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File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

f9b295  No.2724446

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f9b295  No.2724450


are not endorsements


>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2723736 UN reports 22 children killed in coalition airstrike in Yemen

>>2723774 Playboy model found dead

>>2723764 ; >>2723838 DOJ: Ukrainian financial crimes; Maryland and Virginia pedo crimes

>>2723806 FBI failed to examine bulk of Wiener laptop material

>>2723828 Planefag: DOJ plane out of Lafayette, Louisiana headed southeast

>>2723893 Twitter shutting down South Africa related facts

>>2723939 ; >>2723995 Morons/MSM calling for Trump resignation, impeachment

>>2723940 DJT and Sessions getting along despite public feud

>>2723974 Los Angeles business owners erects fences along sidewalks to keep out the homeless

>>2723978 Ohio Republican Troy Balderson wins US House special election

>>2724001 Lanny Davis admitting lies re: TT meeting

>>2724012 ; >>2724423 Digs on HOK, links to Clintons, Haiti

>>2724066 CEO of Jewish Foundation in Buffalo quits amid probe

>>2724067 New DJT tweet on NK, China

>>2724237 Russian Central Bank ablaze in Moscow

>>2724424 Landing Casino stocks fall as chairman goes missing

>>2724392 #3440

3439 Baker Change

>>2722965 ; >>2723221 On Mollie Tibbets’ father, CF, and Haiti

>>2723007 plebbit on “Mirror” (commentary/speculation)

>>2723009 NoName discontinuing cancer treatment

>>2723022 DC Airport catches illegal w/face recognition

>>2723096 Robin Leach, “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” host, dead at 76

>>2723213 FISA handwriting comparisons/side-by-side

>>2723317 Trump Organization finance chief granted immunity in Cohen probe

>>2723319 On Lanny Davis, HRC, and Wikileaks emails

>>2723331 ; >>2723482 Former CDC director Frieden arrested for sexual abuse

>>2723322 NightShift Repost Request: Mueller, Huber, and The Show

>>2723380 New DJT tweet: “We’re having a lot of fun!”

>>2723541 ; >>2722547 On Eric Schmidt, HRC, and comprehensive records of voters (2014)

>>2723615 #3439


>>2722195 Looks like [Tavistock] is getting the footballers involved (again).

>>2722210 Markers- BREAK JUSTICE DEAL Cohen

>>2722251 Where are [THEY] at now UPDATED

>>2722257 Interesting how original link says human trafficking, but then the actual headline was changed to prostitution to soften the impact.

>>2722289 Presidential Memorandum for National Security & Defense

>>2722432 Italian Catholics Look to Matteo Salvini Over Pope Francis on Immigration

>>2722304 Molly Tibbits killed with sharp force injury

>>2722369, >>2722446 Intermission. So it's quiet.

>>2722564 Connects? Tibbits to Tippets from JFK oswald.

>>2722310 Search terms were Reality Winner & small potatoes. Lo and behold

>>2722719, >>2722725,

>>2722741 More Satanic imagery in Hollywood/ music

>>2722856 Planefag Updates: SHIPSHAP and more AZAZ tracking

>>2722838 NEWSWIRE

>>2723053 #3438 (BiB #3439)

Previously Collected Notables

>>2721356 #3436, >>2722073 #3437

>>2718926 #3433, >>2720037 #3434, >>2720518 #3435

>>2716607 #3430, >>2717391 #3431, >>2718181 #3432

>>2714281 #3427, >>2715040 #3428, >>2715804 #3429

>>2711958 #3424, >>2712745 #3425, >>2713503 #3426

>>2709607 #3421, >>2710265 #3422, >>2711252 #3423

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f9b295  No.2724452

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2721864

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

f9b295  No.2724454

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


f9b295  No.2724457

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



d2c8c7  No.2724464

File: 1a638f413254579⋯.jpeg (24.6 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 4F6772A9-41B2-4F4C-A808-9….jpeg)

324f74  No.2724483

File: d69eee3cda3bccb⋯.png (147.67 KB, 512x672, 16:21, Sessions-slips.png)

File: 16b519a6d36e082⋯.png (140.34 KB, 779x630, 779:630, sessions-bias.png)

File: 272b4e723b1e900⋯.png (130.35 KB, 775x528, 775:528, sessionsblp.png)


Why did Q link us to this @AGJefffSessions twat/Video?

>Everything has meaning

What happened DIRECTLY after? [NEXTDAY]

POTUS signals to Sessions?

was Qs post a signal? it's time to activate Sessions?

What if there is more to this than we realize..


97c676  No.2724486

Something suspicious' caused hotel deaths, daughter says


da51d1  No.2724498

Susan Rice travel records posted on George M Nasif's twitter


a5682a  No.2724510

File: b53d92da9bac138⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ebolaa[1].jpg)

Doctor in eastern Congo contracts Ebola in 'dreaded' scenario: WHO


[CODE]A doctor living in the town of Oicha in North Kivu has been

re-hospitalised with Ebola symptoms after his wife was confirmed

as having the disease when she traveled to the nearby city of Beni,

said Dr. Peter Salama, WHO’s head of emergency operations.

Oicha is almost entirely surrounded by ADF Ugandan Islamist militia,

and there are “extremely serious security concerns” following many

civilian killings, he said. Aid workers, priests and government

officials are held hostage in the area, he added.[/CODE]

Well, that's one way to kill-off Islamic militants.

8284ea  No.2724517



Look at these pathetic jews pretending they know the game lol


634ef2  No.2724518




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



13c7af  No.2724519

File: d2babde0c695c1f⋯.png (162.9 KB, 734x744, 367:372, teac_1.png)

File: f2aa386e19ccf6b⋯.png (120.32 KB, 707x693, 101:99, teac_2.png)

File: 4531d56a7150f0c⋯.png (494.52 KB, 830x702, 415:351, oba_cab_1.png)

4367c3  No.2724520

File: 3c5c7af5b4a6adf⋯.jpg (254.22 KB, 1158x1158, 1:1, bakedogface.JPG)


22d7c3  No.2724521

War of Attrition Against President Trump

"There you have it, boys and girls: None of this has anything to do with paying off floozies who claimed to have done the dirty with a presidential candidate. No one cares about that. It's about using the legal system to extract "confessions" from Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen that will keep the Black Legend alive of a Russian hack of the 2016 elections. Cohen has no more knowledge of this, I am ready to wager, than he does of space aliens colonizing Chicago. Nonetheless, the swamp and their pet jackals in the media will spin new allegations until the public gets dizzy."


13c7af  No.2724522

File: 663fe603ae73b8d⋯.png (11.26 KB, 893x88, 893:88, screenshot_1.png)

File: 10f438a6a403e6a⋯.png (97.66 KB, 580x229, 580:229, screenshot_2.png)

File: 7c0cc397bd5f82c⋯.png (506.98 KB, 825x378, 275:126, screenshot_3.png)

File: 2c71869d1848826⋯.png (214.44 KB, 491x387, 491:387, screenshot_4.png)

File: 7adf05afa7b0933⋯.png (100.68 KB, 401x159, 401:159, screenshot_5.png)

0a2a8d  No.2724523

>>2724237 Like this convenient blaze in Buenos Aires 4 1/2 years ago.


79fc8e  No.2724524

File: 25f3fd74ce55163⋯.jpeg (312.01 KB, 800x450, 16:9, JeffsTurn.jpeg)

13c7af  No.2724525

File: 228ea0dda545a96⋯.png (262.3 KB, 1457x565, 1457:565, screenshot_6.png)

File: 51ad2b6a9791817⋯.png (181.65 KB, 410x689, 410:689, screenshot_7.png)

File: c86cfcf058e9a82⋯.png (89.34 KB, 845x529, 845:529, screenshot_8.png)

File: 0a04e5154bbe62b⋯.png (130.18 KB, 847x805, 121:115, screenshot_9.png)

File: 17322c354831cff⋯.png (120.82 KB, 838x726, 419:363, screenshot_10.png)

687411  No.2724526

The Russification of the NRA


older story..

When the news is that Foreign Governments Support the NRA

in anyway. is the best bullshit out there.

13c7af  No.2724527

File: b99a2ee0a0d7f5a⋯.png (124.24 KB, 845x670, 169:134, screenshot_11.png)

File: fa0d095f51d75ad⋯.png (122.38 KB, 845x821, 845:821, screenshot_12.png)

File: 6804eab72f54841⋯.png (104.29 KB, 832x696, 104:87, screenshot_13.png)

File: 09eaaa926037aea⋯.png (91.97 KB, 829x595, 829:595, screenshot_14.png)

File: a98efabb7bd1a68⋯.png (52.44 KB, 472x71, 472:71, screenshot_15.png)

13c7af  No.2724528

File: ea05ce41bb2e01a⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1149x1487, 1149:1487, EOWfacts-smc1.jpg)

File: 820d63ed85c6ffa⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1058x973, 1058:973, Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at ….png)

File: 51c37ff993a9d36⋯.jpg (237.58 KB, 1227x934, 1227:934, vm,deadly,danny,8,17,91,NY….jpg)

File: 9ef7f11a0cb8c3b⋯.png (294.04 KB, 546x532, 39:38, screenshot_16.png)

File: 0914a29b8aeaf94⋯.jpg (154.64 KB, 918x743, 918:743, Nichols.jpg)

634ef2  No.2724529

File: 43b47d50de43a8e⋯.png (60.48 KB, 739x802, 739:802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 975eb9546a30943⋯.png (64.21 KB, 738x838, 369:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Virginia Man Sentenced to Prison for Producing Pornography of Children in the Philippines


Maryland Man Sentenced to a Decade in Prison for Sexually Exploiting 12-Year-Old Girl Over the Internet


49cc3f  No.2724530

Spread the word about Q and The Plan!

Then everyone around you will know you're extremely gullible idiot and can handle you appropriately.

13c7af  No.2724531

File: 82d9fe70262cbdf⋯.png (139.64 KB, 637x319, 637:319, screenshot_17.png)

File: 2f369ebd524f29d⋯.png (345.99 KB, 530x669, 530:669, screenshot_18.png)

File: eaa72813371c7d1⋯.png (54.71 KB, 617x444, 617:444, screenshot_19.png)

File: a3b56dd758378f5⋯.png (348.99 KB, 698x697, 698:697, screenshot_20.png)

File: 92ad1ac89f5cb51⋯.png (93.74 KB, 626x652, 313:326, screenshot_21.png)

193d05  No.2724532


Pretty sure he doesn't spell his own name with three "F's".

abc1fb  No.2724533


Should Snowden, Comey, Lisa Page, Strozk, Rosenstein be added?

1adc6a  No.2724534

>>2724496 lb

The older tribes of "Israel" (what we think of today as Israel) aren't at all descendants of the people who today claim to be of Israel.

The people in question are certainly the jealous type. They couldn't handle the facts - that the true descendants of the tribe of Israel are the ancestors of the germanic people, the Scandinavians, the saxons, anglos, greeks, etc.


13c7af  No.2724535

File: b1cbcac15a7465a⋯.png (54.91 KB, 647x414, 647:414, screenshot_22.png)

File: ec85cf944cb5aa2⋯.png (55.86 KB, 1013x375, 1013:375, screenshot_23.png)

File: 5783ecd7d73827f⋯.png (61.12 KB, 1038x219, 346:73, screenshot_24.png)

File: bdaa664c71889fc⋯.png (72.75 KB, 1035x460, 9:4, screenshot_25.png)

File: b620ba45d861a3c⋯.png (170.38 KB, 1050x458, 525:229, screenshot_26.png)

13c7af  No.2724536

File: 948505887ba8de9⋯.png (101.36 KB, 1052x710, 526:355, screenshot_27.png)

File: 92f84faa239e002⋯.png (92.63 KB, 517x374, 47:34, screenshot_28.png)

File: 52cc71f3595e017⋯.png (17.96 KB, 534x187, 534:187, screenshot_29.png)

File: 7331fd049778283⋯.png (25.57 KB, 587x245, 587:245, screenshot_30.png)

File: f2148077bccb283⋯.png (104.04 KB, 570x300, 19:10, screenshot_31.png)

875fa7  No.2724538


<thats not the same reddit spacing shill from lsat bread, that faggot is doing such a god job of being just like anons

13c7af  No.2724539

File: 347827e304e6dc4⋯.png (284.03 KB, 544x454, 272:227, screenshot_32.png)

File: a3a88277eac3358⋯.png (94.7 KB, 1316x685, 1316:685, screen-shot-2016-11-03-at-….png)

File: 0100134302c5ef1⋯.png (129.63 KB, 564x527, 564:527, screenshot_33.png)

File: f94b5be962a1123⋯.png (11.32 KB, 568x127, 568:127, screenshot_34.png)

File: 2ff839a19f8a639⋯.png (139.65 KB, 546x550, 273:275, screenshot_35.png)

abc1fb  No.2724540


Reason i ask is because this is cool to be able to track everyone…not sure which level of asshole make it so they apply

a553c0  No.2724541

File: cd181b23c024b99⋯.png (190.23 KB, 921x565, 921:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Ames Iowa: location of the Comey Gnome in photo from prev. bread.

Poweshiek County: farm where Tibbett's murderer worked.

I would call that close proximity.

a5682a  No.2724542

File: 5d50c5d64c46130⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 500x344, 125:86, SignGoaWay.jpg)

57cfc2  No.2724543

Russia claims to have video evidence of unknown helicopters dropping weapons to ISIS

I'm guessing NATO helicopters. Now the NYT is reporting that our CIA in the Kremlin went silent

Is Russia about to make an info drop, or is some FF mishap going to happen involving Russia?

https:// www.fort-russ.com/2018/08/major-development-moscow-records-nato-airspace-weapons-drop-to-isis-by-black-helicopters/

13c7af  No.2724544

File: 047426da353d623⋯.png (74.71 KB, 559x454, 559:454, screenshot_36.png)

File: 9628710607b4742⋯.png (110.94 KB, 561x506, 51:46, screenshot_37.png)

File: 8b67864313f74df⋯.png (102.47 KB, 602x670, 301:335, screenshot_38.png)

File: 3d3f49f98abc266⋯.png (150.17 KB, 561x492, 187:164, screenshot_39.png)

File: 87e463c8057a71b⋯.png (18.95 KB, 560x183, 560:183, screenshot_40.png)

13c7af  No.2724545

File: d38827d296c07f0⋯.png (12.49 KB, 539x151, 539:151, screenshot_41.png)

File: 3e7448cff2a071d⋯.png (146.48 KB, 558x607, 558:607, screenshot_42.png)

File: edf9ab240cac7bb⋯.png (98.77 KB, 588x446, 294:223, screenshot_43.png)

File: 539a7fa0ba1123e⋯.png (85.89 KB, 567x480, 189:160, screenshot_44.png)

File: 798f4da82f99040⋯.png (18.75 KB, 550x170, 55:17, screenshot_45.png)

8284ea  No.2724546


khazars are just converts. There is no more remaining bloodline of 'jews', just fake converts.

2cf4c7  No.2724547

File: 1ac16c2b67412c2⋯.png (10.45 KB, 446x214, 223:107, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2724383 lb

"New growth" - young life?

Corn field.

He speaks in code in his tweets. We know that already.

Depending on the timing of all of this. Could be somehow connected.

Remember this tweet that Q decoded for us....

He's also decoded one of husseins tweets - the one about "concrete".

13c7af  No.2724548

File: a5f686e9d8db7f6⋯.png (103.82 KB, 562x706, 281:353, screenshot_46.png)

File: fe16c762c994b4f⋯.png (31.34 KB, 569x284, 569:284, screenshot_47.png)

File: 9aca896a1c7b525⋯.png (84.87 KB, 550x264, 25:12, screenshot_48.png)

File: 6598c61dbeb44bc⋯.png (84.07 KB, 582x500, 291:250, screenshot_49.png)

File: 1710385ec35d478⋯.png (22 KB, 575x249, 575:249, screenshot_50.png)

875fa7  No.2724549


FFS, its like they've never heard of /ourguy/

313a14  No.2724550


won't engage in this bread, but a big thanks again to last bread's weak ass shills.

your glaring impotence is our comfy glory

9751f0  No.2724551


>Ames Iowa

Isn't that the famed strawpoll location?

379ac6  No.2724552

File: 0965dafca4cbb97⋯.png (931.05 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)


If this is MOVIE #1 then that makes 45 TOTAL movies Steven Mnuchin (45's Treasury Secretary who is head of FinCen (The Only Cabinet with its own Law enforcement Division) has Executive Produced

d82b5c  No.2724553


Pretty sure no one thought that was an official account…

c81d9a  No.2724554

File: da41dbea76a4aab⋯.jpg (421.49 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, patriot trump 3.jpg)

634ef2  No.2724555

File: 211022af967ddc5⋯.png (744.66 KB, 859x635, 859:635, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 713250dd4dd52ff⋯.png (751.67 KB, 855x615, 57:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8ffa5cabf421e0⋯.png (750.19 KB, 870x644, 435:322, ClipboardImage.png)

The Bromance Is Over: Trump Tells Pompeo Not To Go To North Korea

In a surprising admission from president Trump, two months after his historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, which was widely panned by many of his critics for being too disorganized and abrupt, moments ago Trump tweeted that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea because he feels "we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."



Update on North Korea’s Sohae Satellite Launching Station

Commercial satellite imagery from August 16 of the Sohae Satellite Launching Station, North Korea’s only operational space launch facility, indicates no significant dismantlement activity has taken place at either the engine test stand or the launch pad since August 3.

At the vertical engine test stand, while significant progress in tearing down the facility was made from July to early August, no new dismantlement activity is apparent since August 3. The components previously removed remain stacked on the ground.

On the launch pad, work on the rail-mounted transfer/processing building appears to have stalled. The same parts of the west and north walls that had been previously removed remain stacked on the ground. The gantry tower and assembly building are intact. It is still unclear if this activity is associated with dismantling or modification of the structure.

While activity at the site seems to have slowed down, there has only been a slight reduction in the number (from 11 to 7) of trucks and trailers at the Administrative and Security Headquarters. These vehicles appear to be related to the activities at the engine test stand and launch pad.


f8d73c  No.2724556


pretty much everyone is tired of politics.

all see it as CRAZY.


POTUS is NOT a politician.

not related by birth.


get a grip.



13c7af  No.2724557


Actually thats the myth they tell you. The Khazars are decendents of the Hittites, who were interbred with the cannanit baal worshipers and had taken religious relics from their invasion of bablyon and had learned the mystery cults.

115136  No.2724558


Jesus, HOK has designed-built about half the stadiums in the US.

13c7af  No.2724560

File: 8737d4daa12c57b⋯.png (32.57 KB, 589x355, 589:355, screenshot_51.png)

File: 6aa06990390649d⋯.png (19.61 KB, 570x225, 38:15, screenshot_52.png)

File: 03051ad37513486⋯.png (101.51 KB, 585x413, 585:413, screenshot_53.png)

File: b47cbaf04ffef7b⋯.png (22.66 KB, 562x254, 281:127, screenshot_54.png)

File: 99f1533c55ec36d⋯.png (26.51 KB, 602x268, 301:134, screenshot_55.png)

13c7af  No.2724561

File: 57d74ec9219f189⋯.png (12.13 KB, 478x142, 239:71, screenshot_56.png)

File: 78f5ddd52e0276e⋯.png (61.07 KB, 565x524, 565:524, screenshot_57.png)

File: 1adbd4afc940b0c⋯.png (159.06 KB, 590x643, 590:643, screenshot_58.png)

File: 4d6f8e6ec876f88⋯.png (153.12 KB, 584x754, 292:377, screenshot_59.png)

File: 203a0126aa039d9⋯.png (34.71 KB, 565x338, 565:338, screenshot_60.png)

8284ea  No.2724562


t. shill team spamming these with no context to discredit anons ;)

Fucking weak ass jew shtick too


INDEED, much winning

It's even funnier watching (((them))) strut around like a park crow and pretend they know anything haha

13c7af  No.2724563

File: 711064574d28e6c⋯.png (270.79 KB, 566x473, 566:473, screenshot_61.png)

File: c235213a231d154⋯.png (121.01 KB, 563x449, 563:449, screenshot_62.png)

File: 08627c4fe4ca6a4⋯.png (54.65 KB, 604x413, 604:413, screenshot_63.png)

File: a06b7dc74385213⋯.png (241.24 KB, 624x754, 24:29, screenshot_64.png)

File: 38d2a4c2a3afd16⋯.png (57.61 KB, 628x461, 628:461, screenshot_65.png)

aa8cb1  No.2724564

File: d8d77ca82f0cf5c⋯.png (42.2 KB, 499x418, 499:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa4f8474ab7d22f⋯.png (801.21 KB, 1263x669, 421:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Post 1899

John Podesta

Travel to Rome

Blank Rome Government Relations LLC


Moar digging?

634ef2  No.2724565

Woman Caught Smuggling Enough Fentanyl on a Bus to Kill 1.5 Million People

Authorities in Missouri caught a woman smuggling enough fentanyl to kill 1.5 million people as she traveled from Los Angeles to New York by bus.

Detectives with the Kansas City Police Department approached 33-year-old Evelyn C. Sanchez at a bus station Tuesday where they quickly became suspicious about her reasons for traveling to New York. A K-9 unit soon alerted the detectives to the presence of narcotics in a gray suitcase underneath the bus seat where Sanchez had been sitting, reports the New York Post.

Authorities found two packages wrapped in a large amount of plastic containing more than five pounds of the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl. Officials with Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) St. Louis Division said the seizure was enough to make roughly “1.5 million lethal doses.” (RELATED: Heroin Dealer Faces Life In Prison After Pleading Guilty To Causing 27 Opioid Overdoses, Including Nine That Proved Fatal)

“We task these interdiction groups with an increasingly difficult task … to seize drugs before they hit the streets of our communities,” said DEA St. Louis Division Special Agent in Charge William Callahan, according to the New York Post. “Today, they made an impact. They kept this poison out of our neighborhoods and potentially saved countless lives.”

Sanchez, who is currently in federal custody, faces a charge of possessing fentanyl with the intent to distribute.

Synthetic opioids like fentanyl killed roughly 27,000 people across the U.S. in 2017, up from roughly 19,413 in 2016 and 9,580 lives in 2015, according to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Overall, drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death for Americans under age 50, killing more than 64,000 people in 2016, according to the CDC. Officials say preliminary data shows drug overdoses killed roughly 72,000 people across the U.S. in 2017.

The epidemic is contributing to declining life expectancy in the U.S., officials say. Life expectancy dropped for the second consecutive year in 2016 for the first time since an outbreak of influenza in 1962 and 1963.


d35530  No.2724566

File: 52c018cd68f4698⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20180824_105521.jpg)

Worst day of chemtrailing ive seen in Arizona since early last year. We had a good long stretch without them for months. Back with a vengeance now…sad to see this shit.

It looks so rediculously awful and out of place. X patterns and curves everywhere blocking out the sky to the west full panoramic view. Seems like no one notices. Too busy texting and reading road signs.

Sad day for AZ anons

9de37a  No.2724567



All legit names welcome

Mike Hunt need not apply

Post digs

Will add sauce link for repost summary next bread

4367c3  No.2724568

File: 5b24b696cd49c80⋯.jpg (212.2 KB, 1038x1507, 1038:1507, trumppatriot.jpg)

13c7af  No.2724569

File: d676de8bf019a7a⋯.png (31.4 KB, 364x411, 364:411, screenshot_66.png)

File: 956ddf0edc28475⋯.png (46.44 KB, 627x314, 627:314, screenshot_67.png)

File: 13559911caa53ef⋯.png (99.64 KB, 215x379, 215:379, screenshot_68.png)

File: 5ae1ba535b15dba⋯.png (309.28 KB, 618x818, 309:409, screenshot_69.png)

File: 0ac6351df79648b⋯.png (24.41 KB, 604x127, 604:127, screenshot_70.png)

b46f02  No.2724570

File: a3a40da10ae1ce9⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1320x880, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

The Communist Who Launched Keith Ellison’s Career

Louis Farrakhan isn’t the only radical lurking in the background of the No. 2 official in the DNC.

