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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

7770f9  No.2705006

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7770f9  No.2705010


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2704364 Key symbolism found in Vatican city layout.

>>2704474 Manafort jury notes are made public.

>>2704586 High School student arrested with loaded gun.

>>2704617 Former Swiss Bank Executive Pleads Guilty to Role in Billion-Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme.

>>2704671 SPLC gets Visa / MC to block payments from David Horowitz Freedom Center.

>>2704799 Dems / Repubs tied in latest Rasmussen poll.

>>2704788 Trump insists he learned of Michael Cohen payments "later on."

>>2704930 Globalist AUS PM may not be eligible for parliament.

>>2704968 Lanny Davis is a registered agent for Ukraine.

>>2704970 #3415


>>2703594 Great video for redpilling your normie friends (Runtime 17:50).

>>2703713 Google, Amazon and IBM try to acquire hospital records; demand end of patient privacy.

>>2703651 Parents revolt after unstable student enrolled in local school district.

>>2703628 Mueller's wife has high level connections to the CIA.

>>2703926 , >>2703944 NY State issues subpoena to Michael Cohen in regards to Trump Foundation probe.

>>2703966 Democrats likely using law enforcement to affect 2018 midterms.

>>2704163 Cohen's attorney accidentally raises funds for Trump.

>>2703601 Possible explanation of how Q fished for a Black Hat.

>>2704310 #3414


>>2702843 Possible audio of whistleblower Ukrainian told to collude with the DNC

>>2702865 Mueller implicated in Cambodian sex trafficking ring in 2008

>>2702971 Former Clinton pollster claims HRC broke campaign finance laws

>>2703077 Meryl Streep selling NYC penthouse for $24.6M

>>2703079 Farage: 2nd Brexit referendum would be “Soros vote”

>>2703113 On Dan Bongino, comms, and “The More You Know…” (commentary/analysis)

>>2703246 On Mueller’s past activity

>>2703264 Summary of Awan-related Q posts (analysis)

>>2703296 Apple’s double-standard: hiding terrorist’s data and handing over Manafort’s data

>>2703307 Andrew Kauders dig and links, Podesta-related

>>2703348 POTUS at WV Rally: Israel will pay “higher price” in peace talks owing to embassy move

>>2703387 Tweet re: CF and statues of limitations going past 2018.11.16

>>2703388 Cohen expected to be disbarred in guilty plea

>>2703399 Indicted House Rep. (lb) to be forcibly removed from committee posts

>>2703480 #3413

#3412 Baker Change

>>2702057 Remarks by POTUS upon AF1 arrival

>>2702124 Warren’s black-hearted response to Mollie Tibbets

>>2702125 Indictment unsealed against House Rep. from CA’s 50th district

>>2702164 Possible connection between Comey, Iowa, and Tibbets killing

>>2702165 Possible deep state activity in India

>>2702182 New DJT twitter

>>2702305 DNC calls FBI after detecting alleged hacking attempt into voter database

>>2702538 ; >>2702652 ; >>2702676 DOJ takes actions on opioid distributors and over-prescribers

>>2702665 Saudi Arabia calls off Aramco IPO, disbands advisors

>>2702728 On the cover-up of Judicial Watch reporting HRC server hacking to the FBI

>>2702708 #3412


>>2701307, >>2701381, >>2701448, >>2701621, Trump tweets and decodes

>>2701676 Planefag Reports

>>2701622 BigRed Anon comments on concernshilling as of late

>>2701374 Always Clintons connected.

>>2701392 Cohen’s plea was negotiated way back in APRIL.

>>2701499 Country singer Gretchen Wilson arrested when plane lands due to an altercation on flight.

>>2701431 Federal officials reject Bill Nelson's claim that Russians have 'penetrated' Florida election systems

>>2701297 Did James Comey's most recent tweet propose a perjury plea deal to Q?

>>2701546 Alan Dershowitz: No impeachable offenses against Trump

>>2701681 CF digs contimued

>>2701779 Trump/Cohen have EVERYTHING.


>>2701806 MSNBC contributor suggests that an illegal alien murdering Mollie Tibbetts is no big deal, says she's just a "girl in Iowa."

>>2701816 E-Verify, again

>>2701457 Powerful advertising man Skip Rutherford, a Clinton fundraiser and president of the Clinton Foundation

>>2701938 News Box

>>2701298, >>2701328, >>2701395, >>2701840, >>2701867, >>2701931 Interdesting 1 posts

>>2701951 #3411

Previously Collected Notables

>>2702803 #3409, #3410 (baked in bread #3413)

>>2698070 #3406, >>2698837 #3407, >>2699650 #3408

>>2695795 #3403, >>2696515 #3404, >>2697294 #3405

>>2693531 #3400, >>2694268 #3401, >>2695040 #3402

>>2691185 #3397, >>2691965 #3398, >>2692735 #3399

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7770f9  No.2705012

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2690944

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

7770f9  No.2705016

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


7770f9  No.2705023



Baker Requesting Handoff

7770f9  No.2705041

New Pastebin:


f0feb4  No.2705089

File: 9ee12dd57677a4c⋯.png (310.12 KB, 683x601, 683:601, ICEISIS.png)

File: 3236c65a07a4b28⋯.png (73.19 KB, 506x357, 506:357, ultimatedeterrent.png)


>Nancy Pelosi wants to abolish ICE, what I want to do is abolish the killers in ISIS.

Are we supposed to be drawing a connection between ICE and ISIS?

Is POTUS saying that ISIS is coming into America via our porous borders?

9a2125  No.2705092

File: b7d6188cb7a2e02⋯.jpg (417.1 KB, 1001x1200, 1001:1200, IMG_401.jpg)

027577  No.2705125

>>2704620 pb

is it too early to call poetic justice?

58126c  No.2705126

File: 60a22bf3dfae720⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

You Anons have already lost

Don't you ever fuck with Shia or his posse ever again

e6e9c1  No.2705127

>>2705106 (lb)


I see it in newer TV/movies too. There are moments where a character gets up on a soapbox to drive home a Leftist talking point, and the shot is composed to have them nearly looking straight into the camera. The Left does not trust its audiences to fill in ANY gaps, because that means free thought.

ebd1dc  No.2705128

>>2705074 (pb)

California is more red than blue. It seems the opposite because the blue are in positions of power, influence and wealth. In control of state gov passing unfair laws as fast as they can. Control rigged elections.

We 'reds' need no less saving than the rest of the world. We are your brother and sister Americans here. Don't throw us away anon.

35d8cb  No.2705129


Clearly, ICE is not ISIS.

b57673  No.2705130



Is this STILL his art project?

b75f93  No.2705131

File: 36265b4d0446cdd⋯.png (291.44 KB, 400x423, 400:423, baker-ty-chicks.png)

86b4c6  No.2705132

File: d3f4d6121c58596⋯.png (705.83 KB, 814x692, 407:346, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 2961b699bc49e16⋯.png (193.69 KB, 926x735, 926:735, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

Gee…… no one could have not seen this coming.

The evil's plan in motion.

35d9fc  No.2705134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

687dd5  No.2705135

File: fcf2ee7f1212fc0⋯.png (394.29 KB, 969x519, 323:173, CohenSetUptoDoCongress.png)

I feel like I'm watching the last 30 Minutes of the classic movie "The Sting" especially after reading this Hill headline. I'm no longer shaken by every little apparent set back or negative news. I've SEEN God win against all odds. Lemme tell ya'll whyfeel this way I …

First I must DECLARE this

Q, I trust you and I'm grateful for The Plan

As a kid I rebelled from my hippie, partying parents and became a Conservative Christian my senior year.

I had been sent to treatment for getting caught with drugs in middle school, and the partying lifestyle was on it's way to destroying me like it destroyed my family. I found God when I went through the twelve steps at age 14. Not a pompous, religious God,but a God who could help restore me and my family to sanity after I admitted I was powerless and hopeless to change everything for myself.


I was called "Moses who Parts Mom's Waterbed", "JesusFreak____" with my name, and I was made fun of for years. But I was cool about it. I moved out at 17 after graduating and became independent. I simply lived my life seeking God and believing for my seemingly hopeless family. I got great a career, after tech school, in a good field and became the family member many ran to for help. Things turned around for my family. They watched me just live what I believe. Humbly as a "12 Stepper"…That all started 35 years ago. Since then I led my Mom in prayer to the Lord, and my Grandparents both to Jesus on each of their deathbeds. Not to an overly religious God, but God the "Great Mechanic" who find us each as a wreck in the Junkyard of Life and sees us as Classics, not Jalopies…who buys us back and fixes us up to BEYOND our original glory. He does it for His bragging rights. God is exceedingly PROUD of his Mechanical Restoration Work.



So, in response to this need, I believe God brought us a "fixer upper guy" who had vision to see America's possibility once restored, not only to her former Glory, but BEYOND IT. That guy is Donald J. Trump.

Now, in spite of headlines like this on, I'm too old and been in the "faith game" too long to be shaken by every wind and wave on TV or in the papers.


and in doing that I've learned one thing. (((Those people who God declares as righteous "Walk by Faith and not sight")))

Even a Saint Peter can sank when called out on the water with Jesus. That's why it's easy for us look at the natural circumstances we see in the headlines and sink.

Normies don't understand REAL FAITH

They don't see the long haul fixer upper process.

Most blue collar people of faith do however. Factory Workers, Coal Miners, and American laborers who trust God have all been hoping against hope for our nation for YEARS. We who truly believe know the process, with it's setbacks, and little day to day victories, when you are restoring a WRECK to it's CLASSIC state.


and I'm thankful to God for a Military that has it's people's backs everyday


I know He's the One who picks men to be leaders that the world's people might scoff at, to shame the wicked and the worldly-wise. Moses stuttered and was old, Samson was a wild man, David was a child and later an adulterer, Gideon was small, Caleb was too old, and Joshua was too young- But GOD used them all anyway, by Faith and not by what everyone saw in the natural.

2 Corinthians 5:6-7

Therefore we are always confident, although we know that while we are at home in the [earthly] body, we are away from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Well 12 Step-Junkyarddog Fag has said about all he can, except this

"The FUTURE CLASSIC CONDITION of Fully Restored America will be GLORIOUS!"

So then friends "Keep on Keeping on!"- Keep the faith, Bakers keep Baking, Diggers keep Digging, Memers keep Meme-ing, and the rest of us KEEP PRAYING AND HOPING!!

6efc08  No.2705136

>>2704229 (pb)

>>2704077 (pb)

>Turkey for Thanksgiving

Couple this with the earlier message today reminding of November 16th Statute of Limitations on some Clinton Crimes.

a4f5d2  No.2705137


Both groups are paid killers - terrorists.

7770f9  No.2705138

fa2fff  No.2705139


The indoctrinators are the indoctrinated. Teachers are brainwashed in most cases. It is a bummer.

2227cb  No.2705140

File: 8c63c1bc207c17b⋯.jpg (760.63 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, BO_Lied.jpg)

The place just ain't the same..

I wonder what Competency would look like?

361251  No.2705141

>>2705132 THIN THE HERD

0dfc4f  No.2705142


hurrah for Diversity

b745c9  No.2705143

File: b843dda13ff92c8⋯.png (120.96 KB, 1801x354, 1801:354, c14.png)

File: 4a498924f9bd86a⋯.png (91.81 KB, 897x569, 897:569, STANDBY.png)

File: 9d08ed053d9d153⋯.png (91.84 KB, 969x411, 323:137, TIME'S UP .png)


Was already posted back in November… remeber?




ebd1dc  No.2705144

File: 3e2987671fd35d1⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Real comfy Baker TY

2d9dca  No.2705145




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



35d8cb  No.2705146


We are the heard.

5c02f3  No.2705147

File: 71e984addd82dfb⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1200x1020, 20:17, S&B-ATTEMPT-3.jpg)

>>2704975 lb

>>2705122 ib

35d9fc  No.2705148

histerical memefag request





1698bc  No.2705149

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, thisshit.jpeg)


we get it AFLB

just stop and dig

36c2e3  No.2705150

File: 1507ea8df369c6c⋯.png (5.9 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 63B1A12E-E940-4865-A5F7-D1….png)

Anyone want a good laugh? This morning Lanny Davis said that he had set up a GoFundMe for Michael Cohen. It’s called MichaelCohenTruth.com

Funny thing….

It redirects you to donaldjtrump.com

027577  No.2705151


but not the herd.

60674b  No.2705152


The entire point of TV programming/shows is to drive everything towards leftist good rightist bad people of color good whites are bad. It is not subject to just a couple points here or there. Its is all emcompasing.

80bd3e  No.2705153

Sword, scroll and key

Sword is held by Washington, leader of revolutionary army

Scroll is held by Jefferson, writer of revolutionary ideals

Key is held by Franklin, the enlightener, who sheds light(ning) on the situation

The trinity

Sword is God the Father

Scroll is Jesus, Son of Man

Key is Holy Spirit, the third eye which unlocks the secrets of the teachings

Во имя - In the name

Отца, - of the Father

и Сына, - and of the Son

и Святаго Духа, - and of the Holy Spirit

Аминь - Amen

78b16c  No.2705154


This right here is some good shit

75ddf7  No.2705155

>>2705117 (LB)

People with criminal records urged to become magistrates

More people with criminal records should be hired as magistrates to boost diversity and falling numbers of people in the profession, it has been suggested.

"But we want to increase diversity, and if we did say anyone who's ever done anything wrong ever isn't going to be appointed that's no way at all to increase diversity."

Mr Bache said: "I wouldn't want [candidates] to think that because they've got a relatively minor criminal record some years ago that they're not going to be accepted as a magistrate, because that would be completely erroneous.

Magistrate candidates are expected to be "mature, understand people and have a sense of fairness", according to guidance on the government's website.

It also states those who had been found guilty of a serious crime or guilty of a number of minor offences would be unlikely to be considered for a post.

>Should it be notable?

My instinct is no; it's just an op ed, but less related things are making notables all the time, so...

ad798d  No.2705156



I was thinking the same thing. Since the daughter hated white people so much, and the parents seem to, at least, have a huge amount of "white guilt-" to deal with, I'd say….at least they are comforted by the fact that their child was not murdered by a white guy….

It is what it is!

It's sad, but…it is what it is!

e6e9c1  No.2705157


Very true, but it's much more on the nose these days.

ed4138  No.2705158

File: 563d3ebaf85087c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 3F35833D-0E5E-45BA-991A-E9….png)

Don't hold your breath, Left-wingers - Trump will not be impeached

https:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/08/22/dont-hold-breath-left-wingers-trump-will-not-impeached/

Finally, a bit of rationality from the UK press.

828c21  No.2705159

Do any of you faggots listen to Pamphlet Anon's Patriots Soapbox? Big researcher here but I like to keep tabs on what they're telling people. Laughed my ass off today as one moderator (TJ MOLON LABE, who does a lot of research) was dissing another moderator (some tool named Mark who goes by the fake name of "REED WALKER") in the YouTube Chat. TJ MOLON LABE called Reed Walker out for riding his daddy's coat tails and for being an ass, in general. So many people in chat agreed that REED WALKER sucks. Guys, this matters because we don't want all the new people coming straight here. Overall I think the Patriots Soapbox people care and contribute to the research. They do redpill newbies. But this REED WALKER guy is a First Class Asshole. He's a SHILL. So great to hear TJ MOLON LABE speak truth about that scumbag. He's been off the air for a while and I hope he stays off. I heard he got in trouble for being a narcisstic windbag … again. GOOD RIDDANCE.

a4f5d2  No.2705160


Mistake on my part (distractions here)

ISIS and MS13 are one in the same.

5590f9  No.2705161

027577  No.2705162


tragedy is tragic.

5e89f6  No.2705163

Unless Lanny is incredibly naive, there's no way he'd believe that this would pile up the ladder onto Trump, because in order to do that they'd have to prove–as in cite the specific FEC statute– where-in this payment was made as an in-kind campaign contribution, and not just a routine "Lawyer pays off gold-digger for rich client." There's not a snowball's chance in Hell that they'd be able to do that, this is just the SDNY flexing its Resistance Muscles™ because they had Cohen dead to rights on all of the tax evasion charges, so they knew he'd agree to any plea deal they slapped on the table.

Even if you wandered way, way out into the field of possibilities and they manage to pull of some exceptionally clever legalese to paint this out as a campaign contribution, all that would happen is Trump would pay the fine and move on. Yeah, a fine. Even Obama had to shell out $375,000 for an FEC violation, and that was several magnitudes "worse" than what's being discussed here. Nobody was criminally charged, and nobody went to jail.

Anyone who's expecting this to move further up the ladder and make its way into impeachment proceedings is completely off of their rockers and needs to put that cork back in their champagne bottle. This would be a civil violation, not a criminal violation. I've seen more than a few people now run around and suggest that Trump could be held on a "Criminal conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws"–whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean–but go look at US Code Title 52 - Voting and Elections for yourself, and see if you can find that anywhere in there. In the best-case scenario for the Regressives, they yank a few thousand dollars out of a billionaire's hands, and run some holier-than-thou victory lap on Twitter.

060704  No.2705164


kek looks like Forrest Whitaker back there

ad798d  No.2705165


I agree, Anon!

027577  No.2705166


cohen is a story. somebody had to step in to the spotlight.

1f83e8  No.2705167

File: 89f5185f266b2b1⋯.jpg (92.83 KB, 600x562, 300:281, Fishing Is Fun.jpg)

0dfc4f  No.2705168


>Do any of you faggots listen to Pamphlet Anon's Patriots Soapbox?

gave'em a couple minutes once.

they never got around to talking about either Q, qresearch, or something related.

never looked back

71827c  No.2705169


where is https://www.hewillnotdivide.us/ camera located now?

Too bad we can't get some Anons over there and have some fun. :)

5c02f3  No.2705170

File: c9cabcebbcd2534⋯.jpg (667.38 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, red_door_ar.jpg)


>>2704975 lb

>>2705122 lb

2227cb  No.2705171


Who could you imagine would fill up the 15 top places?

>a new $69 million prison for the 15 high-value detainees at Guantanamo, called Camp 7.

be07c7  No.2705172

File: 03a5aeaf691bff1⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 500x536, 125:134, boomstarwars.jpg)

09b8f4  No.2705173


I thank God for people like you! Thanks for this dose of TRUTH

361251  No.2705174

>>2705159 can't tell the difference between reed's top hole and back hole

69583c  No.2705175

File: aa10e1c45e6e35a⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 250x241, 250:241, aa10e1c45e6e35aa9d4426546e….jpg)


Keep taking in those refugees, fools… Honestly, why not just deny any further asylum and deport those already there? The United States should be doing the same, build the wall and put a full-stop to immigration period, until we sort all the issues. Can't be accused of discrimination if you bar every last person from coming in to live here. Nothing of value would be lost that day.

35d9fc  No.2705176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

something is imitating art

and art is imitating life

and this simulaiton might need a reset

7770f9  No.2705177

Baker requesting handoff

If you've been thinking of baking, now's the time!

5189cd  No.2705179


I gotchu baker, can bake a few.

BO/BV give me a check?

Confirming Handoff?

b57673  No.2705181


Well, I don't think you will ever know that, since you can't even spell RESPONSE. Idiot. You just can't let it go, can you? No one gives a frog's fat ass what you have to say.

