Been a long, crazy day.

Yeah, Flight of the Navigator.

e109ec  No.3343668

File: 2ab78b8be20c0db⋯.png (82.16 KB, 291x303, 97:101, Audry.png)

You're doing better than I have.

I'll have to wait until the chaos begins to shake people awake before I'll be able to educate.


279363  No.3343669


There is an area on the Cdn side of Lake Ontario that a lot of UFO watchers go to with infrared cameras

033a13  No.3343670

File: 97a7f6f4d641d9e⋯.jpeg (234.43 KB, 750x722, 375:361, 946389A1-5062-434F-AF18-E….jpeg)

File: cb25258ac401d34⋯.jpeg (316.29 KB, 750x984, 125:164, 4F76C66B-1607-4142-A45E-D….jpeg)


Are you ready to see PAIN?

444747  No.3343671


Autist planefags FTW!


322e9a  No.3343674

File: c7fc32aef257b8f⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 286x246, 143:123, c7fc32aef257b8f221a6c3925a….jpg)

258650  No.3343675

File: 3bac1dcbb48f962⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 11 11 11.jpg)

It's ALWAYS Been THE Number


2018= 11

11 11 11

eb9b5a  No.3343676


>Open U.S. hostility towards China is long overdue. The regime there needs to be destroyed.



>>3343288 GWB declared the on-going national emergency that gives POTUS the power to continue

>>3343376 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4242 breads so far

>>3343223 111 Days ago, Q posted "Declass POTUS." Maybe they have some kind of plan or something

>>3343520 Sybil is alive and well and working as a journalist (check out the conflicting real headlines)

>>3343648 US Amb warns NZ not to trust China and other NZ habbenings

Notables so far

16ffa4  No.3343677


No he's not.

4cc260  No.3343678

444747  No.3343680


Covfefe and a Schmoke?

e667c3  No.3343681


>I believe it's him and by research we all can figure it out

Ask yourself: who needs to figure this out?

go back to Fortnite

7fc56d  No.3343682

File: 775584b80850293⋯.jpeg (470.59 KB, 1079x715, 83:55, 6F91527A-0558-4190-9D90-3….jpeg)

c8a98d  No.3343683


Where do you think I live! It will shake violently before people wake up here in my country too…I wonder if we will even make it on time….I suspect some horrible thing to happen from the Cabal, to destroy Europe just for fun and to sent a message! The fact they are losing hard, they can do anything at this point!

322e9a  No.3343684

File: c70d11e06236018⋯.jpeg (330.08 KB, 1242x1246, 621:623, 4CC49F5E-F6FB-4F39-A62F-D….jpeg)


Gotta get that (PB) or (LB) in there please Anon.

56d376  No.3343685



I couldve red pilled insects easier.

The cognitive dissonance and brainwashing is fucking brutal.

09331d  No.3343686


I get abducted. I have no idea how they take me out of my bed without my knowing it and place me back. Teleportation? Who knows. My story is as whacky as yours.

Do you find yourself thinking 'This would be a lot easier on me if I was just crazy'?

And just so I don't end up sliding the board, I've never seen an alien, only people. CIA? MI6? No idea. But there was fetus-eating involved and it made me sick to my stomach for days after I experienced those abductions, still cry about it sometimes. This happened before DJT was elected. It made swallowing Qs redpills very, very easy.

These sick fucks have to go.

91d269  No.3343687

File: ba97b55b5b77d3b⋯.gif (167.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, C7C7BD4F-133A-42B1-A3B5-A6….gif)


If you insist…

>Have each others 6.

Its 7 1/4 actually aaaand the quarter counts.


meme and spread on FemFags!

c40b7d  No.3343689

File: 38b87621fe480fe⋯.png (156.92 KB, 1010x774, 505:387, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

c9a59a  No.3343690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just spent all night going through some of his vids. I was tired originally, but fuckin' hell the pain in that guys coice is still keepin' me up.

Embedding latest video for visibility. needs moar eyes.

I'm off to try to get a nap again. Prob won't tho.

b6abd8  No.3343691

VIP Anon here. I hate that name by the way. I am not VIP and not really anonymous anymore. lol But I want to thank all the bakers and anons here that contribute so much to the Q movement.

So I went to the rally tonight and had the privilege to meet President Trump. What a great guy. Very personable and very nice in person. I had the opportunity to take picture with him, that they will mail at a later date.

So after the photo was taken, I asked him the question:

Me - "I have a question."

Trump - "OK"

Me - " Is Q real? "

Trump - (He looked me right in the eye, paused for an uncomfortable second, then threw out his hands to the side and said) "I don''t know, maybe." (another pause then said) "I do know they are great people!"

Me- "Yes they are…"

I wish to meet POTUS when he travels to my side of the world.

033a13  No.3343692

File: c0439941e78153a⋯.jpeg (116.85 KB, 750x257, 750:257, 9C799801-911E-4958-B218-1….jpeg)

File: 5a6b58eb20db9ee⋯.jpeg (90.33 KB, 750x120, 25:4, 5FF51D07-8313-4222-8131-5….jpeg)


Check time stamp.

56d376  No.3343693

File: 2a039e3c1359665⋯.jpg (107.75 KB, 443x801, 443:801, man smoking cigarette comf….jpg)

Sure is nice in here

0ace1e  No.3343694


How are people getting into his attic? High security locks, an alarm and camera system would prevent that.

e109ec  No.3343695

File: de218dd84a2c7bb⋯.png (171.87 KB, 810x559, 810:559, NightShiftClassy.png)

4cc260  No.3343696



d4e9dc  No.3343697


In her I dance. My beloved. There is no way to ignore any further, my beloved. I am refined, washed clean, my love for you is like a fire in water, I can not lie, but with lyonus cloud nine, let my love fill you as you feel, my breath be your breath

c9a59a  No.3343698


Underground tunnel.

c8a98d  No.3343699


It's a choice! don't dismiss what you don't want to learn, then! And I have no clue what Fortnight is about, it annoys the shit out of me…as it must have something to do with gamers ! (Which makes me think of little boys and basements) So….Learn or STFU

10a9a0  No.3343700


There's a red light in the sky that basically stalks me from way off in the distance through a bathroom window while I smoke inside at night (Rockies…Grizzly up here).

It plays peekaboo with me, edging over just slightly until it seems to get pissed off and comes into full view as if to call my bluff.

If I were the only one in my house?

Or area?

No, people are seeing things. Some of us have been watched for a long time. By what, I will not speculate and am open as I've researched far too much to think I know anything at all.

I'm okay with that for the moment.

693e6f  No.3343702

File: 9f4f7670864a150⋯.png (102.34 KB, 499x229, 499:229, sometimes-all-you-need-is-….png)


love you fren.

444747  No.3343703

File: 090541b15ab770f⋯.jpg (274.59 KB, 1795x686, 1795:686, E13578 5 Oct 18 0845.jpg)

I know where I am willing this C-130 to land…

c8a98d  No.3343704


I painted this once!! Although…not the original! Couldn't afford it so painted it myself! KEK!

0ace1e  No.3343705


Oh no, not the Israel saved for last again. Israel and the U.S. govt did 9-11, Kavanaugh did the Patriot Act. Israel like the Patriot Act. Kavanaugh is up for lifetime appointment. Good thing we're saving Israel for last.

4cc260  No.3343706


Now you are just showing off, anon! Nice!

0ace1e  No.3343707


An underground tunnel into his attic?

444747  No.3343710


Critical thinking skills. They matter.

0491c1  No.3343711

File: e4668f1f41b2521⋯.jpeg (437.54 KB, 1124x1610, 562:805, E25DAEFA-8820-493B-9597-5….jpeg)


84635c  No.3343712


He needs to get on here and spill (I would be surprised if he wasn't to be honest.) Some of the best researchers I've ever encountered are on this board, they'd crack this thing wide open.

c40b7d  No.3343713


I never liked the Kav nomination. His ties to W aren't lost on me either. Patriot Act stole our basic freedoms. It was all a sham to get the Patriot Act into place.

9d6c44  No.3343714

File: 3f369adcf2381d1⋯.gif (977.28 KB, 480x336, 10:7, WhereWeGoFromHere.gif)


well not so much a year, from my best figuring time tables and all im looking at like 4 months ish? maybe longer. but see that's where it breaks down into something ive yet to understand, without trying to reach to far out here, the best thing I could equate it to is the time I am missing, was / would be extra time to everyone else, not that I was gone and they were here, or I was here and don't remember, but almost a sense of , like a bizarre dream where time transcends time, where you go on a journey so vivid, so real, so long, that when you finally wake up it seems like a life time yet only a fleeting glimpse all at once.

honestly, kind of like Men in Black 3, "Why do I remember K but no one else does?" "Woah, WOAH, that means you were THERE, when you get back you gotta find me and tell me everything." and then he does all sorts of crazy time hopping what not and ends up getting sucked back into his own head in a way at the end and it never happened yet all the effects or the events prior still took place, without ever happening, or ceasing to happen…

to this day, my ex and parents could tell you, without knowing the reasons behind it the two sentences "some weird shit happened in 96" or "95-96… was a weird year, mannn" should be my catch phrase and calling card.

I know this all sounds 100% batshit crazy, but with the shit I have seen and learned since I saw Q pop up last October, honestly, would not surprise me one bit.

56d376  No.3343716


It was meant to be!

Going on image hunts for meme purposes is a journey all its own sometimes.

Ya never know what you're gonna find out there.

c8a98d  No.3343717


"May the force be with you"….KEK

e29cce  No.3343718

>>3343326 Previous Bread

>>Vaccines [not all] - Q

Biofag here.

For Anons who want/need to know the latest on the vaccines at the microscopic, atomic, and neuron level; They have officially traced out the molecular movement and damage cascade in our US Neurology research departments.

