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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

35950a  No.2705846

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

35950a  No.2705851


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

#3416 Baker Change

>>2705132 'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

>>2705185 Clockfag Update

>>2705232 Clinton email chain relaying gaps to exploit in moving children after Haiti quake:

>>2705280 Graph of relationships of the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors

>>2705316 Verizon Incompetence and Greed Leaves Firefighters Throttled During Wildfire

>>2705397 Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

>>2705512 Remember Cohen raid 'hand picked by Trump'?

>>2705548 Syria: Battle for Idlib has begun

>>2705616, >>2705724 This document discusses the governments role in our education systems

>>2705699 It Begins: Democrats Label President Trump “Unindicted Co-Conspirator,” Refuse to Work

>>2705706 Illegal immigrant who committed multiple rapes after 2012 ICE detainer not enforced gets 80 years in prison

>>2705752 New York Times ‘Seizes’ On Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts To Attack Donald Trump

>>2705787 #3416


>>2704364 Key symbolism found in Vatican city layout.

>>2704474 Manafort jury notes are made public.

>>2704586 High School student arrested with loaded gun.

>>2704617 Former Swiss Bank Executive Pleads Guilty to Role in Billion-Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme.

>>2704671 SPLC gets Visa / MC to block payments from David Horowitz Freedom Center.

>>2704799 Dems / Repubs tied in latest Rasmussen poll.

>>2704788 Trump insists he learned of Michael Cohen payments "later on."

>>2704930 Globalist AUS PM may not be eligible for parliament.

>>2704968 Lanny Davis is a registered agent for Ukraine.

>>2704970 #3415


>>2703594 Great video for redpilling your normie friends (Runtime 17:50).

>>2703713 Google, Amazon and IBM try to acquire hospital records; demand end of patient privacy.

>>2703651 Parents revolt after unstable student enrolled in local school district.

>>2703628 Mueller's wife has high level connections to the CIA.

>>2703926 , >>2703944 NY State issues subpoena to Michael Cohen in regards to Trump Foundation probe.

>>2703966 Democrats likely using law enforcement to affect 2018 midterms.

>>2704163 Cohen's attorney accidentally raises funds for Trump.

>>2703601 Possible explanation of how Q fished for a Black Hat.

>>2704310 #3414


>>2702843 Possible audio of whistleblower Ukrainian told to collude with the DNC

>>2702865 Mueller implicated in Cambodian sex trafficking ring in 2008

>>2702971 Former Clinton pollster claims HRC broke campaign finance laws

>>2703077 Meryl Streep selling NYC penthouse for $24.6M

>>2703079 Farage: 2nd Brexit referendum would be “Soros vote”

>>2703113 On Dan Bongino, comms, and “The More You Know…” (commentary/analysis)

>>2703246 On Mueller’s past activity

>>2703264 Summary of Awan-related Q posts (analysis)

>>2703296 Apple’s double-standard: hiding terrorist’s data and handing over Manafort’s data

>>2703307 Andrew Kauders dig and links, Podesta-related

>>2703348 POTUS at WV Rally: Israel will pay “higher price” in peace talks owing to embassy move

>>2703387 Tweet re: CF and statues of limitations going past 2018.11.16

>>2703388 Cohen expected to be disbarred in guilty plea

>>2703399 Indicted House Rep. (lb) to be forcibly removed from committee posts

>>2703480 #3413

#3412 Baker Change

>>2702057 Remarks by POTUS upon AF1 arrival

>>2702124 Warren’s black-hearted response to Mollie Tibbets

>>2702125 Indictment unsealed against House Rep. from CA’s 50th district

>>2702164 Possible connection between Comey, Iowa, and Tibbets killing

>>2702165 Possible deep state activity in India

>>2702182 New DJT twitter

>>2702305 DNC calls FBI after detecting alleged hacking attempt into voter database

>>2702538 ; >>2702652 ; >>2702676 DOJ takes actions on opioid distributors and over-prescribers

>>2702665 Saudi Arabia calls off Aramco IPO, disbands advisors

>>2702728 On the cover-up of Judicial Watch reporting HRC server hacking to the FBI

>>2702708 #3412

Previously Collected Notables

>>2702803 #3409, #3410 (BiB #3413), >>2701951 #3411

>>2698070 #3406, >>2698837 #3407, >>2699650 #3408

>>2695795 #3403, >>2696515 #3404, >>2697294 #3405

>>2693531 #3400, >>2694268 #3401, >>2695040 #3402

>>2691185 #3397, >>2691965 #3398, >>2692735 #3399

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

35950a  No.2705853

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2690944

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

35950a  No.2705855

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


35950a  No.2705856

File: 8b90aaa2de33271⋯.jpg (181.4 KB, 622x578, 311:289, 9d7692479b823aad55594126e1….jpg)

Dough #3417



95dd73  No.2705866

File: de93ae0b9e22708⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1609x900, 1609:900, de93ae0b9e22708bae470f6d7f….png)

File: 6c59281b3542075⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2776x1492, 694:373, 911truth.png)


The end of the 120th Jubilee (7x7=49) and the following years is the Jubilee year

120 x 50 = 6000 years of earth history followed by the millennium-long (1000 years) reign of Jesus Christ after his return.

This will happen at the New Moons on September 9 and September 10….. JUST HOURS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11.


A figure stood at the end of each Jubilee

>Noah (2500 BC) (JUBILEE)

>Moses (1500 BC) (JUBILEE)

>Jesus (33 AD) (JUBILEE)

>Trump (2018) (JUBILEE) (The Last Trump)

God said to Noah that he has given mankind 120 years then the flood came and judged the world.

3994be  No.2705878

Morally RIGHT

Is it Foreign money laundering? Clinton cash? Yesterday set another precedent on illegal campaign finances.

There is 84 Million reasons this needs to be thoroughly investigated


dc7c79  No.2705903


Attorney for Killer of Molly Tibbetts Says Cristhian Rivera Is in the Country Legally

On Tuesday Mexican national Cristhian Bahena Rivera was charged with First Degree Murder for the slaying of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts.

Tibbits was a sophomore at the University of Iowa.

Christhian Rivera beat Mollie to death and hid her body in a corn field.

The Washington Post reported that Rivera was in the US illegally.

Attorney for Killer of Molly Tibbetts Says Cristhian Rivera Is in the Country Legally

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft August 22, 2018 0 Comments

Share Tweet Email

On Tuesday Mexican national Cristhian Bahena Rivera was charged with First Degree Murder for the slaying of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts.

Tibbits was a sophomore at the University of Iowa.

Christhian Rivera beat Mollie to death and hid her body in a corn field.

The Washington Post reported that Rivera was in the US illegally.

On Wednesday Christhian Rivera’s attorney said the Mexican national was in the country legally.

The Omaha Herald reported:

In a court document, defense attorney Allan M. Richards stated that an employer has said Rivera has legal permission to be in the U.S. The document named Craig Lang, a former head of the Iowa Board of Regents, which oversees the state’s three public universities. Lang is co-owner of a dairy that employed Rivera.

Rivera’s immigration status was confirmed by an E-Verify electronic immigration status check, the Lang family said in a statement.

Richards sought a gag order and said comments about the case by President Donald Trump would “poison the entire possible pool of jury members.”


dc7c79  No.2705908




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



b65596  No.2705909

File: f5c76cbd7aa1ae8⋯.jpeg (6.93 KB, 153x213, 51:71, th-7.jpeg)


fa8e9b  No.2705910

File: 9e7ec68d33b7999⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 939x606, 313:202, Capture.JPG)


Never posted here before. Just stumbled upon it while having arguments over twitter about the morality of her having sex with a 17yo. Through digging, I've found she's clearly involved in more ways than one. Idk how things here are noted or taken into account. Why repost?

94f48d  No.2705911


Yoar anti-semitism won't be tolerated here, goyim.

5189f9  No.2705912

File: 3a6fa1af82935e3⋯.jpg (269.89 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1445912179004.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

b2c6a4  No.2705913

File: d7e48014974ef82⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 151.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_2680.JPG)

who is bottom ranking anon

d877f1  No.2705914

LB So Cuba just got cell phone access, said they were trying it for a day to see how it goes, heard it on fox,immediately brought to mind Gitmo

DS lawyers can't go w/out cell access in Cuba proper hotels

dc7c79  No.2705915

Crisis in Canberra: Fresh leadership spill looms for Malcolm Turnbull

The crisis in Canberra has deepened after a petition circulating through parliament calling for a second spill of the leadership. Malcolm Turnbull has been in crisis talks with his supporters to ensure he has the numbers ahead of what’s expected to be another tense day.


61c391  No.2705916

File: 799d899570458d7⋯.jpg (106.93 KB, 600x555, 40:37, IMG_419.jpg)

94f48d  No.2705917

File: 55b9fbf15d2b1b4⋯.png (980.44 KB, 682x592, 341:296, ClipboardImage.png)



Thanks, Baker

360f0c  No.2705918

great bakin' baker


the 'everyone is a bot' shill (you know the name) is

dc7c79  No.2705919


KEK! 911, Trips don't lie Rabbi!

349646  No.2705920

File: 598743f75cb9f7d⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hall-monitor-1.jpg)

123c5c  No.2705921

File: 90deae864cb1df2⋯.jpeg (44.18 KB, 338x450, 169:225, image.jpeg)

Calling all Q-team far and wide. Could someone from Q+ kindly make a brief appearance? It's become so shilly in here I'm beginning to think the earth is flat.

Anything Q…please. Your loyal foot-soldier army of anons thirst for a rousing William Wallace-style battle cry!

05200b  No.2705922

File: 0ca2978bb830f1c⋯.png (73.97 KB, 1637x454, 1637:454, veritas_leaks.PNG)

Now that Wikileaks is comped, Project Veritas looks to be trying to take their throne. Good thing in my opinion. Thoughts Anons?


abbde2  No.2705923


the one on left is butt ugly

i choose the one on the right, shes cutest

b0a757  No.2705924

File: e6dfe408b329ffb⋯.jpg (163.86 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180822-WA0002.jpg)

f1ccef  No.2705925

File: 82899d742964af5⋯.png (408.06 KB, 1371x839, 1371:839, 004df1609b7d4bffd31bdbd8be….png)

There is an interesting discussion going on in this thread on twitter.


Have we ever figured out if Pence is a white hat or a deepstate swamprat?

Some of these texts they are discussing in the thread ask more questions than answers. Pic related but there is more.

657060  No.2705926

File: 4d57880b341dc03⋯.jpeg (45.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, CB8993A1-12F0-4C51-84E3-F….jpeg)

f73328  No.2705927

File: fc7ff629cd3db48⋯.jpg (174.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, hold.jpg)

f1ccef  No.2705928

File: c9fbc5e0f36cc14⋯.png (126.82 KB, 525x472, 525:472, screenshotAtUploadCC_15349….png)


Fuck wrong pic.

9a274e  No.2705929

File: 876ac311412d01d⋯.png (256.72 KB, 559x874, 559:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ec3324d0023f05⋯.png (106.03 KB, 560x771, 560:771, ClipboardImage.png)

In case people have forgotten, Rudy is working with Mueller to ensure all evidence provided by Rudy (and others) to Mueller for other investigations is admissible in court.



They are purely acting as though they are continuing the POTUS investigation because otherwise they would have to stop all other suspects that Mueller is investigating.

Optics, folks. This show is about to get really good.

d11c24  No.2705930


At least he was fertilizing the ground. He cared about the environment. He wasnt some dirty American and throwing away worthless crap in the trash. We should honor him.

bf3e11  No.2705931


You Q and don’t know the earth is flat?

01f52a  No.2705932


7th son of 7th son is that related?

419de9  No.2705933

File: 41c33e326c726d3⋯.jpeg (148.27 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 1529156761.jpeg)

360f0c  No.2705934

File: e27b170c4eda3c3⋯.png (342.88 KB, 396x1199, 36:109, ClipboardImage.png)


chekked, part of my graphic being made now now

(full crumb of pic2 because I have it)

good reminder anon

9dd954  No.2705935

File: b7000e18c8e3040⋯.png (346.07 KB, 999x546, 333:182, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

>>2705885 (lb)

>Skip Rutherford

You Mean "the joker"?


bf3e11  No.2705936


Pence is a time traveler with a better time machine than trump. Also he has clones.

0f5248  No.2705937

Last bread replies


Ok, but dont dox her (and you).


MANY libtards are govt court workers. If there are 45,000 sealed indictments, there are at least double that many people who know about them, probably triple.

95dd73  No.2705938

File: 44024be3dfd87c2⋯.jpg (500.91 KB, 856x1920, 107:240, 1531594330986.jpg)

File: 3989a5f8cfc6a7e⋯.png (373.42 KB, 2201x1700, 2201:1700, info02.png)

991210  No.2705939

File: 6055ff55e721ec9⋯.jpg (100.84 KB, 1056x683, 1056:683, keepthefaithpepe.JPG)

thank you baker


bf3e11  No.2705940


Yeah let’s just believe the cabals ‘globe earth’ propaganda. Smh.

95dd73  No.2705941


Israel is going to be exposed and their sin will be revealed. The world will be judged by Trump.

217dc8  No.2705942

Baker could you add these 2 posts

>>2705516 (pb)

>>2705826 (pb)

To this notable dig: >>2705616

These provide further explanation on how to use the sites noted, might be helpful for others digging there.

5509bd  No.2705943

File: e1187ca81baf9c0⋯.png (430.11 KB, 500x636, 125:159, DOITQ_nfl.png)

An Anon sent me down a rabbit hole and I found this.


Should be in every anons tool box. Literally takes seconds to learn

360f0c  No.2705944

File: 16c24825353e75f⋯.png (49.56 KB, 436x340, 109:85, ClipboardImage.png)


>Have we ever figured out if Pence is a white hat or a deepstate swamprat?

he is still VP, use (pic related)'s logic on that


b5eb2f  No.2705945

>>2705931 Yeah and stormey really is a virgin- she used a stunt hole double!!

4e820f  No.2705946

File: b235342070a72c7⋯.jpg (109.97 KB, 589x587, 589:587, P1040805.jpg)

c94e56  No.2705947



Don't do that. The clowns are very scard of the Q-clock…

edf1f8  No.2705949

workfag workfagging and thinking

There are SO many people involved

How the fuck does one go from the innocence of childhood

and later become so complicit and involved in such corruption?

Blackmail, money, or sex could never get me to betray my fellow Americans

let alone my country

These fuckers have


e273fd  No.2705950

WTF…This place is chaos today/tonight…which ever side of the pond your on.

It's a Shillfest.

Good luck Baker…keep your eyes open.

I'm just going to llurk and try to dpot notables.

4c15f4  No.2705951


17 Nominees

419de9  No.2705952

File: cd93ba332254b4a⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 1429x356, 1429:356, IMG_20180415_071300.jpg)

90be11  No.2705953

>>2705649 (lb)

Anon, your mom *IS* gorgeous, inside and out. God bless your mom for fighting so hard with us to get our dear President Trump elected. She helped save the USA, and for that we are eternally grateful. We are also eternally grateful for her bravery as a NYPD officer. I pray she and all of your family members comforted by our Lord, Jesus Christ, and that the peace and strength of Christ is with you now and always. Your mom appears to have a little Irish twinkle in her eyes, and she is as gorgeous as you said. We are family here, and we love you tremendously. Where we go one, we go all, through the easy times and the hard times, too. Please stay close to us and let us know how all of you are doing, and please lean on us and let us know what we can do.

bf3e11  No.2705954


You might be wrong but that arguments a winner.

I hear commiefornia calls it a front hole these days. Vagina is oppressive

ddf66c  No.2705955

File: 2dc2d324033ef6f⋯.png (498.53 KB, 900x376, 225:94, shillstorm.png)

360f0c  No.2705956


incoming FEfaggotry memes

b9f463  No.2705957



2d9405  No.2705958

>>2705758 (lb)

The Jews are the perverts and homos, and we don't care what Jeff Bezos' blog publishes.

ddf66c  No.2705959


agree anon.

many vaginas have oppressed me.

9dd954  No.2705960

File: c9cabcebbcd2534⋯.jpg (667.38 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, red_door_ar.jpg)


Im going to keep posting this graphic until it sticks or the info leads anons elsewhere.

507b89  No.2705961

File: 322866895fb98a5⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1807x869, 1807:869, 1534960883585.png)

cat 5 about to hit

b5eb2f  No.2705962

>>2705954 I always oppress my vaginias!!

1d3990  No.2705963

Everything is fine.

We are always winning.

Do not trust what you see.

Do not trust what you hear.

Trust the plan.

Disinformation is necessary.

Inaction is necessary.

5D Chess.

Follow the white rabbit.

Round and round.


[We] are nothing if not complacent.

35950a  No.2705964


Ah gotcha, I was wondering about the Evergreen post, didn't see the connections tho.. will add

bf3e11  No.2705965


So you think an evil cabal runs the world yet you believe what they taught you in school. Get a grip. I’m not seriously saying it’s flat but who knows. We are going to have to reinvestigate everything once they are gone

5189f9  No.2705966

File: d179d3f616f9f20⋯.jpg (330.57 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5FGj6LT.jpg)

95dd73  No.2705967

File: 75b566011c6f3be⋯.png (221.56 KB, 926x368, 463:184, LAST TRUMP.png)

d11c24  No.2705969



Front hole you dirty sexist. Front hole!

4c15f4  No.2705970

File: 26553a2b54fac5f⋯.jpg (101.17 KB, 710x578, 355:289, CFR Board_1.JPG)

Dig worthy…perhaps

>>2705669 (lb)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/11/18 (Sat) 16:33:23 No.142

Welcome to THE SWAMP


Looking at the CFR link Q posted.

4 names on the Board of Directors stuck out immediately [Pic related]

Ash Carter - Secretary of Defense under Hussein

Timothy Geithner - Secretary of the Treasury under Hussein; President Federal Reserve

William McRaven - Navy Admiral - LOUDLY protesting Brennan's Security Clearance removal

Janet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland Security under Hussein; Governor of Arizona

This info is all from wikipedia.

33ac82  No.2705971


Thank you

ddf66c  No.2705972


so what is a one-holer now?

67898d  No.2705973

Can any anon confirm the illegal who killed Tibbits is the relative of the illegal child Avanatti was helping as he went to Iowa?

5653ea  No.2705974

File: 1869889beeec573⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 292x243, 292:243, counsel.JPG)

Attorney Vacancies & Volunteer Legal Internships

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) General Attorney (TDY Opportunity) District of Columbia August 15, 2018

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Deputy General Counsel (ES) District of Columbia August 9, 2018


Deputy General Counsel (ES)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Office of the General Counsel


Washington, DC 20535

United States

About the Office:

The Deputy General Counsel (DGC) position is a Deputy Assistant Director-level position in the FBI. The DGC reports directly to the General Counsel. The DGC oversees the National Security and Cyber Law Branch (NSCLB), which is comprised of over 100 attorneys and staff. NSCLB provides advice and services to the FBI's National Security Branch (NSB) and other FBI elements on a highly diverse range of important operational, policy, litigation, oversight and training matters in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. The attorneys in the Branch interact and coordinate with all Intelligence Community agencies, and work extensively on matters regarding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Successful candidate should have professional experience in the following: 1) providing legal and policy advice and guidance and conducting oversight in the field of national security; and/or 2) criminal investigations/prosecution (with a particular emphasis on national security or other complex matters). Additionally, candidates for this position must possess strong leadership, organization, collaboration, interpersonal and problem solving skills.

Job Description:

Position: Deputy General Counsel (ES)

Section: National Security and Cyber Law Branch

Division: Office of the General Counsel

Location: Washington, DC

Working Hours: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m. (Flexible)

Promotional Potential: none


Key Requirements

Law degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association and an active bar membership in good standing with at least one State Bar Association

Must be able to obtain a Top Secret -SCI clearance

U.S. Citizenship Required


General Attorney (TDY Opportunity)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)


Washington, DC 20535

United States

About the Office:

Canvass for professional staff employees at DOJ interested in a 120-day temporary duty assignment to the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Discovery Coordination and Policy Unit (DCPU) located at FBIHQ.

This canvass is for the Washington, D.C. commuting area only, therefore, funds are not available for this assignment.

DCPU supports the FBI in administrative investigations, civil lawsuits, criminal cases, and other legal matters. This includes, among other things, providing discovery counsel and advice, responding to discovery requests for electronically stored information (ESI), and issuing litigation holds.

f19732  No.2705976

File: 5c883ffbcaa228d⋯.jpg (179.56 KB, 610x742, 305:371, I_am_woman_SFnakedman.jpg)

b5eb2f  No.2705977

>>2705969 That wouldnt be oppressive!!

