2c11bc No.2851438
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 09.02.18
>>2848991 rt >>2848974 ----------------- Triangle and the all seeing eye in the middle of the "Magic Sword"
>>2848924 rt >>2848894 ----------------- Extreme goosebumps (ST6.jpg)
>>2848806 ------------------------------------ Played by 'Operation Specialists' [pre-event] last night
>>2847989 rt >>2847946 ----------------- Think GMAIL DRAFTS.
>>2847946 rt >>2847844 ----------------- Read between the lines.
>>2847844 rt >>2847730 ----------------- Sergey Brin, Anne Wojcicki, and Susan Wojcicki
>>2847730 ------------------------------------ [DARPA]
>>2847264 ------------------------------------ [3] Bill Priestap, [4] Peter Strzok
>>2846716 rt >>2846457 ----------------- BRIDGES - connecting people.
>>2846457 ------------------------------------ Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Saturday 09.01.18
>>2835711 ------------------------------------ Q's message to cabal: It must be hard to communicate.
>>2833842 ------------------------------------ CIA Tweets
>>2833619 ------------------------------------ September 2018 = National Preparedness Month
>>2831975 ------------------------------------ Enjoy your time in the Land of Alice
>>2828624 ------------------------------------ United States Military Power 2018
Friday 08.31.18
>>2827819 rt >>2827754 ----------------- Past drops important to frame context. (Pics are Alex Podesta's art)
>>2827378 rt >>2827163 ----------------- We wish this was a dream.
>>2827163 ------------------------------------ WHO ARE THE WHITE RABBITS?
>>2826687 ------------------------------------ Do you believe in coincidences? DJT Twitter Status Quoted
>>2826607 rt >>2826578 ----------------- Alice - Hatter Clinton Email Image
>>2826578 ------------------------------------ But…..How could we know?
>>2825683 ------------------------------------ Q Meme? Pic Hussein, SJL, LG, JS, EH & Others
>>2825391 ------------------------------------ THEY WANT THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM.
>>2825004 ------------------------------------ Special Approval
>>2824142 ------------------------------------ Nunes articles and moar
>>2820842 ------------------------------------ BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG
>>2820757 rt >>2820665 ----------------- BIG BIG BIG
>>2820535 ------------------------------------ WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!
>>2820173 rt >>2820100 ----------------- We will do our job to protect the vote.
>>2820100 rt >>2819745 ----------------- What about the budget?
>>2819745 ------------------------------------ Does this mean more fires?
>>2818938 ------------------------------------ BOTH CHAMBERS (HOUSE / SENATE) IN SESSION ON TUES.
>>2818401 rt >>2818389 ----------------- LIKE CLOCKWORK.
>>2818389 ------------------------------------ LIKE CLOCKWORK
>>2817900 rt >>2817461 ----------------- Do you believe actual 'polls' were conducted?
>>2817494 rt >>2817463 ----------------- Two more prosecutors leave Mueller SC.
>>2817461 rt >>2817197 ----------------- "Every battle is won before it's ever fought."
>>2817197 ------------------------------------ Think 'Polls' posted yesterday - [WAPO].
>>2816611 rt >>2816069 ----------------- Information comes in many forms.
>>2815876 ------------------------------------ UTAH What are the odds of that?
Thursday 08.30.18
Compiled here: >>2817974
Wednesday 08.29.18
Compiled here: >>2805444
Tuesday 08.28.18
Compiled here: >>2783629
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
2c11bc No.2851460
are not endorsements
>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2851305 The Clandestine Adventures of Alice in Saudi Land (worth looking into?)
>>2851303 ES DOD Enduring Security Mtg
>>2851287 Iran Admits, Regime Working with Soros Organization
>>2851131, >>2851152, >>2851158, >>2851163 Who is Dmitri Alperovitch? Digs
>>2850903 Ezra Cohen-Watnick Digs
>>2850864 >>2851108 (Magical) Sword of St. Michael the Archangel
>>2851449 #3604
>>2850508 Chinese Billionaire Released by Minnesota Police After Arrest on Alleged Sexual Misconduct
>>2850432 Why noHysteria that "The Russians" Were Involved with John McCain 2008 POTUS Campaign Twat
>>2850124 Are the Mission and POTUS Twat from last night related?
>>2850698 (You) #3603
#3602 New Baker Incoming
>>2849453 Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines
>>2849412 Cisco... Serco... (Responds to British Crown?) Dig Needed?
>>2849261, >>2849266, >>2849334 What is an Operation Specialist?
>>2849260 Magic Sword Music Website has a story to tell us!
>>2849192 >>2849210 ECW on pizzagate
>>2849240 The Hidden Moral Pitfalls Of Google, China, and Artificial Intelligence (June, 2018)
>>2849888 #3602
>>2848425 Email from Eric Schmidt (in 2014) himself to Cheryl Mills who then forwards it to Robby Mook and Skippy Pedosta (using gmail)
>>2848439 Huge fire engulfs SA prosecution building
>>2848479 17th US Commander takes over America's longest war.
>>2848461 Photos Surface of McCain on Putin-Linked Deripaska’s Yacht; Oligarch Threw McCain Birthday Bash While FBI Probed Russian for Organized Crime Ties
>>2848486 US-backed Militants In Al-Tanf Claim They Repelled Syrian Army Attack
>>2848506 The Truth About Idlib In The State Department's Own Words
>>2848522 How the CIA made Google
>>2848529 Brin's family were clowns?
>>2848538 CF graphic
>>2848665 Facebook’s Experiment and its CIA Roots
>>2848692 The cohen wattnick, Flynn, Benghazi. and Mcmaster connection
>>2848718 Beta Evaluation Agreement between Google and the C_A
>>2848837 >>2848885 Obama’s surveillance Hammer on Trump worse than Watergate (2017)
>>2849016 Who is Eric Braverman?
>>2849102 #3601
Previously Collected Notables
>>2848325 #3600
>>2845963 #3597, >>2846753 #3598, >>2847518 #3599
>>2844665 #3594, >>2844584 #3595, >>2845273 #3596
>>2841378 #3591, >>2842119 #3592, >>2842919 #3593
>>2838998 #3588, >>2839830 #3589, >>2841109 #3590
>>2836793 #3585, >>2837586 #3586, >>2838282 #3587
>>2834483 #3582, >>2835272 #3583, >>2836015 #3584
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
2c11bc No.2851461
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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2c11bc No.2851465
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2c11bc No.2851478
e1a157 No.2851494
You better be explaining yourself Q.
ef746d No.2851495
Post 1
For newfags, shills on the fence, or anons not getting the whole picture… Be Patient. September, October, and November 2018 will be Glorious. Perhaps, the most glorious months of our entire lives.
We spend so much time in the weeds and down the rabbit hole, I wanted to zoom out and review to make sure we don’t miss the forest for the trees. Understand how the pieces make the larger puzzle.
40,000 ft Overview of Q Mission + Objectives
Q Group [10 Patriots, primarily MIL] and NSA are fighting the DS/Clowns/TRI to give power back to the people and end centuries of global crime, oppression, suffering, and Satanism. They planned for 3 years before initiating, starting back in 2014. POTUS is in charge.
America is a Keystone. When the DS controls it, it controls all. When it collapses, the world collapses. Makes way for NWO. The Plan. HRC Presidency was final piece to global collapse and rise of Satan’s Kingdom on Earth, a One World Government ruled by him and his followers. They never thought she would lose. So they were careless. Their symbols and evidence of their crimes are in plain sight. Only it’s hard to see because of the decades of mis/disinformation and brainwashing.
Clinton Foundation is also a Keystone. All roads lead to it. Russia, Soros, Rothschilds, House of Saud, Haiti, Red Cross, big pharma, big tech, trafficking, murder, $$$, corruption, crime. When it comes down, they all come down with it.
True World power structure today is EVIL All Seeing Eye sitting on top of pyramid/triangle:
The EYE/Seat of Power [Payseur Family]
+ Soros - Under attack now, failing
++ Rothschild (Crown, UK, AUS, Canada, NZ) - Under attack now, failing
+++ House of Saud [removed from power November 2017, now an ally]
++++ Rockefeller [removed from power November 2016]
Sheep and slaves at bottom fuel top like “ disposable batteries” power an electronic device [Matrix]
Consider it like a big movie trilogy, with actors and director. What makes a good movie? Plot twists. Intrigue. Heroes and villains. Good vs Evil. 3 sequels in an epic saga of biblical proportions.
Movie 1 (Playing right now) - The Rigging of an American Presidential Election and the Treason of the Deep State (DOJ, ABC’s, Past Presidents, HRC)
Movie 2 Coming to Theaters October 2018
Movie 3 In production
Primary named missions and objectives are often named after movies [some with double meanings]:
Alice in Wonderland - HRC in Saudi Arabia
Iron Eagle - 1) Armenia (Op Eager Lion) or 2) Modern Nazism/4th Reich
Red October - Theory: Russia (the country), Russian Collusion Investigation ?????
Snow White - CIA Supercomputers [7] and Satellites (Corona, Big Bird)
Jason Bourne - CIA programs - Super soldiers, Deep Dream, MKUltra
Godfather III - Rome/Vatican/Italy - Bringing down the Vatican, human trafficking, child abuse
ef746d No.2851508
Post 2 (continued)
Speed - Theory: Drain the Swamp, rescue the hardworking patriots at ABCs, DOJ, etc, gutting the leadership, and protecting arrests and convictions from being undone
GOOG = DARPA Clowns = Control the narrative = Sheep
FB/TWIT/YT/BIG TECH = DARPA Clowns = Control the narrative = Sheep
MSM = Clowns = Control the narrative/projection = Sheep
HOLLYWOOD = Clowns = Control the narrative/projection = Sheep and fools
BIG PHARMA = Clowns = Physical control of sheep = Sick, fat, dying
BIG FOOD = Clowns = Physical control of sheep = Sick, fat, dying
BIG BANKS = Clowns = Physical control of sheep = broke, classes, “batteries”
RED CROSS/BIG “Charity” = Clowns = “batteries”, victims for their crimes
To wage war on The Eye/Pyramid/Deep State/Cabal you must, in order, and/or concurrently:
Know your enemy. WIN first, then fight.
Install Patriot POTUS
Take control/monitor enemy COMMs
Infiltrate all enemy groups
Gather all needed evidence - servers, texts, emails, calls, photos, videos
Significantly increase US military might - Enable warriors to truly fight, EO’s, new ROE’s - shoot to kill
Dominate Space again - Weapons, comms, travel, innovation
Build coalition of Nations - Russia, China, Mexico - Improve trade deals, ties, and partnerships. Shut down money and trafficking lines and sources
Shut down their sources of funding - Climate accords, false flags, trafficking, drug trade, hostage nations, central banks, laundering, corrupt CEOs and Politicians
Shut down illegal immigration - Terrorists, criminals, human trafficking, protect Vote
Disinfo/Psyop - make them feel safe and secure, force public statements (lies)
Set traps - watch them scurry back to their handlers, understand true hierarchy, puppets and masters, pawns and kings
Remove their players from the game - Drain Swamp (DOJ, Clowns, ABCs, judges), arrest/remove foreign agents, force resignations, make deals, take control
Flip/Free the puppets and pawns - Move evidence to convict and to convince public [FUTURE], weaken the enemy
Replace with Patriots - CEOs, elected officials, judges, Sessions, Wray, Pompeo, Haspel, Flynn, Rogers, Huber + [MORE TO COME, Kavanagh, appointees]
Free hostage nations - build true global united coalition - SA->NK->Aremnia->Iran->Syria->PAK->??, then last…ISRAEL. The True Rogue Nuclear Nation.