2c551d  No.2705182

File: d422b9af90e3421⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 604x454, 302:227, IMG_8267.JPG)

File: 7e79a738149fd35⋯.jpg (97.97 KB, 604x665, 604:665, IMG_8556.JPG)

091c0a  No.2705183


Anon, wow!! You sound just like my spouse. Redemption is possible! Trust in His plan..

fa2fff  No.2705184

File: 0f2e339c9239d99⋯.jpg (413.68 KB, 830x554, 415:277, i wish.jpg)


On time and under budget.

cb17bc  No.2705185

File: 4db2af3744db645⋯.jpg (479.88 KB, 1348x1294, 674:647, 18 mirror of 32.jpg)

File: 44090a626b2811a⋯.jpg (804.38 KB, 2246x1301, 2246:1301, 32 mirror of 18.jpg)

File: d2dfdcaa4d4da0d⋯.jpg (459.34 KB, 1796x1200, 449:300, 19 mirror of 31.jpg)

File: 73e36e804fe5041⋯.jpg (628.42 KB, 2115x1262, 2115:1262, 31 mirror of 19.jpg)

Clockfag Update

Re-read qrumbs. Mirrors are based on the 5:25 line division of the clock that goes from :25 to :55.

Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

Libel laws.

End of MSM.

Iran is next.


Hostage no more.

What will the texts reveal?

MOAB or precursor?

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

When we're done he'll clain Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.


Don't drop the soap.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Today, POTUS took control of Iran.

Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?

Suicide watch.

Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 3

You are watching a …..

History books.

They tried to delete the proof.

Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone


Rudy met w/ Mueller today.

End of POTUS investigation?

Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 4


Wind the CLOCK.


Graphic form for each correlation a MUST.

"Set the STAGE." - POTUS


We can take you anytime.


21a658  No.2705186


Trump wasn't supposed to win. There was a 90+% probability he would lose. He won.

de7cac  No.2705187

2227cb  No.2705188

File: c3935a9f4f5d8ed⋯.jpg (72.08 KB, 640x705, 128:141, shruggirl_.jpg)


You just did.

The lurkers who are wondering if this place has always been an unmoderated shithole do.

Tough luck there kid

5189cd  No.2705189

>>2705177, >>2705179

we gotta be careful with this timing, someone might suspect we're bots, kek ;)


ThanQ You

fd76e7  No.2705190


Limbo or purgatory?

1698bc  No.2705191



true just with a different ideology as their cover story

both cabal armies


thank you, nice trips in your UID

good question, many possibilities

2227cb  No.2705192


Speak of the Coward.

7770f9  No.2705193

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)


Thanks baker I'll be lurking around memeing / digging if you need a hand.

1698bc  No.2705194



BO chekked the baker I handed off to within 10 seconds last night, before I could reply!

fa2fff  No.2705195


How the F could that be painless?? Bloody ulcers. Frack.

9f8b6a  No.2705196

>>2705034 lb

>It's saddled my people with debt that will never be repaid.

It will be a great day when we tell the rothschilds (if there are any left) We aint fucking paying you back!

35d9fc  No.2705197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fd76e7  No.2705198


<until we sort all the issues.

50 years after…

f895f3  No.2705199

File: fdb05422cfff33f⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Fallen Soldier Battle Cros….jpg)

File: 9fcff772f6f6382⋯.png (1020.08 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Fallen Soldier Battle Cros….png)

Fallen Soldier Battle Cross Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

36c2e3  No.2705200


Never mind, my bad. Someone created this link for MichaelCohenTruth instead of MichaelCohenTruthFund where the Dems love supporting their criminals. He has earned over $111K. No trust fund for Molly Tibbits?

687dd5  No.2705201

File: 426884f45cbb220⋯.jpg (64.06 KB, 640x631, 640:631, AmericanMuscleCLASSIC.jpg)


Your welcome fellow Classic!

Can't wait to see us all at future rallies, with our hoods up engines gleaming!

2c1d63  No.2705202


Agree, there was so much voter fraud in California. Can't wait to see what will happen this fall. Red Wave incoming.

2227cb  No.2705203


Oh, you missed the joke..

Not the sharpest tool eh?

7770f9  No.2705204


>someone might suspect we're bots

console.log("ha ha ha, that's ridiculous!)

5ae18f  No.2705205

File: 8f8788f203ee9f9⋯.jpg (223.25 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180822-WA0001.jpg)

File: a3eef94ac947dba⋯.jpg (166.35 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180822-WA0000.jpg)

It was a little odd to see this hearing in tv earlier today. Of course cnnmsnbc dint show it. I felt a premonition that we were possibly shown this today as a sort of primer or precursor to seeing court on TV as a daily norm again like back in the OJ days. Hopefully it was a sign that we gonna be seeing some of the swamp draining on live TV. Killery in an orange jumpsuit and no makeup or hairstylist?

Maybe we should put them all in upper floor jail cells and remove the window bars. Could give a new meaning to the word jumpsuit. Suicide weekend?

2c551d  No.2705206

File: dbb9c25c1443dcc⋯.png (117.8 KB, 668x1189, 668:1189, IMG_9621.PNG)

I can't wait until the Military Tribunals!! Hopefully Anons get front row seats!

0dfc4f  No.2705207


godspeed qletter anon!

did i miss the superelite one?

5e89f6  No.2705208


Disturbing to see humans treated like that

5189cd  No.2705209


Appreciated, I'll take that as confirmation ;)

New Baker Confirmed

69583c  No.2705210

File: c112930aa8250a5⋯.jpeg (83.95 KB, 552x425, 552:425, Divide Fail.jpeg)

Don't give the Fungus replies, niggers. We all know why he's here ffs.


POTUS is on the ball, he could do it by 2024 easily.

9f8b6a  No.2705211


If there is no Red Wave I'm moving for sure.

6c3b9a  No.2705212

File: 84e030a75f73c74⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 500x500, 1:1, image.gif)

File: 487c84ae56074d5⋯.jpeg (59.5 KB, 360x408, 15:17, image.jpeg)

File: c236811ac0713dd⋯.jpeg (73.99 KB, 589x441, 589:441, image.jpeg)

File: 0dbf58baf998fd6⋯.png (245.34 KB, 512x512, 1:1, image.png)

>>2704351 (lb)

Congratulations! You take top prize for most moronic post of the day, and there's still many hours left in my neck of the woods.

Let's try a little history shall we? When did the Israelis start construction of their protective barrier? Too tough a question? How about when was it completed? Since you're too fucking stupid to know how to research, I'll just give you the answer.

For all intent and purposes, it's finished and was finished before President Trump took office…so how, per your meme, did Trump sell us out? Though your real intention is to be a moo joo slider, and thus, really aren't interested in America's protection, I'll still play along. Riddle me this:

Why can't both countries have a wall? Didn't realize it was a zero-sum proposition. If it was, the Israelis wouldn't have one because the Chinese Great Wall would lay claim. Seems the only one selling anybody out is you. Now it's just a question to whom you serve. Forgot, I haven't called you a pathetic fucking loser yet. My bad.

c681a4  No.2705213


China’s communist head of state, Xi Jinping, arrived in Rwanda, the third leg of his Middle East and Africa tour to sell the nation’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) infrastructure program amid claims China is using the initiative to recolonize Africa.

Senegal became the first West African country to sign onto OBOR this weekend during the first visit by a Chinese head of state in almost a decade, according to China’s state-run Global Times newspaper. Xi reportedly promised Sall that China would “uphold the spirit of ‘teaching a man to fish'” rather than make Senegal dependent on China, the way China has operated in Kenya. In a guest column published in the nation’s Le Soleil newspaper, Xi urged Senegal to “deepen practical cooperation” with OBOR, also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


ca9e11  No.2705215


Wait, why so clean cut? What movie am I watching here?

fa2fff  No.2705216


What will be interesting is if some of the dems are complicit and win even though the fraud did not work. They lose anyway.

6cbdbb  No.2705217


It sounds like POTUS is trolling Pelosi.

If so, POTUS is hinting she played a role, either directly or indirectly, of ISIS. Perhaps it's related to her unauthorized trip to NK that she publicly stated in her weekly address (RE: Previous notable). Perhaps something more?

We know NoName is connected to ISIS, so how does Pelosi connect to NoName or ???.

ed4138  No.2705218

File: 8beafaac070b18c⋯.png (495.52 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 1F2D23B8-82E3-453A-ABCD-40….png)

From twitter:

Ooops! Lanny Davis is a registered foreign agent for Dmytro Firtash, a pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarch wanted by the US government, and close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin

fad49e  No.2705219

File: 8baff9dc49111c7⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 298x193, 298:193, no-matter-how-many-times-y….gif)

e07637  No.2705220


That's the father of that kid Avenatti was helping right? when he went to Iowa with that immigrant kid?

3417e8  No.2705221

So I offer this anecdote is for any interested anons concerning shipping equipment (and stuff made with certain types of steel) out of China to the US. I am not sure if this affects other destinations than the US.

Certain types of things shipping out of China are experiencing enormous delays. For example, CNC machines (Tormach parts specifically) and others and certain types of partial assemblies which are shipped from China to the US are being held in customs allegedly pending investigations including 3 years of tax records and detailed information on bank accounts of the Chinese companies doing the shipping.

Finished products are mostly OK (think consumer goods.) Partially finished products and products containing certain types of steel are allegedly more closely scrutinized.

The reason I became aware of this is because I know of a shipment of industrial equipment that has been delayed for well over a month. Said equipment is sitting in Chinese customs pending release. A faction I spoke to is knowledgeable about the situation on the ground (China) and gave me all sorts of details about what they're seeing (customs office habbenings, etc.) Apparently, there's a large list of things and if your item(s) are on that list, you're scrutinized heavily. This faction indicated they have never seen anything like this and they have a long history of shipping to the US and have never had this problem before the last few months.

So….take this for what you will. I mention it because I haven't seen a peep about this fly by.

If I were to read tea leaves, I'd think there was some serious investigating going on having to do with international trade practices and rooting out Chinese-linked corruption, especially involving steel. Suprised? kek

66d72b  No.2705223

File: cab1895b21f462c⋯.png (48.59 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

The Belt and Road Initiative is central to Xi’s plan for achieving the “Chinese Dream” and making China a leading global power by 2050. Last November, the effort was enshrined in the Communist Party’s constitution.

f895f3  No.2705224

File: 5160f0cd09b740d⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Super Elite Q.jpg)

File: 0a7c0bf3b7e3ce0⋯.png (1.26 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Super Elite Q Alpha.png)


Yea, I put these up a few breads ago. You can always find them in Letter Q Thread.

36e4ca  No.2705225



abdec6  No.2705226


What are "S&B"s?

060704  No.2705227


… You're allowed personal hygiene in jail, anon.

0dfc4f  No.2705228


sweet, thanks!

muchgratitude, love ya

35d9fc  No.2705229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the curse of shrimpies

5d01ac  No.2705230

File: ef4375bf2f68ce1⋯.jpeg (124.46 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 45C5D147-B03A-4C73-9ACE-9….jpeg)

b39c5d  No.2705231


Skull and Bones

6599a2  No.2705232

Been digging old crumbs and think I found an email chain relaying gaps to exploit in moving children after Haiti quake:

Wikileaks Clinton email IDs 3890, 701, 3880 dated January 19, 2010.

-These emails discuss border issues with the Dominican Republic after the quake January 12.

Info flow of email chain:

Alain G. Norman. Originator. No information on who he is. Inside man/spook?

1st receivers: Timothy T. Fitzgibbons cc'd (??), Christopher A. Lambert cc'd (Charge' d' Affaires in Haiti), Mike R. Schimmel cc'd

(Acting Deputy Chief of Mission), Willard T. Smith (??), Velia M. de Pirro and Geoffrey F. Schadrack (only article

found names him CIA Chief and political advisor to US Embassy in Bolivia) and Julissa Reynoso (State Dept.

Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs)

Julissa Reynoso sends email to:

2nd receivers: Haiti DLC Distro, Eric P. Schwartz, David M. Robinson, Catherine Powell, and cc's Velia M. de Pirro despite her

being on original message.

-Found 2 Velia M. de Pirros: one was Director of Caribbean Affairs at the State Dept and the second is a shipping

company running between Belgium and the port of Baltimore, Maryland. Does she own?

Haiti DLC Distro forwards email to HRC and is signed by Cheryl Mills

Laura Silsby and her New Life Children's Refuge missionaries were arrested January 29, 2010 trying to cross into the Dominican Republic.

https://www.wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3890#searchresult Email 3890

https://www.wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/701#searchresult Email 701

https://www.wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3880#searchresult Email 3880

https://archive.fo/WAZql (Schadrack)

https://sflcn.com/u-s-department-of-state-official-to-visit-jamaica/ (De Pirro 1)

https://www.importgenius.com/importers/de-pirro-velia-m (De Pirro 2)

1e0ff7  No.2705233

File: 988ffe0ad487fa6⋯.png (544.68 KB, 1189x668, 1189:668, 1534893755149.png)

2c1d63  No.2705234


There will be a mass exodus I'm sure.

86b4c6  No.2705235

File: 2b6f0976c202129⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 1534946300743.jpg)

File: ad51f9b22d51ed3⋯.png (171.92 KB, 878x739, 878:739, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

Argentina police officer breastfeeds malnourished baby in viral photo, receives promotion


1698bc  No.2705236


I'm not your buddy, guy, nor your fren, pal

3417e8  No.2705237


cruel editing.

059ea9  No.2705239


If this guy didn't speak english and as he stated he saw her and wanted to get to know her, how in the hell did he think he would communicate with her?

060704  No.2705240

File: 9e9742eca53b362⋯.png (344.05 KB, 467x453, 467:453, 9e9742eca53b362c4231050e80….png)



f59696  No.2705241


Skull and Bones 322

35d9fc  No.2705242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6666f3  No.2705243


holy shit lmao you fucking full israel fagging is suspect

b745c9  No.2705244


Jordan, what in the hell were you thinking?

That you could trust the media?

You should have known they're only out to destroy you.

I like you very much, but you have to wise up!

You're a smart guy, but got so much more to learn (and unlearn, for that matter).

361251  No.2705246

>>2705230 Look Front Hole a faggot!

fa2fff  No.2705247


Wonder if there is more to the Tibbitts family?

1abf67  No.2705248


Fuck all does that have to do with QResearch?

ca9e11  No.2705249


So it's not just because he's on national TV?

On another note, has he confessed at all?

1698bc  No.2705251

File: 0ba21954cb839a9⋯.png (81.79 KB, 400x457, 400:457, ClipboardImage.png)

reread this anons

THIS is what Huber is investigating, among other crimes

563860  No.2705252

>>2704904 lb

One of the best I've seen!!! Thank you for posting it Anon!

Really hit home too what she was saying about PP. What a story! How scary!!

She is one woke girl! God Bless her!!

8928d1  No.2705253

File: 5025ceba62bc9dc⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 500x369, 500:369, Auntie1.jpg)

File: 1eeec834291149c⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Auntie2.jpg)

059ea9  No.2705254


At least it wasn't the Jesus image at the end kek

fad49e  No.2705255


Sorry. I have it 'cause of the bum.

2227cb  No.2705256

File: 1793cde3729a7ef⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 2048x7167, 2048:7167, AFLB.jpg)

There are currently far less enemies known about, than frenz who have done fantastic jobs and have thus been demonized by the clowns.

Keep that in mind - WWG1WGA


2c551d  No.2705257


Why do you want to CONTROL Anons ability to decide for THEMSELVES what they do or don't want to see on this board so damn bad? You Fkn stink of desperation! You are a Faketriot FagTwat!

6c0256  No.2705258


i was offended that my fellow americans would just give up on us like that. really?! we are in the fight, we need you too!


-silicon valley mexican AMERICAN

35d9fc  No.2705259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f895f3  No.2705260

File: 12041503e163108⋯.png (3.11 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 14k Gold QAnon Alpha.png)


Always a pleasure. Love ya back.

a887ce  No.2705261

File: 6d99edb9f1594aa⋯.jpg (109.94 KB, 829x516, 829:516, DlOoqLRV4AAjyOn.jpg)

File: 27f09659ae2475c⋯.jpg (105.15 KB, 957x789, 319:263, DlOov0vV4AAl3Nw.jpg)

File: 1e11aa063201ccf⋯.jpg (17.92 KB, 1200x148, 300:37, DlOotMeUUAAchba.jpg)

File: 76cc23794f349ed⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 933x540, 311:180, DlOoyEJU4AAsgA4.jpg)

As the entirely predictable genocide of white South Africans begins remember where American conservatives stood. Jonah Goldberg "questioning whiteness" in the pages of NRO, Kevin Williamson and Kristol calling for the "end" and death of white working class

d23df0  No.2705262

Been trying to keep up with all the bread lately, but, well, you know, life…so it's possible this came up a couple of weeks ago and I missed it.

Came across this reddit. I'm not at all a lawfag, but I seriously admire how meticulously they've kept the stats for the sealed indictments. Since Q confirmed their work, I assume this reddit post is inaccurate…but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know in what way.

Has anyone rebutted this yet? If so, anyone have the link or can you give me a summary? Comments all seem anti-Q. Would appreciate some expertise from a lawfag to clarify. Just put out a vid on the sealed indictments and I expect someone will counter with this. I want to be prepared. ThankQ!


7d7dfe  No.2705263

File: 2fe74d123c1c98b⋯.jpeg (282.06 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, 4EB755DC-6A94-448A-BB1D-F….jpeg)

God wins! Great bread name.


Verse of the day - Luke 12:4 and 5

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

2d9dca  No.2705264



059ea9  No.2705265


And a very nice back hole it is too

687dd5  No.2705266


GOD KNEW== Trump was gonna win. Because Trump had ==GOD COLLUSION

361251  No.2705267

>>2705235 #metoo

ad798d  No.2705268


Good job Anon! Way to put it all together! You are connecting some serious dots!


( It's so good, we might get a Q visit!)

35d9fc  No.2705270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cbc51e  No.2705271

File: 33d1da4cb786a16⋯.jpg (137.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, thank you clockfags.jpg)

274431  No.2705272

File: 226b9045956542b⋯.png (63.56 KB, 265x138, 265:138, Screenshot_2018-07-24 Q Re….png)



I got your art project…right here!

It's all love!

0dfc4f  No.2705273


but they use the term "debunking"


abdec6  No.2705274


I've witnessed, first hand, what 12 steps and accepting Jesus Christ can do to turn broken down, rusted out people into showroom-quality limousines. Good for you, Anon. God bless you!

2d9dca  No.2705275

This Is The Longest Bull Market Since The Great Pyramid Boom Of 2580 B.C.


2227cb  No.2705276


I think your devolution into a frothing mouth doesn't need much else of a response..

cde1cb  No.2705277

File: 006e4a97a6540e6⋯.png (117.07 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorBlah.png)

35d9fc  No.2705279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e40c43  No.2705280

File: cbffefd234dfff3⋯.png (969.89 KB, 2814x1964, 1407:982, ct-board-page.png)

Graph of relationships of the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors

sauce: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/about/board-directors

f65b09  No.2705281

File: 3fc7ee142686fe6⋯.jpeg (362.64 KB, 750x1213, 750:1213, E9A887C1-B653-496A-B1F3-1….jpeg)

The lefts argument against the tax bill is that rich corporations would simply horde thier new wealth. So far thats what it looks like is happening.