Keith Ellison's political career began with controversy over his links to the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan, connections that continues to dog him to the present day despite his repeated disavowals. But less commonly known is another radical association of Ellison's: a decade-long relationship with Marxist University of Minnesota professor and 1974 Communist Party gubernatorial candidate in Minnesota, Erwin Marquit. Marquit helped launch Ellison's national political career in 2006 using Marquit's political connections, anti-war associations, personal donations, and hosting at least four fundraisers over the years for Ellison in the Marquit home near Cedar Lake in the Bryn Mawr section of Minneapolis.

Marquit, the "state's best-known Communist" according to a Minneapolis Star-Tribune profile published shortly before Marquit's death from cancer in 2015, openly supported Ellison from the start. In his Memoirs of a Lifelong Communist, Marquit wrote that he and his wife Doris actively solicited backing for Ellison as early as May 2006, sought signatures for a letter of support for Ellison that was circulated among anti-Iraq war activists, and hosted the first fundraiser for Ellison in their home in July 2006. Marquit also went door-to-door for Ellison, also described in his memoirs:

When someone appeared at the door, I would begin by introducing myself by name. I was not surprised when one of the first responses I got was, “Oh, you’re the Communist at the University of Minnesota.” Two or three others recognized me in a similar manner. The fact that I was campaigning for Ellison did not seem to bother any of them.


79fc8e  No.2724571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's how you get the swamp…

13c7af  No.2724572

File: 49ff664c740ac45⋯.png (363.22 KB, 632x784, 79:98, screenshot_71.png)

File: 994184504dc3763⋯.png (25.32 KB, 629x158, 629:158, screenshot_72.png)

File: 5a28f89055d11bc⋯.png (377.51 KB, 627x692, 627:692, screenshot_73.png)

File: 6a45f6474f66335⋯.png (176.88 KB, 608x413, 608:413, screenshot_74.png)

File: febcb4dc5788580⋯.png (165.07 KB, 627x499, 627:499, screenshot_75.png)

973291  No.2724573

i do not watch the news so i dont know what the msm is saying. my aunt knows i follow this and asked me if i thought trump would be impeached.

i just giggled and said, for what. the public thinks he paid hookers out of campaign funds. i sure wish the truth would come out and fast.

85d644  No.2724574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was this posted yet?

OMG I laughed so hard!

c81d9a  No.2724575

File: ecc458a95061bd4⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 1452x2072, 363:518, Iwo 8ch.jpg)

246c39  No.2724576

fuck sessions we hacked huber hes looking at trump not anyone else

fuck sessions me and ma gurl we have dem long ass

fuck sessions………………………∆°Q

13c7af  No.2724577

File: 6838b2b274c141e⋯.png (102.47 KB, 610x595, 122:119, screenshot_76.png)

File: 7de1b2d070e23d5⋯.png (53.71 KB, 332x626, 166:313, screenshot_77.png)

File: 9836d905d0016e5⋯.png (64.69 KB, 619x565, 619:565, screenshot_78.png)

File: 833493dbd84cea4⋯.png (134.32 KB, 616x467, 616:467, screenshot_79.png)

File: b8c5e53cda615e3⋯.png (135.57 KB, 627x485, 627:485, screenshot_80.png)

db06d6  No.2724579

File: 82a2d502b67a07e⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 449x388, 449:388, P1010131.jpg)

13c7af  No.2724580

File: 9292ea06a5fda7d⋯.png (304.07 KB, 615x546, 205:182, screenshot_81.png)

File: 0f49d11ee929fef⋯.png (41.45 KB, 622x295, 622:295, screenshot_82.png)

File: 566273cf9e35344⋯.png (179.99 KB, 606x395, 606:395, screenshot_83.png)

File: 24579a7c21275b7⋯.png (171.12 KB, 633x405, 211:135, screenshot_84.png)

File: fe5a40fe9ee387c⋯.png (48.94 KB, 616x320, 77:40, screenshot_85.png)

49cc3f  No.2724581

Trump's team - listening to iron doors lock behind their asses.

Imran Awan- Walking free in the streets.

Qultists - It's the plan! The plan!

13c7af  No.2724582

File: 104dfd70bdf8a5d⋯.png (20.71 KB, 520x147, 520:147, screenshot_86.png)

File: d2962b0dbf52af6⋯.png (17.68 KB, 529x148, 529:148, screenshot_87.png)

File: bdf5f97bcabada2⋯.png (48.13 KB, 537x357, 179:119, screenshot_88.png)

File: f9c77904c450866⋯.png (239.85 KB, 496x276, 124:69, screenshot_89.png)

File: ec344a3a4004715⋯.png (115.14 KB, 727x578, 727:578, screenshot_90.png)

7256aa  No.2724583

File: 31384e98d8a6c30⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 534x712, 3:4, 636646834095366067-gnomie.jpg)

File: 17b243afc1f6206⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 700x467, 700:467, download.jpg)

File: d3c11aef328e5be⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 700x732, 175:183, download (1).jpg)

If nothing else, read the last one!

Did some wiki searches on Gnomes to try to put these tweets and drops together. Found some interesting things on Gnomes and their meanings. These are all excerpts from the pages - sauce after each page that's pasted.

Garden Gnome

The reputation of German gnomes declined after World War I, but their popularity was bolstered in the 1930s following Disney's animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,

The area surrounding town of Brienz in Switzerland was known for their production of wooden house dwarfs

hese garden figurines became conflated with their traditional stories and superstitions about the "little folk" or dwarfs that they believed helped around the mines and on the farm

Today, many different variations of garden gnomes exist, including humorous ones ranging from the lighthearted biker or barbecuing gnome, to the more dark, such as one stabbed in the back or wearing an executioner's hood.

Travelling gnome prank

A running prank has developed, which has made national news at times, where people steal a garden gnome from an unknowing person's lawn and then send the owner photos of the gnome and sometimes cryptic messages that were supposedly written by the gnome for a time as a practical joke before returning it.[3]

The most well-known instance of the travelling gnome prank was arguably in 2005 when a group of college students took a garden gnome, dubbed "Gnome Severson" in news, from a property in Redmond, Washington, U.S. and brought it on a roadtrip to California and Nevada.[4][5] Gnome Severson became a national news story after the group ran into socialite Paris Hilton at a gas station, who posed for a picture with the gnome that was printed in People magazine. At the end of the week-long trip, the friends anonymously returned the gnome to its owner's front porch with a photo album titled "Gnome’s Spring Break 2005", which included the issue of People and other pictures of the gnome around Hollywood, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. The owner, who had not even noticed the gnome was missing until she found it returned on her porch, was even interviewed on Good Morning America.[6]


Traveling Gnome

According to ABC News, the owner decided to auction the gnome on eBay, which sold with the photo album for US$360 in May 2005,[7] because she became tired of all of the media attention. However, in February 2006, it was reported that the gnome had actually been secretly purchased on eBay by the owner's friends who continued to take photos of it around the world in locations such as Canada, Mexico, Italy, and Thailand. After it was returned for the second time, the original owner, referring to it as "the prodigal gnome", said she had decided to keep it and would not sell it on eBay again.[6]


Phrygian cap

In early modern Europe it came to signify freedom and the pursuit of liberty through a confusion with the pileus, the felt cap of manumitted (emancipated) slaves of ancient Rome. In artistic representations it signifies freedom and the pursuit of liberty.


The U.S. Army has, since 1778, utilized a "War Office Seal" in which the motto "This We'll Defend" is displayed directly over a Phrygian cap on an upturned sword. It also appears on the state flags of West Virginia (as part of its official seal), New Jersey, and New York, as well as the official seal of the United States Senate, the state of Iowa, the state of North Carolina (as well as the arms of its Senate,[10]) and on the reverse side of the Seal of Virginia.

Comey's wife is from Iowa. Also, he was there in June, Tibbets went missing almost exactly one month later, in July.

The driving distance from Des Moines International Airport to Poweshiek County, Iowa is:

67 miles / 108 km

2017 Iowa visit to steakhouse


Photos, identical. Taken ONE year apart. 2017 and 2018.

379ac6  No.2724584



Stadiums Require LOTS of CONCRETE

13c7af  No.2724586

File: 0fa29add1fcf0dd⋯.png (135.05 KB, 705x609, 235:203, screenshot_91.png)

File: b206d1e6c5565d5⋯.png (109.13 KB, 722x531, 722:531, screenshot_92.png)

File: 1c62706f955c79a⋯.png (115.9 KB, 749x567, 107:81, screenshot_93.png)

File: 2477aaebae23912⋯.png (490.81 KB, 743x757, 743:757, screenshot_94.png)

File: c79b4a28ab5356f⋯.png (112.27 KB, 665x749, 95:107, screenshot_95.png)

af796f  No.2724587

File: 297a89d06284c06⋯.jpeg (176.12 KB, 533x676, 41:52, ComeyGnomeJun152017.jpeg)

File: 764cf1a7bb96963⋯.jpeg (180.37 KB, 521x695, 521:695, ComeyCornfieldJun162018.jpeg)

File: b62201ee450a033⋯.jpeg (105.26 KB, 530x714, 265:357, comeycornfieldOct232017.jpeg)

File: 3ad2ed34df19601⋯.jpeg (106.86 KB, 631x569, 631:569, MTfieldlocation.jpeg)

>>2724405 (lb)

might be the pic of the field where Mollie Tibbetts was found. Need to get geo location info for all pics.

13c7af  No.2724588

File: fbdf93bbc34ea73⋯.png (28.29 KB, 669x198, 223:66, screenshot_96.png)

File: d6c278d93e6d008⋯.png (47.13 KB, 658x311, 658:311, screenshot_97.png)

File: 5e43c469339dda7⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 408x594, 68:99, reshima_wa.jpg)

File: 75d00f855db067b⋯.png (312.16 KB, 635x537, 635:537, screenshot_98.png)

File: ab35d7f84813a52⋯.png (126.39 KB, 348x232, 3:2, screenshot_99.png)

634ef2  No.2724589

File: ef7293223ecf665⋯.png (773.91 KB, 1008x650, 504:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f77987d37592085⋯.png (1019.56 KB, 907x830, 907:830, ClipboardImage.png)

BBC: Study claims most of world love vaccines, and fake bots are making the anti vaccine posts.

A new study has shown, and this is NOT FAKE NEWS, that Twitter bots and trolls are to blame for “spreading misinformation” and discord on the topic of vaccines; it’s no longer the fault of the anti-vaxxer because it appears they don’t actually exist! The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health.


Vaxxed TV: James Neuenschwander M.D.

Lead study author David Broniatowski, an assistant professor at George Washington University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science in Washington, D.C. said,

“The vast majority of Americans believe vaccines are safe and effective, but looking at Twitter gives the impression that there is a lot of debate. It turns out that many anti-vaccine tweets come from accounts whose provenance is unclear, including bots or hacked accounts.

Although it’s impossible to know exactly how many tweets were generated by bots and trolls, our findings suggest that a significant portion of the online discourse about vaccines may be generated by malicious actors with a range of hidden agendas.”1

The researchers reviewed more than 250 tweets about vaccination, posted between July 2014 and September 2017, “from accounts linked to the St Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA),”2 including a random sample of tweets and tweets that specifically mentioned vaccines. Then they used data to identify accounts known to belong to bots or trolls (including “Russian troll” accounts). What they found was that “content polluters” (bot accounts that distribute malware and unsolicited commercial content) shared anti-vaccine messages 75 percent more than average Twitter users. 34


13c7af  No.2724590

File: 13a8ba65b32b729⋯.png (522.52 KB, 795x533, 795:533, screenshot_100.png)

File: e729804511dbdd3⋯.png (161.64 KB, 519x367, 519:367, screenshot_101.png)

File: f8d62966b43e8ef⋯.png (225.76 KB, 474x293, 474:293, screenshot_102.png)

File: 316743e21b840b7⋯.png (313.24 KB, 577x378, 577:378, screenshot_103.png)

File: 8570bfcb7ce81b7⋯.png (72.19 KB, 634x485, 634:485, screenshot_104.png)

13c7af  No.2724591

File: 55b1a09ccb64f3c⋯.png (67.84 KB, 602x645, 14:15, screenshot_105.png)

File: 291c93634a63570⋯.png (43.32 KB, 969x208, 969:208, screenshot_106.png)

File: c4a507fa900c913⋯.png (264.44 KB, 629x327, 629:327, screenshot_107.png)

File: 14c9c2177e92eaa⋯.gif (111.2 KB, 650x426, 325:213, the_jesuits_rule_sm4.gif)

File: 30cb1e5fbc89f13⋯.jpg (115.6 KB, 515x788, 515:788, maxresdefault.jpg)

875fa7  No.2724592

File: b692ae43b494191⋯.png (235.13 KB, 808x473, 808:473, ClipboardImage.png)


any relation between Khazars and Kaskians?


and that was old Babylon they sacked/conquered

13c7af  No.2724593

File: e54eb85ee6045d1⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 700x459, 700:459, ce_part2_4.jpg)

File: 888cc4361f1dae9⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 460x300, 23:15, jesuit-pyramid-power-leade….jpg)

File: 42b9b13720939d4⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 350x359, 350:359, jesuit-conspiracy.jpg)

File: 5ec63acc94f8434⋯.jpg (177.78 KB, 447x607, 447:607, Adam Weishaupt, Jesuit, FO….jpg)

File: 6ed87cf6103dcb4⋯.jpg (102.73 KB, 640x586, 320:293, fgdgdfg.jpg)

942fea  No.2724594

File: 007daf91fb0dc70⋯.png (353.55 KB, 585x307, 585:307, hrcanddws.png)

>>2724399 (lb)

>>2724438 (lb)

>>2724461 (lb)

==DOJ466== lands in Miami from NO.

this is DWS turf. I wonder if her world is about to get rocked?

e678e6  No.2724595

>>2724141 3440

Asides the fetal remains trafficking, Planned Parenthood appears right in the mix of it all.


A concerning new video features three former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic directors and staffers talking about the abortion company’s failure to report sexual assault and sexual abuse on young girls. In the video, the three former Planned Parenthood officials say that the abortion business discouraged reporting such cases of abuse on teenagers.

7714f4  No.2724596

File: 12d3e30f57e00f1⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 568x320, 71:40, 20180530_224932.gif)


Excellent bundle of notables from #3440, baker. Thank you for your service.

da51d1  No.2724597

File: c4224ffddaaa14f⋯.jpg (226.09 KB, 1200x804, 100:67, DlVQhiPVsAAV6t_.jpg)

"George" is dropping some interesting docs

13c7af  No.2724598

File: a3676360e822eb7⋯.png (741.17 KB, 650x738, 325:369, ce_part1_12.png)

File: cb7d81a456e7d30⋯.png (270.88 KB, 682x470, 341:235, screenshot_108.png)

File: 33068b4c9c65392⋯.jpg (374.62 KB, 1600x1102, 800:551, Quigley-quote.jpg)

File: da7807d17180c47⋯.jpg (200.43 KB, 1000x690, 100:69, Marquis_de_Lafayette_2.jpg)

File: 45416487ee1cb8b⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 678x498, 113:83, roman-conquest.jpg)

113a41  No.2724599

Check this John Ward Vid

Canadian T.V. writer who Threatened Chloe Trump has

Concerning IMDB Nickname.

Patrick Dussault


Just a reminder of what Kind of DEMONS We, are Facing


72b876  No.2724601

File: 8558b0cd651e081⋯.png (460.88 KB, 716x1033, 716:1033, 20180824_113121.png)

File: 5368ec24f3287fe⋯.png (588.14 KB, 720x835, 144:167, 20180824_113143.png)

My Boyfriend Reads QAnon Theories. I Still Love Him—But I'm Worried.

The mother of all conspiracy theories disrupts family dynamics and tests loved ones.

For some families in which politics is already a fraught topic, the emergence of someone who follows QAnon can transform family dynamics into a hothouse of raw emotion and test relationships in extreme ways. It's not uncommon for loved ones with varying degrees of interest in conspiracy theories to reach a fork in the road. At that point, the person either accepts it or else they move on.

Holmberg and Sohn, both 60, met on Match.com a year and a half ago. They knew about their polar opposite political views and teased each other about it. She campaigned for Clinton in 2016, and he, a staunch conservative, was a Donald Trump devotee. But QAnon—which Sohn had been looking into long before news outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post started reporting on it—was unlike anything she'd heard.

One of the main QAnon theories boils down to this: According to some believers, there is a cabal of Democrats running a child sex ring, and Trump is trying to shut it down with the help of Robert Mueller. Yes, in this theory, Mueller is helping Trump. The Russia investigation, according to the theory, is merely a cover to keep the pedophiles from discovering Trump and Mueller have teamed up to take them down.

QAnon was born in 2017 after an anonymous poster on a 4chan message board (some think it was created as a hoax by trolls) claimed to be a government insider with highly-classified intel about "HRC extradition." Later, some users would nickname the poster (or posters) "Q," after Q clearance, the Department of Energy's top-secret security clearance designation. QAnon has since gained popularity on Reddit and social media, but went mainstream at a Trump rally in Florida on July 31 when people sporting "Q" shirts showed up.

Article goes on, this is just a few excerpts.


875fa7  No.2724602



you going to fap to the Rlarp too?

8bdcc6  No.2724603

File: 44fe578f8e79250⋯.png (723.12 KB, 677x686, 677:686, bus-fire.png)

I hope this doesn't become a pattern.

7256aa  No.2724604

634ef2  No.2724605

File: a2acacb30aec7b6⋯.png (527.61 KB, 800x447, 800:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05f60104a863d63⋯.png (69.78 KB, 753x807, 251:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d36be7eefb982aa⋯.png (78.3 KB, 750x873, 250:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d51d4d9c1df25bd⋯.png (12.55 KB, 660x199, 660:199, ClipboardImage.png)

US urges Turkey against buying Russian S-400

The reality of real competition from tech-savvy Russia and NATO’s increasingly visible irrelevance are manifested in the US’ current warning.

or decades, the American military engineers and manufacturing companies boasted having the highest technology and highest weapons quality in the world. While this was the common understanding, the US had little trouble with weapons sales to allied nations.

The “parallel” Soviet systems were usually well-regarded, but also easily ridiculed as being brute force implementations of power that were of vastly inferior quality and technology.


8284ea  No.2724606


that noddle hair jewish whore is already fucked.


Military grade honor.

3599ef  No.2724607

File: 41ada08cfa02de2⋯.jpg (8.28 MB, 2304x4096, 9:16, wwg1wgavine.jpg)

7256aa  No.2724608

075341  No.2724609


>Dr. was "re-hospitalised with Ebola symptoms after his wife was confirmed as having the disease when she traveled to the nearby city of Beni"

She did not know de wae, brudder.

(Oicha) "Aid workers, priests and government officials are held hostage in the area"

ebola cell, then release prisoners to infect (?)

da51d1  No.2724610


Social Secuiry number leaked on those docs

Check it

b9c795  No.2724611

Don’t mean to “dox” you but you are a beautiful dachshund! Doxies rule!!!

973291  No.2724612


and yet the average person thinks this shit is normal.

i just want to smack them.. idiots.

c81d9a  No.2724613

File: 03b77311d4dc5e5⋯.jpg (166.56 KB, 700x732, 175:183, field.jpg)

f9b295  No.2724614

Baker will request handoff in next bread.

A ways off, yes, but getting the word out now for any lurking Bakers.

Anons, please volunteer then.

Will post reminder closer to bake.

BO/BV's, please ensure presence/IP hash confirmation upon transition.

Owing to earlier fuckery, I don't want another mess in the kitchen.

Thank you all for your understanding.

13c7af  No.2724615


Yes they broke from the egyptians (they were the only ones to defeat egypt in battle besides the sea peoples) in that they started the huge interbreeding program to infiltrate the systems of aristocracy/royalty. So all the people who claim the khazars aren't real "jews" are wrong. They are the OG sabbatean frankists before sabbatean frankism even existed.

03a8fb  No.2724616

My wife left me last night… I'm thinking about ending miserable life. Can't take fucking everything up anymore.

Keep up the good fight anons.

13c7af  No.2724617

File: 5c97854757d6cbd⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 636x423, 212:141, Tanzella-nitti-Giuseppe.jpg)

File: 1851800f204e9f8⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 810x648, 5:4, freemasons_and_the_vatican.jpg)

File: 5befcb01e114fd9⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 771x648, 257:216, 5abc6b9c4499473477624cd86a….jpg)

File: 14e694a4249b622⋯.png (439.18 KB, 1284x722, 642:361, Screen-Shot-2017-12-27-at-….png)

File: 71605fac7f2e3eb⋯.jpg (86.51 KB, 736x460, 8:5, 9446f0a41aebb8fea686fe379a….jpg)

db06d6  No.2724618



13c7af  No.2724619

File: c959e771a45112a⋯.jpg (106.23 KB, 490x535, 98:107, jesuits1.jpg)

File: 4b9c5247e09b67e⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Adam_Weishaupt_Jesuit_NWO_….jpg)

File: b657e38215884ac⋯.jpg (154.59 KB, 555x613, 555:613, marranosOriginJesuitMeme.jpg)

File: 06bae25a2fd499e⋯.jpg (36.95 KB, 500x462, 250:231, owo_small.jpg)

File: 938bb20fcb7320e⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 650x433, 650:433, three-city-states-of-power….jpg)

b9c795  No.2724620


Don’t mean to “dox” you, but you are a beautiful dachshund, Doxies rule!

2dfe43  No.2724621

>>2723319 On Lanny Davis, HRC, and Wikileaks emails

that is based on baseless assumption that he could refer to Trump's sons.

in last bread there was article posted 5 days after the emails where it is clear that it refers to Hillary's own two brothers

c1fbd8  No.2724622


Wish mine would go.

394d72  No.2724623

File: ea9e74fbe6bab40⋯.jpg (294.19 KB, 582x600, 97:100, 1477181639823.jpg)



Heh. Wouldn't it be cray if AG Jeff was running his own troll account? Pretending to be someone LARPing as himself?

Wouldn't that just be… wicked awesome?

13c7af  No.2724624

File: ec9ed954da40d72⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 550x427, 550:427, 25e6cf807b930739c016534705….jpg)

File: 17b459f3326b2f3⋯.png (298.15 KB, 535x733, 535:733, screenshot_109.png)

File: e9caa22b9527d58⋯.jpg (127.41 KB, 567x580, 567:580, dbd9ab99058cfc8d6b1e532a1e….jpg)

File: 5a58a311f814a67⋯.jpg (41.08 KB, 600x315, 40:21, c690e4cc87bb00dbba8719d1ae….jpg)

File: 1d6667a0589c110⋯.png (375.12 KB, 470x446, 235:223, screenshot_110.png)

8284ea  No.2724625


Yes we know jewish girls are whores.