Impanel secret grand jury, sealed indictments - secret prosecution - confuse enemies
Share info/prompt people you trust in power - Nunez, Gowdy, Goodlatte, Meadows, Jordan, CEOs, Hannity, Carter, Solomon, etc
Begin to leak to small group of patriots publicly - Create Q Info Disem Program, 4chan, 8chan [REVEIW ALL THAT HAPPENED BEFORE Q DROPS, 3 years]
Build Q Program groundswell, Proof - 1:2, 2:4. Power to the people.
Build prisons, impanel tribunals, update SOPs, write EOs, send MIL, prep
Go fully mainstream - Sheep no more, wake the sleeping, open war with MSM
Completely Shutdown enemy COMMs
Activate patriot sleeper units
Inform/funnel information to trusted mainstream media sources
Watch panic, taunt, more disinfo, moves and countermoves [WE ARE HERE NOW, Sept 1, 2018]
Free Iran, Syria, Pakistan - Add to alliance to prosecute DS
Declassify corruption - FISA [20], IG Report 1, BO Texts, LL/JC/BO/PS/LP texts
MOVIE 2 (October): Theory - Destroy/Takeover/Breakup/Regulate BIG TECH, SOCIAL MEDIA, MSM, BIG PHARMA, BIG FOOD, “Charity”, BIG BANKS
IG Reports released.
Clinton Foundation and it’s entire web fully exposed with indisputable proof.
November Midterms. Red Wave.
Start fresh with Patriots in charge and the people awake and empowered.
Movie 3 is next…A New Beginning, A New America, A New World
False flags to further Deep State plans, cover tracks, or kill enemies [Not random, Not coincidence]
American Revolution - One Nation to Rule them all
Civil War - American weakened, divided, more easily controlled
Titanic - The FED was created after dissidents all killed
JFK - CIA assassinated Patriot POTUS
Cold War - Major money/funding to DS, created/furthered global nuclear threat
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War
9/11 - War in Iraq/Afghanistan
Seth Rich
Deep state is working right now on major False Flag/War
cc8fc3 No.2851523
you have to understand the band's comms to understand Q's comms
Once a humble king, he was manipulated into unknowingly unleashing the Dark One. All of reality was torn asunder as the Lord of Shadow was released from his ancient prison, having been bound only by the power contained within the Magic Sword.
550e37 No.2851524
Is that a 'magic sword' under those marvelous titties?
cd85e6 No.2851525
Insecure boobs for the breadmaker.
34d3f1 No.2851527
Have any anons paid attention to this movie?
It involves bloodlines, child sacrifices and evoking one of the 8 kings of hell Paimon, it also continues the steel tree of life/death on the poster/title cover. Watching it last night felt like watching a portrayal of occultism rituals.
bdfc5a No.2851528
maybe he's one of Craig Venter's experiments
ccfd9c No.2851529
>>2851503 (LB)
I give you the cover of Morbid Angel's Domination album: Another example of Kek eating something that something being the symbol of Baphomet.
8232f9 No.2851530
Use their symbols against them.
Just as they try to use their symbols against us.
Using their same principle: if you notify them of what you are about to do, and they don't take action to stop it, then they have consented to the harm.
Fucks with their mind.
cc8fc3 No.2851531
'dark one' = the satanic one
'magic sword' = st michael the archangel's sword
f9673e No.2851532
You Again… You were told to Fuck Off That means GTFO
90ef8b No.2851534
Jerusalem Post Arab-Israeli Conflict
"I want a three-party confederation with Jordan and Israel and I am asking Israel to accept such a proposal," Abbas was quoted as saying.
a97419 No.2851535
51d0e1 No.2851536
maybe 'barely secured'?
571894 No.2851537
yeah they aren't secured…kek
4b34b3 No.2851538
Full house.
They are all here.
c10bf8 No.2851540
9f1feb No.2851543
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2851539
The trailer with Mr. Rabbit
ffbc0d No.2851544
hoodwink - conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end.
this is how the fucks operate
they hate anyone that does not agree with them.
Q take them out.
cd85e6 No.2851545
If she ever did topless pics, I wouldn't hesitate to post.
32cb14 No.2851547
cf6e10 No.2851548
Y'all are missing this! re-post for EYES!
Pic is of younger Gen of Maurice Greenberg family!!!!
51d0e1 No.2851549
fully secured bewbs
423490 No.2851550
>the cia likes to do the graphics artsy from their prior mistakes
the religous inference
false profet
isis is a political party founded by the shriners
some false witnessing
false mohammed
cia space ham pedo archetype from wtc
gestapi scorched earth demon diorama for despotism
3 spry jewish hitmen
pedoraptor stypthy fagging pr0n from cia
false tranny
drug lab experiment
queer genitals
>>2851197 necrosadist art
>>2851221 false valor for a traitor meme
>>2851223 talmud queer
>>2851234 ask goldman sachs why they owned a zuckbot
>>2851235 snowdon is a pimp of cabal
>>2851237 more necrosadism
>>2851238 sodomy the bot meme
>>2851242 depraved soros cocksucker tattoo
>>2851252 penis envy
>>2851267 fake sympathy
>>2851294 elektra complex meme
>>2851295 tax evasion front
>>2851311 sympathy for their victim
>>2851321 fake jew homoeroticism
>>2851322 homosexual word salad
>>2851361 corpse worship
>>2851363 queer genitals
>>2851367 fake numbers
>>2851379 larp "it's a tarp"
>>2851382 mccafee is a trick shot in cabalists magic
>>2851383 queer tits
>>2851394 tiresia ernesto ezra zombia
>>2851412 broken hearted homo cucking trannyshill preops for the alchemical wedding
>>2851420 planted supporter
>>2851421 space ham
>>2851426 lesbo cuccking is almost misandrany/sometimes it is
>>2851444 'googol' was the cia coverup of the flying aspaghetti monster, later changed to google
drinking buddy of the flying spaghetti monster, contra hellraiser, sister of the raven complex they built
AA sponsor
>>2851492 hi guy
cc8fc3 No.2851551
kek anon you meant UNsecured
INsecure means they are not confident boobs
KEK she's pretty confident
cd9274 No.2851552
Any connections between Magic Sword, fashwave/neo-reactionary music and Laibach performing in North Korea?
f9673e No.2851553
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Some Talented VideoFagAnon needs to make DJT and FL Video post using this Would Bring down the House MAGA
062b76 No.2851554
That music is instrumental you moron. Why are you on a board that hosts porn? Explain yourself you self righteous loser.
bc58ee No.2851556
links from qanon.app not working
f3daf2 No.2851558
-Political donations
-Sharia Law/Kingdom
d902d6 No.2851559
Well, that is partially correct.
Good….make that FUCKING GREAT POINT!
However, there is a minor…..MAJOR… distinction that you seem to have missed….
You seem to see my point but still wish to reject it….that I am one who has been fighting this shit for decades!
Get it!?
I’m on your side….
ffbc0d No.2851560
already been done, ive seen it here months ago
550e37 No.2851561
He's probably one of asshats that protests outside military funerals…what a dickeater..
600ef2 No.2851562
>>2851430 (lb)
>>2851473 (lb)
Read a goddamn book or go befriend a SEAL. Holy shit, just because green is an Army color doesn't mean they won't or can't use the word "Green." Hell, according to your fucking dumbass logic, the Marines can't use the word either. Green Team is DEVGRU selection you fucking faggots.
DEVGRU presents a demanding screening process. Only those who have produced an excellent reputation for themselves, and are in peak physical condition, are allowed to even try. Prior to selection candidates are interviewed by a very discerning board. Records are scanned and reputations checked. If they are “selected” the wannabe DEVGRU operator is put through a demanding training and selection process called “Green Team”.
After competing for slots in a winnowing process known as “Green Team,” elite operators from the regular SEAL teams are chosen for squadrons in a sports-style draft.
41a49f No.2851563
Partially secured. She looks pretty secure. Maybe she should 'batten down the hatches' though, looks like some storm clouds 2-3 hours out…
683cbc No.2851564
IMO, I believe in some instances some shills/Anons are over thinking the symbology.
Though symbology is important and will be their downfall, not everything is demonic or a conspiracy.
Are you not going to give your kids a white chocolate bunny during Easter, or a white fluffy toy bc it's a white rabbit…..
228610 No.2851565
>replying to whole thread
cd85e6 No.2851566
It was a response to the last reply i got about fake boobs. Anon said girls with fakies are inherently insecure.
9c8baf No.2851567
POTUS isn't gay so why would you use their symbology with him. Fuck off felching shill.
2c11bc No.2851570
I saw this last bread and was interested… Have we dug on the Greenbergs? If so I missed it.
Sauce that shit
ccfd9c No.2851572
Nice dubs!
And yea, they do that; they're sick after all.
It's just my interpretation of the magic sword art and the domination album cover. I see Kek eating the illuminati and its hilarious. They've been plotting their own downfall for generations.
1bf44d No.2851573
Examine the comms from the magic sword video. They date back to 2015. Some pretty no coincidence talk on there. SR hit comms perhaps? Or any black hat for that matter.
Uber D
+Manny Pardo Remember when you guys were talking in the bar and you offered to give him a ride home? Were you trying to murder him that night?
2 years ago
Creature Plays Games
+Matteo Pietron Oh no no no. Pardo was DEFINITELY corrupt. Not in the sense of political corruption, but corruption in the general sense, abusing your position of power. In this case, Pardo used it to kidnap and murder innocents for attention, dropping hints at the crime scene, hell, even his partner says it, even though it's in relation to the investigation. I'm suprised Pardo wasn't psych evaluated for how violently he completed his missions.
2 years ago
Hehee Woohee
+Uber D Ended up getting fucked up by the russian mafia. (Except if you pass the level, than you get fucked by a 50 blessings agent.)
2 years ago
8232f9 No.2851574
This is accurate!!!
cc8fc3 No.2851575
ooohhhhhhhhhh got it
still funny
9bf774 No.2851576
Rainbows aren't gay.
Free the symbols, free the world.
5a0e1f No.2851577
It's been dug. Spurious as best.
a242a5 No.2851578
The barbecue is tomorrow so get back to work and drop some Crumbs
708660 No.2851579
I just re-read the Q drops mirroring the 9/11 date. Could not find anything significant with my limited mind.
Oh well.. worth a shot.
6db0e4 No.2851580
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I wondered why the song Q gave us
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=G02wKufX3nw
was so freaky and "familiar"…this is why
"The Exorcist" theme song
70f1fb No.2851581
" Revelation of the method " , by telling their ' prey ' what they intend , they think that makes it " Legal "
Look at their faces , zombie like , dissacociated .
26e42e No.2851584
>>2851347 lb
This guy is NOT dead wrong.
Yes, almost all of his facts are incorrect
But threaded through them is a germ of TRUTH
He has just put the puzzle pieces together wrong.
WHat he has discovered is that all these people are cousins (or near cousins) from an INCESTUOUS CLAN
In which the members habitually marry their 1st cousins
Ed's mistake is to think that he can identify parent child relationships from photos.
But, he is right that they are all relatives
He is right that they use many family names to confuse investigation
And to hide their close relatedness
One thing that he did miss is that this whole clan may just be an offshoot of the Rothschilds
Or, if not, then they have some interbreeding with Rothschilds
For instance Nate Rothschild is part of this
Incestuous group
It would be better to treat the photos as clues
And to follow up with deep and serious investigations
Into the real genealogy
The actual business links of people
And so on.