Then, they did the unthinkable.

They created a slide show that can actually explain it to normies even. Kudos to our best neurologists.

***Also included is information on what to do if you are forced to take unwanted vaccines at work to protect your brain, nervous system and whole body defense. There are things you can take to prepare and protect yourself, and certain kinds of shots you can demand that are egg based. Caveat: DO be aware that no shot is tested for mycoplasma contaminants. Mycoplasmas are still new and undergoing classification. There are no good tests for them yet.

See this for in depth information.

The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock Lecture

Russell Blaylock M.D [Neurosurgeon]


9f33ec  No.3343719


No worries! They probably just wanna take you along for a ride and friendly probing session.

74bdd1  No.3343720

File: 9fc08933dd94ac7⋯.png (188.55 KB, 555x648, 185:216, MI5.PNG)

MI5 agents have secretly been given authorisation to participate in ‘murder, torture and sexual assault’ on British soil without fear of prosecution, a tribunal heard yesterday.

It emerged that the security service has been giving its informants and agents the freedom to commit ‘grave criminality’ for almost 30 years.


fdff98  No.3343721

b0c3ff  No.3343722


Kav has a different reality to operate within now.

16ffa4  No.3343724


Do tell!

c8a98d  No.3343725

Heavy Chemtrails above Netherlands right now!

How's the US? Still chem trails there??

56d376  No.3343727



Suddenly Im hungry for biscotti

444747  No.3343728


Was at angels 28, now at angels 23 on approach to Little Rock. Arkancide Country.

c8a98d  No.3343729


Dang, I can always move there!

Lived there for 8 years already! Italy is better than My country at this point, much better

91d269  No.3343730

File: 6470115efe70251⋯.png (167.21 KB, 500x619, 500:619, 457A03C3-9A04-441F-9E94-E2….png)



What chemtrails

0ace1e  No.3343731

File: 47052a39e0c7df5⋯.png (11.87 KB, 534x191, 534:191, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm far from being swayed in that direction. Israel is great at playing the victim. So, just because they play victim during Trump's presidency doesn't mean that Trump is against Israel. Then there is all the evidence of him personally liking and working with jews. Did you read his last holiday message to jews, for example?

444747  No.3343732

File: 41110849b099c80⋯.jpg (222.86 KB, 1797x721, 1797:721, E13578 5 Oct 18 0855.jpg)

057bf6  No.3343733

File: 364925f0616aa47⋯.jpg (5.65 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpg)


VP Pence is Q

VP Pence is Q

4cc260  No.3343734


Thanks, anon! I was trying to help the other biofag get comfy. Is there any other links than Jewtube?

c8a98d  No.3343735


Yeah those!! None in the US???

c7e987  No.3343736


Nothing in the southwest for the last few months.

693e6f  No.3343737

File: f35ffd535e9bcad⋯.jpg (5.93 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 162621-abstract-colorful-3….jpg)

Good night anons.

thank you for all you do.


16ffa4  No.3343738


You think it is gonna pick up the indicted ones from Arkansas and transport them to Guantanamo for tribunals?

e1461d  No.3343739

File: 697a86624536434⋯.png (235.02 KB, 941x614, 941:614, Melting_pot_jewish_play_wi….PNG)

File: f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)

File: fb34bded822fe9d⋯.png (291.8 KB, 841x639, 841:639, Jews_ZOG_USA_UN_White_Nati….PNG)

File: 08ca1a16e04db28⋯.jpg (303.43 KB, 720x722, 360:361, Jews_Push4Miscegenation_On….jpg)

Did you know that America was NOT a melting pot from the start?

Did you know that the term "melting pot" was created by a jew called Israel Zangwill , in his play “Melting Pot” of 1908?

That the Immigration Act of 1965 was the single most destructive thing to US demographics?

And that the Immigration Act of 1965 was the result of over 40 years of pro-active effort of jewish interest groups?

The more you know

91d269  No.3343740


Oh they are still here.

56d376  No.3343741


I havent seen any in a couple, maybe a few months now.

Its nice to see real fluffy white clouds and a blue sky again.

c8a98d  No.3343743


No coincidences

74bdd1  No.3343744


thank you planefag…….hoping !!

6e81b4  No.3343745

File: 13a9e54e7dbd349⋯.jpg (366.79 KB, 1372x1394, 686:697, NZ_PM_Ms-Jacinda-Ardern2.jpg)

File: a7cb8166dfb6671⋯.png (3.07 MB, 730x1466, 365:733, NZ_PM_Combo.png)

File: 6a8534d1e577f1a⋯.jpg (112.83 KB, 980x551, 980:551, NZPM-FVEY-CABAL-Puppet_#3A.jpg)

File: 49ae5cabcaadfc4⋯.gif (3.53 MB, 526x369, 526:369, Commie-Cindy_Anim.GIF)

File: 97371f73ae86b49⋯.jpg (332.32 KB, 1224x1280, 153:160, NZ_Meme_Progressive-Social….jpg)

The FVEY nations had a little get together in April to plan the recent Russian narrative.

Jacinda Ardern meets with Five Eyes leaders over Russia



‘The Prime Minister has attended a top-level intelligence meeting in London to discuss growing international tensions with Russia.

The meeting of countries belonging to the Five Eyes network was a late addition to Jacinda Ardern's European tour.

She sat down with her British, Australian and Canadian counterparts amid accusations of Russian interference on millions of computers around the world.

The FBI in the US and GCHQ in the UK have warned against Russian attempts to hijack computers and internet routers around the world.’

Personal opinion -

Ms Jacinda Ardern is just the latest PM instalment. Before her was the short term former PM Mr Bill English and before him the Hussein golfing buddy former PM Sir John Key. Sir John Key upgraded the NZ GCSB spy capabilities, tapped into the Southern Cross Cable (which handles close to 100% of NZ traffic) and altered the NZ laws to enable the GCSB to spy on NZ citizens/residents/visitors in conjunction with the NZ SIS. All done at the request of Hussein/HRC.

Let’s not forget former PM Ms Helen Clark (Ms Ardern’s mentor) who became an administrator of the United Nations Development Program (Haiti!) and ran for the top job of UN Secretary General. Her latest book ‘Women, Equality, Power.’ is basically a HRC “Why I Lost’ type blaming the UN for not wanting a ‘strong woman’ in charge. Of course it couldn’t possibly be payback for how she’d continued to do what she’d always done in NZ Parliament and sent her ruthless ‘woman in grey’ permanent sidekick and enforcer Heather Simpson to kneecap any opposition, colleges or dissenters to her personal agenda. Ms Jacinda Ardern is a socialist ideologue like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and while very dangerous she’s nothing compared to Ms Clark who’s a very practical socialist. This makes her infinitely more worrisome as she’s returned to NZ to ‘oversee’ her protégé’ and is constantly meddling in NZ affairs. Like Hussein she can’t stand the thought of losing personal power.

There are times that I truly feel that NZ needs to suffer the fate of Venezuela so that we never go there again, but of course this is the ‘time of the endgame’. Technology is so great that there’d be no more second chances. We either Win or we Lose forever.

I very much hope that they’re tagged as Cabal Enemy Combatants and that there’s tiny wee cells waiting for them all in Gitmo, or even the secondary prison that's been built. I'd prefer Gitmo though.

Come and get them Q-team.

463d94  No.3343746

File: 5d4f1ea4236e8a8⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 255x195, 17:13, Triggasaurus.jpg)

Hurricane Sandy -→ Sandy Hook

Hurricane Florence -→ Florence, SC (POTUS tweeted)

bfc750  No.3343747

File: fe37153c80ba1ec⋯.png (643.67 KB, 650x768, 325:384, pepe_nightshift.png)

c8a98d  No.3343748


I haven't seen them in a couple of months until this week again!

0ace1e  No.3343749


But Kav was willing to edit the Constitution to give the govt powers, and regardless of the reality, or what he perceived to be reality at the time, the reponse was wrong either way.

56d376  No.3343750


If so, I would feel kinda bad for being on the fence about him, but hopefully that was the idea anyways and he would understand.

9d6c44  No.3343752

File: fea99e828c1cc04⋯.gif (791.77 KB, 480x262, 240:131, WWG1WGA.gif)


well shit, that's a new one, or 2, know what ill be playing in the background tomorrow.

dont know bout the rest of yall but i cant even watch a full movie or hardly part of one without either jumping back on here, into a dig, or even just researching hidden electrical engineering or something, anything i yet to know or comprehend.

those who know can't sleep?

shit Q those who know can't do anything BUT this.

and i wouldn't have it any other way.

0ace1e  No.3343754


they came up through his floor slab? Did the vagrants reinstall the hardwood floors daily?

55225d  No.3343755


Believe whatever you want to believe.

0491c1  No.3343756


They still thought they were in control until this morning. She’s freaking out right now, screaming at her husband, what do we do?!?!! You hang you fuckers. That’s what you do.

e1461d  No.3343758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Then there is all the evidence of him personally liking and working with jews. Did you read his last holiday message to jews, for example?

What does that have to do with Israel?

Zionists ARE traitors, by definition.

And wanting to be free from the grip of zionists and Israel does not mean you hate jews.

Miller is a good jew, Seth Rich was a good jew too, that has NOTHING to do with what I am saying.

Do you think Trump like to see the US being pushed around by the kikes in Israel?

Read this book, “One Nation Under Israel”, because you need to know how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate:



Cynthia McKinney: Face to Face 05-20-2011 explains how the jewish lobbying machine controls the US congress and politicians.

43180b  No.3343759

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for October 4, 2018 Operation Disclosure

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

1. Trump's presidential alert test was far more than meets the eye. It was a public display by the Alliance and a way of discretely informing the public of the what's to come.