Shadilay, (((nigga))) ;)

13c7af  No.2724626

File: cd96c51f892bcf2⋯.png (586.96 KB, 742x550, 371:275, screenshot_111.png)

File: 355cb1fad38c812⋯.jpg (146.72 KB, 562x640, 281:320, obama-in-oval-office-with-….jpg)

File: ecfcbd54b9599ed⋯.jpg (110.79 KB, 596x648, 149:162, 314165_363765983708204_199….jpg)

File: a6b28d40b97c2be⋯.png (53.2 KB, 728x386, 364:193, screenshot_112.png)

File: 510a6a67d2975b0⋯.jpg (136.03 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bohemianritualcatholic.jpg)

2ca1e8  No.2724627


Q mentioned buses and trains and FF awhile ago. I typed all of this nonsense before just cutting and pasting the Q quote. I’m not smart.

Stay Alert for False Flags




26 Jun 2018 - 11:05:40 PM




Be vigilant.


db06d6  No.2724628


Sounds like a fresh start.

It's all perspective, friend.

b46f02  No.2724629



13c7af  No.2724630

File: 4b67eaca7259908⋯.png (173.28 KB, 465x426, 155:142, screenshot_113.png)

File: b90af2aa9c89dce⋯.png (367.6 KB, 517x457, 517:457, screenshot_114.png)

File: 9402e8bc5c01eff⋯.png (179.59 KB, 1436x498, 718:249, screenshot_115.png)

File: ab197c82fa6a471⋯.png (13.92 KB, 669x69, 223:23, screenshot_116.png)

File: b1e2f454ea58f0f⋯.png (16.42 KB, 670x67, 10:1, screenshot_117.png)

13c7af  No.2724632

File: 0800da65db77f8d⋯.png (24.88 KB, 637x98, 13:2, screenshot_118.png)

File: 4a4ef85b392d6b3⋯.png (29.54 KB, 675x194, 675:194, screenshot_119.png)

File: e29d5960de4c3eb⋯.png (91.58 KB, 667x710, 667:710, screenshot_120.png)

File: 78f75bbbcb8883b⋯.png (16.93 KB, 667x138, 29:6, screenshot_121.png)

File: b5348e83b57aec0⋯.png (48.62 KB, 675x334, 675:334, screenshot_122.png)

577877  No.2724633

File: 710418b739b5f2c⋯.png (385.18 KB, 553x468, 553:468, POTUS FB 8-23-18.PNG)

File: dc4eaedfcc29fec⋯.png (849.46 KB, 1023x568, 1023:568, POTUS FB 8-23-18 pic.PNG)

POTUS has his own version of checkem

b72f81  No.2724634

File: 63062d43485a067⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 480x480, 1:1, MinimumWage.jpg)

>>2724455 (pb)

Well done, anon.

eea604  No.2724635

I need graphics and sauce on vaccinations and autism. It’s a tough topic to find good shit with a google search.


Thx fags.

13c7af  No.2724636

File: eda6f95dc432fdf⋯.png (50.78 KB, 670x420, 67:42, screenshot_123.png)

File: 44a8a5ec1b085c6⋯.png (34.32 KB, 649x289, 649:289, screenshot_124.png)

File: c6e968284a56e37⋯.png (16.66 KB, 701x133, 701:133, screenshot_125.png)

File: 12af5d343f0f7fe⋯.png (17.46 KB, 879x104, 879:104, screenshot_126.png)

File: a6ca25c55924d78⋯.png (28.92 KB, 901x205, 901:205, screenshot_127.png)

634ef2  No.2724637

US Hospital Employee Arrested After Sexually Assaulting Corpse

The suspect’s sister cited possible mental issues behind her brother's behavior, but claimed that he is still a good person.

Cameron Wright, a 23-year-old security guard at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis, was arrested for having sex with a dead woman's body in a storage room after being spotted by two witnesses, the Shelby County Sheriff's Office reported. The dead woman was an organ donor and her body was being kept in the fridge for further organ extraction when the security guard sexually assaulted it, according to the police.

Wright was accused of abusing the corpse and admitted the crime. The court has set a bail of $3,000 for the perpetrator.

Wright's sister, interviewed by local WREG-TV, said her brother acted like a "child" in his 23 and that "there's got to be something wrong" with him. She added that he was "still a good person" who just needed help.

The security guard was fired from the hospital, which cited "completely unacceptable" behavior. The father of the 37-year-old deceased victim of the assault said that "it's not fair" that he had to deal not only with his daughter's death, but also with this incident.


882c4f  No.2724638


33 posts already. You dont want to blow your whole was at once, do you? Your information is tired. We’ve already seen it. Over. And over. What’cha gonna do next, knuckle?

13c7af  No.2724639

File: 9f07e1320c24fcc⋯.png (44.78 KB, 652x328, 163:82, screenshot_128.png)

File: 932871d3d16d74f⋯.png (8.05 KB, 665x54, 665:54, screenshot_129.png)

File: 1c827f437165702⋯.png (79.54 KB, 894x406, 447:203, screenshot_130.png)

File: 0073832b2c8dd4e⋯.png (16.93 KB, 879x67, 879:67, screenshot_131.png)

File: 51ebf47be34781b⋯.png (68.02 KB, 436x817, 436:817, screenshot_132.png)

324f74  No.2724640

File: 4d31976bb00f308⋯.jpg (99.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GEOTUSJONIN.jpg)


Pretty sure you have no idea what I'm talking about. re_read pask crumbs. LURK. your embarrassing af.

6fca48  No.2724641


tons about it on natural news…

13c7af  No.2724642

File: 3605256c1602022⋯.png (92.46 KB, 881x652, 881:652, vips_1.png)

File: 7509906d4ded475⋯.png (87.37 KB, 885x581, 885:581, vips_2.png)

File: e70a842480351f2⋯.png (121.07 KB, 918x722, 459:361, vips_3.png)

File: e6021a9ef0c951b⋯.png (134.71 KB, 878x842, 439:421, vips_4.png)

8284ea  No.2724643


Now correlate that with (((shill))) activity in here, along with their shilling for kikes and israel and as opportunity presents itself, your muzzy pawns etc.

7714f4  No.2724644


Well, he got doxxed the fuck up.

13c7af  No.2724645

File: f48c8cb63d272df⋯.png (61.61 KB, 442x679, 442:679, screenshot_133.png)

File: 7b01fee15e1b6c9⋯.png (48.5 KB, 433x543, 433:543, screenshot_134.png)

File: 7a96f6c5dd821c0⋯.png (99.24 KB, 758x718, 379:359, screenshot_135.png)

File: 6b0e533303ae943⋯.png (38 KB, 750x233, 750:233, screenshot_136.png)

File: 018e39e5a7ad024⋯.png (33.97 KB, 681x241, 681:241, screenshot_137.png)

7256aa  No.2724646



Needs moar eyes.

da51d1  No.2724647


Target has been aquired somewhere in bread

a7c76e  No.2724648

Is this the real bread or is it Muh Joo Spam loaf 13c7af already at 30% of the bread…

634ef2  No.2724649

Dem Rep Green: Trump Doesn’t Need to Commit a Crime to Be Impeached — 218 House Members Decide

Thursday on “Democracy Now,” Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said President Donald Trump could be impeached without having committed a crime.

Green said, “This is a very sad time in the history of our country. This is not something that I enjoy talking about, nor is it something that I would like to do. But I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that the president will have two options: One, he can resign from office, or, two, he can face impeachment. Impeachment is something that the Framers of the Constitution provided for a time such as this and a president such as Trump. The president does not have to commit a crime to be impeached. In fact, the president is not likely to be indicted, which means he’s not likely to be found guilty of a crime while he’s sitting, which means that if this comes before the House, it won’t come before the House as a president who has been found guilty, but rather as a president who is alleged to have committed certain offenses that are onerous to the Constitution and that harm society. And what this president is doing is harming society.”

He continued, “More specifically, what Mr. Cohen stated in court—he had a lawyer. He is a lawyer. He says that he and the president of the United States conspired. He didn’t use that exact word, but that’s what it means when you say the president directed you, and you followed through. So they conspired to commit an offense. The president may never be found guilty of it, but he can be impeached for it. It’s my opinion that the Judiciary Committee is not doing its job. This whole impeachment investigation is being outsourced. The Framers of the Constitution intended for the Judiciary Committee to do this—gather information, make decisions, move forward. If the Judiciary Committee doesn’t move forward, then I think it’s incumbent upon the 435 members, each of whom have the opportunity to bring articles of impeachment, to consider doing so. I will surely consider doing so.”

He added, “It’s my opinion that you cannot allow an unfit president to continue to cause harm to society. Let’s take just a few examples quickly. When those persons in Charlottesville were saying “blood and soil,” “Jews will not replace us,” many of them worked in places that probably serve Jews and minority persons. One can only imagine what would happen to the food of a person who is of African ancestry who is being served by one of those bigots, one of those racists. Let’s take the example of what happened at the border with those babies that were being separated from their mothers by virtue of a policy instituted by this president. That was a form of bigotry that is intolerable. We don’t have to allow the president to continue to harm our society. The Framers of the Constitution contemplated that there would be a president who would do things even more horrible than this, but also things as horrible as this, such that that president could be removed from office. And the Framers concluded that no person should be above the law and that the president should not be beyond justice. It is justice that we seek for the people of this country, and the president should be impeached. He doesn’t have to commit a crime, only has to have his case brought before the House of Representatives, and 218 people decide that he has committed an impeachable act.”


13c7af  No.2724650

File: 6afa1d16a7759d5⋯.png (84.38 KB, 752x577, 752:577, screenshot_138.png)

File: 2a8f0bc32e6367c⋯.png (121.93 KB, 764x706, 382:353, screenshot_139.png)

File: 28b9d139dc38620⋯.png (58.27 KB, 692x370, 346:185, screenshot_140.png)

File: 6b9de94ac6f2114⋯.png (15.63 KB, 655x95, 131:19, screenshot_141.png)

File: ee0244cf4495256⋯.png (91.94 KB, 754x657, 754:657, screenshot_142.png)

cd0b04  No.2724651

CIA's Kremlin Spies Suddenly Go Dark


13c7af  No.2724652

File: 6e506cfcedf8ae7⋯.png (7.77 KB, 760x50, 76:5, screenshot_242.png)

File: ac19c94c8d32ea9⋯.png (226.64 KB, 593x365, 593:365, 2018-08-20_23-19.png)

File: 61c79bfb8b6b897⋯.png (136.13 KB, 424x341, 424:341, 2018-08-20_23-33.png)

File: 01bb6fb03d7186f⋯.jpg (208.87 KB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, encirclement_0_3.jpg)

File: 3ed59d8807cae3f⋯.png (291.1 KB, 879x614, 879:614, 2018-08-23_01-08.png)

b225cd  No.2724653

File: 2ea78f5ab523e52⋯.mp4 (415.11 KB, 180x326, 90:163, NoNamePreferedTreatment.mp4)

New Video Shows No Name Lied About Cancer Treatment Drugs

7256aa  No.2724654


Esquire. Fake and gay.

875fa7  No.2724655



so the kaskians went to 'khazaria' after being defeated by the neo-assyrians (neo-babylonians)?

this era of history is awesome to me

basically from ~5000 BC to 1 AD

9a601f  No.2724657

File: cf0dc4f3ac299e3⋯.png (57.2 KB, 500x382, 250:191, 1322796219001.png)


You keep fighting too fren!

313a14  No.2724658


-maybe we shouldn't give our names, dear

-pose for a picture?





it can only be for the best.

hang in there.

would post you the ComfyQ compilation graphic to read again but i don't have it around

af796f  No.2724659


breathe and hang in there. we need every anon. you know the truth if you've been here any length of time. why did she leave?

875fa7  No.2724660


if you're willing to have a normal discussion, there's no need to spam 40+ posts within the first 200 posts

f2b5a8  No.2724661


is the comey cornfield picture a recent one? if so was it twittered recently....must be a hidden msg or meaning..it seems odd

a72a75  No.2724662


turn that frown upside down anon.

6fca48  No.2724663

File: 73bea95ff417b49⋯.jpg (3.79 MB, 2097x9554, 2097:9554, histomap-big.jpg)

9bb06c  No.2724664

File: aecbdc4f6bdb2f7⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 225x225, 1:1, puffpepe2.jpg)

File: 7cffc0cfb1628f9⋯.jpeg (24.4 KB, 255x255, 1:1, puffpepe1.jpeg)


…thats what I'm kinda gettin at too anon.

I kno it sounds crazy.


7256aa  No.2724665

13c7af  No.2724666

File: 843dcdfd95617ca⋯.png (513.33 KB, 856x792, 107:99, scythian-artefact-322.png)


They more originated from anatolia. Here I think I have some scythian artefacts that might show you something. (see image)

9a4d6a  No.2724667


Because she doesn't deserve you?

47e596  No.2724668

Note to newfags,

When you see a poster has a post count of over 20, you generally want to filter that person. Especially early in the thread.

That are some shills and retards who typically get to 25 or 30 or more posts and when you see this you are almost always better off to filter that asshole with ruthless efficiency.

Eliminating slides and chit-chat makes everything better here.

634ef2  No.2724669

Bolton Slams Nord Stream 2 Project, Offers EU Israeli Gas, US LNG

Previously, US President Donald Trump expressed his outrage at European countries supporting the Russian Nord Stream 2 project instead of buying more expensive US-made LNG. The president of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said that Europe was ready to buy LNG if it was competitively priced.

The US president's national security advisor, John Bolton, criticized Europe's desire to increasingly "tie itself to Russian energy supplies" by supporting the Nord Stream 2 project during his visit to Ukraine.

"It's not just the economic significance of being heavily dependent on Russia for the supply of natural gas and petroleum, but the strategic significance of it as well," Bolton said.

The US national security advisor presented several solutions for the EU and Ukraine to reduce their dependency on Russian gas. Namely he offered these countries to buy it from Israel or import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US.

This idea was also earlier voiced by the US president himself. Trump claimed after talks with the EU Commission's president, Jean-Claude Juncker, that Europe would start buying US LNG in exchange for Washington lifting tariffs against European goods. Juncker later noted that Europe would start buying LNG from the US if it was priced more competitively.

US and European leaders have expressed concern that with the start of Nord Stream 2, Russia would abandon its oil pipeline going through Ukraine. The Russian president has assured, first during the Helsinki summit with Trump and later after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Ukraine would continue to play a role in gas transit from Russia to Europe after the launch of the new pipeline.


b9cde8  No.2724670

The Deep State is assuming complete authority over everyone. If they get Trump, they'll own all of us.

8284ea  No.2724671


Try harder (((faggot))).

>no context

>all round about pro-jew stuff in the end

>"muhjooshill shill" pipes up to bitch in a typical tone

Y'all failing this hard haha



(((glowing))) hard this one.




f9b295  No.2724672

File: 13da47bd7da1861⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 480x402, 80:67, devurr.jpg)


Pic related.

db06d6  No.2724673


This propagandist drivel is why we have to do the job of journalists for them. Without pay. Underground.

2d2848  No.2724674


I'll bury you people kek

7256aa  No.2724675


That's my post count every Monday. Kek.

da51d1  No.2724676


Remember that when they post fast someone has hit a Crumb

2ca1e8  No.2724677

File: 043d121de4c3a20⋯.jpeg (55.34 KB, 600x574, 300:287, FB8FA1C1-91EC-4C5F-9CE0-D….jpeg)

File: dc4eaedfcc29fec⋯.png (849.46 KB, 1023x568, 1023:568, 70479F9B-E024-4FE3-8DCD-F0….png)

Thank you Mr. President.

13c7af  No.2724678


Just fyi that ones not too bad but was drawn up in the (50s?) by masons… what it doesn't show is more important than what it does.

577877  No.2724679


Don't use google and look at data before the 90's as a start

You can also try autism groups such as Generation Rescue, although they were intimidated into backing down on vaccines

Further you can look into old literature from Dr Bernard Rimland [now deceased] at the Autism Research Institute

246c39  No.2724680

jared kushner have them tiny fuck sessions

he like epstein jeffrey king of teen spirit

holy smokes holy ghost holy rol lers

both hebrew a jew to me and (you)

if you fall for the trump you are not alone

we strong many full o plenty

what would make america great again?

wall or fence?

how do you stop the tunnel[s]?

ISREAL knows the answer but refuses to tell us.

how is that being a friendly ally after all we have done and spent!

can we trust our safety?



(you) are late to the party but early for the WAR

TIME TO PREPARE for the future..

a7c76e  No.2724681


You should immediately put down the keyboard, and terminate yourself, preferably slowly and as painfully as possible.

13c7af  No.2724682

File: 63f20ec0f9aeb0f⋯.png (963.57 KB, 1163x517, 1163:517, screenshot_237.png)

File: 3895af56b23daf9⋯.png (504.52 KB, 1164x530, 582:265, screenshot_238.png)

File: 607a8e270726221⋯.png (5.82 KB, 602x64, 301:32, screenshot_239.png)

File: 786d204392b0161⋯.png (816.5 KB, 934x854, 467:427, screenshot_240.png)

File: 1185e1209c9aae9⋯.png (28.29 KB, 1622x93, 1622:93, screenshot_241.png)

87beda  No.2724683

Just an FYI.

Easy to use if you are going back to look at 110 to 111 window. Put a - prior to number than you can match on qanon/qmap.


e0cd01  No.2724684


>Worst day of chemtrailing ive seen in Arizona since early last year…blocking out the sky to the west full panoramic view….

Hmmm. I wonder if this is related to the earthquakes, as some here might pick up on what I'm meaning. Anybody else seeing CT action on the west side?

481253  No.2724685

Trust Hayden?



13c7af  No.2724686

File: 59459c6e284af40⋯.png (56.45 KB, 922x127, 922:127, screenshot_232.png)

File: cf13da78fb4a088⋯.png (97.66 KB, 699x198, 233:66, screenshot_233.png)

File: 30798a4742323bc⋯.png (46.91 KB, 429x127, 429:127, screenshot_234.png)

File: 1b2dba372c4807d⋯.png (96.11 KB, 779x171, 41:9, screenshot_235.png)

File: ae010bb298c4eb3⋯.png (217.39 KB, 537x328, 537:328, screenshot_236.png)

4367c3  No.2724687

File: 4bab36e9fe7d191⋯.png (313.52 KB, 639x359, 639:359, comey.png)

13c7af  No.2724688

File: 165d6c084f13a15⋯.png (120.75 KB, 844x195, 844:195, screenshot_227.png)

File: e50b8a98c067eeb⋯.png (125.89 KB, 695x205, 139:41, screenshot_228.png)

File: d25f58251a0fe03⋯.png (59.95 KB, 738x174, 123:29, screenshot_229.png)

File: a93b133df435962⋯.png (63.57 KB, 491x229, 491:229, screenshot_230.png)

File: 37f373d1eea030f⋯.png (109.02 KB, 860x191, 860:191, screenshot_231.png)

9de37a  No.2724689

File: 0ad7a9e04245c48⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 576x415, 576:415, MuhSpooksDeaf.JPG)

New Russia Angle?


Bye Bye C_A Comms?


03a8fb  No.2724690


If anything I don't deserve her


Because I'm an asshole aspie that can't control his mouth

d2c8c7  No.2724691

File: a0365e7fa630e83⋯.png (96.71 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 043A9B8A-4BC4-4FCF-A008-B2….png)


S/O was super liberal till I stopped what I was doing when I first heard about Q. Taken her some time to wrap her head around things but is now redpilled beyond return. Lady in the article was def a jew

cab114  No.2724692

File: 421267a995221c4⋯.png (123.28 KB, 789x264, 263:88, 3695e4e6-00e2-4377-b21d-49….png)

For all of you who missed this, in 1873 Congress has already ruled on the issue of impeachment for crimes committed before taking office. They ruled that crimes committed before taking office were not impeachable events

13c7af  No.2724693

File: 1bd7d3df950b937⋯.png (237.34 KB, 982x292, 491:146, screenshot_222.png)

File: 75ca345bff2420a⋯.png (61.49 KB, 1130x99, 1130:99, screenshot_223.png)

File: 975bccac8238ae1⋯.png (70.34 KB, 982x126, 491:63, screenshot_224.png)

File: fc6e3ffcc66bcdb⋯.png (319.54 KB, 1150x302, 575:151, screenshot_225.png)

File: e73810cee5d5562⋯.png (184.76 KB, 990x309, 330:103, screenshot_226.png)

3599ef  No.2724694

File: e1f750d713b67ac⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 475x562, 475:562, eminem.jpg)

8284ea  No.2724695

File: 870f2e5869c345b⋯.jpg (148.08 KB, 1126x1080, 563:540, kikeshilling2.jpg)


That's our order to your jew ass, but you fucking kikes can never shut the fuck up to save yourselves LOL

Do are you are told, you fucking whore. You should know your place.

13c7af  No.2724696

File: 6b1ff696db4787d⋯.png (223.1 KB, 581x459, 581:459, screenshot_217.png)

File: 09004f5dc956a59⋯.png (80.74 KB, 829x116, 829:116, screenshot_218.png)

File: e9a18ba81f0ddb2⋯.png (97.02 KB, 877x114, 877:114, screenshot_219.png)

File: b731fc161809b1a⋯.png (241.14 KB, 1160x304, 145:38, screenshot_220.png)

File: da8e50929cc3735⋯.png (259.61 KB, 1153x197, 1153:197, screenshot_221.png)

875fa7  No.2724697

File: c32e62bcb2e214f⋯.png (43.79 KB, 333x278, 333:278, ClipboardImage.png)


fukken saved


no I know that, but they swept through hittite lands only to be pushed back to northern anatolia, then through the caucuses to what is known as khazaria

thats how I understand it (like the pic)

79fc8e  No.2724698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

13c7af  No.2724699

File: 07821173dde9bda⋯.png (119.19 KB, 606x201, 202:67, screenshot_211.png)

File: 300da8bdca0b5ca⋯.png (93.87 KB, 370x249, 370:249, screenshot_212.png)

File: 42eef314600a551⋯.png (70.06 KB, 1214x125, 1214:125, screenshot_213.png)

File: c0377a956e9ca8b⋯.png (191.59 KB, 705x304, 705:304, screenshot_214.png)

File: 0aa5f3f10c579d4⋯.png (57.31 KB, 698x107, 698:107, screenshot_215.png)

71528b  No.2724700

File: 6140925c248cb89⋯.png (71.65 KB, 179x281, 179:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4f765bbe88f2f0⋯.png (85.86 KB, 300x221, 300:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83ed9d8e065d434⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1480x832, 185:104, ClipboardImage.png)

Harvey Milk Was An ‘Evil Man’ Who Raped Teenage Boys, Unworthy Of Postage Stamp: Matt Barber


Obama Honors Harvey Milk,

The USNS Harvey Milk is the first Navy ship to be named after a Child rapist

13c7af  No.2724701

File: 6455b0b67ab814e⋯.png (56.36 KB, 1138x83, 1138:83, screenshot_206.png)

File: 4eaf017939a95fe⋯.png (84.67 KB, 905x206, 905:206, screenshot_207.png)

File: a27259fcb5bbeae⋯.png (77.72 KB, 1172x89, 1172:89, screenshot_208.png)

File: 1735ccf32b96d9c⋯.png (244 KB, 1085x310, 7:2, screenshot_209.png)

File: 9f2acedd4f9de6b⋯.png (67.24 KB, 617x115, 617:115, screenshot_210.png)

2cf4c7  No.2724702

File: 13339527e2e65c3⋯.png (554.05 KB, 903x379, 903:379, ClipboardImage.png)


Has Comey edited this photo to maybe hide some signs of where he is exactly?