POTUS understands that 60% of almost an entire generation of Americans have suffered from the recession with no retirement, housees, nest eggs and wages/benefits actually decreased due to the economy stck in an employers market.

Americans today make less than thier parents did for the same work.

If trickle down economics are going to work. Employers/stockholders must commit to repairing the damage of the recession and return wages and benefits to pre-recession levels period.

Why is it that blue collar Americans must always bear the brunt of mistakes made by politicians and CEO’s a decade previous?

And no wall and Immigrants happy to work for 10 dollars an hour simply because they can send it back to wherever they are from and get a 7/1 exchange rate on the dollar. Such as Mexico. Americans dont get to do that.

Build the wall and force corporations to take care of thier employees.

It was once the American way.

Some corporations are little nore than sweat shops or not much better than the Phillipines.

Americans are hurting. Trump is doing his part.

B-b-but muh bottom line.

Fuck it, bring back unions.

Unions are bad. that democrat shit.

Oh if unions are so bad why does LE keep thiers. Sheep loaded up with labels and triggers, confirmation bias. Thats Americans today.

God Bless You POTUS and Team.

5d01ac  No.2705282

File: e082dcd4915a00c⋯.jpeg (581.46 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 8E13CA3E-E93C-442F-9CE9-1….jpeg)

35d9fc  No.2705283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

69c0b2  No.2705284



b8cd39  No.2705285

Q, bring some popcorn and come watch the show w/ us.

a887ce  No.2705286


You or your ancestors gave up on your homeland, why would you be offended if anyone gave up on you? Seems like you'd have that in common. You can't even drop the "mexican" from your identity. You're only here for the gibs.

86b4c6  No.2705287

File: 9f40278c30bb328⋯.png (654.07 KB, 780x732, 65:61, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

7770f9  No.2705288

Ebot has a new found interest in taxidermy.

2227cb  No.2705289


If we let this fact slide, they have the upper hand.

What will (You) do?

0dfc4f  No.2705290


>implying he's not right here with us


879d1b  No.2705291


We hear you Calianon. California is a huge state with much beauty and resources. Have only been out there once. Want to get to the northern part and the western part. WRWY, we hear you. Where I am on the East Coast is probably the same, just a different geo location.

Peace to you Calianon.

6666f3  No.2705292


and fish

8928d1  No.2705293

File: 47802e04c3dce9c⋯.jpg (92.77 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Waters.jpg)

File: a9ab1110b4de6cf⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 620x496, 5:4, Sharpton.jpg)

83ed41  No.2705295


She tweeted that hates white people.

5d01ac  No.2705296


ebot isn’t cute enough to hang with us!

7aebed  No.2705297

File: 3d45fa232181673⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 165x452, 165:452, JIDFalphabooom.jpg)

35d9fc  No.2705298

060704  No.2705299


It's basically become an adopted pet, at this point.

35d9fc  No.2705300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f6bcfd  No.2705301

File: 25160df94b52f3c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1439x2241, 1439:2241, comey 129.png)

060704  No.2705303


See, it just snuggled me.

abdec6  No.2705304


Didn't care for the pic, but your caption made me KEK in spite of myself.

68e728  No.2705305

File: 78f0aad2b2ba377⋯.png (377.83 KB, 490x326, 245:163, Screenshot_2018-08-22 Meme….png)


563860  No.2705306


And hussein congratulates him for doing a great job in Africa.

027577  No.2705307


Would like to see some real justice once in a while.

60674b  No.2705308


Ten bucks says her family visits her murderer in jail on a weekly basis to try and "save his soul".

18d5cf  No.2705309


Many of them currently are criminals without records anyway.

86b4c6  No.2705311


If anons could dig and confirm he currently is -

this seems very notable.

Even if he was previously, still something to expose.

e40c43  No.2705312


pastebin link to neo4j seed data for clinton foundation board relations


26be8a  No.2705313

File: f5ae37d43e0d502⋯.jpeg (674.6 KB, 1388x2683, 1388:2683, 5b7dd32e2043b.jpeg)


d3e602  No.2705314

File: 15cc81601319a51⋯.png (826.48 KB, 1750x1313, 1750:1313, mosquito1USMF3.png)

USMF - United State Mos[Q}uito Force!

Motto ~ "Where We Bite One We Bite All"


Qoincidence? → Mos"Q"uito ←

https:// qz.com/1123456/the-epa-has-approved-the-release-of-weaponized-mosquitoes-in-20-us-states/

8928d1  No.2705315

File: 47562e0433d9bc4⋯.jpg (58.41 KB, 640x418, 320:209, Mike Stare.jpg)


Yeah, some people can be like that…

2d9dca  No.2705316

File: 1fba54a2208c38c⋯.png (737.9 KB, 757x881, 757:881, ClipboardImage.png)

Verizon Incompetence and Greed Leaves Firefighters Throttled During Wildfire



6c3b9a  No.2705317

File: f2475ab5ac5650d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1364x1013, 1364:1013, image.png)

File: 89d1091eaaa1aee⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB, 576x400, 36:25, image.jpeg)

File: 3e6981ca6a57170⋯.jpeg (30.79 KB, 285x291, 95:97, image.jpeg)


Have to send props to you. Realize it's still early in the bread, but that was your first reply. Shocking. Usually that drivel is in the 30-50 spam range. By the way, next time please write using English. I was unable to truly understand that garbled mess, but I took a wild guess what you were struggling to say. Next time have Brock remove his junk from your mouth and throat and that may just do the trick.

abdec6  No.2705318


Can't put my finger on it, but this "story" has felt "off" since the get-go.

3d365f  No.2705319

I sure hope I don't have to end up leaving Canadistan if this craziness continues.. seems like the canadian government is fully compromised by terrorists.

If you wonder how convicted terrorist Omar Khadr walked into the Parliament buildings, you're an Islamophobe. According to Khadr's lawyer, anyway.

True North's Andrew Lawton explains.


e2c708  No.2705320


<he could do it by 2024 easily.

if 2018 is a shitstorm. Just imagine 2020…

I don't want to be you.

a887ce  No.2705321

File: 38dd8c629be95ec⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 657x705, 219:235, DlO8C7lU4AE863f.jpg)

This is our purpose.

This is what POTUS knows in his heart.

This is what Q is fighting for.

68e728  No.2705323

File: 5186c1e75ee88d4⋯.png (242.91 KB, 490x209, 490:209, Screenshot_2018-08-22 Meme….png)

35d9fc  No.2705324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d23df0  No.2705325


Well, yeah, they say it's debunked, but it has to do with procedures. I'm not sure what procedure our lawfags are using so it's hard for me to see why the reddit is wrong. (I assume it's wrong because Q confirmed the stats our lawfags have produced.) Lawfagging is definitely not my strong suit.

66d72b  No.2705326


lefty Millennial humor

I don't get it either

they also think fucking kids is funny somehow

f481e4  No.2705328



Boobies calm the crying concern fags and give fem-Amon’s instant high ranking anon status.

f9e57e  No.2705329

Although I thouroughly enjoyed the Edge of Wonder video on Q I think putting a video like that in the notables sets a bad precedent.

How long before every YouTube content creator is here flogging their videos. Also, if you watch their other videos there basically Alex Jones being repackaged and tones down.

ad798d  No.2705330


I would love to….

I'm having a convo about this with spouse Anon. Their quote,

" There is no hope for people like the parents. They are continually protecting illegal aliens, not realizing that I ICE stopped this man, their child would be going to class in the morning!".


Moran's will be Moran's!

They are the 4-6% that are completely lost!

So sad

361251  No.2705331

Did anyone digg down on the republican guy he worked for and on whose land he left the body. the guy says he ran a E-verify on this murder!

35d9fc  No.2705332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5d01ac  No.2705333

File: 1bee8edb4d81220⋯.jpeg (75.55 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 324C3778-7A0D-4F14-A42A-6….jpeg)

2d56f0  No.2705334

File: 26ea213cc095d67⋯.png (345.6 KB, 396x477, 44:53, DP - God.png)

File: e4200e8c714655e⋯.jpg (134.91 KB, 840x456, 35:19, 777's.jpg)

File: 39e3d2f366dca61⋯.png (111.74 KB, 635x224, 635:224, God Wins 7s.png)

File: 42f3f62a6688847⋯.png (47.68 KB, 634x185, 634:185, 777.png)

File: 42e02198d23e58e⋯.png (585.1 KB, 1694x431, 1694:431, The Flood Cometh.png)



Baker's trip 7 ID = God Wins

(It's a magic number)

35d9fc  No.2705335



0dfc4f  No.2705336


i feel it, can't decisively lawfag either at all, it would be nice to get a proper counter-reading.

but, they say "debunk".

Snopes says "debunk".

No "debunk" has ever debunked anything but itself

8928d1  No.2705337

File: ca1c80bc2383d23⋯.jpg (54.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Chanty vs Sanders.jpg)


Millennials are stupid.

f65b09  No.2705338

File: dd47cf2aa4e6572⋯.jpeg (64.74 KB, 920x730, 92:73, CB494D2E-28BC-45E4-AD93-1….jpeg)


I was taking a break when all the shit happened with LeafBread but I remember you from CBTS.

What did you do. Weren’t you a BV?

Were you larping as R?

Is self doxing AnedaFag Moon Baker your friend.

Are you really changing sexual Identity.

Im confused.

I liked Some of the namefags when I first got to the boards. Im not a legit chanfag so a little coaching was nice.

I dont know what happenedbut it has been a little discouraging watching the biard eat its own.

Baruch, Beanz, Pam, AFLB etc.

Wish that shit could get worked through.

But enemiesfrom within is dark shit.


my 2cents of worthless opinion.

1f83e8  No.2705339

File: a4f11dd9305cf90⋯.jpg (273.2 KB, 800x1010, 80:101, FIGHT DS.jpg)

File: e151ccbd902bd5e⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 800x450, 16:9, FIGHT FIGHT.jpg)

File: 8bb168de4a5bb54⋯.png (636.12 KB, 638x900, 319:450, FIGHT.png)

18d5cf  No.2705340

File: c9150e5670a82b6⋯.png (391.25 KB, 553x621, 553:621, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm calling cabal psyop to convince the public through the national attention and opinions that come from it, that not even a pretty, young, white girl being "murdered" justifies "racism" by building walls.

083742  No.2705341


Alleged Murderer of Mollie Tibbets Confessed, Led Authorities to Body

Tue Aug 21

Rivera led investigators early Tuesday to a body believed to be Tibbetts in a cornfield about 12 miles (19 kilometers) southeast of Brooklyn, Iowa, where Tibbetts was last seen running, Division of Criminal Investigation special agent Rick Rahn said.

An affidavit attached to the criminal complaint against Rivera alleged that he admitted to investigators he got out of his car and started running alongside Tibbetts.

Tibbetts grabbed her phone and said she was going to call the police. The affidavit says Rivera panicked and then said he blacked out. Rivera next remembers seeing her earphones on his lap, and taking her bloody body out of the trunk of his car, it said.

"The defendant further described during the interview that he dragged Tibbetts on foot from his vehicle to a secluded location in a cornfield," the affidavit said.


7770f9  No.2705342


No coinkidinks

9811cc  No.2705343


Chill out, man!!! The plan is beautiful! Think of how many R’s said they weren’t running again and were replaced with non-shill Patriots-WINNING the primaries. Dems have only let go of a few of the bloated carcasses they had laying around. Wait til September (just around the corner) and October when the Dem shills left in place, campaigning for their very lives, get KNEE-CAPPED during the 3rd leg of the relay and they have no back up runner to grab the baton. Haha!!

<Duncan Hunter is likely an R who was told to BTFO and didnt listen… have anons spent any time listening to him spew? Ugh.

Anyhow! I was listening to a piece on OAN this morning cataloguing how the RNC is already hitting with Mid-Term ads which generally don’t come out until after Labor Day.

With the “seeming” beating Potus took yesterday the Dems have been baited into popping the cans on their plans EARLY. Watch it happen. They are going to be so confident (because they are stupid) they will not have any dry powder left-at all. RNC however, stable as can be.

Loving every minute of this!

f6bcfd  No.2705344


dont know about the current one but the original was one of the few trusted bakers on 4chan /pol/ making cbts threads during a time when shill tactic was making multiple cbts threads to confuse

060704  No.2705345


You're creating the Streisand effect. Just saying.

60674b  No.2705346


I get it.

They were brainwashed by the jewsmedia and edjewcation system etc…

Mystery solved.

f6bcfd  No.2705347



leafbro was very respected at that time

1698bc  No.2705348

anyone got that pic from pol of that shill forgetting to relabel the pic used??

I've had it for a while, yet think I deleted it recently when cleaning my folders of shit I don't need

1abf67  No.2705349


until evidence of such scenarios being reality this is fan fiction.

341123  No.2705350

File: d25bc1cd6ad2713⋯.jpeg (466.14 KB, 1125x1479, 375:493, ACC7FA3B-3170-4E36-93C1-4….jpeg)

File: 12136a2279ab5c4⋯.jpeg (580.9 KB, 1125x1477, 1125:1477, B53CB2A8-E44F-40EF-930F-0….jpeg)

File: 176d3babfa329fc⋯.jpeg (247.17 KB, 1125x650, 45:26, 71C9C82E-423A-464D-B481-4….jpeg)

File: 8c20ebf832e4b26⋯.jpeg (23.7 KB, 200x236, 50:59, 3DDCD037-0A81-4CD3-974D-8….jpeg)

Anons, check out this exchange I just had on Facebook. I posted the link to the 22 pages of Cohen docs at justice.gov as part of a discussion and then this happened. Dude said all he saw was a meme of this Simpsons character saying “NOTHING TO SEE HERE.” Then when he tried again after, it worked. Some strange fuckery going on…

a887ce  No.2705351

File: 135c97b0974a151⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 605x980, 121:196, ruling-class-high-IQ-game.jpg)

all aboard the Q train

9a2125  No.2705352

File: 529a09c4eabd8df⋯.jpg (810.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_421.jpg)

0dfc4f  No.2705353



and still using that fucking abusedbabymeme

35d9fc  No.2705354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d8ec67  No.2705355

File: 310abf23043bf34⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 600x512, 75:64, rome-silver-key-nsa.jpg)


I think day bakers are NewFags. Everything is notable these days

f0feb4  No.2705356


That's an interesting thought anon.

I'll dig on that later.

013507  No.2705357


Agreed. But notice that they are all Asian. Not sure where or when this occurred, but it reminds me of the VC POW camps.

1f83e8  No.2705358

File: f8e8c65aec9e567⋯.jpg (135.03 KB, 900x750, 6:5, READTHEBIBLE.jpg)

File: 6a28397adacb35b⋯.png (454.59 KB, 601x400, 601:400, lion bear.png)

ad798d  No.2705359

And lazy… And emotionally weak…and whiny…and dramatic…and entitled…and..on and on.kek


abdec6  No.2705360


Thanks for a simple answer sans "lurk moar faggot".

81ea61  No.2705361


Fuck the soap opera box and all the faggots that are on it.

35d9fc  No.2705362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8928d1  No.2705363

File: fe64e77b18a5c0b⋯.jpg (96.01 KB, 261x320, 261:320, TracyBeanz.jpg)

File: dac3d6e80e188d3⋯.jpg (143.07 KB, 600x567, 200:189, agreed.jpg)

File: c119b86508744a8⋯.jpg (140.13 KB, 1028x734, 514:367, Clintons3.jpg)

File: 684990be1b7f6dc⋯.jpg (75.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Hoggboy2.jpg)

I just like winding them up from time to time…

0b1092  No.2705364

File: 384a2523760d505⋯.png (34.71 KB, 173x166, 173:166, ClipboardImage.png)


High Ranking Anon at the tribunals

cab9d4  No.2705365

Something that I find very telling in all of these hit pieces that are written by the MSM about Q. They will never link to a place that you can read all of the Q posts for yourself such as qanon.pub. They always just say something like they are on fringe conspiracy theory type message boards.

35d9fc  No.2705366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e52a50  No.2705368


More and more each day. Still keep an eye out on most of the west coast. Foolish not to.

The Marine posing with his 'girl' yesterday was nice to see. Somewhat local for me.

1698bc  No.2705369


not all of them anon

I know the graveyard baker and the art baker are great

0dfc4f  No.2705370


true. and they always have the opinion of "some expert" who we have no idea sent how many seconds watching Corsi to understand what's going on

abdec6  No.2705371


I hope so. I could keep flipping coins to see if he will end up white or black hat.

b80639  No.2705372


dubs confirm, i see vatican key symbolism… thats a giveaway..


60674b  No.2705373


"Look goyim…Not even the family of this murdered white girl is questioning the benefits of diversity and multiculturalism…You can't be against it then goyim…"

You might not be wrong. Sick fucking people.

35d9fc  No.2705374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fuck off wigger kikes

9811cc  No.2705375


Lanny doesn’t make his own decisions.

d23df0  No.2705376


I understand. Debunking typically is "it's debunked because I say it's debunked."

But this one has to do with how the searches are done and which filters are used. It appears to say that it includes things like parking tickets, yet when I check law sites, they say all sealed indictments MUST be for felonies. I was just hoping some lawfag could give me insight. Legal terms tend to glaze my eyes, but if they can explain it to me, I'm a teacherfag so I can teach others.

2227cb  No.2705377

File: b6c3e41da9c72b2⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 499x447, 499:447, goku-smile.jpg)


I'm still Leafbro!


Albeit with a few more battle scars and a few more insights into our enemy..

b57673  No.2705378


Exactly. It is also always clear that they have made no attempt to come here and research anything for themselves. That isn't journalism, and it should tell you a LOT about all the other stories those same people 'write' - regardless of the subjects.

1698bc  No.2705379



ffs anon

f0feb4  No.2705380


Very interesting theories anon. I'm willing to go along with that ride.

Let's see how it plays out.

687dd5  No.2705381

Oh I'm chill Kek!

Can't wait for the big reveal, like in (((The Sting))) where you realize Con Man Paul Newman wasn't shot but together they had tricked and cheated the Big Banker out of his Win!!!

We are gonna win BIGGLY!

We are also gonna laugh our @sses off!

86077d  No.2705382


We should co-opt the thousands of incoming #Qtrain posts

e6e9c1  No.2705383


Do I see a yarmulke

b745c9  No.2705384

File: a931eb61e0d4d8e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.47 MB, 2048x1150, 1024:575, Rabid libs.png)


Pussy eating ulcers… where did I see that before…

69583c  No.2705385


I don't want you to be me but you should trust the plan LIKE me.

f481e4  No.2705386


Please make IMG 442 a better boob pic, thank you.

Bonus points for powdering your glorious boobs in flour.

ebd1dc  No.2705388


what gives me hope is the sealed indictment count. California has the highest count of all the other states…over 10%, (5,000+)

1f83e8  No.2705389

File: 067f54a3b0fb727⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, DT Goodbye Dems.jpg)

9ea39d  No.2705390


>be still Leafbro!

>don't post Naruto image…


cde1cb  No.2705391

File: d748cd3aa8c6919⋯.png (620.25 KB, 960x658, 480:329, Fired.png)

35d9fc  No.2705392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e1f8c2  No.2705393


Thank you anon, I thought I was the only one who remembered that we had already covered the Vatican "key" layout back in the early days

73dba2  No.2705394

Anons, I just applied to work for the Registrar of Voters in my hopelessly blue county. I'm sure I cant fix the rampant vote fraud, but if i see something, I can at least report it to DHS. Think it over if you have time?

