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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

125da2  No.3302520

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3296714 )

Monday 10.01.18

>>3285957 rt >>3285666 -————————– Allow us to carry this heavy burden.

>>3285534 rt >>3285327 -————————– Amen, brother.

>>3285210 rt >>3285173 -————————– God bless you, Patriot.

>>3285147 rt >>3284952 -————————– Solid confirmation of POTUS on Q team

>>3284797 rt >>3284775 -————————– Trump normally tweets when he is going. Today he didn't.

>>3284672 rt >>3283955 -————————– Today, for the 1st time, we IDEN where we would be

>>>/patriotsfight/316 ——————————— Reagan - Peace Through Strength ( Cap: >>3284011, >>3284017 )

>>>/patriotsfight/315 ——————————— Heading to TN now. ( Cap: >>3282882, >>3285464 )

>>3282338 rt >>3282114 -————————– Think WHY.

>>3281997 rt >>3281924 -————————– We made it public.

>>>/patriotsfight/314 ——————————— Standard deviation? ( Cap: >>3282171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/313 ——————————— [Quick History Lesson] ( Cap: >>3281645, >>3285459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/312 ——————————— VIP PATRIOTS! ( Cap: >>3281006 )

Sunday 09.30.18

>>>/patriotsfight/311 ——————————— STAY TUNED AND WATCH! ( Cap: >>3267571 )

>>>/patriotsfight/310 ——————————— Define 'Subversion' ( Cap: >>3267228 )

Saturday 09.29.18

>>>/patriotsfight/309 ——————————— Splash1-X. ( Cap: >>3252120, >>3257016, >>3257245 )

>>>/patriotsfight/308 ——————————— HUMANITY IS AT STAKE. DROP THE MEMES. VOTE THEM ALL OUT. ( Cap: >>3252200 )

>>>/patriotsfight/307 ——————————— WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. ( Cap: >>3250449, >>3250471, >>3250575 )

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 ——————————— POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

125da2  No.3302584


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3302365 Dem Senator SLAMMED at Presser, "you really think Kav was a gang rapist?"

>>3302189 Wut. Omarosa had "fling" with "corrupt" prime minister of Turks and Caicos

>>3301998, >>3302064, >>3302128, >>3302157 AIRKEK: Yuge Mil presence, new multispectral imaging pod on U2

>>3301968, >>3301982 Day after new CEO, GE announces $200M & 400 Jobs to Louisville

>>3301964, >>3302173 Pocahontas BTFO'd HARD: Defeat #FakeIndian Elizabeth Warren

>>3301957, >>3301962 IAEA dismisses Israel's call to inspect Iran facility

>>3301918 Leftist Arrested For Vandalizing GOP HQ With 'Rape' After local media i'view

>>3301900 Corker predicts Kavanaugh will be confirmed "no later than Saturday"

>>3301883 Children's entertainer at Jewish synagogues/events sentenced over CP

>>3301876 POTUS setting standard, now Russia is accusing China of stealing tech.

>>3301872 Pres. Envoy to ISIS Brett McGurk with new President of Iraq Dr. Barham Salih

>>3302502 #4183


>>3301763 Migrant related violence forces Swedish schools to close

>>3301598 Veteran CBS Producer Brad Kern Fired Amid Abuse Claims

>>3301421 He may be the father of the interwebs, but Al Gore will not be chairing Tesla

>>3301590 Two more prosecutors depart Mueller investigation

>>3301611 Democratic Senator Reveals New Kavanaugh Allegation. Grassley Destroys Him.

>>3301186 La Resignacion a La France: Interior Minister Gerard Collomb, Key Macron Ally

>>3301156 HRC interviewed, talks Kav. Recommended viewing if diet low in cackling.

>>3301143 Flake on ‘sharp and partisan’ Kav remarks: 'We can’t have this on the court'

(Baker Assist/Change)

>>3301127, >>3301282 USSS intercepts envelope with suspected ricin addressed to POTUS


>>3301164 Verified. Wired Sources twitter account suspended.

>>3301745 #4182


>>3300227 Chan Zuckerberg and Rockefeller have a $10 million plan to boost economic opportunity

>>3300238, >>3300851 Graphic: Connect the "Heading to" stops of Trump in the anon's graphic and see a "Q".

>>3300252, >>3300286, >>3300507 Excerpt of Testimony from Dennis Ketterer

>>3300255, >>3300356 Former boyfriend's statements about Julie Swetnick's sexual preferences made under penalty of felony

>>3300275 Video: Democrat assaulting Pro Kavanaugh demonstrators

>>3300362 CEO departures are on the rise. Here’s a list of the big ones (Written TODAY)

>>3300371 Senate Judiciary Members Escorted Through Protests by Police

>>3300396 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3300412 The inverted Reddit logo looks like a MASONIC OWL

>>3300427 Failing NYT article on POTUS

>>3300454 Record-setting 800K participated in this year's National Voter Registration Day

>>3300499 Compilation of anons' thoughts on the Reddit premium symbolism

>>3300628 Nearly 400 guns stolen from Tennessee UPS recovered near Chicago, ATF says

>>3300721 Sara Carter on Keitkamp down 10% in polls

>>3300749 BREAKING: New Reports that FBI Report might be late tonight and that only Senators see the report

>>3300770, >>3300823 Credible threat to.. a Zoo causes it to be closed

>>3300889 Grassley Statement on Supplemental FBI Background Investigation

>>3300943 #4181

Previously Collected Notables

>>3300126 #4180

>>3297691 #4177, >>3298453 #4178, >>3299298 #4179

>>3295379 #4174, >>3296175 #4175, >>3297017 #4176

>>3293104 #4171, >>3293911 #4172, >>3294671 #4173

>>3290728 #4168, >>3291518 #4169, >>3292278 #4170

>>3288418 #4165, >>3289183 #4166, >>3289970 #4167

>>3286142 #4162, >>3286841 #4163, >>3287694 #4164

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

125da2  No.3302605

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3286669, >>3286713

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

125da2  No.3302615

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Archive of Notable Posts (Searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 4111: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

c8ac29  No.3302631

Even if Kavanaugh gets confirmed, whats to stop the democrats from impeaching him down the road when they control the senate again someday?. Seems like a high risk nomination to me.

f666dd  No.3302632



7b3f28  No.3302633


53f094  No.3302634

POTUS going to catch all kinds of MSM hell over this. get the memes ready to defend him anons! the gloves are off!

a66d66  No.3302635


If there's any Dems left bro

6ccdc1  No.3302636

File: 3364ab42288f987⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1017x878, 1017:878, trumphitemwitit.png)

62d24c  No.3302637

Tell 'em POTUS!

eb8faa  No.3302638

Aviyantay kek

44c7f5  No.3302639


Watch him finish it with a +

65d455  No.3302640

>>3302594 (lb)


I'm not claiming shit until a confirm happens.

"There it is, the next guess..."


125da2  No.3302641

File: e4a35c226128f0b⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 188x255, 188:255, POTUSEatABagOfDicksCommies.jpg)



wew lads, this lag!

But POTUS is FIRE tonight!!!

Dems BTFO'd!!!!!


e33cc6  No.3302642

File: fa2d53b477205cd⋯.png (412.79 KB, 619x500, 619:500, ClipboardImage.png)

89050f  No.3302643

File: 61ead22fe60818c⋯.png (441.19 KB, 483x734, 483:734, sstorm2.PNG)

File: b327874c989e02b⋯.png (378.41 KB, 486x694, 243:347, strom1.PNG)


7b3f28  No.3302644


161bf4  No.3302645

Chianne Feinstein

6f735b  No.3302646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

328ab0  No.3302647

Trump is on fire. Burning them all down. Its war bro its war.

f179c0  No.3302648



>Even if Kavanaugh gets confirmed, whats to stop the democrats from impeaching him down the road when they control the senate again someday?. Seems like a high risk nomination to me.

What's to stop them?


9db0ab  No.3302649

Sleazebag Avenatti!

409d17  No.3302650

ha ha ha, totally butchers Avenatti's name. Awesome

6f2565  No.3302651

kek sleezebag!

65d455  No.3302652

File: 9de3ee65c1b1275⋯.png (499.78 KB, 1026x613, 1026:613, creepy_porn_lawyers_be_lik….png)

3151ab  No.3302653


9cd023  No.3302654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It is time…

219ef8  No.3302655

File: 80be7ea141044e1⋯.jpg (233.49 KB, 961x488, 961:488, 2ivo1b.jpg)

File: 324f48683f016cb⋯.jpg (129.63 KB, 790x435, 158:87, 2ivodvg.jpg)

File: 9f8b4ac4e319efe⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 812x398, 406:199, 2ivolm.jpg)

File: acf27cecfdc54fe⋯.jpg (213.88 KB, 890x472, 445:236, 2ivpkm.jpg)

be4e5e  No.3302656


you need 2/3 in senate to impeach anyone = very unlikely

f88f37  No.3302657



Impeachment is a supermajority. If dems ever got 66 votes in the senate and 66% of the house, we've lost our nation anyway.

558cbf  No.3302658

Trump is doing his job. Stirring the pot before the civil war begins. Buckle up.

429461  No.3302659


I guess we should never nominate good and qualified candidates for fear of what the communists (I mean dems) are going to think or do.

2eabc3  No.3302660


I love when that New York side of him comes out!

0c5dcb  No.3302661

File: 506ecc708a24ab8⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 5152x3864, 4:3, DSCN0848.JPG)

File: 63d138fc86ca02e⋯.jpg (4.28 MB, 5152x3864, 4:3, DSCN0850.JPG)

21173b  No.3302662

File: 67ba99f41ac77f3⋯.jpg (245.88 KB, 900x900, 1:1, womp.jpg)

>Even if Kavanaugh…

He already is.

You lost your chance to turn America into a monarchy.

Get over it sweety ; )

85ea32  No.3302663

I love how Potus isn't pulling any punches anymore!

cd00dd  No.3302664

File: f048862f5cb7f05⋯.png (115.47 KB, 212x237, 212:237, ClipboardImage.png)


568d0d  No.3302665


The swamp will be drained by that time. No worries.

f666dd  No.3302666

File: ace9b995d5da124⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 460x345, 4:3, ARE YOU READY.gif)


They will impeach whoever we put in. Doesn't matter. We need to cut them off at the knee. Cut the head off the snake.

(gif related)

2f724c  No.3302667


Same risk with any nomination, but once he's seated all the "enemy combatants" will be neutralized so there will be nobody to do the impeachin'. also americans arent gonna give up MAGA so easily and will continue to elect KAG candidates who will not impeach.

9810fc  No.3302668

80befd  No.3302669

POTUS in tippy top Kek shape!

Tearing me up.

a51919  No.3302670

File: c68bdefdd0a4e89⋯.jpg (465.89 KB, 609x1569, 203:523, Screenshot_20181002-201528….jpg)

A summary for wifeanon.

9db0ab  No.3302671

Was Trump suggesting Blumenthal may have won by fraud?

f10126  No.3302672

>>3302620 (lb)

Holy crap! Does that mean Whitehouse is out?

f80cb6  No.3302674

>>3302506 lb

Make sure you are dressed well for the rally, might get cold. Better wear two shirts...

PF 312


>When one shirt is not enough..

>TWO becomes the solution.


4a7ca4  No.3302675

File: 7af3c93f93f4990⋯.jpeg (16.34 KB, 403x264, 403:264, POTUS ON FIRE.jpeg)

AHAHAHAHA I love this man, he's calling them all out, Ford, Spartacus, (((Feinstein)))

The man is on fire again! MAGA

b81360  No.3302676

File: 0ce413b6a4c9284⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1322x981, 1322:981, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

File: 8d0b5aa72ac3da7⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1269x912, 423:304, p$p.png)

File: 1d64e915fc1f4e8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1114x1173, 1114:1173, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

a080e1  No.3302677


POTUS is talking to women who might be an the fence regarding their opinion of Kavanaugh

fdc908  No.3302678

Dough delayed? Fuck it.

e0708d  No.3302679


v good but difficult to read - lighten the text up maybe a little?

7884f8  No.3302680

POTUS hammering the Kavanaugh accusers.. can only mean FBI report coming tomorrow morning - and it exonerates him.

9af0f1  No.3302681

Ah-Vi-Ah-Tay (Avenatti)

(I don't repsect you enough to remember your name.)

43aa59  No.3302682


a) wait for the dough

b) they won't ever have enough seats in the House (not Senate) to impeach.

4e1273  No.3302683

Had to watch YouTube because no station carrying . Best offense speech ever! LET THE SKY FALL!

3fbe40  No.3302684

File: 2c58f7365e9ffe7⋯.jpg (136.86 KB, 863x610, 863:610, d8ffdff65b0c4e5b3d3ce7b363….jpg)

>>3302472 (lb)

if anyone can turn this nation's morale around...this Trump Team is the only one fit to lead the way.

0e9696  No.3302685

328ab0  No.3302686

Momma said knock them out!!!!

76032a  No.3302687

File: 252b30678d74ceb⋯.jpg (235.49 KB, 987x800, 987:800, IMG_121.jpg)

patriots fight!

be loud!

131242  No.3302688


It will be many years before the Dems have control again, and when they do it will be a much different Democrat Party. I don’t believe We the People will stand for this crap again until a few generations have passed, and some fall again into complacency.

2a066b  No.3302689

File: a28496935c3b131⋯.png (7.62 KB, 436x386, 218:193, ClipboardImage.png)

f666dd  No.3302690


BAKER posted 'NEW BREAD" in the previous BREAD. Thought it was ready.

015e26  No.3302691


We thought the swamp would be drained by now, but 'it's fighting back'. There's no telling how much more 'fighting back' it will be doing and for how long this shit is gonna drag in this motherfucking slow-walk.

ab2fe9  No.3302692

File: ccadf186273a56f⋯.png (90.26 KB, 1409x1188, 1409:1188, 43804659478324689138921794….png)

d92645  No.3302693

File: a1feec6b5b2ba8b⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1440x641, 1440:641, 2018-10-02_20-17-05.png)

Sleazebag "Avienatti?


6039b6  No.3302694


What would be their grounds for impeachment? the laughable, "I like beer," crime?

f99682  No.3302695


Fair game at that point

f179c0  No.3302696


Kavanaugh is the hill the Dems are going to die on.

9654f7  No.3302697

File: b85cdc965aed002⋯.png (575.97 KB, 919x517, 919:517, handtogodrwbpepelove.png)

dishonest people don't get to fuken tell us what to do. we are SMART, and TOUGH, and we FINALLY have a POTUS THAT CARES.



67342a  No.3302698

File: 1414ceb16658bc9⋯.png (970.71 KB, 984x664, 123:83, SST.png)


That's the spirit.

God Bless President Donald Trump.

157fe2  No.3302699

File: 2bad329d07d5548⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 193x245, 193:245, feinsteinsellout.jpg)

76ae09  No.3302700


I honestly never expected to support Trump.