39afb7  No.2705978


A guy who doesn't want anal sex with his gal.

e37316  No.2705979


.>Why repost?

So that more Anons can have a look at this pic.

e273fd  No.2705980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's been dug.

Cabal/Roths/red doors…seen a pic of their estate in England? Door redacted.

b5eb2f  No.2705981

>>2705972 a good day at the golf course!

d11c24  No.2705982



You backward anons…..the future is gay dont you know that? Gay and fronthole!

ddf66c  No.2705983


thanx anon.

I have trouble with lgbtqpc and such.

wnt to keep the holerness sorted in my head.

e1e149  No.2705984


Today the press briefing with Sarah Sanders was not on the schedule. Early in MSM questions an Israeli reporter asked about Trump saying Israel has a price to pay. Sarah's response was odd and very related to recent Q it seems. https://youtu.be/PRQ0KeKLhec?t=30m9s cued to the Q&R

fc95a0  No.2705985

File: 0d53ffbc70f9fa0⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 539x662, 539:662, 0d53ffbc70f9fa0920767efdec….jpg)

360f0c  No.2705986

File: a9976e5327dbc64⋯.png (356 KB, 500x495, 100:99, ClipboardImage.png)

ff04ae  No.2705987


that guy doesn't exist! kek

507b89  No.2705988

File: b0d25efbd7428d2⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, 1534974190976.png)

>friendly reminder

volcano still active

lava all over the place

wind and fire clash tomorrow evening

90be11  No.2705989


I'm with you, Anon, and I agree with what you're saying. Whenever I get impatient or start to get apoplectic about Sessions's apparent inactivity, and whenever I get frustrated that the Mueller probe continues, I look at the big picture like you just did. I fully believe that Mueller is, in fact, conducting a "WITCH HUNT" and that the "WITCH" whom Mueller, at al., are hunting is Hillary Clinton. So I am breathing easily, more or less, and trusting the plan. I believe we will soon see more fruits of the efforts, and I never forget that there are almost 50,000 unsealed indictments looming out there. Stay strong, Anons. God wins.

b6d56e  No.2705990

File: 5e3ca65bc4e6b3b⋯.jpg (150.89 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, DlMEnaXU0AAKR2Q.jpg)

Is CBS News ok with their employee Shanica Johnson talking about Hating "White America" and praising white people being bred out of existence?

Let's ask them!

(212) 975-3247

(212) 975-4321

CBS Headquarters 51 W. 52nd St. New York, NY 10019

f1ccef  No.2705991


But this is after Q has told us repeatedly to Trust Sessions and Anons kept asking.

He has never told us to trust Pence. Just saying that some of the text messages were odd, and the fact that Flynn was fired for lying to Pence. I just don't think we should assume he is a white hat until told to trust him.

We should keep an open mind, and maybe look for more references to him in the emails and messages. That's all I am saying

bf3e11  No.2705992


Warning anons https . Could be a trap

0a23cf  No.2705993

File: 2e7c747cdf4d9fe⋯.png (24.28 KB, 888x151, 888:151, Screenshot_15.png)

Sorry if already posted

f19732  No.2705994


any updates anon on the alleged turned off tsunami buoys?

5189f9  No.2705995

File: cba90feda99e648⋯.jpg (41.4 KB, 570x713, 570:713, s0aix01vyoh11.jpg)

db5533  No.2705996

File: 4a9ce5aefad1cd5⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 550x435, 110:87, 5543f1bda82c8a116d207f8cdc….jpg)

File: 8ca4a5a22908093⋯.jpg (490.34 KB, 895x746, 895:746, wandere-am-weltenrand-sw.jpg)


call me fe shill all you want. its in the blood

ddf66c  No.2705997

File: b0889cf621e26ef⋯.jpg (316.07 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, hoggfung.jpg)

b5eb2f  No.2705998

>>2705987 Really Honey I slipped!!

b8e80d  No.2705999

File: a729aecbfe4c6ee⋯.jpg (191.62 KB, 831x1280, 831:1280, Vote Deadpool.jpg)


ThanQ Baker

>Faithfully Trusting The Plan.

2024 can make-up for 2012!

e273fd  No.2706000


Needs more meat Anon…Give us the why?

d0e9c1  No.2706001

File: 44ea5882a45eee5⋯.jpeg (67.93 KB, 658x500, 329:250, Fentanyl_Analogs.jpeg)

WATCH the water.


There must be something in the water

lyrics by Coleman Hell'

Twin Towers 9/11 Boaz and Jachin

(9 letters) ll = 9/11

CHAMELEON ll = 9/11 sacrifice of MANY PEOPLE

There must be something in the water

Someone is changing their color

And there must be something about your daughter

Whose daughter? Is she ordering fentanyl analogs

from China?

Like Carfentanyl, 100,000 times more powerful

To put in the US water supply

And kill millions!!! ???

John Brennan has two daughters

What do we know of them?

981a57  No.2706002


Wrong, that guy exists. No shitholes for me. And there's many more where I come from.

e1e149  No.2706003


Its the White House YT feed. I default to https if its there.

0919dc  No.2706004

File: f76ddea1976d91c⋯.jpeg (358.33 KB, 1242x1672, 621:836, 0D59347D-AB3C-4D79-B502-4….jpeg)

File: f977bc702d4ea44⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A1D376A5-45BA-4D22-9BE1-43….png)


0a23cf  No.2706005


Not to mention the added seawater to the chamber

e52128  No.2706006


Obama appointee Mel Watt under investigation.

d0e9c1  No.2706007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is the song

Where the Illuminati warn us

Of the slaughter of innocents

In the USA

Millions will die!!!

bf3e11  No.2706008


I got https attacked from a YouTube video on here. Thankfully I was on a device I use solely for browsing web and setting my fantasy baseball roster. No harm done

507b89  No.2706009

File: 725a59c45cdf0a2⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1292x969, 4:3, 1534973377040.png)


slump still has to bump

maybe the hurricane will force it

volcano build up a s 2 month slump

tsunami will be biblical

2d9405  No.2706010

Ontario government launches webpage for parents regarding removing pro-gay pro-tranny sex-ed, media calls it a "snitch line"…


6d3758  No.2706011


People wake up September 8…

866c79  No.2706012

File: 2fb4b012e58399e⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 416x238, 208:119, NewHere1.JPG)

File: 048dd1db75d51f0⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 422x240, 211:120, NewHere2.JPG)

File: cbb0999ecab3eda⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 416x234, 16:9, NewHere3.JPG)



That's right. Too many Chatty Kathy types here guyz. Now quit joking around and shape up.

47370b  No.2706013


Janet Napolitano don't forget this nugget


Janet Napolitano was named the 20th president of the University of California on July 18, 2013, and took office on Sept. 30, 2013.

Portrait of Janet NapolitanoShe leads a university system with 10 campuses, five medical centers, three affiliated national laboratories, and a statewide agriculture and natural resources program.

Napolitano is a distinguished public servant with a record of leading large, complex organizations at the federal and state levels.

She served as Secretary of Homeland Security from 2009-13, as Governor of Arizona from 2003-09, as Attorney General of Arizona from 1998-2003, and as U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona from 1993-97. Before that, she practiced at the law firm of Lewis & Roca in Phoenix, where she became a partner in 1989. She began her career in 1983 as a clerk for Judge Mary M. Schroeder of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

As Governor of Arizona, Napolitano focused on education, from pre-kindergarten through public higher education. She was the first woman to chair the National Governors Association, and was named one of the nation’s top five governors by Time magazine.

Napolitano earned a B.S. degree (summa cum laude in Political Science) in 1979 from Santa Clara University, where she was Phi Beta Kappa, a Truman Scholar and the university’s first female valedictorian. She received her law degree in 1983 from the University of Virginia School of Law. Napolitano holds honorary degrees from several universities and colleges, including Emory University, Pomona College and Northeastern University. In 2010, she was awarded the prestigious Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal (Law), the University of Virginia’s highest external honor.

0a23cf  No.2706014


Your shit is not notable

0919dc  No.2706015

Did I mention the mobster cops all wear punisher jackets and their gang name is punishers???

f73328  No.2706016


Looks like she took down her whole Twitter account:


Probably because these few tweets were just a few of many:


ddf66c  No.2706017


musta missed this new one.

seems megatard.

b9f463  No.2706018

Islamic State chief, in rare speech, urges followers to fight on

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in his first purported speech in nearly a year, has called on followers to fight on despite recent defeats, according to an audio recording posted on the group’s media outlet.

In the 55-minute statement, Baghdadi congratulated what he described as the “striking lions” behind recent attacks in Canada and Europe and called on followers to use bombs, knives or cars to carry out attacks.

Baghdadi also offered greetings to Muslims for Eid al-Adha, a feast which is celebrated this week, suggesting the message was recorded recently.

“For the Mujahideen (holy warriors) the scale of victory or defeat is not dependant on a city or town being stolen or subject to that who has aerial superiority, intercontinental missiles or smart bombs,” Baghdadi said in a recording in Arabic posted by his al-Furqan media group.

“Oh Caliphate soldiers…. trust in God’s promise and His victory… for with hardship comes relief and a way out,” he added, addressing followers in various cities in Syria.

Reuters was unable to verify whether the voice on the recording was Baghdadi’s.


1225dd  No.2706019

Uhm, was there yet some digging done on fuckerbergs WIFE?

3a9ddb  No.2706020

>>2705125 (pb)

Doesn't pass the sniff test.

Just an impression

Not interested enough to dig.

Maybe a Gladio Propaganda event to create division?

Seems staged; Black News announcer called her "some girl' Just too convenient.

Like the fake suicide pilot who claimed at the end that he killed himself for being "white"


0919dc  No.2706021


More notable then anything you have ever posted…

90be11  No.2706022


Anon, I'm all for calling out a racist CBS employee, but why TF don't those capped Twats have dates? Every time I screencapped a Twat the date appears, so WTF? Are these Twats photoshopped or real? Fuck, you didn't even link to them or post links to archived versions of those Twats. Lurk moar and come back here when you learn how to post research like an adult, FFS.

c94e56  No.2706023


>Have we ever figured out if Pence is a white hat or a deepstate swamprat?

Deep State swamprat.

Just like Giuliani, Bolton and Pompeo.

POTUS uses them to do certain jobs.

Their day will come.

360f0c  No.2706024


I think you know that too baker, kek

d0e9c1  No.2706025


Well it's nice to know

That things are perfectly normal

In some parts of the USA

People are still going stark raving mad

Probably from abusing drugs

But this really does not concern us

Other than to get improved mental health care for all

33ac82  No.2706026

File: 6b5113b44e1099c⋯.png (41.29 KB, 337x972, 337:972, Paint it black lyrics Roll….png)


okay, that is freaky. I was listening to that song a couple of hours ago, and some lyrics in it caught my eye.

I thought about posting that video, KEK

I look inside myself and see my heart is black

I see my red door I must have it painted black

Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts

It's not easy facin' up, when your whole world is black

sounds like a cabal member with a little guilt.

a70eed  No.2706027

File: 0e31bdfdb5ad9f3⋯.jpeg (290.78 KB, 750x602, 375:301, 67C5AFF9-0D86-4CE5-8EAD-F….jpeg)

>>2705860 (lb)

Please add this small excerpt.

Amazingly mainstream journalists who follow thier enigmatic guru, money, have sold thier souls and been repeatedly caught producing innacurrate and flagrantly biased reporting pieces that follow march and step along with thier progressive views. Our hope is that witnessing un-trained and un compensated reporters and investigators in qresearch will ignite a passionate return to honest reporting.

A compelling hypothesis emerges on the surface of thier fanatical thought process.

Maybe if mainsteam reporters spent less time smoking phallus and more time smoking weed… The American Republic might have a chance to think freely for themselves instead of being overwhelmed by the MSM propaganda machine whose reporters think its somehow a game to mislead and steer the American people to hate a president fighting to restore this country to its former greatness. A President duly elected and sworn in to office.

48f1c2  No.2706028

File: c637a2ad9e544b7⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5894AB0C-75CC-43FF-B1A7-39….png)

New Trump video on IG

b6d56e  No.2706029

File: 462b051a4f4ac21⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 828x530, 414:265, basedANN.jpg)

"I saw him speaking to [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] yesterday and you know, I love him," she said. "He should just be our spokesman. He should be forever our Republican spokesman. But somebody else has got to actually get it done."

008f8a  No.2706030

>>2705832 lb

This should be a meme, DJT riding a Maxine Waters surf board on a red wave…lol

520011  No.2706031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Croww777 questions everything, his Lunar Wave footage is proof of something, just don't know WTF

35950a  No.2706032


wrong article or copy/pasta?

link seems more noteworthy than the pasta imo

5a02fe  No.2706033

ad5b71  No.2706034


The number of sealed indictments is available to the public through the PACER website. You can even break down the numbers by state.

95dd73  No.2706035



61c391  No.2706036

File: f928e840a69773c⋯.jpg (369.53 KB, 960x600, 8:5, IMG_669.jpg)

0919dc  No.2706037


You are very wrong… Better ask Trump were the ideas came from if you dont believe! Not a new tax isea in 30 years… and then baam there is one?!?


f19732  No.2706038

any old memfags on board that have perused the meme archives? another old memfag having trouble here.

5a02fe  No.2706039


This could get interdasting me thinks.

981a57  No.2706040

File: aa490ad9b42ca14⋯.png (763.48 KB, 910x907, 910:907, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia is stockpiling gold as fresh US sanctions loom


ff0d6c  No.2706041


she doesn't remember Her Fuck Buddy Bill Maher's Coke Deals ?

e1e149  No.2706042

Ok, an anon made a concern about http with a YT link. Here, I have it without that and in long form. IT is q'd to the question and answer from the WH brief today that was not scheduled.


3a9ddb  No.2706043


They must deliberately hire these freaks.

520011  No.2706044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Crrow777 questions everything. Lunar wave footage, proof of something, but WTF?

507b89  No.2706045

File: 50fbb9927fe99be⋯.jpg (209.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 180822-hurricane-lane-nasa….jpg)

this huge motherfucker

e1e149  No.2706046

>>2706042 crap here


e273fd  No.2706048


unable to verify voice…Could be EU/reuters Fear porn.

5653ea  No.2706049

why so faggot?

ff0d6c  No.2706050


Hey Dullard look at the forecasted track

ff04ae  No.2706051


the lave is cooled… and not related to GA

c162a3  No.2706052


We had a big bust of Carfentanyl in Canada. The Brother of the Toronto terrorist had something like 45 Kilo of the stuff!

Yes 45 Kilo!

ed4aab  No.2706054

File: 78d6102b9e4c681⋯.jpg (156.05 KB, 1033x1300, 1033:1300, happy-redhead-woman-childr….jpg)

bf3e11  No.2706055


I said https and it’s still https

e1e149  No.2706056


I thought Moss as the thing there.

3a9ddb  No.2706057


Gross they all shave their cunts.

It that so they will look like babies?

560d91  No.2706058

File: 9cd1d588ea9a21c⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 776x4752, 97:594, Screenshot_20180822-122552.jpg)

File: 50fdf1f7a6d726c⋯.jpg (867.59 KB, 788x3006, 394:1503, Screenshot_20180822-173438.jpg)

File: 8a7d3de2159d6cb⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20180808_190959.gif)














16cc36  No.2706059

File: c81afd5ecf7931e⋯.jpg (575.04 KB, 1261x1258, 1261:1258, 3d5888e89bb64a1c535d2bd3b1….jpg)

Guys i keep hearing Republicans talk about regulation for the censorship by the tech giants. Is there any way to reach out to some of /ourguys/ like Nunes, Jordan etc. to give them the idea for IBOR?

Bill of Rights for internet in law would be better than any half assed attempt to regulate by the politicians.

e1e149  No.2706060


I removed it in my reply to the same one. Going fast today and messed up.

ff0d6c  No.2706061



d11c24  No.2706062


Strange stories in these times of almost total lies. Lots of potential evidence the Moon is a created body. Was it turned off?

Does David Icke blame Saturn and a bunch of lizards….yes he does.

Is it weirder than a 6000 year old cult of faggots that drink the blood of kids and peel their skin off while still alive? NO. So I am keeping an open mind.

d0e9c1  No.2706063



The front hole is the urethra

The one that you pee with

The vagina is the middle hole

And the anus is the rearhole

Os the backhole

Or even the backhoe to those who offer it freely to rigid tools

13bc26  No.2706064


And suddenly a wild CTA appears

0919dc  No.2706065


No it is so you dont get hair in your mouth weirdo… more projection.. sick evil

f1ccef  No.2706066

Q told us to trust Pompeo. (Kansas)

67898d  No.2706067


No, but it's obvious where ur disgusting pedo mind is at. Rope coming.

eee1e6  No.2706068

File: f918a8cafa4ef6e⋯.png (305.72 KB, 636x451, 636:451, ClipboardImage.png)


360f0c  No.2706069

>>2706058 WH update


I really like this anon, I auto-notable when baking

nice digzz

ff04ae  No.2706070


thanks Doc

67898d  No.2706071

399940  No.2706072

File: a04725f5e578f59⋯.png (735.48 KB, 1015x568, 1015:568, wallace.png)

f9f09f  No.2706073

File: beb018c95ef4650⋯.jpg (168.68 KB, 1080x1242, 20:23, IMG_0379.JPG)

94f48d  No.2706074




This anon gets it

bf3e11  No.2706075


Did you just assume my hole alignment?

39afb7  No.2706076


Coulter never misses a chance to kick Trump when he is getting beat up in the press.

I don't get her, she went on the Rob Lowe's roast and got called a whore and worse in front of all America in one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever seen in someone getting attacked verbally. She was all in that Trump would win when it wasn't cool at all and then turns on him when he is elected and making good progress. There is being a whore, but a whore usually goes where the money is. If she thought Trump was a winner way back when, then it should be more obvious now. She makes no sense.

d11c24  No.2706077


When did the thigh gap become a thing?

Its a good thing.

e1e149  No.2706078


I have no idea why but YT does that https thing. Anyway, if you are leary, go find the WH press brief today on the WH page and go to 30:09

c0820b  No.2706079

File: eda6424b33ce75e⋯.png (213.13 KB, 1148x445, 1148:445, ClipboardImage.png)


One of the worst things to happen to the 'U'.

e273fd  No.2706080


It goes well back Anon.

Check it out.

'Red'…it's not just the shoes.

866c79  No.2706081


POTUS doing this non-stop lately…

360f0c  No.2706082

File: 474150263887c57⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, peperight.jpeg)

67898d  No.2706083


No. Q NEVER said trust Pompeo. Ur disinfo is fucking obvious.

360f0c  No.2706084


FFS anon

Kansas = Pompeo

b6d56e  No.2706085


Doesn't matter, she's right.

db5533  No.2706086

File: 73557f5c2b8f6b7⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 236x314, 118:157, 18472f5998b7750a259c655a73….jpg)

File: 99d00d6a21cce78⋯.jpg (154.91 KB, 594x457, 594:457, cartoon-here-in-my-hands-6….jpg)


jesuit trained like moonbeam. uc is stepping up the ladder from dhs. nuclear weapons out of lb labs & tranny agenda out the safespace uc fronthole. she requires a false dike otomy

ed4aab  No.2706087

File: 40dc7b9f74283b9⋯.jpeg (114.07 KB, 533x850, 533:850, 2342483-young-redhead-wom….jpeg)

1d3990  No.2706088


It's okay.

Keep waiting.

Someone else will fix everything.

abe7cf  No.2706089


Germany has gold

Turkey repatriated gold

Russia search more gold

0919dc  No.2706090


Because Q knows my wife has family in Kansas that are in on it…

Whipper which is Q..

Is in the masonic lodge like this evil pos Tim

f3533c  No.2706091


WASHINGTON—Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz submitted an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill Tuesday to ban anyone from using Pentagon funds to implement the Arms Trade Treaty. Similar language is also included in the lower chamber’s version of the legislation.