Where is he standing exactly?

b0dd89  No.2724703


unrelated reply to this post this is just a marker I got to this point I wanted to let everyone know I filtered obviously the ID that had 43 posts to this point the other person I filtered had nine post to this point it's the person that posted the new here post

I think that hypocrisy needs to stop

again unrelated to this post reply it's just a martyr how far down in the bread I got this person that's posting the new here stop posting so much you're a hypocrite

cab114  No.2724704



The Strong Argument That Trump’s Involvement in Payments is Not Impeachable Offense



875fa7  No.2724705


do you not know what that is?

you didn't even link to the right post through your insane rage

8c7531  No.2724706

File: b8669c5bff20973⋯.jpg (92.42 KB, 305x104, 305:104, Qbanner-PLANTS.jpg)

Love this banner.

940601  No.2724707


THIS. Impeachfags have no idea what they are talking about. Period.

13c7af  No.2724708

File: 22ee78bbbf021d6⋯.png (308.42 KB, 957x458, 957:458, screenshot_200.png)

File: 5370cfcd150fcf2⋯.png (532.52 KB, 1173x488, 1173:488, screenshot_201.png)

File: c65619e271626e2⋯.png (369.29 KB, 1174x376, 587:188, screenshot_202.png)

File: 04bd48b7acc95c8⋯.png (127.51 KB, 674x211, 674:211, screenshot_203.png)

File: 496cbb83f3a7d04⋯.png (72.28 KB, 862x124, 431:62, screenshot_204.png)

57d015  No.2724709

File: 9bc2ca245196062⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 530x277, 530:277, McCainOld.jpg)

File: 9a5e6caa4dbda2c⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 188x238, 94:119, McCainYoung.jpg)

b225cd  No.2724710


What's actually hilarious is that this is all they have left. Shitposting on an imageboard. THAT is their resistance kek!

6fca48  No.2724711


when they were in Khazaria, what countries bordered them?

47e596  No.2724712


Yeah me also on some night crew sessions.

Hopefully newfags will look around at this thread and see an example of the troublesome behavior we would be speaking of.

0518fe  No.2724713


POTUS is against censorship of all forms.

I am as well, and most anons here.

We don't need safe spaces, sweety.

How fucking new are you?

7256aa  No.2724714


Comey used this name as his Twitter before getting fired, and then changing it to James Comey:


9751f0  No.2724715

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Bye bye muh c_a comms

313a14  No.2724716


you'll get through the sad fast.

welcome to a new and better life

without the fakeness of pretending

2870a7  No.2724717

File: f58ee5823126307⋯.jpg (78.84 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 2gikmg.jpg)

501716  No.2724718


Is this or was this used later to get back into Africa under the "Save our Girls" campaign.

We never"saved the girls" AFAIK but we would all love to be "Jackin it…in San Diego".

13c7af  No.2724719

File: e2801b5dfbe1169⋯.png (126.74 KB, 713x246, 713:246, screenshot_195.png)

File: 323f54362c92671⋯.png (101.64 KB, 763x268, 763:268, screenshot_196.png)

File: 7edd3388ce7e2b2⋯.png (246.96 KB, 703x272, 703:272, screenshot_197.png)

File: 412aff46f9e829c⋯.png (87.64 KB, 735x206, 735:206, screenshot_198.png)

File: 23f0b328a9d2064⋯.png (108.9 KB, 556x257, 556:257, screenshot_199.png)

2d2848  No.2724720

File: bce3bbc5ad6af5f⋯.jpeg (102.28 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, StreetClouds.jpeg)


>Unusual ‘cloud streets’ spotted across Britain as meteorologists say muggy weather is responsible


13c7af  No.2724721

File: 786f9a9cac8ab76⋯.png (67.45 KB, 963x93, 321:31, screenshot_190.png)

File: a43229e63f262a1⋯.png (154.3 KB, 861x308, 123:44, screenshot_191.png)

File: 40d4b436ab991c9⋯.png (91.21 KB, 536x291, 536:291, screenshot_192.png)

File: 94953ec6140bb6c⋯.png (41.14 KB, 863x63, 863:63, screenshot_193.png)

File: d1bccd8b7162f97⋯.png (74.77 KB, 555x239, 555:239, screenshot_194.png)

8284ea  No.2724722

File: c506ba67634df17⋯.jpg (119.99 KB, 689x500, 689:500, jidfbtfo2.jpg)


You do realize people have been compiling you faggots for months now, yea?

Bitch your (((projeciton))) is pretty worn out. Very obvious every time you pipe up.

"I am sure if we spam the breads BO and BV will hate anons!"

Try harder, son.

87beda  No.2724723


Boat needs to be renamed.

13c7af  No.2724724

File: e172dbd5bbc5da9⋯.png (73.7 KB, 1066x161, 1066:161, screenshot_185.png)

File: 3bddaa835c713a9⋯.png (61.34 KB, 564x153, 188:51, screenshot_186.png)

File: 0139a8b8e2fe607⋯.png (182.35 KB, 516x368, 129:92, screenshot_187.png)

File: f7c4b641d424e8f⋯.png (31.17 KB, 576x124, 144:31, screenshot_188.png)

File: ae6dc827b029658⋯.png (178.99 KB, 757x336, 757:336, screenshot_189.png)

13c7af  No.2724725

File: c692b3d35f15fcd⋯.png (109.64 KB, 908x192, 227:48, screenshot_180.png)

File: b62fcef448cdb03⋯.png (93.53 KB, 1117x151, 1117:151, screenshot_181.png)

File: 9b190a4ce7a511a⋯.png (80.83 KB, 740x164, 185:41, screenshot_182.png)

File: ab083b1ebf0c4a7⋯.png (258.14 KB, 613x344, 613:344, screenshot_183.png)

File: db6e0f9a29acd10⋯.png (73.33 KB, 843x88, 843:88, screenshot_184.png)

134779  No.2724726


>meteorologists say

its amazing how no new cloud formations were noticed for hundreds of years and now voila

we can splain that

nothing to see here

875fa7  No.2724727


from the wiki:

Repulsed by the Assyrians, a subdivision of the Kaska might have passed north-eastwards to the Caucasus, where they probably blended with the Proto-Colchian or Zan autochthons, forming a polity which was known as the Kolkha to the Urartians and later as the Colchis to the Greeks. Another branch might have established themselves in Cappadocia, which in the 8th century BC became a vassal of Assyria and ruled some Anatolian areas.


likely sparse bands of tribes

634ef2  No.2724728

File: 7013f7d03d4eadd⋯.png (56.03 KB, 655x902, 655:902, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6eb79eb983da52⋯.png (54.69 KB, 660x864, 55:72, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f539a249daa27d9⋯.png (312.97 KB, 689x841, 689:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6183f367d5dbc4e⋯.png (41.26 KB, 676x858, 26:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0ef994470afa9c⋯.png (46.93 KB, 679x853, 679:853, ClipboardImage.png)

The Slo-Mo Coup Against Trump Cannot Be Overstated!

Regardless of what you read or hear anywhere in the media — both mainstream and alternative — the midterm election predicament is extremely serious for the Right.

SOTN has written extensively about the very real machinations and plots afoot to outright steal elections nationwide. And that’s the good news. The bad news is that we don’t know what we don’t know about the other secret plans being formulated by George Soros & Company. For example:

The October SURPRISE of 2018 to be Preceded by a September SHOCK & AWE!

Major determining factors for Election Day

The daily melodrama is distracting even the best political analysts and researchers. As a consequence the most obvious realities are being completely ignored…and not being acted on or responded to appropriately. What are these stark realities?


13c7af  No.2724729

File: 83cdd0808126a49⋯.png (115.01 KB, 1028x98, 514:49, screenshot_175.png)

File: e626ed188bcfbfd⋯.png (137.24 KB, 584x337, 584:337, screenshot_176.png)

File: 976f30b0430a787⋯.png (173.79 KB, 1090x297, 1090:297, screenshot_177.png)

File: 047326bc6fdabf6⋯.png (77.19 KB, 597x206, 597:206, screenshot_178.png)

File: f300d1df44bd8ff⋯.png (46.51 KB, 621x91, 621:91, screenshot_179.png)

42922d  No.2724730


Holy shit that was funny!

7c3520  No.2724731

File: c5bb0036c112e76⋯.jpeg (26.02 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1949E659-A9C0-4CA3-BBAC-0….jpeg)

File: 52861877016e7d9⋯.jpeg (55.42 KB, 1200x603, 400:201, D6744825-E39F-4114-B1DB-F….jpeg)

File: 09032b0e54dbbe1⋯.jpeg (80.22 KB, 962x568, 481:284, 559079FE-48C1-4C0B-AA63-7….jpeg)

File: 8790eee2094aec3⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 600x315, 40:21, D0200D82-FC3E-43A0-B2BE-B….jpeg)

File: deb66a7a059c070⋯.jpeg (102.66 KB, 746x1024, 373:512, 9AEB9CAF-8785-424F-A3AC-C….jpeg)

let it begin

incoming BOOMS

Sessions activated

9751a6  No.2724732

File: ab64f43e60f2dcb⋯.png (321.95 KB, 537x339, 179:113, ClipboardImage.png)

13c7af  No.2724733

File: 7144fd6fd46b901⋯.png (754 B, 107x48, 107:48, screenshot_170.png)

File: fc4bc52471901e3⋯.png (165.18 KB, 948x452, 237:113, screenshot_171.png)

File: 691067689ad0eb1⋯.png (208.58 KB, 1220x329, 1220:329, screenshot_172.png)

File: bee70ca8dadd88a⋯.png (236.16 KB, 1169x355, 1169:355, screenshot_173.png)

File: 820fdbfb1da8f0b⋯.png (150.34 KB, 361x348, 361:348, screenshot_174.png)

c5f79b  No.2724735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Qanon says the previews are over. It's time to start the show."


f71ab1  No.2724736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Australia bans foreign companies from building 5g networks.

875fa7  No.2724737


not sliding with or trolling you today faggot

6fca48  No.2724738


no - scrapped out.

meltedand made into something not pedo.

773c5e  No.2724739

File: 64750acb14e4475⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 500x988, 125:247, 2gikol.jpg)

anyone track the DOJ through the gulf >?

13c7af  No.2724740

File: 70f3539c6d7b1a9⋯.png (61.7 KB, 754x417, 754:417, screenshot_165.png)

File: 0405bc028413c38⋯.png (45.51 KB, 745x375, 149:75, screenshot_166.png)

File: 1f15764efb48f5d⋯.png (376.92 KB, 894x797, 894:797, screenshot_167.png)

File: 2a1c30b75b924d8⋯.png (518.95 KB, 538x522, 269:261, screenshot_168.png)

File: 5632c6414748dc5⋯.png (491.78 KB, 360x888, 15:37, screenshot_169.png)

47e596  No.2724741

File: 82c342bd0500497⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, you1.jpg)


….. and as another important lesson for newfags:

Those who tell you not to use the filter are 100% shills, every time.

They need you to watch their bullshit or else their miserable lives are for naught.

When someone tells you not to use the filter, it means they and their compatriots are shitting up the bread and they need to shit on you.

1fb8ae  No.2724742

File: fd0115876e85a20⋯.jpeg (75.74 KB, 500x594, 250:297, image.jpeg)

a40b6b  No.2724743


Dump the bitch in the gutter and keep on truckin'.

13c7af  No.2724744

File: 089a28e544c1cfb⋯.png (264.39 KB, 877x452, 877:452, screenshot_160.png)

File: 4339e28e275d437⋯.png (114.34 KB, 881x711, 881:711, screenshot_161.png)

File: fea3939e19c4910⋯.png (32.61 KB, 747x290, 747:290, screenshot_162.png)

File: 6c18bfd764ac9cf⋯.png (76.18 KB, 731x639, 731:639, screenshot_163.png)

File: b6b3275360f902f⋯.png (33.37 KB, 769x199, 769:199, screenshot_164.png)

d3335a  No.2724745

File: 95cdbe286841f96⋯.png (177.06 KB, 503x322, 503:322, pepe64.PNG)


Does your Mama know your messin' with Ralph

54953f  No.2724747


& this day of KEKs just keeps on rolling!

>We're having a lot of fun!

3599ef  No.2724748

File: 845af5ec1c827a4⋯.gif (3.08 MB, 480x366, 80:61, nelson.gif)

81190f  No.2724749


The Cabal wants you to be miserable so the demons they are praying to in their satanic orgies can feed on your negative energy.

Process this and MOVE ON.

13c7af  No.2724750

File: f54a8c86329d969⋯.png (55.96 KB, 439x588, 439:588, screenshot_155.png)

File: a89e7177e75a815⋯.png (45.82 KB, 758x403, 758:403, screenshot_156.png)

File: 6a5b7b6543ce203⋯.png (49.38 KB, 626x266, 313:133, screenshot_157.png)

File: d632a8fe2950e73⋯.png (264.4 KB, 896x378, 64:27, screenshot_158.png)

File: ac5252476963d83⋯.png (62.76 KB, 894x396, 149:66, screenshot_159.png)

c1fbd8  No.2724751

File: d31e1c6b47c7a50⋯.jpg (79.37 KB, 504x378, 4:3, cancer.jpg)

da51d1  No.2724752

File: 22e57cf9781a8ac⋯.jpg (135.79 KB, 1200x725, 48:29, DiZzzj7U0AAh4P_.jpg)


6fca48  No.2724753


beware the wiki when researching this usbject anon.

it has been scrubbed and retooled by a certain people with an agenda.

avoid the wiki, but keep digging.

13c7af  No.2724754

File: 761405d8f5c33ac⋯.png (26.5 KB, 762x166, 381:83, screenshot_150.png)

File: f0b29f3b7c32d3e⋯.png (59.7 KB, 427x603, 427:603, screenshot_151.png)

File: 0800e7d5f201338⋯.png (73.79 KB, 436x772, 109:193, screenshot_152.png)

File: f92bc1fa76d9d44⋯.png (165.13 KB, 433x841, 433:841, screenshot_153.png)

File: a373d5bf5f5e830⋯.png (80.22 KB, 439x806, 439:806, screenshot_154.png)

79fc8e  No.2724755


You forgot Judas Iscariot

42062d  No.2724756

Kudos to the Anons.

The digs and Notables this week have been stellar.

Even though shills make it hard to see, it's been a very strong week!

Feel proud. Thank you!

94ff4b  No.2724757

File: 3ae834878af8f3e⋯.jpg (287.68 KB, 1914x811, 1914:811, SCX384 24 Aug 18 1950.jpg)

SCX384 (Sun Country Airlines) returning to Minneapolis after a trip to drop off trial observers and victim's families that are headed to Gitmo.

b029e7  No.2724758
















fuck off back to your basement, faggot

13c7af  No.2724759

File: 95d0d06f477bd21⋯.png (63.94 KB, 876x388, 219:97, screenshot_145.png)

File: 2299d829e537093⋯.png (15.95 KB, 662x95, 662:95, screenshot_146.png)

File: 8f10edbff29f52c⋯.png (54.73 KB, 671x415, 671:415, screenshot_147.png)

File: bc7d1c714a09cda⋯.png (44.02 KB, 746x319, 746:319, screenshot_148.png)

File: cdc8950a7419bdc⋯.png (30.86 KB, 730x242, 365:121, screenshot_149.png)

aa8cb1  No.2724760


Together John and Tony Podesta founded Podesta Associates (now The Podesta Group).

Mary Podesta, wife of John Podesta:

- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

- Investment Company Institute

- Mutual Fund lawyer currently

Heather Podesta, wife of Tony Podesta:

- Aide to aiding Robert Matsui

- Aide to Earl Pomeroy

- now Blank Rome *

* Travel to Rome?

Also to dig: Soliloquy VII

Also to dig: Katy Grannan

7256aa  No.2724761

File: 844e1c28de222a1⋯.png (15.03 KB, 294x150, 49:25, logo.png)




So Comey went under the name Reinhold Niebuhr on Twitter before his firing last year.

So for shits and giggles I looked up just the first name and it brought me to Reinhold Industries.

LOOK AT THIS. They work with missle parts, plane interiors…things we've seen fuckery on!!!



1fb8ae  No.2724762


That is an excellent point

8284ea  No.2724763

File: 7798b263d6e751e⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 162x255, 54:85, pepekek2.jpg)


Now this is a good one.

Baker, possibly consider this for a no-table?


6033fb  No.2724764

File: 85f38048aadc601⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 732x362, 366:181, sessions2.jpg)

Sorry for being shilly but I am honestly hoping fellow anons can help cheer me up.

1. If I sent a snapshot of where we stand today to my anonself on this board 3 months ago, I am sure my past self would be underwhelmed and perhaps disappointed.

2. I have read the proofs, I know the event BOOMs that have followed the Q-drop BOOMs, but it doesn't feel like we are winning.

3. Don't tell me to fuck off, honestly address my concerns (yes, concernfag here).

13c7af  No.2724765

File: 28b9d139dc38620⋯.png (58.27 KB, 692x370, 346:185, screenshot_140.png)

File: 6b9de94ac6f2114⋯.png (15.63 KB, 655x95, 131:19, screenshot_141.png)

File: ee0244cf4495256⋯.png (91.94 KB, 754x657, 754:657, screenshot_142.png)

File: 7a85ca99e239d77⋯.png (49.86 KB, 752x384, 47:24, screenshot_143.png)

File: 80ea9250c01a891⋯.png (236.13 KB, 881x501, 881:501, screenshot_144.png)

2ca1e8  No.2724766


Traitor. And a witch apparently. We live in interesting times.

501716  No.2724767


Recall how easy and available DF was during that time period. I would have expected a Milk type figure to be sacrificed in an area not known for it's tolerance. The entire "twinkie bar"defense was laughable at the time.

634ef2  No.2724768

File: df2a0983761b8af⋯.png (198.52 KB, 496x562, 248:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7209ac76e6d4990⋯.png (371.24 KB, 844x857, 844:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac612b32d443376⋯.png (393.89 KB, 831x887, 831:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a591805589d405b⋯.png (265.91 KB, 829x880, 829:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 411d990a31f8754⋯.png (295.24 KB, 844x877, 844:877, ClipboardImage.png)

Bolton calls on Al-Qaeda to stage more chemical attacks in Syria

In a move that was entirely predictable, the US administration is once again threatening to bomb Syria if there is a “chemical weapons attack”.

This was entirely predictable because that chemical attack script has been read out, with salty crocodile tears, fake concern, and mocked indignation by US talking heads over the years - since 2012, in fact, when former US President Obama himself drew his red line on Syria.

The latest script-reader to toe the chemical hoax line is President Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, who on August 22, stated: “…if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time.”

Beyond the tattered veil of moral superiority that is US war propaganda, Bolton's words were clearly a very public command to Al-Qaeda and co-extremists to stage yet another fake chemical attack.

Bolton's statement was preceded by an August 21 France-UK-US (FUKUS) joint statement, likewise threatening further illegal bombing of Syria if a chemical attack in Syria occurred (based on evidence the US never has nor needs to reveal).

Recall that the last time they acted on such a threat, in April 2018, the US and its interventionist allies didn't even wait for the Douma lie to be exposed, let alone for any mythical evidence to materialize, before they illegally bombed Syria with 103 missiles. The bombings occurred before the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had a chance to visit the Douma sites in question.

It seems that FUKUS' appetite for destroying Syria wasn't satiated in April 2018, nor in the April 2017 bombings of Syria following unsubstantiated allegations around Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib.

Bolton's assertions are backed by the usual suspects of the corporate media, fake human rights groups, “media activists”, and individuals linked to NATO's Atlantic Council war propaganda think tank.

The over two decades-long dictator of Human Rights Watch (HRW), Ken Roth - who couldn't even discern whether a video was Gaza's Israeli-flattened Shuja'iyya or Syria when he tweeted about it being Aleppo in 2015 - is re-beating the Ghouta 2013 dead horse to scare would-be humanitarians around the world. The Western narrative of events in Ghouta been widely-discredited by journalists, and by the so-called “rebels” themselves.


193d05  No.2724769



8bdcc6  No.2724770

Germany Calls For Global Payment System Independent Of The US

Russia's Central Bank Is On Fire

Tyler Durden has become pretty good at connecting dots.

4ed4e0  No.2724771

File: ecf3d2317a38f12⋯.png (138.68 KB, 917x871, 917:871, sad_pepe__feels_bad_man__v….png)


Well im fucked

78058c  No.2724772


Daytime CT has been light over the past several months, but…under the moonlight, different story.

4367c3  No.2724773


I agree with free speech and all … but this is getting ridiculous

13c7af  No.2724774





da51d1  No.2724775

File: ea5747a1fc3826f⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3500x2530, 350:253, RTR2ST1X.jpg)

Libya October 2011

eb1811  No.2724776

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 120:

Prayer for Deliverance from Slanderers

A Song of Ascents.

120 In my distress I cry to the Lord,

that he may answer me:

2 “Deliver me, O Lord,

from lying lips,

from a deceitful tongue.”

3 What shall be given to you?

And what more shall be done to you,

you deceitful tongue?

4 A warrior’s sharp arrows,

with glowing coals of the broom tree!

5 Woe is me, that I sojourn in Meshech,

that I dwell among the tents of Kedar!

6 Too long have I had my dwelling

among those who hate peace.

7 I am for peace;

but when I speak,

they are for war!

dff665  No.2724777

File: e637e16e67bdff1⋯.png (713.33 KB, 992x919, 992:919, Teacher Punishes boy for b….png)

File: 04879eb00c0b573⋯.jpg (142.7 KB, 634x845, 634:845, 4F5B46D200000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: 10370434b0996cc⋯.jpg (31.31 KB, 306x504, 17:28, 4F5B407D00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

Saw this fucked up story.

Teacher punishes boy for being polite and respectful.

The teacher should be fired, and not allowed to teach children.

If people raise their children to be respectful, then have teachers forcing them to be the opposite.

Schools should reinforce being polite and respectful, not punish.

There are not enough polite and respectful people in the world, we need more, not less.

ifth-grade boy is made to write 'ma'am' repeatedly as punishment for calling his teacher by the term of respect after she asked him not to

Student Tamarion Wilson, 10, was punished Tuesday in Tarboro, North Carolina

Had to repeatedly write 'ma'am' on sheet of paper after using term with teacher

Teacher asked him not to call her 'ma'am' but the boy has had memory issues

Mother Teretha Wilson spoke to principal and had Tamarion put in another class

A fifth-grade boy has been punished for calling his teacher 'ma'am' after she asked him not to use the term of respect.

Student Tamarion Wilson, 10, was made to write out the word 'ma'am' repeatedly during class on Tuesday at North East Carolina Preparatory School in Tarboro, North Carolina.

His mother Teretha Wilson was shocked when he returned home from the public charter school with the sheet of paper, for her to sign in order to complete the punishment.

'I asked him what happened. He said he got in trouble for saying "yes ma'am",' the mother told ABC 11.

The teacher had apparently warned the class not to call her 'ma'am', although the reason for the prohibition is not entirely clear.

While the term of respect is sometimes reserved for married women, or those presumed old enough to have children, in many parts of the South it is used for women of all ages.

Tamarion was hospitalized last month for a seizure illness that included hallucinations and memory loss, although the teacher was not aware of his condition, Wilson said.

When the boy called the teacher 'ma'am' after she had prohibited it, the teacher said that if she had something to throw, she would have thrown it at the boy, according to Wilson.

The teacher, who has several years of experience, admitted in a parent conference to saying she would like to throw something, but said it was a joke, Wilson said.

Wilson and Tamarion's father, McArthur Bryant, said that they had raised their children to address their elders as 'sir' and 'ma'am'.

'As a father, to feel kind of responsible for that…knowing that I have been raising him and doing the best that I can, it's not acceptable,' Bryant told the ABC affiliate.