Somehow Q came along.

Jordan Sather videos lead me here.

I saw with my own eyes how the media is trying to destroy Trump.

I started researching the crumbs and putting it together.

I learned about Alwaleed bin talal, obama's ties, hillary's crimes in haiti. roths owning the banks. connections to the pope. etc

Mandalay bay's last floors and the shooting in Las Vegas.

Peace with North Korea.

Sealed indictments.

CEO resignations.

Weird plane activity all over the place.

soo many things that I didn't expect actually happened IN LESS THAN A YEAR.

Thank you anons and thank you Q.

Make the World Great Again.

ca52d1  No.3302701

File: f276f4215cae487⋯.png (34.52 KB, 136x107, 136:107, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)


Ya fuck it we will just let mad dog seize that shit, way easier

We already told him he had to wait

66ce48  No.3302702

File: 88ce8f71a9fb492⋯.jpg (30.4 KB, 444x444, 1:1, apocalypse.jpg)

>mfw hoping at a future rally POTUS lets his power level slip and calls Da Nang Blumenthal a crying faggot

memes → dreams

f10126  No.3302703


And now that Q is complete there was no "Heading to MS" tweet today

0c5dcb  No.3302704

File: 2077073ed607abc⋯.jpg (89.29 KB, 528x960, 11:20, 42969346_1972968219392165_….jpg)

File: 29d4feba47f631f⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 528x960, 11:20, 43065885_1972968279392159_….jpg)

My hat I wore at the Rally last night and a few of the fellow Anons we met and stood by all night.

328ab0  No.3302705


Momma said knock them out!!!

b81360  No.3302706

File: 9fd897dfd28b664⋯.png (724.57 KB, 1379x963, 1379:963, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: c77421f07e5cfca⋯.png (508.72 KB, 1086x612, 181:102, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

76032a  No.3302707

File: 0b54cab38af7427⋯.jpg (997.99 KB, 1521x1137, 507:379, IMG_089.jpg)

a0cfeb  No.3302708

89050f  No.3302709

File: 16a1bcac79cd798⋯.png (212.97 KB, 570x411, 190:137, redoct.PNG)

File: 7e37a00a46494fd⋯.png (44.79 KB, 615x489, 205:163, start-menu.PNG)

852e8a  No.3302710

File: a0fd4851847f3f1⋯.jpg (129.39 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, cbooker.jpg)

File: d89659784f5b907⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 211x239, 211:239, cbker132.jpg)

9fd2d0  No.3302711

File: 631bbbac02be434⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 633x500, 633:500, 2j8ycj.jpg)

10cceb  No.3302712


Baker needs to step it up.

8a3bd5  No.3302713


That's an awesome statement!

0c5dcb  No.3302714

File: cded97b08605849⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 528x960, 11:20, 42936464_1972936122728708_….jpg)

fa6404  No.3302715




21173b  No.3302716

File: d402d77e4e1ae7c⋯.jpg (598.11 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, RED_October_Twat.jpg)

File: ac4cb8df13d95b0⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1363x1017, 1363:1017, Twitter_Destruction.png)

File: f8148e9a120cbcc⋯.jpg (792.72 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, KavanaughDef.jpg)

File: e7fdb4a0653a6ef⋯.jpg (460.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClintonTies_Twitter.jpg)

666d3a  No.3302717

File: 95c68386fea06ea⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 255x235, 51:47, PLBest.jpg)

Hey Baker Frens,

Just checking in so I can be nosy and stalk your ID's this thread :)

Current baker not included (not trying to bother you), already know your ID, Kek

fdc908  No.3302718

File: 2ed8b7a38e212e2⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 2ed8b7a38e212e2e1cf91abb93….jpg)

56d9ef  No.3302719


3cc086  No.3302720


2 years ago I thought both candidate were a complete joke and that that americans deserved them because it was ridiculous. I've learned a lot since then.

6e2575  No.3302721

Anyone else experience a low vibratory tone/vibration to their ear/head tonight?

I've never had something like this and thankfully it only lasted a few seconds. I've had a high pitch ring a few times, which I don't usually find suspect, but this was like an auditory signal right to my left ear, but went away quick, but gave me that feeling I was targeted with one of those devices….I'm not paranoid…but timing was odd.

a080e1  No.3302722

File: 70e6bfdc8c00512⋯.png (756.84 KB, 863x568, 863:568, 1 Avenatti Blank.PNG)

File: 8f814dc1da7ecb3⋯.png (864.24 KB, 865x480, 173:96, 2 Avenatti Blank.PNG)

File: 2da9f96d165ecbd⋯.png (678.77 KB, 707x454, 707:454, 3 Avenatti Blank.PNG)

File: fe931efed195b68⋯.png (607.49 KB, 737x453, 737:453, 4 Avenatti Blank.PNG)

File: baaf0b04dac7169⋯.png (810.37 KB, 787x438, 787:438, 5 Avenatti Blank.PNG)



>Sleazebag "Avienatti?

6dfd8e  No.3302723

File: 83bcc19ec5c62c0⋯.jpg (99.5 KB, 728x900, 182:225, ManyDifferentForms.jpg)

File: d50a672cca98cd9⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 728x900, 182:225, NowComesThePain.jpg)

File: 496cf872af93084⋯.jpg (209.37 KB, 728x900, 182:225, NowComesThePainRO.jpg)

89050f  No.3302724

File: 53ed29cb264901b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 786x537, 262:179, oath3.PNG)

43aa59  No.3302725


No, you need >2/3 to CONVICT. You need >50% in the House to impeach. But you're right, anon, won't ever happen.

a0e0c7  No.3302726


>Jordan Sather videos lead me here.

boy are you ever in for a surprise, nubsauce

090926  No.3302727


sounded like aviatti…

776be6  No.3302728

File: a858dd25c447d56⋯.jpg (196.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, a858dd25c447d560bebf52eb0f….jpg)


A straight talker. How about that.

What a time to be alive!

65d455  No.3302729

Holy shit, POTUS is seriously getting down to brass tacks.

God bless you sir.

409d89  No.3302730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e8e83  No.3302731

File: 431f9955c3db0bc⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 1484x779, 1484:779, WaPo_Imahe.jpg)

File: 637cef52c0b6d7b⋯.jpg (99.83 KB, 1484x1484, 1:1, WaPo_Crossword.jpg)

File: 4791545d0f86f1c⋯.jpg (215.83 KB, 1484x960, 371:240, Wapo_HQ.jpg)

Welcome to WaPo – The Mirror World's Projection Machine

Watch this WaPo (a publication set on killing democracy and attempting to do so in the dark) interview of +


This interview of + is the very incarnation and manifestation of Q's "narcissist/projection" description. What an example of "projection", given the fact that it is all TRUTH + himself who wishes to dominate & destroy the world. Notice how he projects exactly what he has been planning onto POTUS w/ such conviction.

The wonders of the "mirror world" never cease– all doctrines of demon & vain imaginings.

Theses people are SICK & EVIL

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.233 2170

Sep 12 2018 19:44:35 (EST)

How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?

What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?

Define 'Fascism'.

Forcible suppression of opposition?

Define 'Censorship'.

The institution, system, or practice of censoring?

Define 'Narrative'.

A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?

Define 'Projection'.

The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?

The forming of a plan : scheming?

Define 'Psychological Projection'.

A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?

Define 'Narcissist'.

A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?

Define 'Dogma'.

A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?

Define 'Aggression'.

Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?

Define 'Suppression'.

The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?

[Bonus Round]

'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.

4a7ca4  No.3302732

File: 548690f2f9a8bba⋯.png (385.89 KB, 521x706, 521:706, teflon don.PNG)


"Truth needs no defense. It will defend itself."

Fakenews it trying hard but in the end…

44e1ab  No.3302733

File: 112731397e70360⋯.jpeg (322.65 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, china.jpeg)

File: b064f226c4b3142⋯.jpg (130.34 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DF China.jpg)

File: 1ae687ee34d336f⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Flag_of_the_Chinese_Commun….jpg)

f55636  No.3302734


absolutely, I was wondering why.

b81360  No.3302735

File: e484f19be5cfc36⋯.gif (23.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2hwk.gif)

File: 5def30ae11cbc28⋯.png (417.88 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at ….png)

f80cb6  No.3302736


That meme does not really make sense…

409d17  No.3302737


Yeah, it was weird, whatever it was. Totes kek

9fd2d0  No.3302738


baker derserves a SCOTUS apt.

2a066b  No.3302739

We in here. Unity.

809325  No.3302740

File: c4df5f425388f9a⋯.png (299.04 KB, 688x882, 344:441, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

File: 64fa91655066ad4⋯.png (668.67 KB, 682x882, 341:441, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

New York State Voter Registration Form

Register to Vote

https:// www.elections.ny.gov/NYSBOE/download/voting/voteform.pdf

58246b  No.3302741

File: dbd0fbdd63ba32f⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1200x796, 300:199, 5297eefc050f39caa22b82afe1….png)

c19bc3  No.3302742

File: e1434c07c5ebb9a⋯.jpeg (361.66 KB, 582x823, 582:823, F781C25F-348D-433C-A19F-F….jpeg)

File: b6cd2998e15f6be⋯.jpeg (252.57 KB, 919x1241, 919:1241, A05C00A9-1466-4051-AE22-0….jpeg)

File: 5705999369f5dde⋯.jpeg (652.79 KB, 1213x711, 1213:711, 3BEA801D-658B-4C14-8283-2….jpeg)

File: 6187974a0e27b20⋯.jpeg (490.87 KB, 593x794, 593:794, 87BC30D0-639D-4CEC-A0F3-B….jpeg)

Average baker girls for the scrappy baker.

f04d71  No.3302743

File: 2123cb56b9178e9⋯.jpg (187.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2668.jpg)

69f240  No.3302744

Anons, I registered to vote today. Mailed in the application. This will be my first time to ever vote. Q and POTUS need me

f666dd  No.3302745

KEK!!!! @Biden comment

446a12  No.3302746

File: 04812c610b373f2⋯.png (344.89 KB, 720x405, 16:9, GEOTUS.png)

75544d  No.3302748

File: dec59cf2a326cee⋯.png (309.53 KB, 409x374, 409:374, c58570d3a77928f8ea08a5005f….png)

06bd20  No.3302749

File: 244fd6f290eefae⋯.jpeg (102.62 KB, 800x576, 25:18, WineMerchantArt.jpeg)


Stalk away, P&L.

Enjoying the show.

God bless, man.

666d3a  No.3302750


There is a huge lag Anon, makes baking really hard some nights. Baker has to at times toensure that post goes through. Learn the code, Anons will love you more!!

80befd  No.3302751

File: 72a16ca9115b8c7⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 290x212, 145:106, SessionsKnows.gif)

Off the Trash heap ….

0db5dc  No.3302752

According to all the research and my time on Qresearch I should easily live to 140 with the amount of boobs I've seen on this place.

God, just gimme 100 years of high speed lo drag and im g2g, thanks! I'll take 140 too, kek but no interest in living forever. Sounds boring already.

b90121  No.3302753

File: 1d0f78e4323f9d4⋯.jpeg (51.29 KB, 539x457, 539:457, 2D648399-0F43-47AA-A51E-D….jpeg)

125da2  No.3302754


>Baker needs to step it up.

Good idea. Are you offering to bake?

Handoff confirmed?

No? Fucking FAGGOT

>>3302643, >>3302707

Ty anon


If I think I'm running out of time, I'll post it b4 getting the dough post ready. Just kinda assume experienced anons will wait for the dough once they're over there. The only other alternative is to bake at 500 posts, and then a third of the bread is wasted.

f10126  No.3302755


I've always supported him and I'll tell you why.

I'm a Libertarian, so damn sick of the big govt and corruption on both sides. R's and D's have rigged it so a 3rd party has no chance. Here comes Trump, a total outsider.

Hell, not a politician? I'm in.

Wants to clean out the DC swamp? Even better.

Honestly, he'd be better than ANYONE DC could ever come up with, even if he sat on the crapper all day every day for his entire 4 yrs

fa6404  No.3302756


You're on the right side of history, anon!


0c5dcb  No.3302757

The secret service asked grandanone not to wave her Qanon hat in front of Trump!!!!

b81360  No.3302758

File: d64f4d6860d0763⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 255x149, 255:149, d64f4d6860d0763a3bd65e2ef2….jpg)



Is tonight the night?

9fd2d0  No.3302759


i just don't think he did those horrible things to women.

b90121  No.3302760

File: 25f801bb6ef2fd8⋯.jpeg (124.38 KB, 839x1200, 839:1200, FEF76008-A9D4-41B5-88F2-A….jpeg)

219ef8  No.3302761

File: c89b392e74f7025⋯.jpg (198.34 KB, 919x446, 919:446, 2ivogfsd.jpg)

f666dd  No.3302762


Well done anon. WWG1WGA

fdc908  No.3302763


They are completely fucked.

b90121  No.3302764

File: 6eff519f25acc39⋯.jpeg (122.9 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 8261FD59-9260-4F60-8ECE-4….jpeg)

9810fc  No.3302765



f179c0  No.3302766

>>3302711 - the left


Still can't meme.

e0708d  No.3302767


Most people understand the Swamp is deeply entrenched, it was not ever going to be be drained in 2 years, period. The Plan is very large, encompasses a lot of moving parts and many different sectors and countries, it is complicated with many actors. Be patient, it has been in the making for quite a while, operators in place, some activated now, other await their coded instructions.

It is going to take time, and the lead-up has to be perfect, the framing has to be perfect. OUR job, per POTUS is to

>make graphics to educate and calm the public

>be the calm during and after the Storm

If you need to take a break, that's okay, we'll be here, manning the meme cannons, archives and holding down the fort.

58c534  No.3302768

File: 0b0c9e04b3131f0⋯.png (740.48 KB, 500x609, 500:609, ClipboardImage.png)

feb360  No.3302769

File: beefb61e3b16e96⋯.png (42.58 KB, 1684x471, 1684:471, barrett.png)

>>3302724 Here you go soldier Try a little-


402971  No.3302770

File: 60b35618e675742⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2560x2108, 640:527, 1537588382715.jpg)

Do you guys think their are "friendly" or well meaning secret societies such as the supposed Plus Ultra Society?

f666dd  No.3302771


Well done anon. WWG1WGA.

b90121  No.3302772

File: 48aba4545fb5f38⋯.jpeg (155.78 KB, 694x694, 1:1, B29EE677-39E0-4074-94E7-7….jpeg)

9810fc  No.3302773



f10126  No.3302775


I wonder if he messes up names on purpose. He always says Fein-steen instead of Fein-stein.