Some people get really excited about superficial digging like this
But without follow through
It risks being turned into a LIMITED HANGOUT
By the enemy.
cc8fc3 No.2851585
did you just get here shillfag?
f3daeb No.2851586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interesting…2018 event in SA called "Wonderland". Wonder if it's an annual thing?
linked from:
f17a70 No.2851587
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Sarah Silverman's brother in law builds solar panel farms in Rwanda with Bono …
f3daf2 No.2851588
My bad… keep giving away the codes/secrets for free. FFS it's called OPSEC mccainfag
423490 No.2851589
sucks souls
steals land
valorhogging gestapi plagirizing culprit to pedogate
memed by satanists
called trex by the fbi
vader by thule
stole children
skipped enlistment four times
yada yada yada
afd858 No.2851590
The point of stealing symbolism is changing the meaning
3bea50 No.2851591
nonames funeral was the biggest gathering of DC elites in I don't know when. None of them have tweeted since attending. No comments about the services even
44facc No.2851592
Issue the currency debt-free as a national credit note.
https://www.spreaker.com/user/benemlynjones/hpanwo-show-297-mark-cocking (48:27)
21f977 No.2851593
i dont think its as bad as some are thinking
at least in the way we are thinking
pompeo drinks coke
potus eats candy
more good than bad
not literally everything is poison
Q team still listens to music
8f4ce5 No.2851594
All this talk of swords got me thinking about a cartoon I watched all the time as a kid. This cartoon is full of symbolism. Archimedes the Owl is an interesting character.
ee623f No.2851595
Wikileaks on noname
550e37 No.2851596
Good crumb, Anon.. creepy.
cc8fc3 No.2851597
it was a funeral for their power too
8232f9 No.2851599
>>2851508 Anon's Drain-The-Swamp Timeline
This is anon's analysis, not a new article, but very worthwhile reading and a great summary for newfags.
f9673e No.2851600
34d3f1 No.2851601
it's certainly the feeling that I had after it finished, the entire sacrifice of family members for an ultimate goal rang some alarm bells for me.
ee623f No.2851603
Maybe they are staying away from cell phones these days.
600ef2 No.2851604
You're worried about OPSEC? This is publicly available information and it's in multiple TV shows, Hollywood knows about it. Fucking everyone knows about it. Except you. Now that I've proven you wrong, you fuckin claim OPSEC. That's rich.
bc58ee No.2851605
Saudi Arabia: Princess Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
As the youngest granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Princess Alice was the first member of the Royal family to visit Saudi Arabia in 1938. She not only consolidated Anglo-Saudi relationships, but also undertook the most amazing desert trek between Jeddah and Riyadh.
It happened in the end of February 1938. After a long journey on the Royal Naval cruiser, Princess Alice arrived in the harbour of Jeddah with her husband, the Earl of Athlone.
a8bc46 No.2851606
..flied lies..it was a good lide,
ccfd9c No.2851607
Hey as long as you're eating the stuff in moderation its no problem, like anything it becomes dangerous when you abuse it.
I know, I was a pretty fat fuck due to how much soda i was consuming and you know what i lost a lot of the weight by stopping the soda and getting some exercise. Now I have a soda maybe once or twice a week. and usually only a single can.
b464a4 No.2851609
Repost from last bread.
Symbolism…it's always been there, you just have to look.
'Cabal' (freemasons/elite…ect) take-over of Japan 1870 -
Banking/arms sales/Destabilization/trade/trauma…loss of identity.
"The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of [mind-control] to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance,’ or nobility… "
CHECK OUT THE UNIFORMS…REMEMBER, THESE PEOPLE HAD TO 'the last samurai, dicuss surrenderBOW'.
This was the end of traditional way of life for Japan. When the Irish/Britons were runing around in wode, these people had already perfected their way of life and the sword.
cf356f No.2851611
Hi Q Team,
While you are out there kicking ass and draining the swamp, could you please blow up the Georgia Guide Stones?
Much love (no homo)
Just another anon
423490 No.2851612
you are not finished till that biltmore is polished after all those grenades in the basement
e0f139 No.2851613
Don't you hate it when diarrhea shoots out of your fingers? Oh, wait
f3daf2 No.2851615
Just because you play COD all day in mommys basement and know a guy who knows a guy who has a cousin in the Navy … does not mean you know shit about shit kiddo.
f3daeb No.2851616
nvm: event looks like it's maybe a year or two old. Still, we need to find out why/how Saudi Arabia got the nickname "Wonderland". I think that will shed some light.
5dc82e No.2851617
Big indepth article… 2 parts
The origins of this ingenious strategy trace back to a secret Pentagon-sponsored group, that for the last two decades has functioned as a bridge between the US government and elites across the business, industry, finance, corporate, and media sectors. The group has allowed some of the most powerful special interests in corporate America to systematically circumvent democratic accountability and the rule of law to influence government policies, as well as public opinion in the US and around the world. The results have been catastrophic: NSA mass surveillance, a permanent state of global war, and a new initiative to transform the US military into Skynet.
4e7f06 No.2851618
Said it last bread then left as this fucker comes in only on Sunday and fucks shit up. Prove me wrong
>>2851287 No sauce fakes news
>>2849208 REAL news on Iran posted for the second time, baker notified but ignored. From Iran news sauce:
Ali Khamenei says there is no possibility of a military war on Iran given the ongoing political considerations
Notable af 100% Q related to posts in the last few days
>>2850903 dailybeast REALLY????
>>2851303 No sauce
a6df07 No.2851620
is this a copy pasta or new.. if new I nominate for notable
b1be3b No.2851621
big intelligence carier, been trained on the farm, knows agencies well,
his wife, R. MILLER did public relations work for the Russian government and has 'ties' still,
CW brought on board to WH by Flynn (to set things up for the plan?),
removed by McMaster (to enable others to join, CW carried on outside WH?).
CW tweet re pizzagate/podesta!
/ourguy bigly?
Keyplayer for Q+?
Cohen-Watnick was accepted into the training program for the Defense Clandestine Service. In March 2016, after returning from a tour in Afghanistan, Cohen-Watnick met Michael T. Flynn.[4]
The Defense Clandestine Service (DCS) is an arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),[3] which conducts clandestine espionageactivities around the world to answer national-level defense objectives for senior U.S. policymakers and military leaders. Staffed by civilian and military personnel, DCS is part of DIA's Directorate of Operations and works in conjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency's Directorate of Operations and the U.S. military's Joint Special Operations Command. DCS consists of about 500 clandestine operatives,[1]which is roughly how many case officers the CIA maintained in the early 2000s prior to its expansion.[4]
cf6e10 No.2851622
That comment is SPURIOUS at best!
EVERYTHING has meaning!
And to brush this off is a MISTAKE.
6b1e1b No.2851624
white rabbit cult
c10bf8 No.2851625
No one is holding you back from stepping up…
a8bc46 No.2851628
Popo achterliewen! whattyamean dat's not aya booby?
21f977 No.2851629
Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147454631 📁
Nov 1 2017 01:44:10 (EST)
Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).
61fc2d No.2851630
Bono Loses Voice & Ends Concert Early in Berlin This Weekend
"We're so sorry for tonight's cancellation. Bono was in great form and great voice prior to the show and we were all looking forward to the second night in Berlin, but after a few songs, he suffered a complete loss of voice," the U2 website said Saturday. "We don't know what has happened and we're taking medical advice. As always, we appreciate our audience's understanding and all our fans' support in Berlin and those who travelled from afar. We will update you very soon."
E! News said Bono, 58, had trouble singing "Red Flag Day" and stopped to tell the 17,000 concertgoers at the Mercedes-Benz Arena that he thought a smoke machine creating stage effects was impacting his voice.
"I can promise you I have not been smoking," he said. "But this is like a giant cigar. I've lost my voice and I don't know what to do."
Workers at the venue turned the smoke machine off and the air conditioner up, but Bono still struggled. The musicians took a break to give Bono the chance to recover, but after about 40 minutes announced they would not return that evening and the show would be rescheduled.
U2 is set to play in Cologne, Germany, on Tuesday.
Sauce: https:// www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/Music/2018/09/02/Bono-loses-voice-U2-ends-concert-early-in-Berlin/6741535892158/?utm_source=mobi&utm_medium=tn_v
abfb9e No.2851631
I would add, it’s all about Money and Power, how to make and keep them, and their vices. Always, always follow the money. All of the Goog, FB, etc. are tools to those ends. Good vs Evil.
Well done anon.
9f1feb No.2851632
but the ending suggests he was rescuing a girl
and in the wiki it says
" his RESCUE of a drug-addled sex slave during the first game is re-envisioned as a lurid rape and kidnapping scene."
d7337c No.2851634
I noticed that as well.
the theme music is more of
mind bruise. the repetition of the song.
and in said Q post. the band uses a Visual with the hypnotic theme. As a Musician I can see what is habbening.
b1a2e8 No.2851635
423490 No.2851636
"google" is cia branding of the flying spaghetti monster program
cf6e10 No.2851637
It's been here but not much.
It's my opinion that the Gbergs watch and post here. ALOT.
I believe they are deflecting from us researching and making those connections!!!
DIG indeed!
8ebae1 No.2851638
That tune seems to have the 528 and 394 Selfegio frequencies in it. Not 100% sure as I did not run a tone generator against it but the feeling it created in me (uplifting and hope) makes me think so - as others have these frequencies that have done this.
51d0e1 No.2851640
fully unsecured bewbs
2c11bc No.2851641
54c997 No.2851642
John McCain talked a good game against Russia and Vladimir Putin and all the trappings of the vintage Sovietesque lifestyle.
That is as long as McCain wasn’t boozing it up on Oleg Deripaska’s yacht — the same Deripaska that is best friends with Putin. How did a U.S. Senator get on one of the largest mega yachts — the Queen B — in the world?
Maybe we can track down the high-priced hookers that were on board. Or query convicted Italian felon Raffaello Follieri and his movie-star girlfriend Anne Hathaway — who arranged the 70th birthday bash for McCain on a yacht in Montenegro in 2006. And of course, Derispaska was there too.
https://truepundit.com/photos-surface-of-mccain-on-putin-linked-Deripaska s-yacht-oligarch-threw-mccain-birthday-bash-while-fbi-probed-russian-for-organized-crime-ties/
c10bf8 No.2851647
Watch the Water…
4e7f06 No.2851648
California Votes To Ban Schools From Early Start Times To "Give Students More Sleep"
Not The Onion, but FOX reports on the latest absurdity to come out of California public schools:
California lawmakers voted Friday to bar middle and high schools from starting before 8:30 a.m., one of dozens of proposals debated in the Legislature on the final day of its legislative session.
The bill, SB328, reportedly passed by narrow margin in both chambers of the state legislature which late into the night considered a variety of topics and proposals just before a midnight deadline; and if signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, it will go into effect in three years.
School health advocates claim that early start times cut down on the number of hours of sleep teens get each night. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figures cited by FOX, almost 80 percent of all California middle and high schools started earlier than 8:30 a.m. in 2012.
However, opponents of the bill say this is yet more nanny state action initiated by a far removed state assembly. "When it comes to education, the farther away the decisions are made from the classroom, the worse those decisions are," Assemblyman Jose Medina, D-Riverside, said of the bill.
Opponents say it's a matter that should be in the hands of local school boards and not the state legislature, as only the former can be sensitive to needs of the local community.
But proponents claim a later school start time will result in increased graduation rates throughout the state. Assemblyman Jay Obernolte was widely cited as saying, "This is the single most cost-effective thing we can do to improve high school graduation rates."
The only exemption to the new law should it take effect are rural schools; and schools would further still have control over scheduling electives or "extra periods" before the regular school day begins.
Of course, it should be obvious that if middle and high school students aren't getting enough sleep at night, letting students sleep-in is likely to have zero impact considering the more significant and likelier variables leading to loss of sleep.
First and foremost we can imagine that a later school start time will simply give teens more time to stay glued to their phones late into the night. Multiple studies of late have demonstrated correlation between unhealthy sleep patters and iPhone addiction.
According to one recent study published by The Guardian, for example:
Teenagers’ late-night mobile phone use is harming their sleep and potentially their mental health, say researchers who advised that “physical boundaries” be set over use of such devices in the bedroom.