2. The sting operation involving the RV was over and the timing of the RV was no longer a security concern.

3. The SCOTUS confirmation vote was essential to the timing of the RV via negotiated terms under GESARA law.

4. Mass military tribunals followed by a stock market collapse was inevitable. It would be the "break in the system" required to activate the QFS and release the RV.

5. Switzerland is even publicly expressing their willingness to participate in the QFS. http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/10/switzerland-would-join-alternative.html

6. As Q stated, be prepared, united we stand, strong together. This is Red October and the end of the Cabal.

f1a110  No.3343760


Firemen are heavily from Scottish roots.

Police are heavily from Irish roots.

They do the jobs no one else wanted to do.

"hey , you want to run into a burning building?"

"hey, you want to go down that dark alley?"

Trump turned NYC from a decaying town

full of homeless people washing car windows at intersections for tips

into a new and vibrant city

ready to host conventions again in clean hotels

Trump supported the firemen and police.

Methinks he knows many families

of those who were killed on 9/11.

Methinks he knows how well the towers were built.

Politics was always a dirty business to him.

I say a big "NO" to any such theory.


some people really do love their country.

Imagine that.

And they tried really hard to make us all hate ourselves.

23b2df  No.3343761

File: b84be6c91b64d21⋯.png (54.22 KB, 711x276, 237:92, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: dcd33b5b5e05a5c⋯.png (133.76 KB, 552x543, 184:181, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 929fd6afa1aaf80⋯.png (128.93 KB, 582x533, 582:533, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 9f6ed3702158e52⋯.png (84.01 KB, 582x368, 291:184, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)


War talk.

Full court press on China now.


9d6c44  No.3343762

File: 770bec1d7c7f962⋯.jpg (19.38 KB, 474x282, 79:47, thFBEH37NG.jpg)


I guess that would be the beauty of it.

c40b7d  No.3343763



We are told we will "never guess who you are talking to." So can't imagine it's Pence or POTUS

e1461d  No.3343764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh and BTW, all those "alt-media" zionists are fake-MAGA traitors, because zionists are ALWAYS traitors, by definition.

463d94  No.3343765


Q Trolling Time

Q's 18 USC 2712 post was DOWN TO THE SECOND!



9bb86b  No.3343767


Where I live, southern part of the country the skies haven’t been this blue in years

c8a98d  No.3343769


Doesn't sound too crazy after everything I've researched extensively on that subject! So You're not crazy! I can't remember the first 7 years of my life and I tried everything! Huge Trauma there …but for the life of me I can't remember, even seeing pictures from those missing years, is like looking at a complete stranger to me. No recollection whatsoever!

56d376  No.3343770


Yours came back?

Odd and gay.

16ffa4  No.3343771

File: 76df8d7bb492cf4⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 810x610, 81:61, shill mom w bowl.jpg)



I believe your mom is hungry.

c8a98d  No.3343772


Same here this summer, until this week!!

b3a905  No.3343774

File: 49a39b52ad304c9⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 720x713, 720:713, 3JfLFR.jpg)


Animals are getting pissed at me because I keep hiding in the office instead of sitting in the recliner for a movie.

May have to take some time to just sit there and read.

d4e9dc  No.3343775


We are all an

Shepards purse to u too

444747  No.3343776

Dag nammit, Q! I lost that C-130 at angels 11 on approach to Little Rock. I know that's where it's going, couldn't you have let me have that one without blanking the ADS-B?


c8a98d  No.3343777


Must have something to do with the fact our King has a great role in these apparent chem companies!

e1461d  No.3343778

File: a342d4105359b4d⋯.jpg (154.02 KB, 765x1178, 765:1178, ISIS_Says_Sorry_To_Israel.jpg)

File: aedd4f25b64661c⋯.png (602.62 KB, 757x827, 757:827, Israel_Helps_ISIS_1.png)

File: c1652e60fa1bbaa⋯.png (1.99 MB, 791x7652, 791:7652, Israel_Helps_ISIS_With_Cas….png)

File: 19e07db02f30e1d⋯.png (167.2 KB, 665x610, 133:122, Israel_Wants_ISIS.png)

File: f412d7f8caae054⋯.png (548.62 KB, 634x1482, 317:741, Israel_Wants_ISIS_2.png)


Oh and btw, US tax payer money has been going to ISIS pockets because Israel controls ISIS.

Good luck keeping your aid when the US gen pop finds out about that.

Even with your law that FORCES the US pres to give Israeli kikes aid, the law will be reverted as soon as censorship is done with, or people will riot the fuck out in outrage.

463d94  No.3343780

File: 572872e1a8a0a43⋯.jpg (369.67 KB, 2130x1188, 355:198, Squad88-BringThePain.jpg)


We have assumed control

b3a905  No.3343782

File: 07b89b391cd4d56⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 201x251, 201:251, images.jpg)


Be careful. You could put an eye out with that meme.

9f33ec  No.3343783

File: 543ceef3bf9a421⋯.png (219.98 KB, 630x365, 126:73, mkultra kristine.png)

He put his hand over my mouth! Although to be fair, I did tell him I could fit a whole fist in my mouth!

0ace1e  No.3343784

File: 7df65493b891118⋯.png (306.55 KB, 588x569, 588:569, MIGALena.png)


And it sucks because false flags that make people accept, or even demand, surveillance are continuing. Israel sucks, but Trump is endorsing zionist American jews to run for Congress, and the shirt under Kavanaugh's judicial robe will be checkered in stead of white, which also sucks.


Make Israel Great Always

e29cce  No.3343785


I am not sure about other sites. I would hope so. I usually lurk, but, too many parents here much younger than I that need this information to put the "informed" in the consent. An hour to get the latest on what will happen to their child's brain, peripheral nervous system and body during the vaccine and after is important, and many will research. Hubby is MD and we did try the recommended protections. They worked for him. This is the in depth cutting edge info I have found for parents of different disciplines who are not in medicine. The lecture is pretty in depth. The protection info personally tried out without harm. Pretty dritical stuff. Thanks for help getting the medical world more comfey with the realities. I live at pub med and can hardly get the information out fast enough, especially to pediatricians.

4cc260  No.3343786

Soros-Funded MoveOn.org Threatens ‘Direct Action’ in D.C., Preps ‘Emergency Campaign’ to Stop Brett Kavanaugh

"Activist Robert Reich, who served as Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, sent out a blast email on behalf of MoveOn.org on Thursday asking for donations to fund “MoveOn’s emergency campaign to stop Brett Kavanaugh.”

In the email, MoveOn.org, which has been massively backed by billionaire George Soros, warned the group’s anti-Kavanaugh plot is set to include “direct actions in Washington, D.C., at Senate office buildings, including busing in constituents from key states.”

The radical organization also wrote in the email it was planning to:

Escalate pressure on key senators, especially Susan Collins. Collins is the key swing vote in this process, and MoveOn is continuing to lift up stories from her constituents, support direct actions in Maine, and purchase ads in her state calling for her to stand with survivors, defend reproductive rights, and stop Kavanaugh.

Hold Republicans accountable. We will not forget their party’s actions at last week’s hearing, their unwavering support for Kavanaugh, and their attempts to discredit Dr. Blasey Ford and others when we head to the ballot box in five weeks. Ending GOP control of Congress and electing people who believe survivors. We will end GOP control of Congress and elect people who believe survivors and listen to women—because the fight for our fundamental rights is essential."


27559f  No.3343788

ATTENTION-Shillfagbots: ZION!!!


Future proves what?

c8a98d  No.3343789


Same here, my cats are trying to confiscate my keyboard constantly…poor souls though! I tell them it's for a good cause hehe

55225d  No.3343791


I'm sure you do.

e109ec  No.3343792


Midnight in Alaska

56d376  No.3343793


It would make sense being that hes hardly ever in the spotlight and kinda lurking mysteriously doing whatever it is he does.


They know how vast our imaginations are so yeah, Im inclined to agree because those are obvious picks.

444747  No.3343795

File: c7148bdedb9ea14⋯.png (515.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

it's oh so quiet, it's oh so still, and so peaceful until…

e109ec  No.3343797


I'm old, I spied the M&P Shield before the cleavage.

56d376  No.3343798

File: d47930cb6c2b429⋯.png (696.07 KB, 1009x892, 1009:892, christine blasey ford she ….png)


That face kek

9d6c44  No.3343799

File: 09ee74830853ff6⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, 474x474, 1:1, thJEL84J7T.jpg)



and you just gave every Man in America all they ever need in one.

16ffa4  No.3343800


Come on. You can do better than that. Here, I'll give you another shot.


444747  No.3343801


Sith Lord Soros can't save Hilldawg now. It's way too late for that.

3b227b  No.3343802


Facts are facts.

Jr is dead.

And you are a fucking shill.

e1461d  No.3343803


If Trump delivers in destroying censorship, then zioinsts will be ousted from very quick.

If Trump does not deliver in what regards censorship, then we where had by another zionist plot.

Time will tell, I trust Trump to do the right thing thou.

523ba5  No.3343804

I take a nap and Q posts the big one.

My life sucks.

It's 7 minutes past the 41m EST drop.

Israel was the provider of the mockingbird 4am talking points?

Major major liberal tears on Trump's twitter feed. OMG. It's going to be so much better than election night.

c53520  No.3343805

Been digging, how much bread do we have, how fast is it moving right now?

9d6c44  No.3343806


he is an elusive character.

just comes and goes..

9bb86b  No.3343808


As a matter of fact today while I was out and about I noticed how fluffy and white the clouds were against that brilliant blue sky. I said to myself…take that you murderous fuckers…we have our sky back

Hope yours clears up soon Anon

444747  No.3343810


We need a shower. That worked for Bobby Ewing, why not JR?


b7eea8  No.3343811

File: d192131e9492b04⋯.png (33.97 KB, 494x346, 247:173, IMG_5094.PNG)

16ffa4  No.3343812


That is profound. You, my friend, are wise man, a sage indeed. "Facts are facts," … sublime.

