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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

3afeaf  No.2686600

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Cap: >>2685833 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

3afeaf  No.2686609


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

#3391 Bread OP: >>2685812

>>2685857 Q's PF172 Reddit Link Cap

>>2686023 Original source of Q's PF172 reddit link

>>2686000 Charles Tawil FBI/CIA Asset and George Papadopoulos 10K Sting Op Theory

>>2686067 A version of the Reddit link was in notables earlier in the month

>>2686224 Jenny Moore, WJC sex crime investigator's death in OAN FBI i'view

>>2686259 Trust the plan explanatory Graphic

>>2686305 Kavanaugh Memo-for-record on RR being shut out of V. Foster's murder matters

>>2686338, >>2686353 Comey plus C's Global Initiative times CF equals fuckery

>>2686008 Pastebin Link to Q's PF172 without extra line breaks

>>2686497 Invite-only Uplifters Ranch linked to Heather Podesta?

>>2686509 March 2018 Lisa Bars write up

>>2686596 #3391

#3390 New Baker Bread OP: >>2684983

>>2685109, >>2685153, >>2685175 Amazon news: health care, retail, & gov't contracts

>>2685116 Geoengineering Could Lead To Lower Crop Yields: New Study

>>2685229, >>2685557, >>2685637 Tycoon&Fam killed in seaplane crash has left £41 million to Oxfam

>>2685206, >>2685244 New POTUS tweet nod to ES & voting tech?

>>2685282 Good compilation of Soros fuckery in Social Media conservative censorship plan

>>2685114, >>2685384 USN helos buzz Green Bay Packers in surprise flyover... Intent unknown

>>2685480, >>2685482 Latest POTUS twatts

>>2685556 When they're not having sex with them, they make the children tend the marijuana

>>2685574 MuhRussia! not working according to Gallup

>>2685686, >>2685697 Hussein out politicking

>>2685837 #3390


>>2684372 Hannity Leaks to Audience There Is a Sequence of Emails That Prove Brennan Is Lying About Dossier

>>2684243 (lb) Anon gives plausible decode of London Photo and Q's "Smile" to Comey

>>2684416, >>2684423 No coincidences: TOUCHSTONE & Brennan's Muzlim Treason

>>2684685 Moar Touchstone - Mueller & Hussein

>>2684569 [[[HRC]]] to Host Three DNC Fundraisers

>>2684585 Judge that just allowed Mack out is same judge that blocked POTUS' rollback of DACA + BC appointee

>>2684705 Was Strzok stung by his Papadopoulos sting?

>>2684565, >>2684798 Anon theory on Sea-Tac Q400/Rich Russel transcript + Who is Andrew?

>>2684882 Symbolism: Aerial view of the Creative Artist's Agency (CAA)

>>2684007 (lb) Fishing is Fun: Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation - Dig Moar

>>2684961 #3389


>>2683531 RNC $100 million ahead of DNC after another record-breaking month of fundraising

>>2683587 Trump Urges Senate to Pass Bill That Would Crack Down on Illicit Opioid Shipments

>>2683654 Brennan Denies Dossier Allegations, but Congress Wants Answers

>>2683676 Planefag update

>>2683784 Court approves Allison Mack’s request to get a job, go to school and church

>>2683666, >>2683818, >>2683862, >>2683885, >>2683918, >>2684097 Comey-FBI-Touchstone Digs

>>2683913, >>2683970 Reddit Outage Update: Most of East Coast Now Affected

>>2683972 US Army/Inscom Organizational Diagrams + Graphics

>>2684090 John Brennan Claims He Was Only Aware of Russia Dossier Because it Was in Media Reports

>>2684200 #3388

Previously Collected Notables

>>2682833 #3385, >>2682841 #3386, >>2683472 #3387

>>2679507 #3382, >>2680287 #3383, >>2681039 #3384

>>2677207 #3379, >>2677996 #3380, >>2678724 #3381

>>2674827 #3376, >>2675611 #3377, >>2676437 #3378

>>2676196 #3373, >>2676402 #3374, >>2674036 #3375

>>2670160 #3370, >>2670947 #3371, >>2671734 #3372

>>2667762 #3367, >>2668525 #3368, >>2670329 #3369

>>2665422 #3364, >>2668534 #3365, >>2667666 #3366

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

3afeaf  No.2686610

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2660102

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

3afeaf  No.2686611

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

3afeaf  No.2686612

Dough 3392


910b79  No.2686634

File: a1586cb5d9173dc⋯.jpeg (10.47 KB, 262x192, 131:96, images-17.jpeg)

e33b80  No.2686636

File: 38083fdcc15c0aa⋯.png (339.96 KB, 649x550, 59:50, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


d8ff9c  No.2686637



629bfb  No.2686640

File: 20ba3d23eda204d⋯.png (1012.95 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F8771D0A-6F75-4C70-924F-2E….png)

(PB) (Me)

Planefags: SkyKings need EAM transcribing assistance. Started getting busy today…

d5a379  No.2686641

>>2686529 lb

post url and ill tell you

910b79  No.2686642

File: 5cda41a3671a8b6⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 10257254_740731489320361_7….jpg)

073d62  No.2686643



Doesn't look like it unless mom is a ferret.

d539d1  No.2686644


They forgot soros

04a294  No.2686645

File: 74ea3a8f7ef1643⋯.png (245.91 KB, 774x401, 774:401, Screenshot_121 - Copy (2) ….png)

>>2686067 lb lb


So, the question is:

Why is Q posting so much Reddit shit?

And in regards to this NOTABLE, why not link to Q Research?

Just something to mull over.

Is it the Porn?

948cd9  No.2686646

So if RR is /badboy/, why does POTUS appoint him?

fe9eda  No.2686647

>>2686614 lb

Not trying to pursuade obvious fucking retards

You do it for me

Not impressed with the level of interest here

This is basically leftists that we are talking to here

"Hillary Clinton made up the alt right"?

How do you expect me to answer that retardation?

Sorry fren. I can't handle that stupidity right before bed.

9366d4  No.2686648

File: e9d73f78035f036⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 800x611, 800:611, liquidkitty.jpg)

Real comfy Baker TY

eb3866  No.2686649

File: 680c6babcf73fdf⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 2222x2126, 1111:1063, QJFKNov221963.jpg)

I wonder…

The MAGA hats….

Would anyone maybe agree with the possibility of a Red (Trucker) Hat being the polar opposite of custom made Red Shoes?

c2e4b0  No.2686650

>>2686627 (end of last bread)

wow, what a cheap ass shot faggot

you bitch and moan with 5 posts left, when the baker gave you EVERY CHANCE TO VOICE AN OPINION

go fuck yourself, not even the baker, but thats some fucking bullshit

the BO has been monitoring this whole time you dumb fuck, he chekked this baker in

you're way of whining has been noted, if you bitch at me like that when I bake I will completely disregard you

all for a nonsense title from two breads ago

the funny act is, I'm likely younger than you shill, grow up or btfo

that is ridiculous

that being said, thanks baker, the title is fucking hilarious

4063c8  No.2686651

File: 950532578d69463⋯.jpg (7.52 KB, 206x309, 2:3, 001.jpg)

TY Baker

eb3866  No.2686652

File: b30d2e2098c11ae⋯.jpg (104.51 KB, 564x402, 94:67, 74862dc092ce7553dca2afec9d….jpg)


I don't have a URL.

This isn't even a huge map…

But… something like this?

948cd9  No.2686653

File: 132679c0e7f06e9⋯.png (307.35 KB, 447x437, 447:437, 1482876052405.png)


lb "I'm off this ship"

Please do fuck off glowing faggot

af3e19  No.2686654

>>2686595 lb

That's what I said

But Madonna is only level 5.

Gloria V was 3 levels lower down at 8th.

Asia Argento is also at 8th level.

The lowest you can go is the 9th level of Hell

And the only one I could find with that rank was Philippine Rothschild who died in 2014.

I haven't seriously searched historical figures at all but I would not be surprised to find some Royal families like Habsburg are displaying the WITCHES rank.

acc7ed  No.2686655

I don't understand the problem with anons just suggesting Notables with labels to help Baker.

Baker now posting up to 40 times to try and get Notables is a waste.

Anons suggest Notables with labels to help Baker like usually done.

52250f  No.2686656

>>2686500 (prev)

What an ugly thing to say. I abhor ugliness... does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know, if I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it.

103548  No.2686657


consider suicide

6dfe43  No.2686658


POTUS is selling RR his very own rope.

04a294  No.2686659


Good question, Anon.

0faaa2  No.2686661

>>2686425 pb

>>2686433 pb

>>2686455 pb

>>2686469 pb

>>2686532 pb

I’m coming up with Pi Beta Phi, but unsure how it relates to 18 6 5.

Pi Beta Phi was founded as a secret organization under the name of I.C. Sorosis on April 28, 1867 at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. Pi Beta Phi is regarded as the first national women's fraternity.[2] It began when twelve female students wished to enjoy the benefits of a secret society similar to those formed by collegiate men. The founders were Clara Brownlee Hutchinson, Libbie Brook Gaddis, Emma Brownlee Kilgore, Margaret Campbell, Rosa Moore, Ada Bruen Grier, Nancy Black Wallace, Jennie Horne Turnbull, Jennie Nicol, Inez Smith Soule, Fannie Thomson, and Fannie Whitenack Libbey.[3] They planned their society at the home of Major Jacob H. Holt, where two of the women rented a room. The name chosen for the society was I.C. Sorosis. The motto chosen was Pi Beta Phi.

The first fraternity convention was held in 1868 at the home of Fannie Thomson in Oquawka, Illinois. It was also in that year that the fraternity's second chapter was established at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. The expansion made Pi Beta Phi the first national (multi-chapter) women's secret society.

Began in Illinois in 1867, then (HRC’s alumnus) in Iowa. Colors are Wine red, symbol of a talon bird holding arrows, unofficial mascot is Angelica the “angel” and more.


14966a  No.2686662

>>2686621 lb

I will. There is a lot of info to digest in this. Bruce Ohr is a significant figure in all this. So is Nellie. I just wanted to see if there was any interest before doing to the work to make it easy to consume.

fe9eda  No.2686663

>>2686619 lb

>>you're a national socialist

>>just say it

I don't know if I am

I love Hitler

I love truth

I hate FDR

I hate Democrats

I hate faggots like you that understand nothing and love faggot commie democrats like FDR IKE and TRUMAN (alll jews BTW)

I hate RINOS

I hate CUCKS





You try and figure out what that makes me

c2e4b0  No.2686664


>alt right

that term yes, its ideology no

then respectfully go back to /pol/ anon

db43c4  No.2686665


Where did you find this info?

Ranks and his to identify. Please.

6feb67  No.2686666



>If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

>If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Repeatedly reference by Q.

c2e4b0  No.2686667



eat muh pasta again:





MUELLER EXONERATES POTUS, supervised by RR for OPTICS (publicly)


(RR and Mueller are both dirty, but were flipped from white hats to grey hats for this op aka The Plan)

d539d1  No.2686668

File: 46b2158f875e4ba⋯.png (201.85 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 516E84FF-7BDA-4A56-86B4-BA….png)

File: 51ee227b4cdfdb5⋯.png (242.26 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F609CC4B-DBDC-4A3E-AE91-E4….png)

File: 1f23bc4c1f1a6d9⋯.png (276.94 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 389FDCAE-8063-4F62-90CD-8B….png)

File: f70946ed1ecec2a⋯.png (351.99 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E96DBAED-6E06-4B1C-9A87-5E….png)

File: b70084fbdde5326⋯.png (140.22 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 28B51B5C-328E-4614-A0A7-5D….png)


6feb67  No.2686669

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, kikedamagecontrol.gif)


You literal glorious faggots.

ThanQ baker.

gif related, (((shills))) ALL the time.

04a294  No.2686670

File: 003b0f4528327a3⋯.png (43.53 KB, 425x319, 425:319, Screenshot_317 - Copy - Co….png)

161702  No.2686671

File: fe09aeaf526a6ff⋯.jpg (42 KB, 241x321, 241:321, Nona.jpg)

STREGA NONA - Grandmother Witch

Strega Nona is a children's book written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. It is Aarne-Thompson type 565, the magic mill. It concerns Strega Nona ("Grandma Witch") and her helper. The helper causes the title character's magic pasta pot to create so much pasta that it nearly flooded and buried a town.

Children's book called Grandmother Witch?

She makes PASTA?

WTF is this?

52250f  No.2686672


WTF Where is this Rank info coming from? How can you tell what rank anyone is?

d81d24  No.2686674


So he can investigate and prosecute the bad actors he was conspiring with, only to show his hypocrisy when he too gets investigated and prosecuted for the same crimes with the same bad actors?

ad5e13  No.2686675

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

You people don't make any goddamn sense.

I know TWICE on the front door, and your goddamn idiot checks the side door both times instead while I waited right outside his fucking front door wall for him. I had to go around and knock on his fucking air conditioning unit, go back to where I was and STILL he had to look at me TWICE to realize I was there.

Two down, one to go.

You guys are so fucked.

And the chances to leave are ticking down?

Or did you think you weren't picked up that day by chance?


You were left for ME.

Who else doesn't have a fucking phone? Because I saw that faggot-ass across the street using one when I knocked yesterday.

f7b165  No.2686676

File: 52b9bacc7d77537⋯.jpg (252.36 KB, 960x942, 160:157, images.duckduckgquado.com.jpg)


This image stops precisely at the quadraceps

4063c8  No.2686677


Fag no like booty?

acc7ed  No.2686678


Yes, and the connection between CIA sending non-FBI agents over has not been covered much.

Georgetown - CIA - FBI

I know Strzok went that route, I wonder how many more.

McCabe? etc.

d8ff9c  No.2686679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lovely thunderstorm in Chicago. Time for some Herbie.

fe9eda  No.2686680


No she didn't create the fucking term

God you faggots are fucking dumb

The ideology is not universally agreed on

But it is pro white

You clearly are not

So fuck off

Especially because you are a liar or dumb

9dbe0c  No.2686681

>>2686570 (Lb)

You mean it was notable a month ago.?

Damn I didn't know this group was that slow.

I hope you don't wait for guidance..

don't talk tough when I know RR wife was a point of interest a long time ago. there's not much info. I'm just pointing a fact that this don't mean much if the law don't prevail against these clowns. but you pissed me off. so fuck off.

f7b165  No.2686682


Oops, I spelled quadriceps wrong…er…wait…I meant to say "everything has meaning…"…

52250f  No.2686683


Was the pharmacy out of lithium?

b2e61d  No.2686684

File: 98fef2b3e3758c4⋯.jpg (132.81 KB, 720x714, 120:119, barsoomian-2[1].jpg)

File: 3187db192822db2⋯.jpg (64.94 KB, 508x473, 508:473, Rod-Rosenstein-Wife-Lisa-B….jpg)

File: f5ef3cd6d83d1a4⋯.png (262.22 KB, 653x916, 653:916, Q ROSSENSTEIN AND HIS WIFE….PNG)

File: 6d4c7c82baafcd1⋯.png (43.78 KB, 675x396, 75:44, Q ROSSENSTEIN AND HIS WIFE….PNG)


Deep State’s Power Couple Does Trump…So They Think

Posted on July 27, 2018 by State of the Nation

Just who really are Rod Rosenstein and his wife Lisa Barsoomian?


04a294  No.2686685



Ok, thanks, Anon for the explanation.

I forget all about Huber,

you never hear about him in the news media

like you do the others.

Even Sessions is pretty quiet in the news media unless POTUS writes a tweet calling him Mr. McGoo or something!

Brilliant POTUS!

Next thing you know, POTUS will tweet that Huber is McGoo's "dog" and "lackey"!

That would FORCE the media to report on this shit!

d81d24  No.2686686

File: 5801e99a7a4b677⋯.png (299.36 KB, 755x811, 755:811, snopes_barsoo.PNG)

Oh shit guys snopes already fact checked this, nothing to see here, move along now.

1ecaae  No.2686687

lb replies


Trump is CEO of DOJ.


My guess is the Marine Bob meeting was to size him up in person.


Ok, yeah I guess Ive never really been on reddit. Which is why I cant go back.


Stuff like the VMA is satanic crap, avoid it. Watch stuff that raises your vibration.


All of which is bad for blacks.

04a294  No.2686688

File: c7801f64c928c72⋯.png (43.37 KB, 425x319, 425:319, Screenshot_317 - Copy.png)



But if we go any higher on the


We will be seeing

Front Hole!

eb3866  No.2686689


Nigga you high shut the fuck up and smoke this shit.


52250f  No.2686690


Q's making them work OT

3afeaf  No.2686691


I am the Baker who started the mid-bake "updates."

I am the Baker who has now started the "every new notable is a reply" announcement.

I am trying to get anons to agree or edit notables before they make the bake.

This is in the vain attempt to keep shills like the late-post assHat from last bread from complaining.

No one suggests, and no one comments mid-bread. All I get are after-bake complaints.

My new method means each link is short and quick to check, as it happens. Any "notables are shit" comments will therefore ID shills and divisionFags.

It's an experiment. If it doesn't work, I'll stop.

So far, it has gotten more label edits than previous attempts.

f65699  No.2686692


And if they're both dirty, the show will be substantially bigger, more tumultuous, longer, and more earth shattering than any of us hope.

The faggots, me included, larping about fbianon and the military insider coup for 2years will be shaken. Because it's not a coup. It's a fucking deep state civil war with every evil this fucking world has to offer and in 50 years when the next generation gets to read about it, we'll realize WW3 happened behind closed doors, won by a man half the country called an orange doofus.

56cb33  No.2686693

I just had an idea. We have been hearing a lot about huge underground bunkers and very sophisticated tunneling equipment. What if the Cabal are tunneling under all the worlds land masses creating tunnels to drain away our water. Like creating underground rivers to dump it into the Oceans or wherever.

We all know they have not given us the advances in technology and energy because the Cabal´s whole system revolves around scarcity. Taking an item and inflating its value to steal as much energy from humanity as they can. A form of vampirsm.

So could this be what they are doing? This is a plan to starve us of water because we need it everyday. They could charge whatever (((they))) wanted because it would be scarce?

So besides Lynn Rothschild threatening us with that Chinese fentanyle shit in the water to make it poison….they probably are stealing or have plans to steal all our fresh water and create some bullshit cover story and blame us for ruining the environment and shit.

9366d4  No.2686694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't know who the top position belongs to, if it is L Rothschild or QE2, or even another in the [P] cast of characters of whom we have no name.

I just know that Hilltard is mortified of Lynn and her Pod email, groveling and pleading for forgiveness was sad.

855596  No.2686696

File: e5309405c75c8bc⋯.jpeg (54.53 KB, 574x323, 574:323, D1367EAA-CA4F-4792-9B62-2….jpeg)

File: 768b927465a2dda⋯.jpeg (408.32 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, B237801D-5F8A-425B-B395-A….jpeg)

14966a  No.2686697


who knows? Not much info on McCabe either. The CIA and DOJ had the biggest hand in the beginnings of all this. Bruce Ohr's corruption goes all the way back to 2001. I'm betting he is neck deep in trafficking as well, since that was his main job. Indian Reservations on the southern border are where we need to target our searches for the trafficking.

I will leave you with this pleasant thought in the hopes that Potus does indeed do this.

The near-total breadth and width of untrustworthy lawyers at DOJ/FBI means that the Trump administration has only one recourse: appoint a special crisis team from the military Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) to take over control of the RFK Building in a crisis intervention on grounds of constitution principles. The CIA has long outlived any usefulness it might once have had, and should be shut down. Far more dangerous than any terrorist threat, the culprits behind the current fake news coup against the presidency should all be retired to a 5-star Caribbean resort like the one called Guantanamo. Orange is the new blue. Shackle them.

b2e61d  No.2686698


I forgot to make note on my post:

if she were black albeit a lighter shade of black, I might mistake her for LL sister. Check out the tree trunk legs. Sorry don't mean to be critical …………. ah hell yes I do.

c2e4b0  No.2686699



>I hate faggots like you that understand nothing


>and love faggot commie democrats like FDR IKE and TRUMAN (alll jews BTW)

kek anon, yea fucking right, fuck them all

the fake neocon/neolib structure has fucked up our country and was NEVER intended by the Founders

not a political person really, but I'd say you'd be a national socialist, or an ethonationalist I guess

I clearly wasn't concise enough, if I'm membering right, Spencer made the term, but HRC made it 'mainstream' by calling POTUS 'alt-right' to discredit him and all the ideologies that make up the 'alt-right'

I think the term is fucking stupid, be specific

a5f013  No.2686700

File: c7019c898cb9e14⋯.png (120.6 KB, 708x850, 354:425, 20180821_002439.png)

Add another badge of honor anons.

Now they are attacking us with "science"

Scientists Identify a Key Cognitive Error that Could Explain Why People Believe in Creationism and Conspiracy Theories

As absurd and patently false as it may be, the notorious Q Anon conspiracy theory has gained traction among a passionate portion of the United States in recent weeks and months. This should hardly be surprising given that the country elected Donald Trump, known widely for spinning racist conspiracy theories of President Barack Obama's place of birth.

But conspiracy theories are nothing new to American life. And according to new research, people may be susceptible to conspiracy theories — and other false ideologies like creationism — because of a rather simple cognitive error.