The report noted that multiple prior sleep studies had established the negative impact that screen time was having on young people, and explained further:
Teenagers who reported “constantly texting into the night” said when surveyed a year later, the problem had worsened. “It’s escalating – they’re highly invested in it … Some kids are staying up until 3am.”
But anyone simply looking around to observe teen habits hardly needs a formal research study to become aware of the problem.
But California says the answer is: just let'em sleep in longer.
1bf44d No.2851649
Examine the comms from the magic sword video. They date back to 2015. Some pretty no coincidence talk on there. SR hit comms perhaps?
Uber D
+Manny Pardo Remember when you guys were talking in the bar and you offered to give him a ride home? Were you trying to murder him that night?
2 years ago
Creature Plays Games
+Matteo Pietron Oh no no no. Pardo was DEFINITELY corrupt. Not in the sense of political corruption, but corruption in the general sense, abusing your position of power. In this case, Pardo used it to kidnap and murder innocents for attention, dropping hints at the crime scene, hell, even his partner says it, even though it's in relation to the investigation. I'm suprised Pardo wasn't psych evaluated for how violently he completed his missions.
2 years ago
Hehee Woohee
+Uber D Ended up getting fucked up by the russian mafia. (Except if you pass the level, than you get fucked by a 50 blessings agent.)
2 years ago
5d100e No.2851651
As the famous dean from Faber college states…….Fat, ugly and stupid is no way to go through life Meghan……thank God for dueche bag father the McTraitor to get you jobs in which you are overpaid for your lack of talent.
1f4ccb No.2851653
>>2851352 (lb)
>Are autists hot or cold on the plane message in Seattle or not?
>WAY too much speculation…
>Calculate probability.
>What is the mathematical probability that a rogue missile launched at/near the runaway plane?
key word here is "at" (unless it was unintended). If it was intended, then that opens speculation about what appeared (on video) to be a missile flying past the rogue Q400
>Was he a trained pilot?
no, which opens possibility of remote control
>How fast did intercept occur?
not sure, but they got there before he crashed. However, he was in the air ~40 min as I recall
>Think missile intercept.
this may be the key point, that the F-15 intercept of rogue plane proves that the rogue missile launched on June 10th could have been intercepted as well.
however, is there evidence that the F-16 intercepts were launched on June 10th?? If not why? Everyone knew about the F-15s being launched on August 10th. We even have photos of them taking off as well all radio comms.
>Think aircraft.
>Outside of standard deviation?
>Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?
>How many billionaires own islands?
>How many billionaires live on islands?
outside public awareness
43d0b8 No.2851655
Lotsa kfc went into building that frame
823ff3 No.2851657
to pop on the
Drudge Report
and see this, I laughed my ass off. It's on the floor it literally detached.
5a0e1f No.2851658
lol ok then redig it. I'm trying to save you time but go ahead anon. No one is EVER stopping you from digging on a topic. Am I your Master?
Dig on whatever you want. Means i dont have to spend time trying to explain things to people
Go get it!
6e6141 No.2851659
Great…lakes and rivers should be trash free on this go around.
423490 No.2851661
the old fancifull way to describe the shitheads that will disapperar was to say a dr gon in the stories later….
well since the religious revisionists evangelical yada yada yada got all fascist diplomatic pedogarchic fluffer.
the old warlock s from prior experiments figured a new totem to describe rabbit shit
cause it don;t llook like nothing on the trail
b0c21a No.2851663
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Here you go, Q Team. Maybe some operators will like this one.
5e2202 No.2851664
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2851644
I think I remember hearing McNoName was related to Obummer
They're all related to royal bloodlines.
Most are selected, not elected.
Until now.
- The Merovingian Dynasty: Santinic Bloodline of the Anti-Christ (10:08)
Here's another shortish one:
- THE HIVE: Bloodline Of The ANTICHRIST REVEALED (14:47)
Here's one re gematria: by the occult numbers, letters and dates
- Will George H.W. Bush die September 4, 2018, a span of 11-days from John McCain? (31:08)
32cb14 No.2851665
As a former student. I agree. There is no reason why any class should start before 9 am. Some of these schools start at 730, that’s just crazy being a teenager trying to get up at 6 am.
63c65b No.2851666
This song is hellachilz
Magic Sword - In The Face Of Evil
Would do great things to again over and over and over!
I like it!
f3daf2 No.2851667
Any sauce on the SCIF yesterday? Haven't checked all not ables yet. Lazy af.
ef746d No.2851668
I just wrote this today, anon
ffbc0d No.2851670
dont have it but u can gtfo fool
6e6141 No.2851671
O’Rourke the Fraudster
8f4ce5 No.2851672
Just wait till Potus packs Cowboy stadium with thousands outside. Muh blue wave.
b1a2e8 No.2851673
Great taste in women assbot
423490 No.2851674
bc58ee No.2851676
think matrix
yesterdays opp?
011cb4 No.2851677
Q will we find out the names of those who gave their last breath for us since you stated this OP on 8 Chan, I want to be able to see their faces and give thanks for them .
70f1fb No.2851678
Instead of smashing the Georgia Guidestones , we should further study them and their sacred geometry and STAR - Equinox alignments , this will reveal who R.C. Christian represents.
( Myself , I think It's a failsafe in case a Bio-weapon gets loose and kills 99 % of population )
600ef2 No.2851679
Are you fucking illiterate? I cited publicly available info. I didn't say "My retired SEAL buddy said…."
26e42e No.2851680
A googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
This is a really big number.
In fact…
This is bigger than people can possibly imagine. (1 Jul 2018)
You can't imagine the magnitude of this. (27 Mar 2018)
This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (14 Aug 2018)
This screams Google, Google, Google, Google
And now we know
That Google was conceived by Clowns
Executed by clowns
And used by clowns as an umbrella
For a whole lot more things than just search
And the only reason Google backed off from a project
Like Social Media
Was because another Clown project had succeeded and owned the space.
But there is more.
What about American innovation?
What about all those startup companies with great ideas?
Killed by the clowns
So their ideas could be stolen by the clowns.
In fact the clowns set up incubators (White Rabbits)
To attract the people with ideas
To capture them down the rabbit hole
Where the cute little bunnies would be manipulated
And robbed
And spit out on the trash heap.
Google was nothing but a massive criminal enterprise.
4b34b3 No.2851682
Missing the OP for this: >>2851495
63c65b No.2851683
kek confirms
im trippin over
d7337c No.2851684
That is a fucking jam.
4e7f06 No.2851685
“Drag Queen Story Hour” For Children Sparks Protests From Conservative Groups
Back in 2015, a group of men who wear dresses, wigs and make-up [drag queens] decided to sell their lifestyle directly to young children and came up with “Drag Queen Story Hour.”
Drag queens all over the United States are now reading to children at public libraries and bookstores in what is called “Drag Queen Story Hour.”
These grown men are reading stories about “gender fluidity” to children whilst wearing tight skimpy dresses and wigs and aim to be “positive and unabashedly queer role models.”
A drag queen named Khloe Kash is scheduled to visit Mobile and read “Rainbow Fish” and other children’s books, such as “Stella Brings the Family,” which is about a little girl who doesn’t know what to do on Mother’s Day because she has two daddys, The Hill reported.
Conservative and Christian groups in smaller towns such as Lafayette, LA and Columbus, GA pushed back in protest.
The Hill reported:
“Drag Queen Story Hour,” a program in which men in drag read children’s books to kids in libraries or bookstores, is reportedly seeing opposition in some rural, Southern towns.
The president of the local public library board in Lafayette, La., resigned due to pushback against the program, according to The Associated Press, which added that Lafayette Mayor Joel Robideaux (R) might cancel the library’s story hour.
The news service also noted that a small group of protesters also demonstrated outside a similar event at a library in Columbus, Ga., citing the Ledger-Enquirer.
And a group called Common Sense Campaign Tea Party is also reportedly calling for a protest of an event this month at a public library in Mobile, Ala., it added.
“The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure,” according to a poster on the group’s Facebook page, the AP reported.
In October of last year, a Satanic looking drag queen with horns reading to children at Michelle Obama’s public library in Long Beach, California sparked a backlash from Conservatives.
The shocking photo of a man dressed as a female demon with giant horns on his head reading to little children at a public library was posted to Twitter and Facebook by the Long Beach Library but taken down after a huge outpouring of critical replies, including from GOP Congressional candidate Omar Navarro. It also got the approval of the Church of Satan, reported TGP’s Kristinn Taylor.
This should be one of the main reasons you NEVER vote for Democrats ever again–they are targeting children with demonic teachings.
f218cd No.2851686
This is a BIG Normie red pill on why it takes so long for mass arrest. This is a huge amount of work being done. Its not all instant.
6f2246 No.2851687
>had trouble singing "Red Flag Day"
Reminds me of all the RED_RED Q drops.
423490 No.2851688
this seems to be a psychological trench war of old german farts fighting for shitposting status
f3daf2 No.2851689
Oh… my bad kiddo… I didn't know it was "Publicly Available"
KEK dipshit KEK in your fat face!!
61fc2d No.2851690
Guys? Does anyone remember the name of those strange businesses we researched in the winter time? Remember? I think they were restaurant names. We found them in virtually every city and town in the USA but we could not trace them to any legitimate biz?
If anyone can give me a name I'll resume researching something that dawned on me about tgese businesses.
Thanks on advance, faggots. I fucking love you….
26e42e No.2851691
And in the high season
Use it as a picnic area
And let people rent paintball guns
And use the guidestones for target practice
47adea No.2851693
why back in my day we had to walk 25 miles uphill in snow to get to school for 6 am and we never had any of that beep boop synthwave music either.
3b7a09 No.2851695
a question.
maybe you will be nice, maybe you'll babble - never can tell.
i have a small social media account, with dozens of followers, nothing much. i never mention hanx because why would i. today out of the blue - mentioned and hundreds of comments.
don't want discovery, obvious trolls are obvious. what do?
423490 No.2851696
pedogarchy trannyraptor normalizing pr0n fro the cia
b1be3b No.2851697
>>2600470 pb Q:
Calculate probability.
What is the mathematical probability that a rogue missile launched at/near the runaway plane?
Was he a trained pilot?
How fast did intercept occur?
Think missile intercept.
Think aircraft.
Outside of standard deviation?
Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?
How many billionaires own islands?
How many billionaires live on islands?
550e37 No.2851699
21f977 No.2851700
where do some of these band names come from ?
deep purple ?
isnt that the color of royalty
theres alot of very odd band names
like for example
third eye blind
alien ant farm
are they making fun of us ?
b69027 No.2851701
Go on Ezra, give em hell, wonder what he uncovered at the Defence Intelligence Agency, he sounds like one of the good guys
6abbe6 No.2851703
Caught this convo around the Dark to LIGHT Q post. They are taking their symbols back. Notice that the conversation speaks of "them" meaning those having the conversation hold themselves apart from "us"(those on the board) and them (the evil cabal) So what does that tell you, btw I have this saved as angelic convo. Night crew is the right crew.
396895 No.2851708
63c65b No.2851709
superhonest question
how am I doing with everything I think is happening. Some of yall know what I am talking about, in relation to qresearch and etc etc etc.
Does this kind of thing happen often on Earth? Just wondering, because I cant tell if I am doing terribly horribly or just plain terrible.
b0c21a No.2851710
Nah. I think Depp Purple just rocks.
55b152 No.2851712
That mask is the same as Revan's
a6df07 No.2851713
thank you, it is awesome
f3daf2 No.2851714
I'm asking bc I haven't found it yet fuk stick. Ain't like you can goog this shit. Nice meme though… gonna steal.
21f977 No.2851715
think of it this way
you could be watching cnn
or just fucking around
d0791a No.2851716
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Big Buck Bunny
(One of the iconic short films produced by Blender Institute! (one eye symbol)
White rabbit, violence, purple butterflies…
f218cd No.2851717
1a8047 No.2851718
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2851693
Reminds me of this.