444747  No.3343814


About 20 minutes worth, at current speed.

b7eea8  No.3343816

File: c81af305af08817⋯.gif (421.28 KB, 700x525, 4:3, IMG_6680.GIF)


Here's your shower

0ace1e  No.3343817


It doesn't matter what you think or know if the govt won't change and the public will not listen.

The fact is that Trump has been betwing his blessing on Israel at every rally. He used to do it just before the patriotic culmination of we will make America stronger again… This associates in the public's mind a loyalty to Israel as an American patriotic duty.


I'm not a kike, idiot. I'm well aware that my tax dollars were laundered all over the world, including funding ISIS and Hillary's bank accounts.

45bcf3  No.3343818

File: 4390410244dbf8f⋯.jpg (569.91 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, KEK-santa-Trump.jpg)

My dear fags,

here take my humble contribution

7fc56d  No.3343819

File: 809c6ae4886278d⋯.jpg (81.51 KB, 608x477, 608:477, 1w33or1.jpg)

16ffa4  No.3343820

File: 65fffe0959a9dc7⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 654x360, 109:60, RW cog diss.jpg)

f1a110  No.3343821


I'm leaning now - more toward –

she was forced to do this whole thing.

She's been deliberately contradicting herself for a reason.

She's screaming for help.

She had to come up with a real good story, or else.

She can almost pass for a woman being held hostage.

4cc260  No.3343822


No worries! I am usually a digger, but sometimes help out others, if they seem genuine. I don't know much about vaccines, but know if they are mucking with them, all need to know.


c53520  No.3343823


Fuck yes.. lets hope so! Not familiar with your accronyms

961d26  No.3343824

FLOTUS is out of the country in Africa.

Wonder if that's a sign she's out of the country for safety from what is about to go down?

b709ce  No.3343825



Planned Parenthood Playbook for Kavanaugh Protests Today

So are the other side. Here's the instructions for them to organise, courtesy PP.



the playbook is here, but its googledocs, so treat accordingly: https://docs.google.com/document/d/124L57ktTmq3ECJPkK7qZSWYOXkyuIz2EPOPEpbe6mrw/edit?ts=5bb648ae

32350f  No.3343826


Absolutely no mercy for the Chinese.

They are a society without empathy, without feeling, maybe without souls.

They need to be wiped out like insects, vermin.

e1461d  No.3343827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It doesn't matter what you think or know if the govt won't change and the public will not listen.

That why I say:

>If Trump delivers in destroying censorship, then zioinsts will be ousted from very quick.

>If Trump does not deliver in what regards censorship, then we where had by another zionist plot.

>Time will tell, I trust Trump to do the right thing thou.

You say:

>The fact is that Trump has been betwing his blessing on Israel at every rally.

Off course, its called paying lip service. Because the Israeli kikes have to much leverage in the form of comped tech via Unit 8200 and sayanim traitors operating in the West, along with all the pizzagate blackmail via mossad.

> He used to do it just before the patriotic culmination of we will make America stronger again… This associates in the public's mind a loyalty to Israel as an American patriotic duty.

If he delivers in destroying censorship, all that is going to get turned around.

>I'm not a kike, idiot. I'm well aware that my tax dollars were laundered all over the world, including funding ISIS and Hillary's bank accounts.

Good for you.

9f33ec  No.3343828



Even though China has been some what modest with regards to it's aggression historically, accept as of late of course. I don't think they're gonna just sit back and take this on the chin.

I have a feeling that with the clinton bush obama crime ring help, they have quietly been building up their arsonal.

Probably preparing for an invasion.

322e9a  No.3343830

File: 3de9fc0c707bc5c⋯.jpg (231.75 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, Chad-Stuff-JustSayin.jpg)


That you John??


JFK. Jr IS alive, then he's probably the so-called "R-Shill."

c8a98d  No.3343831


Yup here too! They all complaining on twitter and 5 min later moving on to the next subject…cringe worthy! So better fight here for the bigger picture

4cc260  No.3343832



>>3343786 - MoveOn.org Threatens ‘Direct Action’ in D.C.

3b227b  No.3343833


Think Mirror, read the crumbs shill.

10a9a0  No.3343834


Oh I'm a USanon. I just keep really odd hours.

But we're all tossed in this chaotic mess together!

And…hell we found the right bread (mwuhahaha, how the fuck dey miss that??) so FREE BEER ON ME.

9f33ec  No.3343835


A face only her father could love.

be74bc  No.3343837

File: 7bfd91947f19c42⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 1840x2550, 184:255, drumsoftheshaman.jpg)

Q and POTUS, I stand at the ready to help whatever way I can. Humanity and Earth are ready for a change, a change for the better. A better way of life, REAL FREEDOM, and a future to look forward to. I stand at attention awaiting orders, for my family, for my friends, and for all of humanity. I want to honor my friend that was in the military and this is the least I could do for him and the rest of our brave men and woman protecting us.


444747  No.3343838


As my Gran used to say, "If your Aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle.".

9d6c44  No.3343840

File: 1af861796325368⋯.gif (981.16 KB, 240x130, 24:13, insideout.gif)

fdff98  No.3343842


Me: Our reps have been selling secrets to China and leaving and open door for hacking while our country is practically ran by the UK and AUS and our central intelligence agency is colluding. They even tried to assassinate Trump."

Them: "Oh! That's awful! Hey. Let's go get some chicken."

32350f  No.3343843



Starting to wonder if any of these senators' staffs have enough opsec to know how to avoid these bullshit protesters.

All it takes is one insane protester.

Vary routes, do not use public pedestrian passages inside DC buildings.

Protective wear, bodyguards, put noise canceling headphones on the senators so cannot even hear the freaks.

These fuckers are going to fight dirty.

Fine. We can fight dirty, too.

c8a98d  No.3343844


LOL, Most Dutch are still vast asleep so those Dutch ain't much!

e1461d  No.3343845


If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a tractor.

9d6c44  No.3343846

File: a00440b51ba892c⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 400x214, 200:107, goingup.gif)

23b2df  No.3343847

File: 43b6ab9586248e9⋯.jpg (792.51 KB, 4694x3059, 4694:3059, Trump-.jpg)

Dear Q,

Please suggest to Potus to help Japan build a submarine and navy base on the Senkaku islands, it will really piss China off. We can change the name to MAGA island if you want, or something with Trump in it.

"Trumps Dungeon"?

"Be Best Islands"?

We are open to suggestions!

Abe says hi!


444747  No.3343848

File: d99fd6a002e1fd5⋯.gif (455.08 KB, 400x216, 50:27, MIB Neuralizer 2.gif)

File: 24dc70e8fdd6255⋯.gif (567.24 KB, 450x253, 450:253, MIB Neuralizer.gif)


Nothing to see here, move along.

/swamp gas

c8a98d  No.3343849


True that! We all have bags under our eyes after the storm! Having a holiday is much needed ! Cheers!

322e9a  No.3343852

File: 0fdf2c963605aee⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 623x627, 623:627, 6374fc7dccd73abc3d38a8b0e9….jpg)

c8a98d  No.3343853


I'm always at home anyway , behind my War keyboard fighting the fight KEK

43180b  No.3343854



56d376  No.3343855

File: 9039e80af7fc018⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

Shit, I totally forgot.

Coin pic anon or somebody posted this earlier and I put it on tin eye and it came back with a big fat zero results.

I meant to bring it up then but I think the rally was starting or Q was posting.

9f33ec  No.3343856

File: a5bd17ae8aca89f⋯.png (680.33 KB, 2057x1041, 2057:1041, Assymetric Q shirt smuggli….png)

When two shirts are required!

e109ec  No.3343857

File: 9abd33e411c18b3⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 374x344, 187:172, icecubefight.gif)

8286ae  No.3343858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you feel it in the air tonight?

b709ce  No.3343860


that's not age, that's insight ;)

43180b  No.3343861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c8a98d  No.3343862


Alright! Timezones….

9f33ec  No.3343865


How you gonna get fired for stealing boxes on your day off?

322e9a  No.3343866

File: 2dc0ebfa72506d4⋯.png (393.52 KB, 566x506, 283:253, Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at ….png)




ba6a01  No.3343867

Use the right graphic or get the fuck out of the kitchen retard baker

16ffa4  No.3343868


Spell it out. Elaborate. I am open to having my mind changed. Let's hear your argument with respect to the mirror and the crumbs.

e109ec  No.3343870


Uh oh, dad's home.

e1461d  No.3343871

File: 0fcb66367c73d55⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 1832x7232, 229:904, Melting_pot_jewish_play_Em….jpg)

Do you know the poem at the Statue of Liberty was written by a jewess named Emma Lazarus?

Want to learn more about it? Read pic related.

508fd7  No.3343872

File: 749a27f59978192⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 831x717, 277:239, 749a27f59978192c102b235cab….jpg)



c8a98d  No.3343873


Got one for Morning Shift??

It's 10.30AM here

b7eea8  No.3343874

File: 075226075770272⋯.png (788.2 KB, 1184x1898, 592:949, IMG_7159.PNG)

File: eaca1be440fe923⋯.png (641.82 KB, 1173x1898, 1173:1898, IMG_7161.PNG)

File: c8a4f97c350258f⋯.png (190.58 KB, 935x1402, 935:1402, IMG_8561.PNG)

File: ac6e199cf068d95⋯.png (411.38 KB, 1037x1536, 1037:1536, IMG_8562.PNG)

File: 835f3160a397ddd⋯.png (153.01 KB, 1043x1536, 1043:1536, IMG_8563.PNG)



Here a coupe of articles on vaccines, it's true cancers and many other diseases are given via vaccines. (((They))) also have a cure only the elite get those for now Q said we have everything. Also, here is the patent for Ebola cure/vaccine. (((They))) patented everything. Sick huh?