"We find a previously unnoticed common thread between believing in creationism and believing in conspiracy theories," says Sebastian Dieguez, a neuroscientist at the University of Fribourg, who described research newly published in the journal Cell Biology. "Although very different at first glance, both these belief systems are associated with a single and powerful cognitive bias named teleological thinking, which entails the perception of final causes and overriding purpose in naturally occurring events and entities."

"By drawing attention to the analogy between creationism and conspiracism, we hope to highlight one of the major flaws of conspiracy theories and therefore help people detect it, namely that they rely on teleological reasoning by ascribing a final cause and overriding purpose to world events," Dieguez says. "We think the message that conspiracism is a type of creationism that deals with the social world can help clarify some of the most baffling features of our so-called 'post-truth era.'"

Understanding how these beliefs propagate and why they are so compelling to people — even when, as in the case of Q Anon, they are so obviously nonsense — is critically important to find a way to prevent their spread. The researchers hope their work can help educators and communicators better refute and undermine false theories and beliefs.


595d9b  No.2686701


You're doing great baker, don't sweat it.

f7b165  No.2686702


The quadriceps connected to the FRONT HOLE!

The front hole's connected to the DICK BONE! (Baculum)

9366d4  No.2686703


Oops…this goes with vid…kek

You anons want some side splitting humor?

Watch this.

It's by a gal named Mandy, TY channel "Body Language Ghost".

She is an expert on body language and "LYING".

In this vid she does Rosenstien…at the hearing. Mandy is hilarious. Get a snack at watch.

After the horrors of this past week, we all could use some chuckles.

04a294  No.2686704





Snopes already responding to Q's post (which is actually Reddit's post, and then actually actually Q research post)

c2e4b0  No.2686705


probably an ethnonationalist to be honest

c5ecc1  No.2686706


Yeah I saw that so I stopped digging. Kek

Google even summarised it in the search results so I didn't have to click on the link.

1a4bd4  No.2686707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4063c8  No.2686708

File: 5521f2802ed11f4⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 208x243, 208:243, 2g9fia.jpg)

4c8ddf  No.2686709



Nice gastrocnemius.

9e1df5  No.2686710


I.C. Sorosis??

Creams or pills?

6feb67  No.2686711


On target.

Stay cool and stay frosty, anons. Tend to your families, don't let street punks or faggot kids get you down.

Future is bright, and if you stay steady, you will be part of it.

Don't lose your way.

Patriots WORLD WIDE.

2e3268  No.2686712

They cannot fight what they do not understand.

However, the same truth also applies to us.

This is why they operate in the shadows.

This is why they operate in secret.

That is why it is important to pick up a flash light.

A humble knowledge of Jesus Christ, of God, of

the scriptures themselves are a key part of this process. For through them all we

find the truth.

I believe that these may be the begining of a time that will test men's souls.

For we battle not against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places.

Thus the only true weapon we have aggainst them is Holy Christ. Is the love of God.

Fear not them who can kill the body but him who can kill the soul in a place called hell.

God is love. He begs you to understand him.

He begs you to love him.

No matter what you decide never forget that this is nothing less than a fight

for your very soul. For your eternal life.

bda7a3  No.2686713


I vote for calling it the "love cave". "Hey baby, can I go spelunking in your love cave tonight?"

4a722e  No.2686714

File: 1ca360174e9c6b8⋯.jpg (679.17 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-022658….jpg)

File: bbb0afab32d2e9e⋯.jpg (288.88 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-022759….jpg)

Rods sister


3afeaf  No.2686715

>>2686686 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

c2e4b0  No.2686716


to be clear, none of those were on reddit

Q went to 4chan /pol/ then migrated here to 8chan (through multiple migrations until the BO made this ooonnnnnnnnn Monday January 8th, 2018)

The Basics might be a good read for you

c2e4b0  No.2686717



52250f  No.2686718


Can you give a recap on the "Hilltard is mortified of Lynn and her Pod email, groveling and pleading"???

35a1bb  No.2686719


How in any way does deporting some old man who was trying to save Germany from marxist jews help us take down Hussein and HRC? This is complete bullshit. Very bad move by Trump administration.

I can see the writing on the wall. None of the traitors are going to get arrested.

b09c32  No.2686720


With this type of post you probably never will

Maybe post to the Cabal Banking thread that is all about crypto currencies and nothing about cabal

That's why Q is send us post from Reddit since we took pourselves out of the loop

acc7ed  No.2686721

File: 46f0cc69052af6a⋯.png (360.25 KB, 710x660, 71:66, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

Sick. Asia Argento was OBSESSED with that little boy Jimmy.

She played his mother when he was 7, then fucked him 2 months after he was 17.

All the tweets at:


bda7a3  No.2686722

A front hole is better than a front pole when you're a guy. Guess Hussein wasn't so lucky.

d8ff9c  No.2686723

File: 85a5684f54e094f⋯.png (174.62 KB, 1280x1574, 640:787, SuperElitePEPERagtimeGal.png)


All good baker. Feel the love.

4063c8  No.2686724

File: 2638bafc9df1e4c⋯.jpg (145.75 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 008.jpg)


Baker ;)

ad5e13  No.2686725

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

If you didn't know who I am, motherfucker, why would you try to come through the back gate instead of going to the front house?

God, you people are fucking dumb.

You think it's by chance I walked out that gate before you opened the door there?

I knew you were coming.

And even when alone, you didn't have the balls do anything.

Get the fuck out of my neighborhood.

You're next, old man. I'm opening the can right now.

e9e949  No.2686726


Its not


if there isn't any sauce

b6612f  No.2686727

File: d79ec9fe935e790⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 650x433, 650:433, putin-face.jpg)

04a294  No.2686728


Oh yeah. No sauce.

fe9eda  No.2686729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah no shit

Spencer coined it

Abonded it

Tried to reclaim it when anons took it an ran with it

Thats the fucking history of it

He isn't the fucking leader

Pro White = Alt Right

Its ours now

I will leave you all with this video

I recommend all of H's work

How whites took over America 1 and 2

Johnny Racist etc

c71e71  No.2686731


Comrade Putin is looking bery autismo in that pic, kek.

4063c8  No.2686732

File: 2749714d3265bd5⋯.jpg (22.74 KB, 208x243, 208:243, 2g9foz.jpg)

f7b165  No.2686733


Why would they use the back gate when the front hole is wide open?

fafd35  No.2686734

File: a4571c6e7284870⋯.png (58.57 KB, 810x485, 162:97, Barsoomian Document Purge ….PNG)

File: e57820990384531⋯.png (292.71 KB, 606x909, 2:3, Snopes 1 re Barsoomian Doc….PNG)

File: ab6bf038a8915b5⋯.png (69.3 KB, 606x898, 303:449, Snopes 2 re Barsoomian Doc….PNG)

File: c68b05d1096faaf⋯.png (39.08 KB, 708x536, 177:134, Snopes 3 re Barsoomian Doc….PNG)

Did a Shadowy Conspiracy Involve ‘Purging’ the Internet of Records Relating to Lisa Barsoomian?

A conspiracy theory fomented by Roger Stone gets even basic facts wrong.


1ecaae  No.2686735


Should have given him a job a GITMO.

4a722e  No.2686736



c5ecc1  No.2686737


Is it recent? I assumed it was old, they don't date their articles as far as I can see (mobile anyway).

Here's the archive link.


c71e71  No.2686738


That video is a fucking riot. A true classic :D

af3e19  No.2686739


Count the danglies

On Gloria V's chachal charm it is easy

Because they are all small coins

To know where to look, find the jewelry piece with two horns at the top, and the danglies will be the bottom half.

b09c32  No.2686740


We needed to take a dump on your back porch

a5f013  No.2686741



784e0f  No.2686742


Close the board, let's all go home now.

efd4a4  No.2686743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gue listen to this , like your comment on narcissist. Micro /Macro level. Robot voice but still Interdesting .

acc7ed  No.2686744


Oh FFS they are ALL so criminally incestuous.

Rod's sister works at CDC and involved in vaccinations.

af3e19  No.2686745


Google the following and download from CIA

springmeier bloodlines abbottabad

9dbe0c  No.2686746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

think of the Mob.

you do not mess with another mans wife.

they don't care that the wife is screwing someone else

its because said wife might squeal something. Let loose information. hard to trust women..

so hence the purge of lisa barsoomian .

that women looks like a squealer.

ad9877  No.2686747


But is it "I'll be your huckleberry" or "I'll be your huckle bearer?" I say huckle bearer if you listen closely.

b09c32  No.2686748


That's so the can keep posting them as current news

fe9eda  No.2686749


It pretty much cures cuckery in about ten minutes

Which is good

ad5e13  No.2686750

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Is that he shit his pants when I walked out? He was holding it in?

04a294  No.2686751


April 2018 it says it was published?


I don't ever go on Snopes.

52250f  No.2686752


I swear we've been infiltrated since op paperclip. This shit never ends.

1ecaae  No.2686753

File: c43c31de2b81465⋯.jpg (243.64 KB, 764x1000, 191:250, how absolutely dare you si….jpg)


What type of fuckery might this be?

bda7a3  No.2686754

File: bf4c581fbd35117⋯.jpg (90.63 KB, 792x960, 33:40, 39714740_1892552710839613_….jpg)


With these special glasses, you can see who paid for a statue, so you can know who to go after for social justice…

0faaa2  No.2686755


Ok, Im incorrect. HRC went to Wellesley in

Wellesley MA, not Iowa.

b2e61d  No.2686756

File: 29c6786b8ef2b63⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 272x400, 17:25, image060-710236-2[1].jpg)

File: cedbd51e6002286⋯.jpg (20.2 KB, 305x317, 305:317, image058-798208[1].jpg)

File: 62ccd0cc569fe36⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 400x232, 50:29, image049-749257[1].jpg)

File: 32a0976fce551ca⋯.png (348.02 KB, 688x765, 688:765, Q OBAMA MOAR POSSIBLY THE ….PNG)

File: 416e2ec17795ceb⋯.png (328.58 KB, 421x423, 421:423, Screen-Shot-2015-10-15-at-….png)

Barack Obama: Manchurian Candidate, CIA Cutout, Or Both

Posted on October 15, 2015 by State of the Nation

Obama’s Real Mission Revealed, This Exposé Nails It

TMR Editor’s Note:

The following exposé provides a penetrating analysis of the “Obama Conspiracy”. The author has done an outstanding job of deconstructing the exceedingly obscured back story. There’s a LOT going on here which this particular narrative reveals in great detail.

Whenever the inside story is hidden deep within the bowels of the CIA, you be sure it will reflect a multi-faceted plot and multi-purposeful agenda. The “Obama Conspiracy” is as deep as it gets. Particularly when a clandestine scheme works directly against the interests of the USA does it become necessary to expose it.

Now many will suggest that the true conspiracy runs much deeper and broader than what is explained in the following exposé. They are absolutely correct. There is so much more going on with Obama it boggles the mind. The Millennium Report has been methodically investigating these other matters over the past 8 years and we’re not even close. In the meantime, the piece below does a GREAT job connecting the dots.


c2e4b0  No.2686757

File: e6e74299c79278c⋯.png (52.09 KB, 688x356, 172:89, ClipboardImage.png)



the sauce is meh, but a good description

DEFINITELY an ethnonationalist is the best fit imo

(you did ask me to try and define what you'd be)

>You try and figure out what that makes me

just saying, anons will dismiss a lot if it is perceived you're just here to shill

we get a lot of dedicated shilling

if you really read the crumbs, Q does NOT equate commies and nat soc

but to many, it seems that way

b09c32  No.2686758


Except there are no European bloodlines and

14966a  No.2686759

BHO/HRC/CIA all are anti-Putin. CIA has been anti-Russia for decades. Below starts to explain interracial marriages. Only reason was to resist Russia. It all goes back to Kenya a long time ago.

Espionage is a family tradition for Nellie Ohr, much as his maternal lineage has been for Barack Obama among the CIA’s Dunham clan of Honolulu. Her mother Kathleen Armstrong Hauke was a Cold War liberal and promoter of racial integration in Atlanta, where she wrote biographies of pioneering leftist black journalist Ted Poston. Later in the late 1980s, Kathleen taught English in Nairobi, Kenya (two decades after Ann Dunham met her paramour Barack Obama Sr. in Kenya while on CIA assignment) Race-mixing was not solely an individual choice in that era, not when the CIA actively promoted interracial marriages in competition against the Soviet Union’s propaganda of racial equality. The American South and Africa were two battlegrounds where mixed-blood youths, like Barack Obama Jr., were groomed as leaders by either side of the Cold War.

The 2004 obituary of Kathleen Hauke mentioned that her daughter Nellie was a resident of McLean, Virginia the (township of the Langley neighborhood location of CIA headquarters). Fluent in the Russian language and Russophile, Nellie Hauke Ohr recently applied for a ham radio license, probably to maintain communications (external to hack-vulnerable cyberspace) with her anti-Putin contacts in Russia funded by the CIA and Soros. This apparently is in anticipation of Trump’s cut-off of US funding for those clandestine subversive operations.

52250f  No.2686760



c2e4b0  No.2686761


search muh UID, read the whole convo for context

4a722e  No.2686762

File: 6d97f7fee923822⋯.jpg (799.98 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-023500….jpg)

File: 794c6470a812a38⋯.jpg (582.47 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-023508….jpg)



492535  No.2686763

File: 0293ffff913fd82⋯.jpeg (157.83 KB, 799x330, 799:330, Screenshot_2018-08-21-03-….jpeg)

File: c0d2956e64d77a9⋯.jpeg (32.56 KB, 799x97, 799:97, Screenshot_2018-08-21-03-….jpeg)

Stop using that reddit Great Awakening Sub! All that info has already been here. That sub is constantly banning it's users and flagging them with these stupid "untrusted" flair tags if you even have posted on other subs many of which are Q and Trump supporters.

acc7ed  No.2686764

>>2686714 Rod Rosenstein's Sister Nancy Messonnier, M.D. works at CDC


b09c32  No.2686765


Recycling all that old news out of boredom?

595d9b  No.2686766


What post? Context?

c71e71  No.2686767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Israel is the seat of world narcissism/hunger for control.

I am re-posting this because it's fucking awesome digs into organized crime, very very deep shit.

14966a  No.2686768

File: ae2d845638752e5⋯.png (496.99 KB, 533x742, 533:742, Milagros necklacezoom.png)


the horns are actually deer. 8 small charms with 2 deer at the top. Much like this one.

fe9eda  No.2686769

File: 747f979121acf5d⋯.png (124.54 KB, 622x644, 311:322, Nazi1.png)

File: 1e8d421bb7f9335⋯.png (565.39 KB, 622x569, 622:569, Nazi2.png)

File: d46c16ef3265446⋯.png (100.34 KB, 614x908, 307:454, Nazi3.png)

File: 4e871225b916a17⋯.png (741.64 KB, 629x784, 629:784, Nazi4.png)

File: 9f4b9e840066ef1⋯.png (382.43 KB, 582x335, 582:335, Nazi5.png)


I am a white nationalist just like the fucking founding fathers were. Fuck these fucking cuck faggots. I am embarrassed at how fucking gay this board is.

7e49a5  No.2686770

File: 154e8469757a114⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 480x533, 480:533, 154ee8469757a1149f8fc63a0b….jpg)

File: 0dc02859ee3813b⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 375x494, 375:494, 0dc02859ee3813ba47a9256543….jpg)

File: ddadcb086fa736d⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 85866544ddadcb086fa736d4a1….jpg)

I agree with Q on a lot, but I sure as shit don't trust Sessions.

Sessions is 100% deep state.

b09c32  No.2686771


Is that relevant to something

f65699  No.2686772


Notables are a bad beachfront. But unwinnable fights are noble.

When 3 faggots can derail a system, it will be derailed. Is it worth it? How many people believing the notables to be sacred will it take to protect focused timed attacks by a group of 3 faggots with proxies?

How much of each threads 751 is the fight worth?

I've been thinking a lot about shills with infinite money. If i were trying to "control" optics on a msg board, what % of the 751 would i want to be me and mine? What number is the goal? What number is success? What number is reasonable?

The goal is 90%+. Overwhelming consensus. The success threshold is 50%. The reasonable number is between the first two.

Could you flood even this board to get 50% with 1 mil usd? I believe i could. I believe i could do it for a fucking year witha mil. They're idiots. Maybe it costs them 50 mil. Could they? Yes. Would they? Yes. Are they? Probably.

Weak fronts are weak fronts.

bea4f1  No.2686773


oh, snopes claims false, dead end folks…

hang it up. dont look no more. snopes says false… stop looking!

3afeaf  No.2686774

>>2686714 Rod Rosenstein's Sister Nancy Messonnier, M.D. works at CDC

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

04a294  No.2686775

File: e05616e040ea2cb⋯.png (1.39 MB, 682x877, 682:877, Screenshot_11.png)


Deer and Jungle Chickens!

b09c32  No.2686776


You just wear that to Raves?

855596  No.2686777

File: 688083e6915ee01⋯.jpeg (45.82 KB, 500x342, 250:171, 9686B170-EF15-432C-BBD0-9….jpeg)

ad5e13  No.2686778

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Christmas lights on suddenly in the middle of August?

I'll take your second surrender.

You have until morning.

Enjoy your Blue Moon.

b09c32  No.2686779


Thanks for your opinion.

Should we care?

4063c8  No.2686780


HPV is harmless. vaccine a eugenics scam.

9366d4  No.2686781


In the WL/Pod email drops there was an email from HRC to LR. The facts are not mentioned in the email as to what HRC is speaking of but you can tell the receiving party LR clearly knows. HRC is begging for LR's forgiveness concerning something HRC did or did not do, and that she (HRC) promises to do better.

The tone of the corr. was one pleading with another of much higher power. HRC, whatever she had done to displease her high priestess knew her tit was in the wringer.

I would love to know the circumstances of the 'failure'.

960276  No.2686782

Dear America’s State and Local Leaders:

Every day, the heroic men and women of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) bravely put their safety on the line to protect our families, our communities, and our Nation. I urge you to join with the American people in applauding their sacrifice for our Nation and thanking them as they serve shoulder-to-shoulder with State and local law enforcement across the country. These courageous public servants and their families deserve to know that our elected leaders at every level support them as they fulfill their oath to defend and protect the United States.

On their behalf, I ask you to join me in publicly expressing your support for the men and women of ICE and CBP. Through letters, public statements, op-eds, resolutions, and events, we can give voice to our Nation’s longstanding tradition of honoring the public servants who protect our communities and our way of life. I also ask that each State and local jurisdiction safeguard their citizens and support the missions of ICE and CBP by voluntarily complying with Federal law and cooperating with both organizations in removing dangerous criminal aliens from our communities. Without your cooperation, violent criminal members of MS-13, drug cartels, and other transnational criminal organizations will continue to export terror, bloodshed, and suffering into our most vulnerable communities.

Tragically, the brave men and women of ICE have recently been subjected to a nationwide campaign of smears, insults, and attacks by politicians shamelessly catering to the extreme elements in our society that desire lawlessness and anarchy. Innocent Americans have watched as organized agitators defaced public property, obstructed the execution of our laws, slandered law enforcement personnel, blocked civilian access to public spaces, and created a hostile environment for our officers, agents, and support personnel. These horrendous assaults are no-doubt spurred on by the dangerous “Abolish ICE” movement—a movement to abolish our borders entirely.

The most recent assaults include the repugnant hostility directed toward selfless ICE employees in Portland, Oregon, and the verbal abuse suffered by ICE employees in Louisville, Kentucky. Yet, while anarchist protestors hurl vicious insults at ICE officers in Portland and other disturbing episodes nationwide, those same ICE officers continue to dutifully remove some ofthe most dangerous and violent individuals from the communities they protect—putting their lives on the line in the process.

Current statistics show that transnational criminal threats are inflicting tremendous pain on communities large and small throughout our Nation. In Fiscal Year 2017, ICE arrested more than 125,000 aliens with criminal records: Among the crimes were roughly 48,000 assault offenses, 12,000 sexual offenses, 11,000 weapons offenses, and 1,900 homicides. Abolishing ICE effectively means no enforcement, no deportations, and no borders—and would result in massive crime, huge loss of life, colossal economic hardship for American workers, and lawless anarchy.

We also must not forget the important role that ICE and CBP play in preventing terrorism. On September 11, 2001, we suffered the worst terrorist attacks in our Nation’s history. The attacks were carried out by foreign nationals who exploited our lax immigration laws and defrauded our immigration system in order to murder nearly 3,000 innocent people.

The United States proudly welcomes newcomers who contribute to our society, uphold our values, and obey our laws. In order to have a functioning legal immigration system that serves America’s national interests, we must have rules, laws, conditions, and procedures for entry into the United States—and the violation of these laws and rules must be enforced. Failing to do so hurts immigrants, hurts American families, and hurts the entire Nation.

Each of you has a chance and a duty to protect your communities and your constituents. I urge you to work with us, and with our brave ICE and CBP officers, to achieve that goal for the sake of all Americans, from all walks of life and from every background.


Donald J. Trump

See the President’s signed letter here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/President-Letter-to-State-and-Local-Leaders-ICE-and-CBP.pdf

b09c32  No.2686783



bea4f1  No.2686784


not sure but an article came out that this vaccine causes high infertility rates among young women among one of the side effects…

1ecaae  No.2686785


I think I started on 4chan. I dont give a shit about tech stuff, only info and, more importantly, action. I may take part in a major offensive action deep behind enemy lines in blue territory.