80bd3e  No.2705395

File: 4966bf2f250ead9⋯.png (891.23 KB, 866x1024, 433:512, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the original

That this was cropped out of

Someone posted a selfie


Let's celebrate the Memorial Day weekend

Without wearing pants.

77013a  No.2705396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2703594 (PB)

Saw this video in the notables.

They have another part.

A very easy to digest red pill.

#Qanon - Why it‘s not a conspiracy theory!

2d9dca  No.2705397

File: 5e37b39884a337a⋯.png (216.82 KB, 425x608, 425:608, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54577fef4f9805e⋯.png (139.72 KB, 679x565, 679:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

On Tuesday former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen, on the advice of his attorney and Clinton advisor Lanny Davis, surrendered himself to the FBI after it was reported he reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors.

Michael Cohen admitted he violated campaign finance laws in relation to the Stormy Daniels payment at direction of a ‘candidate.’

Cohen attorney Lanny Davis is a registered foreign agent for Dmytro Firtash, a pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarch wanted by the US government.

Jordan Schatchtel added: Lanny Davis is co-founder and partner of the law firm of Davis Goldberg & Galper. I just checked FARA records. His firm is a registered *ACTIVE* foreign agent for Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, who is a close ally of Russian pres Vladimir Putin.


8928d1  No.2705398

File: 91dd1e62deba324⋯.jpg (62.54 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Corsi6.jpg)

File: c232b49cc3b4e81⋯.jpg (123.99 KB, 1137x500, 1137:500, Corsii1.jpg)

File: ea6ad54192c0b30⋯.jpg (241.7 KB, 1504x581, 1504:581, CorsiDiaz2.jpg)

File: 800fb94dde22ff9⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 1137x500, 1137:500, Corsi4.jpg)

File: e976f1848990a7e⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Corsi2.jpg)


Corsi, eh?

1f83e8  No.2705399

File: 550d72147e16f28⋯.jpg (357.53 KB, 2000x1084, 500:271, Mattis James M.jpg)

0dfc4f  No.2705400


nownow, don't slide just fer that

7e286e  No.2705401

File: 6b7806318875794⋯.png (180.17 KB, 1089x587, 1089:587, Screenshot from 2018-08-22….png)

Fake News Washington Post posts list of people that need their security clearance revoked

>On Aug. 15, President Trump revoked former CIA director John Brennan’s security clearance. Brennan led the CIA during most of President Barack Obama’s second term and had become a vocal Trump critic.

>A bipartisan group of more than a dozen former intelligence directors, plus retired Adm. William H. McRaven, spoke out against the president’s move. On Aug. 17, they were joined by another 60 officials, and over 170 added their names on Aug. 20. Here’s an non-exhaustive list of major figures who have voiced their support for Brennan.

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/politics/brennan-cia-defenders

ed3c05  No.2705402

So if Cohens pleaded guilty to a non existent "financial" crime, and the raid was used to legally enter evidence into a court room, what financial related evidence are they dropping? or can it be any evidence from the Cohen raid?

e52a50  No.2705403


Yet they are impatient and calling for guidance. Events must unfold. Plus it's August Man!!!

Entire world on vacation.

d8ec67  No.2705404


I get that breads are faster these days but FFS. A baker should always be caught up on previous bakes before putting apron on.

a887ce  No.2705405


every fucking time, anon.

68e728  No.2705406

File: 0020b79ac123f2b⋯.png (503.57 KB, 396x490, 198:245, Screenshot_2018-08-22 Meme….png)

151112  No.2705407

File: c0f71c6b386f4a1⋯.jpg (82.95 KB, 586x767, 586:767, 8b25d563-6f71-45ef-be34-a2….jpg)


How dare you mis-identify a fronthole?

7aebed  No.2705409

File: 8fa5ab711a62169⋯.png (359.45 KB, 707x538, 707:538, CORSIQANON.png)

8928d1  No.2705410


He soooo deserves it though…

361251  No.2705411


9811cc  No.2705413


We volunteered election night during the general. Felt so damn good!

563860  No.2705414


>I'm too old and been in the "faith game" too long to be shaken by every wind and wave on TV or in the papers.

Ephesians 4:13-15 KJV -

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

14 That we [henceforth] be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ:

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

So true Anon! Great post speaking TRUTH!

In fact, just in speaking out the word of God (Truth), gives you power! It activates the power of God - the God, in Christ, in (You)!

Remain prayerful - this also activates the power of God over our land!


0dfc4f  No.2705415


meh. we moved on long ago

f0feb4  No.2705416


I'm watching this one right now. Thanks anon.

Their last one was good.

They also have a video on why the moon landing might be a fake with references to Kubrick.

Interesting channel.

cde1cb  No.2705417

File: 828179f3c8f6deb⋯.png (108.65 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorSB.png)

992371  No.2705418

File: 3b5c259459e04d6⋯.jpg (206.26 KB, 560x833, 80:119, Gipper004.jpg)

1698bc  No.2705419

File: 91a767c56dd9b92⋯.png (426.9 KB, 544x561, 32:33, corsi.png)

953561  No.2705420


You are badass anon!

35d9fc  No.2705421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad798d  No.2705422



this Anon get the bigger picture….

I think any evidence found at Cohen's can be entered as evidence, period!

I hope he had plenty of shit!


8928d1  No.2705423


>They also have a video on why the moon landing might be a fake with references to Kubrick.

Not Capricorn One again…

abdec6  No.2705424


If you have the original pic, try…

"What??? Weiner said she looked 18!"

35d9fc  No.2705426


sell your book with viagra ads @corsi

5590f9  No.2705427

a887ce  No.2705428

One wonders how many people in Western countries need to be raped, murdered and abused for the false god of "diversity". Apparently it's all of us since our govts. refuse to stop importing the most hostile elements of the third world

83ed41  No.2705429

If Mueller is dirty that means RR is dirty.

If RR wife is C_A that means..

f16564  No.2705430




Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

9f8b6a  No.2705431


I think we are at 6,000+, that's an incredible 15%. We have lots of lying cheating scheming dems that's for sure.

f65b09  No.2705432

File: 0c27b4a565b3d68⋯.jpeg (48.53 KB, 535x700, 107:140, 0035BB19-C526-4035-A7D5-8….jpeg)

File: c679c96897ca76d⋯.jpeg (30.83 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 6209C910-0FE0-4C56-8E82-F….jpeg)


Epic, Epic post anon.

Well done.

Im saving this.

73dba2  No.2705433

File: 93ae1167c2d18ee⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 623x500, 623:500, shia.art project meme.jpg)

e52a50  No.2705434


Climb OJ CLIMB!!!

8928d1  No.2705435

File: 0a0b7bc16bad126⋯.png (640.95 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

Just found this, Kek!!

51a852  No.2705436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4dfc2f  No.2705437

File: edf67be934f1006⋯.jpg (593.56 KB, 810x2050, 81:205, Screenshot_20180822-233645….jpg)

>>2703113 (prev.b)

On Dan Bongino:

Yes. I do listen to DB's podcasts regularly and he does drop phrases that sound Q-familiar, like '30.000ft view'.

Think it was y'day's episode when he said 'Follow the White Rabbit', used same phrase today plus he said something like ' …[somebody] Qd me in … '

Today's episode #790 is worth listening: Papadopoulos arrest probably after somebody in Greece tried to frame him with $10.000 payment. Papadee didn't take the bait, left the money with his lawyer in Greece, with a note that this person seemed to be an intelligence guy, rather than a legit businessman.

Papadee's story is surreal.

The Daily Caller:

"On the final page of a memo recommending that Papadopoulos serve up to six months in jail, Mueller said that Papadopoulos told investigators about $10,000 in cash that he received from a foreign national who he suspected to be a foreign spy.

“The defendant provided information about $10,000 in cash he received from a foreign national whom he believed was likely an intelligence officer of a foreign country (other than Russia),” reads the court filing, which recommends a fine of between $500 and $9,500 for Papadopoulos.

“The defendant has stated that he kept that money in a safe pending his sentencing in this case … "


2889c8  No.2705438


The whole Chinese steel story went pretty under the radar. For years people complained. Trump brought it up a lot.

The series Billions had a storyline about a guy cornering his local steel market by greasing the Chinese, the inspectors, and the local gov all to sell incorrectly rated Chinese steel to big contracts. It's the best example I've ever heard provided for how or why a situation like the Chinese steel drama happened.

Trump is probably playing hardball about defective steel and the Chinese are being extra extra extra careful and dragging their feet to make it hurt.

1698bc  No.2705439




FFS muh russian oligarchs

e6e9c1  No.2705440


This is true, and where shitlibs once downplayed or suppressed information about crimes against whites, with the recent killing by an illegal, we now have them openly condoning murder.

080d3b  No.2705441


ICE should cool the situation.

0b1092  No.2705442

File: 2e1056bcdd1ce0f⋯.png (70.64 KB, 221x197, 221:197, ClipboardImage.png)

5590f9  No.2705443


Mad Dog is enjoying the show!

641a66  No.2705444

File: 44eb138407baef1⋯.png (6.21 MB, 2852x1532, 713:383, asahi.png)


Ellison owns the morning sun.

You know how I know.

I'm ready to move forward, but these goddamned planes are suddenly very unreliable. Requesting guidance.

9a2125  No.2705445

File: d7cfa5aff398a51⋯.jpg (85.6 KB, 500x625, 4:5, IMG_424.jpg)

361251  No.2705446

>>2705435 Just paint the squad car to say free watermelons

73dba2  No.2705447


I just applied to work on the vote. I wont turn my county more red, but I may see something DHS would want to know. We'll see.

fa2fff  No.2705448


Something weird about family. Wonder if they are masons. Saw this on Heavy.com

On Facebook, Mollie described herself as a Day Camp Intern at Grinnell Regional Medical Center who studied Psychology at University of Iowa, went to Brooklyn School, and lives in Brooklyn, Iowa. She is from Oakland, California.

ed3c05  No.2705449


This will get fuckin hilarious. So many people gonna be on suicide watch.

740253  No.2705450


uh but that's Goku?

8928d1  No.2705451


They probably (read: almost certainly) fenced all of the scrap steel from the WTC to the Chinese. Good way to hide the nano thermite.

361251  No.2705452

>>2705442 Space Farce One!!

b745c9  No.2705453



Not that it matters, but for your interest, Tibbetts is a jewish family name.

cb2207  No.2705454

File: cd9818eb15e458f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 764x512, 191:128, GIMME THAT SALVATION THROU….jpg)

This is by far the best edition name.

ed4138  No.2705455


Some extra sauce. Sorry if posted etc.


9549fb  No.2705456

File: 4d68ec32c1666cb⋯.png (304.56 KB, 435x366, 145:122, asshat.PNG)


Elizabeth Warren To Mollie Tibbetts’ Family: You Need To Focus On ‘Real Problems’ Like Immigrant Family Separations

9ea39d  No.2705457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is the only way that Goku=Leafbro

80f320  No.2705458


Pretty depressing to be honest. Hearing the words from the family of the murdered daughter just makes you shake your head. Maybe a family friend/lawyer took advantage of them to release a statement for political reasons, but does make you wonder how deep this goes and how long it will take to reverse the damage.

Exhibit 5,923 on why no arrests. Your daughter gets murdered and you still advocate for the "wonders" of diversity.

847b68  No.2705459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca9e11  No.2705460


Thanks anon

05f3d3  No.2705461

File: 7e4814c2613bf8f⋯.png (683.37 KB, 1056x1496, 12:17, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

Army Leadership changeup…

060704  No.2705462

File: a054cfeef8a672a⋯.png (563.83 KB, 732x605, 732:605, 3b9bd01d300f5702e8ffa5f3dd….png)

d3a5e8  No.2705463

File: dc728ee8d48947f⋯.png (268.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Pepe Anon Frog.png)

Hi God, Pepe Anon Frog here

Thank You for taking out these roadblocks. You're making DJTs' job so much easier. Could You please grant so many of us the Patience we so desperately need? Thanks, Big Guy. Amen.

3d622e  No.2705464

File: c9d4300ad5ac350⋯.jpg (21.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dr_mattis.jpg)




Dr. Mattis now


73dba2  No.2705465



Per that moran's statement, we should have nuked the US in 2008. Cal has sent some of the most conservative Presidents we've had in the past 70 years since WWII, Nixon and Reagan.

ad798d  No.2705466


I agree. Kek.

Tons of "evidence" has been found in Cohen's office, and Q did ask us how " evidence" gets entered in the system.

So, tons of keks when the left And the MSM figgures this one out. For now, let the gloat!

Top kek!

2d9dca  No.2705468






700fa7  No.2705469

File: f8e8c65aec9e567⋯.jpg (135.03 KB, 900x750, 6:5, GodWins20.jpg)

83ed41  No.2705470


it matters

8928d1  No.2705471


Hmm, that was the surname of the pilot that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. Paul Tibbetts.

Possibly significant, in the way that certain religions want to foment war?

1698bc  No.2705472


Dr. Mad Dog

9f8b6a  No.2705473


That is so raciss because you are implying that *** will take a knee when they hear it.

847b68  No.2705474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

somebody's daughter is gonna have to read this

361251  No.2705475

>>2705461 REload with armour pierceing ammo!!

1a665f  No.2705476


Nice write! I think many of us plan believers have similar stories ie..gotta bottom out in life & somewhat start over from scratch life do over.

I've found God in a spiritual sense as you did. Never really bought into the religious bit, however most scriptures written have great virtue & value as to how rightious we move forward with our lives & interactions with others..humanity right?

78b16c  No.2705477


God could grant us a guide on how not to be retarded


73dba2  No.2705478


Sealed indictments would eliminate that concern.

e52a50  No.2705479


Notice how VP and RE are allowed to sell UST's and China has sold some, it is nowhere near the level of Vlad.

Because of all the fuckery with DF, NoName, HRC and the rest of the cast infiltrating China they have not had or been allowed to dump huge chunks of it's holdings.

Why is VP allowed and liquidate almost 80% so far and China….meh.

3d921a  No.2705480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad798d  No.2705481

Amen !!!!! my praying fren.

Here to uplift your prayer again! It's a good one


847b68  No.2705482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a57b55  No.2705483

File: da3cf70c7533db8⋯.png (32.45 KB, 931x264, 931:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9d5a92e2dc9a26⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1221x5300, 1221:5300, ClipboardImage.png)


f65b09  No.2705484

File: f4d58d7a6e8142b⋯.jpeg (28.3 KB, 551x481, 551:481, 9A7459FF-9C70-41DA-9E59-1….jpeg)

1f83e8  No.2705485

File: 9e911cf668766c9⋯.png (243.02 KB, 500x640, 25:32, stmichael pointer.png)

c040ae  No.2705486

File: 14fff3b799c34dd⋯.jpg (136.25 KB, 1200x954, 200:159, pepe troll.jpg)

7908c1  No.2705487



Faggots never pay attention to anything.

a887ce  No.2705488

File: f43c3ac5283ae57⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dh0rlHloK4l0HsHD.mp4)

There's a new form of robbery in Spain.

Cultural enrichment.

2227cb  No.2705489


I don't get it either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the inner evolution of Goku and Vegeta as masculine principals and their encounters with Death and Providence is way more inspirational than whatever naruto was about.

117960  No.2705490


You keep waiting. How come Q never posts when we need him most.

8c39f3  No.2705491

File: 1e14cd4197764bf⋯.png (60.73 KB, 318x462, 53:77, 1534610594.png)

>>2704583 lb

If you're digging on Brand, don't forget her Confidential Assistant.

>>2656344 pb


>>2656787 pb



If they got the files on everyone in AR as S&Banon suggests, those two could do some damage knowing what they know from DOJ.

3d622e  No.2705492

1698bc  No.2705493


I know he does

its sarcasm killjoy

faggots can never take a joke

361251  No.2705494

>>2705483 Antifa's gonna cave!

abdec6  No.2705495


No. Mueller.

349479  No.2705496

Q, I know you watch the boards. What is going on this week? I trust the plan, but, man, it's been a weird week. Weirder than usual, I should say. The fake MSM is pushing their narrative and I'm finding it hard to convince people they're fake. Has Cohen flipped or is it all show? He seems like a white hat to me. Your input would be nice, please and thank You!

0aeeb7  No.2705497

What else did Cohen have in his office

66d72b  No.2705498

File: 3d3fa797e4b0820⋯.png (340.42 KB, 610x439, 610:439, ClipboardImage.png)

d6e0bd  No.2705499

File: 910dc10f0f5a999⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 350x144, 175:72, 2gdouv.jpg)

https://vimeo.com/40637929 Coen Brothers tell you how the Jew will cry soon. And remember what how they repay the kindness of not shooting them.

A spoiler. The hero has to kill the Jew in the end. The Jew did not respect him and came back for more shekels.

There can be only one.

a57b55  No.2705500



1698bc  No.2705501


oh ok, I see why

making a graphic on it now

but this is what HUBER is investigating, not Mueller

Mueller will exonerate POTUS

abdec6  No.2705502


Been reading bread for 11 hours straight. Misread and could use a break.

73dba2  No.2705503


For the D's, it's 100% about winning the House through vote fraud and trying to impeach. D's don't care about law, truth, or facts.

ca9e11  No.2705504



Those writing hit pieces who HAVE seen Q's drops, would't report on them except to find fault. No telling how many MSM "reporters/journalists" are lurking here reading Q drops for themselves on work or personal time.

80bd3e  No.2705505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q told us to


What if we had already been warned?

It must be something in the water

This song is by

Coleman Hell

Take away the two towers at the end

And rearrange the remaining letters

Coleman He


Will somebody who changes colors,

Try to poison us

By adding something to the water?

What about SYNTHETIC FENTANYL derivatives

Which are know to be 100 times more potent

And we really don't know how much more powerful it can be made

What if the UK Novichok poisoning

Was actually caused by a tiny trace of

Synthetic Fentanyl

That the culprits accidentally ingested?

Remember that Q had warned about a poison

That was being shipped from China

To Europe, to the UK…

d8ec67  No.2705506



ebae32  No.2705507


If its a guilty plea there is no discovery, imho

ca9e11  No.2705508


the Million Dollar ?

5590f9  No.2705509


Dr. Mattis is delighted with the plot twists and demands more popped corn.

73d4de  No.2705510

https:// www.wbaltv.com/article/arlington-national-cemetery-evacuated-after-bomb-threat/22800585

0b1092  No.2705511


Yeah, but Nixon retired in Key Biscayne, Florida

4dfc2f  No.2705512

File: d66d620bfd0be26⋯.jpg (603 KB, 1080x1884, 90:157, Screenshot_20180822-235133….jpg)



Remember Cohen raid 'hand picked by Trump'?

8928d1  No.2705513

File: 338d7339c72fe75⋯.png (194.42 KB, 500x567, 500:567, ClipboardImage.png)

ad798d  No.2705514


>>2705402 read my fren. I think this might answer your question and make you feel better! Chin up, we're winning!