Cracks me up

0c5dcb  No.3302776

File: c5a28b7e1b71dbe⋯.jpg (4.32 MB, 5152x3864, 4:3, DSCN0844.JPG)

File: 666aed1228f90d0⋯.jpg (4.39 MB, 5152x3864, 4:3, DSCN0845.JPG)

Anons had a great time!!!!!!

450445  No.3302777

Nice move POTUS, he's just turned the mid terms into a poll on how well he's doing.

That should help bring the voters out

d0483a  No.3302778

File: ce4263fa93bb6e5⋯.png (499.98 KB, 772x514, 386:257, wWXDmmT.png)

ce679d  No.3302779



why would they keep it a secret if they are well intentioned?

58a565  No.3302780

File: 59eac34ca277620⋯.jpeg (467.71 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E899E8AD-4D0F-41BB-A8DE-F….jpeg)

9654f7  No.3302781

File: e0baf685b58a7d5⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, facebookisded.jpg)

File: a858dd25c447d56⋯.jpg (196.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, feelsgoodman.jpg)

File: 39b03cc2c6068c8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, FROGSbehindeachbladeofgras….png)

3151ab  No.3302782


There are. Opponents of the bad ones. I belong to one.

015e26  No.3302783


Alright. Thanks. Exhaustedanon signing off.

65d455  No.3302784

HO HO HO!!!!! FREEDOM IS FUN!!!!!!!!!

852e8a  No.3302785

File: f39aeb3115e6756⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1640x1534, 820:767, 1538526234063.png)

27eed3  No.3302786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let’s roll! Hooah!

f179c0  No.3302787



44e1ab  No.3302788


Love those Kroy WeY's

3fbe40  No.3302789

File: 818ec2764d69591⋯.jpg (84.17 KB, 500x470, 50:47, 818.jpg)

File: 02d144c4eff0e7d⋯.png (6.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.png)

File: f0b84d404bc0f96⋯.jpg (89.5 KB, 736x981, 736:981, 7edcfb688ce468b3deb6b53e6d….jpg)

File: 853027aef19a417⋯.jpg (759 KB, 1425x1433, 1425:1433, PG9kRtF.jpg)

File: 0ccfe427e6e4ff9⋯.jpeg (101.63 KB, 960x480, 2:1, 4442ab036c3c61552817fffd1….jpeg)



8fc0f5  No.3302790


Peace out, Anon.

8550de  No.3302791


852e8a  No.3302792



79efe2  No.3302793


that's fuckin' hilarious!


feb360  No.3302794

File: 955952afa2d75dc⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Freedom on watch.jpg)

>>3302744 Gotta have skin in the Game!

268379  No.3302795

File: 6417392676810f7⋯.png (125.37 KB, 632x367, 632:367, mask.png)

4d4ccd  No.3302796

File: d7bdbe0c78f0bd9⋯.png (169.76 KB, 588x449, 588:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. Cory Booker wants to “move onto a new candidate” and does not care whether Kavanaugh is “innocent or guilty.”

Just showing his true colors even more.


7b7e9c  No.3302797


Good job, Patriot. WWG1WGA

d1084d  No.3302798

File: c1e80c25859d359⋯.jpg (39.37 KB, 547x343, 547:343, otters.JPG)

Posting this to add a little light hearted humour to the board.

f80cb6  No.3302799


f10126  No.3302800


Kek at the CNN swirling down the drain

9af0f1  No.3302801

File: 4e35f5e9ff5ad3a⋯.jpg (69.7 KB, 640x800, 4:5, bfd80fc.jpg)

c49044  No.3302802

File: bc10d3278ccb1c2⋯.jpg (107.25 KB, 1024x438, 512:219, redditt.jpg)

090926  No.3302803

File: 7bc804d78d65efa⋯.png (50.36 KB, 1043x414, 1043:414, 20181003_022401.png)


randomly found in the interwebs


44e1ab  No.3302804

File: 805d3a0a945e2d5⋯.jpg (677.84 KB, 1600x2000, 4:5, Front Toward Enemy.jpg)

21173b  No.3302805

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)



Know When You Need To Go!

5bbb5a  No.3302806

Tell the truth, & shame the devil

Never hear that ANYWHERE more than I've heard it in Mississippi

62d24c  No.3302807


slut shaming?

d934b2  No.3302808


I also thought the candidates were a joke on the people. POTUS has proven me wrong, though I knew he was a legit businessman. I'm AMAZED at everything he DOES.

56d9ef  No.3302809


i found it interesting how he said "this is the great awakening"

666d3a  No.3302810


It is a Great fucking Day to be alive. I completely went out on a limb to redpill my son & his boss today. I sent them both the Q peek at the Kavanaugh vote, and said "If I am right, you will know I have been right all along"

Praying that Booker does not make a yes vote just to fuck my life over, Kek!!

61de66  No.3302811


It's gunna my first time voting in the midterms.

Let them geomodify a fucking hail storm tornado hurricane flood…i'll make it to those voting booths on election day

f179c0  No.3302812


Us libertarians weren't sure about him.

Remember when he nominated an all neocon cabinet and when he bombed Syria and was talking war with NK?

Korea changed me.

Q changed me.

I'm 100% full support.


f666dd  No.3302813


Soon it will be them under investigation and trials. They might want to think about when they make statements like this.

a080e1  No.3302814

File: ce33f0ae89c3fb6⋯.png (467.37 KB, 503x903, 503:903, Politico 1 re POTUS Alert ….PNG)

File: c963588512aed3d⋯.png (92.61 KB, 506x843, 506:843, Politico 2 re POTUS Alert ….PNG)

Suit seeks to block Trump from sending 'presidential alerts' to phones


6cc57c  No.3302815

File: 358fe236fbb3ec2⋯.png (222.67 KB, 850x600, 17:12, 1445948289140.png)


It's official, POTUS is SANTA.

Christmas is coming!

9654f7  No.3302816

wonder who this reporter is…

65d455  No.3302817

I'm noticing that through these rallies so far, Trump keeps making direct references to "This speech with get Trump elected"

He's tippy top tonight :)

0c5dcb  No.3302818


saw him was wondering who he was

ba6592  No.3302820

File: 972e6f2d20983b1⋯.gif (2.68 MB, 188x167, 188:167, 1538526243440.gif)

File: 0c76c9d96c2376d⋯.png (544.11 KB, 852x928, 213:232, 1538526140589.png)

ad00e7  No.3302821


Is there any way you can post links or info for


9af0f1  No.3302822

File: 34c314cdf806c0e⋯.jpg (388.77 KB, 1157x1555, 1157:1555, 974ae75.jpg)

991e44  No.3302823

File: ad261d89ba28e4b⋯.gif (296.01 KB, 834x870, 139:145, comfy.gif)

0c5dcb  No.3302824

Qanons were all ushered into the bottom arena next to Potus!!!!!!!

4a7ca4  No.3302825

File: 8e8f0cdf79184db⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 599x599, 1:1, Potus Greatest Prez.jpg)

KEK. This is fun he says. I love this man so much nohomo

65d455  No.3302826

66b295  No.3302827


He looks familiar. Anyone know who it is?

d7641e  No.3302828

Time to share my rally story. A few weeks ago I got the chance to meet Pres Trump and get a picture with him. I bought a Q

409d17  No.3302829


Legit whoa

cd00dd  No.3302830


we did some digging in the thread and its not a good translation by google

9810fc  No.3302831


It's still up to anons to educate the masses.

Eventually they will come here, ask stupid question and get told to lurk moar.

I've redpilled several family and friends. Most are pilled using prayingmedic YT channel…cuz people want to believe dreams.

This midterm needs to be D5. A Rogue Red Wave.

b81360  No.3302832

File: 6277432f00863f9⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1313x944, 1313:944, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

ce679d  No.3302833


hearing the same

6e2575  No.3302834

File: 810fb81d3e8f289⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, pepe love Q.jpg)

File: f6aae481a91cffc⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 740x589, 740:589, pepe maga oval no deals.jpg)

File: 6b765582f1431a3⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 320x320, 1:1, pepe wink.jpg)

File: d4f3c62bfde90a6⋯.png (286.16 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe winning.png)

File: 4c63de5c55527fc⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 300x300, 1:1, pepe wwg1wga.jpg)


Welcome. I gave up on politics during Obamas first term, stopped voting. Thought Trump was in place playing the village idiot to INSURE HRC victory and I live in liberal hell, so I didn't bother voting.

Struck me odd how my favorite comedians were Trump hating every night…stopped watching Colbert…every channel same shit…stopped cable…..Felt like the run up to the election was so orchestrated and one sided. I started to feel bad for Trump…seemed too easy of a target after a while…why keep piling on when he has zero chance to win.

I knew HRC was bad, but not how really EVIL she is. I used to like Bill even. Liked Hussein over McCain or Bush.

After Q I started to believe in Trump….watching that speech and the grilling he did at the fundraiser were eye opening…but moreso because I was aware and it wasn't "just talk".


I had given up on hope for a brighter future here. Never made a meme til January, now I love it…still don't Twatter. Still feel alone other than on 8ch.

f10126  No.3302835

File: d100b9d4e173c67⋯.png (534.43 KB, 724x532, 181:133, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

Is it just me or does POTUS look younger lately?

852e8a  No.3302836



America's sport

b00417  No.3302837

File: 35f2a4a1d4200e1⋯.png (16.68 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


these 3 are … 3 with money that needs to be taken away and put to better use…

9eb768  No.3302838

POTUS is knocking it out of the park!!

God Love him!!

Evening Anons!!

9560a9  No.3302839

American Airlines flight diverted after passenger refused to stop doing pull-ups on plane, man claims

One man’s mile-high workout took an unexpected turn.

An American Airlines flight from Phoenix to Boston was diverted to Kansas City, Mo., Monday evening after a passenger allegedly refused to stop doing pull-ups using the plane’s overhead bins.

According to other passengers on Flight 2763, the unidentified man appeared to be intoxicated when he boarded the plane with a woman and two dogs. Soon after the man began bizarrely demonstrating his athleticism.

“He was leaning up against where you put the bags overhead and a passenger came by and said ‘What are you going to do, some pull ups?’ and the guy actually grabbed on to it and started doing some pull ups on the plane in front of everybody,” passenger David Markoski told WBZ.


4dbfc9  No.3302840

File: 2fab140fd3cfdc9⋯.jpg (238.44 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, 2fab140fd3cfdc970c538f68e0….jpg)

62d24c  No.3302841


Too bad. Not his call. They do not control the House. Win elections then you get to make these decisions.

21173b  No.3302842

513e8b  No.3302843

POTUS has more damn energy than any human I've ever seen. I love that dude so much. No homo.

10cceb  No.3302844


Oh fuck you.

You want to bake when shit is going down?

Fine, but be ready to move quickly.

It’s not easy, I know, but fucking nannies yelling at people for posting in a bread that was advertised as ready can go fuck themselves.

409d17  No.3302845



Why people still eat the shit they feed when they so blatantly show their hand like this, just goes to show how fucking brainwashed they are.

4e1273  No.3302846

Northern Delaware crazed. I'm sitting outside. Sirens crazy helicopters. It's like something huge is happening. Sirens all over. I hope they are coming for Coons!

a5ec44  No.3302847

File: b1bf09c94799084⋯.png (610.46 KB, 959x455, 137:65, rg68.PNG)


Just watching the rally.

eb8faa  No.3302848

45 giddy like he gave a Go code…

845474  No.3302849


"Driving them crraaaazy."

Can you play Britney Spears song "Crazy".

Pretty please, that would be so hilarious.

86e29f  No.3302850

File: 9f45e9e4d32634e⋯.jpg (209.18 KB, 769x500, 769:500, 2j8yx7.jpg)

File: 8180c2bcb2fb239⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2j8yv5.jpg)


thanQ anon was looking for these

67342a  No.3302851

File: 44151fd9ac26132⋯.jpg (528.24 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 67989d7e19f685a2c2cba80c3b….jpg)







162f84  No.3302852


He's lost weight and is getting exercise

776be6  No.3302853


kek, me too!

ba6592  No.3302854

File: a6c7885dbf6f1ad⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 500x401, 500:401, 1538526230769.gif)

cd00dd  No.3302855


God Bless President Donald Trump

6e2575  No.3302857


Needs to quit the Diet Coke…helps curb appetite

8d42f9  No.3302858



991e44  No.3302859

File: c4d9265476852bf⋯.jpg (4.72 KB, 105x118, 105:118, phk.jpg)

4a7ca4  No.3302860

File: 8b396b6de052ffc⋯.jpg (76.19 KB, 594x393, 198:131, BROTUS.jpg)

a527ea  No.3302861

File: bb3cd6b379657d6⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 498x278, 249:139, mempep.gif)

Anons re on World Stage, Memba!

83bd1e  No.3302862

File: aa6451927dcc859⋯.jpg (118.22 KB, 837x737, 837:737, 1a.JPG)

File: 6bb42b833fef493⋯.jpg (50.25 KB, 816x292, 204:73, 2.JPG)

Twitter bans distribution of hacked materials


aa1979  No.3302863

Who’s got the Right Side network link w/ 22k on it, I’m on some other 2k link

9654f7  No.3302864

File: b7c7cb349b9cdab⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 213x255, 71:85, pepecryinghuggingpotus.jpg)

f40715  No.3302865



That little girl was on fire for Trump, had more energy than anyone!

f10126  No.3302866


I left a blue state. Best thing I ever did. We outnumber them. They just prefer screaming in an echo chamber which is why they keep getting caught with their pants down on election night

c4e77e  No.3302867

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)

>>3302375 (lb)

>>3302558 (lb)

Krugman is a disgrace for everyone, jews included. He is hated in israel and is considered a soros puppet - self hating jew.

Saying "The jew" is low iq division fagging.

These are the "other jews":

>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy

Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US -- views which are out of sync with most other nations


>The survey, conducted for Haaretz newspaper to coincide with US Independence Day, found that almost half of Israelis — 49 percent — strongly approved of Trump (and 23% slightly approved), while only 22% disapproved of the US president.


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


f80cb6  No.3302868



61de66  No.3302869

File: 077251a7b515972⋯.png (324.23 KB, 609x328, 609:328, ClipboardImage.png)

idk i'm diggin the ensemble

809325  No.3302870

File: b423019dec946f6⋯.png (870.79 KB, 1624x896, 29:16, Register_To_Vote_NYS.png)

New York State Voter Registration Form

Register to Vote

https:// www.elections.ny.gov/NYSBOE/download/voting/voteform.pdf

bdf327  No.3302871

File: 508933b29f3d33a⋯.png (203.53 KB, 271x392, 271:392, rose456.png)

what about Roseanne?

eaa60a  No.3302872

could we get POTUS to say "PANIC IN DC" in one of his rallies?

efc594  No.3302873

Q 320

It is Q's prediction of the Senate after election? 53 - 47?