4a722e  No.2686786

File: 80057ca8319ada0⋯.jpg (563.96 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-023931….jpg)

File: 3f41bfa73c8ab0e⋯.jpg (694.23 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-023942….jpg)

File: 93e2b9ca05a9fd2⋯.jpg (713.34 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-023953….jpg)

File: 34ca31e74548937⋯.jpg (686.46 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-024003….jpg)

File: 227d00c5aa47a2e⋯.jpg (668.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180821-024013….jpg)


Vaccine pushing with video

b09c32  No.2686787


Thanks Mr Trump but we saw it in the real news

fafd35  No.2686788



>Snopes already responding to Q's post (which is actually Reddit's post, and then actually actually Q research post)

Not the sequence of information or what Snopes actually said

They have one thing right - the documents aren't purged

I am looking through some of them now to see if any are worth posting



c2e4b0  No.2686789


>white nationalist


I'm pretty sure you confirmed that but while calling this board gay

tried, left with the impression you're a shill, but I understand you don't give a damn

then gtfo and go shit up someother board

3afeaf  No.2686790

>>2686782 POTUS Letter to ICE and CBP

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

4063c8  No.2686791

File: 4bbd4e65cce1100⋯.jpg (23.15 KB, 208x243, 208:243, 2g9g25.jpg)

f3a59c  No.2686792


So called studies based on biased assumptions. What else would you expect?

acc7ed  No.2686793


I read somewhere that it was discovered recently that the HPV Vaccinations were causing infertility problems.

1ecaae  No.2686794


She's pretty sketchy as we've seen on here.

b09c32  No.2686795


Did you ever get a polio shot?

bea4f1  No.2686796



And wasnt there a recent CDC death? hmmmmm

7e49a5  No.2686797

File: 5ccc225fe56517b⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 6fd3b1db2418ff2b0f87143152….jpg)

File: 05f5a949e1de2c8⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 05f5a949e1de2c86c1fecdccd3….jpg)

File: 4fcca174c2142da⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 666x490, 333:245, 1dge3412b96f76b7b2faebe0e8….jpg)




I believe what Trump says about Sessions not Q.

Sorry but Q is wrong.

Remember Q said the IG report would be deadly, big ass nothing burger.

Q said [RR] was in the kill box six months ago, would be forced out or fired…..lmao.

4a722e  No.2686798


India.. Bill and Melinda Gates

b09c32  No.2686799


And it makes your pecker soft too

874c42  No.2686800

So….. everyone buy's the fact that the entire Bush Administration just stood by and allowed this whole "connect the dots" premise to happen?

c2e4b0  No.2686801

File: 747a4ab90bf72dd⋯.png (212.73 KB, 887x454, 887:454, ClipboardImage.png)

9366d4  No.2686802

File: e41e95d88307a86⋯.jpg (101.4 KB, 500x681, 500:681, Baron Guy de Rothschild, B….jpg)

File: 668755a66776718⋯.png (591.28 KB, 1024x1326, 512:663, 70928b43d9a405737535eab3f1….png)


By the way…is she still missing…kek

af3e19  No.2686803

File: 2d6294a6cf448a7⋯.png (452.55 KB, 608x906, 304:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d438ea0d150035⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1025x1600, 41:64, ClipboardImage.png)


L Rothschild was just a handler. Not a WITCH and not high rank. She just worked for a very high ranked bloodline, is all.

British Royals do not display this kind of Jewelry. They seem to display rank using sashes, medallions and ribbon thingies. And the men generally wear a uniform when showing rank so look at a group portrait and compare what they all have pinned on or draped on.

I think that WITCHES use a simpler system of rank display because it comes out of peasant pagan traditions.

The Belgian royals might use danglies. Here is a Queen with 11 danglies. It is obviously not the same system as the WITCHES unless the story of 9 levels of hell is fakenews.

d9e3fe  No.2686804

File: a7f1bb2c9bad975⋯.jpg (127.06 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DZ5QoJkW0AAGi-N.jpg)

b09c32  No.2686806


He said you were handling that removal?

You didn't arrest him yet?

f3a59c  No.2686807


Consider the source? How likely is anything snopes says to be accurate? Might have a few bits, but usually totally deceptive in conclusions.

6e21a3  No.2686808


use mosquito nets

c6be0f  No.2686809

I'm not a real connected c_a spy. I just play one on qresearch

to silence my critics.


cfc5ba  No.2686810

That snopes thing was published 16 April. Weird.

71d087  No.2686811

File: ec016c42f775114⋯.jpg (196.22 KB, 1300x1187, 1300:1187, cross.jpg)

File: 5cf48c0d03dbc63⋯.jpg (122.04 KB, 443x524, 443:524, VanderbiltAmulet3.jpg)

File: a158d72b33b7356⋯.jpg (952.99 KB, 4000x2000, 2:1, VanderbiltAmulet2.jpg)

File: 8560fd5095029d9⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2480x2300, 124:115, Vanderbilt_Amulet_Charm.jpg)


We getting warmer?

c2e4b0  No.2686812


you've said this 1000 times muh dick

we fucking know

b09c32  No.2686813


At least they get cool costumes

151b13  No.2686814

is it possible the reddit drop about Rosenstein and Barsoomian is misdirection, to give Sessions and RR more room to maneuver?

f75b9a  No.2686815


Kek. Sorry this is rubbish. Anyone who has studied any Hermetic/Occult/Vajrayana path knows this is nonsense. Katy Perry LARPS as some kind of witch, they have no spiritual siddhi/power, just the media. I doubt Marina Abramnowitch has any either. Sure she looks and acts spoopy, with her dumb rituals to fool other wealthy faggots. Media makes them seem spoopy and powerful, they're all full of shit. You see, you have to train for many many years. Something these people don't have the time or will power to do.

7ce1bc  No.2686816

File: 6e12159a19609fa⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Good night.jpg)

Well it's nearly 9 am here and i better get some sleep. see you all in a few hours.

I want to say well done tonight anons, we have had some great finds

f3a59c  No.2686817


True. Did you really think OP Paperclip wouldn't have had associated damage?

4063c8  No.2686818


isn't that just a silver dollar in a bezel?

1ecaae  No.2686819

File: c551ce129dbe99c⋯.jpg (9.27 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe nazi finger.jpg)

56cb33  No.2686820


Could this be related to the Ninth Gate movie by our favorite pedophile movie director Roman Polanski? Are there nine levels of Satanic Fuckery?

Oh by the way the amount the Cabal likes mirroring everything. They mirror Catholic religion. Could they be mirroring the name Lucifer? It means the light bringer. Could it actually not be evil but the way (((they))) shit on everything that is holy they could of taken the name Lucifer and made it evil as a kind of mind fuckery. Like the shit they do with Foundations and the Red Cross. Everything that is supposed to be good is a tool for fucking us little people and stealing our energy.

Just thinking out loud.

9366d4  No.2686821


We arn't discussing pagan witches. These are Brides of Lucifer. And there are many.

b09c32  No.2686822


Sure, That's why Q reposted it.

So RR and Sessions would see it here

fafd35  No.2686823


>Consider the source? How likely is anything snopes says to be accurate?

Read the information and decide for yourself

The story originated with Roger Stone and Big League Politics

I am going thru what Snopes claimed and have not found one error yet

I actually thought Q might be running them now

If I find an error by Snopes regarding this, I will post it

Everything is checking out as legit so far tho

1ecaae  No.2686824


America was always about 85% white until the nwo took over in 1990. It's now 62% white. Notice any difference?

c2e4b0  No.2686825

File: b264fd7999c4789⋯.png (849.13 KB, 1776x1881, 592:627, pepesleep3.png)


same, well not didn't get on today that early

see you in the morning anons

see you tomorrow ethnonationalist

even though ALL SHILLS SAY THEY HATE THIS BOARD, you all seem to come back

7e49a5  No.2686826

File: 5b48ac3cb7cf432⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 382x333, 382:333, 5b48ac3cb7cf432b30d720752c….jpg)

File: 642f4795a2d42c0⋯.png (49.76 KB, 480x511, 480:511, 642f4795a2d42c0ec13b279128….png)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh-Dick.jpg)














Jeff Sessions betrayed Trump and allowed Mueller and Rosenstein to make every attempt to impeach Trump.

Sessions just resign already.

71d087  No.2686827


I found something with Bunny ears that is a related Podesta. Might match the "ears" on the pendant. https://www.alexpodesta.com/bio

b09c32  No.2686828


Dante referred to them as Circles, not gates

52250f  No.2686829

File: c0a909b6768fa30⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 784x441, 16:9, needles.jpg)

26c3a8  No.2686830


Two events, one hosted by LdR and the other by HRC. Some dude was supposed to go to LdR’s event, but HRC got him to go to her event. She was apologizing for stealing the dude from LdR’s event.

af3e19  No.2686831


They are certainly not the same.

But they are both nihilist social-political movements so they show some similarities.

And both movements were being manipulated from without and within to achieve an ends.

Read Haeckel to see how Social Darwinism became Scientific Monism and then spawned

Nihilist philosophy and Communist political philosophy. In reaction to Communism we see National Socialism and Fascism in Europe, both with nihilist roots. And in North America we got Technocracy which is the one that Zbigniew Brzezinski reworked into his Trilateral Commission plan to create the Nihilist World Order.

c2e4b0  No.2686832




make a muh front hole meme with harry or stfu muh dick

c1de74  No.2686833


wonder what if any connection to Timothy Cunningham, the Dr. that went missing later found dead…

492535  No.2686834





c5ecc1  No.2686835


Me neither, just went to archive it in case they want to change their mind at some stage…

c2e4b0  No.2686836


normies always say 'Antifa uses NAZI tactics'

thats historically and absolutely wrong


pure commie degeneracy and subversion

56cb33  No.2686837


Your just a traveler after the truth. Your bold enough to go anywhere the fact lead. If they lead to Hitler being a puppet you will likely adapt and figure that out.

By the way I am really unsure Hitler was a Jew Puppet. I think that might be Q feeding us disinformation to slow the Jew Question awakening before they were ready for it. But that is just me.

1ecaae  No.2686838


Auntie Fag arent anarchists, he's dead wrong on that. They are dedicated statist fascists, not anarchic at all. They support Killary Soetero ffs.

Q take note.

fafd35  No.2686839



>>>2686686 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

Not even close to the facts of the article

b09c32  No.2686840



The concept of nihilism was discussed by the Buddha (563 B.C. to 483 B.C.), as recorded in the Theravada and Mahayana Tripiṭaka[12]. The Tripiṭaka, originally written in Pali, refers to nihilism as "natthikavāda" and the nihilist view as "micchādiṭṭhi"[13][14]. Various sutras within it describe a multiplicity of views held by different sects of ascetics while the Buddha was alive, some of which were viewed by him to be morally nihilistic. In the Doctrine of Nihilism in the Appannaka Sutta, the Buddha describes moral nihilists as holding the following views[15][16]:

Giving produces no beneficial results

Good and bad actions produce no results

After death, beings are not reborn into the present world or into another world

There is no one in the world who, through direct knowledge, can confirm that beings are reborn into this world or into another world

The Buddha then states that those who hold these views will not see the danger in misconduct and the blessings in good conduct and will, therefore, avoid good bodily, verbal and mental conduct; practicing misconduct ins

a5f013  No.2686841

File: ee3821d100d8877⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 563x358, 563:358, original.jpg)


Mueller was born into and then married into a family with high-level ties to covert CIA operations.

Since 1966, Mueller has been married to Ann Cabell Standish. The Cabell family includes Charles Cabell, the deputy director of the CIA under Allen Dulles. As part of the fallout of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Cabell was forced to resign by President John F. Kennedy in January 1962. His brother, Earle Cabell, was the mayor of Dallas in 1963 where and when Kennedy was assassinated. The 2017 JFK document releases have also proven that Mayor Cabell was a CIA asset.


Cabell family needs to be looked at..

44a8ee  No.2686842

File: a48913c287784e9⋯.png (570.67 KB, 906x1812, 1:2, IMG_7644.PNG)

File: 27e71c997c80b4a⋯.png (290.54 KB, 465x1412, 465:1412, IMG_7649.PNG)

File: 149a914d8bf59c3⋯.png (380.83 KB, 987x1843, 987:1843, IMG_7643.PNG)

"Meet Lisa H Barsoomian The Wife of Who???


c2e4b0  No.2686843


>They are dedicated statist fascists

no they're commies

now I'm out

3afeaf  No.2686844


You are looking at this on too small a scale. They have to "take over" all comment areas, all public forums, everywhere. "Owning" 8ch/QR gets them what? A bunch of in-the-know folks who just migrate elsewhere. I am merely trying to make it harder for them to pretend they are part of us. My new plan, if it works, eliminates one more avenue for them to pursue to divide the board and take over the narrative here.

d9e3fe  No.2686845

File: 178f147d5822424⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 800x546, 400:273, Part-GTY-913380668-1-1-0.jpg)


WASHINGTON — Rachel L. Brand, the No. 3 official at the Justice Department, plans to step down after…. nine months ….




71d087  No.2686846

File: c45ee7a04614d3c⋯.jpg (26.94 KB, 519x480, 173:160, Q_charm_post.JPG)

File: 629d9a7ab8b5cbc⋯.jpg (78.25 KB, 1931x1073, 1931:1073, photo_john16.JPG)


This one is setting off some alarm bells. In the video it says it was a photo Podesta sent on loan to someone.

0172c4  No.2686847


My Slovak great grandma talked about Stregas. But it meant a woman with wild hair. No babushka.

af3e19  No.2686848


I think the leafy feathery things are the horns.

ANd the 8 small coins are the danglies.

The deer are decorative which I believe takes this chachal out of Mayan culture and into European.

Everything symbolizes something, but the core is the ranking system, IMHO.

The image you display may actually be a Christian chachal charm with the two peacocks and crucifix representing Father Son and Holy Spirit.

7e49a5  No.2686849

File: 0dc02859ee3813b⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 375x494, 375:494, 0dc02859ee3813ba47a9256543….jpg)

File: 68c3cda577e2af3⋯.png (37.46 KB, 392x361, 392:361, 01330e93f99f28ab6b75cf2847….png)

File: 45c82d72e336e61⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 360x328, 45:41, ad62e629964626b123cfc91494….jpg)

b09c32  No.2686850


Actually they are neo-Marxists

That is what the original ones were too. Anarchists come along for the fun

4063c8  No.2686851



595d9b  No.2686852


Thanks bro.

1ecaae  No.2686853


Agree, it's trashy pretentious cheap crap. That said, it's bad.

e33b80  No.2686854


yet another one of the obama trannies

nellie ohr, samantha power, rachel brand… who am i forgetting?

b09c32  No.2686855


Running out of graphics to post?

These are getting boring

f7b165  No.2686856


Yes, yes, yes. Lucifer really was originally a separate character from "Shetan" the accuser of the book of Job.

"The Serpent" in the garden is Enki, of Sumerian lore, or Osiris of Egyptian, The Peacock Angel of the Yazidis

Eve, in less cryptic Eden stories, has sex with "the serpant" and births Cain and Abel.

This is why Jews think non-semitic, indo-aryan whites are the SEED OF CAIN.

This is very important as a lot of Bible educated but non-enterprising thinkers are messed up.

They don't understand that Jews have a reverse read of the bible.

BUT, read the Gnostic gospels and you'll see that God in the Garden of Eden is "Saturn", "Shetan", "The Demiurge" and the Serpent is actually

"The Word" or "Logos", an extension of Sophia, herself from the mind of God.

Somewhere in the depths of time is a form of Luciferianism that is a very deep and rich belief system that doesn't include harming others…

HOWEVER…Pizzagate, Hollywood, etc have shown that if there are any positive Luciferians out there, they are also scared shitless of the psychos who have time and again killed with impunity.

Apparently the downfall of enlightenment is arrogance.

620f3a  No.2686857


What is involved in transcribing?

5611cc  No.2686858

File: 629010e9ba3fda4⋯.jpg (117.88 KB, 1069x818, 1069:818, IMG_3840.JPG)

Who's the highest ranking night shift Anon here ??????

c71e71  No.2686859


Jewish nepotism, applied to organized crime!

acc7ed  No.2686860

File: cd1d11fd7d1ca3b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 888x600, 37:25, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 0558c53738df040⋯.png (1.02 MB, 883x659, 883:659, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 2959aeb1d26f17d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 890x663, 890:663, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

Asia Argento, by Sabo, just in time for the #VMAs in Hollywood

bc6cdb  No.2686861

File: 9e83cc770a9a89e⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 9e83cc770a9a89ea22c91e4762….jpg)


so you're saying Hillary was naughty…?

…and she has cronies who were/are naughty?

784e0f  No.2686862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone in North Carolina?

b09c32  No.2686863


So do you get a certificate or something at the end.

David Wilcock says you get immediate results, and the planets energy increases

1ecaae  No.2686864


An ideal for a true anarchist is the cops and auntie fags/blm all kill each other and disappear.

f3a59c  No.2686865


"Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative. Additionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. Although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at NIH.gov. The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health. This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities."

I don't think they purged "all" info. about her. Just certain info. . Maybe she was just a "good" lawyer opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. But snopes just doesn't even metion that.


c71e71  No.2686866



You're naive.

US has been infiltrated by jewishish criminals since way before that, since way before WW2.

Go see the Scofield bible psyop for example.

3afeaf  No.2686867

>>2686715, >>2686839

Anons, please chime in. Is anon right? Three breads in a row, an anon has said my label does

not match the link… without any alternative suggestion. I know what I suspect…. but maybe

the anons here agree with anon above.

>>2686686, >>2686734 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

Notable in question above

af3e19  No.2686868

File: 667aabdde3f87b2⋯.png (816.93 KB, 571x825, 571:825, ClipboardImage.png)


I put a B&W picture of a British royal accidentally. She has lots of necklaces, 9 I believe. But in another photo of her she had 12.

However the Belgian queen has 11 gold coins in that image and 11 danglies in this one attached

784e0f  No.2686869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I intend to create a GFM account, to buy one of these.

ed8f92  No.2686870

File: 8d6f2115c923ebb⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 640x427, 640:427, comeygoose.jpg)

b09c32  No.2686871


No, He said YOU were naughty and Hillary was gonna spank you

bc6cdb  No.2686872

File: 665db43a373b162⋯.jpg (100.88 KB, 814x1085, 814:1085, ruth-bader-ginsburg-time-1….jpg)


sounds farfetched…..

f3a59c  No.2686873


Cute. But how do you really know that I think anything about "jewishish" ciriminals? I didn't say anything about that.

To me, it is just plain and simple. Good vs. Evil. Always was, always will be.

ee6f92  No.2686874


1ecaae  No.2686875


The important distinction is not between commies and fascists, but between statism and liberty. Comies and fascists are statist and the state controls all. Anarchists wish for the most minimal govt possible, the Constitution being the MAXIMUM amount of government. Our Fed govt is at least 75% unlawful and unnecessary.

36e252  No.2686876

No digs on uranium one? No diggs on who gave north korea the missile n fissile tech before Trump took over? No diggs on the recent accusations that Gru made fake websites to steal the data ofconservatives?//


14966a  No.2686877


Yes, they are called chachal's. The pic is not of peacocks but deer with horns. Very symbolic.

I'm also thinking the 8 small coins or charms are a type of ranking system. It would need to be 10 to be considered a cabala type charm.

Most South American countries has the chachal's, so not just Mayan. But I believe the Milagros Gloria was wearing is for occult purposes.

12a6f7  No.2686878

File: b69c1fc3267b1f6⋯.jpg (196.04 KB, 716x503, 716:503, dream_vxq84j159k0.jpg)

620f3a  No.2686879

File: be878cacf5deec8⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 252x308, 9:11, full[1].jpg)


You're doxxing yourself, Clyde.

bc6cdb  No.2686880

File: b509eecae9933c8⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 366x359, 366:359, charlee.jpg)

d9e3fe  No.2686881

File: 099213d144ebd3f⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 636x358, 318:179, wire-25369-1483746990-151_….jpg)

1ecaae  No.2686883


He prob says the same thing about getting cornholed.

3d186e  No.2686884

Movie: Deja Vu (2006?)

FBI guy tells ATF agent played by Denzel Washington that their top secret, time-jumping, remote-viewing wormhole device is named "Snow White". Just found that interesting w.r.t. Q posts. Jim Caveziel plays a psycho "patriot" bomber.

b09c32  No.2686885


Pleiadean scout ship

9dbe0c  No.2686886

File: 771455620e61dd5⋯.jpg (27 KB, 250x333, 250:333, Morgan_live_at_I_Suoni_del….jpg)


Argento is the real deal witch.

she is all about ritual. the devil blames others so it can do what it accusses you off. that trait is mostlly found in women. just take a look at Argentos first nut job.

c71e71  No.2686888

File: f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)

File: b370f07ab27db1a⋯.png (442.3 KB, 909x885, 303:295, Jews_ZOG_USA_UN_White_Nati….png)

File: fb34bded822fe9d⋯.png (291.8 KB, 841x639, 841:639, Jews_ZOG_USA_UN_White_Nati….PNG)


Jewish subversion of demographics started WAY before.


00cbdb  No.2686889

File: 9feea7de0c9a2b9⋯.jpg (113.88 KB, 666x449, 666:449, autisie.jpg)

36e252  No.2686890

Watch these frauds spam pics to slide boards. Hellloooo notfancybears and alquds .