The text of the amendment states, “None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this division may be obligated or expended to implement the Arms Trade Treaty until the resolution of ratification of the Treaty is approved by the Senate.”


f2b58d  No.2706092

Guys check out Bill Mitchells (@Mitchellvii) #MAGATalk - I think everybody should have it for critical comms situations!

bf3e11  No.2706093


It’s all good brah, if people aren’t aware of security they shouldn’t click links. Just try embedding it next

e5114e  No.2706094

File: 09fdfd3cb96bcff⋯.png (250.09 KB, 840x733, 840:733, guardian[1].png)

File: 567abf7bdb87637⋯.png (124.38 KB, 723x968, 723:968, camps[1].png)

FBI: Bush Told Us to Back Off Bin Ladens After 9/11


FBI claims Bin Laden inquiry was frustrated

Officials told to ‘back off’ on Saudis before September 11

Greg Palast and David Pallister

Wednesday 7 November 2001 11.31 EST

Last modified Mon 18 Jan 2016 08.50 EST

""Bush admin sure was planning on a lot of refugees being in the US:""


Title: “Detention Camp Jitters”

Author: Maureen Farrell

Community Evaluator: Dr. Gary Evans

Student Researchers: Sean Hurley and Caitlyn Peele

Halliburton’s subsidiary KBR (formerly Kellogg, Brown and Root) announced on January 24, 2006 that it had been awarded a $385 million contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build detention camps in the United States.

According to a press release posted on the Halliburton website, “The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs. The contingency support contract provides for planning and, if required, initiation of specific engineering, construction and logistics support tasks to establish, operate and maintain one or more expansion facilities.”


94f48d  No.2706095


Me too anon…… me too

03401c  No.2706096


Exactly. Sure she's selling books, but not as many as she could.

Even when she pisses me the fuck off, i have to respect her.

20e62d  No.2706097


anti trust laws already on the books

must be broken up

2b22a6  No.2706098

File: 530749670b7bdbf⋯.jpeg (214.21 KB, 750x730, 75:73, IMG_363CBD9FC7B1-1.jpeg)

031181  No.2706099


Fake news?

a8957a  No.2706100

Hey, Q! How do I get VIP entry to Evansville Rally on Aug 30th??? I got my Q tshirt and ready to represent!

Take my mom and dad, too! They have taken the red pill and are on board!

76b145  No.2706101

POTUS has orchestrated this whole Cohen thing to buy Huber and Sessions more time

The Deep State was getting so desperate that a major False Flag was imminent (assassination?)

The writing was on the wall

The NSA surely heard all the chatter

Clowns showing up to Trump rallies in Q garb

This Cohen thing has all the cabal's resources focused on that

Trump is taking a hit (or appearing to) to save all of our lives before the HAMMER drops

47267b  No.2706102

File: 1697297a781de1c⋯.jpg (164.16 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Trust Mike_Pompeo_official….jpg)

05200b  No.2706103


I wonder if they know if the feds gonna get fucked.

1225dd  No.2706104


Because perfect to reach normies!

+ shows his real kind personality

1f8ea5  No.2706105

File: 8a981f99894222d⋯.jpeg (94.29 KB, 1200x1008, 25:21, 67zWRL.jpeg)


3a9ddb  No.2706106

File: 533d06a295da78e⋯.jpg (99.62 KB, 916x720, 229:180, designdc.jpg)


I think it's hollow

When they bombed the South Pole there [or so NASA claimed] it was said to "ring"

There's a lot of perfection in the structure of the Solar System which points to design of some kind. Used to be the best proof for God [pre -Hume] Or so we are told.Argument from Design.

These patterns can't all be coincidence.

bf3e11  No.2706107


Nibiru approaches.

Only those who pay sufficient tribute will be allowed to live.

ed4aab  No.2706108

File: 821afa98f420355⋯.jpg (94.67 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, 75993042-indoor-shot-of-fa….jpg)

e43487  No.2706109



419de9  No.2706110

File: 763f5608c3b1dc7⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2400x3000, 4:5, James_Mattis.jpg)

f3533c  No.2706111

Scott Walker in dead heat, Tammy Baldwin holds slim lead in new Wisconsin poll


b6d56e  No.2706112


Sycophancy is pretty fucking gay. Try thinking for yourself, you might look like less of a tool, and might have something to contribute for once.

e5114e  No.2706113


was his campaign promise of sorts

'I Gladly Take The Hits For You'

13bc26  No.2706114


Oh, no. I have muh reconcile, little butthurt redneck boy whom no one will follow. Except maybe to your trailer for some meth

520011  No.2706115




had a dream where the moon cracked all over like an egg shell, under the shell it was like earth, green and blue. I think maybe there's a hologram over it.

360f0c  No.2706116


they need +11% to take the house

see this notable: >>2704799 Dems / Repubs tied in latest Rasmussen poll.

polls are polls

CNN has them way up, FOX has them leading by a bit, others have them tied


a44495  No.2706117

File: 4cd0bc24500bf24⋯.png (104.92 KB, 849x579, 283:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Have anons seen this?

Washington Post is keeping a searchable database on POTUS' alleged LIES

Anons…..we need to debunk these!


d11c24  No.2706118


America put a bill to the Rothschilds…..they couldnt pay. So we have their gold.

349646  No.2706119

File: d1e66d6ffcb13b7⋯.png (99.56 KB, 289x368, 289:368, HRHM2.png)

47267b  No.2706120

File: d3de4c05af21122⋯.jpeg (45.65 KB, 249x600, 83:200, Patriots Fight.jpeg)

1a768e  No.2706121


This cheerleading dude is almost as famous as Q!

ed4aab  No.2706122

File: 212c2c2b8cd67aa⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 630x477, 70:53, perryscary.jpg)

65be72  No.2706123

Normies know something is wrong but have No Access to Truth

NYC - Population 8.5 Million people. I read somewhere that Dems outnumber Republicans here 5:1.

I average red-pilling 1 new person each week. Today I walk into a library and the librarian was telling a man how on TV shows there is so much gay being pushed. She said that when it's a man and woman it's just a quick kiss, but when it's gay characters their scene is long and then they're naked in bed. She says "I have a daughter".

Well I join in and tell her I've noticed TV shows are also normalizing pedophilia , and named 2 shows where adult "dads" are shown lying close in bed with boys.

I say "Have you heard of Q?" I proceed to do my short talk to explain about Q, and send her to Q and Qresearch here.

The man (60's) next to me, says "I've seen Q, it was on TV at the rally." As I tell him "all MSM is owned by 6 corporations. Stop watching MSM"…. I notice that he's wearing a lot of heavy silver jewelry, one necklace had 3 pendants hanging, one was a Jewish star, one was a Hebrew letter…..

He backs away saying about Q on TV "Each person was stupider than the next", referring to the rally people interviewed. He refused to listen to my reply and left.

Fortunately the librarian was very open to hearing about Q, and eagerly took the paper on which I had written the qanon.app and qresearch/8chan for her.

I always get an enthusiastic heartfelt thanks from people like they know they just got something good for them. The only 3 strangers who I couldn't get through to were 2 Jews and 1 Zionist.

ALOT of normies are ripe to hear the truth because they see so much depravity, too bad they're being blocked from the Truth.

I'm keeping the faith that POTUS will soon present a Major Truth Bomb in Prime Time TV that will kickstart de-programming the masses. This level of Fake News + Censorship is deadly.

76b145  No.2706124


Team Trump allowing the Deep State to play their old losing MSM games

Same things they were all reporting in the leadup to 2016

Let the Dems think they will win

They're lazy and get complacent easily

They think stories like this will demoralize Trump's base

Won't happen

We have motivation (to take back our country - strong goal)

They have none (get abortions, free money, gender free bathrooms - anemic goals)

360f0c  No.2706125


1. who the fuck is that

> for critical comms situations

2. what the fuck is that

7873be  No.2706126


Uh dude… I believe the correct parlance is, "Landing strip"..

Plus … A candidate for the baker…


(The article, not the landing strip)

Normie Author lays out the struggle against globalism…also of note using Twatter threads as opposed to site or blog…

bf3e11  No.2706127


The last couple days I’ve seen more mention of Huber than ever before. Plus Hannity openly named the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family 2 days ago

67898d  No.2706128


Sauce? from Q drop confirming? no. try harder.

Was Iron Eagle a movie like anons said? No

Was keystone SES like anons said? No.

There's a zillion other examples. Q could have just said Trust Pompeo as he did with every other person.

All your opinion is faggot.

c94e56  No.2706129


>Reuters was unable to verify whether the voice on the recording was Baghdadi’s.

If it was spoken with a slightly hebrew accent, it was Shimon Elliot, the Mossad actor who plays Baghdadi…

a70eed  No.2706130


Yep no coughing up hairballs.

Besides thise gals aren’t clean shavin.

I see landing strips.

And there is not looking like you have chewbacca in a leg lock in bikinis.

b9f463  No.2706131




f9f09f  No.2706133

File: 9286d75bbbfab49⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 360x202, 180:101, YouMustGoBack.gif)

That's kind of embarrassing… calling for Q like a child calling for a parent. At least that's how it sounded to me. No offense meant, truly. Just an observation.

7c4606  No.2706134

File: a21fb4cdecc3c95⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 480x640, 3:4, DlN2YqMX4AIkqfS.jpg)

7e7e11  No.2706135


Spoopy no dates

Too Boo Koo

b6d56e  No.2706136

100% of crime by illegal aliens is preventable.

1225dd  No.2706137


>Rifle expert

Patient Patriot with plans

1d3990  No.2706138


How dare I think for myself.

Must follow the herd.

419de9  No.2706139

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

f1ccef  No.2706140

File: d3d20850c12e02a⋯.png (128.7 KB, 328x537, 328:537, screenshotAtUploadCC_15349….png)

File: 0a293f973ba4823⋯.png (14.93 KB, 348x150, 58:25, screenshotAtUploadCC_15349….png)


Reread the crumbs.

866c79  No.2706141



But, must address elephant in the room

I think he's prepping for a bit of a "morals" hit

Was he carnally involved with a porn star while Melania was pregnant?

e5114e  No.2706142


I just keep telling them they are not mistakes or lies, disinformation is necessary and MSM bites EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Thank you for being stupid, it brings great humor

3a9ddb  No.2706143





The whole society is Pedo oriented, so we have found? And I find no hair gross

Little babies don't want to put their faces there.

Ouch the hair?!


What do woman do about beards?

Gross, bald cunt.

1a768e  No.2706144


Clearly Ann Coulter hasn't heard of 8chn!!!

cf9a3f  No.2706145

File: cf38baf61661e07⋯.jpg (78.8 KB, 695x440, 139:88, gafghbg67.jpg)

Did Snow agree to surrender for immunity so long as he gives up the other C_A lines to NSA?

981a57  No.2706146


Sounds legit to this anon

e1e149  No.2706147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks anon. I was at work and saw this exchange and rushed to get it here. Seemed like a tell from Sarah. Go to 30:09 and see.

02e900  No.2706148

Any concernfags should be listening to Levin right now.

Methodically laying out the joke that Mueller is and is up to.

In detail.

2b22a6  No.2706149


Nothing like a face full of stubble when going down on a girl…

b9f463  No.2706150




419de9  No.2706151


Sometimes the bread just needs a MadDog pic

16cc36  No.2706152

File: 0bcef1f1856d309⋯.jpg (5.71 KB, 200x158, 100:79, 0bcef1f1856d3093e687170c90….jpg)


Anti Trust has always existed. Im talking about giving the citizens something they can use in the future even after Tech Giants get broken up.

IBOR opens up any future violators to legal action by ordinary people. It covers much more than anti trust.

bf3e11  No.2706153


Notice the shape of his skull. Not sure what it is about Crimea but they’ve found multiple elongated skulls there as well. It must hold some kind of significance

047a8d  No.2706154

For the anon that said Gen. Raheel likes to travel….




He did war course from National Defence University, Islamabad. He is furthermore an alum of the prestigious Royal College of Defense Studies, United Kingdom.Raheel Sharif got his military bonus in 1976 and concentrated on military initiative in Germany, Canada and Britain.

General Raheel Sharif is expected to resign on 29 November 2016. 


The former chief of army staff was in attendance too as the head of the Saudi-led Islamic military alliance.


Houthi rebel fighters said they used armed drones for the first time to conduct attacks against several targets in Saudi Arabia as the latter escalated airstrikes against the war-torn country.


The court was earlier informed by the defence secretary that the process is underway to receive an undertaking from all members of the armed forces stating that they are not dual nationals.

Earlier on August 2, the SC had questioned how and why former chiefs of the Pakistan Army and ISI, who were privy to sensitive information, had taken up foreign jobs without completing the mandatory gap of two years after their retirement.

The SC had demanded that government-issued NOC’s be submitted by the defence secretary regarding the matter at hand.


Chief Justice Saqib Nisar has asked as to how former chief of army staff, General Raheel Sharif and ex-DG ISI Shuja Pasha were allowed to go abroad and acquire foreign job despite the law bars public servants to do so for two years after their retirement.The CJP asked Defence Secretary Lt Gen (retd) Zamir-ul-Hassan Shah to inform the court as how many officers were married to foreign nationals and whether the law does not apply to military officers.

The defence secretary apprised the court that both the retired generals had obtained a no-objection certificate (NOC) prior to accepting employment offer abroad.

b6d56e  No.2706155

Is Trump going to do the things you want if you just sit back, never question, trust the plan, and ridicule those who do question? Or will Trump be forced into action or response if everyone starts sharpening their pitchforks?

Which strategy is going to get results?

We know what (((they))) want you to do: absolutely nothing.

f9f09f  No.2706156


>Anons…..we need to debunk these!

I'm close to agreeing with you. But, damn… can you imagine the work?

I'd say let's do it with priority to Great Awakening research.

fc95a0  No.2706157

File: b00de1f0c2e691b⋯.png (133.87 KB, 625x591, 625:591, b00de1f0c2e691bf9c7ecec18d….png)

High ranking Frenz

047a8d  No.2706159


Seems to be a miscommunication about this noc and of foreign born spouses…


The government has formally granted permission to former Army chief Gen (retd) Raheel Sharif to lead a Saudi-led military alliance against terrorism, in a move that is likely to draw strong reaction from opposition parties.

This is a blog bit a little insight…


The one-on-one meeting between President Trump and PM Nawaz Sharif, that Pakistan’s Foreign Office hyperbolised ahead of the summit, never transpired either.

Then, to add insult to injury, President Trump proclaimed Pakistan’s next door neighbour India as a victim of terror (by way of Pakistan-aided terrorist attacks through its proxies). This caused the army-backed hyper-nationalist Pakistani media to fly right off the handle and become enraged at their own Prime Minister. They even said that the cricket-star-turned-politician Imran Khan blamed Nawaz Sharif of failing to take a stand for Pakistan and other Muslim communities in Iran, in disputed Kashmir, and in Palestinian territories.

Around same time as Houthi drones…


Local sources report that a gunman opened fire outside of the royal palace. The government has deployed security forces.

Heavy gunfire have been reported in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

The reason of the alleged gunfight is unclear.

The situation is developing.


With the action against corrupt officers, General Sharif has opened the floodgates of questions about his retirement plans and also to what extent he intends to fight corruption in a country where the masses are poor but the generals are filthy rich.


General Sharif’s indulgence with Afghanistan centric proxy jihadi organizations like the Haqqani group and India specific groups like LeT, Hizbul Mujahideen, Jais-e-Mohammad (JeM) indicates that the military has been rendered so weak over the years that it cannot jettison the jihadi groups, some of which have acquired almost the status of regular army. Without these jihadi groups, Pakistan’s survival seems to be in question. Some of these jihadi groups are also being used for agendas within the country. The Islamic State group Lashkar-e-Khorasan is operating directly from the camps of Frontier Corps against the people of Balochistan, whom it considers as ‘Apostate Muslims’. The Army therefore under General Sharif has descended professionally to a new low.

493477  No.2706160


Boomer dad joke. Kek.

716bea  No.2706161

File: 03a5aeaf691bff1⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 500x536, 125:134, boomstarwars.jpg)

e5114e  No.2706162


he may very well be an american patriot that gave up on the idea anything would ever change so took his best shot out of the deal

d0e9c1  No.2706163



Where have you been for the last 30-40 years?

This has become common practice worldwide

Shaving, waxing, plucking and laser hair removal

I don't necessarily agree with it

But I also don't comment on the practice

As if it was something new and strange.

Fact is that 95% of pubescent girls

Start shaving or waxing

Because other girls their age

Tell them that is the thing to do

Or they will be considered wierd

The 5% who keep it natural

Either have oppressive muslim parents

Or they are rebels who do not like others

Telling them what to do

So this no longer has anything to do with looking like babies

But back in the 80's

Men who started fucking around age 10yo to 12yo

Became fetishized to the prepubescent female form

And as their partners aged

They pressured them to get rid of that disgusting hair

So it did begin as a fetish thing

Enforced by perverted males

The perverts are still here

And occasionally still pressure the girls

Who don't shave or wax often enough

But most of the pressure comes from other girls

Some would say

That this is all part of the Illuminati's drive

To pedophilia acceptance

Because why shouldn't they fuck a sheep

Of any age they happen to desire?

I mean, the elite are ELITE

And should be able to use the little people

As they see fit.

They are all serfs, anyway, aren't they?

Who cares if they bleat about it

Shut up the noisy ones with a red scarf

And a doorknob

And the rest of the flock will come to accept it

As normal.

047a8d  No.2706164



Despite political distractions domestically, Pakistan government is pro-actively pursuing its foreign policy goals in the region as it works hard to positioning itself as an intermediary between Iran and Saudi Arabia.Pakistan has taken a strong proactive position to engage Iran, over the issue of the military coalition and Gen. Raheel Sharif leading it. This became especially important after comments by the Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan, Mehdi Honardost, earlier this month when he emphatically stated that Iran was not happy with the Islamic Coalition. Pakistani civil and military leadership has met with senior officials from Iran including COAS General Qamar Bajwa who has had two meetings with the Ambassador Mehdi Honardost, in the last six weeks, to reassure him of the importance that Pakistan holds of good bilateral relations with Iran.

And asides his visit with Muh Clearanxe Brennan, is Sharif comped?  Does ISI run the show (optics)


And then there is this gem…


 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced several American aid projects during her visit to Pakistan. The schemes in the field of dam construction, power generation, agricultural development and building hospitals are the first part of a five year, 7.5 billion dollars civilian aid package passed by Congress last year. The US says its aid is an indication of its commitment to improve ties with Pakistan and overcome the distrust that many there hold against the United States.

7.5billion?  I'm pretty sure I could manage that better as can be witnessed by Clinton skill in managing Haiti.

Got here by looking for the Scoop on Haji Awan who appears slicked except for his land fraud deal, perhaps why POTUS refers to the fraudster?  And in that light if  you follow Imrans wife, then may be that server was in Pakistan.

Raheel appears a go between which given all the links and the bipolar Pakistan relation with Saudi and Iran, what is/has Raheel been up to while head of the alliance and the April events in Saudi?

b2f0d4  No.2706165

File: 3f923ee9ac115a9⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2012x1362, 1006:681, IBoR_bill-of-rights-1971-r….jpg)

File: 33c63752879d3f4⋯.png (1.9 MB, 2012x1362, 1006:681, IBoR_bill-of-rights-1971-r….png)

File: e1b7ec056c97617⋯.png (538.39 KB, 777x954, 259:318, IBoR_PePatriots.png)

File: 5aeb2a6674024b5⋯.png (499.08 KB, 542x661, 542:661, InternetBillOfRights_Pepat….PNG)

ad5b71  No.2706166


What it really needs is more boobs.

360f0c  No.2706167

File: 0048c41caf42502⋯.png (190.17 KB, 426x739, 426:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c365cf528db18ae⋯.png (20.84 KB, 372x164, 93:41, keystonecrumb.png)



you're a funny newfag

>Was Iron Eagle a movie like anons said?

no its not, refers to a signature that anons have no one clear answer to as of yet (many)

>Was keystone SES like anons said

that was the AIM shills newfag, no real anon said it (pic2 for you)

>Q could have just said Trust Pompeo as he did with every other person.


7a979e  No.2706168


I posted that when the story came out. I think it’s an excellent idea, and I hope it gets results.

13bc26  No.2706169


Oh no, you're a loner. A rebel. Pee Wee. Just keep droning on about Vote. Reconcile. Vote. Reconcile. Incorrect. This anon gets it. Vote. Reconcile.

I see you. No depth. No nothing. Know nothing. Just butthurt. I can smell it from here.

0919dc  No.2706170


Wow your tough you like to pick hair out of your teeth.. stfu weakling..

No one said they mind hair btw.. he asked why?!? Start reading..

Dumbass thinks he is a man because he eats hair.. moran..

cf9a3f  No.2706171


I'm not so sure.

He revealed NSA tools. That was a warning shot to cabal - unearthing their being compromised.

This helped the clowns and their assets.