4367c3  No.2724778

File: 488ac70ebfa11a9⋯.jpg (503.9 KB, 1440x2007, 160:223, timingiseverything.JPG)

6a22ff  No.2724779



7256aa  No.2724780




6fca48  No.2724781

File: 9ac1d48bc00038e⋯.png (19.24 KB, 1600x1104, 100:69, aYOUR.png)


grammar alert…

501716  No.2724782


Where does the line start to be an observer!!!?

882c4f  No.2724783


Yeah that’s a swarm bot. Started with the material last bread but by the time my reply was typed and posted, it had 6 more. Insane.

> and filtered. shame on me.

13c7af  No.2724784


I'm done, just a dump for the anons who still seek the truth and need a nudge to see how they are getting played.

942fea  No.2724786


kek. stolen.

3599ef  No.2724787

File: efe9b10191c4759⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 513x684, 3:4, yoda.jpg)


craptastic trim job and looks underage

9bd792  No.2724788


Can I have your watch?

577877  No.2724789

File: e3cf3befe33d164⋯.png (406.02 KB, 669x669, 1:1, POTUS Schedule 8-24-18 11 ….PNG)

9a601f  No.2724790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why we shouldn't care about impeachment. Only 3 mins.

246c39  No.2724791

organic gains ground

51% disapproval rating on im migration reform.

Do you speak fluent various mexican dialects?

Rosetta stone mobile or are you learning disabled?

why is english second language in todays america?

we are we supposed to change OUR OWN ways to accommodate [them]¿?¿


chasing the pedovores or digging into us laws on the books

DIGGING for what?


7256aa  No.2724792


Keeps going, who was Obama's favorite theologian?

Obama’s Favorite Theologian? A Short Course on Reinhold Niebuhr


c1fbd8  No.2724793

File: dc4c4d1a9596ad5⋯.png (482.93 KB, 882x772, 441:386, oh.PNG)

00490f  No.2724795


who do you think your, go correct people on reddit

54953f  No.2724796



Don't for get about the 1 post baiters, those usually get enough replies add a nice shill bonus when combined with IP hops. Great bait, those 1-hit wonders are.

df6bc3  No.2724797


>muh anyone who doesn't unquestioningly swallow the official narrative is a bot

db06d6  No.2724799


Interesting name choice:

During the 1930s, Niebuhr was a prominent leader of the militant faction of the Socialist Party of America, although he disliked die-hard Marxists. He described their beliefs as a religion and a thin one at that.[45] In 1941, he co-founded the Union for Democratic Action, a group with a strongly militarily interventionist, internationalist foreign policy and a pro-union, liberal domestic policy. He was the group's president until it transformed into the Americans for Democratic Action in 1947.[46] (wiki)

313a14  No.2724800


UGH these fkn alleged adults who think things'll go better with familiarity.

NO. No it doesn't.

Kids need and crave a rapport with autority - it won't always go well, but that's all part of it.


6fca48  No.2724801


we need more stealing of that image anon.

explains a lot of bullshit once you look it over.

posted it months ago on discussion of khazars.

b029e7  No.2724802


Lol, that's a great one.

991d7a  No.2724803


All the silver currency was switched for atomic bomb wiring

cd0b04  No.2724804

Drive-in 'sex boxes' for prostitution, built by taxpayers, are a wild success in Switzerland


6b87b0  No.2724805


Believe it or not, this too shall pass. Hang on. One door closes, another one opens. Been there.

875fa7  No.2724806

File: e33275b7d3a0419⋯.png (4.29 MB, 2099x1215, 2099:1215, ClipboardImage.png)




found a good map, doesn't show much of the greek or greek italian settlements

and I know, its was found on the other site I was using: https://www.ancient.eu/Kaska/

the kaskians (later khazarians) attacked the hittites around 1400BC, then conquered it around 1200 BC

starting around 1000 BC, they were fighting the neo-assyrians then were expelled around 800 or 700 BC

map is focused on Tibet though, kek


246c39  No.2724807

hit those dB's make [them] sqlueal.

7270ef  No.2724808


Barbara Bush looks like a Man in that Picture ??

501716  No.2724809


Saw a few yesterday…not like AZ. Been virtually empty starting about a month ago.

The ones yesterday looked like a normal cold air mass, was not long and trailing like AZ examples. Mostly cloudy here today. Near MCAS FWIW

c1fbd8  No.2724810

File: 362b0057301bd57⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 600x280, 15:7, 2gilq9.jpg)

7256aa  No.2724811


A great name to check email, xbox handles, etc.

4460b2  No.2724812


this is in addition to Kevin Shipp saying the same thing yesterday right?

5bab9e  No.2724813



more details here, name some names. Actual facts. I'm not saying you're wrong here, I think you're probably right, but, well, a ton if it has to do with the city, the size of the venue, etc.

You're setting "corporate tour packages" against "real actual traveling bands".

What would be "corporate tour packages" be in 2018? And would "corporate tour packages" really even be the same type of music as "real actual traveling bands".

I was reading Stereogum the last couple days and apparently Nicki Minaj had her tour canceled because no one gives a fuck about that kind of music at all. Apparently she was booked at Basketball arenas in major markets, 20K cap venues, and she had sales of like 1K in New Orleans, 2K in Baltimore.

VMAs were the worst rated ever, smallest audience ever, was all Top 40 crap. This after last year, same thing, people don't want top 40 crap.

I assume that "corporate tour packages" = "top 40 crap"

Top 40 crap = CAnniBAL music. It's always shit that is pounded into peoples heads by the CABAL. There really isn't any CABAL rock, the CABAL music is always top 40 crap.

I suspect that the CABAL or (((they))) don't care about making money, it's about burying or hiding the music that's out there that they don't control.

13c7af  No.2724814


Let me just get to the nitty gritty. Templars found something under the temple mount. They later admitted to worshipping baphomet and fucking each other and hating women. The illumanti offshoots such as Skull and Bones are secretly homosexical. (Just like Obama and his "wife")

f71ab1  No.2724815


Wow, nothing like hard hitting political satire, you really got to the heart of the threat noname poses here anon.

577877  No.2724816

File: dd95ab3385ff7b9⋯.png (503.54 KB, 640x570, 64:57, DoD RT re Noname 8-24-18.PNG)

a520a2  No.2724817


Book about who the Tribes are and are not.

" Who Is Esau - Edom "

a3c99d  No.2724818

File: 2aea51281fe3a24⋯.png (1.3 MB, 936x472, 117:59, ccc.PNG)

Q power :)


634ef2  No.2724819

File: 7a3b3ffeb4fa29f⋯.png (418.27 KB, 902x812, 451:406, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44e192ec710d652⋯.png (75.03 KB, 903x844, 903:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98b0914de5effc6⋯.png (492.84 KB, 919x844, 919:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 323c42c064377ef⋯.png (340.8 KB, 940x413, 940:413, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA's Kremlin Spies Suddenly Go Dark

CIA spies operating within the Kremlin have suddenly "gone to ground" according to the New York Times, citing American officials clearly abusing their security clearances.

The officials do not think their sources have been compromised or killed - rather, they've been spooked into silence amid "more aggressive counterintelligence by Moscow, including efforts to kill spies," according to the Times, pointing to the still-unsolved March poisoning of former Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal in the UK.

Curiously, the Times immediately suggests that the lack of intelligence is "leaving the CIA and other spy agencies in the dark about precisely what Mr. Putin's intentions are for November's midterm elections."

But American intelligence agencies have not been able to say precisely what are Mr. Putin’s intentions: He could be trying to tilt the midterm elections, simply sow chaos or generally undermine trust in the democratic process. -NYT

There it is. Of course, buried towards the end of the article is this admission:

But officials said there has been no concrete intelligence pointing to Mr. Putin ordering his own intelligence units to wade into the election to push for a certain outcome, beyond a broad chaos campaign to undermine faith in American democracy.

Meanwhile, "current and former officials" tell the Times that the outing of FBI spy Stefan Halper, who infiltrated the Trump campaign, had a "chilling effect on intelligence collection."


5dd916  No.2724820

File: 13d5340dabf65ac⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1690x858, 65:33, Screen_Shot_2017-05-02_at_….png)

0afcf1  No.2724821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6033fb  No.2724822

File: 80111fb58060f8f⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 700x325, 28:13, school.jpg)

9751f0  No.2724823

File: 0160574bab52fa0⋯.jpg (94.88 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)


Hows this for keks?

Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes. Guess which one Jesus was associated with.


2d2848  No.2724824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I posted this vid yesterday and it seems to be a good treatment to fight off the Cabal demons that want to keep you feeling miserable and depressed.

246c39  No.2724825

how do you dodge a bullet?

DEFLECTION is a science can be calculated mathematically..

2870a7  No.2724826

File: 5b09d36cc557643⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 794x448, 397:224, 2gi4bg.jpg)

9e571a  No.2724827


Of course, EU needs another source to suck dry, because there is no money in it, not a dime, IRAN source stopped, so here we are.

I'm EUfag btw.

f56ed9  No.2724828



Zerohedge is running it too.


Don’t have a firm read on it yet considering it’s a NYT source.

Maybe some black hat clowns asses are now hanging in the breeze?

Dunno, but highly notable and worth watching

4e140e  No.2724829

File: 73ef1ca126190ef⋯.png (985.97 KB, 441x1424, 441:1424, checkemcomeyflatearth.png)

81190f  No.2724830


That only says they are jewish, nothing else.

We are fighting THE SATANIC CABAL, and not a divisionfaggery of humanity that is usually associated with evil.

dfd63b  No.2724831


It gets very comfy when you use make the filter your friend.

9d5c74  No.2724832

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef278….jpg)

[ 13c7af ]

Surprised he hasn't been banned yet. Over 65 posts? Leave the shill be anons.

773c5e  No.2724833


never said trim was finished , had no calmag :(

still pretty good .

b225cd  No.2724834

File: 696b0b4d0c89752⋯.jpeg (147.21 KB, 862x1024, 431:512, BirdsOfAFeather.jpeg)

13c7af  No.2724835


The cabal demons also want you to bury your head in pretend feel good land.

Just because an ostrich puts it's head in the sand doesn't mean the lion won't eat it…

6fca48  No.2724836


navy - comped af.

naval academy full of LGBTQties and muh diversity, muh rights.

so bad my brother went back for a visit and came home stunned.

89870c  No.2724837


makes sense, thanks for the info

79fc8e  No.2724838

379ac6  No.2724839

File: f001ec77c4d55c7⋯.jpg (595.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q - R U awake.jpg)



Truthfully a full 100 million people in America are not going to vote in the upcoming election who could vote if they cared. They don't care. They are apolitical.

Trump may be the first President in a long time to get a significant portion of those people to vote, for him and his candidates.

A reality that no on can anticipate is how many might, after learning the horrible truths to be revealed, actually get political for the first time in their lives and Vote with Trump to save our Republic.

I Trust the Plan

9751f0  No.2724840


I'm not doxxing myself, sorry.

f4d275  No.2724841

File: 82e4dc03b3a07b7⋯.png (350.25 KB, 720x928, 45:58, 20180824_135511.png)

File: a0b223f29682801⋯.png (179.22 KB, 720x922, 360:461, 20180824_135549.png)

File: 11ddd7bd9d32004⋯.png (558.13 KB, 717x576, 239:192, 20180824_135629.png)

Adam Housley leaving FOX News.

Married to Tamara Lowry.


f71ab1  No.2724842

File: 556d33f5f60b202⋯.jpg (117.52 KB, 750x499, 750:499, IMG_0445.JPG)


Get it right.

de8d2d  No.2724843

File: 81c8b957f3e261a⋯.jpg (425.66 KB, 1660x824, 415:206, leveling4grid.jpg)

>>2723765 (pb)

The text only refers to the ones just below

If I post again I will add the other name

Biljana Djurdjevic….

Thanks for the correction


Metal heads are more hip to large State crimes. More open minded. Maybe it fits into their assumptions about the prevalence of evil?


President Donald Trump is putting his background in WWWrestling to good use!

And yes, the crowd loves a fight!

I've noticed that on-line too. Flame war increases eyeballs.


Not at all.

Christians, I have found, are ~20X's more aware of what's going on than atheists. Atheists are usually pompous dingbats. They known too much; or that is their opinion of themselves;. that they know it all already- so they are not open to learn.

Though they preach the opposite, it's all lip service.

There's exceptions. But that's the basic pattern. I was surprised to find out myself, that such a large proportion of peeps who knew what was going on were Christian, since I could never stomach Christianity myself

I think the "spiritual" flavor; connection to God, if its true, will definitely guide one ; and also create a richer life.

Science project, as presently practiced, wears everything down into a grid; to be manageable - and then ends up referring to its own creation / assumptions; alone.

Can't see "out of the box"

Religious people, some, I've found are much more open to information which lacks "vetted authority" i.e direct experience / observation / ones own logic / finds.

13c7af  No.2724844


No shill, just a patriot tired of the anons being fooled.

4748f3  No.2724845


Can you help me to understand why they self-evidently are not simply jet contrails in the upper atmosphere, and more prone to forming (and lingering) on certain days as a result of varied atmospheric conditions?

481253  No.2724846

This is notable as fuck. My Hayden post probably too but this is for sure.


c81d9a  No.2724847

File: 28066be16f8b396⋯.jpg (406.77 KB, 1179x1179, 1:1, DJTPEPE.jpg)

b225cd  No.2724848


Seems like a good enough reason to use the antispam javascript.

81190f  No.2724849


That's why you process things, anon, and that is fundamentally different than running away from them.

It's what separates new age from spirituality.

a40b6b  No.2724850


This has been planned for many years…and is being timed to coincide with the midterms. The media is being gaslit to smell blood in the water…sessions MUST be set up as someone the public can absolutely trust as far as his objectivity goes…and the media MUST think they are on the verge of exploding Trump's corruption…ALL EYES must be focused so that when the move is made, it MUST BE REPORTED and MUST BE UNAMBIGUOUS….this is what they are waiting for…the right time to drop the bomb. We don't know exactly what that is…could be the release of the docs that RR is sitting on, could be an exposition of Mueller, could be something else…but for full effect it is a necessity for things to look like this…it's getting this bad because the deep state is getting desperate….sit tight, anon. We will win.

8886b4  No.2724851

Finally….a crack in the corrupt CDC's armor.


882c4f  No.2724852


Glad to see /ourguy on tv this week. Associated with RCP I saw, too. He deserves the gigs and exposure.

aeb47d  No.2724853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f56ed9  No.2724854


The cabal demons also want you promoting the ‘work’ of a virus breeding degenerate.

Flush your headgear, fagfag.

This piece of filth offers no one here anything.

94ff4b  No.2724855

File: 7d5caaf2fc7e67f⋯.jpg (437.55 KB, 1911x729, 637:243, Medevac L G Hanscom 24 Aug….jpg)


SCX384 left Fort Myers earlier. Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale Executive and Miami West Palm are the departure airfields from Miami to Gitmo.

No callsign flight left Lawrence G Hanscom Airfield earlier. headed towards Michigan. Medevac chopper also headed there. L G Hanscom Field was used a lot last November/December for similar activity.

1fb8ae  No.2724856

File: 3a31421fed7d29a⋯.jpeg (120.91 KB, 500x1021, 500:1021, image.jpeg)


Your wish is my command

7256aa  No.2724857



So not notable? Seems big?

cd0b04  No.2724858

The US Government Is Updating Its Nuclear Disaster Plans And They Are Truly Terrifying


79fc8e  No.2724859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like this one more

875fa7  No.2724860

File: 4605636d593904b⋯.png (9.64 MB, 3240x1903, 3240:1903, ClipboardImage.png)


kek thats the 800 AD map, shows who they eventually bordered

here is the 600 BC map

they would've likely migrated to scythian land which were nomadic, so probably would've had sparse tribes where they migrated to (later khazaria)

7256aa  No.2724861



4d3e25  No.2724862

Bunch of tards

FagOTUS should be bleeding out his ears by now

b225cd  No.2724864


Jeez that's the first I've noticed it's actually Savile.

eb32e1  No.2724865

File: a3e12ce21a1b385⋯.mp4 (10.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, His Way His Terms.mp4)


It's time for NoName to fly.


dff665  No.2724866

File: d3dbbde9baae310⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 306x447, 102:149, 4F2BE8B600000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: b121bcdc45969b0⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 306x447, 102:149, 4F56BAFE00000578-0-image-m….jpg)

File: 9f55f66b39ddf91⋯.jpg (166.98 KB, 634x803, 634:803, 4F56B7CC00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: 39402befa2e9f67⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 634x712, 317:356, 4F5744A200000578-6092221-F….jpg)

There were a few things i saw in this story, that sounded suspicious.

She had a serious mental illness and her addiction was a side effect': Korn front man speaks out about the death of his estranged wife

Deven Davis, 39, was the estranged wife of Korn front man Jonathan Davis

She died unexpectedly on Friday, a week after she was seen leaving sober home

Jonathan spoke out about her 'serious mental illness' and 'addiction' on Twitter

He wrote in the post that Deven had been 'very, very sick' over the past 10 years

Jonathan and Deven married in 2004 but Jonathan filed for divorce in 2016, citing irreconcilable differences; they have two kids together, Pirate & Zeppelin

Korn front man, Jonathan Davis, has spoken out nearly a week after the death of his estranged wife.

Jonathan's wife, Deven Davis, 39, died last week. Her death came just a week after she was seen leaving a sober home.

He wrote in a Twitter post on Wednesday that he wanted his voice to be heard because there has been a lot of speculation over what really happened to his wife.

'Over the past decade, my wife has been very, very sick,' he explained in the Twitter post. 'She had a serious mental illness and her addiction was a side effect.'

Jonathan and Deven had gotten married in 2004 but Jonathan filed for divorce in 2016, citing irreconcilable differences.

The musician had filed a domestic violence restraining order against his wife on Friday, the same day TMZ first broke the news that the former porn star was dead.

A judge had issued a temporary order blocking any child custody or visitation by Deven.

Deven was even unable from seeing the family's dog, Chaos, through the order.

The couple share two children - Pirate and Zeppelin.


Been a lot of famous people's Ex's who have mysteriously died past few months, including a Rothschild ex.

We might need to make a list, kek

940601  No.2724867


THIS…is a 100% accurate assessment.

882c4f  No.2724868


Interesting to see it run again. Was out a week and a half ago. Trey Yingst from OAN also going to Fox

6033fb  No.2724869

79fc8e  No.2724870


Birds of a feather…

577877  No.2724871


>navy - comped af.

That was my thought

I was surprised DoD Rt'd

9d5c74  No.2724872


Nah, just filter accordingly with discernment. Nothing of value will be lost. BO usually doesn't let this stuff slide though like with the bookfag, maybe he's napping.

9751f0  No.2724873


On second thought, I can answer you:

>You're setting "corporate tour packages" (top 40 crap) against "real actual traveling bands". (guys in a van with their own orgs equipment for support)


>Top 40 crap = CAnniBAL music)


d91490  No.2724874

File: 39fdc0f0cbfca90⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 480x640, 3:4, roll.jpg)

fb781a  No.2724875

File: 399e4118c475470⋯.png (999.43 KB, 1499x776, 1499:776, 2018-08-24_14-21-36a copy.png)


NO NAME shell game

Will he disappear?


6033fb  No.2724876

File: c8b70249b3b4510⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 700x325, 28:13, school1.jpg)

aa8cb1  No.2724877

File: 661a58e0390a9dd⋯.png (45.78 KB, 664x284, 166:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d77445a91d1e2e6⋯.png (120.76 KB, 640x617, 640:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1f1dc84574e8ea⋯.png (79.21 KB, 638x403, 638:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Tony Podesta's ex-wife, Heather:



Lobbied State Department


4367c3  No.2724878

File: 9dea20fc8d3473a⋯.png (7.78 KB, 408x81, 136:27, ?.png)

Now that's some funny sh!t right there

501716  No.2724879


TY Anon…got what I meant.

03f56c  No.2724880

File: 16748f0542c7049⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 721x1024, 721:1024, Ebola-Chan.jpg)

2870a7  No.2724881


Haha good work anon!

cd0b04  No.2724882


Here's buzzfeed's source


942fea  No.2724883

File: e015f0b7e01b24f⋯.png (100.26 KB, 480x267, 160:89, e015f0b7e01b24f5e6c97b1af1….png)


no question. AF drinks evil coolaid too.

246c39  No.2724884

get holy water and keep it moving…

get blessed

get a job or go to work

get right

get well soon!

13c7af  No.2724885

Last post for today.

Anons, you need to learn to separate Q from Trump. Once you do that how Q is playing you to distract from the real issues becomes glaringly obvious.

I know, it's not easy to admit being lied to, deceived, manipulated. True dedication to the truth means finding the truth no matter how ugly or uncomfortable.

f71ab1  No.2724886


Apart from "vile" no one should never leave out the fact the homosexual pedo-necrophile was knighted, is what I was also pointing out.

9e571a  No.2724887


Go to chemtrail thread and have the answer there. Don't slide the bread here with this.

6fca48  No.2724888


the cadets don't wear full uniforms and no longer salute.

what a shitshow.

4b41a8  No.2724889


>Kids need and crave a rapport with autority

This is a construct of the subliminal education from the Prussian Education System that Horace Mann brought over in the mid 1800's. It destroys self-image because it makes people seek validation from sources other than themselves and makes them want to fit in and go with the masses. Not saying that what the teacher did was right, or that there should be familiarity between children and their elders. Just something to consider about that particular statement.

2870a7  No.2724891

POTUS is saying NK isnt denuclearizing ugh. More distraction

78058c  No.2724892


New friends, anon is right. The board is a research board. Shills are shilling to get to YOU, not anons. Chit chat is not what anons do. Shills waste the bread with irrelevant topics. Suspect most shills are conversing with themselves or their cube mate. Don't respond. Screw the muh censorship guilt anons. If you are like most, you don't have 12 hours a day to read the board. Scroll for relevancy, filter to eliminate waste. Tip: As you scroll, if you see the word "Jew", good or bad, positive or negative…filter ID+ . Half the bread will disappear.

94ff4b  No.2724893

A trial (l;aw student) observer's view and blog about travelling to Gitmo. This guy travelled via a Sun Country Airlines flight.


634ef2  No.2724894

File: 25e9963fa6494a6⋯.png (19.53 KB, 517x298, 517:298, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba63e9a37ea5d03⋯.png (85.03 KB, 664x870, 332:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe447db319b48fa⋯.png (237.48 KB, 657x866, 657:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 301f26663edd216⋯.png (256.07 KB, 661x894, 661:894, ClipboardImage.png)

EXPOSED: Corbyn’s ‘Deeply Anti-Semitic’ Comments, Teach ‘Zionists a Lesson’

Jeremy Corbyn had been branded “deeply anti-Semitic” after implying “Zionists” born in the UK are different for other Brits, and saying they need to be taught “lessons, which we could perhaps help them with”.

The hard left Labour leader accused British “Zionists” of having “no sense of English irony despite having lived here all their lives” in footage recorded in 2013 and obtained by the Mail Online.

He made the incendiary speech standing before Islamic extremists at a conference promoted by Hamas’ military wing online. He has previously admitted meeting numerous times with anti-Semitic Hamas terror leaders.

Maajid Nawaz, the counter-extremism campaigner and former government adviser, said “brave Labour MP Margaret Hodge was right” after she accused her leader of being an anti-Semite.

He blasted on Twitter: “She was right all along. Far-left wing-nut [Mr Corbyn] isn’t just ‘soft on anti-semitism’. He. Is. An. Anti-Semite. And he is friends with Hamas jihadist-terror supporting anti-semites.”