929ed2  No.2705515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's an awesome Dio interview about Religion in Metal

fbbe3d  No.2705516

File: 15f4e4760bc5022⋯.png (56.63 KB, 814x907, 814:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57e8c20fcaed260⋯.png (50.47 KB, 815x908, 815:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 001cc3615a56ef0⋯.png (48.3 KB, 815x911, 815:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16dad3bb56d8efe⋯.png (46.24 KB, 816x909, 272:303, ClipboardImage.png)

An Open Source & Evergreen Glossary

This was written in May of 2008, so this means the George W. Bush was still in office at the time.


d8ec67  No.2705517


ce20df  No.2705518

everyone can calm the f down now and relax.

i have arrived!!!

carry on now in a chill fashion…

cb4f00  No.2705519

File: 3fe358168e9c571⋯.png (64.54 KB, 661x719, 661:719, Pollak re Davis Cohen 8-22….PNG)

HUGE admission by @LannyDavis on @MSNBC just now. He has no idea if there is additional evidence to corroborate fraudster Michael Cohen's claims about Trump.

e2c708  No.2705520


Spain Create criminals for the new world.

Now it's in their own house

The irony

117960  No.2705521


Of course. They're jews

e16cdb  No.2705522

File: ae723e85597a529⋯.jpg (156.1 KB, 950x534, 475:267, sethrich.jpg)

back seat

8c39f3  No.2705523

>>2704651 lb


>>2704583 lb

Did you see this?

>>2704895 lb

ad798d  No.2705524



Sorry. This was meant for you

0b1092  No.2705525

e52a50  No.2705526


San Clemente

ca9e11  No.2705527


Because that's when Q needs us to post

3d622e  No.2705528

File: f57a83d8758be72⋯.png (298.35 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, d_m.png)

d23df0  No.2705529


They can't let on to the truth…gotta keep the truth from the masses no matter what textural handstands they have to do to manage that.

Not only won't they link to any Q post archive, but they always talk about Q's posts being cryptic and impossible to interpret precisely. If you only read a handful, that might be true, but if you follow along for a period of time, they become easy to understand. They don't even try.

8928d1  No.2705530

File: b0bbc6af4a84be9⋯.png (647.07 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

b52dc6  No.2705531

File: 1999180787f1c1e⋯.jpeg (105.12 KB, 576x435, 192:145, 2945984C-18FF-4C75-A09D-9….jpeg)

Anons, this pic is new to me. He looks so pleased to meet Pedesta, has anyone found enough dirt to rid London of this creature?

If it's been found and I missed it, I apologise.

Freakin' Fabians man… :(

80f320  No.2705532


Which is ironic because we are fighting them with the law, truth and facts and they are very blatant to the fact that they don't recognize any of those 3.

361251  No.2705533

>>2705513 Why not sippy cups?

953561  No.2705534


Thank God!

I was worried… :)

ed3c05  No.2705535

f3fb04  No.2705537


there it is right there.

5189cd  No.2705538

Early Notable Call


#3416 Baker Change

>>2705132 'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

>>2705135 Q, I trust you and I'm grateful for The Plan

>>2705185 Clockfag Update

>>2705232 Clinton email chain relaying gaps to exploit in moving children after Haiti quake:

>>2705280 Graph of relationships of the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors

>>2705316 Verizon Incompetence and Greed Leaves Firefighters Throttled During Wildfire

>>2705397 Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

5590f9  No.2705539


And yet Dr. Mad Dog means honor and pride!

060704  No.2705540

File: ef68f106fccb352⋯.png (566.3 KB, 854x480, 427:240, highestrankinganon.png)

9f8b6a  No.2705542


Yeah, San Clemente, Florida where his library is.

0aeeb7  No.2705543


I’m trying to redpill

Got a normies ear but he doesn’t get why Cohen paid stormy even after she stated she didn’t have an affair with POTUS.

e52a50  No.2705544

File: 9e631e5fdf4975a⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 570x523, 570:523, Nixon_In_88_He_s_Tan_Reste….jpg)

4cdc5e  No.2705545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

way too much fake jews fake news fake fagotus homotus jootube adtrackers, enjoy the plane ride

3d0254  No.2705546

Proof HRC or others were trying to use Cohen to set up Trump? Hell, who knows>>2705497

3dff17  No.2705547

File: 7ba543acaad4a0d⋯.jpg (155.85 KB, 1000x1499, 1000:1499, 03.jpg)


I was just speaking with a colleague at work and he couldn't get off the DJT and Don Jr. lied about the meeting at trump tower thought process. I got stuck with limited rebuttals because I just didn't research that topic much.

does anyone know off the top of their head why they lied or where I can read up on the info?

tits for consideration

2d9dca  No.2705548

File: 360c6ee785d5320⋯.png (189.7 KB, 686x442, 343:221, ClipboardImage.png)


NOTE: I'll do a full Syria update in a few hours and see if we can ID the drones. Those in image are those that attacked the Russian base. The UAVs are made of plastic, wood and use an electrical motor for propulsion. "This type of UAVs have been never seen in Syria before. However, the technology used in these UAVs is very similar to the one used in the armed UAVs that have been repeatedly shot down near Hmeimim airbase."

Syrian Government Troops Down 3 Combat Drones in Idlib Province

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Syrian government troops in Idlib province shot down three combat unmanned aerial vehicles launched by militants, Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov, the head of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation, said Wednesday.

"On August 21, the servicemen of the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic detected three UAVs, which were launched from the territories controlled by militants toward the positions of government troops near the western outskirts of the settlement of Abu Dali in the south of Idlib province. All three UAVs were destroyed by the fire of ZU-23 anti-aircraft gun and small arms, Syrian soldiers were not injured," Tsygankov said at a briefing.


f65b09  No.2705549


Yes we’ve all seen how good the fBi is at introducing tangential evidence that does not serve thier narrative.

Trust Efbeye?

8928d1  No.2705550


You is bein' raciss, innit.


2d2a4d  No.2705551


Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token!

ed4138  No.2705552


Please tell me that Cohen has fibbed to Davis?!

ad798d  No.2705553



Q told us several times…

Appear weak when you are strong.

We are watching a very well planned out movie. Moar Anons need to zoom out and see the bigger picture! Stop the concernfaggin and trust the plan

929ed2  No.2705554


Are you the top anon? I have some questions for you about my upcoming article for L.A. Times. Would you mind speaking for the thread?

1698bc  No.2705555



yes it has

God Bless the SAA and the Ruskies

ad0b0b  No.2705556






349479  No.2705557



6c0256  No.2705558

File: 75b1071e46b5b15⋯.jpg (149.32 KB, 874x772, 437:386, childmissing.jpg)

File: 02ae04e5f27fe02⋯.pdf (252.97 KB, jacob-lee-caldwell.pdf)

wish we could find all the missing children :(

ca9e11  No.2705559


A "candidate" instructed him to. Which candidate? hmmm….

58c5ea  No.2705560

File: 74d393de42dcd3a⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 573x537, 191:179, lannytherussian.jpg)



e0e55d  No.2705561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2689836 >>2679323 >>2679323

>>2690057 >>2689584 >>2689621

>>2689584 >>2689569 all old bread

Two amazing Faur videos. May ignite sparks on Anon's ciphering efforts.

Also see: Faur Alphabet of Color


Part 1 of 2

d8ec67  No.2705562



>>>2705135 Q, I trust you and I'm grateful for The Plan

46b985  No.2705563

File: b7b8561bf2d07e8⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CJc0txwVAAAYOd8.jpg)

Holding out hope that Q drops a nice fat crumb (complete with 2 scoops) for my birthday today.

0376f9  No.2705564


Is this accurate?

f0feb4  No.2705565

File: d744b989ea424cb⋯.png (234.09 KB, 545x563, 545:563, LE.png)

7908c1  No.2705566

File: 6c53c1733c83886⋯.png (25.28 KB, 201x241, 201:241, 6c53c1733c83886a1ef796d1e7….png)


So you're a shill faggot. Got it.

8928d1  No.2705567

File: 4c398f05f299c9c⋯.png (133.85 KB, 261x346, 261:346, ClipboardImage.png)

060704  No.2705568

File: d354f1fbc369dbd⋯.jpg (222.13 KB, 1200x998, 600:499, 25iarsn.jpg)


And so it begins again.

1698bc  No.2705569

File: d8d23a3803c8751⋯.pdf (412.17 KB, The_Art_Of_War.pdf)


sun tzu shiiiiiiittttt

b57673  No.2705570


That was not the top anon. I am the top anon.

e52a50  No.2705572


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise

066cf0  No.2705573

Lee Stranaham

why are you half cut on AJ today

drinking in middle of day


2227cb  No.2705574

File: fe785b074a125ac⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 604x337, 604:337, xzwl9.jpg)


I wouldn't stand out of a crowd - I'm more alike any of you sitting down right now typing away then we all want to admit. It's just been a hella'va ride from this keyboards perspective.

What you see is flak, and I'm a little surprised I took so much. Must've hit a nerve or two ; )

953561  No.2705575



8928d1  No.2705576


It's on the Internet, it must be true…

ce20df  No.2705577



if you leave me your name and number it will be my utmost priority to make sure they get it…

ca9e11  No.2705578


HBD anon

5f322b  No.2705579

File: 796d69f5ff21bae⋯.jpg (97.45 KB, 640x594, 320:297, wine-pepe.jpg)


Happy birthday Anon!

May your wish be granted. ;)

46b985  No.2705580


Thank (You) anon

8f7534  No.2705581

File: fcfc6e010d397f3⋯.png (63.28 KB, 480x662, 240:331, Screenshot_2018-08-22-12-1….png)

7aebed  No.2705582



>That was not the top anon. I am the top anon.

Don't listen to either of these faggots. Obviously, I am the "top anon"…says so in the name field. kek

9f8b6a  No.2705583


If you meet someone who is caught up in the whole

DJT and Don Jr. lied about the meeting at trump tower aspect of world events

do us all a favor and shoot them in the head.

7908c1  No.2705584

File: e430d06f1271790⋯.jpg (953.29 KB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, f6a374d543f6126df3444a6dca….jpg)

361251  No.2705585

>>2705552 Yeah, one lawyer is going to tell another the truth!

ed3c05  No.2705586

File: 9804a45896811f5⋯.png (41.88 KB, 500x333, 500:333, high_level_pepe.png)


I am the highest level anon.

e30faa  No.2705587

File: 8e5eadbec805c7c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 796FD2BD-3ACF-4C40-9AE5-C0….png)

Author committed “suicide”

ca9e11  No.2705588

File: 0d745126050263b⋯.gif (960.37 KB, 245x180, 49:36, jacks-complete-lack-of-sur….gif)

ad798d  No.2705589



You so smucken fart!


This Cohen thig is a gem! Such a gift!


Sooner or later, the left will figure it out. Poor things

1f83e8  No.2705590

File: 245b3c20f2ee17a⋯.jpg (382.87 KB, 2000x1264, 125:79, comfy.jpg)

5c02f3  No.2705591

File: 289d1762f743e53⋯.png (141.76 KB, 855x320, 171:64, DownTownHS-Gangsta.png)


Missed >>2704895, Thank you!

7aebed  No.2705592

File: 42407ca544563e6⋯.jpg (138.12 KB, 761x697, 761:697, kekfrog2.jpg)

8928d1  No.2705593


For a split second I thought that headline said 'orifice'…

2d2a4d  No.2705594


That there is a monkey paw wish son.

2c1d63  No.2705595

File: 5d94bf6628fc8fd⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1864x1048, 233:131, Trump Crossing-the-Swamp.png)


Are you seriously asking for reassurance, soldier?

It takes time, if we go too fast it's not gonna be any good.

b75f93  No.2705596

File: b7ed4746404a6fb⋯.png (523.14 KB, 661x587, 661:587, flotus-birthday-happy-anon.png)

bda48c  No.2705597

File: 88b3d5692f1de7d⋯.png (179.09 KB, 1235x308, 1235:308, EW evil.png)

File: 30202d4b8f09384⋯.png (46.99 KB, 1304x137, 1304:137, EW evil 2.png)


To steal a line from the left…

NOT ONE MORE lost of life of an American by an Illegal Alien…

Thinking a video compilation of all of the lefts comments on killing of an American… like with E Warren up to the BUT … illegal blah blah blah

KATE I am sadden… BUT

Mollie it's a … BUT

Yes he raped those kids… BUT

Yes he was DUI… BUT

Others kill… BUT

73dba2  No.2705598


The tech corps like amazon and facebook are like cults requiring about 100% of their employees dedication to the corp and its culture. To the fucking internet. Worst than the old IBM, which was also pretty bad.

cb4f00  No.2705599

File: 5a6a6f97ebb7eec⋯.png (486.41 KB, 641x720, 641:720, CRoss re Davis Cohen Dossi….PNG)

File: b7abd251fdec800⋯.png (383.07 KB, 521x856, 521:856, DC 1 CRoss re Davis Cohen ….PNG)

File: b7e6aaa725c470a⋯.png (53.03 KB, 530x592, 265:296, DC 2 CRoss re Davis Cohen ….PNG)


Lanny Davis: Michael Cohen ‘Never Went To Prague’ As Steele Dossier Claims


fa2fff  No.2705600


Billionaire that owns an Island..or 97% of it.

Lanai, Hawaii. Larry Ellison

e0e55d  No.2705601


What are shovels used for?

= Red shoes solve what? Faur.


A Faur crayon piece looks something like a pointillist painting or a grainy photo, depending, of course, on how far away you are standing. Come close, and the image dissolves into what he calls “random crayon data” – pure matter.


"Faur" is also Scottish variation of far. As in, Red shoes solve what? [Search] faur [laddie/lassie].

e30faa  No.2705602

File: c66b05b7570ab7c⋯.jpeg (169.72 KB, 1080x389, 1080:389, F2E757EB-C339-4F59-9A25-B….jpeg)

Evelyn Farkas

7770f9  No.2705603

File: 1a142bb3ba33c6d⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepestoned.jpg)



f481e4  No.2705604


Patience? How about asking god to speed it up!!!

Jeremiah 48:16

"The disaster of Moab will soon come, And his calamity has swiftly hastened.”

Revelation 11:14

The second woe is past; behold, the third woe is coming quickly.

Romans 16:20

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you”

Good website for bible search’s, found 29 verses about god not delaying, these stood out to me.


5590f9  No.2705605


Mighty quads!

ed4138  No.2705606


New season?

f0feb4  No.2705607

File: ee22e4f2344e96e⋯.jpg (123.91 KB, 496x358, 248:179, 08oracle_01_1.jpg)

File: 79d14910022797f⋯.png (219.11 KB, 696x842, 348:421, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: af402da89272774⋯.png (8.96 KB, 180x21, 60:7, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


>morning sun

>rising sun

8c39f3  No.2705608


Concur. Nice job.


>>2705232 Filling in WL 2010 Haiti Silsby email chain gaps

79cc1d  No.2705609

File: eb45ac38abf9c4e⋯.png (513.93 KB, 644x497, 92:71, with_her.png)

1abf67  No.2705610


OK im here. Whats your questions? I will try my best to give the most complete and honest answers.

73dba2  No.2705611


Really, should the US lop off NY and New England too?

73daad  No.2705612


Is that Seth being chauffeured around by Rudy Giuliani in a gold car with Winston Churchill?

7aebed  No.2705614

File: d3a1450ecdc8cf0⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 374x378, 187:189, evelynfarksalpha.jpg)

fa19c7  No.2705615


Happy B day anon (NOT a homo)

fbbe3d  No.2705616

File: 8c169649f729ef7⋯.png (50.93 KB, 815x832, 815:832, ClipboardImage.png)





45–828 2009

[H.A.S.C. No. 110–175]





This document discusses the governments role in our education systems. (This should be downloaded and Archived before it goes missing)


b745c9  No.2705617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In search, I found this clip.

"A Black Woman Rants at Orthodox Jewish Man on a NYC Subway"

03f928  No.2705618

7770f9  No.2705619


Tupac and Dave Thomas are in the rear.

f0feb4  No.2705620


He owns the entire Island (97%)?

After everything we've learned these past few weeks - very suspicious.

464abe  No.2705621


Are you a bottom Anon?

e16cdb  No.2705622

File: 3f8ad21dd9293a5⋯.png (457.04 KB, 1090x1200, 109:120, ClipboardImage.png)

f3fb04  No.2705623


please support with sbs with the official crazy eyes chart

46b985  No.2705624


Man…..if only. :-)

2d2a4d  No.2705625


Its not!

0aeeb7  No.2705626


We all assuming

Candi 1=Trump?

Could it be Shillary?

66d72b  No.2705627


Not sure about that…

when you show them proof of how Obama was fined for campaign violations they say Trump it made up

73dba2  No.2705628


"dat Carla so dam feminine and heter-sexual and rich!"

5189cd  No.2705629


well I asked for updates,

critic is also appreciated

bd48c7  No.2705630

Concernfag here. Plenty of trust the plan posts regarding Cohen, but still plenty expressing concern. I don't like all of the drama and negative press for POTUS, but apparently it is necessary per the plan.

I have learned to resist posting concerns, and just go with the flow, although I would prefer more of a Dragnet/Joe Friday/just the facts approach.

Anyways, for those concerned about the Cohen situation and his apparent cabal lifer attorney Lanny Davis, think of it this way.

The whole thing is just a "Manafort" with a "General Flynn" con.

In the world of cons and confidence schemes they have names for their different cons. For football fags, it is like Peyton Manning shouting "Omaha" at the line of scrimmage. All of the players on his team know what to do when Manning shouted "Omaha."

A "Manafort" is arresting someone connected to Trump to investigate crimes that might be connected to Trump, but, in fact, the main crimes being investigated are related to the cabal. In Manafort's case it involes Ukraine and money laundering, neither of which were featured in the recent court cases. With Cohen, it remains to be seen, but Q did hint that Cohen has other clients and featured a pic of Cohen with HRC.

A "General Flynn" involves having a member of the team plead guilty to something that is not a crime. As part of the investigation the player can then "tell the Special Counsel all that he knows" as Lanny Davis said that Cohen will do. That is what Gen. Flynn did. By pleading guilty, Gen. Flynn put himself in position to tell everything he knew about the crimes of the Obama Administration that he had learned during his time with Military Intel.

Control your concern. Enjoy the movie. Watch The Sting to get the idea. POTUS is the Robert Redford character looking to avenge the murder of his friend (JFK Jr., 9/11, general takeover of USA). General Flynn is the Paul Newman character, the best in the business, who knows just how to do it. There is concern/suspense, but in the end, the God Guys win. see what I did there?


fa19c7  No.2705631



2dfe1c  No.2705632

File: 794f17831f4086b⋯.jpg (36.51 KB, 600x450, 4:3, owl cat.jpg)


O rly?

bcf000  No.2705633



Great interview.

2d2a4d  No.2705634



1698bc  No.2705635


fuck you patrick

8c39f3  No.2705636



80bd3e  No.2705637

File: 8018a86f3f62121⋯.png (57.68 KB, 246x156, 41:26, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


What does this insignia on his uniform mean?

He has another one with just the horned shape

Minus the triangle, just under the patch of rectangular flags

On his official photo

e16cdb  No.2705639

File: d59496349f4fded⋯.png (281.36 KB, 1200x710, 120:71, ClipboardImage.png)

631da0  No.2705640

It all goes away - Just when, is up to. . .