031181  No.2706172


>Hannity openly named the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Got a link to this?

f3533c  No.2706173

Retired Elementary Teacher Arrested For Alleged Child Rape on School Grounds

AUBURN, MASS. — Earlier today, Auburn Police Department Detectives assisted by South Hadley Detectives and Patrol Officers as well as Troopers assigned to the Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section (VFAS) arrested retired music teacher Stephen Jaszek, 62, of South Hadley on an arrest warrant issued by the Worcester Superior Court for four counts of Rape of a Child and one count of Aggravated Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child Under 14.

Jaszek is a retired music teacher with the Auburn School District and the crimes are alleged to have been committed within the last ten years and to have occurred during school hours.

Boston25 reported: Jaszek, who retired about three years ago, sexually assaulted a student at the Julia Bancroft Elementary School, which serves children in Grades 3 through 5. Authorities add that Jaszek allegedly assaulted the girl during the day, while school was still in session.

Jaszek is currently being held without bail for an arraignment at Worcester Superior Court tomorrow morning.

There will be a press briefing at the Auburn Police Department tomorrow at 1230 after the Court appearance.


3a9ddb  No.2706174



She's shallow. Lives in Beverly Hills.

She didn't really like him back then.

Thought he's lose and she'd be able to stop cheer-leading for him.

Shallow person. Hack. Maybe Trans Male. They are all very bitchy and unstable.

f1ccef  No.2706175


Fox news is Fake News.

Polls are always Fake News

Or perhaps you forgot that the polls said Trump could not win?

b6d56e  No.2706176

File: e26b9bb01e54595⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 1075x690, 215:138, DlL9hTUXgAABJ4L.jpg)

File: b2f2cfca40492dc⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 1080x847, 1080:847, DlL9hTbXcAAa39Q.jpg)

These fucking Jews are really running out of excuses/reasons. The more they get fact checked the more unhinged they become

67898d  No.2706177


Not confirmation.

What is misdirection?

Is Kansas Pompeo? I'm not saying no. I'm saying Q never said that. And could have easily esp when listing everyone's names to trust. It likely has a double meaning, or a diff meaning. Grand Juries empanneled in areas just outside of Witchita and Topeka

0f33a9  No.2706178

File: 25b9be90b50de93⋯.jpeg (84.49 KB, 550x363, 50:33, E550CCD7-F9BC-46B3-9087-2….jpeg)

fc95a0  No.2706179

File: 48c721a7ea9fecd⋯.png (899.6 KB, 1051x544, 1051:544, ibor-scares-most.png)

2d9405  No.2706180



There, debunked.

05200b  No.2706181


Same, O'Keefe seems pretty trust worthy.

39afb7  No.2706182


I'm still not convinced he's a blackhat. I'm still stuck on this Q response and I don't think we ever figured it out.


True, but then why Snowden? Doesn't make sense. If they gave him the tool, Snowden isn't of value to the NSA other than a trophy. The tech lives outside of him and Q claims that they own CIA at this point (making assumptions). This is unfolding as if Snowden has something that no one else has access to. Snowden has fame for taking files and exposing, not of someone that developed technology that no one else has. Something not adding up.


Which country does he really work for?

Expand your thinking.


332954  No.2706183

File: f8597d4b06b5169⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, Something-Big-2.jpg)

360f0c  No.2706184


the only reason I follow them is to know the D's/MSM (same thing) talking points


no one cares newfag, you outed yourself and uninformed as fuck

1db6a0  No.2706185


Oh shit. Walker was the only thing preventing

Wisconsin from becoming Illinois or Minnesomalia. If that stupid bitch wins we are toast

bf3e11  No.2706186


No. It was 2 nights ago. He said the name then jokingly said ‘you know the Windsors’ . I think it was the second half of the show.

47267b  No.2706187


who is this we?

981a57  No.2706188


Dubs confirm.

Need word from Q? Re_read crumbs.

9dd954  No.2706189

File: 63daf42171c3770⋯.png (124.85 KB, 887x325, 887:325, Fe-Blood3.png)

File: 56d0245509c946c⋯.png (30.14 KB, 781x103, 781:103, Fe-Blood2.png)

File: 471ca12049e88e8⋯.png (133.56 KB, 1201x279, 1201:279, Fe-Blood1.png)

File: c01ad6b0f5be1b9⋯.jpg (142.53 KB, 500x350, 10:7, Atonium_Crystal_Iron.jpg)


Saved.. Im tying to link it all together and understand.. keep up the work, anon!

360f0c  No.2706190

I forgot about the muh kansas slide

shouldn't of taken the bait, muh bad anons

b6d56e  No.2706191

"Be blind to what you are and supportive of everything you aren't" seems to be the Conservatism™ Mission Statement.

d11c24  No.2706192


You did a good thing alerting the Librarian and a better thing scaring the Jew. He will go home and kvetch to the other Jews and a growing fear will develop. They will begin to understand that they cant bullshit their way out of this problem. And maybe they will take a vacation to Israel and forget to come back.

And he will spend his days watching his grand kids dating Muhammed with an uncut penis.

1db6a0  No.2706193


If he would have killed

all of them then we would

all be living the good life

d0e9c1  No.2706194


Ever since 3 primitive worms

Got mixed up while breeding

And spawned a monstrous creature

Like 3 worms entangled in one

The Animalia have been heading down this road

With only some variations in how the exits

Are positioned

Look at Pre-Cambrian life

It is like parts of mammalian organisms

All swimming separately in the oceans

Leaking sperm and eggs

Into the daily brew that sustains them

e43487  No.2706195

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully know." - Corinthians 13:4-13

FISA to spy on TRUMP = FISA for NSA to spy on Hillary

Trump secretly recorded = Hillary secretly recorded

Campaign Mgr Manafort = Campaign Mgr Podesta

Manafort Trial = Podesta Trial

Cohen Offices raided = Perkins Coie offices raided

Trump attorney-client privilege waived by court = Hillary attorney-client privilege waived by court

While they are doing all this to Trump and the media, dems, aclu, no one is saying a word in protest. They won't be able to protset when it happens to Hillary but the difference is there has been no dirt found on Trump. They are laying foundation so that NO ONE can object because they already did it all to Trump and found nothing. There will be plenty found at the DNC, Clinton Campagin, Clinton Foundation, DOJ, and FBI.

taken from reddit.

what yall think?

67898d  No.2706196


wrong. Re-read crumbs and all 3000+ breads before posting brainlet, it's embarresing

f3533c  No.2706197

The Pantsuit That Cried Wolf

If you've ever wondered how Russia became America's most fearsome enemy, long after that country gave up Communism, gulags, forced starvations and mass murder (all of which liberals were cool with), the answer is: This crackpot idea came from the same woman who blamed a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for Monica Lewinsky.

The Russia conspiracy is classic Hillary, as detailed in my new book, Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind.

Throughout her long and blemished public career, Hillary has always blamed her troubles on bad people conspiring against her.


716bea  No.2706198

File: 4e9520b6b0dbf94⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 500x536, 125:134, coincstarwars.jpg)

16cc36  No.2706199

File: cd38dc7ec43a70c⋯.jpg (9.86 KB, 172x255, 172:255, cd38dc7ec43a70c42c92db497a….jpg)


Yes but do any of the good guys left in Congress know about IBOR?

05200b  No.2706200

Update on Australian politics. Turnbull is currently having meetings with members of his party. It seems he has lost his leadership majority within the party. Australia will potentially have a new Prime minister before the days out. Will keep updated.

2d9405  No.2706201


>The more they get fact checked the more unhinged they become

Fact checking is antisemetic, goy. Listen and believe.

ddf66c  No.2706202


more like, "say what you must to get re-elected".

then, "vote as you must to get your cut of the grift".

da6d2a  No.2706203

New ploy by the Dems…. the yard signs and political posters DO NOT state they are for the DEM party ….. they only post the name and position they are seeking.

( in Missouri) had to make a list of the names and look them up.

Baker? Notable?

b6d56e  No.2706204

Conservatives spent so long getting pushed backward by the left that they started running in the direction the left were pushing them, just so they could tell themselves they were moving forward.

474be3  No.2706205

Trump's team off to prison! Boom!

Trust the plan, guys. Trump's men in prison is all part of the plan!

f1ccef  No.2706206


If you do some digging anon, you will find out that Trumps nickname for Pompeo IS Kansas.

But I will not debate it with you further.

We will all know the truth in the end. I won't deny you your right to see the facts the way you want.

b6d56e  No.2706207


Fact checking is very anti-Semitic,

The below formula will dispell all myths:

Lampshades + soap bars/ 2.5 mega k#kes = 6 gorillian.

The goyim must never question.

716bea  No.2706208

File: 6924d61ac04fd53⋯.jpg (66.87 KB, 500x536, 125:134, redshoestarwars.jpg)

a70eed  No.2706209


Concur no anal sex for this guy.

Whats so special about it?

Frontholes lack nothing.

You cant wear that stuff out. They oughtta make workgloves out of it.

Any FemAnons wanna chime in?

I think anal was pushed on Americans through the pron industry. Hard to imagine gals like having the bungholio marauded.

48f1c2  No.2706210

File: c2c5a56fa3cb436⋯.jpeg (62.27 KB, 435x416, 435:416, A5CD99B9-9E15-4404-8669-0….jpeg)

File: 19d01bb81689fd3⋯.jpeg (239.16 KB, 1088x569, 1088:569, 533D7CB3-E343-45B7-92D2-E….jpeg)

360f0c  No.2706211


I love how shills think the Cohen and Manafort news is a bad thing..

98693e  No.2706212

File: 9b5544918c63ab6⋯.png (557.63 KB, 1056x2320, 66:145, CORRUPTION LEVEL ELEVATED ….png)

File: 8d84998caeb400e⋯.png (465.57 KB, 1044x1696, 261:424, GARDENING SERVICES.png)

File: daa4e3693e57570⋯.png (31.89 KB, 747x228, 249:76, CONGRATS.PNG)

File: f34723b1b7a82a6⋯.png (306.12 KB, 284x430, 142:215, POPCORN, VIP ACCESS.PNG)

File: 5ba5f72bb18cf0d⋯.png (15.89 KB, 772x79, 772:79, ClipboardImage.png)

20e62d  No.2706213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



all planned fool

problem reaction solution

fuck your net neutrality

81f2ec  No.2706214


While still keeping her hands around the AZ mobsters ->Burke->Bronfman->NXIVM->Salinas

Where'd that $175 million go?

Certainly not for student lunches

419de9  No.2706215

File: ca70c23d5004349⋯.jpeg (117.27 KB, 1440x813, 480:271, 1524232928.jpeg)

ff04ae  No.2706216


Ozzies roll their PM's like bangers on a barbie. And they all suck the Cabals tits

c22d67  No.2706217



I’ve been thinking the same thing they’re setting the precedent They will look like hypocrites when they squeal

981a57  No.2706218


i trust /pol/ more than I trust polls

d11c24  No.2706219


Some Alien fucked his mom and he thinks that makes him cool. Ask Harry Potter….that just makes you a mud blood.

b2f0d4  No.2706220


dunno about Congress.

otherwise it's a slow trickle, but i've seen some interesting splurges in somewhat-normie youtube about it (100% unrelated to Q to them, and that's fine/great)

0f33a9  No.2706221

INCOMING!!!! >>2706211

d24f81  No.2706222


i agree…its simply not possible that with all the hammering on Fox and US, and other patriots that these things aren't being worked on..No leaks…POTUS's people are NOT stupid…kek…And, POTUS talked about being patient, taking time…take your time….it comes out better if you give it the right amount of time..like a Thanksgiving Turkey

02e900  No.2706223


Great work you're doing there.

Such an important location.

Some seeds take more time to sprout.

No blame. God bless and Godspeed.

05200b  No.2706224


Will be 7 leaders in 10 years. Fuckin joke.

474be3  No.2706226


You people really are stupid.

Good news! This impeachment is just where Trump wants them!

360f0c  No.2706227


>send her to Q and Qresearch here.

please don't

there are countless resources to send normies to

3a9ddb  No.2706228



Just cause everyone does it.

That means it's good?

No it doesn't ; not at all

It's horrendously disgusting.

"The 5% who keep it natural

Either have oppressive muslim parents

Or they are rebels who do not like others

Telling them what to do"

Completely untrue.

Pressure comes from girls/woman but that is only because they believe that's what men like. Per the usual.

It's a sick fad.

Interesting that it was started by perverts.

Honestly those are the powerful people, as we have found, so naturally everyone follows them.

b6d56e  No.2706229

Trump should’ve pardoned Jakiw Palij & deported Dinesh D'jewza.

008f8a  No.2706230

Are Fox News talking heads really really stupid, or not allowed to report the truth?

0179c8  No.2706231

In 2020, the week before the election

Trump should sign an executive order that keeps daylight savings in place all year so we don’t have to keep changing our clocks and losing an hour of daylight in the evenings

He will win in a landslide just by doing that

d0e9c1  No.2706232

File: f54a6d880759ab3⋯.png (638.44 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you know that near the Nyugati railway station is the former center of Hungarian Freemasonry?


cf9a3f  No.2706233


Hmm… I thought it was China. Maybe I'm confusing this with something else, but I thought we discussed his working with China.

Still though, he reminds me of spook. His vocal tonality is measured each time I've seen him speak. If I have to be honest, he's always felt fishy.

Even still, I can see just wanting to assist the emergence of truth. That, I can definitely sympathize with.

Frankly, unless you're one of the actual top-tier autists here, or someone who's work more or less requires you understand these things, we probably don't really have much access to any definite understandings of his role yet, and if it returns that he's been on our side all along, that'll be just fine with me.

In studying ethics, the text often reflected an antagonistic role with whistleblowers. That always bothered me.

Maybe I can understand that perspective, after all.

Until we find out more, however, I'm leaning towards black.

f9f09f  No.2706234

File: c7bb5c954ff3dcf⋯.png (508.03 KB, 640x371, 640:371, NeedMoarMeat.png)

b6b012  No.2706235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interdasting lyrics….

474be3  No.2706236


Throwing this out there…maybe you're the idiot in the room.

7e7e11  No.2706237

File: da886a8519783b5⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 461x403, 461:403, kansas meme.jpg)




But I do. Plain and simple. Ever since the folded rabbit napkin at Helsinki. He's in it to win it.

ddf66c  No.2706238


a bit of both…

419de9  No.2706239

File: 45512c06cd4002b⋯.jpeg (158.04 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 1530313517.jpeg)

67898d  No.2706240


Wew, someone with logic. you have sauce?

fc95a0  No.2706241


Ibor = rights we already have, but now overruled by accepting "terms and agreement"

Net neutrality = a commission who makes rules, set in place by a nobel cause, and then go screw people (wannabe commie way of solution to things)

Learn the difference Tracy

33ac82  No.2706242

A family member is watching Joe Rogan interviewing Ted Nugent.

Reminded me of something that happened when i was in High School.

Was at a friends house, and on the wall they had a Ted Nugent gold record in a glass case. I asked them how they got it. They said it was on the wall when they moved it, was the only thing, kek

They then offered me it for free. I struggled over whether i wanted to drag it home on the bus. It was big and heavy,

So i decided i did not want the hassle, kek

Wish i had , kek.

Joe Rogan & Ted Nugent Disagree Over Marijuana


98693e  No.2706243

File: b81cad7a992f16a⋯.png (583.4 KB, 487x425, 487:425, SR.PNG)

File: 36a25128ba1e493⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 510x379, 510:379, ..gif)

File: fa90962e2cb4ff9⋯.png (304.89 KB, 288x433, 288:433, USMC ON GUARD.PNG)

f1ccef  No.2706244


I am thinking that we should be ashamed that more stuff is coming out of Reddit lately than here.

We are way too busy shooting ideas down around here.

Everyone argues about everything.

Think I need a week off .

Later my fellow autists.

Fuck off concernfags, shills and newfags that don't know shit.

0f33a9  No.2706245


Hi max. Can we have a District pool party at your house?

02e900  No.2706246

>>2705816 LB


So cool, thanks. Gonna noodle & doodle and see what comes out. May take a few days.

>The Conversation

Great movie. Essential viewing.

474be3  No.2706247

Cohen testifying about the Trump Foundation is good news, fellow cultists!

ff76f4  No.2706248

File: fc56307a45f7567⋯.jpg (107.76 KB, 590x463, 590:463, ussf_define.jpg)

Define the "Great Awakening."

16cc36  No.2706249

File: f0140037809bf4a⋯.jpg (217.23 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, goog565.jpg)


Some people with Twatter accounts should drop the IBOR idea to Devin Nunes hes been talking about the censorship the last few days.

7e6aae  No.2706250

File: 8357f8fbef47909⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1790x1614, 895:807, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: eac03ffa6ed8ee6⋯.png (548.09 KB, 1314x1256, 657:628, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

Meanwhile, in Idaho…


2d9405  No.2706251


Railways are masonic. The two rails = the two pillars.

397660  No.2706252

File: 19a4032c1db4046⋯.png (761.74 KB, 1167x843, 389:281, priest attacked 1.png)

File: 977a5c99d44ca98⋯.png (110.08 KB, 764x771, 764:771, priest attacked 2.png)


750669  No.2706253


They need to be planted in Obama's and Hillary's bedrooms. They tend to attract tons of flies! Like fies to shit!

d11c24  No.2706254


You fell to a Jew pedophile psyop. They wanted to make the world safe for their kid fucking practices. So one way since they owned all the porn mags and video producers is they put out a change of taste. Make all your women shave their hair so that men get used to seeing shaved pussy. So it wont seem that different when the Jew pushes the videos of fucking 12 year old girls. Baby steps anon. They have to take baby steps.

c94e56  No.2706255


"What price does Israel have to pay?"

You'll find out.

e273fd  No.2706256


Well…if you're going to dig…DIG!

a04022  No.2706257


But why would it slow down the clowns if they know the day of rope is coming?

It only works if they honestly think they can impeach or if it politically hampers their ability to drop the hammer.

474be3  No.2706258


Sure. Spin your wheels with ancient pizzagate material while your God Emperor goes down in flames.

Really smart! Trust The Plan!

5baced  No.2706259

File: 72d877f8f1ed6d7⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 220x200, 11:10, UltraInstinctMastered.gif)


All your favorite characters are aliens…

1db6a0  No.2706260


Cool story bro….you should

go back to reddit and tell your


0179c8  No.2706261



4c7ef1  No.2706262

File: eccd31fd833dd16⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 640x662, 320:331, IMG_2699.JPG)

File: 8b95d1b147c4d58⋯.jpeg (222.43 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 314A9103-3C33-4C78-93C7-8….jpeg)

File: 6c53c1733c83886⋯.png (25.28 KB, 201x241, 201:241, 5ABA49CF-8641-46B1-98F0-E0….png)

48f1c2  No.2706263

File: f42aa2e1ed2430c⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CB3D9A52-332C-46DD-B225-24….png)

File: 237aece82fec983⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 37F0DCC5-0B8D-4711-BB12-44….png)

Oh ffs

20e62d  No.2706265



>Learn the difference Tracy

that's funny

understand IoT

you don't right now


151467  No.2706266

File: 0705171867be904⋯.png (195.81 KB, 567x563, 567:563, AQ4.PNG)


Found this on Twatter, can i get the source of it?

Lani Davis works for a Russia-Ukrain Oligarch?

a8c215  No.2706267


No wonder the politicians are trying their hardest to suppress this. They'll constantly be fighting off people like this.

ff0d6c  No.2706268


that is not the real space force DULLARD

360f0c  No.2706269


>Obama Ethics Chief

<Hussein's ethics chief FFS

b7172f  No.2706270


Farmer said they used the wrong system to verify his citizenship… I didn't know there was more than one system of E-Verify

67898d  No.2706271


No one who sees an adult woman who's shaved thinks that besides twisted fucks like you. Rope coming.

1db6a0  No.2706272


Read the NOTABLES, newfag

98693e  No.2706273

File: 3dd9bd7690188e0⋯.png (16.13 KB, 464x159, 464:159, ClipboardImage.png)

ff04ae  No.2706274


"they wont be able to walk down the street"

de7f0d  No.2706275


they won't be able to walk the streets, OR pray in the sacristy!