882c4f  No.2724896

File: 04934c1b08ab7fd⋯.jpeg (789.41 KB, 1242x1991, 1242:1991, 67AA3986-3D18-480A-B804-3….jpeg)



My bad. It was Conor Powell I was thinking of that announced leaving Fox.

18abcf  No.2724897

"muh joo" should trigger an autoban for newfag idiocy

577877  No.2724898


It will be an injustice if he is not held publicly accountable for his crimes

Has any anon seen proof of life [has he been seen in public?]

Or might he have been executed for treason already?

5acdf1  No.2724899

File: 11b7b904b3492ec⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1077x644, 1077:644, traitor-dont-say-name.png)

f56ed9  No.2724900


Politico has a nice spin on that.

Many are leaving Fox because it is slanting left and has been. I can’t suffer more than 2 minute of it. If I want to catch Tucker, I pull him from YouTube and not the network itself.

Both Hannity and Tucker should leave the minute a better alternative presents itself.

b6440e  No.2724901

File: 7b090fb7d67a8f6⋯.jpeg (14.24 KB, 255x183, 85:61, nytdumbasses.jpeg)

I wonder if this is the work of Q team and white hats world wide?

Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms


"WASHINGTON — In 2016, American intelligence agencies delivered urgent and explicit warnings about Russia’s intentions to try to tip the American presidential election — and a detailed assessment of the operation afterward — thanks in large part to informants close to President Vladimir V. Putin and in the Kremlin who provided crucial details.

But two years later, the vital Kremlin informants have largely gone silent, leaving the C.I.A. and other spy agencies in the dark about precisely what Mr. Putin’s intentions are for November’s midterm elections, according to American officials familiar with the intelligence.

The officials do not believe the sources have been compromised or killed. Instead, they have concluded they have gone to ground amid more aggressive counterintelligence by Moscow, including efforts to kill spies, like the poisoning in March in Britain of a former Russian intelligence officer that utilized a rare Russian-made nerve agent."

Of course, NYT spinning black hat actions by clowns while trying to (((accuse))) POTUS.

de8d2d  No.2724902

File: 985012f54004a45⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 600x475, 24:19, 0824.jpg)



Hey look at that "DeAd 2D"

I forgot to label all the other citations there (pb) but they are.

Newspapers are certainly dead as a means of information propagation?

I'm so grateful for the free speech here on this channel.

Newspaper have lost money forever. But are still promoted for Propaganda.

d91490  No.2724903


oh i just added the text, a far more skilled photoshopfag did the art, thx tho :)

de1122  No.2724904


Never, ever give up. Our Chief's message to us.

This pain now makes you stronger for the times ahead.

You also could not be with the person in the future of your life, if the woman of (now.. past) had not left you.

Do not give up!

7256aa  No.2724905

Former CDC Director Thomas Frieden Arrested for Sexual Misconduct


f71ab1  No.2724906


antizionism ≠ antisemitism

but now that you mention it, fuck the jews.

f56ed9  No.2724907


You need to separate yourself from that clown pole you are smoking. Chief

6fca48  No.2724908


agree - but putting myself in their shoes…

"where the fuck we gonna go?"

89870c  No.2724910

File: 532182a6ff6df20⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 33624860_blog.jpg)

d3335a  No.2724911

File: 75ac7635e031752⋯.png (614.74 KB, 1007x1046, 1007:1046, comey2.PNG)


James Comey confirms he's 'Reinhold Niebuhr' in the strangest possible way


81c930  No.2724912



Very high iq posts. couldn't have said it better myself.

54953f  No.2724913

File: fc40ccfa3e39a72⋯.jpg (35.77 KB, 625x626, 625:626, Bait - he's going all out.jpg)


6am baker going out with a bang?

6033fb  No.2724914

File: bfb0ccf411ab3df⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 500x370, 50:37, school2.jpg)

Serious question: should be anticipate another school shooting since things aren't wrapped up and schools beginning?

79fc8e  No.2724915

File: 842658877b8322f⋯.png (766.9 KB, 1127x616, 161:88, Treesandropes.png)

Wait till CNN finds out the money is for tree branches and ropes…

aa8cb1  No.2724916


See something say something?

Many politicos have come and gone and seen Podesta's odd art collection – displayed in his different homes and offices and such.

He openly flaunts what others see but do not speak of as … odd? Normal?

577877  No.2724917

File: 283bacd5047cabd⋯.png (519.78 KB, 652x607, 652:607, Hannity Tweet re NOKO 8-24….PNG)

File: 42a86d46a8de14b⋯.png (35.83 KB, 457x572, 457:572, Hannity re NOKO 8-24-18.PNG)

SUMMIT SUSPENDED: The President CANCELS North Korea Talks, Cites ‘Insufficient Progress


de8d2d  No.2724918


Not this again.

Hey it worked once before, why not a redux?

The clowns are plotting to scream "Russia" for another 6 years.

I don't think they have enough time for all that.

113a41  No.2724919

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 1dw96a.jpg)



6fca48  No.2724920


you need to stop replying to a shill with 68 posts.

kek - you are making his day!

4d3e25  No.2724921


Brazil got a nice statue cause it's not in denial , prol a nice castle too in the future

f56ed9  No.2724922


So many regular media and social media opportunities out there. Really hard to imagine why the vacuums haven’t been filled yet.

634ef2  No.2724923


b225cd  No.2724924


Be a shame to waste all those guillotines we have.

246c39  No.2724925

chem trails to qanon

to the windows to the wall

before jim jefferies

looked almost legit

NOW TIN FOIL HAT holders chasing bloodlines…



aeab03  No.2724926


i haven't been around, what happened with 6am baker??

0518fe  No.2724927


This is big. WHen did Heather Podesta join law firm Blank ROME?

df6bc3  No.2724928



This kind of makes it sound like the Clowns are doing Putin's bidding. Really activates my almonds.

5ab445  No.2724929


I wonder what the real story is.

26403d  No.2724930


Crap, now we have to listen to the “Trump failed!!!” drivel on the news….

4d3e25  No.2724931

File: 3ece3c2b2d899e5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2706.PNG)

File: ca3879bb5face14⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2707.PNG)

File: a077547eaf4ac46⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2708.PNG)

Why is Elon breathing

358dcb  No.2724932

Begun son. Schools start mid August which is bull crap. >>2724914

394d72  No.2724933


Guarantee you this dude is crypto. It just makes way too much sense looking back at all that shitty fucking music.

e8c0ae  No.2724934









Blake, you need to dump that dumb bitch and find a woman to read Q-anon threads and sip Monster with.

b225cd  No.2724935


Shill baker. Nothing more.

6033fb  No.2724936


op here, thank you, excellent answer

dfd63b  No.2724937


Did we suddenly wake up in France?

9751f0  No.2724938


The worst part of this is that most of these individuals aren't even ethnically semitic.

so technically whenever they yell 'anti-semite'…

They're projecting about themselves

18abcf  No.2724939

File: 8d367e5f7f8bcae⋯.jpg (28.41 KB, 639x259, 639:259, DlWFxjpU8AEXHWE.jpg)

File: 3f388eeb74c3cf4⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 632x122, 316:61, DlWFy86VAAAVWSl.jpg)

When you faggots complain about "anti-semitism" do you honestly believe that there are people who simply hate jews for no reason?

Do you think Jews were kicked out 109 times because of antisemitism?

Is there really no way any of it could be the fault of jews and their group behavior?

Have you no self awareness?

940601  No.2724940


Only if you choose to tune in…why bother?

875fa7  No.2724942



I only saw the end of it, but he was supposedly calling the BO and BVs the ebot, having shit notables, and abandoned the dough

BO wasn't happy, neither were anons, only got here at the end

aa8cb1  No.2724943



Concise advisory for new comers regarding The Shilling.

eb32e1  No.2724944

File: c902b5d6b5f5971⋯.jpg (138.13 KB, 960x540, 16:9, husseinbehead.jpg)


>Be a shame to waste all those guillotines we have.

f56ed9  No.2724945


Guilty. Had to get it out of my system.

2870a7  No.2724946

File: 0f863b8cb72ab9a⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download.jpg)

89870c  No.2724947

File: 783f0fedc6f6ac7⋯.png (45.12 KB, 480x160, 3:1, logo-ownerdirect.png)


I love visiting Brazil

8c592f  No.2724948

The G Vanderbilt Necklace

Watched a documentary about M Abramovic's life from childhood forward last night. It confirmed for me that the occult high priestesses (top of the heap) are indeed territorial by continent, i.e.,


US=G Vanderbilt

Euro=L Rothschild

These are who I know of, who the others are around the world we should find out through digs by looking to prominent leaders wives first.

There are lesser priestesses like Madona and possibly HRC but they are in charge of territories rather than continents.

The above 'biggies' are what the occultists themselves call "Brides of Lucifer". Hence most likely why they wear the bridal necklace. There is a formal ritual performed marrying these women to Lucifer, and they are physically and spiritually 'protected' by the seen and unseen, if you get my drift. To have one of these try and take a powder, means death. These 'brides' are initiated (married) at the very beginning edge of puberty (12-13).

b225cd  No.2724949


Non, on a 30000 guillotines grace a Obama.

e678e6  No.2724950


Wouldn't you know it, Chicago of all places.


Government lawyers are back in court in Chicago today, appealing a federal judge's ruling that suppressed evidence they say would prove a link between organized crime and abortion.

World magazine reports that after years of delay, the trial of a reputed Chicago Mafia boss seems imminent. Federal prosecutors have been building a case against Anthony Centracchio, owner of the A.C.T. Medical Center, a Chicago abortion clinic. Federal prosecutors say the A.C.T. Medical Center is actually a Mafia front, from which one of the city's most powerful reputed mobsters ran a multimillion-dollar empire built on gambling, bribery, pornography and extortion.

Government lawyers want evidence gathered during three years of surveillance to be admitted in Centracchio's trial. World reports that among other things, the evidence includes video recordings of Centracchio in his office at the Medical Center receiving extorted “street tax” payments from owners of Chicago adult bookstores and porn theaters, and sifting through piles of cash to sort out payments for various officials on his payroll. Prosecutors are also planning to call up to 150 witnesses, including about 70 FBI agents involved in the investigation.

Although uncorroborated,


If you were to ask what better way to launder money, these two articles should get the almonds going.

66dd17  No.2724951

And now we know how our judicial system is comped…

–On 2 September, 2010 the Judiciary Engineering and Modernization Center (JEMC) was created- a Federally

Funded Research & Development Center (FFRDC) for the US Judiciary.

–It is managed by the MITRE Corporation (based out of McLean, VA) with this particular FFRDC managed by Paul

Bielski. MITRE manages 5 FFRDCs total:

National Security Engineering Center (Agency: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense)

Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (Agency: Dept. of Transportation)

Center for Enterprise Modernization (Agency: Dept. of the Treasury)

Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute (Dept. of Homeland Security)

JEMC (Agency: Administrative Office of the US Courts)

–The Center for Judicial Informatics, Science and Technology (CJIST) is an extension of JEMC. "It takes a global

focus and works with the worldwide judicial community- including academia and international and

nongovernmental agencies- involved in promoting the rule of law and access to justice, judicial reform and



www.mitre.org/about/leadership/general/mr-paul-bielski Background history sure hints at being a spook…

www.nsf.gov/statistics/ffrdclist/#archive List of FFRDCs only going back to 1995 (been around since WWI and

boomed during/after WWII)

Note to new anons not familiar with FFRDCs- think government deniability on research and development (and deployment) for biochemical weapons, Big Brother spyware (Facebook, Google) and any other crap they want to keep under the radar…

Lots of digging available at the nsf.gov site- I was trying to trace back Facebook/LifeLog when I found this crap.

f4d275  No.2724952


The full article say second to leave, I was thinking the other was Kimberly. But Conor Powell abrupt decision to leave could be the other.

6fca48  No.2724953


you got to be willing to bet on the come and take a huge whack in pay to do that.

these guys have followings and contracts - those have to expire, and they start grooming you for a new one the year before - if you don't take it early, then they no likey.

some dollars and some is sense.

875fa7  No.2724954

File: 54dc24a51c51c63⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x751, 1334:751, shep.png)

26403d  No.2724955


Eggxactky. I don’t! I like OANN myself.

873c07  No.2724956


Now that is some good shit right there! Laughing my ass off!

f60274  No.2724957


Gotta do better than than that you fucking shillfag!

All of these shit posts flooding the board about Trump and his business connections, then you close with "Oh, BTW…Q is not legit", without any sauce to prove it's illegitimacy…

Shit bag shilly fuck!

Buh bye now Anti-School or Uni-Rock.

(They put too much work into this to be lazy fuck Posobeic)!

df6bc3  No.2724958


I've been kicked out of apartments by 109 different landlords. Clearly the problem is with them and their anti-tenantism

9d5c74  No.2724959

File: 3579e06ba8b2481⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 255x160, 51:32, c41fe8327d1cc9823b1ba54c11….jpg)


Wasn't on that early, baker was a shill?

54953f  No.2724960


Loves #3438 & #3439 is the end of it, didn't catch the beginning yet it wasn't hard to tell what happened: shill baker flips on BO. Made for a good laugh this morning

773c5e  No.2724961

File: 5987fe02d0dc58f⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 760x522, 380:261, get.jpg)


who really controls NK … always wondered why a big summit with the puppet .

dfd63b  No.2724962



940601  No.2724963


Interesting. Is this documentary available online?

b6440e  No.2724964


POTUS and Patriots in complete control.

War time is a fluid situation. Dynamic.

Understand how (((shills))) will behave accordingly. Already begun.


'muh joo' 'muhjooshills' 'muhjoo' or any variation there of is at the top of the list.

rest anons can figure out for themselves.

af9094  No.2724965


13c7af 😂(68) posts

Thank God it is your last post.

5a707f  No.2724966

File: e349289096b41cf⋯.jpg (179.86 KB, 609x874, 609:874, IOWA.jpg)

File: ce743a171776447⋯.jpg (156.64 KB, 521x695, 521:695, JC_IOWA.jpg)



James Comey in Iowa (JUNE 16)

36 KIDS (13-20) missing within a 10-Day period in Iowa (JUL 26)

df4109  No.2724967

File: 1da5dd55ca893c8⋯.jpeg (163.62 KB, 1440x986, 720:493, 1533385565.jpeg)

54953f  No.2724968


Loaves^ #3438 & #3439

875fa7  No.2724969

File: 99910ca7e4c5bbe⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, pepelaughing.jpg)

882c4f  No.2724970


Time for a shiny new oversized hand-delivered…….ENVELOPE!!!!!

9de37a  No.2724971


'Metal Baker'

Exp Baker

Nervous Breakdown

BO gave chance - had to iron fist at end

fa4951  No.2724972

Let me tell ya Anons! I’m getting really pissed off!

I could care less about what they try to charge Potus with in regards only to this FAKE COLLUSION and anything to do with it!

What I feel is happening is an all out blitz to bring down MY PRESIDENT!

If they end up forcing him out, somehow, I promise you this…I don’t want to say anything that will get me in trouble, but I will personally do whatever I can to seek revenge! I am fucking pissed! They better leave my PRESIDENT ALONE.

I fear a civil war if they get away with this!

dff665  No.2724973

File: 02dda817a492e99⋯.png (590.03 KB, 989x884, 989:884, Robin leach dies from stro….png)

Robin Leach of popular Eighties TV show Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous dies at age 76… months after suffering a stroke

The TV journalist died on Friday morning when he was in hospice

It was only five days before the British star's 77th birthday

He first suffered a stroke in November when on vacation in Mexico

And then again on Monday Leach also suffered another stroke

The icon was on Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous from 1984 until 1995

While on the show he interviewed stars like Joan Collins and Morgan Fairchild

In more recent years he worked in Las Vegas as a journalist


6033fb  No.2724974


Thankfully not here. Was able to get in a few hundred rounds with my son on a bolt action precision rife this morning.

6fca48  No.2724975

File: fa0af62fd24e6bc⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 564x842, 282:421, bewbscrowe.jpg)


maybe these will help clear your mind!

54953f  No.2724976


see Loaves #3438 & #3439

a5682a  No.2724977

File: 204d410803546b5⋯.jpg (5.38 KB, 275x183, 275:183, SignInYoButt.jpg)

89870c  No.2724978

File: 09b5e6a6e82012d⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, mockup-9e59a7a6_530x@2x.jpg)



f71ab1  No.2724979


Wonder how many kill-rooms he's toured.

580f41  No.2724980


That is NOT an Iowa cornfield in June.

You obviously have not been in the midwest and seen cornfields.

dfd63b  No.2724981


Clearly. Kek

But, I have been fired for calling bullshit, bullshit.

aeab03  No.2724982


wtffff, do we know which baker this was?

i'm a baker but have been busy as all fuck the past couple of weeks and have only been able to bake here and there..

5ab445  No.2724983


Has to be bigly

9d5c74  No.2724984


Roger that, will scope it out for the lulz

d87145  No.2724985


He attacked utopianism as ineffectual for dealing with reality, writing in The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness

f56ed9  No.2724986


Laser focus.


78058c  No.2724987


The same reason why the steam coming out of your teapot doesn't leave trails spreading for hours throughout your house.

87beda  No.2724988


No our lovely former government bought them to lop off our heads. Would be poetic justice to flip the script.

d6a2a6  No.2724989


LOL Buzzfeed here? Hahahahaha wtf.

5acdf1  No.2724992

File: 482aeef82db8bb1⋯.png (624.17 KB, 1078x1000, 539:500, clam-trust-book2.png)

875fa7  No.2724993



see: >>2724971 >>2724942

didn't catch the beginning, but this is the end (BO's response): https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2722866.html#q2722952

81190f  No.2724994


"Utopianism" is a buzzword designed to detract people from doing their part in creating a spiritually developed world without the Satanic Cabal.

6fca48  No.2724995



inyo and backhole would be the kek.

712389  No.2724996

File: 4dc9c3d16f61df7⋯.jpeg (23.05 KB, 470x351, 470:351, received_513089965794932.jpeg)

f880e8  No.2724997

The Mueller investigation is going to start going after Trump on taxes. Manafort, Cohen both got nailed on tax fraud. Trump is next.

eea604  No.2724998


Where’s the sauce on comey going by that name on Twitter?

634ef2  No.2724999

File: eccaeaf0b44d74b⋯.png (326.38 KB, 733x667, 733:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8d34d972311493⋯.png (667.07 KB, 768x865, 768:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13f22954a863881⋯.png (28.42 KB, 743x415, 743:415, ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone following this know they are trying to send this WW, all carefully scripted. Staged pics ffs WE DON'T BUY THIS SHIT ANYMORE CABAL SHITBAGS

WHO: New Congo Ebola Deaths Jump To 63 As Virus Enters “Red Zone”

The World Health Organization admitted the new Congo Ebola spread had reached the so-called ‘red zone’ of rebel activity where they were unable to monitor it as the death toll jumped to 63 (it was in the low 40s beginning of the week, see our related coverage). There are now more than 100 further confirmed cases and over 2,000 probable contacts as the disease spreads like a whirlwind in an uncontrollable area.



Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?'


f56ed9  No.2725000

File: a54a5643def7519⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB, 1147x1079, 1147:1079, 57EA466C-4926-4DD6-A6AE-B….jpeg)


Metal baker rules


dfd63b  No.2725001


Beheading is extra work in the collection and burial process.

Hang 'em.

df6bc3  No.2725002




>Headline with "[x happened] and it's [hyperbolic adjective]"

Into the trash it goes.

de8d2d  No.2725003

File: 9a3b7b4b2341984⋯.jpeg (40.57 KB, 555x555, 1:1, Cheney.jpeg)


Creep always threaten like this.

It's like blackmail,

Cheney did it

. "If you don't vote for us you'll have another "terror attack"

Because guess who was doing them?

Remember "Cheney" rhymes with "Weeney"

(They've been pronouncing it wrong on TV. )

aa8cb1  No.2725004

File: 4bb1920e3f16208⋯.png (6.91 KB, 640x59, 640:59, ClipboardImage.png)


Married, With Art

Washington Post, September 23, 2004


Heather, 26 years his junior and several shades greener, carved a career aiding Reps. Robert Matsui and Earl Pomeroy; she joined Blank Rome's law and government relations firm this spring.

Washington power brokers familiar with the couple's art collection – regular rounds of parties at their two Washington area homes ensure plenty of viewing opportunities – regard the couple's enthusiasm as something of a personal quirk.


Heather Podesta Joined Blank Rome in spring of 2004.

Still digging on her and associates she may have brought into her current circle and lobbying activities. Moar important, perhaps, is the backward view – the rearview looking over the landscape from present to THEN.

b225cd  No.2725005


Metalbaker. Or shillbaker. Or cunt. Take your pick.

f5657b  No.2725006

Here's the rub. If (((they))) did kill Mollie to warn dad or punish dad, why would the media push the story? Wouldn't they bury it? Is it a fake story sent out as a warning to all? Keep your mouth shut or else. We know dad's on the team so he could be complicit. Don't interview, may not be a good at crying on cue. Ms-13 kid expendable. Drugged "Mollied" into bkackout. The whole media push is what confuses here.

4367c3  No.2725007

File: b1ef32dcbdf5012⋯.jpg (216.14 KB, 1723x1380, 1723:1380, trumpthis.JPG)

d87145  No.2725008


Aside from academics, numerous politicians, and activists such as former U.S. Presidents Barack Obama,[9] and Jimmy Carter;[10] Myles Horton, Martin Luther King Jr., Hillary Clinton, Hubert Humphrey, Dean Acheson, James Comey, Madeleine Albright, and John McCain have also cited his influence on their thought.[2][11][12][13] Recent years have seen a renewed interest in Niebuhr's work, in part because of Obama's stated admiration for Niebuhr.[14] In 2017, PBS released a documentary on Niebuhr, titled An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story.

ecbf77  No.2725009

When was the last time you heard a story like this?

Still don't think peeps getting snatched up?


When was the last time a fleet of chinooks had to land because it was stormy?

f9b295  No.2725010



See: >>2723652 (Bread #3439)

246c39  No.2725011

did hitler start the phrase "getting jewed"?

does it have truth yes thats why we here in the usa say it

gotta watch out to not get jewed.

873c07  No.2725012

File: 55b0244ef0b0357⋯.jpeg (142.49 KB, 744x981, 248:327, AB632ADC-131C-4399-828B-1….jpeg)


4ed4e0  No.2725013

File: 4d1d4e03ea3aa63⋯.jpg (98.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1515489502280.jpg)

Did i somehow fall into the timeline where everything goes to shit

7256aa  No.2725014


9751f0  No.2725015


>"Utopianism" is a buzzword designed to detract people from doing their part

I can be, if you allow satanic pedophiles to control the lexicon.

>creating a spiritually developed world without the Satanic Cabal.

This sounds more like the real definition of what Utopianism should be, now that you've gone and put a point on it.

81c930  No.2725016


you mean this Corbyn, Who was funded by muslim brotherhood - Hamas members?

>Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership campaign was part-funded by a man closely aligned to the terror group Hamas, the Telegraph can reveal.

>The Labour leader made an inaccurate declaration to Parliamentary authorities about the payment which obscured the donor’s true identity.

>Ibrahim Hamami, a vitriolic opponent of the Oslo peace accords and a supporter of the current wave of stabbings of Jews in Israel, gave £2,000 to Mr Corbyn in August, one of only three main individual donors to his campaign. Two of the three have now been exposed as supporters of terror.