356451  No.2686891

File: bf2c18051220d45⋯.jpeg (95.3 KB, 750x750, 1:1, CA897AF3-2F2B-4909-BFF0-5….jpeg)

Double Tees

b09c32  No.2686892


You missed your chance with her so she found another 17 yr old

915a41  No.2686893


I’m thinking CO is the “source” here…

7e49a5  No.2686894

File: efde9cffb611761⋯.png (500.24 KB, 700x466, 350:233, klhajh;ah;jlh.png)

File: 8f13b7e6afea36c⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 469x568, 469:568, 8f13b7e6afea36cbf98e686d98….jpg)

File: ce8108b7833ed17⋯.png (685.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 081238479801237489haskdhfh.png)

Now Q is playing qresearch for fools…. His recent post on Rosenstein isn't adding up.

July we were supposed to see the truth… Still waiting.

He said [RR] Would be forced out or fired six months ago… wrong again.

I support Q but it disappoints me when Q Bullshits on this board.

acc7ed  No.2686895


Why don't you just put the ACTUAL headings or labels then you don't have

to cause slides, drama and debates about it?

9366d4  No.2686896


This woman is just…creepy!

850ba4  No.2686897

The Clinton Foundation

goes WAY BEYOND the Foundation. They have multiple foundations and shell companies.

This is the biggest charity fraud in the history of mankind.

Here is the list of all 48….YES 48 "Foundations/'shell companies owned by Clintons:

A) Clinton Bush Haiti Fund registered 1/28/10 and dissolved 12/27/12

B) Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)

C) Clinton Development Initiative (CDI)

D) Clinton Family Foundation: in NY registered in 2001

E) Clinton Foundation: in AR registered 1998

F) Clinton Foundation: in Hong Kong registered 2014

G) Clinton Foundation: in Haiti

H) Clinton Foundation: registered to this address in Sweden: Birger Jarlsgatan 55, Stockholm, SW 11145

I) Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CFHAI): bogus co. run under CF

J) Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP): in Canada (Frank Giustra) many connections here.

K) Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI)

L) Clinton Global Citizens Award (CGCA)

M) Clinton Global Initiative (CGI): in AR registered 2005

N) Clinton Global Initiative Asia (CFIA)

O) Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU)

P) Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI): total fuckery on back-dating this one, but claim to be around since 2002. Registration in MA not until 2009

Q) Clinton Health Matter Initiative (CHMI)

R) Clinton Hunter Development Initiative (CSBI)

S) Clinton Institute (CI)

T) Clinton Small Business Initiative (CSBI)

U) Ciudad Verde Amarilo Triada Frailejon III: in Bogota

S) Clinton Institute (CI)

T) Clinton Small Business Initiative (CSBI)

U) Ciudad Verde Amarilo Triada Frailejon III: in Bogota

Y) The Clinton Initiatives (TCI)

Z) The Clinton Museum Store (TCMS)

AA) William J. Clinton Foundation (Kenya) Charity Trust: in Nairobi

BB) William J. Clinton Foundation UK: in London – dissolved on 10/10/17

CC) William J. Clinton Foundation (WJCF)

DD) William J. Clinton Presidential Center (CPC)

EE) WJC Investments (William Jefferson Clinton, for profit)

FF) WJC LLC (William Jefferson Clinton, for profit)

GG) Too Small to Fail

HH) Onward Together: Hillary’s most recent scandal

II) Haiti Development Fund LLC: in NY (50% ownership)

JJ) Acceso Fund LLC: in NY (50% ownership)

KK) Acceso Ofertal Local: in Colombia (fruit/veg supply)

LL) Acacia Development CO: in NY (investment)

MM) Acceso Worldwide Fund Inc.: in NY (investment)

NN) Fondo Acceso Sas: in Colombia – subsidiary of Acceso Fund LLC

OO) Acceso Cashew Enterprise Ltd: in Maharashtra IN (cashew co)

PP) Tukula Farmin Company Ltd: operates in in Kasungu Malawi and Mchinji

QQ) Moyo Nuts and Seeds Ltd: in Limbe MI

RR) Moyo Development Company: in Africa

SS) Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corp: in Haiti (false address and doesn’t exist)

TT) Acceso Boyaca SA: in Colombia (50% ownership)

UU) Chakipi Acceso SA: in Lima PE (50% ownership)

VV) Ruaha Development Co Ltd: in Upanga Tanzania

The Clintons have been on a damn near 30 year crime spree and people think 30 years worth of criminal activity can be gone through, in absolute completion, with a fine tooth comb in less than 2 years?

The below figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation tax return for 2014, found on the National Center for Charitable Statistics web site. You can obtain the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.

The Clinton Foundation:

Number of Employees (line 5) 486

Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00

Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (this is less than 3%)

Total expenses: $91,281,145.00

Expenses include:

Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00

Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00

Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00

Travel $8,000,000.00

Meetings $12,000,000.00

Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00

So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION! And they called this a CHARITY?

This is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed. And just think, one of the participants was a former President and one wanted to be elected President of the United States. If justice was truly served, they would both be in prison.

1ecaae  No.2686898

File: 79832247c147bf1⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, stroker bunny.jpg)


Peter Stroker's bunny.

ada6b8  No.2686899

From SGT Report interview with Fiona Barnett:

very important comments from her. She says she was in very hard to get in art schools and she has education in and understanding in realistic drawings:

the podesta pool art looks like drawings from photographs. the facial expressions are real, looks like they have been sodimized, …

this video and this point… 1-2 min forward.


f3a59c  No.2686900


Yes? Let's here you theory.

36e252  No.2686901

Go on, do some research that helps Trump. This movement is putting Trump supporters in echo chambers of delusion and REEKS of a pro Iranian pro putin pro assad commie influence op

1ecaae  No.2686902


If /we/ throw her in a pond, do you think she would float?

b09c32  No.2686903


They had to use Muslim to fill their empty slots


56cb33  No.2686904


They have discovered the anti Jew cuck gene. It ignores (((their))) shit science.

b09c32  No.2686905


No problem

We got it

d81d24  No.2686906

Venezuela is fucked!

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro carried out one of the greatest currency devaluations in history over the weekend – a 95 percent plunge.

One likely outcome is that inflation, which already was forecast to reach 1 million percent this year, will get fresh fuel from the measures. Prices are currently rising at an annualized rate of 108,000 percent

The official rate for the currency will go from about 285,000 per dollar to 6 million, a shock that officials tried to partly offset by raising the minimum wage 3,500 percent to the equivalent of just $30 a month.

The devaluation comes at the same time the government is redenominating the currency by lopping off five zeros and introducing new bills and a name change. So instead of the new minimum wage being 1.8 million strong bolivars, it will be 1,800 sovereign bolivars. Banks were closed and busy trying to adopt ATMs and online platforms to the new currency rules.

To make things more complicated, the new bolivar’s value will be linked to a crypto currency – believed to be the first time a government has ever employed the technique. The so-called Petro is backed by crude oil and is valued by the government at $60, or 3,600 sovereign bolivars. The Petro will fluctuate and be used to set prices for goods.


b09c32  No.2686907



You weren't supposed to tell them that yet

61f856  No.2686908



don't forget that Gabe Podesta (son of John) is JAG lawyer

9d622d  No.2686909

File: 92cca1d519b0c91⋯.png (70.52 KB, 1280x931, 1280:931, finishinnercircle.png)

File: 097d57a8ab5df1f⋯.png (81.66 KB, 1280x949, 1280:949, innercirc2c.png)

Squaring the circle producing the inner circle.

4b7739  No.2686910



Nice compilation here, if iy hasn't already been stated

3afeaf  No.2686911


So, you want me to put the Snope's headline up, and their conclusion? Is that what you're saying? You made a reasonable label request earlier, and I did it.

So, I won't use a label from a known Soros site that promotes a Soros point of view. Clear enough?

Make a suggestion, and if I like it, I'll use it… like I already did once for you this bread.

00912c  No.2686912


it was copypasta from reddit back then in bread 3209

ed8f92  No.2686913


Yet the socialists persist…

c71e71  No.2686914



Precision in language is precious.

b09c32  No.2686915


Hope you never get in an IQ test with them

You will be sad

eb3866  No.2686916


PrograMathBaker is fun like that.


af3e19  No.2686917



Nobody is saying that they have film-style metaphysical powers. Yes, Katy Perry LARPs the ccult because she is a slave and her master wants her to do that. All the Hollywood moguls have asked their slaves to incorporate this occult symbolism.

But Madonna is different. She started as a slave, but she took the Kabbalah studies seriously, and she got her rank the same way as any other Illuminati, by dominating her superior in rank and taking over that rank.

Possibly she is actually from one of the Italian bloodlines which is why they let her do it. Others might have been killed off instead. But that is not what we are working on now.

We want to identify as many witches as possible, their covens, and how they control the system.

Also, we need to find that chachal-like charm in Rome. Probably when Podesta traveled to meet a Cardinal (they wear red shoes) somebody else was present, wearing a charm. Maybe they were photographed in a restaurant or an award ceremony or fashion week.

36e252  No.2686918


Wanna know how to find a TRUE POTUS SUPPORTER?



dfc801  No.2686919


It's in the limit

d81d24  No.2686920


1 million percent inflation, absolute fucking insanity.

3afeaf  No.2686921

>>2686897 Clinton slush funds Foundations and Shell Companies

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

b09c32  No.2686922


They are doing research

We are having a shit post marathon

c71e71  No.2686923


Both are important.

How the hell do you want people to be allowed to navigate the future if people don't use language precisely? It just leaves them open to further subversion, its stupid to call antifa something it is not.

acc7ed  No.2686924

>>2686897 The Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud, Shell Companies & 2014 Tax Return


fafd35  No.2686925

File: ae737d9e98b4c07⋯.pdf (439.9 KB, 2017-05-22-Lisa-Barsoomian….pdf)

>>2686867 >>>2686686, >>2686734 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

=ANONS here is but one grouping of documents/ information that was supposedly purged from the internet==

Still pulling the rest

But the Baker would have you believe what it wants as a heading as opposed to FACTS

>Three breads in a row, an anon has said my label does not match the link



1ecaae  No.2686926


This is the wrong mental approach to criminal prosecution. Mueller has the right approach actually. You hound them down for the kill. You get one conviction, jail /them/, pursue the rest of the charges too. You want ot get murderers off the streets and worry about the niceties later. There is more than enough evidence /we/ know already to put the deep state crooktards away for 10 lifetimes. Dont get cute, get aggressive.

f65699  No.2686927


What can you possibly do? Make it require 5 faggots?

I honestly think notables should be abolished. But i watch the fight and hope you win. But i know that the control it takes for you to actually win is self defeating because it means peak control. Which corrupts itself.

What can stop X bad actors coming here, introducing a 'discrediting' larp, agreeing with each other that it is totally notable and you're compedfor suppressing their free speech and this super duper great idea that you fear? Which they then turn into the same old concernfagging about credibility. Which they then turn into a baker war. Which they then turn into a push for actual censorship controlled by the 'authority' they put in place to deal with the comped notables that started it all.

Every angle surrounding notables is a slippery slope. Isn't the anon chaos the obvious response to those slippery slopes? Isn't that why the fuck we were here to begin with?

b09c32  No.2686928


Weimar Republic ver 2.0

acc7ed  No.2686930


This needs to be put in some kind of form for anons to keep and send to people.

36e252  No.2686931

Lmfao. Why aren't you guys investigating the imam siraj wahhaj and his charities?/ too close to 'home'

9d622d  No.2686932


it appears that many autists have moved to Reddit yes.

b09c32  No.2686933


They have already over run this board.

Look at the type of posts

Drove the serious people away, as expected

36e252  No.2686934



dfc801  No.2686935


Welcome to the chessgame.

b09c32  No.2686936


They already sent it

To the IRS

efd4a4  No.2686937

File: 97d4972a2583d51⋯.png (428.37 KB, 484x482, 242:241, 97d4972a2583d516693294b8d8….png)

File: 3857adae7b87b28⋯.gif (528.62 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 3857adae7b87b2862ec1da5635….gif)

acc7ed  No.2686938

7e49a5  No.2686939

File: 78ca41ff02119fe⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 78ca41ff02119fe30c50b405ee….jpg)

File: 1edd12359c4e756⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 819x376, 819:376, ce50498e1b9881d3c6e223d2ad….jpg)

File: 45c82d72e336e61⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 360x328, 45:41, ad62e629964626b123cfc91494….jpg)

Historically blacks are detrimental to western society.

9366d4  No.2686940


I hope that bunny was not one of your kids favorite 'lovey'…they will make you pay!…kek

(oh hell…movie "Fatal Attraction"…jilted lover cooks married man's kids rabbit in pot in his house…shat I'm tired)

efd4a4  No.2686941

File: 8dd0699279a8297⋯.png (639.2 KB, 511x506, 511:506, 8dd0699279a8297992400ef60f….png)

File: 89cb0825e71e7af⋯.jpg (65.4 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 89cb0825e71e7af08778d52150….jpg)

File: c49ec72d6e0f0c3⋯.jpg (147.02 KB, 478x481, 478:481, c49ec72d6e0f0c3db8bce2c85e….jpg)

File: ec23f0176b77fb1⋯.jpeg (301.53 KB, 699x1024, 699:1024, ec23f0176b77fb12eae6833d8….jpeg)

File: f4af06e4eb383da⋯.jpg (255.46 KB, 900x591, 300:197, f4af06e4eb383da79027bf47eb….jpg)

3afeaf  No.2686942

>>2686906 Venezuelans get Math Lesson from Government, currency linked to crypto

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

44a8ee  No.2686943


So fbcoveup I saw wrong about that? Cuz I posted something earlier from that site

b09c32  No.2686944


Shit post # 8,256,322

f53d63  No.2686945

File: d8e8c3120ae0ba8⋯.png (1.12 MB, 695x897, 695:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95b74efcda46f6b⋯.png (106.37 KB, 977x317, 977:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is a higher res version of shower girl , creepy to say the least with all those showerheads in the ceiling

1ecaae  No.2686946


Because terms are for thinking inside the box. Labeling isnt really significant. In both commie and fascist control, the state controls all. That is what's important. Fascism is more benign–unless you dont agree. Then it's the same as communism–death or prison. Is Soetero a commie or a fascist? The answer is Yes.

36e252  No.2686947



This is fuckin checkers. This has hallmarks of an ANTI TRUMP INFLUENCE OP, like the steele dossier

c71e71  No.2686948

File: f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)

File: fb34bded822fe9d⋯.png (291.8 KB, 841x639, 841:639, Jews_ZOG_USA_UN_White_Nati….PNG)


Jewish subversion is jewish subversion, you are an idiot if you don't call it what it is.

It's evil and its jewish, don't try to hide the fact.

When it is subversion coming from other groups, people call it like it is and we don't have cunts like you trying to damage control.

Fuck the jewish bullshit narrative that jews are all saints and when exposed its "good vs. evil", if we don't call things what they are, peace will not be possible.

71d087  No.2686949


Still not sure how you got that number. For Beta, a number 2 would need to be in there, no?

9f796a  No.2686950

why do paytriots are always asking for money? are there other reasons for this besides them putting money in their pocket?

b09c32  No.2686951


You website interests are a little……. weird

f65699  No.2686952

File: 5185e98ea8aae42⋯.png (262.58 KB, 585x560, 117:112, 1517607041258.png)


Don't underestimate how many very serious people enjoy the pure debauchery of shitposting. And are gleefully happy to parse through the noise to find the signal.

629bfb  No.2686953


Listening and typing from what I can guess…never done it in this context personally

af3e19  No.2686954


Lucifer spelled backwards is Reficul

In French Réfi is slang for putting something on like socks or pants.

Réfi cul would mean put on an asshole.

I guess if you stick your dick in an asshole, that fits the description.

Stealing your energy. Do you mean INSTEAD of stealing your money?

Look at this


Transition plan 2016 for an energy based economy.

efd4a4  No.2686955

File: 2ba4f4e36ffeedd⋯.png (6.87 KB, 214x236, 107:118, 2ba4f4e36ffeedd68f8e5e227c….png)

File: 3f13af80b5ceb00⋯.jpeg (119.02 KB, 640x912, 40:57, 3f13af80b5ceb00b6f129a795….jpeg)

File: 5f74fe592faa136⋯.png (447.91 KB, 388x393, 388:393, 5f74fe592faa136e9895750301….png)

File: 57aa6be7cf79892⋯.jpeg (15.83 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 30ceb946be9da23840862627c….jpeg)


It's 4 oclock in the morning you dingleberry bunghole! . Mr 32 post buttmeister ! Im waitin for Q to post !!

1ecaae  No.2686956


Calling it antifa is something it's not, unless it stands for anti-first amendment, that would be accurate. I have 3 degrees in languages by the way and I've spent far more time reading dictionaries than I care to remember.

36e252  No.2686957


They need CC INFO for the upcoming bank heist. Giant spear phishing op.

bc6cdb  No.2686959

File: 4a22f48299de007⋯.jpg (87.23 KB, 2152x1890, 1076:945, 4a22f48299de007a73499430d2….jpg)

c71e71  No.2686960


That is bullshit.

Without precision in language, people lose the capacity to understand the deeper layers of complexity of things, and are more open to subversion.

Fuck that, truth prevails, just because statism is a thing for both does not make antifa fascist, that is a FACT.

0faaa2  No.2686961

File: b00c2f95ed5e65a⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1668x1200, 139:100, 51809067-E8C8-409C-9840-C….jpeg)

File: a280227a5fba02b⋯.jpeg (395.43 KB, 1668x726, 278:121, 06E53018-6428-4BAD-8245-E….jpeg)

File: ce2f6b57409abdc⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1648x1702, 824:851, 43A852BE-AC28-4B0B-8661-1….jpeg)

File: 700d758f5f121db⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1668x1651, 1668:1651, A71287CD-E19A-4DD3-8B51-1….jpeg)

File: c65a238cf5734ce⋯.jpeg (878.08 KB, 1668x1990, 834:995, 31C171E3-CB0E-41BF-92B6-3….jpeg)


Ive finally found it, the Soronian Society, the oldest women’s “sorority” in America, with only one chapter. It began in 1847 as a literary society, sister to or a rebirth of the Eurodelphian society, it exists at only one college, Olivet college in Olivet, Michigan. There is very little known about it, as a fire destroyed all their early records and history. In 1865 (or 1868 depending where the info is from) they adopted the greek letters, Iota Kappa Omicron; but still are known only as the Soronian Society. Colors are Red & white, at a college whose colors are red and white, they have been housed in only one house on campus for over 100 years. there is very little information about this group. The college is Eaton county, MI which is right next to Clinton County.

Maybe someone else can see how it connects.

b360a0  No.2686962

File: 2540b33c939c9b9⋯.jpg (66.15 KB, 640x443, 640:443, -mKkq78xSsPxd7PWspQZ_NX28U….jpg)

f53d63  No.2686963


Podesta 'art' collection

af3e19  No.2686964


Buddha did not say anything about NIHILISM because it did not exist until Germans came up with it after Darwinism became Social Darwinism.

What you described is not nihilism

b09c32  No.2686965


9 circles plus gate to 10th

c71e71  No.2686966


You call it what they call themselves so people know what you're talking about, then you describe it as precisely as possible.

Antifa = statist, totalitarian commies

f3a59c  No.2686967


A bonus is that you often learn firsthand the tactics of our enemy. Sliding, etc. . Plus, it often shows the true nature of those who claim to be just an anon. Multiple purposes.

b09c32  No.2686968


Is that on the Island of Lesbos?

1ecaae  No.2686969

>>2686960 This is the last of my doctorate and 30 years dealing with govt you'll get on this. Read moar.

communism (kŏmˈyə-nĭzˌəm)►

n. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

n. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

n. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

fascism (făshˈĭzˌəm)►

n. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

n. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

n. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

acc7ed  No.2686970


>>2686906 Venezuelan President Carried out one of the Greatest Currency Devaluations in History.

784e0f  No.2686971


Brennan's mother.

ee6f92  No.2686972

Plea to Q-team, please hear this message out!

Dear Q,

I am a participant in a movement that is organizing resources to create a decentralized platform that will allow individuals to disseminate information regarding their abusers. This will not be a Wikileaks site so to speak but the premise remains the same except we will be specifically focused on ritual sexual abuse survivors. As everyone here is very aware - this is a daunting task and comes at the price of everyone involved having a laser painted on them. Many of us here on this very board are willing to die for the truth but what we are not willing to do is wait any longer - at least not those of us who have known for too long or worse yet those of us who are survivors of this abuse.

I am writing this as a plea for you and your organization, for the Trump administration to construct some kind of entity(a brand NEW one!) that can deal with this kind of information. Something we can trust, something vouched by Q(think opposite of Q Trafficking Hotline post). I understand the Department of Homeland Security and ICE HSI can be somewhat trustworthy but we are at a very pivotal time in the disclosure of this evil. We need some kind of safety net and we the people on the front lines willing to lay our lives down for this cause, well we all fear we might become another one of these:


We ask for your support. There is no timeline yet as to when this project will go into play. It could be in a week, a month, maybe a few - it depends on many factors and mainly operations security. Some of us are versed in cyber security and basic operations security but none the less what we have set ahead of us is nothing less than a daunting task and will inevitably light up every single warning light on the evil people's command screens.

I suppose in short what we are asking is that we move the timeline forward a little bit - we need more speed and more momentum because people are now dieing over what they wish to speak. We know there is only so much that can be done in so much time when the very evil that infects this nation has literally sprawled it's chaos to every aspect of government and it takes a literal act of god to undo this madness. We understand.