While we still have some key redactions to uncover,

aren't we far enough along knowing that SC was started based on phony documents, illegal leaks, & so much more….

that POTUS team could merely demand a Federal judge review to render the SC investigation invalid,

thus also nullifying every indictment / plea deals consequently from Mueller's probe?

7675cc  No.2705641



8f7534  No.2705642

File: d62ca2566eb1fdc⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 562x744, 281:372, Cntbm_LBUIAEl_JU-~2.jpg)

File: 0e1bc0b49e5f38c⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 533x431, 533:431, 2gdoul-1~2.jpg)

Never was Hussein my President, he didn't fool me for even one minute.

65e37d  No.2705643


Oh,Oh,Ohhhhhh I am the top Anon! Right Mr Carter

fa2fff  No.2705644


Yes. A high end golf community and a small town are the only places he does not own.

from wiki

Lānaʻi (/ləˈnaɪ, lɑːˈnɑːi/;[1] Hawaiian: [laːˈnɐʔi, naː-]) is the sixth-largest of the Hawaiian Islands and the smallest publicly accessible inhabited island in the chain.[2] It is also known as Pineapple Island because of its past as an island-wide pineapple plantation. The island's only settlement of note is the small town of Lānaʻi City. As of 2012, the island was 97% owned by Larry Ellison (Founder and Chairman of Oracle),[3] with the remaining 3% owned by the state of Hawaiʻi and privately owned

ad798d  No.2705645


Remember Anon. Not everyone is bad apple. The raid was when?

Kek. We've got good people at the FBI, and with so many people LOOKING I'm not sure they could make "evidence" disappear nowadays!

Q asked us how to introduce evidence…

Well, Cohen raid would be a great scenario!

48e6b0  No.2705646

File: f887785e821de37⋯.jpg (18.15 KB, 480x360, 4:3, camp-b[1].jpg)

File: 4816791ebab6478⋯.gif (51.85 KB, 554x442, 277:221, ch3-4[1].gif)

File: 0c493c2eb1b9812⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 564x449, 564:449, 617e60c7abebb70badff3ee042….jpg)

File: dcab45f6c94cb15⋯.png (16.85 KB, 362x397, 362:397, fema10[1].png)

File: ca31838a878de5d⋯.png (37.33 KB, 395x327, 395:327, allpurposefemacremationcof….png)



Antonin Scalia: ‘You Are Kidding Yourself If You Think’ Internment Ruling Couldn’t Happen Again 02/03/2014 07:36 pm ET | Updated Sep 18, 2014

HONOLULU (AP) — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told law students at the University of Hawaii on Monday that the nation’s highest court was wrong to uphold the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, but he wouldn’t be surprised if the court issued a similar ruling during a future conflict.

Scalia was responding to a question about the court’s 1944 decision in Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the convictions of Gordon Hirabayashi and Fred Korematsu for violating an order to report to an internment camp.

“Well of course Korematsu was wrong. And I think we have repudiated in a later case. But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” Scalia told students and faculty during a lunchtime Q-and-A session.

Scalia cited a Latin expression meaning, “In times of war, the laws fall silent.”

“That’s what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot. That’s what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It’s no justification, but it is the reality,” he said.

Avi Soifer, the law school’s dean, said he believed Scalia was suggesting people always have to be vigilant and that the law alone can’t be trusted to provide protection.

Soifer said it’s good to hear Scalia say the Korematsu ruling was wrong, noting the justice has been among those who have reined in the power of military commissions regardless of the administration.

“We do need a court that sometimes will say there are individual or group rights that are not being adequately protected by the democratic process,” Soifer said.

Scalia was appointed to the nation’s highest court in 1986, making him the longest-serving justice currently on the court.

The 77-year-old spoke after teaching a class. He didn’t take questions from media.

f0feb4  No.2705647

File: 5f509c22f0c4416⋯.png (880.21 KB, 1090x854, 545:427, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)




f65b09  No.2705648

File: 1be5fa4ad4a5cf6⋯.jpeg (27.3 KB, 380x253, 380:253, 91E09615-CC6D-4841-9CC2-D….jpeg)





9b5020  No.2705649

File: 247b61a6f7d5aec⋯.jpg (5.68 KB, 160x160, 1:1, 34636631_10217273307051385….jpg)

My mom. Is she the most beautiful woman you've ever seen in your life? LOL. A retired NYPD officer. Never seen such beautiful blue eyes and dimples in my life. She fought with every part of her being for Trump. She knew we needed him. Now she's fighting for her life. Fucking sucks. Please say a prayer for her tonight. Thank you Anons

785b36  No.2705650


Talk to back hole anon. Probably more your style.

361251  No.2705651

>>2705621 thats back hole anon!

c28bdc  No.2705652

File: 66a837c062614ce⋯.png (9.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, af3fb9e601ad76cf347b45bb5d….png)


Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

>Attack the world?

>Are the people of France to blame?

>Are the people to blame or the ruling >class (leaders/controllers)?

>Apply leverage.




>Power shift.

>Rise of the people.


>Not understood?

464abe  No.2705653

File: ac58ad97262cbb4⋯.jpg (234.62 KB, 576x636, 48:53, IMG_1290.JPG)


Happy birthday, Anon:

274431  No.2705655

File: 8f0ecf2bc30cbea⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 631x374, 631:374, shiftfucker.jpg)


I like!

73dba2  No.2705656

File: 022272fd9c7c59d⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 424x550, 212:275, cigareet satisfying.jpg)


I just gave a recurring libtard on a fb page a fucking beatdown. I know because he blocked me. lol Few things are more satisfying than a well-executed libtard slaying.

Pic related.

953561  No.2705657


Love to your momanon!

d8ec67  No.2705658

Need to use better judgement. If you cant explain why its notable, Why the fuck is it in the notables?

79cc1d  No.2705659

File: b2edd3eec9a8978⋯.png (327.66 KB, 408x519, 136:173, farkas.png)

f0feb4  No.2705660

File: 08c453b7bba2ac4⋯.png (65.58 KB, 734x341, 734:341, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


Cane headed for Lanai

b8cd39  No.2705661

File: 6f5fbc84eb00624⋯.jpg (471.36 KB, 1463x977, 1463:977, hbd.jpg)


Happy birthday.

d8ec67  No.2705662

ca9e11  No.2705663


Could be, yet, even if it was POTUS, I'm not sure of the reasons/context in which it occured. Read it, yet not enough detail of the moment was present for me to understand WHY POTUS would do so. Could be his usual way of handling a nuisance making it nothing out of the ordinary. YET, the funds paid & reimbursed, were almost certainly not campaign funds.

46b985  No.2705664

3d0254  No.2705665


He’s on vacation, be back next week. His assistant EBot can help you though.

274431  No.2705666

File: 6539e61bfe5c10f⋯.png (15.38 KB, 590x158, 295:79, Screenshot_2018-08-23 defi….png)


…forgot to add

73dba2  No.2705667


Q has referenced the sealed indictments, but they dont do much good unless they are unsealed anyway. One normie's question ot me was,

So why are they sealed? Because muh plan right?

c040ae  No.2705668

File: b207bfe3aefb18f⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 459x547, 459:547, boobstress.jpg)

be23ae  No.2705669

File: 26553a2b54fac5f⋯.jpg (101.17 KB, 710x578, 355:289, CFR Board_1.JPG)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/11/18 (Sat) 16:33:23 No.142

Welcome to THE SWAMP.


Looking at the CFR link Q posted.

4 names on the Board of Directors stuck out immediately [Pic related]

Ash Carter - Secretary of Defense under Hussein

Timothy Geithner - Secretary of the Treasury under Hussein; President Federal Reserve

William McRaven - Navy Admiral - LOUDLY protesting Brennan's Security Clearance removal

Janet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland Security under Hussein; Governor of Arizona

This info is all from wikipedia.

7bcfea  No.2705670


Same problem here in Washington. Most the counties went with Trump but our state went blue because most the people and money is in the blue counties along the I5 corridor from Olympia to Bellingham. When MS and Amazon setup shop here they brought in a shitton of workers from mostly blue areas. How much you want to bet they hired based on politics as much as skills? MS and Amazon were the worst thing to happen to this state.

8172f2  No.2705671

File: c6843953e4f1f9a⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 1166x183, 1166:183, WeFinallyGotHimPart2347852….JPG)

File: 1364e415e18737d⋯.jpg (96.85 KB, 1014x574, 507:287, ShannonPettypiece.jpg)

Bloomberg WH Author of Reporting Summary

- POTUS did not say shit to WH Lawyer about non-WH related matters.

- Still unclear if this is a treasonous crime

- How this leads to impeachment uncertain but by no means impossible.

8f7534  No.2705672

File: 2a0458ff721a009⋯.jpeg (28.88 KB, 605x609, 605:609, 2a0458ff721a0090d9fc990fe….jpeg)



I hope for a full recovery.

5f322b  No.2705673


Blessings and strength to your mom to fight this most important fight, anon.



e0e55d  No.2705674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2705561 >>2705601

2nd video of two, Faur.

c040ae  No.2705675

File: a6c9deea89b146a⋯.jpg (524.57 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, HILLARY_IN_HELL.jpg)


^^^^^^SHIFTY Triple 6

641a66  No.2705676

File: 81ed8c608292f0d⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1018x1348, 509:674, clue.png)


Do you understand this tweet now?


For the others…

You know I can help and you know it doesn't interfere with the operation. I just need safe passage to kick start the rest of the plan.

d6e0bd  No.2705677


Give a pet or a nickname. No doxx just it helps my concentration when I try praying.

bb896b  No.2705678

File: a43f2749c80a810⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1591x2348, 1591:2348, Faked photos and footage.png)

5189cd  No.2705679


chill, I was light on notes, bread was slow, no other reason.

It's gone

cbc51e  No.2705680


Prayers and love for momanon

5bc974  No.2705681


>Patience? How about asking god to speed it up!!!

So here's the thing about patience. Never pray for patience. All you get is more opportunities to practice it.

fa19c7  No.2705682

File: 9e6d7ea1883ead5⋯.png (9.29 KB, 459x234, 51:26, ClipboardImage.png)

Somebody mentioned Bill Kristal earlier

and reminded me of this….

bda48c  No.2705683


>Evelyn Farkas that one they need to pull security clearances for…

72f7c9  No.2705684


Will say a prayer. Your Mom is so proud of you. I just know. I am a parent. You seem like a caring anon. Praying for your Mom means she has done a great job raising you. Be proud of what a great job your Mom did raising right.

74d5d6  No.2705685

File: 01967297866cf9c⋯.png (522.24 KB, 734x543, 734:543, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2704474 (lb) Cohen Jury notes


I remember the FAKE NEWS reporting on this note. I don't remember FAKE NEWS talking about the shell company question or the FBAR question.

Just like now. FAKE NEWS continues to gloss over the MONEY LAUNDERING and SHELL COMPANY issues. Sleeping sheep, "look over here at this shiny thing….let's debate if these were campaign funds and we can impeach Trump" (my best sarcastic voice)

8c39f3  No.2705686


Daddy's hometown - Chappaqua NY

Daddy's country of birth - Hungary

58c5ea  No.2705687


Fruit of the poisonous tree.

8f7534  No.2705688

Never was Hussein my President, he didn't fool me for even one minute.

6efc08  No.2705689

File: cb9533bd9e6f5c9⋯.jpg (118.68 KB, 712x799, 712:799, 7624b9ef65ca29da1c11879982….jpg)


>do us all a favor and shoot them in the head.

Metaphorically speaking of course. We don't condone violence.

If we did shills wouldn't be an issue.


Ask them where the irrefutable evidence of that is. Ask them questions that make them think. Plenty of information out there on it that may or may not be true.

Reasonable doubt.

e2c708  No.2705690


Syria Now

After what?

1698bc  No.2705691

File: cc59799953a6932⋯.png (1.46 MB, 774x2887, 774:2887, ClipboardImage.png)


(shit sauce, but its better than 'Right Wing Watch')


c28bdc  No.2705692


May she regain her health and recover.

a887ce  No.2705693

File: 8deff36d2c0d953⋯.jpg (156.08 KB, 985x1200, 197:240, DlNkTmiW4AEAJPf.jpg)

…and what happens to a society that is run by (((liars))) and filled to the brim with (((them)))? Look around. THIS is what happens.

f65b09  No.2705694




ed3c05  No.2705695

File: 3fe751a6ee831a9⋯.png (30.97 KB, 821x221, 821:221, ground_game.PNG)

What does Wictor mean when he says ground game?

526218  No.2705696

File: 9e7ec68d33b7999⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 939x606, 313:202, Capture.JPG)

Any worth to this?

496e0a  No.2705697

File: 3b781bc38adb80f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 747x515, 747:515, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)


Will pray for MomAnon!! Many blessings on you and your family!!

WWG1WGA Anon. Thank you for sharing your request.

2c1d63  No.2705698

File: 7b98fb04e039c0f⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 634x425, 634:425, Cat-raising-paw.jpg)


I m te top anon.

2d9dca  No.2705699

File: 44d2a59bc2cbe29⋯.png (382.39 KB, 765x866, 765:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb663cb5dccab45⋯.png (168.32 KB, 751x856, 751:856, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49bb5278ffec6c5⋯.png (60.94 KB, 756x860, 189:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbd39c3ff95908a⋯.png (61.63 KB, 750x794, 375:397, ClipboardImage.png)

It Begins: Democrats Label President Trump “Unindicted Co-Conspirator,” Refuse to Work

The Democratic Party has begun its first attempts at painting the 45th President being an “Unindicted Co-Conspirator,” alleging that the is somehow connected to convicted criminals, all while refusing to carry out the jobs they've been elected to do in protest, all while collecting the American people's money to pay their bills.

The world watched the flawed witch hunts, both meticulous and even questionable in their origins, as the notoriously corrupt globalist-puppet, and handpicked Special Counsel,” Robert Mueller III sealed the pleas of newly convicted “criminal” cases against either former Trump campaign-Chair Paul Manafort, and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

The Democrats, who have systematically propagandized a fabrication of the truth, and not as if the American people would expect much else from the left, based on their actions and behaviors, holding little to no respect for the will of the people, or the Oval Office, even once having applauded a man who literally misused his position at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Peter Strzok to speak about an “insurance plan” to somehow rob Donald Trump of the Presidency if he was to defeat Hillary Rodham Clinton, the most hateful, and lying actual racist of the entire Democratic Party, the same party who created the Ku Klux Klan, even once having the vile Democrat mastermind call all black people “super-predators.”


080d3b  No.2705700


Done. Much love for thin blue line.

168534  No.2705701


Link not good. can you check it again?

d8ec67  No.2705702

File: d683f469bb77421⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, control8.jpg)


The natural tone of ANON is outrage. Cant take shit personal PussyFag. Make people explain why its important if you dont know. If nothing is notable then nothing is notable and it will show anons that nothing is being researched and to step it up. KEEP FILLERS OUT

683f2a  No.2705703

Notable events on 8/22/2018:

1: Obamacare still on the books.

2: No wall on southern border.

3: Hillary still free and out walking the streets.

4: Andrew McCabe not indicted.

5: Peter Strzok not indicted.

6: Lisa Page not indicted.

7: John Podesta free and walking the streets.

8: Tony Podesta free to do whatever he wants courtesy of Mueller immunity.

9: Bruce Ohr still employed at the DOJ.

10: Sally Yates not indicted.

11: Loretta Lynch not indicted.

12: Eric Holder not indicted.

13: Barack Obama free to do whatever he wants.

14: Christopher Wray absent.

15: Jeff Sessions absent.

16: John Huber absent.

17: Rod Rosenstein still employed at DOJ and giving speeches.

Some glorious times we live in, my fellow angry anons. Oh and Q, do us all a favor and go choke on a bag of dicks. Your almost year-long shit talking on here has grown old and it amuses me how people on here still larp it up even when NOTHING HAPPENS! Trump and company are the biggest obstructors of justice by refusing to let Hillary and her cabal of Satanic freaks BE BROUGHT TO GITMO TO FACE JUSTICE! It amazes me how some of you idiots here can't see that.

7675cc  No.2705704


Alain G. Norman is a lawyer in Silver Spring, MD, a suburb of Washington. https://www.martindale.com/silver-spring/maryland/alain-g-norman-169018604-a/

e5b01d  No.2705705


> Refuse to Work

How's that any different than usual?

86b4c6  No.2705706

File: 6ed4b6364dd48f9⋯.png (660.7 KB, 828x731, 828:731, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 80cb61664ed938b⋯.png (182.82 KB, 860x735, 172:147, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 622d782c55b3303⋯.png (133.42 KB, 866x678, 433:339, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

Illegal immigrant who committed multiple rapes after 2012 ICE detainer not enforced gets 80 years in prison

A judge gets fed up with ICE not being able to bring these people in.


5189cd  No.2705707


I put it in the early bread update, so faggots like you could complain early if they wanted.

Are we done now?

6efc08  No.2705708

File: ca8ca61f89fe322⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 816x720, 17:15, TYB_Dk1mc--XoAAtVf8.jpg)


Happy birthday!

Two Popsicle?

46b985  No.2705709


Prayers for mom anon.

Stay strong. If not for yourself, for her.

2d9dca  No.2705710


Study: U.S. political climate frightening for teens.

Donald Trump‘s America might be harming the mental health of teens, especially minorities, a new study suggests.

Fear of discrimination became more common among Los Angeles-area teenagers between the 2016 election and the months following Trump’s presidential inauguration in 2017, researchers found.

Trump’s proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall, his travel ban largely targeting Muslim countries, and the immigration crackdown under his watch appear to be contributing to a climate of fear among adolescents, said lead researcher Adam Leventhal. He’s a professor and psychologist with the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine.

As that anxiety increased, teens became more likely to turn to cigarettes, marijuana or alcohol as a means of coping, according to findings published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

“How concerned they were about discrimination in society was associated with an acceleration in their risk of substance use, and was associated with increased odds of depression symptoms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms,” Leventhal said.

But the study did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.

Regular news of police shootings and the protests they spark may also be contributing to the feeling that America has become a hostile place to live, he added.


da987a  No.2705711


The idea that a president can pardon himself doesn't seem like it can stand up to judicial review.

Or the idea of secret pardons - has that ever been done?

3547ae  No.2705712


I would have saved that concern fagging til the start of next bread. What is this your first week?

d8ec67  No.2705713


We are. Godspeed faggot

73dba2  No.2705714


They say, "Oh pizzagate is a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory that's been debunked." They CAN'T say, and this is why…

b745c9  No.2705715

File: 3fb8cfa654ab24a⋯.jpg (56.39 KB, 620x413, 620:413, extralarge.jpg)


I think it's not the first time he did this… 2 years ago a exact same thing happened with a eerie similiar looking guy…


302454  No.2705716

File: 511d161c1c80641⋯.jpg (94 KB, 480x663, 160:221, 682a661e21b839c02b4739b4e8….jpg)

72f7c9  No.2705717


The child has Panda eyes.

b57673  No.2705718


What is it that you are looking for here?

e6e9c1  No.2705719



>Refuse to work

Um… what's different?

d6e0bd  No.2705720


Refuse paper demand precious metals. The paper shekels will be worthless Simon.