2781a9 No.2851719
Follow the White RABBI
4b34b3 No.2851720
a6df07 No.2851721
6e6141 No.2851722
Laughter is medicine
Evil is serious
32cb14 No.2851723
Precisely why I had to be up an hour before sunrise! To make the friggen trek uphill in the snow! And we didn’t get snow days back then. Raging 20 inch blizzard? Mother would stick an extra scarf on me.
423490 No.2851724
they are expecting a "stockholm syndrome" exchange from all of thei munchauson syndrome cia branding the macrabe are vested into.
do not give them treats
412b9b No.2851725
I was mindlessly scrolling and thinking I wasn't going to get to see the mural.
THANK YOU! I love you. Forever and always.
d902d6 No.2851726
Yes, obviously that is needed. The youngsters cannot find their way without breadcrumbs.
(Do any of you youngsters understand how sad that is….that you cannot find your way, i.e. think through the situation with logical, critical thinking skills….so Q was necessary to lead you? by the hand/lip….to the breadcrumbs…like the kids in the fairytale…..who needed breadcrumbs to find their way home!)
Alice in Wonderland?
Snow White?
Handset and Grettle?
C’mon, kids….autists…..FUCKING THINK MOAR!
You can do it if you drop the plastic outer shells….and use Your innate skillls!
708660 No.2851727
We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics.
We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.
Full house.
They are all here.
Enjoy the show.
Who is "they are all here"?
They are all here.. 27/7 365.
90ef8b No.2851728
We should now fear the real and detrimental effects of cooling
According to ice core records, the last millennium 1000AD – 2000AD has been the coldest millennium of our current Holocene interglacial. This point is more fully illustrated with ice core records on a millennial basis back to the Eemian period here:
Our current, warm, congenial Holocene interglacial, although cooler than the Eemian interglacial 120,000 years ago, has been the enabler of mankind’s civilisation for the last 10,000 years, spanning from mankind’s earliest farming to the most recent technologies.
f9673e No.2851731
Just anonther Anon…Talking out his Ass with No link to back up his words…Pathetic Anon is your new name… Embrace it!
f97a3e No.2851733
So i suspect that Q the master Troller is playing a game
the "Operational Specialists" i think were part of [event] last night for the cabal (black hats)
and Q just called them out also letting them know they had EARS on
b813cd No.2851734
Arch Angel Micheal is the Patron Saint of QResearch? The movie "BrainStorm" the Christopher Walken Character is Micheal the Arch Angel and I believe that movie was the original Q Post. From the men who Brainstormed the idea of this revolution in the 1970's. The entire movie is allegory of the trinity with the Goddess Sophia stuff played by Louise Fletcher. She calls him an Angel within the first minute of the dialogue. The movie shows the PLAN in the last 15 minutes but the movie shows the MI and the Q peoples beliefs . The movie is a call to arms. A declaration of war against the Satanist.
If you have even a little working understanding of Gnostic Christianity everything stands out clear.
Watch it and realize there is two stories being told.
I am right. Totally right and you can watch it and realize it yourself.
066067 No.2851738
I know anons this is some shill but I would just like to add reverse symbolism.Also e1-shill there is so much more things you could be doing with your life instead of shilling. Think about it.
c1e4d5 No.2851739
Yes, Robert is an ass clown
Uses “Beto” for identity votes
4e7f06 No.2851740
You don't belong here liberal pussy
abfbca No.2851741
From Chris Cronsell's twatter:
Joseph's Bistro and Frank's Franks, hourscenter website lists the addresses.
c53c1c No.2851742
same ass different day…. ugh
a242a5 No.2851743
Yeah, just Shillin’ away, Thx for asking!
Been a slow day for Shillin’.
How’s it going for you E-Bot?
Slow Bread?
???? Q can at least change the subject from this fucking magical sword…..
6e6141 No.2851745
a653cb No.2851746
your talkin to our guy/gal Q all wrong. go back
550e37 No.2851748
You know the answer to this. Be patient. True heroes > Fake heroes
2781a9 No.2851749
Off grid pig farmer anon…
Get up at 4am most days.
You are kidding right.
589acb No.2851750
Isn't Mark Zuckerberg a Greenburg??
51d0e1 No.2851751
your post reminded me of that commercial where the neighbor asks the guy to get a couple quotes for home repair, set the work up for tuesday and then let him know….kek
423490 No.2851752
from the knights that say "ni"
6f2246 No.2851753
Beta bitch o'rourke's got nothing on Chad Cruz.
b1f91d No.2851754
shills and bad guys
6e6141 No.2851755
Texasanon thinks No Beto.
bc58ee No.2851757
Its strange but the 1st time a seen the movie i knew something was not right!!
8e46f7 No.2851758
Q, thanks for adding to the playlist.
Please keep us updated!
708660 No.2851759
æ was asking the board if anyone knew.. maybe you got that on another bread.
45b4a6 No.2851760
Today Senator John S. McCain III was laid to rest during a private ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy. Fair winds and following seas Sir, we have the watch.
1df8c4 No.2851761
4 Missing in Colorado River Boat Crash - LIVE COVERAGE update of today's search, was head on, hmmmmmm 🤔take out?🤞
Agenda-Free TV
happened last night ppl still missing, two boats travelling very fast, collide violently, head on. Lake Havasu
one boat with 4 ppl one with 10 the ppl in the one boat still missing. Some victims found 2-3 miles downstream it runs so fast
a6df07 No.2851764
shouldnt you ask yourself that question
5e02de No.2851766
df645e No.2851768
How much have we spent on
McNo-name's week long services?
f17a70 No.2851769
SA wonderland …
0e662c No.2851770
Still sucking dick for internet fame.
c53c1c No.2851771
43303b No.2851772
>>2851287 This is from an Israeli news source.
It was brought here earlier today from farsi sources and was a notable.
I am sick of this low iq shilling.
bd5719 No.2851773
did peeps post the comic book yet, i dont want to be that guy whose hella late to the party
4acd63 No.2851774
f3daf2 No.2851775
Gotcha… but remember back in April when we could ask each other where the sauce was without getting shilled?? Uhhh… the good 'ol days…
a6c5a3 No.2851776
I think the website has been dismantled…. I have a bunch of screen caps from when it was live though
4b34b3 No.2851777
Already answered
a242a5 No.2851778
Are you serious?
You made up that whole backstory by yourself?
1df8c4 No.2851779
the 4 ppl in one boat are missing, boat sunk has been scanned, no bodies in boat.
2781a9 No.2851780
If I was a memer today…
You know what to do.
589acb No.2851781
Did BRAIN CANCER kill John McCain… or did Trump?? You'd THINK with the 8+ days of Trump-bashing hoopla that he did it!
fa8b64 No.2851783
Here's an interesting read:
ed9a61 No.2851785
Would it not be a shame if his medical records were accidentally leaked?
16391f No.2851786
>>2849074 (prev)
count your beats
412b9b No.2851787
M W St Joseph Grand Lodge
3503 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227
(503) 282-4468
Portland, Oregon
4818cf No.2851788
When this is done they'll turn their backs so you can piss right on his stone
e0f139 No.2851790
Watching Matrix was actually yesterday's op for me
51d0e1 No.2851791
that was before this:
9edbcb No.2851795
She paid the toll, that's what happened
a6df07 No.2851797
yes. yes. this isnt gaining traction but agree.
b1be3b No.2851798
See my posts. Might fit.
c53c1c No.2851799
Well I think she's HOT so FO! KEK!
2781a9 No.2851800
Was waiting since yesterday to see this.
Not the anon that requested it however.
4243db No.2851801
well that might've had something to do with people getting annoyed that newfags were lazy…
not too surprising
3b7a09 No.2851802
no, i don't wanna
f3daf2 No.2851803
Author is "Message to Eagle" WTF???
0fc443 No.2851804
bd5719 No.2851805
just in case
e18414 No.2851806
Seems like an inordinate amount of plane probleems on Jet2 in Leeds, U.K. Yesterday some passengers had a "sickness bug" according to police
e0f139 No.2851807
And as big as that is, it is only the tip of the iceberg.
61fc2d No.2851808
BINGO, Anon. It struck me as very odd, as though Bono is sending a message to his partners in crime. I can't get over the timing (Fake Funeral Weekend) or the fact that Bono the Alleged Pedophile shut it down during the song, Red Flag Day.
Below are the lyrics to the song, for the fuck of it:
[Verse 1]
I am made of all that I'm afraid of
I'm most afraid of losing you
Hell's a season
You're the reason that I even dreamt of getting through
I, I can feel your body shaking
I, I will meet you where the waves are breaking
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Baby let's get in the water
Taken out by a wave
Where we've never been before
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Baby let's go a bit further
Paradise is a place
You can't see when it's yours
Red Flag Day
Red Flag Day
[Verse 2]
Sun comes here and oceanic feeling
Sky will soon be clear
Today we can't afford to be afraid of what we fear
I, I can feel your body shaking
I, I will meet you where the waves are breaking
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Baby let's get in the water
Taken out by a wave
Where we've never been before
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Baby let's go a bit further
Paradise is a place
You can't see when it's yours
Red Flag Day
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Red Flag Day
Not even news today
So many lost in the sea last night
One word that the sea can’t say
Is no, no, no, no
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Red Flag Day
Baby it's a Red Flag Day
Baby let's get in the water
9bf774 No.2851809
>To "Give Students More Sleep"
Bad logic.
684778 No.2851811
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ya know, I'm a bit surprised. I would have thought that Special Ops guys were more into this type of music. I mean, this is what I work out to; it's as motivating as anything I can think of:
You better believe I'm going to have this on repeat when Jeff drops the freaking hammer.
b464a4 No.2851813
Is there a list, or post to find the history of U.S. arms deals/trade deals/Payseur?
Wizards and Warlocks
It seems like 'vengence'.
From Dark to light.
2 sides of the same coin.
Old order/new order.
Same shit…different master.
I don't mean to slide, just asking.
51d0e1 No.2851814
I agreed since the posting of the sword grafic.
only thing that matches evil sword, bad music and makes any sense.
6d1041 No.2851816
website picked up anything on net with frank and called it a restaurant.
32cb14 No.2851817
Everybody. The world is watching. Some are shilling, some Are lurking, some are putting random dots of data together. And some are saucing really fake news sources.
26e42e No.2851818
f3daf2 No.2851820
If only we had our own language to differentiate ourselves from being mistaken as a newfag…??
63b16a No.2851821
Time for Truth. Queen of Hearts.
a8bc46 No.2851822
Falls exactly in line with St. Malachy's prophesies
Pope Benedict was the last "officially elected" catholic pope and this one is the last one for the Catholic church (before it's disintegration?)
a46ef7 No.2851823
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Want to play a game?
Your secrets are safe or are they?
Our computing power is currently estimated to be 1000 Petaflops(1 million trillion calculations per second.) In the year 2000 it was roughly 1 Petaflop (1thousand trillion calculations per second.)
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded the two companies four-year contracts to design a supercomputer that is 100 times more powerful than today's most powerful systems, yet is simpler to program, administer and use.
Launched in 2002, its goal is to develop a system capable of performing calculations at the rate of 2 to 4 petaflops per second. A petaflop is 1 quadrillion (1 thousand trillion) calculations per second. "Flop" stands for floating-point operations.
The fastest supercomputer in operation today, an IBM BlueGene system, operates at 360 teraflops, or 360 trillion calculations per second. (2006)
9c7b81 No.2851824
Anybody got any sauce on Snopes that I could share with somebody that is using it as fact?
412b9b No.2851825
I made the request :) Portlandfag kept his word and took mural shots for me.
White rabbits
Alice in Wonderland references
It's all there
Q, am I on the right track?