44e1ab  No.3302874

File: f90b4c65b3596f4⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x220, 51:44, f90b4c65b3596f40da73486b39….jpg)

1396a1  No.3302875



Coons cheats on his wife hi neighbor

ba6592  No.3302876

File: 7863d568f83557b⋯.png (85.86 KB, 588x164, 147:41, 1538526248100.png)

9810fc  No.3302877


Fuckin A.

b00417  No.3302878


Please correct me if I'm wrong but the ACLU is a tax exempt non-profit, is it not?

This should nullify their tax exempt status.

c49044  No.3302879


funny, I took Latin in school and it worked for me before I went to Google. Translated Hercules cleaning the horse shit out of the stalls. What was the consensus then?

d1084d  No.3302880


I'm a huge fan of Saint Mattis of the Holey Hand Grenade.

f179c0  No.3302881

File: 5539a0fc0ce1904⋯.png (279.31 KB, 409x374, 409:374, meme.pointing.babe.ruth.ke….png)


just picked this one up.

fa6404  No.3302882


POTUS was part of their "club", but he went Godfather III on them. And apparently kept his nose clean enough that all they had on him was a reference to pussies. MEOW.

666d3a  No.3302883


Hey, Imma roll down my truck window, pass me something, Like errrr - the dough, Kek.

Good to see you incognito BV?

131242  No.3302885


I’ve noticed that in contrast to the last few Presidents that seemed to age so fast when they were in office, our GEOTUS definitely looks younger. Knowing now what I know, it’s easily understandable that evil took its toll on them.

1b5c52  No.3302886

File: f73a57044ad88ab⋯.jpeg (158.83 KB, 1103x1694, 1103:1694, F4888749-8640-4AB3-9469-A….jpeg)

67342a  No.3302887

File: 1ed3743a58bede2⋯.png (124.47 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 5ba73b385fda56065c7d11084d….png)


Not being an evil psychopath does wonders for the skin.

20cec3  No.3302888


Biden be better!

2b0be7  No.3302889

I’m waiting to hear the Democrats next Play using bunch of men saying they were sexually assaulted by the judge to 😂😂😂

c19bc3  No.3302890

Ghislaine, bring me the looooooooooooobb.

f48f24  No.3302891

>>3302505 (lb)

Let them keep on stumbling and making it worse for themselves.. KEK

b90121  No.3302892

File: 0cde27fb2e012b7⋯.jpeg (85.66 KB, 590x480, 59:48, 58BFBC70-5124-4CEF-BB36-3….jpeg)

58246b  No.3302893


I membah…yea…i membah

9560a9  No.3302894

PA GOP Gov. Candidate Scott Wagner Slams the Weaponizing of Women's Issues by the Left

Amidst a contentious Pennsylvania Gubernatorial election, GOP candidate Scott Wagner vehemently defended Judge Kavanaugh. Wagner called out the Senate Democrats’ shameful handling of the whole situation, which could have been put to rest before Judge Kavanaugh was even nominated, rather than making a national spectacle of Dr. Ford’s experience and fueling a presumption of guilt for Judge Kavanaugh. Wagner offered his sympathy for Dr. Ford, whose testimony gives the impression that she probably experienced a traumatic experience of some sort, while also condemning the Senate Democrats’ use of these allegations as a political weapon:


14abae  No.3302895

File: 3857b5a8a85fc3e⋯.png (156.06 KB, 754x588, 377:294, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f2832….png)


>just give up, goy!

5827b7  No.3302896


THEY LIVE - Life is never the same after you put on the sunglasses.

Once you know, you know you have to see the mission to its successful end.

f10126  No.3302897


Yeah, he def had a learning curve. I don't think POTUS knew how traitorous and swampy DC is until that

157fe2  No.3302898

File: 50e4d5530822b97⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 732x487, 732:487, trumpleadership.jpg)

d7641e  No.3302899


Hit the wrong button, let me continue.

I bought a Q lapel pin to wear on my coat figuring that Pres Trump would check out the lapel pin. He was gracious to everyone and when my turn came to meet him I watched intently to see if he would notice my pin. He did and his whole demeanor changed, for the better. He gave me some encouraging words and gave me a slap on the shoulder I will never forget.

76ae09  No.3302900


Korea was a big one.

ISIS also lost all of their control in Syria after Trump took over.

I'm still waiting for the roths' and isreal's turn.

22aa37  No.3302901

He is all that and a bag of chips - Potus


0b23f6  No.3302902

File: b1164315ec8597d⋯.jpeg (58.49 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 5075E066-3A92-4E78-ABB7-E….jpeg)

dc57f2  No.3302903

File: 18a1ed08ef78c8d⋯.jpg (83.63 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

>>3301156 (pb)


"I was having to do something else and was away from the T.V. and even my phone."

Wonder what it is that she's doing that she can't have her phone around her?

8550de  No.3302904

File: c2e5cc9d8f3a3a1⋯.png (929.35 KB, 1627x691, 1627:691, pin force 3.PNG)

ba6592  No.3302905

File: 099f61a3c816ddd⋯.png (49.64 KB, 595x403, 595:403, 1538526307164.png)

b00417  No.3302906


Obama targeted US citizens for assassination…

In light of that knowledge, how is this even noteworthy?

292e86  No.3302907


Kavinaugh vote

9cbcbc  No.3302908

Put a Black Q on my Black car and then removed it.

Symbols will be their Down falls,

Not mine.

Anon all the way.

7e83d2  No.3302909

File: a57a41accca3c7e⋯.png (1.65 KB, 430x160, 43:16, bar.png)

>>3302082 (lb)

cleaned it a bit - does this scan better?

f10126  No.3302910


Hell, that's proof to me!

6f2565  No.3302911




9654f7  No.3302912

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, hugpepe.jpg)


love u fren, we are in this together!

f666dd  No.3302913

This rally is off the charts!

4e1273  No.3302914


Hey! Yeah I know all the dirt. I campaigned for judge Lee and others. I saw too much!

f80cb6  No.3302915



09df0f  No.3302916

Very weird shit going on with a couple of youtube channels to do with the Trump rally live in Mississippi tonight.

An anon posted this link to Golden State News:


And I also put on the Same rally on my iPad from CBSN.

The first video feed was 3 minutes ahead of CBSN. By 8.28pm CBSN was about 10 seconds in front.

Very strange.

c49044  No.3302917


humanity would work as well imo

1396a1  No.3302918



Pedo Biden and his Dupont masters have scourged this place

83bc7c  No.3302919


Rosanne teaches Kabballah….

d5dbd8  No.3302920

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, db877d394811e4d380b5d47a96….jpg)

Funniest fucking MAGA Rally ever, im losing it over here!!!

Exactly what we needed POTUS!!!

409d17  No.3302921


They're pumped!

f42b00  No.3302922


Indeed. Muh Russia and Muh Mueller have taken a back seat. Now shitlibs are prepared to riot and terrorize if Kav is confirmed.

b81360  No.3302923

File: 38207632352a37b⋯.png (518.15 KB, 915x662, 915:662, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

911d26  No.3302924



a0e0c7  No.3302925


lol I hope she does too, that discovery would be LEGENDARY

852e8a  No.3302927

I always lose it when Potus is looking for someone… "—? – ?-? , is he here..?"


845474  No.3302928


Good, I'm glad he's watching his health. Being a president probably takes its toll.

8fc0f5  No.3302929


Your sauce ran out to the store to buy its own sauce.

79efe2  No.3302930


He looks like he's aged three years in the last 19 months, being honest. But he's a machine–5 rallies in 6 days in different states is pretty impressive.

ba6592  No.3302931

File: 718141f0ebba214⋯.png (116.26 KB, 961x635, 961:635, 1538526349052.png)

513e8b  No.3302932


Oh wow Jews.

5a99f0  No.3302933

File: cb73020fb520946⋯.png (698.86 KB, 1208x1116, 302:279, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeff Flake is a sore loser.

Let's see how he votes on Kav. He will be thinking of his future after politics with the vote.

991e44  No.3302934


I choke up when Maddog 5.5s the enemy. Then I meme it

9fd2d0  No.3302935

File: c02e5c122040577⋯.jpg (67.79 KB, 887x500, 887:500, 2iwgkd.jpg)

58c534  No.3302936

File: 9710d44c86868d2⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 297x162, 11:6, ep2g10if.jpg)

ad00e7  No.3302937


You ROCK!!!

eb8bae  No.3302938

File: b430e430a815b59⋯.png (3.79 MB, 2130x1344, 355:224, qWvRally2.png)

File: 8288cb35fd6c74b⋯.png (5.57 MB, 3584x2559, 3584:2559, qWvRallyMapExpanded2.png)

>>3265338 (pb)

Still building the map. I dedicate this version to the (((faggot shills))) from Sunday.

22aa37  No.3302939

File: 1e0c6ad97d8d63a⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 1e0c6ad97d8d63a80ffe88ba25….jpg)

1dca7b  No.3302940

File: acb12832768d30d⋯.png (1009.47 KB, 619x822, 619:822, ef943bd7d128e2f5f1a6366169….png)

5827b7  No.3302941


Illusion , trying to puff out the chest and seem bigger than they are.

0c5dcb  No.3302942


yes was the biggest crowd ever 96,000 people

162f84  No.3302943

File: 9a99f080ff79003⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, 9a99f080ff79003caed70c27d0….jpg)



4a7ca4  No.3302944

File: 4abfe818ef8a9fe⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 700x512, 175:128, CHECK'D by POTUS.jpg)


It's also why he can't be bought. He's not in the game for money. He's in it to MAGA! o7

2b0be7  No.3302945

The left needs to learn that even if You whine and cry and throw a hissy fit, or a temper tantrum you’re still not going to get your way. Just like a bunch of infantile little twits

06bd20  No.3302946


Kek, always why I'm healthily skeptical about numbers.

Most excited about "Sky is falling" week.

Things are certainly accelerating.

Gonna be an exciting month, without question.

da99e7  No.3302947



f179c0  No.3302948


e0708d  No.3302949

File: 4bfa84028288568⋯.png (24.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1476295117360.png)

File: d29f45dc3b92a92⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 2190x3000, 73:100, 1477355086743.jpg)

File: ebd16c2fbf92fb0⋯.jpg (15.89 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 1503881315886.jpg)



WTG, now if you can get 5 people you know to do the same, how much more positive impact for our glorious country you will make!

I hadn't voted in a long time, I saw no reason to -what with ridiculous candidates like No-Name, or/and there was no "lesser" of two evils as a choice, why bother?

Now -I- am on fire!

I never had a flag or been very patriotic before, but this year on Patriot's Day I painted the flag pole and put one up. It's invigorating on many levels - I realize now that


43aa59  No.3302950


Ask this nitwit which statute.

56d9ef  No.3302951


the great kvetchening

1dca7b  No.3302952

File: f54e90bf963f429⋯.jpg (135.83 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, melti.jpg)

125da2  No.3302953


Yeah me too.


Absolute best timeline


kek, thanks. but I groped highest ranking anon at a party a few breads ago, I'll never get past crying faggot Danang Blumenthal


Hi baker. I'm glad you're not stalking me, due to the above transgression. I apologized and offered to by HRA an extra front door, but I'm still not sure we're ok.


Hi baker, good to see you


Not advertised as "ready" you fucking faggot. Just linked so you didn't have to go thru the catalog. If you want things handed to you, go vote for the dems. They're known to deliver on promises.

01d61e  No.3302954

File: ea868242da0cea6⋯.png (798.89 KB, 1020x557, 1020:557, bar1mckbrd.png)

File: 65519eadd42d46d⋯.png (611.74 KB, 1022x552, 511:276, cantmentn.png)

File: 8a237fc6b3bc157⋯.png (295.74 KB, 429x547, 429:547, wwg145.png)

f80cb6  No.3302955


No namefagging please, anon.

f55636  No.3302956

Fucking FOX

they haven't been covering the rally and now Trump talks about K and boom they put Trump on TV


9eb768  No.3302957


wow the ACLU threatening the senators with lawsuits if they don"t fall in line!!!

22aa37  No.3302958

File: 81fd790daf2a8b6⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 1031x1070, 1031:1070, 81fd790daf2a8b616498b0a977….jpg)

a5ec44  No.3302959

File: 8343726c8cb3c30⋯.png (986.76 KB, 1600x844, 400:211, doughhandoffostrich.png)

File: d71f90aa48ef89f⋯.png (450.08 KB, 592x373, 592:373, rg24.PNG)


Not a BV just a baker. Here's the dough although you might have some competition.

a0e0c7  No.3302960


>He looks like he's aged three years in the last 19 months, being honest.

You have clearly not met many 72yo Americans, lol

or you're a lying faggot shill, hard to tell

dc8d94  No.3302961

Do it Trump confirm Qanon

f179c0  No.3302963

File: faf2a9859e621ae⋯.png (197.22 KB, 620x387, 620:387, meme.pepe.video.games.comf….png)

d100dd  No.3302964

>>3301854 FASCINATING dig Anon! Kudos!

513e8b  No.3302965

Tucker replaying POTUS ripping Ford! Top kek!!!

d7641e  No.3302966

File: adb32a9a62a1410⋯.jpeg (481.69 KB, 1987x1663, 1987:1663, C9C2BD07-9DF4-4791-B891-1….jpeg)

b00417  No.3302967

File: 561a27c72778737⋯.png (258.47 KB, 630x385, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)

9654f7  No.3302968

this woman is the cutest lil person ever

a080e1  No.3302969

File: 09b2887a2a2c09f⋯.png (38.61 KB, 654x369, 218:123, Harsanyi re NYT Whining 10….PNG)

NYT's is whiny because the Federalist got the story before they could get it out

And the Federalist Mocked NYT

Bread 4182


Bread 4179


I can only imagine who [Q / Q / Q team] leaked to Federalist first

76ae09  No.3302970


"None of us are well until all of us are well"

You are not alone anon.

efc594  No.3302971


Great, thank you anon!

7f4fbe  No.3302972


I didn’t see a threat of lawsuits.

fee5ec  No.3302973

AVI-AUN-TI new name for CPL

5a99f0  No.3302974

File: 3b68f1f768dc0da⋯.png (163.84 KB, 1252x736, 313:184, ClipboardImage.png)

Low IQ Maxine cannot help herself.

Has a lot to say. One day the truth about her will come out.

1396a1  No.3302975


I think Coons will survive. As you know was a product of a terrible witch hunting accident and seems to have done a bunch of bet hedging, was even one of the more "reasonable" Dem committee members

d92645  No.3302976

File: 93cae52f63f02c9⋯.png (212.06 KB, 399x388, 399:388, 2018-10-02_04-27-46.png)

22aa37  No.3302977

File: 38565eec252d222⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 38565eec252d22254a46ba439f….jpg)

f55636  No.3302978


I'm pissed they're not covering the whole rally.

d100dd  No.3302979

>>3302956 Fox is compromised! Can't trust 'em!