56d376  No.3343876

File: b9d09094ea195e0⋯.jpg (114.64 KB, 896x494, 448:247, board volunteer event secu….jpg)

f06f02  No.3343877


do you remember which bread it was posted in? this is where the pic is from:


950a5e  No.3343879


Really? Thought you faggots were better then this.

5a8a5e  No.3343880


It's called 'unrestricted warfare'.


e109ec  No.3343882

File: 45fb10767973c71⋯.gif (3.36 MB, 480x266, 240:133, Dawn.gif)


Here ya go

c8a98d  No.3343883


Want one for Morning Shift!! Not a Tech stuff creator!

463d94  No.3343884

File: b7fb0748a145553⋯.png (47.18 KB, 399x447, 133:149, QClearancePatriot-110117.png)

Relevant today?

Think Mirror

322e9a  No.3343885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c8a98d  No.3343886



Nope, you can do better! I've seen it!

258650  No.3343888

File: c61bbd307460c91⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, 11 11 11 p.jpg)


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229

Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.




November 11, 2018

11/11/11 (2+0+1+8=11)

Movie: 11 11 11 (pic related)

Jack and Melissa are frightened by their son's bizarre and violent behavior; they soon learn that he is the gateway to the Apocalypse, and it will happen on his birthday, 11-11-11.


Jeremiah 11:11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them.



56d376  No.3343889


Bread number… no, but like I said, it was before the rally.

I think coin pic anon was around earlier too.

Somebody has been posting Cavill pics for a couple months now and from that instagram link, this one is fresh.

3b0545  No.3343890

South Korea has no problem with jailing a number of former Presidents. Can we out do them?

Ex-President Lee Myung-bak gets 15-year jail term over corruption

A Seoul court on Friday jailed former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak for 15 years, making him the latest in a string of high-profile political and business leaders ensnared by corruption charges. Lee is the fourth former South Korean president to be jailed, with his successor Park Geun-hye imprisoned over a separate graft scandal that toppled her from power in early 2017 and fed concern over cosy ties between government and business.

43180b  No.3343891



e1461d  No.3343892

File: 15592f001ab2b5a⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_1.jpg)

File: b3d4fd45ac95dfa⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1334x8476, 667:4238, Israeli_spies_jewish_MSM__….png)

File: 4965d2aa639b376⋯.png (134.35 KB, 657x593, 657:593, Unit_8200_2.PNG)

File: 54a46328f33716c⋯.png (51.97 KB, 1137x390, 379:130, Unit_8200.PNG)

File: cc6bfc72af84982⋯.png (2.66 MB, 761x10000, 761:10000, Israeli_spies_jewish_MSM__….png)




Feels good, China is getting exposed for such practices, then people get mad at that shit, then when Israel gets exposed for doing the same, the "anti-semitic trick" will not stick.


3b4636  No.3343893


>Really? Thought you faggots were better then this.

I agree with BV

Using the CBTS Graphic is in poor taste

7fc56d  No.3343894

File: dd9523f45e64f45⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 540x546, 90:91, 1824.JPG)

322e9a  No.3343895


I worked with a pack of them that didn't speak English and man, it was some WEIRD shit.

c8a98d  No.3343896


Dang! Who is that???

e1461d  No.3343897

File: 0bf059cdf48b42d⋯.png (236.97 KB, 922x969, 922:969, Merchant_get.png)



Interdasting autism you have going on anon.

9d6c44  No.3343898


right?? before I broke up with my ex-shill she was getting pissed off every day like you know this is all you talk about right?

im like its damn near all I talked about before Q even started, of course now that we actually have a fighting chance at exposing all the shit weve known for years DAMN RIGHT its all im talking about.

6f810a  No.3343899

Some Facebook employees upset over exec’s support for Kavanaugh

Hundreds of Facebook Inc. employees have expressed outrage about a top global policy executive’s decision to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by appearing at his hearing last week, people familiar with the matter said.

Employees raised the question directly to Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg as part of his weekly question-and-answer session last Friday, the people said. Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg also weighed in on the controversy in an internal discussion thread that has so far drawn hundreds of comments.

Employees began expressing anger, confusion and frustration after an image of Joel Kaplan, Facebook’s head of global policy, surfaced in the middle of Kavanaugh’s lengthy hearing last Thursday. Over the last week, the topic has drawn hundreds of comments in internal threads, the people familiar with the discussion said. Kaplan is a close friend of Kavanaugh’s


56d376  No.3343900


Why are we even celebrating our one year anniversary when this didnt start until Oct 28th?

1f7039  No.3343901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soon they will know. Mossad shutting things down for them! SOON VINDICATION!

eb9b5a  No.3343902

>>3343832 Below is from #4234 notables:

>>3341873 Soros Moveon.org threatens "Direct Action" in DC re: Kav nomination

>>3343867 If you objected, why didn't you say something when it was in the global notables for the last several days?

f42649  No.3343903


I hope they don't declare Martial Law 'til AFTER 9:30 AM Eastern because I don't want to miss Chemo Friday.

WOW! Those are words I never thought I'd say. KEK!

3b4636  No.3343904


>Why are we even celebrating our one year anniversary when this didnt start until Oct 28th?

Bakers idea I think / I thought it was stupid

258650  No.3343905

File: 305bd16d54f1929⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 218x255, 218:255, Saviour.jpg)

File: 54d4df83652d9d4⋯.png (221.25 KB, 550x308, 25:14, POTUS part.png)

File: 723b6768791d868⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 255x213, 85:71, GOD wins.jpg)



TRIP 8's.

You realize what this means?


6f810a  No.3343906


POTUS said Calm before the Storm this day a year ago

32350f  No.3343907




Needs a link to relevant video re: China

Day shift should see this

1f7039  No.3343908

c8a98d  No.3343909


What's Chemo Friday?

ba6a01  No.3343910

>If you objected, why didn't you say something when it was in the global notables for the last several days?

Use the right graphic or get out of the kitchen

3b227b  No.3343911

File: f7a56ae9fd5d311⋯.png (23.44 KB, 478x270, 239:135, ClipboardImage.png)


You are so open minded, your brain has fallen out.

56d376  No.3343912

File: 4a4aa094f587e96⋯.jpg (352.54 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, what storm mr president.jpg)


Ahh, well ok, makes sense now

882f32  No.3343913

File: d070dbdf53c8a07⋯.jpg (170.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, qpun.jpg)

Pain coming.

9d6c44  No.3343914

c8a98d  No.3343915


Really?? I thought that was after Q started!

c2f8cd  No.3343916

File: 380216e3aed4bf3⋯.jpg (64.88 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, DouFHunUwAEkTBl.jpg)

eb9b5a  No.3343918

>>3343867, >>3343902

I just followed the bread and previous baker's lead. If you are that upset, you can always take the bake. The dough is up-to-date through this post.

Do you want the bake, BV? Just say the word, and it's yours.

6f810a  No.3343919


Right after Vegas shooting. Which is what brought me to the chans…

5a8a5e  No.3343920




e109ec  No.3343921


Martial law, if enacted will be short.

God bless, you will be in my prayers.

7fc56d  No.3343922

File: 8f357b71be2ffdb⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 577x581, 577:581, 16997750_717757045100277_2….jpg)

322e9a  No.3343923

File: 0d7faaa3fcecc8c⋯.jpg (65.75 KB, 580x348, 5:3, 26t7qy.jpg)


I could argue that Q did NOT answer the question and his answer points to the fact that even IF JFK Jr. WAS alive, we are ALL Equal, and we are ALL Q.

Rebuttal from the prosecution?? KEK!!

16ffa4  No.3343924


You don't know how to read accurately. That is a logically meaningless statement. It is not a denial of R. Get educated and come back in 10 years.

9d6c44  No.3343925

File: fcf79d469843df7⋯.jpg (858.61 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, 23E.jpg)

File: b12d96bab8cc1a1⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 900x454, 450:227, apocalypse-now-1900.jpg)

3b227b  No.3343926




Apparently BO needs to vet the BVs a little moar closely.

774d14  No.3343927


They are using it for the anniversary of the CBTS.

bad604  No.3343928


been a wild ride my friend

081c34  No.3343929

File: bcb18e2e82fce2c⋯.jpeg (436.98 KB, 750x1066, 375:533, B1E0C361-B821-44FF-9A14-4….jpeg)

German economy minister presses for swift EU trade accord with US https://www.rt.com/newsline/440385-germany-eu-trade-tariffs/

43180b  No.3343930



ba6a01  No.3343931


You can use the right image or you can get out of the kitchen, do you understand?

1f7039  No.3343932


Just been talkin to my reluctant father…so yes VERY soon.

(He's from Jew Jersey too) I'll give you a hint my ideas keep him up at night lol.

5a8a5e  No.3343933


I don't know if this is the video anon was referring to,

but Pence is basically describing 'unrestricted warfare'

6f810a  No.3343934


100% agree.

bad604  No.3343935


suck a dick. it's nostalgic

ec3a35  No.3343936



3b4636  No.3343937


>POTUS said Calm before the Storm this day a year ago

Then use the pic of POTUS not a CBTS image from the board we fled from

322e9a  No.3343938


We have 2 BV's right??

8c4aa2  No.3343939


What a fucking child, grow up or get some manners..

3b227b  No.3343940



Vince is not Jr.

Jr. is fucking dead.

Get a life.

56d376  No.3343941


Me too.