5a0e1f No.2851826
it's what most wiseanons think, we are just tired of trying to persuade newfags about it.
It wasn't for ((us)) so no need to debate it either way.
754514 No.2851827
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2848924
a little modern day ride of the valkyries
8888b8 No.2851829
f68126 No.2851831
Art Imitates Life
Magic Sword - In The Face Of Evil
Hotline Miami 2
Hotline Miami
Did no one here play the games?
Do you not remember the storylines?
>Hotline Miami #1
Mind Control
Sex Slaves
Secret Society
>Hotline Miami #2
Nuclear War
Drug Trafficing
Hollywood Predators
Serial Killers in Positions of Power
Mind-Altering Drugs
"If the player has found secret letters hidden in Jacket's missions, The Biker will crack their computer's password and learn the janitors work for 50 Blessings, an ostensibly-peaceful patriotic organization, and have been using its membership to carry out killings to derail an alliance between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Janitors boast their "experiment" is only the "tip of the iceberg" of a larger conspiracy. Without the password, the janitors claim they were acting out of boredom and mock The Biker's attempt to rationalize his actions."
2c11bc No.2851832
Marfa is a city in Texas, I think weird shit goes oin there, if I remember correctly.
e18414 No.2851833
b1be3b No.2851834
4243db No.2851835
yeah, you're not wrong
3b7a09 No.2851836
clifton park = nxivm / raniere territory
e0f139 No.2851838
Are you going to try to catch Google doing tricky algorithm things with those restaurants?
f3daf2 No.2851841
Disinformation is necessary
4333fd No.2851842
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…
Posted on September 2, 2018 by sundance
52a036 No.2851843
Can anyone locate the pictures of co-founder Sergey Brin's girlfriends (back when he was single Circa 2007 IIRC)
He would cover them w hijabs to take them places. He wanted his own security at the same time creating the all seeing eye againat us. I MAY have a pic or 2 saved on an old harddrive.
A picture is a thousand words so seeing it truly puts into perspective how these fucking POS assholes want privacy for themselves and not us..
SOMEONE HAS TO BE ABLE TO FIND IT.. think they scrubbed it from the web after outcry by the public.
f803bd No.2851844
17,000 concert goers>>2851630
c53c1c No.2851845
Huh… And you are?
f3daeb No.2851847
This looks promising…
Malice in Wonderland by DL Joy:
b6b760 No.2851848
More Alice (when she was just small)
2781a9 No.2851849
Disturbing images actually.
Not to mention the effort to paint that shithole of a building that would not be worth painting with a single coat of plain white.
even without the Haiti connection, that place is very spoopy!!
9bf774 No.2851850
puta grande w/ cheese
a22f0f No.2851851
Is this stupid larp still going?
Valarie Jarret has pulled a great psyop on you guys.
But, really, she's really low energy lately - NYT photos (seal team 6 choppers), old links, wiki articles, many repeat posts.
Try harder, Valerie.
4e6ae5 No.2851853
Back from the Sunday chores and was about to get on the board when I realized that the sword has 5 eyes. Been on the Chans for many years and have learned the comms of images. This wasn`t something taught but after bombarded with images from happenings, conversations with pics were understood without typing a word. Anons could communicate in their own little corner of the internet.This is why Q chose anon.
Been away all day and am going to dig into the producers of the vid.
Pic related is ——–If you fuck with my free speech, I will fuck YOU up.
32cb14 No.2851854
I’m up at 5 am these days. But as a teenager? Man, near impossible to do.
501e34 No.2851855
b6b760 No.2851856
Associated with Alice
51d0e1 No.2851857
a nearly dead jewish warmonger is he.
it twists one, the dark side does.
2b4d2a No.2851858
https:// www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-old-ted-cruz-tweet-to-appear-on-texas-billboard/ar-BBMLUoa?ocid=spartandhp
c5b88e No.2851859
Speaking of sucking dick
4e7f06 No.2851860
More than four million students head for schools with beginning of new school year
In framework of its preparations for the new schoolyear, Ministry of Education stressed earlier that 14 thousand schools have become ready for receiving students, in addition to preparing the required teaching cadre.
Despite of the large damage which the educational sector has went through over the past few years, yet the process of rehabilitation have been continuous as the number of schools which have been rehabilitated since the beginning of the crisis reached five thousand schools while 785 schools have been rehabilitated since the beginning of the current year.
Multiple Explosions Rock Mezzeh Airbase Near Syrian Capital
NOTE: Official narrative does not align with initial reports but it seems all parties that matter are on board with the outcome
Exceptional attendance of Syrian and Russian businessmen in Damascus International Fair
Senator Black: US political approach didn’t serve Americans and it destroyed the Middle East
US Senator Richard Black doubted that the US political approach has achieved any benefits for the American people, while this approach has resulted in destroying the Middle East,
adding that the terrorism that struck the US on 9/11 and the terrorism targeting Syria today are one and the same.
Syrian Army Shoots Down Another Armed Drone In Northwestern Hama
According to Syrian pro-government activists, the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is launching these UAVs from its remaining positions in the northwestern Hama countryside and the northern Lattakia countryside. Currently, the SAA and its allies are preparing to attack these positions.
Russian Anti-Submarine Aircrafts Arrive In Syria To Participate In Naval Drills
The Tu-142MK has a combat radius of 6,500km and can fly as high as 12km. The maritime reconnaissance and ASW aircraft can be also armed with different types of torpedoes, bombs and anti-ship missiles, such as the advance Kh-35.
Local observers believe that the drills are a response to the U.S. and its allies, which threatened to carry out a new missile strikes on positions of the Damascus government. Russia had warned that the militants in northern Syria may stage a chemical attack to serve as a pretext for the new strike.
f3daf2 No.2851862
1st time for everything. I'll keep you posted if it happens.
61fc2d No.2851863
The Bravo TV Greenbergs, right??
708660 No.2851864
Too bad.
Was hoping he meant theee guys..
d7337c No.2851865
Never played the game.
but I do see the way its used
to get people dehumanized.
f17a70 No.2851866
Kissengers favourite tailor … made the suit Lincoln was assainated in.
At his second inauguration, Abraham Lincoln wore a coat specially crafted for him by Brooks Brothers. Hand-stitched into the coat's lining was a design featuring an eagle and the inscription, "One Country, One Destiny." He was wearing the coat and a Brooks Brothers suit when he was assassinated.
c73730 No.2851867
wow, That was nice of you pictureanon.
That is nuts!
c53c1c No.2851868
Amen brother. With you there, want to retire but not after the last fiasco…
70f1fb No.2851869
" NEVER inhuman history have so few taken so much from so many as Americas Illuminati and their warlords of Wall St. and Washington. – These Banksters and international government gangsters took us from the largest creditor nation to the largest DEBTOR nation on Earth , they have forclosed on our home our farms our factories , exported our jobs and surrendered our arms …. THEY WANT IT ALL !!
New World Order song by Anthony Hilder - Evan Sweetwater
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=kNixZMj75Kk
b58ce7 No.2851870
This is a incredible dig into Sergei Brin .. and the origins of the DARPA advisors in the venture capital firm that funded Google and the connection to YT and 123andMe ... they are onto more nefarious activities, including: Deep Variant and projects to blend quantum computing, AI, and bio-genetics.
This venture capital firm backed all the winners that shape our social media world today. KCPB I believe their name.. DARPA advisors on the board.. and Colin Powell.
Congrats to the crew at Patriot News and L9 .. well done discord bakers!
f25eee No.2851871
Unrelated to GOOG.
Finally, some actual, evidence-based arguments for WTC building collapse.
eec62d No.2851872
6f2246 No.2851873
Alternatively, if it's not a message from him to other pedo pals, could it possibly be a message to him, a-la sonic mind-screwdriver?
Regardless, the timing of the song is fucky.
f3daf2 No.2851874
>▶Anonymous 09/02/18 (Sun) 17:55:49 9c7b81 (1) No.2851824
>Anybody got any sauce on Snopes that I could share with somebody that is using it as fact?
You may proceed…
6abf0e No.2851875
Mueller granted Epstein immmunity in exchange for information. Later case against others named by Epstein closed without action.
My question: under what circumstances would Mueller revoke immunity in 2018? Is perjury the only reason to revoke someone’s immunity?
I strongly suspect his immunity deal was revoked in recent weeks. I have no way to confirm until news breaks it.
6b1e1b No.2851876
if Darkness/Shutdown is on the Q clock… would that not mean they just made the cabal blind by taking down all their comms like we discussed in last few days? makes sense right
cbeb18 No.2851879
Deep Purple..IIRC, Ritchie Blackmoore and Joh Lord are serious pranksters and good marketers. Their music style shifts to fit the sound of the for money. They didn't care much fo hippies and acid, but when rolling out first album (which sounds nothing like the second-…) they kinda larped and Deep Purple. Before working on second studio album (the first one hit the tail of stuff like the Yardbirds, did not do well) they hoped aboard the Zepplin/Black Sabbath/Cream band wagon, but were stuck with the name.
Black Sabbath-Originally Earth (mid 60's Hippie). After Tony Iommi's stint with Jethro Tull found out bigger English hippie band named Earth. Geezer Butler (bassist/lyricist and devout christian) loved old Hammer horror flicks and and came up with Black Sabbath as an appropriately dark name for the riffs he and Iommi were putting out.
Led Zepplin-After listening to the bands rough cut of thier first album, Kieth Moon (drummer of the Who) stated "Well that oughta go over like a lead zeppelin."
While third eye blind and alien ant farm seem to fit cabal occult bill, it seems to me that from 1988 until Napster, the music industry was a solid cartel and "All of your songs are belong to us", and after destroying MTV (which actually used to play music videos) they let their comtempt for the masses hang out in the open.
cc8fc3 No.2851880
>>2851860 SYRIA UPDATE
notable, these are great anon by the way
insta-notable when I bake
a6c5a3 No.2851882
sure… Joseph's Bistro too
b1be3b No.2851883
It does! Shutdown of their comms.
c53c1c No.2851884
c10bf8 No.2851885
The one on the right is a Demonic Clown, not a Drag Queen. We have to End this craziness.
6bc082 No.2851887
anons, looking at this from a 40k view, this will never be finished. We will get on top of it, but it will take maintenance in the future. (think whack o mole, stomping out evil) Thank Q for awakening us warriors and I hope one day we will all get together and celebrate, arm wrestle, call each other faggots and kek. WWG1WGA.
2c11bc No.2851888
Already Added :)
cd2852 No.2851889
Where do they operate with impunity?
What else is out there?
708660 No.2851891
Find the corresponding date that refers to.
If it links to same date we have something.
4243db No.2851893
yeah the faggots were all over me a few threads back
3b7a09 No.2851894
found this once.
thought it was extremely clownish.
8888b8 No.2851895
Fine, you're a super tough guy but what does the pic of the gay dude have to do with it?
cbeb18 No.2851896
Not on this earth. This is a giant LARP. Just like the Trump getting pissed on by Russian hookers thing.
823ff3 No.2851897
You think Michael's (St. is a Satanic Catholic Church title, from a ritual where they currently invoke Lucifer directly and it is taken from the Roman Church's Deification ritual whereby they made Julius a god) sword would be covered with occult and blasphemous symbols?
4acd63 No.2851898
I wish ebot would start a revolution on facebook for everyone to enjoy.
cd9274 No.2851899
Why was Laibach invited to perform in North Korea?
bd1274 No.2851900
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This is my idea of an operators theme musick.
de5de5 No.2851901
Lewis Carroll burn most of the nude ones he took
708660 No.2851902
Its going to a big big party when all the silent games are exposed and shutdown.
823ff3 No.2851903
looks like Y head, huh?
a6df07 No.2851904
Here is some sauce.. this digger even brings in Charlemagne
4e7f06 No.2851905
'Israel sauces' said it was so it must be true.
So when did Israel become reliable????