7884f8  No.3302980


Could even be a trap:

>MSM: How dare Trump attack these poor accusers

1 hour later

>FBI: Kav is innocent

da99e7  No.3302981


Flake is thinking of his sweet gig on MSNBC

218842  No.3302983

File: 592ed24f43d8f7e⋯.jpg (219.22 KB, 480x960, 1:2, MAGA FRENZ.jpg)


similar situation here, love you anon

c19bc3  No.3302984


They live and work in places where “playing the victim” is the winning strategy, that doesn’t work in wartime however.

56d9ef  No.3302985


>block the president

yea thatll work

b00417  No.3302986


what the fuck…

Are we seeing the opening shots fired?

69f240  No.3302987


Maxine is like a box of chocolates

6c3b71  No.3302988


That is shit. Medic is the calmest person I follow.

ad00e7  No.3302989


None of you are Q.


0c5dcb  No.3302990


Oh hell ya, there I am

776be6  No.3302991


Fuck Fox. They're gatekeepers anon.

Follow Patriots here:


9fd2d0  No.3302992


oh yeah, I'm sure a guy who has dedicated his life to making so much money that the marginal increase of even $1M has no effect on everyday life… I'm sure there's no chance he'd ever be in it for the money.

55ac24  No.3302993

Ok, noticed the green tint to the lights, especially en the gray haired dude was up on stage, cause his hair was light enough to notice.

22aa37  No.3302994

File: 57f522dc851ae4b⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 57f522dc851ae4b7d7ee168fcf….jpg)

e33cc6  No.3302995

File: e6f6c1aced64e56⋯.png (291.62 KB, 538x370, 269:185, ClipboardImage.png)

6fef9e  No.3302996


They are SCARED.

Wired Sources gave out great info, ALL FACTS!

666d3a  No.3302997


Me too Baker, but this time I just feel it in my gut, put my balls right out on the chopping block. Q wont let me down…

If he does I promise not to come on and and act like a butthurt ConcernFag.

f80cb6  No.3302998


Do not namefag.

5a99f0  No.3302999

File: bf7dce4d478a5be⋯.png (258.22 KB, 1220x1176, 305:294, ClipboardImage.png)

This tweet alone should make @MichaelAvenatti shunned in any group that cares about facts. —The letter DOES NOT contain the word "whore" or anything like it —Actual quote: "my lasting impression of Julie was that she was smart, fun and funny. But…also an opportunist"

219ef8  No.3303000

File: 2d8d0a39effb5dd⋯.jpg (92.34 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 2j8vaw.jpg)

991e44  No.3303001

File: a78524bd899c8c9⋯.jpg (8.97 KB, 200x202, 100:101, maddog.jpg)

22aa37  No.3303002

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB, 800x708, 200:177, a2dacdcbb74d117e648028fdeb….jpg)

67342a  No.3303003


Nobody needs Q to tell you where to register to vote.


f179c0  No.3303004

File: c15ab617bbd2ae1⋯.jpeg (80.45 KB, 650x488, 325:244, meme.pepe.eagle.popcorn.jpeg)

f55636  No.3303005


I paid good money for cable TV just so I could have Trump rallys captioned…. now they don't have Trump on my cable service ( I don't get OANN)

Fuck em might as well cancel cable.

7e432a  No.3303006


I know there are secret groups of people that get together and pray and get specific instructions from Jesus on what to do. These are people who really move in the power of God. when they get together things happen.

It’s only done in secret because of how much witchcraft is thrown to defeat it. It’s unbelievable what they will do to make your prayers and warfare if no effect. Literally have to have people just doing warfare to protect the ones hearing from God. It’s not secret because they are some holy rollers, it’s for protection so I imagine there could be all kinds of secret groups for good but are not known for protection.

9810fc  No.3303007


>He looks like he's aged three years in the last 19 months, being honest.

Trump would run circles around that guy^

d0483a  No.3303008

File: e781e6c8489b4f0⋯.jpg (83.36 KB, 940x960, 47:48, 42962235_670282376688339_3….jpg)

File: 100235095cbcbaa⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 683x729, 683:729, 43085716_259038658130430_2….jpg)

File: ec06c9a8f20e53f⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 720x573, 240:191, 43082496_259038781463751_9….jpg)

9560a9  No.3303009


New U.S. lay group called Better Church Governance Inc. announces annual audit of cardinals to expose those credibly connected to scandal called the Red Hat Report.

The group’s leaders intend to hold the highest levels of church authority accountable, including the pope.

A team of close to 100 researchers, investigators, and journalists, some of whom reportedly worked for the FBI, will compile the report.


617834  No.3303010

File: bfdb9b72a191cf9⋯.gif (60.09 KB, 274x398, 137:199, jkxhzscvfkjzhxKLJV.gif)



rsbn has good feed, shows crowd

btw at MS Trump rally they played Skyfall song just before he came out to his usual song.

1dca7b  No.3303011

File: 53c525942963c41⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 540x505, 108:101, tumblr_pci4btPOtL1tb3eifo1….jpg)

f48f24  No.3303012


KEK! Stroke me as odd too. A normal "highly regarded" would not have to explain why she was busy doing other stuff…og no she watched every second.

402971  No.3303013


To stay under the radar to not be murdered by the cabal until they had a plan in place to take everything back or something like that.

852e8a  No.3303014



Dangerous Times

Q … Plz keep POTUS SAFE!!

61de66  No.3303015



Maybe not

Its possible he could of posted that to make (((them))) do some more stupid shit. This board is mighty powerful.

Dont go betting money on that..its possibe that might be for the vote for RBG's SC seat…Q is THAT advanced sometimes kek

8fc0f5  No.3303016



6dfd8e  No.3303017

File: 132190c77985b26⋯.jpeg (32.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8D3A75A0-C7CE-49EA-B970-1….jpeg)

eaa60a  No.3303018

a5ec44  No.3303019

File: 63ec78e60474347⋯.png (422.08 KB, 600x800, 3:4, pepepopcorn4.png)

69f240  No.3303020


MA has got to be /ourguy/, helping to destruct the Dems… He cant be THIS stupid lol

55ac24  No.3303021

d0483a  No.3303022

File: d8d8e65aa202d60⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 522x720, 29:40, 42699291_1542388609238383_….jpg)

76b302  No.3303023


Shes goin off the rails with this shit

f55636  No.3303024

File: 0f4ffbe48abbfde⋯.png (364.84 KB, 576x612, 16:17, ClipboardImage.png)


I've always wondered if this was one of the meetings.

e10402  No.3303025

File: a996a9aead49dc4⋯.jpeg (9.85 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 5fe646debf08e21b94b3f956e….jpeg)

feb360  No.3303026

File: c8327053320cc6c⋯.jpg (151.12 KB, 847x513, 847:513, deaddog.jpg)

>>3302979 Son is in charge now! TOTAL DWEEB!

4e18d7  No.3303027

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, de7672ec1c238fd995abdfd057….jpg)


I smell desperation

53f094  No.3303028

>>3302931 Lawsuit seeks to stop Presidential Alert System to cellphones citing 1a and 4a.


7f4fbe  No.3303029


on CSpan

5bdb05  No.3303030


Senators, we have not forgotten your sleazy, keep-them-quiet slush fund. Proceed with caution.

f80cb6  No.3303031



d53e6c  No.3303032


Have you seen the democrats lately?

519e29  No.3303033

Watching the Fox livestream of the rally…

Does the music at the events have significance??

Before Trump came out to “Proud to be an American”, the song that played was “Skyfall”.

Sky Event? Sky is Falling?

1efa13  No.3303034


nothing better than a fine group of prayer warriors!!!! they have gotten me thru some tough times in my life, both in mississippi and tennessee.

43aa59  No.3303035


By all accounts he's a brilliant lawyer.

Either an ideologue, /ourguy/, or desperate.

f179c0  No.3303036

File: 93f0dcb6efde432⋯.jpeg (44.91 KB, 800x450, 16:9, meme.kek.shit.post.jpeg)

69f240  No.3303038


Haha good point. He is status quo for them nowdays

9810fc  No.3303039


Read earlier notables. Pretty sure this has been noted already.

cd00dd  No.3303040

that senator did a good job

well done ma'am

66c671  No.3303041



db4ba0  No.3303042

File: e501919e37adb53⋯.png (580.47 KB, 633x754, 633:754, kav3.PNG)

This makes me think of Judge Kav. SMH…..

ce679d  No.3303043


I honestly believe the same, how the FUCK can anyone be this stupid, disbar himself knowingly and tweet about it. It's beyond astounding how dumb he can be if he isn't playing a role as bait

219ef8  No.3303044

File: 745a2d7091ce91a⋯.jpg (213.33 KB, 883x489, 883:489, 2ivodsasx.jpg)

File: e62ededc7f94ca0⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 882x489, 294:163, 2ivodvcfads.jpg)

File: c89b392e74f7025⋯.jpg (198.34 KB, 919x446, 919:446, 2ivogfsd.jpg)

0c5dcb  No.3303045


Thank You!!!! Grandpa anon and Grandma anon!!!!!

22aa37  No.3303046

File: 3301dac0a121aa9⋯.jpg (110.67 KB, 600x916, 150:229, 3301dac0a121aa9b189b84b293….jpg)

76b7cf  No.3303047

File: ccd7dfb67664350⋯.png (855.05 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Red Baron Q Alpha.png)


58c534  No.3303049

File: ede4f3bebd86d91⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 255x215, 51:43, pepeoldman.jpg)


wasted palindrome

f55636  No.3303050



NOW it might be on cspan wasn't on there earlier.

86e29f  No.3303051

show us ur chick tits too or no deal


5a99f0  No.3303052


The idea that Avenatti is secretly working for Trump by being so obviously obnoxious and stupid is a delicious.

"Avenatti is our guy" will drive him nuts.

f10126  No.3303053


Yep. I think that's why they're saying the FBI report is going to be kept from public. Dems think we'll never see what liars they are, so they'll vote NO then scream how crooked Kav is once he's confirmed. Then, BOOM! declass the FBI reports and show how the dems all conspired to create lies

3fb684  No.3303054

File: a0fb3861447e64b⋯.jpeg (698.38 KB, 1373x1650, 1373:1650, D1790BFB-3F19-4B9C-BC2A-7….jpeg)

Question regarding the 14th Amendment, Section 3

If between the release of the sealed indictments and FISA DECLAS some number of senators are found guilty of treason wouldn’t that immediately reduce the number of senators available to vote?

Not sure how fast it could happen, but if we could get rid of a few Democrat votes and still have a quorum, we’d be able to vote Justice Kavanaugh in without worrying how Flake and others are going to vote

9810fc  No.3303055


Digits confirm

>3303033 Blink

ad00e7  No.3303056

File: a59d2db59e1b5ba⋯.jpeg (246.38 KB, 806x541, 806:541, 8E1AEDFE-EC52-4F19-A840-2….jpeg)



dc8d94  No.3303057


I think it’s too much to be a coincidence, definitely a shout out to us

852e8a  No.3303058


surprise… its either NY or CA ..

9e1c54  No.3303059

Can anyone explain to me why deepstate doesnt just delet 8ch?

66b295  No.3303060

White hats!

666d3a  No.3303061

File: b3ceda488df1e96⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 216x255, 72:85, WWG1WGADreamy.jpg)


Glad you cleared that up, not sure why I thought that… I am 100% clear on Rusty Shackleford now and he memed and namefagged his own self the other day - so I am not doxxing anyone.

Glad to see you here tonight.

4f860a  No.3303062

File: ec6b3eff48f4979⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 665x574, 95:82, ec6b3eff48f49794da2209f7bc….jpg)




53f094  No.3303063


Workfagging all day jumped home for rally. Thank you anon.

69f240  No.3303064


Maxine is understandable, just a dumb Representative who thinks she is untouchable. Avenatti is actually a GOOD and EXPERIENCED lawyer. He literally knows better than to say half the shit he says

b90121  No.3303065

File: 95539672fb5484b⋯.jpeg (90.92 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2F9F4AC2-059D-4636-B7CB-D….jpeg)

afb722  No.3303066

File: cb84424110fe966⋯.webm (3.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Til I Collapse.webm)

File: e6addb07b1bb280⋯.webm (3.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GasGasGasTrump2.webm)

File: 930cd491275e0f6⋯.webm (3.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Reservoir Dons.webm)


f666dd  No.3303067


>Patriots in full control

cf4ce6  No.3303068

File: c70dd21361b5174⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 720x573, 240:191, metoo funny.jpg)


Now thats some funny shit, KEK

8550de  No.3303069


sause PLEASE!!!

1dca7b  No.3303070

File: 07e97d2b03b072e⋯.png (138.84 KB, 387x480, 129:160, 07e97d2b03b072eb9afbac268b….png)

22aa37  No.3303071

File: aa988222710f36d⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, aa988222710f36d2086c3a8cee….jpg)

d447c3  No.3303072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aviatti on YT

f10126  No.3303074


They are so fucking desperate it's sad

3cc086  No.3303075


b00417  No.3303076


owned by defense contractor.

**[ran by Q+]

9654f7  No.3303077


theyre too stoopid

83bc7c  No.3303078


US Military with BO got this…..

6fef9e  No.3303079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



b24ea5  No.3303080

File: 2f782d4ea5f737c⋯.png (36.45 KB, 615x489, 205:163, PAIN!!!!.png)

File: b44375ed9d6af00⋯.png (139.13 KB, 1384x502, 692:251, CHEATCODES.png)

can you add new options to img anon haha



>Cheat Codes eh! There are tons let me add some



<Maps> *Press D O I T Q



One of the first big milestones in this transformation took place in November 2004 when Google acquired a tiny and little-known 3-D mapping startup called Keyhole Inc. Google paid an undisclosed sum for the company, immediately absorbed it, and began turning its tech into what we now know as Google Earth. The acquisition would have gone unnoticed, had it not been for one not-so-tiny detail: Keyhole Inc was part-owned by the CIA and the "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency" (NGA), a sister agency to the NSA. Keyhole Inc also had one major client base: US military and intelligence agencies.

fee5ec  No.3303081


so we could see your missives ?

51c327  No.3303082


Hmmm….They do have the best camera spot/angle…coincidence ??


429461  No.3303083

For those that didn't watch/don't remember DJT's inauguration speech, it is worth another listen considering all that has happened since. MAGA

65d455  No.3303084

New term enters the lexicon tonight: Radical Socialism.

b51e11  No.3303085

File: 7191512bc7e1f61⋯.jpg (55.79 KB, 566x361, 566:361, Dn92lgaU0AAO6j1[1].jpg)

c4e77e  No.3303086

File: 52f311e82929a62⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 49db02c0c741d4c387a4faef0c….jpg)


Concern fagging on the one hand, jew kike goy bullcrap on the other. Same shit, different costumes.