I remember listening to that speech without really knowing what was going on, besides Vegas, and I heard that and was like holy shit -

WTF is the Storm!?

eb9b5a  No.3343942

>>3343930, >>3343926

No. It is not a retard BV. There are only two, and they put in an inordinate number of hours here. My guess is that BV has about 1000 reports of moldy bread, wrong graphic… etc. I have offered the bake to BV. Dough (from original dough post) is up to date.

fda184  No.3343943

https:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/breaking-grassley-releases-executive-summary-of-kavanaugh-fbi-report/

1f7039  No.3343944


The biggest mistake whites have ever made you fucking jackass. Go to reddit and never return. The "awakening" will be way too heavy for your woman brain. Let the real men handle it.

f42649  No.3343945



I have been going to Chemo every Fri for last 4 1/2 months. 3 more to go, then surgery, then almost positively CURED! So no worries here. Just a pain in the butt. I don't want to A) have treatment postponed, B) Miss "It's Habbening!"

6e578a  No.3343946

File: e79253c961c3c7c⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 500x322, 250:161, IMG_20181003_213215.jpg)

ec3a35  No.3343947


We got played by a shillbake here anon

774d14  No.3343948


I was following this earlier. Creeps me out to be honest. Employees getting upset about this? Goes to show you what it is like inside Facebook. They probably are so self unaware that they do not see their bias. Let alone have any idea what due process is. How we they handle Ford's credibility being ripped apart soon?

3b4636  No.3343949


>Apparently BO needs to vet the BVs a little moar closely.


The BV is correct

The old board graphic should NOT be used

4017af  No.3343950


>Apparently BO needs to vet the BVs a little moar closely

Yeah that was a little annoying to see BV do that after the ebake bullshshnaw

950a5e  No.3343951


Then take the fucking bake, tough guy. Some BV, using your position to intimidate a baker keeping the breads running in the early ass hours of the morning and you think your somehow above everyone in this thread. Go fuck yourself faggot.

774d14  No.3343952


There goes the anniversary graphic.

Have no fun anons.

322e9a  No.3343953

File: 7ee31f82ca594a6⋯.jpg (19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7ee31f82ca594a692153ba8c20….jpg)


Who ever said Vince was JFK. Jr.??

I'm just saying he might be alive.

Why so angry Anon?? Don't let your emotions control you like the Left. And don't use verbal badgering to attempt to get your way like the Left. And don't try to control free speech, like the Left.

In other words, you're acting like a Leftist.


6f810a  No.3343954


No FREEDOM. No Tolerance. Only group think mentality.

b63b14  No.3343955


I remember that day so well. Saw it on YouTube and immediately shared on social media. I hardly ever share YT videos but I new something special was happening.

c8a98d  No.3343956



>am i the only one who thought vip anon had a fro under his hat at first glance?

I thought the same!!! KEK

ba6a01  No.3343957

I'll bake if you can't figure out the right graphic but I'm confident you can't figure it out

ba6a01  No.3343958



Meant can

774d14  No.3343959


I was in the threads. It was intentional. They wanted to keep the graphic all day. Reasons seemed good. Thought it was a nice touch considering the importance of today.

8c4aa2  No.3343961


Original image is far better than the stupid and fake pic you use now… even the statue is one big psyop… it never fucking happened..

its gonna be one of those waste of time fridays i can tell… im out

ec3a35  No.3343962


This is absolutely correct, caused much confusion…

84635c  No.3343963


Praying for you, Anon! Your attitude is inspiring!

c8a98d  No.3343964



>Yep. "The vote to advance the nomination" is Cloture I.E. to stop the discussion. Next is the final vote that happens on Saturday.

So why voting so many times ?? (Non American Anon

463d94  No.3343965


Luv this guy! He's doing the right thing and needs a few frens.

We cannot faint from this and run - WWG1WGA!

0ace1e  No.3343966


So instead of exposing pizzagate in the halls of Congress, the better idea is to let evil Congressmen continue to govern while we fight to eliminate censorship and jewish influence in the media. Trump could do press conferences to drop redpills or drop some at rallies, or on Twitter. We don't need CNN for that.

6f810a  No.3343967


Hopefully 1 year later, we get a nice anniversary gift.

258650  No.3343968




(Trip 8's too)


You need to be more clear. Just call me "stupid baker." What are you trying to say is notable? Just give me "link(s)" and "Label." That will tell me what to look at, and why.

1f7039  No.3343969


Bet you let your daughter get fucked by arabs and niggers! Damn I'd kill you sooner than I'd kill a hardcore Jihadist! Boy our younger generations really got nothing to work with who has any sort of spine do they? That's ok we'll take over where your whole generation failed miserably. You fucking slave. You fucking coward. You fucking nigger lover!!

f42649  No.3343970


>>> No FREEDOM. No Tolerance.

No 24/7 Employee Security Detail. No Rules of Engagement. No standard warfare.

bad604  No.3343971


most anons like it. brings back feelings of when it all started…WE have the power to change our country so i'll be damned if we can't have fun with the graphic.

4017af  No.3343972


I dig the old graphic idea, other people did too for it to be on globals.

Fuck these faggots and confused Nazi BV

c53520  No.3343973

File: 137953927fa6ce9⋯.jpeg (985.02 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, A1F33C60-8455-46E0-ACAE-0….jpeg)

File: 457aac6b012f672⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, FA3C6D07-9754-43A7-8130-E….jpeg)

File: 2ca0d4ee2ca9b55⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 2D1DCF68-D963-4D91-984C-2….jpeg)

File: 39f15fd8a3b5e64⋯.jpeg (2.23 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 27C4AD5E-8230-4218-81AC-F….jpeg)

File: 5737ffe073bf339⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 497712A0-148B-4094-865A-7….jpeg)

Uhhh… Anons..

What happened 21yrs ago? The Clintons moved into the Whitehouse. They abused every rule on the book. They did not care for the US one bit. They were out to make money, sell out the US, and ultimately set the US up for their dictatorship. I found out that the minute they stepped into the Whitehouse it was a free-for-them type situation (remember them stealing shit from the Whitehouse when they moved out? White Trash Niggers.

Tonights digs into Feinstein, and into [BC]/Hillary have come up with a time period where the FBI was doing their jobs.

1997 is the year and they were actually investigating crimes in government, many many many crimes.. one of said investigations was looking into the donations by China into BOTH Feinstein and [BC] (separate cases) by separate Chinese “associates”.. (and at least 5 others in Senate elections in 1996).

Clintons were up to their eyeballs in problems taking bribes, giving government favors. So Feinstein switched up her game as far as talking to China herself, she hired an assistant who would be the bridge between her and China, so she didn’t have to be directly connected. This assistant would go on to be doxxed as a Chinese spy, and was by her side for 20 yrs..

Big issues for the Clintons as well.

What happened in 1997 though.. [BC] took contributions to campaign and had to return a lot of the money. One amount was $600,000 alone.

They could not be loosing the money like this.

THUS.. they establish the Clinton Foundation as a way to hide their payoffs from other countries for nefarious deeds. During this time, they moved around the campaign rules “Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee v. FEC, in which the Court ruled that Congress could not restrict the total amount of "independent expenditures" made by a political party without coordination with a candidate, invalidating a FECA provision that restricted how much a political party could spend in connection with a particular candidate.[40] As a result of these rulings, soft money effectively enabled parties and candidates to circumvent FECA's limitations on federal election campaign contributions.[41]”

They were bound by the laws of the United States (they never were not.. buuuuut..) and by establishing the Clinton Foundation it gave them a “front” to be able to launder the money. THUS they were able to start to dismantle the United States of America. And they did so with strategic, spy, economic, etc information that was priceless for the American People’s prosperity.

As I have been digging, the story is coming together. They did it out of necessity due to the investigations into their dubious deeds.

FBIANON said to dig into the Clinton Foundation. That this was the center hub to it all.

It REALLY is. Reason the past is so relevant is that it isn’t all about the election, all their sick and twisted shit they have been involved in will likely not be what they fall for. It will be the recent most criminality.. TREASON against the American people they will go down because of.

All of Qs breadcrumbs have all pieced together the picture. Makes me think the 40% we are told we will learn (better be 99.9% damnit!!) is going to be around the election and how all the players fit together.

The reason China/Facebook set up Building 8 was to control the US population, the reason Facebook was created to get a full picture of who we are so they could come in and black-bag us in the middle of the night Commie China style. It is all for the central banks to take their system to China and set up and run the same game on them.. we were just food for the machine. We weren’t supposed to be able to fight back and regain control. They did not want us to succeed or to prosper. They think less of us than a farm animal for butcher..

As far as I am concerned.. FUCK CHINA.

1f7039  No.3343974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ec3a35  No.3343975


We are on a mission…


We can pat ourselves on the back some other time.

Stick to the mission

9bb86b  No.3343976

File: 46eb234faa57cf1⋯.jpeg (57.14 KB, 628x820, 157:205, 3EC06DBC-0726-4387-A9EA-E….jpeg)


Definitely Fuckery Afoot

322e9a  No.3343977

I can see the heart of the idea, but I got lost, and I live here. I think it's cool, but I can also se getting rid of it. No need to feel bad.

Thanks for the effort Baker(s) & BV.


56d376  No.3343978

And the bread was so fucking comfy…

e109ec  No.3343979

File: a03352be46e92c7⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, a03352be46e92c7326e727de59….png)


That's good to hear.

Phonefag during treatment, problem solved.

3b227b  No.3343980




so many of you Jr. worshipers are saying so.

>Why so angry Anon??

When have I expressed anger, shill?

Calling out shills is not stifling free speech, it is simply speaking truth.

444747  No.3343981

File: 95def12353b25ad⋯.png (304.19 KB, 618x348, 103:58, ClipboardImage.png)


Concur. JR is most definitely dead.