But in the light of us that are working towards this goal right now… we beg you, please speed up the process because now private citizens with everything to loose and nothing to gain are coming forward at rates the likes of which has never occurred before in modern history. If the journalist above had our information and our project was live maybe we the people could have provided her some sort of insurance knowing that what she had was spread amongst several platforms, interconnected and separated, redundant and versatile that may have helped her be alive today and not dead. We don't have anyone we can trust, Q. We need something we can trust. We are fighting in the dark.

This is very real - we know it is very real Q. And now we the people are taking it into our own hands as we have to. We do not have any other options. We will not sit by idly in fear. We will walk with the armor of god. This is our plea Q… please, justice cannot come soon enough. Please help Q.

Thank you for all your work here patriots. Good people are working behind the scenes everywhere. It is time we rid this our nation and this earth of this evil.

God bless.

fafd35  No.2686973


I don't know what you posted or saw, but I am finding info regarding the case.

71d087  No.2686974


I don't think I have all the art yet from Biljana Durdevic. I pulled all I could from one site. There was another I saw on a video where old people were in the woods. She must have some somewhere else.

Q said look at the ones from 2015-2016. That could mean ones in Rome, or Rome is related. Or they are separate. (Indoors) does narrow it down.

b09c32  No.2686975


same concept - borrowed by the European

3c4841  No.2686976


>Every angle surrounding notables is a slippery slope.

>Isn't the anon chaos the obvious response to those slippery slopes?

>Isn't that why the fuck we were here to begin with?

Attack bad ideas with better ideas. That is what anons excel at, par excellence.

efd4a4  No.2686977

File: 147da4edcbec5b1⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 147da4edcbec5b17f2b1bcffba….jpg)

Mr.Default is a nigger

42230f  No.2686978


I only know all the fish in the pmd would.

12a6f7  No.2686979

File: e1b7075f93f1013⋯.jpg (516.47 KB, 1309x879, 1309:879, Clip.jpg)

3afeaf  No.2686980

File: 350284cda3d6280⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 530x298, 265:149, NoYou4You.jpg)


(((WrongLabelShill))). I've given you chances in several breads to give me a label rather than

just complain and bitch. Since you refuse to help, I am now giving you your very own shill name.

Say hello to your comrade, (((MuhDickShill))) who is also here.

I will note your UID and ignore every other bitch you make. If you want to contribute, I'll

consider your input. Just bitching? Naw… I already got divorced from that. You are henceforth

"Not worthy of reply." No more (yous) for you.

42230f  No.2686981



1ecaae  No.2686982


Look up the word "misnomer," then study the 45 principles of communism and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. In short, read moar, write less.

36e252  No.2686983

Lol, more esoteric bullshit. I highly doubt any Trump supporter likes antifa, the mullah faggots or russian hackers and yet it appears thats the bulk of qanon. Support for assad here probably more important than support for counter terrorism efforts.

Enjow your roleplaying for the enemy you silly goons.

1ecaae  No.2686984


Study Titian. Fuck her, it's degenerate.

620f3a  No.2686985

File: b544abad9e7f026⋯.jpg (107.13 KB, 639x622, 639:622, SeenItX96.jpg)


Did you wish to comment on these images? We've seen them over and over. What are your thoughts? Seriously–curious.

c5ecc1  No.2686986


There's a bit of a difference with 8ch though. It's quite cleverly designed to be mostly uncensorable. The only things that will get "censored" are things that are demonstrable illegal (or near enough in the cases of CP).

The other sites for widespread discussion are owned by agenda pushers so they can censor free thought with the click of button or a clever algorithm.

The reason they have to do that is because their position is either indefensible to start with, or they lack the capacity to debate effectively for a position they are trying to push forward.

Shills here can try and flood the bread, put up any arguments they want because at the end of the day they can't actually censor opposing views. And if the opposing views are reasoned, logical, and provable then all their arguments are for nothing. The truth will out, as they say.

That's why I'll never waste my energy trying to debate or share anything remotely important or significant on any other board/forum/Chan etc.

Oh and notables don't matter that much to me tbh, they're a convenience. They don't have to be true, and if something gets missed it will no doubt come up again.

4b7739  No.2686987


Can't disagree with your description of how things get confounded, except to say that notables are important and worth it. Much of my effort is spent away from this board now, but I check in a few times a day to get the gist of what's happening. I'm sure I'm one of hundreds or thousands.

In the end, the notables are a measure of good discernment and, imo, a mark of good leadership. A good leader should just know what's worthy and what isn't; they shouldn't be swayed by the illusion of consensus.

Luckily, the chans are populated by people of strong will; we don't just go with something because the crowd does. We're not so stupid that we can't make a value judgement on our own. Rare is the time that I have questioned my conviction in the face of absolute stupidity, and we all know damn well that trials of this nature have become a matter of daily living in this country.

"front hole".

Enough said.

f53d63  No.2686988


I have a hunch that the really juicy pieces are kept very privately. They are likely on private display at the perps mansions

c71e71  No.2686989


According to those definitions, you are correct.

What I meant thou is that people seem to conflate the term fascism with nazism (which is right-wing, and no, the socialism of Hitler was not marxist socialism, I can post about that if you want), and it is sad to have people conflating antifa to nazism when antifa never had anything good about it and nazism had good things about it.

Such is life.

6c8dfd  No.2686990

So what about Jimmy Carter? Patriot? Traitor?

b09c32  No.2686991


Write your conggressman.

You act like Q is Dr Phil

c71e71  No.2686992


Are you trying to tell me antifa are not commies? Because they are.

af3e19  No.2686993

File: 76ac02177fc9813⋯.png (432.78 KB, 643x704, 643:704, ClipboardImage.png)



I can't quite see it

bc6cdb  No.2686994

File: 4a8682c68a5982a⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4a8682c68a5982a2a0c3d24f00….jpg)

1ecaae  No.2686995


Imo who lived through the time, crooked but meh. Ineffectual. Ronnie Raygun was a yuge relief. So /they/ shot him. Nice.

c27e2f  No.2686996

File: 2e22263f0299c29⋯.jpg (109.29 KB, 717x836, 717:836, 2018-08-21_03.10.00.jpg)

File: 21b6f548338e730⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2858x620, 1429:310, 2018-08-21_03.12.37.jpg)

Has Ping Pong Free Press been noted previously?

A literary Journal of the Henry Miller Memorial Library.

Who is Henry Miller you ask?

Born December 26 (significant date for the Cabal) 1891 to Lutheran German immigrants. Was known for court case involving obscenity laws due to his book, Tropic of Cancer. Also wrote a little book about Moloch…"Moloch: or, This Gentile World" under the name June.


Lots to dig through. I'll save what I thought was my big drop and worked all evening on for tomorrow.

f65699  No.2686998



Sometimes i wish i was something other than a pretty fucking smart nobody.

bc6cdb  No.2686999


tropic of Capricorn is really good…imo

1ecaae  No.2687000


A basic alinskyite tactic is to label your enemies as what you are. Therefore, anti fascist = fascist.

The propaganda is strong in you, komrade. Prost

44a8ee  No.2687001

File: 97c055ae457cfbc⋯.png (197.51 KB, 1442x1062, 721:531, IMG_7347.PNG)

File: d55c77536a7eae9⋯.png (314.85 KB, 1511x1069, 1511:1069, IMG_7463.PNG)


Are you impaired?

They are the classic fascist if there ever was one

f3a59c  No.2687002


Sounds good for you. Doesn't mean it's right for all. All anons have their part to play in this movie.

56cb33  No.2687003

File: 351ee89569819da⋯.jpeg (5.87 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (19).jpeg)

File: 9e455e701fd8d95⋯.jpg (68.77 KB, 1029x774, 343:258, vril11.jpg)


Fuck is that Nut the Egyptian Goddess of the sky?

I forget where the sun comes up from her mouth or her pussy?

Either way good stuff. Have a Maria Orsic channeler of Aliens and leader of the fleets waiting behind the moon to fuck up the Joooooooo!


620f3a  No.2687004


FFS, I hope epidemics are not part of the future playbook for DS retribution.

3c4841  No.2687005


Bang on dead accurate. I've been lurking since late last year on half chan. Haven't posted that much since I'm halfway around the world from the U.S. Your points are valid.

784e0f  No.2687006


Put her in Paris, Arkansas, see who's gonna go in France to see Eiffel tower anymore.

1ecaae  No.2687007


Oh no, they are ANTI-fascist! Their flag points the OTHER direction, to the left and stuff.

b09c32  No.2687008


It is behavior, not descriptors

Here the progressives call themselves centrists, and mainstream.

The intentionally play with the language like "racism"

You so dense you can't see it?

Was Stalin a fascist?

Describe fascism (as Q requested)

bc6cdb  No.2687009


the hair…ahhhh

23365a  No.2687010

File: db03bb58cbf29ed⋯.jpg (124.94 KB, 1279x285, 1279:285, obiwankenobi.jpg)

File: 131872d8a48f3ed⋯.jpg (19.24 KB, 320x158, 160:79, 2g9hhp (1).jpg)

The Night Shift: Working 9 to 5

36e252  No.2687011


See? These cunts who took over qanon dont support a FREE IRAN but they support commies. This movement was hijacked. Q likely DOA

b09c32  No.2687012



56cb33  No.2687013


Nigga get back with more Miller shit. This cock was friends with George Hodel the killer of the Black Dahlia and the Zodiac Killer and likely a CIA MKULTRA asset run out of Manila. Had an IQ of 189 and was a bohemian type who hung with Man Ray and Vincent Price and Henry Miller.

620f3a  No.2687014


AWEsome. Drop 'em here, anon.

744062  No.2687015

File: 6312c67c123e100⋯.png (450.54 KB, 1252x1741, 1252:1741, JoinTheDots.png)

>>2686023 (lb)

>>2686041 (lb)

>>2686056 (lb)

>>2686098 (lb)

>>2686140 (lb)

>>2686474 (lb)

>>2686596 (lb)

>Not an original Reddit post.

>ALL DOTS CONNECTED…Clinton’s, Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, Learner, plus secret guests … Lets PLAY FOLLOW THE TRAIL…

>August 10, 2018 by IWB


The IWB article is dated 10 August 2018, but here's a screenshot of a post here in QResearch from 6 August 2018. It seems clear that the IWB is not the original, but who posted the original piece. Clearly Q wants us to pay attention to it.

Link to post: >>2478167 (pb)

fafd35  No.2687016

File: 40cc8be99db751b⋯.png (10.38 KB, 973x130, 973:130, Baker 3392 Refusing to Pos….PNG)


Anons duly note the Bakers response to providing factual information to their delusions

Also see Bakers admitted refusal to properly identify information based on their feelings

Baker has me and the other anon it responded to confused

Completely Psychotic


1ecaae  No.2687018


Naw, Stalin wanted what's good for everyone, komrade! He would never centralize power and kill all his enemies–that would be fascist!

f3a59c  No.2687019


Every anon has some talent, I think. Some are just much different than others.


4b7739  No.2687020


Traitor. I was reading "Rule By Secrecyç (Jim Marrs), and he mentioned that Carter's administration was filled with about 23 CFR members. Carter himself was a member.

Nothing he did was in the interest of our country. He was a no-name that suddenly got propelled into the Presidency. He's bad.

c71e71  No.2687021

File: b6cdeb866530469⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2816x4472, 352:559, Antifa_are_cultural_marxis….jpg)


fascism (făshˈĭzˌəm)►

n. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

n. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

n. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

According to this definition (that you posted) of fascism, yep they are fascists.

Does not make them any less communist.

And I'm a commie now why?


I was under the (wrong) assumption that fascism was purely a right wing system, that was why I was getting bothered by calling the commies fascists.

5256c9  No.2687022

File: 137f59847066205⋯.png (124.59 KB, 886x1322, 443:661, 1518582570853.png)


Here is what fascism actually is…

3afeaf  No.2687023

Baker Epiphany

I now see that anons don't like my style of "clickbait" notable titles. Sorry, anons. It's my

sense of humor and my style. My labels are there to generate interest in the link, not to

explain it. Understand the difference.

We must have a lot of new nightFags, because I've been doing this for at least four or five

months (after tiring of labels that repeat the links).

You are really going to hate my thread titles, I predict. I'm putting this down to the type of anons

who didn't understand the point or humor behind my "cruelty to reptiles" label months ago.

b09c32  No.2687024


So,,, Would you hit it if you could?

c71e71  No.2687025


>According to this definition (that you posted) of fascism, yep they are fascists.

I mean, if you disregard the nationalism part.

aff570  No.2687026


>Isn't the anon chaos the obvious response to those slippery slopes? Isn't that why the fuck we were here to begin with?

Bingo! Th chaos is what keeps us strong. Also it allows shills, but they would be stronger if we had hardlocked rules.

1e9e66  No.2687027


kek bake on

5611cc  No.2687028

File: 44aabb73f3c0227⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 2g7n5n.jpg)

File: b6f14f129cf6900⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 282x179, 282:179, 2g7nbh.jpg)

File: 132c52b0e311565⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2g7nfl.jpg)

File: bd24724832937db⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 276x182, 138:91, 2g7nnl.jpg)

File: 00ebb0be9bb80a4⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 2g7nu9.jpg)

bc6cdb  No.2687029


maria had the beauty….oooh.

36e252  No.2687030

Lolool. Remember Q said support irans protesters?

But now they have you diggin on yt for goth music made by fucking nobodies so they can say SATANIC.

Look into muslim charities that support HRC? Noooway may lead to iran

56cb33  No.2687031


You would have quite a time with her hair going doggy style.

Crazy story that Maria Orsic. Shows how easy manipulating guys are. I am a fan boy from just looking at her 100 year old pictures.

Good thing we know time isnt real and I could hangout someday.

3afeaf  No.2687032

File: 138911421d57716⋯.jpg (164.9 KB, 1500x996, 125:83, NoEwes.jpg)


No (ewe) for you!

See: >>2687023

18b808  No.2687033

File: 034a483cda59a4b⋯.png (21.24 KB, 300x100, 3:1, IMG_6782.PNG)

5256c9  No.2687034

File: 42bc56884bca6e1⋯.png (486.29 KB, 790x443, 790:443, 42bc56884bca6e17c6dc4c38c2….png)


Honestly someone will always find something wrong with something. I honestly havent noticed a change in notables.

c71e71  No.2687035


Well, according to your definition, fascism involves nationalism, and antifa is NOT nationalist at all, so there is that.

aff570  No.2687036


Fuck the haters Baker. Keep baking on.

Hell your title for this bread is one of the top ten titles in bread history.

Don't change shit!

bc6cdb  No.2687037


I can be manipple-ated…'tis true.

36e252  No.2687038

Get diggin into siraj wahhaj and supporters of child marriage ?

Or just run to reddit to hide behind the banwall.

1ecaae  No.2687039


That's nearly as pretty as the theories of communism. Both fail though.

f3a59c  No.2687040


It takes a pretty thick skin here at times.

9366d4  No.2687041



Yes. Change the language, you can change the world. Words have power. M. Webster knew this. He was a linguist (cant remember how many he had mastered, but a lot).

Why did M. Webster compile what we now know as the M.Webster Dictionary? He knew that there were those who would subvert language in generations to come. He wrote his first dictionary to put into print, and seal it for all posterity, the very words he knew would one day be questioned. The words used in the writing by the author(s) of the Declaration of Independence. And what have we witnessed in recent years? The SC trying to invent new meanings to the ones held so dear, so they can nullify the document.

M. Webster's second much larger dictionary of 1828 was written for much of the same reason. He solidified the words used in the Authorized King James Bible. Did he feel one day lesser bibles would arise with very different words and meanings. Possibly. I am just proud to own both volumes, though they are not first editions, I still prize them.

1ecaae  No.2687042


I made Drawings of her and the other Vril Maidens, with spaceships etc. Wild stuff. Out there.

1475cb  No.2687043


All Redfags always have a bitch about something, if there is a problem there should be a consensus.

620f3a  No.2687044

File: c862f774d6b02b2⋯.jpg (158.94 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 703921_10151353057999282_4….jpg)

00912c  No.2687045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q is not bullshitting the board you feckless shill. he's bullshittin you.

1ecaae  No.2687046


Under both appellations, piss is wet.

b09c32  No.2687047


That doesn't fit any historical fascist country, but that how they sold it to the people

Fasci was the name of Mussolini's party,

It has become a meaningless term in conversation since people like you with no historical knowledge believe shit you read by people that have an agenda.

Were Nazis socialists?

There were no free market capitalist parties in Germans

If we fought the Nazis with USSR does that make us left wing?

Read some old books, & fewer websites

1e9e66  No.2687048


and the complainers probably need to do more of what is in the title.. kek

af3e19  No.2687049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In a Russian supermarket

A flashmob sings the well-known folk song


In a guerilla-theater style performance

It's interesting to see what a supermarket

Looks like in Russia

c71e71  No.2687050



1a4bd4  No.2687051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dfe47e  No.2687052


moar winning?

915a41  No.2687053


Just another globalist…

Created the SES

And Zbig was his national security advisor.

acc7ed  No.2687054


So the Connect the Dots article is actually written by Judy Byington.

If she wrote this, credit should be given to her not Reddit.

Also, credit to anon who found it and first posted it here.

3afeaf  No.2687055



I am half expecting the "not factual labels" anon to complain to BO that I have misspellings in my title.

36e252  No.2687056

Lol ok you proved my point, you turned them into a nazi cult, bravo xi,putin et al. Im done for now n remember to ban me from your reddit den even though i just browse to see your manipulation and redirection efforts.


1ecaae  No.2687057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3afeaf  No.2687058

Clam, you around? I thought I saw you earlier.

b09c32  No.2687059


Q continues but not as a private playground for 8chan

That why he is still being discussed on Twitter youtube, personal sites, and Facebook

We lost the exclusive since we couldn't do the job

620f3a  No.2687060

File: f584be4392fd777⋯.png (2.48 KB, 519x25, 519:25, FaId.png)


OMG. How idiotic.

af3e19  No.2687061


You have something there

Anti-First Amendment


f65699  No.2687062


My better idea is the wild west. No approved ideas and the burden of credibility of ideas placed on each and every individual anon.

It's just as idealistic and unrealistic as the things I'm shitting on. I admit this.

Q is the trusted authority. I don't love it but i believe it. The hierarchy of credibility bestowed upon BO, then BV, then bakers, then Q oldfags is not the fucking answer. There is no answer. So Q can ramp up explanations and become the authority that does what snopes does for tards, or we can embrace chaos, accept a level influence that does not exceed snopes, and win with results. This means EMBRACING the ridicule and doubt and self doubt. And this weeds out 95% of humanity.

Turning the 4chan chaos thinktank into a clean efficient tool is a bridge too far and missing the fucking point. You can dance with chaos/the devil, but you can never wield it. It's the trademark of our enemies to control. And it's the trademark of anon to be uncontrollable. We're the tool. Like Assange. Anon doesn't become the authority. Anon flips tables and burns it down, usually self immolating in the process. Then anon retreats like Ceasar wouldn't. Because it's gay and normie now.

Manifest destiny won with the wild west at every front.

c71e71  No.2687063


And fuck judaism and zionism, also subversive.

8c9043  No.2687064

File: 60fd79abbf214a8⋯.png (93.62 KB, 612x234, 34:13, Screenshot_2018-08-21 Zero….png)

File: 5ff03bd9e874eb0⋯.png (78.38 KB, 612x236, 153:59, Screenshot_2018-08-21 Zero….png)


2 good articles

Well you’re in luck, bucko! I happen to have compiled right here a list of six simple steps that our compassionate government and fearless media can take to rid America of these looney toon paranoid conspiracy theorists once and for all:

1. Stop fucking lying all the time.

Simple, right? Just stop lying and people will stop wondering how the narrative they’re being spoon fed by their politicians and the media differs from reality!

End the practice of defense and intelligence agencies collaborating with think tanks and unelected insiders to manufacture false narratives which are then promulgated by pundits and politicians of both mainstream parties to advance imperialist agendas. What will Alex Jones and Sputnik talk about if the voices of power start telling the truth all of a sudden instead of lying about the justifications for imperialist wars, excluding and censoring skeptics of establishment orthodoxies from the mainstream conversation, and being forthright about the massive and ubiquitous problems in America’s democratic system?


Clearly, from the very outset, Trump has been “perceived by the globalist neo-liberal order as a mortal danger to the system which has enriched them” Jatras observes. The big question that Jatras poses in the wake of these events, is how could such collective hysteria have blossomed in to such visceral hostility, that parts of the ‘Anglo’ establishment are ready to intensify hostilities toward Russia – even to the point of risking “a catastrophic, uncontainable [nuclear] conflict”. How is it that the élite’s passion ‘to save globalism’ is so completely overwhelming that it demands their risking human extinction? Jatras suggests that we are dealing here with hugely powerful psychic impulses.


b09c32  No.2687065


Incoherent rants will not be missed

3afeaf  No.2687066


Sure, it's worked perfectly except in the places it has been actually implemented. For example,

every liberal professor's classroom has had 100% success with economic socialism.

18b808  No.2687067

File: 8fc150bd5d6654b⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 540x540, 1:1, IMG_1042.JPG)

File: 3ec2f90d91d0035⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 523x523, 1:1, IMG_1037.JPG)


Baker don't let anyone's get you down

ThanQ for baking

620f3a  No.2687068



b09c32  No.2687069


Except you don't have the power to change it.

Has the world accepted the chans definition of autism?