>Mr Corbyn listed the donation in the Commons register of members’ interests as being from “Dr Ibrahim Hamam”, but Dr Hamami confirmed to the Telegraph on Saturday that he was the donor.

>Mr Corbyn’s spokesman declined to answer questions about the donation or why it had been reported incorrectly. Mr Corbyn has close links with many terrorist groups, including the IRA and Hamas.

Who does this puppet really works for?

b225cd  No.2725017


This isn't google maps retard. It is a research board. You now have the information. Do some fucking research.

7256aa  No.2725019




787484  No.2725020

882c4f  No.2725022


That one is as widely known as the bobama@ameritech. Anon doesnt need to sauce that ( you could also scroll up for a Comey twat-related). You might have some catching up on deck.

577877  No.2725023

File: 193c0e71bbf25f3⋯.png (87.37 KB, 639x651, 213:217, POTUS 8-24-18 10 36 am PDT….PNG)

f56ed9  No.2725024


Fuck off with that shit.

Metalbaker just gets it done.

Zeroshillin’. Just puts it in the oven

6a22ff  No.2725025

File: 5971651b91c965d⋯.jpeg (30.41 KB, 600x341, 600:341, fqyyjkjf9u593uu47869.jpeg)

dfd63b  No.2725026

I love my filter button

It loves me

If I take care of it

It makes my life comfy.

f71ab1  No.2725027


Take heart in the fact that Q is quiet.

Historically this means they're letting the media troll themselves.

ece06d  No.2725028

LOL the left is defending Sessions sooooooooo hard

7256aa  No.2725029

File: a7d43942ef66db8⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 633x753, 211:251, download (2).jpg)

dff665  No.2725030


Thank you, some anons here appreciate it.

5acc59  No.2725031


That's what happens when you pay for everything on the credit card. EU has no pension fund, that is why it is impossible to stop the budget growing. In short order. Britain will be fine after Brexit. It is international and under the wing of commonwealth and USA. Italy will be fine. Northern Italy more productive than Germany,they're currently being fucked by EU. Will not last. Germany,riding the high wave. Demographics at high point. Quite happy to import 3rd world labor for pensions. Will decline over next 20 years. Spain, fucked.proped up by EU. Corrupt and unproductive. France,fucked. Has not moved forward since Prussian times. Eastern Europe, mixed bag. A lot better than they were.

f08c77  No.2725033


The smoke from the fires is polluting California. Airborne toxins?

e9ace7  No.2725034


When Hillary had to land in bosnia and was under heavy sniper fire.

634ef2  No.2725035


Well the cabal like to control both sides and create division! This useful idiot is being used to enhance the kike victim card I suspect

f9b295  No.2725036

Baker Requesting Handoff in next bread.

Anons, please volunteer then.

BO/BV's, please be advised.


The retard racked up 20+ posts in each bread he was responsible for this morning.

The only thing that should go in the oven is him.

I'll say no more about it.

ef07bf  No.2725037

File: 328d3fa5bc24ea8⋯.jpg (142.86 KB, 574x311, 574:311, 328d3fa5bc24ea8a6ca3995589….jpg)

df6bc3  No.2725038


Kek, masterful 4D chess. Make the left defend the guy who is going to drop the hammer on all their heroes.

6db055  No.2725039

File: 90fe16f778e23c8⋯.jpg (366.06 KB, 1286x772, 643:386, ww.jpg)

Trump is coming for you fuckers! WW


875fa7  No.2725040



that you fagbaker?

94ff4b  No.2725041

File: c4ede6d3792ff59⋯.jpg (304.33 KB, 1914x752, 957:376, Blocked Flights 24 Aug 18 ….jpg)

Latest overview of Blocked and interesting No Call Sign flights. Another possible Sun Country Airlines flight out of Minneapolis and an interesting No Call Sign over Reno, Nevada.

dfd63b  No.2725042


Fuck you. Phone fagging.

Take your rude ass back to /pol/

92ad71  No.2725043


Tellin' you fellers, this is where Q needs to come out when the time to break through comes. Good job to the Rushanon, got 17 on there, too. Cabal with the ear splitting tone, I'm sure... kek!

CALLER: I’ve been a listener since 1990. What I’m calling about is regards to John Huber, the attorney that Sessions appointed instead of a special prosecutor. He appointed him to take care of all the garbage that is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and all their cronies. This is happening now in states around the United States — Utah, where it’s a red state — where you can empanel a grand jury that will indict. This is my philosophy, anyway, on what’s happening, and I think Trump is allowing all this. I think this fight between Sessions and him is nothing. I think they’re laughing about it on the side. That’s just my view.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Wait just… Let me see if I understand this. You think that Sessions actually is making moves on some of this but not himself? You’re right, he has appointed a lawyer, not a special counsel. He’s appointed something like an inspector general. The guy’s name is [John] Huber, and he is looking at various aspects of what you and I all think is corrupt as hell, Hillary and the emails and all this.

CALLER: Correct. He’s working with the IG as well.

RUSH: Right. Right.

CALLER: And contrary to what, you know, Trump’s always tweeting about 17 bad guys, lawyers that are going up against him —

RUSH: How many did you say? How many bad guys did you say?

CALLER: Seventeen.

RUSH: Seventeen bad guys.

CALLER: That’s right.

RUSH: Did I not tell you? Seventeen bad guys.


RUSH: So Sessions, you think…? I’m running out of time here so “yes” or “no.” You think Sessions and Trump are largely acting out this public disagreement with each other?

CALLER: I’m convinced of it.

RUSH: And that there’s actually some real serious work going on that nobody is…?

CALLER: I’m convinced of it. Yes.

RUSH: Okay. All right. You’re convinced.

CALLER: Totally convinced.

RUSH: “Totally convinced.”

CALLER: I could tell you more but I know you’re up against a break.

RUSH: I really am. I’m up against a break. In fact, I have to take it.

(ear-splitting tone)

RUSH: I wasn’t ready quite then, but I have to take it now. It’s over anyway. What the heck?

dff665  No.2725044


i have never filtered, i prefer to keep my eyes open.

Some autists may post a dumb meme one minute, and post brilliance the next, kek

And like to keep my eye on what the shills are doing.

773c5e  No.2725046

File: f09551f52bb2549⋯.png (133.26 KB, 850x682, 425:341, f09551f52bb2549a11d61ee638….png)

Welcome to the "dead cat bounce" ?

feels like it .

de8d2d  No.2725048


They're stomping on the numbers for "The Plan" This has 700 K . "The Plan's" been stalled at 300 K for days

32e1c7  No.2725049



Listen to these wise anons & your bread experience will always be tasty.

379ac6  No.2725050

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening50.jpg)


Poland is Practically a USA Territory and is well place as a bulwark in Eastern EU

fefdf6  No.2725051


This would be March, when planting begins

3bd073  No.2725052


To me that says a possible stranglehold on experts into the region to assist?

We shall see.

I haven't been very worried about NK for quite a while.

aeab03  No.2725053


good lord. his youtube. why is this dumbass allowed to bake..

9751f0  No.2725054

How does that make you feel, anyway, shills?

I'm asking you a legitimate question:

Your controllers are all satanic pedophiles. They would kill you in an instant if it suited [them] without a first thought, never mind re-thinking it.

How does that make you feel?

How does it make you feel about your cat/dog?

Your family's safety?

Think about it. It's never too late to walk away.

18abcf  No.2725055

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I've got exactly what you and any other depressed anons need.

Enjoy this fresh content.

Come join us, it will give you a purpose and lots of frens.

no kikes allowed.

b225cd  No.2725056


More like retard fagging if you don't even know about the guillotines. This is taught first day at anon school.

7256aa  No.2725057

File: 2001215dd4ae195⋯.png (460.13 KB, 605x895, 121:179, download (1).png)

4bafa7  No.2725058

File: 616df6595827435⋯.png (18.99 KB, 585x127, 585:127, Opera Snapshot_2018-08-24_….png)

Trust The Plan!!!! look enemy combatants are coming to sessions aid… it delicious and tastes like pop corn… they are unwittingly propping up their own gallows!!!

f08c77  No.2725059



ecbf77  No.2725060


Anons may want ot keep a cash position handy. Assets may be flooding market?

b6440e  No.2725061


To all the 'worriers' - relax.

79fc8e  No.2725062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sometimes I filter so many anons that my posts are the only ones I can see.

134779  No.2725063


> As you scroll, if you see the word "Jew", good or bad, positive or negative…filter ID+ . Half the bread will disappear.

one more pro tip

if you see (((anything))) in this text again filter id+

that will clear the rest ofem

df6bc3  No.2725064


fucking lmao…. Shitlibs now defending the guy who's going to destroy them.

634ef2  No.2725065


KEK Most of us are poor

06983b  No.2725066

Shhhhhh…..Q is quiet.


I hope your friday is as good as this ending!



9d5c74  No.2725067

File: 1781d88b487c2ca⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 463x494, 463:494, 1781d88b487c2caf79762b8a91….jpg)


Kekking Christ, that's embarrassing. So he was the "ebot is BO" shill all along? He's been spamming breads for weeks now. My fucking sides.

832d1f  No.2725068


>So Comey went under the name Reinhold Niebuhr on Twitter

where the hell you getting that garbage disinfo faggot? clown chan?

134779  No.2725069


yes the muhjoo shills want to censor the use of muhjoo

072ba4  No.2725070


Did you post 'Shipshap' flight earlier?

193d05  No.2725071


Who do you think you are? Go correct people on Reddit.

Capitalize first letter of a sentence.

First part is a question; can't even use the proper semicolon as you failed to use two similar–yet disparate–thoughts in a single sentence.

Yell upstairs and ask your mom for some meatloaf.

af796f  No.2725072

dfd63b  No.2725073


Once I have their spiel down I filter. We all know who they are.

I don't have time for the bullshit.

89870c  No.2725074

File: e678ea7c6c87df2⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 565x666, 565:666, a57b34fcb57fd83078a2fcaec1….jpg)


>>2723652 (Bread #3439)

>(BVs and I call him RetardBaker)

hmmm, wonder why he left

lots of slandering metalbaker in the last few threads. havent seen anyone lodge a legit complaint. as far as i know every mornings breads have been well baked with well-summarized notables...

4748f3  No.2725075


What if I keep my house at -60 degrees and use fans to hold ice crystals aloft?

896169  No.2725076


86929c  No.2725077


df6bc3  No.2725079


or, the faggots who unironically use "muhjoo" are afraid to say "Jew" for some reason.

7256aa  No.2725080


OK, I'm over the mark. They keep fighting this guys.

de8d2d  No.2725081

File: 787c5396b76cdc0⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 560x315, 16:9, rush_limbaugh_jim_morrison….jpg)


Rush might be scared too. Sad to say.

875fa7  No.2725082


no no no

thats the 'everyone is a bot' (you know the name) shill

I've always been a bit skeptical of this baker (Metal baker, but I think ESS and Metal are the same, yet only Metal has denied)

7270ef  No.2725083


Or a Message to the CIA in Russia that Putin knows All. Kek

634ef2  No.2725084


We know

b225cd  No.2725085


He tried to get his ip added as TZ Baker last week too. Fucking asshole!

f71ab1  No.2725086


Right, but won't it be a little obvious when he flips?

Or would it be perfect timing?

7256aa  No.2725087


Type the name into any search engine, genius.

634ef2  No.2725088


Read notables it was posted days ago

896169  No.2725089


Some do not, it was for them

af8f82  No.2725091


Rush is woke your theory is WRONG!

79fc8e  No.2725092

File: cacd11156a4615c⋯.png (1.37 MB, 4008x2220, 334:185, 5a0590e59cf05203c4b60412.png)


They'll regret it later when he drops (pic related)

18abcf  No.2725093


>(((for some reason)))

4d3e25  No.2725094

File: 4ca2d69c790e5e3⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2709.PNG)

577877  No.2725095

File: 23973aa9239ff5d⋯.png (404.59 KB, 647x719, 647:719, MMoates re SHS 8-24-18.PNG)


e370db  No.2725096

File: 54a1d37d77cdf48⋯.png (730.75 KB, 740x416, 185:104, Screenshot.png)

File: e17fa840f066204⋯.png (544.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pizzareference87.png)

>>2723131 pb

It's a small world, after all

Did a quick check to see if the little girl (Marcie Daneal Leeds) referenced as "pizza" went on to live a screwed up life

Marcie Leeds starred in other roles incl 'Beaches', got out of acting, became a surgeon in Phoenix. While working in the ER, she was the doctor that operated on Gabby Giffords when she was shot in the head.

Small world.


896169  No.2725097


Has the timing ever been off?

875fa7  No.2725098


>>2722838 NEWSWIRE

'interdasting random posts'

kek, besides that he's always a spazz

again, didn't see it, but saw the result

reread those breads if you want to see

134779  No.2725099


baker notable anti shill post seconded

d28308  No.2725100

File: a96c6ab83176ed3⋯.png (63.62 KB, 649x624, 649:624, Said.png)


Since you conveniently forgot include any identification of the source of this "opinion disguised as news"

I thought I would put it in perspective. Note the credentials of the "owner" at the end, below

AngloZionist Attack Options Against Iran

by The Saker3 weeks ago

Outline of a possible AngloZionist attack on Iran

The US and Israel will surely avoid a massive, costly land campaign again Iran, a vast, mountainous nation that was willing to suffer a million battle casualties in its eight-year war with Iraq that started in 1980. This gruesome war was instigated by the US, Britain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to overthrow Iran’s new popular Islamic government.

The Pentagon has planned a high-intensity air war against Iran that Israel and the Saudis might very well join. The plan calls for over 2,300 air strikes against Iranian strategic targets: airfields and naval bases, arms and petroleum, oil and lubricant depots, telecommunication nodes, radar, factories, military headquarters, ports, waterworks, airports, missile bases and units of the Revolutionary Guards

Frequently Asked Questions

Who owns the Iranian

The Iranian is independently owned by Saïd Amin. Launched in 1995, it is the longest running online site for Iranians.

How does the Iranian sustain itself

The Iranian depends on member donations, ads and sponsors to pay freelance journalists, as well as cover operational costs like hosting, site upgrades, etc. The site is currently operating at a loss, with Saïd Amin covering the delta. You can help support The Iranian by making a donation or becoming a sponsor.

Do you pay your writers?

While most of the articles published on The Iranian are submissions that we received free of charge, or via licensed content, we have a growing roster of paid writers/journalists for specific stories that we would like to see researched and written.

634ef2  No.2725101


When one plays poker it's wise to not tip your hand!

78058c  No.2725102


Then I would never have to read another one of your silly posts. TaTa

2870a7  No.2725103


Rush is red-pilled to somewhat of an extent… he is clued to what is happening, but he has to hold back talking about it. Back in April, he mentioned the Qanon theory once

81190f  No.2725104


An average or higher IQ is required to see through this

b186e2  No.2725105

>>2724362 LB

"Extremely saddened to hear about the Arizona senator's health [ED: Still won't say his name]. A war hero such as this surely deserves to lie in state with an open casket funeral. I will make it happen!"

Meaning he will be discovered even in death.... OPEN CASKET...

10d8ec  No.2725106


Reminds me of a joke,,,

Normie: Fuck you!

Anon: That's what your mom said.

Normie: My Mom's dead!

Anon: Ahh…so that's why she didn't move.

LittleBitDrunkAnon here. Been out with friends, talking politics etc…haven't seen them in for ages (they're all married).

Just going to lurk and meme, appologies beforehand if I offend anyone.

aa8cb1  No.2725107

File: c3646349a832269⋯.png (323.48 KB, 1260x1742, 630:871, ClipboardImage.png)


Heather Podesta

577877  No.2725108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Anons watch this if you haven't already!

43fd42  No.2725109


You should call the Clinton Foundation suicide hotline.

e8ea19  No.2725110

File: 3ea37f3bf8e72f5⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 300x241, 300:241, 300px-Battle_for_Palm_Tree….jpg)

File: a37949ffe5b556f⋯.jpg (22.27 KB, 170x268, 85:134, 170px-Toussaint_Louverture.jpg)



a little history

Haiti rebelled and awakened to evil white oppressors. The world will soon awaken to the more recent horrors.

9de37a  No.2725111


Rush has been here 17 times

Caller said so

71528b  No.2725112

File: 63441df57e18879⋯.png (177.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Me either

other wise its just an echo chamber

that's whats wrong with the left

and it helps build your defenses

896169  No.2725113


Too late now

2870a7  No.2725114


Sessions is never going to "flip", just do his job

94ff4b  No.2725115


Roger that, have you got something on it?

52cae4  No.2725116


I know nothing but it is possible that WE could be spraying something to counter something THEY put in the air.

We might have been poisoned with something and Trump might have authorized the antedote to be sprayed quietly to avoid panic.

If you knew some bad shit was done would you panic the zombie public or just go ahead and fix it?

Again no sauce I am thinking aloud.


9d5c74  No.2725117


Ah, yeah but he could be a friend of his larping. These people work in teams.

87beda  No.2725118


Not disagreeing but they believe it separates the soul or something. Not sure exaclty.

df4109  No.2725119

File: 2d17e2fca6ad76b⋯.jpeg (38.29 KB, 800x576, 25:18, 1534783148.jpeg)

634ef2  No.2725120

f71ab1  No.2725121


I was considering the media response might be something along the lines; "Trump bullied Sessions into opening a case"

But then they'll have to correct themselves when it's revealed that they've been working on the investigation since day one.

Should be fun.

134779  No.2725122


muhjoo shill wants to censor criticism of the shills

anons any posts with (((this))) is a muhjoo shill

4d3e25  No.2725123


dff665  No.2725124


as far as a little chit chat, kek some anons are working on here full time, 6-20 hours a day, so sometimes they chat, joke, etc, it has always been a part of the boards.

Last night was Hell, all the shills, and they all had one subject( the one you suggest filtering, kek)

9de37a  No.2725125




634ef2  No.2725126



4ed4e0  No.2725127


And they wouldnt even sacrifice you as a pawn to help people

They would sacrifice you so they could get away.

86929c  No.2725128



Mark Minnie’s suicide note tells Lost Boys of Bird Island co-author not to give up

While a close relative has cast doubt as to whether Minnie’s death was a suicide, in a letter that addresses co-author Chris Steyn, the writer said he is ‘looking forward to eternal rest.’

Mark Minnie, the co-author of The Lost Boys of Bird Island, alleged to have committed suicide, is believed to have addressed his co-author Chris Steyn in an apparent suicide note.

In what Minnie called his “last piece of writing,” he told his friend and co-author that he was tired and “looking forward to eternal rest”, according to a statement issued by Tafelberg Publishers on behalf of Steyn.

Minnie also urged Steyn to continue with the work they were doing.

“Chrissy‚ don’t give up now,” he said.

“The pitiful cries of the lost boys of Bird Island have haunted me for the past 31 years. At last their story is out. Chrissy‚ don’t give up now. You are almost home. No government officials preventing you from investigating this time round,” he said.

According to Tafelberg Publishers, the rest of the note is addressed to Minnie’s family.

Steyn, in the statement, included a moving response to the late author’s letter.

READ MORE: Mark Minnie’s publisher casts doubt about suicide

“Mark‚ I will keep going. You knew that. I just wish you could have been here to go through all the new leads with me. If only you were still alive to see all the information and incredible confirmation that has come in since the book was published. You would have felt some vindication at last.

072ba4  No.2725129


The 'Shipshap' callsign company Berry Aviation Inc does some interesting corporate & government work.

Probably worth keeping an eye open for them. Kek1


dfd63b  No.2725130


Kek. But, how can you separate a soul from someone who doesn't have one?

5acc59  No.2725131


And Lithuania. very spooky part of the world. In terms of Russia and Ukraine, it's just reverted to historical norms. The boundaries will stay there. There are lots of issues in Europe but I think Spain, Germany and France are in the worst position in this changing world.

18abcf  No.2725132

File: d9046b646500144⋯.jpg (84.85 KB, 640x927, 640:927, DlY1NYxX0AEyrwk.jpg)

File: b662db9b08edce1⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 640x1050, 64:105, DlY1NYzX4AAWXJ6.jpg)

Apartheid kept Whites safe in a nation where they are hopelessly outnumbered. Jews led the anti-apartheid movement in SA and worldwide, and are now at the forefront of silencing the results.

reminder: anyone posting facts like this must be shills. Jews can never ever do any wrong.

4b02ac  No.2725133


A couple weeks back, Kim was complaining that the tech people sent to NK were actually hindering the process. Related?

It might be that Trump is keeping Pompeo out of a particularly dangerous situation.

I don't want Pompeo being assassinated anywhere. I most especially don't want his body falling on NK soil.

DS is not defeated. They've had time to re-assert themselves in NK.

193d05  No.2725134


They've had a LONG time to think through the importance of a "Red October" (everything has meaning).

Their cannons are fully loaded, but I suspect they could tip the scales by only releasing about 5-10%.

a73a05  No.2725135

File: 29bcfb068144ad0⋯.png (350.25 KB, 625x579, 625:579, ClipboardImage.png)

7256aa  No.2725136


notes ables

712389  No.2725137

File: 60e6c43588dfd3e⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 500x465, 100:93, ZomboMeme 24082018153104.jpg)

778fb6  No.2725138

Anyone try to decode latest Trump tweets (NK, Pompeo)? Are you decoding each separately or taking all together (3 tweets) and decoding.

89870c  No.2725140


i was in the threads

if anons have a problem with the notables its something that can be easily discussed. slandering a baker is not the solution.

i know everyone here loves to stroke BOs ego, but if you look through those threads you see the same thing as always: someone lodges a complaint regarding BO, he responds by slandering and rallying troops to ostracize the accuser

55f107  No.2725141


Top Shelf Content Goy. Perfect soundtrack for the "Intermission".

d87145  No.2725142


James Comey

Verified account


Following Following @Comey


Here’s my new handle. Glad to be part of the Twitterverse. Grateful to Reinhold for the cover these last few years.

7:07 AM - 6 Nov 2017

18,432 Retweets 93,324 Likes molly bArteen AfsharLilith PayneEszterJacob AdkinsNorma GriffinSusie PeytonJames ComeyEyesWideOpen

7,248 replies 18,432 retweets 93,324 likes

Reply 7.2K Retweet 18K Like 93K Direct message

d6a2a6  No.2725143

c4b852  No.2725144


lithuanianfag reporting in

4d3e25  No.2725145

TACky serial killers seeking love on a pedoraptor board with frumpos fronthole

94ff4b  No.2725146


I know that SHIPSHAP is an Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia (twin-turboprop) (E120 aircraft. Something is spoopy with it as Flightaware only shows me a flight from 15 months ago (Costa Rica to Houston). I get that sort of thing when it's military activity of some sort.

134779  No.2725147



go back to reddit

18abcf  No.2725148

File: 8f592519b4ef999⋯.jpg (69.24 KB, 640x729, 640:729, DlTamTBW0AA5aov.jpg)

File: ad6edb743b4dadd⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 640x1049, 640:1049, DlTamTCXcAIpMzp.jpg)

Why is this Jewish man trying to make me feel White guilt for an industry in which his people were the primary exploiters and profiteers? Does anyone know? Is this normal for Jews?

Anyone know what the main export is in Israel? How high up are diamonds on that list?

aa8cb1  No.2725149

File: bce31cdd6a529f1⋯.png (190.67 KB, 1260x1212, 105:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Heather Podesta moar details

78058c  No.2725150


I get that fren, I do it myself, here for 6-8 a day. Just wanted to offer some guidance to the norms coming here to learn. Trusting the Plan.