9d6c44  No.3343982

File: 66fbd44f50b9952⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 650x365, 130:73, alien-afterlife.gif)

File: 0fd207cef22d830⋯.jpg (4.77 MB, 3016x2008, 377:251, Changing_of_the_Guard_at_A….jpg)

tappin' out on another glorious night shift, catch y'all on the flip side my fellow Incarnated Extraterrestrials.


i'd like to watch your bitch ass TRY to say that to ANY WWII vet on this planet.

even one in a wheelchair would rip your little punk ass throat out with one Patriotic hand.

you have no place in Our new republic, filtered shillcunt.

pray We, or any true red blooded Patriots ever cross your path. dumbfuck.

eb9b5a  No.3343983

>>3343931, >>3343942

I am reasonable, BV, but you need to calm down. I was following the bread and the previous baker., which is what bakers do. It was not my decision to use the old graphic, nor did I propose it originally. In fact, I had to ask the other baker to give me one, as I didn't start baking until thread 1050 or so.

I will use the old graphic, but I did nothing outside our guidelines as bakers.

b63b14  No.3343984


Yeah, it's really really bad in certain parts of the country. It really shows how indoctrinated these people are, it's all they were ever taught from childhood onward. The movies, music, books, games they watch have all reinforced their ideology firmly. They have never allowed themselves to think critically or objectively in their entire lives. It's the epitome of cult psychology, the very thing they project onto us.

e1461d  No.3343985


I am sure that Trump does things the way he does not to protect Israeli kikes and pizzagate pedos but because its the best approach to things in order to minimize social unrest, human life loss and infrastructure damage.

We can go back and forth all day, thing is, this is a bottom up operation and Israel is last, that tells us that Israel is the HQ of the cabal, which means that before they can be tackled everything they can use to create backlash against Trump and the West needs to be de-activated.

1b4e15  No.3343986

File: 417cb21ec09fff0⋯.png (577.86 KB, 796x408, 199:102, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: 3db4e8591ee4c25⋯.png (659.3 KB, 1196x630, 598:315, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

File: e7395193840a0c7⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 674x802, 337:401, skyflan.jpg)


Storm already here.

If anything, should be CLAM IN THE STROM.

b709ce  No.3343987


We need to re-name this bread 'Dikke lul, drie bier!'

c8a98d (51)

eb9b5a  No.3343988


>>3343288 GWB declared the on-going national emergency that gives POTUS the power to continue

>>3343376 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4242 breads so far

>>3343223 111 Days ago, Q posted "Declass POTUS." Maybe they have some kind of plan or something

>>3343520 Sybil is alive and well and working as a journalist (check out the conflicting real headlines)

>>3343648, >>3343745 US Amb warns NZ not to trust China and other NZ and Five Eyes habbenings

>>3343720 Cameron gave MI5 OK for murder, torture, sexual assault on British soil

>>3343711 Italy arrests Illegal Immigrant aiding mayor

>>3343761 China losing trade war with US per CNBC

>>3339792 (pb), >>3343765 Is this what Q meant by "did we hit 0:00"?

>>3343825 Planned Parenthood playbook against Kavanaugh for today

Last call for notables

4017af  No.3343989



0ace1e  No.3343990


Some anons who want a completely changed world can't handle a graphic change on an image board.

How can it have caused confusion? It took me about 2 seconds to see what the baker did, and I thought it was cool.

322e9a  No.3343991

File: 496fb380a7ca33e⋯.png (949.87 KB, 969x927, 323:309, Screenshot_5.png)


I was telling you to "Think Logically" in relation to your emotional outburst. Look at you again, "Jr. Worshippers." A straight up slight. And an accusation of being a shill. Along with the way you conducted yourself earlier, leaves you looking sorta suspect.

We have the Left's playbook now, and you're hitting all the numbers. Those with eyes can see. But please, keep talking.

eb9b5a  No.3343992



6f810a  No.3343993


It reminds me of the book series "The Giver" also movie now. Live in a perfect utopia blind.

1f7039  No.3343994


>THUS they were able to start to dismantle the United States of America

Not the start. Definitely not the "start." It's only through massive prior corruption that anything of this magnitude gets started by these idiots. And remember, the Israeli JEWS have been caught red handed selling our secrets to China. Greatest ally they are not. The elephant is RIGHT THERE IN THE FUCKING ROOM WITH YOU ASSHOLES. Pollard look that fucking name up you boomer asshole retards!

7fc56d  No.3343995

File: e1f682e10b051e5⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 702x510, 117:85, buttercup.jpg)

774d14  No.3343996


I should be thankful for where I live. We have a little bit here and every once in a while I may be taken back by something someone says but for the most part, it's a pretty based part of the country.

Just stop the Cali migration!

6258b9  No.3343997

File: abd0e4f1f43448f⋯.jpg (115.63 KB, 1080x1264, 135:158, 18723197_1730116440621686_….jpg)

Highest ranking anon here. We keep the graphic, end of story.

fdff98  No.3343998


Hello, Grumpy.

b7eea8  No.3343999

File: 63af792d8d9df3c⋯.png (96.16 KB, 1536x596, 384:149, IMG_6712.PNG)


Mad Dog



Double Kek

f06f02  No.3344000


the messiah's husband

1f7039  No.3344002


Seig heil you nigger loving faggot! Keep ignoring the fucking real problem you idiot!

3b227b  No.3344003


Confusion amongst idiot shills, who can not recognize a very recent historical reference when needed, DO NOT FUCKING BELONG HERE.

bad604  No.3344005


55225d  No.3344006


What's cool got to do with it?


5a9bdd  No.3344007

File: 194a8df6a6cab73⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 625x426, 625:426, 194a8df6a6cab73ac1ccd87fe0….jpg)

File: 6c1557268547fe9⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 576x384, 3:2, old sparky has even indica….JPG)

File: 169ae361ab67e36⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 985x811, 985:811, 169ae361ab67e3693ce12de85e….jpg)

File: df11135ce33705d⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 400x250, 8:5, df11135ce33705dbb2d31ebc84….jpg)

File: 67b4f013de632b7⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 236x177, 4:3, youre excited.jpg)

Pain, Arrests, Camp Delta Winter Camp, Military Tribunals…I'm so excited! I can't wait!

c53520  No.3344008


You are absolutely correct, the start of the downfall.. defined downfall.. they stole shit leaving the Whitehouse.. doesn’t get any worse than that.. white trash.. 1MILLION%

84635c  No.3344009


I reached out to him. Glad I got to hear his story. 5 years ago I would have thought it was crazy. Now? Well, I don't think much is crazy now a days. I'm praying for that guy.

1f7039  No.3344011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JIDF brigades are here!!! They're paid to shill against the truth!!

ec3a35  No.3344012


This causes division…

fuck you baker, I’m out

bad604  No.3344013

File: cb791c70065056d⋯.png (22.66 KB, 664x260, 166:65, Screenshot 2018-10-05 at 1….png)



774d14  No.3344014


Some of the best breads we've had in a while were under the old graphic today. Productive and almost shill free.

fdff98  No.3344015


Notable AF

3b227b  No.3344016


>Jr. Worshippers

a well deserved and absolutely unemotional slight against the brain dead.

1f7039  No.3344017


Remember good anons this here is a shill or a foreign spy. Terminate with extreme prejudice.

a12971  No.3344018


I wish they would issue anons some Hugo Boss uniforms…

eb9b5a  No.3344020


BV has said to use the main graphic. The main graphic will be used.

9d6c44  No.3344021

good to know the c[]a clocks in at 4:45am EST, to all you clown pieces of shit, dig your set places in hell just a little deeper, please, only harm YOU can accomplish here is to yourselves.

444747  No.3344022

File: 77650fab2e51eb5⋯.jpg (434.14 KB, 1861x805, 1861:805, E13578 5 Oct 18 Little Roc….jpg)

Here's what I got from Flight History for that C-130 from earlier. Confirms that it was at angels 11 when it dropped off the screen.

7fc56d  No.3344023

File: 855507ddcafd35b⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 735x652, 735:652, 3a13ac3ee7c1f6e3d4573722f7….jpg)

c8a98d  No.3344024


Would be November when he comes out, according to our research , not October

774d14  No.3344026


Probably got spammed to hell in back with people getting confused and the eBake.

444747  No.3344028


"Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one".

322e9a  No.3344030

File: a62479cbf271d62⋯.jpg (149.16 KB, 519x1000, 519:1000, a62479cbf271d6240ade854926….jpg)


LOL!! Awww…Another insult. I hope you don't think you're hurting me or bothering me at all. I'm just laughing at you at this point. So please…Keep going.

0ace1e  No.3344031


Well, leaving Israel and pizzagate out of it, I expected a cleaning out of Congress. We've had some resignations, but nothing significant in regard to shifting the balance of power away from dims. That's why midterms are important.

Voting in the midterms will land us republicans like Lena Epstein (jew) and Rick Scott (CEO of a company that committed Medicare fraud).

During this time, we'll also see Bush and Clinton flunky Kavanugh put on the SC.

Then there's St. Lucia and Bill Clinton two months ago, and Botham Jean arkancided last month.

By the time we get to Israel all the politicians will have dementia and be unfit for trial.

1f7039  No.3344032


Hello cuckold faggot! Remember white Europeans are only 7% of the entire world. Fight now or your children will be minorities in their own countries. Ignore all other cucks this is our most important battle. Because let me assure you NIGGERS WILL NOT INVENT ANOTHER INTERNET.

0733a6  No.3344033


Dorothy Kilgallen (Patriot) on What's my line is a guilty pleasure from time to time. I hope when this is all done that justice is done for her. Amazing what was then vs now looking back.

eb9b5a  No.3344034

>>3343942, >>3344026

I said as much. Bakers cannot win. KEK. Oh well. Another bake, another dollar….