Clearly not, and not likely to change.

bd6b4f  No.2687070


Dude, I think your notables are fine, no problems here.

Keep doing your thing

aff570  No.2687071


Thanks for that. It's nice inbetween digging on pedos, spooks, satanists, and crimes of all sorts to see good wholesome fun.

1e9e66  No.2687072

File: c7d6e7ac53d90e0⋯.png (85.84 KB, 188x274, 94:137, pepelaugh.PNG)



71d087  No.2687073


Q Said border states are important. Carter randomly went to Winnipeg Canada. They have a lot of indians that go missing, and Maxim magazine said they are the world leader in "cocktail weinies" about 20 years ago. Sounds like CP?

d81d24  No.2687074

File: f1537fb4f917177⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 550x310, 55:31, game_on.jpg)


Bake on baker.

b09c32  No.2687075


Not if you mean everybody in the US

acc7ed  No.2687076


Yes, I have noticed them before.

When waking up or anons coming from work, it is helpful to have accurate titles,

so they can quickly scan them and see what is worth reading.

I don't think anons need someone putting cutesie titles and their slants on them.

Just give the facts of the articles please. We can decide for ourselves what we think of the article,

without your input.

Article headings usually describe in summary what the article is about which is quick and helpful.

I understand your boredom and want to have fun, but Facts please instead of your feelings on them.

bd6b4f  No.2687077


I can almost smell the non-gmo

af3e19  No.2687078

File: 4d009c997ccbd0e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 903x1280, 903:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


Through the Looking Glass

1a4bd4  No.2687079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


youngfags.. history repeats.

dfe47e  No.2687080


Reagan? Nasty man. Amnesty and the consent decree on his watch? Fraud. BH pervert.

f1050e  No.2687081




c5ecc1  No.2687082


Did you not hear Sessions' speech to The Federalist Society?

It was positively dripping with hints that what is going on here matches what is happening with the swamp draining process.

People impatient-so is he, but there's a process… The DOJ "will not" not make decisions based on politics etc. All of that alluding to all of the issues identified here.

Q has lead us to an understanding or at least awareness of all of these issues, and they are very real. So as far as that goes I follow along and enjoy the show.

I am pretty sure Q is not Nostradamus, so I'm not going to get hung up on timelines. Also I think if you checked, Q is fairly general about any time table, which you can take any way you want I suppose.

Oh, and I did NOT hear Sessions say "trust the plan" kek

595d9b  No.2687083


I wouldn't worry about what two anons think about the titles for the notables. I make clever notable titles as well, and they have given me shit for it. Just keep doing you.

b09c32  No.2687084


Why don't you check oin South America too.

I am sure you can find them all one-by-one

1a4bd4  No.2687085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

744062  No.2687086

File: ffb21bbbd54b72c⋯.png (16.4 KB, 550x400, 11:8, Stay on Target.png)


I'm not convinced Judy Byington is the original author, but so far I haven't managed to find where she published this article. Looking at the version an anon posted here, it seems that Byington is saying that the author of the piece is anonymous. But the cut and paste is a little confusing, so it's hard to be sure.

Definitely kudos to the anon that posted this though. This is exactly the sort of information that we need to be getting out there to counter the MSM's fake narratives. There are just so many facts that have been hidden or brushed under the carpet. Even the sleeping masses are gonna have to start pricking up their ears and asking questions once some of this starts to register in their until now well-cushioned consciousness.

In any case, this was Q's last drop. Ya think he might want us to be doing something with this? Board seems very chatty right now.

6b80c6  No.2687087


1. Eat bullet.

3afeaf  No.2687088

File: 113052e27427ac6⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 519x388, 519:388, bigYou.jpg)

I appreciate all of you anons with the positive waves… Baker has thick skin. It was just that I had

one anon who seemed to really want to "improve" my (clickbait) labels, and another who just wanted

to bitch about them and me, without providing any alternatives.

Thus, the epiphany and my post. If you supported me, here's a big ( you ) for each of you.

b51ef3  No.2687089

File: 08d122c8ee4b8dc⋯.png (82.31 KB, 480x689, 480:689, Screenshot_2018-08-21-01-4….png)

File: 53956a3949bc10d⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 429x384, 143:128, 2g8act~2.jpg)

d7abb7  No.2687090


Upsetting that the article has been posted here 5-10x (that I've seen) and been called for Notables multiple times and been told it was fake and gay.

8chan getting trumped by Reddit. SMH.

Get your shit together, anons.

27a4cc  No.2687091


Think mirror

b09c32  No.2687092


What;s going on here is not even close to draining the swamp.

It talks about it once in a while but sure isn't happening here from "research" and discussion

This is just a circle jerk

bd6b4f  No.2687093

File: 74785159154c05c⋯.jpg (189.79 KB, 800x692, 200:173, Yoda divide they try q.jpg)

File: c136f3348289e85⋯.jpg (200.51 KB, 1000x942, 500:471, Band of Anons 2.jpg)

88937d  No.2687094

File: ea93c04d3571089⋯.png (632.66 KB, 557x581, 557:581, zcomey.PNG)

File: 0c2d5f472b3bcfa⋯.png (325.97 KB, 731x523, 731:523, zdam nation.PNG)


"Plants need water!" Tax Id Number? I O

00912c  No.2687095

File: 9fdbf606ca41b78⋯.png (187.57 KB, 1254x2019, 418:673, FireShot Screen Capture #0….png)

2817f3  No.2687096


Nobody’s overweight either….hmmmm

acc7ed  No.2687097


I would love to send this to my daughter to straighten out the names and timelines for her,

but it's a bit cumbersome.

So, I like that it is in a screen shot. I wlll send it off to her tomorrow.

Yes, I think we should get this out to people. I will probably tweet it too.

bd6b4f  No.2687098


And they are all looking to be pretty happy and chill.

I cant wait until we start getting imports, Im dying to try Russian cheese and cake

b09c32  No.2687099

File: 0b97457603aa017⋯.png (463.58 KB, 680x328, 85:41, Cargo cult.png)


Everyone is trumping 8chan except the bubble heads don;t look outside to see it.

The movement continues , but weithout 8chan.

Too busy with random shit, waiting for Q to visit like a Cargo Cult

b5e18c  No.2687100


Hello fucktard- did your daddy not give you a reach around this am?

b51ef3  No.2687101

File: 78ca41ff02119fe⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 720x720, 1:1, downloadfile-28.jpg)

a247e7  No.2687102

>>2684464 (prev. bread)

This meme, right here. Nothing portrays the take over of the Democrat Party, by the globalists, more than this.

What is happening to the dem party and, in part to the repub party by the Globalists, can be starkly demonstrated by memes in this way. It may not hit the younger generation but it surely should resonate with the older crowd. We need to compare, more politicians and true good leaders to be compared to the mccains, ryans, brennans, bushes, etc of the world.

Show the best and the worst and make people think.

00cbdb  No.2687103

File: a609863f5d4467a⋯.jpg (117.03 KB, 740x421, 740:421, thx baker.jpg)

f7b165  No.2687104


Seed of Cain/Osiris also = Rh- people

Phoenicians were carriers of Rh-

Ruling families are Rh-

Donald Trump is Rh-

Basques, Berbers, Scottish primary clusters of rh- today.

All look "celtic"

Square jaws, "indo-aryan".


49ccee  No.2687105

Let's be clear:

Brennan's statement re: "a small price to pay AND THEN I'll go to court if I have to" was more than just an empty, baseless 'lawsuit/legal action' threat.

47ec9b  No.2687106

File: 04f8051a0b2358e⋯.jpeg (789.83 KB, 1242x1263, 414:421, 1F479167-21F2-4EDD-84CB-D….jpeg)

MKUltra, Rudoll Hess (victim) at hands of Ewen Cameron. Insulin induced comas.

There is so much here we need more Eyes on it.

The scope of Project MKULTRA was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that subsequent CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKULTRA files destroyed in 1973.

Insulin induced comas.

According to his research assistant, Dr. Peter Roper, “[Cameron] had a technician, one Leonard Rubenstein, who modified cassettes so there was an endless tape. It could keep repeating itself for hours at a time. If Cameron could give a positive message, eventually a patient would respond to it.” Cameron would play the tapes to his patients for up to 86 days, as they slipped in and out of insulin-induced comas.

Watch video links.


b09c32  No.2687107


Thinking of moving there or you gonna pick some up a Bezos's Whole Foods

acc7ed  No.2687108


Then don't ask for input. Just be a control freak

and shit them up all you want.

Don't even post them for opinion and then bitch about it when people have an opinion.

Did you not ask for opinions?

9366d4  No.2687109

File: c92e732d0859f59⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Transformer.jpg)

b51ef3  No.2687110

File: b185c92712bdf70⋯.jpg (25.12 KB, 355x309, 355:309, 2g7x9v~2.jpg)

Q hasn't given any particulars.

2817f3  No.2687111


Never thought we might get the opportunity …nice

b09c32  No.2687112


Old shit

No evidence

Who cares anyways?

acc7ed  No.2687113


Thank you - you brilliant anon!

I will just toss out my copy paste version.

744496  No.2687114

(Reuters) - The mayor of the Chinese city of Changchun resigned on Tuesday, state media reported, after a safety scandal at Changchun-based vaccine maker Changsheng Biotechnology sparked widespread consumer anger.

The company was accused in July of falsifying data for a rabies vaccine and manufacturing an ineffective vaccine for babies, triggering public outrage and multiple official investigations.

The People's Daily reported on Tuesday mayor Liu Changlong's resignation had been accepted by the Standing Committee of Changchun's People's Congress. The state-run paper did not directly link Liu's decision with the vaccine scandal.



620f3a  No.2687115

File: cd69ff70de93295⋯.jpg (98.71 KB, 500x402, 250:201, Tillie.jpg)

f7b165  No.2687116


People care enough to form a conspiracy to genocide us that has worked for generations, yeah, people care.

af3e19  No.2687117

File: abecf2d06db3122⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1280x1502, 640:751, ClipboardImage.png)

So few black women

In America

This is what a black woman

Looks like

b09c32  No.2687118


We aren't players - we are spectators

The details are only for the actual team, not the fans

You recognize the difference I presume?

efcc12  No.2687119


South America isn't a border state. Or "Flyover " country that someone purposely goes to every so often.

c5ecc1  No.2687120


Fair enough. I just agree that there doesn't need to be any formal system for notables.

Ultimately it's up to baker. Their authority to control notables is inversely proportional to their remuneration.

b09c32  No.2687121


They look brown to me,

Or the old word Negro

c27e2f  No.2687122


Harry was "unavailable for comment". Just how unavailable was he?

Any Anons see Mr. Reid in public recently? Lol

14966a  No.2687123

The Creation of the Steele Dossier


Chris Steele retired from MI-6 Russia division and opened Orbis Business Intelligence.

Sergei Magnitsky died in Russian prison for investigating fraud in the Kremlin. It is believed that Chris Steele's MI-6 was funding the investigation done by Browder and Magnitsky.


As chief of the DOJ international organized crime bureau, Bruce Ohr likely attended a briefing by Orbis on the Sepp Blatter corruption scandal at FIFA., where he would have been first introduced to veteran spy Christopher Steele.


May - Bruce Ohr met Chris Steele in Russia at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum. Ohr was chief of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, which included surveillance of transnational drug-trafficking investigations.

June - Steele/Ohr were back in Russia to spy on Americans using FVEY for Trumps Miss Universe pageant. That dated information from 2013 was recycled three years later into the Russia Dossier.


During the Ukrainw-Russia crisis, Orbis produced a series of 100 reports on contract by HRC's State Dept. In other words, the main author of the Trump-Russia Dossier had a lucrative contract under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before her presidential campaign.


Fusion GPS was hired by two different clients to go after Trump:

First, in late 2015, the Washington Free Beacon, owned by conservative financier and LGBT supporter Paul Singer commissioned a probe of Trump to bolster the candidacy of Marco Rubio (who has since been outed with allegations of his gay nightlife).

Next in mid-2016, the Seattle law firm Perkins Coie, representing the Hillary Clinton Foundation and Democratic National Committee, hired Fusion GPS.


By the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton, had foreknowledge of the Russian preference for Donald Trump, and the source of that information was obviously the CIA-DOJ team, which included the Ohrs. Besides intelligence gathering from Russian sources, Open Source Works (Nellie Ohr) also had the technical capability to launch cyber attacks against the DNC, leaving behind bread crumbs from a faked Russian hack. This illicit political invervention also had support in London, Moscow and Kiev, due to the DOJ-FBI and State Department contracts with Steele’s Orbis Intelligence group. One of the supposed Russian-sponsored “fake news” centers turned out to be a USAID-Soros dominated region in Macedonia. On closer inspection, the entire Russian election interference is turning out to be an false-flag creation out of Langley and the RFK building (FISA).


620f3a  No.2687124

File: 0c921cdb66362e5⋯.gif (562.53 KB, 260x202, 130:101, BugsGFY.gif)

492535  No.2687125

File: 53ed551ad960520⋯.jpeg (210.88 KB, 799x1024, 799:1024, Screenshot_2018-08-21-05-….jpeg)

14966a  No.2687126

Fusion GPS, therefore, was hired as a “cut out”, spy terminology for a neutral go-between created to shield the actual perpetrators in an exchange of stolen information. A psychological operation aimed at political intervention at this level required the direct involvement of and authorization from CIA director John Brennan and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and this was to interfere in the elections in favor of their former colleague at State, Hillary Clinton, and not a matter of national security. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper should have been aware of these illicit activities and was responsible for shutting down political subversion, meaning that he, too, bears some degree of responsibility for the bureaucratic assault on democracy.

Christopher Steele provided some of the intelligence for the dossier, but much of the material strongly appears to be based on CIA and NSA intercepts of phone calls and emails, along with human intelligence from informants. Nellie Ohr and her husband at DOJ reviewed and copied from classified files for the dossier in blatant violation of intelligence regulations. The method of direct translation, for example, “Russian regime” without the article “the”, indicates the CIA protocol followed by Nellie Ohr in radio intercepts. The tiny lapse shows that source is not Moscow but Langley, Virginia.

The notes from CIA and DOJ/FBI classified files, which Nellie Ohr compiled the during summer and autumn 2016, on the payroll of Fusion GPS were then “laundered” through Orbis for plausible deniability at the CIA.

There are only 6 degrees of separation between the Ohrs and President Barack Obama: Bruce and Nellie Ohr - DOJ Deputy Director Sally Quillian Yates ­ Attorneys General Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder ­ Director of National Intelligence James Clapper ­ White Chief of Staff Denis McDonough ­ and President Barack Obama.

Obama had to have known all along, even if the funding came from another (former) president, Bill Clinton. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch insists that her tete-a-tete with Bill Clinton inside a private jet on the tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on 28 June 2016 did not touch on the following topics: Benghazi, Hillary’s email server and Brexit. The Attorney General’s list of denials, however, did not include the clandestine project being hatched inside her department, the Trump-Russia Dossier.

The article goes on to describe how the Chinese are critical to the Dems and the massive corruption that's never talked about.

It also details Bruce Ohr's involvement in Fast and Furious, trafficking on reservations and international drug running.

This article alone shows exactly why we are in a crisis. The highest levels of all forms of government have become no different than the Mafia.



b09c32  No.2687127


But what about the children?

We see stuff from Europe & Canada

Why leave S America out

3afeaf  No.2687128


>Then don't ask for input. Just be a control freak

Says the anon who has two or three of his label changes already accepted.

Baker Update

#3392 Bread OP: >>2686600

>>2686686, >>2686734 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

>>2686714 Rod Rosenstein's Sister Nancy Messonnier, M.D. works at CDC

>>2686782 POTUS Letter to ICE and CBP

>>2686897 The Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud, Shell Companies & 2014 Tax Return

>>2686906 Venezuelans get Math Lesson from Government, currency linked to crypto

fafd35  No.2687129

File: b3e06d879e71262⋯.png (352.45 KB, 676x809, 676:809, Limbaugh 1 re RR 3-20-18.PNG)

File: cd20660c83a6601⋯.png (68.83 KB, 763x678, 763:678, Limbaugh 2 re RR 3-20-18.PNG)


Rod Rosenstein’s Clinton Connection


Rush Limbaugh discussing "purged from the internet case" and RR being a Whitewater Prosecutor

b51ef3  No.2687130

File: aace999e6c6994f⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 329x269, 329:269, IMG_20150423_220159-1.jpg)



Black pussy is freaking ugly.

bd6b4f  No.2687131


I think I will just wait until the storm passes and see what comes our way

Im not sure there is Russian anything at Whole foods but maybe Im wrong

Besides, fuck Lex Luthor

405428  No.2687132

File: 48768822c9dd648⋯.png (887.64 KB, 1106x1179, 1106:1179, Newsweek_Japan.png)


Tuesday, August 21, 2018 15:00



bd6b4f  No.2687133


Sure is tasty though

b09c32  No.2687134


You must be new here.

That's real old information

I saw it on Fox a long time ago

0559a6  No.2687135


West Hollywood Jesus, who died recently, but hasn't arisen from the dead. Yet. For those who don't know, for over a decade this guy was a fixture along Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood, CA. Always dressed like in the picture, he just went from venue to venue, comedy and music clubs, fast food eateries, wherever people gathered. He sort of played the Buddy Jesus role, bringing pizza and donuts to the hungry young comedians, encouraging their development. Didn't really speak much, or preach religion. All about peace, love and acceptance, he just showed up and people would take pictures with him. It wasn't a money thing either. In fact, he refused offers of money. In real life he was a trained art restoration specialist, and loved gardening. There were much worse people in West Hollywood.

3afeaf  No.2687136

>>2687123, >>2687126

Looks legit, but where's the sauce? Link has no sauce, either.

b51ef3  No.2687137

File: e531d9a77ecb683⋯.jpg (16.94 KB, 181x223, 181:223, downloadfile-7~3.jpg)



You are so low that you probably pay to eat black pussy.

47ec9b  No.2687138

Hess wrote to Oswald Mosley:

[It was typical of the Jews to claim that their enemies did what they did themselves]

I have been imprisoned for four years now with lunatics, and had been at the mercy of their torture without being able to inform anybody of this. But the worst were the doctors, who employed their scientific knowledge for the most refined tortures. I was given reports by British Consulates about the treatment of Jews in Germany according to … Jews. [I was told I was being treated] “like the Gestapo treats their political enemies.” …

It was typical of the Jews to claim that their enemies did what they did themselves.

Apart from the chemical that caused toothache, there was unmistakably a strong laxative and a poison that irritated the mucous membrane in the strongest possible manner. The last was responsible for my nose stopping itself up with congealed blood, that I had a hemorrhage in my mouth, and that my bowels burned like fire. The doctor could not hide his satisfaction when there were signs of a hemorrhage in my intestines. They had been hypnotized to torture me until I became crazy and finally to kill me; to do everything in such a manner that nothing could possibly be proven and that my complaints could be explained by auto suggestion. [Bernard Hutton’s “Hess: the Man and his Mission,” 1970 (pp.160-165)]


3c4841  No.2687139


Well said. I'm a reformed liberal. Slowly but surely got turned around shortly before Trump got elected. It's been a chaotic and eye opening journey following Meganon and then Q, first on /pol/ and then 8chan and Great Awakening and finally Q Research board. I don't filter shills or slides or concernfags here, they are easy enough to spot. And I don't post much since I'm grey haired. But this has been one hell of an education. Questioning everything, critically.

bd6b4f  No.2687140

File: d1e1136cc1e1f71⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1200x814, 600:407, joe arpaio triggered.png)


You is sad

af3e19  No.2687141

File: e76ff86158e1691⋯.png (582.21 KB, 470x665, 94:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Cameras do not usually show color accurately

14966a  No.2687142


one sauce bottom pg 2

I asked to have anons vet some of the claims 2 breads ago. NO one was interested. So, it's up to anons to accept it or reject it. I found it very credible, so there ya go.

3afeaf  No.2687143

>>2687129 ^ Rush chimes in on "internet purging" that Soros Snopes says is false

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

And I'm not changing it just because you think it's clickbait, so don't bother.

b09c32  No.2687144


Who do you think they buy their seed from?

They bought shitloads of wheat from us for 50 years when they couldn't grow enough for their own people

Lived that history, so didn't need to research

3afeaf  No.2687145


I looked. That is the "link" that has no sauce either in my original statement.

a9a63a  No.2687146

MSM fed distractions.

Dog chases it's own tail in circles while the Patriots clean the house.


b09c32  No.2687147


They don't look Japanese to me

14966a  No.2687148

620f3a  No.2687149


Dude, don't stop. Better this way. Levity can only help with all the gore and evil here.

b51ef3  No.2687150

File: 7875fade13874f1⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 384x384, 1:1, downloadfile-9~2.jpg)

File: 53956a3949bc10d⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 429x384, 143:128, 2g8act~2.jpg)

af3e19  No.2687151

File: d73c1179e3278fb⋯.png (203.62 KB, 300x425, 12:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Just for you here is a nice shaved blonde girl

88937d  No.2687152

File: 1606c2fb9ea5571⋯.png (160.56 KB, 413x543, 413:543, ztin.PNG)

File: ac4f7a73fee807f⋯.png (249.23 KB, 340x318, 170:159, zphs.PNG)


Fasci? I O

b51ef3  No.2687153

File: f34bb05c0166c8e⋯.gif (465.19 KB, 500x350, 10:7, downloadfile-1.gif)

File: e25b60ff386c347⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 204x255, 4:5, e25b60ff386c347a318288f658….jpg)

3afeaf  No.2687154

Any standbyBakers around?