Us Goy know faggot. Tell your boss satan to take you and go fuck himself
45b4a6 No.2851906
I missed this comment when posted
Very nice anon…
6bc082 No.2851907
bfe757 No.2851908
Grouchy Media!
I used to watch all the videos on their channel when I was at Annapolis.
cd2852 No.2851909
In the future, we'll have he ability to see the evil in plain sight.
We all think we can hide things from each other, but it's all right there on the surface for everyone to see.
3462c9 No.2851914
Will I ever be charged with something? Anything? I am getting bored.
6b1e1b No.2851918
operation underway accorind to 'operation specialists' Q post
8ebae1 No.2851919
Its closer to 394 than 528.
2c11bc No.2851920
Any Bakers Lurking?
I am going to request a handoff after I bake again. I don't usually cook, but tonight is my specialty dish (the one thing I do cook, kek), Beer Battered fried shrimp. Need to cook in a bit.
c53c1c No.2851921
yup pretty sick and very evil…
823ff3 No.2851923
I'll call you a faggot right now! Love you bro, totally homo (no homo).
196398 No.2851924
Revelation 19:15
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Matthew 10:34–36
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come tto set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.
4818cf No.2851926
Why has [PR]'s wife Janna been completely scrubbed from the internet (save one or two articles abt their marriage)? Why is there NO pictures or mentions of David M Stone's (a deceased RADM)'s wife, Cynthia Faith (Voth); you would think they would go to functions, no?? You would think their names would be out there but it's scrubbed CLEAN. Trying to follow the wives has been challenging, if not impossible, in these cases.
6b1e1b No.2851927
Q-88 "Darkness. … Military operations. Operators in US. Snow White" – Q posted helicopters on a mission last night (and mentioned Operation Specialists in Q-2063)
3a6fb6 No.2851930
I remember when my iphone automatically downloaded all their album songs. Itunes release a sorry statement i believe.
860e9c No.2851931
The hand that holds the sword covers the all seeing eye and makes it blind…
43d0b8 No.2851932
Not a slide but Henry's head is sliding down.
All the time,
823ff3 No.2851933
what's the girl in the cover pic, 12 maybe?
f9673e No.2851934
Stop with the GORE pics Wouldya?
f27eb9 No.2851935
5a0e1f No.2851937
079da2 No.2851938
Isn't it obvious that government can't be this big? Or any organization or entity that every citizen must interact with?
acc4ec No.2851939
That would be nice, because currently I rate 2018 as "Improved" over 2017, however not even in the neighborhood of "Glorious."
9109db No.2851940
Word for the DAY — LEGS
go out and spread the word.
26e42e No.2851941
She's headed to the beach
Isn't she?
Tell me it's true!
a9da9e No.2851942
She's pretty… ummm… ummm… ugly… Yeah, that's the ticket
a6df07 No.2851943
look at the clock fags.. same idea i had earlier but ended in too many rabbit holes
6bc082 No.2851944
LOL! why wait faggot!
02e7fd No.2851945
Yup Yup Yup. Keep it up! Thanks, Helperanon.
4333fd No.2851946
c53c1c No.2851947
ditto…. Fuckin RUN!!!
5e02de No.2851948
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. man!!! I wanna shoot bad guys to this sound track!!!!!! not fair….hope yall had fun ST6!
754514 No.2851949
823ff3 No.2851950
You think the performance in the funeral was to start the ball on an incompetency plea?
16391f No.2851952
Back in tha Day <3
4b34b3 No.2851953
:00 on the clock (the starting point)
c32d9d No.2851954
They miss their little doggie.
f3daf2 No.2851955
Writing the lyrics to a U2 song makes you gayer than gay by default. Please GOD tell us you goog'd that shit and didn't have it from memory?!?!?
823ff3 No.2851956
Finish the job memefag.
c10bf8 No.2851957
You need moar sleep..
d7337c No.2851958
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This Band always kept up with the times.
since the Vietnam war. with War Pigs.
Now as religion is getting wiped out. here ya go.
ee623f No.2851959
Not every 'through the looking glass' allusion is some secret message to the cabal.
Granted, Disney in general probably crosses the line often.
But lets not try to create conspiracies behind every meta-culture reference.
2781a9 No.2851961
I'd hit that…
With my truck.
(looks like someone already did tho)
4b34b3 No.2851962
Great work anon, loving this analysis
dac366 No.2851963
No link…long winded posting…fuck you…filtered
b464a4 No.2851964
The Great Awakening from centuries of world wide Monarch Programming?
f9b931 No.2851965
Magic Sword formed in 2013.[4] That same year, they released their debut full-length album titled Magic Sword Vol. 1 in 2013 on Tender Loving Empire.[5][6] Along with the album, the trio released a comic book with the same name.[6] In 2016, the trio released their first EP on Size Records titled Legend.[7] In September 2016, Magic Sword embarked on their first national headlining tour. Continuing their tour in January 2018 accompanied by artists such as Mr Kitty, Nite and Ceegix. [8]
Two of Magic Sword's songs are featured in the video game Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.[9]
"In the Face of Evil" also appears in the official trailer for the movie Thor: Ragnarok.[10]
a5e557 No.2851966
"Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?"
Was this responding to my question about LV 10/1/17?
eabb7d No.2851968
He will always be number two
e0f139 No.2851970
Neither Frank's nor Joseph's comes up on Yelp. And everything is on Yelp if anyone at all ever goes there.
15649a No.2851971
Georgia anon here. Planning on going with a group down there in the fall. Will report my notes back here.
cd04f2 No.2851972
Listen faggot 1) the fact that (((Daily Beast))) is shilling so hard against ECW is by itself notable, and 2) them quoting a source using the term “Keystone” is also fucking notable. Now fuck off.
ee623f No.2851973
'Diplomatic illness'
Similar to litigation amnesia?
412b9b No.2851976
Marty Torrey…
his linkedin:
3 of his groups have to do with African Development, and he's in some organization called Corporate Council on Africa.
He started Captain Consultants LLC in 2003, from what I can gather it has to do with…
Acoustic engineering and consulting services, aerial surveying, cargo checkers, marine, and telecom, (thats quite an interesting list of business services which would be quite useful in human trafficking especially with cargo ships).
5a0e1f No.2851977
acc4ec No.2851980
Some of these anons are so dull, they think symbols are evil rather than used for evil purposes by bad people. Maybe we should start demanding that Sessions prosecute some spirals and triangles. THAT will show 'em!
ef746d No.2851981
Dont be a douche canoe. Can only read picture books? Too many words make dumbanon sad?
79308c No.2851982
The receiver of the attack (those being stabbed by the sword) would be seeing the symbol UPSIDE DOWN.
600ef2 No.2851983
They're treated like contracts, more or less, so breaching the contract thorough perjury would be one of the two acts (additional crimes) that will get immunity deal yanked. That and just plain not showing up to testify, which is obstruction of justice.
dd5b4e No.2851984
In this context might Geo-T mean George Tenet?
acc4ec No.2851985
Fake is much better than flat.
d86ad2 No.2851986
>>2851205 (pb)
WTH the deaths by hurricane(s) a year ago in Puerto Rico (Rich Port) have to do with anything.
f3daf2 No.2851987
14 posts and a giant FUK YOU LADIES!!
f18c25 No.2851989
you should've been here with the rabbits..family photos …the works.. smh.
cc8fc3 No.2851990
ffs anon no
that 'magical sword' is a metaphor for it
read their logic behind it
it CONTAINS satan, its not satan's
the symbols signify it holds satan at bay
70f1fb No.2851991
This is why they have to make movies like DaVinci code , as cover , you just saw too many conspiracy films………………..
011cb4 No.2851992
Q team from the USMC to the President . We shall never leave his side .
“From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country’s battles
On the land as on the sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.
Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in ev’ry clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines
Here’s health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we’ve fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.”
079da2 No.2851993
On Q's SCIF drop.
The windows have to be insulated as eavesdropping can now take place by 'listening' to glass panes vibrating.
Is the 'foot the BILL' reference to a possible ankle monitor on Clinton that has a listening device in it?
This lets the Cabal know that there is no where they can talk.
6e6141 No.2851994
Evil is heavy burden to bear on anyone’s shoulders. Kek
d3decb No.2851995
Here is the other emails between ES, KA and SB.
I still haven't found the link, gonna try the FOIA #70905
I vaguely remember it was around Mid JANUARY.
My id changes each bread (on iPad)
Still looking sorry.
8232f9 No.2851996
Yes good anon. Here is bread for the cat.
acc4ec No.2851998
Locked up by the "op" Q mentioned?
cc8fc3 No.2851999
if needed, can step up again (handed to you)
but would prefer not to if another baker can bake
8232f9 No.2852000
Yes good anon. Here is bread for the cat.
6bc082 No.2852001
It is obvious now, we needed to get organized, we needed a path forward. Instead of bitching and moaning about it, now we have a direction to charge into.
Lets not fuck around either, this is for our kids.
69283b No.2852002
Just around the corner, Village Child Care. With spirals leaning against the fence next door..
Probably coincidence.
5a0e1f No.2852003
That is an incorrect statement, anon.
5dc82e No.2852004
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Now that songbird is gone….
b1be3b No.2852005
One anon conected [GEO-T] to geotracking, island plane 'accident' to take out their comm post or other infrastructure.
Made sense to me.
33a589 No.2852006
Hahahahaha. The sauce this? Left subsidized NPR!
More, Snopes started as a two-person operation on urban legends. Two people. Husband and wife.
They started to have some income from the site.They hired the first receptionist (a former stripper because they are good people and believe in second chances.)
The husband then took all the new found income and spent it on foreign Southeast Asian vacations with the stripper, uh, sorry I meant business trips with his assistant.
'Snopes' divorced after that. https://nypost.com/2017/07/25/bitter-divorce-fuels-snopes-slow-demise/
8232f9 No.2852007
EVERY anon's ID changes on every bread.
82d667 No.2852008
>>2833902. PB
Reparedness is reparations. Look here anons. This may be important .
a6df07 No.2852009
15d8c4 No.2852011
412b9b No.2852012
Exactly. Why go to the trouble unless you were trying to signal.
06f1fd No.2852015
Theres a bad ass song on that album that fits all this really well, its called "where the slime live"
acc4ec No.2852017
Some anons may demand that Sessions arrest these symbols now!
0144f9 No.2852018
McCain accused of accepting improper donations from Rothschilds
The Rothschilds Own John McCain
9e96b7 No.2852019
>>2851815 the jewish kiss to the satans swine in a necophilic eulogy in beheast of cain's dead dick and their felatio psychology
>>2851821 mureder victim prostration (false witness murder )
>>2851824 soros crony
>>2851830 interracial victim shaming
>>2851832 cabal kite waving
>>2851841 is not, in fact your cia larping shit culture caused this quagmire
>>2851842 false victim
>>2851853 turd goblin from a assassinated gore pet activist
>>2851855 anquish programming from a despotic stateist
>>2851856 occult porpaganda
>>2851875 homoerotic word salad of false justice
>>2851892 interracila homo humiliation
>>2851899 pedotraptor caballists
>>2851903 thier cult practice of assassination
>>2851914 hindu kali demon
>>2851922 cia space ham for jesuit hammers
>>2851925 cia space ham of nasim
>>2851929 more hindu kali demon
>>2851932 "vogon" poetry reference
>>2851936 tranny
>>2851941 tranny
>>2851948 "penis envy" contra play from the "dead dick" of mccain traitor hood wasn;t enough for cabal magic needs
>>2851954 lord of the turds
2c11bc No.2852021
Hopefully somebody will step up, thanks though - Bakerteam is awesome !!