With the main graphic

7fc56d  No.3344036

File: e7f9092fe278e3c⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 720x720, 1:1, fuck u nicorn.jpg)

9bb86b  No.3344038


Swiped that one Anon. Fan of Fuckery memes

322e9a  No.3344039

File: 23cf5c8218e53de⋯.png (6.67 KB, 453x281, 453:281, 23cf5c8218e53de1cf10c58a9d….png)


Great Work Anon. Thank You very much.

168201  No.3344040


BV said to suck his cock too so get on that since what he says is the law

7fc56d  No.3344042

File: 6ab332aead73572⋯.jpg (85.72 KB, 592x475, 592:475, 6ab332aead73572e05900b73f5….jpg)

File: 22ec2a1f6d55fc6⋯.jpg (18.59 KB, 345x190, 69:38, 5-x-5-loud-and-clear-86511….jpg)

0ace1e  No.3344044


Don't forget the militarized police forces and domestic spying in case any citizen did more than tweet their frustrations about the govt.

e1461d  No.3344045


I am pretty sure that regarding the big names (Congress, etc), when it starts to rain, it will pour.

We'll see how it pans out.

7f1218  No.3344046

File: a956f88456fac78⋯.png (295.7 KB, 1766x1196, 883:598, Screenshot 2018-10-04 18.0….png)

File: 8ed2c0797bf515e⋯.png (299.92 KB, 1904x1286, 952:643, Screenshot 2018-10-04 18.0….png)

File: f2187ce227f8d6b⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Screenshot 2018-10-04 18.1….png)

File: 1024d479e5574d8⋯.png (733.6 KB, 2228x1503, 2228:1503, Screenshot 2018-10-04 18.1….png)

File: 6924cd95498d948⋯.png (411.85 KB, 2346x1379, 2346:1379, Screenshot 2018-10-05 01.0….png)

Earthquake anon here, someone in a previous bread asked about two seismic events off the southern tip of San Clemente Island (Channel Islands). They look like deep water sea floor blasts… but the seismics are inconclusive.The oddity is that they were close together (15 minutes) 3.3 and 3.0m at about the same depth (8,000 ft). Because the military is very actively training in the area, it could easily be Navy. There is no drilling in the area. While the occurrence is at near the San Clemente fault, west of the fault in deeper water is not a major earthquakin' area. Most of the quakes top out at about 2m. The waveform is similar to an aircraft sonic boom… I'm actually not sure how that would be possible.




b07852  No.3344047

File: 87c12391e3a171e⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-10-05-05-0….jpg)

File: 80e2adbe11b6890⋯.jpg (194.58 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-10-05-05-0….jpg)

Just got on

WTF is going on??

57187a  No.3344049

What do ya wanna bet that the idiot BV that lost the bread is the fucking bottom feeding CLAM Shill Baker, promoted to BV….


BO really needs to do better…

9a94b1  No.3344050

Two prosecutors leaving Mueller team


d52bbc  No.3344052


Baker said it himself, he can't win.

But BV was a punkass authoritarian bitch the way he went about it. Baker is donating time just like BV is, no need to be an absolute asshole about it. Baker deserves more respect then that.

1f7039  No.3344053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember your children who you fight for! NOT YOU!

a539ba  No.3344054

File: a44780881f8f30e⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Let the bodies hit the flo….mp4)


Thank-you for the front row seat. Thank-you for keeping your promises. Greatest time line ever.

Now, Sir, at your first convenience.


c8a98d  No.3344055


That's from 2 days ago!

e1461d  No.3344057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good job.

>FBIANON said to dig into the Clinton Foundation. That this was the center hub to it all.

And now he says to dig into Israel and all jewish interest groups.

Read pics related here: >>3343414

And watch video related.

43180b  No.3344058




5a9bdd  No.3344060

File: 4977529ae2f1752⋯.jpg (107.17 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Death Penalty for all trai….JPG)

File: a19ed1dd72a15bf⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 576x384, 3:2, death pen pedo.JPG)

File: ae6bb84a72c7373⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 300x169, 300:169, arrest-soros.jpg)

File: fc0727828045d34⋯.jpg (123.09 KB, 596x400, 149:100, up in smoke.jpg)

File: a563e185197cfc6⋯.jpg (231.48 KB, 528x816, 11:17, biden tweet barry goodbye ….JPG)

c8a98d  No.3344062



>>>3343896 (You)

>the messiah's husband

Must have missed the "messiah" thread!

168201  No.3344065


I guess we can't enjoy remembering the past here 'cause the BV is having problems working the applicator on his tampax and takes it out on the bakers

b7eea8  No.3344066

File: f7833a120841a77⋯.jpg (53.12 KB, 720x395, 144:79, IMG_9225.JPG)

57187a  No.3344068


We seem to have a new AFLB.

A purge is in order.

3b4636  No.3344069


>Baker deserves more respect then that.


Some bakers are rude and attack anons all the fucking time

Bakers deserve no more or less respect than any other anon

cbf6ea  No.3344070

File: a36f9de5a25eebd⋯.png (81.26 KB, 319x355, 319:355, blue wave fantasy.png)

Talk about delusional

Cabal polling propaganda is saying the Demonrats have a 3-in-4 chance of taking control of the House.

Reality is going to hit these pansies so hard on Election Day.

fdff98  No.3344071


Teddy bears and unicorns is all you need, grumpy.

cbf6ea  No.3344072


forgot to mention, that forecast is from FiveThirtyEight


7f1218  No.3344073



1st image: Consistent with MINING blasts I've seen.

0b3757  No.3344076

Last three Q posts.

It has been a pleasure anons.

Are we ready?

4017af  No.3344077


we started using an old graphic (as the global notes suggested) some anon tripped out on it and made an ebake.

You found the correct bread (not too hard right?) but we will be using the normal graphic because nothing is sacred…

1f7039  No.3344079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Better grumpy and informed than a happy fucking idiot like you! Wake the fuck up please.

e109ec  No.3344080

File: 96added3f127cd7⋯.jpg (9 KB, 217x165, 217:165, fukkensaved.jpg)



9bb86b  No.3344081



Speak to me in that manner face to face and it’s gonna get ugly quick like.

BV was entirely out of line. Manners and Respect gets you everywhere. Learn some

43180b  No.3344082


so much comics during this historic time lol

a12971  No.3344083


I began to wonder why they keep with the fake polls and predictions, they do more harm than good. If you convince potential voters that they have a 100% chance of winning - it has the same effect as suppression.

But they can't admit defeat, they have to keep-up appearances at all cost.

fdff98  No.3344084


I am wide awake. I've already put my teddy bears away and had my cup of coffee. I'm looking forward to the day. How are you doing, Grumpy?

b07852  No.3344085



Thanks anon

I thought the board was hacked for a minute there

e1461d  No.3344086

File: fd1ca3ced2b8989⋯.gif (16.58 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Marv_yes.gif)

File: 5306f33f9b70869⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 255x230, 51:46, Marv_ready.jpg)

6f810a  No.3344088

Even 0 wont endorse Beto

Beto O'Rourke: 'Don't think we're interested' in an Obama endorsement


43180b  No.3344089



1f7039  No.3344090


I'm good I'm just filtering satanic israeli shills like you! good bye asshole!

444747  No.3344092


What, you mean something like Freddy finally fucking off?

I can imagine a lot.

43180b  No.3344094


hasn't he already fckd off? haven't seen him for a while

5a9bdd  No.3344095

File: aed03236d340b49⋯.jpg (124.57 KB, 408x528, 17:22, You failed miserably no ma….JPG)

File: 77f8516adf041ed⋯.jpeg (155.4 KB, 696x522, 4:3, 77f8516adf041ed5c1b0cbb56….jpeg)

File: 398e484994ba659⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1767x908, 1767:908, 398e484994ba65968648a8e9d….jpeg)

File: 76ede41feacfbdc⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1fea1ae1ac.png)

1b4e15  No.3344097

File: bc18434a63c3b45⋯.png (578.82 KB, 1204x592, 301:148, Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at ….png)

eb9b5a  No.3344099

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #4237 Ignorance of the Bread is No Excuse Edition




Baker reminder

Everyone on this board - bakers and BV included - is volunteering his time. BV was doing his job. I was doing mine. Bread is back how the owner wants it, so time to move forward. I'm not going to link to the many anons who are taking sides in this. Shit's over, and bread's baked.

After filling this bread, of course, is when you move to the new one.

1f7039  No.3344101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

444747  No.3344102


He was on last night around midnight, GMT.

43180b  No.3344103


maybe i have him filtered….

e109ec  No.3344106

File: 657e42bc405d787⋯.jpg (85.02 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClassyShift.jpg)

57187a  No.3344107


It was hilarious.

It was fucking pathetic.

fdff98  No.3344108



e700ec  No.3344109

Hey hey let’s go for a comfy index bread. VIPs only.

5a9bdd  No.3344111

File: 5acae0eae586b14⋯.jpg (174.24 KB, 1052x500, 263:125, 5ad256.jpg)

File: 09a549fdb07c5d9⋯.jpg (13.07 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 6b36aa9637fdbbee9219295e67….jpg)

File: 5d54e2a628813ae⋯.jpg (103.46 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 5de2a6e2d.jpg)

File: 549a6f9cc3f2475⋯.png (490.6 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 549a6f9cc3f24751deea443772….png)

abaaf6  No.3344113

As a teacher I try to give my students a balanced view of the world. Unfortunately the curriculum is denying them this in most subject areas. I seem to be the only person in my school giving them alternative information not based in leftist propaganda. In light of the new UN moves concerning education, what will be done after the storm to deprogram the kids ? https://twitter.com/qandew/status/1048134846751682561?s=21

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