7f4fbe  No.3303087


Link to cspan:


6cc57c  No.3303088

File: e0ae15fc5dca4e3⋯.png (366.29 KB, 596x720, 149:180, e0ae15fc5dca4e35ccacf4100e….png)

6dfd8e  No.3303089

File: 4fdc0fc0a30125a⋯.png (4.07 MB, 3122x4101, 3122:4101, 2FD2B9A7-D338-4582-8E3C-A5….png)

You are kidding yourself if you don’t believe POTUS is here!

4e284a  No.3303090


They wanna go to war, we take them to war

845474  No.3303091


Them Trinity digits tho. Ayyyyye.

402971  No.3303092

File: b0238c16f72caf5⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 213x255, 71:85, fe2bb973b69c589ab6ea2b99fc….jpg)

666d3a  No.3303093


Now you know I have to go look, Kek!!

22aa37  No.3303094

File: 720036833182305⋯.gif (463.19 KB, 500x208, 125:52, 720036833182305b0d87f3d574….gif)

ce679d  No.3303095


because they don't own the servers, i'm guessing? Or have access? If Q could shut down the seven dwarfs im sure he's put in redundancies for 8chan

0831b7  No.3303096

doing a bunch of VETOES!!!!

f179c0  No.3303097


Dragon energy. It just flowed. TY brother anon.

f80cb6  No.3303098


Keked hard!

b9be3c  No.3303099

File: f5e451f53880346⋯.jpeg (92.62 KB, 750x500, 3:2, DBB753FB-FFFA-4482-AE2A-8….jpeg)

21173b  No.3303100


Start Trusting your fellow Man.

9fd2d0  No.3303101

File: 02134c552a8a870⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 886x500, 443:250, 2j09z2.jpg)

File: 78769c798198564⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 852x461, 852:461, 2j09s3.jpg)

File: 5d6123c6775eaba⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 600x478, 300:239, 2j09j4.jpg)


that Shepard breed would not cry and sniffle for 45 minutes to EMOTE more.

Look to Clarence Thomas for how it is supposed to be done with honor and dignity.

d0483a  No.3303102


I know right.


8bc03f  No.3303103

File: 37e8a053e16c09c⋯.png (350.31 KB, 344x450, 172:225, resist.PNG)

776be6  No.3303104


There are no coincidences anon.

They are patriots through and through.

c549b6  No.3303105


If blue wave is a thing… which it isnt.

c21249  No.3303106



It was notable 12 hours ago but thanks for only being half a day behind

991e44  No.3303107


We're gonna chuck the DS outta choppers and if their friends can catch them mid-air then tallyho

9654f7  No.3303108

holy shit does anyAnon have RIDICULOUS CRAY HAIR MEMES OF BERNIE?

7f4fbe  No.3303109

Bernie wasn’t the same from the convention on.

43aa59  No.3303110


Straight out of the department of redundancy department.

6d0933  No.3303111



b81360  No.3303112

File: 744b34b2de987bf⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1403x786, 1403:786, Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at ….png)

File: 5d3a0b59f4d458e⋯.png (862.42 KB, 1367x541, 1367:541, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: 386c3a25adffb66⋯.png (814.42 KB, 1032x544, 129:68, pain-lastchance.png)

f179c0  No.3303113

File: e912f366627dd15⋯.png (140.05 KB, 500x636, 125:159, meme.pointing.kick.png)

6dfd8e  No.3303114

File: fe37dbfa6aa2327⋯.png (868.99 KB, 1055x593, 1055:593, EF921055-FC5B-4865-ADD0-07….png)

0c5dcb  No.3303115


The biggest crowd turn out Potus has ever had. 92,000

f666dd  No.3303116

Did he just say President Hillary??

22aa37  No.3303117

File: 317df6a1884803c⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DZZhrUZUMAA2BnW.jpg)

65d455  No.3303118


POTUS is on stage. Q and other MI are here, as well as every intel agency worth noting.

e9de11  No.3303119


Well I'll be damned….

32c456  No.3303120

lock. her. up. chants

9810fc  No.3303121

I'm listening to Fox and RSBN…for crowd effect.

4e284a  No.3303122


My third favorite man behind GEOTUS and Gen Mattis

cd00dd  No.3303123

File: f7c0023bde1a277⋯.png (173.91 KB, 628x270, 314:135, ClipboardImage.png)


live on Tucker

(have it muted)

f10126  No.3303124


Wireless Emergency Alert has been around since 2006 and they're doing this now?

59eae8  No.3303125

Now Bernie, theyre all getting it tonight.

69f240  No.3303126


9654f7  No.3303127

File: 82c3feeeaea1039⋯.jpg (177.02 KB, 981x1012, 981:1012, FLOTUSBEBESTnew.jpg)

WE LOVE U FLOTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

125da2  No.3303128

Wee basket of deNotables


>>3303009 Catholic Lay Grp Devotes over $1M To Expose Cardinals for Abuse Or Cover-Ups

>>3302862 Twitter bans distribution of "hacked materials"


already noted prev. bread

e33807  No.3303129


I contend that the demonrats used fraud in every election they've ever been in. They are lying cheating commie scum. And when they aren't doing that they are worshipping satan, eating babies, and molesting anyone who can't get away.

1dca7b  No.3303130

File: 37112f16a5728b8⋯.jpg (15.23 KB, 239x255, 239:255, 37112f16a5728b8aecf369710a….jpg)

624cab  No.3303131

File: 43e092fefd44889⋯.png (124.38 KB, 519x314, 519:314, Selection_536.png)


Well spotted, ya old fart.

f9c219  No.3303132

dayum Bernie Burn!!!

2f724c  No.3303133

File: a497451546c3655⋯.png (18.71 KB, 684x495, 76:55, ClipboardImage.png)


>Prepare for sky is falling week.

53f094  No.3303134


That video makes me very nervous.

19a1f0  No.3303135

Wow POTUS is raging. LOCK HER UP!!!! LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!

f552f5  No.3303136

File: 38a8a0f3d981ead⋯.jpeg (30.51 KB, 296x302, 148:151, 04A29DC2-1B8B-4EDD-AD4D-E….jpeg)

ad00e7  No.3303137


Are you a jerk naturally or do you like, work at it? You do it very well!

65d455  No.3303138


kek ikr? kekkekekkek

b00417  No.3303139


lucky sob.

I work in publishing - it's a blessing every day they don't come to work in pussy hats.

814397  No.3303140

Would it be good to deflect some KAV. with the slush fund senator use for accusations ?

22aa37  No.3303141

File: 147cbca125f157a⋯.jpg (220.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DZYc0NNUQAY6f3Z.jpg)

f179c0  No.3303142


1dca7b  No.3303143

File: 3b9c234d4b102d0⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 3b9c234d4b102d0778c8a0751f….jpg)

4a7ca4  No.3303145

File: 1ee4c7ccd4ad2fc⋯.jpg (166.47 KB, 642x642, 1:1, MAGA kekekeke.jpg)

b81360  No.3303146

File: a8e7bb78e445fcb⋯.png (946.54 KB, 1902x1043, 1902:1043, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

File: cafdee86d0a4ba3⋯.png (336.02 KB, 1090x900, 109:90, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

File: efa3395128b9140⋯.png (274.51 KB, 1188x1181, 1188:1181, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

feb360  No.3303147

>>3303036 Eventually you will see the body of your enemy flowing down the river before you!

83bd1e  No.3303148

File: 0dd2ff882c9b970⋯.jpg (92.73 KB, 498x794, 249:397, 1a.JPG)

File: 443aa246b823539⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 504x213, 168:71, 2.JPG)

Twitter issues new rules that will get accounts banned


@jack can go get bent… yeah, we're all going to not only put our location, we'll just all post our GPS coordinates LOL.

0c5dcb  No.3303149


Damn, didn't know we had that many people in our small town

219ef8  No.3303150

File: 902feea47014843⋯.jpg (223.16 KB, 885x488, 885:488, 2ivodfhb.jpg)

4b2acb  No.3303151


is that just fake news?


c0d448  No.3303153

Come on Rallyanons


Q a non

Q a non

Q a non

409d17  No.3303154



Only further evidence that something about this is making the rats nervous.

afb722  No.3303155


which one

262e87  No.3303157

Remember that time, a while back when everyone was like " Wait for the dough" and we were all like "Raagh". Kill the energy! kek Those were the good times.

22aa37  No.3303158

File: d361d28cc95810b⋯.mp4 (134.26 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ItsHappening.mp4)

a080e1  No.3303159

File: 3561d64f694da09⋯.png (31.11 KB, 648x303, 216:101, LG re Hannity Show 10-2-18.PNG)

Activated Senator Graham was on Hannity Radio earlier / will be on Hannity Show Tonight as well


617834  No.3303160

File: b80b51ec7313bb9⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x840, 32:21, 1537490635531.png)



because "we have all the servers"


0e8e83  No.3303162



somethings never change

9db0ab  No.3303163

Leahy must be a stinkin' drunk!

ef7a26  No.3303164


I really, really love that one.

76b7cf  No.3303165

File: 6916989dd72696b⋯.png (763.25 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Full Armor of Q Alpha.png)


This is as solid as Thor's Hammer. Armed for Battle Anon. Full Metal Jacket is ON! Kek is out in full force. We are GTG

f80cb6  No.3303166


Sort of a great visual impact…


f666dd  No.3303167

Kekekekek Patrick Leahy! LOL

4e1273  No.3303168


Owned by Biden. Has big aspirations. If DeSantis wins I'm leaving and moving to FL. I'm done with this shole state. Best wishes Patriot.

4f860a  No.3303169


>castration without proof of guilt

>tolerant left


4e284a  No.3303170


Same here, I was scanning Cspan too, nope :(

b24ea5  No.3303171


if I eat you like a cannibal, aint nothin to it, gangsta rap made me do it.

- actual lyrics

1dca7b  No.3303172

File: 1895eadb6e1c988⋯.jpg (91.01 KB, 750x717, 250:239, Dk7QR7SXsAYckYF.jpg)

55e004  No.3303173


Cause server is in a very secure place now.

7e83d2  No.3303174


>>3302909 has 406 bit in length

>>3301854 (llb) provided by anon has 404 bit in length

both cannot be right - it should be divisible by 8 to do any meaningful decoding.

so the question is - if this indeed is a barcode - invert and leading or tailing zeros? anons?

53f094  No.3303175


Last one.

3799ca  No.3303176



7e42c8  No.3303177

POTUS mocking lying Christine Ford will NOT go over well!

61de66  No.3303178

File: 9277840a8282601⋯.png (452.92 KB, 1313x526, 1313:526, ClipboardImage.png)

cant think of a more perfect night

the impending doom of the psychotic criminals mixed with the confirmation of Justice K

fulfilling his divine DESTINY

POTUS on fire!!!


8550de  No.3303179


time stamp youtube

9810fc  No.3303180

Department of Justice Announces More Than $70 Million to Support School Safety and $64 Million to Improve State Criminal Record Systems

The Department of Justice today announced more than $70 million in grant funding to bolster school security, educate and train students and faculty, and support law enforcement officers and first responders who arrive on the scene of a school violence incident. These grants are in addition to the funding to the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO), announced by Attorney General Sessions last week, to expand and update their curriculum to better support training programs. These grants combined will better protect students, teachers, faculty, and first responders across the United States. Additionally, the Department is awarding more than $64 million to state agencies to improve the completeness, quality, and accessibility of the nation’s criminal record systems, which will help law enforcement and increase the effectiveness of background checks.

"President Trump and his administration will ensure the safety of every American school," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. "Earlier this year he signed into law the STOP School Violence Act, which provides grant funding to develop anonymous school threat reporting systems, to implement school building security measures, and to train students, school personnel, and law enforcement on how to prevent school violence. Today I am announcing $70 million in these grants to hundreds of cities and states across America. These grants will go a long way toward giving young people and their families both safety and peace of mind."

The Office of Justice Program’s (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) together are making more than 220 awards to jurisdictions across the country to help make schools more secure. The awards, granted through three funding streams, will provide new technology for reporting systems and other threat deterrent measures and create school safety training and education programs for school administrators, staff, students, and first responders. This includes the support for existing crisis intervention teams and the creation of new ones.

Full doc @ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-more-70-million-support-school-safety-and-64-million-improve

9e1c54  No.3303181


a creepy old dude and that random chick who works at Starbucks who always tweets shit about old creepy dudes.


f10126  No.3303182


FL professor says Sandy Hook is hoax- FIRED

Fat CA professor calls Barbara Bush a racist and she's glad she's dead- NO BIGGIE

b00417  No.3303183

File: e79bcf5fde2fad6⋯.png (121.61 KB, 320x308, 80:77, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck em. when they ban me, I'll be 'just' fine.

dc8d94  No.3303184

Reading someone on Facebook and his crowd of friends howling about how evil Kavanaugh is, he is apparently a representative of all the “jocks” that tormented them in high school so anything is justified. They fail to see they have become 10 times more evil and judgemental than any kid that tormented them in school.

1799cf  No.3303185

File: 09d0e2576b14f0a⋯.png (15.68 KB, 508x208, 127:52, noOversight.png)

File: e78f2cf1a94ae1f⋯.png (26.58 KB, 493x383, 493:383, twoRealities.png)

misc redpills

70454c  No.3303186


Always knew that.

Reading manuals for me was fun. Miss that.

292e86  No.3303187


WWG1WGA remember? Maybe your fellow anons worfag and are just catching up. Don't act like a bitch liberal. You're better than that anon. It takes no effort to be gracious to a team mate.

e3c76f  No.3303188

File: ac60a8d6a002a90⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2378x1190, 1189:595, I SEE Q PEOPLE EVERYWHEREJ.jpg)

File: 1b2cb314676e1a0⋯.jpg (473.78 KB, 1266x797, 1266:797, Q PIC 32.jpg)

File: 74c36238f854b5f⋯.jpg (346.43 KB, 894x1148, 447:574, Q PIC 33.jpg)

File: fa0c1fe7f93b7e7⋯.jpg (691.55 KB, 1861x927, 1861:927, Q SEE PEPEJ.jpg)







My pepe is done here!

a66d66  No.3303189

File: 3fd75c55b63eea4⋯.png (432.69 KB, 524x709, 524:709, ClipboardImage.png)

61de66  No.3303190


hahah not if he knows something we dont know

9aa444  No.3303191

File: 5fa785cf800f6be⋯.png (660.36 KB, 823x626, 823:626, Vote Republican 1.PNG)

File: ad5c7d0fb9f5334⋯.png (1.15 MB, 911x682, 911:682, Vote Republican 2.PNG)

File: 1113af23cd207a1⋯.png (788.59 KB, 908x520, 227:130, Vote Republican 3.PNG)

Hope everyone can make it to the voting booths

d0483a  No.3303192

File: 3fa216c47ddb454⋯.jpg (5.96 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 3fa216c47ddb454d86de9421a8….jpg)

f55636  No.3303194


It sucks, I'm watching the chan to see ppl post highlights.