7e7e11  No.2706276

File: 7496558462482dd⋯.png (359.78 KB, 410x557, 410:557, HairViolin.png)


Pfft! Good try (((Glow Fag)))

Let me play you a song of your Shilly People

0f33a9  No.2706277


Heh. You think the neighbors will mind the pool party Maxine? Hell, we can relandscape the front yard parking trenches.

debcb0  No.2706278


I finally had it out with my in-laws over Trump. They’ve hated him vocally in front of my children, even advocating for his assassination so when they asked me point blank what I thought of him, I told them that I think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. It was obvious that they wanted me gone so they could talk behind my back but first I made a point to mention Operation Mockingbird and that Obama legalized propaganda. For what purpose, they asked. I said, beats me but Hitler had a nefarious reasons. Did I mention that my in laws are Jewish?

cf9a3f  No.2706279

File: c0affd38536178e⋯.jpg (16.19 KB, 366x366, 1:1, C0Z-HzxUUAESzlu.jpg)


I know you'll get mad, dads


217dc8  No.2706280

Thank you:)

8799e8  No.2706281

I need more popcorn!!


39afb7  No.2706282


That was a great night shift. The context of that was we were talking about Snowden working for China, NK, Russia and all the usual suspects before Q chimed in. The thinking after that was maybe UK or the other Five eye countries (I think that was before Q led us down the 5 eye drops).

The assumption that night was is most likely was not China or Russia, but Q never validation any other thoughts after that. I think there was another drop to look at the family and his dad seemed to be a patriot and Snowden's past seemed made up with holes in it that people could not confirm which points again to both sides.

20e62d  No.2706283


aww look at brockfags pushing ibor

fake MAGAanons

aren't they cute

bb0ece  No.2706284

File: c5885196233fe49⋯.png (411.94 KB, 969x771, 323:257, russia.PNG)

MORE Russian Collusion

Lanny Davis is co-founder and partner of the law firm of Davis Goldberg & Galper. I just checked FARA records. His firm is a registered *ACTIVE* foreign agent for Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, who is a close ally of Russian pres Vladimir Putin

8f2366  No.2706285

File: 31e29b625016509⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 457x245, 457:245, 01_Q-Post-1912.jpg)

File: 87377c4323c232c⋯.jpg (62.62 KB, 576x434, 288:217, 02_Donal-J.-Trump_0430-19-….jpg)

File: 1eae330b3d937c3⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 578x428, 289:214, 03_James-Comey_19-Aug-2018.jpg)

File: 00d1b13ba728f4d⋯.jpg (82.74 KB, 455x647, 455:647, 04_Q-Post-1930.jpg)

Was James Comey's tweet to Q a proposal for an immunity deal?

I made the argument yesterday that James Comey’s tweet 19-Aug-2018 proposed a perjury plea deal to Q in response to Q's Post 1912. I also argued that Q's response (post 1930) was an acknowledgement of receipt of Comey's plea deal offer but Q neither accepted or rejected Comey's plea deal request.

Q has repeated 7 times: “NO DEALS!” (447, 453, 520, 564, 786, 884, 1005)

So far POTUS has not made any tweets mentioning Comey since Comey’s plea deal proposal 11:14 AM 19-Aug-2018. However, POTUS did mention Comey in a tweet 4:30 AM, 19-Aug-2018, in which POTUS accused Comey of lying to congress.

Did you catch that? Here it is again…

1. Q’s “untethered” post 1912 was 13:10:00 EST, 16-Aug-2018.

2. POTUS’ tweet accusing Comey of lying to congress was 3 days later 04:30 EST, 19-Aug-2018.

3. Less than 7 hours after POTUS’ tweet, 11:14 EST, 19-Aug-2018, Comey tweets his perjury plea deal offer to Q.

4. The following morning, Q’s post 1930, 07:29:31, 20-Aug-2018, acknowledges Comey’s proposal for a perjury plea deal but neither accepts nor rejects Comey’s offer.

Will Q respond to Comey’s plea deal offer? I say no, Q already has. Q must maintain the optics of “NO DEALS!” which will keep the Deep State in panic mode (i.e. shitting their pants) long enough for Justice to acquire enough lower (and perhaps a few higher) level deals to make The Plan proceed smoothly and quickly. After all, it will be very important to have a few commonly recognized names such as Comey singing like canaries before Congress when this all starts to come down.

Because Q did not specifically reject Comey’s perjury plea deal offer with Post 1930, my thinking is that Comey will most likely receive some sort of limited immunity deal for his full cooperation when the time comes for his testimony. But there will be no need or purpose for Q or POTUS making acceptance of any such deal public information. Q now knows that Comey is willing to deal and at this time that’s enough for all parties concerned.

fc95a0  No.2706286


Feel free to enlighten us with your wisdom Tracy

256f49  No.2706287


All of the farmers workers are probably illegals and hes trying to cover it up.

0179c8  No.2706288


Only a clown looking to initiate a false flag would write gay shit like this

f9f09f  No.2706289


Sorry. Left out the post ref.

b6d56e  No.2706290


first reply is either a kike or in severe denial. you're right. also pushes circumcision as it's way over-represented in porn.

c5c037  No.2706291

File: ac173a76b6b26fc⋯.png (596.02 KB, 719x384, 719:384, ClipboardImage.png)


Nazi Shills

I hate Nazi Shills

16cc36  No.2706292

File: 580f00d19c8e518⋯.jpg (205.29 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 580f00d19c8e518a21fad2d796….jpg)


Send them to Patriots Soapbox, JustInformedTalk or PrayingMedic. Those are the easiest Redpills. 8chan is for 140+IQ sperglords not normies.

bf3e11  No.2706293


My bad it was a guest on Tucker.

Having 4 young kids scrambles the brain!


7a979e  No.2706294


It wasn’t e-Verify that he used. Can’t remember the exact system, but it’s a Social Security verification. The employer said he just found out a few hours ago that it isn’t the same as e-Verify.

a04022  No.2706295




Look into the story of what the govt did to his dad.

And specifically HRC.

They stole his IP and robbed him of a fortune.

It's personal.

3c0d8d  No.2706296

File: 298b9e5e60e2da3⋯.png (142.55 KB, 956x732, 239:183, ClipboardImage.png)

"But if "some girl" (© MSNBC contributor) in Iowa gets murdered by a criminal entrant to the country & a Conservative DARES to mention this might have something to do with immigration policy? TIME cover? No, the Conservative is a racist to be shunned Trump or no Trump that's BS"

We are done with the MSM and their '''hate labels". We not be intimidated by their opinions and labeling. Murdering a young woman by an illegal alien has absolutely no bearing on a race discussion. The race issue is a projection of the MSM to intimidate free thought.


0eb9f5  No.2706297

File: c8e0f3982a22beb⋯.jpg (63.92 KB, 620x466, 310:233, Joker3.jpg)

72ee3f  No.2706298


No, the water.

b6d56e  No.2706299


>omg everyone is a nahtzee

what's next, calling everyone a russian bot?

this isn't reddit you stupid faggot.

6e728b  No.2706300


Let's ask Heather O'Rourke what she thinks about anal sex. Oh wait, we can't… she's dead.

14b79e  No.2706301


wars will be fought over water.

7a979e  No.2706302


I didn’t know that. Sounds like an interesting dig.

bb0ece  No.2706303



8799e8  No.2706304

I need more popcorn!!!! KEKEKEKEKEK, Plot twist. Academy award nomination for Q et al. >>2706284

399940  No.2706305

File: fd75d7b81c13cc8⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2112x950, 1056:475, 2018-08-22_19-10-12.png)




cd53d6  No.2706306

Apple donates 5 million dollars worth of stocks to


anons… Name That Charity !!

35950a  No.2706307

Early Notable Call

Anything important missed? Updates?


>>2706040 Russia is stockpiling gold as fresh US sanctions loom

>>2706058 White House Daily Update

>>2706068 New DJT

>>2706173 Retired Elementary Teacher Arrested For Alleged Child Rape on School Grounds

>>2706250 10 indicted on wire fraud, counterfeiting and money laundering charges in Idaho

>>2706252 An Indiana priest is attacked by a man yelling, 'this is for all the little kids'

419de9  No.2706308

File: bdf0bfa85e9de3f⋯.jpeg (169.1 KB, 1440x936, 20:13, 1526835724.jpeg)

bca3e4  No.2706309


I thought it was CIA controlled

47267b  No.2706310

File: 865cfdcd172c80e⋯.png (257.96 KB, 518x575, 518:575, Illuminati mask.png)

16cc36  No.2706311

File: e8d00966c461ef0⋯.jpg (99.94 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1A2AnS55690519531779540.jpg)


Nice projection schlomo. Any reason youre trying to shut down any ideas to combat censorship in this thread?

47267b  No.2706312

File: ce5af072078517b⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Bezos Fail.jpg)

d0e9c1  No.2706313

File: 358942d98cdf7cd⋯.pdf (667.56 KB, BlakePressImages.pdf)


This poem was written by William Blake

Every English child used to learn this hymn in school

It is still generally popular in the Anglican and Episcopalian church

William Blake as an engraver and an autist

When he wanted to publish his thoughts in a book

He engraved the whole pages

So that he did not have to pay a typesetter and printer.

The attached PDF has just a few examples

Of his engravings and a few pages from his books

cd53d6  No.2706314


Apple donates 5 million dollars worth of stocks to


20e62d  No.2706315




0f33a9  No.2706316

File: d7591fbe0e35222⋯.jpeg (96.83 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 387CB1A3-2956-4ED6-8B9F-6….jpeg)

ff04ae  No.2706317

File: 321488d3ed2e239⋯.png (106.41 KB, 556x255, 556:255, Opera Snapshot_2018-08-23_….png)


Trump talking Great Awakening with Putin

86ef1f  No.2706318

File: 97d01c1e3ec8e30⋯.gif (3.96 MB, 480x250, 48:25, water.gif)

4c15f4  No.2706319

File: 93c799846387a32⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 782x613, 782:613, wikileaks hrc rendell hait….JPG)

Anons - digging on CFR BoD peep - Napolitano - came to this wikileaks email:

Did we discuss this HRC e-mail when digging the Haiti children/Ed Rendell (Governor of PA, 2003-2011) link?

There is discussion of a White Paper:

Subject Fw: Final White Paper on the 12 Haitian children at Holy Family Institute


'This is the ed rendell matter when he put more kids on plane than we authorized.


Email revolves around decisions to be made by:

Kathleen Sebelius: Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2009 until 2014.

Janet Napolitano: Secretary of Homeland Security

HRC: Secretary of State

''Attached is the final version of this white paper. I know this has been a difficult process, but I do think the final version

provides good background information and useful starting point for discussion among the three secretaries and, ultimately, the White House.''


addf98  No.2706321


Then you'd have millions of kids going to school in the dark, idiot.

b6d56e  No.2706322

How many more mollies before leafblowers started getting blown away?

48571b  No.2706323

File: 7b703e5545ee607⋯.png (489.53 KB, 722x481, 722:481, ClipboardImage.png)

b9f463  No.2706324


Armed guards at church next.

7f5d15  No.2706325

File: bd7b47a9e1042af⋯.png (10.42 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 017E9FE1-6091-4F57-888E-B8….png)


>last bread replies

0eb9f5  No.2706326

File: b5932127601aee3⋯.png (158.23 KB, 537x620, 537:620, FrankCohen.png)

02e900  No.2706327

File: 67419eefe35bd91⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 550x367, 550:367, timothy-geithner-treasury-….jpg)


No time for sauce right now, but if not mistaken, Timmah, when SecTreas, was the Chairman of the Council or whatever it was (that HRC & Mueller was also on) that signed off on the U1 deal.

He's also now the President of WARBURG Pincus.

Big dig that Timmah, all the way back to his childhood chummy with Hussein.

a04022  No.2706328


Trump used campaign money to pay off porn star

No, he didn't.

But would that option have been better?

Or Trump paying her off personally?

This blackmail was the ultimate poison pill.

There was no way to handle this nuisance issue without it looking bad.

35950a  No.2706329

File: 458ffe718ecf5c6⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 400x454, 200:227, cb20ced7a2d53d0a53147f587e….jpg)


gonna need some more details here

a0f7d3  No.2706330

File: e4b6d4270c25de7⋯.jpeg (117.47 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, 55CDC7BE-2DF5-4108-AA94-9….jpeg)


He actually enjoys doing the gay pedo shit on camera. He’s a twat.

5c0b0d  No.2706331

File: bc627847c7f87fd⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 255x213, 85:71, eb16d0129a4f7735bb54f56949….jpg)

File: e7ca5a533ba21c6⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2aa25710a2b52f64645ac3ae4f….jpg)

bca3e4  No.2706332


Those that use PACER can file electronically. I have done this in the past.

Prosecutors probably can seal them as well so no one sees them.

f19732  No.2706333


don't advocate the violence, but it shows that normies are waking up

b8e80d  No.2706334

File: 25f293d9ac4f170⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1120x780, 56:39, Batman Wins.png)

a70eed  No.2706335

POTUS should have just come clean on Stormy, apologized to Melania and moved on. Said this when it first broke.

Problem was he listened to bad counsel whose fall back position is deny, deny, deny and never apologize for anything.

Damage now is he lied about it.

What could have been a little bump is now a bigger bump.

Still dont see 2/3 of the Senate removing him. No chance.

Ive been asking myself if Potus resigning and passing the torch to Pence after he shook things up was the Plan all along.

LeftyFags hate Potus… Well they are really not going to like Pence.

Supreme Court Pics, Military, Tax cuts etc.

Those things are settled.

The Wall.. well I will believe it when I see it.

Healthcare… Replace. Nah

No one knows what to do with that.

If the healthcare industry doesnt make it affordable again soon the kids growing up and living in a healthcare starved society will vote in universal or a government option.

Next Dem President will run on free healthcare and free college.

It almost already happened.

cf9a3f  No.2706336


another obvious trauma eye

67898d  No.2706337


Wrong. Women shaving their pits? thats part of the psyop too? Move to France or kys olease

d2530c  No.2706338

File: be49cff2b056459⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 719x703, 719:703, (You).JPG)


>Was Iron Eagle a movie like anons said? No



>All your opinion is faggot.

771b27  No.2706339


Nope, not buying it. Jim Carey may not be /ourguy/ but my autism tells me he is awake.

39afb7  No.2706340


Sorry was sifting through all the "have to tone down the hate on Muslims and Jews" stories in the media. Can someone give me sauce on where the "have to tone down the hate on Catholics" stories are as well as the "not all Catholics are bad" stories?

8642f4  No.2706341


A previous post pointed out that our current President is named trump{et}.

b17d8b  No.2706342

File: 48cac507e1cee7b⋯.jpeg (38.35 KB, 500x394, 250:197, CoSplOVUkAAAh2x.jpg large.jpeg)

7623ab  No.2706343

He didn’t fuck that whore>>2706335

94c48e  No.2706344


What about a mouth on yer johnson that's got a mustache?

If her removing it is a psyop mkultra me

I don't want facial hair anywhere near my downstairs.

cf9a3f  No.2706345

File: 4dc27ff5d7ed60b⋯.jpg (6.77 KB, 480x240, 2:1, download.jpg)


we know what you're doing

research mindgeek, if you're not here for trouble

d11c24  No.2706346


The English Masons top secret is they claim Jesus had a twin brother and his twin hopped up on the cross for Jesus and Jesus and Mary Mag got on a boat and went to England and fucked and had a bunch of kids and they became English Royalty. Some shit like that.

They say Jesus learned Gnosis at the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Learned Jew shit from Jews and learned Druid stuff from the Britians.

So all you Masons….you can stop trying to learn now. I told you the secrets.

Oh yeah….your gonna get fucked in the ass. Ass fuckery is a real big deal for the high ranking English Masons. Cant forget that. And it opens your third eye through your brown eye.

0f33a9  No.2706347

0a23cf  No.2706348


Bull. Hush money is paid all the time. Taxpayers are paying for Congress' hush money. It's not illegal. Who cares who gave the slut the money? It was to buy her rights to the story, ie: silence her. Again, not illegal. Nobody cares but you and the libtards.

e273fd  No.2706349

File: 90b6424efb7630d⋯.png (62.08 KB, 265x201, 265:201, Screenshot_2018-08-23 Q Re….png)

ff04ae  No.2706350


the pedo projectioning on here is alarming re shaving or not… If a man shaves his face is that also because he wants to look like a boy?

Grow the fuck up (not you - them)

d0e9c1  No.2706351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Original American Storytelling

& song writing

Accompanied by traditional

Country, old-time, blues and rag


lost dog Street Band

Some Americans have not forgotten

How to make American music

And no Hollywood pedos were paid

In order to bring you this music

05200b  No.2706352


Got sauce?

332954  No.2706353

File: e4a0226b3db65f0⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, Something-Historic-1.jpg)

319039  No.2706354


yeah that was interesting

bf3e11  No.2706355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f73328  No.2706356


Go back to sleep.

771b27  No.2706357


Why did he do all the exposing the illuminati on the late night talk shows in America?

520011  No.2706358





wish wife anon would, i wouldn't get those hairs stuck in my throat

7f5d15  No.2706359


What are we supposed to do now that we seen it it’s a circle jerk you don’t have any answers yet and I don’t see anything worth digging

keep at it

tie more loose ends

if you’re looking for confirmation I don’t see anything that’s activating my almonds

86ef1f  No.2706360


It was more mockery of those who know about it. Just for laughs.

bf3e11  No.2706361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Since I’m retarded. 3rd times the charm

Tucker guest naming the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family

a04022  No.2706362


>Nobody cares but you and the libtards

Did I say I fucking cared?

I'm just pointing out that the MSM would have taken the contrarian position regardless of how it was handled.

b6d56e  No.2706363




You're both newfags. This research has already been posted a million times on these boards. lurk moar.

c5c037  No.2706364

>>2705756 (LB)

Exactly this is the one that led me to think Cohen


Also Manafort in same drop that's it anon.

I think that's the crumb that made several anons suspect Cohen was the leaker that revealed prematurely that Trump was not under investigation. Called him a Traitor.

Big Deal. I suspect we have our traitor.

a70eed  No.2706365

cf9a3f  No.2706366



It was his girlfriend! What was her last name? Maybe he's married to her and it's her maiden name.

0a23cf  No.2706367


>Damage now is he lied about it.

So you were there?

140a91  No.2706368


Reptilians are real? Jesus.

ff04ae  No.2706369


kiss my ass

fb27ea  No.2706370


I'll never understand why a jogger wouldn't carry a damn gun. A Lady Smith (i.e., a Smith and Wesson 342 PD) weighs about 10 damn ounces and packs a lethal punch. Yeah, it weighs something, but so what? The better the workout. Anons, if you have no criminal record then FFS exercise your precious Second Amendment rights. If a bad guy threatens you with imminent death or great bodily injury, kill him. BOOM. This ain't rocket science, people.

8799e8  No.2706371


Mind if l ask what was the bill for, federal reserve theft? What the hell, is that all we would have had to do is bill the son of a bitch? Wait Trump took off that side of the pyramid, so Rothschild had no more funds.

f1419f  No.2706372

Larry Davis is a russian agent ?

771b27  No.2706373


They killed his girlfriend. That is motivation.

5cd74d  No.2706374

Is this Q?

0f33a9  No.2706375


To spit in our faces and laugh. Curb your non-Autism

b6d56e  No.2706376


You'd probably like that wouldn't you? Fucking pedo.

7f5d15  No.2706377


thanks could be worse you could be like the guy I just seen with a flag in the back of his truck that says impeach Trump and another flag that says resist

Some old boomer white guy

One could imagine what he watches on TV

addf98  No.2706378


Maybe because Catholics know right from wrong, and don't base their religion on what Dems (and others who encourage mothers to murder their own children by abortion) think. We know right from wrong, and if they don't, it's on them. God will get 'em.

d0e9c1  No.2706379


All the free porn video websites

Now have lots of videos of 12 year olds fucking

Including rape, and real virgins doing it for the first time

It's been spreading all year

And may have started last year

But the push is really on, right now

bf3e11  No.2706380

I’d wear out his rear hole


611f7b  No.2706381



Dumb ass, message was for Q who KNOWS Im not a clown. Do you really think i expect to get an answer to this on this board? Private chans, carry on.

cf9a3f  No.2706382


Lindsay Mills

Does that ring any bells?…

520011  No.2706383


and how pray tell do you know that?

c94e56  No.2706384

File: 8a3f77bbf36c1bc⋯.jpg (75.91 KB, 528x527, 528:527, 14572907_124253414704983_7….jpg)


Found him.


Colleague music teacher: Joe Sabol


5cd74d  No.2706385

Breaking Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

f94865  No.2706386

File: f5ae43ae6f3fa32⋯.png (412.7 KB, 1650x636, 275:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae81e899541112f⋯.png (301.02 KB, 720x620, 36:31, ClipboardImage.png)

Not just a Key, it's satan.

per >>2704364 (pb)


fc95a0  No.2706387

File: 749c06da52497de⋯.png (901.31 KB, 790x599, 790:599, hoggwash-father.png)

86ef1f  No.2706388


Good point. I think he's slipping back into his programmed state lately, though, if that's the case.

a78f2b  No.2706390


Other than the whole operating a network of child rapists thing yeah they got it down pat.