712389  No.2725151


Fuckkkk now i gotta delete all my tiresias jenking memes

616077  No.2725152


AMAZING. I burst out laughing at work

072ba4  No.2725153

9751f0  No.2725154


Judgng by the type of individual Peter Strzok is, that mindset is likely ingrained in the department culture.

And shit rolls downhill.

6fca48  No.2725155

File: 4b462026616653d⋯.jpg (158.54 KB, 540x526, 270:263, kekwarrior.jpg)

ff412d  No.2725156

File: 9e95d766b402168⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 809x500, 809:500, comfy.jpg)

de8d2d  No.2725157

File: 5a18da3a53111ec⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2512x1768, 314:221, princeofwalesdruidc.jpg)


What are they so scared of? that's so funny.

Oh it's a feint, I forgot

They fooled me too there for a second.

5acc59  No.2725158


You come from a great country. Unfortunately, it has also been used by the see eye aye to get assets into the EU. No worries though.

634ef2  No.2725159

File: 53dda4befaf4319⋯.png (263.89 KB, 619x385, 619:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a54ff4ffe54192⋯.png (95.03 KB, 988x884, 19:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee982232f15ca7f⋯.png (116.26 KB, 988x904, 247:226, ClipboardImage.png)

Genocide of the People of Greece

Paul Craig Roberts

The political and media coverup of the genocide of the Greek Nation began yesterday (August 20) with European Union and other political statements announcing that the Greek Crisis is over. What they mean is that Greece is over, dead, and done with. It has been exploited to the limit, and the carcas has been thrown to the dogs.

350,000 Greeks, mainly the young and professionals, have fled dead Greece. The birth rate is far below the rate necessary to sustain the remaining population. The austerity imposed on the Greek people by the EU, the IMF, and the Greek government has resulted in the contraction of the Greek economy by 25%. The decline is the equivalent of America’s Great Depression, but in Greece the effects were worst. President Franklin D. Roosevelt softened the impact of massive unemployment with the Social Security Act other elements of a social safety net such as deposit insurance, and public works programs, whereas the Greek government following the orders from the IMF and EU worsened the impact of massive unemployment by stripping away the social safety net.

Traditionally, when a sovereign country, whether by corruption, mismanagement, bad luck, or unexpected events, found itself unable to repay its debts, the country’s creditors wrote down the debts to the level that the indebted country could service.


df6bc3  No.2725160


redditors aren't fans of discussing the JQ. (((You))) may feel more comfortable there.

94ff4b  No.2725162


Got that and replied


e247f9  No.2725163


Talk about suppression huh?

F the MSM!

87beda  No.2725164


They have an evil soul to reincarnate. Seems like all over the world beheading witches is the way to go.

d87145  No.2725165

POTUS now in Ohio

9751f0  No.2725166


kek, you are glorious in your armor :)

18abcf  No.2725167


My pleasure, fren. I live to serve my people, especially through these spiritually turbulent times.

358dcb  No.2725168



Don't let her problems Hinder your best life, Anon. You still have purpose. You can call me anytime. If I was a fem anyway. We could talk.

dfd63b  No.2725169


So full of crap. You may go away now.

10d8ec  No.2725170


Would that be #ZombieKid?

89870c  No.2725171


you can call it a slide, but dont think im the only anon who has been paying attention to this since the move to 8

072ba4  No.2725173

94ff4b  No.2725174

The Reno No Call Sign flight landed at Carson City.

aa8cb1  No.2725175


LittleSis details on Heather Podesta


Heather Podesta is a seasoned legislative and public policy strategist with experience on Capitol Hill and in the private sector.

See long list of people with positions in the same organizations as Heather Podesta.

ece06d  No.2725176



Blood will be shed

4ed4e0  No.2725177

File: ed00154dfa8b73f⋯.jpg (198.01 KB, 560x833, 80:119, Gipper004.jpg)


Thats probably the best thing that has happened since schneiderman got destroyed

Hoooray pic not related

634ef2  No.2725178

File: 5d41a2afbb918ef⋯.png (520.12 KB, 601x380, 601:380, ClipboardImage.png)

Protests Erupt In Afrin After Commander Of Turkish-backed Group Raped Local Woman

On August 24, dozens of civilians and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters protested in the northern Syrian city of Afrin to demand prosecution of “Abu Amshah,” the commander of the Turkish-backed Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade, who was accused of raping a local woman, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

A day earlier, the victim “Isra’a Yusuf al-Khalil,” who is married to a fighter of the Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade, released a video in which she accused Abu Amshah of raping her three times. According to Isra’a, Abu Amshah threatened that he will execute her husband if she tells anyone about his crime.

Following the protests, the general command of the Turkish-backed “National Army” ordered an investigation into the alleged rape of Isra’a by Abu Amshah. However, local activists viewed the investigation as an attempt to calm down the public opinion and doubted that the commander will be interrogated.

Since its capture by the Turkish military and its proxies, the area of Afrin have been witnessing a wave of crimes that targeted everyone, including fighters of the Turkish-backed FSA. However, Turkey is yet to take any measures to face the deteriorating security situation in the area.


d6a2a6  No.2725179


Next on SLIDERS. Slippery shill tries to continue SLIDE. Stay tuned.

f9b295  No.2725180

Notables Bun


>>2724565 Fentanyl smuggler captured

>>2724583 ; >>2724587 ; >>2724702 ; >>2724761 ; >>2724792 ; >>2724911 More digging on Comey, Iowa, and Tibbets

>>2724603 Military members on recent bus fire

>>2724649 Dem. Rep Green claims POTUS doesn’t need to commit a crime to be impeached (painfully unaware of >>2724692 )

>>2724651 ; >>2724819 NYT on CIA spies in Russia going dark

>>2724564 ; >>2724760 ; >>2725107 ; >>2725149 Dig on Podestas and Blank Rome Government Relations

>>2724894 Jeremy Corbyn compared to Nazi

>>2725012 Allen Weisselberg granted immunity and called to testify in Mueller probe

>>2725129 ; >>2725146 Planefags on the SHIPSHAP callsign (see #3438)

f8d73c  No.2725181


YOU are 6 million WW



50 here in these here UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…

with a LOCKED Constitution.

WHAT in the FUCK do you have?





d87145  No.2725182


these guys look like No Names friends

eb32e1  No.2725183


Thanks for keeping the SLIDE alive in the meantime….

f08c77  No.2725184


Note to newfags: Ignore people who waste bread whining about other anons posting.

1cf12b  No.2725185

File: 14fcc9042dd55ba⋯.jpg (198.52 KB, 745x1024, 745:1024, IMG_1670.jpg)

File: cc16db423cd9e5a⋯.jpg (132.88 KB, 750x361, 750:361, IMG_1671.jpg)

File: f1576e2baf3b90a⋯.jpg (446.91 KB, 744x1005, 248:335, IMG_1672.jpg)

File: d000a1e99ad66d1⋯.jpg (219.71 KB, 736x608, 23:19, IMG_1673.jpg)

File: 6d544fdd924f020⋯.jpg (405.79 KB, 750x1037, 750:1037, IMG_1674.jpg)

Skull and Bones > Russell Trust Association owns society's real estate and oversees org / assets. Gilman first treasurer, proceeds to UC Berkeley and Hopkins… first president of Carnegie Foundation. 1943 SPECIAL ACT of CONNECTICUT state legislature > GRANTED EXEMPTION from filing corporate reports with SECRETARY OF STATE.

Single trustee, John Beckwith Madden of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. from 1978-1988 handled business

John B. Madden (69) **** HEART ATTACK

John started with Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. in 1946 under SENIOR PARTNER PRESCOTT BUSH.

358dcb  No.2725186


Seeing genocide from country to country and knowing USA has always been the melting pot, can we assume this is Noah's Ark we live in and all the genetics are preserved from Babylon .

d87145  No.2725187

Duncan Hunter throwing his wife under the bus now

6fca48  No.2725188


sad, but that pepe is a shitload better looking than I am…

79fc8e  No.2725189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You mean like you just did?

df8d4e  No.2725190


three greatest lies of all time

- the cheque is in the mail

- i gave at the office

- i'm only a lil bit pregnant!


712389  No.2725191


How bigs the bus?

134779  No.2725192


it has zero to do with comfort anon

your bullshit is tired over baked bullshit and (((you))) know it

if you had any real facts you would not need 100 posts per bread

and be able to rebut the dismantling of your nonsense last cupple breds

cd0b04  No.2725193

New York Times' Charles Blow: Trump voters are the 'enemy of the Republic'


94ff4b  No.2725194

File: 0ab43776eee1658⋯.jpg (302.54 KB, 1913x761, 1913:761, Blocked Cedar Rapids 24 Au….jpg)

The Minneapolis Blocked flight is landing at Cedar Rapids.

7dd786  No.2725195


Trip to the asian massage tonight?

580f41  No.2725196


I agree. Late last night it was 80% jew shillery.

I just gave up and left.

Curiously it all started when the late night baker started.

b6440e  No.2725197


Nice try (((mossad))) HAHA

You do realize that it is a built in feature by the admins for a reason?

Q came to us for a reason, bitch.

Our job is taking down the cabal and all their pawns, especially your kind.

TRY, TRY as (((they))) might, they will fail

aa8cb1  No.2725198

File: 0578923fe56c26c⋯.png (405.44 KB, 1262x442, 631:221, ClipboardImage.png)

5acc59  No.2725199

I saw something a few threads ago about 1 of 4 illumati families being taken out.it goes back to original QPatriot thread last year. Suggested it was DuPont family as a picture of Brandywine? Was posted in 2nd thread. Links to Joe Biden, his local church. Phone posting so don't have images to hand, but wanted to save anons time/effort not slide.

eb32e1  No.2725200


(The rest of us old-timers don't foller that advice, but sheeit, do as we say, not as we do.)

89870c  No.2725202


…but celebrate with a circle jerk when BO is whining about a baker

9751f0  No.2725203

Also, shills:

Patriots want justice. Even for [you], if you've been forced into this.

Don't follow [them] to perdition out of fear. You can decide to do the right thing.

9b28f1  No.2725204


aa8cb1  No.2725205


What is the maiden name of Heather Podesta?

18abcf  No.2725206

File: 137379636251d14⋯.jpg (130.92 KB, 600x707, 600:707, CCz0QCdW8AAnn9O.jpg)

Julius Evola: “the ‘British Empire’ was a creature of Judaism”

As is modern America and Soviet Russia.


f08c77  No.2725207


GREAT resource to see where you are on the political spectrum. Highly recommended to all.


30eab8  No.2725208


Did you try wayback machine?

ade8f7  No.2725209


What utter fucking bullshit and lies. Come to my house you can meet one of those "lovers" of vaccines. He's 22, and will never have a life of his own. Stop swallowing MSM spunk.

134779  No.2725210


board jester you have become

193d05  No.2725211


Never was much of a tit man.

Get bored with 'em after 8 or 9 hours or so.

18abcf  No.2725212

A Black SJW will complain about Whiteness all day to Whites; attempt to get White attention and sympathy; get more resources in a White society; get more jobs and housing around Whites.

But one thing they will never do is move to Africa and surround themselves with Blackness.

940601  No.2725213


Her middle name is Miller, so that would be my guess

6fca48  No.2725214


Evola musta been sucking on absinthe.

94ff4b  No.2725215

File: 27cbf09e8240df2⋯.jpg (71.71 KB, 766x500, 383:250, Mattis6.jpg)

File: 81ddc9a4bd3e2ce⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 889x499, 889:499, Mattis3.jpg)

File: 05636fa21199f3e⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 889x499, 889:499, Mattis2.jpg)

Shills and Diversionfags, consider this…

0a2a8d  No.2725216

>>2725193 Charles Blowhard would certainly know what an enemy of the republic looks like.

7256aa  No.2725217

File: b1c64c3208279fd⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 220x308, 5:7, 220px-Paul_W._Tibbets.JPG)

Any relation to?


276b19  No.2725218

File: 1af3b4e22ca9bca⋯.png (218.96 KB, 1233x1245, 411:415, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

Check out today's CDAN Blind #11


The speculation is that it refers to Bourdain.

df8d4e  No.2725219

File: e8f83ecc042fcc8⋯.png (948.51 KB, 1220x686, 610:343, gitmo-express1.png)


this big…

de8d2d  No.2725220

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




All Alt Media is compromised.?

Isn't that what "Q" pointed to?

To much to stomach?

All the "Stars" you thought you knew; you thought were your frens?

Isn't he "Alt"

Isn't all Mass Media compromised.

He covered up for his masters all these years. and to get a large audience and money

He knows the Left / radicals so well, since he used to pretend to be one.

What a beautiful voice though.

When he gets to heaven he can "Hi" to all those he left behind, who died drug addicts.

I think he's still making money from this catalog


Also, Dad did the "Gulf of Tonkin" fraud.

Be careful who you follow

6fca48  No.2725221

18abcf  No.2725222

File: d559ffaf69179da⋯.png (145.22 KB, 571x618, 571:618, ey990ja.png)


hi reddit

bye reddit

b6440e  No.2725223

File: 95c7149c6b443fc⋯.jpg (259.24 KB, 971x924, 971:924, kikedoublespeak.jpg)


Dance as you might, remember that we control the utilities, you shill teams ;)

If you want anything remaining of israel within 15 years, you will learn to follow along, jew.

Amusing as hell, but the world is changing hands. You are on the losing side.


df6bc3  No.2725224


Meh, at least credit to him for calling the US a Republic and not a Democracy.

7256aa  No.2725225


Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr. was born in Quincy, Illinois, on 23 February 1915, the son of Paul Warfield Tibbets Sr. and his wife, Enola Gay Tibbets. When he was five years old the family moved to Davenport, Iowa, and then to Iowa's capital, Des Moines, where he was raised, and where his father became a confections wholesaler


94ff4b  No.2725226


I asked the same thing a few days ago. He's the pilot of Enola Gay, the Hiroshima atomic bomb aircraft.

6424e8  No.2725227


If Rush were to speak he would loose tons of advertisers, probably a corporate gag order and he would loose his show.

In fact he addressed people being punished by corporations for political reasons in his next segment after this one.

Rush is Red Pill all the way!!!

e0fe1d  No.2725229






811821  No.2725230

amanda is awsome

7256aa  No.2725232


The Enola Gay (/ɪˈnoʊlə/) is a Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber, named after Enola Gay Tibbets, the mother of the pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets.

2870a7  No.2725234

What must happen pre 11/11?

7256aa  No.2725236


Yes! No coincidence!

6fca48  No.2725237

File: 87c787f28094478⋯.jpg (146.43 KB, 604x333, 604:333, brainbakin.jpg)

fa4951  No.2725239


Well I suspect THIS POTUS will handle it differently! No One Allowed!

b6440e  No.2725240


USMC is the least compromised of all branches. Least (((compromised))).

MI and Patriots are basically full of pol/acks.

Plus world wide.

White hats alone outnumber black hat actors.

52cae4  No.2725241


Of course Trump is a Mason. George Washington was a Mason.

The question is was the Masons ever good with actual good intent or have they always been the puppet of the Jews?

I think the Masons were infiltrated and corrupted. They were targeted deliberately like America itself has been.

I am of the opinion that what we are seeing is the older more esoteric true Masons having figured out that the Luciferian and the Jews had taken over and they created a grand plan in a ¨Brainstorm¨ conference in the 1970ś and hatched a counter attack. I believe they put out the movie ¨Brainstorm¨ to display their true beliefs of the Universe and to basically declare a state of war with the Illuminati wing.

I think everything in the movie is allegory of the Trinity and I think lots of the details are portrays of actual events.

I think the MI had been tricked and burned before in using their own kids in MKultra which is kind of hinted at in the events that happen to Christopher the son of Micheal. I believe the dialogue of the movie is very important. It reveals more than you would think on the surface.

I believe it is the original Q message to the World.

If your a vet on here and have a fairly deep understanding of esoteric stuff you can catch all the hidden stuff.

MI portrays themselves in the movie. Watch the guy who is watching Micheal in secret. Watch how they root Micheal on in hacking into the Company(cia) watch how they dont lift a finger to stop Micheal in anything he does until (((they))) are in the room with him.

I think this shit is personal for MI because they got fucked and burned by (((them))) bad with this MKultra shit.

b225cd  No.2725242



Just brilliant!

134779  No.2725243


>remember that we control the utilities

now that i agree with

the rest is nonsense

eb32e1  No.2725245


Establish a new date for the Patriots Parade.

f08c77  No.2725247

File: e6318fe59505283⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 594x435, 198:145, maxine.jpg)


Impeachment isnt really bound by law really. Just votes. (Non-reverend) Al Green got 66 votes for impeachment earlier this year. a majority vote would have impeached and sent it to the Senate for Trial of facts and law. The House D's dont care about law, facts, or truth.

Pic related.

712389  No.2725248

File: 1e94209dd678935⋯.jpg (6.65 KB, 173x215, 173:215, 08ad8491732efd82cbc6ea59a2….jpg)


Well played anon .. Top kek

2870a7  No.2725249


Lol that too

882c4f  No.2725250

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




<comfy tune in honor of tibbets break!

eea604  No.2725251


When does the bird sing?

276b19  No.2725252


I didn't hear it but from the transcript Rush seems to be going along with the plan.

4748f3  No.2725253



Nah, understanding the full picture would require a willingness to accept that Trump is a true genius, and they are fervently committed to their belief in his idiocy above pretty much all else.

fa4951  No.2725254


HRC must be charge publicly or we all go ape shit!

God Help them!!

f08c77  No.2725255

File: d0a28095027db81⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 476x368, 119:92, brennan ape.jpg)

4367c3  No.2725256

File: 4d4cafa1360b0e2⋯.jpg (191.11 KB, 1616x1408, 101:88, FISA.JPG)

9ecb70  No.2725257

File: d5ef7cb6cac1108⋯.png (52.67 KB, 788x351, 788:351, Mcain_Fire.png)

94ff4b  No.2725258


Semper Fidelis - Once a Marine, always a Marine. A credo for life.

18abcf  No.2725259

As long as you're smarter than blacks, you will resist control. That's why jews continue to chemtrail you down to their IQ level, all while keeping you sedated by believing in a plan.

9bf06a  No.2725260


don't forget that South Korean had that weird women lead cult of priestesses

f08c77  No.2725261


James is so deep, huh? Fucking tool.

4d3e25  No.2725262


Daniel is dead already

9a601f  No.2725263

eb32e1  No.2725264


Jews are in decline.

And they know it.

0a2a8d  No.2725265

File: fa6676f854ca1ec⋯.jpg (239.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening731.jpg)

File: 258af802a755e49⋯.jpg (283.34 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningCleaning1.jpg)

File: e55ba78196589c2⋯.jpg (466.17 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningCleaning3.jpg)


More good than bad.

Thank God.

81c930  No.2725266


Notable baker


Corbyn funded by hamas - muslim brotherhood connection

2870a7  No.2725267

Anons, do you think Mueller ever actually gets his day to publicly speak and exonerate Trump?

Or is it gonna be one of those things where all the proof comes out of DOJ CIA FBI etc showing the Trump Russia collusion cry ws a set up, and the Special Counsel gets dissolved with Mueller never getting his day?

9736a4  No.2725268

File: 0007d930b08937d⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 540x270, 2:1, msmrip.jpg)





It's amazing how these (((shills))) have no sense of self-awareness. Also those projections holyshit. Clowns gotta clown, piggy back on any post to turn it into defending their pedo tribesmen and cabal members.

66dd17  No.2725269

Related to LifeLog/Facebook:

In February of 2003, DARPA launched a new surveillance effort called "Total Information Awareness" (TIA) which was renamed to Terrorism Information Awareness sometime around June of 2003. It's "sophisticated software cross-referenced phone calls, internet traffic, bank records and other personal data in an effort to identify potential terrorists."

Congress supposedly shut it down. Just like LifeLog was shut down (but emerged as Facebook the same day).



4d3e25  No.2725270

What if we tell them he found a doorknob

4d3e25  No.2725273


It was purple

9ecb70  No.2725274


Is this a new kind of attack? Trump = Zionist Jooz?


is this another Mossad shillfaggot?

4748f3  No.2725275


Given the degree to which the left has set up Mueller as their savior, it sure would be great if he holds a press conference to tear their carefully constructed beliefs to shreds…

9751f0  No.2725277


And that's not counting all of the heavily armed patriots still (some asleep, others not) in the continental us.

You want to wake a fucking mean ass bear? Wake them up. If anything were to endanger a certain Patriot, the entire country would be up in arms, right alongside the Marines.

The United states is still one of the most armed populaces on the planet, even after all of the attacks on the 2nd..

And now the 2nd has been re-affirmed in a court of law, nationally!

AHHAHAHAHAAAA thank you Patriots!

941b03  No.2725278


This happens daily.

NSA data center.

In Bluffdale, Utah.

Run by Mormons.

e49cd0  No.2725279


good points… worth a listen

4d3e25  No.2725280

File: 291583b6c2ab8f1⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2688.PNG)

ENjoy a snotty politician meme

fa4951  No.2725281


I knew I heard that name before. They had her “sacrificed” unwillingly I hope.

If she’s the grand daughter then I’m calling fuckery on this!

787484  No.2725282



f8d73c  No.2725283


read the bible bot


tell your friends!


c0b9ea  No.2725284


Mueller…Once a Marine, Always a Marine.

eb32e1  No.2725285


My expectation. The ultimate Trumpesque sting.

79fc8e  No.2725286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think it may be a play to make the board look like Nazis, remember the alt-right label and setup in 2016 half chan?

497d9e  No.2725287


This is exactly what I was thinking too Anon….or the CT are sick rayed to keep concealing something up there we aren't ready to see yet?

7256aa  No.2725288


When he was five years old the family moved to Davenport, Iowa, and then to Iowa's capital, Des Moines, where he was raised, and where his father became a confections wholesaler.

9736a4  No.2725289


It's a multipronged shilling at trying to mess with anons and autists plus just spamming. mossad hard at work trying and failing to be not so obvious today.

These fucking (((idiots))) deserve a bullet in the head for their lies.

f08c77  No.2725290


I bet /they/ use Niebuhr as code. Comey is clueless enough to blow the cover.

f9b295  No.2725291






Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer!

2870a7  No.2725292


Yep thats why I really want too. A date set, media jumping all over it, a public televised testimony, and BAM! Punch in the gut.

9ecb70  No.2725293

File: fcd5c63c34f6df1⋯.jpg (231.43 KB, 715x709, 715:709, the fag.jpg)



(mosSAD fag)

Can you go back to "She can do both," but instead of Bikini photos, can you have them do evening gowns. You do that, and we'll stop trusting Trump and the plan. I promise.

4748f3  No.2725294


I'm actually feeling a little bit bad for the illegal alien patsy… just a little. I'd rather see him deported than tried for a murder he did not commit, that's for sure.

94ff4b  No.2725295

Abex Air (ABX), Chasqui (CSQ) and two Envoy Air (EGS) have been to Gitmo today. SCX384 (Sun Country) appears to have been an internal transfer flight to Fort Myers.

38a29e  No.2725297

File: 48f8e52d017efc3⋯.jpeg (58.05 KB, 474x592, 237:296, 5141F9C9-92DC-47B1-AF4A-8….jpeg)

It’s gotta [gestate]. The word ‘gestate.' Like when you are cooking a [chicken]. [Time], time… turkey for Thanksgiving. My mother would say eight hours. I said ‘Eight hours?’ She made the greatest turkey I ever had.

Popcorns ready


+Trust the plan

e0fe1d  No.2725298

89870c  No.2725301



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