Crazy that they now have a Q pit!

6dfd8e  No.3303195

File: 784f529f274c29b⋯.png (765.94 KB, 706x806, 353:403, E131FF82-FD9E-4A0A-99BA-86….png)

File: d701861e4e4efc2⋯.jpeg (390.36 KB, 706x806, 353:403, 740739C6-7ABC-4F86-B145-2….jpeg)

a080e1  No.3303196


POTUS mocking Feinstein is perfection and hysterically funny

What / no / huh / what /wait……

da99e7  No.3303197

POTUS is extra "colorful" tonight, I must say

b90121  No.3303198

File: bc72892d8531343⋯.jpeg (91.42 KB, 483x603, 161:201, 17C2E56D-24D3-4C40-B61C-3….jpeg)

c19bc3  No.3303199


A very slow and secure place

4dbfc9  No.3303200

File: ebbfdc6b3b1484e⋯.png (125.92 KB, 480x517, 480:517, ebbfdc6b3b1484e0057455d815….png)

6f2565  No.3303201

File: 272b70a8784a910⋯.png (413.91 KB, 700x396, 175:99, 021016sanders.png)

File: b8027c0e3ad1802⋯.png (91.39 KB, 289x218, 289:218, bernie-sanders-hair-raisin….png)

File: 7d0360b64f3c7a5⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 474x248, 237:124, tha.jpg)

42c255  No.3303202

67342a  No.3303203

File: 81f8c3b793976ee⋯.jpg (223.74 KB, 500x620, 25:31, 81f8c3b793976ee6d585ab8a7e….jpg)


Very funny. Did you not also answer a bunch of anons with an assholish rhetorical question asking them if they understand they aren't Q in response to a question that Q doesn't need to answer?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes faggot.

2b60d8  No.3303204

File: 71a2269248782b7⋯.png (929.93 KB, 681x1504, 681:1504, TOUGHBIDEN.png)

59f7ba  No.3303205

POTUS "look up Patrick Leahy / drink"


cd00dd  No.3303206



(((Christine Fair)))

is what I kekked at

live on FOX, not sure if I've ever seen that on TV

43aa59  No.3303207


With whom? His supporters don't care, and the media will find something else anyway. If anything, it's because the truth is about to be exposed.

9810fc  No.3303208

Foreign National Pleads Guilty to Downloading Child Pornography from the Dark Web in Exchange for Cryptocurrency

A Saudi Arabian national living in Arlington, Virginia pleaded guilty today to downloading child pornography through the dark web.

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney G. Zachary Terwilliger of the Eastern District of Virginia, and Special Agent in Charge Patrick J. Lechleitner of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)’s Washington, D.C. made the announcement.

Ammar Atef Alahdali, 22, pleaded guilty to one count of receipt of child pornography before U.S. District Judge Liam O’Grady of the Eastern District of Virginia. Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 18.

According to admissions made in connection with his guilty plea, Alahdali paid cryptocurrency to become a member of a website dedicated to the advertisement and distribution of child pornography. This website operated over the dark web—i.e., it could only be accessed through special software that masks the user’s real internet protocol address. In 2017, he used this website to download more than 20 videos depicting the sexual abuse of children, including at least one video depicting sadistic sexual conduct.

HSI investigated the case. The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Kyle P. Reynolds and William G. Clayman of the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) and Assistant U.S. Attorney Laura Fong of the Eastern District of Virginia.

Sauce: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/foreign-national-pleads-guilty-downloading-child-pornography-dark-web-exchange-cryptocurrency

940f5b  No.3303209

File: 9f4f6123bf6eee9⋯.jpeg (407.78 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_D83DB57D9753-1.jpeg)

30a14e  No.3303210

Yeah cuz Crazy Bernie got a beach house out of the deal.

d447c3  No.3303211


No longer civil liberties. Identity politics. Not really American, either.


6e2575  No.3303212







Thank you all. I needed that. Ironically, I used to worry about moving to a Red State, now I want out of my Blue state and away from Big cities.

Lost GF/best friend anon 2+yrs ago (still friends tho). Maybe in part to frequent conspiracy rantings. I just couldn't stay silent seeing that CNN bullshit after WDBJ, Pulse, Paris, Belgium, Sandy Hoax and the many many others. It was so obviously psy op propaganda. Cognitive dissonance. Just too hard for most people to fathom.

I was awake on 9/11…and even I had a slow time realizing Sandy Hook was fake (year later). I didn't watch TV, just saw the headlines and assumed it was real. ONLY after seeing someone on FAKE book in a group I was in saying it was a HOAX, did I even think twice. I thought it was so odd for someone to say that, I investigated for myself to see what would make someone make such a bold claim…and damn if they weren't right.

It's like seeing the symbols of occult. Once you know what to look for, all the signs are there and predictable.

4e284a  No.3303213


Are they moshing? kek That'd be fun

b51e11  No.3303214

File: 8f05b2ec65e84b4⋯.jpg (29.6 KB, 500x404, 125:101, TrumptheWarrior-b528b4bb5b….jpg)


TRUMP slays aclu!!!

53f094  No.3303215


TOPKEK POTUS is on a good one!

79efe2  No.3303217


pretty likely we find out it was a fraud tomorrow.

f179c0  No.3303218

File: 2b396044897f8bf⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, meme.kavanaugh.hill.dems.d….jpg)

3cc086  No.3303219

Watch the wives.

Mrs Trump is in Africa, it tells a lot.

d0483a  No.3303220

File: 04e673bd4b33767⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 400x504, 50:63, faggot (1).jpg)

d77245  No.3303221


where in the post does it say its the KAvanaugh Vote to confirm? I assume thats what it means but thats not what Q said

9d0172  No.3303223



Thanks for sharing!

55e004  No.3303224


Government shit always slow but sure

01d61e  No.3303225

File: c0bc7cd24322919⋯.png (634.76 KB, 988x572, 19:11, hannity7.png)

File: 563f11153735a3c⋯.png (606.53 KB, 1023x561, 31:17, julsm13.png)

File: d18fa3b211833f7⋯.png (635.07 KB, 938x567, 134:81, sscnawth.png)


How endless chat on one topic qualifies as "news" is criminal.

f10126  No.3303227

File: f6e7d6e10bb384a⋯.png (209.62 KB, 1186x606, 593:303, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)



624cab  No.3303228

File: 145f2b37f4f2c9e⋯.gif (511.03 KB, 840x488, 105:61, yaypepe.gif)

0831b7  No.3303229

pre-existing locations


he rarely messes up

9e1c54  No.3303230


HUGE KEK. I had the same thought earlier haha

f8183b  No.3303231


Might be.

That map… mountain ranges.

617e82  No.3303232

File: add5772d82506fe⋯.gif (165.33 KB, 498x280, 249:140, add5772d82506fed5c99494517….gif)


(((she))) is one of the shills that comes here. It is not a coincidence she has her name in triple-parenthesis, it is an open symbol of allegiance to (((them))).

4f860a  No.3303233


Must be a jew

f80cb6  No.3303234


Yup, little man fall in love.

0f1cae  No.3303236

File: a5bd17ae8aca89f⋯.png (680.33 KB, 2057x1041, 2057:1041, Assymetric Q shirt smuggli….png)

4e284a  No.3303237


All these Mattis memes, I'm in meme heaven ya guise, thanks.

76ae09  No.3303238


After FISA comes out, deep state in soo much trouble they pull out their last cards.

Fake UFO invasion or something (Sky Event)

Trump uses his TRUMP card!

617834  No.3303239

File: 1865087d05147bd⋯.jpg (980.87 KB, 1700x1558, 850:779, 1537491599357.jpg)

was playing skyfall a nod?

69f240  No.3303240

File: f5b2426419cf6b8⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2j5uod.jpg)

99d3cd  No.3303241


um, I immediately perjured myself in the opening statement (I am not board licenced, not even close) Potomac Safeway first opened there in 1986 so pretty much I'm full of shit like Hillary and Obama, sorry.

409d89  No.3303242



62d24c  No.3303243


Pretty sure it will age well.

58c534  No.3303244

File: 0c4315146cb9ba5⋯.png (373.05 KB, 427x604, 427:604, cbf0c4315146cb9ba59835231a….png)

d447c3  No.3303245


The Dems are the new Puritans. He's hitting them on that.

0e033c  No.3303246

Q canadian anon here cami ask you a favor on behalf of all canadians for trump

can POTUS do a rally in canada ?

pull some strings Q make it happen

ad00e7  No.3303247


You must be a lot of fun at parties.


5827b7  No.3303248

Reminder , 10 / 13 ./ 1307 the first October surprise. Freemason Demolay arrested by Popes orders , Templars flee , go underground with treasure ( Relics ? , Holy Grail ? , Spear of Destiny ? ) later to hang out in Madagascar and become the Pirates , skull + bones.

T.V. Shows like Millenium and X files were made by 10 - 13 Productions company.

402971  No.3303249

File: 4a5371399b8b8e2⋯.png (529.05 KB, 850x480, 85:48, 1529030582738.png)

File: 185006558fcc26f⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x151, 255:151, f27870b904b6c1f3b3db169f75….jpg)

File: a12565753964b7b⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 822x423, 274:141, 1538194274967.jpg)

Ive showed a few people that crimes against children picture from the IG report and they still support the Clinton machine

f666dd  No.3303251

POTUS slaying everybody!

7e42c8  No.3303252


hahahaha She definately had a 'frog' in her throat that day!

FFFFFFFake ffffffucking crying!

a5ec44  No.3303253


top kek

4c09f2  No.3303254

File: 9b4022950952582⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, mckaskill.jpg)


Mccaskill drinking rape juice. I just want to know which one of these guys she groped

a3bdc8  No.3303255

File: 36dca4d0051c6b5⋯.jpeg (53.47 KB, 299x222, 299:222, 6D44356B-BE80-41AD-8E59-9….jpeg)

DuckDuckGo image search for Leahy-drink.

Per POTUS instructions.

c19bc3  No.3303256


Confirmed Jewess

6e2575  No.3303257


"I wouldn't fuck her with Booker's Dick"

ca52d1  No.3303258

File: 7260c20860e21d3⋯.png (101.73 KB, 304x161, 304:161, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)



9e1c54  No.3303259

MATTIS is the ultimate Chad

56d9ef  No.3303260


why are you posting? youre not watching the water

125da2  No.3303261


>>3303208 SA Foreign National Pleads Guilty to Downloading CP f Dark Web for Crypto

>>3302894 PA GOP Gov. Candidate Scott Wagner Slams Left's Weaponizing of Women's Issues

>>3303009 Catholic Lay Grp Devotes over $1M To Expose Cardinals for Abuse Or Cover-Ups

>>3302862 Twitter bans distribution of "hacked materials"

cd00dd  No.3303262

File: 257f54b8471dde1⋯.png (501.37 KB, 787x732, 787:732, fordblank3.png)

7fda39  No.3303263


Dems start acting crazy, digging into any little thing. POTUS starts talking about how they aren't angels. MIRROR.

2eabc3  No.3303264

a little "Shocker" about NoName not voting!!! So he did get the chair!

55e004  No.3303265

A wonderful man?



I'll notice he didn't say his name though.

f552f5  No.3303267

File: 12c2a800f7b3876⋯.jpeg (18.99 KB, 300x208, 75:52, 6EE64E46-12C1-41E5-BA9B-B….jpeg)

File: d2cb3fdea3cc473⋯.jpeg (113.6 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 9E076A3D-384A-4086-88BE-6….jpeg)

File: edf2f6040761c34⋯.png (706.4 KB, 1000x705, 200:141, FDDFD9E3-5579-43DC-8899-69….png)

f8183b  No.3303268


So no more @wikileaks

9654f7  No.3303269



9810fc  No.3303270


Spoiler that plz. :)

afb722  No.3303271

File: 8220846828f08ca⋯.webm (904.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, WE HATE TRUMP AND WE WANN….webm)

File: 4524495ce97f787⋯.webm (3.15 MB, 320x180, 16:9, SNLBecomingSelfAware.webm)

File: 032b973ff223519⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Stop It (Trump remix).mp4)

File: 448b472ba7a8b0e⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 360x180, 2:1, Story After Story (Donald….webm)

File: 5839a7379dd7adf⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Trump it to the limit.webm)

1dca7b  No.3303272

File: 0d4a4a6a383bbba⋯.png (605.82 KB, 1391x1329, 1391:1329, 0d4a4a6a383bbba2ab6f3a3f38….png)


9fc176  No.3303273

Why no announcement that POTUS is/was

on his way to the rally?

Why was he running late?

Why is the POTUS Schedule so vague?

f179c0  No.3303274

File: 8af5886162b8e1c⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 259x290, 259:290, upside-down-dollar (1).jpg)

Globalism is Dead

7de995  No.3303275


Fuggin KEK

f10126  No.3303276


I watched SH live as it happened and knew something was wrong. No ambulances, no fire trucks, no crowds of students or teachers outside crying. Then they showed arial view of cops "catching" a shooter in the woods-I watched it happen LIVE. Next day… nothing. Internet scrubbed of video.

6466a4  No.3303277


American Criminal Liberties Union

8bc03f  No.3303278

File: 457a0834eb770f5⋯.png (290.27 KB, 620x400, 31:20, game_on_red.png)

Game on!

ffd6ba  No.3303279


booker has a dick?

940f5b  No.3303280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0f1cae  No.3303281

File: 543ceef3bf9a421⋯.png (219.98 KB, 630x365, 126:73, mkultra kristine.png)

cd00dd  No.3303282


Globalism is so 2015

ef7a26  No.3303283


Workfagger here. Went thru notables today and didn't see it. Workfagged yesterday. Went thru notables then. Didn't see it. Sorry. Maybe it's okay to have a repeat notable a few times a week. I've seen double notables more than once between day and nightshift, so not everyone is catching duplicates. WWG1WGA.

666d3a  No.3303284


It does not but we have been told over & over to "Learn our Comms" and I feel like that was what Q was talking about…

678366  No.3303285



9810fc  No.3303286


Notable KEKs

62d24c  No.3303287


Like an electric chair – SHOCKER?

aaed7f  No.3303288

Rally - pre-existing conditions? You mean like the deeply rooted deep state pre-existing condition? Could kinda take it that way.

f552f5  No.3303289

File: 38c51a08d2b5069⋯.jpeg (187.66 KB, 1365x767, 105:59, 34671C4C-D6F0-4038-BD0B-2….jpeg)

File: bd690e8ebd28fff⋯.png (406.37 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 1AF51C53-1997-4566-BE69-FF….png)

File: 07e3c9df0c0a442⋯.png (598.55 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, C3594B65-35F9-407B-977D-14….png)

9560a9  No.3303290


SAN FRANCISCO - The Food and Drug Administration is now reviewing documents that were seized in a surprise inspection from the San Francisco headquarters of JUUL Labs – America's largest seller of electronic cigarettes.