8799e8  No.2706391


No honey go to you boob wethepeople for Q updates.

b6d56e  No.2706392


obvious diversion.

KYS you fucking pedo

0a23cf  No.2706393


>This blackmail was the ultimate poison pill.

You would not have written this if you didn't care. BS about the position MSM would have taken. They take everything he says and switch it around to fit their narrative. You should know that by now.

8799e8  No.2706394


Changed his gender o hide from the brat.

4aa9bf  No.2706395

File: 8701bc852737ff1⋯.png (509.65 KB, 2858x2763, 2858:2763, 1516077770924.png)

Prime twatter hashtag trending right now, anons


we have a million things to post…a zillion positive trump memes. You know what TO DO

dea826  No.2706396

File: 2cdaac8d5b1a62d⋯.png (891.15 KB, 821x594, 821:594, ramphosa gibs me yo farm.PNG)

33ac82  No.2706397


this one is really good too, and funny.

Joe Rogan - Ted Nugent on Gun Control


48e4ec  No.2706398

File: a07bca6167a83c3⋯.png (457.6 KB, 1070x1222, 535:611, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)



02e900  No.2706400


Hear here.

b2f0d4  No.2706401


can confirm there's been a major shift in last years, it's very creepy. suddenly (maybe not suddenly, but on/off phases so might have struck me more) tons of sibling stuff, too… wasn't like that not so far back

bf3e11  No.2706402


Fuck Joe Rogan. He gets ass blasted daily by his Jew masters

9f90de  No.2706403

File: 19f6d5aae9df7a2⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 255x241, 255:241, qfukdbd5ba19e329d25b550a34….jpg)


Awwww who took this pic? Looks like VIP access.

d0e9c1  No.2706404


Disgusting is the wrong word for it

When it is freshly done

It is disconcerting because touching it

Is like touching something like rubberized plastic

Now when the hair grows back, just a little

And forms stubble


And uncomfortable too

But if a girl wants to take scissors

And trim her her hair shorter

Well, that is her choice

It still feels silky soft like a full bush

And it is less likely to get caught in your teeth

Could we start a new trend?

de7f0d  No.2706405

File: 0fcbadc859dc81a⋯.png (643.28 KB, 1008x1098, 56:61, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)



47267b  No.2706406

File: a18bfebe492769b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 800x449, 800:449, a18bfebe492769bf18032ba4fe….jpg)

File: 1ddd1aa3f32b5a2⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, F.jpg)

File: 238d329321cc403⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1676x2000, 419:500, Side-eye.png)

7c4606  No.2706407

File: b45485ade033315⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 180417175425-david-hogg-78….jpg)

addf98  No.2706408


It wasn't the faithful, cuck. Take your bigotry and go murder babies someplace else, devil worshipper.

fc95a0  No.2706409

File: e33825801125db1⋯.png (1.08 MB, 685x685, 1:1, hogg-change-mind.png)

822c96  No.2706410

File: 298780dac8d08d5⋯.png (782.7 KB, 992x562, 496:281, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 549db3e41b494e4⋯.jpg (53.73 KB, 879x373, 879:373, PepeWallace.jpg)


Yes, & I'll take a turkey leg as opposed to a chicken drumstick thank you very much!


e71225  No.2706412

@POTUS, love the video tweet format. People who don't understand the importance of the wall don't understand that what is taking place at the boarder is an invasion by stealth, a demographic change in the making. The wall is critical to prevent a restart of American destruction after your presidency. I wish people understood this.

a8c215  No.2706413


lmao… "tons of people who were never on twitter before" aka ShareBlue sockpuppet and bot accounts.

cd53d6  No.2706414




866c79  No.2706415

File: 5c2d62d4d358d1a⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1537x457, 1537:457, Cincos-Take.JPG)

MyPostingCareer - POTUS Analysis Desk

520011  No.2706416


hey i'm not watching that pedo porn, you are or else how would you know about it? KYownS

33ac82  No.2706417


part that was good and funny, was Ted Nugent talking,, not rogan, kek

And he dominates most of the conversation.

5cd74d  No.2706418

94c48e  No.2706419

Couldn't pick a better tool than Lanny Davis to get shagged by his own blood lust to implicate the President.

Hope Q has something real good on his sanctimonious ASS.

67898d  No.2706420


Citation needed

399940  No.2706421

File: b1efa63234fff05⋯.png (549.23 KB, 806x450, 403:225, 2018-08-22_19-42-21.png)

File: 0add71d5e310e50⋯.png (626.96 KB, 1011x512, 1011:512, 2018-08-22_19-41-42.png)

File: b9c4b1cfa50a8a2⋯.png (280.59 KB, 334x499, 334:499, 2018-08-22_19-42-06.png)

File: 96652da272eda7a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1019x575, 1019:575, 2018-08-22_19-43-04.png)


Actually, kinda looking forward to another election night cry in!


a78f2b  No.2706422

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 570x587, 570:587, 8111551d09e7c726a62d7d9dd2….jpg)


Yeah the faithful roll their eyes at worthless faggots who desperately cling to disgusting and unnecessary man-made concepts and organizations.

>slobs the knob of one of the most disgusting and twisted abominations to falsely claim the name of Christ since his death

>calls someone else devil worshipper

8799e8  No.2706423

a70eed  No.2706424


Maybe your right.

Ill go back to sleep save this post and find this board 5 years from now and see what we got.

The right paves the way for the left.

Hate to see it but the youth are angry at Rich conservatives ignoring and attacking them calling them entitled and lazy.

Im praying for Potus but people cant afford 800 bucks a month for healthcare faggot.

Anyways enuff shitposting.

KMS now.

703d30  No.2706425

Hahahahahhahahaha so new on CNN. Trump worked with National Enquirer to squash news and they are making a huge deal over it. Projection much?

6dc5e8  No.2706427

File: 86f47e549107650⋯.jpg (274.42 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, 63c969c9950103987a527421e1….jpg)

File: 9737d6b7099b8d8⋯.jpg (952.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

f1419f  No.2706428

File: 7fbd003356b0c23⋯.png (99.46 KB, 484x861, 484:861, Screenshot_20180822-194339.png)



008f8a  No.2706429

Does Gretchen Smith have a NXIVM brand? Did that cult kill Roger Ailes?

655ee5  No.2706430

File: 04f3d5780c57e3c⋯.jpeg (144.35 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, B6C8948C-C6ED-4A13-A26D-D….jpeg)


8799e8  No.2706431

Buying stock in Kleenex. >>2706421

addf98  No.2706432


Your pic shows what you are, babykiller. You'll burn in Hell, and we'll laugh. See you, you faggot!

c979f4  No.2706433


lowest ranking anon

b2f0d4  No.2706434


aw, that's nice of the MSM for the Enquirer, very obliviously kind of them

6dc5e8  No.2706435


Аге уоս нսмап?

3efa47  No.2706436

File: e10c92656b8a287⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1500x929, 1500:929, JIDFretards.png)


Not trying hard enough today I see.

Disappointing. Low energy.

39afb7  No.2706438


>Lindsay Mills

Yes, there was a lot of digging on her, but that trail went cold as well. A lot of those pictures of hers we thoroughly dissected. Another enigma.

Still think @Snowden was sent around the world as a back channel source to spread news of the plan. The secret information was the misdirection to allow him to move freely to those world leaders and ensure that what he had wouldn't be confiscated. Remember he never released everything from the NSA. Wasn't it like 10/11% that was supposedly released. The spying stuff that was released, was maybe the tools that the CIA also used and it was a message to plug those holes in your security so the plan works.

cf9a3f  No.2706439

File: dd4c131829f99b4⋯.jpg (310.08 KB, 1647x1815, 549:605, 1502110102251.jpg)


but we'd have to wait two years

47267b  No.2706440

File: 3ec29b04c121387⋯.png (44.93 KB, 600x550, 12:11, PEPEchigan.png)


Ted Nugent is a clown. He also shit himself in the same clothes for a week in order to fake being crazy to get out of going to Vietnam.

fc95a0  No.2706441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #walkaway story

35950a  No.2706442


ThanQs, noted

d11c24  No.2706443


You fail to understand the art of slowly turning up the heat. You want a world safe for kid fucking you have to plan plan plan. Baby steps. Make all your porn stars shave….they cant refuse they are taking Jew money.

Want kid fucking less weird you take your large supply of MKultra young women and you take only your hottest ones that are teaching your kids. Mkultra is a great place to put them as teachers. They can do all kinds of your mischief. Well you get the teachers to fuck like 12 year old boys…..the men who hear about this slaugh and say where was that teacher when I was a kid. So slowly the media has lots of news stories about teachers fucking young boys. So much it seems odd. Then the public gets numb to this story. They start not punishing the women teachers as much. The media runs a lot of interviews with hot teachers in jail crying and shit. So the opinion of the audience slowly changes. Why punish these poor women. When that becomes the norm. You use the equality clause. You start refusing to punish the 45 year old fat shop teacher for fucking your 10 year old daughter. Because how can you punish him so bad when we stopped punishing the women?

Jews plan this shit over decades. They have a goal. The goal is no more fear to stick their dicks in your kids whenever they want. How to get there?

Baby steps. The art of mind fuckery. And if your Jews run all the media and run all the schools and control the politicians who pass the laws. Guess what nigga…before to long that Jew can pick your kid up out side your house and fuck its eight year old butt and YOU cant complain.


c5c037  No.2706444


Normally, I'd laugh you out of hear.

But just so happens I watched the BBC broadcast of this jokers one on one video attempt to make him look normie.

And a couple times on that video his eye did a weird thingy and I was like did I just see that? Nah.

Then lo and behold…here you fags have this up here.

cf9a3f  No.2706445


hence Q asking us, "why was snow able to just walk out of hong kong? wasn't his passport restricted?" (paraphrasing)

good shit, anon.

thanks for being here

4aa9bf  No.2706446



there's more than enough of us to co-opt their petty hash tag. You guys didn't come from 4chan, did you? welp, Ill take this back home there and they'll raid this hash and claim it for Trumposterity

9f90de  No.2706447

File: c9e9c7e85ef7f4f⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 255x143, 255:143, patheticloser.jpg)

addf98  No.2706448


Looks like YOU'RE the one slobbing the knob, faggot. You worship yourself as God. Figures that you're a babykiller, too. Can't even try to take the high road when you murder innocents.

217dc8  No.2706449

File: 3caf588e2282308⋯.png (231.44 KB, 1896x1772, 474:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68028cd0eff020c⋯.png (244.49 KB, 1721x1805, 1721:1805, ClipboardImage.png)

Bruce Ohr

Posting this for narrative provided in his wiki, there are those working very hard to clean up his reputation given all of the negative writings on him at the moment. Interesting! Do you think there are some scared people out there? It also should be noted, this wiki serves as a reminder to check the details provide at this site through other sources. There is a big push to change the story lines, see the history over the last 5 days, they have been very busy. Wonder who else may have had some revisions.



aa7396  No.2706450

File: c99583527d13130⋯.png (51.34 KB, 682x155, 22:5, trumpbraveman.PNG)

File: 5cdffbed9238650⋯.png (122.81 KB, 1016x476, 254:119, the braveman.PNG)

"brave man" -TRUMP


3a9ddb  No.2706451


Maybe why Huma A. in one of the emails asked if everyone had their "potable" water. "DC water isn't potable"

That's stuck in my mind. They don't drink the same water we all do.

"Watch the Water"

771b27  No.2706452

Most people who seek fame are those that cannot find acceptance with others. So they seek those that are attracted to the illusion of what they represent rather than the real human inside. But in time, it reveals that the real human inside is rather empty and boring so there is a constant need to find new adoring fans.

c5c037  No.2706453


They greys have spawned a humanoid

6dc5e8  No.2706454

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

File: 6b11dff5be1e266⋯.png (416.73 KB, 803x506, 73:46, shepersisted.png)

File: 59a4bad805779dc⋯.png (826.09 KB, 755x558, 755:558, sp1.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)


Weird, random hostility, "anon".' Try using your big boy words and telling us what has your marbles jostled…?

7e7e11  No.2706455

File: 73a8bb035a64e23⋯.png (582.32 KB, 496x731, 496:731, blacks4trump.png)

b2f0d4  No.2706456


though i can understand one wouldn't have wanted to go die in 'nam, the proper way to do it was done among others by Muhammad Ali, who took the slings & arrows of being a conscientious objector

83bb42  No.2706457

grew up in Bronx. from first grade to High School.

that's 6 years old until 17. I had a nun in second grade who made me do Irish jig in front of class on 3/17. then smacked me across face cause I didn't do it right. She ended up in hospital with various injurries. I was 6. she was 60. this was in 1963. My mom (the picture I showed you) went there to see what happened. My mom came from Ireland on a boat. she sailed on a boat for 23 days. met my dad and produced me and 4 others. No way was she going to let a nun a smack me. Moral of the story Irish are proud people. Then you have Brennan.

5cd74d  No.2706458

cd53d6  No.2706459

Just on the snooze….

Apple CEO Tim Cook has donated 5 MILLION DOLLARS worth of Apple stock to an UNSPECIFIED CHARITY.

Whooo Whooo could that charity be eh? Get yer shovels… DIG ~



76b145  No.2706460


TRex is the white rabbit

Mother fucker has white hair (kind of looks like a rabbit?)

Follow the white rabbit could have been a clue to follow all of Tillerson's moves

The NSA knew he was a Deep State puppet and followed his every waking move

They learned all of the sick plans he was making to advance the goals of the military industrial complex

Now Pompeo is retracing his steps and undoing all of it


Trust Kansas

Fuck Texas

db2031  No.2706461

Interesting how Lanny Davis is a registered foreign agent and Cohen hired him.

I mentioned earlier that he could still be providing new information as part of the plea deal. Maybe recording Davis talking about Cabal business or some other illegal activity? Maybe even getting something to get Davis to flip?

6dc5e8  No.2706462


What are you talking about?

92a814  No.2706463

File: 182bfce38b3170b⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EF4E2A37-8D6F-408E-984D-BE….png)

File: f9633d5577d9979⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3E6D9DD5-7865-4B75-9510-8E….png)

6308f1  No.2706464

File: 83066269eb12449⋯.png (14.1 KB, 489x184, 489:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86bca82315ea470⋯.png (11.31 KB, 487x160, 487:160, ClipboardImage.png)

Lanny Davis Admits Cohen Has No Evidence Trump Directed Him to Pay Stormy ‘It May Come Down to Cohen’s Word Versus Trump’s’

Michael Cohen’s Clinton-linked attorney Lanny Davis dropped a few bombshells on his Wednesday appearances on MSNBC and Bloomberg.

Lanny Davis told NBC’s Chuck Todd that Michael Cohen has no additional evidence that Trump directed him to pay Stormy Daniels.

“That may come down to Mr. Cohen’s word versus Mr. Trump’s,” Lanny Davis said.

Lanny Davis also said that Michael Cohen has never been to Prague as claimed in the phony Christopher Steele dossier in a separate interview with Bloomberg.

Christopher Steele alleged in his phony dossier that Michael Cohen traveled to Prague in the summer of 2016 to meet with Russians.

“Thirteen references to Mr. Cohen are false in the dossier, but he has never been to Prague in his life,” Lanny Davis said.


Lanny Davis just went against his Queen Hillary’s dossier that the FBI held as the gold standard when seeking FISA warrants on Trump advisor Carter Page.

Michael Cohen has repeatedly said he has never traveled to Prague in his life.

McClatchy recycled another hit piece on Cohen recently once again claiming Trump’s former attorney traveled to Prague during the 2016 election to collude with the Russians.

McClatchy ran a headline: ‘Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016 confirming part of dossier‘ which caused the fake news media to erupt.

It turned out to be another Michael Cohen who was born in the same birth year as Trump’s former attorney.

So Michael Cohen has no evidence to back up his claims of a non-crime and the dossier continues to fall apart–it’s time for Trump to declassify all the ‘Russia’ docs and run a shock and awe campaign against the Deep State and Dems.


39afb7  No.2706465

File: e2417853475a265⋯.jpg (21.16 KB, 369x433, 369:433, curtsy.jpg)

7f5d15  No.2706466


you have 19 fucking posts

by far the most

you dont notice these things as you sit on fresh bread and post?

c5c037  No.2706467


Also sharks. There will be sharks.

7e7e11  No.2706468


A big dummy who sounds like you

520011  No.2706469


the shaving's not the problem, hairs in my throat, that's the problem.

5cd74d  No.2706470

1feac5  No.2706471



cf9a3f  No.2706472


across the board, you can hear them (the #walkaway videos) say something to the effect of

>it may offend people if I say this/ you may not agree with this, but/ i hope this doesn't upset anybody

They are actively breaking the conditioning.

What's really cool is seeing yourself start using different language to express things and literally thinking in different ways.

It was weird to watch myself do it, but even weirder to see it happen to someone else.

76b145  No.2706473


Davis may have been one of the only DNC lawyers who didnt have a conflict for being involved in one of the investigations.

Now he can't represent any of the cabal when they are indicted

94f48d  No.2706474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb27ea  No.2706475


Notice how Bezos has the same fucked up left eye that Michelle Wolf and HRC have?

81f2ec  No.2706476

File: 8754861c9048804⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 474x316, 3:2, timelineobama.jpg)

f1419f  No.2706477

File: 4b6eb7294f5e5ce⋯.png (132.16 KB, 484x861, 484:861, Screenshot_20180822-194235.png)

d11c24  No.2706478


She thinks it is over rated and wished Jews would fuck the pussy. It stretches better. But that is hindsight.

If your good at making Alien movies about big headed wobbly retards with glowing hearts…you can do anything you want.

6dc5e8  No.2706479

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

File: e9bdff10fa56f13⋯.png (822.71 KB, 823x562, 823:562, botnetkekdeath.png)

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)

File: bd5d6e6355087ce⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1836x1224, 3:2, OutOutOut.png)

6308f1  No.2706480


That'd be nice!


1f0908  No.2706481

File: ef6e9a9358d6e1f⋯.jpg (156.26 KB, 533x388, 533:388, 85ea2f54dd58738bc266fbe71c….jpg)

5cd74d  No.2706482

cf9a3f  No.2706483

File: 1285e36a1e61c65⋯.jpg (371.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, q.jpg)

d0e9c1  No.2706484


Do you not understand what a free porn site is?

Anyone can go there, no restrictions

Some allow uploading

So teenagers video themselves in the act

And upload it.

It then spreads all over.

And it would be really hard to convict anyone

Solely on the basis of those videos

Because there is no clear evidence of age

Autists however, can recognize things like that

Try search terms like

Colegiala, prima, tio, hija, hermana

There happens to be a lot of it from

All the latin american countries

But there is also lots of asian content

And often it is keyworded in spanish anyway

I haven't yet figured out what could be done

To stop this stuff

Other than educating kids

Take 7th graders into a room

In boy/girl pairs

A row of fat ugly men will be sitting on chairs

In front of a mattress

The teacher will ask,

Do you want to undress and have sex

In front of these men?

Of course the kids will be shocked

Disgusted, and say no!!!!!

Then the teacher explains

Then never video yourself having sex

Because hackers will steal the video

And these men will watch it

And all the men nod their heads

Grinning and licking their lips

Chuckling like perverts

In a generation NOBODY will do this anymore

3efa47  No.2706485

File: 8dee3eb1d40567c⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 625x344, 625:344, kikedumbbitch.jpg)


Go home, juden. Your role is over.

bf3e11  No.2706486


I’d say 69% of breads are shit/porn at this point there isn’t much left to do. Q team needs to act or end this. We’ve done the research, we are ready to help the normies.

We don’t control law enforcement or the Military, it’s Q’s move now.

aa7396  No.2706487


read / heard somewhere he had a boy on his plane and why Trump fired him suddenly.