14966a  No.2687155


This is the sauce


b2474e  No.2687156


56 out if 508.. Wow shill. Gouge yourself while you can… A rope is waiting for you…

Go read a history book, and quit posting.

acc7ed  No.2687157


Thank you for posting it. I saved it, and didn't find anything off about it.

Very informative to share with others.

14966a  No.2687158


Thanks anon. Glad someone appreciates it.

c27e2f  No.2687159



Baker, only if you deem appropriate.

It's my own, but Ping Pong seems relevant to the Cabal and this seems to have ties.

fafd35  No.2687160


>>2687129 (You) ^ Rush chimes in on "internet purging" that Soros Snopes says is false

Rush Limbaugh discusses the supposedly so called purged case that isn't so purged after all /documents and discussion abound all over the internet

af3e19  No.2687161


Go to the following link to see a naked picture

Of Adolf's mommy when she was 16 or 17yo


3afeaf  No.2687162


No, that is a sauceless source. The "facts" have no sauce. Do some digging and support at least a minority of its claims, and I'll post it.

b51ef3  No.2687163

File: 9eb8c8d0ac9b85c⋯.jpg (31.8 KB, 644x333, 644:333, 9eb8c8d0ac9b85c9570d9cccb9….jpg)

File: 3be9a5d954d8272⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 2fseix~2.jpg)



Stop jacking off to old white granny pics….. Scum

4bbcb1  No.2687164

Howdy yall

I'm a stranger to this new place and I hope yall take it easy and be kind to me. I heard the weirdest rumor from the farside internets that this is where all the American patriots who also happen to be reincarnated extraterrestrials gather.

744062  No.2687165


>Fusion GPS, therefore, was hired as a “cut out”, spy terminology for a neutral go-between created to shield the actual perpetrators in an exchange of stolen information.


14966a  No.2687166


what is the difference between a link and sauce?

3afeaf  No.2687167


Too long. Shorten it and remove the redundancies, OP, and I'll use it.

(See? Baker will accede to OP's reasonable requests if not called a shill.)

620f3a  No.2687168

File: 1161a3dd504fd94⋯.png (138.73 KB, 494x360, 247:180, LurkMoar2.png)

3afeaf  No.2687169


Re: >>2686996

Label? I'm not sure I follow it.

b2474e  No.2687170

File: 7fbcec8d312c143⋯.jpg (4.1 KB, 225x225, 1:1, LQ.jpg)


David is sending his best, I see.

88937d  No.2687171


seized? no oil? how long you going to hold up that AXE? I O

d632b2  No.2687172

File: 74b555555d7e579⋯.gif (4.66 KB, 185x162, 185:162, IMG_7837.GIF)

14966a  No.2687173

af3e19  No.2687175



They sent you to this loony bin?

What are you in for?

bd6b4f  No.2687177

File: ec1ca6fd1cbe9d1⋯.jpg (136.81 KB, 900x600, 3:2, browse more.jpg)


Interesting opener there anon, but accurate

Welcome aboard

lurk and browse until you get the hang of this place

fafd35  No.2687178


Naw, lets just leave your misleading "clickbait" bs in place.

I'll keep posting all the "purged" documents

620f3a  No.2687179

File: ea47e78a17517f4⋯.jpg (81.75 KB, 539x662, 539:662, 0d53ffbc70f9fa0920767efdec….jpg)

File: 46c37bdc47534c6⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 500x739, 500:739, 46c37bdc47534c600a0eaafdeb….jpg)

File: d8cb8229e7e5326⋯.jpg (433.1 KB, 1000x1352, 125:169, d8cb8229e7e53266b0392a0169….jpg)

File: 1052d2e53f6126d⋯.jpg (159.25 KB, 500x591, 500:591, ed40cc9991e1cc3b3399d95a65….jpg)

TY Baker

d632b2  No.2687180

File: 908135dc6041897⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 631x481, 631:481, IMG_5060.JPG)

3afeaf  No.2687181


Verifiable facts. You went to an unknown website that could be published by anyone. Go to even the NYT for sauce (and anons will know that NYT article is probably comped). Anyone can get an unknown site and publish anything at all, and no one would be the wiser.

12a6f7  No.2687183

File: 9383c9da2675024⋯.jpg (205.43 KB, 636x1079, 636:1079, Clip_49.jpg)


>Maria Orsic

7acc8a  No.2687184

File: 66be3c3dbabc0bc⋯.jpg (4.83 MB, 3120x4160, 3:4, IMG_20180724_085122.jpg)


Hush up and lurk More, we are all anxiously waiting for our newest High Ranking Anon to hatch.

e93dd0  No.2687185


b09c32  No.2687186



You post online porn, Incels get their lube out?

b51ef3  No.2687187

File: 43d02ee5a66669c⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 600x450, 4:3, downloadfile-7.jpg)

Black's in America.

c5ecc1  No.2687188

File: a1b47ba17a987f4⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 988x948, 247:237, a1b47ba17a987f4c57962018bb….jpg)

acc7ed  No.2687189


Any anon that has researched an ounce knows this was a good post.

Baker doesn't have reading comprehension.

457668  No.2687190


Too much emotion, this is why stoics lead wars.

b09c32  No.2687191


That's where 90% of this crazy shit comes from

Usually one-page WordPress website

b09c32  No.2687192


No more selfies

56cb33  No.2687193


Did my occasional sister. They were nice enough.

14966a  No.2687194


You think WaPo, CNN, NYT is any better than some random website? Where have you been for the last 8 months?

Read the damn thing. It's credible. Most of that information you won't find anywhere else. It ties a lot of shit together that we have been missing. Significant stuff.

But if you would rather put in some moloch shit just because it has credible sauce and not include a dig that makes many connections, that's on you. Deprive other anons of reading and discerning for themselves. I have that knowledge now. They don't.

b09c32  No.2687195


Yeah - How you gonna get famous?

b51ef3  No.2687196

File: da5dd548fc02140⋯.gif (37.47 KB, 307x523, 307:523, downloadfile.gif)


That is a pic of you.

492535  No.2687197

File: 441f964321accfc⋯.jpeg (121.79 KB, 799x435, 799:435, Screenshot_2018-08-21-05-….jpeg)

acc7ed  No.2687198


Just repost it when there is a new baker.

It was a great post.

3afeaf  No.2687199

>>2687123, >>2687126 Anon posts about Creation of Steele Dossier (Diggable, not sauced)

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

Anons, this one is questionable. Objections? OP, got a better title?

9366d4  No.2687200

File: 14b16f4e19b5638⋯.jpg (284.05 KB, 1023x723, 341:241, welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

4bbcb1  No.2687201

i reckoned thats what the Q fella was talkin bout when he said that we all were chosen here for a reason.

"be the autists we now you are"

Good question ive been wonderin is that how do you fool a soul that has been around for the galactic block a few times and seen supernova bbq parties

You really cant, can you

3afeaf  No.2687202


>and anons will know that NYT article is probably comped

Reading comprehension is your friend.

d632b2  No.2687203

File: a5bdfcc51a3795b⋯.gif (158.63 KB, 125x125, 1:1, IMG_3950.GIF)

14966a  No.2687204


Baker won't accept it, which is why I won't be posting any moar digs. Not going to waste time organizing it into digestible format when I can just read it and move on to moar.

b51ef3  No.2687206

File: 492def72e3ecc76⋯.png (425.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, downloadfile.png)



Enjoy the show.

14966a  No.2687207


WTF are you talking about?

c3090c  No.2687208


i dont see you doing anything about it the person who wrote that probably has way bigger balls than you do

620f3a  No.2687209

File: 9c2d7c8603c8a5e⋯.jpg (214.65 KB, 880x660, 4:3, SignMakeAmericaGrate.jpg)

b7f265  No.2687210



Please tell me why Baker is doubling Baker duties of his own fruition. Please explain why posting a bundle once or twice a bread is not acceptable to the degree the baker has thirty plus posts in a bread?


Moar time should be spent on quality of NOtables vice quantity… Or answering in a reply …this ain't fkn Jeopardy….

Moar than half of the NOtables from last bread are titles, and links, most times the same. SO No meat, no nothing. You have to click off bread to see whats being said. Shitty ingredients from lazy researchers and Bakers just throwing them in. YES, it is every bodies responsibility to maintain the NOtables.

YOU ARE Making too much work and I ain't Baking that shit like that.

12a6f7  No.2687211

File: 0dfa5b1fb0cc501⋯.jpg (582.77 KB, 1122x783, 374:261, Clip_40.jpg)

b09c32  No.2687212


If I felt "deprived" I would search the obscure corners of the web for my own irrelevant shit

620f3a  No.2687213

File: cb88c0a037d42cd⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 351x399, 117:133, SignLostWormhole.gif)

0916ce  No.2687214

File: 87ed3c3a974cf03⋯.jpeg (50.47 KB, 1280x575, 256:115, hillary-clinton-donna-bra….jpeg)


DNC Chief denies She was at hospital night of Seth Rich murder; Then Metro Police Drop the Hammer on DEM Leader

Donna Brazile, the former interim head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), flatly denied claims by conservative blogger Matt Couch that she was at the same hospital where former DNC Staffer Seth Rich died.

Couch made several claims on Sunday and Monday that Brazile and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Browser were at the hospital Rich was taken to the morning he was killed on July, 10 2016.

Couch said he had “credible” information from sources and added that he had information that was “verifiable” and he has “a way to prove it.”

Brazile on Monday claimed to be on the west coast at the time of the murder.

But two D.C. Metropolitan Police sources told True Pundit on Monday that the new revelations are relatively accurate.

“Ask Brazile for her cell phone records on the date involved,” one police source said. “That would settle it.

Pull the hospital (cctv video) tape from 4 am and let’s see who is on video arriving at the hospital. If you have nothing to hide, give Metro permission to release basic evidence.”

Credible points. Sounds very simple. Let’s see some records.

Don’t hold your breath.

Brazile snapped on Monday after the allegations, lashing out on Twitter and commissioning her lawyers to attack Couch.

Mayor Bowser’s office also denied the report.



acc7ed  No.2687215


Which you incredibly lack.

c5ecc1  No.2687216

File: a80e3cca0bfae54⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 720x640, 9:8, IMG_20180821_213129.jpg)

c27e2f  No.2687217


If you don't get it, that's ok. No worries.

For the sake of clarity, Comet Ping Pong was the Pizza restaurant known for Pizzagate/Child trafficking. Ping Pong then showed up associated with Standard Hotel known for Adam Schiff and Cabal activities/trafficking.

The Ping Pong Free Press has numerous Cabal ties when reading through the site, and is printed by the memorial library if someone who wrote about Moloch- who the Cabal worships. More so, I believe the site will provide leads to other Cabal members. It's how I located it originally.

b51ef3  No.2687218

File: 5a345670bcde422⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 778x296, 389:148, Comparaison-machôire-entre….jpg)

File: 01330e93f99f28a⋯.png (40.52 KB, 392x361, 392:361, Screenshot_2018-08-15-07-3….png)

File: bdca1df0615d167⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x817, 500:817, 2fgv8j~2.jpg)

Some black's in Africa have still never evolved and live in mud huts.

14966a  No.2687219


Thanks anon. Worked on it since Q posted. I'm out before I get pissed. Have a good night anon.

b9e97d  No.2687220

File: f4311719b76f4fd⋯.jpg (37.99 KB, 960x493, 960:493, ec6f52f10123d94cfd1ec723cd….jpg)

acc7ed  No.2687221


I am also a researcher and dig. But, I don't bother when late night baker is on.

You will notice not many other do either. Not worth the time when Bakers don't comprehend what is notable or not.

3afeaf  No.2687222


Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

Otherwise, fuck off. Baker is growing tired of bitching faggots.

14966a  No.2687223


Thanks for the head's up. I will keep that in mind.

3afeaf  No.2687224


Almost certain already noted before I arrived. Check past notables.

b09c32  No.2687225


As for evidence and watch him deflect cuz he has none.

If he did, why would he be here on 8chan?

That;s how 0- you ask a simple question they can't answer credibly, cuz there is NO reason to be here instead of THERE

b51ef3  No.2687226

File: c7a8159d6e01b32⋯.jpg (7.86 KB, 155x156, 155:156, th~4.jpg)



Q keeps lying so why waste your time.

620f3a  No.2687227

File: ccf629ca0120ed6⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 368x460, 4:5, NotFunny.jpg)

b7f265  No.2687228


Answer the Question FAGGOT, I am a BAKER!!!

3afeaf  No.2687229

>>2686996 Comet Pingpong, PP at Standard Hotel, and Ping Pong Free Press

Baker will put up notables as replies… if anon doesn't like my label, let me know. New approach by present baker…

If you don't like it, let me know. Also a chance for other anons to say, "Yes/no" on baker notables.

New Notable

fafd35  No.2687230


>Baker won't accept it, which is why I won't be posting any moar digs. Not going to waste time organizing it into digestible format when I can just read it and move on to moar.

That seems to be the goal / control the flow of information only deemed acceptable to one baker


>I am also a researcher and dig. But, I don't bother when late night baker is on.

I'd seen complaints before but never saw the baker in action / now I know why many anons want this baker gone

b51ef3  No.2687231

File: 71ab9b29eb39be1⋯.png (28.68 KB, 341x341, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-08-05-07-5….png)

b09c32  No.2687232


I guess that proves my point


56cb33  No.2687233


Yep. Be cool dont be a nigger or a faggot and we will get along.

88937d  No.2687234


I'd be tender, I'd be gentel,…. and awful sentimental. If I only had a heart. I O

04a294  No.2687235

File: 92529820dd8083d⋯.png (77.96 KB, 420x292, 105:73, Screenshot_62 - Copy.png)

This bread is SLOOOOOW.

88937d  No.2687236


legal tender. America tin man I O

b51ef3  No.2687237

File: 8e688b97c8e0cd9⋯.jpg (95.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2fzgt7~2.jpg)

Forgotten in 24 hours.

4bbcb1  No.2687238


kek, bet you aint willin to say that my face

3afeaf  No.2687239


I did answer. You did not lurq at all, you just started demanding answers.



b09c32  No.2687240


Sure .

We can never get enough bullshit stories about reincarnated extraterrestrials

You an Enochian Watcher too?

4c8ddf  No.2687241


Does seem perhaps tomfoolery in the kitchen.

So many posts and 'fixing' of how things have been working…

fafd35  No.2687242


Anons are waiting for a new baker so they can post the info they h>>2686691

ave been digging on

cf497c  No.2687243


b51ef3  No.2687244

File: a08d247a982877d⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 480x514, 240:257, 2g6igh~2.jpg)



Shit face shut up.

5f6efe  No.2687245



cf497c  No.2687246



4bbcb1  No.2687247


Lookie here, I see you been postin a truckload of horseshit round here and I dont appreciate that one bit.

So read my words.

Kiss my ass, bitchass and

Go suck on your shit of your dick.

d632b2  No.2687248

File: fdadcda9befe4c8⋯.png (499.05 KB, 1443x1944, 481:648, IMG_7656.PNG)

Here's something on The C Steele

I skimmed through it and it looks like all of the docs are heavily redacted


56cb33  No.2687249


Your dumb. This is called cross pollination. When it is time to expand you sprinkle it around to draw more bees you faggot.

784e0f  No.2687250

File: 7bb6fd00f7ac291⋯.gif (444 KB, 152x98, 76:49, fo.gif)

b7f265  No.2687251


I'm Sorry if my lurking didn't meet YOUR standards King Baker!!!

Clearily though you didn't read the entirety so I posted the larger half below for your convenience…



>Moar time should be spent on quality of NOtables vice quantity… Or answering in a reply …this ain't fkn Jeopardy….

>Moar than half of the NOtables from last bread are titles, and links, most times the same. SO No meat, no nothing. You have to click off bread to see whats being said. Shitty ingredients from lazy researchers and Bakers just throwing them in. YES, it is every bodies responsibility to maintain the NOtables.

>YOU ARE Making too much work and I ain't Baking that shit like that.

acc7ed  No.2687252


There is a reason you get complaints often.

We ALL have our abilities and specialities. I am good at researching and also collecting Notables

to help Bakers out. We need good people in all aspects.

Bakers that get a lot of complaints should find a better fit for themselves.

There are many bakers I praise and let them know how great they are.

Including the one this afternoon.

d65127  No.2687253


I think Q is simply gently reminding us that WWG1WGA and Plebbitors deserve the same respect as everyone else.

You must admit, Plebbitors do catch a lot of shit from us!

3afeaf  No.2687254


BO, can I get a czech?

Baker, if you're checked, you got the bake whether you want it or not.


Updated paste. Get busy, because this baker is going to dump the oven on your complaining ass. You'll be baking, so you can do whatever the fuck you like.

b51ef3  No.2687255

File: 7ebdbab5f37144c⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7ebdbab5f37144c0b4d29b8fbf….jpg)



Nobody cares about Reddit or the pedophiles on Reddit.

cf497c  No.2687256





9366d4  No.2687257

d65127  No.2687258



Case in point.

b7f265  No.2687259


Fuck YOU

Didn't say I'd bake. Answer my question about the NOtables!

88937d  No.2687260


Info is new Current Sea…. make bread $ I O

cf497c  No.2687261



(Banned. Reason: Spam. Img: https://pasteboard.co/HAbctBa.png)

b51ef3  No.2687262

File: fc77811e9db0d6f⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 500x346, 250:173, 2fpdy5~2.jpg)


Q is a fraud, remember no name is now mcann….. Fucking hilarious.

4c8ddf  No.2687263

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, smokey.png)


Real Classy anon…

Clearly you're bailing.

acc7ed  No.2687264


This is not the first time he has left in middle of bread.

5f6efe  No.2687265


yes, i read that hours ago. that's not Q posting on reddit

cf497c  No.2687266



3833db  No.2687267


Persistent aerial particulate trails.

fc272e  No.2687268

Can't take credit for this. Wifeanon is out of town this week and sent this to me in an e-mail.


This isn't their first brush with this … not by a long shot … and the US isn't any worse than in Australia and the UK.

In this woman's defense, the JW organization, right down to the local congregation level, make it all but impossible for a woman ("Sister") to find an adult male ("Brother") suitable for marriage.

The ratio of marriageable males to females is nearly the reverse of China.

b51ef3  No.2687269

File: 95a5a777cb7616d⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 488x488, 1:1, 2g6m3g~2.jpg)




The Boom's fizzled out.

3833db  No.2687270


Remember Dems doing dirty deeds dirt cheap - "just following orders" won't cut it in court.

4c41db  No.2687271



88937d  No.2687272


time to make the Donuts! I O

e93dd0  No.2687273

File: 4b4ec79a6dce4d9⋯.jpg (606.11 KB, 726x1443, 242:481, hmmmm.jpg)

even his sister is in a position to influence big time the public

you simply don't go there and asume what is needed to hold the power over a majority, all these important position are chosen wisely, planned for a very long run!

Who even is able to make such a big plan which covers a long time period? These chosen position and the people holding onto it goes beyond generations.

When ever i start to think about the time period this is going on, i get immediately the image of DC Washington in my head, the network of the roads and the satanic symbolism it represents. Remember comet ping pong owner, his name and all the shit it is bound too, there might be something more up with this name

>image related

fc272e  No.2687274


So … do you think NBC will be kvetching about separating families again?

THIS is BS. As another person has mentioned, Soros – a self-sdmitted collaborator – is still here.

The Trump admin needs to say "oops … missed one" and send Soros packing, too.

e33b80  No.2687275

File: 0ce9af302a441e4⋯.png (145.44 KB, 613x594, 613:594, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 84293092476439c⋯.png (137.43 KB, 612x703, 612:703, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

everyone needs to read and understand this thread

been saying this for a while


25d924  No.2687276

Hey Chris, if you're around, just in case you're wondering, we're making progress. In (e,1) and (-f,1), a[t]%c==0 when x=c-d (c*BigN) and x=c+d+1 (c(c-BigN+1)).

acc7ed  No.2687277



Researcher Strike.

5083ff  No.2687278




2817f3  No.2687279


I can safely link parentanons to plebbit….and did send them this morning….but this board? Srsly?

Everything has a place in The GA

9366d4  No.2687280


You are correct anon. I was in that cult for a time and not by choice. 'High Fuggery' going on there, always has.

The ratio of gender is very unequal. That should show anons that women, (your wives,daughters, gr. daughters) are very susceptible to propaganda and influence. Be diligent anons and protect their minds.

4c8ddf  No.2687281


>Researcher Strike.

Seems a bit counter-productive.

fafd35  No.2687282



But don't miss that RR was a Whitewater Prosecutor

I'll be posting some info on that later after there is a new baker

3afeaf  No.2687283


So, get one to volunteer and be checked. This baker is more than willing to leave after the last 5+ hours of baking.

efd4a4  No.2687284

File: 135bd87ef66f28e⋯.jpg (174.82 KB, 797x1000, 797:1000, 135bd87ef66f28e53d260e6fd3….jpg)

Quit posting pictures of poop colored people , its gross.

88937d  No.2687285

File: 7cd1b9d3ec08def⋯.png (187.79 KB, 371x435, 371:435, qphi frog.PNG)


wwg1wga I O

b7f265  No.2687286


Still haven't addressedthe issue below!

>Moar time should be spent on quality of NOtables vice quantity… Or answering in a reply …this ain't fkn Jeopardy….