5189cd  No.2705721

73dba2  No.2705722

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

785b36  No.2705723


Ground game is physical presence, door knocks, events, etc. Opposite of advertising, PR, digital, etc.

fbbe3d  No.2705724

File: b1fbef2721e7334⋯.png (75.99 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f806e75913ce452⋯.png (45.24 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47ba2b0232afee3⋯.png (67.79 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae986d375352757⋯.png (57.68 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc4eee14adebb32⋯.png (31.6 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)






This document discusses in detail the governments role in our education systems. (This should be downloaded and Archived before it goes missing)


f481e4  No.2705725


Boob glory holes please…

5c02f3  No.2705726

File: f1a6142bcb2cf8b⋯.jpg (412.02 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IDaMap.jpg)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Ouachita

>>Mere Coincidence…?


361251  No.2705727

>>2705706 why has'nt his manhole been removed and shoved down his top hole?

a09ae9  No.2705728


comicsfag here

in the Comic Infinity War, the Soul Gem is "the one gem to rule them all"….goes on the slot on the back of Gauntlet.

In the movie..the MINDSTONE is the one stone. Spot on back of gauntlet

They couldn't have the soul be the apex.

ed3c05  No.2705729


Awesome, thanks.

23a310  No.2705730

File: 9b4d65869b15e92⋯.jpg (58.56 KB, 640x427, 640:427, todd.jpg)

00af9e  No.2705731



Sit back get yo popcorn and enjoy the flim!!

6af940  No.2705732

link to livestream FOX NEWS ??

anyone got one?

060704  No.2705733

File: f7b0180bd866c71⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 640x633, 640:633, pepetearsofkek.jpg)

80bd3e  No.2705734



There is also a theme in language learning that you can find all over the internet.

Many people

Who have learned several languages

Give advice on how you can do it


Than by taking ANY kind of course

There are several of these comprehensive guides

Written by different people

Who have discovered/developed this

On their own

And hundreds of tip websites.

Google for things like:

The Best Way to Learn a Language: What the Science Says

How to learn a language to fluency quickly and effectively

The Best and Fastest Way to Learn Another Language

How I Learned a Language in 90 Days

The Best Way to Learn a New Language is Easier Than You Think

And variations on those phrases.

My advice?

Find at least two of these guides

And read them

Then follow their advice

But once a week

Spend 10 minutes looking for new tips

And add them to your personalized program of learning

That you modify to best suit you

And do not take any courses

Not even online ones

By the way, I speak 7 or 8 languages

Good enough to travel

Only three fluently

But a dozen others, I can get by in

If I really need to

dae026  No.2705735

how do anons feel about classified information?

should information be classified for the sole reason of hiding nefarious deeds done or decisions made by our elected officials?

hiding actions that go directly against our constitution/we the people?

i think that type of classified information is largely why we are in this mess.

i would bet more than 50% of all US classified information falls into the cover up category.

i wonder what percentage of veterans who kill themselves have held clearances…

probably sucks to take an oath only to later find out it is all complete bullshit

glad we're rolling out this slow plan so we don't hurt the weak minded liberals, while our patriots are offing themselves by the dozens. should have gone with shock & awe military coup of HRC

wonder who made that decision

probably classified.

18d5cf  No.2705736




Well, of course that's one of many ways evidence is obtained. Cops who mistakenly execute a search warrant at the wrong house and discover evidence of a completely different crime committed by different people may be admitted into court.

Who's side is Cohen and Mueller on is the question. Will falsified evidence be admitted against Trump that is claimed to have been seized during the Cohen raid? Cohen and Mueller are both dirty, but were they flipped to support MAGA? Or, is Cohen pretending to flip when he's been part of the deep state plan against Trump all along?

So if this raid and prosecution of Cohen was just a deep state show to give the appearance that they had to force Cohen to flip, when will Trump drop the hammer? Trump must have known Cohen was no good all along, so likely Trump knew about this planned move in the cabal playbook.

Maybe good FBI agents raided Cohen to secure evidence against the cabal, but Mueller and Cohen are sticking to their plan to incriminate Trump.

fbbe3d  No.2705737

I copypasta from the post and it worked for me, maybe another anon could give it a go?

2d9dca  No.2705738


KEK it's official now

c157e0  No.2705739

1f83e8  No.2705740



144468  No.2705741

File: 32b8d8e630bf918⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 225x225, 1:1, DB.jpg)


While I don't think his forecasting is correct, listen carefully to his response about those are willing to throw in the towel.


1698bc  No.2705742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6efc08  No.2705743


>Sealed indictments would eliminate that concern.

I assume you mean the sealed indictments being post dated prior to statute of limitations. Do they have to be actioned, or just stamped/signed?

1961e8  No.2705744

File: 6665b5f8c0f34e3⋯.jpg (66.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, secret-empires-cover-640x4….jpg)

This book, is SO GOOD!

"The Princelings" Joe Biden's son Hunter, John Kerry's step-son, Nesbit, Soros.

It's ALL here. I have an MP3, of the Audiobook, where can I post it??


fbbe3d  No.2705745

e16cdb  No.2705746

File: 2446bf263cd5847⋯.jpg (67.46 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 2446bf263cd5847ed7f65fe1af….jpg)

Cohen Was The Leaker

We speculated months ago now that Cohen was in fact a leaker. Now with Lanny Davis mafia lawyer for Illuminati Oligarchs, we see that indeed, Cohen was probably the leak all along. Or just one of many.

3547ae  No.2705747

File: b08283857b30938⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 240x253, 240:253, b08283857b3093893f46b2dabb….jpg)


Trump resigns pence pardons pence makes trump vp pence resigns trump presidency again and makes pence vp. Kek

73dba2  No.2705748


I read the sec clearances are renewed every 5 years. Or they arent. Shrink govt, drain the swamp.

641a66  No.2705749

File: e9ddf6526c58164⋯.png (136.84 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, obeseachu.png)


Those monitoring these boards know what I am asking for and know what I bring to the table.

I require safe passage to London. If planes aren't possible, then my proximity to the morning sun is viable. I just need the invitation.

f95e06  No.2705750

File: a7ed146f3a42b57⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 541x613, 541:613, kahn podesta 2016 london.JPG)



Reverse image search it on gargle. Pulls up a couple of plebbit threads discussing Podesta's trip to London to meet with Khan.

7675cc  No.2705751


Eric P. Schwartz


cb4f00  No.2705752

File: 19465d41c30b14e⋯.png (514.14 KB, 654x809, 654:809, SDavis re Federalist re Ti….PNG)

File: 89116b2a1c63729⋯.png (146.58 KB, 535x894, 535:894, Federalist 1 re Tibbetts 8….PNG)

File: 4a5e21c3f26b872⋯.png (105.05 KB, 506x573, 506:573, Federalist 2 re Tibbetts 8….PNG)

IMO, there has not been enough public shaming and ridicule in regards to how MSM has covered Mollie Tibbetts Murder

Please consider sharing this article or retweeting


New York Times ‘Seizes’ On Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts To Attack Donald Trump

The paper stealth edited a report on an illegal immigrant murdering Mollie Tibbetts in order to criticize President Trump.


060704  No.2705753

File: affe9e53a732a4e⋯.png (27.63 KB, 300x250, 6:5, affe9e53a732a4e94d8ed99e0e….png)

464abe  No.2705754

File: a83c651244dac48⋯.jpg (102.83 KB, 740x1110, 2:3, deerburger10.jpg)


In the Midwest, this is ground game.

992371  No.2705755

File: 3d6f33891b16122⋯.png (617.16 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

1698bc  No.2705756

File: 19eb429bcbce408⋯.png (44.81 KB, 427x322, 61:46, ClipboardImage.png)


(not full crumb)

I'm thinking Cohen may have done this

f481e4  No.2705757


Local politics

929ed2  No.2705758


Hello, top anon. Would you mind checking this statement for my upcoming article with the Washington Post:

""Q", the letter signed at the end of each cryptic post on internet dungeon websites, such as 4 chan and Reddit, has developed a following of perverts and homophobes who show their disdain for Jews, accusing them of committing 9-eleven, and of homosexual rites of passage, while continually posting images of scantly clad, and even nude women, which they use as inspiration in their incessant digging in to "crumbs", detailed posts by the elusive Q character."

Does this sound accurate?

274431  No.2705759


…Diana Jenkins is better. the rosetta stone of hollywood pedo enablers

5590f9  No.2705760


12f51f  No.2705761

File: 17cacfb00542aee⋯.png (444.13 KB, 1081x503, 1081:503, GWins4.PNG)

File: c16d0223fe8c09b⋯.png (349.99 KB, 845x539, 845:539, Gwins5.PNG)

File: 5a739b65ff5c67b⋯.png (542.83 KB, 840x394, 420:197, Gwinswins.PNG)

File: 9bacdbf3579fb7d⋯.png (541.68 KB, 952x548, 238:137, GWins.PNG)

God Wins Bread is Delicious

73dba2  No.2705762


An instant classic meme.

f0feb4  No.2705763

File: ebfeec27c646dad⋯.png (441.64 KB, 706x767, 706:767, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)



I think I understand both tweets.



Thanks for this anon, new to me.

79cc1d  No.2705764

File: 56b4575f8f72063⋯.png (646.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, cuomo10.png)

302454  No.2705765

File: 68639638596f5d2⋯.png (946.04 KB, 1400x5552, 175:694, lrNHGbS.png)

33bec7  No.2705766


>t. nowfag

ebae32  No.2705767



7675cc  No.2705768


After law school, Schwartz worked for the human rights organization Asia Watch (now the Asia Division of Human Rights Watch). In 1989, he became a staff consultant of the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. He worked there until 1993, when he moved to the United States National Security Council, serving in a variety of functions, with his senior most title being Senior Director and Special Assistant to the President for Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs. There, he played a role in drafting the Clinton Administration's response to a number of peacekeeping, humanitarian and refugee issues, including U.S. involvement in the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor, the deployment of U.S. forces to train peacekeeping forces in West Africa, the resettlement of Kurdish refugees from Northern Iraq, resettlement of Vietnamese boat people, the safe haven effort for Haitian refugees in 1994, and U.S. relief efforts in Central America and Kosovo. He left the National Security Council in 2001.

On June 12, 2017, Schwartz became president of Refugees International, leading the organization in its efforts to promote solutions to displacement crises worldwide.[2]

ca8b60  No.2705769

File: d2957afcf5232ce⋯.jpg (25.39 KB, 360x270, 4:3, BackHole.jpg)

ed3c05  No.2705770


I dont think POTUS would make such a rookie mistake of hiring a cabal comped lawyer though, also an anon posted source before of the raid being carried out by POTUS appointees. I'm trusting the plan on this one.

48e6b0  No.2705771


U.S. Military To Assault U.S. Citizens: 1878 Posse Comitatus Act Destroyed


When one learns that these criminals have set it up so that they can immediately abolish the U.S. Constitution and setup military tribunals under the Patriot Act where anyone they accuse does not even have any right to prove themselves innocent or defend themselves, one realizes that the time to act in removing these Satan worshipers (Yale Bones Club and 30+ degree Masons) from government is past due.

It is time to get active America. These idiots in government have certainly been active.

Start by not paying taxes until they can show you a legitimate law that mandates you pay the IRS and County taxes. Note the 16th Amendment was not ratified. If you pay the IRS you fund terrorism and the assault against other U.S. Citizens. Under international law funding the terrorist acts our government is committing amounts to a terrorist act in itself.

Arm yourself and be prepared to fight to the death when Martial Law is declared. Under the 2nd Amendment you are entitled to bear any arms. No government official can limit the type of weapons you arm yourself with, the Constitution is the highest law of the land and it gives you the right to bear arms. Any attempt to regulate or control your right to bear arms is treason, ignore it and hold the person/s who commit the treason accountable for treason. The very purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure that "We the People" have more power than "They the Government". Protect it.

Form Grand Juries by simply randomly selecting 24 individuals from your community. Place the evidence of treason before these Grand Juries and issue indictments in every County across the nation to arrest any individual who commits treason by destroying our great U.S. Constitution. The first people to focus on are the very judges, police and DA's in your own County. Recognize that secret societies such as the Yale Bones Club and Masons are providing the underlying recruiting arms of a Satanic sect who has taken control of not only the U.S. but most countries and currencies. Follow the money supply and you will quickly uncover who's behind most actions.

Liberty For Life

d23df0  No.2705772


They're sealed because they're still building cases on some of their accomplices. Also have to run all of them past grand juries. Takes time. Can't let any know they're being indicted for sure until they're unsealed. Can't unseal them until after mid-terms because we'll need all our judges confirmed.

An indictment means that

1. There WAS a crime.

2. The grand jury believes the person named likely did it.

3. The named person WILL be arrested…it's just a matter of time.

Sealed usually because person is flight risk or because law enforcement is still collecting/building cases on accomplices.

Or so the law sites say.

The idea that there are so very many of them is the big shocker for most normies. Why now? Why all of a sudden after Huber's appointment?

13d734  No.2705773


I am not the top anon, but your L.A. Times colleague who'd actually do the interview. WTF are you doing here?

14cacc  No.2705774


TRUTH. Truth is the way, it is life.


Don't let shills tell you to take this path. I get 200% where it comes from but that is their tactic to minimize this exposure and sweep it under the rug - by trying to destroy YOUR sympathy for her.

She was one of our people who was murdered by a fucking illegal animal. Racially motivated murder.


73dba2  No.2705775


Where I am is the belly of the beast. I consider myself a kind of sleeper cell. There's a DHS office nearby too.

7675cc  No.2705776


In 2003, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Sérgio Vieira de Mello invited Schwartz to join the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. After Vieiera de Mello's assassination in the Canal Hotel bombing, Schwartz served as Chief of Office in the Geneva Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. He served there until 2004. In 2005, Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan appointed Schwartz as UN Deputy Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. In this capacity, Schwartz served under Bill Clinton, who was the Secretary-General's Special Envoy. He served as Deputy Special Envoy until 2007.

After leaving the United Nations, Schwartz became Executive Director of The Connect U.S. Fund.

President of the United States Barack Obama nominated Schwartz to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration. This appointment was confirmed by the United States Senate on June 19, 2009. Schwartz was sworn into office on July 9, 2009, and left office on October 4, 2011.

afa69f  No.2705777


for s&b anons i found a geological survey of ouachita area by a mr sommers (1971). skimming it i see mention of valuable deposits of silica granite sandstone quartz and porphyric crystals. maybe there is more beneath the surface. s&b clubhouse at the alotian? like as in alois? do we have a dedicated arkanthread? https://www.geology.ar.gov/pdf/Meta-Arkose-1977-Stone-Haley.pdf

b57673  No.2705778


Fair enough. I hope that they will see your post(s)

929ed2  No.2705779


Fuck you, that took me a half an hour!

e0e55d  No.2705780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What are shovels used for?

= W[hite] hat used ears for shovel.


You are just supposed to listen.


9549fb  No.2705781


When two high schools met to play for the D-1 championship title in a Fresno, California stadium, their fans were shocked to hear the announcer tell them there would be no national anthem. After booing the announcement, it was how they responded that has Americans cheering for them and their decision to show their patriotism. These fans were true role models for the kids on the field, and for Americans everywhere.

ad798d  No.2705782


I'm not saying that Cohen is a good guy ( he might be tho)

Either way, would Trump ( or Trump people) give Cohen evidence and it was discovered in the raid? Did Cohen know of any evidence in his office, that could be used against somebody other than potus .. we might never know. But Qs crumb was a feel good crumb on introducing evidence. I'll go dig it up.. stand by.kek

5a0ad1  No.2705783

File: 4c19b7d1565f0ca⋯.png (262.26 KB, 512x341, 512:341, hor1.png)

de7cac  No.2705784


I've been looking for this pic for a while now, thanks.

18d5cf  No.2705785


Unless perhaps Trump had Cohen under surveillance the whole time.

cdc7e8  No.2705786

File: 4454b50999d72b9⋯.jpg (822.8 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, 064854107efc71a57dd859fed4….jpg)

5189cd  No.2705787


Last call for updates

#3416 Baker Change

>>2705132 'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

>>2705185 Clockfag Update

>>2705232 Clinton email chain relaying gaps to exploit in moving children after Haiti quake:

>>2705280 Graph of relationships of the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors

>>2705316 Verizon Incompetence and Greed Leaves Firefighters Throttled During Wildfire

>>2705397 Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

>>2705512 Remember Cohen raid 'hand picked by Trump'?

>>2705548 Syria: Battle for Idlib has begun

>>2705616, >>2705724 This document discusses the governments role in our education systems

>>2705699 It Begins: Democrats Label President Trump “Unindicted Co-Conspirator,” Refuse to Work

>>2705706 Illegal immigrant who committed multiple rapes after 2012 ICE detainer not enforced gets 80 years in prison

>>2705752 New York Times ‘Seizes’ On Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts To Attack Donald Trump

641a66  No.2705788


Asahi in Japanese means "Morning sun", btw

Solving two clues for the price of one. I can solve many more fi I'm given safe passage.

00af9e  No.2705789

I am one of the older Anons here and I have been here since the 4chan days. I have baked some breads and I think amongst my friends here that I am in good standing and can represent our board well in your article. I'll answer your questions if you promise anonymity. Ask away!!

929ed2  No.2705790


I was just going to ask you the same thing! Is that you Allison? Tits or GTFO!

73dba2  No.2705791

File: e6318fe59505283⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 594x435, 198:145, maxine.jpg)

File: 0a8502df7609700⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 474x474, 1:1, triggered girl meme.jpg)

421aac  No.2705792

File: d37eb8f39bc62a7⋯.jpg (30.42 KB, 474x430, 237:215, this high.jpg)

060704  No.2705793

File: cdb6fd674e77058⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 403x398, 403:398, checkembw.jpg)

ad1f3b  No.2705794



Kek, I think it's <5 shills IP hopping. Lots of 1st post concernfagging today

ca8b60  No.2705795

File: 6fd8a43fbaec225⋯.jpg (71.53 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Metamucil.jpg)


Here, take this. Looks like you're a little backed up.


17990a  No.2705796

File: 5fd13bc1b1167e5⋯.png (409.41 KB, 982x594, 491:297, 17 again.png)

17 again in the news

false formulation


ed3c05  No.2705797


True, the plot twists in this movie are great.

833f9d  No.2705798


Muslim meets Cannibal.

d6e0bd  No.2705799


Nice poem.

We will turn all their 1´s to 0´s.


Watch Rick and Morty show us how Trump is going to do the currency reset soon.

Sucks to be the FED or holders of large amounts of worthless bank notes.

73dba2  No.2705800


Evil comes in every color, most often in black and brown. To be accurate, statistically.

274431  No.2705801

File: 53ee08d3c23b025⋯.png (56.04 KB, 265x180, 53:36, Screenshot_2018-08-23 Q Re….png)

d23df0  No.2705802


Praying for Momanon and for you.

5c02f3  No.2705803



Unsigned Cert. Care to throw it up on here?

b52dc6  No.2705804

File: 1e8f1ccd5ba7bb7⋯.png (6.62 MB, 2647x1985, 2647:1985, E8C06992-19A7-48A3-AC58-F7….png)


Thanks phonefagging is gay… I guess he thought It would win too… That smile, just about to order Dominos? :(

302454  No.2705806



You're getting sneaky, saving your shilling for the middle of the bread. You're still filtered.

cbc51e  No.2705807

File: c6837769f7a460e⋯.jpg (182.83 KB, 1698x748, 849:374, andrew cuomo i was never r….jpg)

13d734  No.2705808


Aren't my tits on fappening?