Agents collected material related to JUUL's sales and marketing practices in a surprise inspection last Friday. The FDA tells ABC News the surprise inspection was part of ongoing efforts to prevent e-cigarette use among young people. In addition to Tuesday's raid of more than 1,000 documents pertaining to the company's marketing practices, the FDA has also cracked down on the company in the past with unannounced on-site inspections.


4b2acb  No.3303291


well I never knew that! That was decades ago and I am just finding this out? 9/11 and now this.

c070bc  No.3303293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9fd2d0  No.3303294


How does a New Yorker say "Fuck you."


"Trust me"

1dca7b  No.3303296

File: e5a4c6c0ce9cb51⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2048x1408, 16:11, e5a4c6c0ce9cb51e77c575f4a2….png)

ceaf09  No.3303297


cuz Trump is an ArchAngel

65d455  No.3303298


omg KEK

9e1c54  No.3303299

Who else can feel the energy a-brewin tonight!?

ba6592  No.3303300

File: 3c201fcc1d7e7b9⋯.png (30.29 KB, 742x172, 371:86, 1538527004962.png)

69f240  No.3303302

File: 417878d0e95ac86⋯.png (490.29 KB, 1257x735, 419:245, TrumpRallies.png)

f99682  No.3303303


He’s calling out everyone !!!!

70454c  No.3303304


Nope, just ITfag

7e432a  No.3303305


Interesting map

161bf4  No.3303306

POTUS "A little shocker took place"

Was No Name given the electric chair?

8094b2  No.3303307

File: 28937e885af9eb1⋯.png (208.48 KB, 634x714, 317:357, 28937e885af9eb1653173943eb….png)

7884f8  No.3303308


POTUS becoming more overt as we near Nov.

This rally is quality.

350b0d  No.3303309


You break my heart gently with this one.

cd00dd  No.3303310

File: b8e8e1bd3a77012⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 474x641, 474:641, saintmichael.jpg)

3151ab  No.3303311


Senator Lahey / Drink

9810fc  No.3303312


More resignations coming?


125da2  No.3303313




320a08  No.3303314


They could stay at my place!

65d455  No.3303315


dubs confirm, POTUS on FIRE.

ca52d1  No.3303316




e33807  No.3303318


It seems that since Q hinted CA was lighting fires for money they have stopped. Jerry must have got the message.

6e2575  No.3303319


it's just a LARP

409d17  No.3303320


They're starting to understand

89050f  No.3303321

File: 54a14e241ed0d07⋯.png (32.41 KB, 693x398, 693:398, start.PNG)

776be6  No.3303322

File: 6dc718220779c4d⋯.png (66.75 KB, 460x626, 230:313, 9462c9694286baa763f4c81b60….png)



Digits confirm. kek.

4f860a  No.3303323

File: 1ead80557a897ac⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1ead80557a897ac18689370013….gif)

Kek. Grab em by the scruff and toss em back. BUILD THAT WALL.

9d0172  No.3303324

File: 3bc9e6af73a6476⋯.jpg (458.21 KB, 1298x862, 649:431, Moar_Popcorn.jpg)

f8183b  No.3303325

File: 815c50cb93c9823⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 449x416, 449:416, lahey.jpg)

d87e96  No.3303326

File: 57d6154520c63f9⋯.png (920.77 KB, 500x681, 500:681, 1538176388-3.png)


Oct 6th

219ef8  No.3303327

File: 006d20115d546da⋯.jpg (111.03 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2hn54p.jpg)

56d9ef  No.3303328


>communist kill people

what a revelation

1dca7b  No.3303329

File: e3ccee876f0ec6f⋯.jpg (345.84 KB, 741x766, 741:766, e3ccee876f0ec6f0b7ab712edf….jpg)

db4ba0  No.3303330


Same here Anon. Lost my Bf and some family. It will turn around! I have faith.Take care of yourself and don't always focus on the neg. Always find good in everyday.

4a7ca4  No.3303331

File: 72babb6b422a74d⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 403x278, 403:278, BTTF DOC BACK TO 2016 5TH ….jpg)


Kek that first one.

8094b2  No.3303332

File: e0734e83a4af07c⋯.jpg (7.85 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 6e957643f3893e4ce0985b299a….jpg)

POUTS raining FIRE!!


4c09f2  No.3303333


check notables, Mississippi wasn't part of the Q on google maps. pattern established and broken… part of the proof.

96e71e  No.3303334

Only POTUS I've EVER SEEN that looks younger 2 years later!

69f240  No.3303335

File: 69e133ee25ec7e2⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 2j3a72.jpg)

ef7a26  No.3303336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Someone say Dink?

7e432a  No.3303337

f80cb6  No.3303338


Death sentence for sure.

Exactly [30].

9810fc  No.3303339


This meme caught me off guard. And my name isn't Randy.

c37aed  No.3303340


I get those now and then.

e33807  No.3303341

Watch what happens over the next couple of weeks Folks.

55e004  No.3303342

File: a2cf07990d51a95⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 156x183, 52:61, trigglypuffalpha.gif)

he mentions Hillary

and the old boy over his left should


f179c0  No.3303343


Conan: "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women." Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.May 14, 1982

125da2  No.3303344


>>3303290 FDA seizes docs at San Francisco HQ of America's largest e-cigarette seller Juul

>>3303208 SA Foreign National Pleads Guilty to Downloading CP f Dark Web for Crypto

>>3302894 PA GOP Gov. Candidate Scott Wagner Slams Left's Weaponizing of Women's Issues

>>3303009 Catholic Lay Grp Devotes over $1M To Expose Cardinals for Abuse Or Cover-Ups

>>3302862 Twitter bans distribution of "hacked materials"

42c255  No.3303345

"watch what happens over the next couple of weeks, folks, watch..watch"

04eff7  No.3303346

Watch the next couple of weeks!!!!!!!

cd00dd  No.3303347

File: e46c27880896691⋯.jpeg (3.15 KB, 255x190, 51:38, chekked22.jpeg)

9fd2d0  No.3303348


it must really be happening

(this time)

0560ee  No.3303349


Long before she got to finger a bullet wound then announce she was the new mayor of SF! Bitch could never get voted into office. She is complicit in their deaths.

69f240  No.3303350


i wonder if Potus got to personally witness it

8094b2  No.3303352

File: db5e33a7b890a8e⋯.png (906.3 KB, 928x799, 928:799, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)


67342a  No.3303353

File: 073292c07463d97⋯.jpg (330.92 KB, 1742x1416, 871:708, scriptedmovie.jpg)

File: 5d617c86e6de0fa⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 779x389, 779:389, Roleplay.jpg)


Electric Boogaloo.

7bb045  No.3303354

File: 1b18185648ce1e6⋯.jpg (186.32 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, Sword.jpg)

9eb768  No.3303356

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)


Kav Confirmation?????????????

Dats muh birfday!! would be a great day for a confirmation..

a080e1  No.3303357

File: 0d85f7d6fdf1884⋯.png (29.12 KB, 660x236, 165:59, Haberman Rally Play by Pla….PNG)

Haberman is providing live recaps of POTUS' rally


d100dd  No.3303358

>>3303005 Yeah I agree!

f666dd  No.3303360

File: 4bd3361231d8c0c⋯.png (38.58 KB, 534x364, 267:182, Capture.PNG)

Twitter intel on earlier reference at rally.

289b54  No.3303361

getting RID OF health care entirely?

Some new plan coming along we should know about?

6e2575  No.3303362


Exactly….I went back a year later and watched it all…sad. Still makes me rage. I couldn't watch the news then…all doom/gloom….but wasn't even aware of Smith/Mundt til after SH and a few others took place..

d0483a  No.3303363

File: e8f57212a5d0425⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 200x211, 200:211, 35049205_1062334790571048_….jpg)

9e1c54  No.3303366


>comes to Q board to be negative

Shill or idiot, either way you are still worthless

cd00dd  No.3303367


but that anons graphic didn't have all the rally

COINCIDENCE, not a proof

0e8e83  No.3303368



Excellent clips. Anon

30a14e  No.3303370

File: 1e6f3982fdc7e78⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

patrick leahy

sean penn


2fe1d9  No.3303371


11/6/18 - add this to your damn calendar:


>Register to VOTE.NOW.


Find your state. REGISTER.




— All 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives

— One-third of all U.S. senators

— Thirty-six state governors and three U.S. territory governors.




In 2018, gubernatorial elections will be held in 36 states and three territories. There are 19 incumbent state governors and 2 territorial governors eligible to run for re-election and 17 incumbent state governors and one territorial governor who are term-limited or have announced they will not seek re-election in 2018.



>Find upcoming elections. VOTE.



>Find your state. VOTE.


cd00dd  No.3303372



896c42  No.3303374

File: 0c72aaf9dbd02a2⋯.jpeg (94.43 KB, 620x352, 155:88, 6C2235CB-379D-4F10-B2EE-F….jpeg)

File: 072bb8db62c3697⋯.jpeg (132.71 KB, 1023x676, 1023:676, B02A122F-CAEB-4D16-8BD9-A….jpeg)

File: 42ddfdb36d7f1f7⋯.png (888.63 KB, 1238x644, 619:322, CE0DB644-399B-4195-883F-29….png)

ca52d1  No.3303375



db4ba0  No.3303376


dash? he didn't say dash.. lol

dc8d94  No.3303378

Maybe after this is over people here can become friends in real life and come out of the shadows but not until the evil has been thoroughly put down.

9810fc  No.3303379

6 Veterans in my family. I love trump.

4 active family. 2 in the persian gulf.

I love POTUS.

fa6404  No.3303380


We wont need it once THE CURE is released.

19a1f0  No.3303381


Turbo? Ozone??

d77245  No.3303382


>why are you posting?

Because I fukken feel like it and my point is valid.

No where did it say it was the Kavanaugh Vote. Yo and I may assume such, but we may not represent that as anything but AN ASSUMPTION. faggot

f8183b  No.3303383




d53e6c  No.3303384

File: f81f088ea0cdf09⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 86744f54c5c0e5ccec93e8eb09….jpg)


Shut the fuck up bo bandy.. Heres a 100 bucks now go stuff your cheeseburger locker

8094b2  No.3303385

File: 551da53a1eaf906⋯.png (133.5 KB, 704x678, 352:339, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

File: ed742d0a5f2ad6f⋯.png (209.3 KB, 476x269, 476:269, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

62d24c  No.3303386


so Maggie is the HO HO HO

896c42  No.3303387

File: 72d528f9b736cbc⋯.jpeg (294.53 KB, 1680x945, 16:9, E0BF7934-36F6-4B73-ACB5-6….jpeg)

852e8a  No.3303388

Flava'flav Roast going on hahaha

56d9ef  No.3303390


bruh watch the water you silly cunt

8bc03f  No.3303391

File: 3c46baf8a2a9d7a⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Conspiracy Meets Mainstrea….mp4)

MKUltra Styles.

f179c0  No.3303392

File: c2c6ff565524601⋯.jpeg (670.21 KB, 1809x1178, 1809:1178, meme.pepe.shocked.intensi….jpeg)


notable baker?

Interesting narrative of the PAIN.

76b7cf  No.3303393

File: 9480c34ff63e9e2⋯.jpg (513.03 KB, 1800x1830, 60:61, QMakeItRainFire.jpg)

The night before the sky cracks open and it's starts pouring Truth Bombs

Make it Rain

402971  No.3303394

File: b0be50676959884⋯.jpg (774.38 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, b0be50676959884fa58e783c65….jpg)

File: ed57537764a9645⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 600x317, 600:317, ed57537764a9645c57b12ad122….jpg)

c6fe5b  No.3303395

Yes Hillary, sometimes we have to say enough. We did in Nov 2016. Your time is coming cankles. Mark it down Donnie

624cab  No.3303397

File: 707b75545ddd9c6⋯.jpg (132.24 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, TPB10_AMFA_LAHEY_JUNE10-P1….jpg)

b58f72  No.3303398


KEk. Really? THey played it?!

F awesome

2f724c  No.3303399

File: 4d824f17cae1ee9⋯.png (669.21 KB, 441x570, 147:190, ClipboardImage.png)

hiya anons

attention whore reporting

for duty

i make a fake

persona, so that

you believe anything

i say. im the paytriots

soapbox of 8chan

100f99  No.3303400


Good meme, but we need a larger version

d0483a  No.3303401

File: dde3aa51b8d9b40⋯.jpg (104.24 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Are-you-serious-wtf-meme-b….jpg)

b00417  No.3303403

File: 40b320056032759⋯.png (6.2 MB, 5120x2880, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

6e2575  No.3303405

File: 110766c01b8d802⋯.jpg (89.85 KB, 1000x415, 200:83, pepe oddysey.jpg)

File: bfdcdd129492649⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 512x384, 4:3, pepe porn.jpg)

File: 85a5684f54e094f⋯.png (174.62 KB, 1280x1574, 640:787, pepe super elites.png)


Thanks anon. Nice digits. TOGTFO :-)

89050f  No.3303406

File: d13bbb84daf4181⋯.png (976.49 KB, 733x528, 733:528, truth1.PNG)



a080e1  No.3303407



>dash? he didn't say dash.. lol

I think he did say dash

4f860a  No.3303408

File: e8d8389a9394857⋯.jpg (125 KB, 962x642, 481:321, e8d8389a939485771a083ecf69….jpg)


I can hardly wait.

5827b7  No.3303409


We're On A Mission From GOD , Elwood B.

a5ec44  No.3303410


I think the guy who used the Kurt Russell meme is a BV.

Kek Dale = Rusty? Haven't seen him in a while.

Glad to have you here as well anon.

125da2  No.3303412

File: 9ee0827f38c883a⋯.jpg (7.43 KB, 205x200, 41:40, BreadBowlLidded.jpg)

Fresh Bread Bowl




Fresh Bread Bowl

988f12  No.3303413

playing skyfall theme at the rally just before Potus took the stage!!

83bc7c  No.3303415

Jesuit-Educated Members of the U.S. Senate

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY)

Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-PA)

Senator Richard J. Durbin (D-IL)

Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI)

Senator Timothy M. Kaine (D-VA)

Senator Mark Steven Kirk (R-IL)

Senator Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT)

Senator Edward J. Markey (D-MA)

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD)

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK)

5bbb5a  No.3303416

File: 5c81fc859209b20⋯.png (20.84 KB, 393x108, 131:36, ClipboardImage.png)

6f2565  No.3303418

50302e  No.3303419

File: f09c9d6bc16fff4⋯.png (896.96 KB, 706x806, 353:403, Melania1.png)

File: b37af2e8c5e63b2⋯.png (898 KB, 706x806, 353:403, Melania2.png)

Playin' around…

da99e7  No.3303420


He did the second time

It was slash and then dash

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