Moar than half of the NOtables from last bread are titles, and links, most times the same. SO No meat, no nothing. You have to click off bread to see whats being said. Shitty ingredients from lazy researchers and Bakers just throwing them in. YES, it is every bodies responsibility to maintain the NOtables.

9e1b7f  No.2687287



5083ff  No.2687289



744496  No.2687290

File: 95d44ce4fe1090a⋯.jpeg (472.48 KB, 1216x1560, 152:195, 0379EEC8-AECD-40FC-84C5-3….jpeg)



b9e97d  No.2687291

File: 9650d4368cfb61d⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x145, 51:29, b7360c9dfbb35d1d5e78f92c82….jpg)

File: 66ff0a1ae17d16c⋯.jpg (14.02 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 85f7434ce8652d7758b4054b40….jpg)

a247e7  No.2687292

I don't know if this has been posted before or not but this story needs to not be swept under the clinton rug.

I know some posters have disparaged her. I think some of them do not want this to go any further. It doesn't sound to me, as though she was a nut job, some have posted about.

She was looking into clinton crimes and died because of it.

just as seth rich was doing.


d65127  No.2687293



I've been saying the same thing for months. I watch concernfags gnashing their teeth and railing against Sessions, RR, Mueller, Amarosa, Cohen et al and smile at their ignorance and lack of faith in the plan.

They are all actors in the greatest movie of all time.

a247e7  No.2687294


I am adding this:

One thing for sure, the young man she was speaking to, needs to be found before he suffers the same fate.

784e0f  No.2687296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6c38da  No.2687297



76e7af  No.2687298

File: 0e07404d6548ba3⋯.jpg (497.64 KB, 594x1603, 594:1603, Vaccines1.jpg)

File: 78af226c63f7bd1⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 1080x252, 30:7, Vaccines.jpg)

Thimerasol still in flu shots

Thimerasol is mercury

Q the public needs educated…why are we putting this crap in our bodies?

$3 billion paid out in injury cases?

Stop the madness




9366d4  No.2687299


do you know anon if there is anything more in-depth on this gal and her investigation? I've been hearing about it and am curious if we should add another to the Clintonista body count.

b7f265  No.2687300


Faggotty Ass Baker can answer in the form of a question through the whole Bread to every FKN NOTable but can't explain why his nicely titled NOtables are shit and have no meat. SMDH…

>Moar than half of the NOtables from last bread are titles, and links, most times the same. SO No meat, no nothing. You have to click off bread to see whats being said. Shitty ingredients from lazy researchers and Bakers just throwing them in. YES, it is every bodies responsibility to maintain the NOtables.

3afeaf  No.2687301


My actual notables start at the end of 3390, at >>2685282

Every one of them has screen shots, or is the source link for its paired screen shot.

3391 is mostly links associated with Q's post, and show what they are in the label. The only "link only" I see is >>2686000 which was about the only "baker notable" I've received since I started posting.

So, your "only links" or "off bread" is not true for my links, as any anon can see by checking.

e33b80  No.2687302

File: 896977f1e04e358⋯.png (569.83 KB, 1185x478, 1185:478, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 8a897c71c1a2c8d⋯.png (401 KB, 1243x486, 1243:486, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 0f257e3e00e0f86⋯.png (714.46 KB, 1239x500, 1239:500, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 352f128362e6e92⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 950x300, 19:6, obamawomen4.jpg)

File: 5d56e5c99136531⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 539x960, 539:960, michelleobamagross.jpg)


notice anything strange about the "women" hussein surrounded himself with?

49ccee  No.2687303


You clearly don't know where tf you are right now.

02b6ed  No.2687304

how many times have I said not to mess with me? 💀⚰️

9366d4  No.2687305


They are 'men'

f286fc  No.2687307

File: 9c8c80a01e018f3⋯.jpeg (519.37 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, BDCF063C-C3FF-4772-87B7-D….jpeg)

Barsoomian is back i see! wtf is up with these wives?!

b2474e  No.2687308

(note to the preppers) I find if funny how the big time youtubers never actually mention Short Wave. Shoot an arrow into a treetop, get the news of the world…..

12a6f7  No.2687309

File: a9cdf3cad2dc1ff⋯.jpg (315.26 KB, 1416x1079, 1416:1079, Clip_45.jpg)

d15f31  No.2687310

Just read that reddit post about [[[RR]]] C_A "layered" wife and her spooky job.. fucking cunt….

==Early morning venting== .. get it out

I have yet to see any of these cabal types that could fight their way out of a paper bag. You see Comey's anorexic-looking grandpa arms in the cornfield? What an old pussy. His info on social media should read " more of a pussy and faggot in person"…

Rosenstein? Bahahaha… what a pussy.. his face and head remind me of a turd turtle-heading its way out of an asshole…

Strzock? He is the little faggot who couldnt play sports, picked last… raped by daddy…. and now hates humanity… too bad little pussy… now all of your murders have landed you on death row.

12a6f7  No.2687311

File: aa114e32e9f06ce⋯.jpg (250.03 KB, 672x1079, 672:1079, Clip_50.jpg)

f286fc  No.2687312

File: a6fb55760167ced⋯.jpeg (477.76 KB, 1775x1189, 1775:1189, EF97AE82-5C86-4601-B37A-F….jpeg)

3833db  No.2687313


At least she wears skirts instead of pantsuits.

8c9043  No.2687314


They haven't realised that they've lost their invisibility.

8d3c05  No.2687316


Rachel brand Necklace with charms. Any match with the gloria Vanderbilt one?

4bbcb1  No.2687317


Obama was raised by a tranny during his growin up time in Indonesia.

The more you know.

12a6f7  No.2687318

File: b163c2efb9f2637⋯.jpg (243.06 KB, 1105x1079, 85:83, Clip_47.jpg)

3afeaf  No.2687319

Notables bun

#3392 Bread OP: >>2686600

>>2686686, >>2686734 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

>>2687129 ^ Rush chimes in on "internet purging" that Soros Snopes says is false ^

>>2686714 Rod Rosenstein's Sister Nancy Messonnier, M.D. works at CDC

>>2686782 POTUS Letter to ICE and CBP

>>2686897 The Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud, Shell Companies & 2014 Tax Return

>>2686906 Venezuelans get Math Lesson from Government, currency linked to crypto

>>2687123, >>2687126 Creation of Steele Dossier (Diggable, not really sauced)

>>2686996 Comet Pingpong, Ping Pong at Standard Hotel, and Ping Pong Free Press

3833db  No.2687320


This shaky hypothesis would also apply to all those crying "Russia Russia Russia!"

f286fc  No.2687321

File: e0c2555fda6aea9⋯.jpeg (472.03 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 60498F58-094B-462C-946C-5….jpeg)

7ffe63  No.2687322

Ty Baker !


14ef0d  No.2687323



Good catch Anon, Newsweek Japan is a big website.

Now we will getting Q Manga, and maybe some tentacle porn.

8c9043  No.2687324

File: 56db2a2a73996f9⋯.png (8.65 KB, 736x99, 736:99, spoopy2.png)

File: d49e5741d6ad487⋯.png (9.91 KB, 736x99, 736:99, spoopy3.png)

File: 87ef201d0fbbaac⋯.png (10.32 KB, 736x99, 736:99, spoopy.png)


ada6b8  No.2687329



b7f265  No.2687332

Half your NOtables last bread were off bread links with no meat...

>>2686023 Original source of Q's PF172 reddit link

>>2686000 Charles Tawil FBI/CIA Asset and George Papadopoulos 10K Sting Op Theory

>>2686067 A version of the Reddit link was in notables earlier in the month

>>2686224 Jenny Moore, WJC sex crime investigator's death in OAN FBI i'view

>>2686008 Pastebin Link to Q's PF172 without extra line breaks


>My actual notables start at the end of 3390, at >>2685282

>Every one of them has screen shots, or is the source link for its paired screen shot.

I see your problem. screen shots, or is the source link

Is not a NOtable.

A NOtable, should have a title

Inside it has sauce, a link usually says the same as the title, usually but not always.

There should be "Meat" something substantial to read that has INFORMATION in it, not just a click bait title.

Half of Notables lately are a title, same as link with sometimes a pic or screenshot that says nothing. You read the same thing three times



If the Notables nominated are shit then don't put them in the dough!! Make the ANONS do their jobs too!!!

ee1460  No.2687333

This is a comment on the Reddit post; I don't know if I have enough guts to do it myself as everything I post I use Facebook Messenger privately

kypatriot14New arrival. • 1h

Hello. I’m a new anon and new to the #greatawakening movement. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been riding the Trump train since the presidential primary and have known that he was God sent to clean house. However, I only recently discovered Q and over the past 2-3weeks have been waking up at 3:00am to check my phone for a Q drop and consuming everything I can get my eyes and hands on that explains the true state of my country. I have only shared my obsession with only a few close family and friends and I’m very particular about what I share on Facebook or any social media. Well, tonight that has changed. I took a small stand on the grand scheme of things, but a big stand for me. I have shared this article on my Facebook feed for all to read and know. I’m a Patriot standing proud! I’m a Patriot ready for the #greatawakening. and my Q shirt has been ordered. Thank you for posting and doing your part in this fight. #MAGA #WWG1WGA

3afeaf  No.2687334


Q Research General #3393 Last Bake Edition

Fresh Bread

Baker has left the kitchen

Good luck, nextBaker. I hope BO or BV is around to pick one.

Don't worry anons. This is my last bread.

Fill the bread before migrating.

4bbcb1  No.2687335

File: 0b0db8f9ee1f424⋯.jpeg (108.08 KB, 840x576, 35:24, 318311d56319e40f067c4a010….jpeg)

File: 357d4ebdebdd352⋯.jpeg (139.89 KB, 620x413, 620:413, obama-family-indonesia-re….jpeg)

File: 5758e45d520434e⋯.jpeg (125.4 KB, 846x846, 1:1, Michelle-Obama-Wearing-Ho….jpeg)

File: 88c7b515ae9964d⋯.jpeg (435.13 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, 595102491500001f009001c4.jpeg)


My Dear Lord, the "Michelle" Obama picture is real.

Here is more I found. I feel bad for Obamas "kids". Look at one of them, showing what pears to be emotions of bein trapped with no way out. That is no way to live a childhood. Bein pretenda kids to a couple that masquerades as a normal heterosexual marriage.

Mr. President, when it is good time, will you tear down the "Obama Facade" and reveal the truth to the world?

a7d729  No.2687336

File: 0e3adea0e7a0625⋯.png (205.88 KB, 745x571, 745:571, hh.png)


f286fc  No.2687337


can you thauce these for me please

very interesting

ce8e34  No.2687339


the best place to look for what you are looking for would be the mens bathroom next to where they are playing the latest Mission Impossible flik.

a7d729  No.2687341



f286fc  No.2687343

File: 54ec64ecb12ba40⋯.jpeg (506.91 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6A45F475-090C-472C-B6F3-2….jpeg)

744062  No.2687344


A good baker gets the job done quietly and efficiently while staying in the background, and doesn't eat up too much bread while going about the task. How come so much of this thread has been about (YOU), baker? Perhaps Q's post of narcissism might be work a second look?

595d9b  No.2687345


I personally don't see anything wrong with those notables.

ee1460  No.2687347



bc37fe  No.2687348

This bread is horrific to say the least.

a7d729  No.2687349

File: 6a88b3a527b11e4⋯.png (128.49 KB, 1285x516, 1285:516, hamburgler.png)



9563eb  No.2687350

File: fb58bf77690a8e9⋯.png (389.59 KB, 634x906, 317:453, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Clinton Foundation

9366d4  No.2687351


Correction…It's "front hole" now

Vagina is being removed from the vocabulary.

9e1b7f  No.2687352

File: 2c5d9d844486af1⋯.jpeg (316.67 KB, 1125x1217, 1125:1217, F8DD2020-742C-4E8B-8F40-9….jpeg)

I’m sure this was posted already since nothing gets past you guise.

Sauce just Incase: https://www.thegoldwater.com/news/23106-Mexico-British-Citibank-VP-Found-Dead-In-Luxury-Hotel-Room

9d14bc  No.2687353


Makes you want to know…

Who’s Christopher Steele’s wife?

9a3b02  No.2687355


Hey, where is this guy? Haven't seen him on FOX since he blew up?

7acc8a  No.2687356

File: 3e0792862e9b998⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 298x529, 298:529, female pills.jpg)

Damn, I go out to have a smoke and come back to a Baker melt down.


If ya can't take the heat stay the fuck out of the kitchen,

Pic is for (You) get yer hormone levels checked FFS.

744062  No.2687357


Very interesting. That looks like a very responsible position to me. A lot of power there.

But note that she came to CDC via the EIS. The EIS is like the CIA of public health. Here's a really good article on that organization:


9d14bc  No.2687358

So after that BOOM post…

Now what?

What now happens?

What’s next, or should I dare say, what’s going to happen first?

3833db  No.2687359


This is very interesting - where's the sauce?

81e870  No.2687360


I've got a simple if/then set of questions that make discernment of notable posts easier:

Is the post relevant MAGA?

Is the post relevant to a Q drop?

If no, not notable; if yes, then:

Does the post quote from a source?

If no, not notable; if yes, then:

Is the source of the source bullshit, or is it legitimate valid source?

If bullshit, then not notable; If legitimate, then DINGDINGDING you have a notable post. The most important part of this process is checking that the source quoted by any article or report is actually valid.

a7d729  No.2687361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

405428  No.2687362

File: a3b5f6bf6a02996⋯.png (34.96 KB, 844x271, 844:271, POTUS_Tweet.png)

00912c  No.2687363

has it ever dawned on them that with the confederate statues they basically rip down their OWN heroes?

do they even history?

744496  No.2687364

File: d95d36233fbb179⋯.jpeg (692.79 KB, 1242x1485, 46:55, A1726446-37B3-4033-AB45-F….jpeg)

9d14bc  No.2687365

After that BOOM post, makes me wonder how and why Hussein ever became POTUS instead of HRC in 2008.

ea45e5  No.2687366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d65127  No.2687367


Yes, it was reposted yesterday as well as when his death was originally published, but always better post just in case.

3833db  No.2687369


Messonier is sister to RR. She specializes in epidemics.

Per many sources, including the mural at the Denver airport, the NWO intends to decimate humanity through a worldwide epidemic.

Various tests have been conducted in recent memory, including the Swine Flu, Obama's attempts to spread Ebola throughout the USA, and the Chicago professor's recent experiment with aerial distribution of the Black Plague in Madagascar.

8103c2  No.2687370

File: cf7cb1e4ced9e33⋯.jpeg (120.35 KB, 750x434, 375:217, 7E5ADBB9-F349-4CD0-8A49-8….jpeg)

4bbcb1  No.2687371


Use this link and select the images option. I hope this helps you.



All of em raftin in Bali


kek, She is going to need some haysized hooprings to draw attention away from those trapezoid muscles.

7acc8a  No.2687372


>Obama's attempts to spread Ebola throughout the USA,

That right there should be enough to put a noose around his faggot neck IMO.

3833db  No.2687373


Seconded. This is very notable, given the NWO plan to kill us all off with a nasty epidemic.

a247e7  No.2687374



jesus christ you guys got a stick up your ass when it comes to other groups. it was a very good article that combined so much information. The idea is to get the word out!

NOT to receive credit for it.

did you not get that message?

3833db  No.2687376


HPV is a nothingburger, but the vaccine is killing people and rendering many more infertile for life. It's been banned in some countries (Japan comes to mind).

810c9b  No.2687377

File: 27f5b42fd4c4551⋯.png (225.75 KB, 1094x521, 1094:521, ClipboardImage.png)


New Congressional Report posted yesterday on oversight.gov….'OPERATION FREEDOM'S SENTINEL: REPORT TO THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS' (APRIL 1, 2018-JUNE 30, 2018)


Q post 11/30/17 mentioned ASIA FOUNDATION


Link to report:


Since next bread already baked I'll post there as well.

5adf4a  No.2687378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dunno if this has been posted before but Donna Brazile is in deep shit!

dd8ade  No.2687379

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/21/18 (Tue) 01:09:08 No.172

the word that keeps coming to mind (metaphorically) is INCEST.

what a deep-rooted, nasty, corrupt web of deceit.

5adf4a  No.2687380

File: 2f0b64ef2931ef7⋯.jpg (112.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Seth and donna meme.jpg)

56cb33  No.2687381


That is a man baby. Newest Israeli trannie.

9d14bc  No.2687382

Make landfall you wonder about spouses of Jarrett




ea45e5  No.2687385


Ja wohl. Glad i've been trusting the plan ;)

3833db  No.2687386


Search the archives back about five months for the initial postings with actual sauce.

744496  No.2687387

File: 7b86f2c69787e4f⋯.jpeg (527.82 KB, 1242x1667, 1242:1667, 3599638B-A6E8-4ED1-A000-5….jpeg)



8103c2  No.2687388

File: eee0be4555e82e2⋯.jpeg (412.11 KB, 750x1205, 150:241, DF9BA78E-B742-4F45-B67F-B….jpeg)

Swedish fighter jet crashes after collision with birds https://www.rt.com/news/436463-jas39-gripen-sweden-fighter-crash/

9d14bc  No.2687389

Makes you wonder about spouses of





typo earlier

ea45e5  No.2687390


Reminds me of this meme, maybe circa 2001?

Be Switzerland? Okay, I know it's not the same place, but we're talking roots here, eh?

9563eb  No.2687391

File: 9f3593e1e422afd⋯.png (65.18 KB, 542x260, 271:130, ClipboardImage.png)

New Trump Tweet

a247e7  No.2687392


hillary was told to step down and let the shinning star take her place. most likely by mika's dad

a9c630  No.2687393

So by linking to this Reddit article Q is saying for sure that Rosenstein and Mueller are black hats after spending a great amount of time hinting they were white hats, I can’t follow.

405428  No.2687394

File: b54307bcefd53e2⋯.png (51.26 KB, 834x395, 834:395, POTUS_Tweet.png)

17 min delta from last tweet

9d14bc  No.2687395

Makes you wonder too about last night while Reddit was down for a long time.

Maybe there was even more and had to take Reddit down.

a247e7  No.2687396


i know rice's hubby is a big wig at abc.

67365b  No.2687397

>>2686067 (PB)

>A version of the Reddit link was in notables earlier in the month.

Glad to see the autism is still strong here!

a247e7  No.2687398


clapper always acts in his best interest.

212805  No.2687399

File: 538ed79a3536438⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 443x349, 443:349, reee.jpg)


00912c  No.2687402


you forgot that you have lots of notables..kys.

1cb128  No.2687403


Exactly. Q Research URL is not supposed to be linked to directly. But then some anons get pissed if Reddit puts out a good complitation of information.

47ec9b  No.2687405

Susan Rice married to Ian Cameron


3833db  No.2687406



9d14bc  No.2687408

Who is John Podesta’s wife?

9d14bc  No.2687410


….and dear James Clapper’s wife?

3833db  No.2687411


Danglies without horns is just jewelery

81e870  No.2687412


I don't think it's dawned on "them" that the real reason [they] want the statues gone has nothing to do with slavery,and everything to do with the fact that the Civil War was about States' rights vs Federal hegemony.

And part of breaking the USA has been directly tied to a state's sovereignty:

Part of this is blurring the definition of what a "state" even is; There's a reason why [they] harp on about democracy, and say nothing at all about republics. [They] want people to forget that a "state in the union" is no different than any other nation-state, save for being united with the other 49 through the Constitution.

The Act of 1871 at the conclusion of the Civil War, and then the 1913 fed reserve act/irs act changed all that.

Because after those three peices of legislation came. WE ALL BECAME FUCKING SLAVES. Fooling the niggers into thinking it was just them was the icing on the cake. We've all been niggers since 1871.

The Confederate flag is a war flag. The guy who is most associated with it (Robert E. Lee) was against slavery.

He was also pro- states rights ;p

810c9b  No.2687413

File: e3031ef359d7acc⋯.png (37.84 KB, 400x416, 25:26, ClipboardImage.png)


There's still post #1091 THINK DOUBLE

9d14bc  No.2687415


Yes RR and BM are true black hats…no disinformation there.

Only possibility is they have already been tried and convicted before military tribunal and are simply playing a role for life in prison, instead of death.

b5895e  No.2687417

File: b17a4e29cb44f53⋯.jpg (502.09 KB, 1392x1600, 87:100, Clapper.jpg)

3833db  No.2687418


Accurate summary.

058ae3  No.2687419

Good morning to you! Read notables.

Pretty sure the reason we got that post from reddit is that the site was under heavy DDOS yesterday and that post was why.

Great info so Q posted it here so that it would eat up the internet today.

Also, we get a Nazi takedown by ICE in the news today? Awesome! Our guys are the best!!!

They know where (((you))) are, bahahahahahah btfo criminal canard! A shot across the bow.

9e1b7f  No.2687421

595d9b  No.2687422

Fresh Bread


We're going to need a new baker to step up. Kitchen is empty.

b5895e  No.2687423

File: dcafe62d551cb4e⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 900x393, 300:131, Benjamins.jpg)


405428  No.2687424

File: 933342ede63bfa6⋯.png (58.97 KB, 849x438, 283:146, POTUS_Tweet.png)

79b3b0  No.2687425

From what I gather

the BAKER was not adding a post to every NOTABLE

but was rather just posting batches.

good grief, people

big deal

he's a good baker

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