2d2a4d  No.2705809

File: 9ac2926636c7493⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 298x193, 298:193, unexpectedtoken.gif)

73dba2  No.2705811


Yeah, it anything incriminating to anybody was seized under a lawful warrant, it can be used as evidence, subject to the usual challenges by the party being charged, privileges etc.

361251  No.2705812

>>2705807 Says Sandra LEE

b75f93  No.2705813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh badge of honor, from comedy central.

That was a 100% hitpiece

Jordan Sather was surrounded. A FE shill on the left and a hypothesis JFK junior is Q slider on the right. And ofcourse he was also framed at times.

Maybe not intentional but when trying to explain the essence of things to MSM, try to stick with the 100% factuals.

0a03f6  No.2705814

File: 6893ba62ac9f929⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 579x644, 579:644, 2018-08-22 22:26:02Z.jpg)


The traditional news paradigm of interviewing an authoritative person to obtain quotes and attributions to insert into your (pre-written!) article is dead.

No one person is above another.

We are all in this together.

Where we go one, we go all.

b745c9  No.2705815

File: f9dad40936d1826⋯.jpg (137.41 KB, 1093x668, 1093:668, guy expose 2018-2016 compa….jpg)



Both have same freaky looking (top of) ear.

e0e55d  No.2705816

File: 187ebaa76498581⋯.png (393.2 KB, 1325x813, 1325:813, ClipboardImage.png)


>>2689836 old bread

Red shoes solve what? Faur.

Look from afar. Not too close. Build from bottom up to see the map, the mind's eye view of the landscape.

Color alphabet the key/ legend?

See Christian Faur.

73dba2  No.2705817


Never go full libtard.

0376f9  No.2705818

File: b7fd5b030816146⋯.jpeg (8.11 KB, 153x213, 51:71, th-6.jpeg)

421aac  No.2705819

File: cb8ea9a9874d85d⋯.jpg (62.12 KB, 400x590, 40:59, double-trouble-mess.jpg)

1f83e8  No.2705820

File: 06e9358588bb4b6⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 600x490, 60:49, 43-0068a.jpg)

File: eff9adc2a4bac00⋯.jpg (128.16 KB, 600x489, 200:163, Bulge.jpg)

File: 31d717b8289d6f6⋯.jpg (279.79 KB, 1200x811, 1200:811, Navy Pill.jpg)

File: f50f37aca9d310a⋯.png (541.36 KB, 575x800, 23:32, POTUS_6.PNG)

b1f073  No.2705821


Also, speculation has been that since Chen taped everybody he also taped the mockingbirds when he talked to them. No telling what dirt those tapes, if they exist, contain on the media.

Omarosa also - if she was able to tape inside a SCIF, what else does she have on black hats.

I don't believe the released tapes by Cohen's lawyer and Omarosa are anything other than a way to set up the release of the good stuff that helps take down the DS. No coincidences.

48e6b0  No.2705822


Yes she is a beautiful woman, it shines thru in her huge bright smile.

Sending her healing energy thru power of prayer Amen.

5c02f3  No.2705823



Disregard, found elsewhere. Thanks!!

695606  No.2705824

File: 56fbda1faa955d3⋯.jpeg (416.71 KB, 750x970, 75:97, EC66AA03-0CEC-4C1F-B07C-3….jpeg)

Any of you faggots ever see this twat by Nat Rothschild on Jan 20 2018?


Phonefaggin and screenshot missed date but its legit.

b1f073  No.2705825


*Cohen*, not Chen

fbbe3d  No.2705826

File: 30d47989712fd1f⋯.png (358.12 KB, 580x326, 290:163, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2705724 >>2705616 >>2705616

Fusion GPS is a Tentacle of the CIA

Bombshell information outs Nellie Ohr as a CIA Operative


Nellie Ohr is also a CIA operative.

Nellie Ohr represents a CIA organization called "Open Source Works" The DOJ released a report in 2010 that listed Nellie Ohr as a representative of Open Source Works. You can search this 2008 oversight hearing or this 2010 DOD National Security program for "Open Source Works" to confirm it is indeed a CIA organization. I suggest you download them because they will probably be taken down soon.

'Now if you do a search for this exact term: '

"Open Source Works" filetype:pdf site:.gov

You will pull up these PDF documents mentioning Open Source Works on .Gov websites linked above. The last time Open Source Works is mentioned in a public PDF on a .Gov website is in 2011. Which happens to be the same year Fusion GPS was founded.


ad798d  No.2705827

File: 8c4dd22d42d229e⋯.png (312.78 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180822-182259.png)


There ya go brother!

Cohen had something in his office. We are watching a movie.

The left will be mighty surprised, and we need to keep it together.kek

060704  No.2705828

File: 60d2211d5a256b4⋯.gif (3.41 MB, 312x302, 156:151, 60d2211d5a256b4bbc2fa89963….gif)

3547ae  No.2705829

File: e1c480483a33181⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 362x366, 181:183, 1530658969649.jpg)


Tbqh fam

0a53ca  No.2705830

File: 5eee518c048ae09⋯.jpg (69 KB, 960x906, 160:151, o0rhfq39gmh11.jpg)


theres a reason 1 in 50 missing is put in spotlight

2d9dca  No.2705831

ebd1dc  No.2705832


It this what some dudeanons mean by "slap em on the ass and ride the wave?"

274431  No.2705833


I checked the vatican rossary charms and the 'how we got the vatican vestment to NY'.

Met 2018 spring gala had a lot to do with the chachan necklace.

6efc08  No.2705834

File: 8844d4f9ccbf989⋯.png (351.38 KB, 602x545, 602:545, ClipboardImage.png)


Airborne Paratrooper Medal

<pic related

3a77e0  No.2705835


Talk about full-on Jew-sperging…

2d2a4d  No.2705836

d23df0  No.2705837


Always enjoyable. Had one of those moments earlier on twatter. Libtard insisted Trump rallies are filled with paid shills who sit and play with their phones instead of caring anything about being there. Said they even knew some who had done it. Yeah, right, and I stood outside with 10K other Trump supporters because they paid money to fill the place with people who didn't care a crap about being there? I think not. Do they think anybody buys that garbage?

2d9dca  No.2705838


01e1d4  No.2705839

File: f4c702d10300db5⋯.jpeg (743.08 KB, 1818x1818, 1:1, 8646CCD0-6455-4DC3-843F-1….jpeg)

File: 0640b6b3fb6dcd6⋯.jpeg (880.9 KB, 1818x1818, 1:1, A4D1EA80-0C58-4D1A-B8CC-F….jpeg)

File: 9b762920b65d0b7⋯.jpeg (635.73 KB, 1818x1818, 1:1, 5BA66FD4-ED99-4297-B3C0-D….jpeg)

File: 3e7f6f2fa7a321b⋯.jpeg (819.98 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 72832899-75E5-40B6-897B-3….jpeg)

File: 5e1454990cc53bf⋯.jpeg (954.73 KB, 1818x1818, 1:1, 3FBF5E78-CA42-4ECB-BC4A-0….jpeg)

5189cd  No.2705840

File: b167d992ffabe91⋯.png (57.83 KB, 256x144, 16:9, download (1).png)

ce20df  No.2705841


all i wanna do is just zoom zoom zoom in da boom boom

ad798d  No.2705842



Well it's a great thing Q told us to relax waaaaay in advance! Kek.

Pass the popcorn ,Anon!

73dba2  No.2705843


Filed and stamped before the running out of the limitations.

5bc974  No.2705844



I agree. I have not heard this brought up by anyone in years, so I guess this is as good a time as any to point to it. It is one of the most intriguing things I have ever heard regarding Hussein. Might as well post the whole thing for archiving purposes. I'm surprised it is still online, actually.

2 parts to get the whole thing in here…

The First Time I Heard Of Barack By Tom Fife 11-20-8

During the period of roughly February 1992 to mid 1994, I was making frequent trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a software development joint-venture company with some people from the Russian scientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side was named V. M.; he had a wife named T.M.

V. was a level-headed scientist while his wife was rather deeply committed to the losing Communist cause - a cause she obviously was not abandoning.

One evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venture were invited to V. & T.'s Moscow flat as we were about to return to the States. The party went well and we had the normal dinner discussions.

As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough anti-American edge - one her husband tried to quietly rein in.

The bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States went something like this: "You Americans always like to think that you have the perfect government and your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven't you had a woman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice-president and you didn't do it."

The general response went something along the lines that you don't vote for someone just because of their sex. Besides, you don't vote for vice-president, but the president and vice-president as a ticket.

"Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black president very soon."

The consensus we expressed was that we didn't think there was anything innately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure, America would try to vote for the right person, be he or she black or not.

"What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?"

The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, "Well, you will; and he will be a Communist."

It was then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but she was on a roll and would have nothing of it. One of us asked, "It sounds like you know something we don't know."

cont'd in Part 2

7908c1  No.2705845


Oh God. I haven't seen that creepy guys face in so damn long.

Creepy perv is fucking windowless van creepy

8acb51  No.2705847


I think a larger part of the Cohen raid act of the movie is to set the precedent for when we go to look at Marc e. Elias & perkins coie 's and whalts hidden there.

Can't wait for [ME] of [PC]

641a66  No.2705848


btw the morning star reference at >>1794770 has the clock pointing to 9/11

Undiscovered stars are quite the [Nightmare]

5bc974  No.2705849


Part 2 - The First Time I Heard Of Barack By Tom Fife 11-20-8

"Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call "Ivy League". You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That's right, a chocolate baby! And he's going to be your President."

She became more and more smug as she presented her stream of detailed knowledge and predictions so matter-of-factly - as though all were foregone conclusions. "It's all been thought out. His father is not an American black so he won't have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a Communist. He's gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America."

We sat there not knowing what to say. She was obviously very happy that the Communists were doing this and that it would somehow be a thumbing of their collective noses at America: they would give us a black president and he'd be a Communist to boot. She made it quite obvious that she thought that this was going to breathe new life into world Communism. From this and other conversations with her, she always asserted that Communism was far from dead.

She was full of little details about him that she was eager to relate. I thought that maybe she was trying to show off that this truly was a real person and not just hot air.

She rattled off a complete litany. He was from Hawaii. He went to school in California. He lived in Chicago. He was soon to be elected to the legislature. "Have no doubt: he is one of us, a Soviet."

At one point, she related some sort of San Francisco connection, but I didn't understand what the point was and don't recall much about that. I was just left with the notion that she considered the city to be some sort of a center for their activity here.

Since I had dabbled in languages, I knew a smattering of Arabic. I made a comment: "If I remember correctly, 'Barack' comes from the Arabic word for 'Blessing.' That seems to be an odd name for an American." She replied quickly, "Yes. It is 'African'", she insisted, "and he will be a blessing for world Communism. We will regain our strength and become the number one power in the world."

She continued with something to the effect that America was at the same time the great hope and the great obstacle for Communism. America would have to be converted to Communism and Barack was going to pave the way.

So, what does this conversation from 1992 prove?

Well, it's definitely anecdotal. It doesn't prove that Obama has had Soviet Communist training nor that he was groomed to be the first black American president, but it does show one thing that I think is very important. It shows that Soviet Russian Communists knew of Barack from a very early date. It also shows that they truly believed among themselves that he was raised and groomed Communist to pave the way for their future. This report on Barack came personally to me from one of them long before America knew he existed.

Although I had never before heard of him, at the time of this conversation Obama was 30+ years old and was obviously tested enough that he was their anticipated rising star.


7675cc  No.2705850


Julissa Reynoso : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julissa_Reynoso

Active in Clinton's 2008 campaign, then joined Obama's

Prior to joining the Obama administration, Reynoso was an attorney in private practice at the international law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP in New York. Reynoso resided in the Washington Heights neighborhood in Manhattan and served on the boards of several non-profit groups.

deputy assistant secretary in bureau of western hemisphere affairs in clinton's state dept

made ambassador to uruguay in march 2012

member of council on foreign relations and western hemisphere think tank "inter-american dialogue"

e0e55d  No.2705852

File: 9c0b297ada8de03⋯.png (3.59 MB, 4519x614, 4519:614, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6a5f9be509f9c1⋯.png (2.65 MB, 2485x1825, 497:365, ClipboardImage.png)

f895f3  No.2705854

File: 57947b33340c1ae⋯.jpg (446.89 KB, 2508x2255, 228:205, my fren.jpg)

f0feb4  No.2705857

File: a438dcfa9f25bbb⋯.jpg (61.79 KB, 375x459, 125:153, ry510d3dd3.jpg)


204b91  No.2705858


I think you like choking on Dick

73dba2  No.2705859


I've been to London 25 x, I'm not planning to visit again at this point anyway. Not against it, but it's not as appealing anymore.

929ed2  No.2705860


High there, anon. I have a statement for you, if you wouldn't mind corroborating,

"Internet surfers find themselves addicted to marijuana in increasing numbers, are mindlessly following their digital guru, "Q", an anonymous web poster who has these "trolls" convinced that there is secret white house information that only they have been made privy to."

Would you consider this an accurate statement? I'll be sure to give you credit.

5c02f3  No.2705861

File: 2e8fb458631791f⋯.png (21.55 KB, 531x52, 531:52, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


> like as in alois?


3a77e0  No.2705862


Leave it to one of (((you))) to share some vile, pornographic, shit… Worthless.

73dba2  No.2705863

ce20df  No.2705864


whats your question hun?

833f9d  No.2705865

File: a95be1ecc9640b4⋯.jpg (104.7 KB, 674x506, 337:253, anonincharge.jpg)

d3b3c7  No.2705867

File: 28bf40656f5e200⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 459x600, 153:200, 4ed60c65c1f55501c42e5667cf….jpg)


diz is my pool wut you want honkey?

4d7403  No.2705868

File: eff628c9dfd41db⋯.jpeg (90.25 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 6D310E21-4B2D-4069-B33D-A….jpeg)

IMma grab some food stamp sushi whilst the infomercial unravels

Spoiler alert , it's tax evasion wrapped in real estate frauds . Like that show Dallas

929ed2  No.2705869

7d7dfe  No.2705871


Gay. Try harder with ur stupid graphics. Glow brighter pelican.

361251  No.2705872

>>2705860 Puff, Puff. Pass

d23df0  No.2705873


Yep, the "it's debunked because we said it's debunked" excuse. Nobody's ever actually debunked any of it (oh, it's debunked because there's no basement…whooops, we mean, yeah, there's a basement but we're going to keep saying there isn't one…).

ebd1dc  No.2705874


who said it was "secret"?

it is all public information

this is a 'public board" you stupid fuk

fcda79  No.2705875

File: fd22b71d0aa5769⋯.gif (2 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Pepe Pharoah in Flames.gif)

73dba2  No.2705876


This is all true and correct.

2c1d63  No.2705877

File: 7fa11606d62f9eb⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 356x357, 356:357, PunisherCat.jpg)


you forgot genius.

fdc9b1  No.2705879


Good Digging Anon!!!


If not already in there.

7675cc  No.2705880


what does "pelican" and "pelicanfag" mean

8acb51  No.2705881


I believe it's

Front Anon


Top Anon.

Get with the times Anon

bff7c6  No.2705882

929ed2  No.2705883


Thank you for your contribution. I'll be sure to pass on the suggestion to my editor, and you'll, of course, get credit in the article.

73dba2  No.2705884


The lack of leaks makes the sealed indictments theory less credible. I havent checked pacer myself.

352322  No.2705885


just to add a crumb on the Skip Rutherford dig


mascot: Owls

Skip is a noted Alumnus www.phideltatheta.org/

e40b0c  No.2705886

File: 603c8e6bf50dd0d⋯.jpeg (109.59 KB, 754x500, 377:250, B4130D87-4EC6-4C0E-A217-E….jpeg)

File: 8abab7b6be1f957⋯.jpeg (117.42 KB, 699x499, 699:499, 325332E9-0147-4DC7-BF84-F….jpeg)

File: afc8a7cf85df8e7⋯.jpeg (87.38 KB, 500x645, 100:129, 26C5A80C-BE32-46D2-AE5C-2….jpeg)

File: d357db79074dcff⋯.jpeg (25.87 KB, 296x170, 148:85, 9E78FFC0-B6F1-4E37-8B7C-7….jpeg)

4d7403  No.2705887

File: ebfb1c6485caa08⋯.jpg (505.79 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_2681.JPG)

File: 6d0c0258fa48618⋯.jpg (324.7 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2682.JPG)

THey are somewhere thinking of you too

5f2442  No.2705888

File: 761ccab96875438⋯.png (157.81 KB, 576x351, 64:39, ClipboardImage.png)

2d56f0  No.2705889

File: 0bd87d303b195f3⋯.jpg (113.59 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DP Glove.jpg)


What if the landing was real, and the footage was fake?

What did the Astronauts see across from them on the crater?

What followed them before they landed?

>Find the missing audio tape.

I think the footage was made to cover up the truth.

I don't think anyone was prepared for what they saw.


>In the movie..the MINDSTONE is the one stone. Spot on back of gauntlet

It's the Cabal bragging.

Controlling the minds of the masses is the top priority.

It's Prime.

(((They))) wave it in your face.

>Symbolism will be their downfall.

1698bc  No.2705890


Patriots don't leak

04c862  No.2705891

File: f93b3080c1ad987⋯.gif (4.55 MB, 320x240, 4:3, dog-vomit-o.gif)


Just for you AFLB

Fm: Lurkerfag

157090  No.2705893

File: 4812dc8db2b2be0⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 454x381, 454:381, e1fc1464fd1606c084d4c5f892….jpg)

3547ae  No.2705894


It means you need to fuck off..generally at least. Someone saw you glowing.

12f51f  No.2705895

So Cuba just got cell phone access, said they were trying it for a day to see how it goes, heard it on fox,immediately brought to mind Gitmo

929ed2  No.2705896

File: 6c60f6c25afb1ac⋯.png (462.17 KB, 514x472, 257:236, ClipboardImage.png)

2d9dca  No.2705897


How was it when the Rabbi bit the end of your dick off and sucked out your blood?

0929e6  No.2705898


Maybe you should post this in several breads.

It's interesting.

274431  No.2705899

File: 9b2fb7edd5df0f2⋯.jpg (100.45 KB, 641x362, 641:362, sisterhood.jpg)

File: ddbc7981d1eb389⋯.png (421.41 KB, 641x362, 641:362, ddbc7981d1eb389ef397cace4e….png)


Took me 47 secs to find

5189cd  No.2705900

File: 8330e2a4d19d53e⋯.jpg (125.19 KB, 672x536, 84:67, 8ccac198eccd1021cf9d723456….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

e6f69c  No.2705901


>It takes time, if we go too fast it's not gonna be any good.

If we go too fast the bad guys will get wet.

ce20df  No.2705902


that mfer is gangstar

riden dirty

f0feb4  No.2705904

e0e55d  No.2705905



Ask questions and Anons will respond as needed. Or lurk moar and study more than the chats. Study and learn then ask again?

3547ae  No.2705906


Hey I'm actually Q but I'm on an old laptop at Starbucks ask me anything

929ed2  No.2705907

File: f0c2dcc605eb88e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 526.49 KB, 418x483, 418:483, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll make sure to notify my editor and name you in the credits on this Pulitzer prize winning article.

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