32cb14 No.2852022
I think, the whole thing is a psyop. Been in the works for a long time. We won’t know the whole thing until the OP is done. There’s a lot of dis-info, a lot of fake news, and things aren’t what they appear to be.
cbeb18 No.2852023
When 900 years old you reach look as good you will…Yoda brain fart had. Even one ugly as you look as bad you could not.
bd5719 No.2852024
nice dig (a few breads ago) anon!
we have AIR FORCE special ops found
i love finding new MIL from Q stuff and i think this is Air Force's First Apprerance
also i found Sauron, pretty cool!
heres my source
8514a3 No.2852025
Q serious question,
If/when the shit pops if it worse than expected can patriots show up to military bases and volunteer service?
6e6141 No.2852026
Top Kek mate
412b9b No.2852027
And VooDoo Donut is up the street.
Portland is fucking gross.
a242a5 No.2852028
9e96b7 No.2852029
desppotism is always an anquish and duress game
so is domestic abuse
so is gaslighting
so is stockholm syndrome
5ba4ec No.2852032
eastern star
fiona barnet pics
ray chandler / epstein island
daggers, symbols etc
is this all connected?
26e42e No.2852033
Karen Abramyan
The surname seems Armenian
5a0e1f No.2852034
f18c25 No.2852035
u don't have too. everyone one of us is our own army.. its called the militia..we out number any army..
a91e28 No.2852036
Have we had any real confirmation of that Mr. Burns-looking kike still being alive since that plane/helicopter crash over his house last year?
2781a9 No.2852037
It's a classic case of "It's not the quality of the place, but what you do there that counts"…
708660 No.2852038
7 Dec 2017 - 12:31:50 AM
"What if No Such Agency alerted May to the kill plan per POTUS?
What if the attempt was ordered by ++?
September 2, 2018
Theresa May rules out second Brexit referendum
i dunno.. may be just nothing.
a46ef7 No.2852039
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2851823
“torture is a celebration of life”
"we don't say his name"
3b39f6 No.2852040
>>2851866 lining detail from overcoat
d14561 No.2852041
Rainbow knowledge boy: Read The Bible.
52e6f1 No.2852042
Do YOU think she's prettier then me?
5dd067 No.2852043
Is now a good time to kill my obama hillary fucking nabor who keeps telling me Trump is ??????? , or should I just torch her house ….
412b9b No.2852044
Can you link her to this bread?
d3491c No.2852045
right up there with the Witch movie
8534c9 No.2852047
According to Aztec mythology the present world is a product of four cycles of birth, death, and reincarnation. When each world is destroyed it is reborn through the sacrifice of a god. The god’s sacrifice creates a new sun, which creates a new world. The myth is sometimes referred to as the “Legend of Five Suns.”[2]
Jaguars, a hurricane, fire rain, and a flood destroyed the first four suns.[3] After the fourth sun was destroyed the gods gathered to choose a god to become the new sun. Tecuciztecatl, a boastful and proud god, offered himself up for sacrifice. However, the rest of gods favored Nanahuatzin, the smallest and humblest god. The gods built a grand fire, but at the last second Tecuciztecatl refused to jump into the fire because he was too afraid of the pain. Instead, Nanahuatzin jumped in the fire. Embarrassed by Nanahuatzin’s sacrifice, Tecuciztecatl followed him into the fire. The two suns rose in the sky, but they were too bright. The gods threw a rabbit at Tecuciztecatl to dim his light, and he turned into the moon. This is the reason why the Aztec people say there is a rabbit that lives on the moon.[3]
d3decb No.2852048
You'd swear I just got here, kek
8514a3 No.2852049
Sometimes Ebot makes a great point. Stockholm syndrome.
dac366 No.2852052
He's fucking dead.
Who cares?
Justice was escaped by that faggot.
9c7b81 No.2852053
>https://nypost.com/2017/07/25/bitter-divorce-fuels-snopes-slow-demise/ ThanQ this will do.
acc4ec No.2852054
Can she go away now, please?
9a39ba No.2852055
looks like rebel wilson
9e96b7 No.2852057
there is an old farmers trick to test for preganancy
required killing a rabbit iirc
2c11bc No.2852058
Notables Thus Far
If you have comments about the notables, now is the time to do it faggot, not after bread is baked…
>>2851976 Marty Torrey Dig Info
>>2851860 Syria Update (Collection of Articles)
>>2851685 “Drag Queen Story Hour” For Children Sparks Protests From Conservative Groups
>>2851495, >>2851508 Anon's Drain-The-Swamp Timeline
Please let me know if anything was missed or is fake/gay
e0f139 No.2852059
Hurr hurr, nice try
8514a3 No.2852060
Agree, but where will this solo anon meet up with said militia? National guard base?
c10bf8 No.2852061
Looks like she Ate Rebel Wilson
4b34b3 No.2852062
To more easily search previous breads:
bd5719 No.2852063
why do i get the feeling the magic sword is on a MIL patch…
b1f91d No.2852067
How did he go again?
acc4ec No.2852070
I named my dog after that album lol
4acd63 No.2852071
dac366 No.2852073
Does it really fucking matter how he went?
The fucker is dead, and ESCAPED justice!
412b9b No.2852074
I shared the pictures with her. We'll see.
e24cca No.2852075
Funny you say that ;)
It has much to do with him!
c10bf8 No.2852076
Hi.. My name is Megan and I'm a food-a-holic.
0144f9 No.2852077
Please don't feed the shills.
547843 No.2852078
The last name Miller is connected to Disney, go figure.
My autism hurts
31b40d No.2852080
What if "Sideshow" Bob Mueller's penance is that he gets recalled and is a guard at Gitmo? Just seems to be in balance…
0a6d2c No.2852081
This we pray, Jesus Christ.
34d3f1 No.2852082
can't say i've seen it yet
de5de5 No.2852083
cc8fc3 No.2852084
all your symbols belong to us
54c997 No.2852085
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2851900
"O Fortuna" is a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th century, part of the collection known as the Carmina Burana. It is a complaint about Fortuna, the inexorable fate that rules both gods and men in Roman and Greek mythology.
9e96b7 No.2852086
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. ommision of fact is a type of lie
liars always cheat
cheaters alwasy lie
70f1fb No.2852090
I'm Uncle Sam
That's who I Am
Been Hiding Out
In A Rock & Roll Band
1df8c4 No.2852091
i lasted 5 minutes just long enough to comment he's not hero but traitor, he was a paedophile owned his private pedo camp in AZ questioning her; meghan you must have spent some family vacay there, camping 🍕
f18c25 No.2852093
your neighborhood will be a easy start…gather people with guns and other soldiers leave the women kids behind. but yes go to nearest base to offer resist help..
6e6141 No.2852094
Love your neighbor as yourself. First step.
684778 No.2852095
Not really sure, but I have it on good authority [He did not depart on his own terms]
Makes me happy dance, to be completely honest.
cc95df No.2852096
Wonderland title has been there since 1938?
b1be3b No.2852097
Not sure on this anon.
Many politician do this sign. Potus herebmaybe coincidence, dunno.
Anyway Merkel does that all the time, and is likely not one of the godguys…
That being said…
I was thinking that POTUS and other goodguys (maybe also highlevel military) are part of some sort of anti-cabal 'knights' or something.
For sure there must have been also smart and rich and highinfluence people that did not like cabal stuff - for centuries.
So I think it might well be the case that this is in fact the fight of old long established secret, knight like structures (one evil and selfish, one good and for people), who also undersfand a lot of the spiritual aspects of the plan.
My thoughts…
9e96b7 No.2852100
ernie and daniel and walrus i think
bag of ass
fuck em
917a54 No.2852101
(Daily Caller) Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee heavily implied that Sen. Lindsey Graham is gay during a Wednesday morning interview with Laura Ingraham.
“I’m very disappointed in Lindsey,” Huckabee said of the South Carolina Republican’s recent comparisons of House Intel Chair Devin Nunes to the “Pink Panther” character Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
“I sometimes wonder what uniform he puts on each morning when goes out to the field to play, and I’m not just talking about the partisan uniform.”
43303b No.2852102
fuck off you low iq retard. The info is identical to the Farsi source.
Take your muhjoo shilling bullshit and shove it up to Brock's ass.
6bc082 No.2852103
Great Fucking Job Anon! kek
3b7a09 No.2852105
dd5b4e No.2852106
It did to me at the time as well but the recent Clandestine crumbs reminded me of my Tenet thiught. I dug lightly on him at the time and what I saw didnt strike me as one of the dirtiest of the dirty but I will keep my mind open.
4b34b3 No.2852109
Since when is being put to death not justice?
dac366 No.2852110
So his name is MUDD? NO, it's not, instead he got a fucking hero's funeral.
Justice was NOT SERVED!
b464a4 No.2852113
2 flavours of icecream…chose one.
It's still icecream.
This shit's been going on since we first beat each other with sticks.
Wizards/Warlocks…better to have Reset.
Purge the shit out of the kid killers and revert back to 'politicians' as admin only.
There are more of 'us' than there are of 'them'.
dac366 No.2852115
15649a No.2852119
Small aircraft crashes, sparks wildfire near Reno
RENO — A small airplane or engine-driven recreational aircraft crashed Sunday on a rugged and scenic mountain south of Reno, igniting a wildfire that officials feared could climb uphill toward the Mount Rose Ski Tahoe resort.
The fire was reported about 1:40 p.m. Sunday on Slide Mountain in the Mount Rose Wilderness and quickly grew to 20 acres (8 hectares), Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District spokesman Adam Mayberry said.
Washoe County sheriff’s officials began a rescue operation, while the Nevada Division of Forestry, U.S. Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service firefighters headed to the scene.
The type of aircraft that crashed was not immediately known, but the area near Bowers Mansion is popular for gliders and small recreational aircraft, officials said.
It was so steep that rescuers could not immediately get to the wreckage to reach possible survivors or identify the aircraft, Mayberry and sheriff’s spokesman Bob Harmon said.
The first firefighting efforts were conducted using helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, Mayberry said.
Hikers were advised to leave the remote area. Old Highway 395 was restricted to residential traffic and emergency vehicles.
There was no report about an inbound or outbound commercial aircraft missing or being lost on radar, Reno-Tahoe International Airport spokesman Brian Kulpin said.
An official at Carson City Airport, which is also in the area, did not immediately respond to messages.
The Federal Aviation Administration had no immediate information about the downed aircraft, agency spokesman Ian Gregor said.
f18c25 No.2852120
militia -a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.
"creating a militia was no answer to the army's manpower problem"
600ef2 No.2852121
Why the itchy trigger finger?
9e96b7 No.2852122
hit it with a hammer kissinger
5ba4ec No.2852124
yes fiona barnet would know about this stuff
cbeb18 No.2852125
Just fired up Highway Star. Still rocking.
32cb14 No.2852126
What did Q say? “News unlocks the past”
Wait for more crumbs.
e24cca No.2852127
Q got the last laugh that day :)
d14561 No.2852128
dac366 No.2852133
No justice dished on that traitor.
0a6d2c No.2852134
You lie to yourself, simply to exist
You are nothing but a vast equilibrium of self-deception
For the brief time you hold together
Before the inevitable collapse to oblivion.
You lie to yourself that you had a chance
You never did, and now you die
ab2891 No.2852135
This flag is in the white rabbit art gallery in Sydney. I can dropped what i have found so far if needed.
3b7a09 No.2852137
different house, same family.
but yes - i agree.
6e6141 No.2852138
ThanQ. Godspeed Patriot!
ba95a9 No.2852140
Everyone was arrested after the funeral!? Please say yes! <3
acc4ec No.2852141
Thats why leftards cant meme.
3ea46d No.2852142
yea, MAN.
She's pretty in a chelsea clinton and/or nassim the dead tranny, kind of a way.
9f98ea No.2852143
ST6=seal team 6?
ST6- Operation Neptune’s Spear, who died also?
John O. Brennan
William H. McRaven
They Scream so loud und unmasked themselves.