3f8bd5  No.2706488

File: 0f9b986f90ba965⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 2fd86a453f8a48edc0d91d9a13….jpg)

0f33a9  No.2706489

Burps and DERPs. Happy days

7a68e8  No.2706490


Fucking newsweak — first line "MAY HAVE JUST"

Well either he did or fucking didn't in a taped interview. What a fucking clickbaity farticle.

f9a836  No.2706491

File: 1a3f212c737739b⋯.png (336.06 KB, 1889x1889, 1:1, 1a3f212c737739b44f5275d268….png)



They're only a front behind a great many fronts, expand thinking further. Much as it pains me to admit after many years of supposed research within conspiracy and truth seeking, /pol/ was wrong albeit not by much mind you but still wrong enough that the true enemy was missed. We can be better than our past selves.

ff0d6c  No.2706492


No ! Sweetheart that is what you want, But it will come out when it's supposed too. Darn your luck

76b145  No.2706493


Don't forget Cory Brooker

d99e2e  No.2706494


This isnt an airport, no need to announce your departure

4c15f4  No.2706495

File: 4c17d0fd2c99020⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 499x318, 499:318, POTUS 8 21 18.JPG)

b2f0d4  No.2706496


not quite, plenty left undone and unknown in the crumbs.

and we're in for a long haul, overall, but the ride's fun

5cd74d  No.2706497

9bef91  No.2706498

File: d23cfbb43ebe3fd⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 2gdwsi.jpg)

The biggest difference between Baghdad Bob and Q: At least Baghdad Bob's plan was funny. Q's constant shit talking about some glorious day (that will NEVER come to fruition) of the DC Swamp Cabal being permanently shut down has gotten just downright sad and pathetic. On his next post, Q should just tell you fools to "be sure to drink your ovaltine".

bf3e11  No.2706499


Also that happened a long time ago before I was even posting. I just wanted to see the video someone l8nked

cf9a3f  No.2706500


hey, just to make sure we're on the same page, is this the marshall v capablanca?

c979f4  No.2706501

File: 6106f9cd44d7ae6⋯.png (629.27 KB, 686x668, 343:334, jack.png)

File: a7d481bdc26a5ab⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, brock.jpg)

File: 91a767c56dd9b92⋯.png (426.9 KB, 544x561, 32:33, corsi.png)

File: 36231ffb5ce8453⋯.png (425.79 KB, 544x533, 544:533, aj.png)

File: 110ce97c4c2e226⋯.png (192.34 KB, 400x428, 100:107, brock2.png)



have moar

honestly, even though it doesn't have words, pic5 is the fucking greatest

771b27  No.2706502


fuck off

c5c037  No.2706503

File: b3635604c8f547c⋯.png (266.81 KB, 400x275, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2706089 Money is going back to



db2031  No.2706504


That too.

bba88f  No.2706505


That’s actually not a bad idea! Make it part of sex-ed class…

6dc5e8  No.2706506

File: efd71c33d29cc66⋯.png (63.84 KB, 400x400, 1:1, RIP.png)

File: 39d8411a9602479⋯.png (651.77 KB, 999x671, 999:671, shepersistid.png)

File: 7ed3fb8297da016⋯.png (92.16 KB, 738x222, 123:37, everrytactic.png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)


Is the automated propaganda system really down to this now? Did some mainframes get nuked or something?

866c79  No.2706507


They don't have shit legally

What they have is POTUS paid off Pr0nstar

5cd74d  No.2706508

ff0d6c  No.2706509

>>2706498 Your Underoos wadding up? sweetheart ?

6308f1  No.2706510



76b145  No.2706511

File: 992f858e0ddf39c⋯.png (833.45 KB, 791x763, 113:109, Capture.PNG)


A pedo would NEVER hide in plain sight as the head of the Boy Scouts…

d11c24  No.2706512


It is a fact. All you have fallen for a well planned Jewish trick to make you like shaved pussy.

I am not calling you all pedophiles.

But your opinion on shaved pussies has been put in your head by Jews.

Face the facts.

9328ba  No.2706513

File: 436e76d505cdd16⋯.jpg (51 KB, 634x413, 634:413, 4F4E2BD000000578-6086859-i….jpg)



did he not know about them… or did he himself pay them…. either way he lied to the people.. or do you not care he is a liar?

d0e9c1  No.2706514


Point is that NOBODY is going to fix it

Note even by arresting the 45,000

The only fix is for


To wake up

Learn to play the game of politics

And get vocal and involved

Every day for the rest of our lives

The silent majority

CONSENTED to all of this

It is OUR FAULT!!!

Silent no more

Means we have to take responsibility

For governing

At federal, state and local level

At school board level

Are curriculum planning level

In churches

On the streets

In the cafes and restaurants and theaters

When people realize nobody will do it for them

Many will end up in the hospital

3a9ddb  No.2706515


Check the OWL. Fascinating.

All signs point East - to the "Ancient World?"

bf3e11  No.2706516


Autistically decoding some minor detail won’t help normies. This was supposed to help the initial shock. I feel we are prepared anything further is over kill. The film must begin

c5c037  No.2706517

File: 6dd032df7d38065⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 630x336, 15:8, nazishillride.jpg)

4e820f  No.2706518

File: 5c7aeaeb9a9d06f⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 504x366, 84:61, iu (9).jpg)

9328ba  No.2706519




6308f1  No.2706520

Dennis Prager: ‘We Can Prevail’ over Silicon Valley with Regulation

Dennis Prager of Prager University appeared on Breitbart News Daily with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow to discuss the censorship of conservatives on social media by the Masters of the Universe.

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow opened the segment by discussing PragerU’s sudden drop in engagement on Facebook which Breitbart News covered extensively. The conservative non-profit group PragerU — which produces educational videos on conservative issues — found its Facebook page’s reach drastically limited last week. The group’s Facebook page boasts three million followers, but a large group of their posts suddenly went unseen, according to the Facebook dashboard.

Since then, Facebook has apologized to PragerU, stating that the removal of videos was an error. A Facebook spokesperson said in a statement: “The videos in question were mistakenly removed. While we continue to research what caused this error, we have restored the content because it does not break our Community Standards and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

Marlow discussed the issue of social media censorship with Prager, questioning whether or not there was a way to convince the left-leaning Masters of the Universe in Silicon Valley to accept more conservative viewpoints on its platforms.

Marlow stated: “I know Dennis, that your staff is going to be emboldened by the latest crackdown by the social justice crowd in the Silicon Valley tech elite but, big picture, what are the solutions in your view — and my audience has heard my ideas for solutions over and over again — I want to get your thoughts because I don’t think we should go off the playing field and sort of segregate ourselves into a bubble, I want to fight on a fair playing field but do you see a path to convince the single party town of Silicon Valley to go back to the way it was where they did treat content — unless it was calling for violence or something illegal — they treated it neutrally, now they’re functioning as publishers and you and I are not going to get published by these Silicon Valley elite at this rate.”

Prager replied: “Right now my thinking is that what we need is truth in advertising, one push needs to be that they announce ‘we are not neutral, we have an agenda and we are proud of it and we’re not gonna deceive anybody, whatever we can do to push a progressive agenda we will do.’ See when we sued Google which owns YouTube, the judge said that their claim to be neutral is quote ‘mere puffery’ which is a term used — both positive and negative — if a car salesman says ‘listen this is the best car in the world,’ nobody says he’s lying even though he’s not telling the truth, it’s mere puffery. So we accept that, ‘this is the finest q-tip ever made,’ ok fine, nobody cares, because we know it’s mere puffery but she [the judge] stated — this has not been widely disseminated — she stated in ruling in their favor that their [Google’s] claim in being neutral is mere puffery.”

Prager went on to make the analogy of an airline that announces that if you get on its planes carrying the Wall Street Journal you will not be allowed to fly, but it is fine to carry the New York Times onto the plane, which he says House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy considers a sound analogy to the actions of Silicon Valley. Prager does believe “we can prevail,” agreeing with Marlow that there is a clear case for federal regulation of tech monopolies much like airlines and other common carriers.


81f2ec  No.2706521


All of these roads will lead to the Ukraine and the Uranium One story.

It's just be dragged out to give Sessions/Huber/MI more time to set the stage

13bc26  No.2706522


Gosh, it sure does seem like old Lanny is enjoying the spotlight, and it's making him very talkative. I'm betting Pres. Trump lets him sing for a while before he goes all declassified on his ass.

a70eed  No.2706523

File: 2de5d87f6008f28⋯.jpeg (497.09 KB, 750x966, 125:161, B9CA2DCB-3590-48F5-ADB3-1….jpeg)

Love our Flotus.


4baa84  No.2706524

File: 2afc633c67c47d3⋯.png (905 KB, 625x631, 625:631, 2afc633c67c47d3a1f46bbac76….png)


l-lava sharks, desu?

332954  No.2706525

File: 725c5627fe8d3c7⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, The-Truth-is-Mindblowing-1.jpg)

140a91  No.2706526

File: 7a04c6f6020a213⋯.png (3.8 KB, 1200x1400, 6:7, f011aebfa550464f363b76d584….png)

b2f0d4  No.2706527


not so straightforward.

we exist.

we talk about it, we post, we analyze. details don't matter so much, that you're quite right about.

member, the chans are at the source of internet culture, from whence inside jokes, memes and much more flows to other reaches of the net, and hence the real world, eventually, sometimes faster than the other.

granted, we're maybe not at the epicenter, but

<This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.


76b145  No.2706528

File: b338b4b9c71cee7⋯.png (691.73 KB, 793x683, 793:683, Capture.PNG)


Trump's speech to the Boy Scout's was a direct troll of pedo Tillerson

94c48e  No.2706529


How with all the abilities of GOOG Twatter Oracle and the intelligence agencies around the world is this shit posssibly even a thing?

With all the secret shit the CIA and Mossad GCHQ etc has been doing around the globe the fact they WONT and never have sent an OD-A team or the Seals to any house on planet earth to kill a pedo is evidence they're all implicated.

Using your abilities to steal oil from 3rd world countries when you could've dispatched an ODA team or Seals to kill every pedo within 18hrs of posting a video and saving the kids when nobody could stop you = failure.

91b170  No.2706530

File: 418bd7b691eba1b⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180822-185456….jpg)

File: 116011c54509312⋯.jpg (1019.34 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180822-185507….jpg)

File: 6e311a5094fa78b⋯.jpg (719.93 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180822-185516….jpg)


13bc26  No.2706531


Hell, they may even add to the evidence that's already on record with all the tongue-wagging they're doing. This got fun faster than I expected it to.

866c79  No.2706532


Another wave of Stormy is what's coming.

The Cohen/legal shit will die slow death

140a91  No.2706533


Better hurry up.

008f8a  No.2706535


Alphabet intel agencies have probably reviewed the search results and internet flow of all things, including ‘very young pussy shaved fucking’ or whatever, and fomented thier next kid fucking move…

4e820f  No.2706536

File: e477ae962aa7775⋯.jpg (106.73 KB, 671x838, 671:838, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….jpg)

33ac82  No.2706537

File: 0f0441644e18546⋯.jpg (112.74 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 4F4E361B00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: fe5c535a926661b⋯.jpg (120.53 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 4F4E362400000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: 1e3b7b66b5d7019⋯.png (79.63 KB, 405x305, 81:61, Asia she too posters.png)

sia Argento is shamed for her alleged assault of minor, 17, by street artist Sabo who plasters #SheToo posters all over LA, while the Italian press refer to actress as 'Asia Weinstein'

The street artist Sabo has put posters with Asia Argento on them around Los Angeles with a bar over her eyes and the phrase '#SheToo'

The actress has been under fire since The New York Times revealed she agreed to a $380,000 settlement after her former costar sent a notice to file a lawsuit

In Italy, the press have been relentlessly attacking Argento, who has long been a target from some papers in her native country

In one story published after The New York Times first reported on the scandal, Argento was compared to the man she accused of sexual assault

Another ran the headline 'Asia Argento Grottesca,' and underneath that read: 'The molested molests a minor'


6dc5e8  No.2706538


If Q got supposedly run off /pol/ by anons there, then why would it be realistic that anons from there would follow him here with repetitive fake /pol/ anti-Semitism?

It's a big contradiction in supposed behavior. Of course, is all fake.

d0e9c1  No.2706539


And the shock of the situation

Is an important part of the lesson

Psychology as a subject has been comped and distorted

More people need to learn and understand psychology

Which started long before Freud

Read William James, for instance

3f8bd5  No.2706540


Liberals annonce today they HATE Melania's Christmas theme for Dec.

Melania's theme to be announced next month.

6308f1  No.2706541

Police: Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Used Stolen ID to Work in U.S.

The illegal alien and accused murderer of 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts used a stolen ID to make it seem as though he was working legally in the United States, a law enforcement source says.

This week, law enforcement announced that Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in her rural hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa after she was last seen jogging on July 18.

Illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, a 24-year-old from Mexico, has been charged with first-degree murder in her death after police say he admitted to confronting and chasing down Tibbetts. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted.

Bahena-Rivera worked at Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm in the region. The farm owner Dane Lang originally said that he used the E-Verify system to check whether Bahena-Rivera was an illegal alien, saying that he passed the screening.

Today, though, Lang admitted that his farm did not use E-Verify to check the legal status of Bahena-Rivera, noting that the illegal alien used a fake or stolen photo ID and provided a fraudulent Social Security card.

“We learned that our employee was not who he said he is,” Lang told Fox News.

A law enforcement official has revealed to the Washington Post that Bahena-Rivera had used a stolen ID to work in Iowa.

E-Verify is an employer system whereby workers are screened in order to weed out illegal aliens from taking American jobs from legal immigrants and citizens. The open borders lobby and the big business community oppose mandatory E-Verify.

Local Iowa media, in 2012, gave the public a look inside Yarrabee Farms, depicting a dairy farm much like other farms and meatpacking plants across the country where foreign nationals are hired at vast rates to take the blue-collar jobs.

Between 2011 and 2016, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that 1.3 million illegal aliens had stolen an American citizen’s identity in order to look as though they were working legally in the U.S.

In 2017, 1.2 million cases were revealed where illegal aliens worked in the U.S. using stolen or fraudulent Social Security Numbers (SSN) in order pass through systems like E-Verify and evade the law.

The illegal alien, charged with first-degree murder in Tibbetts’ killing, has been living in the U.S. for four to seven years.

“On Aug. 21, ICE lodged a detainer with the Poweshiek County Sheriff’s Office on Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, 24, an illegal alien from Mexico, after he was arrested on murder charges,” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials said in a statement to Breitbart News.

Police say Bahena-Rivera left Tibbetts’ body in a cornfield, placing corn stalks over her to hide her death. Foreign nationals, specifically illegal aliens, are often incentivized by employers to migrate to the Midwest to take low-wage farming and meatpacking jobs.


140a91  No.2706542

File: cbc1855d28963f7⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 755x338, 755:338, cbc1855d28963f7dbe80b3e2fe….jpg)


my new fav

c94e56  No.2706543


Pence and Pompeo are ardent zionists.

91b170  No.2706544



Rex leaked info to China. That's why he was fired.

80f3f4  No.2706545

>>2706514 Bulls eye on the Truth! WE let it happen!

d0e9c1  No.2706546


All the organizations that you mentioned

Are owned and controlled by the Cabal

They are all part of the evil plan

771b27  No.2706547

Cohen loses his law license, so we can all ask him questions when he is working in the plumbing section of HomeDepot.

df36a4  No.2706548

File: bcaa49bbfe8b397⋯.jpeg (166.53 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, E3A558DB-A9F4-44BB-9596-E….jpeg)


Wow great slide. Go make a new bread for this if you feel so inclined and fuck off from here.

33ac82  No.2706549


thinking about this,, it's a good red pill towards people believing other evil women are predators too, like Hillary.

1feac5  No.2706550


Marshall SAVED HIS TWO CASTLES THE WHOLE GAME, then destroyed capablanca after being in a no-win situation.

Whoever the 2 Castles are for Trump, he's engineered the game to use those as his winning pieces

ddf66c  No.2706551




(if not in there already, but don't recall digs Lanny)

bf3e11  No.2706552


Either way unless there is a major happening I’m in chill mode until opening night

361d15  No.2706553



I don't trust nobody. You have to be incredibly tech savvy, so you don't fall in a trap.

9f2ec3  No.2706554

File: dd215713828fbcb⋯.png (57.2 KB, 459x519, 153:173, Untitled picture (23).png)

Not normally in to the UFO thing, but this article is more about Space Force and FVEY than UFOs. (Their spacing, not mine kek)

NZ Government OIA on UFO Activity

Unexplained lights over Hamilton, flying objects near Seddon and bright orbs close to Dunedin are just some of the UFO descriptions collected by the Civil Aviation Authority over the past two decades.

The figures, released under the Official Information Act, show that across New Zealand the public have contacted the agency and recorded seeing a range of unexplained objects.

The data, which spans from 2000 to 2017, records 30 sightings of UFOs reported to the CAA.

While the sightings were recorded, only those where there was a risk to safety were investigated, according to the agency.


* Finding Mrs Moreland

* US governments confirms UFO study

* Lost in space, cigar rock found us

* Mystery object may be first confirmed interstellar visitor

* CIA files: UFOs, mind control, and strange lights over Kaikoura

Some of the sightings include reports of a silent object flying through the skies near Cambridge in 2012 and a white circular object near Titirangi, Auckland, in 2014.


Aerial view of a dish-like radio telescope in the Guizhou province which, in part, is searching for intelligent life.


Aerial view of a dish-like radio telescope in the Guizhou province which, in part, is searching for intelligent life.

Aliens and spaceships are usually confined to the world of conspiracy theories, but former Pentagon analyst Dr Paul Buchanan said it wasn't silly for governments to record UFO data.

It was less about making contact with intelligent life, and more about states protecting and monitoring the space above them.

"The race for space is full on. The hard fact of the matter is space will be militarised within the next 20 years. No treaties are going to stop that. That is why Trump has thought up the Space Force idea.

"From time to time we get a Chinese signals boat coming into Auckland to replenish. It is basically a spy ship. It's cover though is it's a satellite ship for the Chinese space fleet."

The New Zealand Defence Force told Stuff they do not investigate sightings of UFOs, and all potential sightings reported to NZDF were handed to New Zealand Police or the CAA to investigate.

However, in the briefing to the incoming minister Ron Mark, the NZDF stated there were increasing threats to New Zealand from space due to geopolitical reasons.

"New Zealand is becoming increasingly reliant on access to space-based systems and infrastructure such as satellites. At the same time, threats to these systems have been increasing."

Due to its agreement with the Five Eyes alliance, New Zealand relies heavily on the other partners when it comes to satellite technology, Buchanan said.

"We can rely on the space-based assets of our partners, by and large, for all strategic intelligence we get in New Zealand… For the moment, we don't need a space fleet."

And while the New Zealand government didn't spend resources looking into reported UFO sightings, other states were, Buchanan said.

The Pentagon confirmed last year that there was a US$22 million (NZ $31.4m) government programme to collect and analyse "anomalous aerospace threats" between 2007 and 2012.

The agency, called Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, was classified and predominantly created to research the possibility of extra terrestrial life.

More recently, President Donald Trump announced his hope for a Space Force - a sixth arm of the US defence forces which would, in part, focus on space warfare.

Meanwhile in Asia, Beijing has poured billions into building a huge dish to search for signals from stars, galaxies and perhaps extraterrestrial life. Measuring 500 metres in diameter, the radio telescope is nestled within the southern Guizhou province.

"Any strategic forecasting centres will think if an adversary gets first contact then they can form alliance with extraterrestrial beings against one's own country," Buchanan said.

"Let's say the Chinese or Russians establish contact, tell them the Five Eyes are evil doers and need to be destroyed. That would be of concern."



70508e  No.2706555

File: 00e5be14b785ba3⋯.jpg (13.98 KB, 399x283, 399:283, jugears2.jpg)


What parent was dumb enough to let their child near the jugeared fag?

Good thing a camera was around.

94c48e  No.2706556


No, BHO didn't tell them about his electoral victory

He was telling the boyscout he was with if they talked they'd be dead

8a71a2  No.2706557

File: 9517ab73adb7870⋯.jpg (29.25 KB, 520x390, 4:3, 9517ab73adb78709a9c0f71515….jpg)


hey now………

ddf66c  No.2706558

File: d6288df8fca599e⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 465x648, 155:216, momus.jpg)

0d68c5  No.2706559


Michael Cohen getting on to an airplane. Thats it.

fc2698  No.2706560



76b145  No.2706561



Looky here, boys, we got some pro-Tillerson clowns in here spreading disinfo

Fuck Texas

Fuck the oil cabal

Fuck the Bush family

Fuck the men who killed JFK

They're all gonn hang

b2f0d4  No.2706562


>chill mode

enjoy the show

20e62d  No.2706563

Wyoming Rebuffs Trump, Picks Native Son in GOP Governor Race

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — President Donald Trump tried his best to appeal to coal country but amid a truckload of bad political news, the top coal-producing state didn't love him back.

Instead, Wyoming voters chose State Treasurer Mark Gordon, a rancher who grew up at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains, over political mega-donor Foster Friess in the state's Republican primary for governor.

Calling Friess "Strong on Crime, Borders & 2nd Amendment," Trump had endorsed Friess on Twitter as voting got underway Tuesday.

Trump hours later walked back Obama-era environmental regulations viewed as economic warfare in coal country and told a West Virginia rally that miners were headed back to work. About 40 percent of the nation's coal comes from Wyoming — Trump no doubt got heard out West.

Wyoming voters had their own ideas.


94c48e  No.2706564


Yes mein fuhre…er I mean Mr President

c979f4  No.2706565

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, trumplaughing3.png)

1feac5  No.2706566


Think about this anon:

What is Etymology?

What is the etymology of Capablanca in that game?

>Machine Master

What is the etymology of Marshall?


It is literally the Commander Vs The Machine.

0e68f8  No.2706567

File: 48dbd3bcc177b2b⋯.png (523.39 KB, 720x977, 720:977, 20180822_185642.png)

a0f7d3  No.2706568


If she has a video of a trump son getting onto an airplane too, then we are finished. There’s no coming back from that sorta damnin accusation.

dea826  No.2706569


let's get real…a 17 yr old boy can't stop a 37 year old woman from mounting him or knobbing him off? attacking her is just playing into the holiness spiral

6308f1  No.2706570


There's a thread for this shit, take it there

464642  No.2706571


You sent a normie to a raw research thread loaded with porn and gore? You might want to rethink that.

ddf66c  No.2706572

File: 77af44a2359c532⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 350x316, 175:158, pantywad.jpg)




9328ba  No.2706573


he still lied ?

33ac82  No.2706574

File: 7c6cccbb93dbd69⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7c6cccbb93dbd691c7d93c49cf….jpg)

94c48e  No.2706575


Cowardly fucks killed JFK

They were all cockeaters too

4baa84  No.2706576


Great insight anon.

5d852d  No.2706577


What's Dot?

b7172f  No.2706578


If it doesn't fit their narrative it's a lie, false info or misleading… In many cases the truth can be subjective…

94c48e  No.2706579


Shred the fucker…Tucker

cf9a3f  No.2706580


Yeah, I get it.

We see B6 - B7, then D5 - F7

F7 is Checkmate.

b2f0d4  No.2706581


that's not the issue, it's more about the hypocrisy, lies, payment, and her reaction being just like past accused abusers accusing the victim of lying and doing it for the money, etc.

4c15f4  No.2706582

File: ebf0c482319cd04⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 840x468, 70:39, wikileaks hrc napolitano h….JPG)


Both Sec Napolitano and I are concerned about older kids and trafficking. Pls consult w Lou deBaca as well.


1feac5  No.2706583



8a9f71  No.2706584


This is important. We need to revive this in the next bread.

Did Strzok, Clapper and Evanina brief Pence?

Never trusted Pence, and I'm guessing many of you feel the same.

de7f0d  No.2706585


so many castles to choose from….




LL BC HRC Tarmac vid

Weiner laptop


BO NO conncected w/Hussein

0f33a9  No.2706586


Hahahaha. Spits. Hahahaha. Shut up you fat skank

a650d4  No.2706587

>>2706464 "It may come down to Cohen's word versus Trump's." No, really? The word of the President of the United States vs. the word of a guy who just plead guilty to 8 felonies (6 real apparently). Gales of laughter and scorn.

a0f7d3  No.2706588


First time I’ve seen Constantine connected to the free masons. That explains a lot. Constantine is the definition of subversion. How to control Christians? Just become one and take it upon yourself and the church leaders you’ve corrupted to determine what books make it in the Bible and which ones don’t.

Fucking joke.

24c78b  No.2706589


Hope he washed his hands afterwards Yuck.

7f5d15  No.2706590






especially if theres shit else to be found on this chat session

b2f0d4  No.2706591

File: b09c042fcde171d⋯.png (864.46 KB, 1111x1565, 1111:1565, Q_pepeCrumbs_AssangeChessD….png)

35950a  No.2706592


Last call for updates?


>>2706040 Russia is stockpiling gold as fresh US sanctions loom

>>2706058 White House Daily Update

>>2706068 New DJT

>>2706173 Retired Elementary Teacher Arrested For Alleged Child Rape on School Grounds

>>2706250 10 indicted on wire fraud, counterfeiting and money laundering charges in Idaho

>>2706252 An Indiana priest is attacked by a man yelling, 'this is for all the little kids'

>>2706430 Secret Service seeking assistance to identify these unknown individuals..

>>2706459 Apple CEO Tim Cook has donated '5 million dollars worth' of Apple shares to an unspecified charity

>>2706464 Lanny Davis Admits Cohen Has No Evidence Trump Directed Him to Pay Stormy..

>>2706530 Former Swiss Bank Executive Pleads Guilty to Role in Billion-Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme..

>>2706537 Asia Argento is shamed for her alleged assault of minor, 17, by street artist Sabo who plasters #SheToo posters all over LA..

>>2706541 Police: Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Used Stolen ID to Work in U.S.

>>2706563 Wyoming Rebuffs Trump, Picks Native Son in GOP Governor Race

1feac5  No.2706593


Do the pieces have to be people?

Anon what if they're institutions?

What if Red Castle is the White House?

What if King Side Bishop is White Hat DOJ?

Think about a broader battle space.

4baa84  No.2706594


Mentioned in context of the Wall and the Roth's, if my memory serves.

cf9a3f  No.2706595


We see about 2 turns in the Marshall v Capablanca game between each of them castling, just for the record.

Don't know if that matters.

76b145  No.2706596


I was thinking about this. I don't have a huge problem with Zionists.

As a Christian, I want Jesus to come back and save us all.

If that's what Zionist's ultimate goal is then I'm okay with that, I guess

I can only control what's within my power at the end of the day so Zionist or not, doesn't really matter.

We're gonna get to the end of the world eventually.

140a91  No.2706597

File: feec925bb1f0eef⋯.jpg (4.87 KB, 200x200, 1:1, feec925bb1f0eef4571af63879….jpg)

0eb9f5  No.2706598

File: 364099c729cc49f⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 763x585, 763:585, planehugging.jpg)

File: b6f17295f32d0f1⋯.png (43.59 KB, 246x246, 1:1, JewMega.png)

15f968  No.2706599


It's a theory. But what happened to no man knows the time of Christ's return?

New American Standard Bible:

"But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

Mark 13:32

2f709e  No.2706600

d11c24  No.2706601


Yeah when they made the contracts they had certain obligations but the Jew could not keep up their end because stealing everything is just too natural. Research Reagan and the FED.

Your going to be shocked. The Jew was presented with a bill. They did not have the funds to cover. The Pentagon took reciept. You dont think all those plane flights last year were Jews and Masons going to jail do you?

You hear about the Russian plane that started dropping gold all over the runway?

Lots of Gold has been moving around the planet. What could Trump offer China to ally with us?

Anyone know how much China hates foreigners historically? And how much they hate foreigners that think they own the Middle Kingdom? Ask the English or ask the Mongols. These people dont forget.

Trump and China made a deal. Both are going to write off all the debt (((they))) claim we owe. China is not rich. All their companies owe Trillions to Jew Banks.

Think it through. The Jew isnt stealing from Ameirca to give our wealth to China free and clear. Oh now the Chinese are not really the owners of the American Wealth….its the Jews.

But who can make China pay up if they refuse? America. Who can make America pay up if we refuse to pay? The Jew would start a war with someone. Probably China.

What happens if both sides say fuck that . The money is just numbers in a computer anyway. Its not real money is not real.

What happens if we say fuck it? Who makes us pay?

See the plan? See the endgame?

We are already debt free. We just havent told you yet.

e840e5  No.2706602


Who wants to bet Cohen's "GoFundMe" page setup by Lanny Davis is going to be how they funnel his "Payment" moneys.

Keep a close eye boys.

cf9a3f  No.2706603




dea826  No.2706604


it's retarded and counterproductive to act like a woman can be a sexual aggressor in the same way a man can. men and women aren't interchangeable, and when conservatives act like they are to score points they're being stupid

5d852d  No.2706605


All your DCT are belong to buffer underrun.

c52d4e  No.2706606

WHY are we trusting the plan? Our job is to research, to dig deeper and find the facts and the truths that will lead us out of this mess we're in. Blind trust … in anyone or anything … is suicidal (Note to Biblefags … God offers proof – Satan says "trust me".)

NO HONEST MAN asks you to take his word for anything except over the shortest of terms.

>>2704370 (PB)


Interdasting list of government lies. I think that Q has made several references to us not knowing the full extent of what we are dealing with. He is, of course, correct. But while we've been chasing red shoes around "Robinsons barnyard", we've been misdirecting ourselves from other discoveries.

Chase a few of these down, if you dare.

1b28b8  No.2706607

President Donald J Trump

The Anti-Anti-Christ


ff4e81  No.2706608


>being a narcissistic windbag

Exactly… the reason I stopped listening. I picked him out as a Hollywood shill almost immediately.

a650d4  No.2706609

File: d4c9a4d397ea672⋯.jpg (18.85 KB, 270x177, 90:59, MediaDivide.jpg)

19ac67  No.2706610

File: 006e4a97a6540e6⋯.png (117.07 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorBlah.png)

0eb9f5  No.2706611


If Jesus came back you and the cucks just like you would have him imprisoned or killed after his first press conference.

4c15f4  No.2706612

File: 212b769eef20951⋯.png (16.28 KB, 2984x50, 1492:25, ClipboardImage.png)


Luis Cabeza deBaca is an American lawyer and diplomat who served in the Obama Administration as Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and as Director of the Department of Justice's Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking.

bba88f  No.2706613

What’s with all the go fund me pages?

Is this a new way of paying bribes? Laundering money?

a70eed  No.2706614

File: 9aa2b73bbf66d35⋯.jpeg (77.98 KB, 800x574, 400:287, A712BF67-F077-4A28-9B73-7….jpeg)


Liberals announce today they formally hate her decorations choice for remainder of Trump Presidency. Kek

Nah they know Melania is loved.

Wish she wouldnt have chose that jacket.

That episode cost me several hours showing waivering Trumpsupporters the Twatts from Fonda and the one from Canada threatening Chloe.

But she is already one of Americas most loved First Ladys.

a650d4  No.2706615

File: 9ff7131a3546efc⋯.jpg (460.77 KB, 2992x1584, 17:9, Mock11.jpg)

e840e5  No.2706616


We need to find a way to track the payments/timings of his page.


48bbfb  No.2706617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HardBastard talking right now about his feeling that (((they))) are going to go beyond 'political means' to 'remove trump' (don't want the SS knocking at my door so guarding my words)

Right now.

1feac5  No.2706618


I feel that the mind of POTUS can be glimpsed from this game. He moves ENTIRE INSTITUTIONS as pieces.

I recommend if you get the time to watch Fischer's games. That's the level we're dealing with here. So when we see Cohen "Flip", we're seeing a Queen's Gambit. It's amazing.

140a91  No.2706619

File: 76b7c1b3f30fe01⋯.png (376.01 KB, 641x716, 641:716, 76b7c1b3f30fe01aaccef6f423….png)

File: 111c202b2ca8783⋯.jpg (402.04 KB, 683x1060, 683:1060, 111c202b2ca878343301113d27….jpg)

File: 609515fae9cefcc⋯.png (242.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 609515fae9cefcc99e34ea8556….png)

File: ce06de98e918f3e⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 479x518, 479:518, ce06de98e918f3ed944c49fa4b….jpg)

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, d4d8d11d2d61a954f5639690d8….png)


Best for last !!

94c48e  No.2706620


Fuck yeah


b2f0d4  No.2706621


nothing same about this creepy case, she was a mother-figure for him since knowing him at 7 (for a movie where he was shown raped 3 times apparently, btw)… it's more manipulation, maybe, but can be a form of abuse nonetheless

de7f0d  No.2706622


all I know is, this piece is huge:

Sessions - big piece on reserve for future use

c52d4e  No.2706623


Apparently you've never been raped by a woman. I have. You are full of shit.

0eb9f5  No.2706624


Hopefully also an anti-anti-white

cf9a3f  No.2706625


can I get that without the text, please?

151467  No.2706627


Ding ding ding.

07c8f8  No.2706628


Only plan believers can shit talk Q not you unbelieving fools. It will be so nice when we go back thru all the records and start dragging all you fucks out of your section 8 apartments and into the FEMA camps you denied existed.

76b145  No.2706629


No press conferences when Jesus comes back

Just ass whoopings

and judgements


008f8a  No.2706630


Tucker is extremely suppressed on what he is allowed to talk about.

3efa47  No.2706631


No shit.

A lot of these fucking idiots will be eating all their words soon.

15f968  No.2706632


Farm that hired Cristhian Rivera, Mollie Tibbetts' suspected killer, did not use E-Verify system, official says

The Mexican national accused of murdering college student Mollie Tibbetts in Iowa last month lived in the United States illegally for several years – and worked for a farm that used Social Security Administration data in part to vet potential employees, according to officials there.

However, Yarrabee Farms co-owner and manager Dane Lang clarified Wednesday afternoon that the farm did not use a federal E-Verify check on suspect Cristhian Rivera, despite the company's claim earlier in the day that it did.

Lang said Rivera provided a state-issued photo identification and social security card. “We learned that our employee was not who he said he is.”


d11c24  No.2706633


Yep look at the shit you have to wade through when all you want to do is rub one out to help you sleep when the wife is tired and grouchy? You have to get past….step dad fucks step daughter. The shit is endless. It is intentional.

And it is Jews. They are panicked. They are caught they are pushing their plans faster and faster but they moved 25years to fast. Trump and Q made them hurry it up.

It is not going to work.

dcf312  No.2706634

File: bf6e5411c57db8f⋯.jpeg (310.27 KB, 1242x1219, 54:53, AF62F6A4-C437-4B24-942D-2….jpeg)

07c8f8  No.2706635


He should just come on and read the 8 chan QResearch board

f9a836  No.2706637


It's not all fake, many still harbor the same convictions we held while there and I do think Jews are an issue, a big one because of how they have influenced society over generations through their victim claims. So many in America converting to Jewish faith is inorganic no matter how one looks at it, people noticed too but not enough for it to be considered a threat. Those high-profile people who claim to be Jewish, are simply using the faith as a shield against any and all criticism. Even questioning their faith is met with claims of antisemitism, people get tired of being called racist and back off but they simply lack willpower to push through the nonsense. Q will end up showing these people for what they are, rich and evil opportunists, the kind no average person can stand.

33ac82  No.2706638


She wore the jacket in another state when boarding a plane. Then she flew to another state, and got off plane, and visited the children, without the coat.


866c79  No.2706639


Lied where?

In that plane interview?

9f90de  No.2706640

File: 39f118576f86d3b⋯.png (116.87 KB, 500x601, 500:601, how-to-disable-a-female-ra….png)

c9ccaf  No.2706641

I’m sorry anon.


140a91  No.2706642


Yep FOX news is still a glowing comped fucker with a human mask on. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER . the anti white stuff they go off on sometimes. I went from fan to foe in 1 day recently.

de7f0d  No.2706643


another 48 hour WE GOT THE DIRTOh no.

fc2698  No.2706646


Tucker is a coke head.

d2085a  No.2706647

File: e27d62b8878adfa⋯.png (609.61 KB, 1024x1074, 512:537, Schneiderman.png)

6308f1  No.2706649


Q didn't say 'trust me'.

You are sliding what was said to make a point which is inaccurate

0eb9f5  No.2706650


I apologize Jesus for the period of my life when I believed what your murderers peddled in the press and movies. Thank you for forgiving me father Amen

d2085a  No.2706651

File: a438357cf90e6c8⋯.png (104.83 KB, 350x350, 1:1, McForrestal.png)

771b27  No.2706652


where is the sauce… prove it!

a0f7d3  No.2706653


Damn! Those are the dudes from the video!

5357df  No.2706654


tell the new "front hole" libs to go with front butt

140a91  No.2706655

File: 371aa37717089f7⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 88d60bb09bb70e0f7fda53f2f3….jpg)

File: 6361fc1ba76bcda⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 314361a8ffe454cc88856f7ade….jpg)

File: 908af490ea464f2⋯.jpg (13.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, a2b8ec5101c7f2f5757cd44580….jpg)

File: 19eb5aed0e59ade⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x245, 51:49, c123c31ff48f068124e4599551….jpg)

94f48d  No.2706656


Sounds like I just made a new friend.

e5114e  No.2706657

File: 890d108e39d29d2⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 660x330, 2:1, hemp-law-shutterstock[1].jpg)

File: 56cbcd66ec83960⋯.png (236.58 KB, 683x633, 683:633, Screenshot-743[1].png)

Hemp Could Soon Be Legal Across U.S. Under Farm Bill – Statesman Journal / Hemp Advocates Hope Senate Farm Bill Lights Up Crop’s Prospects | Bloomberg Government

* Agriculture, Congress, News

* Hemp Advocates Hope Senate Farm Bill Lights Up Crop’s Prospects

July 9, 2018 – Teaganne Finn

* Senate farm bill would remove industrial hemp from drug list.

* House and Senate will conference the bills in the coming weeks.

Long shunned for its association with marijuana, industrial hemp could make a comeback in tobacco-growing states like Kentucky if the Senate farm bill is enacted into law, advocates say, even as they’re still trying to figure out how to best grow the crop.

The Senate passed its substitute to H.R. 2 June 28 on an 86-11 vote. The measure included language from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to legalize hemp as an agricultural commodity by removing it from the federal list of controlled substances and giving states the opportunity to be the primary regulators of hemp production.

Industrial hemp was once an abundant crop in Kentucky but was outlawed and replaced by tobacco, a commodity now considered taboo by some due to its use in cigarettes and worries over cancer. Hemp proponents say the farm bill has the potential to revamp the hemp industry and help fill the void left by tobacco’s declining popularity.

“I have heard from many Kentucky farmers who agree it’s time to remove the federal hurdles and give our state the opportunity to seize its full potential and once again become the national leader for hemp production,” said McConnell in a press release following the Senate farm bill’s passage.

The stigma surrounding hemp comes from the idea hemp is the same as cannabis, the plant also known as marijuana. While both hemp and cannabis come from the same species, cannabis has glands known as trichomes with high amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which has psychoactive effects. Hemp, on the other hand, contains just trace amounts of THC. Only products made from industrial hemp with less than 0.3 percent of THC are legal to sell, buy, consume, and ship.

The hemp flowers and seeds can be used in organic body care products and health foods. The fiber and stalks are much tougher and can be used in construction materials, paper, and plastic composites.

The farm bill would reauthorize commodity, trade, agricultural research, rural development, and food and nutrition programs. Under current law (Pub. Law No. 113-79), authorizations will expire Sept. 30 or the end of the applicable crop year. The House’s version of the farm bill does not include the hemp language. Next up will be a conference committee to attempt to reach a compromise on a measure that would be approved by both chambers and then sent to President Donald Trump’s desk.


a650d4  No.2706658


Not my OC.

d2085a  No.2706659

File: 9423c12ea1af564⋯.png (476.88 KB, 610x406, 305:203, osprey.png)

File: 6d6b328c0b4cf9d⋯.jpg (98.52 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, laughmelania.jpg)

c52d4e  No.2706660


If he's here legally, he has the documents to prove it. He's still a confessed murderer.

6308f1  No.2706661


Fires are good, release carbon to fix the environment. NO CARBON NO LIFE. LEARN.

33ac82  No.2706662


And the jacket was worn as a statement against fake news.Nowhere near the immigrant children center.

b2f0d4  No.2706663


> It is intentional.

there's just so much of it, and the manner and methodicality of it all… it would be hard to argue otherwise. anyway. not carrying over next bread

36954d  No.2706664


Nigger alert

2f709e  No.2706665


Isn't that what happened to him last time?

6308f1  No.2706666

35950a  No.2706667

File: 920c1ef7940e72f⋯.jpg (84.86 KB, 533x388, 533:388, c4ed1797439b375a8641ea161d….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

b2f0d4  No.2706668


there were tons of variations, maybe still in archives

0f33a9  No.2706669


The liberal front butt has a chin

140a91  No.2706670

File: bba08ef25d0f944⋯.jpeg (23.61 KB, 255x204, 5:4, bba08ef25d0f944a49ca0b794….jpeg)

1e7496  No.2706671

Wow if they somehow turned Lanny Davis and the GoFundMe money is going to actually help Trump the dems heads are going to explode lol

d2085a  No.2706672

File: 3c6885586f05cd1⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 280x180, 14:9, huma.